NTDRY N S n : VYA FS kJ w U 1 I JL ft rl Ju JU O LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class stiW*' f 3*r Kim QUARTER CENTURY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN NEW SOUTH WALES A^C- -^ CT "O D 6 + fi *W\ Cfa'i^' * A--^>K. fttJL^j O (*,_ ' 1 .^e J Aj^v.-o- 1 ^ -jj^^j^JLAv..ii A-^J^A-jtr\ * ^ A Quarter Century of Technical Education in New South Wales. . A MONOGRAPH PUBLISHED ON THE OCCASION OF THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK HELD AT THE SYDNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE, . . EASTER WEEK, 1909. ^f^A^^V /^ F THE \ ( UNIVERSITY J \ OF S Xis-CAUFOg^*^ (Soiincji: WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1909. Minister for Public Instruction: THE HONORABLE J. A. HOGUE. Permanent Under Secretary: P. BOARD, M.A. Technical Education Branch : J. W. TURNER, Superintendent. GEO. HOOPER, Assl. Superintendent. A. E. HIBBLE, Registrar. Technological Museum : R. T. BAKER, F.L.S., Curator. H. G. SMITH, F.C.S , Asst. Curator. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE OF MONOGRAPH ; J. W. TURNER, Superintendent, ex officio. J. B. BROWN, Resident Master, Granville College. C. A. SUSSMILCH, F.G.S., Lecturer-in-charge. Geological Dept. JAS. NANGLE, F.I. A., Lecturer-in-charge, Dept. of Architecture. J. R. WRIGHT, Lecturer-in-charge, Dept. of Art. JOHN L. BRUCE, MEMB. ROYAL SAN. INST., Lecturcr-in-charge, Dept. of Sanitation, Convener, and Editor of Monograph. 19898J PREFACE. IN placing before the public this record of the first twenty-five years of organised Technical Education in this State, the Publication Committee desire to take the opportunity of thanking all concerned for their hearty and able assistance in its composition, compilation, and production. The idea of marking the close of the first quarter-century of organised Technical training in New South Wales by the publication of this Monograph originated with the General Advisory Council, which Mr. Turner, the present Superintendent, called into existence immediately on his accession to his important office. Mr. Turner warmly approved of the idea, and a Publication Committee of six members of the General Council was appointed to draw up a scheme for the book. This scheme, when completed, was submitted to the Minister for Public Instruction, the Hon. J. A. Hogue, and he heartily fell in with the suggested plan, and kindly offered to write the Introduction, which appears under his name. It is to his action in arranging to place the resources of the Government Printing Office at the disposal of the Publication Committee that this Monograph has been rendered possible. In this way the Committee have been enabled to submit to the public all over the world a record of solid progress in Technical Education, of which they venture to believe New South Wales will have no reason to be ashamed. No doubt much, very much, still remains to be accomplished ; but the progress of the past augurs well for a still more rapid growth in the future. Australians are sometimes accused of an undue love for sport of all kinds, to the neglect, it is asserted, of a more intellectual training. The fallacy of those assertions is amply proved by the statistics contained in this Monograph. These show that, in proportion to the population served, the number of our Australian youths who, after a hard day's labour, eagerly devote their evenings to study and work in our Technical Colleges and Schools, bears favourable comparison to the record of any country throughout the civilised world. While the chief credit for this publication is justly due to the Minister for Public Instruction for his action in the matter, the Publication Committee feel that they must not omit to acknowledge the great services rendered by others. VI PRKFACK. To Mr. Turner, the Superintendent of Technical Education, they are especially indebted, not only for his warm general support, but also for the able and compre- hensive articles which he has contributed, and which form so important a section of this Monograph. They desire also specially to thank those officers who have supplied the various articles following their names, Mr. Parnell Johnson, the Lecturer in Industrial Art, for designing the cover, and the Government Printer, for their great assistance in forwarding the work. What that assistance has been will be realised by all who are practically acquainted with press work, when it is understood that the whole of the Monograph has been designed, written, compiled, printed, and published within a period of about sixteen weeks from the date of the Minister's sanction. The illustrations, which form so prominent a feature of the publication, have nearly all been prepared from special photographs by the College Operator, Mr. Tremain, the majority being taken at night by flashlight, and have been printed from photo- engraving blocks prepared in the Government Printing Office. The thanks of the Committee are also due to the Proprietors of the Sydney Mail for the loan of seven of the blocks representing flashlight views of the Sydney College classes at work. JOHN L. BRUCE, Convener of the Publishing Committee, and Editor of the Monograph. CONTENTS. PAGE. INTRODUCTION, by HON. J. A. HOGUK. ix TECHNICAL EDUCATION : I A General View of the Subject I II Twenty-five Years Technical Education in New South Wales ... ... 83 III The Present State of Technical Education in New South Wales 96 IV The Future View of Technical Education in New South Wa'es ... ... 129 DEPARTMENTS : Art 143 Agriculture ... ... ... 15 Architecture ... ... ... ... ... 162 Biology ... ... ... 173 Chemistry and Metallurgy ... 177 Commercial : Book-keeping ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 181 Penmanship and Correspondence ... ... ... ... ... ... 181 Foreign Languages ... ... ... ... ... ... . . ... ... 182 Domestic Economy ... - 184 Electrical Engineering and Physics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 Geology, Mineralogy, and Mining ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 194 Industrial and Decorative Art ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 198 Mathematics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 204 Mechanical Engineering ... ... ... ... ... 209 Printing and Lithography : Composing 220 Machining ... ... ... ... ... ... 223 Lithography ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 Photo-Engraving ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 Sanitation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 227 Training in Sheep and Wool ... ... ... ... ... ... 237 Women's Handicrafts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 241 Sydney Technological Museum ... ... ... 245 Research Work ... ... ... 249 Synopsis of Exhibits ... ... ... 254 Administrative Branch ... ... ... 259 VUl CONTENTS. PAGE. SEPARATE CLASSES : Bootmaking School, Erskineville 263 Saddlery ... 2 66 Breadmaking Coal-mining Elocution and Voice Production Leather Dressing and Tanning Photography 271 Rail Carriage-building ... ... 2 72 Tailors' Cutting ... ... 2 n SUBURBAN TECHNICAL SCHOOLS 2 y- HURLSTONE AGRICULTURAL CONTINUATION SCHOOL 377 BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2 86 BROKEN HILL TECHNICAL COLLEGE 292 GRANVILLE TECHNICAL SCHOOL 205 GOULBURN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 299 NEWCASTLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF MINES 303 WEST MAITLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE 306 ALBUKY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 310 COUNTRY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS 3n SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES 3 I2 THE 1909 EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK 316 THE TECHNICAL EDUCATION BOARD FROM 1883 TO 1889 319 THE HON. J. A. HOGUE, Minister of Public Instruction. INTRODUCTION. BY THE HON. J. A. HOGUE (Minister of Public Instruction). TECHNICAL EDUCATION is rightly regarded as indispensable to organized society. It is absolutely essential to human progress. Time was when a purely classic course at a University, crowning the elementary instruction imparted in the common schools, was considered an all-sufficient passport to success in life. There is no such thing as a finished education no Ultima Thule, where one may say : Thus far have I come on the road of knowledge, and no further need I go. The field of knowledge is wide as the Universe. Knowledge is power, and the nation or the individual will succeed best whose acquired knowledge is widest, most suited to its circumstances, and best applied. Under the light of Science, civilization is developing new activities. These bring with them the need of new methods in all avenues of industry in Art, Commerce, Domestic Economy, in every department of human affairs. The nineteenth century saw vast and wonderful developments in Science, Art, Literature, Mechanical Engineering. It saw mechanical and industrial revolutions of greater import than were ever brought about by wars or changes of dynasties. It was an era of inventions, of breaking away from old-world traditions, of triumphs of mind over matter and the forces of nature. The progress made during that era continues. Different nations are keeping watchful eyes on each other's industrial methods, movements, and inventions. Statistics, the collection of which has risen to the dignity of a science, enable different communities to note exactly the progress made throughout the civilized world. The struggle for wealth and the race for national supremacy are fiercer than ever known before ; and the convincing ground between rival countries has in late years been transferred, not entirely, but very largely, from the battle-field to the science class- rooms, the Technical Colleges, and the Universities. Education, which in former ages had a somewhat restricted meaning, and narrowed down to elementary subjects, belles lettres, and to arts, has in these later days broadened out so as to embrace every activity of life, contrasting as widely with what went before, as does the broad and majestic river with the creeks and tiny streams that feed it from their far-back sources. The literature of Technical Education has reached such proportions that it is difficult for the ordinary student of human affairs to keep pace with its remarkable growth. It reaches proportions that compel specialization ; and the industrial develop- ments with which it deals are among the most striking characteristics of the age in which we live. New methods of extracting from Nature her secrets and adapting her mysterious forces to human requirements are constantly springing from the busy brain X INTRODUCTION. of man and superseding old systems. That silent, intangible, imperceptible thing called Evolution is in no department of life more operative than in connection with the means which man adopts in exploiting the earth and in his methods of manufacture, production, and distribution. In primitive societies the tools employed to provide for human needs were simple and rude, but they served their purpose. Their use made small demands on the skill of those who handled them. As societies grew in complexity, the apprentice system came into existence, and the secrets of handicrafts were guarded with almost religious care. Just as it used to be thought that people existed for the benefit of kings, so was it supposed that the interests of the masses were subordinate to those of the instructed and expert few. These ideas have long since given way to more enlightened views, and it is now more than ever recognised that man does not live for himself alone. The training of the young in handicrafts, and for the various activities of life, which in former times was very much a family affair, is now seen to be a function that can, without any intrusion into the domain of domestic life or infringement of individual rights, be properly discharged by the State. Modern society is, indeed, a complex organism, and in civilized communities the family can no more live for itself alone, as in the tribal state, than can the individual man live for himself. Also, it is becoming more clearly recognized that there is a close interdependence between the mental and industrial equipment of the child on the one part, and the requirements of the State on the other. The State requires, for its stability, its welfare, that the child shall be educated, that, as it passes out of the primary school with the foundation of knowledge laid, the superstructure shall be such as to ensure the reasonable development of such gifts and capacities as Nature has endowed it with. Then, in the multitudinous forms which modern industrial life assumes, with its far-reaching changes in social conditions, comes the absolute necessity for higher and more scientific instruction. Machinery now plays so all-prevailing a part in the world's activities that the training given to our young men and young women differs radically from what was requisite in former years. The exigencies of a restless age demand that the artizan, the manufacturer, and the producer shall not merely be instructed how to handle and work a machine, but shall also be taught how to master its underlying principles. The training thus given tends to educate the mind as well as the hand, and thus develops the intellectual powers, and leads men to think problems out for themselves. To train our youths to think, and so to develop their faculties, is one of the purposes of technical instruction. A country's best asset, as has often been said, is its people. A man's best asset does not consist of stores of wealth, but of the use to which he puts his natural gifts ; and the country is the richer and happier, and safer, whose people make the best use of their mental and moral faculties. Nothing is clearer than that the pressure of competition between nations (as between individuals) is compelling greater demands upon the mental and even the physical powers of mankind. Mechanical inventions may save much wearisome toil, and to a certain extent relieve man of the primal curse (if curse it be) of earning his INTRODUCTION. Xl bread by the sweat of his brow ; but heavy demands upon his powers are yet made by the pressure of modern competition and the complex conditions under which he has to earn his living. Where before, he had to depend on his hands and his muscles, he now depends more upon his mind. The training of the mind, then, becomes a problem of the very first importance, if civilization is to go forward. Here it may be well to remember that industry using the term in its broadest sense is the foundation of all human society, the spring of all progress ; it is the supreme differentiation between man and beast. To our industries we must look for all that makes for our happiness, welfare, and security. That being so, it becomes of paramount importance that our young men shall be so trained as to enable our country to keep pace in its industrial activities with other countries. The necessary equipment to this end, a course of instruction scientific in character alone can supply. The teaching of science, and scientific methods of imparting instruction, are to-day recog- nixed as essential in our Schools, Colleges, and Universities. The fact that it has obtained this recognition, a recognition deeply rooted in our education system, is one of the most hopeful signs of the age. We live in an age essentially speculative and utilitarian. In the training of the young the great aim is, as it should be, utility. A nation's utilities and speculations play an important part in the education of its people. In the industrial life of a nation that looks to hold its ground, there can be no standing still. If we search for the secret of the marvellous progress made throughout the civilized world in modern times, we shall find it in its industrial life, and in that desire to excel which gives the spur to inventive genius and encouragement to talent. It has been said that great men of action, apostles of great thoughts, and " lords of the great heart," have sprung from no exclusive class or rank in life. On the contrary, the vast majority have been of humble origin. Most instructive it is, and quite germane to the subject before us, to trace the lives of great men of all ages. A few may be here enumerated. William Shakespeare was the son of a butcher and woolcomber. James Cook, discoverer of our continent, was the son of a labourer. Robert Burns, the son of a poor farmer, and himself a farm hand and ganger. From the masons and bricklayers came 1 lugh Miller, the geologist ; Ben Jonson, the dramatist; Allan Cunningham, the sculptor. Dr. Livingstone, the great missionary, and Robert Tannahill, the Scottish poet, were weavers. Abraham Lincoln, greatest of United States Presidents, was a backwoodsman and railsplitter ; Andrew Johnson, another great President, a tailor ; John Bunyan, a tinker ; Faraday was the son of a blacksmith. But the list might be indefinitely extended, and in this respect no nation differs from another. It is interesting to study the lives of those who have left their footprints on the sands of time, for it will invariably be found that these teach those grand lessons of self-reliance and self-denial which enable men, while carving out their own fortunes, to add to the general stock of knowledge, and to the sum of human happiness. They were, most of them, largely their own educators. Necessity, the mother of invention, is also the parent of progress, and the great need of the age is the will to strive for higher ideals, and as each individual in the State works out his own destiny, he contributes to the sum-total of that which shapes the destiny of his country. xii INTRODUCTION. Technical Education, with which we have now to do, is of comparatively recent origin. It cannot be claimed for our own motherland that she at present leads the world in this field of action. A century ago she was foremost in mechanical callings and in the effective use of tools of trade. In some directions she has held her own ; in others she has been surpassed, notably in the organized and scientific methods of training the inventive faculties and developing the industrial capabilities and the self- reliance of her people which the German nation has adopted. Something too much, it may be thought, is heard of Germany and German methods of late years. But her education system, at any rate, compels admiration. In fields of original research, in almost every branch of science, and especially in educational methods, Germany and the United States of America are great exemplars. We would be unwise, foolishly self-contained, did we not drink from founts of knowledge wherever we may find them. If in the Monograph here produced we are told much of what is being done elsewhere, it is well to see how we ourselves compare with other parts of the world, and in what way we may profit by what is being there achieved. However, the time is thought to be opportune to look around and put on record some of the features of the movement that has given birth to the splendid systems of technical education which are doing so much to move the world along and add to the happiness of mankind. Also it is seasonable to take a review of our own efforts during the quarter of a century that has passed since our pioneers set their hands to the work. The field was not large when they began their self-imposed task. It was practically virgin soil they had to work in. They laid the foundations well. They had their hearts in the work. They foresaw the great need of it in the time ahead of them ; and they should for ever be held in honor for the noble service they rendered their country. education BY J. W. TURNER, Superintendent of Technical Education in New Souf/i Wales. I. GENERAL VIEW OK THE SUBJECT. II. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OK TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN NEW SOUTH WALES. III. THE PRESENT CONDITION OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN NEW SOUTH WALES IV. THE FUTURI-: OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 1.--A General View of the Subject. TECHNICAL EDUCATION embraces such branches of instruction as have a direct relation to the various arts and manufactures. The subject thus covers a very wide area, and includes many different methods and processes of imparting practical knowledge, such as school-training in the theoretical basis of various arts, and an apprenticeship system in which manipulation reinforces theoretical definitions, postulates, and axioms. Technical Education, however, as understood since the agitation for its extension which arose in Great Britain chiefly after the Paris Exhibition of 1867, applies, principally, to instruction in those sciences which have a direct bearing on manu- facturing industries, and in the principles which underlie mechanical and manipu- lative trades. The demand for increased attention to such subjects as come under the head of "Technical Education" arises partly out of the fact that various Continental nations had instituted special " Schools of Technical Education," on the fostering of which they expend large sums of money to the manifest advantage of their industries, and also from the fact that the modern system of manufactures at once demands greatly increased technical knowledge, while it has rendered the acquisition of such knowledge in the workshop increasingly difficult. Thus the minute subdivision of labour greatly circumscribes the area of the artisan's practical knowledge, and the extensive application of machinery in many instances makes him, so far as his work is concerned, little more intelligent than the machinery itself. Technical Education is now a world-wide movement, and Technical Schools are to be found in every important city, and even in many minor towns, in all countries boasting the advantages of modern civilisation, and large funds are annually devoted (by the State, by the Municipal Government, by Trade Guilds and Corporate Associations, and by private endowment) to the purpose of making TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Technical Education easily accessible to all classes, irrespective of age, sex, and social position ; for only in Technical Education does a nation secure industrial supremacy. Technical Education had its beginnings in England with Richard Folev and Swedish steel ; James Brindley and water-engines ; James Watt and Matthew Boulton and steam machinery ; Sir Richard Arkwright and the spinning-jenny ; Edmund Cartwright and the power-loom ; Robert Fulton (the American) and the steamship; George Stephenson and the "Rocket"; Thomas Telford and bridge- building ; Henry Bessemer and the steel process ; Robert Stephenson and railway construction ; and many another pioneer in the realm of scientific industrialism, who founded, developed, or discovered new methods of applied induction and made new exploitations of the material universe. But though Technical Education had its beginnings in England, it has since had its greatest growth and development in Germany, in Switzerland, in the United States of America, and in the great Canadian Dominion. GERMANY. Technical Education. Some thirty years ago, when the newly-born Empire had begun to recover somewhat from the tragedy of the conquest of France and the third Napoleon (1870 1871), a great political economist rose in Germany. His name was Friedrich List, and he was styled the " Father of Protection." It has also been claimed for him that, indirectly, he was the originator of Technical Education in Germany. This is, however, only partly true, because technical instruction has always formed part of the German Educational Curriculum. Nevertheless, the adoption of a new Industrial Policy as a weapon of international economic warfare made a new demand upon technical efficiency a demand which was met with that genuine thoroughness which forms so characteristic a trait of the Teutonic temperament; and if technical and special instruction were before then advantageous to Germany's existence, it now became imperative to her progress ; and since then the great Teutonic Confederation has never looked back. It has often been said that the issue of the war of 1870-1 was largely owing to the fact that every German soldier was a mechanician. The cavalryman was a farrier who could shoe his horse, and a veterinary surgeon who could doctor it. The linesman knew the parts of his rilie, could take it apart, repair it if required, and put it together again. The artillerist was a practical engineer, to whom the mechanism of his cannon was an open book. Even the drivers of the baggage and ammunition waggons were blacksmiths and wheelwrights. The German army was a "Technical School," making a marching tour through France for educational purposes. An armed force of such perfectly human machines was invincible. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. In the elementary schools of Prussia and Saxony free instruction combined with compulsory attendance had been in operation for the greater part of a century ; and in these countries at least there was an unlimited supply of highly intelligent workmen, who had received a liberal elementary education, and who (even as apprentices) brought to the exercise of their various crafts a useful grounding in technical knowledge, and (as W. H. Dawson points out in his excellent recent book, " The Evolution of Modern Germany ") they possessed also, in many instances, a certain manual dexterity gained in the Continuation or the Professional School. Nevertheless, taking the Empire as a whole, Technical Education as an imperial and national German institution may be regarded as not older than the third of a century. With the dawn of a new era, a determination to employ to the fullest extent the chemical discoveries of the world, and the illimitable possibilities of electricity in the arena of competitive international commerce, Germany prepared for the coming industrial struggle with a clear and perfect appreciation of all the advantages to be obtained frcm the completest technical training. To a certain extent, the nation was already equipped in this particular, for the best of the Empire's large Technical Schools (particularly those of Prussia and Saxony) are fifty and sixty, and some even a hundred years old. To-day these schools are legion, and are established in all the large towns, not infrequently in very small towns, and their administration embraces the entire realm of industry and of industrial art. It is noteworthy, moreover, that the Technical Schools are conducted on lines of absolutely economic efficiency. Expense is never allowed to triumph over utility, and costly ornamental figureheads are conspicuous by their absence. The Teachers are all severely practical ; yet the very best talent is secured. In Germany, it must be remembered, men of the highest competency in their distinctive departments can be obtained in any desired number for the best of the Technical Schools at moderate remuneration, simply because the standard of professional salaries is nowhere very high, and, because there is always a ready market for the services indicated, the supply is not only ample but constant. For instance, in the realm ruled by the Kaiser, the exclusive services of a University-trained architect can be had for a Technical College, conducted for the education of youths engaged in the building trades, at a salary of ^210, rising to ^310. This gentleman would have under his charge all the departments dealing with building construction, constructive materials, architecture, stone-cutting, draughtsmanship, and ornamental lettering. The services of an engineer with a University training for a cognate position can be obtained for a salary of ^175, rising to ^,260, and he would have charge of the departments relating to building construction, constructive materials, mathematics, physics, geometry, statics, surveying, &c. Yet in Germany, Technical Education is so piously revered that no agency is neglected. It may be imparted by means of "the humble village TECHNICAL EDUCATION. class, conducted in the winter evening hours by the light of the oil-lamp in the low-roofed school-room ; by the travelling exhibition of samples of skilled handicraft which sets provincial ambitions aglow ; by the itinerant teacher who carries a vitalising store of rudimentary technical knowledge from hamlet to hamlet, and from farm-house to farm-house in the sequestered mountain districts where home industry is the main support of the population during half the year" ; for the most impressive fact about Technical Education as developed in Germany is its comprehensiveness. It is applied to every occupation in which it is better for a workman to have than to be without. "Dresden China" is in itself a triumph of technical knowledge and technically acquired skill ; but Saxony, more than any other State in the Kaiser's dominions, fostered Technical Education until, as Dawson very accurately remarks, it " passed into the very life of the land and its people." In Saxony the oldest Technical School goes back to the middle of the Eighteenth Century. It dates from 1766, and bears the name of the Freiberg Academy of Mining. In 1769, the principle of obligatory education was introduced, and in 1805 (just after the awful tragedy of Austerlitz) it was systematically enforced. Chemnitz had a school of industrial design as early as 1796, and early in the Nineteenth Century the first three schools for lacemaking were established, while the town of Annaberg originated the system of Industrial Continuation Schools in 1823, being initiated by Zwickau in 1828 and by Chemnitz in 1829. Disregarding altogether the regular schools (Primary, Continuation, Middle, Higher), there are, upon a moderate computation, in this comparatively small country no fewer than 360 special schools which are exclusively engaged in imparting technical knowledge of some kind. Yet the population of Saxony is less than five millions ; hence the average of one systematic Technical School to every 13,000 adult and juvenile inhabitants is one extremely creditable. Moreover, there is nothing exoteric Governmentally imposed in this connection. As W. H. Dawson, in his book on Modern Germany, is careful to point out, the movement is emphatically the result of a spontaneous desire and enthusiasm for Technical Education. Hence, it owes its existence overwhelmingly to the initiative and independent action and sacrifice of the people themselves. Before the State ever troubled itself about Technical Schools these institutions existed in large numbers, and were doing a work of the greatest usefulness and value. Indeed, the Government is not obtrusive in its assistance, even to this day. As far as possible, the estab- lishment ol Technical Schools is allowed to proceed naturally from felt needs, and those who feel the need are allowed to supply it wherever it is practicable ; for it is held that these Schools, if they are to succeed, must be kept as closely as possible connected with practical life, and this means that practical men must, from first to last, have the handling of them. It is only in cases in which, from exceptional circumstances, the initiative and the requisite power thereof is lacking, or where universal and not merely local interests are at stake, that the State enters with its A GENERAL VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. authority. Even when the Saxon Government orders the provision of Technical Schools, it still relies to the utmost upon local interest and local effort. Local interest and local effort are, however, seldom lacking in practical Saxony, in which little Kingdom each place studies, not an impossible ideal, but an immediate necessity ; and the industries mainly concerned in the matter are the parents and supporters, or the class they endow. Thus the Trade Schools (Handelsschulen) are very largely in the hands of merchants and the (differently named) manufacturers' associations. Of the sixty-one schools of this kind, fifty-five were established by such bodies ; five are in private hands, and six are Municipal institutions. Of forty-six Industrial Continuation Schools (a technical differentiation of Continuation Schools proper), thirty owe their existence to Trade and Industrial Associations ; one only is private, and fifteen are controlled municipally. But, on the other hand, most of the Higher Technical Schools, whether purely industrial or art industrial, are State institutions, for here larger outlays than private bodies could well be expected to incur are necessary, while many of the schools which encourage the rural-house industries could never have been called into existence, owing to the poverty of the population of the interested localities, had not the Government wisely taken the initiative. In parenthesis, and in this connection, one can hardly refrain from quoting the remark of Mr. Charles Moberly Bell, which fits Australia quite as appositely as it fits America "Americans," said the Chairman of the Eighteenth Ordinary Meeting of the Royal Society of Arts, England (dealing with a paper by Sir William H. Preece, K.C.B., F.R.S., on "Technical Education in America"), "Americans (and, inferentially Australians) had to think of what they would do with their money ; and, as they could not buy peerages in America, they endowed Schools with it." However, in Australia we have had generous benefactors, of whom Sir George Grey, Sir Samuel Wilson, John Henry Challis, Peter Nicol Russell, George Brookman, Sir J. Langdon Bonython, Hugh Dixson, and others stand prominently forth ; but of these, more anon. The Government in Saxony, by the way, has a scrupulous eye on the tremendous responsibilities to the community of the wealthy, and has rigorously adopted the principle of requiring Trade Societies and private individuals to do all that they should, and all that they can, to promote the cause of Technical Education. The Trade Schools of Saxony are established, as a matter of easily understood necessity, in the towns, and the merchants and manufacturers support these schools with marked liberality, as they know by pleasant and profitable experience their immense value. As Mr. W. H. Dawson is careful to point out, for easily understood reasons the Agricultural Schools in Saxony receive fairly liberal grants, while the Industrial Schools receive less, and the Trades Schools least of all. The last-mentioned are, of course, in the towns mainly, where also are the Industrial Technical Schools, which are generously aided by the Trade Guilds. In all cases the Government adopts a well" TECHNICAL EDUCATION. nigh Spartan supervision, in every case throwing the burden of support upon the industrial and commercial classes which benefit most from the institution of these Technical Educational Academies. The schocls of Saxony may be divided, approximately, into five principal groups or classes, viz. (i) the Higher Schools or Colleges ; (2) the Art and Art Industrial Schools ; (3) the Industrial Schools proper, with their adjuncts, the Industrial Continuation Schools; (4) the Commercial or Trade Schools ; and (5) the Agricultural Schools. It is the object of the Technical Colleges, in this advanced German kingdom, to afford the highest possible technical instruction (both theoretical and practical), and the State has, upon this account, undertaken the greater part of the cost of this branch of Saxony's educational system. At the head stands the Technical College of Dresden, founded as a Polytechnic School as long ago as 1828, and placed upon its present basis in 1871. It has five departments, devoted respectively to (a) Architecture, (b) Civil Engineering ; (c) Machine Construction and Electrical Engineering ; ( THE SYDNEY COLLEGE QUADRANGLE. From the Main Entrance, looking west towards the Jones-street eiid: Showing portion of workshop ran^e on left/ including the Wool-classing, the I'ntternniakintf .and Plumbing- Workshops, und the large Architectural Buildings forming the end of quadrangle with the Sanitary Engineering Lecture-room and Laboratory and the Erecting- Shop in front with College Plumbers' Workshop and Drainers' Examination Yard. [See plans.] 104 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The buildings are inadequate for the work to be done, and are unsuitable for later development. A portion of them has been condemned, and a plan for better and more modern accommodation is now being prepared. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Legislation of an intimate and exceptional character affecting the apprentice in this State has constituted the Technical College a portion of the machine for dealing with this very important individual. In a recent award of the Arbitration Court, the President delivered the following judgment in the matter of the dispute between the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Industrial Union of Employees, and the Iron Trade Employers' Association, Industrial Union of Employers : " Apprentices and Improvers. All boys shall be apprenticed for five years, either by verbal or written agreement, to learn one of the following trades: Fitter, turner, fitter and turner, smith, coppersmith, brass-finisher, or pattern-maker. Any such written agreement may provide for the transfer of the boy, if the master should be unable to provide him with continuous instruction, to some other employer or employers. A boy may be taken on proba- tion for not more than four months, and if he is apprenticed, such time of probation shall count as part of his five years. If facilities are provided at the Technical College, any boy apprenticed to a Sydney master engineer shall, during at least two years of his apprenticeship, attend on SYDNEY COLLEGE QUADRANGLE. From the Museum looking west, along Workshop Kange : Showing ]mrt of baek of Cookery Block, the Testing-machine room, Foundry, Fitting and Turning, and Blacksmiths' Workshops, and side of Chemistry building, with the Sanitary and Architectural buildings in distance. [See Plans.] THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 105 at least two nights in each week the classes of the said College in engineering or in the engineering trade to which he is apprenticed, the fees thereof to be paid by the employer ; that such boy shall not be admitted as journeyman unless he obtains certificates from the Technical College of having so attended. When a boy is out of his time he may, if he is not yet a competent tradesman, able to earn the minimum wage, work as an improver for not more than two years. During such two years he shall, if paid at time rates, be paid at a rate not less than is. per hour during the first year, and at a rate not exceeding is. ad. per hour during the second year. Every apprentice shall, at the end of his time, be given a certificate of service and competency by the employer in whose shop he has finished his time. " Duration of Award. This award shall come into operation on June igth, 1908, or on any subsequent date to which it may hereafter from time to time be postponed, by order of the Court, and shall continue in force for a period of three years thereafter." Industrial Disputes Act, Clause 7 (i) Awards, &c. "All awards, orders, and directions of the Court of Arbitration, and all industrial agree- ments, current and in force at the commencement of this Act, shall, until rescinded under this Act, be binding on the parties and on the employers and employees concerned (a) For the period fixed by the said Court, or by any such award, or order, or agreement ; or (b) Where no period is fixed, for one year from the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eight ; and the same may be enforced under the provisions of this Act." If this award is to have its due effect, and Clause 7 of the Industrial Disputes Act makes clear what has to be done, then the Technical Colleges will have to stand in very close relation to the apprentice. To meet this extra demand, and to provide for the large number of students previously waiting admission, extensive additions have just been made to the Mechanical Engineering workshops, supplying accommodation for another 100 students. The chief improvements consist of a commodious workshop and a large and well-furnished lecture-room. The equip- ment of the workshops generally, has kept pace with the growing popularity of the Depart- ment ; and to-day the various machines for class instruction are acknowledged to be the most modern and most suitable to be seen in the Commonwealth. The Syllabus includes instruc- tion in Mechanical Drawing, Applied Mechanics, Blacksmithing, Patternmaking, Boilermaking, Fitting and Turning, Ironfounding, Slide Rule, Motor-driving, Machine-erecting, the two last named having been introduced quite recently. Students are also practically instructed in the strength of materials, and the modes of testing structures and machinery, &c. Two machines are used for this purpose loo-ton, by Buckton & Co., Leeds; 50,000 lb., by Olsen, Philadelphia. There are classes in Mechanical Engineering in Newcastle, Goulburn, and Broken Hill The workshop in Broken Hill has recently been fitted up with valuable machinery and apparatus. io6 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. TECHNKViLCOliEqe ULTIMO : SYDNEY _J* Ui H J m m H ^noutTd FTorc M A R Y A N N 3 T f=? E E T ?00 DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION. This is among the most valuable sections of Technical College work. There are six courses of study, as follow : Sanitary Engineering. Course A. Practical Lighting, Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation. Course B. Water Supply, Sanitary Fittings and Drainage, Sewage and Refuse Disposal, on a small scale. Course C. Municipal Sanitation, Public Water Supply, Sewerage and Sewage Disposal, Disinfection, and Nuisance Prevention. Course D. Sanitary Engineering (Sanitary Inspector's course). Course E. Elementary Sanitary Engineering (Day Course). There are, in addition, Special Courses for Sanitary Law and for Meat Inspection. Practical, General, ami Sanitary Plumbing. This class is one of the most practical and, at the same time, one of the largest in the College. The work accomplished, both in regard to finish and utility, is acknowledged by master plumbers of the city and by experts from other States to be of the highest excellence. The course extends over a period of four years, and in addition there is a special advanced class THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 107 for journeymen plumbers and senior students qualifying for the license examination, and for the gold medal annually donated by the Water Supply and Sewerage Board, or qualifying for higher and special work. A practical testing course is held in the Experimental Workshops, but attendance is restricted to advanced students and those of the fourth year only. The importance and value of this Department are amply attested by the list of special prizes awarded annually by the Water and Sewerage Board, the Master Plumbers' Association, and others. There are classes for Plumbing in Newcastle, Goulburn, Maitland, Granville, and Bathurst. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND MINING. The buildings recently vacated by the students of Architecture are now occupied by the students of Geology, Mineralogy, and Mining. The full course of instruction extends over three years, and consists of lectures and practical classes. Field excursions for practical instruc- tion are held from time to time, on Saturdays and holidays. An Instructor in Mine Surveying has been added to the Central College Staff. Classes in Geology and Mining exist in Newcastle, Maitland, and the mining townships in the immediate neighbourhood, and in Broken Hill and Cobar. Well-organised classes in Coal-mining and Mine Surveying are in operation in the Coal Centres around the towns of Newcastle, Maitland, and Wollongong. Tirol' flopFt FTarz TECHNICAL EDUCATION. SCHOOL OF BOOTMAKING SCHOOL OK LEATHER DRESSING. The beginnings of Trade Continuation Schools in New South Wales have been laid, and success has followed the establishment of a School of Bootmaking at Erskineville. In this school are taught the various branches of the trade from the initial step to the finished article. The school is well equipped with most valuable machines, aggregating in value nearly 3,000. Negotiations are now complete for the establishment of a School of Leather Dressing in a central position in the city, and there is sufficient interest already to show that the tanners and their operatives will support it. TECHNICAL (PLLE.GE ULTIMO- SYDNEY 1909 1110 E: A movement to establish Trade Schools in the industrial suburbs of Sydney, such as Kedfern, Balmain, Newtown, Marrickville, has been started. In the suburb of Redfern a public meeting with this object in view has been held, and the question is receiving the close attention of the Mayor and Aldermen, supported by the various Mayors and Aldermen of adjacent boroughs and other public men. A public meeting has also been held in Balmain with the same object, but the unanimity existing in Redfern is not evident in Balmain, as there still remains a difference of opinion in the latter suburb regarding a site for such work. THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 109 MATHEMATICS. It is surprising how badly prepared in Mathematics the majority of candidates who present themselves at the Entrance Examinations are. The subject is one deserving the most careful attention on the part of our Primary and Secondary School Teachers. If boys are to succeed in the engineering world they must receive a good foundation in mathematical subjects. In the Technical Day School just established within the Technical College, which prepares boys for admission into the Engineering, Mining, or Architectural Departments later, eight hours every week are devoted to Mathematics. It is pleasing to note the large attendance of students in the Evening Classes for this work. The plan of having separate teachers for the Day and Evening Classes in Mathematics in the Sydney Technical College is giving the best results. PRINTING DEPARTMENT. The two classes under this Department Composing and Machining are very popular in the College. Unfortunately the work has to be carried on under difficulties in regard to accommodation. One of the earliest improvements to be made in the College buildings will be that of new rooms to take the place of the wooden structure which has been condemned. Additional classes for other branches of the Printing Trade are now in course of formation . LITHOGRAPHY, PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTO-ENGRAVING CLASSES. The classes in Lithography and Photography have been continued throughout the year 1908, and that of Photo-Engraving came into operation about the middle of the year. The course in Lithography covers two years ; that in Photography two years ; and that in Photo-Engraving three years. In the last class named the first year is devoted to Line and Half-tone Negative making by the Wet and Dry Plate Processes ; the second year to Printing and Line and Tone Etching ; in the third year to Tricolour and Isochromatic Work. CLASSES FOR RAIL-CARRIAGE BUILDING AND ROAD-CARRIAGE BUILDING. These two classes have each a two-years' course and they are in operation two nights in each week. A well attended class in the former branch is also held at the Granville Technical College. CLASS IN SADDLERY, &c. This class was instituted last year, and the students meet in the building of the School of Bootmaking, Erskineville. The course of instruction in Saddlery and Harness-making is specially adapted to impart to apprentices a thorough and practical insight of their work, a technical knowledge of the nature of the materials used, and practical demonstration of how to apply them to advantage in the manufacture of the various articles required. The class meets twice each week. THE DEPARTMENT OF SHEEP AND WOOL TRAINING. This great industry of the State is well represented in its largely attended Technical Classes. The applications in 1908 were so numerous that an additional building was rented to accommodate the increased attendance. The instruction given embraces most phases of the work connected with the industry. The classes have been extended to the country, and are well supported in Goulburn, Bathurst, Armidale, Tamworth, Scone, Moss Vale, Young, Dubbo. no TECHNICAL EDUCATION. A class for sheep-shearing machine experts came into existence at the beginning of the year just ended. It was formed for the purpose of preparing much-needed experts capable of driving steam and oil engines, erecting and repairing shearing machinery, and sharpening cutters. It promises to be a popular as well as useful class. TAILORS' CUTTING CLASS. Among the numerous Trade Classes conducted in the College during the year 1908, that of Tailoring has not been the least important or successful. The course of instruction is designed for persons desirous of learning the art of Tailors' Cutting. Instruction is divided into two courses Ordinary and Advanced both of which may be taken in the year ; but students must take the ordinary course before they are eligible to proceed with the advanced. Students are advised to take a course of Freehand Drawing and to attend the lectures on the anatomy of the human figure. Country and Suburban Colleges and Schools. BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE was one of the first to be established, under Mr. W. J. C. Ross, B.Sc., and it has been in existence since 1885, Mr. T. C. Dwyer, B.Sc., was appointed Resident Science Master in 1906. The classes were then poorly attended, but now the following subjects are taught : Chemistry (theoretical, practical, and agricultural); Geology; Mineralogy; Assaying ; Physics ; Mathematics ; Art, Elementary and Advanced ; Book-keeping ; Short- hand; Domestic Science ; Cookery; Laundry Work ; Carpentry; Joinery; Wood-carving and Wood-turning ; Plumbing ; and Wool-classing. The total enrolments last year were 777. The introduction of Wool-classing has met with considerable support, and the instruction is appreciated. The Class has met a long-felt want. A connecting link between the Public and other Schools by providing suitable courses of Science Lectures, instruction in Wood-working and Wool-classing has been made, which will serve as a feeder to the Technical Classes later on. The interest of the youths, and girls of the district has, therefore, received practical consideration. NEWCASTLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE is situated in the centre of a maritime, mining, and general industrial population. The residents, therefore, find employment in many channels. To meet the circumstances the range of subjects is an extensive one, and has been made suitable for the conditions which obtain. The classes in operation are : Chemistry (theoretical and practical), Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Assaying, Geology, Physics, Mathematics, Coal-mining, Mine Surveying, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical Drawing, Pattern-making, Boilermaking, Black- smithing, Fitting and Turning, Plumbing, Carpentry, Wood-carving, Wood-turning, Dress- making, Millinery, Book-keeping, Shorthand, French, German, and Art (elementary and ad- vanced). Pupils of the Public Schools attend the Workshops for instruction in Manual Training, and the elder girls are taught Cookery. THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 1 1 1 A Technical Continuation School has recently been established, which provides a special course of instruction for lads over 14 years of age, who intend following the trades connected with the engineering industry. Special facilities are offered for those engaged in Mining, whereby students can obtain the requisite knowledge to fit them for higher positions. The various classes are on the whole well patronised, but the limited accommodation prevents increased enrolment. In the surrounding district special classes are established, which are under the direction of the Resident Master. The total enrolments for the College and branch classes were 2,091. MAITLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE has been established for many years under the present Resident Master, Mr. Rollings. The classes in operation are : Freehand, Model, Geometrical, Perspective, Mechanical, and Trades Drawing ; Modelling and Advanced Art, Geology, Botany, Chemistry, Building Construction, Carpentry, Wood-turning and Wood-carving, Dressmaking, Cookery, Book-keeping, Shorthand, and Mathematics. For students resident in the outlying towns special classes have been arranged, and are conducted either by a member of the College Teaching Staff or by a Local Teacher. In this way the requirements of the district are met. The classes are well attended, and no less than 1,357 were enrolled during the year. For some years the need of a new building has been felt, and a tender for the erection of suitable premises of most modern design for all classes has been accepted. The attendance has fluctuated from year to year, but the support given to the Technical Classes has justified the expenditure of a large sum of money to provide and equip a Technical College. GOULBURN TECHNICAL COLLEGE is conducted in a fine building, and provides instruction in several scientific, art, mechanical, and commercial subjects. The requirements of an important .city like Goulburn are varied, as it is surrounded with various interests. There are the agricul- tural, commercial, and manufacturing industries to be considered, and provision made for those engaged in them. Whenever support is forthcoming, the Resident Master, Mr. Sach, has arranged for classes to meet the special needs of those desirous of instruction, hence the many classes which are in operation. The main building is set apart for teaching Chemistry (theoretical and practical), Assaying, Mineralogy, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Art (elementary and advanced), Mechanical Drawing, Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Domestic Science, Cookery, and -Laundry Work. Classes for Carpentry, Wood-turning, Carving, Trades Drawing, and Building Construction are held. A special building has been erected for teaching Wool-classing, and the Plumbing and Engineering Trades are housed in a separate building. Last year a Technical Continuation School was inaugurated, and at present is poorly attended. In country towns the enrolments fluctuate, but the support accorded to the College is good. ii2 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The enrolments last year reached 1,063, an( i when the building which is in progress for accommodating the Domestic Science Classes is ready for occupation the attendance will be increased. ALBURY TECHNICAL COLLEGE is under the direction of Mr. Wm. Powrie, and classes in Freehand, Model, Geometrical, Perspective, and Trades Drawing; Carpentry and Joinery, Wood-carving, Theoretical and Practical Chemistry are held each week. Manual Training Classes are also conducted for the elder pupils of the Public Schools. As far as practicable the requirements of the district are met, and classes are formed whenever sufficient support is forthcoming. Recently Agriculture has been added to the list of subjects, and it is intended to extend the usefulness of the College by providing other classes. The enrolments for all classes last year reached 206. For some time the prominent residents have been anxious to secure a new building, but at present the support given to the existing classes does not justify a large expenditure of public money. BROKEN HILL TECHNICAL COLLEGE has a large and efficient Staff of Lecturers and Teachers under the supervision of Mr. Jas. Forde, B.A., B.Sc. The building provides for scientific, indus- trial, and commercial classes, in which 1,109 students were enrolled. Special attention has been given to the local needs, consequently the provision made for giving instruction in Theoretical and Practical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Assaying, Metal- lurgy, Geology, Mining, Physics, Mathematics, and Mine Surveying is of the best, and students are enabled to secure a thorough scientific training, which will fit them for important positions connected with the mines. Freehand, Model, Geometrical, and Perspective Drawing are also taught, and to encourage the higher branches of Art, arrangements are made for suitable works to be periodically sent from the Art Gallery, Sydney. The industrial side is also provided for, and Motor-driving, Car- pentry and Joinery, Fitting and Turning Classes are in operation. Domestic Science, including Plain and Advanced Cookery and Laundry Work, also Dressmaking and Millinery, are taught. Thus ample opportunities are afforded to young people who desire to acquire the knowledge which is helpful in their respective callings. A most liberal equipment in the Engineering and Physics Department has recently been supplied. In regard to these branches of Technical Instruction, it will not be necessary now for Broken Hill students to go out of their own city. GRANVILLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE has been under the charge of Mr. J. B. Brown since its inception. Situated in an industrial centre, the needs of the people have been specially con- sidered. The classes have always received hearty support, and under the guidance of Mr. Brown a solid development has taken place each year. Most of the students are engaged in the engineer- ing and allied trades, consequently the subjects taught are those which bear on the respective industries scattered throughout the district. Classes for Mathematics, Geometrical, Perspective, Mechanical, Freehand, Model, &c., Drawing are attended by a large number of students, whilst the Trade Classes Carpentry, Plumbing, Carriage-building, and Boilermaking are equally well supported. Instruction in Agriculture has also been given for many years, and the class is a THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 113 popular one. Shorthand and Dressmaking are amongst the subjects, and Fitting and Turning and Blacksmithing have been recently added. There were 1,041 actual enrolments last year. A Technical Continuation School for lads over 14 years of age is in operation. COUNTRY AND SUBURBAN CLASSES. Out of an aggregate of about 800 classes for Technical Instruction in the State, with an enrolment of upwards of 18,000, there are 103 in the suburbs of Sydney and 435 in the country, with an enrolment respectively of 2,344 arR l 6,411. The classes connected with Public Schools, not included in the above, number 125, with an enrolment of 2,415. COUNTRY COOKERY CENTRES. The extension of Cookery Classes into the country has been gradual. There is con- siderable demand for this form of instruction, and at the present time fully twenty centres are asking for teachers. Classes for technical students and the senior girls of our Public Schools are established on the group system. In a few towns the Technical Classes have not received the support which should have been given ; the Public School Classes are generally well attended. The itinerant teacher of Cookery spent the latter portion of the year in estab- lishing classes on the Northern Rivers. She is now engaged in similar duties at Cooma and Queanbeyan. Permanent teachers will be appointed to these districts when available. The latest centres formed are Armidale Hillgrove and Glen Innes Tenterfield Emmaville. The Minister has recently approved of the following centres, and work has been commenced: Woonona Bulli Corrimal. Tamworth Manilla Quirindi. Singleton Murrurundi Muswellbrook. Orange Millthorpe Blayney. Forbes Parkes Molong. The teachers in each of these centres have been trained in the Central School of Domestic Science. Continuation Schools in Existence in New South Wales. The Hurlstone Agricultural Continuation School, which was started less than two years ago, has proved a success beyond expectation. The Goulburn Continuation School has been in operation but a few months. Its students are being trained for a life on the land, and the courses of instruction are accordingly in this direction. The Newcastle Continuation School has just been inaugurated. The Syllabus provides for a liberal preparation to accord with local industries. The Granville Continuation School, which has just received Ministerial approval, will serve a large industrial centre. The plans of the proposed New Technical College provide for commodious class-rooms and workshops. H ii 4 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The Technical Day School, established within the Central Technical College, is designed to prepare students for either the Engineering, Mining, or Architectural Courses in the College. It has started with an enrolment of over thirty, including holders of scholarships and bursars. English is a compulsory subject in all the Continuation Schools, Mathematics and Science receive considerable attention, and Drawing and Manual Training in wood and iron have an important place in the time-tables of the Schools with an industrial tendency. Brief Reference to Present Work and Conditions. PROPAGANDA WORK. DURING the year 1908 the Superintendent has lectured before the following bodies : The New South Wales Engineering Association, on the " Relation of the Technical College to the Appren- tice "; the Public School Teachers' Association, on the " Relation of the Technical College to the Teacher " ; the Mayor and Aldermen and Members of Parliament, Redfern, and adjoining municipalities, on the " Need for the establishment of Industrial Trade Schools in all the industrial metropolitan and country centres"; the Balmain-Rozelle Institute, on "Industrial Trade Schools " ; the residents of Tempe and Crow's Nest, on the " Question of Technical Classes in their Suburbs " ; the Granville residents, on the " Question of Industrial Continuation Schools " ; the Newcastle people, on " Industrial Continuation Schools " ; and before the employers and employees engaged in the tanning industry at Botany, Willoughby, and Granville, on the 'Advan- tages of a Central School of Leather Dressing." In the country districts the following towns have been visited and classes either formed, or the necessary preliminaries taken towards their formation, or existing classes inspected : Camden, Goulburn, Katoomba, Wyong, Tenterfield, Glen Innes, Inverell, Howell, Emmaville, Armidale, Tamworth, Newcastle, Helensburgh, Cooma, Bombala, Bega, Candelo, Pambula, Cobargo, Moruya, Milton, Nowra, Wollongong, Woonona, Corrimal, Bulli, Forbes, Parkes, Molong, Orange, Blayney, Millthorpe, Bathurst, Lithgow, Bowral, Dubbo, Gilgandra, Coonamble, Warren, Trangie, Narromine, Wellington. In the towns where no Technical Classes had hitherto been established the popular desire on the part of the town people was for Carpentry and Commercial Classes, Cookery and Dress- making, and .Millinery. In a few towns Art Classes have been established. In pastoral and agricultural districts there is a great demand for practical scientific knowledge in regard to the common operations of farming, and in that most vital matter to farmers, viz., first-aid treatment in the ailments of farm animals. The appointment of two travelling qualified lecturers one to make a tour through the farming districts to advise the farmer on modern methods of cultiva- tion, and the other to instruct him how to deal with the common ailments of his horses and cattle, would be hailed with delight by the man on the land. The work of both comes legiti- mately within the scope of Technical Education. A small effort has been made in this direction by sending out the College Lecturers in Agriculture during the holiday vacation. The response has been most satisfactory, and there is sufficient indication to warrant a much wider movement in this form of Technical Instruction TIIK PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 115 - - .- " . SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES. An Advisory Council, consisting of the College Lecturers, has been appointed in the Sydney Technical College to confer with the Superintendent on matters affecting the welfare of the Institution, but not its general policy. One of the most important questions dealt with was that of Scholarships and Bursaries. A scheme providing for the admission of pupils from schools in the most remote parts of the State, and for pupils in the various grades of Public Schools, including advanced pupils of the District and High Schools, to Technical Colleges and Schools, was approved by the Minister in the early part of the year. Examinations were held in June and December, but the response has not been great, owing, it is believed, to a want of knowledge on the part of the public as to the real significance of the movement. When fully availed of, the Scholarships and Bursaries will form an important link between the Primary Schools and the Technical Colleges. Scholarships and Bursaries for students already attending Technical Colleges and Schools, giving admission to more advanced Technical Classes, were also instituted, and a most liberal provision made enabling students to prosecute their studies in subjects selected for their life's work. The full text of the scheme is given in the latter half of the monograph. For some years it has been under consideration to recognise the services of the long and valued members of the Staff. The Minister has recently given his apprqval to the following important recommendations: 1. That the title of " Associate of the Sydney Technical College " be conferred upon any teacher or officer of the Technical Education Branch who has given twenty consecutive years' service in such capacity. 2. That the titic of " Fellow of the Sydney Technical College" be conferred upon any lecturer in charge of any Department, or Resident Master, or a Superior Officer, who has held such position under the Technical Education "Branch for at least twenty consecutive years. ? ' EXAMINATIONS. The system of term examinations recently introduced, at which the student's work, theoretical and practical, is judged by the Lecturers and Teachers, has been continued. The annual examination, now conducted in the main by outside examiners, was as usual held in the month of December, with the following results : Number of students examined ... ... ... 4,696 Number of passes ... ... ... ... ... 3, 112 Percentage of passes ... ... ... ... 66-2 The value of the College Certificate is now generally recognised, but it is surprising what a large percentage of students, either through indifference or want of confidence, fail to present themselves at the annual examination. Attendance is purely voluntary on their part, and the only way towards getting an improvement in this respect is by direct appeal on the part of Lecturers and Teachers, u6 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. MAIN BUILDING, TECHNICAL COLLEGE, FROM THE NORTH-WEST- FRONTAGE TO MARY ANN STREET. DAY CLASSES. The great bulk of the students attending the Sydney Technical College are enrolled in the Evening Classes. Nevertheless, there is a fair number of students attending Day Classes, the most important of which are : Ironfounding Mathematics Metallurgy ... Patternmaking Agriculture Architectural Drawing ... Art Drawing, Painting, and Modelling Applied Mechanics Blacksmithing ... Botany ... Carpentry Cookery and Domestic Science Chemistry, Practical Do Theoretical Dressmaking and Millinery Electrical Engineering English Fitting and Turning 18 21 4IO 32 22 13 8 4 222 92 82 I 7 8 21 31 99 Physics 13 267 13 13 114 Physiography 26 Plumbing ... Sanitary Engineering Wood Carving Wool-sorting and Machine Expert ing Wool Histology ... ... Total enrolled 12 9 45 57 25 1,9*4 TIIK PRKSENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 117 The number of individual students attending the Day Mechanical and Electrical Depart- ment is 44, and the newly established Technical Day School, 29. The enrolments for these sections are shown in the above statement. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' CLASSES. Following the introduction of the modern syllabus, with its tendency towards specialisa- tion, there came the necessity for special classes for Teachers. One of the first of these classes tc be formed up in the College was that of Manual Training, embracing instruction from the Kindergarten stage through the intermediate course, and ending with Woodwork. The instruc- tion in the earlier part of the course is given by a specialist in the Public School Service, and in the Woodwork by one of the College Teachers. A great impetus to the work is given by the sympathetic support extended to it by Senior Inspectors Parkinson and McLelland. THE LANTERN AS AN AID TO TEACHING. The lantern as a valuable aid to teaching is universally acknowledged. The College is well off in having some very valuable and superior lanterns, and has also a very fine bioscope. The Superintendent, in all his city, suburban, and close country engagements, has the benefit of these valuable aids, which are under the care of the College Lanternist and Operator a gentle- man whose work is of a superior character. His services are also freely given at the many lectures delivered under the auspices of the various Public School Teachers' Associations in the city. The College has a most valuable collection of lantern slides Colonial, British, and foreign which are fully appreciated by Public School Teachers in the city and in the country. PRIZE LIST. While the College cannot be credited with a single endowment, its prize list, though limited, is a meritorious one. A generous support in this regard is given by various trade asso- ciations, public bodies, city firms, and by individual citizens. This support is gratefully acknow- ledged in another part of this monograph. The prizes and medals presented are eagerly sought for by the students, providing as they do a healthy competition, an incentive to work, and an inducement to excel. THE STUDENTS' SOCIETY. It is not an easy matter, in an Institution like the Sydney Technical College, where the main body of the students attend Evening Classes, to organise much in the way of Sports. Up to the present, while one would be pleased to see a great Sports Union in the College, success has not as yet attended the efforts of those who know the value of well organised outdoor games. If there has been little success in this direction, it stands to the credit of the College that it has a very popular Literary Society, with an enrolment of some hundreds of students. This valuable adjunct to the College has just passed through a most satisfactory year, not the least important of its work being the admirable course of winter lectures delivered by prominent citizens. n8 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. CORNER OF LIBRARY. THE LIBRARY. The Library contains nearly 6,000 volumes largely technical and' scientific and also numerous journals and magazines. It is well patronised. THE STAFF. The Staff of the Technical Education Branch consists of the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Registrar, seven Resident Masters, ten Lecturers, two hundred and fifty-seven Teachers, two Librarians. The Administrative Department numbers twelve Clerks and Messengers, three Modellers, three Carpenters, two Plumbers, three Operators, eight Caretakers, one Night-watchman. The Staff of the Technological Museum consists of a Curator and Botanist, Assistant Curator and Chemist, Zoologist, Collector, two Clerks, two Carpenters, Printer, seven Attendants, Night-watchman. Total for the Branch, 328. With but very few exceptions, the members of the Staff have performed their duties zealously, conscientiously, and intelligently. THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Conclusions. A large proportion of the students in the Industrial Workshops throughout the State, more particularly those whose studies aim at a knowledge of Mechanical Engineering, attend for the express purpose of mastering only a few subjects. These students are, in the majority of cases, apprentices, who devote their evenings to courses of Theoretical Instruction at the Technical College, in order to qualify themselves for the status and accompanying remunera- tion of journeymen. There has, on this account, grown up in association with the Central College (which should, theoretically, constitute the Charlottenburg of our Technical Education System in New South Wales) a very important class of youthful workers and students who take only a limited course supplement- ary to the practical application of their handicraft. In connection with this entirely unavoidable utilisation of the resources of our Central College, it has been rather captiously stated that the Institution undertook far too much elementary work, and far too little of the work of higher training in the more advanced branches of Technology. Some critics of the College have gone even so far as denunciation of the Institution as an educational entity, asserting that there were too many students in single-course subjects, and too few undergoing instructional training which would enable them to take their place in th? great public life of the nation as " Captains of Industry." There is, of course, a certain amount of truth in this state- ment ; but existing conditions at the Central College are capable of a very satisfactory, albeit not a very satisfying explanation. Technical education in New South Wales is in its infancy. It is only in its initial stages of systematisation. It is a growth, not of prevision, but of expediency. Like our thorough- fares, which have followed mainly the tracks of the bullock drays of the early settlers, Technical Education in the metropolis has developed haphazardly with the unsophisticated development of the city itself. Under the necessary exigencies of the case, it has been centralised at the Ultimo Institute. Under the Board of Education and the Department of Public Instruction, encouragement has been given, for a period of thirty years and more, to youths attending GEORGE HOOPER, Assistant Superintendent. 120 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Evening Classes which dealt with the subjects which had a direct bearing upon the art, craft, trade, or calling they purposed following for the attainment of a livelihood. Outside the Central College no provision for this type of student was even as much as visionarily entertained. Moreover, until recently, the practice of admitting such students has never been questioned. It may be reasonably indeed, unquestionably conceded that the student of the class just referred to has no real place in a Technical College of the highest grade ; but he has, hitherto, been deprived of all choice in the matter. His true seminary is a Continuation School, or a Trade School, but Continuation and Trade Schools in New South Wales are non-existent. Until Continuation, Trade, and Technical High Schools are created, the Technical College is, in all duty, bound to receive the student anxious to obtain such Technical Instruction as will better fit him for the calling he has selected as a means of earning a livelihood. We are to-day face to face with the problem of carrying forward the education of the child after the completion of the Elementary Day School course. It is a problem new to Australia, for we have permitted education as a practical science to take a very large measure of care of itself. In Great Britain (particularly in England and Scotland), on the Continent of Europe, in the United States, and in the great Dominion of Canada it is, however, being practically and determinedly con- sidered. In Germany, more than in any other civilised country, the problem is dealt with in a manner as complete as it is efficient. In the first section of this monograph the legislation affecting compulsory attendance, particularly in Saxony and in Prussia, has been very fully detailed. In England, a country which, unlike Germany, has no national system of education, special pains are taken by educational enthusiasts to ensure the obtaining of instruction by children who have finished the Elementary Day School course. M. E. Sadler (vide " Continuation Schools in England and Elsewhere ") has a very interesting note on this subject in connection with the Evening Schools of Rochdale, a cotton and woollen manufacturing and engineering centre of about 85,000 inhabitants. In this town especial pains have been taken to encourage attendance at the Evening Schools, which are so arranged as to form a link between the Elementary Day Schools and the Technical School. The courses are scheduled in three grades and three sections, namely : (i) Commercial; (2) Industrial ; (3) and Domestic. The Elemen- tary Industrial Course prepares for a more advanced scheme of tuition which is called the " First Year's Technical Course," and for Trade Classes which are held in the Central and Technical Schools. The Elementary Commercial Course is followed by Intermediate and Advanced Courses held in the Central School. The Secretary of the Education Committee (Mr. J. E. Holden) sends a copy of the following circular to every boy and girl leaving the Public Elementary School : " COUNTY BOROUGH OF ROCHDALE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. " The members of the above Committee very earnestly invite you, and all the scholars who have recently left the Day School, to attend an Evening School during the Session commencing Monday, September , 19 , " Your education only begins in the Day School. To be really valuable it must still be continued for several years. THH PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 121 " Your future position depends almost entirely upon it and upon the use you make of the next few years of your life. " Education courses, which begin in the Evening Schools and end in the Technical School, have been arranged, and these courses aim at preparing students for positions in both workshops and offices. " One of these courses will suit you, but it is essential that you should begin at once, before the knowledge gained in the Day School is lost. A few years' delay means that you may spend part of your manhood re-doing the work of your childhood. " The accompanying prospectus supplies you with particulars of the Schools, the Teachers, and the Subjects taught, and any further information will readily be supplied cither at the Evening Schools or at this Office. " The fee must be paid in advance, either in one payment or by such weekly instal- ments as you may privately arrange with the Head Teacher. " Scholarships and Prizes are offered for competition, and the students of all Schools are eligible to compete; by their means an efficient student should be able to secure a good education free of cost. " J. E. HOLDEN, " Secretary of the Committee." " Education Office, Baillie-street, September, 19 ." Another circular is sent to the Superintendent of Sunday Schools, which in Rochdale, as elsewhere in Lancashire, play an important part in the educational lite of the town. It is pointed out how important it is that young people who are free from Day School attendance and new to industrial life should be well employed in the evening. Sunday Schools retain most of these young people long after their names have been removed from the Day School Registers. The Education Committee, therefore, invite the co-operation of the Sunday School authorities in securing a good attendance at the Evening Schools. The importance of similar Continuation Schools, and the necessity for their establishment in New South Wales in general, and particularly in Sydney, are matters which have already engaged the attention of the Superintendent of Technical Education, and several schools are now in existence which have for their object the preparation and direction of a knowledge of, and a training in, the art and science of Agriculture and in the Mechanical Trades. The begin- nings in this departure are, however, on a somewhat restricted scale, and it is matter for astonish- ment that parents in general are but little interested in these schools, notwithstanding the fact that a liberal scheme of scholarships is set forth. Not only great ignorance, but absolute apathy is shown to this side of specialised education. Parents, indeed, require a continuous education in their own duties to their children, and in the significance and importance to the rising genera- tion, the fathers and the mothers of the future, of Continuation, Trade, and Higher Technical Schools. In co-ordination with Continuation Schools, Trade Schools should constitute part of a general scheme of Technical Education in every civilised community. In every suburb of the Metropolis, and in every considerable industrial centre, both types of such schools should be 122 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. established. In the chain of progressive industrial education next comes the Technical High School, an instructional institution which holds so high a place in seminarial esteem in the cities of Canada and the United States, but which has not yet been founded in this Australian Con- tinent. Sydney must possess such academies, for they are so important and so essential to Secondary Education that their introduction cannot much longer be delayed. These three types of Educational Institutions, when completely and efficiently established, should absorb the educative energies of a vast number of the youths who are now to be found pursuing their technical studies in the Workshops and the Class-rooms of the Central College. Indeed, their inauguration is the great question which confronts practical educationists in Australia, and there is none deserving more earnest consideration. At this point, however, there arises a difficulty. The foundation and extension of such schools would entail a considerable expenditure of money in buildings, equipment, and apparatus, and New South Wales has not yet possessed a Government prepared to vote sufficient funds to realise so magnificent a scheme, and no private philanthropist has yet arisen to emulate the educational munificence of many American and Canadian citizens in a similar direction in this country. In New Zealand, on the contrary, exists a most liberal system of scholarships which give admission into Technical Day Schools ; South Australia has a well-attended Preparatory Seminary in connection with its School of Mines and Industry; and Melbourne, through the munificence of one of that-city's public men, has recently added another Technical College to those already existing in the capital of the neighbouring State ; but to the Sydney Technical College there has been not a single bequest or a timely donation. Throughout the civilised world America is known widely for the great private endowments of its citizens to Trades and other Technical Schools and Colleges. In England again, Manchester is a zealous centre in the cause of education; and in that highly progressive city has been formulated a comprehensive scheme of Technical Instruction, which embraces completely the varied needs of its population, and provides for the total complexity of interests in this great commercial and industrial plexus. As previously detailed in the first section of this monograph, Manchester arranges its work in Technical Education in three great divisions, namely: (i) The Continuation School Grade, for students between the ages of 14 and 16 years; (2) the Lower Technical School, for those between 16 and 18; and (3) the Higher Grades of Technology for adults. In the year 1907, the enrolment in the first and secondary grades (which may be said to cover the period of adolescence) was 17,000. Such wonderful results, and such grandly successful organisation are quite intelligible when it is understood that the city of Manchester can draw on a working vote for educational purposes amounting to 800,000 per annum. The City of Sydney, and the other large centres of population in New South Wales, would soon be provided with Continuation Schools, and the complete scheme of Schools of Technical Instruction, if the Government of the State, or some wealthy private citizen, placed to the credit of the College 100,000 to carry out a similar educational programme. But until a sufficient amount is forthcoming, the best use must be made of the existing buildings, resources, and conditions. Continuation Schools would, of course, necessitate compulsory attendance. Sadler points out that in the autumn of 1903 the Manchester Education Committee took steps to ascertain THE PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 123 what proportion of the students in the different Evening Schools of that city had joined the Evening Classes immediately after completing their course in the Elementary Day School. It proved that, out of 6,714 students present in the Evening Schools on November i6th, nearly one-half (48 per cent.) had allowed a gap of one or more years to intervene between the close of their Day School Course and the beginning of their attendance at Evening Classes. The Com- mittee further asked the teachers in the Evening Schools to report whether they found that the students who entered the Evening Classes after such an interval had lost an