CHINESE GORDON A SUCCINCT RECORD OF HIS LIFE BY ARCHIBALD FORBES LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS BROADWAY, LUDGATE HILL NEW YORK: 9, LAFAYETTE PLACE 1884 . A ■ < LONDON : , >^.tr«- S- co PRINTERS, WHITEFRUKS. BRADBURY, AGNEW, Cs. CO., I M.\ «•' J • < , . . . . •! . . ..... . < . • • * • i • ■ . . • . , , • . .. 33A 1-1 Cc(pr{, I PREFACE. The good fortune has never come to me to know General Gordon, and this little volume eg makes no pretence to be anything more than £3 a compilation and an abridgment. There are J two authoritative works on General Gordon's career — Dr. Andrew Wilson's " Ever Victorious Army," and Mr. Birkbeck Hill's " Colonel Gor- g don in Central Africa ;" which last has a special value, consisting as it does for the most part of General Gordon's own letters to rela- tives and friends, with admirably written link- ing chapters by Mr. Hill. I have acknowledged the quotations made from Mr. Egmont Hake's >. volume, which are taken only from the few -> passages of it which are not, as is my own work J mainly, a digest of the two original works named CO {£ above. D o' My sole aim has been brevity and lucidity. This little volume aspires to be simply a handy- book — I hope for the many — to the life of a great man in whom at present we have all a burning interest. A. F. FULHAM, March 20//1, 1884. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ] VGE EARLY DAYS, AND THE CRIMEA 1 CHAPTER II. CHINESE CORDON IN CHINA 23 CHAPTER III. CRAVESEND AND THE EQUATOR Il6 CHAPTER IV. GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE SOUDAN 158 CHAPTER V. INDIA, CHINA, AND THE CAPE 204 CHAPTER VI. BRITISH PLENIPOTENTIARY IN THE SOUDAN . . . 221 J CHINESE GORDON. A SUCCINCT RECORD OF HIS LIFE. CHAPTER I. EARLY DAYS, AND THE CRIMEA. The character of Charles Geonre Gordon is unique. As it unfolds itself in its curiously varied, but never contradictory aspects, the student is reminded of the attributes of Sir Lancelot, of Bayard, of Cromwell, of John Nicholson, of Arthur Connolly, of Havelock, of Balfour of Burley, of Livingstone, of Hedley Vicars ; but Gordon's individuality stands out in its incomparable blending of masterfulness and tenderness, of strength and sweetness. His high nature is made the more chivalrous by his fervent piety. His absolute trust in God guides him serenely through the sternest diffi- culties. Because of that he is alone in no solitude, he is depressed in no extremity. The noble character has its complement in a 2 CHINESE GORDON. keen sense of humour. No matter how sombre the situation, if there be a comic side to any incident, Gordon sees it and enjoys it. That he has lived through strain so intense, and toil so arduous, is probably due to the never-failing fountain of blitheness that wells up in his nature. He must be richly endowed with the rare gift of personal magnetism. Without that men have attained to greatness : but never with the scantiness of means at command, that has thrown Gordon back mainly on the resources of his own personality ; nor ever with the scrupulousness that has been one of the most strongly marked traits of his career. This may be a plodding and prosaic age ; but no age can be so conventionalised that a man of Gordon's attributes may not find his oppor- tunities to perform achievements the lustre of which stirs the astonishment and admiration of peoples who can yet appreciate the gifts that alone render those achievements possible. Gor- don's modesty is great, but it would be un- natural and impossible that he should not feel an honest pride in the implicit confidence that leans on his ability to perform, single-handed, the seemingly impossible. This unique una- CHINESE GORDON. 3 nimity of confidence has been earned by deeds, not words ; no arts have fostered its growth ; it may be said to have come almost in spite of the man in whom it is reposed. Gordon comes of a race of soldiers. His great-grandfather belonged to "Johnny Cope's" hapless command, as an officer in Lascelles' Regiment (now the 1st Battalion Lancashire Regiment), and was taken prisoner at Preston- pans by Prince Charlie's "highland host," to find a kinsman, Sir William Gordon, of Park, fighting under the Stuart banner. He was paroled through the interposition of the Duke of Cumberland, who was his patron, and the godfather of the son of his who was the o-rand- father of " Chinese Gordon." That son natur- ally entered the army, and saw varied and plentiful service. He fought at Minorca, at the siege of Louisburg, in what was then French Canada, and on the Plains of Abraham with the gallant Wolfe. In 1773 he married a Miss Clarke, the sister of a Northumbrian clergyman. By her he had four sons, the third of whom, Henry William, born in 1786, was the father of Charles George Gordon, the sub- ject of this memoir. B 2 4 CHINESE GORDON. Henry William Gordon was a gunner, a fine soldier, a man of the most scrupulous honour, of a temperament better suited, perhaps, for command than for obedience, but a man of remarkable geniality, and possessed of an in- exhaustible fund of humour. He lived to be proud of his son, yet it has been told that so hio-h was his ideal of the character of the British officer, that he had no pleasure in learn- ing that his son had accepted the command of an alien and barbarian force, notwithstanding the honour of his selection therefor, and the brilliancy of his achievements in that position. He attained the rank of Lieutenant-General in the service in which he may be said to have been born, and in which he spent a long life. He was well mated in his wife, who had been a Miss Enderby, the daughter of a man of some- what remarkable character. A London merchant and shipowner, some vessels of his mercantile fleet are historical. Those were two of Samuel Enderby's ships, chartered by the East India Company, and laden with cargoes of tea, that lay at their moorings in Boston Harbour on that evening of 1773, when Charles Adams stood up in the Old South Church and uttered CHINESE GORDON. 5 the words, " This meeting can do nothing more to save the country ! " That same night the sham Indians boarded Enderby's ships, hauled on deck the chests of the tea that formed their cargo, broke them up and threw their contents over- board, while the approving citizens crowding the wharf listened in grim silence. When Phillip gave the signal to " the first fleet " to cast anchor in Sydney Cove, of the six transports that had carried the convicts to found the new settlement, some were ships chartered by the Government from Charles Gordon's maternal grandfather. His whalers opened up the fisheries in the Ant- arctic Ocean, among the Islands of the South Pacific, and in Japanese Waters, and made im- portant geographical discoveries while they were cruising with intent to "fill up" with oil. Gordon's mother, Mr. Hake, in his "Story of Chinese Gordon," describes as "a remarkable woman. She possessed a perfect temper ; she was always cheerful under the most trying circumstances, and she was always thoughtful of others ; she contended with difficulty without the slightest display of effort ; and she had a genius for making the best of everything. During the Crimean War her anxieties were 6 CHINESE GORDOX. interminable ; she had three sons and several near kinsmen at the front. She was perfectly equal to the strain. Her hopefulness remained unclouded ; all day long did she busy herself with the wants of others at home and in the field ; while a duty remained to be done, or a kindness to be bestowed, her sunny energy maintained her at her work." This admirable woman — worthy mother of a noble son — gave her husband eleven children, five sons and six daughters. Of the sons three entered the army, and two are living. Of these two the younger is Charles George Gordon, he who now at the age of fifty-one — he was born at Woolwich, January 28th, 1833 — is engaged in the work of the pacification of the Soudan. Of Gordon's boyhood there is little to relate. A soldier's son, he shared some at least of the paternal migrations on military duty, for we hear of his having been in the Ionian Islands when his father was in command of the artillery there. He was prepared at Taunton for the Royal Military Academy, which he entered when as yet he had not completed his fifteenth year. His health in youth gave no promise of the phenomenal endurance which later in life he CHINESE GORDOX. 7 has undergone with surprising immunity from serious illness. "He was not strong," says Mr. Hake, "and this may account for his having done nothing really noteworthy either at school or at his later examinations. In this part of his story there was always humour, and now and then there were flashes of that resolution and energy which have since shown themselves in so many ways, and to such splendid purpose. Once, for instance, during his cadetship at the Academy, he was rebuked for incompetence, and told that he would never make an officer ; whereupon he tore the epaulets from his shoulders and flung them at his superior's feet." As an instance of "resolution and energy" the anecdote proves rather too much. General Gordon has still a temper, and can " fly out " on occasion, but he is too good a soldier to justify the insubordination which it discloses, assuming the anecdote to be true. He must have worked hard at the Academy, and " incompetence " could hardly have been chargeable against a lad who came out so well as to win his appoint- ment to the Royal Engineers. To that distin- guished scientific corps he was gazetted as second lieutenant in July, 1852 ; so that he was S CHINESE GORDON. nineteen and a-half years of age when he began his military career. For two years he was at desk duty at Pem- broke, preparing the plans for the fortifications that have since been constructed about the entrance to Milford Haven. The lad must have been eating his heart as he worked with rule and pencil, while more fortunate fellows were sailing eastward to where Sevastopol frowned over the waters of the Black Sea ; but the time was coming when there should be other work than plan-making for a capable and resolute officer. He got the route for the Crimea in December, 1854, and on New Year's Day, 1855, the Golden Fleece carried him into that maritime chaos, the harbour of Balaclava. He landed in the very middle of the terrible " black winter." Everywhere prevailed misery, disease, and discontent. The great storm of the 14th November had gone far to ruin the encampments, and had shipwrecked a great fleet of vessels laden with stores that would have mitigated the rigour of the bitter winter. What of the cavalry horses Balaclava had left were dying at their picket ropes of cold and inanition. Fuel was not less cruelly scarce than CHINESE GORDON. 9 was food. On the squalor, hunger, and general wretchedness cholera had supervened, and the ranks were thinning faster than if every day had furnished a hard fought skirmish. The French were getting on with their trench work, but the English had to concentrate their attention on the too often unsuccessful effort to keep alive. So in the lull of work the young engineer officer 1 seems to have been neglected if not forgotten, and it was not until he had been landed a month that he was detailed for his first turn of service in the trenches. His duties thence- forward until the fall of Sevastopol were simply those of a junior officer of engineers, consisting mainly in the superintendence of the execution of the plans for the details of the siege opera- tions devised by the superior officers of the " scientific corps." This work entailed the most arduous and continuous labour, all but chronic exposure to hostile fire, not a little risk, when out to the front either reconnoitring for the site for a new parallel or a further advanced battery, or when engaged in laying out the " trace " with tape line and pegs, of being the recipient of an accidental bullet from our own side ; the danger also of being abandoned out in the front, because io CHINESE CORDOX. of a sudden scare in the advanced lines behind the adventurous pioneer, and of being either shot down or made prisoner by a sudden sortie. The earliest task set him, says Mr. Hake, was to effect a junction by means of rifle pits between the French and English sentries posted in advance of the trenches ; and in a letter home he describes how "after being first fired upon by the English sentries, and then by the Russian pickets, and how often f he working party and sentries under his command had bolted, he was able to carry out his first definite order on active service." The engineer service in the siege of Sevas- topol never received the recognition which it most justly merited, because of the devotion, skill, and bravery of the officers who performed it. Kinglake scarcely refers to it, and William Howard Russell does not often allude to any en- gineer officer, except that most brilliant and ill- fated officer whose career the late Col. Chesney so vividly sketched in the paper entitled " Gor- don of Gordon's Battery." The same gifted author, in another paper, takes occasion to say something of the character his Crimean service earned for that gallant officer's junior of the CHINESE GORDON. li same name. Of the latter Chesney writes : " Gordon had first seen war in the hard school of the ' black winter ' of the Crimean War. In his humble position as an engineer subaltern he had attracted the notice of his superiors, not merely by his energy and activity (for these are not, it may be asserted, uncommon characteris- tics of his class), but by an extraordinary apti- tude for war, developing itself amid the trench- work before Sevastopol in a personal knowledge of the enemy's movements such as no other officer attained. ' We used always to send him out to find what new move the Russians were making,' was the testimony given to his genius by one of the most distinguished officers he served under." It was in the acquisition of this knowledge in the course of sedulously constructing batteries that Charles Gordon spent the spring of 1855, on that bleak Crimean plateau. Russell thus speaks of the spectacle the front presented in March as the result of the labour expended on works and counter-works : — " The front of Se- vastopol, between English, French and Rus- sians, looks like a large graveyard, covered as it is with freshly-made mounds of dark earth in all i 2 CHINESE GORDON. directions." In the performance of duties in- volving so much exposure, he must have had innumerable narrow escapes. One of these, when a bullet from one of the Russian rifle-pits passed within an inch of his head, he dismisses in a letter home with the terse comment : " They (the Russians) are very good marksmen ; their bullet is large and pointed." The engineer officers were severely taxed and exceptionally exposed during the preparations for the second bombardment in April, for the fourth parallel had to be constructed within six paces of the Russian rifle-pits, and during its continuance, when an embrasure was struck and injured by the return cannonade, it devolved upon them to set an example by freely exposing themselves when repairs were being made under fire. Gor- don escaped untouched, amid the numerous casualties in the trenches, although constantly in the forefront of danger, and engaged in the resistance made to sortie after sortie from the Redan position of the Russians. In a letter home written during the bombardment he ex- presses himself with some confidence in regard to what Russell calls the "golden opportunity" for an assault not taken advantage of when the CHINESE GORDON. 13 mass of the Sevastopol garrison had been sent out to reinforce Liprandi, in anticipation of his being attacked, of which there was no intention in the allied camp. Gordon writes : " I think we might have assaulted on Monday, but the French do not seem to care about it. The garrison is 25,000, and on that day we heard afterwards that only 8,000 were in the place, as the rest had gone to repel an attack (fancied) of ours at Inkermann." From April 30, the advance of trench-work in the English front was almost at a standstill until the Mamelon, which enfiladed our advance works, should fall ; but Gordon with his comrades was unremittingly busy in preparing for the third bombardment, which unprecedentedly stupen- dous artillery duel began on June 6. Naturally Gordon was in the trenches, and he was returned among the wounded, but his injury was merely a contusion from a stone which a round shot had thrown up, and he did not allow it to dis- able him from duty. On the following day the French carried the Mamelon, and were able to hold it, but they were repulsed in their effort to storm the Malakoff, and our attempt on the Redan, which w r as led by Sir John Campbell, I 4 CHINESE GORDON. and which Gordon accompanied, fared no better. Many shared Gordon's opinion, ex- pressed in a letter written after the fall of the Mamelon : " I do not think the place can hold out for another ten days, and Sevastopol once taken, the Crimea is ours." The Russian de- fence was more stubborn than the most com- petent judges had expected; technically, Sevas- topol was never taken, and, since the Russians held the north shore till peace was signed, the Crimea was never ours. Although our people did not achieve the Redan on the day the Mamelon fell, they were successful in seizing and holding the important position of the " Quarries," in front of it ; and Gordon bore his share in the enterprise, escaping, more fortu- nate than many gallant comrades, without a scratch. Here is an extract from a letter written by his brother : — " Only a few lines to say Charlie is all right, and has escaped amidst a terrific shower of grape and shells of all de- scriptions. You may imagine the suspense I was kept in until assured of his safety. He cannot write himself, and is now fast asleep in his tent, having been in the trenches from 2 o'clock yesterday morning during the can- CHINESE GORDON. 15 nonade until seven last night, and again from 12.30 this morning until noon." The final bombardment began on September 5th ; on the 8th the French took the Malakoff, while we were unsuccessful in getting and keep- ing a firm grip on the Redan. A second assault on that position was resolved on for the following day, but it was not necessary to de- liver it. The Russians evacuated Sevastopol on the night between 8th and 9th September, and withdrew across the harbour to the north shore position. Gordon was for duty in the trenches on the morning of the 9th, and this is his account of what he saw : — " Dunne the nio-ht of the 8th I had heard terrific explosions, and going down to the trenches at four next morn- ing, I saw a splendid sight. The whole of Sevastopol was in flames, and every now and then terrible explosions took place, while the ris- ing sun shining on the place had a most beautiful effect. The Russians were leaving the town by the bridge ; all the three deckers were sunk, the steamers alone remaining. Tons and tons of powder must have been blown up. About eight o'clock I got an order to commence a plan of the works, for which purpose I went to the 6 CHINESE CORDON. Redan, where a dreadful sight was presented. The dead were buried in the ditch— the Rus- sians with the English— Mr. Wright reading the burial service over them." Gordon went on duty with the expedition to Kinburn, and participated in the reduction of that place; after which he returned to the Crimea, where he remained until the evacuation in February, 1856, engaged in the duty, so dis- tasteful to an engineer, of demolishing the de- fences, arsenal, and dockyard of the fallen stronghold. Mr. Hake quotes some letters written home by Gordon, chiefly between the third bombardment and the final stroke of good fortune. What is characteristic in these may be extracted here. Gordon clearly, and with justice, had a high respect for the soldierhood of the Russians ; and perhaps his idiosyncracy did not allow him to do adequate justice to the French. "The Russians," says he, "are brave, better I think than the French, who begin to fear them." Again, " the Russians certainly are inferior to none ; their work is stupendous, and their shell practice beautiful." And yet again, on June 15th, "the Russians are downhearted though determined ; they are much to be ad- CHINESE GORDON. 17 mired, and their officers are quite as cool as our officers under fire." He thus refers to Lord Raglan's death and character : — " Lord RaMan died of tear and wear O and general debility. He was universally re- gretted, as he was so kind. His life has been entirely spent in the service of his country. I hope he was prepared, but do not know." The last sentence indicates what ever has been uppermost in Gordon's thoughts. Writing pre- viously of the sudden end of Captain Craigie, a brother officer, he says, " I am glad to say that he was a serious man. The shell burst above him, and by what is called chance, struck him in the back, killing him at once." It is by such utterances that the reader can form for himself a better conception of the tenets of this remark- able man, than could be conveyed in pages of attempted characterisation ; a man's own words, especially when they are not intended for effect, give the truest tracing of his mental and moral lineaments. On August 3rd he writes, "We are disappointed that General Jones did not mention Brown in the attack on the Quarries." This is the espi'it de corps ; but he goes on to guard himself individually against an appetite for mili- 1 8 CHINESE GORDON. tary glory — " I, for one," he adds, " do not care about being 'lamented' after death." If he comments on neglect, it is no personal growl — " I am not ambitious," he says, "but what easily earned C.B.'s and Majorities there are in some cases ! while men who have earned them, like poor Oldfield, get nothing. I am sorry for him. He was always squabbling about his batteries with us, but he got more done by his perse- verance than any man before did." The close of the Crimean War saw Gordon's status defined among his comrades and su- periors as an officer of adequate parts and of sterling trustworthiness. He had no oppor- tunities to give earnest of his great future, but as Chesney has recorded, his "special aptitude for war" had been recognized by the men who had the best means of forming the judgment. Sir Harry Jones reported of him as an officer who had done gallant service, and indicated that he had earned promotion, if the regulations of his corps had permitted that advancement. And he was awarded the Legion of Honour, a token of distinction conferred on few officers of his rank, for as yet he was a subaltern. His promotion as first lieutenant had come to him CHINESE GORDON. 19 in February, 1855, just as he began his trench work, but he was not to get his captaincy until three years after the Crimean War had ended. By the Treaty of Paris Russia lost what she has since regained by the Treaty of Berlin in 1878, a slice of territory the possession of which carries with it a control over the lower Danube. Until 181 2 this territory had been part of the Turkish Empire, when it fell to Russia among the spoils of Kutusoff's successful campaign. By the Treaty of Bucharest Russian Bessarabia had been advanced to the Pruth, and the principality of Moldavia proportionately curtailed. Now there was to be the retrocession to Moldavia of what had been taken from it forty-five years before. A commission, consisting of English, French, Russian, and Austrian officers, was appointed to lay down the new frontier line, and the British commissioner was Major Stanton (now Sir Edward Stanton). Lieu- tenants Gordon and James, both engineers, as was their principal, were assistant commis- sioners, and their duties began in the summer of 1856. There was plenty of variety in the work. If the salt marshes bordering the Black Sea are detestable and noxious, if life about the c 2 20 CHINESE GORDON. Kilia mouth of the Danube is amphibious, and presents the added joy of mosquitoes whose size and viciousness are only to be found equalled in Manitoba, if Kischeneft", the head- quarters of the commission, was and is one of the most commonplace, sordid, and unattractive of the huee villages which in Southern Russia pass for towns ; there was life and colour and picturesqueness in the quaint semi-oriental towns of the Principality. J assy, the Moldavian capital, thirty years ago was even a quainter field for ethnological study than it is to-day. Ismail, on the Danube, still then showed in its shattered walls the print of Potemkin's furious attacks, and the not less memorable stubborn- ness of its defence. Gordon and James M rode the marches" for nearly a year, verifying or correcting the Russian maps, surveying the boundary line, and carrying despatches. We are told that Gordon, in this work, so different from that in which he had been engaged in the Crimea, enjoyed himself greatly, and took a keen interest in all that he saw. It was finished at length, after multitudinous disputes, for the Russians begrudged the surrender ; but Gordon was not free to return to England. He was CHINESE GORDON. 21 ordered instead, to transfer himself to similar work in another continent. There was a delimi- tation commission in Asia Minor as well as in Bessarabia, at the head of which Colonel Sim- mons (now Sir Lintorn Simmons) was engaged. Him Gordon was ordered to join. Gordon was home-sick, and telegraphed to solicit that another officer might be substituted. But he was a proven useful man, and the peremptory answer came back, " Lieutenant Gordon must go." In Armenia he first came into contact with wild uncivilised peoples, and learned to understand their complex yet simple nature. His duties on the commission took him to the historic places of the land so teeming with associations, and he ascended Mount Ararat. Mr. Hake writes, ''After six months spent in these regions he went back to Constantinople, to be present at a conference of the commis- sion. Here he remained longer than he had expected, to nurse his chief, who had fallen ill. This done, he was not sorry to return to England after his three years' absence. Another six months in England, and he was once more sent to Armenia as commissioner. Here he remained from the spring of 1S5S until nearly 22 CHINESE GORDON. the end of the year, employed in verifying the frontier he had taken so active a part in laying down, and in examining the new road between the Russian and Turkish dominions." After his return to England from this frontier delimitation service, Gordon had a turn of " duty soldiering " at home, in the capacity of Instructor of Fieldworks and Adjutant at Chat- ham. He attained the rank of Captain on April ist, 1859. He had then been a soldier for seven years, less two months. His age was twenty-six. CHAPTER II. CHINESE GORDON IN CHINA. Leaving England for China in July, i860, Captain Gordon did not reach the scene of our military operations there in time to participate in the capture of the Taku Forts. But Sep- tember saw him at Tientsin, whence the allied forces had already commenced (September 9) their advance on Pekin, since the Chinese Com- missioners were shuffling in the Chinese manner in regard to compliance with the conditions on which the allies were prepared to suspend hostilities and conclude peace. It was in the course of this movement, while negotiations were still proceeding, and had suddenly seemed pros- pering when indeed a basis of arrangement had been agreed to, that the representatives of the British Ambassador with their escort, while on their way back to the army from Tungchow after a not unsatisfactory conference with the 24 CHINESE GORDON. Chinese Commissioners, were beset, made pri- soners, vilely maltreated, and finally carried off to dungeons in Pekin, whence few of the party emerged alive. This outrage made further nego- tiations out of the question until satisfaction had been exacted. Lord Elgin informed the Chinese authorities that he would sign no convention with the Imperial Commissioners except within the walls of Pekin ; and the stern pronounce- ment was made good. But as the advance was now to be an avowedly hostile one, certain ad- ditional military preparations had to be made which detained the allied armies near Tunoxhow until the beginning of October. This pause gave Captain Gordon the opportunity of joining the British force which the late Sir Hope Grant so ably commanded. Pekin was reached on 6th October, and during the two following days the army confronted the north wall of the capital, with the principal concentration directed against the An-ting Gate. The allied commanders had given the Chinese authorities until noon on the 13th to surrender the gate, failing which immediate hostile action would be resorted to. The artillery and engi- neers were in possession of a temple close to the CHINESE GORDON. 25 gate, and under cover of its courtyard were busying themselves in getting the siege train ready for action. In this work Gordon partici- pated. " We were sent down," he writes, " in a great hurry to throw up works and batteries against the town, as the Chinese refused to give up the gate we required them to surrender before we would treat with them. The Chinese were given until noon, on the 13th (October) to give up the (An- ting) gate. We made a lot of batteries, and everything was ready for the as- sault of the wall, which is battlemented, and forty feet high, but of inferior masonry. At 1 1.30 p.m. (12th), however, the gate was opened, and we took possession, so our work was of no avail." It became a problem for Lord Elgin, in what manner to inflict an adequate punishment for the treacherous seizure of Parkes and his com- panions, the murders wrought on so many of the party, and the diabolical cruelty inflicted on all its members. To burn the capital would have been to punish a vast population guiltless of complicity in the outrage. Yet the penalty had to be one that would ring throughout the whole empire. The complicity of the Emperor and the Government in the treatment of the 26 CHINESE GORDON. prisoners stood proven. These had been taken in the first instance to the Yuen- Ming- Yuen, the celebrated "Summer Palace," and there had been beeun the ill-usa^e which resulted in so many deaths. The clothing of the victims had been found in the palace, and their horses in the im- perial stables. So the orders were given for the destruction of the " Summer Palace" by fire. The vast and costly bonfire was kindled on the 1 8th October, and during the whole of the next day Yuen-Ming- Yuen was still burning ; the clouds of smoke, driven by the wind, hung like a vast pall over Pekin. Next day Prince Yung intimated absolute submission to all the demands of the allies, and four days later a treaty was signed with much pomp in the Hall of Ceremo- nies, around which bristled British bayonets in the very heart of the Imperial City. At this scene Gordon was not present, " as all officers commanding companies were obliged to remain in camp, owing to the ill-teatment the prisoners experienced at the Summer Palace." The men were vicious, and needed controlling from exact- ing revenge. But he saw, and deplores, the destruction of the "Summer Palace." He writes : — " We went out, and after pillaging it, CHINESE GORDON. 27 burned the whole place, destroying in a vandal- like manner most valuable property, which could not be replaced for four millions. We got up- wards of ^48 a piece as prize money ; and although I have not had as much as many, I have done well. Imagine D giving 16s. for a string of pearls, which he sold the next day for ^500 ! You can scarcely imagine the beauty and magnificence of the places we burned. It made one's heart sore to burn them ; in fact, those palaces" — there was a great imperial set- tlement, upwards of 200 buildings, and the grounds covered an area of eight by ten miles in extent—" were so large, and we were so pressed for time, that we could not plunder them carefully. Quantities of gold ornaments were burned, considered as brass. It was wretchedly demoralising work for an army. Everybody was wild for plunder. . . You would scarcely conceive the magnificence of this resi- dence, or the tremendous devastation the French have committed. The throne and room were lined with ebony, carved in a marvellous way. There were huge mirrors of all shapes and kinds, clocks, watches, musical boxes with pup- pets on them, magnificent china of every de- 28 CHINESE GORDON. scription, heaps and heaps of silks of all colours, embroidery, and as much splendour and civiliza- tion as you would see at Windsor ; carved ivory screens, coral screens, large amounts of treasure, &c. The French have smashed everything in the most wanton way. It was a scene of utter destruction, which passes my description." Gordon accompanied Sir Hope Grant's force on its retirement to Tientsin in November, where it went into winter quarters. Head- quarters moved from the Peiho in the following year, but a detachment of British troops was left, and Gordon remained at Tientsin until the spring of 1862, in the capacity of officer com- manding the Royal Engineers. From Tien- tsin during this period of comparative quiet, he made numerous journeys into the surrounding country, and in one of those rides he and his companion, Lieutenant Cardew, were able to accomplish the enterprise of exploring a con- siderable section of the " Great Wall of China." It was an adventurous journey, for they pene- trated into districts where no " Foreien Devil " had been before them, and on one occasion they had to ride for their lives. Their servant and interpreter was a Chinese lad who knew some CHINESE GORDON. 29 " pigeon " English, and their baggage was car- ried in a couple of carts. At Kalgan they found the wall, with its parapet, twenty-two feet high, and sixteen broad, the faces of huge bricks, and the interior filled with rubble. From Kalgan they followed the lines of the wall west to Taitung, where the wall was not so high, and where they saw the camel cara- vans, laden with "brick tea," on the route to Siberia. Fetching a wide south-westerly cir- cuit in exploration of the line of the inner wall, and looking for a road eastward through the mountains flanking the Peiho basin on the north, they ultimately struck the thorough- fare at Taiyuen. Here they got into trouble for the first and only time. Dr. Birkbeck Hill tells the story. " When their bill was brought them for their night's lodgings they found the charge enormous. Seeing that a dispute would arise, they sent on their carts, and waited at the inn till thev felt sure these had srot well on their way. Then they offered what they thought was a reasonable sum. It was re- fused. They tried to mount their horses, but the people of the inn stopped them. Captain Gordon took out his revolver, for show more 3 o CHINESE GORDON. than for use, for he allowed them to take it from him. Then he said, ' Let us go to the Mandarin.' To this they agreed, and gave him back his revolver. They all walked toward the Mandarin's house— the two Englishmen along- side their horses. On the way Captain Gor- don said to his companion, ' Are you ready to mount?' 'Yes,' answered Cardew ; so they mounted quietly, and went on with the people. When they reached the Mandarin's they turned their horses, and scampered after their carts as fast as they could. The people yelled and rushed after them, but it was too late." So, in cold so intense that " raw eggs were frozen hard as if they had been boiled," they crossed the mountains, and, after sundry vicissitudes, finally reached Tientsin more than fourteen days after their leave had expired. This journey, which occupied two months, was made in the winter 1 86 1-2, and in May of the latter year Gordon, with some infantry details, was ordered to Shanghai, in the vicinity of which the Tai-ping rebels were becoming so aggressive that it was considered requisite by Sir Charles Staveley, who now commanded the English forces in China, to operate against CHINESE GORDON. 31 them. Gordon now found himself in that Kiangnan district which was later the scene of his wonderful exploits at the head of the " Ever Victorious Army." It is impossible, in the narrow limits of this work, to give a detailed narrative of the origin and progress of that strange uprising the Tai-ping Rebellion. It had been raging with varied fortune for twelve years when Gordon was appointed to the task of confronting and quelling it, and there are few histories covering so short a space of time, that are fuller charged with sensational incident. A brief summary, nevertheless, is absolutely essen- tial to the understanding of the events that occurred in the fourteen final months during which Gordon hammered at the Rebellion until he broke it. Between "the Heavenly King" of the Tai- ping Rebellion, and "the Mahdi" of the Sou- dan, there is a certain analogy which probably has occurred to Gordon lone before now. Both are of the people. Hung Sew-tsuen was " a poor youth of a rude, despised race ; " Mo- hammed Ahmed is the son of a Doncrola car- penter. Both professed, and perhaps felt reli- gious enthusiasm ; both certainly made a 32 CHINESE GORDON. weapon of the religious enthusiasm with which they were able to inspire masses. The charac- ter of neither displays personal heroism ; both schemed and allowed others to fight their battles. Both characters are full of personal licentiousness and ruthless cruelty ; the Mahdi's " indiscriminate executions " in Obeid, and his eighteen wives, find some parallel in the Heavenly King's " exterminating decrees," and his harem indulgences in Nanking. It has befallen Charles Gordon to cope with both. Will their fates be similar ? We know how the " Heavenly King " came by his end ; will the career of the Mahdi parallel his down to its violent close ? In the earlier days of China, Hung Sew-tsuen might not even have expanded into a " village Hampden," but might have grumbled his life through as a peasant lad of the Hakkas, the rude hill race to which he belonged — the " Strangers " — who are regarded by the "Punti" or " In-dwellers " of the Kwangtung province, much, as Dr. Wilson expressively puts it, "as the Irish of Liverpool are by the English workmen of that city." Perhaps if he had passed his examination at Canton he might CHINESE GORDON, 33 have merged into an official, and the Tai-ping Rebellion had never been. But he failed ; all the conditions of his life soured him ; and he began to think. The "Opium War" of 1841-2 had shaken the internal prestige of the Imperial Government, and a bold young fellow like this soured Hakka might even dare to sneer at the emblem of omnipotence in the person of a Mandarin. He would find around him in his clan people who had been carrying arms during the war, and had gained some glimmering notion of the might of the sword. There was a stirring of the dry bones of the Chinese Empire, and this young schoolmaster was first the creature and then the compeller of the movement. He invented a religion — from Mahomet to Te Whiti, that has been the grand leverage to move races, — and into the mosaic of which this new religion of his was composed, he worked a grim and distorted caricature of Christianity. He had possessed himself of the material he used in this way by having, in 184;, sat at the feet of an uneducated American mis- sionary whom he found working in Canton. He turned this* simple man inside out, and took away of the product just what suited himself, 34 CHINESE GORDON. Dr. Wilson holds this undoubtedly remarkable Hakka man to have been far from a mere cunning impostor. "To the grossly super- stitious Hakka, and to the ardent student of the more ancient Chinese classics, there was now added," he writes, " a third person, so to speak, imbued with certain Hebrew and Chris- tian beliefs. It is a proof of the extraordinary power of this man's mind, and the depth of his convictions, that he could blend these three individuals so completely into one under the transmuting belief in his own mission. These results were far above the power of a mere cunning impostor. From the hour when Hung arose from his sick bed, after his first forty days' trance, and, poor and nameless, proclaimed his ovation by fixing on his door-post the proclama- tion, ' The noble principles qf the Heavenly King, the Sovereign King Tsuen,' and through success and defeat and imperial opposition, up to the hour of his death in Nanking, he seems never to have wavered or abated one jot of his claim to supreme rule on earth." Most of us now, it may be supposed, are rather inclined to take Chesney's view that Hung was an able, astute, and keen-sighted impostor. Since in the CHINESE GORDOX. 35 jargon of his pretended visions there were some traces of his New Testament study, he had the singular fortune — this being of blood and lust — to find sympathy among good and fervent people here in England, who were fain to recognise in him a man who had put his hand to the enterprise of evangelising the East. The controversy is long dead and forgotten ; there may be said that there is prima facie evidence that Gordon regarded the Heavenly King as an impostor, in virtue of his acceptance of the conduct of operations against him. The Hakka schoolmaster proclaimed his "mission'" in 1850. A vast horde gathered to him. He nominated five "Wangs" or soldier sub-kings from out his clan, and commenced his northward movement from Woosewen in January, 1851. Through the rich prosperous provinces his desultory march, interspersed with frequent halts, spread destruction and desolation. The peaceful fled shudderingly before this wave of fierce stalwart ruffianhood, with its tatterdemalian tawdriness, its flaunting banners, its rusty naked weapons. Everywhere it gathered in the local scoundrelism. The pirates came from the coast ; the robbers from i) 2 36 CHIXESE QORDON. the interior mountains rallied to an enterprise that promised so well for their trade. In the perturbed state of the Chinese population the horde grew like an avalanche as it rolled along. The Heavenly King met with no opposition to speak of, and in 1853 his promenade ended under the shadow of the Porcelain Tower, in the city of Nanking, the second metropolis of the Chinese Empire, where till the rebellion and his life ended simultaneously he lived a life of licentious- ness, darkened further by the grossest cruelties. The rebellion had lasted nearly ten years when the fates brought it into collision with the armed civilization of the West. The Imperialist forces had made sluggishly some head against it. Nanking had been invested after a fashion for years on end. " The prospects of the Tai- pings," says Commander Brine, " in the early spring of i860 had become very gloomy/' The Imperialist generals had hemmed Tai-pingdom within certain limits in the lower valley of the Yantsze, and the movement languished further " from its destructive and exhausting nature, which for continued vitality constantly required new districts of country to exhaust and destroy." But in 1859 China and the West came into CHINESE GORDON 37 collision. Admiral Hope failed to force the pas- sage of the Peiho. The Imperial Government knew something by this time of the British charac- ter, and knowing what was before it, concentrated much of its attention in strengthening further the defences of that river. The subjugation of the Tai-pings ceased to be a prime object, and the rebellion had opportunity to recover lost ground. For the sixth time the " Faithful King" relieved Nanking. The Imperialist gene- rals fell back, and then the Tai-pings took the offensive, and as the result of sundry victories, the rebellion regained an active and flourishinof condition. In i860 the Faithful Kino- W as free to march into the rich district of Yiangnan, the chief city of which, Soochow, he entered almost without opposition. Shanghai, one of the treaty ports, was threatened, but there was in Shanghai a force of allied English and French troops, who when the Tai-pings attempted the place drove them back with heavy loss. The Kiangnan district continued to be held by large Tai-ping forces, but in the beginning of 1 86 1 Admiral Mope, in the course of a voyage up the Yangtsze, visited Nanking, and there entered into an arrangement with the Heavenly 2c 3 8 CHINESE GORDON. King who held his court there, that the river trade was not to be interfered with nor Shanghai to be molested by the Tai-ping forces, for the space of one year. This convention was kept; but in the face of warnings from the Admiral, the Heavenly King ordered his general, imme- diately on its expiry, to move on Shanghai. The Faithful King advanced from Soochow in the early part of 1862, proclaiming, "We must take Shanghai to complete our dominions," and heralding his advent by the smoke of burning villages. Now for the first time did the allies take the field against the Tai-pings ; and this solely to secure the safety of Shanghai. Sir Charles Stavelev, who had succeeded to the command of the British forces, considered that this could best be effected by maintaining around that city a clear radius of thirty miles. At first the allied forces which he commanded, in conjunction with the Imperialist levies, had fair success, but reverses occurred, and until the Faithful King was summoned by his master to Nanking, the Tai-pings held and laid waste the country up to the city walls. It was to assist in the operations Staveley was engaging in that Captain Gordon was CHINESE GORDON. 39 summoned from the Peiho to Shanghai, in May, 1862. He was Commanding Engineer, and had a prominent position in the conduct of affairs. He was in command at the storm of Singpoo, and in October of the same year he was with the force which cleared the rebels out of Kading, one of the places Staveley had aban- doned in the earlier part of the year. One of his letters about this time makes reference to the Tai-ping character. " We had a visit," says he, " from the marauding Tai-pings the other day. They came close down in small parties to the settlement, and burnt several houses, driving in thousands of inhabitants. We went against them and drove them away, but did not kill many. They beat us into fits in getting over the country, which is intersected in every way with ditches, swamps, &c You can scarcely conceive the crowd of peasants who come into Shanghai when the rebels are in the neighbourhood — upwards of 15,000 I should think, and of every size and age — many strap- ping fellows who could easily defend themselves come running in with old women and children. .... The people on the confines are suffering greatly, and are in fact dying of starvation. It 4o CHINESE CORDON. is most sad, this state of affairs, and our Govern- ment really ought to put the rebellion down. Words could not depict the horrors these people suffer from the rebels, or describe the utter deserts they have made of this rich province." When the Faithful King's withdrawal gave comparative: and temporary peace to the region around Shanghai, Gordon was engaged on the survey of the thirty miles radius around that city, and the conversance he thus gained of the complicated amphibious country, was to stand him in valuable stead a little later. " I have been now," he writes, " in every town and village in the thirty mile radius The country is the same everywhere, a dead flat with innumerable creeks and bad pathways." Uhornme propose — Gordon believed that it was all over ; " the people," he continues, " have now settled down quiet again, and I do not anticipate the rebels will ever come back ; they are rapidly on the decline, and two years ought to bring about the utter suppression of the revolt." The revolt was suppressed, it is true, in less than two years, but when Gordon wrote the last sentence, he certainly had no notion that there could be so venomous a sting in its tail. CHINESE GORDON. \\ When, in i860, Shanghai was threatened by the Tai-ping forces that had pervaded and con- quered the district of Kiangnan, a number of wealthy merchants of that commercial city de- termined to subscribe funds for the establish- ment of a foreign force for the purpose of checking the enterprising enemy. A couple of Americans, whose names were Ward and Burge- vine, were engaged to recruit and organise this force, of which Ward was to have the command. Ward was an adventurer and a seaman ; but he had useful military instincts, he was a man of great personal bravery, and his character com- manded respect. He and his followers did a good deal of hard fighting, with chequered fortunes, between i860 and 1862. W r ard had been filling his ranks by disciplining Chinese, and the force he commanded fought so well in the operations of the early part of the latter year, in co-operation with the allied troops of the Shanghai crarrison, that it becran to be known by the title of the " Ever Victorious Army " — a title that soon was to become so familiar to the world. Later a detachment of the " False Foreign Devils," as Ward's soldiers were called by the Tai-pings, because, although Chinese, he 4 2 CHINESE GORDON. dressed them in European clothes, sustained a serious reverse at Singpoo, and Colonel For- rester, its commander, was made a prisoner. Ward participated with part of his force in the operations conducted by Captain Roderick Dew, R.N., against the Tai-pings in the vicinity of Ningpo, in the region south of Hangchow Bay, and was killed by a chance ball during the escalade of the town of Tseki. Dr. Wilson says of him : " So passed away a man who, as the originator of the idea of disciplining the Chinese, had done good service. Surmounting all difficulties, Ward had gained a strange as- cendancy over Europeans, as well as Chinese, by his cool and daring courage. Ever foremost in fight, he was honourably scarred ; but his ambition was boundless ; and perhaps it was well for the Imperial Government of China that he was removed at this stage of the Rebellion, and that his work was left to be completed by one who, though his equal in courage and in coolness, far surpassed him in all the higher qualities of a soldier." Soon after his death, his force went back to Shanghai, Captain Dew not sorry to end the connection, for Ward's men robbed and " squeezed" with great industry. CHINESE GORDO. \. 43 Ward's second in command, Colonel For- rester, declined to succeed him in the command of the " Ever Victorious Army," and the posi- tion fell to Burgevine, a more unscrupulous soldier of fortune than had been his prede- cessor. He soon came to loggerheads with Li- Hung-Chang, the Imperialist Governor- General of the Kiang provinces — " Governor Li;" as he was known in England in those days. The quarrel was intensified by a variety of circum- stances, and in January, 1863, Burgevine was dismissed. Li begged Sir Charles Staveley to appoint a British officer to the vacant command. Staveley entertained the request, but had to refer to the Home Government for sanction thus to dispose of the services of a British officer. He recommended Gordon for the appointment. Gordon was engaged in the survey work of which mention has already been made, and Mr. Hake says that he asked permission to be allowed to finish that duty before entering on the command offered him, on the ground that the completed survey would be of great service to him in the subsequent military operations he would have to undertake. To this request General Staveley acceded, and 44 CHINESE GORDON. meanwhile the temporary command of the " Ever Victorious Army" was given to Captain Holland, R.M., General Staveley's Chief of Staff. That officer strove to utilise his oppor- tunity by making an attack, in conjunction with an Imperialist brigade, upon the town of Tait- san, held by the Tai-pings, but suffered a de- feat, with the loss of some guns and many officers and men. Xo more successful was Major Brennan's expedition against Fushan, and the prestige of the " Ever Vi ctoriou s Army " was at a serious discount, when sanc- tion reached General Staveley to entrust a British officer with its permanent command. Gordon — by this time Major Gordon, for he had received his brevet for his services of the previous year — was summoned from his survey work, and the "Ever Victorious Army" had now a chief under whom it was to make go<"! its title to that appellation. Gordon had just turned thirty — a young man, truly, for a task so arduous. But men of his stamp are not to be judged by their years. The art of war, perhaps more than any other art, demands experience in its successful practi- tioners. But sometimes, although rarely, sol- CHINESE .GORDON. 45 diers move to the front in whom an innate genius for war dispenses with the tuition of experience. Sheridan, when he sent Early " whirling up the Shenandoah Valley," had not Gordon's years when the latter took the com- mand of the "Ever Victorious Army." Ranald Mackenzie at twenty- one, was pronounced by General Grant the finest Cavalry- Division Com- mander of the Union Armies. Skobeleff had conquered Khokand before he reached eight- and-twentv. To cite a more illustrious ex- ample, Napoleon was but twenty-seven when he carried the Bridge of Lodi. Gordon was in the prime of mental and physical vigour. He had been a constant student of the art military ; his nature was at once enterprising and cau- tious ; he seemed to control his fellowmen by an intuitive influence ; and the buoyancy of his temperament sustained him in every situation. In what spirit he accepted the onerous task, an excerpt from a home letter will show, written in March, 1863. v^I have taken the step on consideration. I think that any one who con- tributes to putting clown this rebellion fulfils a humane task, and, I also think, tends a great deal to open China to civilisation. I will not 46 CHINESE GORDON. act rashly, and I trust soon to be able to return to England. ... I can say that if I had not accepted the command I believe the force would have broken up, and the rebellion gone on in its misery for years. I trust this will not now be the case. ... I think I am doing a good service." Something must be told of the constitution of the army whose command he took over in its headquarters at Sung-kiang. Its strength varied, while lie had it, from 3,000 to 5,000 men, under about 150 officers. When he took it over, the private soldiers were mostly locally recruited, and were inferior to the Tai-pings both in physique and courage ; but Gordon almost at once began the practice of enlisting picked men from out the captured rebels, who, having: been accustomed to hard work and no pay, found the new service an elysium, and who, taken to-day, had no objection to go into action against their late comrades to-morrow. The pay was good, and fairly regular, and the force was rationed, besides, when in the held. Discipline was as firm as might be, but there was little crime, and therefore few punishments. The infantry armament consisted of smooth-bore CHINESE GORDOX. 47 English muskets, but one regiment had rifles, and three hundred Enfields were distributed to marksmen. " Every regiment," writes an ex-of- ficer of the force, "could go through the manual and platoon and bayonet exercises to English words of command with a smartness and pre- cision to which not many volunteer regiments can attain ; could manoeuvre very fairly in com- panies or as a battalion, and each regiment had been put through a regular course of musketry instruction, the scores and returns being satis- factorily kept, and the good shots rewarded." But this must have held good only of the ori- ginal levies. The artillery arm was exception- ally strong ; there were in all 52 pieces, most of large calibre, but nearly all mounted on travel- ling carriages. The building of batteries against fortified places was not resorted to, but the gunners were covered from musket and gingall fire by large wooden mantlets. There was a pontoon train for the larger rivers, and the force carried planks for bridging the creeks wherewith the country was intersected. The non-commissioned officers were all Chinese, selected from the ranks ; but the com- missioned officers were exclusively foreigners, 4 8 CHINESE GORDON. and a most miscellaneous lot they were — as varied in origin as the officers of the Begum Sumroo's army, whose tombstones at Sirdhana record almost every European nationality. Americans were in the majority, but there were Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Italians, Poles, and Greeks. Some were ex- mates of merchant ships, some old soldiers (rankers) of good character, some adventurers and refugees of no character at all. In one month, eleven officers died of delirium tremens. " There was no picking and choosing "■ — wrote one who had been in the force — " the general was too glad to get any foreigners to fill up vacancies, and the result, especially in garrison, was deplorable. They fought well, and led their men well, however, and that, after all, was the chief requisite." Chesney thus speaks of them — "Among them were avowed sympa- thisers with the rebels, and avowed defiers of Chinese law ; but all classes soon learnt to re- spect a general in whose kindness, valour, skill, and justice they found cause unhesitatingly to confide ; who never spared himself personal exposure when personal danger was near ; and beneath whose firm touch sank into insio-nifi- CHINESE GORDON. 49 cance the furious quarrels and personal jealou- sies which had hitherto marred the usefulness of the force. " Something must be told of the geography and character of the region in which Gordon led his army to thirty-three engagements in less than two years. The theatre of his operations was the district of Kiangnan, lying between the lower portion of the Yantsze's course, its northern boundary, and the deep, narrow bay of Hangchow on the south. The width of the blunt peninsula so formed, from Nanking on the Yantsze, the Heavenly King's residence, to Hangchow, at the head of the bay of the same name, is about 1 50 miles ; its length from a line drawn between these two places to where the ocean bounds it, is about 200. Some twenty- five miles inland from its extreme eastern apex, on one of the innumerable creeks which thread the region, lies the great treaty port of Shang- hai. Densely peopled, thickly studded with villages and towns, intersected in every direc- tion by rivers, creeks, and canals, Kiangnan, save for a few low isolated hills, is a dead level teeming with fertility, never more than a few feet above sea level, and occasionally actually 5o CHINESE GORDON. below that. Look across any portion of this vast plain, and boats, with mat sails spread, seem to be moving in every direction over the land. In warfare in such a country, — a vast network of canals and towpaths, where there are absolutely no roads, where wheeled vehicles are never used, and where the bridges still remaining were scarce and precarious, Gordon's survey experiences were of incalculable use. It was an immense advantage to know what canals were still navigable, which choked with weeds ; where the ground would bear artillery, and where it was impassable swamp. "He knew," writes one of his officers, "every feature of the country better than any other person, native or foreigner, better even than the rebels who had been in partial possession for years." And he strengthened his hand by the formation and use of a flotilla of armed steamers and gunboats, which in that water-intersected country, served both to cover and flank all his movements, and also by swiftly transferring the force from one point to another, to multiply it to the enemy's imagination. An Imperialist army co-operated with the force Gordon commanded, and his coadjutor- CHINESE GORDON. 51 general was a Mandarin named Li Adong, a man whom he regarded as well fitted for his position and likely to be of great service. But Gordon, on assuming- command of the " Ever Victorious Army," distinctly stipulated, and it was definitely arranged, that the discipline of that force and the appointment of its officers should be wholly vested in himself, and that the Chinese generals should have no power to hamper his movements. The Imperialist Gover- nor-General was a shrewd, clear-headed man, who discerned what manner of man was this young officer of Engineers. He generally gave him full liberty of independent action ; he was mostly ready with support when it was asked for, and save in one instance he behaved to- wards Gordon with a confidence and loyalty which were rare in a Chinaman. It was on March 25th, 1863, that Major Gordon reached Sung-kiang and took over the command of the " Ever Victorious Army " — then not quite in accord with its title, from Captain Holland. His staff consisted of Cap- tain Stack, 67th Foot, as his chief of staff; Ensign Stevens, 99th Regiment, Adjutant- General ; Mr. Cooksley (of the Commissariat E 2 5 2 CHINESE GORDON. Service), Quartermaster-General ; Lieutenant Ward, R.A., commanding Field Artillery; and Dr. Moffit, 67th Regiment, as P. M. O. He had to establish his position at the outset, for the force favoured Burgevine, but his tact car- ried him through this initial trouble. He con- vened the officers and noncommissioned officers, had some talk with them, and all was well for the time. Then he busied himself with swift prepara- tions for the immediate and energetic offensive, as being sure to prove the best defensive. He might have entered on deliberate and connected operations in co-operation with the Chinese troops. He might have contented himself with covering Shanghai, and perhaps nibbling the Tai-pings gradually out of the thirty miles radius round that place. But these were not tactics that recommended themselves to a man of Gordon's nature. He resolved on a quick sudden blow at a distant point, at once to con- fuse the enemy, to brace the despondent Im- perialists, give heart and cohesion to his fol- lowers, and inspire them with confidence in their new chief. Where should he strike first ? CHINESE GORDON. 53 Seventy miles north-west of Shanghai, on the southern shore of the Yantsze estuary, is situated the town of Fushan, a pirate den, which the Tai-pings now held in some force, and had repulsed an attempt made to reduce it a short time before. Ten miles inland, but shut in by Fushan from access to the river, the town of Chanzu was holding out, lest worse things should befall the beleaguered garrison. For originally the commandant and soldiers of it had been themselves Tai-pings, but had declared for the Imperialist cause, and for the renegades to surrender would probably have been death. But the Faithful King, who was besieging Chanzu, had offered terms to the soldiers of its garrison if they would rat back again to the Tai-ping side ; and the com- mandant, who no doubt felt his own head rather loose on his shoulders in the event of a surrender, had to take off the heads of a con- siderable number of his soldiers to discourage the others from accepting the Faithful King's overtures. On the enterprise of relieving Chanzu, Gordon, a few days after his assumption of command, was on his way from Sung-kiang, 54 CHINESE GORDON. with two steamer-loads of his infantry and adequate artillery. Landing without opposi- tion, under cover of an Imperialist force lying entrenched near Fushan, he moved directly on that place. He planted his guns under cover of night, breached the defences next morning (April 14), after a three hours' bombardment ; and the defenders did not wait to receive the assault, but evacuated the place. Receiving reinforcements from the direction of Chanzu, they made a partial rally, but next morning had abandoned all their positions, and were in full retreat on Soochow. Fushan, Gordon's first coup, was won at the cost of but two killed and six wounded, but one of the former was an English captain, named Belcher. Gordon promptly marched to the relief of Chanzu, passing on the way the corpses of thirty-five Imperialist soldiers, first partially burnt, and then crucified ; a spectacle which testified that the tenacity of the Chanzu Governor had been a wise discretion. The Tai-ping retreat had opened the place, aud the population received their deliverer with rejoicing. The Mandarins gave Gordon and his officers a state reception, and he has recorded his impressions of the CHINESE GORDON. 55 ci-devant rebel officers : — " I saw," says he, " the young rebel chiefs who had come over ; they are very intelligent and splendidly dressed, with big pearls in their caps. The head man is about thirty-five years old ; he looked worn to a thread with anxiety. He was so very glad to see me, and chin-chinned most vio- lently, regretting his inability to give me a present, which I told him was not the custom with us people/' Having executed his purpose thus brilliantly, and leaving 300 of his men in garrison at Fushan, he returned to his headquarters at Sunof-kiano- and devoted himself for the moment to improve the condition and dis- cipline of his force, and prepare himself for a vigorous campaign. Burgevine had been in- triguing up at Pekin ; but Governor Li settled his pretensions in a report to his official supe- rior, an extract from which deserves quotation. "As the people and the place are charmed with him (Gordon), as he has already given me returns of the organisation of the force, the formation of each regiment, and the expenses ; as he wishes to drill our troops and save our money; as it is evident that he fully comprehends 56 CHINESE GORDON. the state of affairs ; and as in the expedition he is preparing his men delightedly obey him and preserve the proper order ; I cannot there- fore remove him without due cause." The expedition he was now preparing was a campaign which was to restore Kiangnan to the Imperial arms, and by breaking the neck of the rebellion, lead to the general pacification of China. Gordon's plans and preparations were soon made, and already, before the close of April, he had commenced operations. The natural capital and central point of the theatre of the war was the great city of Soochow, which the Tai-pings had held ever since May, 1S60. To regain it for the Imperial power may well be supposed to have been the keynote to Gordon's scheme of operations. But there offered a judicious alternative to a direct advance. About thirty-five miles north from Shanghai lies the walled town of Taitsan, held by the Tai-pings, and connected with Soochow by a main road running westward from Taitsan to Soochow, threading on its course, about midway, the im- portant town of Ouinsan. A chcval as it was on the line of communications between Taitsan CHINESE GORDON. 57 and Soochow, Ouinsan was obviously a place of immense strategical significance ; and further, it was the arsenal of the Tai-pings, where they had established a shot factory under some vagabond Englishmen. Ouinsan, then, was Gordon's im- mediate objective. He was moving on that place, when he had suddenly to divert his force on Taitsan to inflict exemplary retribution for an act of the basest treachery. The Tai-ping commander of Taitsan had made proposals of surrender to Governor Li. These may have been simply a snare, or there may have been some reality originally in them, for Gordon's work at Fusan might well have intimidated the Taitsan commander. Anyhow, negotiations had gone on, and an Imperialist column was sent up by agreement to occupy the place. Presents had been interchanged, and the day had been fixed for the surrender. On that day a large detachment of the Imperialist force was actually admitted, when, at a signal, the gate was closed, and the detachment was treacherously attacked and seized. Three hundred were decapitated, and the heads sent to Soochow and Ouinsan as an evidence of the smartness and fidelity of the Taitsan commander. 58 CHINESE GORDON. Gordon put aside his project of striking at Ouinsan, and moved on Taitsan with all speed, undeterred by the arduous character of the new enterprise. For Taitsan had a garrison of 10,000 men, 2,000 of whom were picked braves. The place was well found in artillery, and the gun detachments were officered by several Eng- lish, French, and American adventurers in the Tai-ping employment. Coming upon the place from the south, he worked round to its west, keeping out of gunshot from the walls, and capturing some outworks that had covered the Ouinsan road, cut off the communication in that direction. His heavy guns, with their mantlet protection, were pushed forward, and opened fire on the walls. On the second day of the bombardment, May 2nd, a practicable breach was achieved by their fire. A regiment had been moved toward the North Gate, at once to stop the retreat of the garrison, and to cover the left flank of the attacking force. The moat was bridged, and the stormers crossed to the assaults under the command of Captain Ban- ning. But the Tai-pings, full of fight, manned the breach, engaged hand to hand with the as- sailants, and drove them back. Gordon, fol- CHINESE CORDON. 59 lowing the tactics of Grahame at San Sebastian, caused his artillery to play over the stormers' heads, and so cleared the breach. The forlorn hope again attacked, this time crowned the breach, and the colours of the victorious regi- ment waved from the top of the wall. The Tai-pings broke and fled in every direction, trampling each other to death in their eagerness to escape. Seven hundred Chinese prisoners, were made, and enlisted into the ranks of the Ever Victorious Army ; the foreign mercenaries received scant mercy, and seven of them were killed. The loss of Gordon's force in the capture of Taitsan was not inconsiderable. Captain Banning and twenty men were killed ; seven of his officers and 142 privates were wounded. A clamour raised that Gordon's army had been guilty of inhuman conduct, indeed of the " most refined cruelty," was refuted by him ; and rebutted even more conclusively by General Brown, the officer in command of the British troops about Shanghai, who testified that the execution of seven Tai-pings — the circumstances of which formed the burden of the charge — was carried out by an independent Imperialist force lying six miles distant from Taitsan. 60 CHINESE GORDON. Gordon writes of the reduction of Taitsan : " I attacked the two large stockades in one day and the town on the next. The rebels made a good fight, but it was no use, and the place fell. .... Its capture opens out a large tract of country, and the Chinese generals were de- lighted, and have said all manner of civil things about the force. I am now a Tsung Ping Mandarin (which is the second highest grade), and have acquired a good deal of influence. I do not care about that overmuch. I am quite sure I was right in taking over the command, as you would say, if you saw the ruthless character of the rebels." There had been plundering at Taitsan, and some consequent demoralisation of the " Ever Victorious Army ; " so Gordon took it back to Sung-kiang for reorganization. ; Some of the officers displayed a marked distaste for discip- line, and Gordon was able to replace the most disaffected by non-commissioned officers and privates from the British regiments in Shang- hai, whom General Brown had allowed to volunteer. But he was never quite free from the trouble of indiscipline among his officers. Near the end of May he prepared to move on CHINESE CORD OX. 61 Quinsan a second time. He found occasion to promote his Commissary- General, Cooksley, to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, so that he might have the right to exercise command over the majors who commanded the regiments. The latter took umbrage at this promotion, and claimed for themselves equal rank and pay. This refused, they sent in their resignations, with the anomalous demand that these should be at once accepted, but that they should be allowed to serve on the impending expedition. Gordon accepted their resignations, refusing the rider ; but he was marching out next morn- ing ! When the " fall in " sounded, only his own body-guard obeyed ; and the officers who had been appointed in room of the majors re- ported that the men would not move. Finally the majors accepted the situation, and the force, consisting of 600 artillery and 2,300 infantry, marched on Ouinsan, in assisting to assail which an Imperialist force under General Ching, was to co-operate. The key to all future operations against Soochow, recon- naissances and reports proved Ouinsan to be in itself strong. The ditch around it was over 100 feet wide ; the approaches were 62 CHINESE CORDON. furnished with forts inside stockades ; the gar- rison was estimated at from 12,000 to 15,000 men. How was it to be assailed ? General Chine was anxious that the attack should be on the eastern side, that looking toward Tait- san. But Gordon's military insight guided him to another method. In the issue, he virtually took this great city with a little river steamboat. It was an extraordinary exploit, and, if the de- scription of it appeared in a novel, the writer might be complimented on his inventive faculty, but desired, another time, to adhere somewhat closer to possibility. Gordon discovered that the only land com- munication between Ouinsan and Soochow was by a single causeway, narrow in places, flanked all the way by a canal, and that canal acces- sible to his flotilla approaching it by a creek from the south. By seizing this causeway he would cut the communication between the two cities, and so the reinforcement of the Ouinsan garrison from as well as its retreat to Soochow being hindered, he might deal with it presently as circumstances should surest. On board the " Hyson" he started on this romantic expe- dition, with a flotilla of sailing gunboats, which CHINESE GORDON. 63 carried, too, a picked but small infantry bat- talion armed with rifles. The " Hyson," which mounted a 32-pounder gun, and a 12-pound howitzer, was commanded by a rugged but valiant American skipper named Davidson, and craft and skipper had already made their names. She had the reputation of being amphibi- ous — able to drive over the bed of a creek on her paddle-wheels, when there was not water enough to float her ; he, man enough to fight the "Hyson" as if she had been a puissant ironclad. Chunye, about eight miles west from Ouinsan, was the point at which Gordon's flotilla approached the causeway. The ap- proach was protected by piles, which had to be pulled up, and by stockades on the land about the causeway, within which was a strong stone fort. This position he did not need to assault. A panic seized the defenders, and they bolted, a part running in upon Ouinsan, the rest making along the causeway westward for Soochow. The troops were landed to occupy a position so important and so fortu- nately acquired, and the "Hyson" made a reconnaissance along the canal toward Soo- chow, her fire sweeping from the adjacent cause- 64 CHIXESE GORDOX. way and from the canal banks, alike detachments on the march and those holding intermediate stockaded positions. The little craft pushed to within sight of Soochow, went about, and returned toward Chunye. She was only just in time. A desperate fight was raging in the darkness on the causeway and its vicinity. The garrison of Quinsan, scared by the tidings the fugitives had brought in, and, since Gordon had beset the town on the three other sides with his own and Imperialist troops, in a panic lest their means of retreat should utterly fail them, had sallied out under cover of darkness, and were heading along the causeway in the direction of Soochow, when they encountered Gordon's detachment commanding it at Chunye. To this struggling, confused melee, the " Hyson " came steaming through the darkness, her lights ablaze, her steam whistle emitting demoniacal yells — a mysterious, awe-inspiring monster. At the sight a spasm of frantic terror seized the hapless Tai-pings. They recoiled and drew apart from the close struggle with Gordon's men. Into them, thus huddled, tore the fire from the steamer's foregun, and sent them back on the beleaguered town a crazed mob of CHINESE GORDON. 65 fugitives. The Imperialists on the east side of the city marched in and took possession. Quin- san had fallen without having been assaulted. Of its garrison eight hundred were taken, most of whom entered the ranks of the Ever Victorious Army. This was not a tithe of the garrison, nor did any great number ever succeed in reaching Soochow. The mass must have perished miserably in efforts to escape, drowned in creeks, smothered in mud, slaughtered by the villagers, who, infuriated by outrage, rose unani- mously on the fugitives. This marvellous suc- cess Gordon had srained at a cost of two killed and five drowned. The fall of Quinsan gave him an admirable headquarter position — a cen- tral point communicating by water with Soo- chow, Sung-kiang, Taitsan, and Chanzu. And yet more, the boldness of the attack and the completeness of the success paralysed the Tai-pings and gave confidence to the country people. But there ensued a double trouble. General Ching had been jealous of Gordon, and so resented his summary capture of Quinsan, an ex- ploit he had himself been bent on achieving, that he not only quarrelled with Gordon, but fired, by v 66 CHINESE GORDON. mistake as he alleged, into a detachment of the latter's force. Gordon moved into his vicinity to resent actively any further blunders of the same awkward description, but finally the affair termi- nated in a humble apology on Ching's part. While this affair was awaiting settlement Gordon had to cope with a more dangerous mutiny among his own troops than any that had previously occurred. The force had its connections at the old quarters in Sung-kiang, and was vehemently opposed to Ouinsan as the new depot station. When the change was definitely ordered, the artillery refused to fall in, and threatened to blow the English officers to pieces with the big guns and the Chinese authorities with the small arms. A written proclamation of a sheer mutinous tenor was conveyed to Gordon. He paraded the non-commissioned officers, convinced that they were at the bottom of the mischief, and demanded to know who wrote the proclamation. They professed ignorance. "Then," rejoined Gordon, " I will shoot every fifth man of you." The gunner non-coms, replied with groans. The most vehement groaner, a corporal, Gordon dragged out of the rank and had him shot on CHINESE GORDON. 67 the spot by two infantry men who were standing by. His comrades were locked up, told that if in one hour the writer's name was not given up, the threat of having every fifth man shot would be carried out. They gave in, the name was disclosed, and the mutiny was over. Another followed almost immediately after, this time among the commissioned officers of the artillery, who resented the promotion of Major Tapp to the command of that arm ; but Gordon's firmness quelled it also. In a long letter home Gordon sketches his situation just after the capture of Ouinsan ; some extracts may be made : " The rebels never got such a licking before, and I think there will not be much more severe fighting. My occupying this city enables the Imperial Government to protect an enormous district rich in corn, &c, and the people around are so thankful for their release that it is quite a pleasure. . . You may hear of cruelties being committed ; do not believe them. We took nearly 800 prisoners, and they have some of them entered my body guard and fought since against their old friends the rebels. I took a Mandarin who had been a rebel for three years, and have him now ; he has a bullet in F 2 68 CHINESE GORDON. his cheek which he received in fighting against the rebels. . . The rebels Wangs or Kings knew that 'a new English piecee had come when Fushan was taken, but did not expect him at Taitsan.' Some of the reports spread are most amusing ; one is, that ' the rebels gave me ^2000 not to attack Ouinsan,' when I advanced on that place after the capture of Taitsan. All the mandarins have heard of this ; but it must have slightly upset their story when we came up again against Ouinsan. I have four English officers with me ; we wear anything we can get, and the men are almost in rags. Having to move our headquarters (from Sung-kiang) has caused a good deal of work, and this is only just completed." The next enterprise that presented itself was naturally the reduction of Soochow, the capital city of the -province. Gordon believed that had the Imperialists' co-operation been possible, Soochow could have been rushed in the panic caused by the alarm of his cruise in the " Hyson." But now the undertaking had to be gone about systematically. The City of Pagodas is the centre of a great system of waterways, and can be reached on every side by water. Approach' CHINESE CORDON. 69 ing it thus, then, Gordon resolved on isolating it by gradually mastering its communications and approaches. One main key to its approach on the south was the town of Kahpoo, ten miles south of it, and yet another was Wokong, three miles^south again of Kahpoo. For the reduction of those places he quitted Quinsan with about 2200 men, artillery and infantry, and the armed steamers " Firefly," and " Cricket." Kahpoo he stormed on 27th April, and next day moved on Wokong so rapidly as to surprise some of the stockades outside which had been left un- guarded, and to carry others with little loss. A judicious disposition of his troops now enabled him to shut in the garrison of Wokong itself, and the Tai-pings surrendered. Four thousand prisoners were taken, among whom were many chief men. Of the prisoners, at his own urgent request, General Ching received some 1 500 as recruits for his army, under strict promise that they should receive good treatment. But Ching broke his promise, for Gordon presently heard that five of these men had been beheaded. He was bitterly indignant at this breach of faith. There had been default, too, in the payment of his force, and this preyed heavily on his mind. 70 CHINESE GORDON. He had repressed plunder, using the argument of regular pay ; now the regular pay was not forthcoming, and his troops, having neither " meal nor malt," plunder nor pay, were dis- contented not without cause. Half of them had deserted since Ouinsan fell, and he had been obliged to fill the gap with rebel prisoners. But it was Ching's breach of faith, and his cause- less cruelty, that filled Gordon's cup of dissatis- faction with his position to overflowing. He resolved to lay down his command and rode down to Shanghai with that intent. But when he reached that place on August 3rd, he found that an event had occurred which caused him to revoke his resolution. Burgevine had suddenly left that place with some 300 European tag-rag and bob-tail, to join the Tai-pings in Soochow, carrying off" a small steamer and throwing the treaty port into a not unnatural fit of consterna- tion. To abandon the Imperialist cause at such a juncture was not to be thought of by Gordon, for it would have been to have left his own troops to be seduced from their allegiance by their old commander, who had had the art to impress them with the belief that his dismissal had been the result of standing up for their rights. CHINESE GORDON. 71 Gordon at once started alone back to Ouin- san. He must have had serious thoughts on that solitary night-ride, since so much hung on the temper of the officers whom he was to meet at dawn. He found appearances so bad, that he sent back his siege train to Taitsan, while reinforcing his advanced position at Kahpoo. He was attacked there in great force, and had a gunboat blown up, but beat off his assailants. Burgevine did not command the rebels in this attack ; he was reported to be organising a foreign legion inside Soochow. Gordon during this period of defensive and anxiety writes home with perfect serenity : " The fact that Burgevine has joined the rebels will no doubt very much prolong the rebellion, which, humanly speaking, would almost have been put down this year, or at the latest, next spring, but the force at my command is too small in numbers to do every- thing, and one has to act with great caution in the changed aspect of affairs ; added to which is the idea the Imperialists have got into their heads that they can defeat the rebels in the field, which they cannot do. Many people urge me to attack, but my opinion is so much against it that their persuasion will be in vain for the 72 CHINESE CORDON. present. I feel I have so many lives entrusted to me that these are, as it were, at my disposal, and I will not risk them in an enterprise I consider rash. Burgevine is a very foolish man, and little thinks the immense misery he will cause this unhappy country, for of the ultimate suppression of the rebellion I have little doubt, as it is a Government receiving revenues con- tending with a faction almost blockaded, and (that Government) commanding inexhaustible sums. Burgevine's boy who has run out, says he tells the Wangs all about the settlement and the force, &c., which interests them very much. He is in good health, but very indolent ; he has a nice lot with him — all the scum of Shanghai, which may be said to be celebrated for its pro- duce in that way. He is not allowed to send money down to Shanghai, so I expect the rebels intend eventually to take it all back again. An intercepted letter from Burgevine says he has thirty or forty men who are with him who declare they will run away at the first oppor- tunity, I believe he now regrets his conduct (in joining the rebels). Burgevine's agents have been in vain trying to get my men over." In a later letter, dated Sept. 25, written from CHINESE GORDON. 73 Waiquaidong, two miles east of Soochow, he mentions that Burgevine had been down in Shanghai, attempting to get arms there for the use of the rebels, had failed, and had narrowly escaped being captured. There had been a great scare in Shanghai because of Burgevine's action in joining the rebels. It was notorious that Gordon's officers were not to be trusted. Indeed, there had come a report into the treaty port that Ouinsan had been given up to the rebels by its garrison. The British commandant of Shanghai, writing to his military superior, let himself use such lancruaee as tn j s : « Should this be true — the report just spoken of — the worst may be antici- pated ; Major Gordon a prisoner, the siege train lost, and the speedy advent of the rebels, com- manded by Burgevine, before this place." Gordon was no prisoner, however, but steadily operating for the reduction of Soochow ; the siege train was safe ; and the rebels were never more to approach Shanghai. On Sept. 29, he took Patachow, close up to the southern verge of the Soochow suburbs, and wrote home next day that he expected in two or three mails to announce the fall of the 74 CHINESE GORDOX. great city. An illustration of the curious con- dition of this strange war is afforded in the circumstance that a bridge at Patachow formed a sort of neutral ground, where Gordon's Euro- pean officers (European must in this connection be held to include American) were in the habit of having friendly intercourse with the people of their own colour who were in the rebel army. They were old comrades in many instances, although they were now serving on opposite sides. The rebel Europeans, as they may be styled, were far from satisfied with their position or their prospects. Gordon, for his part, was willing to negotiate with them, because their desertion would weaken the rebels, and place in safety their own lives, which were now in danger, for the rebel Wangs mistrusted them. He accepted the proposal to give Burgevine himself a meeting, and hear what that person had to say. A noteworthy man in his way, this Burgevine, in sketching whose strange life a page may not be thought wasted. A native of North Carolina, his father had been one of Napoleon's officers. He was a scholar and had been a gentleman, who made shipwreck of his life, because of CHINESE CORDON. 75 ambition unsupported by steadfast purpose, of restlessness, and finally drink. Dr. Wilson says of him, " A much wandering man, he seems to have turned up in California, Australia, the Sandwich Islands, India — where he studied Hin- dustanee, — Jeddah, London, and other places ; beinor in fact one of those nautical Gentlemen who combine a taste for literature with the power of navigating coasting vessels, and, would fate allow, of founding great empires." He tired equally of a post-office clerkship and of editing an American paper, and so naturally gravitated to China, which was at that time to the adventurers of the world what Central America had been in Walker's day, and Ger- many during the long fighting of the Thirty Years War. We have already found him Ward's lieutenant and temporary successor, and his dismissal from the charge of the Ever Victorious Army has been recorded in a pre- vious page. He never ceased to resent this dismissal ; but continued to nourish his revenge against the Imperialists and his dream of carv- ing out an empire in China ; and it was in pursuit of both aspirations that he entertained the Tai-ping overtures, and as we have seen, 76 CHINESE GORDON. took a detachment of miscellaneous foreigners to Soochow, and identified himself with the Tai-ping cause. The Tai-pings wished to have him, no doubt for the double reason that he and the Europeans he brought would make them more formidable in the field ; and in the belief too, that he had sufficient influence with the officerhood of Gordon's force, to bring them over, and perhaps the force itself along with them. He had become dissatisfied with his position in Soochow, and it was therefore that he entered into personal communication with Gordon. At his interview Buroevine avowed his de- termination to desert the Tai-pings, if his officers and men were guaranteed immunity for acts done in the Tai-ping service. Gordon gave this guarantee, offering further to take a number of them into his own force, and assist the remainder out of the country. At a second interview, not understanding Gordon's cha- racter, Burgevine made him the proposal that they two should unite to seize Soochow, hold it equally against Rebels and Imperialists ; or- ganise there an army of 20,000 men, and then march on Pekin. One can fancy the quiet CHINESE GORDON. 77 scorn with which Gordon " declined to entertain any such idea." It was rather a ticklish time for Gordon, since, aware of the negotiation with Burgevine, the Imperialists ventured to suspect his loyalty ; while, on the other hand, he was run- ning the risk of his own officers being tampered with. But in October the coup came off. Bur- gevine and his comrades sent word that they intended, under pretence of making a sally, to throw themselves on Gordon's protection. He gave the pre-arranged signal ; the Europeans headed what looked like a desperate rush on the " Hyson," backed by thousands of Tai-ping troops. The Europeans boarded the little vessel, the Tai-pings were driven off with volleys from her artillery, and she carried the fugitive deserters into Gordon's camp. But when they were landed it was found that Bureevine and several others were not among them. They accounted for this by stating, that being under suspicion, they took the opportunity when it offered, without waiting for those who were not at hand. They were glad enough to get out of their plight, poor wretches ! They had been virtually crimped from Shanghai by Burgevine, and had been badly treated in Soochow — star* 78 CHINESE GORDON. vation and death staring them in the face. Most of them volunteered to join Gordon's force. Gordon at once made an appeal to the Tai- ping chiefs on behalf of Burgevine and his companions who still remained in Soochow, aware that he and they had been arrested. With his own hand he wrote a letter of ad- mirable tone. Having referred to his own clemency and his endeavours to deter the Im- perialist authorities from inhumanity, he con- tinues, " Having stated the above, I now ask your Excellencies to consider the case of the Euro- peans in your service. A man made to fight against his will is not only a bad soldier, but he is a positive danger, causing anxiety to his leaders, and absorbing a large force to prevent his defection. If there are many Europeans left in Soochow, I would ask your Excellencies if it does not seem much better to you to let these men quietly leave your service if they wish it ; you would thereby get rid of a con- tinual source of suspicion, gain the sympathy of the whole of the foreign nations, and feel that your difficulties are all from without. Your Excellencies may think that decapitation would CHINESE GORDON. 79 soon settle the matter, but you would then be guilty of a crime which will bear its fruits sooner or later. In this force of mine, officers and men come and go at pleasure, and although it is inconvenient at times, I am never appre- hensive of treason from within. The men have committed no crime, and what they have tried to do, viz., escape, is nothing more than any man, or even animal, will do when placed in a situation he does not like. . . . You need not fear them communicating information. I knew your force, men and guns, long ago, and therefore care not to get that information from them." The Tai-ping general answered this letter in very polite terms ; and Burgevine was sent out safely from Soochow, and handed over to the American Consul. In a home letter Gordon men- tions : " Moh-Wang asked the messenger (who brought him Gordon's letter) a great deal about me, and if it were possible to buy me over, and was told that it was not. He asked why the Europeans wanted to run away, and was told it was because they saw there was no chance of success. He said, ' Do you think Gordon will take the city ? ' and was told c Yes ' — which So CHINESE GORDON. seemed to make him reflect. This defection of the Europeans is an almost extinguishing blow to the rebels, and from the tone of Moh- Wang's letter, so different from the one he wrote General Staveley a little time ago, I feel convinced that the rebel chiefs would come to terms if they had fair ones offered. I mean to do my best to bring this about ; and am sure that if I do, I shall gain a greater victory than any captures of cities would be. ... I care nothing for a high name." Subsequent investigation proved that at the very time Burgevine was negotiating with Gordon in regard to his relief, he had proposed to his lieutenant a plan for entrapping the man whose efforts were being directed toward the succour of him and his followers. Jones re- volted against treachery so base, and he and Burgevine had a "difficulty." Jones told the story thus : " Burgevine drew out his revolver, which he cocked and discharged at my head from a distance of about nine inches. The bullet entered my cheek and passed upward ; it has not yet been extracted. I exclaimed, ' You have shot your best friend ! ' His answer was, ' I know I have, and I wish to God I had CHINESE GORDOX. Si killed you ! ' There is a line cynical frank- ness in the comment on this statement which Burgevine sent to a Shanghai paper — " Cap- tain Jones' account of the affair is substantially correct ; and I feel great pleasure in bearing testimony to his veracity and candour, whenever any affair with which he is personally acquainted is concerned." Burgevine subsequently had a strangely chequered career, which cannot here be fol- lowed. When a prisoner in the summer of 1865 in the Imperialist hands, he was reported to have been drowned by the capsizing of a ferry-boat. " I have no reason to suppose," writes Dr. Wilson, " that the account of his death given by the Chinese authorities was untrue ; and if they did drown him purposely, they saved themselves and the American autho- rities a good deal of trouble." By dint of hard, although desultory fighting, now attacking, now defending, and hampered by the clumsy and independent manoeuvring of Ching at the head of the Imperialist army in so-called co-operation, Gordon had made good the occupation of a chain of posts encircling the east and the south sides of Soochow, close up 82 CHINESE GORDON. to Lake Taiho. There remained, to complete the investment, but the reduction and occupa- tion of the Tai-ping outworks on the north and north-west of the city ; then the chain of en- vironing posts would extend from the lake round to the lake, on whose waters his armed steamers would in effect shut in the place and its garrison. The character of the enterprise had considerable analogy to the German siege of Paris, only that Gordon had no " field-army" such as those with which Prince Frederick Charles, Manteuffel, and Goben covered the Teuton cordon that encircled the capital of France. Gordon had to neutralise numbers by skilful dispositions and bold strokes to a far greater extent than was incumbent on the Ger- man leaders. Including the contingent under Ching which co-operated with him, and was under his orders to a certain indefinite extent, he had fourteen thousand men, all told, at his disposal, for the double task of hemming in a force more than twice his own numbers, and of keeping off and hindering from relieving the place other forces nearly threefold his strength. The Tai-pings inside Soochow may have la- boured under discouragement, for they had CHINESE GORDON. 83 learned to know Gordon ; but at Wusieh, the Chateaudun of Soochow, there stood a fresh army 40,000 strong; which the Faithful King had marched down from Nanking, bent on un- clasping Gordon's grasp on Soochow. That army, however, was to some extent paralysed by the critical situation of the Heavenly King's capital ; Gordon had learnt how matters stood with Nanking, and so made bold to ignore the propinquity of the Faithful King and his 40,000 men. He had left his Imperialist allies holding the southern posts, and had swept round to the north of Soochow with his sieee-train and the lively Hyson for the reduction of the Tai-ping positions in that quarter. On November 1st he carried Leeku by assault, with the loss of an officer, who fell by his side leading the forlorn hope, and whom he had shortly before pardoned for somethingsuspiciouslylike treachery. Eleven days later he went at Wanti, a place whose cap- ture would all but complete the investment. It was so strongly built that shell-fire had no effect on it, so he carried it by storm, with some loss, but 350 rebels fell and 600 were made pri- soners. He had men fioditinor under him at G 2 84 CHINESE GORDON. Wanti who had been in the rebel ranks a week previously. There remained to be reduced only Mouding, on the Grand Canal ; and this effected, the investment of Soochow was complete. Returning to the eastern face, he determined to assail the defences of Soochow by a night attack, which was delivered November 27th. He himself commanded his forlorn hope of two companies, having Majors Williams and Howard under him. The mass of his force waited under arms for a signal to advance. The surprise seemed complete. The forlorn hope had penetrated through the outer works, and the main body was following, when sud- denly a fierce fire of grape and musketry was opened on the whole force. Artillery replied to artillery, and Gordon, at the head of his forlorn hope, dashed at the breastwork. But there was hesitation behind him ; his Chinese soldiers did not relish night-fighting, and Gordon had to fall back with considerable loss of officers as well as of men. Moh-YYang, the Tai-ping general, was himself in the forefront of the defence, fighting like a private soldier, with twenty Europeans around him. He repelled the attack, but his loss must have been very CHINESE GORDON. 8$ heavy from Gordon's artillery, which maintained its fire for three hours. Now ensued some curious work. General Ching had an interview with one of the Tai-ping Wanes, who stated the general conviction inside the city that notwithstanding Gordons tempo- rary repulse, its reduction was simply a question of time. All his colleagues, with the exception of the indomitable Moh-Wang, who had a handful of junior officers supporting him, were prepared to yield the place, and come over to the Imperialists with the whole garrison. But to save appearances, Gordon must make another assault. While Moh-Wang was resisting that, the other Wangs would shut him out of the city, and so, free from his opposition, they would agree on a surrender. On the morning of the 29th, Gordon's artillery reopened on the stockades. The assault followed. It was arduous work. Ditches had to be swam across, breastworks had to be climbed, and the Faithful King him- self, who had arrived from Wusieh the same morning by a path still open, was engaged in the defence at the head of his body-guard. In the confusion of the attack Gordon, with a few men, found the Tai-pings in force between him 86 CHINESE GORDON. and his supports. To fall back was impossible as distasteful ; he fought his way onwards instead. Capturing some stockades, he pushed through them, and had gained a stone fort when his troops overtook him, and made good the advantage he had won. The position he had achieved rendered Soochow untenable by the Tai-pings ; but it had cost him dear. Nine of his officers had been killed, and a great number wounded, among the latter his adjutant- general Major Kirkman. As ever, Gordon had in those assaults exposed himself with a cool matter-of-fact daring that seemed natural to the man, and was necessary as an example to his motley force, but which would have been a vice in the commander of a more regular army. He never carried any other weapon than a little cane, with which he used to direct his followers, and which got for itself the name of " Gordon's magic wand of victory." His Chinese soldiers, seeing him always in front among the bullets, yet never wounded, concluded that he bore a charmed life, and that it was the "magic wand " which gave him protection. Some negotiations speedily followed, but the surrender was not just yet. Stout old Moh- CHINESE CORDOX. 87 Wang was still in the way. He called a council of war. It must have been a strange scene, when dinner over, and prayers offered up, the Wangs arrayed in their robes and crowns, took their places around the raised table at the head of which sat the valiant Moh-Wang. The debate grew warm. Kong Wang rose from his throne and cleared for action by taking off his robes. Moh-Wang demanded to know what he meant; whereupon the other, probably the quicker of the two " on the draw," stabbed Moh- Wang with a dagger, and the other Wangs finished him off. The same niorht Soochow surrendered. Gor- don withdrew his forces to a distance, to pre- vent looting, and demanded a grant of pay for his men, as reward, compensation, and encourage- ment. Governor Li haggled with him like a fishwife, and Gordon had a difficulty in hinder- ing his troops from revenging themselves directly on that official. He sent them back to Ouinsan out of harm's way, but in a condition of disaffection approaching mutiny. Li was intoxicated with the success which Gordon had earned but for which scant credit was accorded him. It is certain that the Tai- 88 CHINESE GORDON. ping Wangs surrendered, but it is not clear to whom — whether it was to Gordon, to Ching, or to Governor Li, they considered themselves as capitulating. Anyhow Gordon had the fullest right to expect that Li would spare the lives of the Wangs. For mercy to them Gordon had expressly stipulated, and Li had "gladly as- sented " to the demand. Li never attempted to deny this, which was confirmed to the fullest extent by General Ching. But Li betrayed his pledge to Gordon, and was guilty of an act as ruthless as it was treacherous — for he had accorded terms to the Wangs ; an act that sent a thrill of indignation through civili- sation, and ultimately withdrew British officers from service under the Imperial Government. It is a lurid story, the details of which Gordon has tried to write dispassionately. On the afternoon of the 5th of November, the day before the actual consummation of the surrender, General Ching set Gordon's mind at rest by telling him that Governor Li had "amnestied the prisoners." Next day, returning from marching his -troops out to Ouinsan, Gordon rode into the city to the Nar-Wanofs house. There he found all the Wangs, their horses saddled, just starting to go CHINESE GORDON. 89 out to Governor Li, for the meeting at which the city would be formally given over. In his anxiety to be assured that everything was well, he called aside the Nar-Wang, who told him all was right. Then he bade the Wangs good-bye, and saw them ride away toward the East Gate, bound for their rendezvous with Governor Li. Gordon himself then took things easy, for his mind was at rest. He saw burial given to M oh- Wang's body, and then sauntered to the East Gate. Beyond it, tied up to the bank, lay Governor Li's boat. On the bank, close to it, he noticed a large crowd, and presently a horde of Imperialist soldiers came yelling in through the East Gate, firing off their muskets after their fashion. Gordon rebuked the rioters for con- duct calculated to create a disturbance. Then General Ching came through the gate. When he saw Gordon confusion fell upon him. Ching lamely parried Gordon's questions with prevarications. The Wangs, he said, had never been to Li. Gordon returned that he had seen them going, and asked what could have happened to them. Then Ching told a cock-and-bull story which Gordon mistrusted. He betook himself for information to Nar- c;o CHINESE GORDON. Wang's house, which he found gutted, for the plundering had begun. Nar-Wang's uncle, him- self a Tai-ping leader, begged that Gordon would go to his house for the protection of his womenfolk, and Gordon complied. He was now in effect a prisoner, for the Tai-ping soldiers, with arms in their hands, crowded the street outside. But he took no thought for himself. He boded mischief to the Wangs at the hands of Li, whose breach of faith he suspected. He did not then know that they had been murdered before he had the colloquy with Ching, and that the crowd of Imperialists he had seen on the bank near Li's boat had been standing around their corpses. Fortu- nately for him the Tai-pings were in equal ignorance of the fate that had befallen their leaders. A prompt and resolute man, Gordon decided on a masterful expedient to save the Wanes from the fate he did not know had already befallen them. He attempted to send out his interpreter to the trusty skipper David- son, with orders to bring the steamers round and take prisoner the Chinese Governor- Gene- ral ; also to have his force brought up from Ouinsan. He had difficulty in procuring per- CHINESE GORDON. 91 mission for the interpreter to go out, but at length the latter was allowed to go at 2 a.m. on the 7th. An hour later, news came back that the Imperialist plunderers had seized the inter- preter, wounded him, and torn up the order of which he was the bearer. The Tai-pings were becoming more and more excited, while the Imperialists were carrying on the work of plunder, and Gordon became apprehensive of a general massacre. Then he persuaded the men who held him virtual prisoner to let him go. He made an effort to reach his steamers, but was for an hour a prisoner in the hands of the Imperial- ists at the South Gate, who did not know him, and took him for one of the rebel Europeans. Escaping, he headed then for the East Gate, where he knew his body-guard was lying. Un- relenting in his resolve to seize Governor Li, he waited there for his steamers, and meanwhile kept his promise to the Tai-pings who had released him by sending his guard to protect the house of Nar-Wang's uncle. It was too late, however, and the house had been ransacked. General Ching turned up ; Gordon gave him a piece of his mind, and remained waiting for the steamers to come up for his intended capture 92 CHINESE GORDON. of Li, ignorant still that the Wangs had been be- headed. As he waited, Ching sent to him Major Bailey, an Imperialist artillery officer, with intent to speak him fair. Ching, said Bailey, after Gordon had spoken so sternly to him had " gone into the city, and sat down and cried." Then he had got up, and to relieve his sorrow, " shot down twenty of his men for looting," and sent Bailey to explain that he, Ching, had simply obeyed Li's orders. Gordon asked Bailey if the Wangs had been beheaded. Bailey replied, equivocatingly, that he had heard so. He then brought up Nar-wang's son. The lad pointed across the canal, and said that his father and the other Wangs lay dead there. Gordon crossed over. " I found six bodies," he wrote, " and recognised Nar- Wang's head. The hands and bodies were gashed in a frightful way, and cut down the middle." It is said that he burst into tears at the sight. They were tears not alone of sorrow, but of disappointment, shame, and fierce wrath. The foulest despite had been done him. His honour had been mocked at by the wanton butchery. " It is not to be wondered at," writes Mr. Hake, " that Gordon was enraged beyond bounds ; it CHINESE GORDOX. 93 is not surprising that for the first time during the war he armed himself and went out to seek the life of an enemy. He took a revolver and sought the Governor's quarters, fully resolved to do justice on his body and accept the consequences." But Li had come to realise what manner of man Gordon in his w r rath could be, and had escaped into the town. Gordon pursued him, but the Governor got into hiding, and remained there. Gordon had ordered up his troops to assist him in his search, but, finding that vain, led them back to Quinsan. There he told his officers that no British officer could serve longer under Governor Li ; that he did not intend to disband the force, but would place it under General Brown, the British commander at Shanghai, and let him dispose of it. Till near the end of February, 1864, Gordon held the Ever Victorious Army inactive in its quarters at Quinsan, under formal instruc- tions from General Brown to suspend all active aid to the Imperialist cause, further than pro- tecting Soochow. These instructions were die- tated at Gordon's instance, and it was also on his demand that an inquiry was instituted at 94 CHINESE GORDOX. Pekin into the conduct of Governor Li. Mean- while Li's despatches had described to the Im- perial Government the success achieved in the reduction of Soochow. Li had of course arro- gated to himself the lion's share of the credit, and was rewarded with the "Yellow Jacket," which carries with it the highest military grade of the Empire. But he had allowed himself to testily to the high value of Gordon's services ; and the Imperial Government was neither slow nor chary in its acknowledgments. An Im- perial Decree set forth that " Gordon, in com- mand of his auxiliary force, displayed thorough strategy and skill, and has put forth most dis- tinguished exertions." It ordained, further, that " a medal of distinction of the highest class " be conferred upon him, and that he should receive a gift of 10,000 taels (about ,£3.500), in token of Imperial approbation. Li was enjoined to communicate to Gordon " our decree of approval and praise for the great bravery and exertions which attended the re- capture of Soochow," and to present him with the money gift ; and the instructions proceeded : " Foreign nations already possess orders of merit under the name of ' Stars.' Let, there- CHINESE GORDON. 95 fore, the decoration of the first class, which we have conferred upon Gordon, be arranged in accordance with this system." Gordon was in no mood to be the grateful recipient of Imperial favours. He was scarcely the sort of man to be chagrined that Governor Li had stolen his laurels. Neither laurels nor honours were things about which Gordon con- cerned himself. "As for the honours," he wrote home, " I do not value them at all, and never did." But his indignation had not cooled at the despite done to him in the vio- lation of the stipulation he had exacted that the Tai-ping chiefs should be spared. He would accept neither decoration nor money. It was in these terms he couched his curt refusal : " Major Gordon receives the approbation of His Majesty the Emperor with every gratifica- tion, but regrets most sincerely that, owing to the circumstance which occurred since the cap- ture of Soochow, he is unable to receive any mark of His Majesty the Emperor's recogni- tion, and therefore respectfully begs His Majesty to receive his thanks for his intended kindness, and to allow him to decline the same." The Chinese Government in a financial sense 96 CHINESE GORDO X. had behaved fairly well to the Ever Victorious Army, since ,£7,000 had been distributed to the wounded in the attacks on Soochow,and the extra month's pay that Gordon had agreed for had been paid. But inaction was deteriorating that force ; and yet more the prospect of his resig- nation of the command. " The officers/' wrote one of them, "did everything to honour Colonel Gordon, and show in how high esteem they held him ; but they were very jealous of each other, and during January constantly quarrelled over the question who should succeed to the command in the event of his leaving." Sixteen of them had to be discharged. The urgency became great that Gordon, having put his hand to the plough, with so great effect, should not look back until the last furrow of the field had been turned. And if the srood work was to be finished, it was clear that only he could accom- plish it. During his inaction the rebellion, in spite of the fall of Soochow, began to make head again. The province was lapsing into lawlessness. Foreigners were joining the Tai- ping ranks. The irrepressible Burgevine was meditating a return to a service of which his experience had been so adverse. The Im- CHINESE GORDON. 97 periallst forces, despite the aid of some of Gordon's disciplined artillery, were barely- holding- their own against the enemy. Mr. Robert Hart, the able and clear-headed official in charge of the Imperial Customs, strongly urged that Gordon should resume the field, since his inaction was the strongest encourage ment to the disaffected, and pointed out that his abandonment of that attitude could be as- cribed only to his sacrifice of private feelings for the welfare of the province in whose behalf he had already done so much. Governor Li, for his part, had something to urge in explanation, or rather indeed in justification of the executions he had ordered. Gordon so far stifled his re- sentment as to have a personal interview with the Governor, who agreed to issue a proclama- tion clearly setting out that the massacre was in the teeth of the pre-arrangement with Gordon that lives should be spared. Gordon intimated to the British Minister in Pekin his resolution to re-take the field. The language he used proves how ready he was to accept responsi- bility when he had convinced himself that his course was right. " I am aware," he writes, " that I am open to very grave censure for the 11 98 CHINESE GORDON. course I am about to pursue ; but iu the ab- sence of advice .... I have made up my mind to run the risk. If I followed my own desire, I should leave now, as I have escaped unscathed, and been wonderfully successful. I do not apprehend that the rebellion will last six months longer if I take the field. It may last six years if I leave. ... If the course I am about to pursue meets your approbation, I shall be glad to hear ; but, if not, shall expect to be well rebuked. This letter will relieve you from any responsibility on the matter." The course he was about to pursue did meet Sir Frederick Bruce's approval, and that Minis- ter further strengthened Gordon's hands by obtaining a positive promise in writing from the Chinese Government that, in cases of capi- tulations where he should be present, nothing was to be done without his concurrence. Ac- cordingly, on the 19th of February, Gordon moved out from Ouinsan with his whole force, save a garrison of 200 men left in that place under Colonel Morant. It was in the dead of winter, and the weather was bitterly cold and snowy. In his letter to Sir F. Bruce, Gordon had CHINESE GORDON. 99 succinctly set forth his strategic scheme, — " I propose to cut through the heart of the rebel- lion, and divide it into two parts by the capture of Yesing and Liyang." Soochow, whence in effect he started, is in the very centre of the Kiangnan peninsula, to the western side of which the Tai-pings had been mainly localised by the previous fighting. At the north-west corner of the peninsula is Nanking, where the Heavenly King, the head of the rebellion, had his residence. On a waved line between Soo- chow and Nanking, were the towns of Yesing- Liyang, and Kintang, in succession from Soo- chow ; all three strongly held by Tai-ping forces. By marching on this wavy line, and the suc- cessive reduction of the towns named, Gordon would cut the rebellion into two slices, each so circumscribed as probably to be unable to exist independently. This bold strategy had diffi- culties in its train. Shanghai could no longer be Gordon's base of supplies ; he had to relin- quish a base and march omnibus impedimcntis. Nor could his steamers uniformly accompany him, and their support had therefore occa- sionally to be sacrificed. His troops were not what they had been. The recruited Tai-pings H 2 IOO CHINESE GORDON. that now mainly filled the ranks were sturdy fellows enough, and did not lack courage ; but they had not had time to acquire the discipline and steadiness which were the elements in virtue of which, next to the genius of its chief, the Ever Victorious Army under Gordon's leadership had hitherto justified its title. He had lost many of his best officers, some in fight, others by dismissal or withdrawal ; and some of their successors were the reverse of efficient. He moved by the north of Soochow to Wusieh near the Grand Canal, and thence marched on Yesing, through the region which the Tai-pings had been wasting during three years of uninterrupted occupation — a region which had been almost denuded of inhabitants, the few remaining being in the last stage of starvation. Yesing was captured after a petty resistance on March ist, and a village occupied which cut the communications with Liyang, the next Tai-ping city in the line of route. In this village were found starving wretches who had been forced to resort to cannibalism. "Those who still remained alive had been driven to eat human flesh, and the unburied bodies of the dead were in a condition which CHINESE GORDON. 101 showed that much of this revolting food had been consumed." Liyang was reached on the 4th, and so out of heart were the rebels there, that they surrendered without a blow. A thousand of its garrison were enlisted into the Ever Victorious Army and formed into a separate regiment : and twenty-five gun-boats captured were added to Gordon's flotilla. The country around it was in a ghastly condition. One of Gordon's officers writes : " Hundreds of dead bodies were strewn along the roads — people who had died from starvation ; and the few who were yet alive watched one of their com- rades dying, so as to obtain some food off his dead body ! ' The town was well stocked with provisions, all of which that Gordon could spare from his own necessities he distributed among the miserable peasantry. Leaving part of his force in Liyang, he marched forward on Kintang with three regiments of infantry and a strong artillery carried on the gun-boats. Bad weather and the necessities of the peasants had detained him, and it was not till March 20th that he was within strikino- distance of the latter strong place, whose garrison had not complied with a summons to surrender. Next 102 CHIXESE G0RD0X. day everything was ready for opening tire, when there reached him an alarming despatch from Governor Li. Gordon had been trusting to the Imperialists to cover his thinks, but they had failed him. A Tai-ping army, yooo strong, had moved out from Chanchufu, a town north-west from Soochow, and now almost directly in his rear ; had turned the Imperialist flank, was threatening YVusieh, had captured Fushan, and was besieo-inor Chanzu, the town whose relief had been Gordon's earliest enterprise with the Ever Victorious Army, and so was within thirty miles of Ouinsan itself. This was startling news, but Gordon had in hand the specific busi- ness of the reduction of Kintang. He would concentrate himself vehemently on that, and so free himself to deal with the other matter. But Kintang proved stubborn. Three hours' bombardment had made a practicable breach. The rebels seemed cowed, and an assault was ordered. Then they manned the breach, and resisted with persistent determination. The re- newal of the artillery hre swept the breach clear, and a second storming party, led by Major Kirk- man, attacked again, only to be also repulsed. Kirkman was struck down wounded ; and now CHINESE GORDON. 103 the magic spell of Gordon's immunity from hos- tile bullets was to be broken. He shared in the assault, and was shot through the leg". He si- lenced a soldier who was proclaiming the disaster, and stood giving orders till he all but fainted from loss of blood. Even then he would not retire, and Dr. Moffit had to carry him to his boat by main force. A third assault was attempted, but unsuccessfully ; and Gordon had to draw off, with a loss of ioo killed and wounded, among whom were fifteen officers, two of whom were killed. He abandoned further attempt on Kintang, and on the 24th had reconcentrated at Liyang. There yet more ominous tidings reached him from the Imperialists ; the Faithful King himself was in possession of Fushan. Gordon's wound prevented him from standing, but, like Marshal Saxe. he could fight on his back. And time pressed. The advancing Tai-pings were issuing proclamations, that their march was on Shanghai, taking Soochow on the way. Even at Chanchufu they had been nearer Soochow than was Gordon at Liyang; how much more so when they were actually threatening Wusieh, not ten miles to the north-west of Soocho.v! It be- 104 CHINESE GORDON. hoved him urgently, above all things, to recover the command of the interior lines. The troops he had taken up to Kintang were worn by marching and fighting. He would not spare himself, wounded though he was, but the soldiers were not inspired by his perfervid energy. He had to take with him troops that had not been on the Kintang march ; there were available but the light artillery and two infantry regiments, one of which consisted of the Tai-pings mustered in at Liyang in the be- ginning of the month. With this little force, little over 1,000 strong, he started for Wusieh on the 24th. Arriving there next day, he found that the Tai-ping force threatening it had been driven back, but that from Changchufu to Fushan, the whole northern region of the pen- insula was in Tai-ping hands. Next day, with his artillery and 400 infantrymen, he dashed out into the territory which the Tai-pings per- vaded, bent on discovering their dispositions, and the point at which they could be struck to greatest purpose. There was real sublimity in the serene confidence of this wounded man, lying prostrate and helpless on the deck of his boat, but plunging with a few hundred men into CHINESE GORDON. 105 the heart "of a region occupied by unknown thousands of enemies. In the district passed through the houses had been burnt, and the inhabitants butchered in every direction. The halt for the night was by a group of blazing villages, whence at dark the Tai-pings had been driven ; and it was disturbed by a desultory fire on the sentries, alternated by efforts on the enemy's part to ride through the bivouac of the little force. It was through awful scenes that he darted with his amazing rapidity. A letter says : " It is horrible to relate ; it is more hor- rible to witness. To read that people are eating human flesh is one thing ; it is another to see the bodies from which the flesh has been cut. No one can eat a meal here without loathing. The poor wretches have a selfish look that is inde- scribable, and they haunt one's boat in shoals, in the hope of getting some scraps of food. Their lamentations and moans completely take away any appetite which the horrors one has witnessed may have left one. The rebels have evidently swept up everything edible, and left the unfortunate inhabitants to die." Advancing, and fighting as he advanced, Gordon soon realized the situation. Waisso 106 CHINESE GORDON. was the centre of the Tai-plng line, on which the rebels stood, with their backs to the YanQftsze and their faces towards Ouinsan, By striking at Waisso, he would curl in that left flank of theirs that stretched to Chanzu and threatened a fresh country. Waisso, then, became his objective. He had to wait a day or two for his other infantry battalion to come up, and then he moved on the place. When a leader essays a bold emprise and succeeds, the bril- liancy of his tactics is praised, for nothing succeeds like success ; when he fails, he is stig- matized as rash. Gordon has a profound in- difference to criticism ; but he is a man of rigorous inward searching, and I think it pos- sible that when he reviewed this Waisso busi- ness in cool blood, he may have realized that he had been somewhat over-adventurous. By dividing his force, he had often conquered. But it was a very small force he had now, and its elements were not wholly satisfactory. One regiment of it was the best corps in the Ever Victorious Army, but the other con- sisted of the Liyang Tai-pings, and had not had time to acquire discipline. It is noteworthy CHINESE GORDON. 107 that in the majority of his divided movements he had remained with the infantry, and fought that arm himself. This he would probably have done at Waisso, but for the helplessness of his wounded condition. The officers to whom he intrusted the infantry operations proved unequal to the duty. Gordon himself, with his artillery flotilla, pushed on up a creek that would take him close to the enemy's position. His infantry had orders to march the following morning, their direction was given them, and the combined attack was to be made the following day. Everything miscarried. The infantry had not come up to co-operate, and in their default the flotilla narrowly escaped destruction. The banks of the creek were too hicrh to admit of their being swept by the guns, and the Tai- pings in force fired down into the boats. It was with great difficulty that the gun-boats were ex- tricated, and a retreat made on the encamp- ment. There the wildest confusion prevailed, and a panic was in full sway. The infantry had come by a great mischance. The force had advanced in the morning till it had come upon a Tai-ping camp, strongly entrenched and 108 CHINESE GORDON. stockaded. Colonel Rhode, who was in com- mand, probably felt the want of artillery. He might have remedied that by an immediate and resolute attack. Instead, he and Colonel Howard — the two regiments were marching apart — halted, and set about distributing their force in companies. The Tai-pings, from the adjacent hills, saw their opportunity. They worked in between Rhode and Howard ; then they came on in great numbers, and brought cavalry to the attack. The new regiment broke, stampeded into the other, and threw it into confusion. A regular rout ensued, and lasted for three miles up to the camp at Luka- chow, where the pursuit was checked by the camp reserve. About 400 men were lost, and eisfht officers fell either in the ficrht or in the flight. It was an Isandlwana on a small scale in almost every detail, but that the slaughter was not so sweeping : few of the Tai-pings had other weapons than knives and spears. Gordon had no other alternative but to fall back, and hearten his men after the punishment they had received. He brought up another regiment, and, on 3rd April, reapproached Waisso, and effected a junction with Governor Li at the head of 7000 1 mperialist troops. CHINESE GORDON. 109 The rebellion in the field had been driven to its last ditch ; Nanking, its headquarter, was to hold out a little longer. In the limited area they still held up in the north of the Kiangnan peninsula, the Tai-pings were hemmed in on three sides by Imperialist troops, and on the Yantsze behind them was the Imperial fleet. In the infliction of the coup dc grace Gordon's force had an important share. He first cleared the rebels out of Waisso with very little fighting. Then he followed them up as they retreated westward in disorder on Chanchufu and Tayan. The villagers rose against them in a fury of well-earned hate, and slaughtered them in thousands. Governor Li was besieging Chanchufu, and Gordon having collected his whole force, about 3,000 strong, moved to co- operate in this work. In the course of the preliminary operations he lost his best artillery officer, Major Tapp, and at the same time had himself a very narrow escape. It was arranged that on April 27th, after a preparatory bom- bardment, Gordon's troops and an Imperialist force should make a simultaneous assault at separate points. At 1 p.m. Gordon's attack was launched ; two regiments formed the storming no CHINESE GORDON. party. The resistance was exceptionally despe- rate, and spite of the gallant exertions of the officers, the column had to be recalled. The combination had not come off; the Imperialist attack had been delayed ; so the whole Tai- ping force had been free to oppose Gordon's storming party. Later in the afternoon, both forces, however, attacked simultaneously. The Tai-pings fought with extraordinary desperation ; as they manned the breach Gordon's artillery swept them down, only to be replaced again and again by indomitable defenders, brandish- ing spears and shouting defiance. A retreat had to be ordered, and even the pontoons had to be abandoned. Gordon's loss in officers was terrible ; he had ten killed, and nineteen wounded. Then Gordon set the Imperialists to sap up to the walls, and meanwhile the gradual defec- tion of the garrison set in. A final assault was made by Governor Li on nth May, the anni- versary of the capture of Chanchu by the Faith- ful King. The Ever Victorious Army had been rather left out of the programme for this day. The Imperialists duly attacked, but when they crossed the ramparts, met with a desperate CHINESE GORDON. in resistance, and began to give way in confusion. At this critical moment Gordon struck in oppor- tunely with a portion of his force. The Impe- rialists were rallied, the breach was cleared, and after some stubborn fighting inside the place the reduction of Chanchufu was completed. Its garrison was found to consist of 20,000 men, of whom 1,500 were killed at the capture. At that capture the Ever Victorious Army fought its last fight. The Imperialists did not want it at Nanking, and outside the walls of that place the rebel- lion was crushed, and all but dead. The Ever Victorious Army had done its work and "served its time." Its raison d'etre was finished. Before the fall of Chanchu-fu Gor- don had written home, " I shall, of course, make myself quite sure that the rebels are quieted before I break up the force, as otherwise I should incur great responsibility, but on these subjects I act for myself and judge for myself ; this I have found to be the best way of getting on. I shall not leave things in a mess, but I think, if I am spared, I shall be home by Christmas." He about kept his tryst. When Gordon marched his army back into ii2 CHIXESE GORDOX. Ouinsan on 16th May, he learned that the Order in Council had been cancelled under which British officers were free to serve the Chinese Govern- ment. He saw many arguments in favour of the immediate dissolution of the Ever Victo- rious Army ; and he promptly set about the work of disbandment. This, his last duty in China, he handled with the same firm yet deli- cate touch that had brought him through so many difficulties, and with the characteristic dis- interestedness which commanded respect alike from the force, his countrymen, and the Chinese officials. Governor Li gave him full powers, and left in his hands the whole details. The pay throughout had been good, and there was no parsimony at the end. The officers who had been wounded received about ^900 apiece, and the others in proportion. The unarmed rank and file had a month's pay and marching money to their homes. The disbandment had been completed by the 1st of June. "And so," writes Chesney, "parted the Ever Victorious Army from its General, and its brief but useful existence came to an end. During sixteen months' campaigning under his guidance, it had taken four cities and a dozen minor strong CHINESE GORDON. 113 places, fought innumerable combats, put /tors de combat numbers of the enemy, moderately estimated at fifteen times its own, and finding the rebellion vigorous and aggressive, had left it at its last gasp, confined to the ruined capital of the usurper." The large money present offered to Gordon he declined, as he had done the previous grant. He had spent his pay in promoting the effi- ciency of his force. " I leave China as poor as when I entered it," were the simple, modest words he wrote home. He left Ch:na, how- ever, with the goodwill, respect, and esteem of all with whom he had to do. The merchants and bankers of Shanghai expressed their col- lective gratitude. The British Minister wrote, " Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon well deserves her Majesty's favour, for independently of the skill and courage he has shown, his disinterestedness has elevated our national character in the eves of the Chinese." The Emperor of China con- ferred on him the highest military title of China (Ti Tu, Commander-in-Chief) and the rare Im- perial decorations of the Yellow Jacket and the Peacock's Feather. Prince Kung formally requested the British H4 CHINESE GORDON. Minister to bring Colonel Gordon's merits before the notice of her Majesty, and adds : " Colonel Gordon's title, Ti Tu, gives him the highest rank in the Chinese army ; but the Prince trusts that if, on his return home, it be possible for the British Government to bestow promotion or reward on Colonel Gordon, the British Minister will bring the matter forward, that all may know that his achievements and his character are equally deserving of praise." It may be possible to bring many accusations against the system of government which obtains in these Islands ; but it cannot be charged that Britain does not know how to reward her dis- tinguished men. Prince Kung's aspiration had been anticipated. Already in the beginning of 1864, Gordon had received the exceptional dis- tinction of a brevet Lieutenant-Colonelcy. But further recognition awaited him on his return to England. The guerdon usually bestowed on British subjects who have covered themselves with glory on foreign service in which other troops were engaged than our regular army, is the G. M. G., and even the most sanguine of Gordon's friends could scarcely have anticipated for him a higher distinction than this. But it CHINESE GORDON. 115 was evident that there was a special delight to do him honour. He was made a C. B. And to mark further how his merits were appre- ciated, the defence of the kernel of the Empire was confided to his charge. This was the real nature of the work which Colonel Chesney per- mits himself to designate as " the building of obscure forts from the designs of others on an Essex swamp." 1 2 CHAPTER III. GRAVESEND AND THE EQUATOR. From 1865 to 1S71 Gordon lived at Graves- end, employed on the duty of improving the defences of the Thames. These were his six years of quiet peace and beneficent happiness. It is a beautiful life of which Mr. Hake gives us a sketch so tender. " He lived wholly for others," writes that gentleman. " His house was school and hospital and almshouse in turn, was more like the abode of a missionary than of a commanding officer of Engineers. The troubles of all interested him alike. The poor, the sick, the unfortunate, were ever welcome, and never did supplicant knock vainly at his door. He always took a great delight in chil- dren, but especially in boys employed on the river or the sea. Many he rescued from the gutter, cleansed them and clothed them, and kept them for weeks in his house. For their CHINESE GORDON. 117 benefit he established reading classes, over which he himself presided, reading to and teach- ing the lads with as much ardour as if he were leading them to victory. He called them his * kings,' and for many of them he got berths on board ship. One day a friend asked him why there were so many pins stuck into the map of the world all over his mantelpiece ; he was told that they marked and followed the course of the boys on their voyages ; that they were moved from point to point as his youngsters advanced, and that he prayed for them as they went, night and day. The light in which he was held by those lads was shown by inscriptions in chalk on the fences. A favourite legend was ' God bless the Kernel ! ' So full did his classes at length become that the house would no longer hold them, and they had to be given up. Then it was that he attended and taught at the Raes'ed Schools, and it was a pleasant thing to watch the attention with which his wild scholars lis- tened to his words." The workhouse and the infirmary, writes another, were his constant haunts, and of pen- sioners he had a countless number. Many of the dying sent for him in preference to the nS CHINESE GORDON. clergy, and he was ever ready to visit them. All eatine and drinking he was indifferent to : his philosophy was that in half an hour after a meal it did not matter what he had eaten. His large garden was cultivated much on the allot- ment plan, by poor people to whom he gave permission to plant what they pleased, and to take the yield. He allowed the author of a book on the Tai-ping Rebellion to come and stay with him, and supplied him with material. But there came to him a suspicion that the writer was praising him, and he asked to see what he had written. It was a bad quarter of an hour for the author, who ruefully told Gordon he had spoiled his book, as he watched page after page being torn out. His purse was always empty because of his free handedness ; and he even sent some of his medals to the melting pot in the cause of charity. When another appointment removed him from Gravesend, there was universal regret. Equally graceful and sincere was the tribute of the local newspaper. " Our readers will regret," it wrote, " the departure of Colonel Gordon from the town in which he has resided for six years, gaining a name by the most exquisite charity CHINESE GORDON. 119 that will long be remembered. Nor will he be less missed than remembered, for in the lowly walks of life, by the bestowal of gifts ; by attend- ance and ministrations on the sick and dying ; by the kindly giving of advice ; by attendance at the Ragged School, Workhouse, and In- firmary ; in fact by general and continual bene- ficence to the poor, he has been so unwearied in well doing that his departure will be felt by numbers as a personal calamity. His charity was essentially charity, and had its root in deep philanthropic feeling and goodness of heart ; shunning the light of publicity, but coming even as the rain in the nighttime that in the morning- is noted not, but only the flowers bloom and give a greater fragrance. . . All will wish him well in his new sphere, and we have less hesi- tation in penning these lines from the fact that laudatory notice will confer but little pleasure upon him who gave with the heart and cared not for commendation." The " new sphere " was Galatz, the Rou- manian river-port on the lower Danube, and his duty there, as British member of the Danubian Commission, was to superintend the improvement of the navigability of the great 120 CHINESE GORDON. river's mouths. The deep Sulina channel by which vessels of large burden can now load at the Galatz and Braila wharfs is mainly Gordon's work during the two years his head- quarters were at Galatz. I found his memory still green there in the early days of the Russo- Turkish War, fourteen years after he had ex- changed the mosquitoes of the lower Danube for the not less venomous insects of the Upper Nile. How that exchange came about was in this wise. When Mehemet Ali entered on the enterprise of annexing the Soudan to Egypt, his honest intentions may have been to introduce com- merce and civilisation into the midst of the Negro and Arab tribes, its inhabitants. Trad- ing ports were established, but it was soon found that slave hunting paid better than ivory, and the traffic in slaves gradually increased until the scandal of it stirred the indignation of Europe. The Egyptian Government connived in the slave catching and the slave dealing, and made a profit out of what was a virtual royalty. The Upper Nile Basin — the region now known as the Equatorial Provinces — was the main theatre of the abominatiou. It was in this CHINESE CORDON. 121 country that Zebehr — now known as Zebehr Pasha, and suggested by Gordon as the new Governor-General of the Soudan — rose to be the arch slave hunter, who was able to defy the Khedive, and even to defeat an expedition sent to humble his pretensions. At length the re- monstrances of civilisation moved the late Khedive to evince, or feign, a serious earnest- ness of intention to put down the slave trade. He formally announced the annexation by Egypt of the whole Nile Basin up to the Equa- torial Lakes, and in 1869 issued a firman to Sir Samuel Baker, giving him absolute and supreme power over the whole country south of Gondo- koro. Sir Samuel had previously been up to the equatorial part of the Nile system, and must have been aware that the command assigned him was mostly on paper. Of his work there is no space to speak, but spite of the steadfast oppo- sition he experienced, alike from Egyptian officials and their accomplices the Arab slave traders, he gave the cruel commerce a severe blow. Baker's term was up in 1873 ; and in 1872, Nubar Pasha and Gordon had met in Constan- tinople, and Nubar had asked the Danubian Commissioner to recommend some Engineer 122 CHINESE GORDON. officer to be Baker's successor. A year later, when Baker was coming out into civilisation from his thankless and laborious work, Gordon tendered himself as his successor if the Khedive would apply for him and the British authorities did not object. The arrangement was effected, and after a short visit to London to make his simple preparations Gordon arrived in Cairo in February, 1874. A quotation from Mr. Birkbeck Hill's abstract of the Khedive's Instructions which Gordon took with him to his province will best explain the character of the duties to which he was assigned in Central Africa. " The province which Colonel Gordon has undertaken to or- ganise and to govern is but little known. Up to the last few years it had been in the hands of adventurers who had thought of nothing- but their own lawless gains ; and who had traded in ivory and in slaves. They established factories and governed them with armed men. The neighbouring tribes were forced to traffic with them whether they liked it or not. The Egyptian Government in the hope of putting an end to this inhuman trade, had taken the factories into their own hands, paying the CHINESE CORD OX. 123 owners an indemnification. Some of these men had nevertheless been still allowed to carry on trade in the district, under a promise that they would not deal in slaves. They had been placed under the control of the Governor of the Soudan. His authority, however, had scarcely been able to make itself felt in these remote countries. The Khedive therefore had resolved to form them into a separate Government, and to claim as a monopoly of the State the whole of the trade with the outside world. There was no other way of putting an end to the slave trade which at present was carried on in defiance of law. Once the brigandage had been stamped out, trade might become free to all." Gordon was to establish a line of posts through his province, attempt to win the confidence of the tribes, and persuade them to stop the wars made in the hope of carrying off slaves. Gordon's career in Africa is recorded in those supremely interesting and intensely character- istic letters to members of his family which Mr. Birkbeck Hill has had the privilege of publish- ing, and which really make his book — "Colonel Gordon in Central Africa/' I own to shudder ing at the sacrilege of condensing into a few 124 CHINESE GORDON. score pages the outlines of that extraordinary- narrative which those letters — Gordon's own journal in effect — tell with so unstudied a vivid- ness. That the path of the condenser is a thankless one — this does not distress me. My grief is that in " boiling down " this thick vo- lume of letters, the beauty, the strength, the sacred fervour, and the tender play of humour which irradiate them must clean evaporate, and there be left but a matter-of-fact record of acts and facts. I have the self-consciousness of being a vandal ; yet there comes to me some consolation in the probability that its very sue cinctness which distresses me will induce many people to read this little book who cannot find time to study the massive volume of letters, and so learn at least something more of this grand and beautiful life than they did before. To those wonderful letters there is now an added pathos. The field that Gordon broke in to cultivation threatens to relapse into pristine wilderness. The march of humanity that he led so enthusiastically halted when he withdrew from its van. And now it has wheeled in its tracks, and is in melancholy and disheartening retreat. CHINESE GORDON. 125 Before Gordon left Cairo on his way to his work, he had seen through the devices of Ismail. " I think," he wrote home, " I can see the true motive of the expedition, and believe it to be a sham to catch the attention of the English people ; and feel like a Gordon who has been humbusrored." But he was determined as far as in him lay to make the sham into a reality. " I will do it," was his later expressed resolution, " for I value my life but as naught, and should only leave much weariness for perfect peace." The Egyptian authorities wanted to make a satrap of him, and he was offered ;£ 10,000 to maintain his state ; but Gordon named ^2,000 and refused to accept any more. But an en- tourage was incumbent. He had to engage a suite of servants, of whom he was not long in ridding himself, and two wretched aides-de- camp were assigned him, much against his and their will. Going by water to Souakim, he travelled through the desert to Berber — a fort- night's march, for he had an infantry escort of 200 troops. Subsequently he traversed the distance, 280 miles, in nine days on camel-back. At Khartoum, the man who in the river voyage up from Berber, " had his trousers off and was I2 6 CHINESE GORDON. pulling the boat in spite of crocodiles," was re- ceived by the Governor-General in full uniform, salutes were fired in his honour, and the braying of a brass band welcomed him. His own offi- cial title he discovered to be " His Excellency General Colonel Gordon, the Governor-General of the Equator " -he calls it " an extraordinary mixture." He stayed but eight days in Khar- toum, by no means favourably impressed with the Governor- General there, with whom he afterwards had many "skirmishes." His Equa- torial policy he defined in a decree which he published before leaving Khartoum. " I have issued," he writes, "a stinging decree, declaring the Government monopoly of the ivory trade, and prohibiting the import of arms and powder, the levying of armed bands by private people, and the entry of any one without passports — in fact, I have put the districts under martial law." Then, on 22nd March, he began his voyage up the Nile, accompanied by his proUgi Abou Saoud, whom he had found a prisoner in Cairo. Abou's character was villainous, and everyone united in dissuading Gordon from taking with him the notorious slave hunter, but he was obsti- nate. He believed in Abou, and sanguine that CHINESE CORDON. 127 he would be " a very great help — he will be a great man ; he is built and made to govern." The disillusionment came when he discovered, later, that his life was in imminent danger through this scoundrel's treacherous machina- tions. There are buoyancy and hope in Gor- don's narrative of this voyage ; he was not yet in harness, and had not come into the realisa- tion of the difficulties that were to confront him. He notes the crocodiles "lying glistening in the sun," the huge flocks of migratory birds " wait- ing to go north," the hippopotamuses " walking about like huge islands in the shallow water," the monkeys with their " tails stuck up straight over their backs like swords," the camelopards that " looked like steeples." He gets fun out of his surroundings. One night, he tells, a peal of laughter from a bush startled him. u I felt put out, but the irony came only from birds that laughed at us from the bushes in a very rude way. They are a species of stork, and seemed in capital spirits, and highly amused at anybody thinking of going up to Gondokoro with the hope of doing anything." At the Sau- bat River, he had his first interview with some of his subjects — a tribe of Dinkas. The chief 128 CHINESE GORDON. was coaxed on board — " he was in full dress — a necklace," and his method of salutation was perhaps a little peculiar. " He came up to me, took up each hand, and gave a good soft lick on the backs of them ; then he held my face, and made the motion of spitting on it." From the " tight place " in the Bahr Gazelle the " sudd," or vegetation that had blocked the river so that it took from eighteen months to two vears to voyage from Khartoum to Gondo- koro, had been partly cut, partly swept away, and Gordon passed in a few hours the stretch that had lately been so obstructive. A few days below Gondokoro he passed first the abandoned Austrian Mission Station of St. Croix, where in thirteen years fifteen mission- aries had succumbed to local diseases without having made a single convert ; and Bohr, a " regular slave-trading station, where they were not over civil when they heard of my decree." At length, twenty-three days out from Khar- toum, Gondokoro was reached, and Gordon's arrival created much amazement, for nobody had ever heard of his nomination. Gondokoro was the nominal capital of his province, but the province itself was purely CHINESE GORDON. 129 mythical. The only possessions Egypt held in all the vast region were two forts, one here at Gonclokoro, with a garrison of 300 miserably inefficient men, whom it were a misnomer to call soldiers ; and another at Fatiko, some 200 miles as the crow flies further to the south, with 200 men holding it. Both places were virtually in a state of siege. " As for tax- collecting," he writes, " or any government existing outside the forts, it is all nonsense. You cannot go out in safety half a mile — all because they have been fighting the poor natives and taking their cattle." The man chiefly to blame for this state of things was Raouf Bey, the Egyptian Governor whom Gordon relieved. Raouf, he complains, " had never conciliated the natives, never had planted dhoora (grain), and, in fact, only possessed the ground he camped on." Very soon Gordon dis- pensed with the supine, inefficient Raouf, who was not sorry to get away — left, in fact, "in great joy and contentment." It was at least a fine virgin field on which to begin work, and Gordon was quite sanguine. " I apprehend not the least difficulty in the work ; the greatest will be to regain the poor i 3 o CHINESE GORDON. people's confidence. They have been hardly treated." But he could not commence in earnest until his staff and baggage had come up, and he made a dash down the Nile to Berber to fetch them. His sole companion hitherto had been the American Colonel Long, whom he left to represent him at Gondokoro. The staff he found at Berber consisted of Major Campbell, of the Egyptian Staff; Mr. Kemp, his engineer ; the two brothers Linants ; Messrs. Anson, Russell, and Gessi ; and, later, there came to him Lieutenants Chippen- dall and Watson, R.E. The Berber journey cost him over two months, but in June he was back at the Saubat River, where he remained two months, organising a station there and conciliating the Shillook natives. Here he began to see his way into the heart of the slave commerce. There were three slave sta- tions above him on the Bahr Gazelle, to the occupants of which he had given notice to quit. From one of them a letter came into his posses- sion directed to the Egyptian Governor of Fashoda, a post on the Nile outside Gordon's confines. This letter ran : "I am on my way to you with the 2,000 cows I promised you CHINESE GORDON. 131 and with all to satisfy your wants." The cows had been stolen from the neighbouring tribes — the all meant slaves. Gordon went straight to the slave station, broke it up, cleared the holders of it out, and ordered them down to Khartoum ; the cows he had to confiscate, since the owners could not be reached. The convoy of another dealer he patiently waited for at the Saubat. The trader tried to pass his convoy round Gordon, but the latter "checkmated" him, gave him a fortnight's imprisonment and then forgave him, and even employed him. " He is not worse than the others, and these slavers have been much encouraged to do what they have done. He is a first-rate man, and does a great deal of work." " In reality," he continues, "it was not I who changed the station (to a better site across the river), but the slave-hunters whom I have taken into my employ. They are hardy, active fellows, mostly Berberans — the remnant of an ancient race." As he waited for a steamer to take him up to Gondoroko, he engaged him- self in making friends with the natives around him, and in studying the character of the local slavery. His views expressed then may throw some light on the line he has taken in regard K 2 , 3 2 CHINESE GORDON. to slavery since he reached Khartoum in January last. "I think," he writes, "that the slavers' wars, made for the purpose of taking slaves, are detestable ; but if a father or mother of their own freewill, and with the will of the child, sells that child, I do not see the objection to it. It was and is the wholesale depopulation of districts which makes slavery such a curse, and the numbers killed or who perish in the collection of slaves." Wretched as were the people, their apathy stood for something like contentment. " I declare," writes Gordon, " I think there is more happiness among those miserable blacks, who have not a meal from day to day, than among our own middle classes. The blacks are glad of a little hand- ful of maize, and live in the greatest discom- fort. They have not a strip to cover them, but you do not see them grunting and groaning all day long, as you see scores and scores in Eng- land, with their wretched dinner-parties and attempts at gaiety, where all is hollow and miserable." He filled up his time in charitable ministrations. " I took an old bag-of-bones into my camp a month ago, and have been feeding her up ; but yesterday she was quietly CHINESE GORDON. 133 taken off, and now knows all things. She had her tobacco up to the last, and died quite quietly. What a change from her misery ! I suppose she filled her place in life as well as Queen Eliza- beth." Wretched, lonely, unwholesome quarter as Saubat was, it was a good spot for intercepting the slave traffic. A boat would come down from Gondokoro. Its appearance would be perfectly innocent — the cargo wood and ivory, seemingly, nothing contraband. But a bird would whisper to the alert Gordon, and a rum- mage would be made. The wood pulled up, lo ! a number of woolly heads, the heads of slaves whom the slavers were trying to smuggle down the river. " The strategical position here is splendid," writes Gordon, triumphant at such a find. Then slaves and ivory would be alike confiscated ; the former he kept, the latter went to swell the revenue. In the beginning of September he went up to Gondokoro to encounter fresh toil and trouble. For one thing, staff and servants were alike ill, broken down by the dreadful climate, which on him alone made no impression. The place was an hospital. Poor young Anson had already died. Gessi had been down with fever, i 3 4 CHINESE GORDON. but was now recovering. Russell was ill — too ill to be moved, and Gordon had him in his own tent, wholly under his charge. Campbell, ill ; Linant very ill, could not be moved. De Witt, " an amateur," dead. All the servants, ill and down. " The sick were being medically attended by," writes Gordon, " one of the best doctors (me) I know of." And the same practitioner had also to do most of the nursing. All the accounts Gordon had to keep, every detail personally to see to. But Gondokoro was too unhealthy. He moved his quarters first sixteen miles up the river to Rageef, a great change for the better, with its higher ground and purer air. Linant, however, could not be moved, and died at Gondokoro. To add to Gordon's troubles, he found that Abou Saoud, in whom he had believed, was a scoundrel and a traitor. He had been "squeez- ing" the chiefs whom Gordon was trying to conciliate, bullying the natives, and treating Gordon himself with insolent familiarity. He had inspired his men to mutiny. So Gordon broke the ex-slavedealer, in whom he had hoped to find an efficient lieutenant, and sent him down to Gondokoro with this letter as a CHINESE GORDON. 135 flea in his ear : — "Abou! when I took you up at Cairo, there was not an Arab or a foreigner who would have thought of employing you, but I trusted to your protestations and did so. When I got to Gondokoro you were behaving pro- perly, and I congratulated myself on your appointment to the high post I gave you. Soon, however, I came little by little to repent my action, and to find out that my fair treatment was thrown away. You deceived me. To come to more personal matters, you strangely forgot our relative positions ; you have forced your way into my private apartment at all times, have disputed my orders in my presence, and treated all my other officers with arrogance, showing that you are an ambitious grasping man, and unworthy of the authority I gave you. If you do this under my eyes, and at the be- ginning of your work, what will you do when you are away from me ? Now, hear my deci- sion ! Your appointment is cancelled, and you will return to Gondokoro and wait my orders. Remember, though I remove you from your office, you are still a government officer, subject to its laws, which I will not hesitate to put in force against you if I find you intriguing." 1 36 CHINESE GORDON. Three weeks later, on the entreaty of two of his staff, Gordon relented, and gave Abou Saoud another chance. But that person was " not a bit changed — only more wary and sly than before." He recommenced his intrigues ; and Gordon would stand him no longer. " One wants some forgiveness oneself," he had written, when he pardoned the scheming traitor; "and it is not a dear article." It came very near being a dear article to Gordon, however, for through Abou's machinations he had a narrow escape of his life ; so the end came, and Abou Saoud — a failure and something worse — was sent down the river. Gordon, however, lived inside a sort of ring- fence of scoundrelism. He presently discovered that his local chief officer at Gondokoro had connived at the passage of a convoy of slaves for the " consideration " of 360 dollars. The convoy — 1600 slaves — got arrested down at Fashoda, and the Gondokoro Mudir had a rather unhappy time. But Gordon had not a free hand, and felt the falseness of his position. The Khedive was writing to him "quite harshly" to stop the slave trade. The Khe- dive's officials were helping it on. " I ask," writes Gordon, "if under these circumstances CHINESE GORDON. \yj his Highness would think me justified in hanging the men I find in charge of slaves : I do not think he would. I cannot help thinking the Khedive finds out that he has made a mistake in appoint- ing me, and that he would sooner have a quieter, easy-going, salary-drawing man." At the end of the year he abandoned the Gondokoro site for his principal station, and transferred the seat of government to Lado, twelve miles down the river, on ground that rose above the pestilential marshes. He had lost from sickness eight members of the original staff, of which only Kemp now remained with him at headquarters. Kemp had been up at Duffli at the head of the cataract, 134 miles south of Gondokoro, trying to put together the steamer that had been taken up in pieces, and that was still intended to be used later for the navigation of the Albert Nyanza ; but troubles with the tribes, caused by the misconduct of Kemp's escort, had necessitated the temporary abandonment of the work. Colonel Long had been doing good work before going sick down to Khartoum. He had visited M'tesa, the King of Uganda, and had met with a good recep- tion. On his way down he had discovered and i 3 8 CHINESE GORDON. used a water passage from Urandogani to Foweira, which gave Gordon great satisfaction, facilitating as it would his access to M'tesa's capital. Lado he found much healthier than had been Gondokoro. He had invented a pill which had kept him in perfect health, and hard work hin- dered him from feeling dull, spite of his abso- lute loneliness. He had completed a map of the Nile from Raeeef down to Khartoum, and had built his new station at Lado when the year closed. It was about this date that one of his staff thus summed up what Gordon had already accomplished : — " He has certainly done wonders since his stay in this country. When he arrived, only ten months ago, he found a few hundred soldiers in Gondokoro, who dare not go a hun- dred yards from that place, except when armed and in bands, on account of the hostile Baris. With these troops Gordon has garrisoned eight stations, Sambat, Ratachambe, Bohr, Lado, Rageef, Fatiko, Duffli, and Makrane. Baker's expedition cost the Egyptian Government nearly ;£ i, 200,000, while Gordon has already sent up sufficient money to Cairo to pay for all the expenses of his expedition, including not CHINESE GORDON. 139 only the sums required for last year, but the amount estimated for the current one as well." For 1875 Gordon had a great scheme, if only he could persuade the Khedive to fall in with it. His communications with Egypt via Khartoum were the reverse of satisfactory. The naviga- tion of the river was beset with difficulties, and firewood for the steamers was beginning to get scarce. Gordon's proposal for a new base was that the Khedive should send a small expedition to Mombaz Bay on the Indian Ocean, 250 miles north of Zanzibar, where a station should be established, and whence a detachment should push inland toward M'tesa. The Mombaz Bay route would be shorter than that by Khartoum, and would much more effectually open up Central Africa. The Khedive entertained the proposal, and sent out what was known as the Juba River Expedition, under McKillop Pasha of the Egyptian navy, whom Colonel Long accompanied to command the intended inland expedition. Trouble arose. Interests clashed. The Zanzibar merchants became alarmed for their equatorial trade, and the Aden settlement grew nervous about its Soumali coast supplies. i 4 o CHINESE GORDON. Finally, at the instance of the British Govern- ment, the expedition had to be abandoned. In February Gordon went down the river to the "pestiferous Saubat." His programme was to spend eight months in settling the stations on that line ; then go south to Fatiko, taking up to Duffli the steamers he meant to have put together there, and with which the lacustrine water system was to be explored. But circum- stances interfered with the execution of this programme. From Foweira there had come news to him that Kaba Rega, king of Unyoro, had leagued himself with the old slave-hunting gang, the original licensees of the Egyptian Government, and was meditating an attack on that station. He ordered down the slave hunters, who were still nominally in the Khe- divial service. Fifty of them came and were sent off to Khartoum, bewailing Gordon's mas- terful confiscation of the slaves they had brought down to Lado. As for Kaba Rega, Gordon determined to drive him out of his kingdom, and substitute Riongo, who had been Baker's vakeel and was now Kaba Rega's rival and a well affected man. But first the Sheikh Bedden had to be dealt CHINESE GORDON. 141 with, for he had been contumacious, and his proximity to Rageef rendered him dangerous. The only method to bring this apparently truculent gentleman to terms was to surprise him and take his cattle from him. Some risk attended the expedition, for Gordon's Soudanese soldiers were as bad as bad could be, and a concentration which he had devised failed to come off by reason of their heedlessness and pusillanimity. But in the end, without any effusion of blood or burning of villages, Bedden was punished by the loss of 2600 head of cattle, and soon after came in and made submission. Gordon was not stern with the old man ; he gave him back twenty of his cows, and made him some presents — anxious thus to impress the tribes with a sense at once of his justice and generosity. Later it turned out that the cattle had not been Bedden's at all, but belonged to a friendly chief, to whom prompt restitution of them was made ! Bedden himself turned out to be but a poor creature after all. " To-day," wrote Gordon, " I rode to Bedden Islet to have a look at the channel, and observing some natives on a rock under a tree, I walked up to them. They did not move, and I sat down near i 4 2 CHINESE GORDON. them. I asked, 'Are you Bedden's people?' They pointed to an old man and said ' Bedden,' and there was our friend himself. Poor old man ! he was partially blind. I tried to be civil with him ; gave him my whistle and some tobacco, and told the people not to take his cows. It was a sudden meeting to come across him like that ! " The problem that confronted Gordon was how to get the heavy portions of the steamers intended for the lakes up above the cataracts about Duffli, which, with the rapids below them, interfered with the continuous navigation of the river. He finally resolved, that since the route lay through a region that would be almost in- evitably hostile, the true method was to " go up and place a station on the Nile, a day's march above Rageef; then to bring all the impedi- menta up there ; then to make another station a day's march further, and take the things up there ; and so on to the head of the Falls." But then the further problem was before him, how to feed the people in those successive stations ? It was yet, however, early in the year, and he could not begin the operation until later in the season, when he should have reconnoitred the CHINESE GORDON. 143 country, and when his steamers would have arrived from Khartoum. He started southward to select the position for his first station, taking with him forty Soudanese soldiers, fifty Niam- Niam recruits from the Makrata country whom he had enlisted, and a number of bearers carry- ing fifteen days' provisions for the little expedi- tion. Kerri, on the Nile, thirty miles south of Raeeef, was the limit of the march. When halted there, and he was in friendly intercourse with the natives, the alarm of an attack was given, which formed a pretext for his "unruly mob " of followers to plunder the huts. It was a ruse, and angered Gordon so that he thus breaks out in his letter : — " Cowardly, effeminate, lying brutes these Arabs and Soudanese ! with- out any good point about them that I have seen. It is degrading to call these leaders and these men officers and soldiers — I wish they had one neck, and that someone would squeeze it ! When not obliged, I keep as far away as I can from them, out of earshot of their voices. It is not the climate ; it is not the natives ; but it is the soldiery which is my horror." By dint of hard work, in the early days of June three nuggars — Nile barges — were towed up the I44 CHINESE GORDON. narrow rapid stream from Rageef to Kerri, and ioo soldiers followed to form the station there. Gordon himself went down to Lado to await the steamers from Khartoum, which were longfover- due, and which were bringing the troops he needed. It is needless to say he found there everything as it should not be. The impossible Governor he "bundled off" to Khartoum — his " Botany Bay," along with a number of pampered and spoilt old soldiers. And he had to deal with the women belonging to the soldiers. The latter had been wont to have wives in every station, which made the stations masses of in- defensible huts. Gordon compelled the " vifes," as he called them, to accompany these men to the new stations which he was forming. And he was justifiably proud of the fact that now he had so pacificated the region that a couple of soldiers could march safely where previously it was necessary to send a band ioo strong. At length, on the last day of July, a start was made from Kerri. He had to " pray the nuggars up as I used to do the troops when they wavered in the breaches in China," but it was heart-breaking work. The soldiers were miser- able, ' feckless ' creatures, and the current was CHINESE GORDON. 14$ strong, the tackle was bad, and there were many rocks. Occasionally there was defeat all along the line. " It appears that yesterday" (Gordon is writing August 9th) " one of the nuggars, through the stupidity of the Reis, broke loose, and floating down got into the middle of the rapids in such a position that nobody could get at her. In my absence they sent down the felucca, and she got staved in on the rocks and sand. Next they sent down another nuggar, and she is now in the middle of the river hard and fast on the rock." This was a " sad catas- trophe," but perseverance overcame it, and the point where was to be formed Moogie Station was reached a few days later. Here he waited for the reinforcements he expected up from Lado on the arrival of the Khartoum steamer, and soon, then "the two hemispheres will meet." The natives were troublesome. It was not that they sent their magicians to curse Gordon — that did not matter. But they attacked the station next to the one he occupied, and fired arrows into the tents of his own little camp where he had but twenty men. Next day young Linant, thebrother of the Linant who had died at Gondokoro, came down from 1 46 CHINESE GORDON. Makadi, forty miles up stream, with ropes and a detachment, and a number of natives to assist in hauling the nuggars. Linant had been to M'tesa, and met there in April Stanley the explorer. Gordon's young assistant had not long to live. There had been a skirmish in which the natives showed unaccustomed courage, and Linant, with Gordon's permission, took a detachment of thirty- six men with two officers and crossed the river to make reprisals, with intent to deter the natives from attacking the expected steamer. This was in the morning. At midday Gordon heard firing, and saw Linant's red shirt as he stood on a hill, not two miles distant from the station, apparently in no trouble. In the afternoon there was an alarm. A man was seen running down to the opposite shore. A boat fetched him across. " Where is your musket ? " asked Gordon. " The natives have got it ! " " Where are the rest?" " They are all killed ! " "How?" " They had finished their ammunition." Gordon had but thirty men and they were useless — in a panic at the news. He moved down stream to the next station, which was fortified, experi- encing immense difficulty on the voyage because of the swift tortuous current. But the natives CHINESE GORDON. 147 allowed the movement undisturbed, save that one from an eminence hurled vituperation, u I made him recognize," grimly remarks Gordon, " that the top of a rock 500 yards distant was not a healthy place to select for the delivery of an address." He found at the lower station the steamer and four escaped men of Linant's party, who told the story that the detachment had got surrounded, and that when all its ammunition was crone the natives had rushed in. Poor Linant was killed by two lance wounds, a victim of the brisrht red shirt he wore — the second son his o father had lost in the Equatorial Province. It was necessary to punish this reverse, and Gordon had received a great accession of force. The steamer had brought up a detachment, and the Mudir of Fatiko, Nuehr Aga, who turned out an excellent officer, brought in a number of fierce and strapping Niam Niams, so that the Moogie garrison was now 500 strong. But Gordon could not find it in his heart to be very relentless against those hapless natives, whose wizard "stood on ' Balak's hill,' obeying, no doubt, the Chief's mandate, ' Come, curse me this people, for they are too mighty for me' — ■ the Kings and Princes of Midian sitting like 1 2 r 4 8 CHINESE GORDON. apes behind him." " I can quite enter," writes Gordon, "into these poor people's misery at their impotency. ' We do not want beads ; we do not want to see the Pasha ; we want our lands, and you to go away!' The retribu- tive expedition killed nobody, and brought in but 200 cows, 1,500 sheep, and the daughter of the Sheikh, who, of course, had to be let go. At length Duffli was reached. " It is all over," writes Gordon in large capitals. The Fola Falls were impassable, and everything would have to be portaged. He settled down at Fashelie, a few miles from Duffli, to wait until the tall grass would burn that now waved around him like a great sea. He was ailing. He suffered from ague for the first time since boyhood, and later came liver. The rest helped him, and £ave time for administrative work. The chain of stations from the Soudan up to almost within touch of the Albert Nyanza, was complete. The posts arrived regularly; the country was actually almost at peace. And the slave-hunting? He had been industriously routing out the slave-catchers, but up at Duffli he found " a little nest of ten," who had stayed behind in hopes that they would be overlooked. CHINESE GORDON. \$ No such luck for them ! They had been quite independent, levying taxes and making raids ; but their good time was over very soon after Gordon reached the scene of their perform- ances. Probably they did not feel very ami- able towards him when they found themselves inexorably "bundled off" down to Khartoum, they and their gang of followers. By the end of 1876 Gordon had finished his Equatorial work and was back in London, but when that year opened he had still perhaps the most arduous part of his undertaking before him. The region of the Great Lakes had to be explored in detail, pacificated, and studded with posts to maintain the peacefulness. The early days of January saw him marching south from Fashelie to Foweira via Fatiko, through a dreary country strewn with outcrops of iron ore and with slag from native smelting. The region between Duffli and Foweira was a lonely desert of marsh, out of which " the moment the sun goes down, a cold damp arises, that enters one's very bones." The thorns tore his clothes to rags, and gigantic elephants cumbered the diffi- cult track through the tangled jungle. His object in going thus far south now, was to chase i S o CHINESE GORDON. Kaba Rega out of his Unyoro kingship at Mrooli, and restore Riongo. In this he suc- ceeded ; Kaba Rega burning his " palace," and running off to Masindi with the " magic stool." Gordon left garrisons in Masindi and Mrooli to keep Kaba Rega in check and support Riongo, and returned in February to Duffli, postponing his intention for the present, of " surveying the gaps in the Victoria Nile." In the beginning of March the two life-boats having been put together at Duffli, Gessi started with them to explore Lake Albert Nyanza. Reaching Ma- gungo, where the Victoria Nile flows into Lake Albert, Gessi set forth on his work of cir- cumnavigation, which he accomplished in nine days, in spite of a very violent storm that drove him on to an isle swarming with Kaba Rega's troops, on whom it was necessary to fire. The Lake Gessi reckoned 140 miles long by 50 wide. Gessi earned Gordon's commendation ; he had done his work smartly and efficiently, and re- joined his chief in the end of April. Meanwhile Gordon himself was continuing his attention to administrative details. He reconstituted the line of stations from Duffli north to Lado, and re- organised a postal service. From Foweira there CHINESE GORDON. 151 came down to him in an envelope addressed to " Stanley," a quaint letter from M'tesa, written in Kaba Rega's interest. The scribe was evi- dently a Bombay man, of a phonetic tempera- ment. The letter is a curiosity. " To Sir Canell Gorlden, Feb. 6, 1876. My dear Friend Gorden hear this my word be not angry with Kavarega Sultan of Unyoro. I have head that you been brought two manwar ships but I pray you fight not with those wanyoro for they know not what is good and what is bad. I am Mtesa King of Uganda for if you fight with governour you fight with the King. . . I pray you my friends hear this my letter stop for a moment if you want to fight put ships in the river Nile take west and north and I will take east and south and let us put Wan- yoro in to the middle but first send me answer from this letter. Because I want to be afreind of the English. I am Mtesa son of Suna King of Uganda let god be with your majesty even you all Amen. Mtesa King of Uganda." The humour of his lonely situation up in this remote region, left to struggle single-handed with every petty detail, rather amused than irritated the energetically philosophical man. j 52 CHINESE CORDON. Steamers were wanted. The engines originally ordered out by Baker, then casually found by a travelling engineer half embedded in the desert sand beyond Korosko, had finally in a casual kind of fashion reached Khartoum. But the engines were useless without hulls. " Shall I order hulls and risk it?" writes Gordon in a home letter. " Ask Mary what I had better do, or the old cook. . . In any other Government in the world I should have under me sub- ordinates to look after the proper supplies being sent up and properly distributed, to look after the accounts, the soldiers, their arms, &c. I have not time to do this work, and it appears not to be the custom — the whole of these matters are the affair of the Governor per- sonally. He is controller in land and water matters in the fullest extent of the word ; repairs of boats, steamers, &c, are all his work." As Gordon moved through the country he used his observant faculties keenly. " It is odd and worthy of study," he writes—" the limits of perfect nudeness and of full clothing. The tribes on the Nile to the Albert Lake are per- fectly nude ; then comes a region of apologies for dress, and then come full dressed tribes. CHINESE GORDON. 153 This is another curious feature about the Nile tribes : they have not the least idea of indeli- cacy in being naked, but they are very clean in person and in their habits and demeanour." It was a tedious period while the completion of the steamer at Duffli was being waited for ; but at length it was ready. Gessi, the efficient, had been ordered down to Khartoum, and Gordon was unaccompanied in this latest expe- dition by any European. He had resolved not to undertake exploration work, and had indeed in the beginning of the year written to Sir Henry Rawlinson, pointing out that his troops in the stations which he had formed in the Lake Country needed all his efforts to keep them supplied. " The wants of the troops," he then wrote, "are immediate; the exploration can wait." But these gaps in the Nile geo- graphy were preying on his mind. " I see at once," he wrote, " how incomplete the work is until they are rilled up." Schweinfurth had written, "It may be that Lake Albert belongs to the Nile system ; but it is not a settled fact, for there are seventy miles between Foweira and Lake Albert never explored, and one is not authorised in making the Nile leave Lake i S 4 CHINESE GORDON. Albert. The question is very doubtful." Gor- don had followed the Nile from Khartoum to Duffli, and Gessi had completed the survey of the river from Duffli up into Lake Albert. An " Albert Nile" then was established ; but what about the Victoria Nile? That river flowed out of the Lake Victoria Nyanza, and its course was known as far north as Foweira ; but beyond that, what of it ? There were those who held it might go to the Saubat or the Asua, both of which rivers are part of the Nile system, but in this case the Albert Nyanza would be a separate source. " It was contended," wrote Gordon later, "that the Nile did not flow out of Lake Victoria and thence into Lake Albert and so northward, but that one river flowed out of Lake Victoria and another out of Lake Albert ; and that these two rivers united and formed the Nile. This statement could not be posi- tively denied, inasmuch as no one had actually gone along the river from Foweira to Ma- gungo. So I went along it with much suffering, and settled the question. I also found that from Foweira to Karuma Falls there was a series of rapids to Murchison Falls, thus by CHINESE GORDON. 155 degrees getting rid of the 1000 feet difference of level between Foweira and Magungo." On July 28, Gordon was on Lake Albert, and had reached the debouchment of the Victoria Nile into that lake. Then he began his arduous survey work of the seventy miles stretching eastward to Foweira. " A dead mournful place this is " (near Murchison Falls), " with a heavy damp dew penetrating every- where ; it is as if the Angel Azrael had spread his wings over this land. You can have little idea of the silence and solitude." The river was navigable up to the foot of the Falls, but then the arduous tramp began in a pouring rain through dense jungle, and terrific ravines coming down laterally from the table land into the deep canyon in which the river ran. Five days of scrambling through a tangle of wild vines and other creepers at the rate of about eighteen miles a day, brought Gordon to the deserted station of Anfina, and three days later he was in Foweira, and the survey had been complete. He visited the station that had been formed at Mrooli, seventy-five miles up the Victoria Nile from Foweira, and penetrated by land eighty miles further in the direction of 156 CHINESE GORDON* Lake Victoria, to near Speke's Nyamyango. Then he turned back, and visited Masindi Sta- tion, thence arriving at Magungo on September 29th, having annexed for the Khedive and actually occupied a large tract of the Equatorial lucustrine region. On 6th October he started on his journey northward, bound for Cairo, his ulterior intentions seemingly not very definite. " Body of Comfort — a very strong gentleman — says, ' You are well ; you have done enough ; go home — go home and be quiet, and risk no more.' Mr. Reason says, 'What is the use of opening more country for such a Government ? There is more now under their power than they will ever manage. Retire now, and avoid troubles with M'tesa and the Mission.' But Mr. Somebody (I do not know what) says, ' bnut your eyes to what may happen in future ; leave that to God, and do what you think will open the country thoroughly to both Lakes. Do this not for the Khedive, or for his Govern- ment, but do it blindly and in faith.' An oracle also says, ' Let your decision rest on the way the Khedive is disposed ; if he desires you to stay, then stay ; but if he seems indifferent, then do not hesitate, but go away for good.' " CHINESE GORDON. 157 Gordon reached Cairo on December 2, had a final interview with Cherif Pasha, to whom he entrusted the task of informing the Khedive that he did not intend continuing in his service, and on Christmas Eve, 1876, he arrived in London. He had administered the Equatorial Province for eighteen months. What he had done in that time was briefly this : — He had mapped the White Nile from Khartoum to within a short distance of the Victoria Nyanza. He had given to the slave trade on the White Nile a deadly blow. He had restored confi- dence and peace among the tribes of the Nile Valley, so that they now freely brought into the stations their beef, corn, and ivory for sale. He had opened up the water communication between Gondokoro and the Lakes. He had established satisfactory relations with King M'tesa. He had formed Government districts, and established secure posts with safe communi- cation between them. He had contributed a revenue to the Kheclivial exchequer, and this without oppression. The Tai-ping Rebellion established Gordon's genius as a military com- mander ; the Equatorial Provinces, when he left them, testified not less to his genius as a philanthropic and practical administrator. CHAPTER IV GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE SOUDAN. " They say I do not trust Englishmen ! ' once said shrewd old Ismail. " Do I mistrust Gordon Pasha ? That is an honest man ; an administrator, not a diplomatist." For the moment Ismail had lost his " administrator." Gordon had suffered so much hindrance in his Equatorial work at the hands of Ismail Yacoub Pasha, the Governor-General of the Soudan, that he had thrown up his command. He had successfully checked slave-driving in his own Province, but he could do nothing to stop it in the extensive Soudan region, where Khartoum was the head-quarters of the system. But the Khedive was urgent for him to return, and it was pointed out to him by those in authority at home that there was a sort of moral obligation resting on him to carry out his work. His holi- day in England was brief ; he was back in CHINESE GORDON. 159 Cairo early in February, 1877. He conquered all along the line. Ismail Yacoub was re- moved, and his place given to Gordon, with a vastly increased sphere of duty and responsi- bility. " Setting a just value," wrote the Khe- dive to the latter on February 17, 1877, "on your honourable character, on your zeal, and on the great services you have already done me, I have resolved to bring the Soudan, Darfour, and the provinces of the Equator, into one vast province, and place it under you as Governor- General." He was to have three sub-gover- nors, and the two matters to which Ismail desired his principal attention were the sup- pression of slavery, and the improvement of the means of communication. Part of his commission was to attempt an arrangement of questions in dispute between Egypt and Abyssinia, and this matter Gordon resolved to go into before proceeding to Khar- toum and beginning his work of administration. He had his interview with the Khedive. "He looked at me reproachfully, and my conscience smote me. . . . Then I began and told him all ; and then he gave me the Soudan, and I leave on Saturday. I am very glad to get 160 CHINESE GORDON. away, for I am very weary. I go up alone with an infinite Almighty God to direct and guide me, and am glad to so trust him as to fear nothing: and to feel sure of success." He was at Massowah already on the 26th of February. It was a tangled skein, the unravelment of which was thrown upon Gordon by the Khe- dive's curiously vague instruction : " II y a sur la frontiere d'Abyssinie des disputes ; je vous charge de les arranger." Lord Napier of Mag- dala's friend, Prince Kassai, had set himself up under the title of " Johannis, King of Abys- sinia." Old Menelek of Shoa, on the south, still held and holds his own against Johannis, and Boeos also remained recalcitrant. The ill- fated Munziger Pasha, a Swiss, who was Go- vernor of Massowah for the Khedive, had per- suaded his master to snatch the opportunity to annex Bogos to the Soudan. That was effected in 1874, but when the lust for annexation prompted a further effort to wrest the Hama- cen province from Abyssinia, the Egyptian troops were utterly and disastrously defeated, chiefly by the exertions of Walad el Michael, the hereditary Prince of Hamacen and Bogos, CHINESE GORDO X. 161 whom Johannis had released from the confine- ment in which he had been detained, and sent him into his own country to raise his people against the Egyptian invaders. Smarting under defeat, the Khedive, in 1876, instituted a new expedition against Abyssinia under the Ame- rican Lorincr and Rahib Pasha. Walad el Michael had quarrelled with Johannis, and, thinking- he could do better for himself by changing sides, went over to the Egyptians. He brought them no luck. Johannis smote them hip and thigh, and finally, under a truce, what was left of the Egyptian army got back to Massowah. Walad el Michael, who had 7,000 men, drew off to Bogos ; and while Johannis and Rahib were negotiating, he struck for his own hand, and surged into the Province of Hamacem, whose Abyssinian Governor he killed. Johannis panted to have this truculent free-lance in his power, and sent a mission to Cairo offering the Khedive the cession of Hamacem — Bogos already he had— if the Egyptians would but hand over to him this troublesome Walad el Michael. The envoy was treated in rather haut en has fashion, and, after kicking his heels in Cairo for some three M 1 62 CHINESE GORDON. months, returned to Abyssinia without any answer from the Khedive to Johannis's propo- sal — an indignity which kindled the latter potentate to bitter wrath. It was to attempt the resolution of this chaos into order that Gordon went up to the Abys- sinian frontier. He could devote but a brief interval to the effort, for the internal condition of his new and vast Province clamoured for his urgent attention. Darfour was in revolt, and the Egyptian garrisons were besieged by the insur- gents. Further south the slave-dealers, under the lead of that "cub" Suleiman, the son of Sebehr Pasha, were threatening an outbreak. And to crown the difficulties of the situation for Gordon, the Soudan had been well-nigh drained of troops for the support of the Sultan in his war with Russia. It availed Gordon little that the Khedive had made him a Mar- shal ; sent him a uniform covered with gold lace, and given him in charge the South- eastern Littoral down to Berberah, opposite Aden. From Massowah he pushed on Keren (now Sanheit), the chief town of Bogos. His new state this man, so fond of simplicity, found " irksome beyond measure." He breaks out in CHINESE GORDO X. 163 angry protest : " Eight or ten men to help me off my camel ! as if I were an invalid. If I walk, every one gets off and walks ; so. furious, I get on again." As he approached Keren, the Abyssinian mercenaries in Egyptian pay came out to meet him with musicians, dancers, and kettle drummers ; when he entered, the garrison was on parade to receive him. It was not the inevitable Scot he found here, but the almost equally inevitable Irishman, a gentleman of the name of Macilvrey, who had come up with Consul Cameron, and now wore his white sheet, and had a local wife and family. Walad el Michael presently came into the place with an escort of cavalry and infantry. The French missionaries interpreted to him Gordon's views. Egypt declined to prosecute the war with Abys- sinia, and Gordon would either give Walad a government in his territory, or ask Johannis to give him one in Abyssinia. Walad wanted ever so much better terms, but Gordon was resolute, and Walad accepted the former alter- native. It was a complicated situation, which Gordon thus expounds in quaint allegory : " There were two courses open to me with respect to this Abyssinian question ; the one to M 2 164 CHINESE GORDON. negotiate peace with Johannis and ignore Walad el Michael, and if afterwards Walad turned rusty, to arrange with Johannis to come in and catch him. This certainly would have been easiest for me. Johannis would have been delighted, and we would be rid of Walad ; but it would first of all be very poor encouragement to any future secessions, and would debase Egyp- tian repute. The process of turning in the polecat Johannis to work out the weasel (Walad) would play havoc with the farmyard (the coun- try) in which the operation was carried on ; and it might be that the polecat Johannis having caught the weasel Walad, might choose to turn on the hens (which we are), and killing us, stay in the farmyard. For, to tell the truth, we, the hens, stole the farmyard, this country, from the polecats when they were fighting among them- selves, and before they knew we were hens. The other course open to me was to give Walad a government separated from Johannis, which I have done, and I think that was the best course ; it was no doubt the most honest course, and though in consequence we are like a fat nut between the nutcrackers, it will, I hope, turn out well." CHINESE GORDON. 165 The "hen" simile Gordon pursued in a written reverie on administration. " I often think how small the office work generally is with us in England in our great offices, in comparison with the questions one has to decide here. In the one case a few pounds are in dispute ; in the other case the whole tenure, and the desti- nies of human beings are a question. In reality both are equally important so far as the effect on ourselves is concerned. The procuring and boiling of potatoes is as much to a poor woman as the reorganisation of the army is to Cardwell. We are all hens, and never were such eggs laid as our own ! " He could not wait here at Keren while slow thinkers made up their minds. His presence was needed at Khartoum, for which he started in the beginning of April, riding some forty-five miles a day on his swift camel ; and giving orders, writing letters, and attending to applica- tions at the stations which he passed through. The work he saw in front of him would be ar- duous ; but he braced himself to wrestle with it. "With terrific exertions," he wrote, " I may in two or three years' time, with God's administra- tion, make a good province, with a good army 1 66 CHINESE GORDON. and a fair revenue, and peace and an increased trade, and also have suppressed slave raids ; and then I will come home and go to bed, and never get up again till noon every day, and never walk more than a mile." Arrived at Khartoum, he had to submit to the ceremony of installation. The Cadi read the firman and presented an address, a royal salute was fired, and then Gordon had to make his speech from the vice-throne. It was very short — but "it pleased the people much." The pithy sentence he uttered was, "With the help of God I will hold the balance level ; " and then, as not he records, he 1 ^ I w UNIVERSITY OF CAL.FORMA LIBRARV Los Angeles This boo* h DUE „„ ^ lajt ^^ jV 9 19b RECO LD-URL 1 8 1983 315 LOS ANGELA UBRARY 1 3 = = 05 L^ ^ = rr — ^ CO i ^^h = LO — i ^SS = CO ^ = = h- = co = o ■ — = o = o n:^^ h- ^^^ ~> — ^< CO ^~*' ^< 3 1158 00517 2696 J