J )ttp://www.archlve.org/details/charterrevisedorOOhartrich THE CHARTER AND H VISED Ordinances — OF THE CITY OF HARTFOED, M WITH THE AMENDMENTS AND OTHEE ACTS EELATING TO THE (9HAETEE, IN FOECE JANUAEY 1, 1884. 7 II- , ■' h f % PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, FEBRUARY, 1884. ,^ HAETEOED : Peess of The Fowler & Miller Co., 341 Main Street. 1884. PREFACE. May 23, 1881, a committee, consisting of His Honor the Mayor (Hon. Morgan O. Bulkeley), the City Attorney (S. C. Dunham, Esq.), Messrs. Henry E. Taintor and George W. Fowler from the Board of Aldermen, and Messrs. John H. Brocklesby and Nelson G. Hinckley from the Council Board, were duly appointed to prepare for publication a new edition of the Charter and Ordi- nances, and to take into consideration that portion of the Mayor's message having reference to consolidation of town and city governments, and report what proceedings were necessary for the completion of the project. Acting under subsequent instructions, said committee prepared and submitted to the General Assembly a draft of a new Charter containing provisions for the con- solidation of town and city governments. This Charter, with some amendments and alterations, was passed by the General Assembly at its January session, 1882, but was not adopted when submitted to the people for approval in June, 1882. After this result was reached, the committee, through a sub-committee, Messrs. Taintor and Brocklesby, and the then City Attorney, Samuel 0. Pren- tice, Esq., directed their attention to the publication of the new edition of the Charter and Ordinances. In doing this, it has been their endeavor to collect and arrange in form for convenient reference all amendments to the Charter, and all general and special laws having reference to the powers and duties of cities and their officers; also, to revise the ordinances, incorporating in the proper place those passed since last revision, and omitting such as have been repealed ; and they have also prepared a new index to the volume. The decisions of our Supreme Court have been extensively consulted, and very many cases bearing upon municipal rights and responsibilities will be found in the foot-notes, under their appropriate heads. Believing it was not their province to legislate, they have carefully refrained from changing or modifying existing ordinances, seeking rather to give, in compact form, the law as it has been enacted by the present and previous councils. They have aimed to prepare a book that shall be accurate, convenient for use, and with an index furnishing ready means of reference to the topics included in the volume. Qoa^ fifi VI PREFACE. In the references, in side and foot notes, the General Statutes of Connecticut have been indicated by the letters R. S. ; public laws by the letters P. A. ; and private laws by the letters S. A. Except when otherwise noted, the reference to the General Statutes has been to the revision of 1875. An extract from the preface to the Revision of Charter and Ordinances of 1873, containing facts of historical interest, has been reproduced. In a work involving a compilation from so many different sources, some errors and omissions have been unavoidable, but the committee submit the result of their labors in the hope that reasonable completeness and accuracy have been attained. For the committee, MORGAN G. BULKELEY, Chairman. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE OF REVISION OF 1873. The territory now contained within the limits of the City of Hartford was first settled in the year 1635 by a party of English settlers from Massachusetts, which, forming a nucleus at Hartford and passing through the various stages of growth, in the seventeenth century had become the Town of Hartford. In the year 1784, by a vote of the town,' a committee was appointed to draft a memorial to the General Assembly asking for incorporate powers, and on the 29th of May, 1784, a charter was granted, incorporating as the City of Hartford, the territory which is now the center of the city. The original bounds were determined chiefly by the residences of citizens, now changed or lost from sight in the progress of the last century. In the year 1810, the earliest available record of the population of the city, it is stated to be 3,955. Later, in the year 1821, a new charter, combining the various powers added up to this time, was granted by the General Assembly, preserving nearly the former limits. In 1853 the city limits were enlarged, and in 1859 the present city charter was granted, embodying in substance all powers before possessed, and later, in 1871, the city limits were extended on the south so as to be co-extensive with the southern limits of the Town of Hartford. The powers granted in the origi- nal charter were few and exceedingly guarded, and all ordinances permitted to be passed were, as late as the charter of 1859, made repealable by the Superior Court, if, upon a hearing, the same should be found unreasonable. By the charter of 1784 the present City Court was created, and the mayor and the two senior aldermen were constituted its judges, and so remained until the year 1836, when the office of recorder was created. By the charter of 1821, equity jurisdiction was first conferred upon the City Court, and has since been extended so as to embrace (except relief from judgments of the Superior Court) all causes in equity arising within the limits of the city. The state constitution adopted in 1818 preserved the rights before vested in corporations, thus leaving the ancient rights vested in this tribunal at least, until a new amendment beyond the reach of legislative enactment. The mayor was originally chosen by the freemen of the city, and held his office during the pleasure of the General Assembly, until 1825, when the office of mayor was fixed for the term of two years, and has since so remained. The criminal jurisdiction of the city remained in justices of the peace in the town until the year 1851, when the present Police Court was established, taking to itself exclusive jurisdiction within the limits of the city. Before the adoption of the charter of 1859, certain water debts and other obligations of the city had been created, and were by the charter confirmed and left obligatory on the city, some of which are now outstanding. i C H AE TEE OF THE CITY OF HARTFOBD, ACCEPTED SEPTEMBER 3d, 1859. AN ACT TO ALTER THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD, AND TO COMBINE SUNDRY PUBLIC STATUTES 'relating THERETO. SECTION I. Territorial limits. 1 Corporate name. Property exempt from full taxation. I Jurisdiction and Powers. Section 1. The territorial limits of the body politic and TorruoHai limits. corporate heretofore existing under the name of "The Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, and Freemen, of the City of Hartford," shall hereafter be the following:^ the north line of said city shall commence at a point on the east bank of the north fork of Park river, seven hundred feet due north of the north line of Albany turnpike road; thence run due east to Connecticut river; the west line of said city shall commence at the first named point, and run thence southward along said bank of said north fork, inclos- ing a small island formed by a division of said fork, to the westerly lino of the Hartford and New Haven railroad; 1 Amended, 1871. See page 39 ; 1873, page 40 ; 1881, page 41. CITY CHARTER. Property exempt from full taxation. thence continuing due south, across said Park river, to the east bank of the south fork thereof; thence along said east bank and the east bank of the east branch of said south fork to a point two hundred and fifty feet due south of the south line of the 'New Britain road (so called) ; the south line of the said city shall run from the point last described, east to Connecticut river; and said river shall be the east boundary of said city : provided always, that no city tax^ exceeding two cents on a dollar of the grand list, shall be assessed or levied upon any land or lands within the territory added to said city by virtue of this act, so long as said land is or shall be used exclusively for farming purposes, or is vacant and unoc- cupied land ; and that all farming produce, and all stock used in farming, and all implements of husbandry, belonging to persons residing on said territory so annexed, shall be exempt in the same manner and to the same extent from such city ^'nland^e'^autes^are taxatlou I aud, jprovidcd also, that the persons now and here- t^n foj-^bonded and aftcr rcsldiug on said territory so added to said city, and the estate of such persons, both real and personal, shall not be \ liable by taxation or in any other mode, for any bonded debt of said city, or for interest on the same, or for any part of the present indebtedness of said city on account of the city park, provided that this act shall not be so construed as to exempt from liability any property invested in business in said city and now liable to taxation for said city debt. All the inhabitants of the State of Connecticut, being electors thereof, dwelling within said limits, shall continue forever hereafter, to be a body politic and corporate, in fact and in Corporate name, uauic, by thc uamc of " The City OF Hartford ;" and that by that name they and their successors shall and may have Powers. perpetual succession, and be persons in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all suits of what nature soever; and also to purchase, hold, and convey any estate, real and personal ; and may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure ; and shall be electors of said city; and by virtue of this act, shall become I 2 Amended, page 41. See page 166; 1867, page 167; 1871, page 89; 1873, page 40; 1881, CITY CHARTER. 3 and be absolutely yested with, possess, and enjoy, all the lands, tenements, hereditaments, property and rights, choses in action, and estate whatsoever, which since the time of the original incorporation of said city have become vested in the inhabitants of said city in their corporate capacity, and which in that capacity are still vested in and belong to said inhabitants, that is to say, in the said city; and said city shall have jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters on the furisTcS"'''''^ Connecticut river opposite the town of Hartford; and the marshal and deputy marshals of said city shall have authority to execute legal process on said river opposite said town ; it being provided, that said city shall in no manner regulate^ or interfere with the navigation thereof, or impose any tax, toll, or duty, on the commerce upon said river. SECTION II. Annual meeMngs ; when and where held. Number of Wards. Mayor ; when and how chosen. Powers and terms of office. City Marshal; when and how chosen and powers. City Clerk, when and how chosen and duties. City Treasurer; when and how chosen and powers. Water Commissioners; when and how chosen and term of office. City Collector; when and how chosen and duties. City Auditor; when and how chosen. Aldermen and Common Councilmen; when chosen, and term of office. Vacancy on tie vote ; how filled. Annual meetings of said city (except the first) shall be Annual cuy mcei- held at such times and places as the ordinances thereof shall direct ; and shall be held in wards into which said city shall be divided by its ordinances ; the number of which wards wards, number of. shall not exceed seven. ^ And at such annual meetings there shall be chosen by said city, by a plurality of ballots, a mayor, ^^^H^'^*'^''^ '^^ who shall be the chief executive officer of said city, and conservator of the jjcace therein, and have for that purpose. 3 Amended. See page 55. 1 Amended, 1869. See pag^ 42; 1871, page 39; 1873, page 40; 1876, page 45; 1881, page 42. CITY CHARTER. Term of office. City marshal ; and powers of. Deputy marshals. City clerk. City treasurer. Water oommis- siouer. Collector. Auditor. Aldermen and com- mon councilnien ; how chosen ; term of ofiBce. and especially for the suppression of riots and tumults within the limits of said city, all the powers of a sheriff of the county of Hartford, including due authority to raise the power of the county and the militia thereof, which authority shall be obeyed in the same manner and under the same penalties as that of sheriffs in like cases ; and the mayor shall also have all the j)Ower necessary to the due execution of the ordinances of said city, when in such ordinance he shall be directed to execute the same; and he shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor shall be chosen ; a city marshal," who shall have within the limits oi said city the same power and authority as sheriffs of counties, and be liable for neglect of duty in the same manner; and shall in case of riots within said city, be subject to the direction of the mayor ; and said marshal shall be empowered to appoint deputy marshals, with like power, not exceeding two in number; a clerk,^ who shall record all the votes and proceedings of said city, and whose records shall have like validity,'' as evidence and otherwise, with those of town clerks ; a treasurer, who shall have the same power and au- thority as town treasurers, and shall be accountable to said city ; a water commissioner,^ who shall hold his office for four years from the time of his election ; a collector,* who shall col- lect all taxes imposed by said city; and an auditor of city accounts. At the annual meeting of said city, holden next after this act shall take effect, to wit, on the second Monday of April, A. D. 1860, for the choice of the aforesaid officers, there shall be chosen, by plurality vote in each ward, from among the electors entitled to vote therein, two alder- men and four common councilmen ; and ouc of said aldermen a Marshal may serve within the city processes returnable to other courts. Dow v. Kelley, 1 Root, 552. 2 Clerk pro tempore. See page 47. b Clerk may at any time while in oflace correct his record. Boston Turnpike Co. V. Pomfret, 20 Conn., 590. Record can not be affected by parol evidence in collateral proceeding. Gilbert v. New Haven, 40 Conn., 102. Records amended only by Clerk in office or by Court upon mandamus. Samis v. King, 40 Conn., 298. 3 See post, Section XXIV, page 27. Amended, 1865. See page 52 ; 1872, page 53. 4 Amended, 1878. See page 170 : see page 171. CITY CHARTER. ( Iiosen in each ward shall hold office for one year, and the other for two years, and until their successors arc chosen and qualified ; and in case of a tie vote, the vacancy in the office yotcThow filled, of alderman or common councilman, shall be filled at a new election to be held on the next day, for the special purpose of filling such vacancy; and at all subsequent annual meetings held for the choice of the aforesaid officers, there shall be chosen, as aforesaid, in each ward, one alderman and four common councilmen; and such alderman shall hold his office Terms or oAice. for two years, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified. And all the aforesaid officers, whose term is not hereinbefore prescribed, shall hold office for one year, and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. SECTION III. Qualifications of Voters. ■Every elector of the State, residing in said city, at the time Kiectors must reside "J 7 O ./ ' in the city four of any city meeting, and who shall have resided in said city """'•*'• four months next preceding the day of said meeting, may vote in such meeting : provided always^ that no person not lei^ally settled in the town of Hartford, shall vote in city umess resident of ~ «/ T J town, must reside meeting until he shall have resided in said city one year next ""'^ y*''^'" •" "*'>• preceding the day of said meeting : and provided further^ that no person shall vote in any ward meeting, held for the choice of city officers, unless he shall have resided in such ward M«»ft reside in ward «/ " sixty days. sixty days next preceding the day of said ward meeting. If any person, otherwise qualified to vote in said city meeting, shall have removed from one ward to another within said fj^™" dayl;' wh"re sixty days, he shall be entitled to vote in the ward in which '"""'*'■ he last resided before his removal.^ 1 Amended, 1877. See page 75. C^TY CHARTER. SECTION IV. Duties of City Clerk. Duties of Presiding Officer of Ward meet- ings. Penalty for false swearing. pareaHsVoi city ^lie clcrk of tho Citj of Hai'tford shall, during the Avoek next preceding the time of holding any annual city meeting for the choice of city officers of said city, prepare a list, as nearly perfect as is practicable, of the names of all persons entitled to vote in each and every ward in said city, at the said city meeting, and of the street in which each such person resides, and the number of location of his residence in such street, which names shall be duly arranged in alphabetic cal order ; for which service said city clerk shall be paid a I Compensation of rcasouablc compcusatiou from the city treasury; and any elector of such city shall be entitled to demand and receive of such city clerk a copy of any list so made as aforesaid, on paying therefor the same fees as town clerks are by law enti- tled to receive for copies of records. The presiding officer of Ward meetiugs, aud cvcrv Ward mccting may receive the votes of all persons duties of presiding ^ o ./ X °®'='"'- whose names are on the ward list prepared as aforesaid, un- less the right of any such person to vote at said ward meeting is challenged ; and if any person whose name is not on said list shall offer to vote at said meeting, such person Persons not allowed ghall thercupou bc rcQuired to inform the presidini^ officer oi to vote lu certain ^ ■'■ x o '"*"'^' said ward meeting of the street in which he resides, and th< number or location of his residence in such street, and th( said presiding officer, if of the opinion that the person sc offering to vote is legally entitled so to do, shall- thereupoi see that the name of such person, and of said street, and sai( number or location is entered upon said list, and may thei receive his vote, unless the right of such person so to vote is' challenged. In case any person offering to vote at any such ward meeting, shall have willfully refused to furnish to the city cler]?, or to the proper presiding officer, full and satisfac- tory information of his name, the street in which he resides, and the number or location of his residence, said presiding CITY CHARTER. 7 I >tficer shall not allow such "person to cast his vote at such meeting. If the vote of any person shall be challenged as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the presiding officer, before rc'ceivins; such vote, if thereto requested by the challenger, Presiding omcer ^ ' X J O ; jnay administer lo administer an oath to the person oifering to vote, and to *"''''• make due inquiry into the right of such person to vote, and to hear and determine such challenge; and if of the opinion 1 hat such person is entitled to vote at such ward meeting, to rause his name and residence to be registered as aforesaid, and to receive his vote. Any person who shall be guilty of f^*^f,t7t^^'"]j;«.^"'^ willful false swearing, when examined as aforesaid, by any '^''°*"'^' ^'"'' presiding officer, shall be liable to the penalties of perjury; and if any person not under oath shall willfully give a false statement when so examined by the presiding officer, relative to the right of himself or any other person to vote, he shall ibrfeit the sum of fifty dollars to the treasury of the State.^ I SECTION V. Duties of Presiding Oflacer of Ward Meetings. Such presiding officer shall check or cause to be checked and^l°turne^d*'to''?he the name of each person voting at such ward meeting, at the ^'^^ "''"■'' ''•""''^• time his vote shall be received, and shall erase or cause to be erased from said list the name of every person who shall be found not entitled to vote at such ward meeting, in manner aforesaid; and within twenty-four hours after the final adjournment of said meeting, the said list, with the marks and checks thereon, shall, by such presiding officer, be lodged in the office of the city clerk, where the same shall be kept on file, and carefully preserved.^ 1 Amended, 1877. See page 79. 1 Amended, 1877. See page 76. OITY CHARTER. SECTION VI. Court of Common Council; how com- posed ; powers of. Vote of; subject to approval by Mayor. Vote appropriating more than ten thou- sand dollars invalid. What Court of Com- ThcrG shall bo a court of common council of said citv, mon Council shall J ' consist of. which shall consist of two separate branches, a board of aldermen and the common council board, who shall convene separately, except in the cases hereinafter sjiecified, and in Powers of. whom shall be vested the government, control, and manage- ment of said city, its property and its affairs, subject to the exceptions hereinafter set forth. The board of aldermen shall be composed of all the aldermen of said city, and the common council board of all the common councilmen of said Each board judges cltv I and cach branch of said court shall be final judsre of of election of its "^ ' JO members. ^^ elcctiou rctums, and validity of elections and qualifi- cations of its own members. Every vote, resolution, ordi- Mayor's approval of uaucc, or by-law lu the passage of which both the branches of said court shall have concurred by a majority of each, shall be submitted to the mayor for his approval ; and if not by him disapproved, the same shall become valid and effectual hiw pSedf °"'^' ^^ ^ corporate act of said city ; if disapproved, the same shall be by him returned to the next court of common council, each board of which shall thereupon reconsider the vote, resolution, ordinance, or by-law, and if a majority of each board shall thereupon concur in again adopting or enacting the same, it shall thereupon become a valid, corporate act ; it JlTo"^"'*'^"""''*^ being expressly provided, that no vote or resolution of said common council, ordering a public work or improvement which shall require an expenditure of more than ten thou- pro ved by™! tj^ote ^^^^ dollars, shall be obligatory on said city, unless approved by ballot. i^y ^ majority vote of a city meeting, duly warned and holden for that purpose ; which vote shall be by ballot.* » Applies only to improvements which affect the public at large and are paid for by the city. Park Ecclesiastical Society d al. v. Hartford, 47 Conn., 89. i- CITY CHARTER. 9 SECTION VII. EEPEALEB. See substitute act, imge 96.^ SECTION VIII. What ordinances Common Council may I Violation of ordinances ; what are mis- make and repeal. I demeanors, and penalties for the same. The Court of Common Council shall have power,* by a councf/hav^Twer maiority of the members of each branch, present and absent, rep^aford/nrncea*^ •^ *^ ^ ^ for certain subject to the approval or disapproval of the mayor, as ^e^^vo^^^- aforesaid, to make, alter, and repeal ordinances for the following purposes •? To regulate trade, markets, and commerce, and to regulate j^'^^'^.^.v""'''''' ""* weights and measures, in conformity with the lawful stand- ards thereof, within the limits of said city : To manage, regulate, and control the finances and prop- ^"^^^^^^^ property, rty, real and personal, of the city, and regulate the bor- rowing of money by the city for any purpose for w^hich said court are authorized to lay taxes under the restrictions of this act;^ to provide for the due authentication, execution, ^f^"^""""^'"^"""- and delivery of deeds, grants, and releases of city property, and evidences of debt issued by said city; to prevent and secure the removal of all nuisances injurious to health, or Nuisances. offensive to the public, at the expense of the owner of the premises where such nuisance exists, or otherwise; for the laying out, altering, establishing and making highways. Highways, etc streets, parks, public grounds and walks, openings for the circulation of air, building lines, drains and sewers; to drain ' See also page 50, 2 See pages 51. 99, 100, 128, 133, 134, 148, 156, 174. 8 Amended, 1863, page 85: 1870, page 86. » Whenever the performance of a public duty is imposed the powers necessary for its full performance are impliedly given. New Haven v. Sargent, 38 Conn., 50. 10 CITY CHARTER. and raise low lands ; to make, repair, purify, light and keep open and safe for public use and travel, and free from encroachment or obstruction, the streets, highways,^ pass- ways and public grounds and places in said city, which is hereby constituted a highway district by itself; to secure the Fireworks, shows, safety of persoHs passing through or in the same, by regulat- i> No obligation rests upon the city at common law to repair highways. This obligation is wholly statutory. Chidsey v. Canton, 17 Conn., 475; Stonington v. States, 81 Conn., 213. The city is bound to keep in repair all the highways within its limits. Manches- ter V. Hartford, 30 Conn., 118. The duty to repair involves the duty of reasonable supervision. Manchester v. Hartford, 30 Conn., 118; Cusick v. Norwich, 40 Conn., 274. City bound to remove obstructions. Hawley v. Harrall, 19 Conn., 142. What are defects. Hewison v. New Haven, 34 Conn,, 136 ; Lee v. Barkhamsted, Conn., 213; Wilson v. Granby, 47 Conn., 59 ; Burr v. Plymouth, 48 Conn., 460. Objects in or near highway, calculated to frighten horses of ordinary gentleness are defects. Dimock v. Suffield, SO Conn., 129; Ayer v. Norwich, 39 Conn., 376; Young V. New Haven, 39 Conn., 435. An erection in the highway, though not in the traveled path, may be a nuisance. State V. Merrit, 35 Conn., 314. City liable for defective sidewalk. Manchester v. Hartford, 30 Conn., 118. Liability for snow and ice on sidewalk. Congdon v. Norwich, 37 Conn., 414; Landolt v. Norwich, 37 Conn., 615; Boucher v. New Haven, 40 Conn., 456; Dooley v. Meriden, 44 Conn., 117. Adjoining proprietor not liable to city when snow and ice accumulates from nat- ural causes. Hartford v. Talcott et al., 48 Conn., 525. Iron grating in sidewalk, when and when not a defect. Littlefleld v. Norwich, 40 Conn., 406. Discontinued highway to be guarded. Munson v. Derby, 37 Conn., 298. Liability for defective bridges and railings. Eldridge v. Pomfret, 1 Root, 270; Swift V. Kent, 1 Root, 448 ; Lewis v. Litchfield, 2 Root, 436 ; Daniels v. Saybrook, U Conn., 377; Thorp v. Brookfield, 36 Conn., 320; Bronson v. Southbury, 37 Conn., 199; Ward V. North Haven, 43 Conn., 148. What evidence admissible on question of defect. Calkins v. Hartford, 33 Conn. , 57. Secret defect in carriage or harness contributing to the injury will not preclude recovery, Baldwin v. Greenwoods Turnpike Company, 40 Conn., 238. City liable for negligent performance or non-performance of a private duty. Jones V. New Haven, 34 Conn., 1. Not liable if it is a public governmental duty. Hewison v. New Haven, 87,Conn. , 475. City liable for nuisance created by performing lawful act in unlawful manner. Mootry v. Danbury, 46 Conn., 560; Healey v. New Haven, 47 Conn., 305; Morse V. Fair Haven, 48 Conn., 220. As to what constitutes notice of a defect. Manchester v. Hartford, 30 Conn.7 118 ; Boucher V. New Haven, 40 Conn., 456 ; Cusick v. Norwich, 40 Conn., 375; Littlefleld V. Norwich, 40 Conn., 406. Notice to a citizen is not notice to the city. Bill v. Norwich, 39 Conn., 222. The written notice of injury required by statute cannot be waived by town agent. Hoyle V. Putnam, 46 Conn., 56. As to requisites of notice, see Shaw v. Waterbury, 46 Conn., 263. Macadamizing a street is not a public improvement. New Haven v. Whitney et aZ., 36 Conn., 373. Liability for obstructions without highway limits. Beardsley v. Hartford, 50 Conn., — . CITY CHARTER. 11 ing fireworks, shows, parades and rendezvous, processions and music, the speed of animals, vehicles and cars, the run- speed or auimaR uing at large of animals through or in any part of said city, and the impounding of the same ; to protect and preserve trees and other ornaments of public places; to regulate or f^^^^j^**';^;},^^^, ^^ prohibit the excavation or opening of streets, highways, and ^'"^'^"*^*' ^^' public grounds for public or private purposes, and the loca- tion of any work or thing therein, whether temporary or permanent, upon or under the surface thereof, and the removal of buildings upon or through the same; to keep the same quiet and orderl}^, and free from undue noise upon the Lords day. Lord's day, and regulate and prohibit the ringing of bells, and crying of goods in said city; and to protect the state state House yard. house yard in said city, and all things appertaining thereto ; to restrain cruelty to animals, and inhuman sports; to pre- cruelty to animals. scribe the forms of proceeding in all cases of taking land Taking lands, for public use within said city, not specially prescribed in this act; to prevent vice and immorality, preserve piiblic Peace,^s^d order peace and good order ; prevent and quell riots and disorderly assemblages, suppress gambling houses, and houses of ill fame, and disorderly houses ; and to confer upon the mayor and police officers of the city all powers necessary for such purposes ; to prohibit, restrain, license and regulate all sports, ^l^^rd^'saCns' etl;" exhibitions, public amusements and performances, and billiard and bowling saloons within said city :° To regulate or prohibit swimming or bathing in public or swimming or batii- exposed places within said city ; to prevent and punish tres- passes in gardens, cemeteries, and enclosures, and public Trespasses. buildings : To regulate the burial of the dead, and provide for the ^^^'f^^^^^^l^"''^' registration and return of the deaths and burials in said city: To regulate the mode of taxation for city purposes : Taxation. To provide and regulate and prescribe the duties of a city poHcc force. watch, and police force; and to confer upon city watchmen and policemen the ordinary powers of constables of towns, within the limits of said city; and to punish the resistance, When a corporation is authorized to grant licenses, the power to chaise a reft- 8 onable sum therefor is implied. Welch v. Hotchkiss, 39 Conn., 140. 12 CITY CHARTER. Publiu hackij. (iuuiiowder. or obstruction of public officers in the discharge of their duty: Kire department and To orgauizc aud rcgulatc a fire department and fire appa- ratus ; to protect said city from exposure to fire, regulate the mode of building, and the materials used for building, or altering buildings within said city, or any part thereof, and the mode of using any buildings therein, when such regula- tions seem expedient for the purpose of preserving said city from the dangers of fire:* To license and regulate public hacks or carriages, the charges of hackmen and public drivers, cartmen, and truck- men: To prohibit and regulate the bringing in, carrying out or through, or storing gunpowder in said city : To provide forms of oaths for all officers of said city elected by city meeting, or appointed by the court of the common council : To regulate the width of streets, highways, and alleys : To provide for the manner of warning city meetings, and meetings of the court of common council, and times and places of h'olding the same : To provide for the filling of vacancies* which may occur in any office appertaining to said city, or may exist in conse- quence of a tie vote at any city election, for the unexpired term of such office: To provide for bonds^ and sureties of any officer chosen b} said city, or by said court of common council, and penaltie for the refusal of any such officer, or of any juror of the cit; Kiection and duties court to scrvc : to provldc for the election and prescribe th ot certain ofhcers. ^ i- Width of streets, ■Warning of city meetings. Bonds and penalties. I d The fire department, when engaged in extinguishing fires, is performing a pub- lic governmental duty, and the city is not responsible for the acts of its members. Jewett V. New Haven, 38 Conn., 368, Same principle applied to volunteer company. Torbush v. Norwich, 38 Conn., 225. An ordinance forbidding the erection of wooden buildings within fire limits, without a license therefor, and providing for their removal, held to be authorized by charter and reasonable. Hine et al. v. New Haven, 40 (;onn., 478. 4 Amended, 1872. See page 53. « As to liability of bondsmen of public officers, see Hartford v. Franey et al., 47 Conn., 76, CITY CHARTER. 13 duties of city surveyors, port wardens, coroners,^ street coni- mi8sionei*s, public weighers, officers of the fire department, sealers of weights and measures, health officers, inspectors of any kind of produce of the United States, brought to said city for sale or exhibition, and such other functionaries* ^ as are proper for the administration of the affairs of said city, '^^^f^;-''"^ """" and the proper regulation of trade and commerce thereof: To provide for the election and prescribe the duties of offi- c^^'^^q couucu "^ cers of said court, including the clerks of each board : To provide for the mode of keeping of the accounts of said Keepingof accounts. city: To prescribe the place and manner of holding the annual Kiectious. election of said city in the wards thereof: to designate the persons who shall j)reside at said election, and who may examine persons offering to vote, under oath; the mode of balloting and conducting such elections, and all the incidents thereof, except in matters expressly regulated by this act :^ to provide for or continue the division of said city into wards^ ^ ^rds. for the election of all city officers : to prevent illegal voting "itsai voiiug. at city meetings : to regulate the duties of the collector of Taxes. city taxes, and to provide the mode of collecting the same :^ To confer the freedom of the city on persons living out of ^'rctiomotthcdty. the limits of the same : To regulate the location of stationary steam boilers, barns, steam boilers, etc. and out-houses, sinks, and drains, in said city: To prescribe the salaries and compensation of all officers co^mpensatlon. of said city,^" and the duties of such officers, not expressly defined by the provisions of this act:""^ 5 Amended, 1883, see page 57. •5 Amended, 1872. See page 53 ; see page 147. f Certain officers held to be public officers and the city not liable for their acts performed while engaged in their official duties. Judge v. City of Meriden, 38 Conn., m; Jewett v. New Haven, 38 Conn., 368 ; Mead v. New Haven, 40 Conn., 72. " Amended, 1877. See page 74. 8 Amended, 1869. See page 42 ; 1876, see page 45. '^Amended, 1866. See page 167. if> Amended, 1866. See page 169 ; 1881, see page 65 ; see, also, page 67. " Amended, 1869. See page 48 ; 1861, see page 175. e City may indemnity a public officir for loss sustained by him in the perform- ance of his official duty, but the duty must have been authorized or imposed by law and the matter one in which the city had an interest. Gregory v. Bridgeport, 41 Conn., 76. 14 CITY CHARTER. Highways, etc. Corouer and juries of inquest. Assessment lien on laud. Removal of oflicers. Penalties and forfeitures. To cany out all the powers conferred and duties imposed on said court by the seventh section of this act : To prevent illegal practices with dead bodies in medical institutions or elsewhere in said city : To prescribe the mode of appointing a coroner/^ his duties and compensation, and the duties and compensation of other persons engaged in proceedings by or before such coro- ner, including juries of inquest: which said coroner, for the purpose of arresting persons suspected of being the cause of the death of another, and summoning juries of inquest, shall have all the power of justices of the peace : and his process shall be returnable to the police court of said city, in which court he shall have, relative to such suspected persons, all the powers of a grand juror: To provide that assessments of benefits^ for any public work shall be a lien^^ upon the land or real estate, on account of which said assessment is made : which lien may be foreclosed at the suit of the city, in the same manner as a mortgaged incumbrance: To provide for the removal or expulsion of any officer on account of corruption or misfeasance in office : To prescribe oaths of city officers, and to authorize the mayor^* to administer oaths in all courts : To prescribe the time and place of holding the courts of said city, where no express provision is made concerning the same in this act. ; And said court of common council may impose and inflicJI penalties and forfeitures of goods and chattels, for the viola- tions of such ordinance ;* which penalties and forfeitures shall be recoverable by the attorney of the city before the city 12 Amended, 1883. See page 57. ^ Mortgagee's interest liable to pay city lien for improvement. Norwich v. Hub- bard et al., 22 Conn., 587. Assessment for local improvements is not a tax. Bridgeport v. N. Y. and N. H. R.j R. Co., 36 Conn., 255. 13 Amended, 1877. See page 110 ; 1883, page 111. i-i Amended, 1863. See page 37. 5 Penalty for violation of city-law, how affected when same ground is covered by general statute. State v. Welch, 36 Conn,, 215. Several penalties incurred by a single act may be sued for in one action. Bark- hamsted t. Parsons, 3 Conn., 1. 1 I CITY CHARTER. 15 court in an action of debt, brought in the name of the city of Hartford, for the use of the city treasury ; and in such action no aj)peal shall be allowed. The violation of any ordinance or by-law relative to nuisances injurious to health, Misdemeanors, illegal voting, obstructions of highways, if malicious, illegal charges of hackmen, and weights and measures, or any by- law or ordinance designed to prevent vice, immorality, or disorder, or the obstruction and resistance of officers, shall be a misdemeanor,^^ and may be prosecuted as such before the city police court, like other offences, which court may inflict therefor the penalty named in such by-law, and enforce the same in the same manner as other judgments of said city police court are enforced;^ provided that no penalty, or forfeit- Lhmtationof ure of goods, other than such forfeiture as shall indirectly accrue by the abatement of nuisances, shall exceed the sum of fifty dollars for a single offence; except in the case of the illegal ^ale and transportation of gunpowder, for which, when the quantity of the same sold or transported exceeds twenty- ^e pounds, a penalty at the rate of one dollar per pound for le excess may be imposed. In addition to said penalty, lid court may by their ordinances, subject to four-fold city f^^^YtiS '''^^ ixation any building erected or added to, or removed, or seated, in violation of any by-law or ordinance designed to kve said city from the perils of fire, or to keep streets and public places free from encroachment and obstructions. SECTION IX. Publication of Ordinances. Every ordinance^ of said city shall be published ten days ordinances, at least in two or more daily papers issued within the City of Hartford, before it shall take effect ; and the certificate of the city clerk upon the record of such ordinance, that the same has been so published, shall be prima facie evidence 15 Amended, 1862. See page 128; see also page 134. i This provision not unconstitutional. State v. Tryon, 39 Conn., 183. 1 Amended, 1860. See page 135 ; 1872, see page 185. how 16 CITY CHARTER. thereof, in any suit or proceeding ; and no ordinance shall be valid if repugnant to the laws of the State. SECTION X. Certain duties of Mayor, City Clerk, and | Quorum of Common Council. Board of Aldermen. Mayor the presiding officer. May give casting vote, when. Clerks of Common Council. Acting president, and powers of. Quorum. The mayor shall be the presiding officer of the board of aldermen, and of all joint conventions of the court of com- mon council, and be empowered to give a casting vote in all cases where the action of either said board or convention shall result in a tie.* The city clerk shall be ex officio clerk of the board of aldermen; and the common council board may choose a clerk who shall not be a member of said board. It shall be the duty of the board of aldermen to choose one of their own number as acting president of said board, who shall have all the powers and discharge all the duties of the mayor during the absence of the mayor or any temporary vacancy in the office of mayor. One-half of either board of the court of common council shall constitute a quorum there- of The six aldermen, among those chosen at the first annual meeting, who shall hold office for two years, shall be desig- nated by lot within ten days after said meeting ; and lots shall be drawn under the superintendence of the mayor, who shall certify the result of said drawing in some public manner. SECTION XI. Jurisdiction and Powers of City Court. City Court to be holdeu when. A city court of said city shall continue to be holden ii said city on the first Monday of each month ; and to hav( power to adjourn from time to time; and shall continue t( have cognizance of the cases of which it now has jurisdictioi by virtue of the original charter of said city and of subse- quent amendments thereof; and its jurisdiction^ is hereby » As to what constitutes tie vote see State ex ret. Cole v. Chapman, 44 Conn., 595. 1 Amended. See page 58. CITY CHARTER. 17 declared to embrace all cases either at law or in equity, whenever the cause of action shall arise or have arisen within the limits of said city,* or concerns land within said limits, and one or both parties live within the same,** and any suit or action that may be commenced in favor of any bank, located in said city, upon any writing obligatory, payable by the terms of it at said bank, or endorsed to said bank. Said city court shall continue to have power to proceed to try, decide, and enforce judgment and execution, in cases within its jurisdiction, in the same manner as the superior court; and its executions shall be served and returned in the same manner as superior court executions. An appeaP shall be Appeals. allowed and certified in due form of law at the first term to which any suit at law is returnable, and before trial to the jury, from the judgment or determination of said city court in such suit, when the matter in demand exceeds one hun- dred dollars, to the next superior court to be holden in Hart- ford county; but if it shall appear to the court that such appeal is taken for delay only, then such court may at their discretion, upon application of £he plaintiif at the term when such judgment is rendered, grant execution for the amount of such judgment, notwithstanding the appeal, and the same may be enforced according to law: provided, that the plaintiff Execution to issue •/ G r 1 r upon bond. before taking out execution, shall enter into a recognizance » Declaration must show that cause of action arose within the city. Strong v. Avery, 1 Root, 260; Maples v. Wightman, 4 Conn., 376; Hart v. Stevenson, 25 Conn., 499. A note delivered within the city, though executed elsewhere, is within the juris- diction of the City Court. Champion v. Mumford, Kirby, 172. An action on a letter of guaranty written and directed out of the city, but de iv- ered to the plaintiff within the city, is not within the jurisdiction of City Court. Austin v. Fitch, 1 Root, 289. A judgment of the City Court for a cause of action that arose without the city is wholly void. Austin v. Fitch, 1 Root, 290. •> Not necessary to appear that either party lived within the limits of city when cause of action arose. Richards v. Steward, 2 Day, 328. It must be alleged that one of the parties resides in the city. Nichols v. Shaw, 1 Root, 318. What constitutes " residence." Charter Oak Bank v. Reed, 45 Conn., 391. City Court has jurisdiction in scire facias where original judgment was rendered in said court, irrespective of residence of parties. Sherwood v. Stevenson, 25 Conn., 431. As to necessary allegations in such case. tb. « Scire facias upon foreign attachment is a "suit at law " which may be appealed to the Superior Court. White v. Washington School District, 45 Conn., 59. 18 CITY CHARTER. before said court, Avith two sufficient sureties, in double tbe value of the property or sum recovered b}- said judgment, that he will, within one week after final judgment in the appellate court, fully restore the property taken and repay the sum collected by virtue of said execution, (including fees for levying the same,) with interest on such entire sums, to the full extent to which such judgment shall be reversed and reduced upon such final judgment; and no appeal shall l)e allowed on any suit commenced on said recoguizance. SECTION XII. City Court ; how composed. Judges ; how appointed. City Attorney; ties. how appointed and du- Clty Court, how composed. Judges; how appointed. Term of office. Clerk of; duties and authority. City attorney ; how appointed. Duties and compensation of, how prescribed. Said court shall continue to be composed of a recorder, who shall be chief judge, and two associate judges of said court ;^ and after the expiration of the term of the present recorder and judges, the recorder shall hold office for two years, and until his successor shall be appointed; and the associate judges for one year, and until their successors shall be appointed ; and they shall be appointed by a major vote'' of the entire court of common council in joint convention assembled, at such time as the by-laws or ordinances of said city shall prescribe. And said court shall appoint and sw^ear a clerk of such court, Avho shall continue in office during pleasure, and shall be sworn in to a faithful discharge of his duties, and shall give bonds therefor, if required to do so byj the by-laws or ordinances of said city; and the said cler shall have, in matters pertaining to said court, the sam authority as clerks of the superior court. And an attorney of the city, who shall be counsel to the corporation, and whose duties and compensation shall be fixed by a by-laAv oi is i 1 Amended, 1872. See page 61. a What constitutes a " major vote." State ac rel. Cole v. Chapman, 44 Conn., 595. Blank ballot should be counted, ib. Where each of two candidates received an equal number of votes and there was also a blank ballot, held that mayor could not give casting vote. ib. CITY CHARTER. 19 oi-diiuiuoe of said city, shall be appointed in the same manner as the recorder at such time as said ordinance shall prescribe, and shall hold office for one year, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. SECTION XIII. VacanciesinCity Court; how filled. Fees and Appeals in same. If any member of said court shall be absent or disqualified, JSeTfor!'^'*""^ the remaining judges, whenever such absence or disqualifica- tion is not waived by the parties to the suit on trial, may fill the vacancy or vacancies by calling in place of each absent judge a justice of the peace residing in the county of Hart- ford; and the court so constituted shall be, for the time being, the city court.^ If all the judges shall be absent or disqualified at any time when said court should be holden according to law, the mayor shall designate three justices of ^^°^^^;''^/^'',/'"' the ])eace of the coimty of Hartford to hold said court, who ^^^ ''"^^^'" shall for the time being, constitute such court. Vacancies for the unexpired term of any judge shall be filled in the ^^""^^^'^ same manner.as said judges are to be appointed. Continu- ances and defaults of cases may be ordered and caused to continuauces •/ aud defaults. be entered, by any one judge, or two judges of said court if no more are present. The taxable fees of the city court Taxawefees. shall be prescribed by a by-law or ordinance of said city.'^ AH appeals from judgments rendered by justices of the Appeals. peace residing within the said city shall continue to be taken and allowed, as by law provided, to the city court.^ SECTION XIV. Oily Court; motion in Error. AVhenever final judgment or decree is rendered in said court in any cause in which a party may be entitled to a I 1 Amended, 1874. See page 69, 2 Amended, 1881. See page 66 ; 1881, see page 73, ? Aflaended, 1869. See page 59. 20 CITY CHARTER. Motion in error. Trausniissiou of records. writ of error^ to the siq^erior court, such party may, in tho same term and within twenty-four hours after final judgment or decree, file his motion^ that the record in such cause ma}' be transmitted to the next superior court in Hartford county ; and thereupon such city court shall have the same powers with reference to such motions as are given to the superior court uj^on similar motions in the superior court for the transmission of records to the supreme court of errors, and upon the allowance of such a motion, a copy of the record shall be entered on file in the next superior court for said county, which shall proceed therein as on a w^rit of error, stay of execution, ^ud Said clty court may, upon allowing said motion, stay execution whenever it shall think proper so to do. Copy of record where entered. SECTION XV. City Court ; service of process. When the defendant who is sued to said city court at hiw or in equity lives within the limits of said city, the writ shall be served upon him at least six days before the sitting of the court to which the same is returnable ; but if the defendant lives without the limits of said city, the writ shall be served at least twelve days before the sitting of the court ; and all writs returnable to the city court shall be returned to said court before the first opening thereof SECTION XVI. City Court : Neglect to serve writ to, how punished. Neglect of officer to serve writ. In case any sherifi", deputy sherifi" or constable shall not serve a writ directed to and received by him, that is return- able to the city court, or shall neglect to make return of said writ, or shall make a false return thereof, and a suit for such default be brought against him to such city court by the 1 Amended, 1882. 2 Amended, 1874. See page 70 ; 1881, see page 70. 1882, see page 70. CITY CHARTER. 21 person, his executor or administrator, in whose favor the suit issued, and the defendant be found in default, the court over and above awarding just damages to the party, shall, on said suit, set a suitable fine on the defendant, according to the I'euaity. nature of the case, and may issue execution for the same, which fine shall be to the treasury of the city.^ SECTION XVII. Jurors of City Court ; how appointed. | Issues of fact ; how tried by agreement. The board of aldermen shall hold a special meeting at cily'cmn. such time and place as the by-laws or ordinances of said city shall prescribe, for the choice of not less than seventy nor more than one hundred and fifty electors of said city to serve as jurors at said city court : provided^ that the judges thereof may try and decide all issues of fact which come before issues of fact; V •/ how tried. them, by themselves, or by a jury of six when the parties shall agree to it. The mode of returning the names of the Hfty jurors, and of putting the same in a box for the purpose ^f drawing the same, and of summoning said jurors, and the SurueSdrawu. form of the oath by them to be taken, shall be fixed by ordinance of said city. SECTION xvni. Police Court ; how constituted ; jurisdiction of. There shall continue to be a city police court established fj^jf^te'd.'^ and holden within and for said city, the judge of w^hich shall be appointed in the same manner as the recorder of said city,^ and hold his office for the term of one year'^ and until his successor shall be chosen and sworn.' He shall con- » Ciiy marshal liable for neglect of duty in the same manner as sheriff. See ante, ■ page 4. 1 Amended, 1871. See page 62. - Amended. See Constitutional Amendment, Article XX, page 35. 3 Associate judge, how appointed, 1872, see page 63. Term of oflBce, see Constitu- tional Amendment, Article XX, page 35. Substitute judge, see page 63. '^t CITY CHARTER. Jurisdiction. tinue to have and exercise the jurisdiction and powers rchi- tive to and over criminal cases, (inchiding cases where sureties of the person and ^ood behavior are required,) aris- ing within incorporated limits of the citv and on Con- necticut river opposite said city,* now vested by law in justices of the peace within towns, which jurisdiction and powers shall continue to be exclusive :^ 'provided^ that no mag- istrate shall be prohibited hereb}'^ from issuing warrants for the arrest of otfenders, or from exercising jurisdiction in all prosecutions under the act for the suppression of intemper- ance, or from discharging any ministerial dut}^ or office now by law imposed upon him ; but all warrants on account of an}' offence within the jurisdiction of said police court, except under said act, shall require the offender to l>e brought before the said police court, there to be dealt with according to law. Said court shall have authority, subject to the provisions of this act, to hear and determine charges for crimes and misde- meanors committed within the limits of the City of Hartford, the 2)unishment of which, as prescribed by law. does not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars, or six months impris- onment in a common jail, work-house or city penitentiary, or such fine and imprisonment both f and in all such cases said court may proceed to trial, render final judgment thereon, and grant a warrant for the execution thereof, according to law. But in all cases the person convicted may Appeals. appeal from the judgment of said police court to the sujie- rior court next to be holden in the county of Hartford, except when the convictions shall be for the crimes of j^ro fane cursing and swearing, and Sabbath breaking: provided^ that he give such bond on the appeal as said court shall order, payable to the treasurer of the county of Hartford conditioned for the appearance of the person so convicted ])efore the superior court, to answer concerning the offence whereof he stands charged, and to abide the judgment that I * Amended, 1875. See page 60 ; 1879, see page 60. 5 Powers de truants. See page 142; de commitment to Reform School, 1881. See page 143 ; de commitment to Industrial School. Se? page 145 ; de breach of by-laws of water commissioners, 1861. See page 175. 6 Amended. See pages 60 and 61. Police and his duties. CITY CHARTER. 23 may be rendered by the court last aforesaid. If the crime charged against the accused shall in any case be of so aggra- vated a nature as to require a greater punishment than is above specified, the accused shall be by said police court bound over to the next suj^erior court having cognizance of ^•'"'''"^ "'•''■• such offence, in the same manner as is provided in cases of bijKling over by justices of the peace in and by the one hun- dred and forty-eighth section of the sixth title of the revised statutes of this state. Said court shall have and apjioint a coun^l clerk, who shall keep a record of the same, and certify its proceedings, whose duties, compensation, bond, (including his duties relative to the payment of prosecuting officers,) shall be regulated by city ordinance. SECTION XIX. Complaints to police court ; how made. I May arrest without warrant; when. Bench warrant ; when to issue. I Presentments or complaints in any criminal matter coa:- Complaints ; who i. ty o may make. nizable by said police court, may be made to the same by any grand juror of the town of Hartford,^ or the attorney for the city of Hartford; and said court shall exercise the same powers in relation to the issuini^ of process against per- summons and ^ o r O r capias. sons so complained of, and the granting of a summons or capias for witnesses, as are conferred upon justices of the peace, in and by the one hundred and fifty-seventh section of the sixth title of the revised statutes of this state. Process issued by or returnable to said police court, may be served by the sheriff' or deputy sheriff' of Hartford county, or the service. marshal or deputy marshals of said city, or any constable of the town of Hartford, or any policeman or watchman of said city, who shall severally receive therefor the fees now pre- scribed by law for like services by constables of towns. Whenever information shall be given to the judge of the city police court of the city of Hartford, of the commission 1 Amended, 1875. See page 64. 24 CITY CHARTER. Bench warrant. Arrest without complaint or Trial without complaint or warraut. of any criminal offence within the jurisdiction of said court, said court may inquire into the truth of the same, and issue a warrant or bench warrant for the arrest of the person or persons complained of and proceed to trial and render judg- ment concerning said person or persons, without' any previ- ous presentment by an informing officer. It shall be lawful for all officers by law authorized to serve process issued by and returnable to the city police court, and it shall be their duty to arrest, without previous complaint and warrant, all such persons as are guilty of drunkenness, vagrancy, disorderly- conduct, breaches of the peace, and common assaults, and other offences, when such offences shall be committed within the jurisdiction of said court, and such offenders shall be taken and apprehended in the act, or on speedy information of others ; and it shall be lawful for said court to proceed to trial and render judgment, without pre- vious complaint and warrant, upon persons so arrested, in the same manner as if they had been arrested upon process issued by said court. SECTION XX. Police court ; may suspend judgment, when. Judgment may be suspendefl. Whenever any person shall be arraigned before said city police court, for drunkenness, vagrancy, disorderly conduct, or a breach of the peace, said court may indefinitely suspend the rendition of judgment concerning him, whenever such forbearance shall seem to the court required by the age of the accused, or the circumstances under which the offence was committed. SECTION XXI. Adjournment of cases in the police court. | Bail; extent of; how taken. May adjourn cases not to exceed ninety days. ' Before entering upon the trial of any criminal cause, the said ])olice court may adjourn the hearing or trial thereof CITY CHARTER. 25 from time to time, not exceeding fifteen days, unless said court, upon good cause shown, may deem a longer time necessary for the purpose of procuring material testimony, which time shall not exceed ninety days. And said court, if the offence charged shall be bailable, and good and sufficient ''"*": whontnkon. bail is at the time of any adjournment, or during the period of adjournment, offered, shall take the same, conditioned that the person charged shall appear before said court at the day to which the hearing or trial is adjourned, and then, and at all times thereafter, abide the final order or judgment of said court. If the case is within the final jurisdiction of said police court, the bond of recognizance shall be payable to ^^j"^,^*' ^'"'™ the city treasurer, otherwise to the county or state treasurer, as the nature of the offence shall require.* I SECTION XXII. Police court: taxable costs in. Said police court is hereby required to charge and tax, for ^^^Ymi^tax^ the use of the city of Hartford, in any criminal proceedings, such clerk fees as are allowed by law to the clerks of the city court, and also one dollar for the trial of each cause, and one dollar duty on each appeal ; and the fee of the prosecuting officer, who shall make any complaint or presentment, shall be the same as those provided bylaw for grand jurors of ^ees ; how paid. towns, and payable from the city treasury ; and all such fees of the prosecuting officer shall be taxed and received by the clerk in favor of the city of Hartford. Said police court may establish rules of practice concerning the reduction or disallowance of fees now taxable by said court in cases where the negligence of any ministerial or informing officer, or the discharge of the accused for want of evidence, or the insuffi- ciency of the service rendered, or other circumstances, shall render such reduction or disallowance expedient in the view of said court in the exercise of its sound discretion. 1 Amended. See page 72. Taxable costs ; disallowed when. 26 CITY CHARTER. Moneys and fines collected; where paid. All moneys collected by the clerks of the police court, and city court, shall be paid into the city treasury; all fines paid after commitment shall be received by the keeper of the jail, workhouse, or penitentiary, where the offender shall be con- fined, and by such keeper be paid to the city treasurer within thirty days after the receii)t thereof. SECTION XXIII. May commit t< reform school. Police court; persons sentenced by, where and how conveyed. May commit to reform school ; when. City of Hartford may establish peniten- tiary. Rules and regulations of; how made. City penitentiary. Whenever any person shall be sentenced to confinement in the common jail of said county, or in any workhouse there- in, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of Hartford county, and his deputies, of the city marshals, and of any constable or city watchman, or policeman resident within the town of Hartford, to convey all persons, so sentenced, without delay, to the appointed place of confinement, and deliver them to the keeper thereof, who shall receive and imprison such per- sons, and employ them according to the rules, regulations, and discipline of such place of confinement, during the term for which they shall severally be sentenced and committed, or until they are discharged according to law.^ It shall be lawful for said police court, at its discretion, to order any person brought before said court on any criminal presentment, to be committed to any reform school or other institution now or hereafter to be established within this state for juvenile offenders; and the proper officer of such institution shall receive and keep such persons, according to : the rules and discipline of the same. It shall be lawful for the city of Hartford to authorize and establish a city peni- tentiary, for the confinement of persons sentenced to bej committed by said police court ; the rules, regulations, and discipline of which said city penitentiary, when erected, may] 1 Amended. See page 72. CITY CHARTER. 27 l)c ordered and eBtablislicd in and by any city ordinanceB relating thereto, which shall thereafter be enacted in due form of law. SECTION XXIV. Water commissioners ; how chosen ; their I Corporate name, powers and duties. 1 There shall continue to be a board of five^ water commis- S,mmissioner''s'; sioners of said city; and the present commissioners shall hold office until the expiration of the terms for which they were chosen, and until their respective successors shall be elected and qualified. One commissioner shall be chosen Tem of office. annually by the court of common council, from among the members thereof, at such time as the ordinances of said city shall prescribe. The water commissioners that shall be hereafter chosen by city meeting shall hold office for the term of four years, and succeed the commissioners whose terms shall then have expired.^ Said board shall continue to Powers and duties. be empowered^ to take and convey for and in behalf of said city, from the Connecticut river at some point near or within the city of Hartftnxl, such supply of water as the conven- ience and necessity of the inhabitants of said city may require ; and to take and hold for and in behalf of said city, ^^U^uteZi^ , f, water purposes, lands or other estate necessary for the construction of any canals, aqueducts, reservoirs, or other works for conveying ov containing water, or for the erection and construction of any buildings or machinery, or for laying any pipes or con- ductors for conveying water into or through said city; or to secure and maintain any portion of the water works ; and in general to do any other act necessary or convenient for accomplishing the purposes of supplying said city with water, and to distribute said water through said city;* to establish public hydrants;^ to prosecute or defend any action ^j}{„''7ac"tious in "^ name of board. 1 See pages 86-93. Amended, 1865. See page 52. - Amended, 1872. See page 53. 3 Amended, 1865. See page 177 ; 1875, page 178. 4 Amended, 1869. See page 176 ; 1865, page 177, 5 Amended, 1874. See page 179. 28 CITY CHARTER. Powor to bargain for land. Power to condemn la k1. or process at law or in equity, by the name of the "Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Hartford," against any person or persons or corj^oration for the breach of any con- tract, express or implied, relating to the performance of any work or labor upon said water works, or the management of the same, or the distribution of the water, or for money due for the use of the water, or for any injury, or trespass, or nuisance affecting the water, machinery, pipes, buildings, apparatus or other things under their superintendence, or foi' any improper use of the water, or any wasting thereof, or upon any contract or promise made with and to them as water commissioners, or with their predecessors or successors in office ; and said board shall be regarded as a corporation for the purpose of suing and being sued. Said board are hereby authorized to enter in and u])on any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, and to agree with the owner or owners of any property or franchise which may be required for the purposes of this act. as to the amount of compensation to be paid to such owner or owners for the same. And in case of disagreemeut between said board and any owner or owners as to such compeusation, or as to the amount of damages which ought to be awarded to any person claiming to be injured in his estate by the doings of said commissioners, or in case any such owner shall be an infant, or married woman, or insane, or absent from this state, or unknown, or the owner of a contingent or uncertain interest, either judge of the supreme court of errors may, on the application of either party, cause such notice to be given of said application as said judge shall see fit to prescribe, and, after ])roof thereof may nominate and appoint three disin-l terested persons to examine such property as is to be taken] for or damaged by the doings of said commissioners, and| they being duly sworn to a faithful and impartial dis- charge of their duty, shall estimate the amount of compensa-j tion which said owners shall receive, and report the same inl writing to the clerk of the superior court for Hartford] county, to be by him recorded. Said judge of the supreme^ court of errors may thereupon confirm the doings of said CITY CHARTER. 29 appraisers, and direct whether said commissioners shall ])ay « the same, in such manner as said judge may prescribe, in full compensation for the property acquired or the injury done by said commissioners ; and, on compliance with the order of said judge, said commissioners may proceed with the con- struction of their works without any liability to any further claim for compensation for damages.® SECTION XXV. Water Commissioners ; powers of. Duties prescribed by ordinance. Coiumis? louers Said commissioners shall also be empowered to make use ^^p^^.^.^^^ ^^ „^^ of the ground or soil under any road, railroad, highway, '""■^*"* ^'■*'""'^'- street, private way, lane or alley, within this State, for the ])urpose of constructing the water works; but shall in all such cases, cause the surface of such road, railroad, highway, street, private wa}', lane or alley, to be restored to its usual condition, and all damages done thereto to be repaired, and Jill damages sustained by any person or corporation, in conse- Damages ; how paid. B|uence of the interruption to travel, to be paid to such per- son or corporation. It shall be the duty of the court of common council of Spre'cdbing said city to make ordinances prescribing the duties of the hoard of water commissioners not expressly prescribed by this act; their powers over the water fund of the city of Hartford and duties relative thereto; the officers of said board, and their compensation, and bonds, and oaths, and the Snotcmrnea! ' ])owers of said board over the water works of said city; and the mode in which water rents or taxes shall be secured by lien on lots, houses, tenements, or otherwise, or shall be col- lected; also, relative to the proj^er number of said commis- Qworum. sioners to constitute a quorum. •' Amended, l.s«3. Ste page 180. I c]ll CITY CHARTER. SECTION XXVI. Malicious cor- rupting of water. Penalty. Treble damages. Offences against water property ; how punished. If any person shall naalieiously and wilfully corrupt tho water collected or conducted in or into any reservoir, cistern, hydrant, conductor, engine, pipe, or any portion of the water works of the city of Hartford, or destroy or injure any work, machinery, materials, or property erected, constructed, used, or designed to be used within the city of Hartford, or elsewhere, for the purpose of procuring and keeping a supply of water, the city police court of said city shall have juris- diction of said offence, and may punish the offender by a fine not exceeding five hundred doUars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both fine and imprisonment. And said offender shall also, be liable to treble damages in an action of trespass brought by said commissioners. SECTION XXVII. The inhabitants living within the limits of said city shall be and remain a part of the town of Hartford. SECTION XXVIII. Obligatious of city not impaired. This act shall in no manner impair or qualify the obligaJ tion of any bond, liabilitj^, note, contract, or debt of saidj city, or the evidences thereof, and said city shall be liabh thereon under the name conferred by this act. Provisions not lierein re-enacted repealed. SECTION XXIX. Original charter and all acts inconsistent herewith hereby repealed. All those parts of the charter of the city of Hartford, and acts amending the same not re-enacted in this act, and CITY CHARTER. 31 all laAVS relating to the city of Hartford, inconsistent with or superseded by the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. SECTION XXX. Charter ; how ratified. ■ This act may be altered or amended by the General Assem- fSc'r."'" **^ bl}^ ; and shall not take effect until the same shall have been accepted in the manner following, viz.: the mayor of said city shall notify the citizens residing within the present and proposed boundaries of the same, to meet in the several wards of said city, at any time not less than six days from the date of said notice; and shall then and there cause the votes of said citizens to be received on the acceptance of this act ; which votes shall be by ballot, those in favor of the same voting Yes, and those opposed voting Wo ; and said bal- lots shall be received and counted in the manner now by law provided for the reception of votes for the choice of city offi- cers ; and if, on counting the same it shall appear that a ma- jority of all the votes are in the affirmative, then this act shall be deemed to be accepted, and shall take effect at such time thereafter as the mayor of said city shall make procla- mation of said* acceptance.* And all the present officers of the city of Hartford elected in city meeting, shall retain fS'^^tmm"**'''' their offices until new officers, with like functions, are chosen '^^^^«'^''"""- under this act ; and all officers of said city appointed by the court of common council, or by the courts of said city shall retain their offices until other officers, with like functions, are appointed or chosen under the provisions of this act ; and all by-laws of said city shall remain in full force and opera- ^[!^^.f^^^^^ tion, in the same manner as if this act had not been passed, until such time as the court of common council, elected under the provisions of this act, shall appoint to be the time when the same shall become inoperative and void. Approved, June 24, 1859. « Subsequent meeting may be held In case the first fails to ratify, when. Society for Savings v. City of New London, 29 Conn., 174. ( CiSTimiONAL AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER I OP THE CITY OF HARTFOl^D, And Other Acts and General Statutes in Force Relating Thereto, September 1, 1883. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. AETICLE XX. [Adopted October, 1876.] Judges of the Coui-ts of Common Pleas, and of the District Courts, shall be appointed for terms of four years. Judges of the City Courts and Police Courts shall be appointed for terms of two years. ARTICLE XXiy. [Adopted October, 1877.] Neither the Greneral Assembly, nor any county, city, borough, town, or school district, shall have power to pay or grant any extra compen- sation to any public officer, employee, agent, or servant, or increase the compensation of any public officer or employee, to take effect during the continuance in office of any person whose salary might be increased thereby, or increase the pay or compensation of any public contractor above the amount specified in the contract. ARTICLE XXY. [Adopted October, 1877.] No county, city, town, borough, or other municipality, shall ever sub- scribe to the capital stock of any railroad corporation, or become a pur- chaser of the bonds, or make donation to, or loan its credit, directly or indirectly, in aid of any such corporation; but nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any bonds or debts incurred under existing laws, nor l)e construed to prohibit the General Assembly from authoriz- ing any town or city to protect by additional appro j)riations of money or credit, any railroad debt contracted prior to the adoption of this amendment. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS EELATING THERETO. I APPEOPEIATIONS. I. For public celebrations. II. For improvement of navigation of Connecticut river. III. Annual estimates to be made, and not to be exceeded. IV. For public library. Section 1. That the Court of Commou Council of the fow made. O, A«| vol. 0, p>9o0« City of Hartford be, and hereby is, authorized and empow- ered by concurrent vote, to appropriate at its discretion from time to time, sums of money for the purpose of defraying the expenses of public celebrations and receptions within said city ; said sums of money so appropriated not to exceed the Limitotion. amount of five hundred dollars for any one public celebration or reception. Sec. 2. The mayor of said City of Hartford is hereby KaThf."""'" authorized and empowered to ^ administer oaths within said city. Approved, June 10, 1868. 38 APPROPRIATIONS. II. s''A!rvoi.Tp'!^3i7. That the City of Hartford be, and is hereby, authorized to expend a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars annually in improving the navigation of the Connecticut river, provided the same be voted and authorized by a majority of the Board of Aldei*men and Common Council of said city. Approved, July 27, 1867. III. Estimates of ex. It shall be the duty of the Court of Common Council of penditure to be •/ oeeded.*"^"*"^''' thc City of Hartford at their last meeting in each fiscal year. S. A., vol. 8, p. 264. "^ o c/ . to make an estimate of the sums necessary to defray the expenses of the several departments of said city for the ensuing year, and the Court of Common Council of said city for the year ensuing shall not make any appropriation or authorize the expenditure of any sum in excess of the esti- mates made as aforesaid, excepting upon a two-thirds vote of said Court of Common Council ; nor shall any of the depart- ments of said city expend any sum in excess of said esti- mates, except the same be authorized by a two-thirds vote of said Court of Common Council. Approved, March 21, 1879. lY. free public library S. A., 1883, p - -" Appropriation for That thc City of Hartford be, and it hereby is, authorized free nublic librarv. "^ ' ^ ' and empowered to appropriate by concurrent vote of the Court of Common Council of said city, and to expend an- nually, a sum not exceeding one-fifth of one mill upon the grand list of said city last made and perfected, for the pur- pose of supporting and maintaining a free public library and art gallery, with their appurtenances, and of furnishing needed accommodations therefor. Approved March 14, 1883. BOUNDARIES. 39 BOUND AEIES. I. Southern limits extended. i IV. Division into seven wards. II. Western limits extended. V. Constituting the eighth ward. III. City and town made co-extensive. \ I. Section 1. That the territorial limits of the body politic ^^^^^l^^^^^f^ and corporate existing under the name of the City of Hart- ford shall hereafter consist of the land and territorj^ included in the present territorial limits, and in addition thereto the land and territory in this resolution hereinafter described, viz. : all the land included in the following limits and bounds: beginning at a certain brook where it crosses New Britain avenue, in the town of Hartford, and in the line of the pres- ent southwestern territorial limit of the City of Hartford and between the lands of Michael L. Seymour and J. S. Eood; I thence running southerly along the present western bank of paid brook to the division line between the towns of Weth- iersfield and Hartford; thence running easterly upon said division line to the (Connecticut river; thence northerly along said river to the present southeasterl}^ territorial limit of the City of Hartford ; thence from said point westerly along the present southerly line of said city limits to place of begin- ning; and all the land included in said bounds is hereby annexed and added to the corporate territory of the City of Hartford ; and shall be included for purposes of suffrage, and for all other proper purposes in the fourth ward of said city. In making assessments for benefits in building sewers through sewers. said territory hereby added to the city, the proper boards of assessment may make proportional assessment u^^on all per- sons whose land in their judgment is specially benefited by such sewers, whether their land abuts upon said proposed sewers or not. Sec. 2. No city tax exceeding six-tenths of one mill on a Taction, dollar of the grand list shall be laid or levied upon anj^ land or lands hereby added to said eit3\ so long as said land is or 40 BOUNDARIES. shall be exclusively used for farming purposes, and has a market value not exceeding one thousand dollars an acre. Exemption. j^^^ jjq ^Ity tax shall be imposed upon those meadow lands included in this addition lying upon the east of Wethersfield avenue and not protected by a dyke. Approved, July 26, 1871. II. ItylxtenS'"' Section 1. Thc territorial limits of the body politic and "'°' '^" ■ corporate existing under the name of the City of Hartford shall hereafter consist of the land and territorj^ included in the present territorial limits thereof, and in addition thereto of all the land now lying within the town of Hartford, except that portion thereof lying northerly of the present north line of said city, and of the same line produced west- erly until it intersects the present boundary line between the towns of Hartford and West Hartford ; and all the land and territory within the town of Hartford, except as aforesaid, is hereby annexed and added to the corporate territory of the City of Hartford, and so much of the same as lies within the Division by wards, gpg^ votlug dlstrlct of thc towu of Hartford shall be included in the first ward of said City of Hartford; so much of the same as lies within the second voting district of said town shall be included in the second ward of said city; so much thereof as lies within the third voting district of said town shall be included in the third ward of said city; so much thereof as lies within the fourth voting district of said town shall be included in the fourth ward of said city, and so much thereof as lies within the seventh voting district of said town shall be included in the seventh ward of said city : provided. Taxation. dlways, that no city tax exceeding six-tenths of one mill on a dollar of the grand list shall be laid or levied upon any land or lands within the territory added to the said city by virtue of this act, so long as said land is or shall be used exclusively for farming purposes, or is vacant or unoccupied land, and has an assessed value not exceeding six hundred dollars an acre, and that all farming produce and all stock used in farm- ing, and all implements of husbandry belonging to persons BOUNDARIES. 41 residing on said territory, so annexed, shall be exempt in the same manner and to the same extent i'rom such city taxation : and provided, also, that the persons now and hereafter resid- ing on said territory hereby added to said city, and the estate of such persons, both real and personal, within said added territory, and the real estate lying within said added terri- tory, and owned by persons residing outside of the same, shall not be liable to taxation, or in any other mode for any now outstanding, funded or bonded debt of said city, or for interest on the same, excepting "capitol bonds" and the interest thereon : provided, that this act shall not be so con- strued as to exempt from liability any property invested in business within the present city limits and now liable to taxation for said city debt. Approved, July 9, 1873. III. Section 1. That the territorial limits of the body politic S?e\TnS''"*^ and • corporate existing under the name of the City of Hart- " "' ' ''* ford shall hereafter consist of all the land and territory situate within the present limits of the town of Hartford, so that hereafter the limits of said city and town shall be the, same. Sec. 2. No city tax, exceeding six-tenths of one mill on a Taxation. dollar of the grand list, shall be laid or levied upon any land or the buildings on the same which are added to the terri- torial limits of the City of Hartford by the foregoing section, so long as said land has an assessed value not exceeding six hundred dollars per acre, exclusive of the buildings thereon, and all farming produce and all stock used in farming, and all implements of husbandry belonging to persons residing on said territory so annexed, and all personal property belonging to persons now residing on said territory so annexed, so long as they shall continue to reside thereon, shall be exempt in the same manner and to the same extent from such city taxation. And the persons now and hereafter residing on said territory hereby added to said city, and the estate of such persons, both real and personal, within said 42 BOUNDARIES. Public improve- ments. Voting place. Building line. added territory, and the real estate lying within said added territory and owned by persons residing- outside of the same shall not be liable to taxation or in any other mode for any now outstanding funded or bonded debt of said city or for interest thereon, excepting capitol bonds and the interest thereon : p?'Ovided, that this act shall not b5 so construed as to exempt from liability any jiroperty invested in business within the present limits of said city, and now liable for taxation for said city debt. Sec. 3. The said City of Hartford shall not have power to! order to be made any new street, sewer, curb, gutter, side- walk, or other public imj^rovement of any kind, within or upon the territory added to the limits of said city by this resolution, except upon the written application of not less than twenty -five real estate owners residing and owning land within the territory so added to the limits of said city. Sec. 4. The said land and territory hereby added to said cit}^ shall be included in and be a part of the seventh ward of said city. Sec. 5. The ordinance of said city relating to building lines and to building permits shall not be applicable to the territory so added to said city while said territory shall be used for farming purposes. Sec. 6. No city tax of any kind shall be laid or levied upon that tract of land known as the Hartford North Mea- dows, the boundaries of which were established by a decree of the superior court for Hartford county, passed at its March term, A. D. 1868, upon the petition of Henry Brake and Samuel Mather, so long as the same shall remain a com- mon field, and the roads therein shall be kept and maintained by the proprietors of said meadows. Approved, April 14, 1881. lY. City divided into seven wards. P. A., 1869, p. .324. That said City of Hartford shall be, and hereby is, divided into seven wards, as follows, viz. : First Ward. Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Main and Church streets, and running thence north- BOUNDARIES. 43 crly and westerly through the center line of Main street to its intersection with the center line of AUiany avenue; thence westerly through the center line of Albany avenue and Albany road, so called, to the western boundary line of said city; thence southerly on said western boundary line to its inter- section with the center line (produced) of Collins street; thence on said line through the center line of said Collins street to its intersection with Garden street ; thence through the center line of said Garden street to Myrtle street ; thence through the center of Myrtle street to its intersection with Spring street; thence through the center of Spring street to its intersection with the road and alley leading from Spring street to Church street; thence through the center of said road and alley and Church street to the place of beginning. Second Ward. Beginning at the point of intersection of ^*'='"**"*"^- Main and Church streets, and running thence westerly through the center of Church street to its termination; thence through the center of a road and alley to Spring I street; thence through the center of Spring street to Myrtle btreot ; thence through the center of Myrtle street to Garden Itroet; thence northwesterly through the center of Garden ■treet to the center line of Collins street; thence westerly through the center line of Collins street, and said line pro- duced to the western boundary of said city ; thence southerly along the said western boundary to the south fork of Park river, so called; thence easterly through the center of said river to its intersection with Main street; thence northerly through the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Third Ward. Beginning at the point of intersection of the eastern line of said city, and the center line of Park river, and i-unning thence westerly through the center of said river, and the south fork thereof, to its intersection with the center line of a road in continuation of Park street; thence easterly through the center of said road to Washington street; thence northerly on the center line of Washington street to Buckingham street; thence easterly through the center of Buckingham street to its intersection with Main street; thence southerly through the center of Main street o Third ward. 44 BOUNDARIES. to its intersection with Charter Oak avenue ; thence on the center line of Charter Oak avenue, and the same line con- tinued, to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of said city; thence on said eastern houndar}' line to place of beginning. Fourth Ward. Beginning at a point on the eastern line of said city at its intersection with the center line of Charter Oak avenue continued, and running thence westerly to the center line of Charter Oak avenue, and thence through the center of Charter Oak avenue to its intersection Avith Main street ; thence through the center of Main street to its inter- section with Buckingham street; thence through the center of Buckingham street to its intersection with Washington street; thence southerly through the center of Washington street to- its intersection with Park street ; thence westerly through the center of Park street and the road in continua- tion of it, to the western boundary line of the city; thence southerly on said boundary line to the southern boundary line of the city; thence easterly on said southern boundary line to the eastern boundary line of the city, and thence northerly on said eastern boundary line to the place of beginning. Fifth Ward. Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of the city and the center line of Kilbourn street, and running thence westerly on said center line to its inter- section with the center line of Front street; thence northerly through the center of Front street to its intersection with Temple street ; thence westerly through the center of Temple street to its intersection with Main street; thence southerly through the center of Main street to its intersection with the center line of Park river; thence easterly on the center line of said river to the eastern boundary line of the city; and thence northerly on said eastern boundary line to the place of beginning. Sixth Ward. Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Kilbourn street and the eastern boundary line of the city ; and running thence northerly on said boundary line to its intersection with the northern boundary line of the BOUNDARIES. 45 city; thenco westerly on said northern boundary line to its intersection with the center line of the railroad of the Hart- ford and New Haven Eailroad Company ; thence southwest- erly on the center lino of said railroad to its intersection with the center of Windsor street ; thence southerly through the center of Windsor street to its intersection with Main street; thence southerly through the center of Main street to Temple street; thence easterly through the center of Temple street to Front street ; thence southerly through the center of Front street to Kilbourn street ; thence easterly through the center of Kilbourn street to the place of beginning. Seventh Ward. Beginning at the intersection of Main and seventh ward. Windsor streets and running thence northwesterly through the center of Main street to Albany avenue; thence westerly through the center of Albany avenue and Albany road, so called, to the western boundary line of said city; thence northerly, on said western boundary line to the northern boundary line of said city; thence easterly on said northern boundary line to the center line of the railroad of the Hart- ford and New Haven Railroad Company; thence southerly on the center line of said railroad to the center line of Wind- sor street; thence southerly on the center line of Windsor street to the place of beginning. Approved, July 9, 1869. Y. Section 1. That that portion of the fourth ward of the Eighth ward. ^ S. A., vol. 8, p. 51. City of Hartford, as is included within the following bound- aries, to wit: beginning at a point on the southern line of said city at its intersection with the center line of Maple avenue, and running thence northerly, through the center of said Maple avenue to its intersection with Webster street; thence through the center of Webster street to its intersec- tion Avith Washington street; thence through the center of Washington street to its intersection with Park street; thence westerly through the center of Park street, and the road in continuation of it to the Avestern boundary line of the city; thence southerly along said boundary line to the 46 charter: how amended. southern boundary lino of the city; thence easterly along * said southern boundary line to place of beginning, shall con- stitute and be the eighth ward of said City of Hartford. Sec. 2. At the annual meeting of said City of Hartford, holden next after this act shall take effect, to wit : on the first Monday of April, A. D. 1877, there shall be chosen in said eighth ward two aldermen and four councilmen ; and one of said aldermen shall hold office for one year and the other for two years, their respective terms of office to be designated on the ballot of the electors; and at all subsequent annual meet- ings there shall be chosen as aforesaid one alderman and four councilmen, who shall hold office as in the other wards of said city. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, June 27, 1875. CHAETEE: HOW AMENDED. N^fice oi*^Stitio?*" -^^ petition for the incorporation of any bank, or savings for alteratiou of ii i:»j^i ix j.* x'a.i ij^ j? ' j_ charter. bauk, or lor the alteration oi the charter oi any city oi', U. S., p. T9, § 7, ' J J A borough, shall be heard by the General Assembly, unlesfi public notice shall have been given b}^ advertisement in souk newspaper published in the town where such bank, or saving^ bank is intended to be, or where such city or borough i{ located, if any, otherwise in some newspaper published in th( same county, at least three weeks before the first day of th< session to which it is preferred, stating the proposed capital and location of such bank, the proposed location of sue! savings bank, or the proposed alteration of such charter; bul such publication shall not dispense with any other notice required by law. CITY CLERK — CITY MAP. 47 CITY OLEEK. Whereas, Owing to the temporary absence of the city s. a., voi. 5, p. 4m. ( lerk of the City of Hartford, a city clerk pro tempore has been appointed by the Court of Common Council of said city. Section 1. That the said appointment of said city clerk ^Pi|^;^^;j|''"' pro tempore is hereby validated and confirmed, and all official acts heretofore done b}^ him while acting in said capacity, are hereby legalized, and said city clerk ^ro tempore is hereby J^j^j;,^^^^^^^ *=•"'' authorized to perform all the duties, and is hereby clothed with all the legal authority of the city clerk of said city while he continues to act in said capacitj^. Sec 2. The Court of Common Council of said city are common councn «/ empowered to ap- hereby empowered, in case of the temporary absence or ina- uwpor^."^''^^^'''' bility of any city clerk of said city, by concurrent vote to appoint a city clerk pro tempore^ whose official acts, while he continues in said capacity, shall be of the same binding po^^-'-s. ithority as the official acts of said city clerk. A-Pproved, June 25, 1861. CITY MAP. Section 1. The Court of Common Council of the City of {;,°^»«\|,?;;,^^,^^^^^^ Hartford shall have power, by a majority of the members of a?on ma^Tof i|fi. each branch, present and absent, subject to the approval of the mayor of said cit}^, to make, alter, and repeal ordinances, for the purpose of making the map of said city, made in 1866, by the city government, operative and binding, relative to the lines of streets projected and laid out on the same, and also for the purpose of making such street and building lines as may hereafter be mapped out or projected by authority of 48 COMMISSIONERS. Council shall havi power to change same. the city government, operative and binding* on said city, and on all parties whose property is affected thereby: provided that the Court of Common Council of said city shall have the power, at any time, to lay out and adopt streets in said cit} . and to change the lines of the streets as now projected and laid out on said map. Approved, July 9, 1869. COMMISSIONEES. I. street commissioners; their powers and duties. II. Place of disqualified street commis- sioner; how filled. III. Constitution of water board. IV. Appointment of members of the various commissions. Board of street com- missioners created. P. A., 1869, p. 292. How appointed. Terms of office. I. Section 1. There shall be a board of street commissioners of the Cit}^ of Hartford, consisting of six freeholders of said city who shall not be members of the Court of Common Council. At the first meeting of the Court of Common Council, held after the ratification of this act by said couri as hereinafter provided, said Common Council by concurrei vote shall choose six persons, who shall constitute the boai of street commissioners, and, in voting for such commit sioners, each member of the council shall vote for three pel sons and no more, whose names shall all be written or j^rintt upon one piece of paper; and the six persons who sha^ receive the highest number of votes shall be declared electee whether they receive a majority of all the votes cast or nof The persons so elected shall hold their office, two for the ten of one year, two for the term of two years, and tAvo fbr tl term of three j^ears, from and after the second Monday of April, previous to the time when said board is so chosen, which term shall be decided by lot, to be drawn in the pres- COMMISSIONERS. 49 (tice of the mayor of the city and the city clerk; and in drawing said lots, the persons so elected shall be divided into t wo classes: the first class to consist of the three persons who deS'n^'*''"* I'oceive the highest number of votes, and the second class of those who received the lowest number of votes, and were elected by said council. Each class shall draw by them- selves, one person only in each class shall hold office for each ol" the terms above mentioned. At the annual city election second board ; h«w J chosen, and terms of said city, first held after the ratification and acceptance of °'""""'" this act by the Court of Common Council, as hereinafter pro- vided, and at each annual city election thereafter, there shall l»o chosen by ballot from among the freeholders of said city t wo members of said board, who shall hold office for the term of three years from the second Monday of April of the year ill which they are so elected, and until their respective suc- cessors shall be chosen and qualified, and in voting for such members of such board, each elector may vote for one person and no more; and the two persons having the highest num- l»cr of votes shall be declared elected, and in case of vacancy Jj^""*'- ^""^ in said board by death, resignation, or otherwise, the mem- Itors of the Court of Common Council of said city, elected to said court by the same political party which elected the mem- l>cr of said board whose place shall so become vacant, shall nominate some freeholder of said city as a member of said Itoard for the unexpired term, to fill such vacancy; and the. ])crson so nominated shall be appointed to fill such vacancy l>y the mayor of said city, and shall hold said office for said nil expired term. The members of said board may be paid ^embwsThow"' liom the city treasury such sums as shall be fixed by the ^'"'*' < ourt of Common Council. Sec. 2. Said board shall keep a record of all their acts and ^^^\^ proceed- proceedings, and an account of expenditures and receipts, which shall be open to the inspection of any member of the Court of Common Council. Said board may, if they see fit, aj)point a clerk to keep such record and accounts, and shall cierk- aj)point a superintendent of streets, to hold office during the superintendent. ]tleasure of said board, and to act under the instructions 1 hereof, in the immediate care and management of such 50 COMMISSIONERS. Compensation of clerk and superin- tendent. Powers of board. Construction of hiKhwaj-8, etc. Repairs of high- ways, etc. Obstructions and nuisances. Street lamps. Legal counsel. Commproved, July 9, 1869. II. Whenever two or more members of the board of street J^^"^^;^'^°J ^°*''^ commissioners of the City of Hartford shall be disqualified duquaiincauon. •^ i 8. A., vol. 7, p. 673. by reason of interest or other cause from acting upon any S. A., vol. &, p.VTO. 52 COMMISSIONERS. assessment or other matter pending before said board requir- ing the action of a majority of the whole of said board, the mayor of said city may appoint two or more freeholders of said city, not members of the Court of Common Council, to serve in the places of said members while so temporarily dis- qualified; and the persons so appointed by the mayor shall have, while acting as temporary members of said board, the same powers and duties as are by law conferred upon the regularly aj^pointed members thereof Approved, June 24, 1874. III. ^'nsui'!