DIGEST OF THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE State of Florida WFTH THE Regulations of the State Board of Education AND THE Instructions and Forms of the Department of Education Compiled by W. N. SHEATS Superintendent of Public Instruction Tallahassee, Fla. 1915 T. ,T. APFLEYARD, STATE PRINTER TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA DIGEST OF THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE State of Florida WITH THE Regulations of the State Board of Education AND THE Instructions and Forms of the Department of Education Compiled by W. N. SHEATS Superintendent of Public Instruction Tallahassee, Fla. 1915 T. J. APPLE YARD, STATE PRINTER TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA STATE BOAKD OF EDUCATION. (Ex-Officio.) HON. PARK TRAMMELL, GOVERNOR, President. HON. H. CLAY CRAWFORD, Secretary of State. HON. T. F. WEST, Attorney General. HON. J. C. LUNING, State Treasurer. HON. W. N. SHEATS, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 38118.J Constitution of Florida ARTICLE XII. Education. Section 1. The Legislature shall pro-ride for a uni- uniform form system of public free schools, and shall provide for syst the liberal maintenance of the same. Sec. 2. There shall be a Superintendent of Public In- state Super- intendent struction, whose duties shall be prescribed by law, and whose term of office shall be for four years and until the election and qualification of his successor. Sec. 3. The Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney- General, State Treasurer, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall constitute a body corporate, to be known as the State Board of Education of Florida, of which the Governor shall be President, and the Super- intendent of Public Instruction Secretary. This Board shall have power to remove any subordinate school officer for cause, upon notice to the incumbent; and shall have the management and investment of all State School Funds under such regulations as may be prescribed by law, and such supervision of schools of higher .grades as the law shall provide. Sec. 4. The State School Fund, the interest of which Sch o1 shall be exclusively applied to the support and main- tenance of public free schools, shall be derived from the following sources : The proceeds of all lands that have been or may here- 6 Principal inviolate. State one- nill tax. Apportion- ment of. County levy. County School Fund. after be granted to the State by the United States for public school purposes. Donations to the State when the purpose is not specified. Appropriations by the State. The proceeds of escheated property or forfeitures. Twenty-five per cent, of the sales of public lands which are now or may hereafter be owned by the State. Sec. 5. The principal of the State School Fund shall remain sacred and inviolate. Sec. 6. A special tax of one mill on the dollar of all taxable property in the State, in addition to the other means provided, shall be levied and apportioned annually for the support and maintenance of public free schools. Sec. 7. Provision shall be made by law for the appor- tionment and distribution of the interest on the State School Fund, and all other means provided, including the special tax, for the support and maintenance of public free schools among the several counties of the State in proportion to the average atendance upon schools in the said counties respectively. (As amended, 1894.) Sec. 8. Each county shall be required to assess and collect annually for the support of public free schhools therein, a tax of not less than three (3) mills, nor more than seven (7) mills on the dollar, of all taxable prop- erty in the same. (As amended, 1904.) Sec. 9. The County School Fund shall consist, in addi- tion to the tax provided for in section eight of this Article, of the proportion of the interest of the Stats School Fund and of the one-mill State tax apportioned to the county; *the net proceeds of all fines collected under the penal laws of the State within the count;' ; all capitation taxes collected within the county; and shall be disbursed by the County Board of Public In- struction solely for the maintenance and support of public free schools. (Fines and forfeitures given to general county fund im pliedly by amendment to Article XVI, Section 9, adopted at general election in 1894.) Sec. 10. The Legislature may provide for the division School ' . districts. of any county or counties into convenient school -dis- tricts; and for the election bi-ennially of three school trustees, who shall hold their office for two years, and who shall have the supervision of all the schools within the district; and for the levying and collection of a dis- trict school tax, for the exclusive use of public free schools ^oo^tax within the district, whenever a majority of the qualified electors thereof that pay a tax on real or personal prop- erty shall vote in favor of such levy : Provided, That any tax authorized by this section shall not exceed three mills on the dollar in any one year on the taxable porp- erty of the district. Sec. 11. Any incorporated town or city may consti- tute a School District. The Fund raised by section ten may be expended in the district where levied for build- Expenditure ing or repairing school houses, for the purchase of school libraries and text books, for salaries of teachers, or for other educational purposes, so that the distribution among all the schools of the district be equitable. Sec. 12. White and colored children shall not be , tvRCGS taught in the same school, but impartial provision shall separated. be made for both. Sec. 13. No law shall be enacted authorizing the diver- ^ oo1 funds sion or the lending of any county or district school funds, uvertibie. or the appropriation of any part of the permanent or available school fund to any other than school purposes; 8 nor shall the same, or any part thereof, be appropriated sectarian schools. to or used for the support of any sectarian school. Sec. 14. The Legislature at its first session shall pro- Normal v ^ e ^ or *k e establishment, maintenance and management of such Normal Schools, not to exceed two, as the inter- ests of public education may demand. Sec. 15. The compensation of all county school officers Pay of school officers. shalj be paid from the school fund of the respective coun- ties, and all other county officers receiving stated salaries shall be paid from the general funds of their respective counties. Sec. 16. (Proposed ~but not ratified}. A special tax of one mill on the dollar of all taxable property in the State shall be levied annually for the support and maintenance of the University of the State of Florida, the Florida Female College, the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb and the Colored Normal School, which shall be paid into the State Treasurer and set apart by him to the credit of the State Board of Education to be apportioned and disposed of for the benefit of said institutions as re- quired by the Act creating and maintaining the same, known as Chapter 5384 of the Laws of Florida, approved June 5, 1905. Approved June 3, 1907. Defeated at general election in 1908. ?nd tr tal bonds Sec - 17 - The Legislature may provide for Special Tax School Districts, to issue bonds for the exclusive use of public free schools within any such Special Tax School District, whenever a majority of the qualified electors may h votc rs thereof, who are freeholders, shall vote in favor of the issuance of such bonds. 9 Whenever any such Special Tax School District has voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds, a tax not to exceed five mills on the dollar, in any one year, on the tax- able property within the district voting for the issue of bonds shall be levied in accordance with the law providing for the levying of taxes, to become a fund for the payment of the interest and redemption of such bonds. (Ratified at general election in 1912.) State Superintendent of Public Instruction. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 20. The governor shall be assisted by adminis- trative officers as follows : A secretary of state, attorney- general, comptroller, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, and commissioner of agriculture, who shall be elected at the same time as the governor, and shall hold their offices for the same term: Provided, That thi first election of such officers shall be had at the time of voting for governor A. D. 1888. Sec. 25. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have supervision of all matters pertaining to public instruction; the supervision of State buildings devoted to educational purposes, and perform such other duties as the Legislature may provide by law. Sec. 27. * * (He) shall make a full report of his official acts, of the receipts and expenditures of his office, and of the requirements of the same, to the Governor at the beginning of each regular session of the Legisla- ture, or whenever the Governor shall require it. Such * * (report) shall be laid before the Legislature by the Governor at the beginning of each regular session thereof. Either house of the Legislature may at any time call upon * * (him) for information required by it. 10 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA COMPILED From the General Statutes and Subsequent Acts of the Legislature of 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913 and 1915. GENERAL PROVISIONS for COMMON SCHOOLS AND COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS. Gen. Stat., Sec. 313. Uniform system. School age. Ib., Sec. 314. Ib., Sec. 314. School year. Ib., Sec. 315. When schools may begin. 1. There shall be established and maintained a uni- form system of public instruction free to all the youth residing in the State between the ages of six and twenty- one years, as far as the funds will admit, as hereinafter provided. 2. The school year for all public schools shall begin on the first day of July and end with the last day of the following June, and all reports, financial and other- wise, to the State department shall embrace such business and matters only as take place within the limits of the school year thus defined. 3. No school in any county shall begin before July 1st of the school year to which that term of school be- longs and for which the apportionment was made. 11 4. The time for the opening of public schools for each c b ouifty C 'Boa?d county shall be determined by the county board of public opening ime f instruction : Provided, That all schools must begin so as to close before the last day of June. 5. A school day shall comprise not less than five hours ^ a ^i 3 d a 7 y. nor more than six hours, exclusive of recesses, the time to be fixed by the board of public instruction for the county. A school month shall consist of twenty days, exclusive Month. of the first and last days of the week. A school term contains four school months. Term. The school year contains two terms. x Year. 6. All public schools shall observe the period from ib., sec. sis. Vacation and December 24 to January 1, both days inclusive, as a vaca- holidays, tion, and Independence day and Thanksgiving day as holidays, and no one of these days shall be counted as taught in a teacher's monthly report. 7. When it is more convenient for youth residing i.a How 8 youth 5 ' one county to attend school in an adjoining county, they JS^f^ 1 ^. may do so by the concurrence of the superintendents of other count y- public instruction of the two counties. The proportion of school money for each youth shall be transferred by requisition of the county superintendent of public in- struction of the county in which the youth resides, upon the treasurer of the school funds of that county to the treasurer of the school funds of the county in which the school is located. 8. Any county or school district neglecting to estab- Ib - ^ec. 326 - lish and maintain such school or schools as the available forfeiture of school funds will support shall forfeit its proportion of the funds. common school fund during such neglect, and in that case all moneys so forfeited shall be apportioned among the several counties at the next annual apportionment. Ib., Sec. 327. When a school for- feits its fund. 9. Any public school in the county failing to complete its public term before the termination of the school year, shall, if such lost time of such term be not made up within the next school year thereafter, forfeit the pro- portion of its financial apportionment not used by neg- lecting or failing to maintain a school for the full term of school in that county, and in that case all moneys so forfeited shall be apportioned among the several schools of the county at tne next annual apportionment. Officers of Department of Public Instruction. Ib., Sec. 328. State and county officers. 10. The officers of the department of public instruc- tion shall be a State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, a State Board of Education, a Board of Public In- struction for each county, a Superintendent of Public In- struction for each county, Local School Supervisors and Treasurers. Ib., Sec. 141. Has charge public schools. Ib., Sec. 142. Duties. To distribute laws, etc. To call con- ventions. State Superintendent. 11. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have the oversight, charge and management of all matters pertaining to public schools, school buildings and grounds. 12. It is his duty and he is hereby empowered: First To prepare and cause to be printed and dis- tributed gratuitously to boards of public instruction, and other officers and teachers, as many copies of the school laws, and such forms, instruments, instructions, regulations and decisions as he may judge necessary for their use. Second. To call conventions of county superintend- ents of public instruction, and other officers, for obtain- ing and imparting information on the practical workings 13 of the school system, and the means of promoting its efficiency and usefulness. Third. To assemble teachers in institutes and employ JJ te ^ old insti " competent instructors to impart information on improved methods of teaching and conducting schools, and other relevant matters. Fourth. To apportion the interest on the common ^ nd a s pportion school fund and the fund raised by the one-mill State tax authorized by Section 6 of Article XII, of the Constitu- tion, among the several counties of the State in propor- tion to the average attendance upon schools in the said counties respectively of children residing therein between the ages of six (6) and twenty-one (21) years. Fifth. To make such apportionments as may in his judgment be right and just, when the census and returns m-ents on which the apportionments should be miade are mani- festly defective or have not been received by him. Sixth. To entertain and decide upon appeals and ques- ro decide tions arising under the law, or refer such to the Board of Education for decision. Seventh. To prescribe rules and regulations for the Rules' a S nd ibe management of the department of public instruction. regulations. Eighth. He shall prepare the questions for county examination examinations and distribute same to county superintend- ., Sec - 338 - Lands not to on the sale of any of the school or seminary lands of i>e sold on credit. this State, but every purchaser of such lands shall, at the time of purchase, make complete payment therefor. County Board of Public Instruction. 19. A board of public instruction shall consist of not ib., Sec. 329. more than three (3) members, no two of whom shall reside in the same district. 1C i b ii o S ff&cto 20 - A11 such Offices who shall hold their offices by stSte lm to statutes shall conform to the regulations of the Depart- regulations. ment of p u blj c Instruction. NO' officer to 21. No officer shall vote on a question fixing his own vote on own , . compensa- compensation. tion. ib., Sec. 332. 22. A majority of any educational board shall con- A quorum. stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 23. Every school officer who shall be elected or ap- pointed under statutory provisions, is required : Officers to 33 ' First. Before entering upon the duties of his office, ?n a ten y days th an( ^ within ten days after receiving notice of his appoint- ment, to subscribe to an acceptance of the appointment and to pledge that he will faithfully perform the duties of the position, and to forward the same with his post- office address to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. g\vl ce bondbe Second. Before receiving any school moneys or prop- noney eCeiVlng erty of any kind, for safe keeping or disbursement, to give bond with two good sureties, the bonds to be fixed and approved by the Board of Public Instruction for the me! 1 w a ith b nd county, the original to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and a certified copy to be held by the officer giving the security to be produced when required. Saw? few? toss Third. Any officer in charge of school moneys, or anot i Qe n r ed by property to be so disbursed, shall satisfy himself that the officer to whom he issues it has given 'bond as afore- said, or be personally liable for any loss in consequence of such neglect. officerto 334 ' 24 - Ever J officer shall turn over to his successor in office, on retiring, all books, papers, documents, funds, moneys and property of whatever kind, which he may Officer to turn over moneys to successor. 17 have acquired, received and held by virtue of his office, and take full receipt for them of his successor. 25. Each Board of Public Instruction is constituted a [ 2 b u n s t y C ' board body corporate by the name of "The Board of Public tion lp Instruction for the county of . , State of Florida/' and in that name may acquire and hold real Corporate and personal property, receive bequests and donations, powers - and perform other corporate acts for educational pur- poses. 26. Each and every member of the Board of Public Laws 6 ol 7 i9i3 Instruction, of the several Counties, of the State of f ch give B bond d Florida, elected or appointed to such office after the pas- sage of this Act, before he is commissioned, shall be required to give a good and sufficient bond with not less than two sureties, or a Surety Company duly authorized under the laws of the State of Florida, in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, which bond shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners and the Comptroller of the State of Florida. The premium of pafdPout of School Fund. the bonds given with surety companies as sureties shall be paid out of the County School Fund. 27. Each board before proceeding to any other busi- Gen. stat., OPP Q4*> ness, shall complete its own organization. The chairman organization and secretary shall then make and sign two copies of the dufy im< proceedings of organization, and annex their affidavits to each that the same is a correct and true copy of the original. They shall file one copy in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county, to be by him recorded in the record of deeds, and file the other copy in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 2 DSL 18 ib., Sec. 344. Ch. 5656, Titie S to 348 ' 28 ' The title * the scl1001 Property of the county shall property SCh o1 ^ e ves ted in them and their successors in office, except in such special tax school districts as provided for. 29. The members of the various County School Boards shall be paid from the county school fund for their services four dollars per day, for each day's service, and ten cents per mile for every mile actually traveled in going to and from the county court house by the nearest practicable route. 30. The County Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be the secretary of the board. 31. The County Treasurers of the several counties shall be and the same are hereby constituted the treas- urers of the school funds in their respective counties. (See Ch. 6932, Laws of 1915.) 32. Each Board of Public Instruction is directed : First. To obtain possession of, accept and hold, under proper title, as a corporation, all property pos- sessed, acquired or held by the county for educational purposes, and to manage and dispose of the same for the best interest of education: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to prevent any special school district tax school district from holding school property that it property and moneys. has, or may hereafter acquire, for school purposes, or prevent such districts from receiving their portions of money set apart for school purposes. Ib., Sec. 345. Secretary. Ib., Sec. 346. Treasurer of. Ib., Sec. 347. Duties of. To hold title to, and man- age school property. To maintain schools. Second. To locate and maintain schools in every locality in the county where they may be needed, to accommodate, as far as practicable, all the youth between the ages of six and twenty-one years, during not less than four months in each year. 19 Third. _ To appoint one supervisor for each school on TO appoint the recommendation of the patrons, whose duty it shall be to supervise the work of the school and to report to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction monthly the result of his observations.* *(See Duties of County Superintendent.) Fourth. To select and provide a site for each school ^ es select house of not less than one-half acre of ground in the rural districts, and as nearly that amount as is practicable in the villages or cities ; the situation to be dry, airy, health- ful and pleasant, also reasonably central and convenient of access for all who should attend the school. Fifth. To do whatever is necessary with regard to Sonl 1 a nd" purchasing or renting school sites and premises, con- P wers - structing, repairing, furnishing, warming, ventilating, keeping in order or improving the school houses, out buildings, fences, land and movable property, procuring proper apparatus for the schools, grading and classifying the pupils, and providing separate schools for the differ- ent classes in such a manner as will secure the largest attendance of pupils, promote the harmony and advance- ment of the school, and establishing, when required by the patrons, schools of higher grades of instruction where the advancement and number of the pupils require them. Sixth. To employ teachers for every school in the TO employ 7 and contract county, and to contract with and pay the same for their g^ services : Provided, That schools shall not be located To observe nearer than three miles to each other, unless for some three-mile ., limit. local reason or necessity. Seventh. To audit and pay all accounts due by the A a udi a t> counts Board of Public Instruction. Eighth. To keep accurate accounts of all their official J un 1 t| ep of a o'f- acts, proceedings and decisions, of all moneys received, ficial acts - 20 To report to State Super- intendent. To file monthly financial statement. To publish the same. To prescribe course of study. Required studies. held or disbursed, of all property acquired or disposed of, in a proper set of account books, and a record of the state and condition of each school, and to report the same to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction when required. They shall also at the close of the scholas- tic year prepare an itemized report of all moneys by them received and disbursed. Ninth. To prepare and file with the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court of their respective counties by the first Tues- day after the first Monday in every month, an itemized financial statement showing all sums of money received during the month next preceding, on account of county school funds, and from whom received, and from what source derived, all appropriations made by sucli board, and for what purpose made, all warrants drawn by such board, in whose favor and for and on what account drawn, describing such warrant by date, number and amount. All such monthly financial statements shall be certified by the chairman of the Board of Public Instruc- tion for the county, and attested by the County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, and the said board shall without delay cause the same to be published in a news- paper of the county, when any such newspaper exists: Provided, That the cost of such monthly publication shall riot exceed two dollars per month; otherwise they shall post the same at the court house and at three other public places in the county. Tenth. To prescribe, in consultation with prominent teachers, a course of study for the schools of the county and grade them properly; and to require to be taught in every public school in the county over which they pre- side, elementary physiology, especialy as it relates to the effects of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics, morally, mentally and physically; and all persons applying for certificates to teach shall be examined upon this branch 21 of study, under the same conditions as other branches required by law. (Teaching: of effect of alcoholic beverages and narcotics Ch. 6832, Acts of 1915. to all pupils between six and twelve years required. Ch. GSo2, Laws of 1915, Appendix.) Eleventh. To fix the compensation for the services |up e ri^en- of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction. dent - ( Salary based on total annual receipts of county. See a W 5 s 6 of 8 'i907. Ch. 5658, Acts of 1907, Appendix.) Twelfth. To perform all acts reasonable and necessary Plenary powers. for the promotion of the educational interests of the county and the general diffusion of knowledge among the citizens. Thirteenth. To hold regular meetings for the transac- Hold regular meeting. tion of busines, by arrangement with the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, and to convene a special special session at re- session on emergencies when requested by the County quest of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Fourteenth. To prepare on or before the last Monday JJSJjJj 1 *JJj in June of each year, an itemized estimate showing the amount of money required for the maintenance of the necessary common schools of their county for the next ensuing scholastic year, stating the amount in mills on the dollar of taxable property of the county, which shall not be less than three or more than seven mills, and fur- nish a copy of the statement to the assessor of taxes of the county, and file a copy in the office of the Board of Public Instruction; and the assessor shall assess the Duties of amount so stated, and the collector shall collect the amount assessed and pay over the same monthly to the County Treasurer, who is also by law School Treasurer, to be used for the sole benefit of the public schools. Fifteenth. To select candidates for admission to the State University and State College for Women. [As amended in. effect by Ch. 5384 (24), Laws of 1905.] Sixteenth. To have school census taken in case the cen. County Superintendent of Schools shall fail to perform such duty when the same is required to be performed. (See Duties of Superintendent, 12.) simii require Seventeenth. To examine at least twice each vear the payment of 11 poll taxes. books and r ecords of the Tax Collector which relate to the collection of poll taxes, and said board shall require prompt settlement for all poll taxes assessed, together with those not assessed but collected. Any member of Penalty for a county school board who neglects to comply with the IRlllirG. provisions of this Act shall be suspended from office. Ch. 6828, 33. When there is no monev in the Countv School Laws of 1915. county Fund applicable to the payment of outstanding school borrow m y warrants issued by any County Board of Public Instruc- money. tion in this State, the County Board of Public Instruc- tion of the several counties in this State are hereby au- thorized and empowered to borrow money at a rate of interest not to exceed eight per cent per annum, for the purpose of paying all such outstanding warrants, and for the further purpose of paying any and all legitimate expenses incurred in operating the schools of said county : Provided, however, that it shall be unlawful for any County School Board to borrow any sum of money in Restrictions any one year in excess of eighty per cent of the amount as to amount. as estimated by them to be required for the maintenance of the necessary common schools of their county for the next ensuing scholastic year in the manner prescribed by Section 347, sub-section 14, of the General Statutes, which said sum so borrowed shall be paid in full before 23 the Board shall be authorized to borrow on the estimate for any succeeding year. Provided, further, that noth- ing in this Act shall be construed to invalidate any out- Existing standing debt of any county as now existing and now debts. got in- due, or to become due, or as requiring any Board of Pub- lic Instruction to pay the same in full before being per- mitted to borrow eighty per cent on the estimate for the next ensuing year, or to prohibit any Board from fund- ing or refunding at its maturity any debt created and existing on or before July 1st, A. D. 1915, and being thereby prohibited from borrowing eighty per cent of its income for the ensuing year, as provided above ; and pro- vided, further, that no School Board shall, after July 1, 1915, incur debts of any nature in excess of the estimated amount, except as herein provided. 34. It shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, Treasurer. upon presentation to him of the county scnool warrants, to pay the same, if there are any funds in his custody applicable thereto, and if there are no such funds, he shall endorse the fact on the warrant, with the dMle of presentation, and affix his signature thereto. 35. All interest payments made under this Act shall |f| l ' est how be by warrant issued by the County Board of Public Instruction in the same manner as warrants ror other indebtedness are issued. (Boards of Public Instruction are required to furnish free text-books to children financially unable to procure ^ AppeE them.) 36. Any County Board of Public Instruction or the Cn - 683 f 3 ' 1915 Board of Trustees of any Special Tax School District, is Authorized to establish hereby authorized and empowered to establish and maiii- Department of Home tain a department of Home Economics, or a department Economics. of Home Demonstration Work, in any of the high schools Canning and corn clubs, etc. Who may be employed. of this State, and to pay the expenses of such departments out of any public school fund at their disposal. 37. This Act (Sec. 36) shall extend to and include canning clubs, corn clubs and departments of agricul- ture, to acquire land, stock, fertilizer, seed and imple- ments necessary to maintain the same. And no person shall be employed to demonstrate, teach or instruct in any of the departments mentioned herein who does not hold a certificate of graduation from a recognized college, university or normal school, indicating special training in home economics, home demonstration work or agricul- tural work, or any one who has not had satisfactory expe- rience in Home Economics or canning club work. 38. County Boards of Public Instruction are fur- ther empowered under this Act to employ County Agents, who shall, under the joint supervision of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Florida State College for Women, or the University of Florida, conduct practical demonstration work in home economics, girls' and women's contest work, canning club, corn club, or agricultural work, and other movements for the ad- vancement of country home life, and shall aid the County Superintendent and teachers in giving practical educa- tion in home, farm, or garden economics. e :>>1) - Xo b ard of public instruction shall have power contract with to enter in to contract with any of its members, except f or ^ e p ur pos e o f obtaining school sites. County Demonstra- tion Agents. members. Ib., Sec. 349. School Board districts. 40. The County Board of Public Instruction in each county shall divide their respective counties into three county school board districts so as to place in each dis- trict, as nearly as practicable, the same number of quali- fied voters, the lines of said district to be so drawn as to place each election district wholly within one, or another, of said county school board districts; and the members of the County Board of Public Instruction shall file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for such county a certificate of their said action, containing a description of the boundaries of said districts, and nain- Boundaries ing the election districts comprising each county school board district, which certificate shall be published in a newspaper published in the county, or if there be no newspaper published in the county, then by posting at the county court house door for four weeks thereafter. The County Board of Public Instruction may there- when after change the boundaries of any such districts at a meeting in July of the year of a general election, but such change shall be certified in the Clerk's office and published as required for fixing such districts in the first instance. 41. All vacancies on said Board of Public Instruc- Ib Sec 350 . tion shall be filled for the unexpired term by appoint- Jo^finS ment by the State Board of Education on the nomina- tion of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. County Superintendent. 42. The County Superintendent of Public Instruction Ibv Sec . 351. -, . Duties of. is directed: First. To make timely inspection of the county, to TO ascertain where schools ascertain the location in which schools should T>e estab- needed, lished, the number of youth who would attend each, and the amount of aid that the citizens of the neighborhood will contribute to encourage the establishment of a school. Second. To visit each school at least once during each TO visit 5 . and examine school term, and to make a thorough examination of its schools. conditions as respects the progress of the pupils in learn- 26 ing, the order and discipline observed, the system of instruction pursued, the attendance of the pupils, the mode of keeping school records, the character and con- dition of the school buildings, furniture, books, apparatus and premises, the efficiency of the School Supervisor, the interest and co-operation of the citizens in regard to TO give ad- educational matters, and to give such advice as he may vice. , deem proper. TO awaken Third. To do all in his power to awaken an increased interest. interest in parents, guardians, School Supervisors and teachers, with regard to the better education of youth in every respect and the general diffusion of knowledge. oversight of Fourth. To confer with the School Supervisors fre- School Super- quently, and see that they attend to their duties, keeping them supplied with a copy of the school laws, decisions, blanks and regulations of the department. TO select Fifth. To select for School Supervisors persons whose Supervisors. character, qualifications and sympathy with education specially commend them to those positions. TO keep Sixth. To keep a record by number, name and descrip- record of each school. tion of the locality of each school established, of the expenses incurred for, and of his visits of inspection to, the several schools. TO furnish Seventh. To notify the State Superintendent of Public i S ntendOTt p inI Instruction, immediately upon entering upon his duties, the names and addresses of all county school officers. T utes e Ide dls " Ei g n th- To decide upon questions and disputes which arise when submitted to him by the parties interested, and to refer his decisions to the Board of Public Instruction. 27 Ninth. To see that the interests of the county are Je res g t u s ar d f in " properly guarded, and its rights secured in the making coS?rJct a s s and and performance of every contract for the construction of school buildings, or for other purposes; and that all moneys apportioned to or raised by the county are applied to the objects for which they were granted or raised * Tenth. To revoke or suspend certificates and suspend those issued by other authority for cause manifest )y sufficient, giving notice in writing to the authority issuing them, and of the grounds for so doing; also notifying the teacher in like manner, and of the right of appeal, to whom and when the appeal should be made. Eleventh. Acting as Secretary of the County School Board, he shall make and forward monthly a certified copy of the Tax Collector's monthly lists of persons who have paid their poll taxes, to the State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, who shall file and preserve the same in his office as a part of the public records and furnish copies when requested by the citizens of this State. Twelfth. Before the fifteenth day of May in the year T^ of 1910 and every ten years thereafter he shall take the ceusus. census of all school children in his county, between the ages of six and twenty-one years; and if any such chil- dren be idiots or insane, or blind, or deaf mutes, he shall so state, and he shall report such census to the school board of the county, and to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, on or before the first day of June of the year of which such census shall be taken. He shall certify to such report as being correct, and shall be paid three cents for each child so reported. And upon his failing to perform the duties herein required of him, he shall be relieved of office. In case he shall employ any person to assist in making any such enumeration 28 of such children, such person or persons shall make a sworn statement showing when and where such enumera- tion was made and that the same is correct, and the same shall be filed with the school board as part of his report. statements to (Countv Superintendents must furnish to the Comp- Comptroller. troller, when called for, financial statements giving an accurate report of all the receipts, disbursements, unpaid warrants and assets and liabilities in such form as to set forth the condition of county and district school funds. Ch. 6813, Laws of 1915; See Appendix.) Supervisors. ib., sec. 352. 43. Every Supervisor is directed: Duties of. TO report First. To supervise the work and management of the monthly. school, and its interest, over which he is appointed, and report monthly to the Board of Public Instruction. Second. To supervise the construction, rental, repair to^utfdS? 1 !? anc ^ improvement of the school buildings, furniture, fences, grounds and fixtures ; to procure a copy of the school laws, regulations and decisions for the use of the teacher and his own instruction. TO co-operate Third. To attend at all times, when requested by, and ler ' co-operate with the teacher in his effort to elevate the character and condition *of the school ; to review all suspensions from school by the teacher of pupils guilty r fo review suspensions, of gross misconduct and a disregard of, and persistent and report. opposition to, the authority of the teacher, and to promptly report the same to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction. 29 Duties of Other Officers in Relation to Schools. 44. The treasurer of the board of education shall J, 1 ?., Sec. 319 - fet3.ro J.ro8.s- keep an account with the several counties, in which he account ^fth shall credit each county with its proportion of its income each count y- of the common school fund, and of the fund raised by the one-mill tax authorized by the Constitution, -and shall charge each with the amount receipted for by the treasurers of the boards of public instruction. 45. The several tax collectors shall receive only the ib , Sec. 320. current funds of the United States in payment for all to receive taxes provided for in this article, except such certificates funds. Or school of indebtedness as may be issued by the county boards of warrants, public instruction, which shall be receivable for county school taxes. 46. Every officer having moneys which by law go to Ib Sec 321< the State school fund shall pay the same to the State ^hooi b ^neys Treasurer, and every officer having moneys which by law r 3e pald ' go to the county school fund shall pay the same to the county treasurer. (Office of County Treasurer abolished. Banks to be county depositories. See Ch. 6932, Laws of 1915, Ap- pendix.) 47. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of the school ib., sec. 322. fund of each county in this State by the first Monday in statement of each and every month, to prepare and file with the county Treasurer. superintendent of public instruction of his county a detailed and itemized statement in writing, showing all the sums of money received by such treasurer during the month next preceding, and from w T hom and from what source received, and all amounts by him paid out during such time and to whom paid, and describing by date, number and amount all warrants paid. 30 Ib., Sec. 323. Financial statement to be filed with Clerk. Ib., Sec. 324. County Com- missioners authorized to purchase real estate. School main- tenance first claim. 48. The financial statement of accounts herein pro- vided for, when filed with the clerk of the circuit court, shall be securely kept by him and shall at all times be open to the examination and inspection of the people of the county and without fee or charge. 49. The board of county commissioners of any county in this State upon the request of the board of public instruction in such county, after an affirmative vote of the qualified voters who are taxpayers therein and have paid all taxes due by them for two years next and preced- ing said election in any special tax school district, or county, are hereby authorized to contract debts for the purchase of real estate to be used for educational pur- poses for the erection of school buildings and to pay such debts out of the current income of any year, or out of the income of succeeding years, and are authorized to borrow money, from time to time, as occasion may re- quire to discharge any debt or liability incurred for the purchase of real estate for such purpose, which debt shall be a charge or lien only upon such special tax school district or county as the case may be: Provided, That the necessary expenses of maintaining the schools in any county during any year shall constitute the first claim against the school fund of that year. Examinations and Certificates for Teachers. ib., Sec. 353. 50. There shall be held two examinations a year in each examinations county in the State, beginning on Tuesday after the first Monday in June and September, and each may continue one or more days at the discretion of the examiner, and a vote of the examinees: Provided, That only one exam- ination shall be held in any county if two be found unnecessarv. 31 51. At least one of the examinations of teachers shall gjj'e s e e x c ; 855 - be held at the county seat of the county in which the examination is held: Provided, That where two exami- nations are held the County Board of Public Instruc- tion may designate another convenient place for holding one of such examinations other than the county site. 52.. The State Superintendent, for sufficient cause, may order examinations held on days other than those prescribed in Section 353 (50). 53. Candidates for third, second and first grade cer- tificates shall be examined by the County Superintendent certificates of Public Instruction on questions prepared in all cases by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The questions shall be sent sealed to the County Superin- ? e ^ e t st seaied. tendents of the various counties, which seal shall not be broken until the morning of the day on which the ques- tions for that day are to be used, and then only in the presence of the persons assembled for examination. 54. It shall be unlawful for any school official, or employe of any school board or school official, to divulge to another any of the questions, or to give possession of ciuestions - any of the questions or question sheets, or information pertaining thereto, to be used in any Uniform Teachers' Examination in this State, except, as provided for by law, to those lawfully entitled to receive such questions or question sheets. 55. Any person or persons convicted of the violation n>. Penalty. of the provisions of Section 1 of this Act (Section 54 above) shall forever thereafter be disqualified for hold- ing any public office of honor or trust in this State. 56. It shall be unlawful for any applicant for a TO' gain teacher's certificate in any way to gain possession of any question or question sheets, or information pertaining Ib. Penalty. To sell ques- Proviso. thereto, to be used in the Uniform Teachers* Examina- tion except as provided for by law. 57. Any applicant convicted of the violation of the provisions of Section 3 of this Act (Section 56 above) shall be forever barred from holding a teacher's license in this State, or from teaching any public school in this State. 58. It shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, to have in his possession, or to sell or to offer for sale, any of the questions or question sheets to be used in any Uniform Teachers' Examination in this State, or to use, or offer for use, any of said questions for pecuniary gain : Provided, however, That any person or persons named by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to prepare or assist in preparing, printing and distributing, any such questions, and transportation companies in so far as the lawful handling of the same for purposes of transportation, shall not be guilty of a violation of this Act so far as it applies to the possession of such ques- tions or question sheets ; but in no case shall this be con- strued to exempt any person, or persons, or any associa- tion of persons, from the penalty imposed for selling, or offering for sale, or otherwise unlawfully divulging, said questions or question sheets. 59. Any person, or persons, or association of persons, convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of Sec- tion 5 of this Act (Section 58 above) shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail not exceeding six months. Gen. stats., go. The candidates for certificates shall asfc no ques- Sec. 359. . . , , Candidates, tions, nor receive any assistance from any source during the examination. In case any examinee may be In doubt Ib. Penalty. 33 as to the meaning of any question, he or she may state in grocedurc ^ writing the point in doubt and answer accordingly, which aoubt. answer shall receive due consideration in grading the papers. 61. All examination papers shall be prepared in the it>., Sec. seo. Method of ex- presence of the County Superintendent or his appointed amination. assistant, who shall collect the questions and answers on each branch as completed, and said examiner shall Duties of ex- aminer. accept no paper of any examinee containing a name or mark which would indicate to any other than the exam iner its author. Said examiner shall himself, on collect ing each paper, designate it by a number known only to himself, and shall keep a record by number and name of the author of each examination paper. Every exam- inee shall complete and hand in the answers on eadi branch before the questions on any other branch shall be given out. When every examinee has completed all the branches, the examiner shall arrange and bundle together all the papers of each examinee, and shall deliver the whole to a grading committee. 62. No person shall be permitted to teach in the pub- ^o' t |!ch 361 ' lie schools of the State of Florida who does not hold a SgJgJ* is cer ' teacher's certificate granted in accordance with the pro- illegal - visions of this Act: Provided, That County Superintend- ents may hold a special examination, and issue temporary certificates for a term not longer than the interval be tween the regular examinations : Provided, The applicant for such certificate furnishes satisfactory reasons for having failed to attend the regular examination: Pro- vided, That no person shall be permitted the benefit of a second special examination under the provisions of this Act: Provided further, That no certificate issued under the Laws of this State since January 1, 1894, shall be rendered void by this Act. 3 DSL lb., Sec. 804. Certificate of character. f { (o 2 i : ***" Tnere sna11 be seven grades of teachers' certifi- cates, issued as herein specified and named, respectively, to-wit: Third grade, second grade, first grade, primary, special, State and life certificates. ib., sec. 363. 64. No certificate, except life certificates, shall be Examination . ,. to be written, issued except on written examination, or on oral and written examination as provided by law. (>f>. The applicant for the certificate of any grade, to be eligible for examination, shall present to the exam- iner an endorsement of good moral character from (wo responsible persons, and shall pay an examnanon fee of one dollar. The examiner shall turn over to the County Treasurer, immediately after any examination, the sum of one dollar for every person examined, taking his receipt therefor, and for failure to make such disposition shall be subject to prosecution. The fund arising from examination fees shall be placed to the credit of the county school fund. 66. A third grade certificate shall be issued to any eligible applicant who, in the uniform examination in orthography, reading, geography, arithmetic, English grammar, United States history, physiology, theory and practice of teaching, composition, agriculture ana civil government, shall have made a grade in no branch below forty per cent, and an average grade of sixty per cent, in all the above branches. A third grade certificate shall be valid for two years from the date of issue, except as otherwise provided by law: Ib., Sec. 365. (See also Ch. r,938. Laws of 1009.) Requirements for Third P>1 to 370 (Gen. Stat.) and no others. 