appreciable amount of the knowledge which they had gained in the Day School. There was a striking consensus of opinion among the teachers that the loss was great. One teacher reported that, " Scholars who were in the Sixth Standard of the Day School are not able on returning to the Evening School after a year's absence, to do the work of Standard Third or Fourth." Another replied that he had " found among the adult pupils who had left the Day School many years before, men who, though they had been in Standards Fourth or Fifth in the Day School, had completely forgotten the methods of Simple Division." Another reported that " the work of a girl who allows twelve months to elapse before joining the Evening School, has greatly deteriorated, and it takes her a long time to regain what she has lost." Another said that " girls who had passed Standard Fifth or Sixth before leaving the Day Schools, are unable, after two or three years' absence, to do the work of Standards Third and Fourth, and are careless and inaccurate, especially in writing." The experience of the teachers in the Manchester Evening Schools is confirmed by that of teachers in other parts of England. And it must be remembered that only a small proportion of the children who go through the Day School Course ever come to the Evening School, even after an interval. Nor is the mere forgetting of much that they had learnt in the Day School the worst feature of the case. What matters much more is their loss of intellectual discipline and of the habit of regular learning during adolescence. The history of education in England has been partly traversed by that of New South Wales. In the Motherland the first period extends from the rise of the modern Sunday School movement, about 1780, to the first Parliamentary vote "for the purposes of education," in 1833. It covers the chief phases of the Industrial Revolution and the struggle for political reform. The main influences which were at work in " Further Education " at this period were religious and political. The religious revival of the Eighteenth Century, expressing itself in the Wesleyan, the Evangelical, and other movements, led many men and women to devote themselves to the task of relieving the spiritual wants of the poor, and of teaching them to read, in order that they might study the Bible. The political movement produced a strong desire for the intellectual enlightenment of the masses. It ran in two main currents. One was individualist and radical, the other collectivist and authoritarian. On the educational side of the first the chief names are those of Jeremy Bentham, Brougham, and Francis Place. On the educational side of the second, the great figure is Robert Owen. Both groups drew part of their inspiration from France. The individualist group was greatly influenced through Adam Smith's " Wealth of Nations " (which strongly urged the wisdom of giving the Elementary Education to the whole people), by Turgot and the Physiocrats. The other group, and especially Robert Owen, drew heir educational ideas, in great measure, from Helvetius. Apart from the work of these two i2 4 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. groups there was great educational activity on the part of earnest Nonconformists (notably William Allen and other members of the Society of Friends) and, on a larger scale, on the part of the Church of England. The educational labours of the latter call for special recognition. Though partly of a self- protective nature, they drew their real power from religious conviction and benevolent regard for the poor. These various movements though divergent in many of their principles, were at one in providing means of Elementary Education for the poorer classes. Through the lack of Day Schools, and the long hours of child labour, much of the instruction thus provided was given in the evening. In this connection,. M. E. Sadler, writes: " Night Schools first received pecuniary aid from the Government in 1851. But from the first beginnings from what is now the Board of Education's work, the Govern- ment Inspectors watched their progress in different parts of the country. The Committee of Council on Education was established in 1839, and in the Department's first report (1839-40) Mr. Tremenheere, in his report on the state of Elementary Education in the mining district of South Wales, stated that the number of adults attending Evening Schools was about ninety. In the mining districts of Durham and Northumberland, Mr. John Allen found (1840) that almost all the ' Common Day Schools ' conducted by masters for private profit, and attended by boys and girls, were also opened during the winter between the hours of seven and nine ' for the instruction of pitmen and others not able to attend during the day.' Mr. Allen adds ' that the owners of collieries are, in most cases, willing to provide their labourers with a room which may be used as a Day and Night School during the week, and on Sunday is opened to one or two sects, and in some instances three, in succession, for the purposes of public worship.' The Rev. Baptist Noel reported in 1840, evidently quoting in part from the reports of the Man- chester Statistical Society, the following attendance at Evening Schools in five large towns: Birmingham (1838), 563; Manchester (1834), I >458; Liverpool (1836), 548; Salford (1835), 5 2 ; arR l Bury (1835), 151. He speaks of Evening Schools as useful to young persons whose early education has been neglected, and who want to learn the three ' R's,' but adds that ' the Evening School which only affords instruction for four hours in the week, and that when the scholars are jaded with twelve or thirteen hours of toil, cannot educate those who attend it.' " In 1844 the Rev. F. C. Cook reports that Mr. Geary, a manufacturer in Norwich, " allows no youth to attend his factory who is unable to read, and compels their attendance at an Evening School until they arrive at years of maturity." It is a great pity that the employers of youthful labour in New South Wales have not a similarly keen sense of individual responsibility in this connection. But we must not neglect a mention of a fine educational agency in our midst which owed its initiation to the efforts of Sir George Williams, and which, in Sydney, has a warm friend and consistent patron in Sir James Fairfax of the Sydney Morning Herald, namely, the Young Men's Christian Association. The American branch of this great Society (founded in 1851) has developed educational classes for both General and Technical Education much more extensively than, with few exceptions, has been the case in the United Kingdom. Mr. Hodder Williams writes : THK PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 125 "It may be predicted with confidence that future years will find the educational work of the Association organised and maintained with greater efficiency than at present. It is true that at the time of writing, this department is lacking in signs of immediate growth. This is largely owing to the fact that members have been discouraged by seeing the educational work of the Association in Great Britain brought into competition with the Evening Classes established by the Educational authorities. There are, how- ever, not wanting signs that the Association is beginning to realise that a wide field is open to-day for the provision of specialised forms of instruction designed to fit journeymen for the profession or business in which they are engaged. That there are great possi bilities of successful work in this direction has been demonstrated in recent years by the Central Association, which, by making provision for the training of young men for the Civil Service, and preparing candidates for the examinations of the Bankers' Institute, and of the London Chamber of Commerce, has secured for this Department a degree of prosperity far exceeding that obtained when the curriculum was confined to ordinary commercial subjects." It is only just that this acknowledgment should be made to a very great Association, the influence of which in Sydney has unvaryingly been for the good of the youth of the city. In America a further development of the work of the Y.M.C.A. has been the establishment of boys' sections in connection with some of the larger branches. These endeavour to meet the special needs of boys between the ages of thirteen and seventeen years. There is little doubt, as Sadler eloquently points out, that Evening Classes, and other forms of popular adult education in England, have encouraged the habit, and have helped in training the power of voluntary organisation a stimulus wofully lacking in Australia and especially lacking in New South Wales, save in a few isolated cases. For fifty years the Evening Schools in .England were, without exception, independent of subsidy from the State ; and to this day the majority of them receive no aid from public funds. By the help of Evening Classes in the Old Country thousands of vigorous minds have repaired the defects due to the lack of early training. The work done in such institutions has steadied the judgment and kindled the imagination of many who have afterwards become leaders of opinion in their district or trade. Such classes have trained some of the leaders of the industrial and commercial move- ment which gave Britain a leading place in the markets of the world. They were the chief channels through which a knowledge of physical science was diffused among the industrial classes. In England, in Scotland, and in Wales, they have had their characteristic, and often separate, development. But each branch of the movement has in turn exerted decisive influence upon the others. Thus, the varied means of " Further Education " for the people have rendered signal service to the intellectual, moral, and economic interests of the whole of the United Kingdom. But, on the other hand, as Sadler is careful to point out, these Evening Classes have been in some respects little else but a makeshift for what should have been done in Elementary Day Schools. In England, conflicting (though dimly formulated) social ideals long prevented a comprehensive organisation of public education by means of the authority of the State. Much 126 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. that was attempted in Evening Schools would, Sadler shrewdly insists, have been better done by a well-planned system of Day Schools, or by Day Classes, dovetailed into the practical duties of apprenticeship. Through the lack of a sound foundation of Elementary Knowledge in the minds of many of the pupils, the work of the Evening Classes has often been wanting in thorough- ness of intellectual discipline. Their efficiency has suffered from insufficient funds. Not having behind them the pressure of legal compulsion, or such steady force of public opinion as renders legal compulsion unnecessary, they have left untouched large sections of the community, some of which especially need long-sustained and well-directed care. They have offered excellent opportunities to those with enough force of character and physical vigour to fight their way through difficulties to positions of responsibility or of leadership. But they have in great measure failed to touch the less strenuous or the idle. Thus alike in their excellence and in their defects, the Evening Classes have borne the characteristic features of English Educational organi- sation. Free in their development, vigorous in some of their achievements, and often well adapted to the requirements of the persevering and the strong, they have been unsystematic in arrangement, weakened by defects in the early training of their pupils, and, from a national point of view, insufficiently adjusted to the needs of the rank and file, especially during the critical years which lie between boyhood and manhood. How different is the German method, with its keen distrust of individual effort and its insistence upon system ! Sadler becomes enthu- siastic in his commendation of the compulsory methods of the Teuton. He writes : " The German Empire comprises twenty-five States and the Reichsland of Alsace- Lorraine. In twenty-one out of these twenty-six constituent parts of the Empire, attendance at Continuation Schools is now compulsory for the whole or part of the younger population during a period of time (which varies in length in different districts) immediately following the conclusion of the Elementary Day School Course. The five States in which attendance at Continuation Schools still remains wholly voluntary contain only one forty-sixth part of the population of the Empire. Broadly speaking, Germany has within the last thirty years declared herself decisively in favour of extending the educational care of the community over the individual during the critical years of adoles- cence. The idea of collective responsibility for individual welfare has grown in power. Step by step the authority of the State has advanced. The principle of compulsion has been pushed beyond the somewhat narrow limits of the Elementary School (6-14) into the period of adolescence, during which (as is justly contended) there is no less need of educational direction and care. In bringing about this extension of the compulsory principle economic interests have combined with moral consideration. The view that Technical Training, following upon a good General Education, has become indispensable to the industrial and commercial success of a nation commands the unreserved assent of the German people. In no other country is this principle more consistently applied. And, therefore, as soon as it was realised that modern conditions of Industry and Com- merce threatened to deprive young people of the educational care which was formerly provided through apprenticeship, the idea of compulsory attendance at suitable Con- tinuation Schools rapidly grew in favour among the workpeople, and, though more THH PRESENT STATE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 127 slowly, among the mass of employers also. But it was not to economic interests alone that the growth of this opinion was due. Moral considerations support it. Fears were felt that the moral welfare of the nation would suffer if no measures were taken to counteract the deteriorating influences of town and city life during the first years of a youth's freedom from the discipline of Day School life. The idea of extending the principle of compulsion was not uncongenial to the habit of mind induced by familiarity with the enforcement of discipline by the State, through compulsory military service. Nor was there practical difficulty in enabling the local educational authorities to keep themselves informed of the whereabouts of all the young people who had already passed through the Elementary Schools. For reasons of military organisation, the administrative machinery necessary for the supervision of every male adult member of the community was ready to hand ; and obedience to Constituted Authority was habitual in all classes. The foundation of the system lies in the fact that in Germany the individual citizen is made to feel in a way unknown in England his personal duty towards the organised State." Sadler points out that it is quite admitted that there is a bad as well as a good side to this form of national organisation, and that such is admitted even by those who heartily endorse the German system. But the latter, nevertheless, contend that discipline enforced by authority is necessary to the strength and perhaps to the existence of the nation. And it is further argued that within the framework of sternly-enforced national organisation there is secured for the individual a measure of economic and moral freedom which is denied to many of the victims of competition in a more individualistic society. In any case, the observer can but record the fact that the principle of compulsory attendance at Continuation Schools, which is but the logical development of compulsory attendance at the Elementary School, meets with the approval of the great majority of the German people. The work of Continuation Schools for boys is increasingly of a Technical Character, and bears directly upon the industrial occupations of the pupils. By the Imperial Industrial Law of June ist, 1891 (as amended, June 3oth, 1900), employers of labour are obliged to grant to their apprentices and other workers (including all male persons, and female clerks and female apprentices] who are under 18 years of age the necessary time for such attendance at Continuation Classes as required by the local authority of the district. The arrangement of Continuation Classes in the day-time is rapidly becoming general where the exigencies of the trade allow. The Decree of the Minister of Industry and Commerce (of August 2oth, 1904) sternly discourages Continuation Classes on Sunday, and the practice of requiring attendance at any time after 8 p.m. on a week-day. Classes are only permitted on Sundays (when allowed at all on that day) at hours which do not interfere with attendance at Divine Service. The movement for compulsory attendance at Continuation Schools is by no means exclu- sively confined to the towns. But, as might be expected, it is in industrial and commercial centres that the recent developments have been most striking. The organisation of Continuation Schools effected in the city of Munich by Stadtschulrat Dr. Georg Kerschensteiner (whose writings 128 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. on the subject have had widespread influence in Germany and elsewhere) calls for special mention, as combining in an exceptionally high degree care for artistic and Technical Training, with regard for liberal culture and for the duties of citizenship. The question of compulsory attendance is one which Australia will be compelled to face, and this monograph may have occasion to revert to it in as far as it affects the industrial con- ditions of our own State. Already Great Britain is following Germany's lead. The London County Council the other day originated a Bill making School attendance compulsory in the Elementary or Primary General Schools up to the age of 15 (an advance of one year on the old requirement) ; and half-time attendance up to the age of 18 in a Continuation School. For the sake of the large future which the children of Australia will be called upon to exploit, it may be quite imperative for us also to initiate a similar educational system. MAIN ENTRANCE TO COLLEGE. I 2Q Part IV. The Future View of Technical Education in New South Wales. THE future greatness of Australia is a fact beyond question. The youngest of all the settled lands of the earth, it is also geologically the oldest. It was fortunate in these particulars, inasmuch as seismic convulsion had spent itself in this Great Southern Land millennial ages before the last glacial epoch passed away to make room for the Old Stone Age in Europe ; and it was kept inviolate through all the ages untrodden by the foot of man save by some wretched Dravidian wanderers from the Indian Dekkan, who brought with them the boomerang and their tribal rites, but no civilisation worthy the name. Unwarlike and uncultured, their conquest was simple and bloodless. Hence, occupation by a highly civilised white Aryan race was accomplished at an opportune moment on what was practically a virgin soil. The entrance of Australia into the realm of history was coeval also with Great Britain's complete empire of the sea, at a time when steam and machinery were in the very matrix of an epoch-making birth, when the world was passing through a momentous stage of transition into modern being, and the conditions of our present civilisation were fluctuant and formative. An inspired finger seems to have directed the newcomers to an ideal port of anchorage that Harbour of Port Jackson, which ranks with Naples and with Rio in beauty, but above them in utility, and which Phillip declared to be the finest in the world. The future of Sydney is one of inevitable greatness. Fate has decided that question by virtue of Sydney's absolutely perfect position. There is no modern city in the world similarly planted for illimitable develop- ment along the commanding heights of a hundred coves and landlocked arms of the extrusive waters. Whatever the future political status of Sydney may be Time alone can determine ; but the magnitude and splendour of its commercial and industrial future need not be even momentarily questioned. If not the Rome, it may be the Athens of a coming mighty Southern Empire, great in Science, Philosophy, Art and the Beauty of Life, as well as supreme in the agencies of production and distribution throughout our Pacific Hemisphere. That it is destined to Antipodean supereminence as the London, the New York, the Glasgow, or the Manchester of a distant day, the Woolwich, the Pittsburg, the Essen, or Le Creusot of a new era, appears to be as certain as the decrees of Fate itself. Sydney may achieve the proud position of being also the Paris or the Vienna of the pleasure-makers and beauty-worshippers of generations yet unborn. There is certainly no Australian city more advantageously situated. The dawning glories of our Commonwealth, our State, and our State's splendid metropolis, can only faintly be visioned to the imaginative eye of the enthusiastic patriot, but inadequate though that previsioning may be, it is nevertheless sufficient for a partial forecast of the growing day. We know by personal experience and by actual observation something of the natural condition of countries both in the Old World and the New, and that experience and that observation I i 3 o TECHNICAL EDUCATION. has been illuminated by the searchlight of history ; and we can arrive at a conclusion no other than that our land and its future are a goodly heritage. In the eloquent words of John Farrell a poet who nobly voiced the aspirations of this young Commonwealth : O Radiant Land ! o'er whom the Sun's first dawning Fell brightest when God said " Let there be Light" ; O'er whom the day hung out its bluest awning Whitening to wondrous deeps of stars by night O Land exultant ! on whose brow reposes A queenlier coronal than has been wrought From light of pearls and bloom of Eastern roses In all the workshops of high Poet-thought ! O thou who hast, thy splendid hair entwining, A toil-won wreath where are no blood-splashed bays, Who standest in a stainless vestment shining Before the eyes and lips of love and praise O wrought of old in Orient clime and sunny, With all His richest bounties graced and decked; Thy heart all virgin gold, thy breath all honey, Supremest work of greatest Architect ! O Land of widest hope, of promise boundless, Why wert thou hidden in a dark, strange sea To wait through ages, fruitless, scentless, soundless, Till from thy slumber men should waken thee? Why did'st thou lie, with ear that never hearkened The sounds without, the cries of strife and play, Like some sweet child within a chamber darkened Left sleeping far into a troubled day? What opiate sealed thine eyes while all the others Grew tired and faint in East and West and North; Why did'st thou dream until thy joyful brothers Found where thou wast, and led thee smiling forth? Why did'st thou mask the happy face thou wearest? Why wert thou veiled from all the eager eyes? Why left so long, O first of lands and fairest, Beneath the tent of unconjectured skies? We know thy secret. In the awful ages When there was silence and the world was white, Ere yet on the recording volume's pages The stern-browed Angel had begun to write; Ere yet from Eden the sad feet had wandered Or yet was sin or any spilth of blood, August in judgment, God the Father pondered Upon His work, and saw that it was good THE FUTURE VIEW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 131 The Sovereign of suns and stars, the thunder Of whose dread Power we cannot understand, Sate throned and musing on the shining wonder Of this new world within His hollowed hand, With high sad eyes, like one that saw a vision And spake " Lo ! this My gift is fair to see, But Pride will mar the glory, and derision Of many feet that will not follow Me. " I give my creatures shields of hope and warning; I set in fruitful ways of peace their first ; But even these will turn from Me, and scorning My counsel, hearken to the Voice Accurst ; And sin, and pain, and death will make invasion Of this abode, and from a world undone To Heaven will sound the moans of expiation They wring from Him, My well-beloved Son. " And yet again will they, with eyes unheeding His sacrifice, uplift their guilty hands Against their brethren, and with rage exceeding And lust, and vengeance, desolate the lands. But this one land," so mused He, the Creator, " This will I bless and hide from all the woe, That worthier among men, in ages later May find it pure, and, haply, hold it so." Then, sweet Australia, fell a benediction Of sleep upon thee, where no wandering breath ; Might come to tell thee of the loud affliction Of cursing tongues and clamouring hosts of death ; And with the peace of His great love around thee, And rest that clashing ages could not break, Strong-sighted eyes of English seekers found thee, Strong English voices cried to thee " Awake ! " For them a continent undreamed of, peerless, A realm for happier sons of theirs to be, One land preserved unspotted, bloodless, tearless, Beyond the rim of an enchanted sea, Lay folded in the soft, compelling languor Of warm south airs, like an awaiting bride, While strife, and hate, and culminating anger Raged through the far-off nations battle-dyed. i 3 2 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Here were no dreadful vestiges imprinted With evil messages and brands of Cain, No mounds of death or walls of refuge dinted With signs that Christ had lived and died in vain; No chill memorials here proclaimed the story Of kingships stricken for and murders done ; Here was a marvel and a separate glory, One land whose history had not begun ! One unsown garden, fenced by sea-crags sterile, Whose iron breasts flung back the thundering waves, From all the years of fierce unrest and peril, And slaves, and lords, and broken blades, and graves ; One gracious freehold for the free, where only Soft dusky feet fell, reaching not thy sleep ; One field inviolate, untroubled, lonely, Across the dread of the uncharted deep ! O dear and fair ! awakened from thy sleeping So late ! The world is breaking into noon ; The eyes that all the morn were dim with weeping Smile through the tears that will cease dropping soon ! Thine have no tears in them for olden sorrow, Thou hast no heart-ache for a ruined past ; From bright to-day to many a bright to-morrow Shall be thy way, O first of lands and last ! There can be no wonder that the poet felt a fine and glowing enthusiasm for his country, and that the patriot in his nature throbbed with a splendid pride, for few of Sydney's publicists were better informed or more widely experienced in the resources of Australia, and particularly those of New South Wales, than John Farrell. He knew, as we all know, that the natural, and practically unexploited, wealth of our own State alone is something truly marvellous, that our climate is without a peer in the latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, that our death-rate is the lowest known to the world's statisticians, that robust health and long life are the guerdon of the poorest of our citizens, and that we have all the requisites physical, climatic, productive, and geological for the mental, moral, and physiological culture of a race of virile intellectual athletes in short, the Australians have an opportunity, such as given to no other nation among earth's children, of realising the grand Greek ideal of the perfect mind in the perfect body. A great factor in the possible attainment of this ideal is to be found in the determination of the people, the democracy, to keep the Australian race pure and undefiled British mainly, but, at any rate, white Caucasian of the highest type. This very question of racial purity is one of the responsibilities involved in the vastness and value of our great destiny, and the spacious future we may reasonably expect from the largeness of our splendid heritage, which imposes upon us other and equally onerous responsibilities, the foremost and most outstanding among them being the education of our children and of our skilled workers. THE FUTURE VIEW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 133 We have awakened to the vital necessity of a sound system of Primary Education only within the past few years an awakening which has happily resulted in a complete reorganisation of the outworn and obsolete methods of instruction which obtained in a former day. To this reorganised system, a large sum of money, approaching to nearly a million pounds sterling per annum, is devoted ; but with Primary Education the financial support of the State may be said practically to cease, this munificent expenditure leaving the pupil at a stage in his instruc- tional progress, at which, in the other countries of the world, his real seminarial course is con- sidered to be only beginning ; for elsewhere the Elementary School is properly and necessarily recognised as totally inefficient in the preparation of the youth for his or her selected life calling. It has been sufficiently shown, and reiterated, in former portions of this monograph that such Old-World countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland (and even reactionary Russia) ; and such New World nations as the North American Federated United States and the Dominion of Canada (the newly-born modern power of Asiatic Japan must not be forgotten) ; together with various other European peoples in the van of civilised human progress hold as an article of educational faith the vital tenet that the age of 14 or 15 years is the starting point for a seminarial course intended to fit the youthful student to take his or her place as a national asset in the spacious arena which makes for national greatness and national efficiency in commerce, in industry, and in every type of national achievement. Moreover, there is no country in the world with any pretension to even the most imperfectly advanced form of civilisation (Portugal, to wit), which does not essay in some fashion to create a method, however faulty, of continuing the work of the education of their children through the adolescent period to within an appreciable approach to maturity. The magnitude of the expenditure upon Secondary Education in countries oversea and far distant from Australia may be relatively gauged when it is stated that the Municipal Authorities in the city of Manchester, England, have at their disposal for purposes of Technical Instruction a grant of 800,000 per annum. It must, moreover, be remembered, in this connection, that Manchester is a city containing a population not very much greater that that of Sydney. American munificence and German liberality in the cause of Education (Elementary, Continua- tion, Trade, Technical, and University) need not here be insisted upon, as these subjects have been dealt with in preceding pages of this monograph. The Government vote for purposes of Technical Education in New South Wales during the past four years is shown in the following tabulated return : Year. Amount. 1905-6 ... ... 35,oo8 1906-7 ... ... 34,820 1907-8 ... ... 43,952 1908-9 ... ... 44,876 Our accomplishment in the past and our activity in the present constitute the merest bagatelle, when we compare either our achievement or our efforts with those put forth by cities, the wide-world over, which cannot even appreciably compare with our noble State Capital in population or in area. The small annual amount of our expenditure on Technical Education i 3 4 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. proves conclusively that, as a nation, we have not yet awakened to the large national significance of Specialised Instruction. It is certainly a fact that there is in New South Wales an attendance roll of over 18,000 students for the present year ; it is no less a fact that the fees received have amounted to upwards of 14,000 ; and that there is, moreover, ample evidence that the instruc- tional classes are both popular and properly appreciated ; but neither has the Sydney Technical College nor Technical Education in the State of New South Wales, reached its zenith of adaptative utility in the one case, nor its possible and desirable high level in the other. An intelligent observer of educational development in other countries could not possibly conceive a British, or an American, or a German city, with a population on the progressive high-road towards 600,000 inhabitants, containing no State Commercial School, no Technical High School, and with but one or two Continuation and Trade Schools. Yet such is the woful condition of the Capital of New South Wales educationally. Of course, it must not be inferred that the State Government is altogether responsible for this condition of the seminarial system. In America private munificence in the cause of Education is a proudly national proverb. In Great Britain the Municipal Corporations and the great industrial firms are consistent and strenuous supporters of the system of Technical Instruction which forwards national greatness. In Germany, in Switzerland, and in many of the countries of Europe (including even tiny Finland) the State endowment is aided and re- inforced by the Departmental Local Government, by Municipal Corporations, by Trade Guilds, by Merchants' Associations, by Workmen's Lodges, by private sympathisers, and even by religious bodies concerned in the future welfare of the youth of both sexes trained primarily in their Denominational Day and Sunday Schools. The cause of Education in Australia, in New South Wales, has not been systematically supported and upheld, mainly because it has been inchoate, nebular, amorphous. There has always been a large and perfectly sincere sympathy with the national objective which all genuine Education must pursue to be nationally valuable ; but with an ineffective Primary system, and a highly advanced University system based on conceptions of culture current in the Mediaeval Ages, absolutely separated from Elementary Instruction by an unbridgeable gulf, aid of any kind, even from the most educationally enthu- siastic and philanthropic, has been sporadic and, by the very nature of the conditions, is incapable of direction of any effective kind, and little good in any large sense has hitherto been achieved. The monograph cannot, and does not, undervalue the good accomplished in the past by men of the calibre of the late Mr. Challis, or the living Mr. Hugh Dixson. Mr. Peter Nicol Russell has been a great benefactor to the cause of Higher Technical Education. Sir George Grey, by his splendid donations of anthropological, ethnological, and other collections, to the Museum of Wellington (New Zealand), Adelaide (South Australia), and Cape Town (South Africa) showed himself, indeed, worthy of the title of the " Great Proconsul." Mr. Thomas Fisher should be held in reverence by the students of the Sydney University for all time. This monograph does not arraign these noble-minded benefactors to the cause of Higher Education. It is recognised that it is the duty of Educationists to formulate a proper scheme of Secondary Education before private munificence can be authoritatively called upon to give it efficient support. Nevertheless, it is the hope of the Superintendent that, having, in this publication, detailed the Secondary THE FUTURE VIEW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 135 Educational requirements of the community, efforts of a privately directed nature will not wander into by-paths and blind alleys of ineffectiveness and partial abortion. The University is not now in a parlous state of unendowed educational starvation. Hitherto, University Educa- tion, most particularly availed of by the children of the highly-placed and the wealthy, has received more than its fair share of privately-directed munificent aid, while Secondary Education, which is a pressing national and popular necessity, has received absolutely nothing at all from the benevolent impulses of those best able to help it forward in the vital interests of their State. So far Technical Education has been compelled to rely solely on State assistance, and the small annual grant for the providing of new buildings, and the allowance for the expansion of Technical Instruction (reduced, by the way, to the extent of 4,000 for the current year) is sufficient for only the most rigidly conservative needs and the most pressing of unforeseen exigencies. This is, in all conscience, serious enough, but a still more serious aspect of affairs is shown in the fact that when the building additions at present in contemplation are effected, the Technical College site will be too densely occupied to accommodate another single brick. If Technical Education in New South Wales is not to be allowed to stagnate, one course is open and one course only namely, a large sum of money must be obtained (by concerted action, if possible, State, Municipal, Associative, and Private) in order to effect all the imperatively needed improvements and adequate equipment, and to make ample and necessary provision for inevitable and expected development. The policy of patchwork and makeshift and laissez faire has had its day. To attempt its continuance at this stage would be suicidal. It has long enough held a self-stultifying and self-destructive course, and national efficiency demands its abolition at once and for all future time. From the point of view of the City's interest, additional land is imperatively essential, and until such land is obtained very little further development in the work of the College can take place. Adjoining the grounds of the Central Institution is a large block of land, suitable in every particular for the construction of all the buildings requisite for the accommodation of the augmenting classes for years to come ; and this land, highly valuable from an Educational view, is lying idle. The class-rooms, workshops, studios, laboratories, lecture-halls, &c., in the existing Institution, have now become too small for the work of Technical Education, although every room in the College is occupied each night in the week, and hundreds of our youths (apprentices and others, who are obliged by Legislative Enactment to attend, and who are, on their own account, anxious to do so) are denied admission because teaching space is so limited that their reasonable accommodation is a matter impossible. It is very patent, therefore, to all who have the power to think, and the leisure to do so, that some practical remedy for this state of things should be devised. The students are waiting ; but not alone the State the Municipality, the Trades Combination, and the Private citizen must be energised into assistance, and the untoward position efficiently adjusted. The Superintendent anticipated the purchase of this adjoining land, which is so clamantly needed for the expanding activities of the Central Technical College. He had, therefore, plans and specifications prepared, adapted to the construction and equipment of Science Class Rooms 136 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Laboratories, Workshops, Studios, Offices, &c., of the most modern character and designed with a view of meeting all future requirements. These plans and specifications were based on those very generously placed at the disposal of the Superintendent by the Managements of such Institutions as the Sheffield University and the Manchester School of Technology, England, both acknowledged to be very modern in their scientific equipment, and to possess the latest appliances in all forms of Technical Education. The existing provisions for Scientific Instruction in the Sydney Technical College are of the most obsolete type. This statement does not, of course, refer to the teaching or to the Staff, but to the buildings, and in some respects to their equipment. Very different accommodation is, indeed, wanted for the Instructional Classes in Chemistry, Electricity, Physics, Agriculture, &c., than that which is at present provided ; and this should be one of the first things to engage the attention and the energies of our Educational Authorities. In this connection it may be mentioned that a new building has just been completed by the simple device of erecting a storey over the Foundry, in order to accommodate the students engaged in the Course for Mechanical Engineering. This addition is now fully occupied, and its accommodation is taxed to the uttermost ; nevertheless, there are a number of students waiting to take up this Course, and for them there is no room. The Printing Workshop, which is a wooden structure, has, moreover, been condemned by the Superintendent of the Fire Brigades, as being a source of danger to the College. Provision can, of course, be made for the teaching of some of the Science subjects by the erection of additional storeys over existing structures ; but such could, at best, be of only temporary usefulness; hence the inevitable necessity of acquiring unoccupied land upon which to construct large and permanent buildings. In a preceding paragraph stress has been laid on the growing prosperity, the present importance, and the future greatness of the city of Sydney ; yet we are, nevertheless, confronted with the somewhat humiliating fact that Australia's foremost Commercial Metropolis possesses no State Commercial School. This is to be all the more deprecated because the Technical College can supply nearly all that is necessary by way of a Teaching Staff. Moreover, that valuable storehouse of commercial products and processes, and inestimable auxiliary of Applied Specialised Instruction, the Technological Museum, is fully equipped for the furnishing of the apparatus and specimens necessary for the study of the practical side of the subjects embraced in a Commercial Course. There is, however, no building in which to house the students, conse- quently whatever is being done in the way of Higher Commercial Education is, as far as the State is concerned, of the most desultory and ineffective character. It is a matter for candid admission that there is far too great a proportion of the students in attendance at the Technical College, who are engaged in Elementary Subjects, revising the lacuna of the Primary School Course. Many of these young people would be much better occupied in attendance at Continuation and Trade Schools, thus relieving the pressure on the resources of the College, and giving the Institution an opportunity of