GIFT OF PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION OF NEW JERSEY CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PERIODICALS IN THE LIBRARY NEWARK, N. J. 1920 PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION OF NEW JERSEY CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND PERIODICALS^ IN THE LIBRARY NEWARK, N. J. 1920 * , * J . I PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARY A Catalogue of the Books and Pamphlets in the Library prepared for the use of the Officials and Employes of the Company. LIBRARY HOURS Week days 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays 8:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. Closed Sundays and Holidays. RULES The use of the Library is free to all employes who comply with the following rules: 1. Books will be issued to any employe who signs a library application, approved by the head of his department. Books are sent free in Public Service mail-bags. 2. Circulating books may be retained for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period. Unbound periodicals (except the latest issue) *may be kept from three to seven days, according to the demand of the magazine, and are not renewable. 3. BOOKS MUST BE RETURNED PROMPTLY OR RENEWED. 4. Books can be renewed by mail or telephone, without returning them to the Library. An application for renewal must give author and title of the book, with the date it was issued. The renewal will date from the time the application is received at the Library. 5. Books are considered in good condition unless other- wise noted on the title page. If lost, or damaged in any way, they must be paid for by the borrower. 6. The Librarian should be immediately notified of change of business address. This catalogue will be supplemented by the issuance of yearly lists of books and pamphlets. 462CL'j This catalogue has not attempted to include under its numerous subject headings the reports or papers read before the National Associations, nor has it included the Government, State or Municipal publications, that are received at the Library from time to time. These, together with the books and pam- phlets listed herein, are reviewed and indexed by author and subjects, upon their receipt by the Librarian, on catalogue cards. A similar index is also kept of all important articles appearing in periodicals. Both of these indexes are accessible to all Company employes. For those who cannot conveniently come to the Library, the Librarian will be pleased to answer telephone inquiries and to look up information upon almost any subject. In in- quiring for information, whether by telephone or by written request, the more specific the request is made as to whether everything on the subject is desired or only the best elementary or advanced works, the better able the Librarian is of being of assistance. The Library and the services of the Librarian and her assistants are at the disposal of all Company employes and an invitation is extended to all to make use of the facilities provided. ALMA C. MITCHILL, Librarian. PERIODICALS ON FILE IN THE LIBRARY BOUND VOLUMES Area 1912-date American Gas Association, Monthly 1919-date American Gas Light Journal 1859-1895; 1897-1898; 1902-date American Industries 1912-1915 Annals American Academy of Political and Social Science 1913-date Brill Magazine 1911-1916 CanadianEngineer 1913-date Central Station 1910-date Chemical Abstracts 1911-date Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering 1916-date (Formerly Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering) Chemical Engineer 1911-date Commercial and Financial Chronicle 1911-date Concrete 1912-date Electric Journal 1904-date Electric Railway Journal 1908-date Electrical Age 1906-1908; 1914-1916; 1916-1917 Electrical Record L : 1910-date Electrical Review 1905-date Electrical Review ( London) 1912-date Electrical World 1900-date Electrician ( London ) 1905-date Engineer (London) 1912-date Engineering ( London ) 191 1-date Engineering and Contracting 1911-1918 Engineering Magazine 1895-1916 Engineering News 1891-1917 Engineering News Record 1917-date Engineering Record 1903-1917 Gas Age 1913-date Gas Institute News 1912-1918 Gas Journal ,. 1917-date Gas Record _ 1914-date Gas World 1911-1917 General Electric Review 1911-date Illuminating Engineer ( London) 1912-1915 Industrial Engineer and the Engineering Digest .1910-1913 Industrial Management 1916-date Iron Age 1908-date Journal of Accountancy 1905-date Journal of Electricity 1911-date Journal of Franklin Institute 1903-date Journal of Gas Lighting 1901-1903; 1907; 1911-1916 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1911-1914 Journal of Society of Chemical Industry 1911-date Light Mar. 1910-Feb. 1911 Lighting Journal 1913-1915 Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering, See Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. 5 Moody's Magazine 1912-1915 Municipal Engineering 1911-1918 Municipaljournal 1910-1915 National Electric Light Assn. Bulletins 1907-date National Electric Light Assn. Bulletins, Public Service Section 1910-1917 National Fire Protection Assn. Quarterly 1912-date Newarker 1914-1915 National Engineer 1916- Popular Electricity 1911-1914 Popular Mechanics 1911-1915 Power _ 1904-date Power Plant Engineering 1918-date Progressive Age 1900-1912 Public Service 1911-date Public Utilities Reports Annotated 1915-date Railway Age Gazette * 1911-1918 Rate Research 1912-date Science Abstracts 1911-date Stone and Webster Journal 1907-date Stevens Indicator 1902-date Street Railway Bulletin ...1913-1916 Street Railway Journal 1903-1908 Scientific American 1911-date Scientific American Supplement 1911-1915; 1916; 1919 Tramway and Railway World 1911-1916 U. S. Bureau of Standards Bulletin 1904-date University of Illinois Bulletins No. 21, 1908-date Wisconsin Engineer 1912-1917 CURRENT NUMBERS ONLY Advertising and Selling Magazine of Wall Street American Machinist Metropolitan American Magazine Munsey's Magazine Americas National Geographic Magazine Annalist Nation's Business Canadian Engineer Outlook Commercial Vehicle Pacific Service Magazine Cosmopolitan Photo-play Magazine Dramatic Mirror Pictorial Review Dun's Review Popular Mechanics Electric Traction Printers Ink Engineers Club of Philadelphia. Quarterly Journal of Economics Proc. Red Book Everybody's Magazine Rochester Gas and Electric News Factory Safety Filing Saturday Evening Post Forbes Magazine Stenographic and Phonographic House and Garden World Life Street Railway Bulletin Literary Digest System Ice and Refrigeration Wireless Age Machinery Woman's Home Companion World's Work ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS American Chemical Society, Journal 1911-1914 American Concrete Institute. Proc 1916-date American Electric Railway Assn. Proc. 1911-date American Electric Railway Assn. P. S. Section. Proc. 1912-191& American Gas Association. Proc 1919-date American Gas Institute. Proc 1906-1916 American Gas Light Assn. Proc 1898-1899; 1902-1905 American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Proc. 1910-date American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Trans. 1900-1911; 1913; 1915-date. American Railway Engineering Assn. Proc. 1912-1915. American Society of Civil Engineers. Proc. r . 1909-date American Society of Civil Engineers. Trans. 1911-1912 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Trans. 1895-1917 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal 1911-date American Society for Testing Materials. Proc. 1912-date American Street and Interurbaii Railway Assn. Proc. 1906-1910 American Street Railway Association. Reports 1884-1906 American Wood Preservers Association. Proc. 1916-1918 Assn. of Edison Illuminating Companies. Minutes, 1907; 1914 date. Assn. of Engineering Societies. Journal 1911-1915 Assn. of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers. Proc 1911; 1914 Assn. of Railway Electrical Engineers. Proc 1909-1916 Atlantic Deeper Waterways Assn. Proc 1915-1916 Better Business Letter Conference. Proc 1917 - British Commercial Gas Assn. Reports 1912-1914; 1916; 1919 Brooklyn Engineers Club. Proc 1904; 1914-1915 Cleveland Engineering Society. Journal 1912-1917 Engineers Club of Philadelphia. Proc 1912-1916 Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania. Journal 1913-1918 Illuminating Engineering Society. Trans 1906-date Institute of Electrical Engineers. Journal 1899-date Institute of Gas Engineers. Trans 1905-1916 International Engineering Congress. Trans. 1915 (12 vols.) International Railway Congress. Bulletins 1913-1914 Iron and Steel Institute. Journal 1916 Michigan Gas Association. Proc. 1911-1916 National Association of Cement Users. Proc 1913 National Association of Corporation Schools. Proc. 1913-date National Assn. of Railway Commissioners. Proc 1889-date National Civic Federation. Proc. , 1912 - National Commercial Gas Assn. Utilization of Gas appliances. Lessons 1-10- National Commercial Gas Assn. Bulletins 1911-1915 National Commercial Gas Assn. Proc. 1908-1916 National Electric Light Assn. Proc 1886-date National Fire Protection Assn. Proc 1911-date New York Electric Railway Assn. Proc 1913-1914; 1916 Ohio Gas Light Assn. Proc 1901-1906 Railway Club of Pittsburg. Proc 1912-1915 7 Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Bulletin 1912-1916 Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Proc 1916- Street Railway Accountants Assn. Reports 1901-1905 Western Gas Association. Proc. 1892-1906 Western Society of Engineers. Journal 1913-1917 Wisconsin Gas Association. Proc ...1918 DIRECTORIES American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Condensed catalogue of mechanical equipment with directory 1918 Ayer, (N.W.) & Son American newspaper annual and directory 1919- Brown's Directory of Gas Companies 1917-date Crawford Pulishing Co. Engineering directory 1919 Hendrick's Commercial Register of the U. S 1919-1920 Industrial Directory of New Jersey 1915-date Industrial Directory of New York 1913 - London (England) Federation of British Industries Export register 1920 McQraw Central Station Directory and Data Book 1917-date McGraw Electric Railway Directory 1917-date New York Academy of Sciences Directory of Acad- emy and affiliated societies 1918 Newark (N.J.) Board of Trade 'Newark made goods' 1913 - Official Hotel Red Book Directory 1918 - Thomas' Register of American Manufactures 1918 The Library has late editions of the following City Directories: Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and vicinity; Camden; Eliza- beth; Harrison, Kearny, East Newark and Arlington; Montclair, Bloomfield and vicinity; Newark; (The) Oranges; New Bruns- wick; New York City; Passaic; Paterson; Plainfield; Phila- delphia (City and Telephone directory). MISCELLANEOUS Bulletins of the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Bulletins of the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Heports of the Public Service Commissions of various States in the U. S. Annual reports of Public Utility Companies. Catalogues of Manufacturing Companies. Railway Guides; Time Tables, etc. American Year Book 1915 ; 1918-date Brookly Eagle Almanac. Latest Editions. Who' Who in America 1916-date World's Almanac. Latest Editions. Moody's Manual of Industrials; Public Utilities and Railroads. 3v. Latest editions. 8 Poor's Manual of Industrials; Public Utilities and Railroads. 3v. Latest editions. (Poor's and Moody's Manuals have been merged into one under the heading of Poor's Manual) Engineering Index 1896-date Industrial Arts Index 1913-date Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature 1910-date U. S. Catalogue (Record of Cumulative Book Index) Books in print January 1, 1912-date INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS IN CATALOGUE. BUSINESS ECONOMICS Page Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Auditing 13 Accidents, Accident Prevention and Workmen's Compensation .... 15 Advertising 16 Banks and Banking 17 Bookkeeping, see Accountancy Business and Office Methods 17 Capital and Labor 18 Collections, see Credits and Collections Contracts, Specifications and Estimates 19 Corporation Organization and Finance 20 Correspondence, see English Grammar Costs and Cost Accounting 20 Credits and Collections 21 Depreciation, see Valuation. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias 21 Drawing 22 Economics 23 Efficiency and Scientific Management 23 Encyclopedias, see Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. English Grammar, Correspondence, Stenography and Typewriting. .24 Estimates, see Contracts, Specifications and Estimates. Fire Protection and Prevention 25 Geography, see Government. Government, Geography and History 26 Government Ownership, see Public Ownership History, see Government Industrial Organization and Industrial Welfare 27 Inventions 28 Labor, see Capital and Labor. Law 25 Military Books 30 Municipal Ownership, see Public Ownership Office Methods, see Business and Office Methods. Personal Success 30 Public, Government and Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities . . 32 Public Relations 35 Public Service Commissions and Public Utilities 35 Public Utilities, see under both Public Ownership and Public Service Commissions. Rates and Rate Regulation 36 Salesmanship 38 Scientific Management, see Efficiency and Scientific Management. Specifications, see Contracts, Specifications and Estimates. Stenography, see English Grammar. 10 BUSINESS ECONOMICS Continued Page Taxation 38 Typewriting, see English Grammar. Valuation and Depreciation 39 Workmen's Compensation, see Accidents, Accident Prevention. Miscellaneous 40 CIVIL ENGINEERING Bridges 42 Construction 42 Materials of Construction 44 Municipal Engineering 45 Roads and Pavements 46 Surveying 46 Tunnels and Terminals 46 Water Supply 46 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Alternating Currents 4? Batteries 4T Central Stations and Their Equipment 4T Distribution, see Transmission and Distribution. Electrical Engineering (General, Industrial and Miscellaneous) ... .49 Electrical Machinery 51 Electricity and Magnetism 52, Laboratories and Laboratory Testing 53 Magnetism, see Electricity and Magnetism. Meters and Instruments 56 Poles 56 Telephone and Telegraphy 57 Testing, see Laboratories and Laboratory Testing. Transformers 57 Transmission and Distribution 58 Wiring and Service Equipment 59 GAS ENGINEERING By-Products 60 Distribution and Transmission 60 Gas Analysis 60 Gas Meters 61 Gas Plants 61 General and Industrial 61 Manufacture 62 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING (GAS AND ELECTRIC) General and Industrial 63 Lamps (Gas and electric) 66 Photography 66 11 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Page Aernoautics 61 Automobiles 67 Betters 68 Combustion Engines 69 Fuel 71 Furnaces 72 Heating and Ventilating 72 Hydraulic Machinery 73 Iron, see Steel and Iron. Lubrication 73 Machine Design 73 Machine Shop 74 Mechanics 74 Pipes and Piping 75 Power Plants 75 Power and Transmission 76 Pumps and Pumping 76 Refrigeration 70 Rubber T? Steam 77 Steel and Iron 77 Transporting and Conveying Material 78 Transmission, see Power and Transmission. Turbines 78 Ventilating, see Heating and Ventilating. Miscellany 78 RAILWAY ENGINEERING Building and Structures 80 Cars '. 80 Electrification 80 Engineering 81 Fares . 82 General 82 Jitneys, see Motor Buses. Locomotives 85 Maintenance of Ways 85 Motor Buses 85 Motormen and Conductors Manuals 86 Signalling 86 Terminals 86 Transportation 86 SCIENCE Chemistry 89 Mathematics 89 Physics 7 . .91 12 Business Economics ACCOUNTANCY, BOOKKEEPING AND AUDITING Adgie, W Modern bookkeeping and accounts. 1908 American Gas Institue Uniform system of accounts. 1914 American street and interurban railway accountants association, Classification of operating revenues and expenditures for road and equipment for use of electric railways. 1909. pamp. Anderson, De Lany & Co Accounting treatment of overhead construction costs in public utilities. 1917. pamp. Arizona. Corporation commission Uniform classification of accounts for electric, gas and water corporations. 1913. Arnolds, H. L Complete cost-keeper; some original systems of shop cost-keeping or factory accounting. 1907. Bates, T. B. Handling the customer's accounts. 1911. pamp. Bennett, R. J Corporation accounting. 1916 Bentley, H. C Science of accounts. 1911 Brearley, J. H. and Taylor, B Gas companies' bookkeeping. 1906. Brockway, W. B. Electric railway accounting. 1906 Bryant, J. C. New standard practical and progressive bookkeeping. 1913. Bunnell, S. H Cost-keeping for manufacturing plants. 1911 Church, A. H Manufacturing costs and accounts. 1917 Church, A. H Production factors in cost accounting and works management. 1910. Cox, H. C. Classified C.P.A. problems and solutions. 1915-16 Day, C. M Accounting practice. 1908 Dickinson, A. L Accounting practice and proceedure. 1914. DuBois, C. G Some undeveloped uses of accounts. 1909 Edwards, H. M. Electric light accounting from the stand- point of public service commissions. 1911. pamp. Edwards, H. M. Electric light accounts and their significance. 1914. Esquerre, P. J Applied theory of accounts. 1914 Forse, W. H, Electric railway auditing and accounting. 1908 Garrison, E. E Accounting every business man should know. 1910. Greenlinger, L Accountancy problems with solutions. 2v. 1911. Griffith, J. B Corporation accounts and voucher system. 1910 Griffith, J. B Practical bookkeeping. 1912 Hatfield, H. R Modern accounting. 1912 Hawkins, L. W Cost accounts; an explanation of principles and a guide to practice. 1912. Hooper, W. E Railroad accounting. 1915 13 Indiana. Public service commission Classifications and forms for electric and artificial gas utilities. 1913. Internatonal correspondence school Bookkeeper handbook. 1910. Keister, D. A Keister's corporation accounting and auditing. 1909. Kester, R. B Accounting. Theory and practice. 2v. 1918 Ludlam, C. S Treatment of sinking funds. 1914. pamp. Maryland. Public service commission Regulations prescribing a uniform system of accounts for gas and electric corpora- tions, street railway corporations and telephone and tele- graph corporations. 1911. May, I. A. Street railway accounting. 1917 Montgomery, R. H Auditing theory and practice. 1912. 2d edition 1916. National electric light assn Standard classification of accounts adopted by accounting section of the N. E. L. A. 1914 Neal V., and Cragin, C. T Modern illustrative bookkeeping. 1911. Nevada. Public service commissions Uniform system of ac- counts for electric, gas and water utilities. 1911. New Jersey. Board of public utility commissioners Uniform system of accounts for gas companies having a gross annual revenue less than $150,000. 1911. New York (State) Public service commission. 1st district Tentative scheme of accounts for electrical and gas corpora- tions. Circular No. 45. 1908. New York (State) Public service commission. 1st district Uniform system of accounts for electrical and gas corpora- tions, for street and electric railway corporations. 1908. New York (State) Public service commission. 2nd district Tentative scheme of accounts for electrical and gas corpora- tions. . Circular No. 45. 1908. New York (State) Public service commission. 2nd. district Uniform system of accounts for electric railroad corpora- tions. 1910. Nicholson, J. L Cost accounting, theory and practice. 1913 Oregon. Railroad commission Uniform classification of accounts for electric utilities, gas utilities and water utilities. 1913. Parkhurst, F. A Symbols. 1917 Public service corporation of New Jersey. Street railway dept. Classification of construction, equipment and operating ex- pense accounts. Affective Sept. 1, 1904. Public service electric company System of accounts for Public service electric company. Effective January 1, 1913. Based on uniform system of accounts for electrical corporations prescribed by Board of public utility commissioners. Public service gas company Same as above for gas co. Rowe, H. M. Bookkeeping and accountance. 1911 Soule, G. Soule's new science and practice of accounts. 1911 Sprague, C. E Accountancy of investments. 1914 14 Sprague, C. E. Philosophy of accounts. 1913 Thompson, C. B. How to find factory costs. 1916 U. S. Interstate commerce commission Decisions upon questions raised under the uniform system of accounts for electric railways prescribed by the Interstate commerce commission in accordance with Section 20 of the Act to regulate com- merce. 1915. pamp. U. S. Interstate commerce commission Uniform system of accounts for electric railways Tentative issue. 1914. Wildman, J. R. Principles of accounting. 1914 Wildman, J. R. Principles of auditing. 1916 Wildman, J. R Principles of cost accounting. 1917 Wisconsin. Railroad commission Uniform classification of accounts for electric and gas utilities and for electric rail- ways. 1912. Woods, C. E Unified accounting methods for industrials. 1917 ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Alexander, M. W What should be the principal provision of a workmen's compensation act? An analysis and a sug- gestion. 1915. pamp. Amer. assn. for labor legislation Standards for workmen's compensation laws. 1917. pamp. Amer. assn. for labor legislation Three years under the New Jersey workmen's compensation law. 1915. pamp. Amer. labor legislation review Federal workmen's compen- sation law. 1916. pamp. Bradshaw, G Prevention of railroad accidents. 1912 Deiser, G. E. and Johnson, F. W. Claims; fixing their values. 1911. Dry den, J. F Industrial insurance, past and present. 1912. pamp. Eastman, C. Work-accidents and the law. 1910 Handlon, J. H How to avoid accidents. 1911. pamp. Hoffman, F. L. Industrial accidents in the U. S. and their relative frequency in different occupations. 1914. pamp. Hoffman, F. L. Workmen's compensation for industrial diseases. 1913. pamp. Inland steel co Voluntary accident relief plan. 1912. pamp. Inland steel co Instructions and rules to prevent accidents and promote sanitation for the welfare of all employees. 1913. pamp. Lauffer, C. A Electrical injuries; their causation, prevention and treatment. 1912. Lauffer, C. A Resuscitation. 1913 Law, F. E. Workmen's compensation for accidents. 1912. pamp. Nat'l assn. of manufactures ,.Digest of workmen's compensa- tion laws. 1916. 15 Nat'l Electric light assn Suggested safety rules to be observed in the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment and lines. 1914. pamp. New York Bureau of statistical information N. Y. State work- men's compensation law. 1918. pamp. N. Y. Electric railway assn Papers presented on the preven- tion of accidents. 1912. pamp. New York (State) Industrial commission New York workmen's compensation law. 1913. pamp. Pennsylvania railroad co Plan and committee organization for prevention of personal injuries. 1912. pamp. Schwedtman, F. C. and Emery, J. A. Accident prevention and relief. 1911. Schwedtman, F. C. Employers' liability, workmen's compensa- tion and prevention of work accidents. 1912. pamp. Schwedtman, F. C Prevention of accidents. 1914. pamp. Tolman, W. J. and Kendall, L. B Safety; methods of pre- venting occupational and other accidents and diseases. 1913 Tynan, L. J Workmen's compensation for injuries, n. d. pamp. United gas improvement co Accident prevention safety first. 1913. ADVERTISING. Advertiser's handbook of New England. 1915. Bullard, J. E Gas application display and demonstration. 1917 Calkins, E. E... Business of advertising. 1915 Calkins, E. E. and Holden R Advertiser with the inquiring mind. n.d.. Calkins, E. E. and Holden, R. Modern advertising. 1905 Cherington, P. T Advertising as a business force. 1913 De Weese, T. A Advertising. Business Man's Library No. 7. 1913. Ellis, L. W Data on advertising department records. 1917. pamp. Frueauff, F. W How advertising helps to market gas and electric services. 1915. pamp. Hamilton, A. Pitfalls of advertising. 1912. pamp. Hess, H. W Productive advertising. c!915 Hollingworth, H. L Advertising and selling. 1913 Ingalls, P Advertising methods. Report to N. E. L. A. 1905. pamp. Ingersoll, Wm. H Advertising. 1912 Ingersoll, Wm. H Organizing and systematizing an adver- tising department. 1915. pamp. International correspondence school Window trimmer's hand- book. 1912. Johnson, A. P Library of advertising. c!913. 5v. Kennedy, J. E. Altruism in advertising. 1911 16 Printers' Ink Direct advertising, an important part in the scheme of building business. List of articles that have ap- peared in Printers' Ink on this subject. 1916. panip. Society for electrical development How to make your show windows pay your rent. n.d. pamp. Society for electrical development More customers, more sales, more profits. 1916. pamp. BANKS AND BANKING. Andrew, A. P. Financial diagram. 1910 Bank taxation, n.d. pamp. Cleveland, F. A Funds and their uses. 1903 Columbia university press Currency problems and the present financial situation. 1908. Fiske, A. K Modern bank. 1915 Guaranty trust co Banking service for foreign trade. 1919. pamp. Laughlin, J. L. Banking reform. 1912 McLeary, J. T. Banking and currency reform; its necessity, its method. 1912. pamp. National bank of commerce Commercial banking practice under the Federal Reserve Act. 1918. U. S. Library of congress Select list of references on the monetary question. 1913. Wurts, G First half century of the First National Bank of Paterson, New Jersey. 1864-1914. 1914. BOOKKEEPING See ACCOUNTANCY, ETC. BUSINESS AND OFFICE METHODS Amer. school of correspondence Business management. 1910 Brandeis, L. D. Business a profession. 1914 Brisco, N. A. Economics of business. 1914 Burroughs adding machine co A better day's work. 1910 Burroughs adding machine co Cost keeping short cuts. 1911 Business book bureau What to read on business. 1912 Business man's library Buying. Vol. 5. 1913 Business man's library Personality in business. Vol. 9. 1913 Business man's library Accounting and office methods. Vol. 10. 1913. Carnegie, A. Empire of business. 1912 Church, A. H. Proper distribution of expense burden. 1913 Church, E. C Purchasing. 1912. pamp. Clapp, J. M Talking business. 1920 Cody, S. How to deal with human nature in business. 1915 Collins, C. D Drafting room methods, standards and forms. 1918. Cope, E. A Filing systems. 1913 Davies, J. P....: Engineering office methods and systems. 1915 17 Galloway, L. Office management. 1919 General electric co Manual for stenographers and phonograph operators. 1919. pamp. Gowin, E. B Executive and his control of man. 1915 Harris, W. and co. American business as affected by peace and preparedness. The composite opinion of 1700 business men. 1916. Hudders, E. R Indexing and filing. 1916 Humphreys, A. C Lecture notes on some business features of engineering practice. 1912. International correspondence school Business man's pocket- book. 1904. Leffingwell, W. H Scientific office management. 1917 Lewis, E Getting the most out of business. 1915 McCord, J. N Textbook of filing. 1920 Page, W. K Preparation and care of mailing lists. 1914 Roe, E. T New standard American business guide. 1912 Schulze, J. W American office. 1913. 1914 Schulze, J. W Office administration. 1919 Scott, W. D. Increasing human efficiency in business. 1914 Scott, W. D. Influencing men in business. 1914 Shaw, A. W. An approach to business problems. 1916 Shaw Co. : Business man's encyclopedia. 4 vol. 1917 Shaw Co. Knack of managing. 5 vol. 1917 Shaw Co. Making the office pay. 1918 Shaw Co. Office manual. 191 7 SoRelle, R. Office training for stenographers. 1911 Sparling, S. E. Introduction to business organization. 1912 System How to be personally efficient in business. 1915 System How to talk business to win. 1913 Thompson, W. S. Directory of mailing lists obtainable in book and pamphlet form telling where to get them and their cost. 1916. Tipper, H (The) New business. 1914 Twyford, H. B. Purchasing, its economic aspects and proper methods. 1915. Twyford, H. B Storing, its economic aspects and proper methods. 1918. Vassar, H. S Study of materials its relation to industrial purchasing. 1920. pamp. Veblen, T Theory of business enterprise. 1910 Warren, W. P Thoughts on business. 1916 Wigent, W. D., Housel, B. D. and Gilman, E. H Modern filing. A textbook on office systems. c!916. CAPITAL AND LABOR. American academy of political and social science (A) Recon- struction labor policy. 1919. Andrews, J. B Labor exchange. An article suggesting "A national system of labor exchange." 1915. pamp. Clark, J. B Problem of monopoly. 1904 18 Commons, J. R. and Andrews, J. B. Principles of labor legislation. 1916. Dickson, W. B Eight hour day and six day week in the con- tinuous industries. 1917. pamp. Emerson, H Rising wages. 1916. pamp. Leitch, J Man-to-man. 1919 Mahon, W. D. and Bland, L. D Street railway workers of Europe. Report upon wages, hours of lahor and conditions under municipal control. 1914. pamp. Merritt, W. G Labor legislation. 1914. pamp. Mitchell, J Published correspondence and statements. Capital and labor. 1906. pamp. National industrial conference board Eight hour day denned. 1918. pamp. Roberts, G. E Causes underlying the social unrest. 1919. pamp. Roy, A History of the coal miners of the U. S., from the development of the mines to the close of the anthracite strike of 1902. 1907. Shonts, T. P Public service corporations and the working man. 1916. pamp. Stevens, G. A New York (State) typographical union No. 6. 1913. Talbot, W Select bibliography of recent publications on helpful relations of employers and employed. 1912. COLLECTIONS see CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS. CONTRACTS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES. American bridge co. of N. Y Specifications and tables for steel framed structures. 1913. pamp. American railway engineering assn Specifications for overhead crossings of electric light and power lines. 1912. pamp. Auerbacher, L. J Electric contracting; shop system, esti- mating, wiring, construction methods, and hints on getting business. 1910. Carnegie steel co Standard specifications for . . . steel. 1911 Cochran, J Treatise on cement specifications, including the general use, purchase, storage, inspection and test require- ments of Portland . . . cement. 1912. Ferguson, W. B Art of estimating the cost of work, with special reference to unstandardized operations as in jobbing shops or repair work. 1915. Fowler, C. E. Law and business of engineering and contracting, with numerous forms and blanks for practical use. 1909 Haupt, L. M. Manual of engineering specifications and con- tracts. 1900. Johnson, J. B Engineering contracts and specifications. 1904 19 Mead, D Contracts, specifications and engineering relations. 1916. National electric light assn General specifications for paper insulated lead covered underground cable. Appendix to report of underground systems committee. 1920. pamp. Orrock, J. W Railroad structures and estimates. 1909 Ostrup, J. C Standard specifications for structural steel, timber, concrete and reinforced concrete. 1911. Radford, W. A. Radford's estimating and contracting. 1919 Vassar, H. S. Study of materials its relation to industrial purchasing. 1920. Waddell, J. A. L Specifications and contracts; a series of lectures. 1908. Waterbury Co., N. Y American standard specifications for paper insulated lead encased cables, n.d. pamp. Young, C. R Principles of specifications and agreement writing. 1913. CORPORATE ORGANIZATION AND FINANCE Bennett, R. J Corporation accounting. 1916 Bentley, H. C Corporate finance and accounting. 1911 Conyngton, T Corporate organization and management. 1919 Conyngton, T Manual of corporate management. 1911 Foster, H. A Central station management and finance. 1891 Greene, T. L Corporation finance. 1913 Griffith, J. B Corporation accounts and voucher system. 1910 Ignatius, M. B Financing of public service corporations. 1918 Keister, D. A. Keister's corporation accounting and auditing. 1909. Lyon, W. H Capitalization; a book on corporation finance. 1912. Marks, W. D Finance of gas and electric light and power enterprise. 4th ed. 1907. Meade, E. S Corporation finance. 1912 Mershore, R. D Some things engineers should know con- cerning the rudiments of corporate finance. 1912. pamp. Oberrich, L. H. Control of corporate finance. 1917. pamp. Tilton, F. T Corporate securities, stocks and bonds. c!913 pamp. Wagner, H. A. Financing of corporations. 1914. pamp. CORRESPONDENCE see ENGLISH GRAMMAR COSTS AND COST ACCOUNTING. Arnold, H. L Complete costkeeper. 1907 Bunnell, S. H Cost-keeping for manufacturing plants. 1911 Business man's library Cost of production. Vol. 3. 1913 Church, A. H Manufacturing costs and accounts. 1917 Church, A. H Production factors in cost accounting and works management. 1910. 20 Dana, R. T. Handbook of construction plant. Its cost and efficiency. 1914. Evans, H. A. Cost-keeping and scientific management. 1911 Franklin, B. A Cost reports for executives. 1913 Gillette, H. P Cost keeping and management engineering. 1909. Gillette, H. P. Handbook of cost data for contractors and engineers. 1910. Gillette, H. P. and Dana, R. T Handbook of mechanical and electrical cost data. 1918. Gillette, H. P. and Hill, C. S Concrete construction, methods and costs. 1908. Gould, G. B. and Hubbard, C. W Cost of Power. 1914 Hawkins, L. W Cost accounts. 1912 Holding, H. H Cost of electric power from a private plant. 1915. pamp. Nicholson, J. L Cost accounting, theory and practice. 1913 Nicholson, J. L Nicholson on factory organization and costs. 1909. Power plant engineering Cutting power plant costs. 1920. Taylor, F. W. and Thompson, S. E Concrete costs. 1912 Thompson, C. B How to find factory costs. 1916 Wildman, J. R Principles of cost accounting. 1917 Williams, S. B Cutting central station costs. 1919 White, F. A. Relations of power factor to central station costs. 1912. pamp. CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS Blanton, B. H Credit, its principles and practice. 1915 Cassell, R. J Art of collecting. 1913 Ettinger, R. P. and Golieb, D. E Credits and collections. 1917 Gardner, E. H New collection methods. 1918 Leffingwell, W. H Data on regarding and handling credits, collections and complaints. 1917. pamp. Shaw (A. W.) Co How to collect money by mail. 1913 Wright, T. J Making collections by mail. 1915. pamp. Zimmerman, T. J Credits and collections. Business man's library, v. 1. 1913. DEPRECIATION see VALUATION DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS American Technical Society Cyclopedia of architecture, carpentry and building. lOv. 1915. American Technical Society Cyclopedia of applied electricity. 8v. 1915. American Technical Society Cyclopedia of automobile engineer- ing. 5v. 1915. American Technical Society Cyclopedia of civil engineering. 9v. 1915. 21 American Technical Society Cyclopedia of commerce, account- ancy, business administration. lOv. 1915. American Technical Society Cyclopedia of engineering. 7v. 1915 American Technical Society Cyclopedia of modern shop practice. 4v. 1915. American Technical Society Cyclopedia of telephony and tele- graphy. 4v. 1915. Century dictionary and cyclopedia. 12v. 1909. Deinhardt, K. and Schloman, A Illustrated technical dictionary in six languages; English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish. 8v. 1906-1910. Goodchild, G. F. and Tweney, C. F .Technological and scien- tific dictionary. 1906. Hawkins, N Hawkins' electrical dictionary. 1910. lOv. 1917 ed. Henley's encyclopedia of practical engineering and allied trades. 5v. 1906. Hitt, R Electric railway dictionary. 1911 Houston, E. J Dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases. 1896. Industrial press Machinery's encyclopedia. 6v. 1917 International library of technology. 126v. Series of textbook for persons engaged in the engineering of professions and trades, or for those desiring information concerning them. 1902. Irvine, L. H Irvine's dictionary of titles. 1912 Jackson, W Dictionary of English and Spanish technical and commercial terms used principally in the iron, steel, hardware and engineering trades. 1911. Master car builders' assn Car builders' dictionary. 1913 New international encyclopedia. 23v. 1916 ed. Stevens, C. M. Hill's German-English and English-German vest-pocket dictionary. 1898. Street railway journal Dictionary of electric railway material. 1907. Thorpe, T. E Dictionary of applied chemistry. 3v. 1905 Watts, H Watts' dictionary of chemistry. 4v. 1905-07 Webster New International dictionary of the English language. 1919 ed. Whitney, W. D Compendious German and English dictionary. c!887. Workshop receipts. 4v. 1909. DRAWING. Collins, C. D Drafting room methods, standards and form^. 1918. Davies, J. P Engineering office methods and systems. 1915 Fairfield, H. P Blueprint reading. 1920 French T Manual of engineering drawing. 1918 Jacoby, H, S , Textbook of plain lettering. 1911 Kenison, E. and Waite, E. B Mechanical drawing. 1920 (Included in blueprint reading by Fairfield, H. P., 71-213). 22 Machinery self educator Complete courses in mechanical drawing. 1911. Perrigo, O. E. Mechanical drawing. 4 pts. 1912 Plimpton Press : Yearbook. 1911 Reid, J. S. and Reid, D. Mechanical drawing and elementary machine design. 1910. Reinhardt, C. W Technic of mechanical drafting. 1909. 1917 Weick, C. W Elementary mechanical drawing. 1915 ECONOMICS. Amer. Academy of political and social science. Annals World's food. 1917. Bogart, E. L Economic history of the United States. 1914 Brisco, N. A. Economics of business. 1914 Bureau of railway economics Catalogue of books on railway economics. 1912. Byers, M. L .-. Economics on railway operation. 1908 Fish, J. C. L Engineering economics. 1915 Foote, A. R Economic value of electric light and power. 1889 Franklin, F Cost of living. 1915 King, W. I. Wealth and income of the people of the United States. 1915. National industrial conference board Wartime changes in the cost of living. 1918. Seligman, E. R. A Principles of economics. 1912 EFFICIENCY AND SCIENTIFIC MANAGAMENT Allen, C. R Instructor, the man and the job. 1920 Amer. assn. on unemployment Practical program for the pre- vention of unemployment in America. 1914. pamp. Blackford, K. M. H Analyzing character. 1916 Blackford, K. M. H (The) Job, the man and the boss. 1914 Blackford, K. M. H Employment plan. 1916. pamp. Blackford, K. M. H Scientific selection and assignment of man in the creation of an organization. 1913. pamp. Brandeis, L. D Scientific management and railroads. 1911 Burgess C. F Mutual advantage to be derived through co- operation between engineering schools and those engaged in gas industry, pamp. n.d. Business man's library Employer and employee. V.8. 1913 Chipman, M Efficiency, scientific management and organized labor. 1916. pamp. Dartmouth College Addresses and discussions at the con- ference on scientific management. 1912. Efficiency society Discussion on time study. 1915. pamp. Emerson, H Efficiency as a basis for operation and wages. 1914. Emerson, H Twelve principles of efficiency. 1912 Evans, H. A. Cost keeping and scientific management. 1911 23 Farnham, D. T Efficient management for the factory of moderate size. 1915. pamp. Gantt, H. L Modifying systems for management. n.d. pamp. Gantt, H. L. Bonus systems of rewarding labor. 1901. pamp. Gantt, H. L Work, wages and profits. 1910. 1913 Gilbreth, F. B - Motion study. 1911 Gilbreth, F. B Primer of scientific management. 1914 Gilbreth, L. M Psychology of management. 1914 Goldmark, J .Fatigue and efficiency. 1913 Gowin, E. B Executive and his control of men. 1915 Greeley, D. Getting the office work done. pamp. 1914 Greeves, W. A Handling of men. pamp. 1915 Henderschott, F. C. and Weakly, F. E Employment depart- ment and employer relations. 1918. pamp. Henderson, C. R Citizens in industry. 1915 Johnson, J. F. Commercial education, pamp. 1912 Kelly, R. W Hiring the worker. 1918 Kemble, W. F Choosing employees by tests. 1917 Kent, P. T Wage systems of scientific management. 1916 pamp. Knoeppel, C. E. Installing efficiency methods. 1915 Merchants assn. of N. Y Increased employment of women in industry. 1917. pamp. Merrick, D. V Time studies as a basis for rate setting. 1919 Munsterberg, H. Psychology and industrial efficiency. 1913 National civic federation Profit sharing for American em- ployers. 1920. Parkhurst, F. A. Applied methods of scientific management. 1912. Richards, F. Is anything the matter with piece work? 1903 pamp. Rumely, C. F Employment department methods, pamp. 1916 Taylor, F. W. Piece-rate system, pamp. 1895 Taylor, F. W Principles of scientific management. 1911 Thompson, C. B Scientific management. 1914 ENCYCLOPEDIAS. SEE DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS ENGLISH GRAMMAR, CORRESPONDENCE, STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING Adams, G. Letter enclosures, pamp. 1914 Aydelotte, F English and engineering. 1917 Banks, E Putnam's correspondence handbook. 1914 Business man's library Business correspondence. Vol. 2. 1913 Cody, S Exercises in business letter writing. 1910 Cody, S. How to do business by letter. 1908 DeVinne, T. L. Practice of typography. 1914 Dickson, W. B .,..,. Modern punctuation. 1892 Earle, S. C. Theory and practice of technical writing. 1911 24 Eytinge, L. V. Follow-up letters, pamp. 1914 Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms. 1896 Fritz, R. L. and Eldridge, E. H Expert typewriting. 1912 Gardner, E. H Effective business letters. 1919 Greenough, J. B. and Kittredge, G. L Words and their ways in English speech. 1915. Gregg, J. R Gregg shorthand. 1916 Hammond, H. W Stylebook of business English. 1913 Heffley School Unified shorthand. 1905 Hill, T. E Hill's manual of business and social information. 1915. Hitchcock, A. M Enlarged practice book in English com- position. 1906-08. Hotchkiss, G. B. and Kilduff, E. J. Handbook of business English. 1917. International correspondence school Stenographer's and cor- respondent's handbook. 1910. Irvine, L. H Irvine's dictionary of titles. 1912 Lee, J. M Business writing. 1920 Lewis, E. H Business English. 1911 McCool, T. H. Twentieth century business letters and forms 1912. Mieklejohn, J. M. D English grammar. 1909 Phyfe, W. H. Eighteen thousand words often mispro- nounced. 1914. Pitman, I Course in Pitman shorthand. 1912 Pitman, B. and Howard, J. B Manual of phonography. 1912 Pitman, I. Pitman's shorthand dictionary, n.d. Pitman, I Business correspondence in shorthand. n.d. Poole, G. W. and Buzzell, J. J Letters that make good. 1913 Rickard, T. A Guide to technical writing. 1910 Shaw, A. W. Co Automatic letter writer. 1914 Shaw, A. W. Co How to collect money by mail. 1913 Sypherd, W. O Handbook of English for engineers. 1913 System Co Business correspondence. 3 vol. 1911 System Co How to write letters that win. 1909 University of Chicago Press Manual of style. 1910-14 Vizetelly, F. H. Essentials of English speech and literature. 1915. Wallen, J ....Form letters, pamp. 1915 Watt, H. Composition of technical papers. 1917 Wendell, B English composition. 1912 Whitney, W. D Essentials of English grammar. 1877 FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION. Arkwright mutual fire insurance co Development of the pre- vention idea from its beginning to the present time. 1912 Crosby, E. U., Fiske, H. A. and Forster, H. W Handbook of fire protection. 1919. Lock, F Relation of fire insurance to incendiarism. 1913 pamp. 25 Nat'l board of fire underwriters and Nat'l fire protection assn. Code of suggested ordinances and small municipalities a- dopted by. 1913. pamp. Nat'l board of fire underwriters Dwelling houses. 1916. pamp. Nat'l board of fire underwriters and Nat'l fire protection assii. Suggested ordinances regulating the use, handling, storage and sale of inflammable liquids. 1913. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Individual liability for fires and due to carelessness or neglect. 1915. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Lumber and public property con- flagration. 1914. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Outside stairs for fire exits. 1916. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Report of the committee on field practice. 1914. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Salem conflagration. 1914. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Shingle roofs as conflagration spreaders. 1916. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn Structural defects. 1916. pamp. Nat'l fire protection assn. and Nat'l board of fire underwriters Report on fire of the Edison phonograph works. 1915 pamp. Potts, R. M Address and papers on insurance. 1917 Taylor, F. Automatic control of fire. n.d. pamp. Wentworth, H. Factories and their fire protection, n.d. pamp. pamp. Wentworth, H. Prevention of fire. pamp. 1911 GEOGRAPHY See GOVERNMENT, ETC. GOVERNMENT, GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY Bates, F. G Forms of city government, pamp. 1912 Beard, C. A. American city government. 1912 Boynton, F. D School civics. 1904 Cooke, M. L. Our cities awake. 1918 Day, C History of Commerce. 1914 Fidelity trust co Historic Newark. 1916 Goodnow, F. J Municipal problems. 1911 Harris, H. L. and Hilton, J. T History of 2nd Reg't. 1908 Hopkins, A. A Our country and its resources. 1918 James, H. G Municipal functions. 1917 Knowlton, D. C. Government of New Jersey. 1909 McMaster, J. F Brief history of the United States. 1907 Munro, W. B Bibliography of municipal government in the United States. 1915. National municipal league Proceedings of the 18th conference for good city government and the 16th annual meeting of the National municipal league. 1910. New York Evening Mail Gravest 366 days. 1916 Newark, N. J... Proposed new charter for Newark. n.d. pamp. Newark Free Public Library Newark's last 15 years. 1919 pamp. 26 Newark, N. J History of the police dept. of Newark. 1893 Smith, J. R Industrial and commercial geography. 1913 Smith, J. W. Training for citizenship. 1915 Thompson, C. W New voter. 1918 Wells, H. G In the fourth year. 1918 Wilcox, D. F Municipal franchise. 2v. 1910 GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP See PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT, ETC. HISTORY See GOVERNMENT, ETC. INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION AND INDUSTRIAL WELFARE. Arnold, H. L Factory manager and accountant. 1910 Arnold, H. L. and Faurote, F. L. Ford methods and Ford shops. 1915. Boston Edison Illuminating co. Employees' welfare building 1913. pamp. Brooklyn Edison Electric Illuminating co Welfare work. 1911 pamp. Cadbury, E Experiments in industrial organization. 1912 Chicago Commonwealth Edison Co. Employes' handbook, ij.d. pamp. Church, A. H Science and practice of management. 1914 Congress of technology, Boston Technology and industrial efficiency. 1911. Day, C Industrial plants. 1911 Dickerman, G. W Development of organization, pamp. 1915 Duncan, J. C Principles of industrial management. 1911 Freeman, W. W Practical experience with employes' welfare plans. 1911. pamp. Gilman, N. P A dividend to labor. 1899 Gantt, H. L Training workmen in habits of industry and co-operation. 1908. pamp. Going, C. B Principles of industrial engineering. 1911 Huges, F Sociological work, The New Jersey Zinc Co. 1914 pamp. Jacobs, H. W Betterment briefs. 1909 Japan Kanegafuchi Spinning Co Its constitution, how it cares for its employes and workers. 1919. pamp. Kelley, E. T Organization and management, pamp. 1914 Kent, W Investigating an industry. 1914 Kent, W. A problem in profit-sharing, pamp. 1887 Moses, H. W Welfare plans for the Boston Edison Co. 1912. pamp. Nat'l Civic Federation Profit sharing by American employers. 1920. Nicholson, J. L Nicholson on factory organization and costs. 1909. 27 Price, E. V. Co. Employees medical and advisory dept.. n.d. pamp. Redfield, W. C New industrial day. 1912 Schwedtman, F. C. ...Co-operation or what? n.d. pamp Southern pine assn Homes for workmen. 1919 Shaw Co Knack of factory management. 3 vol. 1913 Stimpson, H. F. (The) General manager his relation to the organization and his function. 1912. pamp. Talbot, W. Select bibliography of recent publications on the helpful relations of employers and employed. 1912 Taylor, F. W Shop management, pamp. 1903 Tolman, W. H. and Guthrie, A. W Hygiene for the worker. 1912. Tolman, W. H How a manufacturing concern promotes industrial hygiene. 1912. pamp. Tolman, W. H. Social engineering. 1909 Woods, C. E Organizing a factory, v. 6. Business man's library. 1913. INVENTIONS. Avram, M. H Patenting and promoting inventions. 1918 Baker, R. S. Boys' second book of inventions. 1903 Cochrane, C. H Modern industrial progress. 1904 Corbin, T. W Mechanical inventions of today. 1912 Doubleday, R Stories of inventors. 1911 Edelman, P. E Inventions and patents. 1915 Taussig, F. W Inventors and money-makers. 1915 Williams, A Romance of modern invention. 1910 LABOR See CAPITAL AND LABOR LAW. Allen, C. F Business law for engineers. 1917 Consolidated traction co Reference book. n.d. Conynton, T Business law. 2 vol. 1920 Cummins, J. S State and territorial general statutes re- lating to the use of streets and hilghways by street railway, gas, water and electric light companies. 1905. Davis, E. H Laws of the several states and jurisdiction of the United States governing theft of current, pamp. 1906 Foote, A. R Regulations of public utilities, pamp. 1911 Floy, H Compilation olf the records of the Colorado Springs lighting controversy. 1908. Fowler, C. E Law and business of engineering and con- tracting. 1909. Guaranty trust co New revenue law. 1919 Heating and Ventilating Magazine Co Ventilation laws in the U. S. 1917. Huff cut, E. W Elements of business law. 1905. 1917 Ivins, W. M. and Mason, H. D Control of public utilities. 1908. 28 Jersey City and Bergen railroad co Charter and supplements, by-laws, contracts and ordinances relating to the Jersey City and Bergen railroad co. and general laws pertaining to street railroads. 1889. pamp. Jones, D. A Business corporations law. 1897 Jones, L. A Legal forms. 1909 Lapp, J. A Public service commission laws; comparison of the laws of New York, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Maryland. 1911. pamp. Lovett, R. S Railroad legislation as developed up to date. 1919. pamp. Machen, A. W A treatise on the federal corporation tax law of 1909. 1910. National Bank of Commerce War revenue and federal income tax laws. 1917. National civic federation Trust problem. 1912 National civic federation Commission regulation of public utilities. 1913. Nat'l electric light assn. Public policy committee Laws of Massachusetts, New York and Wisconsin regarding the regu- lation of gas and electric light companies by state com- missions. 1908. Nellis, A. J Law of street railroads. 1911 New Jersey laws, statutes, etc General corporation act of New Jersey, including all supplements to the end of the legislative session in 1917. 1917. Ohio State Library. Legislative Ref. Dept Comparison of the laws of New York, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Maryland. 1911. pamp. Parker, J. S Corporation manual. 1912 Parker, J. S Law of New Jersey corporations. 2 v. 1911 Parsons, T Laws of business for all states and territories of the Union and Dominion of Canada. 1887. Regulation by the state of the profits of corporations, particu- larly those engaged in the manufacture and distribution of illuminating gas. n.d. pamp. Robert, H. M Rules of order revised for deliberative assemblies. 1915. Smith, J. B. R Nature, organization and management of corporations under "An act concerning corporations." 1912 U. S. Library of congress Select list of references on the initiative referendum and recall. 1912. White, F Manual for business corporations. 1901 White, J. G Engineering and architectural jurisprudence. 1898. Wyman, B Special law governing public service corpora- tions. 1911. 29 MILITARY BOOKS. Amer. Red Cross Work in Europe of the Amer. Red Cross. 1917. Amer. soc. civil engineers Instructions to members of the engineering societies who contemplate offering their ser- vices in the army of the United States. 1917. pamp. Amer. soc. civil engineers Same as above for the navy Andrews, L. C. Fundamentals of military service. 1916 Bond, P. S Engineer in war. 1916 Ellis, O. O. and Garey, E. B Plattsburg manual. 1917 Heitman, F. B Historical register and dictionary of the United States army from its organization to 1903. 2 vol. 1903. Macquarrie, H How to live at the front. 1917 Moss, J. A Army paperwork, including company ad- ministration. 1918. Moss, J. A. Manual of military training. 1914 National bank of commerce Trading with the enemy act. 1917 Parker, R. W .....Army of the United States, pamp. 1908 Robinson, E. F Military preparedness and the engineer. 1916 U. S. Army. Chief of engineers......Engineers field manual. 1912 U. S. Navy recruiting station U. S. Navy, enlistment, instruc- tion, pay and advancement. 1917. pamp. U. S. War Dept. Office of the chief of staff Cavalry drill regu- lations. 1916. U. S. War Dept. Office of the chief of staff Field service regu- lations. 1916. U. S. War Dept. Office of the chief of staff Infantry drill regu- lations. 1911. U. S. War Dept. Office of the chief of staff Manual of interior guard duty. 1914. U. S. War Dept. Office of the chief of staff Small arms firing manual. 1913. Upton, E Military policy of the United States. 1917 MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP See PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT, ETC. OFFICE METHODS See BUSINESS AND OFFICE METHODS PERSONAL SUCCESS Adams, G. M You can. 1913 Atkinson, W. W .Your mind and how to use it. 1911 Barrett, E. B .. Strength of will. 1915 Bennett, A Mental efficiency and other hints to men and women. 1911. Bennett, A (The) Human machine, n.d. Burroughs adding machine co A better day's work. 1909 30 Business man's library v. 9 Personality in business. 1913 Cabot, R. C What men live by. 1914 Call, A. P Every day living. 1911 Call, A. P. Brain power for business men. 1911 Columbia trust co. What every foresighted business man should know. 1917. Dearborn, G. V. N. How to learn easily. 1916 Devine, E. T (The) Normal life. 1915 Dubois, P. (The) Education of self. 1914 Deland L. F Imagination in business. 1909 Edgeworth, M Murad the unlucky. 1908 Eliot, C. W Education for efficiency and the new defini- tion of the cultivated man. 1909. Emerson, H Efficient lives. 1917 Emerson, R. W. Essays. 1903-04 Emerson, H Personality in organization, pamp. 1914 Paris, J. T. Men who made good. 1912 Fisher, I. and Fisk, E. L How to live. 1915 Funk and Wagnalls Mental efficiency series. 7 vol. 1916 Goddard, D. Eminent engineers. 1906 Grimshaw, R. Lessons in personal efficiency. 1918 Gulick, L. H (The) Efficient life. 1913 Gulick, L. H Mind and work. 1909 Hale, B. F. R. What women want. 1914 Hardy, E. J How to be happy though civil, n.d. Harris, F. S. Young man and his vacation. 1916 Hill, H. C (The) Wonder book of knowledge. 1917 James, W. Energies of men. 1913 James, W Habit. 1914 James, W Talks to teachers. 1915 Jordan, W. G (The) Crown of individuality. 1909 Jordan, W. G Power of purpose. 1910 Lamb, E. M Prescriptions. 1915 Lawrence, E. G How to speak. 1918 Lewis, E. St New gospel of efficiency. 1913 Lupke, P. Master and men and other essays. 1920 Marden, O. S (The) Exceptional employee. 1913 Marden, O. S Young man entering business. 1907 Monroe, A. S Making a business woman. 1912 Morgan, A (The) American girl. 1915 O'Donnell, W. F Thoughts for workers. 1913 Orr, T. V Applied mental efficiency. 1912 Seashore, C. E. Psychology in daily life. 1914 Seton, J Concentration the secret of success. 1909 Seton, J. : Science of success. 1914 Smiles, S Self-help. 1859 Spencer. E. J (The) Efficient secretary. 1916 Swain, G. F How to study. 1917 Weiss, T. U. Our human rights according to the law of nature, n.d. West, T. D (The) Efficient man. 1914 31 Whipple, G. M. Manual of mental and physical tests. 1915 Wilbur, M. A ...Every-day business for woman. 1910 Wilson, W (The) Free life. 1908 Wilson, W. When a man comes to himself. 1915 PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. Acworth, W. M Historical sketch of government owner- ship of railroads in foreign countries. 1917. pamp. Amer. academy of political and social science Control of muni- cipal public service corporations. 1908. Amer. academy of political and social science Municipal prob- lems. 1906. Amer. electric railway assn Argument and brief submitted to the federal electric railway commission on behalf of the committee of one hundred. 1919. Amer. telephone and telegraph co Brief of arguments against public ownership. 1913. American telephone and telegraph co Governmental and private telegraph and telephone utilities, an analysis. 1914 pamp. Amer. telephone and telegraph co Shall the government own the telephones and telegraphs. 1914. pamp. Amer. telephone and telegraph co Telephone memoranda. n.d. pamp. Avebury, J. L. On municipal and natural trading. 1907 Bullard, F. W. Operation of the Cleveland municipal elec- tric light plant and the 1915 audit. 1917. pamp. Bemis, E. W .. Municipal monopolies. 1899 Brown, R. G Limitations of federal control of water power. 1912. pamp. Burdett, E. W Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906 pamp. Bureau of railway economics List of publications pertaining to government ownership of railways. 1914. pamp. Bolton, R. P Toronto municipal electric system, pamp. 1914 Camden board of trade Report of the municipal electric lighting plant for the City of Camden. 1913. pamp. Chicago municipal ownership league Public ownership the solution of Chicago's transportation problem. 1919 pamp. Cleveland chamber of commerce Report of the social com- mittee on proposed municipal electric plant, pamp. 1903 Collier, R. G Public ownership making good. n.d. pamp. Cox, J. M Government and the railways, pamp. 1913 Darwin, L. Municipal trade. 1903 DeBerard, F. B Conditions which preclude efficiency and economy in governmental operation of public utilities. n.d. pamp. Dunn, S. O Government ownership of railways. 1913 Elliott, H Railway and the government. 1913. pamp. 32 Ericksoii, H. Regulation of public utilities. 1911. panip. Foote, A. R Cost of service to users and tax payers the only proper basis for comparison between private and municipal ownership. 1897. pamp. Francisco, M. J Business of municipalities and private corporations compared. 1905. Francisco, M. J Municipal ownership; its fallacy. 1895 Francisco, M. J. Municipal ownership vs. private corporations. 1898. Francisco, M. J. Municipalities vs. private corporations. 1900 Francisco, M. J Private and public ownership compared. n.d. pamp. General electric co Municipal ownership of electric light plants, n.d. pamp. Grant, A. H A list of defunct municipal lighting plants. 1913 Hines, W. D Extension of tenure of government and control of railroads. 1919. pamp. Kahn, O. H Government ownership of railroads and war taxation. 1918. pamp. King, C. L. Regulation of municipal utilities. 1912 Laidler, H. W Public ownership throughout the world. 1918 pamp. Lang, A. E. Electric power companies and their relation to municipalities. 1898. pamp. Lee, I. I Human nature and the railroads. 1915 Lincoln, E. E Results of municipal electric lighting in Massachusetts. 1918. Lockwood, H. A. Are our municipalities to become business corporations? 1907. pamp. McAdoo, W. G Extension of tenure of government control of railroads. 1919. pamp. Marston, G Facts on municipal ownership in 268 towns and cities. 1915. pamp. Marston, G 200 municipal ownership failures. 1912 Mavor, J Government telephones. 1916 Merchants assn. of New York Opposing government owner- ship and operation of public utilities. 1916. pamp. Merchants assn. of New York Report of special committee on government ownership and operation of public utilities. 1919. Meyer, H. R Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906 Morgan, J. E. and Bullock, E. D Selected articles on municipal ownership. 1911. Nat'l civic federation Municipal and private operation of public utilities. 1907. Nat'l civic federation Report on public ownership and operation, n.d. pamp. Nat'l civic federation Shall the government own and operate the railroads, the telegraph and telephone svstems? Shall the municipalities own their own utilities? 1915 pamp. 33 Nat'l economic league Public ownership of public utilities. 1919. pamp. Newcomb, H. T Public ownership and the wage-earner. 1906. pamp. Odell, F. G Rural telephones in Europe a study of government ownership. 1917. pamp. Parsons, F Telegraph monopoly. 1899 Porter, R. P Against municipal ownership. 1899. pamp. Porter, R. P Dangers of municipal trading. 1907 Porter, R. P Dangers of municipal ownership. 1907 Public ownership league Municipal electric light and power plants in the United States and Canada. 1917. Public Service Pub. Co Complete reports on municipally owned utility plants in the State of Ohio. 1914. pamp. Stevens, D. L Bibliography of municipal utility regulation and municipal ownership. 1918. Thompson, C. D. Municipal electric light and power plants. 1917. Thompson, C. D Municipal ownership. 1917 Thompson, C. D Public ownership of railways with a chap- ter on the Plum plan. 1919. Todd, A. M Municipal ownership. 1918 Todd, A. M Public ownership of railroads. 1919. pamp. Todd, A. M Relation of public ownership to democracy and social justice. n.d. pamp. U. S. House of Representatives Municipal ownership of street railways in the District of Columbia. 1914. pamp. U. S. Library of congress List of good books with references to periodicals relating to railroads in the relation to the government and the republic. 1907. Vail, T. N Wire system. 1918. pamp. Warburg, P. M Suggestions of the main principles on which the solution of the railroad problem should be sought. 1919. pamp. Whitten, R. H Regulation of public service companies in Great Britain. 1914. Wilcox, D Recent developments in the public utility field affecting franchise policies and municipal ownership. 1918. pamp. Williams, A Facts concerning municipal ownership. 1905 Williams, A Municipal ownership. 1905 Williams, A Municipal ownership of utilities. 1914 Wilson, H. W Three-cent light in Cleveland. 1914. pamp. Wisconsin Railroad commission Cost of municipal street lighting in the City of Milwaukee, n.d. pamp. Wootan, J. B. Municipal ownership fails in U. S. A. 1917 pamp. rlc. J. A. Larger view of municipal ownership. 1906 34 PUBLIC RELATIONS. Amer. electric railway assn Argument and brief submitted to the Federal electric railways commission on behalf of the comittee of one hundred. 1919. Anderson, H. W. Relations of public service companies and the public. 1914. pamp. Gushing, H. C. and Harrison, N Central station management. 1916. Gonden, H. J. Promotion of friendly public relations thru educational publicity. 1913. pamp. Homer, F. T. Public, the investor and the holding company. 1914. Pardee, J. H Private funds in public service. 1920. pamp. Schaffer, J. F. Relations between electric utilities and consumers, n.d. pamp. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Anderson, W. Work of public service commissions. 1913 pamp. Barstow, W. S. & Co Public service properties. 1914. pamp. Bullock, C. J. Report of the committee on taxation of public service corporations. 1914. pamp. Foote, A. R. Regulations of public utilities. 1911. pamp. Garcke, E Manual of electric undertakings, n.d. Hayes, H. V Public utilities; their cost new and deprecia- tion. 1913. Holcomb, A. E. Assessment of public service corporations. 1911. Holmes, F. L Regulation of railroads and public utilities in Wisconsin. 1915. Ignatius, M. S. Financing of public service corporations. 1918 Ivins, W. M. and Mason, H. D Control of public utilities. 1908 Kerr, W. D. Future regulation of public utilities. 1914. pamp. King, C. L. Regulation of municipal utilities. 1912 McCarter, T. N Future of public utilities. 1914 McCarter, T. N Immediate relief for public utilities a prime national necessity. 1918. pamp. McCully, F. K Public service corporation of New Jersey, a concise statement of its organization and guarantees. 1905 pamp. Maltbie, M. R. Franchises of electrical corporations in Greater New York. 1911. Mathewson, C. R. Some legal aspects of regulations of public service corporations. 1914. pamp. National civic federation Commission regulation of public utilities. 1913. National electric light assn National committee on public utility conditions. 1918. pamp. 35 New York public service commission Report on the inde- terminate franchise for public utilities. 1908. pamp. Public service corporation of New Jersey. 1908. pamp. Roemer, J. H Causes and effects of a public utility com- mission. 1911. pamp. Sullivan, J. J American corporations. 1917 Thelen, M Opinion on powers of railroad commission and incorporated cities and towns over public utilities. 1912 pamp. Thelen, M Report on leading railroad and public ser- vice commissions. 1911. pamp. Young Men's Christian Assn. Public utility economics. 1914 PUBLIC UTILITIES See PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT, ETC. AND PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONS. RATES AND RATE REGULATION. Arnold, B. J. and Carroll, W. Report upon the reduction of rates of the Chicago Edison Co. and the Commonwealth Electric Co. submitted to the committee on gas, oil and electric light of the Chicago City Council. 1906. pamp. Baltimore Consolidated gas, electric light and power co. Com- plete rate schedule, terms and conditions for supply of electric current for commercial service. 1909. pamp. Barker, H. Public utility rates. 1917 Boston Edison Illuminating co. Schedule of rates. Com- mercial. 1910. pamp. Boston Edison Illuminating co. Schedule of rates. Mun- icipal. 1910. pamp. Chicago Commonwealth Edison co. Schedule of rates for supplying electricity. 1914. pamp. Cleveland municipal electric lighting dept... .. Schedule of rates, n.d. pamp. Doherty, H. L. Rates, n.d. pamp. Edison illuminating assn Report of committee on residential rates. 1915. pamp. Elmes, C. F Appraisal and rate making. 1919. pamp. Erickson, H Making rates for electric plants. 1912. pamp. Erickson, H. Fair rates of returns on their investments. 1917 pamp. Ferguson, L. A Effect of width of maximum demand on rate making. 1911. pamp. Friday, D. Traction rates in New York City a necessary- step in price revision. 1920. pamp. Grunsky, C. E. Appraisal of public service properties as a basis for the regulation of rates. 1912. pamp. Guernsey, N. T. Relation of taxation to service rates, n.d. pamp. Guernsey, N. T Some matters relating to litigation concern- ing rate schedules. 1912. pamp. 36 Holmes, F. L Regulation of railroads and public utilities in Wisconsin. 1915. Hood, S. B R. C. M. electric service rate system. 1910 pamp. Hoxie, G. L. Some features of rate fixing for electric public service properties. 1912. pamp. Illinois. State public utilities commission Public utilities rates in the state of Illinois. 1916. Lawrence, J. C. Reasonable railway rates and how they are determined. 1910. pamp. Lea, H. I. Fixed rate of return on utilities. 1914. pamp. Lea, H. I. Scientific gas rates, n.d. pamp. Lindsley, Van S. Rate regulation of gas and electric lighting 1906. pamp. McCarter, T. N (The) Public service rate problem. 1911 pamp. Marks, W. D. Practical rate making and appraisement. 1914 Meyer, H. R. Government regulation of railway rates. 1905 Milwaukee, (Wis.). Malwaukee gas light co Prices charged for gas in the various cities of the U. S. from 1885 to 1907 inclusive and from 1908 to 1912 inclusive, n.d. pamp. National assn. of owners of railroad securities Rule of rate making and its adaptation of the rate structure. 1920. pamp. National commercial gas assn.... Report of the differential rates committees. 1916. pamp. National electric light assn N. E. L. A. rate book and sup- plements. 1917-1920. New York Edison co. Rate schedule of the New York Edison co. 1912. Norton, W. J Elements that must be considered as a basis for rate-making. 1912. pamp. Providence gas co Analysis of costs applicable to a service charge. 1920. pamp. Ralston, E. G Rates for electric lighting and power. 1917 pamp. Raymond, W. G What is fair. 1918 Reeder, R. P Validity of rate regulations, state and federal. 1914. St. Louis. Public service commission Report of St. Louis Public Service commission to the Municipal assembly of St. Louis on rates for electric light and power. 1911. Taylor, A. M. Report and opinion in the matter of pro- posed increase in rates of the City Gas Co. of Norfolk Va 1920. pamp. Union gas and electric co Application form, rate and schedules and rules and regulations for electric service 1911. pamp. Wyer, S. S. Elimination of discrimination in public utilities rates by "Readiness to serve" charges. 19J8. Wyer, S. S Reasonableness and legal right of the "minimum" charge in public utility services. 1916. pamp. 37 SALESMANSHIP. Benedict-Roche, A Salesmanship for women. 1914 Bezant, A Competition for gas salesmen. 1912 Bullard, J. E. Gas appliance display and demonstration. 1917 Billiard, J. E Instructions t gas appliance salesmen. 1914 Business man's library Selling. Vol. 4. 1913 Collins, J. H Human nature in selling goods. 1909 Corbion, W. A Principles of salesmanship. 1907 Fowler, N. C. Practical salesmanship. 1912 Hollingworth, H. L. Advertising and selling. 1913 Hoyt, C. W. Scientific sales management. 1913 Maxwell, W Training of a salesman. 1919 Moody, W. D - Men who sell things. 1912 National commercial gas assn. Gas salesmanship course. Lessons. 1-10. National commercial gas assn. Salesman's handbook. 1915 Nat'l electric light assn Electrical salesman's handbook. 1916. Nat'l electric light assn. Electrical solicitor's handbook. 1909. New York Paper Corporation Paper talks to salesmen. 1917 New York Telephone Co. Selling by telephone, n.d. pamp. Nystrom, P. H. Economics of retailing. 1915 Nystrom, P. H. Retail selling and store management. 1914 Sales service co Selling your service. 1916 Shaw Co Knack of selling. 6 vol. 1913 Shaw Co Graphic and statistical sales helps. 1920 Sheldon, A. F Art of selling. 1911 Society for electrical development More customers, more sales, more profits. 1916. pamp. System Co How to increase your sales. 1910 Whitehead, H Principles of salesmanship. 1917 SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT See EFFICIENCY AND SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. SPECIFICATIONS See CONTRACTS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES. STENOGRAPHY See ENGLISH GRAMMAR, ETC. TAXATION. Frey, M. F Needed reform in the present federal tax laws. 1919. pamp. Guaranty trust co. Synopsis of war tax law. 1914. pamp- Guaranty trust co War profits and excess profits tax regu lation revenue act of 1918. pamp. Guernsey, N. T Relation of taxation to service rates, n.d. pamp. Hannon, W. E. Property exempt from taxation in the 48 states. 1916. pamp. 38 International conference on state and local taxation State and local taxation. 1909-10. Kahn, O Two years of faulty taxation and the results. 1920. pamp. Montgomery, R. H. Income tax proceedure. 1917. 1919 National bank of commerce Federal reserve act including amendments. 1917. National bank of commerce Constructive criticism of the U. S. War Tax Bill. 1917. pamp. National bank of commerce War revenue and federal in- come tax laws. 1917. National city co. Digest of federal income and war excess profits laws. 1917. Sears, J. H. Federal income tax service. 1913 Seligman, E. R. A. House revenue bill. 1917. pamp. TYPEWRITING See ENGLISH GRAMMAR, ETC. VALUATION AND DEPRECIATION. ~9 Allison, J. E. In re theoretical depreciation, n.d. pamp. Allison, J. E. Should public service properties be depreci- ated to obtain fair value. 1912. pamp. Arnold, B. J Foundation principles of utility valuation, 1915. pamp. Cooley, M. E. Overhead charges, n.d pamp. Crosby, O. T. Physical valuations, n.d. pamp. Darrach, C. G Valuation of the properties of public utility corporations. 1913. pamp. Erickson, H Valuation of public utilities. 1912. pamp. Floy, H. Value for rate-making. 1916 Floy, H Valuation of public utility properties. 1912 Foster, H. A Engineering valuation of public utilities and factories. 1912. Foster, H. A. Valuation of public utilities property. 1911 pamp. Grunsky, C. E. Valuation, depreciation and rate-base. 1917 Hansel, C. Report on revaluation of railroads and canals. 1912. Hayes, H. V. Public utilities; their cost new and deprecia- ation. 1913. Hayes, H. V Public utilities, their fair present value and return. 1915. Hill, N. S Valuation of public utilities. 1914. pamp. Holmes, F. L. Regulation of railroads and public utilities in Wisconsin. 1915. Humphreys, A. C Depreciation; estimated and actual. 1913 pamp. Leake, P. D. Depreciation and wasting assets and their treat- ment in assessing annual profit and loss. 1912. McCarty, R. J Depreciation of raidroad property. 1914. pamp. 39 McCarty, R. J. Federal valuation of railroad property. 1915 pamp. MacLane, J. F Cost new vs. cost, less depreciation, as evidence of value. 1915. pamp. Matheson, E Depreciation of factories, mines and industrial undertakings and their valuation. 1910. Pomeroy, L. R Physical valuation of railroads, n.d. pamp. Prouty, C. A. Memorandum upon final value. 1920. pamp. Raymond, W. G What is fair. 1918 Riggs, H. E Valuation of public service corporation property. 1911. Saliers, E. A Principles of depreciation. 1915 Tingley, R. H. Physical valuation of railroads, n.d. pamp. Whitten, R. H. Valuation of public service corporations. 1912. Woolfolk, W. G Appraisal of public utility properties. 1915 pamp. Wyer, S. S Regulation, valuation and depreciation of public utilities. 1913. Yellott, O. I Notes on construction overheads. 1915 Yellott, O. I. Notes on fair value. 1915 Yellott, O. I Notes on intangibles. n.d. Young, A. A. Depreciation and rate control. 1914. pamp. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION see ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENT PREVENTION, ETC. MISCELLANEOUS. Bailey, R. R Sure pop and the safety scouts. 1915 Bennett, I. E History of the Panama Canal. 1915 Bigelow, S. F. Biographical sketch of Moses Bigelow. 1890 Bostwick, A. E Making of an American's library. 1915 Brady, J. M Past, present and future of railway clubs. 1913 Brightling, W. R. Wall-paper influence upon the home. 1908 Clough, S. D Letters from a baseball fan to his son. 1910 Conference on conservation of natural resources. Washington Proceedings. 1909. Dyer, F. L. and Martin, T. C. Edison, his life and inventions 1910. Fagan, J. O Confessions of a railway signalman. 1908 Frost, H Good engineering literature. 1911 Hamilton, D. T Shrapnel shell manufacture. 1915 Harris, C. T. Practical landscape photography. 1902 Hermann, H. B. M. Select lists of references on parcel post. n.d. Hill, J Cooking for two. 1914 Hoar, A. .....Submarine torpedo boat. 1916 Holme, J. G Life of Leonard Wood. 1920 Holt, E Encyclopedia of etiquette. 1915 Holy Bible. 1895 ed. 40 Hubbard, E Little journey to the home of Thomas Edison. 1913. Hyde, G. M : Newspaper editing. 1915 Jersey City, (N.J.) Board of Trade Jersey City today. 1910 Lewis, M. H. and Kempner, M Manual of examinations for engineering positions in the service of the city of New York. 1906. Maddock Sons Co Pottery. 1910 McAtamney & Co Master builders. 1913 Maxim, H. Lake Hopatcong the beautiful. 1913 Mayo, N. S. Diseases of animals. 1914 M'Kendrick, J. G. and Snodgrass, W Physiology of the senses. 1904. Martin, M. E (The) Friendly stars. 1907 National conservation commission Special message of the President of the United States. Report of 1909. National Americana Society Biographical cyclopedia of New Jersey, n.d. New Jersey. State chamber of commerce State police prob- lem in America. 1917. Newark, (N.J.) Board of trade Newark. 1893 Parsons, F. A Interior decoration. 1915 Paterson, (N.J.) Evening News Paterson and its prominent men. 1915. Pattison, M. Principles of domestic engineering. 1915 Plimpton Press ., Yearbook. 1911 Seton, E. T Woodcraft manual for boys. 1917 Smith, G. C. TNT trinitrotoluenes and mono- and dinitro- toluens, their manufacture and properties. 1918. Sterry, J Photography by rule. 1903 Streeter, E Love letters of a rookie. 1918 Streeter, E , That's me all over, Mabel. 1919 Thompson, V Drink and be sober. 1915 Thompson, V Eat and grow thin. 1914 Wilson, G. F (The) House organ how to make it produce results. 1915. Waddell, J. A. L Addresses to engineering students. 1912 11 Civil Engineering BRIDGES. Jacoby, H. S Foundations of bridges and buildings. 1914 Merriman, M. and Jacoby, H. S Text-book on roofs and bridges. 1912. Moorefield, C. H Data for use in designing culverts and short-span bridges. 1913. panip. Nichols, C. S. and McCullough, C. B. Determination of internal temperature range in concrete arch bridges. 1913 pamp. Sperry, C. S. and Day, C. S Calculation of camber for simple truss spans. 1915. pamp. CONSTRUCTION Amer. steel and wire co. Handbook and catalogue of con- crete reinforcement. 1908. Andrews, H. B Charts for reinforced concrete. 1916 Andrews, H. B Design of reinforced concrete slabs, beams and columns. 1916. Assn. of Amer. portland cement manufacturers Concrete buildings, n.d. Assn. of Amer. portland cement manufacturers Factories and warehouses of concrete. 1911. Atlas portland cement co Cement construction about the home and on the farm. 1905. Atlas portland cement co Concrete garages, n.d. pamp. Baker, I. O Treatise on mason construction. 1910 Beardsley, R. C Design and construction of hydro-electric plants. 1907. Cain, W. Earth pressure, retaining walls and bins. 1916 Cambria steel co. Handbook of information relating to structural steel manufactured. 1913. 1919. Carnegie steel co ...Pocket companion. 1917 Carnegie steel co Shape book containing profiles, tables and data. 1911. Christie, W. W Chimney design and theory. 1902 Cochran, J Treatise on cement specifications. 1912 Cochran, J. Treatise on the inspection of concrete construction. 1913. Cocking, W. C Calculation for steel frame structures. 1917 Dana, R. T Handybook of construction plant. 1914 Dewell, H Timber framing. 1917 Engeneer's year book of formulas, rules, tables, date and mem- orandum in civil, mechanical, electrical, marine and mine engineering. 1911. Frye, A. I Civil engineers' pocket book. 1913 42 Gillette, H. P. and Hill, C. S Concrete construction, methods and costs. 1908. Hess, H. D. Graphic and structural design. 1913. 1915 Hool, G. A * Elements of structures. 1912 Hool, G. A Reiforced concrete construction. 1912 Hool, G. A. and Johnson, N. C Concrete engineers' handbook. 1918. Husband, J. and Harby, W Structural engineering. 1911 International corresponding school Building trades pocket- book. 1912. Jacoby, H. S Structural details. 1909 Johnson, J. B., Bryan, C. W. and Turneaure, F. E Theory and practice of modern frame structures. 1911. Ketchum, M Design of steel mill buildings and the calculations of stresses in framed structures. 1911. Ketchum, M Design of walls, bins and grain elevators. 1919 Ketchum, M. Structural engineers' handbook. 1914. 1919 Kidder, F. E Architect's and builder's pocket-book. 1916 Kidder, F. E. Building construction and superintendence. 1911. Kidder, F. E Strength of beams, floors and roofs. 1911 Knox, G Engineering. 1915 Lackawanna steel co Hand book containing general infor- mation for the use of engineers, architects and builders. 1914. Malcolm, C. W Text-book of graphic statics. 1914 Merriman, M :...American civil engineers' pocketbook. 1913-1916. Merriman, M. and Jacoby, H. S. Text-book on roofs and bridges. 1912. Molitor, D. A Kinetic theory of engineering structures dealing with stresses, deformations, etc. 1911. Nat'l board of fire underwriters Building code. 1909 Paaswell, G Retaining walls; their design and construction. 1920. Radford, W. A. Estimating and constructing. 1919 Snell, J. F. C Power house design. 1911 Sondericker, J Graphic statics, with applications to trusses, beams and arches. 1911. Spofford, C. M Theory of structures. 1911 Taylor, F. W. and Thompson, S. E Concrete costs. 1912 Thomas, M. E. and Nichols, C. E. Reinforced concrete design tables. 1917. Thompson, S. E Concrete in railroad construction. 1909 Trautwine, J. C Civil engineer's pocket-book. 1919 Turneaure, F. E. and Maurer, E. R Principles of reinforced concrete construction. 1919. Tyrrell, H. G Engineering of shops and factories. 1912 Tyrrell, H. G Treatise on the design and construction of mill buildings and other industrial plants. 1911. 43 Universal portland cement co Concrete in the country. 1910 pa nip. Universal portland cement co. Concrete silos. 1911. pamp. Universal portland cement co *. Concrete surfaces. 1912 pamp. Universal portland cement co Small farm buildings of con- crete. 1912. pamp. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. Assn. of Amer. portland cement manufacturers Concrete, surface finish, n.d. pamp. Buel, A. W. and Hill, C. S Reinforced concrete. 1904 Birkmire, W. H Architectural iron and steel. 1910 Cheeseman, F Review of technical paints. 1911. pamp. Coye, J. S. Investigation of the prottective values of structural steel paints. 1919. pamp. Detroit Truscan laboratories Structural waterproofing. 1919 Dixon, J. S. (Crucible Co.) Philosophy of protective paint. 1907. pamp. Electrical record Common materials. 1918 Gibson, H. H Oak flooring. 1909 Heidenreich, E. L Engineers' pocketbook of reinforced concrete. 1915. Hool, G. A. and Johnson, N. C Concrete engineers' hand- book. 1918. International correspondence schools Concrete engineer's handbook. 1912 Iowa State College. Engineering experiment station Tests of concrete. 1905. pamp. Johnson, J. B Materials of construction. 1897 Kidder, F. E Strength of beams, floors and roofs. 1905 Kottcamp, J. P Strength of materials. 1919 Leighou, R. B. Chemistry of materials of the machine and building trades. 1917. Mensch, L. J Reinforced concrete pocket-book. 1909 Merriman, M. Strength of materials. 1910 Pacific northwest society of engineers Tests of concrete floors slabs. 1916. pamp. Richards, W. A. Manual of cement testing. 1912 Ross, J. Waterproofing and engineering. 1919 Sabin, L. C. Cement and concrete. 1906 Scott, A. A. H Reinforced concrete in practice. 1915 Smith, H. E. First lesson in concrete, n.d. pamp Taylor, F. W. and Thompson, S. E. Concrete costs. 1912 Taylor, F. W. and Thompson, S. E. Concrete, plain and reinforced. 1917. Thomas, M. E. and Nichols, C. E. Reinforced concrete design tables. 1917. Torch, M. Chemistry and technology of paints. 1916 U. S. Bureau of Standards Tables of mechanical properties of materials. 1919. pamp. 44 Universal portland cement co. Concreting in cold weather. 1913. pamp. Universal portland cement co. Standard specifications and uniform methods of testing and analysis of portland cement. 1911. pamp. Wagner, J. B Seasoning of wood. 1917 Webb, W. L. and Gibson, W. H. Concrete and reinforced concrete. 1916. Weiss, H. F. Preservation of structural timber. 1916 Withey, M. O. and Aston, J Johnson's materials and con- struction, rewritten. 1918. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING. Baker, M. N Municipal engineering and sanitation. 1902 Bates, F. G. City planning. 1916. pamp. Chicago Commissioner of public parks Reports on Bureau of streets. 1913. Gerhard, W. P Superintendence of piping installations in buildings, sanitary, hydraulic and gas. 1907. Goodrich, E. P. and Ford, G. B Housing report to Newark city plan commission. 1913. pamp. Maxim, H ....Morris canal abandonment problems. 1913 pamp. Morris canal investigation committee Report. 1912 Newark, (N.J.) Board of commissioners Building zone ordinances of the City of Newark. 1919. pamp. Newark, (N.J.) Board of street and water commissioners.. City plan of Newark. 1912. pamp. Newark, (N.J.) Board of trade Introduction and explanatory excerpts from a survey of the government, finances and administration of the City of Newark. 1919. pamp. Newark, (N.J.) City plan commission City planning of Newark 1913. Newark, (N.J.) City plan commission Comprehensive plan of Newark. 1915. pamp. Newark, (N.J.) Commission on building districts and restric- tions Proposed building zones for Newark. 1919. pamp. Newark, (N.J.) City plan commission Public recreation system for Newark. Suggestion and recommendations. 1915 pamp. Newark, (N.J.) City plan commission Report on Broad Street paving, November, 1912. pamp. Ohio (State) Board of health Report of a study of the col- lection and disposal of city wastes in Ohio. 1911. St. Louis (Mo.) City plan commission Problems of St. Louis. 1917. St. Louis (Mo.) City plan commission Zone plan. 1919 pamp. St. Louis (Mo.) City plan commission Public building zone plan for St. Louis. 1919. pamp. Speed-up Ship-building ( Newark shipyard ). 1919. pamp. 45 ROADS AND PAVEMENTS. Assn. of Amer. portland cement manufacturers Concrete high- ways. 1912. pamp. Boynton, C. W. Portland cement sidewalk construction. 1911. pamp. Chubb, J. H Concrete pavements, their cost and con- struction with specifications. 1910. pamp. Yellow pine manufacturers' assn Yellow pine creosoted blocks, n.d. pamp. SURVEYING. Breed, C. B. and Hosmer, G. L Principles and practice of surveying. 2 vol. 1911. Gillespie, W. M. (A) Treatise on surveying. 1910 Johnson, J. B Theory and practice of surveying. 1911 Lavis, F. Railroad location, surveys and estimates. 1908 Searles, W. H Field engineering. 1911 TUNNELS AND TERMINALS. Davies, J. V Astoria tunnel under the East River for gas distribution in New York City. 1916. pamp. Hallock, J. C. Progress report Port Newark Terminal. 1915. pamp. Jacobus and Davies (A) Presentation in the matter of tunnels or bridges for highways crossing of Hudson River to the N. J. Inter-state bridge and tunnel commission. 1913. pamp. N. J. Inter-state bridge and tunnel commission Report to the Senate and General Assembly of New Jersey. 1920. pamp. Public Service Corporation of New Jersey Executive commit- tee Report on the proposed vehicular tunnel between the cities of Jersey and New York. 1917. pamp. Reilly, J. M. Port Newark terminal, n.d. pamp. WATER SUPPLY. Champion coated paper co Waterways of the U. S. 1918 pamp. Meade, D. W. Water power engineering. 1908 N. Y. Board of water supply Report to the Mayor of the city on the completion of the first stage of the Catskill water supply system. 1917. pamp. N. Y. (City) Board of water supply Catskill water supply general description and brief history. 1917. pamp. N. Y. Mayor's Catskill celebration committee Catskill aque- duct and earlier water supplies of the city of New York. 1917. 46 Electrical Engineering ALTERNATING CURRENTS. Bedell, F. and Crehore, A. C Alternating currents. 1901 Cohen, L. Formulae and tables for the calculation of alternating current problems. 1913. Drysdale, C. V Foundations of alternate current theory. 1910 Harrison, N Practical alternating currents and power transmission. 1906. Houston, E. J Alternating electric currents. 1906 Kinzbrunner, C Alternating current windings. 1910 Morecroft, J. H Laboratory manual of alternating currents. 1912. Raymond, E. B. Alternating current of engineering prac- tically treated. 1907. Rhodes, W. G. Primer and alternating currents. 1912 Steinmetz, C. P. Theory and calculation of alternating current phenomena. 1908. 5th ed. 1916. Timbie, W. H Alternating-current electricity and its applications to industry. 1914. Timbie, W. H. and Higbie, H. H. Essentials of alternating currents. 1919. Timbie, W. H. and Higbie,H. H Answers to problems in essentials of alternating currents. 1919. BATTERIES. American bureau of engineering Automobile storage battery. 1918. Assn. of Edison Ilium, co. Manual of storage battery practice. 1911. pamp. Ford, B Electric vehicle batteries. 1911. pamp. Holland, W. E. Characteristics of the Edison storage battery. 1912. pamp. Lyndon, L Storage battery engineering. 1911 Page, V. W Storage batteries simplified. 1917 Skinner, J. M Philadelphia thin plate battery. 1913 pamp. Walton, J. N Storage battery and its application to he electric vehicle. 1909. pamp. CENTRAL STATION AND THEIR EQUIPMENT. Amos, W. L Extension of big Chute generating station. 1919. pamp. Andrews, L Electricity control; treatise on electric switch- gears and systems of electric transmission. 1904. Assn. of Edison ilium co. Edisonia. 1904 47 Baltimore (Md.) Consolidated gas and electric light and power co Its properties and plants. 1910. pamp. Baxter, W., Jr. ,. Switchboards. 1910 Beardsley, R. C Design and construction of hydro-electric plants. 1907. Bibbins, J. R Gas driven electric power stations. 1906 Chase, P. H Electrical features of Essex power station, Public Service Electric Co. n.d. pamp. Chicago, (111.) Commonwealth Edison co. Fisk street power house. 1908. pamp. Contract record Extension to the Ontario power company's plant. 1919. pamp. Courser, (C.H.) and others Electric power plant operation. n.d. pamp. Converse, V. G Electrical plant of the Ontario power co. n.d. pamp. Croft, T Central stations. 1917 Gushing, H. C. and Harrison, N Central station management. 1916. Eglin, W. C. L. Power company and the distribution of electrical energy. 1917. pamp. Eldon, L. L. Boston Edison system. 1909. pamp. Electric machinery co Digest on power factor from - central station reports assembled and edited by W. Brown. 1918. pamp. Electrical world United Electric light and power co. 201st street station. 1914. pamp. Engineering record Model turbine power station. New central station of the Baltimore electric power co. 1906 pamp. Fish, F. A. and Wagner, N. W. Electric central station operation in Iowa. 1914. pamp. Insull, S Development of the central station. 1898 Junkersfeld, J Electric service problems and possibilities. 1916. pamp. Koester, F Steam-electric power plants. 1908. 2d. ed. 1910. Kelley, W. S Motor load of Massachusetts central stations. 1910. pamp. Keokuk (Iowa) Industrial assn (A) Word about Keokuk, Iowa, the home of the largest hyrdo-elctric power plant in the world. 1911. pamp. Klingenberg, Dr. G Large electric power stations, their design and construction, with examples of existing stations. 1916. Lang, A. E. Electric power companies and their relation to municipalities. 1898. pamp. Lawrence, W. H Operating pilot board and station inter- connecting systems. 1912. pamp. Murray, T. E Electric power plants; a description of a number of power stations. 1910. 48 Rushmore, D. B. and Lof, E. A Hyrdo-electric power stations. 1917. Schon, H. A. C. von. Hydro-electric practice. 1911 Snell, J. F. C Power house design. 1911 Taylor, W. T. and Baymer, D. H American hydro-electric practice. 1917. Weingreen, J Electric power plant engineering. 1910 1913 ed. Westinghouse Church Kerr Co Power development of the Northern Colorado co. 1908. pamp. Williams, A. and Tweedy, E. F Commercial engineering for the central stations. 1912. pamp. Williams, S. B Cutting central station costs. 1919 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. (General, Industrial and Miscellaneous) Ashcroft, E. A Study of electrothermal and electrolytic industries. 1909. Austin, F. E. Induction coils in theory and practice. 1919 Barr, J. R Principles of direct-current electrical engineering. 1908. Berg, E. J Electrical energy, its generations, transmission and utilization. 1908. Berg, E. J. and Upson, W. L Electrical engineering. First and advanced courses. 1916. Brown, H. W Electrical equipment. 1917 Croft, T. W American electrician's handbook. 1913 Electrical world Handbook of electrical methods. 1913 Fleming, A. P Insulation and design of electrical windings 1913. Foote, A. R Economic value of electric light and power. 1889. Foster, H. A. Electrical engineer's pocket-book. 1910 7th ed. 1913. Franklin, W. S. and Esty, W. Elements of electrical engineer- ing. 2v. 1906-1915. Ganz, A. F Committee report on electrolysis. 1908 pamp. Ganz, A. F Electrolysis from stray electric currents. 1912. pamp. Halliday, H. M. Essay of the common origin of light, heat and electricity. 1897. pamp. Hamilton, D. T. and Oberg, E Electric welding. 1918 Haslam, A. P Electricity in factories and work-shops, its cost and convenience. 1909. Hawkins, N. Hawkins' electrical guide, questions, answers and illustrations. lOv. 2d. ed. 1917. Hemming, E. Molded electrical insulation and plastics. 1914 Hob art, H. M Heavy electrical engineering. 1908 Horstmann, H. C. and Tousley, V. H Modern electrical construction. 1908. 49 Houston, E. J. Electrical engineering leaflets, n.d. Ibbetson, W. S. Practical electrical engineering for ele- mentary students. 1910. International committee on electrical units and standards Report to the International committee of a Special tech- nical committee appointed to investigate and report on the concrete standards of the international electrical units and to recommend a value for the Western normal cell. 1912 International correspondence schools Electrical engineer's handbook. 1912. Karapetoff, V (The) Electric circuit. 1912 Karapetoff, V Experimental electrical engineering and manual for electrical testing. 1908. Karapetoff, V. (The) Magnetic circuit. 1911 Kloeffler, R. G Electric cooking appliances. 1917. pamp. Lamme, B. L Electrical engineering papers. 1919 Lauffer, C. A Electrical injuries; their causation, pre- vention and treatment. 1912. Lincoln electric co Electric welding. 3d ed. 1918. pamp. McLoughlin, T. S Questions and answers on the National electric code. 1912. . * Martin, L. G ....Better insulation, n.d. pamp. Martin, T. C Magnitude of the electric light, power and transportation business. 1914. pamp. Norris, H. H. Introduction to the study of electrical engineering. 1908. Parr, G. D. A Electrical engineering in theory and practice. 1906. Pender, H. American handbook for electrical engineering. 1914. Pender, H Principles of electrical engineering. 1911 Perry, A. M Electrical aids to greater production, 1919 Rodenhauser, W. (Schoenawa) J. and VomBaur, C Electric furnaces in the iron and steel industries. 1917. Rosenberg, E Electrical engineering. 1908 St. John, T. M How two boys made their own electrical' apparatus. 1898. Sloane, T. O Electric toy making for amateurs. 1909 Sloane, T. O Elementary electrical calculations. 1909 Sloane, T. O. How to become a successful electrician. 1906 Spang, H. W Electrical and lightning engineering. 1913 Standard handbook for electrical engineers 1910. 4th ed. 1915 Stansfield, A Electric furnace, its construction, operation and uses. 1914. Steinmetz, C. P Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses and other transients. 1911. Steinmentz, C. P. General lectures on electrical engineering. 1908. Steinmetz, C. P Theoretical elements of electrical engineer- ing. 1909. 50 Steinmetz, C. P. Theory and calculation of transient elec- tric phenomena and oscillations. 1909. Still, A Principles of electrical design; D.C. and A.C. generators. 1916. Strecker, A. H Some notes on cooking by gas and electricity. 1912. pamp. Thompson, M. deKay Applied electrochemistry. 1914 Thompson, S. P Electrical tables and memoranda. 1913 Underbill, C. R Solenoids, electromagnets and electro- magnetic windings. 1910. Wilcox, E. A Electric heating. 1916 Williams, A. and Tweedy, E. F Commercial engineering for central stations. 1912. Wilson, H. A. Electrical properties of flames and of incan- descent solids. 1912. Wright, J. Electric furnaces and their industrial appli- cations. 1910. ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. Amer. School of correspondence Alternating current ma- chinery. 1909. Ashford, C. E. and Kempson, E. W Elementary theory of direct current dynamo machinery. 1908. Blondel, A. E Synchronous motors and converters. 1913 Bowker, W. R Dynamo, motor and switchboard circuits for electrical engineers. 1908. Broadfoot, S. K Motors, secondary batteries, measuring instruments and switchgear. 1911. Chief engineer's power plant library A. C. Electrical machin- ery, vol. 1. 1918. Clayton, W. B. Questions and answers about electrical apparatus. 1909. Croker, F. B. and Arendt, M Electric motors, their action, control and application. 1910. Croker, F. B. and Wheeler, S. S ..Management of electrical machinery. 1908. Croft, Terrell Electrical machinery. 1917 Davidson, G. R Motors. 1916. pamp. Del Mar, W. A Electric power conductors. 1909 Electrical record Electric motor drive book. 1912 Feicht, R. S Electric power motors and their applications. 1910. pamp. Franklin, W. S. and Esty, W Dynamos and motors. 1909 Goldschmidt, R Alternating current commutator motor. 1909 Haller, G. F. and Cunningham, E. T The Tesla high fre- quency coil, its construction and uses. 1910. Hird, W. B Elementary dynamo design. 1908 Hobart, H. M Electric motors. 1910 Hobart, H. M. and Ellis, A. G High speed dynamo electric machinery. 1908. 51 Horstman, H. C. and Tousley, V. H Dynamo tending for engineers. 1904. Horstman, H. C. and Tousley, V. H. Electric motor con- trol systems and methods. 1919. Houston, E. J. and Kennelly, A. E Electric motor and the transmission of power. 1906. Houston, E. J. and Kennelly, A. E Recent types of dynamo- electric machinery. 1900. Industrial press Care and repair of dynamos and motors. 1909 International electric-technical commission Rating of electrical machinery. 1911. Jansky, C. M Theory and operation of direct-current machinery. 1917. Kennedy, R Modern engines and power generators. 1905 Kinzbrunner, C. Diseases of electrical machinery. 1906 Lancaster, M. Electric cooking, heating and cleaning. 1914 Langsdorf, A. S Principles of direct current machines. 1915 Lawrence, R. R Principles of alternating current machinery. 1916. McAllister, A. S Alternating current motors. 1909 Meade, N. G Electric motors. 1908 Morecroft, J. H Continuous and alternating current machinery. 1916. Moreton, D. P. Electric motors, direct and alternating. 1916 Murdoch, W. H. F Ventilation of electrical machinery. 1911 Ouding, M. A Standard polyphase apparatus and systems 1904. Parshall, H. F. and Hobart, H. M Electric machine design. 1906. Poole, C. P Designs for small dynamos and motors. 1906 Schulz, E Diseases of electrical machinery. 1904 Sheldon, G. M. and Houston, E A. C. machines. 1909 Sheldon, S. and Mason, H. and Hausmann, E. Dynamo electric machinery. 1909. Stahl, N Synchronous motors for power factor correc- tion. 1912. pamp. Still, A. Principles of electrical design, D. C. and A. C. generators. 1916. Thompson, S. P Dynamo-electric machinery. 1904 Thompson, S. P Polyphase electric currents and alternate- current motors. 1897. Timbie, W. H. and Higbie, H. H Alternating-current elec- tricity and its applications to industry. 1916. Timbie, W. H. and Higbie, H. H Essentials of alternating currents. 1919. Weed, A. J Practical dynamo building for amateurs. 1910 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Ashe, S. W Electricity experimentally and practically applied. 1910. Atkinson, A. A. Electrical and magnetic calculations. 1908 52 Brook, W. M Electricity in Paterson. 1896 Cleveland, (O) Cleveland armature works Practical elec- tricity. 1911. Comstock, D. F. and Troland, L. T Nature and matter of electricity. 1917. Croft, T Practical electricity. 1917 Franklin, W. and MacNutt, B. Advanced theory of elec- tricity and magnetism. 1915. Gibson, C. R Autobiography of an electron. 1911 Gibson, C. R Electricity of today. 1909 Hobart, H. M Dictionary of electricity. 2 vol. n.d. Hobart, H. M Electricity. 1909 Jackson, D. C. and Jackson, J. P Elementary book on elec- tricity and magnetism and their applications. 1910. Jansky, C. M Elementary magnetism and electricity. 1914 Jenks, T Electricity for young folks. 1907 Meadowcroft, W. H A B C of electricity. 1915 Moreton, D. P. Practical applied electricity. 1911 Pender, H Electricity and magnetism for engineers. 1918. 2v. Radcliffe, W. H Home study course in practical elec- tricity. 1916. 3v. Richardson, S. S. Magnetism and electricity and the prin- ciples of electrical measurement. 1908. Rowland, A. J. Applied electricity for practical men. 1916 St. John, T. M Things a boy should know about electricity. 1900. Shepardson, G. D. Electrical catechism. 1908 Swoope, C. W. Lessons in practical electricity. 1912 Timbie, W. H. and Higbie, H. H Alternating-current elec- tricity and its applications. 1916. Timbie, W. H. and Higbie, H. H. Elements of electricity for technical students. 1911. Timbie, W. H Essentials of electricity. 1913 Transtrom, H. L Electricity at high pressures and frequencies. 1913. Walmsley, R. M Electricity in the service of man. 1911 1913. 2y. , LABORATORIES AND LABORATORY TESTING. Allen, R. G. Principles and practice of electrical testing. 1919. Amer. inst. of mining and metallurgical engrs Pyrometry. 1920. Amer. soc. mech. engrs Rules for conducting performance tests of power plant apparatus. 1915. Amer. soc. mech. engrs. Test of 10,000 kw. steam turbine and a test of a 9,000 kw. turbo-generator set. 1910. pamp. 53 Amer. street and interurban rwy. eng'g assn Comparative discussion of tests on 7,500 kw. Westinghouse-P arsons tur- bine and 8,000 kw. Curtis turbine under various conditions of operation. 1907. pamp. Assn. of Edison illuminating companies and National electric light assn Meter code. 1910. 1913 Bannister, B Test of a four-pass boiler with Illinois coal made at the Kewanee Works, National Tube Co., Kewanee, 111. pamp. 1914. Bedell, F. and Pierce, C. A. Direct and alternating current testing. 1909. Burgess, G. K. and Le Chatelier, H. Measurement of high temperature. 1912. Bushnell, O. J Meter testing. 1908. pamp. Collins, E. F Commercial electrical testing. 1913 Currier, B. and Seaman, J. B Accuracy of meter testing methods. 1911. pamp. Dawes, C. L. Electrical measurements and testing direct and alternating current. 1916. Dillon, R. E Turbine testing. 1916. pamp. Edgecombe, K. Industrial electrical measuring instruments 1916. Edge More Iron co. Tests of a steam boiler at high rates of evaporation made at the Westport generating station, Consolidated Gas and Electric Light and Power Co., of Baltimore. 1913. pamp. Electrical testing laboratories Testing service. Description of the equipment, organization and work of the Electrical testing laboratories, n.d. pamp. Ferry, E. S., Shook, G. A. and Collins, J. R. Practical pyro- metry. 1917. Fleming, J. A Handbook for the electrical laboratory and testing room. 2v. 1901-1903. Howell, W. S Work of the electrical testing laboratories. 1907. pamp. Iowa State College. Engineering experiment station Tests of incandescent lamps. 1906. pamp. Karapetoff, V Experimental electrical engineering and manual of electrical testing. 1911. Kasson, C. L. Laboratory completes intricate tests on English and American cables, n.d. pamp. Kempe, H. R Handbook of electrical testing. 1908 Keyes, S. R New home of the standardizing and testing department, n.d. pamp. Kinzbrunner, C Testing of alternating current machines. 1907 Morecroft, J. H Laboratory manual of alternating currents. 1912. Moyer, J. A Power plant testing. 1911 National electric light assn Properties, treatment, inspection and testing of insulating oil. 1917. pamp. 54 New York (City) Board of engineers Hall of record power plants. Report and discussion of physical test and cost of operation. Test conducted for full year, 1913, under the auspices of a Board of Engineers composed of representa- tives of the City of New York, New York Edison Co., and New York Bureau of Municipal Research. 1916. Oulton, L. and Wilson, N. J. Practical testing of electrical machines. 1909. Parham, E. C. and Shedd, J. C. Miscellaneous tests of elec- tric car equipment. 1910. Parham, E. C. and Shedd, J. C. Shop tests on electric car equipment. 1909. Raymond, E. B Motor troubles; the tracing of direct- current and alternating-current motor troubles and the test- ing of direct-current and alternating-current machinery. 1908. Royds, R Testing of motive-power engines. 1911 Sever, G. F. and Townsend, F Laboratory and factory tests in electrical engineering. 1909. Smallwood, J. C. Mechanical laboratory methods of test- ing machines and instruments. 1918. Sharp, C. H. Electrical testing laboratories. 1905. pamp. Sharp, C. H. Testing laboratory in practical operation. 1905 pamp. Speller, F. W Some recent developments in testing boiler tubes. 1911. pamp. Stott, H. G. and Pigott, R. J. S Tests of a 15,000 kw. steam engine-turbine unit. 1911. pamp. Strohm, R. T Boiler and furnace testing. 1918. pamp. Swenson, B. V. and Frankenfeld, B Testing of electro- magnetic machinery and other apparatus. 2v. 1909-1911 Tenny, E. H Test methods for steam boiler plants. 1915 Vassar, H. S Study of materials Relation to industrial purchasing. 1920. pamp. Waterbury, L. A Laboratory manual for the use of students in testing materials of construction. 1912. Weymouth, C. R Fuel economy tests at a large oil-burning electric power plant having steam engine prime movers. 1908. pamp. White, A. H Weathering of gas coal a five year test. 1916. pamp. Wright, J Testing, fault localization and general hints for wiremen. 1912. Young, G. A Brief review of twenty-five boiler tests. 1917. pamp. MAGNETISM see ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 55 METERS AND INSTRUMENTS. Assn. of Edison illuminating companies and National electric light assn. Meter code. 1913 ed. Brooks, H. B Electrical instruments and meters in Europe. 1913. Duncan electric manufacturing co Instructions for in- stalling, reading, cleaning, repairing and testing Duncan watthour meter. D. C. commutator type. 1911. pamp. Farmer, F. M Electrical meters in practice. 1917 Ferris, R ....How to inspect, repair, test, calibrate, read and compute electric, recording and integrating meters. c!901. General Electric Co. General data on Thomson watthour meters. 1912. Gerhardi, C. H. W Electricity meters; their construction and management. 1917. Hutchinson, C. T. Report upon types of electric meters in use in New York City. 1909. pamp. Jansky, C. M Electrical meters. 1913 National electric light assn. Electrical meterman's hand- book. 1912. National electric light assn. Brooklyn section Meters, their testing and maintenance. 1909. pamp. Serva, A. A. Notes on induction integrating wattmeters. 1904. pamp. Shaad, G. C. and Johnson, C. A Measurement of electrical energy, electricity, meters, rates for electrical energy. 1916 pamp. Timbie, W. H Electrical measurements in direct and alter- nating current. 1913. Westinghouse electric and manufacturing co. Handbook of Westinghouse watthour meters. 1917. POLES. Campbell, A. B. Butt treatment of wooden poles. 1917 pamp. Commonwealth Edison Co Overhead construction specifi- cations. 1913. Coombs, R. D Pole and tower lines for electric power transmission. 1916. Griffin, R. A. Pole and pole preservation. 1913. pamp. Jones, R. M Manufacture of reinforced concrete poles, piles and pipes without the use of forms. 1914. pamp. Kempfer, W. H Preserative treatment of poles. 1911. pamp. National electric light assn Handbook on overhead line construction. 1914. Public Service Corporation of N. J Standard line construc- tion. Specifications for construction of poles jointly used, n.d. pamp. 56 Universal Portland and Cement Co Concrete poles, n.d. pamp. Wilson, T. R. C Strength tests of cross-arms. 1912. pamp. TELEPHONY AND TELEGRAPHY. American school of correspondence Telephony; a compre- hensive and detailed exposition of the theory and practice of the telephone art. 1912. Eccles, W. H Wireless telegraphy and telephony. 1918 Carty, J. J Telephone service in America. 1910. pamp. Gibson, C. R Wireless telegraphy and telephony without wires. 1914. International correspondence schools Telephone and tele- graph engineers' handbook. 1912. Marconi publishing corporation Year-book of wireless tele- graph and telephony. 1916. Mayer, C Telephone construction, methods and costs. 1908 Pope, F. L Modern practice of the electric telegraph. 1877 St. John, T. M Things a boy should know about wireless. 1910 Smith, A. B. Modern American telephony in all its branches. 1912. Sylvan, T. P Telephones at home and abroad. 1914. pamp. Thiess, J. B. and Joy, G. A Toll telephone practice. 1912 Webb, H. L Development of the telephone in Europe. 1910 United States Bureau of equipment (Navy Dept.) Instructions for the use and care of the Fiske ship-telegraphs and stadimeter. 1896. TESTING See LABORATORIES AND LABORATORY TESTING. TRANSFORMERS Austin, F. E Directions for designing, making and operat- ing high-pressure transformers. 1917. Austin, F. E How to make low pressure transformers. 1916 General electric co Aging of transformer iron. 1900. pamp. General electric co Instructions for the installation and opera- tion of large high voltage transformers. 1907. pamp. General electric co Type SL series transformers and protective devices for street lighting services. 1918. pamp. General electric co Sheet metal for transformers. 1902. pamp. Kapp, G Transformers for single and multiphase currents. 1896. National electric light assn Transformer standards : types, frequencies, sizes, voltage ratings, taps, lead markings, po- larity. 1919. pamp. National electric light assn. Transformers standardization of sizes, etc. 1918. pamp. Still, A : Principles of transformer design. 1919 Taylor, W. T Stationary transformers. 1909 57 Taylor, W. T. Transformer practice. 1913 Wagner, E. A Transformer insulation. 1903. pamp. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Abbott, A. V Electrical transmission of energy. 1904 Adams, A. D Electric transmission of water power. 1906 Aluminum co. of America Instruction for installation and maintenance of aluminum electrical conductors. n.d. pamp. Andrews, L Electricity control; a treatise on electric switchgear and systems of electric transmission. 1904. Bell, L Electric power transmission. 1906 Brew, W Three-phase transmission. 191 1 Commonwealth Edison co Overhead construction specifi- cations. 1913. Coombs, R. D Pole and tower lines for electric power transmission. 1916. Del Mar, W. A Electric power conductors. 1909 Dwight, H. B. Constant voltage transmission, a discussion of the use of synchronous motors for eliminating variation in electric power systems. 1915. Dwight, H. B Transmission line of formulas for electrical engineers and engineering students. 1913. Fowle, F. F Protection of railroads from overhead trans- mission line crossings. 1909. Gear, H. B. and Williams, P. F Electric central station dis- tribution systems, their design and construction. 1911. 2d ed. 1016. Harrison, N Practical alternating currents and power transmission. 1906. Hay, A Electrical distributing networks and transmission. 1910. High tension power transmission. 1905-06. Houstan, E. J. and Kennelly, A. E. (The) Electric motor and the transmission of power. 1906. Hutchinson, R. W Long-distance electric power trans- mission. 1907. Johnson, F. E Present development of transmission lines in Kansas. 1918. pamp. Kasson, C. L System of locating cable faults, n.d. pamp. Lundquist, R. A Transmission line construction, methods and costs. 1912. Lyndon, L Development and electrical distribution of water power. 1908. Meyer, 'E. B Underground transmission and distribution 1916. National electric light assn Handbook of overhead line construction. 1914. Oudin, M. A Standard polyphase apparatus and systems. 1904 Pernot, F. E Electrical phenomena in parallel conductors. vol. 1. Elements of transmission. 1918. 58 Perrine, F. A. C Conductors for electrical distribution. 1903. Public service corporation of N. J. Standard line construction. Specifications for construction on poles jointly used. n.d. pump. Public service electric co (A) Study of the transmission policy for the Public service electric co. 1906. 1916. pamp. Public service electric co. Grounding of secondaries. Benefits methods. 1916. pamp. Public service electric co. Rules for operation of transmission system, revised January 1, 1913. pamp. Quinan, G. E (The) Seattle-Spokane transmission line. 1919. pamp. Russell, A. Theory of electric cables and network. 1909 Stevens, H. W. Installation of underground cable, n.d. pamp. Stevens, H. W Types of cables used on the Edison system. n.d. pamp. Still, A. Overhead electric power transmission. 1913. 1919 ed. Torchio, P Selection of the transmission and distributing voltage. 1911. Underwriters laboratories Standards for rubber covered wires and cables. 1915. pamp. WIRING AND SERVICE EQUIPMENT. Cook, A. L Interior wiring and systems for electric light and power service. 1917. Croft, T. W American electrician's handbook. 1913 Croft, T. W Wiring for light and power. 1917 Croft, T. W Wiring of finished buildings. 1915 Gushing, H. C Standard wiring for electric light and power. 17th ed. 1911; 21st ed. 1915; 24th ed. 1918. Electrical industry of the U. S. of America. Committee on electrical wiring systems Report of the sub-committee on bare grounded return wiring system. 1917. pamp. Harrison, N Electric wiring, diagrams and switchboards. 1909. Horstmann, H. C. and Tousley, H. C Electrical wiring and construction tables. 1907. Horstmann, H. C Modern wiring digrams and descrip- tions. 1906. Knox, C. E. Electric wiring. 1909 Paterson, G. W. L Wiring calculations for electric light and power installations. 1912 Poole, C. P Diagrams of electrical connections. 1907 Poole, C. P Wiring handbook. 1905 Sengstock, F. F Electrician's wiring manual. 1914 Wiring diagrams of electrical apparatus and installations. 1913 Wright, J Testing, fault localization and general hints for wiremen. 1912. 59 Gas Engineering BY-PRODUCTS. Burrell, G. A Gasoline. 1916 Byrom, T. H. and Christopher, J. E Modern coking prac- tice including the analyses of materials and products. 1910 Cam den coke co Short story on coke production, its uses and possibilities. 1907. Cooper, G. S By-product coking. 1917 Fogg, O. H Gas industry and petroleum shortage. 1920 pamp. Gill, A. H Short handbook of oil analysis. 1918 Lange, K. R. By-products of coal-gas manufacture. 1915 Lunge, G Coal-tar and ammonia. 5 ed. 3v. 1916 Mesissner, C. A Modern by-product coke oven. 1913 pamp. Redwood, B Petroleum. 2 v. 1906 Redwood, B. and Eastlake, A. W Petroleum technologist's pocket-book. 1915. Wagner, F Coal gas residuals. 1914 Warnes, A. R Coal tar distillation and working up of tar products. 1913. DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION Baehr, W. A Investigation and report upon gas pressure conditions in the Borough of Manhattan, New York City to the Public Service Commission for the 1st district. 1912 Forstall, W Manual of gas distribution. 1920 Gerhard, W. P American practice of gas piping and gas lighting. 1908. Grafton, W : Handbook of practical gas-fitting. 1907 Hole, W Distribution of gas. 2d. ed. 1909; 3d ed. 1912 Mentor, pseud Self-instruction for students in gas supply. 1912. Mentor, pseud Self-instruction for students in gas supply. Pt. 2. Advanced. 1909. Stone and Webster engineering corporation Pawtucket Woonsocket high pressure gas system, n.d. pamp. GAS ANALYSIS. Abady, J. Gas analyst's manual. 1902 Gill, A. H Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. 1912 Kershaw, J. B. C Fuel, water and gas analysis for steam users. 1907. Morehead, J. M Analysis of industrial gases, pamp. 1905 United States steel corporation Methods for the technical sampling and analysis of gases. c!911. White, A. H Technical gas and fuel analysis. 1913 Winkler, C. A Handbook of technical gas analysis. 1902 60 GAS METERS. Builders iron foundry Venturi gas and air meter for station and industrial service, n.d. pamp. Maryland meter co Correct measurement of gas. 1910 pamp. Newark, (N.J.) Dept. of inspection of gas and gas meters How to read the gas meter and useful hints to gas con- sumers. n.d. pamp. Newark, (N.J.) Dept for city inspection of gas and gas meters (The) Gas meter and how to read its index. 1915. pamp. Stone, C. H. H Practical testing of gas and gas meters. 1909 Strecker, A Regarding meters for measuring gas. n.d. pamp. United gas improvement co., Philadelphia, (Pa.) Gas meter details. 1903. United gas improvement co., Philadelphia, (Pa.) Instructions for introducing oil into meters to make dipping meters. 1909. pamp. United gas improvement co., Philadelphia, (Pa.) Testing and repairing of gas meters. 1917. pamp. GAS PLANTS. Bibbins, J. R Producer gas power plant. 1906. pamp. Brooke, T. ....Modern retort settings, their construction and working. 1912. Colyer, F Gas works. 1884 Harrop, Dr. H. B. Outline of gasworks chemistry. 1906 Hughes, S. Gas works, their construction and arrange- ments. 1904. Humphreys, N. H. Construction and management of small gasworks. 1911. Meade, A Modern gasworks practice. 1916 Russell, W. M Operation of gas works. 1917 Wehrle, G American gas works practice. 1919 GENERAL AND INDUSTRIAL American gas institute Lectures deliverd at the centenary celebration of the first commercial gas company to sell gas as an illuminant. 1912. Campbell, E. C Importance of sizing equipment as applied to the sale of coke in small towns. 1916. pamp. Cincinnati, (O) Cincinnati gas and electric co. Rules for employes of gas distribution department. 1907. pamp. Gas educational fund Catechism of central station gas engineering in the United States. 1909. Rornby, J Gas engineer's laboratory handbook. 1911 Kunberger, A. F Gas chemists handbook. 1916 Latta, M. N American producer gas practice and in- dustrial gas engineering. 1910. 61 Latta, M. N. Hand-book of American gas-engineering practice. 1907. "Mentor" pseud Self -instruction for students in gas engineering. Elementary, n.d. "Mentor" pseud Self -instruction for students in gas engineering. Advanced, n.d. Miller, T. D Economic balance between calorific value and candle power in carburetted water gas. n.d. pamp. National commercial gas assn Gas equipment for the home. 1914. pamp. National commercial gas assn Industrial fuel reference books. Practical treatises on gas appliances and processes of manufacture. 1916-1917. New York (State) Public service commission, 2d. district Investigation governing the choice of a proper quality stand- ard for artificial gas with conclusion and recommendation of the joint committee on calorimetry of the Public Service Commission and gas corporations in the second Public Ser- vice district. 1913. Newbigging, T Handbook for gas engineers and managers. 1898. 8th ed. 1913. O'Connor, H Gas engineer's pocket-book. 1907 Riley, H. M House heating by gas. 1915. pamp. Robb, J. M Instructions for gas distribution employes. 1906. pamp. Strecker, A. H Some notes on cooking by gas and elec- tricity. 1912. pamp. United gas improvement co Report on the present state of the art of obtaining the highest possible candle-power gas from coal. n.d. pamp. Webber, W. H. Y Town gas and its uses for the production of light, heat and motive power. 1907. Westcott, H. P. Measurement of gas by orifice meter. 1918 MANUFACTURE. Butterfield, W. J. A. Chemistry of gas manufacture, vol. 1. 1907. Hastings, C. W Gas engineering and gas manufacture. 6 pts. 1863-1916. Hornby, J Text-book of gas manufacture for students. 1911 Latta, M. N American producer gas practice and in- dustrial gas engineering. 1910. "Mentor" pseud Self-instruction for students in gas manu- facture. Elementary. n.d. "Mentor" pseud Self-instruction for students in gas manu- facture. Constructional, n.d. Odell, W. W. and Dunkley, W. A Water-gas manufacture with central district bituminous coals as generator fuel. 1918. pamp. Royle, H. M. Chemistry of gas manufacture. 1908 United gas improvement co Carburetted water gas. 1911 Webber, W. H. Y Gas and gas making. 1919 62 Illuminating Engineering (GAS AND ELECTRIC) GENERAL AND INDUSTRIAL Alvord, H. C. Comparative lighting costs. High and low efficiency illumination. 1909. pamp. Assn. of Edison ilium, co "Edisonia." A brief history of the early Edison electric lighting system. 1904. Ballard, F. W. and Co Report on street lighting costs in the large cities of the U. S. and Canada. 1920. pamp. Barrows, W. E Electrical iluminating engineering. 1908 Barrows, W. E Light, photometry and illumination. 1912 Beauregard, A. T. Interior electric illumination, n.d. pamp. Bell, L : Art of illumination. 1902. 2d. ed. 1912 Boston consolidated gas co. Modern gas lighting. 1909 pamp. Child, C. D Electric arcs. 1913 Clark, W (A) Century of light. 1917 Clewell, C. E Factory lighting. 1913 Cravath, J. R. and Lansingh, Van R Practical illumination. 1907. Crocker, F. B .'. Electric lighting. 2v. 1896-1901 Croft, T Practical electric illumination. 1917 Curtis, A. D Correct practice in control of lighting. n.d. pamp. Eichengreen, L. S Some notes on the maintenance of incandescent gas lighting, n.d. pamp. Ferree, C. E. and Rand, G Resume of the experiments on the problems of lighting in relation to the eye. 1915. pamp. Fleming, J. A On vacuum tube electric lighting. 1908 pamp. Floy, H Compilation of the records of the Colorado Springs lighting controversy. 1908. Foote, A. R Economic value of electric light and power. 1889 Franklin, W. S Electric lighting and miscellaneous appli- cations of electricity. 1912. Ganz, A. F. Progress in electric current development in the artificial lighting field. 1909. pamp. Gaster, L. and Dow, J. S Modern illuminants and illuminat- ing engineering. 1915. 63 General electric co National lamp works. Engineering dept. Bulletins. 7c Fundamentals of illumination design. 1917. 10D Essential of train lighting. 1916. 20A Industrial lighting. 1919. 24 Outdoor tennis court lighting. 1915. 27 A civic duty for engineers. 1915. 28 Show window lighting. 1917. 29 Store lighting. 1917. 30 Protective lighting for industrial plants. 1917. 32 Light projections; its application. 1917. 34 Country home lighting. 1918. 35 Lighting of offices and drafting rooms. 1918. 36 Lighting comment a digest of authoriative opin- ion. 1919. 39 Turning point in the lighting industry. 1919. 40 Maintenance of lighting systems. 1920. General electric co. National lamp works. Engineering dept. How to plan the lighting installation for a factory. 1919. pamp. Gerhard, W. P ..American practice of gas piping and gas lighting. 1908. Gerhard, W. P Gas-lighting and gas-fitting. 1904 Godinez, F. L Display window lighting and the city beautiful. c!914. Godinez, F. L (The) Lighting book. 1913 Gray, F. J. and Fox, E. B 110 v.s. 220-volt curcuits from the standpoint of lighting service. 1920. pamp. Grover Bros Popular electric lighting. 1898 Harrington, R. E. Illumination and production. 1920 Hickenlooper, A History of street lighting. 1900. pamp. Horstmann, H. C. and Tousley, V. H. Modern illumination; theory and practice. 1912. Houston, E. J Electric arc lighting. 1906 Hutchinson, R. W High-efficiency electrical illuminants and illumination. 1911. pamp. Hyde, E. P Progress of the science of lighting. 1914. pamp. Illuminating engineering soc Illuminating engineering practice. 1917. Illuminating engineering society Light; its use and misuse. 1912. Illuminating engineering society Protective lighting. 1918 pamp. Knight, G. W. and Marshall, A. J. Public school lighting. n.d. pamp. Kumerth, W. Lighting for country homes and village communities. 1919. pamp. Lectures on illuminating engineering delivered at the John Hopkins University. 1911. Luckiesh, M. (The) Lighting art. Its practice and pos- sibilities. 1917. 64 Macbeth-Evans Glass co Scientific illumination. 1911 Millar, P. S. Some neglected considerations pertaining to street illumination. 1910. pamp. Minneapolis, (Minn.) General electric co Home illumina- tion, n.d. pamp. Moore, D. Vacuum tube lighting. 1910. pamp. National commercial gas assn. Gas illumination of factories and mills. 1913. National commercial gas assn. Standard gas fixture specifi- cations. 1914. pamp. National electric contractors assn. and others Electrical equipment of the home. 1911. pamp. National electric light assn. Industrial lighting. 1912. pamp. National electric light assn. Ornamental street lighting. 1912. pamp. National electric light assn Street illumination tests, n.d. New Jersey. Dept. of labor Code of lighting for factories, mills and other work places. 1916. pamp. Oday, A. B Light and safety. 1920. pamp. Pierce, R. F. Hygienic value of gas lighting, n.d. pamp. Powell, A. L. Effect of color of walls and ceiling on resultant illumination. 1920. pamp. Powell, A. L. Lighting of office buildings. 1920. pamp. Powell, A. L. Lighting of schools. 1920. pamp. Powell, A. L. Lighting of show windows and show cases. 1920. pamp. Powell, A. L Maintenance of the lighting system. 1920 pamp. Powell, A. L. and Harrington, R. E. Lighting of piers and warehouses. 1920. pamp. Schneider, N. H Electric gas lighting. 1901 Shaad, C. E Electric wiring and lighting. 1909 Shaw, A. W Data on artificial lighting. 1917. pamp. Steinmetz, C. P Radiation, light and illumination. 1909 Stickney, G. H Artificial daylight and industry. 1920 pamp. Trotter, A. P Illumination, its distribution and measure- ments. 1911. U. S. Committee on labor Code of lighting for factories, mills and other work places. 1918. pamp. Vom Baur, C. H (The) Cooper-Hewitt system of mercury vapor lighting. 1906. pamp. Westinghouse lamp co Salesmen's lamp handbook series. n.d. pamp. No. 1. Story of artificial illumination; No. 2. Lighting dic- tionary; No. 3. Modern lighting practice; No. 6. How to design effective lighting. Wickenden, W. E Illumination and photometry. 1910 Willey, F. O Gas or electricity, which . 1895 Wisconsin. Industrial commission Shop lighting. A hand- book for superintendents and electricians. 1914. pamp. 65 LAMPS (Gas and Electric) Burnett, D. Characteristics of incandescent lamps, n.d. pamp. Campbell, R. E. arid Cooper, M. D. Proper lamp for a circuit series. 1912. pamp. Campbell, R. E. and Cooper, M. D. Relation of the in- candescent lamp to lighting service. 1913. pamp. Edison lamp works Pictorial history of the Edison lamp. n.d. pamp. General electric co. National lamp works. Engineering dept. Bulletins. 8F Miniature mazda lamps. 1916. 11C Street series of mazda lamps. 1915. 13F Multiple mazda lamps. 1917. 23 Mazda lamps for projection purposes. 1915. 25 Street series a-c incandescent lamp circuits. 1915. 31 Reducing operating costs by adapting 220-250 volt circuits to mazda lamps of the 110-125 volt class. 1917. 33 Mazda lamp for motion picture projecture. 1918. Griffin, G. B. ....Points for consideration when purchasing series a.c. arc lamps. 1907. pamp. Hammer, W. J Historical collection of incandescent lamps. 1913. pamp. Johnson, J. H. Arc lamps and accessory apparatus. 1911 Millar, P. S. and Lewinson, L. J Life valuation of incan- descent lamps as deduced from their performance. 1911. pamp. Nernst lamp co. Nernst lamps. 1903. pamp. Ogley, D. Incandescent electric lamps and their appli- cation. 1914. Porter, L. C Incandescent miniature mazda lamps standard versus special. 1920. pamp. Schroeder, H Edison mazda lamps, theory and charac- teristics. 1920. pamp. Westinghouse lamp co (The) Mazda C lamp. n.d. pamp. Westinghouse lamp co Selling mazda lamps and getter light. n.d. pamp. Wilcox, F. W (The) New incandescent lamps. 1908 pamp. Zeidler, J. and Lustgarten, J. Electric arc lamps, their prin- ciples, construction and working. 1908. PHOTOGRAPHY. Harris, G. T Practical landscape photography. 1902 Sterry, J Photography by rule. 1903 66 Mechanical Engineering AERONAUTICS. Champion coated paper co Conquest of the air. 1918 pamp. Corbin, T. W Aircraft. n.d. Maxim, H. and Hammer, W. J. Chronology of aviation. 1911 pamp. Mister, G. W. and Emmons, H. H U. S. Army aircraft production facts. 1919. pamp. Page, V. W. Aviation engines. 1918 Sqier, G. Aeronautics in the U. S. 1918. pamp. U. S. Naval consulting board Problems of aeroplane im- provements. 1918. pamp. AUTOMOBILES. Automobile blue book publishing co ..Automobile blue book. vol. 2 and 3. 1918. American bureau of engineering (The) Automobile storage battery. Its care and repair. 1918. Brokaw, H. C. and Starr, C. A Putnam's automobile hand- book. 1918. Collins, J. H Motor transportation for rural districts. 1919 pamp. Cushing, H. C. and Smith, F. W r (The) Electric vehicle hand-book. 1913. Dodge Bros. (Detroit, Mich.) Book of information on the Dodge motor vehicles. 1920. pamp. Electric vehicle assn. of America Story of the electric com- mercial vehicle, n.d. pamp. Electric vehicle assn. of America Story of the electric plea- sure vehicle, n.d. pamp. Electric vehicle assn. of America and National electric light assn Electric vehicle in parcel post service for economy and reliability, n.d. pamp. Eraser, E. S. and Jones, R. B Motor vehicle* and their engines. 1919. General motors truck co Formula for estimating motor truck operating costs. 1914. pamp. Hayter, G. W Motor-car mechanics for beginners. n.d. Hillman, H. W Relative importance of the electric truck as compared with other classes of the central station busi- ness. 1913. pamp. Hobbs, G. W. and Elliott, B. G (The) Gasoline automobile. 1915. Holding, H. and Thompson, S Comparative development of the commercial power and electric vehicle loads. 1915. pamp. Homans, J. E Self-propelled vehicles. 1911 67 International correspondence schools (The) Automobile hand- book. 1913. Mass, institute of technology Vehicle research bulletins. No. 1. Economical transportation of merchandise in met- ropolitan districts. 1912. No. 2. Notes on the cost of motor trucking. 1912. No. 3. Observations on horse and motor trucking. 1913 Meade, N. G _ (The) Electric vehicle, its construction, operation and maintenance. 1911. Miller, W .J. and Thompson, S. G Comparative performance of gasoline and electric vehicles in similar service. 1915 pamp. Norton, S. V (The) Motor truck as an aid to business profits. 1918. Page, V.._.. Modern gasoline automobile, its design, con- struction, maintenance and repair. 1916. Fender, H. and Thomson, H. F Observations on horse and motor trucking. 1913. pamp. Slade, A. J. and Dumont, R. D Electric vehicles in muni- cipal service. 1915. pamp. Thayer, W. M Data on the Hartford Electric Light Company's experience with the battery exchange system for commercial vehicles. 1915. pamp. Thompson, S. G Central station influence on the electric vehicle industry. 1912. pamp. Thomson, H. F Relative field of the horse, electric and gasoline trucks. 1914. pamp. Tobin, D. J Why teamsters and carriage drivers of today absolutely believe in the necessity of the motor ve- hicle. 1913. pamp. Ward, C. A Electric commercial vehicle v. the horse. 1914. pamp. Ward, C. A. Small electric vehicle and its application*. 1915. pamp. BOILERS. Abady, J A. B. C. of combustion in boiler setting*. 1909. pamp. Amer. bitumastic enamels co Corrosive prevention in industrial plants. n.d. . pamp. Am, Soc. Mech. Engrs. .....Report of the committee to formulate standard specifications for the construction of steam boiler* and other pressure vessels and for their care in service. Known as the Boiler Code Committee. 1915. Babcock and Wilcox Co Xhain grate stoker*. 1917 Bannister, B Test of a four pass boiler with Illinois .coal made at the Kewanne Works, National Tube Co., Kewanee, 111. -1914. pamp. Collins, H. E Boilers. 1908 Dixon, W. E. Engine and boiler room lore. 1917. pamp. 68 Edge Moor Iron Co Tests of a steam boiler at high rates of evaporation made at the Westpoft generating station, Consolidated Gas, electric light and power co. of Baltimore 1913. pamp. Harrison Safety Boiler Works Finding and stopping waste in modern boiler rooms. 1917. VoL 2. Haven, G. B. and Swett, G. W. Design of steam boilers and pressure vessels. 1915. Hodgson, J. T Modern boiler room practice and smoke abatement. 1916. Hutton, W. S Steam boiler construction. 1916 Jackson, P. G Boiler feed water. 1919 Kent, W Steam boiler economy. 1910. 1915 Low, F. R _ Economical fire room methods. 1910. pamp. McLane, E. Balances draft gas producer furnace as applied to steam boilers. 1906. pamp. Manual of boiler and fly-wheel insurance .....Rules and rates. 1919 Mason, C. J. Arithmetic of the steam boiler. 1914 Parsons, H. deB Steam boilers, their theory and design. 1917 Potter, A. A. and Summering, S. L Boiler room economics. (Bull. No. 2. Kansas State Agricultural College). 1914. pamp. Roper, S. Instructions and suggestions for engineers and firemen. 1897. Shealy, E. M Steam Boilers. 1912 Sturtevant, B. F. Co _ Mechanical drafts. 1898 Speller, F. W Some recent developments in testing boiler tubes. 1911. pamp. Strohm, R. F. Boiler and furnace testing. 1918. pamp. Sturtevant, B. F. Co Mechanical draft. 1898 Swingle, C. F Steam boilers. 1912 U. S. Fuel administration Boiler water treatment. 1919. pamp. Young, G. A Brief review of twenty-five boiler tests. (Purdue eng'g rev. May 1917. p. 24-29). pamp. COMBUSTION ENGINES. Allen, J. R. and Bursley, J. A Heat engines; steam gas steam turbines and their auxiliaries. 1910. American school of correspondence Gas and oil engines and gas producers. 1908. Askling, C. W. and Roesler, E Internal combustion engines and gas producers. 1912. Audels gas engine manual; a practical treatise relating to the theory and management of gas, gasoline and oil engines. 1908. Busch-Sulzer Bros. Diesel engine co Diesel engine. 1913 Carpenter, R. C. and Diederichs, H. Internal combustion engines, their theory, construction and operation. 1909. Chalkley, A. P. Diesel engines for land and marine work. 1912. Clerk, D (The) Gas, petrol and oil engine. 1913 69 Collins, H. E Shaft governors, centrifugal and inertia; simple methods "for the adjustment of all classes of shaft governors.. 1908. Crosby steam engine and valv co Practical instructions relating to the construction and use of the steam engine indicator. 1913. Ennis, W. D Vapors for heat engines, including con- siderations relating to the use of fluids other than steam for power generation. 1912. pamp. Ewing, J. A (The) Steam engine and other heat engines. 1910. Formulas and constants for gas engine design. 1910. Goldingham, A Design and construction of oil engines. 1910 Goldingham, A. (The) Gas engine, its principle and practice. 1907. Greiner, A. F Critical review of the different phases of the evolution and the history of the internal combustion engine. 1918. pamp. Haeder, H Handbook of the gas engine. 1911 Heck, R. C. H Steam engine and turbine. 1911 Jones, F, R Electric ignition for combustion motors. 1912 Junge, F. E Gas power. 1908 Kennedy, R. Modern engines and power generators. 6v. 1905. Kirschke, A Gas and oil engines. 1912 Levin, A. M Modern gas engine and gas producer. 1910 Machinery data sheets, No. 15 Heat and steam, steam and gas engines. c!910. Mathot, R. E Gas-engines and producer gas plants. 1906 Mathot, R. E Construction and working of internal com- bustion engines. 1910. Peabody, C. H Therodynamics of the steam-engine and other heat engines. 1909. Poole, C. P Gas engine. 1910 Rankine, W. J. M Manual of the steam engine and other prime movers. 1908. Roberts, E. W Gas-engine handbook. c!913 Robinson, W Gas and petroleum engines. 1902 Robson, P. W Power gas producers; their design and application. 1908. Royds, R. Testing of motive-power engines, including steam engines and turbines, locomotives, boilers, conden- sers, internal combustion engines, gas .producers, refriger- ators, air compressors, fans, pumps, etc. 1911. Sharp, A Balancing of engines, steam, gas, and petrol. 1907 Shealy, E. M Steam engines. 1919 Smith, C. A. M Suction gas plants. 1909 Sterling, F. W : Internal combustion engine manual. 1917 Streeter, R. L Internal combustion engines, theory and de- sign. 1915. Tookey, W. A Gas engine manual. 1908 70 Tookey, W. A Gas engines. 1903 Thurston, R. H. Manual of the steam engine. 1907 Wagner, H. W. Study of oil engines in Iowa power plants. 1916. pamp. Weisbach, P. J. Heat, steam and steam engines. 1896. (v. 2, Sec. 2, Part 2, of his Mechanics of engineering). Wimperis, H. E (The) Internal combustion engine. 1909 Wimperis, H. E. Primer of the internal combustion engine. 1912. Wyer, S. S. Catechism on producer gas. 1906 Wyer, S. S. Treatise on producer-gas and gas- producers. 1907. FUEL. American society of Mechanical Engineers Economical use of fuel. 1918. pamp. Bailey, E. G (The) Coal problem. 1918. pamp. Bailey, E. G. Some things a manufacturer should know about coal. 1908. pamp. Bement, A Economical burning of coal without smoke with special reference to the use of washed coal. 1904 Best, W. N Scientific installations for the economical burning of liquid fuel of any specific gravity. 1914. pamp. Bone, W. A. Coal and its scientific uses. 1918 Brame, J. S. S Fuel, solid, liquid and gaseous. 1914 Chief engineers library Fuels and furnaces. 1918 Dunn, F. B Industrial uses of fuel oil. 1916 Edsall, H. J. Insuring the coal supply. 1915. pamp. Gill, A. H Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. 1912 Gill, A. H m Oil analysis. 1918 Herington, C. F. Powdered coal as a fuel. 1918 Illinois. University. Engineering experiment station Fuel tests of Illinois coal. 1908. pamp. International railway fuel assn. Storage of coal. 1917. pamp. Kershaw, J. B. C. Fuel, water and gas analysis for steam users. 1907. Lewes, V. B Carbonization of coal, a scientific review of the formation, composition and distructive distillation of coal for gas, coke and by-products. 1912. Maujer, A. R. and Bromley, C. H. Fuel economy and C02 recorders. 2d. ed. 1918. Maujer, A. R. and Bromley, C. H. Fuel economy in boiler rooms. 1918. Nicolls, W. J Coal catechism. 1906 Ontario, (Canada) Hydro-electric power commission Report of the rate of coal consumption in various electric gen- erating stations and industrial establishments in Canada and the U. S. 1918. pamp. Poole, H (The) Calorific power of fuels. 1910 Redwood, Sir B Petroleum. 1906 Sibley, R. and Delany, C. H Elements of fuel oil and steam engineering. 1918. 71 Somermeier, E. E. Coal; its composition, analysis, utilization and valuation. 1912. Standard oil co Fifty years of oil. Brief history of the Standard oil company and its part in developing the in- dustry. 1920. pamp. Strohm, R. T Oil fuel for steam boilers. 1914 Teffasco ! Oil fuel. 1912 U. S. Fuel administration Fuel, facts, information for consumers and savers of fuel. 1918. pamp. U. S. Fuel administration Saving coal in steam power plants. 1919. pamp. Wadsworth, J. M Efficiency in the use of fuel oil. 1918. pamp. Weymouth, C. R. Fuel economy tests at a large oil-burning electric power plant having steam engine prime movers. 1908. pamp. Weymouth, C. R Unnecessary losses in firing fuel oil and an automatic system for eliminating them. 1908. pamp. White, A. H _ Technical gas and fuel analysis. 1913 White, A. H Weathering of gas coal. A 5 year test. 1916. pamp. White, I. C Waste of our fuel resources. 1908. pamp. FURNACES. Chief engineer's library Fuels and furnaces. 1918 Damour, E. and Queneau, A. L. J Industrial furnaces. 1906 Havard, F. T Refractories and furnaces. 1912 Hays, J. W. Combustion and smokeless furnaces. 1906 Hays, J. W How to build up furnace efficiency. 1914. 10th ed. 1916. Pratt, A. D. Principles of combustion in the steam boiler furnace. 1919. HEATING AND VENTILATING Balcom, S. E Heating and ventilating of buildings. 1917. pamp. Baldwin, W. J Baldwin on heating; or Steam heating for buildings revised. 16th ed. 1909. Bendure, J. A Central station heating or conserving the heat unit. 1912. pamp. Bishop, C. R Development and application of central station heating. 1910. pamp. Bishop, C. R Some of the factors that effect the cost of generating and distributing steam for heating. 1910. pamp. Bushnell, S. M. and Orr, F. B. District heating. 1915 Carpenter, R. C. Heating and ventilating buildings. 1911 Dunlop, F. B Central station heating in Birmingham, Ala. 1910. pamp. Gifford, B. T. _ Central station heating. 1918 72 Harding, L. A. Notes on the design of blower heating systems for factory and shop buildings. 1911. pamp. Harding, L. A. and Willard, A. C Mechanical equipment of buildings, v. 1. Heating and ventilating of buildings. 1916 Heating and Ventilating magazine co Ventilation laws in the U. S. 3d ed. rev. 1917. Hoffman, J. D. Hand-book for heating and ventilating engineers. 1910. International correspondence schools Plumbers and fitters pocketbook. 1905. Leffingwell, W. H Data on ventilation. 1917. pamp. Meier, K. Mechanics of heating and ventilating, with charts for calculation and examples. 1912. Mueller, P District steam heating plants. 1910 Ontario (Canada) Hydro-electric power commission Report on the heating of houses. Coal and electricity compared. 1918. pamp. Snow, W. G Principles of heating. 1912 Society for electrical development Industrial heating as a central station load. 1917. pamp. Sturtevant, (B. F.) Co Heating and ventilation. 1914 U. S. advisory commission Requirements and standards upon heating and ventilation. 1918. pamp. Woodworth, H. A Central station steam heating. 1917. pamp. HYDRAULIC MACHINERY Bodmer, G. R. Hydraulic motors and turbines. 1902 Church, I. P Hydraulic motors.. 1908 Mead, D. W Water power engineering. 1908 Merriman, M Treatise on hydraulics. 10th ed. 1916 Weisbach, P. J Hydraulics and hydraulic motors. 1880 (V. 2, Sec. 2, Pt. 1 of his Mechanics of engineering) . IRON see STEEL AND IRON. LUBRICATION. Bryan, G. S Motor-cylinder lubrication. 1915. pamp. Bryan, G. S Practical lubrication. 1915. pamp. Green, A. Progress in electric car equipment lubrication. 1916. pamp. Lockhart, L. B American lubricants from the standpoint of the consumer. 1918. Texas co. Wire rope lubrication. 1917. pamp. MACHINE DESIGN. Caluculations of elements of machine design. 1908. Halsey, F. A Handbook for machine designers and draftsmen. 2d. ed. 1916. Kimball, D. S. and Barr, J. H. Elements of machine design. 1910. 73 Machinery's reference series Mathematics of machine design. 1910. Reid, J. S. and D Text-book of mechanical drawing and elementary machine design. 1908. Unwin, W. C Elements of machine design. 1909 MACHINE SHOPS. BARTH, C. G Slide rules for the machine shop. 1903. pamp. Colvin, F. H. and Stanley, F. A American machinists 9 hand- book and dictionary of shop terms. 1909. Colvin, F. H. and Stanley, F. A Machine shop primer; an introduction to machine tools and shop appliances. 1910 Fairfield, H. P Examples of machine shop practice. 1908 Grimshaw, R Shop kinks. 1911 Hawkins, N Progressive machinist; a practical and edu- cational treatise. 1903. Kaup, W. J Machine shop practice. 1911 Leonard, W. S Machine shop tools and methods.. 1911 Machinery Machinery's handbook for machine shop and drafting room. 1914. Moore, S. H Mechanical engineering and machine shop practice. 1908. Nedden, F :...Engineering workshop machines and processes. 1910. Perrigo, C. O. E Modern machine shop construction, equip- ment and management. 1906. See, J. W. _ .....Extracts from ChordaPs letters; comprising the choicest selections from the series of articles entitled "Extracts from ChordaFs letters," which have been appear- ing for the past two years in the columns of the American Machinist. 1909. Smith, R. H. Text-book of the elements of machine work 1910. Smith, R. H Text-book of the principles of machine work. 1912. Unwin, W. C Elements of machine design. 1909 Van Dervoort, W. H Modern machine shop tools and shop practice. 1911. Wright, R. V. Railway shop kinks. 1911 MECHANICS. Church, I. P Mechanics of internal work (or work of deformation) in elastic bodies and systems in equilibrium, including the method of least work. 1910. Church, I. P Mechanics of engineering. 1911 Hiscox, G. D Mechanical movements of powers and devices. 1911. Lanza, G _ Dynamics of machinery. 1911 Martin, L. A Text-book of mechanics. 3v. 1906-1911 74 Mechanics and strength of materials. c!910. Merriman, M , ....Machanics of materials. 1910 Mills, C. N Short course in elementary mechanics for engineers. 1916. Sanborn, F. B^ Mechanics; problems for engineering students. 1906. Weisbach, P. J Mechanics of engineering. 3v. 1880-1913 PIPES AND PIPING Collins, H. E Pipes and piping. 1908 Dunnells, C. G. Tests on threading steel and wrought iron pipe. 1915. pamp. National tube co Book of standards. Containing tables and useful information pertaining to tubular goods as manu- factured by the National tube co. 1913. Pipe and pipe fittings. 1910. Prince, G. T Tabulated data with explanatory notes re- lating to flow of water under pressure through clean closed pipes. 1916. Svenson, C. L Handbook of piping. 1918. POWER PLANTS. Amer. soc. of mechanical engineers Rules for conducting performance tests of power plant apparatus. 1915. Engineering record. Model turbine power station. New central station of the Baltimore electric power co. 1906. pamp. Fernald, R. H. and Orrok, G. A Engineering of power plants. 1916. Gebhardt, G. F Steam power plant engineering. 4th ed. 1915; 5th ed. 1917. Harding, L. A. and Willard, A. C Mechanical equipment of buildings, v. 2. Power plants and refrigeration. 1917 Harrison safety boiler works Finding and stopping waste in modern boiler-rooms. 1917. 2 v. Hutton, F. R Mechanical engineering of power plants. 1909 Koester, F Steam-electric power plants. 2d ed. 1910 Meyer, H. C., Jr Steam power plants, their design and construction. 1905. Moore, C. C. & Co Modern steam power central station. n.d. pamp. Morris, W. L Steam power plant piping systems. 1909 Moyer, J. A , Power plant testing. 1911 Myers, D. M Preventing losses in factory power plants. 1915 New Yory (City) Board of Engineers Hall of records power plant. Report and discussion of physical test and costs of operation and maintenance. 1916. Polakov, W. N Planning power plant works. 1917. pamp. Power plant engineering Cutting power plant costs. 1920 Snell, J. F. C Power house design. 1911 Tenny, E. H Test methods for steam boiler plants. 1915 75 POWER AND TRANSMISSION Belt, rope and chain drive. 1910. Carrier, W. H Engineer's hand-book of tables, charts and data on the application of centrifugal fans and fan system apparatus. 1914. Collins, H. E Shafting, pulleys, belting and rope trans- mission. 1908. Gilbert, C. G. and Pogue, J. E Power; its significance and needs. 1918. pamp. Gould, G. B. and Hubbard, C. W _ Cost of power. 1914 Idell, F. E Compressed air. Experiments upon the transmission of power by compressed air in Paris. 3d ed. 1903. Innes, C. H (The) Fan including the theory and practice of centrifugal and axial fans. 1916. Kennedy, R Modern engines and power generators ; a practical work on prime movers and the transmission of power, steam, electric, water and hot air. 1905. 5 v. Kerr, E. W Power and power transmission. 1908 Lucke, C Power. 191 1 Peele, R...- Compressed air plant; the production, trans- mission and use of compressed air. 1910. Power _ Power kink book. 1917 Thorkelson, H. J. B Air compression and transmission. 1913 Weisbach, P. J Mechanics of the machinery of transmission. (v 3, pt. 1 of his Mechanics of engineering. 1896-1912) PUMPS AND PUMPING Chief engineer's power plant library Pumps in the power plant. 1918. Collins, H. E Pumps; troubles and remedies. 1908 Daugherty, R. L _ Centrifugal pumps. 1916 Greene, A. M Pumping machinery; a treatise on the history, design, construction and operation of various forms of pumps. 1911. Loewenstein, L. C. and Crissey, C Centrifugal pumps, their design and construction. 1911. REFRIGERATION. Chicago, (111.) Commonwealth Edison Co. Electric refrigera- tion. 1913. pamp. Harding, L. A. and Willard, A. C. Mechanical equipment of buildings. v2. Power plants and refrigeration. 1917 Matthews, F. E. Elementary mechanical refrigeration. 1912 Public service electric co Mechanical refrigeration. 1913 pamp. Siebel, J. E _ Compend of mechanical refrigeration and engineering. 1911. Solomon, A. G Refrigeration and ice-making 1917. pamp. 76 Wallis-Taylor, A. J Pocket-book of refrigeration and ice- making. 1911. Wallis-Taylor, A. J Refrigeration, cold storage and ice- making. 1912. RUBBER. Boston woven hose and rubber co Story of rubber. 1916 International rubber and allied trades exhibition, 3d. New York. 1912 ! Brazil, the land of rubber. 1912 Rubber insulation committee Specifications and analytical preceedure for 30 per cent, hevea rubber insulating com- pound. 1914. pamp. Seeligmann, T., Torrilhon, G. L. and Falconnet, H India rubber and gutta percha. 1910. STEAM. Babcock and Wilcox company, N. Y Steam; its generation and use. 35th ed. 1918. Bailey, E. G Steam-flow measurement. 1915. pamp. Ellenwood, F. C - Steam charts. 1914 Ennis, W. D Vapors for heat engines, including con- siderations relating to the use of fluids other than steam for power generation a volume-temperature equation for dry steam, and new temperature-entropy diagrams for var- ious engineering vapors. 1912. Marks, L. S. and Davis, H. N Tables and diagrams of the thermal properties of saturated and superheated steam. 1909. Peabody, C. H Tables of the properties of steam and other vapors and temperature-entropy table. 1909. U. S. Fuel administration Saving steam in industrial heating systems. 1919. pamp. Wheeler condenser and engineering co. Steam tables for condenser work. 1915. STEEL AND IRON. Becker, O. M. High-speed steel. 1910 Brearley, H Case-hardening of steel. 1914 Buck, D. M Copper in steel. The influence on corrosion. 1913. pamp. Bullens, D. K. Steel and its heat treatment. 1916 Friend, J. A. N. Corrosion of iron and steel. 1911 Houghton, E. F. and co Steel and its treatment. 1918 Leeds and Northrup co Hump treatment for heat treatment of steel. 1920. pamp. Markham, E. R Steel; its selection, hardening and tempering. 1913. Metcalf, W Steel; a manual for steel users. 1896 St. John, H. M. Electric steel. 1916. pamp Schuhmann, G Iron and steel. 1906. pamp. 77 Sullivan, W. B. Study of proper hardening and classifi- cation of tool steels. 1912. pamp. Titanium alloy manufacturing co Ferro carbon titanium in steel making. 1916. TRANSPORTING AND CONVEYING MATERIAL Edsall, EL J Handling coal and ashes in the power house. 1916. pamp. Edsall, H. J Shoveling coal by machinery, n.d. pamp. Zimmer, G. F. Mechanical handling of material. 1905 TURBINES. Allen, J. R. and Bursley, J. A _ Heat engines; steam, gas, steam turbines, and their auxiliaries. 1910. American society of mechanical engineers Test of a 10,000 kw. steam turbine and test of a 9,000 kw. turbo-generator set. 1910. pamp. American street and interurban railway engineering assn Com- parative discussion of tests on 7,500 kw. Westinghouse- Parsons turbine and 8,000 kw. Curtis turbine under various conditions of operation. 1907. pamp. Bibbins, J. R Low pressure steam turbines. 1908. pamp. Bodmer, G. R Hydraulic motors and turbines. 1902 Chief engineer's power plant library Turbines and their operation. 1918. Collins, H. E Steam turbines. 1910 Dillon, R. E Turbine testing. 1916. pamp. French, L. G Steam turbines, practice and theory. 1907 Furman, F. D. Valves and valve gear. v. 1. Steam engines and steam turbines. 1915. Goudie, W. J Steam turbines. 1917 Heck, R. C. H. Steam engine and turbine. 1911 Morrow, J. Steam turbine design. 1911 Moyer, J. A Steam turbine. 1908. 4th ed. 1919 Roe, J. W Steam turbines. 1911 Stevens, T. and Hobart, H. M. Steam turbine engineering. 1906. Stodola, A. Steam turbines, with special appendix on gas turbines and the future of heat engines. 1905. Stott, H. G. and Pigott, R. J. S Tests of a 15,000 kw. steam- engine turbine unit. 1911. pamp. Sup lee, H. H (The Gas) turbine; progress in the design and construction of turbines operated by gases of com- bustion. 1910. Thomas, C. C Steam-turbines. 1910. 4th ed. 1912 VENTILATION see HEATING AND VENTILATION. MISCELLANY. Armstrong, G. M. S. Paper manufacture. c!909 Barber, T. W Engineer's sketch book. 1906 Berger, C. L. Instruments of precision. 1910 78 Booth, C. Audel's answers on practical engineering. 1912 Booth, W. H Water softening and treatment, condensing plant, feed pumps and heaters for steam users and manu- facturers. 1906. Collins, C. D. Drafting room methods, standards and forms. 1918. Collins, H. E Erecting work. 1908 Collins, H. E Valve setting; simple methods of setting the plain slide valves. 1908. Carpenter, R. C. Experimental engineering and manual for testing. 1911. Daviee, J. P. Engineering office systems and methods. 1915 Electrical record Common materials. 1918 Engineer's year-book of formulas, rules, tables, data and mem- oranda in civil mechanical, electrical, marine and mine engineering, n.d. Furman, F. D. Valves and velve gears 2v. 1915 Green fuel economizer co Book of economzier. 1910 Hart, R. N Welding. 1914 Hiscox, G. D. Mechanical appliances, mechanical move- ments and novelties of construction. 1910. 2v. Hiscox, G. D. Modern steam engineering in theory and practice. 1907. Kent, W. Mechanical engineers' pocket-book. 1910 9th ed. 1916. Knox, G. D. Engineering. 1915 Liversedge, A. J Commercial engineering. 1912 Marks, L. S. Mechanical engineers' handbook. 1916 Moldenke, R Principles of iron founding.. 1917 Nicholson, W Smoke abatement. 1905 Pierce, C. A. and Carver, W. B. Handbook of formulas and tables for engineers. 1916. Pittsburgh, (Pa) University of Pittsburgh Melon institute on industrial research and specific industries. Smoke nvesti- gation bulletins. Nos. 1 9. Pullen, W. W. F. Experimental engineering. 1900 Richards, J. W. Metallurgical calculations, 3 parts. 1908-1915 Schnabel, Dr. C Handbook of metallurgy. 2v. 1905 Suplee, H. H Mechanical engineer's reference book. 1907 Wheeler, (C. W.) Mfg. Co Condensing equipment. 1917 Railway Engineering BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Orrock, J. W Railroad structures and estimates. 1909 Public service railway co Handbook of facts and figures for electric railway construction. n.d. pamp. Railway master mechanic _ Railway shop up-to-date. 1907 Searles, W. H Field engineering. 1911 Swingle, C. F Electric railway power stations. 1909 Thompson, S. E Concrete in railroad construction. 1909 Webb, W. L Economics of railroad construction. 1906 Willard, W. C. Maintenance of ways and structures. 1916 Wright, R. V Railway shop kinks. 1911 CARS. Arnold, B. J. Report upon the subway car used in the Manhattan-Bronx subway, operated by the Interborough rapid transit company. 1908. Bradlee, H. G As to the light weight car. 1919. pamp. Brill, (J. G.) Co (The) Birney safety car. 1920. pamp. Brooklyn, (N. Y.) Brooklyn rapid transit co., mech. dept. Report containing description and details of construction. 1912. Callard, N. H., Jr (The) Safety car. 1919. pamp. Casey, T. W Advantages of the pay-as-you-enter car. 1911. pamp. Davis, C. H Street car building. 1901 Gove, W. G.. _ Proper type of car for city and suburban service. 1915. pamp. Jackson, W - Electric car maintenance. 1914 Master car builders' assn Car builders' dictionary. 1913 Philadelphia, (Pa.) Philadelphia rapid transit co Philadel- phia "near-side" car. 1912. pamp. New York. Public Service commission. 1st district Report upon car fender and wheel- guard tests. 1908. pamp. Parham, E. C. and Shedd, J. C Miscellaneous tests of electric car equipment. 1910. Parham, E. C. and Shedd, J. C Shop tests on electric car equipment, for inspectors and foremen. 1909. Stanley, A. H (The) Single end car for street railways. n.d. pamp. ELECTRIFICATION. Carter, F. W. Electrification of suburban railways. 1910 pamp. Champion coated paper co Electrifying the Rockies. 1918 pamp. St. Louis, (Mo.) Civic League Report of the Committee on railroad electrification. 1911. pamp. Westinghouse, Geo Electrification of railways. 1910. pamp. Westinghouse electric & mfg. co Results of electrification. 1915. pamp. ENGINEERING. American electric railway engineering assn Engineering manual. 1917. Andrews, H. B Handbook for street railway engineers. 1903 Arnall, T. Permanent way for tramways. 1905 Ashe, S. W. and Keiley, J. D. Electric railways, theoretically and practically treated. 1905 1907. 2 v. Aylmer-Small, S. Electrical railroading. 1908 Bell, L Power distribution for electric railroads. 1900 Brooks, J. P ....Handbook of street-railroad location. 1908 Buck, A. M Electric railways. 1915 Burch, E. P Electric traction for railway trains. 1911 Davies, F. H. Electric power and traction. 1907 Dawson, P Electric traction on railways. 1910 Dawson, P "Engineering" and electric traction pocket- book. 1906. Dover, A. T Electric traction; a treatise on the appli- cation of electric power to tramways and railways. 1917 General electric co. Railway handbook. 1914 Gonzenbach, E. Engineering preliminaries for an inter- urban electric railway. 1903. Gotshall, W. C. Notes on electric railway economics and preliminary engineering. 1904. Hanchett, G. T Modern electric railway motors. 1900 Harding, C. F. Electric railway engineering. 1911 Herrick, A. B Practical electric railway handbook. 1906 Herrick, A. B. and Boynton, E. C American electric rail- way practice. 1907. Hobart, H. M Electric trains. 1910 Houston, E. J. and Kennelly, A. E. Electric street railways. 1906. Jordan, L. C. Practical railway spiral, with short working formulas and full tables of deflection angles. 1913 Lavis, F Railroad location, surveys and estimates. 1908 Lowe, P. E Electric railway troubles and how to find them. 1909. Norris, H. H Electric railways. 2v. 1913 Parshall, H. F. and Hobart, H. M Electric railway engineering. 1910. Raymond, W. G. Elements of railroad engineering. 1909 Richey, A. S Electric railway handbook. 1915 Rider, J. H Electric traction. 1903 Searles, W. H Field engineering. 1911 Sheldon, S. and Hausmann, E Electric traction and trans- mission engineering. 1911. Silsbee, W. E. and Blood, P. E Railway special work. 1910 Swingle, C. F. Electric railway power station. 1909 Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of railways. 1911. Willard, W. C Maintenance of way and structures. 1915 Wilson, E. and Lydall, F Electrical traction. 2v. 1907 81 FARES. American elec. ry. assn Determining the proper basis for rates and fares. 1911. pamp. American street and Interurban railway assn Value of the Association's work. The fare question. 1909. pamp. Chicago, (111.) Chicago public library. Municipal reference library Rates of fare of public motor vehicles in fifteen large cities. 1913. pamp. Clark, H. C Service-at-cost plans. 1920 Conway, T. ...Review of the movement for higher electric fares in the State of New York. 1918. pamp. Gadsden, P. H Argument and brief of the War Board of the American Electric Railway Assn. in the matter of the power of the President to fix rates of fare for electric railways. 1918. pamp. Hewes, J. E Collection and registration of city and interurban fares. 1915. pamp. Jackson, D. C. and McGrath, D. J Street railway fares. 1917 Knowlton, H. S. Street-railway fares in large cities. 1905 pamp. National committee on Public Utility conditions Electric railways in the U. S. and Canada which have recently been granted permission to increase their fares. 1918. pamp New Jersey. Board of Public Utility commission Plan for a zone system of fares upon the lines of Public Service Rail- way Co. 1919. pamp. Pennsylvania. Public Service Commission (The) Three cent exchange case. President Mitten's statement. 1919. pamp. O'Toole, J. L Public Service Railway's proposed fare zone system as presented to the Newark Board of Trade. 1919. pamp. Philadelphia, (Pa.) Rapid Transit Traction program. President Mitten's plan for securing increased revenue. 1920 pamp. GENERAL. American electric railway assn Argument and brief sub- mitted to the Federal electric railways commission on be- half of the Commission of One hundred. 1919. American street and interurban railway assn (The) Electric railway situation. 1910. pamp. Arnold, B. J Car operation and routing New York State railways, Rochester lines. 1916. Arnold, B. J. and others Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the Chicago City railway co. as of June 30, A. D. 1906. 1906. Arnold, B. J. Detailed exhibits of the tangible property of the Metropolitan street railway company and allied com- panies. 3v. 1913. 82 Arnold, B. J Report on the proposed re-organization of the International Traction co., of Buffalo, N. Y. 1911. Arnold, B. J. and others...... Report on the physical properties and intangible values of the Calumet electric street railway company and the South Chicago city railway company. 3v. 1908. Arnold, B. J. and others Report on the Southern street railway company, Chicago (111.) 2v. 1908. Arnold, B. J. and Weston, G Report on the values of the properties of the Chicago consolidated traction company inside city limits submitted to the Committee on local transportation of the Chicago City Council. 1910. Berlin-zossen electric railway tests of 1903. 1905. Boston elevated railway co. Safety on the Boston elevated railway. 1914. pamp. Brandeis, L. D Scientific management and railroads. 1911 Brooklyn, (N.Y.) Brooklyn rapid transit. Mechanical dept. Report containing description and details of construction. 1912. Brownell, E. E Combined reports upon five Milwaukee electrolysis surveys for Railroad commission of Wisconsin and the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by various repre- sentatives, September 29, 1918 to June 7, 1919. 1919. Brownell, E. E Report on the electrolysis conditions in Springfield, Ohio. 1914. Byers, M. L. _ Economics of railway operation. 1908 Chicago (111.) Chicago traction and Subway commission Report on a unified system of surface, elevated and sub- way lines. 1916. Dunn, S. O. Current railway problems. 1911 Dunn, S. O. (The) Present railway situation. 1919. pamp Electric railway journal Practical helps for electric railway men. 1919. Electric railway journal. Convention number Public Service Railway of New Jersey. 1911. Electric railway journal Record of work done by the Brooklyn rapid transit system, Mechanical dept. 1913. Fairchild, C. B Training for the electric railway business. 1919. Fischer, L. E. Economics of interurban railways. 1914 Gadsden, P. H Electric railways. 1918. pamp. Gadsden, P. H (The) Readjustment problems of the electric railways. 1919. pamp. Gates, H. B Construction of the Harlem river tubes. 1914. pamp. Illinois traction system, illustrated; a written and pictorial re- view of this great interurban system, and of the cities connected thereby, n.d. Jenkins, W. C. Transit problems in Brooklyn, n.d. pamp. Kansas City, (Mo.) Chamber of Commerce Kansas City street railway situation. 1920. pamp. 83 Lavie, F : Railroad location, surveys and estimates. 1908 Lovett, R. S. Comments on the railroad problem. 1919. pamp. Lowe, P. E. Electric railway troubles and how to find them. 1909. McCain, C. C Diminished purchasing power of railway earnings. 1909. Modern electric practice. 4v. 1909. Moody, J. How to analyze railroad reports. 1912 Morris, R Railroad administration. 1910 New York (City) Board of estimate and apportionment and New York (State) Public service commission. 1st district. Report with relation to pending proposals for the construc- tion, equipment and operation of rapid transit lines, and upon the general transit situation in the City of New York. 1911. New York (City) Interborough rapid transit co Effort to tie up the street railroad systems of New York City. n.d. pamp. New York (City) Interborough rapid transit co. (The) New York subway, its construction and equipment. 1909. New York (City) Interborough rapid transit co Building subways in New York. 1915. New York (City) Interborough rapid transit co Your sub- ways. A statement of the facts about the partnership be- tween the City and the Company, n.d. pamp. New York central and Hudson river railway co Rules for the operation and maintenance of the electric power system superseding all existing orders. 1911. New York electric railway assn Report of the Committee on ways and means to obtain additional revenue. 1918. pamp. Oklahoma railway co General features of the Oklahoma railway co. 1912. Philadelphia (Pa.) Transit commission Report of the transit commission of the City of Philadelphia. 2v. 1913. Philadelphia (Pa.) Dept. of City transit Report upon the proposal of the Philadelphia rapid transit co. for the equip- ment and operation of city-built high-speed lines as em- bodied in a form of ordinance revised to 1916. 1917. Philadelphia (Pa.) Philadelphia rapid transit co Philadel- phia's rapid transit. 1918. Pierce, D. T. Strike problem upon electric railways. 1911 pamp. St. Louis. Louisiana purchase exposition, Report of the electric railway test commission. 1906. Swingle, C. F. and others Westinghouse air break system. 1911 Symons, W. E ~ Practical application of scientific manage- ment to railway operation. 1912. Taylor, A. M Modern regulatory plans and theories. 1919 pamp. 84 Transit finance company Traction development. 1904 Tripp, G. E Are street railways a real public utility? 1919 pamp. Tripp, G. E (The) Railroad problem. 1920. pamp. Warren, B. W New England street railways. 1917. pamp. Wilcox, D. F. _ Proposed standard form of street railway franchise for the City of New York. 1910. Wyer, S. S. Digest of publications of the Bureau of Standards on electrolysis of underground structures caused by the disintegrating action of stray electric currents from electric railways. 1918. U. S. Bureau of Standards and others Report on electrolysis conditions in Springfield, (Ohio) 1914. JITNEYS see MOTOR BUSES LOCOMOTIVES. Baldwin locomotive works Locomotive data. 1914 Reagan, H. C. Locomotives; simple, compound and electric. 1907. Wood, A. J Principles of locomotive operation and train control. 1915. MAINTENANCE OF WAYS Arnall, T. Permanent way for tramways. 1905 Dana, R. T. and Trimble, A. F Trackman's helper. 1917 Lange, F. Theory of joint rails, n.d. pamp. Public service railway co Instruction to foremen of bonders concerning details of track bonding, n.d. pamp. Roberts, S. S Track formulae and tables. 1910 Sellew, W. H Steel rails. 1913 Schreiber, M Standard grooved girder rails. 1914. pamp. Schreiber, M. Track construction. 1914. pamp. Tratman, E. E. R Railway track and track work. 1909 Willard, W. C Maintenance of way and structures. 1915 Wilson, W. L Elements of railroad track and construction. 1908. MOTOR BUSES. American electric railway assn Cost of service of the jitney bus. 1915. pamp. Bostwick, A. L Regulation of the jitney bus. 1915. pamp. Fidelity trust co. Evolution of the jitney bus, showing the present situation in the principal cities in the U. S. and Canada. 1915. pamp. Hewes, J. E. Jitney-bus competition. 1915. pamp. House, W. A. Analysis of ordinances governing the operation of jitneys in various cities of the U. S. and Can- -ada. 1915. pamp. King, C. L (The) Jitney bus. 1915. pamp. 85 Oakland, (Cal.) Chamber of Commerce (The) Jitney from the community standpoint. 1915. pamp. San Francisco, (Cal.) Oakland terminal railways co. Board of Directors (The) Street car vs. the jitney. 1915. pamp. MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS MANUALS. Aylmer-Small, S How to become a successful motormen. 1908. Gant, L. W Elements of electric traction for motormen and others. 1907. Gayetty, J. W Motormen and conductors' compendium of valuable information. 1906. Gut in ami, L (The) Motorman and his duties; a handbook of the theory and practice of electric railway car operation. 1907. Livermore, V. B How to become a competent motorman. 1909. SIGNALLING Arnold, B. J Subway signal system of the Interborough Rapid Transit Co. of New York City. 1908. pamp. Electric journal Railway signaling. 1908 General railway signal co A. P. Block system for single track steam railroads. 1912. pamp. New York (City) Interborough rapid transit co Block signal and interlocking system of the subway division. n.d. pamp. Scott, R Automatic block signals and signal circuits. 1908 Union Switch and signal company and others Standard symbols for railway signal plans. 1911. TERMINALS. Arnold, B. J Report on Market Street extension, Rapid Transit tunnel under Twin Peaks Ridge to the Board of Supervisors, San Francisco, Cal. 1912. pamp. Arnold, B. J. Report on the re-arrangement and develop- ment of the steam railroad terminals of the City of Chicago. 1913. Cresson, B. F. and Harding, H Report on handling freight at marine terminals. 1912. pamp. Fritch, L. C Chicago railway terminal. 1912. pamp. Railway business assn Country in need of greater railway facilities and terminals. 1913. Schreiber, M (The) New Public Service terminal at Newark, N. J. 1914. pamp. TRANSPORTATION. American Academy of political and social science Electric railway transportation. 4v. 1911. American Academy of political and social science Railway and traffic problems. 1907. 86 Arnold, B. J. Report on relief of traffic congestion on lower Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. 1912. pamp. Arnold, B. J _ Report on the development of transit system of the City of San Francisco, Cal. to the Board of Super- visors. 1912. pamp. Arnold, B. J Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transportation problem submitted to the Committee on local transportation of the Chicago City Council. 1905. Arnold, B. J. Report on the improvement and development of the transportation facilities of San Francisco submitted to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors, City of San Francisco, Cal. 1913. pamp. Arnold, B. J Report on the transportation problem of Los Angeles. 1911. Arnold, B. J Report on the Pittsburgh transportation problem. 1910. Arnold, B. J Report on the New York subway. 1907-08 Arnold, B. J Report on the traffic and service in down- town district of San Francisco to the Board of Supervisors, City of San Francisco, Cal. 1912. pamp. Blake, H. W. and Jackson, W .Electric railway trans- portation. 1917. Champion coated paper co Transit in old time New York. 1919. pamp. Chicago (111.) Chicago traction and subway commission Report on a unified system of surface, elevated and sub- way lines. 1916. Chicago (111.) Chicago public library. Municipal reference library Study of rapid transit in seven cities. 1914 Chicago (111.) City club. Committee on traffic and transporta- tion Report on passenger subway and elevated railroad development in Chicago. 1912. Doolittle, F. W. Studies in the cost of urban transportation. 1916. Great Britain. Parliament. Select committee on motor traffic. Evidence from the Committee on motor traffic. 2v. 1913 Jackson, D. C. and W. B Report on traffic congestion in Fall River, Mass. 1914. pamp. Lavis, F Building the new rapid transit system of New York city. 1915. London (England) Underground electric railways co. Baker Street and Waterloo railway. 1906. pamp. London (England) Underground electric railways co. Great Northern, Picadilly and Brompton railway, London's longest tube. 1906. pamp. McPherson, L. C. Five lectures concerning transportation. 1914. pamp. New York railways co Your street car service, n.d. pamp. New York (State) Chamber of commerce Rapid transit in New York City and in other great cities. 1905. 87 OR*. di MI I 'in/- r Castle, F. Workshop mathematics. 2 vol. 1903 Coffin, J. G _ Vector analysis. 1911 Engineer's year-book of formulae, rules, tables, data and mem- oranda in civil mechanical, electrical, marine and mine engineering. 1911. Franklin, W. S., MacNutt, B. and Charles, R. L Calculus. 1913 Gibson, G. A Elementary treatise on the calculus. 1910 Haskell, A. C How to make and use graphic charts. 1919 Hawkes, H. E., Luby, W. A. and Teuton, F. C First course in algebra. 1910. Hering, C Ready reference tables. 1904. 1914 Howe, G Mathematics for the practical man. 1911 Hudson, R. G Engineers' manual. 1917 International correspondence schools Instruction paper in arithmetic. 1900. Karapetoff, V Engineering applications of higher mathe- matics. 1912. Koch, E. H Mathematics of applied electricity. 1912 Moseley, A. W .......Practical mathematics. 1917. pamp. Murray, D. A : Plane and spherical trigonometry.. 1902 Palmer, C. I Practical mathematics the essentials of arithmetic, geometry, algebra and trigonoemtry. 4v. 1912 Peddle, J. S Construction of graphical charts. 1919 Pierce, C. A. and Carver, W. B Handbook of formulas and tables for engineers. 1916. Runge, C - Graphical methods. 1912 Sloane, T. O ~ Elementary electrical calculations. 1909 Smithsonian Institutions Smithsonian mathematical tables Hyperbolic functions. 1909. Smoley, C. K Parallel tables of slopes and rises. 1917 Society for the promotion of engineering education Syllabus of mathematics. 1912. Sprague, C. E _ Logarithms to 12 places and their use in interest calculations. 1911. Steinmetz, C. P Engineering mathematics. 1911 Van Tuyl, G. H _ Complete business arithmetic. 1911 Vega, G. Logarithmic tables of numbers and trigono- metrical functions. 1911. Wells, W University algebra. 1880 Wentworth, G. A Elements of algebra. 1881 Wentworth, G. A ..High school arithmetic. 1881 Wentworth, G. A. Plane and solid geometry. 1899 Wentworth, G. A. Plane and spherical trigonometry. 1903 Wynne, W. E. and Sparagon, B. E Handbook of engi- neering mathematics. 1916. 90 PHYSICS. Barker, G. F Physics; advanced course. 1892 Clark, W (A) Century of light. 1917 Comstock, D. F. and Troland, L. T Nature and matter of electricity. 1917. Duff, A. W Text-book of physics. 1910 Duncan, R. K (The) New knowledge; a popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry. 1912. Ganot, A .Elementary treatise on physics. 1910 Halliday, H. M Essay on the common origin of light, heat and electricity. 1897. pamp. Hoadley, G. A Elements of physics. 1908 Mac Laurin, R. C , _ Light. 1909 Nichols, E. L Elements of physics. 3 vol. 1908-1909 Nichols, E. L Laboratory manual of physics and applied electricity. 1912. Nichols, E. L Outlines of physics. 1904 Northrup, E. F _ Laws of physical science. 1917 Randall, J. A _.. Heat. 1914 Schlick, M Space and time in contemporary physics. 1920 Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian physical tables. 1910 Watson, W Text-book of physics. 1907 91 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fine schedule: 25 cents on first day overdue 50 cents on fourth day overdue One dollar on seventh day overdue. MAY 3 1947 LD 21-100TO-12,'46(A2012sl6)4120 Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 462017 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY