PARADISI IN SOLE PARADISUS TERRESTRIS 8D PARADISI IN SOLE PARADISUS TERRESTRIS BY JOHN PARKINSON ii FAITHFULLY REPRINTED FROM THE EDITION OF 1629 . - . > . v. .. " ' - : >- * METHUEN & CO. LONDON 1904 THE ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS LIMITED n> > i f - . t "PARADIST^IN SOLE ParacUfus Terre^tris. & (fart&n. yfaftJortS of^feafant-^onnf ayre. -mitt, jer mitt t* Be nourfctf 'K.itcfien.aardtn of 'off 'manner ofhr &X, rants, -m,ca,te. or jtn^fe vfctT voitfi. - Ir VHP/ TO THE QVEENES MOST EXCELLENT MAIESTIE. Nowing your Maieftie fo much deligh- ted with all the faire Flowers of a Gar- den,and furnimedwith them as farre be- yond others, as you are eminent before them ; this my Worke of a Garden, long before this intended to be publi(hed,and but now only finiftied, feemed as it were deftined, to bee firft offered into your Highnefle hands, as of right challenging the proprietie of Patronage from all others. Accept, I befeech your Maieftie, this fpeaking Garden, that may informe you in all the parti- culars of your ftore, as well as wants, when you cannot fee any of them frefh vpon the ground : and it (hall further en- courage him to accomplim the remainder ; who, in praying that your Highnefle may enioy the heauen ly Paradife, after the many yeares fruition of this earthly, fubmitteth to be Tour Maiefties in all humble deuotion, IOHN PARKINSON. TO THE COVRTEOVS READER. Lt hough the ancient Heathens did appropriate the fir ft inuention of the knowledge of Herbes, and fo confe- fttently of phyjicke, fome -unto Chiron the Centaure, and others vnto Apollo or ./Efculapius his fonne ; yet wee that are Chriftians haue out of a better Schoole learned, that God, the Creator of Heauen and Earth, at the beginning when he created Adam, infpired him with the knowledge of all naturall things (which fuc- cefsiuely defcended to Noah afterwardes, and to his Pofterity] : for, as he was able to giue names to all the liuing Creatures, according to their feuerall natures ; Jo no doubt but hee had alfo the knowledge, both what Herbes and Fruits were Jit, eyther for Meate or Medicine, for Vfe or for Delight. And that Adam might exercije this knowledge, God planted a Garden for him to hue in, (wherein euen in his innocency he was to labour and fpend his time) which hee ftored with the heft and choyfeft Herbes and Fruits the earth could produce, that he might haue not onely for necefsitie whereon to feede, but for pleafure alfo ; the place or garden called Paradife importing as much, and more plainly the words fet downe in Genefis the fecond, which are thefe ; Out of the ground the Lord God made to grow euerie tree pleafant to the fight and good for meate ; and in the 24. of Numbers, the Parable of Balaam, mentioning the Aloe trees that God planted ; and in other places if there were neede to recite them. But my purpofe is onely to flxw you, that Paradife was a place (whether you will call it a Garden, or Orchard, or both, no doubt of fome large extent) wherein Adam was Jirft placed to abide ; that God was the Planter thereof, hauing furnijhed it with trees and herbes, as well pleafant to the Jight, as good for meate, and that hee being to drejje and keepe this place, muft of necefsity know all the things that grew there- in, and to what v/es they ferued, or elfe his labour about them, and knowledge in them, had been in vaine. And although Adam lost the place for his tranfgrefsion, yet he loft not the naturall knowledge, nor life of them : but that, as God made the whole world, and all the Creatures therein for Man, fo hee may life all things as well of pleafure as of necefsitie, to bee helpes vnto him to ferue his God. Let men therefore, according to their Jirft injiitution, fo vfe their feruice, that they alfo in them may remember their feruice to God, and not (like our Grand-mother Eve) fet their affeStions fo Jtrongly on the pleafure in them, as to defer ue the lojje of them in this Paradife, yea and of Heauen alfo. For truly from all forts of Herbes and Flowers we may draw matter at all times not only to magnifie the Creator that hath giuen them fuch diuerjities of formes, fents and colours, that the moft cunning Worke- The Epiftle to the Reader. Worke-man cannot imitate, and fuch verfues and properties, that although ivee know many, yet many more lye hidden and vnknowne, but many good inftruSlions alfo to our felues : That as many herbes and flowers with their fragrant fweete fmels doe comfort, and as it were reuiue the fpirits, and perfume a whole houfe ; euen fo fuch men as Hue vertuouJJy, labouring to doe good, and profit the Church of God and the Common wealth by their paines or penne, doe as it were fend forth a pleajing fauour of fweet inftruSlions, not only to that time wherein they Hue, and are frejh, but being drye, withered and dead, ceafe not in all after ages to doe as much or more. Many herbes and flowers that haue fmall beautie or fauour to com- mend them, haue much more good v/e and "uertue : fo many men of excellent rare parts and good qualities doe lye hid unknown and not refpeSled, imtill time and v/e of them doe Jet forth their properties. Againe, many flowers haue a glorious fhe w of beauty and brauery, yet Jiinking in fmell, or elfe of no other vfe : fo many doe make a glorious ojlentation, and flourifh in the world, when as if they Jlinke not horribly before God, and all good men, yet furely they haue no other vertue then their outjide to commend them, or leaue behind them. Some alfo rife vp and appear like a Lilly among Thames, or as a goodly Flower among many Weedes or GraJ/e, eyther by their honourable authoritie, or eminence of learning or riches, whereby they excell others, and thereby may doe good to many. The frailty alfo of Mans life is learned by the foone fading of them before their flowring, or in their pride, or foone after, being either cropt by the hand of the fpeftator, or by a fudden blajl wi- thered and parched, or by the reuolution of time decaying of it owne nature : as a/Jo that the faire ft flowers or fruits fir ft ripe, are foone ft and fir ft gathered. The mutabilitie alfo of ftates and perfons, by this, that as where many goodly flowers Gf fruits did grow this year e and age, in another they are quite pulled or digged -up, and eyther weedes and graj/e grow in their place, or fome building eretted thereon, and their place is no more known. The Ciuill refpetts to be learned from them are many alfo : for the delight of the varieties both of formes, colours and properties of Herbes and Flowers, hath euer beene powerfull ouer dull, unnurtured, rufticke and fauage people, led only by Natures inftin5t ; how much more powerfull is it, or fhould be in the mindes of generous perfons ? for it may well bee f aid, he is not hu- mane, that is not allured with this obieSi. The ftudy, knowledge, and trauel in them, as they haue been entertained of great Kings, Princes and Potentates, without dif- paragement to their GreatneJ/e, or hinderance to their more ferious and weighty Affaires : fo no doubt vnto all that are capable thereof, it is not onely pleafant, but profitable, by comforting the minde, fpirits and fenfes with an harmelejfe delight, and by enabling the iudgement to conferre and apply helpe to many dangerous di- feafes. It is alfo an InftruSler in the "verity of the genuine Plants of the Ancients, and a CorreSler of the many errours whereunto the world by continuance hath bin diuerted, and almoft therein fixed, by eradicating in time, and by degrees, the perti- nacious wilfulnej/e of many, who becaufe they were brought vp in their errours, are moft unwilling to leaue them without confideration of the good or euill, the right or wrong, they draw on therewith. And for my f elfe I may well fay, that had not mine owne paines and ftudies by a naturall inclination beene more powerfull in mee then any others helpe (although fome through an euill difpofition and ignorance haue fo far traduced me as to fay this was rather another mans worke then mine owne, but I leaue them to their folly] I had neuer done fo much as I here publifh ; nor been Jit or prepared for a larger, as time may fuddenly (by Gods permifsion) bring to light, if the maleuolent difpofitions of degenerate fpirits doe not hinder the accomplijhment. But f The Kpiltle to the Reader. Bat perfwading my felfe there is no fhowre that produceth not fame fruit, or no word but worke th /'ome ejfeft, eyther of good to per f wade, or of reproof e to euince ; I could not but (/(r. Sed memento Artem longam, Vitam efle breuem. M,JJK 4o3oA.A.^w.. Vide quid ad antiquum ilium, cuius fi non animam, faltem genium induifti, Crateuam fcribat Hippocrates, Trfxl *4m' tM.trfuo' 4ro3o\4 .Vpuoit 1 J lus librum talem mirabor, an hortum T'otus inejl horto mumius ; at ijle libra. Parkinfone tuus liber, & labor, & tua Jit laus, Her has dum nobis das ; datur herba tibi. Guilielmus Brodus Pharmacopoeus ac Philobotanicus Londinenfis. Ad Amicum loannem 'Parfynfonum Pharmacopoeum & Botanicum infignem. Carmen. Vam magno pandis Flora penetralia nixu Atque fads ccelo liberiore frui ? Omnibus vt placeas, 6 quam propenfa voluntas, Solicitufque labor nofle dieque premit ? Quam magno cultum Jiudio conquirere in hortum Herbarum quicquid mundus in orbe tenet, Immenfus fumptus, multofque extenfus in annos Te labor afficiunt ? & data nulla yuies. Talia qucerenti, furgit novus ardor habendi, Nee tibi tot foli munera magna petis ; Defcriptos vivJ profers fub imagine Jiores, Turn profers menfee quicquid & hortus a/if, Laudatos nobis frulus G? promt's honores, Profers, quas celebrant nullibi fcripta -virum, Herbarum fpecies, quibus eft quoque grata ixnujtas : Sic nos multiplici munere, Amice, beas. Hoc cape pro mentis, jlorum dum gratia floret, Suntque herbis vires ; en tibi Nomen erit. In Jerum femper tua gloria floreat cevum, Gloria qua in longum non peritura diem. Thomas lohnfon vtriufque Societatis confers. THE ORDERING OF THE GARDEN OF PLEASVRE. CHAP. I. The fituati r in of a Garden of pleafure, -with the nature of foyles, and how to amend the defefls that are in many forts ofjituations and grounds. HE feuerall fituations of mens dwellings, are for the moft part vnauoideable and vnremoueable ; for moft men cannot appoint forth fuch a manner of fituation for their dwelling, as is moft fit to auoide all the inconueniences of winde and weather, but muft bee content with fuch as the place will afford them ; yet all men doe well know, that fome lituations are more excellent than o- thers : according therfore to the feuerall fituation of mens dwel- lings, fo are the fituations of their gardens alfo for the moft part. And although diuers doe diuerfly preferre their owne feuerall places which they haue chofen, or wherein they dwell ; As fome thofe places that are neare vnto a riuer or brooke to be beft for the pleafantnefle of the water, the eafe of tranfportation of them- felues, their friends and goods, as alfo for the fertility of the foyle, which is feldome bad neare vnto a riuers fide ; And others extoll the fide or top of an hill, bee it fmall or great, for the profpedls fake ; And againe, fome the plaine or champian ground, for the euen leuell thereof : euery one of which, as they haue their commodities accompa- nying them, fo haue they alfo their difcommodities belonging vnto them, according to the Latine Prouerbe, Omne commodum fcrt fiiutn incommodum. Yet to (hew you for eue- rie of thefe fituations which is the fitteft place to plant your garden in, and how to de- fend it from the iniuries of the cold windes and frofts that may annoy it, will, I hope, be well accepted. And firft, for the water fide, I fuppofe the North fide of the water to be the beft fide for your garden, that it may haue the comfort of the South Sunne to lye vpon it and face it, and the dwelling houfe to bee aboue it, to defend the cold windes and frofts both from your herbes, and flowers, and early fruits. And fo likewife I iudge for the hill fide, that it may lye full open to the South Sunne, and the houfe aboue it, both for the comfort the ground (hall receiue of the water and raine defcending into it, and of defence from winter and colds. Now for the plaine leuell ground, the buil- dings of the houfe mould be on the North fide of the garden, that fo they might bee a defence of much fufficiency to fafeguard it from many injurious cold nights and dayes, which elfe might fpoyle the pride thereof in the bud. But becaufe euery one cannot fo appoint his dwelling, as I here appoint the fittelt place for it to be, euery ones pleafure thereof (hall be according to the fite, coft, and endeauours they beftow, to caufe it come neareft to this proportion, by fuch helpes of bricke or ftone wals to defend it, or by the helpe of high growne and well fpread trees, planted on the North fide thereof, to keepe it the warmer. And euery of thefe three fituations, hauing the faireft buildings of the houfe facing the garden in this manner before fpecified, befides the benefit of fhelter it (hall haue from them, the buildings and roomes abutting thereon, fhall haue recipro- cally the beautifull profpect into it, and haue both fight and fent of whatfoeuer is ex- cellent, and worthy to giue content out from it, which is one of the greateft pleafures a garden can yeeld his Mafter. Now hauing (hewed you the beft place where this your A garden 2 :-\:V' The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. garden mould be, let me likewife aduife you where it fhould not be, at leaft that it is the worft place wherein it may be, if it be either on the Welt or Eaft fide of your houfe, or that it ftand in a moorim ground, or other vnwholsome ayre (for many, both fruits, herbes, and flowers that are tender, participate with the ayre, taking in a manner their chiefeft thriuing from thence) or neare any common Lay-ftalles, or common Sewers, or elfe neare any great Brew-houfe, Dye-houfe, or any other place where there is much fmoake, whether it be of ftraw, wood, or efpecially of fea-coales, which of all other is the worft, as our Citie of London can giue proofe fufficient, wherein neither herbe nor tree will long profper, nor hath done euer fince the vfe of fea-coales beganne to bee fre- quent therein. And likewife that it is much the worfe, if it bee neare vnto any Barnes or Stackes of corne or hey, becaufe that from thence will continually with the winde bee brought into the garden the ftrawe and chaffe of the corne, the duft and feede of the hey to choake or pefter it. Next vnto the place or fituation, let mee mew you the grounds or foyles for it, eyther naturall or artificiall. No man will deny, but the natural! blacke mould is not only the fatteft and richeft, but farre exceedeth any other either naturall or artificiall, as well in goodnefle as durability. And next thereunto, I hold the fandy loame (which is light and yet firme, but not loofe as fand, nor ftifFe like vnto clay) to be lit- tle inferiour for this our Garden of pleafure ; for that it doth caufe all bulbous and tu- berous rooted plants to thriue fufficiently therein, as likewife all other flower-plants, Rofes, Trees, &c. which if it fhall decay by much turning and working out the heart of it, may foone be helped with old ftable manure of horfes, being well turned in, when it is old and almoft conuerted to mould. Other grounds, as chalke, fand, grauell, or clay, are euery of them one more or lefle fertill or barren than other ; and therefore doe re- quire fuch helpes as is moft fit for them. And thofe grounds that are ouer dry, loofe, and duftie, the manure of ftall fedde beafts and cattell being buried or trenched into the earth, and when it is thorough rotten (which will require twice the time that the ftable foyle of horfes will) well turned and mixed with the earth, is the beft foyle to temper both the heate and drinefle of them. So contrariwife the ftable dung of horfes is the beft for cold grounds, to giue them heate and life. But of all other forts of grounds, the ftifFe clay is the very worft for this purpose ; for that although you should digge out the whole compafTe of your Garden, carry it away, and bring other good mould in the ftead there- of, and fill vp the place, yet the nature of that clay is fo predominant, that in a fmall time it will eate out the heart of the good mould, and conuert it to its owne nature, or very neare vnto it : fo that to bring it to any good, there muft bee continuall labour beftowed thereon, by bringing into it good ftore of chalke, lime, or fand, or elfe afhes eyther of wood or of fea-coales (which is the beft for this ground) well mixed and turned in with it. And as this ftifFe clay is the worft, fo what ground foeuer commeth neareft vnto the nature thereof, is neareft vnto it in badnefTe, the fignes whereof are the ouermuch moy- fture thereof in Winter, and the much cleauing and chapping thereof in Summer, when the heate of the yeare hath confumed the moyfture, which tyed and bound it faft toge- ther, as alfo the ftifFe and hard working therein : but if the nature of the clay bee not too ftifFe, but as it were tempered and mixed with fand or other earths, your old ftable foyle of horfes will helpe well the fmall rifting or chapping thereof, to be plentifully beftowed therin in a fit feafon. Some alfo do commend the cafting of ponds and ditches, to helpe to manure thefe ftifFe chapping grounds. Other grounds, that are ouermoift by fprings, that lye too neare the vpper face of the earth, befides that the beds thereof had need to be laid vp higher, and the allies, as trenches and furrowes, to lye lower, the ground it felfe had neede to haue fome good ftore of chalke-ftones beftowed thereon, fome certaine yeares, if it may be, before it be kid into a Garden, that the Winter frofts may breake the chalke fmall, and the Raine difFolue it into mould, that fo they may bee well mixed. together ; than which, there is not any better manure to foyle fuch a moift ground, to helpe to dry vp the moyfture, and to giue heate and life to the coldnefFe thereof, which doth alwayes accompany thefe moift grounds, and alfo to caufe it abide longer in heart than any other. For the fandy and grauelly grounds, although I know the well mollified; manure of beafts and cattell to be excellent good, yet I know alfo, that fome commend a white Marie, and fome a clay to be well fpread thereon, and after tur- ned thereinto : and for the chalkie ground, \' cotiuerfo, I commend fatte clay to helpe it. You muft vnderlland, that the lefle rich or more barren that your ground is, there nee- deth The ordering of the Garden of T/eafurc. deth the more care, labour, and coft to bee bellowed thereon, both to order it rightly, & fo to preferue it from time to time : tor no artiliciall or torc't ground can endure good any long time, but that within a tew yeares it mult be retrdlu-d more or lelTe, according as it doth require. Yet you lhall likewife vndcrftand, that this Garden tit' pleafure rtorcd with thefe Out-landilh flowers; that is, bulbous and tuberous rooted plants, and other fine flowers, that I haue hereafter defcribed, and afllgned vnto it, needeth not fo much or fo often manuring with foyle, &c. as another Garden planted with the other forts of Englilh flowers, or a Garden of ordinary Kitchin herbes doth. Your ground likewife tor this Garden had neede to bee well cleanfed from all annoyances (that may hinder the well doing or prospering of the flowers therein) as (tones, weedes, rootes of trees, bullies, &c. and all other things cumberfome or hurtfull ; and therefore the earth being not naturally line enough of it felfe, is vfed to bee lifted to make it the finer, and that either through a hurdle made of fticks, or lathes, or through fquare or round lieues plat- ted with fine and llrong thin Itickes, or with wyers in the bottome. Or elfe the whole earth of the Garden being courfe, may be call in the fame manner that men vfe to try or fine land from grauell, that is, againft a wall ; whereby the courfer and more ftony, fal- ling downe from the fine, is to be taken away from the foote of the heape, the finer fand and ground remaining (till aboue, and on the heape. Or elfe in the want of a wall to caft it againft, I haue feene earth fined by it felfe in this manner : Hauing made the floore or vpper part of a large plat of ground cleane from ftones, &c. let there a reafonable round heape of fine earth be fet in the midll thereof, or in ftead thereof a large Garden flower- pot, or other great pot, the bottome turned vpwards, and then poure your courfe earth on the top or head thereof, one Ihouell full after another fomewhat gently, and thereby all the courfe ftuffe and ftones will fall downe to the bottome round about the heape, which mull continually be carefully taken away, and thus you may make your earth as fine as if it were call againft a wall, the heape being growne great, feruing in (lead there- of. Thofe that will not prepare their grounds in fome of thefe manners aforefaid, mail foone finde to their lofle the neglect thereof : for the tra(h and ftones (hall fo hinder the encreafe of their roots, that they will be halfe loll in the earth among the ftones, which elfe might be faued to ferue to plant wherefoeuer they pleafe. CHAP. II. 'The frame or forme of a Garden of delight and pleafure, with thefeuerall varieties thereof. ALthough many men mu(t be content with any plat of ground, of what forme or quantity foeuer it bee, more or lefle, for their Garden, becaufe a more large or conuenient cannot bee had to their habitation : Yet I perfwade my felfe, that Gentlemen of the better fort and quality, will prouide fuch a parcell of ground to bee laid out for their Garden, and in fuch conuenient manner, as may be fit and anfwerable to the degree they hold. To prefcribe one forme for euery man to follow, were too great prefumption and folly : for euery man will pleafe his owne fancie, according to the extent he deligneth out for that purpofe, be it orbicular or round, triangular or three fquare, quadrangular or fou re fquare, or more long than broad. I will onely Ihew you here the feuerall formes that many men haue taken and delighted in, let euery man chufe which him liketh beft, or may moft fitly agree to that proportion of ground hee hath fet out for that purpofe. The orbicular or round forme is held in it owne proper exiltence to be the moft abfolute forme, containing within it all other formes whatfoeuer ; but few I thinke will chufe fuch a proportion to be ioyned to their habitation, being not accep- ted any where I think, but for the general! Garden to the Vniuerfity at Padoa. The tri- angular or three fquare is fuch a forme alfo, as is feldome chofen by any that may make another choife, and as I thinke is onely had where another forme cannot be had, necef- litie conltraining them to be therewith content. The foure fquare forme is the moft vfu- ally accepted with all, and doth beft agree to any mans dwelling, being (as I laid before) behinde the houfe, all the backe windowes thereof opening into it. Yet if it bee longer than the breadth, or broader than the length, the proportion of walkes, fquares, and knots may be foon brought to the fquare forme, and be fo caft, as the beauty thereof may be The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. <3V, The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. bee no lelfe than the foure fquare proportion, or any other better forme, if any be. To forme it therfore with walks, crofle the middle both waies, and round about it alfo with hedges, with fquares, knots and trayles, or any other worke within the foure fquarc parts is according as euery mans conceit alloweth of it, and they will be at the charge : For there may be therein walkes eyther open or clofe, cyther publike or priuate, a maze or wilderneire, a rocke or mount, with a fountaine in the midit thereof to conuey water to euery part of the Garden, eyther in pipes vnder the ground, or brought by hand, and emptied into large Cilternes or great Turkic larres, placed in conuenient places, to it-rue as an cafe to water the nearelt parts thereunto. Arbours alfo being both graceful! and neceflary, may be appointed in fucli conuenient places, as the corners, or elfe where, a- may be molt fit, to ferue both for lhadow and reft after walking. And becaufe many are delirous to fee the formes of trayles, knots, and other compartiments, and becaufe tin open knots are more proper for thefe Out-landifh flowers ; I haue here caufed fome to be drawne, to fatistie their defires, not intending to cumber this worke with ouer ma- nic, in that it would be almolt endlefle, to exprefle fo many as might bee concciued and fet dovvne, for that euery man may inuent others farre differing from thefe, or any other can be let forth. Let euery man therefore, if hee like of thefe, take what may pleafe his mind, or out of thefe or his own conceit, frame any other to his fancy, or caufe others to be done as he liketh belt, obferuing this decorum, that according to his ground he do call out his knots, with conuenient roome for allies and walkes ; for the fairer and larger your allies and walkes be, the more grace your Garden mail haue, the lefle harme the herbes and flowers lliall receiue, by pafling by them that grow next vnto the allies fides, and the better (hall your Weeders cleanfe both the beds and the allies. C H A P. I I I. The many forts of herbes and other things, wherewith the beds and parts of knots are bordered to fet out the forme of them, with their commodities and dif commodities. IT is neceflary alfo, that I Ihew you the feuerall materials, wherewith thefe knots and trayles are fet forth and bordered ; which are of two forts : The one are liuing herbes, and the other are dead materials ; as leade, boords, bones, tyles, &c. Of herbes, there are many forts wherewith the knots and beds in a Garden are vfed to bee fet, to (hew forth the forme of them, and to preferue them the longer in their forme, as alfo to be as greene, and fweete herbes, while they grow, to be cut to perfume the houfe, keeping them in fuch order and proportion, as may be molt conuenient for their feuerall natures, and euery mans pleafure and fancy : Of all which, I intend to giue you the knowledge here in this place ; and firtt, to begin with that which hath beene molt anci- ently receiued, which is Thrift. This is an euerliuing greene herbe, which many take to border their beds, and fet their knots and trayles, and therein much delight, becaufe it will grow thicke and bulhie, and may be kept, being cut with a paire of Garden Iheeres, in fome good handfome manner and proportion for a time, and belides, in the Summer time fend torth many Ihort Italkes of pleafant flowers, to decke vp an houfe among o- ther fweete herbes : Yet thefe inconueniences doe accompany it ; it will not onely in a fmall time ouergrow the knot or trayle in many places, by growing fo thicke and buf hie, that it will put out the forme of a knot in many places : but alfo much thereof will dye with the frofts and fnowes in Winter, and with the drought in Summer, whereby many voide places will be feene in the knot, which doth much deforme it, and mult therefore bee yearely refrelhed : the thicknefle alfo and bufhing thereof doth hide and Ihelter fnayles and other fmall noyfome wormes fo plentifully, that Gilloflowers, and other fine herbes and flowers being planted therein, are much fpoyled by them, and cannot be helped without much indultry, and very great and daily attendance to deltroy them. Germander is another herbe, in tormer times alfo much vfed, and yet alfo in many pla- ces ; and becaufe it will grow thicke, and may be kept alfo in fome tonne and proportion with cutting, and that the cuttings are much vfed as a Itrawing herbe for houfes, being pretty and fweete, is alfo much affedted by diuers : but this alfo will often dye and grow out of tonne, and belides that, the Italkes will grow too great, hard and Itubby, the rootes doe fo tarre Ihoote vnder ground, that vpon a little continuance thereof, will A 3 fpread The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. fpread into many places within the knot, which if continually they be not plucked vp, they will fpoile the whole knot it felfe ; and therefore once in three or foure yeares at the moft, it muft be taken vp and new fet, or elfe it will grow too roynifh and cumberfome. Hyflbpe hath alfo been vfed to be fet about a knot, and being fweete, will ferue for ftrew- ings, as Germander : But this, although the rootes doe not runne or creep like it, yet the ftalkes doe quickly grow great aboue ground, and dye often after the firft yeares fetting, whereby the grace of the knot will be much loft. Marierome, Sauorie, and Thyme, in the like manner being fweete herbes, are vfed to border vp beds and knots, and will be kept for a little while, with cutting, into fome conformity ; but all and euery of them ferue moft commonly but for one yeares vfe, and will foone decay and perifh : and therefore none of thefe, no more than any of the former, doe I commend for a good bordering herbe for this purpofe. Lauander Cotton alfo being finely flipped and fet, is of many, and thofe of the higheft refpect of late daies, accepted, both for the beauty and forme of the herbe, being of a whitifh greene mealy colour, for his fent fmelling fome- what ftrong, and being euerliuing and abiding greene all the Winter, will, by cutting, be kept in as euen proportion as any other herbe may be. This will likewife foone grow great and ftubbed, notwithstanding the cutting, and betides will now and then perifh in fome places, efpecially if you doe not ftrike or put off the fnow, before the Sunne lying vpon it diflblue it : The rarity & nouelty of this herbe, being for the moft part but in the Gardens of great perfons, doth caufe it to be of the greater regard, it muft therfore be re- newed wholly euery fecond or third yeare at the most, becaufe of the great growing therof. Slips of luniper or Yew are alfo receiued of fome & planted, becaufe they are al- wayes green, and that the luniper efpecially hath not that ill fent that Boxe hath, which I will prefently commend vnto you, yet both luniper and Yew will foon grow too great and ftubbed, and force you to take vp your knot fooner, than if it were planted with Boxe. Which laftly, I chiefly and aboue all other herbes commend vnto you, and being a fmall, lowe, or dwarfe kinde, is called French or Dutch Boxe, and ferueth very well to fet out any knot, or border out any beds : for befides that it is euer greene, it being reafonable thicke fet, will eafily be cut and formed into any fafhion one will, according to the nature thereof, which is to grow very flowly, and will not in a long time rife to be of any height, but mooting forth many fmall branches from the roote, will grow very thicke, and yet not require fo great tending, nor fo much perifh as any of the former, and is onely receiued into the Gardens of thofe that are curious. This (as I before faid) I commend and hold to bee the beft and fureft herbe to abide faire and greene in all the bitter ftormes of the fharpeft Winter, and all the great heates and droughts of Summer, and doth recompence the want of a good fweet fent with his frefh verdure, euen pro- portion, and long lafting continuance. Yet thefe inconueniences it hath, that befides the vnpleafing fent which many miflike, and yet is but fmall, the rootes of this Boxe do fo much fpread themfelues into the ground of the knot, and doe draw from thence fo much nourifhment, that it robbeth all the herbes that grow neare it of their fap and fub- ftance, thereby making all the earth about it barren, or at leaft leffe fertile. Wherefore to mew you the remedy of this inconuenience of fpreading, without either taking vp the Boxe of the border, or the herbes and flowers in the knot, is I thinke a fecret knowne but vnto a few, which is this : You fhall take a broad pointed Iron like vnto a Slife or Cheffill, which thruft downe right into the ground a good depth all along the infide of the border of Boxe fomewhat clofe thereunto, you may thereby cut away the fpreading rootes thereof, which draw fo much moifture from the other herbes on the infide, and by this meanes both preferue your herbes and flowers in the knot, and your Boxe alfo, for that the Boxe will be nourifhed fufficiently from the reft of the rootes it fhooteth on all the other fides. And thus much for the liuing herbes, that ferue to fet or border vp any knot. Now for the dead materials, they are alfo, as I faid before diuers : as firft, Leade, which fome that are curious doe border their knots withall, caufing it to be cut of the breadth of foure fingers, bowing the lower edge a little outward, that it may lye vnder the vpper cruft of the ground, and that it may ftand the fafter, and making the vp- per edge either plain, or cut out like vnto the battlements of a Church : this fafhion hath delighted fome, who haue accounted it ftately (at the leaft coftly) and fit for their de- gree, and the rather, becaufe it will be bowed and bended into any round fquare, angu- lar, or other proportion as one lifteth, and is not much to be mifliked, in that the Leade doth The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. doth not calily breake or fpoile without much iniury, and keepeth vp a knot tor a very long time in his due proportion : but in my opinion, the Leade is ouer-hot for Sum- mer, and ouer-cold tor Winter. Others doe take Oaken inch boords, and (awing them foure or Hue inches broad, do hold vp their knot therewith : but in that thefe boordes cannot bee drawne compalle into any fmall fcantling, they mult ferue rather tor long outright beds, or fuch knots as haue no rounds, halfe rounds, or compaflings in them. And belides, thefe boordes are not long lafting, becaufe they Itand continually in the weather, efpecially the ends where they are fattened together will fooneft rot and pe- rilli, and fo the whole tbrme will be fpoyled. To preuent that fault, fome others haue chofen the (hanke bones of Sheep, which after they haue beene well cleanfed and boyled, to take out the fat from them, are ftucke into the ground the fmall end downe- wards, and the knockle head vpwards, and thus being fet fide to fide, or end to end clofe together, they fet out the whole knot therewith, which heads of bones although they looke not white the firit yeare, yet alter they haue abiden fome frofts and heates will become white, and prettily grace out the ground : but this inconuenience is inci- dent to them, that the Winter frolts will raife them out of the ground oftentimes, and if by chance the knockle head of any doe breake, or be Itrucke off with any ones foot, &cc. going by, from your (tore, that lyeth by you of the fame fort, fet another in the place, hauing lirit taken away the broken peece : although thefe will lalt long in forme and order, yet becaufe they arc but bones many miflike them, and indeed I know but few that vie them. Tyles are alfo vfed by fome, which by reafon they may bee brought compare into any fa(hion many are pleafed with them, who doe not take the whole Tyle at length, but halfe Tyles, and other broken peeces fet fomewhat deepe into the ground, that they may ftand fait, and thefe take vp but little roome, and keepe vp the edge of the beds and knots in a pretty comely manner, but they are often out of trame, in that many of them are broken and fpoiled, both with mens feete pafling by, the weather and weight of the earth beating them downe and breaking them, but e- fpecially the frofts in Winter doe fo cracke off their edges, both at the toppes and fides that Itand clofe one vnto another, that they muft be continually tended and re- paired with frelh and found ones put in the place of them that are broken or decayed. And laltly (for it is the latell inuention) round whitifh or blewifh pebble stones, of fome reafonable proportion and bignefle, neither too great nor too little, haue beene vfed by fome to be fet, or rather in a manner but laide vpon the ground to fafhion out the traile or knot, or all along by the large grauelly walke fides to fet out the walke, and maketh a pretty handfome mew, and becaule the (tones will not decay with the iniu- ries of any time or weather, and will be placed in their places againe, if any Humid be thrult out by any accident, as alfo that their fight is fo confpicuous vpon the ground, efpecially it they be not hid with the Itore of herbes growing in the knot; is accounted both tor durability, beauty of the fight, handfomnefle in the worke, and eafe in the working and charge, to be of all other dead materials the chiefeft. And thus, Gen- tlemen, I haue (hewed you all the varieties that I know are vsed by any in our Coun- trey, that are worth the reciting (but as for the fafhion of lawe-bones, vfed by fome in the Low Countries, and other places beyond the Seas, being too grofle and bale, I make no mention ot them) among which euery one may take what pleafeth him beft, or may molt fitly be had, or may belt agree with the ground or knot. Moreouer, all thefe herbes that ferue for borderings, doe ferue as well to be fet vpon the ground of a leuelled knot ; that is, where the allies and foot-pathes are of the fame leuell with the knot, as they may ferue alfo for the railed knot, that is, where the beds of the knot are railed higher than the allies ; but both Leade, Boordes, Bones, and Tyles, are only for the raifed ground, be it knot or beds. The pebble (tones againe are onely for the le- uelled ground, becaufe they are so (hallow, that as I faid before, they rather lye vpon the earth than are thrult any way into it. All this that I haue here fet downe, you muft vnderttand is proper for the knots alone of a Garden. But for to border the whole fquare or knot about, to ferue as a hedge thereunto, euery one taketh what liketh him belt; as either Priuet alone, or fweete Bryer, and white Thorne enterlaced together, and Rofes of one, or two, or more forts placed here and there amonglt them. Some alfo take Lauander, Rofemary, Sage, Southernwood, Lauander Cotton, or fome fuch other thing. Some againe plant Cornell Trees, and pla(h them, or keepe them lowe, to forme 8 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. forme them into an hedge. And fome againe take a lowe prickly fhrubbe, that abideth alwayes greene, defcribed in the end of this Booke, called in Latine Pyracantha, which in time will make an euer greene hedge or border, and when it beareth fruit, which are red berries like vnto Hawthorne berries, make a glorious (hew among the greene leaues in the:Winter time, when no other fhrubbes haue fruit or leaues. CHAP. IV. The nature and names of diners Out-landifh flowers, that for their pride, beauty, and earlinejfe, are to be planted in Gardens of peafure for delight. HAuing thus formed out a Garden, and diuided it into his fit and due proporti- on, with all the gracefull knots, arbours, walkes, &c. likewife what is fit to keepe it in the fame comely order, is appointed vnto it, both for the borders of the fquares, and for the knots and beds themselues ; let vs now come and furnifh the inward parts, and beds with thofe fine flowers that (being ftrangers vnto vs, and giuing the beauty and brauery of their colours fo early before many of our owne bred flowers, the more to entice vs to their delight) are moft befeeming it ; and namely, with Daffo- dils, Fritillarias, lacinthes, Saffron-flowers, Lillies, Flowerdeluces, Tulipas, Anemo- nes, French Cowflips, or Beares eares, and a number of fuch other flowers, very beau- tifull, delightfull, and pleafant, hereafter defcribed at full, whereof although many haue little fweete fcent to commend them, yet their earlineffe and exceeding great beau- tie and varietie doth fo farre counteruaile that defecl (and yet I muft tell you with all, that there is among the many forts of them fome, and that not a few, that doe excell in fweetneffe, being fo flrong and heady, that they rather offend by too much than by too little fent, and fome againe are of fo milde and moderate temper, that they fcarce come fhort of your moft delicate and daintieft flowers) that they are almoft in all places with all perfons, efpecially with the better fort of the Gentry of the Land, as greatly defired and accepted as any other the moft choifeft, and the rather, for that the mort part of thefe Out-landifh flowers, do (hew forth their beauty and colours fo early in the yeare, that they feeme to make a Garden of delight euen in the Winter time, and doe fo giue their flowers one after another, that all their brauery is not fully fpent, vntil that Gilliflowers, the pride of our Englifh Gardens, do mew themfelues : So that whofoeuer would haue of euery fort of thefe flowers, may haue for euery moneth feueral colours and varieties, euen from Chriftmas vntill Midfommer, or after ; and then, after fome little refpite, vn- till Chriftmas againe, and that in fome plenty, with great content and without forcing ; fo that euery man may haue them in euery place, if they will take any care of them. And becaufe there bee many Gentlewomen and others, that would gladly haue fome fine flowers to furnifh their Gardens, but know not what the names of thofe things are that they defire, nor what are the times of their flowring, nor the skill and knowledge of their right ordering, planting, difplanting, tranfplanting, and replanting ; I haue here for their fakes fet downe the nature, names, times, and manner of ordering in a briefe manner, referring the more ample declaration of them to the worke following. And firft of their names and natures : Of Daffodils there are almoft an hundred forts, as they are feuerally defcribed hereafter, euery one to be diftinguished from other, both in their times, formes, and colours, fome being eyther white, or yellow, or mixt, or elfe being fmall or great, fingle or double, and fome hauing but one flower vpon a ftalke, others many, whereof many are fo exceeding fweete, that a very few are fufficient to perfume a whole chamber, and befides, many of them be fo faire and double, eyther one vpon a ftalke, or many vpon a ftalke, that one or two ftalkes of flowers are in ftead of a whole nofe-gay, or bundell of flowers tyed together. This I doe affirme vpon good knowledge and certaine experience, and not as a great many others doe, tell of the wonders of an- other world, which themselues neuer faw nor euer heard of, except fome fuperficiall relation, which themselues haue augmented according to their owne fanfie and con- ceit. Againe, let me here alfo by the way tell you, that many idle and ignorant Gardi- ners and others, who get names by Health, as they doe many other things, doe call fome The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. fome of thefe Daffodils NarcifTes, when as all know that know any Latinc, that Nnr- cilTus is the Latine name, and Daffodill the Englifh of one and the fame 'thing ; and therefore alone without any other Epithite cannot properly diftinguifh fcuerall things. I would willingly therefore that all would grow Judicious, and call euery thing by his proper Englifh name in fpeaking Englifh, or elfe by fuch Latine name as cuery thing hath that hath not a proper Englifh name, that thereby they may diftinguifh the feue- rnll varieties of things and not confound them, as alfo to take away all excufes of milhi- king ; as for example : The (ingle Englifh baftard Daffodill (which growcth wilde in many Woods, Groues, and Orchards in England.) The double Englifh baftard Daffo- dill. The French (ingle white Daffodill many vpon a ftalke. The French double yel- low Daffodill. The great, or the little, or the leaft Spanifh yellow baftard Daffodill, or the great or little Spanifh white Daffodill. The Turkic (ingle white Daffodill, or, The Turkic (ingle or double white Daffodill many vpon a ftalke, &c. Of Fritillaria, or the checkerd Daffodill, there are halfe a fcore feucrall forts, both white and red, both yel- low and blacke, which are a wondcrfull grace and ornament to a Garden in regard of the Checker like fpots are in the flowers. Of lacinthes there are aboue halfe an hundred forts, as they are fpccified hereafter ; fome like vnto little bells or ftarres, others like vnto little bottles or pcarles, both white and blew, sky-coloured and blufh, and fome ftarlike of many pretty various formes, and all to giue delight to them that will be cu- rious to obferue them. Ot Crocus or Saffron flowers, there are alfo twenty forts ; (ome of the Spring time, others flowring onely in the Autume or Fall, earlier or later than another, fome whereof abide but a while, others indure aboue a moneth in their glorious beauty. The Cdlchicum or Medowe Saffron, which fome call the fonne be- fore the father, but not properly, is of many forts alfo ; fome flowring in the Spring of the yeare, but the moft in Autume, whereof fome haue faire double flowers very de- li ghtfull to behold, and fome partly coloured both fingle and double fo variable, that it would make any one admire the worke of the Creatour in the various fpots and ftripes of thefe flowers. Then haue wee of Lillies twenty feuerall forts and colours, among whom I muft reckon the Crowne Imperial!, that for his ftately forme deferueth fome fpeciall place in this Garden, as alfo the Martagons, both white and red, both blufh and yellow, that require to be fet by themfelues apart, as it were in a fmall round or fquare of a knot, without many other, or tall flowers growing neare them. But to tell you of all the forts of Tulipas (which are the pride of delight) they are fo many, and as I may fay, almoft infinite, doth both pafTe my ability, and as I beleeue the skill of any other. They are of two efpeciall forts, fome flowring earlier, and others later than their fel- lowes, and that naturally in all grounds, wherein there is fuch a wonderfull variety and mixture of colours, that it is almoft impoflible for the wit of man to defcipher them thoroughly, and to giue names that may be true & feuerall diftinclions to euery flower, threefcore feuerall forts of colours limple and mixed of each kind I can reckon vp that I haue, and of efpeciall note, and yet 'I doubt not, but for euery one of them there are ten o- thers differing from them, which may be feen at feuerall times, and in feuerall places : & bdides this glory of variety in colors that thefe flowers haue, they carry fo ftately & de- lightfull a forme, & do abide fo long in their brauery (enduring aboue three whole mo- neths from the firft vnto the laft) that there is no Lady or Gentlewoman of any worth that is not caught with this delight, or not delighted with thefe flowers. The Anemo- nes likewife or Windeflowers are fo full of variety and fo dainty, fo pleafant and fo delightfome flowers, that the fight of them doth enforce an eameft longing defire in the minde of any one to be a pofleflbur of fome of them at the leaft : For without all doubt, this one kinde of flower, fo variable in colours, fo differing in forme (being almoft as many forts of them double as fingle) fo plentifull in bearing flowers, and fo durable in lafting, and alfo fo eafie both to preferue and to encreafe, is of it f elfe alone almoft fuf- ficient to furnifh a garden with their flowers for almoft halfe the yeare, as I fhall fliew you in a fit and conuenient place. The Beares earesor French Cowflips muft not want their deferued commendations, feeing that their flowers, being many fet together vpon a ftalke, doe feeme euery one of them to bee a Nofegay alone of it felfe : and betides the many differing colours that are to be feene in them, as white, yellow, blufh, purple, red, tawney, murrey, haire colour, &c. which encreafe much delight in all forts of the Gentry of the Land, they are not vnfurnifhed with a pretty fweete fent, B which io The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. which doth adde an encreafe of pleafure in thofe that make them an ornament for their wearing. Flowerdeluces alfo are of many forts, but diuided into two efpeciall kindes; the one bearing a leafe like a flagge, whofe roots are tuberous, thicke and fhort (one kinde of them being the Orris rootes that are fold at the Apothecaries, whereof fweete powders are made to lye among garments) the other hauing round rootes like vnto Onions, and narrow long leaues fomewhat like grafle : Of both thefe kindes there is much variety, efpecially in their colours. The greater Flagge kinde is frequent enough and difperfed in this Land, and well doth ferue to decke vp both a Garden and Houfe with natures beauties : But the chiefe of all is your Sable flower, fo fit for a mourning habit, that I thinke in the whole compafTe of natures ftore, there is not a more patheticall, or of greater correfpondency, nor yet among all the flowers I know any one comming neare vnto the colour of it. The other kinde which hath bulbous or Onion like rootes, diuerlifieth it felfe alfo into fo many fine colours, being of a more neate fhape and fuccinc~l forme than the former, that it muft not bee wanting to furnifh this Garden. The Hepatica or Noble Liuerwoort is another flow- er of account, whereof fome are white, others red, or blew, or purple, fomewhat re- fembling Violets, but that there are white threads in the middeft of their flowers, which adde the more grace vnto them ; and one kinde of them is fo double, that it re- fembleth a double thicke Dafie or Marigold, but being fmall and of an excellent blew colour, is like vnto a Button : but that which commendeth the flower as much as the beauty, is the earlinefle in flowring, for that it is one of the very firfl flowers that open themfelues after Chriftmas, euen in the midft of Winter. The Cyclamen or Sowe- bread is a flower of rare receipt, becaufe it is naturally hard to encreafe, and that the flowers are like vnto red or blufh coloured Violets, flowring in the end of Summer or beginning of Autumne : the leaues like wife hereof haue no fmall delight in their plea- fant colour, being fpotted and circled white vpon greene, and that which moft prefer- reth it, is the Phyficall properties thereof for women, which I will declare when I mall mew you the feuerall defcriptions of the varieties in his proper place. Many o- ther forts of flowers there are fit to furnifh this Garden, as Leucoium or Bulbous Vio- let, both early and late flowring. Mufcari or Muske Grape flower. Starre flowers of di- uers forts. Phalangium or Spiderwort, the chiefe of many is that fort whofe flowers are like vnto a white Lilly. Winter Crowfoote or Wolfes bane. The Chriftmas flow- er like vnto a fingle white Rofe. Bell flowers of many kindes. Yellow Larkes fpurre, the prettieft flower of a fcore in a Garden. Flower-gentle or Floramour. Flower of the Sunne. The Maruaile of Peru or of the world. Double Marfh Marigold or dou- ble yellow Buttons, much differing and farre exceeding your double yellow Crow- foote, which fome call Batchelours Buttons. Double French Marigolds that fmell well, and is a greater kinde than the ordinary, and farre furpafleth it. The double red Ranunculus or Crowfoote (farre excelling the moft glorious double Anemone) and is like vnto our great yellow double Crowfoote. Thus hauing giuen you the know- ledge of fome of the choifeft flowers for the beds of this Garden, let me alfo fhew you what are fitteft for your borders and for your arbours. The lafmine white and yel- low. The double Honyfockle. The Ladies Bower, both white, and red, and purple fingle and double, are the fitteft of Outlandim plants to fet by arbours and banqueting houfes, that are open, both before and aboue to helpe to couer them, and to giue both fight, fmell, and delight. The forts of Rofes are fitteft for ftandards in the hedges or borders. The Cherry Bay or Laurocerafus. The Rofe Bay or Oleander. The white and the blew Syringa or Pipe tree, are all gracefull and delightfull to fet at feuerall diftances in the borders of knots ; for fome of them giue beautifull and fweete flowers. The Pyracantha or Prickly Corall tree doth remaine with greene leaues all the yeare, and may be plafhed, or laid downe, or tyed to make a fine hedge to border the whole knot, as is faid before. The Wilde Bay or Laurus Tinus, doth chiefly defire to be fhel- tered vnder a wall, where it will beft thriue, and giue you his beautifull flowers in Win- ter for your delight, in recompence of his fenced dwelling. The dwarfe Bay or Mefe- reon, is moft commonly either placed in the midft of a knot, or at the corners thereof, and fometimes all along a walke for the more grace. And thus to fit euery ones fancy, I haue fhewed you the variety of natures ftore in fome part for you to difpofe of them to your beft content. CHAP. The ordering of the Garden of Plctijure. 1 1 C ii A p. V. -The nature and names of thofe that are called -vfually Eng///h flowers. THofe flowers that haue beene vfually planted in former times in Gardens of this Kingdome (when as our forefathers knew few or none of thofe that are re^ cited before) haue by time and cuftome attained the name of Englifh flowers, although the molt of them were neuer naturall of this our Land, but brought in from other Countries at one time or other, by thofe that tooke pleafure in them where they tirll law them : and I doubt not, but many other forts than here are fet downe, or now knowne to vs, haue beene brought, which either haue perilhed by their negligence or want of skill that brought them, or elfe becaufe they could not abide our cold Win- ters ; thofe onely remaining with vs that haue endured of themfelues, and by their en- creafing haue beene diftributed ouer the whole Land. If I Ihould make any large dif- courfe of them, being fo well knowne to all, I doubt I Ihould make a long tale to fmall purpofe : I will therefore but briefly recite them, that you may haue them together in one place, with fome little declaration of the nature and quality of them, and fo paffe to other matters. And firft of Primrofes and Cowflips, whereof there are many pret- tic varieties ; fome better knowne in the Weft parts of this Kingdome, others in the North, than in any other, vntill of late being obferued by fome curious louers of vari- eties, they haue been tranfplanted diuerfly, and fo made more common : for although we haue had formerly in thefe parts about London greene Primrofes vfually, yet we neuer faw or heard of greene Cowflips both fingle and double but of late dayes, and fo likewife for Primrofes to be both fingle and double from one roote, and diuers vp- on one rtalke of diuers fafhions, I am fure is not vfuall : all which defire rather to bee planted vnder fome hedge, or fence, or in the (hade, than in the Sunne. Single Rofe Campions, both white, red, and blufh, and the double red Rofe Campion alfo is knowne fufficiently, and will abide moderate Sunne as well as the made. The flower of Briftow or None-fuch is likewife another kinde of Campion, whereof there is both white flowring plants and blufh as well as Orange colour, all of them being fingle flowers require a moderate Sunne and not the fhadow : But the Orange colour None- fuch with double flowers, as it is rare and not common, fo for his brauery doth well deferue a Mafter of account that will take care to keepe and preferue it. Batchelours Buttons both white and red, are kindes of wilde Campions of a very double forme, and will reafonably well like the Sunne but not the fhade. Wall-flowers are common in euery Garden, as well the ordinary double as the fingle, and the double kinde defi- reth no more (hade than the fingle, but the greater kindes both double and fingle muft haue the Sunne. Stock-Gilloflowers likewife are almoft as common as Wall-flowers, elpecially the fingle kindes in euery womans Garden, but the double kindes are much more rare, and poflefled but of a few, and thofe onely that will bee carefull to pre- ferue them in Winter ; for belides that the moft of them are more tender, they yeeld no feede as the fingle kindes doe to preferue them, although one kinde from the fow- ing ot the feed yeeld double flowers : They will all require the comfort of the Sunne, efpecially the double kindes, and to be defended trom cold, yet fo as in the Summer they doe not want water wherein they much ioy, and which is as it were their life. Queenes Gilloflowers (which fome call Dames Violets, and fome Winter Gilloflow- ers, are a kinde of Stock-Gilloflower) planted in Gardens to ferue to fill vp the parts thereof for want of better things, hauing in mine opinion neither fight nor fent much to commend them. Violets are the Springs chiefe flowers for beauty, fmell, and vfe, both fingle and double, the more lhadie and moift they ftand the better. Snapdragon are flowers of much more delight, and in that they are more tender to keep, and will hardly endure the fharpe Winters, vnlefle they ftand well defended, are fcarce feene in many Gardens. Columbines fingle and double, of many forts, fafhions, and co- lours, very variable both fpeckled and party coloured, are flowers of that refpedt, as that no Garden would willingly bee without them, that could tell how to haue them, yet the rarer the flowers are, the more trouble to keepe ; the ordinary forts on the con- trary 1 2 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. trary part will not be loft, doe what one will. Larkes heeles, or fpurres, or toes, as in feuerall Countries they are called, exceed in the varietie of colours, both fingle and double, any of the former times ; for vntill of late dayes none of the moft pleafant co- lours were feene or heard of : but now the fingle kindes are reafonable well difperft ouer the Land, yet the double kindes of all thofe pleafant colours (and fome other alfo as beautifull) which ftand like little double Rofes, are enioyed but of a few : all of them rife from feed, and muft be fowne euery yeare, the double as well as the fingle. Panfyes or Hartes eafes of diuers colours, and although without fent, yet not without fome refpecl and delight. Double Poppies are flowers of a great and goodly propor- tion, adorning a Garden with their variable colours to the delight of the beholders, wherein there is fome fpeciall care to be taken, left they turne lingle ; and that is, if you fee them grow vp too thicke, that you muft pull them vp, and not fuffer them to grow within lefle than halfe a yard diftance, or more one from another. Double Dailies are flowers not to be forgotten, although they be common enough in euery Garden, be- ing both white and red, both blufli and fpeckled, or party coloured, betides that which is called lacke an Apes on horfebacke, they require a moift and fhadowie place ; for they are fcorched away, if they ftand in the Sunne in any dry place. Double Ma- rigolds alfo are the moft common in all Gardens. And fo are the French Marigolds that haue a ftrong heady fent, both fingle and double, whofe glorious fhew for colour would caufe any to beleeue there were fome rare goodnefle or vertue in them. Thefe all are fometimes preferued in the Winter, if they bee well defended from the cold. But what mall I fay to the Queene of delight and of flowers, Carnations and Gillo- flowers, whofe brauery, variety, and fweete fmell ioyned together, tyeth euery ones affection with great earneftnefle, both to like and to haue them ? Thofe that were knowne, and enioyed in former times with much acceptation, are now for the moft part lefle accounted of, except a very few : for now there are fo many other varieties of later inuention, that troubleth the other both in number, beauty, and worth : The names of them doe differ very variably, in that names are impofed and altered as eue- rie ones fancy will haue them, that carryed or fent them into the feuerall Countries from London, where their trueft name is to be had, in mine opinion. I will here but giue you the names of fome, and referre you to the worke enfuing for your further knowledge. The red and the gray Hulo. The old Carnation, differing from them both. The Gran Pere. The Camberfiue. The Sauadge, The Chriftall. The Prince. The white Carnation, or Delicate. The ground Carnation. The French Carnation. The Douer. The Oxford. The Briftow. The Weftminfter. The Daintie. The Gra- nado, and many other Gilloflowers too tedious to recite in this place, becaufe I haue amply declared them in the booke following. But there is another fort of great de- light and varietie, called the Orange tawny Gilloflower r which for the moft part hath rifen from feed, and doth giue feed in a more plentiful! manner than any of the for- mer forts, and likewife by the fowing of the feed, there hath been gained fo many va- rieties of that excellent worth and refpecl, that it can hardly be expreffed or beleeued, and called by diuers names according to the marking of the flowers ; as The Infanta. The Stript Tawny. The Speckled Tawny. The Flackt Tawny. The Grifeld Tawny, and many others, euery one to bee diftinguifhed from others : Some alfo haue their flowers more double and large than others, and fome from the fame feed haue fingle flowers like broad fingle Pinkes : the further rektion of them, viz. their order to fowe, encreafe and preferue them, you mail haue in the fubfequent difcourfe in a place by it felfe. Pinkes likewife both fingle and double are of much variety, all of them very fweete, comming neare the Gilloflowers. Sweete Williams and Sweete lohns, both fingle and double, both white, red, and fpotted, as they are kindes of wilde Pinkes, fo for their grace and beauty helpe to furnifh a Garden, yet defire not to ftand fo open to the Sunne as the former. Double and fingle Peonies are fit flowers to furnifh a Garden, and by reafon of their durability, giue out frefh pleafure euery yeare without any fur- ther trouble of fowing. And laftly, Hollihocks both fingle and double, of many and fundry colours, yeeld out their flowers like Rofes on their tall branches, like Trees, to fute you with flowers, when almoft you haue no other to grace out your Garden : the fingle and double doe both yeeld feed, and yet doe after their feeding abide many yeares. Thus haue I mewed you moft of the Englifh, as well as (I did before) the Out- landifh The ordering of the Garden of P/eafvre. i 3 landifh flowers, that arc tic to furnilh the knots, trailes, beds* and borders of this Gar- den. Roles oncly, as I laid before, I referuc to circle or encompalle all the rell, becaufe that tor the molt part they are planted in the outer borders ot the quarters, and lotne- tiines by themfelues in the middle ot long beds, the forts or kindes whereof are many, as they are declared in tiicir proper place : but the White Role, the Red, and the Damaske, are the moll ancient Standards in England, and therelore accoun- ted naturall. CHAP. VI. The order and manner to plant and replant all the forts ofOut-laiiiiiJbJlnversfpoken of before, as well thofe with bulbous rootes,, as others -with Jtringie rootei. WHercas it it> die vfuall cultome of moil in this Land, to vp their Gar- dens, and to plant them againe in the Spring of the yeare, which is the bell time that may bee cholen for all Englilh flowers, yet it is not fo for your Out-landiih flowers. And herein indeede hath beene not onely the errour of a great many to hinder their rootes from bearing out their flowers as they Ihould, but allo to hinder many to take delight in them, becaufe as they fay they will not thriue and profper with them, when as the whole fault is in the want of knowledge of the fit and conuenient time wherein they Ihould bee planted. And becaufe our Englith Gar- diners are all or the moll of them vtterly ignorant in the ordering of thefe Out-landilh flowers, as not being trained vp to know them, I haue here taken vpon mee the forme of a new Gardiner, to giue instructions to thofe that will take pleafure in them, that they may be the better enabled with thefe helpes I (hall Ihew them, both to know how they thould be ordered, and to direct their Gardiner^ that are ignorant thereof, rightly to difpole them according to their naturall qualities. And I doe wiih all Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, whom it may concerne for their owne good, to bee as carefull whom they trull with the planting and replanting of thele fane flowers, as they would be with fo many lewels ; for the rootes of many of them being 1 mall, and of great va- lue, may be loone conueyed away, and a cleanly tale taire told, that fuch a roote is rotten, or perithed in the ground if none be feen where it mould be, or elfe that the flower hath changed his colour, when it hath been taken away, or a counterteit one hath beene put in the place thereof; and thus many haue been deceiucd ot their dain- tielt flowers, without remedy or true knowledge ot the detect. You tliall theretore, if you will take the right courfe that is proper tor thefe kindes of flowers, not fet or plant them among your English flowers; for that when the one may be remoued, the other may not be llirred : but plant thofe rootes that are bulbous, or round like Onions, ey- ther in knots or beds by themfelues which is the bell, or with but very few Englilh or Out-landith flower plants that haue ftringie rootes: For you mult take this for a gene- rail rule, that all thole rootes that are like Lillies or Onions, are to bee planted in the moneths of luly or Augull, or vnto the middle or end of September at the furthdl, if you will haue them to profper as they ihould ; and not in the Spring of the yeare, when other gardening is vfed. Yet I muft likewife giue you to vnderlland,, that if Tulipas, and Daffodils, and fome other thai are tirme and hard rootes, and not limber or Ipongie, being taken vp out of the ground in thir tit fealon, that is, in lune, luly, and Augufl, and likewife kept well and dry, may be referued out of the ground vntill Chrillmas or after, and then (if they could not be let fooner) being fet, will thriue rea- fonable well, but aot altogether fo well as the former, being fet long before: but it' you thall remoue thefe bulbous rootes againe, either presently alter their planting ha- uing thot their fmall fibres vnder the round rootes, and fprung likewife vpwards, or before they be in flower at the foondl (yet Tulipas, Daffodils, and many other bul- bous, may be lately remoued being in flower, and tranfplanted into other places, fo as they be not kept too long out ot the ground) you Ihall much endanger them either vt- terly to perilh, or to be hindered tram bearing out their flowers they then would haue borne, 14 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. borne, and for two or three years after from bearing flowers againe. For the order of their planting there are diuers wayes, fome whereof I will (hew you in this place : Your knot or beds being prepared fitly, as before is declared, you may place and order your rootes therein thus, Eyther many rootes of one kind fet together in a round or clufter, or longwife croffe a bed one by another, whereby the beauty of many flowers of one kinde being together, may make a faire fhew well plealing to many ; Or elfe you may plant one or two in a place difperfedly ouer the whole knot, or in a proportion or dia- meter one place anfwering another of the knot, as your ftore will fuffer you, or your knot permit: Or you may alfo mingle thefe rootes in their planting many of diuers forts together, that they may giue the more glorious fhew when they are in flower ; and that you may fo doe, you muft firft obferue the feuerall kindes of them, which doe flower at one and the fame time, and then to place them in fuch order and fo neare one vnto another, that their flowers appearing together of feuerall colours, will caufe the more admiration in the beholders : as thus, The Vernall Crocus or Saffron flowers of the Spring, white, purple, yellow, and ftript, with fome Vernall Colchicum or Medow Saffron among them, fome Dens Caninus or Dogges teeth, and fome of the fmall early Leucoium or Bulbous Violet, all planted in fome proportion as neare one vnto ano- ther as is fit for them, will giue fuch a grace to the Garden, that the place will feeme like a peece of tapeftry of many glorious colours, to encreafe euery ones delight : Or elfe many of one fort together, as the blew, white, and blufh Grape flowers in the fame manner intermingled, doe make a maruellous deleclable fhew, especially becaufe all of them rife almoft to an equall height, which caufeth the greater grace, as well neare hand as farre of. The like order may be kept with many other things, as the Hepatica, white, blew, purple, and red fet or fowne together, will make many to beleeue that one roote doth beare all thofe colours : But aboue and beyond all others, the Tulipas may be fo matched, one colour anfwering and fetting of another, that the place where they ftand may refemble a peece of curious needle-worke, or peece of painting ; and I haue knowne in a Garden, the Mafler as much commended for this artificiall forme in placing the colours of Tulipas, as for the goodnefle of his flowers, or any other thing. The diuers forts and colours of Anemones or Winde-flowers may be fo ordered like- wife, which are very beautifull, to haue the feuerall varieties planted one neare vnto another, that their feuerall colours appearing in one place will be a very great grace in a Garden, or if they be difperfed among the other forts of flowers, they will make a glorious fhew. Another order in planting you may obferue ; which is this, That thofe plants that grow low, as the Aconitum Hyemale or Winter-wolues bane, the Vernall Crocus or Saffron-flowers of diuers forts, the little early Leucoium or Bulbous Vio- let, and fome fuch other as rife not vp high, as alfo fome Anemones may be very well placed fomewhat neare or about your Martagons, Lillies, or Crownes Imperiall, both becaufe thefe little plants will flower earlier than they, and fo will bee gone and paft, before the other greater plants will rife vp to any height to hinder them ; which is a way may well be admitted in thofe Gardens that are fmall, to faue roome, and to place things to the moft aduantage. Thus hauing fhewed you diuers wayes and orders how to plant your rootes, that your flowers may giue the greater grace in the Garden, let mee fhew you likewife how to fet thefe kindes of rootes into the ground ; for many know not well eyther which end to fet vpwards or downewards, nor yet to what depth they fhould be placed in the ground. Daffodils if they be great rootes, will re- quire (as muft bee obferued in all other great plants) to bee planted fomewhat deeper than the fmaller of the fame kinde, as alfo that the tops or heads of the rootes be about two or three fingers breadth hid vnder ground. The Tulipas likewife if you fet them deepe, they will be the fafer from frofls if your ground be cold, which will alfo caufe them to be a little later before they be in flower, yet vfually if the mould be good, they are to be fet a good hand breadth deep within the ground, fo that there may be three or foure inches of earth at the leaft aboue the head, which is the fmaller end of the roote : for if they mail lye too neare the vpper face or cruft of the earth, the colds & frofts will pierce and pinch them the fooner. After the fame order and manner muft Hyacinthes, whether great or fmall, and other fuch great rootes be planted. Your greater rootes, as Martagons, Lillies, and Crownes Imperiall, muft be fet much deeper than any other bulbous roote, becaufe they are greater rootes than others, and by themfelues alfo, as is T7ie ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. i 5 is moft vfuall either in foine fquare, round, triangle, or other fmall part in the Garden, becaufe they fpread and take vp a very great deale of ground. All of them likcwife are to be fet with the broad end of the roote downcwards, and the fmall end vpwards, that is, both Lillies, Daffodils, Hyacinthes, and Tulipas, and all other forts of round rootes, which fhew one end to bee fmaller than another. But the Colchicum or Mc- dow-Safrron onely requireth an exception to this generall rule, in regard the roote thereof hath a fmall eminence or part on the one fide thereof, which muft bee fet or planted downeward, and not vpward ; for you (hall obferuc, if the roote lye a little moift out of the ground, that it will fhoote fibres out at the fmall long end thereof, al- though you may perceiue when you take it vp, that the fibres were at the other broad end or fide of the roote. As for the Crowne Imperiall, which is a broad round roote and flat withall, hauing a hole in the middle, for the moft part quite thorow, when it is taken vp in his due time out of the ground, you mall perceiue the fcales or cloues of the rootes to bee a little open on the vpperfide, and clofe and flat on the vndcrfide, which will direfl you which part to fet vpward ; as alfo that the hole is bigger aboue then it is below. The Perlian Lilly is almoft like unto the Crowne Imperiall, but that the roote thereof is not fo flat, and that it hath a fmaller head at the one part, whereby it may be difcerned the plainer how to be fet. The Fritillaria is a fmall white root di- uidcd as it were into two parts, fo that many haue doubted, as formerly in the Crowne Imperiall, what part to fet vppermoft ; you (hall therefore marke, that the two parts of the roote are ioyned together at the bottome, where it fhooteth out fibres or fmall ftringie rootes, as all other forts of bulbous rootes doe, and withall you fhall fee, that betweene the two parts of the roote a fmall head will appeare, which is the burgeon that will fpring vp to beare leaues and flowers. In the rootes of Anemones there are fmall round fwelling heads, eafie enough to be obferued if you marke it, which muft be fet vpwards. All other forts of ftringie rooted plants (and not bulbous or tuberous rooted) that lofe their greene leaues in Winter, will fhew a head from whence the leaues and flowers will fpring, and all others that keepe their greene leaues, are to bee planted in the fame manner that other herbes and flower-plants are accuftomed to be. But yet for the better thriuing of the ftringie rooted plants, when you will plant them, let me informe you of the beft way of planting, and the moft fure to caufe any plant to comprehend in the ground without failing, and is no common way with any Gardiner in this Kingdome, that euer I heard or knew, which is thus : Prefuming that the ftringie rooted plant is frefh and not old gathered, and a plant that being remoued will grow againe, make a hole in the ground large enough where you meane to fet this roote, and raife the earth within the hole a little higher in the middle then on the fides, and fet the roote thereon, fpreading the ftrings all abroad about the middle, that they may as it were couer the middle, and then put the earth gently round about it, prefling it a little clofe, and afterwards water it well, if it be in Summer, or in a dry time, or o- therwife moderately : thus fhall euery feuerall firing of the roote haue earth enough to caufe it to fhoote forth, and thereby to encreafe farre better than by the vfuall way, which is without any great care and refpeft to thruft the rootes together into the ground. Diuers other flower plants are but annual!, to bee new fowne euery yeare; as the Maruaile of the world, the Indian CrefTes, or yellow Larkes heeles, the Flower of the Sunne, and diuers others : they therefore that will take pleafure in them, that they may enioy their flowers the earlier in the yeare, and thereby haue ripe feede of them while warme weather lafteth, muft nurfe vp their feedes in a bed of hot dung, as Me- lons and Cowcumbers are, but your bed muft be prouided earlier for thefe feeds, than for Melons, &c. that they may haue the more comfort of the Summer, which are to be carefully tended after they are tranfplanted from the hotbed, and couered with ftraw from colds, whereby you fhall not faile to gaine ripe feed euery yeare, which other- wife if you fhould mifle of a very kindly & hot Summer, you fhould neuer haue. Some of thefe feedes neede likewife to be tranfplanted from the bed of dung vnder a warme wall, as the Flower of the Sunne, and the Maruaile of the world, and fome others, and that for a while after their tranfplanting, as alfo in the heate of Summer, you water them at the roote with water that hath ftood a day or two in the Sunne, hauing firft laid a round wifpe of hay or fuch other thing round about the roote, that fo all helpes may further their giuing of ripe feede. One or two rules more I will giue you concerning thefe 1 6 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. thefe dainty flowers, the firft whereof is this, That you fhall not i>ee carefull to water any of your bulbous or tuberous rooted plants at any time ; for they all of them do bet- ter profper in a dry ground than in a wet, onely all forts of tuberous rooted Flowerde- luces vpon their remouall had neede of a little water, and fome will doe fo alk> to fuch Tulipas and other bulbous rootes as they tranfplant, when they are in flower, and this is I grant in fome fort tolerable, if it :bee not too much, and done onely to caufe the ftalke and flower to abide fometime the longer before they wither, but elfe in no other cafe to be permitted. The fecond rule is, That I would aduife you to water none of your dainty flowers or herbes, with any water that hath preferttly before 'been drawne out of a well or pumpe, but onely with fuch water that hath ftood open in the Sunne in fome cifterne, tubbe, or pot for a day at the leaft, if more the better: for that water which is prefently drawne out of a well, &c. is fo cold, that it prefently chilleth & kil- leth any dainty plant be it younger or elder grown, whereof I haue had firfficient proofe : and therforel giue you this caution by mine own experience. Thus haue I directed you from point to point, in all the particulars of preparing & planting that belong to this Garden, fauing only that yet I would further enforme you, of the'time of the flowring of thefe Out-landifh plants, according to the feuerall moneths in the yeare, that euery one may know what flowers euery moneth yee'ldeth, and may chufe what them liketh beft, in that they may fee that there is no moneth, but glorieth in fome peculiar forts of rare flowers. I would likewife rather in this place mew you, the true and beft manner & order to encreafe and preferue all forts of Gilloflowers & 'Carnations, then ioyne it with the 'Chapter of Gilloflowers in the worke following, becaufe it would in that place take vp too much roome. And laftly, I mtift of neceffity oppofe three fundry errours, that haue poflefled the mindes of many both in former and later times, which are, that any flower may be made to grow double by art, that was but tingle before by nature : And that one may by art caufe any flower to grow of Tvhat colour they will : And that any plants may "be forced to flower out of their due feafons, either earlier or later, by an art which fome can vfe. All which being declared, I then fuppofe enough is fpoken for an introduction to this worke, referring many other things to the feuerall directions in the Chapters of the booke. C H ArP. V I I. he feuerall times of the flowring of thefe Qut-landifh flowers, according to the feuerall moneths of the yeare. I Intend in this place onely to giue you briefly, the names of fome of the chiefeft of thefe Out-landifh flowers, according to the feuerall moneths of the yeare wherein they flower, that euery one feeing what forts of flowers euery moneth yeeldeth, may take of them which they like beft. I begin with January, as the firft moneth of the yeare, Wherein if the frofts be not extreme, you fhall haue thefe flowers of plants; the Chriftmas flower or Helleborus niger verus, Winter wolues bane or Aconitum hye- male, Hepatica or Noble Liuer wort blew and red, and of ihrubbes, the Lauras Tinus or Wilde Bay tree, and Mefereon or the dwarfe Bay : but becaufe lanuarie is often- times too deepe in frefts and fnow, I therefore referre the Hepaticas vnto the moneth following, which is February, wherein the weather beginneth to be a little milder, and then they will flower much better, as alfo diuers forts of Crocus or Saffron flow- er will appeare, the little early Summer foole or Leucoium bulbofum, and towards the latter end thereof the Vernall Colchicum, the Dogges tooth Violet or Dens Ca- minus, and fome Anemones, both fingle and double, which in fome places will flower all the Winter long. March will yeeld more varieties; for betides that it holdeth fome of the flowers of the former moneth, it will yeeld you both the double blew He- patica, and the white and the blufh fingle : then alfo you mall haue diuers other forts of Crocus or Saffron flowers, Double yellow Daffodils, ; Orientall Jacinths and o- thers, the Crowne Imperiall, diuers forts of early Tulipas, fome forts of French Cow- flips, both tawney, murry, yellow, and blufh, the early Fritillaria or checkerd Daffo- dill The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. i 7 dill, and fome other forts of early Daffodils, and many forts of Anemones. In Aprill commeth on the pride of thefe (Grangers ; tor herein you may behold all the forts of Auricula Vr(i or Beares Eares, many forts of Anemones, both (ingle and double, both the forts of Tulipas, the earlier vntill the middle of the moneth, and the later then beginning; which are of fo many different colours, that it is almolt impoffible to exprelfe them, the white, red, blacke, and yellow Fritillarias, the Mufcari or Muske Grape flower, both afh colour and yellow. Diuers other forts of lacinths and Daffo- dils both (ingle and double, the fmaller forts of Flowerdeluces, the Veluet Flower- deluce and double Honyfuckles, with diuers others. May likewife at the beginning feemeth as glorious as Aprill, although toward the end it doth decline, in regard the heate of the Sunne hath by this time drawne forth all the (tore of natures tendered dainties, which are vfually (pent by the end of this moneth, and then thofe of ftronger conlh'tution come forward. Herein are to bee feene at the beginning the middle flow- ring Tulipas, and at the end the later forts : fome kindes of Daffodils, the Day Lillies, the great white Starre flower, the Flowerdeluce of Conflantinople or the mourning Sable flower, the other forts of Flowerdeluces. Single and double white Crowfoote, and Iingle and double red Crowfoot, the glory of a Garden : the early red Martagon, the Periian Lilly, the yellow Martagon, the Gladiolus or Corne flagge, both white, red, and blufh : the double yellow Rofe, and fome other forts of Rofes. In lune doe flower the white and the blufh Martagon, the Martagon Imperiall, the mountaine Lil- lies, and the other forts of white and red Lillies, the bulbous Flowerdeluces of diuers forts, the red flowred Ladies bower, the lingle and double purple flowred Ladies bow- er, the white Syringa or Pipe tree, for the blew Pipe tree flowreth earlier, the white and the yellow lafmin. luly holdeth in flower fome of the Ladies bowers and laf- mines, and belides doth glory in the Female Balfame apple, the Indian CrefTes or yel- low Larkes fpurres, the purple Flower-gentle and the Rofe Bay. In Auguft begin fome of the Autumne bulbous flowers to appeare, as the white and the purple Col- chicum or Medow Saffron, the purple mountaine Crocus or Saffron flower, the little Autumne Leucoium and Autumne lacinth, the Italian Starrewort, called of fome the purple Marigold, the Meruaile of Peru or of the world, the Flower of the Sunne, the great blew Bell-flower, the great double French Marigold. September flourifheth with the Flower of the Sunne, the Meruaile of the world, the purple Marigold, and blew Bell-flower fpoken of before, and likewife the other forts of Medow Saffron, and the double kinde likewife, the filuer Crocus, the Autumne yellow Daffodill, Cycla- men alfo or Sowbread (hew their flowers in the end of this moneth. October alfo will (hew the flowers of Cyclamen, and fome of the Medow Saffrons. In Nouember, as alfo fometimes in the moneth before, the party coloured Medow Saffron may bee feene, that will longed hold his flower, becaufe it is the latert that (heweth it felfe, and the afh coloured mountaine Crocus. And euen December it felfe will not want the true blacke Hellebor or Chriftmas flower, and the glorious (hew of the Laurus Tinus or wilde Bay tree. Thus haue I (hewed you fome of the flowers for euery moneth, but I referre you to the more ample declarion of them and all the others, vnto the work following. CHAP. VIII. T'he true manner and order to encreafe and preferue all forts of Gi/lojiowers, as well byjlippes asfeedes. BEcaufe that Carnations and Gilloflowers bee the chiefell flowers of account in all our Englifh Gardens, I haue thought good to entreate fomewhat amply of them, and that a part by it felfe, as I faid a little before, in regard there is fo much to be faid concerning them, and that if all the matters to be entreated of (hould haue beene inferted in the Chapter of Gilloflowers, it would haue made it too tedi- ous and large, and taken vp too much roome. The particular matters whereof I mean in this place to entreate are thefe : How to encreafe Gilloflowers by planting and by C fowing, 1 8 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. fowing, and how to preferue them being encreafed, both in Summer from noyfome and hurtfull vermine that deftroy them, and in Winter from frorts, fnowes, and windes, that fpoile them. There are two wayes of planting, whereby to encreafe thefe faire flowers ; the one is by flipping which is the old and ready vfuall way, bed knowne in this Kingdome ; the other is more fure, perfecl, ready, and of later inuen- tion, videlicet^ by laying downe the branches. The way to encreafe Gilloflowers by flipping, is fo common with all that euer kept any of them, that I think moft perfons may thinke me idle, to fpend time to fet downe in writing that which is fo well known vnto all : Yet giue me leaue to tell them that fo might imagine, that (when they haue heard or read what I haue written thereof, if they did know fully as much before) what I here write, was not to informe them, but fuch as did not know the beft, or fo good a way as I teach them : For I am aflured, the greateft number doe vfe, and follow the moft vfuall way, and that is not alwaies the beft, efpecially when by good experience a better way is found, and may be learned; and therefore if fome can doe a thing better than others, I thinke it is no fhame to learne it of them. You (hall not then (to take the fureft courfe) take any long fpindled branches, nor thofe branches that haue any young fhootes from the ioynts on them, nor yet fliue or teare any flippe or branch from the roote ; for all thefe waies are vfuall and common with molt, which caufeth fo many good rootes to rot and perifh, and alfo fo many flippes to be loft, when as for the moft part, not the one halfe, or with fome, not a third part doth grow and thriue of thofe flippes they fet. And although many that haue ftore of plants, doe not fo much care what hauocke they make to gaine fome, yet to faue both labour and plants, I doe wifh them to obferue thefe orders : Take from thofe rootes from whence you intend to make your encreafe, thofe fhootes onely that are reafonable ftrong, but yet young, and not either too fmall and flender, or hauing any fhootes from the ioynts vpon them ; cut thefe flippes or fhootes off from the ftemme or roote with a knife, as conueniently as the fhoote or branch will permit, that is, either clofe vnto the maine branch, if it be fhort, or leauing a ioynt or two behinde you, if it be long enough, at which it may fhoote anew : When you haue cut off your flippes, you may either fet them by and by, or elfe as the beft Gardiners vfe to doe, caft them into a tubbe or pot with water for a day or two, and then hauing prepared a place conuenient to fet them in, which had neede to bee of the fineft, richeft, and beft mould you can prouide, that they may thriue therein the better, cut off your flippe clofe at the ioynt, and ha- uing cut away the loweft leaues clofe to the ftalke, and the vppermoft euen at the top, with a little fticke make a little hole in the earth, and put your flippe therein fo deep, as that the vpper leaues may be wholly aboue the ground, (fome vfe to cleaue the ftalke in the middle, and put a little earth or clay within the cleft, but many good and skil- full Gardiners doe not vfe it) ; put the earth a little clofe to the flippe with your ringer and thumbe, and there let it reft, and in this manner doe with as many flippes as you haue, fetting them fomewhat clofe together, and not too farre in funder, both to faue ground and coft thereon, in that a fmall compafle will feme for the firft planting, and alfo the better to giue them fhadow : For you muft remember in any cafe, that thefe flippes new fet, haue no fight of the Sunne, vntill they be well taken in the ground, and fhot aboue ground, and alfo that they want not water, both vpon the new planting and after. When thefe flippes are well grown vp, they muft be tranfplanted into fuch other places as you thinke meete ; that is, either into the ground in beds, or other- wife, or into pots, which that you may the more fafely doe, after you haue well wate- red the ground, for halfe a day before you intend to tranfplant them, you fhall fepa- rate them feuerally, by putting down a broad pointed knife on each fide of the flippe, fo cutting it out, take euery one by it felfe, with the earth cleauing clofe vnto the root, which by reafon of the moifture it had formerly, and that which you gaue prefently before, will be fufficient with any care had, to caufe it to hold faft vnto the roote for the tranfplanting of it : for if the earth were dry, and that it fhould fall away from the roote in the tranfplanting, it would hazzard and endanger the roote very much, if it did thriue at all. You muft remember alfo, that vpon the remouing of thefe flips, you fhadow them from the heate of the Sunne for a while with fome ftraw or other thing, vntill they haue taken hold in their new place. Thus although it bee a little more la- bour and care than the ordinary way is, yet it is furer, and will giue you plants that will The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. \ g will be fo ftrongly growne before Winter, that with the care hereafter fpecified, you (hull haue them bcare flowers the next yeare after, and yeeld you encreafe of flippcs a lib. To giue you any let time, wherein thefe flippes will take roote, and begin to fhoote aboue ground, is very hard to doe; for that euery flip, or yet euery kinde of Gil- loflower is not alike apt to grow; nor is euery earth in like manner fit to produce and bring forward the flippes that are fet therein : but if both the flippe be apt to grow, and the earth of the belt, fit to produce, I thinke within a fortnight or three weekes, you 1 1 Kill lee them begin to put forth young leaues in the middle, or elfe it may be a moneth and more before you (hall fee any fpringing. The belt time likewife when to plant, is a fpeciall thing to be knowne, and of as great confequence as any thing elfe : For if you Ilippe and fet in September, as many vfe to doe, or yet in Auguft, as fome may thinke will doe well, yet (vnlefle they be the mort ordinary forts, which are likely to grow at any time, and in any place) the moft of them, if not all, will either afluredly perifh, or neuer profper well : for the more excellent and dainty the Gilloflower is, the more tender for the moll part, and hard to nurfe vp will the flippes be. The bell time there- fore is, that you cut off fuch flippes as are likely, and fuch as your rootes may fpare, from the beginning of May vntill the middle of lune at the furtheft, and order them as I haue (hewed you before, that fo you may haue faire plants, plenty of flowers, and encreafe fufficient for new fupply, without offence or lofle of your ftore. For the en- riching likewife of your earth, wherein you (hall plant your flippes, that they may the better thriue and profper, diuers haue vfed diuers forts of manure ; as ftable foyle of horfe, beafts or kine, of Iheepe, and pigeons, all which are very good when they are thoroughly turned to mould, to mixc with your other earth, or being fteeped in water, may ferue to water the earth at times, and turned in with it. And fome haue likewife proued Tanners earth, that is, their barke, which after they haue vfed, doth lye on heapes and rot in their yards, or the like mould from wood-ftackes or yards ; but efpe- cially, and beyond all other is commended the Willow earth, that is, that mould which is found in the hollow of old Willow trees, to be the moft principal! to mixe with other good earth for this purpofe. And as I haue now giuen you directions for the firft way to encreafe them by flipping, fo before I come to the other way, let mee giue you a caueat or two for the preferuing of them, when they are beginning to runne vtterly to decay and perifh : The one is, that whereas many are ouer greedy to haue their plants to giue them flowers, and therefore let them runne all to flower, fo farre ("pending themfelues thereby, that after they haue done flowring, they grow fo weake, hauing out fpent themfelues, that they cannot pofiibly be preferued from the iniuries ot the fucceeding Winter ; you (hall therefore keepe the kinde of any fort you are de- lighted withall, if you carefully looke that too many branches doe not runne vp and fpindle for flowers, but rather either cut fome of them downe, before they are run vp too high, within two or three ioynts of the rootes ; or elfe pluck away the innermoft leaues where it fpringeth forwards, which you fee in the middle of euery branch, be- fore it be runne vp too high, which will caufe them to breake out the fafter into flips and fuckers at the ioynts, to hinder their forward luxurie, and to preferue them the longer : The other is, If you (hall perceiue any of your Gilloflower leaues to change their naturall frefh verdure, and turne yellowifh, or begin to wither in anie part or branch thereof, it is a fure ligne that the roote is infected with fome cancker or rottennefle, and will foon (hew it felfe in all the reft of the branches, whereby the plant will quickly be loft : to preferue it therefore, you (hall betime, before it be runne too farre, (for otherwife it is impoflible to faue it) either couer all or moft of the branches with frefh earth, or elfe take the faireft flippes from it, as many as you can poflibly, and caft them into a pot or tubbe with water, and let them there abide for two or three daies at the leaft : the firft way hath recouered many, being taken in time. Thus you (hall fee them recouer their former rtifFenefle and colour, and then you may plant them as you haue beene heretofore directed; and although many of them may perifh, yet fhall you haue fome of them that will grow to continue the kinde againe. The other or fecond way to encreafe Gilloflowers by planting, is, as I faid before, by in-laying or laying downe the branches of them, and is a way of later inuention, and as frequently vfed, not onely for the tawney or yellow Gilloflower, and all the varie- ties therof, but with the other kinds of Gilloflowers, whereof experience hath (hewed that 20 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. that they will likewife take if they be fo vfed ; the manner whereof is thus : You muft choofe out the youngeft, likelieft, and loweft branches that are neareft the ground (for the vpper branches will fooner breake at the ioynt, than bend downe fo low into the earth, without fome pot with earth raifed vp vnto them) and cut it on the vnderfide thereof vpwards at the fecond ioynt next vnto the roote, to the middle of the branch, and no more, and not quite thorough in any cafe, and then from that fecond ioynt vn- to the third, flit or cut the branch in the middle longwife, that fo it may be the more eafily bended into the ground, the cut ioynt feeming like the end of a flippe, when you haue bended downe the branch where it is cut into the ground (which muft bee done very gently for feare of breaking) with a little fticke or two thruft flopwife, crofle ouer it, keepe it downe within the earth, and raife vp fufficient earth ouer it, that there it may lye and take roote, which commonly will be effected within fixe weekes or two moneths in the Summer time, and then (or longer if you doubt the time too fhort for it to take fufficient roote) you may take or cut it away, and tranfplant it where you thinke good, yet fo as in any cafe you fhadow it from the heate of the Sunne, vn- till it haue taken good hold in the ground. The other way to encreafe Gilloflowers, is by fowing the feede : It is not vfuall with all forts of Gilloflowers to giue feede, but fuch of them as doe yeeld feede may be encreafed thereby, in the fame manner as is here fet downe. The Orange tawney Gilloflower and the varieties thereof is the moft vfuall kinde, (and it is a kinde by it felfe, how various foeuer the plants be that rife from the feede) that doth giue feede, and is fowne, and from thence arifeth fo many varieties of colours, both plaine and mixt, both fingle and double, that one can hardly fet them downe in writing : yet fuch as I haue obferued and marked, you fhall finde exprefled in the Chapter of Gilloflowers in the worke following. Firft therefore make choife of your feede that you intend to fowe (if you doe not defire to haue as many more fingle flowers as double) that it bee taken from double flowers, and not from fingle, and from the beft colours, howfoeuer fome may boaft to haue had double and ftript flowers from the feede of a fingle one ; which if it were fo, yet one Swallow (as we fay) maketh no Summer, nor a thing comming by chance cannot bee reckoned for a certaine and conftant rule ; you may be aflured they will not vfually doe fo : but the beft, faireft, and moft double flowers come alwaies, or for the moft part, from the feede of thofe flowers that were beft, faireft, and moft double ; and I doe aduise you to take the beft and moft double : for euen from them you fhall haue fingle ones e- now, you neede not fowe any worfer fort. And againe, fee that your feede bee new, of the laft yeares gathering, and alfo that it was full ripe before it was gathered, left you lofe your labour, or mifle of your purpofe, which is, to haue faire and double flowers. Hauing now made choife of your feede, and prepared you a bedde to fowe them on, the earth whereof muft be rich and good, and likewife fifted to make it the finer ; for the better it is, the better fhall your profit and pleafure bee : hereon, being firft made leuell, plaine, and fmooth, fowe your feede fomewhat thinne, and not too thicke in any cafe, and as euenly as you can, that they be not too many in one place, and too few in another, which afterwards couer with fine fifted earth ouer them about one fingers thicknefle ; let this be done in the middle of Aprill, if the time of the yeare be temperate, and not too cold, or elfe ftay vntill the end of the moneth : after they are fprung vp and growne to be fomewhat bigge, let them bee drawne forth that are too clofe and neare one vnto another, and plant them in fuch place where they fhall continue, fo that they ftand halfe a yard of ground diftance afunder, which after the planting, let be fhadowed for a time, as is before fpecified ; and this may bee done in the end of luly, or fooner if there be caufe. I haue not fet downe in all this difcourfe of planting, tranfplanting, fowing, fetting, &c. any mention of watering thofe flips or plants, not doubting but that euery ones reafon will induce them to thinke, that they cannot profper without watering : But let this Caueat be a fufficient remembrance vnto you, that you neuer water any of thefe Gilloflowers, nor yet indeede any other fine herbe or plant with cold water, fuch as you haue prefently before drawne out from a pumpe or Well, &c. but with fuch water as hath ftood open in the aire in a cifterne, tubbe, or pot, for one whole day at the leaft ; if it be two or three daies it will be neuer the worfe, but rather the better, as I haue related before : yet take efpeciall heede that you doe not giue them too much to ouer-glut them at any time, but temperately to ir- rorate The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. 2 1 rotate, bedew or fprinlde them often. From the feedes of thcfc Gilloflowers hath ri- fen both white, red, blulli, ttamell, tawny lighter and ladder, marbled, fpcckled, Itri- ped, flaked, and that in diuers manners, both (ingle and double flowers, as you lliall fee them let downe in a more ample manner in the Chapter of Gilloflowers. And thus much for their entreafe by the two wayes of planting and lowing: For as tor a third way, by grafting one into or vpon another, I know none fuch to be true, nor to be of any more worth than an old \Viues tale, l>oth nature, reafon, and experience, all contelting againlt fuch an idle fancy, let men make what oltentation they pleafe. It now relteth, that we allo (hew you the manner how to preferue them, as well in Sum- mer from all noyfome and hurtfull things, as in the Winter and Spring from the fharp and chilling colds, and the lharpe and bitter killing windcs in March. The hurttull things in the Summer are efpecially thefe, too much heatc of the Sunne which fcorch- eth them, which you mult be carefull to preuent, by placing boughes, boords, clothes or mats, &c. before them, it they bee in the ground ; or clfe if they bee in pots, to remoue into them into the lhadow, to giue them refrelhing from the heate, and giuc them water alfo for their life : too much water, or too little is another annoyance, which you mult order as you fee there is iult caufe, by withholding or giuing them wa- ter gently out of a watering pot, and not calt on by difhfuls : Some alfo to water their (iillorlowers, vie to fet their pots into tubbes or pots halfe full of water, that fo the water may loake in at the lower holes in each flower pot, to giue moifture to the roots of the Ciilloflowers onely, without calting any water vpon the leaues, and afluredly it is an excellent way to moilten the rootes fo fufficiently at one time, that it doth faue a great deale of paines many other times. Earwickes are a moft infeltuous vermine, to (poyle the whole beauty of your flowers, and that in one night or day ; for thefe crea- tures delighting to creepe into any hollow or fhadowie place, doe creepe into the long greene pods of the Gilloflowers, and doe eate away the white bottomes of their leaues, which are fweete, whereby the leaues of the flowers being loofe, doe either fall away of themfelues before, or when they are gathered, or handled, or prefently wither within the pods before they are gathered, and blowne away with the windc. To auoide which inconuenience, many haue deuifed many waies and inuentions to deltroy them, as pots with double verges or brimmes, containing a hollow gutter be- tweene them, which being filled with water, will not fufFer thefe fmall vermine to palTe ouer it to the Gilloflowers to fpoile them. Others haue vfed old (hooes, and fuch like hollow things to bee fet by them to take them in : but the belt and molt vfuall things now vfed, are eyther long hollow canes, or elfe beafts hoofes, which being turned downe vpon (tickes ends fet into the ground, or into the pots of earth, will foone drawe into them many Earwickes, lying hid therein from funne, winde, and raine, and by care and diligence may foone bee destroyed, if euery morning and eue- ning one take the hoofes gently off from the ftickes, and knocking them againft the ground in a plain allie, lhake out all the Earwicks that are crept into them, which quick- ly with ones foot may be trode to peeces. For fodain blaiting with thunder and lighte- ning, or fierce (harp windes, &c. I know no other remedy, vnlefle you can couer them therefrom when you firlt forefee the danger, but patiently to abide the lofle, whatfoeuer fome haue aduifed, to lay litter about them to auoide blaiting ; for if any lhall make tryall thereof, I am in doubt, he lhall more endanger his rootes thereby, be- ing the Summer time, when any fuch feare of Waiting is, than any wife faue them from it, or doe them any good. For the Winter preferuation of them, fome haue aduifed to couer them with Bee-hiues, or elfe with fmall Willow (tickes, prickt croflewife into the ground ouer your flowers, and bowed archvvife, and with litter laid thereon, to couer the Gilloflowers quite ouer, after they haue beene fprinkled with fope afhes and lyme mixt together : and this way is commended by fome that haue written there- of, to be fuch an admirable defence vnto them in Winter, that neither Ants, nor Snailes, nor Earwickes (hall touch them, becaufe of the fope afhes and lyme, and ney- ther frofts nor Itorms (hall hurt them, becaufe of the litter which fo well will defend them ; and hereby alfo your Gilloflowers will bee ready to flower, not onely in the Spring very early, but euen all the Winter. But whofoeuer (hall follow thefe diredti- ons, may peraduenture finde them in fome part true, as they are there fet downe for the Winter time, and while they are kept dole and couered ; but let them bee allured, that 2 2 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. that all fuch plants, or the moft part of them, will certainely perifh and dye before the Summer be at an end : for the fope afhes and lyme will burne vp and fpoile any herbe ; and againe it is impofiible for any plant that is kept fo warme in Winter, to abide ey- ther the cold or the winde in the Spring following, or any heate of the Sun, but that both of them will fcorch them, and carry them quite away. One great hurt vnto them, and to all other herbes that wee preferue in Winter, is to fuffer the fnow to lye vpon them any time after it is fallen, for that it doth fo chill them, that the Sunne afterward, although in Winter, doth fcorch them and burne them vp : looke therefore vnto your Gilloflowers in thofe times, and fhake or ftrike off the fnow gently off from them, not fuffering it to abide on them any day or night if you can ; for afTure your felfe, if it doth not abide on them, the better they will be. The frofts likewife is ano- ther great annoyance vnto them, to corrupt the rootes, and to caufe them to fwell, rot, and break : to preuent which inconuenience, I would aduife you to take the ftraw or litter of your horfe ftable, and lay fome thereof about euery roote of your Gillo- flowers (efpecially thofe of the beft account) clofe vnto them vpon the ground, but be as carefull as you can, that none thereof lye vpon the greene leaues, or as little as may be, and by this onely way haue they been better defended from the frofts that fpoile them in Winter, then by any other that I haue feen or knowne. The windes in March, and Sunnefhine dayes then, are one of the greateft inconueniences that happeneth vn- to them ; for they that haue had hundreds of plants, that haue kept faire and greene all the Winter vntill the beginning or middle of March, before the end thereof, haue had fcarce one of many, that either hath not vtterly perifhed, or been fo tainted, that quickly after haue not been loft ; which hath happened chiefly by the neglecl: of thefe cautions before fpecified, or in not defending them from the bitter fharpe windes and funne in this moneth of March. You fhall therefore for their better preferuation, be- fides the litter laid about the rootes, which I aduife you not to remoue as yet, fhelter them fomewhat from the windes, with eyther bottomlefle pots, pales, or fuch like things, to keep away the violent force both of windes and fun for that moneth, and for fome time before & after it alfo : yet fo, that they be not couered clofe aboue, but open to receiue ayre & raine. Some alfo vfe to wind withes of hey or ftraw about the rootes of their Gilloflowers, and faften them with ftickes thruft into the ground, which ferue very well in the ftead of the other. Thus haue I mewed you the whole preferua- tion of thefe worthy and dainty flowers, with the whole manner of ordering them for their encreafe : if any one haue any other better way, I fhall be as willing to learne it of them, as I haue beene to giue them or any others the knowledge of that I haue here fet downe. CHAP. IX. T'hat there is not any art whereby any flower may be made to grow double, that was naturally Jingle, nor of any other fent or colour than itflrfl had by nature ; nor that the / "owing or planting of herbes one deeper than other, will caufe them to be in flower one after another, euery moneth in the year e. THe wonderfull defire that many haue to fee faire, double, and fweete flowers, hath tranfported them beyond both reafon and nature, feigning and boafting often of what they would haue, as if they had it. And I thinke, from this defire and boafting hath rifen all the falfe tales and reports, of making flowers double as they lift, and of giuing them colour and fent as they pleafe, and to flower likewife at what time they will, I doubt not, but that fome of thefe errours are ancient, and continued long by tradition, and others are of later inuention : and therefore the more to be con- demned, that men of wit and Judgement in thefe dayes mould expofe themfelues in their writings, to be rather laughed at, then beleeued for fuch idle tales. And although in the contradiction of them, I know I fhall vndergoe many calumnies, yet notwith- ftandmg, I will endeauour to fet downe and declare fo much, as I hope may by reafon perfwade The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. 23 perfwade many in the truth, although I cannot hope of all, loine being fo llrongly wedded to their owne will, and the errours they haue beenc hred in, that no rcafon may alter them. Firit therefore I fay, that if there were any art to make fonic flowers to grow double, that naturally were tingle, by the fame art, all forts of flowers that arc lin^le by nature, may be made to grow double : but the forts of flowers that are tingle by nature, whereot tome are double, were neuer made double by art ; for many forts abide ttill lingle, whereof there was neuer feene double : and therefore there is no fuch art in any mans knowledge to bring it to pafle. If any man (hall fay, that becaufc there are many flowers double, whereof there are tingle alto of the fame kinde, as for example, Violets, Marigolds, Daifyes, Daffodils, Anemones, and many other, that therefore thole double flowers were fo made by the art of man : 7 vs. by the obferuati- on of the change of the Moone, the conltellations or conjunctions of Planets, or loine other Starres or celettiall bodies. Although I doe confefle and acknowledge, that I thinke fome conllellations, and peraduenture changes of the Moone, &c. were appointed by the God of nature, as conducing and helping to the making of thofe flowers double, that nature hath fo produced, yet I doe deny, that any man hath or lhall euer be able to proue, that it was done by any art of man, or that any man can tell the true caufes and feafons, what changes of the Moone, or conllellations of the Pla- nets, wrought together for the producing of thofe double flowers, or can imitate na- ture, or rather the God of nature, to doe the like. If it (hall bee demanded, From whence then came thefe double flowers that we haue, if they were not fo made by art ? I anfwer, that afluredly all fuch flowers did firrt grow wilde, and were fo found dou- ble, as they doe now grow in Gardens, but for how long before they were found they became double, no man can tell ; we onely haue them as nature hath produced them, and fo they remaine. Againe, if any thall fay, that it is likely that thefe double flowers were forced fo to be, by the often planting and tranfplanting of them, becaufe it is ob- ferued in mort of them, that if they Hand long in any one place, and not be often re- moued, they will grow llill lefle double, and in the end turne tingle. I doe confefle, that Vac'iinr c/l defcenfus quam a/'ceri/us, and that the vnfruitfulnefle ot the ground they are planted in, or the neglect or little care had of them, or the growing of them too thicke or too long, are oftentimes a caufe of the diminithing of the flowers doublenefle ; but withall you thall obferue, that the fame rootes that did beare double flowers (and not any other that neuer were double before) haue returned to their for- mer doublenefle againe, by good ordering and looking vnto : tingle flowers haue only beene made fomewhat fairer or larger, by being planted in the richer and more fruit- full ground of the Garden, than they were found wilde by nature ; but neuer made to grow double, as that which is naturally fo found of it felfe : For I will thew you mine owne experience in the matter. I haue been as inquititiue as any man might be, with euery one I knew, that made any fuch report, or that I thought could fay any thing therein, but I neuer could finde any one, that could afluredly refolue me, that he knew certainly any fuch thing to be done : all that they could fay was but report, for the ob- feruation ot the Moone, to remoue plants before the change, that is, as fome fay, the full of the Moone, others the new Moone, whereupon I haue made tryall at many times, and in many forts of plants, accordingly, and as I thought fit, by planting & tran- fplanting them, but I could neuer fee the effect defired, but rather in many of them the lotfe of my plants. And were there indeed fuch a certaine art, to make fingle flowers to grow double, it would haue beene knowne certainly to fome that would practife it, and there are fo many lingle flowers, whereof there were neuer any of the kinde feene double, that to produce fuch of them to be double, would procure both credit and coyne enough to him that tliould vfe it ; but Vltra po/e non c/l ej/'c : and therefore let no man beleeue any fuch reports, bee they neuer fo ancient ; for they are but meere tales and fables. Concerning colours and fents, the many rules and directions extant in ma- nie mens writings, to caufe flowers to grow yellow, red, greene, or white, that neuer were fo naturally, as alfo to be of the fent of Cinamon, Muske, &cc. would almott per- fwade any, that the matters thus fet downe by fuch perfons, and with fome thew of probability, were conftant and allured proofes thereof : but when they come to the triall, they all vanilh away like fmoake. I will in a few words thew you the matters and manners of their proceedings to effect this purpofe : Firft (they fay) if you thall tteepe your 24 The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. your feedes in the lees of red Wine, you (hall haue the flowers of thofe plants to be of a purple colour. If you will haue Lillies or Gilloflowers to be of a Scarlet red colour, you mall put Vermillion or Cynaber betweene the rinde and the fmall heads growing about the roote : if you will haue them blew, you (hall diflblue Azur or Byfe between the rinde and the heads : if yellow, Orpiment : if greene, Vardigreafe, and thus of any other colour. Others doe aduife to open the head of the roote, and poure into it any colour diflblued, fo that there be no fretting or corroding thing therein for feare of hurting the roote, and looke what colour you put in, iuft fuch or neare vnto it fhall the colour of the flower bee. Some againe doe aduife to water the plants you would haue changed, with fuch coloured liquor as you defire the flower to be of, and they fliall grow to be fo. Alfo to make Rofes to bee yellow, that you mould graft a white Rofe (fome fay a Damaske) vpon a Broome ftalke, and the flower will be yellow, fup- poling becaufe the Broome flower is yellow, therefore the Rofe will be yellow. Some affirme the like, if a Rofe be grafted on a Barbery bufli, becaufe both the bloflome and the barke of the Barbery is yellow, &c. In the like manner for fents, they haue fet downe in their writings, that by putting Cloues, Muske, Cinamon, Benzoin, or any other fuch fweete thing, bruifed with Rofe water, betweene the barke and the body of trees, the fruit of them will fmell and tafte of the fame that is put vnto them ; and if they bee put vnto the toppe of the rootes, or elfe bound vnto the head of the roote, they will caufe the flowers to fmell of that fent the matter put vnto them is of : as alfo to fteep the feeds of Rofes, and other plants in the water of fuch like fweet things, and then to fowe them, and water them morning and euening with fuch like liquor, vntill they be growne vp ; befides a number of fuch like rules and directions fet downe in bookes fo confidently, as if the matters were without all doubt or queftion : when- as without all doubt and queftion I will aflure you, that they are all but meere idle tales & fancies, without all reafon or truth, or ftiadow of reafon or truth : For fents and colours are both fuch qualities as follow the eflence of plants, euen as formes are alfo ; and one may as well make any plant to grow of what forme you will, as to make it of what fent or colour you will ; and if any man can forme plants at his will and pleafure, he can doe as much as God himfelfe that created them. For the things they would adde vnto the plants to giue them colour, are all corporeall, or of a bodily fubftance, and whatfoeuer mould giue any colour vnto a liuing and growing plant, muft be fpi- rituall : for no folide corporeall fubftance can ioyne it felfe with the life and eflence of an herbe or tree, and the fpirituall part of the colour thereof is not the fame with the bodily fubftance, but is a meere vapour that rifeth from the fubftance, and feedeth the plant, whereby it groweth, fo that there is no ground or colour of reafon, that a fubftantiall colour mould giue colour to a growing herbe or tree: but for fent (which is a meere vapour) you will fay there is more probability. Yet confider alfo, that what fweete fent foeuer you binde or put vnto the rootes of herbes or trees, muft be either burie.d, or as good as buried in the earth, or barke of the tree, whereby the fubftance will in a fmall time corrupt and rot, and before it can ioyne it felfe with the life, fpirit, and eflence of the plant, the fent alfo will perim with the fubftance : For no heterogeneall things can bee mixed naturally together, as Iron and Clay ; and no other thing but homogeneall, can be nourifhment or conuertible into the fubftance of man or beaft : And as the ftomach of man or beaft altereth both formes, fents, and colours of all digeftible things ; fo whatfoeuer fent or colour is wholfome, and not poyfonfull to nature, being receiued into the body of man or beaft, doth neither change the bloud or skinne into that colour or fent was receiued : no more doth any colour or fent to any plant ; for the plants are onely nourifhed by the moifture they draw naturally vn- to them, be it of wine or any other liquor is put vnto them, and not by any corporeal fubftance, or heterogeneall vapour or fent, becaufe the earth like vnto the ftomach doth foone alter them, before they are conuerted into the nature and fubftance of the plant. Now for the laft part I vndertooke to confute, that no man can by art make all flowers to fpring at what time of the yeare hee will ; although, as I haue here before (hewed, there are flowers for euery moneth of the yeare, yet I hope there is not any one, that hath any knowledge in flowers and gardening, but knoweth that the flowers that appeare and mew themfelues in the feuerall moneths of the yeare, are not one and the fame, and fo made to flower by art ; but that they are feuerall forts of plants, which will The ordering of the Garden of Pleafure. 2 5 will flower naturally and conllantly in the fame moneths one yeare, that they vfe to doe in another, or with but little alteration, if the ycarcs proue not alike kindly : As for example, thofe plants that doe flower in January and February, will by no art or induitry of man be caufed to flower in Summer or in Autumne ; and thofc that flower in Aprill and May, will not flower in January or February ; or thofc in luly, Auguft, &c. either in the Winter or Spring: but euery one knoweth their owne appointed na- turall times, which they conllantly obferue and keepc, according to the temperature of the yeare, or the temper of the climate, being further North or South, to bring them on earlier or later, as it doth with all other fruits, flowers, and growing greenc herbes, &c. except that by chance, fome one or other extraordinarily may be hinde- red in their due feafon of flowring, and fo giue their flowers out of time, or elfe to giue their flowers twice in the yeare, by the fuperaboundance of nourifliment, or the mildnefle of the feafon, by moderate mowers of raine, &c. as it fometimes alfo hap- peneth with fruits, which chance, as it is feldome, and not conftant, fo we then terme it but Lufus naturce : or elfe by forcing them in hot ftoues, which then will perifh, when they haue giuen their flowers or fruits. It is not then, as fome haue written, the fow- ing of the feedes of Lillies, or any other plants a foote deepe, or halfe a foote deepc, or two inches deepe, that will caufe them to be in flower one after another, as they are fowne euery moneth of the yeare ; for it were too grofle to thinke, that any man of rcafon and iudgement would fo beleeue. Nor is it likewife in the power of any man, to make the fame plants to abide a moneth, two, or three, or longer in their beauty of flowring, then naturally they vfe to doe ; for I thinke that were no humane art, but a fupernaturall worke. For nature (till bendeth and tendeth to perfection, that is, after flowring to giue fruit or feede ; nor can it bee hindered in the courfe thereof without manifelt danger of deftruftion, euen as it is in all other fruit-bearing creatures, which (lay no longer, then their appointed time is natural! vnto them, without apparent damage. Some things I grant may be fo ordered in the planting, that according to that order and time which is obferued in their planting, they (hall (hew forth their faire flowers, and they are Anemones, which will in that manner, that I haue mewed in the worke following, flower in feuerall moneths of the yeare ; which thing as it is incident to none or very few other plants, and is found out but of late, fo likewife is it knowne but vnto a very few. Thus haue I (hewed you the true folution of thefe doubts : And although they haue not beene amplified with fuch Philofophicall argu- ments and reafons, as one of greater learning might haue done, yet are they truely and fincerely fet downe, that they may ferue tanquam galeatum, againft all the calumnies and objections of wilfull and obdurate perfons, that will not be reformed. As firft, that all double flowers were fo found wilde, being the worke of nature alone, and not the art of any man, by planting or tranfplanting, at or before the new or full Moone, or any other obferuation of time, that hath caufed the flower to grow double, that na- turally was (ingle : Secondly, that the rules and directions, to caufe flowers to bee of contrary or different colours or fents, from that they were or would be naturally, are meere fancies of men, without any ground of reafon or truth. And thirdly, that there is no power or art in man, to caufe flowers to (hew their beauty diuers moneths before their naturall time, nor to abide in their beauty longer then the appointed naturall time for euery one of them. D THE THE GARDEN OF PLEASANT FLOWERS. CHAP. I. Corona Imperialis. The Crowne Imperiall. Ecaufe the Lilly is the more ftately flower among ma- nic : and amongft the wonderfull varietie of Lillies, knowne to vs in thefe daies, much more then in former times, whereof fome are white, others blufh, fome pur- ple, others red or yellow, fome fpotted, others with- out fpots, fome ftanding vpright, others hanging or turning downewards, The Crowne Imperiall for his (lately beautifulnefs, deferueth the firft place in this our Garden of delight, to be here entreated of before all o- ther Lillies ; but becaufe it is fo well knowne to moft perfons, being in a manner euery where common, I mail neede onely to giue you a relation of the chiefe parts thereof (as I intend in fuch other things) which are thefe : The roote is yellowifh on the outfide, compofed of fewer, but much thicker fcales, then any other Lilly but the Perfian, and doth grow fometimes to be as great as a pretty bigge childes head, but fomewhat flat withall, from the fides whereof, and not from the bottome, it fhooteth forth thicke long fibres, which perifh euery yeare, hauing a hole in the midft thereof, at the end of the yeare, when the old ftalke is dry and withered, and out of the which a new ftalke doth fpring againe (from a bud or head to be feen within the hollownefle on the one fide) the yeare following : the ftalke then filling vp the hollownefle, rifeth vp three or foure foote high, being great, round, and of a purplifh colour at the bot- tome, but greene aboue, befet from thence to the middle thereof with many long and broad greene leaues, very like to the leaues of our ordinary white Lilly, but fomewhat fhorter and narrower, confufedly without order, and from the middle is bare or na- ked without leaues, for a certaine fpace vpwards, and then beareth foure, fixe, or tenne flowers, more or lefle, according to the age of the plant, and the fertility of the foyle where it groweth : The buddes at the firft appearing are whitifh, ftanding vpright a- mong a bufh or tuft of greene leaues, fmaller then thofe below, and ftanding aboue the flowers, after a while they turne themselues, and hang downewards euerie one vpon his owne footeftalke, round about the great ftemme or ftalke, fometimes of an euen depth, and other while one lower or higher than another, which flowers are neare the forme of an ordinary Lilly, yet fomewhat lefler and clofer, confifting of fixe leaues of an Orange colour, ftriped with purplifh lines and veines, which adde a great grace to the flowers ; At the bottome of the flower next vnto the ftalke, euery leafe 28 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. leafe-jthereof hath on the outfide a certaine bunch or eminence, of a darke purplifh co- lour, and on the infide there lyeth in thofe hollow bunched places, certaine cleare drops of water like vnto pearles, of a very fvveete tafte almoft like fugar : in the midft of each flower is a long white ftile or pointell, forked or diuided at the end, and fixe white chiues tipt with yellowifh pendents, ftanding clofe about it : after the flowers are paft, appeare fixe fquare feede veflels ftanding vpright, winged as it were or welted on the edges, yet feeming but three fquare, becaufe each couple of thofe welted edges are ioyned clofer together, wherein are contained broad, flat, and thinne feedes, of a pale brownifh colour, like vnto other Lillies, but much greater and thicker alfo. The ftalke of this plant doth oftentimes grow flat, two, three, or foure fingers broad, and then beareth many more flowers, but for the moft part fmaller then when it beareth round ftalkes. And fometimes it happeneth the ftalke to be diuided at the top, carry- ing two or three tufts of greene leaues, without any flowers on them. And fometimes likewife, to beare two or three rowes or crownes of flowers one aboue another vpon one ftalke, which is feldome and fcarce feene, and befides, is but meere accidentall : the whole plant and euery part thereof, as well rootes, as leaues and flowers, doe fmell fomewhat ftrong as it were the fauour of a Foxe, fo that if any doe but come neare it, he cannot but fmell it, which yet is not vnwholfome. I haue not obferued any variety in the colour of this flower, more then that it will be fairer in a cleare open ayre, and paler, or as it were blafted in a muddy or fmoakie ayre. And although fome haue boafted of one with white flowers, yet I could neuer heare that any fuch hath endured in one vniforme colour. The Place. This plant was firft brought from Conftantinople into thefe Chriftian Countries, and by the relation of fome that fent it, groweth naturally in Perfia. The Time. It flowereth moft commonly in the end of March, if the weather be milde, and fpringeth not out of the ground vntill the end of February, or begin- ning of March, fo quicke it is in the fpringing : the heads with feed are ripe in the end of May. The Names. It is of fome called Lilium Perficum, the Perfian Lilly : but becaufe wee haue another, which is more vfually called by that name, as mall be (hewed in the next Chapter, I had rather with Alphonfus Pancius the Duke of Flo- rence his Phyfitian, (who firft fent the figure thereof vnto M fr . lohn de Brancion) call it Corona Imperialis, the Crowne Imperiall, then by any o- ther name, as alfo for that this name is now more generally receiued. It hath been fent alfo by the name 1'ufai, and Tufchai, and Turfani, or Tur- fanda^ being, as it is like, the Turkifh names. The Vertues. For any Phyficall Vertues that are in it, I know of none, nor haue heard that any hath been found out : notwithftanding the ftrong fent would perfwade it might be applyed to good purpofe. CHAP. II. Lilium Perjicum. The Perfian Lilly. THe roote of the Perfian Lilly is very like vnto the root of the Crowne Imperi- all, and lofing his fibres in like maner euery yeare, hauing a hole therin likewife where the old ftalke grew, but whiter, rounder, and a little longer, fmaller, and not (linking at all like it, from whence fpringeth vp a round whitifh greene ftalke, not much The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i Corona ImprriaJis. The Crown Imperial!. 2 Lilium Perfuum. The Perfian Lilly. 3 Marlagon ImpcriaU. The Martagon Imperiall. much 30 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. much lower than the Crowne Imperial!, but much fmaller, befet from the bottome to the middle thereof, with many long and narrow leaues, of a whitifh or blewifh greene colour, almoft like to the leafe of a Tulipa : from the middle vpwards, to the toppe of the ftalke, ftand many flowers one aboue another round about it, with leaues at the foote of euery one of them, each whereof is pendulous or hanging downe the head, like vnto the Crowne Imperiall, and not turning vp any of the flowers againe, but fmaller than in any other kinde of Lilly, yea not fo bigge as the flower of a Fritillaria, confiding of fixe leaues a peece, of a dead or ouerworne purplifh colour, hauing in the midft a fmall long pointell, with certaine chiues tipt with yellow pendents : after the flowers are paft (which abide open a long time, and for the moft part flower by de- grees, the loweft firft, and fo vpwards) if the weather be temperate, come fixe fquare heads or feede veflels, feeming to be but three fquare, by reafon of the wings, very like to the heads of the Crowne Imperiall, but fmaller and fhorter, wherein are contained fuch like flat feed, but fmaller alfo, and of a darker colour. The Place. This was, as it is thought, firft brought from Perfia vnto Conftantinople, and from thence, fent vnto vs by the meanes of diuers Turkic Merchants, and in efpeciall, by the procurement of M r . Nicholas Lete, a worthy Mer- chant, and a louer of all faire flowers. The Time. It fpringeth out of the ground very neare a moneth before the Crowne Imperiall, but doth not flower till it bee quite paft (that is to fay) not vntill the latter end of Aprill, or beginning of May : the feed (when it doth come to perfection, as it feldome doth) is not ripe vntill luly. The Names. It hath been fent by the name of Pennachio Perjiano, and wee thereupon doe moft vfually call it Lilium Perjicum, The Perfian Lilly. Clufius faith it hath been fent into the Low Countries vnder the name of Sufam giul, and he thereupon thinking it came from Sufis in Perfia, called it Lilium Sufta- num, The Lilly of Sufis. The Vertues. Wee haue not yet heard, that this hath beene applyed for any Phyficall refpecl. CHAP. III. Martagon Imperiale , Jiue Lilium Montanum mains, The Martagon Imperiall. VNder this title of Lilium Montanum, or Lilium Silueftre, I do comprehend only thofe kindes of Lillies, which carry diuers circles of greene leaues fet together at certaine diftances, round about the ftalke, and not fparfedly as the two for- mer, and as other kindes that follow, doe. And although there bee many of this fort, yet becaufe their chiefeft difference is in the colour of the flower, wee will containe them all in one Chapter, and begin with the moft ftately of them all, becaufe of the number of flowers it beareth vpon one ftalke. The Imperiall Lilly hath a fcaly roote, like vnto all the reft of the Lillies, but of a paler yellow colour, clofely compact or fet together, being fhort and fmall oftentimes, in comparifon of the greatnefle of the ftemme The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 3 i ftemme growing from it. The ftalke is brownilh and round at the bottome, and fome- timcs flat from the middle vpwards, three foote high or more, befet at certaine diftan- ces with rondles or circles of many broad leaues, larger and broader lor the molt part than any other of this kinde, and of a darke green colour : It hath two or three, and fometimes foure ot thefe rondles or circles of leaues, and bare without any leafe bc- tweene ; but aboue toward the tops of the ftalkes, it hath here and there fome leaues vpon it, but f mailer than any of the other leaues : at the toppe of the ftalke come forth many flowers, fometime three or foure fcore, thicke thruft, or confufedly fet together, and not thinne or fparfedly one aboue another, as in the lelTer of this kinde of Moun- taine Lilly. It hath been fometimes alfo obferued in this kinde, that it hath borne ma- nie flowers at three feuerall fpaces of the ftalke, one aboue another, which hath made a goodly Ihew ; each flower whereof is pendulous, hanging downe, and each leafe of the flower turning vp againe, being thicke or flefhy, of a fine delayed purple colour, fpotted with many blackilh or brownifh fpots, of a very pleasant fweet fent, which ma- keth it the more acceptable : in the middle of the flower hangeth downe a ftile or pointell, knobbed or buttoned at the end with lixe yellow chiues, tipt with loofe pen- dents of an Orient red or Vermillion colour, which will ealily fticke like duft vpon any thing that toucheth them : the heads or feede veflels are fmall and round, with fmall edges about them, wherein is contained flat browne feede like other Lillies, but lefler. This root is very apt to encreafe or fet of, as we call it, wherby the plant feldome commeth to fo great a head of flowers, but rifeth vp with many ftalkes, and then carry fewer flowers. Of this kinde there is fometimes one found, that beareth flowers without any fpots : Martagon the leaues whereof and ftalke likewife are paler, but not elfe differing. Impenak Jure non pun Ctato. Martagon Jiore albo. The White Martagon. We haue alfo fome other of this kind, the firft wherof hath his ftalke & leafe greener than the former, the ftalke is a little higher, but not bearing fo thicke a head of flowers, although much more plentifull than the lefler Mountaine Lilly, being altogether of a fine white colour, without any fpots, or but very few, and that but fometimes alfo : the pendents in the middle of this flower are not red, as the former, but yellow ; the roote of this, and of the other two that follow, are of a pale yellow colour, the cloues or fcales of them being brittle, and not clofely compact, yet fo as if two, and fometimes three fcales or cloues grew one vpon the head or vpperpart of another; which diffe- rence is a fpeciall note to know thefe three kindes, from any other kinde of Mountaine Lilly, as in all old rootes that I haue feene, I haue obferued, as alfo in them that are rea- fonably well growne, but in the young rootes it is not yet fo manifeft. Martagon //ore albo maculato. The White fpotted Martagon. The fecond is like vnto the firft in all things, faue in this, that the flowers hereof are not altogether fo white, and beiides hath many reddilh fpots on the infide of the leaues of the flower, and the ftalke alfo is not fo greene but brownilh. Martagon fore carneo. The blufh Martagon. A third fort there is of this kinde, whofe flowers are wholly of a delayed flefh co- lour, with many fpots on the flowers, and this is the difference hereof from the former. Li/ium Montanum Jiue Jiluejtre minus. The lefler Mountaine Lilly. The lefler Mountaine Lilly is fo like in root vnto the greater that is firft defcribed, that it is hard to diftinguifh them afunder ; but when this is fprungvp out of the ground, which is a moneth after the firft : it alfo carrieth his leaues in rondles about the ftalke, although not altogether fo great nor fo many. The flowers are more thinly fet on the ftalkes one aboue another, with more diftance betweene each flower than the former, and are of a little deeper flefh colour or purple, fpotted in the fame manner. The buds or The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i Martagon flore albo. The white Martagon. 2 M artagon flue Lilium Caiiadotfe maculatum. The fpotted Martagon, or Lilly of Canada. 3 Martagon Pomponeum. The Martagon Pompony, or early red Martagon. or The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 33 or heads of flowers, in fome of thefe before they be blowne, are hoary white, or hairie, whereas in others, there is no hoarineflc at all, but the buddes are fmooth and purplilh : in other things this differeth not from the former. Of this fort allb there is one that hath but few fpots on the flowers, whofe colour isL/'A** Mm- fomcwhat paler than the other. '*"** *" mlalum. Martagon Ciimi,lc/i/'e niitcuttituw. The fpotted Martagon of Canada. Although this (Grange Lilly hath not his flowers hanging downe, and turning vp a- gain, as the former kinds fet forth in this Chapter ; yet becaufe the green leaues Itand at feuerall ioynts as they do, I mult needs infert it here, not knowing where more fitly to place it. It hath a fmall fcaly roote, with many fmall long fibres thereat, from whence rifeth vp a reafonable great Italke, almolt as high as any of the former, bearing at three or foure diltances many long and narrow greene leaues, but not fo many or fo broad as the former, with diuers ribbes in them : from among the vppermoft rundle of leaues breake forth foure or fiue flowers together, euery one Itanding on a long (lender foote Italke, being almolt as large as a red Lilly, but a little bending downewards, and of a faire yellow colour, (potted on the infide with diuers blackifh purple fpots or ftrakes, hauing a middle pointell, and fixe chiues, with pendents on them. The Place. All thefe Lillies haue been found in the diuers Countries of Germany, as Aultria, Hungaria, Pannonia, Stiria, &c. and are all made Denifons in our London Gardens, where they flourifh as in their owne naturall places. The lalt was brought into France from Canada by the French Colonie, and from thence vnto vs. The Time. They flower about the later end of lune for the moft part, yet the firft fpringeth out of the ground a moneth at the leaft before the other, which are molt vfually in flower before it, like vnto the Serotine Tulipas, all of them being early vp, and neuer the neere. The Names. The firft is vfually called Martagon Imperiale, the Imperiall Martagon, and is Lilium Montanum maius, the greateft Mountaine Lilly ; for fo it defer- ueth the name, becaufe of the number of flowers vpon a head or (talke. Some haue called it Lilium Sarafenicum, and fome Hemerocallis, but neither of them doth fo fitly agree vnto it. The fecond is Lilium Montanum maius Jiore a/6o, and of fome Martagon Imperial? fore albo, but molt vfually Martagon Jiore a/bo, the white Marta- gon. The fecond fort of this fecond kinde, is called Martagon Jiore albo ma- cu/ato, the fpotted white Martagon. And the third, Martagon fore carneo, the blufh Martagon. The third kinde is called Lilium Montanum, the Mountaine Lilly, and fome adde the title minus , the lefler, to know it more diftinftly from the o- ther. Some alfo Lilium Silucftre, as Clufius, and fome others, and of Mat- thiolus Martagon. Of diuers women here in England, from the Dutch name, Lilly of Nazareth. The lalt hath his title Amcricanum & Canadenfe, and in Englilh accordingly. CHAP. IV. 34 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. CHAP. IV. i . Martagon Pomponeum fiue Lilium rubrum prcecox, vel Lilium Macedomcum. The early red Martagon, or Martagon Pompony. A! LS in the former Chapter we defcribed vnto you fuch Lillies, whofe flowers be- ing pendulous, turne their leaues backe againe, and haue their greene leaues, fet by fpaces about the ftalke : fo in this wee will fet downe thofe forts, which carry their greene leaues more fparfedly, and all along the ftalke, their flowers hang- ing downe, and turning vp againe as the former, and begin with that which is of grea- teft beauty, or at leaft of molt rarity. i. Martagon i. This rare Martagon hath a fcaly root clofely compact, with broader and thinner Pomponeum f ca i es than others, in time growing very great, and of a more deepe yellow colour then the former, from whence doth fpring vp a round greene ftalke in fome plants, and flat in others, two or three foote high, bearing a number of fmall, long, and narrow greene leaues, very like vnto the leaues of Pinkes, but greener, fet very thicke together, and without order about the ftalke, vp almoft vnto the toppe, and lefler by degrees vpwards, where ftand many flowers, according to the age of the plant, and thriuing in the place where it groweth ; in thofe that are young, but a few, and more fparfedly, and in others that are old many more, and thicker fet : for I haue reckoned threefcore flowers and more, growing thicke together on one plant with mee, and an hundred flowers on another : thefe flowers are of a pale or yellowifh red colour, and not fo deep red as the red Martagon of Conftantinople, hereafter fet down, nor fully fo large : yet of the fame fafhion, that is, euery flower hanging downe, and turning vp his leaues againe. It is not fo plentifull in bearing of feede as the other Lillies, but when it doth, it differeth not but in being leffe. Martagon There is another, whofe greene leaues are not fo thicke fet on the ftalke, but elfe differeth not but in flowring a fortnight later. num. There is another alfo of this kind, fo like vnto the former in root, ftalk, flower, & ma- 3. Martagon ner o f growing, that the difference is hardly difcerned ; but confifteth chiefly in thefe latifoRum />/vtf-two points : Firft, that the leaues of this are a little broader and fhorter then the former ; cox. and fecondly, that it beareth his flowers a fortnight earlier than the firft. In the colour or forme of the flower, there can no difference bee difcerned, nor (as I faid) in any o- ther thing. All thefe Lillies doe fpring very late out of the ground, euen as the yellow Martagons doe, but are fooner in flower then any others. 4. Martagon A fourth kinde hereof hath of late been knowne to vs, whofe leaues are broader and flon phaeniceo. fa orier fam the laft, and the flowers of a paler red, tending to yellow, of fome cal- led a golden red colour : but flowreth not fo early as they. 2. Lilium rubrum Ryzantinum,jiue Martagon Conftantinopolitanum, The red Martagon of Conftantinople. i . The red Martagon of Conftantinople is become fo common euery where, and fo well knowne to all louers of thefe delights, that I (hall feeme vnto them to lofe time, to beftow many lines vpon it ; yet becaufe it is fo faire a flower, and was at the firft fo highly efteemed, it deferueth his place and commendations, howfoeuer encreafing the plenty hath not made it dainty. It rifeth out of the ground early in the fpring, be- fore many other Lillies, from a great thicke yellow fcaly root, bearing a round brow- nifh ftalke, befet with many faire greene leaues confufedly thereon, but not fo broad as the common white Lilly, vpon the toppe whereof ftand one, two, or three, or more flowers, vpon long footeftalkes, which hang downe their heads, and turne vp their leaues againe, of an excellent red crimfon colour, and fometimes paler, hauing a long pointell in the middle, compaffed with fixe whitim chiues, tipt with loofe yellow pendents, of a reafonable good fent, but fomewhat faint. It likewife beareth feede in heads, like vnto the other, but greater. 2. Martagon The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Martagoti Conftftntfaopotttehum macuLiinm. The red fpotted Martagon of Conftantinople. We haue another of this kinde, that groweth fomewhat greater and higher, with a larger flower, and of a deeper colour, fpotted with diuers blacke fpots, or ftrakes and lines, as is to be feene in the Mountaine Lillies, and in fome other hereafter to be de- fcribed; but is not fo in the former of this kinde, which hath no (hew of fpots at all. The whole plant as it is rare, fo it is of much more beauty than the former. 2. Martagon Pannwicttm, /iue Exoticum Jiore fpadiceo. The bright red Martagon of Hungaric. Although this Martagon or Lilly bee of another Countrey, yet by reafon of the neerenefle both in leafe and flower vnto the former, may more fitly be placed next vn- to them, then in any other place. It hath his roote very like the other, but the leaucs are fomewhat larger, and more fparfedly fet vpon the ftalke, elfe not much vnlike : the flowers bend downe, and turne vp their leaues againe, but fomewhat larger, and of a bright red, tending to an Orenge colour, that is, fomewhat yellowilh, and not crimfon, like the other. 3. Martagon Luteum punftatum. The Yellow fpotted Martagon. i . This Yellow Martagon hath a great fcaly or cloued roote, and yellow, like vnto all thefe forts of turning Lillies, from whence springeth vp a round greene ftrong ftalke, three foote high at the leaft, confufedly fet with narrow long greene leaues, white on the edges vp to the very toppe thereof almoft, hauing diuers flowers on the head, turning vp againe as the former doe, of a faint yellowifh, or greenifh yellow co- lour, with many blacke fpots or ftrakes about the middle of the leafe of euery flower, and a forked pointell, with fixe chiues about it, tipt with reddilh pendents, or a heauie ftrong fmell, not very pleafant to many. It beareth feede very plentifully, in great heads, like vnto the other former Lillies, but a little paler. 2. Martagon Luteum non maculatum. The Yellow Martagon without fpots. The other yellow Martagon differeth in no other thing from the former, but onely that it hath no fpots at all vpon any of the leaues of the flowers ; agreeing with the for- mer, in colour, forme, height, and all things elfe. 3. Martagon Luteum ferotinum. The late flowring Yellow Martagon. There is yet another yellow Martagon, that hath no other difference then the time of his flowring, which is not vntill luly, vnlefle in this, that the flower is of a deeper yellow colour. The Place. The knowledge of the firft kindes of thefe early Martagons hath come from Italy, from whence they haue bin lent into the Low-Countries, and to vs, and, as it feemeth by the name, whereby they haue bin fent by fome into thefe parts, his originall (hould be from the mountaines in Macedonia. The fecond fort is fufficiently knowne by his name, being firft brought from Conftantinople, his naturall place being not farre from thence, as it is likely. But the next fort of this fecond kinde, doth plainly tell vs his place of birth to be the mountaines of Pannonia or Hungarie. The third kindes grow on the Pyrensean mountaines, where they haue been fearched out, and found by diuers louers of plants, as alfo in the King- dome of Naples. The 36 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Time. The firft early Martagons flower in the end of May, or beginning of lune, and that is a moneth at the leaft before thofe that come from Con- rtantinople, which is the fecond kinde. The two firft yellow Martagons flower fomewhat more early, then the early red Martagons, and fometimes at the fame time with them. But the third yellow Martagon, as is faid, flow- reth a moneth later or more, and is in flower when the red Martagon of Conftantinople flowreth. And although the early red and yellow Marta- gons, fpring later then the other Martagons or Lillies, yet they are in flower before them. The Names. The firft early red Lillies or Martagons haue beene fent vnto vs by feue- rall names, as Martagon Pomponeum, and thereafter are called Martagon of Pompony, and alfo Liliurn or Martagon Macedonicum, the Lilly or Marta- gon of Macedonia. They are alfo called by Cluiius Lilium rubrum prcecox, the one angustiore folio, the other latiore folio. And the laft of this kinde hath the title Jiore phceniceo added or giuen vnto it, that is, the Martagon or Lilly of Macedonia with gold red flowers. The Martagons of Conftantinople haue beene fent by the Turkifh name Zujiniare, and is called Martagon, or Lilium Byzantinum by fome, and He- merocallis Chalcedonica by others ; but by the name of the Martagon of Con- ftantinople they are moft commonly receiued with vs, with the distinction ofmaculatum to the one, to diftinguifh the forts. The laft kinde in this clafsis, hath his name in his title, as it hath been fent vnto vs. The Yellow Martagons are diftinguifhed in their feuerall titles, as much as is conuenient for them. CHAP. V. Lilium Aureum & Lilium Rubrum. The Gold and Red Lillies. THere are yet fome other kindes of red Lillies to bee defcribed, which differ from all the former, and remaine to be fpoken of in this place. Some of them grow high, and fome lowe, fome haue fmall knots, which wee call bulbes, growing vpon the ftalkes, at the ioynts of the leaues or flowers, and fome haue none : all which fhall be intreated of in their feuerall orders. Lilium pumilum cruentum. The dwarfe red Lilly. The dwarfe red Lilly hath a fcaly roote, fomewhat like vnto other Lillies, but white, and not yellow at all, and the cloues or fcales thicker, fhorter, and fewer in number, then in moft of the former : the ftalke hereof is not aboue a foote and a halfe high, round and greene, fet confufedly with many faire and fhort greene leaues, on the toppe of which doe ftand fometimes but a few flowers, and fometimes many, of a faire purplifh red colour, and a little paler in the middle, euery flower (landing vpright, and not hanging downe, as in the former, on the leaues whereof here and there are fome blacke fpots, lines or markes, and in the middle of the flower a long pointell, with fome chiues about it, as is in the reft of thefe Lillies. Lilium rubrum This kinde is fometimes found to yeeld double flowers, as if all the fingle flowers multipart fare, fhould grow into one, and fo make it confift of many leaues, which notwithftanding his The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 37 i MartagoH rvbrum fiut lulrum. The red or the yellow Martagon. 2 Lilium Bulbijertim. The red bul- bed Lilly. 3 Lilium annum. The gold red Lilly. 4 LiUtm album. The white Lilly. 38 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. his fo continuing fundry yeares, vpon tranfplanting, will redire ad ingenium, that is, quickly come againe to his old byas or forme. Lilium Aureum. The Gold red Lilly. The fecond red Lilly without bulbes groweth much higher then the firft, and al- moft as high as any other Lilly : the roote hereof is white and fcaly, the leaues are fomewhat longer, and of a darke or fad greene colour; the flowers are many and large, (landing vpright as all thefe forts of red Lillies doe, of a paler red colour ten- ding to an Orenge on the infide, with many blacke fpots and lines on them, as in the former, and more yellow on the outfide: the feede veflels are like vnto the roundifh heads of other Lillies, and fo are the feedes in them likewife. I . Lilium minus bulbiferum. The dwarfe bulbed Lilly. The firft of the Lillies that carrieth bulbes on the ftalke, hath a white fcaly roote like the former ; from whence rifeth vp a fmall round ftalke, not much higher then the firft dwarfe Lilly, feeming to be edged, hauing many leaues thereon of a fad green colour fet about it, clofe thruft together : the greene heads for flowers, will haue a kind of woollinefTe on them, before the flowers begin to open, and betweene thefe heads of flowers, as alfo vnder them, and among the vppermoft leaues, appeare fmall bulbes or heads, which being ripe if they be put into the ground, or if they fall of themfelues, will fhoote forth leaues, and beare flowers within two or three yeares like the mother plant, and fo will the bulbes of the other hereafter defcribed: the flowers of this Lilly are of a faire gold yellow colour, fhadowed ouer with a (hew of purple, but not fo red as the firft, or the next to bee defcribed. This Lilly will fhoote firings vnder ground, like as the laft red Lilly will doe alfo, whereat will grow white bulbed roots, like the rootes of the mother plant, thereby quickly encreafing it felfe. 12. Lilium Cruentum bulbiferum. The Fierie red bulbed Lilly. The fecond bulbed Lilly rifeth vp with his ftalke as high as any of thefe Lillies, carrying many long and narrow darke greene leaues about it, and at the toppe many faire red flowers, as large or larger then any of the former, and of a deeper red colour, with fpots on them likewife, hauing greater bulbes growing about the toppe of the ftalke and among the flowers, then any elfe. . Lilium Crue ntumflore pleno. The Fierie red double Lilly. The difference of this doth chiefly conlift in the flower, which is compofed ofma- nie leaues, as if many flowers went to make one, fpotted with black fpots, and without any bulbes when it thus beareth, which is but accidentall, as the former double Lilly is (aid to be. 3. Lilium maius bulbiferum. The greater bulbed red Lilly. The third red Lilly with bulbes, rifeth vp almoft as high as the laft, and is the moft common kinde we haue bearing bulbes. It hath many leaues about the ftalke, but not of fo fad a greene colour as the former : the flowers are of as pale a reddifh yellow co- lour as any of the former, and comming neereft vnto the colour of the Gold red Lilly. This is more plentifull in bulbes, and in (hooting firings, to encreafe rootes vnder ground, then the others. The Place. Thefe Lillies doe all grow in Gardens, but their naturall places of grow- ing is the Mountaines and the Vallies neere them in Italy, as Matthiolus faith: 77/f Garden of p leaf ant F/oivers. laith : and in many Countries of Germany, as Hungarie, Aullria, Stiria, and Bohemia, as Clulius and other doe report. The Time. They flower for the moft part in lune, yet the firft of thefe is the earlielt of all the relh The Names. All thefe Lillies are called Lilia Rubra, Red Lillies : Some call them Lilitim Aurcum, Lilium Pitrpnrcum, Lilium Puniceum, & Lilium Crucntum. Some alfo call them Martagon Chimiftartim. Clulius calleth thefe bulbed Lillies Miirttig')ii Bulbiferum. It is thought to be Hyacitithus Poctarum, but I referre the difcufling thereof to a fitter time. Wee haue, to diftinguifh them molt fitly (as I take it) giuen their proper names in their feucrall titles. CHAP. VI. Lilium Album. The White Lilly. NOw remaineth onely the White Lilly, of all the whole family or rtocke of the Lillies, to bee fpoken of, which is of two forts. The one is our common or vulgar White Lilly ; and the other, that which was brought from Conftanti- nople. Lilium Album vu/gare. The ordinary White Lilly. The ordinary White Lilly fcarce needeth any defcription, it is fo well knowne, and fo frequent in euery Garden ; but to fay fomewhat thereof, as I vfe to doe of euery thing, be it neuer fo common and knowne ; it hath a cloued or fcaly roote, yellower and bigger then any of the red Lillies : the ftalke is of a blackifh greene colour, and rileth as high as mort ot the Lillies, hauing many faire, broad, and long greene leaues thereon, larger and longer beneath, and fmaller vpon the ftalke vpwards ; the flowers are many or few, according to the age of the plant, fertility of the foile, and time of ftanding where it groweth : and Hand vpon long greene footftalkes, of a faire white colour, with a long pointell in the middle, and white chiues tipt with yellow pendents about it ; the fmell is fomewhat heady and ftrong. Lilium Album Byzantinum. The White Lilly of Constantinople. The other White Lilly, differeth but little from the former White Lilly, either in roote, leafe, or flower, but only that this vfually groweth with more number of flow- ers, then euer we faw in our ordinary White Lilly : for I haue feene the ftalke of this Lilly turne flat, ot the breadth of an hand, bearing neere two hundred flowers vpon a head, yet molt commonly it beareth not aboue a dozen, or twenty flowers, but fmal- ler then the ordinary, as the greene leaues are likewife. The Place. The firtt groweth onely in Gardens, and hath not beene declared where it is found wilde, by any that I can heare of. The other hath beene lent from Constantinople, among other rootes, and therefore is likely to grow in fome parts neere thereunto. The Time. They flower in lune or thereabouts, but ftioote forth greene leaues in Autumne, 4-Q The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Autumne, which abide greene all the Winter, the ftalke fpringing vp be- tweene the lower leaues in the Spring. The Names. It is called Lilium Album, the White Lilly, by moft Writers; but by Po- ets Rofa lutionis, luno's Rofe. The other hath his name in his title. The Vertues. This Lilly aboue all the reft, yea, and I thinke this onely, and none of the reft is vfed in medicines now adayes, although in former times Empe- ricks vfed the red ; and therefore I haue fpoken nothing of them in the end , of their Chapters, referuing what is to be faid in this. This hath a mollify- ing, digefting, and cleanfing quality, helping to fuppurate tumours, and to digeft them, for which purpofe the roote is much vfed. The water of the flowers diftilled, is of excellent vertue for women in trauell of childe bea- ring, to procure an eafie deliuery, as Matthiolus and Camerarius report. It is vfed alfo of diuers women outwardly, for their faces to cleanfe the skin, and make it white and frefh. Diues other properties there are in thefe Lillies, which my purpofe is not to declare in this place. Nor is it the fcope of this worke ; this that hath been faid is fufficient : for were it not, that I would giue you fome tafte of the qualities of plants (as I faid in rny Preface) as I goe along with them, a generall worke were fitter to declare them then this. CHAP. VII. Fritillaria. The checkerd Daffodill. ALthough diuers learned men do by the name giuen vnto this delightfull plant, thinke it doth in fome things partake with a Tulipa or Daffodill, and haue therefore placed it betweene them ; yet I, finding it moft like vnto a little Lilly, both in roote, ftalke, leafe, flower, and feede, haue (as you fee here) placed it next vnto the Lillies, and before them. Hereof there are many forts found out of late, as white, red, blacke, and yellow, belides the purple, which was firft knowne ; and of each of them there are alfo diuers forts : and firft of that which is moft frequent, and then of the reft, euery one in his place and order. i i . Frillaria vulgaris. The common checkerd Daffodill. The ordinary checkerd Daffodill (as it is vfually called, but might more properly be called the fmall checkerd Lilly) hath a fmall round white roote, and fomewhat flat, made as it were of two cloues, and diuided in a maner into two parts, yet ioyning together at the bottome or feate of the roote, which holdeth them both together : from betweene this cleft or diuifion, the budde for the ftalke &c. appeareth, which in time rifeth vp a foote, or a foote and a halfe high, being round and of a brownifli greene colour, efpecially neere vnto the ground, whereon there ftandeth difperfedly foure or fiue narrow long and greene leaues, being a little hollow : at the toppe of the ftalke, betweene the vpper leaues (which are fmaller then the loweft) the flower fhew- eth it felfe, hanging or turning downe the head, but not turning vp againe any of his leaues, as fome of the Lillies before defcribed doe ; (fometimes this ftalke beareth two flowers, and very feldome three) confifting of fixe leaues, of a reddifh purple co- lour, fpotted diuerfly with great fpots, appearing like vnto fquare checkers, of a dee- per colour ; the infide of the flower is of a brighter colour then the outfide, which hath fome greenneffe at the bottome of euery leafe : within the flower there appeare fixe The Garden of pleajant Flowers. I Fritillaria vulgaris. The common Fritillaria. 2 rritillaria flort alrorvbtHtr. The darkc red Fritillaria. 4 Fritillarin alba. The white Fritillaria. 7 Fritillarin Sulfa funflala. The yellow checkerd Fritillaria. 8 Fritillaria Intea llaltca. The great yellow Italian Fritillaria. 10 Fritillaria lulta Lujltanita. The fmall yellow Fritillaria of Portugal). n Fritillaria Pyrrnaa. The blacke Fritillaria. 12 Fritillaria t mMliftra. The Spanilh blacke Fritillaria. The Garden of pleafant Flowers. fixe chiues tipt with yellow pendents, and a three-forked ftile or pointell compaffing a greene head, which when the flower is part, rifeth vpright againe, and becommeth the feede veffell, being fomewhat long and round, yet hauing a fmall fhew of edges, flat at the head, like the head of a Lilly, and without any crowne as the Tulipa hath, wherein is contained pale coloured flat feede, like vnto a Lilly, but fmaller. Fritillaria vul- There is fome variety to be feene in this flower ; for in fome the colour is paler, and pallitKor, \ n others aeaine of a very high or deepe colour : fometimes alfo they haue eight leaues, -* fff fe- . i { n i i c 1 and fometimes ten or twelue, as it two flowers were made one, which tome thereupon haue called a Double Fritillaria. Some of them likewife doe flower very early, euen with or before the early flowring Tulipas ; and fome againe flower not vntill a moneth or- more after the former. 2. Fritillaria flore atrorubente. The bloud red Fritillaria. The roote of this Fritillaria is fomewhat rounder and clofer then the former, from whence the ftalke rifeth vp, being fhorter and lower then in any other of thefe kindes, hauing one or two leaues thereon, and at the top thereof two or three more fet clofer together, which are broader, fhorter, and whiter then any of them before, almoft like vnto the leaues of the yellow Fritillaria, from among which toppe leaues commeth forth the flower, fomewhat bending downe, or rather ftanding forth, being larger then any of the former, and almoft equall in bigneffe vnto the yellow Fritillaria, of a duskie gray colour all ouer on the outfide, and of a very darke red colour on the infide, diuerfly fpotted or ftraked : this very hardly encreafeth by the roote, and as feldome giueth ripe feede, but flowreth with the other firft forts, and before the blacke, and a- bideth leffe time in flower then any. 3. Fritillaria maxima purpureajiue rubra. The great purple or red Fritillaria. This great Fritillaria hath his roote equall to the bigneffe of the reft of his parts, from whence rifeth vp one, & oftentimes two ftalks, hauing one, two or three flowers a peece on them, as nature and the feafons are fitting : euery one of thefe flowers are larger and greater then any of the former defcribed, and pendulous as they are, of a fad red or purplifh colour, with many thwart lines on them, and fmall long markes, which hardly feeme checkerwife, nor are fo eminent or confpicuous as in the former : the ftalke is ftrong and high, whereon are fet diuers long whitifh greene leaues, larger and broader then thofe of the former. 4. Fritillaria alba. The white Fritillaria. The white Fritillaria is fo like vnto the firft, that I fhall not neede to make another defcription of this : it fhall (I hope) be fufficient to fhew the chiefe differences, and fo proceed to the reft. The ftalke and leaues of this are wholly greene, whereby it may eafily be knowne from the former, which, as is faid, is brownifh at the bottome. The flower is white, without almoft any fhew of fpot or marke in it, yet in fome the markes are fomewhat more plainly to be feene, and in fome againe there is a fhew of a faint kinde of blufh colour to be feene in the flower, efpecially in the infide, the bottomes of the leaues of euery flower fometimes are greenilh, hauing alfo a fmall lift of greene, comming downe towards the middle of each leafe : the head or feede veffell, as alfo the feede and the roote, are fo like vnto the former, that the moft cunning cannot di- ftinguifh them. 5. Fritillaria flore duplicialbicante. The double blufh Fritillaria. This Fritillaria hath a round flattifh white roote, very like vnto the laft Fritillaria, bearing a ftalke with long greene leaues thereon, little differing from it, or the firft or- dinary Fritillaria : the flower is faid to be conftant, compofed of many leaues, being ten at the leaft, and moft vfually twelue, of a pale whitifh purple colour, fpotted like vnto the paler ordinary Fritillaria that is early, fo that one would verily thinke it were but The Garden of pleafant Flowers. but an accidentall kinde thereof, whereas it is (as is faid before) held to bee conrtant, continuing in this manner. 6. Fritillaria fi>,rc lutco puro. The pure yellow Fritillaria. The pure yellow Fritillaria hath a more round, and not fo flat a whitiih roote as the former kindes, and ot a meant- hignefle; from the middle rifeth vp a ftalkc a footc and a halte high, and Ibmetimcs higher, whereon are fet without order diuers long and fomewhat broad leaues of a whitiih greene colour, like vnto the leaues of the blacke Fritillaria, but not aboue halfe fo broad : the flower is fomewhat fmall and long, not much vnlike to the blacke for fhape and fafhion, but that the leaues are fmallcr and rounder pointed, of a faint yellowilh colour, without any (hew of fpots or checkers at all, eyther within or without the flower, hauing fome chiues and yellow pendents in the middle, as is to be feene in all of them : the feede is like the firft kinde. 7. Fritillariajiore luteo var/'o fiue punttato. The checkerd yellow Fritillaria. This Fritillaria groweth not much lower then the former, and brownifh at the ri- ling vp, hauing his leaues whiter, broader, and fhorter then it, and almoft round poin- ted. The flower is greater, and larger fpread then any other before, of a faire pale yel- low colour, fpotted in very good order, with fine fmall checkers, which adde a won- derfull plealing beauty thereunto : it hath alfo fome lifts of greene running downe the backe of euery leafe. It feldome giueth feede; the roote alfo is like the other, but not fo flat. 8. Fritillaria lute a maxima Italica. The great yellow Italian Fritillaria. This kinde of Fritillaria rifeth vp with a round and browne greene ftalke, whereon are fet diuers leaues fomewhat broad and fhort, which compafle the ftalke at the bot- tome of them, of a darke greene colour ; at the toppe of the ftalke, which bendeth a little downewards, doe moft vfually ftand three or foure leaues, betweene which com- meth forth moft vfually but one flower, which is longer then the laft, hanging downe the head as all the others doe, confuting of fixe leaues, of a darke yellowifh purple colour, fpotted with fome fmall red checkers. This kinde flowreth late, and not vn- till all the reft are part. 9. Fritillaria Italorum polyanthos Jiore parno. The fmall Italian Fritillaria. This fmall Italian Fritillaria carrieth more ftore of flowers on the ftalke, but they are much f mailer, and of a yellowifh greene colour, fpotted with long and fmall darke red checkers or markes : the ftalke hath diuers fmall Ihort greene leaues thereon, vnto the very toppe. I o. Fritillaria lutea luncifolia Lujitanica. The fmall yellow Fritillaria of Portugall. The leaues of this Fritillaria are fo fmall, narrow and long, that it hath caufed them to take the name of rufhes, as if you Ihould call it, The rufh leafed Fritillaria, which ftand on a long weake round ftalke, let without order : the flower is fmall and yellow, hut thicker checkerd with red fpots then any of the other yellow Fritillaria's ; the ftalk of the flower, at the head thereof, being alfo of a yellowifh colour. i i . Fritillaria Pyrenceajiue Apcnninea. The blacke Fritillaria. The roote of this kinde doth often grow fo great, that it feemeth like vnto the roote of a fmall Crowne Imperiall : the ftalke is ftrong, round, and high, fet without order, with broader and whiter greene leaues then any of the former, bearing one, two, or three flowers ; fometimes at the toppe, being not fo large as thofe of the ordinary pur- ple Fritillaria, but fmaller, longer, and rounder, fometimes a little turning vp the brims or edges of the leaues againe, and are ot a yellowilh Ihining greene colour on the 44 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. the infide, fometimes fpotted with red fpots almoft through the whole infide of the flower, vnto the very edge, which abideth of a pale yellow colour, and fometimes there are very few fpots to be feene, and thofe from the middle onely on the inlide (for on the outfide there neuer appeareth any fpots at all in this kinde) and fometimes with no mew of fpots at all, fometimes alfo of a more pale greene, and fometime of a more yellow colour : the outfide of the flowers doe likewife vary, for in fome the out- fide of the leaues are of a darke fullen yellow, &c. elfe more pale yellow, and in other of a darke purplifh yellow colour, which in fome is fo deepe, and fo much, that it ra- ther feemeth blacke then purple or yellow, and this efpecially about the bottome of the flower, next vnto the ftalke, but the edges are ftill of a yellowHh greene : the head of feede, and the feede likewife is like vnto the former, but bigger in all refpedls. 