entering upon its legitimate and essential Technical Curricula. In succession to the Continuation and Trade Schools, there should be provided also an Educational Institute with even more extended courses, namely, the Technical High School. All these instructional establishments should find their proper THE FUTURE VIEW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 137 and imperatively needed place in the Educational System of the State, with special attention to the clamant requirements of the Metropolis, and their foundation cannot, with national safety as regards commercial and industrial efficiency, be much longer delayed. Moreover, the Head Masters of the large Public Schools in Sydney, and in the chief centres of population in other parts of the State, are vitally interested in the foundation of Continuation Schools, and the pupils themselves may be accepted as fairly accurate judges of the education they require in arming themselves for the battle of life. A Head Master of a Public School, a teacher whose whole educating experience has been on the side of the practical, told the Superintendent of Technical Education, in the course of a conversation, that he recently gave as a task to his Senior Boys (some hundreds in number), the writing of an essay on the calling which each individual pupil intended to follow up as a means of obtaining a livelihood. With only two exceptions these lads chose either an industrial occupation or a life-calling associated with the soil. In the case of the two boys excepted, each of them selected commerce ; and, appropriately enough, they were Jewish lads. This statement is not made in a spirit reflecting upon the choice of these two young Jews, but as indicative of a long-instilled business bias, for they were only evidencing the natural instincts of their race. The foregoing incident is eloquent as showing the trend of preference relative to a life-calling in the rising generation of our male youth. The most needed Educational extension in the country districts of our State lies in the direction of simple and practical teaching in Agricultural Science for the more efficient equip- ment of the farmer, and some instruction in Veterinary Surgery, and similar knowledge, pertaining particularly to the maintenance of health among the live-stock, and the treatment of animals in sickness and disease. In this connection the views of the Hon. Horace Plunkett are singularly appropriate and worthy of the deepest consideration : and it would undoubtedly reimburse the State a hundredfold were it to employ a couple of qualified instructors as itinerating lecturers to take up such Educational Courses as those just indicated as their especial duties. An indication of the value of this form of instruction, and a proof of its highly popular appreciation, are to be found in the great success which has attended the Classes conducted in the pastoral centres of the country for the imparting of instruction in the tending and feeding, general treatment, classing and judging of sheep; and the sorting, classification, preparation, valuation, and scouring of wool, &c. ; and the future should witness an almost illimitable development in this direction, concerning as it does, our great staple and paramount industry in this Land of the Golden Fleece. Writing with especial reference to the value of itinerant instruction, the Hon. Horace Plunkett, Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, says : " We hope eventually to see established as part of the educational machinery of every county in Ireland an Itinerant Agricultural Instructor, whose services shall be given exclusively and permanently to the particular county, to the Council of which he is attached. If there is one feature of agricultural education which, having been tested to 138 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. the utmost in every country of the world, has stood that test better than any other, it is the itinerant instructor. In our researches at the time of the Recess Committee this was a feature which in every country the administrator and the educationist laid stress upon, as showing invariably most fruitful results ; and all the experience of the Department since has confirmed us in the faith which the experience both of England, Scotland, the Continent, Canada, and America, had implanted in our minds. " Now what are the functions, the work, and the qualifications of the itinerant instructor? His principal function, in a word, is to be the guide, philosopher, and friend of the existing farmers. While, no doubt, a good many of the younger generation, even of the boys of school-going age, will derive benefit from the teaching of the itinerant instructor, and while he will render an important service in supervising the practical course of agriculture in the schools in the county to be referred to latter on, still his main concern is with the actual working farmers. For them it would be unnecessary to attempt a scheme of systematic instruction in the principles of agriculture. Comparatively few farmers wish to know by what mode of reasoning the scientific expert arrives at the conclusion that while one class of soil would be benefited by an application of lime, a second should have a dressing of basic slag, and a third a mixture of basic slag and kainit. Similarly with regard to every branch of agriculture, be it crop raising or milk production, the average farmer wants to know the most profitable practice to follow under a given set of conditions. Tell him this and he will readily dispense with the scientific reasons on which the advice is based. But for all that, much can be done even in this process to increase the number of thinkers among the farming classes. Exactly what effect we may produce time and the working out of the entire scheme alone can show. But we should aim at making every farmer an observer, an experimenter, and so a possible contributor to the progress of Agricultural Science. Of course we all know that the chief means to this end is by supplying the youth of the country with such a training as will give them the power of working out agricultural problems on a scientific basis. But by bringing home to the existing farmers what is the practical outcome of that which has already been accomplished by the application of science to agriculture, a good beginning can be made. Some people believe that this can be accomplished by means of the agricultural press and leaflets. We hold strongly that printed information cannot possibly be made as efficient as the living agent. " The itinerant instructor must be a man who has had a first-class training in science such a training as will enable him to rely on his own judgment in deciding what should and what should not be recommended. But a first-class training in science is not enough. If possible, he should have been born to farming, and should have been steeped in it from his boyhood. Only then can he properly estimate the difficulties with which the farmer has to contend. Incalculable harm has been done to the cause of agricultural education by purely scientific men who too often are accustomed to speak lightly of the farmers' difficulties. In doing so they display great ignorance. Accustomed to work under the constant conditions that can be maintained in the laboratory they THE FUTURE VIEW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 139 would have the farmer to cultivate his land and feed his animals in accordance with formulae deduced from laboratory experiments. They overlook the fact that farmers have to contend with a number of varying factors of a meteorological, biological, or economic nature. Some of these scientific gentlemen have themselves tried farming according to formulas, with the result that they have learned to place a higher estimate on the intelligence of the farmer, and the farmer a lower estimate upon the value of scientific training. The Department will set its face against such teachers of agri- culture, and more particularly against itinerant instructors in agriculture who are mere scientists, no matter how distinguished they may be. " Before dismissing the question of the qualifications of the itinerant instructor, it is desirable to add that these instructors should be familiar with, and able to accom- modate themselves to, the manners and customs and the sentiments of the people. I admit that a sufficient supply of such men will for some time be hard to get. Plenty of them have been born, but few made. We are making some, and the Department will, as I shall presently explain, lose no time in taking the necessary steps to meet the demand for these functionaries which is already growing apace. But it must be remembered that the training of a functionary of this special and important type is not the work of a day, and that it will be wiser to wait for a thoroughly trained and competent man than to appoint a man imperfectly qualified to discharge such very responsible duties." The Farming Community of this State has shown a just appreciation of the Hurlstone Agricultural Continuation School, which, however, has now its full complement of residential students. Its success has been established on an indubitable basis, and it has become a question whether other Continuation Schools (not necessarily providing for the accommodation of boarding students) should not be established throughout the country districts of the State. In association with this desirable expansion of Technical Education in a rural direction, the Superintendent is of opinion that Agricultural Continuation Schools should be established, if not side by side, yet in the close vicinity of Experimental Farms which latter are conducted under the super- vision of the Department of Agriculture. Wherever there is an Experimental Farm, there, or within a reasonable distance, should be established a State Agricultural Continuation School. Glen Innes, for instance, is in proud possession of a gaol which has never entertained a single prisoner during the whole course of its projected penitential existence, and nothing could be easier or more intelligibly expedient than its conversion into a State Agricultural Continuation School, in which the theoretical subjects of the course could be studied, the Experiment Farm (only a few miles out of the town, and rapidly reached on horseback) being requisitioned to supply the students with the practical part of their instruction in applied methods and examples. In the admirably placed pastoral and agricultural centre of Cowra, again, a room in the Public School might be utilised for the Technical Instruction, and (as suggested in the case of Glen Innes) the students could ride across to the Experimental Farm for practical illustration. The Superintendent of Technical Education has discussed this arrangement with the Manager of the Cowra Experimental Farm and the Head Master of the local Public School, and both gentlemen i 4 o TECHNICAL EDUCATION. favour such a course with unanimity. At Wagga, yet again, similar arrangements might also be made, and experience gained in other countries shows its absolute practicability. For instance, at Guelph, in the great Dominion of Canada, the Continuation School and the Higher Agricultural Institution are closely related, and there is no appreciable reason why such a principle of educa- tional co-ordination and affiliation should not be introduced into New South Wales, with very considerable advantage to the students in the country districts. Another branch of Specialised Instruction much wanted, and repeatedly requisitioned for, in the towns and country districts of the State is that of Cookery; and although there are, in some few centres of population, adult classes which are not largely attended, the people generally are unquestionably sincere in the expression of their desire for such tuition. At the time of writing there are twenty centres, representing forty towns, which are anxious to obtain the estab- lishment of classes in Cookery. It is greatly to be hoped that most of these will be initiated by the close of the current year, and supplied with trained teachers, who are at present or who shortly will be, passing through the course given at the Training School of Cookery at the Sydney Technical College. In looking forward to a future expansion of Technical Education in New South Wales we cannot ignore the fact that compulsory attendance at half-time schools is a sine qua non of success. The compulsory attendance in the Primary School should be extended to the age of fifteen years, and supplementary attendance in Continuation and Trade Schools should be imparted up to the eighteenth year. Moreover, closer attention must be given to the requirements of children who purpose entering various trades and industries with a view of earning their livelihood. The true purpose of the Continuation School is the provision, at convenient hours, for the further instruction of those who have entered upon the practical work of life, whether as apprentices, as independent wage-earners, or in the domestic duties of the home ; and such a school must strive to meet the requirements of both sexes, of girls as well as of boys. The Continuation School presupposes a sufficient basis of Elementary Education, but, where such is defective, it endeavours to supply the lacunce. The lower age-limit of its pupils varies according to the age at which boys and girls are released from compulsory attendance at the Elementary Day School. In the more advanced stages of its work the Continuation School includes many different forms of Adult Education, and the higher age-limit of its province is therefore undefined. The task of the Continuation Schools, which we hope shortly to see established in all the leading centres of New South Wales, thus falls into two main, though not clearly demarcated, divisions (as pointed out by C. T. Millis, M. E. Sadler, M. S. Beard, and other educational authorities), to wit, the Elementary and the Advanced. Its work is in part General Education but increasingly, though by no means exclusively, Technical. Its function is twofold, namely, to prepare its pupils for the efficient discharge of the duties of citizenship, and to increase their power and skill in breadwinning occupations. For those who leave the Elementary Schools at 13 or 14 years of age, and cannot proceed to a Secondary Day School, the Continuation School attempts to give, during adolescence, and early manhood or womanhood, such opportunities of further training as the exigencies of employment may permit. THE FUTURE VIEW IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 141 It has been sufficiently pointed out in the preceding pages of this monograph that the weak spot in the system of Continuation Schools, both in France and England, lies in their failure to carry forward without break the intellectual and moral discipline begun in the Elementary Day School, to attendance at which alone, in both countries, legal compulsion now applies. New South Wales, in planning her system of future State Secondary Education must be careful not to fall into the error of complexity regarding the age limit of Primary Instruction which characterises disadvantageously much that is good and useful in this type of instruction in Great Britain. For instance, in England and Wales the limits of compulsory attendance at school vary (a minimum being prescribed by Statute) according to the by-laws of different districts. The main provisions of the present law may be summarised as follow : (a) Children may be employed in Agriculture at the age of n (if the local by-laws contain a special provision to this effect) provided that they attend school 250 times a year up to the age of 13. (b) With this exception no child under the age of 12 can obtain either partial or total exemption from the duty of attending school, (c) A child between 12 and 13 (or, if the by-laws so provide, between 12 and 14) can only obtain total or partial exemption upon the conditions which the by-laws of the district prescribe, (d) In those districts in which the by-laws are still restricted to children under 13 years of age, a child between 13 and 14 can obtain total exemption either on passing the Fourth Standard, or on having made (since reaching the age of 5 years) 350 attendances in not more than two schools during each year for five years, whether consecutive or not. (e) A child between 12 and 14 may claim partial exemption (if such exemption is allowed by the by-laws of the district in which the child resides) on having made 300 previous attendances in not more than two schools during each year for five preceding years, whether consecutive or not. As Sadler very pertinently remarks : " There is mischief in the present state of things, moral mischief as well as physical and intellectual. City life is making the danger worse. Unskilled employment at 13 with good money tempts a boy like a baited trap. He is drawn into a way of life which leaves him at 16 or 17 without a trade to his fingers and with the habit of steady learning gone out of his head. If we ask the Elementary School Master about it, he says that much of what he and his colleagues have succeeded in doing for such a boy disappears during the two or three years immediately following the Day School Course. If, on the other hand, we ask the teachers of the Technical Evening Classes, we find them hampered by the fact that many of those who wish to enter have forgotten much of the knowledge which they require as a foundation for technical work. Thus, inquiries which began at opposite ends of the line lead to one and the same conclusion, namely, that the years between 13 and 16 or 17 are the point of educational leakages ; that we have, as it were, laid down a costly system of water supply, but have left badly leaking pipes just behind the tap ; and that some change is needed in our educational regulations in order to clench the work done in the Elementary Day Schools, and to provide a sounder foundation for efficiency in skilled trades, and in the duties of home life." TECHNICAL EDUCATION. This again is how the question presents itself to a group of writers who well know the conditions of city life and the nature of the London boy. It will be well for us in New South Wales, in Sydney, to take the following warning carefully to heart : " The type that will be needed in the future is the type of skilled and versatile minds ; the problem of to-day is how we are to produce this type. Will anyone who knows the town boy claim that we are now producing it? Versatile, he certainly is, but his is a superficial and mercurial versatility, produced with fatal certainty by the unstable life of the street. He is the master of a thousand tricks but intelligent he certainly is not, in the way he must be if he and his nation are to prosper. It would be foolish to blame the Elementary Schools for this ; considering his difficulties especially the migratory habits of families, and the necessarily large classes the Elementary School Teacher produces very wonderful results, but the moral results are perhaps more wonderful than the mental. And, however good the teaching may be, however successfully the brighter children may be taught a great deal more than is learned by the children of the wealthier classes by the time they are 14, there can be no question that the average boy, still more the stupid boy, is turned out to live his life and earn his wage without the equipment he now needs. His education stops at the most critical point ; he has not yet learned to apply his little knowledge to any practical use ; has not yet brought it into rotation to any purpose even an easy sum in arithmetic, stated in an unaccustomed way, will seem to him insoluble, and the habits of observation, of which the foundations have been well enough laid in the school soon fall to pieces for lack of continuous stimulus and training. His employment as errand boy, or van boy, or messenger, bottle-washer, or what-not, sharpens his wits in a few directions, but leaves his mind unworked in many and untrained in all. At the age of 18 he is usually rather more ignorant than he was at 13 a matter of small importance ; but also much less capable of learning a matter of the very greatest importance. Five years of idleness has had its effect ; half his mind, his working half, has lost, not gained, in strength. How is this loss to be prevented? There is only one conclusion either the Day School Education must be prolonged beyond the age of 14, or the Evening School must be made compulsory." This is the great question which confronts the future of Technical Education in New South Wales, and it remains to be seen how our people will meet it, for it is a matter of the pro- foundest importance, and concerns the country as a whole no less than the individual boy or girl who goes to make up the total population. H3 THIS department provides a systematic course of instruction in Drawing, Painting, and Modelling, and i- carried on by a staff of trained teachers, whose aim is to develop in the students under their care self-reliance, individuality, and originality ; to assist those who desire to make a knowledge ot Art a part of their general education ; also, to give facilities for the training of persons who intend to adopt Art as a profession, or to include it in their general qualifications as Teachers in public, elemen- tary, or other schools. The courses of study comprise : Freehand and Model Drawing ; Drawing, Painting and Modelling from the living human model ; Geometrical Draw- ing ; Orthographic and Per- spective Projection ; Draw- ing, Painting, and Modelling Ornament ; Flower Painting and Plant Drawing from Nature; Landscape Draw- ing and Painting from Nature ; China and Glass Painting; Fine Art Pottery; Drawing, Painting and Modelling from the Antique Figure ; Still-life Painting ; Pen and Ink Drawing, and Repousse Work. STAFF OF ART DEPARTMENT. Reading from left to rif-ht Front Rw : Miss Blakemore, Mr. Reid, Mr. Wright (Lecturer in charge of Department), Mr. Thomas, Miss Brown. Back Row: Mr. H. B. Wright, Mr. Atkins, Mr. Aurousseau, Mr. Peach, Mr. Macintosh. DRAWING AND PAINTING FROM LIFE. LIFE CLASS STUDENT'S WORK. DEPARTMENT OF ART. 145 LIFE. Drawing and painting from the living model forms an important part of the course of Art at the College, and may easily be classed as the most difficult of all Art studies ; its importance is beyond question. There are day and evening classes, one of which (day) is for ladies only, under the direct supervision of a lady teacher, Miss R. Blakemore, who has three lessons per week, two for the figure and one for portraiture. An evening class, conducted by Mr. A. G. Reid, is for those students whose work occupies them during the day, but who find it necessary to study from life for decorative purposes, illustrating, modelling, &c. The illustration here shown is taken from the Life Painting Class at Work. This class is under the direct supervision of the Lecturer in charge of the Art Department. ANTIQUE. Drawing from the antique is a most important Art study, and closely associated with that of life. Most of the Art students pass through this class before entering for life drawing, but many practise the two together; it is a two years' course. In the first year the student is kept fully occupied in drawing and shading from the head, bust, feet, hands, and other details of the figure, while in the second year the full figure engages their whole attention. 1 DRAWING FROM THE ANTIQUE. Students at work. Our illustration shows the students of the day class at work, with their teacher, Miss R. Blakemore. There are both day and evening classes. The evening class, under Mr. G. H. Aurousseau, is attended chiefly by artisans, and others who are engaged during the day but who require this knowledge for their several occupations or crafts. 146 TECHNICAL EDUCATION". STILL- LIFE PAINTING. It is in the Still-Life Class that the student is first introduced to the art of painting in colour, and much depends upon the way in which he is handled whilst going through this course whether his future painting will be intelligently performed or not. It is here also the student finds the practical value of model drawing, which course he has to pass through before being admitted to the painting class. The course of instruction is for two years, during which time the student is well grounded in both oil and water colour painting : painting common objects, fruits, flowers, draperies, &c., composition of line and colour. ' The coloured illustration " Old Friends," by Miss G. Swyny, is a good example of the class of work done by the students under Mr. G. H. Aurousseau, the teacher. FLOWER PAINTING. This is a popular class, attended mostly by young ladies who are taken through a graduated course of studies in both oil and water colours, and painting direct from nature. Our illustration shows the students at work with their teacher, Mr. A. G. Reid, in attendance. STILL-LIFE ROOM, SHOWING FLOWER-PAINTING. LANDSCAPE PAINTING. This is a- two years' course of study. In the first year the instruction given is made as plain and direct as possible, dealing only with the simplest medium for outdoor study the pencil. Sketches are made from buildings, &c., showing the practical application of linear perspective, studies of rocks, trees and their growth, skies, foregrounds, values, and composition. In the second year the student paints direct from nature in oil or water colours, receiving instruction in aerial perspective, shadows, reflections, processes and manipulation, as glazing, impasting, scumbling, &c. Q Z UJ E b. Q _i o H S 0) ^. tr o U) H Z u Q -I -1 o o E O I < o DC - t 3 , E bl 3 O DEPARTMENT OF ART. LANDSCAPE CLASS AT WORK. CHINA-PAINTING CLASS AT WORK. 148 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. There are three lessons per week, one of which is held on the Saturday afternoon to admit of those students who are otherwise engaged during the week taking up this ever-fascinat- ing study. The illustration shows the students at work, with their teacher, Mr. A. G. Reid, sketching one of the many beautiful views of the Sydney harbour, from the Domain. The coloured plate seascape is by Miss Forsyth, a student of this class. CHINA PAINTING. This class is a very popular one, chiefly attended by ladies ; over one hundred students entered for the subject last year (1908). The full course of instruction lasts two years, but those students who have completed the full course may remain at the College to perfect themselves in any special branch. Both day and evening instruction are given. In the first year students are thoroughly taught the colours used for china painting, and how to mix them, tracing, sketching in outline, the use of the rigger; simple studies in mono- chrome, the treatment of backgrounds, simple geometric designs for decorative purposes, &c. In the second year, instruction is given in the use of gold and bronzes, their preparation before being used on the ware ; raised gold birds and flowers, coloured and chased ; painting on coloured grounds with enamels and traced with gold. In all cases where possible, students work direct from nature, using the Australian flowers, which lend themselves so well for china painting. EXHIBITION:VOFSTUDENTS' WORK CHINA-PAINTING AND FINE-ART POTTERY. The illustration on page 147 shows a few of the students at work, and that above, a collection of vases, plates, bowls, &c., executed under Mr. J. A. Peach, the teacher of china- painting and fine-art pottery a class for the latter having recently been started, wherein is taught the making and firing of fine-art pottery, throwing on the potter's wheel ; methods of casting models from plaster moulds, such as vases, statuettes, &c., slip-lining, underglaze painting, <&c. I I- U) CC o 0) (A m Q. 4 O UJ F -^x/ UNIVERSITY or -4\b* DEPARTMENT OF ART. PRACTICAL PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY forms an important course of study in Art and Technical Education. It is a three years' course, but only the first year is considered as an Art course, while the second and third enter into the deeper studies of the engineer, architect, and all constructional trades or professions. During the course of instruction many practical illustrations are given of its application, for there is no subject so universally useful in a technical training as plane, solid, and descriptive geometry. The stonemason with his skew arch, the bricklayer in his circular upon circular door and window openings (interpenetration of solids), the boilermaker and metal workers (development of surfaces), the staircase builder with his twisted handrails, &c., the naval architect with his parts having double curvature, the designer of floor coverings, wall papers, tapestry, &c., all depend upon geometry for their first arrangements. ART DEPARTMENT PRACTICAL GEOMETRY AND PERSPECTIVE ROOM. A thorough knowledge of the subject will therefore well repay students for the labour they may bestow upon it. No part of a building or drawing can be laid down or understood without the assistance of practical geometry, nor can any mechanical employment in an engineering or building department be conducted without some assistance L from this branch of science. The illustration shows the geometrical students with their teacher, Mr. F. W. Atkins who is also the teacher of perspective. There are both day and evening classes; the day class is attended chiefly by the art student, whilst the evening classes (three in number) are attended by students following either a trade or profession. PERSPECTIVE AND SCIOGRAPHY. This subject whilst not so technically useful as geometry is nevertheless indispensable in a course of Art ; coupled with geometry, it is the basis oi all object drawing. To the architect, engineer, art workman, and artist it is 150 TECHNICAL EDUCATION^ indispensable. It is a two years' course of drawing ; in the first year simple problems are given in parallel and angular perspective, together with examples of the use of accidental vanishing points ; problems, working from plans and elevations of objects without the use of vanishing points. In the second year more advanced problems are given, showing its application for everyday use. Placing in perspective crescents of buildings, arcades, groined ceilings, parts of machinery, delineation of the shadows of objects cast by the sun or by luminous points, the colouring of drawings, &c. MODEL DRAWING. This is without doubt the most useful of all the elementary courses of drawing. It is in this class the student receives not only a true knowledge of light and shade, but what is even more important a structural knowledge of objects, receding planes and lines, so that having passed through the course he finds no difficulty in sketching any object which may be placed before him. It gives the architectural draughtsman the power of sketching his idea of a building quickly before the labour of setting out his plan and elevations : the same knowledge and skill assists the engineer. To the everyday tradesman it is his language of expression to his fellow- workman, for with a few well-directed lines he can at once convey his ideas without the necessity of laboured plans or writing. MODEL-DRAWING CLASS AT WORK. In the more'advanced studies common objects of different colours are grouped to?ether and, the student is trained to render these in black and white, showing their relative values, so that transparent objects, polished surfaces, and non-reflective surfaces are clearly indicated, forming interesting studies. DEPARTMENT OF ART. 5' No art student is allowed to pass into still-life painting until he has passed through a course of model drawing. There arc both day and evening classes, all of which are well attended. The illustration on previous page shows the students of one of the day classes at work with the teacher, Miss E. I. Brown. j f BLACK AND WHITE DRAWING. The object of this class is to instruct students in the art of drawing for reproduction. Every art has its limitations, and although at present the best work of the process- engraver may reach far, the average work must be the first consideration, and the student should make his drawing, in every respect, suitable for the purpose for which it is intended; as an instance, an entirely different quality of line work would be used for a daily paper using a rotary press and low-grade paper to that which would be employed for a high-class magazine. The absolute essential, of course, is good draughtmanship, and this cannot be too much emphasised ; no amount of technical knowledge will cover defects in this respect, and the student who wishes to attend this class, and hopes to succeed, must draw, and be ever striving to im- prove himself in this most import- ant point. The work covered by Process- Engraving is so wide, ranging from a furniture or other trade catalogue to a veritable work of art. that there is room for many grades of workers. No one should be discouraged by the difficulties in the way, for any one may have special aptitude for this work, which may have been entirely unsuspected before the special effort was made. This is a two years' course of study. In the first year the student is practised in elementary pen studies from the cast and from geometrical solids, light and shade, colour values, rendering architectural, landscape, and figure subjects from photo- graphs ; sketching from nature, as buildings, and simple still-life studies. In the second year, wash-drawing, composition, and the use of life models ; pen and ink studies from life and from portraits; studies from drapery, flowers, and animals. There are day and evening classes ; the day classes are chiefly attended by ladies STUDENT'S WORK IN BLACK AND WHITE DRAWING. j *.( . 1 ' Mr. G. A. Thomas, the teacher of this class, possesses many letters from old students who hold good positions through the knowledge gained whilst under his instruction. '52 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. STUDENT'S WORK IN BLACK AND WHITE DRAWING. ' STUDENT'S WORK IN REPOUSSE. DEPARTMENT OF ART. 153 REPOUSSE, although of very ancient origin, is practically a new art .in so far as Sydney is concerned. A class in this subject has been in operation for about three years, and during that time has turned out some very creditable work. As evidence of this it may be mentioned that a bronze tankard designed and executed by one of the students, Mrs. E. Soderberg, was last year selected by the Arts and Crafts Society for presentation to Lady Northcote on the eve of her departure for England, as typifying women's work in New South Wales. The course of instruction, which occupies two years, includes the forming of a design, generally the student's own conception, in relief on flat metal, and also the decoration of curved surfaces, such as cups, bowls, vases , &c. Students are encouraged to become their own tool makers, and are given practical in- struction in this branch of their work, thus making them " complete craftsmen." Our illustration shows a few of the articles executed under the supervision of the teacher, Mr. F. W. Atkins.- MODELLING CLASS-ROOM. Students at Work. MODELLING AND CASTING. This is a most important section of applied art. There are day and evening classes, which are well attended. The instruction in modelling is divided into ornament, antique, and life. Ornament is a three years' course of study, whilst life and antique are each two-year courses. '54 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The modelling classes are mainly intended for modellers, plasterers, carvers, and terra- cotta workers, but these are supplemented by many other crafts and professions, who find a knowledge of modelling a great assistance, as painters, decorators, kindergarten teachers, jewellers, architects, confectioners, &c. The student in going through this course is made familiar with the styles of ornament, the purity of natural and conventional forms, simplicity of design, and is taught how to design for all materials. As far as it is possible the work executed by the student bears upon the everyday needs of the craftsman, comprising modelling panels, spandrels, string-courses, friezes, capitals, vases, &c. In modelling from life, also, the student is trained to apply his knowledge and skill in the use of the figure for decorative purposes, either for the exterior or interior of buildings. EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK. Modelling Class. p . In the casting class, which is a two years' course, the student is made familiar with all methods, casting from waste moulds, gelatine, wax, sulphur, and plaster piece-moulds ; moulding and casting from simple objects from nature, as fruits, flowers, leaves, &c. ; also casting from the human figure, hands, feet, and the full figure from life, casting fishes, reptiles, &c. The illustration on page 153 shows the class-room with some of the students at work ; on the left of this picture may be seen two fine pieces of modelling Jason, which is a full-sized reproduction from the figure by Michael Angelo ; the other " Night," one of the figures from the de Medici Tomb, by the same sculptor. These were modelled by Mr. G. Doble, a student of this class, under the supervision of Mr. G. Macintosh, the Instructor in Modelling. Many are the youths who have benefited largely by attending these classes, and who are now holding good positions in different parts of the Colony. DEPARTMENT OF ART. 155 PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. DEPARTMENT OF ART. J. R. WRIGHT, Lecturer in Charge of Department. DAY CLASSES. DRAWING. PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY Monday, 2 to 4 p.m. PERSPECTIVE Tuesday, 2 to 4 p.m. MODEL AND OBJECT Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 10 to 12 noon, and Tuesday and Friday, 2 to 4 p.m. ; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. FREEHAND FROM THE CAST Wednesday and Thursday, 2 to 4 p.m. ; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. PLANT DRAWING IN OUTLINE AND COLOUR Tuesday, 2 to 4 p.m. * BLACK AND WHITE (Pen and Ink and Wash Drawing) Monday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. * ANTIQUE (DRAWING FROM) Thursday, 2 to 4 p.m., Friday, i to 3 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon ; also for Second Year Students, Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the National Art Gallery. * LIFE DRAWING (LADIES) Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and I to 3 p.m. Head Studies from Life, Friday 10 a.m. to 12 noon. * REPOUSSE WORK Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. PAINTING. * FLOWER PAINTING Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 to 4 p.m. * CHINA PAINTING J. A. Peach, Wednesday and Friday, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. * GLASS PAINTING J. A. Peach, Monday, 2 to 4 p.m. * LANDSCAPE PAINTING Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and Saturday, 2 to 4 p.m. * ANIMAL PAINTING By arrangement with Lecturer. * STILL-LIFE PAINTING Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. LIFE PAINTING Monday and Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and i to 3 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Fees, i is. per term. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Students meet at the National Art Gallery for study, on Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. MODELLING Gregory Macintosh. * ANTIQUE Monday and Thursday, 2 to 4 p.m. ORNAMENT Monday and Thursday, 2 to 4 p.m. CASTING Friday, 2 to 4 p.m. * LIFE Tuesday, 2 to 4 p.m. * Fees, Senior Scale. NIGHT CLASSES. DRAWING. PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. PERSPECTIVE Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. SCIOGRAPHY Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. FREEHAND FROM THE CAST Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. PLANT DRAWING Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. * BLACK AND WHITE (Pen and Ink and Wash Drawing) Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. * ANTIQUE (Drawing from) Monday, 7 to 9 p.m. * LIFE DRAWING Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m. * REPOUSSE WORK Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m. PAINTING. * CHINA PAINTING J. A. Peach, Monday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. MODELLING Gregory Macintosh. * ANTIQUE Monday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. ORNAMENT Monday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. CASTING Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. * Fees, Senior Scale. 56 Agriculture Department. (By HENRY LORD, G.T.C.A.C., Lecturer in charge of Department.) ORIGIN OF DEPARTMENT. THE Department of Agriculture was started by the late Board of Technical Education in 1884, and Mr R. W. E. Mclvor, F.I.C., F.C.S., was the first Instructor. On Mr. Mclvor's resignation he was succeeded by Mr. Angus Mackay, F.C.S., as Lecturer in charge of the Department. When the Government dis- solved the Board of Technical Educa- tion he remained Lecturer in charge until 3ist March, 1897. On his re- signation he was succeeded by the writer. The writer has spent the greater part of his life in the study and practice of agriculture, and the dissemination of knowledge so ob- tained. At the age of fourteen, while at school at Janze, France, he joined a class in agriculture, and the next year carried off the school's first prize for agriculture. A few years later he gained a scholarship at the entrance examinations, Trois- Croix Agricultural College, near Rennes. The daily work of the col- lege comprised eight hours' practical farm work, and four hours' theory, or science of agriculture. By the end of 1873 he had gained the Trois-Croix Agricultural College diploma, and in the following February, before he was 22, was appointed manager of Malidor Model Farm, near Le Lude, France, where he remained for three years, during whch time he won numerous silver, gold, and bronze medals, at various agricultural shows, besides farm and cattle trophies. Space will not permit mention of various other successes in France, where he was frequently engaged as judge at various functions connected with agriculture. Coming to Sydney in 1879, as private secretary and interpreter to Professor F. de Savignon, French Commissioner for Agriculture at the Sydney International Exhibition, he remained here, and his services were given as a judge in various capacities. He joined the agricultural classes at the Sydney Technical College on February u, 1889, as a student, and obtained the teacher's (Mr. A. Mackay's) prize " for excellence in agricultural studies," first term, 1889; and afterwards Mr. Mackay's prize "for marked excellence in agricultural studies," second term, 1889. He next obtained first grade, with honours, in elementary (or practical) agriculture (top pass), December, 1889; and first grade, with honours, in advanced agriculture (top pass), December, 1889; was "locum tenens " for Lecturer in Agriculture from February 10 to April 14, 1890; was assistant from August, 1890, to March, 1897; and on Mr. Mackay's resignation was promoted Lecturer in charge of the Department of Agricul- ture; was elected vice-president of the N.S.W. Chamber of Agriculture in 1904, 5, and 6; President in 1907 and 8, and is still in office. The writer has visited most of the agricultural colleges in Australasia. He is the author of a paper on " The Farmers' Weights and Measures," read before Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science at the Sydney University on January 12, 1898, and has also written articles on " The Hydraulic Ram on the Farm," " Drainage and Lime in Agriculture," &c. STAFF OF AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. Reading from left to right -Mr. Loel, Vetariuary Science ; Mr. Lord, Lecturer iu c-liurire of Department : Mr. Curnuw, Farriery. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT. '57 In January, 1899, he was elected to the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of N.S.W., and is still on its council, also being a member of its Executive Committee since 1901. AGRICULTURAL CLASS-ROOM. V r. Lord lecturing to the Students. SCOPE OF THE INSTRUCTION. GENERAL VIEW. The leading purposes of the Agricultural Department of the Technical College are to supply first, the knowledge needful to ensure successful occupation of the land for the very large numbers of both sexes who are desirous of changing town for country life; and secondly, to supply technical scientific experience to those engaged in various branches of agriculture, and who have time for lessons only in their spare hours. The subjects, as taught, are grouped, so as to be as seasonable as possible. The appliances of the College are sufficient for the foregoing, while the cost to students is on a very moderate scale. Th? instruction given, as the Syllabus explains, is comprehensive, including : The main divisions of agriculture Live stock, horses, cattle, sheep, dairying, pigs, poultry, and bees ; general crop farming, for the colder and semi-tropical sections of the country ; orcharding, vineyarding and wine-making, fruit-growing, factory processes of fruit-preserving, market and general gardening, flower culture, and other divisions. Soil examinations and the relations of geology, botany, chemistry, physics, the indigen- ous timbers, grasses, and herbs to the qualities of Australian soils, and what they are most capable of producing ; also, drainage, irrigation, mechanics of agriculture, use of tools and implements, &c. 158 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The science of dairying, the nature of chemicals for checking and destroying fungus and insect enemies, &c., the making and compounding, and the qualities and uses of manures for making crops, including the chemistry operations required. In the second-year course are included agriculture, soil tests, plant analysis, the chemistry of wine-making, the agencies for producing cold, chilling, freezing, &c., sugar-making, distilling, milk and water tests, com- pounding of fluids for destroying fungus and insect pests, and other matters of importance in agricultural practice. FIELD LESSONS. In order to make the instruction as practical as circumstances permit, the classes go out for field instruction as'opportunity offers during the entire year. The students are mostly adults, and being prepared in the class-room for the work to be done, and taking, as they do, a personal business interest in it, general know- ledge of soils, native vegetation, and other qualifications for land occupation are acquired readily ; and students become expert in pruning and other operations of field and garden practice. Poultry and bee-keeping are taught practically. Those desirous of advancing further in theoretical and . practical chemistry, botany, geology, the business of wool-sorting and classing, farriery, carpentering, blacksmithing, and other branches useful for country residents, are always encouraged to join the special classes for those occupations. The following syllabus gives an outline of the instruction available for first, second, and subsequent courses of instruction. The subjects taught are arranged specially for suburban and country residents. Elementary Agriculture. First Year Australian Agriculture (Character and Prospects) : Climate and Rainfall ; Selecting Land, Clearing, Building. Fencing, &c. ; Agricultural Drain ing ; Mechanics of Agriculture ; Cultivation of Crops ; Grain Crops ; Root Crops ; Making and Using Manures ; Live Stock in Australian Agriculture; Dairying; the Pig ; Poultry ; Bee-keeping ; the Home Garden ; Fruit Culture ; Flowers, &c. ; Fungus and Insect Pests ; Seasonable Work for the whole Year. Lessons in seasons. Advanced Agriculture. Second Year Scientific Aspects of Agricul ture ; What Indigenous Vegetation tells of the Soil, Climate, Seasons, &c. ; Australian Experiences ; Irriga tion, Water Storage, &c. ; Live Stock in Australian Agriculture ; Orchard- ing ; Sheep and Wool ; the Horse in Australia ; Advanced Dairying ; Value of Feed Materials ; Manures ; Rotations in Cropping ; Semi-tropical Farming ; Crops we might grow ; Chemistry on the Farm ; Chemistry in the Dairy ; Fruit-Preserving ; Grape-vines in Australia ; Fungus and Insect Enemies. PRACTICAL! HORSE-BREAKI NG READY TO BE THROWN PRACTICAL HORSE-BREAKING-THROWN AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT. '59 PRACTICAL HORSE-BREAKINGTRAINED' An Afternoon Class is held in the College on Tuesdays, at 4.30 p.m. The course includes Soil Examination ; Qualities and Uses of Indigenous Grasses, Shrubs, Trees, &c. ; Principles of Plant Life ; Australian Seasons ; Rainfall ; Seed-sowing ; Planting ; Pruning ; Propagating ; Hybridising; Vegetable, Fruit, and Flower Gardening, Fruit-Preserving ; Poultry and Bee Farming; Silk Cul- ture ; Dairying for Milk, Butter, Cheese ; Tests for Water, Milk, &c. ; Fungus and Insect Pests, their Nature, Detection and Treatment, and such other subjects as may be suitable and seasonable. Special classes for Dairy Science, &c., are held in the College on Wednesdays. The subjects are outlined in the fore- going syllabus, advanced course. Country Classes for Special Subjects. Arrangements may be made, through the Superintendent, at the Technical College, Sydney, for special courses of instruction, extending over eight or more weeks. Any of the subjects in the foregoing syllabus can be chosen. Arrangements can also be made for single-lesson lectures on any of the foregoing subjects, for Schools of Art, Agricultural Societies, and other public bodies, as opportunity offers. WORK OF THE CLASSES. The enrolments for last year in the Sydney Agricultural classes were ninety-one (including four ladies) ; the average age of the students being over 30 years. During the year, besides the regular class-work, twelve outdoor lessons were given, viz. : At the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Moore Park, and various orchards, vineyards, dairy farms, pig farms, and poultry farms, &c. The Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales kindly allows the students free admission for one day to their Easter Show, and full advantage is always taken of this favour, the students being accompanied by their instructor, who explains to them the principal points of the leading exhibits in the various sections. Especial attention is given to farm produce the district societies' exhibits, the Government exhibits from the various agricultural colleges and experiment farms, the hydraulic rams, sub-soil ploughs, dairy cattle, pigs, poultry, &c., &c. At om of these outings that to " Waverley Dairy," at Bondi, where 185 cows are milked, the milk from twenty cows was tested for butter fat by the senior students, under the supervision of the instructor. The work is of a thoroughly useful character, calculated to give the students an insight into the practical work of the farm, garden, and orchard. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. The value of Technical Education in agriculture is well illustrated by the fact that a number of our ex-students now occupy prominent positions in the agricultural world. The following cases furnish a few illustrations of the above statement : Mr. George Valder became Manager of the Wagga Experiment Farm, then Principal of the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, then New South Wales Government Commercial Agent in South Africa, and is at present Chief Inspector of Agriculture in New South Wales. Mr. W. Brooks is manager of the Government Sewage Irrigation farm at Arncliffe- Botany. 5 . Mr. E. H. Gurney is Agricultural Chemist at the Queensland Agricultural College at Gatton (Queensland). i6o TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Mr. S. Cheetham is head gardener at Callan Park Asylum, where vegetables are grown for something like one thousand persons. Mr. Quodling is Inspector of Agriculture in Queensland. Mr. A. Martin is manager of one of the Experiment Farms in Queensland. Mr. G. L. Sutton, who was experimentalist at the Hawkesburyj 7 Agricultural College, is now manager of the Experimental Farms at Cowra and Coolabah, besides' being Wheat Expert to the Department of Agriculture, succeeding the late Mr. W. Farrer to that position. Mr. W. R. Fry was orchardist at the Bathurst Agricultural College, then first manager of the Government)Experiment and Irrigation Farms at Moree, and is now one of the Govern- ment fruit inspectors. Mr. A. A. Dunnicliff, junior, is poultry editor on the " Daily Telegraph." Mr. Frank? McMullen, M.A., who went through the two-years' course in Agriculture as recently as 1904-1905, is now principal of the Hurlstone Agricultural Continuation School. Mr. C. F. Jeanneret has been^ recently appointed experimentalist at Wagga Experiment Farm and College. A' large number of ex-students are at present successful larmers all over the States. A^ feature of the last two-years' classes was that about one-third of the students were Public School Teachers. The three photos illustrate the practical horse-breaking lesson for saddle, harness, or plough work which is included in the practical teaching of Agriculture. ELEMENTARY VETERINARY SCIENCE. THESE classes, which are under the charge of Mr. B. B. Loel, G.M.V.C., are not formed with the object of producing Veterinary Surgeons, but to impart a sound, practical, and theoretical knowledge in elementary Veterinary Science to those who have the care and management of live stock committed to their charge, and to individuals who are interested in the welfare of those animals subservient to man. ELEMENTARY VETERINARY SCIENCE LECTURE-ROOM. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. 161 The Syllabus is specially prepared in order that students who purpose fulfilling such duties as those of Inspector of Stock, or Inspector of -Dairies, may receive the scientific educa- tion necessary to fit them for such positions. During the first year, the elementary anatomy and physiology of domesticated animals are taught, whilst in the second year the lectures delivered deal with the care and management of live stock and the symptoms and treatment of diseases common to these animals. In order to facilitate the work of the students, carefully prepared diagrams, specimens, and dissections are used to illustrate the lectures. Visits are also arranged to various places where information may be gained, and practical demonstrations given when possible. The course extends over three years, and may be epitomised as follows : First Year. Anatomy, Physiology. Second Year. Stabling, the Horse, Breeding, Purchase of Horses, Soundness and Un- soundness, Lameness, Diseases, Injuries and Wounds, Operations. Cattle The critical points ; characteristic features of various breeds ; diseases. Sheep Diseases. Swine Common diseases and treatment. The Dog Symptoms and treatment of prevalent maladies. Practical demonstrations are given when possible, and include : (a) Methods of conducting post-mortem examinations, (b) Dissection, (c) Practical lessons on the horse ; his points, marks, breed, colour, age, &c. ; handling, clothing, and bandaging of horses; methods of approaching and examining sick animals; methods of throwing or casting horses for operation ; methods of administering medicines to horses. Third Year. Veterinary therapeutics. Veterinary medicine and surgery. Operations where practicable. FARRIERY. The course of instruction in Farriery, which is in charge of Mr. John Curnow, extends over one year, and is specially adapted to impart to improvers and apprentices a thorough and practical insight into their work, and thus supply a long-felt want. The horse's foot is looked upon by the average individual as a block of inert matter at the extremities of the limbs, instead of which it is one of the most highly organised and specialised structures known to anatomists. Many horses are rendered cripples and their usefulness prematurely ended through ignorance of the structure and functions of the vital parts of their feet. The Farriery class offers to all farriers a ready means to acquire this knowledge ; and it is hoped that a " Certificate in Farriery " will become recognised as a necessary credential in the trade. To gain a Certificate in Farriery the student is required to pass both the theoretical and the practical examinations. The course is illustrated by preparations, models, casts, drawings, and anatomical specimens. The instruction may be epitomised as follows : () The History of Farriery ; (b) Anatomy of the Foot ; (c) The Physiology of the Foot. (d) Principles of Shoeing ; (e) Diseases of the Foot ; (/) Surgical Shoeing ; (g) Prac- tical Shoeing. Special arrangements are made for Practical Lessons. TEXT BOOKS. Hunting's " The Art of Horse-shoeing." " Horse-shoeing and the Horse's Foot," by Dollar and Wheatley. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. HENRY LORD, G.T.C.A.C., Kennes, France, Lecturer in charge of Department. AGRICULTURE (Klementary) Tuesday, 7.30 to 9 p.m. (Advanced) Wednesday, 7.30 to 9 p.nr DAY CLASSES for Fruit and Flower Gardening, Poultry and Bee Fanning, Tuesday, 4.30 to 6 p.m. Analysis of Milk, Butter, Soils, &c., Wednesday, 4.30 to 6 p.m. FARRIERY John Curnow, Friday, 7.45 to 9 p.m. VETERINARY SCIENCE B. B. Loel, G.M.V.C., Monday, first year, 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. ; second year, 8.30 to g.^o p.m. Practical Demonstrations, fortnightly during istand 3rd terms. L 162 Department of Architecture. [By JAMES NANGI.E, F.R.A.S., F.I. A. (X.S.W.), Lecturer in Charge of Department.] HISTORY. INSTRUCTION in Architectural Drawing, Building Construction, Carpentry, Joinery, and Brick- laying has been given since the earliest stages of technical education in this State. One of the THE STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. From left to rinlit. Fi-init lime : Mr. Koberts, Assistant Teacber of Drawing; .Mr. Wilkie, Teocher-in-charge Carpentry ; -Mr. Nannie, Lecturer in charge of Department : Miss Bannister. Wood-can inu ; Mr. Hartley, Teaelier, Drawing ; Mr. [."i-klev, Senior Teacher, Carpentry ; Mr. Meljb. lirirkliiyim;. /jYn-A- /i'rMr ; Mr. Campbell, Assistant, Carpentry; Messrs. Hrown, Stewart, Wilkie, Assistant Teaehers, Carpentry; Mr. Cooper, Railway-carriage Huilcler ; Mr. Itnsb, Assistanl Teaelier, Carpentry; Messrs, Cambridge, Martin, Xinv.ey, Assistant Teaeliers, Architecture. first instructors in Architectural Drawing was Mr. Cyril Blacket, who was followed by Mr. J. F. Hennessy. Then the late Mr. Wright Campbell took charge, and under his care the classes increased very greatly in numbers, and students distinguished themselves by conspicuous success in winning prizes for drawings submitted for competition at South Kensington, London. The classes, both during the time of Mr. Hennessy and Mr. Campbell, were held in the building in Sussex-street, where the accommodation was very poor. After the death of Mr. Wright Campbell, Mr. Cyril Blacket was again appointed to the charge of the Department of Archi- tecture, which position he held for some years. During the late Mr. Campbell's term of office a move was made to a suite of rooms and workshops in the new College at Ultimo. On the resignation of Mr. Blacket, about three years ago, the writer was appointed to take charge of the Department. DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. 163 There has been, during the last couple of years, a great development in this Department. Originally the trades and drawing classes were in separate parts of the great group of buildings devoted to Technical Instruction at Ultimo. Besides this want of co-ordination of the drawing and trades classes, there was also a great lack of accommodation. The task of providing the location of all the classes relating to building and architecture with plenty of accommodation in one building was immediately undertaken. The scheme then outlined is now practically complete and in operation. DESCRIPTION OF THE ARCHITECTURE BUILDING. What was formerly a two-story building, the lower portion of which was given over to Agriculture and store rooms, with the upper floor for a carpenter's workshop, has been greatly extended in plan and increased to three storeys in height. On the lower floor are located in a large room the wood-working machines, comprising a Fay's No. 2 American solid frame patent variety wood-working machine, small panel planing machine, small saw-bench, large saw-bench, one band-sawing machine for sweeps and circular work, patent fret-saw, lathes for wood-turning, and the necessary additional machines, such as "grindstones, emery-wheels, &c. These are driven with electric power and are under the supervision of an experienced wood-working machinist. Adjacent to the machine- room is the Bricklaying room. On the second floor is the large Carpentry and Joinery workshop, containing fifty benches. At one end of this floor is a large room devoted to the teaching of Wood-carving and Polishing, and wherein are located models of all carpentry and joinery portions of buildings. The third floor is given up to drawing offices, one each for the first, second, and third years, in construction and architectural drawing, and one for the setting out of work required by the carpentering class. At the end of this floor is a magnificent lecture-room, where students LECTURE-ROOM FOR STUDENTS IN ARCHITECTURE. Mr. Nangle lecturing to Class, 164 TECHNICAL EDUCATION'. in each of the three years in Building Construction and the Styles of Architecture receive their lectures. This room is planned in the form of a theatre, with the seats rising at a rapidly increasing angle, so that all students may have a clear view of the lecturer and demonstration table. On each of the upper floors are rooms set apart for the testing of building materials. On the second floor is a room where cement limes, and the various kinds of mortar are investigated and tested, while on the top floor under the gallery in the large lecture-room is a room where timbers, stones, and other building materials are tested for strength. In planning the building great consideration was given to the question of a proper correlation of the various classes ; for instance, the Carpentry and Joinery workshop is located as before described, immediately above the wood-working machinery, and access is gained from one to the other by a stair. The Carpentry workshop is again placed just below the drawing office, where the student who is to make any particular piece of carpentry or joinery work will go, to set it out to scale on paper, prior to making it. Access from the Carpenter's workshop to this drawing office above is also gained by means of a stair. The drawing office for the setting out work for the carpentry is also in close touch with the drawing offices, wherein the whole ot the details of Building Construction and the Styles of Architecture are studied. THE SYLLABUS. The scheme of instruction in the Department of Architecture is, as is necessarily the case in a Technical College, planned primarily with a view to provide for the training of tradesmen by giving them instruction supplementary to that which they receive at their daily work on the building or in the builders' workshop, and to assist each trade in a general knowledge of building construction. The idea is to make not only a better workman at his own particular trade, but also to help him to carry on successfully the duties of foreman, clerk of works, or builder. The practical courses and lectures on Building Construction, however, afford a very useful, and, indeed, a necessary course of instruction for architects' pupils. The course as set out at the College has received the endorsement of the Institute of Architects, and has been incorporated in the syllabus of studies set out for pupils o" members of the Institute of Architects. It is also worthy of note that the course receives the endorsement of the Master Builders Association of this State. The master builders are keenly interested m the working of it, and make it a practice to present prizes annually to those students who do well in their studies at the College. Although the principles of construction naturally receive the most attention both in the drawing and lecture classes, as well as in the trade classes, some provision is made for instruction in the features in the different Styles of Architecture. This has been considered a necessity, for even in the case of an ordinary tradesman a knowledge of the Style of Architecture of the building at which he is engaged will enable him to exercise more interest in the shaping of the details. He will consequently be of real assistance to the architect whose designs he is engaged in executing, and a better quality of work generally is likely to be the result. Previously it was the practice to merely give the students in drawing instruction in the copying of plans of cottages, villas, and such buildings, without much reference to the question of detail. This has been done away with entirely, and now the students are engaged throughout the whole of the three years in the drawing out to various scales of the details of construction of the various parts of a building and the details of the various Styles of Architecture. The course in CARPENTRY and JOINERY comprises three years' instruction an advanced year in joinery and two years in stair and hand-railing. The course is sufficiently comprehensive to cover the details most completely of carpentry and joinery, and when supplementary to practical experience on a building, and in the builder's workshop, should provide for the turning out of very capable tradesmen. Particular care is taken that the students make drawings to DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. 165 CARPENTER'S SHOP, DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK CARPENTRY AND JOINERY. 1 66 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. scale of examples which they are to make. This class is under the care of Mr. Wilkie, with Mr. Lockley as principal assistant, who have with them a staff of assistant teachers. The photograph shows the carpentry class at work in the carpentry and joinery workshops, which contains accommodation for 100 students. THE BRICKLAYING CLASS-ROOM Students at Work. The BRICKLAYING section comprises a course of practical and theoretical instruction covering three years, and is under the care of Mr. Bebb. The photograph shows the students at work in the room, where they are taught to set out the work full size, and then to build portions of actual walls, arches, &c., with full-sized bricks. The WOOD-CARVING, controlled by Miss Bannister, comprises a course of three years' instruction, including the preparation and execution of simple designs in the various styles of ornament in Classical, Romanesque. Gothic. Italian, French, and English Renaissance. Advanced designs in the various architectural styles are dealt with in the second year ; original designs, their suitability and adaptability to furniture, art, and architectural work. Some examples of the work done in this class are shown by the illustrations. The WOOD POLISHING and DECORATION class includes a full course of instruction in these trades and is under the charge of Mr. Adams. The DRAWING OFFICE work, including instruction in the drawing of all constructional and architectural details is, under the supervision of Mr. Hadley, with Messrs. Roberts, Nurzey, DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. 167 THE WOOD-CARVING CLASS-ROOM. EXHIBITION, FEBRUARY, 1904, STUDENTS' WORK. 1 68 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. and Cambridge as assistants. All the drawing is done to scale from sketches on blackboards in front of the class. The students are thus forced to set plans, sections, and elevations up in a proper way, and are trained to understand what they are doing. The illustrations of examples of construction drawing will serve to indicate the success of the method of teaching this subject as compared with I he old style of allowing the students to copy from scale drawings. These examples are drawings made during the stress of the annual examinations in three hours' time from sketches with dimensions marked. A notable- feature of the work in connection with Sill! THE IST YEAR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING-ROOM. Students at Work architectural drawing is the measured drawing. The students go with Mr. Hadley to buildings of good architectural style on Saturday afternoon and take measurements. These measurements are used to prepare scale drawings in the class-room. The details of the doorway and roof from the Sydney University, which are illustrated, are examples of this section. The lectures in BUILDING CONSTRUCTION and the STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE, covering three years in each subject, are delivered by the Lecturer in Charge of the Department, who also personally supervises all testing and other experimental work. The lecturer has with him Mr. A. H. Martin as assistant. A course covering a year's instruction in QUANTITY SURVEYING, giving all the details of taking off and billing quantities in building work is taught by Mr. Stowe. After passing through the trades course and the course in Building Construction and Styles of Architecture, the students are encouraged to come and practise the application of GREAT HALL, SYDNEY UNIVERSITY HALF SKCTION OK ROOF, GKKAT HALL, SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. 41239 rMOTO-UTHOOIUPHKO BV W. * OUUICK. OOVEIWtMENT O f THE UNIVERSITY OF J?aWAY F THE UNIVERSITY OF DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. 169 that knowledge which they have received in the planning of buildings, but very little provision has been made so far for the development of this final course. The students who have attended the courses are rather more interested in RESEARCH WORK, and a great deal of help has been given by those students who have most successfully passed through their course in the testing and the working out of the results of the strength and other physical properties of various building materials, especially the timbers of this State, and many important contributions have been made to the Technological Museum and the Institute of Architects embodying these results. Special mention should be made of the help given by Messrs. Farrell, Cambridge, Martin, Ansell, and Kelshaw, in the work of original research on Australian timbers, and stones, and also on reinforced concrete. A great point is made of the necessity which exists for a student to previously study plane and solid geometrical drawing, elementary mathematics, and physics before entering on a course of studies in the Department of Architecture. In this connection it is pleasing to note that of late years the students arc much better equipped for entering on the course of building and architecture than formerly. This evidently is due to the improved methods of instruction in the Public Schools. Many students who have passed through the course have gone with a view to increasing their experience to America and England. It is interesting to note as evidence of the success of the instruction that they are doing very well. Three of these ex-students are particularly conspicuous by their success in obtaining important positions in London. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. DEPARTMENT OK ARCHITECTURE. JAMES NANGLE, F.R.A.S., F.I. A., N.S.W., Lecturer in Charge of Department. B. HADLEV, Teacher of Drawing. G. A. ROBERTS, N. NURZEY, E. CAMBRIDGE, Assistant Teachers of Drawing. CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ist and 2nd years: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING ist year: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m. Do 2nd year : Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Lectures, 1st year, Thursday, 7 to S p.m.; Jiid year, Wednesday, 7 to 8 p.m.; 3rd year, Tuesday, 7 to 8 p.m. STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE Lectures, 1st year, Thursday, 8 to 9 p.m.; jnd year, Wednesday, 8 to 9 p.m.; 3rd year, Tuesday, 8 to 9 p.m. *QUANTITY SURVEYING F. E. Stowe, Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. CARPENTRY AND CABINETMAKING 'ADVANCED JOINERY- Practice and Theory Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. ; Saturday, 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. T. A. Wilkie, Teacher; E. Lockley, Assistant Teacher. CARPENTRY Day Classes for a limited number only; Monday to Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 to 4 p.m. Fees Juniors, i per term ; Seniors, 2 per term. *HANDRAILING AND STAIRCASING Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. *\Vooo AND CHIP CARVING Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 2 to 4 p.m. ; Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. WOOD-TURNING Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. ; Miss Bannister. BRICKLAYING Teacher, G. Bebb ; Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. **FRENCH POLISHING AND WOOD DECORATION E. Adames ; Monday and F'riday, 7 to 9 p.m. * Fees, Senior Scale, leOdaHon of Jcte e vi EXAMINATION WORK PENCIL DRAWING MADE FROM DIMENSIONAL SKETCHES IN THREE HOURSAT ANNUAL EXAMINATION 1908. EXAMINATION WORK-PENCIL DRAWING MADE FROM DIMENSIONAL SKETCH IN THREE HOURS AT TERM EXAMINATION, 1908. - . I - u I ol L 1= ' t o o 0) Z O H X ui Z Z ' 1908 *Chapman, Miss L. j> * These students qualified for the Associateship of the Sydney Technical College. TIME-TABLE OF CLASSES. GEOLOGY (Lectures) First Year, Monday, 7 to 8 p.m. ; Second Year, Monday, 8 to 9 pm. ; Third Year, Thursday, 7 to 8 p.m. GEOLOGY (Practical) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 6 to 7 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., or 8 to 9 p.m. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Friday, 7 to 8 p.m. MINERALOGY (Lectures) First Year, Tuesday, 7 to 8 p.m. ; Second Year, Tuesday, 8 to 9 p.m. MINERALOGY (Practical) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 6 to 7 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., or 8 to 9 p.m. MINING (METALLIFEROUS) Friday, 8 to 9 p.m. ORE DRESSING Friday, 7 to 8 p.m. SURVEYING Thursday, 7 p.m. Department of Industrial and Decorative Art. (By P. W. JOHNSON, Lecturer in Charge of Department.) THIS Department was originally formed to give instruction in the different branches into which it is divided. From small beginnings twenty-five years ago the development of the classes has been steady and substantial. In proof of this it may be here men- tioned that while the attendance in the early days averaged five or six students, the daily average at the present time is about thirty, and has reached as many as forty students present on one evening. On a special occasion like the present it is only right that the peculiar circumstances under which some of the students attend the classes should be recorded. A greater part are in the paint- ing trade apprentices, improvers, journeymen, and masters' sons ; considering the migratory character of their employment (their work seldom lasting more than a few weeks in one place), and their coming long distances from all parts of the suburbs, the attendance may be looked upon as very satisfactory indeed. The class-room is large and open, allowing supervision over all^students in attendance. At the present time it is carrying its full number of students, and if the classes increase, more accommodation will be necessary. The room is well supplied with teaching apparatus, models, diagrams, &c., all of which have been designed by the Lecturer-in-Charge, and produced in the College workshops. The department comprises the following classes : House-painting, Graining JOHNSON, Lecturer-ln -charge, Industrial Art Department. CLASS-ROOM INDUSTRIAL AND DECORATIVE ART. Students at Work. INDUSTRIAL AND DECORATIVE ART. 199 and Marbling, Signwriting, Ticket-writing, Decoration, Illumination, and Design. They are so divided to enable each student to gain the knowledge he most desires. A" student engaged in signwriting wishes to learn decoration or illumination ; a decorator, signwriting or graining ; and so on through the list working at one branch of the trade during the day, studying and trying to perfect himself in another branch in the evening, an endeavour which, but for the facilities afforded by this Department, he could not accomplish, at all events, so effectively. HOUSE- PAINTING is an elementary subject in which the mixing, grading, and harmonizing of colours is taught ; the composition and application of colours in oil, spirit, distemper, and enamel; the staining and varnishing of wood; stencilling in different mediums, and other knowledge of a general character useful to a house-painter. This class has never been very large, as the students have an opportunity of practising much of the subject in their daily employment. GRAINING AND MARBLING is a class largely, and, in some years, wholly made up of students following the painting trade during the day. Here an oppor- tunity is given each student to gain an insight into graining and marbling by all the different methods in oils and water- colour a system of graded lessons is applied to the different examples of wood and marble, developing into specimens of work executed by the student without the assistance of a copy. SIGNWRITING is a class of great value to others besides the student engaged in painting signs, a thorough grounding is first given in the formation and painting of letters, this instruction is applicable to lithography, map and plan drawing, carving, and other work where lettering is required. The succeeding lessons apply more to the signwriter, and include setting out, proportion, blocking, shading, and application of letters to particular purposes. Following this, instruction is given in gilding and ornament on glass, then a course of lessons in making water- colour sketches to scale, and enlargement of the different parts, such as ribbons, tablets, shields, scrolls, monograms, and ornamental letters required in the execu- tion of better class work. TICKET-WRITING is a new class not yet thoroughly developed. The element- ary part is identical with signwriting, and afterwards ink or water-colour is used instead of paint, all the gilding on glass omitted. The finishing part of the signwriting. DECORATION in the first lessons commences with drawing, painting, cutting, preparing, and applying stencils of suitable ornament for walls, door, or ceiling. Afterwards a course of brushwork is given consisting of a complete set of painted ornaments, such as corner, break, centre, panel, borders, diapers all to matcn. Next the treatment of working drawings, WORK OF STUDENTS IN SIGNWRITING CLASS course is much the same as the third year o 200 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. ART AND INDUSTRIAL A RTlftEX H I BIT, C H R I STC H U RC H , NEW ZEALAND, 19O6-7. EXHIBITION, FEBRUARY, 1904, STUDENTS' WORK, INDUSTRIAL ART CLASSES. EXAMPLE OF STUDENT'S WORK. Executed in the Illumination Class. INDUSTRIAL AND DECORATIVE ART. 201 pounces, and their application to prepared grounds, comes under notice, along with a course of colouring ornament in flat, outline, monochrome, and relief, all in flatting or dead colour. After this, complete friezes, panel, and other ornaments are worked out in gold and colours, in conjunction with scaled and coloured sketches or plans of the work. Briefly put, the course of instruction is such as will enable a student to pro- duce a coloured sketch or plan of an idea for the decoration of the side of a room or its ceiling; draw and cut the stencils (if they are required); sketch and finish the working drawings of all ornamental parts ; and colour and finish all details in a proper manner. ILLUMINATION. Much of the work in this class is useful to the signwriter and decorator, and may be applied to churches or other places where a per- manent result is required. The course of instruction com- prises the best forms of alpha- bets, borders, scrolls (foliated and conventional), small initial letters, and other necessary details, followed by larger in- itial letters in various orna- mental methods, use of gold and colour in borders and initials, setting out and working given examples in the art of illumination. DESIGN. A three years' course of practical work, the elementary portion embracing the use of straight and curved lines as foundations for border and other ornament, radiation from point as centrepieces, vertical line as panels, curved line as scrolls, diapers or space filling on the principal geo- metrical figures, flowers and foliage conventionalized, and applied to given spaces. Each student is expected to produce as a result of three terms' instruction a composition comprising corner, centre, border, and diaper, with the constructive lines founded on the same geometrical ^figure, and all ornamental detail based on the" same leaf or flower, the whole to be executed in appropriate colour. The first year's ^course is generally useful as a foundation for many purposes, and the results are ^individual on the part of each student, the work of no two being alike. The second year is a development of the latter part of first-year work, all forms being derived from flowers, foliage, or other natural objects, and applied to designs for wood, iron, glass, tiles, and a number of other purposes. Here again originality is produced ART DECORATION 202 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. and the student encouraged in any originality he or she may possess. Along with the second year's course (in extra lessons) a study of any special line may be made as for example a student may devote one lesson (or more) per week to designing for (a) decorative ornament, or (b) stained glass, or (c) lace-work, or other subjects mentioned in the syllabus. The third year is devoted to a study of the principal styles of historic ornament their structure, details, and meaning; here, in many cases, originality is barred, as the forms are fixed and cannot be departed from, but much good work is obtained by following certain lines ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY STUDENTS IN DESIGN CLASS. INDUSTRIAL AND DECORATIVE ART. 203 in study. For example given a space (panel) to fill with twelve different styles Egyptian, Greek, Pompeian, Roman, Arabesque, Moresque, Persian, Gothic, Japanese, Chinese, French, and Italian Renaissance ; if the construction, origin, and use of foliated and other forms of the different styles are thoroughly understood, much excellent work will result therefrom in filling the twelve spaces. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL AND DECORATIVE ART. P. W. JOHNSON, Lecturer in Charge of Department. CHAS. TOMS, Assistant. HOUSE-PAINTING (General Course) Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. GRAINING AND MARBLING Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. SIGNWRITING (First and Second Year) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. SIGNWRITING (Advanced) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. DECORATION (First and Second Year) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. ART DECORATION (Advanced) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m, *DESIGN AND ILLUMINATION Tuesday and Thursday, 2.30 to 4.30 p.m., and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. *Fees, Senior Scale. 264 Department of Mathematics. (By NORMAN FITZ, B.E., Syd., Lecturer in Charge of Department.) ST^FF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS. Left to right Front row : Mr. Kitx, Lecturer in Charge of Department; Mr. Downward. Day Engineering Clas>es, Geometry, Applied Mechanics, and Machine Design. Back row : Mr. Tonkin, English and Mathematics, Day Con. tinuation Technical Sdiool ; Mr. Middleton, Teacher of Mathematics UNDER this Department are grouped a number of sub-departments which, covering as they do the work done in more than one of the great departments of the College, could not conveniently be placed under any one of them. Thus, in addition to the pure mathematics, which of course is a foundation subject for all the departments of the College, except, per- haps, that of Art, the head of this Department, who is himself a Bachelor of Engineering, takes a general control over the Day Engineering classes. These receive a training involving attendance at classes under the Mechanical, Electrical, and Sanitary Engineering Depart- ments, and also the Departments of Chemistry and Architecture, thus covering five of the great departments. The new Technical Day Con- tinuation School, which in respect to the variety of subjects studied, resembles the Day Engineering Classes, is also directly under the control of the writer. Taking then those sub-departments in the order above stated : MATHEMATICS. This Department provides systematic instruction in elementary Mathematics, both for day and evening students. For the former a three- years' course is arranged, and for the latter a two-years' course. Students are enabled to obtain a good grasp of the subject, whether as a subsidiary subject in the course of their professional training at the College, or for the entrance examination to the University. The number of individual students enrolled for the day classes is 75, and for the evening classes more than 100 students are enrolled. The subjects at present taught are Geometry, Algebra, Arithmetic and Mensuration, Trigonometry, Statics and Dynamics. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES, NORMAN FITZ, B.E. (Syd.), Lecturer in charge of Department. Assistant Lecturer R. J. MIDDLETON, B.A. (Syd.). GEOMETRY Monday, First year, 7 to 8 p.m. ; Tuesday, Second Year, 7 to 8 p.m. ALGEBRA Monday, First Year, 8 to 9 p.m. ; Tuesday, Second Year, 8 to 9 p.m. TRIGONOMETRY Thursday, First Year, 7 to 8 p.m. ; Friday, Second Year, 7 to 8 p.m. ARITHMETIC AND MENSURATION Thursday, First Year, 8 to 9 p.m. ; Friday, Second Year, 8 to 9 p.m. MATHEMATICS. 205 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DAY CLASSES. These classes were established in February, 1902, by Mr. D. J. Cooper, M.A., the then Superintendent of Technical Education. Until that time no systematic attempt had been made to train day students in Engineering at the College, although good work had been done for many years with the night classes, in giving instruction to those already engaged in engineering works. It was felt that there was a demand for training youths who had just left the higher classes in our public schools, in the engineering profession. It was with the object of meeting this want, by providing the means of combining, so far as possible in a Technical College, the practical experience of the workshops with systematic instruction in mathematics and science, that these organised engineering classes were established. The conditions of entrance are that the candidate shall be 16 years of age, and be able to pass an examination in English, Arithmetic, and Algebra. The hours are from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., Monday to Friday, and the course extends over a period of three years. For the FIRST YEAR the instruction for both classes is the same, and the subjects studied are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Freehand. Model, Geometrical, and Mechanical Drawing, Carpentry, and Metalwork. In the SECOND YEAR the subjects are Mathematics, Chemistry, Mechanical Drawing, Applied Mechanics Fitting and Turning, Patternmaking, and Electrical Engineering. For the THIRD YEAR Mathematics, Machine Design, Applied Mechanics, Fitting and Turning, Ironfounding, Black- smithing, Metallurgy, Sanitary Engineering, and Electrical Engineering (for students of that class only). Class examinations are held at the end of the First and Second Terms, and the yearly examinations, are conducted by outside examiners. At the end of the Third Term a student must pass the annual examination before proceeding with the next year's course. Students who pass successfully through the whole course are entitled to the College diploma. On opening the classes, thirty-six students enrolled, while the number at present in attendance is forty-four. The College diploma has been awarded to thirty-four students, and the P. N. Russell scholarship at the University has been won by five students from these classes. STAFF OF INSTRUCTORS. Electrical Engineering ... ' ... R. C. SIMPSON, A.K.C., A.M.I.E.E., Ass. Am. I.E.E.. Lecturer. Mathematics N. FITZ, B.E., Lecturer. Applied Mechanics . } N _ DowNWARD . Geometrical Drawing I Mechanical Drawing J. N. DOWNWARD and W. A. PHILLIPS. Chemistry W. J. C. Ross, B.Sc. (Lond.), Lecturer. Sanitary Engineering ... ... J. L. BRUCE, Mem. Royal San. Inst., Lecturer. Descriptive Engineering ... ... OWEN BLACKET, Lecturer. Fitting and Turning J. HANLEY. Pattern-making W.A.PHILLIPS. Carpentry ... T. A. WILKIE. Blacksmithing P. GRIFFITHS. Ironfounding ... ... ... G. J. PITT. Physics L. C. MORRIS, P.N.R. Scholar. Freehand and Model Drawing ... F. W. ATKINS. The portraits of all of those gentlemen appear in the groups showing the staffs of the great Departments of the College. TECHNICAL DAY SCHOOL. One of the problems of education in the State arises from the difficulty of dealing with boys and girls who have completed an elementary primary course, but are not prepared to follow it through a secondary course to the University. An attempt is being made to solve this problem by means of the Technical Day School, which has just been established. 2O6 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The object of the school is to prepare youths on the completion of their primary course for technical training. On the part of the boys, such training will aim at fitting them for technical work in Engineering, Mining, or Agriculture ; while the wants of the girls will be met in the direction of Domestic Science and Woman's handicrafts, particularly Cookery, Housewifery, Laundry, Dressmaking, and Millinery. The subjects of instruction and the time per week devoted to each are : English, 3 hours ; Mathematics, 8 hours ; Science, 6 hours ; Manual Training in woodwork and ironwork, 4 hours ; Drawing, 4 hours. The total time occupied is therefore equivalent to that usual in the primary school course. Saturdays are free from work at the school. ENGLISH. The syllabus arranged is only tentative. Pupils of somewhat varied pro- ficiency have been enrolled. Later when the numbers justify it, a subdivision of the school into classes will be carried out. At present the curriculum in English is an intensive study of the works set down in the Junior University course. It includes (a) "A Tale of Two Cities "- motive plot, characterisation, style, and literary merits, with a review of the historical events on which the story is based, and embracing an account of the- author's life, (b) Selections from "Golden Numbers 1 ' with explanatory treatment of words, phrases, and allusions. Sketches of the authors of the poems treated, (c) The Art Reader, assisted and amplified by copies of works of art to be seen in the Art Gallery, (d) General reading of standard works such as " Lamb's Tales," " Treasure Island," " Adam Becle," " The Vicar of Wakefield," and " David Copperfield." In addition to the foregoing, Composition will be treated in a manner calculated not only to improve the technical skill of the pupils in the art, but to excite their imagination, cultivate the faculty of observation, and to strengthen their powers of narration. TECHNICAL DAY SCHOOL-PRACTICAL GEOMETRY CLASS. MATHEMATICS. 207 The English course is under the direction of Mr. Tonkin. MATHEMATICS. This section is also under the control of Mr. Tonkin. It includes : (a) Arithmetic. A practical course of commercial arithmetic, attention being also paid to the metric system so useful to pupils in their Science work. (b) Mensuration, also of a practical nature, especially directed towards the more advanced work that every student in engineering and mining must master. (c) Algebra, on the lines of the Junior, and covering the usual course as far as Quadratics, Surds, and Indices. Graphical work is made a special feature. (d) Geometry constructive problems graphical exercises the geometrical determina- tion of areas, the higher theorems of Book I and II, theorems and problems in relation to the circle, and the connection between circles and rectilineal figures. (e) Trigonometry, of an elementary, but highly practical nature, involving an under- standing of the various ratios, circular measure, &c., and practice in trigonometrical con- structions. While it is not claimed that the scheme of mathematics is complete, it is certain that its strong feature is its aim in the direction of engineering, &c. No boy is put back to the more elementary work if previous preparation has fitted him for the higher branches of mathematics. SCIENCE. This important subject is under the care of Mr. L. Morris, of the staff of the College. The course includes : (a) Physics. Under the subdivision of Mechanics we find the course embraces the metric system of measurements of Length and Mass area of irregular figures by means of squared paper, and by weighing of Volume by displacement of water, of Time by shadow stick. Clocks, pendulum, balance-wheel, levers, pulleys, inclined planes, and other mechanical powers are also included. Pressure of Gases is treated, involving the study of the Balloon, the Barometer, &c., illustrated by Barometric graphs, the Steam Engine, Liquid Pressure, leading up to hydraulic Machinery, Artesian Wells, Lift and Force Pumps. The principle of Archimedes, Specific Gravity, Elasticity, and Hooke's Law round off this sub-section. The study of Heat and its effects on solids, liquids, and gases, involving the laws of expansion, evaporation, conduction, and convection, together with the proper understanding of such instruments as the thermometer and hygrometer, form the second part of the curriculum in Physics. The application of this course to mining and engineering is kept well to the front. Frequent practical experiments are made to elucidate principles. (b) Chemistry. In this department of Science, which is under Mr. W. Clunies Ross, theoretical lessons on the elementary principles of Chemistry and related sciences will be followed by short studies on the preparation and properties of the more important gases, together with some account of the more important non-metallic elements. The practical side of the treatment will deal with glass-bending and glass-blowing, and the fitting up of wash bottles and other apparatus. Preparation and experimental demonstration of the properties of gases will follow. As in other directions the work of the first year of the Technical Day School in Science is largely tentative. Next year it is hoped that a more detailed syllabus will be available. (c) Physiography. The treatment of this branch of Science is largely cultural in its aim, and is particularly directed towards preparing pupils for a course in geology, which must be taken by those who wish to receive technical instruction in mining. Mr. C. Sussmilch, the College lecturer on Geology, has charge of the Physiography work of the school. He has drawn up a very complete syllabus of work, dealing with: (i) The Earth as a whole, its size, form, motions, inclination, relation to solar system and terrestrial magnetism. (2) The Atmosphere, its composition and properties, its temperature, moisture, pressure, and circulation, with not only the physical phenomena arising therefrom, but the scientific appliances for observing, comparing, and recording these phenomena. (3) The Hydrosphere, its distribution, composition, temperature, movements, contents, and the various resultant natural phenomena. (4) The Lithosphere, its relief features, materials, changes and other phenomena due to various agencies, crust movements, and the history of its physiographical features. WOOD AND IRONWORK. The object of this course is to train the hand and the eye. ami particularly to give the students a knowledge of all hand and pocket tools used by engineers ao8 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. They will also be instructed in the use of measuring instruments, and the application of callipers, compasses, squares, angle-gauges, and other such appliances. Light exercises in the use of the hammer and file will be practised by the students. This department will be under the control of Mr. J. Hanley; while a course of elementary carpentry or woodwork will be conducted by Mr. T. A. Wilkie. The course will also include lectures on timbers and tools. DRAWING. The Superintendent lays great stress on the predominance given to drawing in German schools of all grades. It is used there to an extent of which we have little, if any, conception. For the Technical Day School under notice there has been laid down a course of geometrical drawing similar to that given to the general student of the College. It includes all the simple problems in plane geometry, and the usual study of projections necessary to inculcate the first principles of plans, elevations, and sections of solids in different positions. Illustrations of the practical application of geometrical truths to various trades will be given. The course of Freehand and Model Drawing is elementary in its scope; special attention being given to good construction, so as to enable students to make rapid and accurate perspective sketches of any object which may be placed before them. The fee for the full annual course of three terms of fourteen weeks each is i is. Scholarships and bursaries are provided for worthy candidates. This term there are eighteen boys and two girls holding either scholarships or bursaries, while there are also ten paying students. At present the Fifth Class Primary standard is sufficient to qualify a pupil for entrance. This standard is not a high one, but has been so set to meet the case of country pupils. The Continuation Schools at Granville, Newcastle, and Goulburn are to be conducted on the lines of the Sydney Day Technical School. The next examination for scholarships and bursaries will be held in July. 2OO. Mechanical Engineering Department. (By OWEN BLACKET, Lecturer in Charge of the Department). WHEN the Board of Technical Education first started classes, one of the sections was that of Applied Mechanics, which embraced Mechanical Drawing and Applied Mechanics; shortly afterwards the Board secured some old buildings in Kent-street and turned them into workshops for Fitting and Turning and Plumbing; the next move was to add a small shed to hold two fires for Boilermaking, which was the first start in practical engineering work. THE STAFF OF THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Kroni left to right Front ftiw: Mr. Phillips, Palterinnaking ; Mr. Griffiths, Blacksmithing ; Mr. Blanket, Lecturer in Charge ; Mr. Hanley, Fitting and Turning ; Mr. Pill, Foundry. Back row : Mr. Klannigan, labourer: Mr. MeGrath, Model-maker; Messrs. Brown, Stocker, Clargo, Chalinor, Kdginifton, and Davis, Assistant Teachers ; Mr. Collet, labourer. In the year 1886 Mr. Owen Blacket was appointed Instructor, and he recommended the change of name to Engineering, which was the name for some years, when it was again changed to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, to distinguish it from other engineering branches which had been started ; at the same time the title of Instructor was altered to that of Lecturer-in-Charge. It is remarkable how the small matter of a name led students to enrol ; under the name of " Mechanical Engineering " they understood what it meant, but the term Applied Mechanics did not appeal to them. A very few years of College work was sufficient to show that the accommodation in Kent-street was far too small for the Mechanical Engineering Department, and fortunately for the Department the then Minister for Education, Mr. Carruthers, grasped the situation and immediately set in hand the building of workshops at Ultimo. Each Lecturer in the College was asked to draw up a plan of his requirements, and adverse comment was at that time made as to the big ideas of the Mechanical Engineering Lecturer, as it was considered he was asking for more than was necessary for requirements. 2IO TECHNICAL EDUCATION. THE FOUNDRY, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SHOWING MOULDING IN PROGRESS. FITTING AND TURNING: STUDENTS AT WORK ON THE MACHINE FLOOR. (Second stape of training.) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 211 In 1891 the machinery in Kent-street was moved to the new workshops at Ultimo, and special appliances which had been ordered from England were also received -and erected there, and in the first term of 1891 the mechanical workshops were started. It was very soon found 1. FITTING AND TURNING SHOP: CHIPPING AND FILING. (F'rst statue of practical work.) ?. BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, SHOWING STUDENTS AT ELECTRICAL HAMMER. that the public fully appreciated the new workshops. The enrolment and desire for extended information increased so much that instead of working on three nights per week only, as had been the practice, it soon became necessary to work five nights per week. As time passed 212 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. not only was it found necessary to hold classes every night, but every day as well. Further additions have had to be made to the workshops from time to time, till all the vacant ground is now occupied ; but the demand continues to increase for education ; still the students come in increasing numbers, showing how the value of the technical training in Mechanical Engineering is being most largely appreciated. The late regulation of the Industrial Court to the effect that every apprentice to engineering must attend the Technical College classes for at least two years of his time in some branch of his trade, is likely to swell the enrolment a long way above the present capacity, which only proves the necessity of immediately arranging for further additions to the workshops and other class-rooms. MECHANICALflENGINECRING LECTURE-ROOM, MR. HANLEY DEMONSTRATING ON BLACKBOARD. The'-Engineering profession embraces a great many subjects, and it may be safely said the mechanical portion is"^the foundation. The Technical College gives great opportunities for a student tolearn something in this portion, it is a debatable point as to whether a student should first attend the College classes and then go into a ^workshop, or should serve his apprenticeship conjointly with his technical training. On one point, however, all agree, namely, that a student cannot learn his trade fully in either alone, and to be a thorough master of his work, he must have practical workshop experience as well as a college training. The mechanical side is again divided into many branches Mathematics, Drawing, Blacksmithing, Patternmaking, Ironfounding, Fitting, and Turning, &c. An employer has not time to teach mathematics ; there is not room in the drawing office, so one has to take up one of the trades ; apprentices are put to the one he has a vacancy in, and where he can make the most money for him. There the apprentice gains merely a smattering of some one branch of a trade. If he joins the Technical College, in conjunction with his workshop training, he has the opportunity of learning, say first, mathematics, the backbone of all the sciences ; next he can MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 213 PATTERNMAKING CLASS-ROOM AND CLASS. ART METAL-WORK IN WROUGHT-I RON , By Peter Griffiths, Teacher of Blacksmithing. FOUNDRY WORK. Tlie Pattern, the Mould, and the Casting of a Screw Propeller. OF THE UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL EDUCATION. learn mechanical drawing, the universal language that all can understand, and he also has the chance of learning the laws that underlie the special branch of the trade he has decided on as his calling, whether blacksmith, patternmaker, or moulder. The term " engineer " is a vague and misleading one, which is used by many tradesmen simply because it is associated in their minds with machinery ; but when we come to inquire into their work it will be found that it is in many cases merely either that of a driller, a planer, a fitter, or a turner, and very likely the so-called engineer cannot explain even the working STUW RLACKSMITHINC of a steam engine. Such men have the-.opportunity at the". College *of gaining^a|better right to use the name "engineer," because the study of mathematics^ mechanical drawing, and applied mechanics gives them an insight into parts _of machines and laws of science which they could never learn in a workshop. It also helps to.jnake their daily work more interesting when they can understand how the particular portion of the machine they are making is to be used. It can easily be understood that during the quarter of a century that the College has been established many hundreds of students have passed through the various classes, and in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 215 many cases the students of to-day are the children of former students. The engineering pro- fession gives great opportunities of travel to those who can work their way on -board steamships and so take employment in other countries, and repeatedly letters are received from the old students from England, America, China, India, and Africa, and in every case it is the same story " I owe my position to the instruction I received at the Sydney Technical College." It would be impossible to give a list of the high positions obtained by successful students, but attention may be drawn to the fact that more than half the teachers in the Engineering Depart- ment have been students of the College, and several of them have been in England or America THE FIRST FITTING AND TURNING SHOP, IN KENT-STREET, 1885. for some years improving their knowledge, and in that way they have brought back to the College information gained in other countries, so helping to keep the teaching abreast of the most modern methods there adopted. The course of instruction is arranged so as to meet all classes of students, those who merely wish to get an insight into mechanical work as well as those who desire to fit themselves for the higher work of designing with a facility for the calculations required for such work. It is very pleasing to notice how, during the last few years, the percentage of students taking up the theoretical training as well as the practical has increased, and there can be no doubt that the technical teaching is in this way taking effect for good in the factory and the workshop. In workshop practice and general management, the College training gives many lessons to factory proprietors, and that it is remembered and appreciated is shown by the improvements which may be noticed in our modern workshops, where the owner or manager has been a 2l6 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: TESTING MACHINES 100 TONS ~D 20 TONS. ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 217 Technical College student Tools are^not allowed to^be "^hung up on the floor " and so lost in the dirt, as is done in many a Sydney workshop, there is a place for everything and it must be put in its place when done with. The latest change in the iron foundry at the College is a valuable object lesson to Sydney ironfounders the whitewashed ceiling reflecting and diffusing a good light just where it is required, viz., on the floor. The new applied mechanics lecture- room, which is in close proximity to the workshops, is also a great improvement. In regard to equipment the late addition of the electrically-driven compressed-air hammer, with long stroke, in the blacksmith's shop; the latest development in milling machines and side planer, in the tool shop ; the improved twist-drill grinders, and milling cutter sharpener all go to prove that the classes are kept up with modern improvements in mechanical engineering work. These not only benefit the student but enable the owners of local shops to see for themselves the EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK: BOILERMAKING CLASS. advantage of scrapping|old gear, which gave but a poor return, and adopting these modern high-speed tools, and so help in the engineering progress of the State. The remarkable progress of the workshops can be easily understood from the illustra- tions the first (page 215) being the Kent-street workshop in 1885, with an equipment of two foot-lathes and a hand-shaper ! the others (pages 210 and 211), showing the large and well- arranged shop of to-day. The College possesses many examples of science progress we have the oldest Watt engine in the world, with sun and planet motion ; at the same time we have a triple- expansion surface-condensing engine (made at the College) of about equal power, occupying a fraction of the space, the connecting-rod of the Watt engine, weighing twice as much as the complete modern marine engine. There is also an exact copy of Murdock's locomotive to be compared with No. i locomotive of New South Wales Railways, which, though only fifty years P 218 TECHNICAL EDUCATION*. EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK: PATTERN MAKI NG CLASS. No. I LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. (First Engine nin in this State). MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 219 old, is very crude to modern ideas. From a copy of Hero's engine of 2,000 years ago, till " to-day," seems a long time ; but the present modern " Laval " engine, of which the College has an example, is identical with Hero's in every respect, with this exception : Hero having hut very low boiler pressure at his command, only gave " motion " with practically no " power," whereas the " Laval " is used for driving high-speed machinery. Thus it can justly be said of the College teaching that, though honoring the past, and showing what has been done in days gone by, every endeavour is made to keep abreast of the world's progress. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (EVENING CLASSES). OWEN BLACKET, Lecturer in Charge of Department. MECHANICAL DRAWING Benjamin Bourke, J. N. Downward, and W. D. Massey, Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. APPLIED MECHANICS Owen Blacket, ist year, Tuesday, 7 to 8 p.m., and 2nd year, Thursday, 7 to 8 p.m. BLACKSMITHING Peter Griffiths, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. PATTERN-MAKING W. A. Phillips, Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. A fair knowledge of Mechanical Drawing is an essential qualification for admission to the Pattern-making class. BOILERMAKING F. Buddie (Practical). Wednesday, 7 p.m., and (Theoretical), Friday, 7.30 to 9 p.m. FITTING AND TURNING J. Hanley S. W. Stocker, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. IRONFOUNDING G. J. Pitt, Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. SLIDE RULE F. E. Stowe, Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. Fees, Senior Scale. MOTOR DRIVING A. H. Sproule, Tuesday, 8 to 9 p.m. Fees, Senior Scale. FITTING AND TURNING Special day classes for a limited number, Monday to Friday, 2 to 4.30 p.m. Fees, Juniors 4s., Seniors 8s. per term for eaph lesson taken per week. 22O Department of Printing and Lithography. COMPOSING. (By J. V. BARKER, Teacher of Composing.) THE several branches of printing and the allied industries have many things in common, and much of the success desired for the " Art Preservative " is dependent upon collective results. It is very essential, therefore, that each section of this far-reaching combination should benefit in the good accruing from technical education, and it is satisfactory to record that in a great measure this desideratum is being met at the Sydney Technical College, though it yet remains to inaugurate a class in the interests of bookbinding. With this class in operation, and all the departments brought together in one room, or at least on one floor, the advantages that would be derived from such an association would be great and varied, and lead to a com- prehensive understanding of technicalities the allied trades thus receiving an im- petus that is all the more necessary in view of the rapid changes that are taking place in the means of production. In a communication to the writer, the Government Printer of New South Wales (Mr. W. A. Gullick) wrote : " There is no room for doubt of the effect of technical teaching in the near future. The next generation will be very much better off than the present ; in fact they scarcely realise how much is available to them, compared with the facilities which were at the disposal of the men with whom they are just commencing to compete." The late Mr. F. Bridges, who was the first Superintendent of the Sydney Technical College, soon realised the neces- sity for extending operations, and amongst other industries that of printing came up for consideration, through representations being made by the Master Printers of Sydney " as to the necessity for providing technical instruction for those lads and apprentices connected with the printing and allied trades." It was not, however, until shortly after September, 1901, that applications were invited by the Public Service Board for the positions of instructors in composing and machining. There were twenty-three applications for the former position and eighteen for the latter. Messrs. W. A. Gullick (Government Printer), C. Batson (Batson & Co., Ltd.), and J. A. Burke (hon. secretary Printers Overseers' Association), were appointed to draw up examination papers and conduct theoretical and practical tests for the positions, the outcome being the appointment of Mr. J. V. Barker as teacher of the Composing Class, and Mr. W..S. De Wilde as teacher of the Machining Class. Mr. Barker served his apprenticeship with the old Caxton Office of this city, of which he eventually became overseer. He was afterwards with Gibbs, Shallard & Co., with whom he stayed until their business was destroyed by fire. He then secured a position with the STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHY. From left to ri<*ht Front l\-)it Front m?c : Mr. Pinn, Instructor of Carpentry ; Mr. Hammond, Science Master; Mr. McMulltm. Principal ; Mr. Hadfield, Instructor in Agriculture. Back row : Mr. Lijr&rins, Drill Instructor; Mr. Patino, Instructor in Plumbing ; Mr. Tonkin^, Assistant Master (Rnlish). AIMS OF THE INSTITUTION. WHEN in 1906 the Department of Public Instruction determined to close the Women's Training College at Hurlstone, and extend the principle of co-education to the training of teachers, it had left on its hands the fine estate of Hurlstone, embracing nearly 27 acres, with buildings and class-rooms. The question naturally arose how to utilise such a place. Mr. J. W. Turner, the Superintendent of Technical Education, immediately came forward with a scheme for the establishment of a Continuation School based on agricultural lines. As a result, the Hurlstone School began operations on April, 1907. In advocating the necessity for such a school Mr. Turner pointed out that the tendency of our present-day education was to be entirely academic or literary in character. It did not supply that demand for industrial intelligence which fits a child to fulfil his function in life as a producer. Continuation Schools are designed to supply this deficiency by providing an education which will result in increased industrial efficiency. VJ CSj ."> a o ^5 -^ 3 : v -J Od. M o z D O tr 9 i _i o o X o U) z o I- Z O o 3 O a UI Z O U) MURLSTONE AGRICULTURAL CONTINUATION SCHOOL. 279 It has long been felt that the future of Australia is closely bound up -with the develop- ment of her agricultural resources. One of the needs of the day, then, is for intelligent, well- trained agriculturists. The time is rapidly approaching when it will be recognised that there is scarcely any occupation which calls for so thorough a training as does agriculture. The farmer of the new age is to be a man of wide and general knowledge. Science, business know- ledge, and an acquaintance with the world's markets are necessary parts of his equipment. It is to help towards the attainment of these ideals that the Hurlstone Agricultural Continua- tion School has been established. In drawing up the scheme of instruction for the school two main objects have been kept in view. In the first place it was decided that the instruction should be very largely of a practical character " learning by doing." But side by side with this, technical education is carried on the general education of the boys. The State has a right to expect from every ONE OF THE FEATURES OF PRACTICAL WORK. system of education technical and otherwise that the cultural side should not bo neglected, but that those who are to be the future citizens should be educated not merely to earn their livings, but so as to be fitted for the weighty responsibilities of citizenship. CHARACTER OF THE INSTRUCTION. The endeavour to satisfy these claims explains the threefold division in the course of instruction at this school. (1) The English Section, comprising English Language and Literature, History, Geography, and Mathematics. (2) The Science Section, comprising Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Botany, and Zoology. (3) The Practical Section, comprising Farm and Garden work, Dairying, Orcharding, Farm Carpentry, Blacksmithing and Plumbing. 280 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Of the English Section little need be said. While due regard is paid to the cultural value of the subjects of instruction, they are at the same time correlated with the practical operations in farm life. For example, the mathematical course includes calculation of areas ; quantity measurements as applied to tanks, dams, haystacks, levelling, and similar operations. . CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL LABORATORY. The Science work is taught experimentally. Its great object is to develop the scientific mind and attitude. Every up-to-date farmer must use the teachings of Science, and must be able to put questions to nature in the form of experiments. For this the scientific training is essential. The special features of the Science Course are as follows : In Chemistry particular attention is paid to such elements as are directly concerned with agriculture. Thus we find included in the course a study of the chemistry of plant life and soils ; analysis of fertilizers, and of milk for fats and solids. The Botany course includes the study of rusts, smuts, and mildews ; the principal grasses and fodder crops; and noxious weeds and their eradication. Prominence is given in the Zoology course to noxious and beneficial insects, which are studied from life and from dried specimens. The Practical course, besides giving the boys a working knowledge of ordinary farming operations, aims at making them ready to cope with the manifold emergencies of farm life ; hence the inclusion in this course of carpentry, blacksmithing and plumbing. Students are taught the use of the plough, harrow, cultivator, seed-drill, and other farm implements, and in addition are trained to care for and repair these implements. The practical operations are combined with theoretical instruction in the principles underlying them. The Carpentry course differs somewhat from the ordinary manual training course, in that it specially aims at teaching work applicable to the farm. Thus we find the students making milking stools, farm gates, swingle-bars, wheelbarrows, building fences and sheds, and carrying out general repairs. The workshop is fitted with carpenter's benches and is well supplied with all necessary tools. HURLSTOXE AGRICULTURAL CONTINUATION SCHOOL. 281 MANUAL TRAINING WORKSHOP. THE DAIRY 282 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The blacksmith's shop is equipped with anvils, forges, and all the simple tools required for the work. Here, again, the instruction is designed to meet the needs of the man on the land. It includes the drawing, bending, and welding of iron and steel ; making links and repairing chains ; and the repairing of farm tools. That the former may be a veritable handyman, a plumbing section is added wherein the boys are taught soldering, riveting, repairing milk cans and buckets, screwing and jointing of pipes for water and steam supply; and the fitting up and keeping in repair of pumps. Dairying occupies a prominent place in the school course. Full instruction is given in milking, feeding, and food values, the running and care of separators, and the testing of milk and cream. The dairy is equipped with a separator, Babcock tester, milk cooler, and other accessories of a modern dairy. The floors are cemented and sloping, and students are taught the paramount importance of cleanliness and attention to sanitation. THE RESIDENCE-FRONT VIEW. BUILDINGS AND CLASS-ROOMS. The buildings consist of the Principal's residence, with students' dormitories and dining- room, the English Class Room, Reading Room, and domestic quarters attached. The advantage of this arrangement is that the Principal is able at all times to maintain a personal supervision of the students. Other buildings are the Science Hall, containing a Lecture-room and Labora- tory, Dairy, Manual Training workshop, Plumbing workshop, Smithy, toolsheds, hay-shed and necessary outbuildings. The Science Hall is a fine detached brick building, divided into Lecture-room and Laboratory. These are separated by a glass partition. Each room is 38 ft. x 24 ft., and is splendidly lighted and ventilated. The Lecture-room is provided with forty single desks and a fine demonstration bench. In the Laboratory are ten benches, each accommodating two students. They are fitted with cupboards for storing students' materials. The arrangements for supplying gas and water are complete. The Laboratory is well supplied with all the apparatus for conducting chemical and physical investigation. Microscopes, balances, &c., of a good type are provided. HURLSTONE AGRICULTURAL CONTINUATION SCHOOL. 283 ' - SCIENCE HALL EXTERIOR VIEW. SCIENCE HALL INTERIOR. 284 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The Dining Hall has accommodation for fifty students, and the dormitories provide for thirty-eight. The dormitories are divided into cubicles so that each boy may secure a certain degree of privacy, while complete supervision is still possible. The Reading Room is supplied with daily and weekly papers, magazines, and the principal agricultural journals of the State. There is a small but carefully chosen library containing books on agricultural and general literature. FARM GROUNDS. The School is situated in Ashfield, about i mile from Summer Hill station. The site is elevated and commands a fine view of the surrounding suburbs. The total area is 26 acres 3 roods. About 10 acres are used for grazing purposes, while 12 acres are under cultivation. THE VEGETABLE GARDEN. During last year the principal crops raised were, wheat (6 varieties), maize (6 varieties), oats, barley, sorghum, potatoes (2 varieties), sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, melons, and all the usual vegetables. There is a small orchard newly planted, and about 120 grape vines. Small experimental plots are being laid out and specimen plots of various commercial crops are being grown. The playing fields are 2j acres in extent, and the boys are encouraged to play cricket, football, and tennis. The remainder of the ground is occupied by buildings, flower beds, and lawns. The whole estate is fenced and subdivided. STUDENTS. When the school opened in April, 1907, there were but seven students in attendance. By the end of the year this number had increased to twenty-three. In 1908 the attendance reached fifty-five, and the accommodation for resident students was taxed to the utmost. For ftie current year the enrolment is fifty-six, of whom thirty-eight are resident students. HURLSTONE AGRICULTURAL CONTINUATION SCHOOL. At this early stage of its career little can be said of the achievements of the students, as only eight have completed the full course. Of these three have gone to the Hawkesbury College to take advantage of the more advanced course provided by that institution, while another is continuing his agricultural education by studying wool-classing at the Technical College. The others have taken positions on farms where their services have been eagerly sought. CORNER OF STUDENTS' DINING HALL. In December, 1907, one of the students was successful in winning the first " Mail Scholar- ship " to Hawkesbury College, while last year another student was chosen out of a number of applicants for the position of Scientific Cadet in the Entomological Branch of the Department of Agriculture. The attitude of the students towards their work is extremely satisfactory, the keenest interest being shown in all practical operations and in experimental science, while outdoor work and healthy surroundings contribute to robust health. The physical develop- ment is further provided for by cricket, football, tennis, gymnastics, and military drill. 2 86 Bathurst Technical College. (By T. C. DWYER, B.Sc., Resident Master in charge.) TECHNICAL Classes were first formed in Bathurst by Dr. W. F. Bassett (Senr.), some thirty years ago. STAFF OF BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE, Reading from left to right Front Row : Mr. Coles, Carpentry, &c. ; Miss CoH'mgridge, Art ; Mr. Dwyer, Resilient Science Master-in-charge ; Miss Rowell, Cookery ; Miss Clapham. Dressmaking. Back Row : Mr. Collier, Caretaker ; Mr. Copeman, Geometry, Mechanical Drawing, &c. ; Mr. Macartney, wool-classing ; Mr. Giddey, Plumbing ; Mr. Dryden, Shorthand. In Front : Mr. Randell, Laboratory Assistant. Under Dr. Bassett's charge the classes grew so rapidly that in a few years a Resident Master was required: Mr. W. J. Clunies-Ross, B.Sc. (Lond.), being selected for the position. In 1904 Mr. Ross proceeded to Sydney as Lecturer in charge of the Department of Chemistry, after a service of twenty-two years in Bathurst, and the present College, whose foundation stone was laid in 1896 by Mr. J. Garrard, then Minister for Education, stands to- day a monument to the zeal, enterprise, and energy of that gentleman and Dr. Bassett. Mr. Ross was succeeded by Mr. Donald Locke, E.M. (Freiburg), who in turn was suc- ceeded in 1906 by the present Resident Master. The building is situated in William-street, Bathurst, and the style of architecture adopted in its erection is similar to that of Central Technical College, Sydney. There are two main BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE. floors. On the ground floor are situated Museum, Geological and Chemical Laboratories, Cookery Department, Plumbers' Workshop. On the First floor are the Commercial, the Physics, the Dressmaking, the Carpentry, and the Wool-classing rooms, Lecture Hall (72 ft. x 30 ft.) and Caretaker's quarters. fcs EXTERIOR VIEW OF TECHNICAL COLLEGE AT BATHURST. The Lecture Hall is provided with lantern and sheet for illustrating lectures, 7 and has accommodation for 300 people. The Museum is well filled with specimens of general and economic interest from the surrounding districts, e.g., wool specimens, ores, timbers, building stones, and in addition are displayed works of art loaned by the trustees of the National Art Gallery. Gas and water are laid on throughout the building, and the students' convenience is in every way studied. Among the students who entirely, or in part, owe their progress to tuition received at this College, may be mentioned the following : Messrs. R. W. Peacock, Manager of Government Experimental Farm, Bathurst ; W. E. George, Chemist, Bathurst ; C. Newman, Chemist, Sydney; J. J. Copeman, F.I.A., Architect, Bathurst ; J. H. Bates, Architect, Forbes; W. H. Sadlier, Architect. Junee; J. Sykes, Architect, Casino ; A. Humphries, Engineering Draftsman and Teacher Mechanical Drawing, Railway Insti- tute, Bathurst ; Mackenzie Bros. (2), Engineers, Sydney; C. Toovey, Engineer, Hobart ; Hamilton Bros. (3), Engineers, Sydney; P. Beddie, Contractor, Milthorpe; F. R. Jones, Contractor, Bathurst ; Walter Tinsley, Plumber, Bathurst ; Miss M. Clapham, Dressmaking and present teacher at College ; Miss Giddey, Teacher of Dressmaking, Casino. 