^' ^"""^ Section 1. The board of water commissioners of the City of Hartford shall, after the second Monday in Aj)ril, A. D. 1867, consist of six persons, who shall be chosen as follows, and shall hold office until their respective successors shall be elected and qualified. Said city shall annually, at the annual city meetings for the choice of city officers, choose two per- sons by ballot to be members of said board, who shall hold their offices for the term of three years ; and in voting for said officers each person shall vote for one person for water commissioner and no more ; the two persons who shkll have the highest number of votes shall be deemed to be elected. Sec. 2. The board of commissioners chosen under the pro- visions of this act, shall, until the second Monday in April, A. D. 1868, act in concert with those heretofore elected during their several terms as the board of water commissioners of the City of Hartford : and after said second Monday of April, 1868, the six commissioners who shall then have been chosen under the foregoing provisions shall constitute the board of water commissioners of the City of Hartford, and shall dis- charge the duties and possess all the powers and privileges of the present board. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved, July 21, 1865. COMMISSIONERS. 53 TV. Section 1. That the mayor of said City of Hartford shall, tovZ^sZZ^s! by and with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen " " '^' of said city appoint the members of the several boards of water commissioners, street commissioners, police commis- sioners, fire commissioners, and park commissioners, of said city, and when members of any of said boards of commis- sioners are to be appointed for different terms, the term for hordesignTufd?*^' which each member is to serve shall be designated by the mayor at the time of making the appointments as aforesaid. Sec 2. The appointment of the members of the said fion^rwr'' several boards of commissioners as aforesaid shall be made in such a manner as to divide the membership of each of said boards as nearly as may be equally between the two leading political parties for the time being. Sec. 3. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any of said fl,'Jed!'°**''' ^*"' several boards of commissioners it shall be filled in the man- ner provided aforesaid for the appointment of members. Sec. 4. The mayor of said City of Hartford, by and with Removal of mem the advice and consent of any four members of the board of aldermen, may remove any member of either of said boards of commissioners for cause. Sec. 5. The members of either of said boards of commis- Snuc. '° ""*" '° sioners now in office shall retain their positions during the term for which they were elected, subject to removal in the manner provided for in the fourth section of this act. Sec. 6. So much of the charter and ordinances of said ^®p^*^- City of Hartford as is inconsistent herewith is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, May 23, 1872. 54 CHARTER AND AMENDMENTS CONFIRMED. CHAETEK AND AMENDMENTS CONFIRMED. Charter and various amendments con- firmed and re-en- acted. S. A., vol. 6, p. 441. Ordinances and votes confirmed. To affect no suits pending. Section 1. The charter of the City of Hartford as con- tained in the resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act to alter the Charter of the City of Hartford and to combine sundry public statutes relating thereto;" approved June 24, A. D. 1859, and in the supplement to said resolution, approved June 23, A. D. 1859, and in the several resolution^ in amendment and addition to said resolutions, to wit: Th( resolution approved July 3, A. D. 1861; the resolution ap proved July 1, A. D. 1863; the resolution approved July 21. A. D. 1865; the resolution approved June 20, A. D. 1860; the resolutions approved July 3, A. D. 1861; the resolution approved June 25, A. D. 1861 ; the resolution approved June 29, A. D. 1862; the resolution approved June 24, A. D. 1863; the resolution approved June 10, A. D. 1863 ; the resolution approved July 1, A. D. 1863 ; the resolution ajiproved July 7, A. D. 1865; the resolution approved June 20, A. D. 1866; the resolution approved July 24, A. D. 1867; the resolution ap- proved July 12, A. D. 1867 ; and the resolution approved July 26, A. D. 1867, is hereby confirmed and enacted word for word as contained in said several resolutions. Sec. 2. All ordinances and votes passed, and all acts of every kind whatsoever, done in pursuance of and under the authority of said resolutions are hereby confirmed and rati fied, and declared to be lawful as fully and to the same extei as if each of said resolutions had been enacted under tl style of this act. And the duties, powers and authority ai all other matters, prescribed and contained in said resolutioi confirmed and enacted in the preceding section are to be coi strued in the same manner as if each of said resolutions hj been originally passed under the style of this act. Providec that nothing herein contained shall affect any suit or pr( ceeding in law now pending, in which the validity of any said resolutions or matters therein contained, has been ques- tioned. Approved, July 24, 1868. CONNECTICUT RIVER. 55 CONNECTICUT EIVEE. I. If any steamboat or other vessel propelled by steam shall s,!|rfeg"!iated!" ''*''' approach at a greater rate of speed than six miles an hour ' ''•'''"'• ^' '®- any wharf, pier or dock in the City of Hartford between the bridge over Connecticut river and the southern limits of said city, or the Long wharf and pier in New Haven harbor when any vessel shall be lying thereat at any berth below the north end of the platform on the east side of the wharf, or the wharf or pier in Bridgeport harbor, known as " Mather's Dock," or any dock, pier, or wharf in New London harbor within two hundred feet of the same, or any wharf on either side of the Mystic river between Mystic bridge and a point two hundred yards south of the wharf of Joseph S. Avery, or any wharf, pier or marine railway in Norwalk harbor, or any wharf in the city of Middletown when covered with water, the person in command of such vessel shall forfeit one hundred dollars, half to him who shall i^rosccute and half to the treasury of the county in which the oifence is committed, and shall also be liable to pay three-fold damages to him whose property shall be injured thereby. II. Section 1. The person in charge of every vessel of a draft Jf/t^^'d to 'S "* of more than six feet, and of over fifty tons burden, carrying walVen!'**' ^'°" cargoes to the City of Hartford from any port or place be- yond the mouth of Connecticut river, and of every steamer engaged in towing on said river, shall report to the port warden of the City of Hartford within twenty-four hours after every arrival at said city, stating the name and regis- tered tonnage of the same, and pay to him for every vessel carrying cargoes, and for every steamer engaged in towing, a toll of two cents a ton upon its registered tonnage, excej)t that where the actual weight of cargo can be determined by 56 CONNECTICUT RIVER. Person in charge liable for tx)ll. its bills of lading, said toll shall be imposed on said actual tonnage, at the rate of one cent a ton; and the Hartford and New York Steamboat Company shall, on the first day of June in each year, pay to said port warden one thousand dollars, in lieu of all tolls imposed by this section. Sec. 2. The person in charge of any such vessel, and the owner, shall be jointly and severally liable for such toll ; and if the person in charge of any such vessel shall neglect so to report, and to pay toll, after demand by said port warden, he and the owner of such vessel shall be jointly and severally liable to pay double the amount of toll hereby imposed, to the City of Hartford; and the City Court of said city shall have jurisdiction of all suits instituted for the recovery thereof. rre™anS^c-''*""^ S^c. 3. Thc port wardcu shall keep a record of all vessels, cuTtrlTa^surer^. '^'' paying Or Hablc to pay such toll, and the amount of toll col- lected from each, and render an account monthly to the treas- urer of the City of Hartford, of all moneys received by him for toll, and pay over the same to said treasurer; and the Court of Common Council of said city shall cause all moneys so received, and any other moneys they may appropriate for hn Ifovhrchannei ^^^ purposc, cxccpt as hereinafter provided, to be expended for the improvement of the navigation of Connecticut river between Hartford and Middletown, under the direction of a committee to be appointed by said Court of Common Council ; and said committee shall, from time to time, render accounts with vouchers for all moneys expended by them to said treas-j urer, which shall be audited and adjusted as other accounts of said city, and annually report to the General Assembly,] stating particularly the amount of money received from tolls, and expended by them, the purpose for which, and the man-i ner in which, the same was expended, and the condition of J the channel of said river between said towns. Sec. 4. Said port warden shall receive such compensation^ as said Court of Common Council may prescribe, not exceed-) ing two hundred dollars a year, to be paid from said tolls ; , and, before entering upon the performance of said duties, he shall give a bond to said city with surety, to be approved by Annual report. Compensation of port warden. CORONER. 5T the mayor, of not less than one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the same. Sec. 5. The four preceding sections shall not take effect, afrTOve°the"e"So^ until accepted and approved by said Court of Common '^"""'^' Council. COEONEE. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, including ^^f^^^ coroner-s chapter twenty -three of title thirteen of the general statutes ' ' ' ^ * (page 181), and j)art one of chapter two, title sixteen of said statutes (page 205), and section thirty-one of chapter twelve, title twenty of said statutes (page 529), and chapter thirty- nine of the public acts of 1882 (page 139), and the provisions of all special acts giving authority to hold inquests on dead bodies, or perform any of the duties assigned to coroners and medical examiners by this act, are hereby repealed. Approved, May 1, 1883. I 58 COURTS. COUETS. I. Jurisdiction of City and Police XVI. Appointment of prosecuting Court. attorney, and his powers and II. Equity jurisdiction of City Court. duties. III. Recorder may grant injunctions. XVII. Duties of clerks of courts. IV. Appeals from justices. XVIII. Fees of clerks of courts in V. Limitation of criminal jurisdic- civil causes. tion. XIX. Fees to clerks for copies. VI. Jurisdiction extended to Charter XX. Forms of complaint. Oak park. XXI. What forms of complaint suffi- VII. Jurisdiction extended to Cedar cient. Hill cemetery. XXII. Motions in error and for new VIII. Jurisdiction in complaints for ob- trial in City Court: recorder taining goods under false pre- may appoint substitute, tences. when disqualified. IX. Office of associate judge of City XXIII. Appeals substituted for mo- Court abolished. tions in error and for new X. Recorder as judge of Court of trial. Common Pleas. XXIV. Joinder of matters of law and XI. Recorder may hold special term fact in writs of error. of Court of Common Pleas. XXV. Writs of error, how taken. XII. Appointment of judge of Police XXVI. Jurisdiction of Superior Couit Court. on appeals. XIII. Appointment of associate judge of XXVII. Transmission of copies on ap- Police Court. peal. XIV. Judge of Police Court may desig- XXVIII. Bonds on adjournment. nate substitute. XXIX. Support of prisoners. XV. Pay of substitute judge when holding Court of Common Pleas. XXX. Fees in civil actions. I. Jurisdiction of City Thc scvcral city and police courts, and, the officers thereof, and Police Courts. J X. J ' B. s., p. 62, § 18. gjj^ij have all the powers and jurisdiction which shall have been conferred upon them, and shall be subject to all the duties imposed uj)on them by law and the charters of their respective cities; and appeals from the judgments of said courts shall be taken and allowed in the manner provided by the laws in force on the thirty-first day of December, 1874.^ Jurisdiction of City Court in equity. K. S., 1866, p. 245, §137. II. The City Court of the City of Hartford shall have juris- diction of all suits in equity, except for relief against any judgment rendered, or against any cause pending in the Superior Court, and may inquire into the facts, itself or by a iCity Court has jurisdiction of a scire facias on a judgment rendered by it in a suit of foreign attachment. Sherwood v. Stephenson, 25 Conn., 431. COURTS. 59 < ommittcc, and may proceed to final judgment and decree, See'!^*''"^ *'*'"" and enforce the same according to the rules of equity, pro- vided the cause of action or proceeding in equity originated ^"^^°' and one or both of the parties reside within the limits of said Residence of parties. city, and the premises in question in cases of foreclosure or the proceedings relating to real estate shall be situated within J;«^foa of relics, said city limits. III. Any judge of any court of equity may, on motion, accord- S^s^mtt, § i. ing to the course of proceedings in equity, grant and enforce writs of injunction, in all actions in equity returnable to any court, when such court is not actually in session, whether in term-time or vacation ; which writs shall be of force until the sitting of such court, and its further order thereon. IV. In all civil actions, except those of summary process, ^^^^3**^ *° justices- brought before a justice of the peace, an appeal from any ' "^• judgment rendered therein, upon any issue, may be had and allowed to either party, ta the next Court of Common Pleas in the county in which such judgment is rendered, or if there be no such court in said county, then to the Superior Court in said county, unless such judgment be rendered within the judicial district of Litchfield county, in which case such an appeal shall be taken to the next District Court in said dis- trict; but no appeal shall be allowed until the party appealing shall become bound to the adverse party, in such sum as the justice of the peace shall order, in a recognizance, with a suf- ficient surety, conditioned to prosecute such appeal to effect.^ All appeals hereafter made from justices of the peace in yPeCwh^'Ttik'et. the town of Hartford, whether the cause of action may have arisen within the limits of the City of Hartford, or without the same, shall be taken to the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hartford. Approved, July 9, 1869. iSee PubUclActs, 1880, p. 512. 60 COURTS. Y. dSf^f^pour''- No justice of the peace, or Police or City Court, shall have Court. . T . B. s., p, 533, § 8. iinal jurisdiction of any prosecution for crime, the punishment for which may be imprisonment in the state prison. YI. fice'ctft'o'ler ^°' SECTION 1. The PoHce Court of the City of Hartford shall Charter Oak park, ^ ' • j' >• n- /v> i-i s. A., vol. 7, p. 939. nave jurisdiction over all crimes, oiiences and misdemeanors, that shall be committed in that part of the town of West Hartford, in the county of Hartford, known as Charter Oak park, in the same manner as said court now has over crimes, offences and misdemeanors that are committed within the limits of the City of Hartford. ov^SV/rr""" Sec. 2. The officers and members of the police department of the City of Hartford, shall have the same authority and power to arrest any person or persons, on said premises known as Charter Oak park, that they now have to make arrests within the limits of the City of Hartford, and all persons so arrested by them, shall be brought forthwith • before the Hartford City Police Court, which court shall thereupon proceed to trial and judgment, as in all other similar cases now within its jurisdiction. feToTUuces Sec. 3. Nothing in this act contained shall affect the juris- Of West Hartford. ,.,. „.,. ^,, . ., „ __^ '-r diction 01 justices of the peace, m said town of West Har ford, in any complaint that may be brought before them. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, July 8, 1875. YII. HillTeS';.^'^''' Section 1. The mayor of the City of Hartford mayj from time to time, appoint one or more suitable persons, t( be designated by the Cedar Hill Cemetery Association, to be' and act as policemen, upon the grounds and at the expense of said association. Such policemen shall hold office during the pleasure of the mayor. They shall wear in plain sight a suitable shield, marked "Cemetery Police; " shall enforce the rules of the association, and may arrest any persons violating. COURTS. 61 or who shall have violated, said rules ; and they shall have within said grounds the power of the police of the City of Hartford. Sec. 2. Eesistance to such policemen shall be punished in Socmen! "''"" the same manner and to the extent as is now provided by law for resistance to constables. Sec. 3. The Police Court of the City of Hartford shall Son^""^' ^""" have jurisdiction of all crimes committed upon the grounds of said association, and the breach of the reasonable rules and regulations of said association shall be held to be a breach of the public peace. Approved, March 11, 1879. YIII. Section 1. When any complaint shall be brought before uu^eSe'^X' "i-vi. /~i' , /-A 1 r» ii •• r> jY» tences ; jurisdiction liny Police or City Court lor the commission oi any oirence or Poiice court. •^ "^ '' p. A., 1876, p. 107. prohibited by section twelve, chapter eleven, title twenty, of the general statutes, such court may try the same, and if in the opinion of such court no greater punishment ought to be imposed, such court may render judgment therein for a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months, or both, and grant a war- rant for the execution of the same, but if in the opinion of such court, such offence requires a greater punishment, the accused shall be bound to the next Superior Court, having criminal jurisdiction, to be holden in the county in which the offence is committed, and any person convicted by said court, shall have a right of appeal, in the manner now provided by law. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are Repeal, hereby repealed. Ajiproved, June 22, 1876. IX. That so much of the charter of said City of Hartford as P^g^e^of cuTcoun provides that there shall be two associate judges of the City s^A.fvoi'. i, p. 276. Court of said city, and for the manner of their election, be 62 COURTS. and the same is hereby repealed, and the office of associate judge of said City Court shall be abolished from and after the first Monday of April, A. D. 1873. Approved, June 26, 1872. Commou Pleas. fudge o7"oKf'' When any judge of the Court of Common Pleas shall be lou Pleas. J , T /• 1 11 p. 39, § 18. disqualmed or unable to act m any cause or matter pending before him or said court, which he may consider as improper to be tried or disposed of by him or by said court when held by him, he, or in his absence, the clerk thereof, may call in any other judge of said court, or the judge of the District Court of Litchfield county, or any judge, assistant judge, or recorder of any City Court in the county where such Court of Common Pleas is held, to hear and determine such cause ; and the judge of the District Court may, for the same reason and purpose call in any judge of the Court of Common Pleas, or the judge of the City Court of the city of Waterbury. XI. corri1/co"imou ^^^ pcrsou who is ex-officio authorized to hold a session of p!T;i875,p.22,§4 the Court of Common pleas in any county in the absence of the judge of such court, may hold a special term or session thereof at the request of the judge during the session of the regular term, and at such special sessions the person holding the same shall have all the powers of the judge of said court^ and said court when so constituted and held shall be deemec the same as if such person were holding the regular ter thereof in the absence of the judge. XII. poHce'c^urt ud e Section 1. That the Legislature shall annually appoint al prrisn^prs-il?- j^^^g^ ^^ ^^^ VoMqq Court for the City of Hartford, to con-j tinue in office for one year,^ and until his successor shall b( appointed and sworn. iTerm changed to two years. See Constitutional Amendment, Article XX, p. 36.^ Term commences July 1. See P. A., 1876, p. 87. COURTS. 63 Sec. 2. That so much of the charter of the City of Hart- ^^^''^^ ford as provides for the election of the judge of the Police Court for said city, by the Common Council thereof, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec 3. This act shall take effect from the ^ay of its '^^''^ ^ff-'- -"-• passage. Approved, June 6, 1871. XIII. Section 1. The General Assembly shall annually choose As^^datejudge^of an associate I'udere of the Police Court of said city, who shall ^^**^'^''' *"•* '^™ *• •^ ° *' ' S. A., 1872, p. 300. hold his office for the term of one year^ frOm the fourth day of July of the year of his appointment and until his suc- cessor shall be chosen and sworn. Sec. 2. The associate judge shall perform the duties and »""^' '^°"* p"^^"- be vested with all the powers and functions of the judge of said court whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of said judge and in Case of his absence or disability. Sec 3. The associate judge shall be paid for actual service compensation. at the same rate as the judge of said court. Sec 4. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, August 1, 1872. XIV. That in case the judp*e of the Police Court of the City of foiice judge may *' *-' "^ designate substi- Hartford shall at any time be disqualified or unable to act in s!a'.,voi.5, p. 368. any cause, or in any case that the duties of the office shall be too great for him reasonably to perform, he may designate and request any justice of the peace resident within the City of Hartford, to act as his substitute, and such justice while acting under such request shall have the same powers as such judge would have in like causes. Approved, June 20, 1860. 1 Term changed to two years. See Constitutional Amendment, Article XX, p. 35. . 64 COURTS. XV. fuYge'Voidfngcourt Section 1. The judges of City Courts and Police Courts, p.ATiBTslp.m when holding Courts of Common Pleas, shall be paid eight dollars a day, to be taxed and paid as now provided by law. ^''p^"^ Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, March 27, 1878. XYI. Prosecuting attor- Section 1. Thc Court of Commou Council of the City of ney ; powers and J s"a^! vol. 7, p. 917. Hartford, shall appoint a prosecuting attorney who shall have all the powers of a grand juror in presenting and pros- ecuting complaints and informations before the Police Court of said city ; and it shall be his duty to prosecute before said court, all crimes and misdemeanors, and violations of city ordinances, committed within the limits of said city, and of which said court has jurisdiction; he shall be duly sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty, and shall receive such com- j)ensation as the Court of Common Council shall by ordinance direct. wTceIsf!"*°* ^^^- ^- 'A.fter said prosecuting attorney shall be appointed and qualified, the powers of grand jurors of the town of Hartford within the limits of the City of Hartford, shall, after the first Monday of October, A. D. 1875, cease. fftorne p™'^''"""^ Sec. 3. Whencver said.prosecuting attorney shall be absent from the City of Hartford, or unable or disqualified to act in any case before said Police Court, said court shall appoint a special attorney to act during such absence, disability or dis- qualification, who shall receive for his services the same fees provided by law for grand jurors, for like services. How appointed. Sec. 4. The prosccuting attorney first appointed under the provisions of this act, shall be chosen in joint convention of the Court of Common Council, at a meeting specially warned for that purpose, and he shall hold his ofiice until thell second Monday after the next annual city election, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified; and thereafter said prosecuting attorney shall be chosen in joint convention i COURTS. 65 of said Court of Common Council, at the same time and in the same manner as is provided in the ordinances of said city, for the election of such other officers as are to be chosen in joint convention of said Court of Common Council, and said prosecuting attorney shall hold his office for the term of one Temof omoe. year, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified. Sec. 5. The same fees shall be taxed by said Police. Court ^°''* for the services of said prosecuting attorney as are by law taxable for the services of grand jurors; and the same when collected by the clerk of said court, shall be by him paid or accounted for to the treasurer of the City of Hartford. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. "^^^^ '« ^^^^ ^^^^^ Approved, June 24, 1875. XYII. Section 1. Clerks of courts shall receive the files, pro- g;'^'f'p°^4',''f]i'Lu. cesses, and documents, returnable to their respective courts, make perfect records of all proceedings required to be re- corded, have the custody of the files and records of the court, make and keep dockets of causes therein, issue executions on judgments, and perform all other duties imposed on them by law. Sec. 2. The clerk of any court may, when so directed by cierks to complete t/ «/ ^ "^ records. such court, make up, amend and complete any record thereof which may have been omitted to be done by a former clerk, in such manner as the court may direct. Sec. 3.* The clerk of the court before which any civil cierks may take •^ l)on'ls in vacatioUi action is pending may, in vacation, take bonds for its prose- cution. Sec. 4. Each court having a clerk shall have its proper cmj'** *« ^ave a seal, which shall be kept by him. XVIII. Section 1. Clerks of courts, other than Probate Courts, Fees of cierks of ' ' courts. shall receive for entering each civil cause three dollars; for ^- '*^' ^^^^' »'• '^ recording each judgment in causes brought by appeal from justices of the peace, and for recording each judgment on 66 COURTS. Continuance fee abolished. default or non-suit where such judgment is rendered at the first term, three dollars; for recording each judgment in complaints for divorce, on default or non-suit at the second term, and in all actions where damages less than two hun- dred dollars are recovered, seven dollars: for recording judgments in all other cases, ten dollars. Sec. 2. The fees provided by section one of this act may be demanded by the clerk before the cause is entered, or the judgment is recorded. Clerks of courts shall not demand, charge, or collect any fees for any entry of any cause subse- quent to the first term, nor for any continuance of any cause. Whenever, in any cause now pending in any court, the clerk thereof has collected entry fees equal to those chargeable by the provisions of this act, he shall not charge or demand any additional fees for the continuance or further entry of such cause upon the docket, and whenever in any cause now pending he has collected entry fees equal to those chargeable by the provisions of this act for the entry of the same, and the recording of the judgment in the same, he shall not charge or demand any fee for the record of the judgment when the same is obtained. All fees collected for the entry of causes now pending, under the provisions of statutes repealed by this act, shall be credited by the clerks of courts to the parties who have paid the same, against any additional fee such clerks may be entitled to demand under the pro- visions of this act for the further entry of such causes, or for the recording of the judgments rendered in the same. Sec. 3. The prevailing jiarty in any civil action may recover for the judgment file the sum of one dollar, and the further sum of seventy-five cents for each additional page, when such judgment file exceeds one page ; and the clerks of courts who draw such judgment files may demand and receive such fees from the prevailing party. Pees due to be paid Qec. 4. !N"o clcrk shall be required to continue any cause before entry of -'- '' further proceedings. ^^ ^^^ dockct, or to cutcr or rccord any judgment therein, or to issue any execution on any such judgment until all court and clerk fees already due shall have been paid. SltuS's, ?.?7r' ^^^' ^' '^^® provisions of chapter seven, title thirteen, of Judgment file. charter or ordi- uance. S. A., vol.6, p. 313. C0UKT8. 67 the general statutes, providing for fees on continuances, and judgments on trials, defaults, and non-suits, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, April 14, 1881. XIX. Clerks of city and police courts, in addition to their salary, ^^l.fp^iX'^"- may receive the same fees for copies upon appeals or binding over, as justices of the peace. XX. Section 1. Whenever any complaint shall be brought to complaint for t/ X C3 otfuuce against the City Police Court of the City of Hartford by the city tnc^ attorney under authority of the charter of said city for any act made an offence by said charter and the amendments thereto, or by the ordinances of said city passed in pursuance thereof, and cognizable by said court, a form substantially I ike the following form may be used and shall be sufficient : To the honorable City Police Court for the City of Hart- Form lor criminal •' •' process. ford comes A. B. city attorney of said city, and on his oath of office complaint and information makes, that since the incorporation of said city, to wit, on the day of A. D. 18 and within the limits of said city, of the town of in the county of with force and arms, [set forth the act complained of,] against the peace, contrary to the ordinance [or order as the case may be] of said city in such case provided, and contrary to the form of the statute in such case provided, therefore the said city attorney prays process, and that the said may be arrested, held to answer to this complaint, and be thereon dealt with according to law. Dated at said Hartford, this day of A. D. 18 A. B., City Attorney. Sec. 2. Whenever there shall be brought to the City Court of the City of Hartford, any action of debt, in the name of 68 COURTS. forfeTtSe".°^^°'°'' said city, to collect any fine, penalty, or forfeiture due and payable under the authority and by virtue of the charter and ordinances of said city and collectible by action of debt in said court, a form substantially like the following form may be used and shall be sufficient: To the Marshal of the City of Hartford, etc.: Form for civil pro- ^y authorlty of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby] commanded to summon A. B. of to appear before' the City Court of the City of Hartford, within said county, next to be holden at the city hall in said city, on the first Monday of A. D. 18 then and there to answer unto the City of Hartford in a plea that to the plaintiff the defendant render the sum of which to plaintiff the defendant owes and from them unjustly detains, where- upon the plaintiff declares and says: that heretofore, to wit, on the day of A. D. 18 the said A. B.. [state the act or negligence which subjects the defendant to the fine, penalty, or forfeiture to be collected,] all which was contrary to the ordinance of said city, entitled [give the title to the ordinance imposing the fine, penalty, or forfeit- ure]. And the said defendant there became and still is liable to forfeit and pay to the plaintiff for the use of the city treasurer the sum of recoverable in an action of debt on said ordinance, whereby an action hath accrued to the plaintiff to demand and recover of the defendant the sum of which to the plaintiff the defendant hath never paid though often requested so to do. All which is to the damage of the plaintiff in the sum of and therefore they bring their suit. Hereof fail not, but due service and return make. C D, of said Hartford, is recognized in the sum of to prosecute, etc. Dated at Hartford, this day of A. D. 18 taSated ""' Sec. 3. Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as' prohibiting the use of other forms in reference to the same matters, or as invalidating any^other forms. This resolution COURTS. 69 shall go into effect from and after the date of its passage, but Take effect when. shall not aifect any suit now pending. Approved, July 12, 1867. XXI. In all complaints or other processes for an offence against complaints tor X J- c3 offences under pri- a private act, or an ordinance, or by-law of any town, city, laws^"^^' "" ^^' or borough, it shall be sufficient to set forth the offence in the same manner as in case of offences created by a public act. XXII. Section 1. The City Court of the City of Hartford, and Motions in error and •^ "^ 'for new trial lu City the judge thereof, shall have the same powers to grant sT'/voi. 7, p. see. motions in error and for new trials, and grant bills of excep- tions in all cases hereafter arising therein and now pending, with all the rights and powers incident thereto, as is now given by law to the Superior Court and the judges thereof in ^imilar cases. ^ Sec. 2. Said City Court may reserve questions of law J^j^^y cour^t^ia^^^ arising therein, and in cases now pending, for the advice of ^''^' the Supreme Court of Errors at its next regular term in the first judicial district, in the same manner as now provided by law in the Superior Court, and said City Court shall conform to the advice of the Supreme Court in the judgment, decree, or decision made or rendered in such cases. Sec. 3. Motions in error, and for a new trial, in said City Motions iu error and ' ' •'for new trial may be Court may be joined and allowed at the same time, as is now ^*''°®^" provided in the Superior Court; and all motions in error or for a new trial heretofore granted by said court, or now pending therein, or which shall hereafter be granted, shall be taken to the next regular term of the Supreme Court of to what court ° -»• taken. Errors in said district : frovided^ that the Superior Court shall try and decide all actions brought from said City Court and now entered upon the docket of the Superior Court. Sec. 4. Whenever, by reason of sickness, interest, disquali- fi" cl'"''*"'''" *** fication, absence, or from any other cause, the recorder of said City Court shall be rendered unable or disqualified to act 70 COURTS. as judge therein, said recorder may designate some one justice of the peace resident within the City of Hartford to act as judge thereof, and such justice of the peace, so appointed and entered upon the record, shall, for the time of such disqualification, sickness, interest, absence, or other cause, have all the powers vested in the recorder of said court by law, except in case of a vacancy in said office. To be a public act. Sec. 5. TMs shall be deemed a public act, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. When to take effect. gj;c. 6. TMs act shall take eifect from the day of its passage. Approved, July 24, 1874. XXIII. pT^i882 144 ^^^ questions of law arising on the trial of any cause or action, civil or criminal, before the Superior Court or any inferior court, which may now by law be carried to the Superior Court or to the Supreme Court of Errors for revis- ion, by motion for a new trial either for errors of a judge or for verdict against evidence or for any other cause whatever, or by motion in error, shall hereafter be removed to such higher court by an appeal from the judgment of the court where such cause or action was tried, and no motions for new trials or motions in error shall hereafter be allowed; but this act shall not affect writs of error or petitions for new trials. Approved, March 29, 1882. XXIY. Joinder of mutters Mattcrs of fact aud matters of law may be joined in any ot law aud of fact J >) J P. r^isK^s. writ of error which is returnable to a court having jurisdic tion of both error of fact and law. Approved, March 1, 1881. XXY. I Writs of error, how Section 1. WHts of crrors from matters of fact, or in brought. P. A., 1882, p. 214. which matters of fact and matters of law shall be joined in the same writ, may be brought to the Superior Court from COURTS. 71 the judgments or decrees of the Superior Court, Court of Common Pleas, District Court, or any city court of the county in which said courts are situated. Sec. 2. Writs of error for matters of law only may be brought to the Supreme Court of Errors of any judicial dis- trict or county from the judgment and decrees of any city court in such judicial district or county. Sec. 3. All a^^ts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved, April 26, 1882. XXYI. The Superior Court shall have sole iurisdiction of all Jurisdiction of -•■ " Superior Court in appeals from the police and city courts in cities, and from K'^'p. 536, § i. justices of the peace, and of all offences except such as are by law within the sole jurisdiction of said police or city courts, or justices of the j)eace; and in all prosecutions for the vio- lation of the provisions of any charter, or ordinance or by-law of a city or borough, the defendant shall have a right of appeal as in other cases. XXYII. When any police or city court, or justice of the peace, Appeals to be tr»ns- •^ -•■ "^ J .J X 7 milted within ten shall bind over or hold for trial, before the Superior Court, S, p. 535, § 12. au}^ person charged with au}^ criminal offence; or when such court or justice shall not find probable cause to so bind him over or hold him for trial ; or when an appeal shall be taken to the Superior Court from any judgment of a i3olice or city court, or justice of the peace, such court or justice shall, within ten days thereafter, transmit to the clerk of such Superior Court, or to the State's attorney for the county where such prosecution shall have been had, copies of the files and record in such cause, with the particulars of the costs therein ; and shall enter uj^on the same the names of all persons who testified on the trial of such cause, with their places of residence, so far as known to him, designating therein the witnesses offered on behalf of the prosecution, 72 COURTS. and those for the defence ; and no costs shall be taxed or paid to any police or city court, or justice of the peace, failing to comply with the provisions of this section. XXYIII. dcefpK^or"cify Upou thc adjoumment of the hearing of any criminal R?s'.,'p.534f§)i. cause by any justice of the i^eace, or police or city court, the accused shall be required to enter into a recognizance in a jiroper sum, with surety, conditioned that he shall appear at the time to which said hearing shall be adjourned, and abide the order of the court. If the cause is or may be within the final jurisdiction of the court, said recognizance shall be taken to the town wherein said hearing is had, if said cause is pending before a justice of the peace ; and to the city wherein such police or city court is holden, if said cause is pending before such court, and is, or may be, within the final jurisdiction of said court; but, if said cause is not within the final jurisdiction of the court before which the same is pend- ing, said recognizance shall be taken to the State. XXIX. Prisoners in jail by All persous scntcnced to any term of imprisonment by the sentence of Police ■'■ »j y %i K1H66, p. 6.15, Police Court of the City of Hartford, to the common jail of the county of Hartford, shall be delivered to the keeper thereof by any proper ofiicer of said court, and said keeper shall receive and imprison such persons, and employ them according to the rules, regulations, and discipline of said jail, during the term for which they shall be severally sentenced and committed, or until they are discharged according to how defraied'*'"'"^' ^^^ t ^^^ the cost of maintaining said persons so committed to said jail shall be defrayed in the same manner as that of persons committed to said jail by sentence of the Superior Court, or of a justice of the peace for said county. DYKE. 73 XXX. Section 1. No attorney fees, or teen for travel to or at- fraveTand"^uend. - ance aboltshettr tendance at court, shall hereafter be allowed as costs to p. a., imi, p. m. parties in civil actions. Sec. 2. There may be allowed to the prevailing party in an}^ civil action in the Superior Court, Court of Common Pleas, District Court, or City Court, by way of indemnity, the following sums: for all proceedings before trial, ten dol- c^sf »" pities. lars; for the trial of an issue of law or fact, fifteen dollars; and if more than one issue of fact shall be tried at one time, only one trial fee shall be allowed. ^ ^ :^ Sec. 5. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to interfere with the discretion of the court, in taxing costs in equity. Sec. 6. So much of chapter thirteen, of title thirteen of ""p^*^- the general statutes (pages 177, 178), as relates to fees for travel and attendance of parties in civil actions, and attorney fees, is hereby repealed. Sec. 7. Section fourteen, title nineteen, chapter five (page 418), of the general statutes is hereby amended by striking out, in the eleventh line thereof, the words " except for travel and attendance." Sec. 8. No provisions in the statutes or rules of court for the taxation of costs, other than those specified in the two next preceding sections of this act, are repealed or annulled by this act. Sec. 9. This act shall not aftect any suit now pending. Approved, April 12, 1881. DYKE. Section L The Court of Common Council of the City of co^on counci| Hartford shall have the exclusive power to lay out, make, s" a!^ voi. s, p. 717. and establish within the limits of said city, any dyke neces- 74 ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS. How proceeded with. sary to prevent the water of the Connecticut, or Mill river, from inundating or overflowing said city, or any part thereof, which shall be considered and treated as a public work of said city. ' Sec. 2. The powers conferred, and the duties imposed in said Court of Common Council, by the provisions of the seventh and eighth sections of the act to w^hich this is an addition (approved June 24, 1859), are hereby extended to the work described in the preceding section, and the laying out and establishing the locality of said dyke, the building or making thereof, the taking of land or other private property for the ^ame, the appraisal thereof and comj)ensation therefor, the notice to persons interested therein, the assessment of a proportional sum of the expenses incident to the completion of said work upon any person specially benefited thereby, and the collection thereof, the appeal by the persons aggrieved, and the proceedings thereon, and the laying of taxes to defray the necessary expenses of said dyke, shall be regulated by the provisions of said seventh and eighth sections in the same manner, and to the same extent, as if the provisions of the first section of this act were incorporated in and made a part of said seventh and eighth sections. Approved, July 7, 1865. ELECTOES AND ELECTIONS. I. II. Conduct of city meetings. IV. III. Preparation of voting list for city V. meetings. Contested elections. Warning of city meetings. I. Conduct of city meetings. R. S., i>. Hi, § 10. Town and city meetings for the election of ofiicers shall b( holden and proceeded with, so far as may be, in the sam< manner as electors' meetings, unless when it is otherwise provided. ^ ^ ^ ii: ^ ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS. 75 II. vSeciion 24. The registrars of voters in the several towns, ^^^^^^Uni^^^' and in towns whore there are different registrars for different lH^s, 26 fe,'- voting districts, the registrars of voters in such districts shall appoint the moderators of the meetings of electors in their respective towns or districts. In case registrars shall fail to agree in the choice of a moderator, the choice shall be deter- mined between them by lot, and in like manner they shall appoint the moderators to have charge of any vote by ballot in town meetings for the election of officers, and of any vote by ballot in any city meeting or ward meeting for the election of officers. Sec. 25. At every electors' meeting and at every election of Bo^teuders. town, city, or ward officers by ballot, the registrars of each town or district, as the case may be, shall appoint a suitable elector, residing therein, for each ballot-box to be box-tender, and one or two others, as may be necessary, to be substitute box-tenders for each box, respectively. No person not so (ppointed shall have charge of any ballot-box during the Biking of any vote, and no known candidate for any office ball be moderator, or be put in charge of any box in which otes are cast for said office, or take part in the count thereof; and any violation of this section by any such candidate shall render the votes cast for him void. Sec. 26. In the town and City of Hartford, the moderator who to d.-ciare re- «/ ' suit, ol the ballot of the second voting district, and in every other town and umj^t^'tifesecrJ-"'" city divided into voting districts, unless otherwise provided by special statute, the moderator of the first district shall be the presiding officer for the purpose of declaring the result of the ballot of the whole town or city, and of making returns to the secretary of state, and the moderators of the other dis- tricts shall be assistant presiding officers, and shall make returns of their polls as required by law. Sec. 29. At any electors' meeting, and at any town or city ^e'J,'to?s''audd^v meeting for the election of officers by ballot, those only shall '"*'''""^'- vote who were registered on the revised registry list then last completed according to law, and each shall vote in the district 76 ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS. Registrars to be present duriug the taking any vote at electors' meeting or •ity election. Counting the bal- lots. in which he was so registered: provided, also, that those per- sons may vote whose names are restored to the list under the provisions of section thirteen of this act, and those whose names are added on the day before electors' meeting under the provision of section fifteen of this act. Every person so registered shall be permitted to vote unless he shall have lost his right by removal from the town after such registration, or by conviction of some crime which disfranchises; and every person offering so to vote, and being challenged as to his identity, or residence, shall before he votes prove his iden- tity with the person on whose name he offers to vote, or his continued residence in such town, since the completion of .such list, as the case may be, by the testimony, under oath, of at least one other elector. Sec. 32. Each registrar shall be present during the taking of any vote at any electors' meeting, or annual town meeting, or city election in his town or district. In Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Norwich, Meriden, New Brit- ain, and Middletown, the assistants in their respective dis- tricts shall, when requested by either registrar, be present at the taking of any such vote, and discharge the duties of reg- istrars. The several registrars shall appoint some propei" person to check the list in each district, who shall check th(.' name of each voter thereon, when he offers his vote, and no box-tender shall suffer any vote to be deposited in the box until the name is so checked. Immediately after the close ol the polls the said registrars, acting at the respective polls, shall write and sign with ink, on the list so used and checked, a certificate of the whole number of names registered thereon, the number of names checked as having voted, and the num- ber not checked thereon, and deposit it in the town clerk't^ office of their town, on or before the following day, and such town clerk shall carefully preserve the same on file, with tho marks on it without alteration, for public inspection, and shall immediately enter a certified copy of such certificates on the town records. Sec. 33. At every election specified in the preceding sec- tions, each registrar shall appoint from one to five jnu-sons. ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS. 77 as may be necessary, for each ballot-box in his district or town, who shall make the official count of the ballots in said box, and said counters shall be sworn before entering on their duties. Immediately after the ballot-boxes are closed at such ~~ meeting, and not before, the counters shall, in public meeting, sort and count the ballots found therein. In case of doubt or dispute as to the reading of a ballot, or whether a ballot should be rejected as double, or for any other cause, the mod- erator shall decide. All ballots rejected for being in the wrong box, for being double, or containing an excess of can- didates, or for any other cause, shall, after being indorsed by the moderator with the cause of rejection, be preserved, in a separate parcel, securely tied or sealed, and returned to the box with the valid votes. The counters, immediately after the count is completed, shall, under their hands or the hands of a majority of them, deliver to the moderator a certificate in duplicate, stating the whole number of ballots found in their box, the number of ballots rejected because in the wrong box, the number rejected as double, the number rejected for any other reason, and the number of votes counted for each candidate and office respectively. - The mod- erator shall, before adjournment, publicly declare the result S^^^'J'**'"""^^''^ of the count. The moderator shall forthwith indorse on said certificates, in writing signed by him, that said certificates show the result of the official count for each, box, respectively, in his town or district. One of said certificates he shall place in the ballot-box and seal up with the votes cast and returned to that box, the other, in towns not divided into voting dis- tricts, shall by the moderator, on or before the following day, be deposited in the office of the town clerk, and in towns divided into voting districts, shall by the assistant presiding officers forthwith be returned to the presiding officer, who shall, on or before the following day, deposit the same, with his own duplicate certificate, for his district, with the town clerk, who shall carefully preserve the same on file in his office. The presiding officer, after having ascertained the result of the ballots of the whole town, as given in the sev- eral districts, shall declare the same in open meeting, at the 78 ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS, Secretary to record COitO. and report returns, Ballots not to be counted. voting place where ho presides ; and such meeting shall not be adjourned until such vote is declared. The presiding SrVth^e'slcrS*' officer shall, with the certificate upon the result of the ^*'^^* electors' meeting, which he is required by law to send by mail to the secretary of state, also send to the secretary of state his certificate of the whole number of names on the registry lists, the whole number checked as having voted at such elections, the whole number of names not checked, the number of ballots found in each box, viz.: "general" and "representative," and the number of ballots in each box not counted as in the wrong. box, and the number not counted for being double, and the number rejected for other causes, which other causes shall be stated specifically in the certifi- The secretary of state shall enter said returns in tabular form, in books kept by him for that purpose, and an- nually report the same to the (xeneral Assembty. Sec. 34. No double ballot for the same officer, nor any ballot found in any other box than the one designated there- for, shall be counted. No ballot shall be deemed a double ballot unless it shall consist of two or more pieces of paper upon which are duplicated or repeated the names of one or more candidates for the same office. If any ballot shall con- tain a greater number of names for any office than is provided by law, it shall not be counted for any person for such office. Sec. 35. All the ballots cast at any electors' meeting, or at any town or city election by ballot, shall by the moderator immediately after they are counted, be returned to the box, which shall be locked and sealed up by him, so that the same cannot be opened without his knowledge, and deposited in the town clerk's office, and shall be by such clerk carefully preserved with the seal unbroken for six months after suclJI meeting, to be opened and the ballots examined only by those authorized to make an official examination of them. If such boxes are opened under authority of a judge of Superio™! Court, charged with inquiring into an election, the said judge shall see that all the ballots and the accompanying certificates^ are returned to the box, and the same effectually sealed again. Ballot-boxes con- taining the ballots to be sealed up. ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS. 79 Sec. 38. The several moderators, box-tenders, and official JJSSddTeck. eheekers, provided for in this act, shall, before they enter on whomajldmhi'ist°er the discharge of their respective offices, be sworn to a faith- ful discharge of the duties of the same, and the several mod- erators and registrars shall have power to administer such oath. III. - . Section 1. The registrars of the town of Hartford shall, c'itf Sng! '"'" at least three weeks before any annual city meeting of the ••'°- -p- City of Hartford, prepare for each ward of said city a correct list of all persons entitled to vote in such ward at such meet- ing, under the provisions of the charter of said city. Said list shall contain all the matters of description required b}^ law for lists- made for the annual electors' meetino- of the town of Hartford. Said lists shall be alphabetically arranged, certified by the registrars, and deposited in the office of the city clerk for public inspection, and a copy of the list for each ward, duly certified, shall be posted in some public place in such ward at least three weeks before the annual city jaeeting. BbEC. 2. The registrars shall give notice on said lists of the Kevworof afts. times and place at which they will hold two sessions, within the next twelve days, for the revision and correction of such - lists, and shall also give notice of the. times and place of said sessions by publication in two newspapers published in said city, at least five days before the first of said sessions. Sec. 3. Said registrars shall meet, pursuant to said notice, i^/sts to be com- *-■ -' -•• " pleted and fur- and shall correct said lists by the addition or erasure of "'^'"'^ '" ''''^' '='^^'^- names, as required ; they shall complete said corrected lists and deposit them in the city clerk's office on or before the Monday preceding the annual city meeting, and shall furnish to the city clerk a sufficient number of copies of said lists, duly certified, to be used at said meeting. Sec. 4. The compensation of said registrars shall be fixed J;°'?PtJ^^f '"° "^ by the Court of Common Council and paid by said city, but shall not be regulated by the number of names registered. Sec 5. For the first annual city election holden after the passage of this act, a preparation of the registry list two 80 ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS. "When to take effect. weeks before said election, and the posting of said list two weeks before said election, shall be sufficient. Sec. 6. This act shall take elfect from its passage. Approved, March 16, 1877. Contested city elec- tions, how deter- mined. P. A., 1878, p. 326, Repeal acts 1877, chapter cxlvi, sec- tion 36, p. 244. lY. Section 1. Any person claiming to have been elected selectman, clerk, treasurer, collector of taxes, assessor, grand juror, constable, registrar of voters, or registrar of births, deaths, and marriages of any town, or mayor, clerk, treas- urer, auditor, collector of taxes, alderman, or councilman of any city, but not so declared, may, within sixty days after the time of holding the elections, bring his petition to any judge of the Superior Court, alleging the facts on which such claim is founded, which shall be served upon the party against whom the claim is made at least six days before the return day, and returnable not more than sixty-three days after the day of such election, and such judge shall thereupon hear and determine said petition, and his decision thereon shall be conclusive, and if in favor of the petitioner, his certificate to that effect, under the seal of the court, shall entitle the petitioner to hold and exercise the duties and powers of such office. And said judge may, if necessary, issue his writ of mandamus requiring the adverse party and those under him to deliver to the petitioner the appurtenances of such office, and shall cause his finding and decree to be entered in the records of said court, in the f>roper county. Sec. 2. Section thirty-six of chapter one hundred and forty-six of the public acts, passed January session, 1877, is hereby repealed. Approved, March 27, 1878. City meetings ; how Warned. R. S., p, 83, § 1. The warning of every meeting of a town, city, borough, school society, school district, or other public community, or of an ecclesiastical society, or of proprietors of common fields shall specify the objects for which such meeting is to be held. FINANCE AND LOANS. 81 PmANCE AND LOANS. I. Capitol bonds. II. Meeting to authorize capitol bonds. III. Additional capitol bonds. IV. Park bonds. V. Additional park bonds. VI. General power to issue bonds. VII. Registered or coupon bonds. Vill. Water bonds. IX. Additional water bonds. X. Additional water bonds. XI. Additional water bonds. XII. Additional water bonds. XIII. Hartford bridge bonds. XIV. Returns of municipal indebted- I. That for the purpose of defraying the expense of construct- fgi^yepi^dlfof con- ing a state house in the City of Hartford, and of purchasing hous°e andpurchlse the land upon which the same shall be erected, said City of ^•^••'°^-^' p*'- Hartford be and hereby is authorized to issue its bonds with coupons attached, to an amount not exceeding the sum of one millioii of dollars, and bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually; said bonds shall be called and known as capitol bonds of the Citj^ <^^ 2^nds!'aK'ife"°' Hartford, and the same shall be free from taxation; said ^ ""° axaion. bonds shall be executed under the corporate name and seal of said city, by such person or persons as shall by the Court of how executed. Common Council of said city be appointed for such purpose, and said Court of Common Council shall prescribe the amount for which said bonds shall be severally issued, the form thereof, the rate of interest thereon, not greater than the rate herein mentioned, the time of paying the same, and the principal thereof This resolution shall not take ettect unless the issue of said Resolution to take effect when. bonds shall be approved by a city meeting of said Citj' of Hartford, specially warned and held for that purpose. Approved, July 17, 1871. II. That the City of Hartford be and hereby is authorized to fn^g^^^^^eSt^*^' hold a special cit}^ meeting, to be warned in the manner pro- s?a.'voi.7, p. 99. vided by the charter and ordinances of said city for holding city meetings, for the purpose of authorizing said city, if said 82 FINANCE AND LOANS. meeting shall so direct, to issue its bonds in accordance with a resolution heretofore passed by the General Assembl}^ at its present session, entitled a resolution relative to the issue of capitol bonds of the City of Hartford; the vote of said meet- vote to be by ballot, [jig ghall bc by ballot, and shall be cast by the freemen of said city in their respective wards, and the ballot-boxes shall be Polk open and close, opcncd at scvcu o'clock in the forenoon and closed at five o'clock in the afternoon of the day of said meeting. ^*"°'^- Upon each ballot shall be written or printed the word yes, or the word no, and if a majority of the ballots cast at said meeting shall have upon them the word yes, then the issue of said bonds shall be deemed approved ; otherwise not. Approved, July 17, 1871. III. bonds, S. A., vol. 7, p. 509. Additional capitol Whcveas, At the session of the General Assembly, holden at Hartford on the first Wednesday of Ma}^, A. D. 1871, a resolution was passed authorizing the City of Hartford to issue its bonds to an amount not exceeding the sum of one million dollars for the purpose of defraying the expense of constructing a state house in said city, and of purchasing the land upon which to erect the same, said bonds to be known and called capitol bonds of the City of Hartford; and Whereas, The said City of Hartford has expended the sum of six hundred thousand dollars for the purchase of said land; therefore. Resolved by this Assembly, That said City of Hartford be, and hereby is authorized for the purpose of defraying saidj additional expenditure, to issue its bonds with coupons; attached to an amount not exceeding the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually ; said bonds shall be known and called additional capitol bonds of the City of Hartford, and the same shall be free from taxation; said bonds shall be executed under the corporate name and seal of said city, by such person or persons as shall by the Court of Common Council of said cit}^ be appointed for such FINANCE AND LOANS. 83 purpose; and said Court of Common Council shall prescribe the amount for which said bonds shall be severally issued, the form thereof, the rate of interest thereon, not greater than the rate herein mentioned, the time of paying the same, and the principal thereof Approved, June 27, 1873. Section 1. That the mayor, aldermen, common council, So^nr^Z^I^X and freemen of the City of Hartford, be and they are hereby ig*"^*-^^, . ^ authorized and empowered to issue notes, scrip, or certificates of debt under the coi-porate name and seal of said city, bear- ing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, to any amount not exceeding in the whole the sum of one hundred thousand dollars; the principal of which said notes, scrip, or certificates of (febt, shall be payable at some certain time or times within twenty -five years from the issuing of ^Bic same; and said notes, scrip, or certificates of debt shall be denominated "The Park Fund of the City of Hartford," and the avails thereof shall be applied and expended to and iVpayfor^park^*''' for the purpose of the payment for lands heretofore pur- chased or hereafter to be purchased by said city for a public park, or for the payment of damages heretofore assessed, or hereafter to be re-assessed, for lands to be taken by said city for said park, and for no other purpose whatsoever ; and said notes, scrip, or certificates when issued and delivered by said city, or its agents thereunto duly authorized, shall be obliga- tory upon said city and the inhabitants thereof according to the tenor and purport of the same ; and said city at a meeting legally warned and holden for that purpose, may prescribe cuy meeting to pre- o •/ 1 X 7 «/ X scribe amount, etc. the amount for which said notes, scrip, or certificates shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of payment of the interest which shall accrue thereon. Sec. 2. The treasurer of said City of Hartford, shall be city treasurer to be •^ ' trustw. the trustee of the notes, scrip, or certificates of debt issued by said city, to hold the same subject to the direction of the Court of Common Council ; and after the same or any part 84 FINANCE AND LOANS. of the same have been issued, said court may order and saie^of notes; how require said treasurer to sell such notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, at public or private sale, or hypothecate the same, at their par value, or at such higher rates as the same may command, at such time or times as the avails of the same shall be needed to meet payments for lands purchased, or damages assessed as aforesaid ; and said court may make all Eeoord; how kept, ncccssary orders for the security and safe keeping of said notes, scrip, or certificates of debt and of the moneys accru- ing therefrom, not in conflict Avith this act. And a duplicate record shall t)e kept by said treasurer of all notes, scrip, or certificates of debt issued, sold or pledged in pursuance of the provisions of this act, one copy of which shall be deposited with the clerk of said city, which copy shall at all times exhibit a true account of said notes and moneys; and the to^bediS'in''" avails of said notes, scrip, or certificates shall be deposited in city banks. ^^^ ^^^ morc of thc banks of said city, and shall be drawn out only on the order of the auditor of ^ity accounts ; and said freTsuKr"''"""^ court may fix a reasonable compensation for any services ren- dered by said treasurer in conformity with this act. Act;howconiirined. Seo. 3. This act sliall bc, to all intents, a part of the char- ter of said City of Hartford, whenever said city shall vote in pursuance of the provisions of the first section hereof, to issue notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, as herein authorized. Approved, June 19, 1857. V. paAbonds^ 316 Upou thc pctitlou of thc mayor, aldermen, common cil, and freemen, of the City of Hartford, praying for author- ity to issue bonds in payment of lands purchased for thc park in said city, as per memorial on file, dated May 10, 1859, will more fully appear: SssuenotesTete** jResoZvet? Ijy tMs Assembly: That the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, under the corporate name and seal of said city, bear- six per cent, ing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, Stooo!"*'^^'* to an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, the prin- FINANCE AND LOANS. 85 cipal of which said notes, scrip, or certificates of debt shall be payable at some certain time or times, within twenty-five f^y„ty'flv?years. years from the issuing of the same, as the said Court of Com- mon Council may direct ; and said Court of Common Council ^ZS *?tc^"''"'^ may prescribe the amount for Avhich said notes, scrip, or cer- ^ tificates shall be issued, and direct concerning the form ;^;/e"t'!'and'pay ' thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of the payment of '"''"'• the interest which shall accrue thereon ; and said notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, shall constitute a part of the "Park Fund of the City of Hartford," and the avails thereof shall ^:^t%^Atl be applied and expended for the payment of lands purchased by said city for a public park, and for no other pui-j^ose what- ever; and said notes, scrip, or certificates, when issued and Nf;^jp^J^-i°f,\8^^^ delivered, shall be obligatory upon said city and the inhabit- ants thereof, according to the tenor and purport of the same. The treasurer of said City of Hartford shall be the trustee of Siy,^^/„^^"„;\;s. the notes, scrip, or certificates of debts, as hereby authorized, to hold, dispose of, and account for the same, subject to the orders and directions of the Court of Common Council, and the provisions of the charter of said city. Approved, May 27, 1859. YI. That, whenever the City of Hartford shall desire to borrow money for any purpose for which the Court of Common Council, of said city, are authorized to lay taxes, under the restrictions of the act to which this act is an addition, the said Court of Common Council be, and they hereby are, £T,°^i^tx*Jerce^t. authorized and empowered to issue bonds, under the coqiorate s?a.?v^i.T,p.538. name and seal of said city, bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum ; the principal of which said bonds shall be payable at some certain time or times within twenty-five years from the issuing of the same, as the said Court of Common Council may direct; and said Court of Common Council may prescribe the amount for which said bonds shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of payment of the interest which shall accrue thereon ; and said bonds, when issued and Ob FINANCE AND LOANS. delivered, shall be obligatory upon said city and the inhabit- ants thereof, according to the tenor and purport of the same. ^ruftSbondt^ The treasurer of said City of Hartford shall be trustee of said bonds, to hold, dispose of, and account for the same, subject to the orders and directions of the Court of Common Council, and the provisions of the charter of said city. Approved, July 1, 1863. YII. Cities may issue Section 1. Thc scvcral towns, cities, and boroughs, of this either registered or ; J O ; sTrvoK'p. 890. state, authorized by law to issue bonds, may issue either reg- istered or coupon bonds, and such towns, cities, and boroughs, as have heretofore issued coupon bonds by authority of law, are hereby empowered to issue registered bonds and exchange the same for the coupon bonds now issued by such towns, cities, or boroughs : provided, that no greater amount of bonds shall be issued than is now authorized by the laws of this state. Exchanged bonds, Sec. 2. Thc coupou bonds received by the several towns, canceled and re- _ ^ "^ corded. cities, and boroughs, in exchange for registered bonds, shall be canceled, and a full record made on the books of the town, city, or borough, of all such bonds so exchanged and canceled. Approved, July 8, 1870. YIII. City authorized to SECTION 1. That thc mayor, aldermen, common council, supply water from s?Ar.'^."3.'p.'3^, and freemen of the City of Hartford be and hereby are authorized and empowered in the manner hereinafter pre- scribed to take and convey from thc Connecticut river, at some point within or near the City of Hartford, such supply of water as the necessities and convenience of the inhabitants of said city may require ; and are also hereby authorized and Mayjissne bonds empowcrcd to Issuc notcs, scrip, or certificates of debt under the corporate name and seal of the city, bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, to any amount not exceeding in the whole the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; the principal of which said notes, scrip, or therefor. FINANCE AND LOANS. 87 certificates shall be payable at some certain time or times within twenty-five years from the issuing of the same, and said notes, scrip, or cei-tificates shall be denominated the "Water Fund of the City of Hartford," and the avails thereof ^;p«il'ed!''^"" shall be applied and expended to and for the purpose of sup- --^ plying said city with pure and wholesome water, according to the mode or plan adopted in pursuance of the provisions of this act, and for no other purpose whatsoever; and said notes, scrip, or certificates when issued and delivered by said city or by its agent thereunto duly authorized, shall be obli- gatory upon said city and the inhabitants thereof according to the purport and tenor of the same ; and said city in a city cuy meeting may i J- ' J ,] prescribe amount, meeting legally warned and holden for that purpose, maj^ '"*"' prescribe the amount for which said notes, scrip, or certifi- cates shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the note of interest and the time of paying the interest which shall accrue thereon. Sec. 10. Said commissioners or board shall be the trustees water commission- ers trustees of scrip. of the notes, scrip, or certificates of debt issued by said City of Hartford, and may be authorized by said city to superin- fctend the issuing of the same and regulate the particular form ^Bthereof, and after the same or any part of them shall be ^fcssued, said commissioners may sell such notes or certificates scrip, how dis- ^B '' posed of. Hat public or private sale for their par value, or at such higher Hrate as said scrip shall command, or may pledge the same for ■ loans not usurious under the direction of the Court of Com- \ mon Council at such times as the proceeds or avails of the same shall be required to meet the appropriations made or allowed for the surveying, preparing, constructing, and main- taining of water works by the Court of Common Council, and the Court of Common Council shall direct what sum of money shall be raised from and upon said scrip before they shall permit the construction of water works to be commenced and prosecuted, and a duplicate record shall be kept by said Record, how kept. commissioners of all notes or certificates issued, disposed of, or pledged in pursuance of the provisions of this act, one copy thereof to be by them delivered to the city treasurer, and all moneys received by said commissioners shall be de- 88 FINANCE AND LOANS. Monies received de- posited in city baulcs. Money, how drawn. Commissioners, duties of. Account of water rents, tiow audited. Avails of water rents, how ex- pended. Council may direct concerning. Tax authorized, when. Tax, how laid. Sinking fund. posited in one or more of the banks in the City of Hartford, and shall be drawn out only on the order of the city treasurer. Sec. 15. Said commissioners shall keep a register of all persons who use the water and of the prices by them payable therefor, and shall apply the avails of water rents to the pay- ment of the ordinary and current expenses of said water works, such as repairs, the hire of clerks and agents, and of extending pipes into new localities (under the direction of the Court of Common Council) and shall pay any excess of such avails over the sum requisite for the last-mentioned pur- poses, to the city treasurer on the first Monday of each and every month on account of water rent received and expended during the preceding month, having been first audited by the auditor of city accounts on the same day and by him ap- proved. The account so presented shall be attested by the oath or affirmation of at least one member of the board. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the city treasurer to apply any avails of water rents by him received to the payment of interest on the aforesaid scrip or certificates of debt; and if there be an excess to report the fact to the Court of Common Council, who may direct whether the same shall be applied to the extinguishment of the principal debt incurred by the issuing of said scrip or to the enlargement of the water works. Sec. 17. In case the avails of water rents in any year shall be inadequate to meet the current expenses of said water works and the interest on said scrip, the deficiency shall be supplied by the laying of a tax on the grand list of all per- sons liable to city taxation, which said tax shall be estimated by the Court of Common Council and recommended to a city meeting especially called for the purpose of laying the same, and said meeting may then lay such tax as shall be necessarj' to meet the aforesaid deficiency. And said city at any city meeting specially called and holden for that purpose ma}^ lay taxes for the purpose of paying the principal debt aforesaid or any part thereof, by the establishment of a sinking fund, or in any other proper manner. Sec. 18. Taxes laid for the purposes mentioned in the pre- FINANCE AND LOANS. 89 ceding section may be collected in the same manner as other Tax.ho^-couectert. city taxes ; and any claim of said commissioners for the use of water shall be a lien upon the house, tenement, or lot, wherein or in connection with which said water was used by the owner or occupier thereof And said lien ma}^ be fore- i-ieu^eated^ closed before the City Court of the City of Hartford in the same manner as a mortgage is now foreclosed according to the rules of equity. Passed, 1853. IX. Section 1. That the mayor, aldermen, common council, bo^n^j"*"""^ '"'^^'^ and freemen of the City of Hartford be, and they are hereby ^•^■''"'^'^' p-^^^- authorized and empowered to issue notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, under the corporate name and seal of the city, bear- ing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, to any amount not exceeding in the whole the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; the principal of jf^^^^^lgjj'^"'''^- which said notes, scrip, or certificates, shall be payable at some certain time, or times, within twenty-five years from the issuing, of the same; and said notes, scrip, or certificates shall be denominated the "Additional Water Fund of the City of Hartford," and the avails thereof shall be applied and pJ^Je^^oXater expended to and for the purpose of supplying said city with J"""''"'"^'- pure and wholesome water, according to the mode or plan adopted in pursuance of the act to which this is an addition, and for no other pur j)ose whatsoever; and said notes, scrip, or certificates, when issued and delivered by said city or its agents thereunto duly authorized, shall be obligatory upon said city, and the inhabitants thereof, according to the tenor and purport of the same ; and said city, in a meeting legally Srlhflmlllu^tT warned and holden for that purpose, may prescribe the amount for which said notes, scrip, or certificates shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of paying the interest which shall accrue thereon. Sec. 2. Said notes, scriyj, or certificates, and all the moneys Regulations ^^ ' J- ' ' "^ notes, etc. accruing therefrom, shall be subject to all the provisions and 90 FINANCE AND LOANS. Act, when to take effect. regulations prescribed by the tenth section of the act to which this is an addition. Sec. 3. This act shall go into effect whenever it shall be accepted by said city, as a part of its charter, at a special city meeting legally warned and holden for that purpose. Passed, 1856. X. Additional water bonds. 8. A., vol. 5, p. 355. Amount not to ex- ceed 1100,000. Avails to be ex- pended for water purposes. That the Court of Common Council, of the City of Hart- ford, be, and the}^ are hereby authorized and empowered to issue notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, under the corporate name and seal of said city, bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, the principal of which said notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, shall be payable at some certain time or times within twenty -five years from the issu- ing of the same as the said Court of Common Council may direct; and said Court of Common Council may prescribe the amount for which said notes, scrip, or certificates shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of payment of the interest which shall accrue thereon; and said scrip, or certificates of debt, shall be denominated the " Supplementary Water Fund of the City of Hartford;" and the avails thereof shall be applied and expended for water purposes and for no other purpose what- ever; and said notes, scrip, or certificates, when issued and delivered, shall be obligatory upon said city and the inhabit- ants thereof, according to the tenor and purport of the same. The treasurer of said City of Hartford shall be trustee of the notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, as hereby authorized to hold, dispose of, and account for the same, subject to the orders and directions of the Court of Common Council, and the provisions of the charter of said city. Approved, June 6, 1860. XI. Additional water That the Court of Common Council of the City of Hart- bonds, s. A., vol. 5, p. 540. |>^^,j i^g j^jj(j ^^Qy jiepeby are, authorized and empowered to FINANCE AND LOANS. ' 91 issue notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, under the corporate name and seal of said city, bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, to an amount, in addition to the amount which they are now authorized to issue, by virtue of the resolution to which this is an addition, not exceeding . fifty thousand dollars, the principal of which said notes, scrip, t^rmm,^"'" or certificates of debt shall be payable at some certain time or times, within twenty-five years from the issuing of the same, as the said Court of Common Council may direct, and said Court of Common Council may prescribe the amount for which said notes, scrip, or certificates shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of payment of the interest which shall accrue thereon; and said scrip, or certificates of debt, shall be denominated the "Additional Supplementary Water Fund of the City of Hartford." And the avails thereof shall be ^/nledfor water ajiplied and expended for water purposes, and for no other purpose whatever ; and said notes, scrip, or certificates, when issued and delivered, shall be obligatory upon said city and the inhabitants thereof, according to the tenor and purport of the same. The treasurer of safd City of Hartford shall be trustee of [;4'y f^^^t^eT' ^'"'' the notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, hereby authorized ; to hold, dispose of, and account for the same, subject to the ordjcrs and directions of the Court of Common Council and the provisions of the charter of said city. Approved, July 1, 1863. XII. Section 1. That the board of water commissioners of the New mam and reservoir. City of Hartford, with the consent of the mayor and com- «• ^^ ^•''- '^' i'- •^2. mon council of said city, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to extend and improve the water works of said city, by the construction of a new main from the reser- voir in West Hartford to said city, and by the construction of a new reservoir or reservoirs in the town of West Hart- ford, and by such other improvements in and about said water works in the towns of Hartford or West Hartford, as 92 FINANCE AND LOANS. Bonds issued for that purpose. Treasurer to be trustee. This act; proved. how ap- they shall deem proper: provided, that the amount expended by authority of this act shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That the Court of Common Council of said city, be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to issue notes, scrip or certificates of debt under the corporate name and seal of said city, bearing interest at no greater rate than six per cent, per annum, to an amount not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the principal of which said notes, scrip or certificates of debt, shall be payable at some certain time or times, within twenty-five years from the issuing of the same, as the said Court of Common Coun- cil may direct ; and said Court of Common Council may pre- scribe the amount for which said notes, scrip, or certificates of debt shall be issued, and direct concerning the form thereof, the rate of interest, and the time of payment of the interest which shall accrue thereon ; and said scrip or certifi- cates of debt shall be denominated ''Water works improve- ment fund of the City of Hartford." And the avails thereof shall be applied and expended for improving and extending the said water works in the manner herein provided, and for no other purpose whatever : and said* notes, scrip, or certifi- cates of debt, when issued and delivered, shall be obligatory upon said city and the inhabitants thereof, according to the tenor and purport of the same. The treasurer of said City of Hartford shall be trustee of the notes, scrip, or certificates of debt hereby authorized : to hold, dispose of and account for the same, subject to the orders and directions of the Court of Common Council and the provisions of the charter of said city. Sec. 3. Neither the said board of water commissioners, nor the said common council, shall be authorized to take any action under this act until the same shall be approved in the manner herein prescribed. A special meeting of the legal voters of said city, shall be called by the mayor of said city in the manner provided by the ordinances of said city for calling special meetings thereof, for the purpose of approving or disapproving this act ; the vote at said meeting shall be by FINANCE AND LOANS. 93 ballot, and shall be cast by the freemen of said city, in their respective wards ; the ballot boxes shall be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon, and close at five o'clock in the after- noon of the day of said meeting; upon each ballot shall be written or printed the word, "Yes," or the word "l^o." If a majority of the ballots cast at said meeting, shall have the word "Yes," then this act shall be deemed approved. Approved, June 25, 1874. XIII. Section 1. That the City of Hartford and the towns of ^^^j;; ^^/^'^''^^^d Hartford, East Hartford, West Hartford, Glastonbury, Man- purchairHanford Chester, South Windsor, East Windsor, Vernon, Bolton, ^"^^•'^"'•'^' p-^***- Andover, Hebron, Marlborough, Wethersfield, and other towns in Hartford and Tolland counties, any or all of them, are hereby authorized and empowered by a major vote of the inhabitants in city or town meeting legally warned and held specially for that purpose to raise by tax or loan, and if by loan may issue bonds therefor any sum of money not exceed- ing two per cent, of the assessment list of the city or towns last made and perfected for the purpose of uniting with the city and other towns in the purchase of the bridges, cause- way, and road of the Hartford Bridge Company, for a free, ■—public highway over the same. I^B Sec. 2. That the City of Hartford, and any towns so 0% and towns may ■^^V ^ ' . *' agree as to propor- ■^Braising money for that purpose may associate, enter into con- *"*"■ IBFtract and agreement, and bind themselves to furnish the (r money voted in the city or towns as their proportions respect- ively, of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to effect the purchase of the bridge, causeway, and road, and provide a surplus or fund for repairing and keeping the same in repair. And the city and towns associating shall be liable in the pro- ^^^Srr^r"" portions of their several subscriptions to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for all damages to persons or property on said bridge, causeway, and road, as a public highway, through defect of the same, and shall be liable in the same proportions for all future repairs, and for rebuilding the 94 FINANCE AND LOANS. Mayor and select- men of towns to be a board of mana- County commis- sioners shall lay out highway, when. Compensation if parties unable to agree. Report of ap- prsilsers. bridges whenever the same shall be required and ordered by a majority of the association or of the Legislature. Sec. 3. That the mayor and council of the City of Hart- ford, and the selectmen of the several towns, shall constitute a board for the management of the bridge and highway, under the name of the board of managers of the Hartford Bridge, and in that name may sue and be sued. The board shall appoint a superintendent, who, under their directions shall have charge of the bridge and highway. They shall appoint a secretary and treasurer, and make annual reports to the city and towns of all receipts and expenditures, and of the condition of the bridges and highAvay. Sec. 4. That the county commissioners are hereby in- structed to lay out a public highway over the bridge, cause- way, and road of the Hartford Bridge Company, when it shall be made to appear to them that the sum of one hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars shall have been raised, and the board of managers organized according to section third of this act, which road, when so laid out and in the posses- sion of the board of managers, shall be a public highway under the statutes of this state. Sec. 5. If the parties shall be unable to agree as to the compensation to be paid to said Hartford Bridge Company, for the appropriation of its property to public use as afore- said, said board of managers may prefer their petition to the Superior Court for Hartford county, praying that such com- pensation may be ascertained and determined by said court, which petition shall be served upon said company, and pro- ceeded with, in all respects, as if a petition in chancery. And said court may appoint three judicious and disinterested men, who, after being sworn, and after giving reasonable notice to the parties to be heard, shall examine the bridges, road, and property of said company, and assess the just value or com- pensation to be paid therefor, and make report of their doings, in writing, to said court. Sec. 6. Upon the return of said report to said court, any person or persons interested therein, may object to the ac- ceptance of the same for any irregularity or improper con- FINANCE AND LOANS. 95 duct, and the court may for such cause set aside such report, and order a rehearing before another committee, but if said ponTna"?'' "^ '*"" court accept and establish the same it shall be final and con- clusive in the matter. And whenever the amount of com- pensation so determined, shall have been paid to the Hartford Bridge Company, or deposited by said board of managers po*sSn oMge with the clerk of said court for the use of said bridge com- 1^ P^^id'^o^cLTosued! pany, said board of managers may take possession of said bridge and road and throw the same open to free public travel. Approved July 9, 1869. XIV. Section 1. The treasurer of every county, city, and ^""'f T' '"'^^''^j*- •/ J ' J 1 ^ ness to be reported. borough, and the first selectman of every town shall, on the ''•^•■^^^^■p-'^^- second Monday of October, 1880, and in every fourth year thereafter, make and return to the comptroller of public accounts, a clear and accurate statement, under oath, of all he items constituting the particulars of the total indebtedness of such county, city, borough, or town, on the first day of October next preceding such return, the purpose and object for, and the year in which such indebtedness was incurred, the form in which the same exists, and when payable, the amount actually raised by such corporation during the four years next preceding said first day of October, by taxation and by loan, and the amount actually expended during said period for in- terest, roads, paupers, salaries, schools, police and fire depart- ment, and the rate per centum of taxes laid during said period. Every such officer who shall fail to make and return such statement within one month after the time limited b}- this act, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the state one hundred dollars, which may be sued for and recovered in the name of said treasurer. Sec. 2. The comptroller shall, on or before the first day of R«p«'-t' f« ''^' 'JJ"- ^ ' •/ tri billed. September, 1880, and in every fourth year thereafter, furnish to said officers printed blanks, adapted to such returns, and shall without delay publish said returns, so as to exhibit the 9& Repeal. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. I same by counties, and show their several aggregates, and send one copy thereof to the town clerk, the mayor, and chief burgess of every town, city and borough, which shall be kept on file in the office of such officer, and at all times open to public inspection. Sec. 3. Chapter thirty of the public acts passed in January session, A. D. 1877, is hereby repealed. Approved, March 28, 1879. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WOEKS. I. Powers of Common Council: sub- XVII. stitute for section vii. of original XVIII. charter. XIX. II. Public record of highways. XX. III. Diversion of non-navigable streams. XXI. IV. Control of dams and streams. v. Drainage of highways. xxn. VI. Railroad crossings. VII. Same subject. XXIII. VIII. Same subject. IX. Lay-out of highway near railroad. XXIV. X. Assessment on land not abutting. XI. Assessment on land of deceased XXV. persons. XXVI. XII. Assessment for expense of work to be made before construction. XXVII. XIII. Assessment, when collectible. XXVIII. XIV. Appeals from appraisals and as- XXIX. sessments. XXX. XV. Right of appeal. XVI. Completion of pending appeals by successor of judge. Revision of decision of judge. Same subject. Correction of clerical errors. Benefits a set-oft' against dam- ages. Damages for highway discon- tinued before being worked. Damages and benefits by change of grade. Liability for defective high- ways. Liability of property owners for obstructions. Coasting on highways. Obstruction of highway near bridge by trains. Gates, etc., at crossings. Switching across highways. Locomotive whistling. Disturbance of surface of highway. I. Powers of conrt of Section 1. Thc Coiu't of Comnion Council of the City of Common Council. s.A.,voi.6,p. 314. jj^^.j.!"^^.^ gjj^U ij^ye exclusive power to lay out,* make, and » Powers granted de lay-out of highways, etc., constitutional. Nichols v. Bridge- port, 23 Conn., 189. No obligation on the city to lay out, construct and repair highways, except as imposed by statute. Stonington v. States et aL, 31 Conn., 213. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 97 establish, within said city, new highways," streets, public S'ghways. parks, and walks," whenever they deem it for the public good to do so, or to alter the lines and location of those already laid out, and discontinue the same and exchange highways for highw^ays, or sell highways for the purpose of purchasing other highways, to establish building lines on the land of pro- Buiwing unes. prietors adjoining any street, highway, alley, park or walk, within said city, between which and such street, highway, alley, park, or walk, no building or part of a building, or appurtenance thereof, shall be set up or erected. Also, to order and establish openings between buildings, for the pur- openings. pose of free circulation of air for the benefit of the public health ; to cause low grounds where water at any time ^'>'^ ia»'*^- becomes stagnant, to be raised, filled up, or drained. Also, to lay out, construct, and alter public sewers'^ through the high- hewers. ways, streets (including turnpike roads), alleys, and public grounds within said city, and also through the j)rivate enclos- ures within the same; to order and construct and alter side- walks, gutters, and crosswalks, in and upon all highways, swewaiks, etc. streets (including turnpike roads), alleys, and public grounds, within said city, according to the grade and plan, of such materials as shall be designated by said court. Also to estab- Deflnition of phrase " laying out." Wolcott v. Pond et al, 19 Conn., 597. Land once taken for public use cannot be taken for another. Evergreen Cemetery- Association V. New Haven, 43 Conn., 234; Bridgeport v. New York and New Haven Railroad Company, 36 Conn., 255. Various points as to lay-out. Hawley v. Harrall, 19 Conn., 142; Townsend v. Hoyle, 20 Conn., 1; Clark v. Middlebury, 47 Conn., 331; Ives v. East Haven, 48 Conn., 272; Parrott v. Bridgeport, 44 Conn., 180. b Highways by dedication. Canday v. Lambert, 2 Root, 173 ; Sherwood v. Weston, 18 Conn., 32; Curtiss v. Hoyt, 19 Conn., 154; Noyes v. Ward, 19 Conn., 250; Green v. Canaan, 29 Conn., 157; Riley v. Hammel, 38 Conn., 574; Williams v. New York and New Haven Railroad Company, 39 Conn., 509; Hamlin v. Norwich, 40 Conn., 13; Derby v. Ailing, 40 Conn., 410; Hall v. Meriden, 48 Conn., 416. Giving a deed of land to city for a highway and acceptance of deed, does not constitute the land a street. New York and New Haven Railroad Company v. New Haven, 46 Conn., 257. A highway dedicated to city which It is its duty to repair, cannot be dedicated by the city to the town. Guthrie v. New Haven, 31 Conn., 308. "The inner railing of sidewalk is no part of the sidewalk, and without the juris- diction of Common Council. Williams v. Brace, 5 Conn., 190. iece so described, respectively, which said land on default of payment of said assessment as^sessmlut^ within six months after public notice thereof shall have been given, shall be liable to be sold for the payment of the same ; and said court shall prescribe by ordinance of [the] manner of giving notice of said assessment, and the time, manner, and place of sale of said land : provided always^ that before owner^afJ ''*" taking any land or private property for any of the public ^'""*^*''' uses aforesaid, said court shall agree with the owner or owners thereof as to the damage done thereby, or shall cause ito be made, a fair aj)praisal of such damage, which shall be ^PPgreeme'nl'"'" the actual damage done to the property of such owner or owners,^ by taking such land or private property, without deducting therefrom an}^ benefits on account of such public Measure oi damage. work, and shall pay to or deposit the same for the benefit of such owner or owners. And provided further, that it shall be ^l^l^^'-^"'^^'^' the duty of said court to enact ordinances, containing suit- What property may not be assessed : School property used solely for school pur- poses cannot be assessed for highway; Hartford v. West Middle School District, 45 Conn., 462. Eailroad depot cannot be assessed for paving highway leading thereto; New York and New Haven Railroad Company v. New Haven, 42 Conn., 279. Rail- road tracks cannot be assessed for highway ; Bridgeport v. New York and New Haven Railroad Company, 36 Conn., 255. g Damages and benefits should be separately estimated; Terry v. Hartford, 39 Conn., 286. See in this connection Nicholson v. New York and New Haven Railroad Company, 22 Conn., 74; Nichols v. Bridgeport, 23 Conn., 189; Trinity College v. Hart- ford, 32 Conn., 452. J^The mortgagee is not the owner of property and is not entitled to compensation. Norwich v. Hubbard et al, 22 Conn., 587; Whiting v. New Haven, 45 Conn., 303. 