teRG M INDEX TO Kindergarten Songs Including Singing Games and Folk Songs BY MARGERY CLOSEY QUIGLEY, A. B., Librarian DivoU Branch, St. Louis Public Library ASSISTED BY OTHER MEMBERS OF THE STAFF AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD 78 East Washington Street, Chicago 1914 3246 '> Copyright, 1914 by American Library Association Publishing Board TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface v Plan of the Index v List of Collections Indexed vi Key to Abbreviations x Index to Kindergarten Songs 1 Lists of Songs for Special Days 279 PREFACE This index, the plan of which is similar to that of the well known Granger index to recitations, was suggested by demands from St. Louis kindergartners for the location of songs for which they were searching. The idea is due to Mrs. Harriet P. Sawyer, Chief of the Instruction Department in the St. Louis Public Library, and valuable preliminary work was done also by Miss Effie L. Power, Supervisor of Children's Work, and by Miss Margaret Curran, Children's Librarian at the Divoll Branch. The Librarian has had nothing to do with it except to give advice occasionally in matters of policy. It was expected at first that the St. Louis Public Library would publish the index, but it has proved to be larger than was antic- ipated, and the Publishing Board of the American Library Asso- ciation has kindly relieved us of this part of the enterprise. Arthur E. Bostwick, Librarian St. Louis Public Library. PLAN OF THE INDEX Three types of books are indexed : — those containing only kin- dergarten songs, those containing both kindergarten and folk songs, and those including folk songs only. The collection indexed includes the following classes of books : (1) Books recommended by the Kindergarten Normal De- partment of the St. Louis Board of Education; (2) Books of songs and games given in the A. L. A. Catalog, its Supplement and the A. L. A. Booklist; (3) All other kindergarten-song books in the collection of the St. Louis Public Library. Sixty-three books are indexed. The list aims to be compre- hensive but is not recommended as a discriminative check-list for purchase. No kindergarten magazines have been indexed. The index is patterned on Granger so far as the form of entry is concerned. The entries, all in one alphabet, are by corp- poser, first line, title and author of the w^ords when he is at all important. There are no subject headings in the main index, although a separate list of songs for special days will be found at the end. Whenever there is a variation, whether in composer, first line or title, this is brought out in parenthesis below the entry. The variations appear in every entry of any given set. In groups where it was not possible to determine which was the parent song and which the versions, each song has been called a variant in accordance with the practice of the American Folk-lore Society. An asterisk indicates that the first line and the title begin with the same words. Margery Quigley. LIST OF COLLECTIONS INDEXED WITH PUBLISHERS AND PRICES Bancroft, J. H. Games for playground, home, school and gym- nasium. Macmillan, 1909. $1.50 net. Bell, F. E. E. (O.) Lady, contp. Singing circle. Longmans, 1911. $1.25 net. Bingham, C. Balloon man. 111. Music Co., Chic, cl910. 50c. Brewster, F. S., and Thomas, E. A. Song stories. Amer. Bk. Co., 1898. 60c. net. Burchenal, E. Folk dance music. Schirmer, cl908. $2. Burchenal, E., ed. Folk dances and singing games. Schirmer, 1909. cloth $1.50n. Cole, S. W. Child's first studies in music. Silver Burdett, cl897. 60c. net. Coonley. Mrs. L. (A) Singing verses for children. Macmillan, cl897. $2n. Crane, W. Baby's bouquet. Warne, 1900. $1.50. Crane, W. Baby's opera. Warne, 1900. $1.50. Crane, W. Pan-pipes. Warne, n. d. $1.50. Elliott, J. W. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes. McLoughlin, n. d. 75c. Elson, L. C, ed. Folk songs of many nations. Church, cl905. $1. Field, E. Songs of childhood. Scribner, 1896. $1.00. Fisher, W. A. Posies from a Child's garden of verses. Ditson, cl897. paper $1. Forsythe, C. Old songs for young America. Doubleday, Page, 1901. $2 net. Froebel, F. Mother play and nursery songs. Lothrop, $3.00, 1886. Froebel, F. Songs and music. Appleton, 1908. $1.25. Funkhouser, M. F. Simple songs for the kindergarten. Perry and Sons, cl912. $.50. Gaynor, J. L. Songs of the child world, v. 1 & 2. Church, cl897. $1.00. George, M. M. Songs in season. Flanagan, cl899. 75c. Hailmann, E. L. Songs, games, and rhymes. Flanagan, cl887. $1.75. Hill, M. J. Song stories for the kindergarten. Summy, cl896. Bds. $1.00 net. cloth $1.50 net. vii viii Index to Kindergarten Songs Hitte, H. M. Kindergarten songs and descriptive melodies. Perry, cl909. 50c. Hofer, M. R. Children's singing games : old and new. Flanagan, cl901. pa. 50c. Hofer, M. R. Music for the child world. Summy, 1900. v. 1. $1.25 net, v. 2. $1.50 net. Hornby, J. Joyous book of singing games. Macmillan, 19H. $1.00. Hubbard, C. B., conip. Merry songs and games. Flanagan, cl887. $2. Hurd, E. H. Play time songs. Bradley, cl906. 50c. Jenks, H. S. and Rust, M., comps. and cds. Song echoes from child land. Ditson, $2.00. Kastman, V. and Koehler, G. Swedish song games. Ginn, cl913. .70c net. Knowlton, F. S. Nature songs for children. Bradley, 1910. $1.00. Martin, G. E. Sunday songs for little children. Presbyterian Bd, 1899. 50c. net. Meissner. W. O. Art song cycles. Silver, cl910. Pt. 1. $.60. Montz, C. Instrumental musical sketches. Bradley, 1912. $1.00. Neal, M. ed. Esperance Morris book, pt, 1 and 2. Curwen, cl912. 5/ea. n. Neidlinger, W. H. Earth, sky and air in song. Am. Bk. cl900. 2 bks. Bk. 1. 70c net, Bk. 2. 80c net. Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers. Schirmer, cl896. $.50. Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American children. Harper, 1903. $1.50. _ Osgood, M. C. Rounds, carols and songs. Ditson, cl894. $T.50; paper $1.00. Plays and songs for kindergarten and family. Presser, cl874. 50c. Poulsson, E. Finger plays ; with music. Lothrop, [cl893] $1.25. Poulsson, E. Holiday songs and every day songs and games. Bradley, 1910. $2.00. Poulsson, E. and Smith, E. Songs of a little child's day. Bradley, 1912. $1.00. Pratt, W. S. cd. St. Nicholas songs. Century Co., 1885. $2.00 bds. $1.25. Reed, C. S. Timely games and songs. Hammett, 1900. 60c. Reinecke, C. Fifty children's songs. Schirmer, n. d. $1.00. cl901. Riley, A. C. D. ; and Gaynor, J. L. Lilts and lyrics. Summy Co., 1907. $1. Rogers, M. Kindergarten marches. Scranton, cl907. 60c. net price 53c. Sheehan. On a spring morning in the kindergarten. Anderson, cl910. 75c. Smeltzer, J. R. Sense games; with Peter Piper and his friends. Talbot, cl909. $1.00. Index to Kindergarten Songs ix Smith, E. Songs for little children. Bradley, cl887. 2 pts. ea, $1.25. pa. $1.00. Stevenson, R. L. Stevenson song book. Scribner, 1911. Bds. $1.00. Stevenson, R. L. Song flowers, from "A child's garden of verses," set to music by K. M. Ramsay. Stokes, cl897. 50c. Terhune, A. Colonial carols for children. Scribner, cl910. $1.25 net. Tomlins, W. L., comp. Children's souvenir song book. Novello, Ewer., cl893. $1.00. Tomlins, W. L., ed. Laurel song book. Birchard, 1910. $1.00. Tufts, J. W., comp. Child life in song. Silver, cl890. 60c net. U. S. Indian affairs office. Social plays, games, marches, old folk dances and rhythmic movements. Supt. of Docs., 1911. pa. 10c. Valentine, I and Claxton, L. Baker's dozen for city children. Kindergarten magazine Co., 1907. 50c. Walker, G. A. and Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. Ditson, cl887. $2.00. Whitehead, J. B. R. Folk songs and other songs for children. Ditson, 1903. bds. $2.00. Wiggin, K. D. Kindergarten chimes. Ditson. $1.50, bds. $1.25, pa. $1.00. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS 3rv (Full titles of books indexed will be found on p. vii.) ASC Meissner. Art song cycles. Bk. 1. BB Crane. Baby's bouquet. p _ BFD '•Burchenal. Folk dances and singing games. T^JsH >>^" BG -Bancroft. Games for school and playground. ; ~1 ^ BM Bingham. Balloon man. BSS Brewster. Song stories. CBO Crane. Baby's opera. CC Terhune. Colonial carols. CGV Fisher. Posies from A child's garden of verses. CL Tufts. Child life in song. CM Cole. Child's first studies in music. CPP Crane. Pan Pipes. DM Hitte. Kindergarten songs and descriptive melodies. EFS Elson. Folk songs of many nations. " •■-. '■- EL -Jenks and Rust. Song echoes from child land. ' ESI Neidlinger. Earth, sea and sky. Bk. 1.- h}l(f-i ES2 Bk. 2. ^- ]{ ' FC Reinecke. Fifty children's songs, fi^j-^ '^'■' FDM Burchenal. Folk dance music. "/ "i. t 7 ov-.y FS Whitehead. Folk songs and other songs for children. FSC Field. Songs of childhood. '-.^\ T>?> FSK Funkhouser. Simple songs for kindergarten. GS ^George. Songs in season.- - .. HC Hofer. Children's singing games, jitk^' HMCl Hofer. Music for the child world. Bk. 1. HMC2 Bk. 2. HR Hailmann. Songs, games and rhymes. — yjf /7 .'•<• HS Poulsson. Holiday songs. IMS Montz. Instrumental musical sketches. JB Hornby. Joyous book of singing games. KC Wiggin. Kindergarten chimes. ■■/'ip'i KK Kastman and Koehler. Swedish song games. KM Rogers. Kindergarten marches. LCD Poulsson and Smith. Songs for little child's day. LBS Bell. Singing circle. LL Riley and Gaynor. Lilts and lyrics. MG 'Elliott. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and nursery songs ; set to music. MP ^Froebel. Mother play. XI Xll Index to Kindergarten Songs MSG MSL NEBl NEB2 NG NS OSM OYA PFP PS PTS RCS SCI SC2 SF SHS SLl SL2 SM SS SSS StN SV SZ TC TGS TLB USI VBD WS • Hubbard. Merry songs and games. ' ^ rt rb Martin. Sunday songs for little children. Neal. Esperance Morris book. Bk. 1. Bk. 2. 0^ 'Newell. Songs and games of American children. /i'6,Z'i/.'5 'Knowlton. Nature songs for children. - " -■■ "" *"- Sheehan. On a spring morning. Forsythe. Old songs for young Americans. > Poulsson. Finger plays. ; : . Pla>6 and songs for kindergarten and family. Hurd. Playtime songs. t 'ii > Osgood. Rounds, carols and songs. ?• V^. ^ - . .. 'Gaynor. Songs of the child world. Bk. 1. ~ S" "^J Bk. 2. ♦• Stevenson. Song flowers, from "A child's garden of verses" set to music, by K. M. Ramsay. "Hill. Song stories. ■■ '. ri i. 6' 'Smith. Songs for little children. Bk. 1. ■• ■ Bk. 2. ' Froebel. Songs and music, fj h^-'^'^f Stevenson song book. Neidlinger. Small songs for small singers. • 'H Pratt. St. Nicholas book of songs. ";' ..''». /. *y f -Coonley. Singing verses for children. — *7'f' r rY Smeltzer. Sense games. Tomlins. Children's souvenir song book. 'Reed. Timely games and songs. - Jk x^" ♦^Tomlins. Laurel song book. ~ ' U. S. Indian Bureau. Social plays and games. •Valentine. Baker's dozen for city children. "Vfr ; Walker. Songs and games for little ones, v^ j^g INDEX TO KINDERGARTEN SONGS *A, B, C. OYA *A, B, C. RCS A, B, C, D. LBS *A, B, C, die Katze lief im Schnee. BB (A, E, O. RCS) *A, B, C, tumble down D. Elliott. MG *A, E, O, the cat jumped in the snow. RCS (A, B, C, die Katze lief im Schnee. BB) *A-hunting we will go. JB (Hunting. BG— USI) A-nutting we will go. NEBl Music only. A-rub-a-dub-dub. See Gaynor. Rub-a-dub-dub. SCI A-tis-ket, a-tas-ket a pretty May basket. See Smith. May basket. LCD ♦Abide with me, fast falls the eventide. Monk. TLB Abt. Bee game. HR Birdies' cradle. HR About boats. Neidlinger. ES2 Ace of diamonds. BFD Ace of diamonds. FDM Music only. Ach, wie ist's moeglich dann. See Kuecken. How can I leave thee? FS Acrobats and athletic sports. HMC2 Music only. Across the wild heather my laddie comes down. See Meissner. In Scotland. ASC Adam. Christmas song. GS Adams. Christmas carol. HS Nearer my God to Thee. TLB Adieu, dear land, with beauty teeming. Sec Switzer's farewell. EFS After resting all the night. Sec Mozart. Morning greeting. SHS After "Secret Love." Resch. KM After the rain. Smith. SV Afternoon song. KC Afternoon tea. Knowlton. NS Again you're here. See Gebauer. New Year. HS Ah! now we've caught you. See Bureau. Captive wild bird. HS 2 Index to Kindergarten Songs Ah, the drops are pouring down. See Knowlton. Summer shower. NS Ah, violet, dearest violet. See Schults. Violet. FC — KC — MSL — RCS— SLI— WS For composers see Schults. Violet. Ah ! who comes here. See Punchinello. HC Aiken drum. BB Air du roi Louis XIII. Page. HMC2 Music only. *Air is filled with the echoes. Morton. WS Air is full of mystery. See Gaynor. Christmas secrets. SC2 Airy, fairy snowflakes. See Gaynor. SCI Alabieff. Nightingale. FS Alas ! my love you do me wrong. See My Lady Greensleeves. NEBI (Marzials. My Lady Greensleeves. CPP) Albert. God's blessing on work. SHS Album leaf. Grieg. HMC2 Music only Album leaf. Sartorio. HMC2 Music only Alcott. O sing with cheery voices. SL2 Alden. Lost, the summer. GS ♦Aider by the river. Sawyer. EL (Strauchauer. Alder by the river. WS) Aldrich. Bronze, brown eyes. StN Christ church bells. RCS Cradle song. TC Marjorie's almanac. StN Alexander. All things bright and beautiful. HR — SHS Alice's supper. Smith. SLI ♦All aboard. Funkhouser. FSK All about, all about, baby's feet are flying. See Froebel. Play with the limbs. SM All alone I wander here. See Alone I wander. KK All around the chicken coop. See Pop goes the weasel. OYA All around the house. See Stevenson. Shadow march. SF (Ramsay. Shadow march. SF) All around the Maypole. See Maypole style. JB All around the mulb'ry bush. Cole. CM All day long I hear a song. See Cole. My song. TC All for baby. Roeske. PFP All frosty stands Christmas. See Hill. Yes, come ! dear dear Christmas. HS All gone! Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. All's gone. MP) All gone baby. Smith. SLI ♦All gone! the supper's gone! Hurd. PTS (Bullard. All gone. SM) Index to Kindergarten Songs 3 All good night, all good night. See Good night, no. 1. HR All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name. See Holden. Coronation. TLB All hail to thee, fair morning. See Walker. Birthday song. WS All in the downs the fleet was moored. See Marzials. Black eyed Susan. CPP All night long, all night long, little stars do blink. See Rossini. Stars and posies. GS All night long and every night. See Stevenson. Young night thought. SS (Foote. Young night thought. SS) All our work is over. See Mozart. Good-bye song. SHS All people that on earth do dwell. See Old hundred. EFS All's gone. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. All gone. MSG) All the birds and bees are singing. See Hubbard. Lovely May. MSG All the birds are back again. See Spring song. PS All the birds are back again. See Wiggin. Spring birds. KG All the birds are here again. See Smith. Summer song. SLl *A11 the birds have come again. Smith. SLl *A11 the birds have come again. WS All the busy work is done. See Hill. Farewell. SHS All the children's clothes are worn. See Story of the clothes SHS All the little Marguerites. See Gaynor. Marguerites. LL *A11 the little sparrows. Walker. WS All the trees are lifeless. See Hubbard. Rose bush. MSG *A1I thmgs bright and beautiful. Heerwart. HR (Hill. God's work. SHS) All through the night. EFS (Owen. All through the night. TLB) All up and down, my honey. See Sugar lump. NG All you little blackey tops. See Scarecrow. BB All who sing and wish to please. See Goodban. Round on the diatonic scale. RCS *Alle galoo galoo. JB Alle Vogel sind schon da. See Pretty birdlings. RCS Allegretto. Beethoven. HMC Music only. Allegro. Mendelssohn. HMC Music only. Alleluia. Barnby. TLB Allen. Canoe song. EL Christmas carol. EL Clouds and sunshine. StN 4 Index to Kindergarten Songs Allen. In the pleasant sunny meadows. WS Jessie. StN Lullaby. StN (Fairlamb. Lullaby. StN) Memorial hymn. TLB Song of the rain. WS (Smith. Rain song. SLl) There's a ship on the sea. StN rSX?"""^-.. There's a ship on the sea. StN) (Fisher. There s a ship on the sea. StN) — Whenever a little child is born. StN Winter and Summer. StN Alone I wander. KK AmaryuS^fFS ^^ ^ersbach. Barbarossa. RCS America. Smith. FS— GS— MSG (My country 'tis of thee. TLB) ^"'"'h?ld'^SSia'„''°h%^„°""¥^ °' '"^ ''"■ '" Chadwick. """TumberTame" HR °' ""^ ""' '°'"' -"■ ^" Czerny. Among these happy children. See Hill. Sklppine son? SH<; *Atii7r:fnir^j.'^r' '''■ '-^ *= -' ^-"^'■^- "I (Variant: We are all nodding. LBS) And what ^re^you trilling, O Katy-did-did? See Meissner. Katy- Andre. Christmas waltz song. KC Good morning. KC Andreae. Flower basket. HR How we love our kindergarten HR W^atermill. HR Angelus. Conrade. GS Annie Laurie. EFS— FS— TLB Annie went to the cabbage patch. See Strasak. BFD (Variant: Character dance. HC) Another birthday song. Reinecke. FC Anothe^ day has now begun. See Hailmann. Opening stanza. Anschuetz. Mill by the rivulet HR (Mill. WS) Antioch. Handel. TLB Anvil is busy the iron is hot. See Coonley. Anvil song. GS Anvil song. Coonley. GS Apple orchard. Lindbald. EFS Index to Kindergarten Songs 5 Apple trees grow in the orchard fair. See Lindbald. Apple orchard. EFS *Apples ripe. Hubbard. MSG April. SL2 April. Knowlton. NS *April! April! Are you here? Conrade. GS April drops came down. See Strong. May song. HS April girl. Fairlamb. StN (Stanley. April girl. StN) April rain. Knowlton. NS April's just a little child. See Fairlamb. Song of April. TLB April shower. Sawyer. EL April showers. Hailmann. HR April showers. Sheehan. OSM April snow. Warren. StN Arbor day. Gaynor. GS Arch. Koehler. HR (Marching, no. 22,. PS) Arch of glory curving there on high. See Gaynor. Rainbow. SCI Are you here, my little birdies? See Hubbard. Roll call. MSG Are you sleeping, are you sleeping. See Brother James. RCS (Friar John. FS) Arise, you little slum.b'rers. See Finger plays, no. 20. PS Armenian lullaby. Chadwick. FSC Armies in the fire. Stevenson. SF (Ramsay. Armies in the fire. SF) Arne. Lucy Locket. FS (Lucy Locket. BB— OYA) Arnold. Canadian boat song. TLB Haste thee, nymph. TLB Star spangled banner. EFS— FS— GS— MSG *Around the Christmas tree. Gaynor. LL Around the Maypole. Sherwood. HS Art thou poor. See Smith. Sweet content. TLB Art thou weary. See Baker. Stephanos. TLB Arthur of Bradley. FS As I came down the Canon-gate. See Merry may the keel row FS ■ As I walked over the hills one day. See Hill. Each mother loves best. SHS *As I was coming along along. Smeltzer. SZ As I was walking on the strand. See Old man. KK *As Joseph was awalking. Coonlye. GS As soon as the nights grow cold. See Neidlinger. Jack Frost. 6 Index to Kindergarten Songs As the vane upon the tower. See Hailmann. Weather vane. HR (Froebel. Weather vane. MP) As wandering up and down one day. See Hubbard. Shoe- maker. MSG *As we go round the mulberry bush. NG (Going round the mulberry bush. HR) (Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Little washerwoman. KK) (Alulberry bush. CBO— BG— FS— JB— LBS) Ashmall. Waken, little children. SLl Asleep. HR (Ball song, no. 10. PS) (Hubbard. Little ball lies in my hand. MSG) (Mozart. Going to sleep. HR) At close of day the sunset past. See Hill. Butterfly and moth. SHS At Easter-tide. Sheehan. OSM At Easter time. WS (Smith. Easter song. SLl) At evening the maiden dear. See Froebel. Little maiden and the stars. MP At evening when I go to bed. See Conrade. Daisies and stars. GS At evening when the lamp is lit. See Stevenson. Land of story books. SS (Bartlett. Land of story books. SS) At last we've caught you. See Little bird. RCS At night. Randegger. TC *At summer morn. FS At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 1-5. PS At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 6. PS (Variant: Day's far spent. JB) At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 7. PS (Forward, homeward. HR) At break of Christmas day. See Sawyer. The waits. EL At the dawn the light is sent. See Hill. Certainty of law. SHS At the window. Pratt. StN At thy door I'm knocking. See LuUy. By the moon's pale light. FS Atkinson. Brownies. GS Clock. GS Clouds. SV Cradle song. SV Doll day. GS — • — Doll's cradle song. GS First flag. GS Good-morning. GS Index to Kindergarten Songs 7 Atkinson. Good-night. GS Lincoln. GS Little stars. SV — ■ — Longfellow. GS Rainbow. GS Red, white and blue. GS Song of the nut. GS Wake up. GS — • — Washington song. GS Windmill. GS Au clair de la lune. See Lully. By the moon's pale light. FS August. Knowlton. NS Auld lang syne. Burns. EFS — FS Austrian hymn. Haydn. TLB Austrian national hymn. Haydn. FS Autumn. Gaynor. SC2 Autumn. Hiller. HMCl Music only. Autumn. Hitte. DM Autumn. Martin. MSL Autumn fires. Stevenson. EL — SF For composers see Stevenson. Autumn fires. Autumn flowers. Conrade. GS Autumn leaves. Gaynor. GS Autumn leaves. HR (Hill. Fall leaves. SHS) (Osgood. Come little leaves. MSG— RCS— WS) (Smith. Come little leaves. SL2) Autumn leaves. Macey. EL Autumn leaves falling yellow and brown. See Macey. Autumn leaves. EL Autumn leaves are whirling. See Smith. Finding the place. SL2 Autumn song. Beethoven. HR Autumn song. Russell. HS Autumn wind. Smith. LCD ♦Autumn winds are crying. Smith. SLl Awake. Gaynor. LL Awake ! awake ! Houseman. HS *Awake my soul, stretch every nerve. Handel. TLB Awake, said the sunshine. Sec Mendelssohn. Spring song. SLl *Awake ye little sleepers. Froebel. HR Awakening. Gaynor. SC2 Awakening song. Hill. SHS Away among the blossoms. EL (Hubbard. Away among the blossoms. MSG) Away, away, away, away among the blossoms. See Hubbard. Away among the blossoms. MSG (Away among the blossoms. EL) 8 Index to Kindergarten Songs Away fly the pigeons. See Saville. Pigeon's flight. HS Away in the manger no crib for His bed. See Christmas manger hymn. GS Away the merry children run. See Chapek. Bowing game. HS Away to the forest and search for a tree. Sec Sherwood. Our fir tree. HS Away up in Alaska. See Neidlinger. Glacier. ESI *Away with melancholy. LBS *"Baa! Baa! Black sheep, have you any wool?" CBO — FS (Elliott. Baa, baa black sheep. MG) (Gaynor. Baa, baa black sheep. LL) (Hailmann. Baa, baa black sheep. HR) "Baa!" said a black sheep. See Smith. Sheep. LCB Babe Jesus. Dugan. EL Baby and the moon. SM (Smith. Baby and the moon. SLl) Baby bo. Marzo. StN Baby Bunting. LBS— OYA *Baby bye, here's a fly. Hailmann. HR *Baby dear. Gaynor. LL Baby dear, baby dear, I know a place. See Cole. Ripe apples. CM Baby has a little tune. See Baby's tune. LBS Baby is a sailor boy. See Pollock. Sailor boy. HR (Hubbard. Swing, cradle, swing. MSG) Baby moon. Gaynor. SV Baby seed song. Conrade. GS Baby sleeps, so we must tread. See Smith. Bed. SLl Baby swallow chirps "Chee-chee."' See Smith. Chirpings. LCD Baby, what do the blossoms say? See Smith. Flower bed. SLl Baby's birthday. Smith. LCD Baby's bread. Strong. HS Baby's calendar. Sherwood. HS Baby's cotton gown. Strong. HS Baby's face. Neidlinger. ESI Baby's horses. Valentine. VBD Baby's lullaby. Walker. WS (Elliott. Lullaby. HR— MG— SM) Baby's skies. Marzo. StN Baby's toys. Gaynor. SCI Baby's tune. LBS Baby's waking song. Tennyson. SHS (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) (Tennyson. What docs little birdie say? SM) (Tufts. Little birdie. CL) Bach. Loure. HMCl Music only. , Bach. Venetian boatmen's song. TLB Index o Kiindergarten Songs 9 Bachmann. Gigne bretonne. HMC2 Music only. Back and front, back and front. See Reed. First gift exercises. TGS Bacon. Before the mowing. EL Chilly little chickadees. EL (Batchellor. Chilly little chickadees. WS) Daffy-down-dilly. EL Mother's hymn. EL (Hailmann. Teacher's hymn. HR) (Osgood. Mother's hymn. EL) (Teacher's hymn, IL KC) Robin Redbreast. EL Signs of the seasons. EL Summer is coming. EL Two little birds. EL Two little roses. EL Winter hymn. EL Bad pussy. Neidlinger. SSS Bailiff's daughter of Islington. Marzials. CPP Baker. Stephanos. TLB Baker. Walker. WS Ball. Gaynor. SC2 Ball. Hubbard. MSG *Ball comes round to meet us. PS (Walker. Ball comes round to meet us. WS) Ball game. Hurd. PTS Ball game. (Color.) Hurd. EL Ball games. Gaynor. SCI Ball is in my hand you see. See Hubbard. Ball. MSG *Ball is sinkine. Hubbard. MSG Ball lullaby, \yiggin. KC Ball play. Hailmann. KC (Hailmann. Selling fruit. HR) Ball play. Stedman. KC Ball plav. Wiggin. KC (Wiggin. Ball song. KC) Ball so high. Smith. SLl Ball song. Smith. SL2 (Hubbard. Roll over, come back. MSG.) Ball song. (Motion.) EL Ball song, No. 1 and 2. Wiggin. KC Ball song. No. 10. PS (Asleep. HR) (Hubbard. Little ball lies in my hand. MSG) (Mozart. Goine to sleep. HR) Ball song, No. IL PS (Bell high in the steeple. WS) (Hubbard. Bell high in the steeple. MSG) (Smith. Bell so high. SLl) 10 Index to Kindergarten Songs Ball song. (Spinning.) Hurd. EL Ball songs. PS Ball that daily sharest. See Ball songs, No. 14. PS Ball will wander. Kohl. HR Balloon man. Bingham. BM Banbury Cross. OYA (Elliott. Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross. MG) Baptist game. NG Barbara Allen. Marzials. CPP Barbarossa. Gersbach. RCS Barcarole. Reinecke. FC (Duck dance. BG) (Fairy ship. BB) (Reinecke. I saw a ship a-sailing. HR) (Ship a-sailing. EL) Bare and cold the garret chamber. Sec Damrosch. Handel. StN (Stanley. Handel. StN) Bareback riding. HMC2 Music only. Barefoot boy. Johns. TLB Barkshire tragedy. Maitland. NEBl Barley-Brownie. Reinecke. FC Barnard. Valentine day, No. 1. GS Barnby. Alleuia. TLB Cradle song. TC Cradle song of the Virgin. RCS (Kies. Virgin's cradle song. MSL) Dawn. TLB Morning song. TLB Now the day is over. SLl — TLB (Knowlton. Now the day is over. NS) O Paradise, O Paradise. TLB St. Gregory. TLB Still, still with Thee. TLB Sweet and low. FS — RCS West wind. TC Barnyard. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Barnyard gate. MP) Barnyard. Page. HMCl Music only. Barnyard gate. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Barnyard. MSG) Barnyard people. Page. HMC2 Music only. Barnyard song. Jacons. HS Barrels I bind as a cooper should do. See Cooper. PS Bartlett. Boy and the toot. StN Good boy. SS Index to Kindergarten Songs 11 Bartlett. Hey diddle diddle. StN Merry rain. StN 1 had a little pony. StN Land of story books. SS North wind doth blow. StN (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG— SLl) (North wind doth blow. HR) (North wind and the robin. BB) (Tufts. North wind doth blow. CL) ■ Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN (Burdett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Mosenthal. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Stanley. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) Riding on the rail. StN (Ingraham. Riding on the rail. StN) Song of the roller-skates. StN Sweet, red rose. StN (Ingraham. Sweet red rose. StN) (Mosenthal. Sweet red rose. StN) Three wise women. StN Wren and the hen. StN (Molloy. Wren and the hen. StN) Basket. Froebel. MP (Smith. Flower basket. SM) Basket. Smith. SLl Basket of flowers. Hubbard. MSG Baskets we will make with pleasure. See Flower baskets. PS Bassford. Can a little child like me? EL (Story. Can a little child like me? WS) Batchellor. Blessed day. WS Chilly little chickadees. WS (Bacon. Chilly little chickadees. EL) Daisy. WS Easter hymn. WS (Story. Easter hymn. WS) God, make my life a little light. WS Merry Christmas bells. GS Morning hymn. WS Shower and flower. WS Song of the bee. WS Tiny little snowfiakes. WS Battle hymn of the republic. EFS — FS Baumfelder. Dance on the green. HMC2 Music only. Jack in the box. HMC2 Music only. *Be active. HR 12 Index to Kinderg-^rten Songs Be Ba Babity. JB Be kind, little children. See Elliott. Song of kindness. SLl Be quiet, dear cube, it is my will. See Hubbard. Cube. MSG Be thorough. HR Beach. Singing joyfully. TC Beacon of long ago. Neidlinger. ES2 Beaming, shining bright and clear. See Smith. Lighthouse. LCD Bean-setting. NEB2 Beating the clover. See St. John. Rain. BSS Beaumont. Better music ne'er was known. TLB Beaumont. Gavotte. HMC2 Music only. Beautiful faces are they that wear. See Mackenzie. Things of beauty. TC Beautiful rainclouds, sailing on high. See Hill. Rain clouds. SHS Beautiful snowclouds. See Hill. Snow clouds. SHS Beautiful world. Cole. CM (Adapted from Stevenson. Happy thought. CGV) Becker. Let's play soldiers. HMC2 Music only. *Beckon to the chickens. Froebel. MP Beckon to the pigeons. Froebel. MP Beckoning the chickens. Gilchrist. SM Beckoning the pigeons. Reinecke. SM Bed. Smith. SLl Bed in summer. Stevenson. CGV — CM — FSK — LBS — SF — SS For composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. Bed time. Browne. EL Bed time. Grove. HS Bed time. Smith. LCD Bed time. Smith. SV Bee. EL Bee. Neidlinger. SSS Bee and robin. PS Bee game. Abt. HR *Bee is a rover. Tufts. CL Bee was sporting in the sun. See Bee and robin. PS Bees. MSG (Busy workers. HR) Bees. PS Bees. Fischer. HR Bees have flown away yonder. See Bees. PS Bees in the cherry-tree. Sec Tufts. Cherry-tree. CL Bees' market. Hill. SHS Bees' return. PS Beethoven. Allegretto. HMCl Music only. Autumn song. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 13 Beethoven. Child's prayer. HR Hymn. HMCl Little window. HR Beginnings. Neidlinger. ES2 Begone, dull care ! FS Behold above the clear horizon mounting. See Denza. Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS (Denza. Funiculi, funicula. FS) (Denza. Merry Hfe. TLB) Behr. Night's song. HMCl Music only. Behr. Will o' the wisp. HMC2 Music only. Bell. Bed in summer. LBS For otJier composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. Cow. LBS (Cole. Cow. CM) Havloft. LBS (Ramsay. Hayloft. SF) Keepsake mill. LBS Lamplighter. LBS Land of counterpane. LBS (Chadwick. Land of counterpane. SS) Marching. LBS For other composers see Stevenson. Marching song. Moon. LBS My bed is a boat. LBS For other composers see Stevenson. My bed is a boat. Pictures in winter. LBS (Ramsay. Picture books in winter. SF) Swing. LBS For other composers see Stevenson. Swing. Where go the boats. LBS For other composers see Stevenson. Where go the boats. Wind. LBS For other composers see Stevenson. Wind. Bell. HR Bell does toll. See Bell. HR ♦Bell high in the steeple. WS (Ball song, no. 11. PS) (Hubbard. Bell high in the steeple. MSG) (Smith. Bell so high. SLl) Bell-man. Douty. TLB *Bell ringer comes with his ting-a-ling-a-ling. Reed. TGS Bell so high. See Bell high in the steeple. Bells. Foote. TLB Bells are ringing in the air. See Smith. Christmas song. SL? Bells are rmgmg loud and sweet. See Herron. Oh, rin^ elad bells. WS ^ ^ 14 Index to Kindergarten Songs Bells swing far and near. See Thompson. Glad Christmas- tide. EL Beneath the grass and flowers. See Neidlinger. Buried stone. ES Beneath the shade on the sunny bright lea. See Reinecke. When mother was ill. FC Berat. My Normandy. FS Bergere. BB (Shepherd maiden. FS) (Shepherdess. RCS) Berghs. Music box. HMCl Music only. Berry. Children, we're beginning. KC Rider. KC Sparrow's nest. KC Bertini. I am the wind. HR (Cornwell. Wind. EL) (Hubbard. I am the wind. MSG) (Sawyer. Wind. EL) -^—Little rivulet. HR (Boott. Run, little rivulet, run. RCS— WS) Beside the brook grow flow'rets blue. See Schubert. Miller's flowers. FS Beside the clear streamlet. See Reinecke. Mill. FC *Better music ne'er was known. Douty. TLB Beyond the shadows lies Twilight Town. See Jenks. Twilight Town. EL Bibabutzemann. RCS Bicycle. Loomis. HMC2 Music only. Biehl. Game of tag. HMC2 Music only. Big and bright electric light. See Gaynor. Electric light. SC2 Big bright sun shines down on me. See Smith. Sunshine far and near. LCD Big copper kettle. See Neidlinger. Kettle. SSS ♦Big John Stout. Smeltzer. SZ Big old mumbly, bumbly bee. See Meissner. Mr. Bumble Bee. ASC Big policeman stands all day. Valentine. VBD Big round world. See Gaynor. Oh, wide, wide world. SCI *Big ship sails. JB Big tall clock in the hall. See Neidlinger. Tick-tock. SSS Big thumbs up. See Hey, thumbs up. KK Billy boy. OYA Billy Buttercup. Stoeckel. StN Billy Pringle had a little pig. BB Bingham. Balloon man. BM Index to Kindergarten Songs 15 Bingham. Butterfly. BM Dandelion. BM How I learned to sew. BM Little Robin Redbreast. BM ^Nodding daisies. BM Pretty Poll Parrot. BM Pretty swallow. BM Rock-a-bye-baby. BM ^ Sleep time. BM Sleepy old duck. BM Swing. BM For composers see Stevenson. Swing. Thanksgiving song. BM Violet. BM 'Wake up! Wake up! BM We are happy. BM Why do bells for Christmas ring. BM (Root. Christmas song. SV) Bingo. JB Bird-band. Grove. HS Bird day. Gaynor. GS Bird-game. Schumann. KC Bird on the tree. Hubbard. MSG Bird song. Hubbard. MSG Bird song. (Color) Hurd. EL Bird thoughts. Gilchrist. SM Birdie. PS (Walker. Birdies in the greenwood. WS) (Weber. Birdies in the greenwood. HR) Birdie dear! O birdie dear! See Froebel. Light bird on the wall. MP (Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG) (Variant: Smith. Light bird. SLl) Birdie gleaming on the wall. See Smith. Light bird. SM Birdie in the beech grove. See Birdie. PS (Walker. Birdies in the greenwood. WS) (Weber. Birdies in the greenwood. HR) Birdie, O birdie, sweet birdie. See Smith. Light bird. SLl (Adapted from Froebel. Light bird on the wall. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG Birdie up in your cage so gay. See Knowlton. Captive bird. NS Birdie with a yellow bill. See Stevenson. Time to rise. CGV (Fisher. Time to rise. CGV) Birdies' ball. Cornwell. WS (Hubbard. It is lovely May. MSG) Birdies' burial. Reinecke. FC Birdies' cradle. Abt. HR 16 Index to Kindergarten Songs ♦Birdies in the greenwood. Walker. WS (Birdie. PS) (Weber. Birdies in the greenwood. HR) Birdie's song. Frost. WS (Cornwell. There was once a little birdie. EL) (Rust. There was once a little birdie. EL) Birdlings are singing to welcome the dawn. See Song of love. RCS Birdling's good-night to the flowers. Smith. SL2 Birds. PS (Hubbard. Hopping and flying together. MSG) Birds all the summer day flutter and quarrel. See Stevenson. Nest eggs. SF (Ramsay. Nest eggs. SF) Birds and angels. Reinecke. FC Birds and bees and flowers. See Randegger. Prayer. KC (Randegger. Song of thanks. EL) Birdies are flitting here and there. See Chapek. Birds' joy. HS Birds are singing, the bells are ringing. See Gilchrist. Going to the fair. StN Birds'duet. FS Birds flying. Montz. IMS Birds have their nest. Sec Sheehan. My garden flowers. OSM Birds in autumn. Chapek. HS Birds in summer. Tufts. CL Birds in the nest. Taubert. RCS Birds in the woods. HoUaender. HMCl Music only. Birds in winter. Cole. CM Birds' joy. Chapek. HS Birds must fly. Hubbard. MSG ♦Birds' nest. HS Bird's nest. Gaynor. SCI Bird's nest. Gilchrist. SM Bird's nest. Hailmann. HR (Adapted from Hubbard. See my little birdie's nest. MSG) Bird's nest. Hurd. PTS Bird's nest. Kohl. SM Birds of passage. Reinecke. FC Birds of spring with gladness sing. See Chapek. Easter morn- ing. HS Birge. Morning sunshine. HS Birth of the butterfly. Gaynor. SCI Birthday greeting. Gaynor. SCI Birthday greeting. Jenks. EL Birthday march. Schumann. HMC2 Music only. Birthday song. Reinecke. SLl (Reinecke. Mother's birthday. FC) Index to Kindergarten Songs 17 Birthday song. Reinecke. SL2 Birthday song. Walker. WS Bishop. Home, sweet home. EFS — FS — LBS My pretty Jane. EFS Bjornson. Twilight musing. FS Black eyed Susan. Marzials. CPP Blackbird song. BSS Blacksmith. KC Blacksmith. Gaynor.SCl Blacksmith. Handel. SLl Blacksmith. Montz. IMS Music only. Blacksmith. Neidlinger. ESI Blacksmith. Parker. WS (Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG) Blacksmith hammers the whole day long. See Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG (Parker. Blacksmith. WS) Blacksmith strong, a man is he. See Neidlinger. Blacksmith. ESI Blacksmith's song. Hill. SHS ♦Blackthorn, blackthorn. JB Blake. Dodo. RCS Bleking. _ FDM Music only. *Bless you, burnie bee. Cole. CM Blessed day. Batchellor. WS Blessings on effort. Hill. SHS Blessings on thee, little man. See Johns. Barefoot. TLB Blithe and merrily sang the shark. See Chadwick. Song of the shark. StN Blooming clover blossoms. See Clover blossoms. EL ♦Blossom, pretty flower. Schulz. RCS Blow away the morning dew. LBS Blow, blow, blow your shining bubbles. See Gaynor. Blowing bubbles. SCI Blow, blow busy, busy wind. See Neidlinger. Busy wind. ESI *Blow, blow thou winter wind. Whiting. TLB Blow, bugle, blow! Neidlinger. TLB Blowing, blowing everywhere. See Hill. Wind song. SHS Blowing bubbles. Gaynor. SCI Blue and the gray together. Conrade. GS Blue-bell and the flowers. Reinecke. FC Blue-bell rings adown the vale. See Reinecke. Blue bell and the flowers. FC Blue-bells of Scotland. FS Blue-eyed stranger. NEB2 Bluebird. Conrade. GS 18 Index to Kindergarten Songs Bluebird. Hubbard. MSG (Bluebird. VVS) Bluebird. Neidlinger. SSS Bluebird, canary, the robin redbreast. See Wiggin. Flight of the birds. KC Bluebird sat on a tree and sang. See Bacon. Summer is coming. EL Bluehe, liebes Veilchen. See Schulz. Blossom pretty flower. REC Bluff King Hal. See May pole dance. BFD Bo-Peep. CBO (Conrade. Little Bo-Peep. GS) (Elliott. Little Bo-Peep. MG) (Little Bo-Peep. KM) Boat. Rust. EL Boat ride. Smith. SL2 Boat song. HR— WS (Lightly row, lightly row. RCS) Boat song. Reinhold. HMCl Music only. Boat song. Weidig. TC (Fanning. Boat song. TC) Boating. Gaynor. SC2 Boating song. Ring. SCI Bob White. Conrade. GS *Bobbie Shafto, it is he. Smeltzer. SZ Bobby Shafto. Gaynor. LL (Bobby Shafto's gone to sea. OYA) *Bobby Shafto's gone to sea. OYA (Gaynor. Bobby Shafto. LL) Bobolink. Cole. CM Bobolink. Gaynor. SC2 "Bobolink, bobolink" this is my tune. See Cole. Bobolink. CM Bobolink is a jolly bird. See Gaynor. Bobolink. SC2 Bold snow-man. Smith. LCD Bolero. Page. HMC2 Music only. Bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. See Loch Lomond. FS Bonnie Dundee. EFS Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie. FS Bonny breast knot. NEB2 ♦Bootblacks. KC Boott. Bye, baby birds are sleeping. StN Run, little rivulet, run. RCS— WS (Bertini. Little rivulet. HR) Snow filled nest. StN Bossy cow. LCD Bowing game. Chapek. HS Bowl of bread and milk. Neidlinger. SSS Boy and the brook. Sawyer. EL • Index to Kindergarten Songs 19 Boy and the moon. Froebel. MP Boy and the toot. Bartlett. StN Boy and the wren. RCS (Reinecke. George's song. FC) Boy blue. Smeltzer. SZ Boy is walking in the ring. See With even step. KK Boy once caught a tomtit gay. See Reinecke. George's song. FC (Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS) Boy once trapped a birdling bright. See Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS (Reinecke. George's song. FC) Brahms. Cradle song. FS Fish in the brook. SM Little dustman. EFS (Brahms. Lullaby. SHS) Lost chicken. FS Lullaby. SHS (Brahms. Little dustman. EFS Brave. Smith. LCD Brave little crocus, what's in your cup? See Knowlton. Crocus. NS Brave little soldier. See Neidlinger. Cut finger. SSS *Brave of heart. FS Breaks the joyful Easter dawn. See Story. Easter hymn. WS (Batchellor. Easter hymn. WS) Br'er rabbit. OYA Brewer. Little things. CL Brewster. Christmas song. BSS Cobbler. BSS Cradle song. BSS Dotty and the clock. BSS Hush my baby. BSS Little bird in the cradle. BSS Lost doll. BSS Morning. BSS O moon! in the night. BSS Pat-a-cake. BSS Robins and pussy willow. BSS Sleep, my baby, sleep. BSS (Cornwell. Sleep, baby sleep. EL) (Sleep, baby, sleep. FS — RCS) (Smith. Sleep, baby, sleep. SLl) Slumber song. BSS Spring must come. BSS Spring song. BSS Thanksgiving song. BSS Valentine song. BSS Violet song. BSS ♦Briar Rosebud is a pretty child. KK 20 Index to Kindergarten Songs Bridge. Her lovers. TC Bridge. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG) (Variant: Smith. Bridge. SL2) Bridge. Smith. SL2 (Adapted from Froebel. Bridge. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG) Bridge. Smith. SM Brien the brave. TLB Bright little dandelions. See Cole. Dandelion. CM Bring blossoms sweet. Rossini. GS Bring the comb and play upon it. See Stevenson. Marching song. CGV— LBS— SS For composers sec Stevenson. Marching song. Bring the fife and bring the drum. See Gaynor. Salute to the flag. SC2 Bringing home the sheep. RCS Bringing the cattle home. Gaynor. LL Bristow. Little John Bottlejohn. StN (Gilchrist. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) (Stanley. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) Broken ring. Glueck. EPS Bronson. Sweet pea. GS Bronze-brown eyes. Schlesinger. StN Brook. Chadwick. TC Brook. Foote. FSC Brook. Karganoff. HMCl Music only. Brook. Smith. SL2 Brook goes flowing swiftly by. See Smith. Bridge. SL2 Brook is brimmed with melting snow. See Knowlton. Pussy wil- low. NS *Brook is flowing along the vale. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Bridge. MP) (Variant: Smith. Bridge. SL2) Brook is flowing merrily. See Smith. Bridge. SM Brooklet's song. Hill. HS Brooks. Christmas song. KC Christmas tree march. KC "O little town of Bethlehem." MSL Broom and the rod. Reinecke. FC Brother James. RCS (Friar John. FS) Brother, thou and L See Lullaby. RCS Brothers and sisters. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Brothers and sisters. MSG) Brown. Bed time. EL Child and the apple. EL f Index to Kindergarten Songs 21 Brown. Daisy nurses. GS Hide and seek. EL Lady bird. EL May. WS Over the bare hills far away. WS Peter White. RCS Pretty game. EL Raindrops. GS Reason why. WS Santa Claus. EL Seasons. EL Spring song. EL Summer day. EL This is little Tommy Thumb. EL Washing day. EL Welcome to the pussy willows. EL When Christ was born. FS Brown birds are flying. See Smith. Good-bye to summer. SLl Brownie. Gaynor. LL ♦Brownie firefly. Meissner. ASC Brownie Polska. KK Brownies. Atkinson. GS Brownies. Gaynor. SCI Brownies. Reinhold. HMC2 Music only. Brownies are hidden away. See Atkinson. Brownies. GS Brownies' dance. Funkhouser. FSK. Browning. Rabbi Ben Ezra. TLB Bruder, ich und du. See Lullaby. RCS Bryant. Planting of the apple tree. HS Robert of Lincoln. GS To the fringed gentian. TLB Bubbles. Gaynor. SC2 Bubbles, bubbles. See Neidlinger. Soapbubbles. SSS ♦Bubbles, bubbles I love to blow. Cole. CM Bucket song. Hubbard. MSG (Walker. Bucket song. WS) Bucket song. Rust. EL Bubbling and splashing and foaming and dashing. See Purcell. Knowledge and wisdom. RCS *Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul. Farwell. TLB Builders we would like to be. See Wiggin. Building song. KC Building song. Wiggin. KC Building the house. Gaynor. LL Bullard. All gone. SM (Hurd. All gone. PTS) Charcoal-burner. SM Cuckoo. SM 22 Index to Kindergarten Songs Bullard Falling ! Falling ! SM (Adapted from Froebel. Falling, falling. MP) Pigtail. TLB Target. SM Taste. Guessing game. SM Wandering song. SM Bumble bee. Gaynor. SCI Bumble bee, yellow as gold. See Fisher. Meadow talk. StN Bumps o' stretton. NEB2 Bunner. One, two, three. CM Bunny. Neidlinger. SSS Bunny's accident. JB Burchenal. Highland fling. BFD Kamarinskaia. BFD Tarentella. BFD Burdett. Million little diamonds. StN (Damrosch. Million little diamonds. StN) (Tufts. Winter jewels. CL) (Walker. Winter jewels. WS) Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN (Bartlett. Punkydoole and Jollapin. StN) (Mosenthal. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Stanley. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) Summer song. StN Bureau. Captive wild bird. HS Buried stone. Neidlinger. ESI Burly dozing, humble bee, dozing bee. See Neidlinger. Humble bee. TLB Burnett. Firtree. HS Song of the wind. HS Burnham. Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS (Translation of Funiculi, funicula.) Burns. Auld lang syne. EFS — FS Highland lad my love was born. FS John Anderson, my jo. EFS My luve's like a red, red rose. TLB O, wert thou in the cauld blast. TLB Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled! EFS Busy bee. Tufts. CL (Cole. Lesson from the bee. CM) Busy bee at work all day. See Neidlinger. Bee. SSS Busy bees. HR Busy blacksmith, what are you doing? See Handel. Blacksmith. SLl Busy body, busy body. See Cole. To a honey-bee. CM Busy brook. Taubert. RCS Busy carpenters. Hill. SHS Busy children. Hubbard. MSG Busy, curious, thirsty fly. See Cocchi. Fly. RCS Index to Kindergarten Songs 23 Busy hands and fingers. Fischer. HR Busy hands are never still. See Fischer. Busy hands and fingers. HR Busy housewife. Pollen. HMCl Music only. Busy is the carpenter. See Gilchrist. Carpenter. SM Busy is the carpenter. See Parker. Carpenter, No. 2. SM *Busy lark, messenger of day. TLB Busy maids, we bid you good morning. See Taubert. Sparrow's greeting. RCS Busy mill, the busy mill. See Reed. Mill. TGS (Reinecke. Mill-wheel. SM) Busy squirrel with shining eyes. See Gaynor. Harvest of the squirrel and honey-bee. SCI Busy steam. Neidlinger. ESI Busy were our fingers. See Hill. Presentation song. SHS Busy wind. Neidlinger. ESI Busy wind. Smith. LCD Busy workers. HR (Bees. MSG) Buttercups. Gaynor. SC2 ♦Buttercups and daisies. Conrade. GS (Hubbard. Buttercups and daisies. MSG) (Tufts. Buttercups and daisies. CL) Butterflies. Emerson. SM Butterflies. Montz. IMS ♦Butterflies are pretty things. Tufts. CL Butterflies, butterflies seek the lily bell. See Emerson. Butter- flies. SM Butterflies' hide and seek. Gaynor. LL Butterfly. PS Butterfly. Bingham. BM Butterfly. Gaynor. SCI Butterfly. Hubbard. MSG. Butterfly. St. John. BSS Butterfly and moth. Hill. SHS Butterfly and rosebud. Sheehan. OSM Butterfly, butterfly, blithsome and gay. See Gaynor. Butterfly. SCI Butterfly dance. Smith. LCD Butterfly, stay, please don't fly away. See Butterfly. PS Buy a broom. BB— RCS (Music also given in Cube song. No. 1. EL) Buzz ! This is the song of the bee. See Batchellor. Song of the bee. WS "Buzzard." See Chorus jig. FDM Music only. By-low-by. Taubert. RCS By streamlet and leafy dale. KK 24 Index to Kindergarten Songs By the moon's pale light. Lully. FS By the North Pole dwells, we know. See Gaynor. Eskimo. GS By yon bonnie banks, and by yon bonnie braes. See Loch Lomond. EFS— FS— TLB *Bye, baby, birds are sleeping. Boott. StN Bye, Baby Bunting. See Baby Bunting. LBS— OYA Bye baby bye. Hill. SHS (Smith. Bye, baby, night has come. SL2 — StN) Bye, baby, bye. Main. EL Bye, baby, day is over. See Main. Bye, baby, bye. EL ♦Bye, baby, night has come. Smith. SL2 — StN (Hill. Bye baby bye. SHS) Bye-low-bye, bye-low-bye. See Terhune. Cradle carol. CC Bye O, Baby Bunting. See Baby Bunting. LBS— OYA Cable. Neidlinger. ESI Cachucha. FS Cackling hen. Smith. LCD Calendar song. RCS (Conrade. Calendar song. GS) Call. Like the ball we move around. WS Call of the crow. Knowlton. NS Call the pigeons, baby dear. See Reinecke. Beckoning the pig- eons. SM Call to the circle. Gaynor, SCI Callcott. Love wakes and weeps. TLB Caller herrin'. FS Calling the flowers. Hahn. BSS Calling the tides. Tufts. CL Calling the violet. Knowlton. NS ♦Campbells are comin'. EFS — FS ♦Can a little child like me? Bassford. EL (Story. Can a little child like me? WS) Can ye sew cushions. FS ♦Can you count the stars? Smith. SLl (Canst thou count the stars? WS) ♦Can you plant the seeds? RCS ♦Can you show me how the farmer? JB (Farmer. LBS) (Farmer. PS) (Farmer and the housewife. KK) (Froebel. Farmer. SM) (Kochler. Farmer. HR) (Shall I show you the farmer? RCS) Can you tell us how the farmer? See Farmer and the housewife. KK For variants see above. Canadian boat song. Arnold. TLB Inde:x to Kindergarten Songs 25 Canary. Smith. LCD Canoe song. Allen. EL ♦Canst thou count the stars? WS (Can you count the stars? Smith. SLl) ♦Captain had a spying glass. JB Captain ! my captain ! Kelley. TLB Captains call. Martin. MSL Captive bird. Knowlton. NS Captive wild bird. Bureau. HS Car driver. Wiggin. KC Card sewing. Moore. SCI Careful. Smith. LCD ♦Careful gardener. WS Carey. America. FS — OS — MSG (Carey. My country 'tis of thee. TLB) Carey. Harvest hymn. BSS Carey. My country 'tis of thee. TLB (Carey. America. FS— GS— MSG) Carlyle. Safe stronghold. FS Carnival. Neidlinger. ES ♦Carol, carol, children. Graeflf. HS ♦Carol, children, carol. Walker. WS Carol, children, carol. See Conrade. Old carol. GS Carol for Christmas eve. RCS Carol of the birds. Quercy. TLB Carol of the flowers. Gascon. TLB ♦Carol, Oh, carol! Dugan. WS Carpenter. KC Carpenter. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Oh! see the carpenter. MSG) Carpenter. Gilchrist. SM Carpenter. Parker. SM Carpenter. Smith. SLl Carpenter theme. Haydn. HMCl Music only. ♦Carriage to ride in. Reinecke. FC Carrier dove. HR ♦Carrion crow sat on an oak. BB Carrousel. BFD Cars are standing on the track. See Neidlinger. Engineer. ES2 Cart-loads of pumpkins as yellow as gold. See Conrade. Thanksgiving joys. GS Cart-wheel. Elliott. SL2 (Walker. Cartwheel song. WS) Cartwheel song. Walker. WS (Elliott. Cart-wheel. SL2) Gary. April. NS 26 Index to Kindergarten Songs Cary. November, no. 1. GS To a honey-bee. CM Castilian Bolero. EFS Castle. Chorister. GS Cat. Valentine. VBD Cat and mouse. PS *Cat and the dog. Stanley. StN Cat and the mouse. Hubbard. MSG Cat in the snow. LBS Cat on the tree. Fischer. HR Catch the squirrel. USI Caterpillar. Neidlinger. SSS Caterpillar. Roeske. PFP Caterpillar. Smith. LCD Caterpillar. Smith. SL2 Caterpillar. Smith. SM Caterpillar and moth. Hill. SHS Caterpillar, come from thy tiny egg. See Gaynor. Birth of the butterfly. SCI Cat's cradle. Gaynor. SCI Cattails. Gaynor. SC2 Cauffman. Love song. TLB Wind and sea. TLB Cave of the winds. Gurlitt. HMCl Music only. Caw, caw, caw. See Knowlton. Call of the crow. NS Cerdetschni. FDM Music only. Certainty of law. Hill. SHS Ch-ch-ch-ch. Now we're ready to go. See Valentine. Train. VBD Chadwick. Armenian lullaby. FSC Brook. TC ——Busy lark. TLB Child's American hymn. TC Farewell to the farm. SS Kissing game. FSC Lamb. TLB Land of counterpane. SS (Bell. Land of counterpane. LBS) Soft-shell crab. TC Song of the shark. StN Stormy evening. TLB There was a little girl. StN *Chairs to mend! FS Chanticleer. Clarke. StN Chapek. Birds in autumn. HS Birds' joy. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 27 Chapek. Bowing game. HS — ■ — Easter morning. HS Garden. HS Ironing song. HS Little child's gift carol. HS Sprinkling the clothes. HS Character dance. HC (Variant: Strasak. BFD) Charcoal burner. Bullard. SM Charcoal burner. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Charcoal burner's hut. MP) ♦Charcoal burner's hut. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Charcoal burner. MSG) Charley over the water. BB Charlie is my darling. FS *Charlie over the water. NG — USX Charmante Gabrielle. See Fair Gabrielle. FS Charming Marguerite. EFS Chasing the squirrel. WS Chavagnat. Jumping Jack. HMC2 Music only. ^ On tiptoe. HMC2 Music only. ♦Cheerful gift, a cheerful gift. Kies. MSL Cheerful singing. Cole. CM ♦Cherries are ripe. OYA Cherries in summer, nuts in the fall. See Smith. Plums in winter. LCD ♦Cherries ripe. HR — WS Cherries ripe, lemons ripe. Sec Wiggin. Fruit market. KC Cherry-tree. Tufts. CL Cherubini. Like as a father. TLB Chickadee. Sawyer. EL Chicken. Neidlinger. SSS Chickens round the gate. Conrade. GS (Hubbard. See the chickens round the gate. MSG) (Seidell. See the chickens round the gate. HR) ♦Chickery, crany-crow. Gaynor. LL Chickie, chickie, chickie chick. See Hailmann. Little chickens. HR Child. Thanksgiving day. GS — MSG — WS (Sleighride. HR) Who stole the bird's nest? CM Child and mother. Gilchrist. FSC Child and the apple. Brown. EL Child and the cuckoo. See Reinecke. FC Child and the moon. Froebel. MP Child and the star. Elliott. AIG— SL2— SM 28 Index to Kindergarten Songs Child and the tree. Root. SV ♦Child Jesus came from heav'nly height. Gade. RCS (Kies. Child Jesus. MSL) *Child-land echoes with music. Phippen. EL Child, now open thy mouth. See Froebel. Song of taste. MP Child of my heart, oh say! See Hubbard. Hiding of the child. MSG (Froebel. Hide. MP) Child of my heart so fair and so dear. See Froebel. Mother in unity with her child. MP Child who went to gather some treasures on the beach. See Smith. Treasures. LCD Childhood's gold. Palmer. StN Children and the sheep. Marie Antoinette. HR (Cole. Sheep. CM) (Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS) Children at the tower. Froebel. MP Children came to Froebel's knee. See Gaynor. Froebel. GS ♦Children, can you truly tell? Walker. WS Choral. Germer. HMCl Chorister. Conrade. GS Chorus jig. ("Buzzard") FDM Music only. Chris-cradle sings. Hubbard. MSG Christ church bells. Aldrich. RCS Christ is risen. Martin. MSL Christ the Lord is ris'n today. See Hubbard. Easter. MSG Christine's Christmas carol. Wilcox. EL Christmas. Reed. HS — TGS Christmas at the door. Reinecke. HR — SLl — FC Christmas bells. Funkhouser. FSK Christmas bells. McLellan. EL Christmas bells are ringing. See Riley. Christmas carol. LL Christmas carol. KC Christmas carol. Stegall. RCS (Stegall. Manger throne. FS) Christmas carol. Adams. HS Christmas carol. Allen. EL Christmas carol. Elliott. SLl Christmas carol. Gaynor. SCI Christmas carol. Gaynor. SC2 Christmas carol. Ogden. KC Christmas carol. Riley. LL Christmas carol. Smith. SL2 Christmas carol. Terhune. CC Christmas day! and the joy-bells ring. See McLellan. Christ- mas bells. EL Christmas day in the morning. CBO Index to Kindergarten Songs 29 ♦Christmas, glad Christmas. Kendall. HS Christmas greeting. Hubbard. MSG Christmas has come. KC Christmas hymn. Gottschalk. KC (Reinecke. Christmas hymn. FC) (Smith. Christmas hymn. SLl) ♦Christmas is coming. Hubbard. MSG ♦Christmas is here. HR Christmas joys. Gaynor. SC2 Christmas joys are over. See Gaynor. New Year. SC2 Christmas lullaby. Hill. SHS Christmas manger hymn. GS ♦Christmas! Merry Christmas! We greet it. Sherwood. HS Christmas night. Hill. SHS Christmas picture. Morton. HS Christmas secrets. Gaynor. SC2 Christmas song. (Holy night.) Adam. GS Christmas song. Brewster. BSS Christmas song. Cole. BSS Christmas song. Haydn. HR Christmas song. Reinecke. FC Christmas song. Rieff. KC Christmas song. Root. SV (Bingham. Why do bells for Christmas ring. BM) Christmas song. Schwartz. BSS Christmas song. Smith. SL2 Christmas star. Hill. SHS ♦Christmas time is coming. Smith. LCD Christmas tree march. Rieff. KC Christmas waltz-song. Andre. KC Christmas welcome. GS Christmas wreath. HC Church. Gaynor. SCI Church. Smith. SL2 (Adapted from Froebel. Church window and church door. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Church bell. MSG) Church. Smith. SM Church bell. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Church window and church door. MP) (Variant: Smith. Church. SL2) Church bells. Hill. SHS ♦Church bells. Martin. MSL Church bells. Montz. IMS Church window and church door. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Church bell. SL2) (Adaptation : Smith. Church. SL2) Circle march. Montz. IMS 30 Index to Kindergarten Songs Circles. Smith. SL2 City lad and country lass. Koschat. EFS City rat and the country rat. FS Clacker. Conrade. GS Clang! Clang! Clang! That's the fire bell I hear. See Funk- houser. Fireman. FSK Clang! Clang! goes the blacksmith's hammer. See Gaynor. Blacksmith. SCL Clap, clap the hands. See Roeske. Santa Claus. PFP Clappers. PS Clappers in the corn mill. See Clappers. PS Clapping song. Gaynor. SCI Clarke. Chanticleer. StN In the tree-top. StN (Knowlton. In the tree-top. NS) Love virtue. TLB Two kittens. StN Clean kitchen table. See Gaynor. Cook. LL Clear cool pond. FS Clench, clench, clench. See Joiner. PS (Froebel. Joiner. MP) (Hubbard. Zisch, zisch, zisch. MSG) (Seidel. Joiner. HR) Click-a-tick-a-tick. See Gaynor. Telegraph. SC2 *Click, clack, click, clack, merrily flows the rill. Osgood. RCS Clickety, clackety, now the wheels run. See Ingraham. Riding on the rail. StN (Bartlett. Riding on the rail. StN) ♦Cling, cling, clinkerty clink. Hubbard. MSG Clip, clap. RCS (Millwheel. PS) Cloak of purple velvet. See Gaynor. King Pansy. LL Clock. HR Clock. Atkinson. GS Clock game. Wiggin. KC Clock now points the hour. Sec Sheehan. Good-bye song. OSM Clocks and watches. Koehler. HR Clocks forever repeating. See Gaynor. Tick-tock. LL Clod. Koschat. EFS ♦Close hidden in my hand it lies. WS Close, little eyelets and go to dreamland. See Hurd. Lullabye. Closing song. KC Clouds. Atkinson. SV Clouds and sunshine. Allen. StN Clouds are passing o'er the sky. See Lach. Spring rain. SL2 Clouds of gray are in the sky. See Hill. Nature's good-night. SHS Index to Kindergarten Songs 31 Cloudy day. Reed. TGS Clover blossoms. EL Clover, clover in the field. See Cole. Generous clover. CM Clovers. Knowlton. NS Clovers have no time to play. See Knowlton. Clovers. NS Clown elephant. Kroeger. HMC2 Music only. Coach is at the door at last. See Stevenson. Farewell to the farm. SS (Chadwick. Farewell to the farm. SS) Coaching carol. Terhune. CC Coasting. Gaynor. SC2 Coasting. Tufts. CL Coasting song. Sawyer. WS Cobbler. HR— LBS Cobbler. Brewster. BSS Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe. See Hunt the slipper. HC Cobblers work! Cobblers work! See Brewster. Cobbler. BSS Cocchi. Fly. RCS Cock-a-doodle-do! Tufts. CL Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. CBO— RCS Cockles and mussels. FS (Molly Malone. LBS) Cold and dark the earth is lying. See Reinecke. Longing for Spring. RCS *Cold winter is round us. RCS Cole. All around the mulb'ry bush. CM Beautiful world. CM (Adapted from Stevenson. Happy thought. CGV) Bed in summer. CM For other composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. ^ Birds in winter. CM Bless you, burnie bee. CM Bobolink. CM Bubbles. CM Cheerful singing. CM ^Christmas song. BSS Come little children and sing. CM Cow. CM (Bell. Cow. LBS) Dandelion. CM Dewdrops. CM .Dolly. CM Far out at sea. TC Generous clover. CM Going to school. CM Good morning, grandpa. CM 32 Index to Kindergarten Songs Cole. Good night and good morning. CM (Good night, no. 2. HR) How the baby was named. CM Humming bird. CM "If." TC In September. GS Jolly Joe. CM Lesson from the bee. CM (Tufts. Busy bee. CL) Like baby. CM Little birdies. CM Little doggie. CM ( Longing. TLB Month of May. CM My dog, Carl. CM My kitty. CM My song. TC Neddy's pets. CM One two three. CM Pretty cow. CM (Seidell. Thank you, pretty cow. HR) (Smith. Thank you, pretty cow. SLl) (Tufts. Thank you, pretty cow. CL) Ripe apples. CM Rock-a-bye baby. CM Scale songs. CM Sheep. CM ^^^^^ (Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS) (Marie Antoinette. Children and the sheep. HR) Singing. CM . For other composers see Stevenson, bmgmg. Singing and playing. CM Skylark. CM Snow. EL Song about winter. CM Star. TC Stop, stop pretty water. CM (Tufts. Stop, stop pretty water. CL) Sunbeam voices. CM Swing. CM For other composers see Stevenson, bwmg. Thistle's story. CM To a honey-bee. CM What can you do? TC What the bells say. CM When the night comes on. CM Where the birdies grow. CM Index to Kindergarten Songs 33 Cole. Where they grow. CM (Where they grow. BSS) Who stole the bird's nest? CM Coleridge. Song of Illyrian peasants. TLB ♦Columbia, the gem of the ocean. Shaw. GS Columbus. Gaynor. GS Columbus dreamed of distant lands. See Gaynor. Columbus. GS ♦Columbus saw across the main. Johns. TC Comarinskaia. FDM Music only. Come, all ye young men, in your evil ways. See Baptist game. NG *Come and join our carol. Story. WS ♦Come and join our circle. Smith. SL2 ♦Come and join our roundelay. JB Come and see, come and see. See Pendulum. WS ♦Come, Aurora. FS Come, awaken, awaken, my little Boy Blue. See Morning. FS Come ball to the children. See Smith. So bright and so round. SLl Come chick, chick, chick, chickie. See Grieg. Farmyard song. FS Come child, and see the moon. See Froebel. Child and the moon. MP Come children all. See Wiggin. Village dance. KC Come children, clasp your neighbor's hand. See Gaynor. Set of games. SC2 Come children, stand a moment still. See Water mill. USl Come children with me to the garden. See Little gardener. SM Come, come and form a ring. See Wiggin. Ring song, No. 2. KC Come, come come ! See Weber .Ring song, No. 1. KC Come, come, come ! Oh, come and form a merry ring. See Wig- gin. Ring song, No. 3. KC Come, come, come ! Oh, come and form a ring. See Smith. Ring song, No. 7. KC ♦Come, come, come, one and all. RCS Come, come, let's reap the flax plant to-day. See Reaping the flax. KK Come, come, my little Spitz. See Fritz and Spitz. RCS Come, come, my pretty Fido. See Fido and his master. HR Come, come, one and all. See Wiggin. Ring song. No. 5. KC Come, come, people come ! See Hill. Church bells. SHS Come, come, my pretty man. JB Come dance and be gay. See Richter. May dancing song. HR ♦Come dance, little Thumbkin. Hailmann. HR Come, dear little children. Himmel. Thanksgiving song. SHS Come forth, little flowers. See Wiggin. Spring's call to the flowers. KC ♦Come here, little Robin. Tufts. CL Come here, my dearest dear. See Shoot the buffalo. USI 34 Index to Kindergarten Songs Come in the ranks, keep step in merry march. See Regimental march. FS Come, Jack, and tie right speedily. See Taubert. Hildebrandshagen. RCS Come, Ladybird, and seat yourself. See Schumann. Ladybird. FS *Come lasses and lads. FS — LBS (Marzials. Come lasses and lads. CPP) Come, let our lives like Jesus' shine. Kies. MSL Come, let's play a new game. Sec Hurd. Introduction song. PTS Come, let us be joyous. See Andre. Christmas waltz song. KC Come, let us live with our children. Sawyer. EL Come, let us make a garden. See Gaynor. Let us make a garden. LL Come, let us play. See Hailmann. Now, come let us play. HR Come let us play we're from Japan. Funkhouser FSK. Come let us play we're Indians red. Funkhouser. FSK Come, let us worship. Hayden. TLB Come little boy, here are grapes for you. See Meissner. Tasting. ASC *Come little children and sing. Cole. CM *Come little leaves. Osgood. MSG— RCS— WS (Autumn leaves. HR) (Hill. Fall leaves. SHS) (Smith. Come little leaves. SL2) Come, little children, your praise sing. See Martin. Jesus in king. MSL Come, little pigeons, come into the ring. See Hubbard. Pigeons. MSG *Come little robin, and sing me a song. RCS. Come little robin, spread your wings. Funkhouser. FSK *Come live with me and be my love. Lawson. CPP Come lovely light and shine on us. See Smith. Window. SM ♦Come lovely May. Mozart. RCS Come merry little sunbeam. Sec Sherwood. Song for the prism. HS Come millers, near this babbling rill. See Andrear. Water mill. HR *Come, Mirth, thou foe to the sighing. Paxton. RCS Come, my baby you shall make. Sec Froebel. Pat-a-cake. SM *Come, my children, come away. Tufts. CL Come, my dear, dance we here. See Gaynor. Dancing song. GS *Come my dolly. Smith. SV Come my dolly, let us play. See Atkinson. Doll day. GS Come neighbor, the moon is up. See Frog-pond. NG Come no time for idle slumber. See Seven game. JB Come now, little birds. See Cole. Birds in winter. CM Come now, our vessel is ready. See W^eber. On the sea. HR Come out into the garden. See Dugan. Watering the flowers. EL Index to Kindergarten Songs 35 Come out of your hiding place, violet blue. See Brewster. Violet song. BSS Come see my small garden. See Reed. Garden bed. TGS *Come, skip with me. KK ♦Come take a little partner. Hubbard. MSG Come take your barrow, neighbor John. See Hubbard. Wheel- barrow. MSG Come tell me. See Reinecke. Broom and the rod. FC ♦Come Thou almighty King. Giardini. TLB. Come to the garden feast. See Smith. Taste song. SL2 Come to the top of the path in the garden. See Nelham. Wind- mill. RCS Come to the woods and let us play. See Hubbard. Froebel's birthday. MSG Come up, April. See Knowlton. April. NS Come will you dance? O yes, I will. See Kull-dansen. BFD Come with us sweet flow'rs. See Gascon. Carol of the flowers. TLB Come, ye happy hearted children. See Decoration day. BSS Comin' thro' the rye. EFS (Gin a body meet a body. FS) Commencement song. TLB Comparisons. Neidlinger. ES2 Conclusion. Froebel. MP Concone. Marche militaire. HMC2 Music only. Run, run, run. HMC2 Music only. Conductor. Valentine. VBD Conrade. Angelus. GS April, April! Are you here? GS Autumn flowers. GS Baby seed song. GS Blue and the gray together. GS Bluebird. GS Bob White. GS Buttercups and daisies. GS (Hubbard. Buttercups and daisies. GS) (Tufts. Buttercups and daisies. CL) Calendar song. GS (Calendar song. RCS) Chickens round the gate. GS (Hubbard. See the chickens round the gate. MSG) (Seidel. See the chickens round the gate. HR) Chorister. GS Clacker. GS Crow calculations. GS ■ Daisies and stars. GS 36 Index to Kindergarten Songs Conrade. Daisies in the meadows. GS (Walker. Out in the meadows. WS) Daisy nurses. GS (Knowlton. Daisy nurses. NS) Drummer boy. GS Fairies. GS Fairy artist. GS Firefly song. GS Forget-me-not. GS Frog's good-bye. GS I'm a Httle soldier boy. GS In September. GS In the springtime. GS Indian cradle song. GS (Hitte. Indian lullaby. DM) Little bird with eager wing. GS Little Blue Jay. GS Little Bo-Peep. (Bo-Peep. CBO) (Elliott. Little Bo-Peep. MG) (Little Bo-Peep. KM) Little boy Bubble. GS Little doves. GS Little white feathers. GS (Smith. Little white feathers. SLl) Little wind. GS Lost, the summer. GS Millwheel. GS n«^c/-\ (Hubbard. Round and round it goes. MbG) (Millwheel. EL) . Moon. GS North wind. GS (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG — SLl) (North wind and the robins. BB) (North wind doth blow. HR) (Tufts. North wind doth blow. CL) November, no. 2. GS ■ October. GS Old carol. GS Pansies. GS Pretty Polly Pansy. GS Robert of Lincoln. GS September. GS (Knowlton. September. NS) (McLellan. September. EL) Sing, children, sing. GS Snail. GS Index to Kindergarten Songs 37 Conrade. Sparrow. GS Sweet Pea. GS Sweet summer's gone away. GS Swinging. GS Thanksgiving day. GS (Hubbard. Thanksgiving day. MSG) (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS) (Sleigh-ride. HR) Thanksgiving joys. GS To Santa Claus. GS Tradespeople. GS (Hubbard. Swallow. MSG) Where they go. GS (Walker. Where do all the daisies go? WS) Constant Billy. NEBl Continued story. Gaynor. LL Coo, coo, coo, coo. See Froebel. Cuckoo. MP Coo-oo, coo-oo, coo-oo, coo. Let me speak a word too. See Cole. Who stole the bird's nest. CM "Coo-oo-wo." So in love to its mate calls the dove. See Smith. Dove talk. LCD Cook. Gaynor. LL Cool the grass to the brown, bare feet. See Gaynor. Bringing the cattle home. LL Coolun. EFS. Coonley. Anvil song. GS Arbor day. GS As Joseph was walking. GS Autumn flowers. GS Autumn leaves. GS Bird day. GS Brownies. GS Child's birthday. GS. Clock. GS Columbus. GS Dancing song. GS Doll day. GS Doll's cradle song. GS Easter. GS Eskimo. GS First flag. GS Flower day. GS Froebel. GS Good-morning. GS Good-night. GS Growing. GS Indian. GS • Japanese. GS 38 Index to Kindergarten Songs Coonley. Labor day. GS Lincoln. GS Longfellow. GS May-day. GS May Queen. GS Mother day. GS My bicycle. GS Rainbow. GS Red, white and blue. GS Salute. GS Sing, children, sing. GS Song of the nut. GS Valentine day, no.2. GS Wake up. GS Washington song. GS Whittier. GS Windmill. GS Work of the week. GS Cooper. Bob White. GS My brigantine. TLB What robin told. NS Cooper. HR Cooper. Walker. WS (Hubbard. Cooper. MSG) Corelli. Giga. HMC2 Music only. Cornell. March. StN Song of the robin. StN Cornish magpole dance. FDM Music only. Cornwell. Birdies' ball. WS (Hubbard. It is lovely May. MSG) Ferns. EL Fly, little birds, fly east and west. HS— WS Fly, little birds, fly round the ring. WS (Hubbard. Flying birds. MSG) (Smith. Fly, little birds. SL2) Kind deeds. EL Little boy blue. EL Little Jack Frost. WS (Little Jack Frost. HR (Walker. Little Jack Frost. WS) Little moon. EL Sleep, baby, sleep. EL (Brewster. Sleep, my baby, sleep. BSS) (Sleep, baby, sleep. FS— RCS) (Smith. Sleep, baby, sleep. SLl) Index to Kindergarten Songs 39 EFS— TLB) Parker. Robbers. ("Lust'ger Schweizerbu'") FDM ("O Strassburg") FDM Cornwell. There was once a little birdie. EL (Frost. Birdie's song. WS) (Rust. There was once a little birdie. EL) Wind. EL (Bertini. I am the wind. HR) (Hubbard. I am the wind. MSG) (Sawyer. Wind. EL) Coronation. Holden. TLB Cosaque. Lange. HMC2 Music only. Cossack. FDM Music only. Cossack's song. TLB Cottrau. Santa Lucia. FS (Now 'neath the silver moon Cough and crow to roost are gone Counting game. KK Counting lesson. Roeske. PFP Country dance. FDM Music only. Country dance, L Music only. Country dance, IL Music only. Country gardens. NEBl Cousin Peter. LBS Cover the eyes all close and tight. Cow. Stevenson. CM — LBS For composers see Stevenson Cradle carol. Terhune. CC Cradle nest. Winslow. HS Cradle song. Atkinson. SV Cradle song. Barnby. TC Cradle song. Brahms. FS Cradle song. Brewster. BSS Cradle song. Fairlamb. StN (Fisher. Cradle song. StN) (Ilsley. Cradle song. StN) (Stanley. Cradle song. StN) (Suck. Cradle song. StN) Cradle song. Schumann. HMCl Music only. Cradle song. Spazier. SHS Cradle song. Tennyson. EL (Baby's waking song. SHS) (What does little birdie say. SM) (Tufts. Little birdie. CL) Cradle song. Tufts. CL TLB See Froebel. Flower song. SM COW 40 Index to Kindergarten Songs Cradle song of the Virgin. Barnby. RCS (Kies. Virgin's cradle song. MSL) Crawling, spinning, shelter winning. See Hill. Caterpillar and moth. SHS Creeping, slowly creeping. See Smith. Caterpillar. SM Creeping thing upon the ground. See Smith. Caterpillar. SL2 Crested hen. FDM Music only. Cricket. Oldberg. HMCl Music only. Crickets carol in the grass. See Menard. Slumber song. BSS. Cris-cradle sings. Hubbard. MSG Crocus. Knowlton. NS Crocus and anemone are calling from the wood. See Gaynor. Flower day. GS Crosby. Hurrah for the sleigh-bells. EL ♦Cross and crown. Martin. MSL Crossing the bar. Huss. TLB Crow. Gaynor. SC2 Crow calculations. Conrade. GS Crown her, oh crown her Queen of the May. See Gaynor. May Queen. GS Crusaders. Pinsuti. TLB Cry is heard like thunder sound. See Wilhelm. Watch by the Rhine. EPS— FS Csardas. BED Csardas. FDM Music only. Csardas. Geza. HMC2 Music only. Cube. Hubbard. MSG Cube now is resting. See Wiggin. Second gift song. KC Cube songs, 1 and 2. EL Cubes and ball. SL2 Cuckoo. PS Cuckoo. Bullard. SM Cuckoo. Froebel. MP Cuckoo. Hubbard. MSG Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, hark to the call. See Hubbard. Spring. MSG *Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ! My child, the cuckoo is singing. PS Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, the cuckoo now is calling. See Hubbard. MSG Cuck-oo, cuck-oo, green wood-lands call. See Messenger of spring. RCS ♦Cuckoo cuckoo ! sound from the wood. PS ♦Cuckoo, cuckoo, the cuckoo calls you, dear. Bullard. SM Cunning cat is watching. See Cat and mouse. PS Index to Kindergarten Songs 41 ♦Curley locks. Elliott. MG Cushman. Wheel song. EL Cut finger. Neidlinger. SSS Cycle of the year. Neidlinger. ESI Cylinder. Hubbard. MSG Cylinder song. EL Czerny. Number game. HR Da draussen auf der Aue. See Taubert. Down in a grassy meadow. RCS Daddy, daddy, long legged daddy. See Meissner. Granddaddy longlegs. ASC ♦Daffodil lady. Gaynor. LL Daffodils, daffodils, daisies and buttercups. Sec Palmer. Little maid Margery. StN Daffy-down-dilly. Bacon. EL Daffy-down-dilly. Gaynor. SCI Daffy-down-dilly. Smith. SL2 Dainty little stockings. See Cole. Christmas song. BSS Dainty milkweed babies. See Smith. Milkweed babies. SL2 Dairy. FS Daisies. Gaynor. SC2 Daisies and stars. Conrade. GS ♦Daisies are dancing. Smith. SL2 Daisies in the meadows. Conrade. GS (Walker. Out in the meadows. WS) Daisies white are nursery maids. See Conrade. Daisy nurses. GS (Knowlton. Daisy nurses. NS) Daisy. Batchellor. WS Daisy. Haydn. HR (Reinecke. Daisy. SLl) (Reinecke. Field daisy. FC) Daisy and the wind. Neidlinger. SSS Daisy buds. Tufts. CL ♦Daisy dear. Hubbard. MSG Daisy nurses. Conrade. GS (Knowlton. Daisy nurses. NS) Daldans. _ FDM Music only. Dalecarlian maiden's song. Lindbald. EFS Dame, get up and bake your pies. See Xmas day in ye morning. CBO Damrosch. Easter carol. StN (Fairlamb. Easter carol. StN) (Hubbard. Sweetly the birds are singing. MSG) Handel. StN (Stanley. Handel. StN) In the wood. StN Jessie. StN 42 Index to Kindergarten Songs Damrosch. Joy, hope and love. StN Lord's day. StN Million little diamonds. StN (Burdett. Million little diamonds. StN) (Tufts. Winter jewels. CL) (Walker. Winter jewels. WS) Minuet. StN (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN) (Fisher. Minuet. StN) (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN) There's a ship on the sea. StN (Allen. There's a ship on the sea. StN) (Fisher. There's a ship on the sea. StN) Valentine. StN (Fairlamb. Valentine. StN) Dance. Neidlinger. SSS *Dance a baby diddy. CBO (Elliott. Nurse's song. MG) *Dance, little baby. Weber. HR Dance, Looby, Looby, Looby dance. See Looby, Looby. LBS (Here we come, Looby Loo. JB) (Looby Loo. BG— HC— NEBl) (Looby light. BB) Dance of greeting. BFD Dance of greeting. FDM Music only. Dance of the bears. Heins. HMC2 Music only. Dance of the frost elves. Grieg. HMCl Music only. Dance of the rainbow fairies. Gaynor. SCI Dance on the green. Baumfelder. HMC2 Music only. *Dance, Thumbkin, dance. LBS Dance we had at our village home. See Koschat. City lad and country lass. EFS Dancing game. Gaynor. SCI Dancing song. Froelich. HR (Reinecke. Dancing song. FC) Dancing song. Gaynor. GS Dancing song. Gaynor. LL Dancing song. Root. SV Dancing song. Smith. SL2 Dandelion. Bingham. BM Dandelion. Cole. CM Dandelion. Foote. StN Dandelion. Gaynor. SCI Dandelion. Knowlton. NS Index to Kindergarten Songs 43 Dandelion. Methfessel. SHS Dandelion cycle. Knowlton. NS Dandelion, dandelion, where's your cup of gold. See Knowlton. Dandelion. NS Dandelion fashions. Smith. SL2 Dandelions. Suck. StN Dandelions, dandelions, like golden stars are you. See Gaynor. Dandelion. SCI Danse de Strasbourg (Ecossaise). FDM Music only Dapple gray horse. See Taubert. Soldier song. FS — SL2 Dark brown is the river. Sec Stevenson. Where go the boats. CGV— LBS— SF— SS For composers see Stevenson. Where go the boats. ♦Darling little fingers. Weber. HR Dawn. Barnby. TLB Day. Knowlton. NS Day and night. Neidlinger. ES Day I left my home for the rolling sea. See Yradier. Dove. FS *Day is dying. Roeckel. TLB Day is now spent. See At the beginning and at the close of day, no. 6. PS (Variant: Day's far spent. JB) Day's far spent. JB (Variant: At the beginning and at the close of day, no. 6. PS) Dayre. Jolly Joe. CM Summer shower. NS Dear child, we welcome you to-day. See Gaynor. Welcome song. SCI Dear grandmama is knitting. See Gaynor. Grandma's knitting song. SCI Dear, here I sit and sit. See Terhune. Tithing-man. CC ♦Dear little ball. SLl Dear little buttercups shine in the grass. See Sheehan. To the wildflowers. OSM Dear little DafTy-down-dilly. See Gaynor. DaflFy-down-dilly. SCI Dear little dollie is Emmie so fair. See Cole. Dolly. CM Dear little friends across the way. See Reinecke. Visit. SM Dear little lamb says: "Ba, ba." See Neidlinger. Little lamb. SSS ♦Dear little lambs in happy fold. Kies. MSL Dear little light bird, happy and free. See Jenks. Light bird. EL Dear little pansies are lifting their heads. See Conrade. Pan- sies. GS 44 Index to Kindergarten Songs Dear little plant fast asleep in its bed. See Vose. Plants awak- ening. EL Dear little violet, don't be afraid. See Knowlton. Calling the violet. NS Dear Lord in Heaven. Sec Reinecke. Morning prayer. FC — SLl Dear May, come on and render. See In spring. PS Dear oh! the cat is in the snow. See Cat in the snow. LBS Dear Santa Claus, come down the chimney to-night. See Gay- nor. Letter to Santa Claus. SCI Dear Santa, now appear. Hubbard. MSG Dear Santa, now we meet you. See Hubbard. Dear Santa now appear. MSG Dear sixpence, I've got sixpence. See Jolly tester. BB (Elliott. Jolly tester. MG) Dear, what can the matter be? See Oh, dear, what can the mat- ter be? FS— OYA Death and burial of Cock-Robin. Elliott. MG December. Knowlton. NS Decker. Sweet content. TLB Decoration dav. BSS DeKoven. Dutch lullaby. FSC Fiddle-dee-dee. FSC Japanese lullaby. FSC Little Boy Blue. FSC Little-oh-dear. FSC Nightfall in Dordrecht. FSC Norse lullaby. FSC Orkney lullaby. FSC Swing. SS For other composers see Stevenson. Swing. Deland. To a daisy. TC Waits. EL While shepherds watched their flocks by night. EL De L'Isle. Marseillaise. EFS— FS Denza. Funiculi, funicula. FS (Denza. Merry life. TLB) (Denza. Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS) Deo gratias. EFS Dessauer march. HMC2 Music only Dewey. Fir tree. HS Dickinson. Day. NS *Dickory. dickory, dock. Elliott. MG (Dickory dock. CBO) (Funkhouser. Hickory dickory dock. FSK) Dickory dock. CBO (Elliott. Dickory dickory dock. MG) (Funkhouser. Hickory dickory dock. FSK) Index to Kindergarten Songs 45 Dictation exercises with the blocks. Gaynor. SCI Did you ever blow a bubble. See Gaynor. Bubbles. SC2 Did you ever hear of pussies. See Gebauer. Queer pussies. HS *Did you ever see a lassie? BG — USI (Smith. Did you ever see a lassie? SL2) *Diddle-dy diddle. LBS Dietrich. To a daisy. TC Woodland lullaby. TC Ding, ding, ding, from the high tower. Sec Smith. Chimes. LCD Ding, dong! Hofifman. StN (Molloy. Ding,dong. StN) Ding, dong! Tufts. CL Ding, dong, bell! Nimble little Nell. See Smith. Prompt. LCD *Ding dong bell! Pussy's in the well. CBO (Elliott. Ding, dong, bell. MG) Ding, dong, come along. See Froelich. Dancing song. HR (Reinecke. Dancing song. FC) Ding, dong, dell. Hubbard. MSG Ding dong, ding dong! See Gaynor. Hickory dickory dock. SC2 Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong bell. See Cole. What the bells say. CM Ding dong, ding dong, hear the fire bells loudly ring. See Val- entine. Fireman. VBD Ding dong, ding dong! I'll sing you a song. See Tufts. Ding dong. CL Ding, dong, ding! In solemn chime. See Hill. Old year and New Year. HS Dinkey bird. Kelley. FSC *Dip your bread. Marie. RCS (Variant: Dip your bread, Polly. LBS) ♦Dip your bread, Polly. LBS (Variant: Dip your bread, Marie. RCS) Direction game. HR Dixie's land. Emmett. EFS— FS *Do, do, pity my case. NG *Do the little brown twigs complain? Smith. SLl Do you ever think when you see a flow'r. See Neidlinger. Small and great. ES2 Do you hear the song of rain? See Hill. Rain on the roof. SHS *Do you know how many stars? Hubbard. MSG (God knows. RCS) Do you know of the Land of Nod? See Gaynor. Land of Nod SCI Do you know the muffin man? See Muffin man. BG — HC— JB— USI *Do you know the way to plant the choux? JB 46 Index to Kindergarten Songs Do you know why the snow. See Brown. Bedtime. EL *Do you lack for silk or satin? JB Do you see these tiny tracks in the snow? See Gaynor. Tracks in the snow. SCI *Dr. Faustus was a good man. CBO ♦Doctor is a very fine man. JB Dodge. April girl. StN At the window. StN Billy Buttercup. StN Blessed day. WS Bye, baby, birds are sleeping. StN Bye, baby, bye. EL Bye, baby, night has come. StN ^Can a little child like me. EL — WS Clouds and sunshine. StN Ding dong! StN Going to London. StN Good news on Christmas morning. StN If blue birds bloomed. StN In the wood. StN Little squirrels. StN March. StN Midsummer frolics. StN Minuet. StN Night and day. StN Queen of May. StN Snowflakes. StN Sweet red rose. StN ^There's a ship on the sea. StN Dodo. Blake. RCS *Dodo, baby, do. FS Dodo, I'enfant, do. See Dodo, baby, do. FS Dog. Tufts. CL Dog and cat. RCS *Dogs to mill across and across. LBS Doh lives here in a wee little house. See Gaynor. Mistress Doh and her neighbors. SCI Doll day. Atkinson. GS Doll song. Grove. HS Doll's cradle song. Atkinson. GS Doll's cradle song. Reinecke. FC Doll's cradle song. Taubert. RCS Doll's wooing. Tohns. FSC Dolly. Cole. CM Dolly and her mamma. Elliott. MG Dolly song. Hitte. DM Dolly, you're a naughty girl. Elliott. MG Dolphin lullaby. Gilchrist. TLB Index to Kindergarten Songs 47 Don your cap and apron. See Gaynor. Sweeping and dusting. SC2 Don't you think so? See Cornell. Song of the robin. StN *Doors of morning. JB ♦Dormi. FS Dors, dors, mon enfant. See Sleep, sleep, my darling. RCS Dost remember, dear, when last autumn. See Heise. Little Karen. EFS Dost thou no longer love me? See Siciliana. EFS Dotty and the clock. Brewster. BSS Double-set back. NEB2 Douglas. Annie Laurie. FS Family drum corps. NS Douty. Bell-man. TLB Better music ne'er was known. TLB Dove. Yradier. FS Dove cote. Smith. SLl Dove talk. Smith. LCD Dow. Snowflakes. EL Down amid the wheat and hay. See Gaynor. Poppy lady. LL Down below our one we go. See Cole. Scale song, no. 7. CM Down by a shining water well. See Stevenson. My kingdom. SF (Ramsay. My kingdom. SF) Down by the brook's green turning. See Dairy. FS Down by the old farmhouse. See Clear cool pond. FS Down by the water stands the mill. See Gaynor. Mill. SC2 Down goes baby, mother's pet. See Bullard. Falling, falling. SM (Adapted from Froebel. Falling, falling. MP) Down he goes, now falling, falling. See Froebel. Falling, fall- ing. MP (Adaptation: Bullard. Falling, falling. SM) Down in the buttercup meadow. Hubbard. MSG Down in the dear old orchard. Jenks. EL — HS Down in the deep grass. See Gilchrist. Midsummer frolics. StN Down in the fields where the wild flow'rs grow. See Methfessel. Dandelion. SHS. Down in the grass under my feet. See Gaynor. To a dandelion. LL *Down in the grassy meadow. Taubert. RCS Down in the pleasant meadow. See Tabram. Haymakers KC Down in the valley, deep, deep, deep. See Cole. Where they grow. CM (Where they grow. BSS) Down the little raindrops patter. See Batchellor. Shower and flower. WS 48 Index to Kindergarten Songs Down thro' the waves of soft spring air. See Root. Sunshine song. SV Dragonfly in the sunshine. Reinecke. HMCl Music only. Draper. There's a song in the air. EL Draw a bucket of water. BG — USI (Draw buckets of water. JB) Draw back. NEB2 *Draw buckets of water. JB (Draw a bucket of water. BG — USI) Draw thou my soul, O Christ. See Sullivan. St. Edmund. TLB Dream. Reinecke. HMCl Music only Dream baby. FS *Drink to me only with thine eyes. CPP — EFS — FS *Drip, drop, drip, drop, sprinkle ev'rywhere. Valentine. VBD Drop the handkerchief. Gaynor. SCI Drops are falling, falling. See Knowlton. April rain. NS Drops are pouring down. See Knowlton. Summer shower. NS Drops of rain! Drops of rain! See Sawyer. Child's inquiry. EL Drummer. Taubert. SL2 *Drummer boy. Conrade. GS Drummer boys. Funkhouser. FSK Du willst mich kratzen. See Dog and cat. RCS Duck. HMC2 Music only Duck dance. BG (Reinecke. Barcarole. FS) (Reinecke. I saw a ship a-sailing. HR) (Ship a-sailing. EL) (Fairy ship. BB) Duck game. Sawyer. EL Duckling. Gaynor. LL Dugan. Babe Jesus. EL Carol, oh, carol! WS Glad Easter is here. HS Good-morning song. WS Little Boy Blue. WS Parting song. WS Shine out, oh blessed star! WS Watering the flowers. EL Wind and the leaves. EL Winter song. EL Duke and the castle. HC Duke Marlborough. FS Duke of Marlborough. FDM Music only Dulce domum. Reading. TLB Index to Kindergarten Songs 49 Dunning. Five little white mice. HR Dusky maid with ebon hair. See Hatton. Indian maid. TLB Dutch lullaby. De Koven. FSC D'ye ken John Peel with his coat so gay. Sf^ John Peel. FS Dykes. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! TLB ^^I heard the voice of Jesus say. TLB Lead, kindly light. TLB Each child has found a pleasant place. See Running a race. PS Each mother loves best. Hill. SHS Early bird. Gaynor. LL *Early one morning. Marzials. GPP Earth and the clouds. Kuhlan. HR Earth's winter dress. Hill. SHS East wind brings the merry snow. See Smith. Snowball song. SL2 Easter. Gaynor. GS Easter. Hadley. TLB Easter. Hubbard. MSG Easter carol. Fairlamb. StN (Damrosch. Easter carol. StN) (Hubbard. Sweetly the birds are singing. MSG) Easter carol. Sawyer. EL Easter day was a holiday. See Maitland. Little Sir William. NEBl Easter hymn. Batchellor. WS (Story. Easter hymn. WS) Easter morning. Chapek. HS Easter morning. Martin. MSL Easter song. Gaynor. SLl Easter song. Johns. TLB Easter song. Rich. HS Easter song. Smith. SLl Echo, echo, are you near? See Smith. Echo play. LCD Echo play. Smith. LCD Ecossaise. See Danse de Strasbourg. FDM Music only Ei, ei, Herr Reiter. See Sir rider, ho, ho! RCS Ei Veilchen. See Reinecke. Violet. RCS *Eia popeia. Taubert. RCS Eiapopeia ! Was raschelt im Stroh? See Taubert. Doll's cradle song. RCS Eiapopeia! What rustles the hay. See Taubert. Doll's cradle song. RCS Eight white sheep. Walker. WS Ein' feste Burg. Luther. TLB (Luther. Mighty fortress. EFS) (Luther. Safe stronghold. FS) Electric light. Gaynor. SC2 50 Index to Kindergarten Songs Elgar. My love dwelt in a northern land. TLB Ellacombe. TLB Elliott. A. B. C, tumble down D. MG Baa, baa, black sheep. MG (Baa, baa, black sheep. CBO — FS) (Gaynor. Baa, baa, black sheep. LL) (Hailmann. Baa, baa, black sheep. HR) Cartwheel. SL2 (Walker. Cartwheel song. WS) Child and the star. MG— SL2— SM Chipmunks. SL2 Christmas carol. SLl , Curly locks. MG Death and burial of Cock Robin. MG Dickory, dickory, dock. MG (Dickory Dock. CBO) (Funkhouser. Hickory, dickory, dock. FSK) Ding, dong bell. MG (Ding, dong bell. CBO) Dolly and her mamma. MG Feast of lanterns. MG Georgie Porgie. MG • Goosey, goosey gander. MG (Goosey, goosey, gander. LBS) Hey diddle diddle. MG Hiding the ball. SL2 ■ High in the clear air. SLl Humpty Dumpty. MG 1 had a little doggy. MG ■ I love little pussy. MG — SLl Is John Smith within? MG Jack and Jill. MG (Jack and Jill went up the hill. CBO— OYA) Jolly tester. MG (Jolly tester. BB) King of France. MG Lazy cat. MG (Lazy cat. HR) Little Bo-peep. MG (Bo-peep. CBO) (Conrade. Little Bo-peep. GS) (Little Bo-peep. KM) Little Boy Blue. SLl Little cock-sparrow. MG (Little cock-sparrow. BB — FS) Little Jack Horner. MG (Gaynor. Little Jack Horner. LL) (Little Jack Horner. CBO) Index to Kindergarten Songs 51 Elliott. Little jumping Joan. MG Little maid, pretty maid. MG (Gaynor. Little maid, pretty maid. LL) Little sunbeam. SLl Little Tommy Tucker. MG Lullaby. MG— SM (Lullaby. HR) (Walker. Baby's lullaby. WS) Maggie's pet. MG Man in the moon. MG Mistress Mary. MG Mother Tabbyskins. MG My lady wind. MG Nineteen birds. MG North wind doth blow. MC] — SLl (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (North wind and the robin. BE) (North wind doth blow. HR) (Tufts. North wind doth blow. CL) Nurse's song. MG (Dance a baby diddy. CBO) Old man clothed in leather. MG (Old man in leather. BB) Poor dog Bright. MG Pussy-cat, pussy-cat. MG Rain shower. SL2 Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross. MG (Banbury Cross. OYA) Ring. SL2 Rocking-horse. SL2 See-saw, Margery Daw. MG (See-saw, Margery Daw. LBS) Simple Simon. MG Sing a song of sixpence. MG (Song of sixpence. CBO) ^Six little snails. MG Song of kindness. SLl Spider and the fly. MG Street car. SL2 Taffy was a Welshman. MG There was a crooked man. MG Thievish mouse. MG Three children sliding. MG (Three children sliding on the ice. CBO) (Tufts. Three children sliding. CL) ^ Three crows. MG Three little mice. MG 52 Index to Kindergarten Songs Elliott. Tom, the piper's son. MG (Tom, Tom, the piper's son. CBO) Twinkle, twinkle little star. MG— SLl— SM (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. LL) (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. SHS) (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL) (Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR) (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. WS) When the snow is on the ground. MG — SLl Whittington forever. MG Worsted ball. SL2 EUmenreich. Spinning song. HMCl Music only. Elm and the maple, the ash and the oak. See Knowlton. October. NS Elm trees are yellow. Hurd. EL Elson. Windmill. SLl— SM Emerson. Butterflies. SM Humble bee. TLB We thank Thee. GS Emmett. Dixie's land. EPS — FS *Emperor Napoleon had fifty thousand men. JB En passant dans un p'tit bois. See Et moi de m'en courir. BB ♦End to end. Hailman. HR Endless song. Neidlinger. TLB Engine song. Tufts. CL Engineer. Neidlinger. ES2 English country dance ("Sir Roger de Coverley"). FDM Music only. Epitaph on a parish clerk. Webbe. TLB Equal measure gives us pleasure. See Marching, no. 25. PS (Variant: Equal measure. HR) Ere the moon begins to rise. See Barnby. Cradle song. TC Ernst. Five little pigs. HR Es fing ein Knab' ein Voegelein. See Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS (Reinecke. George's song. EC) Es ging 'ne Zieg. See Goat and the cow. RCS Es klappert die Muehle am rauschenden Bach. See Clip, clap. RCS (Millwheel. PS) Es regnet auf der Bruecke. See Ringel Tanz. BB Es regnet, es regnet. See Taubert. It's raining. RCS Es tanzt ein Bibabutzemann. See Bibabutzemann. RCS Escape at bedtime. Stevenson. CGV (Fisher. Escape at bedtime. CGV) Eskimo. Gaynor. GS Eskimo has a house of snow. See Meissner. In Greenland. ASC Et moi de m'en courir. BB Index to Kindergarten Songs 53 Etait une bergere. See Shepherd maiden. FS (Bergere. BB) (Shepherdess. RCS) Even song. Parker. TC Evening. Gaynor. SC2 Evening bell. Kullak. HMCl Music only. Evening concert. Gilchrist. HMCl Music only. Evening hymn of the crusaders. TLB Evening prayer. Reinecke. FC — HR — SLl Evening prayer. Smith. LCD Evening song. SL2 Evening star. Neidlinger. SSS Evening star. Reinecke. RCS Evening star. See Reinecke. To the evening star. FC Ever so high, up in the sky. See Tufts. Calling the tides. CL Every-day politeness. Wiggin. KC Every day the shining sun. See Knowlton. Points of the compass. NS Every little floweret. See God's tender care. HR Every night a star. Foster. TC (Cole. Star. TC) Ev'ry night, ev'ry night. See Hill. Christmas star. SHS Every night my prayers I say. See Stevenson. System. CGV (Fisher. System. CGV) Ewing. Jerusalem the golden. TLB Eyelids close in sweet repose. See Hill. Lullaby and good morn- ing. SHS Face the centre of the ring. See Wiggin. Ring song, no. 6. KC Faintly as tolls the evening chime. See Arnold. Canadian boat song. TLB *Fair Gabrielle. Henty. FS Fair is the castle upon the hill. See Hawley. Hushaby sweet my own. FSC Fair little girl sat under a tree. See Cole. Good night and good morning. CM (Good night, no. 2. HR) *Fair Rosie was a lovely girl. JB Fair Snow-white down in the glen. See Reinecke. Snow-white FC Fairest maiden, when I behold thee. See Love's parting. EFS Fairies. Conrade. GS Fairies. Neidlinger. ES2 Fairlamb. April girl. StN (Stanley. April girl. StN) 54 Index to Kindergarten Songs Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN (Fisher. Cradle song. StN) (Ilsley. Cradle song. StN) (Stanley. Cradle song. StN) (Suck. Cradle song. StN) Easter carol. StN (Damrosch. Easter carol. StN) (Hubbard. Sweetly the birds are singing. MSG) Little mermaid. StN Lullaby. StN (Allen. Lullaby. StN) Minuet. StN (Damrosch. Minuet. StN) (Fisher, Minuet. StN) (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN) Song of April. TLB Valentine. StN (Damrosch. Valentine. StN) Fairy. Reinecke. EC Fairy artist. Conrade. GS Fairy dance. Smith. LCD *Fairy maiden dance lightly round in the ring. KK Fairy play. KK Fairy sat on a roseleaf edge. See Gilchrist. So wise. StN Fairy ship. BB (Duck dance. BG) (Reinecke. Barcarole. EC) (Reinecke. I saw a ship a-sailing. HR) (Ship a-sailing. EL) Fairy steps. Reinhold. HMC2 Music only. Fall leaves. Hill. SHS (Autumn leaves. HR) (Osgood. Come, Httle leaves. MSG— RCS— WS) (Smith. Come, little leaves. SL2) Falling! falling. Bullard. SM (Adapted from Froebel. Falling, falling. MP) Falling, falling. Froebel. MP (Adaptation: Bullard. Falling! Fallmg. SM) Falling leaves. Neidlinger. SSS Falling snow. Hill. HS Falling so lightly, drifting so whitely. See Hill. Falling snow- HS Family. Froebel. HR Family. Gilchrist. SM (Parker. Family. SM) Family Hurd. PTS Index to Kindergarten Songs 55 Family. Parker. SM (Gilchrist. Family. SM) Family. Walker. WS Family drum corps. Knowlton. NS Music only. HMC2 Family finger play. Wiggin. KC Faning. Boat song. TC (Weidig. Boat song. TC) Far down in the valley. See Smith. Alice's supper. SLl Far, far away in Bethlehem town; See Terhune. Christmas carol. CC Far, far to the southward. See Good morning, canary. HS *Far out at sea. Cole. TC Far over western hills. See Gaynor. Evening. SC2 Farewell. Hill. SHS Farewell to the birds. Gaynor. SCI Farewell to the farm. Stevenson. SS (Chadwick. Farewell to the farm. SS) *Farewell, work. Koehler. HR Farmer. LBS (Can you show me how the farmer? JB) (Farmer. PS) (Farmer and the housewife. KK) (Froebel. Farmer. SM) (Koehler. Farmer. HR) (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS) Farmer. Gaynor. LL Farmer. Hubbard. MSG Farmer. Reinecke. SL2 Farmer. Smeltzer. SZ Farmer and the doves. Taubert. RCS Farmer and the housewife. KK (Can you show me how the farmer? JB) (Farmer. LBS) (Farmer. PS) (Froebel. Farmer. SM) (Koehler. Farmer. HR) (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS) Farmer and the miller. See Roeske. Making bread. PFP Farmer has a dove-cot. See Taubert. Farmer and the doves. RCS Farmer he Hved in the West Countree. See Barkshire tragedy. NEBl ♦Farmer in the dell. BG— HC— LL— NG— USl (Farmer's in his den. JB) ♦Farmer's in his den. JB (Farmer in the dell. BG— HC— LL— NG— USl) Farmyard. Froebel. SM 56 Index to Kindergarten Songs Farmyard song. Grieg. FS Farwell. Build thee more stately mansions. TLB Song of greeting. TLB *Fast fly the hours. Naegeli. RCS Father and mother's care. Naegeli. SHS Father, father dear, I pray, Take your hat and cane to-day. See Froebel. Toyman and boy. MP Father, from a distant land thy host hath come. See Evening hymn of the crusaders. TLB Father Guillori. RCS (Petit chasseur. BB) Father, help each little child. See Mozart. Morning hymn. HR Father, I cry to Thee. See Himmel. Prayer. TLB Father in Heaven. See Wiggin. Morning prayer, no. 2. KC Father in Heaven above, We Thank Thee. See Sheehan. Spring morning prayer. OSM Father in Heaven, Thy children hear. See Largo. TLB Father of all in Heav'n above. See Hill. Thanks for daily bless- ings. SHS Father O'Flynn. FS Father, thou who carest. See Hill. God's care of all things. SHS Father, we thank Thee for the light. See Hill. Thanks for con- stant care. SHS Father, we thank Thee for the night. See Batchellor. Morning hymn. WS (Hamburg. Morning hymn. HR) (Wiggin. Morning prayer. KC) Fear us not, whate'er we're doing. See Reinecke. To the humble bee. FC Feast of lanterns. Elliott. MG Feather game. Gaynor. SC2 February. Knowlton. NS February. Marston. EL Feder Mjkkel. FDM Music only. Feeding chickens. Knowlton. NS Feeding chickens. Montz. IMS Feeding the pigeons. PS Feel you the raindrops. See Taubert. Birds in the nest. RCS Ferns. Cornwall. EL Ferns. Sloane. HS Ferret. Gaynor. LL (Ferret of the woods. RCS) Ferret of the woods. RCS (Gaynor. Ferret. LL) Ferrett runs to the woods. See Ferret of the woods. RCS (Gaynor. Ferret. LL) Index to Kindergarten Songs 57 ^Ferret's here, he is there. LBS Fesca. When the earth wakes up in gladness. SLl Feste Burg ist unser Gott. See Luther. Kin' feste Burg. TLB (Luther. Mighty fortress. EFS) (Luther. Safe stronghold. FS) Festive march. HR Fiddle-de-dee. DeKoven. FSC Fiddle-de-dee, fiddle-de-dee, the fly has married the humble-bee. See Fly and the humble-bee. BB *Fiddler he had but one onliest cow. KK Fido and his master. HR Field. Armenian lullaby. FSC Brook. FSC Child and mother. FSC Dinkey-bird. FSC — — • Doll's wooing. FSC Dutch lullaby. FSC Easter carol. EL Fiddle-dee-dee. FSC Hushaby, sweet my own. FSC Japanese lullaby. FSC Kissing time. FSC Little Boy Blue. FSC Little Mistress Sans-Merci. FSC Little-oh-dear. FSC Little peach. FSC Nightfall in Dordrecht. FSC Norse lullaby. FSC Oh, little child. FSC Orkney lullaby. FSC Rock-a-by lady. FSC Swing high and swing low. FSC Why do bells for Christmas ring? BM — SV (Bingham. Why do bells for Christmas ring? BM) (Root. Christmas song. SV) Field daisy. Reinecke. FC Field is brown and bare. See Neidlinger. Plowman. ES Field mouse. Mokrejs. HMC Music only. Fields are white to harvest. See Kies. Reaper. MSL Figure of eight. NEB2 Final triumph. Martin. MSL Finch. Sandman. HS Finding the place. Smith. SL2 Fine frosted cake. See Smith. Three j^ears old. LCD Finger family. Gaynor. SCI Finger piano. Reinecke. SM Finger piano. Smith. SLl 58 Index to Kindergarten Songs Finger play. Froebel. KC (Froebel. This little thumb. MP) (Hubbard. What's this. MSG) Finger plays. PS (No. 19 a variant of Froebel. Numbering the fingers. SM) Finger song. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." MSG) Finger song. Smith. SL2 Fingers' lullaby. Gaynor. SCI Fingers tripping up and down. See Hailmann. Stanzas for finger piano. HR *Fir and the pine. RCS (Fir tree. FS) Fir tree. FS (Fir and the pine. RCS) *Fir tree grew in the forest old. Burnett. HS *Fire is burning, it burns so bright. KK Firebells. Montz. IMS Firefly, firefly, bright little thing. See Conrade. Firefly song. GS Firefly song. Conrade. GS Fireman. Funkhouser. FSK Fireman. Valentine. VBD First Christmas. Morton. HS — WS (Reinecke. First Christmas. GS) First Christmas. Sawyer. EL First Christmas song. Hill. HS First dance. Gurlitt. HMC2 Music only. First flag. Atkinson. GS First flying lesson. Neidlinger. SSS First gift exercises. Reed. TGS First morning in March in the year thirty-three. See Foxhunt. FS ♦First Nowell. FS First of May. BFD (Today is the first of May. KK) First primrose. Grieg. FS First ring song. Hill. SHS First snowflakes. Foerster. HMCl Music only. First Thanksgiving day. Gaynor. SC2 First to one friend. See Froebel. Wandering song. SM First with shovel and a drill. See Neidlinger. Miner. ESI First your iron hot must be. See Smith. Ironing day. SL2. (Warren. Ironing song. StN) Fischer. Bees. HR Busy hands and fingers. HR Cat on the tree. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 59 Fischer Right, left, together. HR Trades. HR What I have. HR Fish, fresh fish. See Wiggin. Fish-seller. KC Fish in the brook. Brahms. SM Fish in the brook. Kohl. SM Fish-seller. Wiggin. KC Fisher. Bed in summer. CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. Cradle song. StN My bed is a boat. (Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN) (Ilsley. Cradle song. StN) (Stanley. Cradle song. StN) (Suck. Cradle song. StN) Escape at bedtime. CGV Foreign children. CGV (Stanford. Foreign children. SS) Land of Nod. CGV (Gilchrist. Land of Nod. SS) Marching song. CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Marching song. Meadow talk. StN My bed is a boat. CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Minuet. StN (Damrosch. Minuet. StN) (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN) (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN) Rain. CGV Singing. CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Snowflakes. StN Swing. CGV For other composers see Stevenson. There's a ship on the sea. StN (Allen. There's a ship on the sea. (Damrosch. There's a ship on the sea. Time to rain. CGV Two little birds. StN Where go the boats? CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Wild wind. StN Wind. CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Wind. Windy nights? CGV For other composers see Stevenson. Fisherman. Tabram. KC Fishes. KC Singing. Swing. StN) StN) Where go the boats? Windy nights. 60 Index to Kindergarten Songs Fishes. PS (Kohl. Little fish. HR) Fishes. Gaynor. SCI Fishes. Hubbard. MSG Fishes. Reed. TGS Fishes at play. Hill. HS Fishes in the brook. Froebel. MP Five in a row. Reinecke. SL2 — SM Five knights. Gaynor. SCI Five knights and bad child. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Knights and the ill-humored child. MP) Five knights and good child. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Knights and the good child. MP) Five knights I see riding. See Froebel. Knights and the good child. MP _ (Hubbard. Five knights and good child. MSG) Five knights I see riding. See Froebel. Knights and the ill- humored child. MP (Hubbard. Five knights and bad child. MSG) Five knights in full trot are coming. See Hubbard. Five knights and good child. MSG (Froebel. Knights and the good child. MP) Five knights in haste I see coming hither. See Froebel. Hide thee, child. MP *Five little chickadees. Jenks. WS Five little children, busy all the day. Sec Froebel. Happy brothers and sisters. SM Five little children climb a tree. See Seidel. Venturesome chil- dren. HR Five little chipmunks. See Elliott. Chipmunks. SL2 Five little maidens all in a row. See Reinecke. Five in a row. SL2— SM ♦Five little mice. Roeske. PFP Five little pigs. Ernst. HR *Five little white mice. Dunning. HR Five riders and good child. Smith. SLl Five robins in their airy nests. See Tufts. Peep of day. CL Fjaellnaespolska. BFD Fjaellnaespolska. FDM Music only. Flagman. Gaynor. SC2 Flemming. Integer vitae. TLB ^Flicker, flicker, fire-sprite. Titoff. FS Flitting butterflies. Foerster. HMCl Music only Flotow. Memorial day. GS Flower basket. PS Flower basket. Andreae. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 61 Flower basket. Kohl. SM Flower basket. Smith. SM (Froebel. Basket. MP) Flower bed. Smith. SLl Flower day. Gaynor. GS Flower fairies. Foerster. HMCl Music only. Flower game. Wiggin. KG Flower garden. Smith. LCD Flower song. Froebel. SM Flower song. Hitte. DM Flower song. Reinecke. SM Flower wagon. Valentine. VBD Flowerets all sleep soundly. See Brahms. Little dust man. EFS (Brahms. Lullaby. SHS) Flowers. Frazer. BSS Flowers' ball. Gaynor. LL Flow'rs for sleep are sighing. See Hadley. While you sleep. TLB Flow'rs for the men who lost. See Conrade. Blue and the gray together. GS Flowers' lullaby SHS Flowers of the forest. FS Flowers unfolding. See Montz. Seeds. IMS Flowers, wild-wood flowers, in a sheltered dell they grew. See Sweet wildwood flowers. HR Fluttering and waving. See Chapek. Sprinkling the clothes. HS Fly. Cocchi. RCS Fly. Gaynor. SCI Fly, and the humble-bee. BB Fly away, fly away. See Chapek. Birds in autumn. HS Fly away, fly away, birdie. See Marzo. Baby Bo. StN *Fly away, fly away, little brown things. Gaynor. LL Fly, little bird, in the golden sun. See Gilchrist. Flying bird. SM _ Fly, little birdies, fly in the sunlight. See Hill. Flying song. SHS *Fly, little birds, fly east and west. Cornwell. WS — HS *Fly, little birds, fly 'round the ring. WS (Hubbard. Flying birds. MSG) (Smith. Fly, little birds. SL2) Flying bird. Gilchrist. SM Flying birds. Hubbard. MSG (Cornwell. Fly, little birds. WS) (Smith. Fly, little birds. SL2) Flying kites. Knowlton. HMC2 Music only. 62 Index to Kindergarten Songs Flying song. Hill. SHS Foerster. First snowflakes. HMCl Music only. Flitting butterflies. HMCl Music only. Flower fairies. HMCl Music only. Nocturne; Go-to-sleep, fairies. HMCl Music only. Under the linden tree. HMCl Music only. Under the meadow. HMCl Music only. Folded pigeon and pigeon-house. Seidel. HR FoUen. Stop, stop, pretty water. CM Follow me. HR— OYA Fondly loves the dog his master. See Tufts. Dog. CL Fondly wishing joy and blessing. See Reinecke. Another birth- day song. FC Fontaine. Swing song. HMC2 Music only. Foote. Bells. TLB Brook. FSC Dandelion. StN Going to London. StN — • — Land to the leeward. TC Little Mistress Sans-Merci. FSC Lullaby. TLB (Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. RCS) (Henderson. Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. StN) Nikolina. StN Sun's travels. SS Young night thought. SS Footprints. Neidlinger. SSS For air and sunshine, pure and sweet. See Galloway. Giving thanks. MSL For all the pleasant things I see. See Knowlton. Hymn for a child. NS For flow'rs that bloom about our feet. See George. We thank Thee. GS *For he's a jolly good fellow. EFS For lands that need the gospel. See Martin. Lands that need the gospel. MSL For peace and for plenty. See Knowlton. Patriotic hymn. NS For prayer. Montz. IMS For the sky so bright and blue. See Beach. Singing joyfully. TC For this new morning with its light. See Reed. Morning thanksgiving. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 63 Foreign children. Stevenson. CGV — SS For com[>oscrs see Stevenson. Foreign children. Foreign lands. Stevenson. SS (Stanford. Foreign lands. SS) Foreign tongues. Gaynor. SC2 Forest fir, O forest fir. See Fir tree. FS (Fir and the pine. RCS) Forest weasel. HC Forget-me-not. Hubbard. MSG (Conrade. Forget-me-not. GS) Forget-me-not. Reinecke. FC — SLl) (Jacobs. Forget-me-not. WS) Forlorn. Franz. TLB Forming the ring. Reinecke. WS Forming the ring. Smith. SL2 (Heerwart. Merrily, merrily. HR) (Hubbard. Merrily form a ring. MSG) Forth Rodes rides with his twelve strong sons from pirate land. See Rodes. KK Forward. FDM Music only. Forward, forward, forward, O weary feet. See Morning song and march. TLB *Forward, homeward. HR (At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 7. PS) Foster. Every night. TC Lullaby. TC My old Kentucky home, good night. EFS Old folks at home. EFS— TLB Fountain. Gaynor. SCI Fountain. Hadley. TLB (Johns. Fountain. TC) Four dance. FDM Music only. Four little chestnuts swinging, swinging high. See Vose. Song of chestnuts. EL Four little children here in the ring. See Cole. All around the mulb'ry bush. CM Four little wee birdies. See Schumann. Bird game. KC Four owls. Smeltzer. SZ Four presents. BB (Perrie, merrie, dixi. RCS) Four seasons. Seidel. HR Four seasons make up all the days of the year. See Brown. Seasons. EL Fourth of July. Kern. HS Fox and goose. RCS Fox and the goose. KK 64 Index to Kindergarten Songs *Fox went out in a hungry plight. Gaynor. LL Fox thro' the forest. See If I may. KK Fox, you've stolen my grey gander. See Fox and goose. RCS Foxhunt. FS Fragrant flowers are bright and gay. See Abt. Bee game. HR, Franc. Old hundred. TLB Franz. Forlorn. TLB Frau Schwalbe. Gaynor. LL Frazer. Flowers. BSS Let's go sliding down the hill. BSS — ' — Little four-years. BSS Oh, wouldn't you like to go? BSS Freedom, our queen. Paine. TC (Strong. Freedom, our queen. TC) Frere Jacques. Sec Brother James. RCS (Friar John. FS) Freu't euch des Lebens. See Naegeli. Fast fly the hours. RCS Friar John. FS (Brother James. RCS) Frieden der Nacht. See Reinecke. Peace of night. FS Friendly cow all red and white. See Stevenson. Cow. CM — LBS For composers see Stevenson. Cow. Friendly dark. Smith. LCD Fritz and Spitz. RCS Froebel. All's gone. MP (Hubbard. All gone. MSG) Asleep. HR Awake, ye little sleepers. HR Baby and the moon. SLl Ball will wander. HR Barnyard gate. MP (Hubbard. Barnyard. MSG) Basket. MP (Smith. Flower basket. SM) Basket. SLl Beckon to the chickens. MP Beckon to the pigeons. MP Boy and the moon. MP Bridge. MP (Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG) (Adaptation: Smith. Bridge. SL2) Brothers and sisters. MP (Hubbard. Brothers and sisters. MSG) Carpenter. MP (Hubbard. Oh, "see the carpenter. MSG) Charcoal burner's hut. MP (Hubbard. Charcoal burner. MSG) Index to Kindergarten Songs 65 Froebel. Child and the moon. MP Children at the tower. MP (Variant: Froebel. Children on the tower. SLl) Children on the tower. SLl (Variant: Froebel. Children at the tower. MP) Children's supper. SL2 ■Church. SL2 -.r-nx (Variant: Froebel. Church window and church door. MP) (Hubbard. Church bell. MSG) Church window and church door. MP (Variant: Froebel. Church. SL2) (Hubbard. Church bell. MSG) Clock game. KC Conclusion. MP Cooper. HR Cuckoo. MP Dove cote. SLl End to end. HR Falling, falling. MP (Adaptation: Bullard. Falling! Falling! SM) Family. HR . Family. SM Farmer. SM (Can you show me how the farmer? JB) (Farmer. LBS) (Farmer. PS) (Farmer and the housewife. KK) (Koehler. Farmer. HR) (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS) Farmyard. SM Finger piano. SLl Finger play. KC (Froebel. This little thumb. MP) (Hubbard. What's this? MSG) Finger song. MP (Hubbard. Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." MSG) (Adaptation: Smith. Thumbs and fingers say "Good morn- ing." SLl— SM) Fishes in the brook. MP Five riders and good child. SLl Flower song. SM Go to sleep, Thumbkin. SLl — SM — • — Going to sleep. HR Grandmamma. MP Grass mowing. MP (Hubbard. Hasten to the meadow, Peter. MSG) 'Greeting. SM 66 Index to Kindergarten Songs Froebel. Grinding wheat. HR Happy brothers and sister. SM Hide. MP (Hubbard. Hiding of the child. MSG) -^— Hide thee, child. MP In a hedge. SLl — SM Joiner. HR— MP— PS (Hubbard. Zish, zish, zish. MSG) (Joiner. PS) (Seidel. Joiner. HR) Knights and the good child. MP (Adaptation: Hubbard. Five knights and good child. MSG) Knights and the ill-humored child. MP (Adaptation: Hubbard. Five knights and bad child. MSG) Lengthwise, crosswise. MP (Hubbard. Target. MSG) (Adaptation: Hurd. Kite. PTS) (Adaptation: Reed. Kite. TGS) ^ Light bird on the wall. MP (Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG) (Adaptation: Smith. Light bird. SLl) Little artist. MP Little birdie in a tree. HR Little chickens. HR Little fish. HR Little fishes. HR Little gardener. MP (Hubbard. Garden bed. MSG) Little gardener. SL2 Little maiden and the stars. MP Little nest. MP Little thumb is one. MP .Little window. MP (Hubbard. Oh, see the light. AISG) (Wiggin. Window. KG) Merry helpers. HR Mother, good and dear. MP Mother in unity with her child. MP Mowing grass. SM Mowing song. SLl Naming the fingers. SM Now come, let us play. HR Numbering the fingers. SM (Variant: Finger play, no. 19. PS) ' Pat-a-cake. MP (Hubbard. Pat-a-cake. MSG) Index to Kindergarten Songs 67 Froebel. Pat-a-cake. SM Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake. SLl Pendulum. HR Pianoforte. MP — i — Pigeon house. HR Pigeon house. MP (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR) (Pigeon house. PS) (Walker. Pigeon song. WS) Play with the limbs. MP Play with the limbs. SM Rabbit. MP ^ See the windmill. HR — — Shadow rabbit. SM Skipping. HR Smelling. SL2 Snail. HR— BG— MSG— PS— WS — I — Song of perfume. MP Song of smell. MP Song of taste. MP Sunshine song. SLl This is the mother. SLl This little thumb. MP (Froebel. Finger play. KC) (Hubbard. What's this? MSG) — < — Though your eyes are blinded. SL2 Thumbkin says "I'll dance." SLl Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." SLl — SM (Variant: Froebel. Finger song. MP) Tick, tack. MP (Hubbard. Tick, tack. MSG) Toyman and boy. MP Toyman and the maiden. MP Venturesome children. HR Wandering balls. HR Wandering song. SM We're playing together. SL2 ^ Weather vane. HR— MP Wheelwright. MP (Hubbard. Wheelwright. MSG) Wild boar. MP Winding. HR Window. KC Window. MP Wolf. MP Froebel. Coonley. GS Froebel hymn. KC Froebel's birthday song. Rust. EL 68 Index to Kindergarten Songs Froebel's favorite hymn. Rust. EL Froehlich. Dancing song. HR (Reinecke. Dancing song. FC) Rain song. KC (Reinecke. Rain song. FC Frog. Gaynor. SC2 Frog and horse. Gaynor. SCI Frog and ye crow. CBO *Frog he would a-wooing go. OYA — RCS Frog pond. NG Froggie's swimming school. Gaynor. SCI Frogs. PS Frogs. Graham. HMCl Music only. Frogs. Hailman. HR Music only. Frogs. Hubbard. MSG Frog's good-bye. Conrade. GS Frog's wooing. CBO t ^ r xt j r-r-\^ cc From breakfast on. See Stevenson. Land ot Mod. LGV — bb For composers see Stevenson. Land of Nod. From Deutschland I come. See Buy a broom. BE — RCS (Music also given in Cube song, no. 1. EL) From down in the ground. See Terhune. Wellsweep. CC *From dust and grit. Smith. SLl From noise of scare-fires rest ye free. Sec Douty. Bellman. TLB ^ ^ From north and from south come the voices of trees. See Gay- nor. Arbor day. GS From quiet night the sun's bright light awakes us. See Rust. Froebel's favorite hymn. EL From the bright blue heavens. See Reinecke. God, the Father in Heaven. FC From the far blue heaven. See Reinecke. Morning hymn. KC From the height, lovely white. See Winter. PS From the old belfry wide and low. Sec Conrade. Angelus. GS From the willow branches slender. See Kohl. Flower basker. SM . . , , Front to back we march away. See At the begmning and at the close of play, no. 4. PS Frost. Birdie's song. WS (Cornwell. There was once a little birdie. EL) (Rust. There was once a little birdie. EL) Fruit basket. Hurd. PTS Fruit market ball play. Wiggin. KC Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestolen. Sec Fox and goose. RCS Fuehlt ihr den Regen. See Taubert. Birds in the nest. RCS Full moon's face is big and round. See Gaynor. Moon phases. SC2 Index to Kindergarten Songs 69 Funiculi, funicula. Denza. FS (Denza. Merry life. TLB) (Denza. Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS) Words not like FS Funkhouser. All aboard. FSK Brownies' dance. FSK — ■ — Christmas bells. FSK Drummer boys. FSK Fireman. FSK — -Hickory, dickory dock. FSK (Dickory dock. CBO) (Elliott. Dickory, dickory dock. MG) In winter I get up at night. FSK For other composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. Indian song. FSK ^ Japanese song. FSK Jack o' lantern. FSK Mister Sunshine. FSK Mother Nature and Mr. Wind. FSK Prayer. FSK . Robin's nest. FSK Shoo fly. FSK Sidewalk song. FSK Some day you'll be a man. FSK -Tom, Tom, the piper's son. FSK ^ Waltz. FSK Furry old fellow. See Neidlinger. Caterpillar. SSS Fuzzy little caterpillar. See Roeske. Caterpillar. PFP Gade. Child Jesus. RCS (Kies. Child Jesus. MSL) Greeting to spring. RCS (Kies. Greeting to spring. MSL) Gaelic cradle song. Hahn. BSS (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL) (Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB) Gaelic lullaby. Harris. TLB (Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. BSS) (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL) Gaily through the window shining. See Birge. Morning sun- shine. HS Gallop. Hiller. HMC2 Galloping fast and galloping free. See Smith. Knights and the good child. SM Galloping, galloping, glad and gay. See Gaynor. Five knights. SCI Galloping horses. Hitte. DM Galloway. Church bells. MSL Giving thanks. MSL 70 Index to Kindergarten Songs Game for the senses. Jenks. EL Game of tag. Biehl. HMC2 Music only. Game of tag. Karganoff. HMC2 Music only. Game of the golden band. Gaynor. LL Game to teach five. Knowlton. NS Game with first kindergarten gift. Knowlton. NS Garden. FS Garden. Chapek. HS Garden bed. Hubbard. MSG Garden bed. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Little gardener. MP) Garden bed. Reed. TGS Garden fence. Smith. SLl Garden game. HC Garden game. Hurd. PTS Garden gate. Gilchrist. SM Garden gate. Hubbard. MSG Garden mole. Oldberg. HMCl Music only. Garden of our house, it is the funniest garden yet. See Garden. FS Garrett. Oh, my luve's like a red, red rose. TLB Garry Owen. See Jig: "Garry Owen." Page. HMC2 Music only. Gascon. Carol of the flowers. TLB *Gaudeamus igitur. See Meeting. FS Gaul. Song of the brook. TC Gavotte. Beaumont. HMC2 Music only. Gavotte. Gurlitt. HMC2 Music only. Gay and gladsome spring. See Gaynor. Who would not be glad? LL Gay and sprightly, treading lightly. See Smith. Fairy dance. LCD Gay dances Bibabutzemann. See Bibabutzemann. RCS Gay pretty valentines gladly we send. See Hill. Valentine's message. HS Gaynor. Arbor day. GS Around the Christmas tree. LL Autumn. SC2 Autumn leaves. GS Awake. LL Awakening. SC2 Baa, baa, black sheep. LL (Baa, baa, black sheep. CBO — FS) (Elliott. Baa, baa, black sheep. MG) (Hailmann. Baa, baa, black sheep. HR) Index to Kindergarten Songs 71 Gaynor. Bay dear. LL — — Baby moon. SV Baby's toys. SCI Ball. SC2 Ball games. SCI Bird day. GS Bird's nest. SCI — Birth of the butterfly. SCI Birthday greeting. SCI Blacksmith. SCI Blowing bubbles. SCI Boating, nos. 1 and 2. SC2 Bobby Shafto. LL (Bobby Shafto's gone to sea. OYA) _ Bobolink. SC2 ■ Bringing the cattle home. LL Brownies. SCI Bubbles. SC2 Building the house. LL Bumble bee SCI Buttercups. SC2 Butterflies' hide and seek. LL Butterfly. SCI Call to the circle. SCI Cat-tails. SC2 Cat's cradle. SCI — I — Chickery, crany-crow. LL Child's birthday. GS Choosing a game. SCI Christmas carol. SCI Christmas carol. SC2 Christmas joys. SC2 — I — Christmas secrets. SC2 Church. SCI Clapping song. SCI Coasting. SC2 Columbus. GS Continued story. LL Cook. LL Crow. SC2 Daffodil lady. LL Daffy-down-dilly. SCI Daisies. SC2 Dance of the rainbow fairies. SCI Dancing game. SCI Dancing song. GS Dancing song. LL Dandelion. SCI 72 Index to Kindergarten Songs Gaynor. Dictation exercises with the blocks. SCI Drop the handkerchief. SCI Duckling. LL Early bird. LL Easter. GS Easter song. SCI Electric light. SC2 Eskimo. GS Evening. SC2 Farewell to the birds. SCI Farmer. LL Farmer in the dell. LL ttct\ (Variant: Farmer in the dell. BG— HC— NG— Ubl.) (Variant: Farmer's in his den. JB) Feather game. SC2 Ferret. LL (Ferret of the woods. RCS) Finger family. SCI Fingers' lullaby. SCI First Thanksgiving day. SC2 Fishes. SCI Five knights. SCI Flagman. SC2 Flower day. GS Flowers' ball. LL Fly. SCI Fly away. LL Foreign tongues. SC2 Fountain. SCI Fox went out in a hungry plight. LL Froebel. GS Frog. SC2 Frog and horse. SCI Froggies' swimming school. SCI Game of the golden band. LL Giants. SCI Good bye. LL Good bye, no's. 1 and 2 SCI Good bye. SC2 Good morning. LL Good morning. SC2 Grandma's knitting song. SCI Greeting to the sun. SCI — Growing. GS Guessing game. SCI Happy lambkins. SCI Harvest of the squirrel and honey bee. bH He was a shepherd lad. LL Index to Kindergarten Songs Ti Gaynor. Hey-diddle-diddle. LL Hickory dickory dock. SC2 House of the tit-tat-toe. LL Household hints. LL How many miles to Babylon? LL (Variant: How many miles to Banbury? JB) 1 had a little doll. LL Indian. GS Jack Frost. SCI Jack o'lantern. LL Japanese. GS King Arthur. LL (King Arthur. CBO) (Reinecke. Good King Arthur. FC) King Pansy. LL Kite. LL Labor day. GS Lads and lassies. LL Ladybug. SC2 Land of Nod. SCI • Language lesson. SC2 Leaves' party. SCI -Legend of the Christmas tree. SCI Lesson in arithmetic. LL Let us all be quiet. SCI Let us make a garden. LL Letter to Santa Claus. SCI Liesel, the goose girl. LL Light bird. SCI Little housewife. SCI Little Jack Horner. LL (Elliott. Little Jack Horner. MG) (Little Jack Horner. CBO) Little maid, pretty maid. LL (Elliott. Little maid, pretty maid. MG) Little shoemaker. SCI Little vocal lesson. SCI Little yellow dandelion. SCI Lullaby. SC2 Marching song. SCI Marguerites. LL May day. GS May Queen. GS Merry Christmas. SCI Merry month of May. LL Milking time. SC2 Milkweed seeds. SC2 Mill. SC2 74 Index to Kindergarten Songs Gaynor. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow. SC2 Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. SCI Mr. Wind and Madame Rain. SC2 Mistress Doh and her neighbors. SCI Mistress Mary. LL Moon boat. SCI Moon phases. SC2 Morning glory bells. SC2 Morning greeting. SCI Morning prayer. SCI Mother day. GS Mother Holly. LL Mother's knives and forks. SCI My bicycle. GS My pony. LL My shadow. SCI New Year. SC2 New Year's Day. SCI Night moth. SC2 Norman's work is finished. SCI November. LL Oh, wide, wide world. SCI Our flag. SCI Owl. SCI Pat-a-cake. LL Pigeon. SC2 Piggie wig and piggie wee. SC2 Pit-a-pat. SCI Popcorn people. SCI Poppies. SC2 Poppy lady. LL ■ Postman. SC2 Prayer. LL Prism game. SC2 Pussy. SC2 Pussy willows. SV Queen of the Alay. LL Ragman. SC2 Rainbow. SCI Recipe for a valentine. SCI Regiment. LL Rhythm game. SCI River. SCI Robm Redbreast. SCI Round game. LL Rub-a-dub-dub. SCI Sail. LL Sailor. SCI Index to Kindergarten Songs 75 Gaynor. Salute to the flag. SC2 Sandman. LL See-saw. SCI Set of games. SC2 Shepherd of tender youth. TLB Signs of the seasons. LL Skating. SC2 Sleighing song. SCI ' Snow balls. SV Snow flakes. SCI Snowman. SC2 Some lullabies. SC2 Song of iron. SCI Song of the kitchen clock. SCI Song of the loaf of bread. SCI Song of the miller. LL Song of the shearer. SCI Song of the sunflower. LL Spinning the yarn. SCI Spring dance. LL Spring song. SCI Stepping stones. SC2 Street car. SC2 Sweeping and dusting. SC2 Sweetpea ladies. SC2 Swing. SC2 Tailor. LL Target game. SCI Target maker. SCI Tea kettle. SCI Telegraph. SC2 Telephone SC2 Thanksgiving. LL Thanksgiving song. SCI Three blind mice. LL Tick-tock. LL To a dandelion. LL Top. SC Tracks in the snow. SCI Tree's friends. SCI Tripping we go. LL Tulips. SCI Turn the big wheel. LL Twas this way and that way. LL (Variant: When I was a lady. LBS) (Variant: When I was a schoolgirl. NEBl) (Variant: When I was a shoemaker. NG) (Variant: When I wore flounces. JB) 76 Index to Kindergarten Songs Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. LL (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. MG— SLl— SM) (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. SHS) (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL) (Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR) (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. WS) Valentine day. GS Valentines. SC2 Violet. SCI Water lilies. SC2 We'll stand up straight. SCI We march like soldiers. SCI We thank Thee. GS Weathervane. SC2 Weaving. SCI Welcome song. SCI When the regiment comes marching by. LL Whittier. GS Who would not be glad? LL Why Mr. Gobbler changed his tune. SC2 Wind. SCI Winding the clock. SCI Windmill. SCI Wishing. LL Woodpecker. SC2 Work of the week. GS World wonders. SC2 Gayrhos. Reapers. HMCl Music only. Spring's awakening. HMCl Music only. Tournament. HMC2 Music only. Walking on stilts. HMC2 Music only. Gebauer. New Year. HS Queer pussies. HS Gefunden. BB Generous clover. Cole. CM Gentle Jesus, meek and mild. See Beethoven. Child's prayer. HR Gently flit from flow'r to flow'r. See Hubbard. Butterfly. MSG George's song. Reinecke. FC (Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS) *Georgie Porgie. Elliott. MG Georgy could thrash a dragon well. See Arthur of Bradley. FS German hopping dance. FDM Music only. Index to Kindergarten Songs 11 German hopping dance. HMC2 Music only. Germer. Choral. HMCl Gersbach. Barbarossa. RCS Gertrude's birthday now is here. See Gaynor. Birthday greet- ing. SCI Gestern Abend ging ich aus. See Hunter and the hare. RCS Geza. Csardas. HMC2 Music only. Giants. Gaynor. SCI Giardini. Come, thou almighty King. TLB Gibbons. Silver swan RCS Giffe. Lullaby. BSS Giga. Corelli. HMC2 Gigue bretonne. Bachmann. HMC2 Music only. Gilchrist. Beckoning the chickens. SM Bird thoughts. SM Carpenter. SM Child and mother. FSC Dolphin lullaby. TLB Evening concert. HMCl Music only. Family. SM Flying bird. SM Garden gate. SM Going to the fair. StN Good night. StN Home they brought her warrior dead. TLB If blue birds bloomed. StN Kitty cat. StN (Kitty cat and the mouse. RCS) (Walker. Kitty cat and the mouse. WS) Land of Nod. SS » (Fisher. Land of Nod. CGV) ■ -Little John Bottlejohn. StN (Bristow. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) (Stanley. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) Little plant. SM Little travelers. HS Little window. SM Midsummer frolics. StN My bed is a boat. SS For other composers see Stevenson. My bed is a boat. Oh, look at the moon. SM Piper. TLB Prayers of love. TLB 78 Index to Kindergarten Songs Gilchrist. Rippling, purling little river. SM (Mozart. Rippling, purling. HR) (Rippling, purling little river. RCS) Rock-a-by lady. FSC So wise. StN We two together. TLB Whip-poor-will. TLB *Gin a body meet a body. FS (Comin' thro' the rye. EFS) Girl I left behind me. EFS Girl I've left behind me. Marzials. CPP Girl that's born on an April day. See Fairlamb. April girl. StN (Stanley. April girl. StN) ♦Girls and boys, come out to play. CEO Girls scornful glances throw. See Koschot. Clod. EFS "Give" said the little stream. See Hubbard. Stream. MSG Giving thanks. Galloway. MSL Giving the balls. Hailmann. HR Glacier. Neidlinger. ESI *Glad Christmas bells. GS Glad Christmas tide. Thompson. EL Glad Easter is here. Dugan. HS Glare of the flames was all around. See Sacrifice. EFS Gleam of a torch at midnight. See Foote. Land to the leeward. TC ♦Glorious things of Thee are spoken. Haydn. TLE Glueck. Broken ring. EFS Mill. FS Spring song. HR Gnomes. Reinhold. HMCl Music only. Go, Dobbin, go. See Gaynor. Farmer. LL ♦Go over, come back here. Walker. WS (Ball songs. No. 13. PS) ♦Go round and round the valley. NG (Round and round the village. BG— HC— JB— USI) Go round and round the village. See Round and round the village. BG— HC— JB— USI (Go round and round the valley. NG) ♦Go thither, come hither. HR Go to bed, my little children. See Brewster. Christmas song. BSS Go to sleep, dolly. BSS Go-to-sleep fairies. See Foerster. Nocturne : Go-to-sleep fairies. HMCl Music only. ♦Go to sleep, little thumb. Hubbard. MSG Go to sleep, Thumbkin. Smith. SLl — SM Goat doth run and loudly call. See Goat and the cow. RCS Goat and the cow. RCS Index to Kindergarten Songs 79 God be with us. Hatton. TLB God, beneath Thy guiding hand. See Hatton. God be with us. TLB God bless you all. Sec Christmas welcome. GS *God is always near me. Heerwart. HR (Smith. God is always near me. SL2) God is ever good. Wiggin. KG God is there. Walker. WS (Hubbard. Nature's God is there. MSG) God knows. RCS (Hubbard. Do you know how many stars? MSG) God loves his little children. Knowlton. NS *God made the sun. Heerwart. HR God make my life a little light. Batchellor. WS God of harvest praise. See Carey. Harvest hymn. BSS God our Father made the night. Sec Mozart. God's love. SHS God preserve our noble nation. Sec Haydn. Austrian national hymn. FS *God rest ye, little children. GS God save our gracious King. Sec God save the King. LBS God save the King. LBS *God sends his bright spring sun. Rust. EL (Smith. God sends his bright spring sun. SLl) God sends his bright warm summer sun. Sec Wolf. Song of sum- mer and winter. SHS God, the Father in Heaven. Reinecke. FC God's blessing on work. Albert. SHS God's care of all things. Hill. SHS God's love. Mozart. SHS God's tender care. HR God's work. Hill. SHS (Heerwart. All things bright and beautiful. HR) Goethe. George's song. FC (Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS) Hedge roses. Sec Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS— FS— RCS (Reichardt. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Hedge roses. FS) (Schubert. Wild rose. BSS) Lyndhurst. TLB Wild rose. See Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. Going home. HR Going over the mountain. USI Going round the mulberry bush. HR (As we go round the mulberry bush. NG) (Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Little washerwoman. KK) (Mulberry bush. BG— CBO— FS— JB— LBS) 80 Index to Kindergarten Songs Going to London. Foote. StN Going to market. Winslow. HS Going to school. Cole. CM Going to sleep. Mozart. HR Going to sleep. Smith. LCD Going to sleepy land. Sec Brewster. Cradle song. BSS Going to the fair. Gilchrist. StN Gold and crimson tulips. See Gaynor. Tulips. SCI Golden grain was gathered. See Gaynor. First Thanksgiving day. SC2 (Knowlton. September. NS) (McLellan. September. EL) Golden rule. Hubbard. MSG Golden rule. Tufts. CL ♦Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. RCS (Foote. Lullaby. TLB) (Henderson. Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. StN) Goldenrod is yellow. See Conrade. September. GS Goldfish. Valentine. VBD *Gone from me evermore. EFS Gone, gone, my child, all gone. See Froebel. All's gone. MP (Hubbard. All ,gone. MSG) Gone is winter's storm and rain. See Wolf and the lamb. JB Gone, my child, all gone. See Smith. All gone, baby. SLl Good advice. Sherwood. HS Good and bad children. Stevenson. SF (Ramsay. Good and bad children. SF) Good boy. Stevenson. SS (Bartlett. Good boy. SS) Good-bye. HR Good-bye. Gaynor. LL Good-bye. Gaynor. SCI Good-bye. Gaynor. SC2 Good-bye. Hitte. DM Good-bye, daisy, pinks and rose. See Mendelssohn. Child's good- bye. HR (Sawyer. Good-bye to the flowers. WS) Good-bye, dear friends. See Gaynor. Good-bye H. SCI Good-bye, fare you well. NEB2 Good-bye ! good-bye ! See Good-bye song. SL2 Good-bye, good-bye, God speed you well. See Gaynor. Good-bye. LL Good-bye, good-bye to summer. See Kuecken. Robin Redbreast. HR Good-bye, little birdie. See Tufts. Nell and her bird. CL Good-bye, little children. See Conrade. Frog's good-bye. GS Good-bye, mamma. See Reinecke. Sleighing song. SL2 Good-bye song. Hurd. PTS Index to Kindergarten Songs 81 Good-bye song. Koehler. HR Good-bj'e song. Mozart. SHS Good-bye song. Reed. TGS Good-bye song. Sheehan. OSM Good-bye song. Smith. SL2 Good-bye song. Smith. KC Good-bye song. Wiggin. KC (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR) (Hubbard. Parting song. MSG) (Walker. Our play is o'er. WS) Good-bye to old winter. See Spring. HR Good-bye to summer. Smith. SLl Good-bye to the flowers. Sawyer. WS (Mendelssohn. Child's good-bye. HR) Good comrade. FS Good day, my biddy hen, good day. See Smith. Cackling hen. LCD *Good day, my Rosa. KK Good king Arthur. Reinecke. FC (Gaynor. King Arthur. LL) (King Arthur. CBO) *Good King Wenceslas look'd out. FS — RCS Good morning. Andre. KC Good morning. Atkinson. GS Good morning. Gaynor. LL Good morning. Gaynor. SC2 Good morning. Hailmann. HR Good morning. Smith. SV Good morning bows. Montz. IMS Good morning, brave children who come out today. See Hill. Rainy day good morning. SHS Good morning, canary. HS *Good morning, dear children. Walker. WS Good morning, dear cobbler. See Smith. Shoemaker. SL2 Good morning, dear playmates, how glad you should be. See Andre. Good morning. KC Good morning, dear sun. See Atkinson. Good morning. GS Good morning, dearest Grandpa. See Cole. Good morning, Grandpa. CM. Good morning, good morning, dear Thumbkin to you. See Hail- mann. Good morning. HR Good morning, good morning, we bid you good morning. See Gaynor. Good morning. SC2 Good morning, grandpa. Cole. CM *Good morning, kind teacher. Hubbard. MSG Good morning, little children dear. See Rust. Happy greetings. EL 82 Index to Kindergarten Songs Good morning, little children dear. See Wiggin. Kindergartner's morning greeting. KC Good morning, little playmates dear. See Grove. Mornmg song. HS Good morning, lovely playroom. See Hill. Good mornmg to the playroom. SHS ♦Good morning, merry sunshine. Hubbard. MSG (Smith. Good morning, merry sunshine. SLl — SL2) Good morning, Mister mouse; we've nothing for you here. See Knight. Mouse and cat. HS Good morning, Mister postman. See Knowlton. Postman. NS *Good morning, new day. Walker. WS ♦Good morning, playmates. Hailmann. HR Good morning, pleasant sunshine. See Mozart. Good mornmg to sunshine. HR Good morning song. Dugan. WS Good morning song. Hill. SHS Good morning song. Reed. TGS Good morning song. Sheehan. OSM Good morning song. Valentine. VBD Good morning to all. Hill. SHS Good morning to sunshine. Mozart. HR Good morning to the kindergarten. Smith. SL2 Good morning to the playroom. Hill. SHS ♦Good morning to the sunshine fair. Dugan. WS Good morning to this pretty room. See Smith. Good morning to the kindergarten. SL2 Good morning to you. See Hill. Good morning to all. SHS Good morning to you. See Valentine. Good morning song. VBD Good morning to you, glorious sun. See Gaynor. Greeting to the sun. SCI Good morning to you one and all. Sec Gaynor. Good mornmg. LL Good morning to you one and all. See Sheehan. Good morning song. OSM Good morning, little rose bush. See Bartlett. Sweet red rose. StN (Ingraham. Sweet red rose. StN) (Mosenthal. Sweet red rose. StN) Good Mother Hen sits here on her nest. See Roeske. Hen and chickens. PFP ♦Good news on Christmas morning. Hatton. StN Good night. HR (Cole. Good night and good morning. CM) Good night. TLB Good night. Atkinson. GS Good night. Gilchrist. StN Good night. Hatton. StN Index to Kindergarten Songs 83 Good night and good morning. Cole. CM (Good night, no. 2. HR) *Good night to you all, and sweet be your sleep. FS Good old cock. Reinecke. FC Good tailors are we. See Smith. Tailor. SL2 Good weather. Smith. LCD Goodale. April, April, are you here? GS April rain. NS Goodban. Round on the diatonic scale. RCS Goose and little goslings come nipping the grass. See Fox and geese. KK *Goosey, goosey gander, whither do you wander? LBS (Elliott. Goosey, goosey gander. MG) Gotlands-Quadrille. FDM Music only. Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser. See Haydn. Austrian national hymn. FS Gottschalk. Christmas hymn. KC Holy Spirit, truth divine. TLB Gould. Now the day is over. TLB Pilot. TLB ♦Gracious Savior, gentle Shepherd. Martin. MSL Graeff. Carol, carol children. HS Spring song. HS Graham. Frogs. HMCl Music only. Grand ladies. Smith. LCD Grand parade. Kullak. HMC2 Music only. Granddaddy longlegs. Meissner. ASC Grandma drove her sparrow hitch'd up to the cart. See Grand- ma's old sparrow. BFD Grandma told me all about it. See Damrosch. Minuet. StN (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN) (Fisher. Minuet. StN) (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN) Grandmamma. Froebel. MP Grandma's knitting song. Gaynor. SCI Grandma's old sparrow. BFD Grass mowing. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Hasten to the meadow, Peter. MSG) ♦Grasshopper Green. Riley. LL ♦Grasshopper Green. Walker. WS Grasshoppers' dance. Knowlton. HMCl Music only. Graves. Foxhunt. FS John Peel. FS Little red lark. EFS— FS 84 Index to Kindergarten Songs Graves. My love's an arbutus. EFS — FS Gray. Hunt is up. FS Great big steeple clocks say. See Koehler. Clocks and watches. HR Great God in Heaven. See Reinicke. Morning prayer. FC Great Hamburger. FDM Music only. Great round sun is gone. Sec Smith. Evening prayer. LCD Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world. See Roeske. World. EL (Hubbard. Child's world. MSG) Green grass. HC (Variant: Here we come up the green grass. NEBl) *Green gravel, green gravel. LBS — NG — USI Green-grocer. Valentine. VBD *Green grow the leaves. JB Green holly boughs bring. See Smith. Christmas carol. SL2 Green leafy tree. Smith. LCD Green leaves grew all around. JB (There was a tree stood in the ground. NG) Greeting. Froebel. SM Greeting. Mendelssohn. FS Greeting. Mendelssohn. RCS Greeting, O peaceful one, greeting. See Farwell. Song of greet- ing. TLB Greeting song. Smith. KC Greeting to all, both great and small. See Wiggin. Morning greeting. KC Greeting to spring. Gade. RCS (Kies. Greeting to spring. MSL) Greeting to spring. Sawyer. EL Greeting to the sun. Gaynor. SCI Greeting to you, children dear. 5"^^ Gaynor. Morning greet- ing. SCI Greetings we oflfer thee. See Reinecke. Birthday song. SL2 Gregory. Rainbow children. EL Gretchen lies in her gloomy bed. See Sinding. Mother sings. EFS Grieg. Album leaf. HMC2 Music only. Dance of the frost elves. HMCl Music only. Farmyard song. FS First primrose. FS Morning mood. HMCl Music only. Grinding wheat. Froebel. HR Grove. Bedtime. HS Bird-band. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 85 Grove. Doll song. HS Morning song. HS Mr. Toadie's coat. HS Grow old along with me. See Hadley. Rabbi Ben Ezra. TLB Growing. Gaynor. GS Gruber. Stilly night, starry and bright. FS (Haydn. Holy night. RCS) Guardian angels. Schumann. FS Guess. Neidlinger. SSS Guess what Doris told me. See Vose. Spring secrets. EL Guessing game. HR Guessing game. Gaynor. SCI Guessing game. Wiggin. KG (Hubbard. Seeing. MSG) (Guessing game, no. 32. PS) (When we're playing together. WS) Guessing games. PS Guessing the singer. Reinecke. SM Guglielmo. Rowing. FS Guinea hen. HMC2 Music only. Gurlitt. Cave of the winds. HMCl Music only. First dance. HMC2 Music only. Gavotte. HMC2 Music only. Morning prayer. HMCl Music only. Rabbit. HMCl Music only. Sunshiny morning. HMC2 Music only. Under the Maypole. HMC2 Music only. Gustaf's skal. FDM Music only. *Gustaf's skoal! O 'tis the best the land can boast. KK Gustave's toast. See Gustaf's skal. FDM (Music only.) Gute Kamerad. See Good comrade. FS Guten Morgen, ihr Baume wie seht ihr so kalt. See Morning song. RCS Guten Tag, ihr fleissigen Maedlein. See Taubert. Sparrow's greeting. RCS Ha, ha, he! My fine pony see. See Tufts. Rocking-horse. FS Had you seen my sweet Coolun at the day's early dawn. See Coolun. EFS 86 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hadley. Easter. TLB Flag. TLB Fountain. TLB (Johns. Fountain. TC) • Rabbi Ben Ezra. TLB • While you sleep. TLB Hahn. Calling the flowers. ■ Gaelic cradle song. BSS (Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB) (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL) Hahn. Lullaby song. BSS *Hail Columbia. Hopkinson. EFS Hailmann. April showers. HR Baa, baa, black sheep. HR (Baa, baa, black sheep. CBO — FS) (Elliott. Baa, baa, black sheep. MG) (Gaynor. Baa, baa, black sheep. LL) Baby bye, here's a fly. HR Ball play. KC (Hailmann. Selling fruit. HR) . Birds' nest. HR (Variant: Hubbard. See my little birdie's nest. MSG) Come dance, little Thumbkin. HR End to end. HR Frogs. HR Giving the balls. HR Good morning. HR Hopping. HR Little chickens. HR -Newsboy. HR -Now come let us play. HR - Oh, see the snow. HR (Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG) (Walker. Snow. WS) -Our work is done. HR (Hubbard. Parting song. MSG) (Walker. Our play is o'er. KC) (Wiggin. Good-bye song. KC) -Opening stanza. HR -Postman. HR -Putting the fingers to sleep. HR Rosy, my posy. HR -Selling fruit. HR (Hailmann. Ball play. KC) ■Sewing. HR ■ Stanzas for finger-piano. HR • Street-car. HR Tailor. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 87 Hailmann. Teacher of gymnastics. HR (Variant: Little teacher of gymnastics. PS) (Variant: Smith. Choosing a game. SLl) (Variant: Wiggin. Imitation game. KC) Teachers' hymn. HR (Bacon. Mother's hymn. EL) (Osgood. Mother's hymn. EL) (Teachers' hymn, II. KC) Tossing. HR Tossing game. HR Up, down. HR Voyage. HR Weather vane. HR (Froebel. Weather vane. MP) You love me and I love you. HR You must be very tired. HR Half an hour past twelve o'clock. See Marella. Half past twelve. RCS Half past twelve. Marella. RCS Hallingen. FDM Music only. Hamburg. Alorning hymn. HR Hand in hand dance around. See Root. Dancing song. SV Hand in hand dancing. See Krakoviak, II. FS Hand in hand you see us well. See Snail. BG — HR — MSG — PS— WS (Snail game. HC) Handel. Antioch. TLB Awake my soul. TLB Blacksmith. SLl Harmonious blacksmith. HMCl Music only. Messiah. TLB Handel. Damrosch. StN (Stanley. Handel StN) Hands shall heavy millstones be. See Froebel. Grinding wheat. HR Hansel and Gretel dance. Humperdink. HC Happiest day. Hill. HS Happy birds among the boughs. See Brown. Reason why. WS Happy birds are singing. See Martin. Springtime. MSL Happy birds are with us once again. See Gaynor. Bird day. GS Happy birds with joy will sing. See Gaynor. Easter song. SCI Happy brothers and sisters. Froebel. SM Happy child. PS Happy every morning when the hour comes round. See at the beginning and at the close of play, No. 3. PS Happy greetings. Rust. EL 88 Index to Kindergarten Songs "Happy, happy Christmas" let our voices chime. See Chapek. Little child's carol. HS Happy is the miller. See Miller. USl Happy lambkins. Gaynor. SCI Happy little fishes. See Fishes. KC Happy Monday morning. See Hill. Good-morning song. SHS Happy spring waltz. Osgood. TC ♦Happy summer. Smith. SLl Happy thought. Stevenson. CGV (Fisher. Happy thought. CGV) (Adaptation: Cole. Beautiful world. CM) ♦Happy town of Salem. Martin. MSL Happy wanderer. Jensen. HMCl Music only Hard and soft balls. Smith. SL2 Hare. PS ♦Hare in the hollow. HC ♦Hare in the hollow. WS Hares. LBS ♦Hark, hark, my soul. Smart. TLB ♦Hark, hark, the lark. Reinecke. SLl Hark, hark, the lark, list to his call. See Sheehan. Lark. OSM Hark it echoes down the street. See Festive march. HR ♦Hark, the bells are ringing. Hubbard. MSG Hark, the birds are coming. See Hahn. Calling the flowers. BSS Hark, the bonny Christ Church bells. See Aldrich. Christ Church bells. SM Hark, the church bells pleasant sound. See Smith. Church. SM Hark the skylark in the cloud. See Knowlton. Oh, the merry lay of June. NS Hark to our singing, sweet flowers bringing. See Pomona. FS ♦Hark, what mean the children's voices? Kies. MSL Hark, what mean those wonderous voices? See Kies. Final triumph. MSL Harmonious blacksmith. Handel. HMCl .Music only Harold's eyes are blinded tight. Sec Smith. Hearing. SL2 Harp at Nature's advent strung. See Stanford. Worship. TC ♦Harp that once through Tara's halls. Moore. EFS Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB (Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. BSS) (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL) Harry McGarry. JB Harte. Jessie. StN Harvest dance (Finnish.) FDM Music only. Harvest home. Marzials. CPP Index to Kindergarten Songs 89 Harvest hymn. Carey. BSS Harvest is in; the cellar and bin. See Sherwood. Thanksgiving for harvest. HS Harvest of the squirrel and honey-bee. Gaynor. SCI Harvest song. Smith. SL2 Harvester's dance (English.) FDM Music only. Haschka. Austrian national hymn. FS ♦Haste thee, nymph. Arnold. TLB ♦Hasten to the meadow, Peter. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Grass mowing. MP) Hatton. God be with us. TLB ■ Good news on Christmas morning. StN Good night. StN Indian maid. TLB Hausegesinde. BB (Widdy-Widdy-Wurky. LBS) (Wide-wide-wenne. RCS) ♦Have you heard the news? FS Have you lost your old mother? See Gaynor. Baby moon. SV Have you seen but a bright lily grow See Cauffman. Love song. TLB ♦Have you seen the beggar-man? JB ♦Have you seen the mocking bird? JB Have vou seen the muflfin man? See Muffin man. BG — HC — JB — USI Have you seen the Shah? See Hunting. BG — USI (A-hunting we will go. JB) ♦Have you seen the soldier? HC Have you seen the swimming school? See Gaynor. Froggie's swimming school. SCI Hawley. Hushaby, sweet my own. FSC Singing. SS For other composers see Stevenson. Singing. Hay and straw are in the stack. See Gaynor. Thankgiving. LL "Hay foot, straw foot" march, boys. See Terhune. Train-band. CC Hayden. Visiting game. HC Haydn. Austrian hymn. TLB Austrian national hymn. FS Carpenter theme. HMCl Music only. Child's May song. HR Christmas song. HR Daisy. HR Glorious things of Thee are spoken. TLB Hide and seek. SM High and low. HR 90 Index to Kindergarten Songs Haydn. Holy night. RCS (Gruber. Stilly night. FS) In native worth. TLB Lambkin. GS Wake up fairies. HMCl Music only. Winter. HR (Hubbard. Old winter. MSG) Hayes. Spring. RCS Wind, gentle evergreen. TLB Hayloft. Stevenson. LBS— SF For composers see Stevenson. Hayloft. Haymakers. Tabram. KG Haynes. There were four lilies. TC He brings his father's slippers. See Smith. Useful. LCD He is calling. Martin. MSL He's an old bachelor. See Day's far spent. JB He that will not when he may. FS He was a cabbage. See Bridge. Her lovers. TC *He was a shepherd lad. Gaynor. LL He who wants to be a soldier. See Young recruit. LBS Hear the captain clearly calling. See Martin. Captain's call. MSL Hear the happy children as they sing. See Martin. Christ is risen. MSL Hear the 'plashing of the fountain. Sec Gaynor. Fountain. SCI Hear the quail in yonder glen. See Walker. Summer song. WS *Hear the shining angels sing. Martin. MSL Hear the sledges with the bells. See Foote. Bells. TLB *Hear my prayer. RCS Hearing. Hubbard. MSG Hearing. Meissner. ASC Hearing. Smith. SL2 Heart of happiness is mine. See Tailor's dance. BFD Heather rose. Sec Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS — FS — RCS For composers see Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein Heav'nly Father, hear thv children. See Wiggin. Morning prayer, No. 3. KG Heavenly Father, Thee wc love. See Albert. God's blessing on work. SHS Heav'nly Father, Thee we love. See Beethoven. Hymn. HMCl Heavens resound with his praises eternal. TLB Heavy on my weary senses. See Saleza. Remembrance. FS Hecker. Spring song. GS Hedge roses. See Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS — FS — RCS For composers sec Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein Heerwart. All things bright and beautiful. HR (Hill. God's work. SHS) God is always near me. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 91 *Here comes one duke a-riding. JB (Variant: Three dukes a-riding. OYA) (Variant: Here come three dukes a-riding. NEBl) (Variant: Here comes one soldier marching. HC) *Here comes one Jew. JB *Here comes one soldier marching. HC (Variant: Here come three dukes a-riding. NEBl) God made the sun. HR Merrily, merrily. HR Spring flowers. HR Spring joy. HR Trees. HR— KC— SM Windmill. KC (Seidel. Windmill. HR) Heiden-Roeslein. Goethe. BSS— FS— RCS For composers see Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein Heigh-ho, daisies and buttercups. See Frazer. Flowers. BSS Heigh ho, heigh ho, how the winds blow. See Gaynor. Autumn. SC2 Heine. Greeting. FS Loreley. FS— RCS (Silcher. Loreley. FS) (Silcher. Lurlei. RCS) Two grenadiers. TLB Heins. Dance of the bears. HMC2 Music only Heise. Little Karen. EFS Hello, Central. See Gaynor. Telephone. SC2 Hello ! said Father Winter. See Neidlinger. Cycle of the year. ESI Help, neighbors, help. See Strong. Baby's bread. HS Hen and chickens. Roeske. PFP Henderson. Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. StN (Foote. Lullaby. TLB) (Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. RCS) Henry. Fair Gabrielle. FS Henschel. Oak and the streamlet. TC Her kirtle has a rosy sheen. Dietrich. TC Her lovers. Bridge. TC Herald of freedom, for childhood's sweet sake. See Froebel hymn. KC Here am I. See Elliott. Little jumping Joan. MG Here and there, everywhere. See Smith. Dandelion fashions. SL2 Here are the little leaves that grow. See Sherwood. Leaves, flowers and fruits. HS Here come riding the knights so gay. See Smith. Knights and the bad child. SM Here come the sounding buglers. See We are sounding buglers. JB 92 Index to Kindergarten Songs ♦Here come three dukes a-riding. NEBl (Three dukes a-riding. OYA) (Variant: Here comes one duke a-riding. JB) (Variant: Here comes one soldier marching. HC) Here come two creatures, now who can they be? Funkhouser. FSK *Here comes an old man from Hull. JB *Here comes an old woman from Switzerland. JB (Variant: Three dukes a-riding. OYA) (Variant: Here comes one duke a-riding. JB) Here comes Simon of Salle. Sec Simon of Salle. KK Here comes the cable-car. See Valentine. Conductor. VBD Here comes the flower wagon. See Valentine. Flower wagon. VBD Here comes the merry baker. See Taubert. Trade-game. KC Here comes the sandman stepping so lightly. See Finch. Sand- man. HS Here comes the wind. See Root. Wind song. SV Here I am and how do you do? See Cole. Month of May. CM Here I step within the ring. See By streamlet and leafy dale. KK Here in my open hand. See Ball song. KC Here is a pretty ball. See Ball songs. No. 9. PS Here is a pretty cradle nest. See Winslow. Cradle nest. HS Here is a snowflake, dainty and white. See Sawyer. Snowflake. EL Here is Miss Pussy. See Tufts. My pussy. CL Here is my trooper. See My trooper. FS (My knight is a rider. RCS) Here is one in a purple hat. See Thaxter. My pansies. EL Here is the beehive, where are the bees. See Roeske. Counting lesson. PFP Here lies within this tomb so calm. See Webbe. Epitaph on a parish clerk. TLB Here now we meet again. See Wiggin. Morning hymn. KC Here's a ball for baby. See Roeske. All for baby. PFP Here's a little birdie's nest. See Hurd. Bird's nest. PTS Here's a little kitty. See Smith. Soft and hard balls. SL2 Here's a pretty cradle nest. See Gilchrist. Bird's nest. SM Here's another song. See Neidlinger. Sea song. ESI Here's Grandpapa. See Froebel. Family. SM Here's the old man of Tobago. See Smeltzer. Old man of Tobago. SZ Here stand we all united. See Reinecke. Hiding game. SM Here we are the same old friends. See Hubbard. Scissors grinder. MSG Here we come, bunnies in the sun. See Bunny's accident. JB Here we come gath'ring nuts in May. See Nuts in May. BG — JB — LBS— USI (Knots of May. NG) Index to Kindergarten Songs 93 ♦Here we come. Looby Loo. JB (Looby light. BB) (Looby Loo. BG— HC— NEBl) (Looby Looby. LBS) ♦Here we come up the green grass. NEBl (Variant: Green grass. HC) Here we dance Looby Loo. See Looby Loo. BG — HC — NEBl (Here we come, Looby Loo. JB) (Looby light. BB) (Looby Looby. LBS) Here we go. HR Here we go around this ring. See Marriage. NG Here we go in the garden swing. See Conrade. Swinging. GS Here we go o'er the snow. See Sawyer. Coasting song. WS Here we go over the green grass. Sec Green grass. HC (Variant: Here we come up the green grass. NEBl) Here we go round and round. See Gaynor. Round game. LL Here we go round our gay juniper tree. See Little washerwoman. KK (As we go round the mulberry bush. NG) (Going round the mulberry bush. HR) (Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Mulberry bush. BG— CBO— FS— JB— LBS) Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC (As we go round the mulberry bush. NG) (Going round the mulberry bush. HR) (Little washerwoman. KK) (Mulberry bush. BG— CBO— FS— JB— LBS) Here we go, steady and slow. See Hubbard. Skating song. MSG Here we stand hand in hand. See Playtime. RCS Hering. Little pony. HR Herman bosses. FDM Music only Herrick. Bellman. TLB Herron. Oh, ring glad bells. WS Hev, big thumbs up. See Hey, thumbs up. KK *Hey, diddle, diddle. Bartlett. StN (Elliott. Hey, diddle, diddle. MG) (Gaynor. Hey, diddle, diddle. LL) Hey,hammer ! ho, hammer! See Smith. Carpenter. SLl Hey ho, my bonny lad. See Bacon. Before the mowing. EL Hey, little brownies, come and frolic. See Brownie polska. KK Hey, master rider, your mare no farther ride her. See Berry. Rider. KC Hey the rabbit ! See Froebel. Shadow rabbit. SM Hey, thumbs up. KK ♦Hickory, dickorv, dock. Funkhouser. FSK (Dickory dock. CBO) (Elliott. Dickory, dickory dock. MG) 94 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hickory, hickory dock. Gaynor. SC2 Hide. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Hiding of the child. MSG) Hide and seek. Brown. EL Hide and seek. Haydn. MP Hide thee, child. Froebel. MP Hiding game. Reinecke. SM Hiding of the child. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Hide. MP) Hiding the ball. Elliott. SI2 Hiding the stone. PS High and low. Haydn. HR High art riding. HMC2 Music only. High in the air the birds are sailing. See Reinecke. Birds and angels. FC High in the azure heaven. See Reinecke. Evening star. RCS *High in the clear air. Elliott. SLl High on the top of an old pine tree. See Conrade. Little doves. OS (Wiggin. Little doves. KG) Highland fling. Burchenal. BFD Highland fling, I and II. FDM Highland fling. Page. HMC2 Music only. Highland lad my love was born. FS Highland schottische ("Weel may the keel row.") FDM Music only. Hildegrandshagen. Taubert. RCS Hill. Awakening song. SHS Bees' market. SHS Blacksmith's song. SHS Blessings on effort. SHS Brooklet's song. HS Busy carpenters. SHS Butterfly and moth. SHS Bye, baby, bye. SHS (Smith. Bye, baby, night has come. SL2 StN) Caterpillar and moth. SHS Certainty of law. SHS Children and the sheep. SHS Christmas lullaby. SHS Christmas star. SHS Church bells. SHS Each mother loves best. SHS Earth's winter dress. SHS Index to Kindergarten Songs 95 Hill. Fall leaves. SHS (Autumn leaves. HR) (Osgood. Come ,little leaves. MSG— RCS— WS) (Smith. Come, little leaves. SL2) Falling snow. HS Farewell. SHS First Christmas song. HS First ring song. SHS Fishes at pla3\ HS Flying song. SHS God's care of all things. SHS God's work. SHS (Heerwart. All things bright and beautiful. HR) Good morning song. SHS Good morning to all. SHS Good morning to the playroom. SHS Happiest day. HS In autumn. HS Jack Frost. SHS Light and shadow. SHS Lullaby and good morning. SHS Merry little snowflakes. SHS Migration song. SHS Moon song. SHS Nature's Easter song. SHS Nature's good night. SHS North wind. SHS Old year and new year. HS Presentation song. SHS Rain clouds. SHS Rain on the roof. SHS Rainy day good morning. SHS See the pretty valentines. HS Skipping song. SHS Snow clouds. SHS Song for a child's birthday. HS Song of the millstream. SHS Song of the sewing machine. SHS Song of the trees. HS ■Stages of life. SHS - Story of the apple. SHS - Story of the bread. SHS -Story of the butter. SHS - Story of the Christ. SHS -Sunrise. HS - Sunset. HS -Sunshine's message. SHS -Thanks for constant care. SHS 96 Index to Kindergakten Songs Hill. Thanks for daily blessings. SHS Thanksgiving day. HS Toyman's shop. HS Twinkle, twinkle little star. SHS (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. MG— SLI— SM) (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. LL) (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL) (Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR) (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. VVS) Valentine's message. HS Waking flowers. SHS Washing and ironing. SHS Weather song. SHS When you send a valentine. HS While stars of Christmas shine. HS Wind song. SHS Yes, come, dear, dear Christmas. HS Hiller. Autumn. HMCl Music only. Gallop. HMC2 Music only. Soldiers are coming. HMC2 Music only. Himmel. Prayer. TLB Thanksgiving song. SHS His pretty head is brilliant red. See Gaynor. Woodpecker. SC2 Hist, hist, be still. See Gaynor. Brownies. SCI Hitte. Autumn. DM Clock. DM Cookie song. DM Dolly song. DM Flower song. DM Galloping horses. DM Good-bye. DM Indian lullaby. DM (Conrade. Indian cradle song. GS) Little soldiers. DM Marking time. DM Merry Christmas bells. DM Mill. DM ■ Partner sweet. DM Rain. DM Skipping. DM Waltz. DM Ho! for us; hey! for us. See Rieff. Christmas song. KC Ho! here comes Simon of Salle. Sec Simon of Salle. KK Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! High the Cossack's heart is bounding. See Cossack's song. TLB Index to Kindergarten Songs 97 *Ho, little laddie, let's be dancing. KK Ho ! yonder stands a charming creature. See Twenty, eighteen, NEBl Hofer. Old carol. GS Hoffman. Ding, dong. StN (Molloy. Ding, dong. StN) Hog-drivers, hog-drivers, hog-drivers we are. NG Holden. Coronation. TLB My neighbor. EL Hole in a log. See Smith. Squirrel. SL2 Holiday. LBS Hollaender. Birds in the woods. HMCl Music only. In dolly's kitchen. HMCl Music only. March. HMC2 Music only. Scenes from the circus. HMC2 Music only. Holland. Lullaby. StN Holly wreaths are shining. See Gaynor. Christmas joys. SC2 Holmes. Build thee more stately mansions. TLB Freedom, our Queen. TC Holy child. RCS Holy Christmas time. See Haydn. Christmas song. HR *Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty. Dykes. TLB Holy night. Haydn. RCS (Gruber. Stilly night. FS) Holy night, the stars are brightly shining. See Adam. Christ- mas song. GS *Holy Spirit, truth divine. Gottschalk. TLB Home, sweet home. Bishop. EFS — FS — LBS *Home they brought her warrior dead. Gilchrist. TLB Homer. RCS Honest work earns pleasure after. See Work. FS Honey bee. Cole. CM Honey bee and clover. Meissner. ASC Hook. Lass of Richmond Hill. FS— TLB *Hop, hop, come birdies all. Walker. WS *Hop, hop, hop, pony do not stop. LBS — RCS Hop, mother Annika. KK Hopp, mor Annika. FDM Music only. Hope carol. Smith. TLB Hope of the nation. Rogers. KM Hopkins. Spirit of God. TLB Three kings of Orient. FS Hopkinson. Hail Columbia. EFS 98 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hopp, hopp, hopp, Pferdchen laug' Glopp. 5"^^ Hop, hop, hop. LBS— RCS Hopping. Hailmann. HR Hopping and flying together. Hubbard. MSG (Birds. PS) Hopping birds. WS Hopping birds. Hubbard. MSG (Birds. PS) Hops in the nest. HR Hornpipe. Page. HMC2 Music only. Hornpipe (Danish.) FDM Music only. Horse. Neidlinger. ES2 Horse-shoeing. Mozart. HR Horses trotting. Montz. IMS Hot cross buns, hot cross buns. BE Hot irons. Sec Chapek. Ironing song. HS Houghton. Good night and good morning. CM March. NS Hour was sad I left the maid. See Girl I left behind me. EPS Hours have sped on golden wings. See Gaynor. Good bye. SC2 House. Lark. TC House of the tit-tat-toe. Gaynor. LL Household hints. Gaynor. LL Housekeeping. NG (Variant: Polly put the kettle on. BB— OYA) Houseman. Awake, awake. HS How are the children awakened. See Hill Awakening Song. SHS How are Thy servants blessed. See Psalter. These see His wonders in the deep. TLB How beautiful, how joyous, our circle large and wide. See Smith. Transformation game. SM *How can I leave thee? Kuecken. EPS — FS How delightful 'tis to see. See Pleasant light. PS How do robins build their nests? See Johnson. What Robin told. BSS (Knowlton. What Robin told. NS) How do you do? Funkhouser. FSK How do you do. Mister Sunshine? Funkhouser. FSK How do you like to go up in a swing? See Stevenson. Swing. BM— CGV— CM— EL— LBS— SM— SS For composers see Stevenson. Swing. How does my lady's garden grow? See My lady's garden. CBO Index to Kindergarten Songs 99 How doth the little busy bee. See Cole. Lesson from the bee. CM (Tufts. Busy bee. CL) *How d'ye do, sir? NEB2 *How gentle God's commands. Naegeli. TLB How great is our pleasure. See Oh, how great is our pleasure. HR How he runs. See Gaynor. Ferret. LL How hot, no cooling breeze. See Thunderstorm. HR How I learned to sew. Bingham. BM How it blows and storms and pours. See Koehler. Storm. HR How it looks in the mill. Reinecke. FC How Johnnie and Polly shake the apples. Reinecke. FC *How many miles to Babylon? Gaynor. LL (Variant: How many miles to Banbury? JB) *How many miles to Banbury? JB (Variant: Gaynor. How many miles to Babylon? LL) *How oats and beans and barley grow. JB (Oats, peas, beans. BG — HC) How pleasant the life of a bird must be. See Tufts. Birds in summer. CL *How should I your true love know? Marzials. CPP *How sweetly the lark is trilling on high. JB How the little limbs fly out. See Froebel. Play with the limbs. MP How strange to make a thing to float. See Neidlinger. About boats. ES2 How the baby was named. Cole. CM How the corn grew. Roeske. PFP How the wind blows. Wills. EL *How we love our kindergarten. Andreae. HR How well upon one point I stand. See Hubbard. Cube. MSG Howe. Battle hymn of the republic. EFS — FS Child's American hymn. TC Howitt. Buttercups and daisies. CL — GS — MSG *Hub a dub dub. Smeltzer. SZ Hubbard. All gone. MSG (Froebel All's gone. MP) Apples ripe. MSG Away among the blossoms. MSG (Away among blossoms. EL) Ball. MSG Ball is sinking. MSG Barnyard. MSG (Froebel. Barnyard gate. MP) Basket of flowers. MSG • Bees. MSG 100 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hubbard. Bell high in the steeple. MSG (Ball song, No. 11. FS) (Bell high in the steeple. WS) (Smith. Bell so high. SLl) Bird on the tree. MSG Bird song. MSG Birds must fly. MSG Bluebird. MSG (Bluebird. WS) Brook is flowing. MSG (Froebel. Bridge. MP) (Variant: Smith. Bridge. SL2) ■ Brothers and sisters. MSG (Froebel. Brothers and sisters. MP) Bucket song. MSG (Walker. Bucket song. WS) Busy children. MSG Buttercups and daisies. MSG (Conrade. Buttercups and daisies. GS) (Tufts. Buttercups and daisies. CL) Butterfly. MSG Cat and the mouse. MSG Charcoal burner. MSG (Froebel. Charcoal burner's hut. MP) Child's world. MSG Chris-cradle sings. MSG Christmas greeting. MSG Christmas is coming. MSG Church bell. MSG (Froebel. Church window and church door. MP) (Variant: Smith. Church. SL2) Cling, cling, clinkerty clink. MSG ^ Come, little leaves. MSG For other composers sec Osgood. Come, little leaves. Come take a little partner. MSG Cooper. MSG (Walker. Cooper. WS) Cube. MSG Cuckoo. MSG Cylinder. MSG Dary dear. MSG Dear Santa now appear. MSG Ding, dong, dell. MSG Do you know how many stars? MSG (God knows. RCS) Down in the buttercup meadow. MSG Easter. MSG Farmer. MSG Index to Kindergarten Songs 101 Hubbard. Fishes. MSG Five knights and bad child. MSG (Froebel. Knights and the ill-humored child. MP) Five knights and good child. MSG (Froebel. Knights and the good child. MP) Flying birds. MSG (Cornwell. Fly, little birds. WS) ■ (Smith. Fly, little birds. SL2) Forget-me-not. MSG (Conrade. Forget-me-not. GS) Froebel's birthday. MSG Froebel's song. MSG Frogs. MSG — — ^Garden bed. MSG (Froebel. Little gardener. MP) Garden gate. MSG Go to sleep, little thumb. MSG Golden rule. MSG ■ Good morning, kind teacher. MSG — ■ — Good morning, merry sunshine. MSG Hark, the bells are ringing. MSG Hasten to the meadow, Peter. MSG (Froebel. Grass mowing. MP) Hearing. MSG -Hiding of the child. MSG (Froebel. Hide. MP) -Hopping and flying together. MSG (Birds. PS) -Hopping birds. MSG - Hush-a-bye, birdie. AiSG -I am a busy bee. MSG -I am the wind. MSG (Bertini. I am the wind. HR) (Cornwell. Wind. EL) (Sawyer. Wind. EL) -I should like to build today. MSG -In the branches of a tree. MSG (In the branches of a tree. WS) ■It is lovely May. MSG (Cornwell. Birdies' ball. WS) •Jack Frost. MSG •Jesus bids us shine. MSG (Walker. Jesus bids us shine. WS) •Johnny's trade. MSG ■Lady moon. MSG (Sawyer. Lady moon. WS) Let your feet go tramp. MSG (Let the feet go tramp. BG) (Tramp, tramp, tramp. HR) 102 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hubbard. Little ball lies in my hands. MSG (Asleep. HR) (Ball songs, no. 10. PS) (Mozart. Going to sleep. HR) Little bird made a nest. MSG Little brown hands. MSG Little brown thrush. MSG Little star. MSG Little worm. MSG Lizzards. MSG (Variant: Knowlton. Over in the meadow. NS) Lovely May. MSG Maypole song. MSG Merrily, form a ring- MSG Miller. MSG (Mill. EL) My soft bail loves to wander. MSG Nailer. MSG Nature's God is there. MSG (Walker. God is there. WS) Nearer, my God, to Thee. MSG (Mason. Nearer, my God, to Thee. TLB) Nearer to Heaven we'll be. MSG (Hubbard. There is a brooklet- MSG) Now our morning work is ended. MSG Now take this little ball. MSG Now the time has come for play. MSG (Smith. Now the time has come for play. SL2) Oh, birdie dear. MSG (Froebel. Light bird on the wall. MP) (Variant: Smith. Light bird. SLl) Oh, see the carpenter. MSG (Froebel. Carpenter. MP) Oh, see the light. MSG (Froebel. Little winlow. MP) (Wiggin. Window. KC) Old winter. MSG (Haydn. Winter. HR) — —One, two, three, roll. MSG Onward, Christian soldiers. MSG Our Father in Heaven. MSG Over field and meadow. MSG (Over field and meadow. USI) Pansies. MSG Paradise. MSG Parting song. MSG (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR) (Walker. Our play is o'er. KC) (Wiggin. Good-bye song. KC) Index to Kindergarten Songs 103 Hubbard. Pat-a-cake. MSG (Froebel. Pat-a-cake. MP) Pigeons. MSG Polly. MSG Pretty moon. MSG (Sawyer. New moon. WS) Rock-a-bye baby. MSG Roll call. MSG Roll over, come back. MSG (Smith. Ball song. SL2) ——Roll the ball. MSG Rose bush. MSG Round and round it goes. MSG (Conrade. Millwheel. GS) (Millwheel. EL) Sawing game. MSG (Sawing game. WS) (Sawyer. PS) (Stangenberger. Sawyer. HR) Scissors grinder. MSG Seasons. MSG See my little birdie's nest. MSG (Variant: Hailmann. Bird's nest. HR) See-saw. MSG See the chickens round the gate. MSG (Conrade. Chickens round the gate. GS) (Seidell. See the chickens round the gate. HR) See the snow is falling fast. MSG (Hailmann. Oh, see the snow. HR) (Walker. Snow. WS) Seeing. MSG (Guessing game, No. 32. PS) (When we're playing together. WS) (Wiggin. Guessing game. KC) Ship. MSG (Vessel. PS) Shoemaker. MSG Sing us a song, birdie. MSG ■ Skating game. MSG Smelling. MSG (Smith. Smelling. SL2) (Wiggin. Smelling. K(^) Snail. MSG (Koehler. Snail. HR) (Snail. BG— PS) (Snail game. HC) (Walker. Snail. WS) 104 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG (Parker. Blacksmith. WS) Spring. MSG Stream. MSG Suppose. MSG Suppose a little cowslip. MSG • Swallow. MSG (Conrade. Tradespeople. GS) Sweetly the birds are singing. MSG (Damrosch. Easter carol. StN) (Fairlamb. Easter carol. StN) Swing, cradle, swing. MSG (Pollock. Sailor boy. HR) Target. MSG (Froebel. Lengthwise, crosswise. MP) (Variant: Kurd. Kite. PTS) (Variant: Reed. Kite. TGS) Tasting. MSG (Wiggin. Tasting. KG) Thanksgiving day. MSG (Conrade. Thanksgiving day. GS) (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS) (Sleigh-ride. HR) — — There is a brooklet. MSG (Hubbard. Nearer to Heaven we'll be. MSG) This is the mother good and dear. MSG Thumbkin says "I'll dance." MSG (Walker. Thumbkin says "I'll dance." WS) (Adaptation; Smith. Thumbkin says "I'll dance." SIJ ) Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." MSG (Froebel. Finger songs. MP) Tick, tack. MSG (Froebel. Tick, tack. MP) To and fro. MSG To and fro the ball. MSG Touching. MSG (Wiggin. Touching. KC) Two hands. MSG Wake, says the sunshine. MSG Washington's birthday. MSG Waves on the seashore. MSG We welcome you, dear friends. MSG We'll join our hands. MSG What a bird taught. MSG What do birdies dream. MSG What's this? MSG (Froebel. Finger play. KC) (Froebel. This little thumb. MP) Index to Kindergarten Songs 105 Hubbard. Wheelbarrow. MSG — — Wheelwright. MSG (Froebel. Wheelwright. MP) While we sing. MSG Who taught the little bird? MSG (Schlager. Who taught the bird? HR) Winter rose. MSG Zish, zish, zish. MSG (Froebel. Joiner. MP) (Joiner. PS) (Seidel. Joiner. HR) Hum, hum, hum, humble bee. See Reinecke. To the humble bee. FC Hum, hum, hum, look the bees have come. See Bees' return. PS Humble bee. Neidlinger. TLB Humble bee. See Reinecke. To the humble bee. FC Humming bird. Cole. CM *Humming bird. Tufts. CL Humming, humming, cheerily. See Terhune. Spinning carol. CC Humming, humming, hear the sweet sound. See Cole. Hum- ming bird. CM Humperdink. Hansel and Gretel dance. HC Humpty Dumpty. Elliott. MG Humpty Dumpty. Smeltzer. SZ Humpty Dumpty is my name. See Smeltzer. Humpty Dumpty. SZ Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. See Elliott. Humpty Dumpty. MG Hungry beasts and birds may eat. See Smith. Thanks for food, I. LCD Hungry spider made a web. See Wiggin. Spider and the flies. KC ♦Hunt is up. Gray. FS Hunt the slipper. HC Hunter and the hare. RCS Hunter in his career. Marzials. CPP Hunter's song. RCS Hunter's song. Weber. RCS Hunting. BG— USI (A-hunting we will go. JB) Hunting song. Schumann. HAICl Music only. Hunting the hare. Purcell. RCS Hunting we will sro. See A-hunting we will go. JB (Hunting. BG— USI) Hurd. All gone. PTS (Bullard. All gone. SM) 106 Index to Kindergarten Songs Hurd. Ball game. PTS Ball game. (Color) EL Ball song (Spinning) EL Bird song (Color) EL Bird's nest. PTS Children on the tower. PTS Elm trees are yellow. EL Family. PTS Fruit basket. PTS Garden game. PTS Good-bye song. PTS Introduction song. PTS Kite. PTS (Adapted from Froebel. Lengthwise, crosswise. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Target. PTS) (Variant: Reed. Kite. TGS) Labor game. PTS Lullabye. PTS Nature game. PTS — — Ring song. PTS Seasons. PTS Thanksgiving game. PTS Hurdy gurdy. Reinecke. HCMl Music only. Hurrah for Bobby Bumble. See Smith. Brave. LCD Hurrah for Harry McGarry. See Harry McGarry. JB Hurrah for ivied towers. See Loomis. Uncrowned kings. TLB *Hurrah for the sleigh bells. Seward. EL Hurrah, hurrah, for the kite we'll made. See Reed. Kite. TGS Hurrah, hurrah, swift as a star. See Tufts. Coasting. CL Hurrah, hurrah, we march along. See Neidlinger. Our flag. SSS Hurry quick, the ice is thick. See Gaynor. Skating. SC2 Hurry to the corner, Dick. See Elliott. Street car. SL2 *Hush-a-by baby on the tree top. CBO — LBS Hush-a-by, my little baby. See Hahn. Lullaby. BSS Hush-a-by, sweet my own. Hawley. FSC Hush-a-bye birdie. Hubbard. MSG Hush, hush, my baby, to dreamland we go. See Brewster. Hush my baby. BSS Hush, hush, the waves are rolling in. See Harris. Gaelic lul- laby. TLB (Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. BSS) (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL) Hush, little baby dear. See Reed. Lullaby. TGS Hush, little one, and fold your hands. See Smith. Oh, little child. FSC Hush, my baby. Brewster. BSS Index to Kindergarten Songs 107 Hush, the waves are rolling in. See Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. BSS (Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB) (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL) Hush thee, my baby. See Macirone. Oh hush, thee, my baby. FS Huss. Crossing the bar. TLB If I were a flower. TC Recessional. TLB Hymn. Beethoven. HMCl Hymn for a child. Knowlton. NS Hymn for a little child. Smith. SLl Hymn for a national holiday. Knowlton. NS I am a blacksmith. See Gaynor. Labor day. GS *I am a builder. Koehler. HR I am a busy bee. Hubbard. MSG I am a cooper and barrels I make. See Cooper. HR I am a cooper, no care can I know. See Walker. Cooper. WS (Hubbard. Cooper. MSG) I am a honey bee buzzing away. See Hubbard. I am a busy bee. MSG I am a little farmer boy. See Little farmer. HR I am a little gardener. Sec Hailmann. Ball play. KC (Hailmann. Selling fruit. HR) I am a little New Year. See Jenks. Little New Year. WS I am a little worsted ball. See Elliott. Worsted ball. SL2 I am a sturdy farmer. See Fischer. Trades. HR I am a young musician. See Musician. HC I am making a fine cat's cradle. See Gaynor. Cat's cradle. SCI I am Mary, quite contrary. See Smeltzer. Mary contrary. SZ I am only a little sparrow. See Conrade. Sparrow GS I am Peter Piper. See Smeltzer. Peter Piper. SZ I am the jolly miller of Dee. See Smeltzer. Miller of Dee. SZ I am the miller. See Gaynor. Song of the miller. LL *I am the wind. Bertini. HR (Cornwell. Wind. EL) (Hubbard. I am the wind. MSG) (Sawyer. Wind. EL) I am Tommy Tittlemouse. See Smeltzer. Tommy Tittlemouse. SZ I can see with eyes aslant. See Conrade. Crow calculations. GS *rd like to have a partner. USI (Kuecken. Partners. HR) I found little footprints in the snow. See Neidlinger. Foot- prints. SSS J go to bed when wee chicks cheep. See Gaynor. Early bird, 108 Index to Kindergarten Songs *I had a little doggy. Elliott. MG— SL2 *I had a little doll. Gaynor. LL *I had a little nut tree. CBO— RCS *I had a little pony. Bartlett. StN I had a loving comrade. Sec Good comrade. FS I had four brothers over the sea. See Four presents. BB (Perrie, merrie, dixi. RCS) *I had two pigeons. Tufts. CL I have a cat, a nice pussy cat. See Cole. My kitty. CM I have a little doll. See Tufts. My little doll, Rose. FS I have a little shadow. See Stevenson. My shadow. SS (Stanford. My shadow. SS) I have a noble comrade. See Gaynor. My bicycle. GS I have a pretty little card. See Moore. Card sewing. SCI I have something in my hand. See Sense game. HR *I have two eyes to see with. LBS I hear the bugle sounding. See Smith. Knights and the mother. SM I heard a thousand blended notes. See Waller. Lines written in early spring. TLB *I heard the gull. Sinding. EFS *I heard the voice of Jesus say. Dykes. TLB I know a little fellow. See Meissner. In Japan. ASC I know a place the sunbeams love. .See Neidlinger. Baby's face. ES I know not what it may betoken. See Silcher. Loreley. FS (Silcher. Lurlei. RCS) I know the song that the bluebird is singing. See Bluebird. WS (Hubbard. BJuebird. WS) *I lead my lambkin lovingly. Smith. SLl *I like little pussy. Tufts. CL (Elliott. I love little pussy. MG — SLl) (My kitty. HR) I like to go to school, I do. Sec Cole. Jolly Joe. CM I like to watch the spider. See Neidlinger. Spider. SSS I live in a little brown house. See Atkinson. Song of the nut. GS I lived first in a little house. See Gilchrist. Bird thoughts. SM I'll be a gay postillion. See Taubert. Postillion. RCS I'll give to you a paper of pins. NG I'll hie me down to yonder bank. See Sawyer. What the little things said. WS I'll tell you how the sun rose. See Knowlton. Day. NS I looked in the brook and saw a face. Sec Foote. Brook. FSC I love little kitty. See My kittv. HR (Elliott. I love little pussy. MG— SLl) (Tufts. I like little pussy. CL) Index to Kindergarten Songs 109 *I love little pussy. Elliott. MG— SLl (My kitty. HR) (Tufts. I like little pussy. CL) I love the meadow daisy bright. See Taubert. Meadow daisy. RCS I'm a humble little thing. See Reinecke. Daisy. SLl (Reinecke. Field daisy. FC) (Haydn. Daisy. HR) I'm a jolly car driver. See Wiggin. Car driver. KC I'm a little busy bee. See Bee. EL I'm a little husbandman. See Tufts. Busy little husbandman. CL ♦I'm a little soldier boy. Conrade. GS I'm a little soldier of the Cross. See Martin. Little soldier. MSL I'm a little wind a-blowing. See Conrade. Little wind. GS I'm a merry sailor lad. See Gaynor. Sailor. SCI I'm a pretty little thing. See Haydn. Daisy. HR (Reinecke. Daisy. SLl) (Reinecke. Field daisy. FC) I'm a robin. See Hubbard. Bird song. MSG I'm a scissors grinder. See Knowlton. Scissors grinder. NS I'm a target round with my circles fair. See Gaynor. Target game. SCI I'm a weather vane, O. See Gaynor. Weather vane. SC2 I'm going to make a dolly. See Cole. Like baby. CM I'm little Boy Blue. See Smeltzer. Boy Blue. SZ I'm little Jack Horner. See Smeltzer. Jack Horner. SZ I'm looking for a partner sweet. See Hitte. Partner sweet. DM I'm lonesome since I crossed the hill. See Marzials. Girl I left behind me. CPP I'm on the king's land. HC I'm running and trying my papers to sell. See Hailmann. Newsboy. HR I'm the big church bell. See Gaynor. Ball games. SCI ♦I'm the Gabel huntsman. JB I'm the old woman. See Smeltzer. Old woman who lives in the shoe. SZ I'm very glad the spring is come. See Heerwart. Spring joy. HR I'm walking on the levy. See Walking on the levy. NG *I need Thee every hour. Lowry. TLB I once had a sweet little doll, dears. See Brewster. Lost doll. BSS— GS I open now my pigeon house. See Froebel. Pigeon house. MP I place my box at the back of the table. See Reed. Table ex- ercises for attention. TGS *I put my right hand in. Smith. SL2 110 Index to Kindergarten Songs *I put my specs upon my nose. KK *l rode away to Mandalay. _ FS *I saw a ship a-sailing. Reinecke. HR (Duck dance. BG) (Fairy ship. BB) (Reinecke. Barcarole. FC) (Ship a-sailing. EL) *I saw three ships come sailing by. CBO (Tufts. I saw three ships. CL) I saw you toss the kites on high. See Stevenson. Wind. CGV — EL— LBS— SF— SLl— SM— SS For composers sec Stevenson. Wind. I say, br'er rabbit. See Br'er rabbit. OYA *I see you, I see you. BFD — KK I sell butter, I sell cheese. See Little farmer, no. 2. HR I sent a letter to my love. See Lost letter. JB I sent a pretty valentine to one I love so well. See Riley. My valentine. LL I should like to build today. Hubbard. MSG I should think that the man on the dromedary. See Neidlinger. Man on the dromedary. SSS I sowed the seeds of love. See Marzials. Seeds of love. CPP I think the little skylark. See Cole. Skylark. CM I think when a little chicken drinks. See Neidlinger. Chicken. .SSS I think when I read that sweet story of old. See Kies. Sweet old story. MSL I thought I heard the old man say, Goodbye, fare you well. See Goodbye, fare you well. NEB2 *I took a walk one evening along the meadows sweet. KK I try to teach pussy. See Neidlinger. Cat's cradles. SSS I've a funny little pla3anate. See Gaynor. My shadow. SCI *rve a little dog at home. RCS I've come to buy a target, sir. See Gavnor. Target maker. SCI I've come to choose you from the rest. See Gaynor. Dancing game. SCI I've come to see Jilly Jo. See Jilly Jo. JB (Variant: Miss Jenny Jones. NG) I've come to see Miss Ginnia Jones. See Miss Jenny Jones. NG (Variant: Jilly Jo. JB) I've eight white sheep fast asleep. See Walker. Eight white sheep. WS I've heard them lilting at the ewe-milking. See Flowers of the forest. FS I've made a basket neat and round. Sec Andreae. Flower basket. HR I've many little children around me every day. See Kinder- gartner's song. KC Index to Kindergarten Songs 111 I wake, I feel the day is here. See Clarke. Chanticleer. StN I went to visit a friend one day. See Song of home work. HS I will give you the keys of Heaven. See Keys of Heaven. LBS I will hold my right hand so. See Gaynor. Rhythm game. SCI I wish I had room for my roots. See Smith. Little gardener. LCD I wish I was in de land ob cotton. See Emmett. Dixie's land. EPS— FS I wish, little playmates, you'd skip with me today. See Hill. Skipping song. SHS I wish the winter would go. See Allen. Winter and summer. StN I wished to pluck a pretty thing. See Bingham. Butterfly. BM I woke before the morning. See Stevenson. Good boy. SS (Bartlett. Good boy. SS) I won't have none of your weevily wheat. See Weevily wheat. OYA I would be a butterfly. See Sheehan. Butterfly and rosebud. OSM Ich ging im Walde. See Gefunden. BB Ich weiss nicht was soil es bedeuten. See Silcher. Lurlei. RCS (Silcher. Loreley. FS) "If." Cole, TC If a body meet a body. See Comin' thro' the rye. EFS (Gin a body meet a body. FS) If a child be meek and mild. See Happy child. PS If a lad would be a soldier. See Kuecken. Little soldier. RCS *If all the world was apple pie. CL (If all the world were paper. BB) *If all the world were paper. BB (If all the world was apple pie. CL) If among the garden flowers. See Smith. Choosing a flower. LCD *If blue birds bloomed. Gilchrist. StN If I could but visit the sunrise land. See Gaynor. Japanese. GS If I may. KK If I should beg politely, my pretty dear cuckoo. See Reinecke. Child and the cuckoo. FC *If I were a fair one. JB *If I were a flower. Huss. TC If I were a little frog. See Gaynor. Frog. SC2 If I were a little sweet pea. See Conrade. Sweet pea. GS If little lads. See Solomon. Just like this. KC If on the street you chance to meet. See Gaynor. Street car. SC2 If rosy sunsets never paled. Smith. LCD If the children try to please. See Imitating. PS If the trees knew how. See Cole. "If", TC 112 Index to Kindergarten Songs If thou wilt close thy drowsy eyes. See Chadwick. Armenian lullaby. FSC If upon my flat faces you turn me round. See Hubbard. Cyl- inder. MSG If with all your hearts. Mendelssohn. TLB If you know not which bonnet doth please you. See Terhune. New calash. CC If you'll listen, little children. See Hill. Story of the Christ. SHS If you want to sing in tune. See Wiggin. Keeping time. KC If you were a flower. Smith. LCD If you were walking down the street. See Funkhouser. How do you do. FSK II etait un' bergere. See Bergere. BB (Shepherd maiden. FS) (Shepherdess. RCS) II etait un p'tit homme. See Father Guillori. RCS (Petit chasseur. BB) Ilsley. Cradle song. StN (Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN) (Fisher. Cradle song. StN) (Stanley. Cradle song. StN) (Suck. Cradle song. StN) Imitating. PS Imitation game. Wiggin. KC (Little master of gymnastics. PS) (Smith. Choosing the game. SLl) (Variant: Hailmann. Teacher of gymnastics. HRJ Impromptu. Schubert. KM In a country far away. See Gottschalk. Christmas hymn . KC *In a hedge. Froebel. SM (Smith. In a hedge. SLl) In a lowly manger. See Gaynor. Christmas carol. SC2 In a nest way up in a tree. See Neidlinger. Robin's song. SSS In a round little house. See Gaynor. Flagman. SC2 In an ocean, way out yonder. See Kelley. Dinkey-bird. FSC In and out, in and out. See Pratt. At the window. StN In another land and time. Sec Smith. Christmas hymn. SLl In autumn. Hill. HS In bonnet of blue and in apron of white. See Reinecke. Danc- ing song. FC In China. Meissner. ASC In comes the farmer, drinking all the cider. See Who'll be the binder? NG In day-time clouds can see to float. See Atkinson. Clouds. SV *In Dixie land, there I was born. JB In dolly's kitchen. Hollaender. HMCl Music only. Index to Kindergarten Songs 113 In Dublin's fair city where girls are so pretty. See Cockles and mussels. FS (Molly Malone. LBS) In each tiny drop of water. See Neidlinger. Busy steam. ESI In einem kuehlen Grunde. See Glueck. Mill. FS In forest and in heather. See Hunter's song. RCS In Germany. Meissner. ASC In Greenland. Meissner. ASC In Holland. Meissner. ASC In Japan. Meissner. ASC In little Annie's garden grew all sorts of posies. See Smith. Little Annie's garden. SM In March come the March winds. See Knowlton. March. NS In my basket here you'll find. See Hurd. Fruit basket. PTS In my downy bed. See Reinecke. Morning prayer. SL2 ♦In my hand a ball I hold. Macomber. WS In my heart they lightly sing. See Mendelssohn. Greeting. RCS In my little garden bed. See Roeske. Little plant. PFP *In native worth and honour clad. See Haydn. In native worth. TLB In our still and mournful meadows. See Orpheus. TLB In port. Stevenson. SF (Ramsay. In port. SF) In quaint old times and years of long ago. See Neidlinger. Signs. ES2 In Scarlet town, where I was born. See Marzials. Barbara Allen. CPP In Scotland. Meissner. ASC In September. Conrade. GS In snowy, blowy March. See Riley. Mad tea party. LL In spring. PS In the barnyard. Smith. SL2 In the Bethlehem stable. Smith. LCD In the Black Ball Line 'twas that I did serve my time. See Sea shanties. NEB2 In the branches of a tree. WS (Hubbard. In the branches of a tree. MSG) *In the branches of a tree. See Bird's nest. HS In the chill November. See Hill. Thanksgiving day. HS In the dusky twilight. See Moonlight song. EL In the early spring. See Cole. Scale song, no. 3. CM In the early springtime, when the violets grow. See Batchellor. Daisy. WS In the frosty autumn. See Bingham. Thanksgiving song. BM In the grassy places. See Haydn. Lambkin. GS In the heaven earth reposes. See Goodnight. TLB In the hedge midst thorn and briar. See Nest. PS (Adopted from Froebel. Little nest. MP) 114 Index to Kindergarten Songs In the hedgerow safely shielded. See Froebel. Little nest. MP (Adaptation: Nest. PS) *In the land of France. HC In the merry month of May. See Gaynor. Merry month of May. LL In the merry month of May. See Marzials. 'Twas \n the merry month of May. CPP In the mill. Parlow. HMCl Music only. In the mill. Reinecke. HMCl Music only. In the mill. Schytte. HMCl Music only. In the oakwood, deep and green. See Froebel. Wild boar. MP In the other gardens. See Stevenson. Autumn fires. EL — SF For composers see Stevenson. Autumn fires. In the pleasant August. See Knowlton. August. NS *In the pleasant sunny meadows. Allen. WS In the rain or in the sunshine. Sec Gaynor. Postman. SC2 In the rippling water. See Hill. Fishes at play. HS In the sky of evening. See Reinecke. To the evening star. FC In the smithy. Parlow. HMCl Music only. *In the snowing and the blowing. Smith. SLl (Cornell. March. StN) In the sombre fir-tree wood. See Froebel. Wolf. MP In the south sea lives a whale. See Neidlinger. Whale. SSS *In the spring. FS — HC (Adapted from Sur le pont d'Avignon. BB) (Variant: On the bridge of Avignon. JB — RCS) In the springtime. Conrade. GS In the springtime bright and gay. Sec Hurd. Seasons. PTS In the sunny springtime. See Houseman. Awake, awake. HS In the sweet scented meadows. See With a hey-ding-ding. JB In the tall boughs on the tree-top. See Abt. Birdie's cradle. HR In the tree-top. Clarke. StN (Knowlton. In the tree-top. NS) In the wintry woods. See Sloane. Ferns. HS In the wood. Damrosch. StN In thine eyes O mother darling. See Reinecke. My mother's eyes. FC In winter I get up at night. See Stevenson. Bed in summer. CGV— CM— FSK— LBS— SF— SS For composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. In your tiny nest now lying. Sec Wiggin. Ball play. KC Inasmuch, inasmuch, inasmuch as ye have done it. See Wiggin. Kindergartner's funeral hymn. KC Index to Kindergarten Songs 115 Independence day. Schuckburgh. HS Indian. Gaynor. GS Indian cradle song. Conrade. GS (Hitte. Indian lullaby. DM) Indian, in your blanket bound. See Gaynor. Indian. GS Indian lullaby. Hitte. DM (Conrade. Indian cradle song. GS) Indian lullaby. Schwartz. BSS Indian maid. Hatton. TLB Indian song. Funkhouser. FSK Ingelow. Flowers. BSS Oh moon, in the night. BSS Seven times one. BSS Ingraham. Little Miss Clover. StN Riding on the rail. StN (Bartlett. Riding on the rail. StN) Sweet red rose. StN Integer vitae. Flemming. TLB Into the sunshine, full of light. See Hadley. Fountain. TLB (Johns. Fountain. TC) Introduction song. Hurd. PTS Introductory song. Froebel. MP Invitation. Martin. MSL "Irish washerwoman." See Lilt (Irish) FDM Music only. Ironing day. Smith. SL2 (Warren. Ironing song. StN) Ironing song. Chapek. HS Ironing song. Warren. StN (Smith. Ironing day. SL2) *Is John Smith within? Elliott. MG *Isabella, Isabella. JB *It came upon the midnight clear. Walker. EL It is lovelv Mav. Hubbard. MSG (Cornwell. Birdie's ball. WS) It is of Lincoln that we sing. See Atkinson. Lincoln. GS It is spring. Knowlton. NS It runs, it runs through the woods. See Forest weasel. HC It's I that am the captain. See Stevenson. My ship and I. SF — SS For composers see Stevenson. My ship and I. It's pipe all hands to man capstan. See Rolling home. NEB2 *It's raining, it's raining, cries cuckoo, alas. Taubert. RCS It swings up on the leafless tree. See Boott. Snow filled nest. StN *It was a lover and his lass. Marzials. CPP *It wag a maid of my countree. Marzials. CPP It was in the noon of night. See Dugan. Babe Jesus. EL It was on a May. See Little Harry Hughes and the duke's daughter. NG 116 Index to Kindergarten Songs It was the frog lived in the well. See Ye frogs wooing. CBO It will truly give me joy. See Bringing home the sheep. RCS Italian national hymn. See Giardini. Come thou almightly King. TLB ♦Itiskit, itasket. EG— HC J'ai un long voyage a faire. See He that will not when he may. FS Jack and Jill. Smeltzer. SZ *Jack and Jill went up the hill. CBO— KM— OYA (Elliott. Jack and Jill. MG) ♦Jack be nimble. Smeltzer. SZ Jack Frost. Gaynor. SCI Jack Frost. Hill. SHS Jack Frost. Hubbard. MSG Jack Frost. Neidlinger. SSS Jack Frost. Smith. SL2 Jack Frost has arrived with his cold stinging bite. See Hard. Nature game. PTS \ Jack Frost is a merry little elf. See Gaynor. Jack Frost. SCI Jack Frost is a roguish little fellow. See Hubbard. Jack Frost MSG Jack Frost went over the hills one night. See Winter. HS Jack Horner. Smeltzer. SZ Jack in the box. Baumfelder. HMC2 Music only Jack o'lantern. Funkhouser. FSK Jack o'lantern. Gaynor. LL Jackie Jingle. Smeltzer. SZ Jackson. September. EL — GS — NS Jacob. Forget-me-not. WS (Reinecke. Forget-me-not. EC — SLl) Jacobs. Barnyard song. HS *Jail-keys. NG Japanese Gaynor. GS Japanese lullaby. DeKoven. ESC Japanese song. Funkhouser. FSK Jay, jay, jay, calls out the blue jay. See Bird's duet. FS Je m'en allay a Bagnolet. See I rode away to Mandalay. FS Jenkins. Kine. RCS Jenks. Birthday greeting. EL Five little chickadees. WS Game for the senses. EL Light bird. EL Little New Year. WS Orchard. EL— HS Ring, merry Christmas bells. EL Snowballs. EL Thanksgiving song. EL Twilight town. EL Index to Kindergarten Songs 117 Jensen. Happy wanderer. HMCl Music only Windmill. HMCl Music only Windmill. SLl— SM Jerusalem above. Ward. TLB ♦Jerusalem the golden. Ewing. TLB ♦Jessie is both young and fair. Damrosch. StN (Allen. Jessie. StN) *Jesus bids us shine. Walker. WS (Hubbard. Jesus bids us shine. MSG) Jesus is king. Martin. MSL *Jesus' little lamb am I. Martin. MSL *Jesus, meek and mild. Martin. MSL Jesus, Savior, pilot me. See Gould. Pilot. TLB Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me. See Martin. Last song. MSL *Jesus, when he was a child. Martin. MSL Jig.— "Garry Owen.'' Page. HMC2 Music only Jig.— "St. Patrick's day." BFD jig.— "St. Patrick's day." FDM Music only Jilly Jo. JB (Variant: Miss Jenny Jones. NG) Jingle, jingle, go the bells. See Jenks. Thanksgiving song. EL Jingle, jingle, jingle, hop, hop, hop. See Smith. Knights and the mother. SM Jingle, jingle, ring the bells. See Gaynor. Sleighing song. SCI Jockey to the fair. NEBl *Jog on, jog on the foot pathway. Marzials. CPP Johann, spann' an Johann. See Taubert. Hildebrandshagen. RCS *John Anderson, my jo. EPS *John Brown had a little Indian. OYA John Peel. FS *John Smith. Smeltzer. SZ Johnny had to learn a trade. Sec Hubbard. Johnny's trade. MSG *Johnny is a merry boy. HR Johnny is now old enough. See Musicians. HR Johnny's trade. Hubbard. MSG Johns. Barefoot boy. TLB Columbus saw across the main. TC Doll's wooing. FSC Easter song. TLB Fountain. TC (Hadley. Fountain. TLB) Johnson. Indian cradle song. GS Massa dear. TLB What Robin told. BSS (Knowlton. What Robin told. NS) 118 Index to Kindergarten Songs Johonnot. Three little doves. NS Joiner. PS (Froebel. Joiner. MP) (Hubbard. Zish, zish, zish. MSG) (Seidel. Joiner. HR) Joiner. Kohl. SM Jolly fat frog lived in the river swim. See Ye frog and ye crow. CBO Jolly frogs hop in the pond. See Frogs. PS *Jolly is the miller. HC Jolly Joe. Cole. CM Jolly miller. CBO— FS ♦Jolly old Saint Nicholas. HR Jolly rover. LBS Jolly tester. BB (Elliott. Jolly tester. MG) Jonson. Drink to me only with thine eyes. EFS — FS Love song. TLB Journey of the logs. Neidlinger. ESI Joy, hope and love. Damrosch. StN Joy to the world. See Handel. Antioch. TLB *Joyfully, joyfully carol. Thayer. WS Joyous peasant. Schumann. HMC2 Music only Joyous tones of Christmas chimes. See Ogden. Christmas carol. KC Joyously we gather. See On Froebel's birthday. HS Juggler. HMC2 Music only. *July. Knowlton. NS Jumping Jack. Chavagnat. HMC2 Music only. Jumping the rope. Loeschhorn. HMC2 Music only. June. Schnecker. TLB *June roses. Knowlton. NS "Just as I am,'' thine own to be. See Martin. Child's hymn. MSL Just like this. Solomon. KC Just see that child running. Sec Smith. Obedient. LCD Just the thing. HR Kamarinskaia. Burchenal. BFD Karganofif. Brook. HMCl Music only. Game of tag. HMC2 Music only. Nature's dream. HMCl Music only. Index to Kindergarten Songs 119 Katydid. Meissner. ASC Katydid song. See Knowlton. August. NS Keats. Thing of beauty. TLB Keep moving. BG Keeping time. Wiggin. KC Keepsake mill. Stevenson. LBS (Bell. Keepsake mill. LBS) Kelley. Dinkey bird. FSC Kelly. O captain, my captain. TLB Kendall. Christmas, glad Christmas. HS Kern. Fourth of July. HS Frau Schwalbe. LL Kettle. Neidlinger. SSS Key. Star spangled banner. EFS — FS — GS — MSG Keys of Heaven. LBS Kies. Cheerful gift. MSL Child Jesus. MSL (Gade. Child Jesus. RCS) Children's day. MSL Come, let our lives like Jesus' shine. MSL Dear little lambs in happy fold. MSL Final triumph. MSL Greeting to spring. MSL (Gade. Greeting to spring. RCS) Hark, what mean the children's voices. MSL Lilies and the cross. MSL Little lambs. MSL Love of Jesus. MSL Morning hymn of praise. MSL Reapers. MSL Rest song. MSL See, the gospel light is shining. MSL Shepherd leads his flock. MSL Sweet old story. MSL Violet. MSL (Reinecke. Violet. FC— RCS— SLl— WS) (Violet. KC) Virgin's cradle song. MSL (Barnby. Cradle song of the Virgin. RCS) Kimi-go-yo. TLB Kind deeds. Cornwall. EL Kind deeds are the gardens. See Cornwall. Kind deeds. EL Kind Jesus ward zur Welt gebracht. See Gade. Child Jesus. RCS (Kies. Child Jesus. MSL) Kindergartner's funeral hymn. Wiggin. KC Kindergartner's morning greeting. Wiggin. KC Kindergartner's song. KC Kinderpolka. FDM 120 Index to Kindergarten Songs Kinderwacht. Sec Schumann. Guardian angels. FS Kindness. Koehler. HR *Kine, the kine, are homeward going. Jenkins. RCS King Arthur. CBO (Gaynor. King Arthur. LL) (Reinecke. Good King Arthur. FC) ♦King Arthur was King William's son. NG (Variant: King William. HC— OYA— USI) King Cole. CBO (Old King Cole. FS— LBS) ♦King of France. HC— BG— MC— USI King of the Barbarees. JB King Pansy. Gaynor. LL ♦King William was King lames' son. HC — OYA — USI (Variant: King Arthur was King William's son. NG) King's daughter sat in her lofty bow'r. See Kjerulf. Twilight musing. FS King's land. HC Kingsley. As Joseph was a-walking. GS Lost doll. BSS— GS Sands of Dee. TLB Three fishers. TLB When all the world is young. FS Kipling. Recessional. TLB Kissing time. Chadwick. FSC Kit, kit, kit, kitty kitty kitty. See Kitty pretty. LBS Kitchen carol. Terhune. CC Kite. Gaynor. LL Kite. Hurd. PTS (Variant: Reed. Kite. TGS) (Adapted from Froebel. Lengthwise, crosswise. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Target. MSG) Kite time. Knowlton. NS Kitten and then bow-wow. Neidlinger. SSS Kittie put the kettle on. See Housekeeping. NG (Variant: Polly put the kettle on. BB— OYA) Kitty ca.t. Gilchrist. StN (Kitty cat and the mouse. RCS) (Walker. Kitty cat and the mouse. WS) Kitty cat and the mouse. RCS (Gilchrist. Kitty cat. StN) (Walker. Kitty cat and the mouse. WS) Kitty cat, I hear a mouse. See Kitty cat and the mouse. RCS (Gilchrist. Kitty cat. StN) (Walker. Kitty cat and the mouse. WS) Kitty cat, kitty cat, so smooth is your fur. See Meissner. Touch- ing. ASC ♦Kitty white so slyly comes. BG— RCS— WS Index to Kindergarten Songs 121 Kjerulf. Spring song. SLl Twilight musing. FS Klappdans. FDM Music only. Klein. My mother's memory. TLB Kleinmichel. Sleighride. HMC2 Music only Kling, kling, kling. See Reinecke. Winter winds are blowing. SLl Knight. Mouse and the cat. HS Knight and the lady. JB Knights and the bad child. Smith. SM Knights and the good child. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Five Knights and good child. MSG) Knights and the good child. Smith. SM Knights and the ill-humored child. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Five knights and bad child. MSG) Knights and the mother. Smith. SM *Knock at the door. LBS Knots of May. NG (Nuts in May. BG— JB— LBS— USI) Knotted handkerchief. KK Know you the song that the bluebird is singing? See Conrade. Bird songs. GS Knowest thou, how many star eyes. See God knows. RCS (Hubbard. Do you know how many stars? MSG) Knowledge and wisdom. Purcell. RCS Knowlton. Afternoon tea. NS April. NS April rain. NS August. NS Call of the crow. NS Calling the violet. NS Captive bird. NS Clovers. NS Crows. NS Daisy nurses. NS (Conrade. Daisy nurses. GC) Dandelion. NS Dandelion-cvcle. NS Day. NS December. NS Family drum corps. NS Family drum corps. HMC2 Music only February. NS Feeding the chickens. NS Flying kites. HMC2 Music onlv 122 Index to Kindergarten Songs Knowlton. Games to teach five. NS Games with first kindergarten gift. NS God loves his little children. NS Grasshoppers' dance. HMCl Music only Hymn for a child. NS Hymn for national holiday. NS In the tree top. NS (Clarke. In the tree top. StN) It is lovely spring. NS January. NS July. NS June roses. NS Kite time. NS Little Bo-Peep. NS Little fairy. NS Little friends. NS Little hickory nut. NS Litany. NS March. NS May. NS Merry bells of Easter. NS Merry lay of June. NS Merry wind. NS Morning prayer. NS News for gardeners. NS North and south. NS November. NS Now the day is over. NS (Barnby. Now the day is over. SLl— TLB) October. NS Oh, the merry lay of June. NS Out of the window. NS Over in the meadow. NS (Variant: Hubbard. Lizzards. MSG) Patriotic hymn. NS Pinky wild rose. NS Points of the compass. NS Postman. NS Pussy willow. NS Ripened leaves. NS Rollicking Robin. NS Scissors grinder. NS Scissors grinder. HMCl Music only See saw. HMC2 Music only. Index to Kindergarten Songs 123 Knowlton. September. NS (Conrade. September. GS) (McLellan. September. EL) — — Sequel to an old story. NS Snowballs. NS Sow, sew, so. NS Summer showers. NS Ten little ponies. NS What Robin told. NS (Johnson. What Robin told. BSS) Koehler. Arch. HR Children, children, quick make speed. HR Clocks and watches. HR Farewell work. HR Farmer. HR (Farmer. LBS) (Farmer. PS) (Can you show us how the farmer? JB) (Froebel. Farmer. SM) (Farmer and the housewife. KK) (Shall I show you how the farmer. RSC) Forward, homeward. HR Good-bye song. HR 1 am a builder. HR Kindness. HR Let us march. HR (Marching, No. 22. PS) Mice. HR Miller. HR Race. HR Skating. HR Skipping. HR Snail. HR (Hubbard. Snail. MSG) (Snail. PS— BG) (Snail game. HC) (Walker. Snail. WS) Softly, softly, softly. HR Storm. HR Time for play. HR Kohl. _ Ball will wander. HR Bird's nest. SM Fish in the brook. SM Flower basket. SM Joiner. SM Light bird. SM Little fish. HR (Fishes. PS) 124 Index to Kindergarten Songs Kohl. Pendulum. HR Pigeon house. HR (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP) (Pigeon house. PS) (Walker. Pigeon song. WS) Pigeon house. SM Weathervane. SM Komarno. BFD Komarno. FDM Music only Komm, komm, mein liebes Spitchen. See F"ritz and Spitz. RCS Komm, lieber Mai. See Come, lovely May. Mozart. RCS Kommt gezohen. See Taubert. Like a fairy. RCS Kommt heran ! kommt heran lockt's Euch an auf den weiten. See Come, come, come. RCS Koschat. City lad and country lass. EPS Koschat. Clod. EPS Krakoviak. FS Kroeger. Clown elephant. HMC2 Music only Squirrels chatter. HMC2 Music only Young thoughts have music. TLB Kuecken. How can I leave thee? FS Little soldier. RCS Partners. HR (Pd like to have a partner. USI) Robin Redbreast. HR With footsteps firm. SLl Kuhlan. Earth and clouds. HR Kuk-kuk, Kuk-kuk, ruf aus dem Wald. See Messenger of spring. RCS Kull-dansen. (Lassie dance.) BFD Kull-dansen. FDM Music only. Kullak. Evening bell. HMCl Music only Grand parade. HMC2 Music only Little spinning song. HMCl Music only Labor day. Gaynor. GS Labor game. Hurd. PTS Lach. Spring rain. SL2 Laddie is in the circle. See Laddie with red golden band. KK Laddie with red golden band. KK Lads and lassies. Gaynor. LL Index to Kindergarten Songs 125 Lads and lassies out a-walking. See Social game. HC Lady bird. Schumann. FS *Lady bird, lady bird, fly away home. LBS *Lady bird, lady bird, fly away home. Brown. EL Lady bug. Gaynor. SC2 *Lady fair, oh, lady fair. HC Lady mine, thy casement open. See Barnby. Morning song. TLB Lady moon, lady moon, sailing so high. See Smith. Baby and the moon. SLl (Baby and the moon. SM) Lady moon, lady moon, where are you roving? See Sawyer. Lady moon. WS (Hubbard. Lady moon. MSG) Laendler. See Two stars. FS Lake. TLB Lamb. Which way does the wind blow? WS Lamb. Chadwick. TLB Lambkin. Haydn. GS Lambkins frisk and the lambkins play. See Gaynor. Happy lamb- kins. SCI Lambs. Roeske. PFP Lamplighter. Mueller. SHS Lamplighter. Stevenson. LBS (Bell. Lamplighter. LBS) Lamps now glitter down the street. See Stevenson. Armies in the fire. SF (Ramsay. Armies in the fire. SF) Land. My old friend John. FS Land of counterpane. LBS — SS For composers see Stevenson. Land of counterpane Land of Nod. Gaynor. SCI Land of Nod. Stevenson. CGV — SS For composers see Stevenson. Land of Nod Land of story books. Stevenson. SS (Bartlett. Land of story books. SS) Land to the leeward. Foote. TC Land where the banners wave last in the sun. See Paine. Free- dom, our Queen. TC (Strong. Freedom, our Queen. TC) Lands that need the gospel. Martin. MSL Lang. My love dwelt in a northern land. TLB To the fringed gentian. TLB True freedom. TLB Lange. Cosaque. HMC2 Music only Language lesson. Gaynor. SC2 Larcom. Calling the violet. NS Childhood's gold. StN 126 Index to Kindergarten Songs Larcom. Easter hymn. WS In the tree top. NS— StN — — Little rivulet. HR Rollicking Robin. NS Run, little rivulet, run. WS Shower and flower. WS Sing-away bird. StN Sing, little children, sing. KC — — Tiny little snowflakes. WS Wind flowers. HS Largo. TLB Lark. EFS Lark. Sheehan. OSM *Lark, sweet lark. House. TC Larned. Raindrops. HS Sunbeams. HS Lass of Richmond Hill. Hook. FS— TLB Lass with the delicate air. EFS "Lassie." See KuU-Dansen. FDM Music only. *Lassie and I, and lassie and I. KK Lassie dance. BFD Lassus. Matona, lovely maiden. TLB Last evening Cousin Peter came. See Cousin Peter. LBS Last night these songs were finished. See Neidlinger. Carnival. ES Last rose of summer. FS (Tis the last rose of summer. EFS) Last song. Martin. MSL Last to the chamber where I lie. See Stevenson. In port. SF (Ramsay. In port. SF) Laud'num bunches. NEB2 Music only "Laudnum bunches." See Morris dance. BFD Music only Lavender cry. Maitland. NEBl ♦Lavender's blue, diddle, diddle. CBO— FS— RCS Lawson. Come live with me. CPP Lay them neatly edge to edge. See Smith. Garden fence. SLl Lay your head upon my arm. See Atkinson. Doll's cradle song. GS Lazy cat. HR (Elliott. Lazy cat. MG) *Lazy Mary. NG Lazy sheep, pray tell us why. See Marie Antoinette. Children and the sheep. HR (Cole. Sheep. CM) (Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 127 ♦Lead, kindly light. Dykes. TLB Leap frog. Loomis. HMC2 Music only Learning to dance. Schoenefeld. HMC2 Music only Leather bottel. Marzials. CPP ♦Leaves are green. BG — ^USI Leaves, flowers and fruits. Sherwood. HS Leaves had a party one autumn day. See Gaynor. Leaves' party. SCI Leaves' party. Gaynor. SCI Leaves today are whirling. See Thalberg. November, No. L GS Lecocq. Valentine day, no. L GS Lee. Toyman. HS Left foot first and then the right. See Marching exercise. KC Left foot! right foot! SL2 Left, left! listen to the music. See Gaynor. Marching song. SCI *Leg over leg as the dog goes to Dover. LBS Legend of the Christmas tree. Gaynor. SCI Leise zieht durch mein Gemueth. See Mendelssohn. Greeting. RCS Lengthwise, crosswise. Groebel. MP (Hubbard. Target. MSG) (Adaptation: Hurd. Kite. PTS) (Adaptation: Reed. Kite. TGS) Lesson from the bee. Cole. CM (Tufts. Bust bee. CL) Lesson in arithmetic. Gaynor. LL Let little hands bring blossoms sweet. See Rossini. Bring blos- soms sweet. GS Let me learn a busy trade. Wiggin. Trade game, L KC (Workingman. HR) Let me now thy finger take. See Froebel. Little artist. MP Let others seek the shady places. See Gaynor. Song of the sun- flower. LL Let our voices, dearest comrades. See Reading. Dulce domum. TLB Let's all sing together. See Hurd. Goodbye. PTS *Let's go sliding down the hill. Frazer. BSS Let's have a game with a little ball. See Hailmann. Tossing game. HR Let's play a new game, just show us the way. See Hurd. Intro- duction song. PTS Let's play soldiers. Becker. HMC2 Music only Let's sing a song about the horse. See Neidlinger. Horse. ES2 Let's stand on the corner. See Hailmann. Street car. HR Let the breezes, the breezes blow. See Gaynor. Kite. LL 128 Index to Kindergarten Songs Let the feet go tramp, tramp, tramp ! See Tramp, tramp, tramp I HR (Hubbard. Let your feet tramp, tramp. MSG) (Let the feet go tramp. BG) Let us all be quiet. Gaynor. SCI Let us all be quiet. See Gaynor. Dictation exercises with the blocks. SCI Let us all in concert sing. See Barnby. Alleluia. TLB Let us all like little mice. See Gaynor. Let us all be quiet. SCI Let us build a boat together. See Rust. Boat. EL *Let us chase the squirrel. Preston. HS Let us choose a hiding place. See Elliott. Hiding the ball. SL2 Let us find a hiding place. See Hiding the stone. PS Let us form a circle here. See Gaynor. Drop the handkerchief. SCI Let us give a joyous greeting. See Jenks. Birthday greeting. EL Let us make a garden. Gaynor. LL *Let us march without a blunder. Koehler. HR (Marching, No. 22. PS) Let us now begin our sawing. See Stangenberger. Sawyer. HR (Sawing game. MSG — WS) (Sawyer. PS) Let us now our garden make. See Hurd. Garden game. PTS Let us pace around in singing. See Guessing, No. 31. PS Let us play we're grown folks. See Neidlinger. Dance. SSS Let us say the alphabet. See A B C D. LBS Let us sing to Him whose hand. See Knowlton. Hymn for na- tional holiday. NS Let us sing to-day. See Reed. Froebel's birthday. HS Let us stand quite still and listen. See Hubbard. Hearing. MSC Let us to the wheelwright go. See Froebel. Wheelwright. MP (Hubbard. Wheelwright. MSG) *Let your feet tramp, tramp. Hubbard. MSG (Let the feet go tramp. BG) (Tramp, tramp, tramp. HR) Let your hands so loudly clap, clap, clap. See Gaynor. Clapping song. SCI Letter to Santa Claus. Gaynor. SCI Letters. Neidlinger. ES2 Libby. Shoemaker. WS Lichner. Mazurka. HMC2 Music only Polka. HMC2 Music only Liebchen, ade. See Swallow, good-bye. FS Liesel, the goose girl. Gaynor. LL Light and shadow. Hill. SHS Light bird. Gaynor. SCI Index to Kindergarten Songs 129 Light bird. Jenks. EL Light bird. Kohl. SM Light bird. Smith. SLl (Adapted from Froebel. Light bird. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG) Light bird. Smith. SM Light bird. Stetson. HS Light bird on the wall. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG) (Adaptation: Smith. Light bird. SLl) Light is fading out. See Foster. Lullaby. TC Light within the window gleams. See Froebel. Church window and church door. MP (Hubbard. Church bell. MSG) (Variant: Froebel. Church. SL2) Lighthouse. Hurd. PTS Lighthouse. Smith. LCD Lightly fairies go tripping to and fro. See Fairy play. KK Lightly in my heart they sing. See Gade. Greeting to spring. RCS (Kies. Greeting to spring. MSL) Lightly, lightly falls the snow. See Schubert. Winter song. WS Lightly our boat is rocking. See Ring. Boating song. SCI ♦Lightly row, lightly row ! RCS (Boat song. HR— WS) Lightly swinging in his cradle. See Brewster. Light bird in the cradle. BSS Lightly trip on dancing feet. See Gaynor. Flowers' ball. LL Lights from the parlor and kitchen shone out. See Stevenson. escape at bedtime. CGV (Fisher. Escape at bedtime. CGV) Like a band in tree tops playing. See (jrove. Bird band. HS Like a fairy. Taubert. RCS Like a leaf or feather in the windy, windy weather. See Smith. Whirabout. LCD ♦Like as a father. Cherubini. TLB Like baby. Cole. CM Like gathering thunder spreads a cry. Sec Wilhelm. Watch on the Rhine. FS (Wilhelm. Watch by the Rhine. EFS) Like silver lamps in a distant shrine. See Stegall. Christmas carol. RCS (Stegall. Manger throne. FS) Like small curled feathers white and soft. See Sawyer. While shepherds watched their flocks by night. EL ♦Like the ball we move around. Call. WS Lilies and the cross. Kies. MSL Lilies are not whiter. See Kies. Lilies and the cross. MSL ♦Lilies sweet. Spohr. HS 130 Index to Kindergarten Songs Lilt : "The Irish washerwoman." FDM Music only ♦Lily white and fair. KK Lily white, then violet blue. See Smith. Flower garden. LCD Lincoln. Atkinson. GS Lindbald. Apple orchard. EPS Dalecarlian maiden's song. EPS Lindsay. Memorial day. HS Lines written in early spring. Waller. TLB Lips say goodmorning. See Smith. Morning greeting. SLl ♦List, fairest maiden, will you tread a dance with me? KK List 1 the bells swing far and near. See Thompson. Glad Christmas tide. EL List to the song of the wooden shoon. See Meissner. In Germany. ASC Listen birds ! ah, pretty birds. See Gaynor. Parewell to the birds. SCI Listen ! countless bees are humming. See Osgood. Happy spring waltz. TC Listen, listen ! it seems to me I hear it thunder. See Raining. HR Listen, listen, listen while I sing. See Damrosch. Joy, hope and love. StN_ Listen, little children, maybe you will hear. See Cole. Sunbeam voices. CM Listen, Lordlings, unto me. See Carol for Christmas eve. RCS Listen, mother dearest! Sec Schwartz. Mother's birthday. BSS Listen, the sun is calling. See Gaynor. Growing. GS Litany. Knowlton. NS Little acts of kindness. See Koehler. Kindness. HR Little Annie's garden. Smith. SM Little artist. Froebel. MP Little ball hops out my hand. See Hubbard. Hall. MSG Little ball lies in my hand. See Asleep. HR (Ball song, No. 10. PS) (Hubbard. Little ball lies in my hand. MSG) (Mozart. Going to sleep. HR) Little ball is lying here. See Little ball lies in my hand. ♦Little ball pass along. Sawver. WS Little bird. RCS ♦Little bird, from out my hand. Smith. SLl Little bird hops in the nest. See Hops in the nest. HR Little bird in the cradle. Brewster. BSS Little bird, little bird, come to me. See Maiden and the bird. HR Little bird made a nest. Hubbard. MSG Little bird on weary pinion. See Nevin. Return of the birds. TC Little bird sat on the twig of a tree. See Hubbard. Bird on the tree. MSG ♦Little bird with eager wing. Conrade. GS Index to Kindergarten Songs 131 Little bird, you are welcome. See Carrier dove. HR Little birdie. Neidlinger. SSS Little birdie. Tufts. CL (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM) *Little birdie in a tree. Pollock. HR Little birdies. Cole. CM Little birds hop out of the nest. See Hubbard. Hopping birds. MSG Little black cricket once lived in a chink. See Conrade. Choris- ter. GS Little blue bird sat on a tree. See Walker. Song of the blue bird. EL ♦Little Blue Jay, what does she say? Conrade. GS Little Bo-Peep. KM (Bo-Peep. CBO) (Conrade. Little Bo-Peep. GS) (Elliott. Lttle Bo-Peep. MG) Little Bo-Peep. Knowlton. NS Little Bo-Peep. Smeltzer. SZ Little Boy Blue. Cornwell. EL (Dugan. Little Boy Blue: WS) Little Boy Blue. DeKoven. FSC *Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn. Elliott. SLl *Little boy bubble. Conrade. GS Little boy got out of bed. See Tufts. Cock-a-doodle-do! CL Little boy lay dreaming. See Osgood. Little dreamer. RCS (Tufts. Little dreamer. CL) Little boy went walking one frosty winter's day. See Sherwood. Little boy's walk in winter. HS Little boy went walking one lovely summer's day. See Roeske. Little boy's walk. PFP Little boys in Labrador would stare. See Knowlton. North and south. NS Little boy's walk. Roeske. PFP Little boy's walk in winter. Sherwood. HS *Little brother in a cot. Tufts. CL Little brown baby so round and so wee. See Knowlton. Little hickory nut. NS *Little brown birds. Tufts. CL Little brown brother. See Conrade. Baby seed songs. GS Little brown hands. Hubbard. MSG Little brown seed. Phippen. EL Little brown sparrows flying around. See Roeske. Sparrows. PFP Little brown thrush. Hubbard. MSG Little Brownies, come and frolic. See Brownie Polska. KK 132 Index to Kindergarten Songs Little card so dainty. See Sewing song. WS Little cat climbs up the tree. See Fischer. Cat on the tree. HR Little chickens. Hailmann. HR Little child. Smith. FSC Little child asleep. Smith. SLl Little child is in its bed. See Smith. Little child asleep. SLl Little child to us has sped. See Seidel. New Year. HR Little children, can vou tell. .S><' Sawver. Old English carol. EL Little children, come let us form our ring. See Third ring song. SHS Little children, leave your play. See Smith. Harvest song. SL2 Little children, little children. See Mozart. Lullaby. SHS Little child's gift carol. Chapek. HS. *Little cock sparrow sat on a high tree. BB — FS (Elliott. Little cock-sparrow. MG) Little Cossack. FS (Russian lullaby. TLB) Little cousins, red and brown. See Smith. Hard and soft balls. S12 Little cunning pussy, tell me. See Pussy on the roof. PS Little dancing song. Smith. LCD Little disaster. BB Little dog says bow-wow-wow! See Gaynor. Foreign tongues. SC2 Little doggie. Cole. CM *Little dove with wings wide spreading. KK ♦Little dove, you are welcome. Walker. WS Little doves. Wiggin. KC (Conrade. Little doves. GS) Little dreamer. Osgood. RCS (Tufts. Little dreamer. CL) Little drops of dew. See Cole. Dewdrop. CM Little drops of water. See Tufts. Little things. CL *Little drops of water in a tiny shady spring. Neidlinger. ESI Little dustman. Brahms. EFS (Brahms. Lullaby. SHS) Little elf. Schoenefeld. HMC2 Music only Little Elsie. Stanley. StN Little fairy. Knowlton. NS Little farmer, no's. 1 and 2. HR Little feet and lips be quiet. See Gaynor. Choosing a game. SCI Little fir tree in a forest grew. See Gaynor. Legend of the Christmas tree. SCI Little fish. Kohl. HR (Fishes. PS) Index to Kindergawten Songs 133 ♦Little fishes in the brook. Froebel. HR. Little flowers came from the ground. See Smith. Easter song. SLl (At Easter time. WS) Little flowers vou love me so. See Tufts. Little girl's fancies. CL ♦Little four-j'-ears. Frazer. BSS Little French doll was a dear little doll. See Johns. Doll's wooing. FSC Little friends. Knowlton. NS Little frog in a pond am L See Gaynor. Frog and horse. SCI Little frogs hop in the pond. See Kallmann. Hopping. HR Little frosty snowflakes. See Smith. To a snowflake. LCD Little game for little folks. WS Little gardener. SM Little gardener. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Garden bed. MSG) Little gardener. Reinecke. SM Little gardener. Smith. SL2 Little gardener. Smith. LCD ♦Little gardens. Walker. WS Little geese j'our feathers preen. See Gaynor. Liesel, the goose-girl. LL. Little girl's fancies. Tufts. CL Little gold leaf dancing gaily on the tree. See Dugan. Wind and the leaves. EL Little gray pigeon. See Gaynor. Pigeon. SC2 Little gypsy dandelion. See Bingham. Dandelion. BM Little Hamburger. FDM Music only Little Harry Hughes and the Duke's daughter. NG Little hickory nut. Knowlton. NS Little housewife. Gaynor. SCI Little Indian maiden, have you come to play? See Terhune. Red and white. CC Little Indian. Sioux, or Crow. See Stevenson. Foreign chil- dren. CGV— SS For composers See Stevenson. Foreign children. Little Indians. Smeltzer. SZ ♦Little Jack-a-Dandy. Smeltzer. SZ ♦Little Jack Frost went up the hill. HR (Cornwell. Little Jack Frost. WS) (Walker. Little Jack Frost. WS) ♦Little Tack Horner sat in a corner. CBO (Elliott. Little Jack Horner. MG) (Gaynor. Little Jack Horner. LL) ♦Little John Bottlejohn. Bristow. StN (Gilchrist. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) (Stanley. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) 134 Index to Kindergarten Songs Little John loves to wander. See Child's greeting. PS Little juggler. Loeschhorn. HMC2 Music only Little jumping Joan. Elliott. MG Little Jutlander. FDM Music only- Little Karen. Heise. EFS Little kitten goes "Me-yow." See Neidlinger. Kitten and the bow-wow. SSS *Little laddie, let's be dancing. KK Little lamb. Neidlinger. SSS Little lamb, who made thee? See Chadwick. Lamb. TLB ♦Little lamb so white and fair. WS (Kies. Little lambs. MSL) Little loveliest lady mine. See Fairlamb. Valentine. StN (Damrosch. Valentine. StN) Little maid Margery. Palmer. StN ♦Little maid, pretty maid. Elliott. MG (Gaynor. Little maid, pretty maid. LL) Little maiden and the stars. Froebel. MP Little maiden and the stars. Osgood. SM Little man and maid. BB — FS Little man bought him a big bass drum. See Knowlton. Family drum corps. NS Little man in a fix. FDM Music only Little master of gymnastics. PS (Smith. Choosing the game. SLl) (Wiggin. Imitation game. KC) (Adaptation.: Hailmann. Teacher of gymnastics. HR) Little mermaid. Fairlamb. StN Little mice. Smith. SL2 ♦Little mice are creeping. Morton. WS Little Miss Careful. See Smith. Careful. LCD Little Miss Clover. Tngraham. StN Little Miss Daisy lives in the grass. See Gaynor. SC2 ♦Little Miss Muffet, so frightened is she. Smeltzer. SZ ♦Little Mistress Sans Merci. Foote. FSC ♦Little moon. Cornwell. EL Little nest. Froebel. MP Little New Year. Jenks. WS Little-oh-dear. DeKoven. FSC Little peach in an orchard grew. See Smith. Little peach. FSC Little plant. Brown. EL Little plant. Gilchrist. SM Little plant. Roeske. PFP Little playmate, dance with me. See Humperdink. Hansel and Gretel. HC Index to Kindergarten Songs 135 Little playmate, walk with me. See Hayden. Visiting game. HC Little Polly Flinders. See Polly Flinders. LBS Little Polly Flinders always loved the fire. See Smeltzer. Polly Flinders. SZ Little pony. EL Little pony. Hering. HR Little rain-drop, sighing. See Barnby. West wind. TC Little rain-drops. Tufts. CL Little red lark. EFS— FS Little river runs away. See Chadwick. Brook. TC Little rivulet. Bertini. HR (Boott. Run, little rivulet, run. RCS— WS) ♦Little Robin Redbreast. Bingham. BM Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree. See Bacon. Robin Redbreast EL Little Robin Redbreasts. Tufts. CL Little round head and a little red bonnet. See Ingraham. Little Miss Clover. StN Little seeds have a nice warm bed. See Sheehan. Seed song. OSM Little sheep were fast asleep. See Allen. Christmas carol. EL Little shoemaker. Gaynor. SCI Little shoes are sold at the doorway of Heaven. See Blake. Dodo. RCS Little Sir William. Maitland. NEBl Little snowfliakes falling lightly. See Knowlton. Little friends. NS Little soldier. Kuecken. RCS Little soldier. Martin. MSL Little soldiers. Hitte. DM Little song of gratitude. GS Little songs all full of joy. See Verdi. Little song of gratitude. GS Little songs and dances. Smith. SLl Little spinning song. Kullak. HMCl Music only. Little squirrel, living there. See Roeske. Squirrel. PFP *Little squirrels, crack your nuts. Stoeckel. StN Little star. Hubbard. MSG Little star that shines so bright. See Elliott. Child and the star. SL2— SM— MG_ *Little stars from night's dark skies. Atkinson. SV Little stream goes laughing by. See Gaynor. Boating. SC2 Little sunbeam. Elliott. SLl Little things. Tufts. CL ♦Little thumb is one. Froebel. MP ♦Little Tommy Titmouse. OYA ♦Little Tommy Tucker. Elliott. MG Little town of Bethlehem. Martin. MSL 136 Index to Kindergarten Songs Little toy dog is covered with dust. See DeKoven. Little Boy Blue. FSC Little travelers. Gilchrist. HS Little vocal lesson. Gaynor. SCI Little waiters. Wiggin. KG Little washerwoman. KK (As we go round the mulberry bush. NG) (Going round the mulberry bush. HR) (Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Mulberry bush. BG— GEO— FS— JB— LBS) Little weary winged bees. See Randegger. At night. TC Little white cloudlets. See Smith. Snow clouds. SLl ♦Little white daisy. Smith. SLl ♦Little white feathers. Smith. SLl (Conrade. Little white feathers. GS) ♦Little white lily sat bv a stone. Tufts. CL (Smith. Little white lilv. WS) (Walker. Little white lily. SL2) Little white snowdrop, just waking up. Sec Waiting to grow. EL (Turner. Waiting to grow. EL) Little wind. Conrade. GS Little window. Beethoven. HR Little window. I'roebel. MP (Wiggin. Window. KG) (Hubbard. Oh! see the light. MSG) Little window. Gilchrist. SM Little woman. BB (There was a little woman. RCS) Little woodpecker and L Walker. WS Little worm. Hubbard. MSG ♦Little yellow dandelion. Gaynor. SCI Little yellow goldenrod. Sec Conrade. Autumn of flowers. GS Little yellowhead. Neidlinger. SSS Lively jig. NEB2 Liverpool girls. NEB2 Lizzards. Hubbard. MSG (Adaptation: Knowlton. Over in the meadow. NS) Lo, here I step within the ring. See Bv streamlet and leafy dale KK Lo ! sunk in each others' arms they lie. See Froebcl. Brothers and sisters. MP (Hubbard. Brothers and sisters. MSG) Loag. In the springtime. GS ♦Loaves are burning. JB Loch Lomond. EPS— FS— TLB Locomotive. Montz. IMS Loeschhorn. Jumping the rope. HMC2 — MO Music onlv. Index to Kindergarten Songs 137 Loeschhorn. Little juggler. HMC2 Music only. Rider upon the rockinghorse. HMC Music only. Logs begin their journey in the mountains. See Neidlinger. Jour- ney of the logs. LSI ♦London bridge is falling down. BG— HC— JB— NG— OYA— USI (Adaptation: London bridge. BB) (Adaptation: London bridge. NEBl) (Adaptation: London bridge. RCS) Lonely bird. PS Long. Little wind. GS Long ago in Bethlehem, the gentle mother mild. See Reed. Christ- mas. HS Long ere the murn expects the return of Apollo from the ocean Queen. See Marzials. Hunter in his career. CPP Long long ago the angeis sang. See Elliott. Christmas carol. SLl Long, long time, and a long time ago. See Long time ago. NEB2 *Long, long weary day. EPS Long time ago. NEB2 Long years ago, by Bethlehem town. See Martin. When Jesus came. MSL Long years ago in Bethlehem. See Reed. Christmas. HS — TGS Long years ago in David's town. See Kies. Come, let our lives like Jesus' shine. MSL Longfellow. Holy Spirit, truth divine. TLB Longfellow. Atkinson. GS Longing. Cole. TLB Longing for spring. Reinecke. RCS Looby light. BB (Here we come. Looby Loo. JB) (Looby Loo. BG— HC— NEBl) (Looby Loobv. LBS) Looby Loo. NEB'l— BG— HC (Here we come. Looby Loo. JB) (Looby light. BB) (Looby Looby. LBS) Looby, Looby. LBS (Here we come. Looby Loo. JB) (Looby light. BB) (Looby Loo. BG— HC— NEBl) Look at little Harry. Sec Wiggin. Imitation game. KC (Little master of gymnastics. PS) (Smith. Choosing the game. SLl) Look at our teacher, showing the game. See Hailmann. Teacher of gymnastics. HR (Variant: Little master of gymnastics. PS) 138 Index to Kindergarten Songs Look at the moon. Sec O look at the moon. Gilchrist. SM (Variant: Smith. Choosing the game. SLl) (Variant: Wiggin. Imitation game. KC) Look at those pretty balls. See Ball song, No. 8. PS Look far across the waves with me. See Hurd. Lighthouse. PTS Look ! here's a pretty pigeon house ! See Tufts. Pigeon house. CL Look, look! there goes the faithful watchman. See Terhune. Watchman. CC Look, there the stork is on the wing. See Stork, and the frogs. PS Look up ! Look up. See Gaynor. World wonders. SC2 Look up, look up, good people. See Smith. Weather vane. LCD Look ! who's coming down the street. See Warner. Postman. KC Loomis. Bicycle. HMC2 Music only. Leap frog. HMC2 Music only. Merry-go-round. HMCl Music only. Pickaninnies picnic. HMC2 Music only. Playing golf. HMC2 Music only. Return ball. HMC2 Music only. Uncrowned kings. TLB Lord, a tired child am I. See Evening song. SL2 ♦Lord, in Thy great. Thy glorious name. Schumann. TLB *Lord Lovell. FS Lord of our fathers known of old. See Huss. Recessional. TLB Lord, we thank thee for this day. See Funkhouser. Prayer. FSK Lord, we thank Thee for this day. See Gaynor. Morning prayer. SCI Lord, who ordained for mankind. See Teacher's hymn. IKC Lordly cock. Smith. LCD Lord's day. Damrosch. StN Lorelei. See Silcher. Loreley. FS (Silcher. Lurlei. RCS) Lorely. Silcher. FS (Silcher. Lurlei. RCS) Lorsque j'etais petit. See When I was shepherd. FS Lost chicken. Brahms. FS Lost doll. Brewster. BSS — GS Lost letter. JB Lost rose seed. Neidlingcr. ES Lost, the summer. Conrade. GS Lott' ist tod. FDM Music only. Index to Kindergar/ten Songs 139 Loure. Bach. HMC Music only. Love and kindness we may measure. See Tufts. Golden rule. CL Love and mirth. RCS *Love divine, all love excelling. Zundel. TLB Love of Jesus. Kies. MSL Love song. Cauflfman. TLB *Love virtue, love virtue. Clarke. TLB *Love wakes and weeps. Callcott. TLB Love will find out the way. Marzials. CPP Lovely ball of golden light ! we sing to you a sweet good night. See Hill. Sunsets. HS Lovely ball of golden light, we thank you for the sunshine bright. See Hill. Sunrise. HS Lovely bright star, you shine from afar. See Reinecke. Evening star. FC Lovely lady in the sky. See Smith. Silver night. SV Lovely little flow'ret. Sec Jacob. Forget-me-not. WS (Reinecke. Forget-me-not. FC — SLl) Lovely little violet. See Schults. Violet. FC— KC— MSL— RCS — SLl— WS For composers see Schults. Violet. ♦Lovely lovely May. WS Lovely May. Hubbard. MSG Lovely Minka. FS Lovely moon, lovely moon. See Hill. Moon song. SHS Lover. Girl I left behind me. EFS Low-backed car. EFS — FS Love's parting. EFS Loving Jesus, meek and mild. See Smith. Hymn for a little child. SLl Loving mother, kind and true. See Naegeli. Father and mother's care. SHS Low-backed car. EFS — FS Lowell. Fountain. TLB — TC June. TLB Longing. TLB True freedom. TLB Lowry. I need Thee every hour. TLB *Lucy Locket lost her pocket. BB — OYA (Arne. Lucy Locket. FS) Louisella. See Dairy. FS Lullaby. RCS Lullaby. Allen. StN (Fairlamb. Lullaby. StN) Lullaby- Brahms. SHS (Brahms. Little dustman. EFS), 140 Index to Kindergarten Songs Lullaby. Elliott. MG— SM (Lullaby. HR) (Walker. Baby lullaby. WS) Lullaby. Fairlamb. StN (Allen. Lullaby. StN) Lullaby. Foote. TLB (Henderson. Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. StN (Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. RCS) Lullaby. Foster. TC Lullaby. Gaynor. SC2 Lullaby. Giffe. BSS Lullaby. Mozart. SHS Lullaby. Reed. TGS Lullaby and good morning. Hill. SHS Lullaby and good-night! Sec Brahms. Cradle song. FS ♦Lullaby baby, go to sleep. BSS Lullaby ball song. KC Lullaby, lullaby, Baby must sleep. See Tufts. Cradle song. CL Lullaby, lullaby, twilight is falling. See Dietrich. Woodland lullaby. TC Lullaby, my darling, shut your eyes to sleep. See Giffe. Lul- laby. BSS Lullaby song. Hahn. BSS Lullabye. Hurd. PTS Lully. By the moon's pale light. FS Lurlei. Silcher. RCS (Silcher. Loreley. FS) "Lust'ger Schweizerbu' " See Country dance, L FDM Music only Luther. Ein' feste Burg. TLB (Luther. Mighty fortress is our God. EFS) (Luther. Safe stronghold. FS) Lvoff. We praise Thee. Lord. FS Rise, crowned -with light. TLB Lyndhurst. TLB *M. O. for Maudie-O. JB Ma Normandie. See Berat. My Normandy. FS Macdonald. Little white lily. CL (Smith. Little white lily. SL2) (Walker. Little white lily. WS) Macfarren. Mid-summer night's dream. TLB Single chants. HMCl Music only Three fishes. TLB McHugh. October. GS Macirone. O hush thee, my baby. FS Index to Kindergarten Songs 141 Mackenzie. Things of beauty. TC Through love to light. TC McLellan. Christmas bells. EL September. EL (Conrade. September. GS) (Knowlton. September. NS) Macomber. In my hand a ball I hold. WS Macy. Autumn leaves. EL Clover blossoms. EL Mad tea party. Riley. LL Madam, I am come a-courting. See Quaker courtship. NG Madam, I present you with six rows of pins. See Proposal. NEBl Madeleine. Roeckel. TLB Maggie's pet. Elliott. MG Mai ist gekommen. See May-time has come. RSC Maid o' the mill. NCBl Maiden and the bird. HR Maiden's wish. Chopin. FS (Chopin. Spring song. EPS) Main. Bye, baby, bj'e. EL Maitland. Barkshire tragedy. NEBl Lavender cry. NEBl Little Sir William. NEBl Make a basket. See Smith. Basket. SL2 Making bread. Roeske. PEP Making butter. Roeske. PEP Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre. See Duke Malborough. FS Mamma and the baby. Reinecke. EC Man in the moon. Elliott. MG Man in the moon. Smeltzer. SZ Man in the moon came down too soon. See Elliott. Man in the moon. MG Man in the moon came tumbling down. See Smeltzer. Man in the moon. SZ Man on the dromedary. Neidlinger. SSS Manger throne. Steggall. FS (Steggall. Christmas carol. RCS) Mann. God sends his bright spring sun. EL — SLl *Man's life's a vapor. LBS Many fields of grass and clover. See Hill. Story of the butter. SHS Many happy returns of the day. See Gaynor. Child's birth- day. GS Many miles have I been straying. See Lindbald. Dalecarlian. maiden's song. EFS March. Cornell. StN (Smith. In the snowing and the blowing. SLl) 142 . Index to Kindergarten Songs March. HoUacnder. HMC2 Music only March. Knowlton. NS March. Rogers. KM March like gallant soldiers, rataplan. See Reinecke. Rataplan. FC— HR March! march! comrades gay. See Wandering workmen. SL2 March of Fingall's men. Reinhold. HMC2 Music only March of the men of Harlech. FS March of the men of Harlech. TLB March of the priests. Mendelssohn. HMC2 March together and never stop. See Smith. Wheel-wright. SM _ _ Marche militaire. Concone. HMC2 Music only Marching; no's 22-30. PS Marching: no. 22. PS (Koehler. Let us march without a blunder. HR) Marching, no. 25. PS (Adaptation: Equal measure. HR) Marching exercise. KC Marching 'round the valley. USI Marching song. Stevenson. CGV — LBS — SS For composers see Stevenson. Marching song. Marching song for Froebel's birthday. Rockwell. KC Marella. Half past twelve. RCS Margery Daw. BB Marguerite. JB Marquerites. Gaynor. LL Marion, May and Maud have not passed me by. See Schlesinger. Bronze, brown eyes. StN Marianina. See Sea breeze. FS Marie Antoinette. Children and the sheep. HR (Cole. Sheep. CM) (Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS) Return. FS Marien-wuermchen. See Schumann. Lady bird. FS Marionetts. Reinecke. HMCl Music only Marjorie Daw. Smeltzer. SZ Marjorie's almanac. Warren. StN Making time. Hitte. DM Mariner of old, when he sailed to sea. See Neidlinger. Beacon of long ago. ES2 Marriage. NG Marseillaise. De L'Isle. EFS — FS Marseilles hymn. See Marseillaise. Index to Kindergaro-en Songs 143 Marston. February. EL Martin. Autumn. MSL Captain's call. MSL Children's day. MSL Child's hymn. MSL Christ is risen. MSL Cross and crown. MSL Easter morning. MSL Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd. MSL Happy town of Salem. MSL He is calling. MSL Hear the shining angels sing. MSL Invitation. MSL Jesus is King. MSL Jesus' little lamb. MSL 'Jesus, meek and gentle. MSL Jesus, when he was a child. MSL Lands that need the gospel. MSL Last song. MSL Little soldier. MSL Mary to the Saviour's tomb. MSL Morning song. MSL "O little town of Bethlehem." MSL Royal conqueror. MSL Springtime. MSL 'Summer. MSL Thou crownest the year with thy goodness. MSL When Jesus came. MSL Winter. MSL Mary Contrary. Smeltzer. SZ Mary, go and call the cattle home. See Sands of Dee. TLB *Mary had a little lamb. OYA Mary had a little lamb which grew to be a sheep. See Knowl- ton. Sequel to an old story. NS Mary, look around you. See Wiggin. Seeing game. KG ♦Mary rides upon a horse. LBS ♦Mary to the Saviour's tomb. Martin. MSL Maryland! my Maryland. EPS Marzials. Bailiff's daughter of Islington. CPP Barbara Allen. CPP Black eyed Susan. CPP Come, lasses and lads. CPP (Come, lasses and lads. FS — LBS) Drink to me only with thine eyes. CPP Early one morning. CPP Girl I've left behind me. CPPP Harvest home. CPP How should I your true love know? CPP 144 Index to Kindergarten Songs Marzials. Hunter in his career. CPP It was a lover and his lass. CPP It was a maid of my countree. CPP Jog on, jog on. CPP Leather bottel. CPP Love will find out the way. CPP Mermaid. CPP My lady Greensleeves. CPP (My lady Greensleeves. NEBl) My lodging is on the cold ground. CPP Near Woodstock town in Oxfordshire. CPP O mistress mine, where are you roving? CPP Phillida flouts me. CPP Phillis on the new made hay. CPP Poor beggar's daughter. CPP Sally in our alley. CPP Seeds of love. CPP Since first I saw your face. CPP Sir Simon de Montfort. CPP Spanish lady. CPP Three ravens. CPP (Three ravens. EPS — FS) To all you ladies. CPP 'Twas in the merry month of May. CPP 'We be soldiers three. CPP We be three poor mariners. CPP When the bright God of day. CPP Who liveth so merry in all this land? CPP Marzo. Baby. StN Baby's skies. StN *Ma's little pigs we're all of us. BFD Mason. How gentle God's command. TLB Nearer my God to Thee. TLB Mason and carpenter with stone and brick and wood. See Gaynor. Building the house. LL *Massa dear. Johnson. TLB Master Hare sat in a hole fast asleep. See Hare. PS Mather. Robin, Robin Redbreast. WS *Matona, lovely maiden. Lassus. TLB Maxwelton's braes are bonny. See Scott. Annie Laurie. EPS — FS— TLB May. PS May. Brown. WS May. Knowlton. NS May-basket. Smith. LCD May dance. FDM Music only Many dancing song. Richter. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 145 May day. Coonley. GS May day invitation. Sherwood. HS May is trav'ling hither. See May. PS May our Emperor's reis:n endure. See Kimi-go-yo. TLB May pole dance.— "Bluff King Hal." BFD May Queen. Gaynor. GS May song. Smith. TLB May song. Strong. HS May-time has come. RCS May-time is coming. See May-time has come. RCS Maypole song. Hubbard. MSG Maypole style. JB Mazurka. Lichner. HMC2 Music only Wilm. HMC2 Music only Meadow daisy. Taubert. RCS Meadow talk. Fisher. StN Meeting. FS Meeting of the waters. TLB Mein Schatz ist ein Reiter. See My knight is a rider. RCS (My trooper) Meissner. Brownie firefly. ASC Granddaddy longlegs. ASC Hearing. ASC — ■ — Honey bee and clover. ASC In China. ASC In Germany. ASC In Holland. ASC In Japan. ASC In Scotland. ASC Katydid. ASC Mr. Bumble Bee. ASC Seeing. ASC Smelling. ASC Tasting. ASC Touching. ASC Mellow light is shining. See Martin. Autumn. MSL Melody in F. Rubinstein. HMCl Music only Memorial day. Flotow. GS Memorial day. Stetson. HS Memorial hymn. Allen. TLB Men of Harlech! in the hollow. See March of the men of Har- lech. TLB Men of Harlech, march to glorv. Sec March of the men of Har- lech. FS Men! whose boast it is. See Lang. True freedom. TLB 146 Index to Kindergarten Songs Menard. Slumber song. BSS Mendelssohn. Allegro. HMCl Music only Child's good-bye. HR (Sawyer. Good-bye to the flowers. WS) Greeting. FS Greeting. RCS If with all your hearts. TLB March of the priests. HMC2 Music only O rest in the Lord. TLB O, wert thou in the cold blast. TLB — I — Raindrops. HMCl Music only Sleep, gentle babe. TLB Spring song. HMCl Music only Spring song. SLl Merkel. Polonaise. HMC2 Music only Mermaid. Marzials. CPP Merot. Youth has gone. FS Merrily away they fly. See Fischer. Bees. HR Merrily, form a ring. Hubbard. MSG (Heerwart. Merrily, merrily. HR) (Smith. Forming the ring. SL2) Merrily in the brooklet clear. See Froebel. Fishes in the brook. MP ♦Merrily, merrily let us form a ring. Heerwart. HR (Hubbard. Merrily, form a ring. MSG) (Smith. Forming the ring. SL2) Merrily, merrily, the anvil rings. See Hill. Blacksmith's song. SHS Merrily swinging on brier and weed. See Conrade. Robert of Lincoln. GS Merrily we dance. Smith. SLl Merry and swift in the crystal stream. See Kohl. Fish in the brook. SM ♦Merry bells of Easter. NS Merry chimes. KK Merry Christmas bells. Batchellor. GS (Murray. Merry Christmas bells. WS) Merry Christmas bells. Hitte. DM ♦Merry Christmas has come. Wiggin. KC Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! we sing and we say. See Knowlton. December. NS ♦Merry Christmas now is here. Gaynor. SCI ♦Merry Christmas to our friends. HS Index to Kindergar/ten Songs 147 Merry frogs are blithe and gay. See Hailmann. Frogs. HR Merry-go-round. Loomis. HMC2 Music only Merry-go-round. .S"^^ Carrousel. BFD Merry, happy little children. HR Merry helpers. Stangenberger. HR Merry lay of June. Knowlton. NS Merry life. Denza. TLB (Denza. Funiculi, funicula. FS) ( Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS) Merry little fishes in the brook at play. See Brahms. Fish in the brook. SM Merry little maiden. See Haydn. Child's May song. HR Merry little men. Roeske. PFP Merry little playmate, at my side all day. See Hill. Light and shadow. SHS Merry little river. See Roeske. Mill. PFP Merry little skip and dance. See Sherwood. Around the May- pole. HS ♦Merry little snowflakes dancing in the air. Hill. SHS Merry little snowflakes dancing thro' the street. See Reinecke. Snowflakes. HR Merry may the keel row. FS Merry, merry, merry, merry, Christmas bells. See Murray. Merry Christmas bells. WS (Batchellor. Merry Christmas bells. GS) Merry mice stay in their holes. See Koehloer. Mice. HR Merry month of May. Gaynor. LL Merry rain. Bartlett. StN Merry wind. Smith. LCD ♦Merry wind came racing. Knowlton. NS Merry workers. Smith. SL2 Messenger of spring. RSC Messenger from cloudland. BSS Messiah. Handel. TLB Methfessel. Dandelion. SHS Mice. Koehler. HR 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam. See Bishop. Home, sweet home. EFS — FS — LBS 'Mid the winter storms we're sleeping. See Reissmann. Wak- ing flowers. RCS Midsummer frolics. Gilchrist. StN Midsummer night's dream. Macfarren. TLB Miew, miew, purr, purr, I am a cat you see. See Valentine. Cat. VBD ♦Mighty fortress is our God. Luther. EFS (Luther. Ein' feste Burg. TLB) (Luther. Safe stronghold. FS) 148 Index to Kindergarten Songs Migration song. Hill. SHS Milk for supper. Smith. LCD Milking time. Gaynor. SC2 Milkweed babies. Smith. SL2 Milkweed pods are ripe and brown. See Gaynor. Milkweed seeds. SC2 Milkweed seeds. Gaynor. SC2 Mill. EL (Hubbard. Miller. MSG) Mill. WS (Anschuetz. Mill by the rivulet. HR) Mill. Gaynor. SC2 Mill. Glueck. FS Mill. Hitte. DM Mill. Reed. TGS (Reinecke. Mill-wheel. SM) Mill. Reinecke. FC (Adaptation in SLI) Mill. Roeske. PFP *Mill by the rivulet. Anschuetz. HR (Mill. WS) Mill goes toiling slowly around. See DeKoven. Nightfall in Dordrecht. FSC Millard. Sing-away bird. StN Miller. Bluebird. GS Spring secrets. EL Tick! Took. SM Miller. PS Miller. USI Miller. Hubbard. MSG (Mill. EL) Miller. Koehler. HR Miller, have you nought for grinding? See Koehler. Miller. HR Miller of Dee. Smeltzer. SZ Miller's flowers. Schubert. FS ♦Million little diamonds. Burdett. StN (Damrosch. Million little diamonds. StN) (Tufts. Winter jewels. CD (Walker. Winter jewels. WS) Million wee cradles are curtained with green. See Knowlton. Pinky wild rose. NS Millstone. Smith. SLI Millwheel. EL (Conrade. Millwheel. GS) (Hubbard. Round and round it goes. MSG) Millwheel. PS (Clip, clap. RSC) Index to Kindergarten Songs 149 Millwheel. Montz. IMS Millwheel. Reinecke. SM (Reed. Mill. TGS) Millwheels are clapping. See Clip, clap. RCS (Millwheel. PS) Millwheels are turning. See Mill. EL (Hubbard. Miller. MSG) Milton. Haste thee, nymph. TLB Love virtue. TLB Stanzas from the nativity. TLB Minding their mother. Smith. LCD Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. See Howe. Battle hymn of the republic. EFS — FS *Mine's a lovely house. JB Miner. Neidlinger. ESI ♦Minstrel boy. EFS— FS Minuet. Damrosch. StN (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN) (Fisher. Minuet. StN) (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN) Minuet. Mozart. HMC2 Music only Minuet. Terhune. CC Miss, I'll give you a paper of pins. See I'll give you a paper of pins. NG Miss Jenny Jones. NG (Variant: Jilly Jo. JB) Missing ball. Reed. TGS Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow. Gaynor. SC2 Mr. Bumble bee. Meissner. ASC Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey. Neidlinger. SSS Mister Duck went to call. See Neidlinger. Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey. SSS *Mr. Frog. Neidlinger. SSS Mr. Period and his friends. ES2 Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. Gaynor. SCI Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. Neidlinger. SSS Mister Rooster does nothing but crow. See Neidlinger. Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. SSS Mister Rooster wakes up early in the morning. See Gaynor. Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. SCI Mr. Squirrel. Neidlinger. SSS Mister Sun, good-night, we say. See Atkinson. Good-night. GS Mister Sunshine. Funkhouser. FSK Mr. Toadie's coat. Grove. HS Mr. Wind and Madam Rain. Gaynor. SC2 Mrs. Bond. CBO 150 Index to Kindergarten Songs ♦Mistress Cow stand at the gate. Neidlinger. ES Mistress Doh and her neighbors. Gaynor. SCI ♦Mistress Mary. Elliott. MG (Gaynor. Mistress Mary. LL) ♦Mistress mine, where are you roving? Marzials. CPP Mrs. Pussy, sleek and fat. See Roeske. Mrs. Pussy's dinner. PFP Mrs. Pussy's dinner. Roeske. PFP Mistress Sparrow, pert and perky. See Gaynor. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow. SC2 Mit dem Pfeil, dem Bogen. See Weber. Hunter's song. RCS Mit einer Primula veris. See Grieg. First primrose. FS Mix a pancake, stir a pancake. See Krakoviak, I. FS Mokrejs. Field mouse. HMCl Music only Shoernaker. HMCl Music only Molloy. Ding, dong! StN (Hoffman. Ding, dong! StN) Snow-flakes. StN (Warren. Snow-flakes) StN) Wren and the hen. StN (Bartlett. Wren and the hen. StN) Molly Malone. LBS (Cockles and mussels. FS) Mond, der scheint. See Wenk. Nursery clock. RCS ♦Monday night, Tuesday night. JB Monday's Dolly's washing day. 5"^^ Gaynor. Little house- wife. SCI Monk. Abide with me. TLB Monkey married the baboon's sister. See Monkey's wedding. OYA Monkey's wedding. OYA Month of May. Cole. CM Montz. Birds flying. IMS ■ Blacksmith. IMS Butterflies. IMS Chopping wood. IMS Church bells. IMS Circle march. IMS Feeding chickens. IMS Fire bells. IMS Flags. IMS For prayer. IMS Good morning bows. IMS Horses trotting. IMS Loading and unloading. IMS Millwheel. IMS Index to Kindergarten Songs 151 Montz. Nodding flowers. IMS North wind. IMS Pumping. IMS Rocking the cradle. IMS Run. IMS Scythe movement. IMS Seeds; or Flowers unfolding. IMS Sewing machine. IMS Skip. IMS Smoke. IMS Stream freezing. IMS .Tip-toe march. IMS Washing. IMS Moon. Conrade. CS Moon. Stevenson. LBS (Bell. Moon. LBS) Moon and the stars. PS (Reinecke. Who has the whitest lambkins? FC — KC) (White lambkins. HR) Moon boat. Gaynor. SCI Moon has a face like the clock in the hall See Stevenson. Moon. LBS (Bell. Moon. LBS) Moon! in the night I have seen you sailing. See Brewster. O moon! in the night. BSS Moon in the pool. See Meissner. Seeing. ASC *Moon is playing hide and seek. Neidlinger. SSS Moon phases. Gaynor. SC2 Moon rides high. See Wenk. Nursery clock. RCS Moon so round and silv'ry. See Smith. Silver moon. SL2 Moon song. Hill. SHS Moonbeam floateth from the skies. See DeKoven. Orkney lullaby. FSC Moonlight song. EL Moore. Canadian boat song. TLB Card sewing. SCI Harp that once through Tara's halls. EFS Last rose of summer. FS — — Meeting of the waters. TLB Minstrel boy. EFS — FS Valley lay smiling. EFS When love is kind. EFS Morn was fair, the skies were clear. See Rose of Allandale. TLB Morning. FS Morning. Brewster. BSS Morning bright, with rosy light. See Tufts. Morning hymn. CL (Walker. Morning bright. WS) 152 Index to Kindergarten Songs Morning fair has come again. Sec Morning song. KC *Morning-glory bells. Gaynor. SC2 Morning greeting. Gaynor. SCI Morning greeting. Mozart. SHS Morning greeting. Pollen. HMC2 Music only Morning greeting. Smith. SLl Morning greeting. Wiggin. KC Morning hymn. Batchellor. WS (Hamburg. Morning hymn. HR) (Wiggin. Morning prayer, no. 1. KC) Morning hymn. Mozart. HR Morning hymn. Reinecke. KC Morning hymn. Smith. LCD Morning hymn. Tufts. CL (Walker. Morning bright. WS) Morning hymn. Wiggin. KC Morning hymn of praise. Kies. MSL Morning mood. Grieg. HMCl Music only Morning prayer. Gaynor. SCI Morning prayer. Gurlitt. HMCl Music only Morning prayer. Knowlton. NS Morning prayer. Randegger. Sll (Wiggin. Morning prayer, no. 4. KC) Morning prayer. Reinecke. FC — SLl Morning prayer. Reinecke. SL2 Morning prayer, no. 1. Wiggin. KC (Batchellor. Morning hymn. WS) (Hamburg. Morning hymn. HR) Morning prayer, no. 2. Wiggin. KC Morning prayer, no. 3. Wiggin. KC Morning prayer, no. 4. Wiggin. KC (Randegger. Morning prayer. SLl) Morning prayer, no. 5. Smith. KC Morning song. HR Morning song. KC Morning song. Barnby. TLB Morning song. Grove. HS Morning song. Martin. MSL Morning song. Schumann. HMCl Music only Morning song. Tufts. CL Morning song and march. TLB *Morning song, dear forest. RCS *Morning sun is shining. Smith SLl Morning sun peeps in at you. See Gaynor. Awake. LL Index to Kindergarten Songs 153 Morning thanksgiving. Reed. HS Mornings frosty grow, and cold. See Conrade. In September, GS Morris dance: — "Laudnum bunches." BFD Morris oflf. NEBl Morris on. NEBl Morton. Air is filled with the echoes. WS Christmas picture. HS First Christmas. HS— WS (Reinecke. First Christmas. GS) Little mice are creeping. WS Thanksgiving song. WS (Conrade. Thanksgiving day. GS) (Hubbard. Thanksgiving day. MSG) (Sleigh-ride. HR) Mosenthal. Minuet. StN (Damrosch. Minuet. StN) (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN) (Fisher. Minuet. StN)_ Punkydoodle and Jollypin. StN Sweet red rose. StN (Bartlett. Sweet red rose. StN) (Ingraham. Sweet red rose. StN) Moth of the night. See Gaynor. Night moth. SC2 Mother Annika. KK Mother day. Gaynor. GS Mother dear, Jerusalem. See Ward. Jerusalem alone. TLB Mother dear, so kind and good. See Hurd. Family. PTS Mother eye, so blue and tender. See Reinecke. Mother love. RCS Mother, good and dear, Froebel. MP *Mother Holly. Gaynor. LL Mother how pretty the moon looks tonight. See Hubbard. Pretty moon. MSG (Sawyer. New moon. WS) Mother in unity with her child. Froebel. MP Mother love. Reinecke. RCS Mother my love, if you'll give me your hand. See Gilchrist. Child and mother. FSC Mother Nature and Mr. Wind. Funkhouser. FSK Mother says I must practise. See Terhune. Spinet. CC "Mother, see the moon." See Froebel. Boy and the moon. MP Mother sings. Sinding. EFS Mother Tabbyskins. Elliott. MG ^Mother, will you buy me a milking can? JB Mother's birthday. Reinecke. FC (Reinecke. Birthday song. SLl) 154 Index to Kindergarten Songs Mother's birthday. Schwartz. BSS Mother's busy sewing. See Cole. How the baby was named. CM Mother's hymn. Bacon. EL (Kallmann. Teachers' hymn. HR) (Teachers' hymn, 11. KC) Mother's knives and forks. Gaynor. SCI Mother's little Olle walks in the wood. See Olle and the bear. KK Mother's little pets are we together. See Mother's pets. KK Mother's lullaby babies. Sheehan. OSM Mother's pets. KK Mountain polka. See Fjallnaspolska. FDM Music only Mountain march. BFD Mountain march. FDM Music only Mouse and cat. Knight. HS *Mow, mow, the oats. HC Mowers. Tabram. KC Mowing grass. Froebel. SM Mowing song. Smith. SLl Mozart. Come, lovely May. RCS God's love. SHS Going to sleep. HR (Asleep. HR) Ball songs, no. 10. PS) (Hubbard. Little ball lies in my hand. MSG) Good-bye song. SHS Good morning to the sunshine. HR Horse-shoeing. HR Lullaby. SHS Minuet. HMC2 Music only Morning greeting. SHS Morning hymn. HR Rain song. SHS Rippling, purling. HR (Gilchrist. Rippling, purling little river. SM) (Rippling, purling little river. RCS) Second ring song. SHS Summer joy. HR Theme from sonata. HMCl Music only Two hands I have. HR Mueller. Lamplighter. SHS Miller's flowers. FS Muellers Blumen. See Shubert. Miller's flowers. FS Index to Kindergarten Songs 155 Muffin man. BG— HC— JB— USI Mulberry bush. BG— CBO— FS— JB— LBS (As we go round the mulberry bush. NG) (Going round the mulberry bush. HR) (Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Little washerwoman. KK) Murray. Merry Christmas bells. WS Music box. Berghs. HMCl Music only Musician. HC Musicians. HR Must I ride so long a journey. See He that will not when he may. FS *Must I then go afar from the town. EFS Mutteraug' in deine Blaue. See Reinecke. Mother love. RCS ♦My ball comes up to meet me. Walker. WS My ball, I want to call you. See Walker. Tossing game. WS My ball is fond of moving. Ball songs, no. IS. PS *My ball is soft and round and gay. HR My ball is soft and round and gay. See Ball songs, no. 12. PS My ball is soft and round and bright. See Just the thing. HR *My ball lies in its little bed. WS My ball reflects the clear blue sky. See Ball songs, no. 17. PS My ball will be an apple red. See Knowlton. Game with first kindergarten gift. NS My barrow I have brought to you. See Wheelbarrow. PS My bed is a boat. Stevenson. CGV — LBS — SS For composers see Stevenson. My bed is a boat My bed is like a little boat. See Stevenson. My bed is a boat. CGV— LBS— SS For composers see Stevenson. My bed is a boat My bicycle. Gaynor. GS My big black dog. OYA My brigantine. Saar. TLB My brothers they were Tom and Jack and Joe and Jock and Bill. See Seven brothers. LBS *My country 'tis of thee. Carey. TLB (America. FS— GS— MSG) My daddy is dead, but I can't tell you how. See Plough boy in luck. CBO *My dame has a lame tame crane. FS My dear mama I love to hear. See Smith. Bedtime. SV My dog, Carl. Cole. CM My doggie's name is "Guess". Sec Neidlinger. Guess. SSS *My father and mother were Irish. OYA *My father was a carpenter. LBS *My father was a tailor. JB 156 Index to Kindergarten Songs My first good horse is very very tall. See Valentine. Baby's horses. VBD My garden flowers. Sheehan. OSM My God and Father, while I stray. See Troyte. Troyte's chant. TLB My hand must be the mill-stone. See Smith. Mill-stone. SLl My heart is God's little garden. Smith. SL2 My kingdom. Stevenson. SF (Ramsey. My kingdom. SF) My kitty. HR (Elliott. I love little pussy. MG— SLl) (Tufts. I like little pussy. CL) My kitty. Cole. CM *My knight is a rider. RCS (My trooper. FS) My lady Greensleeves. NEBl (Marzials. My lady Greensleeves. CPP) ♦My lady wind. Elliott. MG My lady's garden. CBO My little ball lies in my hand. See Wiggin. Ball lullal)y. KC My little doll Rose. Tufts. FS My little sixpence. See Elliott. Jolly tester. MG (Jolly tester. BB) *My lodging is on the cold ground. Marzials. CPP *My love dwelt in a northern land. Elgar. TLB *My love's an arbutus. EFS — FS My love, you do me wrong. See Marzials. My lady Green- sleeves. CPP (My lady Greensleeves. NEBl) *My luve's like a red, red rose. Garrett. TLB My mother minds me not. See Franz. Forlorn. TLB *My mother said. JB *My mother sent me unto you. JB My mother's eyes. Reinecke. FC My mother's memory. Klein. TLB My neighbor. Holden. EL My Normandy. Berat. FS My old friend John. Land. FS My old Kentucky home, good night. Foster. EFS My pansies. Smith. SV My pansies. Thaxter. EL *My Pigeon house. Parker. WS *My pony. Gaynor. LL *My pretty Jane. Bishop. EFS My pretty little ball is round. See Ball song. KC My pretty maid. CBO— LBS My pus.sy. Tufts. CL My shadow. Gaynor. SCI Index to Kindergarten Songs 157 My shadow. Stevenson. SS (Stanford. My shadow. SS) My ship and I. Stevenson. SF — SS For composers sec Stevenson. My ship and I. ♦My ship has been a sailing across the ocean blue. Smeltzer. SZ My six square flat faces are running away. Sec Cube song, no. 2. EL *My soft ball loves to wander. Hubbard. MSG My song. Cole. TC My song I sing at early dawning day. See Hubbard. Farmer. MSG My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky. See Stevenson. Lamplighter. LBS (Bell. Lamplighter. LBS) My trooper. FS (My knight is a rider. RCS) My valentine. Riley. LL ♦Mystery man. Reed. TGS Naegeli. Fast fly the hours. RCS Father and mother's care. SHS How gentle God's commands. TLB Violet. HR— RCS— WS Nailor. Hubbard. MGS Naming the fingers. Froebel. SM Natural history. CBO Nature game. Hurd. PTS Nature's dream. Karganoflf. HMCl Music only Nature's Easter song. Hill. SHS Nature's God is there. Hubbard. MSG (Walker. God is there. MSG) Nature's goodnight. Hill. SHS Nature's novel. Neidlinger. ES2 Near the barnyard's open gate. See Smith. In the barnyard. SL2 ♦Near Woodstock town in Oxfordshire. Marzials. CPP ♦Nearer, my God, to Thee. Hubbard. MSG (Mason. Nearer, my God, to Thee. TLB) Nearer to Heaven we'll be. Hubbard. MSG (Hubbard. There is a brooklet. MSG) Neddy has a pony. See Cole. Neddy's pets. CM Neddy's pets. Cole. CM ♦Needle's eye. HC— NG— OYA— USI Neidlinger. About boats. ES2 Baby's face. ESI Bad pussy. SSS 158 Index to Kindergarten Songs Neidlinger. Beacon of long ago. ES2 Bee. SSS Beginnings. ES2 Blacksmith. ESI Blue-bird. SSS Blow, bugle, blow! TLB Bowl of bread and milk. SSS Bunny. SSS Buried stone. ESI Busy stream. ESI Busy wind. ESI Cable. ESI Carnival. ESI — ■ — Caterpillar. SSS Cat's cradles. SSS Chicken. SSS Comparisons. ES2 Cut finger. SSS Cycle of the year. ESI — — Daisy and the wind. SSS Dance. SSS Day and night. ESI Endless song. TLB Engineer. ES2 Evening star. SSS Fairies. ES2 Falling leaves. SSS First flying lesson. SSS Footprints. SSS Glacier. ESI Guess. SSS — — Horse. ES2 Humble bee. TLB Jack Frost. SSS Journey of the logs. ESI Kettle. SSS Kitten and the bow-wow. SSS Letters. ES2 Little birdie. SSS Little drop of water. ESI Little lamb. SSS Little yellowhead. SSS . Lost rose seed. ESI Man on the dromedary. SSS Miner. ESI Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey. SSS Mr. Frog. SSS Mr. Period and his friends. ES2 Index to Kindergarten Songs 159 Neidlinger. Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. SSS Mr. Squirrel. SSS Mistress Cow. ESI Moon is playing hide and seek. SSS Nature's novel. ES2 Night. ES2 Old families. ES2 Old friends. ES2 — ' — Old gravitation. ES2 Our flag. SSS Painter sun. ESI Palette of painter Sun. ES2 Plowman. ESI Polly. SSS Rainbow. ESI Rainy day. SSS Robin's song. SSS Rocking baby. SSS Rosebush's baby. SSS Same old road. ES2 — • — Sea garden. ES2 Sea song. ES2 See-saw. SSS Shadows. ES2 Sheep. ES2 Signs. ES2 Six little puppies. SSS Small and great. ES2 Snowflakes. SSS Snowman. SSS Soap-babies. SSS Spider. SSS Steamer's message. ESI Story of the horse. ES2 Telegraph. ESI Thermometer. ES2 Three funny old men. SSS Thunder. ESI Tick-tock. SSS (Tiddlely Winks and Tiddlely Wee. SSS Tide. ESI Tin soldiers. SSS Two crows. SSS Voyage. ES2 ^ Whale. SSS When I grow to be a man. SSS ■ Winds. ESI Windy day. SSS 160 Index to Kindergarten Songs Neidlingcr. Wise old owl. SSS Year's color song. ESI Nelham. Windmill. RSC Nell and her bird. Tufts. CL Nest. PS. Nest eggs. Stevenson. SF (Ramsay. Nest eggs. SF) Nevin. Return of the birds. TC New calash. Terhune. CC New moon. Sawyer. WS (Hubbard. Pretty moon. MSG) New Year. Gaynor. SC2 New Year. Gebauer. HS New Year. Seidel. HR New Year greeting. Sherwood. HS New Year is beginning. See Sherwood. New Year greeting. HS New Year is my mother. See April. SL2 *New Year's day is coming. Gaynor. SCI Newman. Lead kindly light. TLB News for gardeners. Knowlton. NS Newsboy. Hailmann. HR Nice little mermaid lived under the sea. See Fairlamb. Little mermaid. StN Nigarepolskan. FDM Night. Neidlinger. ES2 Night and day. Stanley. StN (Warren. Night and day. StN) (Wiggin. Night and day. KG) Night comes over the hills, dear. See Rittmeyer. Night song. TLB Night comes to guard the sleeping earth. See Neidlinger. Night. ES2 Night moth. Gaynor. SC2 Night song. Rittmeyer. TLB Night was near, a day was near. See Smith. Hope carol. TLB Nightfall in Dordrecht. DeKoven. FSC ♦Nightingale, O nightingale. AlabieflF. FS Night's shadows falling, men to rest are calling. See Fleminj?. Integer Vitae. TLB Night's song. Behr. HMCl Music only Nikolina. Foote. StN ♦Nineteen birds. Elliott. MG Nocturne : Go-to-sloep fairies. Sec Forester. HMCl Music only ♦Nodding daisies nod away. Bingham. BM Noel, noel, the Christ is born! Shelly. WS Index to Kindergarten Songs 161 Norman's birtliday now is here. See Gaynor. Birthday greet- ing. SCI Norman's work is finished. Gaynor. SCI Norse lullaby. DeKoven. FSC North-west passage — good night. Stevenson. SF (Ramsay. North-west passage — good night. SF) North wind. Montz. IMS North wind and the robin. BB (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG-SLl) (North wind doth blow. HR) (Tufts. North wind doth blow. CL) *North wind blew one cold, fall night. Hill. SHS North wind came along one day. See Hill. In autumn. HS *North wind doth blow. HR (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG— SLl) (North wind and the robin. BB) (Tufts. North wind. CL) North wind doth blow. See Hill. Migration song. SHS North wind how he blows. See Gaynor. Wind. SCI North winds do blow. Sec Knowlton. Kite time. NS North winds blow o'er drifts of snow. See Walker. Old Year and the New. WS Norton. Game to teach five. NS Out of the window. NS Norwegian dance. HMC2 Music only Nothing but a hand I see. See Hubbard. Cube. MSG Notte e bella. See Guglielmo. Rowing. FS November. Gaynor. LL November. Knowlton. NS November, no. 1. Thalber. GS November, no. 2. Conrade. GS November skies are dreary. See Brewster. Thanksgiving song. BSS Now all ye flow'rs make room. See Allen. Memorial hymn. TLB Now before we work today. See Wiggin. Morning prayer, no. 1. KC (Randegger. Morning prayer. SLl) Now children, stand up. See Wiggin. Flower game. KC Now children, we're beginning. See Berry. Children, we're be- ginning. KC Now come, let us play. Hailmann. HR Now, fishermen, draw in your nets. See Tabram. Fisherman. KC 162 Index to Kindergarten Songs Now go to sleep, my Thumbkin. See Smith. Go to sleep, Thumbkin. SLl— SM Now hide the flowers beneath the snow. See Brown. Hide and seek. EL Now in the dance we'll float around. See Smith. Little danc- ing song. LCD Now it is turning 'round and 'round. See Hubbard. Ball. MSG Now Jenny her walk is taking. See Wiggin. Every day prob- lems. KC Now, join hands and let us all play a little with the ball. See Little game for little folks. WS Now, mj' baby, now. See Dream-baby. FS Now my child would have us baking. See Hubbard. Pat-a- (Froebel. Pat-a-cake. MP) Now mjf little rogue may smell. See Froebel. Song of per- fume. MP Now 'neath the silver moon. See Santa Lucia. EFS — TLB (Sec where the star of eve. FS) *Now, oh, now 1 needs must part! Marzials. CPP Now our happy playtime ring we'll form. See Sheehan. Play- time ring song. OSM ♦Now our morning work is ended. Flubbard. MSG Now our work is ended for another day. Sec Gaynor. Good- bye, no. 1. SCI Now our work is over. See Closing song. KC Now see them here, these friends so dear. See Froebel. Greet- ing. SM *Now take this little ball. Hubbard. MSG Now taste, little playmate. See Jenks. Game for the senses. EL Now the ball comes round to meet us. See Wiggin. Wander- ing game. KC Now the busy morn is over. See Dugan. Parting song. WS Now the clock upon the wall. Sec Reed. Good-bye song. TGS Now the cylinder comes with his faces three. See Cylinder song. EL *Now the day is over. Barnby. .SLl — TLB (Knowlton. Now the day is over. NB) *Now the sun is sinking. Tufts. CL (Wiggin. Slumber song. KC) Now the flowers lift their heads. See Conrade. In the spring- time. GS Now the garden beds are blooming. See Froebel. Little gard- ener. MP (Hubbard. Garden bed. MSG) Index to Kindergarten Songs 163 Now the leaves fall one by one. See Gaynor. Signs of the seasons. LL Now the night is over. See Smith. Morning prayer, no. 5. KC Now the silver moon arising. See Bach. Venetian boatman's song. TLB Now the stars begin to peep. See Osgood. Little maiden and the stars. SM *Now the time has come for play. Smtih. SL2 (Hubbard. Now the time has come for play. MSG) Now we dance Looby, Looby, Looby. See Looby light. BB (Here we come. Looby Loo. JB) (Looby Loo. BG— HC— NEBl) (Looby, Looby. LBS) Now welcome to the new born year. Rischart. HR New we'll have a merry play. See Reed. Pebble game. TGS Now we'll throw balls of snow. See Sawyer. Snow balls. EL Now we've had our merry play. See To work. HR Now what shall I send to the earth today? See Smith. Sun- beams. SL2 Now, who should know when pansies grow? See Stanley. Lit- tle Elsie. StN Number game. Czerny. HR Numbering the fingers. Froebel. SM (Adaptation: Finger play, no. 19. PS) Nursery clock. Wenk. RCS Nurse's song. Elliott. MG (Dance a baby diddy. CBO) Nuts in May. BG— JB— LBS— USI (Knots of May. NG) O sanctissima. See Work. FS "O Strasburg". See Country dance, 11. FDM O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum. See Fir and pine. RCS (Fir tree. FS) O Tempora! O Mores! TLB *0, thou holy child. RCS O wie ist es kalt geworden. See Reinecke. Longing for spring. RCS Oak and the streamlet. Henschel. TC *Oats, peas, beans. BG — HC (How oats and beans and barley grow. JB) Obedient. Smith. LCD October. Conrade. GS October. KnowltQn. NS October's woods are bare and brown. See Conrade. October. GS 164 Index to Kindergarten Songs Ochiulcr. Reaper's dance. HMC2 Music only O'er the white foam of the wild singing sea. Sec Gilchrist. Dol- phin lullaby. TLB Of all the days of gladness. Sec Hill. Happiest day. HS Of all the girls that are so smart. See Alarzials. Sally in our alley. CPP Of all the myriad moods of mind. See Cole. Longing. TLB Of many giants in the world. See Ncidlinger. Old gravitation. ES2 Of priests we can offer a charming variety. See Father O'Flynn. FS Of speckled eggs the birdie sings. See Stevenson. Singing. CGV— CM— SS For composers see Stevenson. Singing. Off! and with a merry song. See Marching, no. 26. PS Ogden. Christmas carol. KC Oh, a little frog in a pond am L See Gaynor. Frog and horse. SCI Oh all you little blackey tops. See Scarecrow. BB Oh, arch of glory curving there on high. See Gaynor. Rain- bow. SCI Oh big round world. See Gaynor. Oh, wide, wide world. SCI Oh, birdie dear! See Froebel. Lightbird. MP (Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG) (Adaptation: Smith. Lightbird. SLl) Oh, birdie gleaming on the wall. See Smith. Lightbird. SM Oh, birdie. Oh birdie. See Smith. Light bird. SLl (Adapted from Froebel. Light bird on the wall. MP) (Adapted from Hubbard. Oh, birdie dear. MSG) Oh, blithe and merrily sang the shark. See Chadwick. Song of the shark. StN Oh, bring the fife and bring the drum. See Gaynor. Salute to the flag. SC2 Oh, builders we would like to be. See Wiggin. Building song. KC Oh, busy squirrel with shining eyes. See Gaynor. Harvest of the squirrel and honey-bee. SCI Oh, butterfly, stay, please don't fly away. See Butterfly. PS Oh, call the pigeons, baby dear. See Reinecke. Beckoning the pigeons. SM *Oh, can ye sew cushions? FS *Oh, captain! my captain! Kelly. TLB *Oh, Charlie is my darling. FS Oh, child of my heart so fair and so dear. See Froebel. Mother in unity with her child. MP Oh, clap, clap the hands. See Roeske. Santa Claus. PFP Index to Kindergarten Songs 165 *Oh, Columbia, the gem of the ocean. Shaw. GS *Oh come, all ye faithful. Reading. TLB Oh, come and join our circle. Sec Smith. Come and jom our circle. SL2 Oh, come, come, my pretty man. Sec Come, come, my pretty man. JB Oh come, dear little children. See Himmel. Thanksgivmg song. SHS Oh come, let us worship. Haydn. TLB Oh! come now, our vessel is ready. See Weber. On the sea. HR Oh come to the woods and let us play. See Hubbard. Froebel s birthday. MSG Oh dear, here I sit and sit. See Terhune. Tithing-man. CC Oh dear oh! the cat is in the snow. See Cat in the snow. LBS Oh dear sixpence, I've got sixpence. Sec Jolly tester. BB (Elliott. Jolly tester. MG) *Oh! dear, what can the matter be? FS — OYA Oh, do you know the Land of Nod? See Gaynor. Land of Nod. SCI Oh, do you know the muffin man? See Muflm man. BG — HC— JB— USI Oh fairest maiden, when I behold thee. See Love's parting. EPS Oh forest fir! Oh forest fir. See Fir tree. FS (Fir and the pine. RCS) Oh! gay pretty valentines gladly we send. See Hill. Valentines HS Oh God! beneath Thy guiding hand. See Hatton. God be with us. TLB Oh, happy birds among the boughs. See Brown. Reason why. WS Oh, have you seen the mufTin man? See Muffin man. BG — HC — JB— USI Oh, have you seen the shak? See Hunting. BG — USI (A-hunting we will go. JB) Oh, have you seen the swimming school? See Gaynor. Frog- gies' swimming school. SCI Oh! here are the little leaves that grow. 5^^ Sherwood. Leaves, flowers and fruits. HS Oh! here is Miss Pussy. Sec Tufts. My Pussy. CL Oh, here is my trooper, my trooper so fine. See My trooper. FS (My knight is a rider. RCS) Oh, here is one in a purple hat. See Thaxter. My pansies. EL Oh! here we are the same old friends. See Hubbard. Scissors grinders. MSG Oh, here's another song. See Neidlinger. Sea song. ESI 166 Index to Kindergarten Songs Oh, here with her wonderful, wonderful bag. See Reed. Won- derful bag. TGS Oh, his pretty head is brilliant red. See Gaynor. Woodpecker. SC2 *0h, how great is our pleasure. HR Oh! how he runs. See Gaynor. Ferret. LL Oh, how hot! no cooling breeze. See Thunderstorm. HR Oh, hurry quick, the ice is thick. Sec Gaynor. Skating. SC2 *Oh hush thee, my baby. Macirone. FS Oh, I am a cooper, no care can I know. See Walker. Cooper. WS (Hubbard. Cooper. MSG) Oh, I arh the little New Year, oh, oh! See Jenks. Little New Year. WS Oh I know a little fellow. See Meissner. In Japan. ASC Oh, I'm a jolly car driver. See Wiggin. Car driver. KC Oh! I'm a scissors grinder. See Knowlton. Scissors grinder. NS Oh, I'm lonesome since I crossed the hill. See Marzials. Girl I've left behind me. CPP Oh, I say, br'er rabbit. See Br'er rabbit. OYA Oh I wish the winter would go. See Allen. Winter and sum- mer. StN Oh! in our still and mournful meadow. See Orpheus. TLB Oh, it's I that am the captain. See Stevenson. My ship and I. SF— SS For composers see Stevenson. My ship and I. Oh it was in the noon of night. See Dugan. Babe Jesus. EL Oh, Jack Frost is a merry little elf. See Gaynor. Jack Frost SCI Oh Lady bird, Lady bird, fly away home. Sec Lady bird. LBS Oh, lady bird, lady bird, fly awav home. See Brown. Lady bird. EL Oh, lark, sweet lark. See House. Lark. TC Oh, lassie and I, and lassie and I. See Lassie and I. KK *Oh, list, fairest maiden, will you tread a dance with me? KK Oh, list to the song of the wooden shoon. See Meissner. In Germany. ASC Oh, listen, mother dearest! See Schwartz. Mother's birthday. BSS Oh, listen, the sun is calling. See Gaynor. Growing. GS Oh, little birds ! oh, pretty birds. See Gaynor. Farewell to the birds. SCI Oh! Little Bo-peep. See Smeltzer. Little Bo-peep. SZ Oh, little child. Smith. FSC Oh, little flowers, you love me so. See Tufts. Little girl's fanc- ies. CL Index to Kindergarten Songs 167 Oh, little frosty snow-flakes. See Smith. To a snow-flake. LCD Oh! little loveliest lady mine. See Damrosch. Valentine. StN (Fairlamb. Valentine. StN) Oh! little Miss Careful. See Smith. Careful. LCD *"Oh, little town of Bethlehem." Martin. MSL *0h, look at the moon. Gilchrist. SM Oh! lovely ball of golden light! See Hill. Sunrise. HS Oh! lovely ball of golden light! We sing to you a sweet good night. See Hill. Sunset. HS Oh lovely bright star, you shine from afar. See Reinecke. Evening star. FC Oh, lovely little violet. See Schults. Violet. FC— KC— MSL— RCS— SLl— WS For composers see Schults. Violet. Oh Mary dear, come here, come here. See Reed. Surprise. TGS "Oh Mary, go and call the cattle home." See Sands of Dee. TLB Oh, Mary, look around you. See Wiggin. Seeing game. KC Oh Miss, I'll give you a paper of pins. See I'll give to you a paper of pins. NG *0h mistress mine, where are you roving? Marzials. CPP Oh, Monday's Dolly's washing day. See Gaynor. Little house- wife. SCI *0h moon! in the night. Brewster. BSS Oh, moth of the night. See Gaynor. Night moth. SC2 *0h mother dear, Jerusalem. See Ward. Jerusalem above. TLB Oh, mother, how pretty the moon looks tonight. See Sawyer. New moon. WS (Hubbard. Pretty moon. MSG) Oh, mother my love, if you'll give me your hand. See Gilchrist. Child and mother. FSC Oh, my little sixpence. See Elliott. Jolly tester. MG (Jolly tester. BB) *Oh, my luve's like a red red rose. Garrett. TLB Oh oh, let the breezes, the breezes blow. See Gaynor. Kite. LL Oh! Paddy dear, and did you hear the news that's going round? See Wearing of the green. EFS *0h Paradise! Oh Paradise. Barnby. TLB (Hubbard. Paradise. MSG) Oh, pilgrim from the Indies! Weidig. TC Oh Pillykin Willykin Winkie Wee! See Bartlett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN (Burdett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Mosenthal. Punkydoode and Jollapin. StN) (Stanley. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) Oh! poor chickabiddy, where's she gone? See Brahms. Lost chicken FS Oh, pretty bird, O shining bird. See Kohl. Light bird. SM 168 Index to Kindergarten Songs Oh, prctt}' bird of colored light. -S'r^ Gaynor. Light bird. SCI Oh, pretty white clouds, now what have you done? See Reed Cloudy day. TGS *Oh rest in the Lord. Mendelssohn. TLB Oh, ring, glad bells. Herron. WS Oh, ring, ring, ring, ring, merry bells. See Hitte. Merry Christ- mas bells. DM Oh, Sally Waters. See Sally Waters. JB Oh, say, busy bee, whither now are you going? See Busy workers. HR (Bees. MSG) Oh, say, can you see? See Key. Star-spangled banner. EFS — FS— GS— MSG Oh, say have you heard of the sing-away bird? See Millard. Singaway bird. StN Oh, say Mister Cube, what now are you hiding? See Cube song no. 1. EL Oh, see my pigeon-house, so high! See Kohl. Pigeon-house SM Oh, see the carpenter. See Froebel. Carpenter. MP (Hubbard. Oh, see the carpenter. MSG) Oh, see the gate! it opens wide. See Froebel. Farmyard SM Oh, see the light. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Little window. MP) (Wiggin. Window. KC) Oh, see the little window bright. See Froebel. Little window. MP (Wiggin. Window. KC) (Hubbard. Oh! see the light. MSG) *0h, see the snow, the falling snow. Hailmann. HR (Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG) (Walker. Snow. WS) Oh, see the snow is falling now. See Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG (Hailmann. Oh! see the snow. HR) (Walker. Snow. WS) Oh, see the window I have here. See Beethoven. Little window. HR Oh, see the shining skating pond. Sec Koehler. Skating. HR Oh, shall I sing you a song that tells you how? See Sowing song. KK Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you. See Shenandoah. NEB2 *Oh sing with the cheery voices. Smith. SL2 Oh, sun-beams that dance on the summer sea. See Rust. Summer shower. EL Oh, swan of slenderness. See Little red lark. EFS — FS Oh take, thou lovely child of spring. See Grieg. First primrose. FS Index to Kindergarten Songs 169 Oh tell me, little children. See Foote. Nikolina. StN *Oh! tell me the tone that the cricket sings. Schwartz. BSS Oh, the Eskimo has a house of snow. See Meissner In Greenland. ACS Oh, the fox thro' the forest ! See If I may. KK Oh ! the gay and gladsome spring. See Gaynor. Who would not be glad? LL *0h the lovely, lovely May. WS Oh, the merry lay of June. Knowlton. NS Oh, the morning-glory bells. See Gaynor. Morning-glory bells. SC2 Oh, the North wind how he blows. See Gaynor. Wind. SCI Oh, the tree loves me. See Gaynor. Tree's friends. SCI Oh the wide, wide world. Gaynor. SCI Oh, there he comes ! I hear his horn. See Bingham. Balloon man. BM O'h, this is the little chicken coop. See Gaynor. Some lullabies. SC2 Oh ! Tooriletoo was a bonnie cock robin. See Tooriletoo. RCS Oh, violet, darling violet. See Schults. Violet. FC — KC — MSL — RCS— SLl— WS For composers see Schults. Violet. Oh ! we are little waiters. See Wiggin. Little waiters. KC Oh, we are the shears big and strong. See Gaynor. Song of the shears. SCI Oh, we wear brown velvet jackets. See Gaynor. Cat-tails. SC2 *0h, wert thou in the cauld blast. Mendelssohn. TLB Oh what a plague is love. See Marzials. Phillida flouts me. CPP Oh, what a pretty black-bird. See Black-bird song. BSS Oh, what do birdies dream of? See Hubbard. What do birdies dream? MSG Oh, what do you ever suppose. Mama? See Meissner. Smelling. ASC Oh what do you think came down last night? See Dayre. Snow. EL Oh, what fun it is to be just a tiny girl. See Terhune. Sedan chair. CC Oh, what fun, what jolly fun. See Gaynor. Coasting. SC2 "Oh, what have you got for dinner, Mrs. Bond?" See Mrs. Bond. CBO Oh, what is this? See Froebel. Barnyard gate. MP (Hubbard. Barnyard gate. MSG) Oh ! viHhen do birds with weary wing. See Smith. Friendly dark. LCD Oh ! when I was a farmer. Sec Gaynor. 'Twas this way and that way. LL For variants see When I was a lady. Oh! where are the merry, merry little men? See Roeske. Mer.y little men. PFP 170 Index to Kindergarten Songs Oh, where are you going Billy Boy? See Billy Boy. OYA Oh, where do you come from? See Tufts. Little raindrops. CL Oh, where is Little Boy Blue? WS (Corn well. Little Boy Blue. EL) Oh where is Marguerite? See Marguerite. JB Oh where is my little dog gone? OYA Oh, where, oh, where is little Boy Blue? See Cornwell. Little Boy Blue. EL (Dugan. Little Boy Blue. WS) Oh where, O where's my little dog gone? See O where is my little dog gone? OYA Oh, where, tell me where is your Highland laddie gone? See Blue Bells of Scotland. FS Oh, who is so merry, so merry, heigh-ho. See Reinecke. Fairy. FC Oh! who's the friendly little chap? See Smith. Polite. LCD Oh, who will buy my toys? See Toyman. HS Oh, who will o'er the downs so free. Pearsall. FS Oh, who will take a walk with me? See Hill. Toyman's shop. HS Oh, who wouldn't be a bounding ball. See Gaynor. Ball. SC2 Oh! who wouldn't be a soldier when the band begins to play? See Gaynor. When the regiment goes marching by. LL Oh! whom shall I choose for the beautiful band? See Gaynor. Game of the golden band. LL Oh, why does the charcoal-burner stay up in the woods? See Bul- lard. Charcoal-burner. SM Oh, willow, willow. Marzials. CPP Oh, wonderful shell. See Meissner. Hearing. ASC Oh, won't you take me to your party? See Party. USI Oh, worship the King all glorious above. See Haydn. O come let us worship. TLB *0h, wouldn't you like to go? Frazer. BSS Oh, you buttercups, yellow. See Gaynor. Buttercups. SC2 Oh, you pussy willow. See Sawyer. Pussy willow. WS Old black crow flew o'er the corn. Sec Gaynor. Crow. SC2 Old carol. Conrade. GS ♦Old Caspar had six sons so fine. LBS Old coats to mend, old coats to mend. See Hailmann. Tailor. HR ♦Old xjan Tucker. OYA ♦Old Dan Tucker came to town. USI Old English carol. Sawver. EL ♦Old families. Neidlinger. ES2 Old folks at home. Foster. TLB— EFS Old Fred'ric Barbarossa. See Gersbach. Barbarossa. RCS Old friends. Neidlinger. ES2 Old gravitation. Neidlinger. ES2 Old Gaelic lullaby. Tufts. CL (Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. BSS) (Harris. Gaelic cradle song. TLB) Index to Kindergarten Songs 171 Old hundred. France. TLB Old hundred. EFS Old Jack Frost he is here. See Smith. Jack Frost. SL2 *01d King Cole is a jolly old soul. Smeltzer. SZ *01d King Cole was a merry old soul. FS — LBS (King Cole. CBO) Old King Frost comes and locks me up. See Gaul. Song of the brook. TC Old man. KK Old man and his wife. LBS Old man clothed in leather. Elliott. MG (Old man in leather. BB) Old man in leather. BB (Elliott. Old man clothed in leather. MG) Old man of Tobago. Smeltzer. SZ Old mother earth has good children. See Neidlinger. Falling leaves. SSS ♦Old Mother Hubbard. Smeltzer. SZ Old mother Oxford. NEB2 Old oak stood on a streamlet's bank. See Henschel. Oak and the streamlet. TC Old ocean has a son. See Neidlinger. Tide. ESI *01d Roger is dead. JB— NEBl Old Santa Claus puts on his cap. See Santa Claus. EL Old winter is a sturdy one. See Haydn. Winter. H R (Hubbard. Old winter. MSG) Old winter's coat is made of white. See Neidlinger. Year's color song. ESI Old woman of Norwich. BB Old woman tossed up in a basket. BB Old woman who lives in the shoe. Smeltzer. SZ Old Year and New Year. Hill. HS Old Year and the New. Walker. WS Oldberg. Cricket. HMCl Music only Garden mole. HMCl Music only Olle and the bear. KK On a hedge there sat a linnet. See Reinecke. Poor linnet in the hedge. FC *0n a mountain stands a lady. JB On Christmas day, Babe Jesus in a manger lay. See Morton. Christmas picture. HS On Fourth of July. See Kern. Fourth of July. HS On Friday morn as we set sail. See Marzials. Mermaid. CPP On Froebel's birthday. HS On guard. Pleyel. GS 172 Index to Kindergarten Songs On lightsome wing from flow'r to flow'r. Sec St. John. Butterfly. BSS On Monday we wash out our clothes. See Gaynor. Work of the week. GS On my sampler long I work. Sec Terhune. Sampler. CC On my two feet I used to run. See Smith. My pansies. SV On Richmond Hill there lives a lass. See Hook. Lass of Richmond Hill. FS— TLB On silver skates we curve and slide. Sec Meissner. In Holland. ASC On steep Mount Carmel's height we stand. See Crusaders. TLB *0n the bridge of Avignon. JB — RCS (Adaptation: In the spring. FS — HC) (Trans, from Sur le pont d' Avignon, BE) *0n the bridge neath the town. LBS On the gay red sarafan. See Red Sarafan. EFS On the green and swelling moss-bank. See Mozart. Summer joy. HR On the path that leads to school. See Smith. After the rain. SV On the railroad train. Seeboeck. HMCl Music only On the ring we stand. See Hurd. Ball game. PTS On the sea. Weber. HR On the wall there hangs a clock. See Atkinson. Clock. GS On the wind of January. See Knowlton. January. NS *0n this happy feast day. Strong. HS On this memorial morning. See Flotow. Memorial day. GS On tiptoe. Chavagnat. HMC2 Music only On yonder fleeting river. Sec Glueck. Broken ring. EFS Once a boy a rose espied. See Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS — FS— RCS For composers see Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. Once a little baby lay. See Morton. First Christmas. HS — WS (Reinecke. First Christmas. GS) Once a little boy and girl went to school together. See Cole. Going to school. CM ' Once a rat who loved the city. See City rat and the country rat. FS Once I got into a boat. See Smitli. Boat ride. SL2 *Once in my life. Story. StN *Once in my youth a maiden I knew. KK Once more, dear home, I with rapture behold thee. See Wagner. Pilgrims' charm. TLB Once our hennies sought their cock. See Reinecke. Good old clock. FC Once some little apple seeds. See Hill. Story of the apple. SHS Index to Kindergarten Songs 173 Once there lay a little baby. See Sawyer. First Christmas. EL Once there lived a little man where a little river ran. See Little disaster. BB *Once there was a little kitty. Walker. WS Once upon our earth there came. See Smith. Froebel's birth- day song. SL2 Once unto the shepherds. See Gaynor. Christmas carol. SCI Once within a lowly stable. See Hill. Christmas night. SHS One bird has joined another. See Wiebe. Two birds. KC One by one, one by one. See Here we go. HR One by one we march along. See Koehler. Arch. HR (Marching, no. 23. PS) One by one we move along. See Marching, no. 2i. PS (Koehler. Arch. HR) One candle for baby. See Smith. Baby's birthday. LCD One day as Mrs. Squirrel. See Neidlinger. Mrs. Squirrel. SSS One day when I was lonesome. See Bingham. How I learned to sew. BM One finger, one thumb keep moving. See Keep moving. BG One has found another place. See Cole. Scale song, no. 8. CM One has moved again, you see. See Cole. Scale song, no. 6. CM One hundred years ago and more. Schuckburgh. HS One cat in the corner. See Knowlton. Game to teach five. NS One little kitten scrubbing down its nose. See Clarke. Two kittens. StN One little sparrow had learned to fly. See Neidlinger. First flying lesson. SSS One little, two little, three little Indians. HC One little, two little, three little Indians. See Smeltzer. Little Indians. SZ *One man went to mow. JB One merry summer day. See Bacon. Two little roses. EL One misty, moisty morning. See Elliott. Old man clothed in leather. MG (Old man in leather. BB) One morning laughing West wind blew. See Neidlinger. Winds. ESI One night in far Australia. See Neidlinger. Telegraph. ESI One night when the dew had washed the face. See Neidlinger. Daisy and the wind. SSS One piece this way and one piece that. See Bullard. Target. SM. One Robin Red-breast hopped on the ground. See Hurd. Bird song, (Color). EL One thing at a time. Tufts. CL 174 Index to Kindergarten Songs One time in 'Frisco being sick of the shore. See Liverpool girls. NEB2 One, two candles we must take. See Smith. Two year old. LCD One, two, three. Cole. CM One, two, three. Pratt. StN One, two, three! a bonny boat I see. See Pratt. One, two, three. StN One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. See Counting game. KK One, two, three, four, march around. See Smith. Circles. SL2 One, two, three, in a ring are we. See Hubbard. Ding, dong, dell. MSG ♦One, two, three, roll! Hubbard. MSG One, two, three, ticka, tacka, tee. See Reinecke. How it looks in the mill. FC One winter night a star shone bright. See ?Iill. Christmas lullaby. SHS Only see, only see. See Wiggin. Clock game. KC Onward, Christian soldiers. Hubbard. MSG (Sullivan. Onward, Christian soldiers. TLB) Open cups of dazzling white. See Gaynor. Water lilies. SC2 Open the dove cote door. See Smith. Dove cote. SLl Open your eye, little daisy. See Tufts. Daisy birds. CL Open your eyes, my pansies sweet. See Hubbard. Pansies. MSG Opening stanza. Hailmann. HR *"Oranges and lemons" says the bells of St. Clemens. CBO — JB Orchard. Jenks. EL— HS Orchard is a rosy cloud. See Knowlton. May. NS Orioles. FS Orkney lullaby. DeKoven. FSC Ormen lange. KK Orpheus. TLB Osgood. Click, clack. RCS Come, little leaves. RCS— MSG— WS (Autumn leaves. HR) (Hill. Fall leaves. SHS) (Smith. Come little leaves. SL2) Happy spring waltz. TC 'Little dreamer. RCS (Tufts. Little dreamer. CL) Little maiden and the stars. SM Mother's hymn. EL (Bacon. Mother's hymn. EL) (Hailmann. Teachers' hymn. HR) (Teachers' hymn, H. KC) Sing, little children, sing. WS Weather vane. SM Index to Kindergarten Songs 175 Ostgotapolska. FDM Music only Otto and the cow. KK Otto would a-riding go. See Otto and the cow. KK Our anchor's just a shovel. See Faning. Boat song. TC (Weidig. Boat song. TC) *Our balls are going to bye-low-land. Walker. WS Our country is America. See Song for Washington's birthday. HS Our country is calling. See Riego's hymn. FS *Our Father in Heaven. Hubbard. MSG (At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 1. PS) Our Father who is Heaven art. See At the beginning and and at the close of day, no. 1. PS (Hubbard. Our Father in Heaven. MSG) Our fir-tree. Sherwood. HS Our flag. Gaynor. SCI Our flag. Neidlinger. SSS Our flag, our flag above the clouds. See Hadley. Flag. TLB Our gentle patriot poet knew. See Gaynor. Whittier. GS Our heads we give. See Root. Salute. GS Our King went forth to Normandy. See Deo gratias. EFS Our land. Reed. HS— TGS Our little balls move round and round. See Froebel. Wander- ing balls. HR Our oats they are hoed and our barley's reap'd. See Marzials. Harvest home. CPP Our play is o'er, our work is done. See Wiggin. Good-bye song. KC (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR) (Hubbard. Parting song. MSG) (Walker. Our play is o'er. KC) Our play time is now o'er. See At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 5. PS Our playtime now is over. See Going home. HR Our souls are thine, dear Fatherland. See Waller. To America. TLB Our stately ship moves on with ease. See Hailmann. Voyage. HR Our tiny little sister is a maiden sweet as honey. See Reineck. Serenade. FC Our vessel forward calmly sails. See Hubbard. Ship. MSG (Vessel. PS) Our work and play are over. See Parting song. EL Our work is done. Hailmann. HR (Hubbard. Parting song. MSG) (Walker. Our play is o'er. WS) (Wiggin. "^Good-bye song. KC) 176 Index to Kindergarten Songs *Out Out i Out *Out Out in my garden, daisies I see. Sec Hitte. Flower song. DM Out in the farmyard. See Smith. Lordly cock. LCD in the fields. BSS n the fragrant clover fields. See Hill. Bees' market. SHS n the garden hangs the swing. See Gaynor. Swing. SC2 in the meadows. Walker. WS (Conrade. Daisies in the meadow. GS) Out in the meadows so fresh and dewy. See Conrade. Daisies in the meadows. GS (Walker. Out in the meadows. WS) Out in the woods where the nut trees grow. See Winter fore- thought. SHS Out of my window at night. See Neidlinger. Evening star. SSS Out of the window. Knowlton. NS Out on the breeze. See Root. Flag song. SV *Over and back. Walker. WS Over and over the little wheels go. See Winslow. Going to market. HS Over and over the same old road. See Neidlinger. Same old road. ES2 Over blue eyes, gray or brown. See Bullard. Taste — Guessing game. SM *Over field and meadow. USI (Hubbard. Over field and meadow. MSG) *Over hill and dale we're tripping. KK Over in the meadow by the old mossy gate. See Hubbard. Lizzards. MSG *Over in the meadow in the sand, in the sun. Knowlton. NS (Variant. Hubbard. Lizzards. MSG) Over one, under one. See Weaving song. WS Over one, under one. See Gaynor. Weaving. SCI Over the bare hills far away. Brown. WS Over the borders, a sin without pardon. See Stevenson. Keep- sake mill. LBS (Bell. Keepsake mill. LBS) Over the ditch. See Cubes and balls. SC2 Over the hill in the green of the grass. See Gaynor. Queen of the May. LL Over the hills and far away. CBO Over the mountains, and over the waves. See Marzials. Love will find out the way. CPP Over the pond where we used to play. See Reed. Skating game. TGS Over the river and through the wood. See Sleighride. HR (Conrade. Thanksgiving song. GS) (Hubbard. Thanksgiving day. MSG) (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 177 Over the standing corn. See Knowlton, Call of the crows, NS Over the water and over the lea. See Charley over the water. BB Over there the sun gets up. See Sun. SL2 Owen. All through the night. TLB (All through the night. TLB) Owl. Gaynor. SCI Oxdansen. BFD. Oxdansen. FDM Music only Paddy dear, and did you hear? See Wearing of the green. EFS Page. Air du roi Louis XIIL HMC2 Music only Barnyard. HMCl Music only Barnyard people. HMC2 Music only Bolero. HMC2 Music only ^—Highland fling. HMC2 Music only Hornpipe. HMC2 Music only Jig: "Garry Owen." HMC2 Music only Kite. PTS— TGS Sir Roger de Coverly. HMC2 Music only Thing of beauty. TLB Fail. Smith. SL2 Paine. Freedom, our queen. TC (Strong. Freedom, our queen. TC) Painter sun. Neidlinger. ESI Palette of painter Sun. Neidlinger. ES2 Palmer. Childhood's gold. StN Little maid Margery. StN Paloma. See Yradier. Dove. FS Pansies. Conrade. GS Pansies. Hubbard. MSG Papillon. Schumann. HMCl Music only ♦Paradise, O Paradise. Barnby. TLB (Hubbard. Paradise. MSG) Parker. Blacksmith. WS (Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG) 178 Index to Kindergarten Songs Parker. Carpenter. SM Evensong. TC Family. SM My pigeon house. WS Robbers. TLB Rose song. TC Parlow. In the mill. HMCl Music only In the smithy. HMCl Music only Skaters. HMC2 Music only .Valiant rider. HMCl Music only Parry. Rock-a-bye. TC Parting. TLB Parting song. EL Parting song. Dugan. WS Parting song. Hubbard. MSG (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR) (Walker. Our play is o'er. WS) (Wiggin. Good-bye song. KC) Partner right merry. See Reinecke. Partner so merry. SL2 Partner, so merry. Reinecke. SL2 Partner sweet. Hitte. DM Partners. Kuecken. HR (I'd like to have a partner. USI) Party. USI *Pass time with good company I love. Marzials. CPP Pastral. TLB Pat-a-cake. SM Pat-a-cake. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Pat-a-cake. MSG) *Pat-a-cake. Gaynor. LL *Pat-a-cake. pat-a-cake. LBS *Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Brewster. BSS *Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, dear babv. Smith. SLl Patch. Bellringer. TGS Christmas. TGS Cloudy day. TGS First gift exercise. TGS Fishes. TGS ■ Garden bed. TGS Good-bye song. TGS Missing ball. TGS Mystery man. TGS Skating game. TGS ^Sleeping leaves. HS — TGS Index to Kindergarten Songs 179 Patch. Surprise. TGS Two little windows. Wonderful bag. TGS Patter, patter goes the rain. See Neidlinger. Rainy daj'. SSS Patter, patter, here they come. SL2 Patter, patter, let it pour. See Sawyer. April shower. EL Paulsen. First primrose. FS Paxton. Come mirth. RCS Payne. Home, sweet home. EFS — FS Peace of night. Reinecke. FC — FS Persall. Oh, who will o'er the downs so free. FS Pebble game. Reed. TGS Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo light. See Gilchrist. Little window. SM SM Peep of day. Tufts. CL *Peeping at Susie, Susie, Susie. USI Peeping from his curtain'd pavilion. See Pastral. TLB Pendulum. PS Pendulum. WS Pendulum. Kohl. HR Perhaps the biggest garden in the world. See Neidlinger. Sea- garden. ES2 Perrie, merrie, dixi. RCS (Four presents. BB) Perushka. FDM Music only Peter goes out fresh and early. See Smith. Children's supper. SL2 Peter, Peter, quickly go. See Froebel. Mowing grass. SM Peter Piper. Smeltzer. SZ *Peter Polt had a little colt. LBS *Peter White that never goes right. Brown. RCS Petit chasseur. BB (Father Guillori. RCS) Pettibone. Sewing song. SCI Phillida flouts me. Marzials. CPP *Phillis on the new made hay. Marzials. CPP Phippen, Child-land echoes with music. EL Little brown seed. EL *Phoebus, arise! Phoebus, arise, arise! Sternberg. TLB Phoebus, golden sun of morning. See Brewster. Morning. BSS Pianoforte. Froebel. MP Pickanannies' picnic. Loomis. HMC2 Music only Picture books in winter. Stevenson. SF (Stevenson. Pictures in winter. LBS) For composers see Stevenson. Picture books in winter. 180 Index to Kindergarten Songs Pictures ill winter. Stevenson. SF (Stevenson. Picture books in winter. SF) For composers sec Stevenson. Picture books in winter. *Pie sat on a pear tree. LBS Piece of cardboard white. See Gaynor. Recipe for a valentine. SCI Pigeon. Gaynor. SC2 Pigeon house. PS (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP) (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR) (Walker. Pigeon house. WS) Pigeon house. Kohl. SM Pigeon house. Tufts. CL Pigeon song. Walker. WS (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP) (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR) (Pigeon house. PS) Pigeons. HMC2 (Music only) Pigeons. Hubbard. MSG Pigeons are coming, dear love, to meet you. See Froebel. Beckon to the pigeons. MP Pigeon's flight. Saville. HS *Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee. Gaynor. SC2 Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee. See Roeske. Pigs. PFP Pigs. Roeske. PFP Pigtail. Ikillard. TLB Pilgrim from the Indies ! Sec Weidig. Pilgrims. TC Pilgrims. Weidig. TC Pilgrim's chorus. Wagner. TLB Pillvkin, Willykin, Winkie Wee! See Bartlett. Punkydoodle and 'Jollapin. StN (Burdett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Mosenthal. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Stanley. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) Pilot. Gould. TLB Pinky wild rose. Knowlton. NS Pinsuti. Crusaders. TLB Piper. Gilchrist. TLB Piping down the valleys wind. See Gilchrist. Piper. TLB Pirate story. Stevenson. SS (Stanford. Pirate story. SS) *Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, fall the tiny raindrops. Gaynor. SCI Pit! pat! pit! pat! pit! pat! See Mozart. Rain song. SHS Pitter, patter, patter, hear the raindrops fall. See Sheehan. April showers. OSM Pity the bees in the steeple. See Hatton. Good night. StN Index to Kindergarten Songs 181 Plane, plane, plane, joiner follow the grain. See Kohl. Joiner. SM (Variant: Hubbard. Zish, zish. MSG) Plantation dance. HMC2 Music only Planting of the apple tree. Roeske. HS Planting the corn and potatoes. See Hubbard. Busy children. MSG Plants awakening. Vose. EL Play in all seasons. Smith. LCD Play with the limbs. Froebel. SM Play with the limbs. Froebel. MP Playing golf. Loomis. HMC2 Music only Playtime. RCS Playtime ring song. Sheehan. OSM Pleasant light. PS Pleasant weather. Rust. EL Pleyel. On guard. GS Plough boy in luck. CBO Plowman. Neidlinger. ESI Plump little baby clouds. See Elliott. Rainshowers. SL2 (Verdi. Raindrops. GS) Plums in winter. Smith. LCD Plus ne suis ce que jai ete. See Youth has gone. FS Poe. Bells. TLB Poet lived beside the sea. See Atkinson. Longfellow. GS Points of the compass. Knowlton. NS Policeman. Valentine. VBD Polite. Smith. LCD Polka, (Bohemian) HMC2 Music only Polka. Lichner. HMC2 Music only Polkett. I and XL FDM Music only Pollen. Busy housewife. HMCl Music only Morning greeting. HMC2 Music only Rocking horse. HMC2 Music only Pollock. Little birdie in a tree. HR Sailor boy. HR (Hubbard. Swing, cradle, swing. MSG) Polly. Hubbard. MSG Polly. Neidlinger. SSS Polly. Valentine, VBD 182 Index to Kindergarten Songs Polly Flinders. LBS Polly Flinders. Smeltzer. SZ Polly, Polly, have a cracker, do! See Valentine. Polly. VBD *Polly put the kettle on. BE— OYA (Variant: Housekeeping. NG) Polonaise. FDM Music only Polonaise. Merkel. HMCl Music only Pomona. FS *Poor beggar's daughter. Marzials. CPP Poor chickabiddy, where's she gone? See Brahms. Lost chicken. FS ♦Poor dog Bright. Elliott. MG *Poor Ellen. JB (Poor Mary. LBS) Poor linnet in the hedge. Reinecke. FC Poor little thistle so homely and rough. See Cole. Thistle's story. CM *Poor Mary is a-weeping, a-weeping. LBS (Poor Ellen. JB) Poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree. See Marzials. O, willow, willow. CPP Pop-corn. Vose. EL Pop-corn people. Gaynor. SCI Pop goes the weasel. NEBl Music only Pop, goes the weasel. OYA Pope. Rise, crowned with light. TLB Poppies. Gaynor. SC2 Poppy lady. Gaynor. LL Posies and roses. LBS Posies, posies, red and white and blue. See Posies and roses. LBS Postillion. Taubert. RCS Postillion. Schoenfeld. HMCl Music only Postknecht will ich werden. See Taubert. Postillion. RCS Postman. Gaynor. SC2 Postman. Hailmann. HR Postman. Knowlton. NS Postman. Reed. HS Postman. Valentine. VBD Postman. Warner. KC Postman as he travels round upon his way. See Neidlinger. Letters. ES2 Postman trudges down the street. See Reed. Postman. HS Postman with his leather bag. See Shedd. St. Valentine's day. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 183 Poulsson. All for baby. PFP Around the Maypole. HS Autumn song. HS Autumn wind. LCD Baby's birthday. LCD -^—Baby's bread. HS Baby's cotton gown. HS Beckoning the pigeons. SM Bed-time. LCD Birds in autumn. HS Bird's joy. HS Bird's nest. HS Bold snow man. LCD Bossy cow. LCD Bowing game. HS Brave. LCD Bridge. SM Brooklet's song. HS Busy wind. LCD Butterfly dance. LCD Cackling hen. LCD Canary. LCD Careful. LCD Carpenter. SM — ' — Caterpillar. LCD Caterpillar. PFP Caterpillar. SM Chimes. LCD Chirpings. LCD Choosing a flower. LCD Christmas time is coming. LCD Counting lesson. PFP Dandelion cycle. NS Dove talk. LCD Easter morning. HS Echo play. LCD Evening prayer. LCD Falling! falling! SM Falling snow. HS Family. SM Ferns. HS First Christmas. HS — WS First Christmas song. (For older children.) HS Fishes at play. HS Five little mice. PFP Flower garden. LCD Fly, little birds. HS— WS Friendly dark. LCD 184 Index to Kindergarten Songs Poulsson. Froebel's birthday. HS Garden. HS Going to sleep. LCB Good morning, canary. HS Good weather. LCD Grand ladies. LCD Green leafy tree. LCD Greeting. SM — Hen and chickens. PFP How the corn grew. PFP If rosy sunsets never paled. LCD If you were a flower. LCD In the Bethlehem stable. LCD Independence day. HS Ironing song. HS Kite. TGS Lambs. PFP Light bird. HS Lighthouse. LCD Little boy's walk. PFP Little child's gift carol. HS Little dancing song. LCD Little game for little folks. WS Little garden. WS Little gardener. LCD Little plant. PFP Little travelers. HS Lordly cock. LCD Making bread. PFP Making butter. PFP May-basket. LCD Merry little men. PFP Merry wind. LCD Milk for supper. LCD Mill. PFP Minding their mother. LCD Mrs. Pussy's dinner. PFP Moonlight song. EL Morning hymn. LCD Morning sunshine. HS Mowing grass. SM New Year greeting. HS Numbering the fingers. SM Obedient. LCD Old Year and New Year. HS On Froebel's birthday. HS On this happy feast day. HS Orchard. EI^-HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 185 Poulsson. Pigeon's flight. HS Pigs. PFP Play in all seasons. LCD Plums in winter. LCD Polite. LCD Postman. HS Prompt. LCD Rainbow. LCD Raining ! raining I LCD "Riddle-cum-riddle". LCD St. Valentine's day. HS Santa Claus. PFP Saying good-night. LCD See the pretty valentines. HS Sequel to an old story. NS Sewing song. WS Sheep. LCD Shell. LCD Slow little snail. LCD Softly, softly blows the wind. LCD Soldiers true. HS Sparrows. PFP Sprinkling the clothes. HS Squirrel. PFP Sunshine far and near. LCD Thanks for food. LCD Thanksgiving for harvest. HS Three years old. LCD Tick-tack. SM To a snow-flake. LCD To the sky and back. LCD Toyman's shop. HS Train. LCD Transformation game. SM Treasures. LCD Two years old. LCD Useful. LCD Valentine's message. HS Washing day. EL Washing day. HS Waves. LCD Weathervane. LCD Weathervane. SM Welcome to spring. LCD When you send a valentine. HS While stars of Christmas shine. HS Whirabout. LCD 186 Index to Kindergarten Songs Praise God from whom all blessings flow. See Franc. Old hun- dred. TLB Praise not to me the new born rose. See Charming Marguerite. EFS Praise the Lord with thankful spirits. See Martin. Thou crownest the year with thy goodness. MSL Praise the Lord ! ye heavens, adore Him. See Haydn. Austrian hymn. TLB Pratt. At the window. StN August. NS Feeding the chickens. NS God loves his little children. NS Little friends. NS May. NS News for gardeners. NS North and South. NS October. NS One, two, three. StN Pinky wild rose. NS Points of the compass. NS Postman. NS Sleep, sleep, the south wind blows. StN Pray tell me where you came from. See Smith. Brook. SL2 Pray, where are the little blue-bells gone? See Conrade. Fairies. GS Prayer. Funkhouser. FSK Prayer. Gaynor. LL Prayer. Himmel. TLB Prayer. Randegger. KG (Randegger. Song of thanks. EL) ♦Prayers of love. Gilchrist. TLB Prelude. Chopin. HMCl Music only Presentation song. Hill. SHS Preston. Let us chase the squirrel. HS Pretty bird, O shining bird. See Kohl. Lightbird. SM Pretty bird of colored light. See Gaynor. Light bird. SCI Pretty bird with plumage gay. See Hubbard. Polly. MSG *Pretty birdlings, blithe and gay. RCS Pretty cow. Cole. CM (Seidell. Thank you, pretty cow. HR) (Smith. Thank you, pretty cow. SLl) (Tufts. Thank you, pretty cow. CL) Pretty flow'rs were sleeping. See Rich. Easter song. HS Pretty game. Brown. EL Pretty garden-gate, we pray you open wide and let us go. See Gilchrist. Garden-gate. SM Pretty little blue-bird. See Neidlinger. Blue-bird. SSS Index to Kindergarten Songs 187 Pretty little blue eyed dolly. See Hitte. Dolly song. DM Pretty little goldi-locks shining in the sun. See Knowlton. Dandelion cycle. NS Pretty little Johnnie, Polly, come with me. See Reinecke. How Johnnie and Polly shake the apples. FC Pretty little Madelene. See Roeckel. Madelene. TLB Pretty little violets. See Brown. May. WS Pretty maiden, sweet and gay. See Carrousel. BFD Pretty moon. Hubbard. MSG (Sawyer. New moon. WS) Pretty Poll Parrott. Bingham. BM *Pretty Polly Pansy. Conrade. GS Pretty robin, do not go. See Tufts. Robin. CL Pretty skylark, winging, singing skylark. See Lark. EPS *Pretty swallow, fly away. Bingham. BM Pretty white snow flakes. See Smith. Snow flakes. SL2 Princes royal. NEBl Prism game. Gaynor. SC2 Prompt. Smith. LCD Proposal. NEBl Psalter. These see His wonder in the deep. TLB Pumpkin head, pumpkin head there in the dark. See Gaynor. Jack O'Lantern. LL Punkydoodle and Jollapin. Bartlett. StN (Burdett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Mosenthal. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) (Stanley. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN) Purcell. Hunting the hare. RCS Knowledge and wisdom. RCS Purer yet and purer I would be in mind. See Lyndhurst. TLB Puss at court. CBO (Elliott. Pussy cat, pussy cat. MG) Pussy. Gaynor. SC2 Pussy by the fire. See Neidlinger. Bad pussy. SSS Pussy cat. _BB Pussy cat high, pussy cat low. See Pussy cat. BB *Pussy cat mew jumped over a coal. LBS *Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? Elliott. MG (Puss at court. CBO) Pussy cat, where have you been today? See Lazy cat. HR (Elliott. Lazy cat. MG) Pussy has a cozy home. See Gaynor. Pussy. SC2 Pussy on the roof. PS Pussy, where have you been today? See Elliott. Lazy cat. MG (Lazy cat. HR) Pussy white so slyly comes. See Hubbard. Cat and the mouse. Pussy willow. Gaynor. SV 188 Index to Kindergarten Songs Pussy willow. Knowlton. NS Pussy willow. Riley. LL Pussy willow. St. John. BSS Pussy willow. Sawyer. WS Put on your bonnet and take your doll. See Knowlton. Af- ternoon tea. NS Put the clothes into the tub. See Smith. Washing day. SL2 Put the pretty pink shell to your pretty pink ear. See Smith. Shell. LCD Put your feet upon the line. See Gaynor. Call to the circle. SCI Put your hand in mine and let us form our ring. See Sheehan. Ring song. OSM Putting the fingers to sleep. Hailmann. HR Quack! said the duckling. See Gaynor. Duckling. LL Quadrille (Swedish) FDM Quaker courtship. NG *Queen Mary, Queen Mary. JB *Queen o' May held court one day. Warren. StN (Stanley. Queen o ' May. StN) Queen of the May. Gaynor. LL Queer pussies. Gebauer. HS Quercy. Carol of the birds. TLB Quickly from our bed we rise. See Marching, no. 24. PS Quiet little sunbeam comes through the window clear. See Stetson. Lightbird. HS Quiet Sabbath morn is here. See Gaynor. Church. SCI Rabbi Ben Ezra. Hadley. TLB Rabbit. Froebel. MP Rabbit. Gurlett. HMCl Music only Race. Koehler. HR Ragman. Taynor. SC2 Railway. Wiseneder. HR Rain. Hitte. DM Rain. St. John. BSS Rain. Stevenson. CGV (Fisher. Rain. CGV) Rain clouds. Hill. SHS Rain coach. Smith. SL2 Rain fairies. Reinecke. HMCl Music only Rain is falling. See Gaynor. November. LL Rain is raining all around. See Stevenson. Rain. CGV (Fisher. Rain. CGV) Rain on the roof. Hill. SHS Index to Kindergarten Songs 189 Gregory. EL CL *Rain, rain, here again. Tufts. CL Rain shower. Elliott. SL2 Rain song. Froelich. KC (Reinecke. Rain song. FC) Rain song. Mozart. SHS Rain song. Smith. SLl (Allen. Song of the rain. WS) Rainbow. Atkinson. GS Rainbow. Gaynor. SCI Rainbow. Neidlinger. ESI Rainbow. Smith. LCD ♦Rainbow children have come to town Rainbow song. Walker. WS Raindrop is a little thing. See Tufts. Trifles. Raindrops. Earned. HS Raindrops. Mendelssohn. HMCl Music only Raindrops. Verdi. GS (Elliott. Rainshowers. SL2) Raining. HR ♦Raining! raining! sang the sparrow. Smith. LCD Rainshowers. Elliott. SL2 (Verdi. Raindrops. GS) Rainy day. Neidlinger. SSS Rainy day good morning. Hill. SHS Ramsay. Armies in the fire. SF ^Autumn fire. SF (Wells. Autumn fires. EL) Bed in summer. SF For other composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer Good and bad children. SF Hayloft. SF (Bell. Hayloft. LBS) In port. SF My kingdom. SF My ship and I. SF (Stanford. My ship and I. SS) Nest eggs. SF Northwest passage — ^good-night. SF Picture books in winter. SF (Bell. Pictures in winter. LBS) Shadow march. SF Swing. SF For other composers see Stevenson Where go the boats? SF For other composers see Stevenson Wind. SF For other composers see Stevenson. Wind. Swing. Where go the boats? 190 Index to Kindergarten Songs Ramsay. Windy nights. SF For other composers see Stevenson. Windy nights. Randegger. At night. TC Morning prayer. SLl Prayer. KC (Randegger. Song of thanks. EL) Song of thanks. EL (Randegger. Prayer. KC) Ranged in rows. Wiebe. KC Ranged in two long facing rows. See Wiebe. Ranged in rows. KC Rataplan. Reinecke. FC — HR (Reinecke. Marching song (Rataplan.) KC) Rap, rap, rap, rap, how the shingles snap. See Hubbard. Nail- er. MSG Reach out your hands. See Wiggin. Ball song, no. 1. KC Reading. Dulce domum. TLB Oh, come, all ye faithful. TLB Reap the flax. BED Reapers. Gayrhos. HMCl Music only Reapers. Kies. MSL Reaper's dance. Oehmler. HMC2 . Music only Reaping the flax. KK Reason why. Brown. WS Recipe for a valentine. Gaynor. SCI Recessional. Huss. TLB Red and speckled lady bug. See Gaynor. Lady bug. SC2 Red and white. Terhune. CC Red Sarafan. EES *Red, white and blue. Atkinson. GS Reed. Bell-ringer. TGS Christmas. HS — TGS Cloudy day. TGS First gift exercises. TGS Fishes. TGS Froebel's birthday. HS Garden bed. TGS Good morning song. TGS Good-bye song. TGS Kite. TGS (Variant: Hurd. Kite. PTS) (Adapted from Eroebel. Lengthwise, crosswise. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Target. MGS) Lullaby. TGS Mill. TGS (Reinecke. Mill-wheel. SM) Index to Kindergarten Songs 191 Reed. Missing ball. TGS Morning thanksgiving. HS Mystery man. TGS Our land. HS— TGS Pebble game. TGS Postman. HS Skating game. TGS Sleepy leaves. HS — TGS Surprise. TGS Table exercise for attention. TGS Two little window^s. TGS Wonderful bag. TGS Reel (Danish). FDM Music only Reel (Finnish). FDM Music only Regiment. Gaynor. LL Regimental march. FS Reichardt. Heather rose. RCS For other composers see Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein Reinecke. Another birthday song. FC Barcarole. FC (Duck dance. BG) (Fairy ship. BB) (Reinecke. I saw a ship a sailing. HR) (Ship a-sailing. EL) Barley brownie. FC Beckoning the pigeons. SM Birds and angels. FC Birds of passage. FC Birdie's burial. FC Birthday song. SLl (Reinecke. Mother's birthday song, No. 1. FC) Birthday song. SL2 Blue-bell and the flowers. FC Boy and the wren. RCS (Reinecke. George's song. FC) Broom and the rod. FC Carriage to ride in. FC Child and the cuckoo. FC Christmas at the door. FC — HR — SLl Christmas hymn. FC Christmas song. FC Daisy. SLl Dancing song. FC (Froelich. Dancing song. HR) Doll's cradle song. FC 192 Index to Kindergarten Songs Reinecke. Dragonfly in the sunshine. HMCl Music only Dream. HMCl Music only Evening prayer. FC — HR — SLl Evening star. FC Evening star. RCS Fairy. FC Farmer. SL2 Field daisy. FC Finger piano. SM First Christmas. GS (Morton. First Christmas. HS — WS) Five in a row. SL2 — SM Flower song. SM Forget-me-not. FC — SLl (Jacob. Forget-me-not. WS) Forming the ring. WS George's song. FC (Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS) God the Father in Heaven. FC Good King Arthur. FC (Gaynor. King Arthur. LL) (King Arthur. CBO) (jood old cock. FC Guessing the singer. SM Hark, hark, like the lark. SLl Hiding game. SM How it looks in the mill. FC How Johnnie and Polly shake the apples. FC Hurdy gurdy. HMCl Music only 1 saw a ship a sailing. HR (Duck dance. BG) (Fairy ship. BB) (Reinecke. Barcarole. FC) (Ship a-sailing. EL) In the mill. HMCl Music only Little gardener. SM Longing for spring. RCS Mamma and the baby. FC Marching song. KC Marching song. (Rataplan.) (Reinecke. Rataplan. FC— HR) Marionetts. HMCl Music only Mill. FC (Adaptation, in SLl) Index to Kindergarten Songs 193 Reinecke. Millwheel. SM (Reed. Mill. TGS) Morning hymn. KC Morning prayer. FC — SLl Morning prayer. SL2 Mother love. RCS Mother's birthday. FC (Reinecke. Birthday song. SLl) My mother's eye. FC Partner, so merry. SL2 Peace of night. FC — FS Poor linnet in the hedge. FC Rain song. FC Rataplan. FC— HR (Reinecke. Marching song. (Rataplan.) KC) Santa Claus. SL2 Schnick schnack. RCS Serenade. FC Sicillian. HMC2 Music only Sir Spring's concert. FC Sleighing song. SL2 Snow-flakes. HR Snow-white. FC Spin, lassie, spin. SL2 (Reinecke. Spinning song. FC— RCS) Spinning song. FC — RCS (Reinecke. Spin, lassie, spin. SL2) Stork, stork, stander. FC (Reinecke. Stork, stork, Stanley. RCS) Sunshine. HR Tick tack. SM To the evening star. FC To the humblebee. FC To the nightingale. FC Toyman of Nuremberg. FC Up yonder on the mountain. FC Violet. FC— RCS-SLl-WS (Kies. Violet. MSL) (Schults. Violet. FC-KC-MSL-RCS-SLl— WS) (Violet. KC) Visit. SM Weaving song. HR When mother was ill. FC When the little children sleep. FC— KC Who has the whitest lambkins? FC— KC (Moon and the stars. PS) (White lambkins. HR) 194 Index to Kindergarten Songs Reinhold. Boat song. HMCl Music only Brownies. HMC2 Music only Fairy steps. HMC2 Music only Gnomes. HMCl Music only ^ March of Fingall's men. HMC2 Music only War song. HMC2 Music only Reissmann. Waking flowers. RCS Remember the glories of Brien, the brave. See Brien, the brave. TLB Remembrance. Saleza. FS Resch. "Secret love." KM *Rest in the Lord. Mendelssohn. TLB Rest song. Kies. MSL Rest thee now. Schubert. RCS (Schubert. Softly sleep thou. FS) Rest thee, rest thee. See Schubert. Rest thee now. RCS (Schubert. Softly sleep thou. FS) Retour. See Marie Antoinette. Return. FS Return. Marie Antoinette. FS Return ball. Loomis. HMC2 Music only Return of the birds. Nevin. TC Rheinlaender. FDM Music only Rhythm game. Gaynor. SCI Rhythmic measure, gives us pleasure. See Equal measure. HR Variant: Marching song, no. 25. PS) Rich. Easter song. HS Richards. At Easter time WS Baby bo. StN Church. SM December. NS Happy brothers and sisters. SM Hymn for a child. NS Little gardener. SM Little John Bottlejohn. StN Naming the fingers. SM Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN Shadow rabbit. SM Song of the shark. StN Valentine. StN Richter. May dancing song. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 195 *Riddle— cum-riddle. Smith. LCD *Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross. Elliott. MG (Banbury Cross. OYA) Rider. Berry KC Rider on the rockinghorse. Loeschhorn. HMCl Music only Riders five on steeds so gay. See Smith. Five riders and good child. SLl Riding on the rail. Ingraham. StN (Bartlett. Riding on the rail. StN) Rieff. Christmas song. KC Christmas tree march. KC Riego's hymn. FS ♦Right, left, together. Fischer. HR Rigs o'marlow. NEBl Riley. Grasshopper green. LL Mad tea party. LL My valentine. LL Pussy willow. LL Ring. Boating song. SCI Ring. Elliott. SL2 *Ring a ring of roses, a pocket full of posies. JB — LBS (Variant: Ring around the rosie. NG) *Ring around a rosy sweet. USI Ring around the posy bed. Smith. SLl Ring around the rosie. NG (Ring a ring of roses. JB — LBS) Ring, glad bells. Herron. WS Ring, kling, ling, ling. Sec Reinecke. Christmas at the door. HR Ring made of seven pretty girls. See Seven pretty girls. KK *Ring, merry Christmas bells. Jenks. EL *Ring out, wild bells. TLB Ring, ring, ring, ring, merry bells. Sec Hitte. Merry Christmas bells. DM Ring! ring! ye bells of Christmas. Funkhouser. FSK Ring, ring, ye merry bells. See Rust. Froebel's birthday song. EL Ring song. Hurd. PTS Ring song. Sheehan. OSM Ring song, no. 1. Weber. KC Ring song, no. 2. KC Ring song, no. 2)-6. Wiggin. KC Ring song, no. 7. Smith. KC Ringel Tanz. BB Ripe apples. Cole. CM Ripened leaves. Knowlton. NS 196 Index to Kindergarten Songs *Rippling, purling little river. RCS (Gilchrist. Rippling, purling little river. SM) (Mozart. Rippling, purling. HR) Rippling, sparkling in the sun. See Reinecke. Finger piano. SM Rischart. Now welcome to the new-born year. HR *Risc crowned with light. LvofF. TLB Rittmeyer. Night song. TLB ♦River, river, tell me pray. Gaynor. SCI Robbers. Parker. TLB Robert of Lincoln. Conrade. GS Robin. Tufts. CL Robin Adair. EFS Robin Redbreast. BSS Robin Redbreast. Bacon. EL Robin Redbreast. Gaynor. SCI Robin Redbreast. Kuecken. HR Robin, robin redbreast, hopping in the snow. See Gaynor. Robin Redbreast. SCI Robin, robin redbreast, how your voice does ring. See Robin Redbreast. BSS *Robin, robin redbreast, swinging on the bough. Mather. WS Robins and pussy willow. Brewster. BSS Robins in the tree top. See Warren. Marjorie's almanac. StN Robin's nest. Funkhouser. FSK Robin's song. Neidlinger. SSS Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top. See Cole. Rock-a-bye baby. CM (Bingham. Rock-a-bye baby.) (Hubbard. Rock-a-bye baby. MSG) (Rock-a-bye baby. HR) (Smith. Rock-a-bye baby. SL2) Rock-a-bye baby, see the leaves grow. See Atkinson. Cradle song. SV *Rock-a-bye baby, the moon is a cradle. Parry. TC (Seeboeck. Rock-a-bye baby. TC) (Wills. Rock-a-bye baby. EL) Rock-a-bye baby up in the tree top. See Knowlton. In the tree top. NS (Clarke. In the tree top. StN) Rock-a-bye baby, upon the tree top, when the bow bends. See Rock-a-bye, baby, on the tree top. *Rock-a-bye lady from the Hush-a-bye Street. Gilchrist. FSC Rock-a-bye, lullabv, bees in the clover. Allen. Lullaby. StN (Fairlamb. Lullaby. StN) Rock-a-way, rock-a-way, here we go. See Elliott. Rocking- horse. SL2 Rock the baby. See Neidlinger. Rocking baby. SSS Index to Kindergarten Songs 197 Rocking baby. Neidlinger. SSS Rocking-horse. Elliott. SL2 Rocking-horse. Pollen. HMC2 Music only- Rocking-horse. Tufts. FS Rocking the cradle. Montz. IMS Rockwell. Marching song for Froebel's birthday. KC Rodes. KK Rodney. NEB2 Roeckel. Day is dying. TLB Madelene. TLB Roelofson. Swing song. EL For other composers see Stevenson. Swing. Roeske. All for baby. PFP Caterpillar. PFP Counting lesson. PFP Five little mice. PFP Hen and chickens. PFP How the corn grew. PFP Lamb. PFP ^Little boy's walk. PFP Little plant. PFP Making bread. PFP Making butter. PFP Merry little men. PFP ^Mill. PFP Mrs. Pussy's dinner. PFP Pigs. PFP Planting of the apple tree. HS Santa Claus. PFP Sparrow. PFP Squirrel. PFP Wind-flowers. HS World. EL Rogers. Hope of the nation. KM ^ March. KM Roll call. Hubbard. WSG Roll on, roll on, you restless waves. See Hubbard. Waves on the sea-shore. MSG *Roll over, come back. Hubbard. MSG *Roll the ball. Hubbard. MSG Rollicking Robin. Knowlton. NS Rolling and rolling. See Elliott. Cart-wheel. SL2 (Walker. Cartwheel song. WS) Rolling home. NEB2 Rolling the hoop. Scharwenka. HMC2 Music only Roly-poly caterpillar. See Smith. Caterpillar. LCD 198 Index to Kindergarten Songs Roly-poly honey bee. See Burdett. Summer song. StN Roman soldiers. JB Root. Child and the tree. SV Christmas song. SV (Bingham. Why do bells for Christmas ring? BM) Dancing song. SV Flag song. SV Salute. GS Sunshine song. S V Wind song. SV Rose-bush. Hubbard. MSG Rose-bush has a baby. See Neidlinger. Rose-bush's baby. SSS Rose-bush's baby. Neidlinger. SSS Rose of Allandale. TLB Rose song. Parker. TC Roses are waking. See Commencement song. TLB Rosetti. January. NS Rossini. Bring blossoms sweet. GS Sleighing. HR Stars and posies. GS JB HR Flicker, flicker, firesprite. FS *Rosy apple, lemon, or a pear. *Rosy, my posy. Hailmann. Rothe Sarafan. See Titoff. (Music: Tasting. KC) Rough riders. Seeboeck. HMC2 Music only Round and round. HR Round and round and round we go a tripping-oh ! Sec Gaynor. Dancing song. LL *Round and round it goes. Hubbard. MSG (Conrade. Millwheel. GS) (Millwheel. EL) Round and round, round and round. EL Round and round, round and round. VBD Round and round, the millwhcels turn. See Round and round. HR ♦Round and round the village. BG— HC— JB— USI (Go round and round the valley. NG) Round and round, we're slowly winding. See Frobel. Winding. HR Round and round we're lightly pacing. See Guessing game. HR Round game. Gaynor. LL Round goes the ball in ev'ry place. See Hurd. Ball song (Spin- ning.) EL Round, on the diatonic scale. Goodban. RCS Round, round, wind the clock. See Gaynor. Winding the clock. SCI See Ball song. (Motion.) See Valentine. Goldfish. Index to Kindergarten Songs 199 *Round the corn stocks see us winding. JB Rowing. Guglielmo. FS Royal conqueror. Martin. MSL *Roy's horse enjoys a gallop. FS Ru, ri, ru, ri, going o'er the mountain. See Going over the moun- tain. USI Rub-a-dub-dub. Gaynor. SCI Rub ! scrub ! rub-a-dub-dub ! See Hill. Washing and ironing. SHS Rubinstein. Melody in F. HMCl Music only Trot de cavalerie. HMC2 Music only Rumbling down the alleys. See Gaynor. Ragman. SC2 Run. Montz. IMS *Run, little rivulet, run. Boott. RCS— WS (Bertini. Little rivulet. HR) Run. run, run. Concone. HMC2 Music only Run, run, run ! oh, what jolly fun ! See Hering. Little pony. HR Running a race. PS Russell. Autumn song. HS Russian lullaby. TLB (Little Cossack. FS) Russian dance melody. HMC2 Music only Rust. Boat. EL Bucket song. EL Child-land echoes with music. EL Duck game. EL Froebel's birthday song. EL Froebel's favorite hymn. EL God sends his bright spring sun. EL (Smith. God sends his bright spring sun. SLl) Happy greetings. EL Pleasant weather. EL Seasons. EL Summer shower. EL Thanksgiving song. EL There was once a little birdie. EL (Cornwell. There was once a little birdie. EL) (Frost. Birdie's song. WS) Saar. My brigantine. TLB Sabbath morn is dawning. See Damrosch. Lord's day. StN Sacrifice. EFS *Safe stronghold. Luther. FS (Luther. Ein'feste Burg. TLB) (Luther. Mighty fortress. EFS) 200 Index to Kindergarten Songs Sah ein Knab' ein Roeslein stehn. Sec Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS— FS— RCS For composers see Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. Said a very small wren. See Bartlett. Wren and the hen. StN (Molloy. Wren and the hen. StN) Said a very young crow. See Neidlingcr. Two crows. SSS Said the boy to the brook that was rippling away. See Sawyer. Boy and the brook. EL Said the clouds to the sun. See Cole. What can you do? TC Said the leaves on the branches. See Knowlton. Ripened leaves. NS Sail. Gaynor. LL Sailing at high tide. NG Sailing in the boat when the tide runs high. See Sailing at high tide. NG Sailing o'er a summer sea. Denza. EFS (Denza. Funiculi, funicula. FS) (Denza. Merry life. TLB) Sailor. Gaynor. SCI Sailor boy. Pollock. HR (Hubbard. Swing cradle, swing. MSG) Sailor, tell me, over the ocean. See Marie Antoinette. Return. FS Sailors. Sawyer. EL Sailor's song. Schumann. HMCl Music only St. Edmund. Sullivan. TLB St. Gregory. Barnby. TLB St. John. Butterfly. BSS Pussy willows. BSS Rain. BSS Sing, sing, lily bells ring. BSS St. Patrick's day. See Jig. BFD "St. Patrick's day" See Jig (Irish) FDM Music only St. Paul's steeple. CBO St._ Valentine's day Shedd. HS Saint Valentine's day will soon be here. See Gaynor. Valen- tines. SC2 Saleza. Remembrance. FS Sally in our alley. Marzials. CPP Sally Luker. NEBl Sally Waters. JB Salute. Root. GS Salute to the flag. Gaynor. SC2 Same old road. Neidlingcr. ES2 Sampler. Terhune. CC Sanctissima. See W^ork. FS Sandman. Finch. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 201 Sandman. Gaynor. LL Sandman. Taubert. RCS Sands of Dee. TLB Sangster. Call of the crow. NS Hymn for national holiday. NS Litany. NS -. Little fairy. NS -Merry wind. NS - Patriotic hymn. NS Ripened leaves. NS Santa Clans. Brown. EL Santa Claus. Conrade. GS Santa Claus. Reinecke. SL2 Santa Claus. Roeske. PFP Santa Claus, dear Santa Claus, I wonder if you know. See Conrade. Santa Claus. GS Santa Claus is coming children! See Schwartz. Christmas song. BSS Santa Lucia. EFS — FS — TLB (Now neath the silver moon. EFS — TLB) (See where the star of eve. FS) Sap has begun to flow. Smith. SL2 Saraband. HMC2 Music only Sartorio. Albumleaf. HMC2 Music only Saville. Pigeon's flight. HS — ■ — Song of thanks. HS Saw, saw, saw, make the boards fit. See Plill. Busy carpenters. SHS Sawing game. WS (Hubbard. Sawing game. MSG) (Sawyer. PS) (Stangenberger. Sawyer. HR) Sawyer. Alder bj' the river. EL (Strachauer. Alder by the river. WS) April shower. EL Boy and the brook. EL Chickadee. EL Child's inquiry. EL Coasting song. WS Come let us live with our children. EL Duck game. EL Easter carol. EL First Christmas. EL Good-bye to the flowers. WS (Mendelssohn. Child's good-bye. HR) Greeting to the spring. EL 202 Index to Kindergarten Songs Sawyer. Lady moon. WS (Hubbard. Lady moon. MSG) Little ball, passing along. WS New moon. WS Old English carol. EL Pussy willow. WS Sailors. EL — • — Snow balls. EL Snowflake. EL Waits. EL What the little things said. WS While shepherds watched their flocks by night. EL Wind. EL (Bertini. I am the wind. HR) (Cornwell. Wind. EL) (Hubbard. I am the wind. MSG) Sawyer. Stangenberger. HR (Hubbard. Sawing game. MSG) (Sawing game. WS) (Sawyer. PS) *Say, bonnie lassie. JB Say, busy bee, whither now are you going? See Busy workers. HR (Bees. MSG) Say, can you see? 5"^^ Key. Star spangled banner. EPS — FS — GS— MSG Say, can you tell what the sweet birds are singing? See Twilight and dawn. SHS Say, have you heard of the sing-away bird? StN Say, Mr. Cube, what now are you hiding? See Cube song, no. 1. EL Saying good-night. Smith. LCD Says birdie: Wee-tee, wee-tee. See Reinecke. Birds of pas- sage. PC Scale songs. Cole. CM Scarecrow. BB Scenes from the circus. Hollaender. HMC2 Alusic only Schaefermaedchen weidete. See Shepherdess and the cuckoo. RCS Scharwenka. Rolling the hoop. HMC2 Music only Schilling. Wonderful tree. WS Schlaf ein, mein suesses Kind. See Taubert. Sleep, thou, my' darling. RCS Schlaf in gute Ruh? See Dream-baby. PS *Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf. BB (Sleep, darling, sleep. RCS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 203 Schlaf, kindlein, schlaf. See Sleep, baby, sleep. FS — RCS Schlafe, schlafe, holder suesser Knabe. See Schubert. Rest thee now. RCS (Schubert. Softly sleep thou. FS) Schlager. Who taught the bird? HR Schlesinger. Bronze, brown eyes. StN Schneckenberger. Watch by the Rhine. EFS — FS Schnecker. June. TLB Song of Illyrian peasants. TLB *Schnick, schnack, dud'l sack, children gaily dancing. Reinecke. RCS Schoenefeld. Learning to dance. HMC2 Music only Little elf. HMC2 Music only Postillion. HMCl Music only Silver fishes. HMCl Music only Tally-ho. HMCl Music only Top. HMCl Music only Turkish march. HMC2 Music only Schubert. Heather rose. RCS (Reichardt. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Hedge roses. FS) (Schubert. Wild rose. BSS) • Hedge roses. FS (Reichardt. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Wild rose. BSS) Impromptu. KM Miller's flowers. FS Rest thee now. RCS (Schubert. Softly sleep thou. FS) Softly sleep thou. FS (Schubert. Rest thee now. RCS) Wild rose. BSS (Reichardt. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Heather rose. RCS) (Schubert. Hedge roses. FS) Winter song. WS Schuckburgh. Independence Day. HS Schultz. Violet. FC— KC— MSL— RCS— SLl— WS (Kies. Violet. MSL) (Reinecke. Violet. FC— RCS— SLl— WS) (Violet. KC) 204 Index to Kindergarten Songs Schulz. Blossom, pretty flower. RCS Schumann. Bird-game. KC Birthday march. HMC2 Music only ' Cradle song. HMCl Music only Guardian angels. FS Hunting song. HMCI Music only Joyous peasant. HMC2 Music only Lady bird. FS Lord in thy great, thy glorious name. TLB Lost chicken. FS Morning song. HMCl Music only Papillon. HMCl Music only Sailor's song. HMCl Music only ^Soldiers march. HMC2 Music only Wild horseman. HMCl Music only Schwartz. Christmas song. BSS Flag. BSS Indian lullaby. BSS Mother's birthday. BSS 1 Oh! tell me the tone that the cricket sings. BSS Schytte. In the mill. HMCl Music only Shadow. HMC2 Music only Styrian dance. HMC2 Music only Scissors grinder. Hubbard. MSG Scissors grinder. Knowlton. HMCl Music only Scissors grinder. Knowlton. NS Scollard. November. NS Scotch reel. BFD ♦Scotland's burning. FS— LL— OYA ♦Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled! Burns. EFS Scott. Annie Laurie. EFS— FS— TLB Love wakes and weeps. TLB — — O hush, thee, my baby. FS Scythe movement. Montz. IMS Sea breeze. FS Index to Kindergarten Songs 205 Sea garden. Neidlinger. ES2 Sea is a jovial comrade. See Kauflfman. Wind and sea. TLB Sea shanties. NEB2 Sea song. Neidlinger. ESI Searching for some simple thing. See Neidlinger. Beginning. ES2 Seasons. Brown. EL Seasons. Hubbard. MSG Seasons. Hurd. PTS Season's work is over. See Koehler. Good-bye song. HR Second gift song. Wiggin. KC Second ring song. Mozart. SHS Secret love. Resch. KM Sedan chair. Terhune. CC ♦See, amid the winter's snow. TLB See, here is grandmamma. See Wiggin. Family finger play. KC See how our hammer swings. See Blacksmith. KC See how the lovely fishes swim. See Kohl. Little fish. HR (Fishes. PS) See how the sparkling fishes gleam. See Fishes. PS (Kohl. Little fish. HR) See how within the shallow stream. See Hubbard. Fishes, No. 19. MSG See it go, see it go, not too fast and not too slow. See Pen- dulum. PS See, millions of bright raindrops. WS See my little ball. See Lullaby ball song. KC See, my bird has built a nest. See Hailmann. Bird's nest. HR (Variant: Hubbard. See my little birdie's nest. MSG) See my little birdie's nest. Hubbard. MSG (Variant: Hailmann. Bird's nest. HR) See my dog, nice old Carl. See Cole. My dog, Carl. CM See my pigeon-house, so high! See Kohl. Pigeon-house. SM See my soldiers. Sec Neidlinger. Tin soldiers. SSS See our bright beautiful dresses. See Gaynor. Autumn leaves. GS See our cards all in a row. See Hailmann. Sewing. HR See our Maypole filled with flowers. See Hubbard. Maypole song. MSG See our pretty birdie fly. See Seidel. Folded pigeon and pig- eon house. HR See-saw. Gaynor. SCI See-saw. Hubbard. MSG See-saw. Knowlton. HMC2 Music only See-saw. Neidlinger. SSS *See-saw, Margery Daw. LBS (Elliott. See-saw, Margery Daw. MG) 206 Index to Kindergarten Songs See-saw, Margery Daw. Sec Margery Daw. BB See-saw, Margery Daw has lost her way to London town. See Smeltzer. Marjorie Daw. SZ *See saw, up and down. HR See the banner waving o'er us. See Schwartz. Flag. BSS See the blacksmiths so active and brawny. See Mozart. Horse- shoeing. HR *See the bunny sleeping. JB See the busy farmer. See Gaynor. Song of the loaf of bread. SCI See the carpenter! all the day he works away. See Hubbard. Oh! see the carpenter. MSG (Froebel. Carpenter. MP) See the cheerful carpenter. See Carpenter. KC See the cheerful postman coming. See Hailmann. Postman. HR *See the chickens round the gate. Hubbard. MSG (Conrade. Chickens round the gate. GS) (Seidell. Chickens round the gate. GS) See the children on our ring joining in our song. See Mozart. Second ring song. SHS See the children swinging. See Cole. Scale song, no. 4. CM See the fishes in the brook. See Hubbard. Fishes, no. 20. MSG See the fly buzzing by. See Gaynor. Fly. SCI See the gate! it opens wide. See Froebel. Farmyard. SM *See the gospel light is shining. Kies. MSL See the light. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Little window. MP) (Wiggin. Window. KC) See the little doggie run. See Cole. Little doggie. CM ♦See the little hands go clip. JB See the little table here. See Smith. Setting the table. SL2 ♦See the little window bright. See Froebel. Little window. MP (Hubbard. Oh! see the light. MSG) (Wiggin. Window. KC) See the neat little clock. See Clock. HR See the pretty bunny. See Neidlinger. Bunny. SSS See the pretty little birdies. See Cole. Little birdies. CM See the pretty pussy willows. See St. John. Pussy willows. BSS See the pretty snow-flakes falling. See Messengers from cloud- land. BSS *See the pretty valentines. Hill. HS See the pussy willows peeping. See Brown. Welcome to the pussy willows. EL See the rabbit running, skipping. See Froebel. Rabbit. MP Index to Kindergarten Songs 207 See the red tops in the clover. See Smith. Mowing song. SLl See the regiment passing by! See Gaynor. Regiment. LL See the ripples in the water. See Gaynor. Boating, no. 2. SC2 *See the rosy morn appearing. Shield. TLB See the sailor toiling. See Sawyer. Sailor. EL See the shining dew drops. See Wiggin. God is ever good. KC See the sky is glowing. See Smith. Morning hymn. LCD *See the snow is falling. Hubbard. MSG (Hailmann. Oh, see the snow. HR) (Walker. Snow. WS) See the snow, the falling snow. See Hailmann. Oh, see the snow. HR (Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG) (Walker. Snow. WS) See the tiny fishes dart. See Gaynor. Fishes. SCI See the trees all in a row. See Heerwart. Trees. HR — KC — SM See the waterwheel go round. See Waterwheel. PS See the windmill. See Stangenberger. Windmill. HR (Windmill. PS— WS) See the window I have here. See Beethoven. Little window. HR See this shining skating pond. See Koehler. Skating. HR See us now as we go by. See Threading the needle. EL See us sawing. See Hubbard. See-saw. MSG *See what a pretty little girl. JB See what a wonderful garden is here. See DeKoven. Little- oh-dear. FSC See what a pretty sheep we've got. See Shepherdess. HC See where the star of eve. See Cottra. Santa Lucia. FS (Now neath the silver moon. EFS— TLB) Seeboeck. On the railroad train. HMCl Music only Rock-a-bye. TC (Parry. Rock-a-bye baby. TC) (Willis. Rock-a-bye baby. EL) Rough riders. HMC2 Music only Shepherd. HMCl Music only — ■ — Threshers. HMCl Music only Winter sports. HMC2 Music only Seed song. Sheehan. OSM Seeds and flowers are sleeping sound. See Hill. Nature's Eas- ter song. SHS 208 Index to Kindergarten Songs Seeds of love. Marzials. CPP Seeds; or. Flowers unfolding. Montz. IMS Seeing. Hubbard. MSG (Guessing game, no. 32. PS) (When we're playing together. WS) (VViggin. Guessing game. KG) See. Meissner. ASC Seeing game. Wiggin. KG Seek the Saviour early, children dear. Sec Martin. Morning song. MSL Seems to me the whole world's singing. Sec Neidlinger. End- less song. TLB Seidel. Folded pigeon and pigeon-house. HR Four seasons. HR Joiner. HR (Froebel. Joiner. MP) (Hubbard. Zish! zish! zish. MSG) (Joiner. PS) New Year. HR See the chickens round the gate. HR (Gonrade. Ghickens and the gate. GS) (Hubbard. See the chickens round the gate. MSG) Thank you, pretty cow. HR (Gole. Pretty cow. CM) (Smith. Thank you, pretty cow. SLl) (Tufts. Thank you, pretty cow. CL) Venturesome children. HR Windmill. HR (Heerwart. Windmill. KG) Selling fruit. Hailmann. HR (Hailmann. Ball play. GKG) September. Gonrade. GS (Knowlton. September. NS) (McLellan. September. EL) Sequel to an old story. Knowlton. NS Serenade. Reinecke. FG Set of games. Gaynor. SG2 Setting the table. Smith. SL2 Seven brothers. LBS Seven game. JB Seven great towns of Greece. See Homer. RGS Seven little fairies came. See Walker. Rainbow song. WS Seven pretty girls. KK Seven ships sailing on a milky sea. See Neidlinger. Bowl of bread and milk. SSS Seven times one. BSS Seward. Hurrah for the sleigh bells. EL Sewing. Hailmann. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 209 Sewing machine. Montz. IMS Sewing song. WS Sewing song. Pettibone. SCI Sewing song. Smith. SL2 Shadow. Schytte. HMC2 Music only Shadow march. Stevenson. SF (Ramsay. Shadow march. SF) Shadow rabbit. Froebel. SM Shadows. Neidlinger. ES2 Shadows creeping along the sky. See Smith. Birdling's good- night to the stars. SL2 Shakespeare. Blow, blow, thou winter wind. TLB Mid-summer night's dream. TLB Who is Silvia? TLB *Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS (Can you show me how the farmer? JB) (Farmer. LBS) (Farmer. PS) (Farmer and the housewife. KK) (Froebel. Farmer. SM) (Koehler. Farmer. HR) Shall I sing you a song that tells you how our farmers of old did their sowing? See Sowing song. KK. Shall I tell you I spilled the ink? Sec Brewster. Dotty and the clock. BSS Shall I tell you how the farmer sows his barley and wheat? See Farmer. LBS (Can you show me how the farmer? JB) (Farmer. PS) (Froebel. Farmer. SM) (Koehler. Farmer. HR) (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS) *Shall I tell you how we sew in our garden? LBS Shall we show you how the carpenter? See Hurd. Labor game. PTS Shall we show you how the farmer? See Froebel. Farmer. SM (Farmer. LBS) (Farmer. PS) (Farmer and the housewife. KK) (Koehler. Farmer. HR) (Can you show me how the farmer? JB) (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS) Shaw. Columbia, the gem of the ocean. GS She's an old spinster. See Day's far spent. JB Shean Trews. (Whistle o'er the leaves o't). FDM Music only 210 Index to Kindergarten Songs Sheehan. April showers. OSM At Easter tide. OSM Butterfly and rose bud. OSM Good-bye song. OSM Good morning song. OSM Lark. OSM Mothers' lullaby babies. OSM My garden flowers. OSM Playtime ring song. OSM Ring song. OSM Seed song. OSM Spring is here. OSM Spring morning prayer. OSM To the wild flowers. OSM Sheep. Cole. CM (Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS) (Marie Antoinette. Children and the sheep. SHS) Sheep. Neidlinger. ESI Sheep. Smith. LCD Shell. Smith. LCD Shelley. Noel, noel, the Christ is born. WS ^—Tonight. TLB ♦Shenandoah, I long to hear you. NEB2 Shepherd. Seeboeck. HMCl Music only ♦Shepherd leads his flock. Kies. MSL ♦Shepherd of tender youth. Gaynor. TLB Shepherd maiden. FS (Bergere. BB) (Shepherdess. RCS) Shepherdess. HC Shepherdess. RCS (Bergere. BB) (Shepherd maiden. FS) Shepherdess and the cuckoo. RCS Shepherdess so faithful. See Shepherdess. RCS (Bergere. BB) (Shepherdess. RCS) Shepherd's hay. NEBl Shepherds were watching their sheep thru' the night. See Watching the flocks. GS Sherman. Dewdrops. CM Hide and seek. EL July. NS Kite time. NS Snowbird. NS Sherwood. Around the Maypole. HS Baby's calendar. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 211 Sherwood. Christmas, merry Christmas. HS Good advice. HS Leaves, flov^rers and fruit. HS Little boy's walk in winter. HS May day invitation. HS New Year greeting. HS Our fir-tree. HS Soldiers true. HS Song for the prism. HS Thanksgiving for harvest. HS We thank thee. HS Shield. See the rosy morn appearing. TLB *Shine out, oh blessed star! Dugan. WS Shine! shine! shine! Pour down your warmth, great sun. See Gilchrist. We two together. TLB Ship. Hubbard. MSG (Vessel. PS) Ship-a-sailing. EL (Duck dance. BG) (Fairy ship. BB) (Reinecke. Barcarole. FC) (Reinecke. I saw a ship-a-sailing. HR) (Ship a-sailing. RCS) Ship, a ship, a-sailing. See Fairy ship. BB (Duck dance. BG) (Reinecke. Barcarole. FC) (Reinecke. I saw a ship a-sailing. HR) (Ship a-sailing. EL) (Ship a-sailing. RCS) Shoe the horse. Smeltzer. SZ (Shoe the old horse. HR) *Shoe the old horse. HR (Smeltzer. Shoe the horse. SZ) Shoemaker. Hubbard. MSG Shoemaker. Libby. WS Shoemaker. Mokrejs. HMCl Music only Shoemaker. Smith. SL2 Shoemakers' dance. BFD Shoemakers' dance. FDM Music only *Shoo fly. Funkhouser. FSK Shoot the buffalo. USI Short. Little boy bubble. GS Should auld acquaintance be forgot. See Burns. Auld lang syne. EFS — FS Shower and flower. Batchellor. WS Shut them! open! Shut them! See Smith. Finger song. SL2 212 Index to Kindergarten Songs Shut your eyes. See Smith. Tasting. SL2 Siciliana. Dost thou no longer love me? EFS Sicillian. Reinecke. HMC2 Music only Sidewalk song. Funkhouser. FSK Signals of time. SHS Signs. Neidlinger. ES2 Signs of the seasons. Bacon. EL Signs of the seasons. Gaynor. LL Silcher. Loreley. FS (Silcher. Lureli. RCS) Silent little snow flakes so silently falling down. See Lecocq Valentine day, no. 1. GS Silver fishes. Schoenefeld. HMCl Music only Silver moon. Smith. SL2 Silver moon is floating, floating. See Gaynor. Moon boat. SCL Silver night. Smith. SV ♦Silver swan, who living had no note. Gibbons. RCS Simon of Salle. KK ♦Simple Simon. Elliott. MG *Since first I saw your face. Marzials. CPP Sinding. I heard the gull. EFS Mother sings. EFS Sing a song of iron. See Gaynor. Song of iron. SCI ♦Sing a song of sixpence. Elliott. MG (Song of sixpence. CBO) Sing a song of snowflakes. See Dugan. Winter song. EL Sing a song of the murmuring trees. See Hill. Song of the trees. HS Sing a song of Washington. See Work. Song of Washington. HS Sing a song of winter; pocket full of rye. See Cole. Song about winter. CM Sing-away bird. Millard. StN Sing, children, sing. Conrade. GS Sing ho ! for the planter who planted the cotton. See Strong. Baby's cotton apron. HS Sing, little children, I love to hear you sing. See Cole. Singing and playing. CM ♦Sing, little children, sing. Osgood. WS ♦Sing, sing, lily bells ring. St. John. BSS Sing softly, sing sweetly, but join in the song. See Stetson. Me- morial day. HS Sing the song we love to sing. See Meeting. FS Sing us a song, birdie. Hubbard. MSG Sing we all merrily, Christmas is here. See Christmas is here. HR Index to Kindergarten Songs 213 Sing with cheery voices. See Smith. O sing with cheery voices. SL2 Singing. Stevenson. CGV — CM — SS For composers see Stevenson. Singing. Singing and playing. Cole. CM Singing and swaying. See Cachucha. FS Singing in the breezes where the tree tops flower. See Orioles. FS Singing joyfully. Beach. TC Singing low. See Smith. Slumber song. SLl Singing, singing all the day. See Cole. Cheerful singing. CM Single chants. Macfarren. HMCl Music only *Sippity sup. HR Sir, pray be so good. Sec Purcell. Hunting the hare. RCS *Sir Rider, ho ! ho ! no farther can your horse go ! RCS Sir Roger de Coverly. Page. HMC2 Music only "Sir Roger de Coverley." See English country dance. FDM Music only Sir Spring will give a concert rare. See Reinecke. Sir Spring's concert. FC *Sir Simon de Montfort my subject shall be. Marzials. CPP Sir Spring's concert. Reinecke. FC Sitting at a window in her cloak and hat. See Elliott. Mother Tabbyskins. MG *Six little puppies. Neidlinger. SSS *Six little snails. Elliott. MG Six, seven, eight, nine o'clock. Sec Grove. Bedtime. HS Sixty seconds make a minute. See Calendar song. RCS (Conrade. Calendar song. GS) Sixty seconds make a minute. See Tufts. Time. CL Skaters. _ Parlow. HMC2 Music only Skating. Gaynor. SC2 Skating. Koehler. HR Skating game. Hubbard. MSG Skating game. Reed. TGS Skim, skim, skim. See Roeske. Making butter. PFP Skip. Montz. IMS Skipping. Hitte. DM Skipping. Koehler. HR— PS Skipping song. Hill. SHS Skralat. FDM Music only Sky is dark and the hills are white. See DeKoven. Norse lullaby. FSC Skye boat song. FS Skylark. Cole. CM 214 Index to Kindergarten Songs Skylark. Tschaikowsky. HMC2 Music only Sleep, ah, sleep, my darling baby. See Little Cossack. FS (Russian lullaby. TLB) *Sleep, baby, sleep, thy father watches his sheep. FS — RCS (Brewster. Sleep, my baby, sleep. ESS) (Cornwell. Sleep, baby, sleep. EL) (Smith. Sleep, baby, sleep. SLl) *Sleep. darling, sleep. RCS (Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf. BE) Sleep, dolly, sleep. Sec Reinecke. Doll's cradle song. FC ♦Sleep, gentle babe, j'our mother watches o'er you. Mendelssohn. TLB Sleep, little bird. See Gaynor. Lullaby. SC2 Sleep, little pigeon, and fold your wings. See DeKoven. Japanese lullaby. FSC Sleep, my baby, sleep. Brewster. ESS (Cornwell. Sleep, baby, sleep. EL) (Sleep, baby, sleep. FS — RCS) (Smith. Sleep, baby, sleep. SLl) Sleep, my darling little one. See Spazier. Cradle song. SHS *Sleep, my heart's treasure. Weber. RCS Sleep, my love, and peace attend thee. All through the night. EFS (Owen. All through the night. TLB) Sleep now, birdies. See Wiggin. Slumber song of the birdlings. KC ♦Sleep, sleep, my darling. RCS ♦Sleep, sleep, the south wind blows. Pratt. StN_ Sleep, sweet babe, my cares beguiling. See Dormi. FS ♦Sleep thou, my darling. Taubert. RCS Sleep, Thumbkin, sleep, sleep. See Hailmann. Putting the fingers to sleep. HR ♦Sleep time. Bingham. BM Sleepy flowers now are waking. See Waking flowers. SHS ♦Sleepy leaves. Reed. HS — TGS ♦Sleepy old duck. Bingham. BM Sleepy poppies, red and white. See Gaynor. Poppies. SC2 Sleigh-ride. HR (Conrade. Thanksgiving day. GS) (Hubbard. Thanksgiving day. MSG) (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS) Sleigh-ride. Kleinmichel. HMC2 Music only Sleighing. Rossini. HR Sleighing song. Gaynor. SCI Sleighing song. Reinecke. SL2 Sloane. Ferns. HS Washing day. HS Index to Kindergarten Songs 215 Slow and stately, quite sedately. See Smith. Grand ladies. LCD Slow little snail. Smith. LCD Slowly o'er the dark, dark waters. See Lake. TLB Slowly, so slowly we tread our minuet. See Terhune. Minuet. CC Slumber song. Brewster. BSS Slumber song. Menard. BSS Slumber song. Smith. SLl Slumber song. Wiggin. KC (Tufts. Now the sun is sinking. CL) Slumber song of the birdlings. Wiggin. KC Small and great. Neidlinger. ES2 Smart. Hark ! hark ! my soul, angelic songs. TLB Smell the flow'r, my child, and see. See Reinecke. Flower song SM Smelling. Hubbard. MSG (Smith. Smelling. SL2) (Wiggin. Smelling. KC) Smelling. Meissner. ASC Smeltzer. As I was coming along. SZ Big John Stout. SZ Bobbie Shaftoe. SZ Boy Blue. SZ Farmer. SZ Four owls. SZ Hub a dub dub. SZ Humpty dumpty. SZ Jack and Jill. SZ Jack be nimble. SZ Jack Horner. SZ Jackie Jingle. SZ John Smith. SZ Little Bo-peep. SZ Little Indians. SZ Little Jack-a-Dandy. SZ Little Miss Muffet. SZ Man in the moon. SZ Marjorie Daw. SZ Mary Contrary. SZ Miller of Dee. SZ My ship. SZ Old King Cole. SZ Old man of Tobago. SZ Old mother Hubbard. SZ Old woman who lives in the shoe. SZ Peter Piper. SZ Polly Flinders. SZ Shoe the horse. SZ Three men of Gotham. SZ 216 Index to Kindergarten Songs Smeltzer. Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks. SZ Tommy Tittlemouse. SZ Woolcy Foster and Daffy Down Dilly. SZ Smiling in the valley, streaming o'er the plain. See Reinecke. Sun- shine. HR Smith. After the rain. SV Afternoon song. KC Alice's supper. SLl All gone baby. SLl All the birds have come again. SLl America. FS — GS — MSG (My country, 'tis of thee. TLB) Autumn wind. LCD Autumn winds are crying. SLl Baby and the i..oon. SLl (Baby and the moon. SM) Baby's birthday. LCD Ball song. KC Ball song. SL2 (Hubbard. Roll over, come back. MSG) Basket. SLl Bed. SLl Bedtime. LCD Bedtime. SV Bell so high. SLl (Bell song, no. 11. PS) (Bell high in the steeple. WS) (Hubbard. Bell high in the steeple. MSG) Birdlings' good-night to the flowers. SL2 Boat ride. SL2 Bold snow-man. LCD Bossy cow. LCD Brave. LCD Bridge. SL2 (Variant: Froebel. Bridge. MP) (Variant: Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG) Bridge. SM Brook. SL2 Busy wind. LCD Butterfly dance. LCD Bye, baby, night has come. StN— SL2 (Hill. Bye, baby, bye. SHS) Cackling hen. LCD Can you count the stars? SLl (Canst thou count the stars? WS) Canary. LCD Careful. LCD Carpenter. SLl Index to Kindergarten Songs 217 » Smith. Caterpillar. LCD Caterpiller. SL2 Caterpillar. SM Children on the tower. SLl Children's supper. SL2 Chimes. LCD Chirpings. LCD Choosing a flower. LCD Choosing the game. SLl . (Variant: Kallmann. Teacher of gymnastics. HK) (Little master of gymnastics. PS) (Wiggin. Imitation game. KC) Christmas carol. KC Christmas carol. SL2 Christmas hymn. SLl Christmas is coming. LCD Christmas song. SL2 Church. SL2 -Krux (Variant: Froebel. Church window and church door. M.f) (Variant: Hubbard. Church bell. MSG) Church. SM Circles. SL2 Come and join our circle. SL2 Come, little leaves. SL2 (Autumn leaves. HR) (Hill. Fall leaves. SHS) (Osgood. Come, little leaves. RCS— MSG— WS) Come, my dolly. S V Daffy-down-dilly. SL2 — — Daisies are dancing. SL2 Dancing song. SL2 Dandelion fashions. SL2 Dear little ball. SLl Did you ever see a lassie? SL2 (Did you ever see a lassie? BG — USI) Do the little brown twigs complain? SLl Dove cote. SLl Dove talk. LCD Easter song. SLl (At Easter time. WS) Echo play. LCD Evening prayer. LCD Evening song. SL2 Fairy dance. LCD Finding the place. SL2 Finger-piano. SLl Finger song. SL2 Five riders and good child. SLl 218 Index to Kindergarten Songs Smith. Flag song. SL2 Flower basket. SM (Froebel. Basket. MP) Flower bed. SLl I'lower garden. LCD Fly, little birds. S12 (Cornwell. Fly, little birds. WS) (Hubbard. Flying birds. MSG) Forming the ring. SL2 Friendly drake. LCD Froebel's birthday song. SL2 From dust and grit. SLl Garden fence. SLl Go to sleep, Thumbkin. SLl God is always near me. SL2 God sends his bright spring sun. SLl (Rust. God sends his bright spring sun. EL) Going to sleep. LCD Good-bye song. KC Good-bye to summer. SLl Good morning. SV Good morning, merry sunshine. SLl — SL2 „_. (Hubbard. Good morning, merry sunshme. MSG) Good morning to the kindergarten. SL2 Good weather. LCD Grand ladies. LCD Green leafy tree. LCD Greeting song. KC Happy summer. SLl Hard and soft balls. SL2 Harvest song. SL2 Hearing. SL2 Hope carol. TLB Hvmn for a little child. SLl 1 "lead my lambkin lovingly. SLl 1 put my right hand in. SL2 H rosy sunsets never paled. LCD If you were a flower. LCD In a hedge. SLl (Froebel. In a hedge. SM) In the barnyard. SL2 In the P.ethlehem stable. LCD In the snowing and the blowing. SLl Ironing day. SL2 (Warren. Ironmg song. StJM ) Jack Frost. SL2 Joiner. SM Knights and the bad child. SM Index to Kindergarten Songs 219 Smith. Knights and the good child. SM Knights and the mother. SM Light bird. SLl— SM Lighthouse. LCD Little Annie's garden. SM Little bird. SLl Little child asleep. SLl Little dancing song. LCD Little gardener. LCD Little gardener. SL2 Little mice. SL2 Little peach. FSC Little songs and dances. SLl Little white daisy. SLl Little white feathers. SLl Little white lily. SL2 (Tufts. Little white lily. CL) (Walker. Little white lily. WS) Lordly cock. LCD Marching song. KC May basket. LCD May song. TLB Merrily dance. SLl Merry wind. LCD Merry workers. SL2 Milk for supper. LCD Milkweed babies. SL2 Mill-stone. SLl Minding their mother. LCD Morning greeting. SLl Morning hymn. LCD Morning hymn. KC Morning prayer, no. 5. KC Morning song. KC Morning song. SLl Morning sun is shining. SLl My country, 'tis of thee. TLB (Smith. America. FS— OS— MSG) My heart is God's little garden. SL2 My Pegasus. SV Now the time has come for play. SL2 Obedient. LCD Oh little child. FSC Oh sing with cheery voices. SL2 Pail. SL2 Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake. SLl Play in all seasons. LCD Plums in winter. LCD 220 Index to Kindergarten Songs Smith. Polite. LCD Prayer. KC Prompt. LCD Rain coach. SL2 Rain song. SLl (Allen. Song of the rain. WS) Rainbow. LCD Raining! Raining! LCD Riddle-cum-riddle. LCD Ring around the posy bed. SLl Ring song, no. 7. KC Rock-a-by, baby. SL2 Sap has begun to flow. SL2 Saying good-night. LCD Setting the table. SL2 Sewing song. SL2 Sheep. LCD Shell. LCD Shoemaker. SL2 Silver moon. SL2 Silver night. SV Sing with cheery voices. See Smith. Oh, sing with cheery voices. SL2 Sleep, baby, sleep. SLl (Brewster. Sleep, my baby, sleep. BSS) (Cornwell. Sleep, baby, sleep. EL) (Sleep, baby, sleep. FS — RCS) Slow little snail. LCD Slumber song. SLl Smelling. SL2 (Hubbard. Smelling. MSG) (Wiggin. Smelling. KC) Snow clouds. SLl Snowball song. SL2 Snowflakes. SL2 So bright and so round. SLl Soft and hard balls. SL2 Softly, softly blows the wind. LCD Song of the clock. SL2 Squirrel. SL2 Stanzas from the nativity. TLB Stars and daisies. SL2 (Stars and daisies. SM) Summer song. SLl Sunbeams. SL2 Sunshine far and near. LCD Sunshine song. SLl Sweet content. TLB Index to Kindergarten Songs 221 Smith. Tailor. SL2 Tarantelle. HMC2 Music only Taste song. SL2 Tasting. SL2 Thank you, pretty cow. SLl (Cole. Pretty cow. HR) (Seidell. Thank you, pretty cow. HR) (Tufts. Thanks, pretty cow. CL) Thanks for food, I and II. LCD Thanksgiving song. SL2 This is the mother. SLl Though your eyes are blinded. SL2 Three years old. LCD Thumbkin says "I'll dance." SLl (Variant: Hubbard. Thumbkin says "I'll dance." MSG (Variant: Walker. Thumbkin says "I'll dance." WS) Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." SLl — SM (Variant: Froebel. Finger song. MP) (Hubbard. Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." MSG) To a snowflake. LCD To the sky and back. LCD Tonight. TLB Tower. SLl Train. LCD Transformation game. SM Treasures. LCD Tree in winter. SL2 Two years old. LCD Useful. LCD Wandering song. SM Washing day. SL2 Waves. LCD We are little soldier men. SLl We are red birds. SL2 We plow the fields. SL2 We're playing together. SL2 Weather vane. LCD Welcome, little robin. SL2 Welcome to spring. LCD Wheel-wright. SM Whirlabout. LCD Wind song. SLl— SM For other composers see Stevenson. Wind. Window. SM Woodman. SL2 Smith. HR 222 Index to Kindergarten Songs Smoke. Montz. IMS Snail. Conrade. GS Snail. Hubbard. MSG (Koehler. Snail. HR) (Snail. BG— PS) (Snail game. HC) (Walker. Snail. WS Snail all co.sily may dwell. Src Smith. Slow little snail. LCD Snail crawls out with his house on his back. See Conrade. Snail. GS Snail game. HC (Koehler. Snail. HR) (Hubbard. Snail. MSG) (Snail. BG— PS) (Walker. Snail. WS) Snail he lives in his hard round house. Sec Snail. HR Snick, snick, snack! Up my back. See Gaynor. Tailor. LL Snow. Cole. EL Snow. Walker. WS (Hailmann. Oh, see the snow. HR) (Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG) Snow clouds. Hill. SHS Snow clouds. Smith. SLl Snow falls white and soft and light. Sec Snowstorm. RCS Snow-filled nest. Boot. StN Snowball song. Smith. SL2 Snowballs. Gaynor. SV Snowballs. Knowlton. NS Snowballs, snowballs, oh such jolly fun. See Knowlton. Snow- balls. NS Snowballs. Sawyer. EL Snowbird. Knowlton. NS Snowdrops and violets. EL Snowdrops are thinking. Sec Snowdrops and violets. EL Snowdrops, waking from your sleep. See Gaynor. Easter. GS Snowflakes. Dow. SL2 Snowflakes. Fisher. StN (Molloy. Snowflakes. StN) (Warren. Snowflakes. StN) Snowflakes. Gaynor. SCI Snowflakes. Neidlinger. SSS Snowflakes. Reinecke. HR Snowflakes. Sawyer. EL Snowflakes. Smith. EL Snowflakes are falling. 5"^^ Adams. Christmas carol. HS Snowflakes falling down. See Neidlinger. Snowflakes. SSS Snowflakes white, from a height. Sec Winter. PS Snowman. Neidlinger. SSS Index to Kindergarten Songs 223 *Snowman stands out on the lawn. Gaynor. SC2 Snowstorm. RCS Snowwhite. Reinecke. FC Snurrbocken. FDM Music only So bright and so round. Smith. SLl So, good day, my Rosa. See Good day, my Rosa. KK So we say, good day, good day. See We say good day. KK So we weave the woolen. See Weaving game. HC So wise! Gilchrist. StN Soap-bubbles. Neidlinger. SSS Social game. HC Soft and hard balls. Smith. SL2 Soft-shell crab. Chadwick. TC Softly courses thro' my soul. See Mendelssohn. Greeting. FS Softly now the snowflakes fall. See Hill. Earth's winter dress. SHS ♦Softly sleep thou. Schubert. FS (Schubert. Rest thee now. RCS) Softly, softly blows the wind. Smith. LCD *Softly, softly, softly. Koehler. HR Soldatenlied. See Taubert. Soldier song. FS — SL2 *Soldier boy, soldier boy. HC ♦Soldier, soldier, will you marry me? NG Soldier song. Taubert. FS — SL2 Soldiers are coming. Hiller. HMC2 Music only Soldiers' march. Schumann. HMC2 Music only ♦Soldiers true. Sherwood. HS Solomon. Just like this, KC Some day you'll be a man. Funkhouser. FSK Some flags are red, or white, or green. See Smith. Flag song. SL2 Some little drops of water. See Smith. Rain coach. SL2 Some lullabies. Gaynor. SC2 Some think the world is made for fun and frolic. See Denza. Funiculi, funicula. FS (Merry life. TLB) (Denza. Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS)_ Sometimes when flowers are very glad. See Neidlinger. Rain- bow. ESI Son of God goes forth to war. See Martin. Royal conqueror. MSL Song about winter. Cole. CM Song birds are flying. See Russell. Autumn song. HS Song for a child's birthday. Hill. HS Song for the prism. Sherwood. HS 224 Index to Kindergarten Songs Song for Washington's birthday. HS Song I am singing my friend must repeat. See Reinecke. Guessing the singer. SM Song of April. Fairlamb. TLB Song of chestnuts. Vose. EL Song of greeting. Farwell. TLB Song of home work. HS Song of Illyrian peasants. Schnecker. TLB Song of iron. Gaynor. SCI Song of kindness. Elliott. SLl Song of love. RCS Song of perfume. Froebel. MP Song of sixpence. CBO (Elliott. Sing a song of sixpence. MG) Song of smell. Froebel. MP Song of summer and winter. Wolf. SHS Song of taste. Froebel. MP Song of thanks. EL Song of thanks. Randegger. EL (Randegger. Prayer. KC) Song of thanks. Saville. HS Song of the bee. Batchellor. WS Song of the blacksmith. Hubbard. MSG (Parker. Blacksmith. WS) Song of the bluebird. Walker. EL Song of the brook. Gaul. TC Song of the clock. Smith. SL2 Song of the five fingers. Tufts. CL Song of the ghost dance. TLB Song of the kitchen clock. Gaynor. SCI Song of the loaf of bread. Gaynor. SCI Song of the mill-stream. Hill. SHS Song of the miller. Gaynor. LL Song of the nut. Atkinson. GS Song of the rain. Allen. WS (Smith. Rain song. SLl) Song of the robin. Cornell. StN Song of the roller skates. Bartlett. StN Song of the sewing machine. Hill. SHS Song of the shark. Chadwick. StN Song of the shearer. SCI Song of the sunflower. Gaynor. LL Song of the tress. Hill. HS Song of the wind. Burnett. HS Song of Washington. Work. HS *Songs my mother taught me. EFS Soon shall winter's reign be ended. See Brewster. Spring must come. BSS Index to Kindergarten Songs 225 Sounds of spring. FS Sonne hat sich mued' gelaufen spricht. See Taubert. By-low- by. RCS Sow, sew, so. Knowlton. NS Sowing song. KK ♦Spacious firmament on high. TLB Spanish lady. Marzials. CPP Sparks the charcoal throws. See Smith. HR Sparrow. Conrade. GS Sparrows. Roeske. PFP Sparrow's greeting. Taubert. RCS Sparrows' nest. Berry. KC Spazier. Cradle song. SHS Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing. See Skye boat song. FS Spider. Neidlinger. SSS Spider and the flies. Wiggin. KC Spider and the fly. Elliott. MG Spied a boy a rosebud fair. See Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS— FS— RCS For composers sec Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. *Spin, lassie, spin. Reinecke. SL2 (Reinecke. Spinning song. FC — RCS) Spin, maiden, spin. See Reinecke. Spinning song. FC — RCS (Reinecke. Spin, lassie, spin. SL2) Spindler. Trumpeters' serenade. HMC2 Music only Spinet. Terhune. CC Spinn, Maegdlein, spinn. See Reinecke. Spinning song. FC — RCS (Reinecke. Spin, lassie, spin. SL2) Spinning carol. Terhune. CC Spinning song. Ellmenreich. HMCl Music only Spinning song. Reinecke. FC — RCS (Reinecke. Spin, lassie, spin. SL2) Spinning the yarn. Gaynor. SCI Spinning top, lightly spin. See Gaynor. Top. SC2 ♦Spirit of God, descend upon my heart. Hopkins. TLB Splendor falls on castle walls. See Neidlinger. Blow, bugle, blow. TLB Spohr. Lillies sweet. HS Spring birds. Wiggin. KC Spring comes with smiles and with sunshine so bright. See Spring's return. PS Spring dance. Gaynor. LL Spring flowers. Heerwart. HR 226 Index to Kindergarten Songs Spring flowers are op'ning. Sec Dugan. Glad Easter is here. HS Spring has called us from our sleep. See Heerwart. Spring flowers. HR Spring is come. See Glueck. Spring song. HR *Spring is come. Hayes. RCS Spring is here. Sheehan. OSM Spring is here, O children dear. See Stearns. Springtime joy. HS Spring is near. See Gaynor. Pussy willows. SV Spring joy. Heerwart. HR Spring morning prayer. Sheehan. OSM Spring must come. Brewster. BSS Spring once said to the nightingale. See Cornwall. Birdies' ball. WS (Hubbard. It is lovely May. MSG) Spring rain. Lach. SL2 Spring secrets. Vose. EL Spring song. Chopin. EFS (Chopin. Maiden's wish. FS) Spring song. Mendelssohn. HMCl Music only Spring the early blossoms bringeth. See Seidel. Four sea- sons. HR Spring's awakening. Gayrhos. HMCl Music only Spring's call to the flowers. Wiggin. KC Springtime. Martin. MSL Springtime brings the robin and the blue-bird home. See Con- rade. Clacker. GS Springtime is here. See Graefif. Spring song. HS Springtime joy. Stearns. HS Sprinkle, sprinkle, comes the rain. See Bartlett. Merry rain. _ StN Sprinkle, sprinkle, gentle rain. See Hailmann. April showers. HR Sprinkling the clothes. Chapek. HS Squirrel. JB Squirrel. Roeske. PFP Squirrel. Smith. SL2 Squirrel loves a pleasant place. See Chasing the squirrel. WS Squirrels' chatter. Kroeger. HMC2 Music only Stages of life. Hill. SHS Stanford. Bed in summer. SS For other composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer. Foreign children. SS (Fisher. Foreign children. CGV) Index to Kindergarten Songs 227 Stanford. Foreign lands. SS Marching song. SS For other composers see Stevenson. Marching song. My shadow. SS My ship and I. SS (Ramsay. My ship and I. SF) ' Pirate story. SS Summer's rain and winter's snow. TC 'Where go the boats? SS For other composers see Stevenson. Where go the boats? Windy nights. SS For other composers see Stevenson. Windy nights. Worship. TC Stangenberger. Merry helpers. HR Sawyer. HR (Hubbard. Sawing game. MSG) (Sawing game. WS) (Sawyer. PS) Windwill.. HR (Windmill. PS— WS) Stanley. April girl. StN (Fairlamb. April girl. StN) Cat and the dog. StN Cradle song. StN (Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN) (Fisher. Cradle song. StN) (Ilsley. Cradle song. StN) (Suck. Cradle song. StN) Handel. StN (Damrosch. Handel. StN) Little Elsie. StN Little John Bottlejohn. StN (Bristow. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) (Gilchrist. Little John Bottlejohn. StN) Night and day. StN Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN (Bartlett. Punkydoodle and Jollypin. StN) (Burdett. Punkydoodle and Jollypin. StN) (Mosenthal. Punkydoodle and Jollypin. StN) Queen o' May. StN Three wise women. StN Whenever a little child is born. StN Stanzas for finger-piano. Hailmann. HR Stanzas from the nativity. Smith. TLB Star. Cole. TC Star. Tours. TC Star shone in the East one night. See Willcox. Christine's Christmas carol. EL 228 Index to Kindergarten Songs Star spangled banner. Key. EFS— FS— GS— MSG Stars and daisies. SM (Smith. Stars and daisies. SL2) Stars and posies. Rossini. GS Stars are tiny daisies high. Sec Stars and daisies. SM (Smith. Stars and daisies. SL2) Stay with us, sweet songstress. See Reinecke. To the night- ingale. PC Steamer that passes far out at sea. See Neidlinger. Steamer s message. ESI Steamer's message. Neidlinger. ESI Stearns. Springtime joy. HS Stedman. Ball play. KC Stegall. Christmas carol. RCS (Stegall. Manger throne. FS) Manger throne. FS (Stegall. Christmas carol. RCS) Steh' nur auf. See Morning. FS Steig' empor am Himmel. See Reinecke. Evening star. RCS Step and fetch her. NEB2 Stephanos. Baker. TLB Stepping stones. Gaynor. SC2 Sternberg. Phoebus, arise! TLB Stetson. Lightbird. HS Memorial day. HS Stevenson. Armies in the fire. SF (Ramsay. Armies in the fire. SF) Autumn fires. EL — SF (Ramsay. Autumn fires. SF) (Wills. Autumn fires. EL) Bed in summer. CGV— CM— FSK— LBS— SF— SS (Bell. Bed in summer. LBS) (Cole. Bed in summer. CM) (Fisher. Bed in summer. CGV) (Funkhouser. In winter I get up at night. FSK) (Ramsay. Bed in summer. SF) (Stanford. Bed in summer. SS) Cow. CM— LBS (Bell. Cow. LBS) (Cole. Cow. CM) Escape at bedtime. CGV (Fisher. Escape at bed time. CGV) ■ Farewell to the farm. SS (Chadwick. Farewell to the farm. SS) Foreign children. CGV — SS (Fisher. Foreign children, CGV) (Stanford. SS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 229 Stevenson. Foreign lands. SS (Stanford. Foreign lands. SS) Good and bad children. SF (Ramsay. Good and bad children. SF) Good boy. SS (Bartlett. Good boy. SS) Happy thought. CGV (Fisher. Happy thought. CGV) (Adaptation: Cole. Beautiful world. CM) Hayloft. LBS— SF (Bell. Hayloft. LBS) (Ramsay. Hayloft. SF) In port. SF (Ramsay. In port. SF) In winter I get up at night. FSK {See his Bed in summer.) Keepsake mill. LBS (Bell. Keepsake mill. LBS) Lamplighter. LBS (Bell. Lamplighter. LBS) Land of counterpane. LBS — SS (Bell. Land of counterpane. LBS) (Chadwick. Land of counterpane. SS) Land of Nod. CGV— SS (Fisher. Land of Nod. CGV) (Gilchrist. Land of Nod. SS) Land of story books. SS (Bartlett. Land of story books. SS) Marching song. CGV — LBS — SS (Bell. Marching song. LBS) (Fisher. Marching song. CGV) (Stanford. Marching song. SS) Moon. LBS (Bell. Moon. LBS) My bed is a boat. CGV— LBS— SS (Bell. My bed is a boat. LBS) (Fisher. My bed is a boat. CGV) (Gilchrist. My bed is a boat. SS) My kingdom. SF (Ramsay. My kingdom. SF) ■ My shadow. SS (Stanford. My shadow. SS) My ship and I. SF — SS (Ramsay. My ship and I. SF) (Stanford. My ship and I. SS) Nest eggs. SF (Ramsay. Nest eggs. SF) 230 Index to Kindergarten Songs Stevenson. Northwest passage — good night. SF (Ramsay. North-west passage — goodnight. SF) Picture books in winter. SF (Bell. Pictures in winter. LBS) (Ramsay. Picture books in winter. SF) 1 Pictures in winter. LBS See above Pirate story. SS (Stanford. Pirate story. SS) Rain. CGV (Fisher. Rain.CGV) Shadow march. SF (Ramsay. Shadow march. SF) Singing. CGV— CM— SS (Cole. Singing. CM) (Fisher. Singing. CGV) (Hawley. Singing. SS) Stormy evening. TLB (Chadwick. Stormy evening. TLB) Sun's travels. SS (Foote. Sun's travels. SS) Swing. CGV— CM— BM— EL— LBS— SM— SS (Bell. Swing. LBS) (Bingham. Swing. BM) (Cole. Swing. CM) (DeKoven. Swing. SS) (Fisher. Swing. CGV) (Ramsay. Swing. SF) (Roelefson. Swing song. EL) System. CGV (Fisher. System. CGV) Time to rise. CGV (Fisher. Time to rise. CGV) Where go the boats? CGV— LBS— SF— SS (Bell. Where go the boats? LBS) (Fisher. Where go the boats? CGV) (Ramsay. Where go the boats? SF) (Stanford. Where go the boats? SS) Wind. CGV— EL— LBS— SF— SLl— SS— SM (Allen. Wind. EL) (Bell. Wind. LBS) (DeKoven. Wind. SS) (Fisher. Wind. CGV) (Ramsay. Wind. SF) (Smith. Wind song. SLl— SM) Wind song. See his Wind. Index to Kindergarten Songs 231 Stevenson. Windy nights. CGV — SF — SS (Fisher. Windy nights. CGV) (Ramsay. Windy nights. SF) (Stanford. Windy nights. SS) Young night thought. SS (Foote. Young night thought. SS) Stick dance. NEB2 Still as little mice. See Smith. Little mice. SL2 ♦Still, still with Thee. Barnby. TLB Stille nacht, heilige Nacht! See Gruber. Stilly night. FS (Haydn. Holy night. RCS) *Stilly night, starry and bright. Gruber. FS (Haydn Holy night RCS) Stitch, stitch, stitch, the shoe-makers go. See Wiggin. Trade game. IL KC Stoeckel. Billy Buttercup. StN Little squirrels. StN *Stop, stop, pretty water. Cole. CM (Tufts. Stop, stop, pretty water. CL) Storch, Storch, steiner. See Reinecke. Stork, stork, stately. RCS (Reinecke. Stork, stork, stander. FC) Stork and the frogs. PS *Stork, stork, stander. Reinecke. FC (Reinecke. Stork, stork, stately. RCS) Storm. Koehler. HR *Stormy evening closes now in vain. Chadwick. TLB Story. Can a little child like me? WS (Bassford. Can a little child like me? EL) — < — Come and join our carol. WS Easter hymn. WS (Batchellor. Easter hymn. WS) Once in my life. StN Story of night. Zelter. SHS Story of the apple. Hill. SHS Story of the bread. Hill. SHS Story of the butter. Hill. SHS Story of the Christ. Hill. SHS Story of the clothes. SHS Story of the day. SHS Story of the house. Neidlinger. ES2 Story sad, I've got to tell. See Elliott. Thievish mouse. MG Stowe. Still, still with Thee. TLB Strachauer. Alder by the river. WS (Sawyer. Alder by the river. EL) Straight and tall in the garden beds. See Smith. Little gard- ener. SL2 232 Index to Kindergarten Songs Strasak. BFD (Adaptation: Character dance. HC) FDM Music only "Strassburg." See Country dance, II. FDM Music only Strawberries! Strawberries! ten cents a quart. See Valentine. Greengrocer. VBD Stream. Hubbard. MSG Stream freezing. Montz. IMS Stream melting. Montz. IMS Street car. Elliott. SL2 Street car. Gaynor. SC2 Street car. Kallmann. HR Strong. Baby's bread. HS Baby's cotton gown. HS Freedom, our Queen. TC (Paine. Freedom, our Queen. TC) May song. HS — On this happy feast day. HS Stucken. Weave in. my hardy life. TLB Styrian dance. Schytte. HMC2 Music only Suck. Cradle song. StN (Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN) (Fisher. Cradle song. StN) (Stanley. Cradle song. StN) Dandelion. StN *"Sufifer the children," the Savior said. See Martin. Invitation. MSL Sugar lump. NG Sullivan. Onward, Christian soldiers. TLB St. Edmund. TLB Summer. Martin. MSL Summer day. Brown. EL Summer fading, winter comes. See Stevenson. Picture books in winter. SF (Stevenson. Pictures in winter. LBS) For composers see Stevenson. Picture books in winter. Summer fiow'rs are sleepy. See Flower's lullaby. SHS Summer has gone, the birds have flown. See Sawyer. Chick- adee. EL *Summer is a-coming in. FS Summer is coming. Bacon. EL Summer is gone. See Smith. Thanksgiving song. SL2 Summer joy. Mozart. HR Summer shower. Knowlton. NS Summer shower. Rust. EL Index to Kindergarten Songs 233 Summer song. Burdett. StN Summer song. Kreutzer. SHS Summer song Smith. SLl Summer song. Walker. WS Summer's gone, autumn's here. See Hitte. Autumn. DM *Summer's rain and winter's snow. Stanford. TC Sun. SL2 Sun and rain in fickle weather. See Brown. Pretty game. EL Sun, a-weary goes to rest. See Taubert. By-low-by. RCS Sun has crept behind the clouds. See Sawyer. Snowflakes. Sun has long departed. See Reinecke. Peace of night. FC — FS Sun is on the land and sea. See Kies. Morning hymn of praise. MSL Sun is not a-bed. See Stevenson. Sun's travels. SS (Foote. Sun's travels. SS) Sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home. See Foster. My old Kentucky home, good night. EFS Sun shining, rain falling. See Smith. Rainbow. LCD Sunbeam touched my little bed. See Smith. Good morning. SV Sunbeam voices. Cole. CM Sunbeams. Larned. HS Sunbeams. Smith. SL2 Sunbeams get up early. See Larned. Sunbeams. HS Sunbeams on the water danced. See Smith. To the sky and back. LCD Sunbeams that dance on the summer sea. See Rust. Summer shower. E*L Sunrise. Hill. HS Sun's travels. ' Stevenson. SS (Foote. Stvn's travels. SS) Sunset. Hill. HS Sunset and evening star. See Huss. Crossing the bar. TLB Sunshine. Reinecke. HR Sunshine dear, bright and clear. See Spring song. PS Sunshine far and near. Smith. LCD Sunshine song. Root. SV Sunshine song. Smith. SLl Sunshine's message. Hill. SHS Sunshiny_ morning. Gurlitt. HMC2 Music only Suppose. Hubbard. MSG ■^Suppose a little cowslip. Hubbard. MSG *Sur le pont d' Avignon. BB (Adaptation: In the spring. FS— HC) (Trans: On the bridge of Avignon. JB — RCS) Surprise. Reed. TGS 234 Index to Kindergarten Songs Swabian folk song. See Reinecke. Dancing song. FC Swallow. FS Swallow. Hubbard. MSG (Conrade. Tradespeople. GS) ♦Swallow, good bye. FS Swallow is a mason. See Conrade. Tradespeople. GS (Hubbard. Swallow. MSG) ♦Swallow is come. Tufts. CL Swan of slenderness. Sec Little red lark. EFS — FS Swedish schottische. FDM Music only Sweeping and dusting. Gaynor. SC2 ♦Sweet and low. Barnby. FS — RCS Sweet Billy Buttercup! pretty little fay. Sec Stoeckel. Billy Buttercup. StN Sweet content. Smith. TLB Sweet Dafify-down-dilly. See Smith. Daflfy-down-dilly. SL2 Sweet Maggie had a little bird. Sec Elliott. Maggie's pet. MG Sweet old story. Kies. MSL Sweet pea. Conrade. GS Sweet-pea ladies. Gaynor. SC2 Sweet peas white. Sec Gaynor. Sweet-pea ladies. SC2 Sweet red rose. Bartlett. StN (Ingraham. Sweet red rose. .StN) (Mosenthal. Sweet red rose. StN) Sweet summer's gone away. Conrade. GS Sweet wildwood flowers. HR Sweetly sing the love of Jesus. Sec Kies. Love of Jesus. MSL Sweetly the birds are singing at Easter dawn. See Damrosch. Easter carol. StN (Fairlamb. Easter carol. StN) (Hubbard. Sweetly the birds are singing. MSG) Swiftly round and round it goes. See Cushman. Wheel song. EL Swiftly thro' the card so white. See Smith. Sewing song. SL2 Swiftly walk over the western wave. See Smith. Tonight. TLB Swine-hcrdcr. NG Swing. Gaynor. SC2 Swing. Stevenson. BM— CGV— CM— EL— LBS— SM— SS I'or composers see Stevenson. Swing. Swing, cradle, swing. Hubbard. MSG (Pollock. Sailor boy. HR) ^ ♦Swing high and svvfing low. DeKovcn. FSC Swing high, swing low, my tawny papoose. See Schwartz. Indian lullaby. BSS Swing it here; swing it there. See Knotted handkerchief. KK Index to Kindergarten Songs 235 Swing song. Fontaine. HMC2 : Music only- Swing thee low in thy cradle soft. See Hitte. Indian lullaby. DM (Conrade. Indian cradle song. GS) Swing, swong! this is the way. See Smith. Tick, took! SM Swing the shining sickle. See Gaynor. Thanksgiving song. . SCI Swinging. Conrade. GS Swinging 'neath the old apple tree. KM Swinging, swinging, swinging, swinging. See Swinging 'neath the old apple tree. KM Switzer's farewell. EFS Swoop-a-hoo ! swoop-a-hoo ! See Bartlett. Song of the roller skates. StN Sword and a gun. See Taubert. Soldier song. FS — SL2 Sword dance. NEB2 System. Stevenson. CGV (Fisher. System. CGV) Table army. LBS Table exercises for attention. Reed. TGS Tabram. Fisherman. KC Haymakers. KC Mowers. KC *Taddypole and pollywog lived together in a bog. EL — ^HR *Tafify was a Welshman. Elliott. MG Tailor. Gaynor. LL Tailor. Hailmann. HR Tailor. Smith. SL2 Tailor's dance. BFD Take care I tell you. See Duke and the castle. HC Take me, take me, rnother, pray. See Froebel. Toyman and the maiden. MP Take, thou lovely child of spring. See Grieg. First primrose. FS Tally-ho. Schoenefeld. HMCl Music only Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum. See Fir and the pine. RCS (Fir tree. FS) Tantoli. FDM Music only Tap, tap, listen to the rain-drops fall. See Hitte. Rain. DM Tarantella. Smith. HMC2 Music only Tarentella Meridionale. FDM Music only 236 Index to Kindergarten Songs Tarentella. Burchenal. BFD Target. Bullard. SM Target. See Froebel. Lengthwise, crosswise. MP (Hubbard. Target. MSG) (Adaptation: Hurd. Kite. PTS) (Adaptation: Reed. Kite. TGS) Target game. Gaynor. SCI Target maker. Gaynor. SCI Taste song. Smith. SL2 Tasting. Hubbard. MSG (Wiggin. Tasting. KC) Tasting. Meissner. ASC Tasting. Smith. SL2 Tasting. Wiggin. KC (Hubbard. Tasting. MSG) Tattler's Mistress Swallow for she gossips all the day. See Gaynor. Frau Schwalbe. LL Taubert. Birds in the nest. RCS Busy Ijrook. RCS By-low-by. RCS Doll's cradle song. RCS Down in the grassy meadow. RCS Drummer. SL2 — • — Eia popeia. RCS Farmer and the doves. RCS Hildebrandshagen. RCS It's raining. RCS Like a fairy. RCS Meadow daisy. RCS -—Postillion. RCS Sand man. RCS Sleep, thou, my darling. RCS Soldier song. FS — SL2 Sparrow's greeting. RCS 'Trade game. KC Taylor. Children and the sheep. HR (Cole. Sheep. CM) (Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS) My kitty. HR Pretty cow. CM (Taylor. Thank you, pretty cow. CL — HR — SLl Thank you, pretty cow. CL — CM — HR — SLl (Taylor. Pretty cow. CM) (Cole. Thank you, pretty cow. CM) (Seidell. Thank you, pretty cow.. HR) (Smith. Thank you, pretty cow. SLl) (Tufts. Thank you, pretty cow. CL) Index to Kindergarten Songs 237 Taylor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL— HR— LI^— MG— SHS— SLl— SM— WS (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. MG— SLl— SM) (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. LL) (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. SHS) (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL) (Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR) (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle little star. WS) Violet. HR— WS Wind and sea. TLB Tching-a-ring-a-ring-tching, Feast of lanterns. See Elliott. Feast of lanterns. MG Tea-kettle. Gaynor. SCI Tea kettle's singing a song. See Gaynor. Tea kettle. SCI Teacher of gymnastics. Hailmann. HR (Variant: Little master of gymnastics. PS) (Variant: Smith. Choosing the game. SLl) (Variant: Wiggin. Imitation game. KC) Teacher's hymn. Hailmann. HR (Bacon. Mother's hymn. EL) (Osgood. Mother's hymn. EL) (Teachers' hymn, II. KC) Teachers' hymn, I and II. KC Telegraph. Gaynor. SC2 Telegraph. Neidlinger. ESI Telephone. Gaynor. SC2 Tell me how Chris-cradle sings. See Hubbard. Chris-cradle sings. MSG Tell me, little children. See Foote. Nikolina. StN Tell me, little Daisy. See Gaynor. Household hints. LL ♦Tell me the tone that the cricket sings. Schwartz. BSS Tell us year before you go ding, dong! See Hoffman. Ding, dong! StN (Molloy. Ding, dong! StN) Temporal O mores! TLB Ten little Indians. HC ♦Ten little ponies. Knowlton. NS Ten white eggs in a nest of hay. See Gaynor. Lesson in arith- metic. LL Tender flowers that early grow. See Martin. Springtime. MSL Tender little violet. See Gaynor. Violet SCI Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM) (Tufts. Little birdie. CL) Blow bugle, blow. TLB 238 Index to Kindergarten Songs Tennyson. Cradle song. EL (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM) (Tufts. Little birdie. CL) Crossing the bar. TLB Home they brought her warrior dead. TLB Little birdie. CL (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tennyson. What does little birdie say. SM) (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) Ring out, wild bells. TLB Sweet and low. FS— RCS What does little birdie say? SM (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tufts. Little birdie. CL) Terhune. Christmas carol. CC Coaching carol. CC Cradle carol. CC Kitchen carol. CC Minuet. CC New calash. CC Red and white. CC Sampler. CC Sedan chair. CC Spinet. CC Spinning carol. CC Tithing man. CC Train band. CC Watchman. CC Well sweep. CC Thalberg. November, No. 1. OS Than old Judea fairer. See Kies. Children's day. MSL Thank Thee, Father, for this day. See Gaynor. Prayer. LL ♦Thank you, pretty cow. Taylor. CL — CM — HR — SLl For composers see Taylor. Thank you, pretty cow Thanks for constant care. Hill. SHS Thanks for daily blessings. Hill. SHS Thanks for food, I and H. Smith. LCD Thanks to Thee, O God we give. See Smith. Thanks for food, H. LCD Thanksgiving. Child. GS Thanksgiving. Gaynor. LL Thanksgiving. Hill. HS Thanksgiving day. Hubbard. MSG (Conrade. Thanksgiving day. GS) (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS) (Sleigh ride. HR) Index to Kindergarten Songs 239 Thanksgiving day has come at last. See Hurd. Thanksgiving game. PTS Thanksgiving for harvest. Sherwood. HS Thanksgiving game. Hurd. PTS Thanksgiving joys. Conrade. GS Thanksgiving song. Bingham. BM Thanksgiving song. Brewster. BSS Thanksgiving song. Gaynor. SCI Thanksgiving song. Himmel. SHS Thanksgiving song. Jenks. EL Thanksgiving song. Rust. EL Thanksgiving sons'. Sawyer. EL Thanksgiving song. Smith. SL2 Thaxter. Alder by the river. EL— WS Chanticleer. StN It is spring. NS My pansies. EL Nikolina. StN Thayer. Joyfully, joyfully. WS The while we are singing this morning song. See Neidlinger. ES2 Their scythes the mowers sharpened. See Tabram. Mowers. KC Theme from impromptu. Schubert. HMCl Music only Theme from sonata. Mozart. HMCl Music only There are three men of Gotham. See Smeltzer. Three men of Gotham. SZ There he comes! I hear his horn. See Bingham. Balloon Man. BM There he stood, the snow-man. See Smith. Bold snow-man. LCD Then hoist the main sail. Sec Gaynor. Sail. LL There is a brooklet just over the way. See Hubbard. There is a brooklet. MSG (Hubbard. Nearer to Heaven v/e'll be. MSG) There is a little artist. See Conrade. Fairy artist. GS There is not in this wide world a valley so sweet. See Meeting of the waters. TLB There is one bright star in heaven. See Klein. My mother's mem- ory. TLB There lived a sage in days of yore. See Bullard. Pigtail. TLB There once was a bird that lived up in a tree. See DeKoven. Fiddle-dee-dee. FSC There once was a house in olden time. See Neidlinger. Story of the house. ES2 There's a fairy flying o'er the sea. See Sea breeze. FS There's a flower within mv hand. See Hubbard. Smelling. MSG (Smith. Smelling. SL2) (Wiggin. Smelling. KC) 240 Index to Kindergarten Songs There's a little old man. See Neidlinger. Snow man. SSS _ There's a little wee man in a little wee house. See Gaynor. Little shoemaker. SCI There's a merry little brown thrush. See Hubbard. Little brown thrush. MSG There's a music up in the frozen hills. See Hadley. Easter. TLB There's a plump little chap in a speckled coat. See Conrade. Bob White. GS o r>- u There's a pretty Poll Parrott all yellow and green. See Bingham. Pretty Poll Parrott. BM There's a purple tint on the woodland leaves. See Conrade. Sweet summer's gone away. GS *There's a ship on the sea. Allen. StN (Damrosch. There's a ship on the sea. StN) (Fisher. There's a ship on the sea. StN) ♦There's a song in the air. Draper. EL There's a time for every thing. See Signals of time. SHS There's a very old man. Sec Neidlinger. Windy day. SSS There's a wee little nest. See Gaynor. Bird's nest. SCI There's a wise old owl in the tree. See Gaynor. Owl. SCI There's a wonderful tree, a wonderful tree. See Schilling. Won- derful tree. WS There's always a sun and a moon. See Neidlinger. Day and night. ESI There's no dew left on the daisies and clover. See Seven times one. BSS ♦There she stands, a lovely creature. NG There's something very funny a-sitting over there. See Funk- houser. Jack o'lantern. FSK There strayed a pretty shepherdess. See Shepherdess and the cuckoo. RCS There they go in the pond below. See Sawyer. Duck game. EL ♦There was a crooked man. Elliott. MG There was a farmer had a dog. See Bingo. JB There was a field that waiting lay. See Roeske. How the corn grew. PFP ♦There was a jolly miller. JB There was a jolly miller once. See Jolly Miller. CBO — FS ♦There was a lady loved a swine. CBO There was a little fellow whose name was Guillori. See Father Guillori. RCS (Petit chasseur. BB) There was a little gardener who spent the summer days. See Knowlton. News for gardeners. NS ♦There was a little girl. Chadwick. StN (Warren. There was a little girl. StN) There was a little maiden. See Shepherd maiden. FS (Bergere. BB) (Shepherdess. RCS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 241 There was a little man and he woo'd a little maid. See Little man and little maid. BB — FS *There was a little woman as I've heard tell. RCS (Little woman. BB) There was a man lived in the moon. See Aiken drum. BB There was a pretty dandelion. Foote. StN There was a small boy with a toot. See Bartlett. Boy and the toot. StN There was a soft-shell crab. See Chadwick. Soft-shell crab. TC *There was a tree stood in the ground. NG (Green leaves grew all around. JB) There was a wood in valley green. See Green leaves grew all around. JB (There was a tree stood in the ground. NG) There was a youth, and a well beloved youth. See Marzials. Bailiff's daughter of Islington. CPP There was an old man in a wood. See Old man and his wife. LBS There was an old woman and what do you think? See Old woman of Norwich. BB There was an old woman tossed up in a basket. See Old woman tossed up in a basket. BB *There was once a little birdie. Cornwell. EL (Frost. Birdie's song. WS) (Rust. There was once a little birdie. EL) There went a fiddler marching. See O Tempora ! O Mores ! TLB There were four big owls. See Smeltzer. Four owls. SZ *There were four lilies. Haynes. TC There were shepherds abiding in the field. 5"^^ Handel. Messiah. TLB *There were three jolly fisherman. JB There were three little kittens put on their mittens. See Three little kittens. BB— FS There were three ravens sat on a tree. See Marials. Three ravens. CPP (Three ravens. EFS — FS) There were two little boys playing out in the snow. See Two little boys in the snow. KK Thermometer. Neidlinger. ES2 These are mother's knives and forks. See Gaynor. Mother's knives and forks. SCI These little birdies in their nest. See Hopping birds. WS These see His wonders in the deep. See Psalter. TLB They are having a merry party. See Gaynor. Pop-corn people. SCI They drive home the cows from the pasture. See Hubbard. Little brown hands. MSG They need not go so far away. See Palmer. Childhood's gold. StN Thievish mouse. Elliott. MG ♦Thing of beauty is a joy forever. Page TLB 242 Index to Kindergarten Songs Things of beauty. Mackenzie. TC Think how strange 'twould be if to go a hundred miles. See Neid- linger. Comparisons. ES2 Third ring song. SHS Thirsty earth one summer day. See Kuhlan. Earth and the clouds. HR This is how, all through the night. See Walker. Good-morning. WS This is how we spade the ground. See Garden game. HC *This is little Tommy Thumb. Brown. EL This is little yellowhead. Sec Neidlinger. Little yellowhead. SSS This is mamma, kind and dear. See Froebel. Family. HR This is mother, kind and tender. See Gaynor. Finger play. SCI This is pretty Polly. See Neidlinger. Polly. SSS This is the chicken coop. See Gaynor. Some lullabys. SC2 This is the cow that jumped over the moon. See Neidlinger. Old friends. ES2 This is the day of light. See Barnby. Dawn. TLB This is the dolly that I love best. Sec Grove. Doll song. HS This is the farmer, who planted the corn. See Smeltzer. Farmer. SZ This is the grandmamma. See Froebel. Grandmamma. MP This is the grandmamma. Sec Walker. Family. WS ♦This is the lady going to town. USl This is the little Tommy Thumb. See Froebel. Naming the fingers. SM This is the loving mother. See Gilchrist. Family. SM (Parker. Family. SM) This is the meadow where all the long day. See Roeske. Lambs. PFP This is the month, and this is the happy morn. See Smith. Stanzas from the nativity. TLB ♦This is the mother. Smith. SLl (Froebel. Mother good and dear. MP) (Hubbard. This is the mother. MSG) This is the way my father sows. Sec Knowlton. Sow, sew, so. NS This is the way that we form our ring. Sec Hill. First ring song. SHS This is the way the cloud comes down. See Walker. Weather song. WS. (Hiil. Weather song. SHS) (Weather song. HR) ♦This is the way the ladies go. LBS This is the way the morning dawns. See Brown. A summer day. EL This is the way the rain comes down. See Hill. Weather song. SHS (Walker. Weather song. WS) (Weather song. HR) Index to Kindergarten Songs 243 This is the way the sunshine comes down. Sec Weather song. HR (Hill. Weather song. SHS) (Walker. Weather song. WS) This is your birthday, my dear, my dear. See Hill. Song for a child's birthday. HS This little ball may visit you. See Hurd. Ball game. (Color). EL This little bird lived in a tree. See Tufts. Song of the five fingers. CL This little pig went to town. See Ernst. Five little pigs. HR This little thumb. Frobel. MP (Frobel. Finger play. KC) (Hubbard. What's this? MSG) This piece of wood I lengthwise lay. See Frobel. Lengthwise, crosswise. MP) (Adaptation: Hurd. Kite. PTS) (Adaptation: Reed. Kite. TGS) (Hubbard. Target. MSG) This way, that way turns the weather vane. See Osgood. Weather- vane. SM Thistles' story. Cole. CM Thomas. Bed time. EL Thompson. Glad Christmas tide. EL Thou blossom bright with autumn dew. See Lang. To the fringed gentian. TLB Thou crownest the vear with thy goodness. Martin. MSL Thou holy child. RCS Thou holy Jesus, meek and mild. See Reinecke. Christmas hymn. EFS Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace. See Williams. Trust. TLB Thou wilt not cower in the dust. See Maryland, my Maryland. EFS Though you're not my partner. Sec You are not my partner. KK ♦Though your eyes are blinded. Smith. SL2 Though your little eyes are blinded. See Hubbard. Touching. MSG (Wiggin. Touching. KC) Threading the needle. EL Three big white stepping stones. See Gaynor. Stepping stones. SC2 ♦Three blind mice. CBO— FS— LL— OYA ♦Three children sliding on the ice. CBO (Elliott. Three children sliding. MG) (Tufts. Three children sliding. CL) ♦Three crows. Elliott. MG Three dukes a-riding. OYA (Here come three dukes a-riding. NEBl) (Variant: Here comes one duke a-riding. JB) (Variant: Here comes one soldier marching. HC) ♦Three fishers. Macfarren. TLB 244 Index to Kindergarten Songs *Three funn}- old men. Neidlinger. SSS Three-in-hand is slowly rolling. Troika. EFS ♦Three jolly little boys. LBS Three kings of Orient. Hopkins. FS Three knights went riding away to the war. See Parting. TLB ♦Three little doves. Knowlton. NS Three little kittens. BB— FS *Three little mice. Elliott. MG Three men of Gotham. Smeltzer. SZ Three men's reel. FDM Music only Three of us afloat. See Stevenson. Pirate story. SS (Stanford. Pirate story. SS) Three ravens. EFS — FS (Marzials. Three ravens. CPP) Three shining sides of glass have L See Gaynor. Prism game. SC2 Three times round goes the gallant ship. See Wind blows high. JB . Three wise old women were they. See Bartlett. Three wise women. STN (Stanley. Three wise women. StN) Three wise women. Bartlett. StN (Stanley. Three wise women. StN) Three years old. Smith. LCD Threshers. Seeboeck. HMCl Music only Through fair grassy meadows. See Hill. Brooklet's song. HS ♦Through love to light. Mackenzie. TC Through painted windows. See Smith. Church. SL2 Through the chequered window pane. See Froebel. Window. MP Through the golden meadows. See Knight and the lady. JB Through the pleasant meadow side. See Stevenson. Hayloft. LBS — SF For composers see Stevenson. Hayloft. Thro' the streets and o'er the snow. See Rossini. Sleighing. HR Through time to come as in ages past. See Neidlinger. Nature's novel. ES2 Thrupp. Chickens round the gate. OS (Hubbard. See the chickens round the gate. MSG) (Seidell. See the chickens round the gate. HR) Thumb I count as one. See Finger plays, No. 19. PS (Adapted from Froebel. Numbering the fingers. SM) Thumb is one. See Froebel. Numbering the fingers. SM (Adaptation: l<'inger play. No. 19. PS) ♦Thumbkin says "I'll dance." Hubbard. MSG (Walker. Thumbkin says "I'll dance." WS) (Variant: Smith. Thumbkin says "I'll dance." SLl) Index to Kindergarten Songs 245 *Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Finger song. MP) *Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." Smith. SLl — SM (Adapted from Froebel. Finger song. MP) Thumbs up. KK Thunder. Neidlinger. FSl Thunder storm. HR Thus spake the mother fish. See Sherwood. Good advice. HS Tick, tack! Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Tick, tack. MSG) Tick-tack. Reinecke. SM Tick, tack, tee. See Reinecke. Mill. SLl Tick tack! tick tack! Hear the old clock. See Reinecke. Tick- tack. SM Tick, tock! Gaynor. LL Tick, tock! Miller. SM Tick, tock! Neidlinger. SSS Tick, tock, old clock, strike the hour for baby. See Brewster. Slumber song. BSS Tick-tock, tick-tock. Sec Gaynor. Song of the kitchen clock. SCI Tick tock, tick tock. See Kohl. Pendulum. HR Tick-tock, tick-tock! Amy, Jammie, Jo and Jock. See Smith. Bed time. LCD Tick, tock, tick, tock! Busy, friendly, helpful clock. See Smith. Song of the clock. SL2 "Tickity tock!" Hark to the clock. See Grove. Bed time. HS *TiddIely-winks and Tiddlelv-wee. Neidlinger. SSS Tide. Neidlinger. ESI Time. Tufts. CL Time for play. Koehler. HR Time to rise. Stevenson. CGV (Fisher. Time to rise. CGV) Timid, blue-eyed flower. See Naegeli. Violet. HR — WS (Vafiant: Naegeli. Violet. RCS) Tin soldiers. Neidlinger. SSS Ting a-ling, a-ling, a-ling. See Smeltzer. Jackie Jingle. SZ Ting, ting, tinkle ting! See Smith. Bossy cow. LCD Tiny fingers in a row. See Gilchrist. Beckoning to the chick- ens. SM Tiny flakes of snow. See Gaynor. Snowballs. SV Tiny little seed. See Brown. Spring song. EL *Tiny little snow-flakes. Batchellor. WS Tip-toe march. Montz. IMS 'Tis a lesson you should heed. See Try, try again. HR 'Tis bed-time for the doggy now. See Smith. Saying good-night. LCD 'Tis fortv years my old friend John. See Land. My old friend John. FS 246 Index to Kindergarten Songs 'Tis God our Father. See Hill. Blessings on eflfort. SHS 'Tis May Day! 'tis May Day! let's up and away. See Sherwood. May day invitation. HS 'Tis raining, 'tis raining. See Froelich. Rain song. KC (Reinecke. Rain song. FC) 'Tis spring, the field is ready. See Reinecke. Farmer. SL2 *'Tis the last rose of summer. EFS (Last rose of summer. FS) 'Tis twelve o'clock. See Good-bye. HR 'Tis when the lark goes soaring. See Chadwick. Kissing time. FSC Tit-tat-toe ! See Gaynor. House of tit-tat-toe. LL Tithing-man. Terhune. CC. Titoff. Flicker, flicker, tire sprite. FS To a daisy. Dietrich. TC To a dandelion. Gaynor. LL To a honey-bee. Cole. CM To a snowflake. Smith. LCD *To all you ladies now on land. Marzials. CPP To America. TLB *To Anacreon in Heav'n. EFS *To and fro. HR To and fro. Hubbard. MSG To and fro, gay we go. See Smith. Dancing song. SL2 To and fro, so soft and slow. See Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN (Fisher. Cradle song. StN) (Ilsley. Cradle song. StN) (Stanley. Cradle song. StN) (Suck. Cradle song. StN) *To and fro the ball. Hubbard. MSG To and fro the strong arms go. See Allen. Canod song. EL To and fro, to and fro goes the pendulum. See Froebcl. Tick, tack! MR (Hubbard. Tick, tack. MSG) To and fro, to and fro, that my ball can nicely do. See Hubbard. To and fro. MSG *To Araby will I wander. EFS *To Beccles. JB To do to others as I would. See Hubbard. Golden rule. MSG To fight the French in Flanders. See Duke Marlborough. FS To France were returning two grenadiers. See Two grenadiers. TLB *To market, to market, to buy a fat pig. KM To me the land that gave me birth. See At the beginning and at the close of play, no. 2. PS To night. Smith. TLB To push the business on. JB To Santa Claus. Conrade. GS Index to Kindergarten Songs 247 To the cool and shaded pond. See Reed. Fishes. TGS To the evening star. Reinecke. FC To the fringed gentian. Lang. TLB To the great brown house. See Allen. Song of the rain. WS (Smith. Rain song. SLl) To the humble-bee. Reinecke. FC To the lords of convention. See Bonnie Dundee. EFS To the mill let us go. See Hitte. Mill. DM To the nightingale. Reinecke. FC To the sky and back. Smith. LCD To the sleeping seeds. See Hill. Sunshine's message. SHS To the w^ar the Cossack goes. See Lovely Minka. FS To the wild flowers. Sheehan. OSM *To the woods, O come away. KK To thy loving parents. See Reinecke. Birthday song. SLl (Reinecke. Mother's birthday. FC) To Ting. FDM Music only To wander is the miller's joy. See Miller. PS To work. HR *Today is the first of May. KK (First of May. BFD) Tom, he was a piper's son. See Over the hills and far away. CBO Tom, he was the piper's son. See Funkhouser. Tom, Tom, the piper's son. FSK Tom, the piper's son. Elliott. MG (Tom, Tom, the piper's son. CBO) Tom, Tom, the piper's son. Funkhouser. FSK Tom, Tom, the piper's son. See Elliott. Tom, the piper's son. MG (Tom, Tom, the piper's son. CBO) Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks. Smeltzer. SZ Tommy Tittlemouse. Smeltzer. SZ *Tooriletoo was a bonnie cock robin. RCS Top. Gaynor. SC2 Top. Schoenefeld. HMCl Music only Toppelius. Yes, come, dear, dear Christmas. HS Toss a feather in the air. See Gaynor. Feather game. SC2 Tossing. Hailman. HR Tossing game. Hailmann. HR Tossing game. Walker. WS Touch_ the clavier now. See Froebel. Pianoforte. MP Touching. Hubbard. MSG (Wiggin. Touching. KC) Touching. Meissner. ASC Touching. Wiggin. KC (Hubbard. Touching. MSG) 248 Index to Kindergarten Songs Tournament. Gayrhos. HMC2 Music only Tours. Star. TC Tower. Smith. SLl Toyman. HS Toyman and boy. Frocbel. MP Toyman and the maiden. Froebel. MP *Toyman of Nuremberg. Reinecke. FC Toyman's shop. Hill. HS Tra la la la, there's joy in the air. See Hubbard. Birds must fly. MSG Tra la la ! tra la la ! wee birds are singing. See Gaynor. Spring dance. LL Tra-ra, tra-ra, tra-ra. See Froebel. Wild boar. MP Tracks in the snow. Gaynor. SCI Trade game. Taubert. KC Trade game. Wiggin. KC Trade song, I. Wiggin. KC (Working man. HR) Tradespeople. Conrade. GS (Hubbard. Swallow. MSG) Train. EL Train. Smith. LCD Train. Valentine. VBD Train-band. Terhune. CC Train is all ready and we must get on. See Train. EL Tramp, tramp, tramp. HR (Hubbard. Let your feet go tramp, tramp! MSG) (Let the feet go tramp. EG) Transformation game. Smith. SM *Tread the green grass. NG Treasures. Smith. LCD Tree loves me. Sec Gaynor. Tree's friends. SCI Tree was cold. Sec Smith. Tree in winter. SL2 Trees are bare and brown. Sec Conrade. November, No. 2. GS Tree's friends. Gaynor. SCI Trekarlspolska. FDM Music only Tremp ! ton pain, Marie. Sec Dip your bread, Marie. RCS (Variant: Dip vour bread, Polly. LBS) Triangle. FDM Music onlv Trifles. Tufts. CL *Tripping we go. Gaynor. LL Troika. EFS Trois princesses. See Clear cool pond. FS Trot along! Trot along! Sec Hop, mother Annika. KK Trot de cavalerie. Rubinstein. HMC2 Music only Index to Kindergarten Songs 249 Trot, trot, trot, through the pasture lot. See Little pony. EL Troyte. Troyte's chant. TLB True freedom. Lang. TLB Trum te turn, turn. Sec Taubert. Drummer. SL2 Trumpeter's serenade. Spindler. HMC2 Trunkles. NEB2 Music only Trust. Williams. TLB Try, try again. HR Tschaikowsky. Skylark. HMC2 Music only Tufts. Bee is a rover. CL Birds in summer. CL Busy bee. CL (Cole. Lesson from the bee. CM) Busy little husbandman. CL Buttercups and daisies. CL (Conrade. Buttercups and daisies. GS) (Hubbard. Buttercups and daisies. MSG) Butterflies are pretty things. CL Calling the tides. CL Cherry tree. CL Coasting. CL Cock-a-doodle-do ! CL Come here, little robin. CL Come, my children, come away. CL Cradle song. CL (Tennyson. Little birdie. CL) (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM) Daisy buds. CL Ding, dong. CL Dog. CL Engine song. CL Golden rule. CL Humming bird. CL 1 had two pigeons. CL 1 like little pussy. CL (Elliott. I love little pussy. MG— SLl) (My kitty. HR) 1 saw three ships. CL (I saw three ships come sailing by. CBO) H all the world was apple-pie. CL (H all the world were paper. BB) Little birdie. CL (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM) 250 Index to Kindergarten Songs Tufts. Little brother. CL Little brown birds. CL Little dreamer. CL (Osgood. Little dreamer. RCS) Little girl's fancies. CL Little rain-drops. CL Little Robin Redbreast. CL Little things. CL Little white lily. CL (Walker. Little white lily. \VS) (Smith. Little white lily. SL2 Morning hymn. CL Morning song. CL My little doll Rose. FS My pussy. CL Nell and her bird. CL North wind doth blow. CL (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG — SLl) (North wind and the robin. BB) (North wind doth blow. HR) Now the sun is sinking. CL (Wiggin. Slumber song. KC) Old Gaelic lullaby. CL (Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. ESS) (Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB) One thing at a time. CL Peep of day. CL Pigeon house. CL Rain, rain. CL Robin. CL Rocking horse. FS Song of the five fingers. CL Stop, stop, pretty water. CL (Cole. Stop, stop, pretty water. CM) Swallow is come. CL Thank vou, pretty cow. CL (Cole. 'Pretty cow. HR) (Seidell. Thank you, pretty cow. HR) (Smith. Thank you, pretty cow. SLl) Three children sliding. CL (Elliott. Three children sliding. MG) (Three children sliding on the ice. CBO) Time. CL Trifles. CL Index to Kindergarten Songs 251 Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. MG— SLl— SM) (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. LL) (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. SHS) (Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR) (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. WS) Wave's gift. CL Welcome swallow. CL Wind blows sweetly. CL Winter jewels. CL Tulips. Gaynor. SCI Tupper. Skylark. CM Turkey gobbler lived within a barnyard. See Gaynor. Why Mr, Gobbler changed his tune. SC2 Turkish march. Schoenefeld. HMC2 Music only *Turn again, Whittington. RCS Turn around, around. See Wiebe. Wheel. KC "Turn !" said the little stream. See Hill. Song of the mill-stream. SHS *Turn the big wheel. Gaynor. LL Turner. Waiting to grow. EL Turning, whirling, turning, whirling. See Hill. Song of the sew- ing machine. SHS 'Twas a merry time when Jenny Wren was young. See Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. CBO 'Twas an old, old, old, old lady and a boy that was half past three. See Cole. One two three. CM 'Twas in the lowlv stable. See Smith. In the Bethlehem stable. LCD 'Twas in the merry month of May. Marzials. CPP 'Twas on a chill December morn. 5"^^ Washing day. LBS 'Twas on a merry time. See Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. RCS 'Twas this way and that way. Gaynor. LL (Variant: When I was a shoemaker. NG) (Variant: When I was a lady. LBS) (Variant: When I was a schoolgirl. NEBl) (Variant: When I wore flounces. JB) 'Twas within a mile of Edinboro' town. See Within a mile of Edinboro' town. EFS Twenty, eighteen. NEBl Twilight and dawn. SHS Twilight town. Jenks. EL *Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle little star. MG— SLl— SM) (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle little star. LL) (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle little star. SHS) (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle little star. CL) (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle little star. WS) 252 Index to Kindergarten Songs Twinkle, twinkle little star. See Hubbard. Little star. MSG 'Twixt a hill and deep and shelter'd vale. See Two hares. RCS (Zwei Hazen. BB) Two birds. Wiebe. KC Two boys in the snow. KK Two crows. Neidlinger. SSS Two grenadiers. TLB Two hands and eight little fingers. See Hurd. Children on the tower. PTS Two hands I have. Mozart. HR Two hands, thereon eight fingers are. See Froebel. Children at the tower. MP (Hubbard. Two hands. MSG) Two hares. RCS (Zwei Hazen. BB) Two kittens. Clarke. StN Two little birds. Bacon. EL *Two little birds. Fisher. StN Two little hands. See Smith. Children on the tower. SLl Two little hands I have. See Fischer. What I have. HR *Two little maidens all alone. JB Two little roses. Bacon. EL *Two little windows. Reed. TGS Two merrv little builders. See Brewster. Robins and pussy wil- low. 'BSS Two pretty boots are these of mine. See Taubert. Sand man. RCS Two Robin Redbreasts built their nest. See Tufts. Robin Red- (Two Robin Redbreasts. HR) (Walker. Two Robin Redbreasts. WS) *Two stars are in heaven. FS Two years old. Smith. LCD Tyrolese and his child. EFS ♦Tyrolese are jolly. JB Uhland. Good comrade. FS Ukranian dance melody. HMC2 Music only Uncrowned kings. Loomis. TLB Under and over the chain is unwound. See Rust. Bucket song. EL Under the crimson flow'rets. See Reinecke. Birdie's burial. FC Under the glowing sun. See Reinecke. Little gardener. SM Under the lindentree. Foerster. HMCl Music only Under the Maypole. Gurlitt. HMC2 Music only Up and down and in and out. See Froebel. Play with the limbs. SM Up and down, and up and down. See Terhune. Kitchen carol. CC Index to Kindergarten Songs 253 Up and down the centre we go. See Catch the squirrel. USI Up comes the little bucket. See Smith. Pail. SL2. *Up, down. Hailmann. HR Up, down, up down, all the way to London town. See Foote. Going to London. StN Up in the apple tree over the way. See Holden. My neighbor. EL Up in the tall old tree. See Cole. Where the birdies grow. CM Up into the cherry tree. See Stevenson. Foreign lands. SS (Stanford. Foreign lands. SS) Up the scale we're climbing. See Cole. Scale song. No. 1. CM Up through the mould. See Bacon. Daffy-down-dilly. EL Up to us sweet childhood looketh. See Bacon. Mother's hymn. EL (Hailmann. Teacher's hymn. HR) (Osgood. Mother's hymn. EL) (Teacher's hymn, H. KC) Up up in the sky. Walker. WS (Ball song. KC) (Direction song. HR) Up, up my little bucket comes. See Walker. Bucket song. WS (Hubbard. Bucket song. MSG) *Up yonder on the mountain. Reinecke. EC Upon a showery night and still. See Suck. Dandelion. StN Upon Paul's steeple stands a tree. See St. Paul's steeple. CBO Upon the blooming meadow. See Reinecke. Forget-me-not. FC — SLl (Jacob. Forget-me-not. WS) Upon the bottom of the sea. See Neidlinger. Cable. ESI Upon the meadow. Foerster. HMCl Music only Upon the sweetest summer time. See Blow away the morning dew. LBS Useful. Smith. LCD V-v-v-v-v buzzing, buzzing, buzzing bees. See Fischer. Bees. HR Vafva vadmal. FDM Music only Valentine. Babv's horses. VBD Cat. VBD" Conductor. VBD Fireman. VBD Flower-wagon. VBD Goldfish. VBD Good-morning song. VBD Green grocer. VBD Policeman. VBD Polly. VBD Postman. VBD Train. VBD Water-cart. VBD 254 Index to Kindergarten Songs Valentine. Damrosch. StN (Fairlamb. Valentine. StN) Valentine day. Gaynor. GS Valentine song. Brewster. BSS Valentines. Gaynor. SC2 Valentine's message. Hill. HS Valiant rider. Parlow. HMCl Music only *Valley boy smiling. EFS Vapperstavals. FDM Music only Varmer he lived in the West Countree. See Barkshire tragedy. NEBl Varsovienne. FDM Music only Veilchen wie so schweigend. See Naegeli. Violet. HR— RCS— WS Venetian boatmen's song. Bach. TLB Venturesome children. Seidell. HR Verdi. Little song of gratitude. GS Raindrops. GS Vesper sparrow now has sung. See Gilchrist. Whip-poor-will. TLB Vessel. PS (Hubbard. Ship. MSG) Viens, Aurore. See Come, Aurora. FS Village dance. Wiggin. KC Vineyard dance. FDM Music only Vingakersdans. FDM Music only Violet. Bingham. BM Violet. Gavnor. SCI Violet. Naegeli. HR— RCS— WS Violet. Schults. FC— KC— MSL— RCS— SLl— WS (Reinecke. Violet. FC— RCS— SLl— WS) (Kies. Violet. MSL) (Violet. KC) Violet, darling violet. See Schults. Violet. FC— KC— MSL— RCS — SLl— WS For composers see Schults. Violet Violet, dearest violet. See Schults. Violet. FC — KC — MSL — RCS— SLl— WS For composers see Schults. Violet Violet does not dress as gay. See Bingham. Violet. BM Violet lowly bending. See Naegeli. Violet. RCS (Adaptation: Naegeli. Violet. HR— WS) Violet song. Brewster. BSS Virgin stills the crving. See Barnby. Cradle song of the Virgin. RCS (Kies. Virgin's cradle song. MSL) Index to Kindergarten Songs 255 Virgin's cradle song. Kies. MSL (Barnby. Cradle song of the Virgin. RCS) Visit. Reinecke. SM Visiting game. EL. Visiting game. Hayden. HC Vose. Little plant. EL Plants awakening. EL Pop corn. EL Song of chestnuts. EL Spring secrets. EL Voyage. Hailmann. HR Voyage. Neidlinger. ES2 Wacht am Rhein. See Wilhelm. Watch on the Rhine. FS (Wilhelm. Watch by the Rhine. EPS) Wagner. Pilgrims' chorus. TLB Waiting to grow. EL (Turner. Waiting to grow. EL) Waits. Sawyer. EL Wake, little bird. See Gaynor. Awakening. SC2 *Wake! says the sunshine. Hubbard. MSG Wake up fairies. Hayden. HMCl Music only *Wake up, snowdrop. Atkinson. GS *Wake up! wake up! the morning light. Bingham. BM *Waken little children. Ashmall. SLl Waking flowers. Hill. SHS Waking flowers. Reissmann. RCS Wakonda, hear us. hear us. See Song of the ghost dances. TLB Walker. All the little sparrows. WS Baby's lullaby. WS (Elliott. Lullaby. MG— SM) (Lullaby. HR) Baker. WS Ball comes round to meet us. WS (Ball comes to meet us. PS) Birdies in the greenwood. WS (Birdie. PS) (Weber. Birdies in the greenwood. HR) Birthday song. WS Bucket song. WS (Hubbard. Bucket song. MSG) Carol, children, carol. WS Cartwheel song. WS) (Elliott. Cartwheel. SL2) Children, can you truly tell. WS Children grateful for meeting. WS Cooper. WS (Hubbard. Cooper. MSG) 256 Index to Kindergarten Songs Walker. Eight white sheep. WS Family. WS Go over, come back here. WS God is there. WS (Hubbard. Nature's God is there. MSG) Good morning. WS Good morning, dear children. WS Good morning, new day. WS ■ Grasshopper green. WS Hop, hop, come birdies all. WS It came upon the midnight clear. EL Jesus bids us shine. WS (Hubbard. Jesus bids us shine. MSG) Kitty cat and the mouse. WS (Gilchrist. Kitty cat. StN) (Kitty cat and the mouse. RCS) Little dove, you are welcome. WS Little gardens. WS Little Jack Frost. WS (Cornwell. Little Jack Frost. WS) (Little Jack Frost. HR) Little white lily. WS (Smith. Little white lily. SL2) (Tufts. Little white lily. CL) Little woodpecker am I. WS ■ Morning bright. WS My ball comes up to meet me. WS My ball lies in its little bed. WS Old Year and the new. WS Once there was a little kitty. WS .Our balls are going to bye-low-land. WS Our play is o'er. WS (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR) (Hubbard. Parting song. MSG) (Wiggin. Good-bye song. KG) Out in the meadows. WS (Conrade. Daisies in the meadows. GS) Over and back. WS Pigeon song. WS (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP) (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR) (Pigeon house. PS) Rainbow song. WS Snail. WS (Koehler. Snail. HR) (Hubbard. Snail. MSG) (Snail. BG— PS) (Snail game. HC) Index to Kindergarten Songs 257 Walker. Snow. WS (Hailmann. Oh, see the snow. HR) (Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG) Song of the bluebird. EL Summer song. WS Thumbkin says, "I'll dance." WS (Hubbard. Thumbkin says, "I'll dance." MSG) (Variant: Smith. Thumbkin says, "I'll dance." SLl) Tossing game. WS (Twinkle, twinkle Httle star. HR) (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle little star. MG— SLl— SM) (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle little star. LL) (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle little star . SHS) (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle little star. CL^ (Twinkle, twinkle little star. HR) Two Robin Redbreasts. WS (Tufts. Little Robin Redbreast. CL) (Two Robin Redbreasts. HR) Up, up in the sky. WS Weather song. WS Where do all the daisies go? WS (Conrade. Where they go. GS) — — Which way does the wind blow? WS Winter jewels. WS (Burdett. Million little diamonds. StN) (Damrosch. Million little diamonds. StN) (Tufts. Winter jewels. CL) Walking on stilts. Gayrhos. HMC2 Music only Walking on the green grass. NG Walking on the levy. NG Wallbanck. Forget-me-not. GS Waller. Lines written in early spring. TLB To America. TLB * Wallflowers, wallflowers. JB Waltz. Funkhouser. FSK Music only Waltz. Hitte. DM Music only Waltz. Weber. HMC2 Music only Wandering balls. HR Wandering game. Wiggin. KC Wandering song. Bullard. SM Wandering song. Froebel. SM Wand'ring up and down one day. Sec Cobbler. HR — LBS Wandering workmen. SL2 258 Index to Kindergarten Songs War song. Reinhold. HMC2 Music only Ward. Jerusalem above. TLB *Warm hands, warm, the men have gone to plough. CBO — LBS Warner. Postman. KC Warren. April snow. StN Ironing song. StN (Smith. Ironing day. SL2) Marjorie's almanac. StN Night and day. StN Queen o' May. StN Snow flakes. StN (Molloy. Snow-flakes. StN) There was a little girl. StN Was eilst du so? See Taubert. Busy brook. RCS Washing. Montz. IMS Washing and ironing. Hill. SHS Washing day. LBS Washing day. Sloane. HS Washing day. Smith. SL2 *Washing day has come again. Brown. EL Washing the clothes. BFD ^Washington, O Washington, thy name is ever dear. Atkinson. GS Washington the soldier true who won our land. See Hubbard. Washington's birthday. MSG ♦Wassail, a wassail, a wassail and we begin. NEBl Watch by the Rhine. Wilhelm. EPS (Watch on the Rhine. Wilhelm. FS) Watches and clocks. PS Watches for good reasons never have any sleep. See Watches and clocks. PS Watching the flocks. GS Watchman. Terhune. (3C *Water, water wild flowers. NG Watercart. Valentine. VBD Watering the flowers. Dugan. EL Waterlilies. Gaynor. SC2 Watermill. USI Watermill. Andrae. HR Watersprite. Sec Nigarepolskan. FDM Music onlv Waterwheel. PS Watts. Busy bee. CL (Lesson from the bee. CM) Ellacombe. TLB Watts. Lesson from the bee. CM (Busy bee. CL) Wave our bonny flag on high. See Gaynor. Our flag. SCI Index to Kindergarten Songs 259 Wave, pretty wave, come over the sea. See Tufts. Wave's gift. CL Waves. Smith. LCD Wave's gift. Tufts. CL Waves of the ocean roll in with a roar. See Smith. Waves. LCD Waves on the sea-shore. Hubbard. MSG Way down in the buttercup meadow. See Hubbard. Down in the buttercup meadow. MSG Way down in the field where the wheat seeds lie. See Hill. Story of the bread. SHS Way down upon the Suwanee ribber. See Foster. Old folks at home. EFS— TLB We all agree in loving. See Marching, no. 29. PS We all go round the mulberry bush. See Going round the mul- berry bush. HR (As we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Here we go round the mulberry bush. HC) (Little washerwoman. KK) (Mulberry bush. BG— CBO— FS— JB— LBS) We all have found a pleasant place. See Koehler. Race. HR *We are all little girlies. JB *We are all nodding, nid, nid, nodding. LBS (Variant: And we're a noddin.' FS) We are butterflies dipping as we flit. See Gaynor. Butterflies' hide and seek. LL We are drummer boys. See Funkhouser. Drummer boys. FSK We are fairies from fairy land. See Gaynor. Dance of the rainbow fairies. SCI *We are happy all the day. Bingham. BM We are joyous today. See Hubbard. Froebel's song. MSG We are little busy bees. See Busy bees. HR *We are little soldier men. Smith. SLl We are little waiters. See Wiggin. Little waiters. KC We are merry children. See Stangenberger. Merry helpers. HR *We are red birds. Smith. SL2 We are sewing, sewing, sewing. See Pettibone. Sewing song. SCI We are soldiers of the Froebel guard. See Rockwell. Marching song for Froebel's birthday. KC We are the shearers big and strong. See Gaynor. Song of the shearer. SCI We are the sounding buglars. JB *We be soldiers three. Marzials. CPP *We be three poor mariners. Marzials. CPP We birds are a merry set. See Birds. PS (Hubbard. Hoping and flying together. MSG) 7 *We cats get up in the morning. LBS We caught a young squirrel. See Squirrel. JB 260 Index to Kindergarten Songs We children form a flowery ring. Sec Elliott. Ring. SL2 We come to see Miss Jennie Jones. See Miss Jenny Jones. (Variant: Jilly Jo. JB) We go across the street. See Visiting game. EL We have a little blue eye within the ring. See Choosing game. HC We have a little fairy. See Knowlton. Little fairy. NS We have friends on land and sea. See Neidlinger. Sheep. ESI We have got an army fit to march around the table. See Table army. LBS We have put our work away. See Koehler. Time for play. HR We know a lovely garden. See Chapek. Garden. HS We lightly skip on tip toe, all. See Koehler. Skipping. HR — PS We'll hire a horse and steal a gig. See To push the business on. JB *We'll join our hands. Hubbard. MSG We'll join our hands and in a circle sing. See Hubbard. Sea- sons. MSG We'll march and march and march around. See Reinecke. Forming the ring. WS We'll march like soldiers brave. See Hitte. Little soldiers. DM We'll mix up some water and meal in a pan. See Knowlton. Feeding chickens. NS We'll open the pigeon house again. See Walker. Pigeon song. WS (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR) (Pigeon house. PS) We'll play we're giants tall. See Gaynor. Giants. SCI *We'll stand up straight. Gaynor. SCI We'll sweep. Terhune. CC We'll turn to our places. See Wiggin. Ring song, no. 4. KC We love this blessed land of ours. See Reed. Our land. HS — TGS We love to go a-roaming. See Bullard. Wandering song. SM We made a see-saw yesterday. See Neidlinger. See-saw. SSS *We march like soldiers. Gaynor. SCI We meet again together. See Afternoon song. KC We open now our pigeon house. See Kohl. Pigeon house. TIR (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP) (Pigeon house. PS) (Walker. Pigeon song. WS) *We plow the fields. Smith. SL2 *We praise Thee, Lord. Lvoff. FS *We're a band of happy children. KC We're a band of merry merry workmen. See Smith. Merry workers. SL2 We're a-noddin'. FS (Variant: We are all nodding. LBS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 261 We're busy making shoes. See Libby. Shoemaker. WS We're marching round the valley. See Marching round the valley. USI We're playing at railway. See Wiseneder. Railway. HR ♦We're playing together. Smith. SL2 We sail toward evening's loving star. See Parker. Even song. TC We say good day. KK We send a "Merry Christmas" thro' the air. See Hubbard. Christmas greeting. MSG We thank the Heav'nly Father for sunshine and for rain. See Saville. Song of thanks. HS We thank Thee. George. GS We thank Thee, dear Father, for care through the night. See Knowlton. Morning prayer. NS *We thank Thee, Father, for the love. Sherwood. HS We thank Thee, loving Father. See Germer. Choral. HMCl We, the slender twigs are taking. See Hubbard. Basket of flowers. MSG We three Kings of Orient are. See Hopkins. Three Kings of Orient. FS We throw our balls up, up so high. See Hailmann. Tossing. HR We twine the boughs of holly green. See Christmas wreath. HC We two together. Gilchrist. TLB We walk with equal paces. See Marching, no. 28. PS We weave brown velvet jackets. See Gaynor. Cat tails. SC2 *We welcome you, dear friends. Hubbard. MSG We went to the meadow and what did we see? See Smith. Green leafy tree. LCD We will blind Jamie's eyes. See Gaynor. Guessing game. SCI We will fetch you a pint of wine. See Roman soldiers. JB We will wash our clothes, we'll wash them. 5"^^ Washing the clothes. BFD We won't go home till morning. NEB2 Music only We won't go home until morning. See For he's a jolly good fellow. EFS Wearily at daylight's close. See Reinecke. Evening prayer. FC— HR— SLl Wearing of the green. EFS Weary fingers. HR Weary now the little fingers. See Weary fingers. HR Weather song. Hill. SHS (Walker. Weather song. WS) (Weather song. HR) Weather vane. BSS 262 Index to Kindergarten Songs Weather vane. Froebel. MP (Hailniann. Weathervane. HR) Weather vane. Gaynor. SC2 Weather vane. Kohl. SM Weather vane. Osgood. SM Weather vane. Smith. LCD Weather vane is perch'd on high. Sec Kohl. Weather vane. SM Weather vane is turning. See Weather vane. BSS ♦Weathercock high on the tower. PS Weatherly. Christmas bells. EL Weave, children, weave. See Reinecke. Weaving song. HR *Weave in, my hardy life. Stucken. TLB *Weave the homespun and strike together. KK Weave the little basket. See Froebel. Basket. MP (Smith. Flovi'er basket. SM) Weaving. Gaynor. SCI Weaving dance. Sec Vafva vadmal. FDM Music only Weaving game. HC Weaving song. WS Weaving song. Reinecke. HR Webbe. Epitaph on a parish clerk. TLB Weber. Birdies in the greenw^ood. HR (Birdie. PS) (Walker. Birdies in the greenwood. WS) Dance, little baby. HR Darling little fingers. HR Hunter's song. RCS On the sea. HR Ring song, no. 1. KC Waltz. HMC2 Music only Wee little star. See Tours. Star. TC Wee maiden dear with eyes of blue. See Brewster. Valentine song. BSS *Wee Willie Winkie. LBS "Weel may the keel row." Sec Highland schottische. FDM Music only Weevily wheat. OYA Weidig. Boat song. TC (Fanning. Boat song. TC) Pilgrims. TC Weisst du, wie viel Sternlein? See God knows. RCS (Hubbard. Do you know how many stars? MSG) ♦Welcome, little roljin. Smith. SL2 Welcome, little travelers. See Gilchrist. Little travelers. HS Welcome song. Gaynor. SCI Index to Kindergarten Songs 263 Welcome swallow. Tufts. CL Welcome the gentle spring. Sec Brewster. Spring song. BSS Welcome the joyous Christmas day. See Christmas carol. KC Welcome the merry time of spring. See Smith. Welcome to spring. LCD Welcome to spring. Smith. LCD Welcome to the new-born year. See Rischart. Now welcome to the newborn year. HR Welcome to the pussy willows. Brown. EL Welcome to you, mother dear. See Gaynor. Mother day. GS Welcome, welcome! How do you do? See Smith. Greeting song. KC Welcome, welcome swallow. See Tufts. Welcome swallow. CL . Wenk. Nursery clock. RCS Wer will unter die Soldaten. See Kuecken. Little soldier. RCS Were I a sunbeam. Sec Chopin. Spring song. EFS (Chopin. Maiden's wish. FS) Were I the sun so high in heaven soaring. See Chopin. Maid- en's wish. FS (Chopin. Spring song. EFS) *Wert thou in the cauld blast. Mendelssohn. TLB Wesley. Child's prayer. HR West wind. Barnby. TC Who learned vou to dance, Babity, Babity? See Be Ba Babity. JB Whale. Neidlinger. SSS Wharton. When all the world is young. FS What a bird taught. Hubbard. MSG What a little thing am L See Reinecke. Mamma and the baby. FC What a plague is love. See Marzials. Phillida flouts me. CPP What a pretty black-bird. See Black-bird song. BSS What are little boys made of? See Natural history. CBO What are you saying? See Root. Child and the tree. SV What becomes of all the babies? Sec Hill. Stages of life. SHS What can you do? Cole. TC What child is this? See Christmas carol. RCS What do birdies dream? Hubbard. MSG What do I see in baby's eyes? See Gilchrist. Good night. StN What do you ever suppose, Mamma? See Meissner. Smelling. ASC What do you sa}^ to the snow to-day? See Warren. April snow. StN What do you think came down last night? See Dayre. Snow. EL What do you think mother saw on the hill? See Smith. Go- ing to sleep. LCD 264 Index to Kindergarten Songs What does it mean when tlic bhie bird flies? Sec Bacon. Signs of the seasons. EL *\Vhat does little birdie say? Tennyson. ^ SM (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS) (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL) (Tufts. Little birdie. CL) What docs the baker make, we say? .S\-i' Walker. Laker. VVb What does the moon say tonight? See Sheehan. Mothers lullaby. OSM What does the rumbling thunder say? See Neidhnger. ihund- er. ESI rr, , CI What fun it is to be just a tiny girl. 6ce Terhune. bedan chair. CC What fun, what jolly fun. See Gaynor. Coastmg. SL2 What have we here? See Hubbard. Garden gate. MSG "What have you got for dinner, Mrs. Bond?" See Mrs. Bond. CBO What I have. Fischer. HR , <- • What is it fills our hearts with cheer? See Sheehan. bprmg is here. OSM What is so rare as a day in June? See Schnecker. June. 1 Li. What is this? This is a gate. See Froebel. Barnyard gate. MP (Hubbard. Barnyard. MSG) ^''What must be must. LBS What plant we in this apple tree? See Roeske. Plantmg of the apple tree. HS What Robin told. Knowlton. NS (Johnson. What Robin told. BSS) What's this dull town to me? See Robin Adair. EPS What says the book? See Damrosch. hi the wood. StN What shall little children bring on Christmas day? See Bat- chellor. Blessed day. WS What shall we do the long winter thro'? See Cornwall. Ferns. EL What shall we do when we go out? See Holiday. LBS What song does the cricket sing? See Love and mirth. RCS What song shall we sing upon Christmas? See Hill. First Christmas song. HS What sweet tunes can babies play? See Smith. Fmgcr-piano. SLl What the I)ells say. Cole. CM What the little things said. Sawyer. WS ^ What twitt'ring in the sparrows' nest. See Berry. Sparrows nest. KC ^ . , What, what shall Santa Claus bring Helen? See Remecke. I Santa Claus. SL2 *What's this? Hul>bard. MSG (Froel)el. Finger play. KC) (Froebel. This little thumb. MP) Index to Kindergarten Songs 265 Whatever the mother fosters. See Froebel. Conclusion. MP Wheatley. Song of the blue-bird. EL Wheel. Wiebe. KC Wheel song. Cushnian. EL Wheelbarrow. PS Wheelbarrow. Hubbard. MSG * Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow, where shall we go. HR Wheelwright. Smith. SM Wheelwright. Froebel. MP (Hubbard. Wheelwright. MSG) *When a child goes marching out. LBS When all the ground with snow is white. Sec Knowlton. Snow bird. NS *When all the world is young. Wharton. FS *When Bertie goes to the ball. JB When children lay them down to sleep. See Schumann. Guar- dian angels. FS *When Christ was born. Brown. FS When do birds with weary wing. See Smith. Friendly dark. LCD When early morning's. See Mowers. KC When first I saw sweet Peggy. See Low-backed car. EFS — FS When for my native land T sigh. Sec Tyrolese and his child. EFS When good King Arthur ruled this land. See King Arthur. CBO (Gaynor. King Arthur. LL) (Reinecke. Good King Arthur. FC) When I am tucked within my bed. Sec Gaynor. Wishing. LL When I go to sleep at night. See Knowlton. God loves his little children. NS *When I grow to be a man. Neidlinger. SSS When I'm softly sleeping. Sec Smith, Sunshine song. SLl When I run about all day. See Stanley. Night and day. StN (Warren. Night and day. StN) (Wiggin. Night and day. KC) When I see my biddy hen. Sec Sherwood. Baby's calendar. HS When I survey the world around. See Marzials. Leather bottel. CPP When I was a farmer. Sec Gaynor. 'Twas this way and that way. LL For variants see When I was a lady. *When I was a lady, a lady, a lady. LBS (Variant: Gaynor. 'Twas this way and that way. LL) (Variant: When I was a shoemaker. NG) (Variant: When I was a schoolgirl. NEBl) (Variant: When I wore flounces. JB) 266 Index to Kindergarten Songs *VVhen I was a school girl. NEBl For variants see When I was a lady. *When I was shepherd. FS *When I was a shoemaker. NG For variants sec When I was a lady. When I was sick and lay abed. See Stevenson. Land of coun- terpane. LBS — SS For composers sec Stevenson. Land of counterpane. When I wore flounces. JB For variants see When 1 was a lady. When it dusky grows. See Gaynor. Sandman. LL When it is winter time. Sec Merry chimes. KK When Jesus came. Martin. MSL *When little birdie bye-bye goes. See Elliott. Lullaby. MG— SM (Lullaby. HR) (Walker. Baby's lullaby. WS) t • , u- j- When little birdie goes to sleep. See Neidlmger. Little birdie. sss *When love is kind. EFS When 'tis bright and pleasant weather. See Rust. Pleasant weather. EL When little Bo-Peep had lost her sheep. See Knowlton. Little Bo-Peep. NS ^ .. „ ttt When little Maizey came to town, ^ce Vose. Pop corn. t.L. When mama does the pigeons call. See Feeding the pigeons. PS When Mr. Toadie wants a coat. See Grove. Mr. Toadie's coat. HS r- c r u When morning comes the stars will fade. See Story of the day. SHS ^ . ^ ^^. ^ When mother Pussy mewed "Come here!" See Smith. Mind- ing the mother. LCD When mother was ill. Reinecke. EC , ^ , • When o'er earth is breaking. See Hubbard. Nature s God is there. MSG (Walker. God is there. WS) When our cold hopes show buds again. See Herat. My Nor- mandy. FS When summer floods the earth with light. See Martin. Sum- mer. MSL . When Sun the Painter goes to work. See Neidlinger. ES2 When the bell within our tower. See Smith. Tower. SLl When the bloom is on the rye. See Bishop. My pretty Jane. EFS *When the bright God of day drove to westward his ray. Marzials. CPP Index to Kindergarten Songs 267 When the bright lamp is carried in. See Stevenson. Northwest passage-good night. SF (Ramsay. Northwest passage — goodnight. SF) When the children are safe. See Rieff. Christmas tree march, KC *When the earth wakes up in gladness. Fesca. SLl When the frosty fall approaches. See Beethoven. Autumn song. HR When the fuzzy pussy willows. See Gaynor. Spring song. SCI When the golden sun has set. See Zelter. Story of night. SHS When the light of day is fading. See Mueller. Lamplighter, SHS *When the little children sleep. Reinecke, FC — KC *When the morning sun so bright. HR When the night comes on. Cole. CM When the night is gently falling. See Kies. Rest song. MSL When the rain has come down. See Atkinson. Rainbow. GS When the regiment comes marching by. Gaynor. LL *When the snow is on the ground. Elliott. MG — SLl When the spring is seen. See Sounds of spring. FS When the spring-time comes and the world is gay. See Smith. Play in all seasons. LCD When the summer comes each year. See Kreutzer. Summer song. SHS When the summer days had passed. See Neidlinger. Lost rose seed. ESI When the sun says "Wake" to buds. See Sheehan. At Easter- tide. OSM When the wind blows cold. See Martin. Winter. MSL When the yellow sunbeams come. See Smith. Good weather. LCD When to flow'rs so beautiful the Father gave a name. See Hubbard. Forget-me-not. MSG (Conrade. Forget-me-not. GS) When Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks were walking out together. See Smeltzer. Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks, SZ When we are all quiet. See Hurd. Ring song. PTS When we wake up we say. See Gaynor. Language lesson. SC2 When we would talk about things to our friends. See Neid- linger. Mr. Period and his friends. ES2 *When we're playing together. WS (Guessing game, no. 32. PS) (Hubbard. Seeing. MSG) (Wiggin. Guessing game. KC) "_ " •' io8 Index to Kindergarten Songs When you're told to do a thing. See Be thorough. HR *When you send a valentine. Hill. HS Whence comes this rush of wings afar. See Quercy. Carol of the birds. TLB ♦Whenever a little child is born. Allen. StN (Stanley. Whenever a little child is born. StN) Whene'er a snowflake leaves the sky. See Molloy. Snov^'- fiakes. StN (Fisher. Snowflakes. StN) (Warren. Snowflakes. StN) Whenever the moon and stars are set. See Stevenson. Windy nights. CGV— SF— SSS For composers sec Stevenson. Windy nights. Whenever the sun comes out. Sec Neidlinger. Shadows. ES2 Where are the merry merry little men? See Roeske. Merry little men. PFP Where are you going, Billy Boy? See Billy Boy. OYA Where are you going, lonely little sparrow? See Swallow. FS "Where are you going to, my pretty maid?" See My pretty maid. CBO— LBS Where are you, my baby? See Haydn. Hide and seek. SM Where are you three foxes going? See London bridge. NEBl Where did you come from, pretty ball. See Gaynor. Baby's toys. SCI * Where do all the daisies go? Walker. WS (Conrade. Where they go. GS) Where do you come from, you little drops of rain? See Tufts. Little rain drops. CL Where do you think Wooley Foster can be? See Smeltzer. Wooley Foster and Daflfy Down Dilly. SZ Where go the boats? Stevenson. CBV— LBS— SF— SS For composers see Stevenson. Where go the boats. Where has the summer gone? See Conrade. Lost, the sum- mer. GS Where ha' ye been a' the day? See Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie. FS Where is little Boy Blue? Sec Dugan. Little Boy Blue. WS (Cornwell. Little Boy Blue. EL) Where is Marguerita? See Marguerite. JB Where is my little dog gone? OYA Where loud the mill-wheel roareth. See Glueck. Mill. FS Where 'mid the barley blue flow'rs are found. See Reinecke. Barley-Brownie. FC Where, oh, where do the birdies go? See Cole. When the light comes on. CM Where, oh, where is little Boy Blue? See Cornwell. Little Boy Blue. EL (Dugan. Little Boy Blue. WS) Index to Kindergarten Songs 269 Where, O, where is my little dog gone? See O where is my little dog gone? OYA Where's the milk for baby's supper? See Smith. Milk for supper. LCD Where shall we walk on our way home from school? See Funkhouser. Sidewalk song. FSK Where, tell me where is your Highland laddie gone? See Blue bells of Scotland. FS Where the birdies grow. Cole. CM W^here the mountain and the valley meet. See Hares. LBS Where the wild rose spreads its bowers. See Kohl. Bird's nest. SM Where they go. Conrade. GS (Walker. Where do all the daisies go? WS) Where they grow. Cole. CM (Where they grow. BSS) Whether fair, whether foul. See Allen. Clouds and sunshine. StN *Which way does the wind blow? Walker WS While shepherds watched their flocks by night. Sawyer. EL *While stars of Christmas shine. Hill. HS While the spring is still concealing. See Gaynor. Valentine day, no. 2. GS While we are singing this morning song. See Neidlinger. Voy- age. ES2 While we're playing together. See Wiggin. Guessing game KC (Guessing game, no. Z2. PS) (Hubbard. Seeing. MSG) (When we're playing together. WS) While we sing. Hubbard. MSG While we sing the ball will wander. See Kohl. Ball will wander. HR While you sleep. Hadley. TLB Whip-poor-will. GilchHst. TLB Whirl about. Smith. LCD Whirr! whirr! whirr! goes the spinning wheel. See Gaynor. Spinning the yarn. SCI White butterflies, bright butterflies frolic and drift. See Smith. Butterfly dance. LCD White lambkins. HR (Moon and the stars. PS) (Reinecke. Who has the whitest lambkins? FC — KC) *White sand and grey sand. FS — RCS Whiting. Blow, blow thou winter wind. TLB Whitman. O captain! My captain! TLB .We two together. TLB Weave in, my hardy life. TLB 270 h^DEX TO Kindergarten Songs Whittier. Barefoot boy. TLB Blue bird. MSG— WS Prayers of love. TLB Teacher's hymn, II KC (Bacon. Mother's hymn. EL) (Hailmann. Teacher's hymn. HR) (Osgood. Mother's hymn. EL) Thanksgiving day. See Over the river and through the woods. Worship. TC Whittier. Gaynor. OS *Whittington for ever. Elliott. MG Who can this little maiden be? See Knowlton. February. NS Who comes along the upland ways? See Johns. Easter song. TLB Who comes here? See Punchinello. HC *Who has the finest lambkins? See Moon and the stars. PS (Reinecke. Who has the whitest lambkins? FC — KC) (White lambkins. HR) *Who has the whitest lambkins? FC — KC (Moon and the stars. PS) (White lambkins. HR) Who is at the meadow bars? See Gaynor. Milking time. SC2 Who is coming? See Smeltzer. Jack and Jill. SZ Who is hiding in the wood? See Riley. Pussy Willow. LL *Who is Silvia? TLB Who is so merry, so merry, heigh-ho! See Reinecke. Fairy. FC *Who is this so late doth come? JB Who killed Cock Robin? See Elliott. Death and burial of Cock Robin. MG *Who liveth so merry in all this land? Marzials. CPP Who'll be the binder? NG Who'll buv caller herrin'? See Caller herrin'. FS Who made the first flag? Betty Ross, Betty Ross. See Atkinson. First Flag. GS *Who's coming over there. LBS Who's the friendly little chap. See Smith. Polite. LCD *Who taught the bird? Schlager. HR (Hubbard. Who taught the little bird? MSG) Who will buy my top? See Toyman. HS Who will come with me, the jolly rover. See Jolly rover. LBS *Who will o'er the down so free. Pearsall. FS Who will take a walk with me? See Hill. Toyman's shop. HS Who would not be glad? Gaynor. LL Who wouldn't be a bounding ball? See Gaynor. Ball. SC2 Who wouldn't be a soldier when the band begins to play? See Gaynor. When the regiment goes marching by. LL Index to Kindergarten Songs 271 Whoever stole my big black dog. See My big black dog. OYA Whom shall I choose for the beautiful band? See Gaynor. Game of the beautiful band. LL Why are red roses red? See Parker. Rose song. TC *Why do bells for Christmas ring? Field. BM— SV (Bingham. Why do bells for Christmas ring? BM) (Root. Christmas song. SV) Why do you come to my apple tree? See Hubbard. What a bird taught. MSG Why do you scratch me? See Dog and cat. RCS Why does the charcoal burner stay? See Bullard. Charcoal burner. SM Why Mr. Gobbler changed his tune. Gaynor. SC2 Why, moon, it strikes me you're looking quite thin. See Conrade. Moon. GS *Widdy-widdy-wurky I call my fat turkey. LBS (Hausegesinde. BB) (Wide-wide-wenne. RCS) Wide o'er the world. See Knowlton. November. NS *Wide-wide-wenne. RCS (Widdy-widdy-wurky. LBS) (Hausegesinde. BB) Wide, wide world. Gaynor. SCI Wie ist es kalt geworden. See Reinecke. Longing for spring. RCS Wiebe. Ranged in rows. KC Two birds. KC Wheel. KC Wiegenlied. See Brahms. Cradle song. FS Wiesen Bluemchen hab' ich gern. Sec Taubert. Meadow daisy. RCS *Wigamv, wigamy, waterhen. NEBl W^iggin.' Ball lullaby. KC Ball play. KC (Wiggin. Ball song. KC) Bird game. KC Building song. KC Car driver. KC Christmas carol. KC Christmas hymn. KC Christmas waltz-song. KC Clock game. KC Closing song. KC Everyday politeness. KC Guessing game. KC (Guessing game. No. 2)2. PS) (Hubbard. Seeing. MSG) (When we're playing together. WS) 272 Index to Kindergarten Songs Wiggin. Family finger play. KC Fish-seller. KC Fishes. KC Flight of the birds. KC Flower game. KC Fruit market. KC God is ever good. KC Good-bye song. KC (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR) (Hubbard. Parting song. AISG) (Walker. Our play is o'er. WS) Good morning. KC Imitation game. KC (Little master of gymnastics. PS) (Smith. Choosing the game. SLl) Just like this. KC Keeping time. KC Kindergartner's funeral hymn. KC Kindergartner's morning greeting. KC Kindergartner's song. KC Little doves. KC Little waiters. KC Merry Christmas has come. KC Morning greeting. KC Morning hymn. KC Morning prayer. KC Night and day. KC Ring song. KC Second gift song. KC Seeing game. KC Slumber song. KC (Tufts. Now the sun is sinking. CL) Slumber song of the birdlings. KC Smelling. KC (Hubbard. Smelling. MSG) (Smith. Smelling. SL2 Spider and the flies. KC Spring birds. KC Spring's call to the flowers. KC Tasting. KC (Hubbard. Tasting. MSG) Touching. KC (Hubbard. Touching. MSG) Trade game, I. KC (Workingman. HR) Trade game. II. KC Village dance. KC Wandering game. KC Index to Kindergarten Songs 273 Wiggin. Window. KC (Froebel. Little window. MP) (Hubbard. Oh. see the light. MSG) Wild boar. Froebel. MP Wild hor.seman. Schumann. HMCl Music only Wild rose. Sec Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein. BSS — FS — RCS For composers see Goethe. Heiden-Roeslein Wild wind. Fisher. StN Wilhelm. Watch on the Rhine. EFS — FS Will o' the wisp. Behr. HMC2 Music only Will winter never be over? Sec Marston February. EL Will you attend to my saga old? See Ormen lange. KK Will you buy my sweet lavender? Sec Maitland. Lavender cry. NEBl Will you hear a Spanish lady? Sec Marzials. Spanish lady. CPP Will you surrender? See King of the Barbarbees. JB W'ill you walk into my parlour? Sec Elliott. Spider and the fly. NG Willcox. Christine's Christmas carol. EL Williams. Trust. TLB Willie, Willie, come to me. See Hailmann. Giving the balls. HR Willow, willow. Marzials. CPP Wills. Autumn fires. EL (Ramsey. Autumn fires. SF) How the wind blows. EL Rock-a-baby. EL (Parry. Rock-a-baby. TC) (Seeboeck. Rock-a-babv. TC) Wilm. Mazurka. HMC2 Music only. Winchester. Train. EL Wind. Allen. EL Wind. Cornwall. EL (Bertini. I am the wind. HR) (Hubbard. I am the wind. HSG) (Sawyer. Wind. EL) Wind. Gaynor. SCI Wind. Sawyer. EL (Bertini. I am the wind. HR) (Cornwell. Wind. EL) (Hubbard. I am the wind. MSG) Wind. Stevenson. CGV— EL— LBS— SF— SLl— SM— SS For composers sec Stevenson. Wind Wind and sea. Cauffman. TLB Wind and the leaves. Dugan. EL Wind blew low, the wind blew high. See Smith. Busy wind. LCD 274 Index to Kindergarten Songs Wind blows high. JB Wind blows high, the wind blows low. See Wills. How the wind blows. EL *Wind blows sweetly. Tufts. CL Wind blows, the sun shines. Sec Knowlton. It is spring. NS Wind came forth one autumn morn. See Burnett. Song of the wind. HS Wind came howling at our door. See Fisher. Wild wind. StN *Wind, gentle evergreen. Hayes. TLB Wind must blow to turn the mill. Sec Heerwart. Windmill. KC (Seidell. Windmill. HR) Wind one gusty morning. See Smith. Merry wind. LCD Wind song. Hill. SHS Wind song. Root. SV Wind song. Stevenson. See Stevenson. Wind. CGV— EL— LBS— SF— SM— SLl— SS *WindfIower. Roeske. HS Winding the clock. Gaynor. SCI Windmill. PS— WS (Stangenberger. Windmill. HR) Windmill. Atkinson. GS Windmill. Gaynor. SCI Windmill. Heerwart. KC (Seidell. Windmill. HR) Windmill. Jensen. HMCl Music only Windmill. Jensen. SLl — SM Windmill. Nelham. RCS Windmill. Seidell. HR (Heerwart. Windmill. KC) Windmill. Stangenberger. HR (Windmill. PS— WS) Windmill holds its arms so high. See Atkinson. Windmill. GS Windmill is whirling away up so high. See Gaynor. Windmill. SCI Windmill's fans around they go. See Jensen. W'indmill. SLl — SM Window. Froebel. MP Window. Smith. SM Window. Wiggin. KC (Froebel. Little window. MP) (Hubbard. Oh, see the light. MSG) Winds. Neidlinger. ESI Winds are playing on the branches. See Kjerulf. Spring song. SLl Windy day. Neidlinger. .SSS Windy nights. Stevenson. CGV — SF — SS For composers see Stevenson. Windy nights Index to Kindergarten Songs 275 Winged singers ever keep two and two together. See Lonely bird. PS Winslow. Cradle nest. HS Going to market. HS Winter. HS Winter. PS Winter. Haydn. HR (Hubbard. Old winter. MSG) Winter. Martin. MSL Winter ade ! Scheiden thut Weh. See Winter, good-bye. RCS Winter and summer. Allen. StN Winter day ! frosty day ! God a cloak on all doth lay. See Bacon. Winter hymn. EL Winter days will soon be gone. See Hecker. Spring song. GS Winter fore-thought. SHS *Winter, good-bye, parting is nigh. RCS Winter has come and the songsters are gone. See Winter's ad- vent. PS Winter hymn. Bacon. EL Winter ist kommen. Sec Cold winter is round us. RCS Winter is over. Sec Sawyer. Greeting to spring. EL Winter jewels. Tufts. CL (Burdett. Million little diamonds. StN) (Damrosch. Million little diamonds. StN) (Walker. Winter jewels. WS) Winter rose. See Hubbard. Rose bush. MSG Winter song. Schubert. WS Winter sports. Seeboeck. HMC2 Music only Winter winds are blowing. See Reinecke. Christmas at the door. FC— SLl— HR Winter's advent. PS *Wise old owl. Neidlinger. SSS Wiseneder. Railway. HR Wishing. Gaynor. LL With a baa! baa! here, a baa! baa! there. See Jacobs. Barnyard song. HS With a hey-ding-ding. JB With even step. KK *With footsteps firm. Kuecken. SLl With his bow and arrow. See Weber. Hunter's song. RCS *With my flocks. EPS With shoulders back, and heads up straight. See Reinecke. March- ing song. KC With songs and honors sounding loud. See Ellacombe. TLB With sudsy water in the tub. See Sloane. Washing day. HS With the dawn awaking. See Tufts. Morning song. CL With enticing glances. See Castilian bolero. EPS 276 Index to Kindergarten Songs With whistle and shout. Sec Smith. Autumn wind. LCD With Whoo-whoo ! VVhoo-whoo! Sec Smith. Train. LCD With wisps of hay made snug and round. See Gaynor. Continued story. LL Within a mile of Edinboro' town. EPS Within these walls is love abounding. See Marching, No. 27. PS Wolf. Song of summer and winter. SHS Wolf. Froebel. MP Wolf and the lamb. JB ♦Wollt Ihr wissen wie der Bauer. See Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS Wonderful bag. Reed. TGS Wonderful shell, you sing like a bell. Sec Meissner. Hearing. ASC Wonderful tree. Schilling. WS Won't you take me to your party? USI Woodland lullaby. Dietrich. TC Woodman. Smith. SL2 Woodman to the forest goes. See Smith. Woodman. SL2 Woodpecker. Gaynor. SC2 Woods are still sleeping. See Smith. Sap has begun to flow. SL2 Wooley Foster, and Daffy Down Dilly. Smeltzer. SZ Wooly sheep, please tell us why. See Hill. Children and the sheep. SHS (Cole_. Sheep. CM) (Marie Antoinette. Children and the sheep. HR) Wordsworth. Lines written in early spring. TLB Work. Song of Washington. HS Work of the week. Gaynor. GS Work while you work. See Tufts. One thing at a time. CL Workingman. HR (Wiggin. Trade game, L KC) World. _ Roeske. EL World is filled with gladness. See Sawyer. Easter carol. EL World is so full of a number of things. Sec Stevenson. Happy thought. CGV (Fisher. Happy thought. CGV) (Adaptation: Cole. Beautiful world. CM) World is so full of beautiful things. See Cole. Beautiful world. CM (Adapted from Stevenson. Happy thought. CGV) World wonders. Gaynor. SC2 Worship. Stanford. TC Worship the King all glorious above. Sec Haydn. O come, let us worship. TLB Worsted ball. Elliott. SL2 Would vou know how docs the farmer? See Hubbard. Farmer. MS'G Would you know the baby's skies? See Marzo. Baby's skies. StN Index to Kixdergarten Songs 277 ♦Wouldn't you like to go? Frazer. BSS Wren and the hen. Bartlett. StN (MoUoy. Wren and the hen. StN) Wynken and Blvnken and Nod one night. See DeKoven. Dutch lullaby. FSC Xmas day in the morning. CBO ♦Yankee Doodle's come to town. LBS — OYA Ye holy angels bright. See Barnby. St. Gregory. TLB Ye lads and lassies all arise and speed. See Smith. May song. TLB Ye people, rend your hearts, rend your hearts. See Mendelssohn. If with all your hearts. TLB Ye shepherds arise. See Reinecke. Christmas song. PC Ye sons of France awake to glory. See De L'Isle. Marseillaise. EFS— FS Year's color song. Neidlinger. ESI Yellow canary is trying his wings. See Smith. Canary. LCD Yeo ho ! Our boat is riding. See Guglielmo. Rowing. FS Yes come ! dear, dear Christmas. Hill. HS Yes, here I am and how do you do? See Cole. Month of May. CM Yester night as I did stray. See Hunter and hare. RCS Yonder stands a charming creature. See Twenty eighteeen. NEBl You all remember the fairy times. See Neidlinger. Fairies. ES2 You are bright and pretty, too. See Hailmann. You love me and I love you. HR You are not my partner. KK You buttercups yellow. See Gaynor. Buttercups. SC2 You dear little thumb, go to sleep. See Gaynor. Finger's lullaby. SCI You have a little prisoner. See Pleyel. On guard. GS You have silken clothes to wear. See Meissner. In China. ASC You know I am a Brownie. See Gaynor. Brownie. LL You love me and I love you. Hailmann. HR You may hear us on your window. See Lamed. Raindrops. HS ♦You must be very tired. Hailmann. HR You never would think that old Grandfather Sun. See Neidlinger. Painter Sun. ESI You pretty sunbeam. See ElHott. Little sunbeam. SLl You pussy willow. See Sawyer. Pussy willow. WS You spotted snakes with double tongue. See Macfarren. Mid- summer night's dream. TLB You think. Oh sun so fair. See Amaryllis. EFS You want to be big and strong, of course. See Funkhouser. Some day you'll be a man. FSK You will hear the birdies singing. See Cole. Scale song, No. 5. CM 278 Index to Kindergarten Songs Young Molly who lived at the foot of the hill. See Lass with the delicate air. EFS Young night thought. Stevenson. SS (Foote. Young night thought. SS) Young recruit. LBS ♦Young thoughts have music in them. Kroeger. TLB Your little hand, my child, show me. See Wiggin. Ball play. KC (Wiggin. Ball song, no. 2. KC) Your mouth now open. See Hubbard. Tasting. MSG (Wiggin. Tasting. KC) ♦Youth has gone. FS Yradier. Dove. FS ♦Yule logs are waiting. JB Zarnack. O Tannenbaum. FS — RCS (Fir and the pine. RCS) (Fir tree. FS) Zelter, Story of night. SHS ♦Zisch, zisch, zisch. Hubbard. MSG (Froebel. Joiner. MP) (Joiner. PS) (Seidel. Joiner. HR) Zoom ! zoom ! said a busy little rover. See Meissner. Honey bee and clover. ASC Zoom ! zoom ! zoom ! drones the bumble bee. See Gaynor. Bumble bee. SCI Zundel. Love divine, all love excelling. TLB Zwei feine Stieflein hab' ich an. See Taubert. Sand man. RCS Zwei Hasen. BB (Two hares. RCS) Zwischen Berg and tiefen, tiefcn. Thai. See Two hares. RCS (Zwei Hasen. BB) LISTS OF SONGS FOR SPECIAL DAYS ARBOR DAY. Child and the tree. Root. SV Come, my dolly. Smith. SV Falling leaves. Neidlinger. SSS Fir and the pine. RCS (Fir tree. FS) Fir tree. Burnett. HS How Johnny and Polly shake the apples. Reinccke. FC Journey of the boys. Neidlinger. ESI Orchard. Jenks. HS Our fir tree. Sherwood. HS Planting of the apple tree. Roeske. HS Song of the trees. Hill. HS Story of the apple. Hill. SHS Tree in winter. Smith. SL2 Trees. Heerwart. KG— HR— SM Tree's friends. Gaynor. SCI BIRD DAY. All the birds have come again. Smith. SLl All the little sparrows. Walker. WS Awakening. Gaynor. SC2 Baby's waking song. SHS Bird's duet. FS Bird's nest. HS Blackbird song. BSS Bluebird. WS Bluebird. Neidlinger. SSS Bobolink. Cole. CM Bobolink. Gaynor. SC2 Call of the crow. Knowlton. NS Captive bird. Knowlton. NS Captive wild bird. Bureau. HS Child and the cuckoo. Reinecke. FC Chris-cradle sings. Hubbard. MSG Come here, little Robin. Tufts. CL Cradle nest. Winslow. HS Crow. Gaynor. SC2 Cuckoo. PS Cuckoo. Froebel. MP Cuckoo, cuckoo. PS Death and burial of Cock Robin. Elliott. MG Dove cote. Smith. SLl Farewell to the birds. Gaynor. SCI 279 280 Index to Kindergarten Songs First flving lesson. Neidlinger. SSS Fly little birds. Cornwell. HS— WS Flying song. Hill. SHS George's song. Reinecke. FC Humming bird. Cole. CM Humming bird. Tufts. CL H blue-birds bloomed. Gilchrist. StN Little bird in the cradle. Brewster. BSS Little birdie. Neidlinger. SSS Little birdies. Cole. CM Little brown thrush. Hubbard. MSG Little cock sparrow. FS Little cock sparrow. Elliott. MG Little doves. Wiggin. KC Little red lark. FS Little woodpecker and L WS Maggie's pet. Elliott. MG Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow. Gavnor. SC2 Nell and her bird. Tufts. CL Nest eggs. Ramsay. SF Nightingale. AlabiefT. FS Nineteen birds. Elliott. MG Oriole. Gavnor. SCI Orioles. FS Pigeon. Gaynor. SC2 Pigeon house. Tufts. CL Pigeon's flight. Saville. HS Polly. Hubbard. MSG Polly. Neidlinger. SSS Poor linnet in the hedge. FC Robin. Tufts. CL Robin redbreast. BSS Robin redbreast. Gaynor. SCI Robin, Robin redbreast. Mather. WS Robins and pussy willow. Brewster. BSS Robin's song. Neidlinger. SSS Rollicking Robin. Knowlton. NS Sing-away bird. Millard. StN Skylark. Cole. CM Snowbird. Knowlton. NS Song of the robin. Connell. StN Sparrows' nest. Berry. KC Stork, stork, stander. Reinecke. FC Swallow. FS Swallow. Hubbard. MSG Swallow, good bye. FS Swallow is come. Tufts. CL Three crows. Elliott. MG Index to Kindergarten Songs 281 To the nightingale. Reinecke. FC Two little birds. Fisher. StN Two crows. Neidlinger. SSS Two robin redbreasts. Walker. WS We are red birds. Smith. SL2 Welcome little robin. Smith. SL2 Welcome swallow. Tufts. CL What do birdies dream? Hubbard. MSG What robin told. Johnson. BSS What robin told. Knowlton. NS When the night comes on. Cole. CM ^ Where the birdies grow. Cole. CM Who taught the little bird? Hubbard. MSG Wise old owl. Neidlinger. SSS Woodpecker. Gaynor. SC2 CHRISTMAS Air is filled with the echoes. Morton. WS Blessed day. Batchellor. WS Carol, carol, children. Graeff. HS Carol, children, carol. Walker. WS Carol, oh carol ! Dugan. WS Carriage to ride in. Reinecke. FC Children, can you truly tell? Walker. WS Christmas. Reed. HS Christmas. Reed. TGS Christmas at the door. Reinecke. FC — HR — SLl Christmas bells. Weatherly. EL Christmas carol. Adams. HS Christmas carol. Elliott. SLl Christmas carol. Gaynor. SCI Christmas carol. Gaynor. SC2 Christmas carol. Gaynor. LL Christmas carol. Ogden. KC Christmas carol. Smith. SL2 Christmas carol. Terhune. CC Christmas! Glad Christmas. Kendall! HS Christmas greeting. Hubbard. MSG Christmas has come. Wiggin. KC Christmas hymn. Gottschalk. KC Christmas hymn. Reinecke. FC Christmas hymn. Smith. SLl Christmas is coming. Hubbard. MSG Christmas is here. HR Christmas joys. Gaynor. SC2 Christmas lullaby. Hill. SHS Christmas manger hymn. GS Christmas, merry Christmas. HS 282 Index to Kindergarten Soncs Christmas night. Hill. SHS Christmas picture. Morton. HS Christmas secrets. Gaynor. SC2 Christmas song. (Holy night.) Adam. GS Christmas song. Brewster. BSS Christmas song. Cole. BSS Christmas song. Haydn. HR Christmas song. Reinecke. FC Christmas song. Rielif. KC Christmas song. Root. SV Christmas song. Schwartz. BSS Christmas song. Smith. SL2 Christmas star. Hill. SHS Christmas time is coming. Poulsson. LCD Christmas tree march. Rieff. KC Christmas waltz song. Andre. KC Come and join our carol. Story. WS Dear Santa now appear. Hubbard. MSG December. Knowlton. NS First Christmas. Field. EL First Christmas. Morton._ HS — WS First Christmas song. Hill. HS First Nowell. FS Good news on Christmas morning. Hatton. StN Happiest day. Hill. HS Hark! the bells are ringing. Hubbard. MSG In the Bethlehem stable. Poulsson. LCD Jolly old Saint Nicholas. HR Joyfully, joyfully. Thayer. WS Legend of the Christmas tree. Gaynor. SCI Letter to Santa Claus. Gaynor. SCI Let's go sliding down the hill. Frazer. BSS Little child's gift carol. Chapek. HS Little four-years. Frazer. BSS Manger throne. Steggall. FS Merry Christmas. HS Merry Christmas. Gaynor. SCI Merry Christmas bells. Hitte. DM Merry Christmas bells. Murray. WS Noel, noel, the Christ is born. Shelly. WS O, thou holy child. RCS Oh, ring glad bells. Herron. WS Old English carol. EL Presentation song. Hill. SHS Ring merry bells. EL Santa Claus. Reinecke. SL2 Santa Claus. Roeske. PFP Shine out, oh blessed star! Dugan. WS Index to Kindergarten Songs 283 Sing, little children, sing. Osgood. WS Song of thanks. Saville. HS Stilly night, starry and bright. Gruber. FS Story of the Christ. Hill. SHS Three Kings of Orient. Hopkins. FS Toyman. HS Toyman's shop. Hill. HS Waken, little children. Ashmall. SLl We welcome you, dear friends. Hubbard. MSG When Christ was born. Brown. FS While stars of Christmas shine. Hill. HS Why do bells for Christmas ring? Bingham. BM Wonderful tree. Schilling. WS EASTER. At Easter-tide. Sheehan. OSM At Easter time. WS Awake, awake ! Houseman. HS Easter. Gaynor. GS Easter. Hadley. TLB Easter. Hubbard. MSG Easter carol. Damrosch. StN Easter carol. Fairlamb. StN Easter carol. Sawyer. EL Easter hymn. Batchellor. WS Easter hymn. Story. WS Easter morning. Chapek. HS Easter morning. Martin. MSL Easter song. Gaynor. SCI Easter song. Johns. TLB Easter song. Rich. HS Easter song. Smith. SLl Glad Easter is here. Dugan. HS Lillies sweet. Spohr. HS Merry bells of Easter. Knowlton. NS Nature's Easter song. Hill. SHS Sweetly the birds are singing. Hubbard. MSG Waking flowers. Hill. SHS FLAG DAY. America. Smith. FS— GS— MSG (My country, 'tis of thee. TLB) Battle hymn of the republic. FS Dixie's land. Emmett. FS First flag. Atkinson. GS Flag. Hadley. TLB Flag. Schwartz. BSS Flag song. Root. SV 284 Index to Kindergarten Songs Flag song. Smith. SL2 Flags. Montz. IMS Our flag. Gaynor. SCI Our flag. Neidlinger. SSS Patriotic hymn. Knowlton. NS Salute to the flag. Gaynor. SC2 Star spangled banner. FS — MSG FROEBEL'S BIRTHDAY. Froebel hymn. KC Froebel's birthday. Hubbard. MSG Froebel's birthday. Reed. HS Froebel's birthday song. Rust. EL Froebel's birthday song. Smith. SL2 Froebel's favorite hymn. Rust. EL Froebel's song. Hubbard.' MSG Marching song, for Froebel's birthday. Rockwell. KC On Froebel's birthday. HS INDEPENDENCE DAY. Fourth of July. Kern. HS July. Knowlton. NS Independence day. Schuckburgh. HS MAY DAY. Around the Maypole. Sherwood. HS Cornish maypole dance. FDM Music only It is lovely May. Hubbard. MSG Lovely May. Hubbard. MSG May. PS May-basket. Smith. LCD May dance. FDM Music only May dancing song. Richter. HR May day. Gaynor. GS May day invitation. Sherwood. HS May Queen. Gaynor. GS May song. Strong. HS Maypole dance.— "Bluff King Hal/' BFD Maypole song. Hubbard. MSG Maypole style. JB Queen of the May. Gaynor. LL Queen o' May. Stanley. StN Queen o' May. Warren. StN MEMORIAL DAY. Decoration day. ESS Memorial day. Flotow. GS Index to Kindergarten Songs * 285 Memorial day. Stetson. HS Memorial hymn. Allen. TLB Our land. Reed. HS Soldiers true. Sherwood. HS NEW YEAR. Ding, dong! Hoffman. StN Ding, dong! Molloy. StN Little New Year. Jenks. WS New Year. Gaynor. SC2 New Year. Gebauer. HS New Year. Seidel. HR New Year greeting. Sherwood. HS New Year's day. Gaynor. SCI Now welcome to the new-born year. Rischart. HR Old Year and New Year. Hill. HS Old Year and the New. Walker. WS THANKSGIVING. Can a little child like me. Story. WS First Thanksgiving day. Gaynor. SC2 God's blessing on work. Albert. SHS God's care of all things. SHS Harvest hymn. Carey. BSS Harvest song. Smith. SL2 Hymn for a child. Knowlton. NS Hymn for national holiday. Knowlton. NS Morning hymn. Batchellor. WS Morning hymn. Hamburg. HR Morning prayer, no. 1. Wiggin. KC Morning Thanksgiving. Reed. HS On this happiest feast day. HS Patriotic hymn. Knowlton. NS Sleigh ride. HR (Thanksgiving day. Conrade. GS) (Thanksgiving day. Hubbard. MSG) (Thanksgiving song. Morton. WS) Song of thanks. Saville. HS Thanks for constant care. Hill. SHS Thanks for daily blessings. Hill. SHS Thanksgiving. Gaynor. LL Thanksgiving day. Conrade. GS (Thanksgiving day. Hubbard. MSG) (Thanksgiving song. Morton. WS) (Sleigh ride. HR) Thanksgiving day. Hill. HS Thanksgiving for harvest. Sherwood. HS Thanksgiving game. Hurd. PTS Thanksgiving joys. Conrade. GS 286 Index to Kindergarten Songs Thanksgiving song. Bingham. BM Thanksgiving song. Brewster. BSS Thanksgiving song. Gaynor. SCI Thanksgiving song. Himmel. SHS Thanksgiving song. Jenks. EL Thanksgiving song. Morton. WS (Sleigh ride. WS) (Thanksgiving day. Conrade. GS) (Thanksgiving day. Hubbard. MSG) Thanksgiving song. Rust. EL Thanksgiving song. Sawyer. EL Thanksgiving song. Smith. SL2 We plow the fields. Smith. SL2 We thank Thee. Sherwood. HS Why Mr. Gobbler changed his tune. Gaynor. SC2 VALENTINE'S DAY. February. Knowlton. NS Postman. Reed. HS Recipe for a valentine. Gaynor. SCI St. Valentine's day. Shedd. HS See the pretty valentines. Hill. HS Valentine. Damrosch. StN (Valentine. Fairlamb. StN) Valentine day, no. 1. Gaynor. GS Valentine song. Brewster. BSS Valentines. Gaynor. SC2 Valentine's message. Hill. HS When you send a Valentine. Hill. HS WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. Song for Washington's birthday. HS Song of Washington. Work. HS Washington's birthday. Hubbard. MSG Washington song. Atkinson. 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