2 88 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. COMMERCIAL SECTION. The class-room, which is 24 ft. x 19 ft., is provided with the necessary accommodation for twenty-five students. Classes are held in Book-keeping by F. J. Tonkin, Esq., Shorthand by W. Dryden, Esq.. Mathematics by Science Master. BOOK-KEEPING. The nature of the work done, as shown in the Syllabus issued by Central Technical College, aims at giving students a good general knowledge of the subject in its various branches, e.g., Principles and advantages of Double Entry v. incompleteness of Single Entry, and where required, a detailed knowledge of some particular branch of the subject. The class is attended by (i) boys and girls leaving school wishing to prepare for com- mercial life ; (ii) shop-assistants ; (iii) station hands ; (iv) apprentices to various trades ; (v) clerks desirous of improving their knowledge of the subject. SHORTHAND. Pitman's method is adopted in teaching this subject, and students are drawn from practically the same sources as those of book-keeping class, chiefly, however, from clerks from warehouses, law offices, and factories, and from youths desirous of entering journalistic life. MATHEMATICS. Arithmetic : According to the Syllabus each student is required to have a knowledge of the subject as far as decimals before entering the class, but in many cases it has been found necessary to allow the student to commence on the " first four rules," he never having had any tuition in the subject, or leaving school at an early age, has forgotten even what he then learned. For students such as these, and there are many, the regular course is quite impossible, and in these cases the lecturer is content to see that his pupil acquires a thorough knowledge of Weights and Measures, Simple Proportion, and if possible, Profit and Loss, and Simple Interest. With properly qualified students the course is followed in detail, generally with beneficial results. The class is attended by youths just left school, clerks, labourers, shop-assistants, teachers, carters, farm hands, &c. GEOMETRY, ALGEBRA, and TRIGONOMETRY is attended by fewer students, chiefly teachers and apprentices to trades. RESUME. As will be seen from the varied occupations of the students attending, the classes are patronised by a large section of the community. The College acts as a Continuation Commercial School for Bathurst and the surrounding districts, and many local employees owe their business advancement to the facilities it offers for a preparatory training in commercial life. CARPENTRY, TURNING, AND CARVING. (Teacher, F. COLES.) The room, 31 ft. x 22 ft., is rather small, but well equipped, being supplied with, (i) double benches fitted with bench stops, vice, tool-rack, and a few of the most commonly used tools for each bench ; (2) turning lathe ; (3) carving benches and stools ; (4) complete set of tools for teacher ; (5) acces- sories, such as samples of woods, models of courses, grindstones, blackboard, &c. The classes aim at improving the efficiency of the apprentice and have built up such a local reputation that one leading contractor has asserted repeatedly, both privately and publicly, that he would keep no apprentice who neglected to attend these classes during his apprenticeship. In addition, the Carpentry and Turning Classes are attended by persons of varied occupations who desire to learn the use of tools, &c., e.g., farmers, clerks, teachers, labourers, shop-assistants. Carv- ing students find carpentry a necessary adjunct in constructing articles of furniture from their carved woodwork. BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE. 289 CARVING, regarded rather as belonging to the Art section than a trade class, is neverthe- less attended well By apprentices. The main bulk of students in this class comes from ladies engaged in home duties, who make use of the accomplishment for decorative purposes. MANUAL TRAINING. Attended by Public School pupils; Course modelled on Slade's system. Pupils required to complete a certain set of exercises in woodwork, and are instructed in use and care of tools ; in growth, colour, hardness, grain, cutting, and seasoning of timber. On completion of the set exercises it has been found most advantageous to allow the boys to construct small articles for home use, e.g., chair, table, knifebox, easel, &c. DOMESTIC SCIENCE, COOKERY, AND LAUNDRY. (Teacher, Miss M. ROWELL.) This department has a kitchen (25 ft.x 18 ft.), dining room (21 ft. x 10 ft.), scullery, and pantry. The courses as laid down in the Syllabus are followed, while the rooms are well equipped with all utensils necessary for the work. Two gas stoves supply the heat required ; while there is table accommodation for twelve stu- dents in a class. Cleanliness, use of weighed quantities of material, necessity for proper cooking and serving of all foods, are among the objects aimed at in the teaching of Cookery. Attended chiefly by ladies engaged in home duties, also by a few students desirous of becoming teachers in the subject ; the latter class being also in attendance at lectures in Domestic Science, and laundry work. COOKERY KITCHEN. DRESSMAKING. (Teacher, Miss M. CLAPHAM.) The workroom is 24 ft. x 19 ft., and well lighted. It is supplied with the necessary drafting tables, clothes presses, sewing machines, and facilities for ironing. This class is found to be of great benefit to persons learning the subject which they intend to adopt later as a means of livelihood, and to those learning for home use only. The students are drawn from the surrounding district, and as far west as Blayney. DRAWING AND PAINTING. FREEHAND, MODEL, AND ANTIQUE DRAWING, OIL, AND WATER-COLOUR PAINTING. (Teacher, Miss A. COLLINGRIDGE.) These classes were formed and con- ducted for many years by the late Mr. Arthur Collingridge, Vice-President of the Royal Art Society, and his influence on Art in the district is still most marked. Since his death the work has been ably carried on by his daughter, the present teacher. The classes are attended by school pupils, teachers, clerks, printers, painters, apprentices, &c. DRAWING AND PAINTING. TECHNICAL EDUCATION. GEOMETRICAL, PERSPECTIVE, AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. (Teacher, J. J. COPEMAN, F.I. A.) The classes are attended by apprentices to various trades, labourers, carriage-builders, teachers, mill employees, painters. Students attending the Plumbing and the Carpentry classes also form the majority of pupils; the advantages that the ability to understand plans and elevations of structures confers on workmen, are obvious. The present teacher is the leading Architect of the district, and has been connected with these classes for twenty years, first as student (four years) and then teacher (sixteen years). PLUMBING. (Teacher, L. GIDDEY.) The four-years course, as laid down by Syllabus, is given, the students being apprentices from Kailway Workshops and those already in the trade who are desirous of improving their knowledge of the subject, and of becoming proficient in the theoretical side as well as the practical. The excellent quality of the work turned out is shown by the fact that the class has won outright the Stewart Dawson & Co. Silver Cup, which was offered as a prize for " Best Trades Display " in local Eight-hour Day celebration, with a record of three First Prizes, and one Second in four years. SCIENCE. (Lecturer, T. C. DWYER, B.Sc.) Classes are held in Geology, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology. CHEMISTRY. The laboratory is on the ground-floor and has bench accommodation for fourteen students. Its dimensions are 27 ft. x 17 ft., and it is provided with draught cupboard, ovens, water baths, foot blow-pipes, balances and cupboards for chemicals, muffle furnaces for assaying. The classes follow the course of instruction for practical work laid down in Syllabus, and lectures in theoretical chemistry (Organic and Inorganic) are given in the Science lecture room. The students are chiefly Public School teachers, apprentices, gasworks employees, surveyors' assistants. A special course in Agricultural Chemistry has been arranged for students from the local Experimental Farm, in order to enable them to understand the various chemical principles embodied in the subject, and the methods adopted for simple analysis of soils, water, manures, crops, spraying mixtures, &c. GEOLOGY. There is accommodation in the lecture and demonstration room for sixteen students. The room is 24 ft. x 19 ft., well lighted, and supplied with an excellent collection of rocks, minerals, and fossils, also petrological microscope and slides. The class is attended chiefly by Public School teachers, other students comprise sur- veyors' assistants, apprentices, and school pupils studying for public examinations. BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. These classes are provided with the necessary microscopes, slides, botanical and zoological specimens, and are attended by Public School teachers and school pupils for the purposes of Nature Study. Elementary courses in Chemistry, Geology, Physics, and Botany are given to proba- tionary students and senior pupils of the local district school. WOOL-CLASSING. (Teacher, H. H. MACARTNEY.) The class has been in operation only during the last twelve months and has been well attended. The object of the class is to give persons engaged in woolgrowing solely, or in mixed farming, a good working knowledge of wool. It is not expected that any will be expert wool- classers from this tuition alone, but such a knowledge will be of immense value to the mixed farmer on a small holding where any attempt to " class " his small clip will mean better prices BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE. 291 than at present when the wool has to be baled and sold without classing. .The formation of the class in the first place was largely due to Rev. J. J. O'Reilly, President of St. Stanislaus College, who sent a large number of stu- dents from that institution, insisting that a knowledge of Agriculture rather than Classics is necessary for boys leaving school to go " on the land." Mr. R. W. Peacock, Manager of Bathurst Experimental Farm, is also a hearty supporter of the class, and the " farm " students numbering twenty- five attend for instruction. In addition, the class is attended by farmers, labourers, clerks, &c., from the surrounding district. The class, in charge of the instructor, visits some famous sheep stations of the district during shearing time, e.g., " Here- ford," (J. J. Rutherford, Esq.) " Killong- butta," (Anderson Bros.) and for study in sheep-breeding, the " Hathrop " stud has been kindly placed at the class's con- venience by W. H. Webb, Esq. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. BATHURST TECHNICAL COLLEGE. (Classes meet at the Technical College, William-street.) Resident Science Master in Charge : T. C. DWYER, B.Sc. (Sydney). AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, BOTANY, CHEMISTRY, ASSAYING. MATHEMATICS Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry. BOOK-KEEPING F. J. Tonkin. FREEHAND DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING, ANTIQUE DRAWING, OIL PAINTING Miss Collingridge. SHORTHAND W. Dryden. DRESSMAKING Miss Clapham. CARPENTRY, WOOD-TURNING, MANUAL TRAINING, WOOD-CARVING F. Coles. PLUMBING AND METAL PLATE WORKING L. Giddey. COOKERY Plain (Theory and Demonstration), Advanced (Theory and Demonstration), Junior DOMESTIC SCIENCE ; LAUNDRY Miss Rowell. WOOL-CLASSING H. H. Macartney. GEOMETRY, PERSPECTIVE AND MECHANICAL DRAWING J. J. Copeman, F.I. A. .-,., Broken Hill Technical College. (By JAMES FORDE, B.A., B.Sc., Resident Science Master in Charge.) The principal classes conducted at this College are attended by students engaged in the various metalliferous mines of the Barrier, with a view to their advancement in their respective trades or professions. Such are the courses in Chemistry (Inorganic and Organic), Assaying, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Mining, Geo- logy, Mine-surveying, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, and Machine design, Electric Motor- driving and Steam-engine Practice, Fitting and Turning, Carpentry and Joinery. In a word, the various courses of in- struction provided are such as meet the needs of students in a Mining field, where the extrac- tion of the metals (princi pally lead, silver, and zinc) involves highly specialised scientific knowledge. The Chemical and Assay Laboratories are, as befits such a locality, especially commodious, well-designed, and well-equipped. Bench accommodation is provided for sixty students. Special rooms are equipped for gas and water analysis. The completion of an up-to-date fitting and turning workshop affords an opportunity for apprentices engaged on the mines (most of whom have already completed courses of Mechanical Drawing and Machine Design at the College) to gain a wider and fuller training than they would in the more limited and special work which consti- tutes their daily tasks in the engineering workshops of the mines. The work of the College in scientific instruction is supported and furthered by the enlightened policy of the mine managers in requiring the junior officers of the assay and metallurgical staffs, &c., to attend these courses, and in recognis- ing the certificates gained by them at the College, when considering their claims for promotion. This policy has been of marked mutual benefit. The position of the College is thus almost unique in the facilities it offers, in conjunction with the mines, for a combina- tion of theoretical and practical instruc- tion in the various subjects embraced in a Mining Engineering course, more, in such an environment, encouraged to work by a clear view RESIDENT MASTER AND STAFF OF BROKEN HILL COLLEGE. EXTERIOR OF COLLEGE. Students are, further- of the direct and BROKEN HILL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. 293 practical outcome of their studies. Several young men thus trained have already, after gaining their associateships, secured responsible positions on the metallurgical staffs of the mines. The College Library contains the principal scientific and technical works of reference and text-books used in connection with the courses enumerated above, and the chief scientific periodicals are supplied. Besides these special classes, provision is made for instruction in Art, in Commercial Subjects, and in Domestic Science, These classes are all well attended. TECHNICAL EDUCATION. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. BROKEN HILL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Resident Science Master in Charge JAMES FORDE, B.A., B.Sc. Assistant E. CLARENCE WOOD, M.A., B.Sc.,B.E. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY. Non-Metals; Metals; Organic Chemistry. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. ist Year: Elementary Qualitative Analysis of Simple Salts and Mixtures; and Year: Qualitative Analysis of Complex Mixtures, Minerals, Alloys, &c. ; Quantitative Analysis, Organic Chemistry. DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGY ASSAYING. The Assay of Ores, Bullion, Metallurgical Products, by Dry and Wet Processes. METALLURGY. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND MINING. GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY. MINING B. Sawyer, B.E. (Government Inspector of Mines). MINE-SURVEYING. PHYSICS. MATHEMATICS Technical Arith- metic, Trigonometry, Algebra, Geometry R. C. Edwards, B.Sc. MECHANICAL DRAWING AND MACHINE DESIGN J. Haycraft, A.S.A.S.M. MOTOR-DRIVING. E. C. Wood. FREEHAND DRAWING, GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE DRAWING C. G. Walker. SHORTHAND, BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, TYPEWRITING W. Thomson, F.I. A. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY T. Eaton. DRESSMAKING Miss Rogers. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Cookery (Plain and Advanced) and Laundry Work Miss C. H. Dutton. FITTING AND TURNING W. J. Daniels. 2 95 Granville Technical School. (By JAMES B. BROWN, Resident Master in Charge). A CLASS for instruction in Geo- metrical Drawing was opened in the School of Arts, Granville, on Thursday evening, 30th October, 1884. This class was recognised as a duly constituted class by the Board of Technical Education, and the teacher appointed to give instruc- tion in Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing on the I5th January, 1885. Since that date classes have been carried on without cessation at this centre, which from its geographical position, admirably suits the con- venience of students in the district between Croydon and Hornsby and Campbelltown, Penrith and Rich- mond. The classes have steadily grown in public favour and in- creased in number until the two subjects in which instruction was originally given have increased to twenty-three, taught by a staff of MR. NOBBS, M.L.A. (SITTING), AND MR. BROWN, STAFF OF THE GRANVILLE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Reading from left to right Rack rnw Win. Andersrm, Boiler-making ; C. J. Hasemer, Mechanical Drawing ; J. B. Prowse, Shorthand ; E. F. Rowley, Mechanical Drawing; C. A. Oxley, Geometrical Drawing. Fi-fml rtnv- Alf. Coffey, Art; J. B. Brown, Resident Master; Miss Geiger, Assistant Art ; H. Lord, Agriculture ; S. Rutherford, Carpentry. fourteen teachers, the classes having an enrol- ment last year of 447 students in place of the two dozen of twenty-four years ago. Alto- gether over two thousand individuals have been taught in this school, a large number of them attending classes for many years. The first meeting for the presentation of certificates was held early in 1886, when Mr. John Nobbs, then President of the School of Arts, now member of Parliament for the district, presided and presented the certificates in the presence of a small gathering of students, and one representative of the outside public ; these meetings have grown so much in public interest that now the Town Hall is on these occasions crowded with friends of Technical Education, who enthusiastically greet the an- nouncement of the successes of the students. With the erection of the new College build- ing, a perspective view of which is shown on the following page, a vast increase of attendance The Chairman and Resident Mastei at Granville. at the First Prize Presentation may be expected, aS in most of the departments the present classes are uncomfortably over- crowded. The successes attained by students and ex-students in the world of work and enterprise have been most gratifying, especially as they are attributed largely, by the students them- selves, to instruction received in this school. 296 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. PERSPECTIVE VIEW FROM ROUGH SKETCH OF PROPOSED NEW COLLEGE. By a Student of tin- Drawing Class. MECHANICAL DRAWING CLASS. Students at Work. GRANVILLE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. 297 One of the first students has for several years occupied an important position under the Fremantle Harbour Trust, W.A., and taught classes in Perth Technical School. Three are managers in large engineering works in this State, while other three are employed as fore- men in similar works. Half a dozen have risen to the position of Chief Engineer in ocean- CARRIAGE BUILDING AND PLUMBING Carriage Huildin-,' Students at Work. CLASS-ROOM. going steamers, two of them in mail-boats. One supervised the erection and has successfully run for nearly six years the municipal electric light and power plant of an important town in Tasmania, while another is engineer in Ultimo Power House. One rose from the position of chainman to that of assistant engineer in the Works Department, another is chief draughtsman in the largest ironworks in this State, while his brother occupies a similar situation in West Australia. Two have attained to positions of trust with large engineering firms in Britain, and another with a similar firm in America. One who went to England with the view of further prosecuting his architectural studies has achieved considerable success in competitions and won a valuable scholarship, another occupies a position of trust as an architect in Sydney, while another who carried out some of the best decorative work in the New Zealand Exhibition is now managing partner in the firm by which he was employed. A lady art student's designs from Australian flora were accepted by a leading British firm of Art potters. The most successful exhibitor at the Agricultural and Horticultural Shows in this district is an ex-student of our Agricultural Class. Jbl MISS SMALLWOOD. Teacher of Dressmaking forGranville and the Illawarra District. u 2Q8 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The demand for youths trained in this school, by local employers usually exceeds the supply, and as the same employers apply repeatedly it is evident they are satisfied with the quality supplied. THE CARPENTRY CLASS-ROOM. Students at Work. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. GRANVILLE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meet at the School of Arts, Granville. MATHEMATICS, ARITHMETIC, ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, TRIGONOMETRY, GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, MECHANICAL DRAWING, APPLIED MECHANICS (ELEMENTARY DRAWING AND ADVANCED), PERSPECTIVE DRAWING James B. Brown, Certificated Teacher by Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London ; Assistant Teachers : C. J. Hasemer, C. A. Oxley, and E. F. Rowley. FREEHAND, MODEL, PLANT, ANTIQUE, AND BLACK AND WHITE DRAWING, FLOWER PAINTING, AND DESIGN Alfred Coffey ; Assistant Teacher : Miss Geiger. AGRICULTURE (ELEMENTARY AND ADVANCED) Henry Lord, Graduate Trois Croix Agricultural College, Rennes. France. SHORTHAND J. B. Prowse. DRESSMAKING Miss Small woocl. PLUMISING A. H. Juleff. CARPENTRY S. Rutherford. CARRIAGE-BUILDING A. C. Cooper. BOILER-MAKING Wm, Anderson, FITTING AND TURNING, 299 Goulburn Technical College. (By A. J. SACK, F.C.S., Resident Master in charge.) THIS College was established in 1885-6, and the present resident master, Mr. A. J. Sach, F.C.S., has had charge since 1886. In 1900 the fine buildings now in use were commenced, and were publicly opened on I4th March, 1901, by the then Minister, The Hon. John Perry. The training that the College offers may be divided into (a) Scientific, (b) Commercial, (c) Trade, (d) Art (e) Women's or Domestic Training. The Sciences taught include Chemistry, Physics, Mineral- ogy, Assaying, Geology, and Agriculture ; they have appropriate laboratories and appliances. The Commer- cial classes include Arith- metic, Book-keeping, Short- hand, and Typewriting; the Trade classes include Fitting and Turning, Plumbing and Ironworking, Training in Sheep and Wool, Wood- turning, Trades Drawing, Mechanical Drawing, and Carpentry. The Art classes include Freehand, Model, Geometrical, Perspective, Antique, Black and White, and Still Life. The Women's classes include Dressmaking, Millinery, Laundry, and Cooking. The accommodation provides for a Museum and Art Gallery 60 ft. x 30 ft., containing twenty-one Oil and Water Colour Paintings from f the National Collection, and 4,000 specimens of raw and manufactured materials. There is a Demonstration Hall, for Lectures and College gather- ings ; a chemical laboratory 30 ft. x 20 ft. ; Physics room 20 ft. x 15 ft. ; Dressmaking, Millinery, Art room, and Cooking school, each 30 ft. x 20 ft. THE SCIENCE CLASSES embrace Practical and Theoretical Chemistry, Mineralogy, Assaying, Physics, and Geology; these have continued for over twenty years, and have afforded opportunities to many, in the form of broad education and utility. THE WOOD-WORKING CLASSES include provision for the teaching of Carpentry, Wood-turning, Wood-carving, and Trades Drawing, and for many years have provided for the teaching of Manual Training at the Goulburn Public Schools. THE STAFF OF GOULBURN TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Reading from left to rijjht : Front row Miss Stewart, Shorthand, &c. ; Mr. Sauh, Resident Science Master iu charge Mrs. Iredale, Cookery ; Mr. Gardner. Book-keeping; Mr. S|ira^, Phmihinjj. llark Mr. Burness, Fitting and Turniiif; ; Miss Hill Slade, Art ; Mr. Lorkle.v Carpentry, &c. EXTERIOR OF GOULBURN TECHNICAL COLLEGE. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 7 . GOULBURN MILLINERY STUDENTS AND THEIR TEACHER, AT DOOR OF COLLEGE. The Science teaching of the Public School pupils has been pursued for about fifteen years, the individuals numbering about one hundred for the year. Although the lo.cal train service is by no means encouraging, yet students have travelled all distances up to 50 miles, and the thanks are due to the Railway Commissioners for the reduction in fares. During the last two or three years, teachers from the Goulburn College have travelled in order to give instruction in adjoining centres of population, the sub- jects taken up being Dres- making, and Millinery and Art. The towns visited are Cooma, Queanbeyan, Bungendore, and Yass. THE SHEEP AND WOOL CLASS is housed in a separate building, and is supplied with samples of wool drawn from various districts. The students come from distances up to 30 miles. CARPENTRY CLASS. The rooms devoted to the teaching of wood-working in the Goulburn Technical College are situated on the ground-floor, at the south- eastern corner of the building. The Carpentry Workshop is 48 feet long and 30 feet wide, and contains eleven benches of good design and solid form, the under part of benches being made up into cupboards which contain the greater part of the tools used in the class-room. An adjacent room is used as class-room, in which Constructional and Trades Drawing is taught, and which also holds the various plates and models used in the teaching. The workshop is also provided with two wood- turning lathes, the power necessary for the driving of which, is supplied by a two- and-a-half horse-power gas- engine. The classes are largely availed of by the youth of the town in obtaining a knowledge of all pertaining to elementary and advanced wood-working, building construction, and wood-turning, while many ladies have been taught the art of wood-carving, both chip or geometrical, and relief carving. Many whose daily occupations do not directly deal with wood-working, come to the class to be taught the correct manipulation of wood-working tools, and the proper method of making the many joints required in the construction of household furniture, &c. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY STUDENTS AT COOMA, AND THEIR TEACHER. GOULBURX TECHNICAL COLLEGE. A very large number of youths from the country around Goulburn have also availed themselves of the teaching to become more proficient in the execution of the many jobs which are constantly being done on farming and pastoral properties, where they are daily engaged. The teaching given has undoubtedly helped all the students in seeing more clearly the necessity of combining a good theoretical knowledge with practical skill, and a very good proportion have been enabled to win and accept positions which would otherwise have been rilled by others, from centres where similar training is given. The certificates gained by the students have been the cause of many of them gaining preference when the engagement of youths for Government employ has been under consider- ation. Teaching is carried on at times most convenient for those residing in the town and country, and all can avail themselves of tuition during the week, or at 'the end of it, when Satur- day morning classes are held. THE FITTING AND TURNING CLASSES. The Fitting and Turning Work- shop is held in a room 40 feet long by 36 feet wide. It is equipped with the following tools : One four horse - power gas - engine, three lathes, one drilling machine, one shaping ma- chine, one twist drill grinder, marking-off table, benches, and vice, and a number of other smaller tools ; also, smith forges, anvils, and tools. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY STUDENTS AT QUEANBEYAN, AND THEIR TEACHER, MISS FORTESCUE. The work of the students in the first year's instruction consists mainly in the use of the hammer, and chipping, tempering, and sharpening chipping chisels, filing, fitting, and scraping, screwing and tapping by hand. At the bench the aim is to give the students an intelligent understanding of the way to use their tools most efficiently. The second year's course continues on similar lines as to workshop practice, all the machines and tools in the workshop being brought into practical use. At the lathes, instruction is given in their construction, use of the slide rest, appliances to be used for special forms of work, turning and boring speeds, and screw-cutting; showing the proper shape and angle of tools, and the best methods for hardening and tempering them. The adjustment of change wheels for single or multiple threads of any required pitch, calculating the wheels for screw- cutting, cutting speeds, and the calculation of the time work should take in execution. The Continuation Class takes in the following subjects : Farm blacksmithing, welding iron, making split and solid links, laying and steeling picks, crowbars, and plough-shares, making gate hinges and hooks. In all the classes the theory as well as the practical mechanical work is taught, and to aid in this, periodical lectures are given, with the help of blackboard, notes, and sketches. 302 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. THE PLUMBING AND IRONWORKING CLASSES. The Plumbing, Tinsmithing andiron-work- ing Classes have been in progress about two years ; the Plumbing Shop is fitted up with well- constructed benches, lockers, furnaces of different descriptions, and all kinds of appliances necessary for the bending, wiping, soldering and working of sheet lead, as required in the plumbing trade. Classes in Tinsmithing and Ironworking have all the latest designs of rollers, folders, burring machines, and all other tools required to turn out work from the ordinary pannikin to the jointing, mitreing of down-pipes, gutters, and the striking out and fitting together of orna- mental rain-water heads. These classes are well attended by those engaged in the plumbing trade, and a great deal of interest is taken in them by the Master Plumbers, one of whom gives a donation of a guinea to the student who obtains the highest number of marks during the year. The modern style of THE PLUMBING CLASS-ROOM AT GOULBURN COLLEGE. wor ]_ w hj cn is taught at this class has been adopted in several of the latest buildings in the town, and also in the large residences in the surrounding districts and so has proved to be a beneficial object lesson to many others, besides those actually attending the classes. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. GOULBURN TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Resident Science Master in Charge of the College. \. J. SACH, F.C.S. (Certificated Battersea-Trained Teacher, and by Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London). INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY. ASSAYING, MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY AND HEAT, PHYSICS, MECHANICS, SOUND, AND LIGHT, ELEMENTARY ART, AGRICULTURE A. J. &! ADVANCED ART Still Life, Antique Miss M. A. Will-Slade. BOOK-KEEPING Double Entry Chas. Gardner. MILLINERY Miss Ada Fortescue. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING Miss M. Stewart. SCIENTIFIC DRESSCUTTING AND DRESSMAKING Miss I. Cox. TECHNICAL ARITHMETIC A. J. Sacli. .. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, WOOD TURNING, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND TRADES DRAWING, CARVING (Chip and Relief)'!'. B. Lockley. MECHANICAL DRAWING A. J. Sach. FITTING AND TURNING J. Burness. COOKERY, DOMESTIC SCIENCE Mrs. E. Iredale. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, AND IRONWORKING G. B. Spragg. SHEEP AND WOOL C. E. Cowley. Newcastle Technical College and School of Mines. [By JOHN MITCHELL, F.L.S. (N.S.W.), Resident Science Master in Charge.] THE first Technical Classes established in Newcastle were started by the Committee of the Newcastle School of Arts, and were h e ld in the rooms of that institution in 1877, and subsequently. THE STAFF OF THE NEWCASTLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Reading from left to right Front row : Messrs. Webb, Boilernrakingr ; Jones, Carpentry, Ac. ; Collins, Coal-mining; : Mitchell, Resident Master in Charge ; Gardiner, Mine-surveying ; Scarfe, Fitting and Turning; Morrison, Applied Mechanics ami Mechanical Drawing. Second row: Mr. Kennedy, I'lunibinir ; Miss Searunt and Miss Watt, Cookery Attendants; Miss Feakes, Cookery ; Miss Rich, Dressmaking; ; Rev. Mr. Bowles, Book-keeping ; Mr. Ross, Blacksmithing. Third row : Messrs. Bearby, Patternmaking ; Griffiths, Shorthand : Bennetts, Engineer's Assistant ; Bardsley, Laboratory Assistant; Giddy, lion. Assistant Science Teacher ; Chiismas, Mathematks. Note. Five of the Staff are absent from this group. The subjects taught were Elocution, Grammar, French, and Mechanical Drawing. In 1883 a deputation, representing the citizens of Newcastle, waited upon the Minister for Public Instruc- tion of the day, and brought under his notice the claims of Newcastle and district to have properly constituted technical classes established under the control of the Department of Public Instruction. The representations of the deputation appear to have been satisfactory, for in 1884 arrangements were completed by the Minister with the School of Arts Committee to provide accommodation for classes, and the late Mr. John Pentecost, A.R.S.M., was appointed to the position of Science Master, with local control of all the technical classes in the district. 304 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. The following classes were started in 1884 : Chemistry and Mineralogy, under Mr. Pentecost ; Mechanical Drawing and Building Construction Mr. W. Alsop, Teacher; Shorthand Mr. C. Christie, Teacher; Freehand, Model, and Perspective Drawing in charge of Mr. R. A. Smith. The gross enrolment of pupils was 161. Subsequently classes for instruction in Coal-mining were opened at Newcastle and various district centres. In 1893 the Newcastle Technical Classes were removed to the old Court-house premises, and as an adjunct to the classes a Technological and Natural History Museum was opened. In 1896 the present Technical College and School of Mines buildings in Hunter-street West were completed, and the classes and museum removed thereto. From this time the work of technical education has continued to grow, and especially has this been the case with the trades classes : and though additional workshops have been erected apart from the original building, and a new class-room for the Plumbers is about to be erected, the class accommodation is far from adequate. For 1908 the individual enrolments were 661 ; consisting of 472 males, and 189 females. Additional to these, in the coal-mining centres affiliated with the College, there were eighty-one individuals attending coal-mining and mine-surveying classes. At the College and centres forty classes were in operation, affording instruction in Metallurgy, Assaying, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Mineralogy, Metalliferous Mining, Coal- mining, Mine-surveying, Mechanical, Freehand, Model, Geometrical, Perspective, and Plant Drawing, Design (Art), Machine Design, Fitting and Turning, Applied Mechanics, Boiler-making, Pattern-making, Blacksmithing, Plumbing, Carpentry and Joinery, Staircasing and Hand- railing, Wood-carving, Dressmaking, Millinery, Cookery, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, French, Mathematics, Botany, and Physiology ; and, as an experiment, an industrial continuation class for boys between the ages of 14-16 years has been started, in which the pupils are being taught the subjects considered to be most essential for persons intending to follow some craft in iron- or wood-working Newcastle is a mining, industrial, and commercial centre, and the instruction most sought is such as has to do with these sides of social economics ; and on examining the records of the Coal-mining, Mine-surveying, Plumbing, and Engineering classes of the College the fact is revealed that inestimable benefits have been conferred on a very large number of those who were students. The instruction they obtained in the classes enabled them to reach positions that otherwise they never could have aspired to. Of those who have attended the Coal-mining classes at the College and district centres in past years thirty-eight now hold colliery managers' certificates, and most of them hold the position of colliery manager; some of ^ them are Government Colliery Inspec- tors. Forty-eight others are holders of second-class or under-managers' certifi- cates, and are employed in responsible positions. A very large number of other ex-students and present students hold positions of responsibility as deputies, shot-firers, &c., that they could not hold without the know- ledge acquired by them at the classes. Of those who have passed through the Mine-surveying classes thirty-eight are employed in the collieries of the Com- monwealth as mine-surveyors. Of those who have been members of the Plumbing classes forty-four have be- come licensed plumbers, and a few others sanitary inspectors. Many from NEWCASTLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE AND SCHOOL the Engineering classes gained chief OF MINES engineer's certificates, and others have gained advancement as mechanics. The Wood-working classes have done good work. Teachers and others have been largely assisted by the Science and Art classes. NEWCASTLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF MINES. 305 To print a complete list of all the ex-students who have succeeded in their professions and trades would take up far too much space, but enough has been said to prove that much good has been effected by the Technical Classes in Newcastle and district during the twenty-five years they have been in operation ; and this has resulted in spite of the early disabilities in the way of indifferent equipment and accommodation, and too frequently indifference or even direct antagonism from quarters where support and encouragement might reasonably have been expected. The future prospects of Technical Education in this district are bright, and proper accom- modation being provided the present number of students could be largely increased. The present teaching and lecturing staff of the College and centres is as follows : John Mitchell, F.L.S. (N.S.W.), Resident Science Master in Charge; V. B. Collins, C.C.M., Lecturer in Coal-mining; A. Gardiner, C.C.M., Lecturer in Mine-surveying; H. J. Scarfe, Engineer' in Charge; D. Morison, Lecturer in Applied Mechanics; H. Webb, Teacher of Boilermakihg ; A. A. Bearby, Teacher of Patternmaking ; J. C. Ross, Teacher of Blacksmithing ; Thos. Kennedy, Teacher of Plumbing; W. E. Jones, Teacher of Carpentry and Joinery, Wood-carving, Manual Training, &c; T. T. Flynn, B.Sc., Teacher of Physics; J. A. Rollings, Teacher in Art; C. H. Chrismas, B.A. (Syd.), Teacher of Mathematics; Rev. R. M. Bowles, Teacher of Book- keeping; J. Griffiths, Teacher of Shorthand; Mrs. Everist, Teacher of French and German; John Bennetts, Assistant to the Engineer; Thos. G. J. Giddy, Honorary Assistant to the Science Master; and Jas. J. Fryer, Honorary Teacher of English; Miss Feakes, Teacher of Cookery. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. NEWCASTLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Resident Science Master in Charge: JOHN MITCHELL, F.L.S., of N.S.W. > . Classes meet at the Technical College, Newcastle West. CHEMISTRY John Mitchell. MECHANICAL DRAWING, APPLIED MECHANICS D. N. Morison. METALLURGY, MINERALOGY, PHYSIOLOGY John Mitchell. COAL-MINING V. B. Collins. FITTING AND TURNING H. J. Scarfe. BLACKSMITHING J. C. Ross. PATTERNMAKING A. A. Bearby. BOILERMAKING Henry Webb. DRESSMAKING, MILLINERY Miss Rich. GEOLOGY John Mitchell. MINE SURVEYING Archibald Gardiner. PLUMBING T. Kennedy. ADVANCED ART, FREEHAND DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE, PRACTICAL, PLANE, AND SOLID GEOMETRY, MODELLING J. A. Hollings. SHORTHAND J. Griffiths. COOKERY Miss Feakes. COAL-MINING V. B. Collins, Public School, Plattsburg ; Public School, Minmi ; Public School, West Wallsend ; Public School, Teralba ; A. Gardiner, Public School, Dudley. MINE SURVEYING V. Collins, Public School, Minmi; Public School, Teralba ; Public School, West Wallsend ; Public School, Plattsburg; A.Gardiner, Public School, Dudley. CARPENTRY, MANUAL TRAINING, WOOD-CARVING W. E. Jones. BOOK-KEEPING Rev. R. M. Bowles. MATHEMATICS C. H. Chrismas. BOTANY J. Mitchell. SLIDE RULE. FRENCH, GERMAN^Mrs. Everist. PHYSICS T. T. Flynn. 