100 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Commissioners of relief; how ap- pointed. Term of office, and duties of. Appeals to, final. Appeals, when allowed. Commissioners' meetings ; how ordered. Reapportionment ; how made. Section vii. of charter repealed. Pending suits. able provision for giving notice* to all persons interested in any property so taken, of tlie proceedings of said court in that behalf, and of the appraisal of damages. Sec. 2. Said Court of Common Council shall appoint, by concurrent vote of both boards, commissioners of relief, one from each ward of said city, who shall be freeholders, and not members of said court, who shall severally hold office during the pleasure thereof, and shall be sworn to the faith- ful and impartial discharge of their official duty; and said commissioners shall hear and determine all appeals from appraisals of damages or assessments of benefits as herein- after provided, and their jurisdiction of such appeal shall be final.^ Sec. 3. An appeal shall be allowed to any person aggrieved by any appraisal of damages or assessment of benefits to said commissioners of relief within thirty days after public notice shall be given of such appraisal or assessment, and said com- missioners may reassess said damages or benefits. And said Court of Common Council shall prescribe by ordinance the times and place of the meetings of said commissioners, and the form and mode of service of said appeals.^ Sec. 4. If on any appeal from an assessment of benefits the assessment of the appellant is reduced, said commissioners of relief may, thereupon, if they think proper, proceed to re- apportion the whole of said assessment appealed from, among the persons whose property is so specially benefited thereby, so that no portion of the expense of such public work shall, by reason of said appeal, bo thrown upon said city.^ Sec. 5. Section seven of "An Act to alter the charter of the City of Hartford, and to combine sundry public statutes relating thereto," approved June 24, 1859, is hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This act shall affect no suit now pending. Approved, July 24, 1867. I 'A party notified to appear before a board of assessment is bound to take notice of all subsequent proceedings in the matter. Gilbert v. New Haven, 39 Conn., 467; Bridgeport v. Giddings et al., 43 Conn., 304. 'Amended. Seexiv. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 101 II. Whenever a public highway or street is laid out, extended, ^fsSnuancTof"' straightened, widened, or discontinued, the Court of Common ^'^^^ed.^o, p. 540. Council in cities, the warden and burgesses in boroughs, and the board of selectmen in towns and parts of towns not within the limits of any city or borough, shall cause to be made a written description of each piece or parcel of land taken from or annexed to the lands of adjoining proprietors, and shall cause the same to be recorded in the land records of the town or city in which the said highway or street is situated. Approved, March 25, 1880. III. Section 1. Whenever it shall be necessary for thd proper fti.^«^™„f construction of any bridge, sewer, culvert, highway, embank- s^aTvout, p.778. ment, or other public work in the City of Hartford, or for the protection and security of any such public work already constructed, it shall be laAvful for the Court of Common Council of said city to direct, and for the board of street ^commissioners of said city to cause any stream or water- course, not navigable within the limits of said city, to bo changed and diverted from its natural or present channel into a new or different channel. Sec. 2. Before causing any stream or watercourse to be eompens»tion. diverted, as provided in the first section of this act, the said board of street commissioners shall agree with the owner or owners of any property or franchise, which may be required for the said purpose, as to the amount of compensation oi* damage to be paid to the said owner or owners for the same ; and in case of disagreement between said board and any such owner or owners, as to the amount of such damage or com- pensation, then the same shall be appraised in the same man- ner as damages are now appraised for the laying out of high- ways in said city; and any person aggrieved by said ap- praisal, shall have the same right of appeal as is now had by 102 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. parties aggrieved by the appraisal of damages in laying out highways in said city. Sec. 3. This act shall not be so construed as to impose any new liability for damages upon the said city for any change in any watercourse, indirectly or necessarily, result- ing from the legal lay-out and construction of any public work already built or hereafter to be built. Approved, July 17, 1874. Power over streams, dams, etc., for sewerage aud health. S. A., 1882, p. 419. Survey and estimates. lY. Section 1. The Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford are hereby authorized, whenever in their opinion the public health or the proper sewerage of said city shall require such action, to take, occupy, and appropriate, in such manner as they shall from time to time deem expedient, any stream or part of a stream, natural or artificial, running in or through said city, and to straighten, deepen, or lower the same, or lower, alter, or remove any or all walls, dams, flumes, or other obstruction to the free and healthy flow of such stream or part of a stream, or raise any of said dams or build and maintain other dams where the public health or convenience may require, or to cover any such stream or part thereof by arches, culverts, or other structures, or to divert the water from such stream or part thereof and cause it to flow through a sewer or other aqueduct built in and upon the bed of such stream, or laid in the earth in or near either bank thereof, or to remove or cause to be removed or altered any or all structures which at any season of the year cause the accumulation of stagnant water, or interrupt in any manner the free and healthy flow of any part of said stream. Sec. 2. Whenever said Court of Common Council shall take action under the foregoing power, the vote or resolution proposing said improvement shall be referred to the board of street commissioners of said city, who shall prepare a de- scriptive survey of the improvement proposed, with a careful estimate of the cost of completing the same, and agree if possible with the parties interested upon the damages and special benefits on account of such improvement. They shall I HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 103 m give notice ten days prior to the time appointed in said notice Notices. for said hearing in two daily newspapers published in said city, of a time and place for meeting all parties interested in said improvement, and if at such meeting no agreement can rtifma^s!'"'' *** be made, said city may proceed in the manner provided in the "^ next succeeding section. But if such agreement shall be made by said board and ratified by said Common Council, the sums agreed upon having been paid to the parties entitled thereto, or deposited to their credit in the city treasury, said city may proceed with and complete said improvement, and do all things necessary or convenient for that purpose without further liability. Sec. 3. If said board of street commissioners shall be una- condemnation and appraisal. ble to agree with the parties interested upon the damages or benefits to be paid on account of such improvement, the Superior Court for Hartford county may, on application of said city, after causing such notice to be given of the pen- dency of such application as said court shall order, appoint three judicious and disinterested freeholders of the county of Hartford to estimate the damages and benefits resulting from said improvement; and said committee having been duly sworn, and having given notice of the time and place of their meeting for the purpose aforesaid, by publishing the same not ss than three times in two newspapers published daily in aid city at least ten days prior to said meeting, shall meet at the time and place designated, and having heard all parties in interest who shall appear before them, shall determine what parties will be damaged by said improvement in excess of special benefits and the amount thereof; also what j)arties owning or interested in lands, easements, or franchises within a reasonable distance of said improvement will receive special benefit over all damage and the amount thereof; and also what parties will receive an equal amount of damage and benefit ; and thereupon said committee shall report in writing to said court, which may confirm, correct, alter, or set aside said report, and decide all questions that may be raised in the proceedings. If said report shall be set aside, said committee, or a new one to be appointed by said courtj shall proceed as 104 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Collection of benefits. Benefits a lien. Lien recorded. Notice of payment of benefits. before, and their report being finally accepted by such court shall be confirmed by the order or decree of said court ; and said report and order or decree shall be recorded by the clerk of the Superior Court for Hartford county, and the award of damages and benefits therein contained shall be final between the parties, and said damages being paid or deposited as be- fore provided, said city may proceed with and complete said public imj^rovement, and do all acts necessary or convenient for that purpose without further liability. Sec. 4. All amounts due to said city as special benefits under the preceding sections, whether reached by agreement or assessment, may be collected by warrant under the hand of the mayor or acting mayor of said city, directed to the collector thereof, who shall enforce the same in the same manner as tax warrants are sei'ved and enforced. Every such amount shall also be and remain a lien ujDon the land or other property on account of which it was assessed, which said lien shall commence and attach to said land from the time the Common Council shall take action, laying out or ordering said improvement : provided that the same shall not remain a lien thereon for a longer period than three months after the final completion of said work or improvement, unless the board of street commissioners shall within that time lodge with the town clerk of the town of Hartford, for record, a certificate signed by the clerk of said board, describ- ing the premises, the amount assessed, and the improvement for which it was assessed. Sec. 5. Upon the completion of said work or improve- ment, the said board of street commissioners shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publi- cation twice in two daily newspapers published in said city, and all benefits assessed thereon shall be immediately due and payable. If the actual cost of the construction of such improvement or public work shall be less than the sum assessed upon the parties benefited, each of the parties so assessed shall be entitled to a proportionate deduction from his assessment. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 105 Sec. 6. This act shall be a public act, and shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, March 22, 1882. y. Section 1. Persons authorized to construct or to repair Drainage or -"• highways. highways may make or clear any watercourse or place for ^- ^■' ^'^^^' "^^ ^*' draining off the water therefrom into or through any person's land so far as necessary to drain off such water ; and when it shall be necessary to make any drain upon or through any person's land for the purpose named in this act it shall be done in such a way as to do the least damage to such land : provided nothing in this act shall be so construed as to allow the drainage of water from such highways into or upon any door-yard in front of any dwelling-house or into or upon yards and inclosures used exclusively for the storage and sale of goods and merchandise. Sec. 2. Section sixteen of part one, title sixteen, chapter Repeal, seven (page 233), of the general statutes is hereby repealed. ^ Approved, April 5, 1881. VI. Section 1. Every railroad company or trustee operating Railroads to be con- .structed so as not to any railroad which may locate and construct a railroad across cros^* highways at any turnpike, highway, or public street, shall construct it so ' ''^' as to cross over or under the same; and may, under the direction of the railroad commissioners, raise or lower the same at said crossing, or change the location thereof; and shall make and maintain such bridges, abutments, tunnels, arches, excavations, embankments, and approaches as the railroad commissioners shall order, and the convenience and safety of the public travel upon said turnpike, highway, or street may require ; but the railroad commissioners may, Kxceptions. upon due notice to said company and to the selectmen of the town or mayor of the city in which said crossing is situated, direct such company or trustee to construct its railroad at such crossing upon a level with the turnpike, highway, or 106 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. New highway cross^ ing railroad/how constructed. ftxpense, how defrayed. street; but no such direction shall be given in any case except for special reasons which shall be recorded in the records of the railroad commissioners. Sec. 2. "Whenever a new highway or a new portion of a highway shall hereafter be constructed across a railroad, such highway or portion of highway shall pass over or under the railroad, as the railroad commissioners shall direct. The company or trustee operating such railroad shall construct such crossing to the approval of the railroad commissioners, and may take land for the purposes of this section in the manner now provided by law for the taking of lands by rail- road companies. One-half the expense of such crossing shall be borne by the company or trustee constructing the same and the other half thereof shall be paid to said company or trustee by the town, city, or borough which constructs said highway or portion of highway. If said highway shall cross over said railroad the structure necessary therefor shall be maintained and kej^t in repair by the party bound to main- tain said highway ; but if it shall cross under said railroad such structure shall be maintained and kept in repair by said company or trustee. Sec. 3. The railroad commissioners may, when in their opinion public safety requires an alteration of any highway crossed at grade by a railroad, after such notice as they shall deem reasonable to the company owning or ' oj^erating or the trustees operating said railroad, and to the selectmen of the town or the mayor of the city in which said highway is so crossed, and to the owners of the land adjoining said crossing, order said company or said trustees to make such alteration in such highway as said commissioners shall find is practi- cable and ought to be made, and shall determine by whom Eicpen.sc, how paid, thc expcuse of such alteration shall be paid ; provided^ that in no case shall more than one-half the expense be paid by the town or city aforesaid ; and provided further^ that such altera- tions as are made at the primary instance of the railroad commissioners, shall not be ordered at the rate of more than one a year on any one railroad, except in the case of railroads now having a double track throughout their entire length. Alteration of high way crossed at grade. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 107 Kailroad companies may take land for the purposes of this ^°''" *" ^'^'^^ ^*"**- section in the manner now provided by law for the taking of lands by railroad companies. Sec 4, No lands shall be taken by any railroad company SfJ'*"r'^sl'*"*^ ^**^ or trustee operating a railroad for the purposes mentioned in ^^ _ ; this act, except such as are necessary, which necessity shall be certified by the railroad commissioners ; but no such takr ing need be based upon any special finding that public neces. sity and convenience require such taking, Sec, 5. Every railroad company or trustee operatina; a Pen^^Hy f*"- nou- ^ 1 ./ X o oompliituce. railroad which shall fail to comply with any provision of this act shall forfeit to the state one hundred dollars for each and every month of such non-compliance, in each and every instance of such non-com.pliance. The railroad commissioners shall give notice of all such forfeitures to the state treasurer, who shall collect the same. Sec. 7. Nothing contained in this act shall in any respect ^jjt^Ms^e not repeal or modify the provisions of chapter thirty-six of the public acts of 1876 (page 102). - Approved, May 3, 1883. YII. Section 1. The selectmen of any town within which a provision for safety •^ of highway at highway crosses or is crossed by a railroad, or the directors p^^rrSp-'wi. of any railroad company whose road crosses or is crossed by a highway, may bring their petition in writing to the railroad commissioners, therein alleging that public safety requires an alteration in such crossing, its approaches, the method of crossing, the location of the highway or railroad, or the removal of obstructions to the sight at such crossing, and praying that the same be ordered. Whereupon the railroad commissioners shall appoint a time and place for hearing the petition, and shall give such notice thereof as they judge reasonable to said selectmen, the railroad company^ and to the owners of the land adjoining such crossing, and after such notice and hearing said commissioners shall determine what alterations or removals shall be made, by whom done, and at whose expense. 108 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Assessmeut of damages. Appeal. Sec. 2. In case the party by whom the changes are to be made cannot agree with the owner of the land or other prop- erty to be removed or taken under the said decision of the railroad commissioners, the damage shall be assessed in the same manner as is provided in case of land taken by railroad companies. The expense of such assessment to be paid in the same manner as the expense of the alterations. Sec 3. The decision of the commissioners shall be com- municated to the selectmen, to the railroad company, and to the owners of any property directed to be removed or taken, within twenty days after final hearing, and any person ag- grieved by such decision may appeal therefrom in the same manner and with like eifect as is provided in the case of appeals from any order of the railroad commissioners upon any proceeding relative to the location, abandonment, or changing of dej)ots or stations. Approved, June 19, 1876. VIII. Provision for safety of highway at railroad crossing. P. A., 1877, p. 152, That all the provisions of chapter thirty-six, entitled "An Act in regard to railroad crossings," of the acts of 1876, applying to selectmen of towns, in regard to highways cross- ing or crossed by railroads, be, and the same are hereby extended to mayors and common councils of cities, and to the warden and burgesses of boroughs, in regard to streets crossing or crossed by railroads. Approved, February 21, 1877. Highway not to be laid out near rail- road track. P. A., 1878, p. 345. Power of judge of Superior Court. IX. vSection 1. No highway which does not cross a railroa track shall hereafter be laid out or opened to the public within one hundred yards of any railroad track unless the lay-out has been approved by a judge of the Superior Court, after notice to all parties in interest, and his written approval has been lodged in the office of the town clerk of the town in which the proposed highway is situated. Sec. 2. A judge of the Su]3erior Court shall not aj^prove the lay-out of any highway, which does not cross a railroad HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 101) track, within one hundred yards of any railroad track, unless he finds that public convenience and necessity requires such highway to be within such distance ; and he shMl have power to require any town opening a highway to the public within such distance, to erect and maintain such a fence between ^^^^ ^^ such highway and the railroad track as, in his opinion, the safety of the public may require. Approved, March 28, 1878. X. Section 1. That the Court of Common Council of the ^„«^??f7,;7p',^°;. City of Hartford, by the board of street commissioners of abutuug/'"' •^ T J 9,. K., vol.7, p. 378. said city, may assess a proportional sum of the expense of laying out, altering, and making any highway, street, sewer, or park, lawfully laid out or altered, upon any person or per- sons in the judgment of said board specially benefited thereby, whether the land of such person or persons abuts upon such highway, street, sewer, or park, or not. Sec. 2. This act shall not affect the right of appeal from Rigiuof|i.peai the action of said board. Approved, July 30, 1872. XL When any assessment of damaeres or benefits, or both, for i^and belonging to "J ~ ' ■' estate of deceased the lay-out or construction of any highway or other public a^'eLudT/rdam- ages and beuetlts, work by any town, city, or borough, has been or shall be ;;^^.'h«"t '""'""e '»>« made upon or in respect of any land, or interest in land ^' ^" ^' "'^' which has belonged to a deceased person, of whose estate no distribution has been recorded, it shall be sufficient if the report or schedule of such assessment describe the property assessed as land of the estate of such deceased person, or describe his estate as being assessed \ and any lien or claim upon said property, resulting from said assessment, otherwise legal and formal, may be foreclosed or otherwise enforced against said property, or the amount of said assessment col- lected from any persons claiming said land under the title of such deceased person. 110 Cost of improve- ment to be ascer- tained and assessed before lay-out. S. A., vol. 8, p. 111. Manner of assess- qieut. Notice of payment of benefits. Benefits a lien. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. XII. Section 1. Before any public work or improvement, for the cost of which the City of Hartford under its charter may assess benefits, shall be laid out or constructed, the cost of the same, including damages to be paid, shall be ascertained by the Court of Common Council of said city, and all benefits to be paid by the persons benefited thereby, shall be ascer- tained as follows: The vote or resolution proposing the lay- ing ojit or construction of such work or improvement shall be, by said Court of Common Council, referred to the board of street commissioners of said city, who shall first estimate the cost of the construction of such work or improvement, and shall also appraise the damages to be paid to any person for land, or any interest therein, taken for such improvement, and shall also assess the said cost of construction, and the amount of said damages upon the persons benefited thereby in the manner now provided by the charter and ordinances of said city, and all a2>peals therefrom shall be taken, and all proceedings had thereon, as now by law provided. Upon the completion of such proceedings the board of street commis- sioners shall rej)ort the same to said Court of Common Coun- cil with their recommendations, and said Court of Common Council may thereupon direct the lay-out or construction of such work or improvement at its discretion. Sec. 2. Upon the final lay-out or completion of the con- struction of any such public work, the board of street com- missioners shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publication twice in two daily newspa- pers published in said city, and all benefits assessed therefor shall be immediately due and payable. If the actual cost of the construction of any public work shall be less than the sum estimated by the board of street commissioners and assessed upon the parties benefited, each of the parties so assessed shall be entitled to a proportionate deduction from his assessment. Said benefits shall be a lien upon the land on account of which they were assessed, which said lien shall commence and attach to said land from the time of the pas- sage by the Court of Common Council of the vote laying out HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Ill or ordering the construction of said work : provided, that the Lien recorded. same shall not remain a lien thereon for a longer period than three months from the final lay-out, or completion of such work or improvement, unless the board of street commis- sioners shall within that time lodge with the town clerk of the town of Hartford for record, a certificate, signed by the clerk of said board, describing the premises, the amount assessed, and the improvement for which it was assessed. Approved, March 19, 1877. XIII. Whenever any assessment has been or shall hereafter be Assessment uen nor •^ interest thereon to laid by any town, city, borough, or other municipal corpora- comp'euonof""*'' work, etc. tion, upon private property benefited by any public work or pa., i^as, p.28i. improvement, for the expense of such public work or im- provement, or for benefits accruing therefrom, and a certifi- cate of lien upon such property has been or shall be lodged for record with the town clerk, neither the principal of such assessment nor any interest thereon shall be collectible by such municipality until such public work or improvement shall have been completed and the fact of such completion recorded on the record books of such municipality by order of the board or officers by whom such work or improvement was ordered. » Approved, April 26, 1883. XIV. • Section 1. All appeals hereafter taken from any appraisal Appeals from ap- ./ X i praisals and assess- of damages or assessment of benefits made by the board of "ade!' *"''''*'"' street commissioners of the City of Hartford, shall be to the " "''""' '" judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hart- ford.^ "The judge takes Judicial notice of the charter and its provisions. Clapp v. Hartford, 35 Conn., 66. That he adopts a different rule of apportionment than that uniformly applied by the Common Council is no error unle s the rule itself is un- just. Same. If an undistinguishable part of an assessment for benefits be void the whole is void. Bridgeport v. New York and New Haven Railroad Company, 86 Conn., 255. On an appeal from an assessment of benefits for altering highway the appellant 112 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Joinder in appeal : all constitute one cause. Appeals ; taken. Heard by judge or committee. Reapportionment. Sec. 2. As many of the parties interested as may choose to do so, may join in such appeal; and, when separate appeals are taken by different parties from one assessment and ap- praisal, all such appeals shall be heard and tried as one cause.'' Sec. 3. Aj^peals may be taken from the assessment of benefits only, but, if taken from the appraisal of damages, shall be from the said appraisal and also from the assessment of benefits made at the same time and for the same public work. Such appeals shall be taken within ten days after public notice shall be given of such appraisal or assessment, and shall be by a suitable petition in writing, setting forth the whole of said assessment or appraisal and assessment appealed from, and asking for a reappraisal and reassessment, or for a reassessment only, with a citation attached thereto, signed by any authority authorized to sign writs, and return- able before said judge at two o'clock in the afternoon on the day three weeks subsequent to the day on which public notice of said appraisal shall have been given ; and said cita- tion shall be served upon the clerk of said city at least six days before the return day thereof Sec. 4. Such appeals may be heard by said judge, but shall, upon the motion of any party thereto, or person inter- ested therein, be referred to a committee for hearing. Sec. 5. If, upon the hearing of any appeal, the judge or committee shall find cause to alter said appraisal and assess- ment, or assessment of benefits only, then said judge or com- mittee shall proceed to reapportion the whole amount of the damages and benefits, or benefits only, upon the persons or land specially benefited. cannot claim that the alteration was unnecessary and unreasonable. Gilbert v. New Haven, 39 Conn., 467. Evidence of previous assessments not admissable. Same. Evidence to show that assessments against others are unreasonable is inadmissable. Same. Courts will not consider the motives of action on the part of city authorities, provided their proceedings are regular and the matter within their Jurisdiction. Park Ecclesiastical Society v. Hartford, 47 Conn., 89. Reasons of appeal must be specified with as much particularity as in bills of equity. Bowditch v. New Haven, 40 Conn., 503. bif but one appeals, his assessment only is brought up for revision. Clapp v. Hartford, 86 Conn., 66. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 113 Sec. 6. If the judge or committee hearing said appeal Sln"reapi°o'^-'"' . . Ill 1 tionraent, etc. shall be of opinion that persons other than those who appear upon the record are interested in the subject-matter of said appeal, said judge or committee shall cause the appellants to give notice of the pendency of the proceedings to such other _ persons ; which notice shall be by publication in one or more newspapers published in said city, for such time and in such form as said judge or committee shall direct. Sec. 7. Such judge shall have, for the purpose of disposing Powers of judge. of said appeal, all the power of the Superior Court, and may render judgment thereon, and may tax costs in favor of either party and issue execution for said costs, to be taxed as upon costs. civil process in the Superior Court. Sec 8. Said judge shall, when the proceedings in any case J^f ^Tcrk! ^*^^''' ^ arising under this act are closed, return all the papers connected with the case to the clerk of said city, to be by him kept on file. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect from its passage ,• and all pen-^ng suits. acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby re- pealed ; but this act shall not affect any suit now pending. Approved, July 1, 1873. i XY. Any person aggrieved by the appraisal of damages in lay- Right of appeal. ing out any highway, or in making any improvement or pub- lic work in any city (except Bridgeport and Hartford) or borough, or by the assessment of benefits therefor, may ap- peal from such appraisal or assessment, to any judge of the Superior Court, within thirty days after public notice shall be given of such appraisal or assessment, which appeal shall be a written petition for a reappraisal or reassessment, with a citation attached thereto, and returnable in not less than six, nor more than twenty days after its date, and shall be served at least six days before the return day, upon the clerk of such city or borough. XYI. All appeals now taken, or which may hereafter be taken completion of ^ ■*■ ■ '' pending appeals by from any appraisal of damages, or assessment of benefits I" A!,Toir7,''p'!*^"8. 114 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. made by the board of street commissioners of the City of Hartford, and the City of I^ew Britain, to the judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hartford, and which shall be pending at the time of the completion of the term of service of such judge, shall be heard and disposed of as fully and completely by the successor of such judge as said appeals might have been by the judge to whom they were originally taken. Approved, June 18, 1875. XYII. Reyising decision Whcu jurisdlctiou, Original or appellate, over any subject R. 8.. p. 450, § 17. jnatter or proceeding, is or shall be vested in a judge of the Superior Court, any party to such proceeding, who is ag- grieved by the decision of such judge, upon any question of law arising therein, may, within ten days after he or his attorney shall have been notified of the final decision or judg- ment of such judge, present to such judge a motion for a new trial, stating therein said questions of law, or a motion in error for questions arising on the record of such proceedings ; and said judge, if he shall be of opinion that such motion is not intended for delay, and that the questions are such as to entitle the party to a revision thereof, shall reserve such mo- tion for a new trial, for the opinion of the Supreme Court of Errors next to be holden in the district or county, where the parties, or any of them, reside, and shall allow such motion in error, and transmit such record to said Supreme Court of Errors, in the manner by law provided in the case of similar tn appeals from ap- motious made iu court : but in cases of appeal from the ap- praisal of damages ' •'-■•• ■■■ ment"?""*™'"^'"*'' pralsal of damages in laying out any street, or in making any improvement or public work, in any city, village, or borough, upon paying to the person or persons entitled thereto dam- ages appraised therefor, or upon depositing the same in the manner provided by law; and in cases where no damages shall be appraised, such city, village, or borough, may imme- diately proceed to lay out and open such street, or make and comj)lete such imj^rovement or public work, in the same man- ner as if no such motion had been made ; and in proceedings HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 115 on writs of habeas corpus, the judge may, at his discretion, stay of execution. decline to order a stay of execution. XYIII. Section 1. That section seventeen, chapter fifteen, title Revisjnileeiiisnor nineteen, of the revised statutes, be and hereby is amended ^■^" '^' by inserting after the words "Superior Court," at the end of the second line of said section, the following: "And when- ever jurisdiction, original or appellate, over any subject mat- ter or proceeding has been or shall be vested in any judge of the Court of Common Pleas or District Court." Approved, June 22, 1876. XIX. In all cases of assessments of damages or benefits for the correcuou of errors O ia assessments for lay-out or construction of public works, the Superior Court, R!s!?ir9M6. or any other appellate or revising tribunal to which such cases may be removed, may, by reassessment or otherwise, correct any errors which may be shown to exist in the report or schedule of said assessments, provided reasonable notice be given to any person not before said court or tribunal, who may be injuriously aifected by the correction of said errors, to appear and show cause why said correction should not bo made ; but said court or tribunal may, without special notice, fcfcorrect manifest clerical errors and misdescriptions, when it is evident that no person interested has been misled thereby. XX. That in all cases where the Court of Common Council of BeueHts set-oir against damages. the City of Hartford shall have agreed upon with, or ap- ^' ^" ^"^"' ^' "**' praised to any person or persons, damages for taking any land or private property for any public work in said city and shall also have assessed betterments on account of the -same public work, upon the owner or owners of such land or pri- vate property or upon such land or private property, the amount of such assessment shall be an off-set against such damages, and the city treasurer may credit such owner or 116 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Common Council may direct con- cerning. owners with the amount of such assessment, so assessed upon or payable by him or them, and the entry of such credit upon the books of said treasurer shall have the same effect as the payment to such owner or owners so credited in whole or part payment, as the case may be, of th*e sum appraised for such damages ; but the Court of Common Council may in any individual case where they see fit pay the whole of such dam- ages and collect the assessments of betterments as heretofore. Approved, July 6, 1870. Assessment for highways discon- tinued before opened, void. R. S., p. 240, § 52 Actual damages recoverable. XXI. When any highway, duly laid out, has been or shall be legally discontinued before being opened and worked, no action shall be brought to recover damages assessed therefor, but the owner of the lands over which it is laid out may recover of the town, city, or borough his actual damages from laying it out.^ Damages and bene- fits by change of grade. P. A., 1882, p. 158. XXII. Section 1. When the owner of land adjoining a public highway, or of any interest in such land shall sustain special damage or receive special benefits to his property by reason of any change in the grade of such highway by the town, city, or borough in which such highway may be situated, such town, city, or borough shall be liable to pay to him the amount of such special damage, and shall be entitled to receive from him the amount or value of such special bone- fits, to be ascertained in the manner provided for ascertaining damages and benefits occasioned by laying out or altering highways therein. Whenever special benefits shall be finally assessed and established concerning any lands or interest therein, under the foregoing j^rovisions, such town, city, or borough shall have a lien upon the lands concerning or upon which they are so assessed, to be established and enforced in the manner provided for establishing and enforcing liens for iSee Kirtland v. Meriden, 39 Conn., 107; Carson v. Hartford, 48 Conn,, HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 117 benefits occasioned by public works in such towns, cities, and boroughs.^ Approved, April 6, 1882.. XXIII. Section 1. The party bound to maintain any bridge or SeTon^roads road shall erect and maintain a sufficient railing or fence on K?s.,'p.f32,§9. the side of such bridge, and of such parts of such road as are so made or raised above the adjoining ground as to be unsafe for travel; and whoever shall suffer damage in liis J^^^wnty for person or property, by reason of the want of any such railing or fence, may recover damages from such party. Sec. 2. Any person injured in person or property by l^f^^}^^/ f*"" means of a defective road or bridge may recover damages ^' ^" ' ''* ^ " from the party bound to keep it in repair; but no action for any such injury shall be maintained against any town, city, corporation, or borough, unless written notice of such injury, and the nature and cause thereof, and of the time and place of its occurrence shall, within sixty days thereafter, or if such Notice. defect consist of snow or ice or both, within fifteen days thereafter, be given to a selectman of such town or to the clerk of such city, corporation, or borough; and when the injury is caused by a structure legally placed on such road by a railroad company, it, and not the party bound to keep the road in repaii', shall be liable therefor. XXIY. When any person shall place or keep building materials, or Liability of prop- •^ -•• ■•■ X O 7 erty owner for any obstacle, in any highway, either with or without a e'I'sTSsI § 2. license therefor from the city, town, or borough, in which such highway may be situated, he shall pay to said city, town, or borough, all costs and damages which it shall sus- tain, or be coi^ipelled to pay, by reason thereof 2 See Fellowes v. New Haven, 44 Conn., 240. 118 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Coasting in cities, boroughs, and towns regulated. P. A., 1881, p. 42. Penalty. XXY. Section 1. The mayor of any city, the warden of any borough, or the majority of the selectmen of any town, may limit or prohibit coasting in the public streets and highways of such city, borough, or town, and may issue an order stat- ing such prohibition or the limit to be observed, and shall cause the same in case of cities to be published in a newspa- per of said city, and in case of towns or boroughs to be printed or plainly written and posted in at least ten conspicu- ous places within the limits of such borough or town : pro- vided, selectmen of towns having cities or boroughs within their limits shall not exercise such power within the limits of such cities or boroughs. Sec. 2. Any person who shall disobey any order so issued and published or posted shall, on conviction, be fined not less than two nor more than seven dollars. Approved, April 6, 1881. Highway near bridge in a city not to be obstructed by railroad trains. P. A., 1881, p. 80. Penalty. XXVI. Section 1. Where any railroad crosses a highway in any city at grade, within two hundred feet of a covered bridge on said highway, such highway shall not be obstructed by the making up of railroad trains, nor by allowing any train, car, or locomotive to stand on or across said highway, for more than three minutes at one time; and whenever such highway has been once so used or occupied, or whenever a locomotive or train has passed entirely over it, said highway shall not again be so used or occupied, or crossed by locomo- tive or cars, until a sufficient time has been allowed to enable all teams which are ready, and waiting for the purpose, to cross the tracks of said railroad. Sec 2. Any servant, agent, or employee of any railroad corporation, wilfully violating any provision of the preceding- section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, on complaint of any grand juror of the town where the offense is committed, shall be punished by a HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 119 fine not exceeding seven dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both. Approved, April 14, 1881. XXYII. Section 1. The railroad commissioners when requested aag'^^uKuroad in writing by the selectmen of any town, the mayor and p. a., iski, p. 294. common council of any city, or the warden and burgesses of any borough, to order a gate or electric signal to be erected, or a flagman to be stationed at any railroad crossing, shall visit such place, first giving the authorities making such request reasonable notice thereof, and if the public safety requires it, shall order the company operating said railroad to main- tain a gate, or electric signal, to keep a flagman at said place, or to do any other act at said place needful for the protec- tion of the public, and may specify when said gate shall be opened and closed, or when flagmen shall be on duty, and may change any such order when they deem it necessary, first visiting the town, city, or borough in which said cross- ing is located, and there giving the authorities thereof an opportunity to be heard thereon ; and if any railroad com- penalty. pany shall neglect to station flagmen, or maintain gates or electric signals as ordered by said commissioners, or shall neglect to comply with any order of said commissioners provided for by this section, or any order heretofore issued by said commissioners relating to the maintenance of gates, electric signals, or flagmen, at any railroad crossing, it shall forfeit to the state fifty dollars for each day of such neglect. Sec. 2. When the railroad commissioners, on application Decision or commis. ' -ti- sioners, how com- as aforesaid, shall make an order as provided herein, or ""•"*'*'''''• refuse to make the same, their decision shall be communi- cated to the parties in interest within thirty days from the final hearing on the same, and either party aggrieved by such decision may appeal therefrom to the Superior Court, Appeals. in the manner arid with like effect as provided for appeals in section fifty -two of article two, part nine, chapter two, title seventeen, of th§ general statutes (page 327). But in all cases where a flagman, gate, or electric signal shall be ordered 120 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. Expense, Amendment of order. by the Superior Court upon an appeal taken by the appli- cants therefor, such court may at its discretion order a por- tion of the expense of maintaining or erecting the same, but not exceeding one-half, to be borne by the town, city, or borough in which the crossing is situated; and the Superior Court may at any time upon the aj^plication of either party, with due notice to adverse parties, annul or vary any order passed as aforesaid; piwided, such court shall find there has been a change of circumstances surrounding such crossing. Approved, May 1, 1883. XXYIII. Switching, etc.. Section 1. Thc railroad commissioners are empowered across highway, how p.''a.'!'i^8«.3, p. 269. and authorized to order any railroad company not to use for switching purposes, nor for standing trains of any kind, such portion of its tracks which now are or hereafter ma}^ be placed upon or across any public street or highway as in their opinion the public convenience requires should not be so used. Complaint. Sec. 2. Said commissioners, when requested in writing by the selectmen of any town, the mayor and common coun- cil of any city, or the warden and burgesses of any borough, to forbid the use for switching purposes of the tracks of any railroad company where the same cross any public street or highway within said«town, city, or borough, shall visit such crossing, first giving reasonable notice to the authorities making said request, and if public convenience requires, shall Order of railroad ordcr the compauy operatinp- said railroad not to use the commissioners. x ./ x o same or such part thereof as may be specified in said order for switching purposes, and may make any order regulating such switching that they shall deem proper. Said commis- sioners may change any such order when they deem it nec- essary, first visiting said town, city, or borough, and giving the authorities thereof an opportunity to be heard thereon. Penalty. Sec. 3. Auy rallroad company neglecting or refusing to obey any order of the railroad commissioners provided for in this act shall forfeit to the state fifty dollars for each day of such neglect. HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. 121 Sec. 4. When said commissioners, on application as afore- Appeals. said, shall make an order as provided herein, or refuse to make the same, their decision shall be communicated to the parties in interest within twenty days from the final hearing on the same, and either party aggrieved by such decision may appeal therefrom to the Superior Court in the manner and with the like eifect as provided for appeals in section fifty-two of article two, part nine, chapter two, title seven- teen of the general statutes (page 327); and the Superior Court may at any time, upon the application of either party, with due notice to adverse parties, amend or change any order passed as aforesaid : provided^ such court shall find that there has been a change of circumstances surrounding such crossing. Approved, April 17, 1883. XXIX. Section 1. Whenever the selectmen of any town, the Locomotive whts- tling restricted. mayor and common council of any city, or the warden and ?• a., issi, p. 21. burgesses of any borough, shall bring their petition in writ- ing to the railroad commissioners, representing that the interests of the public require that the blowing of the loco- motive whistle upon a railroad at certain points within the limits of such town, city, or borough should be dispensed with, said commissioners shall appoint a time and place for hearing said petition, and shall give reasonable notice thereof to the petitioners and the railroad company in question ; and if after such hearing they shall be of opinion that the sound- ing of the whistle can be dispensed with, without danger to the public, they shall direct said railroad company to omit the same, and require that the engine bell shall be rung in lieu thereof, at such points as they may specify. Sec. 2. Whenever any railroad company shall receive such Directions. directions from the railroad commissioners, it shall thereafter omit the sounding of the whistle at the points named in said order. Approved, March 22, 1881. 122 ' HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS. XXX. diJturbe'dlitho^ut Section 1. No person or corporation shall disturb the commis*^ione?s'. surfacc of anv street or highway in the City of Hartford by S. A., 1883, p. 762. *^ & ^ ./ J digging or making excavation, or cause the same to be so disturbed, without first giving notice to the board of street commissioners of said city, and said board of street commis- sioners shall have the power to supervise and direct any such digging or excavating, and may prescribe the manner in which the same shall be done and the condition to which said street or highway shall be restored: provided, however, that no such person or corporation shall be compelled to do more than to restore said street or highway to its usual condition. fS'trtheifordi- ^^^* ^- ^^ ^^y person or corporation so disturbing or nary condition. causlug to bc dlsturbcd thc surface of any street or highway as aforesaid, shall fail to comply with the directions of said board of street commissioners in restoring the same to its usual condition, said board may, after reasonable notice to such person or corporation if known, otherwise without notice, restore the same, and collect and recover from such person or corporation double the cost of such restoration. Penalty. Sec. 3. Any person or corporation who shall neglect to comply with the provisions of section one of this act as to notice shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford, for the use of the city treasury, a penalty of not less than five and not more than twenty -five dollars, the same to be recovered in an action brought in the name of said city in the manner provided in the charter of said city for the recovery of fines and penalties. Water commis- Sec. 4. The board of water commissioners of said city sioners not required to give notice. ghall bc cxempt from such of the provisions of this act as pertain to the notice required to be given to the board of street commissioners and the penalty prescribed therein. Approved, April 4, 1883. LIBRARIES. 123 LIBEAEIES. Section 1. The city council of any city shall have power i^,";j^f£^";^yand*'" to establish and maintain* a public library and reading-room, pt'^l^^iiisTp. 59. together with such kindred apartments and facilities as said council shall approve, for the use and benefit of such city, and may levy a tax not to exceed one mill and one-half of a mill on the dollar annually, on all the taxable property of the city, such tax to be levied and collected in the same manner as other taxes of said city, and to be known as the " library fund." Sec. 2. When any city council shall have decided to estab- lish and maintain a public library and reading-room, under this act, the mayor of such city shall, with the approval of the city council, appoint a board of nine directors for the JJ^^^^"' ^""^ same, chosen from the citizens at large, with reference to their fitness for such office ; and not more than one member of the city council shall be a member of said board. Sec. 3. Said directors shall hold office, one-third for one Termofomce. year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years from the first of July following their appointment, and at _^ their first regular meeting shall cast lots- for the respective Bterms; and annually thereafter the mayor shall before the first of July in each year appoint, as before, three directors, to take the place of the retiring directors, who shall hold office for three years, and until their successors are appointed. The mayor may, with the consent of the city council, remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty. Sec. 4. Vacancies in the board of directors, occasioned by vacancies. removal, resignation, or otherwise, shall be reported to the city council, and be filled in the same manner as original appointments. Sec. 5. Said directors shall, immediately after their ap- powers and duties, pointment, meet and organize by the election of one of their number as president, and by the election of such other * Concerning appropriations for libraries, see p. 38. 124 LIBRARIES. officers as they may deem necessary. They shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules, and regulations for their own guidance and for the government of the library and reading- room as may be expedient, not inconsistent with this act. They shall have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys collected to the credit of the library fund, and* of the construction of any library building, and of the supervis- ion, care, and custody of the grounds, rooms, or buildings constructed, leased, given, or set apart for that purpose: 'provided, that all moneys collected and received for such pur- pose shall be placed in the treasury of said city, to the credit of the "library fund," and shall be kept separate from other moneys of the city, and shall be drawn upon by the proper officers of said city, upon the properly authenticated vouchers of said directors. Said board shall have power to purchase, lease, or accept grounds, to erect, lease, or occupy an appro- priate building or buildings for the use of said library; to appoint a person of suitable learning, ability, and experience as librarian, and all necessary assistants, and fix their com- pensation, to remove such appointees; and shall in general carry out the spirit and intent of this act, in establishing and maintaining a public library and reading-room, together with such kindred apartments and facilities as said council shall approve. Libraries to be free. Sec. 6. Evcry library and reading-room established under this act shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the city where located, always subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the board of directors may adopt, in order to render the use of said library and reading-room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of said library and reading-room any and all persons who shall wilfully violate such rules. And said board may extend the privileges and use of such library and reading-room to persons residing outside of such city in this state, upon such terms and conditions as said board may from time to time prescribe. Annual report. Sec. 7. Thc Said board of directors shall make on or be- fore the second Monday in June an annual report to the city LIBRARIES. 125 council, stating the condition of their trust on the first day of June of that year, the various sums of money received from the library fund and from other sources, and how such moneys have been expended, and for what purposes; the number of books and periodicals on hand; the number added — by purchase, gift, or otherwise, during the year; the number lost or missing ; the number of visitors attending ; the num- ber of books loaned out, and the general character of such books; with such other statistics, information, and sugges- tions as they may deem of general interest. All such por- tions of said report as relate to the receipt and expenditure of money, as well as the number of books on hand, books lost or missing, and books purchased, shall be verified by affidavit. Sec. 8. The city council of said city shall have power to Penaiues for abuse. pass ordinances imposing suitable penalties for the punish- ment of persons committing injury upon such library, or the grounds or other property thereof, and for injury to, or fail- ure to return, any book belonging to such library. It shall be the duty of every librarian or board of directors, having charge or control of such library or property, to post up in one or more conspicuous places connected therewith a printed copy of this section. And justices of the peace, or city or police courts, in their respective counties, shall have jurisdic- tion to hear, try, and determine all prosecutions under this section. Sec. 9. Any person desiring to make donations of money, ^^'^^^j^^'^'^y ^"i** personal property, or real estate for the benefit of such library, shall have the right to vest the title to such donation in the board of directors created under this act, to be held and controlled when accej)ted by such board according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise, or bequest of such property; and as to such property the said board shall be held to be special trustees. Sec. 10. When fifty lethal voters of any town or borough Taxfor.-upportof •^ <^ "Z O library in town or shall present a petition to the clerk of the town or borough, ^°'°''^^- asking that an annual tax may be levied for the establish- ment and maintenance of a free public library and reading- 126 LIBRARIES. Public documents. I room in such town or borough, and shall specify in thoir peti- tion a rate of taxation, not to exceed three mills on the dollar, such clerk shall, in the next legal notice of the regular annual election in such town or borough, give notice that at such election every elector may vote "for a mill tax for a free public library and reading-room," or "against a mill tax for a free public library and reading-room," specifying in such notice the rate of taxation mentioned in said petition ; and if the majority of all the votes cast in such town or borough shall be "for the tax for a free public library and reading- room," the tax specified in such notice shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other general taxes of said town or borough, and shall be known as the "library fund," 'provided^ that such tax may be .lessened or increased within the three-mill limit, or made to cease, in case the legal voters of any such town or borough shall so determine by a majority vote at any annual election held therein; and the corporate authorities of such town or borough shall have and may exercise the same powers conferred upon the corporate au- thorities of cities under this act. Sec. 11. At the next regular election after any town or borough shall have voted to establish and maintain a free pub- lic library and reading-room, there shall be elected a library board of six directors, one-third for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years \ and annually thereafter there shall be elected two directors, who shall hold their office for three years and until their successors are elected and qual- ified ; which board shall have the same powers as are by this act conferred upon the board of directors of free public libraries and reading-rooms in cities. Ko director of any free public library or reading-room established under the provis- ions of this act in any city, town, or borough shall receive any compensation for any services rendered as such director. Sec. 12. The secretary of state is hereby authorized to send a copy of the annual laws of the state, together with the legislative documents and journals, to each free public library which shall desire them. Approved, April 13, 1881. LICENSES. 127 LICENSES. I. Auctioneers. | II. Exhibitions. I. Section 1. Every person not a resident of any town, city, Nonresident auc- •'J- J 1 J 1 tioneers to procure or borough in which he shall expose for sale by auction any p? a.^istt, p. 227. goods or articles, except provisions, charcoal, wood, and the products of a farm, and second-hand household furniture, without a license therefor from a majority of the selectmen of such town, or from the authorities of such city or borough, authorized by the charter or by-laws of such city or borough to issue such license, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars, nor less than twenty dollars, or imprisoned in the common gaol of the county in which said town, city, or borough is situated, not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or by such fine and imprisonment both. Sec. 2. The majority of the selectmen of every town are License, hov and by •^ "^ '' -whom granted. hereby empowered to issue such licenses, and in case the charter or by-laws of any city or borough do not authorize any person or persons to issue such license, the mayor of such city and the warden of such borough are hereby empowered to issue the same, but no license shall be issued unless an application therefor in writing shall have been made and filed with one of the selectmen, or with the authority author- ized by law to issue such license, at least three days before the issue of the same ; and the authority issuing such license shall have power to revoke the same, if in the judgment of such authority it shall be for the public interest so to do. Sec. 3. Section twenty-two, of title twenty, of chapter Kepeai, and its nine, of the general statutes of this state, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed; but this repeal shall not affect any suit or prosecution now pend- ing, or license already issued, and such suit or prosecution shall proceed the same in all respects as if this act had not been passed. Approved, March 21, 1877. 128 MISDEMEANORS. Rxhibitions, how regulated. R. S., p. 546, § 6, II. The mayor, aldermen, and common council of any city, the warden and burgesses of any borough, and the selectmen of any town, may license and regulate any exhibitions therein ; but selectmen shall not license any such exhibition within the limits of any city or borough. MISDEMEAN"OES. Misdemeanor!! un der the city charter S. A., vol. 5 Section 1. That the eighth section of the act to alter the *^^- charter of the City of Hartford, and to combine sundry public statutes relating thereto, aj^proved June 24, 1859, be amended by the addition of the following clauses, to wit : The violation of any ordinance, or by-law of the City of Hartford, made or to be made, relative to the speed of animals, vehicles, and cars ; for protecting and preserving trees and other ornaments of public places ; for protecting the state-house yard in said city ; for restraining cruelty to animals and inhuman sports ; for prohibiting, restraining, licensing, and regulating all sports, exhibitions, public amusements, and performances, and billiard and bowling saloons ; for regulating or prohibiting swimming or bathing in public or exposed places within said city ; for preventing and punishing trespasses in gardens, cemeteries, and enclosures, and public buildings ; for protecting said city from exposure to fire, regulating the mode of building or altering buildings within said city or any part thereof, and the mode of using any building therein ; for prohibiting and regulating the bringing in, carrying out or through, or stor- ing gunpowder; for regulating the location of stationary- steam boilers, barns and out-houses, sinks and drains, in said city; for preventing illegal practices with dead bodies in medical institutions, or elsewhere, in said city, shall be a mis- demeanor; and may be prosecuted as such before the City MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. 129 Police Court, like other offences; which court may inflict fu^V^liSonV"' therefor the penalty named in such ordinance or by-law, and enforce the same in the same manner as other judgments of said City Police Court are enforced. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. — _, Approved, June 26, 1862. MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. I. Commissions to public agents for- bidden. II. Auditor may require oath to ac- counts. III. Penalty for public ofl&cer taking more than legal compensation. IV. Misfeasance by public officers. V. Embezzlement by public officers. VI. Excessive expenditures by public agents forbidden. I. Every officer or a^ent of the state, or of any city, town, commissions to •^ '^ ^ ./ ./ 7 7 p^jjjjg agents. borough, or public institution, and any person employed by ^- ^- p- ^^^' ^ ^^• either of them to procure any materials, or other articles, by purchase or contract, or to employ labor, who shall directly or indirectly, for himself or another, receive any allowance or reward from the person or persons making such contract, furnishing such materials, or other articles, or rendering such labor, and any person who shall give or offer any such allow- ance or reward, shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year. II. The auditor of any city, town, borough, or public corpora- oatiimaybe required of claimant tion or institution, or any person authorized to approve ^^'l^'^ *"y """"■'*•"' demands for the price of articles furnished or services p^j^. ^- s- p- ^' ^ '^• dered for the same, may, before approving any such demand, require the claimant to make oath, that the whole of said articles have been furnished, or that the whole service has 130 MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. been performed, and that no commission, discount, bonus, reward or present of any kind has been received, or is prom- ised or expected on account of the same. Penalty for public officer taking more than his legal compensation. P. A., 1877, p. 213 III. If any officer of the state, or of any district, city, count}", town, or borough, whose salary or compensation is fixed by law, shall charge and receive, or shall retain, receive, or col- lect to his own use any sum or sums in excess of the legal salary or compensation, he shall, uj^on conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, at the discretion of the court having cognizance of the offence. Approved, March 16, 1877. Misreasance by public officers. B. S., p. 524, § 2. lY. Any magistrate, or officer or agent of any public commu- nity, who shall, with intent to prejudice it, appropriate its property to the use of any person, or make upon its books any false entry, or draw any order upon its treasurer; or present or aid in procuring to be allowed any fraudulent claim against such community, stall be fined not less than fifty dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than sixty days, nor more than one year, or both. Embezzlement defined, and how punished P. A., 1878, p. 289. Section 1. Every officer or agent of any public, munici- pal, or private corporation; every executor, administrator, guardian, conservator, or any trustee under a testamentary or any express trust, who shall wrongfully. appropriate and convert to his own use the money, funds, or property of such corporation, estate, ward, trust, or other person, shall be guilty of embezzlement, and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars, or by imj)risonment not to exceed ten years, or by such fine and imprisonment both. MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. 131 Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this B«peai. act are hereby repealed. Approved, March 29, 1878. YI. Section 1. The General Assembly in behalf of the state; ^nipMicllT^L the representatives of the towns in the several counties in spTcmT/ppropria. behalf of their counties ; every city, by its common council ^' ^" ^^"' ^' ^^^' when so authorized by its charter, or by its freemen in legal meeting assembled ; and every town, borough, or school dis- trict, by legal meeting of its qualified voters, may make appropriations of specific sums of money for any purpose authorized by law, and by the warnings of the meetings at which the appropriations are made. Sec 2. Whenever any specific appropriations of money SaSpr"opSn* may have been made by the Grcneral Assembly, the represent- officer of uie'l^tau! • *^ •"• or public corpora- atives of the several counties, or by any community or cor- "°°- poration named in the first section of this act, every agent, commissioner, or executive officer of the state, or of any county, city, borough, town, or school district, who shall Avilfully authorize or contract for the expenditure of any money, or the creation of any debt for any purpose in excess of the amount sj)ecifically appropriated for such purpose by the General Assembly, the county representatives, or the community or corporation of which he is the agent, commis- sioner, or executive officer, unless such expenditure shall be Exceptions. made or debt contracted for the necessary repair of roads or bridges, or the necessary support of schools or paupers, in cases arising after the proper appropriation has been ex- hausted, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one penalty, thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by such fine and imprisonment both. Approved, March 20, 1877. 132 OFFICES — OFFENCES AGAINST PUBLIC PROPERTY. OFFICES. Mayor and members That from and aftcr the first Monday of April, A. D. 1873, of Common Council »/ ± ^ j hoidingcerS neither the mayor nor any member of either branch of the city offices. s. A., vol. 7, p. 259. Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford, shall be chosen or appointed to any other office by such Court of Common Council of said city, nor shall any member of either branch of said Court of Common Council be chosen or ap- pointed to serve upon any of the several commissions, having charge of the various departments or public works of said city. Approved, June 11, 1872. OFFEI^CES AGAINST PUBLIC PEOPEETY. Injuries to puwic Section 1. Evcrv pcrsou, who shall wilfully injure any buildings or furni- ^ i. J ^ v .J r"s..*'S'5oo,§§3,6, public building, house of public worship, college or school- 7 and 8. house, or who shall wilfully injure or carry away any stove, stove-pipe or furniture, in and belonging to any such build- ing, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars, or impris- oned not more than ninety days, or both. Injury to trees on Sec. 2. Evcrv pcrsou, who shall injure or destroy any tree public squares. ./ X ; J J J growing on any public square or grounds, without the con- sent of the city, borough or town, where the same is situated, or shall wilfully injure the fences or herbage of any such public square or grounds, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. Wilful injury to Sec. 3. Evcry person, who shall wilfully injure any statue, public property in ./ A ^ d o ^ i highways or parks, n^^onument, chalr, or other seat, or any lamp, or lamp-post, constructed or being in any highway, public space, or park, or any railing, or fence erected for public use, or inclosing any such space, or park, or any walk, or crossing for foot ORDINANCES. 133 passengers, or any sewer, curbing, or paved gutter, shall be fined not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, or impris- oned not less than seven, nor more than thirty days, or both. Sec. 4. Every person, who shall wilfully tear down, re- J^*'^^"^8 "^*""» move or deface, any notice posted in compliance with law, shall be fined not more than seven dollars. OEDmANCES. Concerning venders, peddlers and | III. Publication, gaming. I IV. Revision without publication. II. Suppression of gambling. I. Section 1. The Court of Common Council of the City of s. a., 1879, p. 240. Hartford shall have power by a majority of the members of each branch present and absent, subject to the approval or di8aj)proval of the mayor, to make, alter, and repeal ordi- nances for the following pui-poses: To require a suitable i^icenses/or tempo- <-> X X rL rary business. license fee from and grant licenses to all persons who desire to sell any kind of goods, wares, or merchandise, for a short space of time at holiday seasons, or at other times, and who only temporarily occupy storerooms, sidewalks, or street cor- ners, for the purpose of such sales, also to require a suitable license fee from and ffrant licenses to peddlers and venders of Licenses to '-' ••• peddlers. goods, wares, and merchandise about the streets, and at the stores, houses, offices, and banks in said city, and to regulate all such traffic and vending, provided that such ordinances shall not hinder or interfere with the sale within said city of the produce of the farms and gardens of this state. Sec 2. Said Court of Common Council shall also have Gambling, power to make, alter, and repeal ordinances to suppress the playing of policy, so called, and all kinds of gaming or gambling, and to prevent idlers and persons without apparent 1B4! ORDINANCES. Penalty for viola- tion of various Mayor to furnisli statement of municipal affairs. When act takes effect. employment from inveigling youth and unsuspecting persons into policy shops, gambling places, and places of ill-repute. Sec. 3. Said Court of Common Council shall have power by ordinance to provide for the punishment in and by the Police Court of said city, by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, of all violations of ordinances made under the authority of this act, and of all violations of ordinances relating to nuisances, and ordinances regulating public hacks or carriages, the charges of hackmen and public drivers, cartmen and truck- men, and ordinances requiring sidewalks to be kept clean and free from snow, ice, and other obstructions, and ordinances to prevent the running at large of cattle, sheep, swine and goats. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the mayor of said city, from time to time, to furnish a statement to the Court of Common Council of the condition of municipal affairs, and to communicate such recommendations in relation thereto, as may seem to him proper. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, March 28, 1879. II. By-laws to sup- press gambling. P. A.. 188X, p. 43. The court of common council of any city, and the warden, burgesses, and freemen of any borough in this state, and the inhabitants of any town in legal town meeting assembled shall have power to make, alter, and repeal ordinances or by- laws to suppress and punish all kinds of gambling and gam- ing, pool selling, policy playing, lottery dealing, bucket-shop business, and the staking or deposit of money or collaterals for the same on margins or otherwise against a rise or fall in the markets of the price of stocks, bonds, or merchandise, and to prevent idlers and persons without apparent employ- ment from enticing persons into places where gambling of any kind is carried on. Approved, April 6, 1881. ORDINANCES. 135 III. Section 1. That the ninth section of the act to alter the charter of the City of Hartford, and to combine sundry pub- lic statutes relating thereto, approved June 24, 1859, be so amended in the ninth section of said act as to read as follows : "Sec. 9. No ordinance passed by the Court of Common '^^^jf^^^*'' *" ^^ Council shall take effect until ten days from the passage of ^" ^" ''"*■ ^' ''' ^^* said ordinance, nor until it has been published twice in two or more daily papers issued within the City of Hartford, and the clerk of said city shall cause every ordinance passed by said Court of Common Council to be published without un- reasonable delay; and the certificate of the city clerk upon the record of such ordinance, that the same has been so pub- lished, shall be prima facie evidence thereof, in any suit or proceeding; and no ordinance shall be valid, if repugnant to the laws of the state." Sec 2. All parts of said ninth section, repugnant here- Kepeai. with, are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, May 23, 1860. lY. That the Court of Common Council of the City of Hart- Publication of ♦^ revised ordinances ford may, from time to time, revise the ordinances of said s^aTvokT p. 276. city, combining therein existing ordinances, and making such alteration as they may deem necessary, which revision so made shall be legal and valid without the publication now required to be made of new ordinances. Approved, June 26, 1872.* 136 POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. POLICE AND POLICE EEGULATIONS. I. Power to arrest. VIII. Vagrants. II. Arrest without warrant. IX. Truants. III. Officer may break into house. X. Duties of police concerning in- IV. Witnesses before Board of Police ebriates. Commissioners. XI. Commitment to Reform school. V. Closing saloons on election days. XII. Commitment to Industrial school. VI. Firearms and firecrackers. XIII. Sale of unclaimed property by VII. Tramps. police authorities. I Authority of police. R. S., p. 33, § 1. I. Active members of any legally organized police force, in a city or borough, shall have the same authority to execute criminal process in their respective cities or boroughs, as constables have in their respective towns. Arrest without warrant. R. S., p. 34, § 3. II. Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, borough bailiffs, police officers, and railroad and steamboat police, in their respective precincts, shall arrest, without previous complaint and war- rant, any person for any offence in their jurisdiction, when the offender shall be taken or apprehended in the act, or on the speedy information of others ] and all persons so arrested shall be immediately presented before proper authority. When officers may brealc into houses. P. A., 1882, p. 1^8, ^5. III. Every officer who shall have a warrant for the arrest of any person charged with keeping a house of ill-fame, or with keeping a house reputed to be a house of ill-fame or a house of assignation, or with keeping a house where lewd, disso- lute, or drunken persons resort, or where drinking, carousing, dancing, and fighting are permitted, to the disturbance of the neighbors, or with violating any law against gaming in the house or rooms occupied by him, or with resorting to any house for any of said purposes, or who shall have a warrant for the arrest of any person charged with keeping open on Sunday any room, place, enclosure or any building or struct- POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. 137 ure of any kind or description in which it is reputed that spirituous and intoxicating liquors are exposed for sale, or with selling spirituous and intoxicating liquors in any place on Sunday, or for the seizure of spirituous and intoxicating liquors, may at any time, for the j)urpose of gaining admis- — ^ — . sion to such house, room, j^lace, enclosure, building, or struct- ure, or for the purpose of arresting any of the persons aforesaid, make violent entry into such house, room, place, enclosure, building, or structure, or any part thereof, after demanding admittance and giving notice that he is an officer and has such warrant, and may arrest any person so charged and take him before the proj)er authority. The county com- missioners, sheriff of the county, and any deputy sheriff by him specially authorized, the chief of police of any city, or any policeman by him specially authorized, may at any time enter upon the premises of any person licensed under this act to ascertain the manner in which such person conducts his business, and to preserve order. lY. ■ Section 1. 'The mayor of any city, clerk of the board of witnesses before R ./././; board of police 'police commissioners in any city, or any justice of the peace, p.T/iSp.%!)8. may sign and issue process of subpoena to compel the attend- Kance of witnesses before the board of police commissioners in said city, at any lawful meeting of said board. Sec. 2. Such process of suhpcena may be served in the service of subpeena. same manner as now by law provided as to witnesses in civil causes, except that no fees shall be tendered to any witness at the time of such service. Any person upon whom such process has been legally served shall appear before said board in obedience to such process, and testify as to any matters lawfully pending before said board, and any Avilful false paise swearing, swearing in the premises shall be punished in the same manner as perjury before courts of justice. Sec. 3. If any person upon whom such subpoena has been to^Iuendor'^to"^*' duly served shall refuse to attend before said board, the clerk ^^''*'^^* of the board of police commissioners, by direction of said board, may. issue a capias, directed to some proper officer, to 138 POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. arrest such witness and bring him before said board to testify ; and in case such j)erson shall refuse to testify, said board shall have power to adjudge such person to be in con- tempt, and may issue a mittimus^ signed by its clerk, and commit such person to jail for a period of not more than thirty days. *'ees. Sec. 4. The same fees as provided _by law for witnesses in civil causes shall be paid out of the city treasury to any wit- nesses, except policemen, who shall attend and testify under the provisions of this act, the amount of such fees to be certified by the mayor or clerk of said board to the proper auditing officers of the city. Sec. 5. This act shall take eifect from its passage. Approved, February 25, 1880. Saloons to be closed Evcry pcrsou who by himself, his servant or agent, between on election days. p^A., 1882, p. 187, -lY^Q hours of five o'clock in the morning and the hour of clos- ing the polls of the day of any annual city, town, or electors' meetings, shall keep open any room, place, or enclosure, or any building or structure of any kind or description, in which spirituous and intoxicating liquors are sold to be drunk on the premises, shall be fined fifty dollars. VI. Discharge of Every person, who shall discharge any firearm in any city, firearms. ^^Sj,p^5(»,^y2i or borough, except on military occasions, without permission ^'**^" first obtained from the mayor of said city, or the warden of said borough, shall be fined not more than seven dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days ; and the j)roprietor of any private military school, which has received or shall receive, by authority of the Greneral Assembly, arms or accoutrements from the state, or the principal person having charge of such school, who shall fire, or cause any cannon to be fired, in the limits of any city or borough, without a per- mit from the mayor of such city, or warden of such borough, shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars; but in POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. 139 other respects, such school may be conducted according to the military rules established for its government. Every person, who shall use firecrackers, except on the using areYa^rs. fourth day of July, or other public holiday, under such regu- lations as the authorities of the town, city or borough in which they are used shall prescribe, shall be fined five dollars. YII. Section 1. Every tramp shall be punished by imprison- p'^'^p^g^.j 393 mcnt in the state prison not more than one year. Sec. 2. All transient persons who rove about from place Definition. to place begging, and all vagrants living without labor, or. visible means of support, who stroll over the country without lawful occasion, shall be held to be tramps within the meaning of this act. Sec 3. Any act of beggary or vagrancy by any person Evidence. not a resident of this state, shall be prima fade evidence that the person committing the same is a tramp within the mean- ing of this act. Sec 4. Any tramp who shall wilfully and maliciously ^Ifn^c"""^^"" °* injure any person, where such offence is not now punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, or shall be found carry- ing any firearm or other dangerous weapon, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not more than three years. Sec 5. Any sherifl:', deputy sherifi^, constable, special con- Arrest. stable, or policeman, upon view of any offence described in this act, or on speedy information thereof, may without war- rant apprehend the offender and take him before any compe- tent authority for examination, and on his conviction shall be entitled to a reward of five dollars therefor, to be paid by the state. Sec 6. All mayors, wardens, and selectmen are empowered special constables. and required to appoint special constables whose duty it shall be to arrest and prosecute all tramps in their respective cities, boroughs, and towns. 140 POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. Exceptions. Sec. 7. This act shall not apply to any female or minor under the age of sixteen years, nor to any blind person, nor to any beggar roving within the limits of the town in which he resides. Sec. 8. Upon the passage of this act, the secretary of state shall cause to be printed durable copies of this act to be sent to the several town clerks, who shall cause the same to be posted in at least twelve conspicuous places, six of which shall be in the public highway. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect on the twenty-eighth day of April, 1879. Approved, March 27, 1879. Tramps may be requirel to labor. P. A., 1875, p. a. And on refusal, etc, to be committed to workhouse. YIII. Section 1. Whenever any transient person shall apply to any individual residing in this state to give him food, lodging, clothing, or money, the individual to whom such application shall be made, may require the applicant to 2)erform a reason- able amount of labor for such food, lodging, clothing, or money ; and if the same be furnished, may detain him until such labor is performed, but not beyond the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the day succeeding his application; ■ and if such applicant shall neglect or refuse to perform such labor, being suited to his age, strength, and capacity, or shall wilfully injure the person or property of the individual requiring the labor, he shall be deemed a vagrant, and shall be committed to any town workhouse, or any county work- house in the county where the offence shall have been com- mitted; or in case there be no such workhouse in the town or county, then to the common jail in the county, for a period not less than thirty days, nor more than six months, and until the costs of prosecution against him be paid ; and upon a second conviction of such transient i)erson for a similar offence, he shall be committed to such workhouse or common jail, for a period not less than four months, nor more than one year, and until the costs of prosecution be paid. But such person may appeal from any such order or judgment to POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. 141 the Superior Court next to be holden in said county, as pro- vided by law in other criminal prosecutions. Sec. 2. Every sheriif and deputy sheriff in any county, 4'///an?'*'°"* every selectman, constable, and grand juror in any town, and every executive officer in any city or borough in this state, _ _ may, within their respective limits, without warrant, arrest any such transient person, and take him forthwith before any magistrate having criminal jurisdiction, and shall make a written complaint to such magistrate of the particular offence of which such person is suspected, and said magistrate shall proceed to hear said complaint, and on finding the allegations true, shall render judgment against the accused according to the provisions of the preceding section, and if no appeal be taken from said judgment, said magistrate shall issue a war- rant, directed to any proper officer or indifferent person by name, authorizing such officer or indifferent person to convey said transient person to said workhouse or jail in accordance with said judgment. Sec 3. The selectmen of any town may appoint one or special constables, more special constables in each school district in such town to carry out and enforce the provisions of this act. Approved, July 21, 1875. IX. Section 1. Each city and town may make regulations yagr\"ntcwiK * * Sec. 2. Any proper officer may arrest within his precincts Arrest. any girl whom he shall judge to be between the ages of eight and sixteen years, whom he shall find in any imj)roper place or situation, and who is, in his judgment, liable to be arrested for any of the offences specified in the preceding section, and make complaint and proceed in the same manner as a parent could do under the provisions of the preceding section. Sec, 3. Said authority shall tax the costs on such com- costs. plaint and transmit a certified copy of the items of the same to the clerk of the Superior Court for the county in which 146 POLICE AND POLICE REGULATIONS. Endorsement < mittimus. the trial was had, within thirty days after the trial ; and if approved by the state's attorney for such county, it shall be paid by said clerk, upon the order of such judge or justice. Sec. 4. The authority committing any girl to said school, shall ascertain as nearly as possible, and endorse on the mit- timus, her age, parentage, birth-place, offence, and such other facts relative to her as may aid in her proper care and instruction in the school; and the age thus ascertained shall be taken as the true age of said girl with reference to the term of her commitment. Sale of unclaimed articles in posses- sion of police departments. P. A., 1883, p. 244. Advertisement. sposi ails. XIII. Section 1. The board of police commissioners, or other authority having charge of the police department of any city, may sell at public auction any and all articles found, or stolen articles recovered, and. any and all articles which have hitherto, or hereafter may come into the possession of such department, in the performance of the duties of its members, and which have remained in the possession thereof for one year or more. Sec. 2. Before such sale, such authority shall cause the time and place thereof, and a description of such of said articles as are of the appraised value of five dollars or more, to be advertised at least once a week, for four successive weeks, in some daily newspaper, published in said city, if any there be, otherwise in some weekly newspaper published therein. Sec. 3. The proceeds of such sale, after deducting the ex- penses thereof, shall be paid to the city treasurer, who shall keep the same as a separate fund to be used and applied for the relief of sick, injured, or disabled policemen, and which shall be expended under the sole direction of said commis- sioners or other authority in charge, and upon their orders only. Approved, March 21, 1883. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 147 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. I. Fire marshal. XI. II. Inspection of buildings. III. Safety of public buildings. XII. IV. Exits ot halls, etc. XIII. V. Fire escapes on public buildings. XIV VI. Inspection of gas. VII. Gas-testing apparatus. XV. VIII. Supervision of dams and reser- voirs. XVI IX. Inspection of burning fluids. X. Inspection of leather, hides and skins. Common Council may adopt san- itary measures. Adulteration of food. Adulteration of milk. Registration of births, marriages and deaths. Powers of health committee of the city. Powers of boards of health. I. Section 1. The mayor, aldermen and common council of ^ire marshal. ■' K. S., p. 2UO, 9 1-4. each city, and the wardens and burgesses of each borough, may appoint a fire marshal, who shall hold his office for one year, and may inquire into the cause of any fire which may happen in the limits of the corporation for which he is appointed, on request of a proper officer of said corporation, or of any one interested in the property burned, at the expense of the applicant; and he may summon witnesses to appear before him at such times and places as he may desig- nate, and examine said witnesses on oath touching said fire, and shall report the facts to the clerk of said city or borough. Sec 2. When a fire shall happen without the precincts of investigation by ■■■-•- •*■ justice of the peace. any fire marshal, any person interested in the property burned, may apply to any justice of the peace in the town where said fire has taken place, and said justice shall proceed in like manner as fire marshals, and file his report in the town clerk's office. Sec 3. The testimony of all witnesses examined before Testimony to be put •^ in writing. any inquest, shall be reduced to writing, and subscribed by the witnesses. Sec 4. The fees of such fire marshal or justice of the Fees. peace, while engaged in investigating the cause of any fire, as aforesaid, shall be two dollars and fifty cents a day; and the fees for witnesses, subpoenas, and the service of subpoenas, shall be the same as are allowed in civil actions. 148 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. Inspection of buildings. S. A., 1«80, p. II. Section 1. That the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford shall have power to make, alter, and repeal ordinances providing for the proper inspection and examina- tion of all walls, buildings, and structures within its limits, with reference to their safety, and to regulate their construc- tion or continuance, and shall have power to make, alter, and repeal ordinances to provide for the maintenance, repair, or removal of all such walls, buildings, or structures as upon examination and inspection shall be found to be unsafe or dangerous, and to regulate or prevent the use of heavy and dangerous machinery or the storage of goods, wares, and merchandise in any building or structure in a manner to render it dangerous or unsafe, and to regulate or prevent the exercise of any business in any building or upon any land in a manner to expose the same, or the adjoining or neighboring property to danger by fire or otherwise. Sec. 2. Said Court of Common Council shall have power in and by said ordinances to provide for the punishment of any violation thereof in and by the Police Court of said city by fine or imprisonment, or both^ or by forfeiture recoverable in the City Court of said city. Sec 3. This act shall take cff'cct from and after its passage. Approved, March 24, 1880. III. By-laws regulating public halls, etc. Section 1. In all cities the court of common council, in s.. p. 261, §25-28. ^Yl boroughs the warden and burgesses, and in all towns and parts of towns not within the limits of any city or borough, the selectmen, shall require that all public halls for lectures, exhibitions, or amusements shall have ample facilities for entrance and exit, and be arranged so as to promote the comfort and safety of persons visiting them, and be closed till such requisitions are complied with; and any city, borough, or town may make suitable by-laws regarding the same. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 149 Sec. 2. Evoiy person who shall let or use any hall for penalty. such purpose, after it shall have been ordered to be so closed, shall forfeit one hundred dollars to the city, borough, or town by the authorities of which such order was made. Sec. 3. Any person aggrieved by any order closing such ai'gPlele^'Ipartr - hall may appeal therefrom to a judge of the Superior Court, who shall, on notice, inquire into the facts by a committee or otherwise, and may make such order in the premises as to him may seem proper, and tax costs in favor of the prevail- ing party and issue execution therefor. Sec. 4. The court of common council of each city shall Sires Z%. , . f, vent the erection of have power to make ordinances to prevent the erection oi unsafe buudings. unsafe buildings therein ; to provide for the examination of all plans and specifications of proposed buildings ; to provide for the inspection of all buildings in process of erection ; to make general rules regarding the materials to be used in building, and the strength and manner of using the same; to prohibit the erection of any building not in conformity with such rules, and the plans and specifications of which shall not have been examined and approved in accordance with such ordinances; and to provide for the appointment of an inspector of inspector of buildings. Section 5. The selectmen of any town, the court of Powers of cuy or «' ' town authority as to common council of any city, and the warden and burgesses Since Cfafety. •^ "^ ' ° p. A., 1883, p."27i. of any borough, may, and on the written application of any of its inhabitants shall, examine any building or proposed building therein with reference to its safety, after reasonable notice to the owner or builder and occupant, and may make such written order relative to its construction, maintenance, protection, repairs, or removal, as they may deem proper; a true and attested copy of which shall be left by some proper officer with, or at the usual place of abode of, such occupant, and such owner or builder, if resident within this state. 150 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. Owner may appeal. Sec. 6. Such owner, builder, or occupant may appeal from such order to the Superior Court of the county in Avhich said building is, or to any judge of said court in vacation, by a petition, to which shall be annexed a citation to the town, city, or borough, which shall be served within three days after the service of such order, and be returnable within three days after the service of such petition; and Action on appeal, upou such pctitiou such court or judge shall appoint three disinterested freeholders to view the premises and report to such court or judge such an order as they may deem expedient in reference thereto, which being accepted shall become effectual between the parties to the appeal; and said court or judge may award costs at discretion. Execution of final Sec. 7. If auv fiual order shall not be executed within ten order. *^ days after its service by copy, or, if made on appeal, after its acceptance by such court or judge, the selectmen, common council, or warden and burgesses shall execute it, and the person who failed to comply with it shall pay to the town, city, or borough, the expense of its execution, Penalty. and forfoit not more than one thousand dollars, half to said town, city, or borough, and half to any informer. Approved, April 24, 1883. lY. exit. P. A., 1878, p. 303, Churches, school- In all cltlcs the court of common council, in all borous^hs, houses, and public ' *-' ' wUh%^i'iwe'8°for*'** the warden and burgesses, and in all towns and parts of safe and speedy .,.,,.. n towns, not withm the limits of any city or borough, the selectmen shall require that all churches, school-houses, and all public halls that ^re used for lectures, amusements, or assemblages of people, shall be provided with ample facilities^ for safe and speedy exit in case of necessity. And such court of common council, warden and burgesses, or selectmen, may cause such churches, school-houses, and public halls to be closed until such requisitions are complied with. Approved, March 27, 1878. I PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 151 V. Section 1. Every story above the second story, not in- J'^^viSo^ceru^^ eluding the basement, in any workshop, manufactory, hotel, p.TTis&s^p. m. ' building occupied on such story as an assembly or lodge-room by any literary, benevolent, or other society, boarding-house - accommodating more than twelve lodgers, or tenement-house arranged for or occupied by more than five families, shall be provided within six months from the passage of this act with more than one way of egress, by stairways on the inside or fire escapes on the outside of the building, and such stairways and fire escapes shall be kept free from obstruction and shall be accessible from each room in said story. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the first selectman of the Examination of •^ buildings. town, or the fire marshal of the city, or the warden of the borough in which any such building is situated to examine all buildings referred to in the first section of this act, and if on examination he finds that such building is provided with fire escapes or stairways, as required by said section, he shall furnish the owner thereof with a certificate to that effect, in which case such owner shall not be liable under this act. Sec. 3. Every owner of such building who shall violate penalty. the provisions of this act shall be fined fifty dollars. S Approved, May 3, 1883. VI. Section 1. The standard measure for the sale of illumi- standard of gas. R. S., p. 275, nating gas by meter shall be the cubic foot, containing sixty- ^ ^^^^' two and three hundred and twenty-one one-thousandths pounds avoirdupois weight of distilled or rain water, weighed in air of the temperature of sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit, the barometer being at twenty-nine and one-half inches ; and no such gas shall be merchantable unless a standard argand burner consuming five cubic feet of it an hour shall give a light as measured by the photometric apparatus in ordinary use, of not less than twelve sperm candles, each consuming one hundred and twenty grains an hour. 152 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. Inspectors of gas and gas meters. Gaal etc. Sec. 2. The Grovernor shall, every third year, beginning in 1877, appoint a resident of Hartford or New Haven an inspector general of gas meters and illuminating gas, who shall hold his office three years; but the person appointed during the year 1874 shall hold his office until September 1, 1877; and the Governor may fill vacancies for the unexpired part of any term. Said inspector general shall appoint a deputy in every town and city where gas works are estab- lished, when requested by the mayor of such city, the select- men of such town, or the warden of any borough therein. The inspector general or any of his deputies shall inspect and prove the accuracy of every gas meter in his town furnished to any person by a manufacturer of gas, at the request of any consumer or such manufacturer. Such inspection shall be made for a temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit, and at the average pressure at which gas is supplied in such town, and he shall stamp or mark every such meter found not to vary more than two per cent, from the standard, with some suitable device, and his name, and the date of its inspection. Sec. 3. One dollar for each meter so inspected, with the cost of moving and replacing it, not exceeding fifty cents, shall be paid to the officer inspecting it, if it be found correct, by the consumer if he requested such inspection, otherwise by the party furnishing the gas. be inspected, Qec. 4. Thc luspcctor general and his deputy shall inspect monthly the quality and purity of illuminating gas furnished in his town or any city or borough therein, if requested by the mayor of the city, warden of the borough or selectmen of the town, and report to them the result of such inspec- tion, for which he shall be paid five dollars by the town, city or borough requesting it. When any gas so furnished shall be found upon such inspection to be below the standard value, on the average for the quarter, the person furnishing it shall make a deduction in favor of the consumer from the price charged for gas of a legal standard, proportioned to the inferiority of the gas as reported by the inspector. Fees of inspectors of gas meters. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 153 YII. Section 1. Any town, city, or borough, having a gSiS ilf^sf^Janig^s manufactory established within its limits, may appropriate a " A.?i877, p. 229. sum not exceeding three thousand dollars for the purchase of proper apparatus to test gas and gas meters, and which apparatus may be used by the inspector general of gas meters and gas, or by his deputies. Sec. 2. Whenever any town, city, or borough shall have ^''^^''^ *° '"^ ^<'*'«''- purchased apparatus for the testing of gas as provided in section first, the inspector general of gas meters, or his deputies, shall seal every meter which shall be found not to vary more than two per cent, from the standard established by law, and if any party furnishing gas to consumers shall neglect or refuse to furnish such consumers, after request made in writing, with meters which have been sealed by. the inspector general or one of his deputies, within thirty days after demand made by such consumer, such party shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars per month to any person who shall sue therefor, and shall not be entitled to recover by any action at law or equity for any gas furnished to such consumers through an unsealed meter. Sec. 3. No illuminating gas shall be merchantable unless standard or gas. fa standard argand burner consuming five cubic feet of it an hour, shall give a light as measured by the photometric apparatus in ordinary use, of not less than fifteen standard sperm candles, each consuming one hundred and twenty grains an hour. Sec 4. All acts inconsistent with this act are hereby Repeal. I'cpealed. Approved, March 22, 1877. YIII. Section 1. The member of the board of railroad com- supervisors of dams and reservoirs. missioners who is a civil engineer, and one civil engineer ^* '^•' ^"^^' p* ^*^' residing in each congressional district in this state, to be appointed by him, shall constitute a board of civil engineers, and have the supervision of all dams and reservoirs now 154 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. existing or hereafter constructed in any locality where by the breaking away of the same life or property may be in danger of destruction. Inrt^fbel""*"''' "''"' S^^- 2. The members of said board shall be sworn to faithfully and impartially perform the duties imposed upon them by this act, and shall continue in office for the term of two years and until others are appointed in their places and stead. They shall each receive ten dollars per day and all necessary and reasonable expenses while actually in the business of their office, to be paid as hereinafter provided. S[em^utT ^" "''" Sec. 8. The mayor and aldermen of any city, the warden and burgesses of any borough, the selectmen of any town or a majority of them, shall, upon the aj^plication of two or more persons or corporations who would sutfer loss or damage by the breaking away of any dam or reservoir within said city, borough, or town, shall forthwith inspect the same, and if in their opinion said dam or reservoir is not sufficiently strong and substantial to withstand the action of water under any circumstances which may reasonably be expected to occur, they shall at once notify one or more of the board of civil engineers to inspect the said dam or reservoir with them, and if in the judgment of the said engineers said dam or reservoir is unsafe, they shall serve notice on the person or persons owning or having the care and control of the same, to place said dam or reservoir in a safe and permanent condition, under the supervision of one of the said board of civil engineers, and when such repairs are completed and accepted by said civil engineer, he shall issue a certificate to said owner or persons owning or con- trolling the same, and also cause to be recorded upon the records of the town in which said dam is located, his doings, with a co\)y of the certificate so issued ; but if said engineer shall find said dam or reservoir to be secure and safe, then the expense of such inspection shall be paid by the town in which said dam or reservoir is located. Approval of new Sec. 4. Whcnevcr any person or corporation purpose con- constructions. ./A X XX structing a dam or reservoir in a locality where the life or property of any other person may be endangered through PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 155 the insufficiency thereof, the plans and specifications for such dam or reservoir shall be submitted to any member of said board of civil engineers, who shall examine the ground where the dam or reservoir is to be built, and the plans and specifications therefor, and if he approve the same, he shall issue a certificate authorizing the construction of such dam or reservoir, and no such dam or reservoir shall be con- structed without such approval and certificate. Sec. 5. The engineer under whose authority any dam or proS"?A"cw ^ reservoir is being constructed, shall cause the work upon the same to be inspected at least three several times before its completion, and if he shall be satisfied that such dam or reservoir has been built in a substantial and safe manner, and in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by him, and is strong and secure, he shall issue a certificate approving of the same, which certificate shall be recorded in the office of the town clerk of the town in which such dam or reservoir is located ; and no such dam or reservoir shall be used until such certificate is obtained and recorded. Sec. 6. The compensation and expenses of the board of Expeisesj, by whom engineers, or any one of them, when acting under the provis- ions of sections three, four, and five of this act, shall be paid by the persons or corporation owning or constructing the dam or reservoir. Sec. 7. The Superior Court shall have jurisdiction in Power of superior equity, and may make all judgments and decrees necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the preceding sections. Sec. 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 28, 1878. IX. Cities, boroughs, and towns may, at any legal meeting, ^^"^p":^'"';f„"|^, duly warned for the purpose, appoint inspectors of ilhimi- ^•^■'^■''"^*'^'*** nating oils and burning fluids, and make by-laws regulating the inspection of the same within their respective limits; and the inspectors so appointed shall make complaint to the 156 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. proper authority for all infringements of the law regulating the mixture or sale of naphtha and illuminating oils.^ Inspectors of leather, hides and skins. li. S., p. 274, § 13. X. Each city may make by-laws regulating the inspection of leather, hides, and skins, within its limits, but no j)cnalty exceeding twenty dollars shall be imposed for any one viola- tion of any such by-laws. XI. Common Council That thc Court of Commou Council of the City of Hart- empowered to adoi)t *' TiTyoulTv'ioi. ford be, and hereby is, empowered to adopt such sanitary measures as, in the judgment of said council, may be neces- sary to protect the health of said city. And for that purpose Removal from city to causc to bc rcmovcd from the limits of said city, or from limits ot certain •/ ' animals and trades. ^^^ ^^^^ thereof, such aulmals, trades, business, and occupa- tions as are, or may become, injurious to the health of the residents of said city. And to pass such ordinances as may be necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of this faUfieT""^*"'"'"*'' ^^*' ^^^ ^^1 ordinances heretofore passed by said council, for protecting the health of said city, and all rules and regu- lations established by any sanitary board, or committee, in pursuance of such ordinances, and all acts done by such sani- tary board or committee, in carrying out such rules and regulations, are hereby ratified and confirmed. Approved, June 30, 1866. XII. Adulteration of food. P. A., 1879, p. 456, Section 1. The boards of health of the several cities, boroughs, and towns, in this state, may from time to time at their discretion, procure from any dealer in provisions, groceries, medicines, or other articles of consumption, sam- ples of such articles, and cause the same to be analyzed by Analysis by board ouc of thc statc chcmlsts, and if on such analyzation it shall be found that the article analyzed is adulterated with any iCity not liable for negligence of an inspector legally appointed by it. Mead v. New Haven, 40 Conn., 72. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 157 deleterious or foreign ingredient or ingredients, other than is represented verbally and in a conspicuous label by the seller, the chemist making the analysis shall issue his certificate certiaoate. setting forth the kind and quantity, as near as may be, of deleterious and foreign ingredients found in the article -_ analyzed, and the board of health causing such analysis to be made shall cause said certificate to be published in some j)aper published in the city, borough, or town, or one nearest thereto, where the article analyzed was obtained, for such length of time as they may think proper, and the cost of analysis, together with the cost of the publication of the <^«»' °f '^"^'y^'^- certificate, shall be paid by the person or firm from whom the article analyzed was obtained; and if such person or firm shall so elect, he or they may annex to said certificate his or their sworn afiidavit setting forth from whom the article analyzed was purchased by him or them. Sec. 2. In all cases where an analysis has been made cost of analysis, according to the provisions of section one, of this act, and the article or articles analyzed shall have been found pure and free from foreign ingredients, the cost of the analysis shall be paid by the city, borough, or town, whose board of health, or any officer thereof, caused such analysis to be made. Approved, March 28, 1879. XIII. Section 1. No person shall sell, offer, or expose for sale Kcguia«"g sale of any milk from which the cream or any part liiereof has been ^' ^" ^^^' ^' '^'^^' removed, without distinctly and durably affixing a label, tag, or mark of metal in a conspicuous place upon the outside, and not more than six inches from the top of every can, vessel, or package containing such milk, and such metal label, tag, or mark shall have the words "Skimmed Milk" stamped, printed, or indented thereon in letters not less than one inch in height, and such milk shall only be sold or retailed out of a can, vessel or package so marked. Sec. 2. No person shall sell or offer for sale, or shall have 158 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. Penalty. By-laws concerning legistratiou of births, etc. R. S., p. 86, § 11. in possession with intent to sell or oifer for sale, any impure or adulterated milk. Sec. 3. Every person who shall violate the provisions of sections three and four of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not more than seven dollars, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. XIY. Any town or city may enact by-laws, not contrary to law, more effectually to obtain a perfect registration of births, marriages and deaths; and the registrar of the town, in which such by-laws may be enacted, shall execute their pro- visions under the same oath and penalty as if they wore the statute laws of the State. Powers of health oommittec. S. A., 1874, p. 88. XY. The health committee of the City of Hartford shall have and exercise within the territorial limits of said city, all the powers and duties now conferred by law upon the board of health of the town of Hartford; and said health committee shall hereafter exclusively have and exercise all the aforesaid powers and duties within said city, in addition to those now vested in them by the laws of this state, and the ordinances of said city. Approved, July 7, 1874. Board of health. R. 8., p. 258, §§ 1-5 and V-19. XYI. Section 1. The justices of the peace and selectmen in each town, and such reputable physicians resident in said town as shall be chosen for that purpose by said justices and selectmen, shall constitute a board of health, and have ^Ufl the power necessary and proper for preserving the public ' health and preventing the spread of malignant diseases therein, and may appoint its president and such health officers or health committees as it may deem expedient, and delegate to them any of its powers, and the members present at any meeting convened as the board shall direct, or as by PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 159 statute provided, shall be a quorum for business; and may appoint a clerk, who shall be sworn and shall record the acts of such board. Sec. 2. Such board, or such health officers, or health com- [l^llXYcerJ". . . , n • J £> ^1x1, anrt to remove them. mittees shall examine into all nuisances and sources oi tilth — . injurious to the public health and cause to be removed all filth found within the town, which in their judgment shall endanger the health of the inhabitants ; and all expenses for such removal shall be paid by the person who placed it there, if known, and if not known, by the town; and when any such filth or nuisances shall be found on private property, such board shall notify the owner or occupant of such prop- erty to remove the same at his expense, within such time as the board shall direct ; and if he shall neglect to remove it, he shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor exceeding fjjp„^^^'f; "^ one hundred dollars, and pay such expense and costs as the town shall incur by such removal; and after the expiration of such time, such board shall cause such filth or nuisance forthwith to be removed or abated ; and such board, or such health officer or committee as it shall direct, may enter all pi^ce^^^usScted or containing filth. places, where such board shall have just cause to suspect any such nuisances or causes of filth to exist. ft' Sec. 3. It shall be sufficient ilotice to all persons of any Notices. ^'egulation of such board, if it be published in a newspaper published in the town, or posted for three days on each sign- post in said town; and if any person shall wilfully violate such rules, after they have been so published or posted, or after actual notice thereof shall have been given to him, he shall be fined not less than fifteen dollars, nor exceeding one penalty. hundred dollars. Sec. 4. The board of health, in any town contiguous to Quarantine, navigable waters, may assign within the town, or the waters contiguous thereto, the port or place in any harbor, road, river or bay, where vessels coming into the limits of such town or into such contiguous waters, shall, if need be, per- form quarantine ; and every vessel which shall, between the first day of June and the first day of November, come from any foreign port or place, or from any port or place in the 160 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. What vessels are not subject to quarantine. Vessels from northern home ports. Duty of health officers on arrival of such vessel. Certificates of health. United States south of the capes of the Delaware, and come to anchor in any such harbor, road, bay, river or contiguous waters, if any place for quarantine shall have been assigned as aforesaid, shall come to anchor and lie at such place so assigned, and at no other place, until discharged in manner as is hereinafter provided; and the master of every vessel coming to anchor as aforesaid shall forthwith make signal for a health officer by hoisting colors in the shrouds, or, if need be, may send a person on shore, who shall notify the health officer of the port, or if there be no health officer, a member of the board of health, of the arrival of such vessel, and forthwith return on board; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to any such vessel which shall have entered any port or place in the United States north of said capes, where there are quarantine regulations, and been visited by a health officer, received a clean bill of health, and been permitted to go to the wharves and unload thereat; and such clean bill of health, or a certified copy thereof, shall be left with the collector of the port within twenty- four hours after the arrival of such vessel. Sec. 5. When the board of health in any town shall deem it expedient that vessels arriving in its town or in the waters contiguous thereto, from a*ny port or place in the United States, north of the capes of the Delaware, should perform quarantine, such board may by an order, published or posted as aforesaid, subject such vessels to quarantine in the same manner as if they arrived from a foreign port or place. Sec. 6. On notice given to a health officer or member of the board of health of the arrival of any vessel as aforesaid, he shall visit it without delay, and may, on examination, give a certificate of health, discharging it from quarantine, or cause it to continue subject to quarantine; and every vessel so subjected to quarantine shall perform quarantine under the regulations of such board of health. Sec. 7. The board of health may establish the fees, not exceeding five dollars, which the health officer shall be entitled to receive for visiting a vessel as aforesaid, and the « 3?UBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. 161 master or owner of such vessel shall pay the same to such health officer. Sec. 8. No master of any vessel, liable to perform quaran- f„^g°f^*Ji^"rte*q3n; tine as aforesaid, shall fraudulently attempt to elude a quar- "°''' antine by false declarations of the port or place from whence ^ ~^ he came, or land, or suffer to be landed from his vessel any person or thing except in the manner hereinbefore provided, nor permit any person to board such vessel, before it shall have been visited as aforesaid. Sec. 9. When a health officer or member of the board of J^/^'^;;';. o^^f ^ ;j;f y health, shall, on visiting any vessel as aforesaid, think it " ^*"'*'' ' ""'■ necessary that it should be cleansed or purified, he shall direct its master to hoist a white flag on the head of the mainmast, there to be kept during the daytime; and shall apply without delay to the board of health to direct the time and manner in which the cargo on board such vessel shall be, in part or in whole, cleansed or purified ; and such vessel, or such, part thereof as may be infected, shall be cleansed in such method as such board shall direct. And when such vessel shall contain any person ill of a contagious or infec- tious disease, he shall be removed on shore to such place as persona diseased to ' •*■ be removed and said board may direct, and nursed and provided for, in the '^'''"'*'''^- manner prescribed by law. And such board may also cause fcany passenger on board, and such of the mariners as the master shall not require to continue on board, to be removed on shore and secluded for fourteen days, in such place as the board shall direct ; and if any person shall, without such per- mission, visit any person so confined, he shall be deemed to Penalty for escap- ' ^ ^ ' ing or associating with those who be contaminated with infection, and be liable to the same escape. confinement and penalty as are imposed upon the person visited. Sec. 10. If the board of health shall find that any certifi- f/i'^'^S^^^^^aud or cate of health granted by them was obtained by fraud or ""'*'"'• false representation, or be of opinion that any vessel, person, or cargo, should perform further quarantine for the purpose of being cleansed or purified, on notice thereof being given by the board to such person, or the owner, master, super- cargo or consignee, of such vessel or cargQ, as the case may 102 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. ■ Board may interdict nnninuiuication with infected places. Taverners to g notice of sick lodgers. How board ma.v enforce its orders. t"tnes, how appropriated. Persons sick of con- tagious disease may he confined. Rules for vaccina- tion. be, the same shall in all respects be liable to be proceeded with in the same manner as if no certificate of health had been given. Sec. 11. The board of health of any town may interdict communication between it and any other town or place in which any contagious or malignant disease is prevalent. Sec. 12. Every taverner or lodging-house keeper, in whose house any lodger becomes sick of any malignant or conta- gious disease, between the first day of May and the first day of November, shall within twelve hours after such lodger be- comes sick, report in writing to the board of health or health officer, the name of such person if known, and the nature of his disorder. Sec. 13. When any person shall refuse to obey any legal order given by a board of health, or shall endeavor to pre- vent it from being carried into effect, any justice of the peace, on the request of such board, may issue his warrant to any proper officer, or, if need be, to any indifferent person, therein stating such order, and requiring him to carry it into effect, and such officer or indifferent person shall execute the same. Sec. 14. All fines imposed for the violation of any provis- ion of this Chapter relating to public health, or regulation of any board of health, shall be paid to the town in which the offence is committed, and constitute a fund in such town, subject only to the order of such board, to be by it applied to its contingent expenses, and to the relief of such poor per- sons in the town as may be ill with malignant or infectious disease, or to the prevention of such disease. Sec. 15. The board of health in any town may order any person, whom they may have reasonable ground to believe to be infected with any malignant, infectious, or contagious dis- ease, into confinement in any place to be designated by said board, there to remain so long as said board shall judge nec- essary. Sec. 16. Boards of health may adopt such measures for the general vaccination of the inhabitants of their respective towns as they shall deem proper and necessary to prevent the introduction or arrest the progress of small-pox, and the RAILROADS. 163 expenses in whole or in part of such general vaccination shall upon their order be paid out of the town treasury. , Sec. 17. Every person who shall refuse to be vaccinated, ia"g{^\Vc'vaIrJiua[ed; or prevent any person under his care and control from being vaccinated, on application being made by any member of the ^ l)oard of health, or by a physician employed by the board of health for that purpose, unless, in the opinion of another physician, it would not be prudent on account of sickness, shall forfeit five dollars to the town where the oifence shall be committed. Sec. 18. Every person who shall violate any provision of G'^"'^'^'^^ pouu,u.v. the preceding sections of this Chapter, or legal order of a board of health for which no other penalty is provided, shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both. RAILEOADS. I. Horse railroad regulations. I II. Abatement of assessment on horse I railroad companies. I. Section 1. No horse railroad company shall use steam for l';;,^'^^!;^'^'" motive power. Sec. 2. The use of any improved motive power for draw- ^^'^^11"^^'''' ^""""^ ing passenger cars on any horse railroad, other than that f(f-6auf^u. furnished by locomotives, dummies, or box engines used on steam railroads on the first day of January, 1875, may be permitted and regulated, in any city by the mayor and com- mon council; in any borough, by the warden and burgesses; and in any part of a town not included in any city or bor- ough, by the selectmen; subject to revocation by the author- ity granting the same, by a two-thirds vote of its members. 164 RAILROADS. I Ba^^s.^how laid, and Sec. 3. N'o sucli compaiiy shall lay down its rails upon any highway, except in the manner prescribed by the com- mon council of the city, if the same be in any city, otherwise by the selectmen of the town in which such rails are laid ; and such common council or selectmen may prescribe the form of rail to be used in the construction of such railroad, and the plan and form of the curves in its tracks or branch road for turning street corners ; and may permit said com- pany to change the form of rail prescribed in its charter; but if any such company shall be aggrieved by such action of the common council or selectmen, it may appeal by petition to the Superior Court in the county, which may confirm, annul, or modify such action. Companies to keep Sec. 4. Evcrv such couipauy shall ffrade and keep in re- the track iu repair, "^ i. J a 1 '^^' pair the railroad track and way, and the surface of the street adjoining the rails of its railroad, for a space not less than two feet in width on each side of each rail; and construct all crosswalks so that all vehicles can conveniently cross or turn off from such track ; and in case of injury to any per^ City or towu not SOU, auluial Or vehicle, arisinij; from any defect in the a;radinff liable for detect in ' :> O ^ » O raifroadTrS.*^ *'^ or repair of such railroad track, or way, or such part of the surface of such street, no action shall be maintained against such city or town therefor. rrffetfi^'how"" ^^^- ^- ^^ ^^y ^Vioh company shall neglect to repair any track, highway or crosswalk, as required in the preceding section, for thirty days after the common council or select- men shall have ordered such repairs to be made, then such common council or selectmen may make such repairs, and the city or town, as the case may be, may collect the expense from said company. Snow not to be Sec. 6. No such companv, havin<>- a track in any hiiJ-hway removed from track i. »/ J o %/ O ./ in city highway. ^^^^^.^ jg ^^^^^q^. ^j^^ coutrol of thc authoritics of any city, shall remove the snow which shall fall uj^on said track, if it is of sufficient depth to allow vehicles to pass over the road on runners, without consent in writing, first obtained of the mayor of the city. Snow not to be Sec. 7. No horsc rallroad company shall allow any snow thrown on sidewalls, x ./ t/ ''^' SO removed from its track to be placed upon any sidewalk or I RAILROADS. 165 paved gutter, or where it obstructs or cndiingers public travel. Sec. 8. No such company shall sprinkle any article of a ^^^^Z'ZtS, decomposing nature on its tracks or rails, or wash them with brine or pickle, or allow it to be done, for the purpose of melting the snow thereon, without written permission from ^^ " the first selectman of the town, or from the mayor of the city, where the city authorities have the control of highways, in which such track is located; and no officer of any such company shall knowingly permit the snow to be removed from its track, or the track or rails to be sprinkled or washed with any article of a decomposing nature. Sec. 9. Every person who shall wilfully hinder any such Slufuug track. company, in the use of its roads or tracks, shall for every such offence be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding three months, or both. Sec. 10. Every person who shall, without the consent ^^ ll^^l^J^a^i^i^^ such comi)any, use upon any horse railroad any vehicle with senforcompauy"' running gear fitted for the track of such road, and ditterent from vehicles ordinarily used on other highways, for the pur- pose of conveying passengers for hire upon the track of such road, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or im- prisoned not exceeding three months, or both. fe The board of aldermen of any city, and in cities where Abatement of •/ o ' assessmeut ou there is no board of aldermen, the common council, and the paLlL?* '*** ' _ ' K. S.,p.91, §7. board of selectmen of any' town, which has control of the highways therein, may abate in whole or in part any assess- ment laid upon any horse railroad company, or its property, or the person, persons or corporation owning or operating any such horse railroad, on account of such property, and may discharge in whole or in part any lien created by such assessment, or connected therewith ; and such abatement and discharge shall be by resolution, specifying the particular assessment and lien, and a certified copy thereof shall be recorded in the records of such liens. 166 REWARDS — TAXATION. KEWAEDS. Rewards. S. A., vol. «, p. 16. Section 1. The Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford may offer suitable rewards for the apprehension and conviction of such person or persons as shall have com- mitted, or shall commit crimes within the limits of said city. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, June 19, 1876. TAXATION. II. III. IV. V. Limitation of taxation on certain property. Same subject. General provisions for collection of taxes. Term of ofllce of city collector. Collector to turn over uncollected rate bills to his successor. VI. Continuance of tax liens. VII. Foreclosure of tax liens. VIII. Same subject. IX. Correction of tax assessments and collection by suit. X. Form of tax warrant. City taxes. 3. A., vol. 5. i>. Karmiiig lauds exempt. Personal property exempt. I. That no city tax exceeding two cents on a dollar of the grand list computed according to the system heretofore in use in this state, shall be assessed or levied upon any land or lands within the area and territory annexed to and incorpo- rated with the City of Hartford, by virtue of an act entitled "An act extending the limits of the City of Hartford," approved June 22, 1853, so long as said land is or shall bo used exclusively for farming purposes, or is vacant and unoc- cupied land ; and that all farming produce, and all stock used in farming, and all implements of husbandry belonging to persons residing on said territory so annexed, shall be exempt in the same manner and to the same extent, from such city taxation ; and that the persons now and hereafter residing on I TAXATION. l67 said territory so added to said city, and the estate of such what property not 'J •' ' liable for bonded persons, hoth real and personal, shall not be liable by taxa- **""*'■ tion, or in any other mode, for any bonded debt of said city, or for interest on the same, contracted in aid of any railroad company ; provided, that this resolution shall not be so con- Property in buM^ J- " ' -*^ ' ness in city not strued as to exempt from liability any property invested in ''''^'"'"• business in said city and now liable to taxation for said city debt.** Approved, June 15, 1860. II. That no city tax exceeding six-tenths of one mill on a ,'^^a;^^°°/*j;^y''jf^.j^ dollar of the grand list shall be laid or levied upon any land s™A.%oi.'6""p. sie. or lands within the present limits of the City of Hartford so long as said land is or shall be exclusively used for farming purposes, and has a market value not exceeding six hundred dollars an acre; and no other land shall be so exempt by reason of any provisions of said charter.^ Approved, July 26, 1867. f III. Section 1. All taxes laid by either the town or the City Town »nd city •^ " taxes, when of Hartford shall be payable and collectible on or before the K!\W, p. 728, § 87-99. fifteenth day of July next, after the same are laid, and if paid on or before said day, two per cent, discount shall be allowed thereon, and no discount shall be allowed thereafter. Discount. On all such taxes remaining due and unpaid after the first day of August next after the same are laid, one per cent, shall be added and made collectible, as a part of such tax, and Addition. a further sum of one per cent, shall be, in like manner, added and made collectible, on the first day of each succeeding month thereafter, until such tax is paid. Sec. 2. The collector, or collectors of each of the aforesaid Notice, taxes, shall, on or before the fifth day of July in each year, "Concerning taxation of farming lands, see Gillette v. City of Hartford, 31 Conn., 351. 1 For similar exemptions, see pp. 2, 39-42. 16S TAXATION. give written or printed notice to each tax-payer on his rate- bill, stating the amount of his tax, and that the same is due and payable at the office of such collector; and such notice shall also contain a copy of the preceding section of this act, or a full and plain abstract thereof, and they shall also further Publication. publish, ou or before said fifth day of July, and continue such IDublication daily, until the fifteenth day of said July, a like notice, except as to the amount of such tax, in at least two daily newspapers, published in said town or city. Further notice. Qec. 3. Each collcctor aforesaid shall, on or before the tenth day of December, in each year, give further notice, written or printed, to each tax-payer on his rate bill, whose tax shall then remain due and unpaid, that unless the same is paid on or before the first day of January next succeeding, the same with all accrued and accruing additional percentage, will be immediately thereafter collected by warrant of dis- tress, together with twenty-five cents fees for such notice, and fifty cents fees for such warrant, which additional per- centages and fees, it shall be lawful to add and collect. Sec. 4. A written or printed notice, deposited in the post- office in said Hartford, addressed to the tax-payer at the post-office delivery within which he resides, where the same is known, or actual notice, written or printed, given in any other manner, shall be sufficient notice under this act; but no notice, other than that required to be publicly advertised, shall be held or construed to be an essential legal prerequisite for the enforced collection of any of said taxes. Delayed city tax. Sec. 5. lu casc thc layiug of either the town or city annual tax, for the current year, and the appointment of a rate-maker shall be delayed from any cause beyond the firsi day of May, then the same, if it be the town tax and rate- maker, shall be laid and appointed, by the board of selectmen Ratemaker. of Said towu, aud if it be the city tax and rate-maker, shall be laid and appointed by the City Court of said city, on oral before the tenth day of May, then next succeeding, and said board of selectmen and said City Court shall severally fill all vacancies, which may occur respectively in the office of rate- maker. Warrant. ulflclent notice. I TAXATION. • 169 Sec. 6. The rate-makers shall, immediately after their ^^«|^\°f '»*«- appointment, j^roceed to make out their respective rate bills, iind shall complete an(i deliver the same to their respective collectors, on or before the tenth day of June, next succeeding. Sec. 7. The collectors of said town and city taxes shall Jo*;][™?o1t""''-^ - hold their respective offices for the term of two years, and until their successors shall be duly chosen and qualified in their stead. Sec. 8. Whenever a vacancy shall exist, by death, removal, Sarged.^*"^ resignation, or otherwise, in the office of either of said col- lectors, the remaining collector shall discharge all the duties of said vacant office for the unexpired portion of the term ; and in case a vacancy shall exist as aforesaid, in both of said offices, the same shall be filled for the unexpired portion of ='*''^ '"'^*- said term, by a major vote of the selectmen of the said town, and the aldermen of said city, at a meeting specially called and warned by the mayor of the city for that purpose. Sec 9. The first selectman of said town, and the mayor collectors omce. of said city, shall locate and provide a suitable office for the payment and collection of the respective town and city taxes, .the expense of which shall be borne equally between said ■town and city ; and said respective collectors shall keep said ^^^^^^^^ h"""- office open, and be therein in attendance, for the transaction of all business connected with their respective offices, at all reasonable times, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and four o'clock in the afternoon, on all ordinary business days. Sec 10. The said collectors shall be allowed annually in compensation or lieu of all other compensation for the collection of said taxes, the sum of three thousand dollars, payable quarterly, and the portion of said sum, payable to each collector, shall bear the same proportion to the whole sum, as the whole amount of his rate bills bears to the whole aggregate amount of the rate bills of both the town and city for the current year, to 1)6 computed and ascertained, by the clerk or clerks of said town and city, for the time being, within one month after such rate bills shall have been completed. Sec 11. Whenever a complaint shall be made in writing ^^'Jl^^J^.*' '^s*""'* 170 TAXATION. Payments to treasurer. Collectors. P. A., 1878, ^§ 3 and 4. Terms of office. Other officers. Appointments of rate-makers. by a majority of the selectmen of said town, against any col- lector of said town taxes, or by a majority of the aldermen of said city, against any collector of said city taxes, to any judge of the Superior Court for incapacity, neglect, fraud, malfeasance in office, said judge, upon due order of notice, may summon such collector to appear, and upon full hearing, may remove such collector from his said office. Sec, 12. The collector of each of the taxes, in the town or City of Hartford, shall give bonds, with sufficient surety in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, which bond shall be exe- cuted to the satisfaction of the board of selectmen of said town, in case of the town tax collector, and to the satisfaction of the mayor of said city, in case of the city tax collector. Sec. 13. Each of said collectors shall pay over to the treasurer of said town or city, by whom his tax collections are receivable, on the first Monday in each month, all moneys by him collected on such taxes, up to the time of such pay- ment. IV. Section 1. In the town of Hartford and City of Hartford the term of office of the collectors, including the collector of said town elected in October, 1877, shall commence on the first Monday of May next succeeding their election, and continue for two years, and the terms of all the other town officers of Hartford, elected for one year, shall commence on the first Monday of January next succeeding their election; and all town officers, and the collector of said city, shall hold their offices until their successors shall be chosen and qualified. Sec. 2. The selectmen of the town of Hartford shall, from time to time, appoint one or more persons to act as rate- makers for said town ; and the Common Council of the City , of Hartford shall annually appoint a rate-maker for said city Jl who shall respectively discharge the duties appertaining to their appointment, and shall be the proper authority to sign the ratfe-bills by them made until others shall be appointed in their stead. Approved, March 28, 1878.^ TAXATION. 171 y. of collectors. P. A., 1879, p. 396. 5 Section 1. All town and city collectors whose compensa- f^^^^^^^^l tion is lixed by a salary and not by a rate of commission shall during their term of office have authority to collect all taxes due the towns and cities of which they are collectors, ~ they having proper warrants therefor ; and upon the expira- tion of their terms of office, the rate-bills not fully collected uuoouected rate. shall be delivered to their immediate successors in said offices respectively, who, with warrants to them directed, shall have authority to collect the taxes remaining due thereon. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, March 27, 1879. VI. Section 1. The first selectman of any town, the mayor of coutinuanceof tax any city, the warden of any borough, and the chairman of ^- ■*^' ^®^*' P' '*'^^* the committee of other communities may continue any tax lien upon any real estate by causing to be recorded in the land records of the town in which the real estate is situated, within the first year after the tax becomes due, his certificate describing the real estate, the amount of the tax and the time when it became due, and thereupon such tax, with the interest thereon at seven per cent, per annum, shall remain a lien upon such real estate for five years thereafter unless the tax and interest shall be sooner paid; and any tax lien so continued, when the tax has been paid, may be discharged Discharge. by a certificate of the collector of the tax recorded in such land records. Sec. 2. All acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed ; Eepeai. but any tax lien continued by a certificate heretofore recorded as required by section sixteen, chapter two, title twelve of the general statutes, and the amendment thereto approved July 2, 1875, shall continue in force as therein provided. Approved, March 28, 1879. 172 TAXATION. Foreclosure of tax liens. P. A., 1879, p. 421. YII. Tax liens may be foreclosed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages of real estate ; and the court having jurisdiction may limit a time for redemption, or order the sale of the property, or pass such other decree as it shall judge proper. Approved, March 27, 1879. Foreclosure of tax liens. P. A., 1881, p. II. YIII. Section 1. In all actions hereafter brought for the fore- closure of tax liens, all the municipal corporations which have such liens upon the property in question may join in one complaint to foreclose the same. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, March 9, 1881. Correctiou of tax assessments. P. A., 1881, p. 54. Collection by suit. IX. Section 1. Any clerical omission or mistake in the assess- ment of taxes may be, at any time, corrected according to the fact, by the assessors or board of relief, and the tax shall be levied and collected according to such corrected assess- ment. Sec. 2. All taxes, properly assessed, shall become a debt due from the person, persons, or corporation against whom they are respectively assessed to the city, town, district, or community in whose favor they are assessed, and may be, ini addition to the remedies now provided by law, recovered by any proper complaint or j)roceeding at law, in the name of] the community in whose favor they are assessed, for the recovery of money due, as in other cases. Approved, April 12, 1881. Form of tax warrant. R. S., p. 164. X. Sec 21. Warrants for the collection of taxes may be in the following form : To A. B,, collector of taxes of the [here insert the name of TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. 173 the community laying the tax\^ in the county of , greet- ing: By authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded forthwith to collect of each person named in the annexed list, his proportion of the same, as therein stated, being a tax laid by \name of community'], on the — day of , A. D. 18 — , for the purpose of [here state the pur- pose for which the tax was laid]. And you are to pay the sums collected to the treasurer of said [name of community], on or before the day of , A. D. 18 — . And if any person fails to pay his proportion of said tax, you are to levy upon his goods and chattels, and dispose of the same as the law directs ; and after satisfying said tax and the lawful charges, return the overplus, if any, to him; and for want of such goods and chattels you are to levy upon his real estate, and sell enough thereof to pay his tax and the costs of levy, and give to the purchaser a deed thereof, or take the body of said person and him commit unto the keeper of the jail of said county within the prison, who is hereby commanded to receive and safely keep him until he shall pay said sum, together with your fees. Dated at , this day of , A. D. 18 — . A. B., Justice of the Peace. , " TELEGEAPH AND TELEPHONE. I. style of telegraph poles regulated. [ III. Injury to fire alarm telegraph. II. style of telephone poles regulated. | I. The warden and burgesses of any borough, and the com- ^•^^I^'^^p^^p^'^P^ mon council of any city, may, upon giving reasonable notice to any telegraph company, compel it to furnish poles of such style and finish as they may determine, within their limits. 174 TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. Telephone companies. P. A., 1879, p. 381, II. Section 1. That the statutes concerning telegraph com- panies, to wit, sections one, two, three, four, six, seven and eight of part ten, chapter II, title seventeen, and section thirty -four, chapter IV, title twenty, of the revised statutes of 1875, be amended by adding after the word "telegraph," wherever the same may occur in either of said sections, the words "or telephone." Sec. 2. This act shall take eifect from its passage. Approved, March 26, 1879. III. puuishment of Section 1. Thc courts of common council of the cities of injuries to Are s X ^oi?6?p^557. Hartford and New Haven, respectively, shall have power to pass ordinances providing for the punishment of all wilful or malicious injuries to the fire alarm telegraph, and fire apparatus, and property of said cities, and for the unlawful making, use, or possession of keys to the alarm-boxes con- peuaity. ucctcd wlth Said telegraph ; and the penalty for violating the provisions of any ordinance passed in pursuance of this act may be a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or impris- onment in the county jail not exceeding three months, or such fine and imprisonment both. Jurisdiction. Sec. 2. Thc City Police Court shall have jurisdiction of all cases arising under this act, provided, an appeal shall be allowed to the Superior Court, as in other cases. Approved, July 30, 1868. WATER WORKS. 175 WATEE WOEKS. I, General powers of water commis- I VI. Powers over unexpended balance sioners. of the water fund. II. Water main extended to Wethers- VII. Control of public hydrants. field. VIII. Taxation of lands held for water III. City meetings relative to water supply purposes. from Trout brook. IX. Purity of water supply, how secured. IV. Power to take water from streams in West Hartford. V. Water supply from Avon, Farming- ton and Bloomfield. I. That the board of water commissioners of the City of p^^er^ o; water •^ commissioners. Hartford are hereby empowered to make such by-laws or ^" ^" '°^" ^' ^* *^' regulations for the preservation, protection, and management of the water works of said city as may be deemed advisable and enforce the same by suitable penalties, and when said by-laws or regulations have been approved by the Court of By-iaws. Common Council and shall have been published ten days, at Publication. least, in two or more daily papers issued within said city, they be of binding validity; and said commissioners may suits. bring in their own name, actions of debt on such by-laws, before the City Court for said city to recover any penalty for the breach of the same. The City Police Court of said city shall also have iurisdic- Jurisdiction or I , offences, rtion over any breach of said by-laws or regulations, and may punish the offender by a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by a fine and imprisonment both. The board of water commissioners shall have power to water rates, establish rates for the use of water, subject to the approval of the Court of Common Council; and whenever any water rent shall remain unpaid after the time prescribed and limited for payment, by the rules of said board, it shall be lawful for said board to charge and receive additional percentage for Additional *-" X o percentage. collecting the same ; provided, the conditions of said percent- age be published as aforesaid in the rules of said board. Approved, July 3, 1861. 176 WATER WORKS. Water mains extended to state prison, etc. P. A., vol. 6, p. 7 Wethersfielrt. II. That the I)oard of water commissioners of the City of 13. Hartford, with the consent of the mayor and Common Coun- cil, be and they are hereby authorized to extend their water main from the Hartford and Wethersfield town line north of the bridge known as Folly bridge, over and across said bridge through the highway in the town of Wethersfield to the Connecticut State Prison, and from thence to such points as may be agreed upon by said commissioners and the selectmen of said town of Wethersfield. The said water commissioners to have control of said main and its connections the same as if laid in the town of Hartford. Approved, July 8, 1869. Trout brook water. S. A., vol. 5, p. 539. City meetings. Voting list. III. Whereas, Doubts have arisen in regard to the manner of calling and holding city meetings in said city, for purposes other than for the election of officers; and whereas, doubts have also arisen whether, under and by virtue of said act, the board of water commissioners thereby constituted have the power to take and convey for and in behalf of said city, a supply of water from Trout Brook (so called), in the town of West Hartford, or from any other source than the Connecti- cut river; therefore, Resolved by this Assembly : Section 1. All meetings of said city, whether for tne choice of officers, or for any other purpose whatever, shall be ^ warned and held in the respective wards of said city, and them votes shall be taken by ballot ; and said meetings, and all the incidents of voting therein, and of the proceedings in relation -J to said votes, shall be subject to the same regulations as are^| provided in case of meetings for the electign of city officers ; except, that the official list of the names of persons entitled to vote in either of said wards last prepared for any annual meeting for the choice of officers, shall be and remain the official list for all subsequent meetings, until the next annual meeting for the choice of officers. WATER WORKS. 177 Sec. 2. The said act, which this is an addition to and in construction. explanatioiji of, shall be construed in the same manner as if the said Trout Brook, or any other source of water supply within the towns of West Hartford or Hartford had been expressly named therein, but the said board of water com- missioners shall not be authorized under this section to take and convey water from said Trout Brook, until further authorized thereto by a major vote of a city meeting espe- cially warned b}^ the mayor, and held for such purpose in the i^imitation, several wards of said city, on the seventh day of July, A. D., 1863, at which meeting all ballots cast, inscribed with the words "For Trout Brook,'' shall be counted as authorizing and approving a supply of water from said Trout Brook; and all ballots cast, inscribed with the words " For Connecticut saiiota. River,'' shall be counted as approving a supply of water from Connecticut Eiver. Approved, July 1, 1863. lY. > ■TO-TiP.tTifir ihft f>hnT»tAv of «ni<1 S. A., vol. 5, p. 769. Whereas, Doubts have arisen whether the charter of said J'""* ^''^'^ ^»^''- city confers upon the board of water commissioners therein constituted, the power to take and convey for and in behalf of said city a supply of water from any other source than the Connecticut river ; therefore. Resolved by this Assembly : Section 1. That said charter shall be construed in the Trout Brook, same manner, and said board of water commissioners shall have the same powers as if the stream in West Hartford, called "Trout Brook," or any other stream, or water source within the towns of West Hartford or Hartford had been expressly named therein, and any land or water right, title, privilege, or franchise which may be required, taken or im- paired for the purpose of supplying said city or said towns with water under said charter, shall be compensated for, and the damages ascertained, liquidated and paid in the same Damagea. manner as is provided in the twenty-fourth section of said charter. 178 WATER WORKS. Approval. Sec. 2. If said city shall approve this resolution in manner hereinafter provided, and said board of water com- missioners shall introduce water into said city from said Trout Brook, or other water source as aforesaid, it shall be lawful, and shall be the duty of said board of water commis- sioners to supply said water to the inhabitants of the afore- said towns living within a reasonable distance from the line Water supplies, of malu plpcs at the same rate of water rents and upon the same terms and conditions, that the inhabitants of said city are or may be from time to time supplied, and the said water ^'iens- rents shall constitute a lien on lots, houses, and tenements within said towns, and be collected and enforced in the same manner that water rents are, or may be collected and enforced in said City of Hartford. Sec* 3. Said board of water commissioners shall not be authorized under this resolution to take and convey water from said Trout Brook or other water source as aforesaid, Approval. withiu thc towus of West Hartford or Hartford, until this resolution shall be approved in the manner herein prescribed. Manner. A sp6cial mcctiug of Said city shall be called by the mayor of said city, in the manner provided by the ordinances of said city for calling special meetings thereof, for the purpose of approving or disapproving this resolution. The vote at said meeting shall be by ballot, and shall be cast by the freemen of said city, in their respective wards. The ballot boxes shall be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon, and close at five o'clock in the afternoon of the day of said meeting. Upon each ballot shall be written or j)rinted the words " Trout Brook," or the words " Connecticut River." If three- Baiiots. . fifths of the ballots cast at said meeting shall have u^^on them the words " Trout Brook," then this resolution shall be deemed approved. Approved, July 21, 1865. 4 I Water supplies B. A., 1875, p 10. y. The board of water commissioners of the City of Hartford, for the purpose of improving and increasing the water supply of said city, are hereby authorized and empowered, in behalf I WATER WORKS. 179 of said city, to take and hold any stream or water source, and any land necessary or convenient for constructing aque- ducts and reservoirs within the limits of the towns of Avon, andBioomaew.*"" Farmington and Bloomfield, and any land or water right, title, privilege, or franchise which may be required, taken or _ impaired for the purpose aforesaid, shall be compensated for, and the damages therefor ascertained, liquidated and paid in the same manner provided in the twenty-fourth section of the charter of said city. Approved, June 2, 1875. VI. That the act passed by the General Assembly at the present Powers of water i- *J ii X commissioners. May Session, A. D. 1875, entitled an act to extend the powers «• ^- i^^s, p. 55. of the board of water commissioners of the City of Hartford, shall be so construed as to allow said board to use (subject to the order and direction of the Court of Common Council of said city) for the purpose of acquiring and utilizing the lands, water rights, privileges and franchises mentioned in said act, any unexpended balance of the " water works improvement fund of the City of Hartford;" but shall not be so construed Limitation, as to authorize the expenditure of any further sum, or the incurring of any other liabilities for such purposes. Lipproved, June 24, 1875. YII. The care and control of the public hydrants in the City of go^foj^^f^hjdrants. Hartford shall hereafter be vested in the board of fire com- missioners of said city, reserving to the board of water com- missioners of said city the right to use and grant to others the use of the same for purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof by the fire dejDartment of said city. Approved, June 24, 1874. YIII. Land owned or taken by any municipal corporation, for Taxa«(m of water the purpose of creating or furnishing a supply of water for its use or benefit, shall be liable to taxation, and shall be set board lands. P. A., 1879, p. 429. 180 WATER WORKS. I in the list in the town where such land is situated, to the corporation owning or controlling such water supply, at a valuation which would be fair for said land if used for agri- cultural purposes; provided, however, that no such land shall be liable to taxation, or set in any list as aforesaid, wherever the inhabitants of the town in which the said land is situated have the right to the use of such water supply upon the same terms and conditions as the inhabitants of such municipal corporation, and when such town actually uses the same/ Approved, March 28, 1879. Petition to court to prevent defilement of water. P. A., 1883, p. 243. Power of court. Compensation to party injured. Decree of court, how enforced. IX. Section 1. Whenever any land or building is so used, occupied, or suffered to remain, that it is a source of injury to the water stored in any reservoir used for supplying any town, city, or borough with water, or to any source of supply to any such resei*voir, the authorities of such town, city, or borough having charge of said water, may bring their peti- tion to the Superior Court in and for the county in which said town, city, or borough is located, for relief Sec. 2. Said court upon said petition shall have full power to order the removal of any building, to enjoin any use or occupation of any land or building, which is detrimental to said water, or make any other order, temporary or perma- nent, which in its judgment may be necessary to preserve the purity of said water. ■ Sec. 3. In cases where the law requires compensation t6« be made to any person whose rights, interests or property are injuriously affected by said orders, such court shall appoint a committee of three disinterested freeholders of the county who shall determine and award the amount to be paid by such authorities before such order is carried into effect. Sec. 4. For the purposes of this act said court is vested with all the powers of a court of equity, and may enforce its decrees in any lawful manner. Approved, March 21, 1883. I »See West Hartford v. Board of Watey Commissioners, 44 Conn., 360. CORPORATIONS. 181 COKPOEATIONS. I. Hartford City Gas Light Company. II. Hartford Hospital. III. Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railroad Company. IV. Same subject. V. Same subject. VI. Hartford Home. VII. Hartford Steam Company. VIII. Hartford Electric Light Company. I. HARTFORD CITY GAS LIGHT COMPANY. That Solomon Porter, Harvey Seymour, Ezra Clark, Jr., g""/°'.J'„\"'"^- ^^ Thomas Belknap, William B. Ely, and Eichard D. Hubbard, with such other persons as shall associate with them for that purpose, are constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of " The Hartford City Gas Light Company," and by that name are empowered to sue and be sued, plead and be f„"p°^*'^*''* ^° impleaded in any coui't in this state; to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter, or renew at pleas- ure; and the said company is hereby vested with all the powers, privileges, and immunities which * are or may be Powers, privileges. necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of this act, as hereinafter set forth; and said company is hereby authorized and empowered to manufacture, make, and sell gas, to be made from rosin, coal, oil, and any other material or materials, and to furnish such quantities of gas as may be required in the City of Hartford, for lighting streets, stores, and buildings, or other purposes; and to enter into and exe- cute contracts, agreements or covenants in relation to the objects of said company, and to enforce the same. And said company shall be capable of purchasing, taking and holding, and of ffrantinii^, sellino;, and convevins; any estate, real or May purchase and '^ '^ ®' J fD J ■> hold estate, real and personal, necessary to give effect to the specified purposes of p^''°"*'- this company, and for the accommodation of their business and concerns. Sec. 2. That said company shall be empowered to lay Gas pipes and down their gas pipes, and to erect gas posts, burners and reflectors in the streets, alleys, lanes, avenues, or public grounds of the said City of Hartford, and to do all things 182 CORPORATIONS. streets to be left uniiijured. necessary to light the said city, and the dwellings, stores, and other places situated therein ; provided, that the streets, side and crosswalks, public grounds, lanes and avenues shall not be injured, but all be left in as good and perfect condition as before the laying of said pipes or the erection of said posts. Injury to property of company prohibited. Penalty. Sec. 8. If any person shall wilfully and maliciously do or cause to be done any act or acts whatever, whereby any building, construction, or works of said company, or any gas pipe, gas post, burner or reflector, or any matter or thing appertaining to the same, shall be stopped, obstructed, in- jured, or destroyed, the person or persons so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and being thereof con- victed, shall be punished by a fine, not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail, not exceed- ing six months, or by such fine and imprisonment both, at the discretion of the court having cognizance of such offence : Prosecution uo bar vrovided, however, that such criminal prosecutions shall not in to civil suit. r 7 ' r any way impair the right of action for damages by a civil suit, hereby authorized to be brought for any such injury as aforesaid, by and in the name of the said corporation, in any court in this state having cognizance of the same. Corporators. S. A., vol. 3, p. 309. Corporate i m II. THE HARTFORD HOSPITAL. Section 1. That David Watkinson, Ebenezcr Flower," S. Beckwith, S. S. Ward, A. W. Butler, A. M. Collins, Wm. ■ T. Lee, Job Allyn, Samuel Colt, James B. Crosby, Albertm Day, Chester Adams, James G. BoUes, George Beach, Thos. Smith, Jonathan Goodwin, A. W. Birge, Lucius Barber, and Charles T. Hillyer, and all such persons as are, from time to time, associated with them, for the purpose of establishingm and maintaining a hospital in the City of Hartford, and their successors be, and they hereby are, incorporated for said pur- pose, and made a body corporate and politic, by the name of ■ the Hartford Hospital, and by that name shall be capable of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, and CORPORATIONS. 183 may purchase, take, receive, hold, sell, and convey estate, real propen"!""* ^**''^ and personal, to such an amount as may be necessary for the purposes of said corporation; may have a common seal, and s^^^- the same may alter and change at pleasure, and may make and execute such by-laws and regulations, not contrary to ^^y '"''»'« hv-iajts. _ the laws of this state, or of the United States, as shall be deemed necessary for the well ordering and conducting the concerns of said corporation. Sec. 2. That said corporation shall be governed by the H"^ governed. following articles: Article 1. This corporation shall be called the Hartford Members, etc. Hospital. Persons contributing for the use of the corporation, at any one time, the sum of fifty dollars, shall be members for life. Persons contributing the sum of five hundred dollars shall be vice-presidents for life, and also directors for life; those contributing two hundred dollars shall be directors for life; those twenty-five dollars shall be members for five years; and those ten dollars shall be members for one year. Art. 2. In order the better to carry into eifect the objects of said corporation, the members thereof shall, at an annual meeting, to be held at such time and place as the by-laws of the said corporation shall direct and appoint, elect from their own members by ballot, and by a majority of the votes given at such election, twelve persons as directors of the said cor- ^^^^^a wTob" poration ; and the persons so elected, together with the mayor ^''■^*''""- of the City of Hartford for the time being, shall constitute a board of directors. The directors so elected shall hold their offices for one year and until others are elected in their Term of office. places. In case of any vacancy in the board, the remainder vacancy. of the directors shall have power to fill such vacancy until the next election. Art. 3. The board of directors shall annually, as soon as JE°." **' ^'^*'* may be convenient after the said annual election, elect by ballot, from among their own numbers, a president, a vice- president, and shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer, who shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are elected in their stead. But as many directors may be chosen as there may be directors by subscription. 184 CORPORATIONS. Directors ; powers of. Medical officers. First meeting; liow called. Annual meeting. Art, 4. The said board of directors shall have power to manage and conduct all the business and concerns of the corporation, and to make such laws as may be necessary for the management and disposition of the estate and concerns of the corporation, and to appoint such officers and servants as they may deem necessary. The medical officers, including all attending and consulting physicians and surgeons, shall be appointed annually. Vacancies occurring before the expi- ration of a year from the time of any appointment, shall be filled by the directors as soon as the same can conveniently be done. Art. 5. A majority of the corporators shall call the first meeting for the election of officers, at such time and place in the City of Hartford as they shall appoint, giving three days' notice thereof, by publishing the same in the daily papers of the city, and the annual meeting of said corporation shall be held at such time and place, and on such notice, as shall be fixed by the by-laws of said corporation. Sec. 3. This act may be altered, amended, or repealed, by the General Assembly. Passed, 1854. Corporators. S. A., vol. 5, III. HARTFORD AND WETHERSFIELD HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY. « Section 1. That S. W. Eobbins, Henry C. Dwight, IS'athan M. Waterman, Edward Wadsworth, George W. Moore and James Bolter, with such other persons as shall associate with . them for the purposes hereof, be and they hereby are const!- ■I tuted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Hart- ford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company, and by that - name they shall have and enjoy all the powers usuallyl|l granted to railroad corporations in this state. And said com- pany is hereby authorized and empowered to locate, construct, and finally complete a single or double railway, from a point in the highwa}^, at or near the brick Congregational church, in the town of Wethersfield, over and along said highway, to the City of Hartford; and thence to such point on Main CORPORATIONS. 185 street, in said city, as the directors of said company shall designate. Provided, however, that such railway shall not be con- forcons^mcuor" structed over said highways, or any part thereof, without the necessary. consent of the towns or Common Council of the city having _ , charge of such highways. And said corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to transport, take and carry per- sons and property upon and over said road ; provided, however, Sed ^"a m*Suve that steam shall not be used as a motive power in operating said road. And the said company is hereby vested with all the powers and privileges, and is made subject to all the du- ties, conditions and requirements of the Act relating to Eail- road Companies, passed May session, 1849, and all other acts in addition or in alteration thereof. ly. Section 1. That section sixth of the resolve incorporatinp; h.&w.h.r.e.co. ■■- '-' Certain sections the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company, and siTjvd.s, p. 492. § 1, 2, 7, 9 and 10. so much of the first section of said resolve as provides that said company shall be subject to the duties, conditions and requirements of the act of 1849, relating to railroad compd,- nies, and the other acts in addition to and in alteration thereof, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec 2. Upon the completion of the railway specified in its ^hWhwaT'' original charter, said corporation is hereby authorized and SnTcharten empowered to build, construct, and operate over any of the other highways in the City of Hartford, such other railways, branches, or extensions, as public convenience may require ; provided, however, that no such railways, branches, or exten- consent of councn -I- I 1 J T 1 necessary. sions shall in any case be constructed, built, or operated with- out the consent of the Common Council of said city first had and obtained; and provided, also, that the grades and location of such railways, branches and extensions shall in all cases be subject to the direction and approval of said Common Council. Sec 7. Said corporation may establish and collect a toll tous upon all passengers and property transported by them over 186 CORPORATIONS. by c'oramon^^"*'''''^ ®^^^ Tallway, at such reasonable rates as may be determined from time to time by the directors, and approved by said Common Council; and said directors shall have power to By-laws. make and prescribe such by-laws, rules, and regulations in relation to the stock, property and business of said corpora- tion, as may from time to time be found necessary. Sec. 9. Said corporation shall, in all cases in which their railway is located in the traveled part of the highway, keep and maintain all that part of the highway, over which their railway is laid, together with a space two feet on each side of their track, in good and sufficient repair, without expense to Repair of track, ^hc city or towu havlug charge of such highways. Said company shall also make good all damage to any highways in said town of Wethersfield, over which their road or way shall pass, caused by the construction of such road or way ; fffSondition!" ^^^ ^11 such highways shall be restored to, and left, on com- pletion of said railway, in as good condition as they were when the same was located thereon, subject to the approval (jf the selectmen of said town of Wethersfield. Sec. 10. 'No such railway shall be constructed over any highway, or any part thereof, without the consent of the auSiesneJes. sclectmen of the towns, or the Common Council of the city sary o cons rue- j^g^yjjjg charge of such hlghways ; and so much of the first section of the original charter as provides that no such rail- way shall be constructed over any highway, without the con- Repeai. gent of the towns having charge of such highways, is hereby repealed. Approved, July 1, 1862. y. H.&W.H.R.R.CO. Section 1. That the rate of fare to be charged Rates of fare. ~ ^•^••""'•'•P-'''- Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railway Company for' transporting one j^erson to or from the town of Wethersfield over the main line or route of said road from or to any point within city limits, wlthlu the Hmlts of the City of Hartford, shall not exceed fifteen cents; and that the rate of fare for transporting one CORPORATIONS. 187 person over said main line, between any two points within the present limits of said city, shall not exceed seven cents ; and that the rate of fare for transporting one person over any on branch unes. branch of said main line between any points within the present limits of said city, shall not exceed seven cents ; and ^ that all parts of the charter of said company and of the ^^^^^ amendments thereto which are inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Said railway company shall at all times keep for ^^?^,? "/tSX*^ sale at the office of the secretary of said company, and at least "^" ""^ ' at three other convenient places in said city, tickets to the number of sixteen for the sum of one dollar, each of which tickets shall transport one person over said main line, or over any branch of said main line between any two points within the limits of said city ; and said railroad company shall at all times keep for sale, at the places aforesaid, tickets to the number of eight for one dollar, each of which tickets last mentioned shall transport one person to or from the town of Wethersfield, over the main line or route of said road, from or to any point within the limits of the City of Hartford. Sec. 3. This act may be altered, amended, or repealed at the pleasure of the General Assembly. Approved, July 1, 1870. YI. HART:f'ORD HOME. Section 1. That the Court of Common Council of the common councn • authorized to City of Hartford shall have power and authority to make HanrordHome. . ^ S. A., vol. 5, p. 535. ordinances for the establishment, support, and maintenance of an institution to be located within the county of Hartford, and known and called by the name of the Hartford Home, for the reception, restraint, support, government, and moral, o^J^cts. intellectual, and physical education and culture of all such minor children, residing within the limits of said citj^, as shall be voluntarily surrendered to the trustees of said institution by their parents or lawful guardians, or shall be committed to the care of such trustees by competent 188 CORPORATIONS. Management. Term of offioe. How supported. authorlty ; and said Court of Common Council may, for such purpose, lay taxes and provide for the collection thereof, in the same manner that taxes may now or hereafter be laid and collected for ordinary city purposes : provided^ that such insti- Location. tutlon shall not be located in any town except the town of Hartford, without the assent in writing of a majority of the Legal settlement of selcctmcn of such towu ] aud provided further, that no child shall gain a legal settlement in any town except the town of Hartford, while under the legal care and custody of the trustees aforesaid. Sec. 2. The government and general management of said Hartford Home shall be vested in five trustees, residents of said City of Hartford, who shall be appointed by the board of police commissioners of said city, and who shall hold their offices respectively for the term of five years (except as here- inafter provided,) and until their successors shall be duly appointed and qualified in their stead. Immediately after the passage of this act, the said board of police commissioners, at a meeting specially warned for the purpose, shall appoint one Trustees, manner of trustcc of Said Hartford Home, for the term of one year, one appointment. for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years, from the fourth day of July, 1863; and annually thereafter in the month of June, said board shall appoint one trustee for the term of five years as aforesaid ; and each of said trustees so appointed for the term of five years, shall enter upon the duties of his office, in place of his predecessor, on the fourth day of July next succeeding his appointment ; and said board of police commissioners may, at any time, fill Vacancy. auy vacaucy for the unexpired term of any trustee, which may occur by death, resignation, non-residence in said city, or otherwise ; and in case said board of police commissioners Chief Justice shall shall, from auy cause, fail to appoint said trustees, as afore- appoint trustees, *''^"- said, the appointment thereof shall then devolve upon the chief justice of thie Supreme Court of this state, for the time being. Duties of trustees. Sec. 3. It shall bc thc duty of said trustees to take charge of the general interests of said Hartford Home; to provide for its sustenance and support, and to exercise a careful and CORPORATIONS. 189 vigilant supervision over all its affairs; to guard, as far as possible, against any harsh or arbitrary exercise of authority over the children under their care; and also against any un- due exercise of sectarian or political influence over the minds of such children ; to appoint a superintendent, and all such superintendeni^ subordinate officers, assistants, and agents, as they may deem necessary, and to fix the amount of their compensation, and oSl?'*""" °' define their duties ; to make by-laws for the government, sup- port, and management of said Hartford Home, not incon- sistent with law and the ordinances of said City of Hartford; to cause the proper registration of the names, ages, sex, place ^|g|f ^^'J'^ ""■ of birth and parentage, so far as can be ascertained, of all the children committed to their charge; to keep full and accurate accounts of all expenditures, receipts, and donations, aJ^ounts.*" '""'^ on account of said Hartford Home, and to make an annual report in the month of January in each year to the board of ^^nuai report. police commissioners, giving a full and concise history of the financial and general operations and transactions of said Hartford Home, for the year preceding, which report shall be laid by said police commissioners before the honorable ^ppi-o^aivcom- •J 1 mon Council. Court of Common Council for approval. Sec. 4. All moneys raised by taxation for the support and Moneys. maintenance of said Hartford Home shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer of said city, and shall be applied to the i^urposes for which it was so raised, and for no other purpose whatever. Sec. 5. K any person residing in said city, who has had J^dgeof^poiice^^^ relief or supplies from said town of Hartford, shall suffer his Hartford'Hom" by approval of mayor, children to misspend their time and live in idleness, and shall '^^'^"• neglect to bring them up and employ them in some honest calling; or if any family in said city cannot or does not provide competently for their children, whereby they are oxjDOsed to want; or if any poor children residing in said city, live idly or are exposed to want and distress, and there are none, to take care of them; or if any heads of families residing in said city shall neglect the education of the chil- dren under their charge, after due admonition by the judge 190 CORPORATIONS. Powers and duties of trustees de children. Trustees may apprentice during minority. Trustees may receive minor children otherwise, when. of the Police Court of said city, whereby such children grow up rude, stubborn, and unruly, or if there be found residing in said city any minor children, over whom there is exercised no proper parental or moral restraint, and who, from such neglect and exposure, have fallen, or are in manifest danger of falling into habits of vice and immorality, it shall be the duty of the said judge of the Police Court to cause such minor children to be brought before him, upon his proper warrant duly issued for such purpose; and said judge shall cause proper notice to be given to the parents or guardians of such children, if any there be residing in said city, and upon such notice and a full hearing, said judge may, with the approval of the mayor of said city, bind out all such minor children to the trustees of said Hartford Home; males till twenty-one, and females till eighteen years of age, that they may be properly educated and brought up to some lawful calling and employment ; and said trustees shall have all the rights and shall discharge all the duties in relation to the children committed to their custody, pertaining to the parental relation, and may re-indenture and apprentice such children to proper masters during their minority as afore- said ; males till twenty-one and females till eighteen years of age ; to be properly educated and brought up to some lawful calling and employment; said trustees may also receive all such minor children as shall be voluntarily surrendered to them by the parents or guardians having the legal custody and control of such children, and shall have the same powers and discharge the same duties in relation to the children so surrendered, as are herein provided for children bound to them by the judge of the Police Court as aforesaid. And Trustees may cancel S^ld indentures. trustees shall have and exercise all the rights and Visits of trustees. powers to inquire into the treatment by their masters of the children by them indentured, and to cause such indentures to be canceled, that parents, guardians, or selectmen now by law have in relation to children by them indentured. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of one or more of said trus- tees to visit said Hartford Home as often, at least, as once in CORPORATIONS. 191 each month, and inspect every apartment, and the accounts and register of the institution, to see that the by-laws, rules, regulations, and orders of the trustees are properly observed » and obeyed ; to see that no abuse or mismanagement is prac- ticed; and in general to exercise a vigilant and scrupulous ^ . supervision over every department of such institution and the management of all its aifairs, and it shall also be the duty of one or more of the police commissioners aforesaid to visit JommisIionS said institution as often, at least, as once in each quarter, for the like purpose of inspecting its condition, and the manage- ment of all its affairs. Sec. 7. Said trustees may receive for the benefit of said ^/"eive^pr^SJerty for Hartford Home, donations, gifts, bequests, deeds, and grants of money, choses in action, lands, rents, incomes or other property, from any person, association or incorporation ; and when so directed by the parties making such donations, bequest, deeds, and grants as aforesaid in writing, may hold or dispose of the same in their own name as such trustees, and apply the avails thereof, according to such directions; and all such donations, bequests, deeds, and grants, when not otherwise ordered, in writing, by the donors, shall vest in the Property donated to ' O? ./ J vest in the city, City of Hartford, and the avails thereof shall be paid into ^^^''' the city treasury, and applied for the use and benefit of said Hartford Home, and for no other purpose whatever. And said trustees may form an alliance, as auxiliary to them, Trustees may form •^ ' t/ ; alliance. with any other association incorporated for the same general purposes contemplated by this act ; and may admit to a share and participation with themselves, in the government, sup- port, management, and control of said Hartford Home, so many trustees, to be appointed by such auxiliary incorpora- Auxiliary trustees. tion or incorporations, not at any one time exceeding four, as shall be mutually agreed upon; and said auxiliary trustees shall, when so admitted, have and exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges conferred upon the trustees appointed under this act. Provided. That no such alliance shall be formed, nor auxil- Approval of ' ' alliance. iary trustees admitted, except under a covenant or agreement 192 CORPORATIONS. in writing, duly executed by the parties thereto, and ap- proved by the Court of Common Council of said City of I Hartford. Police commis- Sec. 8. Tho board of police commissioners may, at any sioners may annul -I J t J L^otSThen!'"'' time, upon giving proper notice to the said trustees, cancel and annul any indentures made to said trustees by the said judge of the l^olice Court, whenever they shall find upon a full hearing of the parties interested, that such cancellation, in their judgment, will be an act of justice to the said parties. maypas'loXances ^^^' ^' ^^^ Court of Commou Couucll of Said city shall to carry out provis- t j • n j i i , ions of this act. uavc auQ cxercisc all the powers necessary and proper to carry into full effect all the purposes contemplated by this act^ and may make ordinances prescribing the form and man- ner in which all the accounts of said Hartford Home shall be kept, audited, liquidated, and paid; the bonds and oaths of the trustees, officers, and agents thereof; and the manner in which all the affairs of said Hartford Home shall be man- aged and conducted: 'provided^ said ordinances shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Approved, June 24, 1863. YII. THE HARTFORD STEAM COMPANY. Powers in streets. Said corDoratiou is hereby authorized and empowered to S. A., 1879, p. 106, -^ "^ ^ *^- manufacture, use, and sell steam within the city or town of Hartford, for any purpose, and may heat any public or private building within said territory, by means of steam or hot water conducted in pipes through the streets and public grounds of said city or town, and may make and enter into contracts to furnish such quantities of steam or hot water as may be required for heating any buildings, or for other pur- poses, in said city or town, and enforce the same. Said cor- poration is also empowered to erect buildings or other works necessary to carry on the business of said corporation, and shall have general power to do all things necessary to the CORPORATIONS. I 193 successful prosecution of the business of said corporation. But before using any of the streets or public grounds of said city for the purpose of this act, the consent of the Common courcn\'*equird"ror Council of said city shall be obtained, and said consent"' having been obtained, said corporation shall be empowered . — to lay down their steam and hot water pipes and radiators, or other apparatus necessary to carry on said business, in the streets, alleys, lanes, avenues, or public grounds of said city or town of Hartford; and, in the location of their works, and in laying their pipes or other conductors of heat, said corporation shall be subject to the orders and general direc- tion of the Court of Common Council of said city; and the streets, side and crosswalks, public grounds, alleys, lanes, and fn/ured^***'''^ avenues shall not be injured, but shall be left in as good con- dition as before the laying of any pipe or other apparatus in the same by said corporation, and said corporation shall repair all defects or injuries to said streets, side and cross- walks, public grounds, alleys, lanes, and avenues, caused by its use of the same for the purposes of this act, to the satis- faction of the board of street commissioners of said city. Said corporation shall be liable for any injury done to any Liability for public or private property in the construction of their works, or the laying of any pipes or other apparatus used for carry- ing on the business authorized by this act. Approved, March 25, 1879. YIII. HARTFORt) ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. Said corporation is hereby empowered and authorized to I'^^^^J^/^^^/ij- manufacture and sell electric light and electricity within the ^^' city and town of Hartford, for any purposes whatever, and may light any public or private buildings or grounds, streets, avenues, lanes, parks, and squares within said territory, by means of electricity conducted by wires through, over, or along, or across the streets and public grounds of said city or town, and may make and enter into contracts to furnish 194 CORPORATIONS. such quantities of electricity as may be required for lighting any streets or buildings or other places, or for other purposes in said city or town, and may enforce the same. Said corpo- ration is also authorized to erect such buildings, poles, posts, , fixtures, or other works or structures necessary to carry on the business of said corporation, and to buy, own, sell, and deal in all patent rights and other property necessary or con- venient for the purposes of said corporation, and generally shall have power to do all things necessary to the proper management of its business : provided^ that before said corpo- consent of Common ratlou shall crcct auy structures, or suspend any wires upon or over the streets or public grounds of said city, the consent of the Common Council of said city shall first be obtained, and all such structures shall be erected and m'aintained sub- ject to the approval of the board of street commissioners of said city. Approved, April 12, 1881. Amended^powers. Section 1. Thc Hartford Electric Light Company is hereby empowered and authorized to construct and maintain a line of wires for the purj)ose of conducting electric currents, between some convenient point in the City of Hartford and some convenient point without said city and in either of the towns of "Windsor Locks, Manchester, Simsbury, or Windsor, where the works of said company may hereafter be located. Said wires are to be laid in the ground or suspended upon poles along any public highway between said points, in the manner, and subject to all the provisions of the general stat- utes relating to the construction of lines by telegraph and telephone companies. May lay wires under Sec. 2. Said compauy may, within the limits of the City ground. of Hartford, lay down, construct, and maintain beneath the surface of the ground and in the public streets of said city, lines of wires enclosed in pipes or otherwise insulated and protected, or other apparatus for conducting electric currents about said city, and may use said lines of wires or conductors for the purposes of said company's business as provided in CORPORATIONS. 195 its charter, and may license other companies organized for telegraph and telephone purposes to use the same for any lawful purpose within the scope of their corporate powers, » and particularly for transmitting messages by telegraph and telephone. Whenever any of said streets and highways shall i^j^rrd^"^"^*"**^ be dug up and excavated for any of the purposes expressed in this resolution, it shall be the duty of said company to restore them to as good condition as they were in before making such excavation ; and all such excavations and resto- rations shall be made only with the consent and approval, and under the supervision, of the town and city authorities having charge of said streets and highways. Approved, April 24, 1883. ( OEDINANCES I ORDII^ANCES CITY OF HARTFORD K,evi8ii«ioii of 1 S83- CHAPTEE I. CITY AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. City meetings. Ward meetings. Manner of conducting the same. What oflQcers elected at. Canvassers of city and ward meetings. Proclamation of election by mayor. Special elections to fill vacancies, how called. City and Court of Common Council meetings, how called. Be it ordained by the Court of Coyyimon Council of the City of Hartford. Section 1. Annual ward meetings for the election of city Annual ward meetings, when and and ward officers, shall hereafter be held in the several wards ^''•'ereheui. of said city, simultaneously in all the wards on the first Monday of April in each year, and shall be warned in the manner hereinafter provided, without any previous order of the Court of Common Council. Sec. 2. The annual city meeting for the election of city city and ward meetings to l)e held and ward officers, and all other city and ward meetings shall j^ayof si^u'" *" be held at such places, in the respective wards, as the mayor, '^*'"^°'*"'' or other officer acting in place of the mayor, shall, in his 200 CITY AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. ftoms1*x^oc*iock warrant warning the same, designate, and the polls shall be until Ave o clock. Qpgjjg^j ^t six o'clock In the forenoon, and remain open until five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and no longer, at each of said meetings; and the Court of Common Council shall cause to be provided, at the expense of the city, suitable ballot-boxes, and books of record for each of said wards, and when not required for use at said meetings, the same shall be placed in the custody of the clerk of said city. Presiding officer at Sec. 3. It shall bc thc dutv of the alderman of each ward, • ward meetings. '' who was chosen at the last annual election, to preside" at all meetings of the freemen of the ward where he was elected to office, (except when otherwise provided by the statutes of this state,) and he shall have full power and authority to preserve order and decorum therein, to repress all riotous, tumultuous, and disorderly conduct, and for that purpose he may call to his aid any police officer, and may Powers of to pre- also commaud the assistance of any citizen or citizens who serve order, etc. "^ may be present ; and any citizen neglecting' or refusing to afford such aid when so required, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of said city the sum of five dollars for each and every offence. Disorderly conduct And Said prcsidiuff officer shall also have power and au- may be punished, ± o j- ''*"'• thority to cause any person or persons who may be guilty of any riotous, tumultuous, or disorderly conduct, at such meet- ings, to be taken into custody and restrained until the ad- journment of said meeting, and the said person so guilty of disorderly conduct, notwithstanding such restraint, shall be liable to be prosecuted and punished in the same manner as if such arrest and restraint had not been made. If any person or persons shall, by noise, tumult, quarreling, or any disorderly conduct whatever, disturb any such ward Abuse^ presiding mcctiug, or shall villify, abuse, or interrupt the presiding officer of such meeting, he shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford, for the use of the city treasurer, the sum of not less than one dollar nor more ihan five dollars, for each and every offence.^ » See p. 74, 1, and p. 75, § 24. ^ See R. S., 1875, p. 010, ? 15. OITY AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. 201 Sec. 4. That in case the alderman mentioned in the pre- Mayor may appoint A presiding oflacer, ceding section shall be absent at any meeting of the freemen ^^^''' of the ward whenever it shall be his duty to preside thereat, the mayor shall appoint some suitable person to preside at such meeting; and the presiding officer of any such meeting - - in each ward shall appoint a clerk for such ward, whose duty ^^''^'-'i ''^^'^■ it shall be to make a fair and true record, and keep an exact journal of all the acts and votes of the freemen at their several ward meetings, and to deliver over to the city clerk, for safe keeping, all such records, journals, documents, and SstodroVvote/^ other papers, as may be held by him in his said capacity, """ within twenty-four hours after adjournment of each ward meeting, which said records and documents shall, at all times, be open, and subject to the inspection of all the citizens of said City of Hartford. Sec 5. That all the freemen of said City of Hartford, who cuy electors may •/ ' vote, where. are legally qualified to vote in city meetings, shall be voters in the ward in which they respectively reside and have their home ; and the residence or home of each voter shall be in the ward where he has his place of lodging, and no person shall have a right to vote in any ward until he has resided in said ward at least sixty days next preceding the time of said voting: provided, that no one shall lose his right to vote in the ward of his last previous residence in less than sixty days when change of J- «/ »/ residence, where to from his removal if he still resides in the city. And if any '"'^' person not a legally qualified voter shall vote at any city or ward election, or if any lesjal vo1;er shall vote in more than penalty for uiegai ' *' ^ or double voting. one ward, or give in more than one ballot at any such elec- tion, such person so voting, or such legal voter, so voting in more than one ward, or depositing more than one ballot, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford, for the use of the city treasury the sum of seventeen dollars for each offence. Sec G. At the annual ward meetinf»:s, as aforesaid, there city omcers chosen '-' ' 'at annual meetings. (shall be chosen for said city, by the freemen thereof, by bal- lot, a mayor and a city collector, if the official term of the ' mayor and city collector shall then expire, a city clerk, a treasurer, an auditor of city accounts, and a city marshal; and there shall be also chosen for each ward, by the freemen 202 CITY AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. ■Ward officers chosen. Plnrality Vote elects. featlot boxes in care of presiding officer. Billlots, how voted. Presiding officer decides as to legality of votes. Tellers, how Appointed. thereof, an alderman, and four common councilmen, who shall be residents of the ward where chosen, and shall all be voted for at one ballot, and whose names shall be either written or printed on one piece of paj)er, with the office for Avhich each person is intended designated thereon; and the persons hav- ing the greatest number of votes for each of said city offices* and for alderman, and the four persons in each ward having the greatest number of votes for common councilmen, shall be duly elected to such offices, respectively, for the full term thereof, and until their successors are duly chosen, and shall be so declared and returned. Sec. 7. The ballot-boic in each ward shall, during the time the polls remain open at any ward meeting, and until the votes are duly counted, be under the special care of such offi- cer, or other person, as the presiding officer of such meeting shall appoint* (except when otherwise provided by the stat- utes of this State) ; and all ballots shall be laid on the lid of the ballot-box, and the name of each person shall be checked upon the ward list, and being so checked, his ballot shall then be put into the ballot-box by the officer or j)erson in charge of said ballot-box, or the voter shall be permitted to deposit the same, and said i)residing officer shall see that the names are so checked, and for that purpose may call to his aid such person or persons as he may think proper ;^ and such presid- ing officer, at any city or ward meeting, before receiving any Vote there offered, may examine the person offering to vote, and other witnesses, under oath, concerning the qualifications of such person as an elector of said city, and decide concern- ing the same." Sec. 8. The presiding officer, in each ward, shall appoint not more than eight tellers, to receive and count all votes given in their respective wards, immediately after the clos- ing of the polls, in open meeting*^ (except when otherwise provided by the statutes of this state) ; and all the votes so given shall be declared by the presiding officer, and recorded at large in open meeting by the clerk; and in making such " See p. 75, § 25. 1' See P. A., 1877, p. 241, ? 28. " See P. A., 1877, p. 241, ■» See p. 70, g 3;i. 27. CITY AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. 203 declaration and record, the whole number of votes given in votes, how counted. i^hall be distinctly stated, together with the names of every person voted for, the number of votes given for each person tor any office, respectively, and the name of each and every person there found to be elected as alderman, or common _^^^ councilman, for such ward;* and at the close, and within twenty-four hours after the adjournment of such meeting, the clerk of such ward shall deliver to the clerk of the city ward curk shaii •^ deliver to city clerk a transcript of the record of such votes, duly signed and SdcdTuhiu twenty-four hours. certified by the presiding officer and clerk of such ward; nnd the said city clerk shall forthwith record such tran- script, or a plain and intelligent abstract thereof, upon the city cierk shau i- J ^ o ' -»■ record same on city city records, or upon some book to be kept for that purpose ; '■'""""^'• and any presiding officer, or ward or city clerk, who shall make, certify, or record, any false or illegal return or False returns, how abstract of such votes, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the City of Hartford, for the use of said city, the sum of thirty dollars for each and every such offence. Sec. 9. The clerk of each ward shall also, within twenty- Notice of ward *' election to be given four hours after the close of any ward meeting, deliver to wifhYu uvelui^four each person found and declared by the presiding officer of the ward to have'*been elected as alderman or common coun- cilman of such ward, or shall leave at his usual place of abode, a certificate of such election signed by such clerk, which certificate shall be presumptive evidence of such elec- Jtion, and shall entitle such person to a seat in the Court of Common Council: provided, however, that the Court of Com- mon Council shall have authority to decide ultimately upon QuaUHcation •^ >J X members of ' all questions relative to the qualifications, elections, and de'termined returns of its members, but no member shall vote upon any question relative to his own right to a seat in the council. Sec. 10. The mayor, aldermen, and common councilmen. Board of can vasscrs. last chosen, shall constitute a board of canvassers of all city or ward elections, and a majority of the members of said board shall constitute a quorum, and the mayor shall be the presiding officer, or in his absence a presiding officer shall be chosen by the board, and said board shall meet together » See p. 76, 1 33. of members of Corn- Council, how 204 CITY AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. Canvassers shall withiii two davs aftei" any such election, and compare all the meet within two J ,1 j 1 days after election. ^^^^^^^ ^^f ^.^tcs, and asccrtain what officers, whether city or ward, are duly elected, and shall furnish to each and every Certificate of cicc person SO found to be duly elected to any office, a certificate tjon to be furnished. ■•■ t/ ./ ? of his election, certified by the clerk of said city; and the mayor, or other presiding officer of the said board of can- vassers, shall thereupon, upon the order of said board, issue prociamatiou of to thc pubUc his proclamatiou of the election of such mayor. -■- ^ persons. Meeting, when and Aud iu casc Said board shall find that no person has been how called in case ■•■ of no election. ^^^ electcd to auy or either of said offices, whether ward or city, the mayor, or other presiding officer of the said board of canvassers, shall also make the j)ublic proclamation thereof, and shall issue his warrant for a special election in each of said wards, or either, or so many of said wards as may be necessary to fill such vacancy or vacancies so found, on the Monday next succeeding such last city or ward meet- ing, and at any sj)ecial city or ward meeting the same rules and proceedings, in all respects, shall be observed as are pro- vided for annual city or ward meetings. And the mayor fiiwicL^cle""when ^^^7 ^^11 spcclal clty or ward meetings, by warrant, as afore- said, at any time when so ordered by said Court of Common Council, to fill any vacancy which may happen in any city or ward office by death, resignation, or otherwise. Pay of election Sec. 11. Thcrc shall bc allowed and paid from the treas- ury of the city to the presiding officer of each ward, ten dollars; to the clerk of each ward, three dollars; to the person having charge of the ballot box, five dollars; to an assistant box tender, three dollars; to each of two persons who may be appointed by the presiding officer of any ward to check the electors' lists, five dollars; and to the deputy registrar, five dollars for each day such officers or persons shall severally be engaged in their respective duties at any- city or ward election, which allowances shall be approved and certified by one of the deputy registrars of each ward where such services were rendered, and by one of the regis- trars, and no other expenses of any kind shall be incurred at any such election to be paid for by the city. be called. officers. CITY AND* COUNCIL MEETINrsS. 205 Sec. 12. The city clerk shall be the clerk of all joint con- ci'^,«J«^^'«|-^,«>^, ventions of the Court of Common Council, and also of the aDd'bo°a"rd 0""''' ' canvassers. board of canvassers, and in his absence a clerk ;pro tempore shall be chosen; and the city clerk shall have the custody R^orf_s of common and care of all the records and papers of the common coun- cierr'^^"^ eil board, after final action thereon has been taken by said board ; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of said board to deliver the same to said city clerk, who shall give true and attested copies thereof whenever required so to do. Sec. 13. The mayor, or in case of his absence or disa- ^^Ife!;',"'^""^'' ""^ bility, the acting president of the board of aldermen, or in the absence of the mayor and of said president, the senior alderman present in the city may, at any time, and when thereunto instructed by order of the Court of Common Council, shall call a city meeting ; and may, at any time, and upon the request in writing of any two members of the ^,^™rg",^hoT" board of aldermen, and four members of the common council *"* ^ ' board shall, without unreasonable delay, call a meeting of the Court of Common Council, by issuing a warrant to the marshal or any deputy marshal of the city, requiring him to notify the electors of the city, or the members of the Court of Common Council, as the case may be, that such meeting ^'haujou^.e^to^^^^ will be holden at the time and place in such warrant desig- mSTs. °""''* nated, which warrant, in the case of a city meeting shall specify the objects thereof, and shall be issued and served at least two days before the day when such meeting is to be holden, and service of said warrant shall be made by causing a true and attested copy thereof to be published in at least two daily newspapers issued in the City of -Hartford, and by fixing a true and attested copy thereof on the public sign- post in said city. The Court of Common Council, whenever, common couudi I >J ' ' may prescribe in their judgment, an emergency requires a city meeting to wS' '"""'*'' be called on shorter notice, may, by a suitable vote, prescribe the manner of warning the same. Warrants for city meet- ings shall be returned before the meeting to the city clerk, f/'^lfra^n"!'^^''''" with a suitable endorsement of service. All warrants for meetings of the Court of Common Council shall be served ])y leaving a copy thereof with each member of said court, 206 ELECTION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. or lit his usual j^lacc of abode, and shall be returned, with a proper endorsement of service, before said meeting, to the clerk of the board of aldermen ; and a certified copy thereof* and of said endorsement shall, before said meeting, be left with the clerk of the common council board. CHAPTEE II. ELECTION AND DUTIES OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Joint Convention of Common Council, when held. Other oflBcers, when and how chosen; and terms of office. Vacancies, how filled. President of Council may vote, when. Duties of city clerk. Journals of Court of Common Council. City weigher, and duties. Inspector of fire wood, and duties. Deputies of. Sealer of weights and measures, and duties. Inspection of milk. Port warden, and duties. Jurors of City Court, how appointed. Joiut couvcutiou, when held for elec- tion of officers. Vacancies, how tilled. Officers chosen annually by con- current vote. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford. Section 1. A meeting of the entire Court of Common Council shall be holden yearly upon the second Monday after the annual city election, for the choice of such officers as arc to be chosen by said court in joint convention. If any vacancy shall occur in any of the offices filled by this board in joint convention, said vacancy may be filled at a meeting of the same especially w^arned for that purpose, and the person chosen to fill such vacancy shall hold his office until the next annual meeting of said board, and until another b< chosen in his place, and sworn. Sec. 2. A meeting of the Court of Common Council shal be holden annually within fifteen days after the annual city election, for the choice of such other officers as may bo™, required, to be chosen annually by the Court of Commoi]^| Council, all of which shall hold their office for one year, and until a successor shall be appointed and qualified. If any vacancy ^shall occur in any of the offices so filled said ] COUNCIL OFFICERS — CLERKS. 207 vacancy may be filled at a meeting of the Court of Common Jj^^^^o'^^, how Council specially warned for that purpose, and the person chosen to fill a vacancy in any office under the charter or ordinances of the city shall, when qualified according to law, be vested with all the powers and functions pertaining — thereto, for the full unexpired portion of the term in which tlSrifansaVv. the vacancy shall have occurred, and shall be entitled to such part of the salary and emoluments of his office as shall be justly proportioned to the time for which he shall hold the same. Sec 3. There shall be chosen, annually, at the first sepa- officers of common ' tj ' X council board, wlien rate meeting of the common council board after the annual *''""^°' city meeting, a president, vice-president, clerk, and messen- ger, who shall hold office until their successors are chosen and qualified. The president and vicc'-president shall be members of said board. The presiding officer of said board ^^^y«'^^^['8»'||«^'; shall not vote in any meeting except when the action of said board shall result in a tie, or when by voting in the negative his vote shall make a tie, in which latter case such question shall be lost. Sec 4. The clerk of each board shall attend the meetings p»«f «/ cjfrks of O board of aldermen thereof, and duly record the orders and proceedings thereof, coimdi!"""" and deliver true and attested copies of his records as often as required. The clerk of each board shall note on every vote, resolution, or ordinance of such board, a brief statement of the action of such board thereon; and whenever such pro- ceedings are had thereon as make the action of. the other board proper, he shall cause the same to be transmitted as soon as may be to said other board ; and whenever the board, of which he is clerk, shall have concurred with the other branch of the Court of Common Council in passing any vote, ordinance, or resolution, he shall cause the same to be trans- mitted as soon as may be to the mayor for his approval. Sec 5. The clerks of each branch of the Court of Com- joumais of tbe Court of Common mon Council of said city, shall keep a journal of the doings ^*'"''*'"- and proceedings thereof, and after each meeting shall cause the same to be printed in sufficient numbers, and distributed to each member of said Court of Common Council, and to 208 CITY CLERK CITY WEIGHERS. such other officers of said city as they judge best, and within four weeks after the last meeting of said Court of Common Council for the year, they shall cause two hundred copies of such journal, properly- indexed, to be printed and distributed, one to each member of the Court of Common Council for the 3^ear during which said journal was kept, and one "to each officer of said City of Hartford, and shall deposit the remain- der in the office of the city "blerk of said city, one of which said clerk shall certify under his hand, to be a true record of the doings and proceedings of said Court of Common Coun- cil, and which shall be the official journal thereof City clerk the Sec. 6. Thc citv clcrk shall be the stated custodian of all custodian of «^ records, etc. votes, rcsolutioiis and ordinances which shall have been made or passed by the Court of Common Council, and shall keep all bills, claims, and vouchers, which shall have been allowed by said court, until the same shall have been delivered to the auditor; and shall take prompt possession of all documents and vouchers, as soon as the same shall have been finally acted upon by said court, and shall immediately make an orderly arrangement of all city papers, which are to be kept on file in his office. He shall keep an office at such place as he may select, with the approval of the mayor and auditing committee, or at such place as the Court of Common Council shall provide. He may employ a messenger at a salary not exceeding sixty dollars a year. City weighers, how Sec. 7. Said Court of Common Council shall appoint city appointed. -•- ^ "^ weighers, each one of whom shall give bond with surety in the sum of one hundred dollars, payable to the city, and all anthracite or bituminous coal brought to and sold in this city shall be weighed by one of said weighers, who shall give a certificate of the weight of the same, signed by him, which shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of sale. Short weight, how Whencvcr any coal shall fall short of the weie-ht specified made good. ^ ^ ^ in the certificate, such deficiency shall be paid for by the weigher who gave the same, to the purchaser on demand, Penalty for. aud sald weighcr shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the City of Hartford for the use of the city, for each and every offence, the sum of ten dollai-s. The foes of said INSPECTOR OF FIRE WOOD. 209 \veigher shall be six cents for each load of coal weighed by Fees of weigher. him to be paid by the seller. Every person who shall sell any anthracite or bituminous penalty for semng J r 'J coal unweigned, etc. coal without having the same weighed as aforesaid, or shall • sell the same without delivering a certificate of the weight thereof as aforesaid to the purchaser at the time of such sale, shall forfeit and pay a fine to said city not exceeding ten dollars, for each oifence. ^ Sec. 8. An inspector of fire wood shall be appointed an- ^"^''^pf''];^';^"^ "'"*' nually by said court, who shall give a bond with surety in the ''p*'"'"'''^" sum of five hundred dollars, payable to the city. All fire wood brought to and sold in this city shall be measured by Fire wood, how o ./ ./ measured. the inspector or deputy inspector by him appointed, who shall give a certificate of the measure of the same in square or solid feet, signed by him, w^hich shall be delivered to the pur- chaser at the time of sale. There shall also be provided by the city and kept under his superintendance, as many sealed fj^^J^^^'j'^-'^''*" *■«"■ baskets as he shall think necessary for the measuring of char- coal, each of which, even full, shall hold three bushels. Sec. 9. Whenever any fire wood shall fall short of tbe sho^r^t^asurchow measure specified in the certificate, such deficiency shall be paid for by the principal inspector to the purchaser on de- mand ; and after such demand the same may be recovered in any proper action, or by a suit upon his bond. The fees of the insjDector shall be twelve cents for each load of wood Fees or inspector. lirought by land; six cents for each cord brought by boat, one-half of which shall be paid by the purchaser, and the other half by the seller. Sec. 10. Every person who shall sell or purchase any fire ^^°j;''°;'^f//^X'' wood without having the same measured as aforesaid, or shall "*''^ p»°'^>""i- sell any fire wood without delivering a certificate of the measurement thereof to the purchaser at the time of such sale, or shall sell any charcoal except the same shall have been measured in the baskets furnished by the city, or who shall pack any wood, measured or sold in this city, so as to decrease in the measurement of the same, shall forfeit and ]^ay a fine not exceediug twenty dollars. 210 INSPECTOR OF FIRE WOOD. Pressed hay, how weighed. Deputy inspectors, how appointed, powers and duties of. Short weight, how made good. Fees of inspector. Inspector to pre- scribe weight of material used in binding hay. Non-compliance with ordinance, penalty for. Sec. 11. All pressed hay, brought to and sold in this city, shall be weighed by the inspector of fire wood, or his deputy, who shall give a certificate of the weight of the same, signed by him, which shall be delivered to the purchaser of such hay at the time of sale. Sec. 12. The inspector of fire wood may appoint any number of deputies not exceeding twelve, who shall each qualify in the same manner, and have the same powers, for the weighing of coal, or hay, and measuring of wood, and certifying thereto as the inspector has, and be liable therefor in the same manner and to the same extent, and the appoint- ment of every such deputy shall be in writing, specifying the term of his appointment, a copy of which shall be lodged on file in the city clerk's office. Whenever any pressed hay shall fall short of the weight specified in the certificate of the weight of the same, such deficiency shall be paid for to the purchaser by the inspector who gives the certificate, on demand, and after such demand, the value of said deficiency, if not paid, may be recovered by such purchaser of said inspector in any proper action, or by suit upon his official bond. The fees of the insj)ector shall be six cents for each bale of hay weighed by him, to be paid by the seller. Sec. 13. The inspector of fire wood shall establish and announce a rule fixing the weight w^hich may be allowed to the materials used in binding up pressed hay, and the weight of said materials so fixed by him shall be deducted from the gross weight of all pressed hay. Every person who shall sell any pressed hay which is bound up Avith materials whose weight shall exceed the Aveight allowed by the rule estab- lished by the inspector of fire wood, or who shall sell any pressed hay containing any substance other than hay, excej)t said materials, or who shall sell any pressed hay without having the same weighed as aforesaid, or Avho shall sell any pressed hay without delivering a certificate of the weight thereof to the purchaser at the time of such sale, shall for- feit and pay a fine of not exceeding five dollars for each and everj^ oficnce, and the sale of each bale of pressed hay sold SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 211 contnuy to or in violation of any one of the foregoing pro- visions, shall constitute a separate offence. Sec. 14. There shall be provided, at the expense of the coaMubs^o be kept city, and kept by the inspector of fire wood and under his superintendance, a sufficient number of tubs, each of which - _ shall contain three bushels, when even full, of coal measure, and all the anthracite or bituminous coal brought into this city and sold shall, if required, be measured in said tubs under the inspection of the said inspector or one of his deputies. Any person who shall sell any anthracite or Penauy forj^ioiatiou bituminous coal brought into this city as aforesaid contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one nor more than five dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 15. Said Court of Common Council shall appoint f^f^^°/j;^^f^'^^ annually a sealer of weights and measures, who shall devote andSes.^*"^^" his whole time to the duties of said office, and whose duty it shall be to annually inspect, prove, correct and seal all measures, balances, scales, steelyards, weights, or any instru- ment, machine or article used for weighing or measuring, by any person, in doing business within said city, according to the standards of the City of Hartford. All such measures, balances, scales, steelyards, weights, instruments, machines or articles as are formed or made to correspond in degree with said standard shall be marked or sealed with the letters IT. S. In. addition to such annual inspection, said sealer of weights and measures shall, from time to time, as he shall deem necessary, visit all places Avhere measures, balances, scales, steelyards or weights are used for weighing or measuring' by any person, in doing business in said city, and inspect such measures, bala»ces, scales, steelyards or weights, as have not been inspected within one year, and if found correct shall mark or seal the same, and shall when requested by any person try and test by said standards the measures, balances, scales, steelyards, weights or other instruments, machines or articles for meas- uring or weighing used by any ])erson in doing business in this city. 212 SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Use of unsealed \t-eights, etc., prohibited. Peualty. Feus lor iuspectiou. Additiouai coiupen- sation. Use of defective weights iind meas- ures prohibited. Penalty. Defective measures to be branded. Sec. 16. Any person who shall within the limits of said city use any weight, scale or measure, to ascertain the weight, length or quantity of any article by him sold, which weight, scale or measure has not been marked or sealed by said sealer of weights and measures in the manner provided in the foregoing section; or who shall knowingly and Avith intent to defraud, sell any article as of a greater Aveight, measure or quantity than such article does in fact Aveigh or measure according to said standards shall pay to the City of Hartford a penalty of not less than tAvo nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 17. The owner of the several measures, balances, scales, steelyards, and Aveights, shall pay said sealer of Av eights and measures for each inspection made by him, as required by the ordinances of the city, as follows : For testing each Aveight, measure, box, or basket, three cents ; for each scale, steelyard, or balance, excepting platform balances, ten cents; for each platform balance made for Aveighing less than five thousand pounds, fifty cents ; and for each platform balance made for Aveighing five thousand pounds or over, one dollar. In addition to the foregoing fees, the owner shall also pa}' said sealer of Aveights and measures a reasonable compensa- tion for all repairs, alterations, and adjustments, Avhich it is necessary for him to make. Sec. 18. Whenever the sealer of Aveights and measures, upon inspection of any balance, scale, steelyard, or weight, shall find that it is incorrect, and cannot be adjusted by him, he shall forbid its further use until it is made to conform to the authorized standard, and shall fix thereon a written or priiited notice, stating the facts so found by him and forbid- ding its use, and any j^erson Avho shall remove such notice, Avithout the consent of said sealer of Aveights and measures, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford a penalty of tAventy-fiA^e dollars. Whenever said sealer of Aveights and measures, upon inspection, shall find any measure or A^essel, used for measuring any goods sold in said city, to be beloAv the standard of correct measurement, he shall, Avith a brand, enter and may inspect weights and of itinerant vender. SEALER OP WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 218 (lie, or other proper instrument, atfix or impress to or upon it, the word "condemned." Every person who shall use any measure or vessel <-*on- Pt-imny j^^^ j penalty. othcr w^atcr-craft, shall be responsible in the same manner as the person who shall have the charge or custody of the same : provided however^ that nothing in this ordinance shall in an^^ way impair or aifect the rights of the public or individuals to the free use of the ferry place for the purpose of a feny. Sec. 27. The board of aldermen shall be warned by the mayor, in the manner provided by law for warning meetings of the Court of Common Council, to meet on the fourth City jurors, how Moudav of April, in each year, for the choice of jurors of the appointed, */ x ; ./ 7 «; City Court; and said board shall, at such meeting, select not less than seventy nor more than one hundred and fifty free- Number of jurors to holders of said city to serve as such iurors, for the year be appointed. •/ j t/ ensuing, whose names shallbe immediately returned by the clerk of the board to the clerk of the City Court, w^ho shall write each of said names upon a separate piece of paper, which, after being rolled up, shall be placed in a suitable box ; Jury warrant, how wheucver a iurv warrant shall be issued by the clerk of said issued. o ,/ d _ court to the city marshal, or his deputy, the ofiicer serving the same shall, in the j)resence of the clerk and the recorder Jurors, how drawn, of Said court draw from said box such number of names as his warrant requires, and no more, without knowing in any manner any name so drawn, before drawing the same ; and shall then summon the persons whose names shall have been thus draAvn, according to the mandate of such warrant. If, S"Cr^.Mn!iied ^*^^ ^^^y I'eason, more jurors shall be required to complete the panel, the oflEicer attending the court shall supply th deficiency, b}" drawing the names of other persons from said box, in the manner aforesaid, and summoning them to attend Names of jurors aud scrvc. The names of such iurors as do not attend, or exeiisert, how kept. " ' are excused for the whole term from serving, shall be imme- diately returned to said box, and the names of such as do attend and serve shall be placed by the clerk in another box I FINANCE. 217 serve, how punished. or receptacle, to be drawn after those remaining in the first mentioned box shall have been exhausted. Any juror who Refusal of juror to •' ff serve, how shall have been duly summoned, who shall refuse to attend or serve, shall pay a penalty of five dollars for the use of the city, recoverable upon this ordinance. Taxable fees in the City Court, and of the clerk of the ^axawe fees of cuy City Court, shall be the same as are provided in the general statutes. CHAPTEE III. FINANCE AND CONVEYANCES. Committee of ways and means to examine accounts of treasurer and condition of the sinking fund. Committee on ways and means to examine accounts of collector. Conveyance of real estate, how made. Conveyance of personal property, and evidences of debt, how executed. Money, how drawn from city treasury. Orders of city auditor, how drawn. Auditor 2)i'o tempore, how appointed. Auditing committee, how appointed, and duties. Money due the city, how paid. Duties of treasurer. Duties of clerks of City and Police Courts. City attorney, duties of May employ additional counsel and shall keep register of legal proceedings. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. No money, except for the payment of notes of payments from city ^ X ./ treasury, how made. the city payable at bank, or of interest on city notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, shall be paid from the city treasury, except upon the written order of the auditor of city accounts, specifying the nature of the claim for which such order is drawn; and any payment made without such order, except in the above-excepted cases, shall be without authority and not obligatory upon the city. No order shall be drawn by ,^|;'^en valid"'"""'* such auditor, or be valid, without a previous vote of the Court of Common Council authorizii^ the same, and the only evidence of such authority shall be a certified copy of such order, which it shall be the duty of the city clerk to deliver 218 AUDITOR AND AUDITING COMMITTEE. as soon as jnay be to said auditor. In case of the temporary illness, absence, or disability of the auditor, the Court of Kpoim^rt'Twb'en! Common Council may appoint a deputy auditor for the time being, whose acts, in conformity with the votes of said court. shall be valid and obligatory. The auditor shall render his Auditor shall render accouut to thc Court of Couimou Couucil at least two weeks account, when, and *"'"^' before the annual election of city officers, and shall keep the same in such a mode of classification as to show the receipts and expenses of each department of the city government and business, including the receipts and expenses of each of the courts of said city, and the various sources and objects of the expenditure made on account of said courts. Shall preserve Hc shall rcccivc froiu the city clerk, and file and safely claims, vouchers, ' * ^*^- kee]) in his office all bills, claims, accounts, and vouchers allowed by the Court of Common Council, and the certified copies of all resolutions appropriating money. He shall be Auditor ex-o^io ex-oMcio chaii'mau of an auditino; committee, consistino- of chairman auditing ** o ' ^ committee. ^^^^ membcrs besides such auditor, one of whom shall be Auditing committee, aiipoiutcd by thc board of aldermen from their own numl)er. how composed. * and one by the common council board from their own number, to hold office during the pleasure of the board appointing them; to which committee every bill, account, or claim against the city shall be referred by the Court of Common Council, for their approval or disapproval, before the same shall be approved by said court, unless both branches of said court concur in dispensing Avith such reference. And it shall Duties or auditing bc thc duty of such auditing committee faithfully to examine committee. n i all accounts, bills or claims so referred to them, and all monthly accounts of water rents received and expended by the water commissioners, and faithfully to report any infor mality or improper charge, by them detected, to the Court o Common Council; and also to note their approval of any such account upon the same. And it shall be the duty of the Buty of auditor, audltor to provldc himself with such lists of officers or stated employees of the city, in the various dejiartments of its business, as will enable him to examine thoroughly all claims, accounts, or exhibits presented to the Court of Common Council on their behalf. \ CLERKS OF CITY AND POLICE COURT. 219 Sec. 2. All moneys accruing to the use or benefit of the ?^°°X'^!;°Jp*^*^ city shall be paid into the city treasury, and duplicate receipts *''^*'"'-^- or certificates shall be made by the treasurer for all moneys by him received as such, one of which he shall forthwith deliver to the auditor of city accounts, and the other, if re- ^ ^ quired, to the party from which such money is received. He shall keep a faithful and true account of all his receipts and JJcaSrer."''^ disbursements in such a mode of classification as to corre- spond to the classification reqviired in the foregoing section from the auditor, and shall render his account to the Court of Common Council at least two weeks before the annual city mooting. The treasurer shall apply any avails of the water ^/^Sd.''"'" rents by him received to the payment of interest on the water debt or scrip, without special order of the Court of Common Council ; and if there be any excess of such avails ho shall so report to the said court, who shall thereupon ?i,^,';Xd''to'common direct whether the same shall be applied to the extinguish- """""'' '^'*^"* ment of the princii)al of the water debt or otherwise. Sec. 3. The clerks of the City Court and City Police contiugeutex- ./ »' penses of City and Court shall supervise and defray all contingent expenditures defied"''' ^"^ in behalf of their respective courts, and shall be entitled to be reimbursed for the same, after being allowed and certified by the judge of such court, out of the fees, fines, penalties, costs, or moneys accruing to the city treasury from said courts. And all such fees, fines, penalties, costs, or moneys shall be paid to the clerk of the court, on account of which they shall accrue. The clerk of tho City Police Court shall fo^TecelS^^c^^^^^^ pay over quarterly to the city treasurer all such fines, fees, *" ' costs, penalties or moneys as shall be in his hands, and shall .annually on the first day of July account with the city auditor for all the receipts and expenditures of said City Police Court for the preceding year. The clerk of the City Court shall account for all the receipts and expenditures of his court with the auditor of city accounts at least three weeks before the annual city meeting, and immediately thereafter shall pay over all the receipts in his hands to the city treasurer, who shall execute duplicate receipts therefor in the manner aforesaid. And each of said clei'ks shall keep 220 CITY ATTORNEY. Clerks shall keep accounts, how. City attornev, aud duties of. Shall bring and prosecute suits. Shall draw all in- struments for city. Shall render ac- counts, when, aud how. Compensation of, how made. May employ addi- tional counsel, when. Shall keep register of writs and make report to Court of Common Council annually. a faithful and detailed account of all sums accruing to and due to the city treasury on account of his said court, dis- tributing the items thereof according to the various kinds of sources of expenditure or income. Sec. 4. The city attorney shall bring all necessary suits for the recovery of penalties and forfeitures accruing to the city treasury for violations of city ordinances, before the City Court; shall prosecute and defend, as the attorney and counsel of the city, all suits or actions brought by or against the city ; shall, when requested by the chief of police, appear and pros- ecute any cause pending before the Police Court ; shall draft all instruments, process, or forms of proceeding required of him by the officers of said city, or the Court of Common Council, or any committee thereof; and shall pay into the city treasury, as often as once in three months, all sums re- ceived or collected by him, and at the same time deliver an account thereof to the auditor of city accounts, deducting from the amounts thereof any necessary disbursements which he shall have made on account of the city. He shall also transmit to the Court of Common Council, at its meeting next succeeding the making by him of any payment into the city treasury, a statement of his charges for his official ser- vices, and such compensation shall be made therefor as said court shall allow. This last account, for the current year, shall be by him delivered to the city auditor at least three weeks before the annual city election. He may employ such additional counsel to aid in the trial or preparation of any cause, wherein the city is interested, as shall be approved by the mayor and auditing committee. Sec. 5. The city attorney shall keep a register of all writs and legal proceedings to which the city is a party or in which the city shall have assumed the defence ; and at the expira- tion of each year, or sooner if required, make a full report to the Court of Common Council of all suits or other legal pro- ceedings, in which the city is interested, whether finished or pending, the names of the parties and the progress or results of the suits. I t^ COMMITTEE OP WAYS AND MEANS — CONVEYANCES. 221 Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the committee on ways and Examination of •^ •' accounts of city means to examine at least twice in each year, to wit: on the *'^**'""^'^- last business days of March and September, the accounts of the city treasurer relating both to receipts and disbursements and the vouchers for the same, also to examine the bonds, _ cash, and trust and other funds in the hands of said treasurer, and to examine the condition of the sinking fund, and to re- Kxamination of '-^ sinlcing fund. port the results of such examinations in detail to the Court of Common Council. Sec 7. Said committee of ways and means shall at least ^''^^'^'^"fjf"^?^. twice in each year, to wit: on the last business days of April ''°"''*=""'- and October, examine and audit the accounts of the city col- lector, and report the result of such examination to the Court of Common Council. Sec. 8. All grants, leases and conveyances of any real c^ou^'Sucerof^c'ify. estate belonging to said city, executed by the mayor of the city, sealed with the city seal, approved by the Court of Common Council in a legal meeting, and recorded in the town where the lands conveyed lie, shall be effectual to convey such estate. Sec. 9. All conveyances of personal property belonging Personal property o the city, of greater value than one hundred dollars, and howlx^S**^^' all evidences of debt issued by the city, shall, when specially authorized by the Court of Common Council, be executed by the city treasurer, sealed with the city seal, and certified by the mayor. 222 FIRE .DEPARTMENT. CHAPTER ly. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Board of fire commissiouers, how consti- tuted, and terms of office ; powers of. Fire department, how composed, salaries of. Duty of chief engineer. Duty of assistant engineers. Duty of fire commissioners. Fire department, how paid. Injuries to fire apparatus and property, and interference, how punished. Powers of engineer and assistant engi- neer. False alarm, how punished. Forfeitures, how recoverable. Fire marshal, how elected, and term of office. Fire marshal, duties and powers of. Building permits. Fire marshal not entitled to fees. Obstruction to orders and duties of, how punished. Records and reports of fire marshal. Board of tire com- luissiouers, how constituted, aud terms of office. Bhall have mauagc- mcut of tire depart- lucut, subject to ordinances. Powers of the board. May appoint aud remove members of department. May expel members or disband and reor- ganize company. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. There shall be a board of tire commissioners^ of the City of Hartford consisting of six electors of said city, and each commissioner shall hold his office for three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 2. Said board of fire commissioners shall have the general management and control of the fire department of said city in the manner, hereinafter provided, subject hoAv- ever to the ordinances of the city and to the orders of the Court of Common Council. Sec. 3. The fire commissioners shall have power to ap- point the requisite number of persons to perform the duties of their several positions as set fo: th in this ordinance, the fire marshal excepted, who shall hold their places during good behavior, and until reir oved for cause. But no person shall be appointed to any office without the assent of at least i four of said commissioners. Said commissioners shall have power to suspend or expel any member of any company, and to disband or reorganize any company; and they shall also, adopt a suitable uniform to be worn by the officers and men ; and generally said fire commissioners shall adopt such rules For apiMintment of fire commissioners, see page 58. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 223 and regulations for their own government, and of the fire department, as they shall deem expedient for the interest of said department; ^provided, such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the laws of this state or the ordinances of the city of Hartford. They shall keep a record of all ^SeSr°'''°' their proceedings, subject to the inspection of .the mayor and ^~ members of the Court of Common Council. Sec. 4. The fire department shall consist of a chief ^^;«;?j^''j^J™«g°|' engineer, three assistant engineers, one fire marshal, one superintendent of fire alai'ms, who shall be appointed and paid pursuant to existing ordinances, and shall perform the duties prescribed therein : six steam fire engine companies, to consist as follow^s : each company in charge of a self-propelling- engine, of one foreman, one engineer, one second engineer, one tillerman, one driver of hose carriage, and nine extra men; the remaining companies of one foreman, one engineer, one fireman, one engine driver, one driver of hose carriage, and eight extra men; one hose company, to consist of one foreman, one driver, one assistant driver and four hosemen ; one hook and ladder company, to consist of one foreman, one driver, one tillerman and eighteen extra men; one permanent substitute. Sec. 5. The steam engine companies shall each have one steam engine *-' -•- companies. steam engine, one hose reel, and necessary horses, hose and apparatus. Sec. 6. The hook and ladder company shall have one truck, hoo^ anon or excluded from any highway, or portion of any highway or highways in said city, during the per- foruiance of said duty, or any part thereof, the engineer, or, in his absence the senior assistant engineer present, is, and they, each of them, are hereby authorized and empowered to order and cause the traveling or passing on said highway, or })art of highway, to cease during the performance of said - duty ; and also, to put and place in, upon, or across said high- way, or part of highway, as he shall direct, suitable iron chain or chains, rope, or other obstructions, there to remain until said fire duty is performed, and no longer; and also to order and command any owner, driver of any and all vehi- vchidt-s mav be eleS; of any description whatever, to remove the same from any portion of said highway, and not to drive on, to, or across the same during the performance of said duty; and if any person shall willfully remove or assist in removing any chain, rope, or other things thus placed in, upon, or across any higlnvay in this city, as aforesaid, or, if any owner or driver of any vehicle shall neglect or refuse to obey any order 228 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Penalty. Buildings ma.v bo demolished, when. False alarms, ])eii- aliv for. Endangering limld- ing, how puuibhi'd. Penalties, how recovered. Parent or guardi responsible ior minor. Fire marshal, how appointed and term of oftiue. Duties of tire marshal. Shall examine chim- neys, heating appa- ratus, etc. or command made upon him. or given to him. as aforesaid, every person so oifending shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford a penalty of five dollars. Sec.'23. Whenever it >shall be necessary to demolish any building in said city, in order to stop the progress of fire, the chief engineer may cause the same to be done, having first obtained the conseiit of the mayor thereto, or, in the absence of the mayor, the consent of any fire commissioner. Sec. 24. If any person shall knowingly give a false alarm of fire in said city, or shall knowingly proclaim that any fire is extinguished or out w^hen it is not, such person shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 25. If any person shall carry into any Invrn or hay lott, any lighted candle or lamp not enclosed in a lantern, or any lighted cigar or pipe, such person shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford a penalty of five dollars. Sec. 26. All forfeitures and penalties incurred under the ordinances, relating to the fire department, except when • otherwise provided, shall be recoverable by the attorney of the city before the City Court, in an action brought in the name of said city, for the use of the city treasury ; and when any niijior shall be guilty of any breach of this ordinance, w the parent, guardian, or master of such minor whall be liable to pay the penalty therefor; and the same shall be recovera- ble of such parent, guardian, or master, by action brought against them in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 27. At the annual meeting of the Court of Common , Council, for the choice of city ofiicers, there shall be chosen* by concurrent vote a fire marshal, who shall hold his otfice for one year, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified. Sec. 28. It shall be the duty of the fire marshal, from time to time during the year, as occasion may require, to examine, throughout said city, the fire-places, chimneys, heating and cooking apparatus and pipes connected there- with, of all houses, out-houses, and buildings in said city, also all places where ashes are kept, and upon finding any of them defective or dangerous, shall order such to be cleaned, FIRE 3IARSHAL. 229 altered, or amended, as may seem to him tlie occasion requires. And in case any heating or cooking apparatus, or the pipes connected therewith, are erected or set up in such l)Uices as to unreasonably endanger said city to the perils of fire, and the same cannot be altered so as to be rendered oKhetl';^^!!!^ reasonably safe, said fire marshal shall order all such appa- ratus to be removed ; and all orders, in respect to any of the particulars in this section mentioned, shall be given in the manner following, viz.: The fire marshal shall specify in onier.^t"^bem^ writing the thing to be done, and a reasonable time within which the order must be complied w^ith, and shall leave a true copy of said order, signed by him, in the hands of the [)crson upon whom said order is made; or if he or she be absent, at his or her place of abode. Sec. 29. In all cases in which said fire nuirshal shall judii;e tire marshal may " ~ ordtT scuttle, when. it necessary for the safety of said city from fire, that a scuttle should be made to a dwelling-house, or any other building in said city, he shall give an order in writing, in the manner uildiiigs ble times, and it shall be his duty, to enter into and examine '^"'^ "^»>«^^'" ••'"«««• all buildings and lots Avhere lumbei- and other combustible materials are stored, in said city, to inspect places where fire is used, to direct in what manner ashes and matches shall be kept, and it shall be his duty to examine into any and all 230 FIRE MARSHAL. violations of any ordinance within the scope of his duty, and report the same to the city attorney for prosecution. No person Shan ircct Sec. 32. Everv pcrsou who shall erect or place within any or place stove, I'ur- f i- x •' lugoVheSappa- buildiug wlthiu the limits of the City of Hartford, except houses, except by such as havc thclr outer walls composed wholly of iron. couseut of fire luar- J- "^ oouucii.""'"'""" brick, stone, or mortar, any chimney, stove, fire-place, fur- nace, or other apparatus, for heating or cooking, without the consent of the fire marshal, or contrary to the direction of the Court of Common Council, shall forfeit and pay a fine of Penalty. uot morc thau thirty dollars, for the use of the city treasury, for every month that the same shall remain, either without the consent of the said fire marshal, or contrary to the direc- tion of the Court of Common Council and said fire marshal, before giving his consent, shall see that such cooking or Sei'^tm"appalatu.s hcatiiig apparatus be safely placed, and that the pipes thereof be sa eij arranpc. . ^^ couduct tlic licat aud thc suiolvC bc sct aiul run in a secure manner so as not to endanger the building in which the same is placed, or any building or Imildings adjoining or adjacent thereto. Consent of couucii Sec. 33. Evcrv pcrsoii who shall erect, add to. move or necessary for thc .. x ' ' buudings.^ place any dwelling house, shop, store, barn, or other building, except privies, in this city, without the consent of the Court m of Common Council, as to the mode of said erection or addi- ErectionofiuuMing tlou, or uiatcrials used or without the consent of said Court without consent of ' punished."* of Common Council to such removal, or in any manner con- trary to the ordinances of said city, or tlie allowance or direction of the Court of Common Council, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dolhu'S to the City of Hartford for the use of the city treasury, and the further sum of not more Penalty if building tliau fiftv dollars for every week that such biuldiiig shall remain without . ./ o permissiou. rcnuiin Avithout such permission; and it is hereby provideuild- ing are to be composed, the street upon which, and the dis- FIRE MARSHAL. 231 tance from tlu' street at which the said buikling is to be placed, and all such petitions shall be referred to the com- K.jJ^.fJf.'f'^ ''' mittee of the fire department, who shall enfxuire into the "''"""'"' *^- matters asked for in said petitions, and make their report to the Conrt of Common Council, who may grant such petitions ^ under such restrictions as they may think proper. Sec. 35. It shall be the duty of the fire marshal to attend K,e°onn=S , - - ini fires, ami how to at every fire occurring in said city; and when he shall Jiave proceea. tmy reason to l)elieYe that any fire may liave been incendiary in its origin, it shall he his duty to inquire into the cause of said fire, in behalf of said city, and to proceed in said inquiry in the manner provided by the statutes of this state in such case provided. No fee shall be paid said fire marshal for his If;,,');^^^^"^,^;*; p'^''^ said inquiry and investigation on behalf of said city into tlie cause of any such fire, but his salary shall be in lieu thereof, and in lieu of any other services devolved upon him by virtue of this ordinance, or any other ordinance, imposing duties upon liim. All witness fees, service of subpoenas, and cash advances arising out of the investigation into the cause of c^|>,»;J^^n^ytobe any fire, shall be paid from the treasury of said city ; and it ''"*'•''''"■''• shall be the duty of said fire marshal to forward the amount of the same to the Court of Common Council for payment, same, how i-aid. accompanied by his certificate that said expenses were justly incurred in the prosecution of said investigation. Seo. 30. It shall be the duty of every person to fulfill all The duty of everv person to obey writtfu orders of lire marshal. nd every written order of the fire marshal, issued by him in conformity Avith any ordinance noAV existing or which shall hereafter be enacted. Sec. 37. If any person or persons shall, contrary to the p-n^ify •'" ^^"'"^e. ordinances of the city, neglect or refuse to compl}^ with any su(;h order of the fire marshal, or shall hinder or obstruct the fire marshal in the discharge of any of his duties, such ])erso]i or persons shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence, and the same shall be deemed a misdemeanor and may be prosecuted as such before tlic Police Court like other offences. Sec. 38. It shall be the duty of the fire marshal to keep a Fire mat-shai shaii *' ■" keep record, record book, wherein he shall record all orders by him made, 232 BONDS OF CTTY OFFICERS. and all written complaints made to him under this ordinance, and all examinations made by him pursuant to the provisions Shall iiiKke annual hercof* aud to uiakc an annual report to tlie Court of Common Council of tlie services performed by him during the year as said fire marshal. CHAPTEE Y. BONDS OF CITY OFFICERS. Bond.s of city officers, how executed. Bond of city treasurer. President of board of water commission- ers. City auditor. President of the board of street commis- sioners. Bond of city marshal, clerk of the police court, clerk of the city court, city at- torney. Other officers, or committees holding moneys to give bonds. Conditions of bond. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Bonds of city Section 1. All bouds of city officers shall be payable to oftifiers, how payable and how executed. ^\^q City of Hartford, and shall be executed by the principal and two sufficient sureties to the approbation of the mayor. Such bonds shall be conditioned on the faithful performaiu'e by the principal of all his official duties due to the City of Hartford by virtue of his appointment, and upon his savini;- the city from all loss, cost, or damage, by reason of his mis- feasance in office, and upon his rendering a true account of all his money dealings for, in behalf of, and with said city, and upon his just and true payment to the city treasurer of all moneys in his hands at any time as an officer or agent of the city, for and during the entire period for which he shall remain in his office by appointment or reelection. Such bonds sliall be given before any such officer shall enter upon his official duties or continuance longer in the exercise thereof Penalties of bonds. Sec. 2. Tlic peualtlcs of thc bouds required of the several city officers shall be respectively as follows: Of the city I On re-elpf'lion no new bond rfqiiired. Bonds, wlien executed. OATHS OF CITY OFFICERS. 233 treasurer, tAventy thousand •dollars; of the president of the Bond of president " ./ ' ^ of water commis- l)oard of Avater commissioners, ten thousand dollars; of the pSI'n? wdW street commission- auditor of city accounts, three thousand dollars; of the pres- ^[^;X{.*'"-^ ident of the hoard of street commissioners, three thousand dollars; of the city marshal, three thousand dollars; of the clerk of the Police Court, two thousand dollars; of the clerk |^f4**^o'ur?cferk of the City Court, one thousand dollars; of the city attorney, city auornoy: *"" one thousand dollars. Sec. 3. Every other officer^ or committee, in whose hands ,?ol:dsi,fXsl"^''' money may he placed for dishursements, shall give honds to pi'iced. the city for the faithful dishursement of the same in such 6ums as the mayor shall require. CITAPTEU VT. OATHS OF CITY OFFICERS. Oaths to be administered to Mayor.— Aldermen.— Common councilmen.— City clerk. — Clerk of council board. — Marshal, and deputy marshal. — Clerk of City Court.— Clerk of Police Court.— Police commissioners.— Park commis- sioners.— Fire commissioners. — Police officers.— Policemen.— Street commis- sioners.— Water commissioners.— Treas- urer. — Auditor. — Recorder, and judges of City Court.— Police judge.— City jurors.— City attorney.- Collector.— City surveyor.— Inspector of fire wood. —Sealer of weights and measures. Certificate of such oaths to be lodged with city clerk. Be it ordamed hy the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. Before any mayor, alderman, common council- city omoers to be sworn before quali- man, clerk of the city, clerk of the common council hoard, «"»fo>:rp'™ affirmation a certificate that the same lias been administered in due and legal form, and shall lodge sai' the person or persons present and sworn, shall be sufficient No new oath witliont a Certificate; provided, however, that wlienever anv re(|nire(l lu oasoof i j. j ' •- reelection. ^^^^|^ officer shall continue in his office by reelection or reap- pointment, no ncAV oath shall be required. Oath of judge 01 Sec. 2. The recorder of the City Court and the judge and City and Poliee •'' •' » ^"""''- associate judge of the Police Court shall, before being quali- fied to enter upon the duties of their offices, take the oath by law prescribed for judicial officers of the state. Ajipraisers Oath ot ai.i.raiscrs. of damages or betterments shall be sworn justly and truh^ to estimate an/ the Citt/ of Hartford : Section 1. That no vessel, boat, or other water-erat't. uii shall he laden, shall come to oi' Vessels may recci guupondcrhelow Hockauuui river. Vessels carrying gunpowder proliili i^^o^l^'S.!" hoard of which gunpowder wharves within 'iot i't t • i r~-i dii, except where, hc at any wharf, slij), or landing place, withm the City of Hartford, or come to anchor, or otherwise make ftxst on Con- necticut river within the town of Hartford or Avithiii the jurisdiction of said city, except as is hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Any vessel, boat, or other water-craft, of suitable construction with regard to safety, may be allowed to i-eceive gunpowder on board, from any wharf on the Connecticut or great river opposite the City or town of Hartford below the mouth of the Hockanum river and remain a reasonable and proper time for such lading, Avhich time shall not exceed one day for undecked vessels, and three days for decked vessels : provided, there be kept or allowed no fire, in any numner whatever, on board such vessel, boat, or other water-craft during the receiving such gutipowder, nor while the same may remain within the jurisdiction of said city. And said J powder, when laden on . board any vessel, shall immediate^, H and as each cask or package is received on board, be stowed Powder, how stored awav uudcr deck; or if received on board of an open boat, on vessels. ,/ ' x -> or other water-craft, shall be immediately, and as each cask or package is received on board, covered over with canvas, or other suitable covering. And provided further, that whenever any'gunpowder shall be received on said vessel, boat, or craft, Vessels, how conducted. GUNPOWDER. 237 said vessel, boat, or craft, shall, within the time hereinbefore ycsst-h ladcu shaii ' ' ' ' depart, wncu. mentioned in which said powder shall be so received, remove without the jurisdiction of said city, and shall not be returned while said powder, or any part thereof, is on board. Sec. 3. Whenever any gunpowder shall be brought into ^unpordenhJuugh said city for the purpose of transit, or delivery at stores or ^'^"^^" ~ other buildings, it shall be conveyed in a suitable carriage which shall be lined on the bottom and sides with canvas or leather, so as to prevent the escape of any particle of powder, and such carriage, and the powder on the same, shall be en- ^,';;;[;^:j'jj'^"" tirely covered with canvas or leather, to prevent the possi- bility of any fire or sparks communicating with said powder, and said carriage shall be marked on either side w4th capital u",'' uilS!*^*"' letters, "approved powder carriage;" such carriage having first been approved by the fire marshal of said city, w-hose duty it shall be to attend to the provisions of this ordinance. And in no case shall powder so conveyed, be sufi:cred to re- huw rumovedin main in any such vehicle for any longer time than is neces- sary for its removal; excepting, however, that no more than two (piarter-casks of twenty-five pounds each, may be re- moved from one place to another in the city, in any other [U'udent manner, the same being in tight casks, each of which shall be put into a strong leather bag, and closely tied, on which shall be legibly marked the word "gunpowder." And the same shall remain within said bags, while being so re- moved. Sec. 4. No person or persons shall keei), or have for sale, NoKMni-Mv.i.r or any other purpose, in any house, store, or other buildiug, except bViS^ or in or upon any vessel, boat, or other water craft, within the limits of said city or the jurisdiction thereof, auy (pian- tity of gunpowder exceeding one pound in weight, without special license from the Court of Common Council; and every person so licensed shall tj-ive notice thereof, })y a siffii erected nohcc of accuse, in a conspicuous place, in front of the building where gun- powder is or may be deposited : provided^ that nothing con- tained in this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit vessels Passageof or boats, loaded wholly or in part with powder, from passing up or down the river. 238 GUNPOWDER. Sigu, how painted. Powder closet, how ooustruoted. To be approved by tiro marshal. Powder chest, plauedi Sale of powder prohibited e.\eept iu day tiuio. Certain (|iiautitics may be kept, how. City elerk shall keep record of licenses. City clerk to call :Utcntion to this ordinance, when. Sec. 5. Every person or Urm licensed to sell gunpowder, as is provided in the preceding section, shall have a sign painted in capital letters, with the words "licensed to keep and sell gunpowder," and placed as therein directed; and shall also have and keep a snitable copper, tin, or zinc chest, marked in front with the w^ord "gunpowder," which chest shall be approved by the fire marshal aforesaid, and the same shall be made with two strong handles, with a tight lid or cover, with hinges, and secured with a padlock and key. which key shall be of copper or brass. Said chest shall always be kept locked, except when open to put in or take out powder, which shall be done as speedily as may be con- sistent with proper care ; shall be- placed on the lower floor, at the right side of, and Avithin six feet of the principal door or entrance from the street, over Avhich the sign before mentioned is placed; and shall not l)e kept in any other part of the building, unless by permission of the Court of Com- mon Council, which permission shall be expressed in the license; and no gunpowder shall be sold or exhibited lor sale except by daylight. Sec. (). Every person or Arm wliu may be liceiised and provided, as aforesaid, may be allowed to keep a (piantity of gunpowder, not exceeding three cpiarter-casks of twenty-five pounds each, which shall be deposited in the chest described in section fifth ; each cask shall be kept in a leather bag. closely tied, as is j^rovided in section third, and such person or firm may be allowed to keep such additional (quantities as may be rec|uired for retailing, not exceeding at any one time, twenty-five pounds, and the same shall be kept iu tin or cop- per canisters, and these kept in the chest with the above] named quarter-casks. Sec. 7. The city clerk shall keej) a record of all licenses j granted, and rencAvals thereof, and of the place designated in^ each license, for keeping and selling gunpowder, which place shall not be altered or changed without the consent of the Court of Common Council, expressed in such license, and the city clerk at the time of recording the same shall call the GTTNPOWPER. 239 attention of each dealer licensed to this ordinance, tliat all persons concerned may be dnly informed thereof Sec. 8. All gnnpowder, which shall be k-ept. had. or pos- ^,«';'(^^^„["rt'nkS^^ sessed within the City of Hartford, or l)roni>:ht into, or trans- ported through the same, contrary to the proYisions of this — _ ordinance, shall be forfeited, and may be seized and taken into custody by the fire marshal of said city, and it shall be his duty to seize the same, and the same shall be libelled J!:^o'nruTf'' within ten days next after the seizure thereof, by filing in the office of the clerk of the City C-ourt of the City of TTartford. a libel, stating the time, place, and cause of such seizure, and the estimated value of said propert}^, a copy of which libel, together with a summons to the person or persons therein named, to appear before the court having cognizance of the offence, which summons may be signed by any Justice of the peace in the county of TTartford, and shall be served on the person or pei'sons in whose custody or possession such gun- J^*,'towhonT^''^"' powdor may be seized, if such person be an inhal)itant of the State of Connecticut, or with the occujmnt of the premises there the seizure is made, or the person in charge of such )wder, if seized on any vehicle, by delivering a copy thereof sonice ot ubei. such person or ])ersons, or by leaving a coj^y at his, her, or their usual place of abode, at least twelve days before the sitting of the court to which the same is made returnable, that such person or persons may a])pear and show cause why said gunpow^der, so seized and taken, shall not be adjudged forfeited. And in case the said court shall find the allega- foSK'to'''' tions of the libel true, they shall adjudge that so much of the hiTauic u! u," o^v powder as does not exceed the value of fifty dollars, shall be forfeited to the city, and shall cause the same to be sold, and the avails to be paid into the hands of the treasurer of the city, for the use and benefit of said city, deducting therefrom the costs of ]n'osecution, if the same are not otherwise col- lectible. And the court shall have power, at their discretion, P'l"''*'"*?'"^"'''^' i ' ' jiuiginent tor costs, to render judgment for costs against any or all of the parties ""'"'"■ cited to appear, or appearing in said cause. And such libel or summons, and also such writ of execution for costs, may 240 GUNPOWDER. be served and executed by any officer competent to execute civil process in like cases. Citation; how ^EC. 9. Aud iu casc the fire marshal makino- such seizure directed in pertain O ''*'^'" shall, at the time of filing said libel, insert therein an allega- tion, that he is ignorant of the name and residence of the person or persons in whose custody or possession, or upon whose premises, such powder was found, or the person to whom said powder belongs, then the citation shall be directed "to all persons whom it may concern," and shall be published at least two several times in a newspaper printed in the City of Hartford, the last publication to be at least six days pre- vious to the session of the court at which the same is to be heard, or to which it may be returnable, which publication shall be sufficient notice to bring the case to trial, and any person shall have a right to appear and be made a party to the proceedings. Rescue of gun. Sec. 10. Anv pcrsou or persons, Avho shall rescue, or at- powder seized, Imw #/ 1 1 ' ' punished. tempt to rescue, any gunpowder seized as aforesaid, or shall aid or assist therein, or who shall counsel or advise, or pro- cure the same to be done, or who shall molest, hinder, or ob- struct the fire marshal in such seizure, or in conveying gun- powder so seized to a place of safety, shall forfeit and pay a fine, for each offence, of not less than five dollars, and not ex- ceeding fifty dollars, to the City of Hartford, for the use of nuty^"^r per'jons to thc clty treasur3\ And it is hereby made the duty of all ])er- niarshai. ^^^^^ ^^ ^^l^j ^^^^l j^ggjg^ sucli firc uiarshal in executing the duties hereby required. Fire marshal; Sec. 11. That tlic firc uiarshal, at all suitable times, may powers aud duties * gunpowdtir"" *" enter any store or place of any person or persons licensed to sell gunpowder, to ascertain if the laws and regulations thereof are strictly observed, and on an alarm of fire in the vicinity, may cause the gunpowder there deposited to be removed to a place of safety, or to be destroyed by water, or otherwise, as the case ma,y require, and it shall be the duty ol* .Shall roiiort viola. Said fircuiarshal to report to the city attorney all violations I tion of this ordi nance to attorney nance to city ^j- ^jj|^ ordiuaucc whlch may come within his knowledge. Damages 1.T injuries Sec. 12. Auv porsou wlio uiav suffcr injury of person or from gunpowder, *^ -^ * .^ ./ j who liable tbr. propcrty, b}^ the explosion of gun])owder. liad. kept or trans- GUNPOWDER. 241 ported within the City of Hartford, or the jurisdiction thereof, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, may have an action on the case, in any court proper to try the same, against the owner or owners of such gunpowder, at the time of the explosion thereof, to recover reasonable damages for _ the injury thus sustained. Sec. 13. Any person or persons who shall violate any of J^oi^^^i^i^^ «f f ^^ the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall suifer any gun- p""'""'*'^- powder to be or remain on the premises owned or occupied by him or them, contrary to the provisions of the same, in addition to the forfeiture of the gunpowder, as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford a fine of not less than twenty-five cents, nor more than one dollar, for each pound of gunpowder over the amount of twenty-five pounds, so kept, transported, received or suffered to remain. Sec. 14. I^o person shall sell to any child under the age saie of toy pistols, •*• 1/ cj g(g_^ regulated, of sixteen years, without the consent of the parent or guar- dian of such child, any cartridge or fixed ammunition, of which any fulminate is a component part, or any gun, pistol, or other mechanical contrivance arranged for the explosion of such cartridge or of any fulminate. Sec. 15. Any person who shall violate any of the provis- peuaity. ions of the foregoing section shall forfeit and pay a penalty to the City of Hartford, for the use of the city, of not ex- ceeding fifty dollars for each offence. Sec. 16. Every license hereafter granted for the sale of p'cense to conform «/ o to foregoing gunpowder shall conform to the foregoing provisions, and p'"'''""""''- contain or have printed thereon the last two foregoing sec- tions or the substance thereof 242 PUBLIC PARKS. CHAPTEE IX. PUBLIC PARKS. Board of park commissioners, how con- stituted. Terms of office. Commissioners, duty of. Park improvements, how authorized. Rules, how made public. May make repairs. Accounts, how kept. Expenses, how paid. Be it ordained by the Court of Comynon Council of the City of Hartford : Board of park com- Section 1. ThcrG shall continue to be a board of park missioners, how onfflce.*^' '""*'"■""' commissioners^ of the City of Hartford, consisting of five electors of said city, and each commissioner shall hold his office for five years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, and upon the expiration of the present term of office of each of said commissioners his successor shall be appointed for the full term of five years next succeeding, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Powers and duties Sec. 2. Said board shall have the care and management of of Iward. ° all matters relating to any of the public parks of said city, and to the improvement and adornment of the same, and may May make rules and makc such Tulcs aud rcgulatious for the management thereof, regulations. and the government of all persons visiting the same, not inconsistent with the laws of the state or ordinances of the city, as they shall think proper, and every person who shall Penalty, vlolatc any of the rules or regulations made by the commisJI sioners for the purpose aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for the use of the city treasury a fine not exceeding thirty-five dollars. Regulations shall be Sec. 3. It shall bc thc duty of the park commissioners toal made jiuMic, how. 11 cause all rules or regulations so made by them relating to the government of the persons visiting any of said parks, to be -J plainly printed with the penalties attached thereto, and to beU kept conspicuously posted up in proper places on the parks to which they relate, while the same shall continue in force or relate thereto. 1 For appointment of park commissioners see page 53. PUBLIC PARKS. 243 Sec. 4. Whenever the park commissioners of said city ^^^^"tl^t^^^'^pjXit. shall think it desirable or expedient to make any alteration cou^iuorTp^oTai. or improvement in any of the public parks of the city, it shall be their duty to submit to the Court of Common Coun- cil a plan or written description of such improvement or alter- ation, accompanied by an estimate of the cost of the same. If the Court of Common Council shall approve of the altera- tion or improvement submitted as aforesaid, and shall appro- priate the amount of money necessary for the completion of the same, said park commissioners shall then be authorized pr'^o'ccSTwhei! ""''^ to proceed and make such alteration or improvement by con- tract, or Otherwise, as to them shall seem most expedient. Sec 5. Nothina' in the forefifoins; section shall be so con- commissioners may o o o make uecessary strued as to prevent said park commissioners from making, '"'"''*"'"* at any time, any and all necessary repairs of the walks, drives, or mechanical structures connected with' any of the public parks of said city. Sec. 6. The park commissioners shall keep an account of s^*^i''<^*^r accounts. all expenditures made in their department, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of any member of the Court of Common Council, and shall make a report to said fepon'to'cortT^ fcourt of such expenditures, at least once a month, unless ex- cused therefrom by said court. Sec. 7. 'No pay shall be allowed either of said commis- K'paidbycuyf ' sioners for any services rendered by him, but his necessary expenses and disbursements shall bo paid from the city treasury. 244 NUISANCES RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. CHAPTEE X. NUISANCES EELATING TO HIGHWAYS. Power of executive officers to prevent obstructions. What nuisances of the first class. What nuisances of the second class. What nuisances of the third class. What nuisances of the fourth class. Penalties. Ashes, sweepings, and rubbish, how de posited and removed. Penalty. Sidewalks, how cleared. Penalty. Licenses of common council, and board of street commissioners, endangering public travel, how given. Disturbing the peace and defacing public buildings, etc., how punished. Executive and police officers to keep streets and public places free of obstructious. Nuisances of the first class. Privy, when a nuisance. Removal of buildings. Opening of streets or alleys. Depositing mate- rials in highway. Opening of vaults or cellars. Opening of drains. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. Any executive or police officer of the city shall have authority to keep open and free from obstruction the streets and public places of said city, and to require all per- sons unlawfully obstructing such streets and public places to desist therefrom whenever the act of obstruction is done in view of such officer. Sec. 2. The following acts are declared to be acts of nuisance of the first class; the keeping or maintaining, omI using, any privy within the distance of fifty feet from any street or building line in said city in such a manner as to be unwholesome or offensive to any j^erson, or injurious to health, or offensive to the public ; the removal of any build- ing through any street or highway of the city, or the permit- ting of any building in process of removal to remain in any such street or highway without license from the Court ofll Common Council ; the opening or keeping open of any street or highway, blind alley, or thoroughfare, within said city without such license ; the placing or continuing the deposi Jl of any building materials on any street or highway of said city without license of the Court of Common Council ; the opening or continuing of any vault or cellar-way in or upon , any street or highway of the city without license of thejl board of street commissioners ; the opening or continuance of^ any drain in such a manner that the same is discharged upon NUISANCES RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. 245 any street or highway of the city or other public place therein, or the use of any such drain ; the excavation of any f^^^^^^f '''° "^ part of any street, highway, or public place of said city, or digging below the surface thereof without authority or license of the board of street commissioners, and without also protecting the public against danger therefrom by means of fences, lights, and any other precautions expedient or neces- sary for such protection ; racing or trying the speed of horses ^''""s "^ "<"^^'=''- through or upon any street or highway of said city, or other public place therein; resisting, molesting, disobeying or ^^^J^J^p^^-j?^^^^^^^^^^ interfering with any executive or police officer, or the board of street commissioners of said city, while engaged in the duty of keeping the streets, or highways, or public places of said city, free from obstruction and convenient for public use ; injuring any tree or shrubbery placed or kept as an ornament sKs'^''*''"^"'* to any of the streets, highways, or public places of the city ; the erection or location of any building, or part of a building, or the continuance of any building so erected or located upon any street, highway, or public place of said city ; the erection or location or continuance of any structure, building, or part binding unJ!' "'^"" of a building, or any appurtenance thereof, or obscuring the prospect, between any building-line lawfully established, upon any street or highway and the line of such street or highway. Sec. 3. The following acts are declared to be acts of SlfdXs! nuisance of the second class; the carrying on of any trade or S'businlsTo?''^'^^ business upon the sidewalks, or streets, or highways of said ^'*^'"'''"- city, without license of the board of street commissioners; the defacing or injuring of any fence, rail, chain, lamp or post, ^^*^^in'ftr''eeior*''^' Avithin any street, highway, or public place of said city ; driv- ^"*'''° ^'^°" ing or riding in or through any street,, high way, or public J>;ivn.g^at.g^rea^^^^ ]3lace of said city, at a greater rate of speed than six miles an ^^^ ''*'"'^" hour ; drawing or using any sled or any wheel vehicle, pro- pelled by hand or otherwise, or the drawing or propelling of ^""^^naus ou"^" any engine, or fire apparatus, along any sidewalk of said city ; '''^'''''*'''- the depositing or placing of any rubbish or other thing ^Xou hf hw/"'" (excepting articles of merchandise, or wares, or boxes, or cases for containing the same) upon any street or highway of said city, in such a manner, or to such an extent as to impede 246 NUISANCES RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. Injuring grass or 01* causo Inconvemeiice to public travel; mjurinff-any grass or ornameutal herbage ■•■ ' ./ o ./ O in public places, ornamental herbage within any public place of said city; ngMng.^*"^ brawling or fighting within any street, highway, or public ^uhoutficlnseof pl^^® ^f Said clty ; laying any sidewalk or gutter-stone with- sionlrsT""''" out the license of the board of street commissioners. Nuisances of the Sec, 4. Thc followlnff acts are declared to be acts of third class. ~ nuisance of the third class; the placing or continuing any piacingofmerchan- articles of traffic Or merchandise, or of any wares, or any disc on sidewalks. ' »j j x o ./ o highway. ^^y street of the city otherwise than parallel to and against, or as near as is convenient to the face of the building, wall, or fence, whereunto the same shall be attached ; the setting out fiueot^sEaik*''" of any tree within the lines of any sidewalk in the city, with- out license of the board of street commissioners ; the break- Breaking of side- jnff of any sldcwalk or curb-stone, with mischievous intent, walk with lutcut or i? ^ ' ' ^Sng^ or by negligence; permitting any animal to go at large, or lea^viug horir"^ Icaviug auy horse unhitched, or permitting any animal to stand upon or over any crosswalk by the person having con- trol at the time of such horse or animal, within any street or thoroughfare of said city ; or the permitting by any person of Blocking up of the blocking up or obstruction of any street or thoroughfare street by vehicle. ox ^ o of said city, by any horse, animal or vehicle, under his charge m\ Driving drove aui- Or coutrol ; thc drivluff of any drove of animals through ' mals through Main 7 o ./ o Sbc?wccu sunrise Main strcct at any time without license of the board of street i commissioners, or through any other street or highway offll said city upon Sunday between sunrise and sunset ; the firing ■ or exploding of any fireworks, cannon, small arms, toy can- non, firecrackers, torpedoes or other explosive substances, or making or keeping up any bonfire in any street, highway, or public place in said city, without permission from the mayor. Sec. 5. The following acts are declared to be acts of NUISANCES RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. 247 nuisance of the fourth class : the continued keeping of any Nmsance^s^or the rubbish or other thing which does not impede or cause incon- venience to public travel, and which is not placed or deposited for purpose of transit or delivery, in or upon any street, high- S,'^*^.o™Xgu. way, or public place, after notice to remove the same, has "^"^ " erno ict^ been given by the proper city authority to the person placing or keeping the same therein, for the removal of such rubbish or other thing; the playing of ball, or kite-flying, in any such g'^i^fj^e'stnany streets or highways; the driving with any sled, sledge, or * sleigh, in or through any such street or highway, without »rivmg of^sieigu bells attached thereto or to the horse drawing the same ; the ''"'''=^'''^- driving of any goat or dog in harness in or through any such f/jJi^^s^dog or goat street or highway; the riding or driving of any bicycle in or Riding bicycic. through any such street or highway; the posting of bills, pla- buS^'^ost^et^" cards, or notices, without legal right, upon any building^wall, fence, or post, within or adjoining any such street or thorough- fare; the drawing: or use of any hand-cart, or hand-sled, or drawing of sw or ' O »/ i 1 wheelbarrow on wheelbarrow upon any sidcAvalk within said city ; the permit- ''<^«^*'''- ting of any snow to remain on the roof of any building by f^Tiiain In "oof, in the occupant or person in legal possession thereof in such theTfrom.^^'*''"" condition that the same may slide therefrom upon any street or highway of the city. Sec. 6. Any person who shall commit, or aid, advise, abet, SnSuisan°c™sof ., .... n n A^^ £> •-! i n the several classes. or encourage the committing oi any oi the aioresaid acts oi nuisance, shall pay to the City of Hartford for the use of the city a penalty or forfeiture of twenty-five dollars, if such act be of the first class ; of fifteen dollars, if such act be of the second class; of five dollars, if such act be of the third class; and of one dollar, if such act be of the fourth class; and any such act shall be deemed malicious if repeated or continued when repetition of -L act to be deemed after the person committing the same has been forbidden to '"''^'"'"''• repeat or continue the same. The continuance of any ob- Twenty-four hours- -L ♦' continuance of struction or encroachment upon any street, highway, or wafoTburid'ingifne a separate oft'ence, building-line, for a day of twenty-four hours after the day of the commencement thereof, shall be deemed a separate and single oifence. Any building erected or located in violation of the second ^asseSfouV"''- section of this ordinance shall be assessed at four-fold its tax- 248 NUISANCES RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. able value in the last list prepared or next to be prepared, according to law for the purpose of laying city taxes thereon. Whenever anything unlawfully placed, or kept on any street or highway, or any public place of said city, shall be removed by the board of street commissioners, the expense When persons liable of such rcmoval to auv amouut not exceedino; fifty dollars to expense of remov- «/ o ^ ing obstruction. gjiall bc a dcbt or forfeiture against the person liable for such act of nuisance, provided that the board of street commis- sioners shall have first given such person notice and reason- able time to remove the same ; and provided that the amount , Penalty for fast SO rocovcrablc, togcthcr with the fine or penalty for such act of nuisance shall not exceed the sum of fifty dollars. If any tree, fence, or other private property be injured by any of the whonfpafr ' ^^ aforesaid acts, the City of Hartford shall pay one-half of the penalty recovered therefor to the owner of such property. fuZish'onpubiir' ^^^- '^- ^o ashes, store sweepings, or rubbish, shall be put highway prohibited. .^^ ^^^^^ pubHc strcct or highway in the City of Hartford, but where dented'''' ^^^^^ ^® P^^^ ^^^ sultablc vcsscls Or places, and shall be removed in the manner provided in the succeeding section, street commissioner Sec. 8. It shall bc thc dutv of thc board of street commis- to remove ashes, etc. "^ sioners to remove said ashes, store sweepings, and rubbish so j)ut and deposited, free of expense to parties so depositing them, whenever it shall be necessary and proper for the same to be removed. Stionsof"thir' Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of any policeman in the city to report any violation of the seventh section of this ordinance to the city attorney, and it shall be the duty of said attorney to prosecute any persons violating the same. Penalty. Sec. 10. Any person violating the seventh section of this ordinance, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, together with costs of suit; and every day's continuance of a violation thereof shall be considered a distinct oifence. What parties shall Sec. 11. Thc owucr or owucrs, occupant or occupants, clean sidewalks ^ -^ ' from ice and snow, ppiy^te corporatiou, or any person having the care of any building or lot of land bordering on any streert, square, or public place within the city where there is a sidewalk graded Shall remove same Or graded aud pavcd, shall cause to be removed therefrom within two hours '^ ■*• ' after falling. ^^y ^^^ j^l^ suow, sleet, aud ice, within two hours after the « I NUISANCES RELATIN(^ TO HIGHWAYS. 249 same shall have fallen, been deposited or found, or within three hours after sunrise, when the same shall have fallen in the night season. Sec. 12. Whenever the sidewalk, or any part thereof, adjoining or fronting any building or lot of land, or any street, square, or public place, shall be covered with ice, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, pri- vate corporation or any person having the care of such build- ing or lot, to cause such sidewalk to be made safe and con- ciJane^dor^lov^o? venient by removing the ice therefrom, or by covering ^j^^ ^ "'"' '''''• same with sand or some other suitable substance, and in case such owner or owners, or other person shall neglect so to do, for the space of one hour, during the day-time, the person or persons whose legal duty it shall be to so clear said walk, and so neglecting shall be liable to the penalty named in the sue- Penalty. ceeding section. Sec. 13. The owner or owners, occujDant or occupants, private corporation, or any person having • the care of any building or lot of land, and whose duty it is to clear the same, who shall violate any of the provisions of the eleventh or penalty for violation •'J- of the eleventli and twelfth sections of this ordinance, or refuse or neglect to '^^'■'"'''^^''"°"^- comply with the same, shall pay a penalty of two dollars for every twelve hours such person, owner or owners, occupant or occupants, shall neglect to comply with said provisions, or any of them, after notice from any policeman of said city. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the police force, under the pouce shaii enforce •^ -•• ' sections eleven and direction of the chief of police, to have sections eleven and *'"''"'■ twelve of this ordinance strictly enforced, and to forthwith collect all penalties incurred under the same, upon a written or printed order of the chief of police, and if any person shall neglect to pay upon demand the penalty uj)on such ^e°nai?'^how t^^ order, the chief of police shall report the case to the city p'""*''"^- attorney, who shall, if he deem proper, immediately prosecute the person or private corporation so offending. Sec. 15. The chief of police shall cause an abstract of sec- cMefof ponceshaii cause abstract of tions eleven, twelve, and thirteen of this ordinance, to be ^6^10 bJpub* published in two or more Hartford daily papers once a week during the month of December, in each year, and he shall 250 NUISANCES RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. also publish, in one or more Hartford daily papers, at the commencement of each winter season, such regulations rela- tive to the enforcement of sections eleven and twelve of this ordinance not inconsistent with the laws of the state, or ordi- nances of the city, as he shall deem proper. City sidewalks to be Sec. 16. It shall bc thc duty of the board of street com- cleaned by board of '' sioners.*""""'"" missioucrs to cause to be cleared in accordance with the pro- visions of sections eleven and twelve of this ordinance all sidewalks properly belonging to the City of Hartford, and not adjoining the land of private individuals or private corpora- tions, except such sidewalks as are in special charge of other Sn^wafk^^of'whkh ^^*y officials, and it shall be the duty of all city officers to they have charge. ^^^^^ ^^ jj^ clcarcd lu accordaucc with the provisions of said sections, all sidewalks fronting on land under their official charge, and said board of street commissioners, and other city ?amefentufes*as officlals, shall bc pcrsoually liable to the same penalties for other persons. ^^^ ncglcct in relatiou to the walks so under their official charge, that private persons are for a like offence. When sidewalk may gEC. 17. If auv sldcwalk shall remain encumbered with bo cleaned by order "^ Of Chief of police. ^^^^^^ -^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^ for twcuty-four hours after the same has fallen, or been deposited, the chief of police shall notify the owner or person having the charge or care of the lot or building bordering on such sidewalk, and legally liable to clear the same, and if such sidewalk is not thoroughly cleared or properly covered Avith sand or some other suitable sub- stance within twenty-four hours after such notice shall have been given, the chief of police shall cause the same to be Kingmaj^be^ clcarcd Or properly covered and collect the expense thereof owner. ^^ ^^ioh owucr, or other persons, and the city attorney shall, at the request of the chief of police,^ collect by suit such expense as a debt due the city. Authority under Sec. 18. All liccuses of thc Court of Common Council, or licenses. board of street commissioners, to do any act whereby public travel may be incommoded or endangered, shall authorize the pai-ty licensed to do such acts in no other than a prudent and careful manner; and such licenses shall be subject, in all Party liable to dam- cascs, to thc conditlous, that the person to whom the same is ages for injuries. ' ■* -•- granted shall be liable to any part}^ who shall receive action- NUISANCES INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. 251 able injuiy by the doing of such act, for such injury, and shall also be liable to indemnify and reimburse the city by reason of the doing of such act; and such condition shall be obliga- tory without other notice than that to be implied from this ordinance upon any person who shall receive such license. Sec. 19. Any occupant of any house or building who shall JuarremlLeS""'" permit any number of persons to assemble therein, and by indecent or disorderly conduct, or by quarreling or fighting, or by excessive or undue noise of any kind whereby the l^cace and quiet of his or her neighbors shall be disturbed, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Sec. 20. Any person who shall wantonly deface or injure ^y^f^^" |*te"how any public building in said city, or other inclosurc of the p""'"*""^- same, or commit any trespass in any garden, cemetery, or inclosure therein, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars. CHAPTER XI. NUISANCES INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. Health committee, how constituted and appointed. Duties of. Notices by, how given. Violation of various provisions, how punished. Privies, how constructed. Slaughter houses regulated. Night soil, how removed. Stagnant water, how removed. Disobeying orders of health committee, how punished. Owners of buildings to provide privies. Throwing various substances into Park river prohibited. Sale of veal regulated. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. The Court of Common Council shall, annually, howcSnTtuteTaM appoint not exceeding ten persons, to be denominated the "pp"'"^**- health committee, whose duty it shall be, at the expense of the city, to cause all matters and things which are or shall be, by any ordinance of this city, relating to health, and declared removal of tilth. Orders of, how given. 252 NUISANCES INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. to be nuisances or prohibited, to be removed or suppressed, and from time to time report all violations thereof to the city attorney, that the same may be prevented or abated; and Duties of oommittce. g^id commlttce shall cause the public streets and all wharves and landing places to be frequently and carefully inspected and purified from filth and animal and vegetable putrefaction, at the expense of the city ; and it shall be the duty of said member" may order committce, aud auy two of them are hereby empowered to inspect, as often as they shall deem necessary, all slaughter houses, tanneries, tallow chandleries, soap boilers, curriers' shops or works, and all other places in said city, and if they shall find filth or putrefaction in any shop or place by them visited, which in their opinion may prove detrimental to the health of the inhabitants of this city, said committee or any two of them, if they shall be a majority of the committee present, shall give orders to the person or persons owning or toect"'*^''""''' occupying said shop or place in which said filth or putrefac- tion shall be found, for the removing or burying of said filth or putrefaction, or for cleansing or purifying said shop or place in such other Avay or manner as such comuaittee or such two of them, as aforesaid, there present, may deem advisable; and the said committee or such two of them, as aforesaid, are hereby empowered to give orders to the person or persons owning or occupying said shops or places, in rela- tion to the ways and means to be by them used for keeping the same continually cleansed and purified from filth and putrefaction, and all orders and directions which shall be orders of committee jrivcu bv Said committcc or such two of them, as aforesaid, to be in writing. o ./ . J shall be in writing, under their hands, a duplicate of Av^hich Dui.iicate of order thc Said committec, or the members who shall sio-n the same. to be lodged with ' ~ clerk of City Court. ^|^^|i^ immediately after delivery of said orders and directions to such person or persons, lodge with the clerk of the City Court; and every such person who shall neglect to obey and conform to any of the orders or directions, or any part fompiiaifcewuh thcrcof, SO givcu by said committee, or any two of them, in conformity to any ordinance of this city, shall forfeit and j^ay: a fine not exceeding ten dollars for every day that such person shall neglect or refuse to comply therewith. I NUISANCES INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. 253 Sec. 2. Any person who shall, without permission of the J^^'^'^^SIS Court of Common Council, build or set up, within the limits Cul^eXmmoa''^ couucil. of this city, any kiln or furnace for burning or baking any stone or earthenware, or other pottery, brick or tile, or any distillery, or shall build or assist in building any fire in any -^ _ such kiln or furnace, or distillery, or shall engage in the Brick mu^. manufacture or refining of kerosene or other oil, or set up or Distnierks. use any gas house or gas manufactory, or erect or use any Refining ous. building for making or boiling varnish, or blacksmith shop. Gas house, potter's shop, tallow chandler's shop, or for boiling soap, or Taiiow chandlers, for rendering tallow, or for tanning leather or skins, or for Tannery. receiving or storing green hides or skins, or for any similar purpose, or keep or suffer to be kept in any building or place in this city, any guano, or other land fertilizer, or shall use G"*'^''- any building or lot of ground for a vinegar yard, or set up or vinegar yard. carry on either of said kinds of business in said city, or shall engage in any business which shall be prejudicial to public ^S'to health"''''" health, without such permission, shall forfeit and pay a fine p"""^""'""^- of not exceeding fifty dollars, and a further fine of not exceed- Penalty. ing twenty dollars for every week the same shall be so used —or continued. y> Sec. 3. The keeping of swine in any stye or pen, or other ^g^foYi^iJ^^"' place in this city in such a manner as to become unwhole- some or offensive to any person ; the casting of filth of any kind in or upon any street, sidewalk, highway, private way, F^th i" highway. green or park in this city ; the carrying of any pail or vessel of swill on or along any sidewalk, in said city; any dung, filth, manure, offal, wash, dirty Avater, or brine, or any rub- Fiuh, oiiai, etc. bish accumulated in any building, yard, out-house, or en- closure, so as to be offensive: any privy now set up, or that privies, how .et up ' ^ ./ X ^ X } and arranged. shall hereafter be set up, without having a vault under it made and sunk in the earth to the depth of six feet, and of the length and width of said privy, or such tight boxes as shall be approved by at least two members of the health commit- to be approved by at ■'■■'• *^ least two members tee, or without having the contents of said privy carried off' °^*^"''*''' *=""''"'"'''"• by such suitable drains as shall be approved by at least two members of the health committee; the dressing or cleaning Dressing of osh. fish in any public place in this city, except on the margin 254 NUISANCES INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. of Connecticut river, at the foot of Ferry street, or below low water mark upon Connecticut or Mill rivers; bathing puwic"prohibiUd. naked at any public place in said city, outside of any building, not designated by the mayor ; the permitting wash or dirty water to pass from yards or houses into the streets, or the permitting the same to be thrown into the streets; the obstructing oi* altering the course of any stream or run of water therein ; and each and every one of said acts shall be Penalty. docmcd a nuisance; and every person who shall do the same, or aid and assist therein, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not exceeding thirty dollars for each offence. Erection of out-door Sec. 4. Auv Dcrsou who shall erect any out-door privy privy, on laud "^ ■•■ -^ i '^ « KngVsewe?! u^ou laud froutlug upon any street in this city containing a sewer, without first obtaining the consent and permission of the health committee, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars to the City of Hartford, for the use of the city treas- ury; and the further sum of not more than ten dollars for every week that such building shall remain without such permission. And it is hereby provided that the continuance of any such building without such permission shall, for each week after such act, be deemed a separate and single offence. maybeoc'cupieTby ^^^' ^- "^^7 pcrsou who shall, wlthout permission of the permission, w en. Qq^^-^,^ ^f Couimou Couucil, occupy or use any building or other place in the city as a slaughter house, or place to slaughter animals; or who shall neglect to wash and thor- oughly cleanse such slaughter house once each and every day Penalty. thc samc shall be so occupied, shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars for each day said building or place shall be so used or remain uncleaned. Contents of privies Sec. 6. Auv pcrsou who shall remove or cause to be not to be removed "^ ■■• mSon7 ^^'' removed, without j^ermission of at least two members of the health committee, the contents of any privy vault or box, exce2)t in the night season, and in a tight box, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the When removal to be mominii;, aud between the first days of November and the made, and how. ~' •/ first days of April, or shall deposit the contents of any privy vault or box, Avithin the limits of this city, or shall cause or allow any night-soil cart to be within the limits of said city. NUISANCES INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. 255 except during the times and seasons mentioned in this section for the removal of night soil, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ^^°""^'' ten dollars. Sec. 7. When any grounds in this city shall be so situated low dr^nld.^"' that water shall become stagnant thereon, thereby endanger- ^ ^ ing the public health, the same shall be deemed a nuisance, and may be abated by draining or filling up; and the Court Sunci^nfay"™ . drained, upon of Common Council may order the same to be done withm notice- such time as they shall think pi;oper, notice of which shall be given to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, by the Notice, how given. health committee, causing a copy of such order to be left forthwith with such owner or owners, occupant or occupants, or at his or their place of abode. In case said order shall not be complied with within the time specified in said notice, said ^Tmpiy wulf'''' party or parties so neglecting shall forfeit and* pay a fine of not exceeding thirty dollars, and a further fine of two dollars for each daj^ thereafter, until such nuisance shall have been abated. And the health committee, or any tM^o of them, may ^/^^e^Jtrcommutec cause said nuisance to be abated, and the cost of the same ™*^ "*'"' '''™*'' shall, by said court, be assessed upon the person or persons so neglecting to comply with said order, and may be collected of said person or persons as is provided in section eleven of this chapter. Provided, that if the Court of Common Council S^Tof e'^pense^to shall deem it just and proper, they may order any portion of tr*eas''ur/.'°""'''^ said expense to be paid out of the city treasury. Sec. 8. The keeping or allowing any heap or quantity of Manurewithin^^ manure or compost, within thirty feet of any street, highway, h^B^use a'^nufsance. walk, or dwelling house, shall be deemed a nuisance ; and the owner or occupant of any stable, or other building or place, violating this section, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten penalty, dollars, and after conviction thereof, a further fine of two dollars for each day's neglect to remove the same. Sec. 9. Any proprietor or occupant of any premises in ^^f ='"*"'»*^^- shall come to their knowledge. Sec. 14. The selling, keeping, oftering or exposing for sale, saieof veni as an article of food in any form, by any ]>erson within the limits of the City of Hartford, of any meat of any calf which shall have been killed before it has reached the age of five weeks, shall be deemed a nuisance; and any person who shall hereafter so sell, keep, offer or expose for sale, as an article of food in any form, any such meat, witlnn the limits of the city, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction penalty. shall pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence. 258 AVATER DErAtlTMEN'f. CHAPTEE XII. AVATER DEPARTMENT. Board of water commissioners shall be trustees of water bonds, when. Powers concerning the same. Shall elect president. Duties of president. Powers of board. Books of account to be kept. Claims against commissioners, how paid. Board may make rules, subject to approval of council. Balance of funds in their hands, how used. Lien for and collection of water rents regulated. ^Viilur couililission- ers to be trustees of i\ater fund, except when. May sell scrip and make loans under direction of common council. SliiiU ki-ep a record. Moneys, lio deposited. President, how elected, and a])- proved. Commissioners not entitled to compen- sation excepting the president. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. The board of water commissioners, a majority oi* whom shall constitute a quorum, shall be trustees of the notes, scrip, or certificates of debt, issued by the City of Hartford, as its water fund (except where a trustee thereof is designated in the act, or acts, authorizing such issue), and under the direction of the Court of Common Council, may sell such scrip at par, or any higher rate, or pledge the same for loans, not usurious, to meet all lawful appropriations on account of the city water works; and shall keep a duplicate record of all transactions relative to such scrip, and deliver one copy thereof to the city treasurer. And all moneys received or held by said commissioners, from the avails of the sale or pledge of such scrip, shall be deposited in a bank or banks in said city, subject to be drawn out only upon the written order of the city treasurer. Sec. 2. Said board shall elect a president, subject to ap-- pi-oval by the Court of Common Council, who shall devote his whole time and attention to the construction, extension, supervision, care and management of the water works, under ^ the general advice and direction of the commissioners, and to such other duties* connected with said water works, or with other business of the city, as shall be assigned to him by the Court of Common Council ; and no salary or fee shall be allowed to any other member of the board for seiwices as commissioner, except as a remuneration for actual expendi- tures. I WATER DEPARTMENT. 259 Sec. 3. Said board of commissioners^ may make contracts May make contracts. tor labor and materials for the construction of water works, which, when ratified by the Court of Common Council, shall ,!y*Xmcu! '''''•'"' be valid and binding on said city; and all contracts for such labor or materials shall be in writing and executed in tripli- SKtiafw-t^'^, cate, one of which triplicates shall be kept b}^ the commis- sioners, one shall be delivered to the city clerk, and one to the contractor; and no commissioner shall- have any pecun- ^^;;;'l'fSsf^^^^^ , •, . . 1 1 contracts. iary interest, direct or indirect, in any such contract; and no such contract shall be executed unless good and satisfactory fScmuracft^'be security for the faithful performance of the same shall be **''^°" given by the contractor and approved by the commissioners. Said commissioners, when not otherwise specially authorized liy the Court of Common Council, shall advertise in one or more fi'aUd^pro'i'oilli!'' newspapers in this city for sealed proposals for all such con- tracts, specifying the time and place when and where the same shall be received; and such proposals, in order to be received ^'j^X'"'"* ''°'^ and acted upon, shall set forth a specified sum or price to be paid for all such labor and materials, or for either, without condition, limitation, or alteration, and shall be accompanied with a bond, satisfactory to the commissioners, conditioned for Boudtoacoomi.an.v ^ proposal. the faithful execution of the proposal, if the same shall be accepted ; and no contract shall be assigned or transferred Jo^tract, !...« without the written assent of the commissioners. Nothing in this section contained shall be applicable to ordinary ex- Extension of mains -•■J- • t/ and repairs tensions of street mains, or rei)airs of the water works. excluded. Sec. 4. The commissioners shall superintend all construe- outy of commi... ■*■ sioners. tions connected with the water works, and keep a record of their official proceedings in the matter; and report to the shau make reports ^ <--> ■"■ to common council, Court of Common Council, annually, and at such other inter- "'"'"• mediate times as said court may require, a general exhibit of the state of the works, including an estimate of needful what report simii expenditures for new and additional works in progress and all such other matters of information as they shall deem of im- portance to the public, or as said Court of Common Council may require. And the commissioners shall keep regular shaii keep books or «- ^ X o account. l>ooks of account, and all claims ai^ainst the commissioners or claims against ' '-' oomniissionors, h ^^^^^ s\\i\\\ remain lu thclr hands, not required for such jnir- pose, shall be held in trust by said commissioners, subject at all times to the order of the city treasurer. When avails Sec.7. Wheuever tlic rcsources from water rents in any insufficient. »' year shall be inadequate to meet the ordinary necessary extensions, repairs, and current expenses of the water works lufpH^ed'bv'tax^^ ^^^^ ^^® interest on the water fund scrip, the deficiency shall be supplied by a tax on the grand list of all persons liable to Same, how collected, clty taxatiou for such purpose, and such tax shall be collected in the same manner as other city taxes, and any claim or rsc of water a lion, (jebt *,^;j^*''^ '"'"■*'■ water commissioners, at any time after said debt or claim is due and payable, before the City Court of said city, in the same manner as a mortgage is foreclosed, or may be collected of the person or persons liable therefor in an action before the City Court. CHAPTER XIII. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Police commission, how constituted, and terms of office of members. Mayor, ex-officio presiding officer. Mayor may vote, when. Board may appoint secretary. Police department, how composed and appointed. Members of, how removed. Expenses of board, how paid. Non-residence vacates office. Rewards prohibited. Service outside of city, how regulated. Salaries of policemen, how paid. Powers of policemen. Duties of chief, captain, and lieutenant. Duties of policemen. Qualifications necessary to appointment. Mayor chief executive officer, and Salaries of policemen. I powers. Be it ordained by the Court of. Common Co)(.ncil of the City of Hartford : Section 1. There shall continue to be a police force for i'oii.edopartii.ent. the City of Hartford, which shall be styled "the Police Department of the City of Hartford." Sec. 2. There shall continue to be a board of police com- Boantor pohoocoiu. A niissioners, how missioners of the City of Hartford, which shall consist of si.\ TmTeT"'''''"'' 262 POLICE DEPARTMENT. electors of said city, and each commissioixer shall hold his office for three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified, and on the expiration of the terms of office of each of the present commissioners his successor shall be appointed for the full term of three years next succeeding and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. Powers of boar. 1 oi ^EC. 3. Said commisslouers shall have the general mana«>'e^ commissioners, c ~ rnent of the police department of said city, and make all May make reguia- ncedful rulcs aud rei>:ulations for the ^jjovernment thereof not tions subject to ordi- o O "ommoif coumur ** conflictiug with the laws of the state, or ordinances of the city, and further subject to the orders of the Court of Coui^ ponaE"''" '^i<^^ Council, and said board may prescribe suitable penalties including suspension or removal from office for the infringe- ment of its rules. Mayor pre-i.ui.s Sec. 4. Thc mayor of the city shall, e.r-officio, be the pre- siding officer of the board of police commissioners, and shall have the casting vote in all cases where there shall be a tie Ma.vvote,wbe... votc of Said board ) provided, that he shall have no vote in the appointment of any member of the police force. v.«ard may appoint Sec. 5. Thc board of police commissioners shall aiu)oint some person to act as secretary of said board, who shall keep ixuio.of. the records thereof; and said person, so appointed as secre- tary, may be selected by said board from their own number, if said board shall so direct. iKpartmeut, how ^^c. g, Thc pollcc department shall consist of one chief of instituted. A i- Number of police- policc, ouc captalu, ouc lieutcuant, and not less than twenty nor more than forty policemen, and not less than ten nor more than thirty' supernumerary policemen. Appointments, how Sec. 7. All meuibers of the police department named in section six, shall be appointed b}' the board of police commis- shaii hold oflioc sioners, and shall hold their office durlno- o-ood behavior, and during good ' n n '^ behavior. uutll rcuiovcd for cause. But 'no person shall be appointed to any office in the department without the assent of at least four members of said board. And no member of said depart- itemovuis, how ment shall be removed unless upon a complaint in writing (a • copy of which shall be furnished to him), and after he shall Noti. e. hott given, havc had a reasonable time, not less than six days, to prepare a defence thereto; snch complaint shall be made to the board I* POLICE DEPARTMENT. 263 of commissioners, and may be made by any person whomso- ever: 'provided, that any four members of said board may ^j;fj™«^j^«;;^'" -, ^ 1 n ' ^ ^ J. J. for cause without remove or suspend for cause any member oi said department charges preforrci. without charges being preferred. The chief of police, the captain of police, the mayor of the city, and the police judge, ^ or any member of the board of police commissioners shall ^Xfor o^,l?ef '"■ have poAver to suspend policemen from office tor cause ; but such suspension shall not continue for more than twenty-four hours thereafter, unless the person ordering such suspension, ^ J^;t"fmJ^ *"' shall within that time notify the said board in Avriting of such '"'p'"^""- suspension, the ground of such suspension, and the names of witnesses to sustain such charges. After notice shall have been given to the accused, the said board, or a committee of their own number, to be appointed by them, shall hear and examine witnesses under oath or affirmation, upon the charges and in defence; and said board may continue the suspen- sion, remove the accused from office, or restore him to duty. In all cases in which the suspension is continued, the party RS*"^ """•'' suspended shall be deprived of his pay from the date of his suspension, but he shall not be exempt from performance of duty unless the officer making such suspension shall so expressly order. The violation of any law of the state, of ^^^^a^ ^';;;";;^ '^ ny ordinance of the city, or of any rule or regulation of the police department, or incompetency, shall, if proved, be pun- ished by suspension or dismissal from the force. Sec. 8. No pay shall be allowed to members of the board r^ecdvino"comV4- of police commissioners for any services rendered by them, but the actual expenses and disbursements of said board incurred in the performance of its duties shall be paid from the city treasury when allow^ed by the common council. Sec. 9. The pay of the chief of police shall be two thou- saiades oi poHoc -»• «^ ■*■ men. sand dollars per annum, the pay of the captain of police shall chier of ponee. be fifteen hundred dollars per annum, the pay of the lieuten- Lieutenant. ant of police shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum ; and the pay of each policeman shall be one thousand dollars per Poucemeu. annum ; and the pay of the supernumerary policemen shall superuumerary. be at the same rate as the pay of the regular policemen, when acting in the place, oi' performing the duties of regular 264 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Members of police must reside in city. Members of force uot to engage in any other occupation. To receive no rewards. Service outside of city, when per- mitted aud how regulated. Charges for such service, how eatablished. Chief of police shall keep account of «ervice, etc. Penalty for receiving presents or reward. policemen, and Avhen employed only for portions of the day, the pay of such supernumeraries shall be at the rate of two dollars aud seventy cents for each day of twenty-four hours, and no allowance shall be made for any extra time or senioew during the same day of twenty-four hours. Sec. 10. The office of any member of the j)olice force shall become vacant whenever said member ceases to reside within the limits of said city. Sec. 11. 'No person while employed as a regular member of the police force, or as an officer of the same, shall engage. directly or indirectly, in any other occupation for pay, hire, reward, or compensation of any kind whatsoever, and no officer, policeman, or supernumerary policeman, shall demand, accept, or receive any compensation, present, or reward, for services rendered or to be rendered, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 12. Whenever the services of any member or mem- bers of the police force may be required by parties, othei- than the City of Hartford (and citizens of the same where the crime has been committed within the limits of the city;, the chief of police may, if in his judgment the interests of the city will not suffer thereby, detail such member or mem- bers of the force as he shall judge expedient, and shall charge such parties for said services so rendered, such sums as may be established by the board of j)oIice commissioners, and which sums shall not be less than three dollars a day for each policeman so employed, in addition to the necessary expenses. The chief of police shall keep, in a book kept expressly for that purpose, a true and correct account of all such services performed, the names of the parties for whom, and the names of the policemen by whom performed, the time spent, and expenses incurred, the sums charged, the amount and dates of payment, together with such other memoranda as in his opinion may be proper. Sec. 13. No member of the police force shall perform any seiwices as above specified except by order of the chief, cap- tain, or lieutenant of police, and any officer or member of the force, who shall demand, accept, or I'eceive, directly or indi- POLICE DEPARTMENT. 265 rectly, any money, presents, or valuable articles for services so rendered, or to be rendered, except the legal charges as fixed by the police commissioners, or who shall neglect for more than twenty-four hours after the performance of such service to report the same in writing to the chief of police, f,';^^^™^^^,^^''^ with his legal charges and expenses, or who shall neglect, for more than twenty-four hours after receiving such payments, to pay over the full amount so received to the secretary of the board of police commissioners, shall be dismissed from the force. And it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Penalty on laiiuro. hoard of police commissioners to deposit on the first day of each month, with the city treasurer, all moneys received by ,^e7eh4"d.Tow- ' the police force, in accordance with this ordinance, and to "^^p**"'""*- take from the city treasurer a receipt therefor. Sec. 14. The city auditor shall draw his order on the city |^J*[,>f - *« ''«" i'^'"* treasurer, monthly, for the pay of each member of the police force, and the certificate of the chief of police, countersigned Ijy a member of the board of police commissioners, shall be liis sufficient voucher therefor, except in the case of the chief ^iJchlr!'"'''^"' of police, when the certificate of a member of the board shall ^be suMcient. No fees or compensation, other than is herein provided, shall be charged or received by any member of the police department ;.but each member of said department shall, ^I^b'^foreToj^'g '*''*'' before being qualified for the discharge of the duties of his"^"'"'" " office, execute, in writing, a transfer and assignment of all his interest in any fees which may be taxed in his favor, in said Police Court, to the treasurer of the city, for the benefit of said city ; and no member of the department shall be entitled to receive any salary, for any services rendered by him, until such transfer and assignment shall have been executed by him to the satisfaction of the l)oard of commissioners, and lodged on file in the office of the city treasurer. Sec. 15. Each officer and member of the police' force shall f^fpowr^orcon* have, within the city, the same powers as to the service of" criminal process and the arrest of offenders that constables of towns have within their respective towns. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the chief of police, under d..uos ot oi.ier ..r the direction of the police commissioners, to superintend the 266 POLICE DEPARTMENt. ^ua"te"T''re ort P^licG department; and it shall be his duty, once in three months, or oftener if necessary, to report to the common council, through the board of commissioners, the state of the department. The common council shall provide him with an wifeTe''k^?'' office, wherein he shall keep all the records of the police department (except the records of the board of police com- missioners), and shall also keep a roster of all the officers and members of the police force, and all reports shall be made to him at said office, which shall be the headquarters of the department. He shall receive from any subordinate member JoX'tailTtsInd''^ of ^^^ police force, and from every other person, all com- be"prosecuted. " plaiuts of vlolatlous of any law of the state, or ordinance of the city, and shall see that the same be prosecuted according to law. He shall also have the general care and responsibility of the said police force ; and all other members of said force shall be subject to his orders. He shall, from time to time, Shall designate deslffUate the officers to attend the Police Court, and to col- officers to attend '-' ' rofcTtaressraents. lect asscssmeuts, and to serve notices; and in case of the absence of any regular policeman from duty, shall appoint a supernumerary policeman to take his place. The captain of Captain shall a«t In police, iu casc of thc abscncc or disability of the chief of absence of chief. •»■ ' 'J police, shall discharge the duties of said chief He shall also, at all times, under the direction of said chief, have the man- agement and control of said joolice force. He shall be on Duties of captain, ^xxtj at such tiuics aud places as shall be ordered by the board of police commissioners, and shall receive and execute all orders received from them through the chief of police, when said chief of police shall be on duty. He shall, in connection Duties of lieutenant, with thc licutenaut, have charge of the station house, and all persons who shall be committed to, or confined in said station ftSnhoust'''""^''^ ^^o^s® ^^^^1 ^^ i*i ^is custody and control, by Avhomsoever arrested ; and it shall be his duty to inquire into the charges made against any person so committed; and shall cause them to be legally brought before the Police Court for trial, and see that the witnesses against them are duly summoned. Commitments to Sec. 17. No pcrsoii shall bc committed to or detained in and discharges from station house. ^jjg statlou housc, or discharged therefrom, without the knowledge and consent of the chief of police, or captain, or POLICE DEPARTMENT. 267 the lieuteaaut, when acting in his place, and then only as provided by law. Sec. 18. Either the captain or lieutenant shall be at the fhtSuendtbou" station house, except when both are necessarily absent, in which case a policeman shall be deputed by the chief of police to take charge of the same; and while so taking charge, he shall have the same authority over and discharge the same duties in relation to the station house as the captain when on duty. The lieutenant of police shall, in the absence Duties of lieutcuaut. or disability of the captain of police, discharge all the duties incumbent on said captain, and also such special duties as shall be required of him by the board of police commissioners, the chief of police, or captain of police, and shall also dis- charge the ordinary duties of a policeman when not other- wise employed. Sec. 19. It shall bo the duty of policemen to obey such Duty oi policemen. lawful orders and directions as they shall receive, from time to time, from their superior officers respecting their duty; and it shall be their duty to guard the city day and night ; to I'eport to the chief of police, throui>;h the captain, all viola- shaii report an ^ X ^ o J. / violations of cit.r tions of city ordinances, all suspicious persons, all houses of '''■'*'"'*°'"''- ill'fame, all pawnbroker shops, and shops for the purchase and sale of second-hand articles, all gaming houses, and all disorderly and suspicious places of resort. They shall pre- serve the public peace, and render all possible assistance to shau preserve tuc public peace. the ministers of the law. They shall direct strangers the shau direct nearest way to their places of destination, and when neces- sary shall see that they are accompanied by a member of the force. They shall, when necessary, attend the Police Court, and shall serve the process of said court, and shall be subject to the orders and directions of said court. They shall especially attend to keeping the streets and sidewalks of the Keep streets dear of city clear of all unlawful obstructions, and shall report to the chief of police, through the captain, all unlawful obstructions thereof, who shall take immediate steps to remove the same. They shall collect all assessments for betterments and con- si.aii collect struction laid by the board of street commissioners, and the mayor shall issue his warrant to collect said assessments. assessments. 268 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Shall serve notices. Shall servo all process Issued by the coroner. Shall attend at flres and protect property. (jiialilicatioiis of l>oliccmeii. Shall make oath, how. Visiliug tippling or bawdy house while on duty, how punished. How puiiishcil for interference in elections. Mayor the chief ex- ecutive magistrate. directed to said policemen, who shall serve the same ; they shall also serve all notices that shall be ordered to be served by the common council, and they shall receive no compensa- tion for such collections or services. They shall also, without compensation, serve all process which may be issued by the coroner, and attend upon the inquests taken by him when directed by the chief. Sec. 20. , All policemen not otherwise specially employed shall, on the breaking out of a tire, immediately repair to the vicinity thereof, and use their best endeavors to save and secure property. Sec. 21. Every ^^erson appointed to an office in the police department shall be, at the time of his appointment, a citizen of the United States, and a qualified voter of the city, and capable of speaking, reading, and writing the English language; and shall, before exercising any functions of his office, make oath or affirmation, before some competent authority, that he will support the Constitution of the United States, and the State of Connecticut, and that he will faith- fully discharge the duties of the office to which he shall have been appointed ; and shall cause a certificate of such oath or affirmation to be lodged in the office of the board of police commissioners. Sec. 22. Every member of the force Avho shall, while on duty, enter any tippling, or bawdy, or otherwise disorderly house, unless to suppress disturbance, or upon the order of his superior officer, or shall interfere in any caucus or pri- mary election, or shall attempt, either directly or indirectly, to influence any elector in the exercise of his right of voting, or shall attend to any poll or voting place unless so directed by his superior officer, shall be removed from his place in said department, and be ineligible to reappointment for the term of one year. Sec. 23. The mayor shall be the chief executive magistrate and conservator of the peace of the city; and it shall be his duty to be vigilant and active in causing the laws and ordi- nances to be executed and enforced. He and the chief of police shall each have authority, w4th force and strong hand d POLICE DEPARTMENT. 269 \\lieii necessary, to suppress all tumults, riots, routs, and ^^;^,'rc'St^^^^^ unlawful assemblies, and to arrest without warrant and com- mit to prison for any time not exceeding twenty-four hours, any person or persons who shall be detected in reveling, quarreling, brawling, or otherwise behaving in a disorderly manner, to the disturbance or annoyance of the peaceable inhabitants of the city ; each of them shall have power to enter any house or building which he has reasonable cause to ^^%^^X Scrse^ suspect to be inhabited by persons of ill-fame, or to which '"""""'' ''''*^°* persons of dissolute, idle, or disorderly character are sus- pected to resort; and if any dissolute, disorderly, or vagrant persons are found assembled in any such house or building he shall command all such persons immediately to disperse, if in his opinion the good order of an}^ portion of the city require it ; and in case of neglect or refusal to obey such command, he is hereb}^ authorized and empowered to commit, without ^a?rant,"Jvheu!''""^ warrant, any person or persons so disobeying, to prison, for a term not exceeding twenty-four hours; and each of them shall have and exercise, within the limits of the city, all the powers ffiven to sheriifs or other officers by Title XX., Chap- s'laii have within X o ./ / X 0,t,y same powers a? ter 6, Section 2 of the Revised Statutes, and may at all times, ''''"'^'• if necessary, require the aid of any city or deputy marshal, constable, policeman, or any and all of them, or any other person or persons; and whenever the mayor shall have reason to believe that great opposition will be made to the execution of his authorit}^, he shall have power to call out all, any, or either of the military companies of the city, and JSiuarvforT" may exert all the force necessary to enable him to execute '^''''"" the laws within the limits of the city. Sec. 24. Every officer and soldier when called into service Disobedience of com- •^ mands of lua.yor, by the mayor of the city in the manner aforesaid, who shall h°^" p""'*'*^'^- disobey the commands of the mayor, shall forfeit and pay a tine to the city not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec, 25, Everv person who shall hinder, obstruct, resist, Kcsistancetoofla- • J- 7 5 7 cers, how punished. or abuse the mayor, or any city or deputy marshal, or con- stable, police officer, or policeman, in the execution of his office, or, when commanded to assist him therein, shall refuse 270 POLICE DE]»A11TMENT. or unreasonably neglect to do so, shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. nrrctersUVupon ^^c. 26. It shall not be lawful for persons to assemble idly Micsidcwalks, parks, ■, .. -, ii>iii n etc., prohibited, aud reuiaiu m crowds upon the sidewalks, crosswalks, or walks upon the public parks, or before churches, or before or within the cemeteries Avithin the city, and all persons, to the Oil rofusiiii; to dis- numbcr of three or more, so assembling and refusing* to dis- perse on conimaud, ' O O how proceeded with. ^^^^^^^ whcu comniauded by the mayor, or b}^ any city or deputy marshal, police officer or policeman, special constable, or by any sheriff, deputy sherifi', constable, or justice of the peace, may be arrested and forthwith brought before the Police Court, or if it be on Sunday, or in the night season, I'euaity. such pcrsou or persons may be confined in the station house until the next day upon which said Police Court shall be holden; and every such person shall be punished by a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. HIGHWAY pEPARTMENT. 271 CHAPTEE XIY. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Publication of resolution establishing public improvement. Character of resolution. Reference to lioard of Street Commis- sioners. Entire cost to be assessed upon persons benefited. Street Commissioners to make appraisals and assessments. Notice before assessment and appraisal. Proceedings when land to be taken. Proceedings to take land by agreement. Proceedings to take land by condemna- tion. Notice of appraisals and assessments. Report of Commissioners to common council. Powers of common council upon report. When land condemned may be entered upon. DamPiges, how deposited in certain cases. Co^t of construction, how assessed. Notice of assessments for, how given. Assessments, when payable. Deductions from assessments, when and how allowed. Assessments, how collected. Assessments, a lien. Liens, how continued. Liens, how foreclosed. Land, when and how sold for assess- ments. City highway book. Turnpike roads. Sidewalks and gutters, how made and repaired. Cost of, a lien. Duties of Board of Street Commissioners. City surveyor, when and how elected, term of office and duties. Width of new streets. Extinguishing public lights forbidden. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of (Hartford : Section 1. Whenever any vote or resolution shall be offered vote on resolution •^ proposing to lay out, either board of the Court of Common Council, proposing 9t\^Sc"fpui.iic'im- provement must be to lay out, construct, or establish, any new highway, street, p^ssaSf** ^''*'**'*' "^ public park, dyke, or walk; or to discontinue, or to alter the location, grade, or width of any existing highway, street, public park, dyke, or walk ; or to exchange or sell one high- Avay for another; or to establish a building line or lines, or an opening between buildings ; or to raise, fill up, or drain low grounds; or to lay out, construct, or alter a public sewer; or to order, construct, or alter, a sidewalk and gutters, under any of the provisions of the city charter, or amendments thereto, such vote shall not be passed by either board of said Court of Common Council, until said court has caused said proposed vote or resolution and a certificate that the same is pending in said court, attested by the city clerk, to be pub- 272 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. I How published. lished twice, at least, in two daily newspapers published m the Citj^ of Hartford, with a notice appended to such pub- lished vote or resolution to all persons to file a Avritten state- S^edlmprovement, Hicnt of thcii* objectlous, if auy they have, with the board of street commissioners within ten days inclusive from the day of the first publication of said notice. Nothing in this sec- tion, however, shall apply to mere repairing or reconstructing any existing public work or improvement once complete. sll'te!'"'*" ''""" *^^^' 2- Every such proposed vote or resolution shall briefly and intelligibly state the general character and descripton of the proposed improvements, but need not contain definite measurements, courses, or termini. It may embrace one or more of the several kinds of local improvement specified in the first sectioai of this ordinance, and in case of a new street, or alteration of an established street, shall designate the building lines on said street. Vote before passage Qec. 3. Thc Court of Commou Council shall, before further shall be referred to ' board of street tx j.»ii 1a» £• commissioners. procccdiug to pass or Carry out said vote or resolution, reier the same to the board of street commissioners for their inves- tigation, and said board shall forthwith inquire into the same. Board shall report aud makc rcDort thereon to the Court of Common Council, thereon, how. -•• •' either recommending or disapproving the passage of said vote or resolution with their reasons therefor. After ten days.coun- Sec. 4. At auv tlmc aftcr thc expiration of said ten days. oil may proceed how. •' J- ./ / and after the report of the commissioners thereon shall have been made and accepted, said Court of Common Council may proceed to carry said vote or resolution into effect in mannerll as hereinafter provided, or otherwise act upon the same. 5ro"'enient'!'ifow ' ^^^ wheuevcr sald court shall order any of said proposed improvements, the entire expense of carrying out said im- provements shall be assessed as betterments upon the person or land specially benefited thereby as hereinafter provided. Street commission- Sec. 5. Said votc or rcsolutiou shall be referred to said crs to make ap- mTiSetc.''*'''' board of street commissioners, who shall estimate the costs of said proposed public work or improvement, and shall also appraise the damages to be paid to any person for land or any interest therein taken foi- such work or improvement, 1 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. 273 luid shall also assess said cost of construction and the amount of said damages upon the persons or land specially benefited thereby, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 6. The board of street commissioners, in all cases, ^;j'41.,''aforMsess. when called upon to appraise damages for land or any in- "'*'"'■ ^ ^ terest therein taken for any of said improvements, or special damages resulting to land or interest therein from change of grade of any highway, or to assess betterments on any party for taking said land for said improvements, or for special benefits resulting from such change of grade, shall, before making such appraisals or assessments, cause public notice to be given for two days, at least, in two or more daily newspapers published in the City of Hartford, and at least four days before the time of hearing, of a time and place where all parties in interest may appear before said commissioners, and be heard with witnesses relative to the S^SSes**" amount of damages or betterments, or both, to be appraised or assessed to them respectively, and said commissioners shall examine said parties and witnesses under oath. Sec. 7. Whenever any vote or resolution described in the f/n'^To^Saki'n." first section of this ordinance has been legally published, and it shall be necessary to take any land or any interest therein belonging to private owners or corporations for said contem- plated improvement, the Court of Common Council, before otherwise carrying said vote or resolution into effect, unless they obtain such land or interest by voluntary dedication from the owners thereof, or unless in case of change of grade of any highway, they shall obtain releases of all special dam- ages resulting to land or any interest therein from said change of grade, shall refer the subject matter of the con- Reference to street commissioners. templated improvement to the board of street commissioners, and said board shall thereupon proceed in behalf of said Court of Common Council, as follows: Said board shall obtain Board shaii proceed, how. from the city surveyor a map, drawing, or written descrip- Map. tion, clearly explaining the contemplated improvement, and showing the adjoining land and owners thereof, and shall then agree, if possible, with the owners of the land required for said improvement, upon the compensation to be made 2^4 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Shall agree with therefoi*, iiichidins; the damages for establishing a buiidina: owners of land if ' O O O & possible. YiYiQ^ or lines, in case of opening a new street, and with those whose land or interest therein will be specially damaged by change of grade of highway, and with those who will be specially benefited by said improvement or change of grade, as to the payment of the entire amount to be assessed as bet- terments for said improvement, and the respective amounts. Shall secure written Qr proportlous thcrcof whlch each person so benefited will evidence of such X Jr ^ X agreement. pay J aud sccurc ft'om each such owner, or person, proper Avritten evidence of such agreement. How to proceed when Sec. 8. If sald board of street commissioners fail to affree agreement cannot *^ ^^ ^^'^' with any owner of said land or interest therein, or with any of the parties w^ho in their opinion should be assessed for any benefits on account of said proposed improvement, not includ- shaii appraise ino; cost of constructiou, they shall, after the requisite notice damages and assess <-> i ,J i x betterments, iww. g^y^jj j^g hereiubefore provided, proceed to appraise all dam- ages therefor to the persons entitled to such damages and to assess upon the parties or land specially benefited by said improvement, betterments or benefits for said improvement, not including the cost of construction, in proportion to the damages and benefits to each respectively, and shall fur-« nish a proper certificate thereof signed by a majority of said board to the city clerk, who shall forthwith cause the same Shall publish such to be published at least twice in two or more of the daily assessment and appra'sai, how. ncwspapcrs published in the City of Hartford, at least four j days before the same shall be acted on by said court, and th( Shall lodge certiH- Original certificate shall be lodged on file in the city clerk' cate thereof with city clerk. officc \ aud thc same shall be binding and conclusive upon all parties if said court order said improvement, unless appealed' from and changed upon said appeal as by law provided, and when any appeal shall be taken, said board shall instruct and] Shall aid city attor- aid thc cltv attomcy in the matter of said appeal, until th< ney in appeals. ./ ^ x x ; same shall be determined. Shall make report to Seo. 9. Whcnevcr all pcrsous who are entitled to compen- council, when. sation for damages, or liable for betterments on account of an^ of said improvements, shall agree upon the respective amounts to be received or paid by them therefor ; or when they shall deliver a writlen waiver of their right of appeal to said boar oardn HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. 275 at any time within the limit allowed by law for an ai)i^eal, said board shall immediately thereafter make their report to said Court of Common Council, and in cases where an appeal or appeals are taken as aforesaid, as soon as practicable after such proceedings are determined. _ Sec. 10. Their report shall set forth the amount of damages ^^^f^^^*;'"""' '*"*'' agreed upon with each of said owners of land, and the amount of benefits agreed to be paid by the respective parties bene- fited by said improvement in cases of agreement with all par- ties ; or in case of assessment by said board, of the amount of damages appraised or betterments assessed upon each of the parties entitled to such damages or liable for such better- ments, or upon an appeal the amount fixed by the court or judge hearing the same, so that all damages thus ascertained may become a part of the expense to be assessed, and all betterments may be thus assessed upon the persons or prop- erty specially benefited thereby. And said board shall also embrace in their report a written descriptive survey of the Report shaii contain ^ ^ " a description and proposed improvement concerning which said proceedings prSent.'"" have been had, and such a vote, resolution, or ordinance as in their judgment ought to l)e passed in order to establish and carry out said improvement, fully describing therein the width, curve, boundaries, grade, and building lines, and such other particulars of said improvement as the case may require, and includini): an order for the payment, or deposit shaii include order 1 ' » jr »/ J -L for payment or at some place named therein, of the amount of damages Sr^onl'sTof warrant for collec- appraised to the respective owners of any land or interest ti«° °f betterments. therein required for said improvement, and an order to the mayor to issue his warrant forthwith to collect all said assess- ments for said betterments assessed as aforesaid. Said court may alter said proposed vote, if it see cause, common council •^ i X ^ may aitgy yote^ provided no change be made in the lines or location of the '^''^''• improvement which will require taking more or a greater interest in any land for said improvement than shown by said survey and report, and provided that no change of grade of highway be made that shall occasion greater damage than the grade shown by said survey and report, and shall there- 276 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. upon adopt such vote or resolution, with or without such alteration, or reject the same. Laud appraised may Sec. 11. Whcnevcr auv votc establishiuij; any public im- be taken tor public *' o ./ i. use, when. provemcnt has been passed as aforesaid, and the proper com- pensation has been paid to or deposited for the owners of any land taken for such improvement, then said land shall be immediately open and subject to the public use on such con- ditions as said court may impose, and shall be, to all intents, appropriated therefor, unless the public work or improve- ment require the previous sanction of a city meeting, under the sixth section of the city charter, in which case such ap- propriation shall not take effect until such sanction has been obtained. Damages, how Sec. 12. If auv owuer of said land, or interest therein, is deposited in case of "^ ' ' certain parties. ^^^^ ^ rcsidcnt of thc City of Hartford, or upon due inquiry cannot be found therein, or is a lunatic, or idiot, or minor with- out a guardian, or in any w^ay incapacitated to receive said compensation, or is- unknown, or is entitled only to a contin- gent or uncertain interest, said court may prescribe in such particular case how and where the compensation due such owner shall be placed or deposited subject to the lawful call of said owner or his duly authorized agent or representative. Assessment, for Sec. 13. Bcforc thc fiual passagc of the vote or resolution construction to bo made separately, laylug out any public work the expense of construction of which may be assessed as betterments upon the persons or land specially benefited thereby, the assessment of such bet terments shall be made separately from the assessment o benefits for land taken, and shall be made as follows : When said vote or resolution shall have been published as required in the first section of this ordinance, the same shall be by the said court referred to the board of street commissioners for Boardof street oom assessment, and said board shall thereupon proceed to esti- missioners shall Tarw^'uTartVeT*^ uiatc thc expeusc of construction, and shall assess the justj specially benefited. . n ^ i • i proportion oi such expense, which any person or persons, private or corporate, including railroad corporations^ occupj^- ing streets w^ith their tracks, or any piece of land specially 1 City of Bridgeport v. N. Y. & N. H. R. R. Co., 36 Conn., 255. I \ HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. 277 benefited by said improvement, should respectively defray and make a proper written certificate of said assessment so £;"^ade.°""'"*^'' made, with names and amounts assessed upon the respective parties or lands, and describing by metes and bounds, or otherwise, the land on account of which said assessments are certificate, how ' signed. made, and signed by a majority of said board, and cause the same to be published for four days at least in two or more how published, daily newspapers published within said city, with a notice affixed to said certificate that any person aggrieved may, ^^^^j^^^^^if* within ten days after the day of first publication of said ''^*^" notice, lodge with the clerk of said board a written statement of his objections to said assessment. After the expiration of ^J^^^*^;;"^f,'^yM|;d said ten days, said board shall revise said assessment with * ^ ''''^^^"'®" • reference to said objections, at which time said parties inter- ested may appear and be heard thereon, and said board shall thereupon report their doings and final assessment, duly ^*»*^J,|j)!|f *"'«»*<"■'"'■ signed by a majority of said board, to the Court of Common Council, and said court shall then accept said report and assessments and order the same to be published twice at least Sessment*"pu'^''' in two or more daily papers published in the City of Hart- ^'' " ' ford. After expiration of the time limited for appeal, if no Piuai action. appeal be taken; or after all proceedings on appeals have been concluded, the board of street commissioners shall report the facts to said court, with their recommendations thereon accompanied, in case the assessments have been changed or modified upon appeal, by a schedule of the assessments as finally determined, and said court shall thereupon proceed to pass or reject said vote or resolution, whereupon, if passed, said assessments shall be final and conclusive upon all parties in interest. Sec. 14. Upon the final layout or completion of the con- Benefits, when payable. struction of any such public work, the board of street com- missioners shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publication twice in two daily news- papers published in said city, and all benefits assessed there- for shall be immediately due and payable. Sec. 15. If the actual cost of the construction of any what deduction •^ allowed. public work shall be less than the sum estimated by the board 278 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. of street commissioners and assessed upon the parties bene- fited, each of the parties so assessed shall be entitled to a pro- portionate deduction from his assessment. Sade from assess. ^^^- ^^- ^^ ^^7 P^^^son upon whom any assessment of bet- njent,wuen. tcrmcnts has been made as herein provided shall pay the same within five days after the first publication provided for in section fourteen of this ordinance, he shall be entitled to a deduction or repayment of four per cent, on the amount of When liable to hls asscssmcnt to be deducted therefrom. At the end of said collection iu full. five days he shall be liable to pay the same in full. Duty of mayor to Sec. 17. As soou as auv asscssmcut of betterments made issue Lis warrant for *^ mShoVlnr''' in accordance with this ordinance becomes due and payable, it shall be the duty of the mayor of said city to issue his warrant directed to any officer or member of the police requiring him to proceed to collect the same in the same manner as collectors of public taxes are by law empowered to proceed in the collection of taxes, and it shall be the duty of said person to execute said warrant and pay over to the Jtcted'tTbeVaw to ^^^J trcasurcr the assessments by him collected, and he shall city treasurer. coHect aud pay ovcr the same fees as sheriifs are by law What fees allowed allowed upou collectlou by execution and levying of execution and how paid. -t »/ JO whenever he shall levy upon propert}" for said assessments. ■ Assessments for Sec. 18. All asscssmeuts of betterments for any of sai(M betterments a lieu •' upon land benefited, p^jjijc Improvements shall be made therefor on account of the land or property liable to assessment and specially benefited thereby. Every assessment of betterments for any of th( public improvements embraced in this ordinance shall be Lien expires unless Hen ou thc land ou accouut of which said assessment is mad^ ccrtiflcatc is filed, j when and how. ^^j^til thc samc is fully paid, which said lien shall commence and attach to said land from the time of the passage by th< Court of Common Council of the vote laying out or ordering the construction of said work : provided, that the same shall not remain a lien thereon for a longer period than three months from the final layout or completion of such work oa improvement, unless the board of street commissioners shall within that time lodge with the town clerk of the town Hartford, for record, a certificate, signed by the clerk of sa HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. 279 board, describing the premises, the amount assessed, and the improvement for which it was assessed. Sec. 19. Such recorded liens shall be foreclosed in the J;^*^"^^^,*'^^ name and behalf of the city by the city attorney before the City Court of said city in the same manner that a mortgage may be foreclosed, as soon as the same can be done, unless said assessment is paid or said Court of Common Council shall otherwise order. Sec. 20. In case of said assessments being made by said b^soirfo/lfse'T*^ board directly upon any land, said land shall be liable to be °'^° ' ^ *"*' sold to pay the same unless said assessments shall be paid within six months after public notice thereof has been given, what notice to be and said court shall give fifteen days public notice in two or more daily newspapers published in the City of Hartford of the amount of said assessment, and the time and place where such sale will be made, and at the time and place named, any police offi cer to whom the warrant of the mayor is directed who may sen. and delivered to collect such assessment, may sell said lan^J, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said assess- ment and expenses of said sale, and give a title thereto to the purchaser, as in case of a sale of land for taxes, and the surplus to be paid J- ' 'to owner. balance of the purchase money, if any, pay over to the owner of said land. Sec. 21. The vote or ordinance establishing; or discontinu- vote establishing or cj discontinuing high- ing any highway or street in the City of Hartford, and every way io'^be^r^corK" survey of any new highway or street approved by the board of street commissioners and Court of Common Council, shall be recorded in a city highway record book kept for that pur- pose by the city clerk. Sec. 22. Turnpike roads within the City of Hartford shall. Turnpike roads in ■t «/ city subject to con- be subject to the control of the Court of Common Council for common^councii. purposes of city improvement to the same extent as other highways. Sec. 23. Whenever the owner or occupant of any land frontinp; upon any street or highway in this city shall neglect street comniission. O i. >/ O J •/ o ers may make or to make or pave any sidewalk or gutter within the time and Xn' '"^•''^''"'' in the manner ordered by the Court of Common Council, or shall neglect or refuse to keep his sidcw^alk in good repair, it 280 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Cost of such making or repair to be a lien on premises liable therefor. Lien expires unless recorded, when and how. Lien, how foreclosed or collected. Duties of board • street commis- sioners. Shall manage public works according to order of common council. Shall make report of expenditures monthly. Shall make provis- ional contracts subject to orders of common council. Shall superintend lamps. Keep record of complaints. Shall conform to plans of city surveyor. City surveyor, how and when appointed and term of office. shall bo the duty of the board of street commissioners to make or repair the same, and the cost of making, or of repairs, and interest thereon, shall be and remain a lien in favor of the city upon the adjoining premises which are liable to be assessed therefor, but a certificate thereof shall be recorded, as is provided in case of assessments for betterments in section eighteen of this ordinance, and said lien may be foreclosed in the same manner that a mortgage may be fore- closed, or said city may recover the same of the party or j)arties liable therefor by an action before the City Court of said city. Sec. 24. Said board shall in executing public works con- form to the votes or orders of the Court of Common Council, and to all general rules which said court may adopt relative to the locality, measurements, materials, and management of all public works. Said board shall keep an account of all expenditures made in its department, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of any member of the Court of Common Council, and shall make report to said court of such expenditure, at least once a month, unless excused therefrom. It shall make provisional contracts, subject to the approval of said court, for such public works connected with highways, streets, or thoroughfares, and the erection or lighting of street lamps and repairs of the same, as ought to be, in the judg- ment of said board, let out to contractors, and shall keep a record of complaints, and faithfully enter therein all com- plaints made to it concerning streets, highways, lamps, and public places, and the breach of city ordinances relating thereto ; and shall be diligent in ascertaining the facts in sucM matters of complaint, and in taking just and necessary action relative thereto. Said board shall consult and conform to the plans of the city surveyor in constructing public works unlesi otherwise ordered by the Court of Common Council, an shall have power to do all things which shall be necessary t be done in order to enforce such portions of any city ordi nance as shall be within the scope of its official duties. Sec. 25. A city surveyor shall be annually appointed by a concurrent vote of the Court of Common Council, and shall hold his office for one year and until his successor is appointe nteal GOATS AND CATTLE. 281 and qualified. He shall have the custody of all the maps and plans of the public works of the city not expressly entrusted to other officers or persons ; shall make and prepare, under »u«es of. the direction of the Court of Common Council, or by request of the board of street commissioners, all surveys, maps, pro- ^- ^ files, calculations, drawings, estimates, and specifications, I'cquired for the use of the city or its departments, and per- form all such services in the surveying or engineering depart- ment, as may be required of him by said court or commis- sioners. Sec. 26. No street, highway or alley in the City of Hart- no street or aiiey ' ^ "J ^ 'J shall be opened less ford less than forty feet wide shall hereafter be opened to the ^ortKuho'I.t'^''' ,,,,,,.. , . , , license of Court of public by dedication or otherwise, by any person or private common councn. corporation, nor in any case except by license of the Court of Common Council first obtained. Sec. 27. If any person shall without authority from the '^ublllfutts^how board of street commissioners wilfully extinguish the lights ''""''•'^• in any public lamps in the City of Hartford, such person shall forfeit and pay to the city a fine of not less than one nor more than five dollars for each offence. . CHAPTEE XT. GOATS AND CATTLE. Pasturing of goats in highway pro- hibited. Pasturing or running at large of cattle, etc., prohibited. Penalty for violation of ordinance. Goats, cattle, etc., may be impounded, when. Poundage, fees of. Unless reclaimed, how sold. Penalty for poand-brea«h. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. Every person who shall pasture any goat in pasturing of goat, any public street, highway, or place, within the limits of the '''''•*^*- City of Hartford, and every person who shall cause or suffer 282 GOATS AND CATTLE. any goat owned or kept by him or her to run at large or to be pastured in any public highway or place within the limits Penalty. of Said city, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offence. Pasturing of cattle Sec. 2. Every pcrson who shall pasture any cow, calf, ox, hibited. ^j, horse, within the limits of any public street, highway, or place, within the limits of the City of Hartford, shall forfeit Penalty. and pay a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars for each offence. Cattle running at Sec 3. Evcrv pcrsou who shall cause or allow any cow, large prohibited. *' ^ ^ ^ calf, ox, or horse, belonging to him or her to run at large within the limits of any public street, highway, or place, Penalty. wlthln thc llmlts of said city, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offence. Duty of city attorney Sec. 4. It shall bc thc dutv of thc cltv attomev to collect to collect fines. *^ ^ ^ the fines imposed in the three preceding sections whenever complaint shall be made to him, supported by satisfactory evidence that such offence has been committed. Impounding, gEC. 5. Any person finding any horses, sheep, goats, swine, geese, or neat cattle, going at large within the City o: Hartford, or being pastured within any public street, high-; way, or place, in said city, may impound such animal in any pound within said city, and it shall be the duty of the pound keeper to receive the same, and the owner, keeper, or othe™ person claiming the animal so impounded, shall pay the Poundage fees, to pouud-kecper bcforc he shall be entitled to take such animal, whom paid. ^ ■•■ WA twenty-five cents for every goose, and one dollar for everyB other animal, together with the expenses of keeping such animal, not exceeding fifty cents a day ; of which the perso impounding said animal shall receive tw^elve and a half centi for every goose and fifty cents for every other animal by hi impounded. If said animal is not claimed by any person rightfully entitled so to do within five days after the same shall have been impounded, the pound-master may advertis the same for public sale in at least two newspapers publishe Cattle impounded, in thc City of Hartford, reasonably describing such anima when sold and how. *> ; i/ o and stating the time and place of the sale, three days befor J 3 GOATS AND CATTLE. 283 the time fixed therein for such sale ; at which time and place said pound-master may make public sale of said animal, and after applying the proceeds of said sale to his own fees and expenses on account of such animal, shall pay the balance thereof to the city treasury, where the said balance shall _ remain for the benefit of the lawful owner of said animal, and payable to him, without interest, upon satisfactory proof of such ownership. The pound-master shall keep a record of his doings and report the same to the Court of Common Council once in six months at least. Sec. 6. The penalty for pound-breach, or for any rescue or ^^^*i'^/^^^^ any attempt at rescue from a pound-master, shall be a forfeit- ure of twenty dollars, recoverable for the use of the city upon this ordinance. Nothing herein contained shall in any man- ner affect the remedy of replevin, as the same is applied in ordinary cases where beasts- are impounded, 284 SALARIES AND FEES. CHAPTEE XVI. SALARIES AND FEES. Salaries of— Mayor, City Treasurer, Auditor, City Clerk, Clerk of Common Council Board, Recorder, Judge of Police Court, Clerk of Police Court, Messenger of Police Court, Prosecuting Attorney, City Sur- veyor. Chairman and Assistant Chairman of Health Committee. President of Board of Water Commis- sioners. Superintendent of Streets. Clerk of Board of Street Commissioners, Clerk of the Board of Fire Commissioners. ( lerk of the Board of Police Commis- sioners. Fire Marshal. Messenger of Board of Aldermen. Messenger of Common Council Board. Port Warden. Board of Street Commissioners. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Registrars of Voters. Associate Judge of Police Court. Salaries, when paid. Fees of City Marshal. Fees of Messeoger of City Courr. Fees of City Attorney. Fees of City Jurors. Payment of office rent regulated. City officers not to contract indebtedness. Salaries of city officers. Mayor. City Treasurer. City Auditor. City Clerk. Clerk of Coininoii Council Board. Recorder of City Court. Judge of Police Court. Clerk of Police Court. Messenger of Police Court. Prosecuting Attorney. City Surveyor. Chairman Health Committee. Assistant Chairmau Health Committee. President Board of Water Commis- sioners. n Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. That the following sums shall be paid as sala- ries and fees to the several city officers herein named : to the Mayor, fifteen hundred dollars a year. City Treasurer, one thousand dollars a year. City Auditor, one thousand dollars a year. City Clerk, eight hundred and fifty dollars a year. Clerk of the Common Council Board, four hundred dolhirs a year. Eecorder of the City Court, twelve hundred dolhirs a year. Judge of the Police Court, one thousand dollars a year. Clerk of the Police Court, eight hundred dollars a year. Messenger of the Police Court, three hundred dollars a year. Prosecuting Attorney, one thousand dollars a year. City Sui'veyor, two thousand dollars a year. Chairman of the Health Committee, six hundred dollars a year. Assistant Chairman of the Health Committee, four hundred dollars a year. President of the Board of Water Commissioners, two thousand dollars a year. SALARIES AND PEES. 285 Superintendent of Streets, two thousand dollars a year and 11*^2!''"'^''"'*' four hundred dollars for hire of horse and carriage. - Clerk of the Board of Street Commissioners, fifteen hun- S^lLfssiolerr' dred dollars a year. Clerk of the Board of Fire Commissioners, two hundred commfs"sSJi!!__ and fifty dollars a year. Clerk of the Board of Police Commissioners, two hundred commhsioS''' and fifty dollars a year. Fire Marshal, four hundred dollars a year. Fire Marshal. Messenger of the Board of Aldermen, one hundred dollars Kmfn.^""'*"' a year. Messenger of the Common Council Board, one hundred coundfBoa^rr"'*'" dollars a year. Port Warden, twenty-five dollars a year. port warden. Sec. 2. The President of the Board of Street Commission- fScommTs^**^ ers shall be paid two thousand dollars a year, for the salaries ''""^"" of said commissioners, said sum to be divided between the members of said Board in such manner as they shall appoint. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall be paid five KurTs!'^''*' *""^ hundred dollars a year in addition to the fees established by ordinance. The Registrars of Voters shall receive annually, as com- ^Xs""^' "^ pensatiou for the discharge of the duties of their office, so far as city elections are concerned, the sum of seven hundred dollars each, the same to be paid in equal installments on the second Mondays of January and April of each year. Said compensation to said registrars shall be in full payment for the discharge of said duties and of any and all expenses which shall be incurred by said registrars in relation to said city election, except the printing of the lists of voters, the expense of which shall be paid by the city. There shall be paid to the Associate Judge of the Police Associate judge of J- o the Police Court. Court three dollars and thirty-four cents per day for every day that he shall serve in the place of the judge thereof Sec. 3. The salaries established by the two preceding sec- salary to be in fuu • ./ jr o for the performance tions shall be in full for the performance of all official duties «^'^'"'""«^- unless otherAvise provided by the laws of the state or ordi- nances of the city ; and the city auditor shall draw his order 286 SALARIES AND FEES. Orders for salaries, monthlv Oil the citv treasurGi' for the payment of the same when and how *' *> X ./ drawn. (except ill case of registrars of voters) ; and when any office is vacated during or before the end of any month, then for the proper proportional part thereof. Sec. 4. There shall be paid, Marsi?"^ To thc City Marshal — For each day's attendance on the City Court, two dollars and fifty cents ; For summoning a jury, or serving legal process, the same fees allowed to sheriffs for like services ; For warning a city meeting, three dollars ; For warning a meeting of the Court of Common Council, five dollars. of City court"^^' ^^ ^^ Messcugcr of the City Court — For each day's attendance, two dollars and fifty cents. K^ey^"-^ To the City Attorney- For each fine collected without suit, fifty cents ; For all moneys collected for debts and paid into the city treasury, two and a half per cent. ; For all fines amounting to or exceeding twenty-five dol- lars collected by suit, six dollars, in addition to the bill of costs collected; m For all fines less than that sum, four dollars, provideoBI that the amount paid shall not exceed the amount collected ; For appearing by request of the chief of police in a cas( before the Police Court, the same fees allowed th^ state's attorney in the Superior Court ; For complaint and attendance before the Police Court the same fees as allowed grand jurors for like services. Fees of Jurors. To juroi's ill thc City Court, one dollar and fifty cents pe^ day, and travel as allowed jurors in the Superior Coun No.office rent to be Qec. 5. IN^o suiii shall bc paid by any city officer for reiil of office, unless such office shall have been hired by the direoj tion of the Court of Common Council. uacTindebtedu°e"s '^^^' ^- "'^^ officcr of thc city who has a stated salary foi cferk wre.""''-^ *^°' hls sci'vices shall contract any indebtedness against the citi MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. 287 for extra services of any kind or for clerk hire or shall have power to make the city liable for any such services or clerk hire without previous authority or direction from the Court of Common Council. CHAPTER XYII. MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. Members of council and city officers pro- hibited from certain acts. Inquiry, how instituted. Citizen may make charges. Hearing, how proceeded with. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. Any member of either branch of the Court of JJ^S'Sncii^rohiS- Common Council who shall bargain for, exact, or receive from acts. any person, or corporation, any fee, compensation, or reward of an}^ kind, for drawing any petition, or remonstrance to the Court of Common Council, or any committee thereof, or for acting as counsel, attorney, or agent, for such person or cor- poration, in the Court of Common Council, or before any committee thereof; or for any advice given, services rendered, or acts done, in connection with any petition, vote, resolution, shan on «)aviction or ordinance, or any other business coming before said court, °®*'^" or who shall be guilty of any other misfeasance in office, or any corruption, shall be expelled from office. Sec. 2. Any other officer of the city who shall bargain for, JJ'/n" misdemeanor J • ly 1 • J r» to be removed from exact, or receive any tee, compensation, or reward oi any office. kind, for any official act, or for refraining from any official act, or who shall be guilty of any other misdemeanor in office, or corruption, shall be removed from office. Sec. 3. Whenever either branch of the Court of Common charges of corrup- tion, or misfeas- Council shall receive a statement from any member thereof, *"*'*'' ^"'^ '"***^" or a written communication, verified by oath, from any citi- zen, charging any member of such branch with corruption or 288 MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE. Communicatiou, how proceeded with. Kxpulsion from office. Charges may be preferred by any citizen. Charge, how made and to whom directed. Judge may hear and give judgment thereon. Mayor shall remove offender from office, when. What exempted from ordinance. misfeasance in office, the matter shall be immediately referred to a committee of three members of said branch, and such committee shall immediately investigate the truth of the charge, and report the facts, and if said charge shall be found to be true, said branch shall proceed forthwith, by vote, to expel the offending member from office. Sec. 4. Any citizen may prefer a charge against any city officer for corruption or misfeasance in office; such charge shall be in writing over the signature of the person making the same, and verified by oath, and shall be directed to the recorder of the City Court, and served as civil process of said court. Said judge may hear such witnesses as shall be pro- duced by the copiplainant and respondent, and may hear counsel, and give judgment according to the facts, and certify such judgment to the mayor. The mayor, upon receiving from the judge of the City Court a certificate that any city officer has been guilty of corruption or misfeasance in office, shall forthwith issue his order removing such officer from office, and such officer shall thereby be removed from office. Sec. 5. ]!!^othing in this ordinance shall prevent any officer from receiving such compensation from the city as is provided by law, or either branch of the Court of Common Council from expelling any member of such branch for such cause as they may deem just. PUBLIC CARI^IAGES. 289 CHAPTEE XYIII. PUBLIC CARRIAGES. What shall be deemed public carriages. All public carriages shall be licensed. Licenses, how issued and recorded. Auxiliary and temporary licenses may be granted. Fee for temporary license. Badges and numbers, how placed. Drivers of passengers shall obtain and furnish to passenger card— Same, how printed. Drivers of baggage shall obtain and de- liver card— Same, how printed. Penalty for failure. Shall receive passengers when on public stand, or at railroad or steamboat depot. Public stands established. Certain conduct at stands and railroad or steamboat depot prohibited. Rates of fare for passengers and baggage, and forms for cards. Penalty for taking illegal fare. Rates of charges for baggage. Violations of ordinance, how punished. What a cause for peremptory revocation of license. Penalty for driving or soliciting without license. Transportation of dead bodies in hacks. Police shall report all violations to city attorney. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. Every hack, omnibus, cab, chariot, coach, 2me?p*ubiic barouche, express or baggage wagon, or any other vehicle, ''*"*"='''• ww^hether on wheels or runners (except horse cars), and drawn or propelled by animal power, which shall be used in the^City of Hartford for the conveyance of persons or baggage for Hiire from place to place within said city, shall be deemed a public carriage within the meaning of this ordinance, and no vehicle as aforesaid shall carry or transport passengers or bao-ffaii'e for hire as aforesaid, nor shall anv person or persons soliciting or carry *~'^ ~ ' »' i X ing passengers or solicit or receive passengers or baggage to be carried or prSted .m'iessi.y license. transported as aforesaid, unless duly licensed according to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. The mayor of the city shall, upon due application, Jf*y°er'''' '''"* issue a license in writing to the owner of any suitable vehicle, or such suitable driver as such owner may elect, to use the same in the transportation and carriage of passengers or bag- gage, or passengers and baggage from place to place within 5JJ*j*f ""°*^ ^'"'" said city for hire, classifying such vehicle and designating its use in such license. And all licenses issued under the pro- visions of this chapter shall expire on the first day of June next succeeding their date, and may be sooner revoked by 290 PUBLIC CARRIAGES. Licenses may be revoked or sus- pended by niayor. Licenses to be recorded. Fees for recording. Mayor may grant auxiliary Jiccnses. Rights and liabili- ties under such license. Mayor may grant licenses for ashorter time. Sum to be paid for such license. Same sum to be paid when owner not a resident of city. Persons licensed shall wear a badge. the mayor or suspended for such time as he may think proper in his discretion for any improper conduct of the licensee acting thereunder, or any violation by him of the provisions of this chapter. Every license so gi-anted shall, before it becomes of any effect, be recorded by the city clerk in a book to be kept by him for such purpose, and the clerk shall receive from the applicant twenty-five cents for recording the same, and every revocation or suspension by the mayor of any license granted shall be by the city clerk, upon notice to be given by the mayor, entered against the record of such license. The mayor may, when requested, grant licenses auxiliary to each license so granted to suitable persons to act as substi- tutes in case such driver or person licensed shall be absent or unable to act, which shall be recorded as aforesaid, and such persons so licensed as substitutes, when so acting, shall have the same rights and j^erform the same duties, and be subject to the same provisions and penalties as the principal. Sec. 3. The mayor shall have the power of granting licenses for a shorter period of time, to be designated in such license, to owners or drivers of vehicles as aforesaid for the purpose of using said vehicles for the conveyance of passen« gers while some public occasion may require an unusual amount of travel, which shall be subject to the same pro- visions and penalties as apply to regular licenses, and ever^l person not a resident of this city who shall be licensed as aforesaid, shall pay therefor the sum of ten dollars for eacl ordinary hack, coach, carriage, or vehicle, and the sum o| twenty dollars for each omnibus or other vehicle designed foi and caj)able of carrying more than eight persons. If such hack, omnibus, o\' other vehicle shall be owned b] any person or persons not resident of this city, then the sui named in this section shall be j^aid for such license, thougl the person licensed be a resident of said city. Sec. 4. Every person so licensed when soliciting passen-j gers or baggage shall wear upon his hat or cap a distinctive badge indicating the number of his license, and also a cor-j PUBLIC CARRIAGES. 291 responding number shall be placed in some conspicuous place JJJfg^J"'' upon the carnage which he drives. Sec 5. It shall be the duty of every person so licensed to SmS acting ^ , , 1 J • ^h*'* obtain card. carry either passengers or baggage or both, to obtain proper cards, on each of which shall be plainly printed the name of^-^'^^-^-^^^^^- the person to whom the license was issued, the number of the license and the fare or prices for carrying passengers or bag- gage, or both, according to such license as established by this ordinance, and it shall be the duty of every such driver when- n"v<>r si.au deliver ' »/ •/ one to each passcu- ever he shall accept or contract to accept any person or per- tore"efvc"Mm'*"^ sons as passengers to be transported for hire within this city, to furnish and deliver to each of such persons so accepted or contracted with, one of said cards bearing his number so printed, and wlienever any driver or person licensed to carry B»8«^*«cd^j^e^r«^^^^^ Iniggage for hire shall accept, receive, or bargain to receive p"^"'^*^- any trunk, valise, or other article of baggage to be by him transported within said city, he shall furnish and deliver to such person so contracted with, a card as aforesaid, and each driver of baggage shall, at the time of delivering such card, write plainly and legibly thereon the article or articles Avhich ^Ji^ thMcon'*" lie has so received, and every driver or person so licensed '"'*'*''*'" '■<=''"'^'^<'- who shall neglect to so deliver such card, or to endorse such article or articles so received thereon, shall forfeit and pay a Penalty. fine of not less than five nor more than fifteen dollars to the City of liai-tford for the use of the city treasury for each and every offence. Sec. 6. Every driver of passengers or passengers and Sodatei^rsouf""'" l)aggage so licensed shall be held at all reasonable times to carSe^at'aiitimea. accommodate those who may apply to him for carriage, and no vehicle so licensed shall, while engaged so as to be unable JngigeVprohibited , . , . from standing on to receive and transport passengers, remain standing upon any puwic stand, or at of the public stands established by this ordinance, or at any ^'^"-^-"dcpot. railroad or steamboat depot in this city, and no driver so driver shaii receive 1 «/ ' passengers applying licensed shall refuse or neglect to receive and transport, or rtaudo?it"J'iiiroad ^ 01 steamboat depot. neglect or refuse to contract to receive and transport any person, or neglect or refuse, to go to any point or place within the city, and there receive and transport, with ordinary bag- gage, any person from such point or place to any other point 292 PUBLIC CARRIAGES. or place within the city when so standing and applied to as aforesaid. Public stands Sec. 7. No public carriages for the conveyance of passen- gers shall stand at any place in said city waiting for employ- ment except west of the west gate on the noi-th side of the state honse yard, and north of the gate on the west side of the state house yard, the north side of the south park, so called, and on the south side of Main street near the corner of Ann street, and in such order and manner as the chief of police may prescribe. Express and No truck, wagou, dray, or vehicle which shall be used in baggage wagons where to stand. ^j^g ^'^^j f^-j. ^j^g conveyancc of baggage, goods, wares, mer- chandise, produce, wood, or any thing whatever for hire or Where goods on for thc salc thercof shall stand for such puiT)ose in any place wagons may be sold. ' X jr ./ x on Main and State streets, around and near said state house yard, except on the south side thereof, and in such order and manner as the chief of police shall direct and prescribe. No boisterous or Sec. 8. ]N"o drlvcr so licensed, while at a public stand or indecorous ■"- induiged'in'on "^ ''^ at auy rallroad station or steamboat wharf waiting to bo public stands or at , . . . stcamboaTstations. employed or solicitiug passengers, or while any public car- riage is in his charge at any public place, shall use any pro- fane, abusive, boisterous, or indecorous language, or utter loud cries or calls, or scuffle, or crowd about, or interfere with any other driver or porter with whom any passenger may be negotiating for the transportation of himself or baggage, nor Violation of rules of violate auv of the rules and regulations made by any of the railroad and '^ ° J J niefSibite'dr' raili'oad or steamboat companies occupying stations or Kaggage, how taken whai'vcs lu this clty, aud all baffffaa^e delivered or taken away. and delivered at '' ' '-'^ *^ *' sutions. therefrom shall be delivered and taken in such manner as shall be designated by such steamboat or railroad company. Rates of fare for Sec. 9. Withiu thc followlug Hmits, viz: beffinniuij: ati passengers and ^ o ^ o o , baggage. ConncctiCut river and running thence westerly on a line with the north line of Pavilion street to the west line of Garden street, thence southerly down Garden street, to them north line of Collins street, thence westerly along Collins street to the west line of Sigourney street, thence southerly down Sigourney street to Summit street, thence through Summit street to the south line of Jefferson street, thence I PUBLIC CARRIAGES. 293 easterly through Jefferson and Wyllys streets to Connecticut river, and including both sides of all said streets, the prices or rates of fare to be taken by and paid to persons licensed to carry passengers and baggage shall be as follows, viz : For conveying one person to or from any place within said limits to or from any other place in said limits, twenty-five cents, and for each trunk conveyed with one passenger only, within said limits, fifteen cents. For conveying one person, with ordinary baggage, to or from any point or place within the aforesaid limits to or from any point or place beyond said limits, and within the linuts of the city, fifty cents. For conveying two persons, with ordinary baggage, both going from one place to one other place within the limits of the city, fifty cents; three persons, seventy-five cents, and four persons, one dollar. Children under four years of age, when carried in company with an adult person, freej and between the ages of four and twelve years, half price. Between the hours of twelve o'clock at night and six o'clock in the morning, twice the above rates may be charged. For the use of a public carriage by the hour, one dollar and fifty cents may be charged for the first hour, one dollar for each succeeding hour, and at the same rate for fractions of an hour. For weddings and parties, three dollars. For funerals, two dollars and fifty cents. Sec. 10. The charges for the carrying of baggage shall be: charges for carrying o o baggage. For carrying one trunk from any place in said city to any railroad or steamboat depot or any stage station therein, or from any such railroad or steamboat depot or stage station to any other place therein, twenty-five cents ; for any greater number carried at the same time from any one place to the same place, fifteen cents for each extra trunk so carried ; for any valise, carpet-bag, band-box, hat-box, bundle or other similar parcel when carried with any trunlc from any one place to any other place, five cents; when carried without 294 PUBLIC CARRIAGES. any trunk or other piece of baggage, or to a different place, fifteen cents ; for every extra similar j^ackage when carried to the same place, five cents. Form of cord for Sec. 11. Said cards specified in section five of this ordi- passengers. ^ nance for passengers and baggage shall be in the form fol- lowing : PASSENGER & BAGGAGE LICENSE, No. , C. D., LICENSEE. LEGAL PASSENGER FARE. 1 passenger to or from any place within the following limits, viz : beginning at Connecticut river and running thence westerly on a line with the north line of Pavilion street to the west line of Garden street, thence southerly down Garden street to the north line of Collins street, thence westerly along Collins street to the west line of Sigourney street, thence southerly down Sigourney street to Summit street, thence through Summit street to the south line of Jefferson street, thence easterly through Jefferson and Wyllys streets to Connecticut river, and including both sides of all said streets, to or from any other place within said limits, $ .25 Each trunk carried with one passenger only within said limits, .15 1 passenger with ordinary baggage to or from any place within said limits to or from any place beyond said limits, . . .5fl| 2 persons with ordinary baggage both going from one place to one other place within the limits of the city, ... .50 3 persons ditto, 75 4 persons ditto, Children under four years of age, in company with an adult, free; and between the ages of four and twelve years, half price. Fare between 12 o'clock at night and 6 o'clock in the morn- ing, twice the above rates. Public carriage, first hour, " " each succeeding hour, or fractions thereof, Weddings and parties, 3.00 Funerals, 2 Form of card for Seo. 12. Thc fomi for cards for baggage as specified section five of this ordinance shall be: PUBLIC CARRIAGES. 295 BAGGAGE LICENSE No. , C. D., LICENSEE. LEGAL RATES FOR BAGGAGE. 1 trunk from any railroad or steamboat depot or stage station to any place in city, . . . . . . . .25 cts. Each extra trunk from same place to same place, . . .15 cts. ^ Each valise or similar package carried with trunk or other piece of baggage from any one place to one other place, . 5 cts. Carried without trunk or other piece of baggage, or to a dif- ferent place, 15 cts. of rules railroad or steamboat compa- unishoii. Sec. 13. Every person so licensed who shall violate any of vioif^on the rules or regulations made and published by any of the nies"how railroad or steamboat companies in this city, or neglect or refuse to receive and transport, or refuse to contract to receive ^^J^'^^^^^^ \';*°/''''"*^ and transport any person applying to be carried while his i'""'"'''''*- vehicle shall be standing on any public stand or at any rail- road or steamboat depot in this city, or neglect to transport any person contracted b}' him to be transported, or shall suffer his vehicle to remain standing on any public stand or Penauy tor suffering '-' *J i- vehicle to remain at any railroad or steamboat depot while engaged so as to be sratio^ns'^wh.-n n . -, engaged. unable to take or receive persons for carriage, or -neglect to wear a badge as aforesaid upon his cap or hat while soliciting passengers or baggage, or neglect to keep a number cor- responding to his license on the carriage which he drives, or shall charge or receive any greater rates for the carrying of variou.s penalties, baggage than established herein, or shall use, or deliver to any person received or contracted to be received for carriage, or for baggage, any different form of card than herein pro- vided, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five nor more than fifteen dollars for each offence, and in addition to the pen- alties herein prescribed for each and every violation of any provision of this chapter, the license issued to the offender License may be revoked in .addition. may be revoked, and any conviction had for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a sufficient what a ground for -•- peremptory revoca- cause for the revocation of such license. *"""' "*'*^"'*- Sec. 14. Every person who shall, contrary to the pro- penalty tor driving •^ ■•■ ^ "' ^ or soliciting visions of this ordinance, solicit passengers or baggage to be EaggagfwitLut -, n -, . .1. .1. . • license. transported for hire withm said city, or engage m carrying or transporting passengers or baggage for hire therein, without .296 MISDEMEANORS. Regulating the transportation of (lead bodies in hacks. Chief of police shall report all violations to city attorney. I having first obtained a license therefor as prescribed in this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offence; and every day's continuance to so solicit passengers or baggage, or to drive any vehicle carrj^ing passengers or baggage for hire therein after notice to desist therefrom by any member of the police force of the city, shall be deemed a separate and single offence. Sec. 15. N'o hack or public carriage, owned or kept for hire, shall be used for transporting the bod}^ of any person who shall have died of disease. The owner or keeper of any such hack or carriage, who shall suffer the same to be used for the purpose aforesaid, shall be fined five dollars for each offence. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of every policeman to report all violations of this ordinance to the chief of police, and it shall be the duty of the chief to inquire into any and all vio- lations of this chapter that shall come to his knowledge, and report the same to the city attorney for prosecution. I CHAPTER XIX. MISDEMEANORS. Conimitting or aiding nuisances. Committing or aiding acts of nuisance. Violations of ordinances de snow and Violations of ordinances de running at large of cattle, etc. Violations of hack ordinance. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City o Hartford : Section 1. Any person who shall commit or aid, advise, abet or encourage the committing of any of the acts of nuisances enumerated in the ordinances of the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be prosecuted therefor in the city Police Court, and if such act be a nuisance J MISDEMEANORS. 297 of the first class may be fined not exceeding twenty-five dol- penalty, lars, if it be of the second class not exceeding fifteen dollars, if it be of the third class not exceeding five dollars, if it be of the fourth class one dollar. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate or neglect to comply IndSratr^^I^^ with the ordinances of the City of Hartford, requiring the sidewalks to be made safe and convenient by removing snow, ice and sleet, or by covering the ice with sand or other suit- able substance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be prosecuted therefor in the city Police Court, and may be fined not less than two nor more than twenty dollars for penalty, each offence. Sec. 3. Any person who shall violate any ordinance of the Snc*' prevenTing City of Hartford made to prevent the running at large of afiargl.'"" """""'"^ cattle, sheep, swine and goats, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be prosecuted therefor in the city Police Court and fined not less than two nor more than Penalty. twenty dollars. Sec. 4. Any person who shall violate any ordinance of the JrSnc"**^ ^'^^ City of Hartford regulating public hacks or carriages, the charges of hackmen and public drivers, cartmen and truck- men, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be prosecuted in the city Police Court and fined not less than Penalty. jwo nor more than twenty dollars. 298 TAXES. CHAPTEE XX. TAXES. Town assessors shall be ex-officio assessors of the city. Tax, how laid in case of failure to complete list. Council may appoint rate-maker an- nually. Collection of taxes, how made. Annual tax to be laid, when. Special tax may be laid, when. Assessors of town ez-offrct'o assessors of city. Assessment list of city, when and liow made. Compensation of assessors. Tax, how laid in case of neglect ( town assessors to make list. Council may appoint a rate maker. Compensation. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. The assessors of the town of Hartford for the time being shall be ex-officio the assessors of the City of Hart- ford, and may prepare, annually, within such time as shall be necessary for the use of said city, a city assessment list of the polls and ratable estate within the limits of the city, or may in some suitable manner distinguish or set apart such polls and ratable estate upon the town assessment lists by them prepared, for which service they shall receive such reasonable compensation as the Court of Common Council shall allow; and the list of city assessments thus prepared or distinguished* or in case of the neglect of the town assessors to perform thfl above described duty, the assessment list last completed, or next to be completed, by the assessors and board of relief of the town of Hartford, shall be the list according to whic the taxes of the City of Hartford shall be laid after the firs day of October, A. D. 1870. Sec. 2. The Court of Commen Council may, at any regula: meeting, held on or before the first day of May in each year, appoint, by concurrent vote, a city rate maker,^ who shall hold his ofiice for the term of one year, and who shall make out and certify a rate bill, setting forth the proportion which each taxable person shall pay according to law, for whic service he shall receive such reasonable compensation as tli Court of Common Council shall allow; and the collector o: the city, in collecting any tax laid by the Court of Commo In ease of neglect to appoint rate-maker, see sec. 5, p. 168. » TAXES. . 299 Council, shall have the powers and conform to the regulations '^^^^^''j^i^^ «'ty conferred upon and prescribed for the collection of town taxes by the public statutes of the state, after having received from the mayor a warrant^ for the collection of any such tax, S4rrant.''"^ which warrant the mayor is empowered to issue upon appli- ^^^ . cation of the collector. And the collector shall be account- able to the mayor in the same manner as collectors of town abK mayor."''*' taxes, are to the selectmen ; and the mayor may also issue his warrant to and thereby require and empower the city mar- JJ'^^^;''^"^,,'^'''^ shal to collect from any negligent collector the sums due from p""'^""**'*^ '*"''• such collector to the city treasury ; which warrant may be against the lands, chattels, and body of such collector; and said warrant shall be proceeded with like executions in civil actions. Sec. 3. The Court of Common Council, at any reo;ular coimcu to lay ' «/ tJ annual taxes at meeting thereof, held on or before the first day of May in beVore M!iy''fi'rst.*'"^ each year, may lay a tax'^ upon the polls and ratable estate within the city, as the annual tax for the current year, for the purpose of defraying any lawful expense, or paying the prin- cipal or interest upon any lawful debt, or discharging any lawful liability of the City of Hartford; and it shall be its duty to lay such taxes annually, at least, upon the proper list, i>uty ot councu to •^ 'y •/ ^ 'J- XX ^ Jay annual tax. provided that taxes authorized by law for any specific pur- pose, and other than the ordinary annual tax of the city, may be laid at any regular meeting of the Court of Common ouncil. 1 For form of warrant, see p. 172. '- In case of failure to lay an annual tax, see sec. 5, p. X68. 300 REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. GHAPTEE XXI. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Sale of coffins prohibited unless certifi- cate of death is furnished. Form of certificate. Coffin dealers shall make return to regis- trars weekly. Duties of registrars. Penalty for neglect. Compensation of registrars, and how paid. Registrars shall make return of births to city clerk. purchaser. Form of certificate. Be it ordaitied by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : saieof coffins SECTION 1. No pei'soii shall sell and deliver or suffer to be prohibited unless -i Te^Shed br'"' taken from the place of sale or from his custody, any coffin, burial case, or casket, to be used for the burial of any one deceased within the city limits, unless he shall be furnished by the person applying for such coffin with a certificate of death signed by the attending physician of such deceased person, or (in case there was no attending physician) by some other physician or substantial inha-bitant residing in said city, and of the form folloAving, viz : I certify, from the best information I can obtain, that ■ died at No. street, in the ward of the City of Hartford, on the day of , A. T>. 18 , aged years, months, and days. Con- dition (single, married, or widowed) ; born in ; residence at time of death, ; disease or caus( of death, ; occupation, ; color, Dated at Hartford this day of , A. D. 18 Registrar shall Aud it shall bc thc dutv of the re£>-istrar of births, mar furnish blank forms. "^ '^ ^ riages and deaths of the town of Hartford to provide blan forms of such certificate at the expense of the city, and to dis tribute them, free of cost, to persons wishing to use the same. Physician refusing Sec. 2. Auv phvsician, or substantial inhabitant, risidinsal to sign certificate, J i ./ ' ' ^«| how punished. -^^ ^^j^ ^j^^.^ cugnizaut of the death of any person dying within the city limits who shall refuse,~on application, forthwith to REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 301 till and sign the certificate of death, prescribed in the fore- going section, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars. Sec. 3. Each coffin vender shall return to the said regis- 2e"rttul-n'"totowD trar, on Saturday of each week, all certificates of death that wfek"'"" """"^ shall have come into his hands in conformity with the require- ments of section one from and including the Saturday of the preceding week. Sec. 4. Any coffin vender who violates or neglects to com- P"iauy. ply with any provision of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars for each ofi'ence, and every person who shall sell, or furnish for use any coffin, burial case, or casket, shall be deemed to be a coffin vender within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 5. Said rei>*istrar shall, on the first Wednesday of each Duty oi registrar ^t <^ ' •/ reports and returns. month, prepare and file with the city clerk a report of the deaths occurring during the preceding month, which report shall exhibit, in a tabular form, for the city, and for its several wards, the age, sex, color, occupation, civil condition, and nativity of the deceased; shall embrace in distinct classes those under one year of age, those from one to five, those from five to ten, those from ten to twenty, and so on for each decennial period, shall show the rate per cent, of mortality by wards, as well as for the whole city, and contain a summary of the causes of death. On the second Wednesday of Janu- ary in each year, said registrar shall prepare and file with the city clerk a report of the deaths which have taken place in the city and its several wards during the previous year, showing the age, sex, color, civil condition, occupation, and nativity of the deceased, the causes of death, an^i rate per cent, of mortality, classified in tabular form as above required. If said registrar shall neglect to file with the city clerk such Penalty h. case of " ~ "^ neglect of registrar monthly report for three days, or such annual report for one ^° ^'^ "^^^p*""'- week after the time required to file the same, he shall for- feit and pay a fine of ten dollars for each offence, and if he shall neglect to tile such monthly report for more than three days, or such annual report for more than one Aveek after the time required to file the same, he shall forfeit and pay, in addition to the fine of ten dollars, a fine of three dollars for 302 REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. oompensatiou of eRch dav of such continued netylect. Said registrar shall registrar, and how '' o o •'*'**• receive from the city treasury the sum of five dollars for each such monthly, and the sum of ten dollars for each such annual report, and it shall be the duty of the city auditor to draw his order on the city treasurer for such amount, when he shall receive a certificate from the city clerk that such report has been filed. .Saud file report Sec. 6. Said rcglstrar shall, on the second Wednesday of ot births with city . i/^t.ii.ti "'erk. January m each year, prepare and file with the city clerk a report of the births which have taken place within the city, and within its several wards during the preceding year, which report shall exhibit in tabular form the rate per cent, of births, both in the city and in the several wards, the num- ber of each sex born during the year, and during each month of the year, the number still-born, the color of all in each class, and the nativity of the parents. Said registrar shall receive for such report the sum of ten dollars, to be paid in the manner provided in the preceding section. AN ORDINANCE. 303 [Revision Adopted.] AN ORDINANCE TO CARRY INTO EFFECT THE REVISED ORDINANCES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. The Eevised Ordinances reported to this court, January 28, 1884, by the committee of revision, together with this ordinance, shall constitute the General Ordinances of the City of Hartford, and, shall be and become operative on the first day of April, 1884, and shall then, on the first day of April, 1884, together Avith any ordinances that may be approved between said 28th day of January and 1st day of April be the ordinances of the city, and all other ordi- nances in force on said 28th day of January shall be there- after repealed. Sec. 2. The said repeal shall not impair or affect any rights, privileges, immunities, or ofiices vested in the City of Hartford, or in any of its officers, or in any person or body corporate, and all matters civil or criminal commenced by virtue of the ordinances repealed as aforesaid, and pending unfinished, may be prosecuted to final effect in the same man- ner as if this ordinance had not been passed, and no ordinance which has been heretofore repealed shall be revived by the repeal mentioned in this ordinance. Sec 3. No offence committed, and no penalty or forfeiture incurred under any of the ordinances hereby repealed, before the time when said repeal shall take effect, shall be affected by said repeal, except that when any penalty, punishment, or forfeiture, shall have been mitigated by the provisions of the revision, such provisions shall be extended to any judgment to be pronounced under said repeal. 304 AN ORDINANCE. ■ Sec. 4. The rules of construction set out in sections 8 and 9, title XXII. of the General Statutes of Connecticut, are hereby made binding upon this revision. By concurrent action of the Court of Common Council January 28, 1884, the foregoing ordinance was adopted. Approved, January 29, 1884. Attest, JOHN E. HIGGINS, City Clerh APPENDIX APPENDIX Votes and Resolutions in force Feb. 1, 1884. WRITS. Voted, That all copies of writs served upon the city clerk in suits wherein the city is garnishee, shall be at once shown by him to the city attorney, if the same are lodged when this court is not in session, and the city attorney is author- ized to appear for the city, in such suits, whenever he shall deem it necessary. Passed, October 8, 1855. I CROSSWALKS. Voted, That the board of street commissioners be and are lereby authorized to lay crosswalks other than those at the Qtersection of streets, whenever parties interested therein hall furnish material for the same. Passed, July 23, 1860. BILLS. Besolved, That all bills presented to the Court of Common Council for its approval shall be so far itemized as to state in brief what each is for. » Passed, April 18, 1881. HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY. Resolved, That the consent of this Court of Common Council is hereby given to the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railway Company, to construct a single or double horse railway from the southern limits of the city of Hart- ford on the Wethersfield avenue, over and along said avenue 308 APPENDIX. and over and along Main street, in said city, to the north line of the city, provided that the location of said railroad, and the mode and manner of its construction, shall be sub- ject to the ai)proval of the highway committee. Passed, June 28, 1861. HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY. Voted, That the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eail- way Company be, and they are hereby authorized and licensed to lay down a single track of railway, with the necessary turnouts, from the steainboat dock at the foot of State street, through State and As^dum streets, Asylum avenue, Woodland street, Farmington avenue, to its inter- section with Asylum street; also through Sigourney street between Asylum and Farmington avenues ; provided, that said railway company agree to extend and do extend and lay their track as far west on Asylum avenue as Woodland street, on or before July 1, 1863, and that the same be laid under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the highway committee. Passed, October 27, 1863. HARTFORD AND WETHERSFIELD HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY RESOLUTION OF LOCATION. Whereas, By a vote of this court, passed August 10. 1863, the license previously granted to Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railway Company, to lay a single track with neces- sary turnouts, from the steamboat dock at the foot of State street, through State and Asylum streets, Asylum avenue. Woodland street, Farmiugton avenue, to its intersection with Asylum street, and also through Sigourney street, between Asylum and Farmington avenues, was declared forfeited by reason of the non-fulfillment by said company, of the condition annexed to said license: And Whereas, said company, without admitting a legal for- feiture of the prior license, or waiving any vested right they may have under the same, have agreed to accept cer- 1 I VOTES AND RESOLUTIONS 309 tain terms and conditions in consideration that this court will renew and confirm said license ; Hesolved, That the permission and license given to the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company, to lay a single track, with the necessary turnouts, from the steamboat . dock at the foot of State street through State and Asylum streets, Asylum avenue, "Woodland street, Farmington avenue from Woodland street at its intersection with Asylum street, and also through Sigourney street, between Asylum and Farmington avenues be, and the same is hereby renewed and confirmed. The right to lay down this additional track is under the express proviso and condition to the renewal and confirma- tion of the location, that the whole work of laying down the track granted by this resolution, shall be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the highway committee. This renewal and confirmation is granted under the further express proviso and condition, that the said Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company agree to lay and ex- tend, and do lay and extend their track from Main street through State street, to the steamboat dock at the foot of State street, and in the construction of said track, pave with stone the roadway for from twelve to eighteen inches, from and outside of each rail, during the present fall. Also under the further express proviso and condition that the said Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company, agree to lay, and lay a stone pavement similar to the one to be laid in State street for from twelve to eighteen inches from and outside of each rail of their track in Asylum street, and Asylum avenue, from Main street to the top of Asylum Hill, commencing to lay said pavements the first of August next, and completing the same as soon as practicable and before the first of December, 1864. Provided, that during the first week of July next, the mayor and the two senior aldermen for the time being, or a majority of them shall notify said company that in their opinion said pavement has proved so fiir superior to McAdam's that the public interests require the same to be laid as aforesaid in Asylum street and avenue. 31(» APPENDIX. Also, under the further express proviso and condition that whenever the Court of Common Council shall order any street in which any track of the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company is or shall be located, to be paved or repaved, the said company shall at their own expense, and under the direction and to the. satisfaction of the highway committee, pave that portion of the street so ordered to be paved or repaved, lying between the rails of their track, and also that portion of the street lying outside of the rails and adjacent thereto and extending two feet from and outside of each rail. Also, under the further express proviso and condition, that the said Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company shall not hereafter construct or begin to construct any turn- out within the limits of the city, without first obtaining from the highway committee permission and license so to do. Also, under the further express proviso and condition, that whenever there shall occur a fall of snow, of sufficient depth to allow vehicles to j)ass over the snow on runners, no snow plow shall be allowed to pass over the several tracks of the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailroad Company, within the limits of the city, nor shall the said company cause or allow snow to be removed from their several tracks, without consent being first obtained of the street commissioner. The consent for the removal of the snow, for the opening of the tracks, being refused, the said company, in such cases, is - authorized to use a sufficient number of sleighs to convey passengers requiring transit over their roads, day by day, until the cars can be used upon the tracks. Also, that said company shall not sprinkle salt or any article of a decomposing nature on their tracks or rails, or cause or allow the same to be done by any of their agents, for the purpose of melting the snow ; or wash or cause to be washed, by any of their agents, the said tracks and rails with brine or pickle, for a like purpose, unless a permit be granted by said commissioner allowing the same to be done, and said ju-rmit sluill only be i;*rniito<] when tlie use of said VOTES AND RESOLUTIONS. 311 articles shall not be detriniental to vehicles crossing the tracks and rails. Also, under the further exj^ress proviso and condition, that the said Hartford and Wethersileld Horse Eailway Company shall keep the whole of their track and the surface of the _ , street within their track, and for two feet adjoining thereto, in good order and complete rej)air, and that, if upon written notice from the street commissioner, designating any place or places where said track is not in good order and complete repair, and requesting the said company to put the same in good order and complete repair, the said company shall not comply with the request within thirty days from the recep- tion thereof, then the street commissioner shall jDroceed to put the designated place or places in good order alid com- plete repair at the expense of said company. Also, under the further express proviso and condition, that said Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company shall accept this resolution of location, and agree to its sev- eral provisions and conditions within ten days from the date of its passage, otherwise it shall be null and void. Approved, September 15, 1863. COPY. At a meeting of the directors of the Hartford and Wethers- field Horse Railway Company, held September 21st, it was Voted^ That the license passed September 14th, 1863, by the Court of Common Council, with its conditions and pro- visions, be and is hereby accepted by this company. Attest, E. L. Eldredge, Secretary. Hartford, September 21, 1863. To Levi Woodhouse, Esq'r. Clerk of Court of Common Conncil. Eeeeivod September 22, 1863. Attest, LEVI WOODHOUSE, City Clerk, 312 APPENDIX. ASYLUM STREET TURNOUT. Resolved, That the turnout on Asylum street, west of Ford street, be allowed to remain. Provided, that said Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company shall, as soon as practicable, pav^ with Belgium or other similar pavement, approved by the highway committee, the whole space be- tween the rails of said turnout and so much of said main track as is parallel to the same; also, a space two feet in width outside of the rails of said turnout and main track; also, the space betAveen said turnout and main track; and further ^provided, that at no time shall more than one car be allowed to stand on said main track or turnout between Ford street and the track of the Hartford and JSTew Haven Eail- road Company, unless the same shall be unavoidable. Passed, October 26, 1863. RETREAT AVENUE AND PARK STREET LINES. Resolved, That permission is hereby given to the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company to lay a single track, with necessary turnouts, in the following streets, viz : Either from Main street present track of petitioners at Wyllys street, through Wyllys street, westerly across Main street and Eetreat avenue to Eetreat avenue, or from Main street present track of petitioners near Park street, in Main street on the west side of South Park to Eetreat avenue, in Eetreat avenue from Maple avenue to Washington street, across Washington street west from Eetreat avenue to Yernon street, in Yernon street, in Broad street, in Park street, in Lafayette street, in Washington street from Lafayette street to Capital avenue, in Capital avenue, in Trinity street, in Ford street, in Pearl street, across Main street, in Central Eow to present track on State street, the same to be at such grades and in such parts of said several streets as shall be approved by the street commissioners, and under the super- vision of the board ; Provided, That said tracks be laid, and said railway line be constructed and put in running order from Wyllys street to Broad street, and from State street through Central Eow, Pearl, Ford, Trinity and Lafayette VOTES AND RESOLUTIONS. 313 streets to Park street, within two years from July 1, 1881 ; and further provided, That the permission granted to lay the tracks through the streets named is, with the agreement on the part of the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company, that the provisions of the license granted Septem- — ber 14, 1863, and accepted September 21, 1863, are hereby made a part of, and a condition to, the grants herein made; and also, that said Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company agree, that in case the Court of Common Council shall hereafter direct and order a change of grade in any of the streets or highways in which the tracks of said company are located, to re-lay said tracks, at their own expense, so as to conform to the grade ordered, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the board of street commissioners. Passed, June 18, 1881. ALBANY AVENUE LINE. Besolved, That permission is hereby granted to the Hart- ford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company to lay a single track in Main street and Albany avenue, beginning at a point in Main street within the existing track, near the intersection of the line of Albany avenue produced to said track, thence to Albany avenue, and in Albany avenue from its eastern terminus as far as the line of intersection of the Blue Hills road, so called; the said track to be laid at such grades, and in such parts (laterally) of said streets, and with such neces- sary turnouts as shall be approved by the board of street commissioners, all of which work shall be under the super- vision of said board ; Provided, That said track shall be laid and said railway be constructed and in running order as far as Vine street on or before July 1, 1885 ; Provided also, That in case a change of grade shall hereafter be made in either the street or avenue above named, the said railway company agree that they will relay their track at their own expense so as to conform to the grade ordered, under and according to the direction and supervision of the board of street com- missioners ; and provided further, That if upon written notice from the board of street commissioners designating any place 314 APPENDIX. or places where the said track or the street surface, or a crosswalk, which th.e said railway company are bound by law to keep in repair, is not in good order and complete repair, and requesting the said company to put the same in good order and complete repair, the said company shall not comply with the request within thirty days from the reception thereof, then the board of street commissioners shall proceed to put the designated place or places in good order and com- plete repair at the expense of said company. Passed, May 28, 1883. HORSE RAILWAY STONE. Hesolved, That the street commissioner be authorized and requested to comply, as far as he can without detriment to public interest, with applications from the Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company, for the purchase of stone for the purpose of keeping the tracks of said company within the city limits in repair. Passed, September 14, 1863. RULES, REGULATIONS AND WATER RATES MADE BY THE Board of ^ Water Commissioners OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD, Iix force Feljrviary 1, 1884. EuLE 1. The regular water rents shall be due and payable water reuts, when " ^ due aud payable. at the office of the board of water commissioners semi-annu- ally, on the first day of May and November in each year ; and to all rents remaining unpaid ten days after due, there will be added five per cent, for collection, and a further sum of one per cent, will be added on the first day of each month 4^^|."°°' ^^^"^ thereafter until paid. EuLE 2. 1^0 abatement of water rent will be allowed by no abatement of «/ rent unless notice is reason of disuse, or diminished use, or vacant premises, unless ^^^^''' notice thereof shall have been given at the office of the board at least thirty days before such rent shall be due and payable. EuLE 3. All applications for service-pipe, or for the use of ^e^Se^'pS/how water, must be made in writing at the office by the OAvner of "''' ^* the premises in the form prescribed, and must state fully and fairly all and several of the various uses to which the water is to be applied. And whenever thereafter any other or further use of the water or additional service-pipe, or plumbing, or fixtures is required, a. further application must be made as aforesaid. Provided, that the commissioners at their discretion may supply service pipes or water upon the 316 RULES, REGULATIONS AND WATER RATES. Penalty for using ■water without making application. Service pipe, when not allowed. Same, how laid. Duty of persons using water. Continuous flow forbidden. "Water foi building purpoBss. application of parties other than the owner of the premises when the expenses of water rents are paid in advance or secured to the satisfaction of said commissioners. And every person who shall use the water without such applica- tion, and statement as aforesaid, shall be liable to pay therefor at such extra rates as the commissioners shall fix and determine at their discretion, not exceeding three-fold the regular rates. EuLE 4. ^o service-pipe will be allowed for premises where the annual water rent therefrom shall be less than five dollars. EuLE 5. Service-pipes will be laid as soon as practicable, upon application; and the commissioners reserve the right in all cases to lay the service-pipe from the street main to the street line, but will charge the applicant for that portion only laid between the sidewalk line and the street line. EuLE 6. All persons supplied with the water will be re- quired to keep the service-pipes, stop-cocks, and all fixtures connected therewith upon their premises, in good repair, and protected from frost, and so arranged and provided with stop and waste-cocks as to allow the pipes to be emptied and kept free of water during all periods of dangerous exposure to the action of frost, whether by night or by day; and must keep the same shut off and free from water whenever the safety of such pipes requires it. EuLE 7. ]^o continuous floAv to guard against frost or for any other purposes, will be allowed, except in special cases, by special agreement, as to conditions and rates. EuLE 8. Water used for building purposes will in all cases be chargeable to the respective owners of the buildings. Every builder is required to render at th-e office of the com- missioners, on or before the 10th day of January in each year, a full and true account of all the water used by him for building j^urposes during the preceding year, with the time, place and quantity for each separate building ; and it shall be the duty of such builder to pay for the same ; and if so ren- dered and paid to the satisfaction of the commissioners, such RULES, REGULATIONS AND WATER RATES. 317 payment shall be a full discharge to the owner of such building. EuLE 9. The regular water rents for the use of private Rates for certain o -I- uses, how deter- fountains, or jets in hotels, eating-houses, conservatories, or ™"'^^" other buildings, will be based upon such use for a period — ^^ . equivalent to four hours each day, during four months in each year, and no greater use will be allowed except in cases, and at rates specially agreed upon with the commissioners. And the commissioners reserve in all cases the right to sus- pend or discontinue the use of water for all such fountains and jets, whenever the public interest requires it. BuLE 10. The regular water rents for street, sidewalk or Rates for sprinkung, '^ ' how determined. garden sprinkling, will be based upon such use, only for dust laying or sprinkling purposes, fairly applied ; and any exces- sive or unreasonable use thereof for these or other purposes, is prohibited. EuLE 11. Whenever two or more several parties or fami- ?"»»«;» ^^ppiy"**^ ■L be withheld. lies are supplied with water from the same service-pipe, the failure of any one of said parties to pay the water rent when due, or to comply with the published rules or regulations of the commissioners, shall authorize the commissioners to withhold all supply from such a service-pipe, without liability in damages to either of the other parties. EuLE 12. All supplies of water will be furnished, subject supply subject to ■'-■'- •> ni j^igg j,f tijg board, to the rules and regulations of the board, and it shall be the duty of every person supplied to prevent all unnecessary waste, and to answer at all reasonable times all proper inqui- ries made by the commissioners or their agents, relative to the quantity, purposes and manner in which the water is used upon their premises. And the commissioners and their agents shall have right, at all reasonable times, to enter into any dwelling-house or other premises where the water is sup- plied, to make such personal examinations of all fixtures, and inquiries as to the use of said water, as they shall deem necessary to a faithful supervision of the same. EuLE 13. The commissioners reserve the riffht at all Reserved rights of ^ commissioners, times to shut off the water for necessary repairs, extensions, or other necessary pui^poses of the work, for non-payment of 318 RULES, REGULATIONS AND WATER RATES. water rents, or for neglect or refusal to comply with the rules and regulations of the board. They also reserve the right, in all cases, to test the quantity of water actually sup- plied to any person or premises, by the application of a meter; and to revise and adjust all contracts made for the use of water, upon the basis of such actual quantity as the application of such test shall disclose. Arrears of rent and RuLE 14. Wheuevcr thc watcr Is shut oif from any ser- expense of shutting *' Se*'wa\°erisaSn vlce-plpc for nou-paymcnt of rent, or non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the board, the same will not be allowed to flow until the delinquent shall have paid all arrears of rent (if any) and the expense of shutting off and letting on the water as aforesaid. Water not to be RuLE 15. If anv owucr, or lessee under him, shall suffer used except on the , premises. ^^j Water to be taken from the premises, for the use of any person or family, not belonging to such premises, without the special consent of the commissioners, every such owner shall be liable to pay such sum as the commissioners may assess therefor, at their discretion, not exceeding three-fold the reg- ular rates. Private hydrants EuLE 16. Thc coustruction aud location of private subject to approval. ■"• hydrants and fountains will be subject to thc approval of the commissioners, and Avhenever the waste therefrom becomes a nuisance to adjacent property, the supply will be cut off, until the evil is satisfactorily corrected. Injuries to pipes, RuLE 17. All injurics to service-pipes or street mains how recovered. " ■■• ^ caused by careless undermining, or by negligent repacking or filling up, of excavations for private drains, sewers, or for other purposes, shall be chargeable to the person so causing such injury, and the exj)ense of rej^airing the same may bo recovered of such person, by the commissioners, in an action of debt, brought upon this section. Duty of plumbers. RuLE. 18. It shall bc thc duty of each and every plumber to return in writing, to the office of the commissioners, during the first week of each month, all connections or ex- tensions of service-pipe made by him not before returned, giving the location of the premises, the name of the owner or occupant, the character of the work, the number of hydrants, 319 baths, water closets, fountains, hose fixtures, or other fixtures, connected with such works; and on failure thereof every such plumber shall forfeit and pay to said board of water penalty. commissioners, for the use of the water department, the sum of five dollars. EuLE 19. Every person who shall, without special author- fngtKa?n"pfpe' ity from the commissioners, tap or make any connection with any street main, or service or other distributing pipe con- nected with the water works, shall upon conviction thereof by the Police Court of said city, be subject to a fine not ex- ceeding thirty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty _ da,j8, or such fine and imprisonment both, at the discretion of said court. Rule 20. If any person except firemen, for the uses <^f fif/ water works. Hartford to exercise a vigilant supervision over the use of 320 RATES. the water, to prevent all unnecessary profusion of flow and waste; and for this purpose they shall have the right of free access, at all proper times, to any premises where the water is used, and shall report all cases of waste and of profuse and excessive use, which shall come to their knowledge, to the Commissioners. They shall also report to the Police Court, for prosecution, all violations of the regulations and laws of the board, or of the city, relating to the water works of this city, which comes within the jurisdiction of said Police Court. I RATES. The annual rates for the use of water after the first day of May, 1862, shall be as follows, viz : FAMILIES. 1. For each tenement with inside fixtures, occupied by one family not exceeding five persons, . . $5 00 For each additional person, 1 00 2. For each tenement occupied by two families or any number of separate occupants, not exceeding five persons, 7 00 Exceeding five and not exceeding eight persons, . 8 00 For each additional person, . . . . . 1 00 3. For each tenement occupied by three families or any number of separate occupants, not exceed- ing ten persons, .... . . . 10 00 For any greater number of families or separate oc- cupants, such rate as may be fixed by the com- missioners. 4. Families not exceeding eight persons, supplied from outside hydrants, 5 00 For each additional person, 50 Or less at the discretion of the commissioners. RATES. 321 BOARDING HOUSES. 5. Minimum rate, $6 00 and a greater rate according to size and occu- pancy. HOTELS. 6. Minimum rate, . 25 00 and a greater rate according to size and occu- pancy. STORES. 7. For stores and offices, from . . . $1 00 to 10 00 RESTAURANTS. 8. For restaurants, etc., . . . . 5 00 to 30 00 MARKETS. 9. For markets, 5 00 to 15 00 WATER CLOESTS. 10. For each family not exceeding eight persons, . 3 00 For every four additional persons, . . . 1 00 For each additional water closet, . . . . 1 00 (For hotels, stores, and all other buildings, from $1 00 to 8 00 BATHING TUBS. , For each family not exceeding eight j)ersons, . 1 00 For hotels, barber shops, and all other buildings, from $1 00 to 6 00 URINALS. 12. For each used by one family, . . . . 1 00 For hotels, stores, and all other buildings, from $1 00 to 6 00 FOUNTAINS AND JETS. 13. For each 100 gallons discharged, . . .3 cents HOSE. 14. For street, sidewalk, or garden sprinkling, such rate as shall be determined by the commis- sioners, not less than $3 00 RATES. LIVERY AND PRIVATE STABLES. 15. For each horse, including water for washing car- riages, For each cow, Truckman's stables, for each horse, BAKERIES. 16. Not exceeding 500 barrels of flour per annum, For each additional barrel used, . BUILDING PURPOS . 17. For each 1,000 brick, For each perch of stone, . For each 100 yards of plastering, STEAM ENGINES. 18. Working not over 12 hours per day, for each horse-power used, 19. For any manufacturing, mechanical, chemical, or other purpose, not specified in the foregoing tariff, such rate as shall be determined b}" the commissioners, but in no case less, for each 100 gallons, than 20. The rates of water for each 100 gallons, where the actual quantity is determined by meter, shall be as follows : For any quantity not exceeding 500 gallons per day, per each 100 gallons, .... For any quantity exceeding 500 gallons, and not exceeding 1,000 gallons per day, per each 100 . $2 00 1 00 1 50 5 00 . 1 cent . 4 cents . li cents . 20 cents $6 00 1 cent 3 cents gallons. . 2i cents For any quantity exceeding 1,000 gallons, and not exceeding 2,000 gallons per day, per each 100 gallons, For quantities greater, such rates — not less than 1 cent for each 100 gallons — as shall be fixed by the commissioners. 2 cents SUPPLEMENTARY RATES. 323 ■21. In all cases where water is required for purposes not specified in the foregoing tariff, the rate shall be fixed by the board of water commissioners. I Approved by concurrent vote in Court of Common Council, I April 14, 1862. Attest LEYI WOODHOUSE, City Clerk SUPPLEMENTAEY RATES. OFFICES. Offices supplied from faucet inside the same, $5 00 to $10 00 Offices supplied from faucet outside the same, 1 00 to 5 00 BARBER SHOPS. For barber shops with two chairs or less, . . . 5 00 For barber shops with more than two chairs the rate for each chair, 2 00 i ...^„™. For photographers, according to quantity of water used, |10 00 to 50 00 MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, ETC. For manufactories or workshops employing not more than ten persons, water for drinking and washing purposes, supplied from faucet inside the same, . 5 00 For each additional person employed, .... 50 For manufactories or workshops employing not more .. than ten persons, water for drinking and washing pui-poses supplied from faucet outside the same, . 3 00 For each additional person employed, . . . . 30 324 SUPPLEMENTARY RATES. GREENHOUSES AND GRAPERIES. Minimum rate, $5 00^ And a greater rate, according to size and quantity of water used. BARS AND BEER SALOONS. According to size and quantity of water used, $5 00 to 30 00 Additional for hydrostatic beer pumps, . 5 00 to 15 00 SODA FOUNTAINS. According to quantity of water used. . . $3 00 to 10 00 SLOP SINKS. For families or other buildings, each, . . . . 1 00 STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS. For dwellings and other buildings rate according to quantity of water used. PASTURE HYDRANTS. Bated according to quantity of water used and wasted, not less than, 5 00 ADDEI^DA AN ACT CONCERNING COMMON PLEAS AND DISTRICT COURTS. When any iudeje of the Court of Common Pleas or Dis- judge uDawe to •^ •' ° hold terra, substi- trict Court shall be unable to hold any term of the court, he ^"aTed!""* '^"''^' or the clerk of the court shall notify the chief justice, or, in ' *' case of his inability, the senior judge of the Supreme Court of Errors, who shall thereupon assign and direct any judge of the Court of Common Pleas, or District Court, or any judge, assistant judge, or recorder of any city court or police court, of the County, to hold it. The jud^e of any police Judge of Pouce ' -^ ' O J r c„„rt n,ay hold court may hold a court of common pleas in the same manner coun of eommon as a judge of a city court is authorized so to do by Section 18, Chapter II, Title lY, of the General Statutes. ORDINANCES. CONCERNING TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE POLES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. All telegraph and telephone companies owninej, signs to be placed ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ on telegraph and erecting, maintaining, or using poles located in the highways teiephon. poies. and public places of the city, shall, on and after May 1, 1884, 326 ADDENDA. Penalty. Penalty. cause to be placed and kept on each pole owned, erected, maintained, or used by them, a legible and durable sign, which shall state thereon the name of the company owning, erecting, maintaining, or using said pole, and which shall also bear thereon, in letters plainly visible, the words, " Post no Bills." Sec. 2. Any company which shall neglect to comply with the provisions of the foregoing section, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford a penalty of five dollars for each day of such neglect. Sec. 3. Any person who shall wilfully injure, deface, or remove such sign from any telegraph or telephone pole, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of five dollars for each offence. Approved, January 29, 1884. CONCERNING THE AUDITING OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY COLLECTOR. Accounts of City Collector, when audited. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 7 of Chapter III, of the Eevised Ordinances of the city, adopted January 28, 1884, be and the same hereby is amended by striking out the Avord "last" before "business" in the second line thereof, and substituting there- for the word "first," so that said section as amended shall read as follows : Section 7. Said committee of ways and means shall, at least twice in each year, to-wit : on the first business days of April and October, examine and audit the accounts of the city collector, and report the result of such examination to the Court of Common Council. Approved, February 26, 1884. ADDENDA. 327 CONCERNING THE CLERK OP THE POLICE COURT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Section 1. The clerk of the Police Court shall hereafter cierkof ponce Court to render quarterly, on the tenth days of January, April, July and ''""^''^'^ ■"'"""*• October in each year, render a detailed account to the ways and means committee of the Court of Common Council, of all the receipts and expenditures of said Police Court for the quarter ending on the first of said months, and thereupon pay over to the city treasurer such sum as may be due from him to the city upon said account. The ways and means committee shall audit said account, comparing the same with the books and papers of said clerk, and submit said account with the result of their audit endorsed thereon to the Court of Common Council. Sec. 2. The provisions of existing ordinances, and of the Repeal. revision adopted January 28, 1884, which provide that said clerk shall annually, on the first day of July, account with the city auditor for said receipts and expenditures, are hereby repealed. Approved, February 26, 1884. concerning the burial op dead animals. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford : Any person owning, keeping or having the care or custody Body of dead animai of any animal, who shall suffer or allow its body to lie ex- posed or unburied in any place in the City of Hartford, for a longer period than twelve hours after its death, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars. Approved, February 26, 1884. to be burled. I INDEX I INDEX Abatement of assessment on horse railroad companies, of nuisances by Health Committee, Acceptance of charter, how had, Accounts, council may prescribe mode of keeping, of auditor, treasurer, . clerks of courts, . city attorney, park commissioners, street commissioners, water commissioners, annual, of auditor, how and when rendered to council, treasurer, how and when rendered to council, I clerks of courts, when and how made, semi-annual of water rates, etc., to be rendered to council, monthly, of water fund to be rendered to treasurer, of city treasurer, how and when audited, city collector, how and when audited. Acting' Mayor, who and when, Acting* President, board of aldermen to choose, powers and duties of, ... . Added Territory, how taxed, . Addenda, Adjournment of case in police court before trial, bail how taken on, in police court, . Adulteration of food, how detected and prohibited, milk prohibited, Advertisement of ordinances and rules de cleaning sidewalks, of resolution laying out public work, (See publication). Air, council may make openings for circulation of, may assess expense of as benefits, Alarm (see fire alarm). Aldermen, when and how chosen, term of oflice of, qualifications of and how determined, . number in each ward, .... Page. 165 256 31 13 218 219 219 220 243 280 259 218 219 219 260 88 221 221, 326 16 16 16, 205 166, 167 325 24 25,72 157 156 249 271 9,97 97 5, 16, 202, 204 5 4, 5, 202, 203 5 2, 39-42, 332 INDEX. Aldermen^ vacancy, how filled, presiding oflScers at ward meetings, powers as such, .... how notified of election^ certificates of election of, senior, may call city meetings when, oath of, Aldermen, Board of, how composed, judge of election, and qualification of its members mayor presiding oflScer of, may give casting vote in case of tie, city clerk, clerk of, to choose one of their number as acting president acting president of, when acting mayor, powers and duties of acting president of, one-half of to constitute a quorum, to choose city jurors, how and when, to confirm nominees for various commissions, member of, may not be commissioner, meetings of, how warned, .... duties of clerk of, journal of, how kept, published and distributed, Alley, council may regulate width of, . . . width of, regulated, Amendments of charter by general assembly, . notice of, required, sundry, confirmed. Amendments to Constitution de terms of judges, compensation of public oflicers aid to railroads. Amusements (see public amusements). Amusement Committee, how appointed, power of to license amusements, etc., may determine fees for licenses, Animals, council may regulate speed of in streets, etc., running at large of, . impounding of, restrain cruelty to, violation of ordinance regulating speed of, a misdemeanor restraining cruelty to, a misdemeanor, council may remove from city those injurious to health, running at large of, a nuisance, a misdemeanor, permitting, to stand upon cross-walks, a nuisance, blocking up street with, a nuisance, driving drove of, through streets, when a nuisance, pasturing or running at large of, in streets forbidden. INDEX. 333 Page. Animals, impounding of, regulated, 282, 283 impounded, subject to replevin, 283 burial of dead, 327 Appeals, none in actions for penalties and forfeitures, .... 15 allowed in all prosecutions for violation of charter and ordinances, 71 for injuries to fire alarm telegraph, T71~ in justice cases, 19, 59 from city and police courts, 17, 22, 58, 71, 140, 174 city court, to supreme court, 70 superior court, when allowed, .... 17 bonds on, 17 execution after, . 17 none allowed on suits on recognizances, 18 from police court when taken, 22 must be to superior court, 22 . bonds on, 22 fees on, 25 appeal papers and duty of clerk, ... 71 clerk's fees for copies, . . • . . 67 from assessments, must be allowed, 51, 100 to whom taken, 100, 111 when taken, . 100, 112 form of, 100, 112 form and mode of service of, . . 100, 112 reapportionment upon, .... 100, 112 additional assessments and notice, . 113 any number of parties may join in, . . 112 various provisions, . . . ... 112 reference of, to committee, .... 112 powers of judge, 113 may be heard by successor of judge, 113 revision of decision of judge, 114, 115 costs on, 113 papers to be lodged with city clerk, ... 113 clerical errors may be corrected, . . 115 when work may proceed pending, . . 114 from appraisal of damages where stream is diverted, ... 101 decision of railroad commissioners in re alteration of grade crossings, . . 108 directing gates, etc., at crossings, . 119 discontinuing switching, 121 from conviction as vagrant, 140 order closing halls, etc., 149 upon inspection of building, ..... 150 allowed in prosecution for injuries to fire alarm, .... 174 Appendix. 307 334 INDEX. Appraisal of Damages (see damages and public works). Apprentices, to Hartford home, Appropriations, for public works limited, for public celebrations, navigation of Connecticut river, public library and art gallery, .... in excess of annual estimates only by two-thirds vote council may make, not to be exceeded, for apparatus to test gas and gas meters, Arrest, power of coroner to, without warrant, .... 24, 136, 139, 141 authority of police to, accompanied with breaking into house, . of tramps, ........ vagrants, Art Gallery, appropriation for, Assemblages (see disorderly assemblages). Ashes, places where kept, under supervision of fire marshal when deposited in street to be placed in vessels, street commissioners to remove, when and how, Assessment of Benefits (see benefits.) Assessment Lists, by whom and how made, upon what, taxes to be laid, . Assessors, town to be, city assessors, compensation of, . lists of, when and how made, . Assignment by police, of fees in police court. Assistant Engineer (see engineer). Attorney (see city attorney and prosecuting attorney). Auciioneers, non-resident, to have licenses, licenses, how given and revoked, Auditing Committee, how composed and appointed, auditor, chairman of, ex-officio, claims against city, to be referred to, duties of, Audit of accounts of clerk of police court, clerk of city court, treasurer, collector, water board, . of bills and claims against city. Auditor (see city auditor). Associate Judge of city court, how chosen, office of, abolished of police court, how chosen and term of oflice, powers and duties of, . 142 Page. 189, 190 8 37 ( 144, 141, 38, 123 38 131 131 152 . 14,57 145, 269 136, 265 136 139 142, 269 38 228 248 248 298 298 298 298 •298 265 127 127 218 218 218 218 219, 326 219 221 221, 326 88 218-220 18 61 35,63 63 INDEX. 335 Associate Judge of police court, compensation of, (See judges). Page. 63, 285 Baggage Wagon (see public carriages). Bail, on adjournment of case in police court, . Ball Playing in streets forbidden, Ballots at elections, how cast, . Barns, council may regulate location of, . carrying lighted candle into, prohibited, violation of ordinances de location of, a misdemeanor. Barouche (see public carriages). Baskets, for charcoal, Bathing in public places may be regulated by council, violation of ordinance regulating, a misdemeanor, naked, where prohibited. Bells, council may regulate the ringing of, driving sleigh without, prohibited. Bench Warrant, police court may issue. Benefits, council may create lien for, to be a lien, when lien attaches, lien for, how continued and recorded, how foreclosed, K. land may be sold for, when and how, ^B when payable, and notice, ^K discount for payment within five days, ^B how collected, .... ^K street commissioners may assess, « expense of work, on whom and how assessed, property to be specifically described in assessment, not to be deducted from damages, may be deducted from damages ordinances to prescribe notice, etc., of assessment for, appeals from assessments for, to whom taken, .... when taken, form and mode of service of, . reapportionment under, additional assessments, and notice, any number may join in, . various provisions de, ... powers of judge on, .... may be heard by successor of judge, revision of decision of judge on, clerical errors may be corrected on, may be assessed upon land not abutting, assessment of, upon estates of deceased persons, J5,_72^ 247 202 13 228 128 11 128 254 11 247 24 14 104,110,116,278 104, 110, 111, 278 104, 278 14, 279 99, 279 104, 111, 277 278 267, 278 51 98, 110 99 99 115 99 100, 111 100, 111 100, 112 100, 112 100, 112 113 112 112 100, 113 113 114, 115 115 109 109 336 INDEX. 98 Benefits to be assessed before constructing work, entire expense of work shall be assessed as, . manner of assessing (see public works), deduction, when cost of work less than estimates, assessments of, upon horse railroad companies, how abated, assessments of, when stream or dam is taken, on change of grade of highway, Betterments (see benefits). Bicycle riding, through streets forbidden, .... Billiard Saloons, may be prohibited, licensed and regulated, violation of ordinances de a misdemeanor. Bill Posting, without right, forbidden, Bills to common council to be itemized, .... Binding Oyer, police court to bind over, when and how, fees of clerk for copies on, ..... transmission of papers, and duty of clerk. Births, council may regulate registration of, . annual reports of, by registrar, Births, Marriages and Deaths (see registrar of births, marriages Blacksmith Shop, license for, required, Board of Aldermen (see aldermen, board of). Board of Common Council (see common council, board of). Board of Canvassers, how constituted, quorum and powers of, mayor presiding oflScer of, .... when meet, certificates of election and proclamation, proceedings in case no election found, city clerk, clerk of, clerk pro tern of, how chosen. Board of Health (see health committee). Board of Fire Commissioners (see fire commissioners). Board of Park Commissioners (see park commissioners). Board of Police Commissioners (see police commissioners). Board of Street Commissioners (see street commissioners). Board of Water Commissioners (see water commissioners). Boilers, steam, council may regulate location of, violation of ordinances de location of, a misdemeanor. Bonds of city officers, council may provide for, of clerk of city court, port warden, city collector, various city officers, how executed and conditions, penal sums of, ... on appeal from city court to superior court, on execution from city court after appeal, on appeals from police court, .... Page. 110 272 ,110,272-278 110, 277 165 102 116 247 11 128 247 307 23 67 71 158 302 and deaths). 253 203 203 203 203 204 204 205 205 13 128 12, 18, 23, 29 18 56 170 232 . 56,232 17 17 22 INDEX. 337 Bonds on adjournments in police court, . for prosecution of actions, how taken in vacation, city, not impaired by charter, purchase of railroad, by city, forbidden, capitol, authorized by general assembly, city meeting to authorize, park, authorized by general assembly, city treasurer, trustee of, ... how issued, applied and managed, water, authorized by general assembly, . general provisions concerning, proceeds of, how applied, and bonds, how managed, city treasurer, trustee of certain, water commissioners, trustees of certain provisions for payment of, . sinking fund for payment of, for purchase of Hartford bridge, authorized, . regulations de issue and use general power to issue, Bonfire, building, without mayor's permission forbidden, Borrowing Money, council may regulate. Boundaries of city, defined, southern, extended, western, extended, ' northern, extended, of the several wards. Bowling Alleys, council may prohibit license, regulate, etc violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, Box-tenders, how appointed, and who may be, oath of, pay of, Brawling in public places forbidden, .... power of mayor and chief of police to prevent. Breach of the Peace, persons guilty of, may be arrested without warrant in prosecution for, judgment may be suspended Bridge, railings upon sides of, required, . use of railroad near covered, .... (See Hartford bridge). Building, council may regulate mode of, . materials used in, . .12 Bnildings, council may regulate moving of, in streets, punish trespasses in public, regulate mode of using, use of, to prevent fires, . alterations in, provide for openings between, for air, inspection of, Page. 25,72 65 30 35 81,82 — 81- 83,84 83 83 86-93 86-93 86-91, 219 90, 91, 92 . 87, 89 89-91, 219 88 93 93 85,86 246 9 1,39,40,41 39 40 41 42-46 11 128 75, 202 79 204 246 269 24 24 117 118 12, 149 98, 149 11 11 12, 148 148 12 9,97 148 338 INDEX. Building's^ council may provide for repair, removal, etc., of unsafe, public safety in, enact various ordinances de, may provide for appointment of inspector of, and shall cause inspection of, proceedings in inspection of, council may pass and enforce certain orders de condemned, shall require safe exits and entrances to certain, may close certain unsafe, what, to be provided with fire escapes, when and how, may be demolished at fires, power of fire marshal to enter, etc., fire marshal may order scuttles upon, regulations concerning erection of, materials to be used in, consent of council required for erection, etc., petition for erection of, to specify what, how referred, removal of, through streets, when a nuisance, deposit of material for, in street, when a nuisance, erection of upon street or over building line, a nuisance, permitting snow to remain on roofs of, when forbidden, when liable to four-fold taxation, . penalty for injuring public, .... permitting disorderly conduct in, punished, owners of, to provide privy accommodations, (see public buildings). • Building Lines, council may establish and alter, penalty of four-fold taxation for encroachments on, ordinances de, suspended in northern extension, powers of street commissioners concerning, encroachments upon, declared nuisances, how made and altered, Building Materials (see buildings). Burial of Dead, council may regulate, provide for returns of. Burning Fluids, inspection of, how provided for, Burial Case, certificate required on sale of, sale of regulated, Business, not to be carried on, on sidewalk, various, to be licensed, .... injurious to health may be removed from city, By Laws (see ordinances). Cab (see public carriages). Calf (see animals). Candle, carrying into barn when forbidden, 228 INDEX. Canrassers (see board of canvassers). Cannon, firing, without mayor's permission, forbidden, . Capias, power of police court to issue, .... Capitol Bonds (see bonds). Captain of Police (see police, captain of). Cards, forms of, for carriage drivers and expressmen, Carriages (see public carriages). Carriage Stands, where located, Cars, council may regulate speed of, in streets, violation of ordinances de speed of, a misdemeanor, only one allowed on Asylum street turnout near depot, Caskets, certificate required on sale of, . sale of, regulated, Casting Tote, when mayor may give in board of aldermen, in joint conventions, in police board, when president of council board may give, Cattle (see animals). Cedar Hill Cemetery, special police for, jurisdiction of police court, over, .... Celebrations, appropriations for, limited. Cellars, in streets, when a nuisance, .... Cemeteries, trespasses in, may be punished, violation of ordinance de trespassing in, a misdemeanor, trespasses in, how punished, ^L what assemblages in, forbidden, .... B (See Cedar. Hill cemetery). nbertiflcate of election to be given person elected, for sale of coflBn, form of, *who may make, ... of death, who shall make, and penalty for neglect, Chairman of Health Committee, salary of, . . . (See health committee). Challenges, how decided, Charcoal, inspector of fire wood to provide baskets for measuring, penalty for selling from other baskets, Cliarges of hackmen, etc., council may regulate, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, (See public carriages). Chariot (see public carriages). Charter, how accepted and voted on, . amendable by general assembly, notice of proposed amendment to, and sundry amendments confirmed, all parts of former, not re-enacted or superseded, repealed, no bond or obligation impaired by, .... 339 Page. 246 23 2M^^9§^^^ 292 10 128 312 300 300, 301 16 16 262 207 60 61 37 244 11 128 251 270 204 300 300 300 284 7,76 209 209 12 15 1 31 31 46 54 30 30 340 INDEX. I Charter, repeal of seventh section of, ' . . right of appeal in all prosecutions for violation of, of Hartford City Gas Light Company, Hartford Electric Light Company, Hartford Home, Hartford Hospital, Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railroad Company, Hartford Steam Company, .... Charter Oak Park, jurisdiction of police court over. Checkers at elections, how appointed, .... oath of, duties of, pay of, Check List, how completed and deposited after election. Chief Engineer (see engineer). Chief of Police (see police, chief of). Churches, what assemblages before, unlawful, council may require safe exits, close unsafe, Cigar, carrying lighted, into barn, forbidden, City territorial limits of, . corporate name, ... may sue and be sued, a body politic and corporate, . may purchase and hold real estate, may have seal, .... property, how vested in, jurisdiction of; on Connecticut river, shall not interfere with navigation of Connecticut river, shall not tax commerce on Connecticut river, annual meetings of, when and where held, what officers chosen at, wards of, number, boundaries, ..... how governed, constituted one highway district, liable for former obligations, under what name, can not grant extra compensation, when, can not subscribe to stock of railroads, . powers of de public improvements in northern extension, may issue certain bonds, and how, general power to issue bonds, may join in purchase of Hartford bridge, support of free public library, etc., by, moneys due, to whom payable, (see court of common council). City Assessors (see assessors). 1,39 Page. 96 71 181 193 187 182 184 192 60 76, 202 79 76 204 7,76 270 150 150 228 40,41 2 9 42-46 8 10 30 35 35 42 81-91 85,86 93, 94 38,123 219 INDEX. 341 City Attorney, how appointed and term of ofl&ce, oath of, bond of, duties and compensation of, . may bring complaint to police court, may sue for recovery of fines and penalties, shall keep a register of actions to which city a party street commissioners may employ, to make quarterly payments to treasurer, to render quarterly account of charges, . to make annual report, . . when and how may employ associate counsel City Auditor, when and how chosen, deputy, when and how appointed, . oath of, bond of, salary of, duties of, to audit accounts of water board, how and when may require oath on voucher, payments by treasurer to be upon order of, form of order, when may draw order, .... for salaries, . ex-offido chairman of auditing committee, to keep lists of officers and employees of city, to receive duplicates of all receipts of treasurer accounts of, how kept, to render annual account. City Clerk, when and how chosen, oath of, salary of, compensation of, for making list of electors, . fees for recording licenses for public carriages, office of, how provided, .... may employ messenger, .... duties of, clerk of board of aldermen, .... duties of, as clerk of board of aldermen, clerk of joint convention, .... clerk of board of canvassers, custodian of records and papers of common council to prepare list of electors, preserve voting lists, keep on file papers in appeals from assessments, etc., publish ordinances and how, duty of de election returns. 18, 19, 226, Page. 18, 19, 206 233 232, 233 220,286,307 23 14, 220,-228- 220 .'0 220 220 220 220 4,201 218 233 232, 233 284 218 88 129 217 217 217 286, 302 265, 218 218 219 218 218 201 233 284 6 290 208 208 4 16 207, 208 205 205 205, 208 6 7 113 135 203 15. 342 INDEX. City Clerk to give certificates of election of certain officers, to send to auditor copies of votes authorizing expenditures, to record licenses for sale of gunpowder to keep highway book, to record licenses for public carriages, records of, as evidence, . certificate, prma/acie evidence of publication of ordinance jproiempore when appointed, . powers of, certain acts of, validated, of joint conventions. City Collector, when and how chosen, term of office of, . oath of, bond of, removal from office, vacancy, how filled, compensation of, and how borne, office of, how provided, office hours of, .... council may regulate duties of, to collect all city taxes, . powers of, in collecting taxes, to give notice when taxes will become payable may enforce collection by foreclosure or suit, to make monthly payments to treasurer, accounts of, how audited, accountability of, . deficiency in accounts of, how collected, to deliver rate bill to successor. City Court, when holden, .... shall have a seal, power of adjournment, how composed, recorder, how appointed, and term of office, associate judges of, .... substitute judge of, .... vacancy for unexpired term of judge, how filled, jurisdiction of, 14,10,17,50,58,59 judgments of, how enforced, . executions, how served and returned, appeal from to superior court, when allowed, bonds on and execution after, supreme court, clerk of, how appointed and sworn, to give bonds, bond of, . 220, Page 204 217 238 279 290 4 15,135 47 47 47 205 4,201 169, 170 233 170 170 169 169 169 169 13 4,171 299 167, 168 172 170 221, 326 299 299 171 16 65 16,17 18,61 18,35 18,61 19,69 19 228, 239 17 17 17 17 70 18 18 233 n INDEX. City Court, clerk of, duties and authority of, compensation of, ... . continuances and defaults, how ordered, taxable fees in, appeals from justices, to, .... motion in error from, when and where taken, powers of, on motions in error, stay of executions on motions in error, joinder of motions in error and for new trial, appeals, substituted for motions in error, etc., writs of error from, to superior court, supreme court, joinder of matters of fact and law in writ of error, judge of, may try issues of fact, may reserve questions of law, . may grant new trials and bills of exceptions, injunctions, .... service of process to, on defendant, neglect to serve or return process to, how punished, false return, how punished, recorder may act as judge of court of common pleas, may hold special session of court of common pleas, compensation of, when so acting, kform of complaint in, to recover fines and penalties, jarors of, how chosen, how drawn and summoned, oath of, . H fees of, . "^ penalty for refusal to serve, six, to try certain cases, fees and costs to be paid to clerk, •contingent expenses of, to be paid by clerk, and how repaid, City Elections (see elections). City Limits (see boundaries). City Map, power of city to make lines on map, binding. City Marslial, when and how chosen term of office, bond of, . fees of, . powers of, . . . may appoint two deputies, may serve process returnable to police court, may convey persons sentenced to jail, to serve warrants for city and council meetings to serve warrant to collect deficiency from collector, subject to direction of mayor, liability lor neglect of duty. 343 Page. 18 65, 66, 67, 217 19 19,66,73,217 ^ 12^59^ 19,69 20,69 20 69 70 70 71 70 21 69 69 59 20 20 20 62, 325 62, 325 64 68 21, 216 21, 216 21 286 217 21 219 219 47 4,201 5 232, 233 23, 286 3,4 4 23 26 205 299 4 4 344 INDEX. City Meetings, annual, when and where held, special, when and how called, council may prescribe manner of warning, and time and place of holding, what warnings of, shall contain, mayor to designate places of holding, council may prescribe who shall preside at, . may examine under oath persons ing to vote, moderator of, how chosen, polling places to be within wards, what officers chosen at annual, for election of officers, how proceeded with, . 6, 7, general election law, when polls to be opened, powers and duties of presiding officer at, . . . disorderly conduct at, how punished, .... ward clerk at, penalty for illegal or double voting, .... who may vote at, and where to vote, .... how aldermen and councilmen chosen, .... canvas of votes at, and result, how proclaimed, penalty for making false returns, notice of election of ward officers, how given, proceedings in case of no election, or vacancy, required to approve certain appropriations, (See elections). (See ward meetings). City Officers (see officers). City Penitentiary, may be established and rules for prescribed, City Police Court (see police court). ^ City Rate-Maker (see rate-maker). City Surveyor, council may provide for election of, prescribe duties of, when and how appointed and term of office, oath of, duties of, .... salary of, street board to conform to plans of, City Treasurer, when and how chosen, bond of, oath of, salary of, .... power, authority and duties of, to receive all moneys payable to city, to give duplicate receipts, to receive certain fines and penalties, offer- 13 75, 200, 201 . 3, 199 3, 4, 199 74, 75, 200-204 75-80 200 3, 7, 200 200 201 201 75, 201 4,202 203 203 203 204 8 26 12 12 280 233 281 284 280 4,201 232 233 284 4,219 219 219 15 INDEX. 345 City Treasurer to receive moneys collected by clerks of courts, to receive moneys collected by keepers of jails for fines, port warden, . avails of water rents, to apply avails of water rents, how, to have custody of fund for disabled policemen, funds of Hartford Home, to be trustee of certain city bonds, powers of, over water funds and proceeds, surplus water fund subject to orders of, . may set off benefits against damages, to execute conveyances of personal property, to pay money only on auditor's order, accountability of, to render annual accounts, to make report of municipal indebtedness to comptroller when recognizances on adjournment made payable to, . City Watch (see police). City Weighers (see weighers). Clerk, officers not to contract for hire of, ... council may provide for election of, in each branch, prescribe duties of, . Clerli of Board of Aldermen (see city clerk). Clerk of City (see city clerk). Clerk of City Court, how appointed, oath of, bond of, authority of, . duties and powers of, may amend and complete records, to pay contingent expenses of court, and how repaid to receive certain fees, costs, etc., . to pay to city treasurer, moneys collected to render annual account to auditor, form of accounts of, how to draw jurors, fees of, Clerk of Council Board, how and when chosen, who may not be, . oath of, . salary of, .... duties of, .... to deliver records and papers to city clerk, Clerk of Elections, how chosen, to give notice to officers elected, pay of, Clerk of Fire Commissioners, salary of, 83, Page. 26, 219 26, 219 56 88 88, 219 T16 189, 191 85, 86, 91, 92 258 260 115 221 217 4 219 95 25 286 13 13 18 18, 233 18, 233 18 65 65 219 319 26, 219 219 220 216 65, 66, 67, 217 13, 16, 207 16 233 284 208 205 201 203 204 285 20/ 346 INDEX. I 26 Clerk of Police Commissioners, how appointed salary of, .... Clerk of Police Court, how appointed, oath of, . . bond of, .... salary and fees of, . duties and powers of, to collect fines and costs, to pay contingent expenses of court and how repaid to pay to treasurer moneys collected, accounts of, how kept, * to render annual account to auditor, to render quarterly account to the ways and means committee may amend and complete records, . duty of, on appeals and binding over, Clerk of Street Commissioners, how appointed, compensation of, and how fixed. Clerk of Ward Meeting, how appointed and duties, pay of, Coach (see public carriages). Coal, to be weighed by city weighers,when sold, penalty for false weighing, fees for weighing, . penalty for selling unweighed, three-bushel tubs for measuring, penalty for refusing to measure in tubs, when required, Coasting, in highways, how prohibited, . Coffins, certificate required on sale of, sale of, regulated, .... Coffin Tender, defined, .... certificate required by, . weekly return to registrar, penalty for violation of ordinance de, Collections, fees of city attorney for, Collector (see city collector). Commerce, on Connecticut river not to be taxed by council, council may regulate, council may elect oflBcers for regulation of. Commissioners, mayor and members of court of common council may not be, .... how chosen and terms of oflSce, removal of, . vacancies filled, (See fire commissioners.) (See park commissioners.) (See police commissioners.) (See street commissioners.) (See water commissioners.) Page. 262 285 23 233 23, 232, 233 23, 67, 284 23,65 25,219 219 , 65, 219 219 219, 327 327 ,65 71 49 50, 285 201,203 204 208 208 209 209 211 21 118 300 301 301 30' 301 301 28 13 132 53 53 53 !« INDEX. 347 Page. Commissioners of Relief, how appointed, duties and term of office of, . 100 superseded, 51, 111 Commissions to public officers and agents forbidden, . 129 Common Council Board, members of, when and how chosen, . • 4, 5, 202, 204 term of office of, . . . . 5 qualifications of and how de- ~ cided, four in each ward, oath of, ... may not hold certain offices, how notified of election, certificates of election vacancies in, how filled, officers of, how and when chosen, .... may choose a clerk, clerk of, not to be a member, . ... duties of clerk of, one-half of, to be a quorum, when president of, may vote, journal of, how kept, published and distributed, meetings of, how warned, I Common Conncil, Court of, how composed, f members of, must be electors, .... I must be residents of ward they represent I may not be on commissions, I forbidden to accept fees, rewards, etc., I how chosen, I how expelled, ^ vacancies on tie vote or otherwise, how filled, branches of, to convene separately, one half a quorum in each branch, joint conventions of, mayor presiding officer, may give casting vote, city clerk, clerk of, clerk pro tempore, how chosen, for election of certain officers, when held, 64, with mayor form board of canvassers, . meetings of, how warned, .... duties of clerks of, journals of, how kept, published and distributed, official journal of, city clerk custodian of records, etc., of, . powers vested in, each branch judge of election of its own members shall reconsider action after veto, . limitations on appropriations and expenditures. 4,5, 4,5,202,203 5 233 132 203 204 5,204 207 16 16 207 16 207 207 205 8 5 202 132 287 4, 5, 202 287, 288 5,204 8 16 16 16 205 205 206, 228 203 205 207 207 208 208 8 8,203 8 37, 38, 123 ' 348 INDEX. Common Council, Court of, may make, alter and repeal ordinances, ordinances of, how published and when to take effect, . may revise ordinances, how, has exclusive power to lay out and make new highways, parks, etc to alter lines and location of highways, . to discontinue highways, to sell or exchange highways, to establish building lines, to make openings for air between buildings, to cause low grounds to be filled up or drained to lay out, make and alter sewers, . to order, construct and alter sidewalks, gutters and crosswalks, . . , . . to establish fire districts, to repair and alter highways, parks, etc., to assume repair of turnpike roads, to lay out and build dyke, to lay taxes for city expenses, deficiency in water rents, support of " Hartford Home to assess expenses of public work, . to enforce the collection of assessments* may make ordinances to regulate trade, markets and commerce, weights and measures, the finances and property of the city, the borrowing of money, the execution of deeds, to provide for evidences of debt, . to prevent and remove nuisances, for making and altering highways, parks, etc, for making openings between buildings for a for building drains and sewers, . for establishing building lines, . for draining and raising low lands, for repairing highways, parks, etc., for lighting highways, parks, etc., for keeping streets, parks, etc., free from en croachments and obstructions, . to secure safety of persons in public places, to regulate fireworks, shows and parades, rendezvous, processions and music, speed of animals and vehicles, the running of animals at large the impounding of animals , to protect and preserve trees and ornaments in public places, Page, 9 135 135 96 97 • 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 73 98 88 188 98,99 99 9 :l 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11, 134 11 11 INDEX. 349 Common Council, Court of, may make ordinances to regulate and pro hibit excavations in streets, may make ordinances to prohibit the location of anything in or under streets, to prohibit the removal of buildings through streets, to prohibit the ringing of bells, r the crying of goods, . to keep streets, etc., quiet on Lord's day, to protect state house yard, to restrain cruelty to animals, to restrain inhuman sports, . to prescribe form of taking land for public use, to prevent vice or immorality, to preserve public peace and order, to quell riots and disorderly assemblages, to suppress gambling houses, houses of ill-fame and disorderly houses, .... to give mayor and police certain powers, to prohibit, license, etc., sports and exhibi tions, to regulate and prohibit bathing in public places, to punish trespasses in public buildings cemeteries, etc., .... to regulate the burial of the dead, to provide for registration of deaths and burials, J^^ to regulate mode of city taxation, H| • duties of police, . ^B to confer upon police, powers of constables, ^B to punish resistance of officers, ^B to organize and regulate a fire department, ^K to regulate fire apparatus, to protect city from exposure to fire, . 11 11 11 11, 158 11 11 11 11 12 12 12, 148 to regulate mode of building, . . 12, 148, 149 materials to be used in build- ing, .... 12,148,149 mode of using buildings, . 12, 148, 149 12 12 Page. 11 11 ~ll' 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, 128 to license and regulate hacks and carriages, to fix charges of hackmen, expressmen, etc., to regulate transportation and storage of gun- powder, to prescribe form of oaths for city officers, . to regulate width of streets, alleys, etc., 12 12,14 12 350 INDEX. ^__»«^^____ Page. Common Council, Court of, may make ordinances to provide manner of warning city meetings, . . 12 may make ordinances to provide manner of warning council meetings, 12 times and places for council meet- ings, 12 for filling vacancies in ofiice, . 12 for bonds of city officers, . . 12 for penalty for officer's refusal to serve, 12 for penalty for city juror's refusal to serve, 12 for election and duties of various city officers, . . . . 12, 13 for election of its own officers, . 13 to prescribe the duties of its own officers, . 13 manner of keeping city accounts, 13 places of holding annual elections, 13 the manner of holding annual elections, .... 13 to designate who shall preside at elections, . 13 who may examine, under oath, persons offering to vote, . 13 to prescribe manner of balloting, . . 13 to provide for division of city into wards, . 13 for the election of city officers, . 13 to prevent illegal voting, .... 13 to regulate duties of collector of taxes, . 13 to prescribe mode of collection of taxes, 13 to confer freedom of the city, . . . 13 to regulate location of steam boilers, - . 13 of barns, out-houses, sinks, etc., . . . . 13 to prescribe compensation of officers, . . 13 duties of officers, ... 13 to carry out powers conferred by Section VIT., 14 to prevent illegal practices with dead bodies, 14 to provide for appointment of coroner, . 14 to prescribe duties and pay of coroner, . 14 compensation of juries of in- quest, etc., .... 14 to make assessment of benefits a lien, . 14 to provide for punishment for misfeasance in office, 14 to authorize mayor to administer oaths in all courts, 14 to prescribe time and place of holding city courts, 14 INDEX. 351 Pack. Common Council, Court of, may make ordinances to prescribe time of election of judge of city court and city attorney, 18 may make ordinances to prescribe duties and compensation of city attorney, 18 to prescribe taxable fees in city court, . "TUT time and place of choosing city jurors, 21 © manner of returning, drawing and summoning city jurors, . 21 oath of city jurors, . . . 21 rules, discipline, etc., of city penitentiary, ... 26 certain duties of water board, . 29 officers of water board, . . 29 compensation, bonds and oaths of members of water board, . 29 manner of collecting water rents, 29 securing water rents by lien, . . 29 quorum of water board, . . 29 manner ofassessing benefits and appraising damages, . . 51 to punish injury to library and reading room, 125 to license temporary business, . . . 133 street peddlers and venders, . . 133 to suppress gambling, policy playing, etc., 133, 134 to prevent enticing into houses of ill repute, 134 to prescribe penalty for violation of certain ordinances, . . . . . . 134 to provide for inspection of buildings, 148, 149 repair, etc., of unsafe buildings, 148, 149 to regulate use of buildings for public safety, 148, 149 to regulate exits and entrances to halls, etc., 148 de construction of buildings, . . . 149 de public health, 156 de registration births, marriages and deaths, 158 to punish injuries to fire alarm telegraph, 174 regulating " Hartford Home," . - .192 may impose penalties for violation of ordinances, . . .14, 134, 148 make violation of certain ordinances a misdemeanor, . 134, 148 make appropriations, 131 37 38 38, 123 38 42 for public celebrations, for navigation on Connecticut river, for free library, etc., to make estimates of annual expenses, ..... power of, as to public improvements in northern extension, . 352 INDEX. Common Council, Court of, appointment of city clerk pro tempore, may make lines, etc., on map, binding, . election of street commissioners by, may fix compensation of members of street board, shall refer all votes de public works to street board, powers of, to direct street board, .... to expend receipts from tolls on river in improvement of navigation, to report to general assembly de Connecticut river tolls, to appoint prosecuting attorney in joint convention, shall prescribe compensation of prosecuting attorney, . may prescribe salary of port warden, ...... fix compensation of registrars of election, .... take water supply from Connecticut river, .... issue bonds, shall enact ordinances regulating assessments, etc., appoint commissioners of relief, ...... enact ordinances prescribing proceedings of commissioners of relief, ... power over streams, dams, etc., for sewers and public health, may assess benefits on land not abutting, ..... 47 47 48,53 49 50, 271 280 56 56 64 64 56 79 86 81, 82, 84, 85, 86 99 100 100 102 109 proceedings by, in assessing benefits and appraising damages, 110, 272, e^ seq. shall require safe exits from hall, churches, etc., may close unsafe halls, churches, etc., provide for appointment of inspector of buildings, and in certain cases shall cause buildings to be inspected, pass and enforce certain orders de condemned buildings, purchase apparatus for inspection of gas and gas meters, duties of de inspection of dams and reservoirs, may provide for inspection of burning fluids, regulate inspection of leather, hides and skins, adopt sanitary measures and ordinances, remove animals, trades, etc., injurious to health, abate assessments upon horse railroad companies, . ofi'er rewards for apprehension and conviction of criminals, prescribe style of telegraph and telephone poles, . rules and regulations of water board subject to approval of, . water rates, subject to approval of, may establish "Hartford Home" for children, authority of, over works of Hartford Steam Company, . to approve use of streets by Horse Railroad Company, . Hartford Steam Company, . Hartford Electric Light Company, power of, to order call of city meetings, to empower and approve conveyances of city property, . power of, in purchase of fire engines and apparatus, to choose fire marshal, ........ health committee, ....... 148, 150 148, 150 149 149 150 153 154 155 156 156 156 165 166 173 175, 260 175, 260 187 193 185, 186 193 194, 195 205 221 226 147, 228 251 INDEX. 353 Common Council, Court of, to choose city surveyor, may appoint rate maker, ....... to approve election of president of water board, . . . buildings not to be erected without consent of, . . . petitions to, for leave to build, what to specify and how referred, amusements to be licensed by, . . . • . sale of gunpowder to be licensed by, . . . . carrying on certain business without license of, prohibited, . regulations of, de drainage of stagnant water, to defray expense of abatement of nuisance by health committee, to ratify certain contracts of water board, .... not to pass vote laying out public work until publication. Page. 280 298 258 230 230 -83f>- 237, 238 253 255 255 259 271 referred to street board, 50, 272 benefits are assessed, control of turnpike roads assumed by, . when shall lay annual and other taxes, Common Coimcilmen (see common council board). Compensation of oflScers (see fees), (see salaries), for land taken (see public works), (see highways). Complaints to street commissioners, record to be kept of, (See process.) Condemnation (see eminent domain). (See public works.) Confirmation of charter and sundry acts, of commissioners, ..... Connecticnt Industrial School, commitment to, Connecticut Riyer, jurisdiction of city on, marshal may serve process on, city shall not interfere with navigation of, city to lay no tax on commerce of, . jurisdiction of police court over, water board may take water from, . appropriations for improving navigation of, speed of steam vessels on, regulated, vessels arriving to report to port warden, tolls to be paid to port warden, council to expend receipts from tolls upon, council may build dykes along, powers of health committee on, public landings on, in charge of port warden dockage for vessels at public landing places, depositing rubbish, etc., in, forbidden, . penalty for violating orders of port warden, regulations de transportation of gunpowder on, Constables, council may confer powers of, on police, special for arrest of tramps, .... 110 279 298, 299 280 51, 143 54,57 53 .145 3 3 3 3 22 27,86 38 55 55 55 56 73 159 214 214 215 215 236 11 139 354 INDEX. Constables, special for arrest of vagrants, Cedar Hill cemetery, Coustitntional Amendments, de terms of judges, compensation of public offices aid to railroads, Construction of Ordinances, rules for, Construction of Public Works (see public works). Contested Elections, how proceeded with, Continuances in city court, how ordered, Contracts of city not invalidated by charter, de water works, how made, use of water, limited, what, street commissioners may make, Conyentions (see joint conventions). Conveyances by city, council may provide for execution of, how executed, .... Coroner, council may provide for election of, . prescribe duties of, ... mode of appointment of, compensation of, powers of, may issue process in certain cases, . repeal of powers of. Corporate Name, Corruption, council may provide for removal of officer for, officer guilty of, to be removed, .... of water, how punished, Costs, taxable in city court, in police court, on appeals from assessments, in actions for seizure of gunpowder, taxable on appeal from order de condemned building, when payable to clerks of courts, and how accounted for, Councilmen (see common council board). Counters at elections, how appointed, who may be, and duties of, oath of, Coupon Bonds (see bonds). Courts, council may prescribe time and place of holding, authorize mayor to administer oaths in, . (See city court and police court.) Court of Common Council (see common council, court of). Court of Common Pleas, has sole jurisdiction of justice appeals, appeals from assessments to be taken to judge of, . recorder or judge of police court may act as judge of, . may hold special session of, compensation of city judge when acting as judge of, Cow (see animals). 25, 65 I Page. 141 60 35 35 35 303 80 19 30 259 260 280 9 221 12 13 14 14 14 14 57 2 14 287 30, 319 19, 73, 217 71, 142, 145 113 239 150 J 219 i 76, 202 77 14 14 59 111, 113 62 . 62,325 64 INDEX. 355 Crosswalks, council may make ordinances for making, laying out, and constructing, .... council may order, construct and alter, . allowing animals to stand upon, forbidden, street commissioners to lay, when, . Crowd, unlawful, how dispersed. Cruelty to Animals, council may pass ordinances restraining, violation of ordinances restraining, a misdemeanor. Crying of Goods, council may regulate, .... Curbstone, breaking, how punished, Currier's Shop, health committee may inspect, Page, 9 97 246 307 270 11 128 11 246 252 Damages, for taking land, etc., for water purposes, how ascertained and paid, for interruption of travel by water commissioners, when and to whom payable, . . . . treble for injuries to water and water works, where highway laid out is discontinued, by reason of change of grade in highway, for injuries from defective highway, for removal of structures, etc, injurious to water, from explosion of gunpowder, unlawfully kept, how recovered, when land taken for public work must be agreed upon or appraised, must be ascertained before construction of public work street board vested with power to appraise, land owners to be agreed with, if possible, notice required before appraisal, manner of appraising, HO, appraisal of, when stream diverted, ri when stream or dam taken, when land taken in altering grad appeals from appraisals of, must be allowed carry with them appeal from benefits, to whom taken, and how heard, council to provide form and mode of service of, 100 how served and when returnable, 100, 112 powers of judge upon, . 100,113 reference of, to committee, . . 112 various provisions c?e, . 112-115 may be heard by successor of judge, 113 clerical errors may be corrected on, . 115 revising decision of judge upon, . 114, 115 benefits may not be deducted from, 99 may be deducted from, . 115 may be deposited, 99, 104 how deposited, when land owner is a non-resident, minor, etc., . 276 (See public works.) e crossings. 28,99 29 30 116 116 117 180 240 99 110 51 273 99, 273 272-277 101 102 108 51, 101 112 100, 111 356 INDEX. i 2, 39-42 Dams, council given power over, for sewerage and purposes of public health, assessment of l)enefits and damages when taken for public use, inspection of, how provided for, Dead, council may regulate burial of, ..... . Dead Bodies, council may prevent illegal practices with, violation of ordinances de illegal practices with, a misdemeanor, transportation of, in public carriages, regulated. Death, certificate of, required, .... penalty for refusing to sign, . , . powers of coroner in certain cases of. Deaths, council may provide for returns of, annual and monthly reports of, by registrar. Debt, council may provide for evidences of, power of city to issue bonds for, what persons and property liable for bonded taxes for payment of, when and how laid, .... treasurer to make reports to comptroller once in four years, . form of action of, in city court, (See bonds.) Deeds of city, council may provide for execution of, ... how executed, Defaults in city court, how ordered, Deputy Auditor, when and how appointed, (See city auditor.) Deputy City Marshals, number of and how appointed, (See city marshal.) Deputy Inspectors of Fire-wood, appointment of, . . (See inspector of fire-wood.) Deputy Registrar, pay of, Discontinuance of Highway, damages upon, how accomplished, . . . . . (See highway.) Disorder, violation of ordinances concerning, a misdemeanor. Disorderly Assemblages, council may prevent and quell, power of mayor and chief of police to suppress, . on sidewalks and in public places, prohibited. Disorderly Conduct, those guilty of, may be arrested without warrant, judgment for, in police court may be suspended, when, . permitting, in buildings, how punished, Disorderly Houses, council may suppress, penalty for keeping, .... when policeman may not enter. Distillery, maintaining without license forbidden Dockage on Connecticut river. Dogs, driving, in harness, through highway, a nuisance, Page. 102 102 153-155 11 14 128 296 300 300 14,57 11 301 9 85,86 166,167 299 95 14,67 9 221 19 218 210 204 116 271 15 11 268-270 270 24, 269 24 251 11 251 268 253 214, 215 247 INDEX. 357 of, on persons and Drains, council may build in public places, provide for location of, violations of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, from highways into or through private lands, discharging, into streets, a nuisance. Drainage of low lands, council may provide for, assess expense property, how accomplished, of highways into or through private lands, of stagnant water, into street a nuisance, .... Drivers in fire department, appointment and tenure of ofiice of. salaries of, public (see public carriages). Driving at greater speed than six miles an hour prohibited, goat or dog in harness, a nuisance, ..... bicycle, a nuisance, sleigh without bells a nuisance, Drunkenness, those guilty of, may be arrested without warrant, judgment for, in police court may be suspended, . Dylies, council may build, to be treated as public works, (proceedings to lay out and build, expense of, may be assessed, • expense of, how assessed, (See public works.) Page. 9 13 128 105 244 9,97' 99 271 105 255 244 222 223 245 247 247 247 24 24 73 73 73, 271 98 99, 271 Election, annual city, when and where held, ... special city, when and how called, ... of certain officers, council may provide for, . of its own officers, council may provide for, . council may prescribe manner of warning and time and place of holding, what warnings of, shall contain, mayor to designate places for holding, ... polling places, to be in respective wards, when polls to be opened, powers of presiding officer at, .... disorderly conduct at, how punished, for aldermen and councilmen, for city officers, how proceeded with, .... . general election law, ward clerk, moderator, who may be and how chosen, box-tenders, who may be and how chosen, . moderator at Second ward, presiding officer at city. 74, 75 3,199 205 12 12 12, 199 80 199 199 200 3, 7, 200 200 4,202 200-204 75-80 76, 201 75,200 75, 202 75 358 INDEX. Election, who may vote, and in what ward, challenges, how decided, ... checkers, how appointed and duties of, . check lists, how completed and deposited, counters, how chosen and duties of, count, how proceeded with, result, how declared, certified, double ballots not to be counted, defined, lawful ballot defined, boxes to be sealed and deposited with town clerk officers of, to be sworn, what officers of, may administer oaths, . registry lists for city, how prepared, notice of meeting for revision of, when completed to be deposited with clerk, compensation of registrars, how determined, contested, how proceeded with, ..... proceedings in case of tie vote at, to fill vacancy, . . ..... pay of officers of, sale of liquor on days of, prohibited, .... notice of, to ward officers, how given, .... penalty for illegal or double voting, .... false swearing upon examination at, . Electors of city, who may be, one year's residence in city required, .... sixty days' residence in ward required, .... voting place in case of change of ward within sixty days, list of, how made, ........ name omitted from list, how added, .... list of, how checked, punishment for false swearing, (See elections.) Embezzlement, defined and how punished, .... Eminent Domain, when water commissioners may exercise right of, proceedings in such case, right of may be exercised in construction of public works, how exercised in such case, .... may be exercised de dams and streams, how exercised in such case, .... may be exercised at railroad crossings, how exercised in such case, \, , . . (See public works.) Page. 5, 75, 201 7, 76, 202 7, 76, 202 7,76 76, 202 76, 202 77, 202 77, 203 78 78 78 78 79 79 6,79 79 I city 79 79 80 5,12,204 12, 204 204, 285 138 203 201 7 5,75 5 5 5 6,79 6,76 7,76 7 130 28 28 99 99, 271 101, 102 101, 102 106,108 106, 108 INDEX. 359 . 224 Enclosures, council may prevent trespasses in, . . . . . violation of ordinances de trespasses in, a misdemeanor, Encroachments (see highways). Engine, driving of fire, on sidewalk, a nuisance, . . . . Engineer, chief of fire department, appointment and tenure of office of, salary of, duties of, powers of, at fires, . . 224, may stop travel in highway, may demolish buildings, . to designate rank of assistants, returns and annual report of, . assistant of fire department, appointment and tenure of oflice of, salary of, . designation and rank of, duty of, in case of fire, duty of, in absence of chief, powers of at fires, of steamer, salary of, must be practical machinist, give whole time to business. Enticing into disreputable houses, may be punished. Error, clerical, may be corrected on appeals from assessments, (See appeal, motion in error and writ of error.) Equity, jurisdiction of city court in, .... Estates of deceased person, assessments of benefits upon, Estimates, annual, not to be exceeded, .... not to be increased but by two-thirds vote Excavations in streets, regulated by council, . H^ forbidden and declared nuisances, ^^ regulations concerning. Execution, power of city court to issue, .... ► may be issued after appeal, stay of, on motion in error, power of police court to issue. Exemptions from taxation in added territory, . . 2, 39, 40, 41 of certain lands in South Meadow, North Meadow, Exhibitions, council may prohibit, license, regulate, etc., (See public amusements.) Expenditure for public works restricted, . celebrations restricted, library, restricted, not to exceed appropriation, . annual estimates of, to be made by council, limited to annual estimates, . street commissioners to make annual report of, water commissioners to make semi-annual report of, Page. 11 128 245 ^22_ 223 224, 225 226, 227 227 227 227 225 222 223 227 224 225 226, 227 223 224 224 134 115 58,59 109 38 38 10 245 122, 245 17,20 17 20 22 166, 167 40 42 11, 128 8 37 38, 123 131 38 38 51 260 360 INDEX. Explosiyes, setting off, without mayor's permission, a nuisance. Expressmen, council may regulate charges of, . . . . prescribe punishment for violation of ordi- nances de, (See public carriages.) Express Wagon (see public carriages). Expulsion from oflfice, what grounds for, . proceedings for, charges, how preferred, Extra Men in fire department, salary of, . False Alarm, penalty for giving, False Pretences, jurisdiction of police court de, False Statement, not under oath, how punished. False Swearing, by elector, how punished before police commissioners, Fares of H. & W. H. E. K. Co., of public carriages, Farming Lands, taxation of, . Farming Produce, taxation of. Farming Stock, taxation of, . Fees in city court, how prescribed, prescribed, in police court, for serving process to police court, of special prosecuting attorney, of clerks of courts, of witnesses before police commissioners, for hearing complaint de truants, . for witnesses before fire marshal, . for inspection of gas, of dams and reservoirs, of food, . of vessel, by health oflScer for weighing coal, . for measuring wood, for weighing hay, . for sealing weights and measures none to fire marshal, of pound master, . of city marshal, of city attorney, of jurors in city court, of city clerk, for recording carriage licenses, of city clerk, for returns of births and deaths, (See salaries.) Pagk. 246 12 134 287 287, 288 288 223, 224 228 61 7 7 137 186 294 2,39,40,41,166,167 2,39,40,41,166,167 2, 39, 40, 41, 166, 167 19, 217 INDEX. 361 Fences, when required for protection, defacing, along highway, a nuisance, maintaining, in highway, a nuisance, Fertilizers, keeping, without license, prohibited, Fighting" in streets, a nuisance, .... Filtli, street commissioners shall cause, to be removed, powers of health committee concerning, casting, on streets, prohibited, keeping, in buildings, yards, etc., prohibited, . placing, in or on the margin of Park river, Connecticut river, casting, into reservoirs, prohibited, Finances, council may pass ordinances regulating, (See bonds.) Fines (see penalties). Fire Alarm, penalty for giving false, (See superintendent of fire alarm.) Fire Alarm Telegraph, council may punish injuries to, police court jurisdiction of injuries to, appeals allowed in prosecution for injuries to. Fire Apparatus, council may regulate, under supervision of fire commissioners, regulations as to purchase and repair of, penalty for injuring or defacing, Fire Arms, discharge of, regulated, .... Fire Commissioners, board of, how constituted, political composition of board of, . Ihow appointed and term of office, . who ineligible for appointment, vacancies, how filled, how removed, oath of, shall receive no compensation, disbursements of, to be repaid, salary of clerk of, . powers, rules and records of, • to have control of fire department, to fill vacancies in department and how, to have control of department property, hydrants, .... to designate location of companies, engines, etc., to prepare rules, etc., for department, responsible for order and discipline of department, care of apparatus, etc., . when may order, repair, etc., of apparatus, . powers of, in exchanging apparatus, property, etc., to authorize demolition of buildings at fires, two, to approve vouchers for pay of department, . Page. 245 245 246 253 -.2i6_ 50 251, 252 253 253 256 215 319 228 174 174 174 12 224, 226 225, 226 226 138, 246 53, 222 53 53, 222 132 53 53 233 227 227 285 222, 223 222 222, 225 224 179 224 223, 225 224 224 225 226 227 226 362 INDEX. Firecrackers, penalty for improper use of, ... . exploding without mayor's permission, Fire Department, council may organize and regulate, provide for election of officers of, prescribe duties of officers of, . under control of fire commissioners, .... commissioners responsible for order and discipline of, . care of property of, of whom and what to consist, ..... appointment of members of, . vacancies in, how filled, tenure of office of members of, salaries of members of, and how paid, location of companies, engines, etc., uniform, rules and records of, penalty for unauthorized wearing of uniform of, . rolls of the companies, how kept, apparatus, and outfit of companies, etc., property and apparatus of, how bought, sold and exchanged, repairs, etc., to apparatus of, how made, penalty for injuring apparatus of, . obstructing firemen, powers of chief engineer, assistant engineers, powers of chief and assistants at fires, designation of assistant engineers, returns and annual report of chief engineer, penalties under ordinances relating to, how recovered, hydrants, under control of, Fire Districts, council may establish, .... Fire Escapes, where required, penalty for not providing, Fire Marshal, when and how appointed, and term of office, salary of, to receive no fees, ....... duties and powers of, to examine buildings as to fire escapes, . to give certificates as to fire escapes, may order scuttles, when and how, combustible materials removed, may enter buildings, etc., when, .... shall attend fires, shall inquire into cause of incendiary fires, to approve chests for storage of gunpowder, . may seize gunpowder unlawfully kept or transported, penalty for rescuing gunpowder seized by, power of, to enter premises where gunpowder is kept, 222 224, 226, 224, 151, Page. 139 246 12 12 12 226 224 224 223 222 225 222 223, 226 224 223, 225 226 225 223 226 225 226 226 .225 225 227, 228 227 225 128, 228 179, 227 98 151 151 147, 228 223 231 228-231 151 151 229 229 229 231 231 238 239, 240 240 240 224 INDEX. Fire Marshal, power of, over gunpowder in case of fires, inquest by, how conducted, expense of examination by, how paid, fees of witnesses before, orders of, how given, to be obeyed, . penalty for disobedience, to keep record book of complaints, examinations, etc. to make annual report to council, .... Firemen (see fire department). Fires, council may regulate construction and use of building, to prevent violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, duty of engineer and assistants to attend, fire marshal to attend, police to attend, powers of chief engineer and assistants at, travel in highway may be stopped during, when and how building may be demolished at, penalty for giving false alarm, incendiary, to be investigated by fire marshal, powers of fire marshal at, Fire-wood (see inspector of fire-wood). Fire-works, council may regulate, exploding, without mayor's permission, a nuisance, Fisli, dressing, when and where, a nuisance, .... putrid, not to be thrown or left in or on bank of Park river, catching, in reservoirs, forbidden, ..... Flagman, at railroad crossings, Food, adulteration of, how detected and prohibited. Foreclosure, jurisdiction of city court in, .... of liens for benefits, unpaid taxes, . . . . water rents, Foreman, in fire department, appointment and tenure of office of, salary of, Forfeitures (see penalties). Forms, for complaint for violation of charter and ordinances, for action of debt to recover fines and penalties, . for complaint for violation of private act, ordinances or by-law, for tax warrant, for cards for public carriages and wagons, for certificate of death, Fraud, jurisdiction of police court for obtaining goods by. Freedom of City, council may confer, on non-residents. Furnaces, in buildings, how regulated, .... 14 363 Page. 240 147 231 147 229 2Slr 230, 231 231 232 148 128, 148 224 231 268 226, 227 227 227 228 231 240 10 139, 246 253 256 319 119 156 17,59 279, 280 172 89, 261 222 223 67 68 69 172 294, 295 300 61 13 228, 230 364 INDEX. Gambling, council may enact ordinances to suppress, houses, to be reported by police, Gardens, council may punish trespasses in public, . violation of ordinances de trespasses in public, a misdemeanor, trespasses in public, how punished, .... Gas, standard measure of illuminating, inspection of, city may purchase apparatus for inspection of, deduction in price of, for quality below standard, Gas Company (see Hartford City Gas Light Company). Gas House, without license, prohibited, Gas Meters, inspection of, city may purchase apparatus for inspection of, when to be sealed, Gates at railroad crossings, Geese, impounding of, regulated, General Assembly, power of, to amend charter, notice of petitions to, for amendment of city charter, Girls, commitment of, to Industrial School, .... Goats, council may prevent running at large of, . . . violation of ordinances de running at large of, a misdemeanor, penalty for pasturing, in highway, . driving, in harness, through highway forbidden, impounding of, regulated, ...... Government of city, vested in council, ... Grade, damages and benefits by change of, in highway, . of highway, how changed, . . . ' . (See public works). Grand Juror, may make complaint to police court, powers of, taken away, Grants (see deeds). Grass, injuring, in public places, a nuisance, .... Guano, keeping, without license, prohibited. Guardian, when liable for acts of minor, .... Gunpowder, council may regulate transportation and storage of, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, . . penalty for illegal sale and transportation of, penalty for violation of ordinances de, . vessels laden with, where to anchor, .... where vessels may load with, regulation for loading, in vessels, etc., .... how transported through city, license to keep, ........ regulations concerning sale of, .... . licenses for selling, how recorded and altered, to embrace regulation de toy pistols, etc, • on sale, how stored, 11, INDEX. 365 Gunpowder, to be sold only by daylight, what quantity may be kept, . . . . seizure of, when unlawfully kept or transported, . penalty for rescue of, after seizure, .... power of fire marshal to enter premises where kept, over, in cases of fire, . liability of keeper of, for injury by explosion of, (t utters, council may order and construct, . assess expense of, . regulations for assessments for, .... sale of lands for assessments for, .... when street commissioners may make and repair, . cost of construction and repair of, a lien, lien for, how recorded and foreclosed, laying, without license, forbidden, .... penalty for injury to, ..... . 99, Page. 238 238 239 240 240 240- 240 97 98 ■]00,271 99, 279 279 280 279, 280 246 133 Hacks (see public carriages). Hackmen, council may regulate charges of, . violation of ordinances de charges of, a misdemeanor, how punished, charges of, (See public carriages.) Halls, to have safe entrances and exits, .... council may close unsafe, (See buildings.) Hand-cart, drawing, on sidewalk prohibited, . Hand- sled, drawing, on sidewalk prohibited, . Hartford Bridge, power to purchase, and manner of purchase, bonds for purchase of, authorized, .... * liability for, after purchase, management of, after purchase, Hartford Bridge Bonds, authorized, .... Hartford City Gas Light Company, charter of, powers of, in streets, streets to be uninjured by, penalty for injury to property of, . Hartford Electric Light Company, powers of, in streets, consent of council for use of streets by, authority of street commissioners over poles, wires, etc Hartford Home, city may establish, management of, ... . taxation for support of, . location of, residents at, not to gain a settlement, board of trustees of, how appointed and powers duties of trustees of, , of. 12 15, 297 297 292 148, 150 148, 150 247 247 93 93 94 94 93 181 181 182 182 193-195 194, 195 194, 195 187 188 188 188 188 188 188 366 INDEX. Hartford Home, police court may commit children to, power of trustees of, over children, .... trustees of, may apprentice children, .... donations and bequests to, alliances and auxiliary trustees, police commissioners may annul apprenticeship to, council may make ordinances regulating, Hartford Hospital, charter of, Hartford and New York Steamboat Company, payment to city by of tolls, . Hartford Steam Company, powers of, in streets, consent of council for use of streets by, required, . authority of council over work, etc., of, . liability of, for injury to streets, etc., .... Hartford and Wetliersfleld Horse Railway Company, charter of, consent of city to construction of lines of, required, steam not to be used as motive power by, fares of, various votes and resolutions concerning, street board to furnish stone for, . resolution authorizing Main street line, . Asylum street and Farmington avenue Eetreat avenue and LaFayette street Albany avenue line, . conditions under which certain lines laid, duty of, as to repair of streets, .... regulation de turnout on Asylum street, near depot permission for turnouts required, .... (See horse railroads.) Hay, pressed, sold in city to be weighed by inspector, inspector to pay for deficiency in weight, fees for weighing, .... inspector may make rules as to baling, penalty for selling unless so baled, . without certificate of Health, council may enact ordinances de nuisances injurious to, violation of ordinance^ de, a misdemeanor, council may adopt sanitary measures, nuisances, injurious to, specified, . Health Committee, when and how appointed salary of chairman of, . assistant chairman of, duties of, to have powers of town boards of health powers of, in city, .... as quarantine oflScers, may forbid communication between placeS; in lines. 164 etc 159 189 190 190 191 191 192 192 182-184 lieu 56 192 193 193 193 184-187 185, 186 163, 185 186 307-314 314 307, 308 lines, 308-312 312 313 308-314 186, 310, 311 312 310, 313 210 210 210 210 210 210 9 15 156 251-257 251 284 284 251, 252 158 , 162, 251-254 159-162 162 jight. INDEX. 367 Page. Health Committee, orders of, how made and given, 252,255 how enforced, 162, 255, 256 penalty for disobedience of, . . 252, 255, 256 may confine persons, . . ' 162 may make rules de vaccination, Jj62_ licenses from, required in various matters, 253, 254 may require drainage of stagnant water, 255 abatement of nuisances by, and collection of expense, . . 255, 256 Health Officers, council may provide for election of, ... . 13 prescribe duties of, 13 (See health committee.) Hides, inspection of, ..... license required for tanning or storage of. Highway Book, what it shall contain, by whom kept, Highway Department, (See highways.) Highways, council may make ordinances to lay out, establish, etc., . to provide building lines along, to build drains and sewers in, to light, purify, and keep open, to keep free for travel, to regulate fireworks, shows parades, etc., in, to regulate speed of animals and vehicles in, to prevent animals running at large in to preserve trees and ornaments in, .... to regulate excavations in, to prohibit location of anything on or under to prohibit removals of build ings through, to keep quiet on Lord's Day, to regulate width of, to provide that assessments for may be a lien, violations of ordinances de obstructions in, a misdemeanor, . ordinances de sidewalks, how enforced, . council may alter lines and change location of, build, alter and repair, discontinue, provide building lines along, build drains and sewers in, order and construct sidewalks, crosswalks and gutters in, 156 253 279 279 271 et seq. 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 14 15, 296 134 97 98 97 97 97 97 368 INDEX. 110, 116 116 Page. Highways, council may order, construct and alter sewers in, . 97 council may prevent animals running at large in, .... 11,134 assess expense of constructing or altering, 99 four-fold taxation in ca^ of certain encroachments upon, 15 water commissioners may use soil under, 29 duties of water commissioners de, ...... 29 powers and duties of street commissioners de, .... 50 superintendent of streets de, ... 49 city may make lines on city map binding, 47 power of city to lay out, in northern extension, limited, 42 vote laying out or altering, to be referred to street commissioners, . 50, 271 how laid out, constructed and changed, .... 271 et seq. layout of, shall establish building line, 272 regulations de assessments, sale of lands for, etc., . 99, 100, 271, et seq. lands not abutting, may be assessed for, . . . . . 109 cost of, to be ascertained and assessed before construction, 110, 276 deduction from assessments for, when made, . . .110, 277, 278 benefits for, a lien, 110, 278 when lien attaches and how continued, damages, where, discontinued before being worked, damages and benefits by change of grade of, . (See public works.) streams may be diverted in construction of, . drainage of, into or through private lands, layout, discontinuance or change of, to be recorded, surveys of, to be recorded, railroads not to cross, at grade, .... how raised or lowered at railroad crossings, . maintainance of, at railroad crossings, . authority for railroads to cross, at grade, how given, new, must be built over or under railroad, cost of construction and repair where over or under railroad, alteration of, at grade crossings, .... expense of alteration of crossings, how borne, new, forbidden within one hundred yards of track, use of railroad by trains near covered bridge, gates, signals and flagmen at crossings, . discontinuance of switching across, how compelled, whistling at crossings, railings along roads and bridges, .... damages for injury from defective, notice of injury upon, liability over, by persons placing obstructions in, . excavation, etc., in, without notice, forbidden, supervision of street board over excavations in, penalty for injury to lamps and public property in, motive power in, how regulated, .... 101, 101 105 2^9 279 105 105 105 106 106 106 106. 107 100. 108 108 118 119 120 121 117 117 117 117 122 122 132 163 INDEX. 369 Page. 163, 185 164, 185 Highways, steam not to be used as motive power on horse railroads form and position of horse railroad rails, how regulated, horse railroads, to grade and repair track and two feet each side, 164,186,310,311 liable for what defects, when city may repair way, when horse railroad may not remove snow from, . snow removed by horse railroad not to be placed on sidewalk or gutter, salt, brine, etc., not to be used by horse railroads on, use of horse railroad tracks by others, foii)idden, . rights and duties of Gas Company in, Horse Kailroad Company in, . Steam Company in, . Electric Light Company in, . power of fire department to stop travel in, police and executive officers authorized to keep, open duty of police to remove obstructions in, nuisances relating to, defined and classified, . various acts upon, nuisances, .... permitting wash, etc., to run into, a nuisance, certain nuisances de, made misdemeanors, conditions attending licenses to do certain acts upon, pasturing animals in, forbidden, running at large of animals in, forbidden, snow and ice, how cleared from sidewalks, icy sidewalks, how cared for, turnpikes, under control of council, gutters and sidewalks, how made and repaired by street cost of construction and repairs of same, a lien, liens for same, how recorded and foreclosed, . what contracts street board may make de, . . regulations de width of, . none to be opened except by permission of council. Hook and Ladder Company, members and outfit of, salary of members of, location of, ...••• • Horse Railroads, not to use steam as motive power, motive power of, regulated by mayor and council, form and manner of laying rails subject to direction of council, to grade and repair their ways and two feet on each side, when liable for defect in streets, repairs of streets by, how enforced by city, when may not remove snow from tracks, snow removed by, not to be placed on sidewalk or gutter salt, brine, etc., not to be used in highway, penalty for obstructing tracks of, 117, 164 ~T6r 164, 310 164 165. 310 165 181, 182 185-187 192, 193 194, 195 227 244 267 244-247 253 254 15, 296 250 281, 282 246, 282 248 249 98, 279 279 280 280 280 281 281 223 223 224 163, 185 163 164, 185 164,186,310,311 117, 164 164. 311 164,310 164 165, 310 165 board 370 INDEX. Horse Railroads, use of tracks of, by others forbidden, assessments upon, may be abated, . (See Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Eailway Company Horses, racing, in streets, a nuisance, .... driving faster than six miles an hour, a nuisance, . leaving unhitched, a nuisance, .... allowing to stand on crosswalk, a nuisance, blocking up streets with, a nuisance, pasturing or running at large of, in streets, prohibited, impounding of, regulated, Hose Company, how composed and outfit of, . salary of members of, . . . . location of, Hosemen, appointment and tenure of office of, salary of, Houses of lU Fame, council may suppress, to be reported by police, when police forbidden to enter, .... Hydrants, water commissioners may establish, by whom controlled, location of private, subject to control of water board, opening public, when forbidden and how punished, Ice (see snow and ice). lUegal Voting, council may prevent, .... violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, punishment for, lU Fame (see houses of ill fame). Immorality, council may make ordinances to prevent, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor. Impounding of animals, council may regulate, regulations for, Imprisonment, limit of police court jurisdiction. Improvements (see public works). Indebtedness (see debt). Industrial Scliool (see Connecticut Industrial School). Inebriate Asylums, duty of police to assist oflacers of, Inhuman Sports, council may pass ordinances restraining, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, . Injunction, may be granted by city court. Injuries, damages for, upon highway, .... to water works, forbidden, Inquest, power of coroner to summon jurors for, council may prescribe duties and compensation of jurors powers of coroner repealed, .... by fire marshal, 281 Pagk. 165 165 245 245 246 246 246 282, 297 282 223 223 224 222 223 11 267 268 27 179, 227 318 "319 13 15 201 ^ 11 15 11 282, 283 15, 22, 30, 61 148, 174 143 11 128 59 117,164 319 14 14 57 147 INDEX. 371 Page. Inspection of buildings, council may make ordinances for, ... 148 and when shall require, . . . 149 proceedings in, 149 appeals from order after, . . . . 150 Orders de, how enforced, . . . . ^. 150 concerning fire escapes, 151 of burning fluids, how provided for, 155 of dams and reservoirs, . 153-155 of food, 156 of gas and gas meters, by whom and how made, .... 152 fees for and by whom paid, .... 152 city may purchase apparatus for, . 153 of leather, hides and skins, council may regulate, .... 156 Inspector of buildings, council may provide for, 149 of fire-wood, appointment, bond and duty of, .... 209 oath of, 233 may appoint deputies, 210 to pay for deficiency in measure, .... 209 penalty for selling unmeasured wood, . 209 to weigh all pressed hay, 210 to pay for deficiency in weight of hay, . 210 may make rules as to binding hay, .... 210 to keep tubs for measuring coal, . . . . 211 fees of, for measuring fire-wood, . . . 209 weighing hay, 210 * of milk, sealer of weights and measures to be, . 213 powers and duties of, 213, 214 of produce, council may provide for, 13 prescribe duties of, 13 Inspector General of Gas and Gas Meters, appointment and term of ofiice of, . . . . 152 may appoint deputies, 152 duties of, 152 fees of, and by whom paid, 152 Intemperance, powers of magistrates under act for suppression of, . 22 Intoxicating- Liquors, sale of, on election day, prohibited, ... 138 Jail, persons sentenced, how conveyed to, 26 duty of keeper of, de prisoners sentenced by police court, . 26, 72 keeper of, to receive fines paid after commitment, . - . . 26 to pay to city treasurer fines collected, .... 26 Joint Conventions of council, when held for choice of officers, . 206 to fill vacancies, . 206 mayor, president of, 16 may give casting vote in, . . 16 to choose judges of city court, ... 18 city attorney, .... 18 372 INDEX. 18 Joint Conventions of council, to choose prosecuting attorney, city clerk, clerk of, clerk pro tempore, how chosen, Journal of boards of common council, how kept, published, and dis tributed, official, of court of common council, Judges of City Court, how chosen and term of office office of associate abolished, . . . » . absence or disqualification of, provided for, vacancies, how filled, oath of, salary of, when may try issues of fact, .... jurisdiction of, in charges of misconduct against city officials may act as judges of court of common pleas, . hold special sessions of court of common pleas, compensation of, as judges of court of common pleas, shall appoint a clerk, . . . . (See city court.) Judge of Court of Common Pleas, appeals from assessments and praisals to be taken to, .... powers of, on appeals, may appoint committee on appeals, decision of, on appeals, how revised. Judge of Police Court, how chosen and term of office, associate, how chosen and term of office, power, duty, and compensation of, . substitute, how designated, .... . oath of, salary of, . may appoint clerk, special prosecuting attorney, act as judge of court of common pleas, . compensation of, as judge of court of common pleas, may suspend policeman, when* and how, (See police court.) Judge of Supreme Court, may appoint commissioners to appraise land taken for water purposes duty of, on report of commissioners Judgment, how city court may execute, of city court, appeal from, how police court may execute, of police court, appeal from, police court may suspend, when, (See city court.) (See police court.) Jurisdiction of city on Connecticut river, of city court (see city court), of police court (see police court). 35 Page. 64 205 205 207 208 , 206 61 19,69 19 234 284 21 288 62, 325 62 64 18 ap 111,113 112,113,115 112 114,115 21, 35, 62 35,63 63 63 234 285 23 64 325 64 263 28 28 17 15, 17, 58, 70, 71 22 22, 58, 71, 140, 174 24 INDEX. 373 Jurors of City Court, number of, when and how chosen, council may provide for drawing and summoning, prescribe oath of, .... provide penalties for refusal to serve, regulations de drawing, summoning and attendance of, oath of, fees of, penalty for refusal to serve, Jury of Inquest (see inquest). of six may try cases in city court, .... Justice of tlie Peace, appeals from, in civil actions, how may be designated to act as police judge, powers of, when acting as police judge, . Juveniles, police court may commit, to reform school, etc., Kei'oseue, manufacturing or refining, without license, forbidden, Kiln, maintaining, without a license, forbidden, Kites, flying, in streets, forbidden, i 2, Laddermen, salary of, Lamps, council may provide for, in streets, power of street board to erect, .... duty of street board to provide for lighting and repair of, injury to, or defacing posts forbidden, (See light.) Land, council may make ordinances de drainage of, raise or drain, assess expense of drainage of, as benefits, how drained and raised, „ . . . . taxation of certain, council may prescribe manner of taking, for public use, damages for, when taken, must be agreed upon or appraised how taken for public use, Landings on Connecticut river under charge of port warden, dockage of vessels at. Leases, by city, how executed, Leather, council may provide for inspection of, Libel of gunpowder unlawfully kept or transported, brary, appropriation for free public, .... council may maintain public library and reading room management of free public, ..... Licenses, council may regulate, for public carriages, etc., I for hacks and express wagons, .... for non-resident auctioneer, ..... for public amusements, . . ' . fee for, how recoverable, Page. 21 21,216 21 21 12 216- 234 286 217 21 19,59 63 63 26, 141-145 253 253 247 224 10 50 50 132, 245 9 97 99 271 et seq. 39-42, 166, 167 IL . 99,110 271 et seq. 214 214 221 156 239 . 38,123 123 123-126 12 289, 290 127 128, 235 235 374 INDEX. Licenses^ penalty for giving exhibitions without, for peddlers and street venders, for sale and keeping gunpowder, how recorded and altered, . to embrace regulations de toy pis tols, etc. for removal of buildings through streets, for deposit of building materials in streets, for opening vaults or cellarways in streets, for excavating in streets, for trading in streets, for laying sidewalks or gutters, for placing posts, etc., in streets, for setting trees in lines of walk, for driving drove of animals through streets, for building bonfires, exploding fireworks, etc for carrying on certain kinds of business, from health committee in various matters, to do certain acts in highways, granted with conditions, persons acting under certain, how liable to city and third parties. Liens, council may declare benefits for public works, created for assessments, .... 104,110,111,116 for assessments, on estates of deceased persons, when commence, how continued and foreclosed, . . . 14,104,110,111, for construction of sidewalks and gutters, how recorded and fore closed, for water rents, council may prescribe mode of filing, etc. created, how continued and foreclosed for unpaid taxes, how continued and discharged, . how foreclosed, joinders of parties plaintiff" in foreclosure of, Lieutenant of Police (see police, lieutenant of). Light, council may provide for, in streets, power of street commissioners to contract for, penalty for unlawfully extinguishing, (See lamps.) Limits (see boundaries). Liquors (see intoxicating liquors). Loan, in aid of railroads forbidden, .... Lord's Day, council may keep city quiet and orderly on, driving animals through streets on, forbidden, no appeal for conviction of violating. Lottery Dealing, council may pass ordinances to prevent, I Paob. 235 133 237 238 241 244 244 244 245 245 246 246 246 246 246 253 253, 254 250 250 14 278, 279 109 278, 279 280 280 29 89, 261 89, 261 m 17j i7i li 2i 281 ij 24 22 134 INDEX. 375 LoTF Lands, council may pass ordinances de drainage of, raise and drain, assess expense of raising or draining how raised and drained, Magistrate may issue process in city, when. Majority of council required in vote on resolutions, of entire court required to elect in joint convention, Malicious violation of certain ordinances, a misdemeanor, certain acts, when to be deemed, . Manure, when keeping of, a nuisance. Map of city, council may make lines on same, binding. Margins, council may prohibit sales of stocks, goods, etc. Markets, council may pass ordinances regulating. Marriages, council may regulate registration of. Marshal (see city marshal). Master, when liable for acts of minor. Materials, council may regulate use of, in buildings, what, to be used in construction of buildings, for building deposited in street, a nuisance, . may be deposited in street by license. Mayor, when and how chosen, term of oflBce of, oath of, . salary of, ... chief executive officer, . conservator of the peace, (presiding officer of board of aldermen, . joint conventions, board of canvassers, ex-offido, president board of police commissioners, director of Hartford Hospital, not to hold certain offices, .... messages and recommendations of, to approve votes, resolutions, etc., . veto by, reconsideration of council «fter veto by, power of, to execute ordinances, powers of, as executive, and conservator of the peace, to suppress riots and tumults, council may confer upon, power to suppress vice, etc., authorize, to administer oaths in courts, may administer oaths within city, . may give casting vote in board of aldermen, joint convention, police board, when, designate justices to hold city court. Page. 9 97 as benefits, 99 271 et seq. 8 18 15 247 253, 255 47 134 9 158 228 12,98,149 230 244 244 3,201 4 233 284 4,268 4,268 16 16 203 262 183 132 134 8 8 8 4 4,268 4,269 11 14 37 16 16 262 19 376 INDEX. Mayor shall appoint members of several commissions, may remove commissioners, and how, fill temporary vacancies in street board, . appoint policemen for Cedar Hill cemetery, prohibit coasting in highways, issue licenses to auctioneers, . revoke licenses of auctioneers, with the council, license exhibitions, etc., appoint special constables for arrest of tramps, with the aldermen, appoint persons to prosecute truants, permission of, to be obtained for discharge of firearms, for building bonfires, etc., for horse railroads to remove snow, to use salt, brine, etc., duties of, de inspection of dams and reservoirs, to provide office for collector, . power of, to call city meeting, manner of calling city meeting, power of, to call council meeting, . manner of calling council meeting, when, must call city meeting, when, must call council meeting, . to designate polling places for city elections, . to appoint presiding officers of elections, when, to proclaim result of city elections, how to proceed when no election or in case of vacancy, to execute conveyances of real estate, to certify to conveyances of personal property, to approve bonds of city officers, 56, may inspect records of fire department, authorize demolition of building during fires, suspend policeman, when and how, summon aid in executing laws, etc., call out militia, obstructing, resisting or refusing to assist, how punished, when to issue order expelling from office, power of, to issue and revoke licenses to public carriages, etc., to issue warrant for collection of assessment, for collection of taxes, . against collector for deficiency, collector, accountable to, .... when absent, who shall act, .... Meadow Lands, certain, in South meadow exempt from taxation, North meadow exempt from taxation, Measures, council may pass ordinances regulating, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, . how inspected and sealed, INDEX. 377 Measures^ fees for inspection and sealing, unlawful, how condemned, penalty for using unsealed, condemned, selling from short, (See sealer of weights and measures.) Medical Institutions, council may prevent illegal practices with bodies in, Meetings, annual city, when and where held, . special city, when and how called, what warnings of city, shall specify, (See city meetings and elections.) council, how called, . . . . ward, when and where held, . . (See ward meetings.) Messages by mayor, Messenger of board of aldermen, salary of, of council board, when and how chosen, salary of, . of city court, fees of, ... . of police court, salary of, ... city clerk may employ, . . . . Militia subject to call of Mayor, penalty for member of, disobeying order of mayor, Milk, sale of, regulated, . . powers and duties of inspector of, . Minor, when parent, master or guardian liable for acts of, sale of toy pistols, etc., to, regulated. Misdemeanor, violation of certain ordinances a, 15, 128, 134, how prosecuted, when for violation of ordinances, 15, 128, expenditure by officer in excess of appropriation, . breach of official duty, sale of adulterated milk, sale of veal of young calves, Misfeasance, council may provide for expulsion of officer for. public agents receiving commissions or allowances, officer taking more than legal compensation, . officer appropriating property of city, embezzlement by public officer, .... certain acts by members of council or city officers, how punished, removal of officer for, trial for, how conducted, who may prefer charges of, .... . Mistake, clerical, in assessment of taxes, how corrected, benefits, how corrected on appeal dead Page. 212 212 212 213 212- 14 3,199 205 80 205 199 134 285 207 285 286 284 208 4,269 157 213, 214 228 241 148, 296, 297 134, 296, 297 131 287 158 257 14 129 130 130 130 287 130 287 287, 288 288 172 115 378 INDEX. I Moderators, council may enact ordinances to designate, how chosen and who may be, 75, of Second ward to be presiding officer for the city, duties and powers of, 6, 7, 75-78 when name of voter not on list, to preserve order, . to reject ballots, to cause voter's name to be checked, in case of challenges, judges of ballots, .... to declare result, .... to certify result, .... to preserve ballots, to deposit voting list with city clerk, to erase name from list, when, to be sworn and may administer oaths to other election officers, pay of, . . Motions in Error, from city to superior court, when taken, supreme court, when taken, powers of city court on, stay of execution in cases of, • proceedings on, may be joined with motions for new trial rules governing, upon appeals from assessments, superseded by appeals, .... Motions for New Trial, power of recorder to grant, may be joined with motions in error, upon appeals from assessments, superseded by appeals, . . Municipal Indebtedness (see bonds), (see debt). Music, council may regulate, in public places, . Navigation (see Connecticut river). Night Soil, when and how removed, Ninepin Alley (see bowling saloon). Notice in cases of assessment and appraisal, ordinances shall prescribe, . prescribed, . . . 274, et of injuries upon highways, of prohibition of coasting in highways, of regulations of health committee, of payment of taxes, 167, of snow and ice ordinance by publication, when sidewalk encumbered with snow or ice, to street commissioners before digging in streets, when police to serve, penalty for tearing down or defacing, 133, unlawful posting of, when and how punished. Page. 13 200, 201 75 200-203 6,76 200 6 7,76 6, 7, 76 77 77 77 78 7,76 7 79 204 20 69 20,69 20 20 69 69 114 70 69 69 114 70 11 254 100 seq. 117 118 159 168 249 250 122 268 326 247 INDEX. 379 Nuisances, council may pass ordinances to prevent and remove, violation of ordinances de, & misdemeanor, .15, 128, penalty for, not to exceed fifty dollars, 15, penalty for, by four-fold taxation, when to be deemed malicious, relating to highways, powers of street board de, defined and classified, . penalties for, 15, when continuance of, a separate offence, to water supply, water board may sue for, . how removed, powers of health committee de, . . . various acts injurious to health declared to be, maintenance of various kinds of business declared to be, penalty for not removing, when ordered by health committee, abatement of, by health committee, .... placing rubbish in or on the margin of Park river, . Connecticut river, selling veal of young calves, Oath, council may authorize mayor to administer, in court, prescribe, for city officers, .... city jurors, .... I water board and oflBcers, mayor may administer, within city, .... of city oflScers, judges and jurors, certificate of, to be lodged with city clerk, of election officers, of police officers, . of witnesses in appraisals and assessments, . to claims against city, may be required by auditor, Obligations of city not impaired by charter, .... Obstructions in public places, council may pass ordinances to remove, a nuisance, Page. 9 134, 296 134, 248 15 247 -50- 244-247 247, 296 247 28 180 159, 252 253-255 253 255, 256 256 256 215 257 14 12,14 21 29 37 233, 234 234 79 233, 268 273 129 30 10 244-247 violation of ordinances de,a misdemeanor, 15, 296 when continuance of, a separate off'ence, when to be deemed malicious, powers of street board concerning, police authorized to remove, . duty of police to remove, expense of removing, how collected, limited, penalty for placing, limited to fifty dollars four-fold taxation for, liability of city for, liability over to city by persons placing, of highway near covered bridge, by trains, .... 247 247 50 244 267 248 248 15, 134 15 117 117 118 380 INDEX. Pagk. Obstructions of officers, council may pass ordinances to punish, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, punishment for, ... 4, of firemen, punishment for, of police, punishment for, of mayor, punishment for, Offal (see filth). Office of city clerk, how provided, of city collector, how provided, of chief of police, how provided, rent, when not allowed, .... (See officers.) Officers (see various titles). what, chosen at annual city meeting, council may provide for election of certain, prescribe oaths of, duties of, salaries of, . provide for bonds of, . penalties for refusal to serve, for expulsion of, for misfeasance, for punishment for resistance of, election of (see elections). terms of office of those chosen at annual elections, in joint convention, city collector, certain, disqualified for certain positions, oaths of, bonds of (see bonds). salary and compensation of (see fees), (see salaries), compensation of, not to be increased while in office, forbidden to accept fees, rewards, etc., to take more than legal compensation, to contract for clerk hire, to do various acts, .... expulsion of, for misfeasance, penalty for taking commissions, more than legal compensation, making false entries, embezzlement, .... expending in excess of appropriations, neglect to serve writ returnable to city court neglect to return writ to city court, for making false return on writ, who may serve process to police court, . resistance of, a misdemeanor, .... 226, INDEX. 381 Page. Offset, benefits not to be, against damages, 99 may be, against damages, 115 Omnibus (see public carriages). Openings for air, council may make ordinances to regulate, ... 9 establish, 97 assess expense of, as benefits, . . ~09" in streets, without license, a nuisance, . . . . . . 245 regulations concerning, 122,245 Orders on city treasurer, how drawn, 217 how authorized, 217 form and contents of, 217 for salaries authorized, . . . 226, 265, 285, 302 of fire marshal, how drawn, etc., 229 penalty for disobedience of, 231 of health committee, how given, etc., 252, 255, 256 penalty for disobedience of, . . . 252, 255, 256 Ordinances, mayor empowered to execute, 4 how passed, altered or repealed, 9 majority of each board present and absent required to pass, . 9 approval of, by mayor, 8 valid if not disapproved, 8 time for veto limited, 8 proceedings after veto, . 8 I what, council may pass (see common council), how published, when to take eff'ect, city clerk's certificate, evidence of publication, not valid if repugnant to law, under old charter, how long operative, . , . confirmation of certain, how revised, revision of 1883, when to take eff'ect, rules for construction of revision, . council may impose penalties for violation of, limitation of penalty for violation of, penalties for violation of, how enforced, violation of certain, a misdemeanor. 15, 15. 135 135 15 15 31 54 135 303 304 148 134 14, 134; . 15, 14, 128, 134, 148, 296 15, 128, 134, 148, 257, 296 imposing four-fold taxation in certain cases, may be passed by council, 15 forms of complaint for violation of, 67, 68 no appeal allowed in actions for penalties and forfeitures, . 15 appeal allowed in all prosecutions for violation of charter or ordi- nances, 71 Ornaments in public places, council may make ordinances to protect, 11 violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, 128 Outhouses (see privies). Ox (see animals). 382 INDEX. Parades, council may pass ordinances to regulate, . . ^^^^H 11 Parent, when liable for acts of minor, . . . . . . . 228 Parks, council may make ordinances to establish, etc., . . . 9 to light, etc., 10 to keep free from obstructions, etc., 10 to prevent excavations in, . . 11 to regulate fireworks, parades, etc., in, 11 to regulate location of anything in or upon, 11 to keep, quiet on Lord's Day, . 11 lay out, establish, alter, etc., 96, 98 establish building lines along, 97 build sewers through, 97 sidewalks, crosswalks, and gutters upon, . 97 assess expense of, as benefits, 99, 110 how laid out, altered, etc. (see public work), .... 271, et seq. regulations de assessment for, and sale of land, etc., . . .99, 110 improvements in, how made, ....... 243 commissioners may make ordinary repairs in, ... . 243 under charge of board of park commissioners, .... 242 powers and duties of commissioners concerning, .... 242 rules concerning, how made, and how made public, . . . 242 accounts of expenditures upon, how kept, 243 penalty for injury to trees and public property in, . . . 132 emptying drains upon, . ... . . 244 making excavations in, without license, . . . 245 various acts in, forbidden, . 245-247, 253 what assemblages in, forbidden, 270 Charter Oak, jurisdiction over, 60 Park Bonds, provisions concerning, . 83-85 Park Commissioners, board of, how constituted, 53, 242 political composition of board, 53 how appointed, and term of office, 53, 242 who ineligible for appointment as, 132 vacancies in board of, how filled, 53 how removed, 53 oath of, ...'... . .... 233 shall serve without pay, 243 necessary disbursements of, how paid, . . . . . . 243 powers and duties of, 242 may make rules governing parks, 242 notice of rules of, how given, .... . . 242 penalty for disobedience of rules of, 242 how to proceed to make improvements, 243 may make ordinary repairs, ........ 243 shall keep accounts of expenditures, 243 INDEX. 383 14 134 Park River, depositing rubbish in or upon margin of, forbidden control of, by city, Passways, council may keep, free for travel, . Paving of streets by horse railroads, 164, 186 Pawnbrokers, shops of, to be reported by police, Peace, powers of council to preserve, duty of police to preserve, mayor conservator of, . powers of mayor as conservator of, Peddlers, council may require licenses of. Penalties, council may provide, for refusal of officer to serve, city juror to serve, prescribe, for violation of ordinances, . for violation of certain ordinances limited to fifty dollars, of ordinances, how recovered and enforced, 14, 128, when recovered to be for use of city treasury, no appeal in actions to recover, . . appeal allowed in all prosecutions, limitation of, in prosecution before police court, ... 15 form of action to recover, in city court, prosecution in police court, when parent, master or guardian liable for acts of minor, payable to clerks of courts, payable to jailor after commitment, to be accounted for to city treasurer, . . . . .26 for obstructions, may be four-fold taxation, . illegal sale or transportation of gunpowder, neglect to serve writ returnable to city court neglect to return writ to city court, . false return to same, .... injuries to water and water works, . failure of treasurer to make report to controller, non-compliance of railroad company with act de crossings obstruction of highway near covered bridge by trains, non-maintainance of gates, etc., at railroad crossings, violation of order forbidding switching at crossings, disobedience of order prohibiting coasting in highways, disturbing surface of street without notice, non-resident auctioneer acting without a license, public officer receiving commission, taking more than legal compensation, appropriating property and making false entries, embezzlement, expenditures in excess of appropriation, injury to public buildings, school-houses, etc., trees, fences, and herbage on public grounds, public property in highways and parks, . Page. 256 102 10 309, 310 267 ir 267 4,268 4,268 133 12 12 134, 148 15, 134 148, 296 15 15 71 , 22, 134 68 67 228 219 26 219, 327 15 15 20 20 20 30, 319 95 107 118 119 120 118 122 127 129 130 130 130 131 132 132 132 384 INDEX. n Penalties for tearing down or defacing notices, for selling liquor on election day, . discharging firearms without permission, improper use of firecrackers, tramps, ...... vagrancy, ...... truant and vagrant children, . harboring boys escaped from reform school, violation of ordinances concerning buildings, letting or using hall, etc., ordered closed, disobedience of orders concerning buildings, neglect to provide fire escapes, etc., . failure of gas company to supply sealed meters, violation of by-laws concerning leather, hides and skins, selling adulterated or skimmed milk, violating rules of health committee, refusing to be vaccinated, obstructing horse railroad in use of tracks, use of horse railroad tracks by others, malicious injury to fire alarm telegraph, . injuries to water works, etc., 175 disorderly conduct, etc., at city elections, illegal or double voting at city elections, . making false returns, etc., at city elections, false weighing by city weighers, selling coal, unweighed by city weighers, selling charcoal in other than city baskets, or buying unmeasured firewood, pressed hay without certificate of weight not baled according to rule, refusing to measure hard coal in city tubs, when required using unsealed measures, selling short weight, etc., removing notice of condemnation from weights, etc using condemned weight or measure, obstructing sealer of weights and measures, violating orders of port warden, refusal of city jurors to serve, .... unauthorized wearing uniform of fire department injuring fire apparatus or obstructing firemen, disobeying orders of fire department de highways during fires giving false fire alarm, .... exposing building to fire by certain acts, . disobeying fire marshal in erection of buildings, erecting, repairing or moving building without consent of common council, disobeying certain orders of fire marshal, giving exhibitions, etc., without license, . Page. 132, 326 138 138 139 139 140 141, 142 144 148 149 150 151 153 156 157 159, 163 163 165 165 174 318, 319 200 201 203 208 209 209 209 210 210 211 212 212 213 213 215 217 226 226 227 228 228 230 230 231 235 INDEX. 385 Penalties for unlawful keeping or storing of gunpowder, for rescue of gunpowder when seized, . violating ordinances de gunpowder, . selling toy pistol?, etc., to minors, without consent violating ordinances de nuisances in highways, building contrary to ordinance, four-fold taxation, unlawful deposit of ashes, etc., in highway, neglecting to clean sidewalks, . keeping disorderly house, injuring public buildings, cemeteries, etc., disobeying orders of health committee, . prosecuting certain kinds of business without license, committing various nuisances injurious to health, erecting outdoor privies on streets having sewers, not keeping slaughter house according to ordinance unlawful removal of night soil, failure to drain stagnant water when ordered, unlawful keeping of manure, .... failure to provide privy accommodations, depositing rubbish in or on margin of Park river, Connecticut river, selling veal of young calves, .... policemen accepting outside pay, rewards, etc., entering disorderly house except for duty, interfering with elections, I soldier disobeying orders of mayor, obstructing, resisting or refusing to assist mayor, pol unlawfully assembling on walks, etc., extinguishing public light, pasturing animals or permitting them to run at large in highway, . . . ... pound breach, neglect by public driver to give card, breach of ordinances concerning public carriages, driving public carriage without license, . transporting dead bodies in public hack, . refusing to sign certificate of death, violating ordinance de coflfin venders, neglect of registrar of births, etc., to prepare reports not marking telegraph or telephone pole, defacing notice on telegraph or telephone pole, leaving dead animal unburied, police board may prescribe, for breach of its rules, how effected by repeal of former ordinances, Penitentiary (see city penitentiary). Performances (see public amusements). Perjnry, at elections, before police commissioners, .... ice, etc. 249, 255, 281, 295, Page. 239 240 241 241 247, 296 15, 257 248 250, 297 250 251 256 253 253 254 254 254 255 255 256 256 2ir> 257 264, 265 268 268 269 269 270 281 282, 297 283 291 296, 297 295 296 300 301 301 326 326 ■ 327 262 303 7 137 386 INDEX. Personal Property (see property). Petitions, for permission to build to specify what, . Pipe, carrying ligiited, into barn, punislied, of water department, injury to, how recovered. Physician, penalty for, refusing to sign certificate of death, form of certificate of death by, .... Placards, posting, without right, forbidden. Plumbers, to report connections or extensions of service pipe, Poles, council may prescribe style of telegraph and telephone, telegraph and telephone, to be marked, penalty for not marking, for removing or defacing notice on, Police, council may confer certain powers on, prescribe duties of, . punish resistance of, appointment and term of ofiice of, qualifications of, member of, removing from city, ceases to be, not to engage in other occupations, number of, . suspension of, eff'ects of suspension of, . removal from office of, . causes for suspension and removal, how tried for ofi"ences, oath of, pay of regular and supernumerary, salary the only compensation of, fees for serving process to police court, shall execute assignment to city of fees in police court, when and how paid, .... when and how may render special service, to make report and return of special service, duties of, ..... may serve process to police court, . powers of, to execute criminal process when, may arrest without warrant, . .24, 136, 139, 141 duties of, in conveying persons to jail authority of, in Charter Oak park, . when may break into houses, arrest of truants by, to assist managers of inebriate asylums, arrest of boys escaped from reform school, by to assist sealer of weights and measures, to keep highways free from obstructions, to report unlawful deposit of ashes, etc., to cause snow and ice ordinance to be enforced, 267, 230 228 318 300 300 247 318 73,174 325 326 32G II 11 11 262 268 204 204 202 203 203 1:02 1,268 203 '3 ;, 208 203 205 23 205 205 204 204 08, 278 130, 205 142,144,145 20 00 130 142 143 144 214 244 218 21<) INDEX. 387 Police to collect penalties for violation of snow and ice ordinance, to disperse unlawful assemblages on sidewalks, duties of, in enforcing ordinances de public carriages, concerning water works, duties and powers of officers of, chief of, to cause snow and ice ordinance to be published, supernumerary, how detailed for duty, .... station house, in whose custody, forbidden to enter disorderly houses except for duty, interfere in politics and elections, resisting, a nuisance and misdemeanor, .... abusing or refusing to assist, how punished, . special, for Cedar Hill cemetery, fund for disabled, Police, Captain of, appointment and term of office of, suspension or removal of, oath of, salary of, . duties and powers of, may suspend policeman, when and how, to have charge of prisoners, Police, Chief of, appointment and term of office of, removal of, oath of, salary of, ......... duties and powers of, . . . . power of, to preserve the peace, ..... to enter houses of ill fame, etc., .... to suppress riots and disperse disorderly assemblages, \ to summon aid, has powers of sheriff, when, to publish snow and ice ordinance, .... when may clear walks of snow and ice and collect expense, may suspend policeman, ...... detail policeman for special service, shall charge for such special service, .... shall keep account of special service and receipts, . to keep records and roster of police force, to make quarterly reports to council, .... Police Commissioners, board of, how constituted, political composition of board of, . who ineligible for appointment as, . how appointed and terms of office of, vacancy, how filled, how removed, .... inayor presiding officer of board of, may vote in board, when, . 263, 15, Page. 249 270 296 319 206, 267 T4g^ 266 266, 267 268 268 245, 296 269 60 146 262 262, 263 233, 268 263 266, 267 263 266 262 262 233, 268 263 266 269 269 268 269 269 249 250 363 264 264 264 266 '266 53, 261 53 132 53, 262 53 53 262 262 388 INDEX. Police Commissioners to appoint secretary, and who eligible, oath of, shall serve without pay, expenses of, allowed, have management of police department, may make rules for department and fix penalties, . to appoint policemen, may suspend or remove policemen, to try policemen for offences, to fix price for special service of police, . one to countersign pay-roll of department, may summon witnesses, . compel attendance of witnesses and punish for contempt, false swearing before, when perjury, . . . may sell unclaimed property, ..... authority of, over proceeds of such sales, powers of, de Hartford Home, .... secretary to keep records of, to pay to treasurer proceeds of special service salary of, . Police Court, established, judge of, how appointed and term of office, . associate judge of, how appointed and term of oflSce, substitute judge of, how designated, clerk of, how appointed, ..... prosecuting attorney, how appointed and term of office, special prosecuting attorney, how appointed, ' city attorney may prosecute before, jurisdiction of, .... on Connecticut river, in Cedar Hill cemetery, in Charter Oak park, de intemperance, de injuries to water works de false pretenses, de ordinances concerning buildings de fire apparatus and telegraph, de sundry nuisances, c?e sundry misdemeanors, . 15,128,134, shall have seal, .... may impose what penalty, 15,22,30,128 complaints to, how and by whom made, process of coroner returnable to, . power of, to issue process, summons, capias, etc. to issue bench warrant, . form of complaint to, for violation of charter and ordinances may try without presentment or complaint, .... Page. 262 233 263 263 262 262 262 262, 263 263 264 265 137 137 137 146 146 188, 192 262 265 285 21 21,35 35,63 63 23 64 64 23 22,58 22 60 61 22 30,175 61 148 174 257, 296 148, 297 65 134,174 23,64 14,57 23 24 67 24 INDEX. conveyed to jail Police Court may suspend judgment in certain cases may adjourn case, ...... bond on adjournment in, shall bind over, when, appeal from, to be taken to superior court, appeal allowed in all prosecutions for violation ordinances, ....... bond on appeal, . . appeal papers, when and how transmitted, duty of clerk of, on appeals and binding over, persons sentenced by, to whom delivered and how may commit to reform school, to industrial school, . to Hartford Home, proceedings of, in cases of vagrants, truants, taxable fees and costs in, may disallow costs in certain cases, clerk of, duties of, . to collect fines and costs, . to pay contingent expenses, to account to city auditor, ways and means committee, to pay over moneys to city treasurer quarterly, compensation of judge of, associate judge of, ... prosecuting attorney, . special prosecuting attorney, clerk of, messenger of, ... . judge of, when holding court of common pie judge of, may hold court of common pleas, oaths of judges and officers of, ... . Police Department, style of, under direction of police commissioners, of whom consists, . appointment of members of, . term of office, removal and suspension of members of, qualifications of members of, .... members of, not to engage in other business, oath of members of, ..... . pay of members of, ...... members of, when and how paid, .... office for chief, how provided, .... prisoners in station house, how discharged, station house, in whose custody, . . . . 389 Page. 24 24 . 25, 72 23 22,58,71,140,124. of charter and 23 23 71 22 71 71 26,72 26,143 145 189 141 142 25, 65 25 , 65, 71 25, 219 219 219 327 219, 327 284 285 284 65 , 67, 284 284 64 325 233, 234 261 262 262 262 262, 263 264, 268 264 233, 268 263, 264 265 266 266, 267 266, 267 300 INDEX. Police Department, special service of members of, how rendered, . proceeds of, to whom paid, (See police.) Police Judge (see judge of police court). Police, Lieutenant of, appointment and term of office of, suspension and removal of, . . . . . oath of, - '. . . salary of, powers and duties of, Policemen (see police). Policy Playing, council may enact ordinances to suppress. Politics, of members of commissions, policemen not to interfere in, Poll Tax, council may levy, .... Polling Places (see elections), (see city meetings). Pool Selling, council may prohibit and punish, Port Warden, council may provide for election of, prescribe duties of, election of, bond of, . 56, 56, oath of, . compensation of, duties and powers o arrivals of vessels to be reported to tolls to be paid to, . to keep record of vessels and tolls, to make reports and payments, may direct location of vessels at public landings to collect and pay over dockage, penalty for violation of orders of, Post, injuring or defacing in public places, a nuisance, placing in street without license, a nuisance. Posting Bills (see bill posting). Potter's Shop, without license, forbidden. Pound Breach, penalty for, Pound Master, duties and fees of, .... Pounds, regulations concerning, .... Powder (see gunpowder). Prisoners, sentenced by police court, to whom delivered and how con veyed to jail, .... in station house, in whose custody, how discharged, . Privies, council may regulate location of, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, when nuisances, how constructed, Page. 264 205 202 202, 203 233, 268 263 206, 267 133,134 53 268 134 12,13 12,13 214 56 233 215, 285 214, 215 55 55 56 56 214 215 215 132, 245 240 253 283 282 282,283. 26, 72 , 266, 267 i 266, 267 13 128 244, 253 253 INDEX, 391 Privies prohibited upon streets containing sewer, . contents of, how removed, ..... owner of property to provide, .... Tresident of board of aldermen, mayor to be, may give casting vote, . acting, how chosen, powers and duties of, of council board, how chosen, powers and duties, . to be member of board, of joint conventions, mayor to be, .... may give casting vote, . of police board, mayor to be, power to give casting vote, of street board, bond of, of water board, how chosen, bond of, salary of, duties of, to give entire time to his duties, to file certificate of lien, rrocess of coroner, to city court, how served, ..... under act for suppression of intemperance, how issued, power of police court to issue, . . rto police court, who may issue, . . how served, powers of police to serve, arrest without, . . . . . 24, 13 police court may proceed to trial without, when, for arrest of truants, fees for, in police court, form of, for violation of charter and ordinances, to recover fines and penalties, . for ofl'ences against private act, etc., . by mayor, for collection of assessments for benefits, of taxes, .... of deficiency of collector, Processions, council may regulate, Proclamation of result of election of certain officers by mayor, Profanity (see swearing). Property, city may purchase, hold and convey, of city, management of, vested in council, council may make ordinances to regulate, . to provide for execution conveyances of, how conveyed, in added territory, how taxed, .... Page. 254 254 256 16 16 16, 205 207 207 16 16 262 262 232 258 232 284 258 258 261 14,57 20 ' 22 23 23,64 23 23, 265, 267 139,141,142,144,145,269 24 141, 142 .25 67 68 69 267, 278 299 299 10 204 2 8 9 of 9 221 2, 39-42, 166, 167 392 INDEX. Prosecuting Attorney, how appointed and term of office of, oath of, salary of, .... powers and duties of, special, when and how appointed compensation of, fees taxable for, Publication of ordinances, none required of revision, of ordinances and rules de cleaning sidewalks of resolution laying out public work, of rules of water board, .... Public Amusements, council may prohibit, license and regulate violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, penalty for exhibiting without license, . licenses for, by whom given and fees for, Public Buildings (see buildings). Public Carriages, council may regulate and license charges of, prescribe penalties for violation of nances de, ... violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, « defined, licenses required for provisions contained in licenses for, . ' . licenses for, how issued and revoked, how recorded, and fee, term of license of, . ... . . auxiliary licenses, when and how granted, temporary licenses for, . ... drivers of, to wear what badge, . number of license to be placed on, drivers to carry and give what card, expressmen to write on card name of articles received, form of card, ........ duty of drivers to receive passengers and baggage, public stands, conduct of drivers regulated, rates for passengers and baggage, .... penalty for various breaches of ordinances, driving without license, transporting dead bodies in, . duty of police to report and prosecute violation of ordinances Public Exhibitions (see public amusements). Public Grounds (see parks). Public Health (see health). Public Improvement (see public work). Page. 64, 65, 206 64, 234 64, 284 64 64 64 25,65 15, 135 135 249 271 175 11 128 235 235 12 12 ordi- 289, 134 15,297 289 289 289 290 290 289 290 290 290 290, 291 291 291 294, 295 291 292 292 292, 293 295, 296, 297 295 296 de, . 296 INDEX. 393 Page. Public Landings (see wharves). Public Library (see library). Public Officers (see officers). Public Parks (see parks). Public Peace (see peace). Public Places, council may make ordinances to protect ornaments in, violation of ordinances de ornaments in, a misdemeanor, penalty for injury to trees, fences and herbage in, . (See parks.) Public Use, council may regulate taking of land for, (See public work.) Public Weighers (see weighers). Public Work, appropriation for, limited, council may regulate taking of land for, .... council may make ordinances for laying out and altering highways, providing openings for air, establishing building lines, council may lay out, make and alter highways, parks, etc., discontinue existing highways, parks, etc., . sell, exchange, and purchase highways, establish building lines, .... make openings for air, .... cause low lands to be drained, build sewers, order and construct sidewalks, crosswalks and gutters repair, levy taxes to pay for, assess expense of, as benefits, create liens for benefits, .... powers of city in above matters, exclusive, de, in northern extension, limited, . powers and duties of superintendent of streets de, of street board de, . streams may be diverted in constructing, streams and dams may be appropriated, highways may be drained on to private lands, benefits and damages for change of grade in highway, . no land to be taken for, except by agreement or appraisal, benefits may be assessed upon persons or property, regulations de assessment upon property, laiid, how sold for assessments, entire expense of, shall be assessed as benefits, assessments to be made before construction, . vote laying out shall specify, what, be published, how, be referred to street board, • • .50, street board to act as board of assessment and appraisal, . 51, ^1 128 132 11 8 11,99 9 9 9 97,98 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 14 96 42 49 50 101 102 105 116 99 99 99 99 272 110 272 271 110, 271 110, 272 394 INDEX. AGB. Public Work, street board shall estimate cost of construction, . . 110 street board shall appraise damages for land taken, . . . llO assess both cost of construction and land damages as benefits, 110 may assess upon land not abutting, .... 109 estates of deceased persons, . . 109 shall give notice before appraisal or assessment, . 273 conduct hearings, how, 273 proceed, how, in taking land, . . . 273-277 agree with land-owners, if possible, . . . 273 procure from city surveyor a map, . . . 273 appraise damages after notice and hearing, . 274 benefits not including cost of construction, how assessed, . 274 report of street board to council, when and how made, . . 274, 275 powers of council after report, 275 when land may be entered upon for public use, .... 276 damages, how deposited when land-owner is idiot, minor, etc., 276 benefits for cost of construction, how assessed, . . . 276, 277 report of street board to council, when and how made, . . . 277 action of council upon report, 277 deduction from assessment for cost, when and how made, . 110, 277 appeals from assessments and appraisals to be allowed, . .51, 100 to whom taken, . 100, 111 when taken, . . 100, 112 form of, . . . 100,112 service of, . . 100, 112 reapportionment upon, 100, 112 additional assessments and notice upon, . . 113 any number may join in, 112 various provisions de, . 112 reference of, to committee, 112 powers of judge on, . 113 may be heard by succes- sor of judge, . . 113 revision of decision of judge, . . . 114,115 costs on, . . . . 113 papers to be lodged with city clerk, clerical errors may be cvc- rected on, when work may proceed, pending, benefits for, a lien, 104,110,116,278 when lien for, attaches, .... 104, 110, 111, 278 how lien for, continued and recorded, . . . 104, 278 113 115 114 INDEX. 395 Public Work, benefits for, how lien for, foreclosed, . benefits for, when and how land may be sold for, . when payable, and notice, 104, discount for payment within five days, how collected, not to be deducted from damages, may be deducted from damages, . sidewalks and gutters, when street board shall repair and construct cost of, a lien, lien for, how continued and foreclosed, street board in executing, shall conform to orders of council, to surveyor's plans, improvements in parks, how made, city highway book, highways laid out, altered, etc., to be recorded, votes and surveys to be recorded, .... Quarantine, regulations concerning, .... Quorum of boards of common council, .... of water board, ....... Eacing" of horses in streets, a nuisance, .... Railroads, subscription by city to stock of, forbidden, not to be built across highways at grade, may raise or lower highways at crossings, authority to cross at grade, how given, . new highway to cross over or under, I cost of construction and repair of crossings, how borne, alterations in crossings, how made and paid for, land may be taken for alterations in crossings, layout of highway near track, .... how may use highway near covered bridge, . gates, signals and flagmen at crossings, . discontinuance of switching at crossings, when whistling at crossings, etc., may be omitted, . liable for injury caused by structure legally placed by them on highway, penalty for non-compliance with acts de crossings, . unlawful use of highway near covered bridge, (See horse railroads.) Railroad Commissioners, may authorize grade crossings, ... 105 powers of, de alteration of grade and other crossings, . . 106, 107 powers of, de new highway crossings, 106 to order gates, signals and flagmen, .... 119 to order discontinuance of switching at crossings, . 120 to order discontinuance of whistling, .... 121 decisions of, to be communicated to parties in interest, . . 108, 119, 121 Page. 14, 279 99, 279 111, 279 278 267, 278 -^99- 115 279 280 280 280 280 243 279 101 279 159-161 16 29, 258 245 35 105 105 105 106 106 106-108 107, 108 108 118 119 120 121 117 107, 120 118 396 INDEX. Railroad Commissioners; decisions of, appeal from, penalty for disobedience of orders of, Rate Bill, how and by whom made, clerical errors and omissions in, how corrected, collector to transmit, to successor, . . Rate Maker, how chosen and term of office of, when to be appointed by city court, compensation of, ..... . Ratification of charter, of certain acts, Reading Room, council may establish, limit of tax for, ...... government of, ..... . Real Estate (see property). Receptions, appropriations for, limited. Recognizance, on appeals from city to superior court, before execution from city court afcer appeal, for prosecution of actions, how taken in vacation, on appeals from police court, .... on adjournment of case in police court, . appeal not allowed in suit on special. Recorder (see judge of city court). Records of city, by whom kept, .... valid as evidence, . of city attorney, city auditor, common council, by whom kept and preserved, courts, by. whom kept, .... clerks may amend and complete, . fire department, fire marshal, highways, . police department, chief of police, . port warden, street department, complaints to street department. Reform School, police court may commit to truants, how sent to, . . . commitment to, ... . regulations de, .... Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths, to execute the provisions of city ordinances to supply certain blanks, weekly returns to, by undertakers, .... monthly reports of deaths, by, annual reports of deaths by, Page. 108, 119, 121 107, 119, 120 169,170,298 172 171 170, 298 168 205 298 31 51, 54 123 123 123-126 37 17 17 65 22 25,72 18 4 4 220 218 207, 208 65 65 223 231 101, 279 262 266 56 49 280 26 142 143 144 158 300 301 301 301 INDEX. 397 79 Registrar of Birtlis, Marriages and Deaths, annual reports of births by penalty for neglect, to prepare reports, .... compensation of, for reports, Registrars of Toters, to prepare registry lists, revision of lists by, to deposit completed lists with city clerk, and when, to appoint moderators, box-tenders, checkers and counters, duties of, as to check lists, • to be present during taking of vote, .... compensation of, and how fixed, Registration, of births, marriages, and deaths, council may regulat of deaths regulated, Registry Lists, for city election, how prepared, notice of meetings for revision of, deposit of, with city clerk, .... Regulations (see rules). Rendezvous, council may regulate, Rent, of office not allowed to city officer?, .... Repair, of highways (see highways), of parks (see parks). Repeal, of former charter, of former ordinances and its eff'ect. Replevin, animals impounded subject to, ... Report, annual, of city attorney, city auditor, , . . city treasurer, committee on navigation of Connecticut river, fire commissioners, .... chief engineer of fire department, fire marshal, registrar of births, marriages and deaths, street commissioners, water commissioners, quarterly, of chief of police, . . . . . monthly, of park commissioners, .... port warden, registrar of births, marriages and deaths, street commissioners, of city treasurer to comptroller, .... of fire marshal, on fires, ...... special, of street commissioners, .... water commissioners, .... of ways and means committee, de treasurer's account, collector's account, accounts of clerk of police court. Reservation, of causes for advice of supreme court, . ... Page. ; 302 302 302 79 79 -79- 75,76 76 76 204, 285 158 300 6,79 79 79 10 286 272 30 303 283 220 218 219 56 225 225 232 301, 302 51 259 266 243 56 301, 302 280 95 147 274, 277 259 221 221 327 69 398 INDEX. Reservoirs, inspection of, how provided for, . under control of fire department during fires, various acts de, how punished, Resistance (see obstruction). Resolutions, how passed, . . . how approved, when valid without approval, proceedings upon after veto, .... appropriating more than $10,000, how ratified, establishing a public work, hew proceeded with, certain, confirmed, various, . Return of deaths and burials, council may regulate, regulated, . of city court jurors, council may prescribe, . prescribed, of city court process, when to be made, . neglect to make, how punished, false, how punished, Revision of ordinances need not be published, of 1883 confirmed, and when to take efi'ect, . rules for construction of, .... Rewards for arrest of tramps, apprehension and correction of criminals, policemen forbidden to take, .... city officers forbidden to take, Riots, council may make ordinances to prevent and quell, power of mayor and chief of police to quell, . Roofs, permitting snow to remain on, when forbidden, Rubbisli, deposit of, in street, when forbidden, and how regulated, neglect to remove, from highways, after notice, punished, street commissioners to remove, when and how, keeping of, when a nuisance, .... not to be thrown into or on margin of Connecticut Park river, placed so as to obstruct hydrant. Rules of fire department, how made, of park commissioners, how made and posted, of police department, how made, . of water department, how made and published, of water department, 50, Page. 153-155 227 319 8 110,271 54 307-314 11 300, 301 21 216 20 20 20 135 303 304 139 166 264, 265 287 11 4,268 247 245, 247 247 248 253 215 256 319 222 243 262 175 315 et seq. Sabbath (see Lord's Day). Sabbath Brealiing", no appeal from conviction of, in police court, . . 22 Salaries and Compensation, council may prescribe, of city officers, . 13 assessors, . . 298 judgesof city court, 18 I INDEX. 899 Salaries and Compensation, council may prescribe, of city attorney, clerk of police court, water board and its officers, street board, clerk of street board, superintendent of streets, port warden, prosecuting attorney, registrars of elections, rate-maker. Page. 18 23 29 49 50 of officers not to be increased during term, associate judge of police court, . substitute judge of court of common pleas, clerks of courts, special prosecuting attorney, city collector, . . election officers, . . . officers chosen to fill vacancies, . messenger of city clerk, city weighers, .... inspector of fire-wood, for measuring wood, weighing hay, . sealer of weights and measures, members of fire department, .... when and how paid, police department, • , . when and how paid, poundmaster, registrar of births, marriages and deaths for reports, various city officers, when and how paid, . to be in full for services and extras, taking more than legal, forbidden, none to fire commissioners, park commissioners, police commissioners, .... water commissioners, .... (See fees.) Salt^ not to be used by horse railroad in streets. Sanitary Measures, council may adopt, .... (See health.) Scliool House, penalty for injury to, .... council may require safe exits and entrances to, close unsafe, Scuttle, when fire marshal may order, .... 50 56 64 79 298 35 63 64 65, 66, 67, 284 64 169 204 206 208 208 209 210 212, 285 223 226 263, 265 265 282 302 284-286 285 231, 286 130 227 243 263 258 165, 310 156 132 150 150 229 INDEX. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i'AGE. Seal, city may have and alter, 2 courts shall have, .......... 65 Sealer of Weights and Measures, council may provide for election of, . 13 prescribe duties of, . 13 how appointed, 211 salary and fees of, 212,285 oath of, 233 duties and powers of, de inspection of weights and measures, 211, 213, 214 milk, . . . . 213,214 shall devote whole time to his duties, 211 penalty for obstructing, 213 duty of police to assist, . 214 Seizure of gunpowder, . . 239 penalty for rescue after, 240 Set-off, of benefits and damages, 99, 115 Sewers, council may make ordinances to lay out, establish and alter, . 9 lay out, establish and alter, 97 assess cost of, as benefits, 99, 100 powers of city de, in northern extension, limited, .... 42 street board, concerning, 50 streams may be diverted in building, 101 streams and dams may be taken in building, 102 penalty for injuries to, ... * 132 (See public work.) Shayingps, fire marshal may order removal of, 229 Sheep, council may prevent running at large of, 11, 134 regulate impounding of, 11 violation of ordinances de running at large of, a misdemeanor, 246, 297 driving drove of, through street, a nuisance, when, . . . 246 impounding of, regulated, 282, 283 (See animals.) Sheriff (see officers). Shows, council may regulate, 10 Sidewalks, council may order and construct, ...... 97 assess expense of, on persons and property, . 98 punish violation of ordinances de, as misdemeanor, 134 powers of street board concerning, 50 various acts upon, declared nuisances, .... 244-247, 253 laying, without license, forbidden, 246 breaking, how punished, 246 planting trees within line of, without license, forbidden, . . 246 when and how cleared of snow and ice, 248 icy, how cared for, 249 ordinances de icy, how published, . 249 in front of city property, how cleaned, 250 when may be cleaned by police and expense collected, . . . 250 penalty for violation of ordinances de snow, ice, etc., upon, . 249, 297 INDEX. 401 50 Sidewalks, duty of police to remove obstructions on, what assemblages on, unlawful, how made and repaired, .... cost of, when laid by city, to be a lien, . (See public works.) Sign, placing, within street when, a nuisance, Signals, at railroad crossings, . . . . Sinking Fund, for payment of water debt, Sinks, council may prescribe location of, . * . violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, Skins, council may provide for inspection of, . tanning or storing of, without license prohibited Slaughter House, health committee to inspect, how used and kept, ... penalty for not cleansing. Sled, drawing, on sidewalk, forbidden, driving, without bells, forbidden, . Sleighs, driving, without bells, forbidden. Snow and Ice, council may provide penalty for violation of ordinance de penalty for violation of ordinances concerning, , violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, . on sidewalks, ordinances and regulations de, how published, when and how cleared from walks, . . . how cleared from walks in front of city property, . when chief of police may clear, and how collect expense, when to be removed from roofs^ - . . . not to be removed from horse railroad tracks, with salt brine, etc., when may be removed from railroad tracks, . removed from railroad tracks, not to be placed on sidewalk or gutter, notice of injury by reason of, when to be given, . Soap, manufacture of, without license, prohibited, .... Soldier, subject to call of mayor, penalty for disobedience of orders of mayor by, . Special Election (see elections). Speed, of animals, vehicles and cars, may be regulated by council, regulations de, violations of ordinances regulating, a misdemeanor. Sports, council may prohibit inhuman, . license and regulate, . violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, (See public amusements.) Stagnant Water, when a nuisance and how drained, State House Yard, council may protect, . violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor. State Reform School (see reform school). Station House, in charge of what oflftcer, who on duty at, discharge of prisoners from, .... Page. 267 270 271, 279 280 246 119 88 13 128 156 253 252 254 254 245, 247 247 247 134 249 297 249 248 250 . 250 247 165,310 310 164 117 253 4,269 269 10 245 128 11 11 128 255 11 128 266 267 266 INDEX. Stay of Execution, on motion in error, . Steamlboat (see steam vessel). Steam Boilers, council may regulate location of, violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, Steamers (see fire department). Steam Vessel, speed of, regulated, tolls of, on Connecticut river, ..... dockage of, Stone, duty of street board to furnish horse railroad with, Store Sweepings (see rubbish). Stoves, use of, how regulated, Straw, when and how fire marshal may order removed, Streams, may be diverted in construction of public work, appropriated for public use, . obstructing or altering, by private parties a nuisance, supplying city water, defilement of, how prevented, Street Commissioner, oflEice of, abolished. Street Commissioners, council may provide for election of, prescribe duties of, board of, how. constituted, political composition of, who ineligible, how appointed, vacancies, how filled, . . . . places of disqualified, how filled, how removed, term of office of, .... . oath of, bond of president of, ... * compensation of, .... • to keep records and may appoint a clerk, compensation of clerk of, . . . shall appoint superintendent of streets, . compensation of superintendent of streets, general powers of, powers of, in enforcing ordinances, resolutions de public work, to be referred to, to act as court of assessment and appraisal, (For proceedings as such court, see public works.) may divert streams in constructing public works, may regulate excavations in streets, to license excavations in streets, trading upon highways, . laying of sidewalks and gutters, various acts, .... to remove ashes, rubbish, etc., to clear walks in front of city property, . 48 13 128 55 55 214 314 228, 230 229 101 102 254 180 51 12 12 , 53, 132 53 48, 132 48,53 49,53 51 53 48,53 233 232 49, 285 49 50, 285 49 50, 285 50 280 50, 271 51 101 122 245 245 246 245-247 248 250 INDEX. 403 • Page. Street Commissioners to collect expense of removing obstructions, . 248 to construct and repair sidewalks, gutters, etc., in certain cases, . 279 when to lay certain crosswalks, 307 powers, de works of Electric Light Company, . . 194, 195 Hartford Steam Company, .... 193 Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railroad Company, ' 309-314 to file liens for benefits, 104,111,116,278 to give notice when benefits are payable, ; . . . 104,110,277 shall conform to orders of council in executing public works, . 280 of office of. maps of city surveyor, may make provisional contracts, .... shall keep account of expenditures, make annual and monthly reports to council, keep a record of complaints, . . duty of, upon complaints, to furnish stone to Horse Railroad Company, Streets (see highways). Subpa^na, to compel attendance of witness before police board, how issued, Substitute, salary of, in fire department, . judge of police court, how designated. Superintendent, of fire alarm, how appointed and tenure salary of, . »of streets, how appointed, . . . . powers and duties of, . . . salary of, Superior Court, appeals from city court to, police court to, . writ of error from city court to, . Supernumerary, policeman (see police). Summoning City Jurors, Summons, for witness may be granted by police court, before police board, by whom issued, . Sunday (see Lord's day). Surveyor (see city surveyor). Suspension of policeman, Swill, carrying, on sidewalk, prohibited, .... Swimming (see bathing). Swine, council may prevent running at large of, . keeping of, regulated, - running at large of, a nuisance, impounding of, regulated, penalty for violation of ordinances de running at large of, Switching across highways, how forbidden, .... Swearing, no appeal on conviction for, 280 280 280 51,280 280 280 314 137 224 63 222, 223 223 49 49 285 17 22,71 70 21,216 23 137 263 253 11, 134 253 246 282, 283 247, 297 120 22 404 INDEX. Tallow Chandlery, health committee may inspect, prohibited, except by license. Tanneries, health committee may inspect, prohibited, except by license, Taxable Costs (see costs). Taxation, council may regulate mode of, of added territory, 2, 39,* 40, 41 commerce on Connecticut river, certain meadow lands, .... lands of water board, .... four-fold, of certain buildings, city bonds free from, Taxes, council may lay, for city expenses, deficiency in water rents, public library, sinking fund, . support of Hartford Home, regulate duties of collector of, . provide mode of collecting, annual, when and how laid, .... special, when and how laid, .... for deficiency in water department, when and how laid annual, when laid by city court, .... city assessment list, when, by whom and how made, clerical omission or mistake in assessment, how corrected on what list laid, rate bill, how made, ratemaker, how appointed and compensation of, when payable, discount for payment of, before due, additions for delinquency, .... notice to taxpayer, by whom collected, powers of collector, . . accountability of collector, .... warrant for collection of, .... form of, . liens for, how continued and discharged, foreclosed, .... a debt, and may be recovered in a civil action, Tax List (see rate bill). Tax Warrant, by whom issued, .... form of, Telegraph, council may prescribe style of poles, punish injuries to fire alarm, poles, to be marked, penalty for not marking, .... penalty for defacing or removing marks, 12c 'AGS. 252 253 252 253 11 166, 167 3 40,42 ■ 179 15, 247 Slet seq. 98 88 125 88 188 13 13 299 299 260 168 298 172 298 169, 170, 298 168, 170, 298 167 167 167, 171 167 4,171 299 299 299 172 171 172 172 299 172 173 174 325 326 326 INDEX. 405 Telephone, council may prescribe style of poles, poles to be marked, .... penalty for not marking, penalty for defacing or removing marks, Tie "Vote, for ward officers, .... council may provide for filling vacancy in consequence of, vacancy in city office in consequence of, how filled, mayor may give casting vote in case of, in board of aldermen joint convention, police board, president of council board to give casting vote in case of, Tillerman, of hook and ladder company, salary of, . Tolls, on Connecticut river, . . . . . payment in lieu of, who liable for, . . . penalty for non-payment of, and how collected, Town, inhabitants of city remain a part of town of Hartford, Toy Pistol, sale of, to minors, regulated, . • . . . Tracks (see horse railroads). Trade, council may pass ordinances to regulate, elect officers for regulation of, . remove from city any, injurious to health, conducting, in street without license, a nuisance, . various kinds of, prohibited without a license. Tramps, defined, arrest of, punishment of, .... . special constables for, .... may be required to labor, when deemed vagrants, . Transient Persons, when deemed tramps, vagrants. Treasurer (see city treasurer). Trees, council may protect, in public places, . violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, penalty for injury to, in public places, . setting, in line of sidewalk without license, forbidden Trespasses, in cemeteries, public buildings, etc., council may prevent and punish, in cemeteries, public buildings, etc., penalty for violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, on property of water board, how sued for, treble damages for, on reservoirs, forbidden, Truants, punishment of, . . . Truckmen (see expressmen). Page. 173 325 326 326 5,204 -12- 204 16 16 262 207 224 55 56 56 56 30 241 9 13 156 245 253 139 139 139 139 140 140 139 140 11 128 132, 245 246 141 11 251 128 28 30 319 142 406 INDEX. Tubs, for measuring coal, Turnout, on Hartford and Wethersfield Horse Railroad Company, per- mission for, to be obtained, on Asylum street, regulation de, Turnpikes, council may assume control of, ... . control of, assumed, Unclaimed Articles, how sold by police department, Undertaker (see coffin vender). Uniform, of fire department, how prescribed, penalty for unauthorized wearing of, Unsafe Buildings, council may make order concerning, . 24 Vacancy, council may provide for filling in city office, in certain offices, how filled, in city court, how provided for, in office* of collector, ....... in the various commissions, . . . \ in fire department, ........ in office of mayor, who to act, • . . . . Vaccination, health commi-ttee may make rules governing, penalty for violation of rules de, Vagrants, may be arrested without warrants, .... when tramps to be deemed, how punished, when judgment against may be suspended, . Varnish, manufacture of, without license, prohibited. Vault, maintaining, in street, when a nuisance, Veal, sale of, regulated, Vehicles, council may regulate speed of, in streets, . . , violation of ordinances de speed of, a misdemeanor, drawing of, on sidewalk, a nuisance, .... blocking up streets with, a nuisance, .... penalty for violation of ordinances de, . ' . may be removed from street in case of fires, . Vessels, speed of, regulated, tolls of, regulated, regulations concerning those engaged in transporting gunpowder lying at public landings. Veto, power of mayor, ........ proceedings after, ........ time for, limited, Vice, council may make ordinances to prevent, violation of ordinances concerning, a misdemeanor, Vice-President of council board, when and how chosen, to be member of the board, . Vinegar Vard, keeping, without license, prohibited, Page 211 310,313 312 99 279 1 146 222 226 148, 149, 150 12 5, 204, 206 19 169 49, 53 225 16 162 163 141, 269 140 140 24, 143 253 244 257 10 128 247 246 297 227 55 55 236 214, 215 8 8 8 11 15 207 207 253 INDEX. 407 Yoie (see resolution). Voter (see electors). Voting List (see elections). Vouchers, auditor may require oath to, ^ to be filed with auditor, . for pay of fire department, police department, . Page. 129 118_ 226 265 Walks, council may lay out, establish and alter, powers of council over, Warden of Port (see port warden). Ward Meetings, how warned, when and where held, . . how conducted, who may vote at, . . . . . . what officers chosen at annual, . * . Wards, council may provide for division of city into, number of, boundaries of, Warning of city meeting, council may provide for, . how made, served and returned, what to specify, of council meeting, council may provide for, . how made, served and returned, Warrant (see process), (see tax warrant). bench, when police court may issue, for city and council meetings (see warning). Watch (see police). JV^ater, may be taken from Connecticut river, . Trout brook, etc., . West Hartford, Avon, Farmington and Bloomfield mains may be extended to Wethersfield, may be supplied to West Hartford, corruption of, how punished, sources of injury to, how removed, distribution of, under control of water commissioners, rates for, how fixed, . • rates for, applications for, • duty of person using, continuous flow of, forbidden, .... to whom chargeable, . . . . . when flow of, may be discontinued or shut off", duty of plumbers to report connections, stagnant, when a nuisance, how removed, . •• • . 9,97 9, 10, 11 . 12,80,199 3, 12, 199 6, 7, 13, 74-79, 200-203 5, 75, 201 . 4,5,201,202 Water, 3, 42, 45 . 42-46 12 205 . 80,205 12 205, 206 24 27,86 176, 177 91 178 176 178 30, 319 180 260, 317 175,260 320 et seq. 315 316 316 316 317 318 255 255 INDEX. 232, Water Bonds (see bonds). Water Commissioners, council may prescribe certain powers and duties of, officers of, their compensa- tion, bonds and oaths, quorum 6f, power of, to sue and be sued, and under what name, how appointed and term of office of, vacancies, how filled, how removed, oath of, shall serve without pay, . expenses of, to be allowed, board of, how constituted, political complexion of, quorum of, how organized, • president of, to be approved by council, duties and qualifications of, bond of, . . . salary of, . general powers of, . . . . . may take water from where, 27, lands, may enter upon land for purpose of survey, etc., appraisal of lands taken by, . . when may proceed with work, may use soil under highway, etc., to restore highway, etc., damages for interruption of travel, when and to whom payable, may extend mains to Wethersfield, supply water to West Hartford, make contracts, when and how make repairs to water works, . shall superintend water works, regulate distribution of water, establish water rates, subject to approval of council, . 175, 260 contracts of, for water, to be limited to three years, . . . 260 may charge additions for non-payment of bills when due, . . 175 shall keep register of persons using water, and prices paid, . . 88, 260 pay certain expenditures, 88, 259, 260 collect water rates, 260 to be trustees of certain water bonds, 87, 89, 258 powers of, as such trustees, . 87, 89, 258 to apply avails of water rents, how, 88, 260 claims against, how presented, audited and paid, .... 259 to hold surplus funds in trust, 260 power to use certain unexpended balance, 179 29 29 29 27,28 4,27,52,53 53 53 233 258 258 27,52,53,132 53 258 258 258 258 233 284 27-29, 175, 259 86, 91, 176-178 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 176 178 259 259 259 4 I INDEX. 409 board over t Water Commissioners shall keep books of account, accounts of, how audited and sworn to, . shall render to treasurer monthly account of water rents, council semi-annual account of income, report annually to council, . keep record of proceedings, . may make by-laws de water works, fix penalties for violation of by-laws, by-laws of, how confirmed and published, may bring action of debt on by-laws, police court jurisdiction of ofl^ences against by-laws, exempt from certain regulations as to streets, proceedings by, to remove sources of injury to water control of, over hydrants, lands of, how taxed, rules and regulations of, rates fixed by, .... powers of, in various matters. Water Fund, council may prescribe power of water city may issue bonds for, how managed, etc., . . proceeds of, how kept, etc., ... interest on, how met and paid, . . provisions for payment of, . Water Rates, how established and altered, council may prescribe manner of collection, by whom collected, .... additions to, for non-payment, authorized, contracts for, limited to three years, . . avails of, how applied, .... accounted for by water board, surplus of, how held by water board, deficiency in, how made up by tax, accounts of, how kept, audited and sworn to, liens upon property and debt against owner, liens^for, how continued and enforced, table of, . . ... when payable, .... who chargeable to, regulations governing, Water Works, council may prescribe power of superintended by water board, contracts concerning, how made, . how repaired, .... claims for construction of, how paid, water board over. Page. 259 88 88 260 ^59_ 259 175 175 175 175 175 122 180 179, 227 179 315 320 315 et seq. 29 . 86-93 86-93, 258 86-93, 258 88,219,260 88, 219, 260 175, 260 29 260 175 260 88, 219, 260 . 88,260 260 . 8S,260 88 . 89,260 261 320 315 316 et seq. 29 259 259 259 259 315, INDEX. ^^^^^^ Pagk. Water Works, deficiency in accounts of, how met, . . ^^^^P' • 88, 260 water board may adopt by-laws de, 175 lands used for, how taxed, 179 injury to, how punished, 30, 319 police court has jurisdiction of offences de, 30, 175 treble damage for injuries to, 30 various acts de, how punished, 319 where may be established, 27, 86, 91, 176, 177 how land may be taken for, 27-29 Ways and Means, committee of, to examine semi-annually, accounts of treasurer and sinking fund, 221 committee of, to examine accounts of collector, . . . 221,326 reports of examinations by, ....... 221,326 to examine quarterly accounts of clerk of police court, . . . 327 to refer to council, accounts of clerk of police court, . . 327 Weighers, couacil may provide for election of, 12, 13 prescribe duties of, 12, 13 how chosen, 208 bond of, 208 to weigh coal and give certificate, 208 to pay for deficiency in weight, 208 fees of, for weighing coal, 208 penalty for false weighing, . . . . . . . . 208 Weights, council may pass ordinances regulating, 9 violation of ordinances de, a misdemeanor, ..... 15 how inspected and sealed, . 211 unlawful, how condemned,, 212 fees for testing and sealing, 212 penalty for using unsealed, 212 condemned, 213 selling short weight, 212 removing notice of condemnation, .... 212 Wharfage, rates of, 214 by whom collected, 215 how accounted for, . . . . . . . . . 215 Wharves, public, in charge of port warden, , . 214 wharfage at, .... ..... 214, 215 speed of vessels approaching, regulated, 55 depositing rubbish near, prohibited, 215 penalty for disobedience of orders of port warden, . . . 215 health committee to inspect, ........ 253 Wheelbarrow, drawing, on sidewalk, a nuisance, . . . . . 247 Whistling, by engines, how regulated, 121 1 INDEX. 411 court Witnesses, power of police court to summon and compel attendance of, before fire inquests, how summoned and paid, police board, how summoned and paid, names of, to be transmitted on appeals and binding over, Wooden Building-s, may be prohibited within certain limits, . Workhouse, duty of keeper of, as to prisoners sentenced by police keeper of, to receive fines, etc., paid after commitment, pay to city treasurer fines, etc., collected. Writs, city clerk to transmit certain, to city attorney, Writ of Error, matters of fact and law may be joined in, from city court to superior court, supreme court, .... Page. 23 147 137, 138 71 _98 26" 26 26 , 307 70 70 71 I 1 iJ4 n I VC 09397 r^,:s2:: ;; S ry'-i V ^Sj