12. Fritillaria Hifpanica vmbellifera. The Spanifh blacke Fritillaria. This Fritillaria is no doubt of kindred to the laft recited, it is fo like, but greater in all parts thereof, as if growing in a more fruitfull foile, it were the ftronger and luftier to beare more (lore of flowers : the flowers grow foure or fiue from the head together, hanging downe round about the ftalke, like vnto a Crowne Imperiall, and are of a yellowifh greene colour on the infide, fpotted with a few red fpots, the outfide being blackifh as the former. The Place. The firft of thefe plants was firft brought to our knowledge from France, where it groweth plentifully about Orleance ; the other forts grow in di- uers other Countries, as fome in Portugall, Spaine, Italy, &c. as their names doe import, and as in time they haue been obferued by thofe that were cu- rious fearchers of thefe rarities, haue been fent to vs. The Time. The early kindes doe flower in the beginning of Aprill or thereabouts, according to the mildenefle or fharpenefle of the precedent Winter. The other doe flower after the firft are paft, for a moneths fpace one after ano- ther, and the great yellow is very late, not flowring vntill about the middle or end of May. The Names. This hath receiued diuers names: fome calling it Flos Meleagridis, the Ginny Hen Flower, of the variety of the colours in the flower, agreeing with the feathers of that Bird. Some call it Narcijfiis Caparonius, of the name of the firft inuentor or finder thereof, called Noel Caperon, an Apothecary dwelling in Orleance, at the time he firft found it, and was fhortly after the finding thereof taken away in the Maflacre in France. It is now generally called Fritillaria, of the word Fritillus, which diuers doe take for the Chefle borde or table whereon they play, whereunto, by reafon of the refemblance of the great fquares or fpots fo like it, they did prefently referre it. It is called by Lobel LHhnarciffus purpureus variegafus, & sejfulatits, making it a kinde of Tulipa ; but as I faid in the beginning of the Chapter, it doth moft neerely refemble a fmall pendulous Lilly, and might therefore rightly hold the name of Li/ium variegafum, or in Englifh, the checkerd Lilly. But be- caufe the errour which firft referred it to a DafFodill, is growne ftrong by cuftome of continuance, I leaue to euery one their owne will, to call it in Englifh eyther Fritillaria, as it is called of moft, or the checkerd DafFodill, or the Ginnie Hen flower, or, as I doe, the checkerd Lilly. I mall not neede in this place further to explaine the feuerall names of euery of them, hauing giuen you them in their titles. The The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 45 The Vertues. I haue not found or heard by nny others of any property peculiar in this plant, to be applied either inwardly or outwardly for any difeafe : the chiefe or onely vfe thereof is, to be an ornament for the Gardens of the cu- rious louers of thefe delights, and to be wornc of them abroad, which for the gallant beauty of many of them, deferueth their courteous entertain- ment, among many other the like pleafures. CHAP. VIII. Tulipa. The Turkcs Cap. "N T Ext vnto the Lillies, and before the Narcifli or Daffodils, the difcourfe of Tu- ^^ lipas deferueth his place, for that it partaketh of both their natures; agreeing ' with the Lillies in leaues, flowers, and feede, and fomewhat with the Daffo- dils in rootes. There are not onely diuers kindes of Tulipas, but fundry diuerfities of colours in them, found out in thefe later dayes by many the fearchers of natures va- rieties, which haue not formerly been obferued : our age being more delighted in the fearch, curiofity, and rarities of thefe pleafant delights, then any age I thinke before. But indeede, this flower, aboue many other, deferueth his true commendations and acceptance with all louers of thefe beauties, both for the ftately afpecl, and for the ad- mirable varietie of colours, that daily doe arife in them, farre beyond all other plants that grow, in fo much, that I doubt, although I (hall in this Chapter fet downe the varieties of a great many, I (hall leaue more vnfpoken of, then I mail defcribe ; for I may well fay, there is in this one plant no end of diueriity to be expelled, euery yeare yeelding a mixture and variety that hath not before been obferued, and all this arifing from the fowing of the feede. The chiefe diuiilon of Tulipas, is into two forts : Pra- , early flowring Tulipas, and Serotina, late flowring Tulipas. For that fort which is called Media or Dubia, that is, which flower in the middle time betweene them both, and may be thought to be a kinde or fort by it felfe, as well as any of the other two : yet becaufe they doe neerer participate with the Serotina then with the Pretcoces, not onely in the colour of the leafe, being of the fame greennefle with the Serotinee, and moll vfually alfo, for that it beareth his ftalke and flower, high and large like as the Serotiftee doe ; but efpecially, for that the feede of a Media Tulipa did neuer bring forth a Preecox flower (although I know Clufius, an induftrious, learned, and painfull fearcher and publilher of thefe rarities, faith otherwife) fo farre as euer I could, by mine owne care or knowledge, in fowing their feede apart, or the aflurance of any o- thers, the louers and fowers of Tulipa feede, obferue, learne, or know : and becaufe alfo that the feede of the Serotiiue bringeth forth Medias, and the feede of Medias Sero- t/nrr iiras ftrialum. The leafe of the Tulipa of Caffa ftriped at the edges onely. 6 Tulipa Ptrfica. The Perfian Tulipa. 7 Titlifa Cretica. The Tulipa of Candie. 8 Tulifa Armntuua. The Tulipa of Amenia. 54 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. high fometimes, bearing one flower thereon, compofed of fixe long and pointed leaues of the forme of other fmall Tulipas, and not fhewing much bigger then the yel- low Italian Tulipa, and is wholly white, both infide and outfide of all the leaues, ex- cept the three outtermoft, which haue on the backe of them, from the middle toward the edges, a fhew of a brownifh blufh or pale red colour, yet deeper in the midft, and the edges remaining wholly white : the bottomes of all thefe leaues are of a darke or dun tawnie colour, and the chiues and tippes of a darkifh purple or tawnie alfo. This doth beare feed but feldome in our country, that euer I could vnderftand, but when it doth, it is fmall like vnto the Bolonia or dwarfe yellow Tulipas, being not fo plentifull alfo in parting, or fetting of by the roote as they, and neuer groweth nor abideth fo great as it is brought vnto vs, and feldome likewife flowreth after the firft yeare : for the rootes for the moft part with euery one grow lefle and leffe, decaying euery yeare, and fo perifh for the moft part by reafon of the frofts and cold, and yet they haue been fet deepe to defend them, although of their owne nature they will runne downe deep into the ground. T.ulipa Byzantina duobus floribus Clujij. The fmall Tulipa of Conftantinople. The fmall Tulipa of Conftantinople, beareth for the moft part but two leaues on the ftalke, which are faire and broad, almoft like vnto the Candy Tulipa, next here- unto to be defcribed : the ftalke it felfe rifeth not aboue a foote high, bearing fome- times but one flower, but moft commonly two thereon, one below another, and are no bigger then the flowers of the yellow Bolonia Tulipa, but differing in colour ; for this is on the outfide of a purplifh colour, mixed with white and greene, and on the infide of a faire blufh colour, the bottome and chiues being yellow, and the tippes or pendents blackifh : the roote is very like the yellow Bolonia Tulipa. Tulipa Cretica. The Tulipa of Candie. This Tulipa is of later knowledge with vs then the Perfian, but doth more hardly thriue, in regard of our cold climate ; the defcription whereof, for fo much as wee haue knowledge, by the fight of the roote and leafe, and relation from others of the flower, (for I haue not yet heard that it hath very often flowred in our Country) is as followeth. It beareth faire broad leaues, refembling the leaues of a Lilly, of a greenifh colour, and not very whitifh : the ftalke beareth thereon one flower, larger and more open then many other, which is either wholly white, or of a deepe red colour, or elfe is variably mixed, white with a fine reddifh purple, the bottomes being yellow, with purplifh chiues tipt with blackifh pendents : the roote is fmall, and fomewhat like the dwarfe yellow Tulipa, but fomewhat bigger. Tulipa Armeniaca. The Tulipa of Armenia. This fmall Tulipa is much differing from all the former (except the fmall or dwarfe white Tulipas remembred by Lobel and Clufius, as is before fet downe) in that it beareth three or foure fmall, long, and fomewhat narrow greene leaues, altogether at one ioynt or place ; the ftalke being not high, and naked or without leaues from them to the toppe, where it beareth one fmall flower like vnto an ordinary red Tulipa, but fomewhat more yellow, tending to an Orenge colour with a blacke bottome : the roote is not much bigger then the ordinary yellow Bolonia Tulipa, before fet downe. And thefe are the forts of this firft Clafsis of early Tulipas. Tulipa Media. The meaner or middle flowring Tulipa. For any other, or further defcription of this kinde of Tulipa, it fhall not neede, ha- uing giuen it fufficiently in the former early Tulipa, the maine difference confifting firft in the time of flowring, which is about a moneth after the early Tulipas, yet fome more fome leffe : for euen in the Pracoces, or early ones, fome flower a little earlier, and later then others, and then in the colours of the flowers ; for wee haue obferued many colours, The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 55 colours, and mixtures, or varieties of colours in the Medias, which we could neuer fee in the /Vr/v -.(<, and fo alfo fome in the P;-rfr'/tv.f, which are not in the Media s : yetthere is farre greater varieties of mixture of colours in thcfe Medias, then hath been obfcr- ued in all the Pretcwf, (although Clufius faith otherwife) eyther by my felfe, or by any other that I haue conuerfed with about this matter, and all this hath happened by the fowing of the feede, as I faid before. I will therefore in this place not trouble you with any further circumllance, then to diltinguifh them, as I haue done in the former arly Tulipas, into their foure primary colours, and vnder them, giue you their feucrall varieties and names, for fo much as hath come to my knowledge, not doubting, but that many that haue trauelled in the fowing of the feed of Tulipas many yeares, may obferue each of them to haue fome variety that others haue not : and therefore I thinke no one man can come to the knowledge of all particular diminutions. T'ulipa media alba. 1 Nine a, fundo albo vel luteo. 2 Argentca, quaji alba cineracea fundo lute- fcente, purpureisjiaminibus. 3 Margaritina alba, carneo dilutifsima . 4 Alba, fundo caruleo vel nigro. 5 Albida. 6 Alba, or is rubris. \H*c tria gtntra in 7 Alba, purpureis oris. 8 Alba, oris coccineis. nftan- ter tenent oras, in \a/ijs difptrgunt. 9 Albida primum, deinde albidior, oris pur- pureis, & Tents intro refpicientibus, ditto nobis Hackquenay. \ o Alba,fanguineo color e variata, fundo ve/ albifsimo, vel alto. 1 1 Alba, radiatim difpojitajiammis, & ma- culis coccineis. 1 2 Alba, pur pur ea rubedine plumata, diuer- farum fpecierum, qua cum fuperiore, vel albo, vel luteo, vel par uo caruleo constant fundo, qua conjianter tenent punftatos co- lores, & non difpergunt,fedpoji trium aut quatuor dierumfpatium pulchriores appa- rent. 1 3 Panni argentei color is, i.e. alba, plumata, punctata, Jlriata, vel dine r/i mode variata, rubedine dilutiore, ve I futuratiore purpu- rea, interius vel exterius, vel vtrmg, diuerfarum fpecierum. 14 Tunica morionis alba varia, i.e. t-x albo Thcfc three (otii doe hold their edge* coilfUnt in fome, but well fpreid in o- theri. The white meane flowring Tulipa. 1 A fnow white, with a white or yellow bottome. 2 A filuer colour, that is, a very pale or whitifh afhe colour, with a yellowifh bottome and purple chiues. 3 A Pearle colour, that is, white, with a wafh or (hew of blufh. 4 A white, with a blew or blacke bottome. 5 A Creame colour. 6 A white, with red edges. 7 A white, with purple edges. 8 A white, with crimfon edges. 9 A pale or whitifh yellow, which after a few dayes groweth more white, with purplifh red edges, and fome ftreakes running inward from the edge, which we call an Hackney. 10. A white mixed with a bloud red very variably, and with a pure white, or o- ther coloured bottome. 1 1 A white, dreamed with crimfon flames, and fpots through the whole flower. 12 A white, fpeckled with a redd if h pur- ple, more or lefle, of diuers forts, with white, yellow, or blew bottomes, all which doe hold their markes conftant, and doe not fpread their colours, but Ihew fairer after they haue flood blown three or foure dayes. & purpureojbiatadiuerjimodejundoalbo 1 3 A cloth of liluer of diuers forts, that is, vel alto. a white fpotted, ftriped, or otherwife 1 5 Holias alba vel albida, abfa, fundo, marked with red or purple, in fome pa- fundopurpureocecruleo,velcaruleoalbocir- cundato, diuerse Jignata, vel variata intus ad medietatemfoliorum,furfum in orbem vt plurimum, vel ad oras pertingens am- i ler, in fome deeper, either on the inlide, or on the outlide, or on both. 14 A white Fooles coate of diuers forts, that is, purple or pale crimfon, and plas & albas. Hafpeciestantopere multi- white, as it were empaled together, ey- plicantur, vt vixjint explicabiles. ther with a white ground or other, whereof there is great variety. 1 5 A white Holias, that is, a faire white, or paler white, eyther without a bottome, or with a blewifh purple bottome, or blew and white circling the bottome, and The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Tanta eft buius varietas, vel multitudine, vet Jiriarum paucitate & di/HnSlione, vel fundis variantibus, v( ad tcedium ej/et per- fcribere. and from the middle vpwards, fpeckled and ftraked on the infide for the mod part, with bloud red or purplifh fpots and lines vnto the very edges, which abide large and white. Of this kinde there are found very great varieties, not to be exprefled. Of this fort there is fo much variety, fome being larger or fairer marked then o- thers, their bottomes alfo varying, that it is almoft impoffible to exprefs them. Tulipa media pur pur ea. 1 Purpureafatura. 2 Purpurea dilutior, diuerfarum fpecierum, quarum Rqfea vna, Carneajit altera. 3 Perftcicoloris, duarum auttriumfpecierum. 4 Chermefina, obfcura aut pallida. 5 Stamela, intenjior aut remifsior. 6 Xerampelina. 7 Purpurea, ftriata. 8 Per/id faturi, ve/ dlluti colons ', vndulata, vel radiata. 9 Columbina, oris & radijs albis. I o Purpurearubra,oris, albis JimilisPreecoci, difta Prlnceps. I 1 Chermefina, vel He/uo/a, lineis albis in media, & verfus or as,fundo ceeruleo, vel albo, itemf^, albo orbe. 1 2 Purpurea remifsior, aut intenjior, oris al- bis, paruis aut magnis, vt in Principe prae- coci,fundo vel cceruleo orbe albo, vel albo orbe ceeruleo amplo. 1 3 Holias He/uo/a, fanguineis guttis intus a mediofurfum in orbem,fundo ceeruleo. 1 4 Tunica Morionis pur pur ea rubrafatura, albido Jiriata, quam in alba faturatior, fundo ex ceeruleo & albo. 1 5 Purpurea rubrafatura veldiluta, albo vel albedine, punSlata vel Jiriata diuerjimode, diSla Cariophyllata. The meane flowring purple Tulipa. 1 A faire deep purple. 2 A paler purple, of many forts, whereof a Rofe colour is one, a Blufh another. 3 A Peach colour of two or three forts. 4 A Crimfon, deepe, or pale. 5 A Stamell, darke or light. 6 A Murrey. 7 A purple, ftript and fpotted. 8 A Peach colour, higher or paler, waued or ftript. 9 A Doue colour, edged and ftraked with white. 10 A faire red purple, with white edges, like vnto the early Tulipa, called a Prince. 1 1 A faire crimfon, or Claret wine co- lour, with white lines both in the mid- dle, and towards the edges, moft haue a blew bottome, yet fome are white, or circled with white. 12 A light or deepe purple, with white edges, greater or fmaller, like the early Prince, the bottomes eyther blew cir- cled with white, or white circled with a large blew. 1 3 A purple Holias, the colour of a pale Claret wine, marked and fpotted with bloud red fpots, round about the mid- dle of each leafe vpward on the infide onely, the bottome being blew. 14 A Crimfon Fooles Coate, a darke crimfon, and pale white empaled toge- ther, differing from the white Fooles Coate, the bottome blew and white. 1 5 A deeper or paler reddifh purple, fpot- ted or ftriped with a paler or purer white, of diuers forts, called the Gillo- flower Tulipa. TLulipa The Garden of plt'iij'ttnt l'lo\. i Tulifa rnbra .5- lulia t aria. The Fooles Coate red and yellow. 2 Tulifa Holtas alba abfq.fundo. The white Holeas without a bottome. 3 Tulifa argntta, tti'/>nftaia, t> Cinmabarina albojlammata. The Vermillion flamed. 10 Titlifa flitmnla rubra * lutta. The feathered Tulipa red and yellow. 6o The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. 1 9 LeSuiJfe, teenijs radiata magnis ex rubore & pallore. 20 Alter a diSta Goliah a Jioris magnitudine, tanijs radiata Jimlllima le Suiffe, niji ru- bor & albedo Jint elegantiores. 2 1 Hollas rubra, i.e.fangitinea argenteis ra- dijs, & guttis in orbem difpojitis, prcej'er- tim interim, fundo viridifaturo. 2 2 Ho lias coccinea, rubra coccinea, albo radi- ata in orbem, circa medium foliorum in- terius, fundo albo. 23 Alia huic Jimilis, fundo albo & cezru- leo. 19 A Swifle, pained with a faire red and pale white or flrawe colour. 20 A Goliah, fo called of the bignefle of the flower, moft like to the Swifle in the marks and guardes, but that the red and white is more liuely. 2 1 A red Holias. A bloud red ftript with filuer white veines and fpots, with a darke green bottome. 22 A Crimfon red Holias, that is, a faire purplifh red, fpotted with white circle- wife about the middle of the inner leaues, and a white bottome. 23 Another like thereunto, with a blew and white bottome. Tulipa media lutea. 1 Lutea, Jiue Aurea vu/garis. 2 Straminea. 3 Sulphurea. 4 Mali Aurantij pallidi color is. 5 Lutea dilute purpurea Jlriata, aurei panni pallidi injiar. 6 Pa/fide lutea fufcedine adumbrata. 7 Flaua, or is rubris magnis, aut par ids. 8 Straminea oris rubris magnis intenjis, vel paruis remifsis. 9 Obfcura & fuliginofa lutea, inftar Folij decidui, ideo^ Folium mortuum appella- tur. 10 F/aua, rubore perfufa, etiamque Jiri- ata per totum, dorfo coccineo, oris pal- lidis. 1 1 Pallide lute a, perfufa & magis aut minus rubore ftriata, fundo ve/ luteo, vel vi- ridi. 12 Tejiamentum Clujij, i.e. lutea pallidafu- ligine obfufca, exterius & infer/us ad oras v f& pallidas, per totum vero Jioris medi- um, maculis interius afperfa injiar om- nium aliarum Holias, dorfo obfcuriore, fundo viridi. The meane flowring yellow Tulipa. 1 A faire gold yellow. 2 A Strawe colour. 3 A Brimftone colour pale yellowifh greene. 4 A pale Orenge colour. 5 A pale cloth of gold colour. 6 A Curtard colour a pale yellow fhadow- ed ouer with a browne. 7 A gold yellow with red edges, greater or fmaller. 8 A Strawe colour with red edges, deeper or paler, greater or fmaller. 9 A fullen or fmoakie yellow, like a dead leafe that is fallen, and therefore called, Fucille mart. i o A yellow fhadowed with red, and ftri- ped alfo through all the leaues, the backiide of them being of a red crim- fon, and the edges pale. 1 1 A pale yellow, fhadowed and ftriped with red, in fome more in fome lefle, the bottomes being either yellow or green. 1 2 A Tejiamentum Clujij, that is, a fhadow- ed pale yellow, both within & without, fpotted round about the middle on the infide, as all other Holias are, the backe of the leaues being more obfcure or fha- dowed with pale yellow edges, and a greene bottome. 13 Flam- "The Garden of pie afant Flowers. 61 I'' I am ha us lutea, diuerjimoife intus mag/s t'ut minus Jiriata, ;unfla- ta, in /lar alba Hollas. 1 7 Tunica Morionis lutea, alijs difla Flam- mea, in qua color Jiaiusmagis Gf confpicuus rubore, diuer/imode radiata. Hue red ilc ml a ej/et -ciridarum Tu /if arum e/afsis, qua diner/arum etlam constatfpe- clcrum. Vna viridis intenjior, cuius Jios fcmpt'r fere fcniic/aitfus manet Jlami- nihus Jimbriath. Alter a remifsior, in/far l\littaeipennarum viridium, luteo variata oris alb'n. Tertia adhuc dilutiori viridi- tate oris purpureis. Quarta, cujus folia aqua liter pur pur a dilttta, & 'viriditate diui/'a funt. Quinta, folijs longifsimis /lellamodo expanjis, ex rubore & viridi- coatfa. 1 3 A yellow Flambant of diners forts, that is, the whole flower more or lefle llrea- ined or f potted on the inlide, and in fome on the outlide with red, the bot- tome in moll being blacke, yet in fome yellow. 14 A paler yellow Flambant more beau- tifull. 15 A yellow Holias, paler or deeper yel- low very variable, f potted on the inlide round about the middle, with red fometimes plentifully, or elfe fparing- ly, with a green or dark tawny bottome. 1 6 A ftrawe coloured Holias, fpotted and rtreamed with red, as is to bee feene in the white Holias. 1 7 A yellow Fooles coate, of fome called a flame colour, wherein the yellow is more then the red, diuerfly rtreamed. Vnto thefe may be added the greene Tuli- pa, which is alfo of diuers forts. One ha- uing a great flower of a deepe green co- lour, feldome opening it felfe, but abi- ding alwaies as it were halfe (hut vp and clofed, the chiues being as it were feathered. Another of a paler or yel- lowifh green, paned with yellow, and is called, The Parrel, &c. with white edges. A third of a more yellowilh green, with red or purplifh edges. A fourth, hath the leaues of the flower equally almoft parted, with greene and a light purple colour, which abiding a long time in flower, groweth in time to be fairer marked : for at the firrt it doth not (hew it felfe fo plainely diuided. Some call this a greene Swifler. A fifth hath the longeft leaues (landing like a ftarre, confifting of greene and purple. Tulipa St'rotina. The late flowring Tulipa. The late flowring Tulipa hath had his defcription exprefled in the precedent dif- courfe, fo that I (hall not neede to make a repetition of what hath already beene fet downe. The greateli matter of knowledge in this kinde is this, That it hath no fuch plentifull variety of colours or mixtures in his flowers, as are in the two former forts, but is confined within thefe limits here exprefled, as farre as hath come to our know- ledge. Tulipa Serotota. The late flowring Tulipa. /\ I'ea intenjior, nut remifsior. A Rofe colour deeper or paler. Rukra vu/garis, aut faturatior, & qtuijt An ordinary red, or elfe a deeper red like nigricans, fundo luteo vel nigro, vel ni-\ blacke bloud, with a blacke or yellow gro or be, aitreo inclu/'o, difta Oculus So- lis. Lutea communts. Lutea oris ruhns. bottome, or backe circled with yel- low, called the Suns eye. An ordinary yellow. I A yellow with red edges. Lutea gttttis fanguineis, fundo nigro ve/ A yellow with red fpots and veines, the I'ario. bottome blacke or difcoloured. There 6 2 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. There yet remaine many obferuations, concerning thefe beautifull flowers, fit to be knowne, which could not, without too much prolixity, be comprehended within the body of the defcription of them ; but are referued to bee intreated of a part by them- felues. All forts of Tulipas beare vfually but one ftalke, and that without any branches : but fometimes nature is fo plentifull in bearing, that it hath two or three ftalkes, and fometimes two, or more branches out of one ftalke (euery ftalke or branch bearing one flower at the toppe) but this is but feldome feene ; and when it doth happen once, it is hardly feene againe in the fame roote, but is a great figne, that the roote that doth thus, being an old roote, will the fame yeare part into diuers rootes, whereof euery one, being of a reafonable greatneffe, will beare both his ftalke and flower the next yeare, agreeing with the mother plant in colour, as all the of-fets of Tulipas doe for the mort part : for although the young of-fets of fome doe vary from the maine roote, euen while it groweth with them, yet being feparated, it will bee of the fame colour with the mother plant. There groweth oftentimes in the Medias, and fometimes alfo in the Preecoces, but more feldome, a frnall bulbe or roote, hard aboue the ground, at the bottome of the ftalke, and betweene it and the lower leafe, which when the ftalke is dry, and it ripe, being put into the ground, will bring forth in time a flower like vnto the mother plant, from whence it was taken. The flowers alfo of Tulipas confift mort commonly of fixe leaues, but fometimes they are feene to haue eight or tenne, or more leaues ; but vfually, thofe rootes beare but their ordinary number of fixe leaues the next yeare : the head for feede then, is for the moft part foure fquare, which at all other times is but three fquare, or when the flower wanteth a leafe or two, as fometimes alfo it doth, it then is flat, hauing but two fides. The forme of the flower is alfo very variable ; for the leaues of fome Tulipas are all fharpe pointed, or all blunt and round pointed, and many haue the three outer leaues fharpe pointed, and the three inner round or pointed, and fome contrariwife, the three outermoft round pointed, and the three inner fharpe pointed. Againe, fome haue all the leaues of the flowers long and narrow, and fome haue them broader and fliorter. Some Pracoces alfo haue their flowers very large and great, equall vnto eyther the Media, or Serotina, which moft commonly are the largeft, and others haue them as fmall as the Bolonia Tulipa. The bottomes of the leaues of the flowers are alfo variably diuerfified, and fo are both the chiues or threeds that ftand vp about the head, and the tips or pendents that are hanging loofe on the toppes of them ; and by the difference of the bottomes or chiues, many flowers are diftinguifhed, which elfe are very like in colour, and alike alfo marked. For the fmell alfo there is fome diuerfity ; for that the flowers of fome are very fweete, of others nothing at all, and fome betweene both, of a fmall fent, but not offen- fiue : and yet fome I haue obferued haue had a ftrong ill fent ; but how to fhew you to diftinguifh them, more then by your owne fenfe, I cannot : for the feedes of fweete fmelling Tulipas doe not follow their mother plant, no more then they doe in the colour. And laftly, take this, which is not the leaft obferuation, worth the noting, that I haue obferued in many : When they haue beene of one entire colour for diuers yeares, yet in fome yeare they haue altered very much, as if it had not beene the fame, viz. from a purple or ftamell, it hath beene variably either parted, or mixed, or ftriped with white, eyther in part, or through the whole flower, and fo in a red or yellow flower, that it hath had eyther red or yellow edges, or yellow or red fpots, lines, veines, or flames, running through the red or yellow colour, and fometimes it hath happened, that three leaues haue been equally parted in the middle with red and yel- low, the other three abiding of one colour, and in fome the red had fome yellow in it, and the yellow fome red fpots in it alfo ; whereof I haue obferued, that all fuch flow- ers, not hauing their originall in that manner, (for fome that haue fuch or the like markes from the beginning, that is, from the firft and fecond yeares flowring, are con- ftant, and doe not change) but as I faid, were of one colour at the firft, doe fhew the weaknefle The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 63 weaknefTe and decay of the roote, and that this extraordinary beauty in the flower, is but us the brightnefle of a light, vpon the very extinguilhing thereot, and doth plainly declare, that it can doe his Mailer no more feruice, and therefore with this iollity doth bid him good night. I know there is a common opinion among many (and very con- fidently maintained) that a Tulipa with a white flower, hath changed to beare a red or yellow, and fo of the red or yellow, and other colours, that they are likewife incon- ftant, as though no flowers were certaine : but I could neuer either fee or heare for certaine any fuch alteration, nor any other variation, but what is formerly cxprefled. Let not therefore any iudicious be carried away with any fuch idle conceit, but rather fufpect fome deceit in their Gardeners or others, by taking vp one, and putting in an- other in the place, or elfe their owne miftaking. Now tor the fowing, planting, tranfplanting, choife, and ordering of Tulipas, which is not the leaft of regard, concerning this fubiedt in hand, but (as I think) would be willingly entertained; What I haue by my beft endeauours learned, by mine owne paines in almoft forty yeares trauell, or from others informations, I am willing here to let downe; not doubting, but that fome may adde what hath not come to my knowledge. Firft, in the fowing of feedes of Tulipas, I haue not obferued (whatfoeuer others haue written) nor could of certainty learne of others, that there doth arife from the feedes of Pr among thefe kindes, tor that it doth much relemble them, and peraduenture is but a difference raifed from the feede of the former, it is fo like in leafe and flower, but that the leauesfeeme to be fomewhat greater, and the fixe outer leaues of the flower to be of a glittering whitifh gray colour, and the cup yellow, as the former, but larger. 4. Nartiffiu latifoiius fiatto Jiort iimph calicc, Jiuc The leller yellow Nompareille, or the Lady Mattenefies Daffbdill. The leaues of this Daffbdill, are fomewhat like vnto the leaues of the firlt kind, but not altogether fo long or broad : the ftalke likewife rifeth not vp fully fo high, and beareth one flower like the former, but letter, and both the cuppe and the leaues are of one colour, that is, of a pale yellow, yet more yellow then in the former : the cup of this alfo is leller, and a little differing ; for it is neither fully fo fmall in the bottome, nor fo large at the edges, nor fo crumpled at the brimmes, fo that all thefe differences doe plainly (hew it to be another kinde, quite from the former. The Place. The places of none of thefe are certainly knowne to vs where they grow naturally, but we haue them onely in our Gardens, and haue beene fent, and procured from diuers places. The Time. They flower fometimes in the end of March, but chiefly in Aprill. The Names. The firft and fecond haue been fent vs by the name of NarciJ/e Nompare- //A-, as it is called in French ; and in Latine, Narci/its omnium maximus amplo callcc flaiM, and NarciJ/us Incomparabilis, that is, the Incomparable Daffbdill, or the greateft Daffbdill of all other, with a large yellow cuppe : but aflu- redly, although this Daffbdill doth exceed many other, both in length and bignelle, yet the great Spanifh baftard Daffbdill, which (hall be fpoken of hereafter, is in my perfwalion oftentimes a farre higher and larger flower; and therefore this name was giuen but relatiuely, we may call it in Englifh, The great None fuch Daffbdill, or the Incomparable Daffbdill, or the great Peerleile Daffbdill, or the Nompareille Daffbdill, which you will : for they all doe anfwer either the French or the Latine name ; and becaufe this name Nompartilte is growne currant by cuftome, I know not well how to alter it. The third kinde may pafle with the title giuen it, without con- troule. The laft is very well knowne beyond the Seas, efpecially in the Low Countries, and thofe parts, by the Lady Mattenefle Daffbdill, becaufe Clulius receiued it from her. We may call it in Englifh, for the correfpon- dency with the former, The lefler yellow Nompareille, or Peerlelle Daffb- dill, or the Lady Mattenefle DafFodill, which you will. NarciJ/us Indicus jlore ruAro, diflus lacobaus. The Indian Daffbdill with a red flower. This Indian Daffbdill is fo differing, both in forme, not hauing a cuppe, and in co- lour, being red, from the whole Family of the Daffodils (except the next that follow- eth, and the Autumne Daffodils) that fome might iuftly queftion the fitnefle of his place here. But becaufe as all the plants, whether bulbous or other, that come from the The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. the Indies, either Eaft or Weft (although they differ very notably, from thofe that grow in thefe parts of the world) muft in a generall furuey and mufter be ranked euery one, as neere as the furueiours wit will direct him, vnder fome other growing with vs, that is of neereft likenefle ; Euen fo vntill fome other can direct his place more fitly, I fhall require you to accept of him in this, with this defcription that followeth, which I muft tell you alfo, is more by relation then knowledge, or fight of the plant it felfe. This Daffodill hath diuers broad leaues, fomewhat like vnto the common or ordinary white Daffodill, of a grayifh greene colour ; from the fides whereof, as alfo from the middle of them, rife vp fometimes two ftalkes together, but moft vfually one after an- other (for very often it flowreth twice in a Summer) and often alfo but one ftalke a- lone, which is of a faint reddifh colour, about a foote high or more, at the toppe whereof, out of a deepe red skinne or huske, commeth forth one flower bending downewards, confifting of fixe long leaues without any cup in the middle, of an ex- cellent red colour, tending to a crimfon ; three of thefe leaues that turne vpwards, are fomewhat larger then thofe three that hang downewards, hauing fixe threads or chiues in the middle, tipt with yellow pendents, and a three forked ftile longer then the reft, and turning vp the end thereof againe : the roote is round and bigge, of a brownifh colour on the outfide, and white within. This is fet forth by Aldinus, Car- dinall Farnefius his Phyfitian, that at Rome it rofe vp with ftalkes of flowers, be- fore any leaues appeared. The Place, Time, and Names. This naturally groweth in the Weft Indies, from whence it was brought into Spaine, where it bore both in lune and luly, and by the Indians in their tongue named AZCAL XOCHITL, and hath beene fent from Spaine, vnto diuers louers of plants, into feuerall parts of Chriftendome, but haue not thriued long in thefe tranfalpine colder Countries, fo far as I can heare. Narctffus Trapezunticus JJore luteo prcecocifsimus. The early Daffodill of Trebizond. Becaufe this Daffodill is fo like in flower vnto the former, although differing in co- lour, I thought it the fitteft place to ioyne it the next thereunto. This early Daffodill hath three or foure fhort very greene leaues, fo like vnto the leaues of the Autumne Daffodill, that many may eafily bee deceiued in miftaking one for another, the diffe- rence confifting chiefly in this, that the leaues of this are not fo broad or fo long, nor rife vp in Autumne : in the midft of thefe leaues rifeth vp a fhort green ftalke, an hand- full high, or not much higher vfually, (I fpeake of it as it hath often flowred with mee, whether the caufe be the coldnefle of the time wherein it flowreth, or the nature of the plant, or of our climate, I am in fome doubt ; but I doe well remember, that the ftalkes of fome plants, that haue flowred later with me then the firft, haue by the grea- ter ftrength, and comfort of the Sunne, rifen a good deale higher then the firft) bearing at the top, out of a whitifh thinne skinne ftripped with greene, one flower a little ben- ding downewards, confifting of fixe leaues, laid open almoft in the fame manner with the former Indian Daffodill, whereof fome doe a little turne vp their points againe, of a faire pale yellow colour, hauing fixe white chiues within it, tipt with yellow pen- dents, and a longer pointell : the roote is not very great, but blackifh on the outfide, fo like vnto the Autumne Daffodill, but that it is yellow vnder the firft or outermoft coate, that one may eafily miftake one for another. The Place. It was fent vs from Conftantinople among other rootes, but as wee may gheffe by the name, it fhould come thither from Trapezunte or Trebizond. The Time. It flowreth fometimes in December, if the former part of the Winter haue The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i \aniffm Xonpareillf. The incomparable Daffodil!. 2 Nareiffus Matttntft. The lefler yellow Nomparclle Daffodil). 3 A'or- tiffui lacobttut flare rvbra. The red Indian Daffodil). 4 Narctffui Trafxiunticm. The early Daffodil) of Trabefond. 5 Nor- ctjfui Monlantts albut apopkyflmi prUno. The double lunquilia. 94 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 7. Narcijfus luncifolius luteus vu/garis maior. The ordinary lunquilia, or Rufh DafFodill. This ordinary Rufh DafFodill hath foure or fiue long greene round leaues, like vnto Rufhes, whereof it tooke the name : among thefe leaues rifeth vp the ftalke, round and greene, a foote and a halfe high very often, bearing at the toppe three or foure flowers all yellow, but much fmaller then the laft, and fo is the cup alfo : the feede is fmall and blacke, inclofed in fmall cornered heads; the roote is blackifh on the outlide. The fmell of the flower is very fweete in all thefe forts of Rufh Daffodils. 8. NarciJ/us luncifolius luteus medius. The fmaller lunquilia, or Rufh Daffodill. The leaues of this Daffodill are like vnto the former, but fmaller and rounder, the ftalke rifeth vp fo high, nor are the flowers fo great, but the leaues of the flower are a little rounder, and not fo pointed as in the former, in all things elfe alike, fauing lefTer. 9. Narciffus luncifolius luteus minor. The leaft lunquilia, or Rufh Daffodill. This leaft Daffodill hath fiue or fix fmall greene leaues, a little broader, and not fo long as the laft, among which rifeth vp a ftalke almoft a foote high, bearing one or two fmall flowers at the toppe, of a paler yellow colour then the former, with a yellow open cuppe, or crowne rather in the middle, bigger then in either of the laft two : the roote is very fmall and blacke, like vnto the laft in roundnefTe and colour. 10. NarciJ/us luncifolius luteus albicantibus line is dijtinSlus. The yellow lunquilia, or Rufh Daffodill with white lines. This Rufh Daffodill, hath round, greene, and long leaues, like vnto the ordinary Rufh Daffodill, with a ftalke bearing two or three yellow flowers, hauing leaues fome- what round at the point or end, with a line or ftrake of white in the middle of euerie one of them, the cup is fhort, and crowne fafhion, a little crumpled about the brims : the feede, roote, or any thing elfe differeth not. 1 1. NarciJ/us luncifolius Autumnal is Jiore viridi. The Autumne Rufh Daffodill with a greene flower. This ftrange Rufh Daffodill (I call it ftrange, not onely becaufe it differeth from a! others of this kinde, but alfo becaufe there are but few in thefe parts that haue had it, and fewer that doe ftill enioy it, in that it is perifhed withall that had it) hath but one onely leafe, very long, round, and greene, in all that euer I faw growing, which bea- reth no flower while that greene leafe is frefh, and to bee feene : but afterwards the ftalke rifeth vp, being like vnto the former greene leafe, round, naked, and greene vp to the toppe, where two or three flowers breake forth out of a fmall thin skinne, euery one confifting of fix fmall and narrow greene leaues, very fharpe pointed at the end, and as it were ending in a fmall pricke or thorne : in the middle whereof is a fmall round cup, or rather crowne, of the fame colour with the leaues and ftalke, which flower fmelleth very fweete, fomewhat like vnto the reft of the Rufh Daffodils : this fheweth not his flower vntill October, and the frofts quickly following after their flowring, caufe them foone to perifh. 1 2. NarciJ/us angujtifolius aureus multiplex. The golden double narrow leafed Daffodill. The leaues of this Daffodill are very narrow, and of a whitifh greene colour, not aboue foure or fiue inches long, from among which rifeth vp a ftalke about a foote high, bearing at the top one flower, confifting of fome outer leaues, which are of a yel- low y rninon The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 95 low colour, and of many other leaues in the middle being fmaller, and let thicke and round together ut' ;i more yellow gold colour, but with uune whiter leaues am them, the middle part a little pointing forth : the flower llandeth long before it doth perfect hi:- colour, and ahideth long in flower before the colour decay : the roote is in faihion almoll like the ordinary lunquilia, or Rulh Daffodil). I acknowledge this Darfodill hath not his proper place ; but becaufe the figure is fet in this table, let it thus palfe at this time. 13. NarciJ/us luncifulius lutcus fiorc plcno. The double lunquilia, or Ru(h Daffbdill. The double Rulh DafFodill hath his long greene leaues round, like the leaues of the common or ordinary Rulh DafFodill, and ot the fame bignefle, among which rifeth vp a long flender greene ftalke, bearing two or three, feldome more fmall flowers, yellow and double, that is, with diuers rowes of leaues, hauing the yellow cup fuch as is in the tingle flower, broken into fmall fhreads or peeces, running among the leaues of the flower, which peeces in fome flowers are not fo eafily feene, being fmaller then in others, this beareth no button or head vnder the flower for feede, his roote is round and blackilh, browne on the outlide, fo like vnto the common Rufh DafFodill, that it is almoll impollible to know the one from the other. There is another of this kinde, whofe flowers are fmaller, and not fo double, one, Alttr two, or three at the molt vpon a llalkc, and of lefFe beauty by much. fi trt - The Place. All thefe Rufh Daffodils, doe for the moft part grow in Spaine and France, and on the Pyrensan Mountaines, which are betweene Spaine and France, which Mountains are the Nourferies of many of the fineft flowers, that doe adorne the Gardens of thefe louers of natures pride, and gathered in part by induflrious, learned, generous men, inhabiting neare thereunto, and in part by fuch as make a gaine of their labours, beftowed vpon thefe things. Onely that with the greene flower was gathered in Barbary, and imparted vnto vs from France. The Time. They flower in the Spring, that is, in March and Aprill, except fuch whofe time is fet downe to be in Autumne. The Names. Their names are fpecified in their titles, and therefore I (hall not need to fet downe any further repetitions. To conclude therefore this difcourfe of true Daffodils, there remaineth to fpeake of the Sea Daffodils, which (as I faid in the beginning) is but one, that is frequent, and doth abide with vs. But there bee fome others found about the Cape of good Hope, and in the Weft Indies, and brought into thefe parts rather for ollentation, then con- tinuance, where they haue flowred onely once (if peraduenture fo often) fo that being fuch Grangers, of fo remote Countries, and of fo diuers natures, I (hall but fhew you fome of them, rather curforily then curioufly ; and but onely for your fatisfaction, giue you knowledge of two or three of them, that there haue beene feene fuch in flower, and that they are fcarce to bee feene againe, except they bee fetcht a new euery yeare that they be feene. Narcij/'us Marinus, Jiuc tcrtius Matf/iio/i. The great white Sea DafFodill, or Matthiolus his third DafFodill. The roote of this DafFodill by long continuance, rtanding in one place without be- ing remoued, groweth to be much greater and larger, then any other DafFodill what- foeuer, 96 'The Garden of pleafant Flowers. foeuer, and as bigge as any meane Squilla or Sea Onion roote, hauing many long, thicke, and white fibres, or long rootes, diuerfly branched, and fpread vnder the vp- per part of the earth, befide fome others that grow downward, and perifh not euery yeare, as the fibres of all, or moft of the other Daffodils doe ; and therefore this plant will not thriue, and beare flowers, if it be often tranfplanted, but rather defire to a- bide in one place without remouing, as I faid, and that not to be ouerfhadowed, or co- uered with other herbes (landing too neare it, which then will flourifh, and beare a- boundantly : from this roote, which is couered with many blackifh coates, arifeth fix or feuen, or more leaues, twice fo broad almoft, as any of the former Daffodils, but not fo long by halfe as many of them, being but fhort, in comparifon of the breadth, and of a white greene colour ; from the middle of which leaues, as alfo from the fides fometimes, fpringeth vp one or two, or more ftalkes, roundifh and thicke, and fome- times a little flat and cornered, a foote high or fomewhat more, bearing at the toppe, out of a skinnie huske, eight, ten, twelue, or more very large flowers, confifting of fix white leaues a peece, fpread or laid open, with a white fhort cuppe or crowne in the middle, lying flat vpon the leaues, cut or diuided into fix corners (and not whole, as the cuppe or crowne of any other fingle Daffodill) from euery of which edges, or corners of this cup or crowne, ftandeth one white long thread, a little crooked or tur- ning vp at the end, tipt with a yellow pendent, and fome other white threads tipt with yellow pendents, (landing alfo in the middle : after the flower is part, there come vp great three fquare heads, wherein the feede is contained, which is great, blacke, and round, like vnto the feede of other Daffodils, but greater : the flower hath a reafona- ble good fent, but not very ftrong. The Place. It was firft found by the Sea fide, in the Ifle of Sardinia, and on the high Mountaines alfo of the fame Ifle, where it hath borne by report, thirty flue flowers vpon a (talke : it groweth likewife about Illyricum, and in diuers other places. The Time. It fpringeth later out of the ground then any other Daffodill, that is to fay, not vntill the later end of March, or beginning of Aprill, and flowreth in the end of May, or the beginning of lune : the feede is ripe in the end of luly, or beginning of Augult. The Names. The firft that hath made mention of this Daffodill, was Matthiolus, who placed it in the third place among his Daffodils, and is moft vfually now a- dayes called, Narcijjus tertius Matthioli, Matthiolus his third Daffodill, the rather, becaufe Clufius vpon a more mature deliberation, firft referred it thereunto, but called it at the firft, Lilionarci/fus Hemerocallidis facie, and, as hee faith, lacobus Plateau (who firft fent him the figure hereof, with the defcription) called it LilionarciJ/us Orientalis, but Clufius vpon certaine in- formation, that it grew in the places aforefaid, mifliked the name of Orieti- talis, and added Hemerocallis, which yet is not fit, for that his Hemerocnllis Valentina, is a plaine Pancration or Sea baftard Daffodill, whofe middle cup is longer then the cup of any true Daffodill, which (as I faid in the be- ginning of this Chapter) is the chiefeft note of difference, betweene a true and a baftard Daffodill. I receiued the feede of this Daffodill among many other feedes of rare plants, from the liberality of M r . Doctor Flud, one of the Phyfitians of the Colledge in London, who gathered them in the Vni- uerfity Garden at Pifa in Italy, and brought them with him, returning home from his trauailes into thofe parts, by the name of Martagon rarifsimum, (and hauing fowne them, expecled fourteene yeares, before I faw them beare a flower, which the firft yeare that it did flower, bore foure ftalkes of flowers, ' The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 97 i Xartif/us itrtius Malthioli. The great white Sea Daffodil!. 3 .\arci//ut marinut Africaitui. The Sea Daffodil I of Africa. 2 ffarcif/Mt iMditusAutuHiH.ilis. The Indian Autumnc Daffodil!. 4 Narctffta marinus txoticus. The ftrange Sea Daffodil!. N The Garden of pleajant Flowers. flowers, with euery one of them eight or ten flowers on them) which of all other names, doth leaft anfwer the forme or qualities of this plant. It may moft fitly be called Narcifflis marinus maximus, in Englifh, The great Sea DafFodill, both becaufe it is a true DafFodill, and the greateft of all other, and alfo becaufe it hath not been found, but in Iflands, or elfe in other pla- ces neare the Sea. Lobelius entituleth it Pancratium Indicum alterum iiernum, Jiue NarciJJus Indicus alter facie Pancratij Monfpeliaci, but all this is wide from the matter, as may eafily be known, by that that hath been faid before. It is generally (as I faid before) called of all NarciJ/its tertius Matthioli, Matthi- olus his third DafFodill, which may either fo pafFe with vs, or as I called it, The great Sea DafFodill, which you will, & fo Clufius doth laftly entitle it. i . Pancratium Indicum, aut NarciJ/us Indicus Autumnalis quorundam Lobelij. The Indian Autumne DafFodill of Lobel. This plant hath in my opinion, a farre nearer refemblance vnto an Hyacinthus, vnto any DafFodill : But becaufe Lobel hath fo fet i't forth, I will fo publifh it vnto you, leauing it to iudgement. The roote is, as he faith, a fpan long, and of the thick- nefTe of a mans arme, couered with many white (hells, whereof the outermoft are of a darke red or Chefnut colour : the flowers rife vp in September, and October, being eight or ten in number, euery one by it felfe vpon a fmall footftalke, made of fix leaues a peece, fomewhat long, narrow, and pointed, like vnto the flowers of the Englifh Colchicum, or Medowe SafFron, of a whitifh yellow dunne colour, with fix long threads in the middle : the greene leaues are long and broad, and broad pointed. 2. NarciJJus Marinus Africanus,Jiue Exoticus Lobe It j. The Sea DafFodill of Africa. The roote of this ftrange plant (which of fome likenefFe is called a DafFodill) is very great, made as it were of many fcaly cloues, from whence rifeth vp a fmall fhort ftalke, bearing hard aboue the ground two faire broad greene pointed leaues, more long then broad, fo compafling the ftalke at the bottome, that it feemeth to run through them : the ftalke is fpotted with diuers difcoloured fpots, and is bare or naked from thefe two leaues vnto the toppe, where it beareth one faire double flower, like vnto a double A- nemone, of a delayed reddifh colour, tending to a blufh, with many threads fet about the middle head. 3. NarciJ/us Marinus Exoticus. The ftrange Sea DafFodill. This ftrange Sea DafFodill, hath fiue or fix large and long leaues of a pale greene co- lour, from among which rifeth vp a ftrong and bigge ftalke, bearing at the toppe, out of a thinne hofe or skinne, many very large flowers, made of fix long and pointed leaues apeece, of a blewifh purple colour, with a large round open cup in the middle, of a fadder colour then the leaues : the roote is very great, yet like vnto other great DafFodils, the outer skins whereof are of a darke browne colour. The Place. The Indian DafFodils grew in the vpper part of Hifpaniola in the Weft Indies, and brought hither, where they all foone perifhed. The other grew neare the Cape of good Hope, and was brought into the parts of Holland and thereabouts, from whence we had it, & perifhed alfo. The laft is vnknowne where it was gathered. The Time. The firft flowred in Autumne, as it is faid. The other in the firft Summer of their bringing. And fo did the laft, but the fame rootes will not flower with vs againe. The The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 99 The Names. So much hath been laid ot their names in their titles, as hath come to our knowledge ; and therefore let that fufficc. Thus hauing gone through the whole Family of the true Daffodils, (for fo much as th come to our knowledge) and fet them downe euery one by his name, and in this order ; it is tit that we I poke of their baftard brethern, and (hew you them alfo, in the lame order held with the former, as neare as the plenty of variety herein, which is not the like with the former, will giue leaue, that when you know them both by face and name, you may the better know to place or diftinguifh of others, that haue not parted vnder this rod. Pffudonarciffiis aureus Hifpanicus maximus. The great yellow Spanifh baftard Daffodill. The roote of this kinde of Daffodill is reafonable great, and blackifh on the out- fide, defiring to be deepe in the ground ; and therefore will runne downe, where it will then encreafe into many of-fets, from whence rife vp many thickc, long, and ftiffe leaues, of a grayifh greene colour, among which rifeth vp a round ftrong ftalke, fome- times three foote high or better, bearing at the toppe one onely faire great yellow flower, Handing forth right, and not pendulous, confining of fix fhort and fomewhat broad leaues, with a very great, large, and long trunke, of an equall largeneffe, but open at the mouth, and turning vp the brimmes a little, which are fomewhat crum- pled : after the flower is part, there commeth in the place a three fquare head, contai- ning round, blacke feede, like vnto other Daffodils. Pyrenaus Hifpanico & Anglico Jimilis. The Mountaine baftard Daffodill of diuers kindes. There is much variety in this kinde of baftard Daffodill : For one fort hath verie broad and whitifh greene leaues, fomewhat fhort in comparifon of others, that are of that breadth : the flower is wholly yellow, but a little paler then the former Spanifh kinde, hauing the leaues of his flower long, and fomewhat narrow, ftanding like wings about the middle trunke, which is as long as the leaues, and fmaller then in many other of this kinde, but a little yellower then the wings. Another fort hath narrower green leaues then this laft, and longer, the flower is all yellow, but the trunke is larger, wider, and more open at the mouth then the former, and almoft as large as the former Spa- nifh, but not fo high as the laft. A third hath the wings of the flower of a Strawe co- lour, but the trunke is long and narrow, of a faire yellow. A fourth hath fuch like flowers, but that it is fhorter, both the wings and the trunke : Some likewife haue the wings of the flower longer, then the long trunke, and fome fhorter. Some alfo are all yellow, and fome haue their wings onely a little more pale or white, like the Englifh kinde: Some againe haue their trunkes long and narrow, others haue them larger and wider open, and crumpled at the brimmes ; fo that it is needlelTe, to fpend a great deale of time and labour vpon fuch finally refpected flowers, but that in the beholding of them, we may therein admire the worke of the Creatour, who can frame fuch diuerfity in one thing : But this is befide the text, yet not impertinent. Pfcudonarcijjus pallviut prttcox. The early Strawe coloured baftard Daffodill. The leaues of this Daffodill are of a meane fize, betweene the broadeft and the nar- rower kindes, of a grayifh greene colour, and not very long : the ftalke rifeth vp a foot high or more, whereon ftandeth one large great flower, equalling the greateft Spanifli bollard Daffodill, before defcribed, in the largenefle of his trunke, and hauing the brimmes turned vp a little, which maketh it feeme the larger : the wings or outer leaues are in a maner as (hort, as they are in the greateft Spanifh kinde, (and not long flagging down, like vnto the Mountain kinds) and ftand ftraight outright : all the whole flower is of ioo The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. of one euen colour, that is, of a fine pale yellow, fomewhat like vnto the colour of a Lemon peele or rinde, but fomewhat whiter, which vfually we call a Strawe colour : the greatneffe of the flower, the earlineffe of the flowring, and the difference of colour from all the reft of this kinde, hath made me entreate of it apart by it felfe, as being no leffe worthy. PfeudonarciJJus Hifpanicus fare albo maior. The great white Spanifh baftard Daffodill. This baftard Daffodill hath diuers leaues rifmg vp together, long and broad, fome- what like vnto the firft Spanifh kinde, but a little broader, and of a whiter greene co- lour, yet not fo white, as in the leffer Spanifh white kindes, hereafter defcribed : among thefe leaues rifeth vp a round ftrong ftalke, about two foote high, bearing one white flower at the toppe, bending downe the head, as all thefe white kindes doe, but is not of fo pure a white, as the leffer kindes that follow, yet whiter then the greateft white Spanifh kinde, next of all to be defcribed : the whole flower, as well trunke as wings, is much larger then the leffer white kindes, and almoft equalling the firft Spanifh yel- low, but a little longer and narrower, a little crumpled and turning vp at the brimmes : the head and feede are like the firft ; the roote is greater and thicker then the firft Spa- nifh, and doth not encreafe fo much, nor is couered with a blacke, but rather with a whitifh coate. PfeudonarciJJus Hifpanicus maximus albidus, The greateft Spanifh white baftard Daffodill. This kinde of baftard Daffodill is very like the laft mentioned Daffodill, both in leaues and flowers, but larger in both : the flower of this is not full fo white, but hath fome fhew of paleneffe therein, and more vpon the firft opening of the flower then af- terwards, and is as great altogether, as the great Spanifh yellow, at the leaft with a longer, and fomewhat narrower trunke : the feede is like vnto the former, and fo is the roote alfo, but greater, being white on the outfide, and not blacke. PfeudonarciJJus Hifpanicus Jlore albo medius & minor, The two lefler white Spanifh baftard Daffodils. There are two other of thefe kindes of white Spanifh Daffodils, one greater or lef- fer then the other, but neither of them fo great as the former. The leaues of both are of a whitifh greene colour, one a little broader then the other : the flowers of both are pure white, and bending downe the heads, that they almoft touch the ftalke againe, the greater flower hath the longer and narrower trunke; and the leffer flower, the fhorter and wider open, yet both a little crumpled at the edges or brimmes : the rootes of both are like one vnto another, but differ in the greatneffe. From the feede of thefe haue fprung much variety, few or none keeping either colour or height with the mo- ther plants. PfeudonarciJJus Anglicus vu/garis. Our common Englifh wilde baftard Daffodill. This baftard Daffodill is fo common in all England, both in Copfes, Woods, and Orchards, that I might well forbeare the defcription thereof, and efpecially, in that growing wilde, it is of little refpeft in our Garden : but yet, left I bee challenged of ignorance in common plants, and in regard of fome variety therein worth the mark- ing, I will fet downe his defcription and variety as briefly as I may : It hath three or foure grayifh greene leaues, long and fomewhat narrow, among which rifeth vp the ftalke, about a fpan high or little higher, bearing at the toppe, out of a skinnie huske, as all other Daffodils haue, one flower (although fometimes I haue feene two toge- ther) fomewhat large, hauing the fix leaues that ftand like wings, of a pale yellow co- lour, and the long trunke in the middle of a faire yellow, with the edges or brimmes a little crumpled or vneuen : after the flower is paft, it beareth a round head, feeming three fquare, containing round blacke feede ; the roote is fomewhat blackifh on the outfide. But The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i< i PftitJonaniffiis Hifpanimi MII::IS aiircus. The great yellow Spanifh haftard Daffodil!. z P/eiidnnani//ns Pvrenirus vari- fonnis. The Mountaine baftard DarTodill of diuers kindes. 3 Pftudonari if/us Hi/fanit us maioralbus. The greater white Spanifh baftard Daffodil!. 4 ffntdonarcifftn Hijpanieut minor albnt. The lelTcr Spanifh white baftard DarTodill. 5 Pfrudoitarcif/ut tu hi fexattgulari. The fix cornered baftard DarTodill. 6 Pfiudonorciffits marimns aurtus.fiue Ko/rns Tradtfcnnli. lohn Tradcfcantv the middle trunke, will bee halfe broken, neither exprefling a full open double rlower, nor a clofe double trunke, as it is likewife feene in the finall Englilh kinde, as fhall bee declared in his place: this beareth no fecde; the roote hereof is thicke and great, and encreafeth as well as any other Daffodill. 3. Pfeudonarc i/us aureus Hifpanicus Jim pleno. The great double yellow Spanilh baftard Daffodill, or Parkinfons Daffodill. This double Spanifh DafFodill hath diuers leaues rifmg from the roote, differ, nar- rower, and not ot fo whitifh a greene colour as the former, but more fullen or grayilh, plainely refembling the leaues of the lingle great kinde, from whence this hath rifen : the Ihilke hereof likewife rifeth alinolt as high as it, and neare the height of the laft re- cited double, bearing one double flower at the toppe, alwayes fpread open, and neuer forming a double trunke like the former, yet not fo faire and large as it, the outermoft leaues whereof being of a greenifh colour at the firrt, and afterward more yellow, doe a little turne themfelues backe againe to the (lalke, the other leaues are fome of a pale yellow, and others of a more gold yellow colour, thofe that ftand in the middle are (mailer, and fome of them (hew as if they were hollow trunked, fo that they feeme to be greenilh, whitifh, yellow, and gold yellow, all mixed one among another: the root is great, round, and whitilh on the infule, couered with darke coloured skinnes or peelings. I thinke none euer had this kinde before my felfe, nor did I my felfe euer fee it before the yeare 1 6 1 8, for it is of mine own railing and flowring firft in my Garden. 4. Pfeudonarajfus Gallic us maior Jiore plena. The greater double French baftard Daffodill. This greater double Daffodill, hath his whitifh greene leaues longer and broader then the Imaller French kinde, hereafter following, to bee defcribed, and broader, longer, and more limber then the double Englifh kinde : the ftalke rifeth vp not much higher, then the fmaller French kinde, but a little bigger, bearing at the top one great double flower, which when it is fully and perfectly blowne open (which is but fel- doine ; for that it is very tender, the leaues being much thinner, and thereby continu- ally I ubiect, vpon any little diftemperature of the time, to cleaue fo faft one vnto an- other, that the flower cannot blow open faire) is a faire and goodly flower, larger by halfe then the fmaller kinde, and fuller of leaues, of the fame pale whitifh yellow, or Lemon colour, with the letfer, or rather a little whiter, and not fet in the fame order of rowes as it is, but more confufedly together, and turning backe the ends of the outer- moil leaues to the (talke againe, and hauing the bottome of the flower on the backfide lomewhat greene, neither of which is found in the lefler kinde : the roote is very like vnto the lefler kinde, but a little bigger and longer. 5. PfcuJonarciJ/us Anglicus Jiore plcn r *. The double Englifh baltard Daffodill, or Gerrards double Daffodill. e leaues of this double Daffodill are very like vnto the (ingle kinde, being of a whitilh greene colour, and fomewhat broad, a little fhorter and narrower, yet differ then the former French kinde: the flalke rifeth vp about a toote high, bearing at the toppe one very double flower, the outermolt leaues being of the fame pale colour, that is to bee feene in the wings of the lingle kinde ; thofe that ftand next them, are fome as deepe a yellow as the trunke of the (ingle, and others of the fame pale colour, with fome greene (tripes on the backe of diuers of the leaues : thus is the whole flower variably intermix! with pale and deepe yellow, and fome greene (tripes among them, when 104 The Garden of pleajant Flowers. when it is fully open, and the leaues difperfed and broken. For fometimes the flower fheweth a clofe and round yellow trunke in the middle, feparate from the pale outer wings, which trunke is very double, mewing fome pale leaues within it, difperfed among the yellow : And fometimes the trunke is more open, or in part broken, mew- ing forth the fame colours intermix! within it : the flower paffeth away without gi- uing any feede, as all other bulbous rootes doe that beare double flowers : the roote is fmall, very like vnto the French double kindes, efpecially the lefler, that it is verie hard to know the one from the other. The Place. The firft and greateft kinde, we had firft from lohn Tradefcante (as I faid before) whether raifed from feed, or gained from beyond Sea, I know not The fecond we firft had from Vincent Sion, borne in Flanders, dwelling on the Bank fide, in his Hues time, but now dead ; an induftrious and wor- thy louer of faire flowers, who cherifhed it in his Garden for many yeares without bearing of any flowers vntill the yeare 1620, that hauing flowrec with him, (and hee not knowing of whom hee receiued it, nor hauing cue feene the like flower before) he Theweth it to M r . lohn de Franqueuille, o whom he fuppofed he had receiued it, (for from beyond Sea he neuer recei ued any) who finding it to bee a kinde neuer feene or knowne to vs before caufed him to refpect it the more, as it is well worthy. And M r . Georg Wilmer of Stratford Bowe Efquire, in his Hues time hauing likewife recei ued it of him (as my felfe did alfo) would needes appropriate it to himfelfc as if he were the firft founder thereof, and call it by his owne name Wi! mers double DafFodill, which fince hath fo continued. The third is of mine owne foftering or railing, as I faid before ; for afll redly, it is rifen from the feede of the great Spanifh fingle kinde, which fowed in mine owne Garden, and cherifhed it, vntill it gaue fuch a flow< as is defcribed. The fourth is not certainly knowne where his originall mould be : Sorr thinke it to be of France, and others of Germany. The laft is afluredly firft naturall of our owne Countrey, for M r . Gerrai firft difcouered it to the world, finding it in a poore womans Garden in Weft parts of England, where it grew before the woman came to d there, and, as I haue heard fince, is naturall of the Ifle of Wight. The Time. They doe all flower much about one time, that is, from the mi end of March, as the yeare is forward, vnto the middle of Aprill. The Names. Vpon the three firft I haue impofed the names in Latine, as they are e prefTed in their titles : and for the Englifh names, if you pleafe, you may them pafle likewife as they are exprefled there alfo, that thereby euery c may be truely diftinguifhed, and not confounded. The fourth, befides t name in the title, is called of fome NarciJ/us Germanicus, which whether be of Germany, or no, I know not ; but that the name mould import fo mui The laft doth vfually carry M r . Gerrards name, and called Gerrards dou e DafFodill. i. Pfeedonarciflus atigujlifolius flore jiauefcente tubo quaji abfcijjb. The narrow leafed baftard DafFodill with the dipt trunke. This kinde of DafFodill hath long and narrow grayifh greene leaues, bearing fingle flower at the toppe of his ftalke, like vnto the former fingle baftard kindes, fe The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 105 lore fpecitied, hailing his outer leaues of a pale yellow colour, and his trunke of a dee- per yellow: the diiefe differences in this from the former, is in the leaues, being nar- row, and then in the trunke of the Mower, which is not crumpled or turned vp, as molt of the other are; and that the hrimmes or edges of the flower is as if it had beene dipt off, or cut euen. 2. P/l-HtfonarciJ/'us llifpankin mc,lins & minor lut,u>. The two letter Spanifh yellow baftard Daffodils. Thefe two letter kindes of Spanilh Daffodils, doc but differ in grcatncfle the one i the other, and not in any thing elfe; fo that in declaring the one, you may vn- and the other to bee a little greater. The letter then hath three or foure narrow whitilh greenc le.iues, from among which commcth forth a Iliort ftalke, not a- an hand breadth, or hall'e a foote high, bearing one (ingle flower, not fully ftan- outright, hut a little bending downe, confuting of fix fmall leaues, Handing as '.-lit a fmall, hut long trunke, a little crumpled at the brimmcs: the whole rr, as well leaues as trunke, are of one deepe yellow colour, like vnto the great ilh kinde: the roote is but fmall, and couered with a darkifh coate. The other is part> greater, and (as I laid) differeth not elfe. 3. PfcuJonarciJJus Hifpanicus I u tens minimus. The lealt Spanilh yellow baftard Daffbdill. The leaues of this fmall kinde are ("mailer and (horter then the former, feldome ex- i ceding the length ot three inches, and very narrow withall, but of the fame grayifh ^reene colour with the former : euery flower Itandcth vpon a fmall and fhort foote- . fcarce riling aboue the ground; fo that his nofe, for the moft part, doth lye or . an. h the ground, and is made alter the fame faihion, and of the fame colour with the ier, but much (mailer, as his roote is fo likewife. 4. Pfeutfanarciffiis Gallicus minor fare pleno. The letter French double baftard Daffbdill. The rootes of this letter French kinde (if I may lawfully call it, or the greater kinde Wore fpecified, a baftard Daffbdill ; for I fomewhat doubt thereof, in that the flower .it either is not made after the faihion of any of the other baftard Daffodils, but doth more nearely refemble the forme of the double white Daffbdill, exprefled before a- :nong the true Daffodils) are like vnto the double Englifh kinde, as alfo to the former double great French kinde, and the leaues are of the fame whitifh greene colour alfo, Suit narrower and not longer : the ftalke rifeth a little higher then the Englifh, and not :u!ly fo high as the greater French, bearing one faire double flower thereon, of a pale yellow or Lemon colour, confifting of fix rowes of leaues, euery rowe growing miller then other vnto the middle, and fo let and placed, that euery leafe of the rlower doth Hand directly almoft in all, one vpon or before another vnto the middle, where the leaues are fmalleft, the outermoft being the greateft, which maketh the ttower feeine the more beautifull : this and the greater kinde hath no trunke, or fhcw >t any other thing in the middle, as all or moft of the other former double baftard Daffodils haue, but are flowers wholly compofed of leaues, ftanding double euen to the middle. The Place. The firft is vndoubtedly a naturall of the Pyrenaean Mountaines. The Spanifh kindes grew in Spaine, and The French double kinde about Orleancc in France, where it is faid to ow plentifully. The Time. The fidt rlowreth at the end of March. The 106 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Spanifh kindes are the moft early, flowring betimes in March. The French double doth flower prefently after. The Names. More cannot bee faid or added, concerning the names of any of thefe Daffodils, then hath been fet downe in their titles : onely the French kinde is moft vfually called Robinus his Daffodill. PfeudonarciJJus luncifolius albus. The white baftard Rufh Daffodill, or lunquilia. This baftard Rufh Daffodill hath two or three long and very greene leaues, ve like vnto the fmall yellow Rufh Daffodill, formerly defcribed, but not altogether round, among which rifeth vp a fhort ftalke, feldome halfe a foote high, bearing the toppe, out of a fmall skinnie huske, one fmall white flower, fometime declining a pale colour, hauing fix fmall and fhort leaues, rtanding about the middle of trunke, which is long, and much wider open at the mouth, then at the bottome : th< fmall outer leaues or wings are a little tending to greene, and the trunke (as I faid) is either white, or whitifh, hauing the brimmes a little vneuen : the feede is fmall, blacke, and round, like vnto other Rufh Daffodils, but fmaller. PfeudonarciJJus luncifolius luteus maior. The greater yellow lunquilia, or baftard Daffodill. The leaues of this greater kinde are longer, greater, and a little broader then the former ; the ftalke alfo is higher, and the flower larger, more open at the mouth and crumpled, then the white, but wholly of a yellow colour : the feede and the roots are bigger, according to the proportion of the plant. PfeudonarciJJus luncifolius luteus minor. The leffer yellow baftard lunquilia. This is fo like vnto the laft in all things, that I fhall not neede to trouble you withii repetitions of the fame things formerly fpoken ; the chiefeft difference is the fmallnefTt of the plant in all parts. Pfeudonarcijjus luncifolius luteus ferotinus. The late yellow baftard lunquilia. There is likewife a third kinde, as great as the greater yellow, and in all his parts ex-jj prefling and equalling it, but is accounted the fairer, and flowreth fomewhat later. The Place. The Pyrenaean Hils haue afforded vs all thefe varieties, and wee preferutj them carefully ; for they are all tender. The Time. All thefe flower in Aprill, except the laft, which is a moneth later. The Names. The French and Lowe-Countrey men call them T'rompettes, that is Trumpets, from the forme of the trunke ; wee fometimes call them alfo b that name, but more vfually baftard lunquilia's. PfeudonarciJJus marinus albus, Pancratium vu/go. The white Sea baftard Daffodill. The Sea baftard Daffodill (to conclude this Chapter, and the difcourfe of DafFo dils The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 107 ^ The: - The whee Sea WfaH Daf- a I Thtfeaerearirl io8 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. dils) hath diuers broad whitifh greene leaues, but not very long, among which rifeth vp a ftiffe round ftalke, at the top whereof breaketh out of a great round skinny huske, flue or fix flowers, euery one made fomewhat of the fafhion of the great baftard Rufh Daffodill, but greater, and wholly white; the fix leaues, being larger and longer then in the Rum kinde, and extending beyond the trunke, are tipt with greene at the point of each leafe, and downe the middle likewife on the backfide. The trunke is longer, larger, and wider open at the mouth, cut in or indented at the brims or edges, and fmall at the bottome, with diuers white threeds in the middle, and is very fweet : vnder the flower is a round greene head, which groweth very great, hauing within it, when it is ripe, flat and blacke feede : the roote is great and white. Flare lutes, tf It is reported, that there are found other forts ; fome that beare yellow flowers, and fare rubra. others that beare red : but we haue feene none fuch, and therefore I can fay no more of them. The Place. ance, This kinde groweth neare the Sea lide, both in Spaine, Italy, and Fra within the Straights, and for the moft part, vpon all the Leuant fhoare and Iflands alfo, but will feldome either flower, or abide with vs in thefe colder Countries, as I haue both feene by thofe that I receiued from a friend, ai heard by others. The Time. It flowreth in the end of Summer, that is, in Auguft and September. The Name. Diuers doe call it Pancratium, as the learned of Mompeher, and others, with the addition of fare Lilij, after they had left their old errour, in taking it to be Scylla, and vfmg it for Scylla, in the Trochifces that go into Androma- chus Treakle. The learned of Valentia in Spaine, as Clufms faith," doe call it Hemerocallis, thinking it to be a Lilly ; and Clufms doth thereupon call it, Hemerocallis Valentina: but in my opinion, all thefe are deceiued in this plant ; for it is neither a Lilly, to haue the name of Hemerocallis giuen vnto it, nor Scylla, nor Pancratium, as many doe yet call it : for certainly this is a kinde of Daffodill ; the forme both of roote, leafe, and flower, doth affure me that haue feene it, and not Pancratium, which (as Diofcorides teftifieth) is a kinde of Scylla, and in his time called Scylla, with a red roote, and a leafe like a Lilly, but longer, and was vfed both with the fame preparation and quantity, and for the fame difeafes that Scylla was vfed, but that his force was weaker : all which doth plainly fhew the errours that many learned men haue been conuerfant in, and that all may fee how necefTary the knowledge of Herbarifme is to the practice of Phyficke ; And left the roote of this Sea baftard Daffodill bee vfed in the ftead of an wholefome remedy, which (as Clufms maketh mention) was deadly to him that did but cut his meate with that knife, which had immediately before cut this roote, and done in malice by him, that knew the force thereof, to kill his fellow, it working the more forceably by the euill attracting quality of the iron. The Vertues of Daffodils in generall. Howfoeuer Diofcorides and others, doe giue vnto fome of them fpeci- all properties, both for inward and outward difeafes, yet know I not any in thefe dayes with vs, that apply any of them as a remedy for any griefe, whatfoeuer Gerrard or others haue written. CHAP. The Garden o/ pleajant Mowers. 109 CHAP. X. I*-ui''iinw />ul/>>o rukcntc. The blufh Grape-flower. The roote of this Grape-flower growcth greater, then either the skie coloured, or white Grape-flower, and leldome hath any finall rootes or of-fets, as the other haue: his leaues alfo are larger, and fomewhat broader; the flowers are of a pale, or bleake blulh colour out of a white, and are a little larger, and grow a little higher and fuller of flowers then the white. The Place. They naturally grow in many places both of Germany and Hungary ; in Spaine likewife, and on Mount Baldus in Italy, and Narbone in France, a- bout the borders of the fields : we haue them in our Gardens for delight. The Time. Thefe flower from the beginning of March, or fooner fometimes, vn- till the beginning of May. The Names. They are moft commonly called BotroUcs^ but more truely Bofryot/cs, of HOT/JUS the Greeke word, which (ignifieth a bunch or clufter of grapes : Lobelius calleth the white one, DipcaJi Jlore alko, transferring the name Dip- caJt\ whereby the Mufcari is called to this lacinth, as if they were both one. Their feuerall names, whereby they are knowne and called, are fet downe in their titles. The Dutchmen call them Driuekens, as I faid before. Some Englifli Gentlewomen call the white Grape-flower Pearles of Spaine. i . Hyacmtfuu Comofus albus. The white haired lacinth. This lacinth doth more neerly refemble the Grape-flowers, then the faire haired lacinths that follow, whereof it beareth the name, in that it hath no haire or threeds at the toppe of the llalke or fides, as they : and therefore I haue placed it next vnto them, and the other to follow it, as being of another kinde. The root hereof is blackifti, A little long and round, from whence rife vp three or foure leaues, being fmooth and whitilh, long, narrow, and hollow, like a trough or gutter on the vpperfide: among which the ftalke rifeth vp a foote high or more, bearing at the toppe diuers fmall flow- ers, ibmewhat like the former, but not fo thicke fet together, being a little longer, and larger, and wider at the mouth, and as it were diuided into fix edges, of a darke whitilh colour, with fome blacker fpots about the brimmes on the infide : the heads or feede- veflels are three fquare, and fomewhat larger, then the heads of any of the former lefler Grape-flowers, wherein is contained round blacke feede. 2. Hyacinthus Comofus Byzantinus. The Turkic faire haired lacinth. This other lacinth which came from Conltantinople, is Ibmewhat like the former, but that it is bigger, both in roote, and leafe, and flower, and bearing greater (tore of flowers on the head of the (talke : the lower flowers, although they haue (hort (lalkes at their firft flowring, yet afterwards the ftalkes grow longer, and thofe that are lower, Hand out further then thofe that are highell, whofe toot-ftalkes are (hort, and al- molt clofe to the llemme, and of a more perfect purple then any below, which are of a duskie greenifh purple colour : the whole (talke of flowers feem like a Pyramis, broad belowe, and fmall aboue, or as other compare it, to a water fprinkle ; yet neither of both thefe lacinths haue any threeds at the tops of the (hikes, as the other following haue. 3. Hyacinthus 1 1 6 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 3. Hyacinthus Comofus maior purpureus. The great purple faire haired lacinth. This faire haired lacinth hath his leaues fofter, longer, broader, and leffe hollow then the former, lying for the moft part vpon the ground : the ftalke rifeth vp in the midft of the leaues, being ftronger, higher, and bearing a greater and longer head of flowers alfo then they : the flowers of this ftand not vpon fuch long foote-ftalkes, but are morter below, and clofe almoft to the ftalke aboue, hauing many bright purplifh blew threeds, growing higheft aboue the flowers, as it were in a bufh together, euery one of thefe threeds hauing a little head at the end of them, fomewhat like vnto one of the flowers, but much fmaller : the reft of the flowers below this bum, are of a fadder or deader purple, and not fo bright a colour, and the loweft worft of all, rather encli- ning to a greene, like vnto the laft Turkic kinde: the whole ftalke with the flowers vp- on it, doth fomewhat referable a long Purfe tafTell, and thereupon diuers Gentlewo- men haue fo named it : the heads and feede are like vnto the former, but greater : the roote is great and white, with fome redneffe on the outfide. 4. Hyacinthus Comofus ramofus purpureus. The faire haired branched lacinth. The leaues of this lacinth are broader, fhorter, and greener then of the laft, not lying fo weakly on the ground, but ftanding fomewhat more vpright : the ftalke rifeth vp as high as the former, but branched out on euery fide into many tufts of threeds, with knappes, as it were heads of flowers, at the ends of them, like vnto the head of threeds at the toppe of the former lacinth, but of a little darker, and not fo faire a blewifh purple colour : this lacinth doth fomewhat refemble the next Curld haire la- cinth, but that the branches are not fo fairely compofed altogether of curled threeds, nor of fo excellent a faire purple or Doue colour, but more duskie by much : the roote is greater and fhorter then of the next, and encreafeth fafter. 5. Hyacinthus Pennatus,Jiue Comofus ramofus elegantior. The faire Curld-haire lacinth. This admirable lacinth rifeth vp with three or foure leaues, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of the Muske Grape-flower, but lefler; betweene which rifeth vp the ftalke a- bout a foote high, or fomewhat more, bearing at the toppe a bufh or tuft of flowers, which at the firft appearing, is like vnto a Cone or Pineapple, and afterwards opening it felfe, fpreadeth into many branches, yet ftill retaining the forme of a Pyramis, be- ing broad fpread below, and narrow vp aboue : each of thefe branches is againe diui- ded into many tufts of threeds or firings, twifted or curled at the ends, and of an ex- cellent purple or Doue colour, both ftalkes and haires. This abideth a great while in his beauty, but afterwards all thefe flowers (if you will fo call them) do fall away with- out any feede at all, fpending it felfe as it mould feeme in the aboundance of the flow- ers : the roote is not fo great as the laft, but white on the outfide. The Place. The two firft haue been fent diuers times from Conftantinople, the third is found wilde in many places of Europe, and as well in Germany, as in Italy. The two laft are onely with vs in Gardens, and their naturall pla- ces are not knowne vnto vs, The Time. The three former kindes doe flower in Aprill, the two laft in May. The Names. The firft and fecond haue no other names then are exprefled in their ti-' ties. The Garden of pleaftmt Flowers. i Hvaciulhiu Coma/us albui. The white- haired Jacinth. 2 Hyacinthui Como/us Byzantinut. The Turkie taire haired lacinth. < //i.i.i/Aj Comofus mawr furfureut. The purple faire haired lacinth, or Purfe taftels. 4 Hyadiitlim Como/us ramnfut, fine Calamiftrntut. The faire haired branched lacinth. 5 HyafixtliHt Pmnatns, Jit Camofnt flegaittior. The faire curld haire lacinth. 1 1 8 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. ties. The third is called of fome onely Hyacinthus maior, and of others Hya- cinthus comofus maior : We call it in Englifh, The purple faire haired lacinth, becaufe of his tuft of purple threeds, like haires at the toppe, and (as I faid) of diuers Gentlewomen, purple taffels. The fourth is called by fome as it is in the title, Hyacinthus Comofus ramofus, and of others Hyacinthus Calami- /iratus. And the laft or fifth is diuerfly called by diuers, Fabius Columna in his Phytobafanos the fecond part, calleth it Hyacinthus Sannejius, becaufe hee firft faw it in that Cardinals Garden at Rome. Robin of Paris fent to vs the former of the two laft, by the name of Hyacinthus Pennatus, and Hyacinthus Calamiftratus^ when as others fent the laft by the name Pennatus, and the o- ther by the name of Calami ftratus ; but I thinke the name Cincinnatus is more fit and proper for it, in that the curled threeds which feeme like haires, are better exprefled by the word Gincinnus t then Calami Jtrum, this fignifying but the bodkin or inftrument wherewith they vfe to frifle or curie the haire, and that the bufh of haire it felfe being curled. Some alfo haue giuen to both the felaft the names of Hyacinthus Comofus Parnafsi, the one fairer then the other. Of all thefe names you may vfe which you pleafe ; but for the laft kinde, the name Cincinnatus, as I faid, is the more proper, but Pemiatus is the more common, and Calami ftratus for the former of the two laft. i. Hyacinthus Orientalis Brumalis, fiue prcecox fare albo. The white Winter Orientall lacinth. This early lacinth rifeth vp with his greene leaues (which are in all refpefts like to the ordinary Orientall Jacinths, but fomewhat narrower) before Winter, and fome- times it is in flower alfo before Winter, and is in forme and colour a plaine white Ori- entall lacinth, but fomewhat leffer, differing onely in no other thing, then the time of his flowring, which is alwayes certaine to be long before the other forts. 2. Hyacinthus Orientalis Brumalis, ftue praecox fare purpureo. The purple Winter Orientall lacinth. The difference of colour in this flower caufeth it to bee diftinguifhed, for elfe it is of the kindred of the Orientall Jacinths, and is, as the former, more early then the reft that follow : Vnderftand then, that this is the fame with the former, but hauing fine blewifh purple flowers. 3. Hyacinthus Orientalis maior prtecox, dicJus Zumbul Indi. The greateft Orientall lacinth, or Zumbul Indi. The roote of this Orientall lacinth, is vfually greater then any other of his kinde, and moft commonly white on the outfide, from whence rife vp one or two great round ftalkes, f potted from within the ground, with the lower part of the leaues alfo vpward to the middle of the ftalkes, or rather higher, like vnto the ftalkes of Dragons, but darker ; being fet among a number of broad, long, and fomewhat hollow greene leaues, almoft as large as the leaues of the white Lilly : at the toppe of the ftalkes ftand more ftore of flowers, then in any other of this kinde, euery flower being as great as the greateft fort of Orientall Jacinths, ending in fix leaues, which turne at the points, of a faire blewifh purple colour, and all ftanding many times on one fide of the ftalkes, and many times on both fides. 4. Hyacinthus Orientalis vulgaris diuerforum color urn. The ordinary Orientall lacinth. The common Orientall lacinth (I call it common, becaufe it is now fo plenti- full in all Gardens, that it is almoft not efteemed) hath many greene leaues, long, fomewhat broad and hollow, among which rifeth vp a long greene round ftalke, befet from the middle thereof almoft, with diuers flowers, rtanding on both fides of The Garden of pleafant F/owers, i KJ of the llalkes, one abouc another vnto the toppe, each whereof next vnto the foote- llalke is long, hollow, round, and dole, ending in fix finall leaues laid open, and a little turning at the points, of a very fweete fmell : the colours of thefe Mowers are diuers, for fome are pure white, without any fhew of other colour in them : another is almoft white, but hauing a (hew of blewnefle, efpecially at the brims and bottomes of the flowers. Others againe arc of a very faint blulh, tending towards a white : Some are of as deepe a purple as a Violet; others of a purple tending to red- nefle, and fome of a paler purple. Some againe arc of a faire blew, others more wat- chet, and fome u> pale a blew, as if it were more white then blew : alter the flowers are pall, there rife vp great three fquare heads, bearing round blaclce feede, great and 1 hining : the roote is great, and white on the on tilde, and oftentimes purplilh alfo, flat at the bottome, and fmall at the head. There is a kinde of thefe lacinths, whofe flowers are of a deepe purplifh Violet co- AVW //;>*//, lour, hauinu whitilh lines downe the backe of euery leafe of the flower, which turnc''"^"".^" . * albtcaHtif in theinlelues a little backwards at the points. There is another, whofe flowers (land all opening one way, and not on all fides, but Flonbu antn, are herein like the great Zumbul Indi, before let out. 1'here is againe another kinde which flowreth later then all the reft, and the ftovf-Serttinuj eie- er* are t mailer, llandinir more vprieht, which are either white or blew, or mixt with 1 .'*'-^"^ Jmttfonm , white and purple. ^ 5. Hyacinthus Orientalis foliofo cattle. The bufhy ftalked Orientall lacinth. This llrange lacinth hath his rootes, leaues, and flowers, like vnto the former Ori- entall lacinths: the onely difference in this is, that his ftalke is not bare or naked, but hath very narrow long leaues, growing difperfedly, and without order, with the flow- ers thereon, which are blew, and hauing for the moll part one leafe, and fometimes two at the foote, or fetting on of euery flower, yet fometimes it happeneth, fome flow- ers to be without any leafe at the bottome, as nature, that is very variable in this plant, lilteth to play: the heads and feede are blacke and round, like the other alfo. 6. Hyacinthus Orientalis Jiore duplici. The bleake Orientall lacinth once double. This double lacinth hath diuers long leaues, like vnto the other Orientall lacinths, almoll (landing vpright, among which rifeth vp a ftalke, brownifh at the firft, but growing greene afterwards, bearing many flowers at the toppe, made like the flowers of the former lacinths, and ending in fix leaues, greene at the firft, and of a blewilh white when they are open, yet retaining fome Ihew of greenefle in them, the brims of the leaues being white ; from the middle of each flower ftandeth forth another I mall flower, confiding of three leaues, of the fame colour with the other flower, but with a greene line on the backe of each of thefe inner leaues : in the middle of this lit- tle flower, there ftand fome threeds tipt with blacke: the fmell of this flower is not fo fweete as of the forme ; the heads, feede, and rootes are like the former. 7. Hyacinthus Orientalis far? pleno caru/eo, iv/ purpuro violaceo. The faire double blew, or purple Orientall lacinth. The leaues of thefe lacinths are fmaller, then the leaues of moll of the other for- mer forts; the llalkes are fhorter, and fmaller, bearing but three or foure flowers on the heads of them for the moll part, which are not compofed like the lall, but are more faire, full, and double of leaues, where they (hew out their full beauties, and of a faire blew colour in fome, and purple in others, fmelling pretty fweete; but thefe doe fel- dome beare out their flowers faire ; and befides, haue diuers other flowers that will be either lingle, or very little double vpon the fame ftalke. 8. Hyacinthus Orientalis camiidifsimus Jiore plena. The pure white double Orientall lacinth. This double white lacinth hath his leaues like vnto the lingle white Orientall la- cinth ; I2O The Garden of pleafant Flowers. cinth ; his ftalke is likewife long, (lender, and greene, bearing at the toppe two or three flowers at the mod, very double and full of leaues, of a pure white colour, with- out any other mixture therein, hanging downe their heads a little, and are reafonable fweete. I haue this but by relation, not by fight, and therefore I can giue no further afTurance as yet. The Place. All thefe Orientall Jacinths, except the laft, haue beene brought out of Turkic, and from Conftantinople : but where their true originall place is, is not as yet vnderftood. The Time. The two firft (as is faid) flower the earlieft, fometimes before Chriftmas, but more vfually after, and abide a great while in flower, in great beauty, efpecially if the weather be milde, when as few or no other flowers at that time are able to match them. The other greateft kinde flowreth alfo earlier then the reft that follow, for the moft part. The ordinary kindes flower fome in March, and fome in Aprill, and fome fooner alfo ; and fo doe the double ones likewife. The bufhy ftalked lacinth flowreth much about the fame time. The Names. The former two forts are called Hyacinthus Orietitalis Brumalis, and Hya- cinthus Orientalis prcecox JJore albo, or ceeruleo. The third is called of many Zumbul Indicum, or Zumbul Indi, and corruptly Simboline ; of others, and that more properly, Hyacinthus Orientalis maior preecox. The Turkes doe call all Jacinths Zumbul, and by adding the name of Indi, or Arabi, do (hew from what place they are receiued. In Englim, The greateft: Orientall la- cinth ; yet fome doe call it after the Turkifh name Zumbul Indi, or Simboline, as is faid before. The reft haue their names fet downe in their titles, which are moft fit for them. Hyacinthus Hifpanicus minor Orientalis facie. The little Summer Orientall lacinth. This little lacinth hath foure or fiue long narrow greene leaues, lying vpon the ground, among which rifeth vp a (lender fmooth ftalke, about a fpanne high or more, Flare caruleo. bearing at the toppe many (lender bleake blew flowers, with fome white ftripes and edges to be feene in inoft of them, fafhioned very like vnto the flowers of the Orien- tall lacinth, but much ("mailer : the flower hath no fent at all ; the feede is like the feede of the Englifh lacinth, or Haref-bels : the roote is fmall and white. Flare albo. There is another of this kinde, differing in nothing but in the colour of the flower, which is pure white. Flare rubente. There is alfo another, whofe flowers are of a fine delayed red colour, with fome deeper coloured veines, running along the three outer leaues of the flower, differing in no other thing from the former. The Place. Thefe plants haue been gathered on the Pyrensean Mountaines, which are next vnto Spaine, from whence, as is often faid, many rare plants haue likewife been gathered. The Time. They flower very late, euen after all or moft of the Jacinths, in May for the moft part. The The Garden of pieafant Flowers. 121 i H\acintkut Oritntalis lirumalis. The Winter Oriental! I.icmth. 2 Znmhul Indi. The greateft Oriental! lacinth. 3 Hya- cintlitu OricHlalis vulg arit. The ordinary Oticniall lacinth. 4 Hytuinthui Oritxlalis foliefo fault. The bufhy talked Oriental! lacinth. 5 Hyatinthus Orientalii Jiore duflici. The Oriental! lacinth once double. 6 Hyacintluis Oriental flort fleno cirrtt- Uo. The faire double blew Oriental) lacinth. 122 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Names. They are'called eyther Hyacinthus Hijpanicus minor Orientalis facie, as it is in the title, or Hyacinthus Orientalis facie, that is to fay, The lefTer Spanifh lacinth, like vnto the Orientall: yet fome haue called them, Hyacinthus Orientalis ferotinus minor, The lefler late Orientall lacinth, that thereby they may be knowne from the reft. Hyacinthus Hifpanicus obfoletus. The Spanifh dunne coloured lacinth. This Spanifh lacinth fpringeth very late out of the ground, bearing foure or fiue fhort, hollow, and foft whitifh greene leaues, with a white line in the middle of euery one of them, among which rife vp one or more ftalkes, bearing diuers flowers at the toppes of them, all looking one way, or ftanding on the one fide, hanging downe their heads, confifting of fix leaues, three whereof being the outermoft, lay open their leaues, and turne back the ends a little again : the other three which are innermoft, do as it were clofe together in the middle of the flower, without laying themfelues open at all, being a little whitifh at the edges : the whole flower is of a purplifh yellow co- lour, with fome white and green as it were mixed among it, of no fent at all : it beareth blacke and flat feede in three fquare, great, and bunched out heads : the roote is reafo- nable great, and white on the outfide, with many ftrong white fibres at it, which pe- rifh not yearely, as the fibres of many other lacinths doe, and as it fpringeth late, fo it holdeth his greene leaues almoft vntill Winter. Mauritanicus. There hath been another hereof brought from about Fez and Marocco in Barbary, which in all refpefts was greater, but elfe differed little. There was another alfo brought from the Cape of good Hope, whofe leaues were ftronger and greener then the former, the ftalke alfo thicker, bearing diuers flowers, confufedly ftanding vpon longer foote-ftalkes, yet made after the fame fafhion, but that the three inner leaues were whitifh, and dented about the edges, otherwife the flowers were yellow and greenifh on the infide. The Place. Thefe plants grow in Spaine, Barbary, and Ethiopia, according as their names and defcriptions doe declare. The Time. The firft flowreth not vntill lune ; for, as I faid, it is very late before it fpringeth vp out of the ground, and holdeth his leaues as is faid, vntill Sep- tember, in the meane time the feede thereof ripeneth. The Names. They haue their names according to the place of their growing ; for one is called Hyacinthus Hifpanicus ob/bletioris colons. The other is called alfo Hyacinthus Mauritanicus. And the laft, Hyacinthus Mthiopicus obfoletus. In Englifh, The Spanifh, Barbary, or Ethiopian lacinth, of a dunne or duskie colour. Hyacinthus Anglicus Belgicus, ve/ Hifpanicus. Englifh Haref-bels, or Spanifh lacinth. Our Englifh lacinth or Haref-bels is fo common euery where, that it fcarce nee- deth any defcription. It beareth diuers long and narrow greene leaues, not ftanding vpright, nor yet fully lying vpon the ground, among which fpringeth vp the ftalke, bearing at the toppe many long and hollow flowers, hanging downe their heads all forwards The Garden of p/eajant Flowers. 123 forwards for the moll part, parted at the brimmes into fix parts, turning vp their points a little againe, of a fweetilh, but heady I'rnt, Ibmewhat like vnto the Grape- flower: the heads for fcedc are long and fquare, wherein is much blacke feede: the colour of the flowers are in fomc of a deeper blew, tending to a purple; in others of a paler blew, or of a bleake blew, tending to an afh colour: Some are pure white, and fome are party coloured, blew and white; and fomc are of a fine delayed purplifh red or blulh colour, which fome call a peach colour. The rootcs of all forts agree, and are alike, being white and very ilimie; fome whereof will be great and round, others long and (lender, and thofe that lye neare the toppe of the earth bare, will be greene. Hyacinthus Hijpanicus maior flore campanula in/tar. The greater Spanifh bell-flowred lacinth. This Spanifh bell-flowred lacinth, is very like the former Englifh or Spanifh la- cinth, but greater in all parts, as well of leaues as flowers, many growing together at the toppe of the llalke, with many fhort greene leaues among them, hanging downe their heads, with larger, greater, and wider open mouths, like vnto bcls, of a darke blew colour, and no good fent. The Place. The firft groweth in many places of England, the Lowe-Countries, as we call them, and Spaine, but the laft chiefly in Spaine. The Time. They flower in Aprill for the moft part, and fometimes in May. The Names. Becaufe the firfl is more frequent in England, then in Spaine, or the Lowe- Countries, it is called with vs Hyacinthus Anglic us * The Englifh lacinth; but it is alfo called as well Betgicus, as Hifpanicus : yet Dodonasus calleth it Hyacinthus non fcriptus, becaufe it was not written of by any Authour be- fore himfelfe. It is generally knowne in England by the name of Hare- bels. The other Spanifh lacinth beareth his name in his title. Hyacinthus Eriophorus. The Woolly lacinth. This Woolly lacinth hath many broad, long, and faire greene leaues, very like vn- to fome of the lacinths, but Differ, or (landing more vpright, which being broken, doe yeeld many threeds, as if a little fine cotton wooll were drawne out : among thefe leaues rifeth vp a long greene round llalke, a foote and a halfe high or more, whereon is fet a great long bufh of flowers, which blowing open by degrees, firft below, and fo vpwards, are very long in flowring: the toppe of the llalke, with the flowers, and their little footflalkes, are all blew, euery flower Handing outright with his ftalke, and fpreading like a ftarre, diuided into fix leaues, hauing many fmall blew threeds, flan- din^ about the middle head, which neuer gaue ripe feede, as farre as I can heare of: the root is white, fomewhat like the root of a Mufcari, but as full of wooll or threeds, or rather more, then the leaues, or any other part ot it. The Place. This hath been fent diuers times out of Turkic into England, where it continued a long time as well in my Garden as in others, but fome hard frofty Winters caufed it to perifh with me, and diuers others, yet I haue had it againe from a friend, and doth abide frefh and greene euery yeare in my Garden. The 124 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Time. This flowred in the Garden of M' . Richard Barnefley at Lambeth, onely once in the moneth of May, in the yeare 1606, after hee had there prefer- ued it a long time : but neither he, nor any elfe in England that I know, but thofe that faw it at that time, euer faw it beare flower, either before or fince. The Names. It is called by diuers Bulbus Eriophorus, or Laniferus, that is, Woolly Bul- bous ; but becaufe it is a Jacinth, both in roote, leafe, and flower, and not a Narciffus, or DafTodill, it is called Hyacinthus Eriophorus, or Laniferus, The Woolly lacinth. It is very likely, that Theophraftus in his feuenth Book & thirteenth Chapter, did meane this plant, where hee declareth, that gar- ments were made of the woolly fubftance of a bulbous roote, that was ta- ken from between the core or heart of the roote (which, as he faith, was vfed to be eaten) and the outermoft fhels or peelings; yet Clufius feemeth to faften this woolly bulbous of Theophraftus, vpon the next lacinth of Spaine. Hyacinthus Stellatus Bteticus maior, vu/go Peruanus The great Spanifh Starry lacinth, or of Peru. This lacinth (the greateft of thofe, whofe flowers are fpread like a ftarre, except the two firft Indians) hath fiue or fix, or more, very broad, and long greene leaues, fpread vpon the ground, round about the roote, which being broken are woolly, or full of threeds, like the former : in the middle of thefe leaues rifeth vp a round fhort ftalke, in comparifon of the greatnefie of the plant (for the ftalke of the Orientall lacinth is fometimes twice fo high, whofe roote is not fo great) bearing at the toppe a great head or bufh of flowers, fafhioned in the beginning, before they bee blowne or fepa- rated, very like to a Cone or Pineapple, and begin to flower belowe, and fo vpwards by degrees, euery flower ftanding vpon a long blackifh blew foote-ftalke, which when they are blowne open, are of a perfect blew colour, tending to a Violet, and made of fix fmall leaues, laid open like a ftarre ; the threeds likewife are blewifh, tipt with yel- low pendents, ftanding about the middle head, which is of a deeper blew, not hauing any good fent to be perceiued in it, but commendable only for the beauty of the flow- ers : after the flowers are paft, there come three fquare heads, containing round blacke feede : the roote is great, and fomewhat yellowifh on the outfide, with a knobbe or bunch at the lower end of the roote, (which is called the feate of the roote) like vnto the Mufcari, Scylla, and many other bulbous rootes, at which hang diuers white, thicke, and long fibres, whereby it is faftened in the ground, which perifh not euery yeare, but abide continually, and therefore doth not defiie much remouing. Hyacinthus Stellatus Bceticus^Jiue Peruanus flore albo. The great white Spanifh ftarry lacinth. This other Spanifh lacinth is in moft parts like vnto the former, but that his leaues are not fo large, nor fo deep a greene : the ftalks of flowers likewife hath not fo thicke a head, or bufh on it, but fewer and thinner fet : the flowers themfelues alfo are whitifh, yet hauing a fmall dafh of blufh in them : the threeds are whitifh, tipt with yellow pen- dents : the feede and rootes are like vnto the former, and herein confifteth the diffe- rence betweene this and the other forts. Hyacinthus Stellatus Bceticus^Jiue Peruanus fiore carneo. The great blufh coloured Spanifh Starry lacinth. This likewife differeth little from the two former, but onely in the colour of the flowers ; The Garden of pleafant F/owers. '25 I Hy.tcinthta Oritnlalis facie. The little Summer Orientall lacinth. i Hyatinthm Mauritanicut. The Barbary lacinth. 3 Hyatintkus obfolttut Hi/funims. The Spanifh duskie Incinth. 4 HfOtinlliui Hi/faniciis flore nimpaiiiilii. The greater Spanifh bcl-flowred lacinth. 5 Hyafi*tkiii A*glicin. The EnRlilh lacinth or HarebeU. 6 Hyucinthm Krin/'liorm. The Woolly lacinth. 7 Hyaii*lhus Sl/llurit Datum maim, fiut Ptriuuttts. The peat Spamfli Suur\ Uciiub, or of Peru. 126 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. flowers ; for this being found growing among both the other, hath his head of flow- ers as great and large as the firft, but the buds of his flowers, before they are open, are of a deepe blufh colour, which being open, are more delayed, and of a pleafant pale purple, or blufh colour, (landing vpon purplifh ftalkes : the heads in the middle are whitifh, and fo are the threeds compafiing it, tipt with yellow. The Place. Thefe doe naturally grow in Spaine, in the Medowes a little off from the Sea, as well in the Ifland Gades, vfually called Cales, as likewife in other parts along the Sea fide, as one goeth from thence to Porto Santa Maria, which when they be in flower, growing fo thicke together, feeme to couer the ground, like vnto a tapiftry of diuers colours, as I haue beene credibly enformed by Guillaume Boel, a Freeze-lander borne, often before and hereafter remembred, who being in fearch of rare plants in Spaine, in the yeare of our Lord 1607, after that moft violent frofty Winter, which peri- fhed both the rootes of this, and many other fine plants with vs, fent mee ouer fome of thefe rootes for my Garden, and affirmed this for a truth, which is here formerly fet downe, and that himfelfe gathered thofe he fent mee, and many others in the places named, with his owne hands ; but hee faith, that both that with the white, and with the blufh flowers, are farre more rare then the other. The Time. They flower in May, the feede is ripe in luly. The Names. This hath beene formerly named Eriop/iorus Peruanus, and Hyacinthus Stellatus Peruanus, The Starry lacinth of Peru, being thought to haue grown in Peru, a Prouince of the Wefl Indies ; but he that gaue that name firft vn- to it, eyther knew not his naturall place, or willingly impofed that name, to conceale it, or to make it the better efteemed. It is moft generally recei- ued by the name Hyacinthus Peruanus, from the firft impofer thereof, that is, the lacinth of Peru : but I had rather giue the name agreeing moft fitly vnto it, and call it as it is indeede Hyacinthus Stellatus Battcus, The Spanifh Starry lacinth ; and becaufe it is the greateft that I know hath come from thence, I call it, The great Starry lacinth of Spaine, or Spanifh lacinth. Hyacinthus Stellatus vulgaris, fiue Bifolius Fuchftj. The common blew Starry lacinth. This Starry lacinth (being longeft knowne, and therefore moft common) rifeth out of the ground, vfually but with two browne leaues, yet fometimes with three, inclo- ling within them the ftalke of flowers, the buds appearing of a darke whitifh colour, as foone as the leaues open themfelues, which leaues being growne, are long, and hol- low, of a whitifh greene on the vpper fide, and browne on the vnder fide, and halfe round, the browne ftalke riling vp higher, beareth fine or fixe fmall rtarre-like flowers thereon, confifting of fix leaues, of a faire deepe blew, tending to a purple. The feede is yellowifh, and round, contained in round pointed heads, which by rea- fon of their heauineffe, and the weaknefTe of the ftalke, lye vpon the ground, and often perifh with wet and frofts, &c. The roote is fomewhat long, and couered with a yel- lowifh coate. Hyacinthus ftellatus flore albo. The white Starry lacinth. The white Starry lacinth hath his leaues like the former, but greene and frefh, not browne, and a little narrower alfo : the buddes for flowers at the firft appeare a little blufh, which when they are blowne, are white, but yet retaine in them a fmall fhew of that blufh colour. We The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 127 We haue another, whole flowers are pure white, and ("mailer then the other, the Fkrt leaues whereof are of a pale frelh greenc, and fomewhat narrower. Hyacinthus Sk//a!us ftwc ruhcutc. The blufh coloured Starry lacinth. The difference in this from the former, is onely in the flowers, which are of a faire blufh colour, much more eminent then in the others, in all things elfc alike. Hyacinthus Stellatus Marfius, fine precc ox ceeru/eus. The early blew Starry lacinth. This lacinth hath his leaues a little broader, of a frefher greene, and not browneat all, as the fidt blew lacinth of Fuchfms laft remembred : the buds of the flowers, while they are enclofed within the leaues, and after, when the llalke is growne vp, doe re- maine more blew then the buds of the former: the flowers, when they are blowne o- pen, are like the former, but fomewhat larger, and of a more liuely blew colour : the roote nllu is a little whiter on the outlide. This doth more feldome beare feede then the former. Hyacinthus Stellatus pracox Jlore albo. The white early Starry lacinth. There is allb one other of this kinde, that beareth pure white flowers, the green leafe thereof being a little narrower then the former, and no other difference. Hyacinthus Stcl/atus pracox Hore fuaue rubentc. The early blu(h coloured Starry lacinth. This blulh coloured lacinth is very rare, but very pleafant, his flowers being as large as the fidl of this laft kinde, and fomewhat larger then the blufh of the other kinde : the leaues and rootes differ not from the lart recited lacinth. The Place. All thefe lacinths haue beene found in the Woods and Mountaines of Germany, Bohemia, and Auftria, as Fuchfius and Gefner doe report, and in Naples, as Imperatus and others doe teftifie. Wee cherifh them all with great care in our Gardens, but efpecially the white and the blulh of both kindes, for that they are more tender, and often perilh for want of due re- gard. The Time. The common kindes, which are firft exprefled, flower about the middle of February, if the weather bee milde, and the other kindes fometimes a fortnight after, that is, in March, but ordinarily much about the fame time with the former. The Names. The firit is called in Latine Hyacinthus Stcllatus vulgar h, and Hyacinthus Stfllatus bifolius, and Hyacinthus Stellaris Fuch/ij, and of fome Hyacinthus Stfllatus Gcrmanicus ; wee might very well call the other kinde, Hyacinthus Stcllatus Tu/garis alter, but diuers call it Prtecox, and fome Martins, as it is in the title. In Englilh they may bee feuerally called : the firrt, The common ; and the other, The early Starry lacinth (notwithstanding the firfl flowreth before the other) for diftindtion fake. The Hyacinthus feemeth to be called I''acinium of Virgil in his Eclogues ; for hee alwayes reckoneth it among the flowers that were vfed to decke Garlands, and neuer among fruits, as fome would haue it. But in that hee calleth it Vacinium nigrum, in feuerall places, that doth very fitly anfwer the common 128 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. common receiued cuflome of thofe times, that called all deepe blew co- lours, fuch as are purples, and the like, blacke; for the Violet it felfe is like- wife called blacke in the fame place, where he calleth the Vacinium blacke ; fo that it feemeth thereby, that he reckoned them to be both of one colour, and we know the colour of the Violet is not blacke, as we doe diflinguifh of blacke in thefe dayes. But the colour of this Starry lacinth, being both of fo deepe a purple fometimes, fo neare vnto a Violet colour, and alfo more frequent, then any other lacinth with them, in thofe places where Virgil liued, perfwadeth me to thinke, that Virgil vnderflood this Starry lacinth by Vacinium : Let others iudge otherwife, if they can fhew greater probabi- litie. i. Hyacinthus Stellatus Byzantinus nigra radice. The Starry lacinth of Turkic with the blacke roote. This Starry lacinth of Conflantinople hath three or foure fref h greene, thinne, and long leaues, of the bigneffe of the Englifh lacinth, but not fo long, betweene which ri- feth vp a (lender lowe flalke, bearing fiue or fix fmall flowers, difperfedly fet thereon, fpreading open like a flarre, of a pale or bleake blew colour : the leaues of the flowers are fomewhat long, and fland as it were fomewhat loofly, one off from another, and not fo compaclly together, as the flowers of other kindes: it feldome beareth ripe feede with vs, becaufe the heads are fo heauie, that lying vpon the ground, they rotte with the wet, or are bitten with the frofls, or both, fo that they feldome come to good : the roote is fmall in fome, and reafonable bigge in others, round, and long, white within, but couered with deepe reddifh or purplifh peelings, next vnto it, and darker and blacker purple on the outfide, with fome long and thicke white fibres, like fingers hanging at the bottome of them, as is to be feene in many other lacinths : the roote it felfe for the moil part doth runne downewards, fomewhat deep into the ground. 2. Hyacinthus Stellatus Byzantinus maior. The greater Starry lacinth of Conflantinople. This lacinth may rightly be referred to the former lacinth of Conflantinople, and called the greater, it is fo like thereunto, that any one that knoweth that, will foone fay, that this is another of that fort, but greater as it is in all his parts, bearing larger leaues by much, and more flore, lying vpon the ground round about the roote : it beareth many lowe flalkes of flowers, as bleake, and Handing as loofly as the former : onely the roote of this, is not black on the outfide, as the other, but three times bigger. 3. Hyacinthus Stellatus Byzantinus alter, fine fare boraginis. The other Starry lacinth of Conflantinople. This other lacinth hath for the mofl part onely foure leaues, broader and greener then the firfl, but not fo large or long as the fecond : the llalke hath fiue or fix flowers vpon it, bigger and rounder fet, like other flarry lacinths, of a more perfect or deeper blew then either of the former, hauing a whitifh greene head or vmbone in the mid- dle, befet with fix blew chiues or threeds, tipt with blacke, fo clofly compaffing the vmbone, that the threeds feeme fo many prickes flucke into a clubbe or head ; fome therefore haue likened it to the flower of Borage, and fo haue called it : after the flow- ers are pall, come vp round white heads, wherein is contained round and white feede : the roote is of a darke whitifh colour on the outfide, and fometimes a little reddifh withall. The Place. The firfl and the lafl haue beene brought from Conllantinople ; the firll among many other rootes, and the lafl by the Lord Zouch, as Lobel witneffeth. The fecond hath been fent vs out of the Lowe-Countries, but from whence they had it, we do not certainly know. They growe with vs in our Gardens fufficiently. The "The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 129 The Time. Thefe flower in Aprill, but the firft is the earlieft of the reft, and is in flower prefently after the early Starry lacinth, before defcribed. The Names. The former haue their names in their titles, and are not knowne vnto vs by any other names that I know ; but as I faid before, the laft is called by fome, Hyacinthus Boraginis flore. The firft was fent out of Turkic, by the name v>\ Sufnmgiul, by which name likewife diuers other things haue beene lent, fo barren and barbarous is the Turkish tongue. Hyacinthus Stfllatus ftLftrvus mtiior. The greater Summer Starry lacinth. This late lacinth hath diuers narrow greene leaues, lying vpon the ground, fome- what like the leaues of the Englifh lacinth, but ftiffer and ftronger; among which ri- feth vp a round ftiffe ftalke, bearing many flowers at the toppe thereof, and at euery foote-ftalke of the flowers a fmall Ihort leafe, of a purplifli colour : the flowers are ftarre-like, of a fine delayed purplifh colour, tending to a pale blew or am colour, ftri- ped on the backe of euery leafe, and hauing a pointed vmbone in the middle, with fome whitilh purple threeds about it, tipt with blew: the feede is blacke, round, and (hinin^, like vnto the feede of the Englim lacinth, but not fo bigge : the roote is round and white, hauing fome long thicke rootes vnder it, befides the fibres, as is vfuall in many other lacinths. Hyacinthus Stellatus ALfthws minor. The lefler Summer Starry lacinth. This lefler lacinth hath diuers very long, narrow, and mining greene leaues, fpread vpon the ground round about the roote, among which rifeth vp a very (hort round ftalke, not aboue two inches high, carrying fix or feuen fmall flowers thereon, on each fide of the ftalke, like both in forme and colour vnto the greater before defcribed, but letter by farre : the feede is blacke, contained in three fquare heads : the roote is fmall and white, couered with a browne coate, and hauing fome fuch thicke rootes among the fibres, as are among the other. The Place. Both thefe lacinths grow naturally in Portugall, and from thence haue been brought, by fuch as feeke out for rare plants, to make a gaine and pro- fit by them. The Time. They both flower in May, and not before: and their feed is ripe in luly. The Names. Some doe call thefe Hyacinthus Lu/itanicus, The Portugall lacinth. Clu- fius, who firft fet out the defcriptions of them, called them as is exprefled in their titles; and therefore we haue after the Latine name giuen their EnglHh, according as is let downe. Or if you pleafe, you may call them, The grea- ter and the lefler Portugall lacinth. Hyacinthus Ste/laris Jtwc cinereo. The afh coloured Starry lacinth. This afh coloured lacinth, hath his leaues very like vnto the leaues of the Englilh lacinth, and fpreading vpon the ground in the fame manner, among which rife vp one or two ftalkes, fet at the toppe with a number of fmall ftarre-like flowers, burning big- R ger 1 30 The Garden of p leaf ant F/owers. ger below then aboue, of a very pale or white blew, tending to an afh colour, and very fweete in fmell : the feede is blacke and round, like vnto the feede of the Englifh la- cinth, and fo is the roote, being great, round, and white ; fo like, I fay, that it is hard to know the one from the other. The Place. The certaine originall place of growing thereof, is not knowne to vs. The Time. It flowreth in Aprill. The Names. Some doe call this Hyacinthus Someri, Somers lacinth, becaufe as Lobel faith, he brought it firft into the Lowe-Countries, eyther from Conftanti- nople, or out of Italy. Hyacinthus Stellatus Lilifolio & radice caruleo. The blew Lilly leafed Starre lacinth. This lacinth hath fix or feuen broad greene leaues, fomewhat like vnto Lilly leaues, but (horter (whereof it tooke his name as well as from the roote) fpread vpon the ground, and lying clofe and round : before the ftalke rifeth out from the middle of thefe leaues, there doth appeare a deepe hollow place, like a hole, to bee feene a good while, which at length is rilled vp with the ftalke, rifmg thence vnto a foote or more high, bearing many ftarre-like flowers at the toppe, of a perfect blew colour, neare vnto a Violet, and fometimes of paler or bleake blew colour, hauing as it were a fmall cuppe in the middle, diuided into fix peeces, without any threeds therein : the feede is blacke and round, but not fhining: the roote is fomewhat long, bigge belowe, and fmall aboue, like vnto the fmall roote of a Lilly, and compofed of yellow fcales, as a Lilly, but the fcales are greater, and fewer in number. Hyacinthus Stellatus Lilifolius albus. The white Lilly leafed Starre lacinth. The likenefle of this lacinth with the former, caufeth me to be briefe, and not to repeate the fame things againe, that haue already been exprefled : You may therefore vnderftand, that except in the colour of the flower, which in this is white, there is no difference betweene them. meo. I heare of one that mould beare blufh coloured flowers, but I haue not yet feene any fuch. The Place. Thefe lacinths haue been gathered on the Pyrenaean Hils, in that part of France that is called Aquitaine, and in fome other places. The Time. Thefe flower in Aprill, and fometimes later. The Names. Becaufe the roote is fo like vnto a Lilly, as the leafe is alfo, it hath moft properly beene called Hyacinthus Stellatus Lilifolio G? radice, or for breuity Lilifolius, that is, The Starry Lilly leafed lacinth. It is called Sarahug by the Inhabitants where it groweth, as Clufius maketh the re- port from Venerius, who further faith, that by experience they haue found the cattell to fwell and dye, that haue eaten of the leaues thereof. Hyacinthus The Garden of pleafant Flowers. lms fttllatui prirtox camletis. The early blew ftarry lacinth. i HjraciittkHS /tellalus pracox albtis. The early white ftarry lacinth. 3 Hyacinthni /tellalut Bytanlinut nigra radut. The Turkic ftarry lacinth with a blacke roote. 4 Hycuinthni Byzttr.tiuus alUr fiut Jlorc lioraginis. The other ftarry lacinlh of Conftantinoplc. 5 Hyac'iHlhin a/tirns mainr. The greater Summer ftarry lacinth. 6 HyatintlmsftollatMiJIurt ciiurto. The afh coloured ftarry lacinth. 7 Hyaeintkui fttllatui l.i!i/oliiis. The Lilly leafed ftarre lacinth. 8 Hyacinthut Autumn, ilis. The Autumne lacinth. 9 Scilla alba fine Hyacinthut marinas. The Sea Onion or Squill. 132 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Hyacinthus Autumnalis maior. The greater Autumne lacinth. The greater Autumne lacinth hath fiue or fix very long and narrow greene leaues, lying vpon the ground ; the ftalkes are fet at the toppe with many ftarre-like flowers, of a pale blewifh purple colour, with fome pale coloured threeds, tipt with blew, (landing about the head in the middle, which in time growing ripe, containeth therein fmall blacke feede, and roundifh : the roote is great and white on the outfide. Hyacinthus Autumnalis minor. The leffer Autumne lacinth. This lefler lacinth hath fuch like long and fmall leaues, but narrower then the for- mer : the ftalke is not full fo high, but beareth as many flowers on it as the other, which are of a pale or bleake purple colour, very like vnto it alfo : the roote and feed are like the former, but fmaller. Thefe both for the moft part, beare their flowers and feede before the greene leaues rife vp much aboue the ground. Flore Mo. There is a kinde hereof found that beareth white flowers, not differing in any other thing from the fmaller purple kinde laft mentioned. The Place. The firft and laft are onely kept in Gardens, and not knowne to vs where their naturall place of growing wilde may be. The fecond groweth wilde in many places of England. I gathered diuers rootes for my Garden, from the foote of a high banke by the Thames fide, at the hither end of Chelfey, before you come at the Kings Barge-houfe. The Time. The greateft flowreth in the end of luly, and in Auguft. The other in Auguft and September, you mall feldome fee this plant with flowers and greene leaues at one time together. The Names. They haue their names giuen them, as they are exprefTed in their titles, by all former Writers, except Dalefchampius, or hee that fet forth that great worke printed at Lyons; for hee contendeth with many words, that thefe plants can bee no Jacinths, becaufe their flowers appeare before their leaues in Autumne, contrary to the true lacinth, as he faith : and therefore he would faine haue it referred to Theophrajlus bulbus in libra primo cap. 1 2. and calleth it his Tiphyum mentioned in that place, as alfo Bulbus ajtivus Dale- champij. Howfoeuer thefe things may carry fome probability in them, yet the likeneffe both of rootes, and flowers efpecially, hath caufed very lear- ned Writers to entitle them as is fet downe, and therefore I may not but let them pafTe in the like manner. The Vertues. Both the rootes and the leaues of the Jacinths are fomewhat cold and drying, but the feede much more. It ftayeth the loofnetfe of the belly. It is likewife faid to hinder young perfons from growing ripe too foone, the roote being drunke in wine. It helpeth them alfo whofe vrine is ftopt, and is auaileable for the yellow laundife; but as you heare fome are deadly to cattell, I therefore wifh all to bee well aduifed which of thefe they will vfe in any inward phyficke. Scilla alba. The Sea Onion or Squill. As I ended the difcourfe of both the true and the baftard Daffodils, with the Sea kindes The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 133 kindes of both forts ; fo I thinke it not amifle, to finilh this of the lacinths with the de- fcription of a Sea lacinth, which (as you fee) I take to be the Scilla, or Sea Onion, all his parts fo nearely refembling a lacinth, that I know not where to ranke him better then in this place, or rather not any where but here. You (hall haue the defcription thereof, and then let the iudicious pa(fe their fentence, as they thinke mecteft. The Squill or Sea Onion (as many doe call it) hath diuers thicke leaucs, broad, long, greene, and hollowifh in the middle, and with an eminent or fwelling ribbe all along the backe of the leafe, (I relate it as I haue feene it, hauing (hot forth his leaues in the (hip by the way, as the Mariners that brought diuers rootes from out of the Straights, did fell them to mee and others for our vie) lying vpon the ground, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of a Lilly : thefe fpring vp after the flowers are part, and the feed ripe, they abiding all the Winter, and the next Spring, vntill the heate of the Summer hath fpent and confumed them, and then about the end of Auguft, or beginning of Septem- ber, the (talke with flowers arifeth out of the ground a toote and a halfe high, bearing many Itarre-like flowers on the toppe, in a long fpike one aboue another, flowring by degrees, the loweft tirft, and fo vpwards, whereby it is long in flowring, very like, as well in torme as bignefle, to the flowers of the great Starre of Bethlehem (thefe flow- ers I haue likewife feene (hooting out of fome of the rootes, that haue been brought in the like manner :) after the flowers are part, there come vp in their places thicke and three fquare heads, wherin is contained fuch like flat, black, and round feed, as the Spa- nidi duskie lacinth before defcribed did beare, but greater : the root is great & white, couered with many peelings or couerings, as is plainly enough feen to any that know them, and that fometimes wee haue had rootes, that haue beene as bigge as a pretty childes head, and fometimes two growing together, each whereof was no lefle then is faid of the other. Scilla rubra Jiuc Pancratium verum. The red Sea Onion. The roote of this Squill, is greater oftentimes then of the former, the outer coates or peelings being reddi(h, bearing greater, longer, ftiffer, and more hollow leaues, in a manner vpright : this bringeth fuch a like rtalke and flowers, as the former doth, as Fabianus Ilges, Apothecary to the Duke of Briga, did fignifie by the figure thereof drawne and fent to Clufius. The Place. They grow alwayes neare the Sea, and neuer farre off from it, but often on the very baich of the Sea, where it wafheth ouer them all along the coarts of Spaine, Portugal, and Italy, and within the Straights in many places : it will not abide in any Garden farre from the Sea, no not in Italy, as it is related. The Time. The time wherein they flower, is exprefled to be in Auguft and Septem- ber : the (cede to be ripe in October and Nouember, and the greene leaues to fpring vp in Nouember and December. The Names. Thefe are certainly the true kindes of Scilla that (hould bee vfed in medi- cines, although (as Clulius reporteth) the Spaniards forbade him to tafte of the red Squill, as of a moft ftrong and prefent poifon. Pliny hath made more forts then can be found out yet to this day with vs : that Scilla that is called EftmcxutiOt becaufe it might be eaten, is thought to be the great Orni- thogalum, or Starre of Bethlehem. Pancratium is, I know, and as I faid be- fore, referred to that kinde of baltard Sea DafFodill, which is fet forth be- fore in the end of the hiftory of the bartard Daffodils ; and diuers alfo would make the Narcijfus tertius Matthioli, which I call the true Sea Daffo- dill, to be a Pancratium ; but feeing Diofcorides (and no other is againft him) maketh of pleafant Flowers. maketh Pancratium to be a kinde of Squill with reddifh rootes, I dare not vphold their opinion againft fuch manifeft truth. The Vertues. The Squill or Sea Onion is wholly vfed phyfically with vs, becaufe wee can receiue no pleafure from the fight of the flowers. Pliny writeth, that Pithagoras wrote a volume or booke of the properties thereof, for the fin- gular effects it wrought ; which booke is loft, yet the diuers vertues it hath is recorded by others, to be effectual for the fpleene, lungs, ftomach, liuer, head and heart ; and for dropfies, old coughs, laundife, and the wormes ; that it cleareth the fight, helpeth the tooth-ache, cleanfeth the head of fcurfe, and running fores ; and is an efpeciall Antidote againft poifon : and therefore is vfed as a principall ingredient into the Theriaca Andromachi, which we vfually call Venice Treakle. The Apothecaries prepare hereof, both Wine, Vinegar, and Oxymel or Syrupe, which is fingular to extenu- ate and expectorate tough flegme, which is the cause of much disquiet in the body, and an hinderer of concodlion, or digertion in the ftomach, befides diuers other wayes, wherein the fcales of the rootes, being dryed, are vfed. And Galen hath fufficiently explained the qualities and properties thereof, in his eight Booke of Simples. CHAP. XII. Ornithogalum. Starre of Bethlehem. AFter the Family of the Jacinths, muft needes follow the kindes of Starre-flow- ers, or Starres of Bethlehem, as they are called, for that they doe fo nearely re- femble them, that diuers haue named fome of them lacinths, and referred them to that kindred : all of them, both in roote, leafe, and flower, come nearer vnto the lacinths, then vnto any other plant. They fhall therefore bee next defcribed, euery one in their order, the greateft firft, and the reft following. Ornithogalum Arabicum. The great Starre-flower of Arabia. This Arabian Starre-flower hath many broad, and long greene leaues, very like vn- to the leaues of the Orientall lacinth, but lying for the moft part vpon the ground, among which rifeth vp a round greene ftalke, almoft two foote high, bearing at the toppe diuers large flowers, ftanding vpon long foote-ftalkes, and at the bottome of euery one of them a fmall mort pointed greene leafe : thefe flowers are made of fix pure white leaues a peece, laid open as large as an ordinary Daffodill, but of the forme of a Starre lacinth, or Starre of Bethlehem, which clofe as they doe euery night, and open themfelues in the day time, efpecially in the Sunne, the fmell whereof is pretty fweete, but weake : in the middle of the flower is a blackim head, compofed with fix white threeds, tipt with yellow pendents : the feede hath not beene obferued with vs : the roote is great and white, with a flat bottome, very impatient of our cold Winters, fo that it feldome profpereth or abideth with vs ; for although fometimes it doe abide a Winter in the ground, yet it often lyeth without fpringing blade, or any thing elfe a whole yeare, and then perifheth : or if it doe fpring, yet many doe not beare, and moft after their firft bearing doe decay and perifh. But if any be defirous, to know how to preferue the roote of this plant, or of many other bulbous rootes that are tender, fuch as the great double white Daffodill of Conftantinople, and other fine Daffodils, that come from hot Countries ; let them keepe this rule : Let either the roote be planted in a large pot, or tubbe of earth, and houfed all the Winter, that fo it may bee defended from the frorts ; Or elfe (which is the eafier way) keepe the roote out of the ground euery yeare, from September, after the leaues and ftalkes are paft, vntill February, in fome The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Ibme dry, but not hot or windy place, and then plant it in the ground vnder a South wall, or 1'uch like defended place, which will fpring, and no doubt prol'per well there, in regard the greatell and deepell trolls are pall after February, Ib that feldome any great trolls come after, to pierce fo deepe as the rootc is to be fet, or thereby to doe any great harme to it in fuch a place. The Place. This hath been often lent out of Turkic, and likewife out of Italy ; I had likewife two rootes lent mee out of Spainc by Guillaume Boel before rc- membred, which (as hee faid) hee gathered there, but they profpcred not with me, for want of the knowledge of the former rule. It may be likely that Arabia is the place, from whence they of Conftantinople receiue it. The Time. It flowreth in May, if it be of the firft yeares bringing ; or in lune, if it haue been ordered alter the manner before fet downe. The Names. It hath been fent out of Italy by the name of Lilium Alexamirinum, The Lilly of Alexandria, but it hath no affinity with any Lilly. Others call it Hyticinthus Arabicus ; and the Italians, lac intho del pater no/fro: but it is no la- cinth neither, although the flowers be like fome of them. Some alfo would reterre it to a Narctffus or Daffodill, and it doth as little agree with it, as with a Lilly, although his flowers in largenefle and whitenefle refemble a Daffodill. Clufius hath mofl fitly referred it to the flocke or kindred of Ormth'jgala, or Starres of Bethlehem, as wee call them in Englifh, and from the Turkifh name, Zumbul Arabi, entituled it Ornit/ioga/um Arabicum, although Zumbul, as I haue before declared, is with them, a lacinth, wee may call it in Englifh, The Arabian Starre-flower, or Starre of Bethlehem, or the great Starre-flower of Arabia. I . Ornithogalum maximum album. The greatell white Starre-flower, or Starre of Bethlehem. This great Starre-flower hath many faire, broad, long, and very frefh green leaues, riling vp very early, and are greater, longer, and greener then the leaues of any Ori- entall lacinth, which doe abide greene, from the beginning or middle of lanuary, or before fometimes, vntill the end of May, at which time they begin to fade, and the (lalke with the head of flowers beginneth to rife, fo that it will haue either few or no leaues at all, when the flowers are blowne : the ftalke is ftrong, round, and firme, ri/mg two foote high or more, bearing at the toppe a great bulh of flowers, Teeming at the firfl to be a great greene eare of corne, for it is made fpike-falhion, which when the flowers are blowne, doth rife to be very high, (lender or fmall at the head aboue, and broad fpread and bufhing below, fo that it is long in flowring; for they flower below firft, and fo vpwards by degrees: thefe flowers are fnow white, without any line on the backllde, and is therein like vnto the former, as alfo in whitenefle, but nothing fo large, with a white vmbone or head in the middle, befet with many white threeds, tipt with yellow : the feede is blacke and round, contained in three fquare heads : the roote is great, thicke, and fhort, and fomewhat yellowiih on the outlide, with a flat bottome, both like the former, and next that followeth. 2. Ornit/iogalum maiu s fpicatum album. The great white fpiked Starre-flower. This fpiked Starre-flower in his growing, is fomewhat like vnto the laft defcribed, but 136 'The Garden of pleafant Flowers. but fpringeth not vp fo early, nor hath his leaues fo greene, or large, but hath broad, long, whitifh greene hollow leaues, pointed at the end, among which rifeth vp the ftalke, which is ftrong and high, as the former, hauing a great bum of flowers at the toppe, ftanding fpike-fafhion, fomewhat like the former, flowring in the fame maner by degrees, firft below, and fo vpwards ; but it is not fo thicke fet with flowers, nor fo farre fpread at the bottome as it, the flowers alfo are not fo white, and each of the leaues of them haue a greene line downe the backe, leauing the edges on both fides white : after the flowers are part, the heads for feede grow three fquare, like the other, bearing fuch like blacke feede therein : the roote hereof is vfually bigger then the laft, and whiter on the outfide. 3. Qrnithogalum Pannonicum. The Hungarian Starre-flower. This Hungarian Starre-flower fhooteth out diuers narrow, long, whitifh greene leaues, fpread vpon the ground before Winter, which are very like vnto the leaues of Gilloflowers, and fo abide aboue the ground, hauing a ftalke riling in the middle of them the next Spring, about halfe a foote high or thereabouts, bearing many white flowers at the toppe, with greene lines downe the backe of them, very like vnto the ordi- nary Starres of Bethlehem : the roote is greater, thicker, and longer then the ordinary Starres, and for the moft part, two ioyned together, fomewhat grayifh on the outfide. 4. Qrnithogalum vu/gare. The Starre of Bethlehem. The ordinary Starre of Bethlehem is fo common, and well knowne in all coun- tries and places, that it is almoft needlefle to defcribe it, hauing many greene leaues with white lines therein, and a few white flowers fet about the toppe of the ftalke, with greenifh lines downe the backe : the roote is whitifh, and encreafeth aboundantly. 5. Afphodelus bulbofus Galcni,Jiue Ornithogalum mains flore fubuircfcente. The bulbous Afphodill, or greene Starre-flower. Diuers haue referred this plant vnto the Afphodils, becaufe (as I thinke) the flowers hereof are ftraked on the backe, and the leaues long and narrow, like vnto the Afpho- dils ; but the roote of this being bulbous, I rather (as fome others doe) ioyne it with the Omit/ioga/a, for they alfo haue ftrakes on the backe of the flowers. It hath many whitifh greene leaues, long and narrow, fpread vpon the ground, which fpring vp in the beginning of the yeare, and abide vntill May, and then they withering, the ftalke fpringeth vp almoft as high as the firft, hauing many pale yellowifh greene flowers, but fmaller, and growing more fparfedly about the ftalke vpon fhort foot-ftalkes, but in a reasonable long head fpike-fafhion : the feede is like vnto the fecond kinde, but fmal- ler : the roote is fomewhat yellowim, like the firft great white kinde. The Place. The firft is onely nurfed in Gardens, his originall being not well knowne, yet fome attribute it vnto Pannonia or Hungary. The fecond hath been found neare vnto Barcinone, and Toledo in Spaine. The third was found in Hungary by Clufius. Our ordinary euery where in the fields of Italy and France, and (as it is faid) in England alfo. And the laft groweth likewife by the corne fields in the vpper Hungary. The Time. They flower in Aprill and May, and fometimes in lune. The Names. The firft is called by Clufius Ornithogalum maximum album, becaufe it is greater The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 37 i Ornithogalum Arabicitm. The great furre-flower of .\rabia. 2 Ornitkogalt-m maximum album. The greateft white ftarre-flower. 3 OrnithogalMm mains fpicatum alhnm. The Rrsat white fpiked ftane-flower. 4 Ornitltogalum Pannonieum album. The Hun- garian ftane-flower. 5 Afphodeliis hulbo/us Galeni, fiut Ornilliogalum mains ftibmrtfctnie flort. The bulbed Afphodill, or greene ftarrc-flower. 6 Ornithogalum Hifpanicum minus. The little ftarre-flower of Spaine. 7 Ornithogalum luttum. The yellow ftarre-flower of Bethlehem. S Orxithogalum Nrafwlita*um. The ftarre-flower of Naples. 138 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. greater then the next, which hee tooke formerly for the greateft : but it might more fitly, in my iudgement, bee called Afphodelus bulbofus albus (if there be any Afphodelus bulbofus at all) becaufe this do fo nearly refemble that, both in the early fpringing, and the decay of the greene leaues, when the ftalkes of flowers doe rife vp. Diuers alfo doe call it Ornithogalum Pan- nonicum maximum album. The fecond hath his name in his title, as moft authors doe fet it downe, yet in the great Herball referred to Dalechampius, it is called Ornithogalum magnum Myconi. The third hath his name from the place of his birth, and the other from his popularity, yet Dodonaeus calleth it Eulbus Leucanthemos. The laft is called by diuers Afphodelo-hyacinthinus, and Hyacintho-afpho- delus Galeni. Dodonasus calleth it Afphodelus famina, and Afphodelus bul- bofus. But Lobel, and Gerrard from him, and Dodonsus, doe make this to haue white flowers, whereas all that I haue feene, both in mine owne, and in others Gardens, bore greenifh flowers, as Clufius fetteth it truely downe. Lobel feemeth in the defcription of this, to confound the Ornithogalum of Mompelier with it, and calleth it Afphodelus hyacinthinus forte Galeni, and faith that fome would call it Pancratium Monfpelienfe, and Afphodelus Galeni. But as I haue (hewed, the Ornithogalum fpicatum and this, doe plainly differ the one from the other, and are not both to be called by one name, nor t be reckoned one, but two diftincl: plants. Ornithogalum /Ethiopicum. The Starre-flower of Ethiopia. The leaues of this plant are a foote long, and at the leaft an inch broad, which being broken, are no lefle woolly then the woolly lacinth : the ftalke is a cubit high, ftrong and greene ; from the middle whereof vnto the toppe, ftand large fnow white flow- ers, vpon long, greene, thicke foot-ftalkes, and yellowifh at the bottome of the flower ; in the middle whereof ftand fix white threeds, tipt with yellow chiues, compafling the head, which is three fquare, and long containing the feede : the roote is thicke and round, fomewhat like the Afphodelus Galeni. The Place. This plant was gathered by fome Hollanders, on the Weft fide of the Cape of good Hope. The Time. It flowred about the end of Auguft with thofe that had it. The Names. Becaufe it came from that part of the continent beyond the line, which is reckoned a part of Ethiopia, it is thereupon fo called as it is fet downe. Ornithogalum Neapolitanum. The Starre-flower of Naples. This beautifull plant rifeth out of the ground very early, with foure or fiue hollow pointed leaues, {landing round together, of a whitifh greene colour, with a white line downe the middle of euery leafe on the infide, fomewhat narrow, but long, (Fabius Columna faith, three foot long in Italy, but it is not fo with vs) in the middle of thefe leaues rifeth vp the ftalke, a foote and a halfe high, bearing diuers flowers at the toppe, euery one ftanding in a little cuppe or huske, which is diuided into three or foure parts, hanging downe very long about the heads for feede : after the flower is paft, thefe flowers doe all hang downe their heads, and open one way, although their little foot-ftalkes come forth on all fides of the greater ftalke, being large, and compofed of fix long leaues, of a pure white on the infide, and of a blewifh or whitifh greene colour on The Garden of pleafant Flowers. on the outlide, leauing the edges of euery leafe white on both fides : in the middle of thefe flowers Hand other fmall flowers, each of them alfo made of fix fmall white leaues a peece, which meeting together, feeme to make the (hew of a cuppe, within which are contained lix white threeds, tipt with yellow, and a long white pointell in the middle of them, being without any lent at all : after the flowers are part, come vp great round heads, which are too heauie for the llalke to beare; and therefore lye downe vpon the leaues or ground, hauing certaine lines or llripes on the outlide, wherein is contained round, blacke, rough feede : the roote is great and white, and fomewhat flat at the bottome, as diuers of thefe kindes are, and doe multiply as plen- tifully into fmall bulbes as the common or any other. The Place. This Starre-flower groweth in the Medowes in diuers places of Naples, as Fabius Columna, and Ferrantes Imperatus doe teflifie, from whence they haue been lent. And Matthiolus, who fetteth out the figure thereof among his DafFodills, had (it Ihould feeme) feene it grow with him. The Time. It flowreth in May, although it begin to fpring out of the ground often- times in Nouember, but moll vfually in January: the feede is ripe in luly. The Names. Matthiolus reckoneth this (as is faid) among the Daffodils, for no other refpect, as I conceiue, then that he accounted the middle flower to bee the cuppe or trunke of a DafFodill, which it doth fomewhat refemble, and fet- teth it forth in the fourth place, whereupon many doe call it Narcijfus quar- tu.< Matthioli, The fourth DafFodill of Matthiolus. Fabius Columna calleth it Hyacinthus aruorum Ornithogali Jiore. Clufms (to whom Imperatus fent it, in Head of the Arabian which hee delired) calleth it of the place from whence he receiued it, Ornithogalum Neafo/ifanum, and we thereafter call it in Englilh, The Starre-flower of Naples. Ornithogalum Hifpanicum minus. The little Starre-flower of Spaine. Clufms hath fet forth this plant among his Ornithogala or Starre-flowers, and al- though it doth in my minde come nearer to a Hyacinthus, then to Ornithogalum, yet pardon it, and let it pafle as he doth. From a little round whitifh roote, fpringeth vp in the beginning of the yeare, fiue or lix fmall long green leaues, without any white line in the middle of them, among which rife vp one or two fmall flalkes, an hand length high or better, bearing feuen or eight, or more flowers, growing as it were in a tuft or vmbell, with fmall long leaues at the foote of euery llalke, the lower flowers being equall in length with the vppermofl, of a pale whitilh blew or alh colour, with a ftrake or line downe the backe of euery leafe of them, with fome white threeds Handing a- bout a blewifh head in the middle : thefe flowers pafle away quickly, and giue no feed, fo that it is not knowne what feede it beareth. The Place. This groweth in Spaine, and from thence hath been brought to vs. The Time. It flowreth in May. The Names. It hath no other name then is fet down in the title, being but lately found out. i- Or///- 14.0 'The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i . Qrnithogalum album vnifolium. The white ftarre-flower with one blade. This little ftarre-flower I bring into this place, as the fitteft in my opinion where to place it, vntill my minde change to alter it. It hath a very fmall round white roote, from whence fpringeth vp one very long and round greene leafe, like vnto a rum, but that for about two or three inches aboue the ground, it is a little flat, and from thence fpringeth forth a fmall ftalke not aboue three or foure inches high, bearing at the top thereof three or foure fmall white flowers, confifting of fix leaues a peece, within which are fix white chiues, tipt with yellow pendents, ftanding about a fmall three fquare head, that hath a white pointell fticking as it were in the middle thereof: the flower is pretty and fweete, but not heady. Ornithogalum luteum. The yellow Starre of Bethlehem. This yellow Starre-flower rifeth vp at the firft, with one long, round, greenifh leafe, which openeth it felfe fomewhat aboue the ground, and giueth out another fmall leafe, lefler and fhorter then the firft, and afterward the ftalke rifeth from thence alfo, being foure or fiue inches high, bearing at the toppe three or foure fmall green leaues, and among them foure or fiue fmall yellow ftarre-like flowers, with a greenifh line or ftreake downe the backe of euery leafe, and fome fmall reddifh yellow threeds in the middle : it feldome giueth feede : the roote is round, whitifh, and fomewhat cleare, very apt to perifh, if it bee any little while kept dry out of the ground, as I haue twice tryed to my lofle. The Place. The firft grew in Portugall, and Clufius firft of all others defciphers it. The other is found in many places both of Germany and Hungary, in the moifter grounds. The Time. The firft flowreth in May: the other in Aprill, and fometimes in March. The Names. Carolus Clufius calleth the firft Bulbus vnifolitts, or Bolbine, but referreth it not to the ftocke or kindred of any plant ; but (as you fee) I haue ranked it with the fmall forts of Ornithogalum, and giue it the name accordingly. The other is referred for likenefle of forme, and not for colour, vnto the Ornithogala, or Starres of Bethlehem. It is called by Tragus and Fuchfius Bulbus Jilueftris, becaufe of the obuioufnefTe. Cordus taketh it to be Sifyrin- chium. Lacuna calleth it Bulbus efculentus. Lobel and others in thefe dayes generally, Ornithogalum luteum, and wee thereafter in Englilh, The yellow Starre-flower, or Starre of Bethlehem. The Vertues. The firft kinde being but lately found out, is not knowne to be vied. The rootes of the common or vulgar, are (as Matthiolus faith) much eaten by poore people in Italy, either rawe or roafted, being fweeter in tafte then any Cheftnut, and feruing as well for a neceflary food as for delight. It is doubtfull whether any of the reft may be fo vfed ; for I know not any in our Land hath made any experience. There are many other forts of Starre-flowers, which are fitter for a generall then this Hiftory ; and therefore I referre them thereunto. CHAP. The Garden of pleajant Flowers. CHAP. XIII. Moly. Wilde Garlickc. VNto the former Starre-flowers, mull needes bee ioyned another tribe or kind- red, which carry their itraked flowers Starre-falhion, not fpikewife, but in a tuft or vmbell thicke thrult or let together. And although diuers of them fmell not as the former, but moll of their firll Grandfathers houfe, yet all doe not fo ; for fome of them are of an excellent fcnt. Of the whole Family, there are a great many which 1 mult leaue, I will onely felect out a few for this our Garden, whofe flowers for their beauty of llatelinefie, forme, or colour, are fit to bee entertained, and take place therein, euery one according to his worth, and are accepted of with the louers of thefe delights. I. Moly Homcricum, vel potius Theophrajii. The greatell Moly of Homer. Homers Moly (for fo it is moll vfually called with vs) rifeth vp moll commonly with two, and fometimes with three great, thicke, long, and hollow guttered leaues, of a wliitilh greene colour, very neare the colour of the Tulipa leafe, hauing fome- times at the end of fome of the leaues, and fometimes apart by it felfe, a whitifn round fmall button, like vnto a fmall bulbe, the like whereof alfo, but greater, doth grow be- tweene the bottome of the leaues and the llalke neare the ground, which being plan- ted when it is ripe, will grow into a roote of the fame kinde : among thefe leaues rifeth vp a round, llrong, and tall llalke, a yard high or better, bare or naked vnto the toppe, where it beareth a great tuft or vmbell of pale purplilh flowers, all of them almoll Handing vpon equall foot-llalkes, or not one much higher then another, confifting of fiue leaues a peece, llriped downe the backe with a fmall pale line, hauing a round head or vmbone with fome threeds about it in the midll : Thefe flowers doe abide a great while blowne before they vade, which fmell not very llrong, like any Onion or Garlicke, but of a faint fmell : and after they are part come the feede, which is blacke, wrapped in white clofe huskes : the roote groweth very great, fometimes bigger then any mans clofed fill, fmelling llrong like Garlicke, whitilh on the outlide, and greene at the toppe, if it be but a while bare from the earth about it. 2. Moly Iiuiicumjiue Caucafon. The Indian Moly. The Indian Moly hath fuch like thicke large leaues, as the Homers Moly hath, but fhorter and broader, in the middle whereof rifeth vp a Ihort weake llalke, almoll flat, not hauing any flowers vpon it, but a head or duller of greenilh fcaly bulbes, inclo- fed at the firll in a large thinne skinne, which being open, euery bulbe Iheweth it felfe, Handing clofe one vnto another vpon his foot-llalke, of the bignefle of an Acorne, which being planted, will grow to bee a plant of his owne kinde : the roote is white and great, couered with a darke coate or skinne, which encreafeth but little vnder ground ; but belides that head, it beareth fmall bulbes aboue the ground, at the bot- tome of the leaues next vnto the llalke, like vnto the former. The Place. Both thefe doe grow in diuers places of Spaine, Italy, and Greece; for the lall hath been fent out of Turkic among other rootes. Ferrantes Impe- ratus a learned Apothecary of Naples, lent it to diuers of his friends in thefe parts, and hath defcribed it in his naturall hiftory among other plants, printed in the Italian tongue. It grew alfo with lohn Tradefcante at Canterbury, who fent me the head of bulbes to fee, and afterwards a roote, to plant it in my Garden. The 142 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Time. The firft flowreth in the end of May, and abideth vnto the midft of luly, and fometimes longer. The other beareth his head of bulbes in lune and luly. The Names. We haue receiued them by their names exprefled in their titles, yet the laft hath alfo been fent by the name of Ornithogalum Ita/icum, but as all may eafily fee, it is not of that kindred. I . Moly montanum Pannonicum bulblferum primum. The firft bulbed Moly of Hungary. This firft Hungarian Moly hath three or foure broad and long greene leaues, folded together at the firft, which after open themfelues, and are carried vp with the ftalke, ftanding thereon one aboue another, which is a foote high ; at the toppe whereof doe grow a few fad reddifh bulbes, and betweene them long footftalkes, bearing flowers of a pale purplifh colour ; after which followeth blacke feede, inclofed in roundifh heads: the roote is not great, but white on the outfide, very like vnto the roote of Serpents Moly, hereafter defcribed, encreafing much vnder ground, 8c fmelling ftrong. 2. Moly montanum Pannonicum bulblferum fecundum. The fecond bulbed Moly of Hungary. The fecond Moly hath narrower greene leaues then the former : the ftalke is about the fame height, and beareth at the toppe a great clufter of fmall greene bulbes, which after turne of a darker colour ; from among which come forth long foot-ftalks, where- on ftand purplifh flowers : the roote is couered with a blackifh purple coate or skinne. 3. Moly Serpentinum. Serpents Moly. This Moly muft alfo be ioyned vnto the bulbous Molyes, as of kindred with them, yet of greater beauty and delight, becaufe the bulbes on the heads of the fmall ftalkes are redder, and more pleafant to behold : the ftalke is lower, and his graffie winding leaues, which turne themfelues (whereof it tooke the name) are fmaller, and of a whi- ter greene colour : it beareth among the bulbes purplifh flowers alfo, but more beau- tifull, the fent whereof is nothing fo ftrong : the roote is fmall, round, and whitifh, en- creafing into a number of fmall rootes, no bigger then peafe round about the greater roote. 4. Moly caule & folijs triangularibus. The three cornered Moly. This three fquare Moly hath foure or fiue long, and fomewhat broad pale greene leaues, flat on the vpper fide, and with a ridge downe the backe of the leafe, which ma- keth it feeme three fquare : the ftalke which rifeth vp a foote and a halfe high or bet- ter, is three fquare or three cornered alfo, bearing at the toppe out of a skinnie huske diuers white flowers, fomewhat large and long, almoft bell-famion, with ftripes of greene downe the middle of euery leafe, and a few chiues tipt with yellow in the middle about the head, wherein when it is ripe, is inclofed fmall blacke feede : the roote is white on the outfide, and very like the yellow Moly ; both roote, leafe, and flower hath a fmacke, but not very ftrong of Garlicke. 5. Moly Narcifsims folijs. Daffodill leafed Moly. This Moly hath many long, narrow, and flat greene leaues, very like vnto the leaues of a Daffodill, from whence it tooke his name (or rather of the early greater Leucoium bulbofum, The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. H3 \ Holy Momentum vel txitiut Tkfophrafti. The greateft Moly of Homer. 2 Moly Indicum Jiue Caucafon. The Indian Moly. 3 Moly Pattnonicum bulbifcrum. The bulbed Moly of Hungary. 4 Moly Strpntinum. Serpents Moly. 5 Moly purpureum X tapolitiuutm. The purplilh Moly of Naples. 6 Molj cattle folijt lria*gularibs. The three cornered Moly. 7 Moly lali- folium /lore lutfo. The yellow Moly. K Mnly Diofcondeum Hiff>anicvm. The Spanifh Moly of Diofcorides. 9 Moly Zibtttinum vrl .Wofchatiitum. The fweete fmcllin;; Moly of Mompelier. 10 Moly ftrotinum Cnniferuni . The late Pine apple Moly. 144 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. bulbofum^ or bulbed Violet before defcribed, ioyned next vnto the Daffodils, becaufe it is fo like them) among which rifeth vp two or three ftalkes fometimes, each of a foot and a halfe high, bearing at the toppe, inclofed in a skinny hofe, as all the Molyes haue, a number of fmall purplifh flowers, which doe not long abide, but quickly fade : the feede is blacke as others are ; the roote is fometimes knobbed, and more often bulbed, hauing in the knobs fome markes of the old ftalkes to be feene in them, and fmelleth fomewhat like Garlicke, whereby it may be knowne. 6. Moly montanum latifolium luteo fare. The yellow Moly. The yellow Moly hath but one long and broad leafe when it doth not beare flower, but when it will beare flower, it hath two long and broad leaues, yet one alwaies longer and broader then the other, which are both of the fame colour, and neare the bignefle of a reafonable Tulipa leafe : betweene thefe leaues groweth a (lender ftalke, bearing at the toppe a tuft or vmbell of yellow flowers out of a skinnie hofe, which parteth three wayes, made of fix leaues a peece, laid open like a Starre, with a greenifh backe or outfide, and with fome yellow threeds in the middle : the feede is blacke, like vnto others : the roote is whitifh, two for the moft part ioyned together, which encreafeth quickly, and fmelleth very ftrong of Garlicke, as both flowers and leaues doe alfo. 7. Moly Pyrenceum purpureum. The purple mountaine Moly. This purple Moly hath two or three leaues, fomewhat like the former yellow Moly, but not fo broad, nor fo white : the ftalke hath not fo many flowers thereon, but more fparingly, and of an vnpleafant purple colour : the roote is whitifh, fmelling fomewhat ftrongly of Garlicke, but quickly perifheth with the extremity of our cold Winters, which it will not abide vnlefTe it be defended. 8. Moly montanum latifolium purpureum Hifpanicum. The purple Spanifh Moly. (This Moly hath two broad and very long greene leaues, like vnto the yellow Moly, in this, that they doe compafTe one another at the bottome of them, between which rifeth vp a ftrong round ftalke, two foote high or more, bearing at the toppe, out of a thinne huske, a number of faire large flowers vpon long foot-ftalkes, confifting of fix leaues a peece, fpread open like a Starre, of a fine delayed purple or blufh colour, with diuers threeds of the fame colour, tipt with yellow, ftanding about the middle head : betweene the ftalke and the bottome of the leaues it hath fome fmall bulbes growing, which being planted, will foone fpring and encreafe : the roote alfo being fmall and round, with many fibres thereat, hath many fmall bulbes mooting from them ; but neither roote, leafe, nor flower, hath any ill fent of Garlicke at all. 9. Moly purpureum Neapolitanum. The purple Moly of Naples. The Neapolitane Moly hath three or foure fmall long greene leaues fet vpon the ftalke after it is rifen vp, which beareth a round head of very fine purple flowers, made of fix leaues a peece, but fo clofing together at the edge, that they feeme like vnto fmall cuppes, neuer laying themfelues open, as the other doe ; this hath fome fent ot his originall, but the roote more then any part elfe, which is white and round, quickly encreafing as moft of the Molyes doe. 10. Moly pyxidatum argenteum Hifpamcum. The Spanifh filuer cupped Moly. This Spanifh Moly hath two or three very long rufh like leaues, which rife vp with the ftalke, or rather vanifh away when the ftalke is rifen vp to bee three foote high or more, bearing a great head of flowers, ftanding clofe at the firft, but afterwards fprea- ding much one from another, euery flower vpon a long foote-ftalke, being of a white filuer The Garden of pleafant Flowers. \ -^ iilucr colour, with ftripes or lines on euery fide, and falhioned finall and hollow, like a cuppe or boxe : the feede I could neuer obferue, becaufe it flowreth fo late, that the Winter hindereth it from bearing feede with vs : the roote is fmall and round, white, and in a manner tranf parent, at lealt fo fhining, as if it were fo, and encreafeth nothing fo much, as many of the other forts : this hath no ill lent at all, but rather a pretty fmell, not to bee mifliked. 1 1 . Moly ferotinum Coniferum. The late Pineapple Moly. This late Moly that was fent me with the laft defcribed, and others alfo from Spain, rifeth vp with one long greene leafe, hollow and round vnto the end, towards this end on the one fide, breaketh out a head of flowers, enclofed in a thinne skinne, which after it hath fo rtood a good while, (the leafe in the meane time rifing higher, and growing harder, becommeth the ftalke) breaketh, and flieweth a great bufh or head of buds for flowers, thicke thruft together, fafhioned very like vnto the forme of a Pineapple (from whence I gaue it the name) of the bignefs of a Walnut : after this head hath flood in this manner a moneth or thereabouts, the flowers fhew themfelues to bee of a fine delayed or whitifh purple colour, with diuers ftripes in euery of them, of the fame cup-fafhion with the former, but not opening fo plainly, fo that they cannot bee difcerned to bee open, without good heede and obferuation. It flowreth fo late in Autume, that the early frofts doe quickly fpoile the beauty of it, and foone caufe it to rotte : the roote is fmall and round, and mining like the laft, very tender alfo, as not able to abide our (harpe Winters, which hath caufed it vtterly to perifh with me. 12. Moly Diojcorideum. Diofcorides his Moly. The roote of this fmall Moly is tranfparent within, but coucred with a thicke yel- lowifh skinne, of the bignefle of an Hafell Nut, or fomewhat bigger, which fendeth forth three or foure narrow graflle leaues, long and hollow, and a little bending down- wards, of a whitifh greene colour, among which rifeth vp a flender weake ftalke, a foot and a halfe high, bearing at the toppe, out of a thinne skinne, a tuft of milke white flowers, very like vnto thofe of Ramfons, which ftand a pretty while in their beauty, and then pafTe away for the moft part without giuing any feede : this hath little or no fent of Garlicke. We haue anothor of this fort that is lefier, and the flowers rounder pointed. 1 3. Moly Diofcorideum Hifpamcum. The Spanifh Moly of Diofcorides. This Moly came vnto me among other Molyes from Spaine, and is in all things like vnto the laft defcribed, but fairer, larger, and of much more beauty, as hauing his white flowers twice as great as the former ; but (as it feemeth) very impatient of our Winters, which it could not at any hand endure, but quickly perifhed, as fome others that came with it alfo. 1 4. Moly Mofchatinum vel Zibettinum Monfpelicnft. The fweete fmelling Moly of Mompelier. This fweete Moly, which I haue kept for the laft, to clofe vp your fenfes, is the fmalleft, and the fineft of all the reft, hauing foure or fiue fmall greene leaues, almoft as fine as haires, or like the leaues of the Feather-graffe : the ftalke is a- bout a foote high, bearing fiue or fix or more fmall white flowers, laid open like Starres, made of fix leaues a peece, of an excellent fweete fent, refem- bling Muske or Ciuet ; for diuers haue diuerfly cenfured of it. It flowreth late in the yeare, fo that if the precedent Summer bee either ouer moift, or the Au- tumne ouer early cold, this will not haue that fweete fent, that it will haue in a hot drie time, and belides muft be carefully refpected : for it will hardly abide the extremity of our f harpe Winters. T The 146 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Place. The places of thefe Molyes, are for the moft part exprefled in their ti- tles, or in their defcriptions. The Time. The time is fet downe, for the moft part to bee in lune and luly, the reft later. The Names. To make further relation of names then are exprefled in their titles, were needlefle ; let thefe therefore fuffice. The Vertues. All thefe forts of Molyes are fmall kindes of wilde Garlicke, and are to be vfed for the fame purpofes that the great Garden Garlicke is, although much weaker in their effecTs. For any other efpeciall property is in any of thefe, more than to furnifh a Garden of variety, I haue not heard at all. And thus much may fuffice of thefe kindes for our Garden, referuing manie others that might be fpoken of, to a generall worke, or to my Garden of Simples, which as God fhall enable me, and time giue leaue, may mew it felfe to the world, to abide the iudicious and criticke cenfures of all. CHAP. XI 1 1 1. Afphodelus. The Afphodill. THere remaine fome other flowers, like vnto the laft defcribed, to be fpecified, which although they haue no bulbous rootes, yet I thinke them fitteft to bee here mentioned, that fo I may ioyne thofe of neereft fimilitude together, vn- till I haue finifhed the reft that are to follow. i . Afphodelus maior albus ramofus. The great white branched Afphodill. The great white Afphodill hath many long, and narrow, hollow three fquare leaues, fharpe pointed, lying vpon the ground round about the roote : the ftalke is fmooth, round, and naked without leaues, which rifeth from the midft of them, di- uided at the toppe into diuers branches, if the plant bee of any long continuance, or elfe but into two or three fmall branches, from the fides of the maine great one, whereon doe ftand many large flowers Starre-fafhion, made of fix leaues a peece, whitifh on the infide, and ftraked with a purplifh line downe the backfide of euery leafe, hauing in the middle of the flowers fome fmall yellow threeds : the feede is blacke, and three fquare, greater then the feede of Bucke wheate, contained in roundifh heads, which open into three parts : the roote is compofed of many tube- rous long clogges, thickeft in the middle, and fmaller at both ends, fattened together at the head, of a darke grayifh colour on the outfide, and yellow within. 2. Afphodelus albus non ramofus. The white vnbranched Afphodill. The vnbranched Afphodill is like vnto the former, both in leaues and flowers, but that the flowers of this are whiter, and without any line or ftrake on the backe fide, and The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 14.7 and the ftalkes are without branches : the rootcs likewife are fmallcr, and fewer, but made after the fame fafhion. 3. Afphoddus maiorjlore cameo. The blufh coloured Afphodill. This Afphodill is like to the lull in forme of leaues and branches, and diffcreth in this, that his leaues are marked with fome fpots, and the flowers are of a blulh or flelh colour, in all other things alike. 4. A/phodelus minimus albus. The leaft white Afphodill. This leaft Afphodill hath foure or fiue very narrow long leaues, yet feeming three fquare like the greateft, bearing a fmall ftalke, of about a footc high among them, without any branches, and at the toppe a few white flowers, ftraked both within and without, with a purplifh line in the middle of euery leafe. The rootes are fuch like tu- berous clogges as are in the former, but much lefler. 5. Afphodelus albus minor Jiue Fijhtlofus. The little hollow white Afphodill. This little white Afphodill hath a number of leaues growing thicke together, thicker and greener then thofe of the fmall yellow Afphodill, or Kings Speare next following, among which rileth vp diuers round ftalkes, bearing flowers from the mid- dle to the toppe, Starre-fa(hion, with fmall greene leaues among them, which are white on the infide, and ftriped on the backe with purple lines, like vnto the firft de- fcribed : the feede, and heads containing them, are three fquare, like the feede of the little yellow Afphodill : the rootes of this kinde are not glandulous, as the former, but Itringie, long and white : the whole plant is very impatient of our cold Winters, and quickly perifheth, if it be not carefully preferued, both from the cold, and much wet in the Winter, by houfing it ; and then it will abide many yeares : for it is not an annu- all plant, as many haue thought. 6. Afphodelus luteus mi 'nor , Jiue Hajhila regia. The fmall yellow Afphodill, or Kings fpeare. This fmall yellow Afphodill, which is vfually called the Kings fpeare, hath many long narrow edged leaues, which make them feeme three fquare, of a bluifh or whi- tilh greene colour : the ftalke rifeth vp three foote high oftentimes, befet with fmall long leaues vp vnto the very flowers, which grow thicke together fpike-fafhion one aboue another, for a great length, and wholly yellow, laid open like a Starre, fome- what greater then the laft white Afphodill, and fmaller then the firft, which when they are part yeeld round heads, containing blacke cornered feede, almoft three fquare : the rootes are many long yellow firings, which fpreading in the ground, doe much encreafe. The Place. All thefe Afphodils doe grow naturally in Spaine and France, and from thence were firft brought vnto vs, to furnifh our Gardens. The Time. All the glandulous rooted Afphodils doe flower fome in May, and fome in lune ; but the two laft doe flower, the yellow or laft of them in luly, and the former white one in Auguft and September, and vntill the cold and winter hinder it. The Names. Their feuerall names are giuen them in their titles, as much as is fit for this 14.8 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. this difcourfe. For to fhew you that the Greekes doe call the ftalke of the great Afphodill Az/^e/n/crj, and the Latines Albucum, or what elfe belongeth to them, is fitter for another worke, vnto which I leaue them. The baftard Afphodils fhould follow next in place, if this worke were fit for them ; but becaufe I haue tyed my felfe to expreffe onely thofe flowers and plants, that for their beauty, or fent, or both, doe furnifh a Garden of Pleafure, and they haue none, I leaue them to a generall Hiftory of plants, or that Garden of Simples before fpoken of, and will defcribe the Lilly Afphodils, and the Phalangia or Spider-worts, which are remaining of thofe, that ioyne in name or fafhion, and are to be here inferted, before I pafTe to the reft of the bulbous rootes. i . Liliafphodelus phaniceus. The gold red Day Lilly. Becaufe the rootes of this and the next, doe fo nearely agree with the two laft reci- ted Afphodils, I haue fet them in this place, although fome doe place them next after the Lillies, becaufe their flowers doe come neareft in forme vnto Lillies ; but whether you will call them Afphodils with Lilly flowers, as I thinke it fitted, or Lillies with Afphodill rootes, or Lillies without bulbous rootes, as others doe, I will not contend. The red Day Lilly hath diuers broad and long frefh greene leaues, folded at the firft as it were double, which after open, and remaine a little hollow in the middle ; among which rifeth vp a naked ftalke three foot high, bearing at the toppe many flow- ers, one not much diftant from another, and flowring one after another, not hauing lightly aboue one flower blown open in a day, & that but for a day, not lafting longer, but clofing at night, and not opening againe ; whereupon it had his Englifh name, The Lilly for a day : thefe flowers are almoft as large as the flowers of the white Lilly, and made after the fame fafhion, but of a faire gold red, or Orange tawny colour. I could neuer obferue any feede to follow thefe flowers ; for they feeme the next day after they haue flowred, (except the time be faire and dry) to bee fo rotten, as if they had lyen in wet to rotte them, whereby I thinke no feede can follow : the rootes are many thicke and long yellow knobbed ftrings, like vnto the fmall yellow Afphodill rootes, but fomewhat greater, running vnder ground in like fort, and fhooting young heads round about. 2. Liliafphodelus luteus. The yellow Day Lilly. I (hall not neede to make a repetition of the defcription of this Day Lilly, hauing giuen you one fo amply before, becaufe this doth agree thereunto fo nearely, as that it might feeme the fame ; thefe differences onely it hath, the leaues are not fully fo large, nor the flower fo great or fpread open, and the colour thereof is of a faire yel- low wholly,and very fweet, which abideth blowne many daies before it fade, and hath giuen blacke round feede, growing in round heads, like the heads of the fmall yellow Afphodill, but not fo great. Clufius hath fet downe, that it was reported, that there fhould be another Liliafpho- dill with a white flower, but we can heare of none fuch as yet ; but I rather thinke, that they that gaue that report might be miftaken, in thinking the Sauoye Spider-wort to be a white Liliafphodill, which indeede is fo like, that one not well experienced, or not well regarding it, may foone take one for another. The Place. Their originall is many moift places in Germany. The Time. They flower in May and lune. The Names. They are called by fome Liliago, and Lilium non bulbofum^ and Liliafpho- The Garden of p/ea/ant Flowers. I Afphodflus major albus ramofus. The great white branched Afphodill. 2 Afphodtlus minor albus feu fiflulofui. The little hollow white Afphodill. 3 Afphodeltii minor luttus, five Ha/tula rtgia. The fmall yellow Afphodill, or Kings fpeare. 4 Liliafthodflui luttui. The yellow Day Lilly. 5 Liliafphodelui phanictus. The gold red Day Lilly. 150 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. delus. In Englifh we call them both Day Lillies, but the name doth not fo well agree with the laft, as with the firft, for the caufes aboue fpecified. The Vertues. The rootes of Afphodill hath formerly beene had in great account, but now is vtterly neglected ; yet by reafon of their fharpnefle they open and cleanfe, and therefore fome haue of late vfed them for the yellow laundife. The Day Lillies haue no phyficall vfe that I know, or haue heard. T CHAP. XV. Phalangium. Spider-wort. Hefe plants doe fo nearely refemble thofe that are laft fet forth, that I thinke none that knowes them, will doubt, but that they muft follow next vnto them, being fo like vnto them, and therefore of the faireft of this kinde firft. i. Phalangium Allobrogicum. The Sauoye Spider-wort. The Sauoye Spider-wort fpringeth vp with foure or fiue greene leaues, long and narrow, yet broader at the bottome, narrower pointed at the end, and a little hollow in the middle ; among which rifeth vp a round ftiffe ftalke, a foote and a halfe high, bearing at the toppe one aboue another, feuen or eight, or more flowers, euery one as large almoft as the yellow Day Lilly laft defcribed, but much greater then in any o- ther of the Spider-worts, of a pure white colour, with fome threeds in the middle, tipt with yellow, and a fmall forked pointell : after the flowers are paft, the heads or feede veflels grow almoft three fquare, yet fomewhat round, wherein is contained blackifh feede : the rootes are many white, round, thicke, brittle firings, ioyned toge- ther at the head, but are nothing fo long, as the rootes of the other Phalangia or Spi- der-worts. 2. Phalangium maius Italicum album. The great Italian Spider-wort. This great Spider-wort hath diuers long and narrow leaues fpread vpon the ground, and not rifing vp as the former, and not fo broad alfo as the former, but fomewhat larger then thofe that follow : the ftalke is bigger, but feldome rifeth vp fo high as the next, whereof this is a larger kinde, hauing a long vnbranched ftalke of white flowers, laid open like ftarres as it hath, but fomewhat greater : the rootes are long and white, like the next, but fomewhat larger. 3. Phalangium non ramofum vulgare. Vnbranched Spider-wort. The leaues of this Spider-wort doe feeme to bee little bigger or longer then the leaues of grafle, but of a more grayifh green colour, riling immediately from the head or tuft of rootes ; among which rife vp one or two ftalkes, fometimes two or three foote long, befet toward the toppe with many white Starre-like flowers, which after they are paft turne into fmall round heads, containing blacke feede, like vnto the feed of the little yellow Afphodill, but lefler : the rootes are long white ftrings, running vnder ground. 3. Phalangium ramofum. Branched Spider-wort. The branched Spider-wort hath his leaues fomewhat broader then the former, and of a more yellowifh greene colour : the ftalke hereof is diuerfly branched at the top, bearing many white flowers, like vnto the former, but fmaller : the feedes and rootes are like the former in all things. The T/ie Garden of pleafant Flowers. '5' I Phalangium Atlobrogicum, The Sauoye Spider-wort. 2 Phalangittm non ramofttm. Vnbranched Spider-wort. 3 Phalan- gitim ramofum. Branched Spider-wort. 4 Phalangium Epktmtrum Virginianum. lohn Tradcfcante's Spider-wort. 152 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Place. The firft groweth on the Hils neare vnto Sauoye, from whence diuers, allured with the beauty of the flower, haue brought it into thefe parts. The fecond came vp in my Garden, from the feede receiued out of Italy. The others grow in Spaine, France, Sec. i The Time. The vnbranched Spider-wort moft commonly flowreth before all the other, and the branched a moneth after it : the other two about one time, that is, towards the end of May, and not much after the vnbranched kinde. The Names. The firft (as I faid before) hath beene taken to be a white Lilliafphodill, and called Liliafphodelus JJore albo ; but Clufius hath more properly entitu- led it a Phalangium, and from the place of his originall, gaue him his other denomination, and fo is called of moft, as is fet downe in the title. The other haue no other names then are exprefled in their titles, but only that Cordus calleth them Liliago ; and Dodonasus, lib. 4. hijt. plant, would make the branched kinde to bee Moly alterum P/imj, but without any good ground. The Vertues. The names Phalangium and Phalangites were impofed on thefe plants, becaufe they were found effectual, to cure the poyfon of that kinde of Spi- der, called Phalangium, as alfo of Scorpions and other Serpents. Wee doe not know, that any Phyfitian hath vfed them to any fuch, or any other pur- pofe in our dayes. 5. Phalangium Ephemerum Virginianum loannis "Trade fcant. The foon fading Spider-wort of Virginia, or Tradefcant his Spider-wort. This Spider-wort is of late knowledge, and for it the Chriftian world is indebted vnto that painfull induftrious fearcher, and louer of all natures varieties, lohn Trade- fcant (fometimes belonging to the right Honourable Lord Robert Earle of Salisbury, Lord Treafurer of England in his time, and then vnto the right Honourable the Lord Wotton at Canterbury in Kent, and laftly vnto the late Duke of Buckingham) who firft receiued it of a friend, that brought it out of Virginia, thinking it to bee the Silke Grafle that groweth there, and hath imparted hereof, as of many other things, both to me and others ; the defcription whereof is as followeth : From a ftringie roote, creeping farre vnder ground, and rifing vp againe in many places, fpringeth vp diuers heads of long folded leaues, of a grayim ouer-worne greene colour, two or three for the moft part together, and not aboue, compafling one another at the bottome, and abiding greene in many places all the Winter ; other- where perifhing, and rifing anew in the Spring, which leaues rife vp with the great round ftalke, being fet thereon at the ioynts, vfually but one at a ioynt, broad at the bottome where they cornpafTe the ftalke, and fmaller and fmaller to the end : at the vpper ioynt, which is the toppe of the ftalke, there ftand two or three fuch like leaues, but fmaller, from among which breaketh out a dozen, fixteene, or twenty, or more round green heads, hanging downe their heads by little foot-ftalkes, which when the flower beginneth to blow open, groweth longer, and ftandeth vpright, hauing three fmall pale greene leaues for a huske, and three other leaues within them for the flower, which lay themfelues open flat, of a deepe blew purple colour, hauing an vmbone or fmall head in the middle, clofely fet about with fix reddifh, hairy, or feathered threeds, tipt with yellow pendents : this flower openeth it felfe in the day, & fhutteth vfually at night, The Garden of pleafant Floii\ i c -, night, and neuer opencth againe, hut perilheth, and then hangcth downe his head a- gaine; the greene huske of three leaues, doling it lelfe againc into the forme of a head, but greater, as it was before, the middle vmbone growing to bee the feede veflell, wherein is contained I'tnall, hlackiih, long feede : Seldome fhall any man fee aboue one, or two at the molt of thefe flowers blowne open at one time vpon the ftalke, whereby it ftandeth in flowring a long time, before all the heads haue giuen out their flowers. The Place. This plant groweth in fomc parts of Virginia, and was dcliuered to lohn Tradcfcant. The Time. It flowreth from the end of May vntill luly, if it haue had greene leaues all the Winter, or otherwife, vntill the Winter checke his luxurioufnefle. The Names. Vnto this plant I confefle I firft impofed the name, by confidering ducly all the parts thereof, which vntill fome can finde a more proper, I defire may ftill continue, and to call it Ephemerum Virginianum Tradefcanti^ lohn Tradefcante's Spider-wort of Virginia, or Phalangium Ephemerum Virginia- num, The foone fading or Day Spider-wort of Virginia. The Vertues. There hath not beene any tryall made of the properties fince wee had it, nor doe we know whether the Indians haue any vfe thereof. CHAP. XVI. Colc/ricam. Medowe Saffron. TO returne to the reft of the bulbous and tuberous rooted plants, that remaine to bee entreated of, the Colchica or Medowe Saffrons are firft to bee handled, whereof thefe later dayes haue found out more varieties, then formerly were knowne ; fome flowring in the Spring, but the moft in Autumne, and fome bearing double, but the greateft part lingle flowers : whereof euery one in their order, and firft of our owne Country kindes. i . Cole fnc urn Anglic urn album. The white Englifh Medowe Saffron. It is common to all the Medowe Saffrons, except that of the Spring, and one other, to beare their flowers alone in Autumne or later, without any green leaues with them, and afterwards in February, their greene leaues : So that I fliall not neede to make ma- nie defcriptions, but to (hew you the differences that coniift in the leaues, and colours of the flowers ; and briefly to paffe (after I haue giuen you a tull defcription of the firft) from one vnto another, touching onely thofe things that are note worthy. The white Englim Medowe Saffron then doth beare in Autumne three or foure flowers at the moft, ftanding feuerally vpon weake foote-ftalkes, a fingers length or more aboue the ground, made of fix white leaues, fomewhat long and narrow, and not fo large as moft of the other kindes, with fome threeds or chiues in the middle, like vnto the Saffron flowers of the Spring, wherein there is no colour of Saffron, or vertue to that effedt : after the flowers are paft and gone, the leaues doe not prefently follow, but the roote rcmaineth in the ground without (hew of leafe aboue ground, moft part of the Winter, and then in February there fpring vp three or foure large and long greene U leaues, c A The Garden of pleafant Flowers. leaues, when they are fully growne vp, (landing on the toppe of a round, weake, green, and fhort foote-ftalke, fomewhat like the leaues of white Lillies, but not fo large, and in the middeft of thefe leaues, after they haue been vp f ome time, appeare two or three loofe skinny heads, (landing in the middle of the leaues vpon (hort, thicke, greene ftalkes, and being ripe, conteine in them round fmall brownifh feede, that lye as it were loofe therein, and when the head is dry, may bee heard to rattle being fhaken : the roote is white within, but couered with a thicke blackifh skinne or coate, hauing one fide thereof at the bottome longer then the other, with an hollowneffe alfo on the one (ide of that long eminence, where the flowers rife from the bottome, and (hooting downe from thence a number of white fibres, whereby it is faftened in the ground : the greene leaues afterwards rifing from the top or head of the roote. 2. Colchicum Anglicum purpurcum. The purple Englifh Medowe Saffron. There is no difference at all in this Medowe Saffron from the former, but only in the colour of the flowers, which as they were wholly white in the former, fo in this they are of a delayed purple colour, with a fmall fhew of veines therein. 3. Colchicum Pannonicum album. The white Hungary Medowe Saffron. The greatefl difference in this Colchicum from the former Englifh white one, is, that it is larger both in roote, leafe, and flower, and befides, hath more ftore of flowers to- gether, and continuing longer in beauty, without fading fo foone as the former, and are alfo fomewhat of a fairer white colour. 4. Colchicum Pannonicum purpureum. The purple Hungary Medowe Saffron. This purple Medowe Saffron is fomewhat like vnto the white of this kinde, but that it beareth not fo plentifully as the white, nor doth the roote grow fo great ; but the flowers are in a manner as large as they, and of the like pale delayed purple colour, or fomewhat deeper, as is in the purple Englifh, with fome veines or markes vpon the flowers, making fome fhew of a checker on the out (ide, but not fo confpicuous, as in the true checkerd kindes. Wee haue a kinde hereof is party coloured with white ftreakes and edges, which abide conftant, and hath been raifed from the feede of the former. 5. Colchicum Byzantinum. Medowe Saffron of Conftantinople. This Medowe Saffron of Conftantinople hath his leaues fo broad and large, that hardly could any that neuer faw it before, iudge it to be a Colchicum ; for they are much larger then any Lilly leaues, and of a darke greene colour : the flowers are correfpon- dent to the leaues, larger and more in number then in any of the former purple kindes, of the fame colour with the laft purple kinde, but of a little deeper purple on the in- lide, with diuers markes running through the flowers, like vnto it, or vnto checkers, but yet fomewhat more apparently: the roote is in the middle greater and rounder then the others, with a longer eminence, whereby it may eafily bee knowne from all other forts. 6. Colchicum Lujitanicum Fritillaricum. The checkerd Medowe Saffron of Portugal!. The flowers of this Medowe Saffron are larger and longer then the flowers of either the Englifh or Hungarian, and almoft as large as the lad before mentioned, and of the fame colour, but a little deeper, the fpots and markes whereof are fomewhat more eane to be feene euen a farre off, like vnto the flower of a Fritillaria, from whence it tooke his lignificatiue name : the leaues of this Medowe Saffron doe rife vp fooner then in any other of the Autumne kindes ; for they are alwayes vp before Winter, and are foure or fiue in number, fhort rather then long, broad belowe, and pointed at the end, canaled or hollow, and (landing round aboue the ground, one encompaffing an- other at the bottome, like the great Spanifh Starre lacinth, called the lacinth of Peru, but The Garden of pleafant Flowers. '55 i CoUhicum PanHomcum. The Hungarian Mellow Saffron, i Cal^hicum Bysantimum. .Medowe baltron of Conftantinoplc. 3 CoUhiaim Lufitaiufum Fritiltaricum. The checkerd Medowe Saffron of Portugal!. 4 Calcliicum Xtapolilanum Frilillaricum, The checkerd Medowe Saffron of Naples. 5 Colfkicum Frilillaricum Chienft. The Checkerd Medowe Saffron of Chio or Sio. 6 CoUhicum Hermodactylum. I'hyficall Medowe Saffron. 156 fAe Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. but fhorter, and of a pale or grayifh greene colour, differing from the colour of all the other Medowe Saffrons: the roote is like the roote of the Englifh or Hungarian without any difference, but that it groweth fomewhat greater. It is one of the firft Me- dowe Saffrons that flower in the Autumne. 7. Colchicum Neapolitan urn Fritillaricum. The checkerd Medowe Saffron of Naples. This checkerd Medowe Saffron of Naples, is very like vnto the lad recited chec- kerd Saffron of Portugall, but that the flower is fomewhat larger, yet fometimes very little, or not at all : the greater! marke to diftinguifh them is, that the flowers of this are of a deeper colour, and fo are the fpots on the flowers likewife, which are fo con- fpicuous, that they are difcerned a great way off, more like vnto the flowers of a deepe Fritillaria, then the former, and make a goodlier and a more glorious fhew : the leaues of this doe rife vp early after the flowers, and are fomewhat longer, of a darker greene colour, yet bending to a grayifh colour as the other, not lying fo neatly or round, but ftand vp one by another, being as it were folded together : neither of both thefe laft named checkerd Medowe Saffrons haue giuen any feede in this Countrey, that euer I could learne or heare of, but are encreafed by the roote, which in this is like the for- mer, but a little bigger. 8. Colchicum Fritillaricum ChienJ'e. The checkerd Medowe Saffron of Chio or Sio. This moft beautifull Saffron flower rifeth vp with his flowers in the Autumne, as the others before fpecified doe, although not of fo large a fize, yet farre more pleafant and delightfull in the thicke, deepe blew, or purple coloured beautifull fpots therein, which make it excell all others whatfoeuer : the leaues rife vp in the Spring, being fmaller then the former, for the moft part three in number, and of a paler or frefher greene colour, lying clofe vpon the ground, broad at the bottome, a little pointed at the end, and twining or folding themfelues in and out at the edges, as if they were in- dented. I haue not feene any feede it hath borne : the roote is like vnto the others of this kinde, but fmall and long, and not fo great : it flowreth later for the mort part then any of the other, euen not vntill Nouember, and is very hard to be preferued with vs, in that for the moft part the roote waxeth leffe and leffe euery yeare, our cold Country being fo contrary vnto his naturall, that it will fcarce fhew his flower ; yet when it flowreth any thing early, that it may haue any comfort of a warme Sunne, it is the glorie of all thefe kindes. 9. Colchicum iierjicolor. The party coloured Medowe Saffron. The flowers of this Medowe Saffron moft vfually doe not appeare, vntill molt of the other Autumne forts are part, except the laft, which are very lowe, fcarce rifing with their ftalkes three fingers breadth aboue the ground, -but oftentimes halfe hid within the ground : the leaues whereof are fmaller, fhorter, and rounder, then in any of the other before fpecified, fome being altogether white, and others wholly of a very pale purple, or flefh colour ; and fome againe parted, the one halfe of a leafe white, and the other halfe of the fame purple, and fometimes ftriped purple and white, in di- uers leaues of one and the fame flower : and againe, fome will be the moft part of the leafe white, and the bottome purple, thus varying as nature lift, that many times from one roote may bee feene to arife all thefe varieties before mentioned : thefe flowers doe ftand long before they fade and paffe away ; for I haue obferued in my Garden fome that haue kept their flower faire vntill the beginning of January, vntill the extremitie of the Winter frofts and fnowes haue made them hide their heads : the leaues there- fore accordingly doe rife vp after all other, and are of a brownifh or darke greene co- lour at their firft fpringing vp, which after grow to be of a deepe greene colour : the roote is like the former Englifh or Hungarian kindes, but thicker and greater for the moft part, and fhorter alfo. 10. Colchicum 77ft' Garden of pleafant Flowers. 157 10. Colchicum variegatum alter um. Another party coloured Medowe Saffron. There is another, whole party coloured flowers rile a little higher, diuerfly llripcd and marked, with a deeper purple colour, and a pale or whitilh hlulh throughout all the leaues of the flower. i i . Colchicum montanum Hifpanicum minus. The little Spanilh Medowe Saffron. The flowers of this little Medowe Saffron are narrower and f mailer then any of the former, and of a deeper reddilh purple colour then either the Englifh or Hungarian kindes: the greene leaues alfo are final ler then any other, lying on the ground, of a deepe or fad greene colour, riling vp within a while after the flowers are pall, and doc abide greene all the Winter long: the roote is fmall and long, according to the rert ot the plant, and like in forme to the others. 12. Colchicum montanum minus vcrjicolore Jiore. The fmall party coloured Medowe Saffron. This little kinde differeth not from the Spanifh kinde laft fet forth, but in the varie- tie of the flower, which is as fmall as the former ; the three inner leaues being almoft all white, and the three outer leaues fome of them pale or blulh, and fome party co- loured, with a little greene on the backe of fome of them. 13. Colchicum Htrmodattilum. Phyficall Medowe Saffron. This Phyficall Medowe Saffron fpringeth vp with his leaues in Autumne, before his flowers appeare beyond the nature of all the former kindes, yet the flower doth, after they are vp, (hew it felfe in the middle of the greene leaues, conlilting of fix white leaues, with diuers chiues in the middle, and pafleth away without giuing any feede that euer I could obferue : the greene leaues abide all the Winter and Spring follow- ing, decaying about May, and appeare not vntill September, when (as I faid) the flow- ers (hew themfelues prefently after the leaues are fprung vp. 14. Colchicum atropurpurcum. The darke purple Medowe Saffron. The greatefl difference in this kinde conlilteth in the flower, which at the firlt ap- pearing is as pale a purple, as the flower of the former Hungarian kinde : but after it hath llood in flower two or three dayes, it beginneth to change, and will after a while become to bee of a very deepe reddilh purple colour, as alfo the little foote-flalke whereon it doth Hand : the flower is of the bignefie of the Hungarian purple, and fo is the greene leafe : the feede and roote is like the Englifh purple kinde. fi 5. Colchicum atropurpureum variegatum. The party coloured darke purple Medowe Saffron. We haue of late gained another fort of this kinde, differing chiefly in the flower, which is diuerfly ftriped thorough euery leafe of the flower, with a paler purple co- lour, whereby the flower is of great beauty : this might feeme to bee a degeneration from the former, yet it hath abiden conftant with me diuers yeares, and giueth feede as plentifully as the former. 1 6. Colchicum Jiore pleno. Double flowred Medowe Saffron. The double Medowe Saffron is in roote and leafe very like unto the Englilli kinde : the flowers are of a fine pale or delayed purple colour, conlilling of many leaues fet thicke together, which are fomewhat fmaller, as in the Englilh flower, being narrow and long, and as it were round at the points, which make a very double flower, hauing fome 158 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. fome chiues with their yellow tips, difperfed as it were among the leaues in the mid- dle : it flowreth in September, a little after the firft (hew of the earlier Medowe Saf- frons are part. 1 7. Colchicum variegatum plena jtore. The party coloured double Medowe Saffron. We haue another of thefe double kinds (if it be not the very fame with the former, varying in the flower as nature pleafeth oftentimes ; for I haue this flower in my garden, as I here fet it forth, euery yeare) whofe flowers are diuerfified in the partition of the colours, as is to be feene in the fingle party coloured Medowe Saffron before defcri- bed, hauing fome leaues white, and others pale purple, and fome leaues halfe white and halfe purple, diuerfly fet or placed in the double flower, which doth confift of as many leaues as the former, yet fometime this party coloured flower doth not fliew it felfe double like the former, but hath two flowers, one riling out of another, making each of them to be almoft but fingle flowers, confifting of eight or ten leaues a peece : but this diuerlity is not conftant ; for the fame roote that this yeare appeareth in that manner, the next yeare will returne to his former kinde of double flowers againe. 1 8. Colchicum Vernum. Medowe Saffron of the Spring. This Medowe Saffron rifeth vp very early in the yeare, that is, in the end of lanu- arie fometimes, or beginning, or at the furtheft the middle of February, prefently af- ter the deepe Frofts and Snowes are part, with his flowers inclofed within three greene leaues, which opening themfelues as foone almoft as they are out of the ground, fhew their buds for flowers within them very white oftentimes, before they open farre, and fometimes alfo purplifh at their firft appearing, which neuer fhew aboue two at the moft vpon one roote, and neuer rife aboue the leaues, nor the leaues much higher then they, while they laft : the flower confifteth of fix leaues, long and narrow, euery leafe being diuided, both at the bottome and toppe, each from other, and ioyned together onely in the middle, hauing alfo fix chiues, tipt with yellow in the middle, euery chiue being ioyned to a leafe, of a pale red or deepe blufh colour, when it hath ftood a while blowne, and is a fmaller flower then any Medowe Saffron, except the fmall Spanim kindes onely, but continueth in his beauty a good while, if the extremity of fharpe Frofts and Windes doe not fpoile it : the leaues wherein thefe flowers are enclofed, at their firft comming vp, are of a brownifh greene colour, which fo abide for a while, efpecially on the outfide, but on the infide they are hollow, and of a whitifh or grayifh greene colour, which after the flowers are part, grow to bee of the length 'of a mans longeft finger, and narrow withall : there rifeth vp likewife in the middle of them the head or feede veffell, which is fmaller and fhorter, and harder then any of the former, wherein is contained fmall round browne feede : the roote is fmall, fomewhat like vn- to the rootes of the former, but ihorter, and not hauing fo long an eminence on the one fide of the bottome. 19. Colchicum vernum atropurpureum. Purple Medowe Saffron of the Spring. The flower of this Medowe Saffron, is in the rifing vp of his leaues and flowers to- gether, and in all things elfe, like vnto the former, onely the flowers of this fort are at their firft appearing of a deeper purple colour, and when they are blowne alfo are much deeper then the former, diuided in like manner, both at the bottome and toppe as the other, fo that they feeme, like as if fix loofe leaues were ioyned in the middle part, to make one flower, and hath his fmall chiues tipt with yellow, cleauing in like manner to euery leafe. The Place. All thefe Medowe Saffrons, or the moft part of them, haue their places expreffed in their titles; for fome grow in the fields and medowes of the champion grounds, others on the mountaines and hilly grounds. The Englifh kindes grow in the Weft parts, as about Bathe, Briftow, Warmi- fter, The Garden of pleafant Flowers. '59 i CvUkifum moiitaHiim Hiffatiicum. The little Spanifh Medowe Saffron. i Colckicum montaxum mintu ; erf colon Jlore. The fmall party coloured Medowe Saffron. 3 Colchicum verficolor. The party coloured Medowe Saffron. 4 CoUhicum varitgatum alurtim. Another party coloured Medowe Saffron. 5 Col.-lncum atropurfttrtvm. The darke purple Medowe Saffron. 6 Col- lAuum itropurf-iirixm variei>atum. The variable darke purple Medowe Saffron. y CoUkicum :ernm, Medowe Saffron of the fpring. % Coldticum jtof plrno. Double Medowe Saffron. 160 The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. fter, and other places alfo. The double kindes are thought to come out of Germany. The Time. Their times likewife are declared in their feuerall defcriptions : thofe that are earlieft in Autumne, flower in Auguft and September, the later in October, and the lateft in the end of October, and in November. The other are faid to bee of the Spring, in regard they come after the deepe of Winter (which is moft vfually in December and lanuary) is part. The Names. The generall name to all thefe plants is Colchicum, whereunto fome haue added Ephemerum, becaufe it killeth within one dayes fpace ; and fome Strangulatorium. Some haue called them alfo Bulbus AgreJHs, and Filius ante Patrem, The Sonne before the Father, becaufe (as they thinke) it giueth feede before the flower : but that is without due confideration ; for the root of this (as of moft other bulbous plants) after the ftalke of leaues and feede are dry, and part, may be tranf planted, and then it beginneth to fpring and giue flowers before leaues, (and therein onely it is differing from other plants) but the leaues and feede follow fuccefliuely after the flowers, before it may be remoued againe ; fo that here is not feede before flowers, but con- trarily flowers vpon the firft planting or fpringing, and feede after, as in all other plants, though in a diuers manner. The Colchicum HermodaStilum may feeme very likely to bee the Colchicum Orientate of Matthiolus, or the Colchicum Alexandrinum of Lobelius : And fome thinke it to be the true HermoJaSKhts, and fo call it, but it is not fo. We doe generally call them all in Englifh Medowe Saffrons, or Colchicum, ac- cording to the Latine, giuing to euery one his other adiundt to know it by. The Vertues. None of thefe are vfed for any Phyficall refpect, being generally held to be deadly, or dangerous at the leaft. Only the true Hermodaclile (if it be of this tribe, and not this which is here exprefled) is of great vfe, for paines in the ioynts, and of the hippes, as the Sciatica, and the like, to be taken in- wardly. Cofheus in his Booke of the nature of plants, faith, that the rootes of our common kindes are very bitter in the Spring of the yeare, and fweet in Autumne, which Camerarius contradidleth, faying, that he found them bitter in Autumne, which were (as he faith) giuen by fome importers to di- uers, as an antidote againft the Plague. CHAP. XVII. Crocus. Saffron. THere are diuers forts of Saffrons, whereof many doe flower in the Spring time, and fome in Autumne, among whom there is but one onely kinde, that is called tame or of the Garden, which yeeldeth thofe blades or chiues that are vfed in meates and medicines, and many wayes profitable for other ref peels, none of the reft, which are all wilde kindes, giuing any blade equall vnto thofe of the tame kinde, or for any other vfe, then in regard of their beautifull flowers of feuerall varie- ties, and as they haue been carefully fought out, and preferued by diuers, to furnifh a Garden of dainty curiofity. To entreate therefore of thefe, I muft, to obferue an or- derly declaration, diuide them into two primary families : the former fhall be of thofe that yeeld their pleafant flowers in the Spring of the yeare, and the other that fend out their The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. their colours in the Autumne, among whom that R,-x pwarij (as I may fo call it) the tame or manured kinde, properly called of the Garden, is to be comprehended, for that it giueth his pleafant flowers at that time among others. 1 (hall againe dillribute thofc of the Spring time into three chiefe colours, that is, into white, purple, and yel- low, and vnder euery one of them, comprehend the feuerall varieties that doe belong vnto them ; which courfe I will alfo hold with thofe of the Autumne, that thus being rightly ranked, they may the more orderly be defcribed. I . Crocus Vernus albus pitrus minor. The fmaller pure white Saffron flower of the Spring. This fmall Saffron flower fpringeth vp in the beginning of the ycare, with three or foure fmall greene leaues, fomcwhat broader, but much (horter then the true Saffron leaues, with a white line downe the middle of euery leafe : betweene thefe leaues, out of a white skinne, rifeth vp one or two fmall flowers, made of fix leaues a peecc, as all the relt in generall are, of a pure white colour, without any mixture in it, which abide not in flower aboue a weeke, or rather lelTe, fo fodainly is the pleafure of this, and the purple loft : it flowreth not for the molt part, vntill a moneth after the yellow Crocus appeareth in flower, and the ordinary ftript Crocus is part : the feede is fmall, round, and reddifh, yet not fo red as the feede of the yellow, contained in three fquare heads, yet feldome beareth, but encreafeth by the roote plentifully enough, which is fmall, round, and flat at the bottome, fomewhat white on the outfide, but whiter within, (hooting out fmall fprouts on euery fide of the roote, which is the belt note to know this kinde and the lefler purple, which are both alike, from all other rootes of Saffron flowers. 2. Crocus albus maior multijtorus. The great fnow white Crocus. This greater Saffron flower rifeth vp vfually with three or foure greene leaues, larger then the former, with a white line in euery one of them : the flowers are grea- ter, and more in number, riling together, but flowring one after another, of a pure fnow white colour, and abiding but little longer in flower then the former. 3. Crocus albus maior alter diclus Ma/iacus. The great white Saffron flower or Crocus of Mefia. This great white Crocus of Mefia, rifeth vp out of the ground, almoft as early as the firft fort of the yellow, with foure or flue leaues, being very like vnto the leaues of the yellow Crocus, and as large, with white lines in them : the flowers alfo are as large as the flowers of the yellow, and many alfo rifing one after another like vnto it, but not ot fo pure a white colour, as the former or laft defcribed, but rather tending to a Milky or Creame colour : the roote is not couered with any reddilh, but rather pale skinnes or coates. 4. Crocus albus Majiacus fundo vio/aceo. The great white Crocus of Melia with a blew bottome. There is another ot this kinde, like vnto the former in all things, fauing that the bot- tomes of the flowers of this kinde, with fome part of the ftalke next the flower, are of a pale Ihining purple colour, and rifing vp a pretty way into the flower ; whereas another alfo of this kind, hath a little (hew or marke of blew, and not purple, at the bottome of the flower onely, which maketh a difference. 5. Crocus albus fundo purpureo. The white Crocus with a purple bottome. This Saffron flower is of the fame kinde with the tirlt, both in roote, leafe, and flower, in none of them differing from it, but in that the bottome of this flower, with that part of the (hort foote-ftalke next vnto it, is of a violet or purple colour, and fometimes hauing here and there fome purple fmall lines, or fpots on the white leaues: it flowreth alfo with the firft white, or fomewhat later. X 6. Crocus 1 62 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 6. Crocus vernus albus ftriatus . The white flript Crocus. This ftript Saffron flower is likewife neare the fame firft kind, or firft white Crocus, hauing the like leaues and flowers, fomewhat larger, but as foone fading almoft as it : but herein this flower differeth, that it hath pale blewifh lines and fpots in all the leaues thereof, and more principally in the three outer leaues : the root is alfo white on the outlide, like the firft white, but greater, with young ones growing round about it. 7. Crocus vernus albus polyanthos verjicolor. The greater party coloured white Crocus. The greater party coloured Saffron flower, hath his greene leaues like vnto the fe- cond great white Crocus before mentioned, hauing more flowers then any of the for- mer, except the firft great white, the leaues whereof haue greater ftripes then the laft recited Crocus, but of a purple Violet colour, making each leafe feeme oftentimes to haue as much purple as white in them : the roote hereof is fomewhat like the fecond white, but of a little more duskie colour on the outfide, and not budding out on the fides at all, or very little. 8. Crocus vernus albus verjicolor. The lefTer party coloured white Crocus. The leaues and flowers of this other party coloured Crocus, are for bignefle in a manner equall with the laft, but hath not fo many flowers rifing together from the roote : the flower is finely marked with blew ftrakes on the white flower, but nothing fo much as in the former : the roote alfo is like the laft. 9. Crocus Epifcopalis. The Bifhops Crocus. This party coloured or Bifhops Saffron flower, is very like both in leaues and rootes vnto the Neapolitane blew Crocus, but fomewhat greater : the flowers doe abide not fo long time blowne, and hath all the leaues either wholly white, with blew ftripes on both fides of them, or wholly of a fine delayed blew Violet colour, and the three in- nermoft more blew and finely rtriped, both on the infide and outfide of them, and fometimes it hath been feen to haue three leaues white, and three leaues of a pale blew. 10. Crocus vernus Jlriatus vulgaris. The ordinary ftript Crocus. There is another fort of ftript Saffron flower, which is moft common and plenti- full in moft Gardens, which I muft needes bring vnder the ranke of thefe white kinds, although it differre very notably, both in roote, leafe, and flower, from all of them : the leaues of this rife vp fooner then the yellow or white Crocus, lying fpread vpon the ground for the moft part, but narrower then any of the former : among thefe leaues fpring vp diuers flowers, almoft as large as the former great white Crocus, of a very bleake or pale purple colour, tending to white on the infide, and in many almoft white, with fome finall whitifh chiues tipt with yellow in the middle : the three outer leaues are of a yellowifh white colour on the backe fide of them, ftript euery one of them with three broad ftripes, of a darke murrey or purple colour, and a little fprinkled with fome fmall purple lines, on both fides of thofe ftripes ; but on the infide, of the fame pale purple or white colour with the reft : the feede hereof is fomewhat darker colou- red then of the white, and is more liberall in bearing : the roote is differing from all the former, being rounder and bigger then any of them, except the kindes of Mifia, yet fomewhat flat withall, not hauing any fhootes from the fides, but fetting off into rootes plentifully, hauing a round circle compafling the bottome of the roote, which eafily falleth away, when it is taken vp out of the ground, and couered with a browne coate, fomewhat neare the colour of the yellow Crocus, but not altogether fo bright : it flowreth vfually the firft of all thefe forts, or with the firft of the early yel- lowes. 1 1 . Crocus The Garden of pleaj'ant Flowers. 163 I Crocus vtrnus albus minor. The (mall white Saffron flower of the fpring. a Crocus vtrnus Mirjiacus albus. The great white Crocus of Mifia. 3 Crocus vfrnus albus ftriatus. The white ftiipt Crocus. XJL' 4 Crocus vcrnus albus polyanthos ver/icolor. The party coloured white Crocus. 5 Crocus albus fundo purpurto. The white Crocus with a purple bottome. 6 Crocus vrrnus Nta- politanus. The great blew Crocus of Naples. 7 Crocutfotrnus purpurtus maximus. The great purple Crocus. 8 Crocus reruns purpurtus ftriatus. The purple ftript Crocus. 9 Crocus vernus purfurrus Capillarifolio. The purple Crocus with fmall leaue*. 10 Crocus vernus flavus ftriatus. The yellow ftript Crocus. II Crocus virnus luteus virflcolor. The cloth of gold Crocus. the Garden of pleafant Flowers. ii. Crocus vernus ftriatus Turcitus, The Turkic ftript Crocus. There is another of this kinde, whofe flower is a little larger, and of a deeper purple colour, both on the infide and outfide ; the greene leafe alfo is bigger, and of a more whitifh colour. 12. Crocus vernus Capillari folio albus. The white Crocus with fmall leaues. This white Crocus is in all things like vnto the purple of the fame kinde, but that the flower of this is wholly white : the full defcription therefore hereof, you mall haue in that purple with fmall leaues, of this kinde hereafter fet downe, whereunto I referre you. 13. Crocus ve rnus purpureus minor. The f mailer purple Crocus. The fmaller purple Saffron flower of the Spring, hath his greene leaues fo like vnto the firft white flowred Saffron, that they can hardly be diftinguimed, onely they feem to bee a little narrower : the flower is alfo much about the fame bigneffe, or a little bigger, and feldome beareth aboue one flower from a roote, euen as the firft doth, of a deepe purple Violet colour, the bottome of the flower, with the vpper part of the ftalke next thereunto, being of a deeper or blacker purple ; in the middle of the flower are fome pale chiues tipt with yellow pendents, and a longer pointell, diuided or for- ked at the toppe : the roote of this is in all things fo like vnto the firft white, that it is impoflible for the moft cunning and conuerfant in them, to know the one from the o- ther. This beareth feede very fparingly, as the white doth, and is reddifh like vnto it, but recompenfeth that defecl with a plentifull encreafe by the roote : it likewife flow- reth at the very fame time with the white, and endureth as fmall a time. 1 4. Crocus vernus purpureus maximus. The greateft purple Crocus. This great purple Crocus is of the fame kinde with the next defcribed, as well in roote as leafe, but greater ; for the greene leaues hereof are the greateft and broadeft of all other Crocus, with a large white line in the middle of euery one : it fpringeth vp much later then the former, and doth not mew his flower vntill the other bee paft a good while : the flowers alfo are the largeft of all thefe Crocus of the Spring time, and equalling, if not furpafling that purple kinde that flowreth in Autumne, hereafter fet forth, of a very faire and deepe Violet colour, almoft as deepe as the former : the feed veffels are large alfo and white, wherein is contained pale reddifh feede, like vnto the next blew kinde, but fomewhat greater : the roote is (as I faid before) like vnto the next, that is, flat and round, with a duskie coloured outfide, whofe head for fpringing in it is as hardly difcerned. Alter Apidbus We haue one of this kinde, the toppes onely of whofe purple flower are whitifh, albidis. f or t h e breadth of halfe the naile of a mans hand, which abideth conftant euery yeare in that manner, and therefore is a difference fit to be remembred. 15. Crocus vernus Neapolitans Jiue cceruleus maior. The greater blew Crocus of Naples. This great blew Crocus rifeth vp with diuers greene leaues, broader then any of the former (except the laft) with a white line running downe the infide of euery leafe, as in the former, among which rifeth vp, out of diuers great long white skinnes, diuers large flowers, but not fully fo great as the former, confifting of fix leaues, of a paler blew or Violet colour then in the former, hauing in the middle of the flowers a few pale threeds, tipt with yellow, and a longer pointell of a gold yellow colour, forked or diuided at the toppe, fmelling fweeter then in the former, and abiding a great while longer, being in flower vfually euen with the ftript yellow Crocus, or before the for- mer purple, and yeelding more plenty of feede : the roote hereof is not very great, but a little darke on the outfide, being round and flat withall, that one can hardly know which is the vpperfide thereof. This The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 165 This kindc differeth very little from the former, either in roote, leafe, or flower, Cfw for the bignelfe or colour, but that it feemcth to be a little bleaker or paler blew, be-''"""" ?'" caufc it flowreth a little earlier. 1 6. Crocus vfrnus purpureus /hiatus. The ftript purple Crocus. The Icaues of this ftript purple Saffron flower, are as large and broad as the laft, or rather a little longer : the flowers alfo are as plentiful!, and as large, of a fine delayed purple colour on the outlide, with three broad ftrakcs or lines downe the backe of the three outer leaues, and of a little deeper purple on the infide, as the other three leaues are alfo of a deeper purple colour, and are ftriped with the fame deepe purple about the ground, or bottome of the leaues : this fometimcs yeeldeth three fquare heads, containing in them brownifh feede : the roote is like vnto the laft, and flowreth much about the time of the former. 17. Crocus vernus purpureus verjicolor. The filuer ftript purple Crocus. This ftript Saffron flower, is in leaues and flowers fomewhat like vnto the laft ftript purple, but a little f mailer : the flowers are of a little deeper purple through the whole leaues, ftriped with white lines, both on the leaues, and towards the edges, which ma- keth a peculiar difference from all the reft: the roote of this is not fo flat, though like it, and couered with a darke afh coloured skinne : it flowreth about the fame time. 1 8. Crocus purp ureas Jiammeus maior. The greater purple flame coloured Crocus. The greene leaues of this Crocus or Saffron flower, are of a reafonable breadth and length, and of a pleafant frefh greenelfe, with a faire broad white line downe the middle of them, but riling not out of the ground fo early as the next defcribed Cro- cus : the flowers are likewife of a meane bigneffe, of a pale purple on the outfide, fomewhat whitilh, efpecially the three outer leaues ; but on the infide of a deeper pur- ple, and ftriped with great ftripes like flames, hauing fome chiues in the middle, and a longer one alfo feathered a little at the toppe : the roote is white on the outfide, fome- what flat and round, but not fo flat as the Neapolitane Crocus before defcribed. 19. Crocus purpureus jlammeus minor. The leffer purple flame coloured Crocus. This Crocus hath almoft as broad and long greene leaues as the former, and of the fame verdure, which rife vp earlier then it, and is in flower likewife fomewhat before it, being fmaller for fize by a little, but of as deepe a purple on the outfide, as on the infide, flamed with faire broad ftripes from the middle of the leaues, or fomewhat lower vnto the edges : each of thefe giue feed that is of a pale reddifh colour : the root is very like vnto the former, but a little leffer. 20. Crocus vernus purpureus Capillari folio. The purple Crocus with fmall leaues. This fmall kinde of Saffron flower rifeth out of the ground, with two or three long and fmall green leaues, very like vnto the leaues of the fine Fether-GrafTe hereafter de- fcribed, ftanding vpright at the firft, but afterwards lying vpon the ground ; among which come the flowers, fometimes three, but molt vfually two vpon one ftalke, u the roote be not young, which then will beare but one on a ftalke, which is very fhort, fo that the flowers fcarce arife aboue the ground, yet laying themfelues open in the day time, if it be faire, and the Sunne doe fhine, otherwife they keepe dole, and doe not open at all : and after one flower is paft, which doth not laft aboue three or foure dayes at the moft, the others follow, which are of a bleake blewilh purple in the mid- dle of the flower, and of a deeper purple towards the ends or points of the leaues, but of a more fullen or darke purple on the outfide ot them, and yellowilh at the bottome, with fome yellow chiues in the middle : the feede is fmall and darker coloured then any of the former Crocus, contained alfo in fmaller heads, ftanding one by another vpon i66 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. vpon the fame (hort foote-ftalke, which then rifeth vp a little higher, (hewing the ma- ner of the (landing of the flowers, which in their flowring time could not fo eafily bee difcerned : the roote is very fmall and round, hauing one fide at the bottome lower then the other, very like the roote of a Gdchicum or Medowe Saffron, and fomewhat neare refembling alfo the hoofe of an horfe foote, couered with a very thicke skinne, of a darke or blackifh browne colour : this flowreth the laft of all the former forts of Saffron flowers, euen when they are all part. 21. Crocus vernus purpureus Jtriatus Capillarifolio. The ftript purple Crocus with fmall leaues. This fmall ftript purple Saffron flower hath fuch like leaues, as the laft defcribed hath, betweene which rifeth the flower vpon as fhort a foote-ftalke, confiding of fix leaues like the former, of a faire purple colour on the outfide of the three outer leaues, with three lines or ftrakes downe euery leafe, of a deeper purple colour, and on the in- fide of a paler purple, as the other three leaues are alfo, with fome chiues tipt with yel- low pendents, and a forked pointell in the middle: the roote of this is fomewhat bigger then the former, and rounder, but couered with as thicke and as browne a skinne : it flowreth about the fame time with the former. 22. Crocus vernus luteus Jiue Mte/tacus. The yellow Crocus. The yellow Crocus or Saffron flower, rifeth vp with three or foure leaues out of the ground, being fomewhat neare the breadth of the great purple kindes, with a white line in them, as in moft of the reft : the flowers ftand in the middle of thefe leaues, and are very large, of a gold yellow colour, with fome chiues, and a forked point in the middle : the feede hereof is of a brighter colour then in any of the other : the roote is great and round, as great or greater then a Wall Nut fometimes, and couered with red- difh skinnes or coates, yeelding more ftore of flowers then moft of the former, and be- ginning to blowe with the firft forts, or prefently after, but outlaft many of them, and are of a pleafant good fent. Flore auree. Of this kinde we haue fome, whofe flowers are of a deeper gold yellow colour then others, fo that they appeare reddifh withall. Flore pallido. And we haue alfo another fort, whofe flowers are very pale, betweene a white and a yellow, not differing in any thing elfe. Flore virMantc And another fmaller, whofe flower hath a fhew of greennefle in the yellow, and luteo. more greene at the bottome. 23. Crocus vernus flavus ftriatus. The yellow ftript Crocus. This kinde of yellow ftript Crocus or Saffron flower, rifeth vp with more ftore of narrower and greener leaues then the former, and after the leaues are fpread, there rife vp many yellow flowers from among them, which are not of fo faire and bright a yel- low colour, but more dead and fullen, hauing on the backfide of each of the three out- termoft leaues, three fmall ftripes, of an ouer-worne or dull purple colour, with fome chiues and a pointell in the middle : the roote of this kinde, is very like the roote of the former yellow, but fomewhat fmaller and fhorter, and couered with the like red- difh skinnes, but a little fadder : it flowreth not fo early as the former yellow, but abi- deth almoft as long as it. 24. Crocus iiernus luteus ver/tco/or primus. The beft cloth of gold Crocus. The faireft cloth of gold Crocus or Saffron flower, rifeth vp very early, euen with the firft, or the firft of all other Crocus, with three or foure very narrow and (hort leaues, of a whiter colour then any of the former, which by and by after doe (hew forth the flowers, rifing from among them out of the fame white skinne, which in- cludeth the leaues, but are not fo plentifull as the former yellow, being but two or three at the moft, of a faire gold yellow colour, yet fomewhat paler then the firft, ha- uing The Garden of pleafant Flowers. uing on the backe of euery of the three outer leaues, three faire and great (tripes, of a faire dccpe purple colour, with fome fmall lines at the fides or edges of thofe pur- ple (tripes; on the infide of thefe flowers, there is no figne or (hew of any line or fpot, hut wholly of a faire gold yellow, with chiues and a fethertopt pointell in the middle : the ("cede hereof is like the former, but not fo red : the roote of this kinde is i-alily knowne from the roote of any other Saffron flower, becaufe the outer peelings or Ihcls being hard, are as it were netted on the outlide, hauing certaine ribbes, rifing vp higher then the relt of the skinnes, diuided in the forme of a net-worke, of a darke browne colour, and is fmaller and rounder then the former yellow, and not cncreafmg fo plentifully by the roote. 25. Crocus vernus lutcus ver/icolor alter. The fecond cloth of gold, or Duke Crocus. There is no difference either in roote, leafe, or colour of flower, or time of flowring in this fort from the lart before mentioned ; for the flower of this is of the fame big- nefle and colour, the only note of difference is in the marking of the three outer leaues, which haue not three (tripes like the former, but are wholly of the fame deepe purple colour on the backe of them, fauing that the edges of them are yellow, which is the forme of a Duke Tulipa, and from thence it tooke the name of a Duke Crocus. 26. Crocus vernus ver/ico/or pallideluteus. The pale cloth of gold Crocus. We haue a third fort of this kinde of cloth of gold Crocus, which hath leaues and flowers like the former, but differeth in this, that the colour of the flower is of a paler yellow by much, but Itript in the fame manner as the firft, but with a fainter purple colour : the roote alfo is netted like them, to (hew that this is but a variation of the fame kinde. 27. Crocus ixrnus verjicolor albidoluteus. The cloth of liluer Crocus. The chiefelt note of difference in this Saffron flower is, that being as large a flower as any of the former of this kinde, it is of fo pale a yellowifh white, that it is more white then yellow, which fome doe call a butter colour: the three outer leaues are Itriped on the backe of them, with a paler purple blew fhining colour, the bottome of the flower, and the vpper part of the ftalke, being of the fame purple blew colour : the roote of this is alfo netted as the other, to (hew it is a variety of the fame kinde. And thus much for thofe Saffron flowers that come in the Spring time; now to thofe that flower in Autumne onely : and firft of the true Saffron. i . Crocus verus fatfaus Autumnalis. The true Saffron. The true Saffron that is vfed in meates and medicines, fhooteth out his narrow long greene leaues firft, and after a while the flowers in the middle of them appeare about the end of Augurt, in September and October, according to the foile, and climate where they growe ; thefe flowers are as large as any of the other former or later forts, compofed of (ix leaues a peece, of a murrey or reddifh purple colour, hauing a (hew of blew in them: in the middle of thefe flowers there are fome fmall yellow chiues (tanding vpright, which are as vnprofitable, as the chiues in any other of the wilde Saffrons, before or hereafter fpecined ; but befides thefe, each flower hath two, three, or foure greater and longer chiues, hanging downe vpon or betweene the leaues, which are of a fierie red colour, and are the true blades of Saffron, which are vied phy- fically or otherwife, and no other : All thefe blades being pickt from the feuerall flow- ers, are laid and prefled together into cakes, and afterwards dryed very warily on a Kill to preferue them ; as they are to be feene in the (hops where they are fold. I neuer heard that euer it gaue feede with any : the roote groweth often to be as great, or grea- ter then a green Wall Nut, with the outer (hell on it, couered with a grayifh or afh-co- loured skin, which breaketh into long haire threeds, otherwife then in any other roote of Crocus. 2 . Crocus 1 68 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 2. Crocus Byzantinus arge nteu s. The filuer coloured Autumne Crocus. This Saffron flower fpringeth vp in Oftober, and feldome before, with three or foure fhort greene leaues at the firft, but growing longer afterwards, and in the midft of them, prefently after they haue appeared, one flower for the moft part, and fel- dome two, confifting of fix leaues, the three outermoft whereof are fomewhat larger then the other three within, and are of a pale bleake blew colour, almoft white, which many call a filuer colour, the three innermoft being of a purer white, with fome yel- low chiues in the middle, and a longer pointell ragged or fethered at the toppe : this very feldome beareth feede, but when the yeare falleth out to bee very milde ; it is fmall, round, and of a darke colour : the roote is pretty bigge, and rounder then any other Crocus, without any flat bottome, and couered with a darke ruffet skinne. 3. Crocus Pyrenceus purpureus. The purple mountaine Crocus. This purple Saffron flower of the Autumne, rifeth vp but with one flower vfually, yet fometimes with two one after another, without any leaues at all, in September, or fometimes in Auguft, ftanding vpon a longer foote-ftalke then any kinde of Saffron flower, either of the Spring or Autumne, and is as large as the flower of the greateft purple Saffron flower of the Spring, of a very deepe Violet purple colour, which de- cayeth after it hath ftood blowne three or foure dayes, and becommeth more pale, hauing in the middle fome yellow chiues, and a long fether topt pointell, branched, and rifing fometimes aboue the edges of the flowers : about a moneth after the flowers are part, and fometimes not vntill the firft of the Spring, there rifeth vp three or foure long and broad greene leaues, with a white line in euery one of them, like vnto the firft purple Vernall kindes, which abide vntill the end of May or lune : the roote is fmall and white on the outfide, fo like vnto the roote of the leffer Vernall purple or white Crocus, that it cannot be diftinguifhed, vntill about the end of Auguft, when it doth begin to fhoot, and then by the early fhooting vp a long white fprout for flower, it may be knowne. I neuer could obferue it to giue any feede, the Winter (as I thinke) comming on it fo quickly after the flowring, being the caufe to hinder it. 4. Crocus montanus Autumnalis. The Autumne mountaine Crocus. The mountaine Saffron flower fpringeth vp later then any of the former, and doth not appeare vntill the middle or end of Oclober, when all the flowers of the former are paft, appearing firft with three or foure fhort greene leaues, like vnto the Byzantine Crocus, and afterwards the flowers betweene them, which are of a pale or bleake blew tending to a purple, the foote-ftalkes of them being fo fhort, that they fcarce appeare aboue ground at the firft, but after two or three dayes they grow a little higher : the roote is very great and flat bottomed, couered with a grayifh duskie coate or skinne, and encreafeth very little or feldome. The Place. The feuerall places of thefe Saffron flowers, are in part fet downe in their titles; the others haue beene found out, fome in one Countrey, and fome in another, as the fmall purple and white, and ftript white in Spaine : the yellow in Mefia about Belgrade, the great purple in Italy ; and now by fuch friends helpes as haue fent them, they profper as well in our Gardens, as in their naturall places. Yet I muft giue you this to vnderftand, that fome of thefe formerly exprefled, haue been raifed vp vnto vs by the fowing of their feede. The Time. Their feuerall times are likewife exprefled in their defcriptions ; for fome fhew forth their pleafant flowers in the Spring, wherein for the three firft moneths, The Garden of p leaf ant 169 i CnvNi -ctmus l*tt*s mlgaris. The common yellow fpring Crocus. 2 Croftu vtrus fall VMS Aiitnmnalis. The Uue Saflron. 3 Crams Rytantinus argnleus. The filuer coloured Autumne Crocun. 4 Croftii Pyrtnatii pnrt>urtiis. The purple mountainc Crocus. '5 Crofut mmitatim Aittiimnalii. The Autumne mountaine Crocus. 6 Sifyrimhium mains. The greater Spanifh Nut. The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. moneths, our Gardens are furnifhed with the varietie of one fort or ano- ther : the rell in Autumne, that fo they might procure the more delight, in yeelding their beauty both early and late, when fcarce any other flowers are found to adorne them. The Names. I fhall not neede to trouble you with an idle tale of the name of Crocus, which were to little purpofe, nor to reiterate the former names impofed vpon them ; let it fuffice that the fitteft names are giuen them, that may di- ftinguifh them one from another ; onely this I mult giue you to vnderftand, that the gold yellow Crocus or Saffron flower, is the true Crocus Maejiacus, as I (hewed before ; and that neither the yellow ftript, or cloth of gold (which wee fo call after the Dutch name Gaud Lakeri) is the true Mcejiacus, as fome fuppofe ; and that the great white Saffron flower, by reafon of his likeneffe vnto the gold yellow, is called Crocus albus Meejiaci facie, or facie lutei, that is, The white Saffron flower that is like the Mcejiacus or yellow. The Vertues. The true Saffron (for the others are of no vfe) which wee call Englifh Saffron, is of very great vfe both for inward and outward difeafes, and is very cordiall, vfed to expell any hurtfull or venomous vapours from the heart, both in the fmall Pockes, Meafels, Plague, laundife, and many other difeafes, as alfo to ftrengthen and comfort any cold or weake members. CHAP. XVIII. Sifynnchium. The Spanifh Nut. I Can doe no otherwife then make a peculiar Chapter of this plant, becaufe it is neither a Crocus, although in the roote it come fomewhat neare vnto that kinde that is netted ; but in no other part agreeing with any the delineaments of a Saffron flower, and therefore could not be thruft into the Chapter amongft them : neither can I place it in the forefront of the Chapter of the Iris bulbofa, or bulbous Flowerdeluces, becaufe it doth not belong to that Family : and although the flower thereof doth moft refemble a Flowerdeluce, yet in that no other parts thereof doe fitly agree thereunto, I haue rather chofen to feate it by it felfe betweene them both, as partaking of both natures, and fo may ferue in ftead of a bridge, to paffe from the one to the other, that is, from the Crocus or Saffron flower, to the Iris bulbofa or bulbous rooted Flowerde- luce, which fhall follow in the next Chapter by themfelues. The Spanifh Nut hath two long and narrow, foft and fmooth greene leaues, lying for the moft part vpon the ground, and fometimes ftanding vp, yet bending downe- wards ; betweene thefe leaues rifeth vp a fmall ftalke, halfe a foote high, hauing diuers fmooth foft greene leaues vpon it, as if they were skinnes, through which the ftalke pafTeth ; at the toppe whereof ftand diuers flowers, riling one after another, and not all flowring at once : for feldome fhall you haue aboue one flower blowne at a time, each whereof doth fo quickly paffe and fade away, that one may well fay, that it is but one dayes flower, or rather the flower of a few houres : the flower it felfe hath nine leaues, like vnto a Flowerdeluce, whereof the three that fall downe, haue in each of them a yellow fpot : the other three, which in the Flowerdeluces are hollow and ridged, couering the other three that fall downe, in this ftand vpright, and are parted at the ends : the three that ftand vp in the middle are fmall and fhort : the whole flower is fmaller then any Flowerdeluce, but of fundry colours ; for fome are of an excellent skie colour blew, others of a Violet purple, others of a darker purple colour, and fome white, and many others mixed, either pale blew and deepe purple, or white and blew mixed The Garden of pleafant F/owers. i 7 i mixed or ftriped together very variably, quickly fading as I (aid before : the feede is enc lol"ed in fmall cods, fo thinne and tranfparent, that one may ealily fee, and tell the feeds as they lye, which are of a brownilh red colour : the roote is fmall, blackifh and round, wrapped in a thicke skinnc or huske, made like vnto a net, or fomewhat like vnto the roote of the cloth of gold Crocus : when the plant is in flower, it is found to haue two rootes one aboue another, whereof the vppermoit is firmc and found, and the vndermoft loofe and fpongie, in like manner as is found in the rootes of diuers Or- chides or Satyrions, Bce-rlowers anil the like, and without any good tafte, or fwcct- nelFe at all, although Clulius faith otherwifc. Sifyrinchium Mauritanicum. The Barbary Nut. There is another of this kinde, not differing from the former in any other notable part, but in the flower, which in this is of a delayed purplifh red colour, hauing in each of the three lower leaues a white fpot, in ftead of the yellow in the former, but are as foone fading as they. The Place. The former doe grow very plentifully in many parts both of Spaine and Portugall, where Guillaume Boel, a Dutch man heretofore remembrcd often in this Booke, found them ; of the fundry colours fpecified, whereas Clulius inakcth mention but of one colour that he found. The ether was found in that part of Barbary, where Fez and Morocco do ftand, and brought firft into the Lowe-Countries : but they are both very tender, and will hardly abide the hard Winters of thefe colder regions. The Time. The firft flowreth in May and lune, the laft not vntill Auguft. The Names. The name Sifyrinchium is generally impofed vpon this plant, by all au- thors that haue written thereof, thinking it to bee the right Sifyrinchium of Theophraftus : but concerning the Spanifli name Noze//ia, which Clufius faith it is called by in Spaine, I haue beene credibly enformed by the afore- named Boel, that this roote is not fo called in thofe parts ; but that the fmall or common ftript Crocus is called Nozelha, which is fweete in tafte, and delired very greedily by the Shepheards and Children, and that the roote of this Sijyrinchium or Spanifh Nut, is without any tafte, and is not eaten. And againe, that there is not two kindes, although it grow greater, and with more flowers, in thofe places that are neare the Sea, where both the walhing of the Sea water, and the moirture and ayre of the Sea, caufeth the ground to bee more fertile. This I thought good, from the true relation of a friend, to giue the world to vnderftand, that truth might expell errour. The Vertues. Thefe haue not beene knowne to bee vfed to any Phylicall purpofe, but wholly neglected, vnleffe fome may eate them, as Clulius reporteth. CHAP. 172 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. CHAP. XIX. Iris bulbofa. The bulbous Flowerdeluce. THe Flowerdeluces that haue bulbous rootes are of two forts, the one^greater then the other : the greater bearing larger and broader leaues and flowers, and the leffer narrower. But before I giue you the defcriptions of the vfuall grea- ter kindes, I muft needes place one or two in the fore-front that haue no fellowes ; the one is called of Clufius, his broad leafed Flowerdeluce, and the other a Perfian, fome- what like vnto it, which although they differ notably from the reft, yet they haue the neareft refemblance vnto thofe greater kindes, that come next after them. Iris bulbofa prima latifolia Clujij. Clufius his firft great bulbous Flowerdeluce. This Flowerdeluce hath diuers long and broad leaues, not ftiffe, like all the other, but foft and greenifh on the vpperfide, and whitifh vnderneath ; among which rife vp fometimes feuerall fmall, fhort, flender ftalkes, and fometimes but one, not aboue halfe a foote high, bearing at the top one flower a peece, fomewhat like vnto a Flow- erdeluce, confiding of nine leaues, whereof thofe three that ftand vpright, are fhorter and more clofed together, then in other forts of Flowerdeluces ; the other three that fall downe, turne vp their ends a little, and thofe three, that in other Flowerdeluces doe couer them at the bottome, ftand like the vpright leaues of other Flowerdeluces, but are parted into two ends, like vnto two fmall eares : the whole flower is of a faire blew, or pale skie colour in moft, with a long ftripe in the middle of each of the three falling leaues, and in fome white, but more feldome : the roote is reafonable great, round and white, vnder the blackifh coates wherewith it is couered, hauing many long thicke white rootes in ftead of fibres, which make them feeme to be Afphodill rootes. The flower is very fweete. . Iris bulbofa Perjica. The Perfian bulbous Flowerdeluce. This Perfian Flowerdeluce is fomewhat like vnto the former, both in roote and in leafe, but that the leaues are fhorter and narrower, and the flower being much about the fame fafhion, is of a pale blew rufletifh colour, each of the three lower falling leaues are almoft wholly of a browne purple colour, with a yellow fpot in the middle of them : this as it is very rare, fo it feldome beareth flowers with vs. The Place. The firft groweth in many places of Spaine and Portugall, from whence I and others haue often had it for our Gardens, but by reafon of the tender- neffe thereof, it doth hardly endure the fharpneffe of our cold Winters, vn- lefle it be carefully preferued. The other is faid to come from Perfia, and therefore it is fo entituled, and is as tender to be kept as the other. The Time. The firft flowreth moft vfually not vntill May with vs, yet many times fooner : but in January and February, as Clufius faith, in the naturall pla- ces thereof. The other is as early oftentimes when it doth flower with vs. The Names. Becaufe Clufius by good iudgement referreth the firft to the greater kindes The Garden of pica/ant Flowers, 173 kindcs of Flowerdeluces, and placeth it in the fore rankc, calling it Iris bul- bofa latifolia prima, that is, The fidl broad leafed Flowerdelucc, and all o- thers doe the like, I haue (as you fee) in the like manner put it before all the other, and keepe the fame name. The Spaniards, as he faith, called it Lirio <-/'p(inil, and they of Corduba, Linos azu/es. The other hath no other name then as it is in the title. i . Iris bulbofa motor Juie Anglica carulca. The blew EnglUh bulbous Flowerdeluce. This bulbous Flowerdeluce rifeth vp early, euen in lanuary oftentimes, with fiue or fix long and (narrow, in comparifon of any great breadth, but in regard of the other kinde) broad whitifh green leaues, crefted or ftraked on the bacldide, and halfe round, the inlide being hollow like a trough or gutter, white all along the infide of the leafe, and blunt at the end ; among which rifeth vp a ftiffe round llalke, a cubit or two foot high, at the toppe whereof, out of a skinnie huske, commeth forth one or two flowers, confiding ot' nine leaues a peece, three whereof that are turned downewards, are lar- ger and broader then the other, hauing in each of them a yellow fpot, about the mid- dle of the leafe, other three are fmall, hollow, ridged or arched, couering the lower part next the llalke of thofe falling leaues, turning vp their ends, which are diuided into two parts, other three ftand vpright, and are very fmall at the bottome of them, and broader toward the toppe : the whole flower is of a faire blew colour ; after the flowers arc pall, come vp three fquare heads, fomewhat long, and lanke, or loofe, containing in them round yellowiih feede, which when it is ripe, will rattle by the fha- king of the winde in the dry huskes : the roote of this kinde is greater and longer then any of the fmaller kindes with narrow leaues, couered with diuers browne skinnes, which feeme to be fraught with long threeds like haires, efpecially at the fmall or vp- per end of the roote, which thing you (hall not finde in any of the fmaller kindes. 2. Iris bulbofa maior pur pur ea & purpuro inolacea. The paler or deeper purple great bulbous Flowerdeluce. Thefe purple Flowerdeluces differ not from the laft defcribed, either in roote or leafe : the chiefell difference conlilleth in the flowers, which in thefe are fomewhat larger then in the former, and in the one of a deepe blew or Violet purple colour, and in the other of a deepe purple colour, in all other things alike. There is alfo another, in all other things like vnto the former, but only in the flower, Flore which is ot a pale or bleake blew, which we call an dh-colour. 3. Iris bulbofa maior purpurea variegatajiue Jlriata. The great purple (Iript bulbous Flowerdeluce. There is another of the purple kinde, whofe flower is purple, but with fome veines or ilripes of a deeper Violet colour, diuerfly running through the whole leaues of the flower. And another of that bleake blew or a(h-colour, with lines and veines of purple in Flare ti the leaues of the flowers, fome more or lefle then other. JMau f And againe another, whofe flower is of a purple colour like vnto the fecond, bot'pAng that round about that yellow fpot, in the middle of each of the three falling leaues (as<"^ e' is vfuall in all the bulbous Flowerdeluces) there is a circle of a pale blew or alh-colour, the rell of the leafe remaining purple, as the other parts of the flower is. 4. Iris bulbofa maior fore rubcntc. The great peach coloured bulbous Flowerdeluce. There is another of thefe greater kindes, more rare then any of the former, not differing in roote, leafe, or flower, from the former, but onely that the flower in this is of a pale reddiih purple colour, comming fomewhat neare vnto the colour of a peach bloffbme. . Iris 174 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 5. Iris bulbofa maior Jiue latifolia alba. The great white bulbous Flowerdeluce. The great white bulbous Flowerdeluce, rifeth not vp fo early out of the ground as the blew or purple doth, but about a moneth or more after, whofe leaues are fome- what larger, and broader then of the others : the ftalke is thicker and fhorter, bea- ring vfually two very large and great flowers, one flowring a little before the other, yet oftentimes both in flower together in the end, of a bleake blewifh white colour, which wee call a filuer colour, while they are in the budde, and before they be blowne open, but then of a purer white, yet with an eye or fhew of that filuer colour remai- ning in them, the three falling leaues being very large, and hauing that yellow fpot in the middle of each of them : the feedes are likewife inclofed in heads, like vnto the blew or purple kindes, but larger, and are of a reddifh yellow colour like them : the roote likewife is not differing, but greater. 6. Iris bulbofa maior alba variegata. The great white ftript bulbous Flowerdeluce. This white ftript Flowerdeluce, is in roote, leafe, and flower, and in manner of growing, like vnto the former white Flowerdeluce; the onely difference is in the marking of the flower, being diuers from it : for this hath in the white flower great veines, ftripes, or markes, of a Violet blew colour, difperfed through the leaues of the flower very variably, which addeth a fuperexcellent beauty to the flower. 7. Iris bulboja maior fine latifolia verficolor. The great party coloured bulbous Flowerdeluce. There is no difference in this from the former, but in the flower, which is of a whi- tifh colour in the three falling leaues, hauing a circle of afh-colour about the yellow fpot, the three rigged leaues being likewife whitifh, but ridged and edged with that afh-colour, and the three vpright leaues of a pale blewifh white colour, with fome veines therein of a blewifh purple. There hath beene brought vnto vs diuers rootes of thefe kindes, with the dryed farietai. flowers remaining on them, wherein there hath beene feene more varieties, then I can well remember to exprefTe, which variety it is very probable, hath rifen by the fowing of the feeds, as is truely obferued in the narrower leafed kinde of Flowerdeluce, in the Tulipa, and in fome other plants. Wee haue heard of one of this kinde of broad leafed Flowerdeluces, that fhould Flore luteo. beare a yellow flower, in the like manner as is to be feene in the narrow leafed ones : but I haue not feene any fuch, and therefore I dare report no further of it, vntill time hath difcouered the truth or falfhood of the report. The Place. Lobelius is the firft reporter, that the blew Flowerdeluce or firft kinde of thefe broad leafed Flowerdeluces, groweth naturally in the Weft parts of England ; but I am in fome doubt of the truth of that report : for I ra- ther thinke, that fome in their trauels through Spaine, or other parts where it groweth, being delighted with the beauty of the flower, did gather the rootes, and bring them ouer with them, and dwelling in fome of the Weft parts of England, planted them, and there encreafing fo plentifully as they doe, they were imparted to many, thereby in time growing common in all Countrey folkes Gardens thereabouts. They grow alfo, and all the other, and many more varieties, about Tho- loufe, from whence Plantinianus Gaflanus both fent and brought vs them, with many other bulbous rootes, and rare plants gathered there- abouts. The The Garden of plcafant Flowers. '75 I Iris bulbofa !fitita*ica. not vp f o high, as ordinarily moft of the reft doe, and is wholly of a gold The Spamfli ,, i yellow. yellow colour. PattJe i*ua. There is another, that vfually rifeth higher then the former yellow, and Straw colour. j s w holly of a pale yellow, but deeper at the fpot. AlbiJa lutea. There is alfo another like vnto the pale yellow, but that the falling leaues Pale Straw co- are whiter then all the reft of the flower. There is a fmaller or dwarfe kinde, brought from the backe parts of Bar- bary, neare the Sea, like vnto the yellow, but fmaller and lower, and in ftead of vpright leaues, hath fmall Ihort leaues like haires : it flowreth very ThefmallBar-, ., , , in.- i /- j bary yellow, late, atter all others haue almolt giuen their leede. We haue another fort is called the party coloured Spanilh bulbous Flow- Mii "erdeluce, whofe falling leaues are white, the arched leaues of a whitifh (il- The party co- uer colour, and the vpright leaues of a fine blewilh purple, loured Span- Yet fometimes this doth vary ; for the falling leaues will haue either an ^D'iutrftas. edge of blew, circling the white leaues, the arched leaues being a little The dinerfity blewer, and the vpright leaues more purple. Or the fals will be almoft wholly blew, edged with a blewer colour, the arched leaues pale blew, and the vpright leaues of a purplilh blew Violet colour. Or the fals white, the arched leaues pale white, as the vpright leaues are. Or not of fo faire a blewilh purple, as the firft fort is. Some of them alfo will haue larger flowers then others, and be more li- berall in bearing flowers : for the firft fort, which is the moft ordinary, fel- dome beareth aboue one flower on a ftalke, yet fometimes two. And of the others there are fome that will beare vfually two and three flowers, yet fome againe will beare but one. All thefe kindes fmell fweeter then many of the Cnt]tafiut other, although the moft part be without fent. There is another kinde, that is fmaller in all the parts thereof then the former, the ftalke is (lender, and not fo high, bearing at the toppe one or two fmall flowers, all wholly of a faire blewilh purple, with a yellow fpot in Z Sower" tut, The fmall early purple Portugal! . 178 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. in euery one of the three falling leaues, this vfually flowreth early, euen with the firft bulbous Flowerdeluces. Purpurea ma- We haue another purple, whofe flower is larger, and ftalke higher, and is of a very reddifh purple colour, a little aboue the ground, at the foote or le bottome of the leaues and ftalke : this flowreth with the later fort of Flow- erdeluces. - There is another, whofe flower is wholly purple, except the yellow The'iate purple, fpot, and flowreth later then any of the other purples. purpuna ruief- There is yet another purple, whofe vpright leaues are of a reddifh pur- cens labris cceru- . i i r 1 1 1 /" i > i lets. pie, and the tailing leaues or a blew colour. withbfew faui ple And another of a reddifh purple, whofe falling leaues are of a whitilh ^"n/i'abrisTidi'ao blew colour, in nothing elfe differing from the laft. purple Another hath his falling leaues of a faire gold yellow, without any ftripe, y et in fome there are veines running through the yellow leaues, and fome P iute p is. rea lai " is h aue an e dg e f a fullen darke colour about them : the vpright leaues in e- pSpy&'Teu Uei 7 ^ ^efe, are of a Violet purple. Purpurea laMs Another is altogether like this laft, but that the falling leaues are of a pale exaltidocteruleo o & luteo mixtis. blew and yellow, trauernng one the other, and the arched leaues of a pale Party coloured . n - purple with ftriptpurplllh Colour. subpurpu'rea Another hath his vpright leaues ot a paler purple, and the falling leaues loins luteis. " & Pale purple with yellOW. ApikrfNBpk And another little differing from it, but that the arched leaues are whitifh. S ris C iutei l s e . a Another whofe vpright leaues are of a pale blew, and the falling leaues Party coloured -^.l!- blew and yellow. JCUOW. C egantiJn?. s And another of the fame fort, but of a little paler blew. A faire haire co- w e haue another fort, whofe vpright leaues are of a faire brownifh yel- AUen. obfoie- i ow colour, which fome call a Fuille mart, and others an haire colour ; the A duii haire co- falling leaues yellow. And another of the fame colour, but fomewhat deader. Iris bulbofa Africana ferpentrice caule. The purple or murrey bulbous Barbary Flowerdeluce. This Flowerdeluce as it is more ftrange (that is, but lately knowne and pofTerTed by a few) fo it is both more defired, and of more beauty then others. It is in all refpedls, of roote, leafe, and flower, for the forme like vnto the middle fort of thefe Flowerdeluces, onely the loweft part of the leaues and ftalke, for an inch or therea- bouts, next vnto the ground, are of a reddifh colour, fpotted with many fpots, and the flower, being of a meane fize, is of a deepe purplifh red or murrey colour the whole flower throughout, except the yellow fpot in the middle of the three lower or falling leaues, as is in all others. And laftly, there is another fort, which is the greateft of all thefe nar- lea obfoleta la- row l ea f ec l Flowerdeluces, in all the parts of it ; for the roote is greater The duskie tnen any of the other, being thicke and fhort : the leaues are broader and party colour- longer, but of the fame colour : the ftalke is ftronger and higher then any of ed purple. t hem, bearing two or three flowers, larger alfo then any of the reft, whofe falling leaues are of a duskie yellow, and fometimes with veines and bor- ders about the brimmes, of another dunne colour, yet hauing that yellow fpot that is in all : the arched leaues are of a fullen pale purplifh yellow, and the vpright leaues of a dull or duskie blewifh purple colour : the heads or homes for feede are likewife greater, and fo is the feede alfo a little. The Place. Thefe Flowerdeluces haue had their originall out of Spaine and Portu- gall, as it is thought, except thofe that haue rifen by the fowing, and thofe which are named of Africa. The The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Tiim-. Thefe flower in lune, ;ind fometimcs abide vnto luly, but vfually not fo early as the former broad leat'ed kindcs, and arc foone fpoiled with wet in their flowring. The Names. The fcucrall names, both in Latinc and Englifh, are fufficicnt for them as they are fet downc ; for we know no better. The Vertues. There is not any thing extant or to be heard, that any of thefe kindes of Flowerdeluces hath been vfed to any Phyficall purpofes, and feme onely to decke vp the Gardens of the curious. And thus much for thefe forts of bulbous Flowerdeluces, and yet I doubt not, but that there are many differences, which haue rifen by the fowing of the feede, as many may obferue from their owne labours, for that euery yeare doth (hew forth fome va- riety that is not feene before. And now I will conuert my difcourfe a while likewife, to pafle through the feuerall rankes of the other kindes of tuberous rooted Flowerde- luces, called Flagges. CHAP. XX. Iris latifolia tuberofa. The Flagge or Flowerdeluce. THere are two principall kindes of tuberous or knobby rooted Flowerdeluces, that is, the tall and the dwarfe, or the greater and the lefler ; the former called Iris maior or latifolia, and the other Iris minor, or rather Chamaeiris ; and each of thefe haue their lefler or narrow leafed kindes to bee comprehended vnder them : Of all which in their order. And firft of that Flowerdeluce, which for his excellent beau- tie and raritie, deferueth the firft place. Iris Chalccdonica Jiuc ^njiana maior. The great Turkic Flowerdeluce. The great Turkic Flowerdeluce, hath diuers heads of long and broad frefli greene leaues, yet not fo broad as many other of thofe that follow, one folded within ano- ther at the bottome, as all other of thefe Flowerdeluces are : from the middle of fome one of thofe heads (for euery head of leaues beareth not a flower) rifeth vp a round ftiffe ftalke, two foote high, at the toppe whereof ftandeth one flower (for I neuer ob- ferued it to beare two) the largell almoft, but rareft of all the reft, confifting of nine leaues, like the others that follow, but of the colour almoft of a Snakes skinne, it is fo diuerfly fpotted ; for the three lower falling leaues are very large, of a deepe or darke purple colour, almoft blacke, full of grayilh fpots, ftrakes, and lines through the whole leaues, with a blacke thrume or freeze in the middle of each of them : the three arched leaues that couer them, are of the fame darke purple colour, yet a little paler at the fides, the three vpper leaues are very large alfo, and of the fame colour with the lower leaues, but a little more liuely and frefh, being fpeckled and ftraked with whiter fpots and lines; which leaues being laid in water, will colour the water into a Violet colour, but if a little Allome be put therein, and then wrung or prefled, and the iuice of thefe leaues dryed in the (hadow, will giue a colour almoft as deepe as Indico, and may ferue for fhawdowes in limming excellent well : the flower hath no fent that can be per- ceiued, but is onely commendable for the beauty and rarity thereof: it feldome bea- reth feedes in thefe cold Countries, but when it doth, it is contained in great heads, being i8o The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. being brownifh and round, but not fo flat as in other forts, the roots are more browne on the outfide, and growing tuberous thicke, as all other that are kept in Gardens. Iris Chalcedonica fiue Sufiana minor. The lefTer Turkic Flowerdeluce. There is another hereof little differing, but that the leafe is of a more yellowifh greene colour, and the flower neither fo large or faire, nor of fo perfpicuous markes and fpots, nor the colour of that liuely (though darke) luftre. The Place. Thefe haue been fent out of Turkic diuers times among other things, and it fhould feeme, that they haue had their originall from about Sufis, a chiefe Citie of Perfia. The Time. They flower in May moft vfually, before any of the other kindes. The Names. They haue been fent vnto vs, and vnto diuers other in other parts, from Conftantinople vnder the name of Alaia Sujiana, and thereupon it hath been called, both of them and vs, either Iris Chalcedonica, or Su/iana, and for diftinftion maior or minor: In Englifh, The Turkic Flowerdeluce, or the Ginnie Hen Flowerdeluce, the greater or the lefler. Iris alba Florentina. The white Flowerdeluce. The great white Flowerdeluce, hath many heads of very broad and flat long leaues, enclofing or folding one within another at the bottome, and after a little diuided one from another toward the top, thin edged, like a fword on both fides, and thicker in the middle : from the middle of fome of thefe heads of leaues, rif eth vp a round ftiffe ftalk, two or three foot high, bearing at the top one, two, or three large flowers, out of feue- rall huskes or skins, confifting of nine leaues, as all the other do, of a faire white colour, hauing in the middle of each of the three falling leaues, a fmall long yellow frize or thrume, as is moft vfuall in all the forts of the following Flowerdeluces, both of the greater and fmaller kindes : after the flowers are paft, come the feed, inclofed in thicke fhort pods, full fraught or ftored with red roundifh and flat feede, lying clofe one vpon another : the roote is tuberous or knobby, fhooting out from euery fide fuch like tube- rous heads, lying for the moft part vpon or aboue the ground, and faftened within the ground with long white firings or fibres, which hold them ftrongly, and encreafeth F/ore pallido. faft. There is another like vnto this laft in all things, fauing that the colour of the flower is of a more yellowifh white, which we vfually call a Straw colour. Iris alba maior verficolor. The white party coloured Flowerdeluce. This variable Flowerdeluce is like vnto the former, but that the leaues are not fo large and broad, the flower hereof is as large almoft, and as white as the former, but it hath a faire lift or line of a blewifh purple downe the backe of euery one of the three vpright leaues, and likewife round about the edges, both of the vpper and lower leaues, and alfo a little more purplifh vpon the ridge of the arched leaues, that couer the falling leaues : the roote hereof is not fo great as of the former white, but a little flenderer and browner. Iris Dalmatica maior. The great Dalmatian Flowerdeluce. This greater Flowerdeluce of Dalmatia, hath his leaues as large and broad as any of the Flowerdeluces whatfoeuer, his ftalke and flower doe equall his other propor- tion, The Gar (Jen of pleafant Flowers. iHi tion, oncly the colour of the flower is differing, being of a faire watchct or bleakc blew colour wholly, with the yellow fri/e or thrum downc the middle of the lower or falling leaues, as before is ("aid to be common to all thefe forts of Flowerdeluccs ; in all other parts it little diffcreth, fauing onely this is obfcrued to haue a fmall (hew of a purplilh red about the bottome of the greene leaues. Iris purpurca Jiue -cnlgaris. The common purple Flowcrdeluce. This Flowcrdeluce, which is molt common in Gardens, differcth nothing at all from thofe that are formerly dcfcribcd, either in roote, leafc, or flower for the forme of them, but onely that the leaues of this are not fo large as the laft, and the flower it felfe is of a deep purple or Violet colour, and fometimes a little declining to rednefle, cfpecially in fome places. Sometimes this kinde of Flowerdeluce will hauc flowers of a paler purple colour, p u :-fmea fai comming ncare vnto a blew, and fometimes it will haue vcines or (tripes of a deeper / " / "" t '"^' blew, or purple, or alh-colour, running through all the vpper and lower leaues. There is another like vnto this, but more purple in the fals, and more pale in the c*nie labi vpright leaues. furpunn. Iris Afiatica carulea. The blew Flowerdeluce of Afia. This Flowerdeluce of Afia, is in largenefle of leaues like vnto the Dalmatian, but beareth more llore ot flowers on feuerall branches, which are of a deeper blew co- lour, and the arched leaues whitifh on the fide, and purplifh on the ridges, but in other things like vnto it. There is another neare vnto this, but that his leaues are a little narrower, and his /**//>*//<. flowers a little more purple, efpecially the vpper leaues. Iris Damafcena. The Flowerdeluce of Damafco. This is likewife altogether like the Flowerdeluce of Afia, but that it hath fome white veines in the vpright leaues. Iris Lu/itanica bijtora. The Portugall Flowerdeluce. This Portugall Flowerdeluce is very like the common purple Flowerdeluce, but that this is not fo large in leaues, or flowers, and that it doth often flower twice in a yeare, that is, both in the Spring, and in the Autumne againe, and befides, the flowers haut a better or Tweeter fent, but of the like purple or Violet colour as it is, and com- ming forth out of purplifh skins or huskes. Ins Camerarij Jiuc purpurca ivr/icolor maior. The greater variable coloured purple Flowerdeluce. The greater of the variable purple Flowerdeluces, hath very broad leaues, like vn- to the leaues of the common purple Flowerdeluce, and fo is the flower alfo, but diffe- ring in colour, for the three lower leaues are of a deepe purple colour tending to red- nefle, the three arched leaues are of the colour with the vpper leaues, which are of a pale or bleake colour tending to yellownefle, fhadowed ouer with a fmoakie purplifh colour, except the ridges of the arched leaues, which are of a more liuely purple co- lour. Iris purpurea verjicolor minor. The lefTer variable purple Flowerdeluce. This Flowerdeluce differeth not in any thing from the latf, but onely that it hath narrower greene leaues, and fmaller and narrower flowers, elfe if they be both con- ferred together, the colours will not feeme to varie the one from the other any whit at all. There is another fomewhat neare vnto thefe two laft kindes, whofe huskes from Aiu, whence-/'" 5 *"- 1 82 The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. whence the flowers doe flioote forth, haue purple veines in them, and fo haue the fal- ling purplifh leaues, and the three vpright leaues are not fo fmoakie, yet of a dun pur- ple colour. Iris cterulea verficolor. The blew party coloured Flowerdeluce. This party coloured Flowerdeluce hath his leaues of the fame largenefle, with the lefler variable purple Flowerdeluce laft defcribed, and his flowers diuerfly marked : for fome haue the fals blew at the edges, and whitifh at the bottome, the arched leaues of a yellowifh white, and the vpright leaues of a whitifh blew, with yellowifh edges. Some againe are of a darker blew, with brownifh fpots in them. And fome are fo pale a blew, that we may well call it an afh-colour : And laftly, there is another of this fort, whofe vpright leaues are of a faire pale blew, with yellowifh edges, and the falling leaues parted into two colours, fometimes equally in the halfe, each fide futable to the other in colour : And fometimes hauing the one leafe in that manner : And fome- times but with a diuers coloured lift in them ; in the other parts both of flower and leafe, like vnto the other. Iris lutea variegate. The yellow variable Flowerdeluce. This yellow variable Flowerdeluce lofeth his leaues in Winter, contrary to all the former Flowerdeluces, fo that his roote remaineth vnder ground without any fhew of leafe vpon it : but in the beginning of the Spring it fhooteth out faire broad leaues, falling downwards at the points or ends, but fhorter many times then any of the for- mer, and fo is the ftalke likewife, not rifing much aboue a foote high, whereon are fet two or three large flowers, whofe falling leaues are of a reddifh purple colour, the three that ftand vpright of a fmoakie yellow, the arched leaues hauing their ridges of a bleake colour tending to purple, the fides being of the former fmoakie yellow colour, with fome purplifh veines at the foote or bottome of all the leaues : the roote groweth fome what more flender and long vnder ground, and of a darker colour then manie of the other. Another fort hath the vpright leaues of a reaf enable faire yellow, and ftand more vpright, not bowing downe as moft of the other, and the purple fals haue pale edges. rietas. Some haue their greene leaues party coloured, white and greene, more or lefle, and fo are the huskes of the flowers, the arched leaues yellow, as the vpright leaues are, with purplifh veines at the bottome. And fome haue both the arched and vpright leaues of fo pale a yellow, that we may almoft call it a ftraw colour, but yellower at the bot- tome, with purple veines, and the falling leaues purple, with two purple fpots in them. And thefe are the forts of the greater tuberous or Flagge Flowerdeluces that haue come to our knowledge : the next hereunto are the lefler or narrow leafed kindes to be defcribed; and firft of the greateft of them. i. Iris angu/h folia 'Tripolitana aurea. The yellow Flowerdeluce of Tripoly. This Flowerdeluce I place in the forefront of the narrow leafed Flowerdeluces, for the length of the leaues, compared with the breadth of them ; it may fitly bee cal- led a narrow leafed Flowerdeluce, although they be an inch broad, which is broader then any of them that follow, or fome of thofe are fet downe before, but as I faid, the length make them feem narrow, and therefore let it take vp his roome in this place, with the defcription that followeth. It beareth leaues a yard long, or not much lefle, and an inch broad, as is faid before, or more, of a fad greene colour, but not fhining : the ftalke rifeth vp to be foure or fiue foote high, being ftrong and round, but not very great, bearing at the toppe two or three long and narrow gold yellow flowers, of the fafhion of the bulbous Flowerdeluces, as the next to bee defcribed is, without any mixture or variation therein : the heads for feede are three fquare, containing within them many flat cornered feedes : the roote is long and blackifh, like vnto the reft that follow, but greater and fuller. 2. Iris 'The Garden tf pleafant l : /owcrs. I IHt Chalcedonica Jtut Sujiana maior. The great Turkic I loucrdelucc. 1 Irit alba I'tuniilina. The white Flowcrdeluce. 3 Irii lalifoiia taritgata. The variable Flowerdeluce. 4 Ckamairit latifolia maiur. The greater dwarfe 1'lovicrdelucc. 184 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 2. Iris angujtifolia maior cterulea. The greater blew Flowerdeluce with narrow leaues. This kinde of Flowerdeluce hath his leaues very long and narrow, of a whitifh greene colour, but neither fo long or broad as the laft, yet broader, thicker and ftiffer then any of the reft with narrow leaues that follow: the ftalke rifeth fometimes no higher then the leaues, and fometimes a little higher, bearing diuers flowers at the top, fucceffiuely flowring one after another, and are like vnto the flowers of the bulbous Flowerdeluces, but of a light blew colour, and fometimes deeper : after the flowers are part, rife vp fix cornered heads, which open into three parts, wherein is contained browne feede, almoft round: the roote is fmall, blackifh and hard, fpreading into many long heads, and more clofely growing or matting together. 3. Iris angujtifolia purpurea marina. The purple narrow leafed Sea Flowerdeluce. This Sea Flowerdeluce hath many narrow hard leaues as long as the former, and of a darke greene colour, which doe fmell a little ftrong: the ftalke beareth two or three flowers like the former, but fomewhat lefle, and of a darke purple or Violet co- lour : in feede and roote it is like the former. 4. Iris anguftifolia purpurea verficolor. The variable purple narrow leafed Flowerdeluce. The leaues of this Flowerdeluce are very like the former Sea Flowerdeluce, and do a little ftinke like them ; the flowers are differing, in that the vpper leaues are wholl) purple or violet, and the lower leaues haue white veines, and purple running one a- mong another : the feede and rootes differ not from the former purple Sea kinde. 5. Iris angujlifoha minor Pannonica Jiue verjicolor Clujij. The fmall variable Hungarian Flowerdeluce of CluJius. This Hungarian Flowerdeluce (firft found out by Clufius, by him defcribed, and of him tooke the name) rifeth vp with diuers fmall tufts of leaues, very long, narrow, and greene, growing thicke together, efpecially if it abide any time in a place ; among which rifeth vp many long round ftalkes, higher then the leaues, bearing two or three, or foure fmall flowers, one aboue another, like the former, but fmaller and of greater beauty: for the lower leaues are variably ftriped with white and purple, without any thrume or fringe at all ; the vpper leaues are of a blewifh fine purple or Violet colour, & fo are the arched leaues, yet hauing the edges a little paler : the heads for feede are fmaller, and not fo cornered as the other, containing feedes much like the former, but fmaller : the roote is blacke and fmall, growing thicker and clofer together then any other, and ftrongly faftened in the ground, with a number of hard ftringie rootes : the flowers are of a reafonable good fent. 6. Iris anguftifolia maior flore duplici. The greater double blew Flowerdeluce. This Flowerdeluce, differeth not either in roote or leafe from the firft great blew Flowerdeluce of Clufius, but onely in that the leaues grow thicker together, and that the flowers of this kinde are as it were double with many leaues confufedly fet toge- ther, without any diftincl: parts of a Flowerdeluce, and of a faire blew colour with many white veines and lines running in the leaues ; yet oftentimes the ftalke of flowers thath but two or three fmall flowers diftinftly fet together, riling as it were out of one huske. 7. Iris angujtifolia minor alba Clujij. The fmall white Flowerdeluce of Hungary. This like wife differeth little from the former Hungarian Flowerdeluce of Clufius, but The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 1*5 i Iris imgH/tifalia Trifolitatm. The yellow Flowerdeluce of Tripoli. 2 Ins OM^u/tifolia motor tarulta. The greater blew Flow- erdeluce with" narrow leaues. \ Iris angufH/olia minor Pa**onica put vtrficolor Clujii. The fmall variable Hungarian Flowerde luce of Clufius. 4 Iris atiguftifolia inaint flort duplifi. The greater doable blew Flowerdeluce. 5 Chamairis atigvftifolia minnr. The teller Oraffe Flowerdeluce. fi Iris tubrro/a. The veluet Flowerdeluce. A 2 1 86 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. but that the leafe is of a little paler greene colour, and the flower is of a faire whitifh colour, with fome purple at the bottome of the leaues. Next after thefe narrow leafed Flowerdeluces, are the greater and fmaller forts of dwarfe kindes to follow ; and laftly, the narrow or grafTe leafed dwarfe kindes, which will finifh this Chapter of Flowerdeluces. i. Chamairis latifolia maior alba. The greater white dwarfe Flowerdeluce. This dwarfe Flowerdeluce hath his leaues as broad as fome of the letter kindes laft mentioned, but not fhorter ; the ftalke is very fhort, not aboue halfe a foote high or thereabouts, bearing moft commonly but one flower, feldome two, which are in fome of a pure white, in others paler, or fomewhat yellowifh through the whole flower, ex- cept the yellow frize or thrume in the middle of euery one of the falling leaues : after the flowers are paft, come forth great heads, containing within them round pale feed : the roote is fmall, according to the proportion of the plant aboue ground, but made after the fafhion of the greater kindes, with tuberous peeces fpreading from the fides, and ftrong fibres or firings, whereby they are faftened in the ground. 2. Chamaeiris latifolia maior purpurea. The greater purple dwarfe Flowerdeluce. There is no difference either in roote, leafe, or forme of flower in this from the for- mer dwarfe kinde, but onely in the colour of the flower, which in fome is of a very deepe or blacke Violet purple, both the toppes and the fals : in others the Violet pur- ple is more liuely, and in fome the vpper leaues are blew, and the lower leaues purple, yet all of them haue that yellow frize or thrume in the middle of the falling leaues, that the other kindes haue. Altera. There is another that beareth purple flowers, that might be reckoned, for the fmal- neffe and fhortneffe of his ftalke, to the next kinde, but that the flowers and leaues of this are as large as any of the former kindes of the fmaller Flowerdeluces. 3. Ghamceiris latifolia minor alba. The leffer white dwarfe Flowerdeluce. There is alfo another fort of thefe Flowerdeluces, whofe leaues and flowers are leffe, and wherein there is much variety. The leaues of this kinde, are all for the moft part fomewhat fmaller, narrower, and fhorter then the former : the ftalke with the flower vpon it fcarce rifeth above the leaues, fo that in moft of them it may be rather called a foote-ftalke, fuch as the Saffron flowers haue, and are therefore called of ma- nie a/cauXoi, without ftalkes ; the flowers are like vnto the firft defcribed of the dwarfe kindes, and of a whitifh colour, with a few purplifh lines at the bottome of the vpper leaues, and a lift of greene in the falling leaues. Stramlnea. Another hath the flowers of a pale yellow, called a Straw colour, with whitifh ftripes and veines in the fals, and purplifh lines at the bottome of the vpper leaues. 4. Chamairis latifolia minor purpurea. The leffer purple dwarfe Flowerdeluce. The difference of this from the former, confifteth more in the colour then forme of the flower, which is of a deep Violet purple, fometimes paler, and fometimes fo deep, that it almoft feemeth blacke : And fometimes the fals purplifh, and the vpper leaues blew. Some of thefe haue a fweete fent, and fome none. Ctenlea. There is another of a fine pale or delayed blew colour throughout the whole flower. 5. Chamairis latifolia minor fuauerubens. The leffer blufh coloured dwarfe Flowerdeluce. This Flowerdeluce hath the falling leaues of the flower of a reddifh colour, and the thrumes blew : the vpper and arched leaues of a fine pale red or flefh colour, cal- led a blufh colour ; in all other things it differeth not, and fmelleth little or nothing at all. 6. Chamairis The Garden of pieafant flowers. 187 6. Chamairis latifrlia minor lutea verficolor. The lefler yellow variable dwarfe Flowerdelucc. The tailing leaues of this Flowerdeluce arc yellowifh, with purple lines from the middle downewards, fometimes of a deeper, and fometimes of a paler colour, and white thrumes in the middle, the vpper leaues are likewife of a yellowifh colour, with purple lines in them : And fometimes the yellow colour is paler, and the lines both in the vpper and lower leaues of a dull or dead purple colour. 3. Chamairis latifolta minor ceerulea verficolor. The lefler blew variable dwarfe Flowerdeluce. The vpper leaues of this flower arc ot a blewifh yellow colour, fpotted with purple in the broad part, and at the bottome very narrow : the falling leaues are fprcad ouer with pale purplilh lines, and a fmall (hew of blew about the brimmcs : the thrume is yellow at the bottome, and blewilh aboue : the arched leaues are of a blewifh white, be- ing a little deeper on the ridge. And fometimes the vpper leaues are of a paler blew rather whitilh, with the yellow : both thefe haue no fent at all. 8. Chamairis marina purpurea. The purple dwarfe Sea Flowerdeluce. This fmall Flowerdeluce is like vnto the narrow leafed Sea Flowerdeluce before defcribed, both in roote, leafe, and flower, hauing no other difference, but in the fmal- nelle and lownefle of the growing, being of the fame purple colour with it. 9. Chamairis angujtifolia maior. The greater Grafle Flowerdeluce. This Grafle Flowerdeluce hath many long and narrow darke greene leaues, not fo Itiffe as the former, but lither, and bending their ends downe againe, among which rife vp diuers llalkes, bearing at the toppe two or three fweete flowers, as fmall as any of them fet downe before, of a reddifli purple colour, with whitifh yellow and purple ftrakes downe the middle of the falling leaues : the arched leaues are of a horfe flefh colour all along the edges, and purple vpon the ridges and tips that turne vp againe : vnder thefe appeare three browne aglets, like vnto birds tongues: the three vpper leaues are fmall and narrow, of a perfecl purple or Violet colour : the heads for feede haue (harper and harder cornered edges then the former : the feedes are fomewhat grayifh like the former, and fo are the rootes, being fmall, blacke, and hard, growing thicke together, fattened in the ground with fmall blackifh hard firings, which hardly fhoote againe if the roote be remoued. 10. Chamairis angujtifolia minor. The lefler Grafle Flowerdeluce. This Flowerdeluce is in leaues, flowers, and rootes fo like the lafi defcribed, that but onely it is fmaller and lower, it is not to be dillinguifhed from the other. And this may fuffice for thefe forts of Flowerdeluces, that furnifh the Gardens of the curious louers of thefe varieties of nature, fo farre forth as hath parted vnder our knowledge. There are fome other that may be referred hereunto, but they belong to another hi- llory ; and therefore I make no mention of them in this place. The Place. The pkces of moft of thefe are fet downe in their feuerall titles; for fome are out of Turkic, others out of Hungaria, Dalmatia, Illyria, &c. as their names doe import. Thofe that grow by the Sea, are found in Spaine and France. The 1 88 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Time. Some of thefe do flower in Apr ill, fome in May, and fome not vntill lune. The Names. The names exprefled are the fitted: agreeing vnto them, and therefore it is needlefle againe to repeate them. Many of the rootes of the former or greater kindes, being dryed are fweete, yet fome more then other, and fome haue no fent at all : but aboue all the reft, that with the white flower, called of Florence, is accounted of all to be the fweeteft root, fit to be vfed to make fweete powders, &c. calling it by the name of Orris rootes. Iris tuberofa. The Veluet Flowerdeluce. Vnto the Family of Flowerdeluces, I muft needes ioyne this peculiar kinde, becaufe of the neare refemblance of the flower, although it differ both in roote and leafe ; left therefore it f hould haue no place, let it take vp a roome here in the end of the Flower- deluces, with this defcription following. It hath many fmall and foure fquare leaues, two foote long and aboue fometimes, of a grayifh greene colour, ftiffe at the firft, but afterwards growing to their full length, they are weak and bend downe to the ground : out of the middle, as it were of one of thefe leaues, breaketh out the ftalke, a foot high and better, with fome leaues thereon, at the toppe whereof, out of a huske rifeth one flower, (I neuer faw more on a ftalke) conlifting of nine leaues, whereof the three that fall downe are of a yellowifh greene colour round about the edges, and in the middle of fo deepe a purple, that it feemeth to be blacke, refembling blacke Veluet : the three arched leaues, that couer the lower leaues to the halfe, are of the fame greenifh colour that the edges and backfide of the lower leaues are : the three vppermoft leaues, if they may be called leaues, or rather fhort peeces like eares, are green alfo, but wherein a glimpfe of purple may be feene in them : after the flower is paft, there followeth a round knob or whitifh feede veflell, hanging downe by a fmall foote-ftalke, from be- tweene the huske, which is diuided as it were into two leaues, wherein is contained round white feede. The roote is bunched or knobbed out into long round rootes, like vnto fingers, two or three from one peece, one diftant from another, and one longer then another, for the moft part of a darkifh gray colour, and reddifh withall on the outride, and fome what yellowifh within. The Place. It hath beene fent out of Turkic oftentimes (as growing naturally there- abouts) and not knowne to grow naturally any where elfe. The Time. It flowreth in Aprill or May, fometimes earlier or later, as the Spring falleth out to be milde or fharpe. The Names. Matthiolus contendeth to make it the true HermodaStylus, rather from the fhew of the rootes, which (as is faid) are like vnto fingers, then from any other good reafon : for the rootes hereof eyther dry or greene, do nothing refemble the true HermodaSlyli that are vfed in Phyficke, as any that know- eth them may ealily perceiue, either in forme or vertue. It is more truely referred to the Flowerdeluces, and becaufe of the tuberous rootes, called Iris tuberofa^ although all the Flowerdeluces in this Chapter haue tuberous rootes, The Garden of plcajant Flowers. 189 rootes, yet this much differing from them all. In Englilli it i* vfually called, The Vcluet Flowerdeluce, becaufe the three tailing leaues feeme to be like fmooth blacke Veluet. The Vertues. Both the rootes and the flowers of the great Flowerdeluces, are of great vfe tor the purging and cleanling of many inward, as well as outward difea- fes, as all Authors in Phylicke doe record. Some haue vfed alfo the greene rootes to cleanfe the skinne, but they had needc to be carefull that vfe them, lert they take more harme then good by the vfe of them. The dryed rootes called Orris (as is faid) is of much vfe to make fweete powders, or other things to perfume apparrell or linnen. The iuice or decoclion of the green roots doth procure both neezing to be fnuft vp into the noftrils, and vomi- ting very llrongly being taken inwardly. CHAP. XXI. Glntliolns. Corne Flagge. NExt vnto the Flagges or Flowerdeluces, come the Gladioli or Corne Flagges to bee entreated of, for fome refemblance of the leaues with them. There are hereof diuers forts, fome bigger and fome letter, but the chiefeft difference is in the colour of the flowers, and one in the order of the flowers. Of them all in their feuerall orders. Gladiolus narbonenjis. The French Corne Flagge. The French Corne Flagge rifeth vp with three or foure broad, long, and ftiffe greene leaues, one as it were out of the fide of another, being ioyned together at the bottome, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of Flowerdeluces, but ftiffer, more full of ribbes, and longer then many of them, and (harper pointed : the Italke rifeth vp from among the leaues, bearing them on it as it rifeth, hauing at the toppe diuers huskes, out of which come the flowers one aboue another, all of them turning and opening themfelues one way, which are long and gaping, like vnto the flowers of Foxegloue, a little arched or bunching vp in the middle, of a faire reddifh purple colour, with two white fpots within the mouth thereof, one on each fide, made like vnto a Lozenge that is fquare and long pointed : after the flowers are pall, come vp round heads or feede veltels, wherein is contained reddifh flat feede, like vnto the feece of the Fritil- laria, but thicker and fuller : the roote is fomewhat great, round, flat, and hard, with a (hew as if if were netted, hauing another fhort fpongie one vnder it, which when it hath done bearing, and the llalke dry, that the roote may be taken vp, fticketh clofe to the bottome, but may be eafily taken away, hauing vfually a number of fmall rootes encreafed about it, the leaft whereof will quickly grow, fo that if it be fuffered any long time in a Garden, it will rather choake and pelter it, then be an ornament vnto it. Gladiolus Italicus binis Jioribus ordinibus. The Italian Corne Flagge. The Italian Corne Flagge is like vnto the French in roote, leafe, and flower, with- out any other difference, then that the roote is fmaller and browner, the leafe and italke of a darker colour, and the flowers (being of a little darker colour like the for- mer, and fomewhat fmaller) rtand out on both fides of the ftalke. Gladiolus ByzMtitifius. Corne Flagge of Conltantinople. This Corne Flagge that came firfl from Conftantinople, is in all things like vnto the French Corne Flagge lalt defcribed, but that it is larger, both in rootes, leaues, and flowers, 1 90 The Garden of pieafant Flowers. flowers, and likewife that the Flowers of this, which ftand not on both fides, are of a deeper red colour, and flower later, after all the reft are paft : the roote hereof being netted as plainly as any of the former, is as plentifull alfo to giue encreafe, but is more tender and lefle able to abide our fharpe cold Winters. Gladiolus jiore rubente. Blufh Corne Flagge. This blufh kinde is like vnto the French Corne Flagge in all refpecls, fauing onely that the flowers are of a pale red colour, tending to whitenefTe, which wee vfually call a blufh colour. Gladiolus Jlore albo. White Corne Flagge. This white Corne Flagge alfo differeth not from the laft, but onely that the rootes are whiter on the outiide, the leaues are greener, without any browneffe or darkneffe as in the former, and the flowers are fnow white. Gladiolus purpureus minor. The fmall purple Corne Flagge. This alfo differeth not from any of the former, but onely in the fmallneffe both of leafe, ftalke, and flowers, which ftand all on the one fide, like vnto the French kinde, and of the fame colour : the roote of this kinde is netted more then any other. The Place. They grow in France and Italy, the leaft in Spaine, and the Byzantine, as it is thought, about Constantinople, being (as is faid) firft fent from thence. lohn Tradefcante allured mee, that hee faw many acres of ground in Barbary fpread ouer with them. The Time. They all flower in lune and luly, and the Byzantine lateft, as is faid be- fore. The Names. It hath diuers names; for the Latines call it Gladiolus, of the forme of a fword, which the leafe doth refemble. The Romanes Segefa/is, becaufe it groweth in the Corne fields. Some call it ViSlorialis rotunda, to put a diffe- rence between it, and the longa, which is a kinde of Garlicke. Plinie faith, that Gladiolus is Cypirus, but to decide that controuerfie, and many others, belongeth to another difcourfe, this being intended only for pleafure. Ger- rard miftaketh the French kinde for the Italian. The Vertues. The roote being bruifed, and applyed with Frankinfenfe (and often of it felfe without it) in the manner of a pultis or plaifter, is held of diuers to be fingular good to draw out fplinters, thornes, and broken bones out of the fleTh. Some take it be effecluall to ftirre vp Venerie, but I fomewhat doubt thereof: For Galen in his eighth Booke of Simples, giueth vnto it a drawing, digefting and drawing faculty. CHAP. The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 191 i Gladiolus Narbonenfis. The French Corne Flagge. 2 Gladiolus Italian. The Italian Corne Flange. 3 Gladiolus Brtan- HHUS. Corne Flagge of Conftantinoplc. 4 Palma Chrifti mat. The great male handed Satyrion. 5 Ore his Hfrmafhriiitili, ,1 Candida. The white Bmterflie Orchis. 6 Orchis Ueliltas Jiut apiftra. The Bee flower or'Bee Orchis. 7 Dtus Caninus flort piirftirnnle. Dogges tooth Violet with a pale purplifh flower. K Dins Canitms flare albo, Dogges tooth Violet with a white flower, 192 The Garden of pleajant Flowers. CHAP. XXII. Orchis fiue Satyrium. Bee flowers. ALthough it is not my purpofe in this place, to giue a generall hiftory of all the forts of Orchides, Satyrions, and the reft of that kinde ; yet becaufe many of them are very pleafant to behold, and, if they be planted in a conuenient place, will abide fome time in Gardens, fo that there is much pleafure taken in them : I fhall intrude fome of them for curiolities fake, to make vp the profpect of natures beautifull variety, and only entreate of a few, leauing the reft to a more ample declaration. i. Satyrium Bajilicum Jiue Pa/ma Chrifti mas, The greater male handed Satyr ion. This handed Satyrion hath for the moft part but three faire large greene leaues, neare vnto the ground, fpotted with fmall blackiih markes : from among which rifeth vp a ftalke, with fome fmaller leaues thereon, bearing at the toppe a bufh or fpike of flowers, thicke fet together, euery one whereof is made like a body, with the belly I broader belowe then aboue, where it hath fmall peeces adioyned vnto it : the flower is of a faire purple colour, fpotted with deeper purple fpots, and hauing fmall peeces like homes hanging at the backes of the flowers, and a fmall leafe at the bottome of the foote-ftalke of euery flower : the rootes are not round, like the other Orchides, but fomewhat long and flat, like a hand, with fmall diuifions belowe, hanging downe like >the fingers of a hand, cut fhort off by the knockles, two alwayes growing together, with fome fmall fibres or firings aboue the heads of thefe rootes, at the bottome of the ftalke. 2. Satyrium Bajilicum Jiue Pa/ma Chrifti famina. The female handed Satyrion. This female Satyrion hath longer and narrower leaues then the former, and fpotted with more and greater fpots, comparfing the ftalke at the bottome like the other : this beareth likewife a bufh of flowers, like vnto the other, but that each of thefe haue heads like hoods, whereas the former haue none : in fome they are white with purple fpots, and in others of a reddifh purple, with deepe or darke coloured fpots : the roots are alike. 3. Orchis Hermaphroditica Candida. The white Butterflie Orchis. The rootes of this kinde take part with both the forts of Orchis and Satyrium, being neither altogether round, nor fully handed, and thereupon it tooke the name, to fig- nifie both kindes : the leaues are two in number, feldome more, being faire and broad, like vnto the leaues of Lillies, without any fpot at all in them : at the toppe of the ftalke ftand many white flowers, not fo thicke fet as the firft or fecond, euery one being fafhioned like vnto a white Butterflie, with the wings fpread abroad. 4. Orchis Melitias Jiue apifera. The Bee flower or Bee Orchis. This is a fmall and lowe plant for the moft part, with three or foure fmall narrow leaues at the bottome : the ftalke is feldome aboue halfe a foote high, with foure or fiue flowers thereon one aboue another, hauing round bodies, and fomewhat flat, of a kind of yellowifh colour, with purple wings aboue them, fo like vnto an honey Bee, that it might foone deceiue one that neuer had feene fuch a flower before : the roots are two together, round and white, hauing a certaine muccilaginejje or clamminerTe within them, without any tafte almoft at all, as all or the moft part of thefe kindes haue. 5. Orchis Sphegodes. Gnats Satyrion. The leaues of this Orchis are fomewhat larger then of the Bee flower, the ftalke alfo fomewhat The Garden of plcafant Flowers. 193 fomewhat higher: the flowers arc fewer on the toppe, but fomewhat larger then of the Bee flowers, made to the refemblance of a Gnat or great long Flic : the rootcs are two round bulbes, as the other are. 6. Orchis Myodes. Flic Orchis. The Flic Orchis is like vnto the lalt defcribed, both in leafe and roote, the diffe- rence is in the flower, which is neither fo long as the Gnat Satyrion, nor fo great as the Bee Orchis, but the neather part of the Flic is blacke, with a lilt of afh-colour eroding the backe, with a (hew of legges hanging at it : the naturall Flic fecmeth fo to bee in loue with it, that you (hall feldome come in the heate of the day, but you (hall rinde one fitting clofe thereon. The Place. Thefe grow in many places of England, fome in the Woods, as the But- terflie, and the two former handed Satyrions: others on dry bankes and barren balkes in Kent, and many other places. The Time. They flower for the moll part in the beginning or middle of May, or thereabouts. The Names. Their feuerall names are exprefled in their titles, fo much as may fuffice for this difcourfe. The Vertues. All the kindes of Orchis are accounted to procure bodily luft, as well the flowers dirtilled, as the rootes prepared. The rootes boyled in red Wine, and afterwards dryed, are held to bee a lingular good remedie againlt the bloody Flixe. CHAP. XXIII. Dens Caninus. Dogs tooth Violet. VNto the kindes of Orchides, may fitly be ioyned another plant, which by many is reckoned to be a Satyrium, both from the forme of roote and leafe, and from the efficacy or vcrtue correfpondent thereunto. And although it cannot be the Satyrium Erythronium of Diofcorides, as fome would entitle it, for that as I haue (hewed before, his Satyrium tryphillum is the Tulipa without all doubt ; yet becaufe it differeth very notably, and carrieth more beauty and refpedt in his flower then they, I (hall entreate thereof in a Chapter by it felfe, and fet it next vnto them. Dem Caninus Jtore albo. Dogs tooth Violet with a white flower. The white Dogs tooth hath for his roote a white bulbe, long and fmall, yet vfually greater then either of the other that follow, bigger belowe then aboue, with a fmall peece adioyning to the bottome of it, from whence rife vp in the beginning of the Spring, after the Winter frofts are palt, two leaues for the molt part (when it will flower, or elfe but one, and neuer three together that euer I faw) clofed together when they firft come vp out of the ground, which inclofe the flower betweene them : the leaues when they are opened do lay themfelues flat on the ground, or not much aboue it, one oppofite vnto the other, with the ftalke and the flower on it (landing betweene them, which leaues are of a whitifh greene colour, long and narrow, yet broader in the B 2 middle 194 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. middle then at both ends, growing lefle by degrees each way, fpotted and ftriped all ouer the leaues with white lines and fpots : the ftalke rifeth vp halfe a foote high or more, bearing at the toppe one flower and no more, hanging downe the head, larger then any of the other of this kinde that follow, made or confiding of fix white long and narrow leaues, turning themfelues vp againe, after it hath felt the comfort of the Sunne, that they doe almoft touch the ftalke againe, very like vnto the flowers of Cy- clamen or Sowebread : it hath in the middle of the flower fix white chiues, tipt with darke purple pendents, and a white three forked ftile in the middle of them : the flower hath no fent at all, but commendable onely for the beauty and forme thereof: after the flower is part, commeth in the place a round head feeming three fquare, contai- ning therein fmall and yellowifh feede. Dens Caninus Jiore purpurafcente. Dogs tooth with a pale purple flower. This other Dogs tooth is like vnto the former, but lefler in all parts, the leafe whereof is not fo long, but broad and fhort, fpotted with darker lines and fpots : the flower is like the other, but fmaller, and of a delayed purple colour, very pale fome- times, and fometimes a little deeper, turning it felfe as the other, with a circle round about the vmbone or middle, the chiues hereof are not white, but declining to purple : the roote is white, and like vnto the former, but lefler, as is faid before. Dens Caninus fare rubro. Dogs tooth with a red flower. This is in all things like vnto the laft, both for forme and bignefle of flower and leafe : the chiefe difference confifteth in this, that the leaues hereof are of a yellowifh mealy greene colour, fpotted and ftreaked with redder fpots and ftripes, and the flower of a deeper reddifh purple colour, and the chiues alfo more purplifh then the laft, in all other things it is alike. The Place. The forts Dens Caninus doe growe in diuers places; fome in Italy on the Euganean Hils, others on the Apenine, and fome about Gratz, the chiefe Citie of Stiria, and alfo about Bayonne, and in other places. The Time. They flower in March moft vfually, and many times in Aprill, accor- ding to the feafonablenefle of the yeare. The Names. Clufius did call it firft Dentali, and Lobel, and from him fome others Sa- fyrium, and Erythronium, but I haue faid enough hereof in the beginning of the Chapter. It is moft commonly called Dens Caninus, and we in Englifh, either Dogs tooth, or Dogs tooth Violet. Gefner called it HermodaStylus, and Matthiolus Pfeudohermodaftylus. The Vertues. The roote hereof is held to bee of more efficacy for venerous effedts, then any of the Orchides and Satyrions. They of Stiria vfe the rootes for the falling lickneffe. Wee haue had from Virginia a roote fent vnto vs, that wee might well iudge, by the forme and colour thereof being dry, to be either the roote of this, or of an Orchis, which the naturall people hold not onely to be fingu- lar to procure luft, but hold it as a fecret, loth to reueale it. CHAP. The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 195 CHAP. XXI I 1 1. Cyclamen. Sowebrcad. THe likeneffe of the flowers, and the f potting ot' the leaues of the Dens Caninus, with thefe of the Cyclamen or Sowebread, maketh mee ioyne it next there- unto : as alfo that after the bulbous rooted plants I might begin with the tube- rous that remaine, and make this plant the beginning of them. Of this kinde there are diuers forts, differing both in forme of leaues and time of flowring: for fome doe flower in the Spring of the yeare, others afterwards in the beginning of Summer : but the molt number in the end of Summer, or beginning of Autumne or Harucll, whereof fome haue round leaues, others cornered like vnto luie, longer or fhorter, greater or f mailer. Of them all in order, and fidt of thofe that come in the Spring. I. Cyclamen J'ernum fore purpurer). Purple flowred Sowebread of the Spring. This Sowebread hath a fmaller roote then mort of the others, yet round and blac- kilh on the outfide, as all or moll of the rell are (I fpeake of them that I haue feene ; for Clulius and others doe report to haue had very great ones) from whence rife vp di- uers round, yet pointed leaues, and fomewhat cornered withall, greene aboue, and ("potted with white fpots circlewife about the leafe, and reddiih vnderneath, which at their firft comming vp are folded together ; among which come the flowers, of a red- difh purple colour and very fweete, euery one vpon a fmall, long, and (lender reddifh foote-llalke, which hanging downe their heads, turne vp their leaues againe : after the flowers are pall, the head or feede veffel fhrinketh downe, winding his footeftalke, and coyling it felfe like a cable, which when it toucheth the ground, there abideth hid among the leaues, till it be growne great and ripe, wherein are contained a few fmall round f cedes, which being prefently fowne, will growe firfl into round rootes, and af- terwards from them flioote forth leaues. 2. Cyclamen Veriium ftore albo. White flowred Sowebread of the Spring. The white flowring Sowebread hath his leaues like the former, but not fully fo much cornered, bearing fmall fnow white flowers, as fweete as the other : and herein conlilleth the chiefeft difference, in all other things it is alike. 3. Cyclamen Vernum Creticum ftore albo. White Candy Sowebread of the Spring. This Sowebread is fomewhat like the former white kinde, but that the leaues grow much larger and longer, with more corners at the edges, and more eminent fpots on them : the flowers alfo fomewhat longer and larger, and herein confifteth the whole difference. 4. Cyclamen /E/tivum. Summer Sowebread. Summer Sowebread hath round leaues like vnto the Romane Sowebread, but fome- what cornered, yet with fhorter corners then the luie leafed Sowebread, full of white fpots on the vpperlide of the leaues, and very purple vnderneath, fometimes they haue fewer fpots, and little or no purple vnderneath : the flowers hereof are as fmall, as purple, and as fweete, as the purple Sowebread of the Spring time : the roote hereof is like wife fmall, blacke, and round. 5. Cyclamen Romanum rottttuKfolutm. Romane Sowebread with round leaues. The Romane Sowebread hath round leaues, fomewhat like vnto the common Sowebread, but not fully fo round pointed at the ends, a little cornered fometimes alfo, or as it were indented, with white fpots round about the middle of the leaues, and 196 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. and very confpicuous, which make it feeme the more beautifull : the flowers appeare in Autumne, and are fhorter, and of a deeper purplifh red colour then the luie Sowe- bread, rifing vp before the leaues for the moft part, or at leaft with them, and little or nothing fweete : the roote is round and blacke, vfually not fo flat as it, but growing fometimes to bee greater then any other kinde of Sowebread. There is fometimes fome variety to be feene, both in the leaues and flowers of this kinde ; for that fome- time the leaues haue more corners, and either more or lefle fpotted with white ; the '.rietas. flowers likewife of fome are larger or lefler, longer or rounder, paler or deeper colou- red one then another. This happeneth moft likely from the fowing of the feede, cau- fing the like variety as is feene in the luie leafed Sowebread. It doth alfo many times happen from the diuerfity of foyles and countries where they grow : the feed of this, as of all the reft, is fmall and round, contained in fuch like heads as the former, ftan- ding almoft like the head of a Snake that is twined or folded within the body thereof. This and the other Autumnall kindes, prefently after their fowing in Autumne, fhoote forth leaues, and fo abide all the Winter, according to their kinde. 6. Cyclamen folio hederee autunmale. luie leafed Sowebread. % The luie leafed Sowebread groweth in the fame manner that the former doth, that is, bringeth forth flowers with the leaues fometimes, or moft commonly before them, whofe flowers are greater then the common round leafed Sowebread, fomewhat longer then the former Romane or Italian Sowebreads, and of a paler purple colour, almoft bluifh, without that fweete fent as is in the firft kinde of the Spring : the greene leaues hereof are more long then round, pointed at the ends, and hauing alfo one or two corners on each fide, fometimes much fpotted on the vpperfide with white fpots and marks, and fometimes but a little or not at all ; and fo likewife fometimes more or lefle purple vnderneath : all the leaues and flowers doe ftand vfually euery one feue- rally by themfelues, vpon their owne flender foote-ftalkes, as moft of all the other metas. kindes doe : but fometimes it happeneth, that both leaues and flowers are found grow- ing from one and the fame ftalke, which I rather take to be accidentall, then naturall fo to continue : the feede hereof is like the former kindes, which being fowne produceth variety, both in the forme of the leaues, and colour and fmell of the flowers : fome be- ing paler or deeper, and fome more or lefle fweete then others : the leaues alfo, fome more or lefle cornered then others : the root groweth to be great, being round and flat, and of a blackifh browne colour on the outfide. 7. Cyclamen autumnale hedertzfolio Jlore albo. luie leafed Sowebread with white flowers. There is one of this kinde, whofe leaues are rounder, and not fo much cornered as the former, flowring in Autumne as the laft doth, and whofe flowers are wholly white, not hauing any other notable difference therein. 8. Cyclamen autumnale angujti folium. Long leafed Sowebread. This kinde of Sowebread may eafily be knowne from all the other kindes, becaufe his leafe is longer and narrower then others, fafhioned at the bottome thereof with points, fomewhat like vnto Arum or Wake Robin leaues : the flowers are like the former forts for forme, but of a purple colour. There is alfo another of this kinde in all things like the former, but that the flowers are white. 9. Cyclamen Antiochenum Autumnale Jlore purpureo duplici. Double flowred Sowebread of Antioch. This Sowebread of Antioch with double flowers, hath his leaues fomewhat round, like vnto the leaues of the Summer Sowebread, but with lefle notches or corners, & full of white fpots on them : jit beareth flowers on ftalks, like vnto others, & likewife fome ftalks that haue two or three flowers on them, which are very large, with ten or twelue leaues 77/f' Garden of p/ctijant Flowers. I Cyclamen I'ernum flort purfntria. Purple flowred Sowebread of the Spring. 2 Cyclamen a/tivum. Summer Sowebread. 3 Folium Cyclaminis Crtlui vernalii flort Candida. A leafe of Candie Sowebread. 4 Cyclamen Romanum Autumn, tie. Romanc Sowebread of the Autumne. 5 Cyclamen hcdercefolio Anlnmmlr. luie leafed Autumne Sowebread. 6 Folium Cyclaminit AutHmnaliijIorf albo. A leafe of the Autumne Sowebread with a \\hite flower. 7 Folinm Cyclaminit anguftifolii Aulnmnalit. A leafe of the long leafed Sowebread. K C\clamcn Anliodieaum Aiitumnate flare ample pnrpureo dufliti. The double flowred Sowebread of Antioch. 9 Cyclamen vnlgarr folio rotunda. The common round leafed Sowebread. 198 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. leaues a peece, of a faire Peach colour, like vnto the flowers of purple Sowebread of the Spring, and deeper at the bottome. There are of this kinde fome, whofe flowers appeare in the Spring, and are as large and double as the former, but of a pure white colour. There are of thefe Sowebreads of Antioch, that haue but fingle flowers, fome ap- pearing in the Spring, and others in Autumne. 10. Cyclamen iwlgare folio rotundo. The common Sowebread. The common Sowebread (which is moft vfed in the Apothecaries Shops) hath many leaues fpread vpon the ground, rifing from certaine fmall long heads, that are on the greater round rootes, as vfually moft of the former forts doe, being in the like manner folded together, and after fpread themfelues into round greene leaues, fome- what like vnto the leaues of Afarum, but not fhining, without any white fpots on the vpperflde for the moft part, or but very feldome, and reddifh or purplifh vnderneath, and very feldome greener : the flowers ftand vpon fmall foot-ftalkes, and mew them- felues open for the moft part, before any leaues doe appeare, being f mailer and fhorter then thofe with luie leaues, and of a pale purple colour, yet fometimes deeper, hang- ing downe their heads, and turning vp their leaues againe, as all others doe, but more fweete then many other of the Autumne flowers : after the flowers are paft, come the heads turning or winding themfelues downe in like manner as the other doe, hauing fuch like feede, but fomewhat larger, and more vneuen, or not fo round at the leaft : the roote is round, and not flat, of a browner colour, and not fo blacke on the outfide as many of the others. The Place. The Sowebreads of the Spring doe both grow on the Pyrenasan Moun- taines in Italy, and in Candy, and about Mompelier in France ; Antioch in Syria alfo hath yeelded fome both of the Spring and Autumne. Thofe with round and luie leaues grow in diuers places both of France and Italy : and the common in Germany, and the Lowe-Countries. But that Autumne Sowebread with white flowers, is reported to grow in the Kingdome of Naples. I haue very curioufly enquired of many, if euer they found them in any parts of England, neare or further off from the places where they dwell : but they haue all affirmed, that they neuer found, or euer heard of any that haue found of any of them. This onely they haue aflured, that there groweth none in the places, where fome haue reported them to grow. The Time. Thofe of the Spring doe flower about the end of Aprill, or beginning of May. The other of the Summer, about the end of lune or in luly. The reft fome in Auguft, and September, others in October. The Names. The Common Sowebread is called by moft Writers in Latine, Panis Porcinus, and by that name it is knowne in the Apothecaries mops, as alfo by the name Arthamta, according to which name, they haue an ointment fo called, which is to be made with the iuice hereof. It is alfo called by di- uers other names, not pertinent for this difcourfe. The moft vfuall name, whereby it is knowne to mort Herbarifts, is Cyclamen (which is the Greeke word) or as fome call it Cyclaminus, adding thereunto their other feuerall titles. In Englifh, Sowebread. The Vertues. The leaues and rootes are very effecluall for the fpleene, as the Oint- ment before remembred plainly proueth, being vfed for the fame purpofe, and The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 199 and that to good effect. It is vfed alfo for women in long and hard trauels, where there is danger, to accelerate the birth, either the roote or the leate being applyed. But tor any amorous effects, I hold it meere fabulous. CHAP. XXV. Anemone. \Vindeflower and his kindes. THe next tuberous rooted plants that are to follow (of right in my opinion) are the Ancmwf or Windeflowers, and although fome tuberous rooted plants, that is, the Afphodils, Spiderworts, and Flowerdeluces haue beene before in- ferted, it was, both becaufe they were in name or forme of flowers futable to them whom they were ioyned vnto, and alfo that they ihould not be feuered and entreated of in two feuerall places : the relt are now to follow, at the leaft fo many of them as be beautifull flowers, fit to furnilh a Florifts Garden, for natures delightfome varieties and excellencies. To dillinguifh the Family of Anemones I may, that is, into the wilde kindes, and into the tame or mannured, as they are called, and both of them nourfed vp in Gardens ; and of them into thofe that haue broader leaues, and into thofe that haue thinner or more iagged leaues : and of each of them, into thofe that bcare fingle flowers, and thofe that beare double flowers. But to defcribe the infinite (as I may fo fay) variety of the colours of the flowers, and to giue to each his true dirtinction and denomination, Hie /afar, hoc opus eji, it farre pafleth my ability I confeiTe, and I thinke would grauell the belt experienced this day in Europe (and the like I faid concerning Tulipas, it being as contingent to this plant, as is before faid of the Tulipa, to be with- out end in yeelding varieties :) for who can fee all the varieties that haue fprung from the fowing of the feede in all places, feeing the variety of colours rifen from thence, is according to the variety of ayres &c grounds wherein they are fowne, skill alfo helping nature in ordering them aright. For the feede of one and the fame plant fowne in di- uers ayres and grounds, doe produce that variety of colours that is much differing one from another ; who then can difplay all the mixtures of colours in them, to fet them downe in fo fmall a roome as this Book ? Yet as I haue done (in the former part of this Treatife) my good will, to exprefle as many of each kinde haue come to my know- ledge, fo if I endeauour the like in this, I hope the courteous wil accept it, and hold me excufed for the reft : otherwife, if I were or could be abfolute, I mould take from my felf and others the hope of future augmentation, or addition of any new, which neuer will be wanting. To begin therefore with the wilde kinds (as they are fo accounted) I fliall firtt entreate of the Pulfatillas or Pafque flowers, which are certainly kindes of wilde Anemones, both in leafe and flower, as may well be difcerned by them that are iudici- ous (although fome learned men haue not fo thought, as appeareth by their writings) the rootes of them making one fpeciall note of difference, from the other forts of wilde Anemones. I . Pulfatilla Anglica purpurca. The purple Pafque flower. The Pafque or Pafle flower which is of our owne Country, hath many leaues lying on the ground, fomewhat rough or hairie, hard in feeling, and finely cut into many fmall leaues, of a darke greene colour, almolt like the leaues of Carrets, but finer and fmaller, from among which rife vp naked ftalkes, rough or hairie alfo, fet about the middle thereof with fome fmall diuided leaues comparting them, and riling aboue thel e leaues about a f panne, bearing euery one of them one pendulous flower, made of fix leaues, of a fine Violet purple colour, but fomewhat deepe withall, in the middle whereof lland many yellow threeds, fet about a middle purple pointell : after the flower is palt, there commeth vp in the Itead thereof a bufhie head of long f cedes, which are fmall and hoarie, hauing at the end ot euery one a (mall haire, which is gray likewife: the roote is fmall and long, growing downewards into the ground, with a tuft of haire at the head thereof, and not lying or running vnder the vpper crult there- of, as the other wilde Anemones doe. 2. Pulfa- 2OO The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 2. Pulfatilla Danica. The Pafle flower of Denmarke. There is another that was brought out of Denmarke, very like vnto the former, but that it is larger both in roote and leafe, and flower alfo, which is of a fairer purple co- lour, not fo deepe, and befides, will better abide to bee mannured then our Englifh kinde will, as my felfe haue often proued. ore Of both thefe forts it is faid, that fome plants haue bin found, that haue borne white dbo ^ fore fl OW ers. And likewife one that bore double flowers, that is, with two rowes of leaues. duphct, 3. Pulfatilla flore rubro. The red Pafle flower. Lobel, as I take it, did firft fet forth this kinde, being brought him from Syria, the leaues whereof are finer cut, the flower fmaller, and with longer leaues, and of a red colour. 4. Pulfatilla flore luteo. The yellow Pafle flower. The yellow Pafle flower hath his leaues cut and diuided, very like vnto the leaues of the firft kinde, but fomewhat more hairie, greene on the vpperfide, and hairie vn- derneath : the ftalke is round and hoary, the middle whereof is befet with fome fmall leaues, as in the other, from among which rifeth vp the ftalke of the flower, confifting of fix leaues of a very faire yellow colour on the infide, and of a hoary pale yellow on the outfide ; after which followeth fuch an head of hairie thrummes as in the former : the roote is of the bignefle of a mans finger. 5. Pulfatilla flore albo. The white Pafle flower. The white Pafle flower (which Clufius maketh a kinde of Anemone^ and yet as hee faith himfelfe, doth more nearely refemble the Pulfatilla) hath, from amongft a tuft or head of haires, which grow at the toppe of a long blacke roote, many leaues ftanding vpon long ftalkes, which are diuided as it were into three wings or parts, and each part finely cut and diuided, like vnto the Pafle flower of Denmarke, but fomewhat harder in handling, greenifh on the vpperfide, and fomewhat gray vnderneath, and very hairie all ouer : among thefe leaues rife vp the ftalkes, befet at the middle of them with three leaues, as finely cut and diuided as thofe belowe, from aboue which ftandeth the flower, being fmaller, and not fo pendulous as the former, but in the like manner confifting of fix leaues, of a fnow white colour on the infide, and a little browner on the outfide, with many yellow thrums in the middle : after the flower is paft, rifeth vp fuch a like hoary head, compofed as it were of many haires, each whereof hath a fmall feede faftened vnto it, like as the former Pafle flowers haue. The Place. The firft is found in many places of England, vpon dry bankes that lye open to the Sunne. The fecond was firft brought, as I take it, by Doctor Lobel from Den- marke, & is one of the two kinds, that Clufius faith are common in Germa- nic, this bearing a paler purple flower, and more early then the other, which is the fame with our Englilh, whofe flower is fo darke, that it almoft fee- meth blacke. The red kinde, as Lobel faith, came from Syria. The yellow Pafle flower, which Clufius maketh his third wilde Anemone, was found very plentifully growing at the foote of St. Bernards Hill, neare vnto the Cantons of the Switzers. The white one groweth on the Alpes neare Auftria, in France likewife, and other places. The The Garden of pleafant 201 I Pnlfatilln fnrfurta cum folio, femine, & radice. The purple Pafque flower with Icafc, feed, and root. i. Piilfntilla lutto Jtore. The yellow Pafque flower. 3 I'ulfalilLi ruhra Syriata Lobtlij. Red Pafque flower of I.ohel. 4 Pulfatilla rubra Sieertij. Swertz his red Pafque flower. 5 Pulfatilla flort albo. White Pafque flower. 6 Anfmomt Jilufflris albo Hallhioli. Thewilde white broad leafed Windflower. 7 Ammont filucftrit tenuifolia alba. The wildt finale white \\indflouer. K Anemone fdutftrit tnmifolia lutto. The yellow wilde thin leafed Windflower. 9 Atumoxe Khitfirii Iri/olia Dodontti. The three-leafed wilde Wind- flower. 10 Antmmu Hituftris Jlart flrno albo. The double white wilde Windflower. n. A ntmo*ej!lvtftrii fiort plena pur- pttrto. The double purple wilde Windeflower. * Stmnt fcpfralim Hivulfum. The feed feparated. t Kodict cum folio infrriort. The rootc with a lower leafe. C2 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Time. All of them doe flower early in the yeare, that is, in the beginning of A- prill, about which time moft commonly Eafter doth fall. The Names. Their proper names are giuen to each in their feuerall titles, being all of them kindes of wilde Anemones, as I faid in the beginning of the Chapter, and fo for the moft part all Authors doe acknowledge them. We call them in Englifh, becaufe they flower about Eafter, Pafque flower, which is the French name for Eafter, or Euphonicz gratia, Paffe flower, which may pafle currant, without any further defcant on the name, or elfe Pulfatilla, if you will, being growne old by cuftome. The Vertues. The fharpe biting and exulcerating quality of this plant, caufeth it to be of little vfe, notwithstanding loachimus Camerarius faith in his Hortus Me- dicus, that in Boruffia, which is a place in Italy, as I take it, the diftilled wa- ter hereof is vfed with good fuccefle, to be giuen to them that are troubled with a Tertian Ague ; for he faith that it is medicamentum OK^POKTIKOV, that is, a medicine of force to helpe obftruftions. Anemone filuejtris lati folia albajiue tertia Matthioli. The white wilde broad leafed Windflower. This Windflower hath diuers broad greene leaues, cut into diuifions, and dented about, very like vnto a broad leafed Crowfoote, among which rifeth vp a ftalke, ha- uing fome fuch like cut leaues in the middle thereof, as growe below, but fmaller ; on the toppe whereof ftandeth one large white flower, conlifting of fiue leaues for the moft part, with fome yellow threads in the middle, ftanding about fuch a greene head as is in the tame or garden Anemones, which growing greater after the flower is paft, is compofed of many fmall feedes, wrapped in white wooll, which as foone as they are ripe, raife themfelues vp from the bottome of the head, and flye away with the winde, as the other tame or garden kindes doe : the roote is made of a number of long blacke firings, encreafing very much by running vnder ground, and (hooting vp in di- uers places. Anemone filueftris tenuifolia lutea. The yellow wilde thin leafed Windflower. The yellow wilde Anemone rifeth vp with one or two fmall round naked ftalkes, bearing about the middle of them, fmall, foft, and tender iagged leaues, deeply cut in and indented on the edges about, from aboue which doth grow the ftalke, bearing fmall yellow flowers, ftanding vpon weake foote-ftalkes, like vnto a fmall Crowfoot, with fome threads in the middle : the roote is long and fmall, fomewhat like vnto the roote of Pollipodie, creeping vnder the vpper cruft of the earth : this kinde is lower, and fpringeth fomewhat earlier then the other wilde kindes that follow. Anemone Jilueftris tenuifolia albajimplex. The fingle white thin leafed wilde Windflower. This white wilde Anemone rifeth vp with diuers leaues vpon feuerall long ftalkes ; which are fomewhat like vnto the former, but that they are fomewhat harder, and not fo long, nor the diuifions of the leaues fo finely fnipt about the edges, but a little broader, and deeper cut in on euery fide: the flowers hereof are larger and broader then the former, white on the infide, and a little purplifh on the outfide, efpecially at the 'The Garden of pleaftint Flowers. 203 the bottomc of the flower next vnto the llalke : the roote of this is very like vnto the brft There is another of this kinde, whofe flowers are purple, in all other things it is like Prprt*. vnto the white. And likewife another, with a blulh or carnation coloured flower. C*ti*ea fine There is one that is onely nurfed vp with vs in Gardens, that is fomewhat like vnto/* 4 *' r **""- thefe former wilde Anemones in roote and leafc, but that the flower of this, being pure white within, and a little purplilh without, confiding of eight or nine fmall round Pengnna aO pointed leaues, hath fometimes fome leaues vndcr the flower, party coloured white and greene : the flower hath likewife a greene head, like a Strawberry, comparted a- bout with white threads, tipt with yellow pendents. And another ot the fame kinde with the lall, whofe flower confirting of eight or Pertgr'ma r/'n nine leaues, is of a greenilh colour, except the foure outermoll leaues, which are a lit-"'"' tie purplilh, and diuided at the points into three parts ; the middle part is of a greenilh white colour, with a greene head in the middle as the other. Anemone /Hue/iris trifolia Dodoneei. The three leafed wilde Windflower. This wilde Anemone hath his rootes very like vnto the former kindes ; the leaues are alwaies three fet together at the toppe of flender ftalkes, being fmall and indented a- bout, very like vnto a three leafed Grafie, but fmaller : the flower confifteth of eight fmall leaues, fomewhat like vnto a Crowtbote, but of a whitifh purple or blufh colour, with fome white threads, and a greene rough head in the middle. Anemone Ji I us/Ms Jlore pleno albo. The double white wilde Windflower. This double kinde is very like vnto the fmgle white kinde before defcribed, both in his long running rootes, and thin leaues, but fomewhat larger : the flowers hereof are very thicke and double, although they be fmall, and of a faint fweete fent, very white after it is full blowne for fiue or fix dayes, but afterwards it becommeth a little purplifh on the infide, but more on the outfide : this neuer giueth feede (although it haue a fmall head in the middle) like as many other double flowers doe. Anemone Jiluejiris fore pleno purpureo. The double purple wilde Windflower. This double purple kinde hath fuch like iaeged leaues as the laft defcribed hath, but more hoarie vnderneath : the flower is of a one light purple toward the points of the leaues, the bottomes being of a deeper purple, but as thicke, and full of leaues as the former, with a greene head in the middle, like vnto the former : this kinde hath fmall greene leaues on the rtalkes vnder the flowers, cut and diuided like the lower leaues. The Place. The firft broad leafed Anemone groweth in diuers places of Auftria and Hungary. The yellow in diuers woods in Germany, but not in this Coun- trey that euer I could learne. The other fingle wilde kindes, fome of them are very frequent throughout the moft places of England, in Woods, Groues, and Orchards. The double kindes were found, as Clufius faith, in the Lowe-Countries, in a Wood neare Louaine. The Time. They flower from the end of March (that is the earlietf) and the begin- ning of Aprill, vntill May, and the double kindes begin within a while after the fingle kinds are part. The Names. They are called Ranunculi Jiluarum, and Ranunculi nemorum, and as Clu- fius 204 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. fius would haue them, Leimonia of Theophraftus ; they are generally called of molt Herbarifts Anemones Jilueflres, Wilde Anemones or Windflowers. The Italians call them Gengeuo faluatico, that is, Wilde Ginger, becaufe the rootes are, befides the torme, being fomewhat like fmall Ginger, of a bi- ting hot and fharpe tarte. Anemone Lujitanica Jiue hor ten/is latifolia fare Jimp lid luteo. The fingle Garden yellow Windflower or Anemone. This fingle yellow Anemone or Windflower hath diuers broad round leaues, fome- what diuided and endented withall on the edges, brownifh at the firft rifing vp out of the ground, and almoft folded together, and after of a fad greene on the vpperiide, and reddifh vnderneath ; among which rife vp fmall (lender ftalkes, befet at the mid- dle of them with two or three leaues, more cut and diuided then thofe belowe, with fmall yellow flowers at the toppe of them, confifting of ten or twelue leaues a peece, hauing a few yellow threads in the middle of them, ftanding about a fmall greene head, which in time growing ripe hath fmall flat feede, inclofed within a foft wooll or downe, which is eaiily blowne away with the winde : the roote groweth downe- ward into the ground, diuerfly fpread with branches here and there, of a brownim yel- low on the outfide, and whitim within, fo brittle, that it can hardly bee touched with- out breaking. Anemone latifolia Jtore luteo duplici. The double yellow Anemone or Windflower. This double yellow Anemone hath fuch broad round leaues as the fingle kinde hath, but fomewhat larger or ranker : the ftalkes are befet with larger leaues, more deeply cut in on the edges : the flowers are of a more pale yellow, with fome purplifh veines on the outfide, and a little round pointed ; but they are all on the infide of a faire yellow colour, confifting of two rowes of leaues, whereof the innermoft is the narrower, with a fmall greene head in the middle, compaffed with yellow threads as in the former : the roote is like the roote of the fingle ; neither of thefe haue any good fent, and this fpringeth vp and flowreth later then the fingle kinde. Anemone latifolia pur pur ea ftellatajiue papaveracea. The purple Starre Anemone or Windflower. The firft leaues of this purple Anemone, which alwayes fpring vp before Winter, (if the roote be not kept too long out of the ground,) are fomewhat like the leaues of Sanicle or Selfe-heale, but the reft that follow are more deeply cut in and iagged ; a- mong which rife vp diuers round ftalkes, befet with iagged leaues as all other Anemo- nes are, aboue which leaues, the ftalkes rifing two or three inches high, beare one flower a peece, compofed of twelue leaues or more, narrow and pointed, of a bleake purple or whitim afh-colour, fomewhat fhining on the outfide, and of a fine purple co- lour tending to a murrey on the infide, with many blackifh blew threads or thrummes in the middle of the flower, fet about a head, whereon groweth the feede, which is fmall and blacke, inclofed in foft wooll or downe, which flieth away with the winde, carrying the feede with it, if it be not carefully gathered : the roote is blackifh on the outfide, and white within, tuberous or knobby, with many fibres growing at it. Anemone purpurea Stellata altera. Another purple Starre Anemone. There is fo great diuerfity in the colours of the flowers of thefe broad leafed kinds of Anemones or Windflowers, that they can very hardly be exprefled, although in their leaues there is but little or no difference. I mall not neede therefore to make feuerall defcriptions of euery one that lhall be fet downe ; but it will be fufficient, I thinke, to giue you the diftinctions of the flowers : for as I faid, therein is the greateft and chie- feft difference. This other Starre Anemone differeth not from the former in leafe or flower, but onely that this is of a more pale f ullen colour on the outfide, and of a paler purple colour on the infide. There '7 /ic Garden of plea/nut Flowers. 20S i Antmont latifolia fion luleo ftmf>li,-i. The ("ingle yellow Anemone. 2 Anemont latifolia flon lutiodnf>lifi. The double yellow Anemone. 3 Anemone latifolia flort purpurto Sttllato. The purple Starre Anemone. 4 Anemone latifolia fturea dilutior. The pale purple Siarre Anemone. 5 Anemone latifolia florc miniato tiiluto. The pate red Anemone. 6 Anemone latifolia coc- fiHraCardinalif dida. The Cardinall Anemone. 7 Aiumoiu lalifolia ituarnata Hifpnnica. The Spanifh incarnate Anemone. 8 Antmoiu latifolia Pauo/imfltx dicta. The lelfer Orenge tawney Anemone. 9 Anemone latifolia fort cornea. The carnation Anemone. 10 A item me lalifolia Arantiaea fmt Patio motor. The double Orenge tawney Anemone. n Antmont Suteritica fine Cypanftia. The double Anemone of Cyprus. 12 Anfmam iali/olia Jtort fUno altuitt. The double pale blufh Anemone. 13 Anemone Chalcedonifa maxima. The great Spanifh Marigold Anemone. 14 Anemone Catununi fine Ptrfica. The double Perlian Anemone. t Animoxit latifolia radict. The roote of a great Anemone. ao6 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Viola fturput ea. Parietal. Ptirpureaftri- ata. Carnea vlva- cifsimafimplex. Perfieiviolacea. Cochenilk. Cardinalis. Sanguined. Cramefma, Coccinea. Iticartiata. Incamata Hif- panica. Rubefcens. Mofchute/la. Enfumata. Pauo malor fimplici fore. Pauo minor. Parietal mag- na ex feminio. There is another, whofe flower hath eight leaues, as many of them that follow haue (although diuers forts haue but fix leaues in a flower) and is of a Violet purple, and therefore is called, The Violet purple Anemone. Of all thefe three forts laft defcribed, there be other that differ only in ha- uing white bottomes, fome fmaller and fome larger. There is alfo another of the fame Violet purple colour with the former, but a little paler, tending more to rednefle, whofe flowers haue many white lines and ftripes through the leaues, and is called, The purple ftript Anemone. There is another, whofe greene leaues are fomewhat larger, and fo is the flower likewife, confifting of eight leaues, and fometimes of more, of the colour of Carnation lilke, fometimes pale and fometimes deeper, with a whitifh circle about the bottome of the leaues, which circle in fome is larger, and more to be feene then in others, when the flower layeth it felfe open with the heate of the Sunne, hauing blewifh threads in the middle. This may be called, the Carnation Anemone. We haue another, whofe flower is betweene a Peach colour and a Vio- let, which is vfually called a Gredeline colour. And another of a fine reddifh Violet or purple, which we call, The Co- chenille Anemone. And another of a rich crimfon red colour, and may be called, The Car- dinall Anemone. Another of a deeper, but not fo liuely a red, called, The bloud red Ane- mone. Another of an ordinary crimfon colour, called, The crimfon Anemone. Another of a Stamell colour, neare vnto a Scarlet. Another of a fine delayed red or flefh colour, and may bee called, The Incarnidine Anemone. Another whofe flower is of a liuely flefh colour, fhadowed with yellow, and may be called, The Spanifh Incarnate Anemone. Another of a faire whitifh red, which we call, The Blufh Anemone. Another whofe flower confifleth of eight leaues, of a darke whitifh co- lour, ftript all ouer with veines of a fine blufh colour, the bottomes being white, this may be called, The Nutmegge Anemone. Another whofe flower is of a pale whitifh colour, tending to a gray, fuch as the Monkes and Friers were wont to weare with vs, and is called, A Monkes gray. There is another, whofe leafe is fomewhat broader then many or moft of the Anemones, comming neare vnto the leafe of the great double O- renge coloured Anemone ; the flower whereof is lingle, conlifting of eight large or broad leaues, very neare vnto the fame Orenge colour, that is in the double flower hereafter defcribed, but fomewhat deeper. This is vfu- ally called in Latine, Pauo maior Jimp lici fare, and we in Englifh, The great lingle Orenge tawnie Anemone. There is likewife of this kinde another, whofe flower is letter, and called, The letter Orenge tawnie Anemone. There is belides thefe exprefled, fo great a variety of mixt colours in the flowers of this kinde of Anemone with broad leaues, arifing euery yeare from the fowing of the feede of fome of the choifeft and fitteft for that purpofe, that it is wonderfull to obferue, not onely the variety of fingle colours, but the mixture of two or three colours in one flower, befides the diuerfity of the bottomes of the flowers, fome hauing white or yellowifh bottomes, and fome none, and yet both of the fame colour ; and likewife in the thrums or threads in the middle : But the greateft wonder of beauty is in variety of double flowers, that arife from among the other fingle ones, fome hauing two or three rowes of leaues in the flowers, and fome fo thicke of leaues as a double Marigold, or double Crowfoote, and of the fame feuerall colours that are in the fingle flowers, that it is almoft impofli- ble to exprefle them feuerally, and (as is faid before) fome falling out to bee double in one yeare, which will proue fingle or lefle double in an- other, The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. 207 other, yet very many abiding conftant double as at the tirlt ; and therefore let this briefe recitall be fufficient in Head of a particular of all the colours. Anemone ChulceJonica maxima verftcolor. The great double Windflowcr of Conftantinople. This great Anemone of Conrtantinople hath broader and greener leaues then any of the tormer kindes, and not fo much diuided or cut in at the edges, among which rife vp one or two ftalkes, (feldome more from one roote) hauing fome leaues about the middle of the llalke, as other Anemones haue, and bearing at the toppes of the ftalkes one large flower a peece, very double, whofe outermoft leaues being broadelt, are greenilh ;it the firft, but afterwards red, hauing fometimes fome greene abiding Hill in the leaues, and the red ftriped through it : the other leaues which are within thefe are fmaller, and of a perfect red colour ; the innermoll being fmallcft, are of the fame red colour but turned fomewhat inward, hauing no thrummes or threads in the mid- dle, as the former haue, and bearing no feede : the roote is blackith on the outfide, and white within, thicke and tuberous as the other kindes, but thicker fet and clofe toge- ther, not I hooting any long (lender rootes as others doe. Some Gentlewomen call this Anemone, The Spanilh Marigold. Anemone Chalcedonica alterajiue Pauo maior Jtore duplici. The great double Orenge tawney Anemone. This other great Anemone of Conftantinople hath his large leaues fo like vnto the laft, that one can hardly diftinguifh them af under; the ftalke hath alfo fuch like leaues fet vpon it, bearing at the toppe a faire large flower, confiding of many leaues fet in two or three rowes at the molt, but not fo thicke or double as the laft, yet feeming to be but one thicke rowe of many fmall and long leaues, of an excellent red or crim- fon colour, wherein fome yellow is mixed, which maketh that colour is called an O- renge tawney ; the bottomes of the leaues are red, compared with a whitiih circle, the thrummie head in the middle being befet with many darke blackifh threads : the roote is like the former. Anemone Superitica jiue Cyparifsia. The double Anemone of Cyprus. This Anemone (which the Dutchmen call Superitz, and as I haue beene enformed, came from the Ifle of Cyprus) hath leaues very like the laft double Anemone, but not altogether fo large : the flower confifteth ot fmaller leaues, of colour very neare vnto the laft double Orenge coloured Anemone, but more thicke of leaues, and as double as the firft, although not fo great a flower, without any head in the middle, or thrums about it as is in the laft, and differeth not in the roote from either of them both. Somewhat like vnto this kinde, or as it were betweene this and the firft kinde of thefe great double Anemones, we haue diuers other forts, bearing flowers very thicke and double ; fome ot them being white, or whitifh, or purple, deeper or paler, and fome ot a reddifh colour tending to Scarlet or a Carnation colour, and fome alfo of a blulh or flelh colour, and diuers other colours, and all of them continue conftant in their colours. Anemone Cacumeni Maringi fiue Per/ica. The double Perfian Anemone. This rare Anemone, which is faid to come out of Perfia to Conftantinople, and from thence to vs, is in leafe and roote very like vnto the former double Anemones before defcribed ; onely the flower hereof is rather like vnto the fecond great double Orenge coloured Anemone, vfually called Pauo maior fare pleno, being compofed of three rowes of leaues, the outermoft rowe confiding of ten or twelue larger leaues, and thofe more inward lefler and more in number, but all of them variably mixed with white, red, and yellow, hauing the bottomes of the leaues white : but inftead of a middle head with thrums about it, as the other hath, this hath a few narrow leaues, of a deepe yellow colour in the middle of the flower, ftanding vpright. Hauing 2o8 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Hauing thus farre proceeded in the two parts of the kindes of Anemones or Wind- flowers, it remaineth to entreate of the reft, which is thofe Anemones which haue thin cut leaues, whereof fome haue reckoned vp thirty forts with Jingle flowers, which I confefTe I haue not feene ; but fo many as haue come to my knowledge, I fhall here fet downe. Anemone tenuifolia fiue Geranifolia ccerulea. The Watchet Anemone or Storkes bill leafed Windflower. This firft Windflower with thin cut leaues, rifeth not out of the ground vntil the great Winter frofts be paft, that is, about the middle or end of February, and are fomewhat brownifh at their firft appearing, but afterwards fpread into wings of greene leaues, fomewhat broader then the reft that follow, diuided into three parts, & each part into three leaues, euery one cut in about the edges, one ftanding againft another vpon a long (lender foote-ftalke, and the end leafe by it felfe : among thefe rifeth vp two or three greene ftalkes, garnifhed with fuch like thin leaues as are at the bottome, from aboue which rife the flowers, but one vpon a ftalke, confifting of fourteene or fifteene fmall pale blew or watchet leaues, lefler then any of the fingle kindes that follow, compafling many whitifh threads, and a fmall greene head in the middle, fomewhat like the head of the wilde Crowfoote, wherein is contained fuch like feede : the roote is blackifh without, thrufting out into long tuberous peeces, fomewhat like vnto fome of the broad leafed Anemones. 'ba. Of this kinde there is another, whofe leaues are not browne at their firft rifing, but greene, and the flowers are white, in other things not differing. Anemone tenuifolia purpurea vu/garis. The ordinary purple Anemone with thin leaues. This purple Anemone which is moft common, and therefore the lefTe regarded, hath many winged leaues ftanding vpon feuerall ftalkes, cut and diuided 'into diuers leaues, much like vnto the leaues of a Carrot ; among which rife vp ftalkes with fome leaues thereon (as is vfuall to the whole Family of Anemones, both wilde and tame, as is before faid ;) at the toppes whereof ftand the flowers, made of fix leaues moft vfu- ally, but fometimes they will haue feuen or eight, being very large, and of a perfect purple Violet colour, very faire and liuely : the middle head hath many blackim thrums or threads about it, which I could neuer obferue in my Gardens to beare feed : the roote is fmaller, and more fpreading euery way into fmall long flat tuberous parts, then any other kindes of fingle or double Anemones. CameapalKda. There is another very like in leafe and roote vnto the former, but the flower is nothing fo large, and is whitifh, tending to a blufh colour, and of a deeper blufh colour toward the bottome of the flower, with blackifh blew thrums in the middle, and giueth no feede that I could euer obferue. Canea viuida There is likewife another like vnto the laft in leafe and flower, but vngmbus albis. t j iat t h e fl ower j s larger then it, and is a of a liuely blufh colour, the leaues hauing white bottomes. Alba venii pur r And another, whofe flower is white, with purple coloured veines and pums. ftripes through euery leafe, and is a lefTer flower then the other. Anemone tenuifolia coccinea fimplex. The fingle Scarlet Anemone with thin leaues. The leaues of this Scarlet Windflower are fomewhat like vnto the former, but a lit- tle broader, and not fo finely cut and diuided : the flower confifteth of fix reafonable large leaues, of an excellent red colour, which we call a Scarlet; the bottomes of the leaues are large and white, and the thrums or threads in the middle of a blackim pur- ple colour : the roote is tuberous, but confifting of thicker peeces, fomewhat like vnto the rootes of the broad leafed Anemones, but fomewhat browne, and not fo blacke, and moft like vnto the roote of the double Scarlet Anemone. CocAnea abfq ; There is another of this kinde, whofe flower is neare vnto the fame co- vnguibus. i ourj DUt t hi s h at h no w hi te bottomes at all in his leaues. We The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 209 \\'t- haue another which hath as large a flower as any fingle, and is of an Orient deepe red crimfon Veluet colour. Sa*g*iM. Alba jiamini- There is alfo one, whofe flower is pure white with blewifh purple ^ /""?*"" thrums in the middle. Hi/fa- And another, whofe flower is very great, of a kinde of fullen blufh co- *Alia tanui, ^ our ' ^ ut y et P^ ea ^ ant witn blewifh threads in the middle. And another with blufh veines in euery leafe of the white flower. AU>a furpm tii And another, the flower whereof is white, the bottomes of the leaues being purple. Prfurafce*i. Another whofe flower conlifteth of many I mall narrow leaues, of a pale purple or blulh colour on the outfide, and fomewhat deeper within. There is another like in leafe and roote vnto the firft Scarlet Anemone, he flower hereof confifteth of feuen large leaues without any bot- tomes, of a white colour, hauing edges, and fome large ftripes alfo of a car- nation or flefh colour to bee feene in them, marked fomewhat like an Ap- ple bloflbme, and thereupon it is called in Latine, Anemone tenuifolia Jim- plcx alba inflar jtorum pomi, or facie Jiorum fomi, that is to fay in Englifh, The fingle thin leafed Anemone with Apple bloflbme flowers. Multiple. I haue heard that there is one of this kinde with double flowers. I . Anemone tenuifolia Jiore coccineo pleno -vu/garis. The common double red or Scarlet Anemone. The leaues of this double Anemone are very like vnto the leaues of the fingle Scar- let Anemone, but not fo thin cut and diuided as that with the purple flower : the flower hereof when it firfl openeth it felfe, confilleth of fix and fometimes of feuen or eight broad leaues, of a deepe red, or excellent Scarlet colour, the middle head being thick clofed, and of a greenifh colour, which after the flower hath flood blowne fome time, doth gather colour, and openeth it felfe into many fmall leaues, very thicke, of a more pale red colour, and more Stamell like then the outer leaues : the root of this is thicke and tuberous, very like vnto the root of the fingle Scarlet Anemone. 2. Anemone tenuifolia Jiore coccineo plena variegafa. The party coloured double Crimfon Anemone. We haue a kinde hereof, varying neither in roote, leafe, or forme of flower from the former, but in the colour, in that this will haue fometimes the outer broad leaues party coloured, with whitifh or blufh coloured great ftreakes in the red leaues both in- fide and outfide ; as alfo diuers of the middle or inner leaues ftriped in the fame man- ner: the roote hereof giueth fairer flowers in fome yeares then in others, and fome- times giue flowers all red againe. 3. Anemone tenuifolia Jiore coccineo Jaturo pleno. The double crimfon Veluet Anemone. Wee haue another alfo, whofe flower is of a deepe Orenge tawny crimfon colour, neare vnto the colour of the outer leaues, of the lefler French Marigold, and not diffe- ring from the former in any thing elfe. 4. Anemone tenuifolia Jiore plcno fuaucrubente. The greater double blufh Anemone. There is fmall difference to be difcerned, either in the roote or leaues of this from D2 the 2 i o The Garden of pleafant Flowers. the former double Scarlet Anemone, fauing that the leaues hereof are a little broader, and feeme to bee of a little frefher greene colour : the flower of this is as large almoft, and as double as the former, and the inner leaues likewife almoft as large as they, be- ing of a whitifh or flefh colour at the firrt opening of them, but afterwards become of a moft liuely blufh colour ; the bottomes of the leaues abiding of a deeper blufh, and with long ftanding, the tops of the leaues will turne almoft wholly white againe. 5. Anemone tenuifolia jlore albo pleno. The double white Anemone. This double white Anemone differeth little from the former blufh Anemone, but in that it is fmaller in all the parts thereof, and all o that the flower hereof being wholly of a pure white colour, without any fhew of blufh therein, hath the middle thrummes much fmaller and fhorter then it, and not rifing vp fo high, but feeme as if they were chipped off euen at the toppes. 6. Anemone tenuifolia jlore pleno albicante. The lefTer double blufh Anemone. This fmall double blufh Anemone differeth very little from the double white laft recited, but onely in the colour of the flower : for they are both much about the big- neffe one of another, the middle thrums likewife being as fmall and fhort, and as euen aboue, onely the flower at the firft opening is almoft white, but afterwards the outer leaues haue a more fhew of blufh in them, and the middle part a little deeper then they. 7. Anemone tenuifolia jlore pleno purpureo vio/aceo. The double purple Anemone. This double purple Anemone is alfo of the fame kindred with the firft double red or Scarlet Anemone for the form or doubleneffe of the flower, confifting but of fix or fe- uen leaues at the moft in this our Country, although in the hotter it hath ten or twelue, or more as large leaues for the outer border, and as large fmall leaues for the inner middle alfo, and almoft as double, but of a deepe purple tending toward a Violet co- lour, the outer leaues being not fo deepe as the inner: the roote and leafe commeth neare vnto the fingle purple Anemone before defcribed, but that the roote fpreadeth not fo fmall and fo much. 8. Anemone tenuifolia jlore pleno purpureo ceeruleo. The double blew Anemone. This Anemone differeth not in any thing from the former double purple, but onely that the flower is paler, and more tending to a blew colour. 9. Anemone tenuifolia Jlore pleno rofeo. The double Rofe coloured Anemone. The double Rofe coloured Anemone differeth alfo in nothing from the former double purple, but onely in the flower, which is fomewhat fmaller, and not fo thicke and double, and that it is of a reddifli colour, neare vnto the colour of a pale red Rofe, or of a deepe coloured Damaske. 10. Anemone tenuifolia jlore pleno carneo viuacifsimo. The double Carnation Anemone. This Anemone, both in roote, leafe, and flower, commeth neareft vnto the former double white Anemone, for the largeneffe and doubleneffe of the flower, and in the fmalneffe of the middle thrums, and euenneffe at the toppes of them, being not fo large and great a flower as the double purple, either in the inner or outer leaues, but yet is very faire, thicke and double, and of a moft liuely Carnation filke colour, very deepe, both the outer leaues and middle thrums alfo fo bright, that it doth as it were amaze, and yet delight the minde of the beholder, but by long ftanding in the Sun, waxe a lit- tle paler, and fo pafle away as all the moft beautifull flowers doe. 1 1 . Anemone The Garden of pled/ant Flo-wers, 21 i i Anemone tentiifotia fimpiex fmrpurra. The Tingle purple Anemone with thin cut leauts. i Antmme tenwfolta fimplex alba pnra. The ("ingle pure white Anemone. 3 Anemone ttMuifoliaJimf'lrx ckermefinn. The Tingle bright Crimfon Anemone. 4 Aiumoiu tenuifolia Jim flu feuiffvinea. The finale bloud red Anemone. 5 Anemone tetiiiifolia Jimplex facie fiorum pomi. The Tingle Apple bloome Anemone. 6 Anemone tenuifolia Jimplejc purpurafcrni. The Tingle purplifh blufh Anemone. 7 Anemone tntiifolia /implex alba vnguibtis carneit. The (ingle white Anemone with blufh bottomes. 8 Anemone ienuifolia fi ore plena cotemto. The double red or ordinary Scarlet Anemone. 9 Aiumont tenuifolta flore plena rubrofu/ta coma Amarantina. The double purple Veluet Anemone. 10 Anemnnc ttnuifolia flore plena purpnro violeuto. The double blewirti purple Anemone. li Anemone tennifolia flore plena imarne/lini colorit fencei nveui/timi. The double tion lilke colour. Carnation Anemone, or of a liuely Carna- 2i2 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 1 1 . Anemone tenui folia JJore rubrofufco pleno coma Amarantina. The double purple Veluet Anemone. This double Veluet Anemone is in all things like the laft defcribed Carnation A- nemone, but fomewhat larger, the difference confifteth in the colour of the flower, which in this is of a deep or fad crimfon red colour for the outer leaues, and of a deep purple Veluet colour in the middle thrums, refembling the colour of the lefler Ama- ranthus purpureus, or Purple flower gentle hereafter defcribed, whereof it tooke the name, which middle thrums are as fine and fmall, and as euen at the toppes as the white or laft Carnation Anemones. 12. Anemone tenui folia flore pleno tricolor. The double purple Veluet Anemone of three colours. This double Anemone alfo is very like the laft defcribed Anemone, but that in the middle of the purple thrums, there thrufteth forth a tuft of threads or leaues of a more light crimfon colour. And thus much for the kindes of Anemones or Windflowers, fo farre forth as haue hitherto come to our knowledge ; yet I doubt not, but that more varieties haue beene elfewhere collected, and will be alfo in our Countrey daily and yearly obferued by diuers, that raife them vp from fowing the feede, wherein lyeth a pretty art, not yet fa- miliarly knowne to our Nation, although it be very frequent in the Lowe-Countries, where their induftry hath bred and nourifhed vp fuch diuerfities and varieties, that they haue valued fome Anemones at fuch high rates, as moft would wonder at, and none of our Nation would purchafe, as I thinke. And I doubt not, if wee would be as curious as they, but that both our ayre and foyle would produce as great variety, as euer hath been f eene in the Lowe-Countries ; which to procure, if any of our Nati- on will take fo much paines in fowing the feedes of Anemones, as diuers haue done of Tulipas : I will fet them downe the beft directions for that purpofe that I haue learned, or could by much fearch and tryall attaine vnto ; yet I muft let them vnderftand thus much alfo, that there is not fo great variety of double flowers raifed from the feede of the thin leafed Anemones, as from the broad leafed ones. Firft therefore (as I faid before) concerning Tulipas, there is fome fpeciall choice to be made of fuch flowers, whofe feed is fitted to be taken. Of the Latif alias, the double Orenge tawney feede being fowne, yeeldeth pretty varieties, but the purples, and reds, or crimfons, either Latifolias or T'enuifolias, yeeld fmall variety, but fuch as draw neareft to their originall, although fome be a little deeper or lighter then others. But the light colours be they which are the chiefe for choice, as white, afh-colour, blufh or carnation, light orenge, fimple or party coloured, fingle or double, if they beare feede, which muft bee carefully gathered, and that not before it bee thorough ripe, which you fhall know by the head ; for when the feede with the wollinefle beginneth to rife a little of it felfe at the lower end, it muft bee then quickly gathered, left the winde carry it all away. After it is thus carefully gathered, it muft be laid to dry for a weeke or more, which then being gently rubbed with a little dry fand or earth, will caufe the feede to be fomewhat better feparated, although not thoroughly from the woollinefle or downe that compafleth it. Within a moneth at the moft after the feede is thus gathered and prepared, it muft be fowne ; for by that meanes you fhall gaine a yeare in the growing, ouer that you mould doe if you fowed it in the next Spring. If there remaine any woollinefle in the feede, pull it in funder as well as you can, and then fowe your feede reafonable thin, and not too thicke, vpon a plaine fmooth bed of fine earth, or rather in pots or tubbes, and after the fowing, fift or gently ftraw ouer them fome fine good frefh mould, about one fingers thicknefle at the moft for the firft time : And about a moneth after their firft fpringing vp, fift or ftraw ouer them in like manner another fingers thicknefle of fine earth, and in the meane time if the weather proue dry, you murt water them gently and often, but not to ouerglut them with moifture; and thus doing, you (hall haue them fpring vp before Winter, and grow The Garden of plcnfant Flowers. grow pretty (trong, able to abide the fharpc Winter in their nonage, in vling fome little care to couer them loofely with fomc fearne, or furfe, or bcane hamc, or ftraw, or any fuch, which yet mult not lye clofe vpon them, nor too farre from them neither. The next Spring ut'ter the fowing, if you will, but it is better if you (lay vntill Au- gult, you may then remoue them, and fet them in order by rowes, with fufficient di- Itance one from another, where they may abide, vntill you fee what manner of flower each plant will beare, which you may difpofe of according to your minde. Many of them being thus ordered (if your mould be fine, loofe, and frefh, not fto- nie, clayiih, or from a middin) will beare flowers the fecond yeare after the fowing, and moll or all of them the third yeare, if the place where you fowe them, be not an- noyed with the fmoake of Brewers, Dyers, or Maultkils, which if it be, then will they neuer thriue well. Thus much haue I thought good to fet downe, to incite fome of our owne Nation to be indultrious; and to helpe them forward, haue giuen fuch rules of directions, that I doubt not, but they will vpon the tryall and view of the variety, proceede as well in the fowing of Anemones as of Tulipas. I cannot (Gentlewomen) withold one other fecret from you, which is to informe you how you may fo order Anemones, that after all others ordinarily are part, you may haue them in flower for two or three moneths longer then are to be feene with any other, that vfeth not this courfe I direct you. The ordinary time to plant Anemones, is moft commonly in Auguft, which will beare flower fome peraduenture before Winter, but moft vfually in February, March, and Aprill, few or none of them abiding vntill May ; but if you will keepe fome roots out of the ground vnplanted, vntill February, March, and Aprill, and plant fome at one time, and fome at another, you (hall haue them beare flower according to their planting, thofe that mall be planted in February, will flower about the middle or end of May, and fo the reft accordingly after that manner : And thus may you haue the pleafure of thefe plants out of their naturall feafons, which is not permitted to be en- ioyed in any other that I know, Nature being not fo prone to bee furthered by art in other things as in this. Yet regard, that in keeping your Anemone rootes out of the ground for this purpofe, you neither keep them too dry, nor yet too moift, for fprou- ting or rotting; and in planting them, that you fet them not in too open a funny place, but where they may be fomewhat (hadowed. The Place. I (hall not need to fpend much time in relating the feuerall places of thefe Anemones, but onely to declare that the mort of them that haue not beene raifed from feed, haue come from Constantinople to vs ; yet the firft broad leafed or yellow Anemone, was firft found in Portugall, and from thence brought into thefe parts. And the firft purple Starre Anemone in Germa- nic, yet was the fame fent among others from Conftantinople alfo. And the firlt thin cut leafed Anemone came firft out of Italy, although many of that fort haue come likewife from Conltantinople. And fo haue the double red or Scarlet Anemones, and the great double blufti, which I firft had by the gift of M r . Humfrey Packington of Worcefterfhire Efquire, at Haruing- ton. The Time. The times of their flowring are fufficiently expreffed in the defcripti- ons, or in the rules for planting. The Names. The Turkilh names whereby the great double broad leafed kindes haue beene fent vnto vs, were Giul Catamer, and Giul Catamer lale ; And Bi- nizade, Binizante, and Galipoli lale for the thinne cut leafed Anemones. All Authors haue called them Anemones, and are the true Herbce vend. We 214 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Wee call them in Englifti eyther Anemones, after the Greeke name, or Windflowers, after the Latine. The Virtues. There is little vfe of thefe in Phyficke in our dayes, eyther for inward or outward difeafes ; onely the leaues are vfed in the Ointment called Marcia- tum, which is compofed of many other hot herbes, and is vfed in cold griefes, to warme and comfort the parts. The roote, by reafon of the fharpenefle, is apt to drawe downe rheume, if it be tailed or chewed in the mouth. CHAP. XXVI. Aconitum. Wolfebane. THere be diuers forts of Wolfebanes which are not fit for this booke, but are referued for a generall Hiftory or Garden of Simples, yet among them there are fome, that notwithftanding their euill quality, may for the beauty of their flowers take vp a roome in this Garden, of whom I meane to entreate in this place : And firft of the Winter Wolfesbane, which for the beauty, as well as the earlineffe of his flowers, being the firft of all other, that fhew themfelues after Chriftmas, defer- ueth a prime place ; and therefore for the likenefTe of the rootes vnto the Anemones, I ioyne it next vnto them. i. Aconitum Hyemale. The Winters Wolfesbane. This little plant thrufteth vp diuers leaues out of the ground, in the deepe of Win- ter oftentimes, if there be any milde weather in January, but moft commonly after the deepe frofts, bearing vp many times the fnow vpon the heads of the leaues, which like vnto the Anemone, doe euery leafe rife from the roote vpon feuerall fhort foote- ftalkes, not aboue foure fingers high, fome hauing flowers in the middle of them, (which come vp firft moft vfually) and fome none, which leaues ftand as it were round, the ftalke riling vp vnder the middle of the leafe, deeply cut in and gamed to the middle rtalke almoft, of a very faire deepe greene colour, in the middle whereof, clofe vnto the leafe, ftandeth a fmall yellow flower, made of fix leaues, very like a Crowfoote, with yellow threads in the middle : after the flower is fallen, there rife vp diuers fmall homes or cods fet together, wherein are contained whitifh yellow round feede. The roote is tuberous, fo like both for fhape and colour vnto the rootes of A- nemones, that they will eafily deceiue one not well experienced, but that it is browner and fmooth without, and yellow within, if it be broken. 2. Ac onitum flore albido, Jiue Aconitum luteum Ponticum, The whitim yellow Wolfesbane. This Wolfesbane (hooteth not out of the ground vntill the Spring be well begun, and then it fendeth forth great broad greene leaues, deeply cut in about the edges, not much vnlike the leaues of the great wilde Crowfoote, but much greater ; from a- mong which leaues rifeth vp a ftrong ftiffe ftalke, three foote high, hauing here and there leaues fet vpon it, like vnto the loweft, but fmaller ; the toppe of the ftalke is di- uided into three or foure branches, whereon are fet diuers pale yellow flowers, which turne at the laft to be almoft white, in fafhion like almoft vnto the flowers of the Hel- met flower, but much fmaller, and not gaping fo wide open : after the flowers are part come vp diuers ftiort poddes, wherein is contained blacke feede: the roote is made of a number of darke browne rtrings, which fpread and faften themfelues ftrongly in the ground. 3. Napellus The Garden of plea Jan t Flowers. 215 3. Napellm i-t-ru.f fare caruleo. Blew Helmet flower or Monkes hood. The \ lelinet flower hath diucrs leaues of a frcfh grccne colour on the vpperlide, and grayifli vnderneath, much fpread abroad and cut into many flits and notches, more then any ot" the Wolfebanes ; the Italke rifeth vp two or three foot high, befet to the top with the like leaues, but f mailer: the toppe is fometimes diuided into two or three branches, but more vfually without, whereon ftand many large flowers one a- boue another, in forme very like vnto a Hood or open Helmet, being compofed of Hue leaues the vppermoft of which and the greateft, is hollow, like vnto an Helmet or Headpeece, two other t'mall leaues are at the fides of the Helmet, clofing it like dieekes, and come fomewhat vnder, and two other which are the fmalleft hang down like labels, or as if a clofe Helmet were opened, and fome peeces hung by, of a perfect or t'aire blew colour, (but grow darker, hauing flood long) which caufeth it be fo nou- riilied vp in Gardens, that their flowers, as was vfuall in former times, and yet is in many Countrey places, may be laid among greene herbes in windowes and roomes tor the Summer time : but although their beauty may be entertained for the vfes afore- laitl, yet beware they come not neare your tongue or lippes, left they tell you to your colt, they are not fo good as they feeme to be : in the middeft of the flower, when it is open and gapeth wide, are feene certaine fmall threads like beards, ftanding about a middle head, which when the flower is part, groweth into three or foure, or more fmall bluckilh pods, containing in them blacke feede: the rootes are brownifh on the out- iide, and white within, fomewhat bigge and round aboue, and fmall downewards, fomewhat like vnto a fmall Ihort Carrot roote, fometimes two being ioyned at the head together. But the name Napellus anciently giuen vnto it, doth Ihew they referred the forme of the roote vnto a fmall Turnep. Anthora. The wholfome Helmet flower, or counterpoifon Monkes hood. This wholfome plant I thought good to infert, not onely for the forme of the flow- er, hut alfo for the excellent properties thereof, as you (hall haue them related here- after. The rootes hereof are fmall and tuberous, round and fomewhat long, ending for the moft part in a long fibre, and with fome other fmall threads from the head downeward : from the head whereof rifeth vp diuers greene leaues, euery one feue- rally vpon a ftalke, very much diuided, as finely almoft as the leaues of Larkes heeles or fpurres : among which rifeth vp a hard round ftalke, a foote high and better, with fome fuch leaues thereon as grow belowe, at the toppe whereof ftand many fmall yellowilh flowers, formed very like vnto the former whitifh Wolfesbane, bearing many blacke feedes in pods afterwards in the like manner. Many more forts of varieties of thefe kindes there are, but thefe onely, as the moft fpecious, are nourfed vp in Florifts Gardens for pleafure; the other are kept by fuch as are Catholicke obferuers of all natures ftore. The Place. All thefe grow naturally on Mountaines, in many fhadowie places of the Alpes, in Germany, and elfewhere. The Time. The tirit flowreth (as is faid) in lanuary, and February, and fometimes vntill March be well Ipent, and the feede is foone ripe after. The other three flower not vntill lune and luly. The Names. The firft is vfually called Aconitum hyemale Btlgarum. Lobelius calleth it Bulbofui - 2i6 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers, Bulbofus vnifolius Batrachoides, Aconitum Elleboraceum, and Ranunculus Mo- nophyllos, and fome by other names. Moft Herbarifts call it Aconitum hye- male, and we in Englifh thereafter, Winters Wolfesbane ; and of fome, Yel- low Aconite. The fecond is called by moft Writers, Aconitum luteum Ponticum : Some alfo Lupicida, Luparia, and Canicida, of the effect in killing Wolues and Dogs: And fome, becaufe the flower is more white then yellow, doe call it Aconitum jlore albido, we call it in Englifh, The whitifh yellow Aconite, or Wolfesbane, but fome after the Latine name, The yellow Wolfesbane. The third is called generally Napellus, and Verus, becaufe it is the true Napellus of the ancient Writers, which they fo termed from the forme of a Turnep, called Napus in Latine. The fourth is called Aconitum Salutiferum, Napellus Moyjis, Antora and Anthora, quafi Antithora, that is, the remedy againft the poifonfull herbe TAora, in Englifh according to the title, eyther wholfome Helmet flower, or counterpoifon Monkes hood. The Vertues. Although the firft three forts of plants be very poifonfull and deadly, yet there may bee very good vfe made of them for fore eyes (being carefully applyed, yet not to all forts of fore eyes neither without difcretion) if the diftilled water be dropped therein. The rootes of the counterpoifon Monkes hood are effeftuall not onely againft the poifon of the poifonfull Helmet flower, and all others of that kinde, but alfo againft the poifon of all venemous beafts, the plague or pe- ftilence, and other infectious difeafes, which raife fpots, pockes, or markes in the outward skinne, by expelling the poifon from within, and defending the heart as a moft foueraigne Cordiall. It it vfed alfo with good fuccefle againft the wormes of the belly, and againft the paines of the Wind collick. CHAP. XXVII. Ranunculus. The Crowfoote. NExt vnto the Aconites, of right are to follow the Ranunculi, or Crowfeete, for the nearenefle both of forme, of leaues, and nature of the plants, although leffe hurtfull, yet all of them for the moft part being ftiarpe and exulcerating, and not without fome danger, if any would be too bold with them. The whole Family of the Ranunculi is of a very large extent, and I am conftrained within the limits of a Gar- den of Pleafure ; I muft therefore felecl out onely f uch as are fit for this purpofe, and fet them here downe for your knowledge, leauing the reft for that other generall worke, which time may perfect and bring to light, if the couetous mindes of fome that fhould be moft affedted towards it, doe not hinder it : or if the helpe of generous fpirits would forward it. i . Ranunculus montanus albus humilior. The lowe white mountaine Crowfoot. This lowe Crowfoote hath three or foure broad and thicke leaues, almoft round, yet a little cut in and notched about the edges, of a fine greene and fhining colour on the vpperfide, and not fo green vnderneath, among which rifeth a fmall fhort ftalke, bearing one fnow white flower on the toppe, made of fiue round pointed leaues, with diuers yellow threads in the middle, ftanding about a greene head, which in time groweth to be full of feede, in forme like vnto a fmall greene Strawberry : the roote is compofed of many white ftrings. Dupl'ui fan. There is another of this lowe kinde, whofe leaues are fomewhat more [deeply cut in on the edges, and the flower larger, and fometimes a little double, as it were with two rowes of leaues, in other things not differing from the former. 2. Ranunculus The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 2. Ranunculus motif tinus albus rnaior vf/ elatior. The great linglc white niountaiuc Crowtbote. The leaues of this Crowfoote are large and greenc, cut into three, and fometimcs into fine fpeciall diuilions, and each of them bcfidcs cut or notched about the edges, fomewhat refembling the leaues of the Globe Crowfootc, but larger: the (hike is two foote and a halfe high, hauing three fmall leaues fct at the ioynt of the ftalke, where it brancheth out into flowers, which (land foure or fiuc together vpon long toote-llalkes, made of flue white leaues a peece, very fweete, and fomewhat larger then the next white Crowfoote, with fomc yellow threads in the middle compafling a greenc head, which bringeth fecde like vnto other wilde Crowfeete: the rootc hath many long thicke whitilh llrings, comming from a thicke head. 3. Ranunculus tnontanus albui minor. The lefler (ingle white Crowfoote. This Crowefoote hath faire large fpread leaues, cut into fiue diuifions, and fome- what notched about the edges, greene on the vpperfide, and paler vnderneath, hauing many veines running through the leaues : the (lalke of this rifeth not fo high as the former, although this be reafonable tall, as being neare two foote high, fpread into many branches, bearing fuch like white flowers, as in the former, but fmaller : the feede of this is like the former, and fo are the rootes likewifc. 4. Ranunculus albus flore pleno. The double white Crowfoot. The double white Crowfoote is of the fame kinde with the laft fingle white Crow- foote, hauing fuch like leaues in all ref peels: the onely difference is in the flowers, which in this are very thicke and double. Some doe make mention of two forts of double white Crowfeete, one fomewhat lower then another, and the lower like- wife bearing more (lore of flowers, and more double then the higher: but I con- fefle, I haue neuer feene but one fort of double, which is the fame here exprefled, not growing very high, and reafonably well (lored with flowers. 5. Ranunculus preecox Rutafolio fiue Coriandrifolio. The early Coriander leafed Crowfoote. This Crowfoote hath three or foure very greene leaues, cut and diuided into many 1'mall peeces, like vnto the wing of leaues of Rue, or rather like the lower leaues of the Coriander (for they well referable either of them) euery of them (landing vpon a long purplifh ftalke, at the toppe whereof groweth the flower alone, being compofed or made of twelue fmall white leaues, broad pointed, and a little endented at the ends, fomewhat purplifh on the outfide, and white on the infide, fuflained by dtuers fmall greene leaues, which are in flead of a cup or huske : in the middle of the flower are many fmall white threads, tipt with yellow pendents, (landing about a fmall greene head, which after groweth to bee full of feedes like a Strawberry, which knobs giue fmall blackilh feede : the roote is white and fibrous. 6. Ranunculus Thaliflrifolio maior. The great colombine leafed Crowfoot. The lower leaues of this Crowfoote haue long llalkes, and are very like vnto the fmaller leaues of Colombines, or the great Spanifh Thaliclrum^ which hath his leaues very like vnto a Colombine, foure or fiue rifing from the roote : the (lalke rifeth a- bout a foote and a halfe high, fomewhat reddifh, befet here and there with the like leaues, at the toppe whereof (land diuers fmall white flowers, made of fiue leaues a peece, with fome pale white threads in the middle : the feede is round and reddifh, contained in fmall huskes or homes: the roote is made of a bufh or tutt of white firings. E 2 7. Ranunculus 2 1 8 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. j. Ranunculus ThaliStri folio minor Afphodeli radice. The fmall white Colombine leafed Crowfoote. This fmall Crowfoote hath three or foure winged leaues fpread vpon the ground, ftanding vpon long ftalkes, and confiding of many fmall leaues fet together, fpreading from the middle ribbe, euery leafe fomewhat refembling both in fhape and colour the fmalleft and youngeft leaues of Colombines : the flowers are white, ftanding at the toppe of the ftalkes, made of fiue round leaues : the root hath three or foure thick, fhort, and round yellowifh clogs hanging at the head, liko vnto the Afphodill roote. The great Herball of Lyons, that goeth vnder the name of Dalefchampius, faith, that D r . Myconus found it in Spaine, and fent it vnder the name of Oenanthe ; and therefore loannes Molineus who is thought to haue compofed that booke, fet it among the vm- belliferous plants, becaufe the Oenanthes beare vmbels of flowers and feede, and haue tuberous or cloggy rootes; but with what iudgement, let others fay, when they haue compared the vmbels of flowers and feede of the Oenanthes, with the flowers and feede of this plant, and whether I haue not more properly placed it among the Ranun- culi or Crowfeete, and giuen it a denomination agreeable to his forme. 8. Ranunculus Globofus. The Globe Crowfoot. This Crowfoote (which in the Northerne countries of England where it groweth plentifully, is called Locker goulous) hath many faire, broad, darke greene leaues next the ground, cut into fiue, fixe, or feuen diuifions, and iagged befides at the edges ; among which rifeth vp a ftalke, whereon are fet fuch like leaues as are belowe, but fmaller, diuided toward the toppe into fome branches, on the which ftand feuerall large yellow flowers, alwayes folded inward, or as a clofe flower neuer blowing o- pen, as other flowers doe, confifting of eleuen leaues for the moft part, fet or placed in three rowes, with many yellow threads in the middle, ftanding about a greene rough head, which in time groweth to be fmall knops, wherein are contained blacke feede : the roote is compofed of many blackifh firings. 9. Ranunculus pratenfa fare multiplici. The double yellow field Crowfoot. There is little or no difference in the leaues of this double Crowfoot, from thofe of the fingle kindes that growe in euery medowe, being large and diuided into foure or fiue parts, and indented about the edges, but they are fomewhat fmaller, and of a frefher greene : the flowers ftand on many branches, much diuided or feparated, being not very great, but very thicke and double : the roote runneth and cree- peth vnder ground like as the fingle doth. 10. Ranunculus Anglic us maximus multiplex. The Garden double yellow Crowfoot or Batchelours buttons. This great double Crowfoote, which is common in euery Garden through Eng- land, hath many great blackifh greene leaues, iagged and cut into three diuifions, each to the middle ribbe : the ftalkes haue fome fmaller leaues on them, and thofe next vn- der the branches long and narrow : the flowers are of a greenifh yellow colour, very thicke and double of leaues, in the middle whereof rifeth vp a fmall ftalke, bearing an- other double flower, like to the other, but fmaller : the roote is round, like vnto a fmall white Turnep, with diuers other fibres annexed vnto it. 1 1 . Ranunculus Gramineus. GrafTe leafed Crowfoot. The leaues of this Crowfoote are long and narrow, fomewhat like vnto Grafle, or rather like the leaues of fingle Gilloflowers or Pinckes, being fmall and fharpe poin- ted, a little hollow, and of a whitifh greene colour : among thefe leaues rife vp diuers flender ftalkes, bearing one fmall flower at the toppe of each, confifting of fiue yellow leaues, The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 2IC t Aconitum Winter Wolfesbane. 2 Aconittm flort alkitio Jim luleiim Pontuum. The whitifh yellow Wolfesbane. j Nafellus -strut. Blew Helmets or Monkes hood. 4 Author*. The counterpoifon Monkes hood. 5 Ranunculut humilis aHnti fmpltx. The fingle white low Crowfoot. 6 Kattuxculnt kumilii nlkui duflui flort. The double lowe white Crowfoot. 7 Ranuiuuliii CoriaMlrifolio. The early Coriander leafed Cro-.vfoot. 8 Ranunculus moxtanus elalior albus. The great Tingle white mountain Crowfoot. 9 Ranunculus montaiius albut flort fltno. The double white mountain Crowfoot. 10 Ranunculus Tkaliflrifolio minor. The lelTer Colombine leafed Crowfoot. 1 1 RaHtiiKulus globofui. The globe Crowfoot. 220 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. leaues, with fome threads in the middle : the roote is compofed of many thicke, long, round white firings. There is another of this kinde that beareth flowers with two rowes of leaues, as if it were double, differing in nothing elfe. 12. Ranunculus Lujitanicus Autumnalis. The Portugall Autumne Crowfoot. This Autumne Crowfoote hath diuers broad round leaues lying on the ground, fet vpon fhort foote-ftalkes, of a faire greene colour aboue, and grayifh vnderneath, fnipt all about the edges, hauing many veines in them, and fometimes fwelling as with bli- fters or bladders on them ; from among which rife vp two or three (lender and hairy ftalkes, bearing but one fmall yellow flower a peece, confifting of flue and fometimes of fix leaues, and fometimes of feuen or eight, hauing a few threads in the middle, fet about a fmall greene head, like vnto many of the former Crowfeete, which bringeth fmall blacke feede : the roote is made of many thicke fhort white firings, which f eeme to be grumous or kernelly rootes, but that they are fomewhat fmaller, and longer then any other of that kinde. 13. Ranunculus Creticus latifolius. The broad leafed Candy Crowfoot. This Crowfoote of Candy, hath the greateft and broadeft leaues of all the forts of Crowfeete, being almoft round, and without any great diuifions, but onely a few notches about the edges here and there, as large or larger fometimes then the palme of a mans hand ; among which rifeth vp the flalke, not very high when it doth firfl flower, but afterwards, as the other flowers doe open themfelues, the ftalke groweth to be a foote and a halfe high, or thereabouts, hauing fome leaues on it, deeply cut in or diuided, and bearing many faire yellow flowers, confifting of fiue leaues a peece, being fomewhat whitifh in the middle, when the flower hath flood blowne a little time : the roote is compofed of a number of fmall kernelly knobs, or long graines, fet thicke together. This flowreth very early, being vfually in flower before the end of March, and oftentimes about the middle thereof. 14. Ranunculus Creticus albus. The white Candy Crowfoote. The leaues of this Crowfoote are very like vnto the leaues of the red Crowfoote of Tripoli or Afia, hereafter fet downe, being fomewhat broad and indented about the edges, fome of the leaues being alfo cut in or gafhed, thereby making it as it were three diuifions, of a pale greene colour, with many white fpots in them : the ftalke ri- feth vp a foote high, with fome leaues on it, more diuided then the lower, and diuided at the toppe into two and fometimes into three branches, each of them bearing a faire fnow white flower, fomewhat large, included at the firft in a brownifh huske or cup of leaues, which afterwards ftand vnder the flowers, confifting of fiue white large round pointed leaues, in the middle whereof is fet many blackifh purple thrums, comparing a fmall long greene head, compofed of many fcales or chaffie whitifh huskes, when they are ripe, which are the feede, but vnprofitable in all that euer I could obferue : the rootes are many fmall graines or kernels, fet together as in the former, and much about the fame colour, that is, of a darke or duskie grayifh colour, but much fmaller. lbapurpums There is another of this kinde, whofe flowers haue purple edges, and fometimes fome veines of the fame purple in the leaues of the flowers, not differing in any other thing from the former. Alba arts m- And another, whofe edges of the flowers are of a bright red colour. 15. Ranunculus Creticus Jiore argenteo. The Argentine, or cloth of filuer Crowfoot. The greene leaues of this Crowfoote are as fmall and thinne, cut in or diuided on the edges, as the laft two forts ; the ftalke rifeth vp fomewhat higher, and diuided into fome branches, bearing at the toppe of euery of them one flower, fomewhat fmaller then the former, compofed of fix, feuen, and fometimes of eight fmall round pointed leaues, 77/i' Giirdcn of f>/enjtirit Mowers. 221 i Ranunculus gramintus fiori fmplici f~ duftui. The fingle and the double graffe Crowfoot. 2 Ranunculus Lu/ilaiiicus Auhim- nalis. The Portugal! Autumne Crowfoot. 3 Ranunculus Crrluus lati/olint. The broad leafed Candy Crowfoot. 4 Ranunculus Angluus maximus multiplf*. The double Englifh Crowfoot. 5 Ranmuulut praitnft jlort multifilifi. The double yellow field Crowfoot. 6 Ramiiu-ulut Critical albus. The white Candy Crowfoot. 7 Ranunculi!! AJiatitm flort alba rtl faltiilu vario, The white or the ftraw coloured Crowfoot with red tops or edges. 8 Ranunculus Trifolilaam fion rubrojimplici. The fingle red Crowfoot of Tripoli. g Ranunculus Ajiatuiti flort rubro ampin. The large fingle red Crowfoot of Ada. 10 Ranunculus A/iaticm fart rubro fUno. The double red Crowfoot of Afia. 1 1 CaHha fialuftrit itort pUno. Double Marfh Marigold or Batchelouri. buttons. 222 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. leaues, of a whitifh yellow blufh colour on the infide wholly, except fometimes a lit- tle ftript about the edges : but the outfide of euery leafe is finely ftript with crimfon ftripes, very thicke, fomewhat like vnto a Gilloflower : in the middle rifeth vp a fmall blacke head, compaffed about with blackifh blew threads or thrums, which head is as vnfruitfull for feede in our Countrey as the former. This flower hath no fuch greene leaues vnder it, or to enclofe it before it be blowne open as the former : the rootes are in all things like the former. 6. Ranunculus Afiaticus Jiue Tripo lit anus fare rubro. The fmgle red Crowfoote of Afia or Tripoli. The lower leaues of this red Crowfoote are alwayes whole without diuifions, be- ing onely fomewhat deeply indented about the edges, but the other that rife after them are more cut in, fometimes into three, and fometimes into fiue diuifions, and notched alf o about the edges : the ftalke rifeth higher then any of the former, and hath on it two or three fmaller leaues, more cut in and diuided then thofe belowe : at the toppe whereof ftandeth one large flower, made of fiue leaues, euery one being nar- rower at the bottome then at the toppe, and not ftanding clofe and round one to an- other, but with a certaine diftance betweene, of a duskie yellowifh red colour on the outfide, and of a deepe red on the infide, the middle being fet with many thrums of a darke purple colour : the head for feede is long, and fcaly or chaffie, and idle in like manner as the reft : the roote is made of many graines or fmall kernels fet together, and doling at the head, but fpreading it felfe, if it like the ground, vnder the vpper cruft of the earth into many rootes, encreafing from long ftrings, that runne from the middle of the fmall head of graines, as well as at the head it felfe. 1 7. Ranunculus Ajiaticus Jtore amplo rubro. The large lingle red Crowfoot of Afia. There hath come to vs out of Turkic, together with the former, among many other rootes, vnder the fame title, a differing fort of this Crowfoote, whofe leaues weare broader, and much goaler ; the flower alfo larger, and the leaues thereof broader, fometimes eight in a flower, ftanding round and clofe one to another, which maketh the fairer fhew : in all other things it is like the former. 1 8. Ranunculus Ajiaticus fare rubro vario Jimp lid. The red ftript fingle Crowfoote of Afia. This party coloured Crowfoote differeth not eyther in roote or leafe from the for- mer, the chiefeft difference is in the flower, which being red, fomewhat like the for- mer, hath yet fome yellow ftripes or veines through euery leafe, fometimes but little, and fometimes fo much, that it feemeth to bee party coloured red and yellow : this fort is very tender ; for we haue twice had it, and yet perifhed with vs. 19. Ranunculus Ajiaticus fare luteo vario Jimp lid. The yellow ftript lingle Crowfoote of Afia. There is little difference in the roote of this Crowfoote from the laft defcribed, but the leaues are much different, being very much diuided, and the flower is large, of a fine pale greenifh yellow colour, confifting of fix and feuen, and fometimes of eight or nine round leaues ; the toppes whereof haue reddilh fpots, and the edges fometimes alfo, with fuch purplilh thrums in the middle that the other haue. None of these for- mer Crowfeete with kernelly rootes, haue euer beene found to haue giuen fo good feed in England, as that being fowne, any of them would fpring vp ; for hereof tryall hath been often made, but all they haue lost their labour, that haue bestowed their paines therein, as farre as I know. 20. Ranunculus The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 223 20. Ranunculus Afiiticus t ftore rubro pleno. The double red Crowtbotc of Alia. The double red Crowfootc hath his rootcs and leaues fo like vnto the tingle red kinde, that none can perceiue any difference, or know the one from the other, vntill the budde of the flower doe appeare, which after it is any thing forward, may be per- c ciued to be greater and fuller then the budde of the fingle kinde. This kinde beareth molt vfually but one faire large double flower on the toppe of the ftalke, compofed of many leaues, I'et clofe together in three or foure rowes, of an excellent crimfon colour, declining to Scarlet, the outter leaues being larger then the inner ; and in ftead of thrummes, hath many fmall leaues fet together : it hath likewife fix fmall narrow greene leaues on the backlide of the flower, where the llalke is fattened to the flower. There is of this double kinde another fort, whofe flower is of the fame colour with PnRfen the former, but out of the middle of the flower arifeth another double flower, but fmaller. The Place. Thefe plants grow naturally in diuers Countries ; fome in France, and Germany, and fome in England, fome in Spaine, Portugal!, and Italy, and fome haue been fent out of Turkic from Conftantinople, and fome from o- ther parts, their titles for the moft part def crying their Countries. The Time. Some of them flower early, as is fet downe in their defcriptions, or ti- tles. The others in Aprill and May. The white Candy Crowfoote, and the other fingle and double forts of Afia, about the fame time, or lomewhat later, and one in Autumne, as it is fet downe. The Names. The names that are giuen feuerally to them may well ferue this worke, that thereby they may bee diftinguimed one from another : For to fet downe any further controuerfie of names, how fitly or vnfitly they haue beene called, and how variably by diuers former Writers, is fitter for a ge- nerall Hiltory, vnto which I leaue what may be faid, both concerning thefe and the reft : Onely this I would giue you to vnderftand, that the Turkic kindes haue been fent to vs vnder the names of Terobolos for the fingle, and Terobolos Catamer lale for the double, and yet oftentimes, thofe that haue been fent for double, haue proued fingle, fo little fidelity is to bee found among them. The Vertues. All or moft of thefe plants are very fharpe and exulcerating, yet the care and induftry of diuers learned men haue found many good effects in many of them. For the rootes and leaues both of the wilde kindes, and of fome of thefe of the Garden, ftamped and applyed to the wrifts, haue driuen a- way the fits in Feuers. The roote likewife of the double Englifti kinde is applyed for peltilent fores, to helpe to breake them, by drawing the ve- nome to the place. They helpe likewife to take away fcarres and markes in diuers places of the body. 224 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. XXVIII. Caltha palujlris fore pleno. Double Marfh Marigold. AS an appendix to the Crowfeete, I muft needes adde this plant, yet feuerally by it felfe, becaufe both it and his fingle kinde are by moft adioyned there- unto, for the neare refemblance both in fhape and fharpnefTe of quality. The fingle kinde I leaue to the Ditch fides, and moift grounds about them, as the fitteft pla- ces for it, and onely bring the double kinde into my Garden, as fitteft for his goodly proportion and beauty to be entertained, and haue place therein. The double Marfh Marigold hath many broad and round greene leaues, a little en- dented about the edges, like vnto the fingle kinde, but not altogether fo large, efpeci- ally in a Garden where it ftandeth not very moift : the ftalkes are weake, round, hol- low, and greene, diuided into three or foure branches at the toppe, with leaues at the feuerall ioynts, whereon ftand very double flowers, of a gold yellow colour : the fiue outer leaues being larger then any of the reft that are encompaffed by them, which fall away after they haue ftood blowne a great while (for it endureth in flower a mo- neth or more, efpecially if it ftand in a fhadowie place) without bearing any feed : the rootes are compofed of many thicke, long, and round whitifh ftrings, which runne downe deep into the ground, and there are faftened very ftrongly. The Place. This plant groweth naturally in diuers Marfhes, and moift grounds in Germany, yet in fome more double then in others ; it hath long agoe beene cherifhed in our Gardens. The Time. It flowreth in Aprill or May, as the yeare proueth earlier or later : all his leaues doe in a manner quite perifh in Winter, and fpring anew in the end of February, or thereabouts. The Names. There is great controuerfie among the learned about the fingle kinde, but thereof I mail not neede to fpeake in this place ; if God permit I may in a fitter. This is called generally in Latine, Caltha palujlris multi- plex, or fare pleno. And wee in Englifh (after the Latine, which take Caltha to be that which wee vfually call Calendula, a Marigold) The dou- ble Marfh Marigold. The Vertues. The roote hereof is fharpe, comming neare vnto the quality of the Crowfeete, but for any fpeciall property, I haue not heard or found any. CHAP, The Garden o/ * pi enfant Flowers. CHAP. XXIX. llfpatica nobilis fine trifolia. Noble Liucrwort. NExt vnto the Crowfeete are to follow the Hepaticas, becaufc of the likenefle with them, feeming to be fmall Crowfeete in all their parts, but of another and more wholfome kinde. Their diuerfity among themfelues confifteth chiefly in the colour of the flowers, all of them being fmgle, except one which is very t hi eke and double. i . Hepatica fare ceeruleo Jimplici maior. The great (ingle blew Hepatica or noble Liuerwort. The flowers of this Hepatica doe fpring vp, blow open, and fometimes fhed and fall away, before any leaues appeare or fpread open. The rootes are compofed of a bulh of blackilh firings, from the feuerall heads or buttons whereof, after the flow- ers are rifen and blowne, arife many frefh greene leaues, each feuerally Handing vpon his foot-llalke, folded together, and fomewhat browne and hairy at their firft com- ming, which after arc broad, and diuidcd at the edges into three parts: the flowers likewife Hand euery one vpon his owne feuerall foote-flalke, of the fame height with the leaues for the moll part, which is about foure or fiue fingers breadth high, made of fix leaues moll vfually, but fometimes it will haue feuen or eight, of a faire blew co- lour, with many white chiues or threads in the middle, Handing about a middle green head or vrnbone, which after the flower is fallen groweth greater, and fheweth many fmall graines or feede fet clofe together (with three fmall greene leaues compafling them vnderneath, as they did the flower at the bottome) very like the head of feed of manic Crowfeete. 2. Hepatica minor fare pallido cccruleo. The fmall blew Hepatica. The leaues of this Hepatica are fmaller by the halfe then the former, and grow more aboundantly, or burning thicke together : the flowers (when it fheweth them, for I haue had the plant halfe a fcore yeares, and yet neuer faw it beare flower aboue once or twice) are of a pale or bleake blew colour, not fo large as the flowers of the former. 3. Hepatica fare purpureo. Purple Hepatica or noble Liuerwort. This Hepatica is in all things like vnto the firft, but onely the flowers are of a deeper blew tending to a Violet purple: and therefore I mall not neede to reiterate the former defcription. 4. Hepatica fiore albo minor. The lelTer white Hepatica. The flowers of this Hepatica are wholly white, of the bignefle of the red or purple, and the leaues fomewhat fmaller, and of a little whiter or paler greene colour, elfe in all other things agreeing with the former. 5. Hepatica alba magno fare. The great white Hepatica. There is no other difference herein from the lall, but that the flower being as white, is as large as the next. 6. Hepatica albida fiue argentea. Alb-coloured or Argentine Hepatica. Both the leaues and the flowers of this Hepatica are larger then any of the former, except the laft: the flowers hereof at the firft opening feeme to bee of a blufh afti-co- lour, which doe fo abide three or foure dayes, decaying ftill vntill it turne almoft F 2 white, 226 The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. white, hauing yet ftill a fhew of that blufh afh-colour in them, till the very laft. 7. Hepatica alba jlraminibus rubris. White Hepatica with red threads. There is no difference between this Hepatica and the firft white one, fauing that the threads in the middle of the flower, being white, as in the former, are tipt at the ends with a pale reddifh colour, which adde a great beauty to the flowers. 8. Hepatica Jiore rubro. Red Hepatica or noble Liuerwort. The leaues of this Hepatica are of a little browner red colour, both at their firft comming vp, and afterwards, efpecially in the middle of the leafe more then any of the former : the flowers are in forme like vnto the reft, but of a bright blufh, or pale red colour, very pleafant to behold, with white threads or chiues in the middle of them. 9. Hepatica jlore purpureo multiplici Jiue pleno. The double purple Hepatica. The double Hepatica is in all things like vnto the fmgle purple kinde, fauing onely that the leaues are larger, and ftand vpon longer foote-ftalkes, and that the flowers are fmall buttons, but very thicke of leaues, and as double as a flower can be, like vnto the double white Crowfoote before defcribed, but not fo bigge, of a deepe blew or pur- ple colour, without any threads or head in the middle, which fall away without gi- uing any feede. 10. Hepatica jlore ceeruleo pleno. The double blew Hepatica. In the colour of this flower, confifteth the chiefeft difference from the laft, except one may fay it is a little lefle in the bignefle of the flower, but not in doublenefle of leaues. The Place. All thefe plants with fingle flowers grow naturally in the Woods, and fhadowie Mountaines of Germany in many places, and fome of them in Italy alfo. The double kinde likewife hath been fent from Alphonfus Pan- tius out of Italy, as Clufius reporteth, and was alfo found in the Woods, neare the Caftle of Starnbeg in Auftria, the Lady Heufenftains pofleflion, as the fame Clufius reporteth alfo. The Time. Thefe plants doe flower very early, and are of the firft flowers that fhew themfelues prefently after the deepe frofts in lanuary, fo that next vnto the Winter Wolfesbane, thefe making their pride appeare in Winter, are the more welcome early guefts. The double kinde flowreth not altogether fo early, but ftieweth his flower, and abideth when the others are paft. The Names. They haue obtained diuers names; fome calling them Hepatica, Hepatica nobilis, Hepaticum trifolium, Trifolium nobile, 'Trifolium aureum, and fome Tri- nitas, and Herba Trinitatis. In Englifh you may call them either Hepatica, after the Latine name, as moft doe, or Noble Liuerwort, which you pleafe. The Vertues. Thefe are thought to coole and ftrengthen the liuer, the name importing as much ; but I neuer faw any great vfe of them by any the Phyfitians of our London Colledge, or effect by them that haue vfed them in Phyficke in our Country. CHAP. The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 22 I HtpatUaflore albv amplo fimfliei. The large white Hepatica. 2 Hepatita flort nbra fmflici. The red Hepatica. 3 He- patica flore purpvreo plena. The double purple Hepatica. 4 Geranium tuberojum. Knobbed Cranes bill. 5 (,,raitinni llatra- ckoidei flore a/to nil carulto. The blew or white Crowfoote Cranes bill. 6 Geranium Htmatodei. The red Rofe Cranes bill. 7 (Cranium Romanum ftriatum. The variable ftript Cranes bill. 8 Geranium Creticum. Candy Cranes bill. 228 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. XXX. Geranium. Storkes bill or Cranes bill. AS was faid before concerning the Crowfeet, of their large extent and reftraint, the like may be faid of the Storkes bils or Cranes bils ; for euen of thefe as of them, I muft tor this worke fet forth the defcriptions but of a few, and leaue the reft to a generall worke. i. Geranium tuberofum vel bulbofum. Bulbous or knobbed Cranes bill. The knobbed Cranes hath three or foure large leaues fpread vpon the ground, of a grayifh or rather dufty greene colour, euery one of them being as it were of a round forme, but diuided or cut into fix or feuen long parts or diuifions, euen vnto the mid- dle, which maketh it feeme to be fo many leaues, each of the cuts or diuifions being deeply notched or indented on both fides; among which rifeth vp a ftalke a foote high or better, bearing thereon diuers pale but bright purple flowers, made of fiue leaues a peece, after which come fmall heads with long pointed beakes, refembling the long bill of a Storke or Crane, or fuch like bird, which after it is ripe, parteth at the bottome where it is biggeft, into foure or fiue feedes, euery one whereof hath a peece of the beake head faftened vnto it, and falleth away if it bee not gathered : the roote is tuberous and round, like vnto the roote of the Cyclamen or ordinary Sowbread almoft, but fmaller, and of a darke ruflet colour on the outfide, and white within, which doth encreafe vnder ground, by certaine firings running from the mother root into fmall round bulbes, like vnto the rootes of the earth Chefnut, and will prefently fhoote leaues, and quickly grow to beare flowers, but will not abide to be kept long dry out of the ground, without danger to be vtterly fpoiled. Geranium Batrachoides Jfore cceruleo. The blew Crowfoote Cranes bill. This Crowfoote Cranes bill hath many large leaues, cut into fiue or fix parts or di- uifions, euen to the bottome, and iagged befides on the edges, fet vpon very long flender foote-ftalkes, very like the leaues of the wilde Crowfoot ; from among which rife vp diuers ftalkes with great ioynts, fomewhat reddifh, fet with leaues like the for- mer : the toppes of the ftalkes are fpread into many branches, whereon ftand diuers flowers, made of fiue leaues a peece, as large as any of the wilde or field Crowfeete, round pointed, of a faire blew or watchet colour, which being paft, there doe arife fuch heads or bils, as other of the Cranes bils haue : the roote is compofed of many reddifh firings, fpreading in the ground, from a head made of diuers red heads, which lye oftentimes eminent aboue the ground. Geranium Batrachoides JJore albo. The white Crowfoote Cranes bill. This Cranes bill is in leafe and flower altogether like the former, the onely diffe- rence betweene them confifteth in the colour of the flower, which in this is wholly white, and as large as the former : but the roote of this hath not fuch red heads as the other hath. Geranium Batracfwides Jfore albo & caruleo varzo. The party coloured Crowfoote Cranes bill. The flowers of this Cranes bill are variably ftriped and fpotted, and fometimes di- uided, the one halfe of euery leafe being white, and the other halfe blew, fometimes with lefler or greater fpots of blew in the white leafe, very variably, and more in fome years then in others, that it is very hard to exprefTe all the varieties that may be obfer- ued in the flowers, that blow at one time. In all other parts of the plant, it is fo like vnto the former, that vntill it be in flower, the one cannot be knowne from the other. Geranium The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 5. Geranium Rurf>ttrco. Purple Crowfoote Cranes bill. This purple Cranes bill hath many leaues rifing from the roote, fct vpon long foot- ftalkes, foiiK'what like vnto tlu other, yet not fo broad, but more diuidcd or cut, that is, into 1'euen or more Hits, euen to the middle, each whereof is likewife cut in on the edges more deeply then the former ; the (talkes are fomewhat knobbed at the ioynts, fet with leaues like vnto the lower, and bearing a great tuft of buds at the toppes of the branches, which breake out into faire large flowers, made of fiue purple leaues, which doe fomewhat referable the flower of a Mallow, before it be too full blowne, each whereof hath a reddilh pointell in the middle, and many fmall threads comparting it, this vmbell or tuft of buds doe flower by degrees, and not all at once, and euery flower abideth open little more then one day, and then (heddeth, fo that eucry day yeeldeth frdh flowers, which becaufe they are fo many, are a long while before they are all pall or I pent : after the flowers arc part, there arife fmall beake heads or bils, like vnto the other Cranes bils, with fmall turning feede : the rootc is compofed of a great tuft of llrings, fattened to a knobby head. 6. Gerunittm Romanum ixrfeolor Jiue Jtriatum. The variable rtript Cranes bill. This beautifull Cranes bill hath many broad yellowilh greene leaues arifing from the roote, diuided into fiue or fix parts, but not vnto the middle as the firrt kindes are : each of thefe leaues hath a blackilh fpot at the bottome corners of the diuilions, the whole leafe as well in forme as colour and fpots, is very like vnto the leafe of the Ge- rtinium fu fc um, or fpotted Cranes bill, next following to be defcribed, but that the leaues of this are not I'o large as the other : from among thefe leaues fpring vp fundry Italkes a foote high and better, ioynted and knobbed here and there, bearing at the tops two or three fmall white flowers, confuting of fiue leaues a peece, fo thickly & va- riably Itriped with fine fmall reddifh veines, that no green leafe that is of that bignefle can fhew fo many veines in it, nor fo thick running as euery leafe of this flower doth : in the middle of the flower rtandeth a fmall pointell, which when the flower is part doth grow to be the feed vertell, whereon is fet diuers fmall feeds, like vnto the fmall feedes of other Cranes bils : the root is made of many fmall yellow threads or firings. 7. Geranium fujcum Jiue maculatum. Swart tawny or fpotted Cranes bill. The leaues of this Cranes bill are in all points like the laft defcribed, as well in the torme and diuilions as colour of the leaues, being of a yellowHh greene colour, but larger and ftronger by much : the Italkes of this rife much higher, and are ioynted or knobbed with reddifh knees or ioynts, on the tops whereof ftand not many although large flowers, confuting of fiue leaues a peece, each whereof is round at the end, and a little fnipt round about, and doe bend or turne themfelues backe to the (talkewards, making the middle to be highelt or molt eminent ; the colour of the flower is of a darke or deepe blackifh purple, the bottome of euery leafe being whiter than the rert ; it hath allo a middle pointell Itanding out, which afterwards bring forth feede like vnto o- thers of his kinde : the roote conlilteth of diuers great (trings, ioyned to a knobby head. 8. Geranium Hcmatodes. The red Rofe Cranes bill. This Cranes bill hath diuers leaues fpread vpon the ground, very much cut in or diuided into many parts, and each of them againe flit or cut into two or three peeces, ftanding vpon (lender long foote-rtalkes, of a faire greene colour all the Spring and Summer, but reddilh in Autumne : among thefe leaues fpring vp (lender and weake (talkes, befet at euery ioynt (which is fomewhat reddirti) with two leaues for the mo(t part, like vnto the lower : the flowers grow feuerally on the toppe of the (talkes, and not many together in bunches or branches, as in all other of the Cranes bils, euery flower being as large as a (ingle Rofe Campion flower, conlilting of fiue large leaues, of 230 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. of a deeper red colour then in any other Cranes bill at the firft opening, and will change more blewifh afterwards : when the flower is part, there doth arife fuch like beakes as are in others of the fame kinde, but fmall : the roote is hard, long, and thicke, with diuers branches fpreading from it, of a reddifh yellow colour on the outfide, and whitifh within, which abideth and perifheth not, but fhooteth forth fome new greene leaues, which abide all the Winter, although thofe that turne red doe fall away. Geranium Creticum. Candy Cranes bill. Candy Cranes bill beareth long and tender ftalkes, whereon growe diuers broad and long leaues, cut in or iagged on the edges : the toppes of the ftalkes are branched into many flowers, made of flue leaues of a reaf enable bigneffe, and of a faire blew or watchet colour, with a purplifh pointell in the middle, which being part, there fol- low beake heads like other Cranes bils, but greater, containing larger, greater, and fharper pointed feede, able to pierce the skinne, if one be not warie of it : the roote is white and long, with fome fibres at it, and perifheth when it hath perfected his feede, and will fpring of it owne fowing many times, if the Winter be not too (harpe, other- wife (being annuall) it muft be fowne in the Spring of the yeare. The Place. Moft of thefe Cranes bils are ftrangers vnto vs by nature, but endenizond in our Englifh Gardens. It hath beene reported vnto mee by fome of good credit, that the fecond or Crowfoot Cranes bill hath been found naturally growing in England, but yet I neuer faw it, although I haue feen many forts of wilde kindes in many places. Matthiolus faith that the firft groweth in Dalmatia and Illyria very plentifully. Camerarius, Clufius, and others, that moft of the reft grow in Germany, Bohemia, Auftria, &c. The laft hath his place recorded in his title. The Time. All thefe Cranes bils doe for the moft part flower in Aprill, and May, and vntill the middle of lune. The variable or ftript Cranes bill is vfually the lateft of all the reft. The Names. The firft is vfually called Geranium tuberofum, of fome Geranium bulbofum, of the likeneffe ot the roote vnto a bulbe : It is without controuerfie Gera- nium primum of Diofcorides. The fecond is called Geranium Gratia Dei, of others, Geranium ceeruleum. The blew Cranes bill Lobel calleth it Eatra- choides, becaufe both leafe and flower are like vnto a Crowfoote ; and the af- finity with the Cranes bils in the feede caufeth it rather to be referred to them then to the Crowfeete. The ftript Cranes bill is called by fome Ge- ranium Romanum. The laft fauing one is called Geranium Hamatodes, or Sanguineum, of Lobel Geranium Gruinale Hamatodes fupinum radice repente. In Englifh it may be called after the Greek and Latine, The bloudy Cranes bill, but I rather call it, The Rofe Cranes bill, becaufe the flowers are as large as lingle Rofes, or as the Rofe Campion. Some of them are called in many places of England Baffinets. The Vertues. All the kindes of Cranes bils are accounted great wound herbes, and ef- feftuall to ftay bleedings, yet fome more then others. The Emperickes of Germanic, as Camerarius faith, extoll it wonderfully, for a lingular reme- die againtl the Stone, both in the reines and bladder. CHAP. The Garden of plctifnnt Flowers. 231 CHAP. XXXI. Suniculu gtttttita maior. Spotted Sanicle. HAuing long debated with my felfe, where to place this & the other plants that follow in the two next Chapters, I haue thought it not amifle for this worke to fet them downe here, both before the Scares cares, which are kindcs of Sanicle, as the belt Authors doe hold, and after the Cranes bils, both for fome quali- ties fomewhat refembling them, and for fome affinity of the flowers with the former. The ("potted Sanicle hath many fmall round leaues, bluntly endented about the edges, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of our white Saxifrage, of a full greene colour aboue, and vvhitilh hairy, and fomewhat reddifh withall vnderneath : the Italkes arc fet here and there with the like leaues, riling a foote and a halfe high or more, very much diuided at the toppe into fundry fmall branches, bearing many very fmall white flowers, confuting of fiue fmall leaues, wherein are many fmall red fpots to be fecne, as fmall as pins points, of a pretty fweete fent, almoft like Hawthorne flowers, in the middle whereof are many fmall threads comparting a head, which when it is ripe con- taineth fmall blacke feede : the roote is fcaly, or couered with a chaffie matter, hauing many fmall white fibres vnderneath, whereby it is fattened in the ground. There is another of this kinde, like both in roote, leafe, and flower to the former, Minor n. Curld Cowflips or Gaskine. 10 Paralyjis minor anguftifolia flort rvbro. Red Birds even. II Paralyjii harttnfii flort pUna i-ulgarit. Double Paigle*. 12 Paralyjis fatua. The foolilh Cowflip or lacke an Apes on horfe backe. 13 Paralyfit flori viridi rofto calamiflrato. The double greene feathered Cowflip. 24.4 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. the one cannot be knowne from the other vntill it come to flower, and then it beareth vpon euery ftalke a double green flower, of a little deeper green colour then the flower of the former fingle kinde confiding but of two rowes of fhort leaues moft vfually, and both of an equall height aboue the huske, abiding a pretty time in flower, efpeci- ally if it ftand in any fhadowed place, or where the Sun may come but a while vnto it. 5. Primula veris Hesketi JJore multiptiri feparatim diuifo. Mafter Heskets double Primrofe. Matter Heskets double Primrofe is very like vnto the fmall double Primrofe, both in leafe, roote, and height of growing, the ftalke not rifing much higher then it, but bearing flowers in a farre different manner ; for this beareth not only fingle flowers vpon feuerall ftalkes, but fometimes two or three fingle flowers vpon one ftalk, and alfo at the fame time a bigger ftalke, and fomewhat higher, hauing one greene huske at the toppe thereof, fometimes broken on the one fide, and fometimes whole, in the middle whereof ftandeth fometimes diuers fingle flowers, thruft together, euery flower to be feene in his proper forme, and fometimes there appeare with fome whole flowers o- thers that are but parts of flowers, as if the flowers were broken in peeces, and thruft into one huske, the leaues of the flowers (being of a white or pale Primrofe colour, but a little deeper) feldome rifing aboue the height of the very huske it felfe ; and fometimes, as I haue obferued in this plant, it will haue vpon the fame ftalke, that bea- reth fuch flowers as I haue here defcribed vnto you, a fmall flower or two, making the ftalke feeme branched into many flowers, whereby you may perceiue, that it will vary into many formes, not abiding conftant in any yeare, as all the other forts doe. 6. Primula hortenjis JJore plena vulgaris. The ordinary double Primrofe. The leaues of this Primrofe are very large, and like vnto the fingle kind, but fome- what larger, becaufe it growth in gardens : the flowers doe ftand euery one feuerally vpon flender long footeftalkes, as the fingle kinde doth, in greenim huskes of a pale yellow colour, like vnto the field Primrofe, but very thicke and double, and of the fame fweete fent with them. 7. Primula veris Jiore duplici. The fmall double Primrofe. This Primrofe is both in leafe, roote, and flower, altogether like vnto the laft double Primrofe, but that it is fmaller in all things ; for the flower rifeth not aboue two or three fingers high, and but twice double, that is, with two rowes of leaues, yet of the very fame Primrofe colour that the former is of. 8. Paralyfa vulgaris pratenfis jlore flauo fimplici odorato. The Common field Cowflip. The common fielde Cowflip I might well forbeare to fet downe, being fo plentifull in the fields : but becaufe many take delight in it, and plant it in their gardens, I will giue you the defcription of it here. It hath diuers green leaues, very like vnto the wilde Primrofe, but fhorter, rounder, ftiffer, rougher, more crumpled about the edges, and of a fadder greene colour, euery one ftanding vpon his ftalke, which is an inch or two long : among the leaues rife vp diuers round ftalkes, a foote or more high, bearing at the toppe many faire yellow fingle flowers, with fpots of a deeper yellow, at the bot- tome of each leafe, fmelling very fweete. The rootes are like to the other Primrofes, hauing many fibres annexed to the great roote. 9. Paralyfa alter a odorata flare pallido poly anthos. The Primrofe Cowflip. The leaues of this Cowflip are larger then the ordinary fielde Cowflip, and of a darke yellowifh greene colour : the flowers are many ftanding together, vpon the toppes ot the ftalkes, to the number of thirty fometimes vpon one ftalke, as I haue counted them in mine owne Garden, and fometimes more, euery one hauing a longer foote The Garden of pleafnnt Flowers. foote ftalke then the former, and of as pale a yellowifh colour almoft as the fielde Primrofc, with yellow fpots at the bottome of the leaues, as the ordinary hath, and of as 1'weet a lent. 10. Paralyfis fare viridantc Jimplici. The (Ingle greene Cowflip. There is little difference in leafe or roote of this from the firft Cowflip, the chiefeft varietie in this kinde i> tin's, that the leaues are fomewhat greener, and the flowers be- ing in all refpecls like in forme vnto the firft kinde, but fomewhat larger, arc of the fame colour with the greene huskes, or rather a little yellower, and of a very finall fent ; in all other things I finde no diuerfitie, but that it ftandeth much longer in flower before it fadeth, efpecially if it (land out of the Sunne. i i . Paralyjis fare & calice crifpo. Curl'd Cowflips or Gallegaskins. There is another kinde, whole flowers are folded or crumpled at the edges, and the huskes of the flowers bigger than any of the former, more fwelling out in the middle, as it were ribbes, and crumpled on the fides of the huskes, which doe fomewhat refemble mens hofe that they did weare, and tooke the name of Gallegaskins from thence. i 2. Paralyjis .ftore geminato odorato. Double Cowflips one within another, or Hofe in Hofe. The only difference of this kinde from the ordinary field Cowflip is, that it beareth one (ingle flower out of another, which is as a greene huske, of the like fent that the firll hath, or fomewhat weaker. 13. Paralyjis fare flauo fimplici inodoro abfque calicibus. Single Oxe lippes. This kinde of Cowflip hath leaues much like the ordinary kinde, but fomewhat fmaller : the flowers are yellow like the Cowflip, but fmaller, (landing many vpon a rtalke, but bare or naked, that is, without any huske to containe them, hauing but little or no fent 'at all ; not differing in any thing elfe from the ordinary Cowflip. 14. Paralyjis ftore geminato inodora. Double Oxelips Hofe in Hofe. As the former double Cowflip had his flowers one within another, in the very like manner hath this kinde of Cowflip or Oxelippe, fauing that this hath no huske to containe them, no more then the former (ingle Oxelippe hath, (landing bare or naked, of the very fame bignefle each of them, and of the fame deepe yellow colour with it, hauing as fmall a fent as the former likewife. Wee haue another of this kinde, whofe leaues are fomewhat larger, and fo are the flowers alfo, but of a paler yellow colour. i 5. Paralyjis inodora calicibin Jijfttfis. Oxelips with iagged huskes. This kinde differeth not from the firlt Oxelip in the fmalnefle of the greene leaues, but in the flower, which landing many together on a reafonable high llalke, and being very fmall and yellow, fcarce opening themlelues or layde abroade as it, hath a greene huske vnder each flower, but diuided into lixe fcuerall fmall long peeces. 1 6. Paralyjii fare fatuo. The Franticke, or Foolifh Cowflip : Or lacke an apes on horfe backe. Wee haue in our gardens another kinde, not much differing in leaues from the for- mer Cowflip, and is called Fantafticke or Foolifh, becaufe it beareth at the toppe of the rtalke a bulh or tuft of fmall long greene leaues, with fome yellow leaues, as it were peeces of flowers broken, and (landing among the greene leaues. And fometimes fome 246 'The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. fome ftalkes among thofe greene leaues at the toppe (which are a little larger then when it hath but broken peeces of flowers) doe carry whole flowers in huskes like the fingle kinde. 17. Paralyjis minor fare rubro. Red Birds eyes. This little Cowflippe (which will hardly endure in our gardens, for all the care and induftrie we can vfe to keepe it) hath all the Winter long, and vntill the Spring begin to come on, his leaues fo clofed together, that it feemeth a fmall white head of leaues, which afterwards opening it felfe, fpreadeth round vpon the ground, and hath fmall long and narrow leaues, fnipt about the edges, of a pale greene colour on the vpper- fide, & very white or mealy vnderneath, among thefe leaues rife vp one or two ftalks, fmall & hoary, halfe a foot high, bearing at the top a bufh or tuft of much fmaller flow- ers, ftanding vpon fhort foot ftalkes, fomewhat like vnto Cowflips, but more like vnto the Beares eares, of a fine reddifh purple colour, in fome deeper, in others paler, with a yellowifh circle in the bottomes of the flowers, like vnto many of the Beares eares, of a faint or fmall fent : the feede is fmaller than in any of the former kindes, and fo are the rootes likewife, being fmall, white and threddy. 1 8. Paralyjis minor jtore albo. White Birds eyes. This kinde differeth very little or nothing from the former, fauing that it feemeth a little larger both in leafe and flower, and that the flowers hereof are wholly white, without any great appearance of any circle in the bottome of them, vnleffe it be well obferued, or at leaft being nothing fo confpicuous, as in the former. Flare geminate. Thefe two kindes haue fometimes, but very feldome, from among the middle of the flowers on the ftalke, fent out another fmall ftalke, bearing flowers thereon likewife. 19. Paralyjis hortenjis flore plena. Double Paigles or Cowflips. The double Paigle or Cowflip hath fmaller and darker greene leaues then the fin- gle kinde hath, and longer ftalkes alfo whereon the leaues doe ftand : it beareth diuers flowers vpon a ftalke, but not fo many as the fingle kinde, euery one whereof is of a deeper and fairer yellow colour then any of the former, ftanding not much aboue the brimmes of the huskes that hold them, confifting of two or three rowes of leaues fet round together, which maketh it fhew very thicke and double, of a prettie fmall fent, but not heady. 20. Paralyjis Jlore viridante plena. Double greene Cowflips. This double greene Cowflip is fo like vnto the fingle greene kinde formerly ex- prefled, that vntill they be neare flo wring, they can hardly be diftinguifhed : but when it is in flower, it hath large double flowers, of the fame yellowifh greene colour with the fingle, and more laid open then the former double Paigle. 21. Paralyjis Jlore inridante Jiue calamijlrato. The greene Rofe Cowflip, or double greene feathered Cowllip. There is fmall difference in the leaues of this double kinde from the laft, but that they are not of fo darke a greene : the chiefeft difference confifteth in the flowers, which are many, ftanding together at the toppes of the ftalkes, but farre differing from all other of thefe kindes : for euery flower ftanding vpon his owne ftalke, is compofed of many very fmall and narrow leaues, without any huske to containe them, but fpreading open like a little Rofe, of a pale yellowifh greene colour, and without any fent at all, abiding in flower, efpecially if it ftand in a fhadowie place out of the funne, aboue two moneths, almoft in as perfecl beauty, as in the firft weeke. The Place. All thefe kindes as they haue been found wilde, growing in diuers places in 'The Gar <{en of f) leaf ant Flowers. 247 in England, fo they haue been tranfplanted into Gardens, to be there nouri- Ihed tor the delight of their loucrs, where they all abide, and grow fairer then in their natural! places, except the fmall Birds eyes, which will (as I faid) hardly abide any culture, but groweth plentifully in all the North Countries in their fqually or wet grounds. The Time. Thefe doe all flower in the Spring of the yeare, fome earlier and fome later, and fome in the midft of Winter, as they are defended from the colds and frolts, and the mildnefle of the time will permit : yet the Cowflips doe alwayes flower later then the Primrofes, and both the fingle and double greene Cowflips latelt, as I faid in their defcriptions, and abide much after ill the reft. The Names. All thefe plants are called molt vfually in Latine, Primula verts, Primula pratcnfcs, and Primula Jiluarum, becaufe they fhew by their flowring the new Spring to bee comming on, they being as it were the firfl Embafladours thereof. They haue alfo diuers other names, as Herba Paralyjis, Arthritica, Hcrba Sanfli Pefri, C/aues Sanfti Petri, Verbafculum odoratum, Lunaria arthri- tica, Phlomis, Alifma Jiluarum, and Alifmatis alterum genus, as Fabius Co- lumna calleth them. The Birds eyes are called of Lobel in Latine, Paraly- tica Alpina, Sanicula angujlifolia, making a greater and a lefler. Others call them Sanicula angujtifolia, but generally they are called Primula veris minor. I haue (as you fee) placed them with the Cowflips, putting a difference be- tweene Primrofes and Cowflips. And fome haue diftinguifhed them, by calling the Cowflips, Primula veris E/atior, that is, the Taller Primrofe, and the other Humilis, Lowe or Dwarfe Primrofes. In Englifh they haue in like manner diuers names, according to feuerall Countries, as Primrofes, Cow- flips, Oxelips, Palfieworts, and Petty Mulleins. The firft kindes, which are lower then the reft, are generally called by the name of Primrofes (as I thinke) throughout England. The others are diuerfly named ; for in fome Countries they call them Paigles, or Palfieworts, or Petty Mulleins, which are called Cowflips in others. Thofe are vfually called Oxelips, whofe flowers are naked, or bare without huskes to containe them, being not fo fweete as the Cowflip, yet haue they fome little fent, although the Latine name doth make them to haue none. The Franticke, Fantafticke, or Foolifh Cowflip, in fome places is called by Country people, lacke an Apes on horle-backe, which is an vfuall name with them, giuen to many other plants, as Daifies, Marigolds, &c. if they be llrange or fantalticall, diffe- ring in the forme from the ordinary kinde of the fingle ones. The fmallelt are vfually called through all the North Country, Birds eyen, becaufe of the fmall yellow circle in the bottomes of the flowers, refembling the eye of a bird. The Vertues. Primrofes and Cowflips are in a manner wholly vied in Cephalicall dif- eafes, either among other herbes or flowers, or of themfelues alone, to eafe paines in the head, and is accounted next vnto Betony, the beft tor that pur- pofe. Experience likewife hath fhewed, that they are profitable both for the Palfie, and paines of the ioynts, euen as the Beares eares are, which hath caufed the names of Arthitica, Paralyjis, and Paralytica, to bee giuen them. The iuice of the flowers is commended to cleanfe the fpots or marks of the face, whereof fome Gentlewomen haue found good experience. CHAP. 248 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. XXXVI. Pulmonaria, Lungwort, or Cowflips of lerufalem. ALthough thefe plants are generally more vfed as Pot-herbes for the Kitchen, then as flowers for delight, yet becaufe they are both called Cowflips, and are of like forme, but of much lefle beauty, I haue ioyned them next vnto them, in a diftincl: Chapter by themfelues, and fo may pafle at this time. i. Pulmonaria maculofa. Common fpotted Cowflips of lerufalem. The Cowflip of lerufalem hath many rough, large, and round leaues, but pointed at the ends, (landing vpon long foot-ftalkes, fpotted with many round white fpots on the vpperfides of the fad greene or browne leaues, and of a grayer greene vnderneath : among the leaues fpring vp diuers browne ftalkes, a foote high, bearing many flowers at the toppe, very neare refembling the flowers of Cowflips, being of a purple or red- dim colour while they are buds, and of a darke blewifh colour when they are blowne, (landing in brownifh greene huskes, and fometimes it hath beene found with white flowers : when the flowers are part, there come vp fmall round heads, containing blacke feed : the roote is compofed of many long and thicke blacke firings. 2. Pulmonaria altera non maculofa. Vnfpotted Cowflips of lerufalem. The leaues of this other kinde are not much vnlike the former, being rough as they are, but f mailer, of a fairer greene colour aboue, and of a whiter greene vnderneath, without any fpots at all vpon the leaues : the flowers alfo are like the former, and of the fame colour, but a little more branched vpon the ftalkes then the former : the rootes alfo are blacke like vnto them. 3. Pulmonaria angujlifolia. Narrow leafed Cowflips of lerufalem. The leaues hereof are fomewhat longer, but not fo broad, and fpotted with whitifh fpots alfo as the former : the ftalke hereof is fet with the like long hairy leaues, but fmaller, being a foote high or better, bearing at the toppe many flowers, (landing in huskes like the firft, being fomewhat reddifh in the bud, and of a darke purplim blew colour when they are blowne open : the feede is like the former, all of them doe well refemble Buglofle and Comfrey in mod parts, except the roote, which is not like them, but llringie, like vnto Cowflips, yet blacke. The Place. The Cowflips of lerufalem grow naturally in the Woods of Germany, in diuers places, and the firft kinde in England alfo, found out by lohn Goodier, a great fearcher and louer of plants, dwelling at Maple-durham in Hampfhire. The Time. They flower for the moft part very early, that is, in the beginning of Aprill. The Names. They are generally called in Latine, Pulmonaria, and maculofa, or non ma- culofa, is added for di(lin6tions fake. Of fome it is called Symphitum macu- lofum, that is, fpotted Comfrey. In Engli(h it is diuerfly called ; as fpotted Cowflips of lerufalem, Sage of lerufalem, Sage of Bethlehem, Lungwort, and The Garden of plctifant Flowers. 249 and fpotted Comfrey, and it might bee as fitly called ("potted Buglofle, \\ hereunto it K as like as vnto Comfrey, as I f;iid before. The Vcrtues. It is much commended of Come, to bee fingular good for vlcered lungs, that arc full of rotten matter. As alfo for them that fpit bloud, being boy- led and drunkc. It is of greateft vfe for the pot, being generally held to be good, both for the lungs and the heart. CHAP. XXXVII. i . BugloJ/um & Borrago. Buglofle and Borage. ALthough Borage and Buglofle might as fitly haue been placed, I confefle, in the Kitchen Garden, in regard they are wholly in a manner fpent for Phyfi- call properties, or for the Pot, yet becaufe anciently they haue been entertai- ned into Gardens of pleafure, their flowers hauing been in fome refpeft ; in that they haue alwaies been enterpofed among the flowers of womens needle-worke, I am more willing to giue them place here, then thruft them into obfcurity, and take fuch of their tribe with them alfo as may fit for this place, either for beauty or rarity. The Garden Buglofle and Borage are fo well knowne vnto all, that I (hall (I doubt) but fpend time in wafte to defcribe them ; yet not vfing to pafle ouer any thing I name and appropriate to this Garden fo fleightly, they are thus to bee knowne : Buglofle hath many long, narrow, hairy, or rough fad greene leaues, among which rife vp two or three very high ftalks, branched at the top, whereon ftand many blew flowers, confi- fting of fiue fmall round pointed leaues, with a fmall pointell in the middle, which are very fmooth, Oiining, and of a reddifh purple while they are buds, and not blowne o- pen, which being fallen, there groweth in the greene huske, wherein the flower ftood, three or foure roftndim blacke feedes, hauing that thread or pointell ftanding ftill in the middle of them : the roote is blacke without, and whitifli within, long, thicke, and full of flimie iuice (as the leaues are alfo) and perimeth not euery yeare, as the roote of Borage doth. 2. Borrago. Borage. Borage hath broader, fhorter, greener, and rougher leaues then Buglofle, the ftalkes hereof are not so high, but branched into many parts, whereon ftand larger flowers, and more pointed at the end then Buglofle, and of a paler blew colour for the moft part (yet fometimes the flowers are reddiOi, and fometimes pure white) each of the flowers confiding of fiue leaues, Handing in a round hairy whitifh huske, diuided into fiue parts, and haue a fmall vmbone of fiue blackifh threads in the middle, ftanding out pointed at the end, and broad at the bottome : the feed is like the other : the root is thicker and ihorter then the roote of BuglolTe, fomewhat blackilh without alfo, and whitilh within, and perifheth after feede time, but rifeth of it owne feede fallen, and fpringeth in the beginning of the yeare. 3. Borrago femper virens. Euerliuing Borage. Euerliuing Borage hath many broad greene leaues, and fomewhat rough, more re- fembling Comfrey then Borage, yet not fo large as either ; the ftalkes are not fo high as Borage, and haue many fmall blew flowers on them, very like to the flowers of Buglofle for the forme, and Borage for the colour : the rootes are blacke, thicker then either ot them, fomewhat more fpreading, and not perifhing, hauing greene leaues all the Winter long, and thereupon tooke his name. I 2 4. Anchufa. 250 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 4. Anchufa. Sea Buglofle or Alkanet. The Sea Buglofle or Alkanet hath many long, rough, narrow, and darke greene leaues, fpread vpon the ground (yet fome that growe by the Sea fide are rather hoarie and whitifh) among thefe leaues rifeth vp a ftalke, fpread at the toppe into many bran- ches, whereon (land the flowers in tufts, like vnto the Garden Buglofle, or rather Comfrey, but lefler ; in fome plants of a reddifh blew colour, and in others more red or purplifh, and in others of a yellowifh colour : after which come the feedes, very like vnto Buglofle, but fomewhat longer and paler : the roote of moft of them be- ing tranfplanted, are fomewhat blackifh on the outfide, vntill the later end of Sum- mer, and then become more red : for those that grow wilde, will be then fo red, that they will giue a very deepe red colour to thofe that hahdle them, which being dryed keepe that red colour, which is vfed to many purpofes ; the roote within being white, and hauing no red colour at all. 5. Limonium Rauwolfij. Marfh Buglofle. This Limonium (which I referre here to the kindes of Buglofle, as prefuming it is the fitteft place where to infert it) hath many long narrow, and fomewhat rough leaues lying vpon the ground, waued or cut in on both fides, like an Indenture, fomewhat like the leaues of Ceterach or Miltwaft, among which rife vp two or three (lalkes, fome- what rough alfo, and with thin skinnes like wings, indented on both fides thereof alfo, like the leaues, hauing three fmall, long, rough, and three fquare leaues at euery ioynt, where it brancheth forth ; at the toppe whereof (land many flowers vpon their foote (lalkes, in fuch a manner, as is not feene in any other plant, that I know : for although that fome of the fmall winged foot ftalkes are fhorter, and fome longer, (landing as it were flatwife, or all on one fide, and not round like an vmbell, yet are they euen at the toppe, and not one higher than another ; each of which fmall foote ftalkes doe beare foure or fiue greenifti heads or huskes, ioyned together, out of each of which doe a- rife other pale or bleake blew ftifFe huskes, as if they "were flowers, made as it were of parchment, which hold their colour after they are dry a long time ; and out of thefe huskes likewife, doe come (at feuerall times one after another, and not all at one time or together) white flowers, confiding of fiue fmall round leaues, with fome white threds in the middle : after thefe flowers are pad, there come in their places fmall long feede, inclofed in many huskes, many of thofe heads being idle, not yeelding any goode feede, but chafFe, efpecially in our Countrey, for the want of fufficient heate of the Sunne, as I take it : the roote is fmall, long, and blackifh on the outfide, and perifh- eth at the firft approach of Winter. The Place. Borage and Buglofle grow onely in Gardens with vs, and fo doth the Semper virens, his originall being vnknowne vnto vs. Alkanet or Sea Bug- lofle groweth neare the Sea, in many places of France, and Spaine, and fome of the kindes alfo in England. But the Limonium or Marfhe Buglofle groweth in Cales, and Malacca in Spaine, and is found alfo in Syria, as Rauwolfius relateth : and in other places alfo no doubt ; for it hath beene fent vs out of Italic, many yeares before eyther Guillaume Boel found it in Cales, or Clufius in Malacca. The Time. Borage and Buglofle doe flower in lune, and luly, and fometimes fooner, and fo doth the euer-liuing or neuer-dying Borage, but not as Gerrard faith, flowring Winter and Summer, whereupon it mould take his name, but lea- ueth flowring in Autumne, and abideth greene with his leaues all the Win- ter, The Garden of pica/ant Flowers. 251 I Pulmonaria latifolia macula/a. Cowflips of lerufaleni. 2 PulmoHaria angu/li folia. Narrow leafed Cowflips of Icrufalem. 3 Borrago. Borage. 4 Borrago fcmptr virtnt. Euerliuing Borage. 5 Aiukufa. Sea Bugloffc or Alkanet. 6 Limunium Raintolfj. Maifh Bugloffe. 252 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. ter, flowring the next Spring following. The other flower not vntill July, and fo continue, efpecially the Marfhe Buglofle vntill September bee well fpent, and then giueth feede, if early frofts ouertake it not ; for it feldome commeth to be ripe. The Names. Our ordinary Borage by the confent of all the beft moderne Writers, is the true Buglojfum of Diofcorides, and that our Buglofle was vnknowne to the ancients. The Borago femper virens, Lobel calleth Bugloffum femper vi- rens, that is, Euer-liuing, or Greene Buglofle : but it more refembleth Bo- rage then Buglofle ; yet becaufe Buglofle abideth greene, to auoyde that there mould not be two BugloJ/a femper virentta, I had rather call it Borage then Buglofle. Anchufa hath diuers names, as Diofcorides fetteth downe. And fome doe call it Fucus herba, from the Greeke word, becaufe the roote giuing fo deepe a colour, was vfed to dye or paint the skinne. Others call it Bugloffum Hifpanicum, in Englifh Alkanet, and of fome Orchanet, after the French. Limonium was found by Leonhartus Rauwolfius, neere vnto lop- pa, which he fetteth downe in the fecond Chapter of the third booke of his trauayles, and from him firft knowne to thefe parts : I haue, as you fee, referred it to the kindes of Buglofle, for that the flowers haue fome refem- blance vnto them, although I know that Limonium genuinum is referred to the Beetes. Let it therefore here finde a place of refidence, vntill you or I can finde a fitter ; and call it as you thinke beft, eyther Limonium as Rau- wolfius doth, or Marfhe Buglofle as I doe, or if you can adde a more pro- per name, I mail not be offended. The Vertues. Borage and Buglofle are held to bee both temperate herbes, beeing vfed both in the pot and in drinkes that are cordiall, efpecially the flowers, which of Gentlewomen are candid for comfitts. The Alkanet is drying, and held to be good for wounds, and if a peece of the roote be put into a little oyle of Peter or Petroleum, it giueth as deepe a colour to the oyle, as the Hype- ricon doth or can to his oyle, and accounted to be fingular good for a cut or greene wound. The Limonium hath no vfe that wee know, more then for a Garden ; yet as Rauwolfius faith, the Syrians vfe the leaues as fallats at the Table. CHAP. XXXVIII. Lychnis. Campions. THere bee diuers forts of Campions, as well tame as wilde, and although fome of them that I fhall here entreate of, may peraduenture be found wilde in our owne Countrey, yet in regard of their beautifull flowers, they are to bee re- fpected, and nourfed vp with the reft, to furnifh a garden of pleafure ; as for the wilde kindes, I will leaue them for another difcourfe. i. Lychnis Coronaria rubra Jimplex. The fingle red Rofe Campion. The fingle red Rofe Campion hath diuers thicke, hoary, or woolly long greene leaues, abiding greene all the winter, and in the end of the fpring or beginning of fum- mer, fhooteth forth two or three hard round woolly ftalkes, with fome ioynts thereon, and at euery ioynt two fuch like hoary greene leaues as thofe below, but fmaller, diuerfly branched at the toppe, hauing one flower vpon each feuerall long foot ftalke, confifting T/ie Garden of pleajant Flowers. 253 coiililting of fine leaues, fomewhat broiule and round pointed, ot a perfect red criin- fon colour, Itanding out of a hard long round huske, ridged or crelled in tburc or fiue places ; after the riowers arc fallen there come vp round hard heads, wherein is contai- ned finall hlackilh feed : the roote is fmall, long and wooddy, with many fibres an- nexed vnto it, and (hooteth forth anew oftentimes, yet perilheth often alfo. 2. Lychnis Coronaria alba (implex . The white Role Campion. The white Role Campion is in all things like the red, but in the colour of the flower, which in this is of a pure white colour. 3. Lychnis Coronaria albefcens Jiue incarnata maculata & non maculata. The blufh Rofe Campion fpotted and not fpotted. Like vnto the former alfo are thefe other forts, hauing no other difference to diftin- guilh them, but tlie flowers, which are of a pale or bleake whitilh blulh colour, efpeci- ally about the brims, as if a very little red were mixed with a great deale of white, the middle of the flower being more white ; the one being fpotted all ouer the flower, with fmall fpots and ftreakes, the other not hauing any fpot at all. 4. Lychnis Coronaria rubra multiplex. The double red Rofe Campion. The double red Rofe Campion is in all refpecls like vnto the (ingle red kinde, but that this beareth double flowers, confifting of two or three rowes of leaues at the molt, which are not fo large as the (ingle, and the whole plant is more tender, that is, more apt to perifh, then any of the (ingle kindes. 5. Lychnis Chalcedonica Jiore Jimplici miniato. Single Nonefuch, or Flower of Briftow, or Conftantinople. This Campion of Conftantinople hath many broad and long greene leaues, among which rife vp fundry (tiffe round hairy ioynted (talks three foot high, with two leaues euery ioynt : the flowers ftand at the toppes of them, very many together, in a large tuft or vmbell, conlilting of fiue fmall long leaues, broade pointed, and notched-in in the middle, of a bright red orenge colour, which being part, there come in their places fmall hard whitilh heads or feede veflels, containing blacke feede, like vnto the feede of fweet Williams, and hauing but a fmall fent ; the roote is very (tringie, farte- ning it felfe very (trongly in the ground, whereby it is much encreafed. Flare olix>. Ot the lingle kinde there is alfo two or three other forts, differing chiefly in the co-Et canto. lour of the flowers. The one is pure white. Another is of a blu(h colour wholly, without variation. And a third is very variable ; for at the firft it is of a pale red, and after a while groweth paler, vntill in the end it become almoft fully white ; and all thefe diuerfities of the flowers are fometimes to bee feene on one ftalke at one and the fame time. 6. Lychnis Chalcedonica Jiore miniato pleno. Double Flower of Briftow, or Nonefuch. This glorious flower being as rare as it is beautiful!, is for rootes beeing Itringie, tor leaues and (talkes being hairy and high, and for the flowers growing in tufts, al- together like the firft lingle kinde : but herein conlilteth the chiefeft difference, that this beareth a larger vmbell or tuft of flowers at the toppe ot the (talke, euery flower conlilting of three or foure rowes of leaues, of a deeper orenge colour then it, which addeth the more grace vnto it, but pafleth away without bearing feede, as molt other double flowers doe, yet recompenceth that defect with encreafe from the roote. 7. Lychnis plumaria Jiluejlris Jimplex & multiplex. The featherd wilde Campion (ingle and double. The leaues of this wilde Campion are fomewhat like the ordinary white wilde Campion 254 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Campion, but not fo large, or rather refembling the leaues of fweete Williams, but that they grow not fo clofe, nor fo many together : the ftalkes haue fmaller leaues at the ioynts then thofe belowe, and branched at the toppe, with many pale, but bright red flowers, iagged or cut in on the edges, like the feathered Pinke, whereof fome haue taken it to be a kinde, and fome for a kinde of wilde William, but yet is but a wilde Campion, as may be obferued, both by his huske that beareth the flowers, and by the greyifh roundifh feede, being not of the Family of Pinkes and Gillowers, but (as I faid) of the Campions : the roote is full of firings or fibres. Flore plena. The double kinde is very like vnto the fingle kinde, but that it is lower and fmaller, and the flowers very double. 8. Lychnis Jiluejlris ftore plena rubro. Red Batchelours buttons. The double wilde Campion (which of our Countrey Gentlewomen is called Bat- chelours buttons) is very like both in rootes, leaues, ftalkes, and flowers vnto the or- dinary wilde red Campion, but fomewhat leffer, his flowers are not iagged, but fmooth, and very thicke and double, fo that moft commonly it breaketh his fhort huske, wherein the flower ftandeth on the one fide, feldome hauing a whole huske, and are of a reddifh colour. 9. Lychnis Jiluejlris JJore albo pleno. White Batchelours buttons. As the leaues of the former double Campion was like vnto the fingle kinde that had red flowers, fo this hath his leaues like vnto the fingle white kinde, differing in no o- ther thing from it, but in the doublenefTe of the flowers, which by reafon of the multi- plicity of leaues in them thrufting forth together, breaketh his huskes wherein the flowers doe ftand, as the other doth, and hath fcarce one flower in many that is whole. i o. Ocymoides arborea femper wrens. Strange Baml Campion. This Strange Campion (for thereunto it muft bee referred) fhooteth forth many round, whitifh, wooddy, but brittle ftalkes, whereon ftand diuers long, and fomewhat thicke leaues, fet by couples, narrow at the bottome, and broader toward the point, of a very faire greene and fhining colour, fo that there is more beauty in the greene leaues, which doe fo alwaies abide, then in the flowers, which are of a pale red or blufh colour, confifting of fiue fmall long broad pointed leaues, notched in the mid- dle, which doe not lye clofe, but loofly as it were hanging ouer the huskes : after the flowers are paft, there come heads that containe blackifh feede : the roote is fmall, hard, white, and threadie. 1 1 . Mufcipula Lobelij Jiue Ben rubrum Monfpelienjiuni. Lobels Catch Flie. I muft needes infert this fmall plant, to finifh this part of the Campions, whereunto it belongeth, being a pretty toye to furnifh and decke out a Garden. It fpringeth vp (if it haue beene once fowne and fuffered to fhed) in the later end of the yeare moft com- monly, or elfe in the Spring with fiue or fix fmall leaues, very like vnto the leaues of Pinkes, and of the fame grayifh colour, but a little broader and fhorter, and when it beginneth to fhoote vp for flower, it beareth fmaller leaues on the clammy or vifcous ftalkes (fit to hold any fmall thing that lighteth on it) being broad at the bottome compaffing them, and ftanding two at a ioynt one againft another : the toppes of the ftalkes are diuerfly branched into feuerall parts, euery branch hauing diuers fmall red flowers, not notched, but fmooth, ftanding out of fmall, long, round, ftript huskes, which after the flowers are paft, containe fmall grayifh feede : the roote is fmall, and perifheth after it hath giuen feede ; but rifeth (as is before faid) of its owne feede, if it be suffered to fhed. The Place. The Rofe Campions, Flowers of Briftow, or Nonefuch, the Baffil Cam- pion, The Garden of plea feint Flowers. 255 i Lychnis Curaitaria fimpltx. 3 Lyihnit ChaUtdotucafimflex. Single None lucfi, or flower of Briftow. Single Rofe Campion. i Lychnit Coronaria rubra multiplex. 'The double red Rofe Campion. L. , x of Briftow. 4 Lychnit Chalctdonua jtort pltHo. Double None fuch, yckiut flumaria multiplex. Pleafant in fight. 6 Lychnis JHutftrit flort plena ntbro. Red Batchelours Buttons. 7 Lychnis JUneflris flore plmo albo. White Batchelours Button*. 8 Mlc.\ vulgare. Common fingle Wall-flowers. The common lingle Wall-flower which groweth wilde abroad, and yet is brought into Gardens, hath fundry fmall, narrow, long, and darke greene leaues, let with- out order vpon fmall round whitifh wooddy ftalkes, which bearc at the tops diuers lingle yellow flowers one aboue another, euery one hauing foure leaues a peece, and of a very fweete fent : after which come long pods, containing rcddifh fecdc : the roote is white, hard and thready. 2. Keiri Jiue Leucoium lute urn /implex maius. The great fingle Wall- flower. There is another fort of fingle Wall-flower, whofe leaues as well as flowers are much larger then the former : the leaues being of a darker and fhining greene colour, and the flowers of a very deepe gold yellow colour, and vfually broader then a twen- tie Ihilling peece of gold can couer : the fpike or toppe of flowers alfo much longer, and abiding longer in flower, and much fweeter likewife in fent : the pods for feede are thicker and fhorter, with a fmall point at the end : this is flower to encreafe into branches, as alfo to be encreafed by the branches, and more tender to be preferued ; for the hard frofts doe caufe it to perifh, if it be not defended from them. 3. Keiri fimplex fiore albo. White Wall-flower. This Wall-flower hath his leaues as greene as the great kinde, but nothing fo large : the flowers ftand at the toppe, but not in fo long a fpike, and confifteth of foure leaues, of a very white colour, not much larger then the common kinde, and of a faint or weaker fent : the pods are nothing fo great as the former great one : this is more eafie to be propagated and encreafed alfo, but yet will require fome care in defending it from the colds of the Winter. 4. Keiri Jiue Leucoium luteum vu/gare flore pleno. Common double Wall-flowers. This ordinary double Wall-flower is in leaues and ftalke very like vnto the firft fin- gle kinde, but that the leaues hereof are not of fo deepe a greene colour : the flowers ftand at the top of the ftalkes one aboue another, as it were a long fpike, which flower by degrees, the loweft firft, and fo vpwards, by which it is a long time in flowring, and is very double, of a gold yellow colour, and very fweete. 5. Keiri Jiue Leucoium luteum alter um fiore pleno. Pale double Wall-flowers. Wee haue another fort of this kinde of double Wall-flower, whofe double flow- ers ftand not fpike-fafhion as the former, but more open fpread. and doe all of them blowe open at one time almoft, and not by degrees as the other doth, and is of a paler yellow colour, not differing in any thing elfe, except that the greene leaues hereof are of a little paler greene then it. 6. Keiri Jiue Leucoium luteum maius fiore pleno ferrug into. Double red Wall-flowers. We haue alfo another fort of double Wall-flower, whofe leaues are as greene, and almoft as large as the great fingle yellow kinde, or full as bigge as the leaues of the white Wall-flower : the flowers hereof are not much larger then the ordinary, but are of a darker yellow colour then the great fingle kinde, and of a more brownifh or red colour on the vnderfide of the leaues, and is as it were ftriped. 7. Keiri ftue Leucoium maximum luteum fiore pleno. The greateft double yellow Wall-flower. This great double Wall-flower is as yet a ftranger in England, and therefore what I K 2 here 258 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. here write is more vpon relation (which yet I beleeue to be moft true) then vpon fight and fpeculation. The leaues of this Wall-flower are as greene and as large, if not lar- ger then the great fingle kinde : the flowers alfo are of the fame deepe gold yellow colour with it, but much larger then any of the former double kindes, and of as fweet a fent as any, which addeth delight vnto beauty. The Place. The firft fingle kind is often found growing vpon old wals of Churches, and other houfes in many places of England, and alfo among rubbifh and ftones. The fingle white and great yellow, as well as all the other double kindes, are nourfed vp in Gardens onely with vs. The Time. All the fingle kindes doe flower many times in the end of Autumne, and if the Winter be milde all the Winter long, but efpecially in the moneths of February, March, and Aprill, and vntill the heate of the Spring doe fpend them : but the other double kindes doe not continue flowring in that manner the yeare throughout, although very early fometimes, and very late alfo in fome places. The Names. They are called by diuers names, as Viola lutea, Leucoium luteum, and Keiri, or Cheiri, by which name it is chiefly knowne in our Apothecaries mops, becaufe there is an oyle made thereof called Cheirinum : In Englifh they are vfually called in thefe parts, Wall-flowers : Others doe call them Bee-flowers ; others Wall-Gilloflowers, Winter-Gilloflowers, and yel- low Stocke-Gilloflowers ; but we haue a kinde of Stocke-Gilloflower that more fitly deferueth that name, as mail be mewed in the Chapter following. The Vertues. The fweetnefle of the flowers caufeth them to be generally vfed in Nofe- gayes, and to decke vp houfes ; but phyfically they are vfed in diuers man- ners : As a Conferue made of the flowers, is vfed for a remedy both for the Appoplexie and Palfie. The diftilled water helpeth well in the like manner. The oyle made of the flowers is heating and refoluing, good to eafe paines of (trained and pained finewes. CHAP. XL. Leucoium. Stocke-Gilloflower. THere are very many forts of Stocke-Gilloflowers, both fingle and double, fome of the fields and mountaines, others of the Sea marfhes and medowes ; and fome nourfed vp in Gardens, and there preferued by feede or flippe, as each kinde is apteft to bee ordered. But becaufe fome of thefe are fitter for a generall Hi- ftory then for this our Garden of Pleafure, both for that diuers haue no good fent, others little or no beauty, and to be entreated of onely for the variety, I mall fpare fo many of them as are not fit for this worke, and onely fet downe the reft. i . Leucoium Jimp lex fativum diuerforum color urn. Garden Stocke-Gilloflowers fingle of diuers colours Thefe fingle Stocke-Gilloflowers, although they differ in the colour of their flow- ers, The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i Keinjiiu Lttuoium luteum vulgar,. Common Wall-flowers. i Kdrijiut Levcoium luleum maiui fimplt x . The greal fingle Wall-flower. 3 Keiri jiue Lrucoium Itileum jiort pltno vulgart. Ordinary double Wall-flowers. 4 Ktiri mains /lore fltno fir- rugituo. The great doable red Wall-flower. 5 Letuoium fatiium JimfUx. Single Stocke-Gilloflowers. 6 Leucoium fali- nmtmbUx Jiortfiriolo. Single ftript Stocke-Gilloflowers. 260 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. ers, yet are in leafe and manner of growing, one fo like vnto another, that vntill they come to flower, the one cannot be well knowne that beareth red flowers, from another that beareth purple ; and therefore one defcription of the plant mall ferue, with a de- claration of the fundry colours of the flowers. It rifeth vp with round whitifh woody ftalkes, two, three, or foure foot high, whereon are fet many long, and not very broad, foft, and whitifh or grayifh greene leaues, fomewhat round pointed, and parted into diuers branches, at the toppes whereof grow many flowers, one aboue another, fmel- ling very fweet, confifting of foure fmall, long, and round pointed leaues, (landing in fmall long huskes, which turne into long and flat pods, fometimes halfe a foote long, wherein is contained flat, round, reddifh feedes, with grayifh ringes or circles about them, lying flat all along the middle rib of the pod on both fides : the roote is long, white, and woody, fpreading diuers wayes. There is great variety in the colours of the flowers : for fome are wholly of a pure white colour, others of a moft excellent crim- fon red colour, others againe of a faire red colour, but not fo bright or liuely as the other, fome alfo of a purplifh or violet colour, without any fpot, marke, or line in them at all. There are againe of all thefe colours, mixed very variably, as white mixed with fmall or great fpottes, ftrakes or lines of pure or bright red, or darke red, and white with purple fpots and lines ; and of eyther of them whofe flowers are almoft halfe white, and halfe red, or halfe white, and halfe purple. The red of both forts, and the purple alfo, in the like manner fpotted, ftriped, and marked with white, differing neyther in forme, nor fubftance, in any other point. 2. Le ucoium fatiuum albido lute urn Jimp lex. The lingle pale yellow Stocke-Gilloflower. There is very little difference in this kind from the former, for the manner of grow- ing, or forme of leaues or flower. Only this hath greener leaues, and pale yellow almoft white flowers, in all other things alike : this is of no great regard, but only for rarity, and diuerfity from the reft. 3. Leucoium Melancholicum. The Melancholick Gentleman. This wilde kinde of ftocke gilloflower hath larger, longer and greener leaues then any of the former kindes, vneuenly gafhed or finuated on both edges lying on the ground, and a little rough or hairy withall : from among which rife vp the ftalkes, a yard high or more, and hairy likewife, bearing thereon here and there fome fuch like leaues as are below, but fmaller, and at the top a great number of flowers, as large or larger then any of the former fingle kindes, made of 4. large leaues a peece alfo, ftanding in fuch like long huskes, but of a darke or fullen yellowifh colour : after which come long roundifh pods, wherein lye fomewhat long but rounder and greater feede then any ftocke gilloflower, and nearer both in pod and feede vnto the Hefperis or Dames Vio- let : this perifheth not vfually after feede bearing, although fometimes it doth. 4. Leucoium marinum Syriacum. Leuant ftocke gilloflowers. This kind of ftocke gilloflower rifeth vp at the firft with diuers long and fomewhat broad leaues, a little vneuenly dented or waued on the edges, which fo continue the firft yeare after the fowing : the ftalke rifeth vp the next yeare to bee two foot high or more, bearing all thofe leaues on it that it firft had, which then do grow lefle finuated or waued then before : at the top whereof ftand many flowers, made of foure leaues a peece, of a delayed purple colour, but of a fmall fent which turne into very long and narrow flat pods, wherein are contained flat feed like the ordinary ftocke gilloflowers, but much larger and of a darke or blackim browne colour : the root is white, and groweth deepe, fpreading in the ground, but growing woody when it is in feede, and perifheth afterwards. 5. Leuco- "The Garden of plcajant Flowers. 261 5. Leucoij alter urn genus, fore turn multiplici funm Jimplici ex feminio oriundtim. Another fort of Stocke gilloflowers bearing as well double as fingle flowers from feede. This kinde of Stocke gilloflower differeth neyther in forme of leaues, ftalkes, nor flowers from the former, but that it oftentimes groweth much larger and taller ; fo that whofoeuer (hall fee both thefe growing together, (hall fcarce difcerne the difference, onely it bearethjflowers, eyther white, red or purple, wholly or entire, that is, of one colour, without mixture of other colour in them (for fo much as euer I haue obferued, or could vnderlland by others) which are eyther fingle, like vnto the former, or very thicke and double, like vnto the next that followeth ; but larger, and growing with more (lore of flowers on the long ftalke. But this you must vnderrtand withall, that thofe plants that beare double flowers, doe beare no feede at all, and is very feldome encreafed by flipping or cutting, as the next kinde of double is : but the onely way to haue double flowers any yeare, (for this kinde dyeth euery winter, for the moft part, after it hath borne flowers, and feldome is preferued) is to faue the feedes of thofe plants of this kinde that beare fingle flowers, for from that feede will rife, fome that will beare iingle, and fome double flowers, which cannot bee diftinguifhed one from another, I meane which will be fingle and which double, vntill you fee them in flower, or budde at the lealt. And this is the only way to preferue this kinde : but of the feed of the former kinde was neuer known any double flowers to arife, and therefore you mult be carefull to marke this kinde from the former. 6. Leucoium fare pleno diuerforum color urn. Double Stocke Gillowflowers of diuers colours. This other kinde of Stock gilloflower that beareth onely double flowers, groweth not fo great, nor fpreadeth his branches fo farre, nor are his leaues fo large, but is in all things fmaller, and lower, and yet is woody, or fhrubby, like the former, bea- ring his flowers in the like manner, many vpon a long ftalke, one aboue another, and very double, but not fo large as the former double, although it grow in fertile foyle, ,which are eyther white, or red, or purple wholly, without any mixture, or elfe mixed with fpots and (tripes, as the fingle flowers of the firft kinde, but more variably, and not in all places alike, neuer bearing feede, but mufl be encreafed, only by the cutting ot the young fproutes or branches, taken in a fit feafon : this kinde perifheth not, as the former double kinde doth, fo as it bee defended in the winter from the extreame trolls, but efpecially from the fnow felling, or at the lealt remaining vpon it. 7. Leucoium fathium lute urn Jiorc pleno. The double yellow Stocke Gilloflower. ne This double yellow Stock gilloflower is a (banger in England, as far as I can learne, yther haue I any further familiaritie with him, then by relation from Germany, where it is affirmed to grow only in fome of their gardens, that are curious louers of thefe delights, bearing long leaues fomewhat hoary or white, (and not greene like vnto the Wallflower, whereunto elfe it might be thought to be referred) like vnto the Stock gilloflowers, as the ftalkes and branches alfo are, and bearing faire double flowers, of a faire, but pale yellow colour. The whole plant is tender, as the double Stock gilloflowers are, and muft be carefully preferued in the winter from the coldes, or rather more then the lalt double, left it perilh. The Place. The fingle kindes, efpecially fome of them, grow in Italic, and fome in Greece, Candy, and the Ides adiacent, as may be gathered out of the verfes in Plutarches Booke De Amore fraterno : Inter 262 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Inter Echinopodas ve/uf afperam, & inter Ononim, Interdum crefcunt mollia Leucoia. Which fheweth, that the foft or gentle ftocke gilloflowers doe fometimes grow among rough or prickely Furfe and Cammocke. The other forts are only to be found in gardens. The Time. They flower in a manner all the yeare throughout in fome places, efpe- cially fome of the fmgle kindes, if they ftand warme, and defended from the windes and cold : the double kindes flower fometimes in Aprill, and more plentifully in May, and lune ; but the double of feed, flowreth vfually late, and keepeth flowring vnto the winter, that the froftes and colde miftes doe pull it downe. The Names. It is called Leucoium, & Viola alba : but the name Leucoium (which is in Englifh the white Violet) is referred to diuers plants ; we call it in Englifh generally, Stocke gilloflower, (or as others doe, Stocke gillouer) to put a difference betweene them, and the Gilloflowers and Carnations, which are quite of another kindred, as mall be fhewne in place conuenient. The Vertues. Thefe haue no great vfe in Phyfick that I know : only fome haue vfed the leaues of the fmgle white flowred kinde with fait, to be laid to the wrefts of them that haue agues, but with what good fucceffe I cannot fay, if it hap- pen well I thinke in one (as many fuch things elfe will) it will fayle in a number. CHAP. XL I. 1 . Hefperis) Jiue Viola Matronalis. Dames Violets, or Queenes Gilloflowers. THe ordinary Dames Violets, or Queene Gilloflowers, hath his leaues broader, greener, and fharper pointed, then the Stock gilloflowers, and a little endented about the edges : the rtalkes grow two foot high, bearing many greene leaues vpon them, fmaller then thofe at the bottome, and branched at the toppe, bearing ma- ny flowers, in fafhion much like the flowers of ftocke gilloflowers, confifting of foure leaues in like manner, but not fo large, of a faint purplifh colour in fome, and in others white, and of a pretty fweet fent, efpecially towards night, but in the day time little or none at all : after the flowers are part, there doe come fmall long and round pods, wherein is contained, in two rowes, fmall and long blacke feede : the roote is wholly compofed of ftringes or fibres, which abide many yeares, and fpringeth frefh ftalks euery yeare, the leaues abiding all the Winter. 2. He f per is Pannonica. Dames Violets of Hungary. The leaues of this Violet are very like the former, but fmoother and thicker, and not at all indented, or cut in on the edges : the flowers are like the former, but of a fullen pale colour, turning themfelues, and feldome lying plaine open, hauing many purple veines, and ftreakes running through the leaues of the flowers, of little or no fent in the day time, but of a very fweete lent in the euening and morning ; the feedes are alike alfo, but a little browner. 3. Lyfimachia T/ie Gfirdcn of pleafant Flowers. 263 MM Mtlandiolicum. Sullen Stocke-Gilloflowers. 2 Leutrnxm fativum flori pltna. Double Stocke-Gilloflowere. 3 l.eucniitm'/ativtim/lort plena vario. Party coloured Stocke-Gilloflowers. 4 LtHCoium marinum Syriacum. Leuant Stocke-Gillo- flowers. 5 Htfptris vulgaris. Dames Violets or Winter Gilloflowers. 6 Lyfimackia lutrajHiquu/ti Virginiana. The tree Primrofe of Virginia. 7 Viola lunaris fiut Bolbonach. The white Sattin flower. 264. The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 3. Lyfimachia lutea Jiliquofa Virginiana. The tree Primrofe of Virginia. Vnto what tribe or kindred I might referre this plant, I haue ftood long in fufpence, in regard I make no mention of any other Lyjimachia in this work : left therefore it fhould lofe all place, let me ranke it here next vnto the Dames Violets, although I confefle it hath little affinity with them. The firft yeare of the fowing the feede it abideth without any ftalke or flowers lying vpon the ground, with diuers long and narrow pale greene leaues, fpread oftentimes round almoft like a Rofe, the largeft leaues being outermoft, and very fmall in the middle : about May the next yeare the ftalke rifeth, which will be in Summer of the height of a man, and of a ftrong bigge fize almoft to a mans thumbe, round from the bottome to the middle, where it groweth crefted vp to the toppe, into as many parts as there are branches of flowers, euery one hauing a fmall leafe at the foote thereof : the flowers ftand in order one aboue another, round about the tops of the ftalks, euery one vpon a fhort foot-ftalke, confifting of foure pale yellow leaues, fmelling fomewhat like vnto a Primrofe, as the colour is alfo (which hath cau- fed the name) and ftanding in a greene huske, which parteth it felfe at the toppe into foure parts or leaues, and turne themfelues downewards, lying clofe to the ftalke : the flower hath fome chiues in the middle, which being paft, there come in their places long and cornered pods, fharpe pointed at the vpper end, and round belowe, opening at the toppe when it is ripe into fiue parts, wherein is contained fmall brownim feed : the roote is fomewhat great at the head, and wooddy, and branched forth diuerfly, which perifheth after it hath borne feede. The Place. The two firft grow for the moft part on Hils and in Woods, but with vs in Gardens onely. The laft, as may be well vnderftood by the title, came out of Virginia. The Time. They flower in May, lune, and luly. The Names. The name of Hefperis is impofed by moft Herbarifts vpon the two firft plants, although it is not certainly knowne to be the fame that Theophra- ftus doth make mention of, in his fixth Booke and twenty fiue Chapter de caujis plantarum : but becaufe this hath the like effects to fmell beft in the euening, it is (as I faid) impofed vpon it. It is alfo called Viola Marina Ma- tronalis, Hyemalis, Damafcena and Mufchatella : In Englifh, Dames Violets, Queens Gilloflowers, and Winter Gilloflowers. The laft hath his Latine name in the title as is beft agreeing with it, and for the Englifh, although it be too foolifh I confefle, yet it may pafle for this time till a fitter be giuen, vnlefle you pleafe to follow the Latine, and call it Virginia Loofe-ftrife. The Vertues. I neuer knew any among vs to vfe thefe kindes of Violets in Phyficke, al- though by reafon of the fharpe biting tafte, Dodonaeus accounteth the ordi- nary fort to be a kinde of Rocket, and faith it prouoketh fweating, and v- rine : and others affirme it to cut, digeft, and cleanfe tough flegme. The Virginian hath not beene vfed by any that I know, either inwardly or out- wardly. CHAP. V 'The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. 265 CHAP. X LI I Viola Lunaris fiuc Bolbonacli. The Sattin flower. Nto the kindes of Stocke-Gilloflowers I thinke rittelt to adioyne thefe kindcs of Sattin-flowers, whereof there arc two forts, one frequent enough in all our Countrie, the other is not fo common. i . Viola Lunaris vu/garis. The common white Sattin flower. The firil of thefe Sattin flowers, which is the molt common, hath his leaues broad belowe, and pointed at the end, fnipt about the edges, and of a darke greene colour : the Ihilkes are round and hard, two foot high, or higher, diuided into many branches, let with the like leaues, but fmaller : the tops of the branches are befet with many pur- plilh flowers, like vnto Dames Violets, or Stocke-Gilloflowers, but larger, be- ing of little lent : after the flowers are paft, there come in their places round flat thin cods, of a darke colour on the outfide, but hauing a thinne middle skinne, that is white and cleare fhining, like vnto very pure white Sattin it felfe, whereon lye flat and round brownilh feede, fomewhat thicke and great : the rootes perifh when they haue giuen their feede, and are fomewhat round, long, and thicke, refembling the rootes of Lilium non bulbofum, or Day Lilly, which are eaten (as diuers other rootes are) for Sal- lets, both in our owne Country, and in many places befide. 2. Viola Lunaris altera feu peregrina. Long liuing Sattin flower. This fecond kinde hath broader and longer leaues then the former, the ftalkes alfo are greener and higher, branching into flowers, of a paler purple colour, almoll white, confining of foure leaues in like manner, and fmelling pretty fweete, bearing fuch like pods, but longer and flenderer then they : the rootes are compofed of many long Itrings, which dye not as the former, but abide, and fhoot out new ftalkes euery yeare. \ The Place. The firft is (as is faid) frequent enough in Gardens, and is found wilde in fome places of our owne Country, as Mafter Gerard reporteth, whereof I neuer could be certainly aflfured, but I haue had it often fent mee among o- ther feedes from Italy, and other places. The other is not fo common in Gardens, but found about Watford, as he faith alfo. The Time. They flower in Aprill or May, and fometimes more early. The Names. It hath diuers names, as well in Englifh as in Latine ; for it is called moft vfually Bolbonach, and Viola Lunaris : Of fome Viola latifolia, and of others Viola Peregrina, and Lunaria Grt a pale red, or deepe blulh colour : Another of this kinde will beare his flowers with three or foure rowes of Icaucs in the middle, making a double flower with one fpurre behinde onely : and of this kinde there is both with purple, blew, blufh, and white flowers, and party coloured alfo ; thefe doe all beare feed like the Jingle, whcrby it is increafed euery yeare. 3. Delphinium aruenfe. Wilde Larkes fpurres. This wilde Larkes fpurre hath fmaller and (horter leaues, fmallcr and lower bran- ches, and more thinly or fparfedly growing vpon them, then any of the former : the flowers likewife are neyther fo large as any of the former, nor fo many growing toge- ther, the cods likewife haue fmaller feede, and is harder to grow in gardens then any of the former, the moll vfuall colour hereof is a pale reddifh or blufh colour, yet fome- timcs they are found both white and blew, and fometimes mixt of blew and blufh, va- riably difpofed, as nature can when (he liftcth ; but are much more rare. 4. Delphinium elatius Jiore Jimp lid diuerforum colorum. Single vpright bearing Larkes heeles of many colours. The difference betweene this and the lart is, that the leaues of this are not fully fo greene, nor fo large ; the ftalkes grow vpright, to the height of a man, and fometimes higher, hauing fome branches thereon, but fewer then the former, and (landing like- wife vpright, and not leaning downe as the former : the toppes of the ftalkes are bet- ter ftored with flowers then the other, being fometimes two foote long and aboue, ot the fame tafhion, but not altogether fo large, but of more diuers and feueral colours, as white, pale, blu(h, redde deeper or paler, afhcoloured, purple or violet, and of an ouervvorne blewilh purple, or iron colour : for of all thefe we haue (imple, without any mixture or fpot : but we haue other forts, among the (imple colours, that rife from the fame feede, and will haue flowers that wil be halte white, and halte blu(h or purple, or one leafe white, and another blu(h or purple, or elfe variably mixed and fpotted : the feede and feede vefiels are like the former but larger and harder. 5. Delphinium elatius jlore plena diuerforum colorum. Double vpright Larkes heeles of many colours. Thefe double Larkes heeles cannot bee knowne from the (ingle of the fame kinde, vntill they come towards flowring ; for there appeare many flowers vpon the ftalkes, in the fame manner, and of as many colours almoft as of the (ingle, except the party co- loured, which ftand like little double Roles, layd or fpread broade open, as the Rofe Colombine without any heeles behinde them, very delightfull to behold, conlifting of many fmall leaues growing together, and after they are fallen there come vp in their places three or foure fmall cods fet together, wherein is contained here and there (for all are not full of feede, as the fmgle kindes) blacke feede, like vnto all the reft, but fmaller, which being fowen will bring plants that will beare both fmgle and double flowers againe, and it often happeneth, that it variably altereth in colours from it owne fowing : tor none of them hold conftantly his owne colour, (fo farre as euer I could obferue) but fall into others as nature pleafeth. 6. Delphinium Hifpanicum paruum. Spanilh wilde Larkes fpurres. This fmall Larkes fpurre of Spaine, hath diuers long and broad leaues next the ground, cut-in on both iides, fomewhat like vnto the leafe of a Scabious, or rather that kinde of Stoebe, which Lobel calleth Crupina^ tor it doth fomewhat neerly refemble the fame, but that this is fmooth on the edges, and not indented befides the cuts, as the Crupina is, being ot a whitiih greene colour, and fomewhat fmooth and foft in handling : among the leaues rifeth vp a whitilh greene ftalke, hauing many fmallcr leaues 278 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. leaues vpon it that grow belowe, but not diuided, branching out into many fmall ftalkes, bearing flowers like vnto the wilde Larkes heeles, but fmaller, and of a bleake blewifh colour, which being pall, there come vp two or three fmall cods ioyned toge- ther, wherein is blacke feede, fmaller and rounder then any of the former : the roote is fmall and thready, quickly perifhing with the firft cold that ouertaketh the plant. The Place. The greateft or firft wilde kindes growe among corne in many countries beyond the Seas, and where corne hath beene fowne, and for his beauty brought and nourifhed in our Gardens : the leffer wilde kinde in fome fields of our owne Country. The Spanifh kinde likewife in the like places, which I had among many feedes that Guillaume Boel brought mee out of Spaine. The firft double and fingle haue been common for many yeares in all coun- tries of this Land, but the tall or vpright fingle kindes haue been entertained but of late yeares. The double kindes are more rare. The Time. Thefe flower in the Summer onely, but the Spanifh wilde kinde flowreth very late, fo that oftentimes in our Country, the Winter taketh it before it can giue ripe feede : the double kindes, as well the vpright as the ordinary or wilde, are very choife and dainty many times, not yeelding good feede. The Names. They are called diuerfly by diuers Writers, as Confolida regu/is, Calcaris Jtos ; Flos regius, Buccinum Romanorum, and of Matthiolus, Cumin urn Jiluejlre alterum Diofcoridis : but the moft vfuall name with vs is Delphinium : but whether it be the true Delphinium of Diofcorides, or the Poets Hyacinth, or the flower of Aiax, another place is fitter to difcufTe then this. Wee call them in Englifh Larkes heeles, Larkes fpurres, Larkes toes or clawes, and Monkes hoods. The laft or Spanifh kinde came to mee vnder the name of Delphinium latifolium trigonum, fo ftiled eyther from the diuifion of the leaues, or from the pods, which come vfually three together. Bauhinus vp- on Matthiolus calleth it, Confolida regalis peregrina par uo fare. The Vertues. There is no vfe of any of thefe in Phyficke in thefe dayes that I know, but are wholly fpent for their flowers fake. CHAP. L. Balfamina fatmina. The Female Balfam Apple. IHaue let this plant in this place, for fome likenefTe of the flower, rather then for any other comparifon, euen as I muft alfo with the next that followeth. This plant rifeth vp with a thicke round reddifh ftalke, with great and bunched ioynts, being tender and full of iuice, much like to the ftalke of Purflane, but much greater, which brancheth it felfe forth from the very ground, into many ftalkes, bearing thereon ma- nie long greene leaues, fnipt about the edges, very like vnto the Almond or Peach tree leaues ; among which from the middle of the ftalkes vpwards round about them, come forth vpon feuerall fmall fhort foot-ftalkes many faire purplifh flowers, of two or three colours in them, fafhioned fomewhat like the former Larkes heeles, or Monks hoods, but that they are larger open at the mouth, and the fpurres behinde crooke or bend downewards : after the flowers are paft, there come in their places round rough heads, The Garden of plea fan t Flowers. I Radix Caua motor flon alto. The white flowred Hollow rooie. 2 Capiua fabacta radice. The fmall Hollow roote. 3 Delphinium flort Kmplici. Single Larkes fpurs. 4 Delphinium vulgare flare media dupliti. Larkes fpurs double in the middle. 5 D.lphiniitm vulgart fiore plena. Common Larks fpnrs double. 6 Delphinium f la tins flort pltno. Double vpright Larkes fpurs. 7 Delphinium Hifpani garden fitly agree with them : I (hall therefore feleft out one or two from the reft, and giue the knowledge of them, leauing the reft to their proper place. I . AJier Atticui fare luteo. Yellow Starre-wort. This Starre-wort rifeth vp with two or three rough hairy ftalkes, a foote and a halfe high, with long, rough or hairie, brownifh, darke greene leaues on them, diuided into two or three branches: at the toppe of euery one whereof ftandeth a flat fcaly head, compafled vnderneath with Hue or fixe long, browne, rough greene leaues, ftanding like a Starre, the flower it felfe Handing in the middle thereof, made as a border of narrow, long, pale yellow leaues, fet with a brownifh yellow thrume : the roote dyeth euery yeare, hauing giuen his flower. 2. After Atticus Italorum Jiore purpureo. Purple Italian Starre-wort. This Italian Starre-wort hath many wooddy, round brittle ftalkes, rifing from the roote, fomewhat higher then the former, fometimes Handing vpright, and other- whiles leaning downewards, whereon are fet many fomewhat hard, and rough long leaues, round pointed, without order vp to the toppe, where it is diuided into feue- rall branches, whereon Hand the flowers, made like vnto a fingle Marigold, with a bor- der of blewifh purple leaues, fet about a browne middle thrume, the heads fuftaining the flowers, are compofed of diuers fcaly greene leaues, as is to be feene in the Knap- weedes or Matfelons, which after the flowers are part yeelde a certaine downe, where- in lye fmall blacke and flat feedes, fomewhat like vnto Lettice feede, which are carried away with the winde : the roote is compofed of many white firings, which perifheth not as the former, but abideth, and fpringeth afrefh euery yeare. The Place. The firft is found in Spaine, as Clufius, and in France, as Lobel fay. The other hath beene found in many places in Germany, and Auftria : in Italic alfo, and other places ; we haue it plentifully in our Gardens. The Time. The firft flowreth in Summer. And the other not vntill Auguft or Sep- tember. The Names. The firft is called After Atticus Jiore luteo, Bubonium, & Inguinalis, and of many is taken to be the true After Atticus of Diofcorides : yet Matthiolus thinketh not fo, for diuers good reafons, which hee fetteth downe in the Chapter of After Atticus, as any man may vnderftand, if they will but reade the place, which is too long to bee inferted here. The other is thought by Matthiolus, to bee the truer After Atticus, (vnto whom I muft alfo confent) and conftantly alfo affirmed to be the Amellus Virgilij, as may be feene in the fame place : but it is ufually called at this day, After Italorum ftore caruleo or purpureo, 300 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. purpareo. Their Englifh names are fufficiently exprefled in their titles, yet fome call the laft, The purple Marigold, becaufe it is fo like vnto one in form. The Vertues. They are held, if they bee the right, to bee good for the biting of a mad dogge, the greene herbe being beaten with old hogs greafe, and applyed ; as alfo for fwolne throats: It is likewife vfed for botches that happen in the groine, as the name doth import. CHAP. LXV. Pilofella maior. Golden Moufe-eare. SOme refemblance that the flowers of this plant hath with the former Golds, maketh me to infert it in this place, although I know it agreeth not in any other part, yet for the pleafant afpeft thereof, it muft bee in this my garden, whofe de- fcription is as followeth : It hath many broade greene leaues fpread vpon the ground, fpotted with pale fpots, yet more confpicuous at fometimes then at other ; fomewhat hairy both on the vpper and vnderfide, in the middle of thefe leaues rife vp one, two or more blackifh hairy ftalkes, two foote high at the leaft, bare or naked vp to the top, where it beareth an vmbell, or fhort tuft of flowers, fet clofe together vpon fhort ftalkes, of the forme or fafhion of the Haukeweedes, or common Moufe-eare, but fomewhat fmaller, of a deep gold yellow, or orenge tawney colour, with fome yellow threds in the middle, of little or no lent at all : after the flowers are paft, the heads carry fmall, fhort, blacke feede, with a light downie matter on them, ready to bee carried a- way with the winde, as many other plants are, when they be ripe : the rootes fpread vnder ground, and fhoote vp in diuers other places, whereby it much encreafeth, efpe- cially if it be fet in any moift or fhadowie place. The Place. It groweth in the fhadowie woods of France, by Lions, and Mompelier, as Lobell teftifieth : we keepe it in our gardens, and rather in a fhadowie then funnie place. The Time. It flowreth in Somer, and fometimes againe in September. The Names. It is called by Lobell, Pulmonaria Gallorum Hieratij facie : and the Herba- rifts of France take it to be the true Pulmonaria of Tragus. Others call it Hie- ratiumjioreaureo. PelleteriusHieratiumlndicum. SomePi/o/e//a, or Auricula muris maior jtore aureo. And fome Chondrilla Jtore aureo. Dalechamptus would haue it to bee Corchorus, but farre vnfitly. The fitteft Englilh name we can giue it, is Golden Moufe-eare, which may endure vntill a fitter bee impofed on it : for the name of Grim the Collier, whereby it is called of many, is both idle and tbolilh. The Vertues. The French according to the name vie it for the detedts of the lunges, but with what good fucceffe I know not. CHAP. The Garden of pi enfant Flowers. A C'HAH. LXVI. Scorfonera. Vipers grafle. Lthough there be tbure or fiuc forts ot" Scorfonera, yet I (hall here defire you to be content with the knowledge only of a couple. i . Scorfonera Hifpanica maior. The greater Spanilh Vipers grafle. This Spanilh Vipers grafle hath diuers long, and fomewhat broad leaues, hard and crumpled on the edges, and fometimcs vneuenly cut in or indented alfo, ot" a blewifh greene colour : among which rifeth vp one llalke, and no more for the moll part, two toote high or thereabouts, hauing here and there Ibme narrower long leaues thereon then thofe below : the toppe of the Italkc brancheth it felfe forth into other parts, euery one bearing a long fcaly head, from out of the toppe whereof rifeth a faire large double flower, ot a pale yellow colour, much like vnto the flower of yellow Goatcs beard, but a little leller, which being part, the feede fucceedeth, being long, whitiih and rough, inclofed with much downe, and among them many other long fmooth feedes, which are limber and idle, and are carryed away at the will of the winde : the roote is long, thicke and round, brittle and blacke, with a certaine roughnefle on the outiide : but very white within, yeelding a milkie liquor being broken, as euery other part of the plant doth belides, yet the roote more then any other part, and abideth many yeares without perifhing. 2. Scorfonera Pannonica purpurea. Purple flowred Vipers grafle. This purple flowred Vipers grafle hath long and narrow leaues, of the fame blewifh greene colour with the former : the ftalke rifeth vp a foote and a halte high, with a few fuch like leaues, but fhorter thereon, breaking at the toppe into two or three parts, bearing on each of them one flower, fafhioned like the former, and ftanding in the like fcaly knoppe or head, but of a blewifh purple colour, not fully fo large, of the fweeteft fent of any of this kinde, comming neereft vnto the fmcll of a delicate perfume. The Place. The firft is of Spaine. The other of Hungarie and Auftrich : which now furnifh our gardens. The Time. They flower in the beginning of May : the feede is foone ripe after, and then perifhing downe to the roote for that yeare, fpringeth afrefh before Winter againe. The Names. They are called after the Spanilh name Scorfonera, which is in Latine Vi- peraria, of fome Viperina, and Serpentina : Wee call them in Englifh Vipers grafle, or Scorfonera. The Vertues. Manardus as I thinke firft wrote hereof, and faith that it hath been found to cure them that are bitten of a Viper, or other fuch like venemous Crea- ture. The rootes hereof being preferued with fugar, as I haue done often, doe eate almoft as delicate as the Eringus roote, and no doubt is good to comfort and ftrengthen the heart, and vitall fpirits. Some that haue vfed the preferued roote haue found it effectuall to expelling winde out of the rto- macke, and to helpe fwoumngs and faintnefle of the heart. CHAP. 302 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. I CHAP. LXVII. Tragopogon. Goates beard. Muft in this place fet downe but two forts of Goates beards ; the one blew or afh- colour, the other red or purple, and leaue the other kindes : fome to bee fpoken of in the Kitchin Garden, and others in a Phyficall Garden. i. Tragopogon Jiore cceruleo. Blew Goates beard. All the Goates beards haue long, narrow, and fomewhat hollow whitifh greene leaues, with a white line downe the middle of euery one on the vpperfide : the ftalke rifeth vp greater and ftronger then the Vipers grafle, bearing at the toppe a great long head or huske, compofed of nine or ten long narrow leaues, the fharpe points or ends whereof rife vp aboue the flower in the middle, which is thicke and double, fome- what broad and large fpread, of a blewifh afh-colour, with fome whitifh threads a- mong them, (hutting or doling it felfe within the greene huske euery day, that it abi- deth blowing, vntill about noone, and opening not it felfe againe vntill the next mor- ning : the head or huske, after the flower is pad, and the feede neare ripe, openeth it felfe ; the long leaues thereof, which clofed not before now, falling downe round a- bout the rtalke, and mewing the feede, (landing at the firft clofe together, and the doune at the toppe of them : but after they haue ftood a while, it fpreadeth it felfe round, and is ready to be carried away with the winde, if it be not gathered : the feede it felfe is long, round, and rough, like the feede of the Vipers grafle, but greater and , blacker : the roote is long, and not very great, but perimeth as foone as it hath borne feede, and fpringeth of the fallen feede, that yeare remaining greene all Winter, and flowring the next yeare following : the whole yeeldeth milke as the former, but fome- what more bitter and binding. 2. Tragopogon purpureum. Purple Goates beard. There is little difference in this kind from the former, but that it is a little larger, both in the leafe, and head that beareth the feed : the flowers alfo are a little larger, and fpread more, of a darke reddifh purple colour, with fome yellow dull as it were caft vpon it, efpecially about the ends : the roote perimeth in the like manner as the other. The Place. Both thefe haue been fent vs from the parts beyond the Seas, I haue had them from Italy, where no doubt they grow naturally wilde, as the yellow doth with vs : they are kept in our Gardens for their pleafant flowers. The Time. They flower in May and lune: the feede is ripe in luly. The Names. Their generall name is after the Greeke word Tragopogon, which is in La- tine, Earbahirci: In Englilh, Goates beard; the head of feede when it is rea- die to bee carried away with the winde, caufing that name for the refem- blance : and becaufe the flower doth euery day clofe it felte at noone (as I faid before) and openeth not againe vntill the next Sunne, fome haue fitly called it, Goe to bed at noone. The Vertues. The rootes of thefe kindes are a little more bitter and more binding alfo then The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 303 then the yellow kinde exported in the Kitchin Garden; and therefore tit- ter for medicine then for meate, but yet is vied as the yellow kindt- is, which i more n't tor meate then medicine. The diltilled water is good to walh old fores and wounds. CHAP. LXVII I. Flos Africanus. The French Marigold. OF the French or African Marigolds there are three kindes as principall, and of each of them both with Jingle and double flowers : of thefe, fome diucr- lity is obferued in the colour of the flowers, as well as in the tbrme or large- tidlc, to that as you may here fee, I haue exprefled eight differences, and Fabius Co- lumna nine or ten, in regard hee maketh a diuerlity of the paler and deeper yellow co- lour : and although the letter kinde, becaufe of its euill fent, is held dangerous, yet for the beauty of the flower it rindeth roome in Gardens. i . Flos Africanus maior fine maximus multiplex. The great double French Marigold. This goodly double flower, which is the grace and glory of a Garden in the time of his beauty, rifeth vp with a (freight and hard round greene (talke, hauing fome crefts or edges all along the ilalke, befet with long winged leaues, euery one whereof is like vnto the leate of an A(h, being compofed of many long and narrow leaues, fnipt about the edges, Handing by couples one againft another, with an odde one at the end, of a darke or full greene colour : the llalke rifeth to be three or foure fbote high, and diui- deth it felfe from the middle thereof into many branches, let with fuch like leaues to the toppes of them, euery one bearing one great double flower, of a gold yellow co- lour aboue, and paler vnderneath, yet fome are of a pale yellow, and fome betweene both, and all thefe riling from one and the fame feede : the flower, before it be blowne open, hath all the leaues hollow ; but when it is flill blowne open, it fpreadeth it felfe larger then any Prouince Rote, or equall vnto it at the leall, if it be in good earth, and rifeth out of a long greene huske, ftriped or furrowed, wherein after the flower is part, (which llandeth in his full beauty a moneth, and oftentimes more, and being gathe- red, may be preferued in his full beauty for two moneths after, if it be fet in water) Itandeth the feede, fet thicke and clofe together vpright, which is blacke, fome- what flat and long : the roote is full of fmall ttrings, whereby it ftrongly comprehen- deth in the ground : the flower of this, as well as the lingle, is of the very fmell of new waxe, or of an honie combe, and not of that poifonfull fent of the fmaller kindes. 2. Flos Africanus maior fimplex. The great (ingle French Marigold. This tingle Marigold is in all things fo like vnto the former, that it is hard to di- fcerne it from the double, but by the flowers, onely the ftalke will be browner then the double ; and to my bell obferuation, hath and doth euery yeare rife from the feede of the double flower: fo that when they are in flower, you may fee the difference (or not much before, when they are in bud) this lingle flower euer appearing with thrums in the middle, and the leaues, which are the border or pale (landing about them, fhew- ing hollow or rillulous, which after lay themfelues flat and open (and the double flower appearing with all his leaues folded clofe together, without any thrum at all) and are of a deeper or paler colour, as in the double. 3. Flos Africanus fijlulofo flore Jimp lex & multiplex. Single and double French Marigolds with hollow leafed flowers. As the former two greatelt forts haue rifen from the feede of one and the fame (I meane 304 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. meane the pod of double flowers) fo doe thefe alfo, not differing from it in anything, but that they are lower, and haue fmaller greene leaues, and that the flower alfo being fmaller, hath euery leafe abiding hollow, like vnto an hollow pipe, broad open at the mouth, and is of as deepe a yellow colour for the moft part as the deepeft of the for- mer, yet fometimes pale alfo. 4. Flos Africanus minor multiplex. The lefler double French Marigold. The lefler double French Marigold hath his leaues in all things like vnto the for- mer, but fomewhat lefler, which are fet vpon round browne ftalkes, not fo ftiffe or vp- right, but bowing and bending diuers wayes, and fometimes leaning or lying vpon the ground : the ftalkes are branched out diuerfly, whereon are fet very faire double flow- ers like the former, and in the like greene huskes, but fmaller, and in fome the outer- moft leaues will be larger then any of the reft, and of a deeper Orenge colour, almoft crimfon, the innermoft being of a deepe gold yellow colour, tending to crimfon : the whole flower is fmaller, and of a ftronger and more vnpleafant fauour, fo that but for the beautifull colour, and doubleneffe of the flower, pleafant to the eye, and not to any other fenfe, this kinde would finde roome in few Gardens : the rootes and feedes are like the former, but lefler. 5. Flos Africanus minor fimplex. The fmall fingle French Marigold. This fingle kinde doth follow after the laft in all manner of proportion, both of ftalkes, leaues, feedes, and rootes : the flowers onely of this are fingle, hauing fiue or fix broad leaues, of a deepe yellow crimfon colour, with deepe yellow thrummes in the middle, and of as ftrong a ftinking fent, or more then the laft. The Place. They growe naturally in Africa, and efpecially in the parts about Tunis, and where old Carthage flood, from whence long agoe they were brought into Europe, where they are onely kept in Gardens, being fowne for the moft part euery yeare, vnlefle in fome milde Winters. The laft fingle and double kindes (as being more hardy) haue fometimes endured : but that kinde with hollow leafed flowers, as Fabius Columna fetteth it downe, is accounted to come from Mexico in America. The Time. They flower not vntill the end of Summer, efpecially the greater kindes : but the lefler, if they abide all the Winter, doe flower more early. The Names. They haue been diuerfly named by diuers men : Some calling them Ca- ryophyllus Indicus, that is, Indian Gilloflowers, and Tanacetum Peruinanum, Tanfie of Peru, as if it grew in Peru, a Prouince of America ; and Flos Indi- cus, as a flower of the Indies ; but it hath not beene knowne to haue beene brought from thence. Others would haue it to be Othonna of Plinie, and o- thers ; fome to be Lycoperjicum of Galen. It is called, and that more truely, Flos Tunetenfis, Flos Africanus, and Caltlia Africana, that is, the flower of Tunis, the flower of Africa, the Marigold of Africa, and peraduenture Pedna P&norum. We in Englifh moft vfually call them, French Marigolds, with their feuerall diftindlions of greater or fmaller, double or fingle. To that with hollow leafed flowers, Fabius Columna giueth the name of Fi- Jiilufo fore, and I fo continue it The The Garden of plenfant Flowers. 3 5 Hi multiplex. 3 Flos Ajricanus maximuf /implex. The greateft double French Marigold. i Flat Afruauus mainr multiplex. The greater The greateft Tingle French Marigold. 4 Flos Africanut multiple* '" lw French Marigold. 6 Plot Another fort of the I Fli-i Africanm m fiftulpfns. The double hollow French Marigold. 5 piot Afrwanys~Jiif'!fif'fi/tutofiii. The Tingle hollow Vrench Marigold^ 6 'Plot Afruanus minor multiplex. The fmaller double French Marigold. 7 Flos Afruantis minor multiple* alter. letter double French Marigold. 8 Flos Africans minor Kmplex. The letter fingle French Marigold. Qz The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Vertues. We know no vfe they haue in Phyficke, but are cherifhed in Gardens for their beautifull flowers fake. CHAP. LXIX. Caryophyllus hortenjis. Carnations and Gilloflowers. TO auoide confufion, I muft diuide Gilloflowers from Pinkes, and intreate of them in feuerall Chapters. Of thofe that are called Carnations or Gilloflow- ers, as of the greater kinde, in this Chapter; and of Pinkes, as well double as fingle, in the next. But the number of them is fo great, that to giue feuerall defcripti- ons to them all were endlefle, at the leaft needlefle : I will therefore fet downe onely the defcriptions of three (for vnto thefe three may be referred all the other forts) for their fafhion and manner of growing, and giue you the feuerall names (as they are vfu- ally called with vs) of the reft, with their variety and mixture of colours in the flow- ers, wherein confifteth a chiefe difference. I account thofe that are called Carnations to be the greateft, both for leafe and flower, and Gilloflowers for the moft part to bee lefler in both ; and therefore will giue you each defcription apart, and the Orenge tawnie or yellow Gilloflower likewife by it felfe, as differing very notably from all the reft. i . Caryophyllus maximus Harwicenjis Jiue Anglicus. The great Harwich or old Englifh Carnation. I take this goodly great old Englifh Carnation, as a prefident for the defcription of all the reft of the greateft forts, which for his beauty and ftatelineffe is worthy of a prime place, hauing beene alwayes very hardly preferued in the Winter ; and there- fore not fo frequent as the other Carnations or Gilloflowers. It rifeth vp with a great thicke round ftalke, diuided into feuerall branches, fomewhat thickly fet with ioynts, and at euery ioynt two long greene rather then whitifh leaues, fomewhat broader then Gilloflower leaues, turning or winding two or three times round (in fome other forts of Carnations they are plaine, but bending the points downewards, and in fome alfo of a darke reddifh greene colour, and in others not fo darke, but rather of a whitifh greene colour :) the flowers ftand at the toppes of the ftalkes in long, great, and round greene huskes, which are diuided into fiue points, out of which rife many long and broad pointed leaues, deeply iagged at the ends, fet in order round and comely, ma- king a gallant great double flower, of a deepe Carnation colour, almoft red, fpotted with many blufh fpots and ftrakes, fome greater and fome leffer, of an excellent foft fweete fent, neither too quicke as many others of thefe kinds are, nor yet too dull, and with two whitifh crooked threads like homes in the middle : this kinde neuer beareth many flowers, but as it is flow in growing, fo in bearing, not to be often handled, which fheweth a kinde of ftatelineffe, fit to preferue the opinion of magnificence : the roote is branched into diuers great, long, wooddy rootes, with many fmall fibres annexed vnto them. 2. Caryophyllus hortenjis flore pleno rubro. The red or Cloue Gilloflower. The red Cloue Gilloflower, which I take as a prefident for the fecond fort, which are Gilloflowers, grow like vnto the Carnations, but not fo thicke fet with ioynts and leaues : the ftalkes are more, the leaues are narrower and whiter for the moft part, and in fome doe as well a little turne : the flowers are fmaller, yet very thicke and double in moft, and the greene huskes wherein they ftand are fmaller likewife then the for- mer : the ends of the leaues in this flower, as in all the reft, are dented or iagged, yet in fome more then in others; fome alfo hauing two fmall white threads, crooked at the ends like homes, in the middle of the flower, when as diners other haue none. Thefe kindes, The Garden of plea/ant Mowers. maximal rubro tarius. The great old Carnation or gray Hulo. i Caryofhyllut maior rubro & albo rarius. The white Carnation. 3 Caryofhyllus albo rttMNJ. The Camberfinc ot the Poole flower. 4 Carynphyllut Cantij ftriatiis. The lairc made ol Kent. 5 Caryopkylliu Sabanditui carHUf. Theblufti Sauadge. 6 Caryofkyllm Xframptlinut. The Gredeline Carnation. 7 Caiyophytlas tiiFlus Grim.lo. The GrimeJo or Prince. 8 Caryophyllui albits maior. The great white Gilloflower. 9 Elegaiss Hervina Bradfkaifi). Mafter Bradfhawes dainty Lady. 308 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. kindes, and efpecially this that hath a deepe red crimfon coloured flower, doe endure the cold of our winters, and with lefle care is preferued: thefe forts as well as the former doe very feldome giue any feede, as far as I could euer obferue or learne. 3. Caryophyllus Silejiacus Jiore pleno miniato. The yellow or Orenge tawny Gilloflower. This Gilloflower hath his ftalkes next vnto the ground, thicker fet, and with fmaller or narrower leaues then the former for the moft part : the flowers are like vnto the Cloue Gilloflowers, and about the fame bignefle and doublenefle moft vfually, yet in fome much greater then in others ; but of a pale yellowifh Carnation colour, ten- ding to an Orenge, with two fmall white threds, crooked at the ends in the middle, yet fome haue none, of a weaker fent then the Cloue Gilloflower : this kinde is more apt to beare feede then any other, which is fmall, black, flat, and long, and being fowen, yeelde wonderfull varieties both of fingle and double flowers : fome being of a ligh- ter or deeper colour then the mother plants : fome with ftripes in moft of the leaues : Others are ftriped or fpotted, like a fpeckled Carnation or Gilloflower, in diuers forts, both fingle and double : Some againe are wholly of the fame colour, like the mother plant, and are eyther more or leffe double then it, or elfe are fingle with one row of leaues, like vnto a Pinck; and fome of thefe likewife eyther wholly of a crimfon red, deeper or lighter, or variably fpotted, double or fingle as a Pinck, or blufh eyther fingle or double, and but very feldome white : yet all of them in their greene leaues little or nothing varying or differing. Caryophylli maximi. CARNATIONS. Caryophyllus maximus diflus Hulo rubro-varius. Caryophyllus maximus rliftus Hulo ruber non variatus. Caryophyllus maximus diftus Hulo cteruleo purpureus. Caryophyllus maximus diflm Grimelo fine Priticeps. Caryophyllus maximus Incar- nadinus albus. Caryophyllus maximus law- nadinus Gallicus. Caryophyllus maximus Incar- nadinus grandis. r I "He gray Hulo hath as large leaues as the former old Car- nation, and as deepely iagged on the edges : it hath a great high ftalke, whereon ftand the flowers, of a deepe red colour, ftriped and fpeckled very clofe together with a darkifh white colour. The red Hulo is alfo a faire great flower, of a ftamell colour, deeply iagged as the former, and groweth very comely without any fpot at all in it, fo that it feemeth to bee but a ftamell Gillo- flower, faue that it is much greater. The blew Hulo is a goodly faire flower, being of a faire pur- plifh murrey colour, curioufly marbled with white, but fo fmal- ly to be difcerned, that it feemeth only purple, it hath fo much the Maftrie in it ; it refembleth the Braflill, but that it is much bigger. The Grimelo or Prince is a faire flower alfo, as large as any Chryftall or larger, being of a faire crimfon colour, equally for the moft part ftriped with white, or rather more white then red, thorough euery leafe from the bottome, and ftandeth comely. The white Carnation or Delicate, is a goodly delightfull fair flower in his pride and perfection, that is, when it is both mar- bled and flaked, or ftriped and fpeckled with white vpon an in- carnate crimfon colour, beeing a very comely flower, but abi- deth not conftant, changing oftentimes to haue no flakes or ftrakes of white, but marbled or fpeckled wholly. The French Carnation is very like vnto the white Carnation, but that it hath more fpecks, and fewer ftripes or flakes of white in the red, which hath the maftrie of the white. The ground Carnation (if it be not the fame with the graund or great old Carnation firft fet downe, as the alteration but of one letter giueth the coniedure) is a thicke flower, but fpreadeth not T/ic Garden of pleajunt Flowers. .kyllus maxima < */.' ?yph\llut maximus Graaa- Unfa. fthtitui maximal Gran F^lH .iritis. CaijtphyUus maximal Camoei fine diflts. not his Iciuics abroade as others doe, hauing the middle (landing higher then the outer leaues, and turning vp their brimmes or I'll'/o ; it i- :i lad flower, with tew itripes or fpots in it : it is vc- r\ I'uhitvf to breake the pod, that the flower feldome commeth tiiire and right; the grecne leaues arc as great as the Hulo or Lombard red. The Chryltall or Chryltalline (tor they are both one, howfo- euer Ibme would make them differ) is a very delicate flower when it is well marked, but it is inconltant in the markes, being iometimes more ftriped with white and crimfon red, and fome- times lefTe or little or nothing at all, and changing allb fome- times to be wholly red, or wholly hlulh. The red Chryftall, which is the red hereof changed, is the molt orient flower of all other red Gilloflowers, becaufe it is both the greatert, as comming from the Chryftall, as also that the red hereof is a moll excellent crimfon. The Fragrant is a faire flower, and thought to come from the Chryftall, being as large, but of a blufh red colour, fpotted with (mall fpeckes, no bigger then pinnes points, but not fo thicke as in the Pageant. The ftript Sauadge is for forme and bignefle equall with the Chryftall or White Carnation, but as inconftant as eyther of them, changing into red or blufh ; fo that few branches with flowers containe their true mixtures, which are a whitifh blufh, fairely ftriped with a crimfon red colour, thicke and fhort, with fome fpots allb among. The blufh Sauadge is the fame with the former, the fame root of the ftript Sauadge, as I faid before, yeelding one fide or part whofe flowers will be eyther wholly blufh, or hauing fome fmall fpots, or fometimes few or none in them. The red Sauadge is as the blufh, when the colour of the flower is wholly red without any ftripes or fpots in them, and fo abi- deth long ; yet it is fometimes feene, that the fame fide, or part, or roote being feparate from the firft or mother plant, will giue Itriped and well marked flowers againe. The Oxeford Carnation is very like vnto the French Carna- tion, both for forme, largenefTe and colour ; but that this is of a ladder red colour, fo finely marbled with white thereon, that the red hauing the maiftry, fheweth a very fad flower, not hauing any flakes or ftripes at all in it. The Kings Carnation or ordinary Briftow, is a reasonable great flower, deepely iagged, of a fad red, very finally ftriped and fpeckled with white : fome of the leaues of the flower on the one fide will turne vp their brimmes or edges : the greene leafe is very large. The greatelt Granado is a very faire large flower, bigger then the Chryftall, and almolt as bigge as the blew Hulo: it is almoft equally diuided and Itript with purple and white, but the purple is fadder then in the ordinary Granado Gilloflower, elfe it might bee faid it were the fame, but greater. Diuers haue taken this flower to bee the Gran Pere, but you ihall haue the difference Ihewed you in the next enfuing flower. The Gran Pere is a fair great flower, and comely for the forme, but of no great beautie for colour, becaufe although it be llript red and white like the Queenes Gilloflower, yet the red is fo fad that it taketh away all the delight to the flower. The Camberfine is a great flower and a faire, beeing a redde flower, well marked or ftriped with white, fomewhat like vnto a Sauadge 3io The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Sauadge, fay fome, but that the red is not crimfon as the Sauadge; others fay the Daintie, but not fo comely : the leaues of the flowers are many, and thrall together, without any due forme of fpreading. Loitgo- The great Lombard red is a great fad red flower, fo double and thick of leaues, that it moft vfually breaketh the pod, and fel- dome fhoweth one flower among twenty perfe6t : the blades or greene leaues are as large as the Hulo. bardicus ruber. Caryophylli majores. GlLLO FLOWERS. Caryophyllus malar Weftmin- fterienjls. Caryophyllus maior Btiftolien- fis purpureus. Caryophylltu malar Briftolien- fis carneus. Caryophyllus mater Doroborni- enfis ruber. Caryophyllus maior Donbornl- enfis dilutus fine all/us. Caryophyllus maior Cantii. Caryophyllus maior Regineus. Caryophyllus maior elegans. Caryophyllus maior Brafilienfis Caryophyllus maior Grana- tenfis. THe luftie Gallant or Weftminfter (fome make them to be one flower, and others to bee two, one bigger then the other) at the firft blowing open of the flower fheweth to be of a reaf enable fize and comelinefTe, but after it hath ftood blowen fome time it fheweth fmaller and thinner : it is of a bright red colour, much ftriped and fpeckled with white. The Briftow blew hath greene leaues, fo large, that it would feeme to bring a greater flower then it doth, yet the flower is of a reafonable fize, and very like vnto the ordinary Granado Gillo- flower, ftriped and flaked in the fame manner, but that the white of this is purer then that, and the purple is more light, and ten- ding to a blew : this doth not abide conftant, but changeth into purple or blufh. The Briftow blufh is very like the laft both in leafe and flower, the colour only fheweth the difference, which feldome varyeth to be fpotted, or change colour. The red Douer is a reafonable great Gilloflower and conftant, being of a faire red thicke poudered with white fpots, and fee- meth fomewhat like vnto the ground Carnation. The light or white Douer is for forme and all other things more comely then the former, the colour of the flower is blufh, thicke fpotted with very fmall fpots, that it feemeth all gray, and is very delightfull. The faire maide of Kent, or Ruffling Robin is a very beautiful flower, and as large as the white Carnation almoft : the flower is white, thicke poudered with purple, wherein the white hath the maftrie by much, which maketh it the more pleafant. The Queenes Gilloflower is a reafonable faire Gilloflower al- though very common, ftriped red and white, fome great and fome fmall with long ftripes. The Daintie is a comely fine flower, although it be not great, and for the fmallnefTe and thinnefle of the flower being red fo finely marked, ftriped and fpeckled, that for the liuelinefle of the colours it is much de fired, beeing inferiour to very few Gillo- flowers. The Braffill Gilloflower is but of a meane fize, being of a fad purple colour, thicke poudered and fpeckled with white, the purple herein hath the maftrie, which maketh it fhew the fadder, it is vnconrtant, varying much and often to bee all purple : the greene leaues lye matting on the ground. The Granado Gilloflower is purple and white, flaked and ftri- ped very much : this is alfo much fubiecl to change purple. There is a greater and a lefTer of this kinde, befides the greateft that is formerly defcribed. The The Garden of ' plcnfant Flowers. Pfgmt Jihtitr. Pegma f~atnrarior Htnita r>t_ - /-___. Sauadge. 7 Caryophyllut Graitatnjit maxima*. The Granpere or greateft Granado. 8 CaryophjUus peramatiHi. The Dainty. g Caryophyllm SiUfacta maximal Irtgonij loaxtut. lohn Witty his great tawny Gilloflouer. 10 Caryophyllut SiUfiacut ftriatut. The flript Tawny. u Caryophyllut marmor-amultis. The marbled Tawny. 12 Caryophyllut roftut rotundas magiftri Turrit. Mafter Tuggie his Rofe GilloBower. R2 314 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. leffe, fome more, and fome lefle fpotted then others : Vfually it is a deepe fcarlet, fpeckled or fpotted with white, hauing alfo fome ftripes among the leaues. CaryofAy//s re/em rotundas Mafter Tuggie his Rofe Gilloflower is of the kindred of thefe Magiftri Tuggie Tawnies, being raifed from the feede of fome of them, and onely poflefTed by him that is the moft induftrious preferuer of all na- tures beauties, being a different fort from all other, in that it hath round leaues, without any iagge at all on the edges, of a fine fta- mell full colour, without any fpot or ftrake therein, very like vnto a fmall Rofe, or rather much like vnto the red Rofe Campion, both for forme, colour, and roundnefTe, but larger for fize. The Place. I All thefe are nourished with vs in Gardens, none of their naturall places being knowne, except one before recited, and the yellow which is Silejia ; many of them being hardly preferued and encreafed. The Time. They flower not vntill the heate of the yeare, which is in luly (vnleffe it be an extraordinary occafion) and continue flowring, vntill the colds of the Autumne checke them, or vntill they haue wholly out fpent themfelues, and are vfually encreafed by the flips. The Names. Moft of our later Writers doe call them by one generall name, Caryo- phyllus fativus, and jtos Garyophylleus, adding thereunto maximus, when wee meane Carnations, and maior when we would exprefle Gilloflowers, which name is taken from Cloues, in that the fent of the ordinary red Gilloflower efpecially doth refemble them. Diuers other feuerall names haue beene formerly giuen them, as Vetonica^ or Betonica alter a, or Vetonica altilis, and coronaria. Herba Tunica, Viola Damafcena, Ocellus Damafcenus, and Earbari- cus. Of fome Cantabrica Plinij. Some thinke they were vnknowne to the Ancients, and fome would haue them to be Iphium of Theophraftus, wher- of he maketh mention in his fixth and feuenth Chapters of his fixth booke, among Garland and Summer flowers ; others to be his Dios ant/ios, or louis Jlos, mentioned in the former, and in other places. We call them in Englifh (as I faid before) the greateft kindes, Carnations, and the others Gilloflow- ers (yuaji luly flowers) as they are feuerally exprefled. The Vertues. The red or Cloue Gilloflower is moft vfed in Phyficke in our Apothe- caries mops, none of the other being accepted of or vfed (and yet I doubt not, but all of them might ferue, and to good purpofe, although not to giue fo gallant a tinfture to a Syrupe as the ordinary red will doe) and is accounted to be very Cordiall. CHAP. LXX. Caryophylli filuejlres. Pinkes. THere remaine diuers forts of wilde or fmall Gilloflowers (which wee vfually call Pinkes) to be entreated of, fome bearing fingle, and fome double flowers, fome fmooth, almoft without any deepe dents on the edges, and fome iagged, or as it were feathered. Some growing vpright like vnto Gilloflowers, others cree- ping The Garden of pleafnnt Flowers. I Cltx. The vfuall Tingle Pinke. 2 Carvophyllat mllipitx jiltnftris. Double Pinkes. 3 Caryofhyllus fluiftrit fluntarim. Feathered or iagged Pinkes. 4 Car)'ophjll*i Sttllalm. Starre Pinke*. 5 CaryophjUut rrf>ens. Matted Pinkes. 6 Caryophyllus mrilittrraiieiis. The great Thiftle or Sea Gilloflowcr. 7 Caryophyllnt inarintu. The ordinarj 1 Thiftle or Sea CuDtion. 316 "The Garden of pleafant Flowers. ping or fpreading vnder the toppe or cruft of the ground, fome of one colour, fome of another, and many of diuers colours: As I haue formerly done with the Gilloflowers, fo muft I doe with thefe that are entertained in our Gardens, onely giue you the de- fcriptions of fome three or foure of them, according to their variety, and the names of the reft, with their diftinclions. i. Garyophyllus minor Jiluejtris multiplex & Jimp lex. Double and fingle Pinkes. The fingle and double Pinkes are for forme and manner of growing, in all parts like vnto the Gilloflowers before defcribed, fauing onely that their leaues are fmaller and fhorter, in fome more or lefle then in others, and fo are the flowers alfo : the fingle kindes confiding of fiue leaues vfually (feldome fix) round pointed, and a little fnipt for the moft part about the edges, with fome threads in the middle, either crooked or ftraight: the double kindes being lefTer, and lefle double then the Gilloflowers, hauing their leaues a little fnipt or endented about the edges, and of diuers feuerall colours, as mail hereafter be fet downe, and of as fragrant a fent, efpecially fome of them as they : the rootes are long and fpreading, fomewhat hard and wooddy. 2. Caryophyllus plumarius. Feathered or iagged Pinkes. The iagged Pinkes haue fuch like ftalkes and leaues as the former haue, but fome- what fhorter and fmaller, or grafle-like, and of a whitifh or grayifh greene colour like- wife : the flowers ftand in the like manner at the toppes of the ftalkes, in long, round, flender, greene huskes, confifting of fiue leaues, very much cut in on the edges, and iagged almoft like a feather, of a light red, or bright purple colour, with two white threads ftanding in the middle, crooked like a home at the end, and are of a very good fent. Some of thefe haue not thofe two crooked threads or homes in the middle, but haue in their ftead many fmall threads, not crooked at all : the feedes of them all are like vnto the feedes of Gilloflowers, or the other Pinkes, that is, fmall, blacke, long, and flat : the rootes are fmall and wooddy likewife. , 3. Caryophyllus plumarius albus orbe rubro Jiue Stellatus, Starre Pinkes. Of this kinde there is another fort, bearing flowers almoft as deeply cut or iagged as the former, of a faire white colour, hauing a ring or circle of red about the bottome or lower part of the leaues, and are as fweete as the former : this being fowne of feede doth not giue the ftarre of fo bright a red colour, but becommeth more dunne. 4. Caryophyllus plumarius Aujtriacus Jiue Superba Aujiriaca. The feathered Pinke of Auftria. _ This kinde of Pinke hath his firft or lower leaues, fomewhat broader and greener then any of the former Pinkes, being both for breadth and greennefTe more like vnto the Sweete lohns, which fhall bee defcribed in the next Chapter : the leaues on the ftalkes are fmaller, ftanding by couples at euery ioynt, at the toppes whereof ftand fuch like iagged flowers as the laft defcribed, and as large, but more deeply cut in or iagged round about, fome of them of a purplifh colour, but the moft ordinary with vs are pure white, and of a moft fragrant fent, comforting the fpirits and fenfes a farre off: the feedes and rootes are like vnto the former. Some haue miftaken a kinde of wilde Campion, growing in our Woods, and by the paths fides in Hornfie Parke, and other places, to be this feathered Pinke : but the flowers declare the difference fufficiently. 5. Caryophyllus minor repens Jimp lex & multiplex, Single and double matted Pinkes. The matted Pinke is the fmalleft, both for leafe and flower of all other Pinkes that are nourifned in Gardens, hauing many fhort and fmall graflie greene leaues vpon the ftalkes, The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 317 llalkes, which as they grow and lye vpon the ground (and not (landing fo vpright as the former) doe take roote againe, whereby it quickly 1 preadeth, and couereth a great deale of ground in a little t'pucc : the flowers are Imall and round, a little fnipt about the edges, whereof fome are white, and Tome red, and Tome are white fpotted with red, and fome red fpotted with white, all of them being Tingle flowers. But there is another of this kinde, not differing in leafe, but in flower : tor that the first flowers arc but once double, or of two rowes of leaues, of a fine reddifh colour, fpotted with iilucr fpots : but thole that follow, are fo thicke and double, that they often- times doe breake the pod or huske ; being not altogether of fo dcepc a red colour, but more pale. 6. Caryophyllui Mediterraneus Jiue Mar inns maior. Great Sea Gilloflower or Great Thrift. Vnto thefe kindes of Pinkes I mull needs adde, not only our ordinary Thrift (which is more frequent in gardens, to empale or border a knot, becaufe it abideth greenc Winter and Summer, and that by cutting, it may grow thick, and be kept in what form one lilt, rather then for any beautie of the flowers) but another greater kindc, which is of as great beautie and delight almoll as any of the former Pinkes, as well for that the leaues are like vnto Gilloflowers, being longer and larger then any Pinkes, and of a whitifh greene colour like vnto them, not growing long or by couples vpon the ftalkes as Pinkes and Gilloflowers doe, but tufting clofe vpon the ground, like vnto the common Thrift : as alfo that the ftalkes, rifing from among the leaues (being fome- times two toote high (as I haue obferued in my garden) are yet fo (lender and weake, that they are fcarce able to beare the heads of flowers, naked or bare, both of leaues and ioynts, fauing only in one place, where at the ioynt each ftalke hath two fmall and very (hort leaues, not riling vpwards as in all other Gilloflowers, Pinkes, and other herbes, but growing downewards) and doe beare each of them a tuft or vmbell of fmall purplilh, or blulh coloured flowers, at the toppes of them Handing fomewhat like vnto fweete Williams, but more roundly together, each flower confifting of fiuc fmall, round, Itiffe or hardifh leaues, as if they were made of paper, the bottome or middle being hollow, not blowing all at once as the ordinary Thrift, but for the moft part one after another, not (hewing vfually aboue ibure or fiue flowers open at one time (fo farre as I could obferue in the plants that I kept) fo that it was long before the whole tult of flowers were paft ; but yet the hoter and dryer the time was, the fooner it would be gone : the feede I haue not perfectly obferued, but as I remember, it was fomewhat like vnto the feede of Scabious ; I am fure nothing like vnto Gilloflowers or Pinkes : the roote is fomewhat great, long and hard, and not fo much fpreading in the ground as Gilloflowers or Pinkes. Caryophyllui Marinas. Thrift, or Sea Culhion. Our common Thrift is well knowne vnto all, to haue many (hort and hard greene leaues, fmaller then many of the grafles, growing thicke together, and fpreading vpon the ground : the llalkes are naked of leaues a fpanne high, bearing a fmall tuft of light purple, or blulh coloured flowers, (landing round and clofe thrufting together. Double Pinkes. Single Pinkes. < THe double white Pinke is onely ' I ^He (ingle white ordinary Pinke with more leaues in it then the fin- hath a lingle white flower of fiue gle, which maketh the difference. *~ leaues, finely iagged about the The double red Pinke is in the fame edges. manner double, differing from the (ingle The (ingle red Pink is like the white, but of the fame colour. that the leaues are not fo much iagged, and The double purple Pinke differeth not the flower is of a pale purplifh red colour, from 'The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. from the fingle purple for colour, but on- The fingle purple Pinke is of a faire ly in the doubleneffe of the flower. purple colour, like almoft vnto the purple The Granado Pinke differeth not from Gilloflower. the Gilloflower of the fame name, but in the fmalneffe both of leaues and flower. The double Matted Pinke is before de- fcribed. The double blufh Pinke is almoft as great as the ordinary blufh Gilloflower, and fome haue taken it for one, but the The great blufh Pinke hath broader and larger leaues in the flower then any other Pinke, and of a faire blufh colour. The white Featherd Pinke hath the edges of the flower more finely and deep- ly cut in then the former. The red or light purple featherd Pinke greene leaues are almoft as fmall as Pinks, j is like the former featherd Pinke, but only and therefore I referre it to them. j differeth in colour. The Starre Pinke is a faire flower, finely iagged on the edges, with a faire red circle at the lower end of the leaues on the infide. The white featherd Pinke of Auftria is defcribed before. The purple featherd Pinke of Auftria is fo likewife. The fingle matted Pinke is before defcribed. The fpeckled Pinke is a fmall flower hauing fmall fpots of red here and there difperfed ouer the white flower. Thofe fingle flowers being like vnto Pinkes that rife from the fowing of the orenge tawney, I bring not into this c/afsis, hauing already fpoken of them in the precedent Chapter. The Place. Thefe are all like as the former, nourifhed in Gardens with vs, although many of them are found wilde in many places of Auftria, Hungarie, and Germany, on the mountaines, and in many other places, as Clufius recor- deth. The ordinary Thrift groweth in the fait Marfhes at Chattam by Ro- chefter, and in many other places in England : but the great kinde was ga- thered in Spaine, by Guillaume Boel that painefull fearcher of fimples, and the feede thereof imparted to me, from whence I had diuers plants, but one yeare after another they all perifhed. The Time. Many of thefe Pinkes both fingle and double, doe flower before any Gilloflower, and fo continue vntill Augurt, and fome, moft of the Sum- mer and Autumne. The Names. The feuerall titles that are giuen to thefe Pinkes, may fuffice for their par- ticular names: and for their generall they haue beene exprefTed in the for- mer Chapter, beeing of the fame kindred, but that they are fmaller, and more frequently found wilde. The two forts of Thrift are called Garyophyl- lus Marintts. The greater, Maior & Mediterraneus ; In Englifh, The grea- ter or Leuant Thrift, or Sea Gilloflower. The lefler Minimus, and is ac- counted of fome to be a grafTe, and therefore called Grameti Marinum & Polyanthemum ; In Englifh, Thrift, Sea grafle, and our Ladies Cufhion, or Sea Cufhion. The Vertues. It is thought by diuers, that their vertues are anfwerable to the Gillo- flowers, yet as they are of little vfe with vs, fo I thinke of as fmall effecl. CHAP. T 'The Garden of pica feint Flowers. 319 CHAP. LXXI. Armerius. Sweet lohns ;uui fwcet William-. Hefe kindes of flowers as they come neerelt vnto Pinkes and Gilloflowers, though man ill-lily differing, To it is fitteft to place them next vnto them in a peculiar Chapter. i. Armerius angu/dfoliiis rubens /implex. Single red fweete lohns. The fweete lohn hath his leaues broader, (hotter and greener then any of the for- mer Gilloflowers, but narrower then fweete Williams, fet by couples, at the ioynts of the llalkes, which are fhorter then molt of the former, and not aboue a foote and a halfe high, at the tops whereof rtand many fmall flowers, like vnto fmall Pinkes, but (landing clofer together, and in fhorter huskes, made of fiue leaues, f mai- ler then moll of them, and more deeply iagged then the Williams, of a red colour in the middle, and white at the edges, but of a fmall or foft fent, and not all flowring at once, but by degrees: the feede is blacke, fomewhat like vnto the feede of Pinkes, the roote i> difperfed diuerfly, with many fmall fibres annexed vnto it. 2. Armerius angujlifolius albus /implex. Single white fweet lohns. This white lohn differeth not in any thing from the former, but onely that the leafe doth neuer change brownifh, and that the flower is of a faire white colour, without any mixture. 3. Ar menus angujlifolius duplex. Double fweet lohns. There is of both thofe former kindes, fome whofe flowers are once double, that is, conliiting of two or three rowes of leaues, and the edges not fo deeply iagged ; not differing in any thing elfe. 4. Armerius latifolius Jimp lex Jtore rubro. Single red fweet Williams. The fweet Williams doe all of them fpread into many very long trayling branches, with leaues lying on the ground, in the very like manner that the fweete lohns doe : the chiefe differences betweene them are, that thefe haue broader, and darker greene leaues, fomewhat brownifh, efpecially towards the points, and that the flowers ftand thicker and clofer, and more in number together, in the head or tuft, hauing many fmall pointed leaues among them, but harmleffe, as all men know; the colour of the flower is of a deep red, without any mixture or fpot at all. 5. Armerius latifolius Jiorc rubro multiplici. Double red fweete Williams. The double kinde differeth not from the fingle kinde of the fame colour, but only in the doubleneffe of the flowers, which are with two rowes of leaues in euery flower. 6. Armerius latifolius -varicgatus fine wr/icofar. Speckled fweete Williams, or London pride. Thefe fpotted Williams are very like the firfl red Williams, in the forme or maner of growing, hauing leaues as broade, and browne fometimes as they, the flowers Hand as thicke or thicker, clurtring together, but of very variable colours : for fome flowers will be of a fine delayed red, with few markes or fpots vpon them, and others will 320 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. will bee full fpeckled or fprinkled with white or liluer fpots, circlewife about the mid- dle of the flowers, and fome will haue many fpecks or fpots vpon them difperfed : all thefe flowers are not blowne at one time, but fome are flowring, when others are decaying, fo that abiding long in their pride, they become of the more respeit : The feede is blacke, as all the reft, and not to be diftinguifhed one from another : the roots are fome long, and fome fmall and threddy, running vnder the vpper cruft of the earth. 7. Armerius latifolius Jlore rubro faturo holofericeo. Sweet Williams of a deepe red or murrey colour. The leaues of this kinde feeme to be a little larger, and the ioints a little redder then the former, but in the flower confifteth the chiefeft difference, which is of a deepe red, or murrey purple colour, like vnto veluet of that colour, without any fpots, but fmooth, and as it were foft in handling, hauing an eye or circle in the middle, at the bottome of the leaues. 8. Armerius latifolius Jimp lex Jlore albo. Single white fweete Williams. The white kinde differeth not in forme, but in colour from the former, the leaues are not browne at all, but of a frefh greene colour, and the flowers are wholly white, or elfe they are all one. The Place. Thefe for the moll: part grow wilde in Italic, and other places : we haue them in our Gardens, where they are cherifhed for their beautifull varietie. The Time. They all generally doe flower before the Gilloflowers or Pinkes, or with the firft of them : their feede is ripe in lune and luly, and doe all well abide the extremitie of our coldeft winters. The Names. They all generally are called Armerius^ or Armeria, as fome doe write, and diftinguifhed as they are in their titles : Yet fome haue called them Fe- tonica agrejlis, and others Herba Tunica, Scarlatea, & Caryophyllus Jilueftris : Wee doe in Englifh in mofl places, call the firft or narrower leafed kindes, Sweet lohns, and all the reft Sweete Williams ; yet in fome places they call the broader leafed kindes that are not fpotted, Tolmeiners, and London tufts : but the fpeckled kinde is termed by our Englifh Gentlewomen, for the moft part, London pride. The Vertues. We haue not knowne any of thefe vfed in Phylicke. CHAP. LXXII. Bellis. Daifie. THere be diuers forts of Daifies, both great and fmall, both fmgle and double, both wilde growing abroade in the fieldes, and elfewhere, and manured grow- ing only in Gardens : of all which I intend not to entreate, but of thofe that are of moft beautie and refpet, and leaue the reft to their proper place. i. Bellis The Garden of p/eafant Mowers. 321 I Armrriut anguftifolim fernf-ltx. Single fweete lohns. I Armtriui anfuftifoliui multiplix. Double fweet I ohns. 3 Armrrius tati- foliuiKmplex. Single fweete Williams. 4 Armtnta lalifolius vtrjicolor. Spotted fweet Williams or pride of London. 5 Armerius lati/oliHs multipltx. Double fweet Williams. 6 Bellis korlen/i minor multiplsx. Double Garden Daifies. 7 Bellit minor kortenfis flort vario Double red Daifies ftrint. 8 Bfllit minor horttnjii proliftra. Double fruitful! Daifies or lacke an Apes on horfebacice. 9 Btllis tarulta Jiut Globttlaria. Double blew Daifie* or blew Gtobeflower to Btllit IvUa montana /iue Olobularia lutta monlana. Double yellow Daifie or yellow Globeflower. S2 ^22 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers, i . Bellis maior JJore albo plena. The great double white Daifie. The great Daifie with the double white flower, is in all things fo like vnto the great tingle kinde, that groweth by the high wayes, and in diuers medowes and fields, that there is no difference but in the flower, which is double. It hath many long, and fome- what broad leaues lying vpon the ground, deepely cut in on both fides, fomewhat like vnto an oaken leafe ; but thofe that are on the ftalkes are fhorter, narrower, and not fo deeply cut in, but onely notched on the edges : the flowers at the toppe are (as I faid) white and double, confiding of diuers rowes of leaues, being greater in com- paffe then any of the double Daifies that follow, but nothing fo double of leaues. 2. Bellis minor flore rubro Jimp lid. Single red Daifies. This fingle Daifie (like as all the reft of the fmall Daifies) hath many fmooth, greene, round pointed leaues lying on the ground, a little fnipt about the edges ; from among which rife many flender round foote-ftalkes, rather then ftalkes or ftems, about an hand breadth high at the moft, and oftentimes not halfe fo high, bearing one flow- er a peece, confifting of many fmall leaues, as a pale or border fet about a middle thrumme : the leaues of this kinde are almoft wholly red, whereas in the wilde they are white or whitifh, enclining to red on the edges, the middle being yellow in both forts : the rootes are many fmall white threads or ftrings. 3, Bellis minor hortenjis Jtore plena variorum color um. Double Garden Daifies of diuers colours. The leaues of all the double Daifies are in forme like vnto the fingle ones, but that they are fmaller, and little or nothing fnipt or notched about the edges : the fmall ftalkes likewife are fmaller and lower, but bearing as double flowers as any that growe on the ground, being compofed of many fmall leaues, thicke thruft together, of diuers colours ; for fome are wholly of a pure white, others haue a little red, either difperfed vpon the white leaues, or on the edges, and fometimes on the backes of the leaues : fome againe feeme to be of a whitifh red, or more red then white, when as indeede they are white leaues difperfed among the red ; others of a deepe or darke red colour, and fome are fpeckled or ftriped with white and red through the whole flower : and fome the leaues will bee red on the vpperfide, and white vnderneath ; and fome alfo (but thofe are very rare) are of a greenifh colour. 4. Bellis minor hortenjis prolifera. Double double Daifies or childing Daifies. There is no difference either in leafe or roote in this kinde from the former double Daifies : the chiefeft variety confifteth in this, that it beareth many fmall double flow- ers, (landing vpon very fhort ftalkes round about the middle flower, which is vfually as great and double as any of the other double kindes, and is either wholly of a deepe red colour, or fpeckled white and red as in fome of the former kindes, or elfe greenifh, all the fmall flowers about it being of the fame colour with the middlemoft. 5. Bellis caruleajiue Globularia. Blew Daifies. The likenefle and affinity that this plant hath with the former, both in the forme of leafe and flower, as alfo in the name, hath caufed me to infert it, and another rare plant of the fame kinde, in this place, although they be very rare to be met with in our Englifh Gardens. This beareth many narrower, fhorter, and blacker greene leaues then the former, lying round about vpon the ground ; among which rife vp flender, but ftiffe and hard ftalks, halfe a foot high or more, fet here and there with fmall leaues, and at the top a fmall round head, compofed of many fmall blew leaues, fomewhat like vnto the head of a Scabious : It hath bin found likewife with a white head of flowers : the roote is hard and ftringie : the whole plant is of a bitter tafte. 6. Globularia The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 6. Globularia lutca w.ntana. Yellow Dailies. This mountaine yellow Daifie or Globe-flower hath many thickc, fmooth, round pointed leaues, fpread vpon the ground like the former; among which fpring diuers fmall round rufhie rtalkes, a foote high, bearing about the middle of them two ! mall leaues at the ioynts, and at the toppes round heads of flowers thrull thicke together, (landing in purplifh huskes, euery of which flowers do blow or fpread into fiue leaues, Itarre-falhion, and of a fa ire yellow colour, fmelling like vnto broome flowers, with many fmall threads in the middle compafling a flat pointell, horned or bended two wayes : after the flowers are pall rife vp the feede veflels, which are round, fwelling out in the middle, and diuided into foure parts at the toppes, containing within them round, flat, blacke fcede, with a fmall cut or notch in them : the roote is a finger long, round and hard, with a thicke barke, and a woddy pith in the middle, of a fharpe dry- ing tafte and llrong fent: the leaues are alfo lharpe, but bitter. The Place. The fmall Dailies are all planted, and found onely in Gardens, and will require to be replanted often, left they degenerate into fingle flowers, or at leall into lefle double. The blew Daifie is naturall of Mompelier in France, and on the mountaines in many places of Italy, as alfo the yellow kinde in the Kingdome of Naples. The Time. The Daifies flower betimes in the Spring, and laft vntill May, but the lall two flower not vntill Auguft or September. The Names. They are vfually called in Latine Bellides, and in Englifh Daifies. Some call them Herba Margarita, and Primula veris, as it is likely after the Italian names, of Marguerite, and Flor di prima vera gentile. The French call them Pafquettes, and Marguerites, and the Fruitfull fort, or thofe that beare fmall flowers about the middle one, Margueritons : our Englifh women call them lacke an Apes on horfe-backe, as they doe Marigolds before recited, or childing Daifies : but the Phyfitians and Apothecaries doe in generall call them, efpecially the fingle or Field kindes, Confolida minor. The blew Daifie is called Be/fis ceerulea, and Globularia, of fome Scabiofce pumilum genus. The Italians call it Botanaria, becaufe the heads are found like buttons. The yellow, Globularia montana, is onely defcribed by Fabius Columna, in his laft part of Phytobafanos, and by him referred vnto the former Globularia, although it differ in fome notable points from it. The Vertues. The properties of Daifies are certainly to binde, and the roote efpeci- ally being dryed, they are vfed in medicines to that purpofe. They are alfo of fpeciall account among thofe herbes, that are vfed for wounds in the head. CHAP. 324 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. CHAP. LXXIII. Scabiofa. Scabious. THe forts of Scabious being many, yeeld not flowers of beauty or refpecl;, fit to bee cherifhed in this our Garden of delight ; and therefore I leaue them to the Fields and Woods, there to abide. I haue onely two or three ftrangers to bring to your acquaintance, which are worthy this place. i . Scabiofa jtore albo. White flowred Scabious. This white Scabious hath many long leaues, very much iagged or gafht in on both fides, of a meane bigneffe, being neither fo large as many of the field, nor fo fmall as any of the fmall kindes : the ftalkes rife about a foote and a halfe high, or fomewhat higher, at the tops whereof grow round heads, thicke fet with flowers, like in all points vnto the field Scabious, but of a milke white colour. 2. Scabiofa rubra Auflriaca. Red Scabious of Auftria. This red Scabious hath many leaues lying vpon the ground, very like vnto Deuils bit, but not fo large, being fhorter and fnipt, not gafhed about the edges, of a light greene colour ; yet (there is another of a darker greene colour, whofe flower is of a deeper red) the ftalkes haue diuers fuch leaues on them, fet by couples at the ioynts as grow belowe, and at the tops fmall heads of flowers, each confifting of fiue leaues, the biggeft flowers (landing round about in the outer compafTe, as is vfuall almoft in all the kinds of Scabious, of a fine light purple or red colour : after the flowers are paft, come the feede, which is fomewhat long and round, fet with certaine haires at the head thereof, like vnto a Starrer the roote is compofed of a number of {lender ftrings, faftened at the head. 3. Scabiofa rubra Indica. Red flowred Indian Scabious. This (reputed Indian) Scabious hath many large faire greene leaues lying on the ground, iagged or cut in on both fides to the middle ribbe, euery peece whereof is narrower then that at the end, which is the broadeft : among thefe leaues rife vp fun- dry (lender and weake ftalkes, yet ftanding vpright for the mod part, fet with fmaller and more iagged leaues at certaine diftances, two or three at euery ioynt, branching forth at the toppe into other fmaller branches, bearing euery one head of flowers, like in forme vnto other Scabioufes, but of an excellent deepe red crimfon colour (and fometimes more pale or delayed) of no fent at all : after which doe come fmall roun- dim feede, like vnto the field Scabious : the roote is long and round, compafled with a great many fmall ftrings, and perifheth vfually as foone as it hath borne out his flow- ers and feede : otherwife if it doe not flower the firft yeare of the fowing, if it be care- fully defended from the extremity of Winter, it will flower the fooner the next yeare, as I my felfe haue often found by experience. The Place. The firft is fometimes found wilde in our owne Countrey, but it is very geafon, and hath been fent among other rare feedes from Italy. The fecond was firft found and written of by Clufius, in Pannonia and Auftria, where it is very plentifull. The third hath been fent both from Spaine & Italy, and is verily thought to grow naturally in both thofe parts. The The Garden of f> leaf ant Flowers. \ Scabiofa Jtur, tilbn. White floured Scabious. 1 Scabto/a rubra Auflriaca. Red Scabious of Auitria. ( Siabiufa rubra In- dita. Red flowred Indian Scabious. 4 Cyamus \-ulgam minor. Corn-flowei of diuers colours. 5 Cvn/iui litelicut. Spanifh Corn-flower. 6 Cyanm floridus Tunicm. The braue Sultans flower. J Cartkamiiij'ativm. Spanilh Saffron. 326 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Time. The firft and fecond flower earlier then the lart, for that it flowreth not vntill September or O6tober, (vnleffe it be not apt to beare the firft yeare as I before faid) fo that many times (if none be more forward) it perifheth without bearing ripe feede, whereby we are oftentimes to feeke new feede from our friends in other parts. The Names. They haue all one generall name of Scabious, diftinguifhed eyther by their flower, or place of growing, as in their titles : yet the laft is called of diuers Scabioja exotica, becaufe they thinke the name Indica, is not truely impofed vpon it. The Vertues. Whether thefe kindes haue any of the vertues of the other wilde kinds, I know none haue made any experience, and therefore I can fay no more of them. CHAP. LXXIIII. Cyanus. Corne flower, or blew Bottles. VNder the name of Cyanus are comprehended, not onely thofe plants which from the excellent blew colour of their flowers (furnifhing or rather peftering the Corne fieldes) haue peculiarly obtained that name, and which doth much vary alfo, in the colour of the flowers, as fhall be fhewed ; but fome other plants alfo for their neere refemblance, but with feuerall diftinftions. The Cyanus maior, Ptarmica Aujlriaca, Ptarmica Imperati, and many others which may be adioyned vnto them, do more fitly belong to the Garden of Simples, whereunto I leaue them, and will here only entreate of thofe that may moft pleafe the delight of our Gentle Florifts, in that I labour and ftriue, to furnifh this our garden, with the chiefeft choyfe of natures beauties and delights. i . Cyanus vu/garis diuer forum colorum. Corne flower of diuers colours. All thefe forts of Corne flowers are for the moft part alike, both in leaues and flowers one vnto another for the forme : the difference betweene them confifteth in the varying colour of the flowers : For the leaues are long, and of a whitifh greene colour, deeply cut in on the edges in fome places, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of a Scabious : the ftalkes are two foote high or better, befet with fuch like leaues but fmal- ler, and little or nothing flit on the edges : the toppes are branched, bearing many fmal greene fcaly heads, out of which rife flowers, confifting of fiue or fixe, or more long and hollow leaues, fmall at the bottome, and opening wider and greater at the brims, notched or cut in on the edges, and ftanding round about many fmall threds in the middle : the colours of thefe flowers are diuers, and very variable ; for fome are wholly blew, or white, or blufh, or of a fad, or light purple, or of a light or dead red, or of an ouerworne purple colour, or elfe mixed of thefe colours, as fome, the edges h white, and the reft blew or purple, or the edges blew or purple, and the reft of the flower white, or ftriped, fpotted, or halfed, the one part of one colour, and the other of another, the threds likewife in the middle varying in many of them ; for fome will haue the middle thrume of a deeper purple then the outer leaues, and fome haue white or blufh leaues, the middle thrume being reddifh, deeper or paler : After the flowers are part, there come fmall, hard, white and finning feede in thofe heads, wrap- ped The Garden of pleafant Flowers. ped or fet among a deale of flockie matter, as is molt vfuall, in all plants that beare fcaly heads : the rootes are long and hard, perifhing euery yeare when it hath giucn fced'e. 2. Cyanus floridus Turcicus. The Sultans flower. As a kinde of theie Corne flowers, I muft needes adioyne another ftranger, of much heautie, and but lately obtained from Conftantinople, where, becaufe (as it is faid) the great Turke, as we call him, faw it abroade, liked it, and wore it himfelte ; all his vaflals haue had it in great regard, and hath been obtained from them, by fome that haue fent it into thefe parts. The leaues whereof are greener, and not only gafhed, but finely fnipt on the edges : the ftalkes are three foote high, garnifhed with the like leaues as are below, and branched as the former, bearing large fcaly heads, and fuch like flowers but larger, hauing eight or nine of thofe hollow gaping leaues in euery flower, (lan- ding about the middle threds (if it be planted in good and fertile ground and be well watered, for it foone ftarueth and perifheth with drought) the circling leaues are of a fine delayed purple or blufh colour, very beautifull to behold ; the feede of this is f mailer and blacker, and not enclofed in fo much dounie fubftance, as the former (yet in our Countrey the feede is not fo blacke, as it came vnto vs, but more gray) the roote perifheth likewife euery yeere. 3. Cyanus Baticus fupinus. The Spanifh Corne-flower. This Spanifh kinde hath many fquare low bending or creeping ftalkes, not ftanding fo vpright as the former, but branching out more diuerfly ; fo that one plant will take vp a great deale of ground : the leaues are broader then any of the reft, fofter alfo, of a pale or whitifh greene colour, and not much gafhed on the edges : the flowers ftand in bigger heads, with foure or fiue leaues vnder euery head, and are of a light pale purple or blufh colour ; after which come feede, but not fo plentifully, yet wrapped in a great deale of flockie matter, more then any : the roote groweth downe deepe into the ground, but perifheth euery yeare as they doe. The Place. The firft or former kindes, grow many times in the Corne fields of our own Countrey, as well as of others, efpecially that fort with a blew flower : but the other forts or colours are not fo frequent, but are nourifhed in gar- dens, where they will vary wonderfully. The fecond as is before fet downe, groweth in Turkic : and the laft in Spaine, found out and firft fent to vs by that induftrious fearcher of fimples, Guillaume Boel before remembred. The Time. The firft doe flower in the end of lune, and in luly, and fometimes fooner. The other two later, and not vntill Auguft moft commonly, and the feede is foone ripe after. The Names. The firft is generally called Cyanus, and fome following the Ditch name, call it Flos frumenti. The olde Writers gaue it the name of Bapti feecuba, which is almoft worne out. We doe call them in Engliih, Blew Bottles, and in fome places, Corne flowers, after the Ditch names. The fecond hath beene fent by the name of Ambreboi, which whether it be a Turkic or Ara- bian name, I know not. I haue called it from the place, from whence we had it, Turcicus, and for his beauty, Floridus. The Turkes themfelues as I vnder- ftand, doe call it The Sultans flower, and I haue done fo likewife, that it may bee diftinguiftied from all the other kindes, or elfe you may call it, The 328 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Turkey blufh Corne flower, which you pleafe. The laft was fent by the name of lacea Beetica, but I had rather to referre it to the Cyanus, or Corne flowers, becaufe the flowers are like vnto the Corne flowers, and not vnto the laceas or Knapweedes. The Vertues. Thefe had no vfe in Phyficke in Galen and Diofcorides time, in that (as it is thought) they haue made no mention of them : We in thefe dayes doe chiefly vfe the firft kindes (as alfo the greater fort) as a cooling Cordiall, and commended by fome to be a remedy, not onely againft the plague and peftilentiall difeafes, but againft the poifon of Scorpions and Spiders. CHAP. LXXV. lacea Marina Beetica. Spanifh. Sea Knapweede. THere are a great many forts of Knapweedes, yet none of them all fit for this our Garden, but this only ftranger, which I haue beene bold to thruft in here, for that it hath fuch like gaping or open flowers, as the former Corne flowers haue, but notably differing, and therefore deferueth a peculiar Chapter, as partaking both with Cyanus and lacea. It hath many long and narrow leaues vneuenly dented or waued on both edges (and not notched, gamed or indented, as many other herbes are) being thicke, flefhie and brittle, a little hairy, and of an ouerworne darke greene co- lour, among which rife lowe weake ftalkes, with fuch like leaues as grow at the bot- tome, but fmaller, bearing but here and there a flower, of a bright reddifh purple co- lour, like in forme vnto the Corne flowers, but much larger, with many threds or thrumes in the middle of the fame colour, (landing vp higher then any of the former : this flower rifeth out of a large fcaly head, all fet ouer with fmall marpe (but harme- lefle) white prickles : the feedes are blackifh, like vnto the Knapweedes, and larger then any of the former Corne flowers : the roote is great and thicke, growing deepe into the ground, flefhie and full of a flimie or clammy iuice, and eafie to bee broken, blackifh on the outfide, and whitim within, enduring many yeares, like as the other Knapweedes, or Matfelons doe, growing in time to be very thicke and great. The Place. It groweth naturally by the Sea fide in Spaine, from whence I receiued the feedes of Guillaume Boel, and did abide well in my garden a long time, but is now perifhed. The Time. It flowreth in the beginning of luly, or thereabouts, and continueth not long in flower : but the head abideth a great while, and is of fome beauty after the flower is paft ; yet feldome giueth good feed with vs. The Names. It hath no other name then is fet down in the title, being altogether a No- uelift, and not now to be feene with any fauing my felfe. The Vertues. We haue not yet known any vfe hereof in Phyfick. CHAP. The Garden of pleajant Mowers. 329 CHAP. LXXVI. Cnicus fine Cartliamtn fatn-iis. Baftard or Spanifh Saffron. THere are two or three forts of Cnicus or bartard Saffrons which I pafTc ouer, as not fit for this Garden, and onely fet downe this kinde, whofe flowers are of a fairer and more liuely colour in our Country, then any hath come ouer from Spaine, where they manure it for the profit they make thereof, feruing for the dying of Silke efpecially, and tranfporting great quantities to diuers Countries. It hath large broad leaues, without any prickes at all vpon them in our Country, growing vpon the Italke, which is Itrong, hard, and round, with fhorter leaues thereon vp to the toppe, where they are a little fharpe pointed, and prickly about the edges fometimes, which Ilalkc rifeth three or tbure foote high, and brancheth it felte toward the toppe, bearing at the end ot euery branch one great open fcaly head, out of which thrufteth out many gold yellow threads, of a mort orient mining colour, which being gathered in a dry time, and kept dry, will abide in the fame delicate colour that it bare when it was frefh, for a very long time after : when the flowers are pall, the feede when it is come to ma- turity, which is very feldome with vs, is white and hard, fomewhat long, round, and A little cornered : the roote is long, great, and wooddy, and perifheth quickly with the rirlt frofts. The Place. It groweth in Spaine, and other hot Countries, but not wilde, for that it is accounted of the old Writers, Theophraftus and Diofcorides, to be a ma- nured plant. The Time. It flowreth with vs not vntill Auguft, or September fometimes, fo that it hardly giueth ripe feede (as I faid) neither is it of that force to purge, which groweth in thefe colder Countries, as that which comtneth from Spaine, and other places. The Names. The name Cnicus is deriued from the Greekes, and Carthamus from the Arabians, yet (till fati'vus is added vnto it, to mew it is no wilde, but a ma- nured plant, and fowne euery where that wee know. Of fome it is called Crocus /iorteri/is, and Sarafenicus, from the Italians which fo call it. We call it in Englilh Bartard Saffron, Spanifh Saffron, and Catalonia Saffron. The Vertues. The flowers are vfed in colouring meates, where it groweth beyond Sea, and alfo for the dying of Silkes : the kernels of the feede are onely vfed in Phyficke with vs, and ferueth well to purge melancholicke humours. CHAP. LXXVI I. Carduus. Thirties. YOu may fomewhat maruaile, to fee mee curious to plant Thirties in my Gar- den, when as you might well fay, they are rather plagues then pleafures, and more trouble to weede them out, then to cherifh them vp, if I made therein no dirtinction or choife ; but when you haue viewed them well which I bring in, I will T 2 then 3 3 o The Garden of pleafant F/owers. then abide your cenfure, if they be not worthy of fome place, although it be but a cor- ner of the Garden, where fomething muft needes be to fill vp roome. Some of them are fmooth, and without prickes at all, fome at the heads onely, and fome all ouer ; but yet not without fome efpeciall note or marke worthy of refpecl : Out of this difcourfe I leaue the Artichoke, with all his kindes, and referue them for our Kitchin Garden, becaufe (as all know) they are for the pleafure of the tafte, and not of the fmell or fight. i . Acanthus fativus. Garden Beares breech. The leaues of this kinde of fmooth thiftle (as it is accounted) are almoft as large as the leaues of the Artichoke, but not fo fharp pointed, very deeply cut in and gamed on both edges, of a fad green & mining colour on the vpperfide, and of a yellowifh green vnderneath, with a great thicke rib in the middle, which fpread themfelues about the root, taking vp a great deale of ground. After this plant hath ftood long in one place, and well defended from the iniury of the cold, it fendeth forth from among the leaues one or more great and ftrong ftalkes, three or foure foote high, without any branch at all, bearing from the middle to the top many flowers one aboue another, fpike-fafhion round about the ftalke, with fmaller but not diuided greene leaues at euery flower, which is white, and fafhioned fomewhat like vnto a gaping mouth ; after which come broad, flat, thicke, round, brownifh yellow feede (as I haue well obferued by them haue beene fent me out of Spaine, and which haue fprung vp, and doe grow with me ; for in our Countrey I could neuer obferue any feede to haue growne ripe) the rootes are compofed of many great and thicke long firings, which fpread farre in and vnder the ground, fomewhat darkifh on the outfide, and whitifh within, full of a clammy moifture (whereby it fheweth to haue much life) and doe endure our Winters, if they be not too much expofed to the fharpe violence thereof, which then it will not en- dure, as I haue often found by experience. 2. Acanthus Jilueftris. Wilde or prickly Beares breech. This prickly Thiftle hath diuers long greenifh leaues lying on the ground, much narrower then the former, but cut in on both fides, thicke fet with many white prickes and thornes on the edges : the ftalke rifeth not vp fo high, bearing diuers fuch like thornie leaues on them, with fuch a like head of flowers on it as the former hath : but the feede hereof (as it hath come to vs from Italy and other places, for I neuer faw it beare feed here in this Country) is blacke and round, of the bignefle of a fmall peafe : the roote abideth reafonable well, if it be defended fomewhat from the extremity of our Winters, or elfe it will perifh. 3 . Eringium Pannonicum jiue Montanum. Hungary Sea Holly. The lower leaues of this Thiftle that lye on the ground, are fomewhat large, round, and broad, hard in handling, and a little fnipt about the edges, euery one ftanding vp- on a long foote-ftalke : but thofe that growe vpon the ftalke, which is ftifFe, two or three foote high, haue no foote-ftalke, but encompafle it, two being fet at euery ioynt, the toppe whereof is diuided into diuers branches, bearing fmall round rough heads, with fmaller and more prickly leaues vnder them, and more cut in on the fides then thofe belowe : out of thefe heads rife many blew flowers, the foote-ftalkes of the flowers, together with the toppes of the branches, are likewife blew and tranfparent, or (hining. Flare albo. We haue another of this kinde, the whole toppes of the ftalkes, with the heads and branches, are more white then blew : the feede contained in thefe heads are white, flat, and as it were chaffie : the roote is great and whitifh, fpreading farre into many branches, and fomewhat fweete in tafte, like the ordinary Sea Holly rootes. 4. Carduus mollis. The gentle Thiftle. The leaues of this foft and gentle Thiftle that are next vnto the ground, are greene on The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 331 l Acanthus j taine Sea Holly. 6 Carduta fpharoctphalta minor. Bafurd Uiuanic. Garden Hearts breech. ^ Atimtliui film/frit. Wilde Beares breech. 3 Bringing PaHHnniciiM. Moun- 4 Carlina kumilis. The lowe Cailine Thiftle. 5 Carduia fp kizroup kalis motor. The greater Globe-Thiftlc. The leflcr Globe-Thiftle. 7 CurJuus Erioeepkalus. The Frierb crowne. S Fraxiiulla. 332 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. on the vpperlide, and hoary vnderneath, broad at the bottome, fomewhat long poin- ted, and vneuenly notched about the edges, with fome foft hairie prickles, not hurting the handler, euery one ftanding vpon a fhort foote-ftalke ; thofe that growe about the middle ftalke are like the former, but fmaller and narrower, and thofe next the toppe fmalleft, where it diuideth it felfe into fmall branches, bearing long and fcaly heads, out of which breake many reddifh purple threads : the feede is whitiih and hard, al- moft as great as the feede of the greater Centory : the roote is blackifh, fpreading vn- der the ground, with many fmall fibres faftened vnto it, and abideth a great while. 5. Car Una humilis. The lowe Carline Thirtle. This lowe Thiftle hath many iagged leaues, of a whitifh greene colour, armed with fmall (harp white prickles round about the edges, lying round about the root vpon the ground, in the middle whereof rifeth vp a large head, without any ftalke vnder it, com- pafTed about with many fmall and long prickly leaues, from among which the flower fheweth it felfe, compofed of many thin, long, whitifh, hard mining leaues, ftanding about the middle, which is flat and yellow, made of many thrums or threads like fmall flowers, wherein lye fmall long feede, of a whitifh or filuer colour : the roote is fome- what aromaticall, blackifh on the outlide, fmall and long, growing downewards into the ground. There is another of this kinde that beareth a higher ftalke, and a redder flower, but there is a manifeft difference betweene them. 6. Garduus Spheerocephalus Jiue Globofus maior. The greater Globe Thiftle. The greateft of thefe beautifull Thirties, hath at the firft many large and long leaues lying on the ground, very much cut in and diuided in many places, euen to the middle ribbe, fet with fmall fharpe (but not very ftrong) thornes or prickles at euery corner of the edges, greene on the vpperlide, and whitifh vnderneath : from the middle of thefe leaues rifeth vp a round ftirFe ftalke, three foote and a halfe high, or more, fet without order with fuch like leaues, bearing at the toppe of euery branch a round hard great head, confifting of a number of fharpe bearded huskes, compacl or fet clofe together, of a blewifh greene colour, out of euery one of which huskes ftart fmall whitifh blew flowers, with white threads in the middle of them, and riling aboue them, fo that the heads when they are in full flower, make a fine fhew, much delighting the fpeclators : after the flowers are paft, the feede encreafeth in euery one, or the moft part of the bearded huskes, which doe ftill hold their round forme, vntill that being ripe it ope- neth it felfe, and the huskes eafily fall away one from another, containing within them a long whitifh kernell : the roote is great and long, blackifh on the outfide, and dyeth euery yeare when it hath borne feede. j. Garduus Globofus minor. The lerTer Globe Thiftle. The leffer kinde hath long narrow leaues, whiter then the former, but cut in and gafhed on the edges very much with fome fmall prickes on them ; the ftalke is not halfe fo long, nor the heads halfe fo great, but as round, and with as blew flowers as the greater : this feldome giueth ripe feede, but recompenfeth that fault, in that the roote perifheth not as the former, but abideth many yeares. 8. Carduus Eriocephalus Jiue fomentofus. The Friers Crowne. This woolly Thiftle hath many large and long leaues lying on the ground, cut in on both fides into many diuifions, which are likewife fomewhat vnequally cut in or di- uided againe, hauing fharpe white prickles at euery corner of the diuifions, of a dead or fad greene colour on the vpperfide, and fomewhat woolly withall, and grayifh vn- derneath : the ftalke is ftrong and tall, foure or fiue foote high at the leaft, branching out into diuers parts, euery where befet with fuch like leaues as growe below ; at the toppe of euery branch there breaketh out a great whitifh round prickly head, flattifh at the toppe, fo thicke fet with wooll, that the prickles feeme but fmall fpots or haires, and The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 333 and doth Ib well refemble the bald crowne ot" a Frier, not onely before it be in flower, but efpeciiilly after it hath done flowring, that thereupon it deleruedly receiued the ii.tme of the Friers Crowne Thiftle: out of thefe heads rifeth forth a purple thrumme, fuch as is to be feene in many other wilde Thiftles, which when they are ripe, are full of a rlockie or woolly fubftnnce, which breake at the toppe (bedding it, and the feede which is blackilh, rlat, and fmooth : the roote is great and thicke, enduring for fomc yeares, vet fometimcs perilhing, if it be too much expofed to the violence of the frofts in Winter. The Place. The firft groweth naturally in Spaine, Italy, and France, and in many o- ther hot Countries, and growe onely in Gardens in thefe colder climates, and there cherifhed for the beautirull afpect both of the greene plants, and of the (hikes when they are in flower. The Carline Thiftle is tound both in Germany and Italy in many places, and as it is reported, in fome places of the Weft parts in England. The others are found fome in France, fome in Hungary, and on the Alpes, and the laft in Spaine. The Time. They doe all flower in the Summer moneths, fome a little earlier or later then others. The Names. The lirft is called Acanthus fativus (becaufe the other that is prickly, is called Jtlueftris or fpinofus] and Branea vrjina ; In Englifh, Branck vrfine, and Beares breech. The third is called Eringium montanum, Alpinum, and Pannonicum latifolium: In Englifh, Mountaine or Hungary Sea Holly. The fourth is called CarJuus mollis, The gentle Thiftle, becaufe it hath no harm- full prickles, although it feeme at the firft fhew to be a Thiftle. The fifth is called of diuers Chamaleo albus, and Carlina^ as if they were both but one plant ; but Fabius Columna hath in my Judgement very learnedly defcided that controuerlie, making Car Una to be Ixine of Theophraftus, and Chama- leo another differing Thiftle, which Gaza tranflateth Vernilago. We call it in Englifh, The Carline Thiftle. The other haue their names in their titles, as much as is conuenient for this difcourfe. The Vertues. The firft hath alwaies been vfed Phyfically, as a mollifying herbe among others of the like flimie matter in Glifters, to open the body ; yet Lobel feemeth to make no difference in the vfe of them both (that is, the prickly as well as the fmooth.) The Carline Thiftle is thought to bee good againft poyfons and infection. The reft are not vfed by any that I know. CHAP. LXXVIII. Fraxinella. Baftard Dittany. HAuing finilhed thofe pleafing Thirties, I come to other plants of more gentle handling, and firft bring to your confideration this baftard Dittany, whereof there are found out two efpeciall kindes, the one with a reddifh, the other with a whitifh flower, and each of thefe hath his diuerfity, as (hall be prefently declared. i . Fraxinella fare rubentc. Baftard Dittany with a reddifh flower. This goodly plant rifeth vp with diuers round, hard, brownilh (hikes, neare two foote 334 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. foote high, the lower parts whereof are furnifhed with many winged leaues, fomewhat like vnto Liquerice, or a fmall young Afhe tree, confiding of feuen, nine, or eleuen leaues fet together, which are fomewhat large and long, hard and rough in handling, of a darkifh greene colour, and of an vnpleafant ftrong refmous fent: the vpper parts of the ftalkes are furnifhed with many flowers, growing fpike fafhion, at certaine di- ftances one aboue another, confifting of fiue long leaues a peece, whereof foure that Hand on the two fides, are fomewhat bending vpwards, and the fift hanging downe, but turning vp the end of the leafe a little againe, of a faint or pale red colour, ftriped through euery leafe with a deeper red colour, and hauing in the middle a taflell of fiue or fix long purplifh threds, that bowe downe with the lower leafe, and turne vp alfo the ends againe, with a little freefe or thrume at the ends of euery one : after the flowers are paft, arife hard, ftiffe, rough, clammy huskes, horned or pointed at the end, foure or fiue (landing together, fomewhat like the feede veffels of the Wolfes-banes, or Co- lombines, but greater, thicker and harder, wherein is contained round mining blacke feede, greater then any Colombine feede by much, and fmaller then Peony feede : the roote is white, large, and fpreading many wayes vnder ground, if it ftand long : the whole plant, as well roots as leaues and flowers, are of a ftrong fent, not fo pleafing for the fmcll, as the flowers are beautifull to the fight. 2. Fraxinella flore rubro. Baftard Dittaine with a red flower. This differeth not from the former eyther in roote, leafe or flower for the forme, but that the ftalkes and leaues are of a darker greene colour, and that the flowers are of a deeper red colour, (and growing in a little longer fpike), wherein the difference chief- ly confifteth, which is fufficient to diftinguifh them. 3. Fraxinella flort albo. Baftard Dittanie with a white flower. The white flowred Fraxinella hath his leaues and ftalkes of a frefher greene colour then any of the former ; and the flowers are of a pure white colour, in forme diffe- ring nothing at all from the other. 4. Fraxinella fare albo ceeruleo. Baftard Dittanie with an am coloured flower. The colour of the flower of this Fraxinella onely putteth the difference betweene this, and the laft recited with a white flower : for this beareth a very pale, or whitifh blew flower, tending to an afh colour. The Place. All thefe kindes are found growing naturally, in many places both of Germany, and Italic : and that with the white flower, about Franckford, which being fent me, perifhed by the way by long and euill carriage. The Time. They flower in lune and luly, and the feede is ripe in Auguft. The Names. The name Fraxinella is moft generally impofed on thofe plants, becaufe of the refemblance of them vnto young Ames, in their winged leaues. Yet fome doe call them DiStamus albus, or Dittamnus albus, and Diptamus albus, as a difference from the DiSlamnus Creficus, which is a farre differing plant. Some would haue it to be Tragium of Diofcorides, but befide other things wherein this differeth from Tragium^ this yeeldeth no milkie iuice, as Dio- fcorides faith Tragium doth : We in Englifh doe eyther call it Fraxinella, or after the other corrupted name of Di&amus, Baftard Dittanie. The The Garden of pi enfant Flowers. 335 The Vertues. It is held to be profitable againrt the ftingings of Serpents, againft con- tagious and peftilent difeafes, to bring downc the feminine courfes, for the p.iincs of the belly and the ftone, and in Epilepticall difeafes, and other cold paines of the braines : the roote is the moft effectual for all thefc, yet the feede is fometimes vfed. CHAP. LXXIX. Legumina. Pulfe. IF I (hould defcribe vnto you all the kindes of Pulfe, I mould vnfold a little world of varieties therein, more knowne and found out in thefe dayes, then at any time before, but that mult bee a part of a greater worke, which will abide a longer time before it fee the light. I (hall only felect thofe that are fit for this garden, and fct them downe for your conlideration. All forts of Pulfe may be reduced vnder two generall heads, that is, of Beanes and Peafe, of each whereof there is both tame and wilde : Of Beanes, beiides the tame or vfuall garden Beane, and the French or Kidney Beane, (whereof I meane to entreate in my Kitchen garden, as pertinent thereto) there is the Lupine or flat Beane, whereof I meane to entreate here, and the blacke Beane and others which mult bee referued for the Phyficke Garden. And of the kindes of Peafe fome are fit for this Garden ; (whereunto I will adioyne two or three other plants as neereft of affinitie, the flowers of fome, and the fruit of others being delightfull to many, and therefore fit for this garden) fome for the Kitchen, the reft for the Phy- licke garden. And firft of Lupines or flat Beanes, accepted as delightfull to many, and therefore fit for this garden. i . LiUpinus fatrvus albus. The white garden Lupine. The garden Lupine rifeth vp with a great round ftalke, hollow and fomewhat wool- ly, with diuers branches, whereon grow vpon long footeftalkes many broade leaues, diuided into feuen or nine parts, or fmaller leaues, equally ftanding round about, as it were in a circle, of a whitilh greene colour on the vpperfide, and more woolly vnder- neath : the flowers ftand many together at feuerall ioynts, both of the greater ftalke, and the branches, like vnto beanes, and of a white colour in fome places, and in others of a very bleake blew tending to white : after the flowers are part, there come in their places, long, broade, and flat rough cods, wherein are contained round and flat feede, yellowifli on the infide, and couered with a tough white skin, and very bitter in tafte : the rootes are not very great, but full of fmall fibres, whereby it fafteneth it felfe ftrongly in the ground, yet perilheth euery yeare, as all the reft of thefe kindes doe. 2. Lufiinus ceeruleus maximus. The greater blew Lupine. The Stemme or ftalke of this Lupine is greater then the laft before recited, as alfo the leaues more foft and woolly, and the flowers are of a moft perfect blew colour, with fome white fpots in the middle : the long rough greenifh cods are very great and large, wherein are contained hard, flat and round feede, not fo white on the outfide as the former, but fomewhat yellower, greater alfo, and more rough or hard in handling. 3. Lupinui ceeruleus minor. The lefler blew Lupine. This kinde of wilde Lupine difFereth not in the forme of leafe or flower from the former, but only that it is much fmaller, the leaues are greener, and haue fewer diui- fions in them : the flower is of as deepe a blew colour as the laft ; the cods likewife are fmall and long, containing fmall round feede, not fo flat as the former, but more difcoloured 336 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Minimus. difcoloured or fpotted on the outfide, then the greater kinde is. There is a lefler kind then this, not differing in any thing from this, but that it is lefler. 4. Lupinus fare luteo. The yellow Lupine. The yellow Lupine groweth not vfually fo high, but with larger leaues then the fmall blew Lupine ; the flowers grow in two or three rundles or tufts, round about the ftalke and the branches at the ioynts, of a delicate fine yellow colour, like in fa- fhion vnto the other kindes, being larger then the laft, but nothing fo large as the greater kindes, and of a fine fmall fent : the feede is round, and not flat, but much a- bout the forme and bignefle of the fmall blew, or fomewhat bigger, of a whitifh co- lour on the outfide, fpotted with many fpots. The Place. The firft groweth in many places of Greece, and the Eafterne Countries beyond it, where it hath beene anciently cherifhed for their foode, being often watered to take away the bitternefle. It groweth alfo in thefe Weftern parts, but ftill where it is planted. The great blew Lupine is thought to come from beyond the parts of Perfia, in Caramania. The lefler blew is found very plentifully wilde, in many places both of Spaine and Italy. The laft hath beene brought vs likewife out of Spaine, whereas it is thought it groweth naturally. They all grow now in the gardens of thofe, that are curious louers of thefe delights. The Time. They flower in Summer, and their feede is ripe quickly after. The Names. They are generally called Lupini. Plautus in his time faith, they were vfed in Comedies in ftead of money, when in any Scene thereof there was any fhew of payment, and therefore he calleth them Aurum Comicum. And Horace hath this Verfe, Nee tamen ignorant, quid diftent ara Lupinis, to fhew that counterfeit money (fuch as counters are with vs, or as thefe Lu- pines were vfed in thofe times) was eafily knowne from true and currant coine. In Englifh wee vfually call them after the Latine name, Lupines ; and fome after the Dutch name, Figge-beanes, becaufe they are flat and round as a Figge that is prefled; and fome Flat-beanes for the fame reafon. Some haue called the yellow Lupine, Spanifh Violets : but other foolifh names haue beene giuen it, as Virginia Rofes, and the like, by knauifh Gar- diners and others, to deceiue men, and make them beleeue they were the finders out, or great preferuers of rarities, of no other purpofe, but to cheate men of their money : as you would therefore auoyde knaues and deceiuers, beware of thefe manner of people, whereof the skirts of our towne are too pitifully peftered. The Vertues. The firft or ordinary Lupine doth fcoure and cleanfe the skin from fpots, morphew, blew markes, and other difcolourings thereof, beeing vfed ey- ther in a decoftion or pouther. Wee feldome vfe it in inward medicines, not that it is dangerous, but of neglecl, for formerly it hath beene much vfed for the wormes, &c. [ . Lathy, rus 'The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 337 Peafc euerlafting. Uarbary buttons. Mlicvio lata. Broad buttons or The great Lupine. 2 l.uf-iaui lutius. The yellow Lupine. 4 Pi/urn quadratum. The crimfon blofTomd or fquare Peafe. 6 itcdica fpinofa. Prickly Snailes. 7 Medico fptnofa alter.i. \ta. Haffe Snailes. 9 Mtrlifa lunata. life Me flower or French Honeyfucklc. 11 Scorfioidei minus. The letter Caterpillar. 13 Orobut 1'fiulnf. Blew vpright Peafe euerlafting. U 2 3 Latkyntt lali/ulius feu Pi/urn permit. 5 Mtdica cockliala vulgaris. Snailes or Another fort of prickly Snailes. 8 Utdita 10 Htdyfarum clyptatom. The red Sattin 12 StorfioiJti mniui. The greater Caterpillar. 338 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i . Lathyrus latifolius, fine Pifum perenne. Peafe euerlafting. This kinde of wilde Peafe that abideth long, and groweth euery yeare greater then other, fpringeth vp with many broade trayling branches, winged as it were on both the fides, diuerfly diuided into other fmaller branches, at the feuerall ioynts whereof ftand two hard, not broad, but fomewhat long greene leaues, and diuers twining claf- pers, in fundry places with the leaues, from betweene the branches and the leaues, at the ioynts towards the toppes, come forth diuers purplifh peafe like bloflbmes, ftan- ding on a long ftemme or ftalke, very beautifull to behold, and of a pretty fent or fmell : after which come fmall, long, thin, flat, hard skind cods, containing fmall round blackifh feede : the roote is great and thicke, growing downe deepe into the ground, of the thickneffe fometimes of a mans arme, blackifh on the outfide, and whitifh with- in, with fome branches and a few fibres annexed thereunto. 2. Orobus Venetus. Blew vpright euerlafting Peafe. This pretty kinde of Peafe bloflbme beareth diuers (lender, but vpright greene branches fomewhat cornered, two foote high or thereabouts, hauing at feuerall di- ftances on both fides of them certaine winged leaues, fet together vpon long foote- ftalkes one againft another, confifting of fix or eight leaues, fomewhat broade and pointed, and without any odde one at the end : at the ioynts toward the toppes, be- tween the leaues and the ftalkes, come forth many flowers fet together at the end of a pretty long footeftalke, of the fafhion of the former Peafe bloffome, but fomewhat fmaller, and of a purplifh violet colour : after which come flender and long pointed pods rounder then they, wherein is contained fmall round grayifh peafe : the roote is blacke, hard or woody, abiding after feede bearing as the former doth, and mooting afrefh euery yeare. 3. Lathyrus annuus Jiliquis orobi. Partie coloured Cichelings. This fmall Pulfe or wild Peafe, hath two or three long flender winged branches, with fmaller leaues thereon then the former, and without any clafpers at all on them : the flowers ftand fingle, euery one by it felfe, or two at the moft together, the middle leaues whereof that clofe together are white, and the vpper leaues of a reddifh purple colour : after which come long round flattifh cods, bunched out in the feuerall places where the feedes lye, like vnto the cods of Orobus or the bitter Vetch, but greater : the roote is fmall and dyeth euery yeare. 4. Pifum quadratum. The crimfon blofTomd or fquare codded Peafe. This pretty kinde of Pulfe might very well for the forme of the leaues, be referred to the kindes of Lotus or Trefoiles : but becaufe I haue none of that kindred to en- treate of in this Worke, I haue thought fitteft to place it here before the Medica's, be- caufe both pods and feedes are like alfo. It hath three or foure fmall weake ftalkes, di- uided into many branches, hauing two ftalkes of leaues at euery ioynt, and three fmall foft leaues ftanding on a very fmall ftalke, comming from the ioynts : the flowers ftand for the moft part two together, of a perfect red or crimfon colour, like in forme almoft vnto a Peafe blofTome ; after which come long thicke and round cods, with two skinnes or filmes, running all along the cod at the backe or vpperfide and, two other fuch like filmes, all along the belly or vnder fide, which make it feeme foure fquare, wherein there lye round difcoloured Peafe, fomewhat fmaller and harder then ordinary Peafe : the roote is fmall and perifheth euery yeare. 5. Medico, Cochleata vu/garis. Snailes or Barbary buttons. The plant that beareth thefe pretty toyes for Gentlewomen, is fomewhat like vnto a Three leafed grafTe or Trefoile, hauing many long trayling branches lying vpon the ground, whereon at diuers places are three fmall greene leaues, fet together at the end of a little footeftalke, each of them a little fnipt about the edges : at feuerall diftances, from The Garden of pleafant Flowers. from the middle of thefe branches to the ends of them, come forth the flowers, two for the molt part (landing together vpon a little footftalke, which are of a pale yellow colour, very fmall, and of the forme of a Peafc bloflbme : after which come fmooth heads, which are turned or writhen round, almoft like a Snaile, hard and greenc at the rirlt, fomewhat like a greene button (from the formes of both which came their names) but afterwards growing whiter, more foft and open, wherein lycth yellowifh round and flat feede, fomewhat like vnto the Kidney beane : the roote is fmall and ftringie, dying downe euery yeare, and muft be new fowne in the fpring, if you defire to haue it. 6. Medica fpinofa maior. Prickly or thorny Snailes, or Buttons. This kinde of Medica is in all things very like vnto the former, both in the long tray- ling branches, & three leaues alwaies growing together, but a little greater pale yellow flowers, and crooked or winding heads : but herein chiefly confiftcth the difference, that this kinde hath his heads or buttons harder, a little greater, more clofed together, and fet with fhort and fomewhat hard prickles, all the head ouer, which being pulled open, haue thofe prickles (landing on each fide of the filme or skinne, whereof the head confirteth, fomewhat like vnto a fifh bone, and in this kinde goeth all one way ; ^n which are contained fuch like feedes for the forme, as are in the former, but great md blacke, and mining withall. , J 7. Medica fpinofa alter a. Small thorney Buttons, or Snailes. This other kinde is alfo like vnto the laft defcribed in all other things, except in the heads or buttons, which are a little fmaller, but fet with longer and fofter prickes vpon the filmes, and may eafily bee difcerned to goe both forwards and backewards, one enterlacing within another, wherein are contained fuch like flat and blacke mining feede, made after the fafhion of a kidney, as are in the former, but fomewhat fmaller : the roote perifheth in like manner euery yeare. 8. Medica lata. Broade Buttons. This kinde differeth not from the firft in leafe or flower, the fruite onely hereof is broade and flat, and not fo much twined as it. 9. Medica Lunata. Halfe Moones. This is alfo a kinde of thefe Medicke fodders, hauing a trefoyle leafe and yellow flowers like the former forts, but both fomewhat larger, the chiefert difference con- lifteth in the head or fruite, which is broade and flat, and not twined like the reft, but abideth halfe clofed, refembling a halfe Moone (and thereupon hath aflumed both the Latine and Englilh name) wherein is contained flat feede, kidney fafhion like the for- mer. 10. Hedyfarum clypeatum. The red Sattin flower. This red flowred Fitchling, hath many ftalkes of winged faire greene leaues, that is, of many fet on both fides a middle ribbe, whereof that at the end is the greateft of the reft : from the ioynts where the leaues ftand, come forth pretty long fmall ftalkes, bearing on them very many flowers, vp to the toppe one aboue another, of an excel- lent fhining red or crimfon colour, very like vnto Sattin of that colour, and fome- times of a white colour, (as Mafter William Coys, a Gentleman of good refpecl in Eflex, a great and ancient louer and cherilher of thefe delights, and of all other rare plants, in his life time allured me, he had growing in his garden at Slubbers by North Okenden) which are fomewhat large, and more clofed together, almoft flat and not open, as in moft of the other forts : after the flowers are paft, there come rough, flat, round huskes, fomewhat like vnto the old tafhioned round bucklers with- out pikes, three or foure ftanding one vpon or aboue another, wherein are contained fmall 34.0 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. fmall brownifh feede : the roote perifheth the fame yeare it beareth feede, for often- times it flowreth not the firft yeare it is fowne. 1 1 . Scorpioides mains & minus. Great and fmall Caterpillers. Vnder one defcription I comprehend both thefe forts of Scorpions graffe, or Cater- pillers, or Wormes, as they are called by many, whereof the greater hath been known but of late yeares ; and ioyne them to thefe pulfes, not hauing a fitter place where to infert them. It is but a fmall low plant, with branches lying vpon the ground, and fomewhat long, broad, and hard leaues thereon, among which come forth fmall ftalkes, bearing at the end for the mod part, two fmall pale yellowifh flowers, like vnto Tares or Vetches, but fmaller, which turne into writhed or crooked tough cods ; in the grea- ter fort they are much thicker, rounder and whiter, and leffer wound or turned toge- ther then in the fmaller, which are (lenderer, more winding, yet not doling like vnto the Snailes, and blacker more like vnto a Caterpiller then the other, wherein are contained brownifh yellow feede, much like vnto a Medico. : the rootes of both arc fmall and fibrous, perifhing euery yeare. The Place. Thefe are found feuerally in diuers and feuerall places, but wee fow and plant them vfually to furnifh our Gardens. / The Time. They doe all flower about the moneths of lune and luly, and their feede is ripe foone after : but the fecond is earlier then the reft. The Names. The firft is called Clymenum of Matthiolus, and Lathyris of Lobel and o- thers : but Lathyris in Greeke is Cataputia in Latine, which is our Spurge, farre differing from this Pulfe ; and therefore Lathyrus is more proper to diftinguifh them af under, that two plants fo farre vnlike fhould not bee called by one name : this is alfo called Lathyrus latifolius, becaufe there is another called angujlifolius, that differeth from it alfo : It is moft vfually called with vs, Pifum perenne, and in Englifh Peafe bloffome, or Peafe euer- lafting. The fecond is called by Clufius, Orobus venetus, becaufe it was fent him from Venice, with another of the fame kinde that bore white flowers ; yet differeth but little or nothing from that kinde he found in Hungary, that I thinke the feuerall places of their growing only caufe them to beare feue- rall names, and to be the fame in deede. Although I yeeld vnto Clufius the Latine name which doth not fufficiently content mee ; yet I haue thought good to giue it a differing Englifh name, according as it is in the title. The third, becaufe I firft receiued it among other feeds from Spaine, I haue giuen it the name, as it is entituled. The fourth is called of fome Sandalida Cretica, & Lotus filiquofus flore rubella, Lotus tetragonolobus, Pifum rubrum, & Pifum quadratum : We vfually call it in Englifh, Crimfon Peafe, or fquare Peafe. The Medica Cochleata is called of Dodonaeus Trifolium Cochleatum, but not iudged to be the true Medica. Wee call it in Englifh, Medick fodder, Snailes Clouer, or as it is in the title, and fo the reft of the Medica's accordingly. The Hedyfarum clypeatum or Securidaca is called of Dodonasus Onobrichis a/tera, and we in Englifh for the likeneffe, The red Sattin flower, although fome foolifhly call it, the red or French Honyfuckle. The laft is called by Lobel, Scorpioides bupleurifolio, I haue called it minus, becaufe the greateft fort which came to me out of Spaine was not knowne vnto him : in Englifh they are generally called Caterpillers. The The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 341 The Vcrtues. The Medica's are generally thought to feede catull t'.it inudi more then the Medow Tretoile, or Clouer grafle, and therefore I haue known diuers Gentlemen that haue plowed vp fome of their pafture grounds, and fowen than with the (cedes of fome Medica's to make the experience. All the o- thcr forts are pleafures to delight the curious, and not any way profitable in I'hylicke that I know. CHAP. LXXX. Paonia. Peonie. T! lore are two principall kindes of Peonie, that is to fay, the Male and the Fe- male. Of the male kinde, I haue onely known one fort, but of the Female a great many ; which are thus to be diltinguifhed. The Male his leafe is whole, without any particular diuilion, notch or dent on the edge, & his rootes long & round, diuided into many branches, fomewhat like to the rootes of Gentian or Elecampane, and not tuberous at all. The Female of all forts hath the leaues diuided or cut in on the edges, more or lefle, and hath alwaies tuberous rootes, that is, like clogs or Afphodill rootes, with many great thick round peeces hanging, or growing at the end of fmaller Itrings, and all ioyned to the toppe of the maine roote. i . Paonia mas. The Male Peonie. The Male Peonie rifeth vp with many brownifh ftalkes, whereon doe grow winged leaues, that is, many faire greene, and fometimes reddilh leaues, one fet againrt another vpon a Italke, without any particular diuilion in the leafe at all : the flowers ftand at the toppes of the flalkes, confifting of fiue or fix broade leaues, of a faire purplifh red colour, with many yellow threds in the middle, ftanding about the head, which after rifeth to be the feede veflels, diuided into two, three or foure rough crooked pods like homes, which when they are ful ripe, open and turn themfelues down one edge to an- other hackeward, (hewing within them diuers round black mining feede, which are the true leede, being full and good, and hauing alfo many red or crimfon graines, which are lancke and idle, intermixed among the blacke, as if they were good feede, whereby it maketh a very pretty (hew : the roots are great, thick and long, fpreading in the ground, and running downe reafonable deepe. 2 . Paonia famina vulgaris jiore Jimp lid. The ordinary (ingle Female Peonie. This ordinary Female Peonie hath many ftalkes, with more ftore of leaues on them en the Male kinde hath, the leaues alfo are not fo large, but diuided or nicked di- erfly on the edges, fome with great and deepe, and others with fmaller cuts or diui- fions, and of a darke or dead greene colour : the flowers are of a ftrong heady fent, molt vfually fmaller then the male, and of a more purple tending to a murrey colour, with yellow thrumes about the head in the middle, as the male kinde hnth : the heads or homes with feed are like alfo but fmaller, the feede alfo is blacke, but lefle (hining : the rootes conlift, as I faid, of many thicke and fhort tuberous clogs, fattened at the ends of long firings, and all from the head of the roote, which is thicke and (hort, and tuberous alfo, of the fame or the like fent with the male. 3. Paonia famina -vulgaris Jiore pleno rubro. The double red Peonie. This double Peonie as well as the former (ingle, is fo frequent in euerie Garden of note, through euery Countrey, that it is almolt labour in vaine to 342 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. to defcribe it : but yet becaufe I vfe not to paffe ouer any plant fo (lightly, I will fet down the defcription briefly, in regard it is fo common. It is very like unto the former fmgle female Peony, both in ftalkes and leaues, but that it groweth fomewhat higher, and the leaues are of a frefher greene colour : the flowers at the tops of the ftalkes are very large, thicke and double (no flower that I know fo faire, great, and double ; but not abiding blowne aboue eight or ten daies) of a more reddifh purple colour then the former female kinde, and of a fweeter fent : after thefe flowers are part, fometimes come good feed, which being fowne, "bring forth fome fmgle flowers, and fome dou- ble : the rootes are tuberous, like vnto the former female. 4. Pezonia feemina flore carneo Jimp lid. The fmgle blufh Peony. The fmgle blufh Peony hath his ftalkes higher, and his leaues of a paler or whiter greene colour then the double blufh, and more white vnderneath (fo that it is very pro- bable it is of another kinde, and not rifen from the feede of the double blufh, as fome might thinke) with many veines, that are fomewhat difcoloured from the colour of the leafe running through them : the flowers are very large and fingle, confiding of flue leaues for the moft part, of a pale flefh or blufh colour, with an eye of yellow dif- perfed or mixed therewith, hauing many whitifh threads, tipt with yellow pendents ftanding about the middle head : the rootes are like the other female Peonies. 5. Pfeonia feemina flore pleno albicante. The double blufh Peony. The double blufh Peony hath not his ftalkes fo high as the double red, but fome- what lower and ftifFer, bearing fuch like winged leaues, cut in or diuided here and there in the edges, as all thefe female kindes are, but not fo large as the laft : the flowers are fmaller, and lefle double by a good deale then the former double red, of a faint fhining crimfon colour at the firft opening, but decaying or waxing paler euery day : fo that after it hath flood long (for this flower fheddeth not his leaues in a great while) it will change fomewhat whitifh ; and therefore diuers haue ignorantly called it, the double white Peony : the feedes, which fometimes it beareth, and rootes, are like vnto the former female kindes, but fomewhat longer, and of a brighter colour on the outfide. 6. Pceonia ftemina Byzantina. The fingle red Peony of Conftantinople. This red Peony of Conftantinople is very like in all things vnto the double red Pe- onie, but that the flowers hereof are lingle, and as large as the laft, and that is larger then either the fingle female, or the male kinde, confifting of eight leaues, of a deeper red colour then either the fingle or double Peonies, and not purplifh at all, but rather of the colour of an ordinary red Tulipa, ftanding clofe and round together : the roots of this kinde haue longer clogs, and not fo fhort as of the ordinary female kinde, and of a paler colour on the outfide. The Place. All thefe Peonies haue beene fent or brought from diuers parts beyond the Seas ; they are endenized in our Gardens, where wee cherifh them for the beauty and delight of their goodly flowers, as well as for their Phyficall vertues. The Time. They all flower in May, but fome (as I faid) abide a fmall time, and o- thers many weekes. The Names. The name Pceonia is of all the later Writers generally giuen to thefe plants, although they haue had diuers other names giuen by the 'elder Wri- ters, as Rofa fatuina^ Idceus daftylus, Aglaophotis, and others, whereof to fet downe The Garden of plea fan t Flowers. 343 I Paonia mat cum f mint. The male Peony & the feed. ^ Pannia /irmina Jiytantimi. The female red Peony of Conftanlinople. 3 Pircmia famina fiort plno tntlgarit. The ordinary double Peony. 4 Paonia flort plena albicante. The double white Peony. 5 Helkbont vmui atrontbntt flort. The early white Ellebor with a darke red flower. 6 Helltborut nigrr vfns. The Chriftmas flower. 7 CalfrolMs Maria. Our Ladies Slipper. 344 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. downe the caufes, reafons, and errours, were to fpend more time then I in- tend for this worke. Wee call them in Englifh, Peonie, and diftinguifh them according to their titles. The Vertues. The male Peony roote is farre aboue all the reft a moft fingular appro- ued remedy for all Epilepticall difeafes, in Englifh, The falling fkknefTe (and more efpecially the greene roote then the dry) if the difeafe be not too inueterate, to be boyled and drunke, as alfo to hang about the neckes of the younger fort that are troubled herewith, as I haue found it fufficiently expe- rimented on many by diuers. The feede likewife is of efpeciall vfe for wo- men, for the rifing of the mother. The feede of the female kinde, as well as the rootes, are moft vfually fold, and may in want of the other be (and fo are generally) vfed. CHAP. LXXXI. Helleborus niger. Beares foote. r ~T~^Here are three forts of blacke Hellebor or Beares foote, one that is the true and right kinde, whofe flowers haue the moft beautifull afpecl, and the time of his flowring moft rare, that is, in the deepe of Winter about Chriftmas, when no other can bee feene vpon the ground : and two other that are wilde or baftard kindes, brought into many Gardens for their Phyficall properties ; but I will only ioyne one of them with the true kinde in this worke, and leaue the other for another. I . Helleborus niger verus. The true blacke Hellebor, or Chriftmas flower. The true blacke Hellebor (or Beare foote as fome would call it, but that name doth more fitly agree with the other two baftard kindes) hath many faire greene leaues ri- fing from the roote, each of them ftanding on a thicke round flefhly ftiffe greene ftalke, about an hand breadth high from the ground, diuided into feuen, eight, or nine parts or leaues, and each of them nicked or dented, from the middle of the leafe to the point- ward on both fides, abiding all the Winter, at which time the flowers rife vp on fuch fhort thicke ftalkes as the leaues ftand on, euery one by it felfe, without any leafe thereon for the moft part, or very feldome hauing one fmall fhort leafe not much vn- der the flower, and very little higher then the leaues themfelues, confifting of fiue broad white leaues, like vnto a great white lingle Rofe (which fometimes change to be either lefle or more purple about the edges, as the weather or time of continuance doth effedt) with many pale yellow thrummes in the middle, ftanding about a greene head, which after groweth to haue diuers cods fet together, pointed at the ends like homes, fomewhat like the feede veffels of the Aconitum hyemale, but greater & thicker, wherein is contained long, round, and blackifh feede, like the feede of the baftard kindes : the rootes are a number of brownifh ftrings running downe deepe into the ground, and faftened to a thicke head, of the bigneffe of a finger at the toppe manie times, and fmaller ftill downewards. 2. Helleborajler minor. The leffer baftard blacke Hellebor, or Beare foote. The fmaller Beare foote is in moft things like vnto the former true blacke Hellebor ; for it beareth alfo many leaues vpon fhort ftalkes, diuided into many leaues alfo, but each of them are long and narrow, of a blacker greene colour, fnipt or dented on both edges, which feele fomewhat hard or fharpe like prickes, and perifh euery yeare, but rife againe the next Spring : the flowers hereof ftand on higher ftalkes, with fome leaues on them alfo, although but very few, and are of a pale greene colour, like in forme T/ic Gn n/en of p leaf ant Flowers. forme vnto the flowers of the former, but f mailer, hauing alfo many greenifh yellow threads or thrums in the middle, and fuch like heads or feede veflels, and blackifh feed : the rootes are ftringie and blackifh like the former. The Place. The firft groweth onely in the Gardens of thofe that are curious, and de- light in all forts of beautifull flowers in our Countrey, but wilde in many places of Germany, Italy, Greece, &c. The other groweth wilde in many places of England, as well as the other greater fort, which is not here defcribcd; for befides diuers places within eight or ten miles from London, I haue feen it in the Woods of Northamp- tonfhire, and in other places. The Time. The firft of thefe plants doth flower in the end of December, and be- ginning of lanuary moll vfually, and the other a moneth or two after, and fometime more. The Names. The firft is called Helleborus, or JLlleborm niger verus, and is the fame that both Theophraftus and Diofcorides haue written of, and which was called Melampodion, of Melampus the Goateheard, that purged and cured the mad or melancholicke daughters of Pratus with the rootes thereof. Dodonaeus calleth it Veratrum nigrum primum, and the other fecundum: Wee call it in Englifh, The true blacke Hellebor, or the Chriftmas flower, becaufe (as I laid) it is moft commonly in flower at or before Chriftmas. The fecond is a baftard or wilde kinde thereof, it fo nearely refembleth the true, and is called of molt of the later Writers, Pfeudoelleborus niger minor, or Hellebora- fter minor, for a diftinftion betweene it and the greater, which is not here defcribed : and is called in Englifh, The fmaller or lefler Beare foote, and moll vfed in Phyficke, becaufe it is more plentifull, yet it is more churlim and ftrong in operation then the true or former kinde. The Vertues. The rootes of both thefe kindes are fafe medecines, being rightly prepa- red, to be vfed for all Melancholicke difeafes, whatfoeuer others may feare or write, and may be without danger applied, fo as care and skill, and not temerary rafhnefle doe order and difpofe of them. The powder of the dryed leaues, efpecially of the baftard kinde, is a fure remedy to kill the wormes in children, moderately taken. CHAP. LXXXII. Elleborus albus. White Ellebor or Neefewort. THere are two forts of great white Ellebors or Neefeworts, whereas there was but one kinde knowne to the Ancients; the other being found 'out of later dayes : And although neither of both thefe haue any beauty in their flowers, yet becaufe their leaues, being faire and large, haue a goodly prof peel, I haue infer- ted them in this place, that this Garden fhould not be vnfurnifhed of them, and you not vnacquainted with them. X 2 I. Elleborus 346 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. i. Elleborus albus vulgaris. White Ellebor or Neefing roote. The firfl great white Ellebor rifeth at the firfl out of the ground, with a whitifh greene great round head, which growing vp, openeth it felfe into many goodly faire large greene leaues, plaited or ribbed with eminent ribbes all along the leaues, com- paffing one another at the bottome, in the middle whereof rifeth vp a flalke three foot high or better, with diuers fuch like leaues thereon, but fmaller to the middle thereof; from whence to the toppe it is diuided into many branches, hauing many fmall yel- lowifh, or whitifh greene flar re-like flowers all along vpon them, which after turne into fmall, long, three fquare whitifh feede, (landing naked, without any huske to con- taine them, although fome haue written otherwife : the roote is thicke and reafonable great at the head, hauing a number of great white firings running downe deepe into the ground, whereby it is flrongly faftened. 2. Ellebor us albus prcecox jiue atrorubente Jlore. The early white Ellebor with reddifh flowers. This other Ellebor is very like the former, but that it fpringeth vp a moneth at the leall before it, and that the leaues are not fully fo thicke or fo much plaited, but as large or larger, and doe fooner perifh and fall away from the plant : the flalke hereof is as high as the former, bearing fuch like flarry flowers, but of a darke or blackifh red co- lour : the feede is like the other : the roote hath no fuch head as the other (fo farre as I haue obferued, both by mine own and others plants) but hath many long white firings faflened to the top, which is as it were a long bulbous fcaly head, out of which fpring the leaues. The Place. The firfl groweth in many places of Germany, as alfo in fome parts of Ruffia, in that aboundance, by the relation of that worthy, curious, and di- ligent fearcher and preferuer of all natures rarities and varieties, my very good friend, lohn Tradefcante, often heretofore remembred, that, as hee faid, a good fhip might be loaden with the rootes hereof, which hee faw in an Ifland there. The other likewife groweth in the vpland wooddy grounds of Germa- nic, and other the parts thereabouts. The Time. The firfl fpringeth vp in the end or middle of March, and flowreth in lune. The fecond fpringeth in February, but flowreth not vntill lune. The Names. The firfl is called Elleborus albus, or Helleborus albus, the letter H, as all Schollers know, being but afpirationis nota : and Veratrum album Jlore viri- dante, of fome Sanguis Herculis. The other is called Elleborus albus prcecox, and Jlore atrorubente, or atropurpurante. We call the firfl in Englifh, White Ellebor, Neefewort, or Neefing roote, becaufe the powder of the roote is vfed to procure neefing; and I call it the greater, in regard of thofe in the next Chapter. The other hath his name according to the Latine title, moll proper for it. The Vertues. The force of purging is farre greater in the roote of this Ellebor, then in the former; and therefore is not carelefly to bee vfed, without extreame danger ; yet in contumatious and (lubborne difeafes it may bee vfed with good The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 34.7 good caution and aduice. There is a Syrupe or Oxymcl made hereof in the Apothecaries (hops, which as it is dangerous for gentle and tender bodies, fo it may be very effectual! in ftronger confutations. Paufanias in P/iocicts, rccordeth a notable ftratagem that Solon vfed in belieging the Citic of Cirrheus, vis.. That hauing cut off the riuer Pliftus from running into the Citie, he caufed a great many of thefe rootes to be put into a quantity there- of, which utter they had fteeped long enough therein, and was fufficiently infected therewith, he let pafte into the Citie againe : whereof when they had greedily drunke, they grew fo weake and feeble by the fupcrpurgation thereof, that they were forced to leaue their wals vnmand, and not guarded, whereby the Amphyclions their enemies became matters of their Citie. The like ftratagems are fet downe by diners other Authors, performed by the hclpe of other herbes. CHAP. LXXXIII. Ellehrine. Small or wilde white Ellebor. THe likeneffe of the leaues of thefe plants, rather then any other faculty with the former white Ellebor, hath caufed them to be called Elltborine, as if they were f mailer white Ellebor?. And I for the fame caufe haue ioyned them next, whereof there are found many forts : One which is the greater kinde, is of greateft beauty : the other which are leffer differ not much one from another, more then in the colour of the flowers, whereof I will onely take three, being of the moft beautie, and leaue the reft to another worke. i . Helltborine iv/ Elleborine motor, Jiue Calceolus Maria. Our Ladies Slipper. This moft beautiful! plant of all thefe kindes, rifeth vp with diuers ftalkes, a foote and a halfe high at the moft, bearing on each fide of them broad greene leaues, fome- what like in forme vnto the leaues of the white Ellebor, but fmaller and not fo ribbed, comparing the ftalke at the lower end ; at the tops of the ftalkes come forth one, or two, or three flowers at the moft, one aboue another, vpon fmall fhort foote-ftalkes, with a fmall leafe at the foote of euery ftalke : each of thefe flowers are of a long ouall tonne, that is, more long then round, and hollow withall, efpecially at the vpper part, the lower being round and f welling like a belly : at the hollow part there are two fmall peeces like eares or flippets, that at the firft doe couer the hollow part, and after ftand apart one from another, all which are of a fine pale yellow colour, in all that I haue feene (yet it is faid there are fome found, that are more browne or tending to purple) there are likewife foure long, narrow, darke coloured leaues at the fetting on of the flower vnto the ftalke, wherein as it were the flower at the firft ftandeth : the whole flower is of a pretty fmall fent : the feede is very fmall, very like vnto the feede of the OrchiJes or Satyrions, and contained in fuch like long pods, but bigger : the roots are compofed of a number of ftrings enterlacing themfelues one within another, lying within the vpper cruft of the earth, 6c not fpreading deep, of a darke brownifh colour. 2. Ellefnrine minor ftore albo. The fmall or wilde white Ellebor with a white flower. This fmaller wilde white Ellebor rifeth vp in the like manner vnto the former, and not much lower, bearing fuch like leaues, but fmaller, and of a whiter greene colour, almort of the colour and fafhion of the leaues of Lilly Conually ; the top of the ftalke hath many more flowers, but lefler, growing together, fpike-fafhion, with fmall fhort leaues at the ftalke of euery flower, which confifteth of fiue fmall white leaues, with a fmall clofe hood in the middle, without any fent at all : the feede and feede veflels are like The Garden of pleafant Flowers. like vnto the former, but fmaller: the rootes are many fmall firings, difperfing them- felues in the ground. 3. Elleborine minor jiore pur pur ante. The fmall or wilde white Ellebor with blufh flowers. The leaues of this kinde are like vnto the laft defcribed, but fomewhat narrower : the ftalkes and flowers are alike, but fmaller alfo, and of a pale purplifh or blufh co- lour, which caufeth the difference. The Place. The firft groweth in very many places of Germany, and in other Coun- tries alfo. It groweth likewife in Lancafhire, neare vpon the border of Yorkefhire, in a wood or place called the Helkes, which is three miles from Ingleborough, the higheft Hill in England, and not farre from Ingleton, as I am enformed by a courteous Gentlewoman, a great louer of thefe de- lights, called Miftris Thomaiin Tunltall, who dwelleth at Bull-banke, neare Hornby Caftle in thofe parts, and who hath often fent mee vp the rootes to London, which haue borne faire flowers in my Garden. The fe- cond groweth in many places of England, and with the fame Gentlewoman alfo before remembred, who fent me one plant of this kinde with the other. The laft I haue not yet knowne to growe in England ; but no doubt many things doe lye hid, and not obferued, which in time may bee difcouered, if our Country Gentlemen and women, and others, in their feuerall places where they dwell, would be more carefull and diligent, and be aduertifed either by themfelues, or by others capable and fit to be imployed, as occa- fion and time might ferue, to finde out fuch plants as growe in any the cir- cuits or limits of their habitations, or in their trauels, as their pleafures or afraires leade them. And becaufe ignorance is the chiefe caufe of negleft of many rare things, which happen to their view at fometimes, which are not to be feene againe peraduenture, or not in many yeares after, I would heartily aduife all men of meanes, to be ftirred vp to bend their mindes, and fpend a little more time and trauell in thefe delights of herbes and flowers, then they haue formerly done, which are not onely harmleffe, but pleafu- rable in their time, and profitable in their vfe. And if any would be better enformed, and certified of fuch things they know not, I would be willing and ready to my beft skill to aduertife them, that mall fend any thing vp to rne where I dwell in London. Thus farre I haue digreffed from the matter in hand, and yet not without fome good vfe I hope, that others may make of it. The Time. The two firrt flower earlier then the laft, and both the firft about one time, that is, in the end of Aprill, or beginning of May. The laft in the end of May, or in lune. The Names. The firft is called TLlleborine recentiorum maior, and Calceolus Maria : Of fome thought to be Cofmofandalos, becaufe it is Sandali forma. In Englifli we call it our Ladies Slipper, after the Dutch name. The other two lefler kinds haue their names in their titles : I haue thought it fit to adde the title of fmall white Ellebors vnto thefe, for the forme fake, as is before faid. The Vertues. There is no vfe of thefe in Phylicke in our dayes that I know. CHAP. 'The 6V/;v/ ( // of p leaf ant F/owers. CHAP. LX XXI I I I. Lilium Centillium. Lilly Conually. Tilt remembrance of the Conuall Lilly, fpoken of in the precedent Chapter, hath caulcd me to iufcrt thcle [limits among the reft, although ditfcring both in face and properties; but lell it fhould lofc all place, let it kecpe this. It is of two forts, differing chiefly in the colour of the flowers, the one being white, and the other reddi(h, a^ Hull be (hewed in their dcfcriptions following. i . Lilium Conuallium Jiorf albo. The white Lilly Conually. The white Conuall or May Lilly, hath three or foure leaues riling together from the roote, one enclofed within another, each whereof when it is open is long and broad, of a grayilh (hining greene colour, fomewhat refembling the leaues of the for- mer wilde Neefewort, at the fide whereof, and fometime from the middle of them, rifcth vp a final 1 fhort naked foote-ftalke, an hand breadth high or fomewhat more, bearing at the toppe one aboue another many fmall white flowers, like little hollow bottles with open mouths, nicked or cut into fiue or fix notches, turning all downc- wards one way, or on one fide of the Italke, of a very rtrong fweetc fent, and comfor- table for the memory and fenfes, which turne into fmall red berries, like vnto Afpara- whercin is contained hard white feede : the rootes runne vnder ground, creeping cucry way, confining of many fmall white firings. 2. Lilium Conua llijum fiore rubente. May Lillies with red flowers. This other May Lilly differeth neither in roote, leafe, nor forme of flower from that before, but onely in the colour of the flower, which is of a fine pale red colour, being in my Judgement not altogether fo fweet as the former. The Place. The firit growcth aboundantly in many places of England. The other is a ftranger, and groweth only in the Gardens of thofe that are curious loucrs of rarities. The Time. or ji They both flower in May, and the berries are ripe in Auguft. The Names. The Latines haue no other name for this plant but Lilium Conuallium, al- though fome would haue it to be Lilium wrnum of Theophraftus, and o- thers Oenanthe of the fame Author. Gefner thinkcth it to be Callionymus. Lonicerus to be Cacalia, and Fuchlius to be Ephemerum non let hale: but they are all for the moft part mirtaken. We call it in Englim Lilly Conually, May Lilly, and of fome Liriconfancie. The Vertu. The flowers of the white kinde arc often vfed with thofe things that help to ftrengthen the memory, and to procure eafe to Apoplecticke perfons. Camerarius fettcth downe the manner of making an oyle of the flowers hereof, which he faith is very effectuall to eafe the paines of the Goute, and fuch like dif cafes, to be vfed outwardly, which is thus: Hauing filled a glafle with the flowers, and being well flopped, fet it for a moneths fpace in an Ants hill, and after being drayned clearc, let it by to vfe. CHAP. 350 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. LXXXV. Gentiana. Gentian or Fell-wort. THere are diuers forts of Gentians or Fell-wortes, fome greater, others lefTer, and fome very fmall ; many of them haue very beautifull flowers, but becaufe fome are very fuddenly part, before one would thinke they were blowne open, and others will abide no culture and manuring, I will onely fet forth vnto you two of the greater forts, and three of the letter kindes, as fitteft, and more familiarly furnifhing our gardens, leauing the reft to their wilde habitations, and to bee comprehended in a generall Worke. i. Gentiana maior flore flauo. The great Gentian. The great Gentian rifeth vp at the firft, with a long, round and pointed head of leaues, clofing one another, which after opening themfelues, lye vpon the ground, and are faire, long and broad, fomewhat plaited or ribbed like vnto the leaues of white Ellebor or Neefeworte, but not fo fairely or eminently plaited, neyther fo ftiffe, but rather refembling the leaues of a great Plantane : from among which rifeth vp a ftiffe round ftalke, three foote high or better, full of ioynts, hauing two fuch leaues, but narrower and fmaller at euery ioynt, fo compaffing about the ftalke at the lower end of them, that they will almoft hold water that falleth into them : from the middle of the ftalke to the toppe, it is garnifhed with many coronets or rundles of flowers, with two fuch greene leaues likewife at euery ioynt, and wherein the flowers doe ftand, which are yellow, layd open like ftarres, and riling out of fmall greenifh huskes, with fome threds in the middle of them, but of no fent at all, yet ftately to behold, both for the order, height and proportion of the plant : the feede is browne and flat, con- tained in round heads, fomewhat like vnto the feede of the Fritillaria, or checkerd DafFodill, but browner : the rootes are great, thicke and long, yellow, and exceeding bitter. 2. Gentiana maior folio Afclepiadis, Swallow- wort Gentian. This kinde of Gentian hath many ftalkes riling from the roote, neere two foote high, whereon grow many faire pale greene leaues, fet by couples, with three ribs in euery one of them, and doe fomewhat refemble the leaues of Afclepias or Swallow- wort, that is, broade at the bottome, and fharpe at the point : the flowers grow at the feuerall ioynts of the ftalkes, from the middle vpwards, two or three together, which are long and hollow, like vnto a bell flower, ending in fiue corners, or pointed leaues, and folded before they are open, as the flowers of the Bindeweedes are, of a faire blew colour, fometimes deeper, and fometimes paler : the heads or feede veflels haue two points or homes at the toppes, and containe within them flat grayilh feed, like vn- to the former, but lefle : the rootes hereof are nothing fo great as the former, but are yellow, fmall and long, of the bignefle of a mans thumbe. 3. Gentiana minor Cruciata. Crofle-wort Gentian. This fmall Gentian hath many branches lying vpon the ground, fcarce lifting them- felues vpright, and full of ioynts, whereat grow vfually foure leaues, one oppofite vnto another, in manner of a Crofle, from whence it tooke his name, in fhape very like vnto Saponaria or Sopewort, but fhorter, and of a darker greene colour : at the tops of the ftalkes ftand many flowers, thick thrufting together, and likewife at the next ioynt vnderneath, euery one of them ftanding in a darke blewifh greene huske, and con- lifting of fiue fmall leaues, the points or ends whereof only appeare aboue the huskes wherein they ftand, and are hardly to be feene, but that they are of a fine pale blew co- lour, and that many grow together : the feed is fmall and brown, hard, and fomewhat like The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 35 6 Liricon - fan Conually. 2 <**** maior. The great Gentian. 3 G f ,,tia*|<'.. 5 !/'*<'' fruit*. The fhrubbe Mallow. 6 Ualua herttnjii fimpltx. Single Hollihockes. 7 M.tlua rofea multiplex. LX)uble Hollihocke*. 368 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Mallow, and of the fame deepe colour with it, fo that you can hardly know it from the ordinary kinde, which is found growing wilde together with it, but onely by the leafe, which is as round and as large as the former, but cut into many fine diui- fions, euen to the ftalke that vpholdetb it, that it feemeth to confift onely of ragges, or peeces of leaues : Of this kinde I take a plante for this garden, growing in all refpefts like vnto it, but differing onely in the colour of the flowers, which are of the fame blufh or light carnation colour, or not much differing from the former Spanifh kinde, with fome veines therein of a deeper colour : the root hereof liueth, as the root of the common wilde kinde doth. 3. Alcea peregrina fiue vejicaria. Venice Mallow, or Good night at noone. The Venice Mallow hath long and weake ftalkes, moft vfually lying or leaning vpon the ground, hauing here and there vpon them long leaues and fomewhat broad, cut in or gafhed very deepely on both edges, that it feemeth as if they were diuers leaues fet together, euery one (landing on a long footeftalke : at the ioynts of thefe ftalkes, where the leaues are fet, come forth feuerall flowers, ftanding vpon long foot- ftalkes, which are fomewhat larger then any of the former flowers, confifting of fiue leaues, fmall at the bottome, and wide at the brimmes, of a whitifh colour tending to a blufh, and fometimes all white, with fpots at the bottomes of the leaues on the infide, of a very deepe purple or murrey colour, which addeth a great grace to the flower, and hauing alfo a long peftle or clapper in the middle, as yellow as gold : thefe flowers are fo quickly faded and gone, that you fhall hardly fee any of them blowne open, vnlefle it bee betimes in the morning before the Sunne doe grow warme vpon them, for as foone as it feeleth the Sunnes warme heate, it clofeth vp and neuer openeth a- gaine, fo that you fhall very feldome fee a flower blowne open in the day time, after nine a clocke in the morning : after thefe flowers are part, there rife vp in their places thinne, round, mining or tranfparent bladders, pointed at the toppe, and ribbed down all along, wherein are contained fmall, round, blackifh feede : the roote is long and fmall, and perifheth euery yeare. 4. Alcea fruticofa pentaphy llea. Cinquefoile Mallow. The ftalkes of this Mallow are very long, hard or wooddy, more then of any of the other Mallowes : at the lower part whereof, and vp to the middle, ftand diuers leaues vpon long footeftalkes, parted or diuided into fiue parts or leaues, and dented about the edges ; but vpwards from the middle to the toppe, the leaues haue but three diuifions : among thefe leaues ftand large wide open flowers, of the colour of the common Mallow : the feede is fmaller then in any other Mallow, but the rootes are great and long, fpreading in the ground like vnto the rootes of Marfh Mallowes, and fpringeth vp afrefh euery yeare from the roote. 5. Sabdarifa feu Alcea Americana. Thorney Mallowe. This Thorney Mallowe hath greene leaues next vnto the ground, that are almoft round, but pointed at the end, and dented very much about the edges ; the other leaues that growe vpon the ftalke are diuided into three parts, like vnto a trefoile, and fome of them into fiue diuifions, all of them dented about the edges : the ftalke is reddilh, with fome harmelefTe prickles in fundry places thereon, and rifeth vp three or foure foote high in a good ground, a fit place, and a kindly yeare, bearing plenty of flowers vpon the ftalkes, one at the foote of euery leafe, the toppe it felfe ending in a long fpike, as it were of buddes and leaues together : the flowers nre of a very pale yellow, tending to a white colour, fpotted in the bottome of each of the fiue leaues, with a deepe purple fpot, broad at the lower part, and ending in a point about the middle of the leafe, which are quickly fading, and not abiding aboue one day, with a long peftle in the middle diuided at the toppe : after the flower is paft, commeth vp a fhort prickly podde, fet within a fmall greene huske or cup that bore the flower, wherein is contai- ned The Garden of f>leajnnt Wows. 369 ned whitilh, or rather brownifh yellow feede, flat and Ibmcwhat round, like vnto the icciles ol Hollyhuckc : the route is itringie, and quickly perilheth; tor it will hardly endure in our cold Country to giue flowers, much lelle leedc, vnlefie (as I faid before) it happen in a kindly yeare, and he well planted and tended. 6. Biimiii J'fii AU\'n ft.gyptin. The Mallow of Egypt. This Mallow is alfo as tender to nourfe vp as the lall, hauing the lower leaues broad like a Marlh Mallow, and of a frefh greene colour; but thofc that growe vpon the Italkc, and vp to the toppe, arc diuided into fiue parts or points, but are not cut in to the middle rihbe, like the former Thorney Mallow, yet dented about the edges like vnto them : the flowers growe at the letting to of the leaues, like vnto a Mallow for forme, but of a whitilh colour ; after which come long flue fquare pointed pods, with hard ihcls, wherein are contained round blackifh gray feede, as bigge as a Vetch or bigger : the roote perillieth quickly with vs, cuen with the firft frolls. I\T j. Althaa frutex Jkre albo ixl purpureo. Shrubbe Mallow with a white or purple flower. There are diuers forts of fhrubbe Mallowes, whereof fome that haue their flemmes or (hikes lefle wooddy, dye downe to the ground euery yeare, and others that abide al waves, are more wooddy : Of the former forts I intend not to fpeake, referring them to a fitter place; and of the other, I will onely giue you the knowledge of one or two in this place, although I doe acknowledge their fitteft place had been to be among the (hrubbes ; hut becaufe they are Mallowes, I pray let them pafle with the red of their kindred, and their defcriptions in this manner: Thefe wooddy kindes of fhrub Mal- lowes haue fomewhat large, long, and diuided leaues, of a whitifh greene colour, foft alfo, and as it were woolly in handling, fet difperfedly on the whitifh hard or wooddy (hikes : their flowers are large, like vnto a fingle Rofe or Hollyhocke, in the one being white with purple fpots in the bottome; in the other either of a deepe red colour, or elfe of a paler purple, with a deeper bottome, and with veines running in cuery leafe : they arc fomewhat tender, and would not be fuffered to be vncouered in the Winter time, or yet abroad in the Garden, but kept in a large pot or tubbe, in the houfe or in a warme cellar, if you would haue them to thriue. 8. Malua hortenjis rofea Jimplex & multiplex diuer forum color um. Hollihockes fingle and double of feuerall colours. I lhall not neede to make many defcriptions of Hollihockes, in regard the greatefl difference confilleth in the flowers, which are in fome fingle, in fome double, in fome ot one colour, and in others of other colours : for the lowell leaues of Hollihockes are all round, and fomewhat large, with many corners, but not cut in or diuided, foft in handling; but thofe that growe vp higher are much more diuided into many corners : the llalkcs fometimes growe like a tree, at the leall higher then any man, with diuers fuch diuided leaues on them, and flowers from the middle to the toppe, where they (land as it were a long fpike of leaues and buds for flowers together: the flowers arc of diuers colours, both fingle and double, as pure white, and pale blulh, almofl like a white, and more blufh, frefh and liuely, of a Rofe colour, Scarlet, and a deeper red like a crimfon, and of a darke red like blacke bloud; thefe are the mofl efpeciall colours both ot fingle and double flowers that I haue feene : the fingle flowers confifl of fiue broad and round leaues, (landing round like vnto fingle Rofes, with a middle long flile, and fome chiues aboue them : the double flowers are like vnto double Rofes, very thicke, fo that no llile or vmbone is feene in the middle, and the outermofl rowe of leaues in the flowers are largefl, the innermoll being fmaller and thicke fet together : alter the flowers are pall, there come vp as well in the double as fingle, flat round heads, like flat cakes, round about the bottomes whereof growe flat whitifh feede : the rootc is long and great at the head, white and tough, like the roote of the common Mallowes, but greater, and will reafonably well abide the Winter. A 3 The 370 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Place. The firft groweth wilde in Spaine. The fecond in our owne Countrey. The third is thought to growe in Italy and Venice ; but Lobel denieth it, faying, that it is there onely in Gardens, and is more plentifull in thefe parts then with them. The fourth Clufius faith he found in many places of Germany. The fifth is fuppofed to be firft brought out of the Weft Indies, but an Arabicke name being giuen it, maketh me fomewhat doubtfull how to beleeue it. The fixth groweth in Egypt, where it is of great vfe, as Pro- fper Alpinus hath fet downe in his Booke of Egyptian plants. The feuenth groweth in fome parts both of Spaine and France. The laft is not found but in Gardens euery where. The Time. The firft, fecond, third, fourth, and laft, doe flower from lune vntill the end of luly and Auguft. The reft flower very late, many times not vn- till September or October. The Names. The firft and fecond haue their names fufficiently expreffed in their titles. The third is diuerfly called, as Malua horaria, Alcea verjicaria, Alcea Veneta, Alcea Peregrina, and of Matthiolus, Hypecoum. The moft vfuall Englim name is Venice Mallow. The fourth is called Alcea fruticofa pentaphyllea, and Can- nabinifolio, or Pentaphyllifolio : In Englifh, Cinquefoile Mallow. The fifth hath been fent vnder the name of Sabdarifa, and Sabdariffa> and (as I faid) is thought to be brought from America, and therefore it beareth the name of that Country. The fixth is called in Egypt, Bamia, or Bammia, and by that name fent with the addition del Cayro vnto it : In Englifh, Egyptian Mal- low, or Mallow of Egypt. The feuenth is called Althtza frutex, and of fome Altheea arborea : In Englifh, Shrubbe Mallow, becaufe his ftemme is wood- die, and abideth as fhrubbes and trees doe. The eight and laft is called Malua hortenfis, Malua Rofea, and of fome Rofa v/fra marina: In Englifh, of fome Hockes, and vfually Hollihockes. The Vertues. All forts of Mallowes, by reafon of their vifcous or flimie quality, doe helpe to make the body foluble, being vfed inwardly, and thereby helpe alfo to eafe the paines of the ftone and grauell, caufing them to be the more eafily voided: being outwardly applyed, they mollifie hard tumours, and helpe to eafe paines in diuers parts of the body ; yet thofe that are of moft vfe, are moft common. The reft are but taken vpon credit. CHAP. XCII. Amaranthus. Flower-gentle. haue foure or fiue forts of Flower-gentle to trimme vp this our Garden withall, which doe differ very notably one from another, as fhall be de- clared in their feuerall defcriptions ; fome of which are very tender, and muft be carefully regarded, and all little enough to caufe them beare feede with vs, or elfe wee fhall bee to feeke euery yeare: others are hardy enough, and will hardly be loft out of the Garden. i. Amaranthus The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 371 i . Amiimnthus pnrpuretis minor. The fmall purple Flower-gentle. This gallant purple Veluet flower, or Flower-gentle, hath a crefted (kike two foote high or more, purplifli at the bottome, but greene to the toppe, whereout groweth many fmall branches, the leaues on the ftalkcs and branches arc fomcwhat broad at the bottome, and fharpe pointed, of a full greene colour, and often fomewhat reddifh withall, like in forme vnto the leaues of Elites (whereof this and the reft are accounted //>(( />.?, or forts) or fmall Beetes : the flowers are long, fpikie, foft, and gentle tufts of haires, many as it were growing together, broad at the bottome, and fmall vp at the toppe, pyramis or fteeple-fafhion, of fo excellent a mining deepe purple colour, ten- ding to a murrey, that in the moft excellent coloured Veluet, cannot be feene a more orient colour, (and I thinke from this refpect, the French call it Paffe ve/ours, that is to fay, palling Veluet in colour) without any fmell at all, which being bruifed giueth the fame excellent purple colour on paper, and being gathered in his full ftrength and beauty, will abide a great time (if it be kept out of the winde and funne in a dry place) in the fame grace and colour : among thefe tufts lye the feede fcattered, which is fmall, very blacke, and mining : the rootes are a few threddy firings, which quickly perim, as the whole plant doth, at the firft approach of Winter weather. 2. Amaranthus Coccineus. Scarlet Flower-gentle. The leaues of this Flower-gentle are longer, and fomewhat narrower then the for- mer ; the ftalke groweth fomewhat higher, bearing his long tufts at feuerall leaues, as alfo at the toppe of the ftalkes, many being fet together, but feparate one from ano- ther, and each bowing or bending downe his head, like vnto a Feather, fuch as is worn in our Gallants and Gentlewomens heads, of an excellent bloudy Scarlet colour : the feede is blacke, like vnto the former : the roote perilheth quicklier, becaufe it is more tender. 3. Amaranthus tricolor. Spotted or variable Flower-gentle. The chiefeft beauty of this plant confifteth in the leaues, and not in the flowers ; for they are fmall tufts growing along the ftalke, which is nothing fo high as the for- mer, efpecially with vs, and at the ioynts with the leaues : the leaues hereof are of the fame falhion that the former are, and pointed alfo ; but euery leafe is to be feene par- ted into greene, red, and yellow, very orient and frefh (efpecially if it come to his full perfection, which is in hot and dry weather) diuided not all alike, but in fome leaues, where the red or yellow is, there will be greene, and fo varying, that it is very pleafant to behold : the feede hereof is blacke and mining, not to bee knowne from the former. 4. Amaranthus Carnea fpica. Carnation Flower-gentle. There is another more rare then all the reft, whole leaues are fomewhat longer, and narrower then the firft, and like vnto the fecond kinde : the fpikes are fhort, many fet together, like branches hall of heads or eares of corne, euery one whereof hath fome long haires fticking out from them, of a deep blulh, tending to a carnation colour. 5. Amaranthus purpureus rnaior paniculis f par fa. Great Floramour, or purple Flower-gentle. The great Floramour hath one thicke, tall, crefted, browne red ftalke, fiue or fix foote high, from whence fpring many great broad leaues, like vnto the former for the forme, but much larger & redder for the moft part, efpecially the lowert, which bran- cheth forth into diuers parts, & from between thefe leaues, & the ftalks or branches, as alfo at the tops of them, ftand long, fpikie, round, & fomewhat flat tufts, of a more red- difh purple colour then the firft, and diuided alfo into feuerall parts, wherin when they are 372 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. are full ripe, are to be feen an innumerable company of white feed, ftanding out among the fhort thrums, and do then eafily fall away with a little touching ; euery one of thefe white feed hath as it were an hole halfe bored through therin : the root is a great bufh of firings, fpreading in the ground, whereby it is ftrongly fattened, yet perifheth euery yeare, after it hath giuen his feede. The Place. All thefe plants growe in the Eafterne Countries, as Perfia, Syria, Ara- bia, &c. except the greateft, which hath been brought out of the Weft In- dies, where it is much vfed, efpecially the feede : they are all, except it, nourfed vp with much care in our Gardens, and yet in a backward or cold yeare they will not thriue, for that they deiire much heate : but the greateft doth alwayes giue ripe feede euery yeare. The Time. They beare their gallant tufts or fpikes for the moft part in Auguft, and fome not vntill September. The Names. The name Amaranthus is giuen to all thefe plants, taken from the Greeke word ap.apavTivo';, non marcefcens, or non fenefcens, that is, neuer waxing old, and is often alfo impofed on other plants, who haue the fame property, that is, that their flowers being gathered in a fit feafon, will retaine their natiue colour a long time, as fhall be fhewed in the Chapter following. Diuers do thinke the firft to be Phlox, or Flamma of Theophraftus. The third is called Ge/ojja, or Celojia of Tragus. Spigelius in his Ifagoges faith, it is generally taken to be Sophonia, whereof Plinie maketh mention ; and Lobel, to bee the Perlians Theombroton of Plinie. The Italians, from whom I had it (by the meanes of M r . Do6lor lohn More, as I haue had many other rare lim- ples) call it, Blito di tre co/ori, A three coloured Elite. The fifth, which is the greatert, hath been fent from the Weft Indies by the name of Quinua, as Clufius reporteth. The name Flower-gentle in Englifh, and F lor amour, which is the French, of Flos amoris, and PaJ/e velours, as is before faid, or Veluet flower, according to the Italian, Flor veluto, are equally giuen to all thefe plants, with their feuerall diftinctions, as they are exprefTed in their titles. The Vertues. Diuers fuppofe the flowers of thefe plants doe helpe to ftay the fluxe of bloud in man or woman, becaufe that other things that are red or pur- ple doe performe the fame. But Galen difproueth that opinion very no- tably, in lib. 2. & 4. de fimpl. medicament, facultatibus. CHAP. XCIII. Helichryfum^Jiue Amaranthus luteus. Golden Flower-gentle, Goldilockes, or Gold-flower. THe propinquity of property (as I before faid) hath caufed the affinity in name, and fo in neighbourhood in thefe plants, wherein there are fome diueriity; and although they differ from them before in many notable points, yet they all a- gree with themfelues in the golden, or filuer heads or tufts they beare ; and therefore I haue 'The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 373 I Amaranthui pitrpureut maivr. The great purple Flower gentle. 2 AntnrantliMt fnrp,,rtni minor. The lelier purple Flower gentle. 3 Am.inmthus Iritolor. Variable I- lower gentle. 4 Amaranthut Coiciniui. Scarlet Flower gentle 5 Amaranth,,* cant* J'fica. Carnation Flower gentle. 6 Ckryjocomt. Golden Caffiaonk. 7 Htli^hryfum Cnticum. i Guafhalium America**!*. Liuelong or Life euerlafting. 9 Gnapkalium moHtauxm Cats foote. Tile Cotton Roic. Cand> Goldilockes. IO Giiapkaliimi roftum. The Garden of pleafant Flowers. haue comprifed them in one Chapter, and will begin with that which commeth nea- reft vnto the Helichryfum of Diofcorides, or Aurelia (as Gaza tranflateth it) of Theo- phraftus. i . Helichryfum. The Golden flower of life. This firft Golden tuft rifeth vp with many hard, round, white ftalkes, a foote and a halfe high, whereon at certaine diftances ftand many fine cut leaues, or rather one leafe cut into many fmall fine parts, almoft as fmall as Pencil, but grayifh, like vnto the Cud- weedes or Cotton-weedes (whereof certainly thefe are fpeciall kindes) at the toppes !of the ftalkes ftand many round flowers, of a pale gold colour, in an vmbell clofe to- gether, yet euery flower vpon his owne ftalke, and all of an euen height, which will keepe the colour, being gathered, and kept dry for a long time after, and are of a hot and quicke fent : the roote is fmall and wooddy, fpreading vnder the vpper cruft of the earth, and liueth long in his owne naturall place, but very hardly endureth the cold of our Winters, vnlefle they be milde, or it be well defended. 2. Helichryfum Creticum. Candy Goldilockes. Candy Goldilockes hath two or three fmall (lender white branches, fet here and there very fcatteringly, with fmall, long, and narrow hoary leaues, hauing yellow heads of flowers at the tops made into vmbels or tufts, not fo round and euen as the former, but longwife one aboue another, the heads being made as it were of fcales, loofly, and not fo clofely fet together, as in the next following, which when they are full ripe, doe paffe into doune, and are blowne away with the winde, hauing a fmall reddifh feede at the end ; but will abide a long time, as the other in his beauty, being gathered in time, as the reft will doe. 3. Helichryfum Orientate Jiue Amaranthus luteus. Golden Flower-gentle. This moft beautifull plant is very like vnto the former Candy Goldilockes laft de- fcribed, but growing vp higher, with many more branches, and more hoary, white, and woolly, hauing alfo long and narrow white leaues, but fomewhat broader, and thicker fet on the branches : the tufts of flowers or vmbels likewife doe coniift of longer and larger heads, more fcaly, and clofer compact together, of an excellent pale gold yellow colour, and mining, with fome yellow threads or thrummes in the middle : the roote dyeth not euery yeare, but liueth long, efpecially in the South and Eaft Countries, where no colds or frofts are felt; but will require extraordinary care and keeping, and yet fcarce fufficient to preferue it in thefe cold Countries. 4. Chryfoc ome Jiue Steechas Citrina. Golden tufts or Golden Caflidony. This Golden flower is fomewhat like the former of thefe two laft defcribed, hauing hoary ftalkes and leaues, ftanding confufedly on them, being long, and narrower then any of the former : the tops of the ftalkes are diuided into many parts, each bearing a fmall long yellow head or flower at the toppe, with fome yellow thrummes in them, which heads being many, are diffufedly fet together, like a loofe or fparfed vmbell, keeping their colour long before they wither, and when they are ripe, haue thinne fmall reddifh feede, like Mariorome feede, but fmaller ; the roote is fmall and blacke : the whole plant, as well leaues and flowers, as rootes, are of a ftrong fharpe fent, yet pleafant. 5. Argyrocome Jiue Gnaphalium Americanum. Liue long or Life euerlafting. This liluer tuft or Indian Cotton weede, hath many white heads of leafes at their firft fpringing out of the ground, couered with a hoary woollinefle like cotton, which rifmg into hard, thicke round ftalkes, containe ftill the fame hoarineffe vpon them, as alfo vpon the long and narrow leaues which are fet thereon, efpecially on the vnder fide, The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 375 fide, for the vpper fides are of a darke mining greenc colour : the ftalkes arc diuidcd at the toppe into many fmall branches, each whereof haue many fcaly tufted heads fet together, couered ouer with cotton before their opening, and then difleuering one trom another, abiding very white on the outfide, when they are fully growne, but with a fmall yellow thrume in the midde of euery flower, which in time turne into yellow dount, apt to be blowne away with euery winde: the roots are long and black on the outfide, creeping vnder ground very much. 6. Gnaphalium montanum fare albo & Jiore purpureo. White and purple Cats foote. This fmall Cudweede or Cottonweede, hath many fmall white woolly leaues growing from the roote, which is compofed of a few fmall blackifh threds, and lying vpon the ground fomewhat like vnto the leaues of a fmall Moufe eare, but fmaller; from among which rifeth vp a fmall ftalke of halfc a foote high or thereabouts, befct here and there with fome few leaues, at the top whereof commeth forth a tuft of fmall flowers, fet clofe together, in fome of a pure white, in others of a purple or reddifh colour, in fome ot a pale red or blu(h, and in others of a white and purple mixt toge- ther, which for the beauty is much commended and defired, but will hardly abide to be kept in Gardens, fo vnwilling they are to leaue their natural! abiding. 7. Gnaphalium Rojeum. The Cotton Rofe. This little role Cotton weede hath many fuch like woolly leaues, growing as the former from the roote vpon fmall fhprt branches, not full an hand breadth high, in fa- (hion fomewhat like vnto Dayfie leaues, but lefler, and round pointed : at the toppe of euery ftalke or branch, ftandeth one flower, compofed of two rowes of fmall white leaues, layd open like a Starre or a Rofe, as it beareth the name, hailing a round head in the middle made of many yellow threds or thrumes, which falling away, there ri- feth vp a fmall round head, full of fmall feedes : the root is fmall, long and threddy. The Place. The foure firft plants doe grow naturally in many of the hot Countries ot Europe, as Spaine, Italic, and Prouince in France; as alfo in Candy, Barbary, and other places, and mull be carefully kept with vs in the winter time. The Liue long was brought out of the Weft Indies, and groweth plentifully in our gardens. The two laft doe grow as well in the colder Countries of Germany, as in France and other places. The Time. They all flower in the end of September, if they will (hew out their beauty at all with vs, for fometimes it is fo late, that they haue no faire colour at all, efpecially the foure firft forts. The Names. Variable and many are the names that feuerall Writers do call thefe foure firft forts of plants, as Helichryfum, Heliochryfum, or Elichrvfum, Eliochryju/n, Chryfocome, Coma aarea, Amaranthus /uteus, Stoechas Citrina, and Aurelia, with others, needlefle here to be recited : it is fufficient for this worke, to giue you knowledge that their names are fufficient as they are exprefled in their titles : The fift is called Gnaphalium by Carolus Clufius, from the likenefle of the vmbels or tufts of heads, though greater and white : for as I faid be- fore, the Cotton weedes are of kindred with the golden tufts: It hath been called by our Englifh Gentlewomen, Liue long, and Life euerlafting, be- caufe of the durabilitie of the flowers in their beautie. The two laft are cal- led 376 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. led Gnaphalium, according to their titles ; and in Englifh they may pafle vn- der thofe names are fet downe with them. The Vertues. The foure firft are accounted to bee hot and dry, and the three laft to bee cold and dry : yet all of them may to fome good purpofe bee applyed to rheumaticke heads. The former foure are likewife vfed to caufe vrine, and in baths to comfort and heate cold parts. They are alfo layd in chefts and wardrobes, to keepe garments from moths ; and are worne in the heads and armes of Gentiles and others, for their beautifull afpect. CHAP. XCIIII. Canna Indica. The Indian flowring Reede. THere are two kindes or forts of this beautifull plant, the one with a red flower, the other with a yellow, fpotted with reddifh fpots, both which in fome kind- ly yeares haue borne their braue flowers, but neuer any ripe feede, and doth not abide the extremities of our winters, eyther abroade or vnder couert, vnlefle it meete with a ftoue or hot-houfe, fuch as are vfed in Germany, or fuch other like place : For neyther houfe nor cellar will preferue it, for want of heate. Canna Indica fore rubro. Red flowred Indian Reede. This beautifull plant rifeth vp with faire greene, large, broade leaues, euery one ri- fing out of the middle of the other, and are folded together, or writhed like vnto a paper Coffin (as they call it) fuch as Comfitmakers and Grocers vfe, to put in their Comfits and Spices, and being fpread open, another rifeth from the bottome thereof, folded in the fame manner, which are fet at the ioynts of the ftalke when it is rifen vp, like vnto our water Reede, and growing (if it runne vp for flower) to be three or foure foote high, as I haue obferued in mine owne garden : the flowers grow at the toppe of the ftalke one aboue another, which before their opening are long, fmall, round, and pointed at the end, very like vnto the claw of a Crauife or Sea-Crab, and of the fame red or crimfon colour, but being open, are very like vnto the flower of Gladiolus or Corne-flagge, but of a more orient colour then at the firft, and ftanding in a rough huske, wherein afterwards ftandeth a three fquare head, containing therein round blacke feede, of the bignefle of a peafe : the roote is white and tuberous, growing in- to many knobs, from whence arife fuch other leaues and ftalkes, whereby it encreafeth very much, if it be rightly kept and defended. _ Canna Indica fore flauo punStato. Yellow fpotted Indian Reede. This Reede groweth vp with leaues and flowers, in all points fo like vnto the for- mer, that it cannot bee knowne from it, vntill it come to flower, which is of a yellow colour, fpotted with reddifh fpots, without any other difference. The Place. Thefe plants grow naturally in the Weft Indies, from whence they were firft fent into Spaine, and Portugall, where Clufius faith he faw them plan- ted by the houfes fides, flowring in winter, which might be in thofe warme Countreyes. We preferue them with great care in our gardens, for the beau- tifull afpea of their flowers. The The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 377 The Time. They flower not with vs vntill the end, or middle of Augurt, at the foo- neft. The Names. They are called of fome Canna Indica, and Arundo Indica, of others Canna- corus, and of fome Flos Cancri, becaufe the colour of the flowers, as well as the forme of the buds, are fo like vnto a Sea-Crabs cle, or claw. The Vertucs. There is not any vfe of thefe in Phyficke that I know. CHAP. XCV. Mandragoras. Mandrake. THe Mandrake is diftinguifhed into two kindes, the male and the female ; the male hath two forts, the one differing from the other, as fhall be (hewed ; but of the female I know but one : Tfye male is frequent in many gardens, but the fe- male, in that it is more tender and rare, is nourfed vp but in a few. Mandragoras mas. The male Mandrake. The male Mandrake thrufleth vp many leaues together out of the ground, which being full growne, are faire, large and greene, lying round about the roote, and are lar- ger and longer then the greateft leaues of any Lettice, whereunto it is likened by Dio- fcorides and others : from the middle, among thefe leaues, rife vp many flowers, euery one vpon a long flender ftalke, (landing in a whitifh greene huske, confiding of fiue pretty large round pointed leaues, of a greenifh white colour, which turne into fmall round apples, greene at the firft, and of a pale red colour when they are ripe, very fmooth and (hining on the outfide, and of a heady or flrong (luffing fmell, wherein is contained round whitifh flat feede : the roote is long and thicke, blackifh on the out- fide, and white within, confifting many times but of one long roote, and fometimes diuided into two branches a little below the head, and fometimes into three or more, as nature lifteth to beftow vpon it, as my felfe haue often feene, by the tranfplanting of many, as alfo by breaking and cutting off of many parts of the rootes, but neuer found harme by fo doing, as many idle tales haue beene fet downe in writing, and deliuered alfo by report, of much danger to happen to fuch, as fhould digge them vp or breake them ; neyther haue I euer feene any forme of man like or woman-like parts, in the rootes of any : but as I faid, it hath oftentimes two maine rootes running down right into the ground, and fometimes three, and fometimes but one, as it likewife often hap- peneth to Parfneps, Carrots, or the like. But many cunning counterfeit rootes haue bin lhaped to fuch formes, and publickly expofed to the view of all that would fee them, and haue been tolerated by the chiefe Magiftrates of the Citie, notwithftanding that they haue beene informed that fuch practices were meere deceit, and vnfufferable ; whether this happened through their ouer-credulitie of the thing, or of the perfons, or through an opinion that the intormation of the truth rofe vpon enuy, I know not, I leaue that to the fearcher of all hearts : But this you may bee bold to reft vpon, and allure your felues, that fuch formes as haue bin publickly expofed to be feene, were ne- uer fo formed by nature, but only by the art and cunning of knaues and deceiuers, and let this be your Galeatum againft all fuch vaine, idle and ridiculous toyes of mens in- uentions. B 3 There 37^ The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. There is likewife another fort of thefe male Mandrakes, which I firft faw at Canter- bury, with my very louing and kinde friende lohn Tradefcante, in the garden of the Lord Wotton, whofe gardiner he was at that time ; the leaues whereof were of a more grayifh greene colour, and fomewhat folded together, when as the former kind that grew hard by it, was of the fame forme that is before defcribed, and ordinary in all others : but whether the apples were differing from the other, I know not, nor did they remember that euer it had borne any. Mandragoras feemina. The female Mandrake. The female Mandrake doth likewife put vp many leaues together, from the head of the roote, but they are nothing fo large, and are of a darker greene colour, narrower alfo and mining, more crumpled, and of a ftronger fent : the flowers are many, rifing vp in the middle of the leaues, vpon {lender ftalkes, as in the male kind, but of a blew- im purple colour, which turne into fmall round fruite or apples, and not long like a peare (as Clufius reporteth that faw them naturally growing in Spaine) greene at the firft, and of a pale yellowim colour, when they are full ripe ; of a more pleafing, or if you will, of a lefTe heady fent then the apples of the male, wherein is contained fuch like feede, but fmaller and blacker : the rootes are like the former, blacke without and white within, and diuided in the fame manner as the male is, fometimes with more, and fometimes with fewer parts or branches. The Place. They grow in many places of Italic, as Matthiolus reporteth, but efpe- cially on Mount Garganus in Apulia. Clufius faith hee found the female in many wet grounds of Spaine, as alfo in the borders of thofe medowes that lye neere vnto riuers and water courfes. The male is cherifhed in many Gardens, for pleafure as well as for vfe : but the female as is faid, is both ve- ry rare, and farre more tender. The Time. The Male flowreth in March, and the fruit is ripe in luly. The Female, if it be well preferued, flowreth not vntill Auguft, or September ; fo that with- out extraordinary care, we neuer fee the fruite thereof in our gardens. The Names. Mandragoras mas is called albus, as the Fczmtna is called niger, which titles of blacke and white, are referred vnto the colour of the leaues : the fe- male is called alfo Thridacias, from the likeneffe of Lettice, whereunto they fay in forme it doth carry fome fimilitude. Diofcorides faith, that in his time the male was called Morion, and both of them Antimelum, and Circcea. Wee call them in Engliih, The male, and the female Mandrake. The Vertues. The leaues haue a cooling and drying qualitie, fit for the oyntment Po- puleon, wherein it is put. But the Apples haue a foporiferous propertie, as Leuinus Lemnius maketh mention in his Herball to the Bible, of an expe- riment of his owne. Befides, as Diofcorides firft, and then Serapio, Auicen, Paulus /Egineta, and others alfo do declare, they conduce much to the coo- ling and cleanling of an hot matrix. And it is probable, that Rachel know- ing that they might be profitable for her hot and dry body, was the more earned with Leah for her Sonne Rubens Apples, as it is fet downe Genefo 30. ixrfe 14. The ftrong fent of thefe apples is remembred alfo, Cant. j. 13. although fome would diuert the fignification of the Hebrew word, o'Wrn, vnto The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 379 vnto Violets, or fomc other fwect flowers, in the former place of Genefa, and the fruit of Mufa, or Adams Apples in this place of the Canticles. Hamilcar the Carthaginian Captainc is faid to haue infedled the wine of the Lybians (his enemies againlt whom he fought) with the apples of Man- drake, whereby they being made exceeding drowlie, he obtained a famous victory ouer them. CHAP. XCVI. Pomum Amoris. Loue Apples. ALthough the beautie of this plant confiftelh not in the flower, but fruit, yet giue me leaue to infert it here, left otherwife it haue no place : whereof there are two efpeciall forts, which wee comprehend in one Chapter, and diftinguifh them by maius and minus, greater and fmaller : yet of the greater kinde, we haue nour- fed vp in our Gardens two forts, that differ only in the colour of the fruite, and in no- thing elfe. Pomum Amoris maius fruEiu rubro. Great Apple of Loue the ordinary red fort. This greater kinde of Loue Apples, which hath beene moft frequently cherifhed with vs, hath diuers long and trayling, branches, leaning or fpreading vpon the ground, not able to fuftaine themfelues, whereon doe grow many long winged leaues, that is, many leaues fet on both fides, and all along a middle ribbe, fome being greater, and others lefle, iagged alfo and dented about the edges, of a grayifh ouer-worne greene colour, fomewhat rough or hairy in handling ; from among the leaues and the branches come forth long ftalkes, with diuers flowers fet thereon, vpon feuerall fliort footftalks, confiding of fixe, and fometimes of eight fmall long yellow leaues, with a middle pricke or vmbone, which after the flowers are fallen, rifeth to be the fruite, which are of the bignefle of a fmall or meane Pippin, vneuenly bunched out in diuers places, and fcarce any full round without bunches, of a faire pale reddifh colour, or fomewhat deeper, like vnto an Orenge, full of a flimie iuice and watery pulpe, wherein the feede lyeth, which is white, flat and fomewhat rough : the roote fhooteth with many fmall firings and bigger branches vnder ground, but perifheth at the firft feeling of our win- ter weather. The fruite hereof by often fowing it in our Land, is become much fmal- ler then I haue here defcribed it : but was at the firft, and fo for two or three yeares af- ter, as bigge as I haue related it. Pomum Amoris maius fruftu luteo. Yellow Amorous Apples. Of the fame kinde is this other fort of Amorous Apples, differing in nothing but the colour ot the fruite, which is of a pale yellow colour, hauing bunches or lobes in the fame manner, and feede alfo like the former. Pomum Amoris minus, Jiue Mala Ethiopica parua. Small Loue Apples. The fmall Apples of Loue in the very like manner, haue long weake trayling branches, befet with fuch like leaues as the greater kinde hath, but fmaller in euery part : the flowers alfo ftand many together on a long ftalke, and yellow as the for- mer, but much fmaller : the fruite are fmall, round, yellowifh red berries, not much bigger then great grapes, wherein are contained white flat feede, like the other, but fmaller : the roote perifheth in like manner euery yeare, and therefore muft bee new fowen euery fpring, if you will haue the pleafure of their fight in the garden ; yet fome yeares I haue known them rife of their owne fowing in my garden. The 380 "The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Place. They growe naturally in the hot Countries of Barbary, and Ethiopia ; yet fome report them to be firft brought from Peru, a Prouince of the Weft Indies. Wee onely haue them for curiofity in our Gardens, and for the amorous afpecl: or beauty of the fruit. The Time. They flower in luly and Auguft, and their fruit is ripe in the middle or end of September for the moft part. The Names. The firft is named diuerfly by diuers Authors; for Lobel, Camerarius, and others, call them Poma amoris. Dodonasus Aurea Mala. Gefnerus firft, and Bauhinus after him, make it to be a kinde of Solanum Pomiferum. An- guillara taketh it to be Lycoperjicum of Galen. Others thinke it to bee Glau- clum of Diofcorides. The lart is called Mala Mthiopica parua, and by that title was firft fent vnto vs, as if the former were of the fame kinde and country. We call them in Englifh, Apples of Loue, Loue- Apples, Golden Apples, or Amorous Apples, and all as much to one purpofe as another, more then for their beautifull afpect. The Vertues. In the hot Countries where they naturally growe, they are much eaten of the people, to coole and quench the heate and thirft of their hot fto- maches. The Apples alfo boyled, or infufed in oyle in the funne, is thought to be good to cure the itch, afluredly it will allay the heate thereof. CHAP. XCVII. Digitalis. Foxegloue. THere are three principall forts of Foxegloues, a greater, a middle or meane fort, and a leffer, and of them, three efpeciall colours, that is, purple, white, and yellow ; the common purple kinde that groweth abroad in the fields, I leaue to his wilde habitation : and of the reft as followeth. 1 . Digitalis maxima ferruginea. Dun coloured Foxegloues. The leaues of this Foxegloue are long and large, of a grayifh green colour, finely cut or dented about the edges, like the teeth of a fine fawe ; among which commeth vp a ftrong tall ftalke, which when it was full growne, and with ripe feede thereon, I haue meafured to be feuen foot high at the leaft, whereon grow an innumerable company (as I may fo fay, in refpecl: of the aboundance) of flowers, nothing fo large as the com- mon purple kinde, that groweth wilde euery where in our owne Countrey, and of a kinde of browne or yellowifh dunne colour, with a long lippe at euery flower ; after them come feede, like the common kinde, but in fmaller heads : the rootes are ftringie like the ordinary, but doe vfually perim, or feldome abide after it hath giuen feed. 2. Digitalis maior Jtore carneo. Blum coloured Foxegloues. This kinde of Foxegloues hath reafonable large leaues, yet not altogether fo large as The Garden of pleafant Flowers. I Canna Indica. The Indian Rerd. 2 Maiidragoras mas. The male Mandrake. < Pomum amoris maius. Great Apples of louc. 4 Digitalis motor flare lutiu ainf-lo. The great yellow I-'oxeglouc. 5 Digitalis media flort lutto rubtntc. Oienge tawny Koxcgloues. 6 Digitalis maxima ftrrugiiua. Dun coloured I-'oxegloues. 382 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. as the common field kinde : the flowers are alfo fmaller then the common fort, but of a blufh colour. 3. Digitalis media flore luteo rubente. Orenge tawnie Foxegloue. As this Foxegloue is none of the greateft, fo alfo is it none of the fmallert ; but a fort betweene both, hauing leaues in fome proportion correfpondent to the lefler yellow Foxegloue, but not fo large as the leffer white : the flowers are long and narrow, al- moft as large as the laft white, but nothing fo large as the firft white, of a faire yellowifh browne colour, as if the yellow were ouerfhadowed with a reddifh colour, and is that colour wee vfually call an Orenge tawnie colour : the feede is like the former : the rootes perifh euery yeare that they beare feede, which is vfually the fecond yeare of the fpringing. 4. Digitalis maior alba. The greater white Foxegloue. This white Foxegloue is in all things fo like vnto the purple wilde kinde, that it can hardly be diftinguifhed from it, vnlefle it be in the frefher greennefle and largenefle of the leaues : the flowers are as great in a manner as the purple, but wholly white, with- out any fpot in them : the feed and other things agree in all points. 5. Digitalis alba alter a feu minor. The lefler white Foxegloue. We haue in our Gardens another fort of white Foxegloue, whofe leaues are like vnto the laft defcribed, but not altogether fo long or large, and of a darker greene co- lour : the ftalke groweth not fo high, as not full three foote : the flowers are pure white, fafhioned like vnto the former, but not fo great or large, in all other things alike : the rootes hereof did abide fometime in our Gardens, but fince perifhed, and the feede alfo, fince when we neuer could obtaine from any our friends of that kinde againe. 6. Digitalis maior lutea Jlore amplo. The great yellow Foxegloue. The leaues of this greater yellow Foxegloue, are in forme fomewhat like vnto the common purple kinde, but not altogether fo large : the ftalke groweth to bee three or foure foote high, whereon ftand many long hollow pendulous flowers, in fhape like the ordinary purple : but fomewhat fhorter, and more large and open at the brimmes, of a faire yellow colour, wherein are long threads, like as in the others : the roote hereof is greater at the head, and more wooddy then any of the reft, with many fmaller fibres, fpreading themfelues in the ground, and abideth almoft as well as our common purple kinde. 7. Digitalis minor lutea Jiue pallida. The fmall pale yellow Foxegloue. This fmall pale yellow Foxegloue hath fomewhat fhort, broad, fmooth and darke greene leaues, fnipt or dented about the edges very finely : the ftalke is two foot high, befet with fuch like leaues, but lefler : the flowers are more in number then in any of the reft, except the firft and greateft, and growe along the vpper part of the ftalke, being long and hollow, like the other, but very fmall, and of a pale yellow colour almoft white : the feede veflels are fmall like the former, wherein are contained feede like the reft, but fmaller : the rootes are ftringy, but durable, and feldome perifh with any iniury of the extreameft frofts. The Place. The great white kinde hath been often, and in many places found wilde in our owne Country, among or hard by the common purple kinde. All the reft are ftrangers, but cherifhed in our Gardens. The The Garden of pleafnnt Flowers. 383 The Time. They flower in lune and luly, and fome in Auguft, their fcede becom- ming ripe quickly after. The Names. Onely the name Digitalis, is of all Writers giuen vnto thcfe plants ; for it is not knowne to bee remembred of any of the old Authors. Wee call them generally in Englifh, Foxegloue ; but fome (as thinking it to bee too foolilh a name) doe call them Finger-flowers, becaufe they are like vnto the ringers of a gloue, the ends cut off. The Vertues. Foxegloues are not vfed in Phyficke by any iudicious man that I know ; yet fome Italians of Bononia, as Camerarius faith, in his time vfed it as a wound herbe. CHAP. XCVIII. Verbafcum. Mullein. I THere be diuers kindes of Mullein, as white Mullein, blacke Mullein, wooddy Mullein, bafe Mullein, Moth Mullein, and Ethiopian Mullein, all which to dirtinguilh or to defcribe, is neither my purpofe, nor the intent of this worke, which is to ftore a Garden with flowers of delight, and fequefter others not worthy of that honour. Thofe that are fit to bee brought to your confideration in this place, are firft, the Blattarias, or Moth Mulleins, and then the wooddy Mullein, which o- thcrwife is called French Sage, and laftly, the Ethiopian Mullein, whole beauty con- (ifteth not in the flower, but in the whole plant ; yet if it pleafe you not, take it accor- ding to his Country for a Moore, an Infidell, a Slaue, and fo vfe it. i. Blattaria lutea odorata. Sweete yellow Moth Mullein. The yellow Moth Mullein whofe flower is fweete, hath many hard grayifh greene leaues lying on the ground, fomewhat long and broad, and pointed at the end : the ftalks are two or three foot high, with fome leaues on them, & branching out from the middle vpwards into many long branches, ftored with many fmall pale yellow flow- ers, of a pretty fweete fent, fomewhat itronger then in the other forts, which feldome giueth feede, but abideth in the roote, liuing many yeares, which few or none of the others doe. *\T\f 2. Blattaria lutea maitr Jiue Hifpanica. The great yellow Moth Mullein. This Spanifh kinde hath larger and greener leaues then the former, and rounder and larger then the next that followeth : the ftalke is higher then in any of the Moth Mulleins, being for the moft part foure or flue foote high, whereon toward the toppe growe many goodly yellow flowers, confifting of fiue leaues, as all the reft doe, not fo thicke fet as the former, but much larger, with fome fmall purplifh threads in the middle: the ends whereof are fafhioned fomewhat like as if a Flie were creeping vp the flower, which turne into round heads, fometimes two or three or more Handing together, but vfually one, wherein lye fmall duskie feed : the roote is not great nor full ot threads, and doth periih moft vfually hauing giuen feede, except the Winter bee very milde. 3. Blattaria 384 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 3. Elattaria In tea alter a vu/gatior. The ordinary yellow Moth Mullein. This yellow Moth Mullein (which is the moft frequent in our Gardens) hath longer, and narrower leaues then any of the former, and roundly notched or dented on the edges, of a darke greene colour : the ftalke is fometimes branched, but mofl vfually tingle, whereon (land many gold yellow flowers, not fully fo large as the Spa- nifh kinde, but with the like purple threads in the middle : the feede is fmall, and contained in the like round heads, but alwaies euery one Jingle by it felfe : the roote perifheth euery yeare that it beareth feede. 4. Elattaria flare luteo purpurafcente. Cloth of gold Moth Mullein. The greateft point of difference betweene this and the laft described, confifteth chiefly in the colour of the flower, which in this is of the colour of cloth of gold, that is, the ground yellow, and ouerfhadowed with a bright crimfon colour, which is a fine colour of much delight : the threads in the middle are not fo purple red as in the for- mer, but much about the colour of the flower : this is not fo willing to giue feede, and will as hardly abide in the roote, and hath out of queftion rifen from the feede of the former. 5. Elattaria flore albo. White Moth Mullein. The leaues of the white Moth Mullein are fomewhat like vnto the yellow, yet not altogether fo much roundly notched about the edges, but rather a little dented, with fharper notches : the ftalke rifeth as high as the yellow, and hath now and then fome branches about it : the flowers hereof are pure white, as large and great as the ordinary yellow, or fomewhat larger, with the like purple threads in the middle, as are in the yellow : the feed is like the other ; the root perifheth in like manner, and will not endure. 6. Elattaria flore purpureo. Purple Moth Mullein. The Purple Moth Mullein hath his leaues lying on the ground, broader and fhor- ter then any of the other, of a more grayifh greene colour, and without any denting for the moft part about the edges, fharpe pointed alfo at the end of the leafe ; among the leaues rifeth vp the ftalke, not fo high as either the white or the yellow, and many times branched, bearing many flowers thereon, of the fame famion, and no whit fmaller, of a faire deepe blewifh colour tending to redneffe, the threads in the middle of the flowers being yellow : the feede veflels hereof are fomewhat fmaller then any of the former, except the firft fweete yellow kinde : the roote hereof is long, thicke, and blackifh on the outfide, abiding very well from yeare to yeare, and rifeth well alfo from the fowing of the feede. 7. Elattaria flore ceeruleo. Blew Moth Mullein. This blew Moth Mullein is in all refpedts like vnto the former purple kinde, fauing onely in the colour of the flower, which is of a blewifh violet colour, and is not much inferiour either in greatnefle of the plant, or in the largenefle of the flower, vnto the former purple kinde, and endureth many yeares in the like manner. And thefe be all the forts of this kinde of Moth Mullein, that I haue feene and nourfed vp for this my Garden, without interpofing any vnknowne, not feene, or vnworthy. 8. Verbafcum filuejire fiue quartum Matthioli. Wooddy Mullein or French Sage. Wooddy Mullein or French Sage, hath diuers wooddy branches two or three foot high, very hoary or white, whereon at feuerall ioynts (land diuers thicke leaues, white alfo and hoary, long, fomewhat broad, round pointed, and rough, fomewhat refem- bling the leaues of Sage in the forme and roughnefle, but not in the fent, whereof our people The Garden of pleaftint l : lowers. 385 people ^iiiic it the name of Sage, Billing it French Sage (when as it is as great a llr.m- ger in Prance as in England, yet they doe with this as with many other things, cal- ling them French, which come from beyond the Seas ; as for example, all or molt of our bulbous flowers they call French flowers, &c.) at the toppes of the ftalkes and branches, at certuine diltanceN arc placed round about them many gaping flowers, like vntu the flowers of Sage, but yellow : after which now and then come feede, lomewhat bigger then the Moth Mulleins, and lefle then the next Mullein of Ethiopia : the roote is wooddy at the toppe, with diuers blackilh firings growing from it, and en- dureth as well aboue ground with his leaues, as vnder it with his rootes. 9. SEtMopis. Ethiopian Mullein. This Mullein of Ethiopia hath many great, broad, and large leaues lying on the ground, rent or torne in diuers of them very much on the fides, of fo hoary a white greene colour, that it farre palTeth any of the white Mulleins, that growe wilde abroad in our owne Country ; for they are of a yellowifh white hoarineffe, nothing fo plca- fant to looke on as this : in the middle of thefe leaues rifeth vp a fquare ftrong (lalke, foure or Hue foote high, fet full of fuch like leaues as growe belowe, but much lefler, and letter llill vp to the toppe, all hoary and woolly, as the reft, and diuided into ma- nic branches, fpreading farre, and taking vp a great compafle of ground, more then any one roote of Garden Clary, or other fuch like plant : at each of the ftalkes and branches are fet two fmall leaues, and with them, round about the ftalkes, (land many ("mall gaping flowers, of a pale bleake blew colour : the feede is almoft as large as Gar- den Clary feede, and of the fame forme and colour : the roote is wooddy, and peri- (heth as foone as it hath borne feede, which is vfually the fecond yeare after the fow- ing ; for the firft yeare it feldome runneth vp to flower. 10. Lamium Pa nnonicum Jiue Galeopjis Pannonica. Hungary dead Nettle or the Dragon flower. Let mee thruft this plant into this place, rather then make a peculiar Chapter, be- caufe I haue no other of the fame rtocke or kindred to be ioyned with it, and is a pretty ornament in a Garden. The leaues whereof are very large, round, and great, rough or full of veines, which make it feeme crumpled, dented or deepely notched about the edges, and of a very darke greene colour, and fometimes brownifli, or of a darkc reddifh colour withall, euery one (landing on a long foote-ftalke, very like in forme vnto the great white Arch-Angell leaues, but farre larger and blacker : the ftalkes are great and foure fquare, hauing leaues and flowers (landing round about them at the ioynts like coronets, which flowers are very great, long, and wide gaping open, of a darke red or purple colour, with fome whitenefle or fpots in the iawes, and fome hai- rinefle alfo on the fides, which (land in full flower two or three moneths mod vfually, and fometimes longer, after which come brownifh feede : the roote is a great tuft or bufh of long whitifh ftrings, and encreafeth euery yeare, not fearing the greateft injuries of our coldeft and extreameft Winters. The Place. All thefe plants are llrangers in our Countrey, and onely preferued in Gardens, to furnifh them with variety ; but (as I faid) the cloth of gold Moth Mullein hath been raifed from feed in our'owne Country. The Time. The la(l flowreth firft, before all the reft, beginning in Aprill. The Moth Mulleins in May and lune. The French Sage in luly. The Names. All the forts of Blattaria may bee comprehended vnder the kindes of C 3 Verbafcum 386 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Verbafcum mgrum, as any one but meanely exercifed in the knowledge of plants, may difcerne. And although Plinie faith, that Moths doe moft fre- quently haunt where Blattaria either groweth, or is laid, yet it is not ob- ferued fufficiently in our Country fo to doe, notwithftanding the name of Moth Mullein is generally giuen them. The laft is generally called with vs Lamium Pannonicum, but certainely it is the Galeofis maxima Pannonica of Clufius. The Vertues. Other qualities I haue not found hath been alloted vnto the Blattaria or Moth Mullein, then thofe of Plinie, to engender Moths. Wee vfe none of thefe plants in Phyficke in thefe daies. CHAP. XCIX. Valeriana. Valerian. THe many forts of Valerian (or Set-wall as many doe call them) are fitter for generall worke, or a generall Phyficall Garden of Simples, then this of de- lightfull flowers. I will therefore feleft out a few, worthy of the place, and offer them to your confiderations. i. Valeriana rubra Dodoncei. Red Valerian. This Valerian hath diuers hard, but brittle whitifh greene ftalkes, riling from the roote, full of tuberous or fwelling ioynts, whereat ftand two leaues, on each fide one, and now and then fome fmall leaues from betweene them, which are fomewhat long and narrow, broadeft in the middle, and fmall at both ends, without either diuifion or incifure on the edges, of a pale greene colour : the ftalkes are branched at the top into diuers parts, at the ends whereof ftand many flowers together, as it were in an vmbell or tuft, fomewhat like vnto the flowers of our ordinary Valerian, but with longer neckes, and of a fine red colour, very pleafant to behold, but of no fent of any Valerian: after thefe flowers haue ftood blowne a very great while, they fodainely fall away, and the feede is ripe very quickly after, which is whitifh, ftanding vpon the branches naked, as the Valerians doe, and very like vnto them, with a little white doune at the end of euery one of them, whereby they are foone carried away with the winde : the roote is great, thicke, and white, continuing long, and (hooting out new branches euery yeare, and fmelling fomewhat like a Valerian. 2. Nardus Montana tuber of a. Knobbed Mountaine Valerian. This kinde of Valerian or Spiknard, if you will fo call it, hath his firft leaues lying on the ground, without any diuifion in them at all, being fmooth, and of a darke greene colour, which fo abide all the winter ; but thofe that fpring vp after, and when it run- neth vp to flower, are cut in on the edges, very like vnto the iagged leaues of the great garden Valerian, and fo the elder they grow, the more cut and iagged they are : the ftalke and flowers are very like the ftalke with flowers of the garden Valerian, but of a darke or deepe red colour, and more ftore of them thruft together, by double the number almoft : the feede is like the feede of the great Valerian : the root is tuberous, or knobbed in many parts, round about, aboue and below alfo, with fome fibres (hoo- ting from them, whereby it is encreafed, and fmelleth very like the roote of the garden Setwall, or not altogether fo ftrong. 3. Valeriana The Garden of pleafant Flowers. I Blattana flare albc. Moth Mullein with a white flower. j Blallaria /lore turf-urea. Moth Mullein with a purple t 3 Vtrbafcitm quartum Uattkioli. French Sage. 4 ,j. Ethiopian Mullein. 5 Vattriann rubro Dodonai. flower. Red Valerian. 6 VaUriama Grirea. Greek Valerian. 7 Lamium Pannonicxm. Hungary dead Nettle. 8 Cardamim florr pltna. Double Cuckowe flower or Ladies (mock*. 388 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 3. Valeriana Greeca. Greeke Valerian. The Greek Valerian hath many winged leaues lying vpon the ground, that is, many fmall leaues fet on both fides of a middle ribbe, very like vnto the wilde Valerian, that groweth by the ditch fides, but much fmaller and tenderer, among which rife vp one or two round brittle ftalkes, two foote high or thereabouts, whereon are fet at the ioynts, fuch like leaues as grow below, but fmaller : the toppes of the ftalkes are di- uided into many fmall branches, thicke fet together, full with flowers, confiding of fiue fmall round leaues a peece, layd open like vnto the Cinquefoile flower, with fome white threds in the middle, tipt with yellow pendents : the colour of thefe flowers in fome plants, is of a faire bleake blew colour, and in others pure white : And I doe heare of one beyond the Seas (if the report bee true, for I haue not feene fuch a one) which mould beare red flowers : after the flowers are paft, there come vp in their pla- ces fmall hard huskes or heads, containing fmall blackifh feedes : the roote is com- pofed of a number of fmall long blackifh threds, faftened together at the head, with- out any fent at all of a Valerian, eyther in roote or leafe ; and why it mould bee called a Valerian I fee no great reafon, for it agreeth with none of them, in flower or feede, and but onely with the wilde Valerian in leafe, as I faid before : but as it is, we fo giue it you, and for the flowers fake is receiued into our gardens, to helpe to fill vp the num- ber of natures rarities and varieties. The Place. All thefe Valerians are ftrangers, but endenizond for their beauties fake in our Gardens. The Mountaine Valerian I had of the liberalitie of my louing friend lohn Tradefcante, who in 'his trauaile, and fearch of natures varieties, met with it, and imparted thereof vnto me. The Time. They flower in the Summer moneths, and feed quickly after. The Names. The firft is generally called of moft, Valeriana rubra Dodoncei, who faith alfo that fome would haue it to be Behen rubrum. Some call it Valerianthon, others make it a kinde of Ocimajlrum, and fome Saponaria altera, with other names, which are to no great purpofe to fet downe in this place, it beeing fitter for a generall worke to difcufle of names, wherein both reading, know- ledge and iudgement muft bee fhewen, to correct errours, and fet downe the truth, that one may reft thereon. The others haue their names in their titles fufficient to diftinguim them. The Vertues. The Mountaine Valerian is of all the reft here fet downe of moft vfe in Phyficke, the reft hauing little or none that I know, although it be much weaker then the great garden kinde, or the Indian Nardus, in whole fteed anciently it was vfed, in oyles, oyntments, &c. O C H A P. C. Cardamine. Cuckow flowers, or Ladies fmockes. F the common forts of Cuckow flowers that grow by ditch-fides, or in moift medowes, & wet grounds, it is not my purpofe here to write, but of one or two other, the moft fpecious or faire of all the tribe, that doe beft befit this garden. i. Cardamine The Garden of pleafant Flowers. i . CariLiminf fiore plftw. Double Cuckow flowers. The double CarJumine hath a tew winged leaues, weakc and tender, lying on the ground, very like vnto the Tingle medow kindc; from among which rifcth vp a round greenc 1 hi Ike, let here and there, with the like leaues that grow below, the top whereof hath a few branches, whereon Itand diuers flowers, euery one vpon a fmall footeftalk, conliliin^ of many fmall whitifh round leaues, a little dafht oucr with a (hew of blufh, fet round together, which make a double flower : the roote creepeth vnder ground, fending forth fmall white fibres, and (hooteth vp in diuers places. 2. Canlamine trifolia. Trefoile Ladies fmockes. This fmall plant hath diuers hard, darke round grcene leaues, fomewhat vneuen a- bout the edges, alwayes three fet together on a blackifh fmall footftalke, among which rife vp fmall round blackilh Italkes, halfe a foote high, with three fmall leaues at the iovnts, where they branch forth; at the toppes whereof ftand many flowers, confuting ot foure leaues a peece, of a whitifh or blufh colour very pale: after which come vp fmall, thickc and long pods, wherein is contained fmall round feede : the root is com- pofed of many white threds, from the heads whereof runne out fmall firings, of a dark purple colour, whereby it encreafeth. The Place. > The firit with the double flower is found in diuers places of our owne Countrey, as neere Micham about eight miles from London; alfo in Lan- cafhire, trom whence I receiued a plant, which perifhed, but was found by the induflrie of a worthy Gentlewoman, dwelling in thofe parts heretofore remembred, called MirtrefTe Thomaim Tunrtall, a great louer of thcfe de- lights. The other was fent me by my efpeciall good friend lohn Tradefcante, who brought it among other dainty plants from beyond the Seas, and im- parted thereof a roote to me. The Time. The lalt moft vfually flowreth before the former, yet not much differing, that is, in the end of Aprill or in May. The Names. The fidt is a double kinde of that plant, that growing wilde abroade, is vfually called CarJamine a/tera, and Si/ymbrium alterum of Diofcorides, and of fome Flos cuculi, but not fitly ; for that name is more vfually giuen vnto the wilde featherd Campions, both fingle and double, as is before exprefled : yet for want of a fitter name, wee may call it in Englifh, eyther Cuckowe flower, or Ladyes fmockes, which you will. The fecond hath beene fent vn- der the name of Sanicula trifolia, but the moft frequent name now receiued, is Cardamine trifolia, and in Englifh Trefoile Ladies fmockes. The Vertues. The double Ladies fmockes are ot the fame qualitie with the lingle, and is thought to be as effectuall as Watercrefles. The propertie of the other I thinke is not much knowne, although fome would make it a wound herbe. CHAP. 3 go The Garden of pleafant Flowers. CHAP. CI. Thlafpi Creticum. Candy Tufts. O F the many forts of Thlajpi it is not the fcope of this worke to relate, I will fe- Ie6l but onely two or three, which for their beautie are fit to bee inferted into this garden. Thlajpi Creticum vmbellatum flore albo & purpureo. Candy Tufts white and purple. This fmall plant rifeth feldome aboue a foote and a halfe high, hauing fmall, narrow, long and whitifh greene leaues, notched or dented with three or foure notches on each fide, from the middle to the point-wards; from among which rife vp the ftalkes, branched from the bottome almoft into diuers fmall branches, at the toppes whereof ftand many fmall flowers, thick thruft together in an vmbell or tuft, making them feeme to be fmall, round, double flowers of many leaues, when as euery flower is fingle, and ftandeth a part by it felfe, of a faire white colour in fome plants, without any fpot, and in others with a purplifh fpot in the centre or middle, as if fome of the middle leaues were purple ; in others agane the whole flower is purplifh all ouer, which make a pretty fhew in a garden : the feede is contained in many fmall and flat feed veflels, which ftand together in an vmbell, as the flowers did, in which are contained fomewhat reddifh feede, like vnto fome other forts of Thlafpi, called Treakle Muftards : the roote is fmall and hard, and perifheth euery yeare hauing giuen feede. TUafpi Man- We haue another fort, whofe leaues before it fendeth forth any ftalke, are a little num Barticum. toot h ec i 5 or finely dented about the edges, and brancheth not fo much out, but carryeth an vmbell of purplifh flowers like vnto the former, and paler yellow feede. The Place. Thefe doe grow in Spaine and Candie, not farre from the Sea fide. The Time. Thefe Thlafpi giue not their flowers vntill the end of lune, or beginning of luly, and the feed is ripe foone after. The Names. The firft is named by fome, Draba, or Arabis, as Dodonsus, but Draba is another plant differing much from this. Wee call one fort, Thlafpi Creti- cum, and the other Thlafpi Baticum marinum, becaufe the one came from Spaine, and the other from Candy; we giue it in Englifh, the name of Tufts, becaufe it doth fit the forme of the flowers beft, although ordinarily all the Thlafpi are Englifhed Wilde Muftardes. The Vertues. Candy, or Spanifh Tufts, is not fo fharpe biting in tafte, as fome other of the Thlafpies are, and therefore is not to be vfed in medicines, where Thlafpi mould be in the ftead thereof. CHAP. The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers, 391 CHAP. CII. Clematis. Clamberers, or Creepers. HAuing (hewed you all my (tore of herbes bearing fine flowers, let mcc now bring to your confideration the reft of thofe plants, be they Shrubs or Trees, that are cherilhed in our garden, for the beauty of their flowers chiefly, or for fome other beautiful! refpecl : and firft I will begin with fuch as creepe on the ground, without climing, and then fuch as clime vp by poles, or other things, that are fet or grow neere them, fit to make Bowers, and Arbours, or elfe are like them in forme, in name, or fome other fuch qualitie or propertie. i . Clematis Daphnoides, Jiue Vinca peruinca Jimp lex minor diuer forum color urn. Single Perwinkle of diuers colours. The fmaller Perwinkle which not onely groweth wilde in many places, but is mort vfuall in our Gardens, hath diuers creeping branches, trayling or running vpon the ground, (hooting out fmall fibres at the ioynts, as it creepeth, taking thereby hold in the ground, and rooteth in diuers places : at the ioynts of thefe branches ftand two fmall darke greene (hining leaues, fomewhat like vnto fmall Baye leaues, but fmaller, and at the ioynts likewife with the leaues, come forth the flowers, one at a ioynt, ftan- ding vpon a tender footeftalke, being fomewhat long and hollow, parted at the brims, fometimes into foure leaues, and fometimes into hue, the moft ordinary fort is of a pale or bleake blew colour, but fome are pure white, and fome of a darke reddifh pur- ple colour : the root is in the body of it, little bigger then a rufh, bufhing in the ground, and creeping with his branches farre about, taking roote in many places, whereby it quickely poflefleth a great compafle ; and is therefore moft vfually planted vnder hedges, or where it may haue roome to runne. 2. Vinca peruinca Jiore duplici purpureo. Double purple Perwinkle. The double Perwinkle is like vnto the former fingle kinde, in all things except in the flower, which is of that darke reddifh purple colour that is in one of the fingle kindes ; but this hath another row of leaues within the flower, fo that the two rowes of leaues caufeth it to be called double, but the leaues of thefe are lefler then the fin- gle. I haue heard of one with a double white flower, but I haue not yet feene it. 3. Clematis Daphnoides jiue Peruinca maior. The greater Perwinkle. This greater Perwinkle is fomewhat like the former, but greater, yet his branches creepe not in that manner, but ftand more vpright, or lefle creeping at the leaft : the leaues alfo hereof ftand by couples at the ioynts, but they are broader and larger by the halfe : the flowers are larger, confifting of fiue leaues that are blew, a little deeper then the former blew : this plant is farre tenderer to keepe then the other, and there- fore would ftand warme, as well as in a moift fhadowie place. 4. Clematis alter a fiue vrens Jiore albo. Burning Clamberer, or Virgins Bower. This Caufticke or burning Climer, hath very long and climing tender branches, yet fomewhat woody below, which winde about thofe things that ftand neere it, co- uered with a brownifh greene barke, from the ioynts whereof fhoote forth many winged leaues, confifting for the moft part of fiue fingle leaues, that is, two and two together, and one at the end, which are a little cut in or notched on the edges here and there, 392 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. there, but euery part of them is lefler then the leaues of the next following Climer, without any clafping tendrels to winde about any thing at all : towards the vpper part of the branches, with the faid leaues, come forth long ftalks, whereon ftand many white flowers cluftering together, opening the brims into fixe or eight fmall leaues, fprea- ding like a ftarre, very fweet of fmell, or rather of a ftrong heady fent, which after turne into flattifh and blackifh feede, plumed at the head, which plume or feather fly- eth away with the winde after it hath flood long, and leaueth the feede naked or bare : the roote is white and thicke, flefhie and tender, or eafie to be broken, as my felfe can well teftifie, in that defiring to take a fucker from the roote, I could not handle it fo tenderly, but that it broke notwithstanding all my care. Mafter Gerard in his Herball maketh mention of one of this kinde with double white flowers, which hee faith he recouered from the feede was fent him from Argentine, that is Strasborough, whereof hee fetteth forth the figure with double flowers : but I neuer faw any fuch with him, neither did I euer heare of any of this kinde with double flowers. Clufius indeed faith, that hee receiued from a friend fome feede vnder the name of Clematis JJore albo plena : but he doubteth whether there bee any fuch : the plants that fprang with him from that feede, were like vnto the vpright kinde called Flammila Matthioli, or louts cre/ta, as he there faith : but affuredly I haue beene informed from fome of my efpeciall friends beyond Sea, that they haue a double white Clematis, and haue promi- fed to fend it ; but whether it will be of the climing or vpright fort, I cannot tell vntill I fee it : but furely I doe much doubt whether the double will giue any good feede. 5. Clematis a Itera Jiue peregrina JJore rubro. Red Ladies Bower. This Climer hath many limber and weake climing branches like the former, coue- red with a browne thin outer barke, and greene vnderneath : the leaues ftand at the ioynts, confiding but of three leaues or parts, whereof fome are notched on one fide, and fome on both, without any clafping tendrels alfo, but winding with his branches about any thing ftandeth next vnto it : the flowers in like manner come from the fame ioynts with the leaues, but not fo many together as the former vpon long footftalkes, confifting of foure leaues a peece, {landing like a crofle, of a darke red colour ; the feed is flat and round, and pointed at the end, three or foure or more {landing clofe to- gether vpon one ftalk, without any doune vpon them at all, as in the former : the roots are a bundell of brownim yellow ftrong firings, running down deep into the ground, from a bigge head aboue. 6. Clematis peregrina JJore pur pur eo Jimp lid. Single purple Ladies Bower. This Ladies Bower differeth in nothing from the laft defcribed, but onely in the colour of the flower, which is of a fad blewifh purple colour ; fo that the one is not poflible to be known from the other, vntill they be in flower. 7. Clematis peregrina Jiore purpureo plena. Double flowred purple Ladies Bower. This double Clematis hath branches and leaues fo neere refembling the fingle kinds, that there can be knowne no difference, vnlefle it be, that this groweth more goale and great, and yeeldeth both more flore of branches from the ground, and more fpreading aboue : the chiefefl marke to diflinguifh it is the flower, which in this is very thicke and double, confifting of a number of fmaller leaues, fet clofe together in order in the middle, the foure outermoft leaues that encompafle them, being much broader and larger then any of the inward, but all of a dull or fad blewifh purple colour, the points or ends of the leaues feeming a little darker then the middle of them : this beareth no feede that euer I could fee, heare of, or learne by any of credit, that haue nourfed it a great while; and therefore the tales of falfe deceitfull gardiners, and others, that diliuer fuch for truth, to deceiue perfons ignorant thereof, mufl not bee creduloufly entertained, In The Garden of p leaf ant F/owers. 393 In the great booke of the Garden of the Bifhop of Eyftot (which place is nccre c.ltmati vnto Noromberg) in Germany, I reade of a Clematis of this former kinde, whofe ^- tnire is thereto alfo annexed, with double flowers of an incarnate, or pale purple ten- ding to a hlulh colour, whereof I haue not heard from any other place. 8. Flttmmula louts erefla, Vpright Virgins Bower. This kinde of Clematis hath diuers more vpright ftalkcs then any of the foure laft delVribcd, fometime-. foure or Hue foote high, or more : yet leaning or bending a lit- tle, I'D that it hail Ionic neede of fuftaining, couered with a brownifh barke ; from whence come forth on all fides diuers winged leaues, confiding of fiue or feuen leaues, fet on both fides of a middle ribbe, whereof one is at the end : the tops of the ftalkes arc diuided into many branches, bearing many white fweet fmelling flowers on them, like in falh ion vnto the white Virgins Bower ; after which come fuch like feather topt feede, which remaine and (hew themfelues, being flat like the other, when the plumes are blowne abroad : the roote fpreadeth in the ground from a thicke head, into many long ftrings, and fafteneth it felfe ftrongly in the earth ; but all the ftalkes dye downe euery yeare, and fpring afrefh in the beginning of the next. 9. Clematis cecrulea Pannonica. The Hungarian Climer. The ftalks of this plant ftand vpright, & are foure fquare, bearing at euery ioynt two leaues, which at the firft are clofed together, and after they are open, are fomewhat like vnto the leaues of Afclepias, or Swallow-wort : from the tops of the ftalks, and fome- times alfo from the fides by the leaues 'commeth forth one flower, bending the head downward, confiding of foure leaues, fomewhat long & narrow, ftanding like a crofle, and turning vp their ends a little againe, of a faire blew or skie colour, with a thicke pale yellow fhort thrumme, made like a head in the middle : after the flower is paft, the head turneth into fuch a like round feather topt ball, as is to be feene in the Tra- uellers ioy, or Viorna (as it is called) that groweth plentifully in Kent, and in other places by the way fides, and in the hedges, wherein is included fuch like flat feede. Thefe ftalkes (like as the laft) dye downe to the ground euery yeare, and rife againe in the Spring following, (hooting out new branches, and therby encreafeth in the root. 10. Maracoc Jiue Clematis Virginiana. The Virginia Climer. Becaufe this braue and too much defired plant doth in fome things refemble the former Climers, fo that vnto what other family or kindred I might better conioyne it I know not ; let me I pray infert it in the end of their Chapter, with this defcription. It rileth out of the ground (very late in the yeare, about the beginning of May, if it be a plant hath rifen from the feed of our owne fowing, and if it be an old one, fuch as hath been brought to vs from Virginia, not till the end thereof) with a round ftalke, not a- boue a yard and a halfe high (in any that I haue feene) but in hotter Countries, as fome Authors haue fet it downe, much higher, bearing one leafe at euery ioynt, which from the ground to the middle thereof hath no clafpers, but from thence vpwards hath at the fame ioynt with the leafe both a fmall twining clafper, like vnto a Vine, and a flower alfo : euery leafe is broad at the ftalke thereof, and diuided about the middle on both fides, making it fomewhat refemble a Figge leafe, ending in three points, whereof the middlemoft is longeft : the bud of the flower, before it doe open, is very like vnto the head or feede veflell of the ordinary fingle Nigella, hauing at the head or top fiue fmall crooked homes, which when this bud openeth, are the ends or points of fiue leaues, that are white on the infide, and lay themfelues flat, like vnto an Anemone, and are a little hollow like a fcoope at the end, with fiue other fmaller leaues, and whiter then they lying betweene them, which were hid in the bud before it opened, ID that this flower being full blowne open, confirteth often white leaues, laide in or- der round one by another : from the bottome of thefe leaues on the infide, rife diuers twined threads, which fpread and lay themfelues all ouer thefe white leaues, reaching beyond the points of them a little, and are of a reddifh peach colour : towards the bot- D 3 tomes 394 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. tomes likewife of thefe white leaues there are two red circles, about the breadth of an Oten ftrawe, one diftant from another (and in fome flowers there is but one circle feen) which adde a great grace vnto the flower ; for the white leaues mew their colour through the peach coloured threads, and thefe red circles or rings vpon them being alfb perfpicuous, make a tripartite ' The lefuites Figure of the Maracoc. make a tripartite fhew of colours moft delightfull : the middle part of this flower is hollow, and yellow- ifh ; in the bottome whereof rifeth vp an vmbone, or round ftile, fomewhat bigge, of a whitifh greene colour, fpotted with reddifh fpots like the ftalkes of Dragons, with fiue round threads or chiues, fpot- ted in the like manner, and tipt at the ends with yellow pendents, (landing a- bout the middle part of the faid vm- bone, and from thence riling higher, en- deth in three long crooked homes moft vfually (but fometimes in foure, as hath beene obferued in Rome by D r . Aldine, that fet forth fome principall things of Cardinall Farnefius his Garden) fpotted like the reft, hauing three round greene buttons at their ends: thefe flowers are of a comfortable fweete fent, very ac- ceptable, which perifh without yeelding fruit with vs, becaufe it flowreth fo late : but in the naturall place, and in hot Countries, it beareth a fmall round whi- tifli fruit, with a crowne at the toppe thereof, wherein is contained (while it is frem, and before it be ouer dried) a fweet liquor, but when it is dry, the feede within it, which is fmall, flat, fomewhat rough and blacke, will make a ratling noife : the rootes are compofed of a number of excee- ding long and round yellowifh browne ftrings, fpreading farre abroad vnder the ground (I haue feene fome rootes that haue beene brought ouer, that were as long as any rootes of Sarfaparilla, and a great deale bigger, which to be handfomely laid into the ground, were faine to be coyled like a cable) and fhooting vp in feuerall places a good diftance one from another, whereby it may be well encreafed. GRANADILLVS FRVTEX INDICVS CHRISTI PASSIONIS IMAGO. The Place. The firft blew Perwinkle groweth in many Woods and Orchards, by the hedge fides in England, and fo doth the white here and there, but the other fingle and double purple are in our Gardens onely. The great Per- winkle groweth in Prouence of France, in Spaine, and Italy, and other hot Countries, where alfo growe all the twining Clamberers, as well fingle as double : but both the vpright ones doe growe in Hungary and there a- bouts. The furpaffing delight of all flowers came from Virginia. Wee preferue them all in our Gardens. The Time. The Perwinkles doe flower in March and Aprill. The Climers not vn till the end of lune, or in luly, and fometimes in Auguft. The Virginiai fomewhat later in Auguft ; yet fometimes I haue knowne the flower to fhev it felfe in luly. The Names. The firft is out of queftion the firft Clematis of Diofcorides, and called c man The Garden of plea fan t Flowers. 395 P^ z lWn,,~a /or, />,,. Sin K le Perwinkle. 3 Vinca twinca *or< dufliti. Double Slto ,, j J^iiL, * t^^; ^" KI ^ , B T CT s c/r "'"" ^ n '~ >" w^- Tt * fm & Ladics B wer - 6 n >Um, ^pmrtc. Doobte flowred Ladie. Bower. 7 Vorof A C/ma/w Virginia**. The Virginian Climer. 396 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. many Clematis Daphnoides (but not that plant that is fimply called Daphnoi- des, for that is Laureola) and is vfually called Vinca peruinca : but it is not Chamcedaphne^ for that is another plant, as mall be fhewed in his place ; fome call it Gentunculus : In Englifh wee call it Perwinkle. The other is Clematis altera of Diofcorides, and is called alfo Clematis peregrina, whofe diftincli- ons are fet downe in their titles: In Englifh, Ladies Bower, or Virgins Bower, becaufe they are fit to growe by Arbours, to couer them. The firfl vpright Clamberer is called, and that rightly of fome, Clematis erefla, or furreSla. Of others, Flammula frutex, and Flammula louir, or Jurrefta : In Englifh, Vpright Virgins Bower. The next is called by Clufius, Clematis Pannonica carulea, who thought it to be Climeni fpecies, by the relation of o- thers, at the firfl, but after entituled it, Clematis : In Englifh, the Hungarian Climer. The laft may be called in Latine, Clematis Virginiana : In Englifh, The Virgin or Virginian Climer; of the Virginians, Maracoc : of the Spa- niards in the Weft Indies Granadillo, becaufe the fruit (as is before faid) is in fome fafhion like a fmall Pomegranate on the outfide ; yet the feede within is flattifh, round, and blackifh. Some fuperftitious lefuite would faine make men beleeue, that in the flower of this plant are to be feene all the markes of our Sauiours Paffion ; and therefore call it Flos Pajsionis : and to that end haue caufed figures to be drawne, and printed, with all the parts proportio- ned out, as thornes, nailes, fpeare, whippe, pillar, &c. in it, and all as true as the Sea burnes, which you may well perceiue by the true figure, taken to the life of the plant, compared with the figures fet forth by the lefuites, which I haue placed here likewife for euery one to fee: but thefe bee their aduantagious lies (which with them are tolerable, or rather pious and meri- torious) wherewith they vfe to inftrucl: their people ; but I dare fay, God neuer willed his Priefts to inftrucl his people with lyes : for they come from the Diuell, the author of them. But you may fay I am befide my Text, and I am in doubt you will thinke, I am in this befides my felfe, and fo nothing to be beleeued herein that I fay. For, for the moft part, it is an inherent er- rour in all of that fide, to beleeue nothing, be it neuer fo true, that any of our fide fhall affirme, that contrarieth the affertions of any of their Fathers, as they call them : but I muft referre them to God, and hee knoweth the truth, and will reforme or deforme them in his time. In regard whereof I could not but fpeake (the occafion being thus offered) againft fuch an er- roneous opinion (which euen D r . Aldine at Rome, before remembred, dif- proued, and contraried both the faid figures and name) and feek to difproue it, as doth (I fay not almoft, but I am affraid altogether) leade many to adore the very picture of fuch things, as are but the fictions of fuperftitious brains : for the flower it felfe is farre differing from their figure, as both Aldine in the aforefaid booke, and Robinus at Paris in his Theatrum Flora, doe fet forth ; the flowers and leaues being drawne to the life, and there exhibited, which I hope may fatisfie all men, that will not be perpetually obftinate and contentious. The Vertues. Coftsus faith hee hath often feene, that the leaues of Perwinkle held in the mouth, hath ftayed the bleeding at the nofe. The French doe vfe it to ftay the menftruall fluxes. The other are caufticke plants, that is, fiery hot, and bliftering the skinne ; and therefore (as Diofcorides faith) is profitable to take away the fcurfe, leprye, or fuch like deformities of the skin. What property that of Virginia hath, is not knowne to any with vs I thinke, more then that the liquor in the greene fruit is pleafant in tafte ; but afTuredly it cannot be without fome fpeciall properties, if they were knowne. CHAP. The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 397 CHAP. CIII. Chamirlira. Dwarfe Spurge Oliue, or Dwarfc Bayc. IHaue three forts of Chanueleea to bring to your confidcration, eucry one differing notably from other ; two of them of great beauty in their flowers, as well as in the whole plant: the third abiding with greene leaues, although it haue no beauty in the flower, yet worthy of the place it holds. And vnto thefe I mutt adioyne another plant, as comming neareft vnto them in the brauery of the flowers. I . Chamalcea Germanica fitte Mezereon floribus dilutions color is & faturatiorii. Dwarfe Bay, or flowring Spurge Oliuc. We haue two forts of this Spurge Oliue or Dwarfc Baye, differing onely in the co- lour of the flowers. They both rife vp with a thicke wooddy ftemme, fiue or fix foot high fometimes, or more, and of the thickneffc (if they be very old) of a mans wreft at the ground, fpreading into many flexible long branches, couered with a tough grayifh barke, befet with fmall long leaues, fomewhat like vnto Priuet leaues, but fmaller and paler, and in a manner round pointed : the flowers are fmall, confining of foure leaues, many growing together fometimes, and breaking out of the branches by themfelues: in the one fort of a pale red at the firlt blowing, and more white afterwards; the other of a deeper red in the bloffome, and continuing of a deeper red colour all the time of the flowring, both of them very fvs. 2 Chamalaa Alfiina. Mountain or Spurge Oliue. 3 Ciuontm MattUeti. Small Rockc Rofes. 4 Latins Tinus ftut fil*iftrit. The wild Bay tree. 5 Ol.aml.r fin, l.nurus Rufta. The Rofc Bay tree. 6 liauroctrafut. The Bay Chcrrie Uec. 400 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. (as I doe) to the kindes of Ghameelaa or Thymcelcea. For want of an Englifh name I haue (as you fee, and that is according to the name the Germane wo- men, as Clufms faith, doe call it) entituled it the Small Rocke Rofe ; which may abide vntill a fitter may be conferred vpon it. The Vertues. All thefe plants except the laft, as well leaues as berries, are violent pur- gers, and therefore great caution is to bee had in the vfe of them. The laft hath not beene applyed for any difeafe that I know. CHAP. CIIlA. Laurus. The Bay Tree. MY meaning is not to make any defcription of our ordinary Bayes in this place (for as all may very well know, they may be for an Orchard or Courtyard, and not for this Garden) but of two or three other kindes, whofe beautifull afpecl: haue caufed them to be worthy of a place therein : the one is called Laurus Tinus, The wilde Baye : the other Laurus Rofea or Oleander, The Rofe Bay : and a third is Laurocerafus, The Cherry Bay ; which may haue not onely fome refpecT: for his long bum of fweet fmelling flowers, but efpecially for the comely ftatelineffe of his gal- lant euer frefh greene leaues ; and the rather, becaufe with vs in moft places, it doth but frutefcere, vfe to bee Shrub high, not arborefcere, Tree high, which is the more fit for this Garden. i. Laurus Tinus Jiue jiluejlris. The wilde Bay tree. This wilde Baye groweth feldome to bee a tree of any height, but abideth for the moft part low, mooting forth diuers (lender branches, whereon at euery ioynt ftand two leaues, long, fmooth, and of a darke greene colour, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of the Female Cornell tree, or between that and Baye leaues : at the toppes of the branches ftand many fmall white fweete fmelling flowers, thrufting together, as it were in an vmbell or tuft, confifting of fiue leaues a peece, the edges whereof haue a mew of a warn purple, or light blufh in them, which for the moft part fall away with- out bearing any perfect ripe fruit in our Countrey : Yet fometimes it hath fmall black berries, as if they were good, but are not. In his naturall place it beareth fmall, round, hard and pointed berries, of a mining blacke colour, for fuch haue come often to my hands (yet Clufius writeth they are blew) ; but I could neuer fee any fpring that I put into the ground. This that I here defcribe, feemeth to me to be neither of both thofe that Clufius faw growing in Spain and Portugall, but that other, that (as he faith) fprang in the low Countreyes of Italian feede. 2. Laurus Rofea Jiue Oleander. The Rofe Bay. Of the Rofe Bay there are two forts, one bearing crimfon coloured flowers, which is more frequent, and the other white, which is more rare. They are fo like in all other things, that they neede but one defcription for both. The ftemme or trunke is many times with vs as bigge at the bottome as a good mans thumbe, but growing vp fmaller, it diuideth it felfe into branches, three for the moft part comming from one ioynt or place, and thofe branches againe doe likewife diuide themfelues into three other, and fo by degrees from three to three, as long as it groweth : the loweft of thefe are bare of leaues, hauing (bed or loft them by the cold of winters, keeping onely leaues on the vppermoft branches, which are long, and fomewhat narrow, like in forme vnto Peach leaues, but thicker, harder, and of a darke greene colour on the vpperfide, and yellowim The Garden of p/cti/anf Flowers. 401 yellowifh greenc vnderneath : at the tops of the young branches come forth the flow- . which in the one fort before they are open, are of an excellent bright crimfon co- lour, and being blovven, conlilt of foure long and narrow leaues, round pointed, twining themlclues, of a paler red colour, almoft tending to blufh, and in the other arc white, the greene leaues alfo being of a little frclher colour: after the flowers arc- pall, in the hot countries, but neuer in ours, there come vp long bending or crooked rial pods, whole outward (hell is hard, almoll woody, and of a browne co- lour, wherein is contained fmall flat brownilh feede, wrapped in a great dealc of a brownifh yellow doune, as fine almolt as lilke, fomewhat like vnto the huskes of Af- clcpiiis, or Pcriphca, but larger, flatter and harder ; as my felfe can teftifie, who had tome of the pods of this Rofe bay, brought mee out ot Spaine, by Mailer Dodtor lohn More, the feedes whereof I fowed, and had diuers plants that I raifed vp vnto a reafonable height, but they require, as well old as young, to bee defended from the coldc of our winters. 3. Laurocerafus. The Bay Cherry. This beautifull bay in his naturall place of growing, groweth to bee a tree of a rea- fonable bignefle and height, and oftentimes with vs alfo if it bee pruined from the lower branches ; but more vfually in thefe colder Countries, it groweth as a fhrub or hedge bulh, (hooting forth many branches, whereof the greater and lower are couered with a darke grayifh greene barke, but the young ones are very greene, whereon are fet many goodly, faire, large, thicke and long leaues, a little dented about the edges, of a more excellent frefh fhining greene colour, and farre larger then any Bay leafe, ;ind compared by many to the leaues of the Pomeritron tree (which becaufe wee haue none in our Countrey, cannot be fo well known) both for colour and largeneffe, which yeeld a moft gracefull afpect : it beareth long ftalkes of whitifh flowers, at the ioynts of the leaues both along the branches and towards the ends of them alfo, like vnto the Birds Cherry or Padus Theophrafti^ which the French men call Putier & Cerifer blanc, but larger and greater, conlifting of fiue leaues with many threds in the middle : after which commeth the fruite or berries, as large or great as Flanders Cherries, ma- ny growing together one by another on a long ftalke, as the flowers did, which are very blacke and mining on the outfide, with a little point at the end, and reafonable fweete in talte, wherein is contained a hard round ftone, very like vnto a Cherry done, as I haue obferued as well by thofe I receiued out of Italic, as by them I had of Mafter lames Cole a Merchant of London lately deceafed, which grew at his houfe in High- :;;ue, where there is a faire tree which hee defended from the bitternefle of the wea- ther in winter by carting a blanket ouer the toppe thereof euery yeare, thereby the better to preferue it. The Place. The firlt is not certainly knowne from whence it came, and is communi- cated by the fuckers it yeeldeth. The fecond groweth in Spaine, Italic, Grece, and many other places : that with white flowers is recorded by Bel- lonius, to grow in Candy. The latt, as Matthiolus, and alter him Clulius report, came firft from Conftantinople : I had a plant hereof by the friend- ly gift of Mailer lames Cole, the Merchant betore remembred, a great lo- uer of all rarities, who had it growing with him at his countrey houfe in Highgate aforefaid, where it hath flowred diuers times, and borne ripe fruit alfo. The Time. The firll flowreth many times in the end of the yeare before Chriftmas, and often alfo in January, but the moft kindly time is in March and Aprill, when the flowers are fweeteft. The fecond flowreth not vntill lufy. The lall in May, and the fruit is ripe in Auguft and September. E 3 The 4.02 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. The Names. The firft is called Laurus Jilueftris, and Laurus Tinus : in Englifh Wilde Bay, or Sweete flowring Bay. The fecond is called Laurus Rofea, Oleander, Nerium, and Rhododendros : in Englifh The Rofe Bay, and Oleander. The laft was fent by the name of Trebezon Curmaji, that is to fay, Daftylus Trape- zuntina, but not hauing any affinitie with any kinde of Bay. Bellonius as I thinke firft named it Laurocerafus, and Cerafus T'rapezuntina. Dalechampius thinketh it to bee Lotus Aphricana^ but Clufius refuteth it. Thofe ftones or kernels that were fent me out of Italic, came by the name of Laurus Regia, The Kings Bay. Wee may moft properly call it according to the Latine name in the title, The Cherry bay, or Bay Cherry, becaufe his leaues are like vnto Bay-leaues, and both flowers and fruit like vnto the Birdes Cher- ry or Clufter Cherry, for the manner of the growing ; and therefore I might more fitly I confeffe haue placed it in my Orchard among the forts of Cherries : but the beautifulnefle of the plant caufed mee rather to infert it here. The Vertues. The wilde Bay hath no propertie allotted vnto it in Phyficke, but that it is not to be endured, the berries being chewed declare it to be fo violent hot and choking. The Rofe Bay is faid by Diofcorides, to be death to all foure footed beafts, but contrariwife to man it is a remedie againft the poifon of Serpents, but efpecially if Rue bee added vnto it. The Cherry Bay is not knowne with vs to what phyficke vfe it may be applyed. CHAP. CIIII. Cera/us flore multiplici. The Rofe or double bloflbmd Cherry. Ma/us fore multiplici. The double bloflbmd Apple tree. And Ma/us Perjica flore multiplici. The double bloflbmd Peach tree. THe beautifull fhew of thefe three forts of flowers, hath made me to infert them into this garden, in that for their worthinefle I am vnwilling to bee without them, although the reft of their kindes I haue transferred into the Orchard, where among other fruit trees, they fhall be remembred : for all thefe here fet downe, feldome or neuer beare any fruite, and therefore more fit for a Garden of flowers, then an Orchard of fruite. Cerafus flore plena lie/ multiplici. The Rofe Cherry, or double bloflbmd Cherry. The double bloflbmed Cherry tree is of two forts for the flower, but not differing in any other part, from the ordinary Englifh or Flanders Cherry tree, growing in the very like manner: the difference confifteth in this, that the one of thefe two forts hath white flowers lefle double, that is, of two rowes or more of leaues, and the other more double, or with more rowes of leaues, and belides I haue obferued in this grea- ter double bloflbmd Cherry, that fome yeares moft of the flowers haue had another fmaller and double flower, rifmg vp out of the middle of the other, like as is to bee feene in the double Englifh Crow-foote, and double redde Ranunculus or Crowfoote, before defcribed : this I fay doth not happen euery yeare, but fometimes. Sometimes alfo thefe trees will giue a few berries, here and there fcattered, and that with leffe double flowers more often, which are like vnto our Englifh Cherries both for tafte and bigneffe. Thefe be very fit to be fet by Arbours. Ma/us The Garden of pi enfant Flowers. i CerafuijloTi fleno. The double bloflbmd Chetry tree. 2 Maluijton multiplier. The double blollomd Apple tree. 3 Mains Ptr/ua jtort fleno. The double blolTomd Peach tree. 4 Ptriclynuum ftrfoliatuiii. Double Honifuckle. 5 Ptrulytnnum rtflum. Vpright Honifuckle. 4.04 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. Ma/us Jtore multiplied The double bloflbmd Apple tree. This double bloflbmd Apple tree is altogether like vnto our ordinary Pippin tree in body, branch and leafe, the only difference is in the flower, which is altogether whi- tifh, fauing that the inner leaues towards the middle are more reddifh, but as double and thicke as our double Damaske Rofes, which fall away without bearing fruit. Ma/us Perfica Jiore multiplici. The double bloflbmd Peach tree. This Peach tree for the manner of growing, is fo like vnto an ordinary Peach tree, that vntill you fee it in bloflbme you can perceiue no difference : the flower is of the fame colour with the bloflbmes of the Peach, but confirming of three or foure, or more rowes of leaues, which fall often away likewife without bearing any fruite ; but after it hath abiden fome yeares in a place doth forme into fruite, efpecially being planted againft a wall. The Place. Both the Cherry trees are frequent in many places of England, nourfed for their pleafant flowers. The Apple is as yet a ftranger. And the Peach hath not been feen or knowne, long before the writing hereof. The Time. They all flower in April & May, which are the times of their other kinds. The Names. Their names are alfo fufficiently exprefled to know them by. The Vertues. Cherries, Peaches and Apples, are recorded in our Orchard, and there you mall finde the properties of their fruit : for in that thefe beare none or very few, their bloflbmes are of mofl vfe to grace and decke the perfons of thofe that will weare or beare them. CHAP. CV. Periclymenum. Honyfuckles. THe Honifuckle that groweth wilde in euery hedge, although it be very fweete, yet doe I not bring into my garden, but let it reft in his owne place, to ferue their fenfes that trauell by it, or haue no garden. I haue three other that furnifh my Garden, one that is called double, whofe branches fpreade far, and being very fit for an arbour will foone couer it : the other two ftand vpright, and fpreade not any way far, yet their flowers declaring them to be Honifuckles, but of lefle delight, I con- fort them with the other. Periclymenum perfoliatum fine Italicum. The double Honifuckle. The truncke or body of the double Honifuckle, is oftentimes of the bignefle of a good ftaffe, running out into many long fpreading branches, couered with a whitifh barke, which had neede of fome thing to fuftaine them, or elfe they will fall down to the ground (and therefore it is vfually planted at an arbour, that it may run thereon, or The Garden of f> I enfant F/oivers. 405 or againtt a houfe wall, and fattened thereto in diucrs places with nailes) from whence I'priny; forth at feiierall clillaiuo, and at the ioynts, two leaues, being like in torme vn- to the wihle I lonii'uekles ami round pointed for the moll part; tlu-lV branches diui- ding themfelues diners waycs, hauc at the toppes of them many flowers, fet at certaine dittances one aboue another, with two greene leaues at eucry place, where the flowers doe ttand, iuyned ID dole at the bottome, and fo round and hollow in the middle, that it feemeth like a hollow cuppc or fawccr ot flowers: the flowers ttand round about the middle of thefe cuppes or fawcers, being long, hollow, and of a whititti yellow colour, with open mouthes dalht ouer with a light (hew of purple, and fome threds within them, very fweet in fmell, like both in forme and colour vnto the common Ho- nil "uckles, but that thefe cuppes with the flowers in them are two or three (landing one alxme another (which make a far better (hew then the common, which come forth all at the heade of the branches, without any greene leaues or cuppes vnder them) and therefore thefe were called double Honifuckles. Periclytnenum rettum fruElu rubrn. Red Honifuckles. This vpright Woodbinde hath a ttraight woody ttemme, diuided into feuerall branches, about three or foure foote high, couered with a very thinne whitilh barke, whereon ttand two leaues together at the ioynts, being lefier then the former, fmooth and plaine, and a little pointed : the flowers come forth vpon (lender long footttalks at the ioynts where the leaues ftand, alwayes two fet together, and neuer more, but feldome one alone, which are much fmaller then the former, but of the fame fa(hion, with a little button at the foote of the flower ; the buds of the flowers before they are open are very reddilh, but being ppen are not fo red, but tending to a kinde of yel- lowilh blu(h colour : after which come in their places two fmall red berries, the one withered for the molt part, or at leatt fmaller then the other, but (as Cluiius faith) in their naturall places they are both full and of one bignefle. Periclymenum rettum fruttu caruleo. Blew berried Honifuckles. This other vpright Woodbinde groweth vp as high as the former, or rather fome- what higher, couered with a blackilh rugged barke, chapping in diuers places, the younger branches whereof are fomewhat reddifh, and couered with an hoary doune : the leaues ttand two together at the Joints, fomewhat larger then the former, and more whitilh vnderneath : the flowers are likewife two ftanding together, at the end of a (lender tootettalke, of a pale yellowitti colour when they are blowne, but more red- dilh in the bud : the berries (land two together as the former, of a darke blewim colour when they are fully ripe, and full of a red liquour or iuice, of a pleafant tafte, which doth not only dye the hands of them that gather them, but ferueth for a dying colour to the inhabitants where they grow plentifully, wherein are contained many flat feede : The roote is woody as the former is. The Place. The firtt groweth in Italic, Spaine, and Prouence of France, but not in the colder countreyes, vnlelTe it be there planted, as is mott frequent in our countrey. The others grow in Auttria, and Stiria, as Clufius faith, and are entertained into their gardens onely that are curious. The Time. The firtt flowreth vfually in Aprill, the rett in May. The Names. The firtt is called Periclymenum, Caprifolium perfrjliatum, and Italicum, as a difference from the common kinde : In Engli(h Double Woodbinde, or 406 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers, or double Honifuckles. The others, as they are rare, and little knowne, fo are their names alfo : yet according to their Latine, I haue giuen them Englifh names. The Vertues. The double Honifuckle is as effeftuall in all things, as the fingle wilde kinde, and belides, is an efpeciall good wound herbe for the head or other parts. I haue not knowne the vpright kindes vfed in Phylicke. CHAP. CVI. lafminum Jiue Gelfeminum. lafmine or Gefmine. WE haue but one fort of true lafmine ordinarily in our Gardens through- out the whole Land ; but there is another greater fort, which is farre more tender, brought out of Spaine, and will hardly endure any long time with vs, vnlefle it be very carefully preferued. Wee haue a third kinde called a yellow lafmine, but differeth much from their tribe in many notable points : but be- caufe the flowers haue fome HkenefTe with the flowers of the true lafmine, it hath been vfually called a lafmine ; and therefore I am content for this Garden to conioyne them in one Chapter. i . lafminum album. The white lafmine. The white lafmine hath many twiggy flexible greene branches, comming forth of the fundry bigger boughes or ftems, that rife from the roote, which are couered with a grayim darke coloured barke, hauing a white pith within it like the Elder, but not fo much : the winged leaues ftand alwaies two together at the ioynts, being made of ma- nie fmall and pointed leaues, fet on each fide of a middle ribbe, fix moft vfually on both fides, with one at the end, which is larger, more pointed then any of the reft, and of a darke greene colour : at the toppes of the young branches ftand diuers flow- ers together, as it were in an vmbell or tuft, each whereof ftandeth on a long greene ftalke, comming out of a fmall huske, being fmall, long, and hollow belowe, ope- ning into fiue white fmall, pointed leaues, of a very ftrong fweete fmell, which fall away without bearing any fruit at all, that euer I could learne in our Country ; but in the hot Countries where it is naturall, it is faid to beare flat fruit, like Lupines : the rootes fpread farre and deepe, and are long and hard to growe, vntill they haue taken ftrong hold in the ground. 2. lafminum Catalonicum. The Spanifh lafmine. This Catalonia lafmine groweth lower then the former, neuer rifing halfe fo high, and hath flender long greene branches, rifing from the toppe of the wooddy ftemme, with fuch like leaues fet on them as the former, but fomewhat fhorter and larger : the flowers alfo are like vnto the former, and ftand in the fame manner at the end of the branches, but are much larger, being of a blufh colour before they are blowne, and white with blufh edges when they are open, exceeding fweete of fmell, more ftrong then the former. 3. lafminum luteum, Jiue Tri folium fruticans alijs Polemonium. The yellow lafmine. This that is called the yellow lafmine, hath many long flender twiggy branches ri- fing from the roote, greene at the firft, and couered with a darke grayim barke after- wards, whereon are fet at certaine diftances, three fmall darke greene leaues together, the end leafe being alwaies the biggeft : at the ioynts where the leaues come forth, ftand The Garden of plenftint Flowers. 407 (land long llalkes, bearing long hollow flowers, ending in Hue, and fomc in lix leaues, very like vnto the flowers of the tirlt lalinine, but yellow, whereupon it is vl'ually cal- led the Yellow lafmine : utter the flowers are paft, there come in their places round blacke ihining berries, of the bignerte of a great Peafc, or bigger, full of a purplilli iiiVLc, which will dye ones fingers that bruifc them but a little : the rootc is tough, and white, creeping farre about vnder the ground, (hooting forth plentifully, whereby it greatly encrcafeth. The Place. The ridt is verily thought to haue been firft brought to Spaine out of Sy- ria, or thereabouts, and from Spaine to vs, and is to be feene very often, and in many of our Country Gardens. The fecond hath his breeding in Spaine alfo, but whether it be his originall place we know not, and is fcarce yet made well acquainted with our Englifh ayre. The third groweth plenti- fully about Mompclier, and will well abide in our London Gardens, and any where elfe. The Time. The fecond fomewhat ear- The firft flowreth not vntill the end of luly. Her. The third in luly alfo. The Names. The firtt is generally called lafminum album, and Gelfeminum album : In Englifh, The white lafmine. The fecond hath his name in his title, as much as may be faid of it. The third hath been taken of fome to be a Cytifus, o- thers Judge it to be Polemonium, but the trueft name is Trifolium fruticam, although many call it lajminum Ititeum: In Englifh moft vfually, The yel- low lafmine, for the reasons aforefaid ; or elfe after the Latine name, Shrubbie Trefoile, or Make-bate. The Vertues. The white lafmines haue beene in all times accepted into outward me- dicines, eyther for the pleafure of the fweete fent, or profit of the war- ming properties. And is in thefe dayes onely vfed as an ornament in Gar- dens, or for fent of the flowers in the houfe, &c. The yellow lafmine, al- though fome haue adiudged it to be the Polemonium of Diofcorides, yet it is not vfed to thofe purpofes by any that I know. CHAP. CVII. Syringa. The Pipe tree. Nder the name of Syringa, is contained two fpeciall kinds of Shrubs or Trees, differing one from another ; namely, the Lilac of Matthiolus, which is called Syringa carulea, and is of two or three forts : And the Syringa alba, which alfo is of two forts, as (hall bee declared. i. Lilac fiue Syringa earn lea. The blew Pipe tree. The blew Pipe tree rifeth fometimes to be a great tree, as high and bigge in the bo- die as a reafonable Apple tree (as I haue in fome places feene and obferued) but molt vfually groweth lower, with many twigs or branches rifing from the roote, hauing as much pith in the middle of them as the Elder hath, couered with a grayifh greene barke, 408 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. barke, but darker in the elder branches, with ioynts fet at a good diftance one from another, and two leaues at euery ioynt, which are large, broad, and pointed at the ends, many of them turning or folding both the fides inward, and ftanding on long foote ftalkes : at the toppes of the branches come forth many flowers, growing fpike-fafhion, that is, a long branch of flowers vpon a ftalke, each of thefe flowers are fmall, long, and hollow belowe, ending aboue in a pale blewifh flower, confiding of foure fmall leaues, of a pretty fmall fent : after the flowers are part, there come fome- times (but it is not often in our Country, vnleffe the tree haue ftood long, and is grown great, the fuckers being continually taken away, that it may growe the better) long and flat cods, confifting as it were of two fides, a thin skinne being in the midft, wherein are contained two long flattifh red feede : the rootes are ftrong, and growe deepe in the ground. 2. Syringa Jiore laSleo fine argenteo. The filuer coloured Pipe tree. This Pipe tree differeth not from the former blew Pipe tree, either in ftemme or branches, either in leaues or flowers, or manner of growing, but onely in the colour of the flower, which in this is of a milke, or filuer colour, which is a kinde of white, wherein there is a thinne wafh, or light (hew of blew fhed therein, comming fome- what neare vnto an afh-colour. 3. Lilac lacimatis folijs. The blew Pipe tree with cut leaues. This Pipe tree fhould not differ from the firft in any other thing then in the leaues, which are faid to be cut in on the edges into feuerall parts, as the relation is giuen a vi- ris fide dignis ; for as yet I neuer faw any fuch ; but I here am bold to fet it downe, to in- duce and prouoke fome louer of plants to obtaine it for his pleafure, and others alfo. 4. Syringa jtore albo fimplici. The fingle white Pipe tree. The fingle white Pipe tree or bum, neuer commeth to that height of the former, but abideth alwaies like a hedge tree or bufh, full of fhootes or fuckers from the roote, much more then the former : the young fhootes hereof are reddifh on the outfide, and afterward reddifh at the ioynts, and grayifh all the reft ouer : the young as well as the old branches, haue fome pith in the middle of them, like as the Elder hath : the leaues (land two at a ioynt, fomewhat like the former, but more rugged or crumpled, as alfo a little pointed, and dented about the edges : the flowers growe at the toppes of the branches, diuers ftanding together, confifting of foure white leaues, like vnto fmall Muske Rofes, and of the fame creame colour, as I may call it, with many fmall yel- lowifh threads in the middle, and are of a ftrong, full, or heady fent, not pleafing to a great many, by reafon of the ftrange quickneffe of the fent : the fruit followeth, be- ing flat at the head, with many leafie fhels or fcales compafling it, wherein is enclofed fmall long feede : the rootes runne not deepe, but fpread vnder the ground, with many fibres annexed vnto them. 5. Syringa Arabica Jtore albo duplici. The double white Pipe tree. This Pipe tree hath diuers long and (lender branches, whereon growe large leaues, fomewhat like vnto the leaues of the former fingle white kinde, but not fo rough or hard, and not at all dented about the edges, two alwaies ftanding one againft another at euery ioynt of the ftalke, but fet or difpofed on contrary fides, and not all vpon one fide ; at the ends whereof come forth diuers flowers, euery one ftanding on his owne foote-ftalke, the hofe or huske being long and hollow, like vnto the white lafmine, and the flowers therein confifting of a double rowe of white and round pointed leaues, fiue or fix in a rowe, with fome yellowneffe in the middle, which is hollow, of a very ftrong and heady fweet fent, and abiding a long time flowring, efpecially in the hotter Countries, but is very tender, and not able to abide any the leaft cold weather with vs ; for The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 409 I lafminum album rulgart. The ordinary white lafmine. 2 lafminum Amtrvatmm fiui Conrolvulut Amtricanui. The lafmine or Bindweed of America. 3 Ja/minum tuttum vulgari. The yellow lafmine. 4 Lilac feu Syringa carulia. The blew Pipe tree. $ Syrin^a alba vulgarit. The fingle white Syringa or Pipe tree. 6 Syringa fort alba duplici. The double white Syringa. 7 Sambucia ro/ta. The Elder or Odder Rofe. 410 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. for the cold windes will (as I vnderftand) greatly moleft it : and therefore muft as charily be kept as Orenge trees with vs, if wee will haue it to abide. The Place. The firft groweth in Arabia (as Matthiolus thinketh, that had it from Conftantinople.) We haue it plentifully in our Gardens. The fecond and third are ftrangers with vs as yet. The fourth is as frequent as the firft, or ra- ther more, but his original! is not knowne. The laft hath his originall from Arabia, as his name importeth. The Time. The firft, fecond, and third flower in Aprill, the other two not vntill May. The Names. The firft is called of Matthiolus Lilac, and by that name is moft vfually called in all parts. It is alfo called Syringa carulea, becaufe it commeth nea- reft vnto thofe woods, which for their pithy fubftance, were made hollow into pipes. It is called of all in Englifh, The blew Pipe tree. It feemeth likely, that Petrus Bellonius in his third Booke and fiftieth Chapter of his obferuations (making mention of a fhrubbe that the Turkes haue, with luie leaues alwaies greene, bearing blew or violet coloured flowers on a long ftalke, of the bignefle and fafhion of a Foxe taile, and thereupon called in their language a Foxe taile) doth vnderftand this plant here exprefled. The certainty whereof might eafily be knowne, if any of our Merchants there refiding, would but call for fuch a fhrubbe, by the name of a Foxe taile in the Turkifh tongue, and take care to fend a young roote, in a fmall tubbe or basket with earth by Sea, vnto vs here at London, which would be perfor- med with a very little paines and coft. The fecond and third, as kindes thereof, haue their names in their titles. The fourth is called by Clufius and others, Frutex Coronarius ; fome doe call it Lilac flore albo, but that name is not proper, in that it doth confound both kindes together. Lobel calleth it Syringa Italica. It is now generally called of all Syringa alba, that is in Englifh, The white Pipe tree. Some would haue it to bee Oftrys of Theo- phraftus, but Clufius hath fufficiently cleared that doubt. Of others Ligu- Jlrum Orientale, which it cannot be neither ; for the Cyprus of Plinie is Dio- fcorides his Liguftrum, which may be called Orientate, in that it is moft pro- per to the Eafterne Countries, and is very fweete, whofe feede is like vnto Coriander feede. The laft is called by diuers Syringa Arabica Jiore albo du- plici, as moft fitly agreeing thereunto. Of Bafilius Beflerus that fet forth the great booke of the Bifhop of Eyftot in Germany his Garden, Syringa Ita- lica flore albo plena, becaufe, as it is likely, hee had it from Italy. It is very likely, that Profper Alpinus in his booke of Egyptian plants, doth meane this plant, which hee there calleth Sambach, fine lafminum Arabicum. Mat- thasus Caccini of Florence in his letter to Clufius entituleth it Syringa Ara- bica, Jiue lafminum Arabicum, fine lafminum ex Gine, whereby hee declareth that it may not vnfitly be referred to either of them both. We may call it in Englifh as it is in the title, The double white Pipe tree. The Vertues. We haue no vfe of thefe in Phyficke that I know, although Profper Alpi- nus faith, the double white Pipe tree is much vfed in Egypt, to help women in their trauailes of childbirth. CHAP. The Garden of p/eJ 6 Kofmarixum aureum. Gilded Rofemary. Rofe of Silefia. 424 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. heads, containing fuch fmall brownifh feede as is in the former male kinde : the roote is woody, and fpreadeth vnder ground, abiding fome yeares, if it be placed vnder a wall, where it may bee defended from the windes that often breake it, and from the extremitie of our winters, and efpecially the fnow, if it lye vpon it, which quickly caufeth it to perifh. 6. Ledum Alpinum feu Rofa Alpina. The Mountaine fweet Holly Rofe. The fragrant fmell with properties correfpondent of two other plants, caufeth me to infert them in this Chapter, and to bring them to your knowledge, as well worthy a fit place in our Garden. The firft of them hath diuers flender woody branches, two foote high or thereabouts, couered with a grayifh coloured barke, and many times leaning downe to the ground, whereby it taketh roote againe : vpon thefe branches grow many thicke, fhort, hard greene leaues, thicke fet together, confufedly without order, fometimes whitifh vnderneath, and fometimes yellowifh : the toppes of the branches are loden with many flowers, which caufe them to bend downwards, being long, hollow and reddifh, opening into fiue corners, fpotted on the outfide with many white fpots, and of a paler red colour on the infide, of a fine fweet fent : after the flowers are part, there follow fmall heads, containing fmall brownifh feede : the root is long, hard and woody, abiding better if it comprehend in the ground, then fome of the former, becaufe his original! is out of a colder country. 7. Ledum Silejiacum. The fweete Mary Rofe, or Rofemary of Silefia. This other fweete plante rifeth vp with woody afh-coloured branches two foote high or more, which fhoote forth other branches, of a reddifh or purplifh colour, co- uered with a brownifh yellow hoarinefle, on which are fet many narrow long greene leaues, like vnto Rofemary leaues, but couered with the like hoarinefle as the ftalks are (efpecially in the naturall places, but not fo much being tranfplanted) and folding the fides of the leaues fo clofe together, that they feeme nothing but ribbes, or ftalkes, of an excellent fweet and pleafant fent ; at the ends of the branches there grow certaine brownifh fcaly heads, made of many fmall leaues fet thicke together, out of which breake forth many flowers, (landing in a tuft together, yet feuerally euery one vpon his owne footftalke, confiding of fiue white leaues, with certaine white threds in the middle, fmelling very fweete: after which rife fmall greene heads, fpotted with brownifh fpots, wherein is contained very fmall, long, yellowifh feede : the roote is hard and woodie. The Place. The firft, fecond, fourth and fifth, grow in the hot Countries, as Italic, Spaine, &c. The third, and the two laft in the colder Countries, as Frife- land, Germanic, Bohemia. The Time. They do all flower in the Summer moneths of lune, luly and Auguft, and their feede is ripe quickly after. The Names. The firft, fecond, fourth and fift, haue their names fufHciently exprefled in their descriptions. The third was fent vnto Clufius, vnder the name of Herculus Frijicus, becaufe of the ftrong fent : but he referreth it to the kinds of Chamaciftus, that is, dwarfe or low Ciftus, both for the low growth, and for the flowers and feede fake. The fixt is diuerfly called ; for Clufius calleth it Ledum Alpinum : others, Nerium Alpinum, making it to bee a Rofe Bay. Gefner The Garden of pleafant Flowers. Gefncr according to the Countrey peoples name, Rofa Alpina, and Rofa Montana. Lobel callcth it Halfamum Alpinum, of the fragrant fmell it hath, and C/ianuerhododendros ChattHclcea folio. And lome haue called it Euonymus, without all manna- o! iudgement. In Englilh wee may call it, The Moun- Mine Rofe, vntill a fitter name be giuen it. The laft is called of Matthiolus, Rofmarinum Jilticjbc, but of Clufius Ledum, referring it to their kindred; and Silcfiacum, becaufe he found it in that Countrey ; or for diftinclion fake, as he faith, it may bee called, Ledum folijs Rofmarini, or Ledum Bohemicum. Cordus, as it feemeth in his Hiftory of Plants, calleth it Chamapeuce, as though he did account it a kinde of low Pine, or Pitch tree. The Vertues. The firft, fecond, and fift, are very aftringent, efFeftuall for all forts of fluxes of humours. The fweet Gum called Ladanum, made artificially into oyle, is of fingular vfe for Alopecia, or falling of the haire. The feed of the fourth is much commended againft the ftone of the Kidneyes. The fweete Rofemary of Silefia is vfed of the inhabitants, where it naturally groweth, againft the fhrinking of finewes, crampes, or other fuch like difeafes, whereof their daily experience makes it familiar, being vfed in bathing or otherwife. CHAP. CXII. Rofmarinum. Rofemary. THere hath beene vfually knowne but one fort of Rofemary, which is frequent through all this Country : but there are fome other forts not fo well known ; the one is called Gilded Rofemary ; the other broade leafed Rofemary ; a third I will adioyne, as more rare then all the other, called Double flowred Rofmary, becaufe few haue heard thereof, much lefle feene it, and my felfe am not well acquainted with it, but am bold to deliuer it vpon credit. i. Libanotis Coronaria Jiue Rofmarinum vulgare. Our Common Rofmary. This common Rofemary is fo well knowne through all our Land, being in euery womans garden, that it were fufficient but to name it as an ornament among other fweete herbes and flowers in our Garden, feeing euery one can defcribe it : but that I may fay fomething of it, It is well obferued, as well in this our Land (where it hath been planted in Noblemens, and great mens gardens againft bricke wals, and there continued long) as beyond the Seas, in the naturall places where it groweth, that it ri- feth vp in time vnto a very great height, with a great and woody ftemme (of that com- pafle, that (being clouen out into thin boards) it hath ferued to make lutes, or fuch like inftruments, and here with vs Carpenters rules, and to diuers other purpofes) bran- ching out into diuers and fundry armes that extend a great way, and from them againe into many other fmaller branches, whereon are fet at feueral diftances, at the ioynts, ma- ny very narrow long leaues, greene aboue, and whitifh vnderneath ; among which come forth towards the toppes of the ftalkes, diuers fweet gaping flowers, of a pale or bleake blewifh colour, many fet together, ftanding in whitifh huskes; the feed is fmall and red, but thereof fcldome doth any plants arife that will abide without extraor- dinary care ; for although it will fpring of the feede reafonable well, yet it is fo fmall and tender the firft yeare, that a fharpe winter killeth it quickly, vnlefie it be very well defended : the whole plant as well leaues as flowers, fmelleth exceeding fweete. 2. Rofmarinum jlriatum, Jiue aure urn. Gilded Rofemary. This Rofemary differeth not from the former, in forme or manner of growing, nor H 3 in 4.26 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. in the forme or colour of the flower, but only in the leaues, which are edged, or ftri- ped, or pointed with a faire gold yellow colour, which fo continueth all the yeare throughout, yet frefher and fairer in Summer then in Winter ; for then it will looke of a deader colour, yet fo, that it may be difcerned to be of two colours, green & yellow. 3. Rofmarinum lati folium. Broade leafed Rofemary. This broad leafed Rofemary groweth in the fame manner that the former doth, but that we haue not feene it in our Countrey fince we had it to grow fo great, or with fuch woody ftemmes : the leaues ftand together vpon the long branches after the fame fa- fhion, but larger, broader and greener then the other, and little or nothing whitifh vnderneath : the flowers likewife are of the fame forme and colour with the ordinary, but larger, and herein confifteth the difference. 4. Rofmarinum fore duplici. Double flowred Rofmary. The double flowred Rofmary thus far differeth from the former, that it hath ftron- ger ftalkes, not fo eafie to breake, fairer, bigger and larger leaues, of a faire greene co- lour, and the flowers are double, as the Larkes heele or fpurre : This I haue onely by relation, which I pray you accept, vntill I may by fight better enforme you. The Place. Our ordinary Rofmary groweth in Spaine, and Prouence of France, and in others of thofe hot Countryes, neere the Sea fide. It will not abide (vnlefle kept in ftoues) in many places of Germany, Denmarke, and thofe colder Countries. And in fome extreame hard winters, it hath well neere perimed here in England with vs, at the leaft in many places : but by flipping it is vfually, and yearly encreafed, to replenish any garden. The Time. It flowreth oftentimes twice in the yeare ; in the Spring firft, from April vntill the end of May or lune, and in Auguft and September after, if the yeare before haue been temperate. The Names. Rofmary is called of the ancient Writers, Libanotis, but with this diftin- 6lion, Stephanomatica, that is, Coronaria, becaufe there were other plants cal- led Libanotis, that were for other vfes, as this for garlands, where flowers and fweete herbes were put together. The Latines call it Rofmarinum. Some would make it to be Cneorum nigrum of Theophraftus, as they would make Lauander to bee his Cneorum album, but Matthiolus hath fufficiently confu- ted that errour. The Vertues. Rofmary is almoft of as great vfe as Bayes, or any other herbe both for inward and outward remedies, and as well for ciuill as phyficall purpofes. Inwardly for the head and heart; outwardly for the finewes and ioynts: for ciuill vfes, as all doe know, at weddings, funerals, &c. to beftow among friends : and the phyficall are fo many, that you might bee as well tyred in the reading, as I in the writing, if I fhould fet down all that might be faid of it. I will therefore onely giue you a tafte of fome, defiring you will be con- tent therewith. There is an excellent oyle drawne from the flowers alone by the heate of the Sunne, auaileable for many difeases both inward and outward, and accounted a foueraigne Balfame : it is alfo good to helpe dim- nefTe The Garden of pie afant Flowers. 427 nefle of light, and to take away fpots, markes and fcarres from the skin ; and is made in this manner. Take a quantitie of the flowers of Rofemary, accor- ding to your owne will eyther more or lelle, put them into a ftrong glafTc clofe Stopped, let them in hot horfe dung to digeft for fourteene dayes, which then being taken forth of the dung, and vnftoppcd, tye a fine linnen iloth ouer the mouth, and turne downe the mouth thereof into the mouth of another ftrong glade, which being let in the hot Sun, an oyle will diftill downe into the lower glaffc ; which preferue as precious for the vfes before recited, and many more, as experience by practice may enforme diucrs. There is another oylc Chymically drawne, auaileable in the like manner for many the fame inward and outward difeases, viz. for the heart, rheuma- ticke braines, and to ftrengthen the memory, outwardly to warmc and com- fort cold benummed finewes, whereof many of good iudgement haue had much experience. CHAP. CXI 1 1. Myrtus. The Mirtle tree or bufh. IN the hot Countreyes, there haue been many forts of M titles found out, naturally growing there, which will not fruftifie in this of ours, nor yet abide without ex- traordinary care, and conueniencie withall, to preferue them from the fharpenelTe of our winters. I (hall only bring you to view three forts in this my Garden, the one with a greater, the other two with leffer leaues, as the remainder of others which wee haue had, and which are preferued from time to time, not without much paine and trouble. i. Myrtus latifolia. The greater leafed Mirtle. The broader leafed Mirtle rifeth vp to the height of foure or fiue foote at the moft with vs, full of branches and leaues growing like a fmall bufh, the ftemme and elder branches whereof are couered with a dark coloured bark, but the young with a green, and fome with a red, efpecially vpon the firft mooting forth, whereon are fet many frefh greene leaues, very fweet in fmell, and very pleafant to behold, fo neer refembling the leaues of the Pomegranate tree that groweth with vs, that they foone deceiue ma- ny that are not expert therein, being fomewhat broade and long, and pointed at the ends, abiding alwaies green : at the ioynts of the branches where the leaues ftand, come forth the flowers vpon fmall footeftalkes, euery one by it felfe confiding of fiue fmall white leaues, with white threds in the middle, fmelling alfo very fweet : after the flow- ers are part, there doe arife in the hot Countries, where they are natural!, round blacke berries, when they are ripe, wherein are contained many hard white crooked feedes, but neuer in this Countrey, as I faid before : the roote difperfeth it felfe into many branches, with many fibres annexed thereto. 2. Myrtus minor , feu minore folio. The fmaller leafed Mirtle. The fmaller leafed Mirtle is a low fhrub or bufh, like vnto the former, but fcarce ri- fing fo high, with branches fpreading about the ftemme, much thicker fet with leaues then the former, fmaller alfo, and pointed at the ends, of a little deeper greene colour, abiding greene alfo winter and fummer, and very fweete likewife : the flowers are white like vnto the former, and as fweete, but fhew not themfelues fo plentifull on the branches : the fruit is blacke in his naturall places, with feedes therein as the former. 3. Myrtus minor rotundiore folio. Boxe Mirtle. Wee haue another fort of this fmall kinde of Mirtle, fo like vnto the former both for fmalnefTe, deepe greene colour of the leaues, and thicke growing of the branches, that 4.28 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. that it will be thought of moft, without good heede, and comparing the one with the o- ther, to be the very fame with the former : but if it bee well viewed, it will fhew, by the roundnefle at the ends of the leaues very like vnto the fmall Boxe leaues, to be another differing kinde, although in nothing elfe. Wee nourfe them with great care, for the beautifull afpecl, fweete fent and raritie, as delights and ornaments for a garden of plea- fure, wherein nothing mould be wanting that art, care and coft might produce and pre- ferue : as alfo to fet among other euer greene plants to fort with them. The Place. Thefe, and many other forts of Mirtles grow in Spaine, Portugal!, Italic, and other hot Countries in great aboundance, where they make their hedges of them: wee (as I faid) keepe them in this Countrey, with very great care and diligence. The Time. The Mirtles doe flower very late with vs, not vntill Auguft at the fooneft, which is the caufe of their not frudtifying. The Names. They are called in Latine Myrtus, and in Englifh Mirtle tree, without any other diuerlitie of names, for the generall title. Yet the feuerall kindes haue had feuerall denominations, in Plinies time, and others, as Romana, Coniuga/a, Terentina, Egyptia, alba, nigra, &c. which haue noted the differences, euen then well obferued. The Vertues. The Mirtle is of an aftringent qualitie, and wholly vfed for fuch purpofes. CHAP. CXI 1 1 1. Malus Punicajiue Granata, The Pomegranet tree. THere are two kindes of Pomegranet trees, The one tame or manured, bearing fruit, which is diftinguifhed of fome into two forts, of others into three, that is, into fower, and fweet, and into fower fweete. The other wilde, which bea- reth no fruite, becaufe it beareth double flowers, like as the Cherry, Apple, and Peach tree with double bloffomes, before defcribed, and is alfo diftinguimed into two forts, the one bearing larger, the other leffer flowers. Of the manured kinde wee haue onely one fort (fo farre as we know) for it neuer beareth ripe fruit in this our Countrey) which for the beautifull afpeft, both of the greene verdure of the leaues, and faire proportion and colour of the flowers, as alfo for the raritie, are nourfed in fome few of their gar- dens that delight in fuch rarities : for in regard of the tenderneffe, there is neede of di- ligent care, that is, to plant it againft a brick wall, and defend it conueniently from the fharpeneffe of our winters, to giue his Mafter fome pleafure in feeing it beare flowers : And of the double kinde we haue as yet obtained but one fort, although I mail giue you the knowledge and defcription of another. I. Malus Punica fatiua. The tame Pomegranet tree. This Pomegranet tree groweth not very high in his naturall places, and with vs fom- times it fhooteth forth from the roote many brownifh twigges or branches, or if it bee pruned from them, and fuffered to grow vp, it rifeth to bee feuen or eight foote high, fpreading The Garden of plcnfnnt Flowers. 429 I i A/;, rtus lalifolia maior. The broad leafed Myrtle. a .Vyrttts angu/ti/alia minor. The fmall leafed Myrtle. 3 Mvrtui buxt- fiflia minor. The Boxe leafed Myrtle. 4 Malui Graiuttut /imflifi Jlort. The ordinary Pomegranet tree. 5 'Balau/lium Romanvm feu minus. The lefler double flpwred Pomegranet tree. 6 Balouftium main's fim Cyprium. The greater double flowred Pomegranet. 7 Pftudtxapjicum ft* Amomum Plittij. The Winter Cherry Uee. 8 Pitta Ittdica cum /no fnflu. The Indian Figgeuee and his fruit. 43 o The Garden of pleafant Flowers. fpreading into many fmall and (lender branches, here and there fet with thornes, and with many very faire greene mining leaues, like in forme and bignefle vnto the leaues of the larger Myrtle before defcribed, euery one hauing a fmall reddifh foote-ftalke vpon thefe branches : among the leaues come forth here and there, long, hard, and hollow reddifh cups, diuided at the brimmes, wherein doe (land large flngle flowers, euery one confifting of one whole leafe, fmaller at the bottome then at the brimme, like bels, diuided as it were at the edges into fiue or fix parts, of an orient red or crim- fon colour in the hotter Countries ; but in this it is much more delayed, and tendeth neare vnto a blufh, with diuers threads in the middle. The fruit is great and round, ha- uing as it were a crowne on the head of it, with a thicke tough hard skinne or rinde, of a brownim red colour on the outfide, and yellow within, fluffed or packt full of fmall graines, euery one encompaft with a thin skin, wherein is contained a clear red iuyce or liquor, either of a fweet (as I faid before) or fower tafte, or betweene them both of a winie tafte : the roote difperfeth it felfe very much vnder ground. 2. Balaujiium maius Jiue Malus Punica filuejlris maior. The greater wilde or double bloflbmd Pomegranet tree. The wilde Pomegranet is like vnto the tame in the number of purplifh branches, hauing thornes, and mining faire greene leaues, fomewhat larger then the for- mer : from the branches likewife moote forth flowers, farre more beautifull then thofe of the tame or manured fort, becaufe they are double, and as large as a double Prouince Rofe, or rather more double, of an excellent bright crimfon colour, tending to a filken carnation, {landing in brownim cups or huskes, diuided at the brims vfually into foure or fiue feuerall points, like vnto the former, but that in this kinde there neuer followeth any fruit, no not in the Country, where it is naturally wilde. 3. Balauflium minus. The fmaller wilde Pomegranet tree. This fmaller kinde differeth from the former in his leaues, being of a darker greene colour, but not in the height of the ftemme, or purplifhneffe of his branches, or thorns vpon them ; for this doth mew it felfe more like vnto a wilde kind then it : the flowers hereof are much fmaller, and not fo thicke and double, of a deeper or fadder red O- renge tawny colour, fet alfo in fuch like cups or huskes. The Place. The tame or manured kinde groweth plentifully in Spaine, Portugall, and Italy, and other in other warme and hot countries. Wee (as I faid be- fore) preferue it with great care. The wilde I thinke was neuer feene in England, before lohn Tradefcante my very louing good friend brought it from the parts beyond the Seas, and planted it in his Lords Garden at Canterbury. The Time. They flower very late with vs, that is, not vntill the middle or end of Auguft, and the cold euenings or frofts comming fo foone vpon it, doth not onely hinder it from bearing, but many times the fharpe winters fo pinch it, that it withereth it downe to the ground, fo that oftentimes it hardly fpringeth againe. The Names. The name Malus Punica for the tree, and Malum Punicum for the fruit, or Malus Granata, and Malum Granatum, is the common name giuen vnto this tree, which is called in Englifh the Pomegarnet or Pomegranet tree. The flowers of the tame kinde are called Cytini, as Diofcorides faith, although Plinie feemeth either to make Cytinus to be the flower of the wilde kinde, or Balaujiium The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 431 Balau/lium to be the flower of both tame and wilde kinde : but properly, as I take it, Cytinus is the cup wherein the Hower as well of the tame as wilde kinde doth Itand ; tor vnto the liinilitude of them, both the flowers of AJa- rum, and the feedc veflels of Hyofciamus are compared and refemblcd, and not vnto the whole flower : the barke or rinde <>t the fruit is called of diuers SiJion, and in the Apothecaries (hops PjiJium^ and cortex Granatorum. The wilde kinde is called Mains Punlca Jilueftrh : In Englilh, The wilde Pome- granet tree ; the flower thereof is properly called Ealaujlium. The lefler kind is vfually called Balaujliiim Rorntinum, as the greater is called Creticum and Cyprinum, becaufe they growe in Candy and Cyprus. The Vertucs. The vfc of all thefe Pomegranets is very much in Phyficke, to coole and binde all fluxibility both of body and humours : they are alfo of fingular effect in all vlcers of the mouth, and other parts of the body, both of man and woman. There is no part of them but is apply ed for fome of thefe re- fpects. The rinde alfo of the Pomegranet is vfed of diuers in ftead of Gaules, to make the beft fort of writing Inke, which is durable to the worlds end. CHAP. CXV. Amonum Plinij jfeu Pfeudocapfaum. Tree Night (hade or the Winter Cherry tree. IHaue adioyned this plant, for the pleafurable beauty of the greene leaues, and red berries. It groweth vp to be a yarcl or foure foote high at the moft, hauing a fmall wooddy ftemme or ftocke, as bigge as ones ringer or thumbe, couered with a whi- tifh greene barke, fet full of greene branches, and faire greene leaues, fomewhat vne- uen fometimes on the edges, narrower then any Night (hade leaues, and very neare refembling the leaues of the Capjfcum, or Ginny pepper, but fmaller and narrower, fal- ling away in the Winter, and Ihooting frdh in the Spring of the yeare : the flowers growe often two or three together, at the ioynts of the branches with the leaues, being white, opening ftarre-fafhion, and fometimes turning themfelues backe, with a yel- low pointell in the middle, very like vnto the flowers of Night (hade : after the flow- ers are part, come forth in their ftead fmall greene buttons, which after turne to be pleafant round red berries, of the bignefle of fmall Cherries when they are ripe, which with vs vfually ripen not vntill the Winter, or about Chriftmas, wherein are contained many fmall whitifh feede that are flat : all the whole plant, as well leaues and flowers as feede, are without either fmell or tafte : the roote hath many yellowifh firings and fibres annexed vnto it. The Place. The originall place hereof is not well knowne, but is thought to bee the Weft Indies. It hath been planted of long time in moft of thefe Countries, where it abideth reafonable well, fo that fome care bee had thereof in the extreamity of the Winter. The Time. It flowrcth fometimes in lune, but vfually in luly and Auguft, and the fruit is not ripe (as is faid) vntill the Winter. The 432 The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Names. This plant hath diuers names ; for it is thought to be that kinde of Amo- mum that Plinie fetteth downe. Dodonaeus calleth it Pfeudocapfaum, for fome likeneffe in the leafe and fruit vnto the fmall Capfaum or Ginnie Pep- per, although much vnlike in the tafte and property. Others doe call it Strichnodendron, that is, Solanum arborefcens, and wee in Englifh according thereunto, Tree Night {hade. But fome Latine affes corrupting the Latine word Amomum, doe call it the Mumme tree. Dalechampius calleth it Sola- num Americum, feu Indicum, and faith the Spaniards call it in their tongue, Guindas de las Indias, that is, Cerafa Indiana, Indian Cherries, which if any would follow, I would not bee much againft it : but many Gentlewomen doe call them Winter Cherries, becaufe the fruit is not throughly ripe vn- till Winter. The Vertues. I finde no phyficall property allotted vnto it, more then that by reafon of the infipidity, it is held to be cooling. CHAP. CXVI. Ficus Indica minor. The fmaller Indian Figge tree. THis Indian Figge tree, if you will call it a tree (becaufe in our Country it is not fo, although it groweth in the naturall hot Countries from a wooddy ftemme or body into leaues) is a plant confiding only of leaues, one fpringing out of an- other, into many branches of leaues, and all of them growing out of one leafe, put in- to the ground halfe way, which taking roote, all the reft rife out thereof, thofe belowe for the moft part being larger then thofe aboue ; yet all of them fomewhat long, flat, and round pointed, of the thicknefle of a finger vf ually, and f malleft at the lower end, where they are ioyned or fpring out of the other leaues, hauing at their firft breaking out a mew of fmall, red, or browne prickes, thicke fet ouer all the vpper fide of the leaues, but with vs falling away quickly, leauing onely the markes where they flood : but they haue befides this mew of great prickes, a few very fine, and fmall, hard, white, and fharpe, almoft infenfible prickes, being not fo bigge as haires on the vnderfide, which will often fticke in their fingers that handle them vnaduifedly, neither are they to be difcerned vnlefTe one look precifely for them : the leaues on the vnderfide hauing none of thofe other great pricks or marks at all, being of a faire frefh pale green colour : out of the vppermoft leaues breake forth certaine greene heads, very like vnto leaues (fo that many are deceiued, thinking them to be leaues, vntill they marke them better, and be better experienced in them) but that they growe round and not flat, and are broad at the toppe ; for that out of the tops of euery of them fhooteth out a pale yel- low flower, confifting of two rowes of leaues, each containing fiue leaues a peece, kid open with certaine yellow threads, tipt with red in the middle : this greene head, vntill the flower be paft, is not of halfe that bigneffe that it attaineth vnto after, yet feldome or neuer commeth vnto perfection with vs, being long and round, like vnto a Figge, fmall belowe, and greater aboue, bearing vpon the flat or broad head the marke of the flower ; fome holding ftill on them the dryed leaues, and others hauing loft them, mew the hollownefle which they haue in the toppe or middle of the head, the fides round about being raifed or ftanding vp higher : this head or figge in our Coun- try abideth greene on the outfide, and little or nothing reddifh within (although it a- bide all the Winter, and the Summer following, as fometimes it doth) for want of that heate and comfort of the Sunne it hath in his naturall place, where it groweth reddifh The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. 4.33 reddilh on the outlide, and containing within it a bloudy red clammy iuycc, making the vrine of them that eate of than as red as blond, which many feeing, were in doubt of thnnfelues, lell their vrine were not very bloud ; of what fweetnefie, like a figge, in the natural! places, I am not well allured, yet affirmed : but thole that haue beene brought vnto me, whofc colour on the outfide was greenifh, were of a reddifh purple within, and contained within them round, fmall, hard feedc, the tafte was flat, wate- rifti, or inlipide : the roote is neither great, nor difperfeth it felfe very decpe or farre, but Ihooteth many fmall rootes vnder the vppcr cruft of the earth. There is a greater kimle hereof, whofe leaues arc twice or thrice as bigge, which ha- uing been often brought vs, will feldome abide more then one Summer with vs, our Winters alwaies rotting the leaues, that it could not be longer kept. The Place. This Indian Figge tree groweth difperfedly in many places of Ame- rica, generally called the Weft Indies : The greater kinde in the more re- mote and hot Countries, as Mexico, Florida, &c. and in the Bermudas or Summer Iflands, from whence wee haue often had it. The letter in Virgi- nia, and thofe other Countries that are nearer vnto vs, which better endu- rcth with vs. The Time. It flowreth with vs fometimes in May, or lune ; but (as I faid) the fruit ne- uer commeth to perfection in this Country. The Names. Diuers doe take it to bee Opuntia Ptinij, whereof hee fpeaketh in the 2 1 . Booke and 17. Chapter of his Naturall Hiftory : but he there faith, Opun- tia is an herbe, fweete and pleafant to be eaten, and that it is a wonder that the roote (hould come from the leafe, and fo to growe ; which words al- though they defcipher out the manner of the growing of this plant, yet be- caufe this is a kinde of tree, and not an herbe, nor to be eaten, it cannot bee the fame : but efpecially becaufe there is an herbe which groweth in the fame manner, or very neare vnto it, one leafe ftanding on the toppe or fide of another, being a Sea plant, fit to be eaten with vinegar and oyle (as many other herbes are that growe in the fait marines, or neare the Sea, whereof Sea Purflane is one) which Clufius calleth Lychen Marinus, and (as Clufius faith) Cortufus very fitly called Opuntia marina, and out of doubt is the ve- rie fame Opuntia that Theopraftus maketh mention of, and Plinie out of him. Our Englifh people in Virginia, and the Bermuda Ifland, where it groweth plentifully, becaufe of the form of the fruit, which is fomewhat like to a Peare, &c not being fo familiarly acquainted with the growing of Figs, fent it vnto vs by the name of the prickly Peare, from which name many haue fuppofed it to be a Peare indeede, but were therein deceiued. The Vertues. There is no other efpeciall property giuen hereunto, by any that haue written of the Weft Indies, then of the colouring of the vrine, as is be- fore faid. CHAP. 13 434 ^e Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. CXVII. Tuca Jiue lucca. The fuppofed Indian lucca. THis rare Indian plant hath a great thicke tuberous roote (fpreading in time in- to many tuberous heads) from the head whereof fhooteth forth many long, hard, and guttured leaues, very marpe pointed, compaffing as it were one an- other at the bottome, of a grayifh greene colour, which doe not fall away, but abide euer greene on the plant ; from the middle whereof fpringeth forth (now and then, but not euery yeare) a ftrong round ftalke, diuided into diuers branches, whereon (land diuers white, and fomewhat large flowers, hanging downe their heads, confi- ding of fix leaues, with diuers veines, of a weake reddifh or blufh colour, fpread on the backe of the three outer leaues, efpecially from the middle of the leaues to the bot- tome, and not rifing to the edge of the leafe of any flower, which fall away without bearing any feede in our Country, as farre as euer could be obferued either in the plant that Mafter Gerard kept a long time by him, or by Robinus at Paris his plant, which Mafter Gerard fent vnto him, or yet by that plant, that Vefpafian Robin the fonne of old Robin fent vnto Mafter lohn de Franqueuille, and now abideth and flourifheth in my Garden. The Place. It was firft brought into England (as Mafter Gerard faith) from the Weft Indies, by a feruant of Mafter Thomas Edwards, an Apothecary of Exeter, and imparted to him, who kept it vnto his death : but perifhed with him that got it from his widow, intending to fend it to his Country houfe. The Time. It flowreth not vntill luly, and the flowers fall away fodainely, after they haue beene blowne open a while. The Names. Mafter Gerard firft as I thinke called it lucca, fuppofing it to bee the true Tuca of Theuet, wherewith the Indians make bread, called CaJJTana : but the true lucca is defcribed to haue a leafe diuided into feuen or nine parts, which this hath not : Yet not knowing by what better name to call it, let it hold ftill his firft impofition, vntill a fitter may be giuen it. The Vertues. Wee haue not heard of any, that hath either read, heard, or experimen- ted the faculties hereof, nor yet whether it hath good or euill tafte ; for be- ing rare, and poflefled but by a few, they that haue it are loth to cut any thereof, for feare of fpoiling and lofing the whole roote. Some haue affirmed, that in fome parts of Turkic, where as they fay this plant groweth, they make a kinde of cloth from the threads are found run- ning through the leaues ; but I finde the threads are fo ftrong and hard, that this cannot be that plant the relators meane is vfed in that manner. CHAP. The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 435 i >'*. a flue tuna. The Indian lucca. a Arbor vita. The tree of life. 3 Arbtr lud leaf ant Flowers. Elder, hut with an hollownefle like a pith in the heart or middle of the branches, which arc diuidcd many wayes, and whereon are let at feuerall diltanccs, diuers win- ged lea ues, compolcd ot inanv I mall round pointed, or rather flat pointed leaues, one let againlt another, like vnto Licon\ or the Hatchet Fitih ; amoiu; tliefc leaues come forth the flowers, in falhion like vnto Broome flowers, and as large, of a very yellow colour : after which appearc ck-.'iv thinnc I 'well ing cods like vnto thinni- tranfparent bladdeo, wherein are contained blacke (cede, let vpon a middle ribbe or linew in the middle of the bladder, which if it be a little crufhed betweene the lingers, will giuc a cracke, like as a bladder full of winde. The rootc groweth branched and woody. 2. Colutaa Scorpioi,ies maior. The greater Scorpion podded Baftard Sena. This Baltard Sena groweth nothing fo great or tall, but fhooteth out diuerfly, like vnto a Ihrub, with many (hoots fpringing from the root : the branches are greener, but more rugged, hauing a white barke on the bert part of the elder growne branches ; for the young are greene, and hauc fuch like winged leaues fet on them as are to be feen in the former, hut 1'maller, greener, and more pointed : the flowers are yellow, but much fmaller, falhioned fomewhat like vnto the former, with a reddifh llripe downe the backe of the vppermolt leate : the long cods that follow are fmall, long and round, diftinguifhed into many diuilions or dents, like vnto a Scorpions tayle, from whence hath rifen the name : in thefe feuerall diuilions lye feuerall blacke feede, like vnto the feede of Fenigrecke : the roote is white and long, but not fo woody as the former. 3. Colutcea Scorpioides minor. The lefler Scorpion Baftard Sena. This leller Baftard Sena is in all things like the former, but fomewhat lower, and fmaller both in leafe, flower, and cods of feede, which haue not fuch eminent bunches on the cods to be feene as the former. The Place. They grow as Matthiolus faith about Trent in Italic, and in other places : the former is frequent enough through all our Countrey, but the others are more rare. The Time. They flower about the middle or end of May, and their feede is ripe in Auguft. The bladders of the firft will abide a great while on the tree, if they be fuffered, and vntill the winde caufe them to rattle, and afterwards the skins opening, the feede will fall away. The Names. The name Colutaa is impofed on them, and by the iudgement of moft writers, the firft is taken to bee that Colutaa of Lipara that Theophraftus ma- keth mention of, in the feuenteenth chapter of his third booke. But I mould rather thinke that the Scorpicides were the truer Colutaa of Theophraftus, becaufe the long pods thereof are more properly to bee accounted Jiliqua^ then the former which are wjica tumentes, windy bladders, and notjfi/igua: and no doubt but Theophraftus would haue giuen fome peculiar note of difference if he had meant thofe bladders, and not thefe cods. Let others of iudgement be vmpeeres in this cafe ; although I know the currant of writers lince Matthiolus, doe all hold the former Colutaa ixfaaria to be the true Co- lutaa Lipara of Theophrartus. Wee call it in Englifh, Baftard Sena, from Ruellius, who as I thinke firft called it Sena, from the forme of the leaues. The fecond and third (as I faid before) from the forme of the cods receiued their names, as it is in the titles and defcriptions ; yet they may as properly be called Siliauofa, for that their fruite are long cods. K-3 The The Garden of pleafant Flowers. The Vertues. Theophraftus faith it doth wonderfully helpe to fatten fheepe : But fure it is found by experience, that if it be giuen to man it caufeth ftrong cartings both vpwards and downwards ; and therefore let euery one beware that they vfe not this in fteede of good Sena, left they feele to their coft the force thereof. CHAP. CXXIII. Spartum Hifpanicum frutex. Spanifh Broome. ALthough Clufius and others haue found diuers forts of this fhrubby Spartum or Spanifh Broome, yet becaufe our Climate will nourfe vp none of them, and euen this very hardly, I mall leaue all others, and defcribe vnto you this one only in this manner : Spanifh Broome groweth to bee fiue or fixe foote high, with a woody ftemme below, couered with a darke gray, or afh-coloured barke, and hauing aboue many pliant, long and flender greene twigs, whereon in the beginning of the yeare are fet many fmall long greene leaues, which fall away quickly, not abiding long on ; towards the tops of thefe branches grow the flowers, fafhioned like vnto Broom flowers, but larger, as yellow as they, and fmelling very well ; after which come fmall long cods, crefted at the backe, wherein is contained blackifh flat feede, fafhioned very like vnto the Kidney beanes : the roote is woody, difperfing it felfe diuers waies. The Place. This groweth naturally in many places of France, Spaine and Italic, wee haue it as an ornament in our Gardens, among other delightfull plants, to pleafe the fenfes of fight and fmelling. The Time. It flowreth in the end of May, or beginning of lune, and beareth feede, which ripeneth not with vs vntill it be late. The Names. It is called Spartium Grtzcorum, and Spartum frutex, to diftinguifh it from the fedge or rufh, that is fo called alfo. Of fome it is called Genijla, and thought not to differ from the other Genijla, but they are much deceiued ; for euen in Spaine and Italic, the ordinary Genijla or Broome groweth with it, which is not pliant, and fit to binde Vines, or fuch like things withall as this is. The Vertues. There is little vfe hereof in Phyficke, by reafon of the dangerous quali- tie of vomiting, which it doth procure to them that take it inwardly : but being applyed outwardly, it is found to helpe the Sciatica, or paine of the hippes. CHAP. The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 443 I Colutaa tulgaris. Ordinary baftard Sene. z Periploca rtfla Virgt*iana. Virginian Silke. 3 Colulan Scorpioidti. Scorpion baftard Sene. 4 Sfartum Hi/pawum. Spanifh Broome. 5 Liguftnm. Priuel. 6 Satma varitgata. Party coloured Sage. 7 tlaioraMt aurta. Guilded Marierome. 4.4.4 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. CXXIIII. Periploca refta Virginiana. Virginian Silke. LEft this ftranger fhould find no hofpitality with vs, being fo beautifull a plant, or not finde place in this Garden, let him be here receiued, although with the laft, rather then not at all. It rifeth vp with one or more ftrong and round ftalkes, three or foure foote high, whereon are fet at the feuerall ioynts thereof two faire, long, and broad leaues, round pointed, with many veines therein, growing clofe to the flemme, without any foote-ftalke : at the tops of the ftalkes, and fome times at the ioynts of the leaues, groweth forth a great bum of flowers out of a thinne skinne, to the number of twenty, and fometimes thirty or forty, euery one with a long foote-ftalke, hanging downe their heads for the moft part, efpecially thofe that are outermoft, euery one (landing within a fmall huske of greene leaues, turned to the ftalkeward, like vnto the Lyfimachia flower of Virginia before de- fcribed, and each of them confiding of fiue fmall leaues a peece, of a pale pur- plifh colour on the vpperfide, and of a pale yellowim purple vnderneath, both fides of each leafe being as it were folded together, making them feeme hollow and pointed, with a few fhort chiues in the middle : after which come long and crooked pointed cods ftanding vpright, wherein are contained flat brownifh feede, difper- fedly lying within a great deale of fine, foft, and whitifh browne filke, very like vnto the cods, feede, and filke of AJclepias, or Swallow-wort, but that the cods are greater and more crooked, and harder alfo in the outer mell : the roote is long and white, of the bigneffe of a mans thumbe, running vnder ground very far, and fhooting vp in di- uers places, the heads being fet full of fmall white grumes or knots, yeelding forth many branches, if it ftand any time in a place : the whole plant, as well leaues as ftalkes, being broken, yeeld a pale milke. The Place. It came to me from Virginia, where it groweth aboundantly, being rai- fed vp from the feede I receiued. The Time. It flowreth in luly, and the feede is ripe in Auguft. The Names. It may feeme very probable to many, that this plant is the fame that Pro- fper Alpinus in the twenty fift Chapter of his Booke of Egyptian plants, nameth Beidelfar ; and Honorius Bellus in his third and fourth Epiftles vn- to Clufius (which are at the end of his Hiftory of plants) calleth Offar fru- tex : And Clufius himfelfe in the fame Booke calleth Apocynurn Syriacum, Paltzftinum, and Mgyptiacum, becaufe this agreeth with theirs in very many and notable parts ; yet verily I thinke this plant is not the fame, but rather another kinde of it felfe : Firft, becaufe it is not frutex, a fhrub or wooddy plant, nor keepeth his leaues all the yeare, but lofeth both leaues and ftalks, dying down to the ground euery yeare : Secondly, the milke is not caufticke or violent, as Alpinus and Bellus fay OJ/ar is : Thirdly, the cods are more crooked then thofe of Clufius, or of Alpinus, which Honorius Bellus ac- knowledgeth to be right, although greater then thofe he had out of Egypt : And laftly, the rootes of thefe doe runne, whereof none of them make any mention. Gerard in his herball giueth a rude figure of the plant, but a very true figure of the cods with feede, and faith the Virginians call it Wijanck, and referreth it to the Afclepias, for the likenefTe of the cods fluffed with filken I The Garden of plea/ant Flowers. 445 lilken dounc. But what reafon Cafpar Bauhinus in his Pinax Thtatri Bota- nici had, to call it (tor it is Clulius his Apocynum Syriacum) hy the name ot Lapathtim /Egyptiacum lafiffctm jiliqua Afclepiadis, I know none in the world : tor hut that he would fhew an extreame (insularity in giuing names to plants, contrary to all others (which is very frequent with him) how could In- thinke, that this plant could haue any likencfle or correfpondcn- cie, with any of the kindes of Dockcs, that eucr he had feenc, read, or heard ot, in face, or I how of leaues, flowers, or feede; but efpecially in giuing milko. I haue you fee (and that not without iuft and euident caufe) giuen it a dirFcriivj Latine name from Gerard, becaufe the Afclepias giueth no milke, but the Pcriploca or Apocymum doth ; and therefore fitter to be referred to thi> then to that. And becaufe it (hould not want an Englifh name anfwera- ble to fomc peculiar property thereof, I haue from the lilken doune called it Virginian Silke: but I know there is another plant growing in Virginia, called Silke Gralle, which is much differing from this. The Vertues. I know not of any in our Land hath made any tryall of the properties hereof. Capt.iine lohn Smith in his booke of the difcouery and defcrip- tion of Virginia, faith, that the Virginians vfe the rootes hereof (if his be the fame with this) being bruifed and applyed to cure their hurts & difeafes. CHAP. CXXV. Ligujlrum. Primme or Priuet. BEcaufe the vfe of this plant is fo much, and fo frequent throughout all this Land, although for no other purpofe but to make hedges or arbours in Gardens, &c. whereunto it is fo apt, that no other can be like vnto it, to bee cut, lead, and drawne into what forme one will, either of beafts, birds, or men armed, or otherwife : I could not forget it, although it be fo well knowne vnto all, to be an hedge bufh grow- ing from a wooddy white roote, fpreading much within the ground, and bearing ma- nie long, tough, and plyant fprigs and branches, whereon are let long, narrow, and pointed fad greene leaues by couples at euery ioynt : at the tops whereof breake forth great tutts ot fweete fmelling white flowers, which when they are fallen, turne into imall hlackc berries, hauing a purple iuyce within them, and fmall feede, flat on the one fide, with an hole or dent therein : this is feene in thofe branches that are not cut, but fuffered to beare out their flowers and fruit. The Place. This bufh groweth as plentifully in the Woods of our owne Countrey, as in any other beyond the Seas. The Time. It flowreth fometimes in lune, and in luly ; the fruit is ripe in Augult and September. The Names. There is great controuerfie among the moderne Writers concerning this plant, fome taking it to be Kvirpos of Diofcorides, other to be Phillyrea of Di- ofcorides, which followeth next after Cyprus. Plinie maketh mention of Cyprus in two places; in the one he faith, Cyprus hath the leafe of Ziziphus, or 44-6 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. or the luiube tree : in the other he faith, that certain do affirme, that the Cyprus of the Eart Country, and the Ligujlrum of Italy is one and the fame plant : whereby you may plainly fee, that our Priuet which is Ligujlrum, cannot be that Cyprus of Plinie with luiube leaues : Befides, both Diofcorides & Plinie fay, that Cyprus is a tree ; but all know that Ligujlrum, Priuet, is but an hedge bufh : Againe, Diofcorides faith, that the leaues of Cyprus giue a red colour, but Priuet giueth none. Bellonius and Profper Alpinus haue both recor- ded, that the true Cyprus of Diofcorides groweth plentifully in Egypt, Sy- ria, and thofe Eafterne Countries, and nourfed vp alfo in Conftantinople, and other parts of Greece, being a merchandife of much worth, in that they tranfport the leaues, and young branches dryed, which laid in water giue a yellow colour, wherewith the Turkifh women colour the nailes of their hands, and fome other parts of their bodies likewife, delighting much therein : and that it is not our Ligujlrum, or Priuet, becaufe Cyprus beareth round white feede, like Coriander feede, and the leaues abide greene al- waies vpon the tree, which groweth (if it bee not cut or pruined) to the height of the Pomegranet tree. I haue (I confeffe) beyond the limits I fet for this worke fpoken concerning our Priuet, becaufe I haue had the feede of the true Cyprus of Diofcorides fent mee, which was much differing from our Priuet, and although it fprang vp, yet would not abide any time, whereas if it had beene our Priuet, it would haue beene familiar enough to our Countrey. The Vertues. It is of fmall vfe in phyficke, yet fome doe vfe the leaues in Lotions, that ferue to coole and dry fluxes or fores in diuers parts. CHAP. CXXVI. Saluia variegata. Party coloured Sage. And Maiorana verjicolor Jiue aurea. Yellow or golden Marierome. VNto all thefe flowers of beauty and rarity, I muft adioyne two other plants, whofe beauty confifteth in their leaues, and not in their flowers : as alfo to fe- parate them from the others of their tribe, to place them here in one Chapter, before the fweete herbes that mail follow, as is fitted to furnifh this our Garden of pleafure. This kinde of Sage groweth with branches and leaues, very like the ordi- nary Sage, but fomewhat fmaller, the chiefeft difference confifteth in the colour of the leaues, being diuerfly marked and fpotted with white and red among the greene : for vpon one branch you fhall haue the leaues feuerally marked one from another, as the one halfe of the leafe white, and the other halfe greene, with- red fhadowed ouer them both, or more white then greene, with fome red in it, either parted or fhadowed, or dafht here and there, or more greene then white, and red therein, eyther in the mid- dle or end of the leafe, or more or leffe parted or ftriped with white and red in the greene, or elfe fometimes wholly greene the whole branch together, as nature lifteth to play with fuch varieties : which manner of growing riflng from one and the fame plant, becaufe it is the more variable, is the more delightfull and much refpefted. There is another fpeckled Sage parted with white and greene, but it is nothing of that beauty to this, becaufe this hath three colours euidently to bee difcerned in euery leafe almoft, the red adding a fuperaboundant grace to the reft. Maiorana aurea Jiue verjicolor. Yellow or golden Marierome. This kinde of Marierome belongeth to that fort is called in Latine Maiorana latifo- lia, The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 447 /w, which Lobcl fctteth forth for HyJ/opus Grercorum genuina : In Englifh Winter Mar- icromc, or pot Marieromc : for it hath hro;idcr and greater leaues then the fweetc Marierome, and a different vmhell or tuft of flowers. The difference of this from that fet forth in the Kitchin Garden, conlilteth chiefly in the leaues, which are in Summer wholly yellow in fome, or but a little grcene, or parted with yellow and greene more or lefle, as nature lilteth to play : hut in Winter they are of a darke or dead greene co- lour, yet recouering it felfe againe : the fent hereof is all one with the pot Marierome. Wee haue another parted with white and greene, much after the manner with the former. The Place, Time, Names, and Vertues of both thefe plants, (hall be de- clared where the others of their kindes are fpccified hereafter, and in the Kitchen Garden ; for they differ not in properties. CHAP. CXXVII. Lauendula. Lauender Spike. AFter all thefe faire and fweete flowers before fpecified, I murt needes adde a few fweete herbes, both to accomplifti this Garden, and to pleafe your fenfes, by placing them in your Nofegays, or elfe where, as you lift. And although I bring them in the end or laft place, yet are they not of the leaft account. i . Lauendula maior. ' Garden Lauender. Our ordinary Garden Lauender rifeth vp with a hard wooddy ftemme aboue the ground, parted into many fmall branches, whereon are fet whitifh, long, and narrow leaues, by couples one againft another ; from among which rifeth vp naked fquare ftalkes, with two leaues at a ioynt, and at the toppe diuers fmall huskes ftanding round about them, formed in long and round heads or f pikes, with purple gaping flowers fpringing out of each of them : the roote is wooddy, and fpreadeth in the ground : The whole plant is of a ftrong fweete fent, but the heads of flowers much more, and more piercing the fenfes, which are much vfed to bee put among linnen and ap- parrell. There is a kinde hereof that beareth white flowers, and fomewhat broader leaues, Flore aU>o. but it is very rare, and feene but in few places with vs, becaufe it is more tender, and will not fo well endure our cold Winters. 2. Lauendula minor feu Spica. Small Lauender or Spike. The Spike or fmall Lauender is very like vnto the former, but groweth not fo high, neither is the head or fpike fo great and long, but fhorter and fmaller, and of a more purplifh colour in the flower : the leaues alfo are a little harder, whiter, and fhorter then the former ; the fent alfo is fomewhat (harper and ftronger. This is not fo fre- quent as the firft, and is nourifhed but in fome places that are warme, and where they delight in rare herbes and plants. The Place. Lauender groweth in Spaine aboundantly, in many places fo wilde, and little regarded, that many haue gone, and abiden there to diftill the oylc thereof whereof great quantity now commeth ouer from thence vnto vs : and alfo in Lanquedocke, and Prouence in France. The Time. It flowreth early in thofe hot Countries, but with vs not vntill lune and luly. The 44* . ..;- - ; . : **. Tht uf f>li(i/(int I .en. 449 (MAP. CXXIX. Ahr'jtanum /\M fuppojititia, vfed in the ftead thereof. The Germander, from the forme of the leaues like vnto fmall oaken leaues, had the name Cha- mcedrys giuen it, which fignifieth a dwarfe Oake. The Vertues. The common Hyflbpe is much vfed in all peftorall medicines, to cut fleagme, and to caufe it eafily to be auoided. It is vfed of many people in the Country, to be laid vnto cuts or frefh wounds, being bruifed, and ap- plyed eyther alone, or with a little Sugar. It is much vfed as a fweet herbe, to be in the windowes of an houfe. I finde it much commended againft the Falling Sicknefle, efpecially being made into Pils after this manner : Of Hyflbpe, Horhound, and Caftor, of each halfe a dramme, of Peony rootes (the male kinde is onely fit to be vfed for this purpofe) two drams, of AJfa- ftztida one fcruple : Let them be beaten, and made into pils with the iuyce of Hyflbpe ; which being taken for feuen dayes together at night going to bed, is held to be effectual to giue much eafe, if not thoroughly to cure thofe that are troubled with that difeafe. The vfe of Germander ordinarily is as Tyme, Hyflbpe, and other fuch herbes, to border a knot, whereunto it is often appropriate, and the rather, that it might be cut to ferue (as I faid) for a ftrewing herbe for the houfe among others. For the phyficall vfe it fer- ueth in difeafes of the fplene, and the flopping of vrine, and to procure wo- mens courfes. Thus haue I led you through all my Garden of Pleafure, and mewed you all the va- rieties of nature nourfed therein, pointing vnto them, and defcribing them one after another. And now laftly (according to the vfe of our old ancient Fathers) I bring you to reft on the Grade, which yet fhall not be without fome delight, and that not the leaft of all the reft, CHAP. The Garden of pleajant Flowers. 457 I Tk\mum Itgitimum. The true Tyme. 2 Strpillum mains hortenfe. Garden wilde Tyme. 3 Serpillum Cilratum. Lemon Tyme. 4 ll.iiiiput vtrficolor fiut aurtus. Golden HylTope. 5 Chamadrys. Germander. 6 Spartum Auflriacum fiut Gramm flumarium mi*m. The lefler feather GrafTe. 7 Gramen r lrialnm vel fulfalum. Painted GrafTe or Ladies Laces. M 3 4.58 The Garden of p leaf ant Flowers. CHAP. CXXXIII. Gramina. Grafles. THere are among an infinite number (as I may fo fay) of Grafles, a few onely which I thinke fit to be planted in this Garden, both for the rarity of them, and alfo for your delight, and the excellent beauty that is in them aboue ma- ny other plants. One of them hath long agoe bin ref peeled, and cherifhed in the coun- try gardens of many Gentlewomen, and others. The others are knowne but vnto a few. i . Gramen Jlriatum. Painted Grafle or Ladies laces. This kinde of Graffe hath many ftiffe, hard, round ftalkes, full of ioynts, whereon are fet at euery ioynt one long leafe, fomewhat broad at the bottome, where it com- pafleth the ftalke, and fmaller to the end, where it is fharpe pointed, hard or rough in handling, and ftriped all the length of the leafe with white ftreakes or lines, that they feeme party coloured laces of white and greene : the tops of the ftalkes are furnifhed with long fpikie tufts, like vnto the tufts of Couch Grafle : the rootes are fmall, white, and threddy, like the rootes of other Grafles. 2. Gramen Plumarium minus. The lefler Feather-Grafle. This lefler Feather-Grafle hath many fmall, round, and very long leaues or blades, growing in tufts, much finer and fmaller then any other Grafle that I know, being al- moft like vnto haires, and of a frefh greene colour in Summer, but changing into gray, like old hay in Winter, being indeede all dead, and neuer reuiuing ; yet hardly to be plucked away vntill the Spring, and then other greene leaues or rufhes rife vp by them, and in their ftead, and are aboue a foote in length : from the middle of thef e tufts come forth rounder and bigger rufhes, which are the ftalkes, and which haue a chaffie round eare about the middle thereof, which when it is full growne, is fomewhat higher then the toppes of the leaues or rufhes, opening it felfe (being before clofe) at the top, and fhewing forth three or foure long ayles or beards, one aboue another, which bend themfelues a little downewards (if they ftand ouer long before they are gathered, and will fall off, and be blowne away with the winde) being fo finely feathered on both fides, all the length of the beard, and of a pale or grayifh colour, that no feather in the taile of the Bird of Paradife can be finer, or to be compared with them, hauing fticking at the end of euery one of them, within the eare, a fmall, long, whitifh, round, hard, and very fharpe pointed graine, like vnto an oaten graine, that part of the ftalke of the feather that is next vnder it, and aboue the feede for fome two or three inches, being ftiffe and hard, and twining or curling it felfe, if it be fuffered to ftand too long, or to fall away, otherwife being ftraight as the feather it felfe : the roote is compofed of many long, hard, fmall threddy ftrings, which runne deepe and far, and will not wil- lingly be remoued, in that it gaineth ftrength euery yeare by ftanding. 3. Gramen Plumarium maius. The greater Feather-Grafle. The greater Feather-Grafle is like vnto the lefler, but that both the leaues and the feathers are greater, and nothing fo fine, grofler alfo, and of lefle beauty and refpecl, though whiter then it ; and therefore is not fo much regarded : for I haue knowne, that many Gentlewomen haue vfed the former lefler kinde, being tyed in tufts, to fet them in ftead of feathers about their beds, where they haue lyen after childe-bearing, and at other times alfo, when as they haue been much admired of the Ladies and Gentles that haue come to vifit them. The Place. The firft of thefe Grafles, as Lobel faith, groweth naturally in the woods and hils of Sauoy. It hath long agoe beene receiued into our Englifh gar- dens. The Garden of pleafant Flowers. 459 dens. The fecond, as Chilius faith, in Aultria, from whence alfo (as I take it) the greater came, and arc both in the gardens of thofc, that are curious <>hl'miers of thefc delight-. The Time. The firrt is in its pride for the leaues all the Spring and Summer, yeel- ding his hulli in lune. The other giue their feather-like fprigs in luly and Augull, and quickly (as I faid) are fhed, if they be not carefully gathered. The Names. The firrt is called by Lobel Gramen fu Icatum, or Jlriatum album; of others Gramen piflttm. The French call it Aiguellettes (farmes, of the fafhion that their Enfignes, Pennons, or Streamers vfed in wars were of, that is, like vnto a party coloured curtaine. In Englim vfually Ladies laces, and Pain- ted Grafle. The firft of the other two is called Gramen plumarium or plumo- fum, and minus is added for the diftinclion of it. Clufius calleth it Spartum Aujlriacum, of the likenefle and place where he found it. The laft is called Gramen plumarium, or plumofum maius, The greater Feather-Grafle. The Vertues. Thefe kindes of Grafles are not in any time or place that I doe heare of applyed to any Phylkall vfe ; and therefore of them I will fay no more : but here I will end the prime part of this worke. THE THE ORDERING OF THE KITCHEN GARDEN. 461 CHAP. I. The fittitition of a Kitchen Garden, or Garden of Herbes, and -what fort of manure is Jittejl to lielpe the decaying of the foyle thereof. \ Auing giuen you the beft rules and inftruclions that I can for your flower Garden, and all the flowers that are fit to furnifh it, I now proceede to your herbe garden, which is not of the leaft refpecl belonging to any mans houfe, nor vtterly to bee neglecled for the many vtilities are to be had from it, both for the Matters profit and pleafure, and the meynies content and nourifhment : all which if I (hould here fet down, I had a large field to wander in, and matter fufficient to entreat of, but this worke permitteth not that libertie : and I thinke there are but few but eyther know it already, or conceiue it fufficiently in their minds. Faffing therefore no further in fuch difcourfes, I come to the matter in hand, which is to (hew you where the fitteft place is for an herbe garden. As before I (hewed you that the beautie of any worthy houfe is much the more commended for the pleafant fituation of the garden of flowers, or of pleafure, to be in the fight and full prof peel of all the chiefe and choifeft roomes of the houfe ; fo contrariwife, your herbe garden (hould bee on the one or other fide of the houfe, and thofe beft and choyfe roomes : for the many different fents that arife from the herbes, as Cabbages, Onions, &c. are fcarce well pleafing to perfume the lodgings of any houfe ; and the many ouer- tures and breaches as it were of many of the beds thereof, which muft neceffarily bee, are alfo as little pleafant to the fight. But for priuate mens houfes, who muft like their habitations as they fall vnto them, and cannot haue time or meanes to alter them, they muft make a vertue of neceffity, and conuert their places to their beft aduantage, by making their profit their chiefeft pleafure, and making one place ferue for all vfes. The choyce of ground for this Garden, is (as I faid before) where it is fat, fertill and good, there needeth the leffe labour and coft : and contrariwife, where it is cold, wet, dry or barren, there muft bee the more helpes ftill added to keepe it in heart. For this Garden by reafon of the much and continuall ftirring therein, the herbes and rootes drawing out the fubftance of the fertilitie thereof more aboundantly then in the former, muft be continually holpen with foyle, or elfe few things of goodneffe or worth will come forward therein. The liable foyle of horfes is beft and more proper for any colde grounds, for being the hotteft, it will caufe any the feedes for this Garden to prof per well, and be more forward then in any other ground that is not fo holpen. The rtable foyle of Cattell is of a colder and moifter nature, and is therefore more proper for the 4.62 The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. the hot fandy or grauelly grounds, and although it bee longer before it bee brought to mould then that of horfes, yet it will outlaft it more then twice fo long. Let euery one therefore take according to the nature of the ground fuch helpes as are moft fit and conuenient, as I haue here and before mewed. But I doe here ingenuoufly confefle my opinion of thefe forcings and helpings of ground, that howfoeuer it doth much good to fome particular things, which becaufe they delight in heate, and cannot be brought to perfection without it in this our Countrey, which is colder then their naturall from whence they are brought, muft therefore haue artificiall helpes to forward them ; yet for many other things the comport doth much alter and abate the naturall vigour, and quickenefle of tafte, that is perceiued in them that grow in a naturall fat or fandy foile that is not fo holpen. CHAP. II. 'The forme of a Garden of lierbes for neceffary vfes, with the ordering thereof. AS our former Garden of pleafure is wholly formable in euery part with fquares, trayles, and knots, and to bee ftill maintained in their due forme and beautie : fo on the contrary fide this Garden cannot long conferue any forme, for that euery part thereof is fubiecl: to mutation and alteration. For although it is conuenient that many herbes doe grow by themfelues on beds, caft out into fome pro- portion fit for them, as Tyme, Hiffope, Sage, &c. yet many others may bee fowen to- gether on a plot of ground of that largenefle that may ferue euery mans particular vfe as he mall haue occafion to employ it, as Reddifh, Lettice and Onions, which after they are growne vp together may be drawne vp and taken away, as there is occafion to fpend them : but Carrots or Parfneps being fowen with others muft bee fuffered to grow laft, becaufe they require a longer time before they be fit to be taken vp. Other herbes require fome large compafle of ground whereon they may grow of themfelues without any other herbes growing among them, as Artichokes, Cowcumbers, Melons, Pompions. And fome will doe fo with their Cabbages alfo, but the beft and moft fru- gall way now vfed, is to plant them round about the border of your plot or ground whereon you plant Cowcumbers, Pompions, or other things, in that by this meanes fo much ground will be well faued, and the other things be no whit hindered thereby, which elfe a great deale of ground muft' be employed for them apart. So that by this that I haue here faid, you may perceiue the forme of this Garden is for the moft part, to bee ftill out of forme and order, in that the continuall taking vp of the herbes and rootes that are fowen and planted, caufeth the beds or parts of this Garden to lye broken, difmembered, and out of the order that at the firft it was put into. Remem- ber herewithall that (as I faid before) this Garden requireth the continuall helpe of foyle to be brought into it, in that, the plenty of thefe manner of herbes and rootes doe fo much wafte the fertilitie and fatneffe of the ground, that without continuall refreshing it would quickly become fo poore and barren, that it would not yeelde the worth of the feede. The ordinary time to foyle a Garden, is to bring in manure or dung before Chriftmas, and eyther bury it fome fmall depth, not too deepe, or elfe to lay it vpon the ground that the winter froftes may pierce it, and then turne it fhallow into the ground to fow your feeds in the Spring. C H A P. The onicnng of the Kitchen Garden. 463 CHAP. III. How to -;-,// timers Garden herbes^ both for their fvwing, //>c'fiJing, iiihl gathering of the fee Jc. OVr chiefell and greatell Gardiners now adaies, doe fo prouide for themfelucs euery yeare, that from their owne grounds they gather the feede of many herbe> that they fowe againe: for hauing gained the bell kind of diuers herbes, they will be llill furniihed with the Came, and be not to fecke euery yeare for new that oftentimes will not yeelde them halfe the profit that their choyce feede will: I fay of man}' herhe>, but not of all ; for the belt of them all hath not ground fufficient for all forts, nor will our climate bring fome to that perfection that other forraine doth, and therefore the feede of fome things are continually brought from beyond Sea vnto vs. And againe although our chiefe Gardiners doe (till prouide their owne feede of diuers things from their owne ground, becaufe as I faid it is of the bell kinde, yet you muft vn- derltand alfo, that good llore of the fame fortes of feeds are brought from beyond the tor that which is gathered in this Land is not fufficient to ferue euery mans vfe in the whole Kingdome by many parts; yet llill it is true, that our Englifh feede of many things is better then any that commeth from beyond the Seas : as for example, Red- difh, Lett ice, Carrots, Parfneps, Turneps, Cabbages, and Leekes, of all which I in- tend to write in this place; for thefe arc by them fo husbanded, that they doe not fow their owne grounds with any other feede of thefe forts but their owne : which that yon may know the manner how to doe, I will here fet it downe, that euery one may haue the bell directions if they will follow jhem. Of Reddifh there are two forts, one more early then the other : they vfe therefore to fow their early Reddifh firfl, that they may haue the earlieit profit ot them, which is more worth in one fortnight, then in a moneth after. And to effect this they haue fome artificiall helps alfo ; which are thefe : They vfe to digge vp a large plot of ground where they intend to fow their feede a lit- tle before or after Chrillmas, calling it into high balkes or ridges fiue or fixe foote a- funder, which they fuffer to lye and take all the extreame frolts in lanuary to mellow the earth, and when the frolics are pall, they then beginne to bring into it good (lore ot frelh liable dung, which they laye neyther too deepe nor too thicke, and couer it with the mould a hand breadth thicknefle aboue the dung, which doth giue fuch a warmth and comfort to whatfoeuer is fowen thereon, that it forceth it forward much fooner then any other way can doe : And to preuent both the froftes, and the cold bitter windes which often fpoyle their feede new fprung vp, they vfe to fet great high and large mattes made of reedes, tyed together, and faltened vnto Itrong (takes, thrull into the ground to keepe them vp from falling, or being blowne down with the winde; which mattes they place on the North and Eall fide to breake the force of thefe winds, and are fo fure and fate a defence, that a bricke wall cannot better defend anything vnder it, then this fence will. In this manner they doe euery yeare to bring forward their feede to gaine the more by them, and they that will haue Reddifh early, mull take the lame courfe. The other fort of Reddilh for the moll part is fowen in Februa- rie, a fortnight after the other at the leall, and likewife euery moneth after vnto Sep- tember, that they may haue young continually. Foj the blacke Reddilh, although ma- ny in many places doe fowe it in the fame time, and in the fame manner that the ordi- nary is fowen, yet the nature thereof is to runne vp to feede more fpeedily then the other, if it haue fo rich ground to grow vpon, and therefore the bell time to fow it is in Augult, that fo it may abide all winter, wherein is the chiefelt time for the fpending thereot, and to keepe -it vntill the beginning of the next yeare from running vp to feed : the gathering whereof, as alfo of the other fort, is all after one manner, that is, to be pulled vp when the pods change whitilh, and then hanged vpon bulhes, pales, or fuch other thing, vntill they bee thorough dry, and then beaten or thralhed out vpon a fmooth plancher, or vpon clothes, as euery ones llbre is, and their conueniencie. Let- tice is lowen oftentimes with the early Reddilh, in the fame manner before faid, that they may haue Lettice likewife as early as the time of the year will permit them, which they 464 The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. they pull vp where they grow too thicke, fpending them firft, and fo taking vp from time to time, vntill they (land two fpote in funder one from another, and beginne to fpindle and fhoote vp for feede. In this is vfed fome arte to make the plants ftrong to glue the better feede without danger of rotting or fpoyling with the wet, which of- ten happeneth to thofe about whom this caution is not obferued : Before your Lettice is mot vp, marke out the choyfeft and ftrongeft plantes which are fitted to grow for feede, and from thofe when they are a foote high, ftrippe away with your hand the leaues that grow loweft vpon the ftalke next the ground, which might rot, fpoyle or hinder them from bearing fo good feede ; which when it is neere to be ripe, the ftalkes muft be cut off about the middle, and layde vpon mats or clothes in the Sunne, that it may there fully ripen and be gathered ; for it would be blowne away with the winde if it mould be fuffered to abide on the ftalkes long. Parfneps muft be fowen on a deep trenched mellow ground, otherwife they may run to feede the firft yeare, which then are nothing worth : or elfe the rootes will be fmall ftaruelings and fhort, and runne in- to many fpires or branches, whereby they will not bee of halfe the worth. Some vfe to fow them in Auguft and September, that fo they may bee well growne to ferue to fpend in Lent following, but their beft time is in February, that the Summers growth may make them the fairer and greater. When they runne vp to feede you fhall take the principall or middle heades, for thofe carry the Mafter feede, which is the bed, and will produce the faireft rootes againe. You fhall hardly haue all the feede ripe at one inftant, for vfually the chiefeft heads will be fallen before the other are ripe : you muft therefore ftill looke them ouer, and cut them as they ripen. Carrots are vfually fowen in March and Aprill, and if it chance that fome of them doe runne vp for feede the fame year, they are to be weeded out, for neyther the feed nor roots of them are good : You muft likewife pull them vp when they are too thicke, if you will haue them grow fair, or for feed, that they may grow at the leaft three or foure foot in funder : the ftalkes of Carrots are limber, and fall downe to the ground ; they muft therefore be fuftained by poles layde acroffe on ftalkes thruft into the ground, and tyed to the poles and ftalkes to keepe them vp from rotting or fpoyling vpon the ground : the feed hereof is not all ripe at once, but muft be tended and gathered as it ripeneth, and layd to dry in fome dry chamber or floore, and then beaten out with a ftick, and winnowed from the refufe. Turneps are fowne by themfelues vpon a good ground in the end of luly, and beginning of Auguft, to haue their rootes beft to fpend in winter ; for it often happe- neth that thofe feedes of Turneps that are fowen in the Spring, runne vp to feede the fame yeare, and then it is not accounted good. Many doe vfe to fow Turneps on thofe grounds from whence the fame yeare they haue taken off Reddifh and Lettice, to make the greater profit of the ground, by hauing two crops of increafe in one yeare. The ftalkes of Turneps will bend downe to the ground, as Carrots doe, but yet muft not be bound or ordered in that manner, but fuffered to grow without ftaking or binding, fo as they grow of fome good diftance in funder : when the feede beginneth to grow ripe, be very carefull to preferue it from the birds, which will be moft bufie to deuour them. You fhall vnderftand likewife that many doe account the beft way to haue the faireft and moft principall feede from all thefe fore-recited herbes, that after they are fowen and rifen to a reafonable growth, they be tranf planted into frefh ground. Cab- bages alfo are not only fowen for the vfe of their heads to fpend for meat, but to ga- ther their feede likewife, which howfoeuer fome haue endeauoured to doe, yet few haue gained good feede, becaufe our fharpe hard froftes in winter haue fpoyled and rotted their ftockes they preferued for the purpofe ; but others haue found out a bet- ter and a more fure way, which is, to take vp your ftocks that are fitteft to be preferued, and bring them into the houfe, and there wrap them eyther in clothes, or other things to defend them from the cold, and hang them vp in a dry place, vntill the beginning of March following, then planting them in the ground, and a little defend them at the firft with ftraw caft ouer them from the cold nights, thereby you may be fure to haue perfect good feede, if your kinde be of the beft : Sowe your feed in the moneths of February or March, and tranfplant them in May where they may ftand to grow for your vfe, but be carefull to kill the wormes or Caterpillers that elfe will deuoure all your leaues, and be carefull alfo that none of the leaues bee broken in the planting, or otherwife rubbed, for that oftentimes hindereth the well cloiing of them. Leekes are for 77; c ordering of the Kitchen Garden. 4.65 tor the molt part wholly nourfed vp trom the feede that is here gathered ; and hecaufe there is not fo much (lore of them either lowne or fpent, as there is of ( )nioiis hy the twentieth part, we are itill the more caretull to he prouided from our owne labours ; yet there he diners Gardiners in this Kingdome, that doe gather fome fmall quantity of Onion feede alfo for their owne or their priuate friends fpending. Thcfowingof them hoth is much about one time and manner, yet molt vfually Leeks are fowne later then ( )nions, and both before the end of March at the furtheft ; yet fomc fowe Onions from the end of Inly to the beginning of September, for their Winter prouilion. Thofe that are fowne in the Spring, are to be taken vp and tranf planted on a frelh bed prepa- red for the purpofe, or elfe they will hardly abide a Winter; but hailing taken roote before Winter, they will beare good feede in the Summer following : You muft rtake both your Leekes and your Onion beds, and with poles laid a crofle, binde your lop- pie headed italkes vnto them, on high as well as belowe, or elfc the winde and their ie weight will beare them downe to the ground, and fpoile your feede. You muft thinne them, that is, pull vp continually after they are firft fprung vp thofe that growe too thicke, as you doe with all the other herbes before fpoken of, that they may haue the more roome to thriue. Of all thefe herbes and rootes before fpoken of, you muft take the likelielt and faireft to keepe for your feede ; for if you fhould not take the beft, what hope of good feede can you expect ? The time for the fpending of thefe herbes and rootes, not particularly mentioned, is vntill they begin to runne vp for feede, or vntill they are to be tranfplanted for feede, or elfe vntill Winter, while they are good, as euery one Ihall fee caufe. CHAP. IIII. i How to order Artichokes^ Melons^ Cawcumbers, and Pompions. THere are certaine other herbes to be fpoken of, which are wholly nourfed vp for their fruit fake, of whom I fhall not need to fay much, being they are fo frequent in euery place. Artichokes being planted of faire and large flips, ta- ken from the roote in September and October (yet not too late) will molt of them beare truit the next yeare, fo that they be planted in well dunged ground, and the earth raifed vp like vnto an Anthill round about each roote, to defend them the better from the extreame frofts in Winter. Others plant flips in March and Aprill, or fooner, but although fome of them will beare fruit the fame yeare, yet all will not. And indeede many doe rather choofe to plant in the fpring then in the fall, for that oftentimes an extreame hard Winter following the new fetting of flips, when they haue not taken furficient heart and roote in the ground, doth vtterly pierce and perilh them, when as they that are fet in the Spring haue the whole Summers growth, to make them rtrong before they feele any Iharpe frofts, which by that time they are the better able to beare. 'Muske Melons haue beene begun to bee nourfed vp but of late dayes in this Land, wherein although many haue tryed and endeauoured to bring them to perfecti- on, yet few haue attained vnto it : but thofe rules and orders which the belt and skil- fullelt haue vfed, I will here fet downe, that who fo will, may haue as good and ripe Melons as any other in this Land. The firit thing you are to looke vnto, is to pro- uide you a peece of ground fit for the purpofe, which is either a Hoping or Ilieluing banke, lying open and oppofite to the South Sunne, or fome other fit place not fhel- uing, and this ground alfo you muft fo prepare, that all the art you can vfe about it to make it rich is little enough ; and therefore you muft raife it with meere (table foyle, thorough rotten & well turned vp, that it may be at the lealt three toote deepe thereof, which you muft caft alfo into high beds or balkes, with deepe trenches or furrowes be- tweene, fo as the ridges may be at the leaft a foot and a halfe higher then the furrowes ; for otherwife it is not pofllble to haue good Melons growe ripe. The choife of your feede alfo is another thing of efpeciall regard, and the belt is held to be Spanilh, and not French, which hauing once gained, be fure to haue Itill of the fame while they laft N 3 good, ^ 66 The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. good, that you may haue the feede of your owne ripe Melons from them that haue eaten them, or faue fome of the beft your felfe for the purpofe. I fay while they laft good ; for many are of opinion, that no feede of Muske Melons gathered in England, will endure good to fowe againe here aboue the third yeare, but ftill they muft be re- newed from whence you had your choifeft before. Then hauing prepared a hot bed of dung in Aprill, fet your feedes therein to raife them vp, and couer them, and order them with as great care or greater then Cowcumbers, &c. are vfed, that when they are ready, they may be tranfplanted vpon the beds or balkes of that ground you had be- fore prepared for them, and fet them at the leaft two yards in funder, euery one as it were in a hole, with a circle of dung about them, which vpon the fetting being wate- red with water that hath ftood in the Sunne a day or two, and fo as often as neede is to water, couer them with ftrawe (fome vfe great hollow glafles like vnto bell heads) or fome fuch other things, to defend them both from the cold euenings or dayes, and the heate of the Sunne, while they are young and new planted. There are fome that take vpon them great skill, that miflike of the railing vp of Melons, as they doe alfo of Cowcumbers, on a hot bed of horfe dung, but will put two or three feedes in a place in the very ground where they fhall (land and growe, and thinke without that former manner of forcing them forwards, that this their manner of planting will bring them on faft and fure enough, in that they will plucke away fome of the worft and weakeft, if too many rife vp together in a place ; but let them know for certaine, that howfoeuer for Cowcumbers their purpofe and order may doe reasonable well, where the ground is rich and good, and where they ftriue not to haue them fo early, as they that vfe the other way, for Muske Melons, which are a more tender fruit, requiring greater care and trouble in the nourfing, and greater and ftronger heate for the ripening, they muft in our cold climate haue all the art vfed vnto them that may be, to bring them on the more early, and haue the more comfort of the Sunne to ripen them kindly, or elfe they will not bee worth the labour and ground. After you haue planted them as aforefaid, fome of good skill doe aduife, that you be carefull in any dry feafon, to giue them wa- ter twice or thrice euery weeke while they are young, but more afterward when they are more growne, and that in the morning efpecially, yea and when the fruit is growne fomewhat great, to water the fruit it felfe with a watering pot in the heate of the day, is of fo good effecl:, that it ripeneth them much fafter, and will giue them the better tafte and fmell, as they fay. To take likewife the fruit, and gather it at the full time of his ripenefle is no fmall art ; for if it be gathered before his due time to be prefently eaten, it will be hard and greene, and not eate kindly ; and likewife if it be fuffered too long, the whole goodnefle will be loft : You fhall therefore know, that it is full time to ga- ther them to fpend prefently, when they begin to looke a little yellowifh on the out- fide, and doe fmell full and ftrong ; but if you be to fend them farre off, or keepe them long vpon any occafion, you fhall then gather them fo much the earlier, that accor- ding to the time of the carriage and fpending, they may ripen in the lying, being kept dry, and couered with woollen clothes: When you cut one to eate, you (hall know it to be ripe and good, if the feede and pulpe about them in the middle be very wate- ri(h, and will eafily be Separated from the meate, and likewife if the meate looke yel- low, and be mellow, and not hard or greene, and tafte full and pleafant, and not wate- rifh : The vfuall manner to eate them is with pepper and fait, being pared and diced, and to drowne them in wine, for feare of doing more harme. Cowcumbers and Pom- pions, after they are nourfed vp in the bed of hot dung, are to be feuerally tranfplanted, each of them on a large plot of ground, a good diftance in funder : but the Pompions more, becaufe their branches take vp a great deale more ground, & befides, will require a great deale more watering, becaufe the fruit is greater. And thus haue you the orde- ring of thofe fruits which are of much efteeme, efpecially the two former, with all the better fort of perfons ; and the third kinde is not wholly refufed of any, although it ferueth moft vfually for the meaner and poorer fort of people, after the firft early ripe are fpent. CHAP. The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. 4.67 CHAP. V. The ordering of diners forts of herbes for the pot, for meatc, and fur the table. Vine, Sauory, and Hyflbpe, are vfually fowne in the Spring on beds by them- I "dues, euerie one a part ; but they that make a gaine by felling to others the young routes, to fet the knots or borders of Gardens, doe for the moll part fowe them in luly and Augult, that fo being fprung vp before Winter, they will be the rittcr to IK- taken vp in the Spring following, to ferue any mans vfe that would haue them. Sage, Lauender, and Rofemary, are altogether fet in the Spring, by flipping the old Ihilkes, and taking the youngelt and like-licit of them, thrufting them either twined or otherwife halfe a toote deepe into the ground, and well watered vpon the letting ; it any feafonable weather doe follow, there is no doubt of their well thri- iiing : the hot Sunnc and piercing drying Windes are the greatest hinderances to them ; and therefore I doe aduife none to fet too foone in the Spring, nor yet in Autumne, as many doe practife : tor I could neuer fee fuch come to good, for the extremity of the \Vinter conuning vpon them fo foone after their fetting, will not fuffer their young Ihootes to abide, not hauing taken fufficient (Irength in the ground, to maintain them- felues againll fuch violence, which doth often pierce the ftrongeft plants. Marierome and Ballill are fowne in the Spring, yet not too early ; for they are tender plants, and doe not fpring vntill the weather bee fomewhat warme : but Baflill would bee fowne jid not haue any water of two or three daies after the fowing, elfe the feede will turne to a gelly in the ground. Some vfe to /owe the feed of Rofemary, but it feldome abideth the rtrlT. Winter, becaufe the young plants being fmall, and not of fufficient llrength, cannot abide the (harpnefle of fome Winters, notwithstanding the couering of them, which killeth many old plants ; but the vfuall way is to flippe and fet, and fo they thriue well. Many doe vfe to fowe all or the moft forts of Pot-herbes together on one plot of ground, that they neede not to goe farre to gather all the forts they would vfe. There are many forts of them well knowne vnto all, yet few or none doe vfe all forts, but as euery one liketh ; fome vfe thofe that others refufe, and fome efteem thole not to bee wholefome and of a good rellifh, which others make no fcruple of. The names of them are as followeth, and a fhort relation of their fowing or planting. Rofemary, Tyme, and Sauorie are fpoken of before, and Onions and Leekes. Mints are to bee fet with their rootes in fome by-place, for that their rootes doe creepe fo farre vnder ground, that they quickly fill vp the places neare adioyning, if they be not puld vp. Clarie is to be fowne, and feedeth and dyeth the next yeare, the herbe is rtrong, and therefore a little thereof is fufficient. Nep is fowne, and dyeth often after feeding, few doe vfe it, and that but a little at a time : both it and Clarie are more vfed in Tanfies then in Broths. Colhnarie is to be fet of rootes, the leaues are vfed with fome in their Broths, but with more in their Ale. Pot Marierome is fet of rootes, being feparated in funder. Penniroyall is to be fet of the fmall heads that haue rootes, it creepeth and fprea- deth quickly. Allifanders are to be fowne of feede, the tops of the rootes with the greene leaues are vfed in Lent efpecially. Hartley is a common herbe, and is fowne of feede, it feedeth the next yeare and dyeth : the rootes are more vfed in broths then the leaues, and the leaues almolt with all forts of meates. Fennell is fowne of feede, and abideth many yeares yeelding feede : the rootes al- fo are vfed in broths, and the leaues more feldome, yet ferue to trimme vp many till) meates. Borage is fowne of feede, and dyeth the next yeare after, yet once being fuffered to feede in a Garden, will itill come of it owne (bedding. Buglollc 4.68 The ordering of the Kitchen Garden, Bugloffe commeth of feede, but abideth many yeares after it hath giuen feede, if it ftand not in the coldeft place of the Garden. Marigolds are fowne of feede, and may be after tranfplanted, they abide two or three yeares, if they be not fet in too cold a place : the leaues and flowers are both vfed. Langedebeefe is fowne of feede, which fhedding it felfe will hardly be destroyed in a Garden. Arrach is to be fowne of feede, this likewife will rife euery yeare of it owne feed, if it be fuffered to fhed it felfe. Beetes are fowne of feede, and abideth fome yeares after, ftill giuing feede. Elites are vfed but in fome places, for there is a generall opinion held of them, that they are naught for the eyes : they are fowne euery yeare of feede. Bloodwort once fowne abideth many yeares, if the extremity of the frofts kill it not, and feedeth plentifully. Patience is of the fame nature, and vfed in the fame manner. French Mallowes are to be fowne of feede, and will come of it owne fowing, if it be fuffered to fhed it felfe. Ciues are planted onely by parting the rootes ; for it neuer giueth any feede at all. Garlicke is ordered in the fame manner, by parting and planting the rootes euerie yeare. Thefe be all the forts are vfed with vs for that purpofe, whereas I faid before, none vfeth all, but euery one will vfe thofe they like beft : and fo much fhall fuffice for pot- her bes. CHAP. VI. T'/ie manner and ordering of many forts of herbes and rootes for Sal lets. IF I fhould fet downe all the forts of herbes that are vfually gathered for Sallets, I mould not onely fpeake of Garden herbes, but of many herbes, &c. that growe wilde in the fields, or elfe be but weedes in a Garden ; for the vfuall manner with many, is to take the young buds and leaues of euery thing almoft that groweth, as well in the Garden as in the Fields, and put them all together, that the tarte of the one may amend the rellifh of the other : But I will only fhew you thofe that are fown or planted in gardens for that purpofe. Afparagus is a principall & deleclable Sallet herbe, whofe young fhootes when they are a good handfull high aboue the ground, are cut an inch within the ground, which being boyled, are eaten with a little vinegar and butter, as a Sallet of great delight. Their ordering with the beft Gardiners is on this wife : When you haue prouided feede of the beft kinde, you muft fowe it either before Chriftmas, as moft doe, or before the end of February ; the later you fowe, the later and the more hardly will they fpring : after they are growne vp, they are to be tranfplanted in Au- tumne on a bed well trenched in with dung ; for elfe they will not bee worth your la- bour, and fet about a foote diftance in f under, and looke that the more carefull you are in the replanting of them, the better they will thriue, and the fooner growe great : af- ter flue or fix yeares ftanding they vfually doe decay ; and therefore they that ftriue to haue continually faire and great heads, doe from feede raife vp young for their ftore. You muft likewife fee that you cut not your heads or young fhoote too nigh, or too much, that is, to take away too many heads from a roote, but to leaue a fufficient num- ber vncut, otherwife it will kill the heart of your rootes the fooner, caufing them to dye, or to giue very fmall heads or fhootes ; for you may well confider with your felfe, that if the roote haue not head enough left it aboue the ground to fhoote greene this yeare, it will not, nor cannot prof per vnder ground to giue encreafe the next yeare. The ordering of Lettice I haue fpoken of before, and fhall not neede here to repeate what hath beene already faid, but referre you thereunto for the fowing, planting, &c. onely I will here fhew you the manner of ordering them for Sallets. There are fome forts of Lettice that growe very great, and clofe their heads, which are called Cab- bage The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. 469 bagc Lctticc, l*>th ordinary and extraordinary, and there are other forts ot great Let- tit, c that are open, and dole not, or cabbage not at all, which yet are of an excellent kinde, it they be vfed after that efpeciall manner is tit for them, which is, That when they arc planted (for after they are fownc, they mull be tranf planted) of a rcafonablc diltance in ("under, and growne to be of fome bignefle, euery one of them mult bee tyed together with hall or thread toward the toppes of the leaues, that by this meanes all the inner leaues may growe whitiih, which then are to be cut vp and vfed : for the keeping of the leaues clofe doth make them tafle delicately, and to bee very tender. And tliele forts of Lettice for the moll part are fpent after Summer is pall, when o- ther Lettice are not to be had. Lambes Lettice or Come Sallet is an herbe, which abi- ding all \V inter, is the firlt Sallet herbe of the yeare that is vfed before any ordinarie Lettice is ready ; it is therefore vfually fowne in Augull, when the feede thereof is ripe. Purllane is a Summer Sallet herbe, and is to be fowne in the Spring, yet fomc- what late, becaufe it is tender, and ioyeth in warmth ; and therefore diuers haue fowne it vpon thofe beddes of dung, whereon they nourfed vp their Cowcum- bers, &x. after they are taken away, which being well and often watered, hath yeel- ded Sallet vntill the end of the yeare. Spinach is fowne in the Spring, of all for the molt part that vfe it, but yet if it be fownc in Summer it will abide greene all the Win- ter, and then feedeth quickly: it is a Sallet that hath little or no talle at all therein, like as Lettice and Purllane, and therefore Cookes know how to make many a good dilh of meate with it, by putting Sugar and Spice thereto. Colcworts arc of diuers kinds, and although fome of them are wholly fpent among the poorer fort of people, yet fome kindes of them may be drefled and ordered as may delight a curious palate, which is, that being boyled tender, the middle ribs are taken cold, and laid in dimes, and vinegar and oyle poured thereon, and fo eaten. Coleflowers are to be had in this .intrey but very feldome, for that it is harde to meete with good feede : it mull bee fowne on beds of dung to force it forward, or elfe it would perilh with the troll be- fore it had giuen his head of flowers, and tranfplanted into verie good and rich ground, lell you lofe the benefit of your labours. Endiue is of two forts, the ordinary, and an- other that hath the edges of the leaues curld or crumpled ; it is to be whited, to make it the more dainty Sallet, which is vfually done in this manner: After they are grown to fome reafonable greatnefle (but in any cafe before they (hoote forth a tlalke in the midll for feede) they are to be taken vp, and the rootes being cut away, lay them to dry or wither for three or foure houres, and then bury them in fand, fo as none of them lye one vpon another, or if you can, one to touch another, which by this meanes will change whitiih, and thereby become verie tender, and is a Sallet both for Au- tumne and \V inter. Succorie is vfed by fome in the fame manner, but becaufe it is more bitter then Endiue, it is not fo generally vfed, or rather vfed but of a verie few : and whereas Endiue will feede the fame yeare it is fowne, and then dye, Succorie abi- deth manie yeares, the bitternefle thereof caufing it to be more Phyficall to open ob- Itructions; and therefore the flowers pickled vp, as diuers other flowers are vfed to be now adaies, make a delicate Sallet at all times when there is occafion to vfe them. Of red Beetes, the rootes are onely vfed both boyled and eaten cold with vinegar and oyle, and is alfo vfed to trimme vp or garnifh forth manie forts of difhes of meate : the feede of the belt kinde will not abide good with vs aboue three yeares, but will dege- nerate and growe worfe ; and therefore thofe that delight therein mult be curious, to be prouided from beyond Sea, that they may haue fuch as will giue delight. Sorrell is an herbe fo common, and the vfe fo well kiiowne, both for fawce, and to feafon broths and meates for the found as well as licke perfons, that I lhall not neede to fay anie more thereof. Cheruill is a Sallet herbe of much vfe, both with French and Dutch, who doe much more delight in herbes of tlronger talte then the Englilh doe : it is fowne early, and vfed but a while, becaufe it quickly runneth vp to feede. Sweete Cheruill, or as fome call it, Sweete Cis, is fo like in talle vnto Anife feede, that it much delighteth the talle among other herbes in a Sallet : the feede is long, thicke, blacke, and cornered, and mull be fowne in the end of Autumne, that it may lye in the ground all the Winter, and then it will (hoote out in the Spring, or elfe if it be fowne in the Spring, it will not fpring vp that yeare vntill the next : the leaues (as I laid be- fore) are vfed among other herbes: the rootes likewife are not onely cordiall, but allo held to be preferuatiue againft the Plague, either greene, dryed, or preferued with 4.70 "The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. with fugar. Rampion rootes are a kinde of Sallet with a great many, being boyled tender, and eaten cold with vinegar and pepper. CrefTes is an herbe of eafie and quick growth, and while it is young eaten eyther alone, or with parfley and other herbes : it is of a ftrong tafte to them that are not accuftomed thereunto, but it is much vfed of ftrangers. Rocket is of the fame nature and qualitie, but fomewhat ftronger in tafte : they are both fowen in the Spring, and rife, feede and dye the fame yeare. Tarragon is an herbe of as ftrong a tafte as eyther Rocket or CrefTes, it abideth and dyeth not euery yeare, nor yet giueth ripe feede (as tar as euer could bee found with vs) any yeare, but maketh fufficient increafe within the ground, fpreading his roots all abroad a great way off. Muftard is a common fawce both with fifh and flefh, and the feede thereof (and no part of the plant befides) is well knowne how to be vfed being grownded, as euery one I thinke knoweth. The rootes of horfe Radifh likewife beeing grownd like Muftard, is vfed both of ftrangers and our owne nation, as fawce for fifh. Tanfie is of great vfe, almoft with all manner of perfons in the Spring of the yeare : it is more vfu- ally planted of the rootes then otherwife ; for in that the rootes fpread far and neere they may be eafily taken away, without any hurt to the reft of the rootes. Burnet, al- though it be more vfed in wine in the Summer time then any way elfe, yet it is likewife made a fallet herbe with many, to amend the harm or weak rellif h of fome other herbs. Skirrets are better to be fowen of the feed then planted from the roots, and will come on more fpeedily, and be fairer rootes : they are as often eaten cold as a Sallet, being boyled and the pith taken out, as ftewed with butter and eaten warme. Let not Parfley and Pencil be forgotten among your other Sallet herbes, whereof I haue fpoken before, and therefore need fay no more of them. The flowers of Marigolds pickt cleane from the heads, and pickled vp againft winter, make an excellent Sallet when no flowers are to be had in a garden. Cloue Gilloflowers likewife preferued or pickled vp in the fame manner (which is Jlratum fuper ftratum, a lay of flowers, and then ftrawed ouer with fine dry and poudered Sugar, and fo lay after lay ftrawed ouer, vntill the pot bee full you meane to keepe them in, and after filled vp or couered ouer with vinegar) make a Sallet now adayes in the higheft efteeme with Gentles and Ladies of the greateft note : the planting and ordering of them both is fpoken of feuerally in their proper places. Goates bearde that groweth in Gardens only, as well as that which groweth wilde in Medowes, &c. bearing a yellow flower, are vfed as a Sallet, the rootes beeing boyled and pared are eaten cold with vinegar, oyle and pepper ; or elfe ftewed with butter and eaten warme as Skirrets, Parfneps &c. And thus haue you here fet downe all thofe moft vfuall Sallets are vfed in this Kingdome : I fay the moft vfuall, or that are nourfed vp in Gardens ; for I know there are fome other wilde herbes and rootes, as Dandelion &c. but they are vfed onely of ftrangers, and of thofe whofe curiofitie fearcheth out the whole worke of nature to fatisfie their defires. CHAP. VII. Of diners Phyjicall herbes fit to be planted in Gardens, to ferue for the efpeciall vfes of a familie. HAuing thus fhewed you all the herbes that are moft vfually planted in Kitchen Gardens for ordinary vfes, let mee alfo adde a few other that are alfo nourfed vp by many in their Gardens, to preferue health, and helpe to cure fuch fmall difeafes as are often within the compafle of the Gentlewo- mens skils, who, to helpe their owne family, and their poore neighbours that are farre remote from Phyfitians and Chirurgions, take much paines both to doe good vnto them, and to plant thofe herbes that are conducing to their deiires. And although I doe recite fome that are mentioned in other places, yet I thought it meete to remem- ber them altogether in one place. Angelica, the garden kinde, is fo good an herbe, that there is no part thereof but is of much vfe, and all cordiall and preferuatiue from infectious or contagious difeafes, whether you will diftill the water of the herbe, or preferue or candie the rootes or the greene ftalkes, or vfe the feede in pouder or in di- itillations, or deceptions with other things : it is fowen of feede, and will abide vntill it The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. 47 1 it '.MIR- I cede, and then dyeth. Rue or Herbe grace is a llrong herbe, yet vfed inwardly a'jainll the plague as .111 Antidote with Figs and Wall-nuts and hclpeth much againli vvindv bodie- : outwardly it is vied to bee layde to the wrelles of the hands, to driue it is more vfually planted of (lips then railed from (cede, and ahideth lon^ if llurpe frolic- kill it not. Dragons being diliilled are held to be good to expell am euill thing from the heart : they are altogether planted of the rootes. Setwall, Va- lerian, or Capons taylc, the herhe often, but the roote much better, is vfed to prouokc fweating, thereby to expell euill vapours that might annoy the heart : it is only plan- ted of the rootes when they are taken vp, and the young replanted. Afarabacca, the lea IK-S ;ire often vfed to procure vomiting being ftamped, and the (trained iuice to a lit- tle quantitie, put into a draught of ale and drunke, thereby to cafe the ftomackc of many euill and grofle humours that there lye and offend it ; diuers alfo take the leaues and rootes a little boyled in wine, with a little fpice added thereunto, to expell both tertian and quartan agues : the rootes of our EnglHh growing is more auaileable for thcfe purpofes then any outlandilh : it is planted by the roote ; for I could neuer fee it fpring of feede. Mafterwort commcth fomewhat neere in propertie vnto Angelica, and belides very effectual! to difperfe winde in the bodie, whether of the colicke or otherwife ; a- alfo very profitable to comfort in all cold caufes : it yeeldeth feede, but more vfually planted from the rootes being parted. Balme is a cordiall herbe both in Imell and talte, and is wholly vfed for thofe purpofes, that is, to comfort the heart being diltilled into water either fimple or compound, or the herbe dryed and vied : it is let ot the rootes being parted, becaufe it giucth no feede that euer I could obferue. Camomill is a common herbe well knowne, and is planted of the rootes in alleye-, in walkes, and on bankes to fit on, for that the more it is troden en, and pref- fcd downe in dry weather, the clcfer it groweth, and the better it will thriue : the vfe thereof is very much, both to warme and comfort, and to cafe paines being applyed outwardly after many faihions : the decoction alfo of the flowers prouoketh fweat, and they are much vfed againft agues. Featherfew is an herbe of greater vfe for wo- men then for men, to difiblue flatulent or windy humours, which caufeth the paines of the mother : fome vfe to take the iuice thereof in drinke for agues : it is as well fowen of the feede as planted of the rootes. Coltmary is vfed among thofe herbes that are put into ale to caufe it haue a good rellifh, and to be fomewhat phyficall in the moneth : M :iv, and doth helpe to prouoke vrine : it is fet of the rootes being parted. Maudlin is held to be a principal! good herbe to open and cleanfe the liuer, and for that purpofe is vfed many wayes, as in ale, in tanfies, and in broths &c. the feed alfo is vfed, and fo is the herbe alfo fometimes, to kill the wormes in children : it is fowen of the feede, and planted alfo of the feparated rootes. Caffidonie is a fmall kinde of Lauender, but dif- fering both in tonne and qualitie : it is much vfed for the head to cafe paines thereof, .1- allo put among other things to purge melancholicke difeafes: it is fowen of feede, uul abideth not a winter vnletfe it bee well defended, and yet hardly giueth ripe feede c with vs. Smallage is a great opening herbe, and much more then eyther Parfley or Fenell, and the rootes of them all are often vfed together in medicines : it is fowen ot feede, and will not bee wanting in a Garden if once you fufFer it to fow it felfe. Cardus Bened ictus,, or the Bleffed Thiftle, is much vfed in the time of any infection or plague, as alfo to expell any euill fymptome from the heart at all other times. It is vfed likewife to be boyled in pellet drink, & giuen to them that haue an ague, to help to cure it by fweating or otherwife. It is vfually fowen of feed, and dyeth when it hath giuen feed. Winter Cherries are likewife nurfed vp in diuers gardens, for that their propertie is to giue helpe to them that are troubled eyther with the flopping or heate of their v- rine : the herbe and berries are often diftilled, but the berries alone are more often vfed : after it is once planted in a garden it will runne vnder ground, & abide well enough. Celondine is held to bee good for the iaundife, it is much vfed for to cleere dim eyes, eyther the iuice or the water dropped into them : it is fowen of feede, and being once brought into a garden, will hardly be weeded out ; the feede that fheddeth will fo fow it felfe, and therefore fome corner in a garden is the fitteft place for it. Tabacco is of two forts, and both vfed to be planted in Gardens, yet the Englifh kinde (as it is called) is more to be found in our Countrey Gardens then the Indian fort : the leaues of both forts indifferently, that is, of eyther of which is next at hand, being ftamped and boy- led 4.72 The ordering of the Kitchen Garden. led eyther by it felfe, or with other herbes in oyle or hogs fuel, doe make an excellent falue for greene wounds, and alfo to clenfe old vlcers or fores ; the iuice of the greene leaues drunke in ale, or a dryed leafe fteeped in wine or ale for a night, and the wine or ale drunke in the morning, prouoketh to caft, but the dryed leafe much ftronger then the greene : they are fowen of feede, but the Indian kinde is more tender, and will not abide a winter with vs abroade. Spurge that vfually groweth in Gardens, is a violent purger, and therefore it is needfull to be very carefull how it is vfed : the feede is more ordinarily vfed then any other part of the plant, which purgeth by vomiting in fome, and both vpwards and downwards in many ; the iuice of the herbe, but efpecially the milke thereof, is vfed to kill wartes : it is fowen of feede, and when it doth once fhed it felfe, it will ftill continue fpringing of the fallen feede. Bearefoote is fowen of feed, and will hardly abide tranf planting vnlefTe it bee while it is young; yet abideth diuers yeares, if it (land not in too cold a place. This I fpeake of the greater kinde ; for the lower fmall wilde kinde (which is the moft ordinary in this land) will neuer decay : the leaues are fometimes vfed greene, but moft vfually dryed and poudered, and giuen in drinke to them that haue the wormes : it purgeth melancholy, but efpecially the roots. In many Countries of this Land, and elfewhere, they vfe to thruft the ftalk of the great kinde through the eare or dewlap of Kine and Cattell, to cure them of many difeafes. Salomons Scale, or (as fome call it) Ladder to heauen, although it doth grow wilde in many places of this Land, yet is planted in Gardens : it is accounted an excellent wound herbe to confolidate, and binde, infomuch that many vfe it with good fuccefTe to cure ruptures, and to ftay both the white and the red fluxe in women : it is planted altogether of the rootes, for I could neuer finde it fpring from the feede, it is fo ftrong. Comfry likewife is found growing wilde in many places by ditch fides, and in moid places, and therefore requireth fome moift places of the garden : it is wholly vfed for knitting, binding, and confolidating fluxes and wounds, to be applyed either inwardly or outwardly : The rootes are ftronger for thofe purpofes then any other parts of the plant. Licoris is much vfed now adaies to bee planted in great quantitie, euen to fill many acres of ground, whereof rifeth a great deale of profit to thofe that know how to order it, and haue fit grounds for it to thriue in ; for euery ground will not be aduan- tagious : It will require a very rich, deepe and mellow ground, eyther naturall or arti- ficiall ; but for a priuate houfe where a fmall quantitie will ferue, there needeth not fo much curiofitie : it is vfually planted of the top heads, when the lower rootes (which are the Licoris that is vfed) and the runners are cut from them. Some vfe to make an or- dinary drinke or beuerage of Licoris, boyled in water as our vfuall ale or beere is with malt, which fermented with barme in the fame manner, and tunned vp, ferueth in ftead thereof, as I am credibly informed : It is otherwife in a manner wholly fpent for colds, coughes and rheumes, to expectorate flegme, but vfed in diuers formes, as in iuice, in decoclions, fyrrups, roules, trochifces, and the greene or dryed roote of it felfe. And thefe are the moft ordinary Phyficall herbes that are vfed to be planted in gar- dens for the vfe of any Country familie, that is (as I faid before) farre remote from Phyfitians or Chirurgions abidings, that they may vfe as occafion ferueth for them- felues or their neighbours, and by a little care and paines in the applying may doe a great deale of good, and fometimes to them that haue not wherewith to fpend on themfelues, much leffe on Phyfitians or Chirurgions, or if they haue, may oftentimes receiue lefTe good at their hands then at others that are taught by experience in their owne families, to be the more able to giue helpe to others. The The Kttcfien Garden. 473 THE KITCHEN GARDEN. THE SECOND PART, Ontaining as well all forts of herbes, as rootes and fruits, that are vfually planted in Gardens, to ferue for the vfe of the Table whether of the poore or rich of our Countrey : but herein I in- tend not to bring any^fruite bearing trees, fhrubbes, or bufhes; for I referue them for my Orchard, wherin they fhal be fet forth. So that in thefe three parts, I fuppofe the exquifite ornament of any worthy houfe is confummate for the exteriour bounds, the benefit of their riches extending alfo to the furniming of the moft worthy inward parts thereof : but becaufe many take plea- fure in the fight and knowledge of other herbes that are Phyficall, and much more in their properties and vertues, if vnto thefe three I mould adde a Phyficke Garden, or Garden of Simples, there would be a quadripartite complement, of whatfoeuer arte or nature, neceflitie or delight could affecl: : which to effecl: (as many my friends haue intreated it at my hands) will require more paines and time then all this worke toge- ther : yet to fatishe their defires and all others herein, that would bee enformed in the truth, and reformed of the many errours and flips fet forth and publifhed heretofore of plants by diuers, I (hall (God aflifting and granting life) labour to performe, that it may iliew it felfe to the light in due conueniencie, if thefe bee well and gratefully ac- cepted. And becaufe I ended with fome fweete herbes in the former part, I will in this part beginne with the reft, which I referued for this place, as fitter for the pot and kitchen then for the hand or bofome, and fo defcend to other herbes that are for meat or fallets : and after them to thofe rootes that are to be eaten, as meate or as fallets : and lattly the fruits that grow neere, or vpon the ground, or not much aboue it ; as the Artichoke, &c. in which I make a (horter defcription then I did in the former, rather endeauouring to (hew what they are, and whereunto they are vfed, then the whole varietie or any exacl declaration : which methode, although in fome fort it may bee fitting for this purpofe, yet it is not for an hiltory or herball : I (hall therefore require their good acceptance for whofe fake I doe it, not doubting, but that I, or others, if they write againe of this fubiect, may poli(h and amende what formerly hath beene eyther mif fet, or not fo thoroughly exprefled, befides fome additions of new conceits ; feeing I treade out a new path, and therefore thofe that follow may the eafilier fee the Meanders, and fo goe on in a direct line. CHAP. 474 The Kitchen Garden. CHAP. I. Maiorana latifolia, fine maior Anglica. Winter, or pot Marierome. Winter Marierome is a fmall bufhie herbe like vnto fweete Marierome, be- ing parted or diuided into many branches, whereon doe grow broader and greener leaues, fet by couples, with fome fmall leaues likewife at the feuerall ioynts all along the branches : at the tops whereof grow a number of fmall purplifh white flowers fet together in a tuft, which turne into fmall and round feed, big- ger then fweet Marierome feede : the whole plant is of a fmall and fine fent, but much inferiour to the other, and is nothing fo bitter as the fweete Marierome, and thereby both the fitter and more willingly vfed for meates : the roote is white and threddy, and perifheth not as the former, but abideth many yeares. The Vfe of winter Marierome. The vfe of this Marierome is more frequent in our Land then in others, being put among other pot-herbes and farfing (or fafeting herbes as they are called) and may to good profit bee applyed in inward as well as outward griefes for to comfort the parts, although weaker in effecT: then fweete Marieromes. CHAP. II. Thymum vulgatius fine durius. Ordinary Garden Tyme. ' | " He ordinary Garden Tyme is a fmall low wooddy plant with brittle branches, and fmall hard greene leaues, as euery one knoweth, hauing fmall white pur- ^ plifh flowers, ftanding round about the tops of the ftalkes: the feed is fmall and browne, darker then Marierome feed : the root is woody, and abideth well diuers Winters. Thy mum latifolium. Mafticke Tyme. This Tyme hath neyther fo wooddy branches, nor fo hard leaues, but groweth lower, more fpreading, and with fomewhat broader leaues : the flowers are of a pur- plifh white colour, ftanding in roundles round about the ftalkes, at the ioynts with leaues at them likewife. This Tyme endureth better and longer then the former, and by fpreading it felfe more then the former, is the more apt to bee propagated by flip- ping, becaufe it hath beene feldome feene to giue feede : It is not fo quicke in fent or tafte as the former, but is fitter to fet any border or knot in a garden, and is for the moft part wholly employed to fuch vfes. The Vfe of Tyme. To fet downe all the particular vfes whereunto Tyme is applyed, were to weary both the Writer and Reader ; I will but only note out a few : for be- fides the phyficall vfes to many purpofes, for the head, ftomacke, fplene, &c. there is no herbe almoft of more vfe, in the houfes both of high and low, rich and poore, both for inward and outward occafions ; outwardly for bathings among other hot herbes, and among other fweete herbes for ftrewings : inwardly in moft forts of broths, with Rofmary, as alfo with other fafeting (or rather farfing) herbes, and to make fawce for diuers forts both fifh and flefh, as to ftuffe the belly of a Goofe to bee rofted, and after put into the fawce, and the pouder with breade to ftrew on meate when it is The Kitchen Garden. 475 i Maiorima motor Angina. Pot Marierome. i Thymum vulgalius. Garden Tyme. 3 Saturtia. Sauoric. HylTopc. 5 PnUgiHm. Penniroyall. 6 Saluia maior. Common Sage. 7 Saluia minor primula. Sage of vertue. 1 1)- Jo fu 4.76 The Kitchen Garden. is rofted, and fo likewife on roiled or fryed fifh. It is held by diuers to bee a fpeedy remedy againft the fling of a Bee, being bruifed and layd thereon. CHAP. III. Satureia Jiue 'Thymbra. Sauorie. THere are two forts of Sauory, the one called Summer, and the other Win- ter Sauorie : The Summer Sauory is a fmall tender herbe, growing not aboue a foote and a halfe high, or thereabouts, rifing vp with diuers brittle branches, flenderly or fparfedly fet with fmall long leaues, foft in handling, at euery ioynt a cou- ple, one againft another, of a pleafant ftrong and quicke fent and talte : the flowers are fmall and purplifh, growing at the toppes of the ftalkes, with two fmall long leaues at the ioynts vnder them : the feede is fmall, and of a darke colour, bigger then Tyme feede by the halfe : the roote is wooddy, and hath many firings, perifhing euery yeare wholly, and muft bee new fowen againe, if any will haue it. The Winter Sauorie is a fmall low bufhie herbe, very like vnto Hyffope, but not a- boue a foote high, with diuers fmall hard branches, and hard darke green leaues there- on, thicker fet together then the former by much, and as thicke as common Hyffope, fometimes with foure leaues or more at a ioynt, of a reafonable ftrong fent, yet not fo ftrong or quicke as the former : the flowers are of a pale purplifh colour, fet at feuerall diftances at the toppes of the ftalkes, with leaues at the ioynts alfo with them, like the former : the roote is woody, with diuers fmall firings thereat, and abideth all the winter with his greene leaues: it is more vfually encreafed by flipping or diuiding the roote, and new fetting it feuerally againe in the Spring, then by fowing the feed. The Vfe of Sauorie. The Summer Sauorie is vfed in other Countryes much more then with vs in their ordinary diets, as condiment or fawce to their meates, fometimes of it felfe, and fometimes with other herbes, and fometimes ftrewed or layde vpon the difhes as we doe Parfley, as alfo with beanes and peafe, rife and wheate ; and fometimes the dryed herbe boyled among peafe to make pottage. The Winter Sauorie is one of the (farting) fafeting herbes as they call them, and fo is the Summer Sauorie alfo fometimes. This is vfed alfo in the fame manner that the Summer Sauorie is, fet downe before, and to the fame purpofes : as alfo to put into puddings, fawfages, and fuch like kindes of meates. Some doe vfe the pouder of the herbe dryed (as I fayd before of Tyme) to mixe with grated bread, to breade their meate, be it fifh or flefh, to giue it the quicker rellifh. They are both effefhiall to expell winde. CHAP. IIII. HyJ/bpus. Hyffope. GArden Hyffope is fo well knowne to all that haue beene in a Garden, that I f hall but aSlum agere, to beftow any time thereon, being a fmall bufhie plant, not ri- fing aboue two foote high, with many branches, woody below, and tender aboue, whereon are fet at certaine diftances, fundry fmall, long and narrow greene leaues : at the toppe of euery ftalke ftand blewifh purple gaping flowers, one aboue another in a long fpike or eare : after which followeth the feede, which is fmall and blackifh : the rootes are compofed of many threddy firings ; the whole plant is of a ftrong fweet fent. The The Kitchen Garden. 477 The Vfe of Hyflbpc. t lyllope is much vied in Ptifans and other drinkcs, to help to expectorate rlegme. It is many Conn trey peoples medicine tor a cut or greene wound, being bniil'ed with fugar and applyed. I finde it is alfo much commended againft the tailing ikkenefle, efpecially being made into pils after the man- ner before rehearfed. It is accounted a fpeciall remedy againft the rting or biting of an Adder, if the place be rubbed with HyfTope, bruifed and mixed with honey, fait and cummin feede. A decoclion thereof with oyle, and annointed, taketh away the itching and tingling of the head, and vermine alfo breeding therein. An oyle made of the herbe and flowers, being an- nointed, doth comfort benummed finewes and ioynts. CHAP. V. Pulegium. Pennyroyall. PErmyroyall alfo is an herbe fo well knowne, that I (hall not neede to fpend much time in the defer! ption of it : hauing many weake round ftalkes, diuided into fundry branches, rather leaning or lying vpon the ground then (landing vpright, whereon are fet at feuerall ioynts, fmall roundifh darke greene leaues : the flowers are purplifh that grow in gardens, yet fome that grow wilde are white, or more white then purple, fet in roundles about the tops of the branches ; the ftalkes fhoote forth fmall fibres or rootes at the ioynts, as it lyeth vpon the ground, thereby fattening it felfe therein, and quickly increafeth, and ouer-runneth any ground, efpecially in the fhade or any moift place, and is replanted by breaking the fprouted ftalkes, and fo quickely groweth. Other forts of Pennyroyall are fit for the Phyficke Garden, or Garden of Simples. The Vfe of Pennyroyall. It is very good and wholefome for the lunges, to expell cold thin flegme, and afterwards to warme and dry it vp : and is alfo of the like propertie as Mintes, to comfort the ftomacke, and ftay vomiting. It is alfo vfed in wo- mens baths and warnings : and in mens alfo to comfort the finewes. It is yet to this day, as it hath beene in former times, vfed to bee put into puddings, and fuch like meates of all forts, and therefore in diuers places they know it by no other name then Pudding-graffe. The former age of our great Grandfathers, had all thefe hot herbes in much and familiar vfe, both for their meates and medicines, and therewith preferued themfelues in long life and much health : but this delicate age of ours, which is not pleafed with any thing almoft, be it meat or medicine, that is not pleafant to the palate, doth wholly refufe thefe almoft, and therefore cannot be partaker of the benefit of them. CHAP. VI. Salvia. Sage. Here are two efpeciall kindes of Sage nourfed vp in our Gardens, for our or- dinary vfe, whereof I intend to write in this place, leauing the reft to his fit- ter place. Our ordinary Sage is reckoned to bee of two forts, white and red, both 4.78 The Kitchen Garden, both of them bearing many foure fquare wooddy ftalkes, in fome whiter, in others redder, as the leaues are alfo, (landing by couples at the ioynts, being long, rough, and wrinkled, of a ftrong fweete fent : at the tops of the ftalkes come forth the flowers, fet at certaine fpaces one aboue another, which are long and gaping, like vnto the flowers of Clary, or dead Nettles, but of a blewifh purple colour ; after which come fmall round feede in the huske that bore the flower : the roote is wooddy, with diuers ftrings at it : It is more vfually planted of the flips, pricked in the Spring time into the ground, then of the feed. Saluia minor Jiue pinnata. Small Sage or Sage of vertue. The lefler Sage is in all things like vnto the former white Sage, but that his bran- ches are long and (lender, and the leaues much fmaller, hauing for the moft part at the bottome of each (ide of the leafe a peece of a leafe, which maketh it (hew like finns or eares : the flowers alfo are of a blewifh purple colour, but lefler. Of this kinde there is one that beareth white flowers. The Vfe of Sage. Sage is much vfed of many in the moneth of May fafting, with butter and Parfley, and is held of moft much to conduce to the health of mans body. It is alfo much vfed among other good herbes to bee tund vp with Ale, which thereupon is termed Sage Ale, whereof many barrels full are made, and drunke in the faid moneth chiefly for the purpofe afore recited : and alfo for teeming women, to helpe them the better forward in their childebea- ring, if there be feare of abortion or mifcarrying. It is alfo vfed to be boyled among other herbes, to make Gargles or wa- ters to wa(h fore mouths and throates: As alfo among other herbes, that ferue as bathings, to warn mens legs or bodies in the Summer time, to com- fort nature, and warme and ftrengthen aged cold (inewes, and lengthen the ftrength of the younger. The Kitchen vfe is either to boyle it with a Calues head, and being min- ced, to be put with the braines, vinegar and pepper, to ferue as an ordinary fawce thereunto : Or being beaten and iuyced (rather then minced as ma- nie doe) is put to a rofted Pigges braines, with Currans for fawce there- unto. It is in fmall quantity (in regard of the ftrong tafte thereof) put a- mong other fafting herbes, to ferue as fawce for peeces of Veale, when they are farfed or ftufFed therewith, and rofted, which they call Olliues. For all the purpofes aforefaid, the fmall Sage is accounted to be of the more force and vertue. CHAP. VII. Horminum Jativum. Garden Clary. THere is but one fort of Garden Clary, though many wilde, which hath foure fquare ftalks, with broad rough wrinkled whitifh leaues, fomewhat vneuenly cut in on the edges, and of a ftrong fweete fent, growing fome next the ground, & fome by couples vpon the ftalkes : the flowers growe at certaine diftances, with two fmall leaues at the ioynts vnder them, fomewhat like vnto the flowers of Sage, but lefler, and of a very whitifti or bleake blew colour : the feede is of a blackifh Browne colour, fomewhat flat, and not fo round as the wilde : the rootes fpread not farre, and perifti euery yeare that they beare flowers and feede. It is altogether to bee fowne of feed in the Spring time, yet fometimes it will rife of it owne fowing. The The Kitchen Garden. 479 The Vfe of Clary. The moll frequent and common vfc of Clary, is for men or women that haue weake backes, to helpe to comfort and llrcngthcn the raines, being made into Tanfies and eaten, or otherwifc. The feede is vfed of fome to be put into the corner of the eye, if any mote or other thing haue happened into it : but afluredly although this may peraduenture doe fome good, yet the feede of the wilde will doe much more. The leaues taken dry, and dipped into a batter made of the yolkes of cgges, flower, and a little mi Ike, and then fryed with butter vntill they be crifpe, ferue for a di(h of meate aivepted with manic, vnpleafant to none. CHAP. VIII. Nepeta. Nep. A Lthough thole that are Herbarifts do know three forts of Nep, a greater & two /-X lefler, yet becaufe the letter are not vfuall, but in the Gardens of thofe that de- light in natures varieties, I do not here (hew you them. That which is vfuall (and called of manie Cat Mint) beareth fquare ftalkes, but not fo great as Clarie, hauing two leaues at euery ioynt, fomewhat like vnto Balme or Speare Mintes, but whiter, fofter, and longer, and nicked about the edges, of a ftrong fent, but nothing fo ftrong as Clary : the flowers growe at the toppes of the ftalkes, as it were in long fpikes or heads, fomewhat dole together, yet compaffing the ftalkes at certaine ioynts, of a whitifh colour, for forme and bignefle like vnto Balme, or fomewhat bigger: the rootes are compofed of a number of firings, which dye not, but keepe greene leaues vpon them all the Winter, and fhoote anew in the Spring. It is propagated both by the feede, and by flipping the rootes. The Vfe of Nep. Nep is much vfed of women either in baths or drinkes to procure their feminine courfes : as alfo with Clarie, being fryed into Tanfies, to ftreng- then their backes. It is much commended of fome, if the iuyce thereof be drunke with wine, to helpe thofe that are bruifed by fome fall, or other accident. A decoction of Nep is auaileable to cure the fcabbe in the head, or other places of the body. CHAP. IX. MeliJJ'a. Baulme. THe Garden Baulme which is of common knowne vfe, hath diuers fquare blac- kilh greene ftalkes, and round, hard, darke, greene pointed leaues, growing thereon by couples, a little notched about the edges, of a pleafant fweete fent, drawing neareft to the fent of a Lemon or Citron ; and therefore of fome called Ci- trago : the flowers growe about the toppes of the ftalkes at certaine diftances, being fmall and gaping, of a pale carnation colour, almoft white : the rootes fallen them- I clues rtrongly in the ground, and endure many yeares, and is encreafed by diuiding the rootes; for the leaues dye downe to the ground euery yeare, leauing no fhew of leafe or llalke in the Winter. The 480 The Kitchen Garden. The Vfe of Baulme. Baulme is often vfed among other hot and fweete herbes, to make baths and wafhings for mens bodies or legges, in the Summer time, to warme and comfort the veines and fmewes, to very good purpofe and effe6t, and hath in former ages beene of much more vfe then now adaies. It is alfo vfed by diuers to be (lilled, being deeped in Ale, to make a Baulme water, after the manner they haue beene taught, which they keepe by them, to vfe in the (lead of Aqua vitce, when they haue any occafion for their owne or their neighbours Families, in fuddaine qualmes or paffions of the heart : but if they had a little better direction (for this is fomewhat too rude) it would doe them more good that take it: For the herbe without all quellion is an excellent helpe to comfort the heart, as the very fmell may induce any fo to beleeue. It is alfo good to heale greene wounds, being made into falues : and I verily thinke, that our forefathers hearing of the healing and comfor- table properties of the true naturall Baulme, and finding this herbe to be fo effecluall, gaue it the name of Baulme, in 'imitation of his properties and vertues. It is alfo an herbe wherein Bees doe much delight, as hath beene found by experience of thofe that haue kept great flore ; if the Hiues bee rubbed on the infide with fome thereof, and as they thinke it draweth o- thers by the fmell thereof to refort thither. Plinie faith, it is a prefent re- medy againft the flinging of Bees. CHAP. X. Mentha. Mintes. THere are diuers forts of Mints, both of the garden, and wilde, of the woods, mountaines, and (landing pooles or waters : but I will onely in this place bring to your remembrance two or three forts of the mofl vfuall that are kept in gar- dens, for the vfes whereunto they are proper. Red Mint or browne Mint hath fquare brownifh ftalkes, with fomewhat long and round pointed leaues, nicked about the edges, of a darke greene colour, fet by couples at euery ioynt, and of a reafonable good fent : the flowers of this kinde are reddifh, (landing about the toppes of the ftalkes at diflances : the rootes runne creeping in the ground, and as the reft, will hardly be cleared out of a garden, being once therein, in that the fmalleft peece thereof will growe and encreafe apace. Speare Mint hath a fquare greene ftalke, with longer and greener leaues then the former, fet by couples, of a better and more comfortable fent, and therefore of much more vfe then any other : the flowers hereof growe in long eares or fpikes, of a pale red or blufh colour : the rootes creepe in the ground like the other. Party coloured or white Mint hath fquare greene ftalkes and leaues, fomewhat lar- ger then Speare Mint, and more nicked in the edges, whereof many are parted, halfe white and halfe greene, and fome more white then greene, or more green then white, as nature lifteth : the flowers (land in long heads clofe fet together, of a blufh colour : the rootes creepe as the reft doe. The Vfe of Mintes. Mintes are oftentimes vfed in baths, with Baulme and other herbes, as a helpe to comfort and ftrengthen the nerues and (inewes. It is much vfed either outwardly applyed, or inwardly drunke, to ftreng- then and comfort weake (lomackes, that are much giuen to cafting : as alfo for feminine fluxes. It is boyled in milke for thofe whofe ftomackes are apt The Kitchen Gwe at the- tops vpon the fcuerall tinall branches gold yellow flowers like buttons, which being gathered in their prime, will hold the colour trdh a long time: the fecde is 1'mall, and as it were chaffie: the roote creepeth vnder ground, and fhooteth vp a- line in diners places : the whole herbe, both leaues and flowers, are of a (harpe, trong, bitter I'mell and tafte, but yet pleafant, and well to be endured. The Vfe of Tanfie. The leaues of Tanfie are vfed while they are young, either (bred fmall with other herbes, or elfe the iuyce of it and other herbes fit for the pur- pole, beaten with egges, and fryed into cakes (in Lent and the Spring of the yeare) which are vfually called Tanlies, and are often eaten, being taken to be very good for the ftomack, to helpc to digeft from thence bad humours that cleaue thereunto : As alfo for weak raines and kidneyes, when the vrine padeth away by drops : This is thought to be of more vfe for men then for women. The feed is much commended againft all forts of wormes in chil- dren. CHAP. XIII. Pimpine I la Jiue Sanguiforba. Burnet. BVrnet hath many winged leaues lying vpon the ground, made of many fmall, round, yet pointed greene leaues, finely nicked on the edges, one fet againft an- other all along a middle ribbe, and one at the end thereof; from among which rife vp diuers round, and fometimes crefted browne ftalkes, with fome few fuch like leaues on them as growe belowe, but fmaller : at the toppes of the ftalkes growe fmall browne heads or knaps, which fhoote forth fmall purplifh flowers, turning into long and brownilh, but a little cornered feede : the roote groweth downe deepe, being fmall and browniih : the whole plant is of a ftipticke or binding tafte or quality,- but of a fine quicke fent, almoft like Baulme. The Vfe of Burnet. The greateft vfe that Burnet is commonly put vnto, is to put a few leaues into a cup with Claret wine, which is prefently to be drunke, and giueth a pleafant quicke tafte thereunto, very delightfull to the palate, and is ac- counted a helpe to make the heart merrie. It is fometimes alfo while it is young, put among other Sallet herbes, to giue a finer rellifh thereunto. It is alfo vfed in vulnerary drinkes, and to ftay fluxes and bleedings, for which purpofes it is much commended. It hath beene alfo much commended in contagious and peftilentiall agues. CHAP. XI 1 1 1. Hippolapathum fafivum, Jiue Rhabarbarum Monachorum. Monkes Rubarbe or Patience. GArden Patience is a kinde of Docke in all the parts thereof, "but that it is larger and taller then many others, with large and long greene leaues, a great, ftrong, and high ftalke, with reddifti or purplifh flowers, and three fquare feede, like as all other Dockes haue : the roote is great and yellow, not hauing any ihew of flefh coloured veines therein, no more then the other kinde with great round thin leaues, commonly 484 The Kitchen Garden. commonly called Hippolapathum rotundifolium, Baftard Rubarbe, or Monkes Rubarbe, the properties of both which are of very weake effecl: : but I haue a kinde of round leafed Dock growing in my Garden, which was fent me from beyond Sea by a worthy Gentleman, M r . D r . Matth. Lifter, one of the Kings Phyfitians, with this title, Rhaponti- cum verum, and firft grew with me, before it was euer feen or known elfewhere in Eng- land, w ch by proof I haue found to be fo like vnto the true Rubarbe, or the Rha of Pon- tus, both for forme and colour, that I dare fay it is the very true Rubarbe, our climate only making it leffe ftrong in working, leffe heauy, and leffe bitter in tafte : For this hath great and thicke rootes, as diuerfly difcoloured with flefh coloured veines as the true Rubarbe, as I haue to fhew to any that are defirous to fee and know it ; and alfo other fmaller fprayes or branches of rootes, fpreading from the maine great roote, which fmaller branches may well be compared to the Rhaponticum which the Merchants haue brought vs, which we haue feene to be longer and flenderer then Rubarbe, but of the very fame colour : this beareth fo goodly large leaues, that it is a great beauty in a gar- den to behold them : for I haue meafured the ftalke of the leafe at the bottome next the roote to bee of the bignefle of any mans thumbe ; and from the roote to the leafe it felfe, to bee two foote in length, and fometimes more ; and likewife the leafe it felfe, from the lower end where it is ioyned to the ftalke, to the end or point thereof, to bee alfo two foote in length, and fometimes more ; and alfo in the broadeft part of the leafe, to be two foote or more ouer in breadth : it beareth whitifh flowers, contrary to all other Dockes, and three fquare brownifh feede as other Dockes doe, but bigger, and therefore affuredly it is a Docke, and the true Rubarbe of the Arabians, or at the leaft the true Rhaponticum of the Ancients. The figure of the whole plant I haue cau- fed to be cut, with a dryed roote as it grew in my garden by it felfe, and haue inferted it here, both becaufe Matthiolus giueth a falfe figure of the true Rubarbe, and that this hath not been exprefled and fet forth by any before. The Vfe of Patience, and of the Rubarbe. The leaues of Patience are often, and of many vfed for a pot-herbe, and feldome to any other purpofe: the roote is often vfed in Diet-beere, or ale, or in other drinkes made by decoclion, to helpe to purge the liuer, and clenfe the blood. The other Rubarbe or Rhaponticum, whereof I make men- tion, and giue you here the figure, I haue tryed, and found by experience to purge gently, without that aftriftion that is in the true Rubarbe is brought vs from the Eaft Indies, or China, and is alfo lefle bitter in tafte ; whereby I conieclure it may bee vfed in hot and feauerifh bodies more effe- ctually, becaufe it doth not binde after the purging, as the Eaft India Ru- barbe doth : but this muft bee giuen in double quantitie to the other, and then no doubt it will doe as well : The leaues haue a fine acide tafte : A fyr- rupe therefore made with the iuice and fugar, cannot but be very effecluall in deiecled appetites, and hot fits of agues ; as alfo to helpe to open obftrucli- ons of the liuer, as diuers haue often tryed, and found auaileable by expe- rience. CHAP. XV. Lapathum fanguineum. Blood-wort. AMong the forts of pot-herbes Bloode-worte hath alwayes beene accounted a principall one, although I doe not fee any great reafon therein, efpecially fee- ing there is a greater efficacie of binding in this Docke, then in any of the o- ther : but as common vfe hath receiued it, fo I here fet it downe. Blood-worte is one of the forts of Dockes, and hath long leaues like vnto the fmaller yellow Docke, but ftriped with red veines, and ouer-fhadowed with red vpon the greene leafe, that it fee- meth almoft wholly red fometimes : the ftalke is reddifh, bearing fuch like leaues, but fmaller 'The Kitchen Garden. 4S i Tanatrtum. Tanfie. i PimpuuUa. Burnet. 3 Rhapunticum nmm feu foliut K/uliarbarum -,rum. True Raponticke or rather true Rubarbe. 4 Lapalhum fain-urn ftu Palieitliir. Monke* Rubarbe or Patience. 5 Laf-alhtim famguiimm. Bloudwort. 6 Acelnfa. Sonell. 4. 8 6 The Kitchen Garden. fmaller vp to the toppe, where it is diuided into diuers fmall branches, whereon grow purplifh flowers, and three fquare darke red feede, like vnto others : the roots are not great, but fomewhat long, and very red, abiding many yeares, yet fometimes fpoiled with the extremitie of winter. The Vfe of Blood- worte. The whole and onely vfe of the herbe almoft, ferueth for the pot, among other herbes, and, as I faid before, is accounted a moft efpeciall one for that purpofe. The feede therof is much commended for any fluxe in man or wo- man, to be inwardly taken, and fo no doubt is the roote, being of a ftipticke qualitie. CHAP. XVI. Oxalis Jiue Acetofa. Sorrell. SOrrell muft needes bee reckoned with the Dockes, for that it is fo like vnto them in all things, and is of many called the fower Docke. Of Sorrels there are ma- ny forts, but I mall not trouble you with any other in this place, then the com- mon Garden Sorrell, which is moft knowne, and of greateft vfe with vs ; which hath tender greene long leaues full of iuice, broade, and bicorned as it were, next vnto the ftalke, like as Arrach, Spinach, and our Englim Mercuric haue, of a fharpe fower tafte : the ftalkes are (lender, bearing purplifh long heads, wherein lye three fquare mining browne feede, like, but lefler then the other : the root is fmaller then any of the other Dockes, but browne, and full of firings, and abideth without decaying, hauing greene leaues all the winter, except in the very extremitie thereof, which often taketh away all or moft of his leaues. The Vfe of Sorrell. Sorrell is much vfed in fawces, both for the whole, and the ficke, cooling the hot liuers, and ftomackes of the ficke, and procuring vnto them an ap- petite vnto meate, when their fpirits are almoft fpent with the violence of their furious or fierie fits ; and is alfo of a pleafant relifh for the whole, in quickning vp a dull ftomacke that is ouer-loaden with euery daies plenty of difhes. It is diuers waies drafted by Cooks, to pleafe their Mafters rtomacks. CHAP. XVII. Bugloffum luteum,Jiue Lingua Bouis. Langdebeefe. VNto this place may well bee referred our ordinary Borage and Bugloffe, fet forth in the former Booke, in regard of the properties whereunto they are much employed, that is, to ferue the pot among other herbes, as is fufficiently knowne vnto all. And yet I confeffe, that this herbe (although it bee called Bugloffum luteum y as if it were a kind of Bugloffe) hath no correfpondency with Bugloffe or Bo- rage in any part, fauing only a little in the leafe ; & our Borage or Bugloffe might more fitly, according to the Greeke name, bee called Oxe tongue or Langdebeefe ; and this might in my iudgement more aptly be referred to the kinds of Hieratium Hawkeweed, whereunto it neereft approacheth : but as it is commonly receiued, fo take it in this place, vntill it come to receiue the place is proper for it. It hath diuers broad and long darke green leaues, lying vpon the ground, very rough in handling, full of fmall haires or prickes, ready to enter into the hands of any that handle it ; among which rifeth vp The Kitchen Garden. 487 I Lingua from s fiat Buglajfum luleuni. I.angdebecfr. - Atriftrx fiur Olus aurtum. Arracli. Betc. 5 HitpofilimHm fine Olmatmm. Allifanders. 6 Sr/inum th lides of them : tin- Italke ril'eth vp among the leaues about two foote high, ( "pread at the toppe into many branches, bearing thereon yellow flowers, which turne into long pods, with blackilh nuind leede in them : the roote is round and white, fume greater, fome I 'mailer ; the belt kinde is knowne to be flat, with a finall pigges tale-like roote vnderneath it; the worler kinde which is more common in many places of this land, both North and Welt, is round, and not flat, with a grea- ter pigges tayle-like roote vnderneath. The yellow kinde doth often grow very great, it is hardly difcerned from the ordi- nary kinde while it groweth, but by the greatnefle and fpreading of the leaues beeing boyled, the roote changeth more yellow, fomewhat neare the colour of a Carrot. The red Turnep groweth vlually greater then any of the other, efpecially in a good ground, being of a faire red colour on the outfide, but being pared, as white as any o- ther on the inlide. This, as Matthiolus faith, doth grow in the Countrey of A nan ia, where hee hath ieene an infinite number of them that haue waighed fifty pound a peece, and in fome places hee faith, a hundred pound a peece, both which we would thinke to be incredible, but that we lee the kind is greatly giuen to grow, and in warme Countries they may fo thriue, that the bulke or bignefie of the roote may fo farre pafTe the growth of our Countrey, as that it may rile to that quantity aboue fpecified. The Navew gentle is of two kindes, a Imaller and a greater ; the fmaller is vfually called in France, Naveau de Cane, the roote is fomewhat long with the roundnefle ; this kinde is twice as bigge as a mans thumbe, and many of them lefle : The other is long and great, almoll as big as the fhort Carrot, but for the moft part of an vneuen length, and roundnefTe vnto the very end, where it fpreadeth into diuers fmall long fibres : neyther of them doth differ much from the Turnep, in leafe, flower or feed. The Vfe of Turneps. Being boyled in fait broth, they all of them eate moll kindly, and by rea- fon of their fweetnefle are much efteemed, and often feene as a dim at good mens tables : but the greater quantitie of them are fpent at poore mens fearts. They nourifh much, and engender moift and loofe flefh, and are very windy. The feede of the Navew gentle is (as I take it) called of Andro- machus in the compofition of his Treakle, Bunias dulcis : for Diofcorides and Plinie doe both fay, that the feede of the tame Bunias or Napus is put into Antidotes, and not the feede of the wilde, which is more fharpe and bitter; neyther the feede of the Turnep, which is called in Greeke in Latine Rapum, becaufe the feede is not fweete. T ^ f CHAP. XLII. Raphanus. Raddifh. Here are two principall kindes of Garden Raddifh, the one is blackilh on the outfide, and the other white ; and of both thefe there is fome diuifion againe, as mail be mewed. Dittander and horfe Raddifh be reckoned kinds thereof. The ordinary Raddifh hath long leaues, vneuenly gained on both fides, the ftalke ri- feth vp to the height of three or foure foote, bearing many purplifh flowers at the top, made of foure leaues a peece, which turne into thicke and fhort pods, wherein are con- tained round feede, greater then Turnep or Coleworte feede, and of a pale reddifh colour : the roote is long, white, and of a reddifh purple colour on the outfide toward the toppe of it, and of a (harpe biting tafle. There is a fmall kind of Raddifh that commeth earlier then the former, that we haue had out of the low Countries, not differing in any thing elfe. The blacke Raddifh I haue had brought me out of the lowe Countries, where they fell them in fome places by the pound, and is accounted with them a rare winter fallet : the j O The Kitchen Garden. the roote of the beft kinde is blackifh on the outfide (and yet the feede gathered from fuch an one, hath after the fowing againe, giuen rootes, whereof fome haue beene blacke, but the moft part white on the outfide) and white within, great and round at the head, almoft like a Turnep, but ending fhorter then a Raddifh, and longer then a Turnep, almoft peare-fafhion, of a firmer and harder fubftance then the ordinary Rad- difh, but no lefle fharpe and biting, and fomewhat ftrong withall ; the leaues are fome- what fmaller, and with deeper gafhes, the flower and feede are like the former, but fmaller. Another fort of blacke Raddifh is like in leafe and feede to the former, but the flower is of a lighter purple colour : the roote is longer and fmaller, and changeth alfo to bee white as the former doth, fo that I thinke they haue both rifen from one kinde. The Horfe Raddifh is a kinde of wilde Raddifh, but brought into Gardens for the vfe of it, and hath great large and long greene leaues, which are not fo much diuided, but dented about the edges : the roote is long and great, much ftronger in tafte then the former, and abideth diuers yeares, fpreading with branches vnder ground. Dittander is likewife a wilde kinde hereof, hauing long pointed blcwifh greene leaues, and a roote that creepeth much vnder ground : I confefle this might haue bin placed among the herbes, becaufe the leaues and not the rootes are vfed ; but let it pafle now with the kindes of Raddifh. The Vfe of thefe Raddifhes. Raddifhes doe ferue vfually as a Jlimulum before meat, giuing an appetite thereunto ; the poore eate them alone with bread and fait. Some that are early fowen, are eaten in Aprill, or fooner if the feafon permit ; others come later ; and fome are fowen late to ferue for the end of Summer : but (as of all things elfe) the earlier are the more accepted. The blacke Raddifhes are moft vfed in the winter, (yet fome in their na- turall and not forc'd grounds, haue their rootes good moft part of the Sum- mer) and therefore muft bee fowen after Midfomer ; for if they mould bee fowen earlier, they would prefently runne vp to ftalke and feed, and fo lofe the benefit of the roote. The Phyficall propertie is, it is often vfed in me- dicines that helpe to breake the ftone, and to auoyde grauell. The Horfe Raddifh is vfed Phyfically, very much in Melancholicke, Spleneticke and Scorbuticke difeafes. And fome vfe to make a kinde of Muftard with the rootes, and eate it with fifh. Dittander or Pepperworte is vfed of fome cold churlifh ftomackes, as a fawce or fallet fometimes to their meate, but it is too hot, bitter and ftrong for weake and tender ftomackes. Our Gardiners about London vfe great fences of reede tyed together, which feemeth to bee a mat fet vpright, and is as good as a wall to defend the cold from thofe things that would be defended, and to bring them for- wards the earlier. CHAP. XLIII. Cepce. Onions. XAT'TEe haue diuers forts of Onions, both white and red, flat, round and long, \\/ as mall be prefently fhewed : but I will doe with thefe as I doe with the reft, only giue you one defcription for them all, and afterwards their fe- uerall names and varieties, as they are to be known by. Our common Garden Onion hath diuers long greene hollow leaues, feeming halfe flat ; among which rifeth vp a great round hollow ftalke, bigger in the middle then any where elfe, at the toppe whereof ftandeth a clofe round head, couered at the firft with a thin skirne, which breaketh when the head is growne, and fheweth forth a great vm- bell The Kitchen I Kafhanus rttflicaxns. Horfe Raddifh. 2 I.tpidium Jtut Piprritit. Dirtandcr 3 Cffir rotmiifir. Round Onions. 4 Crf>,r lomgar. I.onu Onions. 5 Porrum. I.eeken. 6 Allium. Garltcfce. 7 Kaf-xmnlut. Rampions. 8 TragofogoK. Uoates beaid 512 The Kitchen Garden. bell of white flowers, which turne into blacke feede : but then the head is fo heauie that the ftalke cannot fuftaine it, but muft be vpheld from falling to the ground, left it rot and perifh : the roote as all know is round, in fome greater, in others leffer, or flat, in fome red on the outfide only, in others quite thorough out, in fome white, and very fharpe and ftrong, in others milder, and more pleafant, and fome fo pleafant that they may be eaten as an Apple : All thefe kinds of Onions, contrary to the nature of all other bulbous rootes, haue no off-fet, or other roote growing to it, but are euery one alone fingle by themfelues ; and therefore it feemeth, the Latines, as Columella re- cordeth, haue giuen it the name Vnio, and the French it mould feeme following the Latine, and the Englifh the French, do call it Oignon and Onion, as an vnite, or as if they were but one and one, and dye euery yeare after feed bearing. The red flat kinde is moft vfually with vs the ftrongeft of them all, yet I haue had a great red Onion brought mee from beyond Sea, that was as great almoft as two mens fiftes, flat and red quite thoroughout, and very pleafant both to fmell vnto, and to eate, but did quickly degenerate ; fo that we plainly fee, that the foyle and climate doth giue great alteration to plants of all forts. The long kinde wee call St. Omers Onions, and corruptly among the vulgar, St. Thomas Onions. The other red kinde we call Strasborough Onions, whofe outfide onely is red, and are very fharpe and fierce. The white Onions both long and flat, are like vnto Chalke-ftones lying vpon the ground, when they are ripe and fit to be gathered. And laftly, there is the Spanifh Onion, both long and flat, very fweete, and eaten by many like an apple, but as lohn Tradefcante faith, who hath beene in Spaine, that the Spaniards themfelues doe not eate them fo familiarly, as they doe thofe white Onions that come out of our owne Countrey, which they haue there more plentifully then their fweete Onions. The Vfe of Onions. Onions are vfed many wayes, as diced and put into pottage, or boyled and peeled and layde in dimes for fallets at fupper, or diced and put into water, for a fawce for mutton or oyfters, or into meate roafted being fluffed with Parfly, and fo many waies that I cannot recount them, euery one plea- fing themfelues, according to their order, manner or delight. The iuice of Onions is much vfed to be applyed to any burnings with fire, or with Gun-pouder, or to any fcaldings with water or oyle, and is moft fa- miliar for the Country, where vpon fuch fudden occafions they haue not a more fit or fpeedy remedie at hand : The ftrong fmell of Onions, and fo alfo of Garlicke and Leekes, is quite taken away from offending the head or eyes, by the eating of Parfley leaues after them. CHAP. XLIIII. Porrum. Leekes. THere be likewife fundry forts of Leekes, both great and fmall. Leekes are very like vnto Onions, hauing long green hollow-like leaues, flattifh on the one fide, and with a ridge or creft on the backe fide : if they bee fuffered to grow vncut, then in the fecond or third yeare after the fowing, they will fend forth a round and flender ftalke, euen quite thoroughout, and not fwollen or bigger in the middle like the Onion, bearing at the toppe a head of purplifh flowers, and blacke feede after them, very like vnto Onion feede, that it is hard to diftinguifh them : the root is long and white, with a great bum of fibres hanging at it, which they call the beards. The vnfet Leeke hath longer and flenderer roots then the other, which being tranf- planted, groweth thicker and greater. The The Kitchen Garden. 513 The French Leeke, which i> called the Vine Lecke, is the belt of all others. ( )ur common kinde is ot two torts, one greater then another. :other fort encreafeth .ilt<> Aether by the roote, as Garlicke doth. And then Ciues, which are the fmallelt, and encreafe aboundantly only by the root. Some doe account Scalions to be rather a kinde of Onions then Leekes, and call them Ct-f>ii A/'calonica, or AJcalonitides, which will quickly fpend it felfe, if it befufFered to be vncut ; but all Authors affirme, that there is no wilde kinde of Onion, vnlefle they would haue it to be Gethyum, whereof Theophrallus maketh mention, faying, that it hath a lout; necke (and fo thefe Scalions haue) and was alfo of fome called Gt- thylliiks, which antiquity accounted to be dedicated to Latona, the mother of Apollo, bec.uife when (he was bigge with childe of Apollo, (he longed for thefe Leckcs. The Vfe of Leekes. The old World, as wee finde in Scripture, in the time of the children of Ifraels being in Egypt, and no doubt long before, fed much vpon Leekes, Onions, and Garlicke boyled with flefh ; and the antiquity of the Gentiles relate the fame manner of feeding on them, to be in all Countries the like, which howfoeuer our dainty age now refufeth wholly, in all forts except the poorelt ; yet Mufcouia and Ruffia vfe them, and the Turkes to this day, (as Bellonius writeth) oblerue to haue them among their difhes at their ta- bles, yea although they be Bafhas, Cades, or Vaiuodas, that is to fay, Lords, Judges, or Gouernours of countries and places. They are vfed with vs alfo fometimes in Lent to make pottage, and is a great and generall feeding in Wales with the vulgar Gentlemen. Onions boyled or rofted vnder the embers, and mixed with fugar and butter, are good for thofe that are troubled with coughes, fhortnefle of breath, and wheefing. An Onion made hollow at the bottome, and fome good Treakle put into it, with a little iuyce of Citrons (or Lemons in the ftead thereof) being well baked together vnder the embers, after the hole is flopped againe, and then (trained forth, and giuen to one that hath the plague, is very helpefull, (b as hee be laid to fweate vpon it. Ciues are vied as well to be (hred among other herbes for the pot, as to be put into a Sallet among other herbs, to giue it a quicker relifh. Leekes are held to free the cheft and lungs from much corruption and rotten flegme, that fticketh fall therein, and hard to be auoided, as alfo for them that through hoarfenefle haue loft their voice, if they be eyther taken rawe, or boyled with broth of barley, or fome fuch other fupping, fit and conducing thereunto. And baked vnder hot embers is a remedy againft a furfeit of Mufhromes. The greene blades of Leekes being boyled and applyed warme to the // < m^rrhfjldcs or piles, when they are fwolne and painfull, giue a great deale of eafe. CHAP. XLV. Allium. Garlicke. IHaue fpoken of diuers forts of Garlicke called Moly, in the former booke : I (hall neede in this place to (hew onely thofe kindes, that this Garden nourfeth vp, and leaue the relt to his fit time and place. Garlicke hath many long greene leaues, like vnto Onions, but much larger, and; not hollow at all as Onions are : the (talke rifeth vp to be about three toote high, bearing fuch a head at the toppe thereof as Onions and Leekes doe, with purplifh flowers, and blacke feede like Leekes : the roote is white within, couered ouer with many pur- T 3 plifh The Kitchen Garden. plifh skins, and is diuided into many parts or cloues, which ferue both to fet againe for increafe, and alfo to vfe as neede fhall require, and is of a very ftrong fmell and tafte, as euery one knoweth, paffing either Onions or Leekes, but exceeding wholfome withall for them that can take it. Altium Vrjinum. Ramfons. Ramfons are another kinde of Garlicke, and hath two or three faire broade leaues, of a frefh or light greene colour, pointed at the end : the ftalke groweth about an hand length high, bearing many fmall and pure white ftarre-like flowers at the toppe, and afterwards fmall, blacke, and fmooth round feede : the roote is alfo diuided into many parts, whereby it is much encreafed, and is much milder then the former, both in fmell and tafte. The Vfe of Garlicke. It being well boyled in fait broth, is often eaten of them that haue ftrong ftomackes, but will not brooke in a weake and tender ftomacke. It is accounted, and fo called in diuers Countries, The poore mans Trea- kle, that is, a remedy for all difeafes. It is neuer eaten rawe of any man that I know, as other of the rootes aforefaid, but fodden alwaies and fo taken. Ramfons are oftentimes eaten with bread and butter, and otherwife alfo, as euery mans affeclion and courfe of life leadeth him to vfe. CHAP. XL VI. Rapunculus fiue Rapuntium. Rampions. GArden Rampions are of two forts, the one greater, the other leffer : the leaues of Rampions are in the one fomewhat broad like a Beete, in the other fome- what long and narrow, and a little broader at the end, of a light greene colour, lying flat vpon the ground all the firft winter, or yeare of the fpringing, and the next Spring fhooteth forth ftalkes two or three foote high, bearing at the toppe, in the big- ger fort, a long flender fpike of fmall horned or crooked flowers, which open their brimmes into foure leaues ; in the lefler many fmall purplifh bels, (landing vpon feue- rall fmall foote-ftalkes, which turne into heads, bearing fmall blackifh feede : the root is white, branched into two or three rootes, of the bignefle and length of a mans fin- ger or thumbe. The Vfe of Rampions. The rootes of both are vfed for Sallets, being boyled, and then eaten with oyle and vinegar, a little fait and pepper. CHAP. XL VI I. Tragopogon. Goates beard. G Gates beard hath many long and narrow leaues, broader at the bottome, and fharper at the end, with a ridge downe the backe of the leafe, and of a pale greene colour ; among which rifeth vp a ftalke of two or three foote high, fmooth and hollow, bearing thereon many fuch like leaues, but fmaller and fhorter, and at the toppe thereof on euery branch a great double yellow flower, like almoft vnto the flower of a Dandelion, which turneth into a head, ftored with doune, and long whitifh feede therein, hauing on the head of euery one fome part of the doune, and The Kitchen Garden. and is carried away with the winde it" it bee neglected : the roote is long and round, lomewhat like vnto a Parlhep, but tarn- fmaller, Mackilh on the outlide, and white within, veeMinL,' a milkie iuyce being broken, as all the reft of the plant doth, and of a very good and plea fan t tafte. This kinde, as alfo another with narrower leaues, almoft like ^ralle, growe wilde abroad in many places, but are brought into diuers Gardens. The other two kindes formerly delcribed in the firft part, the one with a purple flow- er, and the other with an alh-coloured, haue fuch rootes as thefe here defcril>ed, and erne alfo to the lame purpofe, being of equall goodnefle, if any will vie them in the lame manner; that is, while they are young, and of the firft yeares fowing, elfc they all growe hard, in running vp to feede. The Vfe of Goates beard. It the rootes of any of thefe kindes being young, be boyled and drefled as a Parfnep, they make a pleafant dim of meate, farre parting the Parfnep in many mens Judgements, and that with yellow flowers to be the belt. They are of excellent vie being in this manner prepared, or after any o- ther fit and conuenient way, to ftrengthen thofe that are macilent, or grow- ing into any confumption. CHAP. XL VI 1 1. Carum. Carawayes. CArawayes hath many very fine cut and diuided leaues lying on the ground, be- ing alwaies greene, fomewhat refembling the leaues of Carrots, but thinner, and more finely cut, of a quicke, hot, and fpicie tafte: the ftalke rifeth not much higher then the Carrot ftalke, bearing fome leaues at the ioynts along the ftalke to the toppe, where it brancheth into three or foure parts, bearing fpoakie vmbels of white flowers, which turne into fmall blackifh feede, fmaller then Anifeede, and of a hotter and quicker tafte : the roote is whitilh, like vnto a Parfnep, but much fmaller, more fpreading vnder ground, and a little quicke in tafte, as all the reft of the plant is, and abideth long after it hath giuen feede. The Vfe of Carawayes. The rootes of Carawayes being boyled may be eaten as Carrots, and by reafon of the fpicie tafte doth warme and comfort a cold weake ftomacke, helping to diiTblue winde (whereas Carrots engender it) and to prouoke vrine, and is a very welcome and delightfull dim to a great many, yet they are fomewhat ftronger in tafte then Parfneps. The feede is much vfed to bee put among baked fruit, or into bread, cakes, &c. to giue them a rellilh, and to helpe to digeft winde in them are fubiedt thereunto. It is alfo made into Comfits, and put into Trageas, or as we call them in Englifh, Dredges, that are taken for the cold and winde in the body, as alfo are ferued to the table with fruit. CHAP. 1 6 The Kitchen Garden, CHAP. XL IX. Pappus fiue Battatas. Potatoes. THree forts of Potatoes are well knowne vnto vs, but the fourth I reft doubtfull of, and dare not affirme it vpon fuch termes as are giuen vnto it, vntill I may be better informed by mine owne fight. The Spanifh kinde hath (in the Iflands where they growe, either naturally, or plan- ted for increafe, profit, and vf e of the Spaniards that nourfe them) many firme and ve- rie fweete rootes, like in fhape and forme vnto Afphodill rootes, but much greater and longer, of a pale browne on the outfide, and white within, fet together at one head; from whence rife vp many long branches, which by reafon of their weight and weaknefle, cannot ftand of themfelues, but traile on the ground a yard and a halfe in length at the leaft (I relate it, as it hath growne with vs, but in what other forme, for flower or fruit, we know not) whereon are fet at feuerall diftances, broad and in a manner three fquare leaues, fomewhat like triangled luie leaues, of a darke greene colour, the two fides whereof are broad and round, and the middle pointed at the end, ftanding reafonable clofe together : thus much we haue feene growe with vs, and no more : the roote rather decaying then increafing in our country. The Potatoes of Virginia, which fome foolifhly call the Apples of youth, is ano- ther kinde of plant, differing much from the former, fauing in the colour and tafte of the roote, hauing many weake and fomewhat flexible branches, leaning a little down- wards, or eafily borne downe with the winde or other thing, befet with many winged leaues, of a darke grayifh greene colour, whereof diuers are fmaller, and fome greater then others: the flowers growe many together vpon a long ftalke, comming forth from betweene the leaues and the great ftalkes, euery one feuerally vpon a fhort foot- ftalke, fomewhat like the flower of Tabacco for the forme, being one whole leafe fix cornered at the brimmes, but fomewhat larger, and of a pale blewifh purple colour, or pale doue colour, and fome almoft white, with fome red threads in the middle, ftanding about a thicke gold yellow pointell, tipped with greene at the end : after the flowers are paft, there come vp in their places fmall round fruit, as bigge as a Damfon or Bulleis, greene at the firft, and fomewhat whitifh afterwards, with many white feedes therein, like vnto Nightmade : the rootes are rounder and much fmaller then the former, and fome much greater then others, difperfed vnder ground by many fmall threads or ftrings from the rootes, of the fame light browne colour on the out- fide, and white within, as they, and neare of the fame tafte, but not altogether fo pleafant. The Potatos of Canada, (which hath diuers names giuen it by diuers men, as Bau hinus vpon Matthiolus calleth it, Solanum tuberofum efculentum^ Pelleterius of Middle- borough in his Plantarum Synonimia, Heliotropium Indicum tuberofum^ Fabius Columna in the fecond part of his Phytobafattos, Flos Solis Farnejianus, fiue After Peruanus tube- rofus : We in England, from fome ignorant and idle head, haue called them Artichokes of lerufalem, only becaufe the roote, being boyled, is in tafte like the bottome of an Artichoke head : but they may moft fitly be called, Potatos of Canada, becaufe their rootes are in forme, colour and tafte, like vnto the Potatos of Virginia, but greater, and the French brought them firft from Canada into thefe parts) rifeth vp with diuers ftiffe, round ftalkes, eight or tenne foote high in our Country, where they haue fcarce fhewed their flowers, whereas the very head of flowers in other Countries, as Fabius Columna exprefleth it, being of a Pyramis or Sugar loate fafhion, broade fpreading below, and fmaller pointed vpwards towards the toppe, is neere of the fame length, whereon are fet large and broade rough greene leaues, very like vnto the leaues of the flower of the Sunne, but fmaller, yet growing in the very fame manner, round about the ftalkes : at the very later end of Summer, or the beginning of Autumne, if the roote bee well planted and defended, it will giue a fhew of a few fmall yellow flowers at the top, like vnto the flowers of After or Starre-worte, and much fmaller then any flower of the Sunne, which come to no perfedtion with vs : the roote, while the plant is The Kitchen Garden. 5'7 i Carum. C.uawayes. t Batlalas Hifpimarum. Spanifh Potatoes. 3 Papas feu Battalas Virginiatn>rum. Virginia Potatoes. 4 Batlalas J. Canada. Poutoes of Canada, or Artichoken of lerufalem. 518 The Kitchen Garden. is growing aboue ground, encreafeth not to his full growth, but when the Summer is well fpent, and the fpringing of the ftalk is part, which is about the end of Auguft, or in September, then the root is perceiued to be encreafed in the earth, and will before Au- tumne be fpent, that is, in October, fwell like a mound or hillocke, round about the foote of the flalkes, and will not haue his rootes fit to be taken vp, vntill the ftalkes be halfe withered at the fooneft ; but after they be withered, and fo all the winter long vntill the Spring againe, they are good, and fit to bee taken vp and vfed, which are a number of tuberous round rootes, growing clofe together ; fo that it hath beene ob- ferued, that from one roote, being fet in the Spring, there hath been forty or more ta- ken vp againe, and to haue ouer-filled a pecke meafure, and are of a pleafant good tafte as many haue tryed. The Vfe of all thefe Potato's. The Spanifh Potato's are roafted vnder the embers, and being pared or peeled and fliced, are put into facke with a little fugar, or without, and is delicate to be eaten. They are vfed to be baked with Marrow, Sugar, Spice, and other things in Pyes, which are a daintie and coftly dim for the table. The Comfit-makers preferue them, and candy them as diuers other things, and fo ordered, is very delicate, fit to accompany fuch other ban- quetting dimes. The Virginia Potato's being drefled after all thefe waies before fpecified, maketh almoft as delicate meate as the former. The Potato's of Canada are by reafon of their great increafing, growne to be fo common here with vs at London, that euen the moft vulgar begin to defpife them, whereas when they were firft receiued among vs, they were dainties for a Queene. Being put into feething water they are foone boyled tender, which after they bee peeled, fliced and ftewed with butter, and a little wine, was a dim for a Queene, beeing as pleafant as the bottome of an Artichoke : but the too frequent vfe, efpecially being fo plentifull and cheape, hath rather bred a loathing then a liking of them. CHAP. L. Cinara. Artichokes. THe fruits that grow vpon or neere the ground, are next to be entreated of, and firft of Artichokes, whereof there be diuers kindes, fome accounted tame and of the Garden, others wilde and of late planted in Gardens, Orchards or Fieldes, of purpofe to be meate for men. The Artichoke hath diuers great, large, and long hollowed leaues, much cut in or torne on both edges, without any great mew of prickles on them, of a kinde of whi- tim greene, like vnto an afh colour, whereof it tooke the Latine name Cinara : the flalke is ftrong, thicke and round, with fome skins as it were downe all the length of them, bearing at the toppe one fcaly head, made at the firft like a Pine-apple, but after growing greater, the fcales are more feparate, yet in the beft kindes lying clofe, and not flaring, as fome other kindes doe, which are eyther of a reddifh browne, whitifh, or greenifh colour, and in fome broade at the ends, in others fharpe or prickly : after the head hath flood a great while, if it bee fuffered, and the Summer proue hot and kindly, in fome there will breake forth at the toppe thereof, a tuft of blewifh purple thrumes or threds, vnder which grow the feede, wrapped in a great deale of dounie fubflance : but that roote that yeeldeth flowers will hardly abide the next winter ; but elfe being cut off when it is well growne, that dounie matter abideth clofe in the mid- dle of the head, hauing the bottome thereof flat and round, which is that matter or fubllance that is vfed to be eaten : the roote fpreadeth it felfe in the ground reafona- ble 7 /if KitJu'f! Gtin/t'ti. i ( mini f-tlimt ruhrn. The red Artichoke. 2 Cinara fatiua alba. The while Artichoke. 3 Cinara falula. The French Artichoke. 4 Cinara film/Iris. The Thiftlc Artichoke. 5 Cardans tfcuUntm. The Chardon. 520 The Kitchen Garden. ble well, yeelding diuers heads of leaues or fuckers, whereby it is increafed. The white Artichoke is in all things like the red, but that the head is of a whitifh afhe colour, like the leaues, whereas the former is reddifh. We haue alfo another, whofe head is greene, and very fharpe vpwards, and is com- mon in many places. Wee haue had alfo another kinde in former times that grew as high as any man, and branched into diuers ftalkes, euery one bearing a head thereon, almoft as bigge as the firft. There is another kinde, called the Muske Artichoke, which groweth like the French kinde, but is much better in fpending, although it haue a leffer bottome. The French Artichoke hath a white head, the fcales whereof ftand ftaring far afun- der one from another at the ends, which are fharpe : this is well known by this quali- tie, that while it is hot after it is boyled, it fmelleth fo ftrong, that one would verily thinke it had bin boyled in (linking water, which was brought ouer after a great frofte that had well nigh confumed our beft kindes, and are now almoft cleane caft out again, none being willing to haue it take vp the roome of better. There is a lowe kinde that groweth much about Paris, which the French efteeme more then any other, and is lower then the former French kinde, the head whereof as well as the leaues, is of a frefher greene colour, almoft yellowifh. Then there is the Thiftle Artichoke, which is almoft a wilde kinde, and groweth fmaller, with a more open and prickly head then any of the former. And laftly, the Chardon as they call it, becaufe it is almoft of the forme and nature of a Thiftle, or wilde Artichoke. This groweth high, and full of fharpe prickles, of a grayifh colour. lohn Tradefcante aflured mee, hee faw three acres of Land about Bruflels planted with this kinde, which the owner whited like Endiue, and then fold them in the winter : Wee cannot yet finde the true manner of drefling them, that our Countrey may take delight therein. All thefe kindes are encreafed by flipping the young fhootes from the root, which being replanted in February, March, or Aprill, haue the fame yeare many times, but the next at the moft, borne good heads. Wee finde by dayly experience, that our Englifh red Artichoke is in our Countrey the moft delicate meate of any of the other, and therefore diuers thinking it to bee a feuerall kinde, haue fent them into Italic, France, and the Lowe Countries, where they haue not abode in their goodnefle aboue two yeare, but that they haue degene- rated ; fo that it feemeth, that our foyle and climate hath the preheminence to nourifh vp this plant to his higheft excellencie. The Vfe of Artichokes. The manner of preparing them for the Table is well knowne to the youngeft Houfewife I thinke, to bee boyled in faire water, and a little fait, vntill they bee tender, and afterwardes a little vinegar and pep- per, put to the butter, poured vpon them for the fawce, and fo are fer- ued to the Table. They vfe likewife to take the boyled bottomes to make Pyes, which is a delicate kinde of baked meate. The Chardon is eaten rawe of diuers, with vinegar and oyle, pepper and fait, all of them, or fome, as euery one liketh for their delight. CHAP. The Kitchen Garden. CHAP. LI. FaAef & Phafeoli. Garden and French Beancs. THe Garden Beane is of two colours, red or blacke, and white, yet both rife from one ; the (mull or ridde Beanes I make no mention of in this place ; but the French or Kidney Beane is almoft of infinite forts and colours : we doe not for all that intend to trouble you in this place, with the knowledge or relation of any more then is fit for a Garden of that nature, that I haue propounded it in the be- ginning. Our ordinary Beanes, feruing for foode for the poorer fort for the moft part, arc planted as well in fieldes as in gardens, becaufe the quantity of them that are fpent ta- keth vp many acres of land to be planted in, and rife vp with one, two or three ftalks, according to the fertilitie of the foyle, being fmooth and fquare, higher then any man oftentimes, whereon are fet at certaine diftances, from the very bottome almoft to the toppe, two long fmooth flefhy and thicke leaues almoft round, one ftanding by another at the end of a fmall footeftalke : betweene thefe leaues and the ftalke, come forth diuers flowers, all of them looking one way for the moft part, which are clofe a little turned vp at the brimmes, white and fpotted with a blackifh fpot in the middle ot them, and lomewhat purpliih at the toot or bottome, of the forme almoft of Broome or Peafe flowers, many of which that grow vpward toward the toppe, doe feldome beare fruit, and therefore are gathered to diftill, and the toppes of the ftalkes cut off, to caufe the reft to thriue the better ; after which grow vp long great fmooth greene pods, greater the 1 !! in any other kinde of Pulfe, wtych grow blacke when they are ripe, and containe within them two, three or foure Beanes, which are fomewhat flat and round, eyther white or reddifh, which being full ripe grow blackifh : the roote hath diuers fibres annexed vnto the maine roote, which dyeth euery yeare. The French or Kidney Beane rifeth vp at the firft but with one ftalke, which after- wards diuideth it felfe into many armes or branches, euery one of them being fo weak, that without they be fuftained with ftickes or poles, whereon with their winding and clafpers they take hold, they would lye fruitlefle vpon the ground : vpon thefe bran- ches grow forth at feuerall places long tboteftalkes, with euery of them three broade, round and pointed greene leaues at the end of them, towards the tops whereof come forth diuers flowers, made like vnto Peafe bloflbmes, of the fame colour for the moft part that the fruit will be of, that is to fay, eyther white, or yellow, or red, or blackifh, or of a deepe purple &c. but white is moft vfuall for our Garden ; after which come long and (lender flat pods, fome crooked, and fome ftraight, with a ftring as it were running downe the backe thereof, wherein are contained flattifh round fruit, made to the fafhion of a kidney : the roote is long, and fpreadeth with many fibres annexed vn- to it, perifhing euery yeare. The Vfe of thefe Beanes. The Garden Beanes ferue (as I faid before) more for the vfe of the poore then ot the rich : I (hall therefore only (hew you the order the poore take with them, and leaue curiofity to them that will bellow time vpon them. They are only boyled in faire water and a little fait, and afterwards ftewed with fome butter, a little vinegar and pepper being put vnto them, and fo eaten : or elfe eaten alone after they are boyled without any other fawce. The water ot the bloflbmes diftilled, is vfed to take away fpots, and to cleer the skin. The water ot the greene huskes or cods is good tor the ftone. The Kidney Beanes boyled in water huske and all, onely the ends cut off", and the ftring taken away, and ftewed with butter &c. are efteemed more fauory meate to many mens pallates, then the former, and are a difh more ottentimes at rich mens Tables then at the poore. CHAP. 522 The Kitchen Garden. CHAP. LI I. Pifum. Peafe. THere is a very great variety of manured Peafe known to vs, and I think more in our Country then in others, whereof fome profper better in one ground and country, and fome in others : I fhall giue you the defcription of one alone for all the reft, and recite vnto you the names of the reft. Garden Peafe are for the moft part the greateft and fweeteft kinds, and are fuftained with ftakes or bufhes. The Field Peafe are not fo vfed, but growe without any fuch adoe. They fpring vp with long, weake, hollow, and brittle (while they are young and greene) whitifh greene ftalkes, branched into diuers parts, and at euery ioynt where it parteth one broad round leafe compaffing the ftalke about, fo that it com- meth as it were thorough it : the leaues are winged, made of diuers fmall leaues fet to a middle ribbe, of a whitifh greene colour, with clafpers at the ends of the leaues, whereby it taketh hold of whatfoeuer ftandeth next vnto it : betweene the leaues and the ftalkes come forth the flowers, {landing two or three together, euery one by it felfe on his owne feuerall ftalke, which are either wholly white, or purple, or mixed white and purple, or purple and blew : the fruit are long, and fomewhat round cods, whereof fome are greater, others lefler, fome thicke and fhort, fome plaine and fmooth, others a little crooked at the ends ; wherein alfo are contained diuers formes of fruit or peafe ; fome being round, others cornered, fome fmall, fome great, fome white, o- thers gray, and fome fpotted : the roote is fmall, and quickly perifheth. The kindes of Peafe are thefe : The Rounciuall. The greene Hafting. The Sugar Peafe. The gray Peafe. The white Hafting. The Peafe without skins. The fpotted Peafe. The Scottifh or tufted Peafe, which fome call the Rofe Peafe, is a good white Peafe fit to be eaten. The early or French Peafe, which fome call Fulham Peafe, becaufe thofe grounds thereabouts doe bring them fooneft forward for any quantity, al- though fometimes they mifcarry by their hafte and earlineffe. Cicer Arietinum. Rams Ciches. This is a kinde of Pulfe, fo much vfed in Spaine, that it is vfually one of their dain- tie dimes at all their feafts : They are of two forts, white and red ; the white is onely vfed for meate, the other for medicine. It beareth many vpright branches with win- ged leaues, many fet together, being fmall, almoft round, and dented about the edges : the flowers are either white or purple, according to the colour of the Peafe which fol- low, and are fomewhat round at the head, but cornered and pointed at the end, one or two at the moft in a fmall roundifh cod. The Vfe of Peafe. Peafe of all or the moft of thefe forts, are either vfed when they are greene, and be a difh of meate for the table of the rich as well as the poore, yet euery one obferuing his time, and the kinde : the faireft, fweeteft, youn- geft, and earlieft for the better fort, the later and meaner kindes for the meaner, who doe not giue the deereft price : Or Being dry, they (erue to boyle into a kinde of broth or pottage, wherein many doe put Tyme, Mints, Sauory, or fome other fuch hot herbes, to giue it the better rellifh, and is much vfed in Towne and Countrey in the Lent time, The Kitchen Garden. 523 I Faba ratiua. Garden Beanes. 2 Pkafcoh falim. French Beano. 3 Kfitm vulgare. Garden Peafe. 4 Pi/"" vmbtllatum Jim Ro/nm. Rofe Peafe or Scottifh Peafe. 5 Pifum Sacdiaratum. Sugar Peafe. 6 Pi/urn maculatum. Spotted Peafe. 7 Cictr ArietiHum. Rama Ciches oc Cicers. 524 The Kitchen Garden. time, efpecially of the poorer fort of people. It is much vfed likewife at Sea for them that goe long voyages, and is for change, becaufe it is frefh, a welcome diet to moft perfons therein. The Rams Ciches the Spaniards call Grauancos, and Garauancillos, and eate them boyled and ftewed as the moft dainty kinde of Peafe that are, they are of a very good rellifh, and doe nourilh much ; but yet are not with- out that windy quality that all forts of Pulfe are fubiecl vnto : they increafe bodily luft much more then any other forts, and as it is thought, doth helpe to encreafe feede. Oi CHAP. LI 1 1. Cucumer. The Cowcumber. (F Cowcumbers there are diuers forts, differing chiefly in the forme and co- lour of the fruit, and not in the forme of the plant ; therefore one defcription fhall ferue in ftead of all the reft. The Cowcumber bringeth forth many trailing rough greene branches lying on the ground, all along whereof growe feuerall leaues, which are rough, broad, vneuen at the edges, and pointed at the ends, with long crooked tendrils comming forth at the fame ioynt with the leafe, but on the other fide thereof: between the ftalks & the leaues at the ioynts come forth the flowers feuerally, euery one ftanding on a fhort foot-ftalke, ope- ning it felfe into fiue leaues, of a yellowifh colour, at the bottome whereof groweth the fruit, long and greene at the firft, but when it is thorough ripe, a little yellowifh, ha- uing many furrowes, and vneuen bunches all the length of it, wherein is a white firme fubftance next vnto the skin, and a cleare pulpe or watery fubftance, with white flat feede lying difperfed through it : the roote is long and white, with diuers fibres at it. The kindes. The firft defcribed is called, The long greene Cowcumber. There is another is called, The fhort Cowcumber, being fhort, and of an equall bigneffe in the body thereof, and of an vnequall bignefle at both ends. The long Yellow, which is yellowifh from the beginning, and more yel- low when it is ripe, and hath beene meafured to be thirteene inches long : but this is not that fmall long Cowcumber, called of the Latines, Cucumis anguinus. Another kinde is early ripe, called The French kinde. The Dantficke kinde beareth but fmall fruit, growing on fhort branches or runners : the pickled Cowcumbers that are vfually fold are of this kind. The Mufcouie kinde is the fmalleft of all other, yet knowne, and beareth not aboue foure or fiue at the moft on a roote, which are no bigger then fmall Lemons. The Vfe of Cowcumbers. Some vfe to caft a little fait on their fliced Cowcumbers, and let them ftand halfe an houre or more in a difh, and then poure away the water that commeth from them by the fait, and after put vinegar, oyle, &c. thereon, as euery one liketh : this is done, to take away the ouermuch waterifhnefle and coldnefle of the Cowcumbers. In many countries they vfe to eate Cowcumbers as wee doe Apples or Peares, paring and giuing flices of them, as we would to our friends of fome dainty Apple or Peare. The pickled Cowcumbers that come from beyond Sea, are much vfed with The Kitchen Garden. 525 with vs for fawce to meate all the Winter long. Some haue ftriuen to equall them, by pickling vp our Cowcumbers at the later end of the yeare, when they are cheapell, taking the little ones and fcalding them thoroughly well, which after they put in brine, with fome Dill or Pencil leaues and Italkes: but thefe are nothing comparable to the former, wee either miffing of the ri^ht and orderly pickling of them, or the kinde it felfe differing much from ours (as I faid ot the IXmtlickc kinde) for ours are neither fo tender and finne, nor fo fauoury as the other. The rawe or greene Cowcumbers are fittell for the hotter time of the yeare, and for hot ftomackes, and not to be vfed in colder weather or cold llomackes, by reafon of the coldnefle, whereby many haue been ouertaken. The feede is vfed phyfically in many medicines that ferue to coole, and a little to make the paltages of vrine flippery, and to giue eafe to hot difeafes. CHAP. LI 1 1 1. Me/o. Milions or Muske Melons. THere bee diuers forts of Melons found out at this day, differing much in the goodneffe of tafte one from another. This Countrey hath not had vntill of late yeares the skill to nourfe them vp kindly, but now there are many that are fo well experienced therein, and haue their ground fo well prepared, as that they will not mifle any yeare, if it be not too extreme vnkindly, to haue many ripe ones in a rea- fonable time: yet tome will be later then others alwayes. The Melon is certainly a kinde of Cowcumber, it doth fo neere referable it, both in the manner of his growing, hauing rough trailing branches, rough vneuen leaues, and yellow flowers: after which come the fruit, which is rounder, thicker, bigger, more rugged, and fpotted on the outfide then the Cowcumber, of a rufiet colour, and greene vnderneath, which when it groweth full ripe, will change a little yellowifh, being as deepe furrowed and ribbed ae they, and befides hauing chaps or rifts in di- uers places of the rinde : the inward hard iubltance is yellow, which onely is eaten : the feede which is bigger, and a little yellower then the Cowcumber, lying in the mid- dle onely among the moifter pulpe : the fmell and changing of his colour, fore-fhew their ripeneffe to them that are experienced : the roote is long, with many fibres at it. The fruit requireth much watering in the hot time of the day, to caufe them to ripen the fooner, as I haue obferued by diuers of the beft skill therein. The Vfe of the kindes of Melons. The belt Melon feede doe come to vs out of Spaine, fome haue come out of Turkic, but they haue been nothing fo good and kindly. Some are called Sugar Melons, others Peare Melons, and others Muske Melons. They haue beene formerly only eaten by great perfonages, becaufe the fruit was not only delicate but rare ; and therefore diuers were brought from France, and fince were nourfed vp by the Kings or Noblemens Gardiners onely, to lerue for their Mailers delight : but now diuers others that haue skill and conueniencie of ground for them, doe plant them and make them more common. They paire away the outer rinde, and cut out the inward pulpe where the feede lyeth, flice the yellow firme inward rinde or fubllance, & fo eate it with fait and pepper (and good Itore of wine, or elle it will hardly digeft) for this is firmer, & hath not that moillure in it that the Cowcumbers haue. It is alfo more delicate, and ot more worth, which recompenleth the paine. The feed of thefe Melons are vied as Cowcumbers phyfically, and to- gether with them moft viually. CHAP. 526 The Kitchen Garden. CHAP. LV. Pepo. Pompions. WE haue but one kinde of Pompion (as I take it) in all our Gardens, not- withftanding the diuerfities of bigneffe and colour. The Pompion or great Melon (or as fome call it Milion) creepeth vp- on the ground (if nothing bee by it whereon it may take hold and climbe) with very great, ribbed, rough, and prickly branches, whereon are fet very large rough leaues, cut in on the edges with deepe gafhes, and dented be/ides, with many clafpers alfo, which winde about euery thing they meete withall : the flowers are great and large, hollow and yellow, diuided at the brims into fiue parts, at the bottome of which, as it is in the reft, groweth the fruit, which is very great, fometimes of the bignefle of a mans body, and oftentimes lefle, in fome ribbed or bunched, in others plaine, and ei- ther long or round, either greene or yellow, or gray, as Nature lifteth to mew her felfe ; for it is but wafte time, to recite all the formes and colours may be obferued in them : the inner rinde next vnto the outer is yellowifh and firme : the feede is great, flat, and white, lying in the middle of the watery pulpe : the roote is of the bignefle of a mans thumbe or greater, difperfed vnder ground with many fmall fibres ioyned thereunto. Gourds are kindes of Melons ; but becaufe wee haue no vfe of them, wee leaue them vnto their fit place. The Vfe of Pompions. They are boyled in faire water and fait, or in powdered beefe broth, or fometimes in milke, and fo eaten, or elfe buttered. They vfe likewife to take out the inner watery fubftance with the feedes, and fill vp the place with Pippins, and hauing laid on the couer which they cut off" from the toppe, to take out the pulpe, they bake them together, and the poore of the Citie, as well as the Country people, doe eate thereof, as of a dainty dim. The feede hereof, as well as of Cowcumbers and Melons, are cooling, and ferue for emulfions in the like manner for Almond milkes, &c. for thofe are troubled with the ftone. CHAP. LVI. Fragaria. Strawberries. THere be diuers forts of Strawberries, whereof thofe that are nourfed vp in Gar- dens or Orchards I intend to giue you the knowledge in this place, and leaue the other to a fitter ; yet I muft needs mew you of one of the wilde forts, which for his ftrangenefle is worthy of this Garden : And I muft alfo enforme you, that the wilde Strawberry that groweth in the Woods is our Garden Strawberry, but bettered by the foyle and tranf planting. The Strawberry hath his leaues clofed together at the firft fpringing vp, which af- terwards fpread themfelues into three diuided parts or leaues, euery one ftanding vpon a fmall long foote-ftalke, greene on the vpperfide, grayifh vnderneath, and fnipped or dented about the edges ; among which rife vp diuers fmall ftalkes, bearing foure or fiue flowers at the tops, confiding of fiue white round pointed leaues, fomewhat yel- lowifh in the bottome, with fome yellow threads therein ; after which come the fruit, made of many fmall graines fet together, like vnto a fmall Mulberry or Rafpis, red- dim when it is ripe, and of a pleafant winy tafte, wherein is enclofed diuers fmall blac- kifh feede : the roote is reddifh and long, with diuers fmall threads at it, and fendeth forth The Kitchen 527 I Cueumis longut rulgaris. The ordinary Cowcumber. 2 Cucvmii Hifpaniats. The long yellow Spanifh Cowcumber. 3 ttelo vulgaris. The ordinary Melon. 4 itelo maximus optimal. The greateu Muske Melon. 5 Pepo. The Pompion. 6 rrarari' mlgaris. Common Strawberries. 7 Fragari Bokemua maxima. The great Bohemia Strawberries. 8 Pragari atultata. The prickly Strawberry. 528 'The Kitchen Garden. forth from the head thereof long reddifh firings running vpon the ground, which fhoot forth leaues in many places, whereby it is much encreafed. The white Strawberry differeth not from the red, but in the colour of the fruite, which is whiter then the former when it is thorough ripe, enclining to redneffe. The greene Strawberry likewife differeth not, but that the fruit is green on all fides when it is ripe, faue on that fide the Sun lyeth vpon it, and there it is fomewhat red. The Virginia Strawberry carryeth the greatefl leafe of any other, except the Bohe- mian, but fcarce can one Strawberry be feene ripe among a number of plants ; I thinke the reafon thereof to be the want of skill, or induflry to order it aright. For the Bohe- mia, and all other Strawberries will not beare kindly, if you fuffer them to grow with many firings, and therefore they are flill cut away. There is another very like vnto this, that lohn Tradefcante brought with him from BrufTels long agoe, and in feuen yeares could neuer fee one berry ripe on all fides, but flill the better part rotten, although it would euery yeare flower abundantly, and beare very large leaues. The Bohemia Strawberry hath beene with vs but of late dayes, but is the goodliefl and greatefl, both for leafe next to the Virginian, and for beauty farre furpaffing all ; for fome of the berries haue beene meafured to bee neere fiue inches about. Mafler Quefler the Poflmafler firfl brought them ouer into our Country, as I vnderfland, but I know no man fo induflrious in the carefull planting and bringing them to perfection in that plentifull maner, as Mafler Vincent Sion who dwelt on the Banck fide, neer the old Paris garden flaires, who from feuen rootes, as hee affirmed to me, in one yeare and a halfe, planted halfe an acree of ground with the increafe from them, befides thofe he gaue away to his friends, and with him I haue feene fuch, and of that bignefle be- fore mentioned. One Strawberry more I promifed to fhew you, which although it be a wilde kinde, and of no vfe for meate, yet I would not let this difcourfe paffe, without giuing you the knowledge of it. It is in leafe much like vnto the ordinary, but differed! in that the flower, if it haue any, is greene, or rather it beareth a fmall head of greene leaues, many fet thicke together like vnto a double ruffe, in the midfl whereof flandeth the fruit, which when it is ripe, fheweth to be foft and fomewhat reddifh, like vnto a Straw- berry, but with many fmall harmlefTe prickles on them, which may be eaten and chew- ed in the mouth without any maner of offence, and is fomewhat pleafant like a Straw- berry : it is no great bearer, but thofe it doth beare, are fet at the toppes of the flalks clofe together, pleafant to behold, and fit for a Gentlewoman to weare on her arme, &c. as a raritie inflead of a flower. The Vfe of Strawberries. The leaues of Strawberries are alwaies vfed among other herbes in coo- ling drinkes, as alfo in lotions, and gargles for the mouth and throate : the rootes are fometimes added to make it the more effecluall, and withall fom- what the more binding. The berries themfelues are often brought to the Table as a reare feruice, whereunto claret wine, creame or milke is added with fugar, as euery one li- keth ; as alfo at other times, both with the better and meaner fort, and are a good cooling and pleafant difh in the hot Summer feafon. The water diflilled of the berries, is good for the paflions of the heart, caufed by the perturbation of the fpirits, being eyther drunke alone, or in wine ; and maketh the heart merry. Some doe hold that the water helpeth to clenfe the face from fpots, and to adde fome cleerenefTe to the skinne. CHAP. The Kitchen Garden. 529 CHAP. LVII. Angelica. Garden Angelica. HAuing thus furnifhed you out a Kitchen Garden with all forts of herbes, roots & fruits fit for it, and for any mans priuate vfe, as I did at the firft appropriate it ; let me a little tranfcend, and for the profit & vfe of Country Gentlewomen and others, tiirnilh them with fome few other herbes, of the moft efpeciall vfe for thofe (hall need them, to be planted at hand in their Gardens, to fpcnd as occafion (hall feruc, and firll of Angelica. Angelica hath great and long winged leaues, made of many broade greene ones, diuided one trom another vpon the Italic, which is three foot long or better fomtimes, among which rife vp great thicke and hollow ftalkes with fome few ioynts, whereat doth alwayes Hand two long leaues compafling the ftalke at the bottome, in fome pla- ces at the ioynts fpring out other ftalkes or branches, bearing fuch like leaues but fmal- ler, and at the tops very large vmbels of white flowers, that turne into whitilh feede fomewhat thicke : the roote groweth great with many branches at it, but quickly pe- ril heth after it hath borne feede : to preferue the roote therefore the better, they vfe to cut it otten in the yeare, thereby to hinder the running vp to feede : the whole plant, both leafe, roote and feede, is of an excellent comfortable fent, fauour and tafte. The Vfe of Angelica. The diftilled water of Angelica, eyther (imple or compound, is of efpe- ciall vfe /// dcliquium animt\ ve/ cordis tremores & fafsiones, that is, fwounings, when the fpirits are ouercome and faint, or tremblings and paflions of the heart, to expell any windy or noyfome vapours from it. The green ftalkes or the young rootes being preferued or candied, are very effectuall to comfort and warme a colde and weake ftomacke : and in the time of infection is of excellent good vfe to preferue the fpirits and heart from infection. The dryed roote made into pouder, and taken in wine or other drinke, will abate the rage of luft in young perfons, as I haue it related vnto me vpon credit : A Syrupe made thereof in this manner, is very profitable to expectorate flegme out of the chert and lunges, and to procure a fweete breath. Into the greene ftalke of Angelica as it ftandeth growing, make a great game or in- cifion, wherein put a quantitie of fine white Sugar, letting it there abide for three dayes, and after take it forth by cutting a hole at the next ioynt vnder the cut, where the Syrupe refteth, or cut off the ftalke, and turne it downe, that the Syrrupe may drayne forth ; which keepe for a moft delicate me- dicine. CHAP. LVII I. Dracunculus hortenjis Jiue Serfentaria. Dragons. DRagons rifeth out of the ground with a bare or naked round whitifh ftalke, fpotted very much with purplifh foots and ftrakes, bearing at the toppe therof a few greene leaues very much diuided on all fides, ftanding vpon long foote- ftalkes, in the middle whereof (if the roote be old enough) commeth forth a great long huske or hofe, green on the outfide, and of a darke purplifh colour on the infide, with a (lender long reddifh peftell or clapper in the middle : the roote is great, round, flat and whitilh on the outfide, and whiter within, very like vnto the rootes of Arum, or Wakerobin, and tafting fomewhat (harpe like it. X3 The 1530 The Kitchen Garden. The Vfe of Dragons. The chiefe vfe whereunto Dragons are applyed, is, that according to an old receiued cuftome and tradition (and not the Judgement of any learned Author) the diftilled water is giuen with Mithridatum or Treakle to expell noyfome and peftilentiall vapours from the heart. CHAP. LIX. Ruta. Garden Rue, or Herbe Grace. GArden Rue or Herbe Grace groweth vp with hard whitifh wooddy ftalkes, whereon are fet diuers branches of leaues, being diuided into many fmall ones, which are fomewhat thicke and round pointed, of a blewifh greene colour: the flowers ftand at the tops of the ftalkes confifting of foure fmall yellow leaues, with a greene button in the middle, and diuers fmall yellow threds about it, which growing ripe, containe within them fmall blacke feede : the roote is white and wooddy, fprea- ding farre in the ground. The Vfe of Rue. The many good properties whereunto Rue ferueth, hath I thinke in for- mer times caufed the Englifh name of Herbe Grace to be giuen vnto it. For without doubt it is a moft wholefome herbe, although bitter and ftrong, and could our dainty ftomackes brooke the vfe thereof, it would worke admi- rable effects being carefully and skilfully applyed, as time and occafion did require : but not vndifcreetly or hand ouer head, as many vfe to doe that haue no skill. Some doe rippe vp a beade rowle of the vertues of Rue, as Macer the Poet and others, in whom you fhall finde them fet downe, to bee good for the head, eyes, breaft, liuer, heart, fpleene, &c. In fome places they vfe to boyle the leaues of Rue, and keep them in pickle, to eate them as Sam- pire for the die titmtivxn of men grounds, fo mull the plantation of die.:- /\ neoeilitie be aho ; and if die ground V in forme, you thall haue a formall * *tiard: if odienvife, it can haue little grace or forme. And indeed in die elder ages their was nmll care or heexie taken tor the formality : for euery tree tor the moll Pt was planted witrnnit order, eiien where the mailer oV keeper found a vacant place to pbnt diem in, fo dut v>ttentinies the ill placing of trees without mtrtciem fjpace he- . ^e rfienv and negligeiKr in ixx Kx>king to vphokl diem, procured more watle and tpoile of tiruii, dien any aocidc xle or weadier ; oe. Orchards in nxill places h*ue not hricke or tlone wals u^ fecxire diem, becaufe die extent diereof being Urger The ordering of the Orchard. 537 larger then of a Garden, would require more colt, which euery one cannot vndergoe; and therefore mud wals, or at the belt a quicke let hedge, is the ordinary and moft vfu- all defence it findeth almolt in all places: but with thofe that are of ability to com- palle it with bricke or (tone wals, the gaining of ground, and profit of the fruit trees planted there againlt, will in fhort time recompenfe that charge. If you make a doubt how to be fure that your Orchard wall (hall haue fufficient comfort of the Sunne to ripen the fruits, in regard the trees in the Orchard being fo nigh thereunto, and fo high withall, will fo much (hadow the wall, that nothing will ripen well, becaufe it will want the comfort of the Sunne: you may follow this rule and aduice, to remedy thole inconueniences. Hauing an Orchard containing one acre of ground, two, three, or more, or lefTe, walled about, you may fo order it, by leauing a broad and large walke betweene the wall and it, containing twenty or twenty foure foote (or yards if you will) that the wall (hall not be hindered of the Sun, but haue fufficient comfort for your trees, notwithftanding the height of them, the diftance betweene them and the wall being a fufficient ("pace for their fhadow to fall into : and by compaffing your Or- chard on the infide with a hedge (wherein may bee planted all forts of low (hrubs or bufhes, as Rofes, C'ornellian Cherry trees plalhed lowe, Goofeberries, Curran trees, or the like) you may enclofe your walke, and keepe both it and your Orchard in better forme and man- ner, then if it lay open. For the placing of your trees in this Or- chard, firft for the wals : Thofe fides that lye open to the South & Southweft Sunne, are fitteft to bee planted with your tendereft and earlielt fruits, as Apricockes, Pea- ches, Nectarius, and May or early Cherries : the Eaft, North and Weft, for Plums and Quinces, as you (hall like belt to place them. And for the Orchard it felfe, the ordinary manner is to place them without regard of meafure or dif- ference, as Pea res among Ap- ples, and Plums among Cherries promifcuoufly ; but fome keepe both a diftance and a diuifion for euery fort, without intermingling : yet the moft gracefull Orchard containeth them all, with fome others, fo as they be placed that one doe not hinder or fpoile another; and therefore to defcribe you the modell of an Orchard, both rare for comelinefle in the proportion, and pleafing for the profitablenefle in the vfe, and alfo durable for continuance, regard this figure is here placed for your direction, where you muft ob- ferue, that your trees are here fet in fuch an equall diftance one from another euery way, & as is fitteft for them, that when they are grown great, the greater branches (hall not gall or rubbe one againft another ; for which purpofe twenty or fixteene foot is the leaft to be allowed for the diftance euery way of your trees, & being fet in rowes euery one in the middle diftance, will be the moft gracefull for the plantation, and befides, L^iuc you way fufficient to pafle through them, to pruine, loppe, or drefTe them, as need Hiall require, and may alfo bee brought (if you pleafe) to that gracefull delight, that euery alley or diltance may be formed like an arch, the branches of either fide meeting to be enterlaced together. Now for the feuerall forts of fruit trees that you (hall place in this modell, your belt direction is to fet Damfons, Bulleis, and your taler growing Plums on the outfide, and your lower Plums, Cherries, and Apples on the infide, ha- uing regard, that you place no Peare tree to the Sunward, of any other tree, left it ouer- Y 3 (hadow e 3 8 The ordering of the Orchard. fhadow them : Let your Peare trees therefore be placed behinde, or on the one fide of your lower trees, that they may be as it were a fhelter or defence on the North & Eaft fide. Thus may you alfo plant Apples among Plums and Cherries, fo as you fuffer not one to ouer-growe or ouer-toppe another ; for by pruning, lopping, and fhred- ding thofe that growe too faft for their fellowes, you may ftill keepe your trees in fuch a conformity, as may be both moft comely for the fight, and moft profitable for the yeelding of greater and better ftore of fruit. Other forts of fruit trees you may mixe among thefe, if you pleafe, as Filberds, Cornellian Cherries in ftanderds, and Med- lers: but Seruice trees, Baye trees, and others of that high fort, muft be fet to guard the reft. Thus haue I giuen you the faireft forme could as yet be deuifed ; and from this patterne, if you doe not follow it precifely, yet by it you may proportion your Or- chard, be it large or little, be it walled or hedged. CHAP. III. 1 Of a nourfery for trees, both from fowing the kernels, and planting Jit Jtockes to graft vpon. ALthough I know the greater fort (I meane the Nobility and better part of the Gentrie of this Land) doe not intend to keepe a Nurfery, to raife vp thofe trees that they meane to plant their wals or Orchards withall, but to buy them al- ready grafted to their hands of them that make their liuing of it : yet becaufe many Gentlemen and others are much delighted to beftowe their paines in grafting them- felues, and efteeme their owne labours and handie worke farre aboue other mens : for their incouragement and fatisfaclion, I will here fet downe fome conuenient directi- ons, to enable them to raife an Orchard of all forts of fruits quickly, both by fowing the kernels or ftones of fruit, and by making choife of the beft forts of ftockes to graft on: Firft therefore to begin with Cherries; If you will make a Nurfery, wherein you may bee ftored with plenty of ftockes in a little fpace, take what quantitie you thinke good of ordinarie wilde blacke Cherrie ftones, cleanfed from the berries, and fowe them, or pricke them in one by one on a peece of ground well turned vp, and large enough for the quantitie of ftones you will beftowe thereon, from the midft of Auguft vnto the end of September, which when they are two or three yeares old, ac- cording to their growth, you may remoue them, and fet them anew in fome orderly rowes, hauing pruned their tops and their rootes, which at the next yeares growth af- ter the new planting in any good ground, or at the fecond, will be of fufficient big- nefTe to graft vpon in the bud what forts of Cherries you thinke beft : and it is fitteft to graft them thus young, that pruning your ftockes to raife them high, you may graft them at fiue or fix foote high, or higher, or lower, as you fhall fee good, and being thus grafted in the bud, will both more fpeedily and fafely bring forward your grafts, and with lefTe danger of lofing your ftockes, then by grafting them in the ftocke : for if the bud take not by inoculating the firft yeare, yet your tree is not loft, nor put in any hazzard of IqfTe ; but may be grafted anew the yeare following, if you will, in an other place thereof, whereas if you graft in the ftocke, and it doe not take, it is a great chance if the ftocke dye not wholly, or at leaft be not fo weakened both in ftrength and height, that it will not bee fit to bee grafted a yeare or two after. In the fame man- ner as you doe with the blacke, you may deale with the ordinary Englifh red Cherrie ftones, or kernels, but they are not fo apt to growe fo ftraight and high, nor in fo fhort a time as the blacke Cherrie ftones are, and befides are fubieft in time to bring out fuc- kers from the rootes, to the hinderance of the ftockes and grafts, or at the leaft to the deformitie of your Orchard, and more trouble to the Gardiner, to pull or digge them away. Plumme ftones may bee ordered in this manner likewife, but you muft make choife of your Plums ; for although euery Plumme is not fo fit for this purpofe, as the white Peare Plurnme, becaufe it groweth the goaleft and freeft, the barke being fmooth and apteft to be raifed, that they may be grafted vpon ; yet diuers other Plummes may be taken, if they be not at hand, or to be had, as the blacke and red Peare Plumme, the white The ordering of the Orchard. 539 white and red Wheate Plumme, becaufe they are nearell in goodnelfe vnto it. Peach (tones will be foone raifed vp to graft other forts of Peaches or Neclorins vpon, but the nature of the Peach roote being fpongie, is not to abide long. As for Almonds, they will be railed from their (tones to be trees of themfelues ; but they will hardly a- bide the ramming, and lelle to bee grafted vpon. Apricocke ftones arc the worn to deale \\ittiall of any fort of (tone fruit; for although the Apricocke branches are the fittelt ftockes to graft Neftorins of the bell forts vpon, yet thofe that are raifed from the kernels or Hones will neuer thriue to be brought on for this purpbfe ; but will ftarue and dye, or hardly grow in a long time to be a (traight and fit ftocke to be grafted, if it be once remoued. Your Cornellian Cherrie trees are wholly, or for the molt part rai- led from the ftones or kernels; yet I know diuers doe increafe them, by laying in their lowed branches to take roote: and thus much for (tone fruits. Now for Apples and Pea res, to be dealt withall in the fame manner as aforefaid. They vfe to take the pref- ling of Crabs whereas Veriuyce is made, as alfo of Cidar and Perry where they are made, and fowing them, doe raife vp great ftore of ftockes ; for although the beating of the fruit doth fpoile many kernels, yet there will bee enough left that were neuer toucht, aiul that will fpring : the Crabbe ftockes fome preferre for the fitted, but I am fure, that the better Apple and Peare kernels will growe fairer, (traighter, quicklier, and better to be grafted on. You muft remember, that after two or three yeares you take vp thefe ftockes, and when you haue pruned both toppe and roote, to fet them a- gaine in a thinner and fitter order, to be afterwards grafted in the bud while they are young, as I fhall (hew you by and by, or in the ftocke if you will fuffer them to growe greater. Now likewife to know which are the fitteft ftockes of all forts to cnoofe, thereon to graft euery of thefe forts of fruits, is a point of fome skill indeede ; and therefore obferue them as I doe here fet them dowrie : for bee you aflured, that they are certaine rules, and knowne experiences, whereunto you may triift without being deceiued. Your blacke Cherrie ftockes (as I faid before) are the fitteft and beft for all forts of Cherries long to abide and profper, and euen May or early Cherry will a- bide or Hue longer, being grafted thereon, either in the budde or in the ftocke, then on the ordinary red Cherry ftocke ; but the red Cherry ftocke is in a manner the onely tree that.moft Nurfery men doe take to graft May Cherries on in the ftocke (for it is but a late experience of many, to graft May Cherries in the bud) many alfo doe graft May Cherries on Gafcoigne Cherry ftockes, which doe not onely thriue well, but en- dure longer then vpon any ordinary Cherry ftocke : For indeede the May Cherries that are grafted vpon ordinary red Cherrie ftockes, will hardly hold aboue a dozen yeares bearing well, although they come forwarder at the firft, that is, doe beare (bo- ner then thofe that are grafted on Gafcoigne or blacke Cherry ftockes; but as they are earlier in bearing, fo they are fooner fpent, and the Gafcoigne and blacke Cherry ftockes that are longer in comming forward, will laft twice or thrice their time ; but many more grafts will mifle in grafting of thefe, then of thofe red Cherry ftockes, and belides, the natures of the Gafcoigne and blacke Cherry ftockes are to rife higher, and make a goodlier tree then the ordinary red ftocke will, which for the moft part fprea- dcth wide, but rifeth not very high. The Englifh red Cherry ftocke will ferue very well to graft any other fort of Cherry vpon, and is vfed in moft places of this Land, and I know no other greater inconuenience in it, then that it fhooteth out many fuckers from the roote, which yet by looking vnto may foorie bee remoued from doing any harme, and that it will not laft fo long as the Gafcoigne or blacke Cherry ftocke will. May Cherries thus grafted lowe, doe moft vfually ferue to be planted againft a wall, to bring on the fruit the earlier; yet fome graft them high vpon ftandards, although not many, and it is, I thinke, rather curiofity (if they that doe it haue any wals) then anie o- ther matter that caufeth them thus to doe: for the fruit is naturally (mail, though early, and the ftandard Cherries are alwaies later then the wall Cherries, fo that if they can fpare any roome for them at their wals, they will not plant many in ftandards. Now concerning Plummes (as I faid before) tor the fowing or fetting of the ftones, fo I fay here for their choife in grafting of them, either in the budde or ftocke. The white Peare Plumme ftocke, and the other there mentioned, but especially the white Peare Plumme is the goodlieft, freeft, and fitteft of all the reft, as well to graft all fort of Plummes vpon, as alfo to graft Apricockes, which can be hahdfomely, and to any good 54.0 The ordering of the Orchard. good purpofe grafted vpon no other Plum ftocke, to rife to bee worth the labour and paine. All forts of Plums may be grafted in the ftocke, and fo may they alfo in the bud ; for I know none of them that will refufe to be grafted in the bud, if a cunning hand performe it well ; that is, to take off your bud cleanely and well, when you haue made choice of a fit cyon : for, as I fhal fhew you anon, it is no fmall peece of cunning to chufe your cyon that it may yeeld fit buds to graft withall, for euery plum is not of a like apt- nes to yeeld them : But Apricocks cannot be grafted in the ftock for any thing that euer I could heare or learne, but only in the bud, and therefore let your Plum ftocke bee of a reafonable fize for Apricockes efpecially, and not too fmall, that the graft ouer- grow not the ftocke, and that the ftocke bee large enough to nourifli the graft. As your Plum ftockes ferue to graft both Apricockes and Plummes, fo doe they ferue alfo very well to graft Peaches of all forts; and although Peach ftockes will ferue to be grafted with Peaches againe, yet the Peach ftocke (as I faid before) will not endure fo long as the Plumme ftocke, and therefore ferueth but for neceflity if Plum flocks be not ready, or at hand, or for the prefent time, or that they afterwards may graft that fort of Peach on a Plumme ftocke : for many might lofe a good fruit, if when they meete with it, and haue not Plumme ftockes ready to graft it on, they could not be af- fured that it would take vpon another Peach ftocke or branch, or on the branch of an Apricocke eyther. Plumme ftockes will ferue likewife very well for fome forts of Neftorins ; I fay, for fome forts, and not for all : the greene and the yellow Neclo- rin will beft thriue to be grafted immediately on a Plumme ftocke ; but the other two forts of red Nectorins muft not be immediately grafted on the Plumme ftocke, but vp- on a branch of an Apricocke that hath beene formerly grafted on a Plumme ftocke, the nature of thefe Neclorins being found by experience to be fo contrary to the Plum ftocke, that it will fterue it, and both dye within a yeare, two or three at the moft : Di- uers haue tryed to graft thefe red Neclorins vpon Peach ftockes, and they haue endu- red well a while ; but feeing the Peach ftocke will not laft long it felfe, being ouer- weake, how can it hold fo ftrong a nature as thefe red Ne<5lorins, which will (as I faid before) fterue a Plum ftocke that is fufficient durable for any other Plumme ? Apricocke ftockes from the ftones are hardly nurfed vp, and worfe to be remoued, and if a red Neftorin fhould be grafted on an Apricock rayfed from the ftone, and not remoued, I doubt it might happen with it as it doth with many other trees raifed from ftones or kernels, and not remoued, that they would hardly beare fruit : for the nature of moft trees raifed from ftones or kernels, and not remoued, is to fend great downe- right rootes, and not to fpread many forwards ; fo that if they be not cut away that ci- thers may fpreade abroad, I haue feldome feene or known any of them to beare in any reafonable time ; and therefore in remouing, thefe great downe-right rootes are al- wayes fhred away, and thereby made fit to fhoote others forwards. Hereby you may perceiue, that thefe red Neftorins will not abide to bee grafted vpon any other ftocke well, then vpon an Apricocke branch, although the green and the yellow (as I faid be- fore) will well endure and thriue vpon Plums. The fuckers or fhootes both of Plums and Cherries that rife from their rootes, eyther neare their ftockes, or farther off, fo that they bee taken with fome fmall rootes to them, will ferue to bee ftockes, and will come forward quickly ; but if the fuckers haue no fmall roots whereby they may com- prehend in the ground, it is almoft impoffible it fhould hold or abide. There is another way to rayfe vp eyther ftockes to graft on, or trees without grafting, which is, by cir- cumcifing a faire and fit branch in this manner : About Midfomer, when the fappe is thoroughly rifen (or before if the yeare be forward) they vfe to binde a good quantity of clay round about a faire and ftraight branch, of a reafonable good fize or bigneffe, with fome conuenient bands, whether it be ropes of hey, or of any other thing, about an handfull aboue the ioynt, where the branch fpreadeth from the tree, and cutting the barke thereof round about vnder the place where the clay is bound, the fap is hereby hindered from rifing, or defcending further then that place fo circumcifed, whereby it will moote out fmall knubs and rootes into the clay, which they fuffer fo to abide vn- till the beginning of winter, whenas with a fine Sawe they cut off that branch where it was circumcifed, and afterwardes place it in the ground where they would haue it to grow, and ftake it, and binde it faft, which will fhoote forth rootes, and will become eyther a faire tree to beare fruite without grafting, or elfe a fit ftocke to graft on accor- ding The ordering of the Orchard, 54.1 ding to the kinde : but oftentimes this kinde of propagation milTeth, in that it fendeth not forth motes futiicient to caufe it to abide any long time. Let me yet before I leaue this narration of Plumules, giue you one admonition more, that vpon whatfoeucr Plumme llocke you doe graft, yet vpon a Damfon ftocke that you neuer (triue to graft, for it (aboue all other forts of IMumine Itockes) will neuer giue you a tree worth your labour. It remaineth only of llone fruit, that I fpeake of Cornelles, which as yet I ne- uer law Drafted vpon any llocke, being as it (hould feeme vtterly repugnant to the na- ture thereof, to abide grafting, but is wholly rayfed vp (as I faid before) eyther from the (tones, or from the fuckers or layers. For Peares and Apples your vfuall Itockes to graft on are (as I laid before, fpeaking of the nurfing vp of trees from the kernels) your bbe ftockes, and they bee accepted in euery Countrey of this Land as they may conueniently be had, yet many doe take the (tockcs of better fruit, whether they bee fuckers, or Itockes rayfed from the kernels (and the moft common and knowne way of grafting, is in the llocke tor all forts of them, although fome doe vfe whipping, packing on, or inciting, as euery one lift to call it : but now we doe in many places be- gin to ilcalc with Peares and Apples as with other ftone fruit, that is, graft them all in the bud, which is found the molt compendious and fafeft way both to preferue your Itocke from perilling, and to bring them the fooner to couer the ftock, as alfo to make the goodlier and Itraighter tree, being grafted at what height you pleafe :) for thofe Itockes that are rayfed from the kernels of good fruit (which are for the moft part ea- (ily knowne from others, in that they want thofe thornes or prickles the wilde kindes are armed withall :) I fay for the moft part ; for I know that the kernels of fome good fruite hath giuen ftockes with prickles on them (which, as I thinke, was becaufe that good fruite was taken from a wilde ftocke that had not beene long enough grafted to alter his wilde nature ; for the longer a tree is grafted, the more ftrength the fruite ta- kcth trom the graft, and the lefTe ftill from the ftocke) being fmoother and fairer then the wilde kinds, mult needes make a goodlier tree, and will not alter any whit the tafte of your fruit that is grafted thereon, but rather adde fome better rellifh thereunto ; for the Crabbe Itockes yeelding har(h fruite, muft giue part of their nature to the grafts are let thereon, and therefore the tafte or rellifh, as well as fome other naturall properties of moft fruits, are fomewhat altered by the ftocke. Another thing I would willingly giue you to vnderftand concerning your fruits and ftockes, that whereas diuers for cu- riolity and to try experiments haue grafted Cherries vpon Plumme Itockes, or Plums on Cherry ftockes, Apples vpon Peare ftockes, and Peares vpon Apple ftockes, fome of thefe haue held the graft a yeare, two or three peraduenture, but I neuer knew that euer they held long, or to beare fruite, much lefle to abide or doe well : beftow not therefore your paines and time on fuch contrary natures, vnlefle it be for curiofitie, as others haue done : Yet I know that they that graft peares on a white thorne ftocke haue had their grafts feeme to thriue well, and continue long, but I haue feldome feene the fruite thereof anfwerable to the naturall wilde Peare ftocke ; yet the Medlar is knowne to thriue beft on a white thorne. And laftly, whereas diuers doe affirme that they may haue not only good ftockes to graft vpon, but alfo faire trees to bear ftore of fruit from the kernels of Peares or Apples being prickt into the ground, and fuffered to grow without remouing, and then eyther grafted or fuffered to grow into great trees vngraf ted ; and for their bearing of fruite, affigne a dozen or twenty yeares from the firft fetting ot the kernels, and abiding vngrafted, I haue not feene or heard that expe- rience to hold certaine, or if it lliould be fo, yet it is too long time loft, and too much fruit alfo, to waite twenty yeares for that profit may be gained in a great deale of lefle time, and with more certainty. Vnto thefe inftruclions let mee adde alfo one more, which is not much known and vfed, and that is, to haue fruit within foure or fiue years trom the firit fowing of your (tones or kernels in this manner : After your (tones or kernels are two or three yeares old, take the faireft toppe or branch, and graft it as you would doe any other cyon taken trom a bearing tree, and looke what rare fruite, eyther Peare or Apple, the kernell was of that you fowed, or Peach or Plum &c. the ftone was let, fuch fruite (hall you haue within two or three yeares at the moft after the grafting, if it take, and the ftocke be good. And thus may you fee fruit in farre lefle time then to ftay vntill the tree from a kernell or (tone beareth fruit of it felfc. CHAP. 54-2 The ordering of the Orchard. CHAP. IIII. The diuers manners of grafting all forts of fruits i)fed in our Land. THe mod vfuall manner of grafting in the ftocke is fo common and well known in this Land to euery one that hath any thing to doe with trees or an Orchard, that I think I fhall take vpon mee a needlefle worke to fet downe that is fo well knowne to moft ; yet how common foeuer it is, fome directions may profit euery one, without which it is not eafily learned. And I doe not fo much fpend my time and paines herein for their fakes that haue knowledge, but for fuch as not knowing would faine be taught priuately, I meane, to reade the rules of the arte fet downe in priuate, when they would refufe to learne of a Gardiner, or other by fight : and yet I difcom- rnend not that way vnto them to learne by fight ; for one may fee more in an inftant by fight, then he (hall learn by his own practice in a great while, efpecially if he be a little pradtifed before he fee a cunning hand to doe it. There are many other kindes of graf- ting, which fhall be fpoken of hereafter, and peraduenture euen they that know it well, may learne fomething they knew not before. i . The grafting in the ftocke, is, to fet the fprigge of a good fruit into the body or ftocke of another tree, bee it wilde or other, bee it young or old, to caufe that tree to bring forth fuch fruit as the tree bore from whence you took the fprigge, and not fuch as the ftocke or tree would haue borne, if it had not beene grafted, and is performed in this manner : Looke what tree or ftocke you will chufe to graft on, you muft with a fmall fine fawe and very fharpe, whip off, or cut off the head or toppe thereof at what height you eyther thinke beft for your purpofe, or conuenient for the tree : for if you graft a great tree, you cannot without endangering the whole, cut it downe fo low to the ground, as you may without danger doe a fmall tree, or one that is of a reafonable fize ; and yet the lower or neerer the ground you graft a young tree, the fafer it is both for your ftocke and graft, becaufe the fappe fhall not afcend high, but foone giue vi- gour to the graft to take and fhoote quickly : After you haue cut off the toppe of your ftocke, cut or fmooth the head thereof with a fharpe knife, that it may be as plaine and fmooth as you can, and then cleaue it with a hammer or mallet, and with a ftrong knife, cleauer or cheflell, either in the middle of it if it be fmall, or of a reafonable fize, or on the fides an inch or more within the barke, if it be great : into both fides of the cleft put your grafts, or into one if the ftocke bee fmaller ; which grafts muft bee made fit for the purpofe on this fafhion : Hauing made choife of your grafts from the toppe branches efpecially, or from the fides of that tree whereof you would haue the fruit, and that they be of a reafonable good fize, not too fmall or too great for your ftockes, and of one or the fame yeares fhoote ; (and yet many doe cut an inch or more of the olde wood with the fprigge of the laft yeares growth, and fo graft the old and young toge- ther (but both are good, and the old wood no better then the young) cut your graft not too long, but with two, three or foure eyes or buds at the moft, which at the lower or bigger end for an inch long or more (for the greater ftockes, and an inch or lefle for the leffer fort) muft be fo cut, that it be very thin on the one fide from the fhoulders down- ward, and thicker on the other, and thin alfo at the end, that it may goe downe clofe in- to the cleft, and reft at the fhoulders on the head of the ftocke : but take heede that in cutting your grafts your knife bee very fharpe that you doe not rayfe any of the barke, eyther at the fides or the end, for feare of lofing both your paines and graft, and ftocke too peraduenture ; and let not your grafts bee made long before you fet them, or elfe put the ends of them in water to keepe them frefh and cleane : when you fet them you muft open the cleft of your ftocke with a wedge or cheflell as moft doe, that the graft may goe eafily into it, and that the barke of both graft and ftocke may ioyne clofe the one to the other, which without ftirring or difplacing muft bee fo left in the cleft, and the wedge or cheflell gently pulled forth ; but becaufe in the doing hereof confifteth in a manner the whole lofle or gaine of your paines, graft and ftocke, to preuent which inconuenience I doe vfe an iron Inftrument, the forme whereof is fhowne in the fol- lowing The ordering of the On /tar//. 543 lowing pa-f, marked with the letter A, crooked at both ends, and broadc like \nt<> ;i cheflell, tlu- one bigger, and the other lellcr, to tit all forts of Itockcs, and the iron han- dle fomewhat long Ixrtwcene them lx>th, that lx-ing thrult or knocked downe into the dctt, you may with your left hand open it as wide as is fit to let in your graft, without llrayning, which being placed, this iron may bee pulled or knocked vp againe without any moiling of your graft : when you hauc thus done, you mult lay a good hand- full or more (according to the bigneffe of your llocke) of foft and well moillned clay or loame, well tempered together with Iliort cut hey or horfe dung, vpon the head of your itocke, as lowe or fomewhat lower then the cleft, to keepe out all winde, raine or ay re from your graft vntill Midfomer at the leall, that the graft be lliot forth I'omcwhat llrongly, which then if you pleafe may be reuioued, and the cleft at the head only filled with a little clay to keepe out earewigs, or other things that may hurt your graft. A. The Iron Inltrument with cheffels at each end, the one bigger and the other letter, to keepe the cleft of the Tree open vntill the graft bee pla- ced in the llocke, which with a knock vpwards will be eafily taken away. B. The final] Penne-knife with a broad and thinne ended hatte, to raife the (ides both of the hud and the down-right flit in the body or arme of a Tree to be grafted in the bud. C. A pen or quil cut halfe round to take off a bud from the branch. D. An luory Inltrument made to the lame falhion. E. A (hielde of braffe made hol- low before to be put into the (lit, to keepe it open vntill the bud be put into its place. F. The manner of grafting cal- led inciting or fplicing. G. A Ladder made with a ftoole at the toppe, to ferue both to graft higher or lower, and alfo to gather truit without fpoy- ling or hurting any buddes or branches of Trees. i. The firft flit in the body or arme of a Tree to be grafted in the bud with the croffe cut at the head. 2. The fame flit opened on both fides, ready to receiue the budde Iliould be put there- in : thefe fmall peeces ferue as well as trees to (hew the manner and order of the graf- Pting. 3. The branch ot a Tree with one budde cut ready to be taken off, and another not yet touched. 4. The bud cleane taken off from the branch, both the forelide and backfide. 5. The graft or bud now put into the (lockc or tree you intend to be grafted : but the binding thereof is omitted. 2. Inarching is another manner of grafting in the Itocke, and is more troublefoim. and more cafuall alfo then the former, and is rather a curiolity then any way of good fpeede, certainety or profit, and therefore vfed but of a few. Yet to (hew you, tin- man- 544 The ordering of the Orchard. manner thereof, it is thus : Hauing a tree well growne, bee it high or low, yet the lower the better, with young branches well fpread, they vfe to fet ftockes round about it, or on the one fide as you pleafe ; into which ftockes they ingraft the young branches of the well growne tree as they are growing (before they cut them from the tree) by bow- ing downe the branch they intend to graft, and putting it into the ftocke, hauing firft cut off the head thereof, and cut a notch in the middle of the head a little flope on both fides, wherein the branch muft be fitted : let the branch be cut thinne on the vn- derfide, only of that length as may fuffice to fit the notch in the ftocke, leauing about halfe a yarde length of the branch, to rife aboue or beyond the ftocke, which beeing bound on, and clayed ouer or couered with red or greene foft waxe, they let fo abide, that if it take in the ftocke they cut off the branch a little below the grafting place in Nouember following, and remouing the ftocke, they haue thus gained a grafted and growne tree the firft yeare : but it is vfually feene, that where one branch taketh, three doe miffe : yet this manner of grafting was much in vfe for May Cherries, when they were firft known to vs, and the way thought to be a rare manner of grafting to encreafe them, vntill a better way was found out, which now is fo common and good alfo, that this is not now fcarce thought vpon. 3. Another kinde of grafting in the ftocke is called of fome whipping, of fome fplicing, of others incifing, and of others packing on (and as I heare, is much vfed in the Weft parts efpecially, and alfo in the North parts of this Land) and is performed in this manner : Take and flice the branch of a tree (fo as the branch be not too bigge) or elfe a young tree of two, or three, or foure yeares growth at the moft, quite off flope wife, about an inch and a halfe long or more, and cut a deep notch in the middle there- of, then fit into it a graft iuft of that fize or bigneffe, cut on both fides with moulders, and thin at the end, that it may ioyne clofe in the notch, and neyther bigger or leffer, but that the barke of the one may bee fitted iuft' to the barke of the other, the figure wherof is exprefled at the letters E.F. which fhew the one to be with a ftioulder & the other without ; binde them gently together with baft, and put clay or waxe ouer the place, vntill it be taken : this is much vfed of late dayes for fuch young trees as are ri- fen of ftones or kernels after the fecond or third yeares growth, and thriue very well in that it not only faueth much time, but diuers checks by remouing and grafting. 4. Inoculating or grafting in the budde is another manner of grafting, which is the taking of a budde from one tree, and putting it into the barke of another tree, to the end, that thereby you may haue of the fame kinde of fruit the tree bare from whence the budde was taken; and although it bee fufficiently knowne in many places of this Land, yet as I vnderftand, good Gardiners in the North parts, and likewife in fome o- ther places, can fcarce tell what it meaneth, or at the leaft how to doe it well. It is per- formed after a different fafhion from the former, although they all tend vnto one end, which is the propagating of trees. You muft for this purpofe obferue, that for thofe trees you would graft, either with, or vpon, you choofe a fit time in Summer, when the fappe is well rifen, and your graft well mot, that the barke will rife eafily and cleanly, both of ftocke and graft, which time I cannot appoint, becaufe both the years doe differ in earlineffe, and the feuerall parts or countries of this Land likewife one from another, but moft vfually in thefe Southerne parts, from the beginning of lune vnto the end of it, or to the middle of luly, or either fomewhat before or after. Firft (as I faid) hauing taken the fitteft time of the yeare, you muft take efpeciall care, that your grafts be well growne, and of the fame yeares moote, and alfo that the buds or eyes haue but fingle leaues at them, as neere as you can : for I would vtterly- refufe thofe buds that haue aboue two leaues as vnprofitable, either in Peaches or any other fruit ; and therefore fee that your grafts or cyons bee taken from the chiefeft place of the tree, that is, either from the toppe, or from a funnie fide thereof, and not from the contrarie fide if you may otherwife, nor from any vnder-boughes ; for feeing your graft is fo fmall a thing, you had neede take the more care that it be the beft and faireft. You muft to take off this eye or budde from the fprigge, haue a fmall fharpe pen-knife, the end of the haft being made flat and thinne, like a cheffell or wedge, the figure whereof is fet forth at the letter B, and a pen or goofe quill cut, to be lefle then halfe round, and to be broad at the end, but not (harpe pointed like a penne, or elfe fuch a peece ot bone or luorie made in that fafhion as the quill is, to bee thinne, hollow, or halfe The ordering of the Orchard. 545 halfe round, the figures of both which are marked with the letters C, D, with your knife cut the barke of the bud (hauing tirlt cut off the leafe, leauing onely the fhort foote-ftalke thereof at the bud) about a ftrawes breadth aboue the eye thereof halfe round, and then from that round or ouerthwart cut, with your knife cut it downe on both fides of the eye, clofe to the bud flopewife about an inch long or thereabouts, that it bee broad at the head aboue the eye, and pointing at the end like a fhcild or fcutcheon ; and then cutting away the reft of the barke from about it, with the thinne rlat end of the haft of your knife raife vp both fides of your bud a little, and with your quill or bone put vnder the barke, raife your budde, and thrurt it quite off, beginning at the toppe or head of your eye ; but fee that you thruft it off clofe to the wood of the branch or fpriggc, and that you doe not leaue the eye of the budde behinde fticking vpon the branch; for if that eye be left or loft, your bud is worth nothing; you muft call it away, and cut another that may haue that eye abiding within the budde on the infide : you may perceiue if that eye be wanting, if you fee an emptie hole in the place where the eye ihould be, to fill it vp on the infide thereof; thus hauing taken off your bud well and cleanly, which is fet forth vnto you at the figures 3 and 4. prefently fet it on the tree you would graft (for your fmall budde can abide no delay, left by taking the ayre too long it become dry, and nothing worth) in this manner : Cut the barke of your tree you would graft in a fmooth place, at what height you pleafe, firft aboue or ouerthwart, and then downe right in the middle thereof, more then an inch long, the figure whereof you (hall haue at the figure i . and then raife vp both fides of the barke, firft one, and then another, with the flat and thinne haft end of your knife, a prettie way inwards (for if the barke will not rife eafily, the rtocke is not then fit to graft vp- on) put in your budde into the cleft with the point downewards, holding the ftalke of the leafe that is with the budde betweene your fingers of the one hand, and opening the cleft with the flat end of your knife with the other hand, that the head of your bud may be put clofe vnder the ouerthwart cut in the ftocke or tree (which muft not be raifed or ftirred as the fides are) & the eye of the bud ftand iuft in the middle of the flit that is downeright, and then doling the barke of the ftocke or tree foftly vnto the bud thus put in with your fingers, let it be bound gently with a fmall long peece of bafte, or other fuch like loft thing, firft aboue the eye, & then comparting it belowe as clofe as you can, but not too hard in any cafe, vntil you haue bound it all ouer the flit you made, efpecially the lower end, left any winde get in to dry and fpoile it ; and hauing tyed both ends thereof laft, leaue it fo for a fortnight or fomewhat more, in which fpace it will take and hold, if it be well done, which you (hall perceiue, if the bud abide green, and turne not blacke, when you haue vnloofed the tying ; for if it hold faft to the tree, and be frelh and good, tye it vp gently againe, and fo leaue it for a fortnight longer, or a moneth if you will, and then you may take away your binding cleane : this budde will (if no other mifchance happen vnto it) fpring and fhoote forth the next yeare, (and fometimes the fame yeare, but that is feldome) and therefore in the beginning of the yeare, cut off the head of the grafted tree about an handfull aboue the grafted place, vntill the graft be growne ftrong, and then cut it off clofe, that the head may be couered with the graft, and doe not fuffer any buds to fprout befides the graft, either aboue or belowe it. If you graft diuers buds vpon one ftocke (which is the beft way) let that onely remaine and abide that (hooteth beft forth, and rubbe off, or take away the other : the feuerall parts of this grafting I haue caufed to be expreffed for your fur- ther information. 5. Grafting in the fcutcheon is accounted another kinde of grafting, and differeth verie little from grafting in the budde : the difference chiefly confifteth in this, that in rtead of the downe right flit, and that aboue ouerthwart, they take away iuft fo much barke of the great tree, as your budde is in bignefle, which vfually is a little larger then the former, and placing it therein, they binde it as formerly is faid : fome vfe for this purpofe a paire of compafles, to giue the true meafure both of bud and ftocke ; this manner of grafting is moft vfed vpon greater trees, whofe young branches are too high to graft vpon in the former maner, and whofe tops they cut off (for the moft part) at the latter end of the next yeare after the bud is taken : both thefe waies were inuen- ted to faue the lofle of trees, which are more endangered by grafting in the ftocke, then Z3 'The ordering of the Orchard. then any of thefe waies ; and befides, by thefe waies you may graft at a farre greater height without lofle. CHAP. V. Of the manner of grafting and propagating all forts of Rofes. HAuing now fpoken of the grafting of trees, let mee adioyne the properties of Rofes, which although they better fit a Garden then an Orchard, yet I could not in a fitter place exprefle them then here, both for the name and affinity of grafting, & becaufe I do not exprefle it in the firft part. All forts of Rofes may be graf- ted (although all forts are not, fome feruing rather for ftockes for others to be grafted on) as eafily as any other tree, & is only performed, by inoculating in the fame maner I haue fet downe in the former Chapter of grafting trees in the bud ; for both ftocke and budde muft bee dealt with after the fame fafhion. And although fome haue boafted of grafting Rofes by dicing or whipping, as they call it, or in the ftocke, after the firft manner, fet downe in the former Chapter, yet I thinke it rather a bragge, not hauing feene or heard any true effe6r. proceede from that relation. The fweete Briar or Eglan- tine, the white and the Damaske Rofes, are the chiefeft ftockes to graft vpon. And if you graft lowe or neare the ground, you may by laying downe that graft within the ground, after it hath bin (hot out well, and of a years growth, by pinning it faft downe with fhort ftickes, a thwart or acrofle, caufe that grafted branch, by taking roote, to become a naturall Rofe, fuch as the graft was, which being feparated and tranfplanted after it hath taken root wel, will prof per as well as any naturall fucker. And in this ma- ner, by laying downe branches at length into the ground, if they be full of fpreading fmall branches, you may increafe all forts of Rofes quickly and plentifully; for they will fhoote forth rootes at the ioynts of euery branch : But as for the manner of grafting white Rofes or Damaske vpon Broome ftalkes or Barbary bufhes, to caufe them to bring forth double yellow Rofes, or vpon a Willowe, to beare greene Rofes, they are all idle conceits, as impoflible to be effected, as other things, whereof I haue fpo- ken in the ninth Chapter of my firft part, concerning a Garden of flowers, vnto which I referre you to be fatisfied with the reafons there alledged. And it is the more need- lefle, becaufe we haue a naturall double yellow Rofe of it owne growing. The fowing of the feedes of Rofes (which are fometimes found vpon moft forts of Rofes, although not euery yeare, and in euerie place) hath bin formerly much vfed ; but now the laying downe of the young fhootes is a way for increafe f o much vfed, being f afe and verie fpeedie to take, efpecially for thofe Rofes that are not fo apt to giue fuckers, that it hath almoft taken quite away the vfe of fowing of the feedes of Rofes, which yet if anie one be difpofed to make the triall, they muft gather the feede out of the round heads, from amongft the doune, wherein they lye verie like vnto the berries of the Eglantine or fweete Briar bufh, and efpecially of thofe Rofes that bee of the more fin- gle kindes, which are more apt to giue berries for feed then the more double, although fometimes the double Rofes yeeld the like heads or berries. Their time of fowing is in the end of September (yet fome referue them vntill February) and their manner of nourfing is to bee tranfplanted, after the firft or fecond yeares growth, and ten- ded carefully, that while they are young they be not loft for want of moifture in the dry time of Summer. CHAP. The ordering of the Orchard. 547 CHAP. VI. Certain,- rules and oA/iruatUHU in ami after grafting, not rctncmhred in the farmer Chapter. THe time of foine manners of grafting being not mentioned before, muft here IK- fpuken of. For the grafting of all forts of trees in the ftocke, the molt vfuall time is from the middle of February vntill the middle of March, as the yeare and the countrie is more forward or backward, with vs about London wee neuer palTe middc March : but becaufe the May Cherrie is firft ripe, and therefore of a very for- ward nature, it doth require to be grafted fomewhat fooner then others. The time of gathering likcwiiV, or cutting your grafts for grafting in the ftocke, is to be obferued, that they bee not long gathered before they bee grafted, for feare of being too dry, which I commend, howfoeuer diuers fay, if they be long kept they are not the worfe ; and therefore it you be forced to haue your grafts from rarre, or by fome other chance to keepe them long, be cart-Hill to keepe them moift, by keeping their ends ftucke in moilt clay ; but it neare hand, neglect no time I fay alter the cutting of them for their grafting, but either the fame, or the next day, or verie fpeedily after, in the meane time being put into the ground to keepe them frefh. The grafts taken from old trees, be- cauie they are ftronger, and (hoote forth fooner, are to bee fooner grafted then thofe that are taken from younger trees : of a good branch may bee made two, and fome- times three grafts lufficient for anie reaionable ftocke. For whipping, the time is fomt-what later then' grafting in the ftocke, becaufe it is performed on younger trees, which (as I laid betore) doe not to early bud or (hoote forth as the elder. Inarching likewife is performed much about the later end of the grafting time in the ftocke ; for being both kindes thereof they require the fame time of the yeare. The times of the other manners of graftings are before exprefled, to bee when they haue (hot forth young branches, from whence your buds murt be taken ; and therefore need not here againe to be repeated. If a graft in the ftocke doth happen not to (hoote forth when o- thers do (fo as it holdeth green) it may perchance (hoot out a moneth or two after, & do well, or elfe after Midfummer, when a fecond time of (hooting, or the after Spring ap- peareth : but haue an elpeciall care, that you take not fuch a graft that (hal haue nothing but buds for flowers vpon it, and not an eye or bud for leaues (which you muft be care- tull to diftinguilh) for fuch a graft after it hath (hot out the flowers muft of neccflitie dye, not hauing wherewith to maintaine it felfe. Alfo if your good graft doe mifle, and not take, it doth hazzard your ftocke at the firft time, yet manie ftockes doe recouer to be grafted the fecond time ; but twice to faile is deadly, which is not fo in the inocu- lating of buds in the greene tree : for if you faile there in three, or three times three, yet euerie wound being fmall, and the tree ftill growing greene, will quickly recouer it, and not be afterwards feen. Some vfe to graft in the ftocke the fame yeare they remoue the ftocke, to faue time, & a fecond checke by grafting ; but I like better both in grafting in the ftocke, and in the bud alfo, that your trees might be planted in the places where you would haue them growe, for a yeare or two at the leaft before you graft them, that after grafting there fhould be no remouall, I neede not be tedious, nor yet I hope ve- rie follicitous to remember many other triuiall, or at the leaft common knowne things in this matter. Firft, for the time to remoue trees, young or old, grafted or vngrafted, to be from a fortnight after Michaelmas vntill Candlemas, or if neede be, fomewhat alter, yet the fooner your remoue is, the better your trees will thriue, except it be in a very moilt ground. For the manner or way to fet them : viz. in the high and dry grounds fet them deeper, both to haue the more moifture, and to be the better defen- ded from windes ; and in the lower and moifter grounds (hallower, and that the earth be mellow, well turned vp, and that the finer earth bee put among the fmall rootes, wherein they may fpread, and afterwards gently troden downe, that no hollownefle remaine among the rootes : as alfo that after fetting (if the time be not ouermoift) there may be fome water powred to the rootes, to moiften and faften them the better; ami in the dry time ut Summer, after the fetting, let them not want moifture, if you will haue The ordering of the Orchard. haue them thriue and profper ; for the want thereof at that time, hath often killed ma- nie a likely tree. To (lake and fence them alfo if neede bee after they are new fet, and fo to continue for two or three yeares after, is verie expedient, left windes or other cafualties fpoile your paines, and ouerthrow your hopes. And likewife to defend your grafts from birds lighting on them, to breake or dif place them, to fticke fome prickes or fharpe pointed ftickes longer then your graft into your clay, that fo they may be a fure defence of it : As alfo to tye fome woollen cloathes about the lower end of your ftockes, or thruft in fome thornes into the ground about the rootes, to defend them from hauing their barkes eaten by Conies, or hurt by fome other noifome ver- mine. CHAP. VII. Ohferuations for the drefsing and perfluous buds, doe keepe their trees in conformity, without much cutting. The time to pruine or plam, or tye vp wall trees, is vfually from the fall of the leafe, to the be- ginning of the yeare, when they begin to bloffome, and moft efpecially a little before or after Chriftmas : but in any cafe not too late, for feare of rubbing off their buds. Some I know doe plafh and tye vp their wall trees after bearing time, while the leaues are greene, and their reafon is, the buds are not fo eafie or apt to bee rubbed from the branches at that time, as at Chriftmas, when they are more growne : but the leaues muft needes be very cumberfome, to hinder much both the orderly placing, and clofe faftening of them to the wall. This labour you muft performe euery yeare in its due time ; for if you fhall neglecl and ouerflip it, you (hall haue much more trouble, to bring them into a fit order againe, then at the firft. The ftandard trees in an Orchard muft be kept in another order; for whereas the former are fuffered to fpread at large, thefe muft be pruined both from fuperfluous branches that ouerload the trees, & make them leffe fruitfull, as well as leffe lightly, and the vnder or water boughes likewife, that drawe much nourifhment from the trees, and yet themfelues little the better for it, I meane to giue fruit. If therefore your Orchard confift of young trees, with a lit- tle care and paines it may bee kept in that comely order and proportion it was firft de- ftined vnto ; but if it confift of old growne trees, they will not without a great deale of care and paines be brought into fuch conformitie, as is befitting good and comely trees : for the marke of thofe boughes or branches that are cut off from young trees, will quickly be healed againe, the barke growing quickly ouer them, whereby they are not worfe for their cutting ; but an old tree if you cut off a bough, you muft cut it clofe and cleanly, and lay a fearcloth of tallow, waxe, and a little pitch melted toge- ther vpon the place, to keepe off both the winde, funne, and raine, vntill the barke haue couered it ouer againe : and in this manner you muft deale with all fuch fhort ftumps of branches, as are either broken fhort off with the winde, or by carelefneffe or want The ordering of the Or char iL 549 want ot" skill, or elk- fuch arrnes or branches as arc broken off clofe, or fliued troin the body of the tree: tor the raine beating and tailing into Inch a place, will in Ihort time rotte your tree, or put it in danger, Ix-lido the deformity. Some vfe to fill vp fuch an hole \vith well tempered clay, and tacke a cloth or a peccc of leather ouer it vntill it be rccouered, and this i- all'o not amille. Your young trees, if they Hand in anie good ground, will bee plentiful! enough in (hooting forth branches; bee carefull theretore if they growe too thicke, that you pruine away fuch as growe too clofe (and will, it thev he fullered, fpoile one another) as they may be bell fpared, that fo the funne, ayrc, and raine may haue free accede to all your branches, which will make them beare the more plentifully, and ripen them the fooner and the more kindly. If anie boughes growe at the toppe too high, cut them alfo away, that your trees may rather fpread then growe too high. And fo likewife for the vnder boughes, or anie other that by the weight of fruit fall or hang downe, cut them off at the halfe, and they will after- wards rile and (hoote vpwards. You lhall obferue, that at all thofe places where anie branches haue been cut away, the fappe will euer bee readie to put torth : if therefore you would haue no more branches rife from that place, rubbe off or nippe off fuch buddes as are not to your minde when they are new (hot : and thus you may keep your trees in good order with a little paines, after you haue thus pruined and dreffed them. One other thing I would aduertife you of, and that is how to preferue a fainting or de- mg tree which is readie to perifh, if it be not gone too farre or part cure, take a good quantitie of oxe or horfe bloud, mixe therewith a reafonable quantitie of Iheepe or pi- geons dung, which being laid to the roote, will by the often raines and much watering recouer it felfe, if there bee anie poffibilitie ; but this mull bee done in lanuarie or Fe- bruarie at the lurthelt. CHAP. VIII. Diners other obferuations to be remembred in the well keeping of an Orchard. THere be diuers o^her things to be mentioned, whereof care muft be had, either to doe or auoide, which I thinke fit in this Chapter promifcuoufly to fet down, that there may be nothing wanting to furnifh you with fufficient knowledge of the care, paines, and cafualties that befall an Orchard : for it hath many enemies, and euery one laboureth as much as in them lye, to fpoile you of your pleafure, or profit, or both, which mull bee both fpeedily and caretully preuented and helped; and they are thefe : Molfe, Caterpillars, Ants, Earwigs, Snailes, Moales, and Birds. If Mofle begin to ouergrowe your trees, looke to it betimes, left it make your trees barren : Some vfe to hacke, and eroflehacke, or cut the barke of the bodies ot their trees, to caufe it tall away ; but I feare it may endanger your trees. Others do either rubbe it off with a haire cloth, or with a long peece of wood formed like a knife, at the end of a long llicke or pole, which if it bee vfed cauteioufly without hurting the buds, I like better. Caterpillars, fome fmoake them with burning wet tlrawe or hay, or fuch like (luffe vnder the trees; but I doe not greatly like of that way : others cut off the boughes whereon they breed, and tread them vnder their feete, but that will fpoile too manie branches; and fome kill them with their hands: but fome doe vfe a new deuifed way, that is, a pompe made of lattin or tin, fpout-fafhion, which being fet in a tubbe of water vnder or neare your trees, they will caufe the water to rife through it with fuch a force, and through the branches, that it will walh them off quickly. To dellroy Ants that eate your fruit be- fore and when it is ripe, fome vfe to annoint the bodies of their trees with tarre, that they may not creepe vp on the branches; but if that doe not helpe, or you will not vfe it, you mult be carefull to finde out their hill, and turne it vp, pouring in fcalding wa- ter, either in Summer, but efpecially if you can in Winter, and that will furely deltroy them. I haue fpoken of Earwigs in the firlt part of this worke, entreating of the annoy- ances of Gillorlowers, and therefore I referre you thereunto : yet one way more I will ordering of the Orchard. will here relate which fome doe vfe, and that is with hollow canes of halfe a yard long or more, open at both ends for them to creepe in, and ftucke or laid among the branches of your trees, will foone drawe into them many Earwigs, which you may foone kill, by knocking the cane a little vpon the ground, and treading on them with your foote. Snailes mufl be taken with your hands, and that euerie day, efpecially in the morning when they will be creeping abroad. Moales by running vnder your trees make them lefle fruitfull, and alfo put them in danger to be blowne downe, by leauing the ground hollow, that thereby the rootes haue not that ftrength in the ground, both to fhoote and to hold, that otherwife they might haue. Some haue vfed to put Gar- licke, and other fuch like things into their holes, thinking thereby to driue them away, but to no purpofe : others haue tryed manie other waies ; but no way doth auaile anie thing, but killing them either with a Moale fpade, or a trappe made for the purpofe as manie doe know : and they muft bee watched at their principall hill, and trenched round, and fo to be caught. Birds are another enemie both to your trees and fruit ; for the Bullfinch will deftroy all your ftone fruit in the budde, before they flower, if you fuffer them, and Crowes, &c. when your Cherries are ripe : for the fmaller birds, Lime twigs fet either neare your trees, or at the next water where they drinke, will helpe to catch them and deftroy them. And for the greater birds, a ftone bowe, a birding or fowling peece will helpe to leflen their number, and make the reft more quiet : or a mill with a clacke to fcarre them away, vntill your fruit be gathered. Some other annoyances there are, as fuckers that rife from the rootes of your trees, which muft be taken away euerie yeare, and not fufFered to growe anie thing great, for feare of robbing your trees of their liuelihood. Barke bound, is when a tree doth not fhoote and increafe, by reafon the barke is as it were drie, and will not fuffer the fappe to pafle vnto the branches : take a knife therefore, and flit the barke downe almoft all the length of the tree in two or three places, and it will remedy that euill, and the tree will thriue and come forward the better after. Barke pilled is another euill that happeneth to fome trees, as well young as old, either by reafon of cafuall hurts, or by the gnawing of beafts, howfoeuer it bee, if it bee anie great hurt, lay a plai- fter thereon made of tallow, tarre, and a little pitch, and binde it thereto, letting it fo abide vntill the wound bee healed : yet fome doe only apply a little clay or loame bound on with ropes of hay. The Canker is a fhrewd difeafe when it happeneth to a tree ; for it will eate the barke round, and fo kill the very heart in a little fpace. It muft be looked vnto in time before it hath runne too farre ; moft men doe wholly cut away as much as is fretted with the Canker, and then drefle it, or wet it with vinegar or Cowes pifle, or Cowes dung and vrine, &c. vntill it be deftroyed, and after healed againe with your falue before appointed. There are yet fome other enemies to an Or- chard : for if your fence be not of bricke or ftone, but either a mudde wall, or a quicke fet or dead hedge, then looke to it the more carefully, and preuent the comming in of either horfe, or kine, fheepe, goates, or deere, hare, or conie ; for fome of them will breake through or ouer to barke your trees, and the leart hole almoft in the hedge will giue admittance to hares and conies to doe the like. To preuent all which, your care muft be continuall to watch them or auoide them, and to ftoppe vp their entrance. A dogge is a good feruant for many fuch purpofes, and fo is a ftone bowe, and a peece to make vfe of as occafion mall ferue. But if you will take that medicine for a Canker fpoken of before, which is Cowes dung and vrine mixed together, and with a brum warn your trees often to a reafonable height, will keepe hares and conies from eating or barking your trees. Great and cold windes doe often make a great fpoile in an Or- chard, but great trees planted without the compafle thereof, as Wall-nuts, Oakes, Elmes, Afhes, and the like, will ftand it in great ftead, to defend it both early and late. Thus haue I {hewed you moft of the euils that may happen to an Orchard, and the meanes to helpe them, and becaufe the number is great and daily growing, the care and paines muft be continuall, the more earneft and diligent, left you lofe that in a moment that hath been growing many yeares, or at the leaft the profit or beauty of fome yeares fruit. CHAP. The ordering of the Orchard. 551 CHAP. IX. The manner and way how to />/ant y order, and keepe other trees that /it'll n' grt't'Ht' It'tiiia continually. THe way to order thofe trees that beare their leaues greene continually, is dif- fering from all others that doe not fo : for neyther are they to bee planted or remoued at the time that all other trees are fet, nor doe they require that man- ner of drelling, pruining and keeping, that others doe. And although many ignorant perlnn and (i;irdiners doe remoue Bay trees, and are fo likewife perfwaded that all other trees of that nature, that is, that carry their greene leaues continually, may bee remoued in Autumne or Winter, as well as all other trees may bee, yet it taine it is a great chance if they doe thriue and profper that are fet at that time, or rather it is found by experience, that fcarce one of ten profpereth well that are fo ordered. Now in regard that there be diuers trees and Ihrubs mentioned here in this booke that beare euer greene leaues, wherein there is very great beauty, and many take pleafure in them ; as the ordinary Bay, the Rofe Bay, and the Cherry Bay trees, the Indian Figge, the Cyprefle, the Pine tree, the Mirtle and dwarfe Boxe, and many others; I will here Ihew you how to plant and order them, as is fitteft for them. For in that they doe not Ihed their greene leaues in winter as other trees doe, you may in reafon be perl waded that they are of another nature ; and fo they are indeede : for fee- in- they all grow naturally in warme Countries, and are from thence brought vnto vs, we mull both plant'them in a warmer place, and tranfplant them in a warmer time then other trees be, or elfe it is a great hazzard if they doe not perilh and dye, the cold and frofts in the winter being able to pierce them through, if they (hould bee tranfplanted in winter, before they haue taken roote. You muft obferue and take this therefore for a certaine rule, that you alwaies remoue fuch trees or fhrubbes as are euer greene in the fpring of the yeare, and at no time elfe if you will doe well, that is, from the end of March, or beginning ot Aprill, vnto the middle or end of May, efpecially your more dainty and tender plants, (hadowing them alfo for a while from the heate of the Sun, and giuing them a littje water vpon their planting or tranfplanting ; but fuch water as hath not perfently been drawn from a Well or Pumpe, for that will go neer to kill any plant, but fuch water as hath flood in the open ayre for a day at the leall, if not two or three. Yet for dwarfe Boxe I confelTe it may endure one moneth to be earlier planted then the reft, becaufe it is both a more hardy and lowe plant, and thereby not fo much fubiect to the extremitie of the colde : but if you (hould plant it before winter, the frolls would raife it out of the ground, becaufe it cannot fo foone at that time of the yeare take roote, and thereby put it in danger to be loft. Moreouer all of them will not abide the extremitie of our winter frofts, and therefore you muft of neceflity houfe fome of them, as the Rofe Bay, Mirtle, and fome others, but the other forts being fet where they may bee fomewhat defended from the cold windes, frolics, and fnow in winter, with fome couering or Ihelter for the time, will reafonably well endure and beare their fruit, or the moft of them. If any be delirous to be furniihed with (lore of thele kinds of trees that will be nourfed vp in our Country, he may by fowing the feed of them in fquare or long woodden boxes or chells made for that purpofe, gaine plenty ot them : but hee muft be carefull to couer them in winter with fome ftraw or fearne, or beane hame, or fuch like thing layd vpon crofle Ilicks to beare it vp from the plants, and after two or three yeares that they are growne fomewhat great and ftrong, they may bee tranfplanted into fuch places you meane they (hall abide : yet it is not amifle to defend them the rirll yeare after they are tranfplanted, for their more fecuritie : the 1 cedes that are moft vfually fowen with vs, are, the Cyprefle tree, the Pine tree, the Baye, the Pyracantha or prickly Corall tree, and the Mirtle : the Rofe Bay I haue had alfo rilen trom the feede that was frelh, and brought me from Spaine. But as for Orenge trees, becaufe they are fo hardly preferued in this our cold climate (vnlelTe it bee with fome that doe bellow the houfing of them, befides a great deale more of care and re- fpect vnto them) from the bitternelTe of our cold long winter weather (although their kernels The ordering of the Orchard. kernels being put into the ground in the Spring or Summer, and if care bee had of them and conuenient keeping, will abide, and by grafting the good fruite on the crab ftocke they may bee in time nurfed vp) I doe not make any other efpeciall account of them, nor giue you any further relation of their ordering. Now for the ordering of thefe trees after they are eyther planted of young fets, or tranf planted from the feede, it is thus : Firft for Bay trees, the moft vfuall way is to let them grow vp high to bee trees, and many plant them on the North or Eaft fide of their houfes that they may not bee fcorched with the Sunne ; but the bitter winters which we often haue, doe pinch them fhrewdly, infomuch that it killeth euen well growne trees fometimes downe to the roote : but fome doe make a hedge of them being planted in order, and keep them low by lopping of them continually, which will make them bum and fpread. The Cy- prefTe tree is neuer lopped, but fuffered to grow with all the branches from a foote a- boue the ground, if it may be, ftraight vpright ; for that is his natiue grace and greateft beautie, and therefore the more branches doe dye that they muft bee cut away, the more you deforme his propertie. The Pine tree may be vfed in the fame manner, but yet it wil better endure to fuftaine pruining then the Cypreffe, without any fuch defor- mitie. The Laurocerafus or Cherry Bay may be diuerfly formed, that is, it may be ei- ther made to grow into a tall tree by fhredding ftill away the vnder branches, or elfe by fuffering all the branches to grow to be a low or hedge bum, and both by the fuckers and by laying downe the lower branches into the earth, you may foone haue much increafe ; but this way will caufe it to bee the longer before it beare anie fruit. The Rofe Baye will verie hardlie bee encreafed either by fuckers or by layers, but muft bee fuffered to grow without lopping, topping or cutting. The Pyracantha or Prickly Corall tree may bee made to grow into a reafonable tall tree by (hredding away the lower branches, or it may be fuffered to grow lowe into an hedge bufh, by fuffering all the branches to grow continually, you may alfo propagate it by the fuckers, or by lay- ing downe the lower branches. The Myrtle of all forts abideth a low bufh fpreading his branches full of fweete leaues and flowers, without anie great encreafe of it felfe, yet fometimes it giueth fuckers or fhootes from the rootes : but for the more fpeedie propagating of them, fome doe put the cuttings of them into the earth, and thereby in- creafe them. There are fome other trees that are not of any great refpe6l, as the Yew tree, and the Savine bufh, both which may be encreafed by the cuttings, and therefore I need not make any further relation or amplification of them, and to fay thus much of them all, is (I thinke) fufficient for this Worke. CHAP. X. 'The ordering, curing, and propagating Vines of all forts. IN moft places of this countrie there is fmall care or paines taken about the orde- ring of Vines : it fufficeth for the moft part with them that haue anie, to make a frame for it to fpread vpon aboue a mans height, or to tacke it to a wall or win- dow, &c. and fo to let it hang downe with the branches and fruit, vntill the weight thereof, and the force of windes doe teare it downe oftentimes, and fpoile the grapes : and this way doth fomewhat refemble that courfe that the Vineyard keepers obferue in the hot countries of Syria, Spaine, and Italy, and in the fartheft parts of France as I hear likewife : for in moft of thefe hot countries they vfe to plant an Oliue betweene two Vines, and let them runne thereupon. But manie of the other parts of France, &c. doe not fuffer anie trees to growe among their Vines ; and therefore they plant them thicke, and pruine them much and often, and keepe them lowe in comparifon ot the other way, faftening them to pearches or poles to hold them vp. And according to that faihion may haue aduentured to make Vineyards in England, not onely in thefe later daies, but in ancient times, as may wel witneffe the fundrie places in this Land, en- tituled by the name of Vineyards ; and I haue read that manie Monafteries in this King- dome hauing Vineyards, had as much wine made therefrom, as fufficed their conuents yeare by yeare : but long fince they haue been deftroyed, and the knowledge how to order a Vineyard is alfo vtterly perifhed with them. For although diuers, both No- bles The ordering of the Orchard. 553 bles and Gentlemen, haue in thefe later times endeauoured to plant and make Vine- yards, and to that purpofe haue caufed French men, being skilful! in keeping and dref- iing of Vines, to be brought ouer to performe it, yet either their skill tailed them, or their Vines were not good, or (the molt likely) the foile was not fitting, tor they could neuer make anie wine that was worth the drinking, being fo fmall and heartleffe, that they foone gaue ouer their practice. And indeede the foile is a maine matter to bee chiefly conlidered to feate a Vineyard vpon : for euen in France and other hot coun- tries, according to the nature of the foile, fo is the rellifh, ftrength, and durabilitie of the wine. Now although I think it a fruitleffe labour for any man to rtriue in thefe dales to make a good Vineyard in England, in regard not only ot the want of knowledge, to make choife of the fitted ground tor fuch Vines as you would plant thereupon but alfo of the true maner of ordering them in our country ; but moft chiefly & aboue all others, that our years in thefe times do not fal out to be fo kindly and hot, to ripen the grapes, to make anie good wine as formerly they haue done ; yet I thinke it not amiffe, to giue you inftrudtions how to order fuch Vines as you may nourfe vp for the pleafure of the fruit, to eate the grapes being ripe, or to preferue and keepe them to bee eaten almoft all the winter following : And this may be done without any great or extraordinarie paines. Some doe make a lowe wall, and plant their Vines againft it, and keepe them much about the height thereof, not fuffering them to rife much higher : but if the high bricke or ftone wals of your Garden or Orchard haue buttreffes thereat, or if you caufe fuch to bee made, that they bee fomewhat broade forwards, you may the more conueniently plant Vines of diuers forts at them, and by (ticking down a couple of good Hakes at euery buttreffe, of eight or ten foot high aboue ground, tacking a few lathes acroffe vpon thofe (takes, you may thereunto tye your Vines, & carry them ther- on at your pleafure : but you muft be carefull to cut them euery year, but not too late, and fo keepe them downe, and from farre fpreading, that they neuer runne much be- yond the frame which you fet at the buttreffes : as alfo in your cutting you neuer leaue too many ioynts, nor yet too few, but at the third or fourth ioint at the moft cut them off. I doe aduife you to thefe frames made with ftakes and lathes, for the better ripe- ning of your grapes : for in the blooming time, if the branches of your vines bee too neare the wall, the reflection of the Sunne in the day time, and the colde in the night, doe oftentimes fpoile a great deale of fruit, by piercing and withering the tender foot- ftalkes of the grapes, befcye they are formed, whereas when the bloffomes are part, and the fruit growing of fome bigneffe, then all the heate and reflection you can giue them is fit, and therefore cut away fome of the branches with the leaues, to admit the more Sunne to ripen the fruit. For the diuers forts of grapes I haue fet them downe in the Booke following, with briefe notes vpon euerie of them, whether white or blacke, fmall or great, early or late ripe ; fo that I neede not here make the fame relation again. There doth happen fome difeafes to Vines fometimes, which that you may helpe, I thinke it conuenient to informe you what they are, and how to remedy them when you (hall be troubled with any fuch. The firft is a luxurious fpreading of branches and but little or no fruit: for remedie whereof, cut the branches fomewhat more neere then vfuall, and bare the roote, but take heed of wounding or hurting it, and in the hole put either fome good old rotten ftable dung of Horfes, or elfe fome Oxe blood new taken from the beafts, and that in the middle of lanuarie or beginning of Febru- arie, which being well tempered and turned in with the earth, let it fo abide, which no doubt, when the comfort of the blood or dung is well foaked to the bottome by the raines that fall thereon, will caufe your Vine to frudlifie againe. Another fault is, when a Vine doth not bring the fruit to ripeneffe, but either it withereth before it be growne of any bigneffe, or prefently after the blooming : the place or the earth where fuch a Vine (tandeth, affuredly is too cold, and therefore if the fault bee not in the place, which cannot bee helped without remouing to a better, digge out a good quantity of that earth, and put into the place thereof fome good frdh ground well heartned with dung, and fome ("and mixed therewith (but not fait or fait water, as fome doe aduife, nor yet vrinc as others would haue) and this will hearten and (trengthen your Vine to beare out the fruit vnto maturitie. When the leaues of a Vine in the end of Summer or in Autumne, vntimely doe turne either yellow or red, it is a great (igne the earth is A 4 too CCA The ordering of the Orchard. too hot and drie ; you muft therefore in ftead of dung and fand, as in the former de- feft is faid, put in fome frefh loame or fhort clay, well mixed together with fome of the earth, and fo let them abide, that the frofts may mellow them. And laftly, a Vine fometimes beareth fome ftore of grapes, but they are too many for it to bring to ripe- neffe ; you mall therefore helpe fuch a Vine (which no doubt is of fome excellent kinde, for they are moft vfually fubiecl to this fault) by nipping away the bloffomes from the branches, and leauing but one or two bunches at the moft vpon a branch, vn- till the Vine be growne older, and thereby ftronger, and by this meane inured to beare out all the grapes to ripeneffe. Thefe be all the difeaf es I know doe happen to Vines : for the bleeding of a Vine it feldome happeneth of it felfe, but commeth either by cutting it vntimely, that is, too late in the yeare, (for after lanuarie, if you will be well aduifed, cut not any Vine) or by fome cafuall or wilfull breaking of an arme or a branch. This bleeding in fome is vnto death, in others it ftayeth after a certaine fpace of it felfe : To helpe this inconuenience, fome haue feared the place where it bleedeth with an hot iron, which in many haue done but a little good ; others haue bound the barke clofe with packe-thred to ftay it ; and fome haue tied ouer the place, being firft dried as well as may bee, a plaifter made with waxe roffen and turpentine while it is warme. Now for the propagating of them : You muft take the faireft and goaleft mot branches of one yeares growth, and cut them off with a peece of the old wood vnto it, and thefe being put into the ground before the end of lanuarie at the furtheft, will moote forth, and take roote, and fo become Vines of the fame kinde from whence you tooke them. This is the moft fpeedy way to haue increafe : for the laying downe of branches to take roote, doth not yeelde fuch ftore fo plentifully, nor doe fuckers rife from the rootes fo aboundantly ; yet both thefe waies doe yeelde Vines, that be- ing taken from the old ftockes will become young plants, fit to bee difpofed of as any fhall thinke meete. CHAP. XL The way to order and preferue grapes^ fit to be eaten almojl all the Winter long, and fometimes vnto the Spring. ALthough it bee common and vfuall in the parts beyond the Sea to dry their grapes in the Sunne, thereby to preferue them all the year, as the Raifins of the Sunne are, which cannot bee done in our Countrie for the want of fufficient heate thereof at that time : or otherwife to fcald them in hot water (as I heare) and afterwards to dry them, and fo keepe them all the yeare, as our Malaga Raifins are pre- pared that are packed vp into Frayles : yet I doe intend to mew you fome other waies to preferue the grapes of our Countrie frefh, that they may be eaten in the winter both before and after Chriftmas with as much delight and pleafure almoft, as when they were new gathered. One way is, when you haue gathered your grapes you intend to keepe, which muft be in a dry time, and that all the fhrunke, dried, or euill grapes in e- uery bunch be picked away, and hauing prouided a veffell to hold them, be it of wood or ftone which you will, and a fufficient quantitie of faire and cleane drie fand ; make Jlratum fuper ftratum of your grapes and the fand, that is, a lay of fand in the bottome firft, and a lay of grapes vpon them, and a lay or ftrowing againe of fand vpon thofe grapes, fo that the fand may couer euery lay of grapes a fingers breadth in thickneffe, which being done one vpon another vntill the veffell be full, and a lay of fand vpper- moft, l e t the veffell be flopped clofe, and fet by vntill you pleafe to fpend them, being kept in fome drie place and in no fellar : let them bee warned cleane in faire water to take away the fand from fo many you will fpend at a time. Another way is (which Ca- merarms fetteth downe he was informed the Turkes vfe to keepe grapes all the winter vnto the next fummer) to take fo much meale of Muftard feede, as will ferue to ftrow vpon grapes, vntill they haue filled their veffels, whereon afterwards they poure new wine before it hath boiled, to fill vp their veffels therwith, and being flopped vp clofe, they keepe them a certaine time, and felling them with their liquour to them that will vfe The ordering of the Orchard. 555 vfe them, they doc walh the feedes or meale from them when they vfe them. Another way is, that hauing gathered the faireft ripe grapes, they are to be cart vpon threds or ftrings that are faftened at both ends to the fide walks of a chamber, neere vnto the fee- ling thereof, that no one bunch touch another, which will bee fo kept a great while, yet the chamber mult be well defended from the frofts, and cold windes that pierce in at the windowes, led they perifh the fooner : and fome will dippe the ends of the branches they hang vp firft in molten pitch, thinking by fearing vp the ends to keepe the bunches the better ; but I doe not fee any great likelihood therein. Your chamber or clofet you appoint out for this purpofe muft alfo bee kept fomewhat warme, but e- fpecially in the more cold and froftie time of the yeare, left it fpoile all your coft and paines, and fruftrate you of all your hopes : but although the frofts mould pierce and fpoile fome of the grapes on a bunch, yet if you be carefull to keepe the place warme, tlu- tcwer will be fpoiled. And thus haue I mewed you the beft directions to order this Orchard rightly, and all the waies I know are vfed in our Countrie to keep grapes good anie long time after the gathering, in regard wee haue not that comfort of a hotter Sun to preferue them by its heate. The fruits themfelues mail follow euerie one in their order ; the lower fhrubbes or bumes firft, and the greater afterwards. The - 557 THE THIRD PART CALLED THE ORCHARD, Ontaining all forts of trees bearing fruit for mans vfe to eate, pro- per and fit for to plant an Orchard in our climate and countrie : I bound it with this limitation, becaufe both Dates, Oliues, and o- | ther fruits, are planted in the Orchards of Spaine, Italy, and o- I ther hot countries, which will not abide in ours. Yet herein I will declare whatfoeuer Art, ftriuing with Nature, can caufe to profper with vs, that whofoeuer will, may fee what can bee effected in our countrie. And firft to begin with the lower flirubbes or bufhes, and after afcend to the higher trees. CHAP. I. Rubus Idaus. Rafpis. THe Rafpis berrie is of two forts, white and red, not differing in the forme ei- ther of bulh, leafe, or berry, but onely in the colour and tafte of the fruit. The Rafpis bum hath tender whitifh ftemmes, with reddifh fmall prickes like haires fet round about them, efpecially at the firft when they are young ; but when they grow old they become more wooddy and firme, without any mew of thornes or prickles vpon them, and hath onely a little hairinefie that couereth them : the leaues are fome- what rough or rugged, and wrinkled, ftanding three or fiue vpon a ftalke, fomewhat like vnto Rofes, but greater, and of a grayer greene colour : the flowers are fmall, made of fine whitifh round leaues, with a dafh as it were of blufh caft ouer them, many ftanding together, yet euery one vpon his owne ftalke, at the tops of the branches ; af- ter which come vp fmall berries, fomewhat bigger then Strawberries, and longer, ei- ther red or white, made of many graines, more eminent then in the Strawberry, with a kinde of douninefle caft ouer them, of a pleafant tafte, yet fomewhat fowre, and no- thing fo pleafant as the Strawberrie. The white Rafpis is a little more pleafant then the red, wherein there is fmall feede inclofed : the rootes creepe vnder ground verie farre, and fhoote vp againe in many places, much encreaiing thereby. There is another whofe ftemme and branches are wholly without prickles : the fruit is red, and fomewhat longer, and a little more fharpe. The Vfe of Rafpis. The leaues of Rafpis may be vfed for want of Bramble leaues in gargles, and other decoctions that are cooling and drying, although not fully to that effedt. The Orchard. The Conferue or Syrupe made of the berries, is effedtuall to coole an hot flomacke, helping to refrefh and quicken vp thofe that are ouercome with faintneffe. The berries are eaten in the Summer time, as an afternoones dim, to pleafe the tafte of the ficke as well as the found. The iuyce and the diftilled water of the berries are verie comfortable and cordiall. It is generally held of many, but how true I know not, that the red wine that is vfually fold at the Vintners, is made of the berries of Rafpis that grow in colder countries, which giueth it a kinde of harfhneffe : And alfo that of the fame berries growing in hotter climates, which giueth vnto the wine a more pleafant fweetneffe, is made that wine which the Vintners call Alligant : but we haue a Vine or Grape come to vs vnder the name of the Alligant Grape, as you mall finde it fet downe hereafter among the Grapes ; and therefore it is likely to be but an opinion, and no truth in this, as it may be alfo in the other. CHAP. II. Ribes r ubra, alba, nlgra. Currans red, white, and blacke. THe bufhes that beare thofe berries, which are vfually called red Currans, are not thofe Currans either blew or red, that are fold at the Grocers, nor any kind thereof; for that they are the grapes of a certaine Vine, as mall be mewed by and by : but a farre differing kinde of berry, whereof there are three forts, red, white, and blacke. The red Curran bum is of two forts, and groweth to the height of a man, hauing fometimes a ftemme of two inches thickneffe, and diuers armes and branches, couered with a fmooth, darke, brownifh barke, without anie pricke or thorne at all vpon anie part thereof, whereon doe growe large cornered blackifh greene leaues, cut in on the edges, feeming to be made of fiue parts, almoft like a Vine leafe, the ends a little poin- ting out, and {landing one aboue another on both fides of the branches : the flowers are little and hollow, comming forth at the ioynts of the leaues, growing many toge- ther on a long ftalke, hanging downe aboue a fingers length, and of an herbie colour : after which come fmall round fruit or berries, greene at the firft, and red as a Cherry when they are ripe, of a pleafant and tart tafte : the other differeth not in anie other thing then in the berries, being twice as bigge as the former : the roote is wooddy, and fpreadeth diuerfly. The white Curran bufh rifeth vfually both higher then the red, and ftraighter or more vpright, bigger alfo in the ftemme, and couered with a whiter barke : the leaues are cornered, fomewhat like the former, but not fo large : the flowers are fmall and hollow like the other, hanging downe in the fame manner on long ftalkes, being of a whiter colour : the berries likewife growe on the long ftalkes, fomewhat thicker fet to- gether, and of a cleare white colour, with a little blacke head, fo tranfparent that the feedes may be eafily feene thorough them, and of a more pleafant winie tafte then the red by much. The blacke Curran bufh rifeth higher then the white, with more plentiful! bran- ches, and more pliant and twiggie : the ftemme and the elder branches being couered with a brownifh barke, and the younger with a paler : the flowers are alfo like vnto lit- tle bottles as the others be, of a greenifh purple colour, which turne into blacke ber- ries, of the bigneffe of the fmaller red Currans : the leaues are fomewhat like vnto the leaues of the red Currans, but not fo large : both branches, leaues, and fruit haue a kind of ftinking fent with them, yet they are not vnwholfome, but the berries are eaten of many, without offending either tafte or fmell. The Vfe of Currans. The red Currans are vfually eaten when they are ripe, as a refrefhing to an hot The Orchard. 559 i Ritbut Idaut. The Kafpis. a Ribts frutlu nbro vtl albo. White of ted Currans. 3 Groffularia vulgaris. The ordinary Ooofe- betry. 4 Groffularia fnflu nbro. The great red Goofeberry. 5 Groffularia aculrata. The prickly Goofcberry. 6 Oxyacantka feu Btrbfris. The Barbary bufli. 7 Atullana Bytantina. The Kilberd of Conftantinople. 8 Autllana rubra no/trot. The beft red FilK^rrf Filberd. 560 The Orchard. hot ftomacke in the heate of the yeare, which by the tartnefle is much de- lighted. Some preferue them, and conferue them alfo as other fruits, and fpend them at neede. The white Currans, by reafon of the more pleafant winie tafte, are more accepted and defired, as alfo becaufe they are more daintie, and lefle com- mon. Some vfe both the leaues and berries of the blacke Currans in fawces, and other meates, and are well pleafed both with the fauour and tafte thereof, although many miflike it. CHAP. III. Vva Crifpajiue GroJ/ularia. Goofeberries or Feaberries. Ee haue diuers forts of Goofeberries, befides the common kinde, which is of three forts, fmall, great, and long. For wee haue three red Goofe- berries, a blew and a greene. The common Goofeberrie, or Feaberrie bufh, as it is called in diuers Countries of England, hath oftentimes a great ftemme, couered with a frnooth darke coloured bark, without anie thorne thereon, but the elder branches haue here and there fome on them, and the younger are whitifh, armed with verie fharpe and cruell crooked thorns, which no mans hand can well auoide that doth handle them, whereon are fet verie greene and fmall cornered leaues cut in, of the fafhion almoft of Smallage, or Haw- thorne leaues, but broad at the ftalke : the flowers come forth fingle, at euerie ioynt of the leafe one or two, of a purplifh greene colour, hollow and turning vp the brims a little : the berries follow, bearing the flowers on the heads of them, which are of a pale greene at the firft, and of a greenifh yellow colour when they are ripe, ftriped in diuers places, and cleare, almoft tranfparent, in which the feede lyeth. In fome thefe berries are fmall and round ; in others much greater ; a third is great, but longer then the o- ther : all of them haue a pleafant winie tafte, acceptable to the ftomacke of anie (but the long kinde hath both the thicker skin, and the worfer tafte of the other) and none haue been diftempered by the eating of them, that euer I could heare of. The firft of the red Goofeberries is better knowne I thinke then the reft, and by reafon of the fmall bearing not much regarded; the ftemme is fomewhat bigge, and couered with a fmooth darke coloured barke, the younger branches are whiter, and without anie thorne or pricke at all, fo long, weake, fmall, and flender, that they lye vpon the ground, and will there roote againe : the leaues are like vnto the former Goofeberries, but larger : the flowers and berries ftand fingle, and not manie to bee found anie yeare vpon them, but are fomewhat long, and are as great as the ordinarie Goofeberry, of a darke brownifh red colour, almoft blackifh when they are ripe, and of a fweetifh tafte, but without any great delight. The fecond red Goofeberry rifeth vp with a more ftraight ftemme, couered with a brownifh barke ; the young branches are ftraight likewife, and whitifh, and grow not fo thicke vpon it as the former red kinde, and without any thorne alfo vpon them : the leaues are like vnto the former red, but fmaller : the berries ftand fingly at the leaues as Goofeberries doe, and are of a fine red colour when they are ripe, but change with ftanding to be of a darker red colour, of the bignefle of the fmall ordinary Goofe- berry, of a pretty tart tafte, and fomewhat fweete withall. The third red Goofeberry which is the greateft, and knowne but vnto few, is fo like vnto the common great Goofeberry, that it is hardly diftinguifhed : the fruit or berries grow as plentifully on the branches as the ordinary, and are as great & round as the great ordinary kinde, but reddifh, and fome of them paler, with red ftripes. The blew Goofeberry rifeth vp to bee a bufh like vnto the red Curran, and of the fame bignefle and height, with broader and redder leaues at the firft mooting out, then the fecond red Goofeberry : the berries are more fparingly fet on the branches, then on the fmall red, and much about the fame bignefle, or rather lefler, of the colour of a Damfon, with an ouerfhadowing of a blewifh colour vpon them, as the Damfon hath, before it be handled or wiped away. The The Orchard. 561 The greene prickly duoleherry is very like vnto the ordinary Goofebcrry in llemine and branches, hut that they are not llored with lo many lharpe prickles; but the young (hootes are inure plentiful] in ("mall pricklo about, and the greene leate is a little f mailer : the rlowers are alike, and lo are the berries, being of a middle lize, and not very great, greene when they are thorough ripe as well as before, but mellower, and hailing a tew linall ihort prickles, like Imall lliort haires vpon them, which are h.irmlelle, and without danger to anie the molt dainty and tender palate that is, and of a verie good pleafant talle. The feede hereof hath produced bufhes bearing ber- ries, hauing tew or no prickles vpon them. The Vfe of Goofeberrics. The berries of the ordinary Goofeberries, while they are fmall, greene, and hard, are much vfed to bee boyled or fcalded to make fawce, both for lilh and flelh of diuers forts, for the licke fometimes as well as the found, as alfo before they bee neere ripe, to bake into tarts, or otherwife, atter manie talhions, as the cunning of the Cooke, or the pleafure of his commanders will appoint. They are a fit dilh for women with childe to Hay their long- ings, and to procure an appetite vnto meate. The other forts are not vfed in Cookery that I know, but ferue to bee eaten at pleafure; but in regard they are not fo tart before maturity as the former, they are not put to thofe vfes they be. CHAP. IIII. Oxyacantha, fed potius Berberis. Barberries. THe Barberry bufh groweth oftentimes with very high ftemmes, almoft two mens height, but vfually fomewhat lower, with manie fhootes from the roote, couered with a whitifh rinde or barke, and yellow vnderneath, the wood be- ing white and pithy in'the middle : the leaues are fmall, long, and very greene, nicked or finely dented about the edges, with three fmall white fharpe thornes, for the moll part fet together at the fetting on of the leaues : the flowers doe growe vpon long clu- llering llalkes, fmall, round, and yellow, fweete in fmell while they are frefh, which turne into fmall, long, and round berries, white at the firft, and very red when they are ripe, of a lharpe fowre tafte, fit to fet their teeth on edge that eate them : the roote is yellow, fpreading tar vnder the vpper part of the ground, but not very deepe. There is (as it is thought) another kinde, whofe berries are thrice as bigge as the former, which I confefle I haue not feene, and know not whether it be true or no : for it may peraduenture be but the fame, the goodnefle of the ground and ayre where they growe, and the youngnefle of the bufhes cauling that largenefle, as I haue obferued in the fame kinde, to yeeld greater berries. There is faid to be alfo another kinde, whofe berries fhould be without ftones or feede within them, not differing elfe in anie thing from the former : but becaufe I haue long heard ot it, and cannot vnderftand by all the inquirie I haue made, that any hath feene fuch a fruit, I rell doubtfull of it. The Vfc of Barberries. Some doe vfe the leaues of Barberries in the Head of Sorrell, to make fawce for meate, and by reafon of their fowrenefle are of the fame quality. The berries are vfed to be pickled, to ferue to trimme or fet out difhes of fifh and flelh in broth, or otherwife, as alfo fometime to bee boyled in the broth, to giue it a lharpe rellilh, and many other wayes, as a Mailer Cooke can better tell then my felfc. B 4 The 562 The Orchard. The berries are preferued and conferued to giue to ficke bodies, to helpe to coole any heate in the ftomacke or mouth, and quicken the appetite. The depurate iuyce is a fine menftrue to diflblue many things, and to ve- rie good purpofe, if it be cunningly handled by an Artifl. The yellow inner barke of the branches, or of the rootes, are vfed to be boyled in Ale, or other drinkes, to be giuen to thofe that haue the yellow iaundife : As alfo for them that haue anie fluxes of choller, to helpe to flay and binde. Clufius fetteth downe a fecret that hee had of a friend, of a cleane diffe- ring propertie, which was, that if the yellow barke were laid in fteepe in white wine for the fpace of three houres, and afterwards drunke, it would purge one very wonderfully. CHAP. V. Nux Auellana. The Filberd. r "T~"' He Filberd tree that is planted in Orchards, is very like vnto the Hafell nut tree that groweth wilde in the woods, growing vpright, parted into many boughes * and tough plyable twigges, without knots, couered with a brownifh, fpeckled, fmooth, thinne rinde, and greene vnderneath : the leaues are broad, large, wrinkled, and full of veines, cut in on the edges into deepe dents, but not into any gafhes, of a darke greene colour on the vpperfide, and of a grayifh afh colour vnderneath : it hath fmall and long catkins in ftead of flowers, that come forth in the Winter, when as they are firme and clofe, and in the Spring open themfelues fomewhat more, growing longer, and of a brownifh yellow colour : the nuts come not vpon thofe ftalkes that bore thofe catkins, but by themfelues, and are wholly inclofed in long, thicke, rough huskes, bearded as it were at the vpper ends, or cut into diuers long iagges, much more then the wood nut : the nut hath a thinne and fomewhat hard fhell, but not fo thicke and hard as the wood nut, in fome longer then in other, and in the long kinde, one hath the skinne white that couereth the kernels, and another red. There is another fort of the round kinde that came from Conflantinople, whofe huske is more cut, torne, or iagged, both aboue and belowe, then any of our country ; the barke alfo is whiter, and more rugged then ours, and the leaues fomewhat larger. We haue had from Virginia Hafell nuts, that haue beene fmaller, rounder, browner, thinner fheld, and more pointed at the end then ours : I know not if any hath planted of them, or if they differ in leafe or any thing elfe. The VfeofFilberds. Filberds are eaten as the beft kinde of Hafell nuts, at bankets among o- ther dainty fruits, according to the feafon of the yeare, or otherwife, as euery one pleafe : But Macer hath a Verfe, expreffing prettily the nature of thefe nuts, which is, Ex minimis nucibus nulli datur efca falubris. that is, There is no wholfome food or nourimment had from thefe fmall kinde of nuts. Yet they are vfed fometime phyfically to be rofled, and made into a Lo- hoc or Ele6luary, that is vfed for the cough or cold. And it is thought of fome, that Mithridates meant the kernels of thefe nuts, to be vfed with Figs and Rue for his Antidote, and not of Walnuts. CHAP. The Orchard. 563 CHAP. VI. Vitit. The Vine. THere is fo great diuerfities of Grapes, and fo confcquently of Vines that bear them, that I cannot giue you names to all that here grow with vs: for lohn Tradefcante my verie good friend, fo often before remembred, hath allured me, that he hath twentie forts growing with him, that hee neuer knew how or by what name to call them. One defcription therefore (hall feme (as I vfe to doc in fuch varie- ties) for all the reft, with the names afterwards, of as many as we can giue, and the fe- uerall formes, colours and proportions of the grapes. The manured Vine, in the places where it hath abiden long time, groweth to haue a great bodie, ftemme or trunke, fometimes of the bignefle of a mans arme, fleeue and all, fpreading branches if it bee fuffered without end or meafure, but vfually ftored with many armes or branches, both old and new, but weake, and therefore muft bee fuftained ; whereof the old are couered with a thin fcaly rinde, which will often chap and peele off of it felfe ; the youngeft being of a reddifh colour, fmooth and firme, with a hollownefie or pith in the middle : from the ioints of the young branches, and fometimes from the bodie of the elder, breake out on euerie fide broade greene leaues, cut on the edges into fiue diuifions for the moft part, and befides notched or den- ted about : right againft the leafe, and likewife at other ioynts of the branches, come forth long twining or clafping tendrels, winding themfelues about any thing ftandeth next vnto them : ar the bottome of thefe leaues come forth clufters of fmall greenim yellow bloomes or flowers, and after them the berries, growing in the fame manner in clufters, but of diuers formes, colours, taftes and greatnefle. For fome grapes are great, others lefle, fome very fmall (as the Currans that the Grocers fell) fome white, fome red, blew, blacke, or partie-coloured, fome are as it were fquare, others round : fome the clufters are clofe, others open, fome are fweete, others fower or harm, or of fome other mixed tafte; euerie one differing from others, verie notably either in tafte, colour or forme ; within euerie one of which grapes, (and yet there is a grape with- out ftones) are contained one, two, or more kernels or ftones, fome of them being fmal, others greater : the rodtes fpread far and deepe. They that keepe their Vines in the beft order, doe cut them low, not fuffering them to grow high, or with too many bran- ches, whereby they grow the better, take vp the leffer roome, and bring their grapes fairer and fweeter. The kindes of Vines and Grapes. Our ordinarie Grape both white and red, which excelleth Crabs for ver- iuice, and is not fit for wine with vs. The white Mufcadine Grape is a verie great Grape, fweete and firme, fome of the bunches haue weighed fixe pound, and fome of the grapes halfe an ounce. The redde Mufcadine is as great as the white, and chiefly differeth in co- lour. The Burlet is a very great white Grape, but fitter for veriuice then wine for the moft part ; yet when a hot yeare happeneth fit for it, the Grape is pleafant. The little blacke Grape that is ripe very early. The Raifin of the Sunne Grape is a very great Grape, and very great clu- fters, of a reddifh colour when it is ripe with vs, yet in an extraordinarie hot yeare, it hath got a little blewnefle caft ouer by the heat : but naturally verie blew. The Curran Grape (or the Grape of Corinth) is the leaft Grape of all, and beareth both few, and verie feldome with vs, but in reafonable great clufters, and of a blackifh blew colour, when they are ripe with vs, and very fweet 5 6 4 The Orchard. fweete. There is another fort of them that are red or browne, and of a fow- er tafte, nothing fo fweete. The Greeke wine Grape is a blackifh Grape, and very fweete. The Frontignack is a white Grape, of a verie fweete and delicate tafte, as the wine declareth, that fmelleth as it were of Muske. The fquare Grape is reported to bear a Grape not fully round, but fided, or as it were fquare, whereby it became fo called. The Damafco Grape is a great white grape, very fweete, and is the true Vva Zibeba, that the Apothecaries mould vfe in the Trochifci Ciphi : and fuch wee haue had in former times come ouer vnto vs in great, long and round white boxes, containing halfe an hundred weight a peece. The Ruflet Grape is a reafonable faire grape, exceeding fweet and whi- tifh, with a thicke skinne, crufted ouer with a fhew of afh colour. The white long Grape is like vnto a Pigeons egge, or as it were pointed pendent like a Pearle. The partie-coloured Grape is a reafonable great Grape, and difcoloured when it is ripe, fometimes the whole bunches, and fometimes but fome of the grapes being parted whitifh, and blacke halfe through, verie variably. The Rhenifh wine Grape is a white Grape, and endureth the cold of win- ter when it commeth earely, more then the Mufcadine before fet downe, and is nothing fo fweete. The White wine Grape is verie like vnto the Rhine Grape, the foile only and climate adding more fweetnefle vnto the one then to the other. The Claret wine Grape is altogether like the white Grape, but that it is not white, but of a reddifh colour, which lying bruifed vpon the skins be- fore they are preffed, giue that Claret tinflure to the wine. The Teint is a Grape of a deeper or darker colour, whofe iuice is of fo deepe a colour, that it ferueth to colour other wine. The Burfarobe is a faire fweete white Grape of much efteeme about Paris. The Alligant is a verie fweete Grape, giuing fo deep and liuely a coloured red wine, that no other whatfoeuer is comparable to it, and therefore vfually called Spaniards blood. The blew or blacke Grape of Orleans is another blacke Grape, giuing a darke coloured fweete wine much commended in thofe parts. The Grape without ftones is alfo a kinde by it felfe, and groweth natural- ly neere Afcalon, as Brochard affirmeth, the wine whereof is redde, and of a good tafte. The Virginia Vine, whereof I muft needes make mention among other Vines, beareth fmall Grapes without any great ftore of iuice therein, and the ftone within it bigger then in any other Grape : naturally it runneth on the ground, and beareth little. The Vfe of Vines, Grapes, and other parts that come of them. The greene leaues of the Vine are cooling and binding, and therefore good to put among other herbes that make gargles and lotions for fore mouth es. And alfo to put into the broths and drinke of thofe that haue hot burning feauers, or any other inflammation. They ftay (as it is held for true) womens longings, if they be either taken inwardly, or applyed outwardly. Wine is vfually taken both for drinke and medicine, and is often put into fawces, broths, cawdles, and gellies that are giuen to the ficke. As al- fo into diuers Phyficall drinkes, to be as a vehiculum for the properties of the ingredients. It is diftilled likewife after diuers manners, with diuers things, for diuers & fundry waters to drinke, & for diuers purpofes both inward and outward. As The Orchard. 565 i IW nif>ra minont. The fmall blackejGrape. 2 Vtui earulia maiorn. The great blew Grape. 3 Vua HofckaUlliita. Tlic Mufcadine Grape. 4 Vua Burlttenfet. The Burlet Grape. s Vtia infolata. The Rayfms of the funne Grape. 6 Pu-ui. The Figge free. 5 66 The Orchard. Alfo diftilled of it felfe, is called Spirit of wine, which ferueth to diffolue, and to draw out the tinfture of diuers things, and for many other purpofes. The iuice or veriuice that is made of greene hard grapes, before they be ripe, is vfed of the Apothecaries to be made into a Syrupe, that is very good to coole and refresh a faint ftomacke. And being made of the riper grapes is the beft veriuice, farre exceeding that which is made of crabs, to be kept all the yeare, to be put both into meates and medicines. The grapes of the beft forts of Vines are prefled into wine by fome in thefe dayes with vs, and much more as I verily beleeue in times part, as by the name of Vineyard giuen to many places in this Kingdome, efpecially where Abbies and Monafteries ftood, may bee conieclured : but the wine of late made hath beene but fmall, and not durable, like that which com- meth from beyond Sea, whether our vnkindly yeares, or the want of skill, or a conuenient place for a Vineyard be the caufe, I cannot well tell you. Grapes of all forts are familiarly eaten when they are ripe, of the ficke fometimes as well as the found. The dryed grapes which we call great Rayfins, and the Currans which we call fmall Rayfins, are much vfed both for meates, broths, and fawces, in diuers manners, as this Countrey in generall aboue any other, wherein many thoufands of Frailes full, Pipes, Hogs-heads, and Buts full are fpent yearly, that it breedeth a wonder in them of thofe parts where they growe and prouide them, how we could fpend fo many. The Rayfins of the Sunne are the beft dryed grapes, next vnto the Da- mafco, and are very wholfome to eate fafting, both to nourifh, and to helpe to loofen the belly. The dryed Lees of wine called Argoll or Tartar, is put to the vfe of the Goldfmith, Dyer, and Apothecary, who doe all vfe it in feuerall manners, euery one in his art. Of it the Apothecaries make Cremor T'artari, a fine medicine to bee vfed, as the Phyfitian can beft appoint, and doth helpe to purge humours by the ftoole. Thereof likewife they make a kinde of water or oyle, fit to bee vfed, to take away freckles, fpots, or any fuch deformities of the face or skinne, and to make it fmooth. It caufeth likewife haire to growe more aboundantly in thofe places where it naturally mould growe. The liquor of the Vine that runneth forth when it is cut, is commended to be good againft the ftone wherefoeuer it be ; but that liquor that is taken from the end of the branches when they are burnt, is moft effecluall to take away fpots and markes, ring-wormes and tetters in any place. CHAP. VII. Ficus. The Figge tree. THe Figge trees that are nourfed vp in our country are of three forts, whereof two are high ; the one bearing againft a wall goodly fweete and delicate Figs, called Figs of Algarua, and is blewifh when it is ripe : the other tall kinde is nothing fo good, neither doth beare ripe Figges fo kindly and well, and peraduenture may be the white ordinary kinde that commeth from Spaine. The third is a dwarfe kinde of Figge tree, not growing much higher then to a mans body or fhoulders, bea- ring excellent good Figges and blew, but not fo large as the firft kinde. The Figge trees of all thefe three kindes are in leaues and growing one like vnto an- other, fauing for their height, colour, and fweetneffe of the fruit, hauing many armes or branches, hollow or pithy in the middle, bearing very large leaues, and fomewhat thicke, diuided fometimes into three, but vfually into fiue feclions, of a darke greene cclour on the vpperfide, and whitifh vnderneath, yeelding a milkie iuyce when it is broken, The Orchard. 567 broken, as the branches alfo or the figgcs when they are grecne : the fruit breaketh out from the branches without anie bloflbme, contrary to all other trees of our Orchard, being round and long, falhioned very like vnto a fmall I'eare, full of fmall white grains or kernels within it, of a very fweete tatte when it is ripe, and very mellow or foft, that it can hardly be carried farre without bruifing. The other two forts you may eafily know and vnderftand, by fo much as hath been faid of them. Take only this more of the Figgc tree, That if you plant it not againft a bricke wall, or the wall of an houfe, &c. it will not ripen fo kindly. The dwarfe Figge tree is more tender, and is therefore planted in great fquare tubs, to be remoued into the funne in the Summer time, and into the houfe in Winter. The Vfe of Figges. Figges are ferued to the table with Rayfins of the Sunne, and blanched Almonds, for a Lenten difh. The Figs that growe with vs when they are ripe, and frefh gathered, are eaten of diuers with a little fait and pepper, as a dainty banquet to entertaine a friend, which feldome pafleth without a cup of wine to wafh them downe. In Italy (as I haue beene enformed by diuers Gentlemen that haue liued there to lludy phyficke) they eate them in the fame manner, but dare not eate many for feare of a feuer to follow, they doe account them to be fuch breeders of bloud, and heaters of it likewife. The Figges that are brought vs from Spaine, are vfed to make Ptifan drinkes, and diuers other things, that are giuen them that haue coughes or colds. It is one of the ingredients alfo with Nuts and Rice, into Mithridates counterpoifon. The fmall Figges that growe with vs, and will not ripen, are preferued by the Comfitmakers, and candid alfo, to ferue as other moift or candid ban- quetting ftufTe. CHAP. VIII. Sorbus. The Seruice tree. THere are two kindes of Seruice trees that are planted in Orchards with vs, and there is alfo a wilde kinde like vnto the later of them, with Amen leaues, found in the woods growing of it felie, whofe fruit is not gathered, nor vfed to bee eaten of any but birds. And there is another kinde alfo growing wilde abroad in many places, taken by the Country people where it groweth, to be a Seruice tree, and is cal- led in Latine, Ana Tfieophrafli, whofe leaues are large, fomewhat like Nut tree leaues, but greene aboue, and grayifh vnderneath : fome doe vfe the fruit as Seruices, and for the (ame purpofes to good effeft, yet both of thefe wilde kindes wee leaue for another worke, and here declare vnto you onely thofe two forts are nourfed vp in our Or- chards. The more common or ordinary Seruice tree with vs, is a reafonable great tree, co- uered with a fmooth barke, fpread into many great armes, whereon are fet large leaues, very much cut in on the edges, almoft like vnto a Vine leafe, or rather like vnto that kinde of Maple, that is vfually called the Sycomore tree with vs : the flowers are white, and growe many cluftering together, which after bring forth fmall browne berries when they are ripe, of the bignefle almoft of Hafell nuts, with a fmall tuft, as if it were a crowne on the head, wherein are fmall blacke kernels. The other kinde, which is more rare with vs, and brought into this Land by lohn Tradefcante, heretofore often remembred, hath diuers winged leaues, many fet toge- ther like vnto an Amen leafe, but fmaller, and euery one endented about the edges : the flowers growe in long clufters, but nothing fo many, or fo clofe fet as the wilde kinde : the fruit of this tree is in fome round like an Apple, and in others a little longer like 568 The Orchard. like a Peare, but of a more pleafant tafte then the ordinarie kinde, when they are ripe and mellowed, as they vfe to doe with both thefe kindes, and with Medlars. The Vfe of Seruices. They are gathered when they growe to be neare ripe (and that is neuer before they haue felt fome frofts) and being tyed together, are either hung vp in fome warme roome, to ripen them thoroughly, that they may bee eaten, or (as fome vfe to doe) lay them in ftrawe, chaffe, or branne, to ripen them. They are binding, fit to be taken of them that haue any fcouring or laske, to helpe to (lay the fluxe ; but take heed, left if you binde too much, more paine and danger may come thereof then of the fcouring. CHAP. IX. Mefpilus. The Medlar tree. r T" 1 Here are three forts of Medlars: The greater and the lefler Englifh, and the Neapolitan. The great and the fmall Englifh Medlar differ not one from the other in any thing, but in the fize of the fruit, except that the fmall kinde hath fome prickes or thornes vpon it, which the great one hath not, bearing diuers boughes or armes, from whence breake forth diuers branches, whereon are fet long and fomewhat narrow leaues, many (landing together ; in the middle whereof, at the end of the branch, com- meth the flower, which is great and white, made of fiue leaues, broad at the ends, with a nicke in the middle of euery one ; after which commeth the fruit, being round, and of a pale brownifh colour, bearing a crowne of thofe fmall leaues at the toppe, which were the huske of the flower before, the middle thereof being fomewhat hollow, and is harm, able to choake any that mail eate it before it be made mellow, wherein there are certaine flat and hard kernels. The Medlar of Naples groweth likewife to bee a reafonable great tree, fpreading forth armes and branches, whereon are fet many gamed leaues, fomewhat like vnto Hawthorne leaues, but greater, and likewife diuers thornes in many places : the flow- ers are of an herbie greene colour, and fmall, which turne into fmaller fruit then the former, and rounder alfo, but with a fmall head or crowne at the toppe like vnto it, and is of a more fweete and pleafant tafte then the other, with three feeds only therein ordinarily. The Vfe of Medlars. Medlars are vfed in the fame manner that Seruices are, that is, to be eaten when they are mellowed, and are for the fame purpofes to binde the body when there is a caufe : yet they as well as the Seruices, are often eaten by them that haue no neede of binding, and but onely for the pleafant fweet- nefle of them when they are made mellow, and fometimes come as a dilli of ripe fruit at their fit feafon, to be ferued with other forts to the table. CHAP. X. Lotus. The Lote or Nettle tree. THe firft kinde of Lote tree, whereof Diofcorides maketh mention, is but of one kinde ; but there are fome other trees fpoken of by Theophraftus, that may be referred thereunto, which may bee accounted as baftard kindes thereof, of which I meane to entreate in this Chapter, hauing giuen you before the defcription of The Orchard. 569 I Sorkus legitima. The true Seruice tree. 2 Sorbus mlgaris five Terminalis . The ordinary Seruicc tree. 3 Me/film vulgaris. The common Medlar tree. 4 Uefpiitu Artmia. The Medlar of Naples. 5 Lotus arbor. The Nettle tree. 6 Lotus Virgin- iana. The Pifhamin or Virginia Plumme. 7 Conns mas. The Cornell Cherry tree. C 4 Orchard. of another kinde hereof (by the opinion of good Authors) vnder the name of Lauro- cerafus. The firft or true Lote tree groweth to be a tree of a great height, whofe bodie and elder branches are couered with a fmooth darke greene barke, the leaues are fomewhat rough in handling, of a darke greene colour, long pointed, and fomewhat deepe den- ted about the edges, fomewhat like vnto a Nettle leafe, and oftentimes growe yellow toward Autumne : the flowers ftand here and there fcattered vpon the branches, after which come round berries like vnto Cherries, hanging downewards vpon long foot- ftalkes, greene at the firft, and whitifh afterwards ; but when they are ripe they become reddifh, and if they be fuffered to hang too long on the branches, they grow blackifh, of a pleafant auftere tafte, not to be mifliked, wherein is a hard round ftone. The fecond, which is a baftard kinde, and called Guaiacum Patauinum, groweth to bee a faire tree, with a fmooth darke greene barke, fhooting out many faire great boughes, and alfo flender greene branches, befet with faire broad greene leaues, al- moft like vnto the leaues of the Cornell tree, but larger : the flowers growe along the branches clofe vnto them, without any or with a very fhort foote-ftalke confiding of foure greene leaues, which are as the huske, containing within it a purplifh flower, made of foure leaues fomewhat reddifh : the fruit ftandeth in the middle of the green huske, greene at the firft, and very harm, but red and round when it is ripe, and fome- what like a Plumme, with a fmall point or pricke at the head thereof, and of a reafona- ble pleafant tafte or rellifh, wherein are contained flat and thicke browne feeds or ker- nels, like vnto the kernels of Cafsia Fijtu/a, fomewhat hard, and not fo ftonie, but that it may fomewhat eafily be cut with a knife. The third is called in Virginia Pi/hamin, The Virginia Plumme (if it be not all one with the former Guaiacana, whereof I am more then halfe perf waded) hath growne with vs of the kernels that were fent out of Virginia, into great trees, whofe wood is very hard and brittle, and fomewhat white withall : the branches are many, and grow flender to the end, couered with a very thinne greenifh bark, whereon doe grow many faire broad greene leaues, without dent or notch on the edges, and fo like vnto the for- mer Guaiacum, that I verily thinke it (as I before faid) to bee the fame. It hath not yet borne flower or fruit in our Countrey that I can vnderftand : but the fruit, as it was fent to vs, is in forme and bignefle like vnto a Date, couered with a blackim skinne, fet in a huske of foure hard leaues, very firme like vnto a Date, and almoft as fweete, with great flat and thicke kernels within them, very like vnto the former, but larger. The Vfe of thefe Lote trees. The firft fort is eaten as an helper to coole and binde the body : the laft, as Captaine Smith relateth in the difcouery of Virginia, if the fruit be eaten while it is greene, and not ripe, is able by the harfh and binding tafte and quality to draw ones mouth awry (euen as it is faid of the former Guaiaca- na) but when it is thorough ripe it is pleafant, as I faid before. T 1 L: CHAP. XI. Cornus mas. The Cornell tree. 1 He Cornell tree that is planted in Orchards, being the male (for the female is an hedge bufh) is of two forts, the one bearing red, the other whiter berries, which is very rare yet in our country, and not differing elfe. It groweth to a reaf enable bignefle and height, yet neuer to any great tree, the wood whereof is very hard, like vnto home, and thereof it obtained the name : the body and branches are couered with a rugged barke, and fpreadeth reafonable well, hauing fomewhat fmooth leaues, full of veines, plaine, and not dented on the edges : the flow- ers are many fmall yellow tufts, as it were of fhort haires or threads fet together, which come forth before any leafe, and fall away likewife before any leafe bee much open : the fruit are long and round berries, of the bignefle of fmall Oliues, with an hard The Orchard. 571 hard round ftone within them, like vnto an Oliiu- (tone, and arc of a ycllowilh red when they are ripe, of a roa Tollable pleaTant tafh.-, yi-t Toniewhat aullere withall. The white (as I laid) is like vnto the red, but onely that his fruit is more white when it is ripe. The Vfe of the Cornelles. They helpe to binde the body, and to flay laskes, and by reafon of the plea Tan tin-lie in them when they are ripe, they are much defircd. They are alfo prelerued and eaten, both for rarity and delight, and for the purpofe aforefaid. CHAP. XII. Cerafus. The Cherry tree. THere are To many varieties and differences of Cherries, that I know not well how to exprefle them vnto you, without a large relation of their feuerall formes. I will therefore endeauour after one generall defcription (as my cu- llome is in many other the like variable fruits) to giue as briefe and fhort notes vpon all the rell, as I can both for leafe and fruit, that fo you may the better know what the fruit is, when you haue the name. The Englilh Cherrie tree groweth in time to be of a reasonable bignefle and height, Tpreading great armes, and alfo Tmall twiggy branches plentifully ; the leaues whereof arc not verie large or long, but nicked or dented about the edges: the flowers come forth two or three or foure at the moft together, at a knot or ioynt, euerie one by it felfe, vpon his owne fmall and long footeltalke, confiding of fiue white leaues, with fome threds in the middle ; after which come round berries, greene at the firft, and red when they are through ripe, of a meane bignefle, and of a pleafant fweete tafte, fomewhat tart withall, with a hard white (tone within it, whofe kernell is fomewhat bitter, but not vnpleafant. The Flanders Cherrie differeth not from the Englilh, but that it is fomewhat larger, and the Cherry fomewhat greater and Tweeter, and not fo fower. The early Flanders Cherry is more rathe or early ripe, almoft as foone as the May Cherry, efpecially planted againft a wall, and of many falfe knaues or Gardiners arc fold for May Cherrie trees. The May Cherrie in a ftandard beareth ripe fruite later then planted againft a wall, where the berries will be red in the verie beginning of May fometimes. The Arch-Dukes Cherrie is one of the faireft and heft cherries wee haue, being of a very red colour when it is ripe, and a little long more then round, and fomewhat poin- ted at the end, of the bell rellilh of any Cherrie whatfoeuer, and of a firme fubftance; fcarce one of twentie of our Nurferie men doe fell the right, but giue one for another : for it is an inherent qualitie almort hereditarie with moft of them, to fell any man an ordinary fruit for whatfoeuer rare fruit he lhall aske for: fo little they are to be trufted. The ounce Cherrie hath the greatefl and broadeft leafe of any other cherrie, but beareth the fmallefl ftore of cherries euerie yeare that any doth, and yet bloflbmeth well : the fruit alfo is nothing anTwerable to the name being not verie great, of a pale yellowilh red, neere the colour of Amber, and therefore fome haue called it, the Am- ber Cherrie. The great leafed Cherrie is thought of diuers to bee the Ounce Cherrie, becaufe it hath almolt as great a leafe as the former : but the fruit of this alfo doth not anfwer the expectation of To great a leafe, being but of a meane bignefle, and a Tmall bearer, yet of a pale reddiili colour. The true Gaf coign Cherry is known but to a few ; for our Nurfery men do fo change the names of molt fruits they fell, that they deliuer but very few true names to any : In former times before our wilde blacke Cherrie was found to grow plentifully in our owne woods in many places of this Land, the French continually ftored vs with wilde ftockes to graft vpon, which then were called Gafcoigne flocks, but fince they haue fo termed en 2 The Orchard. termed another red Cherrie, and obtruded it vpon their cuftomers : but the true is one of our late ripe white Cherries, euen as Gerard faith, it is a great cherrie and fpotted : and this is that Cherrie I fo commend to be a fit ftocke to graft May cherries vpon. The Morello Cherrie is of a reafonable bignefle, of a darke red colour when they are full ripe, and hang long on, of a fweetifh fower tafte, the pulpe or fubftance is red, and fomewhat firme : if they be dryed they will haue a fine fharpe or fower tafte very delectable. The Hartlippe Cherrie is fo called of the place where the beft of this kinde is nour- fed vp, being betweene Sittingbourne and Chattam in Kent, and is the biggeft of our Englifh kindes. The fmaller Lacure or Hart Cherrie is a reafonable faire Cherrie, full aboue, and a little pointing downward, after the fafhion of an heart, as it is vfually painted, blackifh when it is full ripe, and lefler then the next. The great Lacure or Hart Cherrie differeth not in forme, but in greatnefle, being v- fually twice as great as the former, and of a reddifh blacke colour alfo : both of them are of a firme fubftance, and reafonable fweete. Some doe call the white cherrie, the White hart cherrie. The Luke Wardes Cherrie hath a reafonable large leafe, and a larger flower then many other : the cherries grow with long ftalkes, and a ftone of a meane fize within them, of a darke reddifh colour when they are full ripe, of a reafonable good rellifh, and beareth well. The Corone Cherrie hath a leafe little differing from the Luke Wardes cherrie ; the fruit when it is ripe, is of a faire deepe red colour, of a good bignefle, and of a verie good tafte, neither verie fweete or fower : the pulpe or iuice will ftaine the hands. The Vrinall Cherrie in a moft fruitfull yeare is a fmall bearer, hauing many yeares none, and the beft but a few ; yet doth bloffbme plentifully euery yeare for the moft part : the cherrie is long and round, like vnto an Vrinall, from whence it tooke his name; reddifh when it is full ripe, and of an indifferent fweete rellifh. The Agriot Cherrie is but a fmall Cherrie, of a deepe redde colour when it is ripe, which is late ; of a fine fharpe tafte, moft pleafant and wholfome to the ftomacke of all other cherries, as well while they are frefh as being dryed, which manner they much vfe in France, and keepe them for the vfe both of the ficke and found at all times. The Biguarre Cherrie is a fair cherrie, much fpotted with white fpots vpon the pale red berry, and fometimes difcoloured halfe white and halfe reddifh, of a reafonable good rellifh. The Morocco Cherrie hath a large white bloflbme, and an indifferent big berrie, long and round, with a long ftalke of a darke reddifh purple colour, a little tending to a blew when it is full ripe, of a firme fubftance : the iuice is of a blackifh red, difco- louring the hands or lips, and of a pleafant tafte : Some doe thinke that this and the Morello be both one. The Naples Cherrie is alfo thought to bee all one with the Morello or Morocco. The white Spanifh Cherrie is an indifferent good bearer, the leafe and bloflbme fomewhat large, and like the Luke Wardes cherrie : the cherries are reafonable faire berries, with long ftalkes and great ftones, white on the outfide, with fome rednefle, on the one fide of a firme fubftance, and reafonable fweet, but with a little aciditie, and is one of the late ripe ones: But there is another late ripe white Cherry, which fome call the Gafcoigne, before remembred. The Flanders clufter Cherrie is of two forts, one greater then another : the greater kinde hath an indifferent large leafe ; the bloflbmes haue many threds within them, fhewing as it were many parts, which after turne into clufters of berries, foure, fiue or fixe together, and but with one ftalke vnder them, as if they grew one out of another, and fometimes they will beare but two or three, and moft of them but one cherry on a ftalke, which are red when they are ripe, very tender, and waterifh fweete in eating. The lefler is in all things like the greater, but fmaller, which maketh the difference. The wilde clufter or birds clufter Cherry beareth many bloflbmes fet all along the ftalkes, and cherries after them in the fame maner, like a long thinne bunch of grapes, and therefore called of fome the Grape cherry : there are of them both red and blacke. The The Orchard. 573 I Ctrafus pracox. The May Cherry. i Ctra/ui Batauica. The Flandert Cherry. 3 Ctrafvt Hifpaiiica ftu alba. The white Cherry. 4 Cera/us flalophyllot. The great leafed Cherry. 5 Cera/ui Liica Wardi. Luke Wards Cherry. 6 Ctrafut Neapolitana. The Naples Cherry. 7 Cera/** Cordata. The Heart Cherry. 8 Cera/Mi maculata. The bignarre or fpotted Cherry. 9 Ctrafut auinm raermofa. The wilde clufter Cherry. 10 Ctrafut Corymbiftra. The Flanders clufter Cherry. II Cera/us Arckiduett. The Archdukes Cherry. 12 Chamcuerafut. The dwarfe Cherry. The Orchard. The foft (held Cherrie is a fmall red cherrie when it is ripe, hauing the (lone within it fo foft and tender, that it may eafily be broken in the eating of the cherrie. lohn Tradefcantes Cherrie is moft vfually fold by our Nurfery Gardiners, for the Archdukes cherrie, becaufe they haue more plenty thereof, and will better be increa- fed, and becaufe it is fo faire and good a cherrie that it may be obtruded without much difcontent : it is a reaf enable good bearer, a faire great berrie, deepe coloured, and a little pointed. The Baccalaos or New-found-land Cherrie hath a mining long leafe, moft like vnto a Peach leafe, the bloffomes come very many together as it were in an vmbell, which is fuch a clufter as is neither like the Flanders clufter, nor the wilde clufter cherrie blof- fome : it bringeth forth berries ftanding in the fame manner euerie one vpon his own footeftalke, being no bigger then the largeft berrie of the red Curran tree or bum, of a pale or waterim red colour when it is ripe. The ftrange long clufter Cherrie, or Padus Theophrafti Dalechampio is reckoned by the Author of that great Herball that goeth vnder his name, among the forts of cher- ries ; and fo muft I vntill a fitter place be found for it. It groweth in time to be a great tree, with a fad coloured barke both on the bodie and branches, whereon doe grow many leaues, fomewhat broade, fhorter, harder, and a little more crumpled then any cherrie leafe : the bloffomes are very fmall, and of a pale or whitifh colour, fmelling very fweete and ftrong, or rather heady, like Orenge flowers, growing on fmall long branches, very like the toppe of flowers vpon the Laburnum or Beane trefoile trees : after which come fmall blacke berries, growing together all along the long ftalke, like vnto the wilde clufter or birds cherrie mentioned before, but not much bigger then tares, with fmall ftones within them, and little or no fuftance vpon them : the French call the tree Puller^ becaufe the wood thereof ftinketh, and make it to be wonderfull that the bloffomes of the tree fhould be fo fweete, and the wood fo ftinking. The Cullen Cherrie is a darke red cherrie like the Agriot, which they of thofe parts neere Cullen and Vtrecht &c. vfe to put into their drinke, to giue it the deeper colour. The great Hungarian Cherrie of Zwerts is like both in leafe and fruite vnto the Morello cherrie, but much greater and fairer, and a far better bearer : for from a fmall branch hath beene gathered a pound of cherries, and this is vfuall continually, and not accidentally, moft of them foure inches in compaffe about, and very many of them more of a faire deepe red colour, and very fweete, excelling the Arch-Dukes cherry, or any other whatfoeuer. The Cameleon or ftrange changeable Cherry deferuedly hath this name, although of mine owne impofition, not only becaufe it beareth vfually both bloffomes, greene and ripe fruit at one time thereupon, but that the fruit will be of many formes ; fome round, fome as it were fquare, and fome bunched forth on one fide or another, abiding conftant in no fafhion, but for the moft part mewing forth all thefe diuerfities euerie yeare growing vpon it : the fruit is of a very red colour, and good tafte. The great Rofe Cherry, or double bloffomd Cherry differeth not in any thing from the Englifh Cherrie, but only in the bloffomes, which are very thicke of white leaues, as great and double as the double white Crowfoote, before remembred, and fometimes out of the middle of them will fpring another fmaller flower, but double alfo ; this fel- dome beareth fruit, but when it doth I fuppofe it commeth from thofe bloffomes are the leaft double, and is red, no bigger then our ordinary Englifh cherrie. The leffer Rofe or double bloffomd Cherrie beareth double flowers alfo, but not fo thicke and double as the former ; but beareth fruit more plentifully, of the fame colour and bigneffe with the former. The Dwarfe Cherrie is of two forts ; one whofe branches fall downe low, round a- bout the body of it, with fmall greene leaues, and fruit as fmall, of a deep red colour. The other, whofe branches, although fmall, grow more vpright, hauing greener mi- ning leaues : the fruit is little bigger then the former, red alfo when it is ripe, with a lit- le point at the end : both of them of a fweetifh rellifh, but more fower. The great bearing Cherry of M after Millen is a reafonable great red cherry, bearing very plentifully, although it bee planted againft a North wall, yet it will bee late ripe, but of an indifferent fweet and good rellifh. The long finger Cherry is another fmall long red one, being long & round like a fin- ger, wherof it took the name : this is not the Vrinall cherry before, but differing from it. The The Orchard. 575 The Vie of Cherries. All thcfe forts of Cherries ferue wholly to pleafe the palate, and are eaten ;it all times, both before and alter ineales. All Cherries are cold, yet the lower more then the fweete ; and although the fweete doe molt pleafe, yet the lower are more wholfome, if there bee regard taken in the vling. The Agriot or fower Cherries are in France much vfed to bee dryed (as is faid before) as Pruines are, and fo ferue to be miniftred to the lick in all hot difeafes, as feuers &c. being both boyled in their drinkes, and taken now and then of themfelues, which by reafon of their tartneffe, doe pleafe the ftomacke palling well. The Gum of the Cherrie tree is commended to bee good for thofe are troubled with the grauell or ftone. It is alfo good for the cough being dif- folued in liquour, and ftirreth vp an appetite. The diftilled water of the blacke Cherries, the ftones being broken among them, is vfed for the fame purpofe, for the grauell, ftone, and winde. CHAP. XIII. Pruntts. The Plumme tree. THere are many more varieties of Plummes then of Cherries, fo that I muft follow the fame order with thefe that I did with them, euen giue you their names apart, with briefe notes vpon them, and one defcription to ferue for all the reft. And in this recitall I lhall leaue out the Apricockes which are certainly a kind ot Hum, of an efpeciall difference, and not of a Peach, as Galen and fome others haue thought, and fet them in a chapter by themfelues, and only in this fet down thofe fruits are vfually called Plums. The Plum tree (efpecially diuers of them) rifeth in time to bee a reafonable tall and great tree, whofe bodie^and greater armes are couered with a more rugged barke, yet in fome more or lelfe, the younger branches being fmooth in all, the leaues are fome- what rounder then thofe of the Cherrie tree, and much differing among themfelues, fome being longer, or larger, or rounder then others, and many that are exercifed here- in, can tell by the leafe what Plum the tree beareth (I fpeake this of many, not of all) as in many Cherries they can doe the like : the flowers are white, confifting of fiue leaues : the fruit is as variable in forme, as in tafte or colour, fome being ovall or Peare falhion or Almond like, or fphericall or round, fome firme, fome foft and waterifh, fome fweete, fome fower or harlh, or differing from all thefe taftes : and fome white, others blacke, fome red, others yellow, fome purple, others blew, as they lhall bee briefly fet downe vnto you in the following lines, where I meane not to infert any the wilde or hedge fruit, but thofe only are fit for an Orchard, to be ftored with good fruit : and of all which forts, the choyfeft for goodnelfe, and rareft for knowledge, are to be had of my very good friend Mafter lohn Tradefcante, who hath wonderfully la- boured to obtaine all the rareft fruits hee can heare off in any place of Chriftendome, Turky, yea or the whole world; as alfo with Mafter lohn Milieu, dwelling in Olde ftreete, who from lohn Tradefcante and all others that haue had good fruit, hath ftored himfelfe with the beft only, and he can fumciently furnilh any. The Amber Primordian Plumme is an indifferent faire Plumme, early ripe, of a pale yellowifh colour, and ot a vvaterilli tafte, not pleaiing. The red Primordian Plumme is of a reafonable fize, long and round, reddifh on the outfide, of a more dry tafte, and ripe with the firft forts in the beginning of Au- guft. The blew Primordian is a fmall plumine, almoft like the Damafcene, and is fubiecl to drop off from the tree before it be ripe. The white Date Plum is no very good plum. The 576 The Orchard. The red Date plumme is a great long red pointed plumme, and late ripe, little bet- ter then the white. The blacke Muflell plumme is a good plumme, reafonable drye, and tafte th well. The red Muflell Plumme is fomewhat flat as well as round, of a very good tafte, and is ripe about the middle of Auguft. The white Muflell plumme is like the redde, but fomewhat fmaller, and of a whitifh greene colour, but not fo well tafted. The Imperiall plum is a great long reddifh plum, very waterifh, and ripeneth fome- what late. The Gaunt plum is a great round reddifh plum, ripe fomewhat late, and eateth wa- terifh. The red Pefcod plum is a reafonable good plum. The white Pefcod plum is a reafonable good rellifhed plumme, but fomewhat wa- terifh. The greene Pefcod plum is a reafonable big and long pointed plum, and ripe in the beginning of September. The Orenge plum is a yellowifh plum, moift, and fomewhat fweetifh. The Morocco plumme is blacke like a Damfon, well tafted, and fomewhat drye in eating. The Dine plum is a late ripe plum, great and whitifh, fpeckled all ouer. The Turkic plum is a large long blackifh plum, and fomewhat flat like the Muflell plum, a well rellifhed dry plum. The Nutmeg plumme is no bigger then a Damfon, and is of a greenifh yellow co- lour when it is ripe, which is with vs about Bartholmew tide, and is a good plum. The Perdigon plumme is a dainty good plumme, early blackifh, and well rellifhed. The Verdoch plum is a great fine greene fhining plum fit to preferue. The lenua plum is the white Date plum, before remembred. The Barberry plum is a great early blacke plum, and well tafted. The Pruneola plum is a fmall white plum, of a fine tart tafte : it was wont to bee v- fually brought ouer in fmall round boxes, and fold moft commonly at the Comfit- makers, (cut in twaine, the ftone caft away) at a very deere rate : the tree groweth and beareth well with vs. The Shepway Bulleis is of a darke blewifh brown colour, of a larger fize then the ordinary, and of a fharpe tafte, but not fo good as the common. The white and the blacke Bulleis are common in moft Countries, being fmall round plums, lefler then Damfons, fharper in tafte, and later ripe. The Flufhing Bulleis groweth with his fruite thicke cluftring together like grapes. The Winter Creke is the lateft ripe plum of all forts, it groweth plentifully about Bifhops Hatfield. The white Peare plum early ripe, is of a pale yellowifh greene colour. The late ripe white Peare plum is a greater and longer plum, greenifh white, and is not ripe vntill it be neere the end of September, both waterifh plums. The blacke Peare plum is like vnto the white Peare plumme, but that the colour is blackifh when it is ripe, and is of a very good rellifh, more firme and drye then the o- ther. The red Peare plumme is of the fame fafhion and goodnefle, but is the worft of the three. The white Wheate plum is a waterifh fulfome plum. The red Wheate plum is like the other for tafte. The Bowie plum is flat and round, yet flatter on the one fide then on the other, which caufed the name, and is a very good rellifhed blacke plum. The Friars plumme is a very good plum, well tafted, and comming cleane from the ftone, being blacke when it is ripe, and fome whitifh fpots vpon it. The Catalonia plum is a very good plum. The Don Alteza is alfo a very good plum. The Mufcadine plum, fome call the Queene mother plumme, and fome the Cherry plum, is a faire red plum, of a reafonable bignefle, and ripe about Bartholmew tide. The Chriftian plum, called alfo the Nutmeg plum; the tree groweth very fhrubby, and The Orchard. 577 i Prunum Imprrimlt. The Imperial! Plum. a Prunum Turcifum. The Turkey Plum. 3 Prunum praco* rubrum. The red Primordian Plum. 4 Prunum Mytellinum. The MufTell Plum. 5 Prunum Ambariuum. The Amber Plum. 6 Prunum Kt- gineum. The Queen mother Plum. 7 Prunum mridt. The green Oyfterly Plum. 8 Prunum Arantiacum. The Orengc Plum. 9 Prunum Uynfticum. The Nutmeg Plum. 10 Prunum Siliquofum. The Pefcod Plum. 11 Prunum Gandautn/t. The Gaunt Plum. 12 Prunum Daftylitit. The Date Plum. 13 Prunum Pyrinum pracox. The early Peare Plum. D 4 578 The Orchard. and will abide good for fix weekes at the leaft after it is gathered, and after all other plums are fpent. The Cherry plum remembred before, fpeaking of the Mufcadine plum, is a very good plum, but fmall. The Amber plum is a round plum, as yellow on the outfide almoft as yellow waxe, of a fowre vnpleafant tafte that which I tafted, but I thinke it was not the right ; for I haue feene and tafted another of the fame bignefle, of a paler colour, farre better relli- fhed, and a firmer fubftance, comming cleane from the ftone like an Apricocke. The Apricocke plum is a good plum when it is in its perfection, but that is feldome ; for it doth moft vfually cracke, thereby diminifhing much of its goodneffe, and be- fides yeeldeth gumme at the crackes. The Eafon plum is a little red plum, but very good in tafte. The Violet plum is a fmall and long blackifh blew plum, ripe about Bartholmew tide, a very good dry eating fruit. The Grape plum is the Pluming Bulleis before remembred. The Dennie plum is called alfo the Chefton, or the Friars plum before remembred. The Damaske Violet plum, or Queen mother plum fpoken of before. The blacke Damafcene plum is a very good dry plum, and of a darke blew colour when it is ripe. The white Damfon is nothing fo well rellifhed as the other. The great Damfon or Damaske plum is greater then the ordinary Damfon, and fweeter in tafte. The blew Damfon well knowne, a good fruit. The Coferers plum is flat, like vnto a Peare plum, it is early ripe and blacke, of a very good rellim. The Margate plum the worft of an hundred. The green Oyfterly plum is a reafonable great plum, of a whitifh green colour when it is ripe, of a moift and fweete tafte, reafonable good. The red Mirobalane plum groweth to be a great tree quickly, fpreading very thicke and farre, very like the blacke Thorne or Sloe bum : the fruit is red, earlier ripe, and of a better tafte then the white. The white Mirobalane plum is in moft things like the former red, but the fruit is of a whitifh yellow colour, and very pleafant, efpecially if it be not ouer ripe : both thefe had need to be plafhed againft a wall, or elfe they will hardly beare ripe fruit. The Oliue plum is very like a greene Oliue, but for colour and bignefle, and grow- eth lowe on a fmall burning tree, and ripeneth late, but is the beft of all the forts of greene plums. The white diapred plum of Malta, fcarce knowne to any in our Land but lohn Tra- defcante, is a very good plum, and ftriped all ouer like diaper, and thereby fo called. The blacke diapred plum is like the Damafcene plum, being blacke with fpots, as fmall as pins points vpon it, of a very good rellim. The Peake plum is a long whitifh plum, and very good. The Pimamin or Virginia plum is called a plum, but vtterly differeth from all forts of plums, the defcription whereof may truely enforme you, as it is fet downe in the tenth Chapter going before, whereunto I referre you. The Vfe of Plums. The great Damaske or Damfon Plummes are dryed in France in great quantities, and brought ouer vnto vs in Hogs-heads, and other great vef- fels, and are thofe Prunes that are vfually fold at the Grocers, vnder the name of Damaske Prunes : the blacke Bulleis alfo are thofe (being dryed in the fame manner) that they call French Prunes, and by their tartnefle are thought to binde, as the other, being fweet, to loofen the body. The Bruneola Plumme, by reafon of his pleafant tartnefle, is much ac- counted of, and being dryed, the ftones taken from them, are brought ouer to vs in fmall boxes, and fold deere at the Comfitmakers, where they very often accompany all forts of banquetting ftuffes. Some The Orchard. 579 Some of thcfe Plums, becaufe of their firmnefle, are vndoubtedly more whollbme then others that are fweete and waterHh, and caufe lefle offence in their ftomackes that eate them; and therefore are preferued with Sugar, to be kept all the yeare. None of them all is vfed in medicines fo much as the great Damfon or Damaske Prune, although all of them for the moft part doe coole, lenilie, and draw forth choller, and thereby are fitted to be vied of fuch as haue chollericke Agues. CHAP. XI 1 1 1. Mala Armeniaca Jiue Pracocia. Apricockes. THe Apricocke (as I faid) is without queftion a kinde of Plumme, rather then a l'c:ich, both the flower being white, and the ftone of the fruit fmooth alfo, like a Plumme, and yet becaufe of the excellencie of the fruit, and the difference therein from all other Plummes, I haue thought it meete to entreate thereof by it felfe, and Ihew you the varieties haue been obferued in thefe times. The Apricocke tree rifeth vp to a very great height, either (landing by it felfe (where it beareth not fo kindly, and very little in our country) or planted againft a wall, as it is moft vfuall, hauing a great ftemme or body, and likewife many great armes or branches, couered with a fmooth barke: the leaues are large, broad, and almoft round, but pointed at the ends, and finely dented about the edges: the flowers are white, as the Plumme tree bloflbmes, but fomewhat larger, and rounder fet : the fruit is round, with a cleft on the one fide, fomewhat like vnto a Peach, being of a yellowifh colour as well on the infide as outfide, of a firme or faft fubftance, and dry, not ouer- moift in the eating, and very pleafant in tafte, containing within it a broad and flat ftone, fomewhat round and fmooth, not rugged as the Peach ftone, with a pleafant fweete kernell (yet fome haue reported, that there is fuch as haue their kernels bitter, which I did neuer fee or know) and is ripe almoft with our firft or earlieft Plummes, and thereof it tooke the name of Pracox ; and it may bee was the earlieft of all others was then knowne, when that name was giuen. The great Apricocke, which fome call the long Apricocke, is the greateft and faireft of all the reft. The fmaller Apricocke, which fome call the fmall round Apricocke, is thought to be fmall, becaufe it firft fprang from a ftone : but that is not fo ; for the kinde it felfe being inoculated, will bee alwaies fmall, and neuer halfe fo faire and great as the former. The white Apricocke hath his leaues more folded together, as if it were halfe dou- ble : it beareth but feldome, and very few, which differ not from the ordinary, but in being more white, without any red when it is ripe. The Mafcoline Apricocke hath a finer greene leafe, and thinner then the former, and beareth very feldome any ftore of fruit, which differeth in nothing from the firft, but that it is a little more delicate. The long Mafcoline Apricocke hath his fruit growing a little longer then the for- mer, and differeth in nothing elfe. I The Argier Apricocke is a fmaller fruit then any of the other, and yellow, but as fweete and delicate as any of them, hauing a blackilh ftone within it, little bigger then a Lacure Cherry ftone : this with many other forts lohn Tradefcante brought with him returning from the Argier voyage, whither hee went voluntary with the Fleete, that went againft the Pyrates in the yeare 1620. The Vfe of Apricockes. Apricockes are eaten oftentimes in the fame manner that other dainty Plummes are, betweene meales of themfelues, or among other fruit at banquets. They 580 The Orchard. They are alfo preferued and candid, as it pleafeth Gentlewomen to be- flowe their time and charge, or the Comfitmaker to fort among other can- did fruits. Some likewife dry them, like vnto Peares, Apples, Damfons, and other Plummes. Matthiolus doth wonderfully commend the oyle drawne from the ker- nels of the ftones, to annoint the inflamed hcemorrhoides or piles, the fwel- lings of vlcers, the roughnefle of the tongue and throate, and likewife the paines of the eares. CHAP. XV. Mala Perfoa. Peaches. AS I ordered the Cherries and Plummes, fo I intend to deale with Peaches, be- caufe their varieties are many, and more knowne in thefe dayes then in former times : but becaufe the Neftorin is a differing kinde of Peach, I muft deale with it as I did with the Apricocke among the Plummes, that is, place it in a Chapter by it felfe. The Peach tree of it felfe groweth not vfually altogether fo great, or high as the A- pricocke, becaufe it is lefle durable, but yet fpreadeth with faire great branches, from whence fpring fmaller and flenderer reddifh twigges, whereon are fet long narrow greene leaues, dented about the edges : the bloflbmes are greater then of any Plumme, of a deepe blufh or light purple colour : after which commeth the fruit, which is round, and fometimes as great as a reafonable Apple or Pippin (I fpeake of fome forts ; for there be fome kindes that are much fmaller) with a furrow or cleft on the one fide, and couered with a freefe or cotton on the outfide, of colour either ruflet, or red, or yel- low, or of a blackifh red colour ; of differing fubftances and taftes alfo, fome being firme, others waterifh, fome cleauing faft to the ftone on the infide, others parting from it more or lefle eafily, one excelling another very farre, wherein is contained a rugged ftone, with many chinkes or clefts in it, the kernell whereof is bitter : the roots growe neither deepe nor farre ; and therefore are fubiecl to the winds, (landing alone, and not againft a wall. It fooner waxeth old and decayeth, being fprung of a ftone, then being inoculated on a Plumme ftocke, whereby it is more durable. The great white Peach is white on the outfide as the meate is alfo, and is a good well rellifhed fruit. The fmall white Peach is all one with the greater, but differeth in fize. The Carnation Peach is of three forts, two are round, and the third long ; they are all of a whitifh colour, fhadowed ouer with red, and more red on the fide is next the funne : the lefler round is the more common, and the later ripe. The grand Carnation Peach is like the former round Peach, but greater, and is as late ripe, that is, in the beginning of September. The red Peach is an exceeding well rellifhed fruit. The ruffet Peach is one of the moft ordinary Peaches in the Kingdome, being of a ruflet colour on the outfide, and but of a reafonable rellifh, farre meaner then many other. The Ifland Peach is a faire Peach, and of a very good rellifh. The Newington Peach is a very good Peach, and of an excellent good rellifh, being of a whitifh greene colour on the outfide, yet halfe reddifh, and is ripe about Barthol- mew tide. The yellow Peach is of a deepe yellow colour ; there be hereof diuers forts, fome good and fome bad. The St. lames Peach is the fame with the Queenes Peach, here belowe fet downe, although fome would make them differing. The Melocotone Peach is a yellow faire Peach, but differing from the former yel- low both in forme and tafte, in that this hath a fmall crooked end or point for the moft part, it is ripe before them, and better rellifhed then any of them. The The Orchard. i Maim Armniatafiot Pracoeia. The Apricocke. 2 Malus PerKca Uilocolotua. The Melocotone Peach. 3 Ptrfica ttof- ckatfllitta. The Nutmeg Peach. 4 Ptrfeca nigra. The blacke Peach. 5 Pirfica Cornea longa. The long Carnation Peach. 6 Ptrjica Rrginea. The Qucenes Peach. 7 Amygdalm. The Almond. 8 Pirfica du Troas. The Peach du Troas. 9 Nueiperfica rubra optima. The beft Romane red Neaorin. 10 Nuciprrfica rubra alttra. The baftard red Neaorin with a pinck- iof Uibme. 582 The Orchard. The Peach du Troas is a long and great whitifh yellow Peach, red on the outfide, early ripe, and is another kinde of Nutmeg Peach. The Queenes Peach is a faire great yellowifh browne Peach, fhadowed as it were ouer with deepe red, and is ripe at Bartholmew tide, of a very pleafant good tafte. The Romane Peach is a very good Peach, and well rellifhed. The Durafme or Spanifh Peach is of a darke yellowifh red colour on the outfide, and white within. The blacke Peach is a great large Peach, of a very darke browne colour on the out- fide, it is of a waterifh tafte, and late ripe. The Alberza Peach is late ripe, and of a reafonable good tafte. The Almond Peach, fo called, becaufe the kernell of the ftone is fweete, like the Al- mond, and the fruit alfo fomewhat pointed like the Almond in the huske ; it is early ripe, and like the Newington Peach, but leffer. The Man Peach is of two forts, the one longer then the other, both of them are good Peaches, but the fhorter is the better rellifhed. The Cherry Peach is a fmall Peach, but well tafted. The Nutmeg Peach is of two forts, one that will be hard when it is ripe, and eateth not fo pleafantly as the other, which will bee foft and mellow ; they are both fmall Peaches, hauing very little or no refemblance at all to a Nutmeg, except in being a little longer then round, and are early ripe. Many other forts of Peaches there are, whereunto wee can giue no efpeciall name ; and therefore I paffe them ouer in filence. ... The Vfe of Peaches. Thofe Peaches that are very moift and waterifh (as many of them are) and not firme, doe foone putrefie in the ftomacke, caufing furfeits often- times; and therefore euery one had neede bee carefull, what and in what manner they eate them : yet they are much and often well accepted with all the Gentry of the Kingdome. The leaues, becaufe of their bitterneffe, ferue well being boyled in Ale or Milke, to be giuen vnto children that haue wormes, to help to kill them, and doe gently open the belly, if there be a fufficient quantity vfed. The flowers haue the like operation, that is, to purge the body fomewhat more forceably then Damaske Rofes ; a Syrupe therefore made of the flow- ers is very good. The kernels of the Peach ftones are oftentimes, vfed to be giuen to them that cannot well make water, or are troubled with the ftone; for it openeth the ftoppings of the vritory paffages, whereby much eafe enfueth. CHAP. XVI. Nuciperjica. Neftorins. IPrefume that the name Nuciperjica doth moft rightly belong vnto that kinde of Peach, which we call Neclorins, and although they haue beene with vs not many yeares, yet haue they beene knowne both in Italy to Matthiolus, and others before him, who it feemeth knew no other then the yellow Neclorin, as Dalechampius alfo : But we at this day doe know fiue feuerall forts of Neclorins, as they fhall be prefently fet downe ; and as in the former fruits, fo in this, I will giue you the defcription of one, and briefe notes of the reft. The Neclorin is a tree of no great bigneffe, moft vfually leffer then the Peach tree, his body and elder boughes being whitifh, the younger branches very red, whereon grow narrow long greene leaues, fo like vnto Peach leaues, that none can well diftin- guifh them, vnlefle it be in this, that they are fomewhat lefler : the bloffomes are all reddifh, as the Peach, but one of a differing fafhion from all the other, as I fhall fhew you by and by : the fruit that followeth is fmaller, rounder, and fmoother then Pea- ches, without any cleft on the fide, and without any douny cotton or freeze at all ; and herein The Orchard. 583 herein is like vnto the outer grcene rinde of the Wallnut, whereof as I am perf waded it tooke the name, of a fail and firmc meate, and very delicate in talle, efpecially the beil kindes, with a rugged Hone within it, and a bitter kernell. The Muske Nectorin, fo called, becaufe it being a kinde of the beil red Neftorins, both fmelleth and eateth as if the fruit were lleeped in Muske : fome thinke that this and the next Rotnane Nectorin are all one. The Romane red Nectorin, or cluiler Neclorin, hath a large or great purplifh blof- fome, like vnto a Peach, reddiih at the bottome on the outfide, and greeniin within : the fruit is of a fine red colour on the outfide, and groweth in cluilers, two or three at a ioynt together, of an excellent good taile. The ballard red Neclorin hath a fmaller or pincking bloiTome, more like threads then leaues, neither fo large nor open as the former, and yellowifh within at the bot- tome : the fruit is red on the outfide, and groweth neuer but one at a ioynt ; it is a good fruit, but eateth a little more rawifh then the other, cuen when it is fiill ripe. The yellow Neclorin is of two forts, the one an excellent fruit, mellow, and of a very good rellifh ; the other hard, and no way comparable to it. The greene Neclorin, great and fmall ; for fuch I haue feene abiding conilant, al- though both planted in one ground : they are both of one goodnefie, and accounted with moil to be the beil rellifhed Neclorin of all others. The white Neclorin is faid to bee differing from the other, in that it will bee more white on the outfide when it is ripe, then either the yellow or greene : but I haue not yet feene it. The Vfe of Neclorins. The fruit is more firme then the Peach, and more deleclable in tafle ; and is therefore of more eileeme, and that worthily. CHAP. XVII. Amygdala. Almonds. * THe Almond alfo may be reckoned vnto the (lock or kindred of the Peaches, it is fo like both in leafe and bloilbme, and fomewhat alfo in the fruit, for the out- ward forme, although it hath onely a dry skinne, and no pulpe or meate to bee eaten : but the kernell of the flone or fhell, which is called the Almond, maketh re- compenfe of that defeat, whereof fome are fweete, fome bitter, fome great, fome fmall, fome long, and fome fhort. The Almond tree groweth vpright, higher and greater then any Peach ; and is therefore vfually planted by it felfe, and not againil a wall, whofe body fometime ex- ceedeth any mans fadome, whereby it fheweth to be of longer continuance, bearing large armes, and fmaller branches alfo, but brittle, whereon are fet long and narrow leaues, like vnto the Peach tree : the bloflbmes are purplHh, like vnto Peach bloiToms, but paler : the fruit is fomewhat like a Peach for the forme of the skinne or outfide, which is rough, but not with any fuch cleft therein, or with any pulpe or meate fit to bee eaten, but is a thicke dry skinne when it is ripe, couering the ilone or ihell, which is fmooth and not rugged, and is either long and great, or fmall, or thicke and fhort, according as the nut or kernell within it is, which is fweete both in the greater and fmaller, and onely one fmaller kinde which is bitter : yet this I haue obferued, that all the Almond trees that I haue feene growe in England, both of the fweete and bit- ter kindes, beare Almonds thicke and ihort, and not long, as that fort which is called the lorden Almond. The Vfe of Almonds. They are vfed many wayes, and for many purpofes, either eaten alone with Figges, or Rayfins of the Sunne, or made into paile with Sugar and Rofewater for Marchpanes, or put among Floure, Egges, and Sugar, to make 584 The Orchard. make Mackerons, or crafted ouer with Sugar, to make Comfits, or mixed with Rofewater and Sugar, to make Butter, or with Barley water, to make Milke, and many other waies, as euery one lift, that hath skill in fuch things. The oyle alfo of Almonds is vfed many waies, both inwardly and out- wardly, for many purpofes; as the oyle of fweete Almonds mixt with poudered white Sugar Candy, for coughes and hoarfeneffe, and to be drunk alone, or with fome other thing (as the Syrupe of Marfh Mallowes) for the ftone, to open and lenifie the paflages, and make them flipperie, that the ftone may pafle the eafier. And alfo for women in Child bed after their fore trauell. And outwardly either by it felfe, or with oyle of Tartar to make a creame, to lenifie the skin, parched with the winde or otherwife, or to an- noint the ftomacke either alone, or with other things to helpe a cold. The oyle of bitter Almonds is much vfed to be dropped into their eares that are hard of hearing, to helpe to open them. And as it is thought, doth more fcoure and cleanfe the skin then the fweet oyle doth, and is therefore more vfed of many for that purpofe, as the Almonds themfelues are. CHAP. XVIII. Mala Arantia. Orenges. 1 Bring here to your confideration, as you fee, the Orenge tree alone, without menti- oning the Citron or Lemmon trees, in regard of the experience we haue feen made of them in diuers places : For the Orenge tree hath abiden with fome extraordi- nary looking and tending of it, when as neither of the other would by any meanes be preferued any long time. If therefore any be delirous to keepe this tree, he muft fo prouide for it, that it be preferued from any cold, either in the winter or fpring, and expofed to the comfort of the funne in fummer. And for that purpofe fome keepe them in great fquare boxes, and lift them to and fro by iron hooks on the fides, or caufe them to be rowled by trundels, or fmall wheels vnder them, to place them in an houfe, or clofe gallerie for the winter time: others plant them againft a bricke wall in the ground, and defend them by a fhed of boardes, couered ouer with feare-cloth in the winter, and by the warmth of a ftoue, or other fuch thing, giue them fome comfort in the colder times : but no tent or meane prouifion will preferue them. The Orenge tree in the warme Countries groweth very high, but with vs (or elfe it is a dwarfe kinde thereof) rifeth not very high : the barke of the elder ftemmes being of a darke colour, and the young branches very greene, whereon grow here and there fome few thornes : the leaues are faire, large, and very greene, in forme almoft like a Bay leafe, but that it hath a fmall eare, or peece of a leafe, fafhioned like vnto an heart vnder euery one of them, with many fmall holes to be feene in them, if you hold them vp betweene you and the light, of a fweet but ftrong fmell, naturally not falling away, but alwaies abiding on, or vntill new be come vp, bearing greene leaues continually : the flowers are whitifh, of a very ftrong and heady fent ; after which come fmall round fruit, greene at the firft, while they are fmall, and not neere maturitie, but being grown and ripe, are (as all men know) red on the out fide, fome more pale then others, and fome kindes of a deeper yellowifh red, according to the climate, and as it receiueth the heate of the funne, wherein is contained fower or fweete iuice, and thicke white ker- nels among it : it beareth in the warme Countries both bloffbmes and greene fruit continually vpon it, and ripe fruit alfo with them for the beft part of the yeare, but e- fpecially in Autumne and Winter. The Vfe of Orenges. Orenges are vfed as fawce for many forts of meates, in refpecl: of their fweete fowernefle, giuing a rellifh of delight, whereinfoeuer they are vfed. The inner pulpe or iuice doth ferue in agues and hot difeafes, and in Sum- mer to coole the heate of deiefted ftomackes, or fainting fpirits. The The Orchard. 55 I tfalnt Arantia. The Orcngc ULL. a Malm. The Apple tree. 3 Maium Carhonarivn. The Pomewter. i Malum Curt:ffHiinlMm. The golden Pippin. 5 Mtlafium. The Pearmaine. 6 Afo/wm Rrgintum. The Qucene Apple. 7 o ''' primii matiirnm. The Oenneting. S> Malum Regatt. The pound Royall. 9 Malum Kentij ad ftrrfcivi,:n*m. The Windfor Peare. 1 1 Pyrum Cucumtritium . The Gratiola Peare U Pyrum Caryopiiyllatum. The Gilloflowet Peare. Orchard. The Winter bon Chretien is of many forts, fome greater, others lefler, and all good ; but the greateft and beft is that kinde that groweth at Syon : All the kinds of this Win- ter fruit muft be planted againft a wall, or elfe they will both feldome beare, and bring fewer alfo to ripeneffe, comparable to the wall fruit : the kindes alfo are according to their lading; for fome will endure good much longer then others. The Summer Bergomot is an excellent well rellifhed peare, flattifh, Sc more, not long like others, of a meane bigneffe, and of a darke yellowifh greene colour on the outlide. The Winter Bergomot is of two or three forts, being all of them fmall fruit, fome- what greener on the outride then the Summer kindes ; all of them very delicate and good in their due time : for fome will not be fit to bee eaten when others are well-nigh fpent, euery of them outlafting another by a moneth or more. The Diego peare is but a fmall peare, but an excellent well rellifhed fruit, tafting as if Muske had been put among it ; many of them growe together, as it were in clufters. The Duetete or double headed peare, fo called of the forme, is a very good peare, not very great, of a ruffettifh browne colour on the outride. The Primating peare is a good moift peare, and early ripe. The Geneting peare is a very good early ripe peare. The greene Chelill is a delicate mellow peare, euen melting as it were in the mouth of the eater, although greenifh on the outride. The Catherine peare is knowne to all I thinke to be a yellow red fided peare, of a full waterifh fweete tafte, and ripe with the foremoft. The King Catherine is greater then the other, and of the fame goodnefie, or rather better. The Ruflet Catherine is a very good middle fized peare. The Windfor peare is an excellent good peare, well knowne to moft perfons, and of a reafonable greatnefle : it will beare fruit fome times twice in a yeare (and as it is faid) three times in fome places. The Norwich peare is of two forts, Summer and Winter, both of them good fruit, each in their feafon. The Worfter peare is blackifh, a farre better peare to bake (when as it will be like a Warden, and as good) then to eate rawe ; yet fo it is not to be mifliked. The Muske peare is like vnto a Catherine peare for bignefle, colour, and forme; but farre more excellent in tafte, as the very name importeth. The Rofewater peare is a goodly faire peare, and of a delicate tafte. The Sugar peare is an early peare, very fweete, but waterifh. The Summer Popperin both of them are very good dry firme peares, fomewhat The Winter Popperin fpotted, and brownifh on the outride. The greene Popperin is a winter fruit, of equall goodnefTe with the former. The Soueraigne peare, that which I haue feene and tafted, and fo termed vnto me, was a fmall brownifh yellow peare, but of a moft dainty tafte ; but fome doe take a kind of Bon Chretien, called the Elizabeth peare, to be the Soueraigne peare ; how truely let others iudge. The Kings peare is a very good and well tafted peare. The peare Royall is a great peare, and of a good rellifh. The Warwicke peare is a reafonable faire and good peare. The Greenfield peare is a very good peare, of a middle fize. The Lewes peare is a brownifh greene peare, ripe about the end of September, a reafonable well rellifhed fruit, and very moift. The Bifhop peare is a middle fized peare, of a reafonable good tafte, not very wa- terifh ; but this property is oftentimes feene in it, that before the fruit is gathered, (but more vfually thofe that fall of themfelues, and the reft within a while after they are gathered) will be rotten at the core, when there will not be a fpot or blemifh to bee feene on the outfide, or in all the peare, vntill you come neare the core. The Wilford peare is a good and a faire peare. The Bell peare a very good greene peare. The Portingall peare is a great peare, but more goodly in fhew then good indeed. The Gratiola peare is a kinde of Bon Chretien, called the Cowcumber peare, or Spinola's peare. The Rowling peare is a good peare, but hard, and not good before it bee a little rowled or bruifed, to make it eate the more mellow. The The Orchard. .593 The Pimpe peare is as great as the Windfor peare, but rounder, and of a very good rellifh. The Turnep peare is a hard winter peare, not Co good to eate rawe, as it is to bake. The Arundell peare is moft plentifull in Suffolke, and there commended to be a ve- rie good peare. The Berry peare is a Summer peare, reasonable faire and great, .and of fo good and wholfome a tafte, that few or ix>ne take harme by eating neuer fo many ot them. The Sand peare is a reasonable good peare, but fmall. The Morley peare is a very good peare, like in forme and colour vnto the Windfor, but fomewhat grayer. The peare pricke is very like vnto the Greenfield peare, being both faire, great, and good. The good Rewell is a reafonable great peare, as good to bake as to eate rawe, and both vvayes it is a good fruit. The Hawkes bill peare is of a middle fize, fomewhat like vnto the Rowling peare. The Petworth peare is a winter peare, and is great, fomewhat long, faire, and good. The Slipper peare is a reafonable good peare. The Robert peare is a very good peare, plentifull in Suffolke and Norfolke. The pound peare is a reafonable good peare, both to eate rawe, and to bake. The ten pound peare, or the hundred pound peare, the trueft and beft, is the beft Bon Chretien of Syon, fo called, becaufe the grafts coft the Mafter fo much the fetching by the meifengers expences, when he brought nothing elfe. The Gilloflower peare is a winter peare, faire in (hew, but hard, and not fit to bee eaten rawe, but very good to bake. The peare Couteau is neither good one way nor other. The Binfce peare is a reafonable good winter peare, of a ruffetifh colour, and a fmall truit : but will abide good a long while. The Pucell is a greene peare, of an indifferent good tafte. The blacke Sorrell is a reafonable great long peare, of a darke red colour on the out- fide. The red Sorrell is of a redder colour, elfe like the other. The Surrine is no very good peare. The Summer Hafting is a little greene peare, of an indifferent good rellim. Peare Gergonell is an early peare, fomewhat long, and of a very pleafant tafte. The white Genneting is a reafonable good pare, yet not equall to the other. The Sweater is fomewhat like the Windfor for colour and bignefle, but nothing neare of fo good a tafte. The bloud red peare is of a darke red colour on the outfide, but piercing very little into the inner pulpe. The Hony peare is a long greene Summer peare. The Winter peare is of many forts, but this is onely fo called, to bee diftinguifhed from all other Winter peares, which haue feuerall names giuen them, and is. a very good peare. The Warden or Luke Wards peare of two forts, both white and red, both great and fmall. The Spanifh Warden is greater then either of both the former, and better alfo. The peare of lerufalem, or the ftript peare, whole barke while it is young, is as plainly feene to be ftript with greene, red, and yellow, as the fruit it felfe is alfo, and is of a very good tafte : being baked alfo, it is as red as the beft Warden, whereof Ma- fter William Ward of Eflex hath allured mee, who is the chiefe keeper of the Kings Granary at Whitehall. Hereof likewife there is a wilde kinde no bigger then ones thumbe, and ftriped in the like manner, but much more. The Choke peares, and other wilde peares, both great and fmall, as they are not to furniih our Orchard, but the Woods, Forrefts, Fields, and Hedges, fo wee leaue them to their naturall pkces, and to them that keep them, and make good vfe of them. The Vfe of Peares. The moft excellent forts of Peares, ferue (as I faid before of Apples) to F 4 make The Orchard. make an after-courfe for their matters table, where the goodneffe of his Or- chard is tryed. They are dryed alfo, and fo are an excellent repafte, if they be of the beft kindes, fit for the purpofe. They are eaten familiarly of all forts of people, of fome for delight, and of others for nourifhment, being baked, ftewed, or fcalded. The red Warden and the Spanifh Warden are reckoned among the moft excellent of Peares, either to bake or to roaft, for the ficke or for the found : And indeede, the Quince and the Warden are the two onely fruits are per- mitted to the ficke, to eate at any time. Perry, which is the iuyce of Peares preffed out, is a drinke much efteemed as well as Cyder, to be both drunke at home, and carried to the Sea, and found to be of good vfe in long voyages. The Perry made of Choke Peares, notwithftanding the harmnefle, and euill tafte, both of the fruit when it is greene, as alfo of the iuyce when it is new made, doth yet after a few moneths become as milde and pleafant as wine, and will hardly bee knowne by the fight or tafte from it : this hath beene found true by often experience ; and therefore wee may admire the goodneffe of God, that hath giuen fuch facility to fo wilde fruits, altoge- ther thought vfelefle, to become vfefull, and apply the benefit thereof both to the comfort of our foules and bodies. For the Phyficall properties, if we doe as Galen teacheth vs, in Jecundo Alimentorum, referre the qualities of Peares to their feuerall taftes, as be- fore he had done in Apples, we mail not neede to make a new worke ; thofe that are harm and fowre doe coole and binde, fweet do nourifh and warme, and thofe betweene thefe, to haue middle vertues, anfwerable to their tem- peratures, &c. Much more might be faid, both of this and the other kinds of fruits ; but let this fuffice for this place and worke, vntill a more exacT: be accomplifhed. CHAP. XXII. Nux luglans. The Wallnut. ALthough the Wallnut tree bee often planted in the middle of great Court- yards, where by reafon of his great fpreading armes it taketh vp a great deale of roome, his fhadow reaching farre, fo that fcarce any thing can well grow neare it; yet becaufe it is likewife planted in fit places or corners of Orchards, and that it beareth fruit or nuts, often brought to the table, efpecially while they are frefheft, fweeteft, and fitteft to be eaten, let not my Orchard want his company, or you the knowledge of it. Some doe thinke that there are many forts of them, becaufe fome are much greater then others, and fome longer then others, and fome haue a more fran- gible fhell then others ; but I am certainly perfwaded, that the foyle and climate where they grow, are the whole and onely caufe of the varieties and differences. In- deed Virginia hath fent vnto vs two forts of Wallnuts, the one blacke, the other white, whereof as yet wee haue no further knowledge. And I know that Clufius reporteth, he tooke vp at a banquet a long Wallnut, differing in forme and tendernefle of fhell from others, which being fet, grew and bore farre tenderer leaues then the other, and a little fnipt about the edges, which (as I faid) might alter with the foyle and climate : and befides you may obferue, that many of Clufius differences are very nice, and fo I leaue it. The Wallnut tree groweth very high and great, with a large and thicke body or trunke, couered with a thicke clouen whitifh greene barke, tending to an afh-colour ; the armes are great, and fpread farre, breaking out into fmaller branches, whereon doe grow long & large leaues, fiue or feuen fet together one againft another, with an odde one at the end, fomewhat like vnto Amen leaues, but farre larger, and not fo many on a ftalke, fmooth, and fomewhat reddifh at the firft fpringing, and tender alfo, of a reafo- nable good fent, but more ftrong and headie when they growe old : the fruit or nut is great and round, growing clofe to the ftalkes of the leaues, either by couples or by three The Orchard. three fet together, couered with a double (hell, that is to fay, with a greene thicke and foft outer rinde, and an inner hard (hell, within which the white kernell is contained, couered with a thinne yellow rinde or peeling, which is more eafily peeled away while it is greene then afterwards, and is as it were parted into foure quarters, with a thinne wooddy peece parting it at the head, very fweetc and pleafant while it is frefh, and tor a while after the gathering ; but the elder they growe, the harder and more oily : the catkins or blowings arc long and yellow, made of many fcaly leaues let clofc together, which come forth early in the Spring, and when they open and fell away, vp- on their ftalkes arife certaine fmall flowers, which turne into fo many nuts. The Vfe of Wallnuts. They are often ferued to the table with other fruits while they abide fre(h and fweete ; and therefore many to keepe them frefh a long time haue deuifed many wayes, as to put them into great pots, and bury them in the ground, and fo take them out as they fpend them, which is a very good way, and will keepe them long. The fmall young nuts while they are tender, being preferued or candid, are vfed among other forts of candid fruits, that ferue at banquets. The iuyce of the outer greene huskesare held to be a foueraigne remedy againrt either poyfon, or plague, or peftilentiall feuer. The diftilled water of the huskes drunke with a little vinegar, if the fits growe hot and tedious, is an approued remedy for the fame. The water dirtilled from the leaues, is effecluall to be applyed to fluent or running v leers, to dry and binde the humours. Some haue vfed the pouder of the catkins in white wine, for the fuffoca- tion or ftrangling of the mother. The oyle of Wallnuts is vfed to varnifh loyners workes. As alfo is ac- counted farre to excell Linfeede oyle, to mixe a white colour withall, that the colour bee not dimmed. It is of excellent vfe for the coldnefle, hard- nelTe and contracting of the linewes and ioynts, to warme, fupple, and to extend them. CHAP. XXIII. Cajlanea Equina. The Horfe Chefnut. ALthough the ordinary Chefnut is not a tree planted in Orchards, but left to Woods, Parkes, and other fuch like places ; yet wee haue another fort which wee haue nourfed vp from the nuts fent vs from Turky, of a greater and more pleafant afpeft for the faire leaues, and of as good vfe for the fruit. It groweth in time to be a great tree, fpreading with great armes and branches, whereon are fet at feuerall diftances goodly faire great greene leaues, diuided into (ix, feuen, or nine parts or leaues, euery one of them nicked about the edges, very like vnto the leaues of Rtcinus, or Pa/ma Chrijti, and almoft as great : it beareth at the ends of the branches many flow- ers fet together vpon a long rtalke, confiding of foure white leaues a peece, with many threads in the middle, which afterwards turne into nuts, like vnto the ordinary Chef- nuts, but fet in rougher and more prickly huskes : the nuts themfelues being rounder and blacker, with a white fpot at the head of each, formed fomewhat like an heart, and of a little fweeter tafte. The Vfe of this Chefnut. It ferueth to binde and ftop any maner of fluxe, be it of bloud or humours, either of the belly or ftomacke ; as alfo the much fpitting of bloud. They are roafted and eaten as the ordinary fort, to make them tafte the better. They are vfually in Turkic giuen to horfes in their prouender, to cure them of coughes, and helpe them being broken winded. CHAP. 596 The Orchard. CHAP. XXI 1 1 1. Moras. The Mulberrie. THere are two forts of Mulberries fufficiently known to moft, the blackifh and the white : but wee haue had brought vs from Virginia another fort, which is of greater refpecl: then eyther of the other two, not onely in regard of the ra- ritie, but of the vfe, as you (hall prefently vnderftand. i. Morus nigra. The blacke Mulberrie. The blacke Mulberrie tree groweth oftentimes tall and great, and oftentimes alfo crooked, and fpreading abroade, rather then high ; for it is fubieft to abide what forme you will conforme it vnto : if by fuffering it to grow, it will mount vp, and if you will binde it, or plafh the boughes, they will fo abide, and be carried ouer arbours, or other things as you will haue it. The bodie groweth in time to bee very great, couered with a rugged or thicke barke, the armes or branches being fmoother, whereon doe grow round thicke leaues pointed at the ends, and nicked about the edges, and in fome there are to be feene deep games, making it feeme fomewhat like the Vine leafe : the flowers are certaine fhort dounie catkings, which turne into greene berries at the firft, after- wards red, and when they are full ripe blacke, made of many graines fet together, like vnto the blacke berrie, but longer and greater : before they are ripe, they haue an au- ftere and harm tafte, but when they are full ripe, they are more fweete and pleafant ; the iuice whereof is fo red, that it will ftaine the hands of them that handle and eate them. 2. Morus alba. The white Mulberrie. The white Mulberrie tree groweth not with vs to that greatneffe or bulke of bodie that the blacke doth, but runneth vp higher, flenderer, more knotty, hard and brittle, with thinner fpreade armes and branches : the leaues are like the former, but not fo thicke fet on the branches, nor fo hard in handling, a little paler alfo, hauing fomewhat longer ftalkes : the fruit is fmaller and clofer fet together, greene, and fomewhat harm before they be ripe, but of a wonderfull fweetnefle, almoft ready to procure loathing when they are thorough ripe, and white, with fuch like feede in them as in the former, but fmaller. 3. Morus Virginiana. The Virginia Mulberrie. The Virginia Mulberry tree groweth quickely with vs to be a very great tree, fprea- ding many armes and branches, whereon grow faire great leaues, very like vnto the leaues of the white Mulberrie tree : the berry or fruit is longer and redder then either of the other, and of a very pleafant tafte. The Vfe of Mulberries. The greateft and moft efpeciall vfe of the planting of white Mulber- ries, is for the feeding of Silke wormes, for which purpofe all the Ea- fterne Countries, as Perlia, Syria, Armenia, Arabia &c. and alfo the hither part of Turkic, Spaine alfo and Italic, and many other hot Countries doe nourifh them, becaufe it is beft for that purpofe, the wormes feeding there- on, giuing the fineft and beft Hike ; yet fome are confident that the leaues of the blacke will doe as much good as the white : but that refpecl muft be had to change your feede, becaufe therein lyeth the greateft myfterie. But there is a Booke or Tractate printed, declaring the whole vfe of whatfoeuer can belong vntb them: I will therefore referre them thereunto, that would The Orchard. 597 i N*x Ittgtant. The Wallnut. 2 Coftanta tquino. The h*rte Chcfnut. 3 Mom nigta vet alba. The Mulberry. 4 .Worm Virginia**. The Virginia Mulberry. 5 Laurus mlgarii. The ordinary Bay tree. 6 Lattrca Cerafut Virginiana. The Virginia Clxrrry Bay. 59 8 The Corollarie to this Orchard. would further vnderftand of that matter. Mulberries are not much defired to be eaten, although they be fomewhat pleafant, both for that they ftaine their fingers and lips that eate them, and doe quickly putrefie in the ftomacke, if they bee not taken before meate. They haue yet a Phyficall vfe, which is by reafon of the aftringent qua- lity while they are red, and before they bee ripe, for fore mouthes and throats, or the like, whereunto alfo the Syrup, called Diamoron, is effecluall. Corollarium. A COROLLARIE To this Orchard. Here are certaine other trees that beare no fruit fit to bee eaten, which yet are often feene planted in Orchards, and other fit and conuenient places about an houfe, whereof f ome are of efpeciall vfe, as the Bay tree &c. others for their beauty and fhadow are fit for walkes or arbours ; fome being euer green are moft fit for hedge-rowes ; and fome others more for their raritie then for any other great vfe, whereof I thought good to entreat apart by themfelues, and bring them after the fruit trees of this Orchard, as an ornament to accomplifh the fame. i . Laurus. The Bay tree. THere are to bee reckoned vp fiue kindes of Bay trees, three whereof haue been entreated of in the firft part, a fourth wee will only bring here to your confi- deration, which is that kinde that is vfually planted in euery mans yard or orchard, for their vfe throughout the whole land, the other we will leaue to bee con- fidered of in that place is fit for it. The Bay tree rifeth vp oftentimes to carry the face of a tree of a meane bignefle in our Countrey (although much greater in the hoter) and oftentimes fhooteth vp with many fuckers from the roote, mewing it felfe more like to a tall fhrubbe or hedge- bum, then a tree, hauing many branches, the young ones whereof are fometimes red- dim, but moft vfually of a light or frefh greene colour, when the ftemme and elder boughes are couered with a darke greene barke : the leaues are fomewhat broad, and long pointed as it were at both the ends, hard and fometimes crumpled on the edges, of a darke greene colour aboue, and of a yellowifh greene vnderneath, in fmell fweet, in tafte bitter, and abiding euer greene : the flowers are yellow and moffie, which turne into berries that are a little long as well as round, whofe fhell or outermoft peele is greene at the firft, and blacke when it is ripe ; wherein is contained an hard bitter ker- nell, which cleaueth in two parts. The Vfe of Bayes. The Bay leaues are of as neceffary vfe as any other in Garden or Orchard ; for they ferue both for pleafure and profit, both for ornament and for vfe, both for honeft Ciuill vfes, and for Phyficke, yea both for the iicke and for the found, both for the liuing and for the dead : And fo much might be faid of this one tree, that if it were all told, would as well weary the Reader, as the Relater : but to explaine my felfe ; It ferueth to adorne the houfe of God as well as of man : to procure warmth, comfort and ftrength to the limmes of men and women, by bathings and annoyntings outward, and by drinkes &c. inward to the ftomacke, and other parts : to feafon veffels &c. wherein are preferued our meates, as well as our drinkes/: to crowne or en- circle The Orchard. 599 circle as with a garland, the heads of the liuing, and to fticke and decke forth the bodies of the dead : fo that from the cradle to the grauc we haue ftill vfc of it, we haue ftill neede of it. The berries likewife ferue for ftitches inward, and for paines outward, that come of cold eyther in the ioynts, fincwes, or other places. 2. Laurea Cerafus, fiue Laurus Virginiana. The Virginian Bay, or Cherry Baye. THis Virginian (whether you will call it a Baye, or a Cherrie, or a Cherrie Bay, I leaue it to euery ones free will and iudgement, but yet I thinke I may as well call it a Bay as others a Cherrie, neither of them being anfwerable to the tree, which neyther beareth fuch berries as are like Cherries, neither beareth euer greene leaues like the Bay : if it may therefore bee called the Virginia Cherry Bay, for a di- ftinclion from the former Bay Cherry that beareth faire blacke Cherries, it will more fitly agree thereunto, vntill a more proper may be impofed) rifeth vp to be a tree of a reaf enable height, the ftemme or bodie thereof being almoft as great as a mans legge, fpreading forth into diuers armes or boughes, and they againe into diuers fmall bran- ches, whereon are fet without order diuers faire broade greene leaues, fomewhat like vnto the former Bay leaues, but more limber and gentle, and not fo hard in handling, broader alfo, and for the moft part ending in a point, but in many fomewhat round pointed, very finely notched or toothed about the edges, of a bitter tafte, very neere refembling the tarte of the Bay leafe, but of little or no fent at all, either greene or dry- ed, which fall away euery autumne, and fpring afrefh euery yeare : the bloflbmes are fmall and white, many growing together vpon a long ftalke, fomewhat like the Bird Cherry bloflbmes, but fmaller, and come forth at the ends of the young branches, which after turne into fmall berries, euery one fet in a fmall cup or huske, greene at the firft, and blacke when they are ripe, of the bignefle of a fmall peafe, of a ftrong bitter tafte, and fomewhat aromaticall withall, but without any flefhy fubftance like a Cherry at all vpon it ; for it is altogether like a berry. The Vfe of this Virginia Cherry Bay. Being a ftranger in our Land, and poflefled but of a very few, I doe not heare that there hath beene any triall made thereof what properties are in it : let this therefore fuffice for this prefent, to haue mewed you the defcrip- tion and forme thereof, vntill we can learne further of his vfes. 3. Pinus. The Pine tree. MY purpofe in this place is not to fhew you all the diuerfities of Pine trees, or of the reft that follow, but of that one kinde is planted in many places of our Land for ornament and delight, and there doth reafonably well abide : take it therefore into this Orchard, for the raritie and beautie of it, though we haue little o- ther vfe of it. The Pine tree groweth with vs, though flowely, to a very great height in many places, with a great ftraight bodie, couered with a grayifh greene barke, the younger branches are fet round about, with very narrow long whitifh greene leaues, which fall away from the elder, but abide on the younger, being both winter and fummer al- waies greene. It hath growing in fundry places on the branches, certaine great hard wooddy clogs (called of fome apples, of others nuts) compofed of many hard wood- dy fcales, or tuberous knobs, which abide for the moft part alwaies greene in our Countrey, and hardly become brownifli, as in other Countries, where they haue more heat and comfort of the Sun, and where the fcales open themfelues ; wherein are con- tained white long and round kernels, very fweete while they are frefh, but quickely growing oylely and rancide. The 600 The Corollarie to this Orchard. The Vfe of the Pine apples and kernels. The Cones or Apples are vfed of diuers Vintners in this City, being painted, to exprefTe a bunch of grapes, whereunto they are very like, and are hung vp in their, as alfo to faften keyes vnto them, as is feene in many places. The kernels within the hard fhels, while they are frefh or newly taken out, are vfed many waies, both with Apothecaries, Comfit-makers, and Cookes : for of them are made medicines, good to lenifie the pipes and paflages of the lungs and throate, when it is hoarfe. Of them are made Comfits, Paftes, Marchpanes, and diuers other fuch like: And with them a cunning Cooke can make diuers Keck fhofes for his Mafters table. Matthiolus commendeth the water of the greene apples diftilled, to take away the wrinkles in the face, to abate the ouer-fwelling breafts of Mai- dens, by fomenting them after with linnen clothes, wet in the water ; and to reftore fuch as are rauifht into better termes. 4. Abies, The Firre tree. Firre tree groweth naturally higher then any other tree in thefe parts of J Chriftendome where no Cedars grow, and euen equalling or ouer-topping ^ the Pine : the ftemme or bodie is bare without branches for a great height, if they bee elder trees, and then branching forth at one place of the bodie foure wayes in manner of a croffe, thofe boughes againe hauing two branches at euery ioynt, on which are fet on all lides very thicke together many fmall narrow long hard whitifh greene leaues, and while they are young tending to yellownefle, but nothing fo long or hard or fliarpe pointed as the Pine tree leaues, growing fmaller and fhorter to the end of the branches : the bloomings are certaine fmall long fcaly catkins, of a yellowifh colour, comming forth at the ioynts of the branches, which fall away : the cones are fmaller and longer then of the Pine tree, wherein are fmall three fquare feede contained, not halfe fo big as the Pine .kernels. The Vfe of the Firre tree. The vfe of this tree is growne with vs of late daies to bee more frequent for the building of houfes then euer before : for hereof (namely of Deale timber and Deale boords) are framed many houfes, and their floores, without the helpe of any other tim- ber or boord of any other tree almoft ; as alfo for many other workes and purpofes. The yellow Roflen that is vfed as well to make falues as for many other common vfes, is taken from this tree, as the Pitch is both from the Pitch and Pine trees, and is boyled to make it to bee hard, but was at the firft a yellow thin cleere Turpentine, and is that beft fort of common Turpentine is altogether in vfe with vs, as alfo another more thicke, whitifh, and troubled, both which are vfed in falues, both for man and beaft (but not inwardly as the eleere white Venice Turpentine is) and ferueth both to draw, cleanfe and heale. Dodonaeus feemeth to fay, that the cleere white Turpentine, called Venice Turpentine, is drawn from the Firre : but Matthiolus confuteth that opinion, which Fulfius alfo held before him. 5. Ilex arbor. The euer-greene Oake. THe Ilex or euer-greene Oake rifeth in time to be a very great tree, but very long and flow in growing (as is to be feene in the Kings priuy Garden at Whitehall, growing iuft againft the backe gate that openeth into the way going to Weft- minfter, and in fome other places) fpreading many fair large great armes and branches, whereon are fet fmall and hard greene leaues, fomewhat endented or cornered, and prickly The Corollarie to this Orchard. 60 1 \ ?'""* .]? le Pin V re *' 2 Abl " The Firre "* 3 Ikx. The euer greene Oake. 4 Cutnffut. The CiprelTe tree. 5 Arbutus. The Strawberry tree. 6 Alattrma. The euer greene Priuet. G 4 The Corollarie to this Orchard. prickly on the edges, efpecially in the young trees, and fometimes on thofe branches that are young and newly fprung forth from the elder rootes, but elfe in a manner all fmooth in the elder growne, abiding greene all the winter as well as fummer, and are of a grayim greene on the vnderfide. It beareth in the fpring time certaine (lender long branches (like as other Okes doe) with fmall yellowifh moffie flowers on them, which fall away, and are vnprofitable, the acornes not growing from thofe places, but from others which are like vnto thofe of our ordinary Oake, but fmaller and blacker, and fet in a more rugged huske or cuppe. This and no other kinde of Ilex doe I know to grow in all our land in any Garden or Orchard : for that kind with long and narrower leaues, and not prickly, growing fo plentifully as Matthiolus faith in Tufcane, I haue not feen : and it is very probable to bee the fame that Plinie remembreth to haue the leafe of an Oliue ; but not as fome would haue it, that Smilax Theophraftus maketh mention of in his third Booke and fixteenth Chapter of his Hiftorie of Plants, which the Arca- dians fo called, and had the leafe of the Ilex, but not prickly : for Theophraftus faith, the timber of Smilax is fmooth and foft, and this of the Ilex is harder, and ftronger then an Oake. The Vfe of the Ilex or euer-greene Oake. Seeing this is to be accounted among the kindes of Oake (and all Oakes by Diofcorides his opinion are binding) it is alfo of the fame qualitie, but a little weaker, and may ferue to ftrengthen weake members. The young tops and leaues are alfo vfed in gargles for the mouth and throate. 6. Cuprejfus. The CypreiTe tree. f "T~"'He Cypreffe tree that is nourfed vp by vs, in our Country, doth grow in thofe places where it hath beene long planted, to a very great height, whofe bodie and boughes are couered with a reddifh afh-coloured bark ; the branches grow not fpreading, but vpright clofe vnto the bodie, burning thicke below, and fmall vp- wards, fpire fafhion, thofe below reaching neere halfe the way to them aboue, where- on doe grow euer greene leaues, fmall, long and flat, of a refinous fweete fmell, and ftrong tafte, fomewhat bitter : the fruit, which are called nuts, grow here and there a- mong the boughes, flicking clofe vnto them, which are fmall, and clouen into diuers parts, but clofe while they are young, of a ruffetifh browne colour ; wherein are con- tained fmall browne feede, but not fo fmall as motes in the Sunne, as Matthiolus and others make them to be. The Vfe of the Cyprefle tree. For the goodly proportion this tree beareth, as alfo for his euer-greene head, it is and hath beene of great account with all Princes, both beyond, and on this fide of the Sea, to plant them in rowes on both fides of fome fpatious walke, which by reafon of their high growing, and little fpreading, muft be planted the thicker together, and fo they giue a goodly, pleafant and fweet fhadow : or elfe alone, if they haue not many, in the middle of fome quarter, or as they thinke meete. The wood thereof is firme and durable, or neuer decaying, of a brown yellow colour, and of a ftrong iweete fmell, whereof Chefts or Boxes are made to keepe apparell, linnen, furres, and o- ther things, to preferue them from moths, and to giue them a good fmell. Many Phyficall properties, both wood, leaues and nuts haue, which here is not my purpofe to vnfold, but only to tell you, that the leaues being boy- led in wine, and drunke, helpe the difficultie of making vrine, and that the nuts are binding, fit to bee vfed to ftay fluxes or laskes, and good alfo for ruptures. 7. Arbutus The Corollarie to this Orchard. 603 7. Arbutus. The Strawberry tree. THe Strawberry tree groweth but (lowly, and rifeth not to the height of any ^rcat tree, no not in France, Italy, or Spaine: and with vs the coldncfle of our country doth the more abate his vigour, to that it fcldome rifeth to the height of a man : the barke of the body is rough, and fmooth in the younger branches : the leaues are taire and greene, very like vnto Baye leaues, finely dented or fnipped about the eil^cs, abiding alwaycs greene thereon both Winter and Summer: the flowers come forth at the end ot the branches vpon long ftalkes, not cluttering thicke toge- ther, but in long bunches, and are fmall, white, and hollow, like a little bottle, or the flower ot Lilly Conually, which after turne into rough or rugged berries, moft like vnto Strawberries (which hath giuen the name to the tree) fomewhat reddifh when they are ripe, of a harm tatte, nothing pleafant, wherein are contained many fmall fcedes: It hardly bringeth his fruit to ripenefle in our countrey; for in their naturall places they ripen not vntill Winter, which there is much milder then with vs. The Vfe of the Strawberry tree. Amatus Lufitanus I thinke is the firft that euer recorded, that the water diftilled from the leaues and flowers hereof, fhould bee very powerfull a- gainft the plague and poyfons : for all the ancient Writers doe report, that the fruit hereof being eaten, is an enemy to the ftomacke and head. And Clufms likewife fetteth downe, that at Lifhbone, and other places in Por- tingall where they are frequent, they are chiefly eaten, but of the poorer fort, women and boyes. They are fomewhat aftringent or binding, and therefore may well ferue for fluxes. It is chiefly nourfed with vs for the beauty and rarenefle of the tree ; for that it beareth his leaues alwayes green. 8. Alaternus. The euer greene Priuet. * THe tree which we haue growing in our country called Alaternus, groweth not to be a tree of any height ; but abiding lowe, fpreadeth forth many branches, whereon are fet diuers fmall and hard greene leaues, fomewhat round for the forme, and endented a little by the edges : it beareth many fmall whitifh greene flow- ers at the ioynts of the ftalkes, and fetting on of the lower leaues cluftering thicke toge- ther, which atter turne into fmall blacke berries, wherein are contained many fmall graines or feedes : the beauty and verdure of thefe leaues abiding fo frefh all the yeare, doth caufe it to be of the greater refpect ; and therefore findeth place in their Gardens onely, that are curious conferuers of all natures beauties. The Vfe of the euer greene Priuet. It is feldome vfed for any Phyficall property, neither with vs, nor in the places where it is naturall and plentifull : but as Clufius reporteth, hee lear- ned that the Portingall Filhermen do dye their nets red with the decoction of the barke hereof, and that the Dyers in thofe parts doe vfe the fmall pee- ces of the wood to ftrike a blackilh blew colour. 9. Celajtrus Thcophrajli Clujto. Clufms his Celaftrus. ALthough the Collectour (who is thought to be loannes Molineus of the great Herball or Hiftory of plants, and generally bearing Dalefchampius name, be- caufe the finding and relation of diuers herbes therein exprefled, is appropriate to him, and printed at Lyons) of all our moderne Writers doth firft of all others ap- point the Celajlrus, whereof Theophraftus onely among all the ancient Writers of plants 604 The Corollarie to this Orchard. plants maketh mention, to be the firft Alaternus that Clufius hath fet forth in his Hi- ftory of rarer plants : yet I finde, that Clufius himfelfe before his death doth appro- priate that Celaftrus of Theophraftus to another plant, growing in the Garden at Ley- den, which formerly of diuers had beene taken to be a kinde of Laurus Tinus, or the wilde Baye ; but he impugning that opinion for diuers refpefts, decyphreth out that Leyden tree in the fame manner that I doe : and becaufe it is not onely faire, in bearing his leaues alwayes greene, but rare alfo, being nourfed vp in our Land in very few pla- ces, but principally with a good old Lady, the widow of Sir lohn Leufon, dwelling neere Rochefler in Kent ; I thought it fit to commend it for an ornament, to adorne this our Garden and Orchard. It groweth vp to the height of a reafonable tree, the body whereof is couered with a darke coloured barke, as the elder branches are in like manner ; the younger branches being greene, whereon are fet diuers leaues thicke to- gether, two alwayes at a ioynt, one againft another, of a fad but faire greene colour on the vpperfide, and paler vnderneath, which are little or nothing at all fnipped about the edges, as large as the leaues of the Laurus Tinus, or wilde Baye tree : at the end of the young branches breake forth between the leaues diuers fmall ftalkes, with foure or flue flowers on each of them, of a yellowifh greene colour, which turne into fmall ber- ries, of the bignefle of blacke Cherries, greene at the firft, and red when they begin to be ripe, but growing blacke if they hang too long vpon the branches, wherein is con- tained a hard fhell, and a white hard kernell within it, couered with a yellowifh skin. This abideth (as I faid before) with greene leaues as well Winter as Summer ; and therefore fitteft to be planted among other of the fame nature, to make an euer greene hedge. The Vfe of Clufius his Celaftrus. Being fo great a ftranger in this part of the Chriftian world, I know none hath made tryall of what property it is, but that the tafte of the leaues is fomewhat bitter. 10. Pyracantha. The euer greene Hawthorne, or prickly Corall tree. THis euer greene fhrubbe is fo fine an ornament to a Garden or Orchard, either to be nourfed vp into a fmall tree by it felfe, by pruining and taking away the fuckers and vnder branches, or by fuffering it to grow with fuckers, thicke and plafhing the branches into a hedge, for that it is plyable to be ordered either way ; that I could not but giue you the knowledge thereof, with the defcription in this manner. The younger branches are couered with a fmooth darke blewim greene barke, and the elder with a more afh coloured, thicke fet with leaues without order, fome greater and others fmaller, fomewhat like both in forme and bignefle vnto the leaues of the Barberry tree, but fomewhat larger, and more fnipt about the edges, of a deeper green colour alfo, and with fmall long thornes fcattered here & there vpon the branches : the flowers come forth as well at the ends of the branches, as at diuers places at the ioynts of the leaues, ftanding thicke together, of a pale whitifh colour, a little dafht ouer with a fhew of blufh, confifting of fiue leaues a peece, with fome fmall threads in the mid- dle, which turne into berries, very like vnto Hawthorne berries, but much redder and dryer, almoft like polifhed Corall, wherein are contained foure or fiue fmall yellowifh white three fquare feede, fomewhat fhining. It is thought to be the Oxyacantha of Di- ofcorides ; but feeing Diofcorides doth explaine the forme of the leafe in his Chapter of Medlars, which he concealed in the Chapter of Oxyacantha, it cannot be the fame : for Mefpilus Anthedon of Theophraftus, or Aroma of Diofcorides, hath the leafe of Oxyacantha, as Diofcorides faith, or of Smalladge, as Theophraftus, which cannot agree to this Thorne ; but doth moft liuely delineate out our white Thorne or Haw- thorne, that now there is no doubt, but that Oxyacantha of Diofcorides is the Haw- thorne tree or bufh. The Vfe of this Corall tree. Although Lobel maketh mention of this tree to grow both in Italy, and Prouince The Corollarie to this Orchard. 605 Ctlaflna Tktophrafli Clufio. Clufius his Cclaftrui. i Pyracantka. The euer green prickly Corall tree. 3 Taxui. The Yewe ee. 4 liuxui arbor. The Boxe tree. 5 Hunts kumilii. The lowc or dwarfe Boxe. 6 Sabina. The Sauinc tree. 7 I'aliurui. firtftc fhrrn ft I /ivV v TU* I ^ r />V. tr* V Chrifts thorne. 8 Larix. The Larch tree. 606 The Corollarie to this Orchard. Prouence in France, in fome of their hedges, yet he faith it is neglefted in the naturall places, and to be of no vfe with them : neither doe I heare, that it is applyed to any Phyficall vfe with vs, but (as I before faid) it is prefer- ued with diuers as an ornament to a Garden or Orchard, by reafon of his euer greene leaues, and red berries among them, being a pleafant fpeclacle, and fit to be brought into the forme of an hedge, as one pleafe to lead it. 1 1 . Taxus. The Yewe tree. THe Yewe tree groweth with vs in many places to bee a reafonable great tree, but in hoter countries much bigger, couered with a reddifh gray fcaly barke ; the younger branches are reddifh likewife, whereon grow many winged leaues, that is, many narrow long darke greene leaues, fet on both fides of a long ftalke or branch, neuer dying or falling away, but abiding on perpetually, except it be on the elder boughes : the flowers are fmall, growing by the leaues, which turne into round red berries, like vnto red Afparagus berries, in tafte fweetifh, with a little bitternefle, and caufing no harme to them for any thing hath been knowne in our country. The Vfe of the Yewe tree. It is found planted both in the corners of Orchards, and againft the win- dowes of Houfes, to be both a fhadow and an ornament, in being alwayes greene, and to decke vp Houfes in Winter : but ancient Writers haue euer reckoned it to be dangerous at the leaft, if not deadly. T! 12. Buxus. The Boxe tree. 'He Boxe tree in fome places is a reafonable tall tree, yet growing (lowly ; the trunke or body whereof is of the bignefle of a mans thigh, which is the biggeft that euer I faw : but fometimes, and in other places it groweth much lower, vfually not aboue a yard, or a yard and a halfe high, on the backe fides of many Hou- fes, and in the Orchards likewife : the leaues are fmall, thicke and hard, and ftill the greater or lefler the tree is, the greater or lefTer are the leaues, round pointed, and of a frefh mining greene colour: the flowers are fmall and greenifh, which turne into heads or berries, with foure homes, whitifh on the outfide, and with reddifh feede within them. Buxus aureus. There is another kinde hereof but lately come to our knowledge, which differeth Gilded Boxe. not [ n anv thing from the former, but onely that all the leaues haue a yellow lift or gard about the edge of them on the vpperfide, and none on the lower, which maketh it feeme very beautifull ; and is therefore called gilded Boxe. Buxus Aumllis. We haue yet another kinde of Boxe, growing fmall and lowe, not aboue halfe a Joxe. f ootC) or a f oote j^k at t jj e mo ft 5 vnlefle it be neglefted, which then doth grow a lit- tle more fhrubby, bearing the like leaues, but fmaller, according to the growth, and of a deeper greene colour : I could neuer know that this kinde euer bore flower or feede, but is propagated by flipping the roote, which encreafeth very much. The Vfe of Boxe. The wood of the Boxe tree is vfed in many kindes of fmall works among Turners, becaufe it is hard, clofe, and firme, and as fome haue faid, the roots much more, in regard of the diuers waues and crooked veines running through it. It hath no Phyficall vfe among the moft and beft Phyfitians, al- though fome haue reported it to ftay fluxes, and to be as good as the wood of Guaiacum, or Lignum -vita for the French difeafe. The leaues and bran- ches ferue both Summer and Winter to decke vp houfes; and are many times giuen to horfes for the bots. The lowe or dwarfe Boxe is of excellent vfe to border vp a knot, or the long The Corollarie to this Orchard. 607 long beds in a Garden, being a maruailous fine ornament thereunto, in re- gara it both grovveth lowe, is euer grecne, and by cutting may bee kept in what maner euery one pleafe, as I haue before fpoken more largely. 13. Sabina. The Sauine tree or bu(h. THe Sauine tree or bulh that is moft vfuall in our country, is a fmall lowe bufh, not fo high as a man in any place, nor fo bigge in the ftemme or trunke as a mans arme, with many crooked bending boughes and branches, whereon arc fet many fmall, thort, hard, and prickly leaues, of a darkc green colour, frefh and green both Winter and Summer: it is reported, that in the naturall places it beareth fmall blacke berries, like vnto luniper, but with vs it was neuer knownc to beare any. The Vfe of Sauine. It is planted in out-yards, backfides, or voide places of Orchards, as well to call clothes thereon to dry, as for medicines both for men and horfes: being made into an oyle, it is good to annoint childrens bellies for to kill the Wormes : and the powder thereof mixed with Hogs greafe, to annoint the running fores or fcabs in their heads ; but beware how you giue it in- wardly to men, women, or children. It is often put into horfes drenches, to helpe to cure them of the bots, and other difeafes. 14. Pa/iurus. Chrifts thorne. THis thorny fhrubbe (wherewith as it is thought, our Sauiour Chrift was crow- ned, becaufe as thofe that haue trauelled through Paleftina and ludza, doe re- port no other thorne doth grow therein fo frequent, or fo apt to be writhed) rifeth in fome places to a reafonable height, but in our country feldome exceedeth the height of a man, bearing many (lender branches, full of leaues, fet on either fide thereof one by one, which are fomewhat broad and round, yet pointed, and full of veines, thicke fet alfo with fmall thornes, euen at the foote of euery branch, and at the foote of euery leafe one or two, fome (landing vpright, others a little bending downe : the flowers are fmall and yellow, (landing for the moft part at the end of the bran- ches, many growing vpon a long ftalke, which after turne into round, flat, and hard (helly fruit, yet couered with a foft flefhy skinne, within which are included two or three hard, fmall, and browne flat feeds, lying in feuerall partitions. The leaues hereof fall away euery yeare, and fpring forth afrefh againe the next May following. The ra- rity and beauty of this fhrubbe, but chiefly (as I thinke) the name hath caufed this to be much accounted of with all louers of plants. The Vfe of Chriits thome. Wee haue fo few of thefe (hrubbes growing in our country, and thofe that are, doe, for any thing I can vnderlhmd, neuer beare fruit with vs; that there is no other vfe made hereof then to delight the owners : but this is cer- tainly receiued for the Pa/iurus of Diofcorides and Theophraltus, and thought alfo by Matthiolus to be the very true Rhamnus tertius of Diofco- rides. Matthiolus alfo feemeth to contradict the opinion is held by the Phylitians of Mompelier, and others, that it cannot be the Pa/iurus of The- ophradus. It is held to be effectuall to helpe to breake the (tone, both in the bladder, reines, and kidneyes : the leaues and young branches haue an altrin- gent quality, and good againd poyfons and the bitings of ferpents. 15. Larix. 608 The Corollarie to this Orchard. 15. Larix. The Larch tree. THe Larch tree, where it naturally groweth, rifeth vp to be as tall as the Pine or Firre tree, but in our Land being rare, and nourfed vp but with a few, and thofe onely louers of rarities, it groweth both flowly, and becommeth not high : the barke hereof is very rugged and thicke, the boughes and branches grow one aboue another in a very comely order, hauing diuers fmall yellowifh knobs or bun- ches fet thereon at feuerall diftances ; from whence doe yearely fhoote forth many fmall, long, and narrow fmooth leaues together, both fhorter and fmaller, and not fo hard or fharpe pointed as either the Pine or Firre tree leaues, which doe not abide the Winter as they doe, but fall away euery yeare, as other trees which (bed their leaues, and gaine frefh euery Spring : the bloflbmes are very beautifull and deleclable, being of an excellent fine crimfon colour, which ftanding among the greene leaues, allure the eyes of the beholders to regard it with the more defire : it alfo beareth in the naturall places (but not in our Land that I could heare) fmall foft cones or fruit, fome- what like vnto CyprefTe nuts, when they are greene and clofe. The Vfe of the Larch tree. The coles of the wood hereof (becaufe it is fo hard and durable as none more) is held to be of moft force being fired, to caufe the Iron oare to melt, which none other would doe fo well. Matthiolus contefteth againft Fuch- fius, for deeming the Venice Turpentine to be the liquid RofTen of the Firre tree, which he afTufeth vpon his owne experience and certaine knowledge, to be drawne from this Larch tree, and none other ; which cleere Turpin- tine is altogether vfed inwardly, and no other, except that of the true Tur- pintine tree, and is very effecluall to cleanfe the reines, kidneyes, and blad- der, both of grauell and the ftone, and to prouoke vrine : it is alfo of efpe- ciall property for the gonorrhoea, or running of the reines, as it is called, with fome powder of white Amber mixed therewith, taken for certaine dayes together. Taken alfo in an Eleftuary, it is fingular good for to expectorate rotten flegme, and to helpe the confumption of the lungs. It is vfed in plai- fters and falues, as the beft fort of Turpintine. The Agaricke that is vfed in phylicke, is taken from the bodies and armes of this tree. And Matthiolus doth much infift againft Brafauolus, that thought other trees had produced Agaricke, affirming them to be hard Fungi, or Mufhroms (fuch as wee call Touch-wood) wherwith many vfe to take fire, ftrooke thereinto from fteele. 1 6. T'ilia. The Line or Linden tree. THere are two forts of Line trees, the male and the female ; but becaufe the male is rare to be feene, and the female is more familiar, I will onely giue you the defcription of the female, and leaue the other. The female Line tree groweth exceeding high and great, like vnto an Elme, with many large fpreading boughes, couered with a fmooth barke, the innermoft being very plyant and bending from whence come fmaller branches, all of them fo plya- ble, that they may bee led or carried into any forme you pleafe : the leaues thereon are very faire, broad, and round, fomewhat like vnto Elme leaues, but fairer, fmoother, and of a fremer greene colour, dented finely about the edges, and ending in a fharpe point : the flowers are white, and of a good fmell, many ftanding together at the top of a ftalke, which runneth all along the middle ribbe of a fmall long whitifh leafe ; af- ter which come fmall round berries, wherein is contained fmall blackifh feede : this tree is wholly neglecled by thofe that haue them, or dwell neere them, becaufe they fuppofe it to be fruitlefle, in regard it beareth chaffie huskes, which in many places fall away, without giuing ripe feede. The The Corollaric to this Orchard. 6og i Tilia fttmina. The Line 01 Linden tree. 2 Tawuurifcut. The Tamariske tree. 3 Acer mains latifolit"*- The Sycomore tree. 4 St&phylodndrm. The bhdder nut. 5 R*KJ Mjrtifolia. The Mirtle leafed Sumach. 6 Rhut Vttgiiuma. The Bucks borne tree. 7 Vilis ft* poti M s Htdtra Virfiiun/is. The Virginia Vine or rather luie. H 4 The Corollarie to this Orchard. The Vfe of the Line tree. It is planted both to make goodly Arbours, and Summer banquetting houfes, either belowe vpon the ground, the boughes feruing very hand- fomely to plam round about it, or vp higher, for a fecond aboue it, and a third alfo : for the more it is depreffed, the better it will grow. And I haue feene at Cobham in Kent, a tall or great bodied Line tree, bare without boughes for eight foote high, and then the branches were fpread round a- bout fo orderly, as if it were done by art, and brought to compafle that middle Arbour: And from thofe boughes the body was bare againe for eight or nine foote (wherein might bee placed halfe an hundred men at the leaft, as there might be likewife in that vnderneath this) & then another rowe of branches to encompaffe a third Arbour, with ftayres made for the pur- pofe to this and that vnderneath it : vpon the boughes were laid boards to tread vpon, which was the goodlieft fpedacle mine eyes euer beheld for one tree to carry. The coles of the wood are the beft to make Gunpowder. And being kindled, and quenched in vinegar, are good to diffolue clotted bloud in thofe that are bruifed with a fall. The inner barke being fteeped in water yeeldeth a flimie iuyce, which is found by experience, to be very profitable for them that haue been burnt with fire.' ij. T'amarix. Tamariske tree. 'He Tamariske tree that is common in our country, although in fome places it doth not grow great, yet I haue feene it in fome other, to be as great as a great apple tree in the body, bearing great arms ; from whofe fmaller branches fpring forth young flender red fhootes, fet with many very fine, fmall, and fhort leaues, a lit- tle crifped, like vnto the leaues of Sauine, not hard or rough, but foft and greene : the flowers be white moffie threads, which turne into dounie feede, that is carried away with the winde. Tamaiifcus fo- There is another kinde hereof very beautifull and rare, not to be feene in this Land Rjsalbidh. j t hinke, but with M r . William Ward, the Kings feruant in his Granary, before remem- riske. C ' bred, who brought me a fmall twigge to fee from his houfe at Boram in Eflex, whofe branches are all red while they are young, and all the leaues white, abiding fo all the Summer long, without changing into any mew of greene like the other and fo abideth conftant yeare after yeare, yet fhedding the leaues in Winter like the other. The Vfe of Tamariske. The greateft vfe of Tamariske is for fpleneticke difeafes, either the leaues or the barke made into drinkes ; or the wood made into fmall Cans or Cups to drinke in. 1 8. Acer maius latifolium. The great Maple or Sycomore tree. THe Sycomore tree, as we vfually call it (and is the greateft kind of Maple, che- rifhed in our Land onely in Orchards, or elfewhere for fhade and walkes, both here in England, and in fome other countries alfo) groweth quickly to bee a faire fpreading great tree, with many boughes and branches, whofe barke is fomewhat fmooth : the leaues are very great, large, and fmooth, cut into foure or fiue diuifions, and ending into fo many corners, euery one ftanding on a long reddifh ftalke : the bloo- mings are of a yellowifh greene colour, growing many together on each lide of a long ftalke, which after turne into long and broad winged feede, two alwaies ftanding toge- ther on a ftalke, and bunched out in the middle, where the feed or kernell lyeth, very like vnto the common Maple growing wilde abroad, but many more together, and larger. The The Corollarie to this Orchard. 6 1 1 The Vfc of the Sycomore tree. It is altogether planted for fhady walkes, and hath no other vfe with vs that I know. 19. Nux Vefearia. The bladder Nut. Tl I is tree groweth not very high, but is of a meane llature, when it is prcferued and pruined to grow vpright, or elfe it fhooteth forth many twigges from the rootes, and fo is fit to plant in a hedge rowe, as it is vfed in fome places : the body and armes are couered with a whitilh greene barke : the branches and leaues on them are like vnto the Elder, hauing three or fiue leaues fet one againft another, with one of them at the end, each whereof is nicked or dented about the edges : the flowers are fwecte and white, many growing together on a long ftalke, hanging downeward, in forme refembling a fmall Daffodill, hauing a fmall round cup in the middle, and leaues about it : after which come the fruit, inclofed in rufletifh greene bladders, con- taining one or two brownilh nuts, lefler then Hafell nuts, whofe outer (hell is not hard and woody, like the (hell of a nut, but tough, and hard withall, not eaiie to breake, within which is a greene kernell, fweetifh at the firil, but lothfome afterwards, ready to procure calling, and yet liked of fome people, who can well endure to eate them. The Vfe of the Bladder Nut. - The greatell vfe that I know the tree or his fruit is put vnto, is, that it is receiued into an Orchard, either for the rarity of the kinde, being fuffered to grow into a tree, or (as I faid before) to make an hedge, being let grow into fuckers. Some Quackfaluers haue vfed thefe nuts as a medicine of rare vertue for the (lone, but what good they haue done, I neuer yet could learne. ! 20. Rhus Myrtifolia. The Mirtle leafed Sumach. THis lowe (hrubbe groweth feldome to the height of a man, hauing many (len- der branches, and long winged leaues fet thereon, euery one whereof is of the bignefle of the broad or large Mirtle leafe, and fet by couples all the length of the ribbe, running through the middle of them. It beareth diuers flowers at the tops of the branches, made of many purple threads, which turne into fmall blacke berries, wherein are contained fmall, white, and rough feed, fomewhat like vnto Grape kernels or llones. This vfeth to dye down to the ground in my Garden euery Winter, and rife vp again euery Spring, whether the nature thereof were fo, or the coldnefle of our cli- mate the caule thereof, I am not well allured. It is allo rare, and to be leen but with a few. The Vfe of this Sumach. It is vfed to thicken or tanne leather or hides, in the fame manner that the ordinary Sumach doth ; as allo to (lay fluxes both in men and women. 2 1 . Rhus Virginiana. The Virginia Sumach, or Buckes home tree of Virginia. THis (Irange tree becommeth in fome places to bee of a reafonable height and bignefle, the wood whereof is white, loft, and pithy in the middle, like vnto an Elder, couered with a darke coloured barke, fomewhat fmooth : the young branches that are of the lall yeares growth are fomewhat reddilli or browne, very foft and 6l2 The Corollarie to this Orchard. and fmooth in handling, and fo like vnto the Veluet head of a Deere, that if one were cut off from the tree, and {hewed by it felfe, it might foone deceiue a right good Woodman, and as they grow feeme moft like thereunto, yeelding a yellowifh milke when it is broken, which in a fmall time becommeth thicke like a gumme : the leaues OTOW without order on the branches, but are themfelues fet in a feemly order on each fide of a middle ribbe, feuen, nine, ten, or more on a fide, and one at the end, each whereof are ibmewhat broad and long, of a darke greene colour on the vpperfide, and paler greene vnderneath, finely fnipped or toothed round about the edges : at the ends of the branches come forth long and thicke browne tufts, very foft, and as it were woolly in handling, made all of fhort threads or thrums ; from among which appeare many fmall flowers, much more red or crimfon then the tufts, which turne into a very fmall feede: the roote fhooteth forth young fuckers farre away, and round about, whereby it is mightily encreafed. The Vfe of this Sumach. It is onely kept as a rarity and ornament to a Garden or Orchard, no bo- die, that I can heare of, hauing made any tryall of the Phyficall properties. 22. yitis, feu potius Hedera Virginenfa. The Virginia Vine, or rather luie. THis flender, but tall climing Virginia Vine (as it was firft called ; but luie, as it doth better refemble) rifeth out of the ground with diuers ftems, none much bigger then a mans thumbe, many lefle ; from whence fhoote forth many long weake branches, not able to ftand vpright, vnleffe they be fuftained : yet planted neere vnto a wall or pale, the branches at feuerall diftances of the leaues will fhoote forth fmall fhort tendrels, not twining themfelues about any thing, but ending into foure, fiue, or fix, or more fmall fhort and fomewhat broad clawes, which will faften like a hand with fingers fo clofe thereunto, that it will bring part of the wall, morter, or board away with it, if it be pulled from it, and thereby flay it felfe, to climbe vp to the toppe of the higheft chimney of a houfe, being planted thereat : the leaues are crum- pled, or rather folded together at the firft comming forth, and very red, which after growing forth, are very faire, large, and greene, diuided into foure, fiue, fix, or feuen leaues, ftanding together vpon a fmall foote-ftalke, let without order on the branches, at the ends whereof, as alfo at other places fometime, come forth diuers fhort tufts of buds for flowers ; but we could neuer fee them open themfelues, to fhew what manner of flower it would be, or what fruit would follow in our country : the roote fpreadeth here and there, and not very deepe. The Vfe of this Virginian. We know of no other vfe, but to furnifh a Garden, and to encreafe the number of rarities. And thus haue I finifhed this worke, and furnifhed it with whatfoeuer Art and Na- ture concurring, could effecT: to bring delight to thofe that Hue in our Climate, and take pleafure in fuch things; which how well or ill done, I mufl abide euery ones cenfure : the iudicious and courteous I onely refpecl, let Momus bite his lips, and eate his heart ; and fo Farewell. Index omnium ftirpium quae in hoc opere continentur. A. Bies pajc Abratanum fteminum, fiue Santolina Acanthus Aculeatus Acanthus fativus Acer maius ftut Sycomtrui Acetoja Aconitum bacciferum, i.e. Cbri/lophirtana Aconitum flare albido Aconitum hyemalf Aconitum luteum Ponticum Aconitum falutiferum Adrnirabilis pervana ALthiopis f Agluophitis, i.e. Pttonia Alaternus Albucum Alcea Aigyptia fiue Bamia Alcea Americana Alcea fruticofa pentaphvllea Alcea per egrina fiue veficaria Alifma Dodonxi, i.e. Saptnaria Alifma Diofcoridis Fab. Co/umna, i.e. Auricula Yrfi Alifma fyluarum, i.e. Paralyjis A Ilium Althtta frutex Amaracus, i.e. Maiorana Amarella, i.e. Matricaria Amaranthus panniculis fparfis Amaranthus purpureus Amaranthus tricolor Amaranthus luteus, i.e. Htliocryfum Ambreboi, i.e. Cyanus Orientalis Amellu> (''irgi/ij, Le. Ajler Atticus Italorum Amsmum Plinij, i.e. Pfeudacapficum Dodonai Amygdalui Anagyris a/itra, i.e. Laburnum Anchufa Anemone eiufque fpecies 199 , Anethum Angelica Anthemis flor, luteo Anthemh Leucanth,-mis t i.e. Chamcmttlum 600 449 33 ibid 610 486 214 ibid ibid 216 364 385 603 148 369 368 ib ib 613 360 371 ib 583 251 '214 494 529 294 148 494 269 Anthericos Anthara /tntime/um, i.e. Mandragoras Antirrhinum Apium Apocynum Syriacum Apacynum Pirginianum Aquilegia Arbor Alpina Plinij y i.e. Laburnum Arbor ludte Arbor yitte Arbutus Argyrocomty i.e. Gnaphalium Americanum Armerius Armoraria pratenjis Armoraria aJtera, i.e. Mufcipula Lfbelij Arthanita, Le. Cyclamen /frthritica, i.e. Paralyfts Arundo Indica,Jiue Canna Indica Afarum Afparagus Afphodelus bulbofus a/bus Afphodelus bulbofus Galeni Afphodelus hyacinthinus, Le. bulbofus Afphodelus motor a/bus Afphodelus minor luteus, i.e. Hajlula regia After Atticus Italorum Ajler Peruanus Column*, i.e. Battatas de Canada Attamufco, i.e. NarciJ/us Pirginianus Atriplex, i.e. Olus aureum Avellana, & Byzantina Aurt/ia, i.e. Chryfocome Auricula muris maior, i.e. Pulmonaria Gallorum Auricula Prfi eiufque fptcits 435 445 271 437 438 603 319 256 376 532 503 '3* ibid 146 299 B. BAlauftium Balfamina ftemina ds' Balfamella Balfamita mas & famina Balfamum alpinum, i.e. Ledum Alpinum Bamia, Le. Alcea ALgyptia Baptiffcula, i.e. (-yanus Barba hirci, i.e. Tragopogon Battatas Hrffxinorum, Pirginianum, & Canadtnfr 43 2 7 8 482 424 Bfhtn rubrum, i.e. I/altriana rubra Dodonxi Btllit INDEX. Bellis ctsruleafiue G tabular ia Bellis maior fare plena Bellis minor flare plena eiufque fpecies ibid Belvidcre Italorum, i. Scoparia, flue Linaria mag- 268 Ben rubrum Monfpelienfe, i. Mufcipula Lobelij Berberis 5 &I Beta 488 Binizade & Binizante, i. Anemone tenuifolia Blattaria 383 Blito de tre color i 37 2 Blitum 488 Bolbonach, \. Ftola lunaris & latifolia 265 Barrago, Borrago fentper virens 249 Botanaria, i. Globularia Branca vrftna, i. Acanthus fativus BraJJica eiufque fpecies 53 Buboniumjiue Inguinalis, i. After Atticus 1 ta Jo- rum Bulbus agrejlis, i. Colchicum Buccinum Romanorum, i. Delphinium Bulbus Eriophorus 124 Bulbus efculentus Lacuna, i. Ornithogalum luteum 140 Bulbus Leucanthemos, i. Ornithogalum album Bulbus vnifolius 14 Bulbus vomitorius Matthioli, i. Mufcari BugloJJum 249 BugloJJum Hifpanicum, i. Anchufa BugloJJum luteum 486 Bunias dulcis, i. Napus 59 Buphthalmum 293 Buphthalmum maius, i. Helleborus niger ferula- ceus Buxus arbor. Buxus humilis, & Buxus verftcoli- bus ftlijs 606 c. CAcalia Loniceri, i. Lilium Conuallium Calcaris flos, i. Delphinium Cakeolus Maries Calendula maxima & Jimp/ev 296, Callionymus Gefneri, i. Lilium conualliiim Caltha, \. Calendula Caltha Africana, i. /"/w Africanus Caltha paluftris _flare plena Camomilla vulgaris, & flare plena Campanula maior pyramidalis Campana /azura, i. Convolvulus cteruleus maior Campanula perftcifolia alba & carulea Canicida, i. Aconitum luteum Ponticum Canis cerebrum, i. Antirrhinum Cannacorus, i. Canna Indica Canna Indica flare luteo punftato Canna Indica flare rubro Cantabrica Plinij, i. Caryophyllus Capnos fabacea radice, i. Radix caua minor Caprifalium perfoliaturn flue Italicum Cardamine flare plena, & tr if alia Carduus beneditlus Carduus Eriacepha /us, i. tomentofus Carduus mollis Carlina humilis Cartharnus ftuc Cnicus fativus Car urn 367 298 224 290 354 359 376 ibid 275 405 389 53 33 330 33 Caryophylli maior es & maximi 316 laryophylli fyluejlres 3H Caryophyllus marinus is 5 mediterraneus 317 Caryophyllus Indicus, i. Flos Africanus lajjaua, i. lucca lava la lale, i. Tulipce prescoces laffalale, i. Tullpee media 'laucafon, i. Moly Indicum laulis vulgaris, Crifpa, Sabaudica faults florida laulo rapum ledrus Lycia lelajirus ?epa alba, rubra isfc. lerafa Indiana "erafus flare plena leraforum diuerjitas ?erafus Trapezuntina, i. Laurocerafus Nereis lerefolium maius & vulgare "ervicaria, i. Troche lium lhameect/tus Frificus Ohamtecypariffus, i. Santolina Ohamcedaphne Chamesdrys Chamteiris angujlifolia Qhanunrtt latifolia Chamalaa Alpina Chamaltea Germanica, i. Mefereon Chamcelea tricoccos Chamceleo, vide Carlina Chameemalus, i. Mains Paradifeus Chamamelum, i. Camomilla Chamanerium flare Delphinij Chamapauce Cordi, i. Ledum Sileftacum Chamtsrhododendros Chamieleeeefolia Lobelij, i. dum Alpidum Charantia fcemina, i. Balfamina fttmina Cheiri Jiue Keiri, i. Leucoium luteum Chondrilla aurea, i. Pilofella maior Chryfanthemum odoratum, i. Chamttmelum nudum Chryfanthemum Peruvianum, i. Flos Salts Chryfanthemum Creticum Chryfocome fiue Stcechas citrina Cichorium Cinara alba, rubra, mofchata tsc. Circcea, i. Mandragoras Cijlus annuut Ci/ius mas Ciftus feemina Ci/ius Ledon Claues fanfli Petri, i. Paralyfis Clematis Daphnoides, i. l/inca peruinca Clematis alter a flue vr ens flare alba Clematis peregrine flare rubro Clematis peregrine flare purpureo Clematis peregrine flare purpureo plena Clematis peregrina flare carneo plena Clematis carulea Pannonica Clematis furrefla flue Flammula louts Clematis fiore alba plena, vel furrefla flare duplici Clematis Virginiana, i. Maracoc 434 504 ibid ibid 43 6 603 510 432 402 57 1 437 494 424 498 456 187 1 86 397 397 ibid 270 Li- 256 300 295 374 495 518 422 421 422 ibid 391 ibid 392 ibid ibid 393 it it 392 393 Clymenum Matthioli, i. Ltithyrus latifolius fine Pi- fum pcrenne Cneorum Matthioli 397 Cneorum INDEX. Cnetrum nigrum if a/hum Theophrajii 426 Cniiut /tut Carthamus fativus 329 Co/chicum Anglicum Bnantinum &c. 1 54 &c. CoUhicum vtrttum 158 Cilytea Theophra/li 438 Calutta vulgaris, if Scorpioides 440 C.oma aurta Jiue Heliochr\'fum Condrilla aureii, i. Piloftlla malar Confolida minor, i. Bellis minor vulgaris Confolida regain, i. Delphinium Convolvulus Americanus 358 Convolvulus cterulfus motor 357 Convolvulus cieruleus minor 358 Convolvulus purpureus maior ibid Convolvulus purpureus minor fpictfolijs 359 Colchorus Dalechampij, i. Piloftlla maior Cornus mas fruflu a/bo, rubro 570 Corona Imptrialis 28 Corfu/a Matthioli 240 Corydalis 276 Cofmofandalos, i. Calceolus Mar'ne Coftus hortorum maior {jf minor 482 Cotonta ma/us 589 Cotyledon altera minor, & flort rubro 232 Crocus vernui albus, purpureus &c. 160 ad I'D Crocus Hifpanicus, i. Carthami florn Cucumis hortenfn 524 Cuminum fylue/lre alterum Diofceridis Matthiolo, i. Delphinium CupreJ/us 601 Cvanus Btttitus fupinus 327 (.'.\anus floridus Turcicus ibid (,\'if caninus Dtvebohini, i. NarciJ/us media purpureus ~ iiamus albus (J Diptamus albus, i. Fraxinella igitalis Diofanthos Theophra/fi Dalechampio, i. Aquilegin Diofanthos, fme louis flos, i. Caryophyllus Dipcadi, i. Mufcari Dracoherba, feu Torchon Drabaftue Arabis Dodonai, \. Thlafpi Creticum Dracunculus maior E. ELtborint flort albo &c. Elleborus albus vulgaris if pr*cax 398 276 277 '93 380 500 529 347 346 Elltbtrut Higtr, vel Helleborut nigtr X4 4 Endiuia 495 Ephrmerum Uthale, i. Co/chicum Ephemerum non lethale, i. Lilium conuallium Ephemerum kirginianum 152 Epi medium 283 Eranthemum, i. /V Adonidii Eriphium Calens, i. Radix caua Eruca fatiua 502 Eryngium Montanum feue Pannonicum 330 F. vulgaris y i. y/rr y/rir W hit mi Us 521 566 432 Flamma TheophrajH, i. Amaranthus minor purpureus Flammula louis, i. Clematis furrefia Flos Adonis 293 Africanus 303 Amoris, i. Amaranthus Flos Cancri, i. Canna Indica Flos Cardinalis, i. Trachelium Americanum 356 F&J Caryophylltus, five Caryophyllus 314 /"&* Con/lantinopolitanus fiue Lychnis Chalcedonica Flos maximus, i. F/ Sa/ /Vj Cuculi, i. Cardamine Flos Cuculi, i. Lychnis fyluejtris plumaria Flas frumenti, i. Cyanus minor Flos nofiis, i. Convolvulus maior purpureus Flos Diuic Katharine, i. Nigflla Flos Meleagridis, i. Fritillaria Flos Regius, i. Delphinium Flos Indicus vel Tunetenjis, i. Africanus Flos So/is Farnejianus Column*, i. Battatas de Canada Flos So/is 295 Fieniculum 492 Fragaria 526 Fraxinella 333 Fritillaria 44 Frutex Coronarius Clufij, i, Syringa alba 414 herbay i. Anchufa G. GAllipo lale, i. Anemone tenui folia Galeopfes Pannonica Jiue Lamium Pannonicum Gelojia Tragi, i. Amaranthus tricolor Getfeminum, i. lafminum Geni/la Hifpanica Jiue Spartium Hifpanicum Gentiana maior Gentiana Afclepiadis folia Gentiana cruciata Gentianella verna Gentianella autumnalis ftue Pneumonanthe Geranium tuberofum vel bulbofum Geum Alpinum Lobelij, i. Sanicula gut tat a Geranium batrachoides, fufcum &c. Gith, i. Nigella Giul catamer lale, i. Anemone latifoliu multiplex Gltidiolut Byzantinus, Italicus &e. Globularia carulea (Uobularia lutea montana 385 442 350 ibid ibid 352 ibid 228 229 Gfycyrrhiza Jiue Lioueritia 189 3 22 323 533 Gnaphalium INDEX. Gnaphaliurn Amer'icanum 374 Gnaphalium Montanum, flue Pes Cat! vet Pilofella minor Montana Gnaphalium Rofeum 'bid Gramen Jlnatum vel pifium 45 8 Gramen marinum, i. Caryophyllus marinus minor Gramen plumarium vel plumofum 45 8 Gro/ularia fine Vva crifpa vulgaris, baccis rubris, cesruleis, aculeatis &c. 5" Guaiacana fiue Guaiacum Patauinum idem eft cum Pi/hamin f^irginianorum, Loti fpecies H. HAjtula regia, i. Afphodelus luteus minor Hedera Virginiana 612 Hedyfarum clypeatum 339 Heliott -opium Indicum Pellet erij, i. Battatas de Ca- nada Heliocryfum 374 Helleborajter fiue Pfeudohelleborus 345 Helleborus a/bus &f vernus preecox 346 Helleborus niger verus 344 Helleborus niger ferulaceus, i. Buphthalmum maius 293 Helleborine 347 Hemerocallis, i. Martagon Hemerocallis Palentina Cluftj, i. Pfeudonarcijfus marinus, vel Pancratium vulgo Hepatica nobilisftue trifolia 225 /&r&7 clauellata, i. ^ira/tf tricolor Herba fantti Petri, i. Paralyfis Herba Santtee Catharine, i. Balfamina femina Herba Margarita, i. .ZW/z'i w/'f/a veftcaria I. IAcea Btetica 328 lacea marina Btstica ib lafminum Amer'icanum 359 lafminum Arabicum 410 lafminum album 406 lafminum Catalonicum ibid Idtsui dattylus, \. P&onia Ilex arbor 600 lntubum,'\. Endiuia y Cichorium 495 huh flos, i. Caryophyllus Iphium Theophrajli, i. Caryophyllus /rw bulbofa & eius varietas r ris Chalcedonica Iris Dalmatica Damafcena & 'ris Perfica 'ris Tripolitana 'ris tuberofa 'ucca 'xine Theophrafti, i. Carlina 171 ad 179 J 79 1 80 {5V. 172 182 1 88 434 K K. Eiri,ftue Leucoium luteum Keiri albo flore L. 256 257 598 401 4 599 4 O1 424 LAburnum 43 8 Latiuca agnina. Capitata &c. 498 Lamium Pannonicum, i. Galeopjis Pannonica 385 Lapathum fanguineum 484 Lar/* 608 Lathyrus latifolius, i. JP//a>n perenne 338 Lathyrus ftliquis orobi ib Lauendula mas & fcemina 447 Lauendula fyluejiris, i. Steechas Laurus Laurus regia, i. Laurocerafus Laurus Rofea, i. Oleander Laurus Tinus Laurea Cerafus Laura cerafus Ledum Alpinum. Silejiacum Ledum id eft Cijlus Ledon Leimonia Theophrajli Clufio, Leontojtomium, i. Aquilegia Leucoium bulbofum Leucoium hortenfe ftmplex & multiplex Leucoium luteum multiplex Leucoium marinum Syriacum Leucoium melancholicum Leuconaciffolirion, i. Leucoium bulbofum Libanotis Coronaria, i. Rofmarinus Liguftrum Liguftrum Orientate, i. Cyprus Plinij 'lac, i. Syringa ccerulea Lilac for e argenteo Liliago, i. Phalangium : vel alijs Lilium non bulbo- fum flue Liliafphodelus Liliafphodelus 148 Li Honor ciffus, i. Tulipa Lilium Alexandrinum, i. Ornithogalum Arabicum . Anemone fyluejiris 109 258 257 260 ibid 445 410 47 Lilium album Lilium aureum, rubrum &c. Lilium conuallium Lilium Macedonicum Lilium Monianum Lilium non bulbofum, i. Liliafphodelus Lilium Perficum vel Suftanum Lilium fylueftre, i. Montanum Lilium variegatum, i. Fritillaria Limonium peregrinum Rauwolfij Linaria magna fiue Behidere It alarum Liqueritia Linaria cierulea purpurea odorata Lingua Bouis vel BugloJJum luteum Linurn fyluejlre album, luteum 40 39 340 36 33 28 250 268 583 66 486 266 Lotus INDEX. Lotus Africana Dalechampij, i. Lauracerafus Lotus Arbor Lotus tetragonolobus fiui fillquefut flort ntbella, i. Pi- Jum quadratum Lunaria Arthritica, i. Paralyfis, etlamqut & Au- ricula Vrfi Lunaria Grttia (malar \\. Balbonach, feu Fio/a ' fa \odorata} latifalia 265 Lunaria cterulea, \. Soldanella Alpina, Jiut Mtnta- na 234 Lupinus 335 Lychnis Chakedonica flare fimplici, (J flare plena *53 Lychnis Coronaria 252 Lychnis plumaria fyluejirii multiplex 253 Lychnis fyluejirii flare alba plena, U flort rubra plena 254 Lycaperfecum Galeni, i. Flos Afrlcanut, pomum A- maris Anguillarie M. 446 452 ibid 47+ 379 584 579 589 428 580 586 428 495 366 37 369 MAiorana aurea Maiarana tenuifolia Maiorana vulgaris Maiarana latifolia vulgaris Mala lEthyopica Mala Arantla Mala Armeniaca Jiue prtecacla Malus Cotonea vet Cydonia Malus Granata feu Punica Malorum Perjuorum dluerfitas Malorum varia genera Malus Punica fatiua Malus Punica fyluejlris, i. Balqujiium Malua crifpa Malua Hifpanica flort cornea amplo Malaa horaria, i. Alcea peregrina Malua hortenfts ftmplex & multiplex Malua Rofea, i. hortenfes Mandragoras mas & ftemlna 377 Maracoc fiue Clematis Firginiana 393 Marguerites (tf Margueritons, i. Btllis minor mul- tiplex Martagan album, fare cornea 33 Martagan Chymiftarum, i. Lilium aureum fiue ru- brum Martagon Byzantinum feu Conftantinopolitanu 34 Martagan Pannonicum fare fpadiceo 35 Martagon Imperial/ 33 Martagon Pomponeum 36 Martagon Phceniceo fare 34 Martagon rarifflmum, \. Narciffus tertius Matthi- oli Matricaria fare plena 289 Medico Cochltata. Spinofa 338 &c. Medium Diofcoridis, i. Viola Mariana Melampodium, i. Helltbtrus niger Mtlanthium, i. Nigella Meliffa 479 Mtlo Mofcattu &c. 525 Mentha 480 Mefpilut Aronia. Vulgarlt 568 Mexereon, i. ChanutLea Germanica Mirabilia Peruviana 394 alterum genus Plinij Dodttntto, i. Phalangium Moly varia genera 141 ad 1 46 Marian, i. Mandragoras Marus vulgaris, alba, Pirginiana 599 Mufchoromi, i. Mufcari M a/chat t Ha, i. Hefperis Mufcipula Lobflij, i. Benrubrum Monfp. 254 Myrobalantu prunus 577 Myrrhis, i. Cerefalium mains Myrtus malar & minor 427 N. NApellus 215 Nape I/us Moifis, i. Anthora 216 Napus malar W minor 509 Narciffus Captronius, i. Fritillaria Narcijforum varia genera 67 iirtum Aujlriacum, i. Gramtn plumofum Spartum Hifpanicum frutex, i. Geni/fa Hifpanica 567 442 496 Spinachia Staphylodendron, i. Nux veficaria Sternutamentoria, i. Ptarmica Starchat 448 Stafchai Citrina, i. Chryfocome Struthium nan eft Saponaria 353 Stramonium maim & minus 360 Sumach Pirginenfe 6l2 Sufamgiul, i. Li/ium Perficvm, (if Hyacinthus Jiella- tus, Byzantinus alter Sycomorui, flue Acer maiui latifelium 6lO Symphitum maculofum, i. Pulmonaria Syringa alba, cterulea 408 Syringa Arabica flare alba duplici 408 Syringa Italica Lobelij, i. Syringa flort albo fimplid Syringa Italica flore albo plena Bejleri 410 T. TAbacco Tamarix vel Tamarifcus Tanacetum vulgare Tanacetum Pervanum, i. Flos Africanus Tarchon herba Taxus arbor Thaliflrum vel Thalietrum Hifpanicum Theftum Theophrajli, i. Radix caua Thlafpi Baticum marinum Thraupalus Theophrajli Dalechampio, i. rofea Thridacias, i. Mandragoras Thuya, i. Arbor vita Thymbra, i. Satureia Thymum legffimum capitatum Thymum durius & latifolium Tilia famine Trachelium maius & minus Trachelium Americanum Tragium Diofcoridis, i. Fraxinella Tragopogon caruleum, purpureum Tragopogon luteum Tragoriganum Matthioli Trifolium fruticans, i. lafminum luteum (aureum\ ... Tr >f' lum {nobile }' Ht ** tlt * Trinitas,feu herba trinitatis, i. Hepatica Tulipa Armeniaca Bolonienfis, Bambycina, tina, Cretica &c. Tulipa media Tulipa pracoces Tulipa ferotina Tufai W Turfana, i. Corona Imperialis V. VAccinium Virplij Yaleriana rubra Dodonai Yaleriana Graca fa/erianthon, i. Paleriana rubra Dodonai 363 610 482 500 606 274 39 Sambucui 436 476 454 474 608 354 356 302 5H 453 Byzan- 52 We. 55 48 61 128 386 388 Perbafcum odoratum & \- p if Vtrbafculwn odoratum } ' Ptratrum INDEX. Veratrum album & nigrum, i. Helleborus albus & niger fernilago, i. Chamtelceo albus Vetonica altera, vel a/ti/is, out Coronaria, i. Caryo- phyllus hortenjis Vetonica agrejiis, i. A r menus fiffaria/is rotunda, i. Gladiolus Vinca peruinca 391 Viola alba, i. Leucoium Viola alba bulbofa, i. Leucoium bulbofum Viola Damafcena, i. Hefperis Viola Jlammea, \. Tricolor Viola hyemalis, i. Hefperis Viola latifolia &\ DI , , Viola Lunaris } B lb >"" h ^5 Viola lutea, i. Leucoium luteumjiue Keiri Viola peregrina, i. Bolbonach yiola mariana -ICA O JT Viola martia 281 Viola Matronalis, i. Hefperis Viola tricolor Jimplex & duplex Viper aria 3" Viperina, i. Scorfonera Vitis Corinthiaca, Damafcena &c. Pitis Virginiana Vitis Virginenfe feu potius Hedera Virginiana Umbilicus Veneris, i. Cotiledon Vva crifpa, i. Groffularia Vvularia, i. Trachelium, efi & HippogloJJum Y Vcca,fme lucca Y. Z. 282 563 564 612 234 560 434 ZAmbach Arabi, i. lafminum Arabicum Zufiniare, \. Martagon Conjiantinopolitanum Zumbul Arabi, i. Ornithogalum Arabicum Zumbul Indi, i. Orientalis motor pnecox A Table of the Englifh names of fuch Tlants as are contained in this Booke. Hite Aconite 214 Yellow Aconite, or winter Wolfes bane, ibid. Adonis flower 293 Alkanet, or Sea Buglofle 250 Anemone, or winde-flower, & the kinds 199 to 214 Yellow Anemone 194 Allillinders 49 Almond, and the kinds 583 Angelica 529 Apricocks 579 Apples, and the feueral forts 586 Double bloflbmd Apple tree 404 Apples of Loue 379 Thome Apples 3^ Arrach white and purple 488 Afarabacca 53 2 Afparagus 53 Afphodill M& his kindes 146 Afphodill with Lilly flowers 148 B. BAldmony or Gentian 350 /fa/m? 479 The Balfame apple 278 Barberies 561 Barbery Buttons, and Thorny Buttons 339 Barrenwort 283 Batchelours Buttons double, white and red 254 Batchelours Buttons yellow 218 & 224 The fiay tree 598 The Cherry Bay tree, or Bay Cherry 401 The dwarfc Bay 397 The Kings Bay, that is, the Cherry Bay The Role Bay 400 The Virginia Bay Cherry 599 The wildc Bay 400 The Bee-flowtr 192 & 258 Beares breech 330 Beares cares, and the forts 235 &c. Beares care Saniclc Beares foote Beetes, and the kindes Garden Beanes and French Beanes Bell flowers, and the kinds Canterburie Belt 354. Couentry Bels 240 344 489 521 353 356 354 Blites 488 Bloodwort 484 The great blew Bindeweed 359 The fmall blew Bindeweed 360 Blew Bottles 326 Barrage, and euer liuing Borage 249 Ladies Bower, and Virgins Bower (ingle and dou- ble 393 Dwarfe Baxe and guilded Boxe 606 Flower of Bri/iow, or None fuch 253 Spanifh Broome 442 Double flowred Bruifewort or Sopcwort 352 Garden BugloJJe 249 Marfti bugloffe and Sea buglo/e 250 Burnet 483 Butterftie Orchis 192 c. CAbbage, and his kindes 503 Calues fnout or Snapdragon 269 Double Camomill and naked Camomill 290 Rofe Campion 252 Featherd wilde Campion (ingle and double 253 The Crimfon Cardinals flower 356 Car away es 515 Carnations and Gilloflowers 306 Caterpillers great and fmall 340 Cajpdonie 443 Lobels Catch flye 254 Clufius his Cela/Jrus 604 Sweete Cheruill or great Cheruill 494 Garden Cheruill ib Party coloured Cicheling 338 The Chrijlmas flower 344 The Cherry tree, and the kindes thereof 571 The double bloflomd Cherry tree 402 The Cypre/e tree 602 The fweet gum Ctfltu 422 Burning Clamberer or Climer 391 Hungarian Climer 393 Virginian Climer or Maracoc ibid Coleflower, Co/ewort, Colerape 504 Colombines 271 Tufted Colombines 274 The prickly euer greene Corall tree 604 Corneflower 326 Corne fallet or Lambcs Lettice 428 The Cornell tree 57 Cojimary 482 Cotton weedes 375 Coil/cumbers The Table. Cowcumbers, diuers Cow/lips of diuers forts French Cow/lips or Beares eares Cowjlips of lerufalem Cranes bill, and the kinds Garden Creffes Indian Creffes Crow flower Crow foote of diuers kinds Crown Imperial The double Cuckow flower Currant, white, red and blacke The true Curran Vine and Grape 52 242 & 23 24 22 501 28< 25; 2l6 to 22 2< 253 and 38 558 563 D. D Affbdih, and the diuerfities thereof, from 67 to 10? Checkerd Daffodill, and the kinds Dittander Baftard Dittanie Dogs tooth Violet Dragons The Dragon flower Double Da/ie, and blew Dajies E. WHite Ellebor of two forts Wilde white Ellebor The true black Ellebor or Chriftmas flower Garden Endiue 44 508 333 '9 529 385 321 346 347 344 495 F. FEllworte or Gentian Fennel! Fennel I flower Double Featherfew The Princes Feather The Fig tree, and the kinds The Indian Figge tree The Finger flower The Firre tree The Corne Flagge Theflagge or flower deluce The flowerdeluce of Conftantinople The flowerdeluce of Perfia The bulbous flowerdeluces The veluet flowerdeluce Wilde flaxe or Todeflaxe Foxe gloues, and the kinds 350 492 287 289 232 566 433 383 600 189 79 &c. 79 172 172 to 179 188 266 380 Fillbeards ordinary, and of Conftantinople 562 Flower of Briftow, or None fuch, fmgle and dou- ble Purple /lower gentle, and the kinds Golden flower gentle or golden flower of life The/awcr of the Pafsion, or Maracoc The_/7ttw of the Sun The Sultans^/?0ww The friars Crowne Fritillaria or checkerd Daffodil Double fritillaria 253 371 372 393 295 327 332 44 ibid G. GArlicke Gentian great and fmal Germander 513 350 456 Gilloflowers and Carnations Queenes Gilloflowers or Dames Violets Stocke Gilloflowers fmgle and double The Ginny hen-flower, that is, Fritillaria Goats beard blew and purple Goats beard yellow Candy Goldilocks Golds, that is, Marigolds Goofeberries of diuers forts Herbe Grace or Rue Grape flower Vipers Grajfe Feather Grajfe Painted Grajfe The Guaiacum of Padoa H. HAres bels Hearts eafe fmgle and double The blew Helmet flower or Monkes hood The wholfome Helmet flower Hollihockes fmgle and double Holewort or Hollow-roote Hyjfope common Guilded Hyjfope Hungary or mountaine Sea Holly Honifockles double R.ed Honyfockles or vpright Honyfockles The euer green Hawthorne tree, or the euer prickly Coral tree I. 306 262 2 5 8 44 302 372 296 560 53 114 301 458 ib 570 122 282 215 ibid 369 275 476 455 330 404 405 green 604 IAcinths, and the feueral forts in to 133 White lafmine and yellow lafmine 406 Double white lafmine 4.08 Sweet lohns fmgle and double 319 'one filuer Pin, that is, Poppies double 286 'udas tree 4.37 The fuppofed Indian lucca 434 The Virginia Ivye 612 K. 1 Panifli Sea Knapweede } L. LAdies laces or painted grafle Ladies fmockes double ambes Lettice angedebeefe 'he Larch tree arkes heeles or fpurs fmgle and double Vellow Larkes heele, that is, Indian Crefles auender fpike auender cotton "rench Lauender or Sticadoue ilountaine Laurel/ eekes ettice, and the kinds thereof icorice 'he tree of Life 'he chekerd Lilly, that is, Fritillaria e Conual Lilly, or Lilliconvally 328 458 389 498 486 608 276 280 447 449 448 398 512 498 533 43 6 340 The The Table. The Day Lilly 148 The Pcrfian Lilly 28, 30 The Mountainc Lilly 33 The red or gold Lilly 39 The white Lilly 40 The Lint or Linden tree 608 Liue-hng, or Lift euerlujiing 375 Noble Liuerwort or Hepatica 225 Lungwort or Cowflips of lerufalem 248 Lupints white, blew and yellow 325 M. SWcct Marieromt Guildcd or yellow Marierome French Mallowes Sp.uufh Mallowe Shrub Mallow Thorny Mallow Venice Mallow Red Maiths, and white Mandrake male and female The great Maple or Sycomore tree Marigolds Conic Marigolds of Candy French Marigolds Double Marfti Marigolds The Spanish Marigold is the greateft double broade leafed Anemone The blew or purple Marigold Martagons of diuers forts .\tiijlicke the herbe Medlars The Melancholy Gentleman Muslce Melons The Meruaile of the world Mirtles Moly or Mountaine Garlicke Monkes hoode, or Larkes fpurs Monkes hood or helmet flower Counterpoyfon Monkes hood Blew Moone-wort Halfe Maine s Golden Moufe-eare Mulberries, and Virginia Mulberry Moth-Mulleine Woody Mulleine or French Sage Ethiopian Mullein The Mumme tree Muftard N. 452 446 495 366 369 368 ibid 293 377 611 296 *95 303 224 207 299 33 452 568 260 525 364 427 144 &c. 276 215 216 234 339 330 599 383 384 385 43 2 502 S Potted Nautlwort Navew The Ntfiorin, and the kinds thereof Neefewort, or Neefing roote Neppe The Nettle tree Hungarian dead Nettle Nigella, or the Fenel-flower Tree Night Jbadt, that is, the Winter Cherry Nont-fuch, or the flower of Briftow The bladder Nut The Filberd Nut of Conftantinople The Spanifh or Barberry Nut The Wall Nut 232 509 582 346 479 568 385 287 tree 432 253 611 562 '7' 594 o. THe euer greenc Oake Spurge Oiiue Viountaine Spurge Oliue Onions, and the kinds Sea Onion Orchis of Virginia Orenges Oxe eye Oxe lips 600 397 ibid 5 IO '33 194 584 245 P. Anfies fingle and double Par/ley, and fweet Par/ley Virginia Par/ley Parfneps Pafyue flower, or Paffe flower Patience, or Monkes Rubarbe Peaches, and the kinds Double bloflomd Peach tree Peares, and the feueral forts The prickly Peart, that is, the Indian Figge Pear Its of Spaine Garden Peaft of diuers forts Crimfon Peafe bloflbmc Peafe euerlafting Blew vpright euerlafting Peafe Pelletory of Spaine Double wilde Pelletory Penny flower, that is, white Sattin Peony fmgle and double Periwinkle fingle and double Pinkes fingle and double The Pine tree The blew and the white Pipe tree The double white Pipe tree, or double lafmine 282 491 492 2OO 483 586 404 59 1 1 5 522 338 ibid ibid 292 288 342 39 2 314 599 408 Rofe Plantane Plums, and the kindes The Pomegrantt tree The double bloflomd Pomegranet tree Pompions Double garden Poppies Double wilde Poppy Potato's of Spaine, of Virginia, of Canada Pride of London Primme or Priuet The euer-greene Priuet Primrofes, and the kinds Tree Primrofe of Virginia Purftant Purfe taflels Pu/hamin or Pijhamin, the Virginia Plum o: Q. Vinces, and the kinds R. RAmpions Rafpis, white and red Reddijh, blackc Reddijh, horfe Reddijh Red and yellow flowred Indian Reede 410 352 575 428 43 526 284 286 516 310 445 603 242 &c. 264 499 116 & 118 57 589 5'4 557 509 376 Rofarubie II The Table. Rofarubie, that is, Adonis flower 293 Rofe tree, and the feuerall kinds 412 to 425 luno's Rofe, that is, the white Lilly The Elder or Guelder Rofe 401 The Holly Rofe or Sage Roje 421 The Mountaine Rofe 424 Rocke Rofes 397 Rofemarie common and gilded &c. 425 The Marie Rofe or Rofemary of Silefia 424 Roctet 502 Garden Rue or Herbe grace 530 True Rubarbe, Monkes Rubarbe, Rubarbe of Pon- tus 483 S. SAge great and fmall Guilded Sage Sage of lerufalem French Sage Saffron flowers of diuers forts of the and of the fall 47 8 446 248 384 fpring time 1 60 to 170 Medow Saffrons or Golchicum, that is, the Sonne before the Father, and the kindes Spotted Sanicle Beares eare Sanicle Satyrion The Sauine tree Summer Sauorie and winter Sauory White Sattin flower Red Sattin flower Scabious white and red Scorfonera or Vipers grafle Baftard Sena tree The true and the ordinary Seruice Mountaine Set-wall Virginia Silke Skirrets Our Ladies Slipper Smallage Ladies Smocks double Snayles Snapdragons Mountaine Soldanella Double flowred Sopewort Sorrell Sowbread, and the kindes The Kings Speare or yellow Afphodill Sperage or Afparagus Spiderworte, and the kindes Spinach Starre flowers of diuers lehem The greene Starre flower or bulbed Galen 154 231 240 192 607 476 265 339 324 301 440 567 386 444 506 347 491 388 338 269 434 352 486 195 to 199 148 503 150 &c. 496 forts, or Stars of Beth- 130 to 140 Afphodill of 136 Starwort or Sharnvort, and Italian Starwort Sticadaue or Caffidonie Stocke gilloflowers fingle and double Storkes bils of diuers forts Strawberries of many forts The Strawberry tree Succory The Sultans flower, or Turkic Corne flower The Sun flower or flower of the Sun The Virginia Sumach 299 448 258 228 526 603 495 327 295 611 The Myrtle leafed Sumach The Sycamore tree T. INdian Tobacco of diuers forts The greene and the white Tamariske tree Tanfie fingle and double The blefled Thiflle The gentle Thiflle. Globe Thiflle &c. Chrifts Thome Thrift ordinary, and the great Sea Thrift Thraatwort, and Giants Throatewort fingle and double Beane Trefoyle Shrub Trefoile Tree Trefoile Candie Tufts Golden Tufts ibid 610 3 6 3 610 482 53 332 607 Spanifh Tufts The early flowring Tulipa The meane flowring Tulipa The dwarfe Tulipa The Perfian Tulipa The Turkes Cap, that is, the Tulipa The true Time Guilded Time, Moske and Lemmon Time Garden Time, and Mafticke Time 354 438 407 439 39 375 R! V. Ed Valerian of Dodonaeus Greeke Valerian Mountaine Valerian Violets fingle and double The bulbous Violet The Dogs tooth Violet Dames Violets Mercuries Violets Vines, and the feuerall kinds of grapes Vipers grafle Virginia Vine Virginia Vine, or Virginia Ivie 274 & 340 46 54 52 ibid 454 ibid 474 386 388 386 282 169 "93 262 357 564 301 564 612 T! W. He Walnut tree 594 Single and double Wall-flowers of many forts 257 Widow Wayle 397 The Willow -flower 270 The Wind-flower or Anemone, fingle and double of many forts 199 to 214 Wild Wind-flower fingle and double Sweet Williams, and the kinds Winter Gilloflowers Winter Wolfes bane, and yellow Wolfes bane Winter Cherries The Winter Cherrie tree Double Wood-bine or Honifuckle Y. T He Tew tree 2O2 319 2 5 8 214 532 431 404 606 THE 12 T*able of the J^ertues and Troperties of the Hearbes contained in this 'Booke. A. N feare of Aborfment, or mif-carrying in women 478 Good againft Aches 290 Good in hot Agues and _ to drive away their fits 223, 484, 532, 536, 538, 564 575. 579. 584> 595 From whence Agaricke is taken 608 A Syrupe of Angelica 529 Good for deiefted appetites 484, 486 499, 561, 562, 578, 575, 584 To perfume Apparell, Leather, &c. 421 448, 586 For the ~Af>oplexie 349 AJlringent or to binde 428, 43 I B. COr weake Backes and reines 479, 483 * A Balfame for green wounds 426 To caufe BarrenneJJ~e 284 Good for Bathing 294, 376, 421, 449 474. 477. 47 8 > 479. 480 Good for Bees 44. 480 Good to take away the fting of Bees and wafpes 476, 479, 480, 482 Good to open and mollifie the Belly, and make it foluble 333, 370, 421, 488 489, 490, 495, 566, 578, 582 To clenfe the Blood 484 To diflolue clotted Blood 610 To encreafe Blood 567 To helpe the fpitting of Blood 595 To ftay RUed'.ng 230, 396, 483 Hurttull for a ihort Breath 499 Good for the (hortneire of Breath 364 436, 502, 506, 513, 533 For a ftinking Ettath 529 To make a fweet Breath ibid For cold and moift Braines 335, 427, 448 481, 482 To abate the ouer-fwelling of Maidens Breafls 600 To helpe paines in the Breajl 500 To heale womens fore Breafts 590 To draw out broken Bones &c. out of the flefh 1 90 For Bruifes by fals &c. 479, 608, 610 Good for Burnings or fcaldings 362, 512 610 C. TO clenfe Cankers 364 To procure Caflings or vomitings 189, 434, 442,489, 532 To ftay CaJKng or vomiting 477, 480 To feede or make Cattell fat 348, 440 442 CauJKcke or burning plants 396 The beft Coales for Gunpowder 610 The beft Coales for lafting 608 For the Winde Collicke 216, 293, 453 455. 47 6 . 504. 5o8, 515. 53 To Clenfe, purge and dry 276 To fet an orient red Colour on the cheeke of a woman 241 To make a deepe blew Colour 179, 603 To make a red Colour ibid To giue a luftre to a white Colour 595 To make a yellow Colour 42 1 For the Colts euill, or immoderate luft 499 To warme and comfort Cold griefes 2 1 4 376, 434, 477, 478. 480, 49 r Cooling and drying 323, 353, 378, 421 438, 486, 499, 528, 562, 557, 564, 576 562, 568, 576, 578, 590, 594, 598, 602 603, 607 Cooling and moiftning 234, 283, 380, 432 579 For a Confumption 519, 608 Cordiall to comfort the heart 170, 216 252 K 4 Table of the Vertues 252, 298, 301, 314, 328, 421, 427, 436 450, 480, 482, 483, 526, 528, 530, 558 586 For the Cough in young children 502 Good for Coughes and colds 1 34, 295, 5 1 3 533' 562, 5<>7> 575, 584, 586 Mithridates Counter pay fan 567 Good for Crampes and fhrinking of finews 425 D. TO procure an eafie and fpeedy Deliuery to women in trauell 40, 199, 274 410 To flay rheumaticke DiJKllations 288 376, 386, 427 To cure the biting of a mad Dogge 300 353' 482 To helpe the Dropjie 235, 290, 353 To caufe DrovofineJJe like vnto drunkennes 362 E. FOr paines in the Eares 580, 584 Good for fore and weake Eyes 216 421, 427, 479, 530 Hurtfull to the head and Eyes 489 For the Epilepjie or falling licknefTe 194 335. 344' 456, 477' 52 F. TO cleanfe the Face, and other parts of the skinne and make it frefh 40, 189 2 47' 33 6 > 39 6 ' 5' 52, 5 21 ' 5 2 8, 566 584, 589, 600 For the Falling fickneffe 194, 335, 344 456, 477, 502 Farjing or fafeting herbes 474, 476, 478 To heale Felons on the ioynts of the fin- gers 492 To procure the Feminine courfes 289 335' 453' 456, 477' 479' 49 J To flay the Feminine or menflruall cour- fes 372, 396, 480, 486, 608, 6 1 1 To cleanfe Fiflulas 364 To expell thin Flegme 477 To extenuate & expeftorate tough Flegme 134, 264, 436, 448, 456, 477, 500, 529 530, 533, 608 For the bloody Flixe and all other Fluxes '93' 231, 372, 425, 431, 446, 483, 486 568, 595, 602, 605, 608, 611 To take away Freckles, fpots, &c. 500 566 For the French difeafe 283, 353, 606 G. TO flay the Gonorrhcea or running of 1 th e reynes 6o g Good for the Gout - , 9 H. TO caufe the haire to grow 566 For the falling of the Haire 425 Hurtfull to the Head and eyes 489 Good for the Head and Heart 134, 170 298, 426, 455, 474, 530, 586 Good for the Head and flomack 455, 474 53' 5 8 6 For paines in the Head 288, 292, 426 448, 499 For the fwimming and diffinefle of the Head 241, 247, 586 For the paffion of the Heart, and to make it merry 480, 528, 529, 589 To expell venemous vapours from the Heart 170, 301, 529, 530, 586 To procure Health 477' 478 To eafe the Hemorrhodes or piles 513 580 For an Hoarfeneffe 580, 584, 600 For the bots in Horfes 606, 607 For the cough in Horfes 595 To flay the Hickock 494 To purge flegmaticke and watery Humours 329 I. Or the yellow laundlfe 132, 134, 150 170, 275, 290, 531, 562 To make excellent Inke 43 1 To afTwage hot Inflammations 362, 378 380 To helpe the Itching of the Head To cure the Itch K. heale exulcerated Kidney es 477 380 nr 533 L. "~TO flay a Laske or loofenefle 321, 323 A 421,425,446,483,562,568,570,571 57 8 ' 595 For the Lepry and deformity of the skin 306 For chapt Lips and hands &c. 589 To tanne or thicken Leather 6 1 1 To clenfe the Litter 484, 532 To coole and ftrengthen the Liuer 226 448, 486 Good for the Lunges and old coughes 1 34' 2 49' 3' 353' 3 6 4' 43 6 > 448, 456 477' 52, 5 6 '5 I 3, 5 2 9' 53> 533, 6o 608 To flay immoderate lufl M. TO take away blew Market 427 502 499, 529 500 566 For the Meafels and fmall pocks 170, 216 To flraw on Me ate 474, 476 For Table of the Vertues For Melancholic ke difeafcs 345, 450, 448 455, 510, 589 To comfort & ftrengthen cold and weake Members 170, 290, 407, 427, 448, 449 453. 474' 477' 49'. S9 8 To ftrengthen the Memory 427, 428 To keep Milke from curdling in the lK>- macke 482 To increafe Milke in womens breads 440 504 For the Morphew and other difcolourings of the skin 336, 396, 427, 566 For the Mother in women 344, 378 To keep garments from Moths 376, 6 1 1 To engender Moths 386 Good to walh and clenfe the Mouth 428 431, 446, 528, 557, 564, 598 To cure Vlcers in the Mouth 43 1 For a furfet of Mufhroms 5 1 3 ~ '""HO wafte Nature A For a cricke in the Necke 530 66 To procure Nccjing 189, 289 To ftay bleeding at the Nofe 396 O. TO open Qbjlruftions 448, 484, 492 532 To take away the offence of the fmell of Onions, Garlicke, Leekes &c. 5 1 2 A remedie for them that haue taken Opium too liberally 289 P. TO cafe Paint's 290, 370 For the Palfe 241, 247 For the Plague or peftilentiall feuers 160 170, 216, 275, 298, 328, 333, 335, 353 , 483. 495' 5 '3'. 52?' 53> 5^6, 595, 603 From whence Pitch is made 600 For the fmall Pocks 1 70, 216 An efpeciall Antidote againft Poyfon 134' 339. 353 Againft the Poyfon of the Helmet flower and other venemous herbes, and againft all other infectious difeafes 216, 333 335' 353' 43' 529 Againft the Poyfon of the Spider Phalan- gium, Scorpions, Serpents, and other venemous beafts 152, 301, 328, 333 335, 402, 453, 477, 607 To take away the ftrength of certaine Poy- fon* 59 Poyfon to all fburefooted beafts 402 For fweet Pout hers and fweet bags I \ 421, 450, 453, 586 To Purge gently 284, 421, 566 To Purge vehemently, and ftubborne di- feafes 189, 346, 360, 400, 562 To fatten Pullen 440, 442 R. TO reftore Rauifimtnt 600 To hinder young perfons from grow- ing Ripe too foone 132 Fences of Reedes as good as wals 5 i o To draw Rheume 214, 288, 292 To ftay Rheumaticke diftillations 287 288, 376, 427, 482 From whence RoJ/en is made 60 Good for Ruptures 602 S. TO put into Saw/ages &c. 476, 477, 478 480, 482 For Scaldings and burnings 362, 512 To take away Scars and markes 223, 247 336, 521, 568 For the Sciatica or paine in the hippes and ioynts 160, 442 To clenfe the head of Scurfe 134, 396 477, 479, 607 For the Scurvie 389, 510 To increafe Seede 524 To cafe paines in the Sides 532, 599 To cleare the Sight 134, 427, 479, 530 To comfort the Sinewes and ioynts 426 427, 477, 478, 480, 595, 599 To procure Sleeps 286, 362, 378, 499 To keep the body Soluble 333, 376, 421 480, 488, 495, 566, 578, 582 To clenfe the head of running Sores 134 607 For the fhrinking of Sinewes 425, 426 599 To breake plague Sores 223, 300 Good for Sores and wounds 303, 446 600 Good for the Spleene 198, 288, 455, 456 474, 490, 502, 510, 530, 6 10 To draw out Splinters &c. out of the flefh 190 Good for Stitches 599 Good for the Stomacke and Liuer 134 353' 455. 473. 483. 49 1 . 532 Hurtfull to the head and Stomacke 489 607 For cold and windy Stomachs 301, 455 476,491, 495, 586 To coole an hot Stomacke 380, 486 499, 525, 526, 528, 558, 560, 562, 566 575, 584, 589 To warme a cold Stomacke 474, 477, 480 482, 495, 500, 515, 529, 586, 598 For the Stone in the reynes and kidneyes 230, 274, 293, 335, 370, 425, 492, 503 504, 510, 521, 526, 532, 533, 566, 575 582, 584, 607, 608, 6 1 1 For the Strangury 49 1 Good againft Surfets 287 To '5 595 189, 439, 442 532 To ftay Fomiting 477 , 480 To cure the biting of a Fiper or Adder 302 To caufe the Frine to feeme blood 433 For the flopping of Frine 132, 264, 353 37 6 > 453' 456, 483* 49 1 ' 49 2 > 5 2 > 53 506, 508, 515, 525, 53>53 2 > 533' 582 602, 608 W. TO purge watery humours 329 To makefweete Waters 421, 450, 453 428 To breake Winde 301, 455, 476, 491 494, 508, 515, 529, 530, 575, 586 To ftay the longing of Women with childe 561, 564 For the Wormes 134, 216, 336, 345, 449 482, 483, 500, 502, 532, 582, 607 Good to cure Wounds 241, 252, 364, 389 445, 446, 456, 480, 483, 492 Good Wound herbes 230, 231, 235, 241 3 2 3> 3 8 3> 3 8 9> 4 6 Faults efcaped in fame Copies. FOlio 8. line 14. for own reade home. f. 12. 1. 27. for trouble reade treble, f. 42. 1. 5. reade, like vnto that of a Lilly, f. 66. 1. 42. for xjp"" r ead xpivov or Xflpiov. f. 73. 1. 37. for top of the flower, read cup. f. 1 34. 1. 36. for compofed reade com- parted, f. 150. 1. 4. for hath, reade haue, and line 5 for is are. f. 173. 1. 12. put out thefe Wordes, the infide, in the begin- ning of the line. f. 189. 1. 38. reade Bints florum ordinibus. f. 218. 1. 19. reade goulons, and 1. 28. pratenfis. f. 272. 1. 36. read Pothos. f. 276. I. 12. Chelidonia. f. 281. 1. 37. for hath, haue, and 1. 28. Maftuerzo. f. 284. 1. 15. Vicenza. f. 287. 1. 39. Citrina. f. 290. 1. 39. reade prouoke, and, helpe. f. 329. 1. 37. for Melancholicke, reade Flegmaticke. f. 330. 331. 333. reade Eryngium in all places, f. 336. 1. 8. reade, and not very flat. f. 356. 1. 31. Americanum. f. 357. 1. 26. Cervicaria. f. 358.!. 45. reade, before it can haue. f. 372. 1. 9. blot out, except it. f. 389. for ipockes, reade fmockes. f. 393. 1. 3. in the margent for caeruleo, read pleno. f. 397. 1. 10. reade dwarfe. f. 424. 1. 45. Hirculus. f. 428. 1. 20. Tarentina. f. 431. 1. 10. Cyprium. 1. 19. Amomum. f. 438. 1. 17. for Diofcorides, reade Theophraftus. f. 442. 1. 3. for callings reade purgings. f. 509. 1. 35. reade yoyyuXij. f. 513. 1. 24. transferre all that claufe of Onions vnto the other fide, vnder the vfe of Onions, f. 516. 1. 37. tranf- ferre thefe words, [Bauhinus vpon Matthiolus calleth it Solatium tuberofum efculentuni] vnto the former Potatoes of Virginia, f. 520. 1. 13. for fwelleth, read fmelleth. f. 541. 1. 51. reade, after your ftockes rayfed from ftones. f. 566. 1. 20. for as, read and. and 1. 29. euery one. f. 567. 1. 24. for Rice, read Rue. f. 575. 1. 8. reade ferue to be miniftred to the ficke. f. 588. I. 3. Capandu. f. 594. 1. 18. for facility, read faculty, f. 595. 1. 39. reade Ricinus. f. 600. 1. 4. Fuchfius. 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