36 West Maitland Technical College. (By JAMES A. ROLLINGS, Resident Art Master, in charge.) Technical classes were first established in this district in 1885. Through the efforts of Messrs. John Fender, R. A. Young, C. E. Norrie, J. Gillies, M.L.A., and other residents, a room was offered by the Committee of the School of Arts for a commencement. Art classes were formed and the writer appointed Instructor. The School of Arts was not then the up-to-date building that it now is, and the room then available was found to be too small and otherwise not suitable A move was then made to the Superior Public School, and in the following year to premises in Freechurch-street, adjoining the Girls' School. The class-rooms of the last-named institu- tion were also brought into requisition. In 1888 Mr. Harry Clemens was appointed Mathematical Master, and at the end of the following year the Department of Public Instruction took control of the work. In 1890 development went on rapidly under the Directorship of the late Mr. F. Bridges ; and in the year 1892 several teachers (recruited principally from the ranks of the ex-students) had been added to the staff. Mr. Edward Nash, Architectural Drawing, Mechanical Drawing and Building Construction; Mr. Felix Coles and his Assistant, Mr. J. B. Noad, Carpentry and Joinery, Wood Carving, Wood Turning, Manual Training and Fret-cutting; Mr. John Pente- cost, F.C.S., then also the Resident Master at the Newcastle Technical College, took classes in Chemistry (practical and theoretical); Mr. Charles Giles, Book-keeping; Mr. John Gillies, junior, Shorthand and Typewriting; and Miss Alice Fraser, Dressmaking. In 1893 the Hon. Sir J. H. Carruthers, then Minister for Public Instruction, authorised the purchase of the site in High-street upon which the old Factory building now in use for the Technical College is located. These old buildings though roomy as to floor space were, as the illustrations show, far too low in the ceilings to make suitable class-rooms or workshops, and became very close in the hot weather. The authorities quite realised the industrial prospects of the district, and a building suitable for the requirements was contemplated when the site was acquired. After careful consideration plans were prepared for the building shown in the illustration opposite and, as the tenders have now been signed for its erection, it will not be long before the College is provided with an up-to-date home. The recent opening up of the great coal-fields in the district near the town, has given an immense impetus to its population, and commerce, and has rendered the early provision of suitable Technical College accommodation especially necessary, as the old rooms would have been quite inadequate to meet growing needs. In the early days the classes (especially the Art classes) were greatly assisted by the interest taken in the work by the Committees of the Agricultural Associations at Maitland and Singleton. These committees offered prizes for art and other work by the students, and these were eagerly competed for. In 1899 Mr. Tom Roberts, the eminent artist, who was the judge at the Singleton Art competition, was very complimentary as to the quality of the students' work sent, and Mr. Julian Ashton, who adjudicated at the Maitland Art competition, expressed himself as extremely pleased with the work. In the case of the competition work sent by the other classes, such as Mechanical Drawing, Carpentry, Wood Carving, Plumbing, &c., the reports of the Judges, Messrs. J. W. Pender, E. Hackett, R. Pender, &c., have been equally satisfactory. Many of the students have been greatly assisted in improving their positions through the classes. Mr. Partridge Wall, a large contractor, qualified for a responsible Civil Service position, when quite a young man ; Mr. C. Pender, through his work in the Mechanical Drawing and Building Construction Classes was assisted in obtaining an important position with the WL/T AMTLAflD TechnicaJ Collecje * MB.. .5- 3. OS Elevactiorv to High Jitreet * Gtxwrvd Floor Plar\ WEST MAITLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. 507 o MRS. SMITH, Dressmaking Botany and Geology. Carpentry and Joinery, &c. MR. HOLLINGS. Resident Master in Charge. Iluildii ^ Construction and Mechanlcl f\ ' * * MR. YEATES, District Art Classes. Hon. Assistant, Botany and Geology. MR. FLVNN, Chemistry. or 308 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. COOKERY CLASS-ROOM. WEST MAITLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. 309 Colonial Sugar Company in Queensland ; Mr. Geo. Walters was appointed Teacher of Plumbing at Hobart Technical College from our Maitland Class ; Messrs. Filmer Bros., two clever electrical engineers, were most industrious students of Chemistry, &c. ; and many of our local business men have been helped largely, through their studies in the various classes. The subjects taught at the present time are detailed in the programme of classes which follows this article. It will be noticed that there are District Classes (principally Art) at Singleton, Clarence Town, Raymond Terrace, Morpeth and Hinton. At Kurri Kurri, the principal mining town of the district, are useful classes for the study of Coal-mining and Mine-surveying. The population of this large industrial field is coming to value the work done at the College and District Schools, and the young men are looking to the branch for instruction in Electricity, &c. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES, \VKST MAITLAM) TECHNICAL COLLEGE AND DISTRICT SCHOOLS. Resident Art Master in Charge JAMKS A. ROLLINGS. Classes meeting at Technical College, West Maitland. PLUMBING Geo. Lament. TRADES DRAWING J. B. Noad. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, MECHANICAL DRAWING Edward Nash. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, MANUAL TRAINING (Day Classes for Boys). WOOD-CARVING (Ladies' Class), WOOD-TURNING J. B. Xoad. FREEHAND DRAWING; GEOMETRY, PLANE AND SOLID; MODEL DRAWING; PERSPECTIVE; MODELLING; ADVANCED ART J. A. Rollings. DRESSMAKING Mrs. Kate Smith. SHORTHAND H. M. Cotteril. BOTANY, GEOLOGY Miss Brewster. CHEMISTRY (INORGANIC) Theoretical, Practical; (ORGANIC)!". Flynn, B.Sc. COOKERY, BOOK-KEEPING, MATHEMATICS As arranged for. Classes meeting at Boys' High School, East Maitland. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING J. A. Rollings ; Assistant, G. Yeates. MANUAL TRAINING J. B. Xoad. Class meeting at Girls' High School, West Maitland. FREEHAND DRAWING J. A. Hollings. Classes meeting at Technical Class-room, Public School. East Maitland. PERSPECTIVE, PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY, FREEHAND DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING G. Yeates. Classes meeting at Seaham. FREEHAND, MODEL, GEOMETRICAL, AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING G. Yeates. Classes meeting at Clarence Town. FREEHAND, MODEL, GEOMETRICAL, AND PERSPECTIVE G. Yeates. Classes meeting at Raymond Terrace. FREEHAND, GEOMETRICAL, MODEL, AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING G. Yeates. DRESSMAKING Miss Macourt. Class meeting at Miller's Forest. DRESSMAKING Miss Macourt. MORPFTH TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meeting at the Public School. FREEHAND, MODEL, GEOMETRICAL, AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING G. Yeates. IIIXTON TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meeting at the Public School. FREEHAND, MODEL, GEOMETRICAL, AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWING G. Yeates. SINGLETON TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meeting at the Technical Class-room, Public School. FREEHAND DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING, GEOMETRY (PLANE AND SOLID), PERSPECTIVE G. Yeates. KURRI KURRI TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meeting in Public School. COAL-MINING AND MINE-SURVEYING V. B. Collins. CESSNOCK TECHNICAL SCHOOL. COAL-MINING AND MINE-SURVEYING V. B. Collins. The West Maitland Technological Museum is open to the Public on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, and Saturday. A 1 bury Technical College. (By WM. POWRIE, Resident Master.) MR. POWRIE, Resident Master, Alhuvy Technical The Albury Technical College was opened on 23rd March, 1899, with classes in Freehand, Model, Geometrical, Perspective, and Trades Drawing; Wood-carving, Carpentry, and Manual Training. During the year, classes in Shorthand were also opened. In the following year (1900) classes in Dressmaking, &c., were established. During 1906 classes in Millinery were opened, and during 1908 Theoretical and Practical Chemistry were added to the list of subjects taught. During the time Technical Classes have been in opera- tion in Albury sterling work has been done, and evidence of the advantages derived by those who have passed through the College is not wanting. Some of the employers of labour appear to approve and to appreciate the work being done, inasmuch as they state when advertising for hands that preference will be given to those who have studied at the Technical College. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES. ALBURY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Resident Master in Charge, WILLIAM POWRIE. FREEHAND DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING, GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE AND TRADES DRAWING CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, WOOD-CARVING, MANUAL TRAINING, CHEMISTRY (THEORETICAL), CHEMISTRY (PRACTICAL). Country Technical Schools, In addition to the country colleges, detailed descriptions of which have already been given, the following Technical Schools and classes are in operation at various centres through- out the State of New South Wales : LITHGOW TECHNICAL SCHOOL. L. HENRY, Teacher in charge. Classes meet at the Public School and at the Technical School. FREEHAND DRAWING, MODEL DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE Mr. R. Dennis. WOOD-CARVING As arranged for. MATHEMATICS L. Henry. BOOK-KEEPING C. Cookson. SHORTHAND A. W. Reid. CHEMISTRY (THEORETICAL) H. V. Nicholls. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING R. Dennis. PHYSICS E. J. C. Rennie. COAL-MINING, MINE-SURVEYING John Durie. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY H. V. Nicholls. MECHANICAL DRAWING, APPLIED MECHANICS W. Burrows. DRESSMAKING Miss King. SANITARY INSPECTORS D. Owen. ARMIDALE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meet at the (late) Olympic Hall, Jessie-street. A. W. CHAPPLE, Teacher in Charge. FREEHAND AND MODEL DRAWING, STILL LIFE, GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE, PLANT DRAWING. ANTIQUE DRAWING, MODELLING, DESIGN, WOOD CARVING. CARPENTRY E. Whitfield, Teacher. LANDSCAPE (SKETCHING) Black and White, Life Class, Flower Painting. COOKERY Miss B. Geddes, Teacher. WOOL-CLASSING J. Hannaford. COBAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meet at the District School, Cobar. FREEHAND, MODEL, PERSPECTIVE, AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING; MATHEMATICS (ARITHMETIC); ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY; TRIGONOMETRY A. W. Hicks, B.A. MECHANICAL DRAWING T. C. Groom. CHEMISTRY M. A. Sullivan. TAMWORTH TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meet at the District School, School of Arts, and Council Chambers. A. J. McCoY, Teacher in Charge. MATHEMATICS A. J. McCoy, Teacher. ART Freehand, Model, Geometrical, Antique, Plant and Perspective Drawing, Design, Wood Carving, and Life Class A. W. Chappie, Teacher. CARPENTRY R. Taylor, Teacher. BOOK-KEEPING. J. A. McLeod, Teacher. DRESSMAKING, MILLINERY. Miss E. Perel, Teacher. WOOL-CLASSING. ORANGE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Classes meet at the Superior Public School, Orange. FREEHAND AND MODEL DRAWING. Miss Collingridge. GEOLOGY, BOTANY. T. C. DWYER, B.Sc. 3 12 Scholarships and Bursaries. SCHOLARSHIPS. (A) Scholarships distinguished in these Regulations as (a) District and High School, (6) Agricultural, (c) Junior Technical, (d) Intermediate Technical, (<) Senior Technical, shall be awarded annually upon com petitive examination to deserving pupils of schools within the State. DISTRICT AND HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS. District and High School Scholarships to the number of one hundred (100) annually shall be available for pupils of the following groups of schools, the number allotted to each group to be determined in connection with each half-yearly examination, and shall also be available for pupils in schools other than State Schools : Group (a) Schools in Classes I and II. Group (6) Schools in Classes III and IV. Group (c) Schools in Classes V, VI, and VII, including Subsidised Schools. Applicants from schools other than State Schools shall be included with one or other of these groups, as may be determined by the attendance of the school attended in each case. (i) These Scholarships shall be tenable for three years at a District School, High School, Superior Public School, or, in the case of boys, for two years at the Hurlstone Agricultural Continuation School or other similar school hereafter established, and shall entitle the holders to free education at such schools and to a grant of text- books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (i IDS.) per annum. (ii) The holder of a Scholarship who elects to attend the Hurlstone or other Agricultural Continuation School, and who is unable on account of distance of his home from such school to attend as a day student, will be charged a residential fee at the reduced rate of five guineas (5 55.) per quarter. (iii) Where the successful candidate elects to attend a Superior Public School which is not a District School, the Scholarship will be tenable at such school for a period of two years only, but will be extended to another year if the holder attends a school providing a third year course. (iv) The examination for District and High School Scholarships will be open to all boys and girls under 1 5 years of age on the date of examination. (B) AGRICULTURAL SCHOLARSHIPS TO HAWKESBURY COLLEGE. Three Scholarships shall be awarded annually to students of the Hurlstone Agricultural Continuation School, or other similar school hereafter established, who have passed with greatest credit through the two- years' course at such school. The Scholarships shall be awarded on the record of the students at the school as shown by the report of the Principal, together with the results of the final examination, and shall entitle the holders to a two-years' course at the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, and to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (\ IDS.) per annum. (c) JUNIOR TECHNICAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Junior Technical Scholarships to the number of twenty (20) annually shall be available for pupils of the following groups of schools, the number allotted to each group to be determined in connection with each half- yearly examination : Group (a) Schools in Classes I, II, III, and IV. Group (ft) Schools in Classes V, VI, and VII, including Subsidised Schools. (i) Junior Technical Scholarships shall be tenable for two years at a Technical College or School or Continuation School for courses of instruction approved by the Minister, and shall entitle the holders to exemp- tion from payment of fees and to grant of text-books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (i los.) per annum, and, where such is necessary, to a travelling allowance not exceeding five pounds (5) a year, to enable the holders to travel from and to their homes to and from the nearest Technical College or School where the desired course of instruction is available. (ii) The examination for these Scholarships will be open to all boys and girls under 15 years of age on the date of examination. (D) INTERMEDIATE TECHNICAL SCHOLARSHIPS: To TECHNICAL COLLEGE COURSES. Intermediate Technical Scholarships to the number of twelve (u) annually shall be awarded to boys to enable them to attend a Technical College for any one of the following day courses: Agriculture; Sheep and Wool Training; Chemistry, Assaying, and Metallurgy; Mechanical Engineer- ing ; Sanitary Engineering ; Mining ; Architecture ; Art. (i) These Scholarships will be tenable for three (3) years, and will entitle the holders to exemption from payment of fees and to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (i IDS.) per annum, and, where such is necessary, to a travelling allowance not exceeding five pounds (^5) a year to enable the holders to travel from and to their homes to and from the nearest Technical School where the desired course of instruction is available. (ii) The examination for these Scholarships will be open to all boys still attending school over 17 years of age on the date of examination. SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES. 313 (E) SENIOR TECHNICAL SCHOLARSHIPS. To organised Day Courses of Technical Colleges. Four Scholarships shall be allotted annually in January of each year for competition amongst youths in employment, to enable them to attend the Organised Day Courses of the Technical Colleges. (i) The candidates must be under 18 years of age on the ist day of February following the entrance examination to the day courses. (ii) The Scholarships will be tenable for three years, and will entitle the holders to exemption from fees, to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value two pounds (2) per annum, and to a monetary allowance of twenty pounds (20) per annum. (F) FROM CLASSES IN SMALL TECHNICAL SCHOOLS TO ADVANCED CLASSES IN THE SAME SUBJECTS AT CENTRAL TECHNICAL COLLEGES. Three Scholarships shall be awarded annually in January of each year to students distinguished in classes at small Technical Schools to enable them to attend the more advanced classes in the same subjects at a central Technical College, where such advanced classes are not held at the local Technical School or College. (i) The Scholarships will be tenable for the remainder of the full course in the subjects taken, and will entitle the holders to exemption from paymentiof fees and to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value four pounds (4) per annum. When a student holding a Scholarship must necessarily, as in most cases, board away from home in order to attend the Central Technical College, a monetary allowance of thirty pounds (30) per annum will be granted. In cases where the student need not board away from home in attending the classes, a travelling allowance not exceeding five pounds (^5) per annum may be granted where necessary. (o) COOKERY CLASSES AT SYDNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Three Scholarships shall be awarded annually for competition amongst girls over 18 years of age who have gone through a course of instruction in cookery in any of the Technical Schools or Colleges or Public Schools under this Department. (i) The Scholarships will be tenable for two years at the Sydney Technical College, and will entitle the holders to exemption from payment of fees during the complete Cookery Course, and to a grant not exceeding one pound (i) for necessary text-books. When a student holding a Scholarship must necessarily board away from home in order to attend the College, an allowance of thirty pounds (^30) per annum will be granted. (ii) The holders of these Scholarships will be required to undergo the necessary training as Assistant Teachers of Cookery. Should, however, a student show, before completion of the first year's course, that she does not possess the necessary qualifications for teaching, the Scholarship will be withdrawn at the end of the first year. (H) To DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY CLASSES AT THE SYDNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Three Scholarships shall be awarded aroually for competition amongst girls over 18 years of age who desire to become Teachers of Dressmaking ar ^ Millinery. (i) The Scholarships will be tenable for (wo years at the Sydney Technical College, and will entitle the holders to exemption from payment of fees whilst attending the classes prescribed in the College Calendar, and to a grant not exceeding one'pound(\) for necessary text-books. When a student holding a Scholarship must necessarily board away from home in order to attend the College, an allowance of thirty pounds (30) per annum will be granted. (ii) The holders will be required to pass the annual examinations in the subjects in which they receive instruction. Should, however, a student show, before the completion of the first year's course, that she does not possess the necessary qualifications for teaching, the Scholarship will be withdrawn at the end of the first year. (i) SCHOLARSHIPS IN CONNECTION WITH THE EVENING COURSES AT THE VARIOUS CENTRAL TECHNICAL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Scholarships shall be awarded annually for competition amongst students going through the regular evening courses in the various Central Schools and Colleges under the Department. (i) The Scholarships will be awarded on the results of examination held at the end of each year, and they will entitle the successful candidates to exemption from payment of college fees for the courses they are attending for the ensuing year. 'ii) Two of these Scholarships will be allotted amongst the students of each year in each subject. (j) RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. Research Scholarships, tenable for one or more years, shall be awarded to students who have completed their full course at the Sydney Technical College, on the recommendation of the lecturer or teacher, as approved by the Superintendent. These Scholarships will entitle the holders to the use of laboratories and apparatus necessary for the research undertaken by the student. The work to be undertaken, however, is to be approved by the lecturer in charge of the department, and the research in connection therewith is to be under his super- vision and direction. (K) BURSARIES. Bursaries, distinguished in these regulations as District and High School, Junior Technical, and Inter- mediate Technical, shall be awarded annually upon competitive examination to deserving pupils of State schools whose parents' incomes are not sufficient to enable their children to gain a higher education, X 3H TECHNICAL EDUCATION. DISTRICT AND HIGH SCHOOL BURSARIES (INCLUDING AGRICULTURAL). District and High School Bursaries to the number of seventy-two (72) annually shall be available for pupils of the following groups of schools, the number allotted to each group to be determined at each half- yearly examination : Group (a) Schools in Classes I and II. Group (b) Schools in Classes III and IV. Group (c) Schools in Classes V, VI, and VII, including Subsidised Schools. (i) These bursaries shall be tenable for three years, and will entitle a pupil to free education in a High School, a District School, a Superior Public School, or (in the case of boys) the Sydney Grammar School or in the Hurlstone Agricultural Continuation School or other similar school hereafter established, and to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (i IDS.) per annum. When a pupil holding a bursary must necessarily board away from home in order to attend one of these schools, an allowance not exceeding 30 a year, in addition to free education and text-books, will be made, but when it is not necessary on account of distance to board away from home the allowance will not exceed 10 a year. (ii) A successful candidate who elects to attend the Hurlstone or other Agricultural Continuation School, and who is unable on account of the distance of his home from such school to attend as a Day Student, will be granted free board and residence at the school in lieu of the monetary allowance already specified. (iii) The examination for District and High School Bursaries will be open to all boys and girls under 15 years of age on the date of examination, provided they have attended a State School with reasonable regularity for one year preceding the date of examination. (L) JUNIOR TECHNICAL BURSARIES. Junior Technical Bursaries to the number of twenty (20) annually shall be available for pupils of the following groups of schools, the number allotted to each group to be determined in connection with each half- yearly examination : Group (a) Schools in Classes I, II, III, and IV. Group (b) Schools in Classes V, VI, and VII, including Subsidised Schools. (i) Junior Technical Bursaries shall be tenable for two years at a Technical College or School or Trade School for courses of instruction approved by the Minister, and shall entitle the holders to exemption from payment of fees and to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (\ IDS.) per annum, and, where such is necessary, to a travelling allowance not exceeding five pounds (5) a year to enable the holders to travel from and to their homes to and from the nearest Technical College or School where the desired course of instruction is available. (ii) In addition to the above, holders of Junior Technical Bursaries who must necessarily board away from home in order to attend the prescribed courses, shall receive an allowance of twentv pounds (20) per annum, but when it is not necessary on account of distance to board away from home the allowance will not exceed ten pounds (10) per annum. (iii) The examination for these Bursaries will be open to boys and girls under 15 years of age on the date of examination. (M) INTERMEDIATE TECHNICAL BURSARIES: To ORGANISED DAY COURSES AT SYDNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Eight Intermediate Technical Bursaries shall be awarded annually upon competitive examination to boys who have attended a High School, or the higher primary classes of a District School or of a Superior Public School for two years, and who are under 17 years of age on the ist day of July following the first, or the ist day of January following the second, examination in each year. (i) The Bursary will be tenable for three years at any of the Organised Day Courses of the Sydney Technical College, and will entitle the holder to exemption from payment of fees, to a grant of text-books not exceeding in value one pound ten shillings (\ IDS.) per annum, and to an allowance of ten pounds (10) per annum when the student resides at home, and to an allowance of thirty pounds (^30) per annum when the student must necessarily board away from home to attend the classes. PROPOSED REGULATIONS, STATE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES. Examinations for admission to High Schools, as well as for Scholarships and Bursaries, shall be held half-yearly, in June and December. One half the number of Scholarships and Bursaries annually available shall be awarded after each examination, except in the case of the Scholarships to the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, which will all be awarded in connection with the December examination. (i) The parents or guardians of candidates for Scholarships or Bursaries must fill in and forward to the Under Secretary the necessary forms of application at least three weeks before the date of examination. Such forms may be obtained at the Department of Public Instruction. (ii) Scholars and Bursars are expected to attend the School (of the class at which the Scholarship 01 Bursary is tenable) nearest by a practicable route to their places of residence. In exceptional circumstances, however, the Minister may, on application being made, sanction a departure from this rule. The application should accompany the form notifying intention to compete. (iii) A Scholarship or Bursary may be withdrawn at any time during its currency if the holder fails to attend classes regularly and punctually, or fails to give evidence of satisfactory progress, or if the conduct of the holder is not satisfactory. SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES. 315 (iv) A Bursary shall not be awarded to any candidate whose parents' total income exceeds ^300 per annum. The parents of the candidates who are successful in the competitive examination for Bursaries shall, therefore, in each case, be required to make a statutory declaration as to the amount of their income before a Bursary is awarded. j SUBJECTS OF EXAMINATION. The scope of the examination for Scholarships and Bursaries in each subject will be notified from time to time in the Syllabus of Examinations. Candidates from schools in classes V, VI, VII, and from subsidised schools, will not be examined in Latin or French. Subjects of Examination in Section (E) English, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and either Chemistry or Physics University Junior Standard. (G) English (Composition), Arithmetic, Domestic Science; Practical Cookery Text-book recom- mended, " The Science of Home Life," by W. Jerome Harrison. (H) English (Composition), Arithmetic, Geometrical Drawing, Practical Test in Needlework. Since this scheme has been brought into operation, there are thirteen scholars and seventeen bursars attending the Technical Continuation School and Classes. EXAMINATIONS. Notes applicable to all Colleges and Schools throughout the State of New South Wales. NOTE i. Special attention is invited to the following extract from the Syllabus of Studies for Public School Teachers and Pupil-teachers, last published by the Public Service Board : NOTE 2. Certificates issued to Teachers and Pupil-teachers by the Technical Education Branch in the undermentioned subjects will exempt the holders from further examination in such subjects, according to the following provisions : Physics Course B and Course C. Chemistry First year theory, and first year practice ; or first and second years' theory. Geology First year. Botany First year. Physiology The full course. NOTE. Students are advised to consult the list of dates for the Annual Examinations, 1909, before joining the classes. The Provisional List is published at the beginning of the year to prevent students taking those subjects the examination for which fall upon the same date. 1. The Annual Examinations are held during the month of December. 2. A student who holds a certificate in any grade will not be awarded a second certificate in that grade. 3. The class work done during the year, either theoretical or practical, or both, will be taken into account account in deciding whether a Student is to pass or fail at the annual examination. 4. Students are eligible for examination in any subject in which they have actually received not fewer than 80 per cent, of the total number of lessons forming the complete year's course in the subject. Where the attendance falls short of 80 per cent., the case will be considered on its merits. 5. Prizes are awarded to students who obtain honors, provided they have attended the classes three full terms, also the term examinations, in the year in which they are examined, and have not previously passed in the subject. CERTIFICATES. Certificates are awarded to students who attend the classes and pass the required examinations. DIPLOMAS. Diplomas are awarded to students who have obtained the Certificates in any Department and have passed the final examination in the principal subjects in the first grade. ASSOCIATESHIPS. The title of Associate of the Sydney Technical College is conferred upon any student who passes the final examinations in the principal subject with honors. Associates may attend any one course of lectures free of charge. The title of Associate of the Sydney Technical College is also conferred upon any Teacher or Officer of the Technical Education Branch who has given twenty consecutive years' service in such capacity. FELLOWSHIPS. The Fellowship of the Sydney Technical College will be conferred upon those who, having obtained the Associateship, shall have spent not less than six years in actual practice, and shall have done some original and valuable research work, or have contributed to the advancement of the industry in which they are engaged. The title of Fellow of tht Sydney Technical College is conferred upon any Lecturer in charge of any Department, or Resident Master, or a Superior Officer, who has held such position under the Technical Educa- Branch for at least twenty consecutive years. J. W. TURNER, Technical College, Sydney. Officer Directing Technical Education. The 1909 Exhibition of Students' Work. (By THE EDITOR.) ON the a6th March, 1909, Mr. Turner, Superintendent of Technical Education in New South Wales, forwarded the following circular letter to every Lecturer and Teacher in the Technical Colleges and Schools throughout the State : EASTER EXHIBITION. " Dear Sir or Madam, " I am glad to be able to inform you that arrangements are well forward for the forthcoming Easter Exhibition of Technical Education, and as you are no doubt keenly interested in the function, I take this opportunity to apprise you of the draft pro- gramme. " The opening is to take place on Wednesday, April I4th, at 2 p.m. ; the official opening at 3 p.m. ; the evening session at 7 p.m. " The Exhibition will then be continued on Thursday, I5th, and Friday, i6th, morning, afternoon, and evening, at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., respectively. "The arrangement of the different exhibits is under the charge of the respective Lecturers who will be responsible for the receipt, arrangement, and despatch of the suburban and country exhibits. These should be sent so as to reach the College on the 5th, or at latest, 7th of April. The usual certificates for reduced railway fare will be issued from the Central College to country students who wish to attend the Exhibition. " Your resident master has, no doubt, impressed upon you the need for every possible effort being made to insure success. " The Exhibition, which will be the function of the technical year, must be thoroughly representative. We must exhibit of our best when we go before the general public for their recognition. " Again, the value of the Exhibition to Teachers and Students cannot be over- estimated. By it the past results can be compared with the present instruction, defects remedied and an incentive given for fresh endeavour. " For these reasons I would urge that sacrifice be made by all to obtain the greatest possible results. Only by the best effort, both in exhibiting and attending, can justice be done the present high-water mark reached by Technical Education in New South Wales." In a subsequent circular letter equally widely distributed Mr. Turner furnished the following additional particulars : " The opening ceremony will take place in the Physics Hall, on Wednesday after- noon, I4th April, at 3 p.m. "The Hon. J. A. Hogue, Minister of Public Instruction, will preside. " The Minister has sanctioned the closing of all Colleges and Schools represented at the Exhibition, to enable Lecturers and Teachers to attend. " A Conference of Lecturers and Teachers will be held in the Physics Hall, on Thursday morning, I5th April, at 10.30. You are invited to forward any suggestion on matters which you deem fit for discussion. " A social reunion of the Staff (including City and Country Members) to which you are cordially invited, will be held in the Technological Museum and Physics Hall, on Saturday evening, I7th April, at 7.30 p.m." These letters are printed here, first, because they give an excellent epitome of the arrangements made for an exhibition, which not only comprises the work of the students in the great central Sydney College, where the exhibition is held, but also that of those in the Technical Colleges and Schools throughout the whole of a State having an area of 310,372 square miles, more than three and a half times that of Great Britain, and stretching inland from east to west for about 600 miles, and north and south along the coast for about 800 miles. THE 1909 EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS' WORK. 317 Second, because they provide a concise statement of the objects the Superintendent had in view in approving and organising the Exhibition ; and third, because they furnish an excellent indication of Mr. Turner's methods in dealing with the great body of men and women under his control, who constitute the Technical Teaching and Administrative Staffs, methods which have earned for him not only the respect, but the sincere affection of every officer in the service. The idea of instituting an exhibition of this kind, to mark the close of the first quarter century of organised Technical Education in New South Wales, originated with Mr. Turner's Advisory Council, of which he is the President. MR. TURNER, SUPERINTENDENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, AND HIS ADVISORY COUNCIL, WHICH IS ALSO THE GENERAL EXHIBITION COMMITTEE. This council which is a permanent body, consisting of the chief officers and lecturers of the Technical Education Branch_of the Department of Public Instruction, was called into existence for the first time by Mr. Turner, immediately on his accession to the^position of Superintendent of Technical Education, and it_;, is intended that it should also form the permanent general committee of this, and of the subsequent regular annual^exhibitions^which are contemplated. This act of Mr. Turner's, which was as welcome as it was unprecedented, initiated a policy which he has steadily pursued ever since. To any one who has read this monograph, and has observed the absolute diversity of the Technical subjects dealt with by the men and women teachers, all of whom are specialists in their own particular lines, it must be abundantly evident, that no one man, however clever, could possibly be practically acquainted with the Technical detail of each branch. It naturally follows that any attempt to force those experts to adopt methods, of which they disapproved, and which they knew could not be founded on any practical knowledge of their work, could only end in dissatisfaction if not disaster, and must inevitably lead to disorganisation, and the weakening of that respect and personal influence whichfevery^successful captain of Technical Education must, as a matter of course, command. Mr. Turner, with that breadth of mind, that perfect and firm grasp of the duties of his high position, and that unsurpassed firmness, tact, and kindliness, in dealing with men and women, all of which are characteristic of him, has frankly admitted his belief in those facts from the first, and has acted on that belief. This he has made plain not only to his Teaching Staff, but also to the many representatives of the vast variety of Professions, Trades, and Callings, who have interviewed him in regard to the Technical subjects in which they were interested, and while always making it perfectly clear that he reserved to himself his undoubted right to adopt, or reject, he always has made it equally clear that he welcomed their interest in the work, and their freely expressed opinions as to its conduct and improvement. The TECHNICAL EDUCATION. result of this policy has been simply what might be expected ; he is respected, admired, and approved of by all with whom he has come in contact by his Teachers, and by the interested public alike. The former are eager to carry out his orders, and in the latter has been created a personal interest in the progress and success of the whole work, which is already bearing good fruit. The success of this Exhibition is but another evidence of the success of Mr. Turner's administration. The members of his Staff throughout the whole State have gone heartily into the matter, not only as as duty, but as a pleasure, and in this way an assemblage of work has been secured, which would have been impossible with a mere half-hearted obedience to the commands of a less loved head. Besides showing those of the general public who visit this Exhibition the nature and quality of the work being done; there is another very important object which is referred to in the circular letter printed in this article. The examinations set, are the same all over the State, and all the examination papers are sent down to Sydney, and examined together by experts in each branch of the work. But, with our immense distances in New South Wales, it is obviously impossible to deal in the same way with the whole mass of the practical work done during the year, and equally impossible for the Sydney experts to visit the widely separated Colleges and Schools to inspect it. It has, therefore, been found necessary to call on the teachers themselves, at each separate centre, to appraise this class of work. As all the certifi- cates issued to the students throughout the State are intended to have the same value, it thus becomes of the utmost importance that each teacher should judge his students' practical work from the same high standard. This exhibition, affording as it does, an opportunity to each of those teachers to compare the best of his own students' work with the best of the work pro- duced at the Central College, or elsewhere, will be of incalculable value in establishing such a standard, but also, as the Superintendent clearly puts it in his circular letter quoted, "by it the past results can be compared with the present instruction, defects remedied, and an incentive given for fresh endeavour." The following are the names of the members of the Sub-committees who have special charge of the subjects named, in connection with this Exhibition : GENERAL EXECUTIVE COMMITEE. Messrs. J. W. Turner (Convener), G. Hooper, C. A. Sussmilch, A. W. Chappie and W. J. C. Ross. GENERAL DECORATION COMMITTEE. Messrs. J. R. Wright (Convener), P. W. Johnston, and H. Lord. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Messrs. J. W. Turner (Convener), G. Hooper, W. J. C. Ross, and Misses Monro and Roberts. PRINTING AND PRESS-WORK (PUBLICATION COMMITTEE). Messrs. J. L. Bruce (Convener and Editor), C. A. Sussmilch, J. R. Wright, J. B. Brown and J. Nangle. As this brief notice is necessarily written before the actual opening of the Exhibition, it is impossible to enter into detail. There is, however, already sufficient evidence to prove the reality of its representative character, and consequent success as regards its main object, namely, in proving to the public the variety and excellence of the work done. That the Public of New South Wales will take advantage of the opportunity offered there can be no doubt ; their warm interest in the subject is shown by the enormous numbers of their representatives, who nightly attend the various classes throughout the State. Even if only the parents and friends of the thousands of Technical students visited the Exhibition , its success in that respect also would be assured. THE TECHNICAL EDUCATION BOARD FROM 1883 TO 1889. The old New South Wales Board of Technical Education, which initiated the first organized system of Technical Education in Australia, con- sisted of the following gentlemen : President : EDWARD COMBES, C.E., C.M.G. Vice-Presidents : NORMAN SELFE, M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E., M.I.N.A. HENRY CHAMBERLAINE RUSSELL, B.A., F.R.A.S., F.R.S., Government Astronomer. Members : EZEKIEL ALEXANDER BAKER. JAMES BARNET, Colonial Architect. OWEN BLACKET. THOMAS BOWERMAN BELGRAVE, M.D., M.R.C.S. Edin. THOMAS FREDERICK DE COURCY BROWNE, M.P. ANGUS CAMERON, M.P. WILLIAM HOSKING EDMUNDS. JACOB GARRARD, M.P. TRAVERS JONES, M.P. ALEXANDER KETHEL, M.P. ARCHIBALD LIVERSIDGE, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in the University of Sydney. LEWIS LLOYD. SAMUEL WILKINSON MOORE, M.P. WILLIAM GILMOUR MURRAY. RICHARD LENNON MURRAY. JOHN NORTON OXLEY. GEORGE FRANCIS POOLE. THE HON. JOHN SUTHERLAND, M.P., Minister for Public Works. CHARLES SMITH WILKINSON, F.G.S., F.L.S., Geological Surveyor. THE HON. WILLIAM CHARLES WINDEYER, Puisne Judge. JOHN YOUNG, J.P. Secretary : EDWARD DOWLING. SYDNEY: WILLIAM APPI.EGATF, GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1909. *.- r.MYKIi-ITY OK C'ALIFOUNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 31 30iR-l,'15 instruc. dept. Technical educ. fcrancfi. ^uarteir century of ~ technical education in N. S. Wales. Jul.31 * Brainerd* 198981 I' YA O \> J O^AjLJS J-IBRARY