51. All examination questions and answers prepared by the applicants for certificates shall be filed in the SESwS"t8 office of the County Superintendent and properly pre- !^ e nd pre " served for at least one year, and in case any candidate 42 Appeal and fee. State Super- intendent to appoint com- mittee to regrade. Ib., Sec. 378. Pay of County Grad ing Com- mittee. is dissatisfied with the grading of his or her papers, he or she may file a notice of appeal therefrom, together with a fee of five dollars, with the County Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, who shall at once forward the papers of such applicant to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Upon the receipt of such papers the State Superintendent shall at once appoint a committee of three leading teachers of the State of Florida who shall, as soon as practicable, re-grade such papers and certify their acts to the County Superintendent of the county from which the appeal emanated, and these grades shall be final, and the County Superintendent shall issue cer- tificates based upon them only. Such grading committee of appeals shall be paid by the Board of Public Instruc- tion of the county from which the appeal emanated the sum of one dollar and fifty cents each for each set of pa- pers so graded. 82. It shall be the duty of the County Board to pay the members of the grading committee two dollars per day, and five cents a mile each way, one trip, for the ac- tual distance traveled, and for the time necessary for them to perform their work. In estimating a day, ten hours' actual service shall be counted a day, and not more than five days shall be allowed for the completion of the grading of all the papers after any examination. Duties and Powers of Teachers. Ib., Sec. 379. Directions to teachers, with regard to advance- ment of pupils. 88. Every Teacher Is Directed : First. To labor faithfully and earnestly for the ad vancement of the pupils in their studies, deportment and morals, and to embrace every opportunity to incul cate, by precept and example, the principles of truth, Itonesty and patritoism and the practice of every Christ- ian virtue. 4:: Second. To require the pupils to observe personal To . make . cef - 13.111 rGQuirc- cleanliness, neatness, order, promptness, and gentility of Sf n { ]| of manners, to avoid vulgarity and profanity, and to culti- vate in them habits of industry and economy, a regard for the rights and feelings of others, and their own re- sponsibilities and duties as citizens. Third. To see that the school house, and all things per- 3 u ? e to nt taining thereto, are not unnecessarily defaced or injured. Bunding Fourth. To enforce needful restrictions upon the con- needfuire e duct of the pupils in or near the school house or grounds, to ri oond n u S ct as avoiding at all times unnecessary severity and measures of punishment that are degrading in their tendency. Fifth. To suspend pupils from school for ten days for TO suspend gross immorality, misconduct or persistent violations of certain of- fenses and tc the regulations, giving immediate notice to the parents give certain or guardian of the pupil, and to the School Supervisor, thereof. of the suspension and the cause of it. Sixth. To hold a public examination at the close of ^amina tenr each school term, either oral or written. tions. Seventh. To deliver up the keys and all school prop- J c h Instruction, high school grades. lb., Sec. 393. High school course of study. Committee. 93. Instruction shall be given in the primary grades in reading, spelling, language, physiology and hygiene, numbers, and writing, and such lessons in music, draw- ing, geography, nature study, morals and manners, as may be provided for in the county course of study. (Teaching of evils of 'alcoholic stimulants and narcotics mandatory. ) 94. Instruction shall be i given in the intermediate grades in reading, spelling, language, arithmetic, geo- graphy, physiology, hygiene, writing, elementary science, such lessons in music, drawing, history, nature study, morals and manners, as may be provided for in the county course of study. (Teaching of evils of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics mandatory.) 95. Instruction shall be given in the grammar grades in reading, orthography, grammar, arithmetic (oral and written) science, physiology, geography, history and civil government of Florida, and of the United States, and such lessons in music, drawing, morals and manners, manual training, domestic arts and sciences, agriculture, and civil government, as may be provided for in the county course of study. 96. Instruction shall be given in the high school grades in such subjects, and to such extent, as shall be designated in the course of study for high schools hereinafter pro- vided for. 97. Immediately after the passage and approval of this Act, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall appoint a committee of not less than six, nor more than ten, of the most capable persons, of whom not less than one-third shall be presidents or principals of State insti tutions for higher education, and not less than one- third 47 shall be principals of high or graded schools, aiid these, together with himself, at the earliest practicable date. shall prepare a standard course of study for high school grades. Said course of study shall prescribe minimum m requirements, and shall be arranged, as far as practicable, to secure equality of mental power and training among those completing its instruction, and to insure suitable preparation for entrance into the lowest college classes of the State institutions for higher education; but shall not prescribe unnecessary details as to order or method JJJi b eimnec- of instruction, though it may recommend such details. faifs ry When such course of study shall have been prepared, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall cause same to be printed for free distribution. 98. The members of the committee provided for in the 3^^^' preceding section shall serve without compensation, but pai., sec 395. ( Cn. o^Qo) , and controlled by the County Board of Public Instruc- g a c en 5382 tion, which shall provide instruction of the character Laws of 1905 - prescribed by law for high school grades, and which shall state ^aid for be conducted in a suitable building with a reasonable amount of furniture and equipment, may receive from the State Treasury aid as follows: Any high school which shall maintain only the first two or junior grades, pre scribed in the official course of study for high schools, shall receive $360.00 annually, and any high school main- taining all four, or junior and senior high school grades, as prescribed by the State course of study for high schools, shall receive six hundred ($600.00) dollars annually. (See note to Sec. 104 following) . 48 'amended 6 ' school which shall be maiiitaiiied not Laws h of 5 ilo5. * ess than three miles' distance from any town or city of "nfded' more than five hundred inhabitants, which shall be sup schools. ported by the public school funds and controlled by a County Board of Public Instruction, which shall provide all instruction of the character prescribed by law, in in- termediate and grammar grades, during not less than eight months of each year, and which shall be conducted by not less than two qualified teachers in a suitable build ing, and which shall have necessary equipment and fur- niture, shall receive from the State Treasurer two hun- dred dollars ($200.00) annually; Provided, That the three-mile limit, prescribed in this section, shall not apply to schools, the pupils of which are prevented by natural harriers from attending the nearest graded schools. (See Note to Section 104 following.) Ib., Sec. 397. How State aid granted. Duty of County Board. Duty of State Board. 101. In order to receive aid as provided for in the two preceding sections, the County Board of Public In- struction controlling any school entitled to receive same, shall make application to the State Board of Education, in such form as may be prescribed by said State Board of Education, not later than January 1st of any school year. Upon receipt of such application the State Board of Education shall cause investigation of same to be made by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and if satisfied that all conditions have been complied with fully, the said Board of Education shall make requisi- tion upon the State Comptroller for the amount due un- der provisions of the two preceding sections: Provided, That if the amount appropriated for any year shall prove insufficient to aid all schools duly entitled thereto, then the amount available under this article shall be prorated among all the schools that have complied with the con- ditions herein imposed. (See Note to Section 104, following.) 4!) 10l!. Aid shall uiider 110 circumstances be granted to the same school a second time during the same scholastic year, nor shall any school be permitted to receive aid a .second time because of a change of name, number, loca- tion, or any other change which may be made for the pur- pose of securing additional aid for the same school, or for any school instituted in the stead of the same school. (See Note to Section 104, following.) 1(K>. Kverv public school in this State, maintaining an cii. sssi. Laws of 1905. average daily attendance of eighty (80) percentum of the school a main- total number of pupils enrolled in such school during the tendance. regular term as now provided for by law, shall receive aid from the State in a sum sufficient in each case to main- tain such school for two ('2) mouths in addition to the TWO months regular term of such school; Provided, That no school now or hereafter receiving aid from the State under the , Schools not provisions of Chapter 5206 of the Laws of Florida shall pntlt 'e d - be entitled to the benfits of this Act. (See Note to Section 104, following.) 104. In order to receive aid as provided in Section c\\. sssi, one (1) of this Act (see Sec. 103 above) the County Su- county supt.' to report to perintendent of Public Instruction of the county in which state Board of Ednra- the school or schools entitled to receive same may be lo- tion. cated, shall, within ten (10) days of the expiration of the regular term of such school, file with the State Board of Education a certified copy of the reports of such school, showing the average daily attendance, upon such form as report pre- may be prescribed by the State Board of Education. Upon receipt of such report the State Board of Education, if satisfied that all conditions have been fully complied with, shall make requisition upon the State Comptroller for the Requisition on amount due such school under the provisions of this Act. 4 DSL 5U (Sections 103 and 104, preceding, declared unconstitu- tional by the Supreme Court, Board Pub. Inst., Santa Rosa Co. v. Croom, et al. ; see Fla. Eeports, No. 57, p. 348. Since this decision, schools specified in Sections 99-102 have likewise received no State Aid ; also, schools specified in Chapter 5657, Laws of 1907.) Kindergartens. 105. (1) Any County Board of Public Instruction, or Board of Trustees of any special tax school district, is kindergar- hereby empowered to establish and maintain kindergar- tens in communities guaranteeing the attendance of twenty-five (25) kindergarten pupils. TO be part of (2) Every kindergarten established under this Act shall be a part of the public school taught in the same community, and shall be under the direction and control of the principal of the said public school. Teacher must (3) No person shall be employed to teach as principal of a kindergarten department who does not hold a certi- ficate of graduation from a reputable kindergarten train- ing school. State Inspection of Schools. 6539, 106. Two Rural School Inspectors are hereby created by this Act, who shall be appointed by the Governor upon the nomination of the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, and shall hold their positions subject to the Duty of State Board of Education. It shall be the duty of each of these Inspectors to devote all of his time and attention to the work of visiting and supervising rural schools, and he shall perform such educational work, when the rural schools are not in operation, as may be required of him bv the State Board of Education, and he shall work under 51 the direction and advice of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to whom reports shall be made as required. The sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the salary of each is hereby appropriated, and Twelve Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) for the traveling expenses of each, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for each of the two years be- ginning July 1, 1913 and 1914, which shall be paid in monthly installments upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction upon the Comp- troller of the State. (This appropriation is continued for two years begin- ning July 1, 1915.) Special Tax School Districts. Gen. Stats., 107. Each county shall constitute a school unit; all coun?y school sub-divisions of a county for school purposes shall be des- unit - ignated as school districts; all school districts levying a districts. school district tax shall hereafter be designated as special special tax . . school dis- tax school districts, and all schools receiving any district tricts. tax, as special tax schools. 108. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public In- struction of any county to order an election to be held in any subdivision of any city, or incorporated town, com- munity or subdivision of the county, at such time and place as said Board may direct, whenever one-fourth of the qualified electors that pay a tax on real or personal property, and are resident in such city, incorporated town, community, or subdivision of the county, shall petition for such election, to determine whether such city, incorpo- rated town, community or subdivision of the county shall become a special tax school district for the purpose of levying and collecting a district school tax for the exclu- sive use of public free schools within the district; at such Ib., Sec. 400. Proceedings to establish. Duty of Board of Public In- struction. Order elec- tion, after Petition, etc. B2 (i) creation of district. of Trustees 11 (3) special Matters to be election the following matters shall be determined by a voted on. majority of the ballots cast by electors qualified as herein prescribed, except that the three persons receiving the highest vote at such election shall be declared School Trus tees of said district: First, whether the city, incorpo- rated town, community or subdivision of the county shall Decome a special tax school district; Second, who shall be the School Trustees of said district: Third, the num- ber of mills of district tax to be levied and collected an- nually for the two succeeding years. The three persons receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be de- clared the Trustees elected for the special tax school dis- trict: Provided, A majority of all the votes cast be in favor of creating such special tax district, who shall serve for * ne next ensuing two years and perform the duties hereinafter prescribed. what ec et?tion 109 ' Tlle P etition mentioned in the preceding section shall prescribe the boundaries of the subdivisions of any city or incorporated town, community or subdivision of the county intended to be formed into a special tax school district. The Board of Public Instruction may, however, in change the boundaries thereof before ordering any such election, but shall in no case include territory not included in the original petition, and shall give notice of any such change in the notice of election. Special tax school dis- tricts created under this Act shall continue until dis- established or changed by like proceeding as those by which they were created. The petition provided for by the Preceding section shall be published once a week for four successive weeks, in some newspaper published in the county having a general circulation throughout the coun- ty; and the publication shall state when such petition will 53 be presented to such Boards. In case there shall be no newspaper published in the county, such petition and notice shall be posted in the manner provided for in the next section for the posting of notice of election. 110. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public In- struction of the county to cause a notice of said election published, to be published once a week for four successive weeks prior thereto, in a newspaper published within the county, and having a general circulation throughout the county; but if no newspaper be published in such county, then it shall cause five written or printed notices of said election to be posted in five public places within the territory in which the election is ordered. It shall also be the duty TO appoint of the County Board of Public Instruction to appoint in- i^dTcierks. spectors and clerks for said election, whoise duty shall be meir duties. the same as those of similar officers in general elections, except as herein stated. 111. The Board of Public Instruction shall canvass {JJjJI 6 ^ 4 ^ the returns of election as made to it by the inspectors and vass returns, clerks of election, and declare the results at the next regu- Declare lar meeting of said Board, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. 112. All special tax school district elections shall be n>., Sec - 404 General held and conducted in the manner prescribed by law for law governs election. holding general elections, except as provided in this article, and it is hereby made the duty of the Supervisor of Registration of any county, to furnish, upon payment for such service, to the County Board of Public Instruc- tion, on demand, a certified list of the qualified voters re- siding in a special tax school district, or the territory to be created into a special tax school district, that have paid a tax on personal or real property for the year next preceding any such special tax election. 113. All qualified voters residing within the territory sought to be made a special tax school district that pay fo vote 54 a tax on real or personal property shall be entitled to vote in said election, and a majority of the votes cast shall determine any matter voted upon, pertaining to a special c st ^ ax scno l district. The cost of the publication of the notice and of the election itself, shall be paid by the Bounty Board of Public Instruction out of the first moneys collected from the special tax district. it>., Sec. 406. 114. Elections shall be held bi-ennially in each special Bi-ennially elections. tax school district, as nearly as practicable upon the an- niversary of the original election under the direction of the County Board of Public Instruction, to determine who shall be Trustees for the next succeeding two years, and the number of mills of district school tax to be levied for each of said years; said election shall be held under the same rules and regulations, and qualifications of electors shall be the same as prescribed for those voting in the original election creating a special tax school district. Trustees have ^^' Whenever a special tax school district is created supervision and Trustees are elected, they shall have the supervision of all the public schools within said district. The posi- tion of Supervisor shall be superseded by that of Trustees, and the duties prescribed by law for the Supervisors shall he performed by the Trustees. The powers of Trustees shall not be those of control, but of supervision only, and ?n distHct 0018 sha11 extend to all of the public schools within the special tax district. Any Trustee failing to discharge the duties Removal of. n f the position shall be removed, after due notice to such Trustee, by the County Board of Public Instruction, and all vacancies occurring in the Board of Trustees from any deTfineT ( sha11 *>e filled for the unexpired term by the County Board of Public Instruction, upon nomination by the patrons of the schools. R b eiativ c e pow- 116 * A11 P u *>lic schools conducted within a special tax B r o S ar d f s C an U ff ty sch o1 district shall be under the direction and control of the County Board of Public Instruction and County Su- perintendent as in other districts, and subject to the same 55 laws, rules and regulations prescribed for the conduct of other schools, except that the Trustees shall have the Trustees nominate power to nominate to the County Board of Public Instruc- teachers. tion teachers for all schools within such special district; Provided, That no person be nominated for teacher who JJJo JJ[J does not hold a teacher's certificate unimpaired by sus- Florida certificate. pension, revocation or limitation, or that will not remain in full force for the term of school, and obtained in com- pliance with the laws of this State. The County Board of f oa r r e ^ e s ct right Public Instruction shall have the right to reject any teacher nominated, and in case the second nomination of a teacher for any position be not ratified, the said Board shall then proceed, on its own motion, to fill vacancies in the teaching force in any school in the special tax school district. 117. The Board of Trustees shall have the further ^ 8 ?^ s 409 right to say what proportion of the school funds raised Ration o? pli within the district shall be applied in any year to build- funds. ings, repairs on buildings, to school libraries, to salaries of teachers and to other educational purposes; Provided, That they shall make a fair and equitable distribution of the funds among all the schools in the special tax school district, which shall be shown in their itemized estimate. 118. It shall be the duty of these Trustees, on or be- u>, sec. 410 Trustees fort the first day of June in each year, to prepare an item ized estimate, showing the amount of money necessary and likely to be raised for the supplement of the count) school funds appropriated to the district for the next en- TO show suing scholastic year, and to certify therein the rate of itemized esti- millage voted to be assessed and collected upon the tax- able property within the special tax school district for that year. This estimate shall set forth clearly the appor- tionment of money raised within the district, prorated to each school within the district, stating the amount that will be applied to the salaries of teachers, buildings. 56 To be made in triplicate. furniture, or for other educational purposes. It shall also state the number of miles of railroad track and telegraph lines within the boundaries of the district. This itemized estimate shall be made in triplicate, one copy to be filed with the clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, one copy with the Comptroller of the State, one copy with the County Board of Public Instruction: Provided, That where there are no railroads or telegraph lines in such dis- trict such itemized estimate need not be furnished to the Comptroller. 119. It shall be the duty of the County Commission- ers to order the Assessor to assess, and the Collector to collect, the amount legally assessed upon the property of the special district, at the rate of millage designated by the Board of Trustees, and pay the same to the County Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller of the State to assess all railroads and railroad property, to- gether with telegraph lines and telegraph property, sit- uated in such special tax school district, and to collect the taxes thereon in the same manner as required by law to assess and collect said taxes for State and county pur- poses, and to remit the same to the Treasurers of the coun- ties, to be by them held to the credit of each special tax school district fund and to be paid out as hereinafter provided. Duty S o C f 4 12 - lt sha11 be the duty of the County Board of Pub- of OU pubi5 ard lic Instruction to add the amount set apart for the sala- r i es o f teachers in each school within the special tax school district to the county appropriation made for that school, and upon this determine the salaries to be paid teachers and the length of the term that the school shall continue, and contract with teachers for the full term that said fund, arising from both county appropriation and the Ib., Sec. 411. Duty of County Com- missioners to order assess- ment and col- lection of special tax. Duty of State Comptroller. 57 special tax fund, will sustain the school. The part of this fund arising from the special tax shall be paid to the teachers upon the order of the County Board, based upon reports approved by the Trustees, the same as other school funds are paid upon the endorsement of School Supervis- ors. The County Treasurer shall be liable for all special tax school district funds upon his official bond, after re- ceiving said funds, as in the case of other county revenues. 121. The special tax fund set apart by the Board of Trustees for the payment of teachers shall not be sub- ject to requisition for any other purpose by said Trus- tees; the fund estimated for other educational purposes shall be paid out by warrants of the Board of Public Instruction of the county upon the County Treasurer, and said warrants to be based upon requisitions made by the Board of Trustees, accompanied by itemized bills for things purchased or work performed. All special funds collected within a school district shall be disbursed solely for school purposes within the district in which the tax is collected and, as nearly as practicable, in the year in which. the tax is collected, upon the recommenda tion of the Board of Trustees : Provided, That the Trus- tees shall make no contract with any of its members embracing any monetary consideration. How special tax fund paid out. Ib, Sec. 413. Requisition of trustees. Disbursed solely for schools. Trustees not to contract with them- solves. 414, a 122. The Trustees of any school district shall be a cor- poration, and may hold property, sue and be sued, and corporation, perform other corporate functions, and perform the S?tions e usual duties necessary to provide buildings, repair the same, and to purchase libraries and other school appliances : Provided, That no debt shall be created with- Oounty Board out the aproval of the County Board of Public Tnstruc tion. to approve debts. 123. Children residing outside of anv special tax school ib-, Sec. 415. Non-resident district shall not attend school in any such district with- out the consent of the Trustees thereof, and of the County 58 or districts. Ib. f Sec. 416 Form of ballot. Board of Public Instruction : Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to prevent attendance from an adjoining county, provided the County School Board of such adjoining county shall pay a pro rata share of such attendance. Such pro rata share to be estimated by the Trustees of such school where such attendance is made: Provided further, That pupils from other districts or sub-districts shall be subject to same conditions as pupils from other counties as herein provided for. 124. Each voter voting at any such election shall vote but one ballot, and the same shall be written or printed in black ink, on plain white paper, and be substantially of the following form, according as he may desire to vote upon any, or all of the questions submitted: For (or against) Special Tax School District For School Trustees (stating their names) Maximum tax levy mills 125. Any special tax school district may at any time under the provisions hereinafter mentioned abolish, or extend, or contract the limits of such special tax school district; Provided, That no special tax school district shall be abolished while it has any outstanding indebted- ness without first making provisions for the liquidation of such outstanding indebtedness. 126. Any special tax school district may be abolished, flection, how O r the limits thereof extended or contracted, by a majority vote at an election called by the Board of Public Instruc- tion of the county for the purpose, after publication of snHi notice as is required to create such special tax dis- Ch. 5389, Laws of 1905. Limits extended or contracted. How abolished. Ib., Laws of 1905. trict, at which election the qualifications of voters shall be the same as in elections to create special tax school districts. 127. It shall be the duty of the County Tax Assessors to furnish to the Boards of Public Instruction of their respective counties, on or before the first day of October of each year, the total amount of special district school tax assessed in each and every special tax school district. Special Tax District Bonds. (Chapter 6542, Laws of 1913.) 128. Whenever the residents of a special tax school f r district in any County in this State shall desire the district issuance of bonds by said special tax school district for the purpose of acquiring, building, enlarging, furnishing, or otherwise improving school buildings or school grounds, or for any other exclusive use of the public free schools within any such special tax school district, they shall present to the County Board of Public Instruc- tion of the County in which the said district is located a petition signed by not less than twentv-fi ve per cent, of 25% of quail fled electors the duly qualified electors residing within the said special of district. tax school district, setting forth in general terms the amount of the bonds desired to be issued and the purpose thereof, and that the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds shall be used for the purposes set forth in the said petition. i 129. At their first meeting after the receipt of the Determine said petition, the County Board of Public Instruction bonds, etc. shall determine by resolution to be entered in its records what amount of bonds is required for the purposes set Publication of resolu- tion. Notice of election. Qualified electors. Conducting election. forth in the said petition, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, and the time when the principal and interest of such bonds shall be due, and when payable. 130. It shall be the duty of the County Board of Public Instruction, upon the adoption of the Kesolution provided for in Section 2 of this Act (Sec. 129), forth- with to cause said resolution to be published once each week for four successive weeks in some newspaper pub lished in said special tax school district, if there be a newspaper published in said district, and if no such news paper be published therein, then in some newspaper pub lished in the County in which said district is located. 131. The said County Board of Public Instruction shall, at the meeting at which is passed the resolution provided for in Section 2 of this Act (Sec. 129 above) also order that an election shall be held in said special tax school district to determine whether or not there shall be issued by said district the bonds provided for in said resolution, in which election only the duly t qualified electors thereof who are freeholders shall vote, and prior to the time of holding said election the said County Board shall cause to be published once each week for four suc- cessive weeks, in a newspaper published in said district, a notice of the holding of said election, which shall specify the time and place or places of the holding thereof; or if there be no newspaper published in said district, then in some newspaper published in the County in which said district is located. 132. The election provided for in the preceding sec- tion of this Act shall be held at the place, or several places in said special tax school district where the last general election was held throughout said district, unless the said County Board of Public Instruction shall otherwise order, and the said County Board of Public Instruct iV- OF THE UNIVERSITY / shall appoint inspectors for the said election, and cans to be prepared and furnished to said Inspectors the bal lots to be used at said election; the form of the ballots for such election shall be "For Bonds" or "Against Bonds." The inspectors shall make returns to the said Returns. County Board of Public Instruction immediately after the said election, and the said County Board shall hold a special meeting as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of canvassing said election returns, and shall determine and certify to the result thereof. 133. If it shall appear by the result of said election that a majority of the votes cast shall be "For Bonds/ the said County Board shall be authorized and requi to issue the bonds authorized by said election for the purposes specified in the said resolution as published, not to exceed the amount therein named; but if the majority of the votes cast shall have been "Against Bonds," no bonds shall be issued. 134. If the result of the said election shall be adverse Limitation. to the issuance of said bonds, no election shall be held for such purpose within one year thereafter. 135. In case the issuance of bonds shall be author- Advertising ized by the said election, the County Board of Public tor bids Instruction shall cause notice to be given by publication in some newspaper published in the said County, that said County Board will receive bids for the purchase of said bonds at the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of said County, on or before the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of said notice. Such notice shall specify the amount of bonds offered for sale, the rate of interest, and the time when the prin- cipal and installments of interest shall be due and pay Board may reject. Bidders or deposit. Form and denomina- tion. able. Any and all bids may be rejected by the Board if they deem it for the interest of said district so to do, and they may cause a new notice to be given in like manner inviting other bids for said bonds. Said Bonds shall be disposed of to the highest bidder. 136. The said Board of Public Instruction may require of all bidders for said bonds that they give security by bond, or by a deposit, to said County Board that the bidder shall comply with the terms of the bid; and any bidder whose bid shall be accepted shall be liable to the said County Board for all damages on account of the non- performance of the terms of such bid, or to a forfeiture of the deposit required by said County Board. 137. The County Board of Public Instruction may prescribe the form and the denomination of the bonds to be issued, and such bonds may be issued with or without interest coupons as may be deemed expedient. 138. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be held by the County Board of Public Instruction, (Ch. 6967, Laws of 1915.) andexp S ended and shall be expended by the said Board for the purpose Board un for which said bonds were authorized for the said special school tax district, and shall be held and expended in the manner following: First. The Board of Public Instruction shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, the proceeds arising from the sale of bonds, together with the interest in sinking fund collected for said bonds, in any bank or banks of the dis- trict issuing bonds that will agree to pay said board two (2%) per cent, on daily balances of all funds so depos ited, and four (4%) per cent, on all said funds deposited for a period of three months or longer, and give the said board a surety bond, as hereinafter prescribed, for pro tection of said deposits; provided, that the board shall divide the deposits herein mentioned equitably among the banks of the district that will meet the above condi- tions; or, in case no bank in the district will so qualify, then the board shall deposit the money in the banks of the county that will qualify as above provided ; or, in case no bank in the county will qualify, then the board will deposit same in any bank in the State that will so qual- Deposited in banks paying 1 ify; and any bank or banks before receiving any moneys interest. as herein provided shall file a written offer with the said board guaranteeing to pay two (2%) per cent on daily balances and four (4%) per cent on time balances, and shall make surety bond in some fidelity company duly authorized to do business in this State, to be approved, m a n k d e a month- and in an amount to be fixed, by the Comptroller of the State. Said bond shall be to the Governor of the State of Florida, and shall insure that the said bank shall faithfully discharge duties imposed upon it on account of its acting as depository, and shall further insure the safe-keeping, accounting for and paying over by said bank upon demand all money that may come into its hands by virtue of its acting as depository, and each bank acting as depository as herein provided shall make a monthly statement to the Board of Public Instruction, showing amount of money on hand to the credit of each fund at the beginning of each month, the amount received for each fund, the amount expended from each fund, the amount earned on daily balances and time deposits, in accordance with the terms of contract; which amounts so earned shall be credited to the Board of Public In- struction to the interest and sinking fund of the district on whose deposit the said interest was earned : provided. 64 that the money in time deposits account shall not be sub ject to check until transferred to daily balance account; and provided, further, that the Board shall have power at all times to transfer money from either account to the other. HOW money Second. The bank acting as depository as herein pro to be paid vided shall pay out any and all money coming into its hands, by virtue of its acting as said depository, upon a check drawn by the Board of Public Instruction, signed by the Chairman of said Board, and counter- signed by the Secretary of said Board, with the seal of said Board thereto affixed, and the said Board shall number each check with its proper number, and a issued list certified by the Secretary of said Board giving the number and amount of each check, with the name of the person in whose favor the check shall be issued, shall be furnished to the depository within five days after the same shall have been issued, and the depository shall not pay out any checks before receiving said certified list from the Secretary of the Board of Public Instruction, stating the number and amount of each check, and to whom issued; and it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Instruction to determine by resolution to be entered in its minutes the checks to be issued, to keep a record of all checks in the order in which they are issued, with the numbers of the same, the person to whom each check is drawn, and the number and purpose for which each check is drawn, and no money shall be drawn from the depository herein provided for except by check issued as hereinbefore provided in this Article. 65 139. As soon as practicable after the said bond issue has been voted upon and authorized, if the same be for fmpr r as nere i n provided for, the issuance of bonds for a purpose other than acquiring, building, enlarging, fur- nishing, or other improvement of school buildings, the County Board of Public Instruction may and shall have the authority to disburse the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds in such manner as may be necessary and proper to carry out the purposes and objects for which the said bond issue was authorized. (Ch. 6967, 142. First. Whenever any special school tax district Laws of 1915.) bonds shall have been issued in pursuance of this Act, Tax to create sinking fund. it ^^ be the duty of the B oar( j o f County Commis- sioners of said county to levy annually a tax upon all real and personal property, railroad, telegraph and tele- phone line, owned or situated within said Special School Tax District, not to exceed five mills on the dollar in any one year, sufficient to raise and pay the interest on said Special Tax School District bonds and sufficient to cre- ate the sinking fund for the payment of principal of said bonds at maturity of same, which sinking fund shall be provided for by resolution of the County Board of Public Instruction before the issuing of any bonds. All Special Tax School District taxes for the payment of interest and to create a sinking fund for the retirement of said howVssSSed bonds sna11 be assessed, equalized and collected upon tax- and collected. a bi e property in the Special Tax School District by the same officers, and in the same manner as is provided by law for the assessment, equalization and collection of tumid 8 over ther county taxes. And the Board of County Commis- ?or!es posi ~ sioners shall levy and have collected from all taxable property within the Special Tax School District a special tax herein provided for, and until all bonds issued in pur- suance hereof shall be paid and retired, and all money 67 now in the hands of any county treasurer of (his Slale which has been collected on account of the interest and sinking fund for any Special Tax School District, or which may hereafter be turned over to any County Treas- urer for the purposes mentioned above shall be imme- diately turned over to the bank selected as said depository for that district's funds by the County Treasurer upon his being so notified by the Board of Public Instruction that the said depository has been selected and has quali- fied as herein provided, and provided that after the first day of January, A. D. 1917, it shall be the duty of the County Tax Collector to turn over to the said depository as designated by the Board of Public Instruction all money collected for the Interest and Sinking Fund of all bonds issued and outstanding against any such Special School Tax District. Second. The County Board of Public Instruction shall investment of sinking have power at all times to invest the Sinking Fund col- fund. lected for the retirement of any bonds of any district in the bonds of another Special School Tax District of the same county ; Provided, said bonds shall be purchased at par, and the Board shall have further right to invest the Sinking Fund of any district in any municipal or county bonds of the county under its jurisdiction; pro- vided, that the said bonds shall be of such date and ma- turity that they will mature on or before the date of the maturity of the district's bonds, with whose Sinking Fund they have been purchased; and provided further, that it shall be the duty of the County Board of Public Instruction before investing the Sinking Fund as herein provided to secure the opinion of the Attorney-General of Genera! y to the State of Florida, approving the legality and validity !ty SS of of the bonds to be so purchased, and no bonds shall ever vested. h be purchased by any Board which have not been en- tirely and fully approved by the opinion of the Attor- ney-General as herein provided. Provided always, that the Board shall have the right to keep the Sinking Fund on deposit earning the rate of interest agreed upon until such time as in their judgment they may be able to invest it in bonds to better advantage as herein pro- vided for. Annual re- Third. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public district. Instruction to prepare annually, on or before the 30th day of June of each year, a separate report for each district having issued bonds, in which they shall state the amount of money received for said bonds, the amount of money expended from the proceeds, the amount on hand, the amount of money collected for Interest and Sinking Fund of said bonds, the amount expended, the amount in- vested, and enumerating the kind and amount of securi- ties held therefor, describing the same separately and giving such other information as may be necessary to fully explain the financial condition of the district, which report "shall be published at length in a newspaper of general circulation of the district or the county in which the district is located. Additional 143. After the issuance by any special tax school dis- trict of bonds in the manner herein authorized, the quali- fied electors of such special tax school district may there- after, from time to time, in the manner herein provided for, authorize one or more additional bond issues as they may determine upon. Disposition 144: - Should there remain any of the proceeds of the sale of special tax school district bonds after the pur- pose and object for which the said bonds were issued shall have been carried out and performed by the said Board of Public Instruction, the said surplus then shall 69 be held by the said County Board and paid out by said Board for the exclusive use of the public free schools within such special tax school district as said County Hoard may deem reasonable and proper, provided sucli disposition be first recommended by the Trustees of said special tax school district. 145. When any special tax school district shall have v *^ atlon of authorized and issued bonds in the manner provided for under the terms of this Act, such bonds shall be subject to validation in the manner provided for in Chapter 0237 Laws of Florida, approved June 3, 1911, and any amen- datory Ac f s thereto. State Text-Book Commission and Uniform Text-Books. 146. tions * (Ch. 6178, Laws of 1911.) The Board of Commissioners of State Institu- * * * is hereby constituted a State Text Ib., Sec. 1. State Text- Book Commission Book Commission, whose duty it is to select and adopt a created - To adopt a Uniform series or system of text-books for use in the pub- uniform series of text-books. lie schools in the State of Florida. 147. Said Commission is hereby authorized, empov;- ered and directed to select and adopt a uniform system or commission. series of text-books for use in the public schools of the State, as above indicated, and when so selected and adopted, the text-books shall be used for a period of five years in all the public schools of this State, and it shall not be lawful for any school officer, director or teacher to use any other books upon the same branches, other books than those adopted by the said Text-Book Commission. Said uniform series shall include the following branches, to-wit: Orthography, defining, reading, writing, drawing, for 70 subjects. arithmetic, geography, grammar, language lessons, his- tory of Florida (containing the Constitution of the State), history of the United States (containing the Con- stitution of the United States), physiology, hygiene, nature and effect of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, ele ments of Civil Government, elements of Agriculture, Theory and Practice of Teaching: Provided, That none of said text-books shall contain anything of a partisan or sectarian character. Sub- (For provisions as to Sub-Commission, their report to Commission. the Text-Book Commission, etc., see the complete Act, sec tions 3, 4, 5 Appendix). ib, sec. 6. 148. Said Text-Book Commission shall hear and con- To consider commission 11 * s ^ er sa ^ report (of the Sub-Commission) in its selec- tion and adoption of a uniform series of text-books, and Also- merits shall also, themselves, consider the merits of the books. of books, etc. taking into consideration their subject matter, the print- ing, binding, material, and mechanical quality, and their general suitability and desirability for the purposes in- tended, and the price of said books; and they shall give due consideration to the report and recommendation < TO adopt said Sub-Commission. Said Commission shall select and books, using adopt such books as will, in their best judgment, accom- plish the ends desired. * * * ID., sec 9. 149. * * * After the first adoption of books by Later changes lO^r^S? said Tex1>Book Commission there shall not be any greater per annum, change in books that would be equal or equivalent to 10 per cent per annum of the whole number of books adopted ; Provided, That the publishers of the books not changed shall agree to furnish said books for the next period of adoption at as low price as previously. 71 150. * * * The Commission shall stipulate in the contract for the supplying of any book, or books, that l0 s of the contractor, or contractors, shall take up school books now in use in this State, and receive the same in exchange of new books, allowing a price for such old books not less than fifty per cent, of the contract price of the new books. * * * 151. As soon as said Commission shall have entered into a contract, or contracts, for the furnishing, or sup- proclamation. plying, of books for use in the Public Schools in this State, it shall be the duty of the Governor to issue his proclamation announcing such fact to the people of the State. (For provisions as to Agencies and sale of books, see the complete Act, section 13 Appendix). 152. As soon after the passage of this Act as may be ^ e g ec 16 - practicable, the books adopted uniform series as a uniform system of text-books shall be introduced and introduced. used as text-books to the exclusion of all others in all the public free schools in this State ; Provided, That nothing herein shall be so construed -as to prevent the use of sup- plementary books, but such supplementary books pre- scribed, or adopted, under the provisions of this Act ; and Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall prevent the teaching in any school any branch higher, or more advanced, than is embraced in Section 2 of this Act (147), nor the use of any book upon such higher branch of study ; Provided, That such higher branch shall not be taught to the exclusion of the branches mentioned and set out in Section 2 of this Act (147). tRry DOOKS. 153. Any teacher who shall wilfully use, or permit to be used in his or her school, any text-book upon the branches embraced in this Act, where the Commission has adopted a book upon that branch, other than the one f other 72 so adopted, the County Board of Public Instruction shall discharge, and cancel the certificate of, such teacher ; Pro- vided, That they may use, or permit to be used, such book, or books, as may now be owned by the pupils of the schools, until such books are worn out, not exceeding one year from date of adoption. Laws 6 ?f 34 i9i5. 154. The State Text-Book Commission * * are hereby authorized to confer with the various publish- ers of text-books adopted (1911) and in use in the State, ?erm n ofbook to extend the time limit for renewing contracts for uni- contracts. form school books to July 1, 1917, at which time contracts shall be made for future adoptions for the full period of five years, as required by statute. Laws 6 of 8 i9ii 155 * Tlie resp^ti^ school boards of the respective counties of this State are hereby required to furnish free of cost to any child not over fifteen years of age, whose father or mother, or either of them, is on the roll of the county poor, and any child who is an orphan under the age of fifteen years and who is without necessary means to procure the same, or who has no brother or near rela- tive who has the necessary means, or to any child, not when Boards over said age, whose parent are poor, and indigent or afflicted, and are financially unable to procure the same for such child, all the school text-books necessary for the use of the child, accompanied by the affidavit of not less than two reputable citizens, taxpayers of the county, certifying to such financial condition of such child, or its parents, and upon recommendation of the County Super- intendent of Public Istruction ; Provided, That when the child is whose behalf the application is made, resides, or has its home in a special tax district, the financial cir- cumstances shall be certified to by not less than two of the Trustees of such district, and the cost of the books furnished such child shall be charged against, and paid for out of, the funds to the credit of such district. 73 Compulsory School Attendance. (Chapter 6831, Laws of 1915.) 156. Whenever one-fourth of the registered white Petition to voters of any Special Tax School District, School Board ? r Un District, or of any county, shall file with a County Board attendance of Public Instruction a written petition asking for an election to be held in such Special Tax School District, School Board District, or county, to determine whether compulsory school attendance shall prevail in either of said districts, or the county, it shall be the duty of the County Board of Public Instruction to order an election in either of said districts, or the county, according as the petition may request, to decide whether the follo\ving compulsory school atendance provisions shall be enforced in said Special Tax School District, School Board Dis- trict, or county. 157. The County Board of Public Instruction shall Newspaper give notice of such election by advertising the same for four weeks in a newspaper published within the terri- tory, if a newspaper be published therein, but if none, then in some newspaper published in the county. . 158. The electors in such elections must be regis- Registration tered as provided in the general law for registrations for ?ion s q for ifica ~ special elections, and they shall have the same qualifi- votmg - cations for, and prerequisites to, voting as prescribed in elections held under the general election laws. , 159. The election shall be held and conducted in the Election. manner prescribed by law for holding general elections, except as provided in this Act, and all such elections shall be held within sixty days from the filing of the petition. 160. Inspectors of election shall be appointed and qualified, as in cases of general elections, and they shall canvass the vote cast and make due returns of the same 74 Returns to County Board. Ballot. Votes necessary to establish. Publication of laws. to the County Board of Public Instruction without delay. The County Board of Public Instruction shall canvass the returns and declare the result, and cause the same to be recorded, as far as applicable, as provided in the gen- eral law concerning elections. 161. The ballot used in such elections shall be plain white paper and printed thereon, "For Compulsory School Attendance," and "Against Compulsory School Attend- ance," so arranged that the voter may express his choice, as in the Australian ballot, by making a cross mark to the left of one or the other of the two lines. 162. Should three-fifths of the votes legally cast at any such election be "For Compulsory School Attendance," then the compulsory school attendance laws hereinafter- prescribed shall be in force in such territory for two years, or forever thereafter until another such election is held in compliance with the foregoing provisions; and if three-fifths or more of the votes shall be cast "Against Compulsory School Attendance," then school attendance shall not be compulsory in said territory until otherwise determined by an election held in pursuance of this Act; Provided, That when any such election is held in a whole county, compulsory school attendance shall be enforced in any School Board District, or districts, of said county wherein a three-fifths vote was cast "For Compulsory School Attendance," though a three-fifths vote of the county as a whole was cast "Against Compulsory School Attendance ;" Provided, also. That when any such election is held in a whole county, compulsory school attendance shall not be enforced in any School Board District, or Districts, of said county, wherein a majority vote was cast "Against Compulsory School Attendance," though the majority vote of the county as a whole was cast "For Compulsory School Attendance." 163. The County Board of Public Instruction of a county in which a compulsory school attendance election 75 has been held and three-fifths of the votes legally cast at such election in a Special Tax School District, School Board District, or in the Avhole county, was "For Com- pulsory School Attendance," shall, at the first regular meeting thereafter, publish that the following compulsory school attendance laws will be in full force and effect In force 30 thirty days thereafter in the Special Tax School District, g t y e s r . tbere ' School Board District, or in the county, as may have been determined by the said election. 164. Every parent, guardian, or person in charge of, Every child in or control of, a child or children, between the ages of eight attend 8?" and fourteen years and residing within a Special Tax y ?ar, between School District, a School Board District, or a county ad- I and g i4. vertised as under the following compulsory school at- tendance provisions, shall cause such child or children to attend regularly the public school of the district in which the child or children reside not less than eighty days of each year, between the ages of eight and fourteen years of each child; the period of compulsory attendance shall commence with the beginning of the school term nearest to the eighth birthday of each child, and shall cover a period of six consecutive years thereafter, except as here- inafter provided. 165. Continuous attendance upon some other school. Attendance 7 on private or public, private, or church, for eighty days of each year j?urch during the ages of eight and fourteen of any child, may accepted, be accepted in lieu of attendance upon a local public school; Provided further, That any private or church school receiving for instruction pupils between the ages of eight and fourteen years shall keep such record of at- tendance of said child or children and will render such reports of the same, as are hereinafter required of teach- ers of public schools; otherwise the attendance upon any such private or church school refusing or neglecting to keep such records and to make such reports shall not be accepted in lieu of attendance upon a public school. 70 Exemptions. Temporary absence. 166. Exemptions. This Act shall iiot apply in any case in which the child's physical or mental conditions, as attested by any competent physician before any court having jurisdiction under this Act, render its attendance impracticable or inexpedient; or in any case in which the child resides more than tAVo miles by the nearest traveled route from the school house, and transportation is not provided ; or in any case of extreme poverty, in which the services of such child are necessary for its own support or the support of its parents, as attested by the affidavit of its parent or parents and of such witnesses as the At- tendance Officer may require ; or in any case in which said parent, guardian, or other person, having charge or con- trol of a child, shall show before any magistrate by affi- davit of himself and of such witnesses as the Attendance Officer may require, that the child is without necessary books and clothing for attending school, and that the parent is unable to provide the necessary books and cloth- ing; Provided, That when books and clothing shall be provided, through charity or by other means, the child shall no longer be exempt from school attendance under this provision; Provided, further, That when a teacher is charged with inefficiency, misconduct or cruelty, such charge being made in writing and filed with the Trustees of the Special Tax School District, or with the County Board of Public Instruction by a parent, or guardian, of any child attending the school being taught by such teacher, then the attendance of such child shall not be enforced until after 'a full investigation of such charge has been made by the board with which same was filed and the said teacher has been acquitted or exonerated. 167. Temporary Absence Allotcable. Every parent, guardian, or other person in the State of Florida, having charge or control of a child or children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall cause said child or chil- dren to attend school as aforesaid; Provided, That oc- casional absence from such attendance by any child, 77 amounting to not more than two unexcused absences in four consecutive weeks, shall not be unlawful; Provided, further, That the principal, or teacher in charge of the school, may excuse any child for temporary absence be- cause of a storm or bad weather, sickness or death in its family, unforseen or unavoidable accident. Excused ab- sences, and the reason therefor, shall be recorded by said principal, or teacher in charge of the school, and shall be reported to the Attendance Officer as hereinafter pro- vided; Provided further, That in case of protracted ill- ness of any child whose attendance is required under this Act, or in case of quarantine of the home in which such child resides, upon report of the Health Officer, or upon certificate of any legally qualified physician to this effect, the Attendance Officer shall excuse from attendance such child until he is fully restored to health, or until any quarantine excluding the child from school has been raised. 168. Penalty. Any parent, guardian or other person penalty, in control of a child or children, violating the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar and not more than three dollars for each and every offense. And upon failure or refusal to pay such fine, said parent, guardian or other person in control of a child, shall be imprisoned not to exceed thirty days in the County Jail; Provided, That the fine for any first offense, may, upon payment of costs, be suspended and not collected until the same per- son is convicted of a second offense; Provided further, That after the expiration of three days from the time no- tice is served by the Attendance Officer, each and every day a parent, guardian, or other person, shall wilfully and unlawfully keep such child or children from school, or allow it or them to remain out of school, shall constitute a separate offense and shall subject said person to the penalties above prescribed. 78 OflSs nce 169 - Tne County Board of Public Instruction of any county wherein any district, or the county, has adopted the compulsory school attendance provisions of this Act, shall have the power to appoint and fix the compensation of an Attendance Officer or Officers, and remove the same at will. An Attendance Officer may be appointed for one school or for a number of schools, in the discretion of the County Board of Public Instruction, and may be a super- visor or a trustee of a school, or any suitable person who will discharge the duties of the position, and the County Board may assign an Attendance Officer such other du- ties as may be deemed advisable. Duties f, census. Notice to parent. 170. It shall be the duty of every Attendance Officer to take an accurate census of every child between the ages of six and twenty-one years in his district in the month of June in each and every year on blanks furnished by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. He shall make three neat and legible copies of this census roll, which shall give the name, sex, date of birth, the name of the parent or guardian, with the postoffice, of every child, and any additional information demanded. One copy of this census shall be filed with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, one copy with the County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, by the first day of July in each and every year, and one copy shall be preserved for his own use, and he shall furnish the principal of each school within his jurisdiction with a list of the names of children due to attend the school of which the principal is in charge, and the County Board of Public Instruction shall ascertain without charge the number of pupils con- tained in said lists. 171. The Attendance Officer shall serve a written or printed notice, or partly written and partly printed not- ice, upon every parent, guardian, or other person having control of a child or children, violating the provisions of I liis Act, and prompt compliance on the part of the parent. 79 Right of entrance. guardian or other person shall be required. If any par- ent, guardian, or other person upon whom such notice is served, fails to comply with the law within three days thereafter, then it shall be the duty of the Attendance Officer upon the recommendation of the Board of Public Instruction to prosecute forthwith such person in the name of the State of Florida, before any Justice of the Peace, or County Judge, of any county, town or district in which the prosecuted resides. All fines collected shall be turned over to the custodian of the County School Fund, and may be used by the County Board of Public- Instruction for the enforcement of this Act, or for other purposes. 172. The Attendance Officer shall have the right to visit and enter any office, factory, or business house em- ploying youth, for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Act; when doubt exists as to the age of a child he may require a properly attested birth certificate, or affidavit, as to the age of any child. 173. Every Attendance Officer shall keep an accurate "ecords of. record of all notices served, all cases prosecuted, and all other services performed, and shall make an annual re- port of the same to the County Board of Public Instruc- tion, on blanks furnished by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in the manner required, and oftener when demanded by the County Board. 174. It shall be the duty of all principals and teachers Duty of to co-operate with the Attendance Officer in the enforce- ment of this law. To this end it shall be the duty of the principal or teache.r in charge of every school, in which pupils between the ages of eight and fourteen years are in- structed, to keep an accurate record of the attendance of all pupils, to render weekly reports to the Attendance Of ficer and the County Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, of all pupils imperfect in attendance, showing all absences, excused and unexcused, and in the case of an Reports of. 80 excused absence to state the reason for which the pupil was excused. Publication us. it shall be the duty of the County Board of Pub- lic Instruction of each county to cause this Act to be pub- lished, separate and distinct from the publication of the Acts of the Legislature, in full in some newspaper pub- lished in the county, if there begone, and if there be none, then to distribute and give it the widest circulation in the form of a circular at least four weeks prior to the opening of the schools for the school year, beginning July 1, 1915, and annually thereafter if in their discretion it be neces- sar. Ch. 6829, Laws of 1915. state Board of Health. Board to adopt rules. County Physicians. County Medical In- spectors. Medical Inspection and Sanitary Precautions. 176. The State Board of Health shall have super- vision over all matters pertaining to the medical inspec- tion of school children in Florida, with such duties and powers as are prescribed by law pertaining to Public Health, and all school children shall be examined as to their physical condition at least once during each school year. 177. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health, as soon after the passage of this Act as practicable, to formulate and adopt such rules and regulations as will be necessary to provide for thorough and uniform medi- cal inspection of school children in Florida, as provided in Section 1 of this Act. 178. The County Physicians of each County in the State of Florida shall act" as County ' Medical Inspectors of school children in their respective counties, providing that in such counties where there are no regular appointed County Ph} r sicians, it shall be the duty of tho Board of County Commissioners to appoint a physician as County Medical Inspector of school children; Provided 81 further, that the County Physician or County Medical Inspector of School Children be paid for their services 1>av out of the State Board of Health funds; Provided fur- ther, That no one physician shall have more than twenty- five hundred school children under his charge, and in counties having more than twenty-five hundred school children there shall be two Medical Inspectors of School hildren appointed, as aforesaid. 179. The provisions of this Act shall not affect cities of over five thousand inhabitants where medical inspec- 5,000. tion of school children has already been established under the jurisdiction of the City Board of Health, pro- vided that the City Board of Health adopt the forms pre- scribed by the State Board of Health, and make full re- port to the State Board of Health. 180. The expenditures of the State Board of Health Report of State Board for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this of Health. Act shall be certified by the President of the State Board of Health, and he shall make an annual report to the Governor of all such expenditures, together with any special observations, recommendations, or facts that he may present, showing the value of Medical School Inspec- tion from a public health standpoint, or from a stand- point of educational efficiency, or otherwise, and such annual statements shall finally be submitted by the Gov- ernor to the State Legislature, when in regular session convened, and shall be published like other reports of State officers. The accounts necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be approved, audited and paid in the same manner as is prescribed for the payment of other accounts of the State Board of Health, and out of the State Board of Health funds. 181. All school buildings, public or private, in this State shall be provided with adequate facilities for r Facilities nature's conveniences, bv either water carriage or sur- for nature's conveniences 6 DSL Duty of State Board of Health. Penalty face closets, with separate compartments for each sex. In rural districts where sewerage systems do not exist r all surface closets used in connection with such schools shall be of fly-proof construction and in conformity with plans recommended or approved by the State Board of Health, with separate compartments for each sex. 182. That any public school board or any person, firm or corporation conducting any private school, who shall have charge of the erection, repair or maintenance of any school building, who shall fail to provide said buildings with the facilities required by Section 1 of this Act (181), or who shall fail to provide surface closets as required by Section 2 of this Act (181), shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars (foO.OO). Fire Escapes for School Buildings, and Fire Drills. Ch. 5037, Laws of 1909. Mandatory. Duty of County Board. Further duties. 183. All public school buildings within the State of Florida, of two Or more stories in height, the story or stories of which shall be used for public school purposes, shall be provided with adequate stairways or fire escapes for egress in case of fire. 184. The number of such stairways or fire escapes, and their location, material and construction, shall be as designated and prescribed by the Board of Public Instruction of the county in which said school building or buildings shall be located. 185. The Board of Public Instruction of each of the counties of the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be prac- ticable, have constructed the stairways or fire escapes hereinbefore described, and shall at all times keep or have the same kept in perfect order. 83 186. All the outer doors of any public school build- ing, where there shall be two or more rooms, shall be so ut ward. hung that when they are opened they will swing to the outside. 187. The Boards of Public Instruction for the several counties of the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be prac- ticable, have the doors of said school buildings changed, if necessary, to comply with the provisions of Section 186: (Sec. 4 of this Act)'. 188. The Superintendent of Public Instruction of the Duty of state State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, St! rintel or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, formulate and prescribe tactics of instruction for fire drills for all flr^drius. the public schools of the State of Florida, and each teacher teaching in such school shall be provided with a copy of such tactics, and it shall be the duty of each and JSclers. every of such teachers to instruct the students of their respective schools in such fire drills as prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 189. Any teacher or officer mentioned in this Act Penalty, who shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions hereof shall be removed from his position or office. Sundry Provisions. 190. A poll tax of one dollar shall be levied upon each Gen state.. male person over the age of twenty-one years, and under { the age of fifty-five years, except such as have lost a limb in battle, which tax shall be paid into the county school fund, and shall be collected when taxes on property are collected. It shall be illegal for a Collector to give any receipt for taxes on any property to persons owing poll tax until the poll tax is paid, and the Collector shall on the first day of each month make out a statement giving 84 the names of the parties who have paid their poll taxes, and present the same sworn to by said Collector to the County Commissioners at their regular meeting and present the receipt of the County Treasurer for the same. it>, sec. 509. 191. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector in each Tax collector county to file on or before the tenth day of every month lists of polls with the County Board of Public Instruction a certified to School Board. list of the names of all persons whose poll taxes were paid during the previous month, giving the year for which payments were made. ib., sec. 819. 192. The County Treasurers of the several counties in Treasurers of school Fund, this State shall be and the same are hereby constituted the treasurers of the school funds in their respective counties. (Banks to be county depositories after January 1, 1917; See Ch. 6932, Laws of 1915. Appendix ). [b., sec. 820. 193. The Treasurer of the county school fund shall be treasurer paid for receipts and disbursements of county school funds the same commissions allowed by law to County Treasurers for receipts and disbursements of county funds, the said commissions to be paid by the County Board of Public Instruction from the county school fund upon vouchers approved by the County Board of Public Instruction. 194. The following persons shall be exempt Exemptions duty. from jury duty: * * officers of the university, o Ulcers of colleges, preceptors and teachers of incor porated academies, teachers of common schools. Penalties. si"' 3430 s " ^'^' Whoever wantonly and maliciously, or wantonly sehSof bund- and witnout cause, destroys, defaces, mars or injures any intr dwelling house or any school house, church or other 85 building erected or used for the purpose of education or religious instruction or for the general diffusion of know! edge, or any of the outbuildings, fences, walls, or appur- tenances of such school house, church or other building, or any furniture, apparatus or other property belonging to or connected with such school house, church or other- building, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceed ing one year, or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. 196. Whoever wilfully cuts, paints, pastes or defaces, ib., sec. 3541. Obscenity on by writing or in any other manner, any school building, furniture, apparatus, appliance, outbuilding, ground, fence, tree, post or other school property with obscene word, image or device shall be punished by imprisonme.n1 not exceeding fifteen days, or by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. This section shall not apply to any pupil in and subject to the discipline of the school. Whoever, within the school house or grounds, }ns u mn 354a in 197. upbraids or insults any teacher in the presence of the pupils shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding presence- fifteen days, or by fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. This section shall not apply to any pupil in and subject to the discipline of the school. 198. Whoever wilfully interrupts or disturbs any gec school, or any assembly of people met for the worship of Disturbing S(*nools. God, or for any other lawful purpose, shall be punished by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days. 199.. No Superintendent or School Board of any u>.. Sec. 3731. county, or any person officially connected with the gov- for'deaUBg in V nsVi.rv.rvl VtS\.j-vl-A eminent or direction of the public schools, or teacher thereof, shall receive any private fee, gratuity, donation or compensation, in any manner whatsoever, for promot ing the sale or the exchange of any school book, map or chart in any public school, or be an agent for the sale or school books Ib., Sec. 3809. Sale of intoxi- cating liquor within four miles of schools. the publisher of any school text book, or be directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in the introduction of any such text book, and any such agency or interest shall disqualify any person so acting or interested from holding any school office whatsoever, and the party so offending shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days. 200. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to sell or tipple, except in incorporated towns and cities, any intoxicating liquors of whatever charac- ter, within a distance of four miles of any public or private school building, whether said school shall be in session or not, or any chartered institution of learning, or of any church building of whatever denomination: Provided, That this section shall not be construed to repeal, modify or in any way change the local option law now in force in this State: Provided, also, That this section shall not repeal any part of the law of 1895, permitting the manufacture or sale of domestic wines: Provided, also, That this section shall not apply to nor affect the sale of such liquors to guests only by hotel proprietors where such hotels contain twenty-five rooms or more, nor shall it apply to or affect social clubs duly incorporated under the laws of this State, selling to members only, if such hotels and clubs have duly com- plied with the general law of this State relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors: Provided, This shall not a PP^ to localities where liquors are now sold within five hundred feet of incorporated towns, or to saloons where existing in towns of two hundred or more inhabitants where such saloon is the only one within a distance of fifty miles. Whoever violates the provisions of this sec- tion shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for a period not .more than three months. S7 201. It shall be unlawful in this State, for white teach- ?ws 6 o? %i8 ers to teach negroes in negro schools, and for negro teach 6 in not to teachers to teach in white schools. Jnd r0 vi S ce h0018 ' versa. Any person, or persons, violating the provisions hereof Penalty, shall be punished by a tine not to exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the County jail not exceeding six (6) months. 202. It shall be a penal offense for any individual, white children and body oi individuals, corporation or association to con- negro CMI- duct within this State any school of anv errade, public, be taught in same school. private or parochial, wherein white persons and negroes shall be instructed or boarded within the same build- ing, or taught in the same class, or at the same time by the same teachers. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section by patronizing or teaching in such school shall be fined in .a sum not less than one Penalt y- hundred and fifty dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than three months, nor more than six months for every such offense. 203. Any Superintendent, County or State, violating p r violation the provisions of law relating to the examination and tion -iaw. certification of teachers^ upon conviction shall be finod not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be debarred from holding any school office in this State. (For other provisions for violation of examination laws, see Ch. 6165, Laws of 1911; Sections 54-59 pre- ceeding) . SPECIAL SCHOOLS; SCHOOLS FOR TEACHERS AND FOR HIGHER EDUCATION State Summer Schools for Teachers. en. 6498, 204. That there is hereby established and created in as amended this State three Summer Schools to be located as follows : Laws of 1915. One in connection with the University of Florida, at Three sum- mer schools Gainesville; one in connection with the Florida State College for Women, at Tallahassee; and one in connection established. with the Agricultural and Negroes, at Tallahassee. Mechanical College for Duty of State Board of Educa- tion. To whom schools open Who to teach 205. The Summer Schools herein created shall be in charge of the State Board of Education, whose duty it shall be to hold sessions of one or more of them each summer; the said sessions to begin not later than June 28th and to continue for a period of not less than ten weeks. 206. The Summer Schools hereby created shall be open to all students who desire to graduate, and under- graduates for professional or vocational work of any char- acter, and no teacher shall be employed to teach therein who is not a specialist and whose educational qualifica- tions have not thoroughly equipped him or her for high grade work. Hoard for ap- 207. The President of the University of Florida and ' the President of the Florida. State College for Women, and the President of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes shall be President, respectively, of the Summer School connected with each of said institu- tions, and the President of the University of Florida and the President of the Florida State College for Women, in connection with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall constitute a Hoard whose duty 89 it shall be to name all teachers for the Summer Schools, g t ^ d rse of to prescribe the course of study therefor, and to make Rules and such further rules and regulations goveining the same regulations as they may deem fit and proper. 208. All work conducted at the said Summer Schools character shall be of such character as to entitle the students doing quired. the same to collegiate, normal or professional credit therefor and may be applied toward making a degree. 209. All teachers attending any one of the Summjer credit for Schools herein created and whose work entitles them to credit therefor, upon making proof of the same the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is hereby entitled CPrTjTlORTfV to one year's extension on any Florida teacher's certificate they may hold and which has not fully expired, and such certificate may be extended one year for each succeeding session attended by said teacher. County Teacher-Training Departments. 210. The State Board of Education shall provide a oh. 83o, -.-* , cv i i i- Laws of 1915. Teacher-Training Department in one High School in eacn state Board , ,. of Education county of the State under such rules and regulations as to provide shall be adopted by said State Board of Education; Pro- vided, that such High School shall have not less than ten pupils ready and prepared for and who will take the teacher-training course of study. 211. The State Board of Education shall appropriate to each Teacher-Training Department the sum of five Roar<1 hundred (1500.00) dollars, provided the County Board of Public Instruction appropriates an equal amount or more to secure a competent teacher, all of whose time shall be devoted to the Teacher-Training Department. 212. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions ora of this Act the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) tion JIO Ch. 6840, Laws of 1915, amending Ch. G529, Laws of 1913. Florida Industrial School for Boys. State Indus- trial School for Girls. Under management of State Board dollars per year for the two years beginning July 1st, 1915, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Industrial Schools for Boys and for Girls. 213. The State Reform School heretofore located and established under Chapter 4565, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1897, near Marianna, Jackson County, and which was changed to the "Florida Industrial School for BOYS" under Chapter 6529, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1013, is hereby continued and maintained for the correction of boys. 214. A State Industrial School for Girls is hereby created, to be located at some place within the State of Florida to be determined by the Board of State Institu- tions. 215. Said Institutions shall be placed under the man- agement of the Board of State Institutions. (For further provisions concerning these schools, see General Statutes, Sections 4165-4175, and Chapter 6840, Laws of 1915). Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. Ch. 5384 (20) Laws of 1905. Powers of State Board and Board of Control. Ch. 5927, Laws of 1909 216. The State Board of Education * * * is hereby vested with the title to all the assets and prop- erty of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, but the control, possession and management thereof, and of said school, and each and every depart- ment thereof * * * is hereby vested in the Board of Control. (See Ch. 5384, Laws of Florida, Appendix) Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes. 217. A Normal School for the training and instruc- tion of colored teachers is established under the super- vision and control of the State Board of Education and the Board of Control. * * * The Florida Agricul- tural and Mechanical College for Negroes now established at Tallahassee shall be such school. (See*Ch. 5384, Laws of Florida, Appendix). University of Florida and Florida State College for Women. 218. There shall be established, and there is hereby created, the following institutions of higher education in this State, to-wit: One University to be known as the University of Florida, and one Female Seminary to be known as the Florida State College for Women. (See Ch. 5384, Laws of Florida, Appendix). Ch. 5384 (11) Laws of 1905. Supervision of State Board of Edu- cation and Board of Control. Ch. 5925, Laws of 1909 Ch. 5384 (12) Laws of 1905. Creation of University of Florida and Florida State College for Women. Ch. 5924 and Ch. 5926, Laws of 1909 Board of Control. 219. There is hereby created a Board of Control which shall consist of five citizens from this State, * * * creation. who shall be appointed by the Governor, and their terms of office shall be for four years. * * * Said Board of Control, except as herein provided, shall ii>., sec. 15. Subject to act in conjunction with, but at all times under and sub- state Board of Educa- ject to the control and supervision of the State Board of tion. Education. 1*20. The Board of Control shall have jurisdiction over ID., Sec. 19. lr OWGFS. and complete management and control of all the said institutions and each and every one of them, to-wit: The Universitv of Florida, the Florida State College for 92 Women, the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, and the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, and is hereby vested with full power and authority to make all rules and regulations necessary for their gov- ernance not inconsistent with the general rules and regu- lations made, or which may be made, at any joint meet ing of the said Board with the State Board of Education. UNCODIFIED ACTS. . CHAPTER 5384. AN ACT to abolish the Florida Agricultural College, now officially designated as the University of Florida, lo cated at Lake City; the West Florida Seminary uo\v known as the Florida State College, located at Talla- hassee; the White Normal School, located at DeFuniak Springs; the East Florida Seminary, located at Gainesville; the South Florida College, located at Bar- tow; the Florida Agricultural Institute, located in Os- ceola County, and to vacate and revoke their charters, powers, franchises and privileges, and to abolish their Boards of Trustees, managers and officers; to declare their assets and property the property of the State of Florida, and to vest the title to same in the State Board of Education in trust for the purposes provided in this Act, to require the conveyance of title and the delivery of all property and assets of said abolished institutions to the said State Board of Education by the Trustees, Managers or other persons having the title, possession, custody or control of the assets of said institutions ; re- quiring an accounting and reports thereform, includ- ing a statement of all their liabilities and the auditing of the same; providing for the payment of the indebt- edness of said institutions; revoking and abolishing all continuing appropriations made or granted thereto ; for the repeal of Sections 278, 270, 280, 281, 282, 288, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298 and 299 of the Revised Statutes of Florida, relating to the creation and establishment of the Florida Agricul tural College, its organization, powers, rights and privi- leges and matters pertaining thereto; for the repeal of Sections 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, ail, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325, 326 and 327 of the Eevised Statutes of Florida relating to the organization, creation and es- tablishment of the Seminaries East and West of the Suwannee River, their location, powers, rights, privi- leges and matters pertaining thereto ; the repeal of Sec- tion 268 of the Revised Statutes of Florida relating to the establishment of a White Normal School at De- Funiak Springs, and providing for the election of a faculty therefor; the abolishing of the Normal and In- dustrial department created in the St. Petersburg Nor- mal and Industrial School located at St. Petersburg, and the repealing of Chapter 4998 of the Laws of Flor- ida, entitled "An Act to assist in the maintaining an Industrial and Normal department in the St. Peters- burg Normal and Industrial School ; to create scholar- ships therein and to make appropriations therefor," approved May 31, 1901; providing that no further ap- propriations or State aid shall be made to the said in- stitution, the striking from the name of said institu- tion of the words ''Normal and Industrial," and the re- linquishing to the County of Hillsborough of all inter- est possessed by the State in and to the said school or its property by reason of the appropriations made and aid granted thereto ; for the amendment of Section 269 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida relating to the establishment of a normal school for colored teachers, and providing for the election of a faculty therefor; the establishment, creation and location of the University of the State to be known as the Univer- sity of the State of Florida, and one female Seminarv 94 to be known as the Florida Female College, for the maintenance and support of same; providing for the change of location of the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb now located at St. Augustine, and its en- largement, maintenance and support; providing for the maintenance, support and greater efficiency of the Colored Normal School located at Tallahassee, and for the change of location of the same as may be desired; for the creation of a Board of Control to manage and control all of said several institutions created and pro- vided to be supported and maintained by this act, and to provide for their appointment, terms of office, man- ner of their succession, organization, compensation, modes and manner of payment and matters connected therewith; granting unto said Board, the control and management of said institutions and every department thereof, full power and authority to that end, and for the employment of all instructors, teachers, servants and employees; for the purchase of all property, furni- ture, paraphernalia and matters for said institutions and the proper administration of the same, and the mode and manner by which the expense of their opera- tion, support and maintenance shall be provided and paid ; making the said Board and its actions subject to the control and supervision of the State Board of Edu cation, and providing for joint meetings of the same; creating the said Board of Control a body corporate and prescribing its powers and duties ; appropriating the assets and property of such institution so selected to the location, establishment, support and maintenance of the said institution or institutions that may be so located ; providing as to how the said funds, assets and property of the abolished University of Florida shall be disposed of, including the funds arising under the Hatch and Morrill acts, and as to the establishment of the Experiment Station provided by the United States ; providing for the disposition of any endowment or funds 95 belonging to the said State College and not the prop- erty of the State of Florida in case none of said insti- tutions created or maintained by this act shall be lo- cated at Tallahassee, and in case one of said institu- tions created by this act shall be located there, and for any necessary accounting between the City of Talla- hassee and the State of Florida in regard thereto ; pro- viding for the establishment in the University of the State of Florida created by this act of an Agricultural, Industrial and Mechanical Department and Normal Department for the Instruction of White Teachers, Summer Schools, a classical and scientific department, and such other departments of higher education as the said Boards shall deem necessary; providing for the design of education ; for the admission of students ; for scholarships; for rules and regulations in that regard, and as to grades of education, and the powers of said Boards in regard thereto; providing for the appropria- tion of the Seminary Morrill and Hatch funds and the interest thereon as required by the acts of Congress granting the same ; providing for a settlement with the City of Gainesville and the town of Lake City in case neither of the Institutions created or maintained by this act shall be located at either of said places and for the refunding of donations made by said places respec- tively to the institutions formerly located thereat and abolished by this act, in case that none of the institu- tions are located by said Boards at such points ; provid- ing for the sale and disposal of all the assets by this act not specifically appropriated, and for the creation of a fund arising from any surplus assets and property, and the disposal of the same; providing for an appropria- tion by the State for the purpose of aiding and assisting in carrying out the provisions of this act, and for a con- tinuing appropriation for the maintenance and support of said institutions as may be requisite and necessary from time to time; providing for the auditing and ap- 96 proving of all accounts in the operation, enlargement, maintenance and conduct of the institutions provided for and maintained by this act, and the modes and man- ner of their payment; providing as to who shall keep and have possession of all funds provided for under this act and subsequent acts in relation thereto; as to how the same shall be paid out and disposed of; providing for the powers and duties of the Board of Control in relation to the prescribing of examinations and the forms thereof in the public schools of this State and as to admission therefrom and from other institutions of learning into the said institutions created and main- tained by this act, and the issuance of certificates in regard to the same; for the vesting in the State Board of Education of the title to all the assets and property of the Colored Normal School and the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb; requiring the abolition of such trustees, managers and officers and the surrender of the management, possession and control of such insti- tutions and their property to the Board of Control the vesting in said Board of all powers now provided by law and this act in regard thereto ; the duties of the State Treasurer, Comptroller, Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, State Board of Education and Board of Control in regard to said institutions; to provide for a Normal Department and Summer School for white teachers in the Florida Female College and a Summer School for colored teachers in the colored normal school whenever necessary, and to repeal all laws in ronllicl with the provisions of this act. He It K-mirtvd &.// the Legislature of the State of Florida: institutions 1- That the several and respective institutions of learning and education heretofore created, chartered, fos- tered and maintained by this State, to-wit: The F 1 onda Agricultural College, now officially desig 97 nated and known as the "University of Florida," located at Lake City. The West Florida Seminary now designated and known as "The Florida State College," located at Tallahassee. Tin* White Normal School, located at DeFuniak Springs. The East Florida Seminary, located at Gainesville. The South Florida College, located at Bartow; and The Florida Agricultural Institute, located in Osceola County, be, and each and every of them are hereby abol- ished and their and each and every of their charters, fran- chises, powers, rights and privileges granted to or pos- sessed by them respectively are hereby revoked, vacated and abolished. 2. That all and singular all the lands, tenements and Property _ vested in hereditaments, estate and property, real, personal and mixed, including all bonds, funds, moneys and in- tion. vestments, and the rents, issues and profits, thereof, had, held or possessed by the said institutions named in Section 1 of this Act, or any of them, or to which said institutions or any of them might or could have, claim, or be in any way or manner entitled to either in esse or in futuro and from any source whatsoever, be and the same are hereby declared forfeit and to revert to the State of Florida, and upon the passage and approval of this act, Fee simple to vest absolutely in the State Board of Education in fee tltl0 simple absolute, in trust, nevertheless, for the uses and purposes hereinafter provided for herein. .'. That immediately upon the passage of this act, the Reports, etc. ,. of abolished several and respective trustees, managers and officers ot institn- the said several and respective institutions mentioned in Section 1 of this act, shall prepare and make up dupli- cate accounts and inventories of all the property, real, 7 DSL 98 Sent to Comptroller and to Governor. Continuing appropria- tions revoked. personal and mixed, owned, possessed, claimed or con trolled by said respective institutions or said officers, man- agers or trustees for and on their behalf showing in de- tail every item of asset or liability of the said institu- tions respectively, and if any of said institutions shall be indebted to any person or persons, said report shall show in detail a true and correct statement of said accounts and indebtedness, as to when created, for what, to whom due and the amount thereof, and shall also prepare and deliver with said report duplicate vouchers for the pay- ment of each separate indebtedness duly and properly cer- tified and approved by the proper officials, which said reports, inventories, schedules and vouchers from each of the said institutions shall be made in duplicate, and each of which shall be certified to by the President or Chair- man of the respective Boards of Trustees or managers and sworn to by the Secretary thereof and under the seal of the respective institutions, if it or they be provided with a seal, one of which duplicate shall be transmitted to and filed in the office of the Comptroller and the other shall be transmitted to the Governor as President of the State Board of Education and the said respective institutions through their trustees, managers or other officers or who- soever shall be vested with the title to or possessed of the respective assets and property or any part or portion thereof, shall at once, by proper instruments of writing, duly executed and acknowledged, grant and convey, as- sign, transfer, set over and deliver unto the State Board of Education all the assets and property, real, personal and mixed of whatsoever nature and kind, had, held, claimed, owned or possessed by said institutions and each and every of them respectively, including all of the books, papers, vouchers and records kept or possessed by them and each and every of them. 4. That all continuing appropriations heretofore made to said institutions mentioned in Section 1. of this act, or anv of them, are hereby revoked. 5. That the State Auditor shall, as soon as practi- Accounts to be audited. cable, after such inventories, schedules, accounts and vouchers have been filed with the Governor and Comp- troller and the said books, papers, property and assets be transferred to the said State Board of Education, audit all accounts of said institutions and each and every of them for at least one year prior to the passage of this act, and shall check over and verify all said lists and in- ventories, examine into the auditing and approval of all claims and vouchers certified against said institutions for payment, and make his report thereon in duplicate, one of which shall be transmitted to the Comptroller for filing in his office, and the other shall be transmitted to the Governor as President of the State Hoard of Educa- tion. 6. That all Boards of Trustees, managers and officers of Trustees of the several institutions mentioned in Section 1 of this abolished - Act, and the Board of Trustees, officers and managers of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institute and of the Colored Normal School be and the same are hereby abolished. 7. That Sections 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, ects. 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298 and 299 JJB4* Col. repealed. of the Revised Statutes relating to the creation and estab- lishment of the Florida Agricultural College, its organiza- tion, powers, rights and privileges and matters pertain- ing thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed. 8. That Sections 301, 302. 303, 304. 305, 306, 307, 308, sections of R S rplitive 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320. to seminaries rpn^aled 321, 322, 323, 325, 326 and 327 of the Eevised Statutes of Florida relating to the organization, creation and estab- lishment of the seminaries east and west of the Suwannee river, their location, rights, powers, privileges, and mat- ters pertaining thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed. 9. That Section 268 of the Revised Statutes of the sections of R. S. rel. to State of Florida in relation to the establishment of a White Normal repealed. 100 st. Peters trial school. Colored Nor- mal school. White Normal School at DeFuniak Springs, and provid ing for the election of a faculty therefor, be and, the same is hereby repealed. 10. That the industrial and normal department created in the St. Petersburg Normal and Industrial School, located at St. Petersburg, is hereby abolished, and Chapter 4998, of the Laws of Florida, entitled "An Act to assist in maintaining an Industrial and Normal Department in the St. Petersburg White Normal and Industrial School; to create scholarships therein, and to make appropriations therefor," approved May 31, 1901, be and the same is hereby repealed. That no further appropriations shall be made or State aid granted to said institution; that the words "Normal and Industrial" shall be stricken from the name thereof, and that all right, title and interest in the said school, its buildings or property had, acquired or possessed by the State by reason of appropriations heretofore made to it are hereby granted and released unto the County of Hillsborough, in which said school is situate. 11. That Section 269 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida relating to the establishment of a Nor- mal School for colored teachers be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 269. Colored formal School A Normal School tor the training and instruction of colored teachers is established under the supervision and control of the State Board of Education and the Board of Control herein- after provided. The Board of Control shall elect a faculty to consist of a principal and two assistant instructors who shall have in charge the training and instruction of all students, subject at all times to the approval of and under such rules and regulations as the Board of Con- trol hereinafter created shall prescribe, and such Board, under rules and regulations hereinafter to be made, shall 101 have the power of removal of all or any of the faculty, may increase or diminish the same, and may add such other departments of instruction and education to such institution from time to time as may be deemed advisable. The Colored Normal School now established at Talla hassee shall be such school, and the faculty remain as now until changed by said Board, but the State Board of Education shall have the power to change the location of same at any time it may deem it of benefit or advant age to such institution or the purposes for which it was created, and that one-half of the Morrill fund coming or that may come to the State for the purposes provided in such act is set apart and appropriated to the support and maintenance of said school. 1.2. That there shall be established, and there is hereby created, the following institutions of higher education in this State, to-wit: One University to be known as the University of the State of Florida, and one Female Semi nary to be known as The Florida Female College. 13. That there is hereby created a Board of Control which shall consist of five citizens of this State, one from East Florida, one from South Florida, one from West Florida, one from Middle Florida, and one from Middle South Florida, who shall have been residents and citizens thereof for a period of at least ten years prior to their appointment, who shall be appointed by the Governor, and their terms of office shall be for four years, and until their sucessors are appointed and qualified, except that of the first board appointed under this act two members thereof shall be appointed for the term of two years, and three members thereof shall be appointed for the term of four years, and thereafter every such appointment, shall be for the term of four years except in case of an appointment to till a vacancy, in which case the appoint- ment shall be for the unexpired term. The Governor shall have power to remove any member of such Board 102 May be removed. Board of Control Organization and expenses. Chairman. Expenses paid. for cause, and shall fill all vacancies that may at any time occur therein. No member of said first Board shall be appointed from any county in which any of the insti- tutions named in this act are at present located, and no appointment upon such Board shall ever be made from any county in which any institution created, established or maintained by this act is or may hereafter be located or situate. 14. That immediately upon the passage of this act the Governor shall select five of the most capable and efficient citizens having the qualifications prescribed herein, and appoint the same as herein provided, to con- stitute such Board of Control, whose duty it shall be to immediately, after such appointment, assemble at the Capitol and there organize by selecting one of their num- ber as chairman. The chairman shall be elected from the long term members, and the chairmanship shall exist during his term of office. The Board shall elect a chair- man as often as that office shall become vacant. The members of said Board shall be paid only their actual expenses while in the performance of their duties, and in traveling to, from, or upon the same, the accounts for which shall be paid quarterly by the State Treasurer upon itemized vouchers duly approved by the chairman of said Board and the Comptroller as is herein provided for the disbursement of funds. Under control 15. Said Board of Control, except as herein provided, and supervi- sion of state shall act in conjunction with, but at all times under and Board of Edu- cation, subject to the control and supervision of the State Board of Education. 16. As soon as practicable after the appointment and organization of the Board of Control, the Governor, as President of the State Board of Education, shall cause a meeting of both of said boards to be held in joint session institutions at tne Capitol, and at said meeting shall determine the First Joint meeting of Boards. 103 place of location of the rniversity of the State of Florida -and of The Florida Female College hereby created and established, and prescribe the general rules and regula- tions for the conduct and governance of the same and the proper management thereof, as well as of the other insti- tutions, to-wit : The Colored Normal School and The Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb heretofore created, and determine as to any change in location of either of said last mentioned institutions that may be necessary or required, and shall do every other matter or thing at that or some subsequent meeting as shall be necessary and requisite to fully carry into effect the pro- visions of this act. 17. In determining the location of the University of f the State of Florida created and established by this act, the said boards in joint meeting assembled shall take into consideration the lands, property, buildings and sit- uation of the respective institutions named in and abol- ished by this act, having regard to the permanent loca- tion of such an institution at some central point in the State, both geographically and as to population, as well as to the needs and requirements of the same as pre- scribed in this act and the powers given thereunder, and the funds and means at their command, or which may naturally come to the control of the State Board of Edu- cation for such purposes, and may, if advisable, after care- - ful consideration, appropriate either temporarily or per- manently, the location, lands, buildings, property and effects of any one of said vacated and abolished institu- tions for such purpose. Said Boards being hereby vested with an absolute discretion and power in the matter of location and situs of this said institution. That in the location of The Florida Female College herebv created, Florida Female Col- said Boards are hereby authorized and empowered to le ^ e locate and fix the same (after they shall have located the said University) at one of the places occupied by any one 104 Institute for Blind and Deaf. of the said abolished institutions under this act, having especial regard for the character and condition of the grounds, buildings and structures thereon of such abol- ished institution as they may select; its location as to health and accessibility, and its adaptability to the par ticular needs of such an institution. Said Boards are hereby further authorized, directed and empowered to change the location of the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb heretofore created if they shall deem such change of location wise and expedient, and after they have selected and located the said University of the State of Florida, and the said Florida Female College; in case they shall determine to change the location of the Insti- tute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb they shall change the same to and locate the same at one of the places now occupied by some one of the said abolished institutions which they shall select for such purpose not already selected by them for the purposes herein provided, having due regard for the necessity and requirements of the same, its situation and accessibility and its adaptability 1o the purposes of such institution, and in selecting said loca- tion shall have due regard and make provisions for the complete separation, but with equal consistent accommo- dation and within reach and under the control of the same corps of officers, teachers and managers, of the white and colored inmates of the same so that there will be no admix -lure or association of the races. That upon the selection of any of the locations, lands buildings or struc- tures by the said Boards of any of the said abolished insti- tutions for the location of the said University of the State of Florida, Florida Female College or the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb, such lands, buildings r structures, property and assets of such abolished institu- tions, or so much thereof as may be necessary, so selected for said respective University, Female College or Insti tute, be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart 1o and for the use of such respective institutions. 18. That the property and assets of each and every of of the said institutions abolished by this act which shall not be selected by the said Boards as a location for the said University, College or Institute, shall be sold or otherwise disposed of as in the judgment of the said State Board of Education shall be deemed best, as herein provided, and the proceeds thereof shall be applied to the establishment, support and maintenance of the said University, College and Institute, and support and maintenance of the Colored Normal School ; Provided, That if the said Boards, in their discretion, shall select some place or when other locations places other than Lake City, in the County of Columbia, selected. Tallahassee, in the County of Leon, or Gainesville, in the County of Alachua, for the location of the said Univer- sity, College, or Institute, then in such case the said Hoards shall have an accounting with the City of Talla hassee, if the said abolished institution at Tallahassee is not selected for one of the said institutions, and if it shall appear that said abolished institution at Tallahassee shall be possessed of any property funds or endowment* belonging thereto and not the property of the State and the said City of Tallahassee has paid to the State or said institution the two thousand dollars per annum provided to be paid in and by Section 325 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida, that in such case the said State Board of Education shall refund to the said City of Tallahassee such proportion of said moneys, funds or endowments belonging to the said abolished institution and not the property of the State, or if it shall be found on said accounting that the said City of Tallahassee has not made the payments required by the said Section of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida, then (he said State Board shall refund so much of said funds or property of said abolished institution coming to said Board as the assets of the said abolished institution, less the amount due or owing by said city under the pro- visions of said section. And in case the said citv oi' lot* May be appropriated for high schools. Board of Control to manage and conduct schools. Gainesville shall not be selected by said Boards as one of the places for the location of one of said institutions, then the said Board of Education shall refund to the said City of Gainesville out of the assets and property of the abol- ished institution located at such place, so much of the lands and property of the same, or its equivalent at its then value, as was donated to the said State by the said City of Gainesville; and if the said Boards shall nol select the abolished institution located at Lake City as one of the places for the location for one of the said insti- tutions, then the said State Board of Education, out of the assets and property coming to it from the said abol- ished institution at that place, shall refund to the said City of Lake City the fifteen thousand dollars and the one hundred acres of land donated by Lake City to the said institution upon its establishment at that place, and in case the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb is re- moved from its present location then its assets and prop- erty shall be used or the proceeds thereof for its re-loca- tion, establishment and maintenance with such other funds as may be required; Provided, That of the build- ings, property or assets of any abolished institution which may not be used, appropriated or otherwise disposed of under this act, the State Board of Education and State Board of Control, in joint session, may, in their discre- tion, if they shall deem the same advisable and for the best interests of the State, set apart and appropriate the same or any portion thereof to the county or counties in which the same may be located for the purposes of Public High Schools in such county or counties under such restrictions and terms, or for such times as they may deem proper and just. 19. The Board of Control shall have jurisdiction over and complete management and control of all the said several institutions and each and every of them, tp-wit: The University of the State of Florida, The 107 Florida Female College, the Colored Normal School, and the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and is hereby invested with full power and authority to make all rules and regulations necessary for their governance subject to , , .. regulations of not inconsistent with the general rules and regulations state Board, made or which may be made at any joint meeting of the said Board with the State Board of Education. To appoint all the managers, faculty, teachers, servants and employees, and to remove the same as in their judgment and discretion may be best; fix their compensation and provide for their payment. To have full management, Jf a fnf t itu ent possession and control of each and every of the said insti- tions - tutions and every department thereof, and the lands, buildings, structures and property belonging thereto. To provide for the course of instruction and the different SSuctfon. branches and grades to be kept and maintained thereat, and to alter and change the same. To visit and inspect inspection, the said institutions and each and every department, and to provide for the proper keeping of accounts, regis- ters and records thereof. To make and prepare all neces- Bud sets. sary budgets of expenditures for the enlargement, proper furnishing, maintenance, support and conduct of the same. To audit and approve all the accounts and expen- Audit clitures, supervise the employment and removal of all teachers and instructors, select and purchase all property, furniture, fixtures, paraphernalia necessary for the same from time to time; to build, construct, change, enlarge, repair and maintain any and all the buildings or struc- Buildings tures now in existence, or that may hereafter be neces- sary for each and every of said institutions created and maintained by this act; to purchase and acquire all lands and property necessary for same of every nature and description whatsoever; and to care for and maintain the same, and to do and perform every other matter or thing requisite to the proper management, maintenance, sup- port and control of each and every of the said institutions necessary or requisite to carry out fully the purposes of 108 Institute for Blind, Deaf and Dumb. State Powers of Board of fontrol. Management f. this act, and for raising to and maintaining them at the proper efficiency and standard as required in and by the provisions of his act, but at all times subject to the supervision and control of the State Board of Education. 20. That Section 270 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida be and the same is amended so as to read as follows : Section 270. Board of Managers. That the State Board of Education be and the same is hereby vested with the title to all the assets and property of the Insti tute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb that it is now or may hereafter become entitled to, but the control, possession and management thereof and of the said Institute and each and every department thereof be and the same is hereby vested in the Board of Control according to the terms and provisions of this act except as may be herein otherwise provided. That Section 271 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida providing for the present location of the said Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb at St. Augustine be and the same is hereby repealed. That the powers provided for in Sections 275 and 27t> of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida vesting the same in the said State Board of Education as Trustees of the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb are hereby vested in the Board of Control as provided in this act, and so much of said sections as vests in the State Board of Education the management and control of the said Institute are hereby repealed. That Section 277 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Florida providing for report of the Board of Man agers of the Institute for the Blind. Deaf and Dumb, be and the s;nne is hereby repealed. 109 That the Board of Control provided in this act shall have all the powers and duties in regard to the manage- ment and control of the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb located in this State as is provided for in Chapter 3, Part One, Title Five, of the Kevised Statutes of the State of Florida and Chapter 5209 of the Laws of Florida, the same being an act entitled an act to provide for the education and industrial training of the blind, deaf and dumb of the State of Florida, approved June 4, 1903. That the Trustees created and appointed by said last mentioned act are hereby abolished, and that wherever the words "Board of Trustees" appear in said act they be stricken out, and whatever powers and duties in and by the said act are given to such Board of Trustees that such powers and duties are hereby vested in and shall be exercised by the said Board of Control. That said Trustees and all persons or officers vested with title or possession to any of its property do immediately convey the same to the State Board of Education. That Section '2 of said act, the same being an act entitled an act to provide for the education and industrial training of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb of the State of Florida, be and the same is hereby repealed. '21. The University of the State of Florida shall have and contain the following departments and such other departments as may from time to time be determined upon and added at any joint meeting of the State Board of Education with the said Board of Control, to-wit : A Department of Agriculture, Mechanical and In- dustrial Arts; A Scientific and Classical Department; A Normal Department for the training and instruction Normal department. of White Teachers. It being intended that the design and scope of this institute shall be to teach such branches of 110 Summer Schools. Florida Female Col- lege Scope of In- struction. Only female white students ad- mitted. learning as are related to Agriculture and the Mechanical and Industrial Arts, Scientific and Classical studies and instructions in all the various higher branches of educa- tion; the fundamental laws and in what regards the rights and duties of citizens, and shall include military tactics if the said joint Boards deem the same requisite and proper. That all Summer Schools now or that may be hereafter provided for shall be taught, had and held in and at the University of the State of Florida, and the Board of Con trol shall make such necessary provisions therefor as shall be requisite and necessary; Provided, That when- ever a normal department shall be established at the Female College a branch of such summer school may IK> there located if deemed advisable, and the Boards may establish summer schools for colored teachers af the colored normal school whenever it shall deem the same necessary. 22. The design of the Florida Female College shall be to teach and instruct in all the higher branches of edu- cation, and in all the useful arts and sciences that may be necessary or appropriate to be taught in like institu- tions, and as may be deemed requisite and necessary from time to time by the joint Boards herein provided for its governance and control. None but female white students shall be admitted to this institution, and no student shall be admitted therein unless and until she shall have passed a satisfactory ex- amination in some high school of this or some other State having a like standing and through or beyond the tenth grade as now established for the high schools in this State, or such other grade not lower than the tenth grade as may be hereafter established, and no student from any other State shall be admitted to such institution, except by the consent and upon the certificate of the State Board of Control. Ill That the State Board of Education jointly with the Board of Control is hereby authorized and empowered at any time it may deem the same requisite or necessary, to establish and maintain a Normal Department for the instruction of white female teachers in the Florida Female College, and when established the same shall be under the charge and control of the State Board of Con- trol, with all the powers and duties in relation thereto as provided herein, and under such rules and regula- tions as it shall prescribe. 23. No student shall be admitted to the University of university the State of Florida who has not passed a satisfactory Admission examination at some high school and through the twelfth grade as now established, or some other institution of learning having an equivalent of instruction to the twelfth grade. The State Board of Control may change the grade at any time they may see fit as a prerequisite to such entrance. No person shall be admitted to said University except white male students having the prere- Oniy^ male quisite qualifications to which the said Board of Control students. may add others in their judgment and discretion, except to the Normal Department thereof for the instruction and education of teachers; when both male and female students may be admitted to that department. 24. In case of the admission of students to either the fee said University or College from other States, the same etc - may be admitted by and with the consent and upon the certificate of the Board of Control upon such terms as to tuition, board, etc., as the said Board may, from time to time, establish. The several departments of the said College and of the said University shall be open to applicants for admis- sion who are citizens of this State at the lowest rate and expense consist with the welfare and efficiency of the respective institutions, and as may be established from time to time by the said Board. Each county shall have scholarships Ill' Libraries, paraphernalia and appa- ratus . Property of abolished Univ. of Fla. Agricultural Experiment Station. the right to send one student annually,, or so often as vacancies may occur to each of the said institutions and normal department, such students to be selected by the Boards of Public Instruction of the several counties pos sessing the qualifications required for admission thereto, and such students so selected shall be received into said respective institutions and entitled to receive the bene tits of a full course of instruction at either said College or University, or Normal Department, or other institu tion aforesaid, without any charge for instruction, but subject to such rules and regulations as may be estab- lished by the said Board for the governance and direc- tion of the same, and the Board may make such requisite as to previous instruction for entries into the Normal Departments as it shall deem best. 25. The joint boards, as soon as they shall have located the said University, College and Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb as herein provided, shall take and appropriate from the different libraries and labo- ratories of the several abolished institutions so much of said literature and paraphernalia and apparatus as may be necessary to thoroughly equip the four said respective institutions, and the balance, if any remains, shall be disposed of as is hereinafter provided, for the disposal of other property not used. 2(>. That all the bonds, moneys, properties and assets belonging to the University of Florida, abolished by this act, or held in any way or manner, for its benefit, or which it might or could be entitled to, are directed to be trans- ferred and conveyed under the provisions hereof and hereby set apart and appropriate exclusively to the estab- lishment, maintenance and support of the University of the State of Florida, and all and singular the rents, revenues, issues and profits thereof, and the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, established as a depart- ment of the University of Florida, shall be and remain 113 a Department of the University of the State of Florida, together with all the rents, benefits, donations and emol- uments that may accrue therefrom, or under the act of Congress, commonly known as "the Hatch" Act, or under the act of Congress commonly known as the "Merrill S tlonal Act" in so far as the same or so much there can be used and appropriated for the benefits of said institutions by the provisions of Sections 286 and 290, Eevised Statutes of Florida, are made applicable hereto in so far as the same are or can be made effective, and all estate, right, property, claim, emolument and the rents and issues thereof or any substitutions thereof, and all claims and demands arising or that may or can arise thereunder or any act of Congress in that regard are hereby pre- served, maintained and transferred to the State Board of Education for the use and benefit of the University of the State of Florida. 27.. The bonds, property, assets and effects of every nature and description whatsoever, including all the donations belonging or donated to the West Florida Seminary or the Florida State College, its successor, and the rents, revenues, issues and profits thereof, pro- vided the said Female College shall be located by the said joint Boards at Tallahassee, be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart for the establish- ment and maintenance and support of the said Female College. In case the said Florida Female College shall not be located at Tallahassee, then so much of the said funds and property of the said abolished Florida State College as shall, after settlement with the City of Talla- hassee, belong to it and that shall come to the hands of the said State Board of Education shall be set apart, together with such other funds as they shall deem best to appropriate for such purpose out of any moneys that raav come to the hands of the State Board of Education 114 applicable thereto for the establishment, maintenance and support of the said Florida Female College. Funds for support of schools State Bd. of Educ. and Bd. of Cont. 28. All other funds, appropriations and property of every nature and description which may come to the State of Florida or the hands or control of the Stale Board of Education, for such purpose, or which may law- fully be applied to the promotion and advancement of schools of higher education in this State, including the assets of said abolished institutions not otherwise dis- TO be appro- posed of, shall be held and appropriated by the State Board of Education in conjunction with the Board of Control for the maintenance and support of the said four respective institutions equally and ratably in pro- portion as the needs of the said respective institutions may from time to time require the same, in the judgment of the said Boards. Provided, That what is known as the seminary fund shall be subject to the control, man agement and investment of the State Board of Educa tion as a fund for the benefit of the Florida Female Col- lege and the University of the State of Florida, the inter- est arising from which shall be used and appropriated for the maintenance and support of said two institutions in equal proportion, and that one of said institutions shall be located west and the other east of the Suwannee river. Funds appro prlatod by tl.S. Appropr. bv t of Fla 29.. That the State Board of Education, through its President, is hereby authorized and empowered to sign all vouchers for all moneys coming to said institutions created and maintained by this act from the United States, or any fund provided by the United States and which shall be paid by it to the State for the benefit of the said institutions and shall deposit the same with the Treasurer of the State of Florida, to be disposed of under the provisions of this act. 30. The sum of one hundred and fifty thousand do! lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, in addition to the funds already disposed of in and by the provisions of this act, or that may be in or come to the hands of the State Board of Education or hereinbefore provided for the purposes herein, for the establishment, maintenance and support of the said four institutions hereby created and maintained by this act, ,to-wit : For the establishment, maintenance and support of For estabiib of Unlr.. etc the University of the State of Florida; for the establish- ment, maintenance and support of the Florida Female College; for the enlargement, location, maintenance and support of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institute, and for the maintenance and support of the Colored Normal School, which shall be placed to the credit of the State Board of Education, in the hands of the Treasurer, to be expended and disposed of upon vouchers as provided for herein by the Board of Control in such proportion to each of the said respective institutions as in the judg ineut and discretion of the said Boards mav seem best, Discretion of Boards and the Legislature shall, at each session, make the like or some reasonable and sufficient appropriation for the continuance, maintenance and support of such institu tions. 31.. That the said State Board of Education is hereby directed, authorized and empowered, out of the appro- priations made under this act, or that from time to time shall be made, or any other fund or property which shall vest in it under this act to set apart and pay to the fund with which it is vested for the use of the University of the State of Florida annually the sum of two thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars, being the necessary amount to raise interest upon the bonds transferred to the said Institution by this act from three per cent to five pel- cent, as is provided in Chapter 5273 of the Laws of Flor ida, the same being an act entitled an act making annual Appropria tion for in terest deficit for Univ. 116 appropriation for the University of Florida at Lake City ; to make up deficit caused by shrinkage of interest on certain bonds according to the terms and provisions of said act. The said sum of two thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars required therefor shall be included in each appropriation made by the Legislature for the bene fit of the said fund required under the Act of Congress of July 2, 1862, and that the Treasurer of the State of Florida shall set apart said amount upon the order of the said Board according to the provisions of such act. 32. The Treasurer of the State of Florida shall receive and pay out all moneys and funds provided for in this act, or which shall come to the hands or control of the State Board of Education in any way or manner for the purposes thereof, and he shall keep all said moneys so received in a separate fund, and classify the same as provided herein, or by any law of the United States relating to any portion thereof, of which he shall render an annual report to the Governor of the State of Florida showing in detail the amounts received and from what funds and sources, and expenditures, when paid and to whom, and no moneys shall be paid out by him except upon a warrant drawn by the Comptroller upon the funds in his hands, a duplicate voucher from the Board of Control showing the purposes of such expenditures, which shall be filed with him. :>:>. The Board of Control shall pay any and all items of indebtedness of the institutions abolished under this act after the same shall been voucherer, audited and approved as hereinbefore provided, by drawing their voucher therefor in duplicate and transmitting the same to the Comptroller to be approved by him, and the said Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the State Treas nrer who shall pay the same in the mhdes and manner as 117 provided in Section 34 of this act, out of any funds in his hands available for the purposes of this act. 34. No moneys shall be expended for and on behalf of _ _ . ments for In any ot the said institutions, or anv department thereof, stitutions J ' created, how except upon a written voucher drawn by the Board of made Control, in duplicate stating the nature of said expendi- tures, and the person to whom the same shall be made payable, which vouchers shall be submitted to the Comp^ troller of the State of Florida, and audited and approved by him, and upon such approval the Comptroller shall draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the pay ment thereof, transmitting duplicate of said voucher approved by him, to the Treasurer, and shall file the other duplicate of said voucher approved by him in his office. No voucher shall be issued or drawn by the Board of Control for the payment of any moneys except the same be approved by said Board in regular session and countersigned by the Chairman and Secretary thereof. 35. The State Board of Control shall be a body cor- porate, and shall have a corporate seal to be selected by it at its first meeting; shall elect a Secretary, and remove employee* him at will; have and employ all necessary clerks and servants ; shall have power to contract and be contracted with; sue and be sued; plead and be empleaded in all courts of law and equity; to receive donations; to make purchases of lands and tenements, and to contract for the sale and disposal of the same, but the title to all such donations and property, however acquired, shall be vested in the State Board of Education, and shall only be transferred and conveyed by it, and shall have and possess all the powers of a body corporate for all the pur poses created by or that may exist under the provisions of this act, or any act or acts amendatory thereof. 36. That, the institutions and the trustees, managers and officers thereof abolished, transferred or changed 118 under the provisions of this act shall remain and hold their respective offices and positions until after the Board of Control provided in this act has been appointed and organized and shall have taken possession of the same and assumed the powers and duties thereof, and the same are hereby directed, authorized and empowered, that as soon after their appointment, organization and joint meeting with the State Board of Education as herein provided, to take charge of all and singular the said abolished institutions, their assets and property, as well as the institutions created and maintained by this act, and assume the duties, powers and control thereof provided for herein, and take upon themselves all the responsibility therefor. That the several and respective institutions abolished by this act shall not be disturbed in their present opera tions until the end of the present school year, to-wit: The first day of June, A. D. 1905. 37> Tnat the State B ard of Education, the State Board of Control, the Treasurer and the Comptroller shall each make a separate and complete report of all their respective acts and doings to the Legislature that shall assemble in the year 1907 and to each meeting of the Legislature thereafter, and that the said State Board of Education, Board of Control, Treasurer and Comp troller shall make an annual report complete in every detail of their acts and doings, showing all moneys re- ceived and disbursed, purposes for which the same were received and made, and every matter and thing connected with the institutions, moneys, funds, property of the said respective institutions under their charge and con trol, which said reports the said Comptroller is hereby directed to have printed, published and distributed for general information. The Comptroller is hereby made examiner for said institutions and shall examine the seini-annually and as often as ID his judgment may be required or necessary. 38. That the said Board of Control are hereby author- t B %?ovi C de nt ized and empowered to provide a system and course of written examinations by question and answers for all the public high schools in the State, and that no pupil shall be admitted to said high schools or be advanced to any successive grade therein, or shall be permitted to enter any institution created or maintained in and by this act until such examinations have been had according to such procedure, and the result of said examinations shall have been approved by the said Board of Control in each instance and a certificate of such admission or advance- ment by the said Board of Control, and the said Board shall have power to alter and change these rules and regulations from time to time where it shall be deemed necessary, and shall provide all the necessary blanks and distribute the same for such purpose. upt. of Pnh Tnst 3D. That the Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby directed and it is made his duty to make an inspection of each and every of the institutions created and maintained by this act once in each month and to mjake report thereof in writing to the Governor and a g^f^f in duplicate annual report embodying the results of his ^vertS?* t monthly reports, one to the Governor and one to be filed with the Comptroller. 40. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the J a ^ lictlng provisions of this act be and the same are hereby re * >ealed - repealed. Sec. 41. That this act shall take effect upon its pas sage and approval by the Governor, or becoming a law without such approval. Approved June 5th, 1905. L20 CHAPTER 5658. AJS' ACT to Regulate the Salaries of County Superin tendents of Public Instruction. Be it Enacted by the Legislature o/ the State of Florida : Section 1. That the salaries of County Superintend ents of Public Instruction be based upon the total annual receipts of each county, for school purposes, including special school district taxes, and excepting borrowed money, as follows: Fn counties where the receipts are less than |14,000.00, the salary shall be not less than $50.00 per month; in counties where the receipts are more than $14,000.00 and Jess than $20,000.00, the salary shall be not less than $75.00 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $20,000.00 and less than $40,000.00, the salary shall be not less than $100.00 per month; in counties where the receipts are more than $40,000.00 and less than $70,000.00, the salary shall be not be less than $125.00 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $70,000.00 and less than $100, 000.00, the salary shall be not less than $150.00 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $100,000.00 and less than $120,000.00, the salary shall be not less than $175.00 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $120,000.00 and less than $200, 000.00, the salary shall be not less than $200.00 per month. Sec. 2. This act shall #o into effect on .hily 1st, 1907 Approved .June 3. 19 121 CHAPTER 5924. AN ACT Changing the Name of the Florida Female College. Re it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That the Florida Female College as at present defined by law be and is hereby changed to and shall be known as the Florida State College for Women. Sec. 2. This Act shall go into ett'ect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 22, 1909. CHAPTER 5925 AN ACT Changing the Name of the Colored Normal School. Re it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That the Colored Normal School as at *? a - K A Mecn present defined by law be and is hereby changed to and for shall be known as the Florida Agricultural and Mechan ical College for Negroes. Sec. 2. This act shall go into ett'ect immediately npon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 22. 1909. CHAPTER 5926. AN ACT Changing the Name of the University of the State of Florida. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : of FUL Section 1. That the University of the State of Florida as at present defined by law be and is hereby changed to and shall be known as the University of Florida. Sec. 2. This Act shall go into effect immediately upoi> its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 22, 1909. CHAPTER 5927. AN ACT Changing the Name of the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida -. >af and' tor Section 1. That the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb as at present defined by law be and is hereby changed to and shall be known as the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. Sec. 2. This Act shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 22, 1909. CHAPTER 5937. AN ACT Requiring Proper Fire Protection for Teachers and Students of Public Schools, Prescribing the Means for Such Protection, and Prescribing Penalties for Not Constructing, Introducing and Maintaining the Means for Such Protection. 123 Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That all public school buildings within the State of FJorida, of two or more stories in height, the story or stories of which shall be used for public school purposes, shall be provided with adequate stairways, or fire escapes for egress in case of fire. Sec. 2. The number of such stairways or fire escapes, and their location, material and construction, shall be as designated and prescribed by the Board of Public BoS * C Instruction of the county in which said school build- ing or buildings shall be located. Sec. 3. The Board of Public Instruction of each of Dut y of the counties of the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be prac- ticable, have constructed the stairways or fire escapes hereinbefore described, and shall at all times keep, or have the same kept, in perfect order. Sec. 4. That all the outer doors of any public school J^ n r J J t . building, where there shall be two or more rooms, shall ward be so hung that when they are opened they will swing to the outside. Sec. 5. The Board of Public Instruction for the S^ 8 8ha11 several counties of the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, have the doors of said school buildings changed, if necessary, to comply with the provisions of Section 4 of this Act. Sec. 6. The Superintendent of Public Instruction of ; e ct |, c l 5 11 f J I> the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, form- ulate and prescribe tactics of instruction for fire drills for all the public schools of the State of Florida, and each teacher teaching in such school shall be provided 124 with a copy of such tactics, and it shall be the duty of each and every of such teachers to instruct the students of their respective schools in such fire drills as prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Penait, g ec 7 ^ny teacher or officer mentioned in this Act who shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions hereof shall be removed from his position or office. Sec. 8. This Act shall take effect from its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved June 4, 1909. CHAPTEB 5938. AN ACT Providing for and Requiring the Teaching of the Elementary Principles of Agriculture and the Ele- ments of Civil Government in All the Common Schools of the State of Florida; to Provide a Penalty in case any County Board of Education Fails to Provide for the Teaching of the Same, and Requiring All Teachers to Stand a Satisfactory Examination upon said Sub jects. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Agri. and Section 1. That the elementary principles of Agricul be taught. ture and the elements of Civil Government be included in the branches of study taught in the common and public schools of the State of Florida, and shall be studied and taught as thoroughly and in the same man ner as other like required branches are studied and taught in said schools. Duty of Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the County School School Board. Board of Education of the several counties of the State 125 to prescribe aiid require that the teachers throughout their counties respectively, teach the elementary prin- ciples of Agriculture and the elements of Civil Govern- ment, in the same manner as other like required branches are studied and taught in said schools. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of all examining Teachers boards in this State, in . prescribing examinations for examined teachers in the public schools, to require them to stand a satisfactory examination in the elementary principles of Agriculture and the elements of Civil Government, the same as upon any other subjects taught in said schools. Sec. 4. That any person who fails or neglects to Penalty, comply with the foregoing provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 3, when the requirements of said provisions apply to him, shall be guilty of negligence of his duty, and subject to removal by the proper authority for such failure to comply with said law. Sec. 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith is hereby repealed. Approved June 7, 1909. CHAPTER 6178. AN ACT to Create a State School Book Commission, and to Procure for Use in the Public Schools of the State of Florida a Uniform Series of Text Books, and to Define the Duties and Powers of Said Commission, to Make Preparations for Carrying This Act Into Effect, and Providing Penalties for Violation of Same. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of State commts k Institutions be, and is hereby, constituted a State Text creat e wnen they shall be opened in the presence of the com. Commission. Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of the said Text- book Commission to meet at the time and place desig- nated in such notice, or advertisement, and take out the sample, or specimen copies submitted, upon which bids are based, and refer and submit them to the sub-commis- sion as provided for and directed in Section 3 of this Act, with instructions to the said sub-commission to report back to them, at a time specified, with their report, classification, and recommendation, as provided in Sec- tions 3 and 4. When the said report is submitted it shall be the duty of the said Text-book Commission to meet in executive session to open and examine all sealed pro- posals submitted and received in pursuance of the notice or advertisement provided for in Section 7 of this Act. It shall be the duty of said Commission to examine care- fully all such bids or proposals together with the report and recommendation of the sub-commission and deter- mine in the manner provided in Section 6 of this Act, what book, or books, upon the branches hereinabove men- tioned shall be declared for adoption, taking into con- sideration the size, quality, as to the subject matter, material, printing, binding and the mechanical execution, and price, and the general suitability for the purpose desired and intended. After their selection, or adoption shall have been made the said Commission shall by regis- tered letter, notify the publishers, or proposers, to whom the contracts have been awarded, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General of the State of Florida to pre- pare tJie said contract, or contracts, in accordance with the terms or provisions of this Act, and the said con- tract shall be executed bv the Governor and Secretarv of Cora, to examine nnd adopt books. To notify publishers. Contracts, bow pre- pared. 131 State, and the seal of the State attached upon the part of the State of Florida, and the said contract shall be executed in triplicate, one copy to be kept by the Con- tractor, one copy to be kept by the Secretary of the Text- book Commission and one copy to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. At the time of the execution of the contract aforesaid, the Contractor shall enter into a bond, in the sum of not less than ten thousand dollars, payable to the State of Florida, the amount of said bond, within said limits, to be. fixed by said Commission, conditioned for the faithful, honest and exact perform- ance of this contract, and shall further provide fo the payment of reasonable attorney's fees in case of recovery in any suit upon the same, with three or more good and solvent sureties, actual citizens, and residents of the State of Florida, or any guaranty company authorized to do business in the State of Florida, may become the surety on the said bond; and it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General to prepare and approve said bond; Preparation. Provided, however, That said bond shall not be exhausted by a single recovery, but may be sued on from time to ^Jpon time until the full amount thereof shall be recovered, arid the said Commission may, at any time, by giving thirty days notice, require additional security or additional bond. And when any firm, person or corporation shall have been awarded a contract, and submitted therewith the bond as required hereunder, the Commission, through its Secretary, shall so inform the Treasurer of the State, and it shall then be the duty of the Treasurer to return to such contractor the cash deposit made by him, and the Depo ^ how said Commission, through its Secretary, shall inform the Treasurer of the names of such unsuccessful bidders, or proposers, and the Treasurer shall upon the receipt of this notice, return to them the amount deposited by them in cash at the time of the submission of their bids. But should any person, firm or company, or corporation fail 132 Forfeitures go in School Fund. or refuse to execute a contract, and submit therewith kw bond as required by this Act, within thirty days of the awarding of the contract to him, and mailing of the registered letter containing the notice; Provided, The mailing of the registered letter shall be sufficient evi- dence that the notice was given and received, the said cash deposit shall be deemed and is hereby declared for- feited to the State of Florida, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to place such cash deposit in the Treas- urer of the State to the credit of the school fund; and Provided further, That any recovery had on any bond given 'by any contractor shall inure to the benefit of the school fund in the State and counties, and when collected shall be placed in the Treasury of the school fund. Books must Sec. 9. That the books furnished under any contract be up to sample. shall at all times during the existence of the contract be equal to, in all respects, the specimen or sample copies furnished with the bid, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to carefully preserve in his office, as the standard of quality and excellence to be maintained in such books during the continuance of such contracts, the specimen, or sample copies of all books which have been the basis of any contract, together with the original price printed bid, or proposal. It shall be the duty of all contractors In each book. . ; . 1,1,1 to print plainly on the back of each book the contract price, as well as the exchange price at which it is agreed to be furnished, but the books submitted as samples, or specimen copies, with the original bid shall not have the price printed on them before they are submitted to the Sub-Commission. And the said Text-book Commission shall not, in any case contract with any person, publisher or publishers, for the use of any book, or books, which are to be sold to patrons for use in any public school in Not to exceed the State, at above, or in excess of, the price at which such book, or books, are furnished by said person, pub 183 Usher, or publishers, under contract to any State, County, or school district in the United States. And it shall be stipulated in each contract that the f I a ny contractor has never furnished, and is not now furnish- where ing, under contract, any State, County or school district in the United States, the same book, or books, as are embraced in said contract at a price below or less than price stipulated in said contract, and the said Commis- sion is hereby authorized and directed, at any time that they may find any book, or books, have been sold at a lower price under contract to any State, County or school district aforesaid, to sue upon the bond of said commission to sue. contractor and recover the difference between the con- tract and the lower price for which they find the book or books have been sold. And in case any contractor shall fail to execute specifically the terms and provisions of this contract, said Commission is hereby authorized, em- For what powered and directed to bring suit upon the bond of such contractor for the recovery of any and all damages, the suit to be in the name of the State of Florida, and the recovery for the benefit of the public school fund. But nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to prevent said Commission and any contractor agreeing thereto from in any way changing or altering any contract; Change IB Provided, Four members of the Commission shall agree to change, and think it advisable and for the best inter- est of the public schools of the State. After the first adoption of books by said Text-book Commission there shall not be any greater change in books than would be ,^ a k n s ge m ^ bt , equal or equivalent to 10 per cent per annum of the whole number of books adopted ; Provided, That the publishers of the books not changed shall agree to furnish said books for the next period of adoption at as low price as previously. Sec. 10. That it shall always be a part of the terms and conditions of every contract made in pursuance of 134 State not liable. Exchange of books required. Exchange price. Contract shall state. May reject all bids. May re-advertise. Manuscript considered. Whnt contractor to pay for. this Act, that the State of Florida shall not be liable to any contractor in any manner for any sum whatever, but all such contractors shall receive their pay or con- sideration, in compensation solely and exclusively derived from the proceeds of the sale of books as provided for in this Act. Provided further, That the Commission shall stipulate in the contract for the supplying of any book, or books, as herein provided, that the contractor, or contractors, shall take up school books now in use in this State, and receive the same in exchange of new books, allowing a price for such old books not less than fifty percent of the contract price of the new books. And each person or publisher making a bid for the supplying of any book, or books hereunder, shall state in such bid, or proposal, the exchange price at which such book or books shall be furnished. Sec. 11. That the Text-book Commission shall have and reserve the right to reject any and all bids, or pro- posals, if they shall be of the opinion that any or all should for any reason, be rejected, and in case they fail from among the bids or proposals submitted, to select, or adopt any book, or books, from any of the branches men- tioned in Section 2 of this Act, they may re-advertise for sealed bids, or proposals, under the same terms and con- ditions as before, and proceed in their investigations in all respects as they did in the first instance, and as required by the terms and provisions of this Act. Or they may advertise for sealed bids, or proposals, from authors, or publishers of text-books, who have manu- script for use in the public schools in Florida, proceeding in like manner as before. And Provided further, the State itself shall not, under any circumstances, enter into, any contract binding it to pay for the publication of any book, or books, but in the contract with the owner of the manuscript it shall be provided that he shall pay the compensation to the publisher for the publication and 135 putting in book form the manuscript together with the cost and expenses of copyrighting the same; and Pro- vided further, That in all cases bids, or proposals, shall be accompanied with a cash deposit of from |500 to C! ? 8 with bid. $2,500, as the Commission may direct, and as provided in Section 7 of this Act. And it is further expressly pro- vided, that any person, firm or corporation, now doing business, or proposing to do business, in the State of Florida, shall have the right to bid for the contract to be awarded hereunder in manner as follows : In response to the advertisement, when made as hereinbefore pro- vided, said person, firm or corporation, may submit the written bid, or bids, to edit, or have edited, published and supplied for use in the Public Schools in this State any book, or books, provided for hereunder; Provided, That instead of filing with the said bids, or proposals, a sam- ple or specimen, copy of each book proposed to be fur- nished, he may exhibit to the Commission in manuscript, !muscript in printed form the matter proposed to be incorporated in any book, together with such a description and illus- tration of the form and style thereof, as will be fully intelligible and satisfactory to the said Commission, or he may submit a book, or books, the equal of which in every way he proposes to furnish; and he shall accom- pany his bids, or proposals, with cash deposit hereinbe- fore provided; Provided, That all books and manuscripts shall be examined and reported upon by said Sub-Corn mission provided for in Section 3 of this Act. Sec. 12. That as soon as said Commission shall have entered into a contract or contracts, for the furnishing, 1 or supplying, of books for use in the Public Schools in this State, it shall be the duty of the Governor to issue his proclamation announcing such fact to the people of the State. L36 Contractor to maintain agencies Alternative arrange- ment. Delivery by mail. Contract price printed on books. School Board may sue. Service Sec. 13. That there shall be maintained in each County in the State, provided the Commission shall deem it advisable, and so demand, not less than one nor more than twelve, agencies for the distribution of the books, to the patrons, or the Contractor shall be permitted to make arrangements with merchants, or others, for the handling and distribution of the books, and parties living in the country where no agency has been established, or no arrangements made for distribution, may order the same from one of the Contractors, and it shall be the duty of the Contractor or contractors, to deliver any book, or books, so ordered to the person ordering, to his post office address, freight, express, postage, or other charges, prepaid, at the retail contract price; Provided, The price of the book, or books, so ordered shall be paid in advance. All books shall be sold to the consumer at the retail contract price, and on each book shall be printed the following: "The price fixed hereon is fixed by State contract, and any deviation therefrom shall be reported to your County Superintendent of Public Instruction, or the State Superintendent at Tallahassee." And it is expressly provided that should any party con- tracting to furnish books, as provided for in this Act, fail to furnish them, or otherwise breach his contract, in addition to the right of the State to sue on the bond hereinbefore required, the Chairman of the County Board of Public Instruction mjay sue in the name of the State of Florida, in the courts of the State of Florida having jurisdiction, and recover on the bond given by the Con- tractor the full value of the books so failed to be fur- nished, for the use and benefit of the school fund of the County; Provided, That in all cases services of process may be had and deemed sufficient on any agent of the Contractor in the County, or if no agent is in the County, 1.T7 then service on any depositors, and this service shall be, and stand in the place of service on the defendant Con- tractor. Sec. 14. That said Commission may. from time to com. to regulations. time, make any necessary regulations not contrary to the provisions of this Act, to secure the prompt and faithful performance of all contracts, and it is especially now provided that said Commission shall maintain its organization during the five years of the continuance Com - for "^ of the contract, and after the expiration of the same to re-advertise for new bids, or proposals, as required by advertise for bids. this Act, in the first instance, and enter into such other contracts as they may deem best for the interest of the/ contract* 6 ' patrons of the public schools of the State; Provided, Any contract entered into, or renewed shall be for the term of five years. The adoption of books made under the y e ars flve provisions of this Act, shall continue for five years; Pro- vided, That any County which now has an existing con- co. iS con g tract tract may carry out said contract in good faith, but no new contract shall be made after the passage of this Act by any County Board of Education in this State, but County Boards of Education may, at any time after the Co. Bds. may chang text-book Commission has selected and adopted a uniform contracts series of books, change their contracts now in existence to the adoption made by the Text-book Commission. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent County Boards of Education to adopt and use High School books not mentioned in this Act. Provided further, That noth- adopted ing in this Act shall be construed as effecting in any way any County in this State, which at this time is furnished free school books to its schools, except that when it may become necessary 7 to purchase books, that the same be purchased and vised as provided by this Act. 138 state Pupt. Sec. 15. That as soon as practicable after the adop- to publish adopted list, tion provided for in this Act, the State Superintendent shall issue a circular letter to each County Superintend- ent in the State, and to such others as he may desire to send it, which letter shall contain the list of books adopted, the prices, location of agencies, and method of distribution, and such other information as he may deem necessary. Books used to exclusion of all others. Supplemen- tary books permissible. Sec. 16. That as soon after the passage of this Act as may be practicable, and the Commission shall deem advisable, the books adopted as a uniform system of text books shall be introduced and used as text-books to the exclusion of all others in all public free schools in the State; Provided, That nothing herein shall be so con- strued as to prevent the use of supplementary books, but such supplementary books prescribed, or adopted, under the provisions of this Act; and Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall prevent the teaching in any school any branch higher, or more advanced, than is embraced in Section 2 of this Act, nor the use of any book upon such higher branch of study; Provided, That such higher branch shall not be taught to the exclusion of the branches mentioned and set out in Section 2 of this Act. Patrons may procure books, how. Penalty for not using. Sec. 17.. That nothing herein shall be construed to prevent or prohibit the patrons of the Public schools throughout the State from procuring books in the usual way, in case no contract shall be made, or the con- tractor fails or refuses, to furnish the books provided for in this Act at the time required for the use in the respective schools. Sec. 18. That any teacher who shall willfully use, or permit to be used in his or her school, any text-book upon the branches embraced in this Act, where the Commis 139 sion has adopted q, book upon that branch, other than the one so adopted, the County Board of Public Instruc- tion shall discharge and cancel the certificate of said teacher; Provided, that they may use, or permit to be used, such book, or books, as may now be owned by the pupils of the schools, until such books are worn out, not exceeding one year from date of adoption. Sec. 19. That any dealer, clerk, or agent who shall sell any book for a greater price than the contract price shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Sec. 20. That said Text-book Commission shall serve com. to serve without compensation, and the members of the sub-corn- mission actually serving shall be paid a per diem of four dollars per day during the time that they are actually engaged not to exceed thirty days, and in addi- tion shall be repaid all money actually expended by them in the payment of necessary expenses, to be paid out of the public school fund, and they shall make out and swear to an itemized statement of such expenses. Sec. 21. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict conflicting with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. repealed. Sec. 22. That this Act shall take effect upon its pas- sage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 23, 1911. CHAPTER 6813. AN ACT to Amend Chapter 6428, Laws of Florida, Being An Act Entitled "An Act Eclating to County Finances, and Providing for the Preparation and Filing of Re- ports Thereof, by the County Commissioners and Clerk 140 of the Circuit Court of Each County, and to Authorize the Comptroller to Prescribe Forms for and Rules Re- lating to Such Reports, and to Punish Any Violations of This Act or Such Rules;" and to Make an Appro- priation to Carry Out the Provisions of This Act. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Chapter 6428, of the Laws of Florida, Acts of 1913, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: to Section 1. That the Comptroller of the State of Flor compti-oiier. i(j a j s hereby authorized and directed, as soon as practi- cable after the passage of this Act, to prescribe a form or forms of financial statements or reports to be made by the County Commissioners and Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the County Board of Public Instruction and the County Superintendent of Public Instruction of each of the Counties of the State of Florida, which shall provide what to for and require an accurate report of all the receipts, dis- bursements, unpaid warrants and assets and liabilities of such counties in such form and manner as to set forth a comprehensive and complete statement and report of the administration, conduct and condition of the finan- cial affairs of each such county, and all separate funds thereof. Such forms may be altered from time to time by said Comptroller, and he shall have the power to pre- scribe and promulgate rules for the effectual administra- tion and enforcement of the provisions of this Act, and to prescribe and alter, from time to time, such other forms conforming to the provisions of this Act. make* SeC ' 2 * That ^ shal1 be the duty f the Count . v Com " missioners and Clerks of the Circuit Court and the County Boards of Public Instruction and the County Superintendents of Public Instruction to make out, fill in 141 and subscribe such reports or statements of County finances upon the form or forms prescribed by said Comp- troller from time to time, and to swear to the accuracy and completeness of the same to the best of their knowl- edge, information and belief, and file the same with the Comptroller of the State of Florida at such times as the same may be called for and required by said Comptroller. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Copy preserved In Circuit Court and the County Superintendent of Public records. Instruction of each such County to preserve in their respective offices in a substantial book provided for that purpose complete and accurate copies of every such finan- cial report or statement with the signatures and affi- davits thereon, which said reports and records shall be a part of the public records of said Boards of County Com- missioners and County Boards of Public Instruction, and open at all times to the use and inspection of the public. Sec. 4. That all of said reports made as aforesaid to comptroller to publish. the Comptroller shall likewise be kept by him for perma- nent reference, and be subject to the inspection of the public at any time. Said Comptroller shall cause each of said reports in condensed form to be published in at least one newspaper published in the County from which said reports shall be received, and cause a copy of suoh publication to be transmitted to the Governor for his in- formation; the expense of which publication shall be paid from the General Fund of the County and the County School Fund respectively. Sec 5. That the Comptroller shall have the power and TO verity from original it shall be his duty to cause every such financial report or records, statement to be examined and verified by a person em- ployed for that purpose by the Comptroller, whenever in the judgment of the Comptroller the same may be requisite or necessary, and for that purpose all of the 142 Penalties. Co. offiicers, for what removed. books of account of the County Treasurer, Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Commissioners, County Board of Public Instruction and County Superintendent of Public Instruction and other County Officers shall be open to the inspection of the Comptroller or his representative. Sec. 6. That if any County Commissioner or Clerk of the Circuit Court or any member of the County Board of Public Instruction or County Superintendent of Public Instruction shall decline, refuse or fail to make, subscribe or swear to or to file with said Comptroller any of said financial statements or returns required by this Act, at the time required by the Comptroller under the pro- visions of this Act, or if any such County Commissioner or Clerk or any member of the County Board of Public Instruction or County Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion shall knowingly or wilfully make, consent, subscribe, swear to or file any such financial report or statement which shall be false, incomplete or untrue in any respect, or otherwise in any respect violate any of the provisions of this Act, or any of the rules and regulations herein provided for, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, he shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year in the County Jail, or by a fine not exceeding five thousand (15,000.00) dollars, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 7. That if any County Commissioner or Clerk or any member of the County Board of Public Instruction or any County Superintendent of Public Instruction shall fail, decline or refuse to make, subscribe or swear to, file or return any of said financial statements or reports or shall knowingly make, consent, subscribe or swear to any financial statement or report which shall be false or untrue in any particular, or shall otherwise violate any of the provisions of this Act, or to fail to keep or per- form or shall violate any rule or regulation adopted under 143 the provisions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to certify said fact to the Governor of the State of Florida, and to the State's Attorney and County Solicitor of the proper county. The failure or refusal of any County Commissioner, Clerk of the Circuit Court, member of the County Board of Public Instruction or any County Superintendent of Public Instruction to con- form or comply with any of the provisions of this Act or such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed under the provisions of this Act, shall be cause for removal by the Governor. Sec. 8. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions fiSS ropril of this Act the sum of $12,500.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby annually appropriated out of any funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 9. All laws in conflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its becoming a law. Approved May 29, 1915. CHAPTER 6828 (No. 22). AN ACT to Amend Chapter 5390 of the Laws of Florida. Approved June 1, 1905, the Same Being An Act to Authorize the County Boards of Public Instruction to Borrow Money for the Payment of School Warrants When There Are No Funds in the Treasury for Such Purpose, and to Pay Interest on Such Loans Not Ex- ceeding Eight per cent (8%) per Annum. Be it Enacted "by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 144 School Bds. may borrow money, how. Amount limited. Section 1. That Chapter 5390 of the Laws of Florida, approved June 1, 1905, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ''Section 1. That when there is no money in the County School Fund applicable to the payment of outstanding school warrants issued by the County Board of Public- Instruction in this State, the County Board of Public Instruction of the several counties in this State are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow money at a rate of interest not to exceed eight per cent per annum for the purpose of paying all such outstanding warrants, and for the further purpose of paying any and all legiti- mate expenses incurred in operating the schools of said county. Provided, however, that it shall be unlawful for any County School Board to borrow any sum of money in any one year in excess of eighty per cent of the amount as estimated by them to be required for the maintenance of the necessary common schools of their county for the next ensuing scholastic year in the manner prescribed by Section 347, sub-section 14, of the General Statutes, which said sum so borrowed shall be paid in full before the Board shall be authorized to borrow on the estimate for any succeeding year. Provided, further, that noth- ing in this Act shall be construed to invalidate any out- standing debt of any county as now existing and now due, or to become due, or as requiring any Board of Pub- lic Instruction to pay the same in full before being per- mitted to borrow eighty per cent on the estimate for the next ensuing year, or to prohibit any Board from fund ing or refunding at its maturity any debt created and existing on or before July 1st, A. D. 1915, and being thereby prohibited from borrowing eighty per cent, of its 145 income for the ensuing year, as provided above; and pro- vided, further, that no School Board shall, after July 1, 1915, incur debts of any nature in excess of the estimated amount, except as herein provided." Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the County Treas- urer, upon presentation to him of the county school war- rants, to pay the same, if there are any funds in his cus- tody applicable thereto, and if there are no such funds he shall endorse the fact on the warrant, with the date of presentation, and affix his signature thereto. Sec. 3. That all interest payments made under this Act shall be by warrant issued by the County Board of I'ublic Instruction in the sam,e manner as warrants for other indebtedness are issued. Sec. 4. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. That this Act shall take effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor. Approved June 3, 1915. CHAPTER 6832 (No. 26). AN ACT Requiring the Teaching of the Evils of Alco- holic Beverages and Narcotics to Children in the Pri- mary Grades of the Public Schools. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1.. That the evils of alcoholic beverages and narcotics shall be taught in the public schools of 'the teacbing State, and that the .State Superintendent of Public In- struction is hereby authorized and directed to encourage to DSL 146 .Duty of Sen. Bd. to pro- mulgate. To require tachers to obey Duty of principals. Teachers fail- ing may .lose positions. Report of Co. Supt. and put in execution an effective system for teaching the evils of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics in the public schools of the State to all children between the ages of six and twelve years. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the County Super- intendent and the County Board of Public Instruction of each and every county to receive, promulgate and to require all instructions and directions of the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction for the teaching of the effects of alcoholic beverages and narcotics to all youth between the ages of six and twelve years to be faithfully and efficiently executed, and to require such reports from teachers showing that such subjects are being faithfully taught by meanus of pictures and oral instructions to pupils not sufficiently advanced to use a text-book on the subject; and to see that properly graded text-books treating of the effects of alcoholic beverages and nar- cotics are provided all pupils under the age of twelve years that are prepared to use such text-books, and that the same are faithfully and efficiently taught. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the principal of every school to make report as may be required to the County Board of Public Instruction, showing that the instruc- tion required in this Act is being efficiently given by competent teachers, and that the spirit of this law is being faithfully carried out. Sec. 4. Any County Board of Public Instruction may be enjoined from employing any teacher who does not make a faithful attempt to teach the subject directed in this law and to make such reports as may be required. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of every County Superin- tendent to make, at least annually, and oftener when required, to the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, on blanks furnished, a full and complete report of L47 the method of instruction, the time devoted to the teach ing of the subject, and of such other matters as may be required in the several schools under his supervision. Refusal or neglect to make such reports shall subject any County Superintendent to be reported to the Governor as negligent in the discharge of his duties. Sec. 6. The annual appropriation for the contingent expenses of the office of State Superintendent of Public repor Instruction shall be sufficient to cover all necessary expenses in the proper execution of this law ; and he shall make report of this matter in his biennial report to the Governor. Sec. 7. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved June 1, 1915. CHAPTER 6833. AN ACT Authorizing County Boards of Public Instruc- tion or Trustees of Special Tax School Districts to Establish and Maintain Departments of Home Eco nomics and Home Demonstration Work in the Public- Schools of This State. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida Section 1. Any County Board of Public Instruction or Dppts of the Board of Trustees of any Special Tax School Dis- no^ics^ trict is hereby authorized and empowered to establish Bonrds may and maintain a department of Home Economics or a department of Home Demonstration Work in any of the 148 Dept. of Agriculture. high schools of this State, and to pay the expenses of such departments out of any public school fund at their disposal. Sec. 2. Section 1 of this Act shall extend to and in- clude canning clubs, corn clubs and departments of agri- culture, to acquire land, stock, fertilizer, seed and imple- ments necessary to maintain the same. And no person Qualifications of instruc- shall be employed to demonstrate, teach or instruct in any of the departments mentioned herein who does not hold a certificate of graduation from a recognized col- lege, university or normal school indicating special train- ing in home economics, home demonstration work, or any one who has had satisfactory experience in home economics or canning club work. tors. May employ county agts. Jmties of. Sec. 3. County Boards of Public Instruction are fur- ther empowered under this Act to employ County Agents who shall, under the joint supervision of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Florida State College for Women or the University of Florida, conduct practical demonstration work in home economics, girls' and women's contest work, canning club, corn club, or agricultural work, and other movements for the advancement of country home life, and shall aid the County Superintendent and teachers in giving practical education in home, farm or garden economics. Sec. 4. All laws and parts of laws in conflict here with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage and becoming a law. Approved May 27, 1915. 149 CHAPTER 6834 (No. 28). AN ACT Authorizing the State School Book Commission of the State of Florida to Extend the Time Limit of Five Years for Renewing Contracts for Purchase of School Text Books to July 1, 1917. Whereas, Section 14 of Chapter 6178, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1911, known as the "State Uniform Text Book Law," provides that any contract entered into, or renewed, shall be for a term of five years, and that the adoption of the books made under the provisions of said Act shall continue for five years and, therefore, such con tracts will expire on September 1st, 1916 ; and, Whereas, Said Section 14 also provides that any county which, at the time of the passage of said law, had an existing contract, may carry out said contract in good faith, but no new contract could be made, after the pas- sage of said Act, by any County Board of Public Instruc- tion in this State; and, Whereas, There are a number of counties in this State which have very recently adopted the series of text-books adopted and contracted for by said Commission, and, therefore, such contracts have been extant for but x a short period of time ; and, Whereas, It would be impracticable for said counties so recently adopting the uniform text-books, as provided by said law, at the expiration of the five years from the passage of said Act, to be required to renew a contract at the tim,e specified in said Act; therefore, Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : 150 Book contracts ex- tended Section 1. That the State Text-book Commission be and are hereby authorized to confer with the various publishers of text-books adopted and in use in this State to extend the time limit for renewing the contracts for uniform school text-books to July 1, 1917, at which time contracts shall be made for future adoptions for the full period of five years, as required by statute. Sec. 2. This Act shall take effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 2G, 1915. CHAPTEK GS35 (No. 29). AN ACT to Amend Chapter G498, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1913, Providing for the Creation, Maintenance and Regulation of Summer Schools for Teachers and Other Students in This State. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Three Sum- mer Schools created. Under State Board. Section 1. That there is hereby created and estab- lished in this State three Summer Schools, to be located as follows: One in connection with the University of Florida, at Gainesville; one in connection with the Flor- ida State College for Women, at Tallahassee, and one in connection with the Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, at Tallahassee. Sec. 2. The Summer Schools created herein shall be in charge of the State Board of Education, whose duty it shall be to hold sessions of one or more of them each summer; the said sessions to begin not later than June 28th and to continue for a period of not more than ten weeks. 151 Sec. 3. The Summer Schools hereby created shall .be open to all students who desire to graduate, and under- students, graduates for professional or vocational work of any character, and no teacher shall be employed to teach Teacher8 therein who is not a specialist and whose educational qualifications have not thoroughly equipped him or her for high-grade work. Sec. 4. The President of the Universitv of Florida and B <*. for in* r tt?H, the President of the Florida State College for Women, etc. and the President of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes shall be President, respectively of the Summer School connected with each of said institu- tions, and the President of the University of Florida and the President of the Florida State College for Women, in connection with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall constitute a Board whose duty it shall be to name all teachers for the Summer Schools, to prescribe the course of study therefor, and to make such further rules and regulations governing the same as they may deem fit and propery. Sec. 5. All work conducted at the said Summer credit for summer Schools shall be of such character as to entitle the stu- school work. dents doing the same to collegiate, normal or profes- sional credit therefor, and may be applied towards mak- ing a degree. Sec. 6. All teachers attending any of the Summer valid certifi- cates extend- Schools herein created and whose work entitles them to ed D w credit therefor, upon making proof of the same to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, are hereby entitled to one year's extension on any Florida teacher's certificate they may hold and which has not fully expired, and such certificate may be extended one year for each succeeding session attended by the said teacher. 152 ^ ec * 7< Tlle Comptroller is hereby directed to draw warrants upon the requisition of the State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the legitimate costs of said Summer Schools, the amount not to exceed the appropriation made for Summer Schools in the annual budget for the expenses and maintenance of the State Institutions of Higher Learning. iu5S?t of ! 5d Sec * 8 ' li sha11 be tne dut y of the Board of Control, of control. upon the request o f t h e g tate Superintendent of Public Instruction, to include such amount as will be necessary to conduct the Summer Schools in the manner herein provided in their annual budget for the expense and maintenance of State Institutions of Higher Learning. Sec. 9. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This Act shall take effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 19, 1915. CHAPTEK 6830 (No. 30). AN ACT Requiring All School Buildingse to be Provided With Adequate Facilities for Nature's Conveniences, by Water Carriage or Surface Closets; Requiring All Surface Closets in Rural Districts to be of Fly-proof Construction and in Conformity With Plans Recom- mended or Approved by the State Board of Health; Requiring Separate Compartments in the Same, and Prescribing a Penalty for Failure to Comply With the Provisions Hereof. 153 Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That all school buildings, public or private, sanitary ' precautions in this State shall be provided with adequate facilities mandatory, for nature's conveniences, by either water carriage or surface closets, with separate compartments for each sex. Sec. 2. That in rural districts where sewerage sys- ny-pro 8 otetc. terns do not exist, all surface closets used in connection with such schools shall be of fly-proof construction and in conformity with plans recommended or approved by the State Board of Health, with separate compartments for each sex. Sec. 3. That any public school board or any person, Penalty firm or corporation conducting any private school, who shall have charge of the erection, repair or maintenance of any school building, who shall fail to provide said buildings with the facilities required by Section 1 of this Act, or who shall fail to provide surface closets as required by Section 2 of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00). Sec. 4. This Act shall take effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor, or upon its becoming a law without such approval. Approved May 13, 1915. CHAPTER 6837. AN ACT to Empower the Board of County Commission- ers of Each County in this State to Create Scholar- ships at the Agricultural Department of the University of Florida; Providing for the Appointments thereto, and Making an Appropriation to Maintain the Same. 154 Co. Commis- sioners to create scholnrships In Univ. of Fla. To hold competitive examina- tions Education of applicants. Pledge of Appropria- tions author- ized. When paid Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of each County in this State is hereby authorized to offer and create one scholarship to the Agricultural Department of the University of Florida at Gainesville. Sec. 2. Th said scholarship shall be awarded by competitive examination under the rules and authority prescribed by the said Board of County Commissioners and shall entitle the holder thereof to a full course of instruction at the University of Florida, and shall subject the holder thereof to the same rules and regulations as other students at the University of Florida. Sec. 3. All applicants for the said scholarship shall be eligible for admission to the University of Florida, and any one so appointed shall sign a certificate agreeing, if capable and otherwise qualified, to engage in agricul- tural pursuits in this State. Nothing in this Act shall be constructed to interfere with their receiving com- pensation for services rendered while engaged , in such pursuits. Sec. 4. That for the purpose of maintaining such scholarships the Board of County Commissioners of each County in this State is hereby authorized to appropriate from any funds at their disposal a sum sufficient to pay the board of the person receiving the said scholarship. Sec. 5. The term board herein named shall be con- strued to mean the regular dormitory rate, and shall be paid monthly while the holder of the scholarship is in attendance at the University of Florida. Sec. C. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This Act shall take effect upon its passage and approval. Approved June 5, 1915. 155 CHAPTER 6932. AN ACT Providing for the Abolishing of Office of County Treasurer; Providing for the Creation and Establish- ment of County Depositories in and for the Several Counties of the State of Florida ; Providing for the Re- ceiving, Keeping, Care or Custody and Paying Out of All County School Funds and of All Funds Under Care and Control of Boards of County Commissioners and for the Security of Such Funds. Be It Enacted ~by the Legislature of the State of Florida : Section 1. That from and after the first Monday in January, A. D. 1917, office of County Treasurer shall be aboished. and the same is hereb abolished. Sec. 2. Any bank, National or State, authorized to do nnks to be business in this State, that will pay two per cent, per an- dc i )osltorl es num on daily balances of county funds, and four per cent. per annum on balances of county funds deposited for a period of three months or longer, and give at his own ex- pense, a surety bond issued by some surety company auth- orized to do business in this State, or make satisfactory deposit to the credit of the county sufficient Federal, State, County or Municipal bonds for the protection of said deposits, is hereby created a county depository and authorized and entitled to receive public funds in the man- ner and method as hereinafter provided in this Act. Sec. 3. Any bank, as described above, desiring to be- come a county depository as herein provided, shall file with the Board of County Commissioners or Board of Public Instruction, or both boards, a written offer and guarantee to pay said board or boards two per cent, per annum on all daily balances when such funds exceed two thousand dollars, and four per cent, per annum on time 156 Funds mny be divided equally amonjr banks of county. County Treasurer to deposit in banks by first Mondav In Jan., 1917. Triplicate receipts to Tax Collector. deposits, and shall execute and deliver to said board or boards a surety bond issued by some company duly auth- orized to do business in this State, or make satisfactory deposit to the credit of the county, Federal, State, county or municipal bonds, in an amount to be determined by each of said boards, respectively, and be approved both as to amount and validity by the Comptroller of the State, and conditioned that said bank insure the safe- keeping, accounting for and paying over upon demand by proper authority all money that may come into its hands by virtue of its acting as said depository, and will in all respects duly and faithfully perform the duty imposed upon it, is entitled and authorized to receive an equitable share of the public money of the county in which its located; Provided, the County Commissioners and Board of Public Instruction shall divide the deposits of their county equitably among the banks of the county that have qualified as provided in this Act, and in case no bank in the county should qualify, then the said Boards are auth orized and commanded to divide the deposits among the banks in some county meeting the conditions as provided in this Act. Sec. 4. The County Treasurers of this State shall, on or before the first Monday in January, A. D. 1917, pay over to the bank or banks qualified on or before that time to act as depository of money that may be in the hands of the County Treasurer at that time, and after said time Tax Collectors and all other persons having or receiving or collecting any money payable to the county funds not otherwise provided for, shall pay the same to the bank or banks qualified to receive the same. Each bank receiving any money, as provided in this Act, shall make receipt for the same in triplicate; one copy of which said banks will carefully preserve and keep; one copy to be given to the person from whom money was received and one copy to be given to the Board from whom said money was received. 157 Sec. 5. Each bank acting as depository shall keep two separate accounts for each board for which it is a depos- b ^ banks itory; one account shall contain the daily balance ac- count, subject to immediate checking, the other account shall be the savings account or time deposit acount, and shall not be subject to check without being transferred to the checking account; Provided, That each Board shall have full authority at all times to transfer money from one of two accounts to the other. All interest earned on HOW interest the daily balances shall be credited by the Board of to i>e lK County Commissioners or the Board of Public Instruc- tion to the General Fund of the county or the General School Fund of the county, and all interest earned on time deposits shall be credited by the Board of County Com- missioners or Board of Public Instruction to the account on which it was so earned, and all interest shall be com- puted and credited quarterly. Sec. 6. The Board of County Commissioners or Board JJ^J to of Public Instruction shall keep an accurate and com- accounf curate plete set of books showing the amount on hand, amount received, amount expended and the balances thereof at the end of each month for each and every fund carried by said Boards, and no check or warrants shall ever be Overdrawing prohibited. drawn in excess of the known balances to the credit of that fund as kept by the said Board; Provided, however, That nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting the Board of Public Instruction from borrowing money, as now, or may hereafter be, provided by law. Sec. 7. And all money drawn from any depository JJJJrnnts or holding same under this Act shall be upon a check, or war- clerks to be drawn on rant or warrants, issued by the Board drawing the same, funds, said check, or warrant or warrants, both as to number and amount and person to whom drawn and purpose for which drawn, shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board having ordered the same drawn, and each check, or warrant or warrants, so drawn shall be signed by the 158 Bank depositories to make monthly report. Publication of monthly statement of Bon rrt regarding , funds. All nrronnts subject to Inspection by Auditor. Laws repealed. Chairman of said Board, attested by clerk or secretary of said Board with the corporate seal thereof affixed, and the bank upon which each check, or warrant or warrants, is drawn shall not pay same until it shall receive a certi- fied list from secretary or clerk of Board issuing check, or warrant or warrants, giving date and number and amount of each check, or warrant or warrants, and per- son to whom issued. Sec. 8. Any bank acting as depository shall at the end of each and every month file with the board for which it is a depository a report, showing the balances on hand at the beginning of the month, on sums received and paid out during the month, balances on hand at the end of the month, and return with said report all checks, or warrant or warrants, properly canceled which the said bank has paid during the month; each board shall make and pub- lish a monthly statement, and at such other times as now required, or at such other times as may be required by the Comptroller, the Board of County Commissioners or the County Board of Public Instruction, and such other re- ports and statements regarding the condition of each and every fund, as now or may hereafter be required by law. If at any time the security furnished by any county de- pository becomes insufficient or inadequate, the Comp- troller shall have authority on such terms, conditions and penalties as he may prescribe to require such other addi- tional security to be provided. Sec. 9. The accounts of each and every board and the county accounts of each and every bank acting as depos- itory, mentioned or provided for in this Act, shall at all times be subjected to the inspection and examination of County Auditor, the State Auditor and the State Comp- troller, or persons designated by him. Sec. 10. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. 159 Sec. 11. This Act shall become effective, and operative when effective. on the first Monday in January, A. D. 1917; Provided, That the designation of depositories under the provisions of this Act shall be made between the first and fifteenth day of December, 1916, and during the same time annually thereafter. Approved June 3, 1915. REGULATIONS AND FORMS PRESCRIBED BY THE State Board of Education. Department of Public Instruction. In compliance with the provisions of Section 39, Paragraphs 1 and 7, the following Eegulations, Instruc- tions and Forms have been prescribed by the State Board of Education for the use and guidance of school officers and teachers. REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS General. Regulation 1. Persons to be eligible to school offices E ngibiutv or positions must be of good moral character, temperate, h o1 upright, responsible, competent and in full sympathy with the public educational system of the State. 162 Tuition fees. Three-mile limit. To district counties. year as Arbor Day, which shall not be observed as a holiday, but shall be devoted to the planting of trees on school grounds or other appropriate public places, together with suitable exercises, lessons or lectures designed .to interest and instruct the children in the care and cultivation of trees. No teacher should be allowed compensation for Arbor Day unless a prescribed num- ber of trees has been properly planted and securely pro- tected against injury. Reg. 14. County Boards of Public Instruction should adopt a regulation requiring pupils from other States, or from other counties, to pay a specified tuition fee to the teacher, to be by him, paid to the County Superintend- ent, arid reported by the latter to the County Board. Eeg. 15. The attention of County Boards of Public- Instruction is called to the fact that the law expressly prohibits the establishing of schools, for the same race, nearer than three miles of each other, unless made neces- sary by local geographical features. Where this law has been violated in the past, it is the duty of County Boards to proceed as speedily as consistent with the interest of all concerned, to combine two or more schools into one, when practicable, or otherwise re-arrange them so as to conform to the provisions of the General Statutes. Reg. 16. County Boards of Public Instruction are directed and enjoined to .subdivide their respective coun- ties into convenient and permanent school districts, for each race separately, and to keep a record of each district by name, by number, and by description of lands con- tained therein (or by boundaries) in order that specific knowledge may be had as to the metes and bounds of each school district. It shall be the duty of said Boards to furnish each Supervisor or Board of Trustees with a proper description of the territory embraced within his jurisdiction. 163 Reg. 17. It shall be the duty of each County Board to adopt necessary regulations to restrict the attendance of f^ er di8 " pupils to the school within their own district, except as the Board may by special permit or by regulation allow attendance elsewhere; Provided, All pupils of the county, qualified therefor, may attend the county high school. Reg. 18. County Boards of Public Instruction shall NO contract ... ... _ valid beyond not enter into a contract with any teacher for a term of life of service extending beyond the life of the certificate held by the teacher. Reg. 19. County Boards of Public Instruction shall Jj/*^ have the authority to remove any member of a Board of trustees. Trustees of a special tax school district who fails to dis- charge his duty. All vacancies in Board of Trustees shall be filled for the unexpired term by the County Board of Public Instruction upon nomination by the patrons of the school. County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Reg. 20. The County Superintendent of Public In- ^Jf 1 when struction in each county shall, not later than the fifteenth made.' day of July each year, prepare and forward to the State Superintendent an annual report, in conformity with blanks and instructions sent out from the State Depart- ment. Reg. 21. The County Superintendent shall give ample n X H in a f tion> notice before every county examination of the time and place thereof. Reg. 22. In case separate places are necessary to be Assistants provided for the examination of white and negro teach- ers, the County Superintendents are authorized to appoint competent assistants to conduct the examina- tions, but they shall be responsible for the official acts of said assistants. 164 Endorsement of character required. Teachers, when Supt appoints. Supervisors. how governed Powers of. Nomination of. Trustees supersede Primary duties. Reg. 23. County Superintendents are directed to fur- nish the proper blanks, and to see that applicants for examination file endorsement of good moral character before being admitted. Reg. 24. In case a vacancy should occur in the teach ing force of any school between the regular meetings of the Board, the County Superintendent is authorized to fill the same, subject to the ratification of the Board at its next regular meeting. Supervisors and Trustees. Reg. 25. School Supervisors shall be governed in the general discharge of their duties by the directions and the Rules and Regulations of the County Board of Public Instruction. Reg. 26. The office of Supervisor or Trustees is not one of control, but of supervision only. Schools while in session are under the immediate control of the Countv Board of Public Instruction. But in case of emergency the County Superintendent may suspend or close- a school, subject to the action of the Board at its next meeting. Reg. 27. The -patrons should recommend to the County Superintendent suitable persons for Supervisors (Sec. 32, Par. 3d) ; but the County Superintendent may exercise some discretion in nominating such to the Board of Public Instruction for appointment (Sec. 42, Par. 5th). Reg. 28. The position of Supervisor is superseded by a Board of Trustees when a school district becomes a special tax district. The duties prescribed for Super visor shall then be performed by the Trustees. Teachers. Reg. 29. Before beginning a school a teacher must exhibit to the County Superintendent a certificate unim paired by suspension, revocation or limitation, enter into a contract, procure a register and all necessary blanks. He must keep his register in. accordance with the printed directions therein, and must make out his monthly reports in strict conformity to the blanks furnished. Keg. 30. Teachers are notified that there is nothing gJ'JJJjy pul> in the school laws of the State prohibiting the infliction of corporal punishment when in their judgment it is necessary; Provided, however, That such punishment shall not be unnecessarily severe. Teachers' Certificates. Reg. 31. Applicants for examination for State cer- rificates must file written evidence of having taught at Pg|f B eq111 " least twenty-four (24) months in all, eight (8) months of which time must be shown to have been taught success fully under a first grade certificate obtained in this State. Reg. 32. (1) An applicant for anv life certificate For Life Certificates must present endorsements in conformity to law, and in accordance with the blanks furnished by the State Superintendent. (2) All applications for Life Extension of First Grade i^e v ' First Grade Certificates and for Life First Grade Certificates, under certificates, anplication Section 13, Chapter 5204, Laws of Florida, shall be made for. in duplicate and one copy filed by the applicant with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction w r hen the other copy is filed wjth the County Superintendent of Public Instruction; also that each and every Count v Superintendent shall give immediate notice, on form pre scribed, to the State Superintendent of every Life Exten sion given a First Grade Certificate and of every Life First Grade Certificate by him issued. (Adopted Novem ber 17th. 1903). Force of regulations. Use of blanks. Keg. 2. All Rules and Regulations prescribed by County Boards of Public Instruction not at variance with the Statutes or the Regulations and Instructions of the State Board of Education, shall have the full force and effect of law, and must be respected accordingly. Reg. 3. County school officers and teachers shall in all cases use the blanks, forms, registers, etc., prescribed and furnished by the State ^Department. County Boards of Public Instruction. To be com- missioned. To hold regu- lar meetings. Warrants, when issued. Teacher's COT tract, when made. Teachers, assignment of. Reg. 4. Members of County Boards of Public Instruc- tion before assuming the office, must be commissioned. Reg. 5. County Boards of Public Instruction shall hold regular meetings, at least monthly, during the ses- sion of schools, when they shall examine carefully all teachers' reports, issue warrants, hear reports of the County Superintendent and transact other business. Reg. 6. County Boards of Public Instruction shall not issue a warrant to any teacher, until the monthly report of said teacher, on which the warrant is based, be made in conformity with the blanks furnished, and in compliance with the directions given in the Teacher's Register. Reg. 7. County Boards of Public Instruction .shall not contract with any person to teach a school who does not hold a Teacher's Certificate, unimpaired by suspen- sion, revocation or limitation, and granted in accord- ance with law. Nor shall any person be entitled to compensation from the public fund until he has been employed and contracted with by the County School Board. Reg. 8. It is the duty of County Boards of Public Instruction to select, assign and contract with teachers. This duty can in 110 case be delegated to Supervisors or patrons; but the Supervisor or Trustees may report to the County Board, for its consideration, the names of such teachers as are best suited to the requirements of the school and most satisfactory to the patrons. Reg. 9. County Boards of Public Instruction shall, at the first regular meeting after the June examination in each year, proceed to assign teachers to schools for the ensuing scholastic year, selecting first from the list of teachers those holding State or County Certificates. Salaries may be fixed and contracts entered into at a subsequent meeting. After the September examination, all vacancies that exist shall be filled in like manner. Reg. 10. The State Board of Education earnestly admonishes County Boards of Public Instruction to exercise great caution in the employment of teachers, that they may not subject themselves to the charge of being influenced by personal or political favoritism, sectarian- ism, or by ties of relationship. Reg. 11. The State Board of Education calls the special atention of County Boards of Public Instruction stu(j y to the duty of prescribing a uniform course of study for their schools, and grading the same, as provided in Sec. 32, Par. 10, of the School Laws. Reg. 12. The State Board of Education recommends the adoption by County Boards of a system of Rules and Regulations for their guidance and for the government of schools, teachers, and pupils. Such Rules and Regu- lations, together with the prescribed course of study, should be printed in pamphlet form and copies of the same filed in the office of the State Department. The State Superintendent shall, upon request, furnish a copy of such pamphlet to other County Boards. Reg. 13. The State Board of Education names the Arbor first Friday after the First Monday of January of each n DSL Teachers Reg. 33. "All teachers should of their own purpose must advance grade of s ee k from time to time to advance the class of their cer- certificates. tificates by diligent and persistent study and the con- stant reading of the best journals of school work, and books treating of methods, discipline and government of the school, and so pass from the lowest to the highest grade of certificate, and carry with it the increased capacity for the true work of the school room. County Superintendents discovering a disposition on the part of certain teachers to remain content with any certificate they may be fortunate enough to obtain, exhibiting no desire to rise higher or to become better qualified for their important work, should at once report the same to the Board of Public Instruction and recommend their removal from the corps of teachers in the county." Hon. A. J. Russell, Reg. of 1891. HIGH SCHOOL REGULATIONS FOR State Accredited High Schools. THE REGULATIONS OP THE STATE BOARD OP EDUCATION PRESCRIBING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR STANDARDIZING HIGH SCHOOLS. These Regulations are based upon Chapter 5206 and the re-enacted Chapter 5382, Laws of Florida, which provide for only two grades of high schools, Junior and Senior; but it is though best to authorize three grades, Junior, Intermediate and Senior High Schools. High School Regulation 1. No school shall be recognized as a Junior High School iiijh 0r sch0 oi. which does not meet each of the following requirements: 1st. The term shall not be less than 8 months, or ICO Term, days. 2nd. The average daily attendance of all pupils shall Average not be less than 50. 3rd. It must have in regular attendance not less than NO. of a total of 10 pupils in one or both of the Ninth and Tenth ' grades, regularly and properly promoted from the grade next below. 4th. It must employ not less than a total of 4 teach- - cl f e f rg ers, each legally certificated according to the laws of this State, and devoting all of his or her time to teach- ing in the school. 5th. The principal shall hold either a Life State or certifiente of principal State Certificate, or a valid First Grade Certificate issued under the laws of this State and, in addition, a Special Certificate covering all the academic branches or sub- jects, not covered by a First Grade Certificate, embraced in and prescribed in the Standard High School Course of Study for the Ninth and Tenth Grades. 6th. At least one capable teacher, must devote all of his or her time to teaching the Ninth and Tenth grades, and where there is but one teacher giving full time to these two grades, but one of the Standard Courses of Study must be offered. 7th. The average length of recitation periods in the two high school grades shall not be less than 40 minutes. 8th. All pupils in high school grades must at all times carry not less than four academic subjects; provided, that some vocational, industrial, or elective study may occupy one recitation period. 168 Laboratory and library. Bms - 9th. The building must have not less than four ample and well adapted recitation rooms, all properly equipped with patent desks, blackboards, and other necessary teaching appliances. 10th. It must have laboratory equipment and a well selected library, each worth not less than $100. Regulation 2. intermediate No school shall be recognized as an intermediate High Bigh School. School which does not meet each of the following requirements : 1st. The term shall not be less than 8 months or 160- days. 2nd. The average daily attendance of all pupils shall not be less than 100. 3rd. It must have in regular attendance not less than a total of 20 pupils in the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh grades, 5 of whom must be in the Eleventh grade, all reg ularly and properly promoted from the next grade below. 4th. It must employ not less than two teachers, ex elusive of the principal, each legally certificated accord- ing to the laws of this State and devoting all of his or her time to teaching high school classes; the certificate held by each shall be a Life State or State Certificate, or a First Grade Certificate and a Special Certificate cover- ing all the academic branches or subjects each teaches embraced in and prescribed in one of the Standard Courses of Study for the three lowest high school grades. 5th. Every teacher of any subject must hold a certifi cate covering the particular subject taught. 6th. The principal shall hold either a State Life or State Certificate, and shall not hear more than four reg ular recitations a dav. Term. Average attendance. No. of pupils. No. and certificate of teachers. Special certificate. Certificate of principal. 7th. The average length of recitation periods, in all high school grades, shall not be less than 45 minutes. 8th. All pupils in high school grades must carry all JJo^ the time not less than four academic subjects; provided, that some vocational, industrial, or elective subject may take the period of one subject. 9th. The building must have not less than seven ample SSms! and well adapted recitation rooms, all properly equipped with patent desks, blackbords, and other necessary teaching appliances. 10th. It must have laboratory equipment and a well selected library of books, each worth not less than $150. Regulation 3. No school shall be recognized as a Senior High School |enior High which does not meet each of the following requirements: 1st. The term shall not be less than 8 months, or 160 Term days. 2nd. The average daily attendance of all pupils shall ^|^nce not be less than 150. 3rd. It must have in regular attendance not less than jjjj^ a total of 30 pupils in the four high school grades, not less than a total of 10 pupils in the two highest grades, all regularly and properly promoted from the grade next below. 4th. It must employ not less than three teachers, g c ^ ra exclusive of the principal, each legally certificated accord- ing to the laws of this State and devoting all of his or her time to teaching high school classes; the certificate certificate*, held by each shall be a Life State or State Certificate, or a First Grade .Certificate and a Special Certificate cover- ing all the specific academic branches or subjects each teaches, embraced in and prescribed in one of the Stand- ard Courses of Study. oth. Every teacher of any subject must hold a certifi cate covering the particular subject taught. 6th. The principal shall hold either a Life State or State Certificate, and shall not hear more than three regular recitations a day. 7th. The average length of recitation periods in all high school grades shall not be less than 45 minutes. 8th. All pupils in high school grades must carry all the time not less than four academic subjects; provided, that some vocational, industrial, or elective subject may take the period of one subject. 9th. The building must have not less than eight ample and well adapted recitation rooms, all properly equipped with patent desks, blackboards, and other necessary teaching appliances. 10th. It must have laboratory equipment and a well selected library of books, each worth not less than $200. GENERAL. Regulation . The State Board construes the legal meaning of the word teacher to be one legally licensed according to the certification laws of this State, regularly elected and con tracted with by a County Board of Public Instruction, devoting his or her entire time to school work, and paid for services directly by warrant of the County Board of Public Instruction. Regulation 5. The Standard Course of Study, or its equivalent with such modifications or additions by local s/chool authori- ties as may be submitted to and approved by the State 171 Board of Education, is the minimum requirements for graduation from any grade of high school. Regulation 6. It is urgently recommended that the final annual exam- uniform ex- aminations. mations of all high school grades, after the school year 1914-15, be uniform throughout the State upon questions submitted by the State Inspector of High Schools, and that promotions and graduations be partly based upon these examinations. Regulation 7. It is further recommended that all high school diplomas Di P lomnfl for the different Courses of Study and grades be uniform for that course or grade, be furnished by the State, and be signed by the Governor, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Inspector of High Schools, one or all, and local school authorities. Regulation 8. All past Regulations relating to high schools, adopted by the State Board of Education and in conflict with these eight Regulations, are hereby annulled. Regulations Providing for Teacher- Training Departments in High Schools. (Chapter G830 of the Laws of Florida.) As TO TEACHERS. Regulation 1. The teacher of the Teacher-Training Tencbors, Department shall not be the principal of the High School, IT2 How nominated. Qualifica- tions. nor shall the Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) appro- priated by the State for such Department be used in sup- plementing the salary of a principal, though the prin- cipal, or other capable teachers, may hear one or more recitations in the Teacher-Training Department. Regulation 2. The teacher of the Teacher-Training Department of every County High School may be nomi- nated by the County Board of Public Instruction, but must be approved by the State Board of Education before any appropriation will be made by such State Board for the salary of the teacher of any such Department. Regulation 3. In the selection of teachers for such training Departments preference shall be given to hold ers of State Certificates, or to regular graduates of stand- ard Normal Schools, presenting satisfactory evidence of having had successful experience as teachers; Provided, That if it be necessary to employ teachers for such Departments with less qualifications than above pre- scribed, every such teacher shall be the holder of a valid First Grade Florida Certificate and a Special Certificate on Psychology, History of Education, and the Theory and Practice of Teaching. As TO DUTY OP COUNTY BOARDS. Board to appropriate, what. Regulation 4. Any County seeking to establish such a Teacher-Training Department in any school within such County must appropriate from County School funds not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the salary of the teacher of such Department, which, with the appropriation by the State Board of Education, fixes the salary of such teacher at not less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for eight months' service; Provided, That any County Board of Public Instruction shall not be prohibited from making the salary greater than One Thousand Dollars ; Provided further, That more than one teacher may be employed for such Department and be paid from County or District, fund, one or both. Regulation 5. The salary of the teacher of every salary, Teacher-Training Department shall be paid for the first four months from County funds, and the Five Hundred Dollars appropriated from State funds shall be trans- mitted to the County Board of Public Instruction for the payment of the salary of the teacher for the last four months of the school; Provided, That monthly reports of such Department shall be made as x required, on blanks furnished, to the State Board of Education and show that the said Department has met all the requirements of the law and of these regulations. As TO TEACHER-PUPILS. Regulation 6. Any school, before receiving State appropriation in aid of the establishment of a Teacher- Training Department, must present evidence that not less than ten (10) teacher-pupils will regularly attend such Department. Each of such pupils must be sixteen years of age, or over, and must have regularly and credit- ably completed the Eighth Grade of a school with a standard not lower than the average Eighth Grade course of study of Florida, or must have taught a public school for not less than six months. As TO RECITATIONS. Regulation 7. The number of daily recitations by the teacher in a Teacher-Training Department shall not be less than six, nor exceed eight, per day, and all such recitations shall be forty-five (45) minute periods; Pro- vided, That some recitations may be shorter than forty- five minutes and others as long as sixty (GO) minutes, but 174 the average shall not be less than forty-five (45) minute periods. One recitation daily of not less than forty-five (45) minutes shall be devoted to the Science of Pedagogy and the Methods of Teaching. Eegulation 8. The term of every school establishing a Teacher-Training Department shall not be less than one hundred and sixty (160) days, or eight (8) months, of actual teaching in such department. As TO ELIGIBILITY OF SCHOOLS. Regulation 9. A Teacher-Training Department shall not be established in any school unless that school is recognized as a High School by the State Board of Edu- cation, and meets the requirements of a High School as prescribed by the regulations of said State Board of Education; Provided, That any county not having had a sufficient number of high school pupils in any one school as to have hitherto obtained recognition as a High School, the State Board of Education may, however, establish a Teacher-Training Department in such county with no present recognized High School, but which, by the close of the school year 1915-191G, may have such recognized High School. As TO COURSE OP STUDY. Eegulation 10. All Teacher-Training Departments shall be conducted in accordance with an advisory Course of Study submitted by the State Board of Education, until such Course shall be perfected and made mandatory in all Teacher-Training Departments of the State. 175 LIST OF FORMS Prescribed and Used in the Educational Department. No. 501. Organization of Board of Public Instruction. 502. Recommendation of School Supervisor. 503. Appointment of School Supervisor. 504. Acceptance of Appointment of School Supervisor. 505. Notice of Election of School Trustees. 50G. Commission of a School Trustee. 507. Acceptance of School Trustees. 508. Itemized Estimate of School Trustees. 509. Endorsement of Applicant for County Examination. 510. Testimonial of Applicant for Examination for Primary Certificate. 511. Testimonial of Applicant for Examination for Special Certificate. 512. Application for Examination for State Certificate. 513. Endorsement for State Life Certificate. 514. Application for Life Extension of Primary Certifi- cate. 515. Application for Life Extension of First Grade Certificate. 51G. Application for Life Certificate of First Grade. 517. Teacher's Character Certificate. 518. Teacher's Third Grade Certificate. 519. Teacher's Second Grade Certificate. 520. Teacher's First Grade Certificate. 521. Teacher's Primary Certificate. 522. Teacher's Special Certificate. 523. Teacher's State Certificate. 524. Life Extension of First Grade Certificate. 525. Life First Grade Certificate. 526. Life State Certificate. L7ti 527. Lite Primary Certificate. 530. Contract with Teacher. 531. Teacher's- Monthly Report. 532. Teacher's Final Eeport. 533. Notice of Suspension of Pupil by Teacher. 534. Notice of Special Meeting of County Board of Public Instruction. 535. Warrant on Treasurer of County Board of Public Instruction. 536. Notice to County Superintendent of Apportionment of School Fund. 537. Application for Examination for State Certificate. 538. Endorsement for State Life Certificate. 539. Teacher's Daily Register. 544. Annual Eeport of County Superintendent. 545. Teacher's Graduate State Certificate. 547. Teacher's Training Certificate. 548. Endorsement for Primary Certificate. 556. Suspension or Revocation of Teacher's Certificate. 557. Award of Board of Public Instruction on Charges Against a Teacher, on Appeal. FORMS. i No. 501. , 19...- Report of the Organization of County Board of Public Instruction. County of , State of Florida. , Florida. The members of the Board of Public Instruction of County, elected on the day of November, A. D. 19 . . . . , were : Mr of (P.O.) , residing in and for School Board District No. 1 ; Mr 177 of , residing in and for School Board District No. 2 ; Mr , of , residing in and for School Board District No. 3. Of these, Messrs and , having met on the above date in the office of the County Superintendent of Public In- struction, and each for himself, having presented his commission as a member of said Board of Public Instruc- tion for the term of two years from the- first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, A. D. 19...., and until his successor is elected and qualified, proceeded to complete the organization of said Board, in compliance with Section 342, General Statutes of Florida, as follows : On Motion of Mr , seconded by Mr. , Mr was elected to be Chairman of said Board of Public Instruction for the County of , State of Florida. Mr , holding commission as County Superintendent of Public Instruction for the ensuing years, appeared in person at said meeting, and assumed his duties as Secretary of said Board, as provided by law. The Board thus organized then fixed on after of each month as the day for holding its regular meetings. Chairman. Attest : County Superintendent and ex-officio Secretary. STATE OF FLORIDA, County of Before me, a , personally appeared and , both to me known, who being each duly sworn, say that the above and foregoing account of the proceedings of the organiza- tion of the Board of Public Instruction for the County of 12 DSL 178. , State of Florida, is correct, and a true copy of the original as recorded in their book of minutes. Chairman. Secretary and County Superintendent. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , A. D. 190.. No. 502. Recommendation of School Supervisor. (P.O.) Fla. , 191.. County Supt. Pub. Instruction. Sir: Five days' notice of the time, place and pur- pose of the meeting having been given by the Super- visor, the patrons of school No , at , met and organized by the election of the undersigned as Chairman and Secretary. After ballot of the patrons only, it was found that a majority favored the appointment of Mr. (or Mrs.) , of (P.O.), as Supervisor of said school. We hereby endorse as a person of good moral character, temperate, upright, responsible, possessing a fair educa- tion, and as one who will perform the duties of the office impartially and faithfully. Chairman. Secretarv. 179 No. 503. Appointment of School Supervisor. Office of Board of Public Instruction, County of , -V..,Fla., ,19.... To . Sir (or Madam) Having been duly recommended and indorsed as a suitable person to act as Supervisor of school No , situated at , at a meeting of the Board of Public Instruction held on the day of , 19 . . . . , you were appointed accordingly (for four years, or to fill the un- expired term of ) , or during the faithful performance of the duties of the office. Blank form of acceptance herewith inclosed must be signed and returned within ten (10) days, or the appoint- ment will be considered rejected. Very respectfully, Secretary and County Superintendent. No. 504. Acceptance of Appointment as School Supervisor. , Fla., , 191.. To , Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. gi r i hereby accept the appointment as School Super- visor for School No situated at , and pledge myself to perform all the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. Very respectfully. 130 No. 505. Notice of Election of School Trustees. County of ,191.. State of Florida. To Co. Supt. and Sec. Board Pub. Inst. Sir Whereas, At an election, notice of which was given as required by law for four consecutive weeks, ordered by the County Board of Public Instruction, and held on the day of , A. D. 19 . . . . , to determine whether the territory fully described in a petition presented to said Board shall be a special tax school district, and for the election of three Trus- tees therefor, and to determine the mill age to be assessed and collected annually during the succeeding two years, a majority of the electors, resident in said territory and qualified according to law, did vote to create such special tax school district and the district is established; there- fore, we, the undersigned inspectors of said election, do recommiend as entitled to receive commissions as Trus- tees of said special tax school district No . . . . , and other- wise known as school district, the three persons named below, having received the high- est number of votes cast for Trustees at said election. 181 Names. Post-Office. Signed. Inspectors of Election. No. 506. < Commission of a School Trustee. Office of the Board of Public Instruction, State of Florida, County of , , 191.. To , Fla. Having been duly elected, on the day of , A. D. 19 ..*.., to be a member of the Board of Trustees in and for special tax school district No , otherwise known as School District, for the term of two years and until your sue- 182 cessor is elected and qualified according to Chapter 4678, Laws of Florida, you are hereby commissioned to act as Trustee for said special tax school district during the faithful and valuable performance of the duties which the position devolves upon you not to exceed two years, except as provided herein. A blank form of acceptance is herewith inclosed, which please fill out and return within ten (10) days, or the position will be declared vacant and filled by appoint- ment. By order of the County Board of Public Instruction. 7 Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. No. 507. Acceptance of a School Trustee. County of . (P.O.), ,19.... To , Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. Sir I have received your letter of inclosing commission of the Board of Public Instruction of this county as Trustee of special tax school district No , called School District. I hereby accept this position and pledge myself to per- form its duties impartially and faithfully. Very respectfully, 183 No. 508. Itemized Estimate of School Trustees. State of Florida, Special Tax District No County of (P.O.), ,19.... To Chairman and Members Bd. of Com. Sirs In compliance with the law, the School Trus- tees of Special Tax School District No , known as District, hereby submit the fol- lowing itemized estimate of school funds necessary to h3 levied as a special tax for the school year beginning July 1st, 19. .. ., prorated to schools and for purposes speci fied as follow? : For School. For new building F.or repairs For rent of school building For insurance For school library For text books For salaries of teachers. . . For incidental expenses... For school furniture For all other school pur- poses Totals No. $... No. No. No. No. $... No. The following is a complete statement of all the rail- 184 road and telegraph lines located within the said Special Tax School District : Belonging to R. R. Co. ; miles main track, miles side tracks, etc. Belonging to R. R. Co. ; miles main track, miles side tracks, etc. Belonging to Telegraph Co. ; miles one wire, miles wires. Belonging to ; miles one wire, miles wires. We hereby certify that at an election held in said Special Tax School District on the day of , 19. . . ., it was determined by a majority of those voting that a special tax of mills should be assessed and collected annually during the succeed- ing two years for school purposes, on the property of the Special Tax School District, bounded as follows : Be- ginning at northeast corner ; then run west along to ; thence south along to ; thence east along to ; thence north along to starting point; and your honorable body is hereby re- quested to make the above levy. (Signed) , Trustees. A copy of the above must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, one with the Comp- troller of the State, and one with the County Board of Public Instruction. 185 No. 509. Endorsement of Applicant for County Examination. ..., Pla., ,', 19.. To Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. County. SIR: This is to certify that we have been acquainted with the bearer, for years, and commend to you as a person of good moral character, and addicted to no habits that could unfit or disqualify for the position of teacher. Very respectfully, No. 510. 'testimonial of Appplicant for Examination for Primary Certificate. . ., Fla. , 19.. To Hon , State Supt. Pub. Inst. Sir Being personally acquainted with M and knowing (1) that she is a lady of good health, cheer- 186 ful disposition, possessing an innate love for children and tact in governing them; (2) that she has received years special instruction in primary methods and practical teaching in Normal School, or equivalent instruction at ; (3) that she has had years (three required, if she has had normal school instruction ; five, if without same) successful experience in teaching in primary departments in the schools of Florida; (4) that she is a person of excellent character, possessing peculiar fitness for successfully teaching and managing smjall children, as evidenced by her work in the Primary Department of the school at , in the year ; Therefore, the undersigned indorse the said applicant for examination for a Teacher's Primary Certificate. Kespectfully, , County Superintendent. , Chn. Bd. Pub. Instruction. , Principal of School. (Of school where she last taught.) , County Superintendent. , Chn. Bd. Pub. Instruction. , Principal of School. (Of school taught next previous to the last.) No. 511. Testimonial of Applicant for Examination for Special Certificate. , Fla., , 19.... lion , State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sir r Being well acquainted with M 187 and having personally inspected work in the school at , in the year > I unhesitatingly indorse as a person of most excellent character, and especially successful as instructor of (name the subjects or branches) ; and in every respect worthy as a teacher and character-builder of youth. Kespectfully, (Give post-office address and official position.) No. 512. Application for Examination for State Certificate. ' , Fla., , 19.... Hon , State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sir We, the undersigned, have been personally well acquainted with M for the past twenty-four months, and cheerfully testify to good character and success as a teacher. We know of our own knowledge that has taught for eight months under a First Grade Certificate obtained in Florida, and that was eminently successful, both as a disciplinarian and preceptor; therefore, we 188 commend to you for examination for a State certificate. Respectfully, Co. Supt. under whom last 8 months was taught in Florida. (Give post-office adress and official position.) No. 513. Endorsement for State Life Certificate. Hon .................... s . ., State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sir We, the undersigned, each of us the holder of a State Life Certificate granted in accordance with the Laws of Florida, being well and personally acqiiainto-1 with the character and work of M ..................... , a holder of a State Certificate issued since January 1st, A. D. 1894, and knowing that ............... has suc- cessfully done High School or College teaching in this State for a period of eighteen months under a State Cer- tificate; and having personally observed ...... methods and noted ...... success, both in the matter of instruc- tion and discipline ; we do hereby indorse ...... as a person possessing eminent ability in teaching and school 189 government, and worthy and well qualified in every respect to receive a Teacher's State Life Certificate. Respectfully, (Give post-office address and official position.) No. 514. i Application for Life Extension of Primary Certificate. ..................... 19.... Hon ..................... , State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sir Application is hereby made for indorsement of my Primary Certificate, thereby making it valid per- petually. This certificate was issued by Hon ............ State Superintendent of Public Instruction, on the ...... day of ............ , 19. . . . ; and I have taught success- fully under it for four years of eight months each, as evi- denced by the testimonials and official signatures attached below. Respectfully, Hon , State Superintendent of Public Instruction. I cheerfully commend M as an eminently successful primary teacher, and worthy that her present Primary Certificate be indorsed by you and given perpetual validity. 190 She taught under my supervision eight months of each of the years 190. ., 190. ., and 190. ., in the graded school. Supt. Pub. Inst County. She taught under my supervision eight months of each of the years 190 . . , 190 . . , and 190, in the graded school. Supt. Pub. Inst County. Note. Continue, ,so as to show where the teaching was done, and to get the indorsement of each County Super- intendent under w r hom done for four last years. No. 515. Application for Life Extension of First Grade Certljicnic. , Fla., ,19.... To , County Supt. Pub. Instruction. ' Sir Application is hereby made for indorsement of my First Grade Teacher's Certificate, making it per- petually valid in this county during my life, unless re- voked for cause, in accordance with the provisions of the law. Evidences of my eligibility for this extension are appended hereto, and I hereby certify of my own positive 191 knowledge that each and every statement made herein- after is correct and true in every particular. Respectfully, Sworn to and subscribed be- (Seal of Official) fore me this day of , 19.. (The above certificate must be signed and sworn to in the presence of an officer duly authorized to adminis- ter oaths.) Sworn Statements Submitted in Evidence. 1. Enclosed herewith is an unexpired First Grade Teacher's Certificate issued by County Superintendent of county, dated , A. D. 190 . . , and bearing grades as follows: Orthography per cent., Reading, per cent., Arithmetic per cent., English Grammar per cent., United States History per cent., Geography per cent., Physiol- ogy, per cent., Theory and Practice of Teach- ing per cent., Composition per cent., Civil Government per cent., Algebra per cent., Physical Geography -per cent.; Average grade per cent. 2. I have taught in Florida the requisite twenty years as follows: (Give the number of months taught and the place at which you taught each year. The year num- bered representing only the year in which the terms began.) 189. ., at , in County months. 189 . . , at , in County months. (Continue the years thus down to the present.) 192 3. I have taught nine years in this State as shown above, under certificates issued since January 1st, A. D. 1894, and under the Laws of Florida, as shown below, as follows : Grade, dated 189 . . , issued in Co., Average Grade per cent. Grade, dated 190 . . , issued in Co., Average Grade per cent. Grade, dated 190.., issued in Co., Average Grade per cent. Grade, dated 190 . . , issued in Co., Average Grade 'per cent. 4. Attached hereto are certificates in the form pre- scribed by the State Department, attesting to my moral character, faithfulness and success as an instructor and disciplinarian, from the following persons: Name. Occupation or Position. Post-office. 5. If further examination be required, or if further evidence of my eligibility to life extension of my First Grade Certificate is desired, please notify me of the time and place of the examination, or what evidence is desired at the following address: Fla. . A regulation of the State Board of Education requires that this application be made in duplicate and one copy be filed with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. No. 51(5. for Life Certificate of First Grade. .......................... , FJa., ..................... 19.... To .................... County Superintendent Public Instruction, .................. Fla. Sir Application is hereby made for a First Grade Life Certificate, "good in any part of the State and of per- petual validity in the County where such endorsement is made," (unless revoked for cause), in compliance with (he provisions of Section 13, Chapter 5204, Laws of Florida. Evidences of my eligibility for this certificate are appended hereto, and I hereby certify of my own positive knowledge that each and every statement made herein- after is correct and true in every particular. Respectfully, Sworn to and subscribed be- Seal of Official fore me this day of , 19.. (The above certificate must be signed and sworn to in the presence of an officer authorized to administer oaths.) Regulation of the State Board of Education, adopted November 17th, 1903: Ordered: "That all applications for Life Extension of First Grade Certificates and for Life First Grade Cer tificates, under Section 13, Chapter 5204, Laws of Florida, shall be made in duplicate and one copy filed by the appli- cant with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction 194 when the other copy is filed with the County Superintend- ent of Public Instruction; also that each and every County Superintendent shall give immediate notice, on form prescribed, to the State Superintendent of every Life Extension given a First Grade Certificate, and of every Life First Grade Certificate by him issued." Sworn Statements Submitted in Evidence. 1. Enclosed herewith are two First Grade Teacher's Certificates, each issued by the County Superintendent given and bearing grades as follows: (a) The latest Certificate, issued by County Superintendent of County, dated , 19 . . . . , bearing grades as fol- lows : Orthography per cent. ; Eeading per cent. ; Arithmetic per cent. ; English Gram- mar per cent. ; United States History per cent. ; Geography per cent. ; Physiology per cent. ; Agriculture per cent. ; Theory and Practice of Teaching per cent. ; Composition per cent. ; Civil Government per cent. ; Algebra per cent. ; Physical Geography per cent. ; Average Grade per cent. (b) The certificates before the last, issued by County Superintendent of County, dated , 19 . . . . , bearing the fol- lowing grades : Orthography per cent. ; Reading per cent. ; Arithmetic per cent. ; English Grammar per cent. ; United States History per cent. ; Geography per cent. ; Physiology per cent. ; Agriculture per cent. ; Theory and Prac- tice of Teaching per cent. ; Composition per cent. ; Civil Government per cent. ; Algebra per cent. ; Physical Geography per cent. ; Average Grade per cent. 195 2. I have taught school in this State for six years under First Grade Certificates, as follows: (Give the number of months taught and the place at which you taught each year. The year numbered representing only the year in which the term began.) 1906, at , in Co., months. 1907, at , in Co., months. 1908, at , in A Co., months. 1909, at , in Co., months. 1910, at , in Co., months. 1911, at , in Co., . months. No. 517. Teacher's Character Certificate. (To be filed with Application for Life Extension First Grade Certificate.) (To be filed permanently in office of County Superin- tendent.) , Fla., 19.. I hereby certify that of my own personal and positive knowledge that M has taught school at , in the County of , State of Florida, during all or a part of each of the follow- ing years : (Give dates here) I further certify that being (specify official position as Superintendent, Supervisor or relation to school as patron, neighbor, etc.), I was in a position to know of the general success of teaching and discipline, and that I do know, that in both was uniformly and eminently faithful and successful. 196 I further certify that I have known the above named teacher for '. . . years, and am familiar with personal and social life, and I am con- vinced that possesses good moral character and has no bad habits or traits of character which would interfere with the success of work as a teacher of children. I further certify that I believe 'J! is worthy of a lifelong permit to teach in this county without fur- ther examination and hereby recomlnend for such permit. Fla. No. 518. Teacher's Third Grade Certificate. Note. The different grades of Certificates are litho- graphed and issued in books of 100 each, with stubs. Stubs in all cases must be filled out as indicated. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) For 2 Years. Teacher's Certificate Third Grade. To the Board of Public Instruction of County : This certifies that having presented the requisite endorsement of good moral character, and hav- ing been legally examined and found to possess the qualifications for a Third Grade Teacher, as prescribed in the Act to Provide for the Certification of Teachers 197 ami in Prescribe Requirements for the Various Grades of Certificates, is hereby authorized to contract with your Honorable Board to teach in the public schools of this county, for two years from this date. < liven under my hand, tin's day of. . . . . ID. . Supt. of Pub. Inst Co. Standing on examination. Scale 100: Orthography , Reading , Arithmetic , English Grammar , U. S. History , Geography , Physiology , Agriculture , Theory and Prac- tice of Teaching , Composition , Civil Gov- ernment , General Average N. B. No candidate can be awarded this certificate who fails to make a general average of 60 per cent., or falls in any branch below 40 per cent. (It may be endorsed by any County Superintendent, and so endorsed becomes good for its unexpired term in such county.) Form of Stub to Third Grade Certificate. No Date of issue , 19 To Sex, , Eace , Age , Home P. O Certificate expires Standing on examination, scale 100: (Same as in body of certificate.) No. 519. Teacher's Second Grade Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) For 4 Years. Teacher's Certificate Second Grade. To the Board of Public Instruction County : 198 This certifies that , having presented the requisite endorsement of good moral character, and having been legally examined and found to possess the qualifications for a Second Grade Teacher, as prescribed in the Act to Provide for the Certification of Teachers, and to Prescribe Kequirements for the Various Grades of Certificates, is hereby authorized to contract with your Honorable Board to teach in the public schools ol this county, for four years from this date. Given under my hand this the. . . . day of , 19. . . . Supt. of Pub. Inst., Co. Standing on examination. (Subjects same as for Third Grade). Scale 100. N. B. No candidate can be awarded this certificate who fails to make a general average of 75 per cent., or falls in any branch below 60 per cent. (It may be endorsed by any County Superintendent, and so endorsed becomes good for its unexpired term in such county. "I Form of Stub for Second Grade Certificate. No Date of issue , 19 To Sex Race Age Home P. O Certificate expires , 19 .... Standing on examination. (Same as in body of cer- tificate.) Scale, 100. No. 520. Teacher's First Grade Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State) For 5 Years. Teachers' Certificate First Grade. To County Boards of Public Instruction, Greeting: Be it known that having presented the 199 requisite endorsement of good moral character, and having passed satisfactory examination as prescribed in the Act to Provide for the Certification of Teachers, and to Prescribe Kequirements for the Various Grades of Certificates, is therefore entitled to the rank of First Grade Teacher, and is hereby licensed to teach in the public schools of county for the term of five years from date. , t r Given under my hand this day of , 19. ... Supt. of Pub. Inst, Co. Standing on examination. Scale of 100 : Orthography , Reading , Arithmetic , English Grammar , United States History , Geog raphy , Physiology , Theory and Practice of Teaching , Composition , Civil Govern- ment , Algebra , Physical Geography , General Average (This certificate may be endorsed upon the reverse side by any County Superintendent, and so endorsed be- comes good for its unexpired term in such county.) Vide Sec. 12, Chap. 5204.) Form of Stub for First Grade Certificate. No Issued 19 .... To Sex Race Age Home P. O No. months taught Grade of last certificate Where issued Date of same Standing on examination. Scale 100. (Same as in bodv of certificate.) 200 No. 521. Teacher's Primary Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. \o (Seal of State.) For 4 Years. Teacher's Primary Certificate. Office of Superintendent Public Instruction, Tallahassee, , in To County Boards of Public Instruction : Whereas, The bearer, , has presented satisfactory testimonials as to her peculiar fitness for Primary teaching, and has passed examinations, written on primary studies and oral and written on primary methods, as prescribed the Act to Provide for the Cer- tification of Teachers and to Prescribe Eequirements for the Various Grades of Certificates, this Primary Cer- tificate is hereby issued authorizing her to teach for four years from the date hereof, in the first, second and third grades, only of the Primary Department of a regularly graded school, or public Kindergarten. Witness my hand and the seal of the State Board of Education, this day of , 19 State Supt. of Public Instruction. Grades on examination: Arithmetic , Gram- mar , Composition , Geography , His- tory ; Average ; Primary Methods, oral ; Primary Methods, written ; General Average 201 Form of Stub for Primary Certificate. No Date of issue '., 19 To Eace Age Years instruction received in Primary Methods Where Years expe- rience teaching in Primary Departments in Florida , Home P. O , Last Certificate was , Grade issued in county, by dated ,19.... Grades on examination. (Same as in body of certifi- cate.) No. 522. Teacher's Special Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) For 5 Years. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Tallahassee, , 19 .... To .County Boards of Public Instruction : Whereas, The bearer, , has furnished satisfactory testimonials as to peculiar fitness for teaching certain branches not included in the require- ments for Second Grade Certificates, and has made a grade of not less tharf**&inety per cent, in written exam- ination on each of the following branches: per cent., per cent., per cent. per cent., per cent, per cent. as prescribed in the Act to Provide for the Certification of Teachers and to Prescribe Requirements for the Various Grades of Certificates; Therefore, This Special Certificate is issued, authoriz- ing to teach the special branches above, and these only, anywhere in the State, for five years from the date hereof. Witness my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Education this day of , 19 .... State Supt. -of Public Instruction. Form of Stub for Special Certificate. Special Certificate, No Date of issue 19 To Eace Sex Age Home P. O Last certificate was Grade. Where issued Dated Standing in examination: (Same as in body of this certificate.) No. 523. Teachers State Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) For 5 Years. Teacher's State Certificate. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tallahassee, , 19 To County Boards of Public Instruction : Whereas, The bearer, , has presented evi- dence to show that has taught successfully at least twenty-four months in all, eight months under a First Grade Certificate obtained in this State, and that 203 is a pei-son of good moral character, possessing ability to govern and aptness to teach, and has passed an examination conducted by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as prescribed in the Act to Provide for the Certification of Teachers and to Prescribe Eequirements for the Various Grades of Certificates, . is hereby licensed to teach in any county in this .State, and exempt from further exam- ination for five years from date. Witness my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Education, this the day of , 19 ... ; State Supt. of Public Instruction. Standing on examination. Scale of 100 : Geometry , Trigonometry , Physics , Zoology , Botany , Latin , Rhetoric , English Literature , Psychology , General History , Average Form of Stub to this Certificate. \ State Certificate, No Date of issue 19 To Sex Race Age Home P. O Last certificate was Grade Issued from county, Dated , 19.... Standing on examination. (Same as in body of cer- tificate.) 204 No. 524. Life Extension of First Grade Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA Perpetual in County No (Seal of State.) Where Endorsed. Life Extension of First Grade Teacher's- Certificate. Whereas, is the holder of an unexpired First Grade Certificate, issued under the laws of this State, and has presented satisfactory evidence, in the manner prescribed by the State Board of Education, that ha,s taught school successfully for twenty years in this State, nine of these years under certificates issued since January 1st, A. D. 1894 ; and that is of good moral character, and faithful and successful as an instructor and disciplinarian; Therefore, I hereby endorse the said First Grade Cer- tificate, making it perpetually valid during the life of the holder in this county, by issuing this instru- ment. Witness my hand this the day of 19. ... Supt. of Public Instruction. County. Witness my hand this the day of 19 .... Supt. of Public Instruction. County. Grades on Certificate Endorsed. Orthography , Reading , Arithmetic , English Grammar , History , Geography Physiology . , Theory and Practice Composition , Civil Government , Algebra " , Physical Geography , Average X B. This instrument of endorsement must be attached to the certificate upon which it is issued. Form of Stub for Above Certificate. Life Extension of First Grade Certificate, No Endorsed , 19 , Holder , Sex , Race , Age , Years taught in Florida , Years taught on Certificates issued since Jan. 1, 1894 , Home P. O , Where endorsed Certificate was issued county, By whom , County Superintendent, Date of same , 19 .... Grades on Certificate endorsed. (Same as in body of Certificate above.) No. 525. Life First Grade Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) Perpetual First Grade Life Certificate. Whereas, The bearer, , has presented satisfactory evidence that has taught school in this State for six years under First Grade Certificates issued since January 1st, A. I). 1894, the average grade of such Certificates being not less than ninety per cent. ; and that is of good moral character and faithful and successful as an instructor and discipli- narian : 206 Therefore, I hereby issue to this First Grade Life Certificate, "good in any part of the State, and of perpetual validity in the county where such endorse- ment is made. 7 ' Given under my hand this '. day of ....... 19. ... Supt, of Pub. Inst. of . . *.- County. Grades of Last Two Certificates on Which This Life Certificate is Based. Last issued by County Superintendent of County, , 19 Orthography , Reading , Arithmetic b English Grammar , U. S. History , Geography , Physiology , Theory and Practice , Composition , Civil Govern- ment , Algebra , Physical Geography , General Average Next to last issued by County Superin- tendent of County, , 19 .... Orthography ....... v Reading .......... Arithmetic , English Gramjmar , U. S. History , Geography , Physiology , Theory and Practice , Composition , Civil Govern- ment ....... Algebra , Physical Geography , General Average Form of Stub for Above Certificate. No , Issued , 19...., To Sex , Race , Age , Years taught in life ., Home P. O Grades of .last two Certificates on which this Life Certificate is based: (Same as in body of Certificate.) No. 526. Teacher's Life titate Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) Perpetual. Teacher's Life State Certificate. Alios Docendo Discimus. The eminent qualifications of , as a teacher of youth, having been shown by distinguished success in the schools of this State, and having pre- sented the requisite endorsements and testimonials as provided in Chapter 6164j Laws of Florida of 1911, is therefore awarded this Diploma., which is of perpet- ual validity and forever exempts from further examination as a teacher in the public schools of this State. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Education; at the City of Tallahassee, this day of , 19.... Supt. of Public Instruction. (Seal, State Board of Education.) No. 527. Life Primary Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) Perpetual. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Whereas, the bearer, has been recommended by the County Superintendent of Public 208 Instruction of County, has presented the requisite endorsements, has filed the necessary evidence to show that has been especially trained' for Kindergarten or Primary Work, has done four years' successful teaching in this State under a Primary Cer- tificate, and has demonstrated Eminent Qual- ifications as a Primary Teacher. Therefore, by authority vested in me by Section 373, General Statutes of Florida, I have this day awarded this Life Primary Certificate, which is of Perpetual Validity ; and secures to the privilege of teaching, without further examination, in the Primary Department only of any regular graded school in the State of Florida. Witness my hand and the seal of the State Board of Education, at Tallahassee, this the day of , 191.. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. ( Seal, State Board of Education ) . Form of Stub for Above Certificate. Life Primary Certificate. No Issued 10 .... To , Sex , Race Age (near- est birthday years. Present P. O , Fla. Home P. O Received Special Instruction in Pri mary work months. Where? Taught in life years. Taught exclusively Primary Grades in Florida months. In What Schools? Last Certificate was , Date of same Where Issued? , By Whom Issued? , Graduate of , Degrees held 209 No. :>:>>(). Contract With Teacher. This contract, made on this day of , 19 at , by and between , Teacher, and the Board of Public Instruction .for the County of , State of Florida ; witnesseth : That the said agrees to teach the Public School No at , or such other Public School as the Board may elect, commenc- ing on the day of , 19 , for the term of months, and to perform well and faithfully the duties of Teacher, according to the Laws of the State and the Regulations of the Depart- ment of Public Instruction of Florida, and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Public Instruction of county. The said Board of Public Instruction of county, for and in consideration of the services being so rendered, agrees to pay said the sum of dollars per school month, and to give such further aid as the law requires. Provided, The Board may raise the salary or lengthen the term specified in this contract, or if the average attendance of such school for any month shall fall below per cent, of the largest enrollment during the year, or if said Teacher fails to comply with the pro- visions of this contract, then the Board may lessen the 14 DSL 210 salary, shorten the time specified herein, or annul this contract altogether. (Signed) , Teacher. Co. Supt. and Sec. By order of Bd. of Pub. Inst. Witnesses : N. B. The original must be filed in the office of the County Superintendent, who may give any teacher a duplicate if demanded. (Nos. 531 and 532 omitted on account of length.) No. 533. Notice of Suspension of Pupil ~by Teacher. School No ... ,19 To , School Supervisor (or Trustee). I regret to be compelled to inform you that under the provisions of the school law (Sec. 379, Gen. Statutes), I have found it necessary, for the good of the school, to suspend (name pupil) from attend- ance at school for (not exceeding ten) days. The cause for such suspension is Have the kindnesse to call on me at your earliest con- venience, to extend such aid and advice, and take such further action as you may judge proper, according to the law. Very respectfully, , .Teacher. 211 Note. The teacher must also give immediate notice to the parents or guardian of the pupil. (Sec. 379, Gen. Statutes). This may be dqne by modifying the above form, but is always best done in person. At the interview, the teacher should carefully avoid finding needless fault with the child, and should mani- fest such kindly spirit toward both parent and child as should satisfy them that the suspension was not prompted by any malice, but only for the reformation of the pupil and the good of the school. Indeed, a frank interview with the parent or guardian in advance of suspension would often render a resort to such a measure unnecessary. In all cases of suspension, the teacher must report the matter, with the facts, both to the Supervisor (or Trus- tee) and parent. The Supervisor (or Trustee) must re- view all suspensions and report the same promptly to the County Superintendent (Sec. 45, Par. 3d), whose action on the matter shall be final. Xo. 534. Notice of Special Meeting of County Board of Public Instruction. Office of Superintendent of Public Insrtuction. County of , ,19.... To , Member County Board Public Instruction. gi r j have the honor to request your attendance at a special meeting of the County Board of Public Instruc- tion, to be held at , on the day of 212 , at the hour of (a. m. or p. in.), for the purpose of (state the object of the meeting). Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. No. 535. Warrant on Treasurer of County Board of Public Instruction. STATE OF FLORIDA. No To the Treasurer of County Board Public Instruction. Pay to the order of Dollars. (Seal of State.) From any moneys belonging to the County School Fund, for services as teacher in School No at Given at , Florida, this day of , 19 I Countersigned by 9 "I Sec. and Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. Chair. Co. Bd. Pub. Inst. Form of Stub. School Warrant, No , f , Issued ,19 To , Teacher of School , at Payable out of County School Fund. For salary . month. Received bv me No. r>:5<>. Educational Department. STATE OF FLORIDA. Tallahassee, I !).... County Superintendent : The amount this day apportioned your County , from the semi-annual apportionment of the One Mill Tax (or interest on State School Fund) is State Superintendent Public Instruction. Preserve this for use in making your annual report. No. 5:57. Application for Examination for State Certificate. , Fla., , 10... . Hon , State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sir We, the undersigned, have been personally well acquainted with M for the past twenty-four months, and cheerfully testify to good character and success as a teacher. We know of our own knowledge that has taught for eight months under a First Grade Certificate obtained in Florida, and that was eminently successful, both as a disciplinarian and preceptor; therefore, we 214 recommend . . . .. to you for examinaton for a State Certificate. Respectfully, County Superintendent under whom last eight months were taught in Florida (Give postoffice address and official position.) No. 538. Endorsement for State Life Certificate. , Fla., , 19.. Hon State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sir We, the undersigned, each of us the holder of a State Life Certificate granted in accordance with the Laws of Florida, being well and personally acquainted with the character and work of M , a holder of a State Certificate issued since January 1st, A. D. 1894, and knowing that has successfully done High School or College teaching in this State for a period of 18 months under a State Certificate; and having personally observed methods and noted success, both in the matter of in- struction and discipline; we do hereby indorse as a person possessing eminent ability in teaching and 215 school government, and worthy and well qualified in every respect to receive a Teacher's State Life Certificate. Respectfully, (Give postoffice address and official position.) (Nos. 539 and 544 omitted because of length.) No. 545. Graduate State Certificate. STATE OF FLORIDA. No (Seal of State.) For 5 Years. Office of Superntendent of Public Instruction. Whereas, having presented satisfactory evidence that has regularly grad- uated from the Department of the . , has devoted one-fifth of the time of Course to professional training for teaching, and has made in the regular examinations at the close of the Junior and Senior years the grades required by statute. Therefore, I, by authority vested in me by Section 2 of Chapter 6540, )Laws of Florida, do hereby 'grant to this Graduate Certificate, which authorizes to teach the subjects pursued and desig- nated in this Certificate in any of the schools of Florida for FIVE YEARS from date hereof. Witness my hand and the seal of the State Board of Education, this the day of , 19 Superintendent of Public Instruction. 216 Grades Made in Final Examinations of the Junior and Senior Years as Reported by Dr , President of Institution. English 1. The Bible % 2. Expression % 3. Rhetoric % 4. Literature % 5 % Languages 1. French % 2. German % 3. Greek % 4. Italian % 5. Latin % 6. Spanish % 7. % History 1. United States % 2. English % 3. General ' % 4 % Mathematics 1. Geometry % 2. Analyt Geom % 3. Trigonometry % 4. Surveying % 5. Engineering % 6. Calculus % 7. Astronomy % 8CTt >( Sciences 1. Bacteriology % 2. Biology % 3. Botany % Industrial 1. Agriculture % 2. Horticulture % 3. Dom. science % 4. Dom. Art % 5. Mechanic Arts .... % 6. Phys. Training % 7. :..* % Primary 1. Drawing % 2. Kindergarten % 3. Methods % 4. Nature Study % 5. Yocal Music % 6 % Art 1. Drawing % 2. Painting % 3 % Music 1. Harmony % 2. Histor> of % 3. Piano % 4. Violin % 5. Sight Singing % 6. Voice % General Average % Standing on subjects Pursued in previous Courses. 1. Agriculture % 2. Algebra % 3. Arithmetic , % 217 4. Chemistry 5. Geology . 6. Physics . 7. Political , 8. Zoology . 9. 4. Civics % 5. Composition % 6. Kng. Grammar ....% 7. Latin (Begin'rs) . .% 8. Orthography % 9. Pol. Geography ... % 10. Phys. Geog. : % 11. Fla. History" % 12. U. S. History % 13. Reading % 14. Physiology % 15. Sciences (El.'i % 16. Rhetoric % 17. Pedagogy % Philosophy 1. Ethics % 2. History of % 3. Logic % 4. Metaphysics % 5. Psychology % 6. Sociology % 1 % 18. % Education 19 % 1. Methods, etc. ..'...% 20 % 2. History of % 21 % 3 % 22 % Form of Stub for Above Certificate. No Issued , 19 To Sex , Race , Age (nearest birthday) Years. Graduate of When? , 19 Degrees received Home P. O Grades made in the Final Junior and Senior Examina- tions, as Reported by Dr , President of Institution. (Same as in body of certificate above.) { 218 No. 547. Teacher's Training Certificate of Grade. No (Seal of State.) Good for Years. STATE OF FLORIDA. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Whereas, having presented evidence, signed by the President and countersigned by the Dean of the Normal Department of , that is of good moral and professional charac- ter, and has completed the course of the Normal School of the above-named Institution of Higher Learning in this State, and has made an average grade of per cent, in all studies as shown in this Certificate; Therefore, I, by authority vested in me by Chapter 6838, Session Laws of 1915, do hereby issue to this Grade Teachers' Training Certificate, which authorizes to teach the subjects desig- nated in this Certificate in any of the schools of Florida for years from date hereof. Witness my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Education, this the day of , 19 State Supt. of Public Instruction. Grades in all Studies as Reported by Dr.. , President. 219 English Eng. Grammar % Eng. Composition % Rhetoric (1 year) % Am. Literature % En-g. Literature % Expression % Languages French (1 year) % Latin (1 year) % French (2 years) % Latin (2 years) % History Florida United States English General . Mathematics Arithmetic % Algebra % Plane Geometry % Science Polit. Geography ..... % Phys. Geography ...... % Physiology ........... % Agriculture ........... % Botany ............... % Zoology .............. % Chemistry ............ % Domestic Science ..... % Art and Mime Drawing ............. % Sight Singing ......... % Domestic Art ......... % Education Class Boom Management ........ % History of ........... % Methods .............. % Form of Stub for Above Certificate. Teachers' Training Certificate. of Grade. Issued , 19. No To Sex , Race , Age (nearest birthday) years. Where born , State Institution attended Course completed When completed , 19 Home P. O Grades in all Studies as Reported by Dr , President. (Same as in body of Certificate above.) No. 548. Endorsement for Primary Certificate. Fla., 19.. To Hon , State Supt. Pub. Inst. Sir Being personally acquainted with M and knowing (1) that she is a lady of good health, cheer- ful disposition, possessing an innate love for children and tact in governing them; (2) that she has received years special instruction in primary and prac- tical teaching in Normal School, or equivalent instruction at ; (3) that she has had years successful experience in teaching in primary depart- ments in the schools of Florida; (4) that she is a person of excellent character, possessing peculiar fitness for suc- cessfully teaching and managing small children, as evi- denced by her work in the Primary Department of the school at in the year Therefore, the undersigned endorse the said applicant for examination for a Teacher's Primary Certificate. Eespectfully, County Superintendent. Chn. Bd. Pub. Instruction. Principal of School. (On school where she last taught.) 221 County Superintendent . Chn. Bd. Pub. Instruction. Principal of School. (Of school taught next previous to the last.) No. r>o6. Suspension or Revocation of Teacher's Certificate. Office of Board of Pub. Inst County of , 19.. To ., Fla. Dear : It is my unpleasant duty to inform you that certain charges have been preferred against you, on apparently sufficient grounds, alleging that (state the charges plainly and briefly see Sec. 246, Eev. Stat, and Sec. 14, Chap .5204.) in consequence of which your certificate to teach a public school is hereby declared (suspended or revoked, as the case may be,) and the right to teach a public school in this State, as well as the privi- leges conferred by said Certificate, are (suspended or revoked, as the case may require), until further notice. You are notified that you have the right of appeal to the Board of Education on 19.... Very respectfully, Snpt. of Pub. Inst. 222 No. 557. Award of Board of Public Instruction on Charges Against a Teacher, on Appeal. Office of , , 19.... To , Teacher. After a fair and careful examination, on appeal, of the charges preferred against you by to-wit : (recite the charges plainly and briefly) it appears to this Board that , (state the conclusion of the Board) you are hereby honorably acquitted and con- tinued in your position (or censured and discharged, as the case may be.) Your salary will (be continued from the time of your suspension, or will not be continued, in case the suspension is confirmed or certificate revoked). Chairman. Sec. and Supt. Pub. Inst. INDEX INDEX A. ABOLISHMENT OF AND RE-ESTABLISH- MENT OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Institutions abolished 1 90-7 Property of abolished institutions vested in State Board of Education 2 1)7 Reports, inventories, indebtedness, sched- ules and vouchers of abolished institu- tions '} 97 Continuing appropriations revoked 4 1)8 State Auditor to audit accounts of abolished institutions 5 90 Boards of Trustees abolished 6 99 Sections of R. S. relative to Fla. Ag. Coll. repealed 7 99 Sections of R. S. relative to seminaries re- pealed 8 99 Sections of R. S. relative to White Normal repealed 9 99 St. Petersburg Normal and Industrial School 10 100 Colored Normal School 11 1 00 University and Female College created.... 12 101 Board of Control, Appointment and terms. V.\ 101 Board of Control, Organization and ex- penses 14 102 Board of Control, Under control and super- vision of State Board of Education 15-19 102-06 First joint meeting of Boards 16 102 Location of new institutions 17 103 Disposition of assets of abolished institu- tions 1* 10o 15 DSL 226 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Board of Control to manage and conduct schools 19 106 Eegulations of State Board of Education.. 19 106 Institute for Blind, Deaf and Dumb Man- agement of 20 108 State University, Departments of 21 109 Female College, Admission to and scope of instruction 22 110 State University, Admission to 23 111 Board, tuition fees, etc., county scholar- ships 24 111 Libraries, paraphernalia and apparatus 25 112 Property of abolished University of Florida 26 112 Property of Florida State College 27 113 Funds for support of schools How appor- tioned 28 114 Funds appropriated by United States 29 114 Appropriations by State of Florida. ...... 30 114 Appropriations for interest deficit of Uni- versity 31 115 Duties of State Treasurer 32 116 Payment of debts of abolished institutions. 33 116 Disbursements for institutions created How made 34 117 Board of Control a body corporate Its powers and employees 35 117 Trustees of abolished institution's Tenure and duties 36 118 Reports to Legislature Duties of Comp- troller . . , 37 118 Board of Control to provide system of ex- aminations for all high schools 38 119 Duties of State Superintendent of Public Instruction 39 119 Conflicting laws repealed 40 119 227 Para- Section or ABSENCE- Of pupil, when allowed under Compulsory Attendance laws 167 76 Penalty for illegal absence 168 77 ABSENCE OF TEACHER Must be approved in certain cases 86 44 When absence to exceed three days 87 44 Who to grant leave of absence 86-7 44 Substitute, how supplied and paid 86-7 44 Without leave, when pay forfeited 88 44 When absence made up, and how 88 44 ACCOUNTS Audited and paid by County Boards 7 32 19 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER State Superintendent is (Const.) 20 IV 9 ADVANCEMENT OF PUPILS Boards to establish higher grades for 5 32 19 Teachers to labor for 1 83 42 ADVANCEMENT OF SCHOOLS Boards to promote 5 32 19 AGE For compulsory attendance (8-14) 164 75 School (6-21) { 2 3 * JJ AGRICULTURE AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT To be taught in all common schools (Ch. 5938) 1 124 Duty of County Boards of Public Instruc- tion 2 124 228 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Duty of Examining Boards 3 125 Persons subject to removal 4 125 AGRICULTURE Power of County Boards to establish De- partments of, and employ Agents 37 24 Qualifications of Agents 37 24 Agents to work under joint supervision of Board and of State University 38 24 See Ch. 6833 147-8 AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR NEGROES See Florida Ag. and Mech. Coll. for Negroes. AGRICULTURAL SCHOLARSHIP IN UNI- VERSITY- County Commissioners to award (Ch. 6837) l.">:>-4 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND NAR- COTICS Teaching evils of required (Ch. 6832) 1-6 145-47 AMOUNT OF MONEY BOARDS MAY BORROW Limited 33 23 ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY SUPT. Regulation regarding ; when due, etc 20 1 63 APPARATUS County Board to provide 5 T>2 19 County Superintendent to inspect 2 42 26 Penalty for defacing 196 85 APPEALS State Supt. to decide upon or refer 6 12 13 229 Para- Sectiou Di- graph. Article. 1'a^'O. State Board to entertain and decide 3 17 15 State Board to prescribe manner of making 3 17 15 Procedure on appeal of examinees SI 42 County Superintendent to notify applicant. 10 27 APPLICANTS For examination, requirements of <)."> 34 Third Grade Certificate, requirements for. . 00 34 Second Grade Certificate, requirements for. 07 34 First Grade Certificate, requirements for. . 68 35 State Certificate, requirements for 71 30 Must file certain evidence 31 105 For Life Certificates 72 30 For Special Certificates 70 35 For Primary Certificates 69 35 APPOINTEES To notify State Supt. of acceptance and make pledge 1 -3 10 APPORTIONMENT Of One Mill Tax 6-7 XII 6 On Interest on State Schohol Fund 7 XII 6 By State Supt., and basis thereof 4 12 13 When made on discretionary basis 5 12 13 Form of notice to County Supt., No. 536. . . 213 ARBITRATIONS Who to prescribe manner of conducting. '.. 3 17 15 ARBOR DAY- First Monday in January (Reg. of State Board) 13 161 ASSESS Certain millage, Tax Assessors must 14 32 21 230 Para- Section or graph. Article. District Tax, County Commissioners 7 and Assessor's duty . . i 142 66 119 57 Certain taxes, Comptroller must 119 57 142 66 ASSESSMENT Taxes assessed must be collected 14 32 21 119 57 142 66 Comptroller to assess millage directed by County Boards of Pub. Inst 14 32 21 ASSESSORS See Tax Assessor. To furnish County Boards of Pub. Inst. with amount of taxes levied for Special Tax Districts 127 59 ATTENDANCE OFFICER Under Compulsory Attendance law 167-8 76 Records of 173 79 Right of entry 172 79 ATTENDANCE OF PUPILS Average attendance, basis of apportionment 4 12 13 Largest attendance, how to secure 5 32 19 County Supt. to inspect attendance 2 42 26 On Special Tax Schools, when by outsiders. 123 58 County line pupils 7 11 For residents of another county 7 11 Tuition for, when may be required 14 162 For holidays, how reported 89 45 Restricted to own district., 17 163 231 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. ATTENDANCE UNDER COMPULSORY LAW- Regular for 80 days, Required when law in force 1G2 74 On private school, when accepted 163 74 AWARD Of Board on charges againt teach, or appeal Form of, No. 557 222 ' B BALLOT Bond election, Special Tax District 132 00 Compulsory school attendance 161 74 Special Tax District elections, to establish, etc 108 52 BASIS FOR SCHOOLS, BROAD AND LIBERAL State Board to establish 5 17 15 BLANKS Preparation, printing and distribution of . . 1 12 12 Use of, by County Superintendent, manda- tory 3 160 Use of, by school officers and teachers, man- datory 3 160 Forms of (See list on pp. 175-6). BOARD County, See Board of Public Instruction. County Commissioners, See County Com- missioners. District, See Trustees. State, See State Board of Education. 232 Para- Section or jrraph. Article. Page. BOAKD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Membership of (Elected biennially; See Gen. Stats., Sec. 172) 10 ir> Must be commissioned 4 160 Must conform to regulations of State De- partment 20 16 Not to vote on own compensation 21 16 Majority a quorum '22 1C Members must qualify 1 2.3 16 To approve bonds of certain officers 2 2.3 16 A corporation 25 17 Members to give bond 26 17 Organization, first duty 27 17 Manner of 27 17 Form for, No. 501 176 To hold title to school property 28 18 Compensation of 29 18 Secretary of 30 18 Treasurer of . . . 31 18 Duties of 32 18 To hold title to and manage school property 1 32 18 To locate and maintain schools 2 32 IS To observe three mile limit in locating schools 6 32 19 To appoint supervisors 3 32 19 To select and provide sites for schools 4 32 19 General discretionary powers 5 32 1.9 Employ and contract with teachers 6 32 19 To audit and pay accounts 7 32 19 To keep accounts of official acts, moneys, etc. 8 32 19 To report to State Superintendent when re- quired 8 32 20 To file financial statements with clerk of court 9 32 20 To publish financial statement monthly .... 9 32 20 283 Para- Section or graph. Article. To prescribe county course of study ....... 10 :\'2 20 To require certain studies to be taught ____ 10 32 20 To fix compensation of Superintendent ____ 1.1 ML* '21 To perform all necessary acts ............. 12 32 '21 To hold regular and special meetings ...... 13 32 '21 5 101 To prepare annual budget, and fix county millage ............................... 14 32 21 To select candidates for State colleges ..... 15 32 22 To have school census taken, when ......... 16 32 22 To examine books of Tax Collector ........ 17 32 22 Penalty for failure to examine ........... 17 32 22 How Board may borrow money ........... 33 22 143-5 Warrants therefor to be endorsed by Treas- urer ................................. 34 23 How interest paid ....................... 35 23 Must furnish free text-books, when (Ch. 6163) ................................ 23 155 72 May establish departments of Home Eco- nomics and Demonstration work ........ :\G 23 See Ch. 6833 ...................... .... 147-8 May establish department of Agriculture, canning clubs, etc ...................... 37 24 Empowered to employ County Agent ..... .-'8 24 To promote movements for advancement of country home life ...................... 38 24 Not to contract with members, except ..... 30 24 School Board Districts ................... 40 24 Vacancies, how filled .................... 41 25 How to call elections for establishing Special Tax Districts, etc .............. 108-124 51-58 For abolishing Special Tax Districts, ex- tending limits, etc ..................... 125 58 234 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Petition for election to establish Special Tax District, and publication thereof .... 109 52 Must call election when petition presented. 108 51 Matters to be determined at election 108 51 Board may change boundaries set out in petition 109 52 To publish notice of election 110 53 To appoint inspectors, etc 110 53 To canvass returns of election Ill 53 To demand lists of voters from Supervisors of Registration 112 53 To pay cost of election, when and how 113 53 To order what subsequent elections 114 54 To remove Trustees, under certain circum- stances 115 54 To fill vacancies of Trustees 115 54 To have control of schools, and elect or re- ject teachers nominated 116 54 To receive itemized statement of Trustees, etc 118 55 To use Special Tax District Fund as sup- plementary to General Fund in paying salaries, etc 120 56 To issue warrants for Special Tax Funds. . 121 57 Must approve debts of Trustees 122 57 Power with regard to non-resident children in Special Tax Districts 123 57 To receive from Tax Assessor amount of Special Tax levied (See Ch. 5962, Laws of 1909, p. 162). Duties with regard to Compulsory School Attendance 156-175 73-1 When to order Compulsory Attendance election 156 73 Publication of notice. . 157 73 235 Para- Section or graph . Article. Keturns of election to be made to 160 When duty to publish Compulsory Attend- ance law 163 74 175 79 To appoint attendance officer 169 78 To provide fire escapes, etc 183-189 82-3 Force and effect of rules and regulations of 2 160 To use blanks prescribed by State 3 160 To hold regular monthly meetings 5 160 To examine teachers' reports, issue war- rants, hear Superintendent's report, etc. 5 160 To issue warrants to teachers after filing of correct report 6 1 60 To contract with teachers holding valid cer- tificates 7 160 To pay no teacher unless under contract. . . 7 160 To select, assign and contract with teachers 8 160 When to assign teachers 9 161 Cautions in employing teachers 10 161 To prescribe uniform course of study 11 161 To print Kules, Kegulations, etc 12 161 To enforce observation of Arbor Day 13 161 May require tuition fees for non-resident pupils 14 162 When to combine schools 15 162 To subdivide counties into districts 16 162 To give Supervisor or Trustees, description of district boundaries, etc 16 162 To restrict school attendance to proper dis- trict I? !<;:', Not to contract for the term beyond life of a certificate IS 163 To remove Trustees, and to fill vacancies. . . 19 163 236 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. BOND What officers to give 2 23 16 Of member of County Board of Pub. Inst. . 26 17 Approval of, etc 26 17 Who liable for loss when no bond given .... 3 23 16 BONDS SPECIAL TAX DISTRICT Constitution for 17 XII 8 How issued, etc. (Oh. 6542) 128-145 59-68 Certain petition presented to County Bd. of Pub. Inst 128 59 Signed by 25% of qualified electors of Dis- trict 128 59 Board to determine by resolution amount of bonds, etc 129 59 Resolution to be recorded 129 59 Resolution of Board to be published, how. . 130 60 Board to order election and to publish notice 131 60 Only qualified electors who are freeholders shall vote 131 60 17 XII 8 How election shall be conducted; Ballot; Returns, etc 132 61 Bonds issued, when 133 62 After adverse vote no further election with- in a year 134 62 Board to advertise for bids ; Manner of, etc. 135 62 Bidders must furnish bond or make deposit 136 62 Form and denomination of bonds 137 62 Proceeds to be held and expended by County Board (Ch. 6967) 138 62 Proceeds to be deposited in banks paying interest .' 1 138 63 Banks must furnish surety bond and render monthly statements 1 * 138 63 237 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Other provisions regarding bank balances. . 1 13S <>:', How money to be paid out 2 138 64 Kecord of checks issued to be kept 2 i:>s (;; Advertisement and award of contract for improvements 13!) (>r> Acceptance of bid and contract for im- provements 140 $3 Contractor's bond 140 65 Bonds for other purposes than improve- ments 141 66 Tax to create sinking fund for payment of principal and interest on bonds 1 142 66 How bond taxes assessed and collected 1 142 66 Tax moneys to be turned over to designated depositories 1 142 66 Investment of Sinking Fund in bonds of other districts 2 142 67 Attorney General to approve validity of Bonds in which Sinking Fund invested ... 2 142 67 Annual report of Sinking Fund, etc., to be k published for each District 3 142 68 Additional Bond issue 143 68 Disposition of surplus 144 68 Validation of bonds 145 69 BOOKS, SCHOOL See State Text-Book Commission, Uniform Text-Books, Free Rooks etc. BORROW MONEY COUNTY BOARDS MAY- Proceedure when Boards desire to borrow money 33 22 Chapter 6828, Amending Chapter 5300 1 144 Limit as to amount borrowed 33 22 1 144 238 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Outstanding debts not invalidated 33 23 1 144 Duty of County Treasurer 34 23 2 145 Interest payments to be by warrant 35 23 3 145 Conflicting laws repealed 4 145 BUDGET For county schools, Board of Pub. Inst. to make annually 14 32 21 BUILDINGS, SCHOOL Teachers to guard against unnecessary de- facement of 3 83 43 Must not be closer than three miles (except in cities) 6 32 19 Penalty for insulting teacher in 197 85 Penalty for defacing with obscene thing. . . . 196 85 Penalty for marring or destroying 195 84 Unlawful to teach whites and negroes in same building 202 87 12 XII 7 0. CENSUS To be taken every ten years (1920) 12 42 27 Duty of County Board 16 32 22 Under Compulsory Attendance Law (By special officer) 170 78 CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER For examinee, Necessary 65 34 Form of, No. 509 185 239 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. CERTIFICATES FOR TEACHERS Candidates to be examined 53 31 All teachers must hold 62 33 29 167 (See also, High School Regulations, pp. 168-172). Grades of 63 34 No certificates without examination 64 34 Requirement for, and life of, Third Grade Certificate 66 34 Form of, No. 518 196 Second Grade Certificate 67 34 Form of, No. 519 197 First Grade Certificate 68 35 Form of, No. 520 198 Primary Certificate 69 35 Form of, No. 521 200 Special Certificate 70 35 Form of, No. 522 201 State Certificate 71 36 Form of, No. 523 202 Life State Certificate 72 36 8 12 13 Form of, No. 526 207 Graduate State Certificate 73 36 Form, of, No. 545 215-7 Teacher's Training Certificate 74 37 Form of, No. 547 217 Extension Certificate 75 39 Endorsement of Certificate by Superintend- ent 76 39 Life First Grade Certificate 77 40 Forms, Nos. 524 and 525 204-6 Life Primary Certificate 77 40 Form, of, No. 527. 207 240 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. For Kindergarten Teachers, diploma suffi- cient 105 50 Regulations of State Board regarding cer- tificates 167-72 May be revoked, or suspended, for cause. ... 10 42 27 78 40 CHARACTER ENDORSEMENT Applicant for examination must file 65 34 23 164 CHARACTER OF SCHOOL OFFICER; TEACHER Regulation of State Board of Education. .. 1 159 CHEATING IN EXAMINATIONS- PENALTY FOR Unlawful to divulge questions 54 31 Penalty 55 31 Unlawful for applicants to gain possession of questions 56 31 Penalty 57 32 Unlawful to have, sell, or offer to sell, ques- tions 58 32 Penalty 59 32 CIVIL GOVERNMENT AND AGRICULTURE To be taught 1-4 124 CLASSIFICATION OF GRADES How the twelve years shall be divided 90 45 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Bond of school officers to be filed with 2 23 16 To record organization of Board of Pub. Inst. 27 17 24] Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. School Board Districts, creation of, filed with ........................... ...... 40 lio Financial statement of accounts to be filed with ................................. 48 .'JO COLLECTORS Must collect taxes assessed ................ 14 32 21 111) 5<> Must pay monthly to Treasurer amounts collected .............................. 14 :>>2 21 COLLEGES See Special Schhools. COLORED NORMAL SCHOOL Name changed to Fla. Ag. and Mech. Coll. for XeiiToos (Oh. 5925) ................. 121 COMMISSION OF SCHOOL HOARD MEM- BERS of State Board of Education... 4 Jf>0 (COMMISSION STATP] TEXT-BOOK See Uniform Text-Book Law. COMMITTEE ON HKW SCHOOL COURSE OF STUDY Appointment and duties of ............... 07 45 Expenses to bo paid ...................... 98 4R COMMON SCHOOL FUND See State School Fund. COMPENSATION * Of county school officers paid from fund of respective counties .................... 15 XTT 16 DSL 242 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. No officer shall vote on own 21 16 COMPTROLLER Itemized estimate of Trustees to be filed with 118 56 To assess and collect certain taxes 119 56 To approve bonds of School Board members 26 17 To remit railway taxes, etc., to County Treasurer 119 56 COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE- Petition to County Board of Pub. Inst. for election 156 73 Election to be advertised in newspaper four weeks 157 73 Registration, and qualifications, for voting. 158 74 How and when election to be held 159 74 Returns to be made to County Board 160 74 Form of ballot 161 74 Three-fifths vote necessary to establish 162 74 After Compulsory Attendance so established, Laws must be published 163 75 Go in force 30 days after publication 1 63 75 Every child from 8 to 14 must attend 80 days of each year 164 75 Attendance on Private, or Church, School When accepted 165 75 Exemptions 166 76 Temporary absence allowable 167 76 Penalty for breach of Compulsory Attend- ance law 168 77 Atendance officers, appointment of, etc 169 78 Duties of Attendance Officer; Census 170 78 Census of District, taken after law put in force . 170 7* 243 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Notice to parent when child absent 171 78 Penalty for failure to send child to school after notice 171 79 Eight of entrance Officer has 172 79 Records of Attendance Officer 173 79 Duty of teachers to co-operate with Attend- ance Officer 174 79 Report of teacher to Attendance Officer 174 79 Publication of Act by County Board an- nually 175 80 CONDUCT OF PUPILS What teacher to require 2-5 83 43 Teacher to enforce needful restrictions 4 83 43 CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM ARTICLE XII- The Legislature shall provide for the liberal maintenance of public schools 1 XII 5 State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2 XII 5 State Board of Education; Members, offi- cers and powers 3 XII 5 Constitutional Provisions for Maintenance of Public Schools 4-11 XII 5-7 1. State School Fund 4-5-7 XII 5-6 Sources .,. 4 XII 5 Principal inviolate 5 XII 6 Distribution of interest 7 XII 6 2. One Mill Tax 6-7 XII fl Distribution of 7 XII (J 3. County School Tax, Limits 8 XII 6 4. County School Funds, Additional sources 9 XII 6 5. Special Tax Districts 10-11 XII 7 244 Para- Section or jrraph. Article. Pn^ G. Bond issues by Special Tax Districts.. 17 XI F School Districts ........................ 10 XII 7 City or town may be a school district ...... 11 XII 7 Expenditure of Special District Fund ..... 11 XII 7 Races to be separated .................... 12 XII 7 School funds not divertible, etc ........... 13 XII 7 Legislature to establish Normal Schools. . . 14 XII S Pay of School Officers. . '. ................. 15 XII Special tax for State Schools (Xot ratified) 16 XTT Special Tax District Bonds, and Tax there- for ................................... 17 XII 8 CONSTITUTION ON STATE STPEKIX TENDENT ABTICLE IT- State Supt. is an Administrative Officer... 20 JV How chosen ............................ 20 IV Duties and Powers ..................... 25 IV To make certain reports to Governor ...... 27 IV CONTRACT- TO be made with teachers ................. 6 32 19 29 165 Form of, No. 530 ........................ 209 For building school house. Form of, Xo. 540 215 Not to be made with teacher, When ........ 7 160 Not to exceed life of teacher's certificate. , . 18 163 CONTROL OF PUPILS Duty of teacher ......................... 2-5 83 -13 COUNTY AGENT Home Economics and Agriculture ......... 37 24 COUNTY BOARD See Board of Public Instruction. Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC IXSTRUU TION AUTHORIZED TO BORROW MOXKY- Pro visions for 33-35 22-23 rot NTY COMMISSIONERS Authorized to buy real estate for school purposes and borrow money therefor.... 41) 30 To award Agricultural Scholarship in University (Ch. 6837) 154 COi NTY DEPOSITORIES Law establishing after .Ian. 1. 1!)17 1H4-9 COUNTY EXAMINATIONS Twice yearly, June and September 50 30 Notice must be given by County Supt 21 1<;3 Other regular examinations called by State Superintendent 52 21 One regular examination to be lield at County Seat 51 31 Board has power to select place for other. . . 51 31 For what certificates 53 31 Who to prepare questions 53 31 Protection of questions 53 31 Unlawful to give information as to questions 54 31 Penalty for giving information 55 31 Unlawful to gain possession of questions. . 56 31 Penalty for applicant's having questions. .. 57 32 Unlawful to have, or sell, questions, or offer them for sale 58 32 Penalty for having or selling questions, etc. 59 32 Candidates on examination to ask no ques- tions 60 32 Proceedure in cases of doubt about exami- nation question 60 32 24 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. How examination must be conducted 61 33 Supt. may appoint assistants 22 163 Temporary certificates after special exami- nation 62 33 Candidate must present certain endorse- ments 65 34 23 164 COUNTY FORFEITURE Of State School Funds 8 11 COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL All pupils of county may atend (Reg. Stale Board of Education) 17 163 COUNTY LEVY Constitution for 8 XII 6 COUNTY LINE PUPILS Attendance of 7 11 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND Sources of 8-9 XII 6 COUNTY SCHOOL OFFICERS Paid from funds of respective counties. ... 15 XII 8 Co. Supt. to send names to State Snpt 7 42 26 COUNTY SCHOOL TAX Constitution for 7-8 XII 6 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT An officer of the department 10 12 Requirements for eligibility 1 159 Secretary of County Board . . 30 18 247 Para- Section or graph. Article. Compensation of 120 To call special sessions of County Board. 13 32 21 Duties and powers of 42 25-28 To inspect county for proper location of schools 1 42 25 To visit and examine each school at least once a year 2 42 25 To awaken increased interest in education. 3 42 26 To confer frequently with supervisors, etc 4 42 26 To select school supervisors 5 42 26 To keep what records of schools, etc 6 42 26 To notify State Supt. who are school officers 7 42 26 To decide disputes and refer his decisions 8 42 26 To guard county's interest as to money .... 9 42 27 To look after school buildings 9 42 27 When to revoke, or suspend, certificates .... 10 42 27 To forward to State Supt. monthly list of polls paid 11 42 27 To take school census 12 42 27 Discretionary powers of 27 166 To make certain report to Comptroller (Ch. 6831) 140-3 To conduct county examinations 53 31 To make annual report to State Superin- tendent, When 20 163 To give notice of teachers' examinations. . . 21 163 To appoint assistant examiners, When .... 22 163 To require endorsement of character from applicants 23 164 When to appoint teachers, etc 24 164 How to proceed with examination questions 60 32 Mode of conducting examinations 61 33 May endorse certain certificates 76 39 May revoke certificates 78 40 Power as to granting life certificates 77 40 248 Para- Section or graph. Article. 1'age. To follow graduation sheet in issuing certifi- cates SO 41 Must keep county examination papers for one year 81 41 To have same control of Special Tax Schools as of others 1 1 (> r>4 Monthly reports of Treasurer to be filed with 47 29 Duties pertaining to county line pupils. ... 7 11 Not to be interested in sale or adoption of school books li)9 85 Penalty for violation of examination laws. 20'} 87 To report tuition fees to County Board 14 162 May suspend or close a school 26 KM To be satisfied that teachers hold legal cer- tificates before contracting with them... 29 l(>r> Salaries regulated according to receipts (Ch. 5658' 120 COUNTY TREASURER To be Treasurer of Board of Public Instruc- tion :u is Office abolished (Chapter 6932, Laws of 1915) 155-9 COURSE OF STUDY Uniform, County Board to prescribe 11 161 Elementary, Law regarding 93 5 4(> On alcoholic beverages and narcotics, Law regarding 16 145-7 High School,, Law regarding 96-7 46 Teacher-Training, Law regarding 210-12 89 l DAYS Arbor Day 43 13 161 249 Para- Section or . graph. Article. Page. Mother's Day 84 43 See School Day. Vacation and holidays 6 11 DEBTS, EX1ST1NG- Not violated by restriction on borrowing money 33 22 DECISION OF APPEALS By State Superintendent 6 12 13 By State Board of Education 3 17 15 DEFACEMENT OF BUILDING Teacher to protect school property against. 3 83 43 Penalty for certain defacement 194 84 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUC- TION State SVIJKM in rendent 11-15 12-14 State Board of Education 16-18 14-15 Officers of 10 12 I ) I S-ESTABL 1 SHMENT Of Special Tax District 125 58 DISPUTES OR DIFFERENCES To be entertained by State Board, When. 3 17 15 County Snpt. to decide and refer to Co. Bd, . 8 42 26 DISSATISFIED EXAMINEE May appeal from grading committee's report 81 42 DISTRICT School Districts, Constitution for 10 XII 7 Town or City may constitute 11 XII 7 250 Para- Section -or graph. Article. I'age. School Board Districts 40 24 See School District; Special Tax District; School Board District. DISTEICT SCHOOI^ FUNDS For what to be expended (Constitution) ... 11 XII 7 Forfeiture of funds 9 12 DISTKICT SCHOOL TAX- Constitution for 10 XII 7 Where and for what purpose expended 11 XII 7 Proceedure to levy 108 52 Election biennially to fix millage 114 54 Trustees to notify Assessor what millage to levy 118 55 DIVERSION OF SCHOOL FUNDS Illegal 13 XII 7 DOUBT AS TO MEANING OF Examination question, proceedure 60 32 DUTIES OF STATE SUPERINTENDENT To be prescribed by law (Const.) 2 XII 3 Law prescribing 12 12 DUTIES OF EXAMINER Law prescribing 61 33 DUTIES OF TEACHERS TEACHERS ARE DIRECTED-^ To see that children advance in studies and develop in character 1 83 42 To require certain conduct and habits 2 83 43 To prevent injury to property 3 83 43 251 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. To prevent improper conduct of pupils 4 83 43 To punish without severity 5 83 43 To suspend for certain offences 5 83 42 To hold two examinations yearly 6 83 43 To deliver keys and property to Supervisor. 7 83 43 To conform to Regulations of Department, etc 7 83 43 DUTY OF CIRCUIT COURT CLERK To file financial statements, etc 48 30 DUTY OF COUNTY TREASURER To file monthly report with County Supt ... 47 29 DUTY OF SCHOOL OFFICERS To qualify within ten days after notice, etc. 1 23 16 To give bond before -receiving moneys, etc ... 2 23 16 DUTY OF SCHOOL SUPERVISORS Statement of 43 28 DUTY OF STATE TREASURER As to amounts due Counties 44 29 DUTY OF TAX COLLECTOR To collect amounts assessed, etc 45 29 DUTY OF BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUC- TION- See Board of Public Instruction. E. EDUCATION, HIGHER State Board of Education to foster 5 17 15 See State Schools. Para- Section or j?raph. Article. Page. ELECTION Special Tax District 108-12 51-3 Petition for election 108 51 Matters to be voted on 108 52 Election of Trustees 108 52 Term of office of Trustees 108 52 What petition to contain Change of boundaries therein 109 52 Districts continue to live until dis-estab- lished 109 52 Publication of petition 109 52 Publication of notice of election 110 53 How election to be held 112 5:5 Canvass of returns Ill 5.> When entitled to vote 113 53 Cost of election, How paid 113 54 Election to be held biennially for Trustees. etc 114 54 Bond election 132 61 Compulsory Education election 156-75 73-9 ELIGIBILITY TO SCHOOL OFFICE, OK POSITIONS Regulation of State Board of Education. . . 1 159 ENTRANCE, RIGHT OF Compulsory Attendance Officer has 172 79 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS State Supt. to prepare 8 12 13 Sent sealed to County Supt 53 31 Applicants must not have (Ch. 6165) 54-5 31 Unlawful to divulge, etc 54-5 31 EXAMINATION PAPERS To be filed, etc. . 81 4.1 253 l':iru- Section or jrniph. Article. Page. EXAMINATIONS Special to be given by Stale Supt. for Special Certificates 8 12 13 State Supt. may order regular examinations at special times 52 31 Two yearly for County Certificates 50 :50 One must be held at County Seat 51 :5L Notice of, Supt. to give 21 16:5 Fee, Applicant must pay 65 34 Examinee must file endorsement of charac- ter 2:5 161 Form of, No. 50!) 185 For County Certificates, conducted by Coun- ty Supt 33 31 For Primary, State and Special Certificates, conducted by State Superintendent 69-71 35-6 Mode of conducting examination 61 :5:5 Assistants in conducting examination 22 165 Proceedure when doubtful of meaning of question 60 33 Papers to be preserved by County Superin- tendent 81 41 Privilege of dissatisfied examinee 1 81 42 Penalty for violating examination laws.... 54-5!) 31-2 203 S7 See Cheating in examination. See County and State Examinations. EXAMINATION OF PUPILS Two public, yearly 6 S3 4:5 EXAMINERS Duties 61 :5:5 EXCHANGE PRICE ON BOOKS Provisions for (Cli. 5038) 1 32 254 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. EXEMPTIONS FROM COMPULSORY AT- TENDANCE LAWS Provisions of law for 166 76 EXPENSE OF RUNNING SCHOOLS Current expenses first charge against school funds 49 30 F. FAVORITISM Board to avoid in employing teachers 10 161 FEE For examination 65 34 For appeal 81 42 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Of County Boards to be filed with Circuit Clerk 9 32 20 Certain statements must be sent Comp- troller (Ch. 6813) ; 140-3 Circuit Clerk must preserve monthly state- ments, etc 48 30 ' FINES, NET PROCEEDS OF Within County, part of County School Fund 9 XII 6 FIRE ESCAPES AND FIRE DRILLS Fire escapes mandatory 183 82 Duties of County Boards 184-5 82 Outer doors of buildings, How swung 186 83 W T hen Boards to have doors changed 187 83 Tactics for fire-drills, Prescribed by State Siipt 188 83 255 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. DUTY OF TEACHERS TO HAVE FIRE DRILLS MONTHLY 188 83 (SEE FIRE CODE). Penalty 189 83 See Ch. 5937 127 FIRST GRADE CERTIFICATES Requirements for 68 35 Life Extension 77 40 Life 77 40 Teacher-Training 3 74 38 FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL AND ME- CHANICAL COLLEGE FOR NEGROES Name of Colored Normal School changed to (Ch. 5925) 121 FLORIDA SCHOOL FOR DEAF AND BLIND Name of Inst. for Blind, Deaf and Dumb changed to (Ch. 5927) 122 FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Established as Florida Female College 12 101 Name changed by Ch. 5934 121 FORFEITURE OF SCHOOL FUND By County 8 11 By District 9 11 FORMS State Supt. to prepare and distribute 1 12 12 See List of Forms, pa2 19 Penalty for defacing ..................... 195-6 84-5 G. GENERAL OVERSIGHT State Superintendent has of all school affairs ................................ Jl i L> GOVERNOR^- President of State Board of Education ..... \ 3 XI1 fj ( 16 14 GRADATION SHEET Grading Committee must make two copies, etc ................................... 79-80 41 County Supt. must follow in drawing certifi- cates ................................. 80 41 GRADING COMMITTEE Shall give due consideration to answers of examinees in doubt as to meaning- of ques- tion .................................. 60 :\:\ How appointed, and who eligible .......... 79 41 Duties of ............................... 79-80 41 Appeals from, and proceedure ............ 81 42 Pay of Committee ........................ 82 42 GRADUATE STATE CERTIFICATES How granted, etc ........................ 73 36 17 DSL 258 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. GRADUATES Certificates to teach granted certain 73 36 GRAMMAR GRADES Defined 92 45 Instruction in 95 46 GROUNDS, SCHOOL For school site, by whom provided 4 32 19 Improvements and care of 5 32 19 Authority of teacher on 4 83 43 Arbor Day, to be devoted to planting trees on 13 161 H. HABITS What habits teacher to cultivate in pupils. 2 83 43 HIGHER EDUCATION State Board of Education to foster 5 17 15 See State Schools. HIGH SCHOOL Grades defined 91 45 Junior and Senior, distinguished 99 47 Intermediate High Schools (See Regula- tions of State Board) 2 168 Course of Study (Minimum Requirements) . 96-97 46 Committee to prepare 97 46 Expenses of Committee 98 47 State Aid for High Schools 99 47 When County Board shall establish 5 32 19 Who eligible to attend 17 163 HOLIDAYS What are school holidays. . 6 11 259 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. How holidays to be reported by teachers. . . G 11 HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK See Home Economics. HOME ECONOMICS AND HOME DEMON- STRATION WORK Departments of, County Board to establish. 36 23 Qualifications and experience of County Agents 37 24 Joint Supervision, with State College for Women 38 24 See Ch. 6833 147-8 I. IMPARTIAL PROVISION- For both races (Constitution) 12 XII 7 IMMORTALITY- Cause for revoking a teacher's certificate. . . 78 40 Cause for suspending a pupil 5 83 43 INJURY TO SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND SCHOOL PROPERTY- Teacher to prevent 3 83 43 INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS By County Superintendent 1-2 42 25 By State Superintendent 11 12 By State Inspectors 106 50 INSPECTORS AND CLERKS Of district elections appointed by County Board .. 110 53 132 61 260 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. To make returns to County Board Ill 53 132 61 INSTITUTE FOE BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB Name changed to Fla. School for Deaf and Blind (Ch. 5927) 122 INSTITUTES State Superintendent's power to hold 3 12 13 INSTRUCTIONS Regulations, decisions, etc., prepared by State Superintendent 1 12 12 INSULTING A teacher before his pupils, Penalty for .... 198 85 INTEREST On borrowed money, How paid 35 23 On State School Fund, How apportioned. . . 4 XII 5 7 XII (5 On Special Tax District Bonds 129 60 INTEREST IN EDUCATION County Superintendent to awaken 3 42 26 INTEREST AND RIGHTS OF COUNTY- Superintendent to protect 9 42 27 INTERRUPTING A school, Penalty for 198 85 ITEMIZED ESTIMATE County Board to prepare by last Monday in June . 14 32 21 261 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. To state amounts required ................ 14 32 21 To state necessary millage ............... 14 32 21 Copy to be furnished Tax Assessor ......... 14 32 21 Duties of Assessor and Collector .......... 14 32 21 Form of itemized estimate (omitted because of length). Trustee to prepare .......... . ............ 118 55 Form of Trustee's estimate, No. 508 ....... 183 J. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Denned ....................... .......... 02 45 JUEY (AND MILITARY) DUTY- When teacher not liable to such duly ...... 85 44 K. KINDERGARTENS Mentioned as not in Public School System. . 00 45 Establishment by County Boards author- ized .................................. 1 105 50 To be part of public school and under con- trol of Principal thereof ................ 2 105 50 Teacher must be a graduate .............. 3 105 50 Diploma as a certificate .................. 3 105 50 KNOWLEDGE State Board to co-operate in diffusing ..... 6 17 15 County Boards to perform all reasonable acts in diffusing of ..................... 12 32 21 L. LANDS School lands, Management <>(' ............. 1 17 14 262 I'aru- Section or graph. Article. Page. Not to be sold on credit IS 15 Improvement of, by County Boards 5 19 o2 LAW OK LAWS Eegulations of State Board have effect of. . 7 12 13 20 1 See State of Fla., ex rel. Mizelle v. Graham, 67Fla. 321 (323). Regulations of County Boards have effect of 2 100 Special Tax School under the same as other- schools 1 10 r> LIABILITY OF OFFICERS For loss by neglect, etc 3 23 16 24 16 For loss by another 3 23 16 LIBERAL BASIS FOR SCHOOLS To be established by State Board 5 17 1-j LIBERAL MAINTENANCE Of public schools, Legislature shall provide for 1 XII 5 Legislative enactment providing for 99-104 47-50 LIBRARIES Constitutional provision for 11 XII 7 Trustees may purchase 122 57 LIFE CERTIFICATES Applicant must observe regulations and present endorsements 32 165 State Life Certificate 72 36 Form of application for (Endorsement for). Form No. 513.. 188 263 Para- Section Di- graph. Article. Page. First Grade Life Certificate 77 40 Form of application for, No. 516 193 First Grade, Life Extension Certificate. ... 77 40 Form of application for, No. 515 190 Primary Life Certificate 77 40 Form of application for, No. 514 189 LOCATION OF SCHOOLS By County Board, Not closer than three miles , 32 It) M. MAJORITY Of any Educational Board, a quorum 22 Hi Of votes cast determines a question in Special Tax District elections 113 54 See Bonds and Compulsory School At- tendance. MEETINGS Regular, of County Boards 13 32 21 Regular, must be at least monthly 5 160 Superintendent may call special meetings. . 13 32 21 MEMBERS OF BOARD OF PUBLIC IN- STRUCTION- Number of 19 15 To give bond 26 17 Not to contract with Board 39 24 Vacancies 41 25 *> MILITARY AND JURY DUTY Teachers excused from, When. . 85 44 264 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. MILLAGE County School Board to fix 14 32 21 Assessor must levy millage so fixed 14 32 21 Special Tax 108 52 118 55 For Bonds 1 142 66 MIXED SCHOOLS Constitution bearing on 12 XII 7 Penal offense to mix races in any school 201 87 MONEYS RIGHTLY APPLIED County Superintendent to see that 9 42 27 MONTH See School Month. MONTHLY REPORT See Teacher. MOTHER'S DAY First Friday in November. . 84 -13 N NECESSARY ACTS County Board has power to perform 12 32 21 NONRESIDENTS How many attend a school j \ 123 50 NORMAL SCHOOLS Constitutional Provision for 14 XII 8 See Abolishment and Re-establishment of Institutions of Higher Learning (Ch. 5384) 92-119 265 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. NOTICE Of election (See Special Tax District; Compulsory School Attendance; Bonds). Of examination 21 165 O. OFFICERS Of Department of Public Instruction 10 12 Qualifications of 1 159 Must conform to all regulations of Depart- ment 20 16 Not to vote on own compensation 21 16 Duty to qualify, When and how 1 23 16 Must give bond before receiving money. ... 2 23 16 When personally liable for loss by another. 3 23 16 To turn money, etc., over to successor 24 16 To give receipt for property, etc., received. . 24 17 Removals of, By whom made 4 17 15 Not to sell, or induce adoptions of school books for pay 199 85 Must use blanks prescribed 3 160 Compensation to be paid from School Funds 15 XII 8 Attendance, under Compulsory Attendance Laws 169-174 78-9 I' PAPERS Examination papers, to be preserved 81 41 PATRONS May recommend Supervisor 3 32 19 May require High School established 5 32 19 Not authorized to employ teachers 6 32 19 266 Para- Section Di- graph. Article. Page. PAY OF COUNTY SCHOOL OFFICEKS From County School Funds (Const.) 15 XII 8 PENALTY Forfeiture of school funds 8-9 11-2 Failure of Board to examine books 17 32 22 For violation of examination laws 54-59 31-32 Divulging information about questions ... 55 31 Getting possession of questions 57 32 Having questions 59 Selling questions 59 32 By any Superintendent 203 87 For white teachers to teach negroes, and vice versa 201 87 For mixing white and negroes in schools. . . 202 87 For cheating in teachers' examinations .... .55, 57, 59 31-2 For insulting teachers in presence of pupils 197 85 For interrupting or disturbing a school .... 198 85 For defacing any school property with ob- scene thing 196 85 For destroying school house or property 195 84 For officer or teacher dealing in, or having pecuniary interest in adopting text-books 199 85 For sale of intoxicants within four miles of schools 200 86 PETITION- For Special Tax District election, who to sign, etc 108-9 51-2 Must describe boundaries and be published, etc 108-9 For bond election 128-129 For Compulsory Attendance 156 POLL TAXES- GO to Covntv School Fund. . 9 XTT 6 267 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Must be paid with other taxes ............. 1UO 83 List of persons paying to be sent State Supt. 11 42 27 List to be preserved in office of State Sup t . . 1) 12 13 PRESIDENT, STATE BOAED OF EDUCA- TION- Governor is ............................. 3 XII 5 PRIMARY CERTIFICATES Requirements for, etc .................... (>') 3.1 Testimonial of applicant, Form No. 510 .... 185 Life Primary Certificate .................. 77 40 Testimonial of applicant, Form No. 514. . . . 189 PRIMARY GRADES Defined ................................. 92 45 69 35 Instruction in .......................... 93 46 PRINCIPALS Requirements for certain principals (See High School Regulations) .............. 107-7 PRINCIPAL OF STATE SCHOOL FUND Inviolate ............................... 5 X II (5 PROPERTY, SCHOOL County Board may acquire and hold ....... 1 i->2 18 Complete record of all property .......... 8 32 19 Teachers to prevent injurty to ............ PROTECT PROPERTY- Teacher to protect against defacement ..... 3 83 PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Uniform 00 268 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Limits of, Defined by Legislature 90 45 PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS OF PUPILS Two yearly required 6 83 43 PUBLICATION Of Compulsory Education Laws 163 75 175 80 Of petitions and notices of election. (See Special Tax District; Bonds, etc.). Notice of Compulsory Education Election . . 157 73 PUNISHMENTS Severe or degrading, To be avoided 4 83 43 PUPILS Teacher to labor for advancement of 1 83 42 Certain conduct to be required of 2 83 43 Eestrictions of 4 83 43 Suspension of 5 83 43 Notice of, Form No. 533 210 Examinations of, two yearly 6 83 43 Grading of, County Board to look after 5 32 19 Non-resident, Tuition may be required of . . 14 162 Must attend their own district school 17 163 See Attendance ; Compulsory School Attend- ance. Q QUALIFY Officers must 1 23 16 QUALIFICATIONS Of officers; See Officers. Of teachers ; See Teachers. Of voters in special tax districts 113 53 269 I'ara- Section or graph. Article. Page. Of voters in bond elections 131 60 17 XF1 8 Of voters in compulsory education elections 158 73 QUESTIONS AND APPEALS See Appeals. QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATIONS State Superintendent to prepare 53 31 69-71 35-6 Sent under seal to County Superintendent. 53 31 Penalties for having and selling 55, 57, 51) 31-2 Doubt as to meaning of, Examineee's 60 32 QUORUM- A majority shall constitute 22 16 B RACES SEPARATED Both impartial provision must be made for each . 12 7 REAL ESTATE FOR SCHOOLS When purchased by County Commissioners. 41) 30 RECEIPT For property, and moneys, when officer to give 24 16 RECORDS County Board must keep 8 32 19 County Superintendent must keep 6 42 27 Of list of poll tax payers to be preserved. 11 42 27 270 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. EEFEEENCE OF APPEALS By State Supt. to State Board 6 12 13 EEGISTEES Teachers must use those prescribed 3 160 29 165 Eeport of teachers to be made in conformity with directions given in 29 165 To be filed with County Superintendent. (See cover of Eegister.) EEGEADING Papers on appeal 81 41 EEGULAE EXAMINATIONS- TWO yearly, and when called by State Supt. 50 2 30-1 EEGULATIONS OF DEPAETMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION See Eules and Eegulations. School officers must conform to 20 16 State Superintendent authorized to pre- scribe 7 12 13 Have force and effect of law 20 16 See I/ecisio.u of Supreme Court, State of Fla., ex rel. f Mizelle v. Graham, 67 Fla., 321 (323). Of County Board, force and effect of 2 160 General Eegulations 1-3 159 Eegarding County Boards, Superintendents, Trustees and Teachers 4-30 160-5 Applications for State and Life Certificates. 31-3 165-6 High School Eegulations 1-8 166-71 Teacher-Training Departments 1-10 171-4 271 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. EEMOVAL OF SCHOOL OFFICERS Constitutional authority for cause of, By State Board 4 17 15 REPORTS To be made by State Superintendent 27 IV 9 To be made by County Board 8 32 20 Of County Supt. to State Supt., When due. . 20 163 Certain, shall be kept by Clerk of Circuit Court 48 30 EEPOET, MONTHLY Of Teacher, must be filed for twenty days' teaching 89 45 Must be filed before teacher draws warrant. 89 45 Report for fraction part of month 89 45 REPORT OF STATTE SCHOOL INSPECTORS Law regarding 106 50 REPORT OF TEACHER-TRAINING DEPARTMENTS As prescribed by regulations of State Board of Education 210 89 Regulations 171-5 RETURNS OF SCHOOL ELECTIONS Special Tax District Ill 53 Bond 132 61 Compulsory Attendance 160 74 RULES AND REGULATIONS Persistent violation of, Cause for suspend- ing pupil 5 So 43 272 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Of State Board have force of law 7 12 13 20 1(5 See Decision of Supreme Court, State of Fla v ex rel., Mizelle v. Graham, 67 Fla., 321 (323). Of County Boards have force of law 2 1 00 To be printed and filed with State Dept. of Pub. Inst 12 161 School officers must conform to Keg. of State Board 20 10 Eligibility to school office 1 15!) Force of Eegulations 2 160 Use of blanks 3 160 School Board members must be commis- sioned 4 160 County Boards to hold regular meetings ... 5 160 When warrants issued 6 160 When teacher's contract to be made 7 160 How teachers assigned 8 160 When assignment made 9 161 To avoid favoritism 10 161 County Board to prescribe uniform course of study 11 161 To print regulations 12 161 Arbor Day; observance mandatory 13 161 Tuition from non-residents 14 162 Schools not to be closer than three miles. . . 15 162 Board to divide county into school districts 16 162 To restrict attendance to proper district. . . 17 103 County High School open to all qualified pupils of county 17 163 No contract valid beyond life of certificate. 18 163 Removal and appointment of trustees 11) 16:5 When Supt. to make annual report 20 163 Co. Snpt. to give notice of examination. ... 21 163 273 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. May appoint assistants 22 164 Supt. must require endorsement of character from examineees 23 164 When Supt. to appoint teachers 24 164 Supervisors subject to government of Coun- ty Board 25 164 Powers of supervisor, or trustees 26 164 Nomination of supervisor 27 164 Trustees supercede supervisor 28 164 Primary duty of teachers 29 165 Corporal punishment 30 165 Applicants for certain certificates must present application and endorsements . . . 31-2 165 Applicants for Life Certificates 32 165 Teachers must advance grade of certificates 33 166 High School Regulations How prescribed and on what based 166 Bequirements for Junior High Schools .... 1 167 Intermediate High Schools 2 168 Senior High Schools 3 169 Meaning of "Teacher" 4 170 Course of study and requirements for gradu- ation 5 170 Uniform examinations recommended 6 170 State Diplomas recommended 7 170 Teacher-Tra ining Departments Qualifications of teachers ' 3 172 How teachers nominated and approved.... 2 IT'J County Board to make what appropriation. 4 17- How salary to be paid 5 1 7-'> No. of teacher-pupils required, qualifications 6 17-'> No. of recitations daily, etc 7 17."> 18 DSL 274 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Term 8 174 What schools may establish such depart- ments 9 174 Course of Study 10 174 RURAL GRADED SCHOOLS State Aid for 100 48 RURAL SCHOOL INSPECTORS Creation of office and salaries 106 50 S. SALARIES OF COUNTY SUPERINTEND- ENTS Regulated by Chapter 5658, Acts of 1907. . . 120 Based upon total annual receipts of each county 120 SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY Power vested in County Boards or in Trus- tees 1 32 18 SALE OF UNIFORM, STATE OR SPECIAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS Penalties 59 32 See Cheating SANITARY PRECAUTIONS Text of Law (Ch. 6836) 181-2 81-2 152-3 Facilities for nature's conveniences 181 SI Duty of State Board of Health 181 82 Penalty 1*2 S2 275 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. SCHOLARSHIPS At University and State College for Women 15 32 22 Provided for in Buckman Bill, Chapter 5384 24 111 Agricultural Scholarship at University, Chapter 6837 (1915) 153-4 SCHOOL AGE Limits of 1 10 2 32 18 SCHOOL BOARD See Board of Public Instruction. SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT Each county to be divided' into three, By whom 40 24 SCHOOL BONDING DISTRICT Must be a Special Tax District 17 XII 8 See Bonds, Special Tax District. SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION: UNIFORM TEXT-BOOKS See State Text-Book Commission. SCHOOL BOOKS FURNISHED FREE TO CERTAIN Boards of Pub. Inst., or Trustees, to furnish books free to certain children 155 72 SCHOOL BUILDINGS Construction and repair of 5 32 19 See Buildings. SCHOOL CENSUS To be in ken f very ten years 12 42 27 10 32 22 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. SCHOOL DAY Fixed by County Board, within limits 5 11 Twenty days in a school month 5 .11 SCHOOL DISTRICT See Board of Public Instruction ; Special Tax District. Bonds and tax for sinking fund 17 XII 8 Constitution for 10-11 XII 7 Division of County into and attendance therein (Reg. State Board) 16 162 Town or city may constitute 11 XII 7 SCHOOL EXAMINATION- Teacher must hold at close of each term. ... 6 83 43 SCHOOL FUNDS Nor divertible (Const.) 13 XII 7 See Funds; also County School Funds, Dis- trict School Funds, State School Funds. SCHOOL FURNITURE- See Furniture. SCHOOL GROUNDS See Grounds. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS- See Holidays. SCHOOL HOUSE- County to provide for heating, etc 5 :\'2 10 Care of by teacher 3 S3 i:\ Authority of teacher in or near 4 S3 -13 Sale of intoxicating liquors in four miles of UOO $f> See 277 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. SCHOOL LANDS Proceeds of sale of go to State School Fund 4 XII 5 Twenty-five per cent, of all public lands. ... 4 XII (> State Board of Education to manage 1 17 14 Not to be sold on credit 18 15 See Lands. SCHOOL LAWS To be printed and distributed by State Supt. 1 12 12 SCHOOL LEVY See Tax. SCHOOL LI BRA R IKS See Libraries. SCHOOL MONTH- Defined as 20 days 5 1J SCHOOL OFFICERS State Superintendent; See State Supt. State Board of Education ; See State Board of Education. County Superintendent; See County Super- intendent. County Board of Public Instruction; See Board of Publication. Supervisors; See Supervisors. Trustees ; See Trustees and Special Tax District. SCHOOL PROPERTY Titles to be vested in County Board 28 18 1 32 18 When in District Board 1 32 18 Duty of County Board to obtain titles. . 1 32 18 278 Para- Section or graph. Article. i'agp. Special Tax School Districts may own 1 32 18 Key to be delivered by teachers, When 7 83 43 SCHOOL SITES County Board to select; Requirements in.. 1 32 19 To be provided by County Board 5 32 19 SCHOOL SUPERVISORS See Supervisor. SCHOOL TEACHER See Teacher. SCHOOL TERM- Defined Four months f II Minimum 2 32 IS SCHOOL TRUSTEES Defined. See Trustees. SCHOOL UNIT The county is the school unit 107 51 SCHOOL YEAR Beginning and end 2 10 4 11 Defined as to limits 5 11 Financial apportionment forfeited in certain cases 9 12 SCHOOLS Normal Schools (Const.) 14 XII 8 Establishment and maintenance of schools. 1 10 Xot to be'in before July 1st 3 10 279 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Time of opening and closing to be fixed by Board 3-4 10 Schools are under general management of State Superintendent 11 12 Under oversight of Supervisor or Trustees. 25 164 Under special management of County Super- intendent 1 42 25 4 42 26 8 42 26 25 120 Located and maintained by County Board. 2 32 18 Location of schools, Duty of Supt. as to .... 1 42 25 Minimum annual term for 2 32 18 Not to be located n rarer than three miles. . * ft 32 18 Superintendent to keep record of ft 42 2ft SEAL State Supt. to have seal ; Purposes of 13 14 Examination seal 53 31 SECOND GRADE CERTIFICATE Requirements for 67 34 SECRETARY OF BOARD See State Board; County Board. SECTARIAN SCHOOLS School funds not to be used for 13 XII 7 .SPECIAL CERTIFICATES Requirements A) Testimonial for. Form No. 511 See High School Regulations SPECI AL EX A M I N ATI ( )NS State Supt. may order 8 12 13 52 31 280 Para- Section or Article. Page. SPECIAL SCHOOLS CREATED BY LEG IS LATURE: SCHOOLS FOR TEACHERS AND FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Summer Schools for Teachers, State 204 88 209 89 Teacher Training Departments, County 210-212 89 Industrial Schools for Boys and Girls 213-215 90 Florida School for the Deaf and Blind 216 90 Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes 217 91 University of Florida 218 91 Florida State College for Women 218 91 Board of Control, Authority of 219-229 91 Regulations of State Board of Education. . 219-220 91 Buckman Bill (Chapter 5384) 92-119 SPECIAL SESSION- Of County Board, Superintendent to call.. 13 32 21 Form of notice, No. 534 211 SPECIAL TAX DISTRICT BONDS Constitution for 17 XII See Certificates. STATE COLLEGES FOB WOMEN Name of Florida Female College changed to (Ch. 5924) , . . . . 121 Set" Abolishment and Re-establishment, etc. 92-119 STATE SCHOOLS Re-establishment of (Chapter 5384) 93-119 University of Florida 218 91 Florida State College for Women 218 91 Summer Schools for Teachers, State 204-9 88-9 Florida School for the Deaf and Blind 216 90 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege for Negroes 217 91 State Board to establish Teacher-Training Departments 210-12 89-90 Industrial Schools for Boys nnd Girls 213-5 00 Board of Control, Authority of 219-20 91 State Board of Education. Authority and Regulations of 219 91 Bucknian Bill (Chap KM- r>:584) 93-119 Special Tax for, Constitutional Amendment not ratified 16 XII S STATE SCHOOL FIND- See Fund: also Moneys. 284 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION An administrative officer (Consti.) 20 IV 9 Constitutional powers and duties of 25-27 IV 9 Duties to be prescribed by law XII 5 Term of office 2 XII 5 Member of State Board of Education 3 XII 5 Secretary of State Board of Education :> XII 5 Head of Department of Public Instruction. 10-11 12 Given general oversight of the school affairs of the State 11 12 Residence and office of 14 12 Special Duties of 12 12 To prepare and distribute laws, forms, etc.. 1 12 12 To call conventions of school officers 2 12 12 To hold Teachers' Institutes. 3 12 13 To apportion school funds 4 12 13 To make discretionary appointments 5 12 13 To entertain and decide, or refer, appeals. . 6 12 13 To prescribe rules and regulations for De- partment 7 12 13 To prepare questions for county examina- tions 8 12 13 Authority relative to examinations 52 30 To hold examinations for State Certificates 8 12 13 To grant Life Certificates 8 12 13 To order additional county examinations . . 8 12 13 52 31 To keep record of persons paying poll tax. .9 12 13 To make nominations for vacancies on School Boards 41 25 To nominate Rural School Inspectors 106 50* Salary of 15 14 Seal of office, and of State Board 14 14 State Board of Education to co-operate with 6 17 15 285 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. To revoke certificates 78 40 STATE COLLEGE FOE WOMEN Name of Florida Female College changed to (Ch. 5924) 121 See Abolishment and He-establishment, etc 92-110 STATE TEXT-BOOK COMMISSION, AND UNIFOEM TEXT-BOOKS State Text-Book Commission created (Ch. 6178) 146 69 1 125 Duty to adopt a uniform system of Text- Books 146 69 1 125 Powers of Commission to adopt books 147-8 69-70 2-6 126-8 Adoption to continue five years 147 69 2 126 Unlawful to use other books 147 69 2 126 Books adopted on what subjects 147 70 2 126 Sub-Commission (Note) 70 Duties of Sub-Commission 3 127 Eeport of Sub-Commission to be considered 148 70 6 128 Commission to consider themselves merits of books, etc 148 70 6 128 To use best judgment in selection of books. 148 70 6 128 Later changes in books not to exceed ten per cent, per annum, etc 149 70 9 133 Books previously used to be exchanged 150 71 10 184 286 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Governor's proclamation 151 71 12 135 When uniform Series to be introduced to exclusion of other books 152 71 16 138 Supplementary Books 152 71 16 138 Penalty for use of other books 153 71 18 138 Extension of term of contracts 154 72 149-50 When free text-books to be furnished 155 72 Appointment of Sub-Commission 3 126 Duties, and affidavit 3 127 Report to Commission ; how opened 4 127 Oath of Sub-Commission 5 128 Organization of Commission 7-8 129-30 To notify publishers, require bond or de- posit, and make contracts 8 130- 1 Penalty when publishers fail to execute con- tracts 8 131 Books must be up to sample with price printed therein 9 132 Price to be equal to lowest anywhere 9 133 Commission may sue on bond 9 133 Change in contract permissable 9 133 State not liable to publishers 10 134 Commission may reject all bids and re- advertise 11 134 To require cash deposits with bids 11 135 Governor's proclamation 12 135 Contractors must maintain agencies and furnish books 13 136 287 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. School Boards may sue for failure to furnish books 13 136 Commission to make regulations; to make new contracts at end of five years, etc ... 14 137 How high school books adopted 14 137 Free book counties 14 137 State Supt. to publish adopted list 15 138 How patrons may procure books 17 138 Penalty for overcharge. 19 139 Sub-Commission to be paid 20 139 STATE TREASURER Member of State Board of Education 3 XII 5 See Treasurer, State. SUB-DISTRICTS See Special Tax School Districts. SUCCESSORS To be delivered school effects, and to give receipts 24 16 SUMMER SCHOOLS FOR TEACHERS Created, and provisions of law for 204-9 88-9 150-2 SUNDRY PROVISIONS Poll Tax 190 83 Collectors to furnish to Board list of polls paid 191 S4 Treasurer of School Funds 192 84 (See Depository Banks). Fees of Treasurer 10? 84 Exemptions from Jury Duty 104 84 288 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. SUPERINTENDENT State, See State Superintendent. County, See County Superintendent. SUPERVISOR An officer of department 10 12 To supervise schools and to report to Board monthly 1 43 28 3 32 19 How appointed 3 32 19 Forms for, Nos, 5024 178-9 Superintendent to select 5 42 26 Superintendent to confer with frequently 4 42 26 Special duties of 43 28 To supervise school and report monthly. ... 1 43 28 To supervise property and procure copy of school laws 2 43 28 To co-operate with teacher 3 43 28 To review suspensions and report promptly to Supt 3 43 28 Trustees supercede as to duties, etc 115 54 Supervisor, or Trustees, to be notified by- teacher of suspension of pupil r> 83 43 When teacher is to deliver keys to, etc 7 83 43 To nominate teachers. To be furnished with description of territory in jurisdiction 17 164 A position of oversight, not of control 25 166 How governed 25 166 Powers of, defined 26 166 SUPERVISOR OF REO1STRATTON- Duty of relative to school districts 112 52 SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF PUP LTC SCHOOLS Legislature shall provide for 1 XTT 5 289 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Interest from State School Fund, How ap- plied to 3 XII 5 One mill tax provided in Constitution 6 XII 5 How Constitutional Funds apportioned 7 XII Only Constitutional use for County Fund. . 9 XII Legislative provisions for support and main- tenance of Public Schools 99 47 104 50 SUSPENS10N- Of pupils, When teacher to enforce 5 83 43 Notice, Form of, No. 533 210 11 Supervisor (or Trustees) to review 3 43 28 To be reported to County Superintendent 3 43 28 Of Teacher's Certificate, See Certificates. TAX ASSESSOKS Must assess millage ordered by County Board 12 32 21 Must furnish School Board, by Oct. 1 of each year, amount of Special Taxes as- sessed in several Special Tax Districts. See Ch. 5962, Laws of 1909 (p. 162). TAX, CAPITATION (OK POLL)- Part of County School Fundd 9 XLI (I Monthly list persons paying to be given Board and sent State Superintendent. . . 191 84 11 42 27 TAX COLLECTOK Must collect taxes assessed 14 32 21 119 56 Shall receive only current funds in payment of taxes 45 29 19 DSI, 290 Para- Section or srupli. Article. Page. To pay County Treasurer monthly 47 29 Poll Tax records of, County Board Pub. Inst. to examine 17 32 22 No receipt for other tax until poll tax is paid 190 83 To file monthly certified list of poll tax payers with Board of Pub. Inst 191 84 TAX, COUNTY SCHOOL Not less than three, nor more than seven, mills 4 XII 5 TAX, DISTRICT SCHOOL Not more than three mills (Const.) 10 XII 7 Five Mills additional for Bonds '. . 17 XII 8 Voted at special elections 108-14 52-4 132 61 Vote required to determine 108 52 Vote required for Bonds and Bond Tax .... 132-3 61 Qualifications for electors for Special Dis- trict Tax 113 53 Qualifications of voters in bond elections. .. 17 XII 8 131 60 Trustees to file estimate and certify millage 118 55 Board of Public Instruction to pass certain resolution for Bond tax.' 142 '66 County Commissioners to order levy, and have collected 119 56 142 66 County Treasurer to hold all District Taxes except Bond Tax, and pay out subject to warrant 121 57 Bond moneys deposited in certain banks. . . 1 138 62 How Bond moneys paid out 2 138 64 291 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. Manner of assessing Bond tax, disposition, etc 142 66-67 See Special Tax Districts. TAX, ONE-MILL STATE Constitutional levy 6 XII 6 Apportioned among counties on what basis 7 XII 6 TEACHERS Must hold valid certificate in order to teach 62 33 29 164 High School Certificates for (High Sch. Reg.) 1-4 167-70 What all teachers are directed by law to do 83 42-3 To be assembled in Institutes by State Supt. 3 12 13 County Board to employ, contract with, and pa}^ 6 32 19 Must file report before drawing warrant. . . 89 45 How to report holidays 89 45 What teachers must be appointed on grad- ing committees 79 41 To be informed as to cause of revoked cer- tificate, and have right of appeal 10 42 27 To be valid all certificates must be issued under Florida law and be obtained in this State 62 33 Primary duty of, as to certificate, contract, etc. (Reg.) 29 166 General duties of 83 42-3 1. With regard to advancement of pupils. . 1 83 42 2. To require certain habits and conduct of pupils ..' 2 83 42 To prevent injury to school building. . . 3 83 43 To enforce needful restricts as to con- duct in and near school 4 83 43 292 Para- Section or graph. Article. Paj 5. To suspend pupils for certin. offences. and to give certain notice 5 8.. 43 6. To hold term examinations r> 8:5 43 7. To deliver school property, and conform to regulations 7 83 43 When exempt from military and jury duly. 85 44 Temporary absence of, How filled 86 44 Substitute must be approved, By whom .... 86 44 Must procure leave of absence, When 87 44 Pay forfeited in certain cases 88 44 Concerning Contract and compensation (Keg.) 7 160 When Superintendent to appoint (Reg.)... 24 164 Supervisor and patron not to employ (Reg. i 8 1.60 When and how County Boards to assign (Reg.) . v 1(51) Duties concerning Arbor Day (Reg.) 13 161 Limitation as to term of contract (Reg. ) ... 18 163 May inflict corporal punishment (Reg.) .... 30 165 Not to deal in or influence the adoption of of school books for a consideration 199 85 Penalty for insult to 197 85 Cee Contract ; Report ; Certificates. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES See Certificates. TEACHERS' INSTITrTES State Supt. to hold nnd employ instructors for 3 12 13 TEACHER-TRAIN ING CERTIFICATES Grades of, and how granted 74 37 293 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. TEACHER-TRAINING DEPARTMENTS IN HIGH SCHOOLS Law establishing- 210-2 89 TERM OF OFFICE Of State Superintendent 2 XII 5 Of County Superintendent (4 years) Of School Trustee 10 XII 5 TEXT-BOOK COMMISSION Seee School Book Commission. THIRD GRADE CERTIFICATE Requirements for, and how issued 06 34 Teacher-Training Certificate 1 74 37 TITLE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY- State, vested in State Board 35 117 County, vested in County Hoard. . , . j ) 1 32 18 District, vested in Trustees. , 1 32 18 TOWN OR CITY May constitute a School District (Const.). 11 XII 7 TREASURER, COUNTY An officer of the Department 10 12 Duty to endorse warrants for borrow money 34 23 Treasurer of County School Funds, and to receive all moneys going to 46 2!) To receive certain funds from Comptroller. 1.19 50 To be succeeded by Banks as depositories (Ch. 6932) 155-9 Liable on bond for District funds 120 56 All countv funds go to. . 46 29 294 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. To file monthly financial statements with County Supt 47 29 Office abolished after Jan. 1, 1917 (Ch. 6932) 155-9 TRUSTEES Constitutional provision for 10 XTT 7 Power to grant teachers leave of absence. . . 86 44 88 44 May allow absence to be made up 88 44 Election of 108 51 112 53 114 54 Notice of election, Form No. 505 180 Term of office of (Two years) 108 52 114 54 Commission and acceptance, Form 506 and 507 181-2 Succeed Supervisor 115 54 28 166 General powers of 115 54 116 54 Removal of 115 54 19 164 Vacancies on Board of 115 54 19 164 May nominate teachers with valid Florida Certificates 116 55 County Board may reject nominations of. . 116 55 Have right to direct application of District Funds 117 55 To prepare certain Itemized Estimate yearly 118 55 What Estimate to show 118 55 Form of. No. 508.. 183-4 205 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. To be made in triplicate, aud copies filed with County Boards and with Comp- troller 118 56 Duty of County Commissioners to order as- sessment and collection of millage desig- nated by the Board of Trustees 119 56 Duty of State Comptroller to collect taxes due from railway and telegraph proper- ties at millage designated in Trustees' estimate 110 56 Duty of County Board as to use of, and pay- ing out of, Special Tax Funds 120 56 County Treasurer liable on bond for all Dis- Funds 120 56 Fund set apart for teachers subject to no other requisition 121 57 District Funds to be disbursed solely for school within District 121 57 Trustees not to contract with themselves. . . 121 57 Trustees shall be a corporation, and have corporate powers 122 57 County Board must approve all debts of . . . 122 57 When and how non-residents may be ad- mitted to Special Tax Schools 123 57 Form of ballot for Trustees, etc 124 58 To provide fire escapes for buildings, etc . . . 183-87 82-JB To be furnished with description of district supervised 16 162 IT UNGRADED SCHOOLS State Aid to be based on attendance 103 49 104 49 Act declared unconstitutional (Note) 50 296 Para- Section or graph. Article. I'nui . UNIFORM COURSE OF STUDY- County Boards to prescribe 11 161 UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUBLIC FKKK SCHOOLS Demanded .' 1 XII 5 Established, and maintenance mandatory. . 1 10 To provide for twelve grades 90 45 Other schools, as established by Legislature, excluded .' 90 45 Definition of Grade, eight months' work. . . 91 45 Classification of Grades 92 45 Instruction in Primary Grades 93 46 Intermediate Grades 94 46 Grammar Grades 95 46 High School Grades 96 46 High School Course of Study, Committee for 97 46 Expenses of Committee to be paid 98 47 Constitutional Requirement of State Aid for Public Schools 1 XFI 5 Legislature must provide for liberal main- tenance 1 X.H 5 Provisions by Constitutional Convention for Maintenance of Public Schools 4-9 XII 5-7 10 XT I 7 Provision by Constitutional Amendment. .. 17 XII Provisions by Legislature for Maintenance. 99-104 47-50 For High Schools 99 47 For Rural Graded Schools 100 48 For Ungraded Rural Schools 101-4 48-50 (Declared unconstitutional). UNIFORM TEXT BOOK LAW- See State Text-Book Commission. 297 Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. UNIT, SCHOOI^- Defined as the County 107 51 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Act creating (Ch. 5384) 218 91 12 101 Name changed from University of State of Florida (Ch. 5926) * 122 V VACANCIES On County Boards, How filled 41 25 On Boards of Trustees, Filled by County Board 115 54 In schools, When County Supt. may fill 87 44 VISITS County Superintendent must visit schools twice yearly 2 42 25 What record must be kept of Superintend- ent's visits 6 42 26 VOTE For establishing Special Tax District 108 52 For issuing Special Tax District Bonds. ... 17 XII 8 133 61 To establish Compulsory Education District (three-fifths) 162 74 / VOTERS, QUALIFICATIONS OF For Special Tax District elections 113 53 For Bond elections 131 60 For Compulsory Education election 158 73. 298 W Para- Section or graph. Article. Page. WHITES AND BLACKS, SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR Constitutional requirement 12 XII 7 WARRANTS, SCHOOL May be used in payment of taxes 45 29 When to be described minutely 9 32 20 County Board to issue monthly Not to be issued to teacher until correct re- port is filed 6 160 Form of, No. 535 212 WHO PERMITTED TO TEACH- No person without valid certificate 62 33 29 165 YEAR See School Year. YEARS OF INSTRUCTION Twelve 90 45 See Grades. l>elor 20m-U.'< TU UbbLT? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY