SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE PUBLIC LIBRARY- OF NEW SOUTH WALES, - w SYDNEY, FOR THE YEARS 1896-1900. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. SYDNEY: WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1902. COMPOSED BY THE PRINTERS OF THE LIBRARY 8TAFF. Z tn 3 PREFACE. A printed Author Catalogue for the whole of the hooks received up to the end of 1900 is now available for the public, in four volumes : — (1) The main Author Catalogue (1869-1887), containing 51,129 volumes. (2) First Supplement (1888-1892), containing 19,099 volumes. (3) Second Supplement (1893-1895), containing 9,843 volumes. (1) Third Supplement (1893-1900), containing 20,755 volumes. As it is not considered desirable to issue printed supplements more frequently than once in five years, a Card Catalogue will, in future, be issued as a complement to the printed Catalogues, by means of which the books received from day to day will he made available to the public as promptly as possible. This Supplement now being issued — the third — contains a fairly minute Subject-Index of the volumes in it, and the current Card Catalogue will also provide a Subject-Index to its authors. A complete Subject-Index to the main Catalogue, 1869-1897, and the first two Supplements, 1SS8-1895, comprising altogether 80,077 volumes, has been made, and is now lying in MS., waiting for the necessary funds to enable the Trustees to have it printed. Whenever that can be done, the whole of the treasures of the Library will have been made as readily accessible for students as the skill of the Cataloguer, within reasonable limits, can make them. With the Author Catalogue and Subject-Index as now supplied, the Library Assistant, or the student himself, should be able to find — First, any and every book by any known author possessed by the Library; second, any and every book or important part of a book, every worthy magazine article or scientific article of Australian interest found in the Proceedings and Transactions contained in the Library, referring to any definite branch of human knowledge ; and every example of the different forms of literature as represented in the collection, — all being indicated under about 6,000 subject-headings in the Index. Provided the student knows the correct author name of any book in the Library required by him, he will readily find it in the Author Catalogue, which, it must be noted, deals with all personal names, the books about a man being referred to him as the author as well as those which have been written by him. It should also be noted that the country or city, or society or institution, responsible for the publication of a book is technically considered its author. If, again, the student knows the actual subject of the book he requires, he will find it, and probably others of similar interest, by means of the Subject-Index. Students and readers not intimately acquainted with general library methods, and our own in particular, are strongly advised to consult one of the Senior Assistants in charge of the reading-rooms. While endeavouring to analyse the different Australasian periodicals, literary and scientific, for the Subject- Index, we have not done anything in this direction for European and American periodical literature (except in so far as noting any article of striking Australian interest), since tbis work has been done, and is happily still being done most admirably, by Poole and Fletcher's Index to Periodical Literature, tbe Eeview of Reviews' Index, and the Cumulative Index, to wbich students are referred. Though tbe whole of the sets of periodicals and transactions, as far as tbey are possessed up to date by tbis Library, are indicated in this Supplement, only tbe volumes belonging to the period 1896-1900 are subject-indexed herein. Volumes belonging to an earlier period will be found to be dealt with in the general Subject- Index, 1869-1895, now ready for printing. It has unfortunately been found impossible, with our limited Staff, to attempt to index any of tbe newspapers, but we hope, now that this large task has been accomplished, to undertake a newspaper- index in the form of a card catalogue. The Dewey or Relative Decimal Classification having been quite recently adopted by the Trustees for tbe Reference Library and the Mitchell Library, a commencement has been made in the big task of re-classifying our collection by dealing with periodical literature first. Hence all current serials and publications of scientific societies will be found to have their respective decimal class-numbers, but all other books have necessarily those of the old fixed-notation system. This Catalogue has been compiled mainly by Messrs. C. J. Brennan, M.A., and James Pierce, and the final proof reading has been carefully done by Miss P. M. Rutherford, B.A. The composing is entirely the work of Messrs. R. J. Pride and P. Tanner, members of the Library Staff, and the machining has been done in the Government Printing Office. The Trustees, and more especially the President, the Hon. Dr. Norton, M.L.C., have ever generously supported me in my endeavour to get a printed Catalogue for the Reference Library as complete as our limited resources will allow. I hope and confidently believe that the students who frequent this Library will find our system of cataloguing, as exemplified in this volume, adapted to their wants, and will be able to endorse the experience of the Staff in regard to this form of Catalogue as a most valuable aid in unlocking the treasures of our fine collection. HENRY C. L. ANDERSON, May \hth, 1901. Principal Librarian. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE-1896-1900. A A., E. [See Arnotfc, Ellinor.] A B PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY, Ltd. Rules. 12m... Manchester, 1891. F 13 V 23 " A.L.< ). E." [See Tucker, Charlotte Maria.] A439 : being the Autobiography of a Piano ; by tweiitv-five Musical Scribes. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 22 P 37 ABBE, Prof. Cleveland. Mechanics of the Earth's At- mosohere : a Collection of Translations. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 31 Q 12 Report on the Solar Eclipse of July, 1878. [See United States.— Signal Service.] A 10 X 2 t ABBOT, Everett V. Treatise on the Federal Income Tax [U.S.A.] 1894. [See Foster, Roger.] F 10 U 19 ABBOTSFORD SERIES OF SCOTTISH POETS. Karly Scottish Poetry. [See Todd, (i. E-.] H 13 P 5 Mediaeval Scottish Poetry. [See Todd, G. E-.] It 13 P i Scottish Ballad Poetry. [See Todd, G. E-.] H 13 P 3 Scottish Poetry of 16th Century. [See Todd, G. E-.] H 13P6 Scottish Poetry of 17th Century. [See Todd, G. E-.] II 13P7 SoottishPoetryof 18thCentury. [See Todd, G. E-.] H13P 1 , -2 ABBOTT, Dr. Alexander Crever. The Principles of Bac- teriology. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 S 18 A IJHOT l\ Arthur Vaughan. The Electrical Trr of Energy. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 21 V 22 ABBOTT, Benjamin Vaughan. Judge and Jury : a Popu- lar Explanation of Leading Topics in the Law of the Land. 8vo. New York,' 1880. F 13 V 2 ABBOTT, Rev. Edwin Abbott. Hints on Home Teaching. 12mo. Lond., 1883. G 24 P 12 St. Thomas of Canterbury : his Death and Miracles. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 1 T 26, 27 The Spirit on the Waters: the Evolution of the Divine from the Human. 8vo. Lond., 1897. O 3 U 27 ABBOTT, Evelyn. History of Greece. Pts. 1 3. 3 v< Svo. Lond., 1900. ' B 28 Q 7 1. From the Earliest Times to the Ionian Revolt. 2. Fromjthc Ionian Revolt to the Thirty Years of Pes r.oo "4-i.-> i! . Fror the 'l'h r. of IV; o the Fall of the T of Plato : bein: A Subject-Index to the Dialogue; Index to the Matters and Names contained in the Dialogues of Plato according to the pages of Stephens' ed. Svo. Oxford, 1875. J 14 S 16 , and CAMPBELL, Rev. Lewis. Letters of Benjamin Jowett. [See Jowett, Prof. P..] C 26 S 18 Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford. [See Jowett, Prof. B.]C 2 4 Q 16, 17 ABBOTT, John Stevens Cabot of 1789 as viewed in the li tions. Illustrated. Roy. 8vi History of Frederick II, Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. French Revolution epubliean Institu- ork,1887.B39T15 ailed Frederick the Great. few York, 1871. B 39 T 14 Napoleon at St. Helena. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 24 8 10 ABBOTT, Rev. Lyman. Christianity and Social Problems. 12mo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 23 resus of Nazareth : His Life ; the four Gospels, and illust Manners, Customs, Religion stitutions of His Times. York, 1869. lafe and Letters of Pa reference to the md Political Li- the Apostle. The Theology of an Evolutionist. , and CONANT, R. Dry Food. 35. Steer Feeding. 36. Dairy Herd Record for 1S94-95, Winter Feeding Ex- periments with Dairy Cows, and some Suggestions on the Building and Equipment of Factories. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— contd. Cattle Feeding — contd. •M. The Feeding of Farm Animals. ::-v Steel- Feeding and Meteorological Record. "9. Steer and Fig Feeding. Cheese-making. 17 Pamphlets. 8vo. Various Places, 1891-96. A38Q9 1. Cheese and Butter Dairying. 2. Cheese a::d its Manufacture. '.-. Investigation of Cheese. 4-6. Experiments in the Maimfaeturo of Cheese. V. Summary of Results of [Experiments made in the Manu- facture of Cheese during 1892. s, 9. Experiments in 1 he Manufacture of Cheese. I" It. Investigation relating to the Manui'acture of Cheese. J.">. Some reasons whv there .should be a legal standard for Cheese in New York State. Hi. Results of Investigations relating to the Manufacture of Cheese during 1 894. 17. Experiments in Cheesemaking. Com. 30 Pamphlets. Various Places,' 1889-97. A 38 Q 13 1. Corn, Cotton, Rye, Chufas. 2. Corn, Wheat, and Oats. .">, 4. Experiments with Corn. 5. Fertilizer Experiments with Corn. 0. Field Tests upon Indian Corn. 7. Fertilizer Experiments on Corn, Culture Experiments on Corn, and Varietv 'tests of Com. 8. Field Experiments with Corn. 1892. 9-11. Corn Experiments, 1894-911. 12. Experiments with Corn, and Experiments with Kaffir Corn. 13-10. Experiments with Corn. 17. Grain and Forage Crops. 18. Corn. 19. Detasseling Corn. 20. Experiments with Corn. Experiments with Oats, and Actinomycosis or •• Rig Jaw " of Cattle. 21. Experiments with Corn. 22. Silos and Silage. 23. Indian Corn or Maize as a fodder Riant, and Report on the Chemical Composition of certain varieties of Indian Corn. 24. Indian Corn as a Grain and Forage Crop. 25. Experiments with Corn. 26. Field Experiments with Corn and Oats. 27. Kaffir Corn. 28. Co-operative Corn Tests. 29. 30. Tests of Fertilizers on Corn. Cotton and Flax. 23 Pamphlets. 8vo. Virions Places 1893-97. A 38 Q 11, 12 Vol. 1. 1. Experiments with Foreign Cotton. 2. Experiments with Cotton. 3. Co-operative Fertilizer Kxperiuicnts with Cotton in 1S90. 5. Varieties of Cotton. 6. Flax. 7. Fertilizer Experiment- with Cotton. 8. The Cotton Crop of 1895. Vol. 2. 1. Corn and Cotton. 2. Cost of Cotton Production, and Profits per acre. 3. Cotton. 4. Cotton Experiments. 5. Experiments in crossing for the purpose of imprc the Cotton Fiber. 0, the Cotton Fiber. 7. Experiments with Coti Experiments with Manui AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— contd. Cotton and Elax — contd. 10. Fertilizer E xperiments, Culture Experiments, and Variety Tests in Cotton, Sweet Potatoes, Field Peas, Garden Vegetables, &e. 11. Fertilizers for Cotton. 12. Fertilizers required by Cotton as determined by the analyses of the plant. 13. Hybrids from American and Foreign Cottons. 14. Cotton Roll-rot. 15. Varioiv. Fertilizer ami Culture Experiments on Cotton, Cotton Crosses and Hybrids. Dairying. 37 Pamphlets. 8vo. Various Places, 1888- 96. A 38 Q 18 1. Effects on Butter by feeding Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal. 2. A new Miik or Water Sterilizer. 3. TheBabeoek -Method of determining Fat in Milk and Milk Products. 4. The Babcoek Test as a basis for payment in Cream- - 5. Test of ( 'ream Separators. . Mai i and Machinery. imputation of the Babcoek 10. Son Milk Test." 11. An Acid Test of Cream. 12. Dehorning Experiment, Cream raising by cold deep setting, Experiments in Cheesemaking, Incorporating Cream into Cheese, &c, and the Babcoek Test and n Wi, ions of Comparative 26. Milk Fermentations and .heir relations to Dairying. 27. Creaming Experiments. 28. Testing Milk at Creameries. 29. A nev.' .Milk Test, and Testing .Milk at Creameries and Cheese Factories. 30. Test of Dairy Cows. 31. Test of Dairy Apparatus. 32. The Rabeoek Milk Test. 33. New Method for determining Fat in Milk. 34. The Constitution of Milk, and some of the conditions which affect the scnar.tion of Cream. 35. New Method for the estimation of Eat in .Milk, especi- ally adapted to Creameries and Cheese Factories. 30. Notes on use of the Hal cock Test and the Lactometer. 37. Directions for using the Babcoek Milk Test and the Lactometer. 14 Methc d for the ( etermiiii 15 Comparative Profits deri\ Crea n, and Ch 10 Rain. 18. To sts of Daii 19 Tests "( no! 1 ;- oi;s for us Experimei ngthe 1 eii'er Mi Milk as a Foodfol 23 Milk ' 'ests and ( 24 Ihlildi ig ( 'ream. ■ies and s, and Sheep. 1889-9G. A 38 Q 8 c in Horses and i, Variety Tests of Cot neat Stock md S . Shoulders in Horses 2. Narrow r. Wide Nutritive Rations for Horses. 3. Relative Value of Corn and Oats for Horses. I. Pork Production on Crops gathered by Hogs, and cession of Crops for Hogs. 5. Feeding Pigs. 0. Pi- Feeling Experiments with Corn. Kaffir Corn Cotton Seed. Public Library of New South Wales, md Barley in the AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— conld. Feeding Experiments, . Revised Opinions of the Japanese Plums. 16. Fruit Culture. 17. Varieties of Apples. 18. Experiments with new Orchard Fruits, Trees and Shrubs. 19. Small Fruits by Irrigation. 20. Fruit-growing in Kentucky, and Xotes upon Vegetables. 2B Horticulturc'aud Entomology. 22. Apple-growing in New Jersey. 23. Fruit Trees, Forest and Shade Trees, Nut-bearing Trees, Vegetables. 24. Methods adopted for the systematic Testing of New in an Apple Orchard. i, &c. 2"). Planting and caring for y< AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— contd. Fruit-growing — coretd. Comparative Tests of Small Fruits and Vegetables, &e. 1 Vegetables. Fruit, and Analysis of s of Orchard Fruits and ent of the Apple, Pear, 27. Fruit's and Vegetables. Cherries. 29. Culture of the Chesm several varieties of Ch 30 Notes on new and old \ Small Fruits. 31 Horticultural Informal! 32 Some special Orchard 33 Catalogue . Oras'scsas Sand and Soil Binders. 23. The Flat Pea. 24. Grazing Values of Varieties of Grass, and Drilling i Broadcasting Grass Seed. 25. Saltbushes. 26. (iiant Knot weed, or Kachaline. 27. Gluten Feeds and Meals. jui'ious Insects, Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-grow ing, Spraying, Ac. 198 Pamphlets. 7 vols. 8vc Various Places, 1888-97. A 38 Q 1-' Vol. 1. 1. Injurious and Bcucti.ial Insects. 2. Paris Green. 3. The San Jose Scale, and some other Pests. 4. Insects and Insecticides. 5. Insects. 6. Remedies for Insects and Fungi. 7. Some Enemies of Truck and Garden Crops. 8. Our Common Insects. Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— contd. Inj u-iotts Insects, &c— contd. !>. The Chesnut and its Weevil, and Nut Culture for North Carolina. N. A few Common Insert Pests. 11. On retain ( Iram-ruting Inlets. 12. The Cabbage Ko,.t ^ln^.t. with Notes on the Onion Maggot an.l allied Insects. 13. Black-knot of Plums and Cherries, and Methods of . Plu in Western New York. \r^liei!dVuUmVsniVn!.Mn. .genous Fungi. ...t the Spraying of Trees, with Remarks on 'jo. Pota.lo Seal, and Injurious Inserts. L-. Entomology, additional Ash' Analysis of Native Woods and Manures for Cow Pea as a Fertilizing Crop. 2-L The' Codlin Moth. 25. The Onion Flv. 2(5. Surface Caterpillars. Cows. 2. Experiments with the Mr,.-, ardine 1 lisease r.f the Cliineh Bug, &e. ?. Inse t In juries to tlie Seed and Root of Indian Corn. 4. Broom-corn Smut. ">. The San Jose Scale in Illinois. (J. Corn Smut, 9. Dei ive Locusts in Kentucky, and the Bud Woi I.'. The Roekv Mountain Locust' in Ottertail Country. Ki. Migra'orv l.o.usts in Minnesota. 14. The Classification of Insects and their relation to Agri 15. C'oilon Leaf Worm. Hi. Insects injurious to Stored Claim Vol. 3. 1. The Woolly Aphis of the Apple. 2. An important Elm Insect. I!. The San Jose Scale. 4. The Pear Midge. f). Some Insects injurious to Shade Trees, li. The Hessian Ply. 7. ••Raupoiilcinr-'and " Pcn.lrolene." 8. The Pernicious, or San Jose Scale. <). The Harleouin ( 'ahhage Reg and t!;e Melon Riant Louse. 10. Preliminar'v Account of some Inserts injurious to Plants. 11. Notices of 'importance concerning Emit Insects. 12. Scale Insects in New Mexico. 13. Insecticides and their appliances. 14. The Artec Worm, the , Grape and Gooseberry Mildew. 9. Spotting of Peaches a ivl Cucumbers. 10. Common Fungous Diseases, and Methods of Prevention. 11. Spraying for the Prevent h f Fungous Diseases, In- jurious Insects. Potato mights, and V.lack Knot of the Plum and Cherry. 12. More about the San Jose Scale, Sweet Potato Pest, Regarding Carbon Bisullid, Insecticides, and Pumps in general. 13. Leaf Curl and Plum Pockets. 14. Spraying of Orchards. 15. Observation! secticides. 16. Some Bean Diseases. 17. Experiments in Preventing Pear Scab in 1S93. 18. Preventing Leaf Blight of Plum and Cherry Nursery Stock. 19. Downy Mildew of the Cucumber, and its Treatment. 20. Spraying Mixtures and their application. 21. Preventive Treatment of Raspberry Anthracnose. 22. Results with Out Smut in 1897. 23. Experiments and Observations on some Diseases of Plants. 24. Some of the most common Fungi and Insects, with 25. Now Studies upon the Smut of Wheat, Oats, and Barley. 26. Club-root of Cabbage and its allies. 27. Some Fungous I )iseases of Beets. 28. The San Jose Scale, and how it may be controlled 29. Asparagus Rust. 30. Cotton-root Rot. 31. Bordeaux Mixture for Apple Pests. 32. Broom-rape of Hemp and Tobacco. 33. Alfalfa-root Rot. 34. Prevention of Apple Scab, 35. Preventive Treatment for Apple Scab. Downy Mildew and Brown Rot of the Crape, Potato Blight, and tho Smut of Wheat and Oats. 36. Bacterial Rot of Cabbage and allied Plants. 37. Remedies for the Prevention of Smut. 38. Black Rot of the Grape. 39. Spraying of Orchards. 40. Orange iiust of Raspberry and Blackberry. 41. Methods of preventing Smut in Wheat and Oats, Carbon Bisulphide as a Squirrel Exterminator, and a new Squirrel Exterminator. Vol. 7. 1. Black Knot of Plum and Cherry. 2. Influence of Copper Compounds in Soils upon Vegeta- tion, Spraying with Fungicides for prevention of Potato Blight, Analyses of Materials used in Spraying Plants. 3. Some Cherry Diseases. 4. Southern Potato Blight. 5. Treatment of Potato Seal), Use of Bordeaux Mixture for Potato Blight, 6. Leaf Blight of the Pear, Raspberries, and Distribution of Plants. 7. Fertilizers, Oats, Potato Scab. 8. Treatment of Boose Smut of Oats, &c. 9. Notes on the Potato Scab. Bordeaux Mixture as a Pre- ventive of the Potato Scab and Potato Blight, and Notes on transplanting Onions. 10. Plant Diseases. 11. Can Peach Rot lie controlled by Spraying? 12. Possibilities of developing adonie- lie Sugar Industry, &r. 13. Preparation of Anunoniaeal Solution of < 'opporCarbonate. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— contd. Injurious Insects, &c, — contd. 14. Some Leaf Blights of Cotton. 15. Fruit-tree P.ligh! in general. 16. Black Rust of Cotton. 17. Diseases of the Vine. 18. Leaf Blight of the Pear and Quince. 19. Diseases of Crops, and their Treatment. 20. Preliminary List of the Rusts of Ohio. Wild Lettuce, Wheat Scab. 21. Profit in Spraving Oivhards and Vineyards. 22. Late Blight and Rot of the Potato, Potato Scab, &e. 23. Smut in Wheat, 24. Apple s.-di. and Spraving of Orchards. 25. Root Knots on Fruit Trees and Vines. 26. Preventing Downy Mildew or Brown Rot of Grapes Smut of Indian Corn. 27. Insecticides and Fungicides. 28. Notes on Treatment of San Jose Scale. 29. San Jose Scale in Ohio. 30. San Jose Scale. 31. San Jose Seale and some other Insect Pests. 32. San Jose Scale in Kentucky. 33. Potato Blight and Rot, 34. Plant Diseases. 35. Spraying Potatoes. 36. Spraying Orchards and Potato-fields. 37. Four Diseases of the Apple. 38. Treatment of Diseases of the Grape. 39. Observations on the effect of certain Fertilizers in pro- moting the development of the Potato Scab, and pos- sible reasons for the same. 40. The Tomato, and some of its Diseases. 41. Oat Smut. 42. Sundry Investigations of the year 1893 at the Cornell University Agricultural experiment Station. Manures, Analyses of Manures, and Fertilizer Control. 118 Pamphlets. 4 vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1887-96. A 38 R 6-9 Vol. 1. 1. Pea Vines as a Fertilizer. 2. Commercial Fertilizers. 3. Co-operative Soil Test Bxperiinents. 4. Use of Fertilizers in California. 5-10. Fertilizer Analyses and the Fertilizer Control. 1 1 . Co-operative Field" Tests. 12. The Fertilize .-Control. 13. of Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs. 14. On the available Phosphoric Acid and the Water Soluble Potash in Cotton Seed meal, . Fertilizers, &e. li. Analvses of Commercial Fertilizers. 7. Fertilizer Analvses. 5. Xew Fertilizer' Law for Rhode Islu 9-11. Analvses of Commercial Fertiliz 12. Sea-weeds. 13, 14. Fertilizers. 1.1. Fertilizers, Oats, and Potato Scab. Hi. Fertilizers. . Analvses of Commercial Fertilizers ■s of Fertilizer-, and Home- 53 of Commercial Fertilizers ers and Potato Scab. Composition of Corn, and '20. Fertil 21. Fertilizers. •22. Roots of Plants as M: 23. Barnyard Manure. 21. ( 'ommereial I'ert ilizer 25. Analyses of Fertilizer 2(5. Analyse- of Cominerei 27. Analysis of Fertilizer: 28. Effects of Fertilizers Analysis of Hay. 29-33. Analyses of Fertilizers. 34-40. Analvses of (.'ommereial Fertilizer 41. Fertilizer Tests on |. The Russian Thistle a ie plants that a >. Wild or Prickly Lettuce. '. The Russian Thistle. i 10. Kansas Weeds. . The Russian Thistle or Russian Tumble Weed !. The Russian Thistle in Nebraska. !, 1 4. Nevada Weeds. i. The Russian Thistle in Ohio, and Weeds in ge i. Canada Thistle. Hull Thistle, Sow Thistle, Thistle, and Russian Thistle. . Some Plants injurious to Stock. ■. The Russian Thistle. . Noxious Weeds. . Squirrel-tail ( trass. Wheat. 43 Pamphlets. 8vr ius Places, 1887-96. A 38 Q 15 5. Rational Select i t and its Mill Prodtu 3 in Wheat Culture, i of Wheat for Sec Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 13 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— contd. Wheat— contd. !). 10. Wheat Experiments. II. Wheat Experiments i.inl the ( ; rain Louse. ]■->. Wheat Experiments and a new White Insect. 13. 14. Experiments with Wheat ami Oats. !■"'. Experiments with Wheat ami Barley. Hi. Wheat. ','. IS. Small drains ami Potatoes. lit. Farm Notes. •-'". Wheat an.l some of its Products. •21. Wheat. 22. Experiments in Wlieat Keedim_', ( 'omparative Tests of Varieties of Wheat, ami Wheat Smut, •_>3. Commereial and other Fertilizers on Wheat. 24. Experiments in Wheat Seeding, including Treatment of ' ' , and Comparative Test of Varieties of Win ■2X Forty Years of Wheat Culture i, :.'(',. Field Experiments with Wheat. '.'T-L'lt. Experiments with Winter W 30. Notes on Varieties of Wheat ant :il. Smuts affecting Wheat. 32, 33. Ladoga Wlieat, ' Results of Experiments with ea Ohio. m,>s f Expei of Wh 1 late .ith Wheat, and Crop Rotations. id Form 3o. Expert 30. Field Experiments with Wliea 37, 38. Field Experiments with Wl XitroLMi for Wheat. 30. Tests of Varieties of Wheat. •HI. Tests of Fertilizers on Wlieat. 41. Plat Ex])crimenlswithC, eivia! IVrliiizerson Wheat. -12. Wheats, Barley, Wats, Peas, and Forage Crops. ■l.S. Results of three years' Experiments in cost and profit of growing Wheat. AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE A JOURNAL OF THE COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, TASMANIA. Vols. 4-7, July, 1896-June, 1900. 4 vols. sin. fol. Hobart, 1896-1900. ME 21 T AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE OF NEW SOUTH WALES, The. Vols. 1-11, 1890-1900. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-1900. ME 9 R AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. Vols. 1-8, 1887-94. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1887-94. E AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH VALES. Catalogue, Metropolitan Exhibition, 1884. 8xo. Sydney, 1884. MK 2 S 2 Journal, Aug., 1868-Dec, 1871, April-June, 1872, Sept., lS74-Dec, 1875. 4 vols. 4 to. Sydney, 1868-75. MA 4 V 12-15 AGUTAR, Antonio Augusto de. Vida do Marquez de Barbacena. [See Barbacena, Marquez de.] C 24 R 11 "AH CHIN-LE." [See Swazey, J. B.] AHERNE, Caroline Agnes (Mrs.) "Agnes Neale." [Por- trait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 + AHLVARDT, W. Verzeichniss der Glaser'schen Sainmlung nrabischer Handschriften. [See Berlin- •Koiiigliche Bibliothek.] K 7 8 45 Kui7.cs Verzeiclmiss der Landberg'schen Sainmlung arubischrr Handschriften. [See Berlin - Kdnigliche Bibliothek.] K 7 S 46 Verzeichniss der arabischen Handschriften. [See Berlin- Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 11 U f AHN, F. New, Practical, and Easy Method of Learning the German Language ; with a "Supplement by A. V. Rose. 1st course. 12mo. Loud, (n.d.) J 24 U 40 AIDALL, I. The German Nature-cure, and how to prac- tise it. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 40 P 3 AIKEN, I). Wyatt. The Grange : its Origin, Progress, and Educational Purposes. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 19 U 13 AIKENHEAD, Mary. [Sketch of.] [See Belloc, Bessie R.— Historic Nuns.] C 23 P 30 AIRMAN, C. M. Milk: its Nature and Composition : a Hand-book on the Chemistry and Bacteriology of Milk, Butter, and Cheese. 8vo. Lond.,1895. A32R26 Notes on recent Dairy Res Journ., Dec, 1898.') (Queensland Agricult, ME 9 U Book of the Dairy. [See Fleischmann, Dr. \Y] A 30 R 50 AINGER, Alfred. Poets who helped to form Wordsworth's style. (Knight, W.— Words worthiana.) J 14 R 15 Wordsworth and Charles Lamb. (Knight, W. — Words- worthiana.) J 14 R 15 [Criticism of the Works of] Charles Lamb. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Dr. John Brown. [See Craik, Henry. -English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* AIRY, Sir George Biddell, F.R.S. Autobiography of. Edited by Wilfrid Airy. 8vo. Camb., 1896. C 21 U 9 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Ball, Sir E. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 AITCHISON, Sir Charles U. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 AITCHISON, G. Sanitary Aspect of Internal Fittings, &c. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U IS AITKEN, Edward H., "Eha." or, Thoughts on Perceiving A Naturalist on the Prowl o 8vo. Lond., 1S94. Five Windows of the Soul; 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 42 i the Jungle. Illustrated. A 28 U 2 AITKEN, Thomas. Road-making and Maintenance. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 46 V 1 AITKEN, William Benford. The Dominion of Canada : a Study of Annexation. Svo. New York, 1890. F 1 8 Q 8 AKI, Dr. Yamada Yoshi-. Dr. F. Warrington.] >ic Japan. [See Eastlake, B 17 R 40 14 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. ALABAMA: — State Departments— Reports & Publications. Convicts. First Biennial Report of the Board of Man- agers of Convicts, Sept., 1892-Aug., 1894. 8vo. Montgomery, 1894. E Geological Survey. Bulletin 6. Preliminary Report on the Clays of Alabama; by H. Ries. 8vo. Jackson- ville, 1900. E Iron-making in Alabama. 8vo. Montgomery, 1896. A 24 U 36 [Another copy.] 2nd ed. 8vo. Montgomery, 1898. A 24 S 28 ALANSON, Alfred Goodwin, " A. G. Chapman/' Notes on Practical Lessons in Grammar, especially designed for Pupil and Junior Teachers. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MJ 3 P 52 ALBATENITJS. [See Al-Battani.] AL-BATTANI. Opus astronomicum, ad fidem cod. Es- curialensis Arabicc oditum, Latine versum, adnota- tionibus instructum a Carolo Alphonso Xallino. Pars 3. Sm. fol. Mediolani Insubrum, 1899. A 22 Q 6 f ALBEMARLE, George Monk, Duke of. Order and Cere- monies used at Funeral of. [See Funerals.] B 1 6 S 1 3 + [Sketch of.] [See Pepys, Samuel.— Diary of.] C 14 V 8 ALBERT, H.R.H. Prince, Consort of Queen Victoria. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormelev. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 ALBERT EDWARD, Prince of Wales. An Account of his Career, including his Birth, Education, Travels, Marriage, and Home Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 12 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormelev.— Eng land in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 ALBERT VICTOR CHRISTIAN EDWARD, Duke of Clarence and Avondale. Visit of the Detached Squadron, with their Royal Highnesses Prince Edward and Prince George of Wales, to Brisbane, 1881. [See Visit of the Detached Squadron.] MD 7 U 29 ALBERTI, Leon Battista. Delia Architettura libri X, della Pittura libri III, e della Statua libro I, tradotti in lingua Italiana da Cosimo Bartoli. Seconda edizione divisa in due tomi, da Giacomo Leoni. [With English Translation.] 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Lond., 1739. A 22 S 2 t ALBINI, F. de. Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace from another point of view; Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. B 26 R 24 AIBRECHT, T. Bericht uber den Stand der Erfor- schung der Brehenvariation, 1897-99. 4to. Berlin, 1898-1900. A17S2f8 ALBUM OF AUSTRALIAX WRITERS. Sm. 4 to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 45 P J ALBURY BAXXER and Wodonga Express, 1897-June, 1900. 7 vols. fol. Albury, 1897-1900.. ME ALBURY DAILY XEWS txn<\ Wodonga Chronicle, 1899. Fol. Albury, 1899. ME ALUURY HERALD, The, 1899. 1899. ALCOTT, Louisa May. [Short Study of.] [See Higgin son, T. W.— Short Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Sketches from Concord.] D 16 Q 3 ALCUIN (in full Flaccus Albinus Alcuinus). Alcuin and Rise of Christian Schools. [See West, A. F.] G 1 8 Q 50 ALDEN, C. A. Street-railway Roadbed. [See Pratt, M. D.] A 38 V 23 ALDEN, Percy. American Settlements. (Reason, W.— University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 Settlements in relation to Local Administration. (Rea- son, W.— University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P33 . ALDEN, Henry Mills. God in His World: an Interpre- tation. Svo. New York, 1896. G 24 P 17 ALDERSON, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Alfred Hervey. Pink and Scarlet ; or, Hunting as a School for Soldiering. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 10 With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland Field Force, 1896. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q 18 ALDRICH, Thomas Bailey. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-'day.] C 22 S 19 ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Life and Exploits : being a series of Translations of the Ethiopic Histories of Alexander by the pseudo-Callisthenes and other Writers; by Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge. Svo. Lond., 189G. B 27 V 20 Alexander the Great : the Merging of East and West in Universal History. [See Wheeler, B. I.] B 27 Q 14 The Invasion of India. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T 6 ALEXANDER, King of Macedon. Philip and Alexander of Macedon; by D. G. Hogarth. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. * C 24 Q 11 [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ALEXANDER I, Empero Hillis, W. J. -Metric of Russia. [Portrait of .] [See .1 History of Napoleon Bona- II 1 T 15 .it of.] [See Paget, lit. Hoi Sir A.— Paget C21U4 ALEXANDER TT, Emperor of Rusm.-i. King Stork and King Log. [See Kravchinsky, 8. M.] B 31 R 6, 7 ALEX A NDER III, Emperor of Russia. I King Log. [See Kravchinsky, S. M.] . of.] [See Eminent Persons.] ALEX A NDER, A. Physical Training at Home ; with an Ini r< xluction by Rear-Adm. Lord Charles Beresford. Illustrated. 12mo. Load., 1898. G 18 Q 48 ALEXANDER, Mrs. Annie. [See Hector, Mrs. Annie Alexander.] H 11 Q 1 Lao-Tsze the Great G 1 U32 ALEXANDER, Cecil Fn ALEXANDER. Major-Gen. G. G. Thinker. [See Lao-Tsze.] ALEXANDER, George. [Art of Acting.] [See Ham- merton, J. A —The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 ALEXANDER, Prof. Gross. History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Svo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 18 ALEXANDER, Rev. Sidney Arthur. Christianity of St. Paul. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 27 ALEXANDER, Lieut.-Col. W. Gordon-. Recollections of a Highland Subaltern during the Campaigns of the 93rd Highlanders in India in 1857-59. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1898. B 39 S 15 ALEXANDER JOSEPH OF BULGARIA, Prince [Sketch < f,] [See Eminent Pers >ns.] C 19 Q 22 ALEXANDER IRELAND COLLECTION. Catalogue of the Alexander Ireland Collection in the Free Reference Library. [See Manchester Public Free Libraries.] Cat. Room ALEXANDRA, Princess „f Wales. [Portrait of.] [Set Latimer, Elizabeth Woimeley.- England in the 19th Century.] B 1G S 13 ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA, Empress. [Sketch of.] [Ser Bothmer, Countess A. von.— Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 ALFIERI, Vittorio. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hor- ridge, F.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 ALFORD, Lieut. Stamford Lewis, and SWORD, Lieut. William Dennistoun. Egyptian Soudan : its Loss ar.d Recovery, including a rapid Sketch of the History of the Soudan, Narrative of the Dongola Expedition, 1896, and a full Account of the Nile Expeditions, 1897-98. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 16 ALFRED THE GREAT, King Great : containing Chapters F. Harrison and others. Ed Bowker. With Map. 8vo. Ingland. Alfred the is Life and Times by with Preface, by A. nd., 1899. C 20 S 19 Life of King Alfred the Lond., 1880. Alfred in the Chronicle] Great : by A. G. Knight. 8vo. C 22 P 22 s. [See Conybeare, E.] B 41 Q 4 Consolations of Boethius. [See Boethius, A. M. S.] J 9 U 15 King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius De Colso- latione Philosophic. [See Boethius, A. M. S.] J 23 S 20 ALI, Syed, Ameer. Short History of the Saracens: being a concise Account of the Rise and Decline of the Saracenic Power, and of the Economic, Social, and In- tellectual Development of the Arab Nation from the earliest times to the Destruction of Bagdad and the Expulsion of the Moors from Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 25 P 13 ALICE, Princess. [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 "ALIEN." The Untold Half. Svo. Lond., 1899. MJ 3 U 15 "ALIPH CHEEM." [See Yeldham, Capt. W.] ALISON, Gen. Sir Archibald. Essays, Political, Historical, and Miscellaneous. 3 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1850. J 14 S 11-13 Wolfe. [See Wolfe, J.] C 26 R 18 ALISON. William. Sir Anthony Van Dyck : his Life and Work. [See Dyck, Sir A. Van.] C 44 Q 12 J ALL ABOUT ANIMALS, for Old and Young ; Popular, Interesting, Amusing. Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 19 S 22 t ALL TILK WORLD: a Monthly Record of the Work of the Salvation Army in all Lands. Vols. 13-19, 1894-98. 7 vols, (in 5) sm. 4to. Lond., 1894-98. E ALLAN, 1898 James in th Un 3 Chi ,.V.j., re Dn \\; F l2 My Experi- no. Lond., B 16 P 28 ALLAN, James McG Principle and Prat tacT Wo Svo. nan S iffrage 1890. 1 16U17 ALLAN, Man John, ■hester Necc (n.d.) ssity for Ed .cat .on ilF ind F . 1 2mo. 13 V 41 Public Library of New South ALLAN, John, and GRAY, J. C. The Cooperative Union : its Necessity and its Advantages. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 ALLAN, Percy. Lift Bridge over the Murray at Swan Hill. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R ALLAN, Stuart. Our Boys and the Transvaal. Illus- trated. Ob. 12mo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 32 ALLARD, Alphonse. La Crise Agricole : Expose didac- tique de ses Origine.s Monutaires. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. A 40 P 7 ALLARDT, Huvch. Map of India. [See Remarkable Maps of the 15th-17th Centuries.] D 8 P 36 + ALLBUTT, Dr. Thomas Clifford, F.R.S. System of Medicine ; by many writers. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-99. A 26 T 34-41 Chlorosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Dilatation of the Stomach. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Diseases of the Aortic Area of the Heart. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Functional Disorders of the Heart, (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Grain Poisoning. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medi cine.) A 26 T 35 Mechanical Strain of the Heart. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Mountain-sickness. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Mushroom Poisoning. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Neurasthenia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine. ) A 26 T 41 Neuroses of the Stomach. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26" T 36 Opium Poisoning and other Intoxications. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Senile Paraplegia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 40 nd TEALE, Dr. Thomas Pridgin. Scrofula. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 ALLCHIN, Dr. William Henry. Acute Peritonitis of undetermined nature. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Chronic Peritonitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ALLCHIN, Dr. William Henry— contd. New Growths of the Peritoneum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. ~ System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Tubercle of the Peritoneum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ALLCOCK, Rev. Arthur Edmund. Teaching of Modern Languages. [See Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.] G 23 P 18 ALLEN, Rev. Alexander V. G. Christian Institutions. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Internat. Theolog. Lib.) G 24 R 10 The Continuity of Christian Thought: a Study of Modern Theology in the Light of its History. 8vo. Boston, 1895. G 9 W 13 ALLEN, Alfred H. Commercial Organic Analysis: a Treatise on the Properties, Proximate Analytical Examination, and Modes of Assaying the various Organic Chemicals and Products employed in the Arts, Manufactures, Medicine, &c, with concise methods for the Detection and Determination of the Impurities, Adulterations, and Products of Decompo- sition. 2nd ed. Vol. 3, pts. 3, 4. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. A 21 T 26, 27 4. Proteids and Albuminous Principles, Proteoiids or Al- buminoids. [Another copy.] 3rd ed. Vol. 1, with Revisions and Addenda by the Author and Henry Leffmann. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 32 S 2 1. Introduction, Alcohols, Neutral Alcoholic Derivatives, Sugars, Starch and its Isomers, Vegetable Acids, &e. ALLEN, Rev. Daniel. History of the Convent. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MG 2 S 25 ALLEN, Edwin West. Leguminous Plants for Green Manuring and for Feeding. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Farmers' Bulletins.] A 41 U 2 ALLEN, Edward Heron-. The Ruba'ivat of Omar Khay- yam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 1 U'l ALLEN, G. B. Softly fell the Sunshine. [Music only.] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 13 P 6 t ALLEN, Grant (in full Charles Grant B.) The European Tour: a Hand-book for Americans and Colonists. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 P 18 The Evolution of the Idea of God : an Inquiry into the Origins of Religion. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 7 Flashlights on Nature. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 41 Q 25 Grant Allen : a Memoir ; by E. Clodd. With Portrait and Bibliography. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 23 R 27 The Isocratic Party. (Reid, A.— TheNewParty.)F15P29 Moorland Idylls. Svo. Lond., 1896. A27R4 Twelve Tales. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 19 W 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 17 ALLEN". Dr. Harrison. Monograph of the Bats of North America. [See United States.— National Museum, Bulletin 43.] E ALLEN". Dr. Harry Brookes. Report [on] Prof. Koch's Remedy for Tuberculosis. Sm. fol. Melb., 1891. MA 9 Q 33 f ALLEN, J. Bernard. Experiments on some Electrical Properties of Purified Sulphur. [See Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898.] ME 18 S ALLEN, James. South Australia as it is and how to get to it. 8vo. Lond., 1847. MD 7 P 21 The S<>ulh Australian. Mayazine. [See South Australian Mnyazine, The.} MJ 4 Q 4 and 3 T 11 ALLEN, James Lane. The Blue-grass Region of Kentucky, and other Kentucky articles. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. D 18 U 23 The Choir Invisible. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 24 U 27 ALLEN, John Parnell. Practical Building Construction : a Hand-book for Students preparing for the Examina- tions of the Science and Art Department, the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Surveyors' Institu- tion, kc. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 11 ALLEN, Joseph. Battles of the British Navy. New ed. With Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1883-90. B 26 P 12, 13 The New Navy List. [See New Navy List, The.] E ALLEN, Rev. Joseph Henry. History of the Unitarians in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 17 ALLEN, Thomas Taylor. Autobiography of Mine. Guyon. [See Guyon, Mme. Jeanne.] C 24 T 3, 4 ALLEN, William John. Appliances necessary in Fruit- paeking Houses : Orange-grading, Raisin-dipping. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Buckscraper. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R 18! »•) (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., ME 9 R Experiments in Spraying and Fumigating Trees for Scale. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W.; 1899.) ME 9 R Fruit drying. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1999.) ME 9 R Fruit-growing under Irrigation. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ' ME 9 R Fruit -rowing, Dryin N.S.W., 1897.) Marketing Citrus Fruits. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) . ME 9 R The Orange. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Orchard-planting. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R The Passion-fruit, (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R ALLEN, William John— contd. Pruning, Budding, and Grafting. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W, 1897.) ME 9 R Red Scale. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Strawberry. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897-98.) ME 9 R The Sultana Crape. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R , BLUNNO, Michele, FROGGATT, Walter Wil- son, and GUTHRIE, Frederick Bickell. Insect and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Remedies. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898-99.) ME 9 R ALLEN, W. O. B., and McCLURE, Edmund. 200 Years : History of the Society for Promoting Christian Know ledge, 1698-1898. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 25 T 5 ALLEN S TWOPENNY TRASH. Vol. 1, Nos. 2, 3, Nov., 1858. Svo. Adelaide, 1858. MJ 3 T 11 ALLEYN, Edward. The Alleyn Papers : a Collection of original Documents illustrative of the Life and Times of Edward Alleyn. [See Shakespeare Soc., Pubs.] H 3 U 23 Memoirs of. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 7 ALLIES, Thomas W. The Monastic Life; from the Fathers of the Desert to Charlemagne. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 S 32 ALLINGHAM, Dr. Herbert William. The Differential Diagnosis of I >iseuses of the An us and Rectum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ALLISON, W. Breeding Racehorses by the Figure System. [See Lowe, C. B.] A 31 Q 17 ALLYN, Jack. Jonathan and his Continent. [See Blouet, P.] J 25 Q 38 ALMA-TADEMA, Lawrence. [See Tadema, L. A-.] ALMANACK BE GOTHA : Annuaire Gencalogique, Diplomatique et Statistique, 1871-1900. 30 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1871-1900. E ALMANACH BE LA COOPERATION FRANCAISE, 1899. 12mo. Paris, 1899. E ALSTINE, Jeanette Van (Mrs. R, K.) Charlotte Cor- dav. [See ('onlay d'Armans. .Marie Anne Charlotte da] C23P14 ALTHAUS, Dr. Julius. Infantile Paralysis and some allied Diseases of the Spinal Cord : their Diagnosis and Treatment, 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 26 Q 43 ALVARADO, Alonzo de. Explanation of the Voyage of ; by J. R. McClymont. (Roy. Soc, Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q ALVIELLA, Comtc Eugene Goblet d'. L'Idee de Dieu d'aprcs l'Anthropoloiie et l'Histoire. Svo. Bruxelles, 1892. G4T16 Tublic Library of New South Wales. ALVORD, Henry Elijah. Utilisation of by-products of the Dairy. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R AMAGAT.E.H. Laws of Gases. [&« Boyle, R.] A 25 T 12 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY of ENGINEERS. Rules. Revised at Nottingham, May 25th, 1885. 18mo. Loncl, 1890. F 12 S 17 AMALIE, Queen of Portugal. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 AMATEUR MECHANICS: an Illustrated Monthly Magazine, conducted by P. N. Hasluck. Vols. 1, 2, 1883-84. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883-84. A 34 V 1, 2 AMATI, M. The Song of Young Australia. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t AMBROSE, St. St. Ambrose and the Music of the Early Church. [See Lutterworth, II.— The Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 St. Ambrose. [See Broglie, Due da] G 25 P 14 St. Ambrose : his Life, Times, and Teaching. [See Thornton, Rev. R.] G 26 P 22 AMEER ALI, Syed. [See Ali, Syed, Ameer.] AMERICA ANJ) EUROPE : a Study of International Relations. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Questions of the Day.) F 2 V 30 1. The United States and Great Britain ; by David A. Wells. 2. The Monroe Doctrine ; by Edward J. Phelps. 3. Arbitration in International Disputes; by Carl Sehurz. "AMERICAN, An." History of South America, from its Discovery to the Present Time, compiled from the Works of the best Authors, and from authentic docu- ments, many hitherto unpublished, in various Archives and public and private Libraries in America and Spain. Translated by A. I). Jones. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 20 S 15 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SO- CIAL SCIENCE. Annals. Vols. 1-10, July, 1890- Dec, 1897. 10 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1890-97. E Publications. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1899. F 16 R 33 Outlines of Sociology; by Prof. L. Cumpknciez. Trans- lated by Prof. F. W. Moore. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, The. Vols. 35-65, 1876-June, 1900. 31 vols. 4to. New York, 1876- 1900. E AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, The. [See Anthro- pological Society of Washington.] AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN and Oriental Journal. Vols. 1-21, April, 1878-99. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1878-99. E AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Account of. 8vo. Worcester, 1876. • MJ 3 R 28 AMERICAN ARCHITECT AND BUILDING NEWS, The. Vols. 1-62, 1876-98. 62 vols. sm. fol. Boston, 1876-98. E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. Proceedings, 1848-98. 47 vols. 8vo. Salem, 1849-98. E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF THE RED CROSS. History of the Red Cross : the Treaty of Geneva and its adoption by the United States. Imp. 8vo. Wash. 1883. F 11 V 32 AMERICAN CATALOGUE, 1884-99. 6 vols. 4to. and roy. 8vo. New York, 1891-1900. Cat, Boom AMERICAN CHEMICAL JOURNAL, The. Vols. 17-23, 1895-1900. 7 vols. 8vo. Eastern, Pa., 1895-1900. E AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY SERIES. Baptist Churches in the United States. [See Newman, Rev. A. H.] G12V9 Bibliography of American Church History. [See. Jackson, Rev. S. M.] G 12 V PJ Congregational f 'lunches in the United States. [See Walker, Prof. W.] G 12 V 12 Cumberland Presbyterian Church ill the United States. [See Foster, Prof. R. V.] G 12 V 18 Disciples of Christ. [See Tyler, Rev. B. B.] G 12 V 19 Evangelical Association. [See Sprang, Rev. S. P.]G 12 V 19 Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. [See Jacobs, Prof. H. K] GUV 11 Methodist Church, South, in the United States. [See Alexander, Prof. G.] (i 12 V IS Methodists in the United States. [See. liucklev, J. M.] G 12 V 12 Moravian Church in the United States. [See Hamilton, Prof. J. T.] G 12 V 15 Presbyterian Church, South, in the United States. [See Johnson, Prof. T. C] G 12 V 18 Presbyterian Churches in the United States. [See Thomp- son, Rev. R. E.] G 12 V 13 Protestant Kpiscopal Church in the United States. [See. Tiffany, Rev. C. C] G 12 V 14 Reformed Church, Ditch, in the United States. [See Corwin, Rov. F. T.] ' G 12 V 15 Reformed Church, German, in the United States. [See Dubbs, Rev. J. H.] G 12 V 15 Religi Roman Catholic Church in the United States. [See 0'< !or- man, Prof. T.] G 12 V 16 Society of Friends. [See Thomas, Prof. A. C] G 12 V 19 Unitarians in tiie United Slates. [See Allen, Rev. J. H.] G 12 V 17 United Brethren in Christ. [See Berger, Rev. D.]G 12 V 19 United Presbyterian Church in the United Slates. | See Scouller, Rev. J. B.J G 12 V 18 Universalists in the United States. [See Eddy, Rev. R.] G 12 V 17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. I CAN CITIZEN SERIES. Outline of Practical Sociology. [See Wright, C. D.] A' /CAN COLONIAL TRACTS MONTHLY. Vol. , May, 1897-April, 1898. 8vo. Rochester, 1897- RiCAN DICTIONARY OF PRINTING AND 5i HJKMAKING: a History of these Arts in Europe ml America, with Definitions of Technical Terms and Jiic-raphieal Sketches. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 894. A 12 T 26 f liiCAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. Publica- Vols. 1-11. 11 vols. Svo. Baltimore, 886-96. F4T 11-21 TUCAN EPHEMERIS AND NAUTICAL AL- MANAC. [See United States.— Bureau of Equip- AMERICAN FORESTRY CONGRESS. Proceedings, 1888. Svo. Wash., 1889. A 37 11 18 AMERICAN FREE TRADE LEAGUE. National Conference of Free Traders and Revenue Reformers, Ciiieago, 1885. 8vo. ■ New York, 1885. F 17 P 3 AMERICAN HISTORIC TOWNS. IIICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL EN- IN'EKKS. Transactions. Vols. 12-16, 1895-1900. vols. 8vo. New York, 1896-1900. E i ! I CAN INSTITUTE of MINING ENGINEERS. Yansactions. Vols. 1-28, 1871-98, and Index to o!s. 1-15. 29 vols. 8vo. Philad. and New York, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. [See Archaeological Institute of America.] AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INSANITY, The. Vols. 50-56, July, 1893-April, 1900. 7 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1893-1900. . E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY, The. Vols. 1 20, 1880-99. 20 vols. Svo. Baltimore, 1880-99. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, The. Vols. 1-9, Nov., 1887-July, 1898. 9 vols. 8vo. Balti- more, 1887-98. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The. Vol. 1- 4th ser., vols. 8, 9, 1818-1900. 160 vols. Svo. New Haven, Conn., 1818-1900. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY. Vols. 1-5, •li;lv, 1895-Mav, 1900. 5 vols. roy. Svo. Chicago, 1895-1900. E AMERICAN LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. Religion of Israel to the Exi AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Hand-book, Jan., 1897. 32mo. (n.p.) 1897. Cat. Room List of Subject-headings for use in Dictionary Catalogs. 2nd ed., revised with an Appendix containing Hints on Subject-cataloging and Schemes for Sub-heads under Countries and other Subjects. Svo. Boston, 1898. Cat. Room AMERICAN MEN OF ENERGY. Benjamin Franklin ; by E. Robins. [See Franklin, R] _ AMERICAN MEN OF LETTERS. Bayard Taylor ; by A. H. Smith. [See Taylor, B. ] C 1 1 V 1 9 Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters ; by J. B. McMas- ter. [See Franklin, B.] C 27 P 3 Edgar Allan Poe ; by G. E. Woodberry. [See Poe, E. A.] George Ripley; by 0. B. Frothingham. [See Ripley, G.] Henry David Thoreau ; by F. B. Sanborn. [See Thoreau, H. I).] C 27 P 8 James Fenimore Cooper ; by T. R. Lounsbury. [See Cooper, J. F.] C 27 P 1 Margaret Fuller Ossoli ; by T. W. Higginson. [See Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller, Marchcsa d'.] C 19 T 23 Nathaniel Parker Willis ; by II. A. Beers. [See Willis, N. P.] C 27 P 9 Noah Webst Ralph Waldo Emerson ; by A. W. Holmes. [See Emerson, R. W.] C27P2 Washington Irving ; by C. D. Warner. [See Irving, W.] AMERICAN NATURALIST, The : an Illustrated Maga- zine of Natural History. Vols. 1-33, March, 1867- 99. 33 vols. Svo. Various Places, 1867-99. E AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceed- ings. Vols. 1-10, 1838-68. 10 vols. Svo. Philad., 1838-69. [Vols. 4, 9 incomplete.] A 36 V 3-12 AMERICAN SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Journal of Social Science, Nos. 1-34, 1869-96. 34 vols. Svo. New York, 1869-96. E AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. The general adoption of the 24 o'clock notation on the railways of America. Svo. New York, 1892. A 23 T 39 Proceedings. Vols. 20-25, July, 1894-99. 6 vols. Svo. New York, 1894-9S. E Transactions. Vols. 29, 30, 32-34, July-Dec, 1893, July, 1894-Dec, 1895. 5 vols. Svo. New York, 1 893-95. E Public Library of New South Wales. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERS. Transactions. Vols. 1-18, 1880-97. 18 vols. 8vo. New York, 1880-97. E AMERICAN-SPANISH WAR, The : a History by the War Leaders. Illustrated. 8vo. Norwich, 1899. B IV 21 AMERICAN STATESMEN. Charle3 Francis Adams. [See Adams, C. F.] C 19 P 29 AMES, Fisher. Works of; with a Selection from his Speeches and Correspondence edited by his son, C. " 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854. F 3T 1, 2 Ames. With Portrai AMES, Prof. J. S. Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra. [See Fraunhofer, J. von.] A 44 Q 20 AMHERST, The Hon. Alicia. History of Gardening in England. [With Bibliography]. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 31 Q 15 AMICIS, Edmondo de. [See De Amicis, K] AMIEL, Henri Frederic. Sketch of. [See Renan, Ernest. —Poetry of the Celtic Races.] J 16 R 41 AMMEN, Rear-Adm. Dan Navy in the Civil Wa i Atlantic Coast. [See B 23 Q 23 AMMTANUS MARCELLINUS. Rerum Gestarum Libri XVIII. (Scriptores Historian Romans.) B 40 U 23 J AMONG MY BOOKS : Papers on Literary Subjects re- printed from Literature ; with a Preface by H. D. Traill. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 Q 35 AMOURS, F. J. Scottish Alliterative Poems. Pt. 2. [See Scottish Text Soc. Pubs., 38.] E AMYOT, Thomas. The Old Taming of the Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his Comedy, reprinted from the edition of 1594 and collated with the subse- quent editions of 1596 and 1607. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 30 ANACHARSIS. Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins illus- trative of the Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece during the middle of the 4th Century before the Christian era. 8vo. Dublin, 1795. D 20 R 13 ANCEY, C. F. On some new or hitherto little-known Land Shells from New Guinea or adjacent Islands. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ' ME 2 P Papuan Land and Freshwater Shells, with Descriptions of new species from New Guinea and Western Aus- tralia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P ANCIENT AND MODERN FAMILIAR QUOTA- TIONS, from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Langu- ages. Translated into English, and occasionally accompanied with Illustrations, Historical, Poetical, and Anecdotal. 8vo. Philad., 1892. K 19 Q 20 ANCIENT HISTORY FROM THE MONUMENTS. Assyria. [Set Smith, G.] B 27 P 9 Persia. [See Vaux, W. S. W.] B 27 P 10 Sinai. [See Palmer, H. S.] B 27 P 11 " ANDAROS." British Dogs. [See Dalziel, IL] A 1 4 T 41* ANDECHS, M. von id und Hanna. [See Gyllem- J 1 V 46 ANDERS, Dr. James M. Typhoid Fever and Malarial Diseases. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 ANDERSEN, C. H. Bilderbuch ohne Bilder; with Ex- planatory Notes, ifcc., and a complete Vocabulary ar- ranged for the use of Schools, by Prof. A. Beck. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 P 33 ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. A B Nisbet Bain. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Eventyr og Historier. Illustrated. Kjiibenhavn, 1862-63. >graphy ; by R. C 22 R 13 2 vols. sm. 4to. J 1 1 R 28, 29 ANDERSON, A. M. Administration. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 Liquor Legislation. (Rose, W. K. — Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 ANDERSON, Andrew. The Game of Draughts simplified and illustrated with practical diagrams. 6th ed., revised and extended bv R. M'Culloch. 8vo. Glasgow, 1894. A 40 Q 14 ANDERSON, E., and SPRY, F. P. New Butterfly, Lyemia Vyrilu). (Vict. Nat., May, 1897.) ME 6 P ANDERSON, Mrs. Francis [Mrs. M. S. Wolstenholme.] • " A Citizen who has no Vote." Woman Suffrage : a Refutation and an Appeal. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 5 Q 11 ANDERSON, Dr. Garrett. Pioneer Women Doctors. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 ANDERSON, George. Report on Public and other Elec- tric-lighting in Australia, Europe, and America. 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. MA 4 S 14 ANDERSON, Lieut. George L. Electricity and its Appli- cation in Artillery Practice. [See United States. — Adjutant-General's Office.] A 20 T 18 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ANDERSON, Henry Charles Lennox. Agricultural Edu- cation in New South Wales. 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. MA 3 S 50 Cataloguing. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t Library "Work in New South Wales. (Internat. Lib. Cc Qui ., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Room Crops, and how to increase them. Illustrated. Sydney (n.d) MA 3 V 15 Potash Manures for Australia. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 V 15 State Subsidies and Private Benefactions to Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 Sulphate of Ammonia as a Manure : a few Facts from the Experience of Agriculturists, Practical and Scien- tific, in Britain, Europe, and New South Wales. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 V 15 ANDERSON, J. Corbet. Old Testament and Monumental Coincidences, with an Historical Essay on Christianity and its Early Introduction into Britain. 12mo. Load., 1895. G 19 P 40 ANDERSON, J. W. The Prospector's Hand-book: a Guide for the Prospector and Traveller in search of Metal-bearing or other valuable Minerals. 7th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 24 P 19 ANDERSON, Mary. [See Navarro, Mmc. de.] ANDERSON, Melville B. William Shakespeare. [See Hugo, V. M.] J 14 Q 42 ANDERSON, Neil. Manual of Swedish Gymnastics, Free-standing Movements. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MG 2 T 27 [ANDERSON, Robert, The Buddha of Christendom. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 25 Q 1 ANDERSON. W. Carrick. Chemistry of Coke. [See Simmersbach, O.] A 24 P 28 ANDERSON, William. Purification of Water by Iron on a large scale. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 ANDERSON, William. Japanese Wood Engravings. [See Portfolio —Monographs, 17.] E ANDERSON, Dr. William. Tuberculous Diseases. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 ANDERSON, William J. Architecture of the Renais- sance in Italy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 U 34 ANDERSSON, Charles John. Notes of Travel in South Africa. Edited bv L. Lloyd. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 13 Q 1 ANDERTON, Isabella M. Traditional Poetry of the Finns. [See Comparetti, I).] H 3 U 49 ANDES, Louis Edgar. Animal Fats and Oils : their Practical Production, Purification, and Uses for a great variety of purposes ; their Properties, Falsifica- tion, and Examination. Translated by C. Salter. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 45 U 9 Iron Corrosion : anti-fouling and anti-corrosive Paints. Translated by C. Salter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 U 18 Vegetable Fats and Oils : their Practical Preparation, Purification, and Employment for various purposes ; their Properties, Adulteration, and Examination. Translated by C. Salter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 45 U 10 ANDRA, Dr. Carl Justus. Vorweltliche Pflanzen aus dem Steinkohlengebirge der Preussischen Rhoinlande und Westphalens. 4to. Bonn, 1865-69. A 13 X 5 t ANDREE, Salomon Auguste. Andree and his Balloon [See Lachambre, H."| D 13 P 4 Over Land and Sea ; or, Andree's Aerial Voyage to the North Pole; by A. C. Macdonald. [See Roy. Geo- graph. Soc of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.1 ME 20 P ANDRES, Dr. Angelo. Le Attinie. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P9 t ANDREW, II. M. Brain Waves. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q ANDREWES, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester. |"Life of] ; by Robert L. Ottley. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 20 T 16 Lancelot Andrewos and his Devotions. [See Whyte, A.] G 1 U 35 ANDREWS, C. F. The Relation of Christianity to the Conflict between Capital and Labour. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 27 ANDREWS, Charles. [Life of] Jenny Diver. [See Diver, Jenny.] C 24 Q 20 [Life of] Mary Frith, otherwise known as Moll Cutpurse. [See Frith, Mary.] C 24 Q 20 ANDREWS, Prof. Charles McLean. Historical Develop- ment of Modern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the Present Time. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. B 16 V 26, 27 1. 1815-50. 2. 1850-97. The Old English Manor : a Study in English Economic History. [See Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.] " B 18 T 12 ANDREWS, Crampton. Where Cresses Grow. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S 12 Public Library of "New South Wales. ANDREWS, E. A. Report upon the Annelida Polychfeta of Beaufort, North Carolina. [See United States.— National Museum.] A 37 S 50 ANDREWS, Rev. Elisha Benjamin. History of the last Quarter-century in the United States, 1870-95. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1 S 9, 10 An Honest Dollar. (American Economic Assoc. ) F I V 1 4 Wealth and Moral Law. 8vo. Hartford,, 1894. F 8 V 10 ANDREWS, Ernest Clayton. Report on the Hillgrove Gold-fields. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 48 ANDREWS, Ethan Allen. Latin Dictionary. [See Lewis, Dr. Charlton T.] J 9 V 29 ANDREWS, J. A. Hand-book of Anarchy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MF 3 P 71 Poems of Freedom. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 V 31 ANDREWS, M. P. Laws of the United States relating to Customs, together with portions of certain Commer- cial Treaties. [See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] F 18 R 5 ANDREWS, T. The Propagation of the Salmonida\ (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 31 R 11 ANDREWS, William. Bygone Church Life in Scotland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 44 Bygone Hertfordshire. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 25 R 17 Bygone Norfolk. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 25 R 18 Bygone Punishments. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F8Q9 Ecclesiastical Curiosities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 4G ANDREWS, William. Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 25 ANECDOTA OXONIENSIA. Aryan Series. Pt. 8. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1897. E 8. The Mantrapatha ; or, the Prayer-book of the Apastambins. Pt. 1. Edited and translated by M. Winternitz. Mediaeval and Modern series. Pt. 7. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1895. E 7. The Crawford Collection of Early Charters and Documents now in the Bodleian Library. Edited by A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson. Semitic series. Vol. 1, pts. 6, 9. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Oxford, 1895-96. E rish Chronicles and Chronological A. Neubauer. 1, pt. 9. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature; by (J. H. U William, F. C. Burkitt, ANGELL, James Burrill. State Universities of the West. [See Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 18 1, pt. 6. Med ANGELO, Henry. Reminiscences of, with Memoir of his late Father and Friends, including numerous original Anecdotes and curious Traits of the most celebrated characters that have flourished during the last eighty years. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828-30. C 24 P 1, 2 ANGLESEY, Henry William, Marquis of. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW, The: a Quarterly Miscellany. Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Illus- trated. Vols. 1-6, June, 1899-Sept., 1900. 6 vols, sm. fol. Lond., 1899-1900. E 19 P J ANGOT, Alfred. The Aurora Borealis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 19 Q 14 ANGUS, Rev. Joseph. The Bible Hand-book : an Intro- duction to the Studv < >f Sacred Scripture. 8vo. Lond., 1860. G 5 R 35 ANGUS and ROBERTSON. Guide to the Public Service Examinations : containing a Key to the Papers set in March, 1899, with the Regulations, and Hints on suit- able Text-books. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 — SCHOOL SERIES. Australian Copy-book, in 10 pts. (including 6A). Obi. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 1 T 9 Australian Drawing-book. Pts. 1-6. Obi. 8vo. Sydney 1900. MG 1 T 10 Australian Pupil Teachers' Copy-book. Obi. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 1 T 9 Chief Events and Dates in English History. 2 vols. (in 1) 32mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 49 Exercises in Algebra; with Answers. 4 vols, (in 1) 32mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 45 Euclid. Books 1-3. 3 vols, (in 1) 32mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 46 Geography. 2 vols, (in 1) 32mo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 48 Grammar and Derivation Book. 32mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 51 History for the New Standard. Pts. 1-6. 8vo. Sydney, 1899-1900. MG 2 U 43 History of Australia. 32mo. Sydney, 1 900. MG 2 U 47 History of Australia and New Zealand for Catholic Schools. 12mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 P 65 , Pupil's Companion to the Australian Catholic Readers. 4 vols, (in 1) 32mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 50 Table-book and Mental Arithmetic ; Exercises in Arith- metic and in Mensuration ; with Answers. 9 vols. (in 1) 32mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 44 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Animal Magnetism and Arti- ficial Somnambulism ; by the Countess C * * *, de St. Dominique. [See C * * *, Countess, de St. Dominique.] G 19 T 11 Animal Magnetism : its History to the Present Time ; by "A Surgeon." [See "Surgeon, A."] G 15 U 21 Catalogue— 1896-1900. ANNALES DES MIXES. Annales des Klines, ou Recueil d- Memoires sur l'Exploitation des Mines. Memoires. Tmie l-9e so'rie tome 17, 181G-1900, et Table Alpha- 1) t ique, 1-8 serie. 1G7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817-1900. E Journal des Mines, publie par l'Agence de.s Mines de la Bepublique. Tomes 1-38, et Table Analytique, 1795- 1815. 39 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1795-1815. E Parti.! Administrative, ou Recueil de Lois, Decrets, Arretes et autres Actes concernant les Mines, les C irrieres, les Sources d'Eaux Minerales, les Appareils a Yapeur et l'Exploitation des Chemins de fer. Tome 1. 5e serie-tome 8, 9e serie, 1852-99. 46 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852-99. [Previous to 1852 the Partie Ad- ministrative will be found in vols, of the Annales.] E ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Tomes 1 5, 7-30. With Atlases. 31 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Paris, 1821-33. A 35 R 1-29, and W 1, 2 Revue Biblionraphique pour servir de Complement aux Annales de. Sciences XatureUev, 1829-31. 8vo. Paris, 1829-31. A 35 R 30 ANNALS AXD MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HIS- TORY, The; including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. Vol. l-7th ser. vol. 5, 1838-99. 125 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1838-1900. E ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY; or, Magazine of Chemis- try, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agri- culture, and the Arts. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 12, Jan':, 1813- 1 k-c, 1826. 28 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813-26. A 35 U 1-28 ANN I-;, Empress of Russia. [Portrait of.] [See Bain, R. N. —The Pupils of Peter the Great,] B 39 Q 3 ANNE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C23S7 ANN K BOLEYN, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNE OE AUSTRIA, Queen of France. Regency of; bv Martha Walker Freer. [See Ereer, Martha W.] B 16 S 38, 39 ANN K OF BOHEMIA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANN E OF BRITTANY, Queen of France. Pictures of the Old French Court. [See Beanie, Catherine.] B 26 S 23 ANNE OF CLEVES, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNE OF DENMARK, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANN E OF WARWICK, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ANNEE SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE, V. 1*56-93, 1895-99, el Tables, 1857-77. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856-1900. E ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR,, Natal Hook, and Uni- versal Mirror. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1832. B 37 S 8 ANNUA1RE ILLUSTRE DES BEAUX-ARTS et Cata logue illustre de l'Exposition Nationale, 1883. 8vo Lond., 1883. A 34 R 18 ANNUAL AMERICAN CATALOGUE. [See American Catalogue.'] ANNUAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, THE. [See Academy Architecture.] ANNUAL BURNS CHRONICLE and CLUB DIREC TORY. Edited by D. M.'Naught. No. 2, Jan. 1893. 8vo. Kilmarnock, 1893. J 19 W 1 ANNUAL LITERARY INDEX: [formerlr] the Coopera tive Index to Periodicals, 1*85-99. ' 15 vols. 8vo New York, 1886-1900. Cat. Room ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY; or, Year book of Facts in Science and Art, 1850-71. 21 vols 8vo. Boston, 1850-71. A 46 P 2-22 ANNUAL RECORD OF SCIENCE & INDUSTRY Edited by S. F. Baird. Vols. 1-8, 1871-78. 8 vols 8vo. New York, 1872-79. [All published^ A 35 Q 1-8 AXXUAL REGISTER, The: a Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, from vol. 1, 1758-1899, and In dex, 1758-1819. 143 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1758-1900. E ANNUARIO GENERALE PER LA VITICOLTURA E LA ENOLOGIA, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Roma, 1892-93. A 30 T 21, 22 "ANNUNZIO, Gabriele d'." Pseud. The Child of Pleasure. Translated by Ceorgina Harding: with introduction and verse translation by A. Svmons. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 T 9 The Dead City. Translated bv A. Symons. . 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 13 U 2 The Triumph of Death. Translated by Georgina Harding. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 T 8 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M.— Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 'ANODOS." [Ve by. ] [See G arland of New Poet rv . ] II 12 Q 15 ANSELL, Alfred W. Trawling. (Internat, Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 ANSELM OF CANTERBURY, St. A Chapter in the History of Religion. [See Pugg, J. M.] G 15 R 33 St. Anselm. [See Church, R. \Y, Dean.] G 23 P 25 ANSON BROS. Settlement of Port Arthur (Penal Settlement) Past and Present. Photographed by Anson Bros. Fol. Hobart (n.d.) MD 2 P 23* + Public Library of New South Wales. ANSON, Commander C. V., and WILLETT, E. H. Oyster Culture. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 ANSON, Commodore George, Lord. [Portrait and Sketch of]; by Vice-Adm. A. H. Markham. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] ML 8 R 49 ANSON, Brevet-Major O. H. S. G. With H.M. 9th Lancers during the Indian Mutiny. 8vo. Lond., 189G. • B 29 Q 22 ANSON, Sir William Rcyncll. Autobiography and Politi- cal Correspondence of Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton. [See Grafton, 3rd Duke of.]" C 25 R 5 ANSORGE, Dr. William John. Under the African Sun : a Description of Native Races in Uganda, Sporting Adventures, and other Experiences. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 19 V 21 ANSTED, A. Dictionary of Sea-terms for the use of Yachtsmen, Amateur Boatmen, and Beginners. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 2 ANTHONY, Prof. William A. Roentgen Rays. [See Thompson, E. P.] A 25 U 33 -, and BRACKETT, Prof. Cyrus F. Elementary Text-book of Physics. 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 41 P 1 ANTHONTS PHOTOGRAPHIC BULLETIN. Inter- national Annual of. Vols. 8-11, 1896-99. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896-99. E ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Journal. Vol. 1- n.s. vol. 2. 29 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871-99. E ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHING- TON. The American Anthropologist. Vol. 11, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1898. E Transactions. Vol. 1, Feb., 1879-Jan., 1882. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Miscellaneous Collections, 25.] E ANTIMACHUS OF COLOPHON. Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry. [See Benecke, E. F. M.] F 10 V 17 ANTIQUARIAN MAGAZINE AND BIBLIOGRAPHI- CAL REVIEW [formerly Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer]. Vols. 1-12, Jan., 1882-Nov., 1887. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-87. B 37 S 9-20 ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Society of. [See Society of Antiquaries of London, The.] ANTONINUS PIUS, Emperor of Rome. The Reign of Antoninus Pius. [See Bryant, E. E.] B 30 S 18 ANTONY, Rev. Father. [See McCabe, J.] ANTROBUX. Frederick T^natius. History of the Popes. [See Pastor, Dr. L] G 17 T 23, 24, 27 ANTWERP KONINKLIJKE ACADEMIE DER SCHOONE KUNSTEN. Jaarlijksch Verslag, 1892- 93, 1897-99. 3 vols. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1893-99. E ANVERS, Nancy D'. [See Bell, Nancy.] APEL, H. German Prose. 12mo. Lond., 1866. J 24 U 29 German Prose Stories for Beginners. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1884. J 24 U 28 Practical German Grammar for Beginners. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1885. J 24 U 30 Selection of the best specimens of German Poetry. 12mo.. Leipzig, 1856. H 13 U 12 Egmont. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] H 13 P 17 APPIANUS. Roman Historv. Translated by H. White. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8m "Lond., 1899. B 28, P 23 APPLEGARTH, R. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 APPLETON, Prof. C. Histoire de la Compensation en Droit Romain. 8m Paris, 1895. F 1 S 16 APPLETON, Lewis. Britain and the Boers: who is responsible for the War in South xVf rica 1 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 P 16 APPLETONS POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. [See Popular Science Monthly.] APPULEIUS, Lucius. Opera omnia qua; exstant: Gever- hartus Elmenhorstius recensuit librumquc emenda- tionum ct indices adjecit. 12iu>. Francofurti, 1621. J 14 U 32 APULEIUS, L. [Set Appuleius, L] AQUILA. Fragments of the Books of Kings. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G 13 X 14 t ARALUEN PROPRIETARY GOLD-DREDGING CO. Photograph of Dredge. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MF5 U 18 Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 U 18 ARALUEN VALLEY CONSOLIDATED GOLD- DREDGING CO. Prospectus. 4 to. Sydney, 1899. ARATORO, Wasare ramu, Kiwai Overa. 12mo. Syd- ney, 1898. MG 2 T 51 ARATUS. [Opera.] [See Poetic Graeci.] H 17 U 13 f ARAUJO, Orestes. Geografia Nacional de la Reptiblica Oriental del Uruguay. 2nd ed. 8vo. Montevideo, 1895. D 15 R 17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ARBEit, Edward. Tho Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1C00-23 a.d. ; as told by themselves, their friends, and th-r enemies. 8vo. Loud., 1897. B 17 Q 29 Publications of the English Scholar's Library. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 20-25 Roister Doister. [See Udall, N.] H 13 T 2 ARBLAY, Mme. Frances d'. (Frances Burney). Evelina; or. the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the V , .rid. 2 vols. 1-nw. Lond., 1894. J 23 P 18, 19 The Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties. 5 vols. 12mo. L»!id., 1814. J 23 T 16-20 [Essay on.] [See Saintsbury, G.— Essays in English Literature.] J 14 T 1 ARB1 T11XOT, Sir Alexander John. Lord Olive. [See Cave, Robert, Lord.] C 2G P 14 ARBUTHNOT, F F. Mysteries of Chronology, with pro- po al for a new English Era to be called the Victorian. 8v... Lond., 1900. B 34 S G ARB1 THNOT, John. The Art of Political Lying. (Pol- lard, A. F. -Political Pamphlets.) " F 13 V 4 ARC, Jeanne d'. Jeanne d'Arc : her Life and Death. [See Oliphant, Margaret O. M.] B 16 R 4G Joan of Arc. [See Lowell, F. C] B 16 T 22 Joan of Arc in England. [See Darmesteter, J.— English Studies.] J 14 V 6 Sketch of. [See Leslie, M— A Monk of Fife.] B 16 R 21 ARC A NA OF SCIENCE AND ART : or, an Annual Register of Useful Inventions and Improvements, abridged fi-om the Transactions of Public Societies, and from the Scientific Journals, British and Foreign, of the past. year. 8vo. Lond., 1831. A 25 R 21 ARCH. Joseph. Story of his Life, told by himself an d edited with a Preface by the Countess of Warwick. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 14 ARCILEOLOGIA. [See Society of Antiquaries of Lon- don, The.] ARC 'IF. CO LOCI A CAMIiRENSIS. [See Cambrian Ar- chaeological Association.] ARCILEOLOGIA CANTIANA. [See Kent Arclueo- logical Society.] ARCILEOLOGIA SCOTICA. {See Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland.] ARClLEOLOCiTCAL INSTITUTE OF AM EB !( 'A. American Journal of Archa-ologv. Vol. 1 2nd ser., vol. 3, 1885-99. 14 vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1885- ARCILEO LOGICAL REVIEW, The. [See Folk-lore Soc] ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. The Mogul Architecture of Fathpur-Sikri, described and illustrated by E. W. Smith. Pis. 1, 2. 2 vols. 4to. Allahabad, 1894-96. A 18 T 23, 21 f ARCHER, Thomas. Highway of Letters and its Echoes of Famous Footsteps.' 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 14 War in Egypt and the Soudan : an Episode in the History of the British Empire. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 21 V 26-30 ARCHER, William. Study and Stage: a Year book of Criticism. 8vo. Lond.", 1899. J 12 U 21 Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-93. [/SeeBrogger.W. C. | D 16 V 17 When we dead awaken. [See Ibsen, H.] H 13 V 11 ARCHER, William Henry. Sir John O'Shanassy : a Sketch. [See Melbourne Review, 8.] ME 18 Q Statistical Register of Victoria. [See Victoria.— Statis- tics.] MF 5 S 7 ARCHER- HIND, Richard Dacre. [See Hind, R. D. Archer-, j ARCHIMEDES. Works of. Edited in modern notation, with Introductory Chapters by T. L. Heath. 8vo. Camb., 1897. A 35 T 1G ARCHITECT, Th.\ and Contract Reporter. Vols. 1-63, 1869-June,1900. G3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1869-1900. E ARCHITECTS' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Report cf the Council, with List of Donors and Annual Sub- scribers, 1894. 12!)io. Lond., 1894. E ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, The Annual [See Academy Arch Ucclnre.~\ ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1886-90. A 17 T 30, 31 t ARC U IV DCS DEUTSCIIEN LANDWIRTU- SC HAFTS RAT IIS. J Sand 19, 1895. Roy. 8vo. Charlottenburg, 1895. E ARC 11 IV FUR MIKROSKOPISCHE AXATOMIE VXD EXT W1CKLVXGSUES( 'UK 'IITE. Bande ARDATLLON. E. Les Mines du Laurion dans I'Ati- tiquite. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 40 V 11 ARDEN, Alice. [Life of] ; by Abel H. Coppinger. (Vin- cent, Arthur. -Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 2 1 Q 20 AllDEXS SYDNEY MAGAZINE, Sept., Oct., 1843. 8vo. Sydney, 1843. MJ 4 Q 8 ARENA, The. Vols. 1 21, Dec, 1889-June, 1899. 21 vols. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1890-99. E Public Library of New South Wales. "ARGUS." [See Richardson, R. S.] ARGUS, The. [Formerly The Melbourne Argus.-] July, 1855-Sept,, 1900. [Also, Sept. 29th, 1846; odd Nos., 1847-48; Dec. 1st and 31st, 1849; odd Nos., 1850-51 ; and May 19th, 1855, in one vol.] 152 vols. fol. Melb., 1816-1900. ME ARGYLL, George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of. Or- ganic Evolution cross-examined; or, some Suggestions on the Great Secret of Biology. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A40T 11 The Philosophy of Belief ; or, Lav Svo. Lond., 1896. n Christian Theology. G 14 P 25 ARISTOTELES. Aristotle on Youth and Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration. Translated, with Intro- duction and Notes, by Dr. William Ogle. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 32 R 32 Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art ; with a Criti- cal Text and Translation of the Poetics by S. H. Butcher. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G'l8 R 70 Ethics of Aristotle. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Prof. J. Burnet. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 27 Lectures in the Lyceum ; or, Aristotle's Ethics for English Readers. Edited by St. George Stock. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 15 On the Constitution of Athens. Edited by F. G. Ken- yon. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1892. F 3 R 2 Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics. [See Zeller, Dr. E.] G 19 U 32, 33 Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics. [See Muirhead, Prof. J. H.] G 24 S 18 [Criticism of.] [See Worsfold, W. B.— Principles of Criticism.] J 19 W 2 ARKANSAS : — State Department* — Reports and Publica- ARKWRIGHT, John P. Cabinet-making for Amateurs : a Practical Hand-book on the Making of various Articles of Furniture. Illustrated. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 25 S 37 ARLIDGE, Dr. John Thomas. Pneumoconiosis. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 ARMIDALE CHRONICLE, The, Sept,, 1894-99. 6 vols. fol. Armidale, 1894-99. ME ARMIDALE EXPRESS and New England General Ad- vertiser, 1899. Fol. Armidale, 1899. ME ARMIN, Robert. A Nest of Ninnies. [See Shakespeare Soc., Pubs.] H 3 IT 15 ARMIT, Lieut. Robert H. The Wind in his Circuits, with the Explanation of the Origin and Cause of Circular Storms and Equinoctial Gales. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 19 Q 13 ARMITAGE-SMITH, G. [See Smith, G. Armitage-.] ARMOUR, Margaret. The Fall of the Nibelungs, done into English. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 33 ARMSBY, Dr. P. H. Agricultural Experiment Stations. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R ARMSTEAD, Dr. Hugh W. Artistic Anatomy of the Horse. Illustrated. Obi. roy. Svo. Loud., 1900. A 2D P 25 f ARMSTRONG, Amy. ney (n.d.) 1 B. Polka. Sm. fol. Syd- MA 13 P 5 f ARMSTRONG, E. S. History of the Melanesian Mission. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. MG 2 S 29 ARMSTRONG, Edmund La Touche. The Librarian and his Work. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t The Public Library and the Public. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 ARMSTRONG, Edward. Lorenzo de Medici and Florence in the 15th Century. Svo. New York, 1896. B 16 S 7 Spain : its Greatness and Decay. [See Hume, M. A. S.] B 34 Q 17 ARMSTRONG, Lieut. G. E. Torpedoes and Torpedo Vessels. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 22 Q 49 ARMSTRONG, Prof. Henry Edward, F.R.S. Aims and Practice of Teaching Chemistry. (Spencer, Dr. F.— Chapters on Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 Teaching of Natural Science as a part of the ordinary School Course, and on the method of teaching Chemis- try in the Introductory Course in Science Classes, Schools, and Colleges. (Intermit. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 ARMSTRONG, Isabel J. Two Roving Englishwomen in Greece. New ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 18 P 31 ARMSTRONG, Dr. S. T. Dictionary of Medicine. [See Quain, Dr. Richard.] A 31 P 3, 4 ARMSTRONG, Walter. Art of W. Q. Orchardson. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 14.] E Art of Velasquez. [See Portfolio. —Monographs, 29.] E Life of Velasquez. [See Portfolio. -Monographs, 28.] E Raphael. [See Raphael Sanzio.] C 22 Q 10 ARMSTRONG, William George, Lord, F.R.S. Electric Movement in Air and Water, with theoretical in- ferences; with Supplement, being a continuation of his experiments, together with an extension of them made in consort with Prof. H. Stroud. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1897. A 40 U 11, 14"* £ Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 27 A RM ) LIST. [See Gt. Br ARM'S (" TAGE, Sir George J far as relates to Enj e Harleian Soc, Pub. The M Register Book of Mai St. George, Hanov Idlesex. [See Harlei • to 1800 Ireland). , in the County of egs., 22, 24.] E piidago;dschen Zeit- •:rkalender Deutsch- K 11 Q 19 ARN< LD, B. \Y. Tuba i860. (Johns Hopkh t- , ■ ■ tl and Political S 0.) VRX< 3 R 21 II 9 U 43 C 2 ARNOLD, Matthew- Thomas and Matthc English Educatioi [Criticism of.] [Se, Criticism.] [C [Ci < [E. Kn-Ii f l'r:.: I Wo ater Victori on.] [See [Essay on] the Poei [See Melbourne Rs [Essays on] Arnold's Rev. D. C— Revie rks of.] [See Craik, Henry.— J G Q 38* ets.] J 10 U 36 , H. D.— The New Fiction, and iry subjects.] J 14 R 28 of; by Mrs. Martha Webster. ew, 10.'] ME 18 Q ssavs in Criticism. [See Tovey, and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 Matthew Arnold and the Spirit of the Age. [See White, Rev. G.] J 21 Q 27 [Sketch of.] [Set Birrell, A. —Res Judicata;.] J 7 P 52 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, P. P.— Sketches from Con- cord.] D 16 Q 3 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 [Study of.] [See Gates, Prof. L. E.— Three Studies in Literatu re. [ J 24 T 1 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 Two Essays upon Matthew Arnold. [See Galton, Arthur.] J 14 V 13 What to do according to Arnold. [See Scudder, Vida D.-— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 ARNOLD, R. Cooperation in the Building Trade. Svo. Melb., 1889. MF 3 Q 47 ARNOLD, Prof. T. W. The Preaching of Islam: a History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 15 R 34 mas. Passages in a War Svo. Lond., 1900. gLife. With C 27 T 15 ARNOLD, Dr. Th< Life and Contri ARNOLD, Willie Records in th New York, 1 8' mold of Rugbv: his School . Education. Edited by J. J. 1897. C23Q20 nold and their influence on Sir J. Fitch. Svo. Lond., C 23 P 22 [See Martinoa J 14 T 27 [See Gt, Britain 1 Add re mod's Abl is. and -Men . Ancient Babylonian Temple .imbia University Library. Svo. B 41 T 1 28 Public Library of New South Wales. ARNOLD-FO!!STER, Hugh Oakeley. [See Forster, H. O. Arnold-.] ARNOTT, Ellinor, "E.A." Armorial Bearings, &c, in the Mitchell Hall, Marischal College, Aberdeen. [See Aberdeen University.] K 19 Q 41 ARON, Joseph. Canada Transvaal ; dedie aux Diplomates Frangais qui ont du bon sens. Avec une Adresse en frangais a l'Empereur d'Allemagne. 8vo. Paris, 189G. 15 1G P 21 ARONSON, Zara Baar [Mrs]. 20th Century Cooking and Home Decoration. 8vo. .Sydney, 1900. MA 4 S 36 ARRHENIUS, Svante. Modern Theory of Solution. [See Jones, H. C] A 44 Q 21 ' ARRIANUS. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T C ART AND LIFE and the Building and Decoration of Cities : a series of Lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth Exhibition of the Society in 1896. 8vo. Bond., 1897. A 23 S 39 ART GALLERY, The Lond. (n.d.) . (in G) 4to. A G T 2-7 } 1-3. 3 ART JOURNAL, The [formerly the Art Union] 1839-99. 59 vols. 4to. Lond., 1839-99. E Decorative Art of Sir E. Burne-Jones; by A. Vallance. Illustrated. 4to. Bond., 1900. (Easter Art Annual, 1900.) A20R30I Fifty Years of Art, 1819-99. Illustrated. 4 to. Lond., 1900. A 20 T 2 f G. F. Watts : his Life and Work ; by Julia Cartwright (Mrs. Ady). Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1896. (Easter Art Annual, 189G.) A 13 W 8 f Life and Work of Lady Butler [Miss Elizabeth Thomp- son] ; by W. Meynell. Illustrated. 4 to. Bond., 1898. (Art Annua/, 1898.) A 20 R 13f Life and Work of Luke Fildes ;• by D. C. Thomson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1895. (Art Annua/, 1895.) A 13 W 7 f Life and Work of Marcus Stone ; by A. L. Baldry. Illustrated. 4 to. Bond., 1896. (Art Animal, 1896.) A 13 W 10 t Life and Work of Peter Graham ; by W. M. Gilbert. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. (Art Annua', 1899.) A 20 R 24 f Sir Edward J. Poynter, President of the Royal Academy : his Life and Work ; by C. Monkhouse. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Easter Art Annual, 1897.) A 13 W 9 t William Morris and his Art ; by L. F. Day. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. (Easter Art Annual, 1899.) A20R 12 1 Work of Walter Crane. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. (Easter Art Annual, 1898.) A 13 W 11 f ART OE 1897. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E ART OF MIND READING, The : being a full and clear Explanation of this marvellous Science, and a practical Guide whereby anyone may learn how to perform the most wonderful feats. Illustrated. 12mo. New York (n.d.) G 23 P 19 ART POUR TOUS, V. Encyclopedic de l'Art Industriel et Decoratif. Tomes 1-33, 35-37, 1861-99. Illus- trated. 37 vols, (in 24) fol. Paris, 1861- 99. E ART UNION, The. [See Art Journal.] ARTAGNAN, Capt.-Lieut d\ [See Courtilz de Sandras, G. de.] ARTHUR, Col. George, Lieut.-Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 1 1 P 33 f ARTHUR, Dr. Richard. Needed change in the age of consent : an appeal for the better protection of our girls. 12mo. Sydney, 189G. MF 1 P 20 " ARTHUR, T. C." [See Crawford, A. T.] ASCHEHOUG, F. H. De Norske Communers Retsfor- fatning for 1837. [See Norway. — Kgl. Norske Frederiks Universitet,] F 19 S 26 f ASHBEE, C. R, Treatises of Benvenuto Cellini on Gold- smithing and Sculpture. [See Cellini, B.] A 1 1 V 20 t ASHBOURNE, Edward Gibson, Baron. Pitt : some Chap- ters of his Life and Times. [See Pitt, W.] C 25 R 14 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. II. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 ASHBY, Edwin. Seven new species of South Australian Polyplacophora. [See Roy. Soc, S. Aust,, Trans., 1897-98.] ME 1 S ASHBY, George. Poems. [See Early English Text Soc, Pubs., extra ser. 76.] E ASHBY, George J. M. Coloring and Decoration of Ceramic Ware. [See Brongniart, A.] A 45 U 3 ASHBY, Prof. Holdon M. How to Analyze Clay : Prac- tical Methods for Practical Men. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. A 45 U 4 ASHCROFT, Edgar A. Treatment of Broken Hill Sul- phide Ores by Wet Extraction Processes, and the Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc. (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.) E Utilization of Waste Heat contained in Slags from Smelt- ing Furnaces. [See Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1893.] ME 18 P ASHHURST, Dr. John. Surgery before the Days of Anesthesia. (Semi-Centennial of Anesthesia.) A 17 R 2 f ASHLEY, W. J. Early History of the English Woollen Industry. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ASHMKAD, William H. Monograph of the North American Proetotrypida\ [See United States.— National Museum, Bulletin 45.] E ASHTON, James. The Great Land Question. 8vo. Narandera, 1894. MF 4 Q 52 ASHTON, John. The Devil in Britain and America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 11 36 History of Gambling in England. 8vo. Lond , 1898. F 8 Q 6 Hyde Park from Domesday -book to date. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 24 R 8 Varia. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 22 S 8 When William IV was King. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. B 16 U 5 ASHTON, Dr. Thomas G. Diseases of the Stomach. (Hare, Dr. H. A.- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 ASIATIC QUARTERLY REVIEW. [See Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review.] ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Annual Address, 1891, delivered by the Hon. Sir C. A. Elliott. Svo. Calcutta, 1894. E Journal. Vols. 1-67, 1832-98, and Index to vols. 1-23- 77 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-98. E ASKEW, John Bertram. Pros and Cons : a Newspaper Reader's and Debater's Guide to the leading Contro- versies of the Day. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 23 ASK WITH, Rev. Edward Harrison. The Epistle to the Galatians; an Essay on its Destination and Date, with an Appendix on the Visit to Jerusalem recorded in chap. 2 ; being an enlargement of the Norrisian Prize Essay for 1898 on " The Locality of the Churches of Galatia." 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 12 ASKWITH, G. R. Mei Owen, E. P.] • of Roddy Owen. [See C 25 Q 9 ASPLEN, Rev. Leonard Oberlin. 1,000 years of English Church History, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 4 V 34 ASSOCIATED GOLD-DREDGING CO., MACQUARIE RIVER. Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 U 18 ASSOCIATION GEODESIQUE INTERNATIONALE, L'. Comptes-rendus des Seances do la Commission Permanente, Lausanne, 1896. 4to. Berlin, 1897. E Comptes-rendus des Seances des onzieme ot douzieme Con- ferences Generales, Berlin, 1895, Stuttgart, 1898. 4 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1896-99. E ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of En- tomology.] AST LEY, William, "Price Waning." Half-crown Bob, and Tales of the Riverine. Svo. Melb., 1898. MJ 3 U 5 ASTON, William George. 1 1 istory of Japanese Literature. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 23 R 22 Nihongi : Chronicles of Japan, from the Earliest Times to a.D. 697. [See Japan Soc, Lond., Sup. 1.] E ASTOR, William Waldorf. W. W. Astor and the Ameri- can Colony. [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 ASTOR LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Astor Library. 9 vols. Svo. New York, 1857-88. Cat, Room ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, The. Vols. 17-19, Oct., 1896-Feb., 1899. 3 vols. 4to. Boston, 1897-99. E ASTRONOMISCIIE NACIIRICIITEN. Bande 137-152, 1895-June, 1900. 16 vols. 4to. Kiel, 1895-1900. E ASTRONOMY AND ASTRO-PHYSICS. [See Astro- physical Journal] ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, The: an International Review of Spectroscopy and Astronomical Physics [formerly the Sidereal Mcssi'in/cr, and Astronomy and Astrophysics] from No. 1, March, 1 882-1 900. 24 vols, roy. Svo. Northfield and Chicago, 1882-1900. E ASTRUP, Eivind. With Peary near the Pole. Translated by H.J. Bull. Illustrated. *8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 T 21 ATHANASIUS, St. St. Atha [See Bush, Rev. R. W.] [lis Life and Times. G 26 P5 A TIIENJ'JUM, The : Journal of Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama, 1828-1900. 114 vols. 4to. Lond., 1828-1900. E ATHERLEY, Edmond Gibson. Touchstone of Common Assurances. [See Shepperd, W.] F 1 U 21 ATHERTON, Gertrude Franklin [Mrs. G. H. B.] (Ger- trude Franklin Horn). American Wives and English Husbands. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 36 The Californians. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 23 R 15 Patience Sparhawk and her Times. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 35 ATKINS, John Black. The Relief of Ladysmith. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1900. " B 37 Q 16 The War in Cuba: Experiences of an Englishman with the United States Army. With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1899. ' B 36 Q 12 ATKINSON, C. T. Michel de l'Hospital. [See L'Hos- pital, M. de.] C 27 R 17 ATKINSON, Prof. Edmund. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. [See Foster, Prof. G. C.l A 25 S 1 1 Public Library of Neio South Wales. ATKINSON, Edward. Cost of a National Crime and the Hell of War and its Penalties. 8vo. Boston, 1898. F 1G Q 17 Criminal Aggre; Boston, 1899. aitted 1 8vo. F 16 Q 17 ATKINSON, George E. Game Birds of Manitoba. [See Historical and Scientific Soc. of Manitoba.] A 27 S 27 ATKINSON, J. B. Report on the circumstances attend- ing the accident which occurred at Furnacebank, No. 1 Pit, Devon Collierv. [See G ivat Britain and Ireland. —Devon Colliery Disaster.] A 40 W 43 + ATKINSON, John A. Locality List of all the Minerals recorded from Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proa, 1896.) ME 1 P ATKINSON, Dr. Philip. Electricity for Everybody : its Nature and Uses explained. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 P 26 ATKINSON, Prof. Robert. Yellow Book of Lecan. [See Yellow Book of Lecan.] J 22 S 1 t ATKINSON, Thomas Dinham. Cambridge described and illustrated ; with an Introduction by J. W. Clark. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 16 ATLANTIC MONTHLY, The: a Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. Vols. 1-85, Nov., 1857-June, 1900, and Index to vols. 1-62. 86 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857- 1900. E ATLAY, .Tames Beresford. Famous Trials of the Century. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 T 1 Trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellenborough. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 29 ATTERBURY, Rev. Anson Phelps. Islam in Africa : its Effects, Religious, Ethical, and Social, upon the People of the Country ; with Introduction by Rev. F. F. Ellinwood. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 24 P 29 Socialism and the Social Movement in the 18th Century. [See Sombart, Prof. W.] F 15 S 3 ATTERIDGE, A. Hilliard. Towards Khartoum: the Story of the Soudan War of 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 43 The Wars of the Nineties : a History of the Warfare of the last ten years of the 19th Century. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. B 39 U 17 ATTFIELD, John, F.R.S. Water and Water Supplies, and unfermented Beverages. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 ATTICUS, T. Pomponius. [Life of.] [See Boissier, Gastcn.— Cicero and his friends.] B 17 P 52 ATTWELL, Henry. Iphig J. W. von.] [See Goethe, H 13 P 16 ATWATER, Wilbur Olin, and WOODS, Charier, D. Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. [See United States.— Dept of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at Purdue University, Lafayette. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895. [See United States.— Dept of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies in New York City, 1895-96. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. . Stns.] A 41 U 9 Dietary Studies with reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895-96 [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 , and BENEDICT, F. G. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism. [See United States. —Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 ■ , and BRYANT, A. P. Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 Dietary Studies in Chicago, 1 895-96. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U, 9 . , and LANGWORTHY, C. F. Digest of Meta- bolism Experiments. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 ■ , and ROSA, Prof. E. B. Description of a new Respiration Calorimeter. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 ATWOOD, Daniel T. Atwood's Modern American Home- steads. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1876. A 33 V 19 AUBIGNE, Francois d'. [See Maintenon, Mme. de.] AUBIGNE, Theodore Agrippa d'. [Sketch of.] [See MacDowall, H. C— Henry of Guise, and other Por- traits.] B36R11 AUBREY, John, F.R.S. Miscellanies. 8vo. Lond., 1696. G 16 R 21 AUBREY, Dr. William Hickman Smith. Rise and Growth of the English Nation ; with special reference to Epochs and Crises. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. B 16 R 43-45 1. 1066-1399. 2. 1399-1658. 3. 1658-189.). Supp l&n entary Ca talog ue— 1896-1 900. AUDEL W, John. Poems. [See Percy Soc,] H 11 S 16 AUDI PON, John James. Audubon and his Journals; hv Maria P. Audubon. With Zoological and other Notes by E. Couce. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., Sketch of. [See Godwin, P.— Commemorative Addresses.] AUERIiACH, Berthold. Deutsche Illustrirte Volks- biieher. 3 vols. 12mo. Bonn (n.d.) J 23 P 35-37 AUFRECHT, T. Abhidha yu lha.] [See Hala- J 17 U 10 AUCl I'!!, Emiie. (Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. li. -French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] II 12 11 1 AUGSBURG CONFESSION, The. The Augsburg Con fe--ion and Formula for the Government and Discipline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the General Sv nod in the United States. 12mo. Philad., 1890. G 9 V 39 AUGUSTA, German Empress and Queen of Prussia. [Life of': bv Clara Tsehudi. Authorised Translation from the Norwegian by E. M. Cope. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 T 9 AUGUSTE VICTORIA, German Empress and Queen of Prussia. [Sketcli of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. vo>. —Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 AUGUSTINE, St., Archbishop of Canterbury. Augustine and the Evangelization of England. [See Boyee, Rev. F. I!.] MG 1 P 90 History of the Landing of. [See Stanley, Arthur P.— Historical Memorials of Canterbury.] B 28 T 2 The M ission of St, Augustine to England. [See Mason, Rev. A. J.] G11U19 AUGUSTINE, St., Bishop of Hippo. Confessions of. Edited, with an Introduction, by A. Symons. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 19 P 18 Serin ones do Sanctis. Sin. fob Basileae, 1495. (Apud Jummem de Amerbaeh.) G 11 X 17 f Sermoues de Tempore. Sm. fol. Basilese, 1495. (Apud J,,, mem de Amerbaeh.) G 11 X 17 t St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] G 4 V 37 St. Augustine and Evolution. [See Zahm, Rev. J. A.— Bible, Science, and Faith,.] G 19 T 15 AUGUSTUS, Emperor of Rome. [Life of.] [See Boissier, Ga-u>ii - Cicero and his friends.] B 17 P 52 AULDJO, L. C. Mechanical Refrigeration, with Details of an Ammonia Compression Machine, and Description of various methods of Refrigeration. (Engineering A-.c. ofX.S.W.. Minutes of Fn,-.. 1*9! AUSTI, tra AUSTI ALASIAN FRUITGROWERS CON PER- CE. [See Queensland. — Agriculture.] ALASIAN GROCERS' JOURNAL. [See Aks- lan Storekeepers Journal.'] 18! , 1878, 1S82-89, 1891-1900. 23 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney and Lund., 1870 1900. ME 13 AUSTRALIAN HOME COMPANION and Band of Hope Journal. Vol. 3, Nos. 16, 21, vols. 4, 5, 1858-60. 3 v. .Is. 8vo. Sydney, 1 858-60. M J 3 T 1 0, and 4 Q 18, 19 AUSTRALIAN HOME JOURNAL, The: a Domestic Magazine of Useful Information and Amusement. Vols. 1-10, June, 1894-May, 1900. 10 vols, (in 9) ■!'.». Sydney, 1894-1900. ME 19 R AUSTRALIAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE and Garden Guide. Vols. 1, 2, 1877-78. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1877-78. MA 4 R 34, 35 AUSTRALIAN HOTELKEEPER AND LICENSED TRADE REVIEW, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-19, Mav, 1898-May, 1899. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1898-99. [All published.] MF 5 V 1 AUSTRALIAN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, Thy. V..1. 1, No. 1, July, 1891. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ' MJ 2 V 18 AUSTRALIAN ISRAELITE, The Vols. 1-3, June, 1871-June, 1874. 3 vols. fol. Melb., 1871-74. MG 10 Q 31-33 t AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, The. Vols. 1-3, 1868-70. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1868-70. MG 2 U 14-16 AUSTRALIAN LAW TIMES, The. Vols. 19-21, July, 1897-June, 1900. 3 vols. 4to. Melb., 1897-1900. ME 20 R AUSTRALIAN LITERARY JOURNAL and Weekly 'Miscellany of Amusement and Instruction. Vol. 1, Nos. 2-5, Jan. 12th-Feb. 2nd, 1819. Imp. ^o. Sydney, 1849. MJ 3 W 16 AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE, The. Nos. 1, 2, July, Aug., 1886. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MJ 4 P 16 AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE, The; or, Compendium of Religious, Literary, and Miscellaneous Intelligence. Vols. 1, 2, Nos. 1-10, 13, Mav, 1821-Feb, 1822, May, 1822. [No. 7, Nov., 1821, mutilated.] 8vo. Sydney, 1821-22. MJ4P10 AUSTRALIAN MEAT TRADES' JOURNAL and Chill- ing Depots' Record. Vols. 1, 3, 4, Feb., 1896-Jan., 1897, Feb., 1898 Feb., 1900. 3 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-1900. ME 21 T AUSTRALIAN MESSENGER, The. Vols. 4-13, 1890- 99. 10 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1890-99. ME 15 P AUSTRALIAN MESSENGER and Presbyterian Record, Nov., 1860. 8vo. Melb., 1860. " MG 2 V 26 AUSTRALIAN MILLER AND BAKER, Jan.-Juno, Aug.-Dec, 1896, Jan.-April, June, Aug., Oct., 1897- Dec, 1898. 3 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1896-98. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN MINING STANDARD, The, Mav, 1889- June, 1899. 15 vols. fol. Sydney, 1889-99." ME Tasmania and its Mineral Wealth. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Fol. Melb., 1898. [Supplement to Australian Min- ing Standard.] ME AUSTRALIAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. [See Colonial Monthly, The.] AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, SYDNEY. Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Museum. 2nd ed. Pts. 1, 2. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 V 4 1. Acoipitrea ; by E. P. Ramsay. With additions by A. J. North. 2. StWges ; by K. P. Ramsay. With additions by A. J. North. Catalogue of the Echinodermata in the Australian Museum. Pt. 1. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MA 3 R 66 Catalogue of the Echinodermata in the Australian Museum. Pt, 1. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 3 R GA Catalogue of the Fishes in the Australian Museum. Pt. 1. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. MA 3 R 70 Catalogue of the Library of the Australian Museum. Pt. 3. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MK 2 R 15 3. Pamphlets. Descriptive Catalogue of the Tunicata in the Australian Museum; by W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Liverpool, 1899. MA 3 W 30 Memoirs, 2-4, pts. 1-6. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1889-1900. MA 3 W 33-35 ■J. Lord Howe Island: its Zoology, Geology, and Physical . 1-3, Nos. 1 -7. , 1890-1900. Illustrated. 3 vols. ME 8 R Tublic Library of New South Walt AUSTRALIAN MUSIC; received under the Copyright Act. 2 vols. fol. -Sydney, 1892-9G. MA 13 P 5, 6 \ AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL TIMES and Magazine of Art. Vol. 1, Nov., 1897-Aug., 1898. 4to. Sydney, 1897-98. [All published.] MA 4 V 1 AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY, The. Annual Reports, 1856-98. 4 to. Sydney, 1856-98. ME 7 Q Record of our Jubilee, 1819-99. With Portrait;. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 P 10 AUSTRALIAN NEWS. Nos. 1-94, Nov, 1895-Aug., 1897. [Nos. 3, 49, 70, 88, 91, missing.] Fol. Sydney, 1895-97. ME AUSTRALIAN PARTICULAR BAPTIST MAGAZINE, The, 1884-86. 8vo. Sydney, 1884-86. MG 2 U 17 AUSTRALIAN PASTORAL DIRECTORY. List of Stockowners in the Colonies of New South Wales and Queensland ; with Index, 1897, 1899. 2 vols. sin. 4to. Sydney, 1897-99. ME 10 T AUSTRALIAN PENNY JOURNAL, The Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10, Oct.-Dec, 1848. 8vo. Sydney, 1848. MJ 3 T 11 . AUSTRALIAN PHILATELIST, The. Vols. 2 6, 1895- July, 1900. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-1900. ME 9 P AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, The: Devoted to the general advancement of Photography in all its branches throughout Australasia. Vols. 1-4, 6- 8, 1892-95, 1897-99. 7 vols. sin. '4to. Sydney, 1892-99. ME 18 R Annual and Year-book of Photographic Societies of • Australasia; also, Australasian Process- workers' Com- panion and Photo-tourists' and Cyclists' Guide, 1898. Edited by James Aebi. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MA 5 Q 2 AUSTRALIAN PORTRAIT GALLERY. [See' Shine, T.] MC 4 P 4 t AUSTRALIAN PRACTITIONER, The: a Quarterly Journal of Medical, Surgical, and Sanitary Science for the Australian Colonies. Vol. 1, Oct, 1877-Oct, 1878. Edited by Dr. S. T. Knaggs. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1877-78. MA 5 R 15 AUSTRALIAN PRIMITIVE METHODIST YEAR- HOOK, 1890. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MG 2 U 29 AUSTRALIAN PULPIT NEWS. Vol. 1, July-Dec, 1871. 4to. Sydney, 1871. MG 1 V 7 AUSTRALIAN RACING CALENDAR. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, Aug, Sept, 1887. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MA 5 Q 16 AUSTRALIAN REFORMATORY, An [See "Sydney Native."] AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL REVIEW AND EDUCA- TIONAL ADVERTISER, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 3-5, vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2, June, Aug. -Nov, 1873, Jan, April, 1874. (2 copies.) 8vo. Yass, 1873-74. MG 2 S 28, and J 3 R 27 AUSTRALIAN STAR, The, from No. 1, Dec, 1887-Sept, 1900. 50 vols. fol. Sydney, 1887-1900. ME AUSTRALIAN STOREKEEPER'S JOURNAL, with which is incorporated the Australasian Grocers' Jour- nal. Vols. 1-5, 1895-99 [Nov, 1895, April, 1896, missing]. 5 vols, (in 4) sm. fol. Melb, 1895-99. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN STUD-BOOK. [See Yuille, A.] AUSTRALIAN TECHNICAL JOURNAL. Technical College Annual Exhibition, 1900. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG2W5 AUSTRALIAN TECHNICAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ART, AND TECHNOLOGY, The. Vols. 1-3, Feb, 1897-Jan, 1900. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-1900. ME 6 R AUSTRALIAN TEMPERANCE MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-3, July, 1837-June, 1840. 3 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Sydney, 1837-40. MF 5 S 10 AUSTRALIAN TEMPERANCE WORLD and Good Templar Record, with which is incorporated the New South Wales Good Templar, 1896-98. 3 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-98. ME AUSTRALIAN T1IE0S0PIIIST [formerly Magic]. Vol. 1, No. 1-Vol. 2, No. 4, Oct, 1896-Feb, 1898. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-98. [i« F (4KsW.] MG2W2 A USTRALIAN TIT-BITS, original and selected. Vol. 1 , No. 1-vol. 2, No. 55, Feb, 1899-Feb, 1900. 2 vols. (inl)8vo. Sydney, 1899-1900. [All published,] MJ 4 T 1 AUSTRALIAN TIVOLI SONGSTER, The, No. 5. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. Mil 1 U 79 AUSTRALIAN TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL, The. [See Town and Country Journal, The.] AUSTRALIAN TURF GUIDE, 1879. 12mo. Sydney, 1879. MA 5 P 7 AUSTRALIAN VIGNERON and Fruit-growers' Journal, 1890-91, 1894-97. 4 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1890-97. ME 19 S AUSTRALIAN WHEELMAN, The [formerly the Sydney Wheelman] : Official Organ of the League of New South Wales Wheelmen, Aug.- Sept, 1895, Oct, 1896- Sept, 1898. 4 vols. sm. 4 to. Sydney, 1895-98. MA 5 V 10-13 Supj) lemen tcvry Catalog u e — 1896-1 900. AUSTRALIAN WINE, SPIRIT, AND TOBACCO NEWS and Wholesale Prices Current, with which is incorporated Harlow and Annitage's Wine, Spirit, and T»b,tcco Trades Circular. Vols. 1-6, 1894-99. 6 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1894-99. ME 19 R AUSTRALIAN WONDERLAND. [See B, A. A. A. A.] MJ 2 V 24 AUSTRALIAN WORKMAN, 1896-Sept., 1897. 2 vols. Fol. Sydney, 1896-97. ME AUSTRALIAN YACHTSMAN AND CANOEIST, The. Vols. 1-3, Sept., 1896-Oct., 1899. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Sidney, 1896-99. [Ceased publication.] ME 20 R AUSTRALIAN YOUNG FOLKS: an Illustrated Monthly for Australian Homes. Vols. 1, 2, n.s., lM'8-99. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Sydney, 1898-99. ME 16 T AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Statistics. Statistisches Jahrbuch des K. K. Ackerbau- Ministeriums. Pt, 2, 1896-97, pt. 2, 1898. 3 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1898-99. E Treaties. Convention between Great Britain and Aus- tria-Hungary for the establishment of International Copyright, with a List of the British Colonies and Possessions which have acceded thereto under Article 9. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 T 10 AUTONTNE, Leon. Sur la Representation des Courbes Gauches Algebriques et sur le nombre des Conditions qui expriment qu'une Courbe Alg6brique est situee sur une Surface Algebrique. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 24 AVELTNE, W. Talbot, and HUGHES, Thomas McKenny. Geology of the Country around Kendal, Sedbergh, Bowness, and Tebay. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Goolog. Sur v.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 22 AVE LING, Edward Bibbins. The Darwinian Theory: its Meaning, Difficulties, Evidence, and History. 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 27 R 10 Monkeys, Apes, and Men. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 27 R 11 AVE LING, Eleanor Marx. Secret Diplomatic History of the 18th Century. [See Marx, K.] F 15 P 41 Storv of the Life of Lord Palmerston. [See Marx, K.] F 15 P 40 Value, Price, and Profit, e Marx, K.] F 15 P 2 , and Edward. The Eastern Question. [See Marx, K.] F 13 Q 36 A VENUE, The : a Monthly Magazine devoted to Associa- tion, Education, and Social Progress, Oct., 1896-April, 1^97. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. [All Published.] G 25 V 18 AXE Prof. J. Wortley. Diseases of Cattle. (Housman, 11.— Cattle.) A 38 P 10 AXON, William E. A. Laws relating to the Gipsies. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Sanctuaries. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 AYENBITE OF INWYT, The. Written in the Dialect of the County of Kent. [See Michel, Daniel.] G 17 Q 8 t AYERS, Sir Henry. Address by, as President of Aus- tralasian Institute of Mining Engineers. (Austral- asian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P AYRES, Dr. Stephen C. Diseases of the Optic Nerve, Retina, Choroid, and Vitreous, Amblyopia and Amaurosis. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 AYLWARD, Alfred. The Transvaal of To-day. 8vo. Edinb, 1878. B 41 P 13 AYRES, Capt. James C. Modern Guns and Mortars adopted in the United States Land Service. [See United States— Adjutant-General's Office.] A 20 T 19 f ' AYRTON, William Edward, F.R.S. Practical Electricity. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 P 25 AYTOUN, William Edmondstoune. Pollok and Aytoun ; by Rosaline Masson. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 14 AZURARA, Gomes Eannes de. covery and Conquest of Guin Pubs.'] Ihronicle of the Dis- [See Hakluyt Soc, B., A. A., and HELUMAC. Australian Wonderland : a Fairy Chain. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1899. MJ 2 V 24 B, A. H. [See Barrow, A. H.] B, L. A. E. Cave-dwellers of Southern Tunisia. [See Bruun, D.] D 22 P 2 B, N. [See Breton, N] B, W. A. The Dead March of the Waters and other Verses; written in Australasia. 8vo. Lond, 1897. MH 1 V 16 BABBAGE, Charles, F.R.S. Babbage's Calculating En- gines : a Collection of Papers relating to them, their History and Construction. With Portrait, 4to. Lond, 1889. A 19 S 11 t BABAR. Babar. [See Poole, Prof. S. L,] B 32 Q 13 BABINGTON, Charles Cardale. Memorials, Journal, and Botanical Correspondence of. With Portrait. 8vo. Camb, 1897. ' C 25 Q 3 Public Library of New South Wales. BACCHYLTDES. Bacehylides : a Prose Translation ; by E. Poste. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 12 R 28 Poems of: Fac-simile of Papyrus DCCXXXIIT in the British Museum. 4to. Lond., 1897. H 47 P 24 + Poems o*, from the Papyrus in the British Museum. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 3 Q 33 BACH, Albert B. The Art Ballad, Loewe and Schubert. With Musical Illustrations. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H1S34 The Principles of Singing : a Practical Guide for Vocal- ists and Teachers ; with Vocal Exercises. 2nd ed., with Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 43 BACH, Johann Sebastian. Bach ; by C. F. A. Williams. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ' (Master Musicians.) Life of, in relation to his work as a Church Musician and Composer; by S. Taylor. 8vo. Camb., 1897. C 23 Q 21 BACH, Sebastian. Teufelswelt : an Epic. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MH 1 V 12 BACHA, Eugene. Catalogue des Actes de Jean de Ba- . viere, 1390-1417. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. B 41 W G Le Chancellier de Flandre. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. F 1 U 20 BACHELER, Origen. Discussion on the Existence of God between O. Bacheler and R, D. Owen. 12mo. Lond., 1842. G 15 U 24 BACHELIN, Antoine, " Le Bibliophile Julien." Album de Reliures Artistiques et Historiques accompagne de Notes Explicatives. 4 to. Paris, 1869. A 13 X 9 t BACK, Frederick. Mt. Dundas Narrow-gauge Railway. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q BACON, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. 8vo. Lond., 1857. J 6 T 33 BACON, E. D. The Stamp Collector. [See Hardy, W. J.] A 39 V 22 BACON, Edwin Munroe. Historic Pilgrimages in New England among Landmarks of Pilgrim and Puritan Days, and of the Provincial and Revolutionary Periods. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. B 24 U 27 BACON, Francis, Viscount St. Albans. The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Racon, and their business connec- tions; with sonic Revelations of Shakespeare's early struggles, 1587-92; by W. G. Thorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 7 [See Wigs- J G T 34 Bacon-Shakespeare's Venus unci Adonis. [See Shake- speare, W.] H 4 V 22 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Castle, Edward James.] J 14 S 15 Scientific Character of Bacon. [See Caird, Rev. J. — University Addresses.] G 15 P 46 BACON, Nathaniel T. Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth. [See Cournot, A.'] F 4 U 19 BACON, Reginald Hugh Spencer. Benin, the Citv of Blood, illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 39 Q 9 BADDELEY, St. Clair. Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278-1352. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 19 II 1 BADE AIT, Adam. Aristocracy in England. 12mo. New York, 1886. F 12 S 29 BADEN-POWELL, Baden Henry. [See Powell, B. II. Baden-.] BADEN-POWELL, Sir George. [See Powell, Sir G. Baden-.] BADEN-POWELL, Maj.-Gen. Robert Stephenson Smyth. [See Powell, Maj.-Gen. R, S. S. Baden-.] BADENOCH, G. R. Australasia in 1898. (Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, April, 1896.) E BADENOCH, L. N. True Tales of the Insects. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 T 2G BADILEY, Vice-Adm. Richard. Life of; by T. A. Spalding. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 3 BADMINTON LIBRARY. Dancing. [See Frazer, Lilly.] A 20 R 33 Mountaineering. [See bent, C. T.] A 29 8 41 Poetry of Sport. [See Peek, H.] H 10 W 12 Riding and Polo. [See Weir, Capt. R.] A 17 U 49 Rowing and Punting. [See Rowe, R. P. P.] A 17 U 43 BADMINTON MAGAZINE OF SPORTS AND PAS- TIMES, The. Vols. 1-10, Aug., 1895-June, 1900. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-1900. E BAGEHOT,. Walter. The English Constitution. Zvc. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 45 Essays on Parliamentary Refor ). Lond., 1896. •F 8 V 44 Lombard-street : a Description of the Money Market. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 43 Physics and Polities ; or, Thoughts on the application of the Principles of Natural Selection and Inheritance to Political Society. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 46 BAGNALL, L. J. Kauri Gum in the Kahikatea Forest at Turua. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S BAGSHAW, John S. An Outline of the Psalms. 2nd ed. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 28 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BAHRFNS, Emil. Poet* Latini Minores. li'mo. Lipsia-, 1879-86 AIL: iY, Frederick Manson. Botanic Notes. (Roy. ■., Queensland, Proa, 1894.) ME 1 T Ecoi 0, omic Botany. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., t., 1898, July, 1899.) ME 9 U Flor, al) of the Islands of Torres Straits and the Mainland mt Somerset. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- nt of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Flor: A of New Guinea. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., g., Sept., 1898, April, 1900.) ME 9 U Flor: (X of Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ.. t., Nov., 1898, July, Oct., Nov., 1899, Jan., 1900.) ME 9 U The Nepenthes of Australia. (Roy. Horticult. Soc, Pois. Que. Que, ; reputed poisonous to .Stock. (Queensland Agr. in., Nov., Dec, 1898, July, Sept., 1899.J ME 9 U ious Plants. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U sland Flora. With Plates. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Brisb., 1899-1900. MA -1 U 14, 15 vnsland Indigenous Species of Vitis as a Stock for lie Grape Vine. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 899.) ME 9 U jetation of New Guinea. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, 'roc, 1898.) ME 1 T n, anion for the Queensland Student of Plant-life and Jotany abridged. [See Queensland.- -Agr.] MA 4 S 8 uliarities of the Queensland Flora. [See Queensland. Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 ■ensland Flora. [See Queensland.— Agr.] MA 3 S 68 BAILLY, Her R. BaL -sheets, and ■ how to prove hester, 1898. A 25 P 48 BAILEY, James Blake. Diary of a Resurrectionist, 181 1- 12: to which are added an Account of the Resurrec- tion Men in London, and a short History of the passing of the Anatomy Act. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1895. A 26 S 32 The Coc Plan , 189: ■ult. J..I The Pawpaw Plants of th | South-west Qu< (Queei n., 1897.) ME 9 U md Agr. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U fested Country, Bulloo River, d. (Australasian Assoc, for t of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Timber Trees of the Herberton District, rwlaiid. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., ME 9 U BATLEY, Prof. Liberty Hvde. The Forcing-book. Illus- trated. 12mo. New York, 1900. A 18 P 35 Garden-miiking: Suggestions for the utilizing of Home Grounds. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. (Garden Craft Ser.) A 33 Q 32 The Horticulturist's Rule-book : a Compendium of Use- ful Information for Fruit-growers, Truck-gardeners, Florists, and others. [With American Bibliography.] 12mo. New York, 1895; A 18 P 28 Lessons with Plants : Suggestions for seeing and inter- preting some of the common forms of vegetation. Illustrated. 8vo. Now York, 1898. A 33 P 32 The Nursery-book: a complete Guide to the Multipli- cation of Plants. 3rd ed. 12mo. New York, 1896. (Garden Craft Ser.) A 18 P 32 Plant-breeding : being five Lectures on the Amelioration of Domestic Plants. 1 " 12mo. New York, 1895. (Garden Craft Ser.) A 18 P 30 Principles of Agriculture : a Text-book for Schools and Rural Societies. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Rural Science Ser.) A 27 P 17 Principles of Fruit-growing. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Rural Science Ser.) A 33 Q 18 The Pruning-book : a Monograph of the Pruning and Training of Plants as applied to American conditions. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Garden Craft Ser.) A 18 P 22 Sketch of the Evolution of our Native Fruits. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 20 R 13 The Survival of the Unlike : a Collection of Evolution Essays suggested by the Study of Domesticated Plants. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 27 R 16 . , and MILLER, Wilholm. Cyclopedia of Ameri- can Horticulture. Illustrated. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols, imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 W 8, 9 BAILEY, Samuel. Rationale of Political Representation. 8vo. Lond., 1835. • F10R28 BAILEY, Vernon. The Prairie Ground Squirrels, or Spermophiles, of the Mississippi Valley. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 8 BAILEY-DENTON, Eardley. [See Denton, E. Ridley-.] BAILLIE, Maj. Frederick D. Mafeking: a Diary (luring the Siege. ' Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 P 19 BAILLIE-GROHMAN, W. A. [See Grohman, W. A. Baillie-.] RAILLTERE, F. F. Bailliere's Queensland Gazetteer and Roiid Guide, containing the most recent and accurate Whitworth Robert PJ Ml) 3 S3 Public Library of New South Wales. BAILY, Dr. Francis. Star Catalogue. [See British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science.] A 12 T 21 t BAIN, Dr. Alexander. A Higher English Grammar. 12mo. Loud., 1896. J 10 P 45 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Psychology of. [See Martineau, Rev. James. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 BAIN, Robert Nisbet. Charles XII and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 R 20 The Daughter of Peter the Great : a History of Russian Diplomacy and of the Russian Court under the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1741-62. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 34 R 3 The Pupils of Peter the Great : a History of the Russian Court and Empire from 1697-1740. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 39 Q 3 Hans C. Andersen : a Biography. [See Andersen, Hans 0.1 C 22 R 13 Turkish Fairy Tales. [See Kunos, Dr. Ignaez.] J 14 S 2 BAINBRIDGE, William. Law of Mines and Minerals ; with an Appendix of Mining Precedents, fully anno- tated with references to the Text, and a Glossary of English Mining Terms. 5th ed. ; by A. Brown. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 7 T6 BAINES, Frederick Ebenczer. Forty Years at the Post Office. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 24, 25 BAIRD, Sir David. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Capt. Count Gleichen. (Wilkinson, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 BAIRD, Prof. Henry Martyn. The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 34 T 10, 11 Theodore Beza. [See Beza, T.] C 26 Q 16 BAIRD, Spencer F. Annual Record of Science and In- dustry. [See Anuwd Record of Science and Industry.] A 35 Q 1-8 BAIRD LECTURE. BAKER, Ernest A. Descriptive Hand-book to the more noteworthy Works of Prose Fiction in the Library of the Midland Railway Institute, Derby. 8vo. Derby, 1899. Cat. Room BAKER, Dr. Henry A. Obturators and Artificial Vela. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — American System of Den- tistry.) A 31 S 2 BAKER, Dr. Henry B. General Sanitation. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 BAKER, Henry Barton. Stories of the Streets of London. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 17 Q 35 BAKER, Richard Thomas. An Apocynaeeous Plant yielding large Edible Tubers. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc., 1899.) ME 2 P Botanical Notes from the Technological Museum. (Lin- nean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Botany of the Rylstone and Goulburn River Districts. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Cinnamomums of New South Wales, with a Special Re- search on the Oil of C. Oliveri, Bail. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, -1897.) ME 2 P Flora of Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897, 1899.) ME 2 P Note on a new variety of Acacia decurrens, Willd. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Plants of New South Wales illustrated. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895, 1897.) ME 2 P Supposed new genus of the N. O. Myrtace*. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Three new species of Eucalyptus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Two new species of Acacia from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Two new species of Casuarina. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Two new species of Eucalyptus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Two new species of Prostantherafrom New South Wales. (Linnean Hoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Two new species of Pultemea. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W.' Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Two well-known but hitherto undescribed species of Eucalyptus. (Linn. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Description of a new species of Acacia from New South Wales. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P Descriptions of some new species of Plants from New South Wales. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P New species of Elseocarpus from Northern New South Wales. [&«LiniieanSoc,N.S.W.,Proc.,|1895.]ME2 P -, and SMITH, Hem _5. The Darwinias of Port Jackson and their Essential Oils. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Essential Oil and the presence of a solid Camphor or Stearoptene in the Sydney Peppermint, Eucalyptus piperita. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Grey Gum, Eucalyptus punctata, Dc., particularly in regard to its Essential Oil. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Presence of a irue Manna on a "Blue Grass," Andropot/on anmdatus, Forsk. (Roy. Soc, N S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Stringybark Trees of New South Wales, especially in regard to their Essential Oils. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R -BAKER, Sir Samuel. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per- sons.] C 19 Q 22 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. BAKEli. Sir Sherston. First Steps in International Law. 8vo. Loud., 185!). F 16 Q 16 ■BAKER, Rev. Shirley W. English and Tongan Vocabu- lary : also a Tongan and English Vocabulary, with a Lin of Idiomatic Phrases and Tongan Grammar. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MJ 3 II 17 BAKHTYZEN, Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande. [See Sande Bakhuyzen, G. J. van de.] BALA1 ; I Y JOVANY, Dr. D. Jos6. Historia de la Real Acadeinia de Ciencias v Artes. 8vo. Barcelona, 18i'5. G 17 R 41 BALCH, Emilv (be France. (Amc Public Assistance of the Poor in i Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 18 BALCK.Capt. — . Modern European Tactics. Translated by L. It. M. Maxwell. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 36 W 1 1. Introduction ami Principles of Employment of Infantry. BALDANCOLI, Prof. Pietro. Motivi di Decorazione in Stile Raffaellesco. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 37 + BALD< )CK, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Stanford. Cromwell as a Soldier. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ("Wolseley Ser.) B 33 S 8 BALDRY, Alfred Lys. Life and Work of Marcus Stone. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) (Christinas Number of the Art Journal.) A 13 W 10 t Life and "Works of Albeit Moore. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Loud., 1893. A 10 X 5 f Sir John Everett Millais: his Art and Influence. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 4i It 4 BALD "WIN, Elizabeth L. Play of Animals. [See Grcos, K.] G 13 T 51 Alterations of Personality. G 12 V 31 BALDWIN, Helen Gre. [See Binet, Alfred.] BALDWIN, Prof. James Mark. Social and Ethical Inter- pretations in Mental Development : a Study in Social Psychology 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 24 It 3 Story of the Mind. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. (Lib. of Useful Stories.) G 9 U 27 Play of Animals. [See Groos, K.] G 13 T 51 BALDWIN, John Denison. Ancient America : Notes on American Archeology. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1871. B 18 Q 12 BALDWIN, William J. Hot-water Heating and Fitting ; or. Warming Buildings by Hot Water: a D< cription of Modern Hot-water Heating Apparatus, the .Methods BALESTIER, Charles Wolcott. The Naulahka. [See Kipling, R.] J 22 U 27 BALFOUR, Alice Blanche. 1,200 miles in a Waggon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 14 T 23 BALFOUR, Rt. Hon. Arthur James. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 [Essay on the Works of.] [See Seth, Dr. A. - Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 It 26 Mr. Balfour seen from a distance. [See Hapgood, N. -- Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 26 Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight. Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] 23 T 3 Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. [See Berkeley, G., Bishop.] G 18 P 55 57 BALFOUR, Lady Betty. History of Lord Lytton's Indian Administration, 1876-80, compiled from Letters and Official Papers. "With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 It 43 BALFOUR, Dr. George William. Clinical Lectures on ] Hseascs of the Heart and Aorta, 3rd ed. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 5 BALFOUR, Graham. Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Oxford," 1898. G 18 Q 49 BALFOUR^ Dr. Isaac Bayley, F.R.S. Organography of Plants. [See Goebel, Prof. K.] A 45 V 22 BALFOUR, James Melville. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proa, 31.) E BALFOUR, Marie Clothilda Side-lights on the Reign of Terror. [See Echerolles, Mile, dcs.] B 41 Q 12 BALFOUR, Reginald. [Ye New Poetry.] by.] [See Garland of H 12 Q 15 BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, Alexander Hugh Bruce, L,,rd. Principles and Conditions of the Scottish Establishment. (Gore, Rev. O— Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 BALL, Rev. Charles James. Light from the East ; or, the Witness of the Monuments: an Introduction to the Studv of Biblical Archaeology. Illustrated. 4to. , and others. The Queen's Printers" Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible, selected and described by Rev. C. J. Ball. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 5 Q 32 BALL, Eustace A. Re Popular Study of C and its Antiquities. 42 Public Library of New South Wales. BALL, Sir Robert Stawell, F.R.S. Great Astronomers. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 20 U 8 Theory of Screws. Imp. 8vo. Camb., 1900. A 44 W 14 BALL, S. Moral Aspects of Socialism. [See Fabian Soc. — Fabian Tracts, 72.] p 19 r 15 BALL, W. W. Rouse. Primer of the History of Mathe- matics. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 25 P 40 BALLAARAT GENERAL CEMETERY. Chairman's Report and Statistics, 1895. 8vo. Ballaarat, 1896. ME 15 Q BALLAGH, James Curtis. White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia. (Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 13 BALLANCE, Charles Alfred. Certain Affections of the Ear. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 25 T 40 General Pathology of New Growths. [See Shattock, S. G -J A 26 T 34 BALLAVOINE, Jules Frederic. [Reproduction of his Picture] Wood Nymph. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 + BALLIN, Ada S. Children's Dress. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 BALLINGER, John. Books for Village Libraries. [See Burgoyne, F. J.] J 9 V 36 -, and JONES, James Ifano. Catalogue of Printed > " "■■-' •"-' """" o iKuiw. catalogue or rrinted Literature in the Welsh Department. [See Cardiff tree Libraries.] Cat 1{oom BALLS -HEADLEY, Dr. W. [See Headley, Dr. W Balls-.] BALMFORTH, Ramsden. Some Social and Political Pioneers of the 19th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 23 R 24 BALY, Joseph Sugar. Descriptions of new ."enera and of some recently discovered specie „f Australian Pliyto- phaga. (Entom. Soc, Lond, Trans, 1871.) E Catalogue of Hispid* in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit, Museum.— Nat. Hist,] A 43 P 4 BALZAC, Honorfi de. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket (La Maison du Chat qui Pch.te) [and the Sceaux Ball : the Purse; the Vendetta; and Mine. Firmiani]. Trans- lated by Clara Bell; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond, 1896. j 23 lx fa The Atheist's Mass, and other Stories [including Honor- ine; Colonel Chabert; Commission in Lunacy; Pierre Grasson]. Translated by Clara Bell; with a Preface by U. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond, 1896. J 23 R 28 Beatrix. Translated by J. Waring ; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. Svo. Lond, 1896. J 23 R 29 BALZAC, Honore de— contd. Droll Stories. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) Libr. Eugenie Grandet. Translated bv Ellen Marriage ; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond, 1895. J 24 U 2 A Father's Curse, and other Stories [including Maitre Cornelius; Gambara; and Massiinilla Doni]. Trans- lated by J. Waring; with a Preface bv G. Saints- bury. Svo. Lond, 1898. " J 23 R 26 A Gondreville Mystery, and an Episode of the Terror. Translated by Ellen Marriage : with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond, 1898. J 23 R 30 La Grande Breteche, and other Stories [including Peace in the House; Imaginary .Mistress; Albert Savarus]. Translated by Clara Bell'; with a Preface by G. Saints- bury. Svo. Lond, 1896. J 23 R 31 The Member for Arcis (le Depute d'Arcis). Translated by Clara Bell ; with Preface by G. Saintsbury. Svo. Lond, 1898. J 9 R 34 Modeste Mignon. Translated by Clara Bell ; with a Pre- face by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. " Lond, 1896. J 23 R 32 Old Goriot (Le Pere Goriot). Translated by Ellen Mar- riage; with a Preface bv G Saintsbury. Svo. Lond, 1896. j 04 U 1 Ursule Mirouet. Translated by Clara Bell ; with a Pre- face by G. Saintsbury. Svo. Lond, 1895. J 24 U 3 The Wild Ass's Skin. Translated by Ellen Marriage ; with an Introduction by G Saintsburv. With Portrait Svo. Lond, 1896. J 25 P 7 A Woman of Thirty (La Femme de Trente Ans.) Trans- lated by Ellen Marriage ; with a Preface by G. Saints- bury. Svo. Lond, 1897. J 24 U 4 BAMPTON LECTURES. Aspects of the Old Testament. [See Ottley, R. L.] G 24 U !o BANCROFT, George. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per- S011s -1 C19Q21 BANCROFT, George J. Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and its surroundings. (American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans, 1898.) E BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. Literary Industries. With Portrait. Svo. New York, 1891. C 19 P 19 The New Pacific. Svo. New York, 1900. D 22 Q 14 Resources and Development of Mexico. Svo. San Francisco, 1893. B 16 Q 42 BANCROFT, Thomas Lane. Metamorphosis of the young form of FHaria Jlam-ro/ti, Cobb, in the body of C-ulex ciliaris, Linn, the House Mosquito of Australia. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W, Journ, 1899.) ME 1 R Mutilations practised by Australian Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W, Journ, 1897.) ' ME 1 R BAND OF HOPE JOURNAL. [See Australian Home Companion.} Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BAND OF MERCY and Humane Journal of New South Wales. Vols. 11-13, 1897-99. 3 vols, (in 1) 4to. Sydney, 1897-99. ME 17 Q BANGS. John Kendrick. The Bicyclers, and three other Farces. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. H 10 T38 D ANH AM, George A. Table of Veterinary Posology and Therapeutics ; with Weights, Measures, &c, for the use of Students and Practitioners. 18mo. Loud. (n..l.) A 2G P 29 BANISTER, Henry Charles. Interludes : seven Lectures, delivered between 1891 and 1897, collected and edited by S. MacPherson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 2 BANKERS?, INSURANCE MANAGERS, AND ACE NTS' MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-69, April, 18 I ! -June, 1900. 70 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18 14-1900. E BANKER'S MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 50, 52-60, Dec, 189 l-June, 1895, Jan., 1896-June, 1900. 10 vols. 8vo. N. v. York, 1894-1900. E BANKES, Rev. Thomas. Modern, authentic, and com- plete system of Universal Geography. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1790. D 22 R 4 t BANK S, Rev. J. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and Theognis. [See Hesiodus.] H 11 R 11 BANKS, Sir Joseph. Biographical Memoirs of. (Philo- sophical Mag. and Journ., July, 1820.) E Journal of, during Captain Cook's first Voyage in H.M.S. Endeavour in 1768-71 to Terra del Fuego, Otahite, N'\v Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, &c. Edited by Sir J. D. Hooker. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MD 3 U 15 Review of some leading points in the Official Character of the late President of the Royal Society [Sir Joseph Banks]. (Philosophical Mag. and Journ., Sept., Oct., 1820.) E Sir Joseph Banks; by Prof. E. E. Morris. (Lib. Assoc. of Australasia, Proa, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 BANKS, Martha Burr. Heroes of the South Seas. 8vo. Now York, 1896. MG 2 U 1 BANKS, Samuel Hawker. The Picnic Party and the Stranger's Story : a Tale of an Australian Christmas. 12mo. Melb., 1867. MH 1 V 29 The Vision of Truth : an Ethical, Serio-comical, and Satirical Essay in Verse. l2mo. Sydney, 1874. MH 1 V 29 BANNfiRMAN, W. Bruce. Visitation of the County of Surrey. [See Harleian Soc, Pubs., 43.] E BANN i STER, Dr. H. M. Medical Treatment of Insanity. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BANNISTER, Saxe. The Wri [See Paterson, William.] BANNOW, Waldemar. The Colony of Victoria, socially and materially. With Map. 8vo. Melb., 1896. AID 8 Q 51 Dans la Fournaise. 12mo. Paris, 1892. II 11 U 12 Gringoire : Cotnedie en un Acte en Prose. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1899. II 11 U 14 Nous Tous, Decembre, 1883-Mars, 1884. 12mo. Paris, 1884. H 11 U 10 Petit Trait6 de Poesie Franchise. 12mo. Paris, 1899. H 11 U 15 Poesies completes. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1891-96. H 11 U 7-9 1. Odes Funambulesques ; Occidentales ; Idyllea Prus- Riquet a la Houppe : Cotnedie Feorique. 12mo. Paris, 1884. H11U14 Sonnailles et Cloehettes. 12mo. Paris, 1890. H 11 U 11 [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 BARACCHI, Pietro. Address by. (Australasian Assoc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Cloud Observations in Victoria. (Australasian Assoc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S BARBACENA, Marquez de. Vida do; por A. A. de Aguier. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. C 24 R 18 BARBE, Louis A. [Life of] Kirkcaldy of Grange. [See Kirkcaldy, Sir W.] C 20 U 27 BARBER, Charles Burton. Works of. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., -1896. A 17 T 3 f BARBER, William. Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. [See Dart, J. Henry.] F 1 U 12, 13 BARBOUR, John. The Bruce. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 31-33.] E The Brus. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 S 4 BARCLAY, Alexander. Effects of the late Colonial Policy of Great Britain. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 R 35 The Cytezen and Upkmdyshman. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 24 Tublic Library of New South Wales. BARCLAY, Robert, The Disturbance in the Standard of Value. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 26 BARCLAY, Dr. Robert. Acute Diseases of the Middle Ear. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Thera- peutics.) A 31 P 1G BARCLAY, Thomas. Selections from the Correspondence of. Edited by G. L. Rives. With Portrait, 8vo. New York, 1894. C 26 R 19 BARDOT, Prof. Georges. La Question des dix Villes Imperials d'Alsace depuis la Paix de Westphalia Brisach, 1648-80. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1899. B 39 S 17 BARERE DE VIEUZAC, Bertrand. Memoirs of, now first translated by De V. Pavcn-Pavne. With Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890. " C 24 R 9-12 BARFF, Henry Ebenezer. Library of the University of Sydney. (Internat. Lib. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Room BARING, Sir Evelyn. [See Cromer, Baron.] BARING-GOULD, Sabine. [See Gould, S. Baring-.] BAR JON, Dr. F. Anatomie Pathologique du Systeme Lymphatiqne dans la Sphere des Neoplasmes Malins. [See Regaud, Dr. C] A 40 S 4 BARKER, Frederic, Bishop of Sydney. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gal- lery.] MC 4 P 4 f BARKER, Prof. George Frederic. Physics : advanced Course. 4th ed., revised. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 21 S 35 Rontgen Rays : Memoirs by Riintgon., Stokes, and J. J. Thomson. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Harper's Scien- tific Mems.) A 44 Q 22 BARKER, Dr. John Marshall. Colleges in America. 12mo. Cleveland, Ohio, 1894. G 18 P 37 BARKLY, Fanny A. From the Tropics to the North Sea, including,Sketches of Colonial Life, five years in the Seychelles, Gordon's Garden of Eden, with an in- terlude at the Falklands, in the South Pacific, followed by promotion to Heligoland, the gem of the North Sea. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 20 S 21 BARLEE, C. H. The Sydney Once-a-week Magazine. [See Sydney Once-a-week Magazine.] MJ 4 Q 9 BARLOW, Alfred E. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Lau- rentian. [See McGill Unh ersity. — Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 BARLOW, George. History of the Dreyfus Case, from the Arrest of Capt, Dreyfus in Oct., 1894, up to the Flight of Esterhazy in Sept., 1898. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 12 R 36 BARLOW, Jane. Irish Idylls. 8th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1898. D 16 S 6 BARLOW, Dr. Thomas. Erythromelalgia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Raynaud's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Tuberculous Meningitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. --System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Simple Meningitis in Children. [See Lees, Dr. D. B.] A 26 T 40 BARLOW and ARMITAGE'S Wine, Spirit, and Tobacco Trades Circular. [See Australian Wine, Spirit, and Tobacco News.] ME 19 R BARNARD, F. G. A. Winter Notes from North Queens- land. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P BARNARD, George. Drawing from Nature : a series of Progressive Instructions in Sketching, to which are appended Lectures on Art, delivered at Rugbv School. Newed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 31 S 31 BARNARD, James. Economic value of T,/ V ha latifolia. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q BARNATO, Bernard I. Memoir of ; by Harry Raymond. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 6 [Sketch of.] [Set Cumberland, B.— What I think of South Africa.] D 14 R 18 BARNES, Arthur Stapylton. St. Peter in Rome and his Tomb on the Vatican Hill. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 23 V 28 BARNES, Howard T. Some Measurements of the Tem- perature of the Lachine Rapids. [See McGill Univer- sity. -Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 BARNES, James. Naval Actions of the War of 1812. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 16 V 30 BARNES, Lucy E. [See Baxter, Lucy E.] BARNES, William. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D. - Principle in Art, &c.] J 1 R 51 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St, Loe.— From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 BARNET, James. Architectural Work in Sydney, New South Wales. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. MA 4 V 2 BARNET BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 2nd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 25 T 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BARN KIT, Henrietta O. [Mrs. Samuel A.] The Making of i he Home. 12mo. Loud, (n.d.) A 33 Q 38 BARN li IT, P. A. Teaching and Orj special reference to Secondary Schools BARN :TT, Be v. Samuel Augustus. University Settle- rs. (Reason, W.— University and Social Settle- is.) F 15 P 33 BARK [S, TELD, Richard. The Affectionate Shepherd. Percy Soc] H 11 S 22 Poem 1594-98. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 23 BARR, 190 Robert. The Unchanging East. 8vo. Bond., 0. D 21 Q 9 BARR. William M. Boilers and Furnaces considered in their relations to Steam Engineering. Illustrated. 8v.). Philad., 1899. (Steam Engineer. Ser.)A 38 T 20 Practical Treatise on the Combustion of Coal. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1879. A 24 S 18 BARRABA AND MAXILLA NEWS, from No. 37, 1898. Fol. Ban-aba, 1898. ME BARR ACLOUGH, Samuel Henry. The Present Position of the Theory of the Steam Engine. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 189G.) ME 1 R Effect of Temperature on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Copper. [See Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1897.] ME 1 R Some Physical Properties of Nickel Steel. [See Roy. So,-., N.S.W., Journ., 1898.] ME 1 R . , and STRICKLAND, Tom Percival. Experi- mental Investigations of Flow of Water in Uniform Channels. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R BARRAL, Dr. Etienne. Recherches sur Quelques Derives Surchlores du Phenol et du Benzene. 8vo. Paris, 1895. A 31 S 29 BARF: AS, Paul. Memoirs of Barms, Member of the Directorate. Edited by George Duruy, and trans- lated by Charles E. Roche. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890. C 21 T 17, 18 BARR ENJOEY LIGHTHOUSE. Account of the Lay- ing of the Foundation-stone of a new Lighthouse at Barrenjoey, April 15th, 1880. 8vo. [Extract from 'S.j'Uwy Morning Herald, April 17th, 1880.] MJ 3 R 28 BARRETT, Dr. Ashley William. Dental Surgery for Mclical Practitioners and Students of Medicine. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 26 R 35 BARRETT. Elizabeth Barrett. [See Browning, Elizabeth Barrett.] BARRETT, C. R, B. Battles and Battlefields in England. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 24 V 18 BARRETT, Rev. G. S. The Intermediate State and the Last Things. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 19 U 3 BARRETT, Lawrence. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G BARRETT, William Alexander. Class-teaching in Schools. (Internal. Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Dictionary of Musical Terms. [See Stainer, Sir J.] A 44 V 10 "BARRI COUTA." Salmoniana : done in Verse, and illustrated by "A Trumpeter." Sm. 4to. Hobart, 1850. [Bound with Tasmanian Punch.) MJ 3 W 20 BARRIAS, Felix Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] Venus Triumphant. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art,] A 12 P 27 + BARRIE, James Matthew. Novels, Tales, and Sketches of. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1890. J 21 T 12 19 1. Auld Licht Idylls ; Belter Dead. 2. When a man's single. 3. A Window in Thrum? ; an Edinburgh Eleven. 4. 5. The Little Minster. 6, 7. Sentimental Tommy. 8. My Lady Nicotine ; Margaret Ogilvy. Barrio and his Books. [See Hammerton, J. A.] J 22 S 20 Essay on. [See Murray. D. C— My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 [Life of] Margaret Ogilvy. [See Barrie, Margaret.] C 23 P 4 BARRIE, Margaret [Mrs. — ] (Margaret Ogilvy.) Life of; by J. M. Barrie. 8vo. Lond., 1.890. C 23 P 4 Margaret Ogilvy. [See Barrie, J. M.— Novels, Tales, and Sketches," vol. 8.] J 21 T 19 BARRIER MINER, 1898-Juno, 1900 [Feb. 25th, 1898, Jan. 28th, 1899, missing]. 5 vols. fol. Broken Hill, 1898-1900. ME BARRIER MINER BUSINESS DIRECTOR V, 1892. 8vo. Broken Hill, 1892. ME 10 S BARRIER SILVER AND TIN - FIELDS. [See Stevens, C. J.] MA 4 T 10 BARRINGER, D. M. Description of Minerals of Com- mercial Value. Ob. 32mo. New York, 1897. A 22 P 53 Public Library of New South Wales. BARRINGTON, George. Account of a Voyage to New South Wales, to which is prefixed a Detail of his Life, Trials, and Speeches, &c. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1810. MD 8 Q 52 An Heroic Epistle from George Barrington to Major- Semple. (Barrington, G.— Memoirs.) MC 1 S 20 History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Pananiatta, Sydney, and all its de- pendencies, from the original discovery of the Island ; with the Customs and Manners of the Natives, and an Account of the English Colony from its foundation to the present time. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1810. MD 8 Q 53 Memoirs of, from his birthday, 1755, to his last convic- tion at the Old Bailey, 1790. 8vo. Lond., 1790. MC 1 S 20 [Portrait and Account of.] (Lond. Mag., May, 1777.) MC 1 T 34 [Sketch of.] [See Whibley, C- Book of Scoundrels.] C23Q 2 BARRINGTON-KENNETT, Sir Vincent Hunter Bar- rington. [See Kennett, Sir V. H. B. Barrington-.] BARROW, Arthur Haynes, " A.H.B." The two Capitals ; or, Labor led and leading. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF5Q28 BARROW, George. Geology of Country around North- allerton and Thirsk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 11 Geology of Eskdale, Rosedalo, ic. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 5 Geology of North Cleveland. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 21 BARROW, Rev. Isaac. Mathematical Works. Edited by W. Whewell. 8vo. Camb., 1860. A 25 U 15 Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy ; to which is added, "A Discourse concerning the Unity of the Church." Newed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 25 T 8 BARROW, John. Map of Portland, Victoria. 12mo. Portland, 1854. MD 1 P 72 BARROWS, Isabel C. Proceedings of the National Con- ference of Charities and Correction, 1896. [See Charities and Correction National Conference.] E BARROWS, John Henry. Henry Ward Beecher, the Shakespeare of the Pulpit. [See Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward.] C 20 U 9 BARROWS, Walter B. Common Crow of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 40 S 12 The English Sparrow in North America, especially in its relations to Agriculture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 38 R 26 BARRY, Rev. Alfred. The Ecclesiastical Expansion of England in the Growth of the Anglican Communion. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 14 S 31 BARRY, Rev. D. F. [Life of] the late Pope (Pius IX). [See Melbourne Review, 3. J ME 18 Q" BARRY, John Arthur. The Luck of the Native-born 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 R 1 BARRY, Sir Redmond. [Life of]; by Alexander Suther- land. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Qj BARRYMORE, Maurice. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C23Q6 BARTH, Justus. Norronaskaller Crania antiqua in parte orientali Norvegi;e meridionalis inventa. Edited by G. A. Guldberg. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Christiania, 1896. A 34 V 22 BARTHOLOMEW, John George. North-west Australia. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Nov., 1885.) E The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's Atlas of Scot- land : a series of til' Plates of Mips and Plans illus- trating the Topography, Physiography, Geology, Natural History, and Climate of the Country. Fol. Edinb., 1895. D 6 U 18 J Thacker's Reduced Survey Map of India. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1897. D 13 V 11 BARTLETT, A. D. Wild Animals in Captivity : being an Account of the Habit-!, Food, Management, and Treatment of the Beasts and Birds at the Zoo; with Reminiscences and Anecdotes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 27 S 7 BARTLETT, Sir Ellis Ashmead. The Battle-fields of Thessaly, with Personal Experiences in Turkey and Greece. With Portraits and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 27 R 10 BARTLETT, E. T., and PETERS, John P. The Bible, for Home and School ; with Introduction by F. W. * Farrar, Dean of Canterbury. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 14 BARTLETT, W. H. Forty Days in the Desert on the Track of the Israelites ; or, a Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai and Petra. 8 vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 1 8 U 20 BARTLEY, Nehemiah. Australian Pioneers and Reminis- cences, together with Portraits of some of the Founders of Australia. Edited by J. J. Knight. 8vo. Brisk, 1896. MB 1 Q 50 BARTOLI, Cosimo. Delia Architettura. [See Alberti, L. B.] A 22 S 2 f BARTOLOZZI, F., and others. Italian School of Design : 152 Prints. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1835. A 20 U 1, 2 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 47 BARTON', Hon. Edmund. Australian Federation and its basis. (North American Review, June, 1900.) E Draft federation Bill. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MP 5 R 3 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t BARD >.\", Edwin. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 49.) E BARTON, Frank Townend. Every-day Ailments and Accidents of Cattle, together with a Glossary of Diseases, Foods, and Feeding. Illustrated. 8vo. Glasgow, 1897. A 1 V 22 BARTON, George Burnett. An Australia! wealth. (Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, Oct., 1898.) E International Law and the Exhibition. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Notes on Australian Federation and the Draft Constitu- tion Bills framed by the Conventions of 1891 and 1897. Sm fol. Sydney, 1897. MF 9 P 42 f BARUCH, Dr. Simon. Hydrotherapy and Mineral Springs. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Recent advances in Hydrotherapy. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 BARl'S, Prof. Carl. Laws of Gases. [See Boyle, R.] A 25 T 12 BARWTSE, Dr. Sidney. Purification of Sewage. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 33 Q 37 BASCOM, John. Social Theory: a Grouping of Social Fad s and Principles. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 8 V 8 BASH FORD, R. M. Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin. [See Wisconsin.— General Court.] F 15 Q 9 BASIRE, J. Italian School of Design. [See Bartolozzi, F.] A 20 U 1, 2 t BASS, < leorge. Portrait and Sketch of. [See Bccke, L.— Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 BASSET, Alfred Barnard, F.R.S. Treatise on Physical Optics. 8vo. Camb., 1892. A 21 U 13 BASSETT, Prof. John Spencer. Slavery and Servitude in North Carolina, (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 Slavery in the State of North Carolina. (Johns Hopkins University. -Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 17 BASTABLE, Dr. Charles Francis. The Theory of Inter- national Trade, with some of its applications to Economic Policy. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 10 BASTIAANSE, J. H. Do Boudyck. Voyages faits dans les Moluques, a la Nouvelle-Guinee et a Celebes. 8vo. Paris, 1845. MD 4 U 34 BASTIAN, Dr. Henry Charlton. Aphasia and other Speech Defects. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 40 Treatise on Aphasia and other Speech Defects. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 S 7 BASTWICK, John. The Letanv. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 BASTOW, Richard A. Key to Tribes and Genera of the Florideaj. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Key to Tribes and Genera of the Melanospermea? (Olive- green Seaweeds). (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME1 R BATCHELOR, Rev. John. The Ainu of Japan: the Religion, Superstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 19 Q 8 BATE, Charles Spence, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Speci- mens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 12 BATE, Percy H. English Pre-Raphaelite Painters : then- Associates and Successors. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 S 1 f BATEMAN, Charles Somerville The First Ascent of the Kasai : being some Records of Service under the Lone Star. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. D 14 T 25 BATEMAN, Rev. Gregory C. The Vivarium : being a Practical Guide to the Construction, Arrangement, and Management of Vivaria, containing full informa- tion as to all Reptiles suitable as pets, how and where to obtain them, and how to keep them in health. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 9 BATEMAN, Mary. [Life of] ; by Arthur Vincent. (Vin- cent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 BATEMAN, William. Australian Produce: the best means of realising thereon. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 1 T 45 The Colonist : a Work on the Past and Present Position of the Colony of New Zealand. 8vo. Christchurcb, 1881. MB 1 R 21 BATES, Frank Greene. Rhode Island and the Formation of the Union. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 R 6 Public Library of New South Wales. BATES, Frederick. Descriptions of new genera and species of Tenebrionida? from Australia, New Cale- donia, and Norfolk Island. (Entom. Soc, Loud., Trans., 1873.) E BATES, Rev. J. Democrasy. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1805.) ME 2 S Training of Teachers for Primary Schools. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S BATES, Katherine Lee. American Literature. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 4 Q 42 BATES, Lo'.'s. Kindergarten Guide. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 18 Q 35 BATESON, Mary. George Ashby's Poems. [See Early English Text Hoc, Pubs., extra scr., 76.] E BATH AND WELLS, Bishop of. [See Ken, T.] BATH AND WEST AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1-10, 4th ser., 1890- 1900. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-1900. E BATHEDAT, Therese. Bismarck at Home. [See Bis- marck, Prince ] C 21 T 23 BATHER, F. A., GREGORY, John Walter, and GOOD- RICH, E. S. The Echinoderma.' [See Lankester, E. R.] A 44 S 25 ider. Acclimatisation i BATHGATE, Alex* land. (N.Z. Inst, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BATIIURST DAILY TIMES, The, Aug.. 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Bathurst, 1896-99. ME BATHURST PEOPLE'S FEDERAL CONVENTION. [See People's Federal Convention, Bathurst.] JiAT/fi'JlSJVA.Y, The: Saints' College, Bathu 1-7, 1882-98. 45 I [Incomplete.] Iv Magazine of All South Wales. Vols. Bathurst, 1882 98. ME 15 Q BATIFFOL, Dr. Pierre. History of the Roman Breviary. Translated by A. M. Y. Baylay. 12mo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 25 BATTEN, Charles. Pea or Eartlmut. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 IT BATTEN, Dr. Frederick Eustace. Ha-matomvelia. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Myositis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 BATTENBERG, Prince Louis of. Men-of-war Names : their meaning and origin. 12rno. Lond., 1897. K 19 P 29 BATTERMANN, Dr. H. Resultate aus den Polhehen- bestimmungen in Berlin ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1891 mid 1892 am Universal-Transit der Konigl. Stern warte. 4to. Berlin, 1899. A 17 S 28 t BATTERSBY, Dr. C. Harford, and others. Health Abroad : a Medical Hand-book of Travel. Edited by Dr. E. Hobhouse. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 R 3 BATTERSBY, G. Harford-. The Hexateuch according to the Revised Version. [See Carpenter, J. E.] G 25 V 11, 12 BATTYE, Aubyn Trevor-. Northern Highway of the Tsar. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 18 Q 34 The First Crossing at Spitsbergen. [See Conway, Sir William M.j D 16 V 18 BAUDELAIRE, Charles Pierre. CEuvres completes. With Portrait. 7 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1885-98. J 24 S 16-22 1. Les Flours i!u Mai. prt'uOi'.ws il'unc Not ice par T. Gautier. 2. Curiosity Estheticrues. 3. L'Art Romantiquc. 4. Petita Poi-mcs en Prose ; Lea Paradia Artificiels. 5. Hist.iiirs extraiTilmaiic; par I'M gar Poe. 0. Nouvellrs 1 lii-loire.i extraiiniiiiairrs par Kilgar Poe. 7. Aventurus ci'Artlmr (nii'duii I'yni ; Kmvka, par Kilgar [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 BAUDRY. Paul Jacques Aiinc. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G.— Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 J BAUER, Dr. A. H. Preparation of Malt. [Set Thausing, Julius E.] A 25 U 16 BAUER, Francis. Genera Filicum. [See Hooker, W. J.] A 44 W 2 BAUGHAN, Rosa. Character indicated by Handwriting. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) * G 25 P 9 BAUSCH, Edward. Manipulation of the Microscope, orded. Illustrated. 12mo. Rochester, 1897. A 41 Q 29 BAVONIUS, Florentius Wig Chronicis. [See English Hist. Soc., Tubs.] B 39 R 23, 24 BAAVKlUt, Eug( Eugen von.] [See Bohm-Bawerk, i 9 W 35 Peasants' War in Germany, 1525 26. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Social Side of the German Re- formation.) B17Q36 Socialism. [See Morris, William.] F 10 V 26 BAXTER, Emily [Mrs. — .] Lessons in Artistic Confec- tionery. Illustrated. Pt. 1. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 U 10 Supplemen tary Catalogue — 1896-1000. BAXTER, Lucy E. (Mrs. — .) [Lucy E. Barnes], "Leader Sott." The Cathedral Builders: the Story of a Great Masonic Guild. Illustrated. Boy. 8vo. Lond., 18!)!). A45P5 BAXT \\ II, Richard. One Sheet for the Ministry. (Dear- mer. Rev. P. -Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 19 BAY, J. Christian. Danish Fairy and Folk Talcs : a Col- lection of Popular Stories and Fairy Tales; from the Danish of S. Grundtvig, E. T. Kristensen, I. Bondesen, and L. Budde. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 14 Q 43 BAY STATE MONTHLY, The. [See New England BAY]:. H. G. Broken Hill Vughs : Occurrence and some probable causes. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P BAYLAY, Rev. Atwell Mervyn Yates. History of the Roman Breviary. [See Batiffol, Dr. P.] G 23 Q 25 BAYLES, George J. The Office of Mayor in the United States : a Study in Administrative Law. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 18 Q 2 BAYLEY, A. M. C. Clive-. Vignettes from Finland ; or, Twelve Months in Strawberry Land. 8vo. Lond, 1895. D 18 R 30 BAYLEY, Sir Stcuart. The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Raiment in the Sikkim Expedition of 1888. [See Iggulden, Capt. H. A] B 31 R 12 BAYLISS, W. D. Prisoners their own Warders. [See M. Xair, Maj. J. F. A.] F 6 U 8 BAYLY, Ada Ellen, ' pliant, Margaret < toria's Reign.) i Lyall." Mrs. Gaskell. (Oli- »'omen Novelists of Queen Vic- C 24 S 3 BAYK E, Peter. Lessons from my Masters : Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 8vo. Lond, 1879. J 5 T 28 BAYNE, William. [Life of| James Thomson. [See Thomson, J.] C 20 V 7 BAYNES, Arthur Hamilton, Bishop of Natal. My Diocese during the War. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1900. B 37 Q 19 BAYNES, Herbert. The Idea of God and the Moral Sense in the light of Language: being a Philological Enquiry into the Rise and Growth of Spiritual and Moral Concepts. 8vo. Lond, 1895. G 24 V 17 BAYNES, Robert E. Kinetic Theory of Gases. [See Meyer, Prof. O. E.] A 38 S 19 BAYNES, Prof. Thomas Spencer. Port-Royal Logic. [See Port-Royal Logic] G 25 S 22 BAZIN, H. Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein issuing from an Orifice, and upon the Distribution of the Velocities within it, Translated by John C. Trautwine. 8vo. Now York, 189G. A 32 R 33 BEACH, Alfred E. ■e Record. [See Scu A 35 P 1-5 BEACH,. Dr Fletcher. Facts concerning Idiocy and Im- becility. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Idiocy and Imbecility. [See Shuttleworth, Dr. G. E.] A 2G T 41 BEACH, Prof. Walter G. The Australian Constitution. (Political Science Quarterly, Dec, 1899.) E " BEACON." •e Osborne, J.I BEACONSFIELD, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of. The Earl of Beaconsfield ; by H. E. Gorst. 8vo. Lond, 1900. (Victorian Era Ser.) C 27 R 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [-See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Russell," G. W. E.— Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F.— Early Victorian Literature.] J 8 T 37 BEAL, Edward. Cardinal Rules of Legal Interpretation. 8vo. Lond, 1896. F 9 V 9 BEAL, F. E. L. Some common Ibrds in their relation to Agriculture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 — , and LUCAS, F. A. Report on the Food of Woodpeckers and the Tongues of Woodpeckers. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 30 R 30 BEAL, Rev. S. Buddhisn 1884. BEAL, W. H. Barnyard Manure. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 BEAL, Dr. W. J. Grasses of North America. Vol. 2. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 19 T 18* 2. The Grasses classified, described, and each Genus illus- trated with chapters on their geographical distribution and a bibliography. BEALE, Dr. Alonzo. Artificial Dentures on the Rubber Base. (Litch, Dr, Wilbur F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Public Library of New South Wales. BEALE, Dorothea. Organization of Higher Education for Girls. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 13 Application of Psychology to the Science of Education. [See Herbart, J. F.] G 23 Q 23 , SOULSBY, Lucy H. M., and DOVE, Jane Frances. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 32 BEAMAN, Ardern G. Hulme-. Twenty Years in the Near East. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898: D 22 P 3 BEAN, Dr. Tarleton H. Oceanic Ichthyology. [See United States.— National Museum.] A 17 T 20, 21 t BEANEY, Dr. James George. Syphilis : its Nature and Diffusion popularly considered. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MA 2 Q 70 Lithotomy. [See Lithotomy.] MA 2 Q 71 BEAR, Sara E. Zarita Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BEARD, Rev. John Reilly. Autobiography of Satan. 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 25 P 8 BEARDMORE, Nathaniel. Hydraulic Tables, to aid the calculation of Water and Mill Power, Water Supply, and Drainage of Towns and Improvement of Navigable Rivers. 8vo. Lond., 1852. A 25 S 13 BEARDSLEY, Aubrey Vincent. Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley ; with a Prefatory Note by H. C. Marillier. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 19 T 20 t Second Book of Fifty Drawings. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 19 T 22 t A 39 V 29 J 22 V 19-21 Aubrey Beardsley. [See Symons, A.] The Savoy. [See Savoy, The.} BEARDSLEY, Levi. Reminiscences, Personal and other Incidents, Early Settlement of Otsego County, Notices and Anecdotes of Public Men, Judicial, Legal, and Legislative Matters, Field Sports, Dissertations and Discussions. With Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1852. C 26 S 20 BEARE, Thomas Hudson. Graphical Statics. [See Cre- mona, L.] A 39 P 25 BEARNE, Catherine. Lives and Time of the Early Valois Queens : Jeanne de Bourgogne, Blanche de Navarre, Jeanne d'Auvergne et de Boulogne. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 26 S 18 Pictures of the Old French Court: Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau de Baviere, Anne de Bretagne. 8vo. Lond., 1900. b 26 S 23 BEASLEY, Henry. The Druggist's General Receipt- book, comprising a copious Veterinary Formulary, numerous Recipes in Patent and Proprietary Medi- cines, Druggists' Nostrums, etc., Perfumery and Cos- metics, Beverages, Dietetic Articles and Condiments. Photographic Chemicals and Formula!, Materials and Formulae used in Microscopic Work, Trade Chemicals, Scientific Processes, Methods of Urinary Analysis, and an Appendix of Useful Tables. 10th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 P 28 BEATON, L. Our Sister Cities : Brisbane. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q BEATTIE, Prof. Francis R, Radical Criticism : an Ex- position and Examination of the Radical Critical Theory concerning the Literature and Religious Sys- tem of the Old Testament Scriptures. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. G 9 W 26 BEATTIE, J. W. Governors of Tasmania, from 1804-96. [Photographs.] 4to. Hobart, 1896. MA 11 P 33 t BEATTIE, Dr. William. Castles and Abbeys of England, from the National Records, Early Chronicles, and other standard authors. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 24 V 17 BE ATT Y, A. E. Mason-. Music for the " Versa," the new fashionable dance. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 | BEATTY, Arthur. Browning's Verse-form : its Organic Character. Svo. New York, 1897. H 12 V 3 BEATY-POWNALL, S. [See Pownall, S. Beaty-.] BEAUCHAMP, Henry K. Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. [See Dubois, J. A.] G 23 S 12, 13 BEAUCHAMP, William Lygon, 7th Earl of. Private Collection of Paintings and Objets d'Art. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 13 BEAUCHAMP, William M. Earthenware of the New York Aborigines. [See New York Museum, Bulletin rjON, A. History of Dutch Sea Fisheries : their [•ogress, Decline, and Revival. (Internat. Fisher- ■> Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 31 R 9 BEAULIEU, Anatole Leroy-. e Leroy-Beaulieu, roy-Bea BEAUMONT, Francis. Masque of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn. (English Masques.) H 11 R 17 Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 nd FLETCHER, John. Philaster; or, Love lies a-bleeding. Edited, with Preface, Notes, and Glossary, by F: S. Boas. 18mo. Lond., 1898. (Temple Dramatists.) H 13 Q 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. and Worsted Loud., 1890. A 23 P 22 BEAUMONT, William . Worby. Motor Vehicles and Motors. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 W 17 BEAUIiEGARD, Gen. Peter Gustavus Toutant. Sketch of. [See Dwight, T. P.— Critical Sketches of some of the federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 BEAUT 1FUL ILLAWARRA. [See South Coast Tourist Union.] MD8P42 BEAUTIFUL SYDNEY, 1895-96, including Newcastle Cnalopolis, and fertile Maitland. Ob. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MA 3 U 33 BEAU V ERIE, Joseph. Etudes sur le Polymorphisme do- Champignons : Influence du Milieu. 8vo. Paris, 1900. A 45 V 20 BEA V AN, Arthur H. Marlborough House and its Occu- pant s, Present and Past. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 16 T 15 Popular Royalty. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 S 4 James and Horace Smith. [See Smith. J. and H.] C 26 P 18 BEAZ 1 1 LEY, Alexander. Reclamation of Land from Tidal Waters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 39 V 32 BEAZ I , EY, Charles Raymond. The Dawn of Modern Geo- graphy : a History of Exploration and Geographical Science from the conversion of the Roman Empire to A.D. 900; with an Account of the Achievements and Writings of the early Christian, Arab, and Chinese Travellers and Students. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 U 19 .John and Sebastian Cabot: the Discovery of North America. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 R 13 The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. [See Hakluyt Soc] E BECK. Prof. Alphons. C. H. Andersen's Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. [See Andersen, C. H] J 12 P 33 BECH, Eedor. Verzeichnisss der alten Handschriften und Drucke in der Domherren-Bibliothek zu Zeitz. Imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. K 15 U 15 BEOKi:, Louis (in full George Louis.) Ebbing of the Tide : South Sea Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 S 21 His Native Wife. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 P 56 Last < 'ruise of John Maudesley. (Fisher, L— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 Lupton's Guest. (New Review, 1895.) Pacific Tales. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MJ 3 S 20 Rodman the Boat-steerer, and other Stories. 8vo. L.nd., 1899. MJ 3 R 32 Wild Life in the Southern Seas. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MD 1 U 3 BECKE, Louis (in full George Louis), and JEFFERY, Walter. Admiral Phillip : the Founding of New South Wales. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Builders of Greater Britain.) MB 3 Q 6 A First Fleet Family. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 6 The Mutineer : a Romance of Pitcairn Island. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MJ 3 S 29 The Mystery of the Laughlin Islands. 12mo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 57 Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., MB 3 S 11 An Old Australian Privateering Adventure. (Pall Mall Mag., Jan., 1899.) E The Sea Story of Australia. (Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1899.) E BECKER, Leon. Les Arachnides de Belgique. [See Belgium. — Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle.] A 40 T 21, 22 t BECKET, Thomas a', Archbishop of Canterbury. History of the Murder of. [See Stanley, Arthur P.— Histori- cal Memorials of Canterbury.] B 28 T 2 History of the Shrine of. [See Stanley, Arthur P. — Historical Memorials of Canterbury.] B 28 T 2 St. Thomas of Canterbury : his Death and Miracles. [See Abbott, E. A.] GIT 26, 27 BECKETT, #Sir Edmund. Astronomy without Mathe- matics. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 19 P 13 BECKETT, T. W. Naylor. New Zealand Mosses. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Some recent additions to the Moss Flora of New Zea- land. (N. Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S -BECKFORD, William. Vathek, reimprime sur l'Original francais, avec la Preface de Stephane Mallarme. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 21 P 25 BEDDARD, Francis Evers, F.R.S. Anatomy of an Aus- tralian Cuckoo, Sri/ffu-o/M itnctr-hrN, D. Landale. Central Australian Exploring Rhymes and Camel-back Jingles. 12rao. Adelaide, 1893. MH 1 V 27 BEET OR, Dr. Charles Edward. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Bulbar Palsi Cino.) Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy and Hypertrophy. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Poliomyelitis Anterior Chronica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 BEGA GAZETTE, 1899. Fol. Bega, 1899. ME BEG A STANDARD, 1899. Fol. Bega, 1899. ME BEGAS, Adelbert Franz Eugen. [Reproduction of his Picture] Summer Life. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J BEGB IE, Harold. Story of Baden-Powell. [&« Powell, Maj.-Gen. R. S. S. Baden-.] C 23 R 26 BEGEER, B. W. Metallurgy of Gold on the Rand: a Practical Treatise on the Metallurgical Processes in use in the Transvaal, being a Description of Assaying, Milling, Cyaniding, Refining, and Coining. illus- trated. 8vo. FreiBerg, 1898. A 38 T 6 BEGG, Alexander. History of British Columbia from the Earliest Discovery to the Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 16 Q 41 BEGG, F. C. Rowing. [See Rowe, R. P. P.] A 17 IJ 48 BEGG, William, " Walter Bentley." A Critical Estimate of Walter Bentlev. With Portraits. Ob. 8vo. Bal- lamt, 1892. MC 1 Q GO BEHA EDDIN or BOHA EDDIN (Yusuf ibn Ran ibn Tamin.) [See Salad Ed-Dln>] BEHR, HansC. Mine Drainage, Pumps, «fcc. [See Cali- £« >rnia.— State Mining Bureau.] A 24 T 30 BEHRENS, Dr. Julius Wilhelm. The Microscope in Botany : a Guide for the Microscopical Investigation of Vegetable Substances. Translated by the Rev. A. B. Hervey, assisted by R. H. Ward. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1 885. A 20 T 24 BEILBY, Walter. The Dog ii 8vo. Melb., 1897. Illustrated. MA 4 Q 1 BELFIELD, Dr. William T. Therapeutics of the Male Genito-Urinary Tract. (Hare, Dr. H A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 BELGIUM. Administration des Telegraphes : Reglement Special. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. ' F 16 R 27 Administration des Telegraphes : Annexes au Regle- ment Special. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. F 16 R 27 Annuaire de la Legislation du Travail, 1897-98. 2 vols- 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897-99. E Annuaire Officiel de l'Armee Beige, 1898-1900. 3 vols- 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898-1900. E Bibliographic de Belgique : Journal Officiel de la Li- brairie, 1875-78, 1880-97. 36 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1876-97. Cat. Room Bulletin de 1' Agriculture, 1895-99. 5 vols. 8vo- Bruxelles, 1896-99. E Bulletin des Commissions Royales d'Art et d'Archeologie, 1888-93, 1896-98. 9 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1888-98. E Bulletin du Conseil Superieur de Y Agriculture, 1893- 96. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894-95. A 32 R 27, 28 Carte des Chemins de Fer, Routes, and Voies Navigables de la Belgique. 2 Maps. Fol. Bruxelles, 1900. D 23 Q 4 Commission d'Enquete Scolaire : Examens subis le 1 6 Octobre, 1882: 2e Regiment de Guides et 5e Regiment d'Artillerie de Siege. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 IT 13 t Commission d'Enquete Scolaire : Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882 : Regiment des Carabiniers. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 14 t Commission d'Enquete Scolaire: Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882 : Regiment du Genie et Compagnies Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 17 15 t d'Enquete Scolaire : Statistique des Ecoles Primaires, Officielles et Prives, au 31 Dec, 1881. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 12 t Compte rendu des Operations de, la Commission Geod- esique. 4to. Bruxelles, 1855. A 20 P 26 t Conference Nalionale des Si icicles ill Iabitationsouvrieres, Juillet, 1898 : Documents, Rapports, et Proces-Ver- baux. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. F 19 U 1 Ecole des Arts Decoratifs : Documents transmis a M. le Ministre de lTnterieur par la Commission institute par l'arrete royal du mai, 1879. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1882. Ecole des Arts Decoratifs : Organisation. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1879. G 18 S 34 Enquete Agricole. 2 vols. sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1890. A 13 U 17, 18 t Spcciales G 18 S 34 : Elements de PEnseignement- Public Library of New South Wales. BELGIUM— contd. Enquete Scolaire. 5 vols, i Bruxelles, 1881-83 G 13 U 2-6 f Enquete sur l'Efficacite du Serum Antidiptherique. 8vo- Bruxelles, 1897. A 39 R 10 Exposition des Anciennes Industries d'Art Beiges en 1880. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1879. A 38 Q 27 Fondations de Bourses d'Etude etablies en Belgique. Tomes 7-9. 3 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1896-97. G 12 W 7-9 t Instruction concernant l'echange de Telegrammes par Telephone. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. F 16 R 27 Rapport sur la Situation de la Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, 1 892-97. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894-98. E Rapport sur les Examens subis le 19 Octobre, 1882, par la classe de Milice de 1882 a son entree au Service, fait au nom de la Commission d'Enquete Scolaire. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 16 t Rapport Triennal sur l'etat de l'Enseignement moyen en Belgique presente aux Chambres Legislatives, 1896. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1896. E Statistique Medicate de l'Armee Beige, 1896. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. E Triangulation du Royaume de Belgique. Tomes 2-6, fasc. 1-3. Illustrated. 8 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1867- 92. E [See also Societe Royal e Malacologique de Belgique, and Souvenirs Numismatiques.] BELGIUM-MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATUR- ELLE. Annates. Tomes 10, 12. With Plates. 2 vols. fol. Bruxelles, 1882-96. A 40 T 21, 22 J 10, 12. Les Arachnidos tie Belgique; par L. Becker. BELJAME, Alexandre. Jules Cesar. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 T 12 Macbeth. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 T 13 BELL, Alexander M. C. Julii Cwsaris de Bello Gallico. [See Caesar, C. J.] B 23 P 21 BELL, Clara. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 27 The Atheist's Mass, and other Stories. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 28 Footsteps of Fate. [See Couperus, L.] J 23 U 2 Froth. [See Valdes, A. P.] J 22 R 47 La Grande Breteche, and other Stories. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 31 Homo Sum. [See Ebers, G.] J 26 P 45 The Member for Arcis. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 9 R 34 Modeste Mignon. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 32 Pierre and Jean. [See Maupassant, H. R. A. G. de.] J 23 U 44 The Sisters. [See Ebers, G] J 26 P 47 Uarda. [See Ebers, G] J 26 P 46 Ursule Mirouet. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 24 U 3 BELL, F. Dillon, and YOUNG, Frederick. Reasons for promoting the Cultivation of the New Zealand Flax. 8vo. Lond., 1842. MA 4 S 30 BELL, Francis Jeffrey. Catalogue of the British Echino- derms in the British Museum. [See British Museum. —Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 9 Evenings at the Microscope. [See Gosse, P. H] A 40 Q 10 E BELL, Col. George W. Federal Movement in Austral] (U.S. Consular Repts., June, 1897.) American Trade with Australia. [See Philadelphia Com- mercial Museum.] F 16 R 21 BELL, Graham. The Telephone. [See Jerrold, W._ Electricians and their Wonders.] A 21 P 50 BELL, James, F.R.S. Food Adulteration and Analysis. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 BELL, Sir James, and PATON, James. Glasgow: its Municipal Organization and Administration. Sm. 4to. 1896. F 9 V 2 BELL, James, and WILSON, S. Practical Telephony, adapted to the requirements of the City and Guilds of London Institute. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 33 Q 39 BELL, John. In the Shadow of the Bush. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 3 S 35 BELL, Dr. John Henry. Anthrax. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 BELL, Dr. Louis. Electric Power Tra tical Treatise for Practical Men. Illustrated. 8vo- New York, 1897. A 33 V 22 BELL, Mackenzie. Charles Whitehead, a forgotten Genius ; with Extracts from his Works and a Preface. [See Whitehead, C] C 24 P 7 Christina Rossetti : a Biographical and Critical Study. [See Rossetti, C] C 25 Q 16 BELL, Malcolm. Sir Edward Burne- Jones : a Record and Review. Illus. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 10 X 7 t BELL, Nancy [Mrs. Arthur] (Nancy D'Anvers.) Repre- sentative Painters of the 19th Century. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 S 7 t China and the Chinese. [See Plauchut, E.] D 19 P 12 French Enterprise in Africa. [See Hourst, Lieut. E. A. L] D 13 U 22 Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. [See Tissot, J. J.] G 6 U 13, 14 i Memoirs of Baron Lejeune. [See Lejeune, Louis Fran- cois, Baron.] B 17 R 46, 47 Record of the Life and Works of Thomas Gainsborough. [See Gainsborough, T] C 18 P 21 t Rome. [See Schoener, Dr. and Mrs.] D 11 V 21 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BELL ('.Napier. Tangweera: Life and Adventures among G. 'ii tie Savages. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 14 BELL J. Muiiro. Chippendale, Sheraton, and Hepple- white Furniture Designs. 4to. Lond., 1900. A 21 P4 t BELL, iVobert Fitzroy. Memorials of John Murray [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs-., 27.] E BELL. T. F. Jacquard Weaving and Designing. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 40 Q 12 BELLA, Rev. Ardelio Delia. Di Ilii-ico. 4to. Ragusa, 1785. J 12 V 29 BELL \MY, Blanche Wilder. Governor's Island. (Good- win, M. W.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 BELLAMY, Edward. Equality. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 Q 18 Mit geschlossenen Augen ; aus dem Englischen von Ott- mir Dittrich, 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) J 1 V 47 BELL ANGER, Marguerite. Sketch of. [See Bingham, C:i;it. D. —Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 BELLI XGH AM, Henry. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism. [See Haulleville, P. C. A, Baron d ■.■.] G 9 V 6 BELLINGS, Richard. History of the Irish Confederation and the War in Ireland. Vol. 6, 1046-48. Edited by JohnT. Gilbert. Sm. 4to. Dublin, 1890. B 29 V 17 BELLOC, Mme. Bessie Rayner. The Flowing Tide. lL'mo. Lond., 1900. G 2G R 9 Historic Nuns. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 P 30 BELL* )C, Hilaire. The Liberal Tradition. (Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 S 50 Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 26 S 22 Damon. [See Danton, G. J.] C 24 P 16 BELLs CATHEDRAL SERIES. Jathedral Church of St. Paul. [See Dimock, Rev. A.] G 26 S 7 BEMIS, Dr. Edward W. Cooperation in New England. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 11 Mine Labor in the Hocking Valley. (American Econ- omic Assoc.) F 4 V 13 Municipal Ownership of Gas in the United States. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 16 BEMMELEN, Dr. J. F. van, and HOOYER, G. B. Guide to the Dutch East Indies. Translated by Rev. B. J. Berrington. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1897. D 11 P38 BEMMELEN, W. van. Observations made with the Compass on Tasman's Voyage. [See Tasman, A. J.- Journal of his Discovery of Van Diemen's Land.] MD.2 P 33 BENDALL, Cecil. Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and Prak- rit Books in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 15 (■ BENDALL, Wilfrid. Life-story, Letters, and Reminis- cences of Sir Arthur Sullivan. [See Sullivan, Sir A.] BENDIGO WATERWORKS CO. Report of the Direc- tors, 1860. 8vo. Melb., 1860. MF 5 S 16 BENDIRE, Charles. Directions for Collecting, Prepar- ing, and Preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 46 Life histories of North American Birds. [See United States.— National Museum.] A 17 T 19 t BENECKE, E. F. M. Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 17 BENEDETTI, Count. Studies in ■ Diplomacy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 14 U 27 BENEDICT, F. G. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A 38 R 15 BENEDIKT, Dr. Rudolf. Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours. Translated from the German by Dr. E. Knecht. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1889. A 23 P 20 "BENEFICED CLERGYMAN, A." Me* (Jift of God ; in reply to " Satanic Agency and Mes- merism." 8vo. Lond., 1843. G 19 T 2 BENEKE, Friedrich Eduard. F. E. Beneke : the Man and his Philosophy. [See Brandt, Dr. F. B.] G 1 P 34 BENGAL : — dovern mini /)■ jki r! nun Is — Reports and Ptibli- Administration. Report of the Administration of Bengal. 1882-83. Fol. Calcutta, 1884. E Public Works. Revenue Report of the Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch, 1889-90. Fol. Cal- cutta, 1891. E Sone Canals. Papers relative to the Sone Canals, chiefly reports on Estimates, 1867-86. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 1890. A 20 R 8 f Statutes. Acts of the Legislative Councils of India and Bengal; Rules, Bye laws, Regulations and Notifica- tions relating to the port of Calcutta ; with schedule of Port, Pilotage, Jetty and Wharf charges. 8vo. Calcutta, 1882 F 13 R 27 Public Library of New South Wales. BENGAL DIRECTORY. [See Indian Directory.] BENHAM, Marian S. Henry Callaway, first Bishop for Kaffraria. [See Callaway, H., Bishop.] C 23 P 2 BENHAM, Richard S. Brief Account of the Country In- stitutes of .South Australia. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P .32 t BENHAM, Rev. William. Winchester Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 BENHAM, Prof. William Blaxland. The Fourth Skin of Notornis. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Polychaet Worms. Hist.) Re-examination of Hutton's Typos of New Zealand Earthworms. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Feb., 1899.) E Viscera of Notornis. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S BENING, Simon. Miniatures and Illuminations by. (Destree, J.—Les Heures de Notre Dame.) C 23 V 1 BENJAMIN, Dr. P. P. The Intellectual Rise in Elec- tricity. 8vo. Bond., 1895. A 21 U 6 BENJAMIN, Samuel Green Wheeler. The Atlantic Islands as Resorts of Health and Pleasure. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1878. D 22 R 3 BENN, Alfred William. Philosophy of Greece considered in relation to the Character and History of its People. 8vo. Bond., 1898. G 17 S 18 BENNETT, Dr. A. G. Plastic Materials for Filling Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Taking Impressions of the Mouth ; Plaster Models ; Antagonizing and Contour Models. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BENNETT, Alfred William. Flora of the Alps ; being a Description of all the Species of Flowering Plants in- digenous to Switzerland, and of the Alpine Species of the adjacent Mountain Districts of France, Italy, and Austria, including the Pyrenees. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 20 R 5, 6 Text-book of Structural and Physiological Botany. [See Thome, O. W.] A 20 P 37 BENNETT, Ernest Nathaniel. Downfall of the Der- vishes : being a Sketch of the Final Soudan Campaign of 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Bond., 1898. B 29 Q 23 BENNETT, F. Probable Outcrop of Blythesdale Bray- stone South of its supposed Boundary. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T BENNETT, F. J. Geology of the Country around Attle- borough, Wattoi', and \Vymondham. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 2 '; Geology of the Country around Diss, Eye, Botesdale, and lxworth. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.- -Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 17 It 3 Geology of Parts of Cambridgeshire and of Suffolk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 32 , and BLAKE, J. H. Geology of the Country between and south of Bury St. Edmunds and New- market. [Sec Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 14 } BENNETT, Dr. Geor: (Melbourne Revi v to the Arfak Mountains. ME 18 Q BENNETT, Joseph. National Portrait Gallery of British Musicians. [See Warriner, John.] A 5 P 32 t BENNETT, Prof. W. II. The Book of Jeremiah, chaps. 11-52. [See Expositor's Bible, The.] G 19 S 27 BENNETT, William Christopher. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 99.) E BENNETT, William H. Concussion of the Brain. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 40 BENNETT, Rev. William Henry. Book of Joshua. [See Bibles and Testaments.— English.] G 23 U 6 f BENOIS, N., RESANOFF, A, and KRAKAU, A. Monographic de la Cathedrale d'Orvieto. Illustrated. Fol. Paris, 1872. A 12 X 23 t BENSON, Albert Henry. Apricot Culture. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R The Black Mauritius Beai Journ., Aug., 1898.) Fruit-culture. (Fanners and Fruit-growers' Guide.) Fruit-cultur Journ.) Fruit-tree Pruning at Westbrook Experiment Farm. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U Pulses suitable for Green-crop Manuring. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U Spraying. [See Queensland.— Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 BENSON, Arthur Christopher. Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 10 R 43 Fasti Etonenses : a Biographical History of Eton, selected from the Lives of celebrated Etonians. With Portraits. Svo. Eton, 1899. G 24 V 26 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 57 1NS0N, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury. Tin- Apocalypse: an Introductory Study of the Revela- tion of St. John the Divine : being a presentment of thi Structure of the Book and of the Fundamental Principles of its Interpretation. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ^ G 23 V 30 Vrch bishop Benson in Ireland : a Record of his Sermons and Addresses, 189G. Edited by Rev. J. H. Bernard. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 11 R 39 Cyprian : his Life, his Lond., 1897. Aie of; bv his son, Arthur Christopher Benson. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 17, 18 jife-work of; by Rev. J. A. Carr. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 7 BENSON, G. R, Philosophical Lectures and Remains of ' R L. Nettleship. [See Nettleship, R. L.] G 23 R 2, 3 BENSON, John. Cheese and Cheesemaking. [See Long, J.; " A 1 U 5 BENSON, Margaret, and GOURLAY, Janet, The Temple of Mut in Asher : an Account of the Excava- ti< n of the Temple and of the Religious Representa- tions and Objects found therein, as illustrating the History of Egypt and the main Religious Ideas of the Egyptians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 28 II 11 BENSON, Richard Meux. Life of Father Goreh. [See Goreh, Rev. N. S.] C 27 R 26 BENSL'SAN, Darrell A. Epacris Waltz. 2nd ed. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BENT, Hamley. From Tonkin to India. [See Orleans, Prince H. d\] D 13 V 2 BENT. Theodore, and Mrs. Theodore. Southern Arabia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 R 23 BENT! LAM, Jeremy. [Essay on.] [See Mill, John Stuart.— Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 [Essav on] Bowring's Life of Bentham. [See Mill, John Stuart.— Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy; by E. L. Bulwer Lvlton and J. S. Mill. [See Mill, John Stuart.— Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 BENTLEY, H. L. Cattle Ranges of the South-west. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Report upon the Grasses and Forage Plants of Central Texas. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 BENTLEY, Rev. W. Holman. Pioneering on the Congo. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 P 21, 22 "BENTLEY, Walter." [See Begg, W.] BENTLETS MISCELLANY. Vols. 1-64, 1837-68. 64 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-68. J 27 It 1-U 2 BENTON, Frank. Bee-keeping. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 The Honey Bee. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. —Div. of Entomology.] A 38 Q 20 BENTON, John W. Atlas Sydney, 1898. "BENTZON, Th." [See Blanc, Marie Thcrese.] BEOWULF. Beowulf, herausgegeben von A. Holder. Pts. 1, 2. 3 vols. 12mo. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1895-99. H 13 V 5-7 Tale of Beowulf. Translated by W. Morris and A. J. Wyatt, 12mo. Lond, 1898. H 12 R 16 BERANGER, Pierre Jean de. A Glance at the Life of Beranger; by Arthur Patchett Martin. .(Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Beranger et la Legende Napoleonienne. [See Garsou J.] H 1 U 2 BERDMORE, Septimus. Principles of Cooking. (Internat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 BERDOE, Edward. Browning and the Christian Faith. 18mo. Lond, 1896. C 9 W 10 BERENGARIA OF NAVARRE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 BERENS, Lewis H. Some u [See Singer, Ignatius.] BERENSON, Bernhard. The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance, with an Index to their Works. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 23 P 47 BERESFORD, Rear-Adm. Lord Charles. The Break-up of China ; with an Account of its Present Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Armies, Railways, Politics, and Future Prospects. With Maps. 8vo. Lond, 1899. D 22 P 17 Physical Training at Home. [See Alexander, A.] G 18 Q 48 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Some Remarks on Newfoundland and the Navy. [See Willson, B.— The Tenth Island.] D 16 Q 7 , and WTLSON, H. W. Nelson and his Times. [See Nelson, Adm. H.] C 13 R 17 t BERG, Ernst J. Theory and Calculation of Alternating ' Current Phenomena. [See Steinmetz, C. P.] A 37 R 5 BERG, J. Frederic. Influence of the Septuagint upon the Pessita Psalter. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 25 V 2 BEltGE, J. Stewart. List of Minerals, Walsh and Tinaroo Mining District, North Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1899.) ME 1 T "Public Library of New Smith Wales. BERGEN-MUSEUM. Aarbog for 1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Bergen, 1899. E BERGER, Rev. D. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 8vo. New York, 1894. (Ameri- can Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 19 BERGLIN, Carl Enid. Berglin's Condensed Logarithmic Tables. 32mo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 P 53 BERINGER, C, and J. J. Text-book of Assaying for the use of those connected with Mines. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 R 31 BERJEAU, J. P. The Book-worm. [See Book-worm, The.] J 16 V 1, 2 BERKELEY, George. [Study of.] [See Brooks, Prof. W. K.— Foundations of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 BERKELEY, George, Bishop of Cloyne. Works of. Edited by G. Sampson ; with a Biographical Introduc- tion by the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour. 3 vols 8vo Lond., 1897-98. G 18 P 55-57 BERLIN-KONIGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK. Die Hand- schriften-Verzeichnisse der Kbiiiglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. 21 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1853-97. K 11 U t Sanskrit-Handschriften von A. Weber. Bande 1, 2. Hebrseische Handschriften von M. Steinschneider. Abessinische Handschriften \ Arabische Handschriften vo Armenische Handseliriftcn ■ Persische Handschriften v Tiirkische Handsclirificn v< Lateinische Handschriften von V. Rose. Griechischen Handschriften. Kurzes Verzeichniss der Glaser'schen Sammlung aralii- scher Handschriften ; von W. Ahlwardt. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. K 7 S 45 Kurzes Verzeichniss der Landberg'schen Sammlung ara- bischer Handschriften ; von W. Ahlwardt. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. K 7 S 40 Kurzes Verzeichiss der Sachau'schen Sammlung syrischer Handschriften; von E. Sachau. 8vo. Berlin, 1883. K 7 S 44 Verzeichniss der aus der neu erschienenen Litteratur von der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin erworbenen Druckschriften, 1892-94, 1896-97. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1892-94. Cat. Room Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschu-Tangusi- schen Biicher und I I.mdschriften ; von Dr. W. Schott. 8vo. Berlin, 1840. K 19 R 17 VerzeichnissderZeit-und Vereinsschriften derKoniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, 1892. Imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1892. K11Q9 BERLIN-KONIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS- UNIVERSITAT. Systematische Zusammenstellung der fiir dieselbe bestehenden gesetzlichen statutaris- chen, und reglementniisclien I'cstimmungen. Imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. G 18 S 20 a A. Dillman. a W. Ahlwardt. Bande r on Dr. N. Karamianz. n W. Pertsch. >n W. Pertsch. BERLIN-KONIGLICHES MUSEUM. Aegyptische und Vorderasiatische Alterthumer. Illustrated. Fol. and imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1895. B 47 P 16 + BERLINER GESELLSCHAFT FUR ANTHROPOL- OGIE, ETHNOLOGIE, UND URGESCHICHTE. Verhandlungen, 1870-97. 27 vols. roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1871-97. [Bound with Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie.] E BERNAERT, Maj.-Gen. F. Fastes Militaires des Beiges au Service de la France, 1789-1815. Roy. 8vo Bruxelles, 1898. C 24 S 6 BERNARD, Charles de. Les Ailes dTcare. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1883. J 24 S 9 Un Beau-Pere ; Le Veau d'Or : precede d'une Notice de C. de Bernard, par A. de Paris, 1885- J 24 S 10, 11 J 24 S 3 Paris, 1878. J 24 S 12 2 vols. 12mo. J 24 S 4, 5 J 24 S 1 Pontmartin. New ed. 2 vols. 12i 86. L'Ecueil. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 188 \ Un Homme Serieux. New ed. 12mo. Le Gentilhomme Campagnard. New ed. Paris, 1891. Gerfaut. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1897. Le Noeud Gordien. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1890. J 24 S 6 La Peau du Lion et la Chasse aux Amants. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1888. J 24 S 2 Le Paratonnerre ; La Peine du Talion ; Le Pied d'Ar- gile. Newed. 12mo. Paris, 1886. J 24 S 7 Le Paravent. Newed. 12mo. Paris, 1888. J 24 S 8 BERNARD, Henry M. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum. [See British Museum. —Nat. Hist.] A 18 U 2, 3 t BERNARD, Rev. John H. Archbishop Benson in Ire- land : a Record of his Irish Sermons and Addresses, 1896. [See Benson, E. W., Archbishop.] G 11 R 35 Kant's Kritik of Judgment. [See Kant, I.] G 3 U 28 BERNARD, Matilda. Text-book of the Embryology of Invertebrates. [See Korschelt, Dr. R] A 38 P 19, 20 BERNARDI, G. B. de. [See De Bernardi, G. B.] BERNHARDT, Sara. Sara Bernhardt; by J. Huret ; with a Preface by E. Rostand. Translated by G. A. Raper. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 10 [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A. — The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 BERNIER, Julien. Etude sur les Dialectes Neo-Cale- doniens, Australiens, et autres. 8vo. Noumea, 1899. MJ 3 T 5 Etude sur les Dialectes de la Nouvelle-Calcdonie. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BERN STEIN, Ludwig. The Order of Words in Old Norse Pi ne, with occasional references to the other Germanic Dialects. 8vo. New York (n.d.) J 24 Q 16 BERR EY, R. J. Power-. By-ways of Crime, with some Stories from the Black Museum. Illustrated. 8vo. Lund., 1899. F16S4 BERE IAN, Samuel U. Gi [Set Brown, Goold.] BERE 1 XGTON, A. D., and DAVY, J. S. Report on an in \ -stigation of the Fishing Apprenticeship System. [Se? Gt. Britain and Troland. - -Fishing Apprenticeship System.] F 17 T 26 t BERE i XGTON, Rev. B. J. Guide to the Dutch East Indies. [See Bemmelen, Dr. J. F. van.] D 11 P 38 BEREY, Arthur. Short History of Astronomy. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 Q 12 BEREY, Rev. D. M. The Sister Martyrs of Ku Cheng : Memoirs and Letters of Eleanor and Elizabeth Saun- d ■ • ! s. [See Saunders, Eleanor and Elizabeth.] MG 2 T 1 9 BEREY, G. G. Introduction to the Study of History. [See Langlois, C. V.] G 1 1 U 39 BERK Y, Hon. Graham. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by E. C. Martin. (Once a Month, Sept., 1885.) MJ 1 V 21 BEREY, Rev. J. Labour Colonies in South Australia. (Contemporary Review, May, 1895.) E BEREY, Rev. T. Stirling. Christianity and Buddhism. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 4 V 23 BEREY ESTATE, COOLANGATTA, SHOAL- JIAVEN. Descriptive Account of. Illustrated. Eoy 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MD 8 T 2 BERRY REGISTER and Kangaroo Valley and South Coast Farmer, 1898-99 [April 15th, 1898, missing]. Fol. Berry, 1898-99. ME BERSIER, Dr. Eugene. The Estrangement of young people from Christianity. Translated by Rev. J. E. Rankin. 12mo. New York, 1895. G 9 V 44 BERT, J. Chailley. La Colonisation de lTndo-Chine : 1'Experience anglaise. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) F 13 V 42 BERT, Paul. First Year of Scientific Knowledge. Trans- lated by Mme. Paul Bert, revised and partly re-written by 11. Wormell and M. Lubbock. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 25 P 51 BERTHOLD, Dr. Gottfried. Die Bangiaceen des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 8 t Die Cryptonemiaceen des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoo- logische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 12 t BERTILLON, Alphonse. Signaletic Instructions, includ- ing the theory and practice of Anthropometrical Identification. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1896. F 13 T 19 BERTIN, L. E. Marine Boilers : their Construction and Working, dealing more especially with Tubulous Boilers. Translated and edited by L. S. Robertson ; with a Preface by Sir William White. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 T 15 BERTRAM, Anton. Bush-life in Australia. (Windsor Mag., May, 1899.) E BERTRAM, Charles. Isn't it Wonderful : a History of Magic and Mystery. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 T 30 BERTRAM, James G. The unappreciated Fisher Folk : their Round of Life and Labour. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 BERTRAND, Alfred. The Kingdom of the Barotsi, Upper Zambezia : a Voyage of Exploration in Africa, returning by the Victoria Falls, Matabeleland, the Transvaal, Natal, and the Cape. Translated by A. B. Miall. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 7 BERTRAND, Louis Jacques Napoleon, " Aloisius Bert- rand." [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 BESANT, Annie. The Freethinker's Text-book. Pt. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 2 V 29 The Organization of Society. [See Shaw, G. B. — Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 BESANT, Sir Walter. All Sorts and Conditions of Men. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 25 P 9 Armorel of Lyonesse. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 25 P 8 London Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 40 P 7 The Pen and the Book. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 23 S 9 South London. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 22 S 13 University Settlements. (Reason, W.— University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 Alfred the Great. [See Alfred the Great.] C 20 S 19 The Commune of London, and other Studies. [See Bound, J. H] B 28 T 15 Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 1865-95. [See Palestine Exploration Fund.]" B 28 R 9 Public Library of New South Wales. BESANT, Sir Walter, and POLLOCK, Walter. The Charm, and other Drawing-room Plays. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10W 27 The Case of Mr. Lueraft, New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 P 11 The Chaplain of the Fleet, New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. The Golden Butterfly. New ed. 12i J 25 P 12 Lond., 1895. The Monks of Thelema. New ed. 12mo. Lond.: 1892. J 25 P 15 My Little Girl. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 P 14 The Seamy Side. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1899. J 25 P 17 The Ten Years' Tenant, and other Stories. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 25 P 18 'Tvvas in Trafalgar's Bay, and other Stories. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. " J 25 P 20 This Son of Vulcan. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. With Harp and Cro o Logan. (Vict. Nat., Aug., ME 6 P BEST, D. Notes on a Visit 1 1898.) Scolecobrotus Westwoodii. (Vict. Nat,, Feb., 1898.) ME 6 P BEST, Elsdon. Art of the Whare Pora. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Customs and Superstitions of the Maori. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Rept., 1898.) ME 18 S In Ancient Maoriland : being Notes collected from the Descendants of the Aboriginal People of the Rangi- taiki Valley and the Ure-wera Country, and from the Mataatua Tribes. 8vo. Rotorua, 1896. MA 3 W 20 The Kiore Maori, or Native Rat, (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R Makutu, or .Maori Witchcraft. (American Antiquarian, 1899.) E The Maori and the Moa : Notes on some Moa Bones found in a Mud Spring at Upokongaro, Whanganui. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R Ylaori Mythology. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1899.) ME6R Omens and Superstitious Beliefs of the Maori. (Poly- nesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R TeRehu-o-Tainui. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R Tuhoe Land : Notes on the Origin, History, Customs' and Traditions of the Tuhoe or Urewera Tribe. (N.Z- Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Waikare-Moana, the Sea of the Rippling Waters; the Lake, the Land, the Legends, with a Tramp through Tuhoe Land. [See New Zealand. — Lands and Survey.] MD 3 S 4 BEST, Hon. R, W. New Zealand through Victorian: Spectacles. (Review of Reviews, June, 1 899.) ME 6 U \ BEST METHOD OF COOPERATION. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MF 3 Q 47 BEST PLAYS OF THE OLD DRAMATISTS. The Relapse ; The Provok'd Wife ; The Confederacy ; and A Journey to London. [See Vanbrugh, (Sir J. ] H 1 1 Q 2 BETAGH, William. Voyage round the World: being an Account of a remarkable enterprise begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean, relating to true historical facts of that < whole affair. 12mo. Lond., 1728. D 20 S 19 BETCHE, Ernest. New Myoporum from South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S Four new species of New South Wales Plants. [See '} Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.] ME 2 P • New species of Macadamia, together with Notes on two Plants new to the Colony [of New South Wales]. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.] ME 2 P Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897-99.] ME 2 P Sterculia ( HritcIn/rliiUm j luridu and discolor. [See Lin- nean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Three new species of Australian Plants. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.] ME 2 P j BETHAM-ED WARDS, Matilda. [See Edwards, Matilda Betham-.] BETHNAL GREEN MUSEUM. Catalogue of a Collec- tion of Continental Porcelain, lent and described by Sir A. W. Franks. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 40 R 20 BETHUNE, A. B. Is Manitoba right 1 A question of Ethics, Politics, Facts, and Law: a complete Histori- cal and Controversial Review of the Manitoba School Question. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1896. G 17 T 21 BETHUNE, C. C. Song of the Rhine. [Music only] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t BEVAN, E. J. Report on Indian Fibres and Fibrous Substances. [See Cross, C. F.] A 25 T 8 BEVAN, Theodore F. Discovery of the Aird and Purari Rivers. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P Gold Rush to British New Guinea. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P BEVAN, Dr. Wilson Lloyd. Sir William Petty : a Study in English Economic Literature. (American Economic Assoc) F 4 V 19 BEVIER, Isabel. Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-96. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult, —Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BEVl'Li, Frederick E., "A Citizen." Female Suffrage Movement: its Claims, Objects and Consequences. 8v... Sydney, 1890. MF 5 Q 11 Female Suffrage Movement : a Rejoinder to " A Citizen who has no vote." 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 5 Q 11 BEWES, Wyndham Anstis. Copyright, Patents, Designs, Trade-marks, Ac. : a Manual of Practical Law. 8vo. Loud., 1891. F15R8 BEYLE, Marie Henri, "Stendhal." Journal de, 1801-14, publieparC. Stryienski et F. de Nion. With Por- trait. 12mo. Paris, 1888. C 19 P 24 Napoleon; Ue LTtalie ; Voyage a Brunswick; De l'Angleterre ; Les Pensees ; Commentaires sur Mo- liero; Notes et Introduction par Jean de Mitty. With Portraits. 12mo. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 21 [Skeu-h of.] [See Hapgood, N. — Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 2G BEYNON, Lieut. William George Lawrence. With Kelly to ( 'Intra!. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 V 24 BEZA. Theodore. Theodore Beza, the Counsellor of the French Reformation, 1519-1605 ; by Prof. H. M. Baird. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Heroes of the Reformation.) C 26 Q 16 Biblia Sacra. [See Bibles and Testaments G 9 tin.] 1 9 U 30 BEZOLD, C. Catalogue of Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 8 S 11-14 \ BT-M ETALLIC LE AG UE. Statement by the Bi-metallic League on the resolution passed l>v the House of Com- mons, 17th March, 1896. 4to. Lond., 1896. MF 3 R 12 BI-METALLIC LEAGUE op NEW SOUTH WALES. What Bimetallism means for Australians and Aus- tralia. With Portraits. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 5 Q 9 BI-METALLIC QUESTION, The. Deputation to the Most Noble the ilanjuis of Salisbury, to the Rt. Hon. G. J. Goschen, and to the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 13 R 19 BIAG1, Dr. Guido. Last Days of Percy Bysshe Shelley. [See Shelley, P. B.] C 33 T 15 BIANCO, Dr. Salvatore Le. Methods employed at the Naples Zoological Station for the Preservation of Marine Animals. [See United States.— National Mu- seum.] A 46 S 19 BIBELOT, The : a Reprint of Poetry and Prose for Book- lovers, chosen in part from scarce editions and sources not generally known. Vols. 1-5, 1895-99. 5 vols, sw. 4to. Portland, 1895-99. E BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. Apocrypha. The Apocrypha, translated out of the Greek and Latin tongues; being the version set forth a.d. 1611, compared with the best ancient authorities and revised a.d. 1894. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. G 1 R 38 Apocrypha Sinaitica. Edited and translated into English by Margaret Dunlop Gibson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Studia Sinaitica.) G 25 V 10 The Book of Enoch the Prophet. Translated by Arch- bishop R. Laurence. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 1 U 38 The Book of Tobit : a Chaldee Text from a unique MS. in the Bodleian Library, with other Rabbinical Texta, English Translations, and the Itala. Edited by A. Neubauor. 12mo. Oxford, 1878. G 25 S 11 The Book of Wisdom : the Greek Text, the Latin Vul- gate, and the Authorised English Version ; with an Introduction, Critical Apparatus, and a Commentary, by W. J. Deane. Sm. 4 to. Oxford, 1881. G 25 R 3 Codices. Codex Bez» Cantabrigiensis qvattvor Evan- gelia et Actvs Apostolorvm complectens Greece et Latine svmptibvs Academiie phototvpiee repraesen- tatvs. 2 vols. 4to. Cantabrigise, 1899. G21P2, 3f The Teaching of the Apostles ; newly edited, with fac- simile Text and a Commentary, by J. R. Harris. 4to. Lond., 1887. G 23 V 29 Dieri. Testamenta Marra. 8vo. Tanunda, 1897. Duke of York Island. A Umana Papait kai ra Umana Apositolo. 12mo. Brisk, 1886. MG 2 T 41 Ebon. New Testament : Ak Kalimur Ekal an ar Iroij im dri Lomor Jisos Kraist. Svo. New York. 1885. MG 2U 5 English. The Apocalypse of St. John done into modern English. With Explanatory Notes and Translations from the Septuagint. Svo. Lond., 1891 -G 23 S 19 The Art Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 23 U 42 Book of Ayub, known in the West as Job. Translated by R. Sadler. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) G 23 R 23 The Parallel Bible : the Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues. Roy. Svo. Oxford, 1885. G 23 V 31 Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments : a new English Translation, with Explanatory Notes and Pictorial Illustrations, prepared by eminent Biblical Scholars of Europe and of America, and edited, with the assistance of H. H. Furness, by P. Haupt. Pts. 3, C, 7, 10, 12, 14. 6 vols. rov. Svo. Lond., 1898-99. (The Polychrome Bible.) G 23 U 3, G, 7, 10, 12, 14 3. Leviticus ; by S. R. Driver and H. A. White. 0. Joshua; by Rev. W. H. Bennett. 7. Judges ; by Rev. CI. F. Moore. 10. Isaiah ; by Rev. T. K. Cheyne. 12. Ezekiel : by Rev. C. H. Toy. 14. Psalms ; by Rev. J. WeUhausen. The Whole Book of Psalms ; collected into English metre by T. Sternhold. 12mo. Lond., 1683. G 9 U 30 Public Library of New South Wales. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS— «mfcf. Epi Mataiu : Gospel of St. Matthew in the Baki language, Epi, New Hebrides. 12mo. Bond., 1892. MG 2 T 33 Eromanga. Matiyu: Ku Nam Navosavos u<*i Tesu Kristo. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MG 2 T 37 Fy l\ , Ai V °, la Tabu ' a ^ a e tu Kina na Veiyalayalati Makawa kei na Veiyalayalati Vou : Sa Laveti ki na Vosa VaTra-Viti vei ira nai Talatala Wesiliana. 8vo Lodoni, 1893. MG 2 V 5 Gilbert Islands. Te Nu Tetemanti, ae ana Taeka ara Uea ao ara Tia Kamaiu are Iesu Kristo ae Kaetaki man Taetaen Erene. 12mo. Nu Iaoki, 1892. MG 2 T 34 Greek. Bibliorum Sacrorum Grsecus Codex Vaticanus auspp. Pio IX Leone XIII Pontt. Maxx. collatis studiis Caroh Vercellone Iosephi Cozza Caietani Sergio cum prolegomenis commentariis et tabulis Henrici Canonici labiam et Iosephi Cozza editus. 6 vols. 4to. Roma; 1869 ~ 8L G 6 U 7-12 } Fragments of the Books of Kings, according to the translation of Aquila. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press by E. Crawford Burkitt, with a Preface by C. T^lor. 4to. Camb., 1897. G 13 X 14 t The New Testament in the original Greek ; with Intro- duction and Appendix by B. F. Westcott and F. J. A Hort. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1882-90. G 2 U 22, 23 Hawaii. Ke Kauoha Hou a ko Kakou Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, i Unuhia mai ka Olelo Helene ; a ua Hooponopono hou ia. 18mo. Nu Yoka, 1871. MG 2 T 29 Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica ad optimas editiones imprimis Everardi Van der Hooght accurate recensa et expressa ■ curavit Argumentique notationem et Indices nee non clavem Masorethicam addidit K. G. W. Theile 8vo Lipsise, 1895. G 24 V 30 Malaki my Angel: the last Book of the Hebrew Canon Translated by R. Sadler. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 S 10 Hexaglot. The Hexaglot Bible: comprising the Hol V Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the original tongues, together with the Septuagint, the Syriac_ (of the New Testament) the Vulgate, the authorised English and German, and the most approved French versions, arranged in parallel columns. Edited by Rev. E. R. De Levante. 6 vols. 4to. Lond., 1874- 76 - G 18 U 24-29 t Italian. La Sacra Bibbia, che contiene il Vecchio e il Nuovo Testamento; tradotta in Lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati. 18mo. Londra, 1850. G 9 U 29 Kusaie. Mwo Sasu lun Jisus Kraist leum las, ma Mattu el sim. 12mo. New York, 1871. MG 2 T 35 Latin. Biblia Sacra, sive Testamentvm Vetvs ab Im Tremellio et Fr. Ivnio ex Hebra30 Latine redditum, et lestamentvm Nowm a Theod. Beza e Graco in Latinum versum. 12mo. Londini, 1680. G 9 U 30 Ma ^ ri -^°, Te Kawe » ata Hou a To Tatou ariki ate Kai Whakaora a Ihu Karaiti he mea Whakamaori mai no te Reo Kariki. 8vo. Lond, 1887. MG 2 V 3 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS-™^. Nengone. Ekone jeu Kabesi ni Dokuj Iesu Keriso, hna ureie wene ri Pene Eleni jeu' o re Pene Nengone. 8vo. Lonedon, 1870. MG 2 V 1 New Britain. A Buk Tabu Kalamana ure to Iesu Kansito. 12mo. Parramatta, 1892. MG 2 T 40 New Guinea. Buka Ovariave, Fara, Toaripi Uri Beri- tam Mavotoai. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 T 50 Iesu Keriso ena Evanelia Mareko ie Urivatai suau Ari- nadi se Heaheasoniei. 12mo. Sydney, 1885. MG 2 T 38 Revareva Helaga. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MG 2 R 57 Taravatu Matamata Iesu Keriso Ena, ita eda Lohiabada Bunai ita Ihamaurida. 1 2mo. Lond. ,1891.MG2T44 New Hebrides. Genesis go Namagovai vea ni Exodos pae Nguna, New Hebrides. 12mo. Dunedin, 1892. MG 2 T 45 The Gospels according to Mark and Luke, together with the Acts of the Apostles and the first Epistle of John, translated out of the Greek into the language of N^una, New Hebrides. 12mo. Dunedin, 1892, MG 2 & T 43 The Gospels according to Matthew and John, translated I out of the Greek into the language of Nguna, New Hebrides. 12mo. Lond., 1882. MG 2 T 39 Intas-Etipud mat Iesu.Kristu, Natimarid Uja, im Natimi Imyiatamaig Caija. 8vo. Luntun, 1863. MG 2 V 4 Niue. Ko e Kenese ko e Tobj Fakamua a mose, Katoa f^o Tohi ne ua Aki Ko e Esot «- 12™. Lond., 18/3. MG 2 T 32 Ko e Tau Tohi Tapu Ko e Maga he Maveheaga Tuai mo e Maveheaga fou Katoa kua Liliu ke he Va^ahau Niue. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MG 2 V 2 Panaieti. Iesu Keriso Wasana Waiwaisana Mareko VVana WawasiJi Pana Panaieti : the Gospel according to St. Mark, translated into the language of Panaieti, British New Guinea. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MG 2 T 42 Rarotonga. Iesu Keriso Vasana : Evanelia Mareko ie Urivatai. . Suau Arinadi se Heaheasoniei. 12mo Sydney, 1895. j.jq 2 T 47 Shorthand. The Book of Psalms; written in full style by W. Stevens. Pt. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 23 S 35 The New Testament : Authorised Version ; written in Ortlnc Shorthand by W. Stevens. 8vo. Lond., 1896 G 23 S 34 Tahiti. Te Bibilia Mo a Ra, oia te Faufaa Tahito e te I'aufaa api ra, iritihia ei Parau Tahiti. 12mo Oke- fora, 1884. MG 2 T 3Q Wedau. Ata Bada Iesu Keriso ana Evanelia Luka i Teretereia Riwa mai Wedau : the Gospel according to St. Luke translated into the language of Wedau, British New Guinea. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 R 60 BIBLIOGRAPHER, The. [See Book-lore.] BIBLIOGRAPHICA. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols, roy 8vo Lond., 1895-97. j 13 £' 2 _ 4 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BIBLIOPHILE AMEBTCAIN: Catalogue de Livrcs, Cartes, et Documents relatifs a l'Europe, Asie, Af.ijue, Amerique, Oceania Nos. 2-20, Mai, 1889- Feviier, 1897. 8vo. Paris, 1889-97. Cat. Boom « BIBJ . 1 1 )PHILE JULIEN, Le." [See Bachelin, A.] BICKKltSTETH, Edward, Bishop of Tokyo. Life and Letters of; by Rev. S. Bickersteth. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1899. C 26 S 11 BICKTORD-SMITH, R. A. H. [See Smith, R. A. H. KY, A. C. Bibliographical Notes. [See Gentle- i's Magazine Library.] J 12 V 33 !-]LL, A. C. Travel and Adventure in Northern ■msland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MD 7 R 53 KLL, Anna L. Life in the Tuileries under the md Empire. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 34 T 9 lory of Marie Antoinette. With Portraits. 8vo. id., 1897. B 17 R 19 H, Ai )t lion v J. Drexel. The Madeira Islands. strajed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 33 Q 13, 14 bick: Qv. BICK? The ; BIDD!. y lib BIDDILPIT, Col. John. The 19th and their Times: being an Account of the four Cavalry Regiments in the British Army that have borne the number 19, and of the Campaigns in which they served. Illustrated. 8vo Lond., 1899. B 41 P 6 BIDWELL, Shelford, F.R.S. Curiosities of Light and Sight. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1899. A 41 Q 27 BIEDi'.UMAXN, Prof. W. Electro-Physiology; [with Bibliography.] Vols. 1, 2. Translated by Frances A. Welby. 2 vols 8vo. Lond, 189G. A 30 Q 24, 25 TADT, Oscar A, and PUTNAM, Ruth. History t lie People of the Netherlands. [See Blok, Prof. P. B 28 T 10 ■ )W, Prof. Frank Ha: irand Terrestrial Magnetisn •c(,roloirv. [See United Stat. Weather Bureau.] Abs: ■act of a'Repori their relation -Dept. of Agric »n a New Method for the Discussion of Magnetic rvations. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. eather Bureau.] A 37 S 35 , Storm Tracks, and Weather Forecasting. [See ;ed States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Weather Bureau.] A 36 V 20 BIGELOW, John. York, 1897. Life of Samuel J. Tilden. [See Tilden, S. J.] C 22 Q 15, 16 William Cullen Bryant. [See Bryant, W. C] C 27 P 11 Writings and Speeches of Samuel L. Tilden. [See Tilden, S. J.] F 10 S 32, 33 BIGELOW, Poultney. History of the German Struggle for Liberty. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1896. B 16 T 12, 13 White Man's Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 37 V 11 BIGG, Rev. Charles. Neoplatonism. 12i (Chief Ancient Philosophies.) BIGGIN, Frederick Child. Moder Masonry. [See Siebert, J. S.] BIGGS, Leonard Vivia William Frederick.] Lond, 1895. G 26 P7 [See Pun BIGHAM, Clive. A Ride through "Western Asia. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond, 1897. D 16 T 17 With the Turkish Army in Thessaly. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1895. B 34 R 13 BILLING, Dr. Archibald, F.R.S. Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1867. A 35 T 6 BILLINGS, E. R, Tobacco : its History, Varieties, Cul- ture, Manufacture, and Commerce. Illustrated. 8vo. Hartford, 1875. A 40 U 14 BILLINGS, Dr. John S. Medical Statistics. (Allbuti, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 BINDLEY, T. Herbert. Oecumenical Documents of the Faith : the Creed of Nicsea, three Epistles of Cyril, the Tomb of Leo, the Chalcedonian Definition. 8vo. Lond, 1899. G 24 Q 32 BINDLOSS, Harold. In the Niger Country. With Maps. 8vo. Edinb, 1898. D 22 P 11 BINET, Alfred. Alteratioi Helen Green Baldwin. The Psychic Life of Mic perimental Psychology. 8vo. Lond, 1889. ' of Personality. Translated by vo. Lond, 1896. G 12 V 31 i-Organisms: a Study in Ex- Translated by T McCormack. A 41 Q8 Psychology of Reasoning, based on Experimental Re- searches in Hypnotism. Translated from the 2nd French ed. by A. G. Whyte. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. G 24 P 30 BINGERA TELEGRAPH, Aug, 1897-Dec, 1898. Fol Bingera, 1897-98. ME Tublic Library of Neio South Wales. BINGHAM, Capt. the Hon. D. Recollections of Paris 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 34 R 5, 6 BINGLEY, Alfred Horsford. Notes on the Warlike Races of India and the Frontiers. [See Bremner, F. — Types of the Indian Army.] A 21 P 1 f BINNEY, Rev. Thomas. The Dissenters and the Papal Bull. 8vo. Sydney, 1850. MG 2 T 21 BINNS, Charles F. Ceramic Technology : being some As- pects of Technical Science as applied to Pottery Manu- facture. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 45 U 2 Manual of Practical Potting. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. ( n - d ) A 45 U 7 The Story of the Potter : being a popular Account of the Rise and Progress of the principal Manufactures of Pottery and Porcelain in all parts of the World, '"i some description of modern practical working. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1898. BINNS, Rev. Frederick. Congregational Endeavour three Centuries ago. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MG 1 P 88 BINSTED, W. H. Song : Yachting. Sm. fol. Sydney ( n -d-) MA 13 P 6 t BINYON, Laurence. Porphyrion, and other Poems 8vo Lond., 1898. H 11 R 23 Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin working in Great Britain, preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] a"i9 R 1 f Dutch Etchers of the 17th Century. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 21.] E John Crome and John Sell Cotman. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 32.] E [Verses by.] [See Garland of New Poetry.] H 12 Q 15 BIOLETTI, F. T. Causes of Bloating and Frogging in Prunes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R BIOLOGICAL LECTURES, delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Holl in the Summer ii of 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1894. A 27 T 13 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Pro- ceedings. Vol. 1, Nov., 1880-May, 1882. [See Smithsonian Inst.— Miscellaneous Collection, 25.] E BIOLOGISCHES CENTRALBLATT. Bande 1-19. 19 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881-99. E BION. [Opera.] [See Poet* Gneci.] H 17 U 12 t BIOT, Jean Baptist*. Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie Physique. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11. A 19 S 9-11 BIRCH, Ernest E. H. Rouse's Practical Man. [See Rouse, It.] F 15 P 47 BIRCH, George Henry. London Churches of the 1 7th and 18th Centuries: a Selection of the most remarkable Ecclesiastical Buildings, including St. Paul's Cathedral, erected within and around the ancient city walls be- tween the years 1630 and 1730. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 21 P 20 I BIRCH, Samuel. Egyptian Texts of the Earliest Period from the Coffin of Amamu in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 46 P 9 J Salaminia (Cyprus). [See Cesnola, A. P. di.] B 15 S 16 Views on the Nile. [See Jones, O.] D 31 It 21 + BIRCH, Walter do Gray. Catalogue of Seals in the De- partment of MSS. in the British Museum. r See British Museum. I K 1 1 Q 20-24 151 RD, George W. Wanderings in Bu Roy. 8vo. Bournemouth, 1897. BIRD, Robert. Joseph the Dreamt I Uustrated. D 20 U 23 Lond., 1895. G 1 U 30 BIRD, Robert. Cockieleerie Law. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F13R25 BIRD, S. R. Scargill-. Guide to the Principal Classes of Documents preserved in Public Record Office. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office.] K 11 R 25 BIRD, Rev. T. F. The Basis of National Prosperity. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q BIRE, Eclmond. Diary of a Citizen of Paris during the Terror. Translated by John de Villiers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 20, 21 BIRKENHEAD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cata- logue of the Central Lending Library, including some of the more important works contained in the Refer- ence Library. 8vo. Birkenhead, 1898. K 12 V 22 BIRKMIRE, William H. Architectural Iron and Steel, and its application in the Construction of Buildings ; with Specification of Ironwork, and selected papers in relation to Ironwork, from a revision of the present law before the Legislature affecting public interests in the city of New York, in so far as the same regulates the Construction of Buildings in the said city. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 19 U 11 Skeleton Construction in Buildings ; with numerous Practical Illustrations of High Buildings. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 25 U 27 BIRMINGHAM FREE LIBRARIES. Catalogue of the Central Lending Department, Radcliffe Place. New ed. Sm. 4to. Birm., 1894. Cat. Room Supplemental Catalogue — 1896-1900. BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY. The Tangye Collection of Old Wedgwood, with a Sketch of Wedgwood's Life and Labours and a Chap- iron the Marks used at Etruria; by F. Rathbone. Svo. Loud., 1885. K 19 R 20 KIR:! ELL, Augustine. The Duties and Liabilities of !' ustees. 8vo. Loud., 1896. F 4 U 27 Four Lectures on the Law home and abroad. 12mo. Obiter Dicta. 1st and 2nd s 1896-98. Res Judicata;: Papers and Essays. 12i ployers' Liability at ., 1897. F 13 V 21 vols. 12nio. Lond., J 11 U 30, 31 .Sir Frank Lock wood : a Biographical Sketch. [See Lock wood, Sir F.] C 23 T 6 BISCKOF, Prof. Gustav. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T 1-3 BISHOP, George. Lucerne-growing and Hay-making. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) " " ME 9 R BISHOP, Rev. Henry Halsall. Pictorial Architecture of the British Isles. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 P 10 f Pictorial Architecture of France. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A21P9f Pi'-torial Architecture of Greece and Italy. 2nd ed. ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890.. A 21 P 8 t BISHOP, Isabella L. [Mrs. J. F.J (Isabella L. Bird.) Korea and her Neighbours : a Narrative of Travel, with an Account of the recent vicissitudes and present position of the country. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 17 S 26, 27 The Yangtze Valley and beyond: an Account of Journeys in China, chiefly in the Province of Sze Chuan and among the Man-tze of the Somo Territory. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. D 22 S 2 BISHOP, William Henry. Mexico, California, and Ari- zona : being a new and revised ed. of " Old Mexico and her Lost Provinces." Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1888. D 21 S 3 131 s ! .AN D, Elizabeth. Old Greenwich. (Goodwin, M. W. - Historic New York.) B 19 R G BISMARCK, Otto Edward Leopold, Prince von. Bismarck : some Secret Pages of his History : being a Diary kept by Dr. M. Busch during tweny-five years' official and private intercourse with' the Great Chancellor. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 189S. C 25 P 15-17 Bismarck: the Man and the Statesman: being the lieflections and Reminiscences of Otto, Prince von ' Bismarck, written and dictated by himself after his retirement from office. Translated under the super- vision of A. J. Butler. With Portraits. 2 vols. Svo. Lond, 1898, C 25 R 11, 12 BISMARCK, Otto Edward, Leopold, Prince von.— contd. Bismarck at Home ; by Jules Hoche. Translated by Therese Batbedat. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S99.' C 24 T 23 Bismarck's Table Talk. Edit. C. Lowe. C 20 T 4 Prince Bismarck : an Historical Biography: by C.Lowe'. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1898. " C 19 T 19 Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire. [See Headlam, J. W.] B 30 Q 25 Conversations with. [See Poschinger, H. von.] C 27 R 22 [Sketch of.] [See Pearson, Dr. C. H.— Reviews and Critical Essays.] J 14 U 20 BISSCHOP, Christopher. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t BITTING, Prof. A. W. Exercises in Equine Surgery. [See Cadiot, Prof. P. J.J A 40 U 18 BITTNER, Dr. Maximilian. Die topographischen Capitel des Indischen Seespiegels Mohit. [See Seidi 'Ali ben Hosein Katib i Rumi.] D 12 X 17 t BJORLING, Philip R. Pumps and Pump Motors. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 13 W 15, 16 f Whittaker's Media Lond., 1898. cal Engineer's Pocket-book. 12m. A 33 R 2 BJORNSON, Bjornstjerne. Arne and the Fisher Lassie. Translated by W. Low. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 24 U 31 In God's Way. Translated by Elizabeth Carmichael ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. Svo. Lond, 1894. J 23 U 4 The Heritage of the Kurts. Translated by C. Fairfax ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. Svo. Lond., 1892. J 23 U 3 Henrik Ibsen : Bjornstjerne Bjornson : Critical Studies. [See Brandes, G.] J 4 V 13 [Sketch of.] [See Hansson, Laura Marholm.— We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 BLACHFORD, Frederic, Baron. Letters of Frederic, Lord Blachford, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1860-71. Edited by George Eden Marindin. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 25 BLACK, Adam and Charles. Black's Guide to Glasgow and its Environs, including Paisley, Dumbarton and Greenock, Bothwell, Hamilton and'Fallsof Clyde, Ayr and Land of Burns. Firth of Clyde, Helensburgh, Gareloch, Lochs Long and Goil, Arran, Dunoon, Rothesay and Kyles of Bute. 17th ed. Illustrated 8vo, Lond., 1896, P 11 Q 11 JPublic Library of New South Wales. BLACK, Dr. G. V. Abrasion and Erosion of the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Dental Caries. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Descriptive Anatomy of the Human Teeth. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 32 S 27 Diseases of the Peridental Membrane. ( Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 General Pathology. ("Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Pathology of the Dental Pulp. (Litch, Dr. W. F. American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Compendium of Dentistry for the use of Students and Practitioners. [See Parreidt, J.] A 32 S 24 BLACK, George Ashton. History of Municipal Ownership of Land on Manhattan Island to the beginning of Sales by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund in 1844. 8vo. New York, 1889. F 18 R 9 BLACK, Hugh. Friendship. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 36 BLACK, Isobel Sarah. [See Gill, Isobel Sarah.] BLACK, James Gow. Lectu try. [See New Zealand. - ss on Agricultural Chemis- Agricult.] MA 3 R 78 BLACK, John. Authentic Narrative of the Mutiny on board the ship Lady Shore, with particulars of a Journey through part of Brazil. 12mo. Ipswich, 1798. B 32 R 9 BLACK, John Sutherland. Encyclopaedia Biblica. [See Encyclopaedia Biblica.] G 23 V 23 Sketches from Eastern History. [See Noldeke, Prof. T.] B 12 U 36 BLACK, Joseph. Portrait — Gases of the Atmospta [See Ramsay, Prof. W. ] A 19 S 19 BLACK, Margaret Moyes. [Life of] Robert Louis Steven- son. [See Stevenson, R. L.] C 20 V 12 BLACK, Capt. W. M. The United States Public Works ; containing a Summary of the Methods of Construction and Character of Materials and Plant used in the Public AVorks under the charge of the War and Treasury Departments, and of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia; also, Laws, Regulations, and Forms prescribed for the conduct of such Works. Ob. roy. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 8 R 33 t BLACK, William. Briseis. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 P 22 A Daughter of Heth. New ed. With Portrait. 12mo Lond., 1892. J 25 P 23 The Handsome Humes. New ed. 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 24 Highland Cousins. New ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 25 Kilmeny. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 V 32 MacLeod of Dare. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 26 BLACK, William— contd. A Princess of Thule. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 27 Shandon Bells. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 25 P 29 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. New ed. 12mo Lond., 1892. J 25 P 28 White Heather. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 5 Wild Eelin. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 P 30 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 BLACK, Dr. William. Narrative of Cruises in the Medi- terranean in H.M.S. Eurijaliis and Chanticleer (luring the Greek War of Independence (1822-26); with an Appendix of the Climate, and Meteorological and Notological Tables. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. D 22 P 23 BLACK AND WHITE. Vols. 1-19, 1891-June, 1900. 19 vols. fol. Lond., 1891-1900. E Pictures for '98 from the Royal Academy and New Gallery. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E BLACKADER, Dr. A. D. Diseases of the Mouth and Salivary Glands, including Mumps. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 BLACKBURN, Helen. Hand-book for Women engaged in Social and Political Work. New ed. 8vo. Bristol, 1895. F 15 P 22 BLACKBURN, Henry. Academy Notes. [See Academy Notes.] E BLACKBURN, Rev. T. Australian Coleoptera. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1900.) ME 1 S Coleoptera of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. B. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with Descrip- tions of new Genera and Species. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S New Genera and Species of Australian Coleoptera. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1896-99.) ME 1 S New Genera and Species of Australian Coleoptera. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P Revision of the genus Paropsis. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896-99.) ME 2 P BLACKBURN, Vernon. [See Steevens, G. W.] I'm. Capetown t Ladvsmith. B37P 16 BLACKBURNE, Joseph Henry. Mr. Blackburne's Games at Chess ; selected, annotated, and arranged by him- self. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch and a brief History of Blindfold Chess, by P. A. Graham. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 40 V 13 BLACKETT, John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 113.) E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BLA< IvETT, John George. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. t.; Civil Engineers, Proc, 83.) E BLA< ' ! :iE, Prof. John Stuart. Selected Poems of. Edited, v ii h an Appreciation, by Archibald Stodart Walker. Svo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 3 Ho. nor and the Iliad. [See Homerus.] H 12 T 19-22 BLA< : ICMAN, Prof. William Fremont. Making of Hawaii : a Study in Social Evolution. 8vo. New York, 1899. BLA( ' KM All, Prof. Frank Wilson. Spanish Institutions of the South-west. [See Johns Hopkins University. Si idies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 10 BLAOKMORE, Edwin Gordon. A (Lehmann, R. C— Rowing.) BLACKMORE, J C. Report on F Now Zealand. — Agricult.] BLAOKMORE, Richard Doddridge. Newed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) Cripps, the Carrier. New ed. 12mo Rowing. A 40 Q 4 -owing. [See MA 3 a 81 Lond. (n.d.) 44th ed. With Portrait. 12m vo. Lond., 1894. New ed. Illustrated. 5 P32 Lond. BLACKSTONE, Syh BLACKWELL, Dr. Elizabeth. [See Pratt, Edwin A.— Pion len Doctors. n Victoria's C 23 Q 19 BLACKWOOD, Sir Frederick Temple, .Marquess of Duf- fcrin and Ava. [See Dufferin and Ava, Marquess of.] BLACKWOOD, John. Annals of a Publishing House: .John Blackwood; by his daughter, Mrs. G. Porter: h-ing the 3rd vol. of "William Blackwood and his Sons: their Magazine and Friends." With Portrait. Svo. Edinb., 1898. • C 25 T 3 BLA ( " KW( )0 1 ), Sir Stevenson Arthur. Soi the Life of. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ■ R.M BLACKWOOD, William. William Blackwood and his Sons: their .Magazine and Friends; bv Mrs. Oliphant, With Portrait. 3vols.8vo. Edinb., 1897-98. C 25 T 1-3 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Vols. 1- 167, April, 1817-June, 1900, and Index to vols. 1-50. 168 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1817-1900. E Tales from Blackwood. Vol. 1, 1st ser.- vol. 6, 3rd ser. 30 vols. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 26 P 8-37 BLADEN, Frank Murcott. The Government Printing Office, New South Wales, 1894. Sm. 4 to. Sydney, 1894. MB 3 Q 3 Historical Records of New South Wales. [See New South Wales.— Historical Records.] MB 2 T 20-26 BLAGDEN, Charles Otto. Malay Magic. [See Skeat, W. W.] G 24 V 25 erary of Prince Charles nding in Scotland, July, tember, 1746. Compiled [See Scottish Hist. Soc. BLAIKIE, Walter Big-ai Edward Stuart, fron 1745, to his departure from the Lyon in Moi Pubs., 23.] BLAIKIE, Rev. William Garden*. Preachers of Scotland from the 6th to 19th Century. 8vo. Edinb., 1888. (Cunningham Lectures.) G 25 T 10 [Life of] Thomas Chalmers. [See Chalmers, T.] C 20 T 1 5 Memoir of David Brown. [See Brown, Prof. D.] C 23 U 9 BLAINE, Jai [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 The Last of the Popes. (MelV)ourno ME18Q BLAIR, David. Review, 3.) The Romance of an Review, 2.) [Sketch of] Hon. D. G: 1886.] . ivu) i v [Sketch of] Rev. J. D. Lang. [See Once a Month, J: 1886.] " MJ 1 V [See One BLAIR, M. C. The Nurse's Ha Worsnop, E. M.] BLAIR, W. N. Cold Lakes of Ne' Geograph. Mag., Nov., 1897.) 1-book of Cookery. [See A 23 P 39 BLAIR, William Newsham. [Obituary Notice c of Civil Engineers, Proc, 107.) BLAKE, Rev. A. H. Photography: being Sin tors for Beginners on the Art and Practi tography. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 18 Ser.) Zealand. (Scottish E (Inst. pie Chap- ce of Pho- )8. (Oral A 41 Q 3 BLAKE, Augusto Victorino Alvt ario Bibliographico Brazileii Biode .Janeiro, 18X3. •Sacramento. Diccion- Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. C 24 S 7 BLAKE, Edward. The Liberal Party and the Tariff. Svo. Toronto, 1886. F 17 P 3 Mortimer. Method of Indeti 1 Exponents applied to Differ New York, 1893. minate Co- itial Fqua- A 44 S 14 AKE, H. P. Improved Facilities for the Capture, Economic Transmission, and Distribution of Sea Fishes. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib. —Fisheries Litera- ture.) A 34 R 10 Publjc Library of New South Wales. BLAKE, J. IT. Geology of the Country around East Dereham. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 23 Geology of the Country between and south of Bury St. Edmunds and Newmarket. [Sec Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 14 Geology of the Country near Yarmouth and Lowestoft. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 30 BLAKE, J. P. First Lessons in Modern Geology. [See Green, Prof. A. H.] A 24 P 24 BLAKE, K. Jex-. The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art, [See Plinius.] A 25 U 29 BLAKE, Adm. Robert. Admiral and General at Sea; by H. Dixon. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C 26 U 1 [Portrait and Sketch of] : liv Cant. ,M. Burrows. (Laugh- ton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 BLAKE, Dr. Sophia Jex-. Pioneer Women Doctors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer AVomen in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BLAKE, Rev. Thomas William Jex-. School Mu (Internaf. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 BLAKE, William. Seventeen Designs to Thornton's Virgil, reproduced from the original Woodcuts, 1821. Roy. 8vo. Portland, 1899. ' A 45 V 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, &c] J 1 R 51 Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 [Life of.] [See Portfolio.— -Monographs, 22.] E Trial of, for Sedition. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 BLAKEMORE, G. H. Metallurgical Methods in use at Broken Hill. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Refining of base Lead Bullion containing Silver and high in Gold. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P BLAKENEY, Robert. A Boy in the Peninsular War : the Services, Adventures, and Experiences of Robert Blakeney. Edited by J. Sturgis. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 34 R 19 BLAKEY, Prof. Robert. History of the Philosophy of Mind. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850. G 3 R 22-25 BLAKHAL, Gilbert. Breiffe Narration of the Services done to three Noble Ladves. [Sec Spalding Club Pubs.] B40R11 BLAKSTON, W. A., SWAYSLAND, W., and WIENER, August F. Illustrated Book of Canaries, Cage-birds, British and Foreign. 4to. Lond., 1880. A. 10 X 11 t BLANC, Charles. Grammaire des Arts Decoratifs : Decoration Intcrieure de la Maison. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1886. A 17 S 19 t BLANC, Marie Therese [Mme.], "Th. Bentzon." The Condition of Woman in the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 4 TJ 24 Mme. Blanc Bentzon as a Romance Writer. [See. Bury, ' Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 BLANC, Max le. [See Le Blanc, M.] BLANCHARD, Mrs. E. L. Emigration. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BLANCHE DE NAVARRE. Life and Times of. [See Beanie, Catherine. — Lives and Times of the Early Valois Queens.] B 26 S 18 BLAND, Hubert. Transition to Social Democracy. [See Shaw, G. B.— Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 BLAND, Col. Theodorick. The Bland Papers : being a Selection from the MSS. of Col. T. Bland, to which are prefixed an Introduction and a Memoir of Col. Bland. Edited by C. Campbell. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Petersburg, 1840. C 27 S 13 BLANFORD, William Thomas. Observations on the Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia, made during the progress of the British Expedition to that country in 1867-68. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 39 R 12 BLASS, Prof. Friedrich. Grammar of New Testament Greek. Translated by H. St. J. Thackeray. ' 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 S 24 Philology of the Gospels. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 35 BLATCHFORD, Robert, "Nunquam." The Living Wage and the Law of Supply and Demand. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 16 T 24 The New Party in the North. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 92 BLATCHFORD, Torrington. Geology of the Coolgardie Gold-field. [See Western Australia. — Geological Survey.] # MA 4 R 4 BLAUBAUM, Rev. E. Judaism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Lessing's " Nathan der Weise." (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q BLAVATSKY, Mme. Helena Petrovna. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 22 Q 3 Key to Theosophy; with a Glossary of General Theo- sophical Terms. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 25 S 20 The True Story of the Thcosophical Society. [See Olcott, H. S.— Old Diary Leaves.] G 14 S 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BLAYX KY, Benjamin. A Dissertation by way of inquiry in! ) the true import and application of the vision usually called Daniel's Prophecy of seventy weeks. Sni. 4to. Oxford, 1775. G 17 11 14 t BLAYX :\' AXD CARCOAR ADVOCATE and Herald, 189S. Fol. Blayney, 1898. MB BLEASDALE, Rev. J. I. Technological Education. (S. An st. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 BLEU HER, Marie Gustave. Resultats Scientifique de la Campagne du (Jnnrhtu dans le Oolfe do Gascogne. [Set Kcehler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 BLES, David. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t BLESS] XGTOX, Margaret, Countess. The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington; by J. Fitzgerald Molloy. With Portrait. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 18 The Landor-Blessington Papers. [See Nicoll, W. R.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 BLEW, William C. A. The Quorn Hunt and its Masters." Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 34 S 48 BLIGH, Capt. William, Governor of New South Wales. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Becke, L.— Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 BLIND, Karl. Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. BUN 1 >. Mathilde. [See Cohen, Mathilda] BLINN, Leroy J. Practical Workshop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers. Illus- trated. 8vo. Philad., 1893. A 25 R 34 BLISS, Rev. Edwin M. Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 U 7 BLISS, Frederick Jones. . Excavatioi 97. Illustrated by A. C. Dickie »t Jerusalem, 1894- Svo. Lond., 1898. B 28 T 9 BLISS, Lieut. Tusker H. Interior Ballistics. [See United States.— Adjutant-General's Office.] A 10 W 8 f BLISS, William Dwight Porter. Encyclopedia of Social Reform. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 9 V 15 BLOCH, I. S. Is W possible an abridg- Technical, Ivonomie, and Political Relations;"' with a prefatory conversation with the Author by W. T. Stead. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Russian Lib.) F 10 S 16 BLOCK, The, Aug.-Sept., 1896. Fol. Sydney, 1896. ME 8 T BLOK, Prof. Petrus Johannes. History of the People of the Netherlands. Translated by O. A. Bierstadt and Ruth Putnam. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1898-99. B 28 T 10, 11 BLOM FIELD, Harold Arthur. Junee Water-supply Works, New South Wales. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 129.) E BLOMFIELD, Reginald. History of Renaissance Archi- tecture in England, 1500-1800. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 18 P 11, 12 t Public Spaces, Parks, and Gardens. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 BLOOMFIELD, J. C. Fisheries of Ireland. (Internal Fisheries Exhib.-- Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 BLOUET, Paul, " Max O'Rell." The Dear Neighbours. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 Q 36 Drat the Boys ! or, Recollections of an ex-Frenchmaster in England. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 Q 37 Friend MacDonald. 12mo. Bristol, 1887. J 26 P 1 Jacques Bonhomme : John Bull on the Continent ; from my Letter-box. 12mo. Bristol, 1889. J 26 P 2 , and ALLYN, Jack. Jonathan and his Con- tinent. Translated by Mine. Paul Blouet. 12ino. Bristol, 1889. J 25 Q 38 BLOUNT, Bertram, and BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistry for Engineers and Manufacturers. Vols. 1, 2. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 T 38, 39 BLOUNT, Godfrey. Arbor Vita; : a Book on the Nature and Development of Imaginative Design for the use of Teachers, Handicraftsmen, and others. 4to. Lond., 1899. • A 19 T 18 t BLOW, Susan E. Letters to a Mother on the Philosophy ofFroebel. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Internat. Education Ser.) G 15 U 40 BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistry for Engineers and Manufac- turers. [See Blount, B.] A 21 T 38, 39 BLUCHER, Field- Marshal Gebhard Lebrecht von. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 BLUMENBACH, Prof. Johann Friedrich. Institutions of Physiology. Translated by Dr. J. Elliotson. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1817. A 26 S 39 BLUMHARDT, Prof. James Fuller. Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 18 t Catalogue of Hindi MSS. in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] J 13 T 22 t Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 13 T 9 t Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books in Library of British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 20 f Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of British Museum. "[See Brit, Mus.] K 18 R 19 1 70 Public Library of New South Wales. BLUNNO, Michele. Colouring Matter of Wines. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Manuring Vineyards. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Outbreak of Phylloxera in the Goulburn Valley. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Phylloxera, and System of Inspecting Vineyards. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Pruning the Vine. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Report on the 1898 Vintage. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Report on the Murray and Hutiter River Wine Districts. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R A Sulphuring Bung. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Summer Pruning of the Vine. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Wine-making. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897-98.) ME 9 R Winter Dressing against ISlack Spot. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Insect and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Remedies. [See Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898-99.] ME 9 R -, and FROGGATT, Walter Wilson. Phylloxera of the Grape Vine. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R BLYTH, Dr. Alexander Wynter. Diet in relation to Health and Work. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 Disposal of the Dead. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Old and Modern Poison Lore. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 BOAG, J. W. The Dairy Industry. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R BOAKE, Rev. Barcroft. Australia. (Internat. Review, May, 1874.) E BOAKE, Barcroft Henry Thomas. Where the Dead Men lie, and other Poems. Edited, with Notes and Memoir, by A. G. Stephens. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. Mil 1 V'21 BOAS, Frederick S. Shakspere and his Predecessors. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 3 R 31 Philaster ; or, Love lies a-bleeding. [See Beaumont, F.] BOAS, Dr. J. E. V. Text-book of Zoology. Translated by J. W. Kirkaldy and E. C. Pollard. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 31 Q 8 BOASE, George Clement. Collectanea Cornubiensia : a Collection of Biographical and Topographical Notes relating to the County of Cornwall. 4to. Truro, 1890. K 20 Q 18 t BOASE, George Clement, and COURTNEY, William Prideaux. Bibliotheca Cornubiensis : a Catalogue of the Writings, both MS. and printed, of Cornishmen and of Works relating to the County of Cornwall; with Biographical Memoranda and copious literary references. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1874-82. K 20 Q 15-17 t BODDY, Rev. Alexander A. Christ in His Holy Land : a Life of our Lord written during and after a Journey through the Holy Land. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 20 R 4 BODECKER, Dr. C. F. W. The Herbst (German) Method of Filling Teeth. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BODENHAM, John. Politeuphuia : Wits' Cor newly corrected and amended. 18nvn. Lond., 1641. J 1 V 41 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Cataloguing Rules. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 BODLEY, John Edward Courtenay. France. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. . FIT 32, 33 1. The Revolution and Modern France, the Constitution and the Chief of the State. •2. The Parliaments; md Political Parties BCELTE, Maria Kra [See Kraus-B.elte, Maria.] BOER, N. D. de. Reis met de Henriiitte Maria door Torres-straat. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1858.) E Togt door Torres-straat. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezem 1862.) E BOERS AND THE BRITISH, The: a History of the Events leading to the Hostilities in South Africa. With Map. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MB 3 Q 7 BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Severinus. The Consola- tion of Philosophy of Boethius. Translated into English Prose and Verse by H. R. James. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 26 King Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius De Con- solatione Philosophic. Edited from the MSS., with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Glossary, by W. J. Sedgefield. 8vo. Oxford, 1899. J 23 S 20 King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Boethius ; done into modern English, with an Introduction, by Walter John Sedgefield. 12mo. Oxford, 1900. J 9 U 15 De Consolatione Philosophise. Translated by Queen Elizabeth. [See Early Eng. Text Soc, Pubs., orig. BOGUS BANKING CO. : a Satire. 1888. BOHEMIANS, The. Report, 187: 1878. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 71 AWERK, Prof. Eugen von. I Jlose of his System. Translates maid ; with a Preface by J. Bonai arl Marx and by Alice M. 8vo. Lond., P 15 Q 25 imate Standard of Value. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F 14 U 31 Edmund. Geographical Diction e Present and Ancient Names < Provinces, Remarkable Cities fall the Cam- BOLTON, Col. Sir Fra ternat. Health Ex! !,de> the of I With Maps. nines. French C< s English. [See Mac icis. London Water Supply. (In- ib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 6 Water Distribution and Dual Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 BOLTON, Frederica. Greco-Turkish War of 1897. [See " German Staff Officer."] B 34 Q 18 BOLTON, Prof. Frederick E. Secondary School System of Germany. 12mo. Lond., 1900. (Internat. Edu- cation Ser.) G 15 U 48 BOLTON, Henrietta Irving. The Madonna of St. Luke : the Story of a Portrait. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 23 Q 53 BOLTON, Henry Carrington. Select Bibliography of Chemistry, 1492-1892': 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 21 U 25 ,-. ISai 115 2 i Lord P9-11 Hugo Principaux Episodes de. [See i.] J 12 P44,'"45 Paris. [See Hugo, V. M., Comte.] J 12 P 12, 43 [S, BOISP P., BOISSE Kn;, BOISS ! Ron A The tep, Edward.] of Garden and Gre VGON, Capt. Alan. The Benin Mat •trait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. i r AIN, G. M. The Monetary Situation i 8vo. Lond., 1897. I Friends : a 8 3 1 S 6-8 i. With i !):, II K-k lid ciety in the >f Horace of GV: , 18 Lo and Pompeii: Arcl J by D. Havelock Fia . Lond., 1896. i, Experimentalis " BOLI >REWOOD, Rolf." [See Brc BOLT? .BROKE, Henry St. John, V Uolingbroke : being Extracts from the inu of. Edited, with an Introduction ar -....iged by the Hon. Stuart Erskine. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) Stat.- ni Parties at the Accession of Geon A. V.— Political Pamphlets.) B 1G S 14 nd Working for Ama- lmicians. Illustrated. A 25 P 17 wne, Thos. Alexander.! BOLL MAN, Charle [See United Stat The Myi BOLTWOOD, Bertrai sis by Electrolysis B. Quantitative [See Classen, D: Chemical Analy- A.] A 38 U 12 BOLTZMANN, Dr. Ludwig. Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. [See Curry, Dr. C. E.] A 20 P 36 BOMBALA RAILWAY AND FEDERAL CAPITAL LEAGUE. Southern Monaro as a Site for the Capital of Federated Australia. Ob. 18mo. Ballarat, 1900. MD 8 P 47 BOMBAY : — Government Departments — Reports and Pub- lications. Administration. Report on the Administration of the Bombay Presidency, 1882-99. 15 vols. sm. fol. Bom- bay, 1884-99. E Annual Reports. General Reports on the Administra- tion of the Bombay Presidency, 1872-98. 22 vols. 8vo. and fol. Bombay, 1874-98. E Department of Land Records and Agriculture. Annual Report of the Government Experimental Farm, Po ma, 1894-98. 4 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 189 4 -98. E Annual Reports,. 1894-99. 5 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1895-1900. E Crop Experiments, 1894-98. 4 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1895-98. E Forestry. Administration Reports of the Forest De- partment in the Bombay Presidency, including Sind, 1890-91. Fol. Bombay, 1892. E Gazetteer. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. Vols. 2-4, 7, 8, 11, 13-20. 26 v ols. roy. 8vo Bombay, 1879-94. E 2. Gujarat, Surat, lire ach. 18 I'oona. 3. Kaira and Panch Mahals. 19 Satara. 4. Ahmedabad. 20. Sholapur. 7. Baroda. 21. Belgaum. 8. Kathiawar. 22 Dharwar. 11. Kolaba and Janjira '23. Bijapur. 13, 14. Thana. 24. Kolhapur. 15. Kanara. Botany. 10. Nasik. f the Town 17. Ahraadnagar. and Islai d of Bombay. itary Department. Eng •s' Repoi t, 1846-47. 8vo. Bombay, 1848. A 34 R 20 Library of Neio South Wales. BOMBAY CALENDAR, AND ALMANAC, 1853-54, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1853-57. E BOMBAY CALENDAR AND GENERAL DIREC- TORY, 1849, 1851. 2 vols. Svo. Bombay, 1849-51. E BOMBAY RIOTS of 1874. Roy. 8vo. Bombay, 1874. B 39 P 12 BON, Gustave le. [See Lc Bon, G.] BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON. [See Napoleon.] BONAPARTE, Maria Letitia Ramolino-. Napoleon's Mother; by Clara Tschudi. Translated by E. M. Cope. With Portrait. Rov. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 20 BONAPARTE, Prince Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BONAR, James. Karl Marx and the Close of his System. [See Bohm-Bawerk, Prof. E. von.] F 15 Q 25 BOND, Acton. [Art of Acting.] [See Ha; A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 BOND, Catherine. Gold-fields and Chrysanthemums : Notes of Travel in Australia and Japan. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 23 BOND, Edward Augustus. Fac-similes of MSS. and In- scriptions. [See Paheographical Soc] J 48 P 4-7 } BOND, Francis. English Cathedrals illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 41 T 15 BONDESEN, Ingvor. Danish Fairy and Folk Tales. [See Bay, J. C] J 14 Q 43 BONDURANT, A. J. Cultivation and Treatment of To- bacco. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 BONDY, William. Separation of Governmental Powers. 8vo. New York, 1893. F 18 Q 3 BONHAM-CARTER, Alfred. [See Carter, A. Bonham-.] BONHEUR, Rosa. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hub- bard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 BONIN, Charles Eudes. [Translations from.] [Sec Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 BONNEY, G. E. Electro-platers' Hand-book : a Practical Manual for Amateurs and Young Students in Electro- Metallurgy. Illustrated. 12xno. Lond., 1891, A24P 26 BONNEY, Prof. Thomas George. F.R.S. Geology of Mt.. Blanc. (Mathews, C. E.— Annals of Mt. Blanc.) D 22 P 9 Ice-work Present and Past. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 18 Volcanoes: their Structure and Significance. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Progressive Science Ser.) A 19 S 29 Papers and Notes on the Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond. [See Lewis. H. C] A 33 V 23 Summary of the Scientific Work of W. Pengelly. [See Pengelly, W.] C 24 T 2 BONNIER, Jules. Resultats Scientifiques de la Cain- pagne du Ctntthiu (bins le Golfe de Gascogne. [Set; Koehler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 BONOMI, Joseph. Nineveh and its Palaces. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1878. B 28 Q F BON WICK, James. Who are the English? 12mo Lond., 1881. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 11 Who are the Irish? 12mo. Lond., 1880. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 8 Who are the Scotch? 12mo. Lond., 18S0. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 9 Who are the Welsh? 12mo. Lond., 1881. (Our Nationalities.) A 27 P 10 The Writing of Colonial History. [Abstract.] (Roy. Col. Inst., Proa, 1894-95.) ' E Australia's First Preacher : Rev. Richard Johnson, First Chaplain of New South Wales. [See Johnson, Rev. R.] MC 1 S 21 BONWILL, Dr. W. G. A. The Geometrical and Mechani-; cal Laws of the Articulation of the Human Teeth — ■ the Anatomical Articulator. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 System of an all-Porcelain Crown Substitution. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BOOK-LORE [formerly the Bibliographer]: a Journal devoted to Old-time Literature. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 6, Dec, 1881-Nov., 1887. 12 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1881-87. " J 16 V 3-14 BOOK OF THE DEAD. Text, Translation, and Vo- cabulary ; by E. A. W. Budge. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 37 V 13-15 [See also British Museum.] BOOK OF SCOTTISH PASQUILS, 1568-1715. 8vo. Edinb., 1868. H 13 V 16 BOOK- WORM, The : an Illustrated Treasury of Old-time Literature. Vols. 1-7, 1888-94. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888-94. J 16 V 15-21 BOOK-WORM, The: a Literary and Bibliographical Re. view. Edited and illustrated by J. P. Berjeau. Vola. 1-5, Jan., 1866-Dec., 1870. 5 vols, (in 2) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-70, J 18 V 1,2 Supp lemen tary Ca talogue — 1896-1900. , 1899. . [All BOOKS OX EGYPT AND CHALD^EA. iiabylonian Religion and Mythology. [See liing, L. W.J Egyptian Ideas of theFui Egyptian Magic. [See Budge, E. A. W.] BOOK WALTER, John W. Siberia and Central Asia. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 S 6 [Sei Mathematical Psychology of Gratry 1 Mary Everest.] G 11 N 12 BOOI.K, Mary Everest. The Mathematical Psychology of (Iratry and Boole. Translated from the Language of tiie Higher Calculus into that of Elementary Geometry. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 IT 12 BOOMERANG, The: a serio-comic Political, Satirical, iiuizzieal Memo, hurled at passing events. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-14, April-July, 1877. Illustrated. 4to. Sydney, 1877. MJ 2 U 24 BOOS E, James R. Imperial Federation : Titles of Publi- cations relating to the British Colonies, their Gover- nors, etc., in connection with Imperial Policy. 8vo. Lond., 1889. F 1 S 26 BOOTH, Charles. Life The Case fo, ualfe, J.] ; and Sketch of.] [See McKay, ■an Authors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 -nd Labour of the People in . 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97 F 10 U 14-15 al Old Age Pensions. [See Met- F 15 Q 39 BOOT II, David. The Silver-on-Glass Reflecting Telescope, and how to use it. Illustrated. 8vo. Leeds, 1895. A 23 T 36 BOOTH, Edwii F E— Fun s Ai BOOTH, Rev. Join lit and Sketch of.] [See McKay, rican Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 Godwin, P. — Commemorative Ad- J 14 V 3 Epigrams, Ancient and Modern. BOOTHBY, Capt, Charles. A Prisoner of France: Memoirs, Diary, and Correspondence of Charles Booth- liy. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 9 BOOTHBY, Guy Newell. A Bid for Fortune; or, Dr. Nikola's Vendetta. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., BOOTHBY, Josiah. Adelaide Ahaanac and Directory. [See Adelaide Almanac and Directory.} ME 12 T BOUCHERS, Dr. W. Electric Smelting and Refining: the Extraction and Treatment of Metals by means of the Electric Current, Translated, with additions, by- Walter G. McMillan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 T 1 BORDER POST ALMANAC, The. [See Affleck, T.] ME 4 Q BORLASE, William Copeland. The Dolmens of Ireland : their Distribution, Structural Characteristics, and Affinities in other Countries, together with the Folk- lore attaching to them, supplemented by considerations on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Traditions of the Irish people. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 41 W 2-4 Mi , Corn Des riptive Essay illustrative of the Sepulchres and Funereal Customs 'of the Early In- habitants of the County of Cornwall. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1872. B40P 2 The Shakespeare Secret. Trans- dermal! by H. Brett. Roy. 8vo. J 8 V 27 BORMANN, Edwin lated from the Lond., 1895. Bacon-Shakespeare' peare, W.] BORRON, Sires Robiers de. Seynt Graal ; or, the Sank Ryal : the History of the Holy Graal, partly in English Verse by Henry Lonelich, Skynner (temp. Henry VI, a.d. 1422 01) and wholly in French Prose by Sires Robiers de Barron, from the original Latin written by Jesus Christ with his own hand, being the only writing made by (!od since his uprising. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1861— 03. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 17 Q 9, 10 t I, with prefatory Essay on the Saga of the Holy Graal ; by- San Marl'-, that is Albert Schulz, ami an Appendix -- a Reprint of the Early French Verse Roman do l'estore dou Graal. •2, with note on the Early Byrons and Robert de Burun ; by Charles 11. Pearson'; and a Prefatory Essay on Arthur by .the late Herbert Coleridge, and an Appendix — The Rirthe and the Engendruro of Mordret. BORROW, George. Lavengro. New ed., containing the unaltered text of the original issue ; some suppressed episodes now printed for the first time : MS. Variorum, Vocabulary, and Notes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., J 17 U 16 1900. Life, Writings, an official and other With Bibliograph 1899. Correspondei Tli !{oi ■• Rvi with Notes, &c. Illustrated. Sketch of. [See Birrell, Augustii derived from W. I. Knapp. I. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., C 20 R 16, 17 Lavengro." New ed., of the original issue ; 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 17 U 19 te.— Res JudicattD.1 J 7 P 52 74 Tublic Library of New South Wales. BOS, G. P. M. van den. [Reproduction of his Picture] Spring's Awakening. [See Lansing, Clarence. — Tlie Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 \ BOSANQUET, Bernard. Philosophical Theory of the State. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 P 34 Communication of Moral Ideas as a Function of an Ethi- cal Society. [See Seeley, Sir J. R. — Ethics and Re- ligion.] G 25 S 14 Education of the Young in the Republic of Plato. [See Plato.] G 26 Q 7 BOSANQUET, Helen [Mrs. Bernard]. Rich and Poor. [With Bibliography.] 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 29 Administration of Charitable Relief. [See National Union of Women Workers.] " F 1 U 30 BOSANQUET, Commander George S. Schwartz-Kopff Torpedo Manual for the use of New South Wales Naval Artillery Volunteers. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 4 Q 11 BOSBOOM, Johannes. Life and Works of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t BOSCAWEN, Edward. [Portrait and Sketch of]; by Adm. Sir E. R. Fremantle. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 BOSISTO, Joseph. The Colonial and Indian Exhibition ot 1886, with some of its lessons to ourselves. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MF 4 Q 58 BOSQUI, Francis L. Practical Notes on the Cyanide Process. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 V 28 BOSSCHA, Dr. J. Secondary Education in the Nether- lands. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 BOSSCHERE, Charles de. Teaching of Natural Science in the Primary Normal School, Belgium. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 BOSSUET, Jacques Benigne, Bishop of Meaux. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin : being the Substance of all the Sermons for Mary's Feasts throughout the year ; con- densed, arranged, and translated by F. M. Capes, with an Introduction by the Rev. W. T. Gordon. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 3 Ktui jues sur les Sermons de la jeunesse de Bos- suet ; by E. Gandar. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 BOSTON ATHENAEUM. Catalogue of the Washington Collection in the Boston Athenaeum. Compiled and annotated by A. P. C. Griffin. With an Appendix— The Inventory of Washington's Hooks drawn up by the appraisers of his estate ; with Notes in regard to the full titles of the several books and the later history and present ownership of those not in the Athenaeum Collection; by W. C. Lane. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1897. K 7 U 34 BOSTON BOARD OF HEALTH. Sanitary Condition of Boston. 8vo. Boston, 1875. A 39 Q 16 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY. Papers selected to represent the work of the Society from 1S86-97. 8vo. New York, 1897. H 3 Q 32 BOSTON MUNICIPAL REGISTER: containing the- City Charter, the Rules and Orders of the City Coun- cil, and a List of Officers of the City of Boston, 1871. 8vo. Boston, 1871. E BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Annual Reports, 1854- 57, 1860-61, 1864, 1866-67, 1869-75, 1877-78, 1880- 87, 1889-93, 1896. 21 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854-97. E Annual List of new and important Books added to the Public Library of the City of Boston, selected from the Monthly Bulletin, 1897-98. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1899. Cat. Room Hand-book of the new Public Library in Boston; com- piled by H. Small, with Contributions by C. H. Walker and L. Swift. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1895. Cat. Room List of Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications received in the principal Libraries of Boston and vicinity. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1897. Cat. Room BOSTON RECORD COMMISSIONERS. Reports con- taining the Boston Town Records, 1758-77. 2 vols. Svo. 'Boston, 1886-87. B 41 T 3, 4 BOSWELL, James. [Life of] ; by W. Keith Leask. Svo. Edinb. (n,d.) (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 21 BOSWELL-STONE, W. G. [See Stone, W. G. Boswell-.] BOSWORTH, Dr. F. H. The Doctor in old New York. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) BOTANY MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIA- TION. Inauguration of, August 24th, 1867. 12mo. Sydney, 1867.' MF 3 P 70 BOTHMER, Countess A. von. The Sovereign Ladies of Europe. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 24 BOTSFORD, George Willis. History of Greece, for High Schools and Academies. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1899. B 24 U 28 Supp lementary Ca talogue — 1896-1 900. 75 BOTT( HER, Rod. Chamissos samtliche Werke. [See Chamisso de Boncourt, L. C. A. de.] J 19 R 40 BOTTICELLI, Sandro. Art of. [See Rose, G. B.— Renaissance Masters.] A 41 T 11 Criticism of; by Walter Pater. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 BOTTONE, S. R. Electrical Instrument-making for Amateurs: a Practical Hand-book. Ctli ed. Illus- trated. 12mo. Loud,, 1894. A 21 P 52 Wireless Telegraphy and Hertzian Waves. Illustrated, li'mo. Lond., 1900. A 24 P 48 BOUCHER, Francois. Storia di Psiche e Dipinti diversi esistenti nel Palazzo dei Borboni a Parigi. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 36 J BOUCHERETT, Jef Pratt, E. A.— P: Employments for Women. [See >r Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BOUC1CAULT, Dion. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [Set McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 BOUGAINVILLE, Louis Antoine, Comte de. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the e World.] MD 8 R 51 BOULENGER, George Albert, F.R.S.—contd. New Snakes from Queensland. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Nov., 1898.) E On a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from Fer- guson Island, British New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., July, 1895.) E On a little-known Australian fish, Threpterius maculosus, with remarks on the family Cirrhitidce. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Nov., 1896.) E Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 11 Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 1-3 Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 4-6 The Tailless Batrachians of Europe. [See Ray Soc. Pubs., 1896-97.] E yages BOUGAUD, E., Bishop of Laval. History of St. Vincent de Paul, founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and of the Sisters of Charity. Trans- lated from the 2nd French ed. by the Rev. J. Brady : with an Introduction by His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 1, 2 BOUOUEREAU, Willi,/s N.-st, Nvn.p [See La Wasp's N. Nymphs. Art.] idolphe. [Reproductions of The Youth of Bacchus, The 1 Satyr, Cupid and Psyche, , Clarence.— The Nude in A 12 P 27 | BOULANGER, (Jen. ( J eorges Ernest Jet of.] [See Eminent Persons.] Mai BOULENGER, George i new genus of Elapii Ibert, F.R.S. i Snakes from e. [Sketch C 19 Q 21 Description of a "oodlark Island, Mag. of Nat. ;w Lizards and Frogs from Mount Itanley Range, New Guinea. (Annals . Hist., Jan., 1897.) E w Reptiles obtained in British New 3 and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Oct., 1 895.) E Remarks upon, a Dancing-stick in sk.lll, of t Varettoch ., Pro, eulpt ., 1< S , were attacl ed. (Zoologica E ew Death and Mag. Adde of Nat • fro His n Central Aus t., July, 1898.) trali l. (Annal E BOULGER, Demetrius Charles von Kavanagh. The Congo State ; or, the Growth of Civilization in Central Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 22 P 1 History of China. New ed. With Portraits and Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 33 Q 9, 10 The Story of India. 1 the Empire Ser.) Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 38 P 18 Life of Gordon. [See Gordon, Gen. C. G.] C 23 V 20, 21 BOULGER, Prof. George Farm. [See Gaye, S.] monds. The Great World's A 27 R 37 BOULNOIS, H. Percy. Sanitary Houses for the Work- ing-classes in Urban Districts. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 BOULTBEE, James William. Artesian Water in New S. Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R BOULTON, S. B. The Russian Empire. 12mo. Lond., 1882. B 27 P 6 BOURBON, Anne-Genevie de.] BOURCHIER, Arthur merton, J. A. — The [Art of Acting.] [Set Ham- actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 BOCRCHTER, Lady Jane. Mei Sir E. Codrington. [See Cod ir of the Life of Adm. igton, Adm. Sir E.] C 25 R 3, 4 BOURDE, Paul. The Prickly Pear (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) For BOUHDEILLE, Pierre (Illustrious Dames); with Elucidations those ladies by C. A. Sainte-Beuve. T Katharine Prescott Woimeley. -Illust Lond., 1899. The Book of the Ladies Elucidations on some of id by 8vo. 5S3 Public Library of New South Wales. BOURDIN, Louis. Le Vivarais : Essai de Geographie Regionale. Illustrated. Svo. Paris, 1898. D 13 V 17 BOURGEOIS, Emile. The Century of Louis XIV : its Arts, its Ideas. [See Louis XIV.] C 11 W 12 t BOURGET, Paul. [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 BOURGOGNE, Sergeant Adrien Jean Baptiste Francis. Memoirs of, 1812-13. Authorized Translation from the French original, edited by Paul Cottin and Maurice Renault. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 24 P 20 BOURGOGNE, Duchess de (Marie-Adelaide de Savoie). [Correspondence of.] [See Wormelev, Katharine Pres- cott.] C 25 S 19 BOURINOT, Sir John George. Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Story of the Nations.) B 17 Q 22 Canada and Australia : a Study in Comparative Politics. (Roy. Soc, Canada, Proc. and Trans., 1895.) E How Canada is Governed : a short Account of its Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Municipal In- stitutions ; with an Historical Outline of their Origin and Development. Illustrated. 8vo. Toronto, 1895. F 13 R 24 BOURKE BANNER and Darling River Representative, 1899. Fol. Bourke, 1899. ME BOURNE, Alfred. Infant Schools under the Code of 1884. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 BOURNE, Edward Gaylord. History of the Surplus Revenue of 1837 : being an Account of its Origin, its Distribution among the States, and the Uses to which it was applied. Svo. New York, 1885. (Questions of the Day.) F 15 S 24 BOURNE, Gilbert Charles. Teaching of Natural Science. (Cookson, C.-EssaysonSecondary Education.) G 23 P 1 8 Porifera and Coelenterata. [See Lankester, E. R. — Treatise on Zoology, 2.] A 44 S 24 BOURNE, Henry Richard Fox. English Merchants: Memoirs in illustration of the Progress of British Commerce. New ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 26 P 7 BOURNE, Vincent. Essays.] BOUSFIELD, Willia a consideration oi British Colonies Essay on. [See Benson, A. O— J 10 R 43 i. The Government of the Empire : means for the representation of the in an Imperial Parliament. Svo. F 1 S 26 BOUTMY, Em Paris Free School of Political Science. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 11 BOUVOIR, Roger de. [See De Bouvoir, Roger.] BOVEY, Henry Taylor. Presidential Address. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Applied Science.] A 40 S 20 , and FARMER, J. T. Hydraulic Laboratory, McGill University. [See McGill 'University.— Papers from Dept. of Engineering.] A 40 S 24 BOVILL, Rev. John H. Natives under the Transvaal Flag. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. F 17 T 6 BOVILL, Mai [Mrs.], and ASKWITH, G. R. Memoir of Roddy Owen. [See Owen, Major E. R.] C 25 Q 9 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Addresses and Poems on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Incorpora- tion of Bowdoin College, June 27th and 28th, 1894. 8vo. Brunswick, Maine, 1894. G 18 S 35 Bibliographical Contributions, Nos. 3-7, August, 1893- March, 1898. Svo. Brunswick, Maine, 1893-98. E General Catalogue of the Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, 1794-1894, including a Historical Sketch of the Institution during the first Century, prepared by G. T. Little. Roy. 8vo. Brunswick, Maine, 1894. G 18 S 36 Library Bulletin, including the Obituary Record and the Reports of the Librarian. Nos. 1-4, June, 1891- June, 1895. Svo. Brunswick, Maine, 1891-95. E BOWEN, Charles Synge Christopher, Baron. A Biographi- cal Sketch ; by Sir H. S. Cunningham. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 6 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 BOWEN, Edward Ernest. On Teaching by means of Grammar. (Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 BOWEN, Sir George Ferguson. Arrival and Reception of, at Brisbane. (Pugh's Queensland Almanac, 1860.) ME 4 P Substance of a Letter to a Member of Parliament on the question of the proposed Federation of the British Empire. Svo. Hongkong, 1885. F 1 S 25 BOWEN, Herbert Courthope. Froebel and Education by Self-activity. [With Bibliography.] Svo. Lond., 1898. (Great Educators.) G 18 Q 51 BOWEN, Herbert Wolcott. International Law : a simple Statement of its Principles. Svo. New York, 1896. sis in the English G26Q 12 BOWER, Capt. Herbert M. The Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio. [See Folk-lore Soc. Pubs.] E Inquiries concerning the Tactics of the Future. [See Hoenig, P.] A 36 R 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. :i!S, Edward A. Present Condition of Forests on il.lic Lauds. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 16 i KR, Alfred. Alfred the Great, containing chapters his Life and Times. [See Alfred the Great.]' C 20 S 1 9 [ER, Richard Rogers. Work and Wealth. 8vo. •w York, 1883. (Questions of the Day.) F 15 S 23 — , and ILES, George. Reader's Guide in Economic, cial, and Political Science. 8vo. New York, 1891. Cat. Room . 1 JY, Dr. Anthony Alfred. Hypertrophic Pulmonary- mo- Arthropathy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of edicine.) A 26 T 36 edicine.) omalacia, or Mollities si em of Medicine.) (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— A 26 T 36 .I'.S, S. Notes on the advantages of (ierniinating Seed (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R ,ES, Thomas Gibson. The Declaration of Paris of 56: being an Account of the Maritime Rights of ■eat Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 U 2 BOWLES, Rev. W. L. Two Passages from the first of two Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron. (Rhys, E.— Literary Pamphlets.) H 11 To BOWLEY, Arthur L. Wages in the United Kingdom in the 19th Century: Notes for the use of Students of Social and Economic Questions. 8vo. Camb., 1900. F 16T23 Snake Bites. BOWMAKER, Di ing classes. 1 Edward. The Ho mo. Lond., 1895. ising of the Work- F1U 25 1898.) BOWMAN, Hildebrand. Travels of, into Carnovirria, Taupiniera, Olfactaria, and Auditante, in New Zea- land; in the Island or lionhommica, and in the power- ful Kingdom of Luxo-Volupto, on the great Southern Continent, 8vo. Lond., 1778. MJ 3 R 30 BOWJUNG, Sir John. Essay on Bowring's Life of Ben- tliam. [See Mill, J. Stuart.— Early Essays.] J14U37 BOWSKK, George. Hawaiian Kingdom Statistical and Commercial Directory and Tourists' Guide. [See Haivaiian Kingdom.] D 22 R 18 BOW YEAR, Henry. Industrial and Social Cooperation : its Aims, Methods, and Organisation. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d. ) F 13 V 23 BOWYER, George. Commentaries on the Modern Civil Law. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1848. F 1 S 28 Commentaries on Universal Public Law. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1854. F 1 S 32 BOX, Thomas. Practical Treatise on the Strength of Materials, including their Elasticity and Resistance to Impact. 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 21 Q 36 BOX ALL, George B. Evolution of the Australian. (Mac millan's Mag., June, 1899.) E BOYCE, E. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia. [See Labaume, Eugene.] B 31 S 5 BOYCE, Rev. Francis Bertie. Augustine and the Evange- lization of England. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 1 P 90 The Drink Bills of New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 S 4 BOYCE, Rev. W. Brief Gi 18mo. Sydney, 1849. BOYCE, W. L. Ensilage. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Prickly-pear as Fodder. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R BOYD, A. J. Forest Conservancy. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897-99.) ME 9 U Maize-growing on Scrub Lands. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Ramie. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Scrub Lands and how to use them. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Sugar at Bundaberg. (Que (Queensland Agt ult. Journ., Nov., ME 9 U BOYD, Alexander Stuart, Lowden Sabbath Morn. [See Stevenson, R. L.] H 3 Q 37 BOYD, Rev. Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. The Last Years of St. Andrews, 1890-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 Q 37 Twenty-five years of St. Andrews, 1865-90. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 1 Q 26, 27 BOYD, Benjamin. Memoir of. (Arden's Sydney Mag., Oct., 1843.) ME 3 R BOYD, Lieut.-Col. John Alexander. Supply Hand-book for the Army Service Corps. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 Q 7 BOYD, Mary Stuart [Mrs. A. S.] Our Stolen Summer : the Record of a Roundabout Tour. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. D 22 S 8 BOYD, \V. Carr. Journey from Western Australia to Warina, South Australia. (Geograph. Journ., Jan., 1897.) E 78 Tublic Library of New South Wales. BOYD, William, Earl of Kilmarnock. [See Kilmarnock, Earl of.] BO¥ESEN, Hjalmar H. History of Norway from the Earliest Times ; with a Chapter on the Recent History of Norway by C. F. Keary. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ' B 33 P 10 BOYLE, Sir Courtenay. Hints on the Conduct of Busi- ness, Public and Private. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 15 U 49 BOYLE, George David, Dean of Salisbury. Salisbury Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 Wordsworth's position as an Ethical Teacher. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) In a J 14 R 15 BOYLE, Robert. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. William.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 , and AMAGAT, E. H. Laws of Gases. Trans- lated and edited by Prof. C. Barus. Svo. New York, 1899. (Harper's Scientific Mems.) A 25 T 12 BOYLE LECTURES. Christianity and Morality. [See Wace, Rev. H.] G 25 S 12 BOYS, Charles Vernon, F.R.S. Soap-bubbles and the forces which mould them. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. (Romance of Science.) A 24 P 31 BOYS, Robert Douglass. Travelling Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proa, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 BOYS' BRIGADE, The. Report for 1894-95. Svo. Sydney, 1895. ME 6 S BRABROOK, E. W. Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare. Svo. Lond., 1898. F 15 11 26 BRACE, C. Loring. Gesta Christi; or, a History of Human Progress under Christianity. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 25 R 9 BRACKENBURY, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] BRACKETT, Prof. Cyrus F. Elementary Text-book of Physics. [See Anthony, Prof. W. A.] A 41 P 1 BRADBURY, Prof. John Buckley. Disorders of Sleep. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 BRADDON, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry. The Case for the Braddon Clause in the Federal Bill. (Review of Reviews, Sept., 1898.) ME 6 U BRADDON, Sir Thomas. The Federation Movement in Australasia. (Nineteenth Century, July, 1896.) E BRADFORD, Rev. Amory Howe. Heredity and Christian Problems. Svo. New York, 1895. G 14 S 33 BRADFORD, Gamaliel. The Lesson of Popular Govern- ment. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1899. F 10 P 28, 29 BRADFORD, Dr. John Rose. General Pathology of Secretion. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 General Pathology of the Renal Functions. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 BRADFORD, William. The Indicator Feature in some Gold occurrences. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Indicators. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P BRADFORD, William. History of the Plimoth Planta- tion, containing an Account of the Voyage of the Mayflower. Reproduced from the original MS. ; with an Introduction by John A. Doyle. 4to. Lond., 1896. B 13 X 4 t BRADLAUGH, Charles. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BBADLEE, Rev. Caleb Davis. In Memoriam: Rev. C. D. Bradlee, 1831-97; by A. Manchester. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1897. C 20 S 9 BRADLEY, Prof. Andrew Cecil. Philosophical Lectures and Remains of R. L. Nettleship. [See Nettleship, R. L.j G 23 R 2, 3 BRADLEY, Arthur G. Highways and Byways in North Wales. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 R 8 BRADLEY, Emily T. Annals of Westminster Abbey. 4to. Lond., 1895. B 13 T 1 t Westminster Abbey. [See Bradley, M. C] B 39 U 15 BRADLEY, Francis Herbert. Appearance and Reality. [See Seth, Dr. Andrew. — Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 R 26 BRADLEY, James. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRADLEY, M. C. and Emily T. Westminster Abbey. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. B 39 U 15 BRADSHAW, George. The Popular Orpington. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Profitable Poultry-breeding for the Local and London Markets. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Poultry Notes and News. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Wyandotte as a Farmer's Fowl. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 79 BUADSHAW, Henry. Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 It 43 BRADS 1 1 AW, John. Norway: its Fjords, Fjelds, and Fosses. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 Q 19 BRADY, Dr. George Stewardson. New or imperfectly- known species of Ostraeoda chiefly from New Zealand. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Trans., 14, and Proc, 1898.) E BRADY, Rev. J. Reprint of a Descriptive Vocabulary of the Native Language of Western Australia. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P BRADY, Rev. Joseph. History of St. Vincent de Paul. [See Bougaud, E., Bishop.] G 24 U 1, 2 BRvEKSTAD, H. L. Niobe. [See Lie, J.] J 23 U 12 With N'ansen in the North. [See Johansen, Lieut. H.] D 16 R 18 , and HUGHES, Gertrude. The Commodore's Daughters. [See Lie, J.] J 23 U 13 [See Victoria. MA 3 V 13 BRAGATO, R. Hints on Grafting Vii - Agricult.] Report on the Prospects of Viticulture in New Zealand, together with Instructions for Planting and Pruning. [See New Zealand.— Agricult.] MA 3 R 75 Spr,-r» ;ng for Fungus I >iseases. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 BRAHMS, Johannes. Recollections of; by A. Dietrich and J. V. Widmann. Translated by Dora E. Hecht. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 10 BRA I I), Dr. .lames. Neurypnology ; or, the Rationale of Nervous Sleep considered in relation with Animal Magnetism. l2mo. Lond., 1843. G 15 U 10 BRAJDWOOD AND ARALUEN EXPRESS, 1899. Fol. Braid wood, 1899. ME B/iAJ !> WOOD DISPATCH and Min [Jan. 21st, 1899, missing.] 2 ^ 1898-99. 'Journal, 1898-99 ;. fol. Braid wood, ME BRAIN, Belle Marvel. Transformation of Hawaii: how Fifty Years of Mission Work gave a Christian Nation to the World. Told for young people. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (t 24 Q 19 BRATTHWAITE, Dr. James, and TREVELYAN, Dr. Fauriel. Retrospect of Medicine. Vols. 20, 21, 24-28, 32, 33, 36-51, 53-58, 60, 61, 65, Gti, 68, 72. 73, 76, 78, 79, 112-121, July, 1849-June, 1850, Julv, 1851 -Dec, 1853, Julv, 1855-June, 1856, July, l-o'7-June, 1665, 1866-68," July, 1869-June, 1870, 1872, July-Dec, 1873, Julv, 1875-June, 1876, Julv- Dee., 1877, July, 1878-June, 1879, July, 1895-June, 1900. 51 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1849-1900. E BRAMSTON, Rev. James. The Man of Taste : by an Epistle of Mr. Pope on that subject. Sin. fol. Lond., 1733. H 39 Q 13 + BRAMWELL, Dr. Byrom. Abscess of the Brain. (All- butt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Intracranial Tumours. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 BRAMWELL, Frederick Charles. The Eastern Question in the 18th Century. [See Sorel, A.] F 13 R 12 BRAMWELL, George William Wilshere, Baron. Some Account of George William Wilshere, Baron Bramwell, of Hever, and his Opinions ; by C. Fairfield. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 S 2 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BRAMWELL, Dr. John Milne. General Treatment of the Insanities. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 BRAND, Henry Robert, 2nd Viscount Hampden. [See Hampden, 2nd Viscount.] BRANDES, George. Henrik Ibsen ; Bjiirnstjerne Bjorn- son : Critical Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 4 V 13 William Shakespeare: a Critical Study. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 5 T 35, 36 Memoirs of a Revolutionist. [See Kropotkin, Prince P.] C 23 T 18, 19 BRANDON, Raphael and J. Arthur. Analysis of Gothick Architecture. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1874. A 18 P 19, 20 t Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1849. A 19 U 3 t BRANDT, Dr. Alois. History of English Literature. [See Ten Brink, Bernhard.] B 3 P 24 BRANDT, Dr. Francis Burke. Friedrich Eduard Beneke : the Man and his Philosophy. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 1 P 34 BRANDT, G. Duployan Shorthand adapted to English. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 14 V 10 BRANDT, Dr. Karl. Die Koloniebildenden Radiolarien des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. —Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 13 t BRANNER, John C. Report on Road-making in Arkan- sas. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Road Inquiry.] A 41 U 4 BRANNT, William T. India-rubber, Gutta-percha, and Balata. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 14 The Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion. 27th ed. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 23 R 51 The Assayer's Manual. [See Kerl, Prof. B.] A 30 V 21 Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha. [See Hoffer, R.] A 23 S 14 Preparation of Malt. [See Thausing, J, E.] A 25 U 16 Public Library of Neto South Wales. BRASSEY, Thomas, Baron. Australian Addresses. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1898. MJ 2 V 5 Australian Federation. (Nineteenth Century, April, 1899.) E (Nineteenth Cen- E 1897. (Review of The Diamond Jubilee in Vii tury, Sept., 1897.) Position of the British Na\ Reviews, Sept., 1897.) Recent Social and Political Progress in Victoria. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proa, 1897-98.) ' E Strength of the British Navy, 1899. 8vo. Melb., 1899. F 16 R 26 Studies in Australia in 1898. (Roy. Col. Inst,, Proa, 1896-97.) E BRATH, Stanley de. The Foundations of Success : a Plea for Rational Education. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 18 Q 34 BRATHWAITE, Richard. Natures Em bassie— Divine and Moral Satyres : Shepheards Tales, both parts ; Omphala ; Odes, or Philomel's Tears, &c. 8vo. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1877. H 10 W 25 BRAUN, Emil. Specimens of Ornamental Art. [See Gruner, L.] A 46 P 23, 24 + BRAUW, C. P. de. Reis naar Banda, de Ceram-Laut- eilanden, Nieuw-Guinea, de Aroe en Z. Wester- eilanden, met Z. M. Schoonerbrik Eijmond. (Tijd- schrift voor het Zeewezen, 1854.) E BRAY, William Bayley. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 84.) E BRAYDA, Riccardo. Porte Piemontesi dal XV al XIX Secolo. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 35 % Stucchi ed Affreschi del Real Castello del Valentino. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 50 J BRAZ, A. le. [See Le Braz, A] BRAZIER, John. Four new species of Mollusca from Victoria. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P New genus and three new species of Mollusca from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P New Marine Shells from the Solomon Islands and Aus- tralia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P New species of Cone from the Solomon Islands. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P BRAZIL. Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1886-88, 1896-97. 5 vols, (in 6) imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1890-97. E Bibliotheca da Escola Normal, Catalogo da. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. K 8 R 34 Bibliotheca Nacional : Rektorio, 1896. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1897. E Bibliotheca Nacional : Resumo Historico. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1897. B 19 S 12 t Correspondence exchanged will; the Legation of Portugal and the Legation of Brazil, at Lisbon, in regard to the surrender of the Insurgent Refugees on board the Portuguese Corvettes Mindello and Affonso de Albuquerque. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. F 1 R 24 Hortus Fluminensis ou Breve Noticia sobre as Plantas Cultivadas no Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro, 1893. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1895. A 44 W 15 Plantas Novas Cultivadas no Jardim Botanica do Rio de Janeiro. Descriptas, classifieadas e de.senhadas por J. B. Rodrigues. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1894-96. A 18 Q 27 t, arid J 22 Q 9 t Relatorio apresentado a<> Presidente da Republica dos estados Unidos do Brasil, 1892-93, 1896. 7 vols. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1892-96. E BREAKSPEAR, Nicb [See Adrian IV, Pope.] BREARLEY, Joseph Henry Drapier. Researches on the Electric Properties of pure substances. No. 1. The Electrical Properties of pure Sulphur. [See Roy. Soc, Lond., Philos. Trans., ser. A, 1896.] E BRECKENRIDGE, Dr. Roeliff Morton. The Canadian Banking System, 1817-90. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 20 BREIOI, Alfred Edmund. From North Pole to Equator : Studies of Wild Life and Scenes in many Lands. Translated from the German by Margaret R, Thomson, and edited by J. Arthur Thomson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 V 22 BREITMANN, Hans. [See Leland, C. G] BREME, H. Die Haideboden Westfalens. [See Hasel- hoff, Dr. E.] E BREMNER, C. S. Education of Girls and Women in Great Britain ; with a Preface by Miss E. P. Hughes. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 Q 37 BREMNER, Fred. Types of the Indian Army, illustrat- ing the, races enlisted in the Bengal, Punjab, Madras, and Bombay Armies; with Notes on the Warlike Races of India and its Frontiers by Capt. A. H. Bingley. 2 vols, (in 1) ob. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 21 P 1 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. William A. Story of Ice in the Present and Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1899. (Lib. of ul Stories.) A 33 R .'SI AN, Christopher John. Fact and Tdea. (Aus- sian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, ;.) ME 18 S AN, Sarah Octavia. Reproductive System of otter ( Diihpaoqastrr) Sylcalim*, Fleteh. (Linnean N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P ANO, Lujo. Historv and Development of Guilds, the Origin of Trade Unions. 8vo. Lond., 1870. F 16 Q 13 .-TON, John Le Gay. Landlopers : the Tale of a in- Travel and the Quest of Pardon and Peace. ustrated. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 U 17 ita: a Sonnet Record. [Anon.] 12mo. Sydney, 96. MH 1 R 66 Song of Brotherhood, and other Verses. • 8vo. nd., 1896. MH 1 V 13 in Warbeck. [See Ford, John.] II 10 U 21 i:TON, Rev. Joseph Lloyd. Comparative Advan- r-s of Boarding and Day Schools. (Intermit. Health 'ul,. -Health 'E.vhib. Literature.; A 11 V 12 « I N, Nicholas. The Court and Country ; or, a Briefe i course between the Courtier and the Countryman ;he Manner, Nature, and Condition of their Lives. • ■: Inedited Tracts.] J 2 T 30 T, Edwin. History and Development of Banking Australasia, (Inst, of Bankers, 1882-83.) E BRL'i ;, 11. The Shakespear ''". Henry. Brett's New Zc.dand and South Pacific •'<'./, with Nautical Almanac for 1887-88. 8vo. uckland, 1886. 311) 5 R 19 is Colonists' Guide and Cyclopedia of Useful irnvledge. Edited by T. W Leys. Illustrated. ■... Auckland, 1897. * MK 2 R 12 T, Reginald Baliol. The Yoke of Empire : Sketches ; he One,.,,-, Prime Ministers. 8v„. Lond., 1896. C 23 Q 9 BREWER, Rev. Ebenezer Cobham. 1 (ietionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words that have a Tale to tell. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K 19 S 32 >ok of Allusions, References, Plots, 8vo. Lond., 1895. K 9 T 5 BREWER, Prof. John Sherren. The Reign of Henry VIII, from his Accession to the Death of Wolsey. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 BREWER, William M. Prelin Upper Gold Belt of Alabami 1896. nary Report on the 8vo. Montgomery, A 24 U 39 BllEWEll, MALT, HOP, AXD SIU1AR TRADES RE- CORDER, The [formerly the /Irnn-.r, J'Jrated Water- maker, and Wine and ' Spirit Trad,-* Recorder]: a Monthly Journal for Brewers, Wine and Spirit Mer- chants, and Crated Water Manufacturers. Nos. 1-17, Ap., 1897-Sept,, 1898. 4to. Sydney, 1897-98. ME 19 R BRIDE, Thomas Francis. The Public Lending library of Victoria. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 f Letters from Victorian Pioneers. [See Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Vict.] MB 2 Q 14 BRIDGE, Vice-Adm. Sir Cyprian Arthur George. History of the Russian Fleet during the Reign of Peter the Great. [See Navy Records Soc, Pubs., 15.] E BRIDGE, Dr. Norman. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whoop- ing-cough. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 BRIDGES, J. H. What, if an terests of Health should i with the employment of Girls ed i , the (Intern e.) I Women in Work- . Health Exhib.— A 41 U 18 BRIDGES, Robert. 1896.) Poetical Works. i from R. Bridges. (Bibelot, | Sketch of.] [See Cree- W, Henry William, F.R.S. Geology of the Isle <:■; Wight. (See Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Geolog. Surv. England and Wales.] A 47 S 1 BRISTOWE, Dr. John Syer. Industrial Diseases. (In- t-i'-iat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 BRITANNIA AND TRADES' ADVOCATE, The. [See Tasmanian Colonist] Lond., 1899. D 22 Q 5 Lond., 1900. D22Q6 BRITISH AFRICA. With Maps. (British Empire Ser.) BRITISH AMERICA. With Maps. (British Empire Ser.) BRI'riSH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Re- port, with Appendices and a List of Subscribers and B-.nefaetors, for years ending March, 1897-1900. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond.", 1897 1900. E BRITISH AND EO REIGN REVIEW; or, -European Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-10, July, 1835-44. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835-44. " F 19 Q 0-21 BR] FISH ARMY, The. [See " Lieut.-Col. in the British BRITISH ASSOCIATION for OF SCIENCE. Catalogue Reports of Meetings. 1831-99, wii 70 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832-1900. BRITISH COLUMBIA :— Governm Board of Trade. 5 ADVANCEMENT Stars : with a Preface Ld., 1815. A 12 T 24 1 es, 1831-90. , 18! Reports, 1897-98. Department of Agriculture. Annual Repor 96. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. Department of Lands and Works. Repor Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works of .ince of British Columbia, 1897. Roy. 8vo. 1898. Department of Mines. Annual Report of the of Mines, 1897-98: being an Account of Mini, tions for Gold, Coal, etc., in the Province; ( Columbia. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 1898-99. 1895- E of the BRITISH COLUMBIA DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIA- TION. Report of the Dairymen's Association of British Columbia, 1890-97. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT-GROWERS' AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report, May, 1895 -Aug., 1897. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, 1897-98, containing General Information and Direc- tories of the various Cities, Towns, and Settlements in the Province; with a classified Business Directory compiled by R. T. Williams. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. E BRITISH ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. The Economic Journal. Vols. 1-8, 1891-98. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1891-98. E BRITISH EMPIRE SERIES. British Africa. [See British Africa.] D 22 Q 5 British America. [See British America.] D 22 Q 6 India, Ceylon. Straits Settlements, British North Borneo, Hongkong. [See India, Ceylon, &c] D 22 Q 4 BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC SOCIETY. British Ho- meopathic Pharmacopoeia. 3rd ed., 1882. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 40 Q 19 BRITISH INDIA AND QUEENSLAND AGENGY CO., Ltd. Hand-book of Information for the Colonies and Tndia, 1898-1900. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Brisb, 1898-99. ME 7 T BRITISH MUSEUM. Additions to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, 1876-88, pts. 1, 2; by S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889-90. A 30 T 24, 25 Book of the Dead: Facsimiles of the Papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, Kerasher, and Netchemet, with Supplementary Text from the Papyrus of Nu; by E. A. W. Budge. Fol. Lond., 1899. B 49 P 1 J [See a/so main Author Entry— Book of the Dead.] Catalogue of Additions to the MSS. in the British Museum in the years 1870-93, and Index, 1854-75. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond, 1880-94. K 17 T 17-20 Catalogue of Ancient MSS. in the British Museum. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. fol. Lond, 1881-84. J 47 P 4, 5 { . Greel . Latin ■ Br i Mu> of the Arabic Bool !. Ellis. Vol. 1. 4to. Lond, 1894. K 8 S 7 t of Arabic Glass Weights in the British ii ; by S. Lane-Poole. Ed'ited by R. S. Poole. ted. " 8vo. Lond, 1891. A 40 R 8 of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the Museum ; by J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond, K 18 R 18 t of Books placed in the Galleries in the Read- n of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond, 1886. K9 V 2 Public Library of New South Wales. BRITISH MUSEUM— co/tfcJ. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of the Books printed in English printed abroad to the year 1640. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. K 7 U 35-37 Catalogue of Chinese Coins from the 7th Century B.C. to a.d. 621, including the series in the British Museum ; by Terrien de Lacouperie. Edited by 11. S. Poole. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 18 R 17 f Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, \1SS., and Draw- ings in the Library of the British Museum ; by R. K. Douglas. 4to. Lond., 1877. K 13 11 13 t Catalogue of the Collection of Fans and Fan-leaves pre- sented to the Trustees of the British Museum by the Lady Charlotte Schreiber. Compiled by L. Cust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 17 R 22 f Catalogue of Cuneiform Tablets in Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum ; by C. Bezold. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1889-99. K 8 S 11-15 f Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin working in Great Britain, preserved in the Department of Prints and Ih-awings in the British Museum; by L. Binyon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898- 1900. A 19 It 1, 2f Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum. Anglo-Saxon series, vols. 1, 2 ; by C. F. Keary and H. A. Grueber. Edited by It. S. Poole. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-93. A 40 It 15, 16 Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum (Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities). 12mo. Lond., 1888. A 23 P 41 Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Illustrated. 19 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873-97. A 37 Q 1-19 Italy ; by R. S. Poole. Sicily ; by B. V. Head and P. Gardner. Edited by Pv. S. Poole. The Taxu-ie Chcrsimcse, Sarmatia. IS.eia, Moesia, Thrace, 4c. : by]!. V. Head and. 1'. Gardner. Kdited bv R. S. Poole. The Selexieid Kings of Svria ; bv P. Gardner. Edited by R. S. Poole. Macedonia, &e. ; by B. V. Head. Kdited by R. S. Poole. The Ptolemies, Kings „f Egypt; by R. S. Poole. Thessaly to Aetolia ; by P. Gardner. Edited by R. S. Poole. Central Greece ; by B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Poole. Crete and the Aegean [stands; by YV. Wroth. Edited bv R. S. Poole. Peloponnesus, excluding Corinth ; bv P. Gardner. Edited by R. S. Poole. Attica, Megaris, and Aegina ; bv B. V. Head. Edited bv R. S. Poole. Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and the Kingdom of the Bosporus ; by W. Wroth. Kdited by !!. S. I'.x.le. Corinth, Colonies of Corinth, 4c. ; bv B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Poole. Alexandria and the Nomes ; by R. S. Poole. Mysia ; by W. Wroth. Edited by R. S. Poole. Ionia ; by B. V. Heath Edited by R. S. Poole. Troas, Aeolis, and Lesbos ; by W. Wroth. Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia ; by G. F. Hill. Caria, Cos, Rhodes, 4c. ; by B. V. Head, BRITISH MUSEUM- Catalogue of Greek and Et :.\c, .is. 8v, Lond., 1851-70. K 11 R , 19 Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum ; by H. B. Walters and C. II. Smith. New ed. Illustrated. Vols. 2-4. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. . K 11 R 21-23 Catalogue of Hebrew Books in British Museum, 1759-92. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1867-94. K 11 Q 5 and 13 T 10 t Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi, and Hindustani MSS. in the Library of the British Museum ; by Prof. J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1899. J 13 T 22 t rinted Books in the ; by J. F. Blumhardt. K 18 It 20 f Catalogue of the Hindusta Library of the British Mus 4to. Lond., 1889. Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and MSS. in the Library of the British Museum ; by R. K. Douglas. 4to. Lond., 1898. J 13 R 18 t Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum ; by J. F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1892. K 18 It 19 t Catalogue of the MSS. in the Spanish Language in the British Museum ; by Pascual de Gayangos. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1875-93. K 17 T 29-32 Catalogue of Printed Books. 50 vols. 4to. Lond., 1882-98. Cat. Room Catalogue of the Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols, (in 5) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870-83. A 17 R 30-34 t 1-4. Political and Personal Satires, 1320-1770. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of MSS. in the British Museum ; by H. D. L. Ward. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883-93. K 17 T 26, 27 Catalogue of Sanskrit. Pali, and Prakrit Books in the British Museum acquired up to 1892 ; by Dr. E. Haas and C. Bendall. 2 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1876-93. K 18 R 14, 15 t Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum ; by A. H. Smith. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 40 R 11 in the Department of MSS. in the y W. de G. Birch. Vols. 1-6. 6 id., 1887-1900. Catalogue of the ft British Museum vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1887-1900. K 11 Q 20-25 Catalogue of a Selection from the Stowe MSS. exhibited in the King's Library in the British Museum. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1883. ' K 7 V 18 Catalogue of the Stowe MSS. in British Museum. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond, 1895-96. K 17 T 23, 24 Catalogue and Supplement to the Catalogue of the Per- sian MSS. in the British Museum ; by C. Rieu. 4 vols. 4to. Lond, 1879-95. K 13 R 8-11 t Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. BRITJ S 1 1 MUSEUM— contd. CataU;ueofSyriacMSS.mtheBriti: si,, the year 1838; by W. Wr vol <. ito. Lond., 1870-72. Catal . Ri< lies of the Hindi, Punjabi, Bindlii, and Pusht .ed Books in the Library of the British Museun . F. Blumhardt. 4to. Lond., 1893. K 13 T 21 Lond., 1893. (Lib J 9 V 36 a'ovusCod 1: :-:;o Brit )1. Lond., cum Manusc xnnico Asset 1838-47. vautu .m Oriei \ Pts. i-V ' ■: 1V: :»ls" 11 Q 14-18 + b> i-al Texts : i ed by „ nd., 1891 from Papyri newly disci F. Q. Kenj '"£. - British Poems llustrate Museum, in- of Herodas. 1. Sm. 4to. J i A' 13 ii of the S Sands, and v . Lond. lahs of Pers.if Kajars ; bv R. yis. Afgl S. Poole .ins, Efsharis, Illustrated. A 10 R 9 lee ion of Ancient Creel VI iseum. Pts. 1-4, sec 871-93. t. 1. iptions i 4 vols. B i the British fol. Lond., 17 P 28-31 + 1. Attika. ;:. Priene, nose, Northern Grce. erian Bosporus, and ( iasos, and Ephesos. 1. Knidos, Halikarn e, Macedonia, Thrace, the reek Archipelago. ssos, and Branchidifi. iciform In I .:,ls. fol. Lond., 1870 Western Asia B Vols. 3, 4. 47 P 12, 13 I :',. 4. Selec Assyr tions from the Mis ,i ; by Maj.-Gen. Sir ellaneous H. C. Ra^ tosonfSted hy t: the n Texts from Babylonian Tablet.- British .Museum. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1 6. J 8 S 25, 26 t Description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the Brirish Museum. Illustrated. Pts. 1-11. 11 vols. 4t. Lond., 1812-61. A 13 X 15-25 t Descr'.ption of the Collection of Ancient Terracottas in th- British Museum. With Engravings. 4 to. Lond., 1810. A6T1 | Descriptive Catalogue of Early Prints in the British Museum; by Dr. W. H. Wiltshire. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 17 R 24, 25 t :, 2. German and Flemish Schools. Descriptive Catalogue of Playing and other Cards in the i; iish Museum', accompanied by a concise General lii tory of the subject and Remarks on Cards of I- ination and of a Politico-Historical Character; by Dr. W. H. Willshire. Illustrated, Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1X76. ' A 34 V 33 Desc. iptive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in t'r.r British Museum. Edited by G. Margoliouth. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. K 11 Q 4 Greek Vases in the British Museum. Edited by A. S. Murray. Fol. Lond., 1894. A23Q23| lie BRITISH MUSEUM— contd. Egyptian Texts of the Earliest of Amamu, in the British Mi tion by S. Birch. Fol. Lon Fac-similes of Ancient Cha i the Britis: Mm i. 1-4. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1 873-78. B 46 P 33-36 + Fac-similes from Early Printed Books in the British Museum; Selected Pages from Representative Speci- mens of the Early Printed Books of Cermany, Italy, France, Holland, and England, exhibited in the King's Library. Fol. Lond., 1897. J 17 P 32 J Fac-similes of Royal, Historical, Literal tographs in the Department of MSS., Edited by G. F. Warner. lst-5th Lond., 1895-99. Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimp- sest, Edited by W. Cureton. 4 to. Lond., 1851. J 18 Q 17 t Greek Papyri in the British Museum : Catalogue, with Texts. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. Vol. 2. Imp. 4to. an. other Au- ritis t Museum. r, ) vols. fol. J 1: X 9-13 f Lond., 1898. 20 R 27 t Guide to an Exhibition of Drawin; the Old Masters, principally froi tion, in the Print and Drawing Gallery ; by S. Colvin. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 18 Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the British Museum. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. A 39 V 17 Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals ; by H. A. Grueber. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. K 9 V 1 Guide to the Exhibition of Italian Medals; by C. F. Keary. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8v< i Eto. : Mi th the Illustrated. B 40 P 4 Guide to the 1st and 2nd Egvptia Mummy-cases, and other objects c< Funeral Rites of the ancient Egypti 8vo. Lond., 1898. Guide to the MSS., Autographs, Charters, Seals, Illu- minations and Bindings exhibited in the Department of MSS. and in the Crenville Library. 12mo. Lond., 1895. K 19 P 30 Guide to the MSS. and Printed Books illustrating the Progress of Musical Notation exhibited in the Depart- ment of MSS. and the King's Library. 1 2mo. Lond., 1885. Guide to the Printed Books exhibited Library. 12mo. Lond., 1891. Hand-book of the Coins of Great Britain the British Museum: bv 11. A. Gruebei 8vo. Lond., 1899. [History and Descripti Library. With Plan Index of Artists repre: and Drawings in t Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols, i 1. Dutch and Flemi ■2. French Schools. IB] 1 .Hill, K 19 P 33 the King's K 19 P 31 I Ireland in Illustrated. A 42 W 19 ,m and New A 33 Q 28 nt of Prints Public Library of New South Wales. BRITISH MUSEUM— contd. Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments discovered by A. H. Layard. Fol. Lond., 1851. B47P9 + Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character, from the Collections of the British Museum. Fol. Lond., 1868. B 47 P 8 J Inscriptions in the Himyaritic Character, discovered chiefly in Southern Arabia and now in the British Museum. Fol. Lond., 1863. B 47 P 27 J ascriptions in the Pb in the British Muse thage during resea Lond., 1863.' •che ade N. Da B 47 P 21 Fol. Luther Exhibition, 1883, in the Grenville Library, ar- ranged by G. Bullen. 8vo. Lond., 1883. K 19 R 23 Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the Death of George II. Compiled by E. Hawkins, aud edited by A. W. Franks and H. A. Grueber. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 40 R 17, 18 Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan, in the British Museum. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. A 31 P 2 Reproductions of Drawings by Old Masters in the British Museum. Pt. 4. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 11 P 31 J Reproductions of Prints in the British Museum. Pts. 5- 7, n.s, 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-98. A 46 P 14-16 J 5. Specimens of Early Mezzotint Engraving. 6. Specimens of Line-engraving by Masters of Germanv and the Low Countries, 1530-1620. 7. Specimens of Line-engraving bv Masters of the Nether- lands Schools under the influence of Rubens and Van- dyck (about 1620-60). Roman Medallions in the British Museum ; by H. A. Grueber. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 34 V 24 Rules for compiling the Catalogues in the Department of Printed Books in the British Museum. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 22 V 24 Supplement to the Catalogue of the Arabic MSS. in the British Museum ; by Dr. Charles Rieu. 4to. Lond., 1894. K13W6t The Tell el-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, with autotype fac-similes. 4to. Lond., 1892. J 18 R 16 t Terracotta Sarcophagi, Greek and Etruscan, in the British Museum; by A. S. Murray. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1898. A 12 X 16 t White Athenian Vases in the British Museum ; by A. S. Murray and A. H. Smith. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 44 Q 13 J Wycliffe Exhibition in the King's Library, arranged by E. M. Thompson. 8vo. Lond., 1884. K 19 R 24 Aristoteles on the Constitution of Athens. [See Aris-- toteles.] F 3 R 2 British Museum Karaite MS. [See Hoerning, R.] G 20 R 23 t Poems of Bacchylides. [See Bacchylides.] H 47 P 24 J BRITISH MUSEUM.— Natural History. Catalogue of African Plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch in 1853-61 ; by W. P. Hiern. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-99. A 43 X 1-4 Catalogue of Auriculidre, Proserpinidce, and Truncatell- ida; in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. L. Pfeiffer. 12mo. Lond, 1857. A 43 U 3 Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. A. Giinther. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1858. ' A 42 U 13 Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum.' Vols. 1, 4, 6-27. Illustrated. 24 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1874-96. A 39 T 1, 4, 6-U 9 1. Accipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey ; by R. B. Sharpe. 4, 6-15. Passeriformes, or Perching Birds ; bv I'. B. Sharpe, H. Gadow, and P. L. Sclater. 16-19. Picarife; by O. Salvin, E. Hartert, R. B. Sharpe, W. R. O. (Want, E. Hargitt, P. L. Sclater, and G. E. Shelley. 20. Paittici, or Parrots ; by T. Salvadori. 21. ColumbiE, or Pigeons ; by T. Salvadori. 22. Game Birds ; by W. R. 0. Grant. 23. Fulicariaj and Alectorides ; by R. B. Sharpe. bv R. e.-s and 0. Salvin. , Pygopodes, Alcoa, Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum, with an Account of the Mor- phology and Systematic Position of the Group, and a Revision of the Genera and Species ; by R. Etheridge, jun, and P. H. Carpenter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 12 U 3 t Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond, 1862. A 42 V 3 Catalogue of the P.ritish Echinoderms in the British Museum; by F. J. Bell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1892. A 42 U 9 Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the range in time of each Genus and Order ; by H. Woodward. 8vo. Lond, 1877. A 42 V 5 Catalogue of British Hymenoptora in the British Museum. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1891. A 43 T 1 1. Catalogue of British Bees in the Collection of the British Catalogue of British non-Parasitical Worms in the Col- lection of the British Museum ; by G. Johnston. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1865. A 42 U 8 Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum; by J. E. Gray. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1869. A 42 V 2 Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum; by G. A. Boulenger. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1889. A 42 V 11 Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. 87 BRITISH MUSEUM— Natural History— contd. Catalogue of Cofeopterous Insects in the Collection of the Biitish Museum; by A. White. Pts. 7, 8. Illus- tr..i 'd. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853-55. A 43 V 37, 38 Ciita .que of tlie Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in tl. ■ Collection of the British Museum ; by T. V. Wol- la (on. 8vo. Lond., 18G4. A 42 U 7 Cata..gue of the Coleopterous Tnsects of Madeira in the C eefion of the B.riiish Museum; by T. V. Wollaston. 8\<> Lond., 1857. A 42 U 11 Cat-!, quo of the Conchifera or Bivalve Shells in the ( -ction of the British Museum ; by 0, P. Deshayes. B -. 1, 2. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853-54. A 40 V 21, 22 .,,:- ' the Cvcl.,stomatous Polvzoa in the Collec- l of tlits British Museum: by George Busk, F.R.S. . Lond, 1875. A 24 S 23 ( .logy. British Museum— The Jurassic Bryozoa ; by „ W. Gregory. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1896. A 42 V 10 Ca -i.nrue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum; by A. II. Foord and G. C. Crick. Illus- - ted. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1888-97. A 43 P 1-3 1,2. Nautiloidea, Cata'ogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum ; b. A. S. Woodward. Pts. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. . , bond, 1889-95. A 39 S 11-13 b'v ll Lydekker! Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond.,' i'85. A 42 V 16-19 2-4. Ungulata. of the Fossil Beptilia and Amphibia in the Itiitish Museum; by R. Lydekker. Illustrated. 4 •..Is. 8vo. Lond . 1888 90. A 42 V 12-15 1. Omith * turia, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhyn- Catalogue of Hokicichc in the Collection of the British m ; by the Rev. H. Clark. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., I860. A 43 R 1 I. Physapodes and CEdipodes. BRITISH MUSEUM— Natural History— contd. Catalogue of Hispidse in the Collection of the British Museum; by J. S. Baly. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1858. A 43 P 4 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by F. Smith. Pts. 3-5, 7. Illus- trated. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1855-59. A 43 V 3-5, 7 3. Mutilidae and Pompilida?. 4. Spliegkbo, Larri.L-e. and Crabronidie. 5. Vespidre. 7. Dorylidas and Thynnidai. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalamte in the British Museum. Illustrated. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 43 R 11 1. Ryntomida; ; by Sir G. F. Hampson. Catalogue of Lithophytes, or Stony Corals, in the Collec- tion of the British "Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond, 1870. A 42 U 21 Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum ; by G. A. Boulenger. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1885-87. A 42 U 1-3 1. Ge.-konicbe, Eublepharida-, Uroplatidas, 1'vgopodidse, Agamidee. 2. Iguanida?, Xenosauridoe, Zonurida?, Anguida\ Ainiicll- idse, Helodermatidie, Varanidie, Xantusiidse, Teiidas, Amphisbainidas. 3. Lacertid.e, CJerrhosauridse, Scincidse, Anelytropidas, Dibamidte, Chamseleontidse. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum ; by J. J. Kaup. 12mo. Lond, 1856. A 43 U 2 Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum. Illustrated. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 4to. Lond, 1893-97. A 18 U 1-3 t 1. Madrepora; by G. Brook. 2. Turbinaria and Astraopora ; by H. M. Bernard. 3. Montipo.-a and Anacropora ; by H. M. Bernard. Catalogue of the Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. 2 pts. (in 1.) 12mo. Lond, 1852- 84. A 24 S 22 Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum ; by O. Thomas. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1888. A 42 V 1 Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum. TheWealden Flora. Pts. 1,2; by A. C. Seward. Plates 1-11. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1894-95. A 20 S 19, 20 1. Tliallophyta-Ptcridophyta. 2. Gymnospermae. Catalogue of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. Pt. 4. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond.. 1853. A 43 W 34 Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum; by Dr. J. E. Gray. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1870. A 42 V 4 Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British M useum ; by J. O. Westwood. Pt. 1, with Plates. 4to. Lond, 1859. A 18 P 15 t Public Library of New South Wales. BRITISH MUSEUM. -Natural History— contd. Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Kidston. Svo. Loud., 1886. Catalogue of the Perciform Fishe seum ; by G. A. Boulenger. 2i Lond., 1895. : British Mu- Vol. 1. Svo. A 39 S 1 Catalogue of Pulnionata or Air-breathing Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. 12mo. Lond., 1855. A 43 W 1 Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia in the British Museum ; by J. E. Grav. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 42 U 22 Catalogue of Sca-Pens, or Pennatulariida 1 , in the Collec- tion of the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Svo. Lond, 1870. A 42 U 20 Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum ; by G. A. Boulenger. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893- 9C. A 42 U 4-6 Xenopeltidse, and Colubrida; Aglyphio. . Colubrida: Aglj pha>. Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond, 1853. A 43 U 1 Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum ; by C. S. Bate. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1862. A 42 U 12 Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. H. Hagen. Pt. 1. 12mo. Lond, 1858. A 43 W 21 Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca i Geology, liritish Museum; by ( Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1897. the Department of F. Harris. Pt. 1. A 43 S i Descriptive Catalogue of tiie Spiders of Burma, based upon the Collection by Eugene W. Oates; by T. Thorell. Svo. Lond, 1895. " A 38 P 12 General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History); with Plans and Views of the Building. Svo. Lond, 1896. B 22 R 16 Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Depart- ment of Botany, British Museum ; by A. Lister. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1895. A 39 V 16 Guide to the Fossil Invertebrates and Plants in the De- partment of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 39 V 8 Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Depart- ment of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1896. A 39 V 6 Guide, to the Fossil Reptiles and Fishes in the Depart- ment of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1896. A 39 V 4 BRITISH MUSEUM— Natural History— contd. Guide to the Galleries of Mammalia (Mammalian, Osteo- logical, Cetacean) in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum. 5th ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1894. A 29 V 7 Guide to the Galleries of Reptiles and Pishes in the De- partment of Zoology of the British Museum. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. ' Lond, 1896. A 39 V 5 Guide to Mineral Gallery, Lond, 1896. A 39 V 14 Guide to the (shell and Star-iish Galleries (Mollusca, Echinodermata, Vermes) in the Department of Zoiilogv of the British Museum. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Svo: Lond, 1888. A 39 V 10 Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum. illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1893. A 39 V 15 Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the British Museum ; by J. E. Grav. Pt, 1. Svo. Lond, 1857. [All published.] A 43 Q 1 Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Hetero- cera in the Collection of the British Museum. Pts. 6-9. 4 vols. 4t<>. Lond, 1886- 93. A 18 U 9-12 t 6. Indian Moths; by A. (!. Butler. 7. Macro-Lepidoptera Hetorooera; by A. (;. Butler. S. Lepidoptera ilci.ertK-era of the Nilgiri District ; by (J. l'\ liar . Het Introduction to the Study of Meteorites ; with a List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection ; by L. Fletcher. Svo. Lond, 1894. A 20 U 9 [Another Copy.] Svo. Lond, 1896. A 39 V 9 Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallery ; by L. Fletcher. 8vo. Lond, 1897. A 39 V 13 Introduction to the Study of Rocks ; bv L. Fletcher. Svo. Lond, 1896. " A 39 V 11 List of British Diatomacere in the Collection of the British Museum ; bv the Rev. W Smith. 12m.,. Lond, 1859. A 43 U 4 List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum ; by G. B. Grav. Pts. 3, 5. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1867-68. A 43 W 14, 16 mid:,' i I'i.ida-. List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Col tion of the liritish Museum. Pts. 5, 13-15. 4 v 12mo. Loud, 1853-56. A 43 U 9, 17 5. Lepidoptera. 13. Nomenclature of Hymenoptcra. . Nome of Nei 15. Nomenclature of Diptcra. st of the Specimens of Ceta, partment of the British Mus the Zoological De- by W. II. Flower. A 42 U 19 Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. sir MUSEUM— Natural History— contd. . ,f the Types and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cepha- ,i,la in the British Museum; by G. C. Crick. Svo. jii.l., 1898. A 42 V 8 oft: ■ Mv< of t ■ He; Descriptive Cat m of the Britii A. List >rV. oi the Zo .lo< ical Collect citic Ocean du ■ing the V< SI -8 2. Illu tr; ted. Svo. ent's Index to the Collect lo b\ [See "BRI BRIT1 < made in the Lido- re of H.M.S. Alert, nd., 1884. A 42 U 15 of Minerals. Svo. nd., 1897. A 39 V 12 matic List of the Frederick E. Edwards Collection British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the itish Museum, with references to the. type-specimens m similar horizons contained in other Collections be- ting to the Geological Department of the Museum ; 'it. B. Newton. Svo. Loud., 1891. A 42 V G :!so under Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— British Museum.] ISH OFFICER, A." [See Cairnes, Capt. W. E.] is 1 Cor -H PHARMACOPOEIA, 1S9S. Svo. Loud., IS. A 40 P 12 anion to the latest edition of the British Pharma- cia. [See Squire, P.] A 40 P 20 'ISH RECORD SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 1,12,14-18,20-22. lOvols.Svo. Lond., 1895-1 900. E II, 18. Index of Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of ? Charles I. Pts. 2, 3. Edited by W. P. W. ore, (I. S. Fry, and E. A. Fry. of Chancery Proceedings : Bills and Answers the reign of Charles I. Vol. 4. Edited by F. . Calond, Bisho, Wills ^il!s p ed in the Con of t Calendar of in the Great Orphan I looks preserved ill the 1 House, Bristol. Edited by E. A. Fry. sariot Record of Inverness lobster of Testa- 1630-1800. Edited by F. J. Grant. Calendar of Wills and Administrations relating to the f I).. !■ Col pry ( of : of Bristol, 1081-1702, and in the Arch- deaconrv Court of Dorset, lolls I 7! 12. and in the several peculiars, KiliO 1799, all now preserve,! at the Probate Registry, Blandford. Ii a coram Domino Rege apud Westnionastei'ium de n. lino Sancte Trinitatis anno Regni Regis Kdwardi ii Regis Henrici vicesimo quinto. The Pleas of the ■urt of King's Bench, Trinity Term, 25 Edward I, ■Ml. Edited liy W. P. W. Phillimore ; with Index Names and Places by E. A. Fry. Svo. Lond., <98. E BRITTEN, Em William.] BRITTEN, F. J. Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers : being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the different styles of Clocks and Watches of the pa-,, i„ Ki, gland and abroad: to which is added a List of 8,000 Makers. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 35 T 3 j and Adjusting of Watches. Illustrated. Svo. Spn... , Lond., 1898. BRITTEN, Wil A 25 P 49 Ham. Art Magic; or, Mundane, Sub- mundane, and Super-mundane Spiritism: a Treatise in three parts and twenty-three sections, descriptive of Art Magic, Spiritism, the different Orders of Spirits in the Universe known to be related to, or in communi- cation with man ; together with descriptions for in- voking, controlling, and discharging Spirits, and the uses and abuses, dangers and possibilities of Magical Art. Svo. New York, 1S7C. G 3 U 22 Ghost Land"; or, Researches into the Mysteries of Occult- ism, illustrated in a series of Autobiographical Sketches in two parts. Translated and edited by Emma Har- dinge Britten. Svo. . Boston, 1876. G 1 P 36 BRITTLEBANK, C. C, SWEET, George, and DAVID, Prof. Tarmett William Edgeworth. Further Evidence as to the Glacial Action in the Bacchus Marsh Dis- trict, Victoria. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S IS ROAD ARROW, The: I Vols. 54-64, 1895-Jun< 1895-1900. BROADBENT, Dr. Wil Lond., 1S90. ival and Military Gazette, 1900. 11 vols. fol. Lond., , Henry. The Pulse. 12mo. A 26 P 20 BROADFOOT, Major William. Billiards ; with Contri- butions by A. H. Boyd, Sydenham Dixon, W. J. Ford, Dudley D. Pontifex,' Russell D. Walker, and Reginald H. R. R. Wilson. Svo. Lond., 1S96. A 29 S 23 BROADWATER PROPRIETARY TIN-DREDGING CO. Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 U 18 BROADWOOD, Bertha Pratt, E. A.— Pione The Ockley System. [See omen in Victoria's Reign.] C 25 Q 19 BROCA, Paul. Inst™ metriques de la S« Illustrated. Svo. BROCHURE SERIES. Library Architeet.u Planning a Libran i, Dr. R.] rarian's poh: ,ns as to Lib A37R8 of view. A 37 K S Public Library of New South Wales. BRODIE, Alexander. Diary of. Pubs.] BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins. L With Portrait. 8vo. Lond. Medicine.) . ; by T. Holmes. I. (Masters of C 23 R 14 BRODIE, Dr. "C. Gordoi Graphic 1 land-hook fo- Imp. 8vo. Lond., 18S Dissections Illustrated : a Students of Human Anatomy. >. A 15 S 19 t BRODIE, Dr. Thomas Grigor. The Essentials of Experi- mental Physiology for the use of students. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 10 U 10 BRODIE, William. Sketch of Deacon Brodie. [See Whibley, O— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRODRIBB, John Henry. [See Irving, Sir H.] BRODRICK, Hon. George Char pressions, 1831-1900. 8vo. les. Memories at Lond., 1900. C 2 T 16 . , and FREMANTLE, Rev. W. H. A Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 3G BRODRICK, Dr. Mary. Hand-book for Travellers in Lower and Upper Egypt. 9th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. (Murray's Hand-books.) D 12 S 16 BROGGER, W. C, and ROLFSEN, Nordahl. Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-93. Translated by William Archer. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 16 V 17 BROGLIE, Albert, Due de. An Ambassador of the Van- quished : Viscount Elie de Gontaut-Biron's Mission to islated by A. I). Vandal Lond., 1896. B 31 U 20 St. Ambrose. Translated by M. Maitland ; with a Preface by G Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (The Saints.) G 25 P 14 BROGLIE, Emmanuel de. St. Vincent de Paul. Trans- lated by M. Partridge ; with Preface by G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (The Saints.) G 23 P 37 BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY CO. Reports and Statements of Accounts, 1889-98. 10 vols. 4to. Melb., 1889-98. ME 7 R i State Schools. (Mel- ME 18 Q BRONGNIART, Adolphe, and GRIS, Arthur. Descrip- tion de quelques Plantes remarquables de la Nouvelle- Caledonie. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 12 P 29 t BRONGNIART, Alexander. Coloring and Decoration of Ceramic Ware ; with Notes and Additions by A. Sal- vetat. Translated by G. J. M. Ashby. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. A 45 U 3 BRONCHORST, Everard. Diarium Everardi Bron- chorstii sive Adversaria omnium qua: gesta sunt in Academia Leydensi 1591-1627, uitgegeven door J. C. Van Slee. 8vo. 'sGravenhage, 1898. G 17 U 24 BRONTE, Anne. Works of. [See Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne— Life and Works.] J 26 V 1-7 BRONTE, Charlotte. Charlotte Bronte and her Circle ; by Clement K. Shorter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 S 3 Charlotte Bronte at Home ; by Marion Harland. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Literary Hearth- stones.) C 28 P 1 Adventures of Ernest Alembert. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, K— Little Journeys to the Homesof Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 The Sisters Bronte ; by Mrs. Oliphant. [See Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F.— Early Vic- torian Literature.] J 8 T 37 : , Emily, and Anne. Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and her sisters ; with Introductions to the I Introduction With Works by Mrs. Humphry War and Notes to the Life by Clement K. Sin Portraits and Illustrations. 7 1899-1900. 1. Jane Eyre ; by Charlotte Bron •1. Shirley ; by Charlotte Bronte. 3. Villette ; by Charlotte Bronte. 4. The Professor ; by Chariot!* T: lotte, Emily, Anne, and II. -v. 5. Withering He Lond., by; <•' llniiii, J: 6 V 1-7 ins by Char- Ag les Crey; , The Tenant of Wildfell Hall ; by Anne Bronte. , Life of Charlotte Bronte ; by Mrs. Gaskell. BRONTE, Emily. Emily, and Am Works of. [See Bronte, Charlotte, e— Life and Works.] J 26 V 1-7 BRONTE, Rev. Patrick. lotte, Emily, and Anne. — Life and Poems by. [See Bronte, Char- 1 Works.] J 26 V 4 BROOK, George. Catalogue of the Madrepori in the British Museum. [See British Nat. Hist.] A 18 U 1 t BROOKE, Christopher. The Ghost of Richard III: a Poem printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespear's Historical Play, reprinted from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library ; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 91 BROOKE, Emma. Tabulation of the Factory Laws of European Countries in so far as they relate to the Hours of Labour, and to special l.-islat ion for Women, Yo„ng Persons, and Children. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 14 S 24 BROOKE, Dr. H. G. Lichen. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 41 Psoriasis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 BROOKE, Sir James. Rajah Brooke : the Englishman as Ruler of an Eastern State ; by Sir S. St. John. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Builders of Greater Britain.) C 27 R 9 BROOKE, Rev. Stopford Augustus. English Literature from the Beginning to the Norman Conquest. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 34 Gospel of Joy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 38 Old Testament and Modern Life. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Wordsworth's "Guide to the Lakes." (Knight, William. - Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Life and Lettersof Frederick W. Robertson. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 BROOKLYN ETHTCAL ASSOCIATION. Life and Conditions of Survival : Physical Basis of Ethics, Soci- ology, and Religion. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. G 12 V 23 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. Annual Reports, 1861-73. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1873. E BRO( )KS, E. W. The Syriac Chronicle, known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene. [See Zachariah of Mitylene.] G 24 V 37 BROOKS, John Graham. The Papal Encyclical on the Labor Question. (American Econ. Assoc.) E 4 V 19 BROOKS, Noah. Short Studies in Party Politics. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 1 BROCKS, Phillips, Bishop of Massachusetts. The more abundant Life: Lenten Readings, selected chiefly from unpublished MSS. of Bishop Phillips Brooks, by W. M. L. .lay. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 25 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 BROOKS, Sydney. Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B37P18 BROOKS, William, and CO. Brooks's New Australian School Series. [See Irvine, R. F., and Smith, S. H.] MG 2 T 66 BROOKS, Prof. William Keith. Foundations of Zoology. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Columbia University Bio- logical Ser.) A 40 U 9 The Oyster : a Popular Summary of a Scientific Study. Illustrated. 12mo. Baltimore, 1891. A 26 R 40 BROOM, Dr. Robert. Affinities and Habits of Thylacoleo. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Comparative Anatomy of the organ of Jacobson in Mar- supials. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Development of the Common Phalanger. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Homology of the Palatine Process of the Mammalian Premaxillary. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P Lizards of the Chillagoe District, North Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Note on the period of Gestation in Echidna. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P Observations on the relations of the organ of J acobson in the Horse. (LinneanSoc.,N.S.W.,Proc.,1896.) ME2P The organ of Jacobson in an Australian Bat. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P Report on a Bone Breccia Deposit near the Wonibeyan Caves, N.S.W. ; with Descriptions of some newspecies of Marsupials. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Small Fossil Marsupial allied to Petaurus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P Some developments of the Mammalian Prenasal Car- tilage. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P Two new species of Ahlepharus from North Queensland. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Oct., 1896.) E BROPHY, A. F Teaching of Drawing and Colouring as a Preparation for Designing and Decorative! Work. (In- ternal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 BROSSES, Charles de. Selections from the Letters of. Translated by Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 7 BROUGH, Charles llillman.. Irrigation in Utah. [See Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 19 BROUGH, Lionel. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 BROUGH, William. Open Mints and Free Banking. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 15 Q 22 Public Library of New South Wales. BROUGHAM AND VAUX, Henry Peter, Baron. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, H.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* , and others. Old England's Worthies : a Gallery of Portraits, from authentic copies, of the most eminent Statesmen, Lawyers, Warriors, Men of Letters and Science, and Artists of our Country, accompanied by full and original Biographies. Pol. Lond. (n.d.) C 22 B 1 t BROUGHTON, Rhoda. Cometh up as a Flower. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 P 36 BROUGHTON, William Grant, 1st Bishop of Australia. Life and Labours of; by J. W. Fawcett. 8vo. Brisk, 1897. MC 1 P 43 BROWN, Alexander. Genesis of the United States: a Narrative of the Movement in England, 1 605-1 G, which resulted in the Plantation of North America by Englishmen, disclosing the contest between England and Spain for the possession of the soil now occupied by the United States of America; set forth through a series of Historical MSS. now first printed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 41 T 6, 7 BROWN, Alexander Hargreaves. Is it desirable to legis- late further respecting the duties of Medical Officers of Health? (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 BROWN, Alice. [Life of] Mercy Warren. [See Warren, Mercy.] C 20 U 25 BROWN, Archibald. Law of Mines and Minerals. [Set Bainbridge, W.] F7TG Principles of Equity. [See Snell, E. H. T.] F 8 P 35 BROWN, Austin Graham. The Leader Land Selector's Guide. With Land Map of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1900. MF 5 R 27 BROWN, Cecil. The Horse in Art and Nature. Illus- trated. Ob. 4to. Lond. (riM.) A 17 R 17 t BROWN, Charles Armitage. Shakespeare's Autobio- graphical Poems. [See Shakespeare, W.] C 23 Q 7 BROWN, D. Kinnear. Almanac and Guide, 1885-86. 2 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1885-86. MD 8 P 43, 44 History of the Year : a Record of Chief Events and Topics of Interest, 1884-85. 2 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1885-86. MB 3 P 9, 10 BROWN, Prof. David. Memoir of; by W. G. Blaikie. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 9 BROWN, Edwin. On the Australian Species of Tetracha. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1869.) E BROWN, Ethel M. The Coolgardie Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BROWN, Ford Madox. Diary, &c, 1844-56. (Rossetti, W. M.— Prseraphaelite Diaries and Letters.) C 27 R 5 A Record of his Life and Work ; by Ford M. Hueffer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 10 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 BROWN, Prof. Frederick Douglas. The Insulation of Cold Stores. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BROWN, Rev. George. Journey to New Guinea and New Britain. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Life-history of a Savage. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S BROWN, George A., "Bruni." Sheep Husbandry. (West Aust. Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 BROWN, Gookl. Grammar of English Grammars; en- larged by the addition of a copious Index of Matters by Samuel U. Berrian. 10th ed. Roy. 8vo. New York (n.d.) J 6 V 27 BROWN, H. Y. L. Record of the Mines of South Australia: the German Reef; the Mannahill Gold- field; the Wadnarninga Gold-field. [See South Australia.— Mines.] MA 4 U 2 Report on the Northern Territory [South Australia] Explorations. [See South Australia — Northern Terri- tory.] MD 9 Q 38 Reports on Arltunga Gold-field and Hart's Range Mica- field. [See South Australia.— Geology.] MA 9 P 46 f BROWN, Henry. Kain's Solicitors' Book-keeping by Double Entry. [See Kain, G. J.] A 25 P 18 BROWN, J. Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark, 1766-1818. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 20 S 12, 13 BROWN, J. K. Victorian People's Blue Book ; or, the Proletarian Philosophy of Government. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MF 4 P 52. BROWN, J. Moray. Polo. [See Weir, Capt. R.] A 1 7 U 49 BROWN, Jacob B. On Blue Water. [See De Amicis, E.] D 22 Q 1 BROWN, James D. Guide to the Formation of a Music Library. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 Hand-book of Library Appliances : The Technical Equip- ment of Libraries, Fittings, Furniture, Charging Sys- tems, Forms, Recipes, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 Manual of Library Classification and Shelf Arrangement. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 11 T 44 Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries. [See Burgovne, F. J.— Books for Village Libraries.] J 9 V 36 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BROWN, John. John Brown and his Men ; by Richard J. Ilinton. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 20 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Misc.] J 22 Q 25 BROWN", Dr. John. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* BROWN, Rev. John. Apostolical Succession in the light of history and fact. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 14 The Pilgrim Fathers of New England and their Puritan Successors; with an Introduction by the Rev. A. E Dunning. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1*96. G 1 R 42 Puritan Preaching in England: a Study of Past and Present. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 S 5 BROWN, John Ednie. Forest Flora of South Australia. [Plates.] Pol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 Q 10 J Report on the Forests of Western Australia. [See Western Australia.— Woods and Forests.] MA 5 R 12 + BROWN, Mary Willcox. The Development of Thrift. 8vo. Now' York, 1899. F 15 P 36 BROWN, Montagu. Artistic and Scientific Taxidermy • and Modelling. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 39 BROWN, Oliver Madox. A Biographical Sketch, 1855- 7 I ; by J. H. Ingram. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 24 Q 10 Criticism of the Works of. [See Darmesteter, James.— English Studies.] J 14 V 6 BROWN, Peter Hume. History of Scotland. Vol 1. With Maps. 8vo. Camb., 1899. (Camb. Hist. S«i.) B32Q12 BROWN, Robert. New Zealand Musci. (N.Z. Inst., Trans, 1896, 1898.) ME 2 S BLOWN, Dr. Robert. Ad Jewitt, John.] History and Description of Africa, [See Hakluyt of John Jewitt. [See D 16 4Q BROWN, Maj. Robert llanburv. The Land of Goshen and the Exodus. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1899. B 34 S 7 BROWN, Robert Hewitt. Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy ; or, the Origin and Meaning of Ancient and Modern Mysteries explained. Illustrated. Sm. '4to. New York, 1882. G 23 V 4 BROWN, William. The Land Laws. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 BROWN, William Finlay. Treatise on the Evolution of Historical Organism. Kvo. Parkes, 1898. MG 2 U 9 BROWN, William Harvey. On the South African Fron- tier : Adventures and Observations of an American in Mashonaland and Matabeleland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1899. D 22 Q 2 BROWN, Prof. Will- Union. (Austra Rept, 1898.) a Jethro. Advantages of a Federal -ian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, ME 18 S Application of the Hare System in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas, Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q The New Democracy. Svo. Lond, 1899. MF 5 S 8 Why Federate? 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 T 1 Art of Enamelling on Metal. A 45 R 17 House Decorating and Painting. 12mo. Lond, 1900. A 45 R 18 BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-. Geology of the Borders of the Wash, including Boston and Hunstanton. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 40 Geology of the Country around Lincoln. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 24 Geology of parts of Cambridgeshire and of Suffolk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 32 Geology of part of Lincolnshire, including the Country near the Towns of Louth, Alford, and Spilsby. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 15 Geology of the S.W. part of Lincolnshire, with parts of Leicestershire and Nott inghamshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 7 Geology of South-western Norfolk and of Northern Cam- bridgeshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. —England and Wales.] A 47 R 33 BROWNE, Arthur H. Account of some early Ancestors of Raratonga. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R BROWNE, Edward Granville. A Year amongst the Per- sians : Impressions as t. . the Life, Character, and Thought of the People of Persia, received during twelve months' Lond, 189."). ' D 19 U 6 BROWNE, George Forrest, Bishop of Bristol. Local Examinations. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 rhe Venerable Bede. 12mo. Lond, 1897. (The Fathers for English Readers.) G 26 P 18 Public Library of New South Wales. BROWNE, II. Morgan-. The Forces of the Crown. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 India. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Production and Industry. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Public Finance. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Railways and Post Office. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Sporting and Athletic Records. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 10 R G Trade and Shipping (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 1 8 The Widening of our Borders. (Sixty Years of Empire. ) B 22 R 18 BROWNE, Hablot Knight, " Phiz." Illustrations to David Copperfield, Bleak House, and Dombey and Son. [See Dickens, C] J 22 S 4-6 BROWNE, James. History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans ; with an extensive Selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart Papers. New ed. Illus- trated. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1860. B 13 S 23-26 BROWNE, John Harris. Anthropological Notes relating to the Aborigines of the Lower North of South Aus- tralia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Use of the Wedge by Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98. ME 1 S BROWNE, Margery. Lady Dolly. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MH 1 W 9 Weeds in Verse. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) ' MH 1 V 26 BROWNE, Matthew. Chaucer's England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. B 17 Q 27, 28 [■ of Tasmania. Portrait MA 11 P 33 t [See Pater, W.— J 22 U 17 BROWNE, Sir T. Gore, Cover of. [See Beattie, J. W.] BROWNE, Sir Thomas. [Essay ( Appreciations.] BROWNE, Thomas Alexander, "Rolf Boldrewood." Aus- tralian Rough Riders. (Macmillan's Magazine, April, 1894.) E A Colonial Reformer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 U 7 The Miner's Right. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 U 8 A Modern Buccaneer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 U 9 My Run Home. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MJ 3 U 10 Nevermore. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 U 11 Old Melbourne Memories. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 50 Plain Living. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 S 28 Romance of Canvas Town, and other Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 U 4 The Sealskin Cloak. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 13 The Sphinx of Eaglehawk. 12mo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 P 58 The Squatter's Dream. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 U 12 War to the Knife; or, Tangata Maori. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 3 U 14 Criticism of the Works of. [See Byrne, Desmond. — Australian Writers.] MJ 1 It 6 BROWNE, William. The Whole Works of. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1868-69. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 3 U 1, 2 BROWNE, William Henry. Catholicos of the East and his People. [See Maclean, A. J.] G 26 R 2 BROWNELL, Eva Palmer. Historic New York. [See Goodwin, Maud Wilder.] B 19 R 6* BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett [Mrs. R.] (Elizabeth Bar- rett Barrett). Letters of. Edited, with Biographical Additions, bv F. G. Kenyon. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 3, 4 Sonnets from the Portuguese. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. H 9 P 19 Carlyle : a Disentangled Essay. [See Nicoll, W. R,— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 [Criticism of] Sonnets from the Portuguese. [See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her scarcer Books. [See Nicoll, W. It.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Cen- tury.] J 14 S 4 Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 It 43 Letters of. [See Browning, R.] C 26 P 16, 17 An Opinion on Tennyson. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 Religious Opinions of. [See Nicoll, W. It. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 to. Lond., A 40 Q5 Illustrated. 8vo. I) 18 Q 24 BROWNING, Oscar. Charles XII, King of Sweden. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 20 It 16 Introduction to the History of Educational Theories. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Education Lib.) G 17 S 27 Training by Universities of the Public Servants of the State. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Journal of Sir George Rooke. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 9.] E BROWNING, Robert. Bells and Pomegranates; with Notes by T. J. Wise. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 21 Poems ; with Introduction by R. Garnett. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 1 S 33 Alleged Obscurity of Mr. Browning's Poetry. [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 30 Browning and the Christian Faith. [See Berdoe, E.] G 9 W 10 Browning as a Humourist. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Life of the Spirit in the English Poets.] H 11 S 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. BROW XING Robert— contd. ;, lien. H12V3 Brov ning's Verse-form. [See Beatty, A.] Criticism of the Work of. [See Walker, Prof. H.— Greater Victorian Poets.] J 10 U 3G Essays on Robert Browning. [See Little, M.] J 9 R 5 Ethi'-s of Browning's Poems. [See Leeke, Mrs. Percy.] J 14 P 39 Materials for a Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson.— Literary A necdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Pro ■ Life of Strafford. [See Strafford, Earl of.] C 18 P 3 [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S C Studies in Poetry of. [See Fotheringham, J.] J 14 U 30 , and Elizabeth Barrett [Airs. R.J (Elizabeth Bar- ret! Barrett). Letters of, 1845-46. With Portraits aid fac-similes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 P 1G, 17 BROW XING, Robert J. Digest of Cases decided in New Smith Wales upon the Law relating to Municipalities to the end of 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 4 R G6 BROW XLTE, Rev. John. Hymns and Hymn-writers of the Church Hymnary. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 21 P 14 BROWXRIGG, Elizabeth. [Life of]; by Edgar Stubbs. (Vincent, Arthur.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 2 1 Q 20 BRUBAKER, Dr. Albert P. Lymphatic Vessels of the He id and Neck. (Litch, Dr. W. F. American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 I, -Neuroses associated with Dental Pathology. (Litch, )r. W.F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 .'iO, Alexander. The City Abattoirs: who should i i-t them, and where they should be erected. (Agr. laz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R ss-bred Sheep and Rotation of Crops. (Farmers nd Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 .',:■), Rev. Alexander Balmain. Apologetics; or, M.rixtianity defensively stated. 3rd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 895. (Intermit. Theological Lib.) G 24 R 30 ral Order of the World in Ancient and Modern 'bought. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S G : Providential Order of the World. 8vo. Lond., 897. (Gifford Lectures.) G 23 R 7 . ! E, Alexander Hugh, Lord Balfour of Burleigh. [See ialfour of Burleigh, Lord.] BRUCE, Surg.-Maj. David. Preliminary Report on the Tsetse Fly Disease, or Nagana, in Zululand. Sm. fol. Durban, 1895. AllX13f BRUCE, George Wyndham Hamilton Knight-, Bishop of Mashonaland. Memories of Mashonaland. 8vo. Lond., 1895. . D 14 S 22 BRUCE, Dr. J. M. Dictionary of Medicine. [See Quain, Dr. Richard.] A 31 P 3, 4 BRUCE, Miner W. Alaska : its History and Resources, Gold-fields, Routes, and Scenery. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. D 22 R 16 [Another copy.] 2nded. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, D2 R 17 BRUCE, Philip Alexander. 1 in the Nth Century. 2 v ,ry of Virginia 7 York, 1896. F 2 V 28, 29 BRUCE, Richard Isaac. The Forward Policy and its Results; or, 35 Years' Work amongst the Tribes of our North-western Frontier of India. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. B 41 R 13 BRUCE, Robert. The new Kreuz Polka: Winifred. [Words only.] Sm. fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] BRUCE, T. Boston. Prof. M.] [See Pantaleoni, F 3 R 25 BRUCE, Wallace. Roy. Svo. Ne' Old Homestead Poe York, 1888. BRUCH, Philipp, SCHIMPER, Dr. Wilhelm and GUMBEL, Theodor. Bryologia Eur Stuttgart i , 1836- 55 A 11 X 1-6 t BRUCK, Ludwig. Sweating of the Medical Profession by the Friendly Societies of Australasia, with a Prac- tical Scheme for its Abolition. 18mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 39 Uses and Abuses of the Public Hospitals in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand ; with thirty-two practical suggestions for reform. 12mo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 30 Australasian Medical Directory and Hand-book. [See Australasian Medical Directory and Hand-book] BRUCK, Nicolas Remy. Electricity et Magnetisme Ter- restres. [See Doneux, Lieut.-Col. A.] A 20 P 30-32 s of t: 5 Cor BRUGMANN, Prof. Karl. Elerne Grammar of the Indo-Oerinanic Languages. Vols. 1- 4, and Index. 5 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1888-95. J 12 V 24-28 Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo- European Languages. Translated by E. Y. Bobbins. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princeton Lectures.) A 24 P 32 Public Library of New South Wales. BRUHL, Lucien Levy-. [See Levy-Bruhl, L.] BRUHL, P., and KING, Dr. G. Century of New and Rare Indian Plants. [See Calcutta Royal Botanic Garden.] A 17 U 22 t BRUNCK, Richard Franz Philipp. Anthologia Grseca. [See Jacobs, F.] J 21 T 1-11 BRUNEAU, Abbe. The Man in the Grey Suit. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRUNETIERE, Ferdinand. 1 Paris, 1900. Essays in French Literature: by D. Nichol Smith. 8vo. Manual of the History of Fren by R, Derechef. 8vo. Loi [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de. To-day.] " BRUNI." [See Brown, G. A.] i Literature of J 23 R 20 BRUNI d'AREZZ( ), Lionardo. De Studiis et Literis : an English Version. [See Woodward, W. H.] G 2 U 45 BRUNNICH, J. C. Boracic Acid. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U Composition of Foods. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Jadoo Fibre. (Qui 1899.) island Agricult. Jo rn., Dec'., ME 9 U The New Chemical Laboratory of the Queansland Agri- cultural College, Gatton. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U Practical Determination of the Starch-content of Pota- toes. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U BRUNTON, Dr. Thomas Lauder. Diarrhoea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Dyspepsia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Lectures on the Actions of .Medicine : being a Course of Lectures on Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 T 1 Nervous Diseases of the Heart, (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Physiology of Fa;cal Evacuation. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 , and LEITH, Dr. Robert Fraser Calder. Gas- tritis, &c. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A-26 T 36 BRUNTON, William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 67.) E BRUSH, Dr. Edward N. Hospital Treatment of Insanity. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BRUSH, George Jarvis Manual of Determinative Mineral- ogy ; with an Introduction on Blowpipe Analysis, re- vised and enlarged by S. L. Pentield. 15th ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 20 BRUSSELS— OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DE BIB- LIOGRAPHIE. La Classification Decimale. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. JUS 27 Conference Bibliographique Internationale: Documents. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. J 14 S 29 L'Organisation Internationale de la Bibliographie Scien- tifique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1895. JUS 28 BRUTUS, Mai ,nd hi. [Life of.] [See Boi e-dwel B 17 P 52 Tunisia : BRUUN, Dani Recollections of a Sojourn with the Khalifa of Mi Translated by "L.A.E.B." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. 1) 22 P 2 BR YAM, W. J. Beginnings of Life. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proc, 1899.) ME 1 T BRYAN, Alfred Cookman. History of State Banking in Maryland. (Johns Hopkins University. —Studies in Historical and Political Science.) ' B 18 S 17 BRYANT, A. P. Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 Dietary Studies in Chicago, 1895-96. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 BRYANT, E. E. The Reign of Antoninus Pius. 8vo. (.Jamb., 1895. B 30 S 18 BRYANT, Fr (Lib. Ass< of A list ndingfor Public Libraries. Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 BRYANT, Mrs. Sophie. Curricu of the First Grade. (Inti Health Exhib. Literature.) The Teaching of Morality in the 8vo. Lond., 1897. tun of a School for Girls ■nat. Health Exhib.- A 41 V 12 Family and the School. G 18 P 47 BRYANT, William Cullen. [Life of]; by J. Bigelow. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1897. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 11 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 Sketch of. [See Godwin, P.— Commemorative Addresses.] J 14 V 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BRYC E, George. Remarkable History of the Hudson's Bay Co., including that of the French Traders of North-western Canada, and of the North-west and AstorFurCos. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1900. B 40 P 5 Sketch of Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell. [See Historical and Scientific Soc. of Manitoba.] C 24 P 12 BRY( !'., Rt. Hon. James. Impressions of South Africa. With Maps. 8vo. Bond., 1897. D 13 U 1 [Aii' it her copy.] 3rd ed., revised throughout : with a new Prefatory Chapter, and with the Transvaal Conven- tions of 1881 and 1884. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D21Q5 Transcaucasia and Ararat : being the Notes of a Vacation T.ur in the Autumn of 187G. Illustrated. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 S 19 Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 -, and others. Briton and Boer : both sides of the South African Question. 8vo. New York, 1900. B 37 P 18 BUY DEN, Henry Anderson. Kloof and Karroo: Sport, [.'•gend, and Natural History in Cape Colony, with a notice of the (lame Birds, and of the present distri- bution of the Antelopes and larger game. Illustrated. Rvo. Lond., 1889. A 27 S 10 BRYXMOR-JONES, David. [See BIT! IAN, John. Schoh 3S, D. Brynmor-.] BUCHANAN, David. Coffee - growing at Mackay. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Will Coffee-growing pay? (Queensland Agricult, Journ., I 897.) ME 9 U BUCHANAN, James. Portrait of. [-See Brooks, Noah. - Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 BUCHANAN, Neil. History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Dr. Adolph.J G 23 S 30, 37 BUCHANAN, Robert. The New Rome: Poems and Ballads of the Empire. 8vo. Bond, (n.d.) H 12 R 32 [Verses by.] (Swinburne, A. C— Under the Microscope.) J 23 Q 21 BUCHANAN, William. Tides, Currents, and the Moon. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BUCUELER, Prof. Franz. Lexicon Italicum. (Bonn University Programme, 22nd March, 1881.) 4to. Bonn, 1881. K 18 S 12 BUCHHEIM, Dr. Charles Adolphus. Luther's Primary Works. [See Luther, Martin.] G 19 T 20 BUCK, Dr. Albert Herbert. Supplement to th Hand-book of the Medical Sciences, authors. Vol. 9. Illustrated. 4 to. E< Kefer A 1 1 T 9 f BUCKE, Dr. Richard Maurice. Calamus. [See Whit- man, W.j C 23 P 19 The Wound Dresser. [See Whitman, W.] C 23 P 28 BUCKELL, G. T. Teasdale-. Experts on Guns and Shoot- ing. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bond., 1900. A 44 V 11 BUCKINGHAM, Lieut. B. H, FOULK, Ensign George C, and McLEAN, Ensign Walter. Observations upon the Korean Coast, Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia, uring a Joume fron the Asiatic Station to the United States t Siberia and Europe, 1882. Roy. 8vo. Wash , 1883 D 20 U 10 BUCKINGHAM, J. S. Parlw; Magazine. [See Parliamen tary Review and Family vols. 8vo. Buffalo, 1874-98. E The Home of the Eddie Poems, with especial reference to the Helgi-lays. Revised ed., with a new Intro- duction concerning old Nurse Mythology. Translated by W. H. Schofield. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Grimm Lib.) B 36 P 15 BUILDER, The : an Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, Sani- tary Reformer, and Art Lover. Vols. 1-78, Dec, 1842- June, 1900. 78 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1843-1900. E- BUILDERS OF GREATER BRITAIN. Admiral Phillip. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 Q 6 Edward Gibbon Wakefield. [See Oarnett, R,] MB 3 Q 5 Rajah Brooke ; by Sir S. St. John. [See Brooke, Sir J.] C 27 R 9 Si Stamford Raffles SirS.] ; by H. E. Egertoi . [See Raffles, C 27 R 23 BUILDING, ENGINEERING, AND MINING JOUR- NAL, and the Australasian Builder and Contractors' News [formerly the Buildina and Engine, -rim/ Journal of Australia and New Zealand] June, 1889-99. 23 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1889-99. ME BUILDING AND ENGINEERING JOURNAL OE AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. [See Build- ing, Engineering, and Mining Journal.] BUILDING NEWS, The, and Engineering Journal. Vols. 28-78, 1875-June, 1900. 51 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1875-1900. E BUILDING WORLD, The : an Illustrated Weekly Trade Journal. Vols. 1, 2, Oct., 1895-Oct., 1896. 2 vols, sm. fol. Lond., 1895-96. E BULKELEY, Joseph H. American Notes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Cold Storage in the United States. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Cultivation of Onions and Rape in the United States. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Elementary Agricultural Education. (Agricult. Gaz N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 II BULL, George. With the Australians. (Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Mag., May, 1899.) E BULL, H. J. Cruise of the Antarctic to the South Polar Regions. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 U 15 With Peary near the Pole. [See Astrup, E.] D 16 T 21 BULLANABEE AND CLINKATABOO, two recently discovered Islands in the Pacific, History of. ISmo. Loud., 1828. MJ 3 P 55 BULLEN, Arthur Henry. the Elizabethan Age. Life and Adventures of Peter Wilk: from the Song-books of Lond., 1897. H 11 Q 9 BULLEN, Frank Thorn. Cruise of the Cachalot round the World after Sperm Whales. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. I) 16 Q 10 The Men of the Merchant Service : being the Polity of the Mercantile Marine for Long-shore Readers. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 19 Q 34 The Way they have in the Navy : being a day-to-day record of a Cruise in H.M. Battleship Mars during the Naval Manoeuvres of 1899. 12mo. Lond., 1S99. B 37 Q5 BULLEN, George. Luther Exhibition Grenville Library. [See British Muse 1883, in the m.] K 19 R 23 BULLER, A. P. Appearance of Anosia boliua in the Wellington District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S BULLER, Dr. F. Injuries df the Eye and its Appendages. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BULLER, Gen. Sir Redvers Henry. Sir Redvers H. Buller : the Story of his Life and" Campaigns ; by W. Jerrold. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 23 R 23 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 11 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 BULLER, Sir Walter Lawry, F.R.S. Notes on the Auck- land Island Shag, l'hafacrocorax colemoi. (The Ibis, 1895.) E Notes on New Zealand Ornithology. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-96.) ME 2 S On a new species of Xenicus from an Island off the Coast of New Zealand. (The Ibis, 1895.) E Ornithology of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Supplement tary Catalogue — 1896-1900. hVLl.ri'lX, Th; from No. 1, Jan. 31st, 1880 June, 1900. 43volsfol. Sydney, 1880-1900. ME BULLETIN MONUMENTAL. Tomes 1-G2, 1834-91, 1893-97, et Tables Generates, 1834-73. GG vols. 8vo. Pans, 1834-97. E BULL' »OH, John Malcolm. History of the University of Aberdeen, 1495-1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 18 Q 31 BULLUCH, Dr. William. I T ner, Dr. W. A.] BULL< >CK, William Henry. [See Hall, W. H. Bullock.] BUL?d VN, H. V., and REDMAYNE, R, A. S. Colliery Waking and Management; comprising the Duties of a Clliery Manager, the Superintendence and Arrange- ment of Labour and Wages, and the different Systems of Working Coal Seams. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1806. A 25 U 30 BULOW, E. von. Aus Biilows Novellenbuch. 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) J1V45 >n. Memoir compiled from the family l,n von Humboldt and his children". Dlara Nordlinger. With Portraits. 17. " C 24 R 13 BULOW, Gi '!: mslat BULS. C. Const ruction of Primary Schools in Belgium. ( I nternat. Health Exhil).— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 BULW ER LYTTON, Edward George Earle Lytton, Baron Lytton. [See Lytton, Baron.] BUN E, Daniel. Dr. Lu Iiardt, Dr. L] BUN 1 >EY, Willia yig Leichhardt. [See Leich- MC 1 T 31 n of Innocent Men. MF 5 P 2G BUN II ILL FIELDS BURIAL GROUND, History of, \\:lh some of the principal Inscriptions. l2mo. Lond., 1893. B 23 P 17 BUN NER, Henry Cuvler. (Matthews, J. B. -Com urtship with Variations. for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P 6 H 12 P 6 [See Magnus, J.] BUN N'ETT, Fanny Elizabeth. Life of Michael Angelo. [See Michael Angelo.] C 20 S 5, 6 BUNSEN, Christian Carl Josias, Baron. God in History ; or, the Progress of Man's Faith in the Moral Order of the World. Translated from the German by Susanna Winkworth ; with a Preface by A. P. Stanley. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1868-70. G 23 S 20-22 Me, of. [See Church, R. W., Dean -Occ >nal BUNSEN, Marie von by Mrs. Dugdale. A Winter in Berlin. Translated 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 14 Q 40 BUNYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come ; with an Introduction by Rev. H. R. Haweis. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) G 20 P 15 t Tronge i Kerisiano qa la l-cne Kowe Hnengodrai : Hna Cinyihane Hnei Ioane Bunyan ; Nge hna u jiine kowe la Qene Dehu hnei S. M. Creagh. [Pilgrim's Progress, Lifu Dialect, Loyalty Islands.] 12mo. Sini, 1893. MG 2 T 23 John Bunyan and lienedict Spinoza. [See Jowett, B. — Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Great Books.] J 22 Q 14 BUONARROTTI, Michael Angelo. [See Michael Angelo Buonarrotti.] BURBURY, Samuel Hawkslev, F.R.S. Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. 8vo. Camb., 1899. A 38 S 14 The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. [See Watson, Dr. H. W.] A 21 T 12* BURCKHARDT, R. Uber Aepyornis. [See Palreonto- logische Abhandlungen.] E vith Solutions. A 36 U 15 BURDETT, Sir Henry Charles. Burdett's Official Intelli- gence for 1888-91, 1896: being a carefully revised precis of information regarding all British, American, and Foreign Securities. 5 vols. 4to. Lond., 1888-96. E Cottage Hospitals. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 27 S 17 Hospitals and Charities, 1897: being the Year-book of Philanthropy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E BURDON SAX DEIiSON, Dr. .John. \~See Sanderson, Dr. J. Burdon-.] BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE, WESTERN AUS- TRALIA. Journal. Vols. 3, 4, 1896-97. 2 vols. 4to. Perth, 1896-97. ME 20 R BUREAU DES LONGITUDES, PARIS. Annuaire, 1895, 1897 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1895-97. E BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET ME- SUKES. Travaux et Memoiresdu. Tomes 1-8,11. 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 1881-95. E Public Library of New South Wales. BUREN, Mi BURFOR D, [See Van Burei M.] Description of a View of Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, and the surrounding country. 8vo. Lond., 1831. MD 1 V 26 BURGE, Charles Ormsby. Annual Address, delivered to the Engineering Section of the Roval Society of New South Wales. (Roy.Soc.,N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME1R The Narrow Gauge as applied to Branch Railways in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Surveys and oilier Preliminaries to Railway Construction in New South Wales. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 132.) E BURGE, Rev. Hubert Murray. Some Problems connected with the Teaching of Sixth Forms. (Cookson, C. — ■ Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 BURGER, Dr. Otto. Die Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 24 t BURGES-SHORT, Major G. [See Short, Major G. Burges-.] BURGESS, Gilbert, [Life of] Teresia Constantia Phillips. [See Phillips, Teresia Constantia.] C 24 Q 20 BURGESS, Rev. John. Gothenburg Principle ; or, Drink Traffic Reform. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 40 BURGH, A. de. [See De Burgh, A] BURGHLEY, William Cecil, Baron. The Great Lord Burghley. [See Hume, M. A. S.] B 34 R 18 BURGOYNE, Frank J. Library Construction, Architec- ture, Fittings, and Furniture. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Lib. Ser.) A 23 S 40 , and BALLINGER, John. Books for Village Libraries; with Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries by" J. D. Brown. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 BURKE, Ashworth P. Family Records. Roy. 8*vo. Lond., 1897. K 8 U 15 BURKE, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- tionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights, 1852, 1871-72, 1879, 1882. 1886-1900. 20 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1852-1900. E BURKE, Edmund. Burke's third Letter on a Regicide Peace. (Pollard, A. F. —Political Pams.) F 13 V 4 Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. (Pol lard, A. F— Political Pams.) F 13 V 4 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta,] J 11 U 31 [Speech on.] [See Rosebery, Earl. — Appreciatio Addre J 9 R 6 BURKE, Robert O'Hara, and WILLS, William John. Account of the Expedition of. [See Pyke, W T.— Australian Heroes and Adventurers.] MC 6 P 2 t BURKE, William Maxwell. History and Functions of Central Labor Unions. 8vo. New York, 1899. F 18 R 21 BURKITT, F. Crawford. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Sem. ser. 1.] E Fragments of the Books of Kings, according to the translation of Aquila. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G 13 X 14 t BURLEIGH, Bennet. Khartoum Campaign ; or, the re- Conquest of the Soudan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 39 P 19 The Natal Campaign. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 27 R 15 Sirdar and Khalifa ; or, the Re-conquest of the Soudan, 1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 R 15 BURN, Rev. Andrew Ewbank. Introduction to the Creeds and to the Te Deum. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 43 Year-book of Ai/rirxltn ral Far/*. [See Year-book of Agri- cultural Facts.'] A 36 Q 5 BURNE^TONES, Sir Edward. [See Jones, Sir E. Burne-.] BURNELL, Arthur Coke. Elements of South Indian Palaeography from the 4th to the 17th Century : being an Introduction to the Study of South Indian Inscrip- tions and MSS. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1878. J 20 S 11 f BURNET, John. Early Greek Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 11 Q 32 Ethics of Aristotle. [See Aristoteles.] G 24 V 27 BURNETT, Dr. Charles H. Chronic Catarrh of the Middle Ear and Diseases of the Internal Ear. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P16 BURNETT, Frances Eliza [Mrs. S. M.] (Frances Eliza Hodgson). A Fair Barbarian. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 37 •' Haworth's." 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) Little Lord Fauntleroy. Illustrated. 1898. J 23 T 32 •o. Lond.. J 25 V 1 Louisiana. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 38 That Lass o' Lowrie's. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 P 38 Through one Administration. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. J 25 P 39 [Sketch of.] [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BURNETT, Dr. Swan M. Diseases of the Lens, and <• tuconia. (Dare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 [See Arblay, Mme. F. d'.] BURN l']Y, Fra BURNII AM, Charles. Pet Sydney (n.d.) BUR N HAM, 1 . G. Celebrated Cri of Life : Song. Sm. fol. MA 13 P 6 f BURNS, Edward. The Coi 4 .... Edinb., 1887. of Scotland. Illustrated. A 17 T 11-13 f BURNS, John. Labour's Retrospect. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 The Unemployed. [See Fabian Soc— Fabian Tracts, 49.] F 19 R 15 BUR N S, Robert. Life and Works of. Edited by Robert Chambers, revised by William Wallace. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-97. H 9 V 2-5 Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. New ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1797. H 10 U 25, 2G Poems and Songs of. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Andrew Lang, assisted by W. A. Craigie. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 9 T 28 The Poetry of. Edited by W. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1896- 97. H 9 T 9-12 Tarn O'Shanter: a Tale in Verse. Illustrated by G. Cruikshank. 4to. Lond., 1884. H 13 S 8 t Burns Centenary, July 21st, 1896 : Record of the Celebration throughout New South Wales, giving a I'o port of the principal Speeches delivered at the Haggis Supper, in Sydney; with a reproduction of tin; Menu Card, and an Appendix containing Lord Itosebery's famous Speeches at Glasgow and Dumfries. 12mo. Sydney (1896.) MC 1 S 19 Burns, Excise Officer and Poet; by J. Sinton. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 15 Chronicle of the 100th Birthday. Collected and edited by James Ballantine. Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1859. C 15 S 20 f [Life of]; by T. N. Hepburn (Gabriel Setoun). 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 T 14 Robert Burns' Centenary Illustrated Memorial. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. C 24 T 12 Robert Burns and Dumfries. 8vo. Dumfries, 1896. C 20 S 8 Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop : Correspondence now , published in full for the first time with Elucidations ; l>\ W. Wallace. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 5 Robert Burns in Stirlingshire; by W. Harvey. With Portrait. 8vo. Stirling, 1899." C 27 S 6 BURNS, Robert— contd, Annual Burns Chronicle ; Annual.] Burns at Galston and Ecclefechan. [See Muir, John.] J 10 It 45 Burns' Clarinda. [See Ross, Dr. J. D.] C 23 R 5 Carlyle on Burns. [See Muir, J.] J 5 T 34 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Misc.] J 22 Q 25 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Speech on.] [See Rosebery, Earl. — Appreciations and Addre J 9 R 6 BURNS, Rev. Robert. History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland. [See Wodrow, Rev. R.] G 3 U 30-33 BURR, Aaron. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 BURRANGONG CHRONICLE and Young and Lachlan District Advertiser, 1898. Fol. Burrangong, 1898. ME BURROUGH, Edward. State aid to Road-building in New Jersey. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Road Inquiry.] A 41 U 4 BURROUGHS, John. Birds and Bees; with an Introduc- tion by Mary E. Burt, 12mo. Boston, 1887. A 41 Q 9 Sharp Eyes, and other Papers. 12mo. Boston, 1886. J 1 R 28 Whitman : a Study. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 R 16 A Year in the Fields. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1897. J 22 R 40 BURROWS, Edward. Hereditary Mastership. (Ribbles- dale, Lord.— The Queen's Hounds.) A 38 V 8 BURROWS, Capt. Guy. The Land of the Pigmies ; with Introduction by H. M. Stanley. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 15 BURROWS, Herbert, Principles, Hopes, and Ideals. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 BURROWS, Capt. Montagu. History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. F 14 U 26 [Another copy.] New ed. 8vo, Edinb., 1897. F 5 P 38 [Portrait and Sketch of Robert Blake.] [See Blake, R.] C25T7 BURRY, Frederick. Jack's Toast: Sea Song. [Music only.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t BURSILL, Harry Oliver. Souvenir of the Postal, Tele- graph, and Telephone Departments of Western Aus- tralia. Illustrated. Ob. 8vp. Perth, 1898. M D 8 P 26 BURSTALL, Sara A. The Education of Girls in the United States. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 15 U 35 Public Library of New South Wales. BURT, Mary E. Birds and Bees. [See Bui ighs, J.] A 41 Q 9 BURTON, Dr. C. V. Magnetic Fields of Force. [See Ebert, Prof. H.] A 20 T 27 BURTON, Isabel, Lady. The Passion Play at Ober- Ammergau. Edited with a Preface by W. H. Wilkins. With Portrait, 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 13 V 10 The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton : the Story of her Life, told in part by herself and in part by W. H. Wilkins. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 R 6, 7 BURTON, Capt. Reginald George, a Record of Travel and Adve 8vo. Lond., 1898. are. ] llustrated. D 22 P 6 BURTON, Sir Richard Francis. The Jew, the Gipsy, and El Islam. Edited, with a Preface and brief Notes, by W. H. Wilkins. With Portrait, Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 2 The Lake Regions of Central Africa : a Picture of Ex- ploration. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G0. D 18 U 21, 22 Vikram and the Vampire ; or, Tales of Hindu Devilry. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 14 S 34 The true Life of ; by his niece, Georgiana M. Stisted. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 19 T 17 BURTON, W. K., and PRTNGLE, Andrew. Processes of pure Photography. 8vo. ' Now York, 1889. A 46 V 14 BURWOOD, Commander John. Sun's True Bearing, or Azimuth Tables. [See Gt. F " BURY, Prof. John Bagnell. History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the G reat. 12mo. Lond., 1900. B 35 Q 17 BURY, Dr. Judson Sykes. Multiple Symmetrical Peri- pheral Neuritis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 BURY, Yetta Blaze de. French Literature of To-day : a Study of the Principal Romancers and Essayists. \Svo. Lond., 1898. J 23 R 20 BUSCH, Dr. Moritz. Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of his History. [See Bismarck, Prince.] C 25 P 15-17 BUSH, George Gary. History of Education in New Hampshire. [See United States. -Bureau of Educa- tion.] G18S38 BUSH, Rev. R. Wheler. St. Athanasius : his Life and Times. 12mo. Lond., 1888. (The Fathers for English Readers.) G 26 P 5 BUSK, George, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa in the Collection of the British .Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 24 S 23 BUSK, Hans. Hand-book for Hythe, comprising a familiar Explanation of the Laws of Projectiles, and an Introduction to the System of Musketry now adopted by all Military Powers. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1860. A 35 P 6 BUSK, Mariai von Maril Natural History of Plants. [See Kerner n, Prof. Anton.] A 22 V 3 BUSS, Frances Mary. The Higher Education of 'Women. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 BUSS, Rev. James F. Notes of a Visit to New Zealand. (New Church Mag., Feb.-July, Oct., 1899.) E BUSSELL, F. W. The School of Plato: its Origin, Development, and Revival under the Roman Empire. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 3 U 15 BUSSONE, Francesco, " Carmagnola." [Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 BUSTEED, Henry Elmsley. Echoes from Old Calcutta : being chielly Itennnisceuces of the Days of Warren Hastings, Francis, and Impey. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Calcutta, 1897. B 29 S 13 BUTCHER, E. L The Story of the Church of Egypt : being an Outline of the History of the Egyptians under their successive masters from the Roman Conquest until now. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 8, 9 BUTCHER, Prof. Samuel Henry. Aristotle's Iheory of Poetry and Fine Art. [See Aristoteles.] G 18 R 70 The Odyssey of Homer. [See Homerus.] J 14 U 31 BUTE, John Patrick Crichton Stuart, Marquess of. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. VY] G 17 T 18 , MacPHAIL, J. R. M., and LONSDALE, H. of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. K 17 S 25 t BUTLER, Arthur Gardiner. Contributions towards a knowledge of the Rhopalocera of Australia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1875.) E On a small Collection of Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1882.) E Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British -Mu- seum. Nat. Hist.] A 18 U 9, 10 t , and others. British Birds, with their Nests and Eggs. Illustrated by F. W. Frohawk. 6 vols. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 P 1-6 t BUTLER, Arthur John. Bismarck: the Man and the Statesman. [See Bismarck, Prince.] C 25 R 11, 12 History of Mankind. [See Ratzel, Prof. P.] A 31 S 9-1 1 Memoirs of Baron Thiebault. [See Thiebault, Baron.] C 23 V 11, 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. BUTLKR, Rct 'Jl, I). B. Portland Cement: its Mmufacture, Test- and Cse. illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 U 15 BUTL de :r, l , Thoi , Art idy El .Jo urn zabeth Southerden Life and Works d.] (Kl of; zabeil bv W " A M< (i 1 ither- ynell. 13 t BUTL 1; ;r, r !V. H Hist( nry Montagu rical and Bio . u ? rapl niversity ical. 8vo uul c G 2 other amb., 4P8 BUTT. I R, Jr seph, 3ishop of Dur Account of lie ? W lora irks of and [to ltd vhich Dialogues founded upon Butler's Am [See Huekin, Rev. H. R] [ Essay on.] [See Caird, Rev. J.— Univ BUTLKR, Prof. Nicholas Murray. The Me; c.-.t ion, and other Essays and Addresses. ingof Edu- 8vo. Now G 23 P 20 '.il, Samuel. The Authoress : when she wrote, who she < die Iliad, and how the Poem istrated. 8vo. Lond, 1897 of Homer. [See Homerus.l Iliad of Homer. BUTLKR, Willia of the Odyssey, where er her hands. J 19 W 4 II 11 R 32 Skel -Gen. Sir William Francis. Life of Sir roy-Colley. [See Code)-, Sir G. Pom iroy-.] 'rait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. Our Liv ■aerals.] C 22 S BUTLKR, William John, Dean of Lincoln. Life and Letters. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond, 1897. C 25 Q 13 BUTTKRFIELD, W. J. Atkinson. Chemistry of (Las Manufacture: a Practical Hand-book on "the Pro- duction, Purification, and Testing of illuminating Gas, ai ! the Assay of the Bye-Products of Gas Manufac- tu .■. [With Bibliography.] Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1>'J6. A 21 R 37 BUTTKRWECK, Otto Carl. Culture of Tobacco. [See 'United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah BUTTNER, Dr. H. Natura Dr. H.1 BUXTON, Edward North. Short Stalks, comprising Trips in Somaliland, Sinai, the Eastern Desert of Egypt, Crete, the Carpathian Mountains, and Dagestan. 2nd ser. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1898. D 10 S 38 BUYSE, Omer. Les Ecoles Professionnelles et les Ecoles d'Art Industriel en Allemagne et en Autriche. Illus- trated. 8v-o. Bruxelles, 189G. G 18 Q 43 BUZACOTT, Rev. Aaron. Te Akataka reo Rarotonga, or Raratonnan and English Grammar. 12mo. Raro- tonga, 1854. MJ 3 P 54 BY ROAD AXD SEA. Vols. 1, 2, July, 1898-June, 1900. 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Sydney, 1898-1900. ME 17 T BYERLEY, Katherine. [See Thomson, Katherine.] BYL, Hon. P. L. van der. A Colonist's Tour in Austral- asia, the United States, and England. 12mo. Cape Town, 1887. MD 4 P 13 BYLES, William Pollard. Ideals: Imperial and Social. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 BYNNER, Edwin Lassetter. Agnes Surriage. 22nd ed. 12mo. Boston (n.d.) " J 23 T 28 Zachary Phips. 12mo. Boston, 1892. J 23 T 29 BYRN, G. A. The Laboratory in its relation to the Cy- anide Process. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans, 1897.) ME 18 P BYRNE, P. M. Notes on the Customs connected with the use of the so-called Kurdaiteha Shoes of Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1890) ME 1 P BYRNE, Julia Clai BYRNES, T [Mrs. A Lond. (n tch of ; by J. J. 1898.) ME 6 U BYROM, John. Poems of. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs, 34, 35.] E [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] Public Library of New South Wales. BYRON, George Gordon, Baron. Works of. New ed. Illustrated. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-1900. [Still in course of publication.] Letters and Journals. Vols. 1-4. Edited by R. E. Pro- thero. H 11 T 6-9 Poetry. Vols. 1-3. Edited by E. H. Coleridge. HUT 12-14 Letter on the Rev. W. L. Bowles's Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pams.) HUT 5 Goethe on Byron. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] J 14 P 42 BYRON, Vice-Adm. Hon. John. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages . round the World.] MD 8 R 50 , and MORRIS, Isaac. The Wreck of the Wager, and subsequent Adventures of her Crew. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) I) 19 P 14 C * * * Countess, de St. Dominique. Animal Magnetism and Artificial Somnambulism. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 19T 11 " C. 3. 3." [Set Wilde, Oscar F. O'F. W.] CABANEL, Alexandre. Illustrated Biography. [See Dumas, F. G.— Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 | CABLE, George Washington. John March, Southerner. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 23 S 24 Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 CABOT, John and Sebastian. Cabot's Discovery of North America. [See Weare, G. E.] B 17 Q 30 John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America, and Sebastian, his Son : a Chapter of the Maritime History of England under the Tudors, 1496-1557. [See Harrisse, H.] D 15 T 15 John and Sebastian Cabot : the Discovery of North America. [See Beazley, C. R.] " D 16 R 13 CABOT, John Winslow. Equitable Taxation. [See Weyl, W. E.] F 15 8 27 CABOT, Dr. Richard C. Guide to the Clinical Examina- tion of the Blood for diagnostic purposes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 R 3 CADBURY, O, "Historicus." Cocoa : all about it. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 26 S 26 CADDICK, Helen. A White Woman in Central Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 7 CADDY, C. Wesley. The Belief of Unbelievers. (Mel-' bourne Review,. 6.) ME 18 Q The Education of the Educated. (Melb. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q The Morals of Politics. (Melb. Rev., 4, 5.) ME 18 Q The State School Teachers. (Melb. Rev., 3.) ME 18 Q CADELL, Henry M. Visit to Mt. Tarawera. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., May, 1897.) E CADELL, Jessie E. [Mrs. Henry Mowbray]. Ruba'yat of Omar Khayam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 13 V 1 CADELL, Gen. Sir Robert. Sir John Cope and the Re- bellion of 1745. With Maps. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 1898. B 31 U 6 CADET, Georges le. [See Le Cadet, G.] CADIOT, Prof. P. J. Exercises in Equine Surgery. Trans- lated by Prof. A. W. Bitting ; edited by Prof A. Liautard. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 40 U 18 C ADM AN, S. J. Photographic Vie 12mo. Dubbo (n.d.) of Dubbo. Ob. MA 4 P 25 CAELIUS, Marcus Rufus. [Life of.] [See Boissier, Gaston. — Cicero and his Friends.] B 17 P 32 O/ESAR, Caius Julius. De Bello Gallico. Liber 1. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Maps, by A. M. Bell. 12mo. Lond., 1888. B 23 P 21 [Life of.] [See Boissier, Gaston.— Cicero and his Friends.] B 17 P 52 [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] O 24 It 17 CAFFYN, Kathleen [Mrs. Mannington], "Iota." Lenchen. (Fisher, L— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 CAFFYN, William. Seventy-one, not out : Reminiscences of William Caffyn. Edited by " Mid-on." Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. C 27 Q 1 CAFLISCH, W. A. The Delightful Gavotte. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f Irene Gavotte. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t CAGNEY, Dr. James. Clinical Diagnosis. [See Jaksch, Dr. R, von.] A 38 S 2 CAHILL, Rev. T. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q CAIGER, Dr. Frederick Foord. Co-existence of Infectious Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CAIN I-:. Hall {in full Thomas Henry Hall). The Bond- man. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 R 1 The ( 'hristian. 3rd ed. 8vo. LoncL, 1897. J 25 R 2 The Deemster. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. 3 25 Q 1 The Manxman. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 R :i The Shadow of a Crime. New ed. Loud., In [Ess J 25 Q 2 [See Murray, D. C. My Contemporaries J 14 R30 [Life of] Charles Whitehead. [See Whitehead, C.l C 24 P 7 CAIRO, Edward. Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics. [See Wallace, W] G 2 1 U 24 ( !A 1 U i >. Sir James. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 CAIlt I K Rev. John. Fundamental Ideas of Christianity ; a Memoir by Edward Caird.* With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1899. G 5 P 32, 33 An introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. 8vo. Glasgow, 1880. "" G 1 T 25 University Addresses: being Addresses on subjects of Academic Study delivered to the University of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. G 15 P 46 ' University Sermons, preached before the University of Glasgow, 1873-98. With Portrait. 8vo. Glasgow, 181)8. G 15 P47 CAIRD, L. H. History of Corsica. 8vo. Lond., 1899. CAT1ID, Mona [Mrs.] The Morality of Marriage, and oii,er Essays on the Status and '.Destiny of Woman. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' F 13 T 32 C AIRNES, Capt. William Elliot, " British Officer." Social Life in the British Army. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1 '.'00. B 37 Q 20 CAJORI, Prof. Florian. History of Elementary Mathe- matics, with Hints on Methods of Teaching. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 25 S 8 History of Physics in its Elementary Branches, including the Evolution of Physical Laboratories. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 25 S 39 CALCUTTA DIRECTORY. New Calcutta Directory, 1856-63. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 185G-G3. E CALCUTTA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN. Annals. Vol. 5, pts. 1, 2. 4to. Calcutta, 1895-96. A 17 U 22 t l |'',n'ilil an.l (J. King. CALDER, Fanny L. Practical Cooking in Elementary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 CALDER, John. Prevention of Factory Accidents. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. " F 16 S 22 CALDER, Robert. [See Mackay, R.] CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Pedro. Study of. [See Wilson, H. 8.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 CALDERWOOD, Prof. Henry. Hand-book of Moral Philosophy. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. G 1 U 40 [Life of] David Hume. [See Hume, I).] C 20 V 9 CALHOUN, John C. Life of ; presenting a condensed History of Political Events from 1811-43. With Portrait. Svo. New York, 1844. C 26 T 4 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Shi »rt Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 CALIFORNIA :—,sW„ l)rjmrlm>Mifs- Report* and Publi- Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agricultural Experiment Station. Partial Report of Work of the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the University of California, 1895-97. Illustrated. Svo. Berkeley, 1898. E Report of the Viticultural Work during the Seasons 1887-93, with data regarding the Vintages of 1894-95. Svo. Sacramento, 1896. ' E Report of Work of the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the University of California, 1894-95. Svo. Sac- ramento, 1896. E Resistant Vines: their Selection, Adaption, and Graft- ing ; by A. P. Hayne. Svo. Sacramento, 1897. A 36 R 17 Chinese Immigration. Report to the California State Senate of the special Committee on Chinese Immigra- tion : its Social, Moral, and Political Effect, Svo. Sacramento, 1878. F 13 U 12 State Mining Bureau. A Bibliography relating to the Geology, Palaeontology, and Mineral Resources of California; by Capt. Anthony W. Vogdes. Svo. ■Sacramento, 1896. A 24 T 29 ' The Cyanide Process: its Practical Application and Econ- omical Results ; by Dr A. Scheidel. Svo. Sacra- mento, 1894. A 24 T 33 Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in California ; by A. S. Cooper. Illustrated. Svo. Sacramento, 1899. A 37 T 7 Mine Drainage, Pumps, Ac. ; by Hans C. Behr. Svo. Sacramento, 1896. A 24 T 30 Oil and Gas-yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ven- tura, and Santa Barbara Counties. Pt. 1 ; by W. L. Watts. Svo. Sacramento, 1897. A 37 R 23 Report of the State Mineralogist, 1885-92, 1895-96. 8 vols. Svo. Sacramento, 1886-96. E 106 Public Library of New South Wales. CALIFORNIA -.—Stale Departments— contd. Statutes. Acts amendatory of the Codes of California, 1875-76. 8vo. Sacramento, 1876. F 13 U 31 The Civil Code of the State of California. 8vo. Sacra- mento, 1872. F 13 U 26 The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. 8vo. Sacramento, 1872. F 13 U 32 General Statutes of the State of California. 8vo. Sacra- mento, 1873. F 13 TJ 27 The Political Code of the State of California. 2 vols. 8vo. Sacramento, 1872. F 13 U 28, 29 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY of SCIENCES. Occasional Papers, No. 5. Illustrated. 8vo. San Francisco, 1897. A 38 Q 26 5. Reptiles of the Pacific Coast and Great Basin : an Account of the species known to inhabit California and Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada ; by J. Van Denburgh. Proceedings. 2nd ser., vols. 2, 4, 5, 1889, 1893-95. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. San Francisco, 1890-96. E CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY. International Competi- tion for the Phoebe Hearst Architectural Plan for the University of California. Obi. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) A 20 P 22 t Register, 1896-97. Berkeley, 1897. CALKINS, Gary N. Mitosis in Noctlluca 31 Maris, and its bearing on the Nuclear relations of the Protozoa and Metazoa. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 45 V 18 CALKINS, William Wirt. Lichen Flora of Chicago and vicinity. [See Chicago Academy of Sciences.] A 39 11 21 CALLAHAN, James Morton. Cuba and International Relations. [See Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 21 CALLAWAY, Henry, Bishop of Kaffraria. Memoir of the Life, History, and Work of; by Marian S. Ben ham. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 P 2 CALLAWAY, Dr. Morgan. Select Poems of Sidney Lanier. [See Lanier, Sidney.] H 10 V 25 CALLENDAR, Prof. Hugh Langbourne. Essays from the Spectator in Cursive Shorthand, with Key, and Notes on Abbreviation. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 9 P 47 Manual of Cursive Shorthand. 12mo. Lond., 1889. Manual of Ort'iic Shorthand (Orthographic Cursive) : the Cambridge System. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 9 P 47 Primer of Cursive Shorthand : the Cambridge System. 12mo. Lond., 1889. ' J 9 P 47 CALLENDAR, Prof. Hugh Langbourne— contd. Reading Practice in Cursive Shorthand : Facsimiles of actual Writing. 12mo. Lond., 1889. J 9 P 47 Supplement to the Manual of Orthic Shorthand (Ortho- graphic Cursive) : the Cambridge System. 1 2mo- Lond., 1892. ' J 9 P 47 Observations of Soil Temperatures with Electrical Re- sistance Thermometers. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 Our Record of Canadian Earthquakes. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 Preliminary Results of Observations of Soil Thermom- eters, with Electrical Resistance Thermometers. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 Some Experiments on the X-Rays. [See McGill Univer- sity.— Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 [See also Stevens, W.] — , and McLEOD, C. H. Observations of Soil Temperature with Electrical Resistance Thermometers. fSee McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A40S 6 , and NICOLSON, John T. Laws of Condensa- tion of Steam. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Engineering.] A 40 S 24 CALLIMACHUS. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, andTheognis. Literally translated into HnglishProse, with copious Notes, by Rev. J. Banks. 12mo. Lond., 1892. H 11 R 11 Works of, translated into English Verse ; the Hymns and Epigrams from the Greek, with the Coma Bere- nices, from the Latin of Catullus ; by Dr. H. W. Tytler. (Banks, Rev. J.— Works of Hesiod.) H 11 R 11 [Opera.] [See Poetse Grseci.] H 17 U 12 t Tai CALLOW, Edward. Old Londt Descriptive, and Reminiscent, with the Coffee-houses, Clu' Lond., 1899. Historical, Account of Illustrated. 8vo. B 25 P 19 CALLWELL, Major Charles Edward. Effect of Maritime Command on Land Camj.aii.nis since Waterloo. With Maps and Plans. Svo. Edinb., 1897. B 17 Q 16 Small Wars : their Principles and Practice. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 Q 12 CALMETTE, Dr. A. Snake-poison and Snake-bite. [Set Martin, Charles James.] A 26 T 35 CALVER, George. New Edition of Hints on Silvered- glass Reflecting Telescopes. Svo. Chelmsford, 1877. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CALV KRLEY, Charles Stuart. Literary Remains ; with a Memoir by Sir W. J. Sendall. With Portrait. 12mo. Loud., 1896. H 11 Q 25 Theocritus translated into English Verse. 12mo. Loud., 1896. H 11 Q 26 Translations into English and Latin. 12mo. Lond., 1. '.'7. H11Q24 Verses and Fly Leaves. 12mo. Lond, 1897. H 1 1 Q 27 My fourth Tour in Western Australia. Illustrated. -1 . . L,,nd., 1897. MD 1Q 11 \ We ii'rn Australia. (Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, April, 1895.) E CALVERT, John. Extracts from Papers on Genesis of (old ; some Observations on the Physical Structure of the Interior of the Australian Continent; and the Production of Gold in the British Isles. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MA4S1 CALVERT, S. Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri, in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 CALV ERT EXPEDITION. The Lost Explorers— C. F. Wells and G. L. Jones — a large Funeral, impressive Ceremonies. 8vo. Adelaide, 1897. MC 1 T 30 CALV 1ST, Louis. ROsultats Seientiiiques de la Campagne .in C«ndan dans le Golfe de Gascogne. [See Kcehler, I'rof. R.] A 31 S 30 CALVIN, John. Ser St. Louis and Calvin. [See Guizot, F. d Calvin. [See Willis, Dr. G 24 V 24 G 24 Q 28 CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting to be held at Launeeston, Cornwall, I .-'95: Illustrated Programme, containing the Routes of the Excursions and Descriptive Notes of the Places visited. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E ArchsBologia Cambrensis : the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. Vol. l-5th ser. vol. 16, 1846-99. 54 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846-99. E CAIN! 1", RIDGE, Ada [Mrs. G. F. Cross]. Criticism of the Work of. [See Byrne, Desmond.— Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 CAM BRIDGE, H. Diseases of the Vines in Talca and t luirihue, Chili. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.] ME 9 R CAMBRIDGE GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES. Ethnology. [See Keane, A. H.] A 26 S 24 Man, Past and Present. [See Keane, A. H.] A '27 8 29 Outlines of Military Geography. [See Maguire, T. M.] CAMBRIDGE HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Causes of the War of 1792. [See Clapham, J. H.] B 37 R 3 CAMBRIDGE HISTORICAL SERIES Essay on Western Civilization in its Economic Aspect. [See Cunningham, Rev. W.] F 17 T 21 History of the Colonization of Africa by Alien Races. [See Johnston, Sir H. H.] F 15 S 13 History of Scotland. [See Brown, P. H.] B 32 Q 12 Ireland, 1494-1868. [See Morris, W. O'C] B 17 P 36 Spain, 1479-1788 [ See II ume, M. A. S.] B 34 Q 17 Union of Italy. [See Stillman, W. J.] B 34 Q 19 United States of America, 1765-1865. [SeeChanning, E. T.] B 16 R 42 CAMBRIDGE NATURAL HISTORY. Birds. [See Evans, A. H.] A 40 U 8 Earth Worms and Leeches. [See Beddard, F. E. ] A 20 T 2n Flat Worms and Mesozoa. [See Gamble, F. W. ] A 20 T 20 Gephyrea and Phoronis. [See Shipley, A. E.] A 20 T 20 Insects. [See Sharp, D.] A 40 U 12, 13 Myriapods. [See Sinclair, F. G.] A 40 U 12 Nemertines. [See Sheldon, Miss L.] A 20 T 20 Peripatus. [See Sedgwick, A.] A 40 U 12 Polyehaet Worms. [See Benham, W. B.] A 20 T 20 Polyzoa. [See Harmer, S. F] A 20 T 20 Rotifers. [See Hartog, M.] A 20 T 20 Thread Worms and Sagitta. [See Shipley, A. E.] A 20 T 20 CAMBRIDGE NATURAL SCIENCE MANUALS. Soluble Ferments and Fermentation. [See Green, Prof J. R.] A 35 T I Treatise on Crystallography. [See Lewis, Prof. W. J.] A 39 Q i: The Making of Character. [See MacCunn, Prof. J. ] G 26 Q 8 [See Stokes, Rev. H. P.] B 24 U 5 CAMDEN NEWS, with which is incorporated the Camden Times, 1898-99. Fol. Camden, 1898-99. ME Public Library of New South Wales. ;. Nos. 56-58. 3 E 56-58. The Archpriest Controversy : Documents relating to the Dissensions of the Roman Catholic Clergy, 1597- 1602. Edited by Thomas Craves Law. Vols. 1, 2. 57. Correspondence of Sir Kdward N'icholes. lvlited by ('■■ F. Warner. Vol. 3. Publications unnumbered. Lond., 1899. E The Clarke Papers: Selections from the Papers of William Clarke. Edited by C. H. Firth. Vol. 3. CAMEO SERIES. CAMERON, A. G. Geology of the Country around Northallerton and Thirsk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 11 Geology of the Country between York and Hull. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 13 CAMERON, D. A. Egypt in the 19th Century ; or, Mehemet Alt and his successors until the British occu- pation in 1882. With Map. 12mo. Lond., 1898. B 37 R 1 CAMERON, Dr. J. Chalmers. Diphtheria and true Croup. (Hare, Dr. H. A. —System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 CAMERON, Dr. Kenneth. General Infection by the Bacillus Pyocyaneous in Children. [See Williams, Dr. E. P.] A 40 S 23 CAMERON, R. Iron : its Nature, Properties, and Uses. (S. Aust, Chamber of Manufac— Papers.) MA 4 S 12 CAMERON, Richard. [Life of]; by John Herkless. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 18 CAMERON, Verney Lovett. Teaching of Geography. (In- termit. Health Exhib— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 9 CAMERON, Walter E. Geology of West Moreton Coal- field. [See Queensland.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 14 Q 7 f CAM FIELD, J. H. Some Port Jackson Plants. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.] ME 2 P CAMP, Walter. Football. [See Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 CAMPAN, Mine. Memoirs of the Court of Marie An- toinette. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 33 R 8, 9 CAMPBELL, Dr. Allan. Aspects of Public Health Legislation in Victoria. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Light Railways. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P CAMPBELL, Archibald J. Australian Cuckoos. (Vict. Nat., Nov., 1898.) ME G P Bronze Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., February, 1898.) ME G P Discovery of the Nest and Eggs of the Australian Snipe. (Vict. Nat., April, 1898.) ME 6 P Egg of Short-tailed Albatross. (Vict. Nat., February, 1898.) ME G P Fan-tailed Cuckoo. (Vict, Nat., Nov., 1897.) ME G P The Fiery Parrakeet, (Vict, Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P Narrow-billed Bronze Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., March, 1898.) ME 6 P Nests and Eggs of the Honey-eaters or Meliphagous Birds of Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Ornithological Notes. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1897.) ME 6 P Pallid Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., August, 1897.) ME G P Provisional Description of a new Emu-wren. (Vict. Nat,, Jan., 1899.) ME G P Square-tailed Cuckoo. (Vict. Nat., June, 1898.) ME 6 P Three rare Nests and Eggs. (Vict, Nat., May, 1897.) ME G P The Trachea of the Freckled Duck of Australia, (Ibis, July, 1899.) E CAMPBELL, Lord Archibald. Highland Dress, Arms, and Ornament. Must, 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 40 U 11 CAMPBELL, Charles. The Bland Papers. [See Bland, Col. T.] C 27 S 13 CAMPBELL, Sir Colin. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 CAMPBELL, Douglas. The Puritans in Holland, Eng- land, and America : an Introduction to American History. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1892. B 28 U 16, 17 CAMPBELL, Prof. Douglas Houghton. Lectures on the Evolution of Plants. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 20 R 15 Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. 8vo Lond, 1895. A 20 T 18 CAMPBELL, Frank. An Index-Catalogue of Biblio- graphical Works, chiefly in the English Language, relating to India : a Study in Bibliography. 8vo. Lond, 1897. J 9 V 35 Theory of National and International Bibliography, with special reference to the introduction of system in the return of modern literature. 8vo. Lond., 189G. JUS 21 CAMPBELL, Lord George Granville. Log-letters of the Challenger. 8vo. Lond, 1876. D 22 R 26 CAMPBELL, George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll. [See Argyll, 8th Duke of.] Catalogue— 1896-1900. 109 . Gerald Ros 8vo. Sydn< CAM]' HELL, Helen On-. [See Jackson, Helei CAM! 'I JELL, J. Duncan. Fisheries Exhib.— Pis CAMPBELL, John. The Early £ ami other articles, with whic Raid of the Aborigines," 3 of China 3 drifting towards MB 3 P 2 CAM 1' I JELL, John, Baron. (Melb. Rev., 6.) Shakespeare's Legal Acqi Loud., 1859. Life of]; by J. E. Denniston. ME 18 Q irements considered. 8vo. J 22 S 21 CAMPBELL, Walter Hcott.—contd. Practical Science. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Practical Vegetable and Flower-growing. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897-1900.) ME 9 R Seventh-day Adventists' Settlement and Industrial College at Cooranbong. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Some Western Plants, Useful, Orna (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) A Successful Duck Farm. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Tea-tree, not Ti-tree. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R The Upper Richmond District. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales. [See Maiden. J. H.j MA 3 R 49 CAMPBELL, Rev. John. Syllabic Characters found on the Headgear of a Figure painted on the wall of a Cave found by Sir George Grey on the Glenelg River, N.W. Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S CAMPBELL, Joseph. Simple Tests for Minerals; or, Every Man his own Analyst. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MA P 42 Letters of Benjamin Jowett. [See Jowett, B.] C 26 S 18 Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett. [See Jowett, B.] C 24 Q 16, 17 CAMPBELL, Rob Roy Macgre Thomson, Katherine.— Mem -. [Memoirs of.] [See s of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 3 CAM PBELL, Robert. Sketch of the Life and Discoveries of; by G. Bryce. [See Historical and Scientific Soc. of Manitoba.] C 24 P 12 12m CAM PBELL, Walter Scott. Calendar foi Vegetables and Flowers. (Farmers'and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4U 1 Comboyne Brush. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Forestry in New South Wales. (Australasian Assoc. f..r Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S How the Common Garden Snail is spread about. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R How to Trench Land properly. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R OrchardManures. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1897.)ME9U An Ostrich Farm in embryo. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R 'ntal, and Curious. ME 9 R CAMPBELL, William Dugald. Aboriginal Carvings of Port Jackson and Broken Bay. [See New South Wales.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 1.3 Q 6 t CAMPBELL, William W. Elements of Practical As- tronomy. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 45 T 13 CAMPBELLTOWN BOTANICAL COLLECTING SO- CIETY. Annual Report, 1881. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MA 5 R 3 CAMPERDOWN, Robert Adam Philips Haldane Duncan, 3rd Earl of. [Life of] Adm. Duncan. [See Duncan, Adm. A.] C 25 Q 17 CAMPIN, Francis. Constructional Iron and Steel Work as applied to Public, Private, and Domestic Buildings. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 25 P 41 CAMPION, Thomas. Literary Pamphlets.) (Rhys, E._ H 11 T 4 CANADA : — Gurcrnnn'iit D/'jiaiiiivvta—licports and Pub- lications. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Archives. Report on Canadian Archives ; by Douglas , 1883-97. Census. Census of Canada, vols. 1-3, 5, 1870-71 ; vols. 1-4, 1880-81 ; vols. 1-4, 1890-91. [English and French.] 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1873-97. E Census of the three Provisional Districts of the North- west Territories, 188 1 85. [French and English.] 8vo. Ottawa, 1886. " E Civil Service. Report of the Royal Commissioners appointed to enquire into certain matters relating to the Civil Service of Canada, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Ot- tawa, 1892. F 13 T 1 Public Library of New South Wales. CANADA : — Government Departments — contd. Department of Agriculture. Experimental Farms Reports, 1893-96, 1899. 5 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1894- 99. E Reports of the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada, 1893, 1895. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1894-96. E Department of Indian Affairs. Report, 1895. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1896. E Department of Marine and Fisheries. Annual Re- port, 1895. 8vo. Ottawa, 1896. E Department of the Post Office. Report of the Post- master-General, 1895. 8vo. Ottawa, 1896. E Department of Railways and Canals. Annual Re- port, 1895. 8vo. Ottawa, 1896. E Department of Trade and Commerce. Quarterly Report, March, 1896, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1896-97. E Geological Survey. Annual Reports, with Maps, 1879- 96. 6 vols, (in 11) roy. 8vo. Montreal, 1881-98. E Catalogue of Canadian Plants ; by J. Macoun. Pt. 4. 8vo. Montreal, 1888. A 20 V 25 Catalogue of Section 1 of the Museum of the Geological Survey, embracing the systematic Collection of Miner- als and the Collections of Economic Minerals and Rocks and Specimens illustrative of Structural Geology; by G. C. Hoffmann. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. A 34 V 12 Contributions to Canadian Paheontology. Vol. 2, pt. 1, vol. 4, pt. 1. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1895-99. E 2, pt. 1. Canadian Fossil Insects ; by .Samuel H. Seudder. 4, pt. 1. Revision of the genera and species of Canadian Palaeozoic Corals ; by L. M. Lambe. Palreozoic Fossils. Vol. 3, pts. 2, 3. 8vo. Illustrated. Ottawa, 1895-97. A 25 V 16, 17 3, pt. 2. Revision of the Fauna of the Guelph Formation of Ontario, with Descriptions of a few new species, and Systematic List, with References, of the Fossils of the Hudson River or Cincinnati formation at Stony Moun- tain, Manitoba ; by J. F. Whiteaves. 3, pt. 3. The Fossils of the Galena-Trenton and Black River Formations of Lake Winnipeg and its vicinity; by J. F. Whiteaves. Report of Progress from its commencement to 1872 and 1877-78. 6 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1863-79. E Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department, 1892. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. E House of Commons. [See Parliament, under this head- ing-] Insurance. Preliminary Statements of the business of Life Insurance Companies in Canada, 1895. 8vo. Ottawa, 1896. E CANADA : — Government Drp.irlmenU — contd. Parliament. Canadian Parliamentary Companion, 1875- 76. Edited by H. J. Morgan. 2 vols. 18mo. Ottawa, 1875-76. F 15 P 12, 13 Journal of the House of Commons, 1879-83, 1885-96, 1898-99. 27 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1879-99. E Journals of the Senate, 1879-83, 1885, 1887-94, 1896. 17 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1879-96. E Sessional Papers, 1864, 1878-99. 268 vols. 8vo. and roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1864-99. E Patent Office. Patent Office Record and Register of Copyrights and Trade Marks. Vols. 18-27, 1890-99. 10 vols. 4to. Ottawa, 1890-1900. E Senate. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, 1894, 1898-99. 6 vols, (in 3) Svo. Ottawa, 1894-99. E Acts respecting Railways. Svo. Ottawa, 1893. F 13 T 6 Confederation Law of Canada ; Privy Council Cases on the British North America Act, 1867 ; and the Prac- tice on special leave to appeal; there being added Appendices containing the Imperial Statutes affecting Canada and the Colonies in general ; the Judicial Com- mittee Acts, with Notes ; the Canadian Liquor Prohi- bition Case, 1895-96, Ac. ; by G. J. Wheeler. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 9 V 19 Dominion Lands Act. Svo. Ottawa (n.d.) F 13 T 14 [See a/so Great Britain and Ireland. — Canada.] CANADIAN INSTITUTE. Proposed change in reckon- ing the Astronomical Day. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. A 23 T 39 Transactions. Vol. 6. Roy. Svo. Toronto, 1899. E CANADIAN MAGAZINE of Politics, Science, Art, and Literature. Vols. 10-13, 1897-Oct., 1899. 4 vols, roy. Svo. Toronto, 1897-99. E CANADIAN MONTHLY AND NATIONAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1 13, 1S72 June, 1878, continued as Rose- Belford's Canadian. Monthly and National Review, Vols. 1-8, July, 1878-June, 1SS2. 21 vols. roy. Svo. Toronto, 1872-82. {All published.) J 27 P 121 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Report of Pro- gress on the Explorations and Surveys. With Atlas. Svo. Ottawa, 1S74. A 31 S 33 CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION. [See Canada.— Parliament.] F 15 P 12, 13 CANAWAY, A. P. Drafting a Federal Constitution : a Criticism. (Review of Reviews, Dec, 1897.) E CANDELO AND EDEN UNION and Southern Auck- land Advocate, 1898-99. Fol. Candelo, 1898-99. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. I.ER, S. C, "Mucor." Oa the Prevention of Zy- ,tic Disease. (Melb. Rev., 3.) ME 18 Q ( 'LLE, Alphonso and Casimir de. Monographic anerogamarum. Vol. 9. Roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 96. A 32 T 24 !>. Bromeliaoese ; auotore C. Mez. . Arthur. Tables, Alphabetical and Chronological. ; \\ Reports of Cases decided in the .Superior Courts England, Scotland, and Ireland, prior to the com- iceuieiit of tin; Reports issued by the Council of . v Reporting, connuonlv called the Law Reports; th a list of the modes of citation. 12mo. Lond., ;95. F 7 V 56 i Justice, Police, N, The : an Exposition of the Pagan Mystery per- petuated in the Cabala as the rule of all the Arts; with a Preface by R. B. C. Graham. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 9 CAN- DELL, Capt. Charles Stuart-. History of the New , .oiith Wales Corps of Engineers, from the Records. Vol. 1, pts. 1-3. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MB 2 Q 12 Railways in Warfare: their General Military Use, De- f. nsive and Offensive. Svo. Sydney, 1895. MA 4 S 10 CANTERBURY, Archbishops of. [See Benson, E. W., Laud, W., and Temple, F.] CANTERBURY COLLEGE, NEW ZEALAND. Can- terbury College Calendar, 1888, 1892-99. 9 vols. 12mo. Christchurcb, 1887-99. ME 5 U Public Library. Catalogue of Books in the Circulating Department, 1895. Svo. Christchurcb, 1895. Cat. Room Catalogue of Books in the Reference Department. Roy. Svo. Christchurch, 1897. Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue, Circulating Department, Jan. 1st, 1894-April 30th, 1898. Svo. Christchurch, 1898. Cat. Room School of Agriculture. Reports of the School of Agriculture, Canterbury College, University of New Zealand, 1887, 1891. 2 vols. Svo. Christchurch, 1887-91. ME 5 U CANTERBURY TIMES, The, 1896-June, 1900. 9 vols, fo 1900. m. -April, July-Dec, Christchurch, 1896- ME CANTLIE, Dr. James. Accidental Injuries : their Relief and immediate Treatment. (Tnternat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Leprosy in Hongkong. 8vo. Hongkong, 1890. A 39 V 3 CANU, Eugene. Copepodes. [See Koehler, Prof. R.— Resultats Seientiliques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 CAPE ARGUS. Argus Annual and South African Direc- tor)/, 1889-93, 1895. 6 vols. Svo. Cape Town, 1889- CAPE OF GOOD HOPE :— Government Departments- Reports and PxMications. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Almanac and Annual Register, 1841, 1844, 1854-55. Compiled by B. J. Van de Sandt de Villiers. 4 vols. Svo. Cape Town, 1840-54. E Botanical Garden, Cape Town. Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Botanical Garden, Cape Town. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 The Camp Ground. Report from the Select Committee appointed to take into consideration the alienation of a piece of land called "The Camp Ground." 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Charges against James Mortimer Maynard. Evi- dence taken before a Select Committee of the House of Assembly appointed to inquire into the truth, or otherwise, of certain statements contained in the Law Reports, published in certain newspapers, involving charges against James Mortimer Maynard, a Member of the House of Assembly. Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Civil Service. List, 1SS7-S9, 1891-93. 6 vols. 8vo. Cape Town, 1887-93. E Crown Lands. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the system of selling Crown Lands. Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 112 Public Library of New South Wales. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE— contd. Customs Papers. Report from the Select Committee on Customs Papers. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Education. Report of a Commission, appointed in accordance with a resolution of the House of Assem- bly, to enquire into and report upon the working of the Education Acts, 1879. 8vo. Cape Town, 1880. G 17 T 20 Report of the Superintendent of Education, 1889. Fol. Cape Town, 1890. E Frontier Defence. Report from the Select Committee on Frontier Defence. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Leprosy. Copy of Letter and further Correspondence on the subject of the interim Repoi't of and Evidence taken by the Leprosy Commission. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1894. A 17 T 29 t Report, Minutes of Evidence, &c, of the Leprosy Com- mission, 1894-95. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1894-95. A 17 T 29 f Report of the Select Committee on the Leprosy Commis- sion Evidence. 8vo. Cape Town, 1895. A 17 T 29 f Report of the Select Committee on the spread of Leprosy. 8vo. Cape Town, 1883. A 17 T 29 t Reports on the Emjanyana Leper Asylum. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1895. ' A 17 T 29 t Return showing how 'many of the leprous patients at Robben Island out of the seventy-live self-cured cases reported by Dr. Tmpey to the Leprosy Commission, and afterwards examined by the Commission, are alive, the cause of death, if any, the present condition of those still living, and whether any of these self- cured patients have been allowed to return to their homes. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1896. A 17 T 29 t Sui thr nary o mpey . urope and Egypt for the purpose of enquir- nto certain matters connected with Leprosy. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1896. A 17 T 29 f Liquor Laws. Report of the Liquor Laws Commission, 1889-90; with Minutes of Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendices. Fol. Cape Town, 1890. F 20 R 9 t Lunatics, Lepers, and Chronic Sick. Report from the Select Committee appointed to consider and re- port on the arrangements for providing for Lunatics, Lepers, and Chronic Sick throughout the Colony. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Medical and Pharmacy Register. Vol. 1, 1892-93. 8vo. Cape Town, 1893. E Parliament. Votes and Proceedings of Parliament, with Appendices, 1882-99. 104 vols. 8vo. and sm. fol. Cape Town, 1882-99. E Minutes of the Legislative Council, 1895, April-June, 1897-99. 3 vols. sm. fol. Cape Town, 1895-99. E Votes and Proceedings of the House of Assembly, July- Oct., 1899. Fol. Cape Town, 1899. E CAPE OF GOOD HOPE— contd. Petition of George Holloway. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the allega- tion contained in the Petition of George Hollowav. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Petition of Lieut.-Col. O'Reilly. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the merits of the Petition of Lieut.-Col. O'Reilly. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Public Health. Reports on Public- Health, 1892-93 2 vols. sm. fol. Cape Town, 1 893-9-1 . E Railway Communication. Report of Committee ap- pointed to inquire into the practicability of introducing Railway Communication into this Colony. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Responsible Government. Report from the Select Committee on Responsible Government. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Statistics. Statistical Regi Hope, 1889-95. 7 vols. f< r of the Cape of Good Cape Town, 1890-96. E Statutes. Act to amend the Leprosy Repression Act, 1884. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1894. A 17 T 29 t Act to cheek the spread of the Disease known as Lep- rosy. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1884. A 17 T 29 t Acts of the Parliament of the Colony, 1876, 1884, 1888, 1891, 1893. 5 vols. fol. Cape Town, 1876-93. E Steam Communication. Report from the Select Com- mittee appointed to devise the means to obtain Steam Communication between this Colony and the Mother Country. 8vo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 CAFE OF (,'00 1) HOPE DIRECTORY. General Directory and Guide-book to the Cape and its De- pendencies, as well as the Free State, Transvaal, and Natal [previously published as the Cape Town Direc- tory] 1866-67, 1869, 1885-86. 5 vols. 12mo. Cape Town, 1866-86. E CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ROYAL OBSERVATORY. Annals of the Cape Observatory. Vol. 1 ; vol. 2, pts. 1-3, 6, 7 ; vol. 4. 8 vols. 4to. Lond. 1896-99. E Appendix to the (Jape Meridian Observations, 1890-91. Star Correction Tables ; by W. H. Finlay. 4to. Cape Town, 1895. E Cape Catalogue of Stars, 1834-40, 1849-52, 1856-61, 1879-95. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. and 4to. Capetown and Lond., 1873-98. A 12 W 14-18 t Catalogue of 2,798 Zodiacal Stars for the Epoch of 1900, arranged for Differential Observations of the Planets. 8vo. Lond., 1899 A 34 T 1 Heliometer Observations for Determination of Stellar Parallax. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. E Independent Day Numbers, as used at the Royal Obser- vatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CAP]' OF GOOD HOPE ROYAL OBSERVATORY— rontd. Report of Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope to the Secretary of the Admiralty, 1895- 96. 2 vols. 4to. Loud., 1896-97. E Results of Astronomical Observations, 1856-60, 1871- 76. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Capetown, 1871-79. E Results of Meridian Observations, 1861-65, 1879-95. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. and 4to. Lond., 1894-97. E Results of Meridian Observations of Stars, 1888-91. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1895. E CAPE TOWN DIRECTORY. [See Cape of Good Hope CAPIUIN, Thomas. Mesmeric Facts. 8vo. Lond., 1870 G 19 T 4 Tlx Mighty Curative Powers of Mesmerism, proved in upwards of 150 cases of various diseases. 12mo. Lond., 1851. G 15 U 3 CAPES, F. M. Devotion to the Rlessed Virgin. [See Rossuet, J. P.., Bishop.] G 24 Q 3 CAPES, Rev. William Wolfe. Stoicism. 12mo. Lond., 1880. (Chief Ancient Philosophies.) G 26 P 20 CAP1TOLINUS, Julius. Historia Augusta. (Scriptores Historic Roman*.) B 40 U 23 + CAPPELLO, Bianca. Study of. [See Wilson, H. S.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 CAPPER, Richard. Dramatic Illustrations of ancient History. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MH 1 R 6 CARD, Prof. Fred W. Bush-fruits: a Horticultural Monograph of Raspberries, Blackberries, Dewberries, Currants, Gooseberries, and other Shrub-like Fruit. With Bibliography. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 18 P 20 CARD, George William. Copper at the Dottswood Mine, (Queensland. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ' ME 15 T Country Rock of the Kalgoorlie Gold-field. [See N.S.W. Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Mineralogical and Petrological Notes. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T Ottrolite-Phyllite from near Wattle Flat. [See N.S.W. Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T Some New South Wales Meteorites. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T . , and DUN, William Sutherland. Diatomaceous Earth Deposits of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Survey, Records, 5.] ME 15 T CARDAN, Jerome. Jerome Cardan: a Biographical Study; by W. G. Waters. 8vo. Lond., 1898 C 25 S 1 CARDEN, R, W. Ornamental Details of the Italian Re- naissance. [See Middleton, G. A. T.] A 49 P 16 J CARDIFF FREE LIBRARIES. Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department ; by J. Dallinger and J. I. Jones. Roy. 8vo. Cardiff, 1898. Cat. Room CAR DWELL, Rt. Hon. Edward, and DARLING, Sir Charles H. The Crisis. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MJ 3 R 16 " CAREFUL COOK, A." [See Praga, Mrs. — .] CAREW, Thomas. Poems of. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1870. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 3 U6 CAREY, Henry Charles. How Protection, Increase of Public and Private Revenues, and National Inde- pendence, march hand-in hand together : Review of the Report of the Hon. D. A. Wells, Special Com- missioner of the Revenue. 8vo. Philad., 1869. F 17 P 2 Review of the Farmer's Question, as exhibited in the recent Report of the Hon. D. A. Wells, Special Com- • r of the Revenue. 8vo. Philad., 1870. F17P2 CAREY, Mrs. M. Narrative of Captain Coignet. [See Coignet, Capt. Jean Roch.] C 23 P 3 CAREY, Tasman George. Manual of Phrenology, Physi- ognomy, and Physiology. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 6 Physiognomy and Phrenology up to date. 8vo. Sydney, 1 898. ' MA 4 Q 6 CAREY, William. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 CARGILL, Alexander. Izaak Walton. [See Walton, 1.1 A 40 Q 8 CARL THEODOR, Elector of Bavaria. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 CARLETON, Henry R, Lighthouses in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R CARLETON, Mark Alfred. Cereal Rusts of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 CARLETON, William. City Ballads. New ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1899. H 12 Q 22 City Legends. Newed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, CARLETON, William. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Edited by D. J. O'Donoghue. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 10-13 Life of : being his Autobiography and Letters, and an Account of his Life and Writings, from the point at which the Autobiography breaks off; by David J. O'Donoghue. With an Introduction by Mrs. Cashel Hoey, and a l'.il>li«>u.rai>hy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 S 1, 2 Public Library of New South Wales. CARLILE, William Warrand. The Indian Mints. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. F 15 U 19 The Land Question in New Zealand and in Australia. (Melb. Rev., 4.) ME 18 Q The Ultimate Problem of Philosophy. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S CARLISLE, Bishop of. [See Goodwin, H.] CARLYLE, Rev. Alexander. Autobiography of, contain- ing Memorials of the Men and Events of his time. With Portrait. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. C 26 R 21 CARLYLE, R, M., and Rev. Alexander James. Hugh Latimer. [See Latimer, H.] C 27 R 10 CARLYLE, Thomas. Historical Sketches of Notable Persons and Events in the Reigns of James I and Charles I. Edited bv Alexander Carlyle. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 1 U 33 The Homes and Haunts of. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 3 Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister. Edited, with an Introductory Essay, by C. T. Copeland. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 23 U 16 [Life of]; by Hector C. Macpherson. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 T 10 [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melb. Rev., 6.) ME 18 Q Mr. Froude and Carlyle ; by David Wilson. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 R 13 Montaigne and other Essays, chiefly Biographical ; with Foreword by S. R, Crockett. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24. R 5 Outline of the Doctrines of : being selected and arranged Passages from his Works. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 14 Sartor Resartus : the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufels- droekh. Illustrated by E. J. Sullivan. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 T 4 Thomas Carlyle ; by M. D. Conway. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1881. C 27 R 1 [Address on.] [See McKie, Rev. J. G. — Sermons and Addresses.] MG 1 Q 66 Carlyle: a Disentangled Essay: by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 Carlyle and Christianity. [See Clifford, Rev. J. — Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 Carlyle and Taine on the French Revolution. [See Wilson, H. S.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 Carlyle on Burns. [See Muir, J.] J 5 T 34 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Essay on] Carlyle's French Revolution. [See Mill, J. Stuart.— Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 Goethe. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Goethe and Carlyle. [See Wilson, H. S. — History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 CARLYLE, Thomas— contd. Lessons from my Masters. [See Bayne, P.] J 5 T 28 Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. [See Church, R. W., Dean— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 Personal Influences on Present Theology. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 1 1 U 30 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Lectures and Bio- graphical Sketches.] J 22 Q 4 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teacher*.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F.— Early Vic- torian Literature.] J 8 T 37 What to do, according to Carlyle. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 "CARMAGNOLA." [See Bussome, F.] " CARMEN SYLVA." Roumania.] Elizabeth, Queen of CARMICHAEL, Rev. Robert. Treatise on the Calculus of Operations : designed to facilitate the Processes of the Differential and integral Calculus and the Calculus of Finite Differences. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 25 S 30 CARNAC, Levin. The Hope of the Family. [See Daudet, A.] J 22 P 31 CARNARVON, Henry Howard Molyneux, Fourth Earl of. The Defence of the Empire. Edited by Lieut.- Col. Sir George Sydenham Clarke, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 4 T 17 CARNE, Joseph Edmund. Auriferous Beach Sands of the Esk River and. Jerusalem Creek, New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Chromic Iron Ores. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 46 Copper-mining Industry and the Distribution of Copper Ores in New South" Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 48 General and Economic Geology of the Coast between Port Macquarie and Cape Hawke. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Mercury or " Quicksilver " in New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 48 Tungsten Ores in New South Wales. [See N.S. Wales.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 46 CARNEGIE, Andrew. Mr. Carnegie's Conundrum. [See Stead, W. T.] F 8 T 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Spii LGTE, Hon. David Wynford. Explorations in the terior of Western Australia. (Geograph. Journ., ar., 1898.) E \ c ( )bjects from Western Australia. (Anthropologi- 1 Inst, of Gt. Britain and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E •s on the Hon. D. W. Carnegie's Explorations in the t erior of Western Australia. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.) ME 20 P ir'ex and Sand : a Narrative of Five Years' Pioneer- g and Exploration in Western Australia. Illus- ited. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MD 8 8 1 CARN LGIE, Sir James, Earl of Southesk. [See Southesk, Earl of.] CARXOT, Nicolas Leonard Sadi. Second Law of Thermo- dynamics. [See Magie, Prof. W. R] A 44 Q 18 CAR( )LA, Queen of Saxony. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 CAROLINE, Queen of Naples. Portrait of. [See Paget, lit. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 TJ 3 CAROLINE OF ANSPACH, Queen of England. [Por- t rait and Sketch of. [See Tytler, Sarah. —Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover.] C 24 T 21 [Ski' of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 CAROLINE OF BRUNSWICK, Queen of England. The Court of England under George IV, founded on a Diary interspersed with Letters written by Queen < aroline and various other distinguished persons. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 24 R 19, 20 [Por; rait and Sketch of.] [See Tytler, Sarah.— Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover.] C 24 T 21 [Sknch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 CAR ON, Leon. First Kiss Valse. Sm. fol. Melb. (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t My Wedding Day. [Words and Music] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1898. MA 13 P 5 t Nautch Song. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1898. MA 13 P5f CARPENTER, Dr. Arthur. Right of the State to enforce Notification of Infectious Disease, and the best method of doing it. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 CARPENTER, C. W. The Mines of New South Wales, [See Mines of New South Wales.] ME 9 U CARPENTER, Edmund James. America in Hawaii : a , History of United States influence in the Hawaiian I- lands. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B16P30 CARPENTER, George Herbert. Insects: their Structure and Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 28 P 40 CARPENTER, Prof. George Rice. American Prose : Selections, with Critical Introductions, by various writers, and a General Introduction. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 21 R 36 CARPENTER, Capt. J. B. Islands of Bali and Lombock, Malay Archipelago. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P CARPENTER, J. Estlin, and BATTERSBY, G. Harford-. The Hexateuch according to the Revised Version, arranged in its Constituent Documents by members of the Society of Historical Theology, Oxford ; with In- troductions, Notes, Marginal References, and Synopti- cal Tables. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1900. G 25 V 11, 12 CARPENTER, Mary. Organized Philanthropy. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 CARPENTER, Mary Thorn. In Cairo and Jerusalem. 8vo. New York, 1894. D 17 Q 33 CARPENTER.. P. Herbert, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 1 2 U 3 t CARPENTER, William Boyd, Bishop of Ripon. Cooper- ation, Character, and Culture. 18mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 The Great Charter of Christ : being Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 31 Popular History of the Church of England from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 S 9 Some Thoughts o 1895. n Christian Reunion. 8vo. Lond., G 2 P41 Mohammedanism. [See Robins on, Rev. C. H.] G 4 V 27 and oth ^rs. In an. wer to Prayer. 12mo. G23P17 Lond., 1898. CARR, G. S. Synopsis of Elementary Results in pure Mathematics, containing Propositions, Formulae, and Methods of Analysis, with abridged Demonstrations. Supplemented by an Index to the Papers on pure Mathematics which are to be found in the principal Journals and Transactions of learned Societies, both English and Foreign, of the present Century. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 31 S 4 CARR, Henry. Key to Mr. J. B. Lock's Elementary Trigonometry. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 R 42 CARR, Henry, M.Inst.C.E. Our Domestic Poisons, with an Appendix on Arsenical Poisoning by Wall Papers. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 CARR, Rev. James Anderson. Life-work of Edward White Benson. [See Benson, E. W., Archbishop] C 23 U 7 Public Library of New South Wales. CARR, John. The Stranger in Ireland ; or, a Tour in the Southern and Western parts of that Country in 1805. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1806. D 23 Q 1 CARR, T. F. Robertson. The best means of increasing the supply of Mussels and other Molluscs. (Internat. Fish- eries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 CARRINGTON, Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 " CARROLL, Lewis." [See Dodgson, Rev. C. L.] CARROLL, Henry King. Religious Forces of the United States, enumerated, classified, and described on the basis of the Governmant Census of 1890 ; with an Introduction on the condition of American Christian- ity. Revised January, 1896, with additional Tables of Statistics for the five years since the Census of 1890. 8vo. New York, 1893. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 8 Report on Porto Rico. [See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] D 22 U 12 CARRUTH, Prof. W. H. History of the People of Israel. [See Cornill, Prof. C. H.] B 28 R 12 CARRUTHERS, William, F.R.S. Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. [See West- minster Assembly of Divines.] G 24 V 13 CARRYL, Guy Wetmore. Fables for the Frivolous. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 12 S 14 CARSTARES, Rev. William. Character and Career of the Revolutionary Epoch, 1649-1715; by R. H. Story. Svo. Lond., 1874. C 25 T 18 CARTER, Alfred Bonham-. Treatise on the Law, Privi- leges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. [See May, Sir T. E.] F 9 V 20 CARTER, Daniel. Crinoliniad : an Epic Poem. Svo. West Maitland, 1867. MH 1 S 73 CARTER, E. Tremlett. Motive Power and Gearing for Electrical Machinery : a Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Mechanical Equipment of Power Stations for Electric Supply and for Electric Traction. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 T 22 CARTER, Mrs. F. J. [Life of] Willia [See Melbourne Review, 7. J Rathbone Greg. ME 18 Q CARTER, (n.d.) Mizpah Waltzes. Sm. fol. Sydney MA 13 P 5 t CARTER, Howard. Beni Hasan. [See Egypt Explora- tion Fund, 7th Mem.] B 18 Q 31 t CARTER, Dr. Robert Brudenell. Medical Ophthalmology. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Overwork in Schools. (Internat. Health Ex. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 CARTER, Rev. T. Shakespeare, Puritan and Recusant ; with a Prefatory Note by the Rev. J. O. Dykes. [Set Shakespeare, William.] C 23 P 20 CARTER, Thomas Fortescue. Narrative of the Boer War : its Causes and Results. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1900. B 41 S 2 CARTER, W. T. Unbelievers in Cooperation, and how t .. >,in them. 12mo. Manchester, 1877. F 16 S 14 CARTERET, John Grand-. [See Grand-Carteret, J.] CARTERET, Capt. Philip. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 . of. [See Whib- C 23 Q 2 CARTOUCHE, Louis Dominique, ley, C. — Book of Scoundrels.] CARTWRIGHT, Julia. [See Ady, Julia.] CARTWRIGHT, Thomas. Second Admonition to the Parliament. (Dearmer, Rev. P.- Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 CARTWRIGHT, William Cornwallis. The Jesuits: their Constitution and Teaching. Svo. Lond., 1876. G 3 R 27 CARUS, Dr. Paul. History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil. Ulust. Imp. Svo. Chicago, 1900. G 23 V 35 CARUS-WILSON, Mrs. Ashley. [See Wilson, Mrs. Ashley Carus-.] CARUS-WILSON, Prof. Charles Ashley. [See Wilson, Prof. C. A. Carus-.] CARY, Henry and Lucius, 1st and 2nd Viscounts Falkland. Falklands. [See Falkland.] CARY, John J. Vocabularies of the Geelong and Colac Tribes, collected in 1840. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME IS S CARY, T. G. How to Phrenologise Science. Svo. Sydney, 189S. CASANOVA DE SEINGALT, Giovanni Giacomo. (Jacques). [Essay on.] [See Ellis, H— Affirmations.] CASEY, J. J. The Land Systems of Victoria and South Australia compared. (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q CASGRAIN, P. B. La Vie de Joseph Francois Perrault, [See Perrault, J. F.] C 26 Q 19 CASHEL, Archbishop of. [See Laurence, R,] Supplemen tary Catalog ue — 1896-1 900. 117 CASPARI, Prof. C.P. Briefe, Abhandlungen und Pre- dict -a aus den Zwei letzten .Jahrhunderten des Kirch- lichen Alterthums und dein Anfang des Mittelalters. 8vo. Christiania, 1890. G 5 Q 33 CASSAL, Charles E. Public Health Laboratory Work. [See Cheyne, Dr. W. W.] A 41 V 6 CASSAL, Hans J. S. Workshop Makeshifts: being a Collection of Practical Hints and Suggestions for the use of Amateur Workers in Wood and Metal. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. .. 25 S 10 CASSELL and CO. Cassell's Family Doctor ; % "A Medical Man.'' 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 10 P 1 CASSELL'S HOUSEHOLD GUIDE: a Complete Ency- clopaedia of Domestic and Social Economy, 2 vols, sin. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 22 V 28, 29 CASSIDY, Cecil Robert. Dairy Notes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 CASSIODORUS, Magnus Aurelius. Chronicon. (Scrip- tores Historic Romanic.) B 40 U 23 1 CASTELAR, Don Emilio. Don Emilio Castelar : by David Hannay. 8vo. Loud., 189G. C 20 T 23 CASTTLLA, Ethel. The Australian Girl, and other Verses. 18mo. Melb., 1900. MH 1 W G CASTLE, Edward James. Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene: a Study. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 15 CASTXER'S MONTHLY & RURAL AUSTRALIAN. [See Rural Axi.straJ.ian.] CATHERINE OF BOURBON, Princess of Navarre. [Sketch of.] [See MacDowall, H. C— Henry of ( luise, and other Portraits.] B 36 It 1 1 CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 CATHERINE OF SIENA, St. History of St. Catherine of Siena and her Companions; with a Translation of her Treatise on Consummate Perfection. [See Drane, Augusta Theodosia.J G 23 T 47, 48 CAT] I ERINE I, Empress of Russia. [Portrait of. ] [Set Bain, R. N.— The Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 29 Q 3 CATHERINE IT, Empress of Russia. The Story of a Throne. From the French of K. Waliszewski. 8vo. bond., 189G. C 22 T 3 CATHOLIC DIRECTORY AXD ALMANAC for the Clergy and Laity in Victoria, 1863. 12mo. Melb., 1863. MG 2 U 38 CATHOLIC PRESS. Vol.3, 1899. Fol. Sydney, 1899. ME CATHOLIC YEAR-BOOK, 1900. 8vo. Lond., 1900. E CATHREIN, Rev. Victor. Socialism exposed and refuted. Translated by Rev. J. Conway. 8vo. New York, 1892. F 15 Q 30 CATTANEO, Raffaele. Architecture in Italy from the Gth to the 11th Century. Translated by the Contessa Isabel CurtisCholmelev. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 15 S 21 t C ATT ELL, Dr. Henry W. Special Pathological Anatomy. [See Ziegler, Ernst.] A 32 R 29, 30 CATTIER, Edmond. Le Naturalisme litteraire. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. J 15 V 32 CATTIER, F. Droit et Administration de l'Etat Tnde- pendant du Congo. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. F 10 S 5 CATTON, J. A. H. The Iteal Football : a Sketch of the Development of the Association Game. With Por- traits. 8vo. Lond., 1900, A 44 U 8 CAULFIELD, Richard. Register of the Parish of the Holy Trinity (Christ Church) Cork, from July, 1643, to February, 1668, with Extracts from the Parish Books from 1664-58. 8vo. Cork, 1877. MJ 3 R 28 CAULLERY, Maurice. Ascidies Composees. [See Kcehler, Prof. R. -Resultats Scientifiques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 Crustacea, Schizopodes, et Deeapodes. [See Kcehler, Prof. R, — Resultats Scientifiques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 Pycnogonides. [See Kcehler, Prof. R. — Resultats Scien- tifiques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 , and MESNTL, Felix. Los Formes Epitoqes et PEvolution des Cirratuliens. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1898. A 30 V 25 CAUS, Isaac de. Wilton Garden. Ob. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 R 31 t CAUSSE, X. De la Constitution des Alcaloides Vegetaux. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1899. A 31 Q 32 CAUX, J. W. de. [See De Caux, J. W.] CAVE, Henry William. Ruined Cities of Ceylon. Illus- trated. 4to. Lond., 1897. D 10 T 20 t CAVENDISH, Hon. Hei ' t e of, including Abstracts ic Papers, and a Critical Inquiry into the claims of all the alleged Discoveries on the Composition of Water : by Dr. G. Wikon. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 S 21 Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. William.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 118 Public Library of New South Wales. CAVENDISH, Capt. Thomas. Voyages of. [See Histori- cal Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 48 CAVENDISH, William, Duke of Devonshire. [See Devonshire, Duke of.] CAVENDISH SOCIETY. Works. 30 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848-71. A 36 S 1-T 5 Chemical Method, Notation, Classification, and Nomencla- ture ; by Prof. A. Laurent. Translated by Prof. W. Odling. Chemical Reports and Memoirs. Ivlited by l'rof. T. < Irahain. Life of Hon. Henry Cavendish, including Abstracts of Ins more important Scici it i lie I'apers. and a Critical Inquiry into the claims of all the alleged Discoveries of the Composition of Water ; by Dr. G. Wilson. Memoirs of the Life and Scienlilie Researches of John Dalton ; by Dr. W. C. Henry. Physiological Chemistry ; by Prof. C. G. Lehmann. Trans- lated by Dr. G. E. Day. With Plates. 4 vols. CAVOUR, Camillo Benso di, Count. Cavour ; by the Countess Evelyn Martinengo Cesaresco. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Foreign Statesmen.) C26P12 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, P.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 "CAXTON, Pisistratus." [See Lytton, Baron.] CAXTON, William. History of Reynard the Fox. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 20 History of Reynard the Fox. Translated and printed by W. Caxton. [See Reynard the Fox.] J 22 P 15 CAYLEY, Dr. Arthur, F.R.S. Collected Mathematical Papers. Vols. 1-13, and supplementary vol. 14 vols. 4to. Camb., 1889-98. A 13 V 1-14 f CAYLEY, Dr. C. H. The Plague : its Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment. 8vo. Adelaide, 1900. MA 4 Q 18 CAYLEY, J. J., and BRIDGMAN, H. H. A Central Wholesale Fish Market for London. (Internat. Fish- eries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 10 CAYLEY-WEBSTER, H. [See Webster, H. Cayley-.] CAY VAN, Georgia. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q6 " CAZIRE." [See Shelley, Elizabeth.] CEBES. Tabula. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Diibner. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V 28 CECIL, Lord Robert. Commercial Law. [See Hurst, Joseph.] F 10 U 5 CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, Marqut Salisbury. [See Salisbury, Marquess of.] CECIL, Wil i, Lord Burghley. [See Burghley, Baron.] CELLI, Prof. Angelo. Malaria according to the New Researches. Translated from the 2nd Italian ed. by J. J. Eyre; with an Introduction by Dr. P. Manson. Illustrated. 8m Lond., 1900. * A 45 U 29 CELLINI, Benvenuto. Chisel, Pen, and Poignard ; or, Benvenuto Cellini: his Times and his Contemporaries: by the Author of " The Life of a Prig." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 20 S 20 Life of. Translated into English by J. A. Symonds. 4th . ed. Witli Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 4 Treatises on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. Translated, with an Introduction, by C. R. Ashbee. Illustrated. 8m. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 11 V 10 t CENNINI, Cennino. The Book of Art : a Contemporary Practical Treatise on Quattrocento Painting. Trans- lated from the Italian, with Notes on Mediteval Art Methods, by Christiana . I. Herringham. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ■ A 44 R 9 CENTELLI, Attilio. Gli Affreschi di Tiepolo. [See Tiepolo, G. B.] A 48 P 16 J CENTRAL BOARD, The: its Use, Work, and Cost. 12mo. Manchester, 1885. F 13 V 23 CENTRAL MISSION GAZETTE, The. Vols. 7, 8, n.s., Jan., 1895-Nov., 1896. Fol. Sydney, 1895-96. MJ 10 Q 19 t CENTURY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, The [formerly Seribner's Monthly.] Vols. 1-60, 1870-Oct , 1900, and Index to vols. 1-30. 61 vols. 8vo. New York, 1870- 1900. E CENTURY SCIENCE SERIES. CERULLT, V. xMarte nel 1896-97. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Collurania, 1898. A 35 W 18 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. History of Don Quixote. Edited by J. W. Clark, and a Biographical Notice of Cervantes by T. T. Shore. Illustrated by G. Dore. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) J 20 T 3 t El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. Illustrated. 12mo.' Paris, 1893. J 14 P 43 CERVERA, Adm. Pascual. Views regarding the Spanish Navy in the late War. [See United States. —Office of Naval Intelligence.] B 39 T 11 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CESA1IKSC0, Evelyn Martinengo, Countess. Cavour. [See Cavour, C. B. di, Count.] C 26 P 12 CESNOLA, Alexander Palma di. Salaminia (Cyprus): the 1 listory, Treasures, and Antiquities of Salamis, in the I sland of Cyprus ; with an Introduetion by S. Birch. 2nd ed. Illust. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1884. B15S16 CESNOLA, Louis Palma di. Descriptive Atlas of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 2 vols, (in I) 4to. Boston, 1885-94. B 49 P 4-7 \ CEYL< »X : — (r(itvrnmi:n/ Drpnr/meti/s — Reports and Publi- Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] nistration Reports, 1888-94, i. fol. Colombo, 1890-99. E Annual Reports. Administration Reports for 1888-94, 1896-97. 9 vols. fol. Colombo, 1890-98. E Colombo Museum.. Report for the year 1897. fol. Colombo, 1897. Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under Parliament. Papers laid before the Legislative Council of Ceylon, 1891, 1893. 2 vols. fol. Colombo, 1892- 94. E [See "''so Administration, under this heading.] Statutes. Regulations and Ordinances of the Govern- ment of Ceylon, passed in the years 1833-37. 8vo. Colombo (n.d.) F 5 P 33 CEYLON ALMANAC, 1837, 1839-40, 1842, 1849-50, 1856-61. 12 vols. 8vo. Colombo, 1837-61. E CHAI )SEY, Charles Ernest. Struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 18 11 17 CHAD WICK, Rev. John White. Old and New Unitarian Belief. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 12 V 1 CHAI) WICK, Osbert. Middleton, R. E.] CHAIN AYE, Hector. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] " J 26 U 2 CHALLICE, Rache Spanish Protestants in the 16th Century. [See Wilkens, Dr. C. A.] G 1117 13 CHALMERS, Robert. The Jataka. Thomas Chalmers, Preacher, lan ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 2nd C 20 T 20 CHALMERS, Rev. Thomas. Philosopher, and Statesn ed. 8vo. Locd., 189G. [Life of] ; by W. Garden Blaikie. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 T 15 [Criticism of the Works of. ] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 CHAMBERLAIN, Alexander Frs Study in the Evolution of .Mai (Contemporary Science Ser.) Th Child: a Lond., 1900. A 45 R 20 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil Hall. Things Japanese: being Notes on various subjects connected with Japan, for the use of travellers and others. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 R 16 CHAMBERLAIN, Houston Stewart. Richard Wagner. Translated from the German by G. Ainslie Hight. [See Wagner, R.] C 17 T 28 t CHAMBERLAIN, Rt. Hon. Joseph. Australian Opinion on Mr. Chamberlain's Scheme of British and Colonial Protection against Foreign Trade. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F2 V32 The Man and the Statesman; by N. M. Marris. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 T 11 The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain; by S. H. Jeyes. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) C 20 T 24 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Neo-Protection Scheme of. [See Farrer, Rt. Hon. Lord.] F 2 V 32 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 CHAMBERS, Charles Haddon. The Tyranny of Tears: a Comedy. 12mo. Lond., 1900. H 13 T 10 CHAMBERS, Edmund Kerchever. Poems of John Donne. [See Donne, J. Dean.] H 10 U 31, 32 Poems of Henry Vaughan. [See Vaughan, H.] CHAMBERS, Edward Thomas Davie and its Canadian Environment. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 36 R 11 CHAMBERS, George F. The told for general renders, with especial reiere Total Eclipse of the Sun of Mav 28th, 1900. Illus- trated 12mo. Lond., 1899. (Lib. of Useful Stories.) A 19 P 20 CHAMBERS, Henry E. Constitutional History of Hawaii. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 Public Library of New South Wales. CHAMBERS, John David. Theological and Philosophical Works of Hermes Trismegistus. [See Hermes Tris- megistus.] G 24 U 11 CHAMBERS, Robert. Select Writings of. 4 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1847. J 12 P 29-32 1, 2. Essays, Familiar and Humorous. 3. Essay:;, Moral and Economic. 4. Essays Philosophical, Sentimental, and Historical Sketches. Life and Works of Robert Burns. [See Burns, Robert.] H 9 V 2-4 CHAMBERS, Trant. A Land of Promise: Western Australia in 1897-98. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Perth, 1898. MD 4 U 52 Western Australia : its Position and Prospects. [See Western Australia. — Lands and Survey.] MD 8 Q 56 CHAMBERS, W. Oldham. Hand-book to the Aquarium and Fish-culture Department. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 15 Introduction and Acclimatisation of Foreign Fish. (In- ternat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 11 Propagation of Fresh-water Fish, excluding Salmonidse. (Internat. Fish. Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 11 The Propagation of the Salmonida?. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 1 1 CHAMBERS, William and Robert Chambers's Encyclo- paedia : a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. New ed. 10 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K 18 S 13-22 CHAMBERS' JOURNAL of Popular Literature, Science, and Arts, from vol. 1, Feb., 1832-99. 81 vols. 4to. and ro*y. 8vo. Edinb., 1832-99. E CHAMEROVZOW, Louis Alexis. Chronicles of the Bastile. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1847. J 24 Q 10 CHAMIER, George. Utilisation of Water in South Aus- tralia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MA 4 S 13 CHAMISSO DE BONCOURT, Louis Charles Adelaide de (Adelbert von Chamisso). Peter SchlemihPs Wun- dersame Geschichte ; with copious Explanatory Notes and a Vocabulary by M. Foerster. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) ' J 12 P 40 Saintliche Werke : mit einer biographischen Einleitung von R. Bottcher. With Portrait. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Berlin, 1890. J 19 R 40 CHAMPION, George C. Heteromerous Coleoptera col- lected in Australia and Tasmania ; with Descriptions of new genera and species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1895.) E TenebrionidfB collected in Australia and Tasmania by James J. Walker during the Voyage of the Penguin; with Descriptions of new genera and species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1894.) E CHAMPION, H. II. Coiiperatioi Manchester, 1887. CHAMPION, Henry Vine. Section No. 1, North Yarra Main Sewer. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 133.) E CHAMPION DE CRESPIGNY, Sir Claude. Memoirs of; by George A. B. Dewar. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 15 CHAMPLIN, John Denison, and PERKINS, Charles C. Cyclopedia of Painters and Painting. Illustrated. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 32 U 28-31 CHANCE, W. Children under the Poor Law: their Education, Training, and After-care, together with a Criticism of the Report of the Departmental Commit- tee on Metropolitan Poor Law Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 20 CHANDLER, Julian A. C. Representation' in Virginia. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 CHANGARNIER, N. A. T. Sketch of. [See Bingham, Capt. D.- Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 CHANLER, William Astor. Through Jungle and Desert. Travels in Eastern Africa. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 20 U 18 CHANNER, C. C, and ROBERTS, M. E. Lace-making in the Midlands, Past and Present. 12mo. Lond., 1 900. A 46 P 24 CHANNING, Prof. Edward. Student's History of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. B 19 R 5 The United States of America, 1765-1865. [With Bibliography.] 8vo. Camb., 1896. (Cam. Hist, Studies). B 5 R 42 CHANNING, Francis Allston. The Truth about Agri- cultural Depression : an Economic Study of the Evi- dence of the Royal Commission. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 30 CHANNING, Dr. William Ellery. Memoir and Papers. [See Martineau, Rev. James. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 CHANSON DE ROLAND, The: Historical, Critical, and Grammatical Introduction. Three Passages ; with Explanatory Notes and an English Translation by Prof. C. F. Fondell. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 13 P 10 CHAPIN, Willis O. Masters and Masterpieces of Engrav- ing. Illustrated. Imp. Svo. New York, 1894. A 44 W 7 CHAPMAN, Abel. Wild Norway; with Chapters on Spitsbergen, Denmark, &c. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 T 25 Supplementary Catalogue— -1890-1000. CIIA I'M AN, Alfred Goodwin. [See Alanson, A. G.] CHAPMAN, Elizabeth Radiol. Marriage Questions in Modem Fiction, and other Essays on kindred subjects. 8v„. Lond., 1897. F 4 T 19 CHAl'MAN, Ernest Theophron. Water-Analysis. [See Wanklyn, J. A] A 22 Q 44 CHA I 'MAX, F. R. Koruru, the Maori Game of Knuckle- bone. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1898.) ME G R CHAl'MAN, Frank M. Hand-book of Birds of Eastern North America, with Keys to the Species and Descrip- tions of their Plumages, Nests, and Eggs, their Distri- burion and Migrations, and a brief Account of their 1 1 aunts and Habits ; with Introductory Chapters on tlie Study of Ornithology, how to identify Birds, and how to Collect and Preserve Birds, their Nests and Eggs. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 27 S 15 CHAl'MAN, Frederick. Isabel and Rinaldo : a Tragedy in five acts. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 V 29 CHAPMAN, George. Best Plays. Edited by W. L. ['helps. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Mermaid Ser.) H7R42 All Fools ; Bussy D'Ambois ; Revenge of Hussy U'Ambois ; Conspiracy of Charles : Tragedy of Charles. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K. The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 Hymns, Epigrams, and other Poems of Homer. [See Homerus.] H 7 Q 17 CHAl'MAN, Rev. J. Wilbur. Life and Works of D. L. Moody. [See Moody, D. L.] C 2G T 5 CHAPMAN, James Wilkinson. State Tax Commissions in the United States. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Hist, and Pol. Science.) B 18 S 15 CHAl'MAN, John Jay. Government and Democracy, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 6 CHAPMAN, R. W., and INGLIS, Capt. A. Tides of South Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME IS S CHA1 'MAN, Sydney John. History of Trade between the 1'nited Kingdom and the United States, with special reference to the effect of Tariffs. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 1G S 20 Loral Government and State Aid: an Essay on the Effect on Local Administration and Finance of the payment ■ local authorities of the proceeds of certain Imperial Taxes. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 15 R 34 CHAl'MAN, Major William Percy. Report on the Olive Tree and Olive Oil of Tuscany. [See Queensland. Agricult,] MA 3 S G8 CHARCOT, Jean Martin. [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. do.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL BAZAAR. Souvenir of. Compiled and edited by H. li. Tree. Illustrated. Fol. bond., 1899. J 12 X 21 f CHARITIES AND CORRECTION NATIONAL CON- FERENCE. Proceedings, 189G. Edited by Isabel C. Barrows. 8vo. Boston, 189G. E CHARLEMAGNE, King of France. Charles the Great; byT. Hodgkin. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 23 S 5 Charlemagne, the Hero of two Nations. [See Davis, H. W. C] B 27 Q 13 CHARLES I, King of England. [Life of] ; by Sir J. Skelton. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. C 18 T 14 1 [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.- State Trials.] F 12 S 31 CHARLES II, King of England. Royalty restored ; or, London under Charles II. [See Molloy, J. F.] B 24 Q 12 [Sketch of.] [See Pepys, Samuel.— Diary of.] C 14 V 8 CHARLES XII, King of Sweden. Charles XII and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. [See Bain, R, N] B 16 R 20 Charles XII, King of Sweden. [See Browning, 0.] B 20 R 16 CHARLES EDWARD STUART, Prince. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, from his landing in Scotland, July, 1745, to his departure in September, 1746. Compiled from the Lyon in Mourning ; supple- mented and corrected from other contemporary sources by Walter Biggar Blaikie. [See Scottish History Soc. Pubs., 23.] E [Life of.] [See Lang, A.] B 21 Q 1 t Pickle the Spy ; or, the Incoymto of Prince Charles. [See Lang, A.] B 16 V 34 CHARLES THE GREAT. [See Charlemagne.] CHARLES, Elizabeth [Mrs. A. P.] (Elizabeth Rundle). Ecce Homo, Ecce Rex : Pages from the Story of the Moral Conquests of Christianity. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G26R3 CHARLES, Rev. R. H. Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, in Judaism, and in Chris- tianity or Hebrew, Jewish and Christian Eschatology, from pre-prophetic times till the close of the New Testament Canon. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Jowett Lectin s.) 24 U 2 CHARLOTTE, Princess. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormelev. England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 CHARLOTTE, Queen of England. The Good Queen Charlotte; by P. Fitzgerald. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899/ C 21 T 24 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Tytler, Sarah. Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover.] C 24 T 21 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 Public Library of New South Wales, CHARLOTTE, Queen of Wiirtemberg. [Sketch of.] {See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 CHARMES, Marie Julien Joseph Francois (Francis). Briton and Boer. {See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 CHAR VET, Alberto. Decorazioni Interne : Soffitti del XVI, XVII, XVIII, e XIX Secolo dei migliori Cas- telli e Palazzi del Piemonte. Illustrated. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 17 J I migliori Monumenti Funerari in Italia. Illustrated. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 18 { CHATEAUBRIAND, I Voyage en Amerique : by L Delbos. 12mo. for English Students.) ■ancois Rene, Vicomte de. with Introduction and Notes Lond. (n.d.) (French Classics D 16 P 10 [Essay on.] {See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 CHATER, F. J. Talfourd. The relations of the State with Fishermen and Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. —Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 9 CHATRIAN, Alexandre. Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815. {See Erckmann, E.] J 25 P 3 The Great Invasion of 1813-14. {See Erckmann, E.] J 25 Q 3 Madame Therese. {See Erckmann, E.] J 25 Q 4 Story of the Plebiscite. {See Erckmann, E.] J 25 Q 5 Waterloo. {See Erckmann, K] J 25 R 21 CHATWOOD, Arthur Brunei. The New Photography. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 23 Q 52 CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales ; annotated and accented with Illustrations of English Life in Chaucer's Time by J. Saunders. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. H 13 U 3 Chaucerian and other Pieces. Edited by Rev. W W. Skeat. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. H 9 S 33 Canterbury Tales. {See Percy Soc] H 11 S 26-28 The Chaucer Canon. {See Skeat, Rev. W. W.] J 17 V 20 Chaucer's England. {See Browne, M.] B 17 Q 27, 28 Studies in Chaucer : his Life and Writings. {See Louns- bury, Prof. T. R.] J 24 Q 11-13 Wordsworth's Modernisation of Chaucer. {See Dowden, Edward.] J 14 R 15 CHAUMONT, Dr. Francis Stephen Bennet Francois de, F.R.S. Practical Dietetics, especially in relation to Preserved and Condensed Foods. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 Prevention of Cholera. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 School Dietaries. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 CHAURAPANCHASIKA, The: an Indian Love Lament. Translated and illustrated by Sir E. Arnold. Ob. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10 T 37 CHAUTAUQUA^, The: a Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1- 31, Oct., 1880- Aug., 1900. 31 vols. 8vo. Meadville, 1880-1900. E CHAUVENET, Prof. William. Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 9th ed. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 25 U 14 CHEADLE, Dr. Walter Butler. Infantile Scurvy. (All- butt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Rickets. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Acute Rheumatism. {See Church, Dr. W. S.] A 26 T 36 Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids. {See Wood, Catherine Jane.] A 41 U 20 CHEDWORTH, John, Lord. Extracts from the MSS. of. {See Seymour, E. H. — Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory upon the Plays of Shakspeare.] H 4 V14, 15 CHEESEMAN, T. F. Australian Snipe in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Flora of the North Cape District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Note on the correct habitat of Patella } Pilsbry. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Notice of the establishment of VaUisnevia spiralis in Lake Takapuna, together with some remarks on its life-history. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Ottelia in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Some Plants new to the New Zealand Flora. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S CHEETHAM, Rev. Samuel. The Mysteries, Pagan and Christian: being the Hulsean Lectures for 1896-97. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 13 CHEEVER, Dr. David W. What has Amesthesia done for Surgery? (Semi-Centennial of Anesthesia.) A17R2 f CHEGWIDDEN, T. C. "HollisTrue." Victoria Britannia; or, Celebrate the Reign. 12mo. New York, 1879. F 12 S 22 "CHEIRO." {See Hammond, L. de.] CHEMICAL NEWS, The, and Journal of Physical Science. Vols. 1-67, Dec, 1859-June, 1893. 67 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1860-93. E CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Journal of; [containing] Trans- actions and Abstracts of Papers, 1843-99. Vols. 1- 76, pt. 1. 77 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841-99. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CHERRY, Dr. Thomas. Nature of the antagonism be- tween Toxins and Antitoxins. [See Roy. Soc., Lond., 1'roc, 1898.] E CHESHIRE, F. Foul Brood. (Internat. Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 CHESHIRE, Horace F. The Hastings Chess Tourna- ment, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 S 24 CHF.SNUT, Victor King. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 41 U 11 Thirty Poisonous Plants of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.] A 41 U 2 CHESSON, W. H. Alpine Memories. [See Javelle, E.] D 20 S 26 Bibliography of the Works illustrated by Charles Keene, and a Catalogue of his Etchings. [See Pennell, J.— The Work of Charles Keene.] A 13 X 13 t CHESTER, Dr. Albert Huntington. Dictionary of the Names of Minerals, including their History and Ety- mology. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 24 T 28 CHESTERFIELD, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of. Essay on the Letters of. [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 [Letters of.] [See Johnson, R. B.— 18th Century Letters.] C 26 P 8 CHETHAM SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 34-36, 38-42, n.s. 8 vols. sm. 4to. Manchester, 1895-99. E 34, 35. Poems of John Byrom. Edited by Dr. Adolphus William Ward. Pts. 1 and 2. 36, 41. Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Classis, 1647-57. Edited by William A. Shaw. Pts. 1, 2. 38-40 The Chartulary of Cockersand Abbey of the Pre- monstratensian order. Transcribed and' edited by W. Farrer. 42. History of the Ancient Chapel of Stretford, in Man- chester Parish, including Sketches of the Township of Stretford, together with Xotices of Local Families and Persons ; by H. T. Crofton. Vol. 1. Patient Grissil. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 11 CH EUVIN, Jeanne. Etude Historique sur les Professions accessibles aux Femmes : Influence du Semitisme sur l'Evolution de la Position Economique de la Femme dans la Societe. 8vo. Paris, 1892. F 10 U 29 CHEVERS, Dr. Norman. Health in India. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 CHEVRILLON, Andre. Romantic India. Translated by William Marchant. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 T 29 CHEWINGS, Dr. Charles. Geological Notes on the Cool- gardie Gold-fields. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1895-96.) E Sources of the Finke River. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MD 6 Q 4 CHEYNE, Rev. Thomas Kelly. Introduction to the Book of Isaiah ; with an Appendix containing the undoubted portions of the two chief prophetic writers in a Trans- lation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 24 U 10 Jewish Religious Life after the Exile. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (American Lectures on History of Religions.) G 23 R 25 The Prophecies of Isaiah : a new Translation, with Com- mentary and Appendices. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., '1886. G 24 U 32, 33 Book of the Prophet Isaiah ments. — English.] , and BLACK, John Sutherland. Encyclopaedia Biblica. [See Encyclopaedia Biblica.] G 23 V 23 CHEYNE, Dr. William Watson. Erysipelas. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Septicaemia and Pyaemia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Micro-organisms ; with special reference to the Etiology of the Infective Diseases. [See Fliigge, Dr. C] A 26 S 37 -, CORFIELD, Dr. William Henry, and CAS- SAL, Charles E. Public Health Laboratory Work. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 6 CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Annual Re- port, 1896. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. E Bulletin No. 1 of the Geological and Natural History Survey. 8vo. Chicago, 1896. A 39 R 21 1. The Lichen Flora of Chicago and vicinity ; bv W. W. Calkins. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago, 1893, 1895, 1897- 98. 4 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1894-99. E CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Mayor's Annual Message and the Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the City Council of the City of Chicago, 1894. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. E CHICAGO EXHIBITION, 1893. Catalogue de l'Ex- position Historique des Souvenirs Franco- Americains de la Guerre de l'lnde'pendance. Sm. 4to. Paris, 1893. K 11 R 24 Catalogue of the Exhibits in the New South Wales Courts. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MK 1 S 34 Katalog der Universitats-Ausstellung. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. G 18 R 55 Missions at Home and Abroad : Papers and Addresses presented at the World's Congress of Missions, October, 1893, compiled by Rev. E. M. Wherry. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 4 Public Library of New South Wales. CHICAGO EXHIBITION— contd. Pamphlets issued by the New South Wales Co ers for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 4 T 22, 23 Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, under the charge of the National Educational Associa- tion of the United States. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 17 T 1 Report of the Commissioners from Connecticut of the Columbian Exhibition of 1893 at Chicago ; also, Re- port of the work of the Board of Lady Managers of Connecticut. 8vo. Hartford, 1898. D 22 T 3 Souvenir Manual of the Minnesota Educational Exhibit. Ob. 12mo. Minneapolis, 1893. G 18 P 49 Verzeichniss tier in Deutschland erchienenen Wissen- schaftlichen Zeitschriften fur die Universitiits-Aus- stellung in Chicago, 1893. Imp. Svo. Berlin, 1893. K 15 U 16 CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT. Report of the Fire Marshal to the City Council of the City of Chicago, 1892, 1894, 1897-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1893- CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Finding List of the Chicago Public Library, Fine Arts, Practical Arts, Natural Sciences. 7th ed. . Svo. Chicago, 1892. Cat. Room CHICAGO UNIVERSITY. Annual Register, 1894-95. Sm. 4to. Chicago, 1895. E CHICAGO WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] CHICHESTER, Bishop of. [See Durnford, R.] CHICHESTER, H. M., and SHORT, Major G. Burges-. Records and Badges of every Regiment and Corps in the British Army. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 24 R 18 CHIEF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHIES. Aristotelianism. [See Smith, Rev. I. G.] G 26 P 16 Epicureanism. [See Wallace, W.] G 26 P 13 Neoplatonism. [See Bigg, Rev. C] (i 26 F 7 Stoicism. [See Capes, Rev. W. W.] (! 26 P 20 CHIENE, Dr. John. Spasmodic Wry Neck, or Spasmodic Torticollis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 CHILD, Prof. Franci Popular Ballads. Boston, 1882-98. English and Scottish 0. 5 vols. imp. Svo. II 1 V 14-18 CHILD, Lydia Maria [.Mrs. — ] (Lydia Maria Francis). [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 CHILD, Theodore. Art and Criticism: Monographs and Studies. Illustrated. Sm. fol. New York, 1892. A 44 W 5 Holy Moscow. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 Kremjin and Russian Art. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 Modern Russian Art. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 Palatial Petersburg. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 CHILDBIRTH WITHOUT PAIN: a code of Directions for escaping from the Primal Curse ; to which is added, Golden Information for Ladies. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MA 3 U 45 CHILDE, Chris. S. Dance of Dryads. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA13P5t CHILL Boletin de la Sociedad de Mineria, 1894. Sm. fol. Santiago, 1894. E Codigo Civil de la Repiiblica de Chile. Imp. Svo. Santiago, 1889. F 10 X 16 f C6digo Penal de la Republica de Chile. Imp. Svo. Santiago, 1889. F 10 X 15 t CHILTON, Dr. Charles. A new Amphipod from New Zealand. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Jan., 1897.) E New Freshwater Amphipod from New Zealand. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., June, 1898.) E CHINA-JAPAN WAR. Compiled from Japanese, Chi- nese, and Foreign Sources. [See " Vladimir."] B 33 R 4 CHINESE AUSTRALIAN HERALD, The, 1897-98. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1897-98. ME CHIPPENDALE, Thomas. The Gentleman and Cabinet- makers Director. [Reprint of 1754 ed.] (Bell, J. M. — Chippendale, Sheraton, and Hepplewhite Furniture Designs.) A 21 P 4 f CHIBOL, Valentine. The Far Eastern Question. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 33 R 14 CHISHOLM, Mrs. Caroline. Emigration. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 CHISHOLM, George G. Europe. Vol. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) D 15 R 21 1. The Countries of the Mainland, excluding the North- CHISHOLM, Rev. James. Fifty Years Svne : a Jubilee Memorial of the Presbyterian Church of Otago, 1848- 98. Edition de Luxe. With Portraits. Boy. Svo. Dunedin, 1898. MG 2 W 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. ENDEN, F. H. Insects affect in" Dry Vegetable ,1s. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult.— . of Entomology.] A 36 V 23, and .'58 Q 20 Enemies of the White Pine. [See United States. 'ept. of Agricult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 22 P 1 f Insects injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops. ■: United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of En- iology.] A 38 Q 29 Insects injurious to Stored Grain. [See United tea.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 little-known Insects affecting Stored Vegetable ducts. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— . of Entomology.] A 41 U G KG, A. Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and rdsmen. Translated by Emily J. Harding. 8vo. id., 1896. J 8 T 39 CHOKSY, Khan Bahadur N. H. Report on Bubonic Plague. Sni. fol. Bombay, 1897. A 23 Q 1 f CHOME, Leon. Une Expedition Beige au Nil. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. D 19 11 5 CHOP1 N T , Francois Frederic. Chopin and the Pin no Music. [See Butterworth, II.— Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 Chopin's Greater Works. [See Klecxynski, J.J A 23 S 23 Di OHirr ten CHOI )• 11, Lo CI 1 11 1 II CHlli Ci li MAN, Miss. Physical Educal ion of ( Jirls. (Internat. dth Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A +1 V 8 r AND THE CHURCH. Essays concerning the urch and the Unification of Christendom ; with an roduction by the Rey. Amory H. Bradford. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 27 STIAN, F. W. The Caroline Islands: Travel in !,■ Sea of the Little Lands. Illustrated. 8vo. ■ iid., 1899. I) 22 R 19 ribution and Origin of some Plant and Tree Names i'olvnesia and Micronesia. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., <«J7.) ME 6 R o:ie.-iun \\'i ■'],„, us. I.)ross, Implements, itc. (Anthro- .logical Inst, of Gt. Brit, and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E as from the Caroline Islands. (Polynesian Soc, .urn. 1897.) ME G R ,,-oro Vocabulary. (Polyn, It of Letter Changes in the Dialects of Ponape and csaie ( Eastern Carolines). (Polynesian Soc, Journ., <98.) ME 6 R lor the Southern Cross ; or, Life in the South Seas : airy Tales and Folk-lore. (N.Z. Inst., Trans.. 1897.) ME 2 S STIAN' OBSERVER, from vol. 31, July, 1831-Nov., <59. 37 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831-59. G 27 P 1-Q 11 Vol. 17, 1890. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL. Vol. 2, Sept., 1899-Aug., 1900. Ito. Boston, 1899 1900. E AND CO- ester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 CHRISTIAN THEOSOPHY SERIES. The Pathway of the Spir CHRISTIAN TIMES AND AC STEAL ASIAN WEEKLY NEWS. Nos. 1 38, Oct., 1858 -June, 1859. Ito. Melb., 1858 59. MG 1 V 1 CHRISTIANSEN, Dr. C. Elements of Theoretical Phy- sics. Translated by Dr. W. F. Magie. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 V 18 CH RISTIE, Rev. James. Biographical Sketch of Rev. A. F. Mitchell. [See Mitchell, Rev. A. F.— The Scottish Reformation.] G 26 S 6 CHRISTIE, John. Women in New Zealand. (North American Review, April, 1899.) E CHRISTIE, William Wallace. Chimney Design and Theory : a Book for Engineers and Architects. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 S 22 CHRISTINA, Queen of Spain. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess Avon.-- Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 CHKISTOPHE, L. M. Moi L. M.] CHRISTY, Henry. Reliq E.J :-. [See M« r Map of the W 5QG tophe, [See Lartet, A 20 R 22 t CHRISTY, Miller. The Silve temporary Medallion commemorative of Drake's Great Voyage, '1577-80; a Geographical Ef Gippsland Auriferous Ores. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1898.; ME 1 P Solubility of Gold-Silver Alloys in Cyanide of Potassium Solutions. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P Miocene Strata of the Gippsland Lakes Area. [See Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P CLARK, E. V. Geological Notes on the Cliffs separating Aldinga and Myponga Bays. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1900.) ME 1 S CLARK, Dr. F. C. State Railroad Commissions, and how they may be made effective. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 16 CLARK, Rev. Francis E. A Christian Endeavourer's Journey in Lands afar. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D13R7 CLARK, Rev. George H. Oliv well, Oliver.] well. [See Crom- C 20 U 13 7 Phv tophaga Western Australia. (Entoin. Soc, Lond, Trans, from 1865.) E Catalogue of Halticida- in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist] A 43 R 1 CLARK, J. M. The Functions of a Great University. 8vo. Toronto, 1895. G 18 R 59 CLARK, J. W. History of Don Quixote. [See Cervantes Saavedra, M. de.] J 20 T 3 f CLARK, James Toshach. Genealogical Collections con- cerning Families in Scotland. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs, 33, 34.] E CLARK, John. The Salmon Disease. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 CLARK, Prof. John Bates. Capital and its Earnings. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 13 The Modern Appeal to Legal Forces in Economic Life. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 19 Possibility of a Scientific Law of Wages. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 19 Overproduction and Crises. [See Rodbertus, K.] F 15 R 29 Socialism and the Social Movement in the 19th Century. [See Sombart, W.] F 15 S 3 CLARK, Kate McCosh. Maori Tales and Legends. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1896. MB 1 S 9 CLARK, Lyonel. Platinum Toning, including Directions for the Production of the Sensitive Paper. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond, 1897. A 41 Q 22 Platinotype. [See Abney, Capt, W. de W.] A 23 P 24 CLARK, Theodore Minot. Building Superintendence : a Manual for young Architects, Students, and others interested in Building Operations as carried on at the present day. 12th ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. A37T4 CLARK, Dr. William. The Anglican Reforn Edinb, 1897. (Eras of the Christian Church.) Public Librari/ of Neiv South Wales. CLARK, William J. Commercial Cuba: a Book for Business Men ; with an Introduction by E. S. Gould. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 T 1 CLARK, Rev. William Robinson. History of the Councils of the Church. [See Hefele, C. J., Bishop.] G 14 P 27, 31 CLARKE, Col. Alexander Ross, F.R.S. Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, made at the Ord- nance Survey Office, Southampton. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Ordnance Survey.] A 11 W 10 f CLARKE, Allen. Effects of the Factory System. 12mo. Lond., 1899. " F 15 P 31 CLARKE, Arthur H., and HARPER, Walter R, Mea- surements of the Tasmanian Crania contained in the Tasmanian Museum. (Row Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q CLARKE, C. T. The Book Trade in New South Wales. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 CLARKE, F. Letters of Victor Hugo. [See Hugo, V. M.] C 25 P 8 CLARKE, F. A. [Life of] Bishop Ken. [See Ken, Thomas, Bishop.] C 20 T 19 CLARKE, F. E. Exoecetus i/ma. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Zealand Galaxidie. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ' ME 2 S Notes on the occurrence of a species of Lophotes on the Coast of Taranaki. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S The Parore (Mangrove Fish). (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2S Regalecus aryenteus on the Taranaki Coast. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Two new Globe Fish. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S CLARKE, G. H. Les Fourberies de Scapin. [See Moliere.] H 13 U 10 Moliere's Misanthrope. [See Moliere.] H 13 P 11 CLARKE, Rev. George. The Guileless Disciple : a Ser- mon in memory of J. H. B. Walch. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. MG 2 S 21 CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. Sir George Sydenham, F.R.S. Im- perial Defence. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Imperial Lib.) F 13 U 19 Russia's Sea-power Past and Present ; or, the Rise of the Russian Navy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 31 R 8 The Defence of the Empire. [See Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux, Fourth Earl of.] F 4 T 17 Graphic Statics. [See Ott, Prof. Carl von.] A 25 R 19 Invasion of the Crimea, [See Kinglake, A. W.] B41P7 CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. Sir George Sydenham, F.R.S., and THURSF1 ELD, James R. The Navy and the Nation ; or, Naval Warfare and Imperial Defence. With Maps and Plans. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1 R 23 CLARKE, Major H. W. Report of the Regents' Boundary Commission upon the New York and Pennsylvania Boundary. [See New York.— Boundary Commission.] A 32 R 37 CLARKE, Henry Butler. The Cid Campeador and the Waning of the Crescent in the West, Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 34 Q 15 CLARKE, J. Wright, Pumps : their Principles and Con- struction. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 26 S 14 CLARKE, Marcus Andrew Hislop. For the Term of his Natural Life ; with Memoir of the Author by A. B. Paterson. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MJ 1 R 16 The Future Australian Race. (Clarke, M. A. H.— Mar- cus Clarke Mem. Vol.) MJ 1 Q 54 A Letter to His Lordship the Anglican Bishop of Mel- bourne. (Melb. Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Marcus Clarke Memorial Volume: containing Selections from the Writings of Marcus Clarke, together with Lord Rosebery's Letter, Arc, and a Biography of the deceased Author. Compiled and edited by H. MacKinnon. With Portrait, 8vo. Melb., 1884. MJ 1 Q 54 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by H. G. Turner. (Once a Month, Oct., 1885.) MJ 1 V 21 Pretty Dick. (Clarke, M. A. II.— Marcus Clarke Mem. Vol.) MJ 1 Q 54 The Story of the Eureka Stockade. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME18Q Biography of. (Clarke, M. A. H.— Marcus Clarke Mem. Vol.) MJ 1 Q 54 [Life of] ; by H. G. Turner. (Melb. Review, 7.) ME 18 Q List of the Works of Marcus Clarke. (Clarke, M. A. H. —Marcus Clarke Mem. Vol.) MJ 1 Q 54 Criticism of the Works of. [See Byrne, D. — Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 Life of Abel Jansen Tasman. [See Melbourne Review, 1 .] ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P J [Portrait and Life of.] [See Turner, H. G.— The De- velopment of Australian Literature.] MJ 3 S 24 CLARKE, Mary Anne. [Life of] ; by W. G. Waters. (Vincent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 CLARKE, Mary Cowden- [Mrs. C. Cowden] (Mary No- vello). My Long Life : an Autobiographical Sketch. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 23 R 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. I) CLARKE, R. Floyd. Science of Law and Lawmaking: b< ing an Introduction to Law, a General View of its I'm ins anil Substance, and a Discussion of the question of Codification. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 11 T 26 CLARKE, Sidney W. Barbarous Punishments. (An- drews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 CLA1! KE, W. J., " G. F. Monkshood." Rudyard Kipling: an Attempt at Appreciation. "With Portrait, 8vo. Loud., 1899. J 22 Q 13 C LAI IKE, Willia of Empire.) C LAI! ICE, Willia Soc, Pubs.] Religious Thought, (Sixty Years B 22 R 18 The Clarke Papers. [Set Camden CLARKE, William, M. A. The I'.asis of Socialism. [See Shaw, G. B.— Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 CLARKE, William Henry. The City Agriculturist. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Industries of the North Coast, (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899-1900.) ME 9 R Fanners and Fruit-growers' Guide. [See New South Wales.— Agricult.] MA 4 U 1 CLAUKSON, Dr. Arthur. Text-book of Histology. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Bristol, 1896. A 41 R 7 CLAUKSON, S. Flint. Drainage under Dwellings. (In- termit. Health Exhib.— -Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 18 CLA SON, A. W. Seven Conventions. 8vo. New York, 1888 F 13 R 26 CLASSEN, Dr. Alexander, and LOB, Dr. Walter. Quan- titative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. Translated by W. H. Herrick and" B. B. Boltwood. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 12 CLAUDE LORRAIN. [See Gellee, Claude.] CLAUDIUS, Matthias. [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 CLAUSIUS, Rudolf Julius Emanuel. Second Law of Thermodynamics. [See Magie, Prof. W. F.] A 44 Q 18 CLA Y, Henry. Life of Henry Clay, the great American Statesman ; bv C. Colton. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1855. C 24 Q 12, 13- P. .itrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. —Short Studies in Party Politics. J F 10 V 1 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to Homes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 CLAY, John. Home-grown Meat Supply and the in- creased production of Home-grown Meat. (Internat. Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 CLAY, John W. Registers of St. Paul's Cathedral. [See Harleian Soc. Pubs., Registers, 26.] E The Visitation of Cambridge. [See Harleian Soc. Pubs., 41.] E CLEGG, James. International Directory of Booksellers. [See Internat, Directory of Booksellers.] Cat. Room CLEGG, Thomas B. The Statutes of New South Wales : a convenient Index to the Public General Acts of the Legislature of New South Wales in force on January 1st, 1898, showing the effect of legislation since the publication of "Oliver's Statutes." Roy. 8vo. Syd- ney, 1898. MF 3 S 36 CLELAND, Dr. John. Anatomical Diagrams. [See Dun- lop, J. M.] A 35 W 5 , and MACKAY, Dr. John Yule. General Anatomy, Human and Descriptive. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1896. A 12 V 18 CLELAND, W. L. Wine-growing in South Australia. Svo, Adelaide, 1871. MA 4 T 12 Wine-growing in South Australia. (S. Aust, Chamber of Manufactures., Papers.) MA 4 S 12 CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne, "Mark Twain." Adven- tures of Huckleberry Finn. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 31 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. New ed. 1 2mo. Lond., 1898. J 25 Q 8 More Tramps Abroad. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 13 P 2 Pudd'nhead Wilso A Tramp Abroad. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 25 Q 9 Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 CLEMENTS, George Findlater. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 128.) E CLERGUE, Helen. George Selv Life. [See Selwyn, G.] CLERGY LIST, The; with which is incorporated the Clerical- Cnkb o „>■ d Ecdesiaxfica. 'Dim-tori), 1871, 1882, 1890, 1896. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871-96. E "CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND." [See Howie, Rev. J.] Public Library of New South Wales. CLERICAL LIFE, The : a series of Letters to Ministers by John Watson, M. Dods, T. C. Edwards, J. Denney, T. H. Darlow, T. G. Selby, W. R. Nicholl, and J. T. Stoddart. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 17 CLERK, Dugald. The Gas and Oil Engine. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 R 7 CLERKE, Agnes Mary, FOWLER, A., and GORE, J. Ellard. The Concise Knoioledge Astronomy. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 14 CLERKE, Ellen Mary. Fable and Song in Italy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 4 T 19 CLERMONT-GANNEAU, Dr. Charles. Archaeological Researches in Palestine, 1873-74. [See Palestine Ex- ploration Fund.] 13 13 V 16, 17 t CLEVE, B. Frank ^ [See Van Cleve, B. F.] CLEVELAND, Arthur Rackham. Woman under the English Law from the Landing of the Saxons to the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 15 CLEVELAND, Barbara Villiers, Duchess of. [Life of] ; by A. Kalisch. (Vincent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 CLEVELAND, Grover (in full Stephen Grover). Life and Public Services of; by Col. H. Dieck. 8vo. Philad., 1884. C 23 Q 17 [Life of] ; by J. L. Whittle. 8vo Lond., 1896.C 20 T 22 Cleveland's Maladministration: Free Trade, Protection, and Reciprocity. [See Cudmore, P.] F 15 R 11 CLEWS, Elsie W. Educational Legislation and Adminis- tration of the Colonial Governments. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 26 T 2 CLEZY, J. Ion's (Melb. Rev., 8.) ing Song [from Euripides]. ME 18 Q CLIFFORD, Dr. E. L. Manual of Recitations in Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. Compiled for the Practitioner and Student. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. A 32 S 33 CLIFFORD, Hugh. In a Corner of Asia: being Tales and Impressions of Men and Things in the Malay Peninsula. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Overseas Lib.) J 9 Q 33 Studies in Brown Humanity : being Scrawls and Smudges in sepia, white, and yellow. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 28 u Leaders. 8vo. C 23 T 16 Socialism and the Teaching of Christ. [See Fabian Soc. —Fabian Tracts, 77.] F 19 R 15 CLIFFORD, Mary. Out Relief. [See National Union of Women Workers.] F 1 U 30 CLIFFORD, Prof. William Kingdon. The Common-sense of the Exact Sciences. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 R 22 Portrait of. [See i Party Politics.] Brooks, Noah. — F 10 V 1 CLINTON, Henry Lauren. Celebrated Trials. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 8 R 20 Extraordinary Cases. With Portrait. 8vo. New York, CLINTON, L. A. The Modern Farm F] [See Adams, E A 41 R 16 CLIPPERTON, Capt. John. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 49 OLIVE, Caroline [Mrs. Archer.] Mrs. A. Olive; by Adeline Sergeant. [See Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S3 CLIVE, Robert, Lord. Lord Clive, the Foundation of British Rule in India ; by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 P 14 Lord Clive. [See Macaulay, Lord.] B 26 P 11 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Col. F. Adam. (Wilkinson, S._ From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire]. B 39 Q 4 CLIVE-BxlYLEY, A. M. C. [See Bayley, A. M. C. Clive-.] Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate Chapter on the Causes of Arrest of the Movement. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 13 Primer of Evolution. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 P 37 Tom Tit Tot : an Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk- tale. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 20 Q 16 Victorian Science. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Antiquity of Man in Western Europe ; the Later Stone Age in Europe. [See Proctor, R. A. — Leisure Read- ings.] A 19 Q 16 Life of Edward FitzGerald. [See FitzGerald, E.] C 27 R 18 Memoir of Grant Allen. [See Allen, G] C 23 R 27 CLOETE, Hon. Henry. History of the Great Boer Trek and the Origin of the South African Republics. Edited by W. B. Cloete. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B37P13 CLOSE, Rev. William John Leech. Christian Citizenship. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2 P 60 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CLOUGH, Anne Jemima. Memoir of; by Blanche A. (lough. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 18 Jvur Hugh. [Criticism of the Works of.] re, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, &c] J 1 R 51 CLOUGH, C. T. Geology of the Cheviot Hills. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 20 Geology of Cowal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Scotland.] A 47 U 1 Geology of part of Northumberland, including the ( '< luntry between Wooler and Coldstream. [See Gt. I '.lit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 32 S 10 Geology of Plashetts and Kielder. [See Gt. Brit, and I I el.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 26 Geology of the Country around Mallenstang, with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See Gt. Bi-it. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 CLOUSTON, K. Warren. The Chippendale Period in English Furniture. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. CLOLSTON, Dr. Thomas Smith. The Epochal Insanities. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 CLOW, Rev. W. M. In the Day of the Cross : a Course of Sermons on the Men and Women and some of the notable things of the Day of the Crucifixion of Jesus. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 27 CLOWES, Dr. Frank. Detection and Measurement of In- flammable Gas and Vapour in the Air, with a Chapter on the Detection and Measurement of Petroleum Vapour; by Boverton Redwood. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 21 The Royal Navy : a History from the Earliest Times to the Present, by William Laird Clowes, assisted by Sir Clements Markham, Captain A. T. Mahan, H. W. Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and E. Fraser. Illus- trated. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897- 1900. B17R4-8f GLUTTON, Dr. Henry Hugh. Phlebitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 COAN, Titus. Sketch of. [See Ore Great Missionaries.] COATS, Dr. Joseph. Manual of Pathology. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1895. A 40 V 15 C0HAR HERALD, 1899. Fol. Cobar, 1899. COBB, Gerard Fr; E.] Athletics. [See Lyttelton, Hon. A 41 V 6 COBB, Dr. Nathan Augustus. Abandoned Orchards of Cumberland County. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Agricultural Experiment Work. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Allora Spring Wheat. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME9R Australian Free-living Marine Nematodes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Brush of Wheat Grain. (Agr.Gaz.,N.S.W., 1897.) ME9R Cause of an important Apple Disease. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R The Common Crow. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Diseases of the Bean-plant. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Diseases of Tomatoes. (Fanners and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Grading of Wheats. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Grain Elevators. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R The Hardness of the Grain in the Principal Varieties of Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Hot Air Treatment of Bunt or Stinking Smut. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Letters on the Diseases of Plants, &c. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Maize for the table. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Method of using the Microscope. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Notes on Pests and Crops. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Notes on the Colour of the Grain in different Varieties of Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Notes on the Thrashing of Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Rattling Jack Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Relative Hardness of Australian and American Fife Wheats. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Report on the Parasites of Stock. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Sheep Fluke. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Some Tools useful in Experiment Work. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Useful Observations on Germinating Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Weight per bushel of Australian Wheats. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Wormy Fowls. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1896. ) ME 9 R COBli, Sandford H. Story of the Palatines : an Episode in Colonial History. 8vo. New York, 1897. B19R7 COBBETT, Dr. Louis. Shock and Collapse. (Allbutt, Dr. T. G— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 132 Public Library of New South Wales. COBBETT, William. Advice to Young Men and (inci- dentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life ; with Notes, and a Life of the Author. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 10 Q 9 French Grammar ; or, Plain Instructions for the Learn- ing of French in a series of Letters. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1835. - K 20 P 1 Essay on. [See Saintsbury, G. — Essays in English Litera- ture.] J 14 T 1 COBBOLD, Dr Charles Spencer Waller. Parasites of Meat and Prepared Flesh Food. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 COBBOLD, George A. Religion in Japan : Shintoism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 20 P 14 COBBOLD, Ralph P. Innermost Asia : Travel and Sport in the Pamirs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 R 24 COBBOLD, Dr. Thomas Spencer, F.R.S. The Destruc- tion of Fish and other Aquatic Animals by Internal Parasites. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R G COBDEN, Richard. Richard Cobden and the Jubilee of Free-trade. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 R 22 [Criticism on] Morley's Life of Cobden ; by Edward Langton. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 COBDEN CLUB. Annual Meeting of the Cobden Club, held at the National Liberal Club, London, June, 1885: Special Report for the Club. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 17 P 2 The Cobden Club and the Death of Mr. T. B. Potter ; Official Report of the Annual Meefing of Members, 1898; Speech of the Rt. Hon. Lord Farrer on the Cobdenic Questions of the year; with Addresses by J. W. Probyn, Sir Wilfrid Laws, >n, and other members. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C19P23 Cobden Club Dinner, held at the Ship Hotel, Greenwich, June, 1884-85 : Special Reports for the Club. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884-85. F 17 P 2, 3 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Repeal of the Corn Laws ; full Report of the Cobden Club Banquet, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 33 COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. [See Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-.] COCHRAN, Dr. Jerome. Yellow Fever. (Hare, Dr. H A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 COCHRANE, Thomas, Earl of Dundonald. [See Dun- donald, Earl of.] COCK, Mrs. Alfred. Life of Mine, de Longueville. [See] C27S12 COCKAYNE, Leonard. Burning and Reproduction of Subalpine Scrub and its associated Plants, with special reference to Arthur's Pass District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Freezing of New Zealand Alpine Plants. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealand Phan- erogams and their development. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Species of Astelia, Veronica, and Celmisia. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S COCKBURN, Henry Thomas, Lord. Examination of the Trials for Sedition which have hitherto occurred in Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. F 9 P 32, 33 COCKE, Dr. James Richard. Hypnotism : how it is done ; its uses and dangers. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 9 W 28 COCKERELL, S. C. Description of the Kehnscott Press. [See Morris, W.] J 17 U 6 COCKERELL, T. D. A. The San Jose Scale. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Ento- mology.] A 41 U 6 COCKS, Rev. N. J. Psychology of Attention. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S COCKSHOTT, Harold M., and LAMB, S. Ernest. The Common Law Procedure Act, 1899, with the Con- solidating Commissioner's Memorandum, the Table showing how the sections of the Acts consolidated have been dealt with, and a Table and Side-notes showing the corresponding paragraphs in " Pilcher's Practice," together with an Index. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 R 13 A Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of New- South Wales in its Common Law, Equity, Bankruptcy, Probate, and Divorce Jurisdictions, and in the Vice- Admiralty Court, from 1892-96 inclusive. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 5 R 1 Liquor Act, 1898, No. 18; together with the Acts relat- ing to Adulteration, Billiard and Bagatelle Licenses, Innkeepers' Liability, and other Acts dealing with kindred subjects, and the Railway Refreshment-room Regulations ; with Notes, and a comprehensive Index, by H. M. Cockshott and S. E. Lamb. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 R 10 COCOA : all about it. [See Cadbury, G] A 26 S 26 COCKTON, Henry. Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 21 S 33 CODDINGTON, Henry. System of Optics. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829-30. A 41 P 4, 5 1. Treatise on the Reflexion and Refraction of Light. ■2. Treatise on the Eye and on Optical Instruments. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1 900. CODM AN, John. Free Ships ; to which is added, a Re- \ ie\v of the Plans of Senator Blaine and Secretary Sherman for the Restoration of the American Carrying Trade. 8vo. New York, 188G. F 17 P 5 C0D7M AN, Ogden. Decoration of Houses. [See Wharton, Edith.] A 22 V 31 COD KINGTON, Adm. Sir Edward. Memoir of the Life . .t ; with Selections from his Public and Private Cor- respondence. Edited by his daughter, Lady Bourchier. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. C 25 R 3, 4 COD KINGTON, Rev. R, H., and PALMER, Rev. J. Dictionary of the Language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks' Islands; with a short Grammar and Index. l2mo. Lond., 189G. MJ 3 V 2 CODY, Rev. E. G. Leslie's History of Scotland. [See Scottish Text Soc., Pubs., 34.] E CO] )Y, Col. William Frederick, "Buffalo Bill." The Great Salt Lake Trail. [See Tnman, Col. H.] D 22 P 1G COFFIN, Charles Carleton. Daughters of the Revolution . and their Times, 1 769-70. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. J 9 R 33 COFFIN, Freeman C. Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems, treating on the Flow of Water through Pipes, in Channels and Sewers, over Weirs, etc. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 33 P 13 COO HILL, A. L. [Mrs. Harry]. Autobiography and Letters of Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant, [See Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant.] C 25 T 4 CO( ! HLAN, Rose. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. -Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 COr: HLAN, Timothy Augustine. Childbirth in New South Wales : a Study in Statistics. 8vo. Sydney, J 900. MF 5 Q 31 Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1861-99. Svo. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 P 20 Notes on the Financial Aspect of Australian Federation. [See New South Wales.— Statistics.] MF 5 It 4 Results of a Census of New South Wales, taken for the night of the 5th April, 1891. [See New South Wales.— Statistics.] ME Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. [See New- South Wales- Statistics.] ME 5 R COHEN, Arthur. Legal Obligations in relation to the Dwellings of the Poor. {See Duff, H.] A 41 V 3 COHEN, Henry. Description Historique des Monnaies frappees sous l'Empire Itomain conimunement appelees Medailles Imperiales. 7 vols. roy. Svo. Paris, 1859- G8. A 34 U 1-7 COHEN,. Mathilde (Mathilde Blind). Poetical Works. Edited by Arthur Symons ; with a Memoir by Richard Garnett. 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 13 U 13 COHEN, Sidney. New South Wales Cricketer's Guide and Annual, 1877-78. 12mo. Sydney, 1878. MA5P5 COHEN, Dr. Solomon Solis-. Tuberculosis. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 COHEN, Walter P. Notes < lington. (N.Z. Inst., Tra rare Lepidoptera in Wel- , 1895.) ME 2 S COHN, Alfred I. I i and Test-papers : their n. Application, and Tests for Sen- New York, 1899. A 41 T 30 COHN, Gustav. The Science of Finance. Translated by T. B. Veblin. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. F 4 R 23 COHN, Dr. Lassar-. Chemistry in Daily Life. Svo. Lond., 189G. * A 20 Q 34 COHN, Morris M. Introduction to the Study of the Con- stitution : a Study showing the Play of Physical and Social Factors in the Creation of Institutional Law. [See Johns Hopkins University.- -Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 11 COIGNET, Capt. Jean Roch. Narrative of Captain Coignet, Soldier of the Empire, 177G-1850. Edited from the original MS. by Loredan Larchey, and trans- lated from the French by Mrs. M. Carey. * Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 3 COILLARD, Francois. On the Threshold of Central Africa : a Record of twenty years' Pioneering among the Barotsi of the Upper Zambesi. Translated and edited by C. W. Mackintosh. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 13 U 2 COIT, Stanton. The Ethical Movement defined. [See Seeley, Sir J. It,— Ethics and Religion.] G 25 S 14 COKE, Richard George. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 9G.) E COKE, Mrs. Talbot. The Gentlewoman at Home. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) F 8 V 40 COLBERT, Jean Baptiste. Economic Policy of Colbert. [See Sargent, A. J.] " F 15 Q 38 Public Library of New South Wales. COLBY, Prof. Charles William. Selections from the Sources of English History : being a Supplement to Text-books of English History, B.C. 55-a.d. 1832. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 24 Q 8 COLDEN, Cadwallader. History of the five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York ; with Introduction and Notes by J. G. Shea. With Portrait. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1866. B 23 V 17 COLDSTREAM, John P. Institutions of Austria, 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 12 S 34 Institutions of Italy. 12mo. Lond* 1896. F12S2 COLE, Alan S. Ornament in European Silks. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 30 V 26 COLE, E. W. Cole's Family Almanac, Garden Guide, and Useful Recipe-book, 1899. 8vo. Melk, 1899. ME 4 S Cole's Information for the People on the Religions of the World. Pts. 1, 2. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MJ 3 R 16 1. Sketch of the Religious Sects of all nations. 2. Sketch of the Sacred Scriptures of all nations. Cole's Australian Gardening and Domestic Floriculture. [See Elliott, W.] MA 3 U 42 COLE, Dr. Frank N. Diurnal Variation of Barometric Pressure. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 31 COLE, Frederick Harry. Phraseographic Shorthand: a Development of Pitman's Phonography. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1897. MJ 3 S 15 COLE, G. W. Independent Order of Rechabites in South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1885. MF 1 T 14 COLE, Lawrence Thomas. Basis of Early Christion The- ism. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 26 T 3 COLE, Reginald Sorre. Treatise on Photographic Optics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 Q 26 COLE, William Henry. Light Railways at Home and Abroad. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 36 R 9 Notes on Permanent-way Material, Plate-laying, and Points and Crossings, with a few remarks on Signalling and Interlocking. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 R 27 COLEMAN, F. M. Typical Pictures of Indian Natives : being Reproductions from specially prepared hand- coloured Photographs. With Descriptive Letterpress. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Bombay, 1898. A 41 S 15 COLEMAN, John. Hops. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 The Church G 19 U 5 COLENSO, Rev. William, F.R.S. Description of some new indigenous New Zealand Forest Ferns. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Maori-English Lexicon : being a comprehensive Diction- ary of the New Zealand tongue. Pt. 1. 8vo. Wel- lington, 1898. MJ 3 R 18 1. Maori-English. New Zealand Cryptogams. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Newly discovered New Zealand Ferns. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Phamogams. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Presidential Address. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S COLERIDGE, Arthur Duke, "An Old Colleger." Eton in the Forties. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G23P 22 COLERIDGE, Ernest Hartley. Works of Lord Byron. [See Byron, Lord.] H 11 T 12, 13 COLERIDGE, Rev. Henry James. Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier. [See Xavier, St. Francis.] C 20 T 6, 7 COLERIDGE, Herbert. Essay on Arthur. [Set Borron, Sires Robiers de.— Seynt Graal.] H 17 Q 9, 10 f COLERIDGE, John Duke, Baron. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 COLERIDGE, Rt. Hon. Sir John Taylor. Memoir of the Rev. John Keble. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occa- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Remarks on some parts of the Report of the Judicial Committee in the Case of Elphinstone against Pur- chase. [See Church, R, W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Critical Annotations. Edited by William F. Tayler. Sm. 4to. Harrow, 1889. ' J 8 V 32 Poetry of. Edited by R. Barnett. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 10 U 30 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Essay on.] [See Pater, W. — Appreciations.] J 22 U 17 Personal Influences on Present Theology. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 Poetic Genius and Poetic Diction. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 COLES, A. Description of a new Victorian Goshawk, Astur Macluosus. (Vict. Nat,. July, 1897.) ME 6 P COLES, Oakley. Deformities of the Mouth, congenital and acquired, with their Mechanical Treatment. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 32 S 31 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 135 COLLKCTTONS A XT) RECOLLECTIONS. [-See Rus- sell, G. W. E.j C 25 P 13 COLLEDGE, W. R. Life-history of the Common Mos- quito. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1899.) ME 1 T COLLET, Collet Dobson. History of the Taxes on Know- ledge : their Origin and Repeal ; with an Introduetion by G. J. Holvoake. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. L.»nd., 1899. " E 17 R 23, 24 COL LETT, Prof. Robert. Collection of Mammals from North and North-west Australia. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1897.) E Pigeons and Parrots from North and North-west Aus- irdia. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1898.) E COLLEY, Sir George Pomeroy-. Life of, 1835-81, includ- ing Services in Kaffraria, in China, in Ashanti, in [ndia, and in Natal; by Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. F. Butler. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 R 21 COLLIER, Arthur. Clavis Universalis. [See Metaphysi- cal Tracts.] G24TJ29 Specimen of true Philosophy. [See Metaphysical Tracts.] G 24 U 29 COLLIER, John Payne. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays from early .MS. corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632. 1st ed. Svo. Lond., 1853. H12U1 [Another copy.] 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1853. H 4 V 16 The Allevn Papers. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H3TJ23 Del -ate between Pride and Lowliness. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 10 The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591-1609, printed from the original MS. preserved at Dulwich College. [-See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 35 Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of Works entered for publication between the years 1557 and 1570; with Notes and Illustrations. [-See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] II 3 U 41, 42 The first and second parts of the Fair Maid of the West ; or, a Girl worth Gold; by Thomas Hey wood. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 44 Fools and Jesters, with a reprint of Robert Armin's •■ Nest of Ninnies." [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 1 5 The Ghost of Richard III : a Poem printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespeare's Historical Play; by C. Brooke. [-See Shakespeare Soc Pubs.] H 3 U 27 The Golden and Silver Ages. [-See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 48 Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. [-See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 IT 7 COLLIER, John Payne— contd. Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shake- speare. [-See Shakespeare, Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 36 Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil. [See Shakespeare Soc., Pubs.] II 3 U 17 The Roval King and Loyal Subject, and a Woman killed with kindness. [See Shakespeare Soc Pubs.] H 3 U 46 Treatise against hieing. Dancing, Plays and Interludes. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 19 Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth ; by Thomas Heywood. [-See Shakespeare Soc Pubs.] ' H 3 U 47 COLLIER, Dr. Peter. Feeding Experiments with Laving Hens. (Agricult Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Investigation of Sorghum as a Sugar-producing Plant. [-See United States— Dept. of Agriculture.] A 30 R 37 COLLIN, Victor. La Question du Haut-Nil et le Point devue Beige. Svo. An vers, 1899. F 17 T 3 COLLINGRIDGE, George. Early Discovery of Australia. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P f Austr out of Brazil ? (Roy. Geog. , 1896.) ME 20 P Point Cloates and the Bird called Rokh or Rukh by Marco Polo. (Roy. Geograph. Soc of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P Supposed early mention of New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R COLLINGRIDGE, L. T. Downfall of Lobengula. [-See Wills, W. A.] B 36 R 13 COLLINGWOOD, Adm. Cuthbert, Baron. Life of; by W. C.Russell. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 22 S 23 COLLINGWOOD, Stuart Dodgson. Life and Letters of " Lewis Carroll " (Rev. C. L. Dodgson). [-See Dodg- son, Rev. C. L.] C 22 S IS The " Lewis Carroll " Picture Book. [-See Dodgson, Rev. C. L.] J 17 U 13 COLLINS, Col. David, Lieut.-Governor o: Portrait of. [-See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t COLLINS, E. Treacher. In the Kingdom of the Shah. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 16 U 2 COLLINS, F. Howard. Supplement to Epitome of the Synthetic Philosophy. Svo. Lond., 1894. G 16 S 53 COLLINS, Henry F. Metallurgy of Lead and Silver. Edited by Sir W. C. Roberts-Austen. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 24 S 29 1. Lead. Proposed new method of Smelting Lead Concentrates. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Public Library of New South Wales. COLLINS, Henry Hyman. What conditions are essentia] for a Healthy Dwelling 1 (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 COLLINS, John Churton. Early Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. [See Tennyson, A., Baron.] H 13 V 13 COLLINS, Dr. Joseph. Spasmodic Affections of the Ner- vous System. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 COLLINS, Joseph W. The Fishermen of the United States. [See United States — Commission of Fish and Fisheries.] A 10 T 4 t COLLINS, Mortimer. The Secret of Long Life. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 23 S 12 COLLINS, Dr. Stacy B. Medicine and the Mind. [See Fleury, Dr. M. de.] G 24 U 37 COLLINS, Wilkie. (in full William Wilkie). The Moon- stone. New ed. 12mo. 1895. J 25 Q 6 The Woman in White. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. COLLINSON, Capt. — . Remarks on the Military Operations in New Zealand. (Royal Engineers. — Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers.) A 41 S 17, 18 COLLISON, Charles N. Patents for Inventions and how to obtain them in Australia and abroad. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. ' MF 4 P 49 COLMAN, Dr. Walter Stacy. Impediments of Speech. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 COLMAN, Dr. William Stacey. Section-cutting and Staining : a Practical Introduction to Histological Methods for Students and Practitioners. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 27 COLOMB, Capt. John Charles Ready. Defence of Creat and Greater Britain: Sketches of its Naval, Military, and Political Aspects, annotated with Extracts from the Discussions they have called forth in the Press of Greater Britain. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 16 T 13 COLOMB, Vice-Adm. Philip Howard. Memoirs of Adm. Sir A. C. Key. [See Key, Adm. Sir A. C] C 25 P 21 [Portrait and Sketch of] the Earl of St. Vincent. [See St. Vincent, Earl.] C 25 T 7 [Portrait and Sketch of] Viscount Nelson. [See Nelson, Viscount ] C 25 T 7 COLOMBO MUSEUM. [See Ceylon.— Colombo Museum.] COLONIAL AND ASIATIC ME VIEW, The. Vols. 1, 2, July, 1852-June, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852- 53. J 22 S 15 16 COLONIAL CHURCH CHRONICLE, MISSIONARY JOURNAL, AND FOREIGN ECCLESIASTICAL REPORTER, The, from vol. 1, July, 1847-Dec, 1872. 25 vols. Svo. Lond., 1848-72. G 26 U 1-25 COLONIAL GAZETTE. Vols. 1-8, March, 1839-Dec, 1846. 8 vols. fol. Lond., 1839-46. [Incomplete] J 20 R 14-21 f COLONIAL LITERARY JOURNAL. Vols. 1, 2, Nos. 1-28, 30-38, 40, June, 1844-March, 1855. [Jan. 9th, March 20th, missing.] 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1844-45. MJ 3 W 15, 16 COLONIAL MAGAZINE and East India Review, for- merly the Colonial Jlo(/a~in>- owl Commercial-Mari- time Journal, from vol. i, Jan., 1840-June, 1852. 34 vols. Svo. Lond., 1840-52. F 19 P 1-Q 5 COLONIAL MILITARY GAZETTE and Australasian Naval Chronicle. Vols. 1, 2, 6-8, 12, 1887-88, 1892- 95, May, 1898-May, 1899. 6 vols, (in 5) sm. fol. Sydney, 1887-99. ME 19 T COLONIAL MONTHLY, The [formerly the Australian Monthly Maqazine]. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 5, Sept., 1865- Jan., 1870. 9 vols. 8vo. and roy. Svo. Melb., 1865- 70. MJ 4 P 1-9 uul Ire- COLONIAL TIMES, formerly COLONIAL TIMES AND TASMANIAN ADVERTISER. Vols. 11-21, 1826-36. 6 vols. fol. Hobart, 1826-36. ME COLONIST, The, and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser. Vol. 1, No. 1, July 6th, 1832-vol. 3, No. 109, Sept. 30th, 1834 [no issue be- tween July 29th-Sept. 3Uth, 1834]. Fol. Hobart, COLONISTS PLEA FOR LAND NATIONALISA- TION. [See O., A. J.] MF 5 T 4 COLONNA, Vittoria, Marchioness of Pescara. Memoir of. [See Michael Anyelo Buonarotti. — Life of; by J. S. Harford.] - C 14 V 23 COLORADO: — State Departments— Reports and Publica- Attorney-General. Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Denver, 1898. E Auditor-General. Reports, 1891-92, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Denver, 1892-99. E Board of Arbitration. Annual Report, 1898. Svo. Denver, 1899. E Board of Equalization. Biennial Report, 1895-96. Svo. Denver, 1896. E COLORADO— contd. Bureau of Mines. Repo: Department of State, liioi 98. 2 vols. 8vo. Denve Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. COLVILLE, W. J. Old ; E -92, 1897- Engineer. Biennial Report, 1897-98. Illustrated. Denver, 1899. Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1898. De 1 S9S. E State Agricultural College. Register of the Officers and Students, Courses of Studv, and General Informa- tion, 1892-93, 1897-98. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Fort Collins, 189:5-98. E Treasurer. Annual Report, 1898. 8vo. Denver, 1899. E COLQUHOUN, Archibald Ross. China in Transforma- tion. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 1G V 25 The Key of the Pacific : the Nica; Lond., 1895. The "Overland" to China. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D22P24 The Renascence of South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 13 Russia against India: the Straggle for Asia. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 S 3 COLD )N, Dr. Calv Life of Henry Clay. [See Clay, H.] C 24 Q 12, 13 COLD >N, Hon. John. [Portrait ; a Month, Feb., 1885.) . of.] (Once MJ 1 V 20 COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. [See United States. -Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.] COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SERIES. Foundations of Zoology. [See Brooks, Prof. W. K. ] A 40 U 9 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORY. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN LITERA- TURE. History of Literary Criticism in the Renaissance. \S,e Spingarn, J. E.] J 12P2ti COLUTHUS. [Opera.] [See Poete Gra?ci.] H 17 U 12 t COLVILLE, Dr. James. By-ways of History : Studies in the Social Life and Rural History of the Olden Time. Svo. Edinb., 1897. B17P49 I ?. .- , 1S9 7. 137 G 23 P 27 COLVIN, Sidney. Guide to an Exhibition of Drawings and Engravings. [See British Museum.] A 39 V 18 Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. [See Stevenson, R. L] C 26 S 16, 17 Vailima Letters. [See Stevenson, R. L] MC 1 T 26 COLYER, Dr. J. F. Diseases and Injuries of the Teeth, including Pathology and Treatment. [See Smale, Dr. Morton.] A 32 S 30 COM BA, Rev. Emilio. History of the Waldenses of Italy, from their Origin to the Reformation. Translated by Teofilo E. Comba. Svo. Lond., 1889. G 11 Q 35 COMBE, Abram. Life and dying Testimony of, in favour of Robert Owen's new views of Man and Societv. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 18 P 25 COMENIUS, John Amos, Bishop of the Moravians. The Great Didactic of, now for the first time Englished ; by M. W. Keatinge. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 R 25 Comenius and the Begin [See Monroe, Prof. W. ! Life and Educational Work. [See Laurie, Prof. S. S.] G 9 U 36 COMEY, Dr. Arthur Messinger. Diet Solubilities Inorganic. Svo. Loin onary of Chemic; ., 1896. A 21 U 1 " C( >MMENT, Cuthbert." [See Tuckei A.] COMMERELL, Adm. Sir John Edi Navy. [See "Lieutenant, A."] lund. The Roy; A 29 S*3 COMMISSARY REVIEW, The: published on board the clipper ship ComiiilxKnn/ during a Voyage from London to Sydney, 1870. Nos. 1-8, May-July, 1870. Svo. Sydney, 1870. MJ 3 T 14 COMMISSION IMPERIALS ARCHEOLOGIQUE, La. Compte-rendu de, 1859-81. 20 vols. 4 to. St. Peters- bourg, 1860-83. B 6 T 8-28 ♦ COMMON, Thomas. Works of Friedr: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm.] COMMONWEALTH, The: Official Organ of the Aus- tralasian Federation League. Vol. 1, Oct., 1894-Sept,, 1895. 4 to. Sydney, 1894-95. [Alt published,] MF 5 U 10 Public Library of New South Wales. COMPARETTT, Domenico. Traditional Poetry of the Finns. Translated by Isabella M. Anderton ; with Introduction by Andrew Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 U 49 COMPAYRE, Gabriel. Psychology applied to Education. Translated by W. H. Payne. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 1 V 28 COMPTON, A. J. Australasian Book of Poultry. Illus- trated. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 25 t COMPTON, Alfred G., and DE GROODT, James H. Advanced Metal-work : Lessons on the Speed Lathe, Engine Lathe and Planing Machine. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. 12mo. New York, 1898. A 41 T 21 1. The Speed bathe. COMPTON, Rev. Berdmore. Edward Meyrick Goulburn, Dean of Norwich : a Memoir. [See Goulburn, E. M., Lean.] C 2C P 15 COMPTON, Edward. On Comedy. [See Ilammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art, J H 1 S 31 COMTE, Auguste. Life and Philosophy of . [SeeMartineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 11 T 27 COMYNS, T. Waghorn. [Sketch of] Lieut. T. F. Wag- horn. [See Once a Month, Sept., 1885.] MJ 1 V 21 CONANT, Charles A. History of Modern Banks of Issue ; with an Account of the Economic Crises of the Present Century. Svo. New York, 1896. F 12 T 16 CONANT, Dr. Levi Leonard. The Number Concept : its Origin and Development. 8vo. New York, 1896. J 14 V 1 CONANT, Thomas. Upper Canada Sketches. Illustrated. Svo. Toronto, 1898. B 19 U 16 CONANT, Rev. Thomas Jefferson. Dictionary of Religious Knowledge for popular and professional use. [See Abbott, Rev. L.] G 23 U 36 CONDELL, Prof. Claude P. The Cha [See Chanson de Roland, The.] ion de Roland. H 13 P 10 CONDELL, Henry. John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends and fellow-actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. [See Walker, C. C.J C 24 P 6 The Hebrew Traged Edinb., 1900. B 28 P 4 CONDER, Francis Roubillac, '"An Emdish Civilian." The Trinity of Italy ; or, the Pope, the Bourbon, and the Victor : being Historical Revelations of the Past, Present, and Future of Italy. Svo. Lond., 1867. Bll S26 CONDOBOLIN ARGUS and Lachlan Advertiser, July, 1896-Dec, 1899. 3vols.fol. Condobolin, 1896-99. ME CONDORCET, J. A. H. C. do. Biography of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1878. ] E CONDUITT, John. Observations upon the Present Stato of our Gold and Silver Coins, 1730. Svo. Lond., 1774. [Reprint, 1896.] F8V4 CONE, Rev. Orello. The Gospel and its Earliest Interpreta- tions : a Study of the Teaching of Jesus and its Doc- trinal Transformations in the New Testament. 2nd ed. Svo. New York, 1894. G 24 S 3 CONGER, N. B. Report on the Forecasting of Thunder during the Summer of 1893. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 38 CONGREGATIONAL UNION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Annual Report, 1895. Svo. Sydnev, 1895. ME6P The Social Problem and the Churches. Svo. Sydney, CONGREGATIONAL YEAR-BOOK, The, 1885. Lond., 1885. CONGREGATION ALIST, The. Vols. 1-15, 1872-86. 15 vols. Svo. Loud., 1872-86. G 27 R 1-15 William. The Story of Germ Life •ated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 33 R 22 CONN, Dr. Herb Bacteria. Illu The Fermentations of Milk.. [See United States.— Dept. of Ag.— Office of Experiment Stations.] A 37 S 20 The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291 a.d. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 28 U 10 CONNECTICUT :— Stole Departments— Reports and Pub- lication*. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1879-99. 21 vols. Svo. New Haven, 1880-1900. E Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports, 1879-95, 1898. 18 vols. Svo. Hartford, Conn., 1880-99. E Descriptive Catalogue of Farms in Connecticut for sale by T. S. Gold, Aug., 1899. 2nd ed. Rov. 8vo. Hart- ford, 1899. " A 35 T 13 Board of Education. Annual Reports, 1869-70. Svo. New Haven, 1869-70. E Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 1890. Svo. Hartford, 1891. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. CONNECTICUT— contd. General Assembly. Publ Itate of Is. 1-4, Public Records. Public Records of C 1776-April, 1780, with the Journal o Safety from Oct., 1776-April, 1780, a 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1894-95. the Council of id an Appendix. B 17 U 21, 22 Register. Register and Manual of the £ ticut, 1899. 8vo. Hartford, 1899. tate of Connec- E Statutes. General Statutes of Connect 1887, in force Jan., 1888, with the D< dependence, the Constitution of the and the Constitution of the State icut, revision of duration of In- United States, of Connecticut. Hoy. 8vo. Hartford, 1887. E The Practice Act of the State of Connecticut, with the Orders, Rules, and Forms under the same, prepared V the Judges of the Superior Court, and the General I Jules of Practice of the Supreme Courts of Errors and Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1888-95, 1897. 9 vols. roy. 8vo. Middle- town, Conn., 1889-98. E Supreme Court. Rules of Court and Forms prepared \,v the Judges of the Superior Court and the Supreme Court of Errors respectively, as revised August, 1899. >vo. Hartford, 1899. F 7 U 36 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report, 1899-1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1900. E Collections. Vols. 2, 4-6. 4 vols. 8vo. Hartford, CON NET, C. J. BrietVisseling tussclien de Gobroeders Van der Goes. [See Van der Goes, W.] C 27 T 5 CONNOISSEUR SERIES. The Art of the House. [See Watson, R. R.] A 22 S 3 CON NTOR, John. Drunkenness, Desertion, and Disease in our Merchant Service. (Melb. Rev., 6.) ME 18 Q CO N ST A BLE, John. Life and Letters of ; by C. R, Leslie. I to. Loud., 1896. ClOTlOt [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 CONSTANT, Wairy. Memoirs of Constant, Emperor Napoleon's Head Valet, containing details of the Private Life of Napoleon, his Familv, and his Court. Translated by Percy Pinkerton. 4 Vols. 8vo. Loud., 1896. C 22 Q 5-8 STANT 1)1 Constant.) :rebecque,ir Lettres de Ben jam 1775 1830, Lettres et 12mo. Pa precedes dune 1 les Documents in is, 1888. ■ill. • n(i: CONTE, Prof. Joseph [See Lo Conto, Prof. J.] CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE SERIES. The Child. [See Chamberlain, A. F.] A 4r, R 20 History of the European Fauna. [.See Scharff, R. P.] 1 History of Dige tiou. [.See fiilloc pie, Dr. A. L.] A 40 'J' 15 logy of Religion. [.See Stail. ick, ] . D.l 24 P 33 eesofMan. [,S< e Denikcr, .] A 27 8 32 CONTEMPORARY REVIEW, Th>. Vols. 1-77, 1866- June, 1900. 77 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1806-1900. E CONVERSION OF THE WEST. The Continental Teutons. [See Merivale, C. , Dean.] G 26 R G The English. [See Maclear, Rev. G. F.] G 20 R 10 The Northmen. [,See Maclear, Rev. G. F.] G 26 P 8 The Slavs. [See Maclear, Rev. G. F.] G 26 P 9 CONWAY, James. English Grammar, Composition and Precis Writing, for the use of Teachers and Candidates for the University and Public Service Examinations. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MJ 3 V 1 [Another copy.] 2nd* Sydney, 1899. MJ 3 V i CONWAY, Rev. James. Socialisi [See Cathrein, Rev. W.] sxposed and refuted. F 15 Q 30 CONWAY, Moncure Daniel. Centenary History of the South Place Society. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 25 P 4 Solomon and Solomonic Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 10 [Life of] Longfellow. [See Melb. Review, 9.] ME 18 Q Thomas Carlyle. [See Carlyle, T.] C 27 R 1 CONWAY, Prof. Robert Seymour. The Italic Dialects. Edited with a Grammar and Glossary. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1897. J 15 V 16, 17 CONWAY, Sir William Martin. The First Crossing of Spitsbergen; with Contributions bv J. W. Gregory, A. Trevor- Battye, and E. J. Garwood. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 16 V 18 1,000 miles through tli e Alps. (Out-of-doo Lib.) D 20 S 22 With Ski and Sledge o 8vo. Lond., 1898. ver Arctic Glaciers. Illustrated. D 20 R 8 Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 4 1 CONYBEARE, Edward Lond, 1900. Alfred in the Chro niclers. 8vo. B 41 Q4 CONYBEARE, Frederic of Apollonius and o tianity; with Pre 8vo. "Lond., 1894. k Corn wal lis. Apol her Monuments of ace, Introductions, Igy and Acts Early Chris- Notes, A-c. G 24 U 4 The Dreyfus Case. Illus t. 8vo. Lond., 189-5. F15Q35 Public Library of New South Wales. COODE, Sir John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 113.) E Report on the Entrance to the Macleay River. [See New South Wales.— Macleay River.] MA 9 P 41 t COOK, Albert Stanborough. A First Book in Old Eng- lish : Grammar, Reader, Notes, and Vocabulary. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 12 Q 21 COOK, Clarence. Russian Bronzes. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 Costumes of the Time of the French Revolution. [See Guillaumot, — .] A 40 U 27 } COOK, E. T. University Extension Movement. (Intermit. Health Exhib. - Health Exhib. Lit. ) A 4 1 V 1 2 COOK, Edward T. Popular Hand-book to the Tate Gallery. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 7 COOK, Dr. Frederick A. Through the first Antarctic Night, 1898-99: a Narrative of the Voyage of the Belgica. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 T 5 COOK, Capt. James. An Abridgement of Captain Cook's last Voyage, performed in the years 1776-80, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ; by Captain King. 12mo. Lond., 1784. MD 3 P 12 Biographical Memoirs of. (Naval Chronicle, 9.) B 38 P 9 History of Botany Bay, in New Holland. 12mo. Bristol (n.d.) MD 1 P 15 Journal of Capt. Cook's last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery, performed in the years 1776-80. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1781. " MD 4 U 28 Journal of a Voyage round the World in His Majesty's Ship Endeavour, in the years 1768-71, undertaken in pursuit of Natural Knowledge at the desire of the Royal Society, containing all the various occurrences of the Voyage, with Descriptions of several now dis- covered Countries in the Southern Hemisphere, and Accounts of their Soil and Production, and of many singularities in the Structure, Apparel, Customs, Manners, Policy, Manufactures, etc., of their Inhabit- ants ; to which is added a concise Vocabulary of the Language of Otahitee. Sm. 4 to. Lond., 1771. MD 7 L T 30 Journal of the Resolution's Voyage in 1772-75 on Dis- covery to the Southern Hemisphere, by which the non- existence of an undiscovered Continent between the Equator and the 50th Degree of Southern Latitude is demonstratively proved ; also a Journal of the Adven- ture's Voyage in the years 1772-74, with an Account of the separation of the two ships and the most re- markable incidents that befel each ; interspersed with Historical and (!eographica! Descriptions of the Islands and Countries discovered in the course of their respec- tive Voyages. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1775. MD 4 U 27 COOK, Capt, James— contd. MS. Copies of Documents relating to Capt. James Cook : the originals in the Grey Collection at the Public Library, Auckland, N.Z. MB 5 R 7 J 1. Three Letters from the Victualling and Navy Offices to Lieut. Cook respecting the victualling of the schooner Grenville for despatch to Newfoundland. [Cook was in command of the Grenville.] 2. Description of Otaheite. 3. Description of the Society Islands. 4. An Account of Pappo, an Otaheitan Native connected with the Bounty mutineers. 5. Journal of IF. M.S. Ei.-tlniruttr : New Zealand, New Hoi" land, East Coast, Batavia, Cape of Good Hope, and thence to England. G. Henry Norria to .Sir James Wright, respecting the original MS. of Tasman's Voyage. 7. Letter from English Secretary to Russian Embassy, for- warding private intelligence of Capt. Cook having touched at Kamtehatka. 8. French Government grant protection from privateers to Capt. Cook. 9. Letter -Sir .lames Harris to Sir Joseph Banks- referring to the death of Capt. Cook. 10. Letter -Dr. Douglas to Sir Joseph Banks - re letterpress of plates to Cook's Voyages. 11. Letter George Nicol to Sir Joseph Banks— re quality of paper in Cook's Voyages. 12. Memo. — Division of profits from sale of Cook's Voyages 13. Letters Rev. G. Gaskin to Sir Joseph Banks — Mission- aries for Otaheite. 14. Letter - G. Nicol to Mrs. Cook— Divisions of profits from sale of Cook's Voyages. 1">. Letter -Sir Joseph Banks to Dr. Kippis— Cook and the 10. Letter -Sir Joseph Banks to Lord Grenvillc- on the restoration of M. Billerdiere's Collection. 17. Letter-B. Rudd to Sir Joseph Banks -Relief for Cook's relatives. 18. Letter Sir Joseph Banks to B. Rudd— Government will not aid to support Cook's sister. 19. Letter — G. Nicol to re profits from Books of Voyages. 20. Letter— B. Rudd to Sir Joseph Banks -Banks's gener- osity to Cook's relatives. 21. Letter li. IJudd to Sir Joseph Banks soliciting aid for Cook's nephew. Capt, Cook : his Life and Voyages, Services to New Hol- land and Man ; by A. MacFarland. [See N.S.W. — • MF5 '19 Capt. Cook's First Log in the Royal Navy; by Prof. E. E. Morris. [See Cornhill Mag., Oct., 1899.] E Notes on the Discovery of the Eastern Coast of New Holland (Australia); by A. C. Macdonald. [See Roy. Geograph. Soc, Australasia, Vict, Br., Trans., 14".] ME 20 P [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Becke, L.— Naval Pio- neers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 [Voyage round the World.] [See Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe.] MD 3 P 13 Voyages of. [See Adams, Rev. J.— Modern Voyages.] MD 3 P 14 Supp I em cntanj Ca talogu c — 1890-1 900. COOK. I lev. Joseph. Boston Monday Lectures. 2 vols. 8\o. Lond., 1881. J 22 S 18, 19 I. Biology. 2. Labour. Orthodoxy. Socialism. Transcendentalisi Marriage. Hereditj'. Miracles. Spirituals COOK. William. How to make Poultry pay. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. " MA 5 Q 1 7 COOK ]•:, Clement Kinloch. Memoir of H.R.H. Princess Ma vy Adelaide, Duchess of Teck. [See Mary Adelaide, Princess.] C 27 T 12, 13 COOKE, Capt. Edward. Voyages round the World. [See 1 1 istorical Account of all the Voyages round the World. I " MD8R 49 COOK' E, Henry. A Rus Engelhardt, A. P.] of the North. [See D 13 V 26 COOKR, Mordecai Cubitt. Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life; or, Curiosities of Vegetation. 8vo. Illustrated. Lond., 1881. A 20 R 7 Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms : a Popular History of Entomogenous Fungi, or Fungi Parasitic upon Tn- Mrts. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 4-1 U 3 Pest iferousFungi. [&e Queensland.— Agricult.] MA3S68 COOKE, Prof. Samuel. The Foundations of Scientific Agriculture. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 25 COOKE, W. Ernest. Settler's Guide.) (West Australian MD 8 Q 54 COOKE, Sir William F. Sketch of. [See Jerrokl, W.— Electricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 COOKSEY, Dr. Thomas. Ankerite fro toria. (Aust. Mus., Records 3.) The Nocoleche Meteorite; with Catalogi of Australian Meteorites. (Aust. i Sandhurst, Vie- ME 8 R and Dihlionraphy Lis., Records 3.) ME 8 R Rock Specimens fr< Funafuti. Sixth Form Teaching in a Day School. (Cookson, C— Lssays on Secondary Education.) G 2:3 P 18 C00LAM0N ECHO, The, Sept., 1898-Dec, 1899 [Dec. 16th, 1898, missing.] Fol. Coolamon, 1898-99. ME COO LEY, Dr. Charles H. The (American Economic Assoc.) COO LEY, Henry Scofield. Sla (Johns Hopkins University. - and Political Science.) COO LGARD1 E EXHIBIT 1 OX, 1 S99. The Golden West : her Mines and industries, 1899. Illustrated. Fol. Perth, 1899. MA 6 P 25 % COOMA EXI'RES.' •o and Southern Districts' Ad- vertiser, 1899. Fol. Cooina, 1899. ME COON A MBLE INDEPENDENT and Castlereagh River Advocate, 1898-99. 2 vols. fol. Coonamble, 1898- 99. ME COOPE, William Jesser. Swazieland as an Imperial Factor. With Maps. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 14 S 27 COOPER, Anthony Ashley, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. [See Shaftesbury, 7th Earl of.] COOPER, A. S. Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in California. [See California. — State Mining Bureau.] A 37 T 7 COOPER, Charles. List of Marine Shells found at Whan- garei Heads. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S COOPER, Maj. Francis Edward. Peterborough. [See Peterborough, Earl of.] C 26 R 18 COOPER, Frederick Taber. Word Formation in the Roman Sermo Plebeivs : an Historical Study of the Development of Vocabulary in vulgar and late Latin, with special reference to the Romance Languages. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 24 V 1 COOPER, James Fenimore. The Deerslayer ; or, the First War-path. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 7 Last of the Mohicans ; or, a Narrative of 1757 ;"with an Introduction by Susan Fenimore Cooper. Illustrated. 12mo. Boston (n.d.) J 23 T 27 The Pathfinder; or, the Inland Sea. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 8 The Pilot : a Tale of the Sea ; with an Introduction by Susan Fenimore Cooper. 12mo. Boston (n.d.). J 23 T 25 The Spy : a Tale of the Neutral G r. amd. 1 2 mo. Boston (n.d.) J 23 T 26 [Life of] ; by Prof. T. R. Lounsburv. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1899. ( American Men of Letts.) C 27 P 1 Portraits and Sketch of. [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. -Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 COOPER, Jol i the ! of Belting for the •. 3rd e the Reform COPL ;Y, Hon. W . Report o. S] ■ial Settle] lent System s. ith Australi ^.—Village b COPPi :E, Frangois OEuvres. 1. Contcsrap des: Hem-ietU •_». Longueset Breves. 3-7. Poesies, 1804-90. 8-11. Theatre , 1S09-85. Jeuncsse. ] 3. Uneldylle jendant le Sijzct phaxmli. a new .species of Leaf-mining Fly. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc., 1899.) ME 2 P Revision of the Tachinidas of America, North of Mexico. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Di v. of En- tomology.] A 38 Q 29 CORBET, Miles. The Chief Just [See Franzos, M.] J 23 U IS CORBETT Julian Stafford. Drake and the Tudor Navy ; v. ith a History of the Rise of England as a Maritime Power. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q 1G, 17 The Successors of Drake. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1000. B II R 14 [Another copy.] New ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 Q 13, 14 Papers relating to the Navy during the Spanish War, 1585-87. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 11.] E COR BIERE, Joachim-Edouard, "Tristan Corbiere." [Verses 1 .v.] [See Verlaine. P.— Les PoetesMaudits.] H 1 1 U 33 COR BIN, H. B. Notes on the Or eiated Rocks in the Kalgoorlh S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) CORBOULD, E. M. Side-light; Rossi, I,] phitic Slates and asso- District. (Roy. Soc, Sbaksperc. [See J 14 U 29 CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART. Catalogue. Illus- trated. 8vo. Wash., 1897. K 8 R 33 COR DAY, Charlott Charlotte de.] [See Corday D'Ara CORD AY D'ARMANS, Marie Anne Charlotte de. [Uio of]; by Mrs. R. K. Van Alstine. 8vo. Lond., 1890. [Port,, and Sketch of.] [See apo! C 22 P 14 -Four 7 P 19 t. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of i Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 CORDEIRO, Dr. F. J. of Heights: a Pr Levelling and Hyps: tain Climbers. 12n ical Method of Barometrical ;try for Surveyors and Moun- New York, 1898. A 25 P 43 CORDERY, John Graham. Odyssey of Homer. [See Homerus.] II 1 1 R 25 CORDOBA NATIONAL OBSERVATORY - . Resultados del Obscrvatorio National Argentino en Cordoba. Vol 15. 4to. Buenos Aires, 1896. E Cordoba Durchmusterung. [See Thome, J. M.] A 14 S 19, 20 f CORELLI, Marie. [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C — My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 CORFIELD, Dr. William Henry. Foul Air in Houses. (Intermit. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 How Infectious Diseases are spread. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Public Health Laboratory Work. [See Cheyne, Dr. W. W.] A 41 V G CORK, Nathaniel. The Australian Banki of Bankers, Journ., April, 1894.) gCris (Inst. CORMACK, Donald. Sydney, 1897. Federation. 8vo. MF 5 Q 10 CORNEILLE, Pierre. Le Cid ; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond., 1885. (French Classics for English Students.) H 13 U 7 Cinna; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (French Classics for English Students.) H 13 U 6 Horace; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (French Classics for English Students.) H12U5 CORNELISON, Isaac A. The Relation of Religion to Civil Government in the United States of America: a State without a Church, but not without a Religion. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 12 V 28 CORNEW ALL-JONES, R. J. [See Jones, R, J. Corne- CORNEY, Hon. B. G., DAVID, Prof. Tannett William Edgeworth, and GUTHRIE, Frederick Biekell. Edible Earth from Fiji. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Public Library of New South Wales. CORNFORD, Leslie Cope. Robert Louis Stevenson. [See Stevenson, R, L.] C 27 R G CORNHILL MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 8, 1860- June, 1900. 81 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860-1900. E CORNILL, Prof. Carl Heinrich. History of the People of Israel, from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Translated by W. H. Carruth. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. B 28 R 12 CORNISH, Charles John. Animals of to-day : their Life and Conversation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A27S8 Isle of Wight, [See Portfolio. raphs, 19.] CORNISH, Francis Warre. Concise Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, based on Sir William Smith's larger Dictionary, and incorporating the results of modern research. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 30 V 14 CORNISH, Thomas. Crustaceans. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 Mackerel and Pilchard Fisheries. Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) CORNISH, Thomas. The Cold and Silver Question. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P CORNISH, Vaughan. Short Studies in Physical Science, Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 R 27 CORNWALL CHRONICLE, The. Jan. 26th, 1853. 18 vols. fol. [Incomplete^ 1-19, 1835- rton, 1835-53. ME CORNWELL, William C. The Currency and Banking Law of the Dominion of Canada considered with reference to Currencv Reform in the United States. 8m. 4to. New York," 1895. F 8 P 36 CO ROW A FREE PRESS, 1899. Fol. Cor 1899. .ME CORPORATION OF FOREIGN BONDHOLDERS. Appendix to the 25th Annual General Report, 1897, of the Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bond- holders. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E CORREGGIO, Antonio Allegri da: his Life, his Friends, and his Time; by C. Ricci. Fol. Lond., 1896. C 13 T 2 f Art of. [See Rose, G. B.— RenaissanceMasters.] A 41 T 1 1 Examination of the Works of. [See Stearns, F. P.] A 23 S 25 Correggio. [See Brinton, S.] A 44 R 12 CORRIE, A. P. Coffee at Buderin Mountain. (Queens- land Agricult. Joum., Sept., 1898.) ME 9 U CORSON, Dr. Hiram. The Aims of Literary Study. 18mo. New York, 1895. J 16 T 44 CORVINUS, Messalla. [See Messalla Corvinus.] CORWIN, Rev. Edward Tanjorc. History of the Reformed Church, Dutch, in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. (Am. Church Hist, Her.). G 12 V 15 CORY, Dr. Robert. Lectures on Theory and Practice of Vaccination. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 7 U 10 "CORYDON." British Dogs. [See Dalziel, H.] A 14 T 41* COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. The Christian Topog- raphy of. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs. 98.] E "COSMO." Makarony Fables. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 9 T 30 C0SM0P0LIS : an International Monthly Review. Vols. 1-12, 1896-Nov., 1898. 12 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. {All published.) " J 27 U 3-14 COSMOPOLITAN, The : a Monthly Illustrated Magazine. Vols. 1-16, 18-27, March, 1886-April, 1894, Nov., 1894-Oct., 1899. 26 vols. 8vo. Rochester and New York, 1886-99. E COSMOS : an Illustrated A ustralian Magazine. Vols. 1- 5, Sept., 1894-Junc, 1899. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894-99. ME18Q COSMOS: Comunicazioni sui progre: Notevoli della Geografia c delle Scie 1-12, 1873-96. 12 vols. 8vo. T 1873-96. ni. Vols, id Roma, COSSIO, Prof. M. B. Some Account of the Educational Museums of Spain. (Internat, Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 COSSMANN, Maurice. Essais de Paleoconchologie com- paree. Illustrated. 3 vols. rov. 8vo. Paris, 1895-99. A 35 W 8-10 The Gasteropoda of the older Tertiary of Australia. (Roy. Soc, S.A., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S COSTELLO, Louisa Stuart, The Ro New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. [Another copy.] Newed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 13 U 1 COSTELLO E, Benjamin Francis Conn. Aristotle and the. earlier Peripatetics. [See /oiler, Dr. E.] G 1 9 U 32, 33 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. COITX Keiiclni 1). Social and Imperial Life of Britain. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 Q 14 1. War and Empire. COTKs. Sara Jeannette [Mrs. Everard] (Sara Jeannotte Duncan). His Honor and a Lady. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1896. J 25 R 28 The Simple Adventures of a Memsahib. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 25 11 27 COTldAN, John Sell. [Life of.] [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 32.] E COTTAM, Arthur. Charts of the Constellations from the North Pole to between 35° and 10° of South Declina- tion. It... Lond., 1891. A 17 U 3 f COTTERILL, Prof. James II., F.R.S. The Steam Engine considered as a Thermodynamic Machine. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 21 U 21 COTTIN, Paul, and HENAULT, Maurice. Memoirs of Sergeant Burgogne. [See Burgogne, Sergeant A. J. 1 1. P.] C 24 P 20 COTTON, P. W. Labour Exchange Solutions. 1 2mo. Independence, 1895. P 16 S 11 COTT< )N, Sir John. Sir John Cotton and the Debasement of 1G26. [See Shaw. W. A.— Tracts illustrative of Knglish Monetary History, 1626-1730.] F 8 V 1 COUBERTIN, Baron Pierre do. Evolution of Franco under the third Republic. Translated by Isabel F. liapgood; with Introduction by A. Shaw. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 26 U 13 Fr Lond., 1900. B 26 S 2 COUCH, Arthur Thomas Quiller-, " Q." Adventures in Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 14 T 10 The Blue Pavilions. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 T 1 Poems and Ballads. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 14 The Splendid Spur. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 T 3 COP DEBT, Frederic R. Marriage and Divorce Laws in Kurope : a Studv in Comparative Legislation. 8vo. New York, 1893. F 18 R 2 COl ' RS, Elliott, Audubon and Ids Journals. [See Audu- bon, J. J.] C 25 P 2, 3 COUNTRY PRESS COOPERATIVE CO., Ltd. Ar- ticles of Association. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) FIGS 14 COUNTY HISTORIES OF SCOTLAND. Aberdeen and Banff. [See Watt, W.] B 36 S 12 The Border Counties : Roxburgh, Selkirk, Peebles. [See Douglas, Sir G.] B 36 S 4 Dumfries and Calloway. [See -Maxwell, Sir H.] B 16 T 11 Fife and Kinross. [See MacKay, M. J. G.] B 16 T 20 Inverness. [See Lees, Rev. J. C] B 32 T 19 Moray and Nairn. [See Rainnhn, C] B 32 T 18 Prehistoric Scotland. [See Munro, Dr. R.] B 32 R 12 COUPERUS, Louis. Footsteps of Fate (Noodlot). Trans- lated by Clara Bell ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 23 U 2 COUPLAND, Dr. Sidney. Pernicious Antenna. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 38 COUPLAND, Dr. William Chatterton. Thoughts and Aspirations of the Ages : Selections in Prose and Verse from the Religious Writings of the World. 8vo. Lond., 1895. ' G 3 U 10 COURBAUD, Prof. Edniond. Le Bas-Relief Romain a Representations Historic [ties: Etude archeologique, his- torique et litteraire. 8vo. Paris, 1899. A 35 T 15 COURNOT, Augustin. Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth. Translated by N. T. Bacon ; with a Bibliography of Mathematical Economics by Irving Fisher. 12mo. New York, 1897. F 4 U 19 COURRIER AUSTRALIEN, Le. Almanach du Courrier Australien, 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MJ 4 Q 21 COURTIIOPE, Prof. William John. History of English Poetry. Vol.2. 8vo. Lond., 1897. II 4 V 10 Court and the Universities. COURTILZ DE SAX DBAS, Garen de. Memoirs of d'Artagnan. Translated by R. Nevill. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. C 2G R 11, 12 COURTNEY, C. F. Masonry Dams from inception to completion, including numerous Formula 1 , Forms of Application and Tender, Pocket Diagram of Forces, Arc, for the use of Civil and Mining Engineers. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 13 COURTNEY, Thomas. The Lin. .graphic Manual : a com- plete Text-book of Linography, containing the whole system as adapted to verbatim Sydney, 1898. MJ 3 P 51 COURTNEY, Willia [See Filon, A.] COURTNEY, William Prideaux. Bibliotheca Cornubien- sis. [See Boase, G. C] K 20 Q 15-17 t COURTOT, Baroness Cecile de. Memoirs of; by her great grandson, Moritz von Kaisenbcrg. Translate.! by Jessie Haynes. 8vo. Lond., 1900." C 27 S 20 Public Library of New South Wales. COUSIN, Victor. [Criticism of.] [See Worsfold, W. B. — Principles of Criticism.] J 19 W 2 COUVREUR, Mme. J. C, "Tasma." About Burial. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Criticism of the Works of. [See Byrne, Desmond- Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 COVILLE, Frederick V. Directions for Collecting Speci- mens and Information illustrating the Aboriginal use of Blunts. Svo. Wash., 1895. A 20 V 27 Forest-growth and Sheep-grazing in the Cascade Moun- tains of Oregon. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.— Di v. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 COWAN, Rev. Henry. The Influence of the Scottish Church in Christendom. Svo. Lond., 189G. G 19 U 21 COWAN, Thomas William. Foul Brood and its Treat- ment. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R COWAN, Rev. William. Pro-Reformation Worthies. '8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 10 COWDEN-CLARKE, Mary. [See Clarke, Mary Cowden-.] COWDEROY, Benjamin. Address by, delivered to the members of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce. Svo. Melb., 1894. MF 4 Q 58 Law Reform. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MF 4 Q 58 Relations of Capital and Labour : Cooperation, Profit- sharing. Svo. Melb., 1889. MF 4 Q 58 Simplification of Legal Procedure and Codification of Commercial Law. Svo. Melb., 1889. MF 4 Q 58 The Talbotype or Sun Pictures. 12mo. Adelaide, 1895. COWDERY, George R. Tramway Rail Joints. (Rov. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Report on Spotted Gum, with especial reference to its value for Wood-paving. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.] ME 9 R COWELL, Prof. Edward Byles. The Jataka ; or, Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. [See Jataka.] G 5 T 20-22 The Prakrita-Prakasa; or, the Prakrit Grammar of Vai- aruchi, with the Commentary (Manorama) of Bhamaha. The first complete edition of the original text, with various readings from a collation of six MSS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and the Libraries of the Royal Asiatic Society and the East India House ; with copious Notes, an English Translation, and Index of Prakrit Words, to which is prefixed an easy introduc- tion to Prakrit Grammar. Svo. Hertford, 1854. J 9 V32 COWELL, Peter. Public Library Staffs. Svo. Lond., 1893. (Lib. Assoc. Series.) J 9 V 36 COW EN, L. Lindloy-. Possibilities of the Dairying In- dustry in Western Australia. [See Western Australia. —Agricult.] MA 2 U 68 West Australian Settler's Guide and Farmer's Hand-book. [See West Australian Settler's Guide.] MD 8 Q 54 COWHAN, J. H. Subsidiary Aids to School Instruction, Cabinet of Objects, and Instructions. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 COWLE, F. C. The Tendency of the Comic Literature of thePressntDay. (Mel •, 10.) ME 18 Q COWLE3, Jam93 Lswis. General Freight and Passenger Post : a Practical Solution of the Railroad Problem. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 35 COWLES, William Hamilton. Equitable Taxation. [See Weyl, W. E] F 15 S 27 COWLEY, Abraham. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, Edmund. —17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 23 COWLEY, Eben. Growing and Separation of Fibre, North Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U COWLEY, Edmund. The Divi Divi Tree. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U India-rubber. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Rice in Northern Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U West African Oil Palm. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U COWLEY, Capt. William Ambrosia. Voyage round the Globe. [See Hacke, Capt. W.] D 20 S 20 Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 48 COWPER, Sir Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Aust. Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t COWPER, Spencer, and others. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, II. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 COWPER, William. Diverting History of John Gilpin. Illustrate;!. Svo. Lond., 1898. H 4 T 16 The Unpublished and Uncollected Poems of William Cowper. Edited by Thomas Wright. Svo. ■ Lond., 1900. (Cameo Ser.) H 13 P 21 William Cowper; by Marion Harland. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Literary Hearthstones.) C 28 P 2 Sketch of. [See Birrell, Augustine. — Res Judicata'.] J7P52 CO WBA GUARDIAN 'and Lachlan Agricultural Recorder with which is incorporated the Cowra Ind< pendent, 1899. Fol. Cowra, 1899. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 147 COX, 'Frederick A. English Madrigals in the time of Shakespeare. With Portrait of Orlando Gibbons. Duo. Land, 1899. II 13 R 1 COX, Dr. James C. Description of a new species of 1 ; j arus from West Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1899.) ME 2 P Vol-'* BednaUi, Braz., and Thersites paehystyla, Pfr., ail .fuse nata, , N.S.W., Pro , 1898.) COX. John, and CALLENDAR, Prof. Hugh Langbourne. !-..,nc Experiments on the X-Bays. [See McGiil 1'niv.— Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 COX. S. Herbert. Prospecting for Minerals: a Practical :! md-book for Prospectors, Explorers, Settlers, and ail interested in the opening up and development of New Lands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1898. (New Land Her.) A 24 R 22 COX. Samuel Sullivan. Three Decades of Federal Legis- i ion, 1855-85 : Personal and Historical Memories of E v-ents preceding, during, and since the American Civil War, involving Slavery and Secession, Emancipation and Reconstruction, with Sketches of prominent actors during these periods. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Pro- vidence, R.I., 1888. F 13 T 4 COX, William. Narrative of Proceedings of William Cox, lately holding a commission in the New South Wales Corps or 102nd Regiment, in constructing a Road i'i om Capt. Woodriffe's Farm, on the Nepean River, opposite" Emu Plains, over the Blue Mountains, and from thence to Bathurst Plains, on the banks of the Macquarie River, in the years 1814-15. Svo. Sydney, ] *88. MA 4 Q 8 COX E, Henry Octavius. Rogeri do Wendover Chronica, ' we Flores Historiarum. [See English Hist. Soc., I'ubs.] B 39 R 14-17 COXEN, Mrs. Charles. Table showing Rainfall at I'.ulimba, near Brisbane, during 1895, 1897. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895, 1897.) ME 1 T COZZA, Abbate Giuseppe. Bibliorum Saerorum Giwcus Codex Yaticanus. [See Bibles and Testaments— Greek.] G 6 U 7-12 J COZZENS, Frederick S. Our Navy : its Growth and Achievements. Sm. 4to. Hartford, 1897. B 5 S 19 t CRAB, P. van der. Reis naar do Zuidwestkust van Nieuw-Guinea, de Goram- en Ceram-Laut Eilanden en Oostelijk Ceram. Svo. Batavia, 1864. MI) R 12 CRABBE, Rev. George. The Village : a Poem. Sm. 4 to. Lond., 1783. H17Rllt Crabbe and Shellev. [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, Ac] " J1R51 Two Poetical Epistles. [See Nicoll, W. R.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 CRABTREE, Lotta. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See MeKav, V. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G CRACKNELL, Edward Charles. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 113.) E Egbert." [See Murfrce, Mary "CRADDOCK, Cha Noailles.] CRAFTS, Rev. Wilbur Fisk. Practical Christian Sociology. Svo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 19 CRAIG, E. T. Irish Land and Labour Question illus- trated in the History of Ralahine and Cooperative Farming. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 16 S 13 CRAIG, George Cathcart. The Federal Defence of Aus- tralasia. With Port, Svo Lond., 1897. MF5P3 CRAIG, John A. Sheep Feeding. [See United States.— Dept. of Agrieulh] A 41 U 1 CRAIG, Mary A. The House by the Medlar Tree. [See Verga, G.] J 26 U 1 CRAIG, Oscar. Agencies for the Prevention of Pauper- ism. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 IT 25 CRAIGIE, Maj. P. G. Sources of our Meat Supply. (In- termit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 1 CRAIGIE, Pearl Mary Teresa [Mrs. R. VV], "John Oliver Hobbes." The Ambassador : a Comedy. Svo. Lond, 1898. H 12 R 13 The Herb-Moon : a Fantasia. Svo. Lond, 189G. J 22 Q 2 Osbern and Ursyne. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) H 4 T 20 The Sinner's Comedy. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 23 P 6 Some Emotions, and a Moral. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 23 P 7 CRAIGIE, W. A. Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. [See Burns, R.] H 9 T 28 CRATK, Dinah Maria [Mrs. G. L] (Dinah Maria Mulock). .lolm Halifax, Gentleman. With Portrait. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 11 6 Dinah Mulock; by Mrs. Parr. [See Oliphant, Margaret 0. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] . C 24 S 3 Public Library of New South Wales. CRAIK, Henry. English Prose : Selections, with Critical Introductions by various writers and General Intro- ductions to each period. Vol.5. 8vo. Loud., 1896. J 6 Q 38* CRALLAN, Franklyn A. Details of Gothic Wood- carving : being a series of Drawings from Original Work, chiefly of the 14th and 15th Centuries; with Explanatory Notes. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 40 U 9 J CRANE, Dr. John. Chnllenqer Expedition Reports : Portraits of Contributors. [See Crane, W.] A 6 R 4 t CRANE, Walter. The Basis of Design. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 V 15 Challenger Expedition Reports: Portraits of the Con- tributors, reproduced from the Photographs presented by them to John Murray, with facsimiles of the designs for the cover and dedication of the album con- taining them. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 6 R 4 t Decoration of Public Buildings. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 Line and Form. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 Q 8 The New Era. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Of the Decorative Illustration of Hooks, old and new. 8m. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 23 P 28 Embroidery. [See Townsend, W. G. P.] A 46 P 1 Work of. [See Art Journal.] A 13 W 11 t CRANE, William H. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q6 CRANE'S BUYERS GUIDE of the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australasia, 1897-98. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E CRANMER, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Cran- mer and the Reformation in England ; by A. D. Innes. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (The World's Epoch-makers.) C28Q1 [Life of] ; by Rev. A. J. Mason. With Portrait, 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Leaders of Religion.) C 23 S 19 CRANSTOUN, James. Poems of Alexander Scott. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 36.] E CRASHAW, Richard. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, Edmund. —17th Century Studies.] II 10 W 23 CRAVEN, Florence [Mrs. Dacre]. District Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C23Q19 CRAVE 1ST, Lady Helen Emily. Notes of a Music-lover. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 29 CRAWFORD, Alexander. Dairying. (West Australian Settler's Guide ) MD 8 Q 54 CRAWFORD, Arthur, " T. C. Arthur." Remin of an Indian Police Official. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 31 CRAWFORD, Donald. Journals of Sir John Lauder, Lord Fountainhall. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 36.] E CRAWFORD, Francis Marion. Adam Johnstone's Son. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 22 P 22 Ave Roma Immortalis : Studies from the Chronicles of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898. B 34 Q 21, 22 Casa Braccio. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 22 P 23 The Children of the King. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 22 P 24 Corleone. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 R 7 Dr. Claudius. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 8 Don Orsino. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 9 Greifenstein. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 10 Katharine Lauderdale. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 22 P 25 Khaled. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 22 P 26 Marion Darche. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 22 P 27 Mr. Isaacs. With Portrait. 8 vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 11 Paul Patoff. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R 12 A Roman Singer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R 13 Sant' Ilario. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 14 Saracinesca. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 R 15 A Tale of a Lonely Parish. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 22 P 28 Taquisara. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 22 P 29 With the Immortals. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R 16 Zoroaster. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 25 R 17 Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 CRAWFORD, J. H. Wild Flowei trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. of Scotland. Illus- A 20 R 14 CRAWFORD, Robert, South American Sketches. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 P 6 CRAWFORD, T. Hamilton. Edinburgh. [See Stevenson, Robert Louis.] B 16 R 47 CRAWFORD, Virginia M. [Mrs.] Studies in Foreign Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 14 V 36 CRAWFORD LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. [See Edinburgh Royal Observatory.] K 11 W 11 t CRAWLEY, Rawdon. Popular Gymnastics : Athletics, Pedestrianisin, Dumb-bells, Bar-bells, Indian Clubs, Calisthenics, Boxing and Wrestling, Training. Illus- trated. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 P 21 CRAYON, Christopher. [See Ritchie, J. E.] CREAGH, S. M. Tronge i Kerisiano qa la Fene Kowe la Hnengodrai. [See Bunyan, John.] MG 2 T 23 Supplementary Ca ta log ne — 1896-1 900. CRED I. AND, William R, The Manchester Public Free Libraries : a History and Description, and Guide to their Contents and Use. Illustrated. Svo. Man- chester, 1899. Cat. Room The Free Library Movement in Manchester [See Man- chester Public Free Libraries.] J 15 V 31 CREEI ), Dr. John Mildred. Lecture on Cremation. (New- South Wales Cremation, Funeral, and Sanitary Reform Review.) MA 4 V, .".0 CREED, Marie Louise [Mrs. J. P.] (Louise Mack). Girls together. Must. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. M J 3 U 2 Teens : a Story of Australian Schoolgirls. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MJ 3 S 18 The World is round. Svo. Lond., 189G. MJ 3 S 9 C. C, and GOODNOW, J. A. B. ,-o. Lond., 1895. G 14 S 30 The Land of the Winanishe. A 40 Q 8 CREFGAN, R, Great M: CREIGHTOX, J. G. A. [See Yale, Dr. L. M.] CRETGHTON, Mandell, Bishop successively of Peter- borough and London. Queen Elizabeth. 4 to. Lond., 1896. B 13 U 21 f Storv of some English Shires. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. B18P13! CREMONA, Luigi. Graphical Statics : Two Treatises on the Graphical Calculus and Reciprocal Figures in ( i i-aphical Statics. Translated by T. H. Beare. 8vo. CRESSEY, Dr. George Croswell. The Essential Man : a Monograph on Personal Immortality in the Light of Reason. 12mo. Boston, 1895. G 15 U 22 CRESSON, Hilborne T. Report upon Pile-structures in Naaman's Creek, near Claymont, Delaware. [/See Pea- body Museum.] A 41 P 14 CRICHTON, D. A. Fruit-culture. 12mo. Adelaide, 1892. MA 1 P 10 CRK K, George Charles. Fossil Cephalopoda frc land, collected by Dr. Donaldson Smith. (Sn \. Donaldson.— Through Unknown African Coun- tries.) D20U21 Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 P 3 List- of the Types and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist,] uitli, Dr. A 42 V 8 CRK'IvMORE, H. Hovell. Old Chester, etched am described. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. B 16 T 1 CRIMINOLOGY SERIES. Political Crime. [See Proal, L.] CRTPPS, Wilfred Joseph. Old English Plate, Ecclesiasti- cal, Decorative, and Domestic: its Makers and Marks. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 35 T 2 CRISP, Frederick Arthur. Baptisms in the Private Chapel of Sir William Sheldon, of Weston, in the Parish of Long Compton, Warwickshire, 17G3-84. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. K 19 T 6 t Fragmenta Genealogica. Illustrated. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1889-1900. K 19 T 23-27 t Liber Admissionum: Seckford Grammar School at Wood- bridge, Suffolk. Sm. fol. Lond., 1900. K 20 S 19 t List of Parish Registers and other Genealogical Works, 1897, 1899. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-99. K 19 U 30, 32 f Marriage Licence Bonds in the Suffolk Archdeaconry Registry at Ipswich, 1 063-1750. Sin. fol. Lond. 1900. K 20 S 18 t Parish Registers of Beaumont, Essex. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. K 19 T 7 t Parish Registers of Birchington, Kent. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. K 19 T 10 t Parish Registers of Fownhope, Co. Hereford. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. K 19 T 9 t Parish Registers of Moze, Essex. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. K 19 T 8 t Visitation of England and Wales. [See Howard, Dr. J. J.] K 19 U 4-10, 12, 14, 10 t Visitation of Ireland. [See Howard, Dr. J. J.] K 10 V 11-13 f CRISPI, Francesco. Francesco Crispi, Insurgent, Exile, Revolutionist, and Statesman; by W. J. Stillman. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 9 The Temporal Power of the Pope. Svo. Lond., 1897. [See Lillv, W. S. — Essavs and Speeches; Appendix.] J 14 S 15 CRISPUS, Caius Sallustius. [See Sallustius Crispus, C] CRIVELLI, Carlo. Carlo Crivelli. [See Rushforth, G. M'N.] A 44 R 14 CROALL LECTURES. Recent Arclucology and the Bible. [See Nieol, Rcv.T.] CROCKER, Dr. Henry Radclifle. Affections of the Hair. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Atlas of the Diseases of the Skin, in a series of Illustra- tions from Original Drawings, with Descriptive Letter- press. 2 vols. fol. Edinb., 1890. A 48 P 1, 2 + Disorders of Secretion and New Growths. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 Xerodermia pigmentosa. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Public Library of Neio South Wales. The Grey Man. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 V 2 The Lilac Sunbonnet. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 V 7 Lochinvar. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 6 The Men of the Moss-hags. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 5 The Raiders. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 V 4 The Red Axe. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 25 V 8 The Stickit Minister and some Common Men ; with a Prefatory Poem by R. L. Stevenson. 11th ed. trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 V3 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C —My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 Montaigne, and other Essays. [See Carlyle, T.] C 2 1 R 5 CROCQ, Dr. J. B., jun. L'Hypnotisme Scientifique. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. G 23 V 3 Les Nevroses Traumatiques. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. A 44 S 9 CROFTON, H. T. History of the Ancient Chapel of Stretford, in Manchester Parish. [See Chetham Soc, Pubs., 42.] E CROFTON, Helen [Mrs. Caldwell] (Helen Milman). Out- side the Garden. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 12 U 32 CROLE, David. Tea : a Text-book of Tea-planting and Manufacture, comprising Chapters on the History and Development of the Industry, the Cultivation of the Plant, the Preparation of the Leaf for the Market, the Botany and Chemistry of Tea, ifcc. ; with some Ac- count of the Laws affecting Labour in Tea Gardens in Assam and elsewhere. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 V 6 CROLL, Dr. James, F.R.S. Autobiographical Sketch of, with Memoir of his Lite and "Work; by James Camp- bell Irons. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 6 CROME, John. [Life of.] [See Portfolio.- Monographs, 32.] E CROMER, Evelyn Baring, Baron. [Life of] ; by H. D. Traill. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 19 CROMMELIN, May. Over the Andes from the Argentine to Chili and Peru. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. D 16 T 14 CROMPTON, Owen. Cultivation of the Olive. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, July, 1899.) ME 9 Q CROMPTON, R. E. B. Artificial Lighting in relation to Health. (Internat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 CROMWELL, Rev. John Gabriel. Some differences that exist between the Training, Duties, and Position of Elementary Teachers in Great Britain and on the Continent. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 The House of Cromwell. [See "Waylen, J.] C 24 Q 26 CROMWELL, Oliver. [Life of]; by Rev. George H. Clark. 8vo. New York, 1895. C 20 U 13 [Life of] ; by T. Roosevelt. 8vo. Lond., 1 900. C 27 U 5 " ver Cromwell: a Study in Personal Religion, by 01 Robert F. Horton. 12mo. Lond., 1897 ell ; by S. R. Gardiner. With Portrait; P8 Lond., 1899. C 20 R 2 t Short Critical Review of the Political Life of Oliver Cromwell. With Portrait. 12mo. Glasgow, 1755. C19P27 Cromwell as a Soldier. [See Baldock, Lieut.-Col. T. S.l B 33 S 8 Cromwell's Place in History. [See Gardiner, Dr. S. R,] B 17 P 54 Cromwell's Scotch Campaign. [See Douglas, W. S.] B 39 P 13 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St. L.— From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 Letters and Speeches ; by Thomas Carlyle. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 1 4 U 35 [Life of.] [See Waylen, J.— The House of Cromwell.] C 24 Q 24 Notes illustrative of the Cromwellian Collection in the possession of Sir R. Tangye. [See Tangye, Sir It.] B 24 Q 14 Oliver Cromwell. [See Firth, C] B 27 Q 15 Oliver Cromwell and his Times. [See Pike, G. H.]B 16 P 20 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Lieut.-Col. C. King. (Wil- kinson, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 The two Protectors. [See Tangye, Sir R.] B 33 S 11 CROMWELL, Richard. [Life of.] [See Waylen J.— The House of Cromwell.] C 24 Q 24 The two Protectors. [See Tangye, Sir R.] B 33 S 11 CRONENBERG, Wilhelm. Half-tone on the American basis. Translated by W. Gamble. Illustrated. 8vo. Bradford, 1896. A 41 Q 4 CRONWRIGHT-SCHREINER, Olive [Mrs. S. C] (Olive Schreiner) "Ralph Iron." The Angora Goat, and a Paper on the Ostrich. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V 5 An English-South African's View of the Situation. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 4 U 41 Story of an African Farm. New ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 36 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. CROOKE, W. Tlie North-western Provinces of India: their History, Ethnology, ami Administration. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 29 T 7 Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India. New el. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189C. G 19 T 29, 30 CROOKES, M. E. B. Davies, A. C. Fo The Book of Public Arms. [See ,] K 17 T 23 t CROdKES, Sir William, F.R.S. The Wheat Problem, based on remarks made in the Presidential Address to t he British Association at Bristol in 1898; with two Chapters on the future Wheat Supply of the United Si ites, by 0. W. Davis and the Hon. J. Hyde. 8vo. ]. end., 1899. A 35 Q 15 CR0< ) i£S, W. Education in co: li'mo. Manchester, 1885. CRO< ) ItSHANK, Dr. Edgar March. Text-book of Bacteri- ology, including the Etiology and Prevention of In- fective Diseases, and a short Account of Yeasts and Moulds, Humiatozoa. and Psorosperms. 4th ed. Illus- t rated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 31 Q 7 CR00KWELL GAZETTE and Settlers' Advocate, 1899. Fol. Crookwell, 18S9. ME CROSLEGH, Rev. Charles. The Bible in the Light of To-day. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 19 T 19 CROSS, Ada [Mrs. G. F.] (Ada Cambridge.) Criticism of i he Work of. [See Byrne, D.— Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 CROSS, Charles F. Soap. (Internal Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 CROSS, Charles F., and others. Report on Indian Fibres ;ind Fibrous Substances exhibited at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886; with Notes of Methods of Treatment and Uses prevalent in India, by Dr. G. Watt. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 25 T 8 CROSS, Rev. G. F. The Modern Pulpit, (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q CROSS, M. I., and COLE, Martin J. Modern Micros- copy : a Hand-book for beginners, comprising (1.) The Microscope and instructions for its use ; by M. I. Cross; (2.) Microscopic objects: how prepared and mounted ; by M. J. Cole. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 T 41 CROSS, Mary Ann [Mrs. J. W.] (Mary Ann Evans) '•George Eliot." Works of . 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb.(n.d.) J 17 V 10-13 Silas Marner ; The Lifted Veil ; Brother Jacob. Mill on the Floss. 2 vols. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. [Essay on] the Life and Works of; by Miss C. H. Spence. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, H.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* CROSS Mary Ann— conld. Essay on. [See Harrison, F.— Early Victorian Litera- ture.] J 8 T 37 [Essay on.] [See Myers, F. W. II.— Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 A First Meeting with "George Eliot." [See Linton, Eliza,— My Literary Life.] ' C 20 S 22 " George Eliot" and the Social Conscience. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 "George Eliott;" by Mrs. Lynn Linton. [See Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 "George Eliot" on George Meredith. [See Nicoll, W. 11.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 Life and Letters of " George Eliot." [See Darmesteter, James.— English Studies.] J 14 V 6 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Proso Writers.] J 14 V 17 CROSS, Wilbur L. Development of the English Novel. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 8 U 9 CROSSLE, Leonard. The An. [See Hommel, Prof. F.] CROTHERS, Dr. T. D. Morbid Habits. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 CROUCH'S EPITOME OE NEWS and Miscellaneous Gleaner. Vol. 1, 1859. 8vo. Sydney, 1859. MJ 4 Q 20 CROWE, Catherine [Mrs.] (Catherine Stevens). Mrs. Crowe; by Adeline Sergeant. [See Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] . C24S3 CROWE, Eyre. Thackeray's Haunts and Homes. [Set Thackeray, W. M.] " C 23 Q 22 CROWEST, Frederick J. The Story of British Music, from the Earliest Times to the Tudor Period. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 36 Beethoven. [See Beethoven, L. van.] C 27 Q 3 [Life of] G. Verdi. [See Verdi, G.] C 24 T 6 CROWN JEWELS : English Sovereign 1897. brief Record of the Wives of from 1066-1897 a.d. 8vo. Lond., C23S7 CROWTHER, Samuel Adjai, Bishop of the Niger. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G14S30 CROZIER, John Beattio. Civilization and Progress. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond, 1892. F 14 U 32 History of Intellectual Development on the lines of Modern Evolution. Vol.1. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 17 T 11 1. Greek and Hindoo Thought ; Gneco-Roman Paganism; Judaism ; and ( 'hi-istianity down to the closing of the schools of Athens by Justinian. My Inner Life : being a Chapter in Personal Evolution and Autobiography. 8vo. Lond, 1898. G11R43 Public Library of New South Wales. CRUIKSHANK, George. George Cruikshank's Table- book. Edited by G. A. A'Beckett. New ed. Illus- trated. Hoy. 8vo. Lond., 1869. J 22 V 5 Hand-book for Posterity ; or, Recollections of " Twiddle Twaddle." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 V 23 Illustrations to Oliver Twist. [See Dickens, C] J 22 S 7 Portraits of himself. [See Layard, G. S.] A 23 V 24 Tarn O'Shanter. Illustrated. [See Burns, R,] H 1 3 S 8 j CRUIKSHANK, Isaac, Robert, and George. Cruik- shankian Mounts: Pictorial Broadsides and Humourous Song-headings. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1892. H 10 T 11 t The three Cruikshanks: a Bibliographical Catalogue. [See Marchmont, R] A 40 R 4 CRUISE, R. J. Geology of Armagh, Fermanagh, and Monaghan. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 19 Geology of Inishowen, Co. Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 1 Geology of N.W. and Central Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 2 Geology of the District around Swanliubar, Florence- court, and Dowra. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 18 Geology of Tyrone, Monaghan, Fermanagh, and Armagh. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland,] A 47 V 16 CRUM, Walter Erskine. Rowing at Eton College. (Leh- mann, R, C— Rowing.) 'A 40 Q 4 CRUTTWELL, Maud. Luca Signorelli. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 R 10 CRYER, Dr. M. H. Regional Anatomy. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 CUCUEL, Edouard. Bohemian Paris of To-day. [See Morrow, W. C] D 13 S 7 CUDMORE, P. Cleveland's Maladministration : Free Trade, Protection, and Reciprocity. With Autobiog- raphy. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 15 R 11 CUELLAR, Capt. Francisco de. A Letter, written on October 4, 1589, by Capt. Cuellar, of the Spanish Armada, to His Majesty King Philip II, recounting his Misadventures in Ireland and elsewhere after the Wreck of his Ship. From the Spanish by Henry Dwight Sedgwick, jun. 12mo. Lond., 1896. B 16 P 15 CULIN, Stewart. Catalogue of Ethnographical Objects from Somaliland and the Galla Country, collected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith ; in Museum of Science and Art, University of Pennsylvania. (Smith, Dr. A. D— Through Unknown African Countries.) D 20 U 21 Korean Games ; with Notes on the corresponding Games of China and Japan. Roy. Svo. Philad., 1895. A 31 Q16 CULLEN, Dr. W. P. The Balance of Power between National and State Governments. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. Remarks on the Cul- tivation of the Soil, and the Establishment of an Industrial Farm as a self-supporting School of Agri- culture and a means to promote Colonial Industry. Svo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 S 69 CULYER, Rev. Theodc Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] In a r to Prayer. [See G 23 P 17 CUMBERLAND, Stuart. What I think of South Africa : its People and its Politics. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 14 R 18 CUMBERLAND ARGUS and Fruitgrowers' Advocate, 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Parramatta, 1896-99. ME CUMING, Edward William Dirom. With the Jungle Folk : a Sketch of Burmese Village Life. Illustrated by a Burmese Artist. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 T 23 CUMMING, Annie and Bella. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B32Q11 CUMMING, C. F. Gordon. In the Kauri Forests of New Zealand. (Lippincott's Monthly Mag., April, 1884.) E CUMULATIVE INDEX to a selected List of Periodicals. Vol. 2, No. 4, Jan.-April, 1897, vol. 3, 1898. 2 vols. 4to. Cleveland, 1897-99. Cat. Room CUNDALL, Joseph. Examples of Ornament, selected chiefly from Works of Art in the British Museum, the Museum of Economic Geology, the Museum of Orna- mental Art in Marlborough House and the new Crystal Palace. Fol. Lond., 1855. A 22 Q 2 t CUNI Y MARTORELL, Don Mig Fa i Entomo- i de la Villa de Calella (Cataluha Pr( Barcelona). Svo. Madrid, 1898. A 38 P 25 CUNNINGHAM, Arnold Debry. Memory System. 12mo. Parramatta, 1896. * MG 2 P 56 CUNNINGHAM, David. Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Earthwork in the Construction of Rail- ways, Roads, Canals, Dams, ifcc. 2nd ed. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1865. ■ A 10 W 10 t CUNNINGHAM, Sir Henry Stewart. Lord Bo wen : a Biographical Sketch, with a Selection from his Verses. [See Bowen, C. S. O, Baron.] C 24 Q 6 CUNNINGHAM, J. T. Natural History of the Market- able Marine Fishes of the British Islands. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 Q 28 Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 35 T 14 CUNNINGHAM, Peter. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I. [See Shakes ware Soc, Pubs.] II 3 U 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. CUNNINGHAM, Rev. William. Alien Immigrants to England. Illustrated. 12ino. Lond., 1897. (Social England Ser.) E 15 Q 17 An Essay on Western Civilization in its Economic As- pects. Vol. 1. 8vo. Camk, 1898. (Camb. Hist. Ser.) F17T21 M-l'-rn Civilisation in some of its Economic Aspects. -\o. Lond., 1800. (Social Questions of To-da v.) E 8 V 12 CUNNINGHAM LECTURES. Preachers of Scotland. [See Maikie, Rev. W. G.] G 23 T 10 CUN YNGHAME, Henry. Theory and Practice of Art Enamelling upon Metals. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ■ A 14 R 8 CUR ETON, William. Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimpsest. [See Brit. Mus.] J 18 Q 17 f CURLE, J. H. Gold-mines of the World: containing concise and practical advice for Investors, gathered from a personal inspection of the Mines of the Trans- vaal, India, West Australia, Queensland, New Zealand, British Columbia, and Rhodesia. Illustrated. Sm. ko. Lond., 1899. A 3 TV 28 CU1; LEWIS, Ethel [Mrs. II. R.] (Ethel Turner). Little Larrikin. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 11 Second Nature. (Windsor Mag., Oct., 1898.) E A Suburban Terrace. (Windsor Mag., June, 1898.) E What thePostman brought. (Windsor Mag., Aug., 1898.) E , and others. Gum Leaves ; with Oddments bv others. Imp. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 V 26 CURRAN, Rev. John Michael Milne. The Gems and Precious Stones of New South Wales. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MA 3 V 25 Geology of Sydney and the Blue Mountains : a popular Introduction to the Study of Geology. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MA 4 P 17 Another copy. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 26 Occurrence of Precious Stones in New South Wales, and the Deposits in which they are found. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Journ., 1890.) ME 1 R On the Evidence (so-called) of Glacier Action on Mi. Kosciusko Plateau. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Fulgurites in the Sand-hills at Kensington and Bondi, New South Wales. [See Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.] ME 18 S Qualitative Analysis : Notes and Tables for the use of Students. [See New South Wales.— Technical College and Education.] MA 3 W 2G CURRIE, Philip Henry Wodchouse, Baron. [Sketch of. I [See Escott, T. II. W.- Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 CURRY, Dr. Charles Emerson. Theory of Electricity and Magnetism; with a Preface by L. Boltzmann. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 P 3G CURRY, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Constitutional Govern- ment in Spain. 12mo. New York, 1889. F 12 S 28 CURTIN, Jeremiah. Creation Myths of Primitive America, in relation to the Religious History and Mental Development of Mankind. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 S 50 Hania. [See Sienkiewicz, H] J 21 8 27 In Vain. [See Sienkiewicz, H] J 22 T 32 Quo Vadis. [See Sienkiewicz, H] J 25 S 37 CURTIN, Mary Anne Magdalen. The Cyclist's Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t CURTIS, Dr. Carlton C. Text-book of General Botany. Illust. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 16 CURTIS, Dr. Edward. Manual of General Medical Tech- nology, including Prescription Writing. I8mo. New York, 1895. A 26 P 22 CURTIS, George Ticknor. Constitutional History of the United States, from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their Civil War. Edited by J. C. Clayton. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1889-96. B 19 S 8, 9 CURTIS, George William. From the Easy Chair. lst-3rd ser. With Portrait. 3 vols. 18mo. New York, 1893. J 1 R 40-12 The Uowadji in Syria. 8vo. New York, 1856. D 20 Q 20 Literary and Social Essays. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 21 R 33 Lotus-eating: a Summer Book. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1852. D 20 Q 21 Nile Notes of a Hawadji. 8vo. New York, 1856. D 20 Q22 Our Best Society. 18mo. New York, 1856. J 1 R 45 The Potiphar Papers. 8vo. New York, 1856. J 22 R 35 Pruc and I. 8vo. New York, 1856. J 22 R 34 Trumps. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1861. J 22 R 33 James Russell Lowell : an Address. [See Lowell, J. R.] C 19 P 14 Sketch of. [See Godwin, P.— C< CURTIS, John, and J ANSON, Edward W. British Beetles. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1863. A 34 V 20 CURTTS, William Eleroy. Venezuela : a Land where it's always Summer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 16 Q 6 Public Library of New South Wales, CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, comprising the Plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew, and of other Bjtanical Establishments in Great Britain. Vol. 1- 3rd ser. vol, 55, 1787-1899, and Index to vols. 1-5:5, o.s. 10G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1787-1899. E General index to the Latin Names and Synonyms of the Plants depicted in the first 107 vols, of Curtis'* Botani- c R B 2 I It 18 CI risti in C 2 3T 16 DALE, Thomas I" Lond., 1897. His ry of the Bel 1899. DALEY, Victor James William 3 Dusk. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. DAWETY'S REVIEW [form. Review of the, Wool and Prodv May, 1893-March, 1900. [1 1894, Aug., 1895, missing.] 1893-1900. Patrick. At Dawn and Mil 1 Q 83 jply Dalgety's Monthly \r.a Markets]. Vols. 1-7, day, Nov., 1893, July, 7 vols. I to. Sydney, ME 19 it DALGLEISH, William. 1 Invoicing Tallow, Bar; chandise. [See Marsden, W. J. L] Ready Reckoner foi l, and General Mer MA 5 R 9 • DALL, William Healey. Teeth of Invertebrates. (Litch, Dr. W. E— American System of Dentistry) A 31 S 1 Travels on the Yukon and in the Yukon Territory in 1866-68. (Yukon Territory.) D 16 V 22 Instructions for Collecting Mollusks, and other Useful Hints for the Conchologist. [See United States.— National Museum.] A 37 S 51 N otice of some new or intere stii g species of Shells from British Columbia and the alp ■mt regi m. [See Nat. Hist. Soc. of Bri ish Colui ibia J E DALLEMAGNE, Dr. J. Degdneres et Desequilibres. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894. A 34 V 4 DALLEY, Rt. Hon. William P.ede. Speech on the Divorce Bill in the Legislative Council, October 19th, 1870. 12mo. Sydney, 1870. MF 4 P 36 [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, May, 1885.) MJ 1 V 20 [Portrait and Sketcl Portrait Gallery.] DALLINGER, Frederick W. No Office in the United States. 8 (Harvard Historical Studies.) of.] [See Shine, T.— Aust >r Elective ork, 1897. F 3 T 22 DALLMEYER, Thomas It, Telephotography: an Ele- mentary Treatise on the Construction and Application of the Telephotography Lens. [With Bibliography.] Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 V 9 DALRYMPLE, Alexander. Colic Memoirs. Sm. 4to. Lond., 17 Scheme of a Voyage to convey the Domestic Animals, Corn, Iron,*. with Benjamin Franklin's sentin Sm. 4to. Lond., 1882. [Repri ■nces of Life, 5w Zealand; » the subject, MB 2 Q 28 DALRYMPLE, Rev. J ames. Leslie's History of Scotland. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 34.] E Tublic Library of Nero South Wales. DALTON, John. Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Re- searches of; by Dr. W. C. Henry. [See Cavendish Soc., Works.] A 36 T 4 New View of Dalton's Atomic Theory. [See Roscoe, H. E.] A 21 T 37 DALTON, W. H. Geology of the Country around Hales- worth and Harleston. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — • Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 18 DALY, Dominick. Adventures of Roger L'Estrange. [See L'Estrange, Roger.] B 17 P 38 DALZTEL, Hugh, and others. British Dogs. Vol. 3. Edited by W. D. Drury. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 14 T 41* DAMES, W. Die Chelonier der Norddeutsehen Tertiiir- formation. [See Palseontologisclie Abhandlungen.] E DAMPIER, Capt. William. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Becke, L.— Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 Voyages of. [See Historical Account of all Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 48 DANA, Charles Anderson. The Art of Newspaper making. 12mo. New York, 1895. J 1G R 39 DANA, Prof. Edward Salisbury. System of Mineralogy. [See Dana, J. D.] A 35 W 21 DANA, James Dwight. System of Mineralogy, 1837-68 : Descriptive Mineralogy. 6th ed. ; by Prof. E. S. Dana. With Appendix 1, completing the work to 1899. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 35 W 21 DANA, John Cotton. A Library Primer. 8 to. Chicago, 1899. J 17 V 28 DANA, Richard H. Practical Working of the Australian System of Voting in Massachusetts. (American Academy, Annals, May, 1892.) E DANDLIKEE, Dr. Karl. Short History of Switzerland. Translated by E. Salisbury. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " B 25 R 15 DANIEL. On the Book of the Prophet Daniel. 8vo. Lond., 1888. G 1 U 41 DANIEL, Rev. Evan. Advantages and Disadvantages of providing for Intermediate and Higher Education by means of a rate. {Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 DANIEL, Peter Augustin. Henry V, King Lear, Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Adoe about Nothing, Rich- ard IT, Richard TIT [See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V DANIEL, Samuel. A Defence of Ryme. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) H 11 T 4 Complete Works in Verse and Prose. [See Huth Lib.] J 5 V 8, 9 Vision of the Twelve Goddesses. (English Masques.) H 11 R 17 DANIELL, Mrs. Pioneer Workers for Soldiers and . Sailors. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Vic- toria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 DANIELL, Alfred Ernest, London Riverside Churches. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., T897. G 23 Q 3 D'ANNUNZIO, Gabriele. [See Annunzio, G. d'.] DANSEY, John. Cardamo Journ., Oct., 1899.) Coffee in Queensland and other parts. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Aug., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 U DANTAN, Joseph Edouard. [Reproduction of his Pic- ture] The Restoration. [See Lansing, Clarence.-— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J DANTE ALIGHIERI. Dante at Ravenna; by Catherine Mary Phillimore. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 Q 27 Dante's Pilgrim's Progress ; or, the Passage of the blessed Soul from the slavery of the present corruption to the liberty of eternal glory. With Notes on the way by E. R, Gurney. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 1 Divine Comedy. Translated into English Verse by I. C. Wright. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1891. H 13 U 11 New Life of Dante Alighieri. Translated by C. E. Norton. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1867. H 3 V 5 Vita Nuova di Dante Alighieri. Edited by L. Piz: 4to. Venezia, 1865. Vita Nuova e il Canzoniere di Dante Allighieri ; coin- mentati da G.-B. Ciuliani. 32mo. Firenze, 1863. H 13 Q 6 Vita Nuova of Dante. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by T. Martin. 2nd ed. 12mo. Edinb., 1871. H 13 S 2 Dante interpreted. [See Wilson, E.] J 9 R 2 Dante's ten Heavens. [See Gardner, E. G.] J 19 W 13 Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante. [See Toynbee, P.] K 13 T 6 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 Essays on Dante. [See Witte, Dr. K] J 21 R 35 Life and Works of Dante Allighieri. [See Hogan, Rev. J. R] H 4 V 21 The Love that Livcth. [See Vandam, Albert D— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 The Mind of Dante. [See Lindsay, J.— Essays.] J 1 2 T 44 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, R— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 1 1 [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Great Books.] J 22 Q 14 Studies in Dante. [See Moore, Rev. E.] J 4 V 15, 16 H1U6 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1D0O. 157 DAN TON, Georges Jacques. Danton : a Study; by H. Belloc. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 24 P 16 Life of Danton; by A. H. Beesly. With Portrait. 8v... Lond., 1899. C 20 R 20 DANZIG, A. Cliaie Adam and Nishmas Adam. 8vo. Warsaw, 1879. G 24 U 38 Choehmas Adam and Binaa Adam. 8vo. Stettin (n.d.) G 24 T 10 BAR niSHIRE, Dr. S. D. Recreation. (Interr.rt, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 DAI i I LAY, Mme. Frances. [See Arblay, Mine. Francesd'.] DARBY, J.N. Weighty Words. With Portrait, Vol. J. 12mo. Lond., 1898. G 26 P 1 D'AllCY-IRYINE, Rev. Gerard. [See Irvine, Rev. G. D'Arcy-.] DAR I EN, Georges. Cai [See McCabe, J.] F 15 Q 37 DARLING, Sir Charles H. The Crisis. [See Card well, Rt, Hon. E.] MJ 3 It 10 DAI! LING, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Ralph, and Maj.-Gen. Henry Charles. Reply in refutation of the Pamphlets of, addressed to J. Hume and Viscount Goderich. [See J [all, E. S.] MF 4 Q 57 DAI ! LOW, T. H. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G23Q17 DARMESTETER, Agnes Mary Frances [Mme. James] (A. Mary F. Robinson.) Essay on. Froissart. [See Froissart, Sir J.] JOT 32 Life of Ernest Renan. [See Renan, E.] C 23 S 16 Poetry of Mary Robinson. [See Darmesteter, James. English Studies.] J 14 V 6 English Studie Loi DA I! MONT, A., and HUMBLOT, A. Argument of the Play of Pauline Blanchard, as presented by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1887. H 3 Q 38 DARRAH, Henry Zouch. Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir : being a Narrative of an eight months' Trip in Baltistan and Ladak, and a Lady's Experiences in the latter country, together with Hints for the Guid- ance of Sportsmen. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 U 15 DAR R AS, Jean. Melusinc. [See Early English Text Society.] E DART, J. Henry. Treatise on the Law and Practice re- lating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. 6th ed. ; by William Barber, R. B. Haldane, and W. R. Sheldon. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1888. F 1 U 12, 13 DARTMOUTH, Earl of. MSS. of. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Historical MS. Commission.] E DARVALL, W. H. C. Poetry and Public Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 DARWIN, Charles, F.R.S. The Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 27 R 21, 22 The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 27 R 32 Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection. [See Poulton, E. B.] A 27 Q 18 Darwin and the Origin of Species. [See Brooks, Prof. W. K.— Foundations of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 Eulogium on Charles Darwin. [See Flower, Sir W. H. — Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.- Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 DARWIN, Dr. Francis, F.R.S. The Elements of Botany. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1895. A 20 Q 19 DARWIN, Prof. George Howard. The Tides and kindred Phenomena in the Solar System. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 Q 31 DARWIN, Major Leonard. Bimetallism: a Summary and Examination of the Arguments for and against Bi- metallic System of Currency. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 39 Questions to be considered by the Indian Currency Com- mittee. Svo. Lond., 1898. F 15 U 18 DARZENS, Rodolphe. [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 DASENT, Sir George Webb. Popular Tales from the Norse; with an Essay on the Origin and Diffusion of Popular Tales. Svo. Edinb., 1888. J 12 U 34 DASENT, John Roche. Acts of the Privy Council of England. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Privy Council] B 38 T 1-U 1 DASTUGUE, Maxime. [Reproduction of his Picture] At the Bath. [See Lansing, Clarence.- The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t 158 Tublic Library of New South Wales. DAUDET, Alphonso. CEm 5. Tartarin sur les Alpes. 0, 7. Lc Nabab. 8. Les Rois en Exil. 9. Les Femmes d' Artistes— Robert Hclmont -Etudes ct 13. Fromont Jeuno et Risler Aine. 11. Les Amoureuses— Poemes et Fantaisies, 1857-01. 12. Lettres de Mon Moulin. 13. Trenteansde Paris. 1-1, 15. Jack. 16. Sapho. 17. Numa Roumestan. Contes Militaires. Edited by J. T. W. Perowne. 12mo. Loncl, 1892. (Army Holiday Ser.) J 11 P 50 The Hope of the Family. Adapted by L. Caraac. 1 2mo. Loml., 1898. J 22 P 31 Tartarin of Tarascon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 24 U 9 Tartarin of the Alps. Translated by H. Frith. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 24 U 10 Alphonse Daudct ; by las son Leon Daudet, Translated by Charles De Kay. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C 18 P 29 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M.— Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 30 [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 2G U 2 DAUNCEY, W. G. Iron Deposits of Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q DAUNT, W. J. O'Neill. A Life spent for Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 23 V 10 DAVENANT, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Life, Letters, and Writings of ; by Morris Fuller. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 21 DAVENANT, Sir William. Salmacida Spolia, (English Masques.) H 11 It 17 Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. — Laureates of England.] DAVENPORT, Dr. Charles Benedict. Experimental Morphology. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8 vo. New York, 1897-99. A 3G T 8, 9 1. Effect of Chemical and Plivskal Agents upon Pro- toplasm. 2. Effect of Chemical and Physical Agents upon Growth. DAVENPORT, Cyril. The English Regalia. 4to. Lond., 1897. K 17 T 22 t Royal English Bookbindings. [See Portfolio, The.— Monographs, 30.] E H 1 1 R 1 DAVENPORT, Fanny. [Portrait and Sketch of. | [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] DAVENPORT, Herbert Joseph. Outlines of Economic Theory. 8vo. New York, 189G. F 13 R 2 DAVENPORT, Hester. St. Jeroi [See Largent, Rev. G 26 Q 4 DAVENPORT, Samuel. Cultivation of the Olive and Manufacture of its Fruit. 8vo. Adelaide, 1870. MA 4 T 12 Cultivation of the Olive and Manufacture of its Fruit. (S.Aust. Chamber of Manufs., Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Fermentation of Grape Juice. (Adelaide Philos. Soc, Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S Sericulture. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 DAVEY, Richard. Cuba, Past and Present, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 33 S 3 Victoria, Queen and Empress. With Portrait, 8vo Lond. (n.d.) B 19 It 1 [Life of] Mary Tudor. [See Mary I, Queen of England.] DAVEY, Col. Thomas, Lieut.-Govenior of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t DAVEY, William. Illustrated Practical Mesmerist, Curative and Scientific. 2nd ed. 12mo. Edinb, 185G. G 15 IT 9 DAVID, King of Israel. Tales of the Warrior King. [See Macduff, Rev. J. R.] B 36 It 9 DAVID, F. A. Les Antiquites d'Herculanum avec lour Explications en Fran-ais. 12 vols. 4 to. Paris, 1780 - 1803. B 19 It 11-23 t DAVID, Gerard. [Life of.] [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 24.] E DAVID, Mrs. Tannett William Edge-worth. Funafuti; or, Three Months on a Coral Island : an Unscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MD 3 T 36 DAVID, Prof. Tannett William Edgeworth. Address by, as President of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Discovery of Glaciated Boulders at base of Permo-cav- boniferous Svstem, Lockinvar, N.S.W. (1'ov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 It Evidences of Glacial Action in Australia in permo-car- boniferous time. (Geolog. Soc, Lond., Journ., 1896.) E Occurrence of Diatomaceous Earth at the Warrunibungle Mountains, N.S.W. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P Supplementa ry Catalogue — 1896-1 900. 159 DAVi D, Prof. Tannett William Edgcworth— contd. Oc- u T enceofEadiolaria in Paleozoic Rocks in New South \ "iles. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P ' V. des. ' (Hoy. Soc, N.S.V, Journ, \*.) ME 1 11 EdiLIe Earth from Fiji. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ, ISM.] ME IK Fu iher Evidence as to the Glacial Action in the Bacchus Marsh District, Victoria. [See Australasian Assoc. l ■ • Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.] ME 18 S Occurrence of a submerged Forest, with remains of the Dugong, at Shea's Creek, near Sydney. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W, Journ, 1896.] ME 1 R lb rds of Rock Temperature at Sydney Harbour Col- ''■ rv. Birthday Sliaft, Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. [See Boy. Sue, N.S.W., Journ., 1899. J ME 1 R . , and DUX, William Sutherland. Descriptions of the Paleozoic Fossils of New South Wales. [See X.S.W.- Geolog. Sun.] MA 5 V 20 . , ;u „l HOWCHIX, Walter. Glacial Features of ilia Inman Valley, Yankalilla, and Cape Jervis Dis- rict. (Roy- Soc, S. Aust, Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S ., N.S.W., Proc, ME 2 P , and PITTMAXN, Edward Fisher. Pale Radiolarian Rocks of New South Wales. (Ge Soc, Lond., Quarterly Journ., 1899.) F., Fishes of the Tall: X.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] • Beds (Jurassic ?) [See MA 5 V 23 Glacial Action, A.sliford Coal-iield. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, G.] ME 15 T DAVI'DS, (.'. A. Foley Rhys. Elements of Psychology. [See Robertson, G. C] G 19 T 16 DAVIDS, Caroline Augusta [Mrs. T. W. Rhys]. Kant o-.i Education. [See Kant, I.] G 24 P 11 DAVIDS, Prof. T. W. Rhvs. Buddhism. 1894. Suddhism : its 1 [istory ; York, 189G. DAYTDSON, Dr. Andrew. Dysentery. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 35 DAVIDSON, Rev. J. Tha 8vo. Lond., 189G. Lond., 189G. G 4 V 33 DAVIDSON", John. Fleet-street Eclogues. 2nd ser. 12mo. Lond., 1890. H 13 T 13 Godfrida : a Play in .'our acts. 12mo. Lond., 1898. II 12 Q 10 The Last Ballad, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1899. II 12 Q 13 New Ballads. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H 11 Q 29 DAVIDSON, Thomas. History of Education. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 20 R 13 Rousseau and Education according to Nature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 18 Q 17 DAVIES, Arthur Charle complete Peerage, Bai Direct. ay of some G being the first attemp the 'moment are boi Edinb., 1895. Fa , and CROOK ES, M. E. B. The Book of Public Arms: a Cyclopaedia of the Armorial Bearings, Heraldic Devices, and Seals as authorised and as used of the Counties, Cities, Towns, and Universities of the United Kingdom. 4to. Edinb., 1894. K 17 T 23 t DA VIES, Arthur Llewelyn. Law relating to Factories and Workshops. [See Abraham, May E.] F 13 U 5 DAVTES, C. W. T, Estimating Acidity of Milk. (Queens- land Agricult, Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 XT DAVIES, Dr. Charles. Description and Cultivation of Beet, (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufs., Papers.) MA 4 S 12 DAVTES, Edward. Capital: the Friend and Ally of Wage-earners and the Mainspring of Commerce. 8vo. Melb., 1890. MF 4 Q 58 DAVTES, Sir John. Complete Poems. Edited, with Memorial Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 187G. II 12 R 20, 21 DAVIES, Llewelyn. Relations between Cooperation and Socialistic A soirations. 12mo. Manchester, 1890. F 13 V 41 DAVIES, N. do G. The Chapel of Ptahhetep and the Hieroglyphics. [See Egypt Exploration Fund, fHh Mem.] B18Q32I DAVIES, Dr. Nathaniel Edward Yorke-. Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 26 R 30 DAVTES, Philip John. Standard Practical Plumbing: being a complete Encyclopedia for Practical Plumbers, amf Guide for Architects, Builders, Gas-titters, Hot water-fitters, Ironmongers, Lead-burners, Sanitary En gineers, Zinc-workers. 4th eel. Illustrated. 2 vols. rov 8vo Lond., 1895. A 34 V 8, 9 160 Public Library of New South Wales. DAVIES, Rowland Lyttelton Archer. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 68.) E DAVIES, Theo. H. Letters upon the Political Crisis in Hawaii. Svo. Honolulu, 1891. MF 5 Q 8 DAVIES, Prof. Thomas Witton. Magic, Divination, and Demonologv among the Hebrews and their neighbours, including an Examination of Biblical references and Biblical terms. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 U 43 DAVILA, Enrico Catcrino. History of the Civil Wars of France. Translated by E. Farneworth. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1758. B 19 R 23, 24 t DAVIN, Nicholas Flood. Eos : an Epic of the Dawn, and other Poems. With Portrait. 12mo. Regina, 1889. H 1 Q 47 DAVIS, Lieut. C. H. Telegraph Determination of Longi- tudes. [See Green, Lieut. F. M.] A 13 W 25 t DAVIS, C. Wood. Future Wheat Supply of the United States. [See Crookes, Sir W.— The Wheat Problem.] [A 35 Q 15 DAVIS, Cecil T. Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire. [See Gloucestershire Notes and Queries.] B 40 P G DAVIS, Charles Thomas. The Manufacture of Leather Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1897. A 13 U 10 DAVIS, G. B. Training of Teachers for Public Element- ary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. George B. The Elements of Law : an Introduction to the Study of the Constitutional and Military Law of the United jStates. Svo. New- York, 1897. F 13 T 16 DAVIS, George Latham. Steering. (Lehmann, R. C— Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 DAVIS, Brig. -Gen. George W. Puerto Rico: Reports. [See United States.— Dept. of War.] D 22 U 12 DAVIS, H. L. Description of an Antique Plaque. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1S9G.) ME 1 T DAVIS, H. W. Carless. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) the Hero of two Nations. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1900. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 27 Q 13 DAVIS, Herman S. The Parallax of Eta Cassiopeia; de- duced from the Rutherfurd Photographic Measures. Svo. New York, 1895. A 46 S 20 DAVIS, J. Sewerage Systems of North Sydney and Double Bay. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R DAVIS, Rev. J. D. A Maker of New Japan— Rev. J. H. Neesima. Illus. Svo. New York, 1894. G 19 U 10 DAVIS, Col. John. History of the 2nd, Queen's Royal Regiment, now the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment, Vols. 2 and 3, 1684-1799. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 5 V 39, 40 DAVIS, JohnC. Australian Cricket Annual : a Complete Record of Australian Cricket in 1895-96. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 P 69 DAVIS, Lucius D. Ornamental Shrubs for Garden, Lawn, and Park Planting ; with an Account of the origin, capabilities, and adaptations of the numerous species and varieties, native and foreign, and especially of the new and rare sorts suited to cultivation in the United States. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 1899. A 23 -V 22 DAVIS, Nathan. Inscriptions in the Phoenician Character now deposited in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] B 47 P 26 .1: DAVIS, Dr. Nathan S. Therapeutics of Renal Diseases. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. Nathaniel Newnham-. The Transvaal under the Queen. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. * B41W5 DAVIS, Richard Harding. Cuban and Porto Rican Cam- paigns. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 36 R 15 Our English Cousins. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1899. B 25 P 14 Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America. Illus- trated. Svo. New York, 1896. D 13 P 13 DAVIS, Dr. Robert T. Reminiscences of 1846. (Semi- centennial of Anaesthesia.) A 17 It 2 f DAVITT, Michael. Life and Progress in Australasia. Svo. Lond., 1898. MD 4 T 43 DAVY, Sir Humphry. Humphry Davy, Poet and Phil- osopher ; by Dr. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 20 U 16 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DAVY, J. S. Report on an Investigation of the Fishing Apprenticeship System. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Fishing Apprenticeship System.] F 17 T 26 f DA VYDOFF, Sophie. La Dontelle Russe : Histoire Tech- nique Statistique. 4to. Leipzig, 1895. A 29 Q 11 + DAW, Albert W., and Zacharias W. The Blasting of Rock in Mines, Quarries, Tunnels, &c. : a Scientific and Practical i!e Treatise for the use of Engineers and others engaged in Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, &c, and for Mining and Engineering Students. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 10 U 9 1. The Principles of Rock Blasting and their general application. Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-1 000. rlesG. The Banking System of the United 1 its Relation to the .Money and Business of DAWN OF KURoPKAX LITERATURE. The: a Journal for Australian Women, May, lo-April, 1899, June, 1899-April, 1900. 5 vols. . 8vo. Sydney, 1895-1900. ME 18 Q DAWSON", William Harlni of Present-day Social Social Switzerland :Studie Lond.. 1897. ° F 15 I! DAWSON. Ley. William .lames. London Idylls. 8vo. Lond., 1895. * J 8 T 38 DAY, Francis. Commercial Sea Fishes of Great Britain. (Intermit. Fish. Exhib.— Fisheries Lit). A 34 R 8 Fish Culture. (Tnternat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 31 R 2 The of Fi: escriptive Sketch of the Physical Geography and Ceology of the Dominion of Canada, [See Selwyn, Dr. A. R. C] A 39 R 11 SVSON, Sir John William, F.R.S. Eden Lost and Won : Studies of the Early History and Final Destiny of Man as taught in Nature and Revelation. 8vo. Lond., M .';->. G9W9 rigin of the World according to Revelation and Science. 8vo. New York, 1877. G 24 P 31 clies of Primeval Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 R 28 tore of the Earth and Man. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 40 T 22 .dditional Notes on Fossil Sponges and other organic remains from the Quebec Group at Little .Metis, on the Lower St. Lawrence. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 e on Cryptozoon and other ancient, Fossils. [See IcGill University.- Papers from Dept. of Geology.] A 40 S 9 iew of the, Evidence for the Animal Nature of lozooii Canadense. [See McGill University.— Papers •um Dept. of Geology.] ' A 40 S 9 SON, Lilj y (n.d.) s Hampden Waltz. Sm. fol. Svd- MA 13 P 5 t ON, Miles Mcnander. American Life Insurance thods. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F16R24 ON, Samuel Edward. North America. Vol. 1. istratcd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Stanford's Com idium of Geography and Travel.) I.) 15 R 19 Indian Fish and Fishing. (Tnternat, Fisheries Exhib. Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 DAY, Dr. George E., F.R.S. Physiological Chemistry. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] " A 36 S 22-25 ,hat it is, and what it ney, 1890. MF 3 Q 17 in the Market Place. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. DAY, John. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 DAY, Lewis F. Alphabets Old and New. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 Q 24 Nature in Ornament, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. (Text-books of Ornamental Design.) A 44 U 1 Windows: a Book about Stained Painted Glass. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R 6 William Morris and his Art. [See Art Journal.] A 20 R 12 t , and BUCKLE, Mary. Art in Needlework; a Book about Embroidery. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1900. (Text-books of Ornamental Design.) A 40 P 23 DEAD MARCH OF THE WATERS, The, and other Verses ; written in Australasia. [See B, W.A. ] Mil 1 V 10 DEAKIN, Alfred. The Present Federal Crisis. ( People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 1) LA KIN, Dr. Hi and Ferns of I Sri the Flowering Plants vo. Lond., 1851 58. A 20 R 9 12 DE ALBINI, F. [See Albini, F. de.] 1)E AMTCIS, Edmondo. Morocco: its People and Pla< Translated by M. H. Lansdale. Illustrated. 2 v. 8vo. Philad., 1897. D 18 S 25, On Blue Water. Translated by J. B. Brown". Ill trated. 8vo. New York, 1897. D 22 t Public Library of New South Wales. DEAN, George Alfred. The Culture, Management, and Improvement of Lauded Estates. Illustrated. Hoy. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 31 V 13 Political Rights of the English People : how acquired, retained, or forfeited; to which is added, a Sketch of such Eights under Ancient and Modern Republics. Svo. Loud., 1875. F 5 11 21 DEANE, Henry. Address as President of the Linnean Society of New .South Wales. (Linnean. Hoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P Anniversary Address, delivered to the Royal 'Society of New South Wales, May 4th, 1898. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Prir ; unha Dro i as regards Rainfall, (Roy.Soc, N.S.W., of i R , and MAIDEN, Joseph Henry. The Eucalypts of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897, 1899.) ME 2 P The Grey Gum of the North Coast Districts. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P New species of Eucalyptus from the Sydney District. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Observations on the Eucalypts of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96, 1898.) ME 2 P The White Ash of Southern New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P DEANE, William J. The Book of Wisdom. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Apocrypha.] G 25 R 3 DEARBORN, Dr. George Van Ness. The Emotion of Joy. Svo. New York (n.d.) G 25 V 5 DEARMER, Rev. Percy. Religious Pamphlets [Reprints] with Introduction and Notes. Svo. Lond., 1898. (Pamphlet Lib.) G 23 Q 32 Social Work of the Undivided Church. (Reid, A.- The New Party.) P 15 P 29 DEAS-THOMPSON, Sir Edward. [See Thompson, Sir E. Deas-.] DE BANVILLE, Theodore Faullain. [See Danville, T. P. de.] DEBATER, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5, Julv-Aug., 1882. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1882. [All published.] MF 5 V 8 DE BERNARDT, (i. B. Trials an the Text-hook of the Labor Ext pendence, 189G. of Labor no. Inde F 4 T 22 DE BOUVOIR, Roger. Sketch of. [See Bingham, Capt. D.— Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 DEBRETT'S House of Cor 1890. Illustrated. 8v Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1836-1900. 75 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836-1900. E DE BROGLIE, Albert, due. [See Broglie A., due de.] DE BROGLIE, Emmanuel. [See Broglie, E. de.] DE BURGH, A. Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, [See Elizabeth, Empress of Austria.] C 24 P 14 DE BURY, Yetta Blaze. [See Bury, Y. B. de.] DE CANDOLLE, Alphonse and Casimir. [See Candol'e, A. and C. de.] DE CAUN, J. W. The best system of Life Insurance for Fishermen, and of insuring Boats, Gear, Nets, Arc. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib.— Fish. Lit.) A 34 R 9 DECKER, John W. Cheddar Che Svo. Madison, 1895. Illustrated. A 18 R 29 DECKER, Thomas. [See Dekker, T.] DECLE, Lionel. Three Years in Savage Africa; with an Introduction by II. M. Stanley. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 7 DECLOUX, — , and DOURY, — . Histoirc Archcologique, Descriptive et Graphique de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais. Fol. Paris, 1857. G 12 X 22 f DE COQUE, John Vincent. Report on Spotted Gum, with especial reference to its value for Wood-paving. [See Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.] ME 9 R DECORAZIONT INTERNE delle Moderne Abitazioni in Italia. 2nd ed. Vol. 1, lst-Srd ser. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 41 + DE FARCY, Louis. [See Farcy, L. de.] DE FLEURY, Dr. Maurice. [See Flcury, Dr. M. de.] DEFOE, Daniel. Jure Divino : a Satyr. Sm. fol. Lond., 1706. H 22 Q 1 f Shortest way with the Dissenters. (Dcarmer, Rev. P. - Religious Pains.) G 23 Q 32 DE GARMO, Dr. Charles. Uerbart and the Herbartians. [With Bibliography.] Svo. New York, 1S95. (Great Educators.) G 9 W 23 Apperception. [See Lange, Dr. K] G 15 U 33 Manual of Empirical Psychology as an inductive Science. [See Lindner, Prof. G. A.] " G 23 P 54 DEGHUEE, Joseph Albert. Acids in the Juice of the Sugar-cane. Svo. New York, 1893. A 44 S IS DE GONCOURT, Edmond. [See Go rt, E. de.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. DE GROODT, James H. Advs Compton, A. G.] DEI (ill! OX, K. The Old I Reelings on the Texts of I Flet .her, Peele, Marlowe, Cha Middle-ton, Dekker, Websti p. DE KAY. Cha DEKKKit, Thomas. Conjectural Reading on the Text • >f. | See Deighton, K. -The Old Dramatists.] H 1 1 R 13 A Knight's Conjuring. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 8 London's Tempe ; or, the Field of Happiness. [See Percy So..] 11 US 12 The Se en Deadly Sins of London. [See English Scholar's Lib.. Pubs] ' J 3 T 21 Troia -Nova Triumphans : London Triumphing. [See Percy Soc.] H 11 S 12 , CHETTLE, Henrv, and HAUGHTON, Wil- lia.n. Patient Grissil. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 1 1 DE KNIGHT, William F. History of the Currency of the Country and of the Loans of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] F 18 Q 22 DE KOCK, Charles Paul. [See Kock, C. P. de.] DELANY, Mary [Mrs. — .] (Mary Granville). Memoir of : compiled by G. Paston. With Portraits. 8vo. L 3i.L, 1900. C 26 Q 18 DELA ROCHE, Achille. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 DE LA SIZEEANNE, Robert. English Contemporary Art. Translated by 11. M. Povnter. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1898. A 39 R 22 DELI ! )S, Leon. The Metric Syst Lond., 1900. of Public Stud.-nt's ns and Social DENNISTON, J. E. [Life of] Lord Campbell. [See Melbourne Review, 6.] ME 18 Q [Life of] Lord Melbourne. [See Melb. Rev., 4.] ME 18 Q Supplementary Ca lalogue — 1896-1900. DENNY, G. A. Blanket Depo to those met with at the Yr\heid District, South A Illustrated. 8 The Ivlerksdorp 1900. being a 1 nicCondit: DENT. Dr. Clinton Thomas. Insanity and Surgical ( >p nations. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 41 DENTON, A. A. Manufacture of Sorghum Sirup. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 r Supply to Villages and Rural Districts. (Tntcr- . Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 DEN VER PT HETC El BRARY. Public Library Hand- hook. 18mo. Denver, 1895. J 1G T 43 DEPEOIGE, Simon. Referendum in Switzerland ; with a E. iter on the Referendum in Belgium, by J. Van Den lleuvel. Translated by 0. P. Trevelyan. Edited, with Notes, Introduction, and Appendices, by Lilian To,,,,,. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Studies in Economics and Political Science.) F 15 Q 34 DEPKEE, Charles Lambert. [Obituary Nol of Civil Engineers, Proa, 115.) eof.] (Ins [See Baudelaire, O] J 24 S 19 DE RANCE, Charles E. Possible Increase of Under- ground Water Supply. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 11 V 4 DERBY, Edward (JeolVrey Stanley, I 111, Earl of. [Por- trait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 DERBY, Edwan of.] [&«Ei I Pe ley, 15th Earl of. [Sketch s.] C 19 Q 22 y, 1st Earl of. [Eu B IG S DERBYSHIRE CAMPAIGN SERIES. DERBY, Thomas Lorde of.] [See Funerals.] The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire I Slessor, Capt. A. K.| The 93th (the Derbyshire) Regim Raines, Gen. Sir J.] The 05th (the Derbyshire) Regin Wylly, Maj. H. C] the Sikkim Expe- rt. A.] B 31 R 12 B 31 R 13 ntral India. [See B31 R 10 le Crimea. [See DERCUM, Dr. Francis X. The Drug Habits. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Localized Spasms, idealized Palsies, Facial Hemiatrophy. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P IG Text-book on Nervous Diseases; by American Authors. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 31 Q 18 DERECHEF, Ralph. Manual of the History of French Literature. [See Brunetiere, P.] * J 4 T 27 DERENBOURG, Hartwig. Nouveau Memoire sur l'Epi- taphe Mineenne d'Egypte inscrite sous Ptolemee, fils de Ptolemee, avec tin rapport Sommaire sur les Confer- ences de l'Exercice 1894-95 et le Programme des Con- ferences pour l'Exercice 1895-96. 8vo. Paris, 1895. B 39 U 8 DE RETZ, Cardinal. [See Retz, Card, de.] DE RETZ, Gilles. [See Retz, Gilles de] DERTCK, Carrie M. A few Notes on Canadian Plant lore. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of DERRY, Bishop of. [See King, W.] DERWENTWATER, James Radcliffe, Earl of. [Memoirs of.] [Sre Thomson, Katherine.— Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 2 DESBORDES-VALMORE, Marceline [Mme.] [Verses bv.l [See Verlaine, F.- Les Poetes Maudits.] ' H 1 1 U 33 DESCARTES, Rene. Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason, and seeking truth in the Sciences. ' Translated by J. Veitch. With Portrait. Chicago, 1899. G 17S33 Specimina Philosophic sen Dissertatio de Methodo. Sm. 4to. Amstelodami, 1G77. A 29 S 7 Public Library of New South Wales. DE SCHWEINITZ, Dr. George E. Diseases of the Con- junctiva, Sclera, and Cornea. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 10 DESHAYES, Gerard Paul. Catalogue of the Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat, Hist.] A 43 V 21, 22 DESJARDINS, Bene. Semillante : Valse Brillante. Sin. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t Song : Thou'rt not for i Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t DESPEISSIS, J. Adrain. The Jerusalem Artichoke. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 DESSAIX, Gen. Joseph Marie. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] II 1 T 15 DESTREE, Joseph. Les Heurea de Notre-Dame dites de Henncssy, Etude sur un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Royale de Bclgique. Illustrated. -Ito. Bruxelles, 1895. G 23 V 1 DESTBEE, Olivier Georges. Renaissance of Sculpture in Belgium. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 23.] E DE TABLEY, Sir John Fleming Leicester Warren, Baron. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 DE THIERRY, C. Colonial Sovereignty. (Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, April, 1900.) E Imperialism: with an Introduction by W. E. Henley. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 21 DETMER, Dr. W. Practical Plant Physiology : an In- troduction to original research for Students and Teachers of Natural Science, Medicine, Agriculture, and Forestry. Translated from 2nd German ed. by S. A. Moor. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 32 R 40 DEULLY, Eugene. [Reproduction of his Picture] Undine. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 } DEUTSCH-AUSTIiALISCIIE POST, 1899. Fol. Syd- ney, 1899. ME DEUTSCII-AUSTRALISC1IESECII0, from No. 1, Aug.- Dec, 1895. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 21 T DEUTSCH-FRANZOSISCHER KRIEG, 1870-71. Deutsch-Franzosischer Krieg, 1870-71. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1874-75. B 41 S 11-13 ! of. G vols. 12mo. H 12 Q 4-9 er Poems Classical anil 2. Legends of St. Patrick; Oiseen the Bard and St. Patrick; Legends of Ireland's Heroic Age; Early Irish Records. 3. Alexander the Great : St. Thomas of Canterbury ; and other Poems. 4. May Carols, or Aneilla Domini ; Legends of the Saxon 5. Inisfail : a Lyrical Chronicle of Ireland ; the Irish Sisters; Early Poems, Meditative or Devotional; Poems for the most part connected witli the <;rea! Irish Famine, lslo-Hl; l/rbs Roma; St. Peter's Chain. G. Legends and Records of the Church and the Empire. Personal Character of Wordsworth's Poetry. (Knight, W.— Words worthiana.) J 14 R 15 Recollections of. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 11 Speech bv, to the Members of the Wordsworth Society. (Knight, W.— Wordsworthiana.) J 14 It 15 Economies. 8vo. New F 15P37 DE VIS, Charles Walter. Description of a Flycatcher, presumably new. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proc., 1895.) " ME 2 P Description of a new Bird of Paradise from British New Guinea. (Ibis, April, 1897.) E Diagnosis of thirty-six new or little-known Birds from British New Guinea. (Ibis, July, 1897.) E Mandible of Zygomaturas. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1894.) " ME 1 T Marsupial Bones of the Coimaidal Limestone. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Review of the Fossil Jaws of the Macropodidte in the Queensland Museum. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P DE VOGUE, Eugene Melchior. [See Vogue, E. M. do.] DEVONSHIRE, Elizabeth Harvey, Duchess of. The two Duchesses. [See Foster, V.] " C 25 Q 20 DEVONSHIRE, Gcorgiana, Duchess of. The two Duch- esses. [See Foster, V.] C 25 Q 20 DEVONSHIRE, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th Duke of. [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 DEVONSHIRE, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 DE WAAL, Dr. C. With Rhodes Cape Town, 189G. ii Mashonaland. 8vo. D 14 Q 17 DEWAR, George A. B. Memoirs of Sir Claude A. B. Champion de Crespigny. [See Champion de Crespigny, Sir Claude.] C 22 Q 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 167 Le r fro .the cAi The 'iiiuv of .Statistics. ] F40V30 + ;ularity of Employment. F I V 1 American Eeon. Assoc.) F 1 VI I •:Y, Dr. Edward Hooker. A New Era for Woman : •■■Ath without Drugs, a plain pathway to the " King- ii: of Health, without money and without price ;" lar..-.--.l possibilities of reaching the natural limit life assured. 12mo. Norwich,' 1890. A 33 Q 27 True Science of Living : the New Gospel of Health, .■.ctieal and Physiological : Story of an Evolution of a.ural Law in the Cure of Diseases for Physicians; ■ v, the Sick got well; how the Well get sick ; Alco- '.•-.\n freshly considered ; with Introduction by Lev. ;•'. Pentecost. 8vo. Norwich, 1895. A 32 It 35 ■;Y, Prof. John. Psychology. 3rd ed. 8vo. New ork, 1898. G ITS 31 Study of Ethics. 8vo. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1891. DEW iiY, Dr. John Hai ism ; or, Mir The New Tcstan ■ Po JCUlt- irpn :ult and mystic 'ork, 1895. G 19 U 1 Pathway of the Spirit: a Guide to Inspiration, i ion, and Divine Realization on Earth. 8vo. esv York, 1890. (Christian Theosophy Ser.) G 23 It 17 Way, the Truth, and the Life: a Hand-book of hristian Theosophy and Psychic Culture ; a new Edit- ion based on the" Ideal and Method of the Christ, ih ed. 8vo. New York, 1888. G 23 It 1G rHo) Le; of Agi ,n Thistle. [See U -Div. of Botany.] i Thistle and other trouble [See United State: [ Sta DEWEY, Mai r E. Life [See Sedgw nst. Weeds. [See Div. of Botany.] A -11 Ull -Dept. of A 37 S 41 ome Weeds in the nd North and South Dept, of Agricult.— e M.l i:Y, Melvil. Abridged Decimal Classificalio telativ Index for Libraries, Clippings, Note Soy. 8vo. Boston, 1894. Cat, ■imal Classification and Relativ Index for Lib Clippings, Notes, &c. 5th ed. Roy. 8vo. E rary School Rules, Card-catalog Rules, Ac: look Rules, and Shelf-list Rules. 8vo. E ,-. The New Siberia: being an Account :• P, nal Lland of Sakhalin, and Politi- cises of the Trans-Baikal District, . Illustrated. 8vb. Lend., 1890. D 17 T 25 d-tields of Alaska to Bering Straits. ,-.->. Lond., 1898. D 1G T 20 DE WINTON, Major George Je< ing fifty years ago : Austra Lond., 1898. DE WINTON, Wilfred S. (Gore, Rev. C— Essays Church.) DEXTER, Edwin Grant. Inductive Study of tl Meteorological Conditio de Winton. Soldier- , in the forties. 8vo. MB 3 P 5 Increase of the Episcopate. n aid of the Reform of the G 23 S 28 'onduct of the Weather: an Mental Effects of Definite >. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 25 V 4 DEXTER, Dr. J. W.] DEXTER, T. F. G., and GARLICK, A. H. Psychology in the School-room. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 S 14 DIACONUS, Paulus. [See Paulus Di DIAMOND JUBILEE NAVAL REVIEW. Photographs of. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 8 S 18 t DIAMOND JUBILEE PROCESSION. Photographs of. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 8 S 17 t DIAZ DE BIVAR, Rodrigo, " Cid." The Cid Cam- peador and the waning of the Crescent in the West, [See Clarke, H. B.] ^ B 34 Q 15 DIBBS, Sir George Richard. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 1 DICK, Charles Hill. Lives of John Don Walton, I.] DICKENS, Charles. Works of. Illustrate 30 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) 1. Sketches by Boz. 2, 3. Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick C ? , Ac. [See C 27 P22 . OliN r Twis las Nk 13. Mar Clm/ (Joppeihelil. 1S| 19. Bleak House. 20. Child's History of Kugla 21, 22. Little Dorritt. '23. Tale of Two Cities. . Our Mutual ! hristmas Hooks hristmas Stoiie [ysterv of Kdwi Public Library of New South Wales. DICKENS, Charles— eontd. Bleak House. Illustrated by H. K. Browne. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 22 S 4 A Christmas Carol in Prose. 11th eel Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1845. J 2(3 Q 5 David Copperfield. Illustrated by II. K. Browne. 8vo. Lond., 1850. J 22 S 5 Dombey and Son. Illustrated by II. K. Browne. 8vo. Lond., 1848. J 22 S 6 Hard Times. 8vo. Lond., 1851. J 22 Q 11 Master Humphrey's Clock. Illustrated. 2 vols, (in 1) roy. Svo. Lond., 18 10. J 22 V 4 Oliver Twist. Illustrated by G. Criiikshank. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 184G. J 22 S 7 About England with Dickens. [See Rimmer, A.] D 1 G P 9 Charles Dickens : a Critical Study. [See Gissing, G.l J 14 V 21 To be read at dusk, and other Studies, Sketches, and Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 20 [Life of] ; by S. St. John Topp. (Melbourne Review G.) ME 18 Q [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C. -My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 Minor Writings of. [See Kitton, F. G.] J 2G U 4 The Novels of Charles Dickens: a Bibliography and Sketch. [See Kitton, F. G.] J 14 P 30 Pictorial Pickwickiana. [See Grego, J.] J 2G R 30, 31 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 11 18 [Sketch of.] [See Linton, Eliza.— My Literary Life.] "C 20 S 22 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 4 V 71 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F.— Early Victorian Literature.] J 8 T 37 DICKER'S MINING RECORD and Guide to the Gold- mines of Australia, including the Melbourne Stock and Share Circular under the authority of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne. Vols. 13, 5-9, Nov., 18(>]-- Dec, 1864, Aug., 1865-Dec, 1867. 8 vols. sm. fol. Melb, 1861-67. MA 10 Q 20-22, 21 28 f DICKIE, Archibald Campbell. Excavations at Jerusa- lem. [See Bliss, F. J.] B 28 T 9 DICKINSON, G. Lowes. The Development of Parliament during the 19th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 12 R 3 Greek View of Life. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 15 Prometheus unbound. [See Shelley, P. B.] H 13 Q 5 DICKINSON, Dr. Robert Lumley. Diseases of the Uterus. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 DICKINSON, Dr. William Howslip. Diseases of the Kidney characterized by Albuminuria. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 37 Dropsy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Lardaceous Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 36 DICKINSON, Dr. William Lee. Diaphragmatic Hernia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 36 Subphrenic Abscess. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A" 26 T 36 DICKSON, H. N. Meteorolo; Svo. DICKSON, Dr. Robert, and EDMOND, John Philip. Annals of Scottish Printing from Hie introduction of the Art in 1507 to the beginning of the 17th Century. Illustrated. 4to. Cam!)., 1890. A 20 P 11 f DICKSON, Rev. William Edward. Ely Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 DICKSON, William Kirk. The Jacobite Attempt of 1719. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 19.] E- DICKSON, Rev. William Purdie. The History of Rome. [See Mommsen, T.] B 30 S 13-17 DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. [See Stephen, L.] C 11 R DICTIONNAIRE LATIN-UVEA. 12mo. Paris, 1886. MJ 1 P 5 DIDEROT, Denis. Rameau's Nephew. Translated by S. M. Hill. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 Q 33 DIDIER, Adolphe. Cures efl! 18mo. Lond., 1861. DIECK, Col. Herman. Life and Public Services of the Hon. Grover Cleveland. [See Cleveland, Stephen Grover.] 23 Q 17 DIEHL, A. M. Musical Men DIESELDORFF, Arthur. New South Wales Co containing Iodine. (Boy. Soc, N.S.W., Jour D1ETHTCH, Albert, and WIDMANN, J. V. Recollec- tions of Johannes Brahms. [See Brahms, J.] C 27 S 10 DIEZ, Heinrich Friedrich von. Buch des Kabus oder Lehren des persischen Konigs Kjekjawuz fur semen Sohn Ghilan Schach. 8vo. Berlin, 1811. J 14 U 6 Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien in Kiinsten und Wissen" schaften, Sitten, Gebrauchen und Alterthiimern, Religion und Regierungsverfassung aus I landschriften und eigenen Erfahrungen gesammelt. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1811-15. B 16 R 26, 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. DKiBY. SirEverard. The Life of a Conspirator: being tli. Biography of Sir E. Digby l.v one of his descend- ants, illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 24 T 21 The G row tli of (heater Britain. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 K 18 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 , and WILKINSON, Spenser. Imperial Defence. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 11 DILKF Lady Emilia Frances (Mrs. Mark Pattison). French Painters of the 18th Century. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' A 20 S 2 f DILL. Prof. Samuel. Roman Society in the last Century of the Western Empire. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 3 I R 1G DILLMAN, A. Verzeichniss der abessinischen Hand- schriften. [See Berlin-Konigliehe Bihliothek.] K 11 U t DILLON, Mine. Infant Schools in France. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V 9 DTLLoN, E. J. Work while" ye Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] the Light. [See J 23 U 9 DILLON", Harold Arthur Lee-Dillon, Viscount, The Armoury. [See Loftie, W. J.— Authorised Guide to the Tower of London.] B 21 R 15 1)1 MOCK, Rev. Arthur. Cathedral Church of St. Paul: an Account of the Old and New Buildings ; with a short Historical Sketch. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Bell's Cathedral Ser.) G 26 S 7 DINGLER'S POLYTEC 1IXISV II ES JOURNAL, July, 1897-Dec, 1899. 10 vols. sm. fol. Stuttgart, 1897- Dl NW rDDIE, William. Puerto Rico : its Conditions and Possibilities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. 1) 13 S 8 DIOD ATI, Giovanni. La Sacra Bibbia. [See Bibles and Testaments.-— Italian.] G 9 U 29 DIODORUS. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T G DION YSIUS. [Opera.] [See Poet.e Gneei.] H 17 U 12 f DIOSY, Arthur. New Far East, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 20 " DIPLOMAT, A." Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B37P18 DTRA VA IHANAMONA ANEDIA [Hymn-book in the Papuan Language} Sydney, 'l89(l. MG 2 P 59 DIRECTORY AND HANI) BOOK of the Meat and Provision Trades and their allied industries for the United States and Canada. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 33 P 22 DISRAELI, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield. [See Bea- consfield, Earl of.] DISTANT, William Lucas. Rhopalocera Malayana : a Description of the Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Illustrated. 4 to. Load., 1882 86. A 18 Q 18 f Rhynchota from the Australian and Pacific Region. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1881.) E LITCHFIELD, Rev. Peter Hampson. Old English Cus- toms extant at the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 12 V 33 The Story of our English Towns ; with an Introduction by A. Jessopp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 23 S 21 DITTMAR, Franz, and SCHERZER, Georg. Ballhorns Niirnberger Wanderbueh : ein Fuhrer bei Wander- ungen in der Unigegend N urn bergs in den Gebieten der Pegnitz, Regnitz, Altmuhl ; nelist einem Anhang : Die Geologischen Verhiiltnisse der Unigegend Nurn- bergs von Dr. M. Hagen. 12mo. Niirnberg, 1889. D 12 P 64 DITTRICH, Ottmar. Mit Geschlossenen Augen. [See Bellamy, Edward.] J 1 V -17 DI VER, Jenny, [Life of]; "by Charles Andrews. (Vincent, Arthur.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 DIVINITY HALL RECORD, The. No. 1, Dec, 1879. 8vo. Brisk, 1879. MA 5 R 25 DIXON, Andrew J. Manual of Icemaking and Refriger- ating Machines : a Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Cold-production by mechanical means. 18mo. St, Louis, Mo., 1894. A 25 P 14 DIXON, C. Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights. Illus- trated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. J 24 Q 14 DIXON, Charles. British Sea Birds. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 T 39 Curiosities of Bird Life : an Account of the Sexual Adornments, Wonderful Displays, Strange Sounds, Sweet Songs, Curious Nests, Protective and Recog- nitory Colours and extraordinary Habits of Birds. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R G Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands. Illus- trated. 4to. Sheffield, 1900. A 44 W 4 The Migration of Birds : an attempt to reduce A vine Season-Flight to Law. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 S 25 Our Favourite Song Birds: their Habits, Music, and Characteristics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 U 35 DIXON, D. B. The Mechanical Arts simplified. Illus- trated. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. A 39 P 1 Public Library of Neic South Wales. DIXON, E. M. Workshop Instruction in Technical .Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhih. Literature.) A 11 V 10 DIXON, Harold R Domestic Use of Gas. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 DIXON, Hepworth. Robert Blake. [See Blake, Robert.] C 2G U 1 DIXON, Sydenha W.] DIXON, William other Matrim 1891. . Billiards. [See Broadfoot, Major A 29 8 23 )hn. Law and Practice in Divorce and lial Causes. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., FOR 41 DIXON, Dr. William MacNeile. English Poetry from Blake to Browning. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 189G. H 10 U 20 vith I [Criticism of the Works of] George Grote. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Henry Hallam. [See Craik. Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Walter Savage Landor. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Henry Hart Milman. [See Craik, Henry. -English Prose..] J G Q 38* DIXSON, Zella Allen. Comprehensive Subject-Index to Universal Prose Fiction. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 1-1 V 30 DJEMALEDDIN, Bey. Sultan Murad V, and the Turkish Dynastic Mystery, 1876-95. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 34 Q 14 With Portrait. H 11 R 18 Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 3rd ser. 8vo. Lond., '1896. J 14 T 17 Four Frenchwomen. 12mo. New York (n.d.) C27P19 Miscellanies. With Portrait. 12mo. New York, 1898. J 14 P 54 A Paladin of Philanthropy, and other Paper,';. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 22 Q 12 Song : Dolly Day. [Words.] 8m. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P G t Story of Rosina, and other Verses. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 11 R 27 Emma. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 1 Mansfield Park. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 2 Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 4 Pride and Prejudice. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 5 Sense and Sensibility. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 6 DOCK, Dr. George. Malarial 1 (iseases and Dengue. (Hare, i Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P15 DOBS Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland, 1841-42, 1844, 1846, 1848-1900. 59 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1841-1900. E DODD, Catherine I. Introduction to the Herbartian Principles of Teaching. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 S 15 DODD, Rev. Henry Philip. The Epigrammatists: a Selection from the Epigrammatic Literature of Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Times. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1889. J 16 R 40 DODD, Rev. William. Thoughts in Prison. 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 10 T 36 Beauties of Shakspeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] Libr. DODDS, James Miller. . [Criticism of the Works of] James Anthony Froude. [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DODGE, Charles Richards. Descriptive Catalogue of the Useful Fiber Plants of the World. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Fiber Investi- gations.] A 39 R 18 Recent Facts regarding the Ramie Industry in America, with brief statements relating to Manufacture in Europe, &c. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 15 Report on the Cultivation of Ramie in the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 30 R 31 Report on the Culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 57 Report on the Culture of Hemp in Europe. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Fiber Investiga- tions.] A 37 S 57 Report on Flax Culture for Fiber in the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 43 Report on Flax Culture for Seed and Fiber in Europe and America. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.- Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 57 Report on Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute. [See United States. -Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 1.6 Report on the Leaf Fibers of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 1 1 Report on Sisal Hemp Culture in the United States. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 17 Report on the uncultivated Bast Fibers of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 10 DODGE, Prof. Charles Wright. Introduction to Element- ary Practical Biology. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 27 S 4 Sup}) Icmcntary Cat a log tie — 1896-1900. v-U8 Adolphus : a His- I DOHRN, Dr. Anton. i its revival after the I Neapel. (Zoologii 171 DOLBEAR, Prof. Am r Phelps. Captaii s.) B 20 S 14 > .fe Piers Histo •y. Ill : a Chapter of is( rated. 8vo. F 12 T 21 The Machin of Physic mance of Matter, Etl Willian E. Dod, e, the Christian of Physic s Mart ). New York, Illustrate 18! C20U3 DODGSON, Campbell. Diii [See Knaekfuss, H.] A 45 W 5 Holbein. [See Knaekfuss, H.] A 45 W 2 Raphael. [See Knaekfuss, H.] A 45 W 1 Rembrandt. [See Knaekfuss, H.] A 45 W 3 Van Dyck. [See Knaekfuss, H.] A 45 W 4 DODGSON, Rev. Charles Lutwidge, '•Lewis Carroll.'' Alice's Adventures Underground: being a fac-simile of the original MS. Book afterwards developed into "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.'' Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. J 25 R 4 The '■ Lewis Carroll " Picture Book : a Selection from the unpublished Writings and Drawings of "Lewis Car- rol!,'' together with reprints from scarce and unac- knowledged work. Edited by S. D. Collingwood. 8v.». Lond., 1899. J 17 U 13 Life and Letters of ; by S. D. Collingwood. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 20 S 18 Reminiscences of; by I, A. Tollemaclie. (Among my Books.) J 14 Q 35 Symbolic Logic. Pt. 1. 12mo. Lond., 189G. G 9 V 41 I. Elementary. Through the Looking glass, and what Alice found there. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 R 5 DODGSON, F. H. Some abandoned Gold-fields of the Old World. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1895.) ME 1 T Rev. Marcus. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical re, The.] G 23 Q 17 DOH :rty, w. m. ealbyaGravin r Advancement Esti] mtion of Wheat (Austra ueal in Oat- ...sian Assoc. i.) ME 18 S DONALD. A Soc] ' DONALD, Jai K Ma ganese Nodules ian Assoc, foi <98.) found Adva ££ t of Scie i. (Austral- ico. Report, ME 18 S in the BL McGill Ut st 1 m : the Factors and Relations Edited by Prof. A. Lodge. ud., 1899. " A 33 P 42 DOLE, Charles Fletcher. Lond., 1898. DOLE, Helen B. Rustic Life in France. [See Theuriet, Andre.] D 18 S 17 DOLE, Nathan Haskell. Ai L. N., Count.] Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyai i Karcnina. [See Tolstoi, J 22 IT 16 [See Omar Khayyam.] H 4 R 40, 41 War and Peace. [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count,] J 23 S 3- 6 DOLE, Sanford B., and WILLIS, Albert S. The Hawaiia Crisis. 8vo. Honolulu, 1893. MF 3 R 7 DOLLFUS. G. Geol G.] Spitzbe: [See Ramond, A 25 V 36 DOLLINGER, Prof. Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 DOLMETSCH, H. Historic Styles of Ornament, with Historical and Descriptive Text. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 18 T 15 t DOMTNGUEZ, Dr. Manuel. Typhus Fc H. A. - System of Practical Therapeu r. (Hare, Dr. s.) A 31 P 15 New Zealand Year-book. Scientific. Entertaining. Dunedin, 1 899. ME 3 S [See Early English Text , Peculiar behaviour of Charcoa at Radnor Forges, Que. [See ersity. — Papers from Dept. of Botany.] 172 JPublic Library of New South Wales. DONALDSON, Rev. Augustus Blair. Five Great Oxford Leaders : Keble, Newman, Pusey, Liddon, and Church. 8xo. Lond., 1900. G 26 S 4 DONALDSON, James. Drawing and Rough Sketching for Marine Engineers, with Proportions, Instructions, Explanations, and Examples. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 38 S 16 DONALDSON, Thomas. Walt Whitman. [See Whit- man, W.] C 23 Q 23 DONATELLO (Donato di Niccolo di Betti Bardi.) Dona- tella [See Rea, H.] A 44 R 19 DONEUX, Lieut. -Col. A. Electricite et Magnetisme ter- restres : theorie de N. R Briick appliquee a la Phy- sique du Globe, a la Meteorologie, mix Incendies et au Grisou. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1894. A 20 P 30-32 DONISTHORPE, Wordsworth. Down the Stream of Civilization. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D13P10 DONN, Rob. [See Mackay, R,] DONNE, John, Dean of St. Paul's. Poems. Edited by E. K. Chambers; with an Introduction by G. Saintsbury. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10 U 31, 32 Life and Letters, now for the first time revised and collected by E. Gosse. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 4, 5 Life of, 1621-31 ; by A. Jessopp. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Leaders of Religion.) C 23 S 9 Essay on. [See Lightfoot, J. B., Bishop— Historical Essays.] J 12 U 27 Life of. [See Walton, I.] C 27 P 22 DONNELL, E. J. The True Issue : Industrial Depression and Political Corruption caused by Tariff' Monopolies. 8vo. New York, 1884. F 17 P 6 DONNELLY, Ignatius. Atlantis: the Antediluvian World. 11th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 R 22 The Cipher in the Plays and on the Tombstone. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 21 S 30 Ragnarok: the Age of Fire and Gravel. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 44 U 12 No Cipher in Shakespeare : a Refutation of the Great Cryptogram. [See Nicholson, Rev. A.] . J 10 U 35 DONNELLY, Ned. Self-defence ; or, the Art of Boxing. Edited by J. M. Waite. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 29 S 38 DONOHOE, M. H. The New South Wales Lancers. (Review of Reviews, March, 1899.) ME 9 U DONOVAN, Edward. An Epitome of the Natural His- tory of the Insects of India and the Islands in the Indian Seas. Illustrated. 4 to. Lond., 1800. A 18 R 9 t Natural History of the Insects of China, containing up- wards of 220 Figures and Descriptions. New ed., brought down to the present state of the science ; with Systematic Characters of each Species, Synonyms, In- dexes, and other additional matter, by J. 0. Westwood. 4 to. Lond., 1842. A 20 R 10 t DONOVAN, T. M. Queensland Politics and Federation. (Westminster Review, Aug.', 1899.) E DONOVAN, Thomas. English Historical Plays; by Shakespeare, Marlowe, Peele, Heywood, Fletcher, and Ford, arranged for acting as well as for leading. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 19, 20 DORCHESTER, Rev. Daniel. The Problem of Religious Progress. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 12 V 4 DORE, Gustave {in full Paul Gustave.) History of Don Quixote. [See Cervantes Saavedra, M. de.] J 20 T 3 f DORION, "Alba." [See Dorrington A.] DORIS, Charles. Secret Memoirs of Napoleon. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 21 U 7 DORMAN, Dr. Marcus Robert Phipps. Ignorance: a Study of the Causes and Effects of Popular Thought, with some Educational Suggestions. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 18 R 71 DORMAN, LONG, and CO. Steel Sections. Ob. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 22 P 47 DORPFELD, Dr. Wilhelm. The Mycensean Age. [See Tsountas, Dr. C] B 16 V 39 DORRINGTON, Albert, " Alba Dorion." Castro's Last Sacrament, and other Stoiies. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MJ 3 T 20 DORSEY, Sarah Anne, '• Filia." Lucia Dare. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1867. J 24 V 4 DOUGAL, F. H, and CO. Index to Advertisements for Next-of-kin,. Heirs-at-law, Legatees, &c, who have been advertised for to claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all parts of the World. 10th ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) K 10 T 29 DOUGALL. S. S. Soils and Mai Settler's Guide.) (West Australian MD 8 Q 54 DOUGHERTY, T. Heywood. Musicians and Musical Taste in Australasia. (Review of Reviews, April, 1897.) E Supplementary Catalogue — 18DG-1000. DOU< : LAS, Hon. Adyo. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by G. N. Stewart, (Once a Month, 1885.) MJ 1 V 20 DOU< i LAS, Dr. Charles. The Ethics of John Stuart Mill. [See MHI, J. S.] G 11 U 14 DOl'< J LAS, Sir George. The " Blackwood " Group. 8vo. IMinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 2-1 History of the Border Counties: Roxburgh, Selkirk, Peebles. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (County Histories of Scotland.) B 36 S 4 James Hog- [See Hogg, J.] C 20 V 19 Ringan Gilhaize. [See Gait, J.] J 12 Q 24 DOUGLAS, James. The Australian Colonies. (Canadian Monthly, Sept., 1876.) J 27 P 10 DOUGLAS, John. An Australian Nation. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q DOUGLAS, Loudon M. Bacon-curing from the British point of view. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 11 DOUGLAS, Robert B. A French Volunteer of the War of Independence. [See Pontigibaud, Che v. de.] C23P21 DOUGLAS, Prof. Robert Kennaway. China. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations). B 33 P 8 Confucianism andTaouism. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 4 V 18 Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, MSS., and Draw- ings in the Library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 13 R 13 f Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and MSS. in the I ibrary of the Britisli Museum. [See British Museum.] J 13 R 18 t DOUGLAS, W. S. Cromwell's Scotch Campaigns, 1650- 51. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 13 DO ["GLASS, Frederick. Life and Times of, written by himself; Ins Early Life as a Slave, his Escape from Bondage, and his complete History to the present time. 8vo. Boston, 1895. C 22 S 21 DO CRY, — . Histoire Archeologique, Descriptive et Graphique de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais. [See DOIXAMT, Dr. du Dauphine DOVE, Jane Frances. Work and Plav in Girls' Schools. [See Beale, Dorothea.] G 23 P 32 DOVER, Capt. Robert, [Essay on] Captain Dover's Cotswold (James. [See Gosse, Edmund.— 17th Cen- tury Studies ] H 10 W 23 DOWDEN, Prof. Edw English Literature with the sesquice University. 8vo. in connection of Princeton J 14 R 12 History of French Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 14 R 29 Wordsworth's Modernisat Wordsworthiana.) Life of Percy Bysshe She !iah' 1'il; . [&e Shakespe! Chaucer. (Knight, W.— J 14 R 15 [See Shelley, P. B.l C22T16 Hll V21 DOWDEN, John, Bishop of Edinburgh. The Celtic Church in Scotland : being an Introduction to the History of the Christian Church in Scotland down -to the death of St. Margaret. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 26 P 11 DOWNER, A. G. Our Paston Interest. 8vo. Ade- MF 5 Q 17 DOWNER, Sir John William. [Portra (Once a Month, Nov., 1885.) ; and Sketch of.] MJ 1 V 21 DOWNTON, Henry. Modern Physics. [See Naville, E.] A 24 R 29 DOWSE, Dr. Thomas Stretch. Treatment of Disease by Physical Methods. Illustrated. 8vo. Bristol, 1898. A 26 S 40 DOWSON, Ernest. Memoirs of Cardinal Dubois. [See Dubois, G, Cardinal.] B 41 R 4, 5 DOWSQN, J. Emerson. Decimal Coinage : Weights and Measures popularly explained. [See Molesworth, Sir G.] A 25 S 19 DOXAT, Henry. Lunar Almanac, containing the expected state of the Weather, Wind, and Temperature for 1862. 4to. Lond., 1861. A 30 Q 27 DOYLE, Dr. Arthur Cor 8vo. Lor Songs of Action The White C( , 1898. 12n mpany. .n. Micah Clarke. Illustrated. J 25 It 18 . Lond., 1898. H11Q28 >0th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 It 19 id Fall of the Matabele Nation. , 1893. B 28 Q 3 ares on Poetry, de- , Lond., 1877. II 13 V 14 DOYLE, John A. History of the Plimoth Plantation. [See Bradford, William.] B 13 X 4 t DOYLE, Dem 12mo. G DOYLE, Sir I liv Public Library of New South Wales. PRAHMS, Rev. August. The Criminal : his Personnel and Environment ; with an Introduction bv Prof. C. Lombroso. 8vo. New York, 1900. F 17 T 13 DRAKE, Sir Francis. Drake and the Tudor Navy. [See Corbett, J. S.] B 39 Q 16, 17 [Another copy.] New ed. [See Corbett, J. S.] B 30 Q 13, 14 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Vice-Adm. Sir F. G. D. Bedford. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 The Successors of Drake. [See Corbett, J. S.] B 41 R 14 Voyages of. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 48 DRAKE, James G. The Coloured Labour Problem in relation to Federation. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 DRAKE, Joseph Rodman. [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Litera- ture.] J 22 It 37 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 V 11 DRAKE, Samuel Adams. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1875. D 22 R 6 DRAKE DEL CASTILLO, E. Flore de la Polynesie Francaise: Description des Plantes Vasculaires qui croissent spontanement ou qui sont ge'neralement cultivees aux lies de la Societe, Marquise, Pomotou, Gambier, etWallis. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1893. MA 1 S 14 DRANE, Augusta Theodosia. History of St. Catherine of Siena and her Companions ; with a Translation of her Treatise on Consummate Perfection. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 47, 48 DRAPER, Dr. J. W. Sketch of ; by R. A. Proctor. [See Leisure Readings.] A 19 Q 16 DRAWBAUGH, Daniel. Testimony taken by the U.S. Patent Office in re application of Daniel Drawbauidi. Telephones, public use, and sale proceeding. [See United States. -Patent Office.] F 11 T 22 f DRAYTON, J. History of the Mountain Mystery [Murder of Capt, Lee Weller and A. T. 0. Preston]. 4to. Sydney, 1898. MF 3 U G8 DRAYTON, Michael. Harm Percy Soc] H 11 S DRESCHFELD, Dr. Julius. Endocarditis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Enteric Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 34 Infective Endocarditis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Ulcer of the Stomach and Duodenum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 DRESSER, A. R, Lantern Slides : how to make them. 2nd ed. Illust, 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 41 Q 5" DRESSER, Dr. Christopher. Studies in Design. Illus- trated. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 40 U 13 + DRESSER, Horatio Willis. In search of a Soul : a series of Essays in interpretation of the Higher Nature of Man. 8vo. Boston, 1897. G 23 R 18 Power of Silence : an interpretation of Life in its relation to Health and Happiness. 8th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1898. G 23 R 21 DREW, Harry. The Industrial Commonwcalt at Hebden Bridge. 8vo. Manchester, 1897. F 16 S 33 DREW, John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous Am. Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q DREW, Louisa [Mrs. John]. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay. F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 DREW, S. H. Natural History Notes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Notes on Regalecus Sp. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S On Formol for Preservation of Natural History Speci- mens. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S DREWRY, Dr. George Overend. Common-sense Manage- ment of the Stomach. 12mo. Lond., 1875. A 26 Q 42 DREYFUS, Capt. Alfred. L Affaire Dreyfus: Le Proces Zola. [See Zola, E.] F 8 Q 11, 12 L Affaire Dreyfus et lTmage. [See Grand-Carteret, J.] A 33 Q 29 The Dreyfus Case. [See Conybeare, F. C] F 15 Q 35 The Dreyfus Case. [See Guyou, G.] F 15 R 17 The Dreyfus Case. [See Zola., E.] F 15 P 16 History of the Dreyfus Case. [Sec Barlow, G.] P 1 2 R 36 The Tragedy of Dreyfus. [See Steevens, G . W. ] F 1 6 S 1 9 i French Literature, de- Lond., 1896. J 10 S 29 DRINKWATER, J. F. Miscellaneous Essays. With Portrait, 12mo. Lond, 1893. J 24 S 37 Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. DRTVER, Rev Introduction to the Literal ;t!i od. 8vo. Edinb., the Old Testament. (Internal-. Theolog. lid.; G24R11 . , and others. Authority and Archteology, Sacred . • hd Profane; with an Introductory Chapter on the N iture of Archeology, edited by D. G. Hogarth. 8vo. Loud, 1899. G 24 U 7 . _, and WHITE, Rev. Henry Alcock. Book of Leviticus. [See Bibles and Testaments.— English.] G 23 U 5 DRuZ, Gustave. Autour d'unc Source. 32nd ed. 12mo. 1'aris, 1897. J 24 R 2 DRUOE, S. B. L. Education of Boys intended to be Farmers. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 Mans of securing the supply of Meat to largely popu- lated centres. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 DR CCKER, Adolphus. The Evolution of the Aryan. [See riiering, R. yon.] A 19 U 14 DRUMMOND, Prof. Henry. The Ideal Life, and other unpublished Addresses; with Memorial Sketches by W. Rob Lond., 1897 The New Evai ).i Nicoll and Ley. J. Watsoi G 23 R 9 gelism, and other Papers. 8vo. Lond., [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 1G DR I MMOND, Dr. J. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T I DRE MMOND, James. Via, Veritas, Vita: Lectures on Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Hibbert Lectures.) G 25 Q 4 DR I MMOND, John, Duke of Perth. [See Perth, Duke of.] DRUMPELLER COLLIERY DISASTER. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Drumpeller Colliery Disaster.] DECRY, W. D. British Dogs. [See Dalziel, Hugh.] A 14 T 41* DRYDEN, John. Preface to the Fables. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Selections from the Works of. [See West, K.— Laureates of England.] II 11 R 1 DRYHURST, N. E. and A. R. Researches' in the History of Economics. [See Nys, Prof. E.] F 16 S 8 DU BARRT, Mine. Memoirs of. Translated by H. T. Riley. 4 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1896. B 33 It 10-13 DUJiBO HOME WORDS, The: a Parish Magazine and Monthly Record of Church Work in the Diocese of Bathurst. Vol. 1, 1883. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Bathurst, 1884. MJ 4 Q 10 DUJIBO LI BE HAL and Macquarie Advocate, 1899 [Juno 13th, missing]. Fol. Dubbo, 1899. ME DELES, Rev. J. H. His 1895. (American Ch Hist. Ser.) DUBLIN POST OFFICE DIRECTORY and Calendar for 1895. 8vo. Dublin, 189G. E DUBLIN REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-126, May, 1836- April, 1900. 126 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836-1900. E DUBLIN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, to which is added a List of the Fagel Collection of Maps in the same Library. Compiled by T. K. Abbott. 8vo. Dublin, 1900. , K 11 R 26 DUBNER, Frf ;,M.] [See Aurelius An- J 18 V 23 Dissertationes. [See Maximus Tyrius.] J 18 V 23 Dissert at ionos ab Arriano Uteris mandatae, Eragmentaet Enchiridion, cum Commentario Simplicii. [See Epic- tetus.] J 18 V 23 Tabula. [See Cebes.] J 18 V 23 DE T BOIS, Le Sieur, Voyages to the Islands Dauphine, or Madagascar and Bourbon, or Mascarenne in 1669-72. Translated and edited by L'apt, S. P. Oliver. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 U 7 DU BOTS, Prof. Augustus Jay. Stresses in Framed Structures, including the Strength of Materials and Theory of Flexure, also the Determination of Dimen- sions and Designing of Details, Specifications, com- plete Designs, and Working Drawings. 10th ed. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1896. ' A 18 P 24 t DUBOIS, Eelix. Timbuctoo, the Mysterious. Translated by Diana White. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 14 V 23 DUBOIS, Guillaume, Cardinal. Memoirs of. Translated from the French by E. Dowson. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B41 1! 4. 5 176 J?ublic Library of New South Wales. DUBOIS, J. A. Hindu Manners, Customs, and Cere- monies. Translated from the Author's later French MS., and edited, with Notes, Corrections, and Biog- raphy, by H. K. Beauchamp. With Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. G 23 S 12, 13 DUBOIS, Prof. Raphael. Physiologie Comparee de la Marmotte. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 28 DUBOIS, Raymond. First Steps in Ampelographv. [See Victoria.-— Agricult.] MA 3 V 12 Wine-making in Hot Climates. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA i R 37 DU BOIS, Dr. W. E. Burghardt. Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Harvard His- torical Studies.) F 3 T 19 DU BOULAY, Capt.NoelWilmotHoussemayne. Epitome of the Chino-Japanese War, 1894-95. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] B 33 P 5 DUBUFE, Guillaume. [Reproduction of his Picture] Pro- fane Music. [-See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 | DU CANE, Sir Charles, Govei of. [See Beattie, J. W.] nania. Portrait MA 11 P33 f DU CANE, Maj.-Gen. Sir Edmund Frederick. Early Days in Westralia, (Cornhill Magazine, May, 1897.) E DUCHESNE, Rose Philippine. [Sketch of.] [See Belloc, Bessie R.— Historic Nuns.] C 23 P 30 DUCHOCHOIS, P. C. Lighting in Photographic Studios. Revised and enlarged by W. E. Henry. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 41 Q 17 Photographic Reproduction Processes. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 23 S 28 DUCKHAM, Thomas. Causes which have checked the Development of our Home Production of Wheat, (In- ternal;. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V 1 DUCKWORTH, Sir Dyce. The General Principles of Dietetics in Disease - r or, the Feeding of the Sick. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Obesity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 DUCKWORTH, Wynfrid Lawrence Henry. Notes on Crania of Australian Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1897.) E DUCLAUX, Dr. C. Fermentation. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 6 DUCREST, Mme. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. [See Josephine, Empress of France.] C 23 V 2, 3 DUCREST DE SAINT-AUBIN, Stephanie Felicite. [See Genlis, Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de.] DUDEVANT, Mme. Amandine Lucile Aurore, "George Sand." [Essay on.] [-See Myers, F. W. H.— Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 [Sketch of.] [-See Grenier, E. — Literary Reminiscences.] C 26 Q 15 DUDGEON, Dr. John. Diet, Dress, and Dwellings of the Chinese in relation to Health. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 15 DUDLEY, Robert: Voyage to the West Indies, 1594- 95. [See Hakluyt Soc, Pubs., 2nd ser., 3.] E DUDLEY, Uriah. Mine Plans and Mine Models, with Suggestions for why and how they may be combined. (Australasian Inst, of Minim; Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P A Mining Puzzle. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Silver Lead Ore Zones of the Umberumberka Lode. (Australasian Inst, of Minim,' Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P DUERR, George, and TURNBULL, William. Bleaching and Calico-printing. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 25 U 19 DU FAUR, Eccleston. Antarctic Exploration. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, N.S.W Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P lie Notable Hailstorm of 17th November, 1896, in parts of parish of Gordon. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R DUFAUX, F. [Reproduction of his Picture] Baby's Bath. [See Lansing, Clarence— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 { DUFF, Rev. Archibald. Old Testament Theology ; or, the History of Hebrew Religion. Vol. 2. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 36 2. The Deuteronomio Revelation in Century VII B.C. DUFF, E. Gordon. Early English Printing : a series of Fac-similes of all the Types used in England during the 15th Century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroad. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 40 U 8 | DUFF, Harry. Legal Obligations in relation to Dwellings of the Poor ; with a Preface by A. Cohen. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 DUFF, Sir Mountsiuart Klphinstono Grant. Notes from a Diarv, 1851-88. 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897-1900. C 26 P 19-26 [-See Practical Politics.] Supplemen tary Catalogue — 1896-1900. DUFF. II. W. The Herring Fisheries of Scotland. (lu- te. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R (i DUFFERIN AND AVA, Frederick Temple Blackwood, .V.i-.mess of. Rectorial Address, delivered at St, Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] DUE! 1 ELD, Alexander Jaine; Deposits, with some relic have produced and the 1 G17T18 JuanoAge: the Guano oioney they D 1G R 7 An Aust i Eur, 30 Dl'I'TV, Sir Charles Cav; years ago. (Contemporary Review, Oc Ballad Poetry of Ireland. 43rd ed. (n.d.) My Life in two Hemispheres. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MC 1 T 32, 33 Our First Legislature. (Melb. Rev., 3.) ME 18 Q ' Port Phillip: a preliminary Chapter in the Political J listory of Victoria (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q ber, 1807.) E mo. Dublin H 10 V 27 vols. DUG I >ALE, Mrs DUGGAR, J. F. Dept. of Agr Sweet Potatoes. A Winter in Berlin. [See Bunsen, J 14 Q 40 Potato Culture. :ult.] [See United Sto DUE ES, Dr. Clem T. C— System ent. Hygiene of ^ of Medicine.) 'ou th. (Allbutt, Dr. A 2G T 34 Se lool Dormitories. (Internal. H< Ixhib. Literature.) .It i Exhib. -Health A 41 V 7 DUJ AURIER, E. i.-nie ou La \ 'Armenie-Lus Une Conference erite vraie declare intitule'e La Verit gnan. 8vo. Par s, • l'Histoirc d'Ar- propos dc la Bro- ur le Prince Leon 879. B 41 T 8 DUI :KEN, Henr • W. Waterloo. [S e Erckmann, E.l J 25 R 21 DU.M AS, Alexand 1 . G. Burnham 1 895. e. Celebrated Cri Illustrated. 8 vo . Translated by s. 8vo. Philad., F 7 P 26-33 Th ■ Regent's Da ighter. 8vo. Loi d., 189G. J 24 U 33 Tli ( Th Snow on Shal .omances. Three Musk( vo. Lond.(n i-Dagh and Ammalat Bey : Posthumous anslated by 11. Gordon. 8vo. Lond. J 14 Q 41 teers. Translated by H. L. Williams, d.) J 25 R 22 Tv. ■uty Years after. Translated vo. Lond. (n.d.) >y H. L. Williams. J 25 R 23 The Vicomte de Williams. 8vo Bragelonne. Ti Lond. (n.d.) am lated by II. L. J 25 R 2 1 [C deism of the Works of.] [See M itthews, J. B.— DUMAS, Alexandre, jun. [Criticism [See Matthews, J. B.— French J)n Century.] DUMAS, F. ( ;. 1 Uustrated Biographie Fol. Lond., 1882. of the Works of.] natists of the 19th H 12 R 1 The Martian. Peter Ibbets( 1898. , George. English Society. Illustrated, 'iid., 1897. * A 15 S 22 f Illust. 8vo. Lond., 189S. J 23 S 23 , Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 R 25 ,1 Satire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., J 14 V 29 Trilby. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R 2G In Bohemia with Du Manner. [See Moscheles, P.] C 24T 20 Notes on Higher Education in t. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. A 41 V 11 DUMONT, Albert. France. (Intern, Literature.) DUMONT, James A. Steamboat Inspectors' Manual. [See United States.— Steamboat Inspection Service.] DU MOHTIEIi, llarthelemy Charles. Hepatica- Euro- eensita. adjunct is Ilepaticis. Illustrated. Svo. Bruxellis, 1874. A 39 Q 14 DUN, William Sutherland. Australian Tseniopteridew. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Re- port, 1898.) ME 18 S Contributions to the Paleontology of the Upper Silurian Rocks of Victoria, based on specimens in the Collection of G Sweet. (R. Soc, Vict,, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Sponge Remains in the Lower Silurian of New South Wales. (Lin. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Two Fossil Plants from Dundas. (Roy. Soc, Viet., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P Additions to the Permo-Carboniferous Flora of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Australian Geological Record. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records.] ME 15 T Cardiopteris polymm-pha in the Carboniferous of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Descriptions of the Paleozoic Fossils of New South Wales. [See N. S. W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 20 Devonian Plant-bearing Beds on the Genoa River. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Sun., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Diatomaceous Earth Deposits of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Fauna of Devonian Boulders occurring at White Cliffs Opal-fields. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T 178 Public Library of Neio South Wales. DUN, William Suthe Penno-Carboniferous Flora of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Haw., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Receptactdites australis. [See N.S.W.— Gqolog. Surv, Records, 6.] ME 15 T Stratigraphical and Pakcontologieal Notes. [See N.S.W. —Geolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T DUNBAR, Edward Dunbar. Social Life in former days, chiefly in the Province of Morav. Illustrated by Letters and Family Papers. 8vo. Edinb, 1865. B 40 P 1 DUNBAR, William. [Life of]; by Oliphant Smeaton. Svp. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Scr.) C 20 V 10 DUNCAN, Adm. Adam. [Life of] ; by the Earl of Cam- perdown. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 17 DUNCAN, George. The various Theories of the Relation of Mind and Brain reviewed. 12mo. Load., 1869. G 17 Q53 DUNCAN, Dr. James Matthews. Fecundity, Fertility, Sterility, and allied topics. 8vo. Edinb., 1866. A 19 U 12 DUNCAN, R. C. Electricity and Magnetism. [See Gerard, E.] A 39 Q 1 DUNCAN, Sara Jeannette. [See Cotes, Sara Jeannette.] DUXCAXS WEEKLY REGISTER OF POLITICS, Facts, and General Literature. Vols. 1-5, July, 1843- Dec, 18-15. 5 vols. 4 to. Sydney, 1843-45. [All published.} MJ 3 W 1-5 "DUNCANS." How Money makes Money. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 33 DUNDONALD, Thomas Cochrane, Earl of. The Trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellenborough. [See Atlay, J. B.] F 13 T 29 DUXGOG CHROXICLE, Durham and Gloucester Adver- tiser, 1899. Fol. Dungog, 1899. ME DUNHAM, C. W. British Millers' Requirements in Wheat. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R DUNKIN, Edwin, F.R.S. The Midnight Sky : Familiar Notes on the Stars and Planets. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 12 T 23 t DUNLOP, Mrs. Francis Anna. Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop : Correspondence now published in full for the first time ; witli Elucidations by W. Wallace. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 5 DUNLOP, James. Approximate places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, observed at Parramatta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 3.) E Catalogue of Nebulas and Clusters of Stars in the South- ern Ilemis;,!,, re. observed at Parramatta, New South Wales. ( Hoy. Soc, Lond, Philosoph. Trans, 1828.) E Observations of Mars and Stars in his parallel, made at Parramatta, N.S.W, 1832. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E Observations on the Comet of 1825, and on the change s which take place in the figure of the tail, tending to establish the existence of a rotation round its axis. (Edinb. Journ. of Science, Jan, 1827.) A 30 Q 15 Observations of two Comets, 1833-34, made at Parra- matta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E Observations of Vesta and Stars in her parallel, made at Parramatta, N.S.W, 1833. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E James Dunlop, F.R.S, Astronomer Royal, N.S.W. 1831-47. [See Service, Dr. John.— Thir Notandums.] MJ 3 Q 46 Observations on two Comets discovered at Parramatta in 1824. [See Roy. Soc, Edinb, Trans, 10.] E DUNLOP, James M. Anatomical Diagrams for the use of Art Students ; with Introductory Preface by Dr. J. Cleland. Roy. Svo. Lond, 1899. A 35 W 5 DUNLOP, R. Restoration of the Jews. 12mo. Sydnev, 1863. MG 2 T 20 DUNLOP, W. Australian Folk-lore Stories. (Anthr. Inst, of Gt. B. and Ireland, Journ, 1S99.) E DUNN, E. J. Northward Extension of the Derrinal Con- glomerate. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Note on Perforated Rocks from Western Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P s of an Indian Winter. DUNNE, Lyell. Psyche, and other Poems. 12mo. Ade- laide (n.d.) MH 1 V 23 DUNNICLIFF, Alfred Atten. Cultivation of Broom Millet for manufacturing purposes. (Agricult. Gaz, N.S.W, 1890.) ME 9 R Onions. (Farmers and Ft.-growors' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Potatoes. (Farmers and Ft. -growers' Guide.) MA4U 1 The Tomato. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 DUNNING, Rev. Albert Elijah. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England and their Puritan Successors. [See Brown, Rev. J.] G 1 R 42 DUNNING, Prof. William Archibald. Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction and related topics. Svo. New York, 1898 F 4 U 37 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 179 DIN- 'AX. I', Geological Features of the Country b< 1'.v..en Warren and Mt. Lion. [See Queensland.- G, Jog. Surv., Bulletin 11.] MA 2 V 6 DUX STAN, Rev. E. Tn Evolution of the Pulpit. MG 1 P88 DUN TON, Theodore Watts- (Theodore Watts). Ayhvin. l.'th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 23 R 25 Tho Coming of Love: Rhona Bos well's Story; and other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " H 4 T 21 DUN WOODY, Lieut. H. H. C. Weather Proverbs. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 31 Q 6 DUP( >NT, R. Purchase of Cane by Density. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Aug., 1898.) ME 9 U DUP AND, Col. Algernon. The Making of a Frontier : Five Years' Experiences and Adventures in Gilgit, ilunza, Nagar, Chitral, and the Eastern Hindu-Kush. illustrated.' 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 S 9 DUb AND, Edward Dana. The City Chest of New Am- sterdam. (Goodwin, M. W.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 DUI! AND, Sir Henry Marion. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, |)r. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 DUUANDUS, William, Bishop of Mende. The Sacred Vestments : an English rendering of the third Book of the " Rationah- Divinorum Offieiorum ;" with Notes by Rev. T. H. Passmore. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 16 DUPiER, Albrecht. Die geheime Offenbarung Johannis mit ebiem Vorwort und begleitender Auslegung von Dr. J.N. Sepp. Illustrated. Fob Miinchen (n.d.) A 12 X 18 t Diirer. [See Knackfuss, H.] A 45 W 5 Paintings and Drawings of. [See Portfolio. -Mono- graphs, 31.) E DUI! HAM, Bishops of. [See Butler, J., and Lightfoot, J.B.] DUUNFORD, Richard, Bishop of Chichester. Memoir if, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by W. It. \V. Stephens. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 25 S 14 DUIiUY, George. Memoirs of Barras. [See Barras, Paul.] C 21 T 15-18 DUI! YE A, Rev. J. T. Ethics of Marriage, [See Pome- roy, Dr. H. S.] F 15 Q 28 , Record of Svo. Lond., F 15 R 3 DU TOIT, S. .1. Rh trated. Svo. Loi Mahabharata. [See Mahabharata.] DUTT, Toru. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 DUTTON, Francis Stacker. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proa, 49.) E DUTTON, W. H. Boots and Shoes of our Ancestors, as exhibited by the Worshipful Company of Cordwainers ; with a brief History of the Company. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 17 S 29 f DWELSHAUVERS-DERY, Prof. Victor. Programme des Cours de Mecanique Applique'e et de Physique Industrielle. Illustrated. Svo. Bruxelles, 1876. A 44 S 8 DWIGHT, Theodore F. Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders. Svo. Boston, 1895. C 21 U 5 DWYER, Jeremiah. The Appointment of the Judges. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME IS Q DYAR, Harrison G. Certain Bacteria from the Air of New York City. Svo. New York, 1895. A 44 S 21 DYCE, Rev. Alexander. Sir Thomas More : a Play now first printed. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 28 Timon. [See Shakespeare Soc., Pubs.] H 3 U 16 DYCK, Sir Anthony Van. Life and Work- of : by Jules Guiffrey. Translated by William Alison. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1896. C 44 Q 12 J Van Dyek. [See Knackfuss, 1L] A 45 W 4 DYDE, Prof. S. W. Hegel's Philosophy of Right. [See Hegel, G. W. F.] G 12 V 24 DYER, E. Jerome. Australia and the Asian-Pacific. Svo. Melb., 1S95. MF 5 Q 5 The Colony of Victoria. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proa, 1896- 97.) E DYER, T. F. Thiselton-. Old English Social Life as told by the Parish Registers. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 22 R 1 1 DYKE, Henry Jackson Van. [See Van Dyke, H. J.] DYKE, John Charles van. [See Van Dyke, J. C] Public Library of Neio South Wales. DYKE, Paul van. [See Van Dyke, P.] DYKE, Dr. Thomas Jones. Duties of School Managers in relation to Epidemics and Health of Inmates. (In- termit. Health Exhik— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 7 DYKES, Rev. J. Oswald. Shakespeare, Puritan and Recusant. [See Shakespeare, W.J C 23 P 20 DYMOCK'S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO SYDNEY, comprising Description of the City and its Institutions ; with which is incorporated the Tourists' Hand-book and Description of the Resources of New South Wales, Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MD 4 Q 7 DYSON, Edward. Below and on top. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb.,1898. MJ3U1 Rhymes from the Mines. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 V 19 DYSON, Thomas J. Reverberatory Furnace Smelting of Ores. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P DZIATZKO, Karl. Entwickelung und gegenwartiger Stand der Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Deutsch- lands. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893. J 11 V 23 DZIEWICKI, Michael Henry. De Apostasia. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 27 De Blasphemia. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 31 De Logica. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 32-34 De Simonia. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 37 EAGAR, Rev. Alexander Richard. Butler's "Analogy" and Modern Thought, 1 2mo. Loud., 1 893. G 26 P 1 2 EAGLESON, James G. Law and Practice of Banking in Australia and New Zealand. [See Hamilton, E. B.] , ROBINSON, Llewellyn Tarrant Samuel, ai SANDERSON, William Alexander. Digest of i ported Cases in the Supreme Court, Cou SANDERSON, Will Ale> O'DO WD, Bernard P. Digest of Australasif Cases as decided in the Supreme Courts of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and New Zealand, and an appeal therefrom to the Privy Council 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MP 5 R 5 EARDLEY-WILMOT, Capt. Sydney Marow. [See Wil- mot, Capt. S. M. Eardley-.] EARL, Alfred. The Living Organism: an Introduction to the Problems of Biology. ' 8vo. Bond., 1898. A 27 R 35 EARLE, Abraham L. Our Revenue System and the Civil Service: shall they be reformed ? With Preface by Prof. W. G. Sumner. 8vo. New York, 1878. P 17 P 5 The Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam. (Goodwin, M. W. -Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 [Life of] Margaret Winthrop. [See Winthrop, Margaret.] C 20 U 15 EARLE, Frank S. Fig Culture. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.-- Division of Pomology.] A 37 S 50 EARLE, Rev. John. Anglo-Saxon Literature. 12mo. Lond., 1884. (Dawn of European Lit.) J 24 S 42 Microcosmography ; or, a Piece of the World discovered in Essays and Characters ; with a Preface and supple- mentary Appendix by S. T. Irwin. 8vo. Bristol, 1897. J 14 R 35 Philology of the English Tongue. 4th ed. 8vo. Ox- ford, 1887. (Clarendon Press Ser.) J 2G Q 36 Alfred the Great as a Writer. [See Alfred the Great.] C 20 S 19 EARLY BRITAIN. Celtic Britain. [See Rhys, Prof. J.] B 27 P 12 EARLY CLOSING ASSOCIATION of NEW SOUTH WALES. A few Facts concerning the Hours worked by Shop Assistants in Sydney and Suburbs. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MF 1 P 85 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publications. Original series, 105, 10G, 108, 110, 113. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-99. E 10.-.. The Prymer of Lav Folks' Prayer-book. Edited by II. Littlehales. Ft. 1. 10(1. The Fire of Love, and the Mending of Life ; or, the Rule of Living. The first Englisht in 1 Mir,, from the l)c Inceiulio Aiiiciri.t, the second in 14:U from the He I'.men- clacionc Viler of Richard Kolle ; by Richard Misyn. Edited by Rev. R, Harvey. 108. Child Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications, &c, in the Diocese of Chester, A.i>. 1501- (Hi ; Depositions in Trials in the Bishop's Court, Chester, concerning Child Mar- riages, Divorces, and Ratifications, Trothplights, Adulteries, A filiations, Libels, Wills. Miscellaneous Matters, and Clandestine Marriages, also Ivitries from the Mayor's Bonks, Chester, a. i>. 155S Mil Ml. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 110. Old English Version of Bede's Kcdesiastical History of the English People. Edited by T. Miler. Ft. 2. 113. Queen Elizabeth's Knglishin"> of Boethins, De Consola- tione Philosophic. "\rm:' I'hitareh, De Curiositate, 1598; Horace, De Arte Poetica, 1598. Edited from the unique MS., partly in the (Queen's hand, by Caro- line Pcmberton. Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. KAHI.Y ENGLISH TKXT SOCIETY— contJ. Extra series, 68, 71, 72, 75, 70, 78. G vols. 8vo. Loud., 1895-99. E 1.8. Melusine. Compiled 1382 -94 by Jean D'Arras, Englisht about 15(10. Edited l.y A. K. Donald, l't. 1. Text, Notes, and Glossary. 71. The Towneley Plavs, l)v George England; with side- notes and in'troduction'by A. \V. Pollard. 72. Hoecleve's Works. Vol. 3. The Regiment of Princes, 1411-12, from the Harleian MS., and fourteen of 11. .- clove's Minor Poems from the Euerton MS. Edited I , F. J. Furnivall. ;.">. Speculum < ly ile Warewvke : an English Poem; with Introduction. Notes, and Glossary. Edited h\ (!. I.. Morrill. MSS. at ('aiuhridge by .\l'. haleso'n. 78. Life and Death of Mary Magdalene : a Legendary Poem from the onlv known MSS. in the hellish Museum and Bodleian Libraries ; with an Introduction, a Life of the Author, and Notes, by H. 0. Sonimer. Merlin ; or, the Early History of King Arthur : a Prose Romance (about 1450-60 a.d.) Edited from the unique MS. in the University Library, Cambridge, by 11. B. Wheatlev; with an Introduction containing Outlines of the History of the Legend of Merlin, by W. E. Mead ; also, Essays on Merlin the Enchanter and Merlin the Bard, by D. W. Nash ; and Arthurian Localities, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie. Vol. 1. 8vo. I.ond., 1899. E EASSTE, William. Cremation. (Internat. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country. ( I nter. Health Ex.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 17 Healthy Town and Country Houses. (Internat. Health Kxhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 EAST INDIA AXD COLONIAL MAGAZINE. Vols. 12-23, July, 1836-42. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836- 12. " F 19 I! 1-12 EAST, J. J. Stibio-Tantalite, a new Mineral from the Stanniferous Gravel at Greenbushes, Bunbury, West Australia. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ' ME 18 P EAs Lewis Finlay. The Quest of Love, and other •ems. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MH 1 Q 81 EAST, T. J. Intermediate Education for Girls in France. (Internat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 EASTERN AND AUSTRALASIAN STEAMSHIP CO. Tourist Guide to China, Japan, Islands and Ports en route, Australia, and Tasmania. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1899. MD 8 T 9 EASTLAKE, Lady Elizabeth. Journals and Correspond- ence of. Edited by her Nephew. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1895 C 22 T 14, 15 EASTLAKE, Dr. F. Warrington, and AKI, Dr. Yamada Yoshi-. Heroic Japan: a History of the War be- tween China and Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B17R40 EASTMAN, Charles R. Text-book of Palaeontology. [See Zittel, Prof. A. Karl von.] A 30 P 7 EASTON, Edward. Water Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 EASTON, H. 1890. C. Banks and Banking. 8m Lond., F 12 T 14 EATHORME, Fishermen John Richards. Piscatory Illustrated. 8vo. Parra or, Fish and natta, 1897. MA 4 P 3 EATON, Dorn ties. 8vo. an Bridgeman. Governmon New York, 1899. t of Municipali- F8R27 EBERS, Georg. Erne Aegvptische K.inigstochter. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1899. J 22 T 7-9 Drei Marchen fur Alt und Jung. 18mo. Stuttgart, 1891. J 23 P 34 An Egyptian Princess. Translated by Eleanor Grove. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Leipzig, 1871. J 26 P 44 Elifen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1888. J 22 T 23 EineFrage. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1887. J 22 T 6 Die Frau Burgemeisterin. 8vo. Stutt., 1897. J 22 T 20 Die Gred. 2 vols. 8vo. Stutt., 1897. J 22 T 16, 17 Homo Sum. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1897. J 22 T 19 Homo Sum. Translated by Clara Bell. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Leipzig, 1878. J 20 P 45 Josua. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1890. J 22 T 18 Die S ilbraut, 3 vols. 8vo. Stutt., 1 897. J 22 T 10-1 2 Die Schwestern. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1899. J 22 T 24 Serapis. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1893. J 22 T 22 The Sisters. Translated by Clara Bell. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Leipzig, 1880. J 20 P 47 Uarda. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1898. J 22 T 13-15 Uarda. Translated by Clara Bell. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Leipzig, 1877. J 26 P 46 Ein Wort. Svo. Stuttgart, 1893. J 22 T 21 EBERT, Prof. H. Magnetic Fields of Force : an Exposi- tion of the Phenomena of Magnetism, Electro-Mag- netism, and Induction, based on the conception of Lines of Force. Translated by Dr. C. V. Burton. Pt, 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 T 27 EBSW T ORTH, J. W. Midsummer Night's Dream. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V 16, 17 ECCLES, A. Symons. The Practice of Massage: its Physiological Effects and Therapeutic Uses. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 39 V 21 Public Library of New South Wales. ECIIEROLLES, Mile. des. Side-limits on the Reign of Terror. Translated by M. C. Balfour. Illustrated. 8vo. bond., 1900. " B 41 Q 12 ECHO, Das, Aug.-Dec, 1395. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ECKENSTEIN, Lina. Woman under Monastieism : Chapters on Saint-lore and Convent Life between 500 and 1500 a.d. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1896. G 1 T 22 ECKENSTEIN, Oscar. The Karakorams and Kashmir. 8m Lond., 189G. D 17 R 23 ECKOFF, William J. Kant's Inaugural Dissertation of 1770. [See Kant, L] G 26 T 4 ECLECTIC REVIEW, 1827-June, 1828, 1829, 1844- June, 1866, 1867-June, 1868. 53 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827-68. J 28 S 1-U 16 ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES. An- nuaires, 1893-1900. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1893-99. E ECONOMIC CLASSICS. Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Ricln-s. [See Turgot, A. R. J.] F 15 Q 20 ' ECONOMIC CLUB. Family Budgets : being the Income and Expenses of twenty-eight British Households, 1891-94. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 1 R 29 ECONOMIC JOURNAL, The. [See British Economic Association.] E ECONOMIC REVIEW. Vols. 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 1891-94, 1896, Jan.-April, 1897, Jan.- April, 1899. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-99. E « ECONOMIST." [See Cowing, R.] ECONOMIST, The, Weekly Commercial Times, Bankers' Gazette, and Railway Monitor. Vols. 52-58) 1894- 1900. 7 vols, (in 13) sm. fol. Lond., 1894-1900. E EDDY, Edward Miller Card. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 129.) E EDDY, Mary Baker Glover [Mrs. Geo. W.] Rudimental Divine Science. 10th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1891. G 9 W 31 Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures. Svo. Boston, 1895. G 12 V 20 EDDY, Rev. Richard. History of the Universalista in the United States. Svo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 17 EDE, Rev. W. Moore. Tho Attitude of the Church to some of the Social Problems of Town Life. 8vo. Camb., 1896. G 9 W 18 EDEN, Sir Frederic Morton. State of the Poor ; or, His- tory of the Labouring-classes in England. 3 vols, sm. 4to. Lond., 1797. " F 20 P8 10 t EDERSHEIM, Rev. Alfred. History of the Jewish Nation after the Destruction of Jerusalem under Titus. Revised by the Rev. H. White. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 31 U 3 EDGAR, Rev. Andrew. The Bibles of England: a Plain Account for Plain People of the Principal Ver- sions of the Bible in English. Svo. Lond., 1889. G 11 S31 EDGAR, Hon. James David. Canada and its Capital, with Sketches of Political and Social Life at Ottawa. Illustrated. Svo. Toronto, 1398. D 13 R 3 EDGEWORTH, Maria. Belinda. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 24 S 39, 40 Castle Rackrent and the Absentee. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1890. J 25 R 29 Popular Tales. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 30 EDGCUMBE, Sir Edward Robert Pearce. Popular Fal- lacies regarding Bi metallism. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 34 EDINBURGH, Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of, afterwards Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha. Notes on the Sea Fisheries and Fishing Population of the United Kingdom. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 4 EDINBURGH ALMANAC. [See Oliver and Boyd,] EDINBURGH HOSPITAL REPORTS. Published under the supervision of the Editorial Committee of tho Royal Infirmary, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, and Royal Maternity and Simpson Memorial Hospital. Vols. 1-6. Illustrated. 6 vols. rov. Svo. Edinb., 1893-1900. E EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Vol. 6-n.s. vol. 1, 1827-29. 6 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1827-29. A 30 Q 15-20 EDINBURGH PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of Books added to the Lending Library, from June, 1890-Aug., 1895. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1893-95. K 8 R 30, 31 Catalogue of Books Edinb., 1890. Catalogue of Books in the Refer Technical Section. 8v< nee Library, incltu ib., 1891. * K 8 Ii EDINBURGH REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-191, Oct., 1802- April. 1900, and Index to vols. 1-110, 141-170. 196 vols. Svo. Lond., 1802-1900. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. EDINBURGH ROYAL OBSERVATORY. Annual R-oort of the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, 189G. Sv,,. Edinb., 1896. E Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Ob- mt -atory, Edinb. 4to. Edinb., 1890. K 11 Wilt EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY. Calendars, 1881-1901. 15 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1881-1900. E EDINRURGII AND LEITII POST OFFICE DIREC- TORY, 1893-1901. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1893-1900. E EDIS Robert William. Healthy Furniture. (Internat. lb alth Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 19 He, 1 1 hy Furniture and Decoration. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 11 U 17 EDISON, R. Classification of Poultry. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U EDISON, Thomas Alva. Sketch of. [See Jen-old, W.— Electricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 " EDi TOR, An." How to write for the Press : a Practical ] land-book for Beginners in Journalism. 8vo. Lend., 1899. J 12 P 25 EDK i N T S, J. S. Mechanism of Secretion of Gas! ric, Pan- civatic, and Intestinal Juices. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. — • Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 EDMOND, John Philip. Annals of Scottish Printing. [See Dickson, Dr. R.] A 20 P 11 t EDMONDS, Charles. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin: com- prising the celebrated Political and Satirical Poems of G. Canning, J. H. Frere, W. Pitt, the Marquis of Welleslcv, G. Ellis, W. Gifford, the Earl of Carlile, and others. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1890. H 12 R 7 EDMONDS, John Worth, and DEXTER, Dr. George T. S] irituatism. ' Australian ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1898. G23S15, 1G EDMONDS, Rev. Walter John. Exeter Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 EDN 1 IS-BROWN, John. [See Brown, J. Ednie-.] E DB 1 1 )GE-GREEN, F. W. [See G reen, F. W. Ed ridge-. ] EDUCATION: a Monthly Magazine devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy, and Literature of Education. Vols. 1-17, Sept., 18S0-June, 1897. 17 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1881-97. E EDUCATION LIBRARY. Introduction to the History of Educational Theories. ;",« EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE, LITERARY COM- PANION, AND GENERAL REVIEW, Th<: Vol. 1, Nos. 1-17, Sept., 1861-Aug., 1862. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MG 2 W 3 EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-8, 11-19. 1S91- 94, 1896-May, 1900. 17 vols. 8 vo. New York, 1891- 1900. E EDWARD, THE BLACK PRINCE History of. [See Stanley, Arthur.— Historical Memorials of Canter- bury.] B 28 T 2 EDWARD I, King of England. [Sketch <,f.] [See Grif- fith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 1 EDWARD III, King of England. Year-books of the Reign of. [See Great Britain and Ireland.- Chronicles and Memorials.] E EDWARDES, Charles. In Jutland with a Cycle. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D1GR11 EDWARDES, Sir Herbert B. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 EDWARDS, Amelia Blandford. Amelia Edwards; by Mrs. Macquoid. [See Oliphant, Margaret ().— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 EDWARDS, Clement. Railway Nationalization. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 V 35 EDWARDS, E. J. Story of an African Crisis. [See Garrett, Edmund.] B 17 P 44 EDWARDS, Eliezer. Words, Facts, and Phrases : a Dic- tionary of Curious, Quaint, and Out-of-the-way Mat- ters. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 19 P 23 EDWARDS, Emorv. English and American Mechanic. [See Van Cleve, B. F] A 24 P 43 EDWARDS, Frederick E. Systematic List of the Frederick E. Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum. [See British Mu- seum.— Natural History..] A 42 V G EDWARDS, George Wharton. A Book of Old English Ballads. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 WIS EDWARDS, II. Sutherland. Life of Rossini. [See Rossini, G. A.] C 24 P 22 EDWARDS, J. C. W. The Demoniacal Possessions of the New Testament considered in the light of the Hebrew Demonology. (Melb. Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Public Library of New South Wales. EDWARDS, Jonathan. [Sketch of.] [See Jones, A. L.— Early American Philosophers.] G 26 T 11 EDWARDS, Matilda Betham-. Reminiscences. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P 4 Autobiography of Arthur Young. [See Young, A.] C 20 S 11 EDWARDS, Rev. Thomas Charles. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 , and OWEN, Rev. John. The Welsh Calvinistic Church. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 ED YE, Major Lourenco. Historical Records of the Royal Marines, including the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot, subsequently styled Prince George of Denmark's Regiment of Foot, the 1st and 2nd Regiment of Marines, afterwards known as Col. Thomas BrudenalFs Regiment of Marines, Col. William Seymour's Regiment of Marines, Col. Henry Mordaunt's Regiment of Marines, and Col. Henry Button Colt's Regiment of Marines. Vol. 1, 1664- 1701. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 16 V 10 EGAN, F. W. Geology of Antrim and Deny. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 17 V 3 Geology of Coleraine and Garvagh in Londonderry and Ballymoney ; Dervock, Stranocum, Amoy, Dunloy, and Clogh Mills, in Antrim. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 5 Geology of Donegal, Londonderry, and Tyrone. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 6, 7 Geology of the Country around Limavady. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 4 Geology of Tyrone and Donegal. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 10 EGERTON, Mrs. Fred. Biography of Admiral Sir Geoff- rey Phipps Hornby. [See Hornby, Admiral Sir Geoffrey Phipps.] C 23 V 17 EGERTON, Hugh Edward. Short History of British Colonial Policy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. * F13T26 Sir Stamford Raffles. [See Raffles, Sir S.] C 27 R 23 EGESON, Charles. Egcson's Weather Almanac, 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 5 R 18 EGGELING, Julius. The Sataputha-BrAhmana according to the Text of the Madlivandina. [See Muller, Prof. F. M.] G 20 S 10 EGCLESTON, Edward. The Beginners of a Nation : a History of the Source and Rise of the earliest English Settlement in America, with special reference to the Life and Character of the People. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 26 Sketch of. [See Veddcr, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 EGGLESTON, F. The Translation of Elijah and its Lessons. [See Thompson, Rev. W. H] G 9 V 38 EGLESTON, N. H. Arbor Day. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 54 EGNAZIO, Giovanni Baptista. De Romanis Principibus. (Scriptores Historic Romanw.) B 40 U 24 J EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. Memoirs 6, 7, pt. 4, 8, pt. 1, 15, 17, 18. vols. 4to. Lond., 1898-1900. B 18 Q 19, 28-32 f 6. Areha-ological Survey of Egypt. Colleotion of Hiero- glyphs: a Contribution to the History of Egyptian Writing; by F. L. Griffith. Illustrated. 7, pt. 4. Beni Hasen. 4. Zoological and other Details; by H. Carter 8, pt. and others. : Mastaba of l'lalihutcp and Akholhole| 1. The Chapel of l'tahhetep and the Hierogly- phics ; by N. de G. Davies. lo. Deshasheh, 1807; by Prof. W. M. F. Petrie; with a Chapter by F. L. Griffith. Illustrated. 17. Dendereh, 189S; bv Prof. W. M. F. Petrie; with Chap- ters by F. L. Griffith, Dr. Gladstone, anil U. Thomas. Illustrated. 18. The Royal Tombs of the First Dynastv, 1900, pt, 1 ; bv Prof. W. M. F. Petrie; with a Chapter by F. L. Griffith. Illustrated. Sayings of our Lord ; from an early Greek Papyrus dis- covered and edited by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 Q 34 Temple of Deir el Bahari ; by E. Naville. Pts. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-98. B 47 P 22-23* + 1. North-western end of the Upper Platform. 2. Ebony Shrine, Northern half of the Middle Platform. 3. End of Northern half and Southern half of Middle l'lat- "EHA." [See Aitken, E. II.] EICHBERG, Dr. Joseph. Diseases of the Liver. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A31P17 EILOART, Arnold. Arrangement of Atoms in Space. [See Hoff, J. H. van 't,] A 33 Q 26 EISEN, Gustav. Fig Culture. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Di v. of Pomology.] A 37 S 56 EISIG, Dr. Hugo. Monographie der Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologisehe Station zu Neapel. —Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 16 f Supplemen tanj Catalogue — 1896-1900. n Coi ng Collodio . Loud., 1^97. Metallurgy of Gold: a Practical Trei .Metallurgical Treatment of Gold-bearing in- the Processes of Concentration, Chi Extraction by Cyanide, and the Assaj :uA Kenning of 'Gold. 41 Loud., 1896. [A,;, y.] 5th :h ed. lllustr llustratcd. 8\ 1 i)00. Metallurgy of Silvc A 40 V 2 the Ainal- of Sil :<1 Re EITEL, Dr. E. J. A 24 P 21 in China: the History of Hong- ning to the year 1882. 8vo. 1895. 15 33 R 5 ■.Charles. Winds of Doctrine: being an Ex- tion of the Modern Theories of Automatism and tion. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 27 R 18 ELLIUDGE, Charles Wesle Revenue Tax System: wi Sketch of Internal Reve States, and ar Interna] Revei A,,,, E LI > I : IDGE, Maurice O. Good Roads for Farmers. [See Tinted States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U" 2 ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE, Queen of England. ! sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELEANOR OF CASTILE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] 23 S 7 ELEANOR OF PROVENCE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 " ELECTOR, An." [See Sturt, A.] ELECTRIC LIGHT. [See Electrical Engineer, The.] ELECTRICAL EXGIXEER, The: a Weekly Journal of Kli Ei I '.'00. . fol I, with 20-25, n.s., July, l! Lond., 1897-1900. ELECTRICAL REVIEW, The [formerly the Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Kcricr). Vols. 1-40, Nov, ]S72-June, 1900. 46 vols. roy. 8vo. and fol. Lond., 1873-1900. E ELECTRICAL WOULD and Electrical Engineer. Vols. 23-34, 1894 Dec, 1899. 12 vols. 4to. New York, 1894-99. E ELECTRICIAN SERIES. El< Hea ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SERIES. Industrial Electricity. [See Grafflgn; ELEUSIS CLUB. Rules. 12mo. Bronr ELGOOD, Edgar John. to Executors and A Gregory.] ELIOT, Charles Williai Civilisation, and oth Lond., 1897. Educational Refor York, 1898. of the. Law relating [See Walker, W. F 7 P 34 ■ Es: F 13 It 33 K-;u and Addre G 17 T 31 "ELIOT, George." [See Cross, Mary Ann.] ELIOTT, George Augustus, Baron Heathfield. [See Heathfield, Baron.] ELIOTT- LOCKH ART, Lieut. Percy Clare. [See Lock- hart, Lieut. P. C. Eliott-.] ELIZABETH, Empress of Austria. Elizabeth, Empress of Austria: a Memoir by E. B. De Burgh. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 24 P 14 [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von.— Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 ELIZABETH, Empress of Russia. [Portrait of.] [See Bain, 11. N.— The Daughter of Peter the Great.] B 34 R 3 [Portrait of.] [See Bain, R. N.— The Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 39 Q 3 ELIZABETH, Princess. Letters of Princess Elizabeth of England, written for the most part to Miss Louisa- Swinburne. Edited, with Notes and an Introductory Chapter, by Philip C. Yorke. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C24T22 ELIZABETH, Queen of England. The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth. [See Hume, M. A. S.] B 16 T 19 A Fragment of Elizabeth. [See Church, It. W., Dean,— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 [Portrait of.] [See Story, A. T. The Building of the ' Empire.] B 16 U 12 Queen Elizabeth. [See Creighton, M., Bishop.] B 13 U 21 1 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 Translations of Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophise ; Plutarch, De Curiositate ; Horace, De Arte Poetiea. [See Early Eng. Text Soe.. Pubs., orig. ser., 1 13.] E Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. ELIZABETH, Queen of Roumania, "Cannon Sylva." Thoughts of a Queen. Translated by H. S. Edwards. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 10 P -14 [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 , and STRETTELL, Alma. Legends from River and Mountain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 8 T 40 ELIZABETH OF YORK, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELIZABETH WOODVILLE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELKIN, John. The Old G.P.O. (Fisher, L.- By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 ELKINGTON, J. S. The Aryan Household (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q An Historical Glance at the Land Question. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Whom do our representatives represent? (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q ELLA, Rev. Samuel. O le Tala ai Taema ma na-fauna. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R Polynesian Native Clothing. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1899.) ME 6 R Settlements of Tahitians and Samoans on Mangareva (Gambier Islands). (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME G R ELLARD, W., "Timothy Fogarty." The Irish Chimney Corner Stories, Racy Tales, and Sketches of Irish Lift; and Character. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 T 3 ELLENBOROUGH, Edward Law, Lord. Trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellenborough. [See Atley, J. B.] F 13 T 29 ELLERY, Robert Lewis John, F.R.S. Observations of the Transit of Venus, Dec 8th and 9th, 1874, Colony of Victoria. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Menus. 47.) E The Transit of Venus. (Melb. Rev. 7.) ME 18 Q A Twelve Months' Leave. (Melb. Rev. 1.) ME 18 Q ELLICOTT, Lieut. John M. Effect of the Gun Fire of the United States Vessels in the Battle of Manila Bay. [See U. S.— Dept. of the Navy.] A 36 W 15 ELLINWOOD, Rev. Frank Fields. Demon Possession and allied Themes. [See Nevius, Rev. J. L.1 G 19 T 25 Islam ii Africa. [See Atterbury, Rev. A. P.] ELLIOT, Daniel Giraud. The Gallinaceous Game Birds of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 Q 4 New and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America. Illustrated. 2 vols. fol. New York, 1869. A 46 P 21, 22 | Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions ; or, the Swan, Geese, Ducks, and .Mergansers of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 27 S 6 ELLIOT, G. F. Scott. A Naturalist in Mid-Africa : being an Account of a Journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 28 U 22 ELLIOT, Dr. Sydney Barrington. ^Edceology : a Treatise on Generative Life, including pre-natal Influence, Limitation of Offspring, and Hygiene of the Generative System. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 26 S 29 ELLIOT, W. G. Amateur CI ubs and Actors. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 4 V 20 ELLIOTSON, Dr. John. Institutions of Physiology. [See Blumenbach, J. F] A 26 S 39 ELLIOTT, A. G. Industrial Electricity. [See Graffigny, H. de.] A 33 Q 31 ELLIOTT, C. G. Farm Dept. of Agrieult,] [See United States.— A 41 U 2 ELLIOTT, Sir Charles Alfred. Annual Address delivered to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. [See Asiatic Society of Bengal.] E ELLIOTT, Gilbert. [Criticism on] David Syme's book on Representative Government. (Melb. Rev., 7.) ME 18 Q Esoteric Buddhism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q .nd Domestic MA 3 U 42 i the British K 8 S 7 t ELLIOTT, W. Cole's Australian Gardening Floriculture. 12mo. Melb., 1896. ELLIS, A. G. Catalogue of Arabic Hooks Museum. [See British Museum.] ELLIS, Celia. Infant Teaching : the Apparatus needed for Play and for Instruction. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 ELLIS, Dr. Henry Havelock. Affirmations. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 14 The 19th Century: a Dialogue in Utopia. 12mo. Lond., 1900. J 26 U 3 Studies in the Psychology of Sex. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Leipzig, 1897-1900. Libr. ELLIS, Richard. Rough Work in the Crimea. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 ELLIS, Sarah [Mrs. W.] (Sarah Stickney). Poetry of Life. 2 vols. 12mo. Philad., 1835. H 12 Q 20, 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 187 I'LL:- T. r. Budding (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 B ELLIS. William Ashto K agner, B.] Letters to Wesendonck ct Al. [See Wagner, B.] C 27 P 21 Kir h ard Wagner's Prose Works. [See Wagner, K.] J 4 S 14-21 ELLISON, M. A. Manual for Students of Massage. illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1898. A 39 V 24 -95. ELL-!. R. W. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian. [See UcGill University.— Papers from Dept, of Geology.] A 40 S 9 ELLWOOD, Rev. Thomas. Lakeland and Iceland. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 77.] E EL]\i RNHORST, Geverhart. L. Apuleii opera omnia qute • vvstant. [See Appuleius, Lucius.] ' J 14 IT 32 ELMSLIE, Dr. W. A. Among the Wild Ngoni : being -. me Chapters in the History of the Livingstonia Mission in British Central Africa; with Introduction hy the Rt. Hon. Lord Over toun. Illustrated. 8vo. Ldinb., 1899. D 21 Q 4 EL< )UIS, Charles. Tables for standarding Gold according I'.' Assay Reports decimally expressed. 4to. Sydney, 1872. MA 9 Q 4 f ELSTNG, William T. Life in New York Tencment- ! louses as seen by a City Missionary. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 ELSMIE, George R. Lumsden of the Guides. [See Lums- ilen, Lieut. -Gen. Sir H. B.] C 25 S 12 ELSi »N, Henry W. Sidc- ights on Americ in History: .Cat onal Period before he Civil War. 2mo. New Yor c, 1899. B 1G P 4 ELTON, Charles Abraham. The Bemains of Hesiod trans, into English Verse. [See Hesiodus.] II 11 R 11 ELT( )N, Mrs. L. M. Through the Storm. [See Nazarbek, A.] D13S4 ELTON, Oliver. The Augustan Ages. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Periods of European Literature.) J 27 Q S ELWORTHY, Frederick Thomas. The Evil Eye: an Account of the ancient and widespread superstition. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 S 29 Horns of Honour and other Studies in the By-ways of Archseology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 3G R 1 7 ELY, George Herbert. The Women of the Renaissance. [See Maulde la Claviere, II. de.] F 19 T 8 ELY, Prof. Richard T. Monopolies and Trusts. 8vo. New York, .1900. (Citizens Lib.) F 17 T 8 ELYARD, Samuel. Letters to a Jewess. 8vo. Nowra, 1897. MG1T5 EMERICK, Charles Franklin. Analysis of Agricultural Discontent in the United States'. 8vo. New York, 1897. F18Q7 EMERSON, Mary Moody. [Sketch of.l [See Emerson, R, W.— Lectures and Biog. Sketches.] J 22 Q 24 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Complete Works. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895-96. (Riverside ed.) J 22 Q 15-26 1. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. • '■ ■ 5. English Traits. 6. Conduct of Life. 7. Society and Solitude. 8. Letters and Social Aims. 9. Poems. 10. Lectures and Biographical Sketches. 11. Miscellanies. [Life of]; by O. W. Holmes. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1898. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 2 [Address on.] [See MacKie, Rev. J. G.— Sermons and Addresses.] MG 1 Q 66 Correspondence with, and Life of Sterling. [See Sterling, J.] C 19 P 13 Emerson as a Thinker. [See Lindsay, James. — Essays.] J 12 T 44 [Essay on.] [See Arnold, Matthew.— Discourses in America.] J 12 T 43 [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 [Essay on.] [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, Ac.] J 1 R 51 Glimpses of. [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 14 B 14 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. Do W._ American Bookmen.] C 23 U 1 1 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 31 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Pearson, Dr. C. II.— Reviews and Critical Essays.] J 14 U 20 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Sketches from Con- cord.] D 16 Q 3 [Study of.] [See Lawton, W. C— New England Poets.] J 23 T 3 Tuhlie Library of Nero South Wales. EMERTON, Prof. E. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. [See Erasmus, D.] C 21 Q 4 EMERY, Dr. Carlo. Le ,Sp< Golfo di Napoli e Reg Station zu Neapel. -Fan Neapel.) (Zoologische A 19 P 2 f EMERY. George Frederick. Handy Guide to Patent Law and Practice. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 16 EMERY, Henry Crosby. Speculation on the Stock and Produce Exchanges of the United States. 8vo. New- York, 1896. F 18 R 16 EMERY, Rev. William. On numbers in a Class : times of Work and Rest. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A +1 V 12 " EMIGRANT, An." Short Account of the Settlement of Swan River, Western Australia, from the year 1834 to the year 1841. Written for the perusal of Capital- ists, but more particularly addressed to young men in Great Britain who possess small means, and to Me- chanics and Labourers. 12mo. Lond., 1842. MD 4 P 4 EMIGRANTS ALMANACK and Guide to the Gold-fields, 1854. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MD 8 S 5 EMTX PASHA. ■e Schnitzer, Dr. E. C. 0. T.] EMINENT PERSONS. Biographies reprinted from The Times. Vols. 5, 6. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. C 19 Q 21, 22 EMMET, Dr. Thomas Addis. Ethics of Marriage. [See Pomeroy, Dr. H. S.] F 15 Q 28 ENCKE, J. F. Memoir of. [See Smithsonian Inst, Rept., 1868.] E ENCYCLOPAEDIA BTBLICA : a Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political, and Religious History, the Archseoloifv, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible. Edited by Rev. T. K. Cheyne and J. S. Black. Vol. 1. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 V 23 ENCYCLOPAEDIA MEDIC A: under the general editor- ship of Dr. C. Watson. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1899-1900. 1. Abdomen-Bone. •2. Brachial Plexus-Digestion. IS. Diphtheria-Food. A 45 P 6-9 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOCIAL REFORM: edited by W. D. P. Bliss, with the Cooperation of many Specialists. F 9 V 15 ENCYCLOPEDIE DARCHITECTURE. Illustrated. 22 vols. 4 to. Paris, 1851-81. A 18 S 1-22 t ENCYKLOPyEDIA DER NATURWTSSENSCHAFT- EN. Handbuch der Botanik. Bande 1-4. 4 vols. (in 5) roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1879-90. A 42 R 1-5 Handbuch der Pliysik. Biinde 1-3. 3 vols, (in 5) roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1891-95. A 42 S 1-5 Handworterbuch der Astronomic. Biinde 1-3. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1897-90. A 42 Q 12-14 Handworterbuch der Chemie. B'ande 1-13. 13 vols, roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1882-95. A 42 P 7-19 Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie, und PaL-eon- tologie. 3 vols. rov. 8vo. Breslau, 1882-87. A 42 P 2-4 Handworterbuch der Pharmako»nosie des Pfianzen- reichs. Roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1882. A 42 P 1 Handworterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologic, und Eth- nologic Biinde 1 -7. 7 vols. 8vo. Breslau, 1879- 97. A 42 Q 1-7 ENGELENBURG, Dr. F. V. Briton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt, Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 ENGELHARDT, Alexander Platonovich. A Russian Province of the North. Translated by Henry Cooke. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 V 26 ENGINEER'S YEAR-BOOK. [See Kempe, H. R.] ENGINEERING : an Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vols. 1-69, 1866-June, 1900. 69 vols. fol. Lond., 1866- 1900. E ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Minutes of Proceedings ; also, Act of In- corporation, Rules and By-laws, and List of Members. Vols 1-10, 1885-95. 'illustrated. 10 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1886 95. ME 18 P ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL, 1%: Vols. 48-68, July, 1889-Dec, 1899. 30 vols. 4to. New York, 1889-99. E The Mineral Industry. [See Rothwell, It. P.] E ENGINEERING MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 7-19, 1894- Sept,, 1900. 13 vols. 8vo. New York, 1891-1900. E ENGINEERING RECORD, The [formerly the Plumber and Sanitary Engineer). Vols. 1-39, Dec, 1877- Mav, 1899. 39 vols. 4to. New York. 1877-99. E Sitpplemen tary Catalogue — 1890-1000. ENGLAND, George. The Towneley Plays. [See Early Luglish Text Soc. Pubs.] E EX( : LAND, .John. [( )bituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civ ENC LE, WilberDwight. Action of Potassium Thiocvan ,»., the Chlorbvdrins. Svo. Boston, 189S. A 40 S ENGLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ENGLISH, Lieut. Vincent John. Nav ationforYachts- m and Nautical [odern Methods, ENGLISH CATALOG UK OF LOOKS, 1S35--99; with Indexes, 1837-89. 19 vols. my. 8vo. Loud., 1864- 1900. Cat. Loom "ENGLISH CIVILIAN, An." [See Conder, F. P.] ENGLISH CLASSICS. C, : nk-te Works of Shakespeare. [ S', , Shakespeare, W.] H 13 W 1-40 EN(iLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 74-80. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-90. E 74. List of Words and Phrases in every-day use by the Natives of Hetton-le-Hole, in Ihc County of Durham ; by Rev. F. M. T. Palgrave. 7."». Glossary of Words used in East Anglia; by W. Rye. 7(i. Nine Specimens of English Dialects; by Rev. Walter W. Skeat. 77. Lakeland and Iceland : being a Glossary of Words in the Dialect of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and North Lancashire which seem allied to or identical with the Icelandic or Xorsc. together w ith cognate Place-names and Sur-names. and a Supplement of Wools used in Shepherding t'olkdore. and Antiquities; by the Rev. T. Ellwood. 78. Two Collections of Derbicisms containing Words and Phrases in a -real measure peculiar to the Natives ami nhabitants of the County of ] Edi rot. Skea d Thomas Hall, by t }07). Adfidem ENGLISH DRAMA AND STAGE, The, under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1004. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt, S.n. ito. Loud, 1SG9. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 3 U 3 ENGLISH ESSAYS [Collected]: with an Introduction by J. H. Lobban. 8vo. Lo„. Vols. 1-71, 1865-Aug , 1900. Illustrated. 71 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1865-1900. E ENGLISH MEN OF ACTION. Lord Strafford ; by H. 1). Traill. [See Strafford, Earl.] C 27 R ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS. History of Eton College. [See Oust, L.] G 24 S 12 Winchester College. [See Leach, A. P.] (( 17 S 28 ENGLISH REPRINTS. Roister Doister. [See Udall, N.] H 13 T 2 ENGLISH SATIRES ; with an Introduction by 0. Smea- ton. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Warwick Lib.) J 14 R 33 ENGLISH SCHOLAR'S LIBRARY. Publications. Nos. 1-1 G. Edited by E. Arber. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. and Birni., 1880-84. J 3 T 20-25 2. The first Mast of the Tri Regiment of Wo .3. Handful of Pleasant Delimits, containing sundry new Sonnets and delectable 1 li t . ,i i- a i n divers kinds of metre, &e., 158 i. 4. Supplication for the Beggars, 1529 : by S. Fish. 5. State of the Church of England laid open in a Conference between Diotrephes a Bishop, Tcrtulius a Rapist, Demetrius a Usurer, Randochus an Innkeeper, and Raul a Preacher of the Word of ( i,,d, 1,188; by Rev. ,T. Udall. 6. Return from Parnassus or the Scourge of Simony, 1G08. 7. The seven Deadly Sins of London drawn in several coaches through the seven several gates of the City, bringing the Plague with them ; by T. Decker. 8. Introductory Sketch to the Martin Marprelate Contro- versy, 1588-90. 9. Demonstration of the truth of that discipline which Christ hath prescribed in His Word, for the Govern- ment of His Church in all times and places, until the end of the World, 1588 ; by Rev. J. Udall. tour Books of f other Poetical by R. Stanyhui 11. Martin Marprelate, the Epistle, 1588. 12. Monaphon. Camila's Alarm to slumbering Euphues in his melancholy cell at Silcxcdra, vo. Edinb.," 1899. C 26 Q 11 Social Transformations of the Victorian Age : a Survey of Court and Country. 8vo. Lond., 1897. P 5 P 14 A Trip to Paradoxia, and other Humours of the Hour : being Contemporary Pictures of Social Fact and Political Fiction. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 23 R 24 ESI) VILE, Dr. James. Mesmerism in India and its Practical Application in Surgery and .Medicine. 12mo. Lond., 1846. G 15 U 7 ESMEIN, A. Les Ordalies dans FEglise Gallicane au i 9e Siecle avec un Rapport Sommaire sur les Con- ferences de FExercice 1897-98 et le Programme des Conferences pour FExercice 1898-99. 8vo. Paris, 1898. G 17 U 25 ESSAYS IN LIBERALISM ; by six Oxford Men. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 5 S 50 ESSAYS, MOCK ESSAYS, AND CHARACTER SKETCHES, reprinted from the Journal of Educa- tion. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 Q 32 ESTIENNE, or ETIENNE, Henri (Henricus Stephanus). Poetic Gneci Principes heroici carminis et alii non- nulli. [See Poetic Gtwoi.] H 17 U 12 f Nenophontis qvse extant opera. [See Xenophon.] J 17 U 11 f ETCIHSON, Georgia A. Psychology of Woman. [See Marholm, Laura.] G 24 Q 27 ETEMARE, FAbbe d'. Histoiro de la Religion repre- sentee dans FHcriture Sainte sous divers Symboles. [See Church, R. W, Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 ETIIEREDGE, Sir George. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, Edmund. — 17th Century Studies.] 11 10 W 23 ETHERIDGE, Robert, jun. An Actinoceras from North- west Australia. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R An Australian Sauropterygian (Cimoliosaurus) converted into precious Opal. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Circular and Spiral Incised Ornament on Australian Aboriginal Implements and Weapons. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Discovery of Bones at Cunningham Creek, near Harden, N.S.W. (Aust, Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Description of a small collection of Tasmanian Silurian Fossils. (Boy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1896.) ME 1 Q Descriptions of further highly ornate Boomerangs from New South Wales and Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Description of the Remains of Trilobites from the lower Silurian Rocks of Mersey River district, Tasmania. (Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q Evidence of the existence of a Cambrian Fauna in Vic- toria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P Further Cambrian Trilobite fr< >m Yorke Peninsula. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust,, Trans., 1897 98.) ME 1 S Further Carved Boomerangs, and two varieties of the Langeel, from North Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) • ME 2 P The Game of Teetotum as practised by certain of the Queensland Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst., Gt. Brit., Journ., 1895.) E sites in New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME "8 It -called Sharl-: hooks. Method of suspending the Pt as deduced from a model. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P New or little-known Lower Paheozoic Gasteropoda in the Collection of the Australian Museum. (Aust, Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Occurrence of the tfenus Columnaria in the Upper Silurian Bocks of New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 It Precaudal Vertebra of Ichthyosaurus ausiralis, McCoy. (Aust. Mus., Records 3.) ME 8 R Precaudal Vertebra of Ichthyosaurus australis, McCoy. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist,, Feb., 1898.) E ■V Spear with incised Ornament from Angeldool, New South Wales. (Aust, Mus, Records, 3.) ME 8 R Public Library of New South Wales. New Hebrides, and other Pacific Islands. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, L899.) -ME 2 P The Taima Spear-becket. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc., 1899.) ME 2 P Two ornate Boomerangs from North Queensland. (Lin- nean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P The "Widow's Cap" of the Australian Aborigines. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P [Bibliography of Queensland Aborigines.] [See Roth, Na1 tish Museum ;Svi: n . -Mil- Contributions to a Catalogue of Works, Reports, and Papers on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Geologi- cal History of the Australian and Tasmanian Abo- rigines. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.l MA 5 V 22 Contributions to the Palaeontology of South Australia. [See South Australia.— Geology.] MA 9 P 46 t Corals of the Tamworth District. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Sury., Records, G.J ME 15 T Endophyllum Schliiteri. [See N.S.W. -Geolog. Sury., Records, G.J ME 15 T Generic relations of Spiri/era exsu-peram, De Koninck. [See N.S.W.- Geolog. Sury., Records, 5.] ME 15 T The Genus Chelodes, Davidson and King, in the Upper Silurian of New South Wales. [See N.S.W. - Geolog. Sury., Records, 5.] ME 15 T Invertebrate Fauna of the Hawkesbury-Wianamatta Series of New South Wales. [See New' South Wales. -Geolog. Sury.] MA 5 V 15 Monograph of the Carboniferous and Pemio-Carbonifer- ous Invertebrata of New South Wales. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv.] MA 5 V 19 New form of Syringopor.i, allied to Syrinc/opora tabulate!, Van Cleve. [See N.S.W. -Geolog Sury.. Records, 5.] ME 1ST Palasontologia Nova! Cambria' MeridionalLs : Occasional Descriptions of New South Wales Fossils. [See N.S.W. - Geolog. Surv, Records, 5.] . ME 15 T •, DAVID, Prof. t William I. GRIMSHAW, Jai merged Forest, with remains of the Dugong, Creek, near Sydney. (Rov. Sec, N.S.W., 1896.) , and DUN, William Sutherland. A Geological Record. [See N.S.W.- Geoloj i-ds, 6.] ME 15 T and MITCHELL, John. The Silurian Trilobites ■w South Wales, with inference to those of other of Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 96.) ME 2 P ETHERIDGE, Robert, junr ,and ( >LLI 1- V , Arthur Sidney. Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Survey.] MA G V 21 ETHERINGTON, Harry. Sent to save Gordon. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S I ETIENNE, Henri. [See Estienne, H] ETIQUETTE OF MODERN SOCIETY: a Guide to ETTINGSHAUSEN, Baron C. F. von. Tertiary Flora of Australia. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.— Paleon- tology, 2.] MA 5 V 16 '• ETTRICK SHEPHERD, The." [See Hogg, J.] "EUCLID." Analysis of the- Chess Ending King and Queen against King and Rook. Edited by E. Free- borough. 8vo. Lond, 1895. A 29 T 31 EUGENE, Prince, Duke of Leuchtenberg. The Romance of; by A. Pulitzer. Translated by Mrs. B. M. Sherman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 10, 11 EUGENE-FASNACHT, Rules and Exercises e of Easy Author's 12m 1S97. J 1 2 P 38 Student's Comparative Grammar of the French Langu- age, with an Historical Sketch of the Formation of French, for the use of Public Schools. 20th ed. 8vo. Lond, 1898. J 12 P 37 E UGENIE, Empress of the French. Eugenie, Empress of the French: a Popular Sketch; by Clara Tschudi. Authorized Translation from the Norwegian, by E. M. Cope. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond, 1899. C 25 T 9 Life in the Tuileries under the Second Empire. [See Bicknell, Anna L.J B 31 T 9 EURIPIDES. Ions Moi Clezy. (Melbourne R slated by .!. ME 18 Q nd the Attic Orators. [See Thomson, A. D.J G 14 P35 EUSDEN, Lawrence. Selections from the Works of. [-See West, K._ Laureates of England.] II 11 R I EUTROPIUS. Flavins. Breviarium Historic Rom; (Seriptores Historic Romanic.) B 10 U : EVANS, Arthur Humble. Birds. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1899. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 40 U 8 Ayes Hawaiienses , S. B.J MA 131! : Supplcmcit tary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 193 EVANS, Prof. Edward Payson. An : ; ■•elesiastical Architecture. Will, ]v - Ethics and Animal Psych. S, , ion's Scientific Researches in Australia. (Popular Science Monthly, Nov., 1897.) E EVANS, George. Practical Treatise on Artificial Crown and Bridge work, .jth cd. Illustrated. Svo. Pliilad., i -<9G. " A 38 S i arden of Queensland . Ob. 12mo. Too- MD 8 P 46 EVANS, Henry Ridgely. Magic. [See Hopkins, A. A.] A tO s H EVANS, Herbert Arthur. English Masques. [See English Masques.] H 11 R 17 Henry TV, Othello, Romeo and Juliet. [See Shakespeare, EVANS, Dr. W. P. Brom EV A XS, Mary Ann. [See Cross, Mary Ann.] EVANS, Capt. Robley 1). With Sampson through the War. [See Goode," W. A. M.] B 1 1 R 3 EVANS, Sebastian. In quest of the Holy Graal : an [n- i reduction to the Story of the Legend." l2mo. Bond., 1898. J 23 P 1 EVANS, Thomas Jay. Nt»tes on Carpentry and Joinery, adapted to meet the requirements of the City and Guilds of London Institute, the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, and the Technical Education Board (if the London County Council Examinations. Vol. 1. illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 14 1. First Stage or Klwr.cutary Course. and PULLEN, Prof. W. W. F. Treatise on no Method of estin mds. (N.Z. s.. 1898.) Oil-bath fol Distillation Products of the Blackball Co Trans., 1897.) - Nakai (N.Z. In: ME 2 S .M E 2 S t., Trans., ME 2 S i Coals, with Ischka" and ) ME 2 8 An improved adjustable Drip-p (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) Refraction and Reflexion of X-Ra' 1896.) (N.Z. Inst., Trans., ME 2 S EVANS, Dr. W. W. Celluloid and Zylonite. (Litch. Dr. W. F.— Am. System of Dentistry!) A 31 S 2 EVANS, Walter H. Copper Sulphate and Germination. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult,— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 EVATT, Surg.-Maj. George Joseph Hamilton. Ambulance Organization, Equipment, and Transport. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Ambulance Organization in War and Peace. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 EVE, G. W. Decorative Heraldry: a Practical Hand- book of its Artistic Treatment. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K19Q42 n of a Modern -Health Exhib. A 41 V 12 EVE, Henry Weston. The Curricu School. ' (Internat. Health Exhil Literature.) EVENING NEWS, Th>; Nov. 6th, 1869-Sept., 1899 [1869 vol. incomplete]. 83 vols. fol. Sydney, 1870-99. ME EVENING STAR, Otago, Jubilee Record. Illustrated. Fol. Dunedin, 1898. MB 3 P 1 J EVERILL, Capt. H. C. Official Report on the Explora- tion of New Guinea. Svo. Sydney, 1886. MD 8 S 6 EVERMANN, Dr. Barton Warren. The Fishes of North and Middle America. [See United States.— National Museum, Bulletin 47.] " E EVERY MAN HIS OWN CARPENTER: a Descrip- tion of the Timber, Tools, and Simple Processes used in Building and W<.od-working. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 P 20 Public Library of New South Wales. EVETTS, Basil Thomas Alfred. New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land : being an Account of some Recent Discoveries in the East. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 14 P 26 EVIDENCE respecting the Soil, Climate, and Productions of the South Coast of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1832. Ml) 6 R 4 EVIL AND EVOLUTION: an attempt to turn the Light of Modern Science on to the Ancient Mystery of Evil. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 28 EVOLUTION OF CHRISTIANITY. [See Gill, C] G25Q5 EWALD, Alexander Charles. Studies re-studied: His- torical Sketches from original sources. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 22 S 12 EWAN-SMITH, A. [See Smith, A. Ewan-.] EWART, Alfred J. Physiology of Plants. [See Pfeffer, Prof. W.] A 45 V 13 EWART, Dr. James Cossar. Critical period in the Development of the Horse. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 P 13 EWART, K. Dorothea. Cosimo de' Medici. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Foreign Statesmen.) B 2G R 20 EWART, Mary F. Natural History of Plants. [See Kerner von Marilaun, Prof. Anton.] A 22 V 3 EWART, Dr. William. Bronchiectasis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Bronchitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Gout and Goutiness, and their Treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 21 EWELL, Ervin E. Fertilizing Value of Street Sweepings. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. -Division of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 EWING, Prof. James Alfred. Strength of Materials. 8vo. Camb., 1899. A 38 S 21 EWING, Juliana Horatia [Mrs. A.J Mrs. Ewing; by Mrs. Marshall. [See Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 "EX-PRIVATE SECRETARY, An." An Australian Governorship. (National Review, July, 1895.) E EXGERPTA MEDIC A, 1893-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Basel, 1893-95. E "EXPERT OIL REFINER, An." Practical Compound- ing of Oils, Tallow, and Grease for Lubrication, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 45 U 1 EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE, The. Edited by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll. 6 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895-98. The Book of Bzekiel ; by Rev. John .Skinner. G 19 S 22 The Song of Solomon anil the Lamentations of Jeremiah; by Prof. Walter F. Adeney. G 19 S 23 Ths Hook of the 12 Prophets, commonly called the Minor ; by Rev. George Adam Smith. G 10 S 24, 25 The Book of Daniel ; by F. W. Farrar, Dean of Canter- bury. G 19 S 26 The Book of Jeremiah ; by Prof. W. H. Bennett. G 19 S 27 EYKYN, Rev. J., "A Peripatetic Parson." Parts of the Pacific. Ulust. Svo. Lond., 1896. MD 8 R 42 EYRE, Dr. John Joseph. Malaria according to the New Researches. [See Celli, Prof. A.] " A 45 U 29 EYRE, Samuel Charles. The Truth about the Klondyke : how to get there ; how to live there ; how to get the dust; also the Mining Regulations of the Dominion Government. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MD 2 S 9 EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE. Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 5 Q 32 EYRE-TODD, Gee [See Todd, G. Eyre-.] E, A. M. Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 21 Q 2 F., J. Signal Lamps for the .Railway of Life. Svo. New- castle, N.S.W., 1S95. [Reprint.] F 7 V 48 FABIAN, Bentham. Australia: being a brief Com- pendium of the Geographical Position, Topography, Characteristic Features. Description of the Principal Rivers, Headlands, Productions, Climate, Sailing Directions, &c. ; the whole funning a complete Hand- book or Guide to the Gold Regions, intended for the use of Merchants, Shipmasters, intendent Emigrants, and others, to which is appended a valuable collection of Tables compiled from authentic sources, showing the rate of Harbor Dues, Customs Tariff, Pilot and Tonnage Dues, Public Officers' Fees, Licenses, Tolls, Regulations for the Gold Regions, etc. Svo. New York, 1852. MD 4 U 29 FABIAN ESSAYS in Socialism. [See Shaw, G. Bernard.] F 13 R 8 Supp lementary Ca la log ue — 1806-1 000. FABIAN SOCIETY. . Facts for Social s. Nos. 1, 5, 7, 9, 7 51, 54-64, 07 86, -1900. F 19 R 15 s Board Candidate? »r London »r Town Ci tes for County Councils, of Books for Social Reform the City Guilds. of No. 1). . B. Shaw. -. S. I). Ileadlam. ; by G. B. Shaw. Questions for Pari -h Council Candidal Questions for Can lidates for Rural Dis Allotment!!, and h ow to get them, lidates for Urban Di London Vestries: London County C Parish and Distric they do. EEB Parish Council Co tages, and how to g FABIAN SoClF/n 73. Cos State Pensions in Old Ago. 74. Thi Sta c and its Functions in New Zealar d. Lai or ii the Longest Reign 76. Ho sesf >r the People. 77 Mu lieip ilization of Tramwi 78 Soe alis, land the Teaching. f Christ by Re v. J. Clifford 70 W< '!,-',', Remembrance and Cautioi to the Rich; by J. 80 Sho Mu pLif lici[ ll Water. 82 Workmi n's Compensation ^ 83. Sta c Ai titration and the L ring W ige. 84. 8.5. l.i M rorl cs of Direct Employ icensing at Home a id Abra ad; bj E. R. Pease. 80. Mu lici]) 9,1 Drink Traffic. 88. Growth of Monopoly in English Indust 89. Old Ago Pensions at work. 90. Municipalization of the Milk Supply. 91. Municipal Pawnshops. 92. Municipal Slaughterhouses. 93. Women as Councillors. 98. State Railways for Ireland. 99. Local Government in Ireland. 100. Metropolitan Borough Coi 101. The House Famine, and how the FABIANT, Rev. Em Codex Vaticanus Greek.] >. Bibliorum Sacrbrum Graecus [See Bibles and Testaments— G U 7-12 X FABULuE ATELLANjE. [See Mnnk, Dr. E.J J 15 S 23 FAGUET, Prof. Emile. Short Prose Tales of Voltaire. [See Voltaire, F. M. A. de.] J 9 R 3G FAHIE, J. J. History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-99, including some bare-wire proposals for subaqueous Telegraphs. Illustrated. Svo. Edinb., 1899. A 24 P 41 FAIJA, Henry. Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement. Wm. fol. Lond., 1893. A 11 X 14 f FATR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Illus- trated. Ob. 12nio. Adelaide (n.d.) MD 4 Q 28 FAIRBAIRN, Rev Roman and Aug! The Place of Christ Lond., 1898. FAIRBANKS, Arth Andrew Martin. Catholicism : an. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 23 R 32 i Modern Theology. 8th ed. 8vo. G 20 R 8 . First Philosophers of Greece : an tion of the remaining fragments of • epitomes of their wo: Public Library of Neio South Wales. FAIRBURN, F. The Argentine Republic. (Rov. (Jet.!?. Hoc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) • ME 20 P FAIRCHILD, David G. Systematic Plant Introduction. [See United States. — Dept, of Agricult. Div. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 FAIRCHILD, Dr. George T. Rural Wealth and Welfare : Economic Principles illustrated and applied in Farm- life. 8vo. New York. 1900. (Rural Science Ser.) F 17 T 11 FAIRCLOUGH, P. H. Old Age Pensions in New Zea- land. (New Century Review, March, 1900.) E FAIRFAX, Cecil. The Heritage of the Kurts. [See Bjornson, B.] J 23 I T 3 FAIRFIELD, Charles. Some Account of George William Wilshere, Baron Bramwell, of I lever, and his Opinions. [See Bramwell, Baron.] C 25 S 2 FAIRFIELD, Charles. Getting and Holding. (Mel- bourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Those Catholic Claims. (Melb. Review, 10.) ME 18 Q FAIRHOLME, Capt. William E. Hand-book of the Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Roumania, and Servia. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] F12S21 F AIRLAND, William M. Abuse of Fiction in Lending Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proa, 1898.) MJ 2 V 8 FAIRLEY, Dr. W. The Practice and Science of Mining Engineering. 8vo. Chester-le-Street, 1896. A 22 R 18 FAIRLIE, John Archibald. Centralization of Adminis- tration in New York State. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 R 20 FAIRMAN, Edward St. John. The truth on Albania and the Albanians, Historical and Critical. [See Wassa Effendi.] . B 36 P 2 FALCONER, William. Mushrooms : how to grow them ; a Practical Treatise on Mushroom Culture for profit and pleasure. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 19 R 9 How to Grow Mushroo of Agricult.] [See United States.- Dept. A 41 U 1 FALERO, A. [Reproduction of his Picture] The Vision of Faust. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 1 FALES, Mrs. Imogene C. The Industrial Conditions of the U. S. 1 2mo. Manchester, 1 887. F 1 3 V 23 FALKLAND, Henry and Lucius, 1st and 2nd Viscounts. Falklands : by " The Author of the Life of a Pri«." With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 P 11 FALKNER, Roland P. Political Economy and Public Law. [See Pennsylvania University.] F 7 T 8 FAMOUS SCOTS SERIES. Adam Smith ; by H. C. Macpkerson. {See Smith, A.] (••20 V 15 Allan Ramsay ; by 0. Smoattn. [See Ramsay, A.] C 20 T 1 1 Andrew Melville ; by \Y. Morison. [See Melville, A.] (! 20 V 1G The Balkdists. [See Geddie, J.] H 11 R 2 The Blackwood Group. [See Douglas, .Sir G.] C 20 U 24 David Hume ; by H. Calderwood. [,See Hume, I).] C 20 V 9 The Erskines ; by A. R. MacEwen. [See Erskine, Revs. E. andR.] " C 20 V 21 Hugh Miller ; by W. K. Leask. [See Miller, H.] C 20 T 13 James Boswell ; by W. K. Leask. [See Boswell, J. ] C 20 U 21 James Frederick Ferricr ; by K. S. Haldane. [See. Ferrior, J. F.] C 20 V 17 James Hogg ; by Sir G. Douglas. [See Hogg, J.] C 20 V 19 James Thomson ; by V\ . Bayne. [See Thomson, J.] C 20 V 7 John Knox ; by A. T. Lines. [See Knox, J.] C 20 T 12 King Robert the Bruce : by Prof. A. F. Murison. [See Robert I, King of Scotland.] C 20 V 18 Kirkcaldy of Grange ; by L. A. Barbe. [See Kirkaldy SirW.] C20U27 Mungo Park ; by T. B. MacLachlan. [See Park, M.]C 20 V S Xorman MacLeod ; by J. Wellwood. [See MacLeod, N.] C 20 U 23 Robert Rums: by T. X. Hepburn ;< i. Setoun). 1 S, e. Burns. R.] C 20 T 14 Robert Fergusson ; by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. [See Fer- gusson, R.J (J 20 U 28 Robert Louis Stevenson ; by M. M. Black. [See Steven- son, R, L.] C 20 V 12 Sir David Wilkie and the Scots School of Painters ; by E. Pirmington. [See Wilkie, Sir D] C 20 V 20 Sir. lames Y. Simpson; by Eve B. Simpson. [See Simp- son, Sir J. Y.] C20U19 Sir Walter Scott ; by G. Saintsbury. [See Scott, Sir \V.] 20 T 21 Sir William Wallace ; bv A. F. Murison. [See Wallace, SirW.] C 20 V 11 Thoi Thomas Chalmers ; by Prof. W. G. Blaikie. [See Chal- mers, Rev. T.] C20T15 Thomas Guthrie; by 0. Smeaton. [See Guthrie, Rev. T.] C 20 V 22 FANCHER, Mary J. Mollie Fancher, the Brooklyn Enigma : an authentic Account of Facts in the Life of Mary J. Fancher, the Psychological Marvel of the 19th Century; by Abram H. Dailey. 8vo. Brook- lyn, N.Y., 1894. C 22 S 20 Supplemen tary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 197 FANS;! AWE, E. L. County Councillor's Guide. [See Ho!, house, H.] F 16 U 6 FARADAY, Michael. Michael Faraday: his Life and Work : bv Prof. S. P. Thompson. 8vo. Loud., L898. (Century Science Ser.) C 19 P 20 Fundamental Laws of Electrolytic Conduction. [See Goodwin, 11. M.] A 41 Q If) [Portrait of.] [See SLxty Years of Empire.] B 22 B 18 FARCY, Louis de. La Broderie du Xleme sic-cle jusqu'a ancieiis [nventnires. Fol. Angers, 1890. A 17 P 1 X FARLOW, Prof. William Gilson. Some Edible and Poisonous Fungi. [See United States. Dept. of Agri- FARM AXD DAIRY, The: an Australian Products Journal. Vols. 1, 2, 1898-99. 2 vols. 4to. Sydney. 1*98-99. ME7P FAR:I AXD GARDEN. Vol. 1, July, 1858 -June, 1859. -It... Adelaide, 1859. [All pnblik-l] MA 1 V 1 1 FAR M AN, I). Auto-Cars. Translated from the French bv Lucien Serraillier. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S96. . A 25 R 39 FARMER, John. Gaudeamus : a Selection of Songs for ('..lieges and Schools, :3rd ed. Imp. 8vo. bond., 1893. H 10X12 + rlet and Blue : nip. 8m Lond Jongs for Soldiers and Sailors. G. ' H 10 X 10 f FARMER, JohnS. Musa Pedestris: three Centuries of ( anting Songs and Slang Rhymes, 1536-1S9G. Syo. (n.p.) 1896. J I 10 W 26 Public School Word-book : a Contribution to a Historical Glossary of Words, Phrases, and Turns of Expression, obsolete and in present use, peculiar to our great Public Schools together with some that have been or are modish at the Universities. Win. 4to. Lond., I 1900. ,1 22 S 17 I , and HEN LEY, \Y. E. Slang and its Analogues I Past and Present : a Dictionary, Historical and Com- parative, of the Heterodox Speech of all classes of i Society for more than 300 years ; with synonyms in I English, French, German, Italian, Arc. Vol. 4. Syo. , bond.. 1896. Libr. FARMER, J. T. Hydraulic Laboratory, McGill Univer- sity. [See McGill University.- Papers from Dept. of ! Engineering.] A 10 S 24 | FARMERS AND FRUIT-GROWERS' COOPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, Ltd. Rules. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1897. MF13P3 + FARMERS AND FRUIT-GROWERS' GUIDE. [See New South Wales— Agricult.] MA 4 U 1 FARMERS' AND SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Reports of Annual Con- ference held in Sydney, July, 1900. 8vo. Sydney, EARN ELL, Hon. James Squire. [Por of.] [See Shine, T. Australian Por FARNEW'ORTII. Ellis. History of the Civil Wars of France. [See Davila, E. G] P. 19 R 23, 24 f FARQUHAR, II. Account of some New Zealand Ac tinaria. (Linnean Soc, Journ., Zoology, 2G.) E Contributions to the History of New Zealand Echino derms. (Linnean Soc, Journ., Zoology, 2G.) E Description of a new Ophiuran. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Echinoderm Fauna of New Zealand. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Notes on New Zealand Star-fishes. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FARQUHARSON, Charles Donald. The Federation of the Powers. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 27 FARR, C. Coleridge. Magnetic Force parallel to the Axis in the interior of Solenoids. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Objection to Le Sage's Theory of Gravitation, (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FARRAR, Frederick William, F.R.S., Dean of Canter- bury. The Bible: its Meaning and Supremacy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 1 R 5 Essays on a Liberal Education. 8vo. Lond., 18G7. G 17 T 10 Gathering Clouds : a Tale of the Days of St, Chrysostom. Great Books: Bunyan, Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, the Imitation, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 14 Progress in the Reign of Queen Victoria. 12nio. Lond., 1897. The Life of Lives 3 P 17 • Studies in the Life of Christ. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 34 Texts explained : or, Helps to understand the New Tes- tament. Svo. Lond., L899. G 24 Q 29 True Religion. With Portrait. Syo. Lond., 1S99. G 24 Q 30 Westminster Abbey. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 The Bible. [See Bartlett, E. T] G 23 R 14 The Book of Daniel. [See Expositor's Bible] G 19 S 2G Life and Writings of A. lb Vinet. [See Vinet, A. R.] 198 Public Library of New South Wales. FARRELL, John. Australia to England. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MH | y 23 ' FARRELLY, Josephine. The Sydney Waltz. Km fol Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f FARRELLY, M. J. The Settlement after the War in South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 T 7 FARRER, Thomas Henry, Baron. Neo-Protection Scheme of the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain 8vo Lond 1896. y 2 y 32 Studies in Currency, 1898 : or, Inquiries into certain Modern Problems connected with the Standard of Value and the Media of Exchange. 8vo. Lond., 1898 - F 13 R 14 What is a Bounty? 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 17 T -1 Speech by, on Cobdehic Questions. [See Cobden Club.] C 19 P 23 FARRER, W. How Experiment Farms can be made to help on in the best manner the Agriculture of the country. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Making and Improvement of Wheats for Australian con- ditions. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) .ME 9 11 The Too Common Crow. (Agricult. Gaz.. N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Wheats commonly grown in New South Wales ( \•) E Ge .logical and Pakeontological relations of the Coal and Plant -bearing Beds of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Age in Eastern Australia and Tasmania. [See N.8.W.— Geolog. Surv.— Pakeontology, 3.] MA 5 V 17 FELKIN, Dr. Robert William. Emm Pasha: his Life and Work. [See Schnitzel-, Dr. E. C. O. T ] C25P18, 19 FELL. John, Dean of Christchurch. Life of the Rev. H. Hammond. [See Hammond, Rev. H] C 19 P 10 FELLOWSHIP MESSENGER, The, 1895-98. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Melb., 1895-98. ME 7 Q FELT, Ephraim Porter. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. [See New- York.— Museum, Bulletin 20.] E FEMALE COSTUME, from the commencement of the 19th Century to a.d. 1825. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 18G7. A 18 R 1 f FEMALE SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. Reports of the Committee, 1827, 29, 30, 47-19, 54, 55, 57-63, 88. 1 ! vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1827-89. MF 3 R 12, MG 2 U 41, and MJ 2 Q 21 FEXELON, Francis de Salignac de la Mothe, Archbishop of Cambrai. Le Mysticisme en France au temps de V Jnclon ; bv Jacques Matter. [See Church, R. W., i 'can.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 85 FENNEMA, R. Description geologique de Java, et Madoura. [See Verbeek, Dr. R, D. M.] A 39 R 10, 17 FEXTON, John F. Theory of the Social Compact and its influence upon the American Revolution. 8vo. New York, 1891. F 18 II 25 FEN WICK, Dr. William Soltau. 1 )yspepsia in Childhood. ( Allbutt, Dr. T. O- System of Medicine. ) A 2G T 3G General Pathology of Digestion. [See Ralfe, Dr. C. H.] A. 2G T 3G FEU I'!, Dr. Ch. Pathology of Emotions: Physiological and Clinical Studies. Translated by Dr. R. Park. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 25 V 1 FEB. ED AY, Richard W. Synonymic List of Lepidoptera of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S : of Boys. (Tnternat ■iteraturo.) A 41 V ' West Indies. 2nd ed. 8vo. Colombo, 1898. A 40 U 5 FERGUSON, James. Papers illustrating the History of the Scots Brigade in the Service of the United Nether- lander,;. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 32.] E FERGUSON, Rev. S. Hector. Spiritual Law through the Natural World. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MG 2 R G4 FERGUSON, Sir Samuel. Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ireland of his Day ; by Lady Ferguson. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. ' C 22 S 1G, 17 FERGUSON, W. H. Age of Auriferous Quartz Veins and Alluvial Deposits in Victoria. (Boy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P FERGUSSON, Robert. [Life of] ; by Rev. A. B. Grosart. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 28 Scots Poems. With Portrait. 18mo. Edinb., 1898. H 9 P 20 FERNALD, Dr. Charles H. The Gypsy Moth. [See Massachusetts.— Board of Agricult,] A 38 P 11 FEB NOW, Bernhard Eduard. Practicability of an Ameri- can Forest Administration. (American Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 1G Forestry for Farmers. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry. [See United States.— Dept, of Agr. -Div. of Forestry.] E The White Pine. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult,— Div. of Forestry.] A 22 P 1 f FERNOW, Borthold. New Amsterdam Family Names and their Ori-in. (Coodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) " B 19 R G* FERRAR, Nicholas. Story Books of Little Gidding; with an Introduction by E. C. Sharland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 8 FERRARIS, Prof. G. Sul Congresso Internazionale di Elettricita in Chicago. 1893. 8vo. Roma, 1894. A 21 U 7 FLBBABS, MaxandBerl Lond., 1900. Illustrated. 4to. D23Q2 FEBRERO, Gen. A. Rapport sur les Triangulations. [See Association Geodesique internationale— Comptes- rendus de la douzicme Conference generate.] E Public Library of New South Wales. FERRES, Arthur. [See Kevin, John.] FERRT, Prof. E. Criminal Sociology FERlilEE, Dr. David. Regional Diagnosis „f Cerebral Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. System of Medicine.) A 20 T 10 FERRIER, -lames Frederick. | Life of] ; by E. S. Haldane. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 17 FERKTEii, Susan K,lm«,nsi Essay on. [See Literature.] 1892. J 26 Q 30, 31 )2. .1 26 Q 32, 33 Essays in English J 1 4 T 1 FERRIS, Paul. Palmistry. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 U 3 FERRIS, Thomas. Ferris' New Pocket Road Map of New South Wales, and Cyclists' Touring Guide. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MD 8 P 34 FERRUGGIA, Gemma. Woman's Folly. Translated by Helen Zimmern ; with Introduction by E. ( 8vo. Loud., 189G. J 2:3 U 16 FERRY, Jules Francois Camille. [Sketch of.] [See Emi- nent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 FERRYMAN, Maj. Augustus Ferryman Mockler-. Im- perial Africa: the Rise, Progress, and Future of the British Possessions in Africa. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Imperial Lib.) 1) 13 U 9 1. British West Africa. In the Northman's Land : Travel, Sport, and Folk-lore in the Hardanger Fjord and Fjeld. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 Q 21 FESQUET, A. A. Practical Guide for the Manufacture of Metallic Alloys. [See Guettier, A. V.] A 24 K 23 FEUILLET, Octave. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] II 12 R i Feuillefs La Morte. [See Pater, W. Appreciations.] J 22 U" 17 FEW LFTTHRS nslai Ct ,thc MA 1 S 2 FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb. The Science of Ethics as based on the Science of Knowledge. Translated by A. E. Kroeger, edited bv I >r. W. T. Harris. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 11 S -10 FTDLER, Prof. T. Claxton. Calculations in Hydraulic Engineering: a Practical Text-book for the use of Students, Draughtsmen, and Engineers. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' A 41 S 6 1. Fluid Pressure, and the calculation of its effects in En- FIELD, Barron. The Fair Maid of the Exchange, and Fortune bv Land and Sea. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 34 First and second parts of King Edward IV. ! See Shake- speare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 18 The true Tragedy of Richard III; to which is appended the Latin pla'v of Riehardus Tertius, bv Dr. Thomas Legge, both anterior to Shakespeare's Drama; with Introduction and Notes. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] II 3 U 26 FIELD, Rev. Benjamin. The Student's Hand-book of Christian Theology. New ed., by Rev. John C. Symons. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MG 1 P 42 FIELD, Cyrus W. Cyrus W. Field : his Life and Work, 1819-92. Edited by Isabella Field Judson. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 26 Q 6 FIELD, Eugene. The Eugene Field I knew; bv F. Wilson. With Portrait, 8vo. New York, 1898. C 18 P 19 FIELD, Frederick. Notes on the Translation of the New Testament : being the Otium Norvicense (Pars Tertia). Reprinted, with" Additions, by the Author. 8vo. Camb., 1899. G 24 U 12 Fl It LD, Henry C. Curious forms of New Zealand Ferns. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FIELD, Henry M. Our Western Archipelago. 8vo. New York', 1895. D 16 S 4 FIELD, Leopold. Candles. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 FIELD, Mary Katherine Kemble. [Life of]; by Lilian Whiting/ With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 14 FIELD, Rogers. Water Supply and Disposal of Sewage of Country Houses. (Internat. Health Exhib.- - Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 17 FIELD, The. Vols. 48-86, July, 1876-95. 39 vols. fol. Lond., 1876-95. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. FIELDING, H. The Soul of a People. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 8 29 FT El DING, Henry. Works of. Edited, with a Bio- graphical Essay, by Leslie Stephen. Illustrated. 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 22 V 9-18 1 , 2. Tom Jones. 3. Amelia. 4. Joseph Andrews anil his friend .Mr. Abraham Adams, and a Journey from this world to the next, &c. 5. Jonathan Wild, and articles in the Champion. 6. Essays and Legal Cases. 7. Voyage to Lisbon, Legal Papers, and Poems. 8-10. Dramatic Works. Works of ; with an Introduction by E. Gosse. Vols. 1- 10. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 Q 1-10 1, 2. Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams. 3-6. Tom Jones. 7-9. Amelia. 10. Jonathan Wild. FIELDING, Sarah. Adventures of David Simple. New ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1772. J 23 P 13, 14 FIE L DS, Annie Adams [Mrs. J. T.] Authors and Friends. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 It 14 Life and Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe [SeeStowe, Harriet B.] C 23 S 14 FIELDS, James Thomas. [Sketch of.] [See Ward, Eliza- beth Stuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 FIFTY YEARS OF ART. [See Art Journal.] A 20 T 2 t FIGGIS, J. Neville. The Theory of the Divine Right of Kings. 8vo. Camb., 1896. (Camb. Hist. Essays.) F8 V 28 FIJ I : — Gort>mm<>.nt Departments — Repnrtsand Publications. Blue Book. Fiji Blue Book, 1896-99. 4 vols. sm. fol. Suva, 1897-1900. ME Government Gazette. Royal Gazette, 1894-99. 6 vols. fol. Suva, 1894-99. ME Hand-book. Hand-book to Fiji, 1892. MD5U2 Hospital and Lunatic Asylum. Annual Statistical Return of the Colonial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum, 1899, with a statement of the estimated population of the Colony. Sm. fol. Suva, 1900. ME Observatory. [See Suva Observatory as a main Author Entry.] Statutes. Ordinances of the Colony of Fiji, Sept., 1875- Dec, 1878, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. and sm. fol. Sydney and Suva, 1880-1900. ME FIJI COLONIST and Levuka Gazette [formerly the Polynesian Gazette] 1896-98. 2 vols. fol. Levuka, 1896-98. ME FILDES, Luke. Life and Works of; by D. C. Thomson. [See Art Journal.] A 13 W 7 t " FILIA." [See Dorsey, Sarah Anne.] FILLMORE, John Comfort. Report on the Structural Peculiarities of [Omaha Indian] Music. [See Peabody Museum.] A 41 P 14 FILLMORE, Millard. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. —Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 FILON, Augustin. The English Stage : being an Account of the Victorian Drama. Translated by Frederic Whyte ; with an Introduction by Henry Arthur Jones. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' H 9 T 27 Modern French Drama. Translated by Janet E. Hogarth, with an Introduction by W. L. Courtney. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 10 V 32 FINANCIAL NEWS, Sept.-Dec, 1899. Fol. Lond., 1899. F FINANCIAL REFORM ALMANAC, 1878, 1893--J6, 1898-1900 : a Vade Mecum for Fiscal Reformers, &c, containing elaborately tabulated Statistical Informa- tion. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-1900. E FINCASTLE, Alexander Edward Murray, Viscount, and LOCKHART, Lieut. Percy Clare Eliott-. A Frontier Campaign : a Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces. 1897-98. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 29 R 14 FINCH, John B. The People v. the Liquor Traffic ; with an Introduction by J . N. Stearns. Edited by C. A. McCully. 24th ed. 12mo. New York, 1896. F 15P27 FINCK, Henry T. Primitive Love and Love Stories. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 24 T 9 FINDLEY, J. J. Arnold of Rugby : his School Life and Contributions to Education. [See Arnold, Dr. T.] C 23 Q 20 FINDON, B. W. Life-story, Letters, and Rer of Sir Arthur Sullivan. [See Sullivan, Sir A.] C 27 S 9 FINK, Theodore. Imprisonment for Debt. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Mercantile Law Reform. (Melb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q FINLAY, Dr. David White. Pneumothorax. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 FINLAY, W. H. Star Correction Tables. [See Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory.] E FINN, Edmund, " Garryowen." Cyclorama of Early Mel- bourne. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 8 S 4 Public Library of New South Wales. FINNISS, B. T. Review, 5.) Religion and Science. (Melbourne ME 18 Q FINSCH, Dr. O. Exploring Cruises of the Samoa. Eth- nological Atlas. Types from the Stone Age of New Guinea. Imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. [In German, English, and French.] MA 2 P 33 t FINUCANE, W. Probable Meat Trade with Egypt. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U FIORENTINO, Ser Giovanni. [See Giovanni Fiorentino, Ser.] FIORINI, Prof. M. Le Sfere Cosmografiche e special- mente le Sfere Terrestri. 8vo. Roma, 1894. D 12 T 20 FIRTH, Charles Harding. ( of the Puritans in Engla (Heroes of the Nations.) Cromwell and the rule ivo. New York, 1900. B 27 Q 15 The Clarke Papers. [See Camden Soc. Pubs.] E Journal of Joachim Hane. [See Hane, J.] B 16 P 8 Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford. [See Strafford, Earl.] " C 18 P 3 Scotland and the Protectorate. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 31.] E FIRTH, Elmer W. Micro-Organisms in the Air of Public Buildings and Conveyances, due to improper methods of Cleaning. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 44 S 20 FIRTH, J. C. On Fires in Coal-ships : their Causes and Prevention. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S FIRTH, Oliver. Postage Stamps and their Collection : a Practical Guide to Philately for all Collectors. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 30 FIRTH, Surgeon-Major Robert Hammill. Frambcesia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Oriental Sore. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- Verruga. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— Syster The Theory and Practice of Hygiene. Dr. J. L] [See Notter, A 31 Q 22 FIRTH, William T. The relative commercial values of Pumice and Charcoal for purposes of insulation. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FISCHER, Prof. Alfred. Structure and Functions of Bacteria. Translated by A. C. Jones. Roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. A 34 S 1 FISH, George T. American Manual of Parliamentary Law ; or, the Common Law of Deliberative Assemblies. 18mo. New York, 1897. F 12 S 30 FISH, Simon. Supplicacyon for the Beggars. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 [Another copy.] [See English Scholar's Lib.] J 3 T 20 FISHER, Dr. Albert Kenrick. Report on Birds. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 FISHER, Arabella Burton [Mrs. T.] (Arabella Burton Buckley.) Winners in Life's Race; or, the Great Backboned Family. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 27 P 3 1. Fishes and Birds. 2. Mammalia. FISHER, Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 FISHER, D. Havelock. The Country of Horace and Virgil. [See Boissier, Gaston.] D 18 S 15 Rome and Pompeii. [See Boissier, Gaston.] B 16 S 14 FISHER, Rev. George Park. History of Christian Doc- trine. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. G 11 P 48 FISHER, George William. Annals of Shrewsbury School. Revised by J. S. Hill. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 17 T 33 FISHER, Herbert. The Mediaeval Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 11, 12 FISHER, Irving. Bibliography of Mathematical Econ- omics. [See Cournot, A. — Researches into the Mathe- matical Principles of the Theory of Wealth.] F 4 U 19 FISHER, James. The Manitoba School Question. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 17 T 21 FISHER, Joseph R. Finland and the Tsars, 1809-99. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 R 1 FISHER, Lala. By Creek and Gully: Stories and Sketches mostly of Bush Life, told in Prose and Rhyme by Australian Writers. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' MJ 3 R 33 FISHER, Sydney George. The True Benjamin Franklin. [See Franklin, B.] C 26 Q 4 The True William Penn. [See Penn, W.] C 26 U 4 FISHER, W. Clark. The Potentiometer and its adjuncts. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 38 T 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. FISJ1 RR, W. E. Garrett. The Transvaal and the Boers : a -iiort History of the South African Republic, with a ( 'hapter on the Orange Free State. With Map. 8vo., 1900. B 36 S 10 The Transvaal and the Boers: a brief History. 8vo. Loud., 1896. B 16 R 40 FISHER, Prof. W. R, Forest Utilization. [See Schlich, Prof. William.— Manual of Forestry.] A 32 R 17 FISK. Clinton B., and WHITLESEY, E. Report of, on t he Peace ratified in the Creek Nation. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 47 FISKE, Amos Kidder. The Myths of Israel : the ancient liook of Genesis ; with analysis and explanation of its composition. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 11 U 20 The West Indies : a History of the Islands of the West Indian Archipelago, together with an Account of their Physical Characteristics, Natural Resources, and Pre- sent Condition. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. B32R11 FISKE, Prof. John. American Political Ideas viewed from the standpoint of Universal History. 8vo. New York, 1898. F8 V 47 The American Revolution. Illustrated with Portraits, Maps, Facsimiles, Contemporary Views, Prints, and other historic materials. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. B 16 V 35, 36 Beginnings of New England ; or, the Puritan Theocracy in its relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. Illus- trated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 25 T 18 A Century of Science, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 S 2 Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 19 V 6, 7 Old Virginia and her Neighbours. With Map. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 19 R 3, 4 Through Nature to God. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 25 Marching with Gomez. [See Flint, G.] B 36 Q 10 FISKE, Minnie Maddern. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q6 FITCH, Sir Joshua Girling. Address by, on the Inspection and Examination of Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Educational Aims and Methods : Lectures and Addresses. Svo. Camb., 1900. G 26 R 6 Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English Education. [See Arnold, T.] C 23 P 22 FITCH, Ralph. Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma "See Ryley, J. H.] B 36 R 7 FITCHETT, A. R. Free Trade in Education. (Mel- bourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q FITCHETT, Rev. William Henry, " Vedette." Austral- asian Geography in European Terms. (Review of Reviews, Aug., 1897.) E The Australian View of the South African Crisis. (National Review, Aug., 1899.) E Deeds that won the Empire : Historic Battle Scenes. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 13 Failure of the Australian Federation Bill. (Canadian Mag., Sept., 1898.) E Fights for the Flag. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. B 29 Q 24 How England saved Europe : Story of the Great War, 1793-1815. Illustrated. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1899- 1900. B 37 Q 8-11 1. From the Low Countries to Egypt. 2. The Struggle for the Sea. 3. War in the Peninsula. 4. Waterloo and St. Helena. The Modern Pulpit. (Melb. Rev., 4.) ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melb. Rev., 8.) ME 18 Q FITTON, Dr. William Henry. Geological Specimens col- lected by Capt. P. P. King in his Survey of the Coasts of Australia, and by R. Brown on the Shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria during the Voyage of Capt. Flinders. (Philosoph. Mag., Dec., 1825, Aug., 1826.) E FITZ, Dr. Reginald H. Diseases of the Pancreas. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Practice of Medicine. [See Wood, Dr. H. C] A 30 V 1 9 FITZ- AD AM, Adam. The World. 32m Lond., 1808. J 1 V 43 FITZGERALD, Rear-Adm. Charles Cooper Penrose. Life of Vice-Adm. Sir George Tryon. [See Tryon, Vice- Adm. Sir G.] C 24 Q 8 [Portrait and Sketch of Sir George Rooke.] [See Rooke, Sir G.] C 25 T 7 FitzGERALD, Edward. Life of; by J. Glyde ; with an Introduction by E. Clodd. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 18 Concordance to FitzGerald's Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. [See Tutin, J. R.] K 17 Q 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 4 R 40, 41 FITZGERALD, Edward, Lord. Memoirs of ; by Thomas Moore. With Preface and many supplementary par- ticulars 1>\ .Martin Me Derm ott. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 4 Public Library of Neic South Wales. FITZGERALD, Edward Arthur. Climbs in the New Zea- land Alps : being an Account of Travel and Discovery. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MD 3 V 19 The Highest Andes : a Record of the first Ascent of Aconcagua and Tupungato in Argentina, and the Ex- ploration of the surrounding Valleys. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 T 2 In the New Zealand Alps. (Contemporary Review, Aug., 1895.) E FITZGERALD, Frank. Fitzgerald's Home Physician; or, the Poor Man's Doctor : a Manual on Physiology, Anatomy, and Diseases of the Nervous and Sexual Systems. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 48 FITZGERALD, J. Mental Suggestion. [See Ochorowicz, Dr. J.] G 18 R 61 FITZGERALD, J. D. Municipal Statesmanship in Europe : what Municipal Reform has done. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 4 V 53 FITZGERALD, Mrs. P. F. The Rational, or Scientific Ideal of Morality, containing a Theory of Cognition, a Metaphysic of Religion, and an "Apologia pro Amore." 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' GIT 23 FITZGERALD, Percy Hetherington. Critical Examina- tion of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's " Johnsonian " Editions. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 15 V 13 Pickwickian Manners and Customs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 U 30 The Good Queen Charlotte. [See Charlotte, Queen of England.] C 24 T 24 FITZ-GERALD, S. J. Adair. Stories of Famous Songs. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 R 38 The Zankiwank and the Bletherwitch. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 22 P 17 FITZGERALD, William Walter Augustine. Travels in the Coastlands of British East Africa and the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba : their Agricultural Resources and General Characteristics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 6 FITZ-GIBBON, Abraham Coates. [Obituary Notice of.[ (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 29.) E FITZGIBBON, Edmond Gerald. Party Government and Suggestions for better. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q FITZHERBERT, Mrs. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth W.— England in 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 FITZMAURICE-KELLY, James. [See Kelly, J. Fitz- FITZPATRICK, J. P. The Transvaal from within : a Record of Public Affairs. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 S 8 FITZPATRICK, John Charles Lucas. "The Good Old Days": being a Record of Facts and Reminiscences concerning the Hawkesbury District. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MB 3 P 11 Various Verses. Sm. 4to. Parramatta, 1895. MH 1 P 76 FITZPATRICK, William John. Memoirs of Richard Whately. [See Whately, R., Archb.] C 26 Q 12, 13 FITZRALPH, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh. De Pauperie Salvatoris. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 23 T 28 [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 FITZROY, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton. [Set Grafton, 3rd Duke of.] FITZ SIMON, Rev. James A., and VINCENT, A. The Gods of old and the story that they tell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 P 12 FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. [See Gardner, E. A.] K 18 S 24 FLAGG, Ernest. The New York Tenement House Evil and its Cure. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 FLAGG, Dr. J. Foster. Dental Pathology and Thera- peutics. [See Inglis, Dr. O. E.] A 38 S 5 FLAMENG, Francois. [Reproduction of his Picture] Court Ladies Bathing. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 f FLAMMARION, Camilla The Unknown. 8vo. Lond., FLAMSTEED, John. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 FLAUBERT, Gustave. Correspondance. 4th ser., 1869-80. 8vo. Paris, 1893. CUP 25* Gustave Flaubert as seen in his Works and Correspond- ence j by J. C. Tarver. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 26 R 1 [Essay on.] [See James, Henry. — Essays in London and elsewhere.] J 14 T 23 FLAXMAN, John. Illustrations to Homer's Odyssey. [See Homerus.] H 7 Q 17 FLECK, Hermann. Introduction to Chemical-Technical Analysis. [See Ulzer, Prof. F.] A 38 T 18 FLECKER, G. Small Events on a big Journey. 12mo. Adelaide, 1897 MD 4 P 19 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. FLE1 SCHMANN, Dr. W. Book of the Dairy : a Manual of the Science and Practice of Dairy Work. Trans- lated from the German by C. M. Aikman and R. Pat- rick Wright. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 R 50 FLEM ING, David Hay. Mary Queen of Scots, from her birth to her flight into England: a brief Biography; v i h Critical Notes, a few Documents hitherto unpub- lished, and an Itinerary. [See Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots.] C 2-1 T 17 .P.] 20 s 6 Tli.' Scottish Reformation. [See Mitchell, Rev. A. G FLEMING, J. S. Old Lodgings of Stirling: being the Ancient Residences of the Nobility, Clergy, and Civic Dignitaries not hitherto delineated and described. Sm. 4to. Stirling, 1897. B 33 S 4 FLEMING, Rev. James. The Art of Reading and Speak- ing. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 T 45 Spanish Protestants in the 16th Century. [See Wilkens, Dr. C. A.] G 11 U 13 FLEMING, John A. Magnets and Electric Currents : an Klementary Treatise for the use of Electrical Artisans and Science Teachers. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 20 Q 31 FLEMING, Dr. Robert Alexander. Diseases of the Spinal Nerves. [See Gibson, Dr. G. A.] A 26 T 39 FLETCHER, Alice Cunningham, and LA FLESCHE, Francis. Study of Omaha Indian Music. [Set Pea- body Museum.] A 41 P 14 FLETCHER, Andrew. [Life of] Fletcher of Saltoun; by G. W. T. Omond. 12mo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 22 FLETCHER, Prof. Banister, and Banister F. History of Architecture, for the Student, Craftsman, and Ama- teur. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 23 P 12 FLETCHER, Banister F. Influence of Material on Archi- tecture. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. A 13 R 6 t History of Architecture. [See Fletcher, Prof.B.] A 23 P 12 FLETCHER, Charles Robert Leslie. The Eastern Ques- tion in the 18th Century. [See Sorel, A.] F 13 R 12 FLETCHER, Henry. The North Shore Mystery. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MJ 3 V 4 FLETCHER, Lieut. -Col. Henry Charles. History of the American War. With Map. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865-66. B 20 T 8-10 FLETCHER, Horace. Happiness as found in Forethought minus Fearthought. 12mo. Chicago, 1897. (Menti- cultureSer.) G 11 U 44 FLETCHER, John. Conjectural Headings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 Philaster. [See Beaumont, F.] II 13 Q 1 Two Noble Kinsmen. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 13 U 33, and W 38 FLETCHER, Joseph James. Dates of publication of the early volumes of the Society's Proceedings. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P Geographical Distribution of Australian Batrachia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Specific identity of the Australian Peripatus, usually supposed to be P. leuckarti, Sanger. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2 P FLETCHER, Lazarus. Introduction to the Study of Meteorites. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 V 9 Introduction to the Study of Minerals. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 V 13 Introduction to the Study of Rocks. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 V 11 FLETCHER, William Isaac, and POOLE, Franklin O. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 3rd Supple- ment, 1892-96. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. Cat. Room FLETCHER, William Younger. English Bookbindings in the British Museum : Illustrations of sixty-three examples selected on account of their beauty or his- torical interest. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 40 U 6 J Foreign Bookbindings in the British Museum: Illustra- tions of sixty-three examples selected on account of their beauty or historical interests. With Introduc- tion and Descriptions. 4 to. Lond., 1896. A40U10J FLEURY, Dr. Maurice de. Medicine and the Mind (La Medicine de PEsprit). Translated by Dr. S. B. Collins. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 U 37 FLINDERS, Capt. Matthew. Biographical Memoir of. (Naval Chronicle, 32,) B 38 Q 13 Observations upon the Marine Barometer, made during the Examination of the Coasts of New Holland and New South Wales, 1801-3. (Roy. Soc, Lond., Philo- soph. Trans., 1806.) E [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Becke, L.— Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 FLINT, Grover. Marching with Gomez : a War Corres- pondent's Field Note-book, kept during four months with the Cuban army ; with an Historical Introduc- tion by J. Fiske. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 36 Q 10 Theological Teaching in a University. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Public Library of New South Wales. FLORENCE, Willi; [See McKay, P. day.] a Jermyn. [Portrait and Sketch of.] 3. — Pamous American Actors of To- C 23 Q 6 FLORENTIUS WIGORNIENSIS. [See Bavonius, Flo- rentius.] FLORIDA : — State Departments — Reportsand Publications. Commissioner of Agriculture. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Tallahassee, 1893. E FLORIST AND POMOLOGIST, The: a Pictorial Monthly Magazine of Plowers, Fruits, and General Horticulture, 1862-78. 17 vols. 8vo. and roy. 8vo. Lond., 1863-78. A 48 P 1-17 FLORUS, Lucius Annseus. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. (Scriptores Historian Romanse.) B 40 U 23 J FLOTOW, Friedrich Ferdinand Adolph von. Martha, as performed by Simonsen's English and Comic Opera Co. 12mo. Auckland, 1889. - H 11 Q 30 FLOUR DE SAINT-GENTS, — . Le Credit Territorial en France et la Reforme Hypothecate. Roy. 8vo. Havre, 1888. F 9 V 22 FLOWER, Sir William Henry, F.R S. Essays on Mu- seums and other subjects connected with Natural His- tory. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 R 1 List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological De- partment of the British Museum. [See British Museum. —Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 19 The complete Cyclist. FLOYD, Gilbert. A. C] FLOYD, Marcus L. Cultivation of Cigar-leaf Tobacco in Florida. [See U. S.— Dept. of Agr.] A 37 S 54 FLUGEL, Dr. Felix. Universal English-German and German-English Dictionary. 4th ed. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Brunswick, 1894. J 7 V 25-27 FLUGGE, Dr. C. Micro-organisms, with special reference to the Etiology of the Infective Diseases. Translated by Dr. W. Watson Cheyne. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 26 S 37 FLURSCHEIM, Michael. Business without Gold. 18mo. Wellington, 1898. MF 5 P 9 Real History of Money Island. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MF5T3 Rent, Interest, and Wages ; or, the Real Bearings of the Land Question. 3rd ed. Lond., 1890. With Portrait. 18m F16 S 5 FOA, Edouard. After Big Game in Central Africa : Records of a Sportsman from August, 1894, to No- vember, 1897, when crossing the Dark Continent from the Mouth of the Zambesi to the French Congo. Translated from the French, with an Introduction by F. Lees. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 10 FOADEN, Prof. George P. Cotton Culture in Egypt, [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 FOERSTER, Moritz. [See Forster, M.] " FOGARTY, Timothy." [See Ellard, W.] FOGAZZARO, Antonio. [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M.— Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 FOGGITT, W. Smith. Adeline Countess Schimmelmann. [See Schimmelmann, Adeline Countess.] C 22 S 18 FOKKENS, P. Aanteekeningen betrekkelijk mijn Ver- blijf te Sydney. (Tijdschrift voor hetZeewezen, 1 875. )E lets over Nieuw-Holland en bijgelegene Eilanden. (Tijd- schrift voor het Zeewezen, 1853.) E Reis van Sidney, door Torres Strait, naar Java. (Tijd- schrift voor het Zeewezen, 1859.) E Reis van Sidney naar Java. (Tijdsehni'i \ wezen, 1858.) • het Zee- [See Davids, Caroline FOLEY, Caroline Augusta. Augusta.] FOLJAMBE, Rt. Hon. F. J. Savile. MSS. of. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel— Historical MSS. Com.] E FOLK-LORE. [See Folk-lore Society.] FOLK-LORE SOCIETY. Folk-lore [including Archa-o- logical Review, vols. 1-4, 1888-90]: a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom ; being the Transactions of the Folk-lore Society, and incorporat- ing the Arc/uioldi/ini/ Ilfcicir and the Folk-lore Journal. Vols. 1-8, 10, 1890-97, 1899. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888-99. E Publications. Vols. 39, 41, 43. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. E 39. The Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio an Account of the Ceremonies, together with some suggestions as to tlieii origin, and an Appendix con- sisting of tho Iguvino Lustration in English ; by H. M. Bower. 41. Notes on the Folk-lore of the Fjort ; by R. E. Bennett. With an Introduction by Mary H. Kingsley. 43. Catalogue of a Collection of objects illustrating the Folk- lore of Mexico ; by Prof. F. Starr. FOLLETT, M. P. The Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 28 FOLWELL, Prof. A: Prescott. Sewerage : Designing, Con- struction, and Maintenance of Sewerage Systems. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 V 24 Water-supply Engineering: Designing, Construction, and Maintenance of Water-supply Systems, both City and Irrigation. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 38 S 24 FOLWELL, William W. Analysis in Political Economy. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 14 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 207 FOOR I ), Arthur H. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat, Hist.] A 43 P 1-3 FOOTBALLER, The: an Annual Record of Football in A' ktoria and the Australian Colonies, 1875-77. Edited bv T. P. Power. 3 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1875-77. MA 5 R 22-24 FOOTE, Allen Ripley. A Sound Currency and Banking S\ >tem : how it may be secured. 8vo. New York, 1*95. (Questions of the Day.) F 10 V 22 FOOT K, Rear-Adm. Andrew Hull. Life of; by Prof. J. M. Hoppin. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1874. C 24 P21 FOOTE, Mrs. Henry Grant. Recollections of Central America and the West Coast of Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1809, D16R4 FORBES, Archibald. The Black Watch : the Record of an Historic Regiment. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B16T14 Life of Napoleon III. [See Napoleon III, Emperor of the French.] C 25 P 1 FORBES, Duncan. Account of the Familie of Innes. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 S 10 FORBES, Prof. Edward, F.R.S., and HANLEY, Syl- \ anus. History of British Mollusca and their Shells. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. A 38 P 14-17 FOR I IKS, Henry O. Attempted Ascent of Mt. Owen Stanley, New Guinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., March and August, 1888.) E FORI'.ES, James David, F.R.S. Life and Letters of; by .). C. Shairp, P. G. Tait, and A. Adams-Reilly. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1873. C 25 R 9 FORBES, John Murray. Letters and Recollections of. Edited by his daughter, Sarah Forbes Hughes. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1899. C 24 P 23, 24 FOR BES, Maj. Patrick William. Downfall of Lobengula. [See Wills, W. A.] B 36 R 13 FOR/1ES AND PARKES GAZETTE, Lachlan and Bogan Advertiser, 1898-99. 2 vols. fol. Forbes, 1898-99. ME FOR BUSH, Edward H. The Gypsy Moth. [See Massa- chusetts.— Board of Agricult.] A 38 P 11 FOl ! I >, Clarence. Life and Letters of Mme. de Krudener. [See Krudener, Barbe-Julie, Mme. de.] C 24 T 1 FOR I >, Henry Jones. Rise and Growth of American Politics : a Sketch of Constitutional Development. tSvo. New York, 1898. F 15 S 7 FORD, John. Perkin Warbeck ; with Introduction and Notes by J. P. Pickburn and J. Le Gay Brereton. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. H 10 U 21 The Broken Heart : a Criticism by Cha English Literary Criticism.] i Lamb. [See J 14 U 19 Honour triumphant, and a Line of Life. [See Shake- speare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 24 Perkin Warbeck. [See D< Plays.] FORD, John B. An American Cruiser in the East : Travels and Studies in the Far East, the Aleutian Islands, Behring's .Sea, Eastern Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Formosa, Hongkong, and the Philippine Islands ; with an Account of the Battle of Manila, April 30th, 1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 S 2 FORD, Lionel. Public School Athletics. (Cookson, C— Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 FORD, Paul Leicester. The true George Washington. [See Washington, G.] C 23 R 1 The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. [See Jefferson, T.] J4TJ21, 22 FORD, W. J. Billiards. [See Broadfoot, Major W.] A 29 S 23 FORD, Worthington C. Wool and Manufactures of Wool. [See U. S.— Dept. of the Treasury.] A 37 R 12 FORD LECTURES. Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus. [See Wylie, J. H.J G 25 S 21 Great Britain and Hanover. [See Ward, A. W.] B 2a P 16 FOREIGN AND COLONIAL QUARTERLY REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-3, Jan., 1843- April, 1844. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-44. J 22 S 12-14 FOREIGN COURTS AND FOREIGN HOMES. [See F., A. M.] D 21 Q 2 FOREIGN STATESMEN. Cavour ; by Countess Evelyn Martinengo Cesaresco. [See Cavour, C. B. di, Count.] C 26 P 12 Cosimo de' Medici. [See Ewart, K. D.] B 26 R 20 Joseph II. [See Bright, Rev. J. F.] B 17 P 48 Maria Theresa. [See Bright, Rev. J. F.] B 17 P 47 William I, King of the Netherlands ; by F. Harrison. [See William I, King of the Netherlands.] C 23 S 8 FOREMAN, John. The Philippine Islands : a Political, Geographical, Ktlnmirrapliicul, Social, and Commercial History of the Philippine Archipelago and its Political Dependencies, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D22 R 1 Public Library of New South Wales. "FOREMAN PATTERN-MAKER." Toothed Gearing : a Practical Hand-book for Offices and Workshops. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 24 P 42 FORLANI, Paulo. Universale Descrittione di tutta la Terra conosciuta fin qui. [See Remarkable Maps of the 15th-17th Centuries.] " D 8 P 37 J FORLONG, Gordor Sydney, 1896. The Tower of Cosmos MG 1 P 88 FORMAN, Harry Buxton. The Books of William Morris described, with some Account of his doings in Litera- ture and in the allied crafts. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 23 Brief Account of Richard Henry Heme. [See Nicoll, W. R.— Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Lines on the Death of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 The Mask of Anarchy. [See Shelley, P. B.] H 10 W 12 t Poetical Works of P. B. Shelley. [See Shelley, P. B.] H 12 S 15-18 Thomas Wade. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 FORREST, George W. The Administration of the Mar- quis of Lansdowne as Viceroy and Governor-General of India, 1888-94. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894. F11U36 Selections from the Letters, Despatches, and other State Papers preserved in the Military Department of the Government of India, 1 857-58. With Map and Plans. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1893. B 39 T 3 FORREST,' James. Tide Gauge, Tidal Harmonic Analyser, and Tide Predicter. [See Thomson, Sir W.] A 19 S 8 FORREST, Sir John. Kimberley District, Western Aus tralia. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1885-86.) ME 20 P FORSTER, Hugh Oakeley Arnold-. Army Letters, 1897- 98. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 16 Chapters on Cooperation from " The Laws of E very-day Life." 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 16 S 14 Conspiracy of Grocers against Public Education : the suppressed Chapters on Cooperation in " The Laws of Everyday Life." 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 History of England from the landing of Julius Csesar to the present day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 10 FORSTER, Moritz. Peter Schlemihl's wundersame Ges- chichte. [See Chamisso de Boncourt, L. C. A. de.] J 12 P 40 Schiller's Maria Stuart. [See Schiller, F. von.] H 13 P 12 Schiller's Song of the Bell, and other Poems and Ballads. [See Schiller, F. von.] H 13 P 8 FORSTER, Hon. William. Democratic Government. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Personal Government. (Melb. Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Representative Government in the Colonies. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 f FORSYTH, Prof. Andrew Russell. Theory of Differential Equations. 3 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1890-1900. A 45 T 3-5 FORSYTH, Archibald. Rapara ; or, the Rights of the Individual in the State. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 P 68 State Railways under Federation. (People's Federal Con- vention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 FORSYTH, Rev. P. T. Rome, Reform, and Reaction four Lectures on the Religious Situation. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 T 8 FORSYTH, William. Mosses of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P FORT, G. Seymour. Report on British New Guinea. [See Queensland. — British New Guinea.] MF 1 U 2 FORTESCUE, Earl. Teaching of Agriculture. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 FORTESCUE, J. B. The MSS. of, vol. 2. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Hist. MSS. Comm, 14th R~ept.] E FORTESCUE, Hon John William. History of the British Army. With Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 P 4, 5 History of the 17th Lancers. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 39 T 9 Marlborough. [See Marlborough, Duke of.] C 26 R 18 FORTESCUE, Miss M. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 FORTIER, Dr. Alce'e. Louisiana Folk-tales in French Dialect and English Translation. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 8 V 29 FORTIER, Samuel. The Water Supply of Cache Valley. [See Utah.— Agricult. College Exper. Stn.] A 23 T 37 FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW, The. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 67, 1865-June, 1900. 73 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865- 1900. E FORTNUM, Charles Drury Edward. Maiolica : a His- torical Treatise on the Glazed and Enamelled Earth- wares of Italy, with Marks and Monograms; also some notice of the Persian, Damascus, Rhodian, and His- pano-Moresque Wares. Illustrated. Imp. Svo. Ox- ford, 1896. A 15 Sllf Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. FOSTKR, Alfred. London's Pauper Chaos. (Keid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 FOSTKR, Birket. Brittany: V.,1. Witley, 1*78. 25 Sketches. A 22 R 2 t FOSTKR, Prof. Clement Le Neve, F.R.S. Text-book of Ore and Stone Mining. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 Q 14 Geology of the Carboniferous Limestone, Yoredale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of North Derbyshire. [See Gt. I Ji it. and Irel.— Geolog.Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 17 Third Annual General Report upon the Mineral Industry of the United Kingdom. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Home Office — Mines and Quarries.] E FOSTKR, Prof. George Cary, F.R.S., and ATKINSON, L'rof. Edmund. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, founded on Joubert's "Traite Ele- lncntaire d'Electricite." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., IS96. A 25 S 11 FOSTER, J. J. British Miniature Painters and their Works. Illust. 4to. Lond., 1898. A17T32f FOSTER, L. S. Published Writings of George Newbold Lawrence. [See United States.— National Museum, 1 Julie tin 40.] E FOSTER, Dr. Michael, F.R.S. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body : an Appendix to Foster's Physiology (5th ed.); by Dr. A. Sheridan Lea, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 28 U 19 General Features of the Blood. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Text-book of Physiology. 5th ed. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 28 U 15-18 . f and LANKESTER, Dr. Edwin Ray. Scien- tific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. [See Huxley, Prof. T. H.] A 40 S 15, 16 , and SHORE, Dr. Lewis Erie. Physiology for Beginners. Illust. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 26 P 36 FOSTER, Dr. Michael George. Climate in the Treatment of Disease. [See Weber, Dr. Hermann.] A 26 T 34 FOSTKR, It. F. Foster's complete Hoyle : an Encyclo- pedia of all the Indoor Games played at the present day, with suggestions for good play, a full code of laws, illustrative hands, and a brief statement of the doctrine of chances as applied to games. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 1 V 23 Whist Tactics: a complete Course of Instruction in the methods adopted by the best players. Illustrated by 1 1 2 hands played by correspondence between sixteen of the best players in the American Whist League. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 29 S 30 2 D FOSTER, Prof. Robert V. Sketch of the History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 18 FOSTER, Roger. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, Historical and Judicial, with Ob- servations upon the ordinary provisions of State Con- stitutions, and a comparison with the Constitutions of other countries. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 3 V 16 , and ABBOT, Everett V. Treatise ( ailCl j1J)I)01, iwrreuu v. a. luiiuine uii uno Federal Income Tax [U.S.A.] under the Act of 1894. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 10 U 19 FOSTER, Thomas. Illusions; English or British? Norman and Saxon Blood Royal; Nature Myths in Nursery Rhymes; the Mystery of Edwin Drood. [See Leisure Readings.] A 19 Q 16 FOSTER, Vere. The two Duchesses, Georgiana and Elizabeth, Duchesses of Devonshire : Family Corres- pondence of, and relating to Georgiana and Elizabeth, Duchesses of Devonshire, Earl of Bristol (Bishop of Derby), the Countess of Bristol, Lord and Lady Byron, the Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Augustus Foster, and others, 1777-1859. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 20 FOSTER, William. Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-19. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 2nd ser., 1, 2.] E FOSTER, William E. Planning a Library from the Librarian's point of view. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Brochure Ser.) A 37 R 8 FOTHERINGHAM, J. G. Diplomatic Correspondence of Jean de Montereul and the Brothers de Bellievre. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 29.] E FOTHERINGHAM, James. Studies in the Poetry of Robert Browning. 8vo. Lond., 1887. J 14 U 30 FOUARD, Constant, Abbe. St. Peter and the first years of Christianity. Translated by G. F. X. Griffith, with an Introduction by Cardinal Gibbons. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 1 U 42 FOUGERES, Gustave. MantinCe et l'Arcadie Orientale. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1898. B 34 R 1 FOULK, Ensign George C. Observations upon the Ko- rean Coast, Japanese Korean Ports, and Siberia. [See Buckingham, Lieut, B. H.] D 20 U 10 FOUNTAINHALL, John Lauder, Lord. Journals of. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 36.] E FOUQUE. [See La Motte Fouque.] FOUQUET, Dr. D. Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte. [See Morgan, J. de.] A 17 S 18 t Public Library of New South Wales. FOUQUET, Nicolas. Nicolas Fouquet; with some Extracts from his work " Les Conseils de la Sagesse." Illus- trated. Sm. 4to. Reading, 1899. G 24 S 11 FOUR AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. Harvard; by Charles Eliot Norton. Yale ; by Arthur T. Hadley. Princeton; by William M. Sloane. Columbia; by Brander Matthews. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 15 S 16 f FOVARGUE, H. West. Adoption of the Public libraries Acts in England and Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 9 V 36 , and OGLE, J. J. Public Library Legislation : being the law relating to Public Libraries and Technical Education, and all Statutes directly or indirectly affecting Libraries, Museums, Art Gallerif England, Ireland, and Scotland. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Lib. Assoc. Ser.) J 9 V 36 Public Library Manual. Pt. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 5 T 37 1. Library Legislation (1855-90). FOWKE, Frank Rede. Bayeux Tapestry: History and Description. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A41T8 FOWLER, A. The Concise Knowledge Astronomy. [See Clerke, Agnes M.] A 19 S 14 FOWLER, Charles Evan. Coffer-dam Process for Piers : Practical Examples from actual work. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 V 21 FOWLER, Edith. The Old Adam and the New Eve. [See Golm, R.] J 22 R 48 FOWLER, Ellen Thorneycroft. Concerning Isabel Car- naby. 12th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 22 Q 10 FOWLER, Prof. G. Herbert. Porifera and Coelenterata. [See Lankester, E. R. — Treatise on Zoology, 2.] A 44 S 24 FOWLER, Dr. George R. Peritonitis, non-operative and post-operative, Appendicitis, Paratyphlitic Abscess, and Obstruction of the Bowels. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 FOWLER, J. Kersley, "Rusticus." Records of Old Times: Historical, Social, Political, Spurting, and Agricultural. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B25T16 FOWLER, Dr. James Kingston. Emphysema of the Lungs. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Syphilitic Disease of the Lungs. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 , and GODLEE, Dr. Rickman John. Diseases of the Lungs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A40P6 FOWLER, Sir John. Life of; Lond., 1900. T. Mackay. 8vo. C26 T 10 FOWLER, Katherine. [See Philips, Katherine.] FOWLER, Orson Squire and Lorenzo Niles. New Illus- trated Self-instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. 8vo. New York, 1882. A 33 Q 33 FOWLER, Thomas Walker. Australia (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Re- port, 1898.) ME 18 S Determination of Heights by Barometric Methods. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Re- port, 1898.) ME 18 S Observations with Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers and Boiling-point Thermometers. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1895.) ME 1 P FOWLER, William Warde. Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic : an Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Hand-books of Archeology.) G 24 S 7 FOWLER, Rev. William Weeks. Matriculation Examina- tion of the University of London. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 FOWLES, Edwin Wesley Howard. Iterare Cursus : being short Latin Syntax Revision Rules compiled for the use of Matriculation Students. 12mo. Brisk, 1897. MJ 1 Q 36 FOX, George. Concerning the Rule. (Dearmer, Rev. P. —Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 [Life of] ; by Dr. Thomas Hodgkin. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 T 18 FOX, John, jun. Hell fer sartain, and other Stories. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 22 T 41 The Kentuckians. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 22 T 42 FOX, Dr. Thomas Colcott. Erythema, Erythema exudati- vum multiforme. Erythema elevatum diutinum. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Lichen Urticatus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Prurigo. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 FOX, Wilson. England : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Agriculture.] A 39 W 3-5 J FOXCROFT, H. C. Life and Letters of George Savile, 1st Marquis of Halifax. [See Halifax, 1st Marquis of.] . C 25 R 7, 8 FOX-DAVIES, A. C. [See Davies, A. C. Fox-.] FOX-STRANGWAYS, C. [See Strangways, C. Fox-.] FOXWELL, Prof. Herbert Somerton. The Right to the Whole Produce of Labour. [See Menger, Prof. A.] F 15 S 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. [See Thibault, J. A.] FRA IjN'KEL, Dr. A. Introduction to Chemical-Technical Analysis. [See Ulzer, Prof. P.] A 38 T 18 FRA I PONT, Prof. Julien. Le Genre Polygordius. (Zoo- l.i^ische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des flolfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 14 t "FRANCE, Anatole." FRA N CE : — Government Departments — Reports and Pub- li rations. Conseil Superieur de PAssistance Publique. Nos. 43, 4G, 47, 51, 52. 5 vols. 4to. Melun (n.d.) E Ei)(|iiete Parlementaire sur le Berime des Etablissements P6nitentiaires. Tome 6. 4to. Paris, 1874. F 12 V 13 f Epidemie Cholerique de 1885-86, en France et en Algerie. 8vo. Paris, 1886. A 33 T 27 France et Algerie : Statistique des Peches Maritimes et l'Ostreiculture pour l'annee 1885. 8vo. Paris, .887. E iiecueil des Lois et Reglements sur rEnseignonient Superieur. Tome 5, 1889-98. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1898. F11V27 rb-cueil des Travaux du Comite Consultatif d'Hygiene Publique de France, 1885. 8vo. Paris, 1886. " E Statistique des Peches Maritimes, 1884, 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1884-96. E Code des Prisons. [See Moreau-Christophe.L. M.] F 9 Q 31-53 FRANCIS, George. Sericulture. (S. Aust. Chamber of .Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 FRANCIS, Henry Thomas. The Jataka. [See Jataka.] G 5 T 22 FRANCIS, Lydia Maria. [See Child, Lydia Maria.] FRANCIS II, Emperor of Austria. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 FRANCIS OF ASSISI, St. Francis of Assisi; by Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 25 P 11 [Essay on.] [See Ellis, H.— Affirmations.] J 19 AV 14 The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. [See Woodroffe, P.] G 24 Q 8 Times, Life, and Work of. [See Little, W. J. Knox.] G 11 Q 38 FRANCIS OF SALES, St. St, Francis of Sales. [See Margerie, A. de.] G 26 Q 2 FRANCIS XAVIER, St. Life and Letters of ; by Rev. H. J. Coleridge. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890. C 20 T 6, 7 Life of Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies ; by Marv Hall McClean. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 8 [Life of]; by Rev. M. Watson. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q FRANCE E, Prof. Kuno. Social Forces in German Litera- ture. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 17 P 17 FRANCCRUR, Prof. Louis Benjamin. Cours Complet do Mathematiques Pures. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. A 25 S 31, 32 Geodesie ou Traite de la Figure de la Terre et de ses Parties. 8th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1895. A 25 U 13 FRANCOIS, Charles. La Representation des Interets dans les Corps Elus. 8vo. Paris, 1899. F 17 S 1 FRANKE, Augustus W. Medallic Illustrations of the History of Crcat Britain and Ireland to the death of George II. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 17, 18 FRANKEL, Dr. Herzberg-, and DZIEWICKI, Michael Henry. DeSimonia. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 37 FRANKLAND, Dr. E. Report on the Metropolitan Water Supply. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Registrar-General — Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Death in London, 1896.] E FRANKLAND, George. Map of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1839. MD 4 V 12 FRANKLAND, Percy Faraday, F.R.S. Our Secret Friends and Foes. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond, 1897. (Romance of Science.) A 27 P 14 FRANKLAND, Lieut. T. H. C. Extracts from the Diary of Lieut. Frankland, a Prisoner of War at Pretoria. [See Churchill, W. L. S. — Ian Hamilton's March.] B 40 U 4 FRANKLIN, Alfred. Dictionnaire des Noms, Surnoms, et Pseudonymes latins de l'Histoire Litteraire du Moyen Age, 1100-1530. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Libr. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Benjamin Franklin, Printer, Statesman. Philosopher, and Practical Citizen, 1706- 90; by E. Robins. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. (American Men of Energy.) C 26 P 2 Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters; by J. B. McMaster. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1898. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 3 The True Benjamin Franklin ; by S. G. Fisher. With Portraits. 8vo. Philad., 1899. C 26 Q 4 Benjamin Franklin a A.] [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to Homes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 Scheme of a Voyage to convey the Conveniences of Life, Domestic Animals, Corn, Iron, tfcc, to New Zealand. [See Dalrymple, A.] MB 2 Q 28 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 Public Library of New South Wales. FRANKLIN, Sir John. Life of ; by H. D. Traill. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 11 Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t PRANKLIN, Julia. Overproduction and Crises. [Set Rodbertus, K.] F 15 R 29 FRANKLIN, Rear Adm. Samuel Rhoads. Memories of a Rear-Admiral who has served for more than half-a- century in the Navy of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 P 13 PRANKLIN, W. S., and WILLIAMSON, R. B. The Elements of Alternating Currents. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 33 S 38 FRANKS, Sir Augustus Wollaston, F.R.S. Catalogue of a Collection of Continental Porcelain. [See Bethnal Green Museum.] A 40 R 20 FRANKS, Fanny. The Kindergarten System : its Origin and Development, as seen in the Life of Fried rich Froebel. [See Hanschmann, A. B.] G 18 Q 38 FRANZ, Shepherd Ivory. Afterimages. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 25 V 6 FRANZOS, Karl Emil. The Chief Justice. Translated by M. Corbet ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 23 U 18 For the Right ; given in English by Julie Sutter, with a Preface by G. MacDonald. 8vo. New York, 1888. J 22 T 40 FRASER, Dr. Alexander Camplwll. Philosophy of Theism. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895-96. (Gifford Lectures.) G 14 S 24, 25 Thomas Reid. [See Reid, T.] C 20 V 13 FRASER, E. The Royal Navy. [See Clowes, W. L.] B 17 R 4 t FRASER, Mrs. Hugh. A Diplomatist's Wife in Japan : Letters from Home to Home. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 V 15, 16 FRASER, John. Four Schoolmates. [See McCormick, P. D.] MJ3U6 FRASER, Dr. John. Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1896-98.) ME 6 R The Malayo Polynesian Theory. ( Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1895-96, 1898.) ME 6 R Comments on the Malayo Polynesian Theory. [See Poly- nesian Soc, Journ., 1896.] ME 6 R FRASER, John Foster. Round the World on a Wheel : being the Narrative of a Bicycle Ride of 19,237 miles, through seventeen Countries and across three Conti- nents, by J. F. Fraser, S. E. Lunn, and F. H. Lowe. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 R 6 FRASER, Malcolm A. C. Western Australia [See Western Australia. — Year-book.] . Year-book. ME 14 S FRASER, Simon, Lord Lovat. [See Lovat, Lord.] FRASER, Sir William. [Life of] Napoleon III. [Set ' Napoleon HI.] C 20 T 5 FRAUNHOFER, Joseph von. Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra. Translated and edited by Prof. J. S. Ames. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Harper's Scientific Mems.) A 44 Q 20 FRAZER, James George. Observations on Central Aus- tralian Totemism. (Anthropological Inst, of Great Britain and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E Pausanias, and other Greek Sketches. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 14 P 20 FRAZER, Lilly [Mrs. J. G.] (Lilly Grove). Dancing. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Badminton Lib.) A 29 R 33 FRAZER, Robert Watson. British India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Story of the Nations.) B 17 Q 19 Literary History of India. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 7 FREAM, Prof. William. Report on Canada and its Agricultural Resources. 8vo. Ottawa, 1885. D 16 S 5 Concise Review of principal data on Rotliamsted Experi- ments, as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. William Fream's Book. [See Kottmann, Dr. Gustav.] MA 2 IT 67 England : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland— Agricult.] A 39 W 1 { FREAR, Dr. Willia [See Pennsylvan Cider Vinegars of Pennsylvania. — Dept. of Agricult,] A 38 Q 21 FRECHEVILLE, William. Notes of a Visit to the Gold- mines at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.) E FREDERIC, Harold. The Copperhead, and other Stories of the North during the American War. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 25 R 31 Gloria Mundi. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 R 32 Illumination. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R 20 The Lawton Girl. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 Q 10 Seth's Brother's Wife. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1888. J 25 Q 11 FREDERICK, Empress (Victoria, Princess-Royal of England). [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 FREDERICK II, surnamed the Great, King of Prussia. Frederic the Great. [See Macaulay, Lord.] B 26 P 9 History of Frederick II, called Frederick the Great, [See Abbott, J. S. C] B39 T 14 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. IDERTCK WILLIAM III, King of Prussia. Por- t rait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 »! i rait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 •/■: KINDERGARTEN MAGAZINE, The. Woman's special edition, Dec, 1895. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1895. G 18 S 19 ■ E REVIEW, The. [See University Magazine and " FR EE SELECTOR." [See Heron, J. S.] ERE!-: TRADE AND LIBERAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Constitution and Rules. Svo. Sydney, 1889. F 17 P 3 Report on certain Tariff Inequalities. Svo. Sydney, 1*85. F17P3 FREE TRADE FACTS AND FAIR TRADE FAL- LACIES. Svo. Liverpool, 1881. F 17 P 2 FREE TRADE LEAGUE OF VICTORIA. Compara- tive Statement of Tariffs — Victoria, New South Wales, L'nited Kingdom — showing the incidence of Free Trade and Protection from Customs Returns. Svo. Melb., 1877. F 17 P 7 Free Trade Papers, addressed to the People of Victoria. Nos. 1-13. 12mo. Melb., 1877. F 17 P 1 FREKBOROUGH, E. Chess Endings ; a Companion to Chess Openings Ancient and Modern. Svo. Lond., 1898. A G Q 7 Analysis of the Chess Ending King and Queen against King and Rook. [See "Euclid."] A 29 T 34 , and RANKEN, Rev. Charles Edward. Chess openings, Ancient and Modern. Svo. Lond., 1S90. A 29 T 35 FUE KM AX, Prof. Ed ward Augustus. ConrparativePolitics, with The Unity of History. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 12 T 9 Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine; with Preface by William Holden Hutton. Illustrated. svo. Lond., 1897. D 18 Q 28 The Unity of History. Svo. Lond., 1872. B 35 Q 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] JGQ 38* [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Smdy of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Ruskin, ALU, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 FREEMAN, Richard Austin. Travels and Life in Ashanti and Jaman. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 20 U 24 FREEMAN-MITFORD, A. B. [See Mitford, A. B. F-.] FREEMANS JOURNAL, The. Vols. 3, 4, 12, 13, and from vol. 23, July, 1852-July, 1853, Feb., 1861-Nov., 1862, 1872-99 [vols. 12, 13, incomplete]. 3G vols, fol. Sydney, 1852-99. ME FREEMASONS' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION for the permanent relief of aged, distressed, or infirm Free- masons and their wives or widows in New South Wales. Annual Report, 1896-97. Svo. Sydney, 1897. ME 6 P FREEMASONS' CHRONICLE OF AUSTRALASIA, with which is incorporated the Queensland Masonic Journal The Keystone, 1896-98. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-98. ME 18 T FREER, Frederick Ash. The Problem of Immortality. [See Petavel, Rev. E.] G 25 It 1 FREER, Martha Walker. The Regency of Anne of Austria, Queen Regent of France, Mother of Louis XIV ; from numerous unpublished sources. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 18G6. B 16 S 38, 39 Life of Marguerite d'Angouleme. [See Marguerite d'Angouleme.] " C 21 U 1, 2 FREIDMANN, 0., "Ottilie." Ein Diplomat. 12mo. Leipzig, 1853. J 16 T 7 FREMANTLE, Adm. Sir Edmund Robert. [Portrait and Sketch of] Lord Hawke. [See Hawke, E., Baron.] C25T7 [Portrait and Sketch of] Edward Boscawen. [See Bos- cawen, E.] C 25 T 7 FREMANTLE, William Henry, Dean of Ripon. Canter- bury Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Sermons, Biographical and Miscellaneous. [See Jowett, B.] G 23 Q 49 FRENCH, Alice, " Octave Thanet." The Heart of Toil. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. J 9 R 3 FRENCH, C. Notes on i Nat., Dec, 1897.) Fruit Flies. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 San Jose Scale. [See Victoria.— Agricult,] MA 3 V 13 FRENCH, Charles Wallace. Abraham Lincoln, the Liberator. [See Lincoln, Abraham.] C 20 U 4 Public Library of New South Wales. FRENCH, Frank. Home Fairies and Heart Flowers : 20 Studies of Children's Heads, with Floral Embellish- ments, Head and Tail Pieces, and Initial Letters, accompanied by Poems by Margaret E. Sangster. 4to. New York, 1887. " A 20 R 1 t » FRENCH ARMY SURGEON, A.' : Untrodden Fields of Anthropology ; Observations on the Esoteric Man- ners and Customs of semi-civilised Peoples : being a Record of 30 years' Experience in Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Libr. FRENCH CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS. is Gentilhomme. [See Moliere.] H 13 P 13 Le Cid. [See Corneille, P.] H 13 U 7 Cinna. [See Corneille, P.J H 13 U 6 Fables Choisies. [See La Fontaine, J. de.] H 13 P 1 4 Les Fourberies de Scapin. [See Moliere.] H 13 U 10 Horace. [See Corneille, P.] H 13 U 5 Les Plaideura. [See Racine, J.] H13U4 Les Precieuses Ridicules. [See Moliere.] H 13 U 8 Les Prisonniers du Caucase and Le Lepreux de la Cite d'Aoste. [See Maistre, X. de.] J 24 R 46 Moliere's Misanthrope. [See Moliere.] H 13 P 11 FRERE, John Hookham. The Fragments of Theognis. [See Theognis.] H 11 R 11 FRERE, L. Report on Colonial Timbers to be used as Wine Casks. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R FRESHFIELD, Douglas William. Exploration of the Caucasus. Illustrated by Vittorio Sella. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 15 S 17, 18 t Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.] A 29 S 41 FREUND, Dr. William. Latin Dictionary. [See Lewis, Dr. Charlton T.] J 9 V 29 Visit to Broken Hill. (Contemporary Review, Sept., 1895.) E FREYTAG, Gustav. Gesammelte Werke. With Portrait. 22 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1896-98. J 23 U 25-46 1. Erinnerungen : Gedichte. 2, 3. Dramatische Werke. 4, 5. Soil und Haben. 6, 7. Verlorene Handschrift. 8-13. Die Ahnen. 14. Die Technik des Dramas. 15. Politische Aufsiitze. 16. Aufsiit/.e /.ui (Jescliiclitc, LiteraUtr und Kunst. 17-21. Deutsche Vergangenheit. 22. Karl Mathy. Technique of the Drama : an Exposition of Dramatic Composition and Art. Translated by Elias J. Mac- Ewan. 2nd ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1896. H 10 W 4 FREZIER, Amedee Francois. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, fait pendant les amides 1712-14. Tome 1. Illustrated. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1717. D 16 P 4 FRIANT, F., and HOUDET, V. Report of Experiments with Radiator. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R FRICKER, Dr. Karl. The Antarctic Regions. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 S 10 FRIEDBERGER, Dr. F , and FROHNER, Dr. E. Path- ology and Therapeutics of the Domesticated Animals. Translated by Dr. W. L. Zuill. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 30 R 27, 28 Veterinary Pathology. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 14 1. Infective Diseases of Animals. Translated and edited FRIEDLAENDER, Benedict. The Palolo. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R FRIES, Prof. Elias. Lichenographia Europrca reformata. 8vo. Lundte, 1831. A 20 R 20 FRINK, Dr. Henry Allyn. Rhetoric. [See Phelps, Rev. Austin.] J 14 T 8 FRITH, Henry. Practical Palmistry: a Treatise on Chirosophy, based upon actual experiences. Illus- trated. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2 R 63 FRITH, Henry. Tartarin on the Alps. [See Daudet, A.] J 24 U 10 FRITH, Henry, and RAWSON, W. Stepney. Coil and Current ; or, the Triumphs of Electricity. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 32 FRITH, Mary, "Moll Cutpurse." [Life of ] ; by Charles Andrews. (Vincent, Arthur.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 FRITSCH, Dr. Heinrich. Die Krankheiten der Frauen. Illustrated. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1881. A 41 R 19 FROEBEL, Friedrich. Education by Development : the second part of the Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. Translated by Josephine Jarvis. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Internat. Education Series.) G 15 U 41 Education of Man. Translated by W. N. Hailmann. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Internat. Education Series.) G 18 P 59 Kindergartenwesen ; herausgegeben von F. Seidel. 8vo. Wien, 1883. G 17 S 29 Mother's Songs, Games, and Stories. Translated by Frances and Emily Lord. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 R 62 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. FROF BEL, Friedrich— contd. Pedagogics of the Kindergarten ; or, his Ideas concerning the Play and Playthings of the Child. Translated by Josephine Jarvis. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 18 Q 33 and Education by Self-activity. [See Bowen, 11.0.] G 18 Q 51 Froebel's Gifts. [See Wiggin, Kate D.] G 18 P 36 Froebel's Occupations. [See Wiggin, Kate D.] G 18 P 41 The Kindergarten System : its Origin and Development, as Mien in the Life of Friedrich Froebcl ; by Alexander !! i no llansclnnann. Translated by Fanny Franks; with an Appendix on "The Education of Man." [See Hauschmann, A. B.] G 18 Q 37 Letters to a Mother on the Philosophy of Froebel. [See Blow, Susan E.] G 15 U 10 Papers on Froebel's Kindergarten. [See Kindergarten and Child Culture Papers.] G 17 U 36 FROCGATT, Walter Wilson. Australian Case or Bag Moths. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 11 Australian Coccidae. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Australian Termitidse. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-97.) ME 2 P BaL -shelters of Lepidopterous Larva; of the genus Teara. ( Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P The Caterpillar Plague. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Caterpillars. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Coccids in Sydney Gardens. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ' ME 9 R The Common White Butterfly. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Entomology of Grass-trees. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P forest Moths that have become Orchard and Garden Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896-97.) ME 9 R fruit-maggot Fly. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897, 1899.) ME 9 R fruit-tree and Vine Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1.-98.) ME 9 R Jrowth of Gall-making Insects. (Agricult. Gaz., X.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R "he Hessian Fly and allied Gri Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) "he Honey Ants of Central Australia. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 nsect Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R n-aict Pests found in the Northern District. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME9R nsects and Birds. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R nsects attacking Dried Fruits &c. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R FROGGATT, Walter Wilson— contd. Insects living in Figs. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R A Leaf-mining Caterpillar. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Life-histories of Australian Coleoptera. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P New genus and species of Sawfly. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Notes on a Collection of Ticks determined by Prof. Neu- mann. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Notes on Cicadas. (LinneanSoc.,N.S.W.,1895.) ME 2 P Notes on the sub -family lirachvscelimi', with Descriptions of new species. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895, 1898.) ME2P Plague Locusts. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R • San Jose Scale. (Agr. Gaz,, N.S.W., 1897-98.) ME 9 R Scale Insects that produce Lac. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Vegetable Galls. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R White Ants. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Insect and Fungus Diseases of Fruit-trees and their Enemies. [See Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898-99.] ME 9 R Phylloxera of the Grape Vine. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.] ME 9 R FROHAWK, F. W. Illustrations to British Birds, with their Nests and Eggs. [See Butler, A. G.] A 20 P 1-6 t FROHNER, Dr. F. Pathology and Therapeutics of the Domesticated Animals. [See Friedberger, Dr. F.] A 30 R 27, 28 Veterinary Pathology. [See Friedberger, Dr. F.] A 40 P 14 FROISSART, Sir John. [Sketch of the Works of] ; by Mary Darmesteter. Translated from the French by E. Frances Poynter. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 6 T 32 FROM THE CAPE TO BULUWAYO ; or, How to travel to Rhodesia through British Territory. With Maps. 8vo. Vryburg, 1896. D 14 R 22 FROME, Gen. Edward. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 101.) E FRONTAURA, Jose Manuel. Histori de Esperitismo e Hipnotismo. Serii Santiago de Chile, 1887. ; Estraordinarias FROST, C. Description of a r from Victoria. [See Linn 7 species of Ablepharus i Soc, N.S.W., Proc, ME 2 P Lizards from Central Australia. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895-96.] ME 1 P New Lizard from Northern Queensland. [See Rov. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1899.] ME 1 P Reptilia of Central Australia. [See Lucas, A. H. S.] MA 3 R 61 Tublic Librcwy of New South Wales. FROST, Thomas. Trial by Jury drews, W.— Legal Lore.) Trials of Animals. (Andre -LegalLore.)F13R25 FROST, Thomas Gold. The French Constitution of 1793. 8vo. New York (n.d.) F 18 R 27 FROST, Dr. William Adams. The Fundus Oculi, with an Ophthalmoscopic Atlas illustrating its Physiological and Pathological Conditions. Illustrated. 4to. Edinb., 1896. A 18 P 25 t FROTHINGHAM, Dr. Langdon. Laboratory Guide for the Bacteriologist. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 31 Q 14 FROTHINGHAM, Octa\ [See Ripley, G.] FROUDE, James Anthony. Lectin Trent. 8vo. Loncl., 1896. Ripley. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English J 6 Q 38* 5 R 13 , L.— Reflec- J 12 S45 ersity of St. G 17 T 18 Prose.] Mr. Froude and Carlyle. [See Carlyle, T.] Mr. Froude as a Lecturer. [See Godkin, tions and Comments.] Rectorial Addresses, delivered at the Un Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] Russia and England. [See Novikoff, Mme. O.] F 3 R 10 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. —Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F. — Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 FROUDE, Lily. Severed. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MJ3S16 FRULLINI, Prof. L. Scoltura Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 6 j FRY, E. H., "Hawkeye." Coming Events. Nos. 1, 2, Aug., Dec, 1888. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. MA 5 R 19, 20 FRY, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward. Studies by the Way. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 24 Q 17 Memoir of James Hack Tuke. [SeeTuke, J. H.] C27S11 FRY, Edward Alexander. Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. [See British Record Soc Pubs., 21.] E Calendar of Chancery Proceedings. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 14.] E FRY, Edward Alexander— contcl. Calendar of Wills proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Bristol, 1572-1792, and also a Calendar of Wills in the Great Orphyn Books preserved in the Council House, Bristol, 1379-1674. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 17.] E Placita coram domino Rege apud Westmonasterium de termino Sancte Trinitatis anno Regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici vicesimo quinto. [See British Record Soc] E FRY, Elizabeth. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hub- bard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 FRY, George S. Abstracts of ( iloureslershire Tnquisitiones Post Mortem returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 12.] E Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to the City of London, returned into the Court of Chancery, 1485-1561. [See British Record Soc Pubs. 15.] F FRY, Rev. Thomas Charles. Reform. (Gore, Rev. C. of the Church.) Church Reform and Social -Essays in aid of the Reform G 23 S 28 FRY, Walter. Australasian Pigeon Guide. Illustrated - 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 U 40 FRYER, Charles E. Relations of the State with Fisher- men and Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — • Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 8 The Salmon Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 FUERTES, James H. Water and Public Health: the relative Purity of Waters from different Sources. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 33 P 11 FULL SALVATION. Vol. 13, 1896. 4to. Melb., 1896. ME i Tick Fever. (Agricult. ME 9 R FULLER, Claude. The Bovin. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) Entomological Notes. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Forest Insects. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Fruit Flies. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 Q A Gall-making Diaspid. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Insect Friends and Foes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Insect Pests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 It Plant Galls formed by Insects. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 It Scale on imported Oranges. (Agricult Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Ticks. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 It Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 217 FULLER, Cyrus Edgar. Fuller's County Cumberland Directory, Year-book, and Calendar, 1886. 8vo. Par- ramatta, 188G. MD 8 S 9 FULLER, Morris. Life, Letters, and Writings of John ] 'avenant, [See Davenant, J., Bishop.] C 24 Q 21 FULLER, Sarah Margaret, Marchess d'Ossoli. [See Ossoli, Marchesa d\] FULLER, Rev. Thomas. Good Thoughts in Bad Times ; Ceod Thoughts in Worse Times ; Mixt Contemplations i i Better Times. With Portrait. 18mo. Lond., 1830. G9U31 [Essay on] the Sermons of. [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 FULLHRTON, Dr. George. Family Medical Guide, with plain Directions for the Treatment of every Case, and a List of the Medicines required for any household. 8th ed. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) A 12 R 35 FULLERTON, Lady Georgiana. Lady Fullerton; by Charlotte M. Yonge. [See Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists.] C 24 S 3 FULTON, Arthur Robert William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 99.) E FULTON, John. Coke : a Treatise on the Manufacture of Coke and the saving of by-products. Roy. 8vo. Seranton, Pa., 1895. A 25 V 29 FUX : or, the Tasmanian Charivari. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-8, April-Sept., 1867. Sm. 4to. Hobart, 1867. [Bound « ith Tasmanian Punch.'] MJ 3 W 20 FUNOKE, Pastor Otto. A Home Abroad. [See Schim- melmann, Adeline Countess. — Glimpses of my Life.] C 22 S 18 FUNERALS. Collection of Orders, &c, relating to the Funerals of Thomas, 1st Earl of Derby ; Sir Philip Sidney ; George Monk ; Duke of Marlborough ; Duke of Kingston ; Alexander Kincaid ; Duke of Northum- Vrland; Viscount Nelson; Rt. Hon. William Pitt; and the Duke of Wellington. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1722-1852. B 16 S 13-17 J FUNK, Rev. Isaac K. Standard Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language. [Sec Standard Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language.] J 16 V 22, 23 FURBER, T. F. Trigonometrical Survey of New South Wales, with mention of similar surveys in the other Colonies. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S FUR LEY, John. Carriage and Removal of the Sick and Injured. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 FURNEAUX, William S. Philips' Anatomical Model. [See Schmidt, Dr. — .] A 44 V 12 FURNESS, Harry Howard. New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 1 T 9-12 FURNESS, Horace Howard. Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 23 U 6, 7, 10, 12, 14 FURNISS, Harry. Australian Sketches made on Tour. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 2 V 7 Character Sketches in Sydney. (Windsor Mag., Oct., 1898.) E The Domain, Sydney. (Windsor Mag., Aug., 1898.) E Manly, the Brighton of Australia. (Windsor Mag. Sept., 1898.) E Peep at Albany, West Australia. (Windsor Mag., July, 1898.) E Visit to Adelaide. (Windsor Mag., June, 1898.) E FURNIVALL, Frederick James. Child Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications, &c. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E The First Part of the Contention, Hamlet, Love's Labours Lost, Lucrece, Merchant of Venice, Taming of the Shrew, the Whole Contention. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V Hoccleve's Works. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford. [See Straf- ford, Earl] C 18 P 3 FURSE, Capt. A. D. Tabular Precis of Military Law ; with Explanatory Notes based on the Official Text- books for the use of Candidates for the Military Examinations. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. F 10 X 8 t FURSE, Col. George Armand. Military Expeditions be- yond the Seas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 36 U 13, 14 FURST, Dr. Julius. Hebraisches und chaldaisches Schul- worterbuch uber das Alte Testament. 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) J 9 P 48 FUSSELL, Dr. M. Howard. Pulmonary Emphysema, Atelectasis, Abscess, and Gangrene. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 51 FUTTERER, K. Die oberen Kreidebildungen der Um- gebung des Lago di Santa Croce in den Venetianer Alpen. [See Palteontologische Abhandlungen.] E FYFE, James Hamilton. British Enterprise beyond the Seas ; or, the Planting of our Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1863. B 26 P 8 FYSH, Sir Philip Oakley. Why Tasmania should accept the Federal Bill. (Review of Reviews, 1898.) E 218 Public Library of New South Wales. G G., D. F. The Spiritualist : being a short Exposition of Psychology based upon material truths, and of the faith to which it leads. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1857. G 15 U 5 GABRIEL, P. J. 0. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M. —Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 f GADOW, Hans, F.R.S. In Northern Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 U 10 Remarks on the Structure of certain Hawaiian Birds, with reference to their systematic position. (Wilson, S. B.— Aves Hawaiienses.) MA 13 R 2 f Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Mu- seum.— Natural History.] A 39 T 8, 9 Dictionary of Birds. [See Newton, Alfred.] A 30 Q 31 The Last Link. [See Haeckel, E.] A 27 R 36 " GAELYN, Henry." [See Naegely, H.] GAHAN, Charles J. Notes on the Longicornia of Aus- tralia and Tasmania. Pt. 1. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1893.) E Supplemental List of the Longicorn Coleoptera obtained by J. J. Walker during the Voyage of the Penguin. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1894.) ' E GAIN, Prof. Edmond. Physiological R61e of Water in Plants. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas. Record of the Life and Works of ; by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond.," 1897. C 18 P 21 t GAIRDNER, James. History of the Life and Reign of Richard III, to which is added the Story of Perkin Warbeck from original documents. New ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Camb., 1898. B 24 Q 20 GAIRDNER, Prof. Sir W. T. Aneurysm of the Aorta. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 GALBRAITH, Dr. Anna M. Hygiene and Physical Culture for Women. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 26 S 34 GALBRAITH, S. J. Vanilla Culture as practiced in the Seychelles Islands. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 41 U 11 GALE, Albert. Bee-hives and their Construction. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Bee-keeping. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Bees. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Bees, and how to manage them. (Agricult. Gaz,, N.S.W., 1898-99.) ME 9 R The Bees' Home. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R The Berlepsch Hive ; the Combination Hive. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R GALE, Albert — contd. Colour of Flowers and its influence on Bee-life. (Aus- tralasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Honey. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Honey, and how to get rid of it. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Honey as Food. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Influence of Bees on Crops. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R The Queen Bee. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Species and Varieties of the Honey-bee. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Why do Bee in Sketches. Illustrated. D16R 17 GALE, Norman. Songs for Little People. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 4 S 35 GALE & POLDEN'S MILITARY SERIES. The Army Hand-book of Physical Training. 32mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 35 P 18 GALILEO GALILEI. [Address on.] [Set Caird, Rev. J. —University Addresses.] G 15 P 46 The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost. [See Orchard, Dr. T. N.] A 19 U 19 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A20U 8 GALL, Ernest. Photo Glimpses of Adelaide. Ob. 18mo. Adelaide (n.d.) MD 1 P 70 GALLAUDET COLLEGE FOR THE DEAF, WASH- INGTON. Registers, 1894-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895-97. E GALLICANUS, Vulcatius. [See Vulcatius Gallicanus.] GALLIENNE, Richard le. [See Le Gallienne, R,] GALLOWAY, Beverly Thomas. Plant Diseases and Legis- lation. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Fungous Diseases of the Grape, and their Treatment- [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 37 S 42 Potato Diseases and their Treatment. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Report on the Experiments made in 1891 in the Treat- ment of Plant Diseases. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Path- ology.] A 37 S 44 Some Destructive Potato Diseases. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Spraying for Fruit Diseased [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. n A 41 U 1 Sttpplementarp Catalogue — 1896-1900. )WAY, Dr. James. Affections of the Skin pro- ved by Occupations. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System Medicine.) A 26 T 41 •ria of the Ski: dicine.) ;ed Diseases of the Skin. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— item of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 rene of the Skin, Effects of Cold-Chilblain, Effects Heat, Dermatitis gangrenosa infantum. (Allbutt, . T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 iscum Contagiosum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System- Medicine.) A 26 T 41 GAL I .< )WAY, William Johnson. Advanced Australia : a short Account of Australia on the eve of Federation. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MF 5 T 5 GALL'. Sir Alexander Tilloch. The Future of the Do- minion of Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ■ D 16 S 5 GALT, John. Annals of the Parish, and the Ayrshire Legatees; with Memoir of the Author. New ed. L2mo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 26 Q 12 Th ■ Entail. New ed. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 25 Q 13 The Provost, and other Tales Newed. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 25 Q 14 v Wy lie of that ilk. Newed. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 25 15 Gilhaize ; or, the Covenanters. Edited, with an ntroduction, by Sir G. Douglas. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 12 Q 24 iricism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* GALTON, Rev. Arthur. Message and Position of the Church of England: being an Enquiry into the Claims of the Mediaeval Church, with an Appendix on the Validity of Roman Orders; with a Preface on the lioyal Supremacy by J. H. Shorthouse. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 17 Rome and Romanizing: some Experiences, and a Warn- ing. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 T 11 Two Essays upon Matthew Arnold, with some of his Letters to the Author. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 13 GALTON, Sir Douglas, F.R.S. Healthy Hospitals : Ob- servations on some points connected with Hospital Construction. Illust. 8vo. Oxford, 1893. A 45 T 1 Observations on the Construction of Healthy Dwellings, namely, Houses, Hospitals, Barracks, Asylums, &c. 8vo. Oxford, 1880. A 33 S 20 Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting for Domestic Use. ( Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 17 Ventilation in connection with Warmth and Lighting. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 19 Report descriptive of Herbert Hospital, Woolwich. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Herbert Hospital.] F 18 Q 16 t GALTON, Francis, F.R.S. Anthropometric Laboratory. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 15 Decipherment of Blurred Finger Prints : being a Sup- plementary Chapter to "Finger Prints." 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 V 23* Galton and the Statistical Study of Inheritance. [See Brooks, Prof. W. K.— Foundations of Zoology.]A40U9 Note on the Views of Galton and Weismann on Inherit- ance. [See Brooks, Prof. W. K.— Foundations of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 GALTON, Frank W. Select Documents illustrating the History of Trade Unionism. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 20 1. The Tailoring Trade. Workers on their Industries. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F10V18 GAMA, Vasco da. Journal of the First Voyage of. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 99.] E Vasco da Gama and his Companions ; and Discoveries by the Portuguese in Asia and Africa ; by A. J. Wright. [See Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.] ME 20 P GAMBETTA, Leon. Leon Gambetta and Archbishop Tait. [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 GAMBLE, Eliza Burt. The God-Idea of the Ancients ; or, Sex in Religion. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 3 U 29 GAMBLE, F. W. Flatworms and Mesozoa. 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) GAMBLE, William. Half-tone ( [See Cronenberg, W.] A 20 T 20 A 41 Q 4 GAMGEE, Dr. Arthur, F.R.S. Digestive Ferments and the Chemical Processes of Digestion. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 Haemoglobin : its Compounds and the Principal Products of its Decomposition. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. — Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Physiology of Digestion and the Digestive Organs. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 20 GAMGEE, John. The Cattle Plague; with official Re- ports of the International Veterinary Congresses, 1863, 1865. 8vo. Lond., 1866. A 40 P 4 GAMLIN, Mrs. Hilda, son, Viscount.] GANDAR, E. Etudes critiques sur les Sermons de la jeunesse de Bossuet. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 GANNETT, Henry. The Building of a Nation: the Growth, Present Condition, and Resources of the United States, with a Forecast of the Future. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 T 18 North America. Vol. 2. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Stanford's Travel.) 2. United States. Public Library of New South Wales. GANNON, John Patrick. Review of Irish History in relation to the Social Development of Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 29 S 15 GARBETT, Capt. H. Naval Gunnery : a Description and History of the Fighting Equipment of a Man-of-war. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 S 36 GARCKE, Emile. Manual of Electrical Undertakings, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E GARDEN, The. Vols. 1-57, Nov., 1871-June, 1900. 57 vols. 4to. Lond., 1871-1900. E GARDEN AND FIELD, The, and Journal of the Agri- cultural Bureau of South Australia. Vols. C-25, June, 1880-May, 1900. 19 vols. fol. Adelaide, 1881-1900. ME8T GARDEN CRAFT SERIES. Garden-making. [See Bailey, L. H.] A 33 Q 32 The Nursery-book. [See Bailey, L. H.] A 18 P 32 Plant-breeding. [See Bailey, L. H.] A 18 P 30 The Pruning-book. [See Bailey, L. H.] A IS P 22 GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, The: a Weekly Illus- trated Journal of Horticulture and allied subjects. Vol. l-3rd ser. vol. 27, 1841-June, 1900. 86 vols. 4to. Lond., 1841-1900. E GARDINER, George B. Cicero de Officii! M.T.] [See Cicero, G 24 Q 24 GARDINER, Samuel. Brunswick Herd: Catalogue of pure Shorthorn Cattle to be sold by auction, Jan., 1878 ; with priced Catalogue. 2 vols. ob. 32mo. and 8vo. Melb., 1877-78. MA 4 P 41, 42 GARDINER, Prof. Samuel Rawson. Cromwell's Place in History, founded on six Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B17P54 History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-60. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. B 43 Q 1, 2 1. 1649-51. 2. 16ol-54. What Gunpowder Plot was. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 1 Letters and Papers relating to the first Dutch War, 1652-54. [See Navy Records Soc, Pubs., 13, 17.] E Oliver Cromwell. [See Cromwell, O.] C 20 R 2 f GARDNER, Col. Alexander. Memoirs of. Edited by Major H. Pearse, with an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Temple. With Portraits and Maps. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. C 25 P 7 GARDNER, Alice. Rome the Middle of the World. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897 B 30 S 22 Studies in John the Scot (Erigena) a Philosopher of the Dark Ages. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 R 7 GARDNER, C. E. Life of Father Goreh. [See Goreh, Rev. N. S.] C 27 R 26 GARDNER, Edmund Garratt. Dante's ten Heavens : a Study of the Paradise. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 13 GARDNER, Prof. Ernest Arthur. Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1897. K 18 S 24 Hand-book of Greek Sculpture. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. (Hand-books of Ar- chaeology and Antiquities.) A 23 S 13, 13* Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver, Rev. S. R.] G 24 U 7 GARDNER, F. Starkie. Foreign Armour in England. [See Portfolio.— Monographs," 38.] E GARDNER, Frank D. Electrical Method of determining the Moisture Content of Arable Soils. [See U. S. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 Electrical Method of Moisture Determination in Soils. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 GARDNER, J. Starkie. Ironwork from the Earliest Times to the end of the Medieval Period. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 23 S 36 Ironwork, pt. 2 : being a continuation of the first Hand- book, and comprising from t lie close of the Mediaeval Period to the end of the 18th Century, excluding Eng- lish work. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 37 Armour in England from the Earliest Times to the Reign of James I. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 33.] E Hand-book of Art Smithing. [See Meyer, F. S.] A 23 T 26 GARDNER, Prof. Percy. Exploratio Evangelica : a brief Examination of the Basis and Origin of Christian Belief. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 39 Sculptured Tombs of Hellas. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 17 U 13 Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 37 Q 2-4, 7, 10 GARDNER, Dr. William. Treatment of Hydatid Disease. 8vo. Adelaide, 1885. MA 4 S 18 GARFIELD, James Abram. [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 GARGIULO, Raffaele. Recueil des Monumens les plus interessans du Musce National ot de plusieurs autres collections particulieres. 3rd ed. 4 vols, (in 2) 4to. Naples, 1866. A 20 S 4, 5 t GARLAND, Hamlin. The Trail of the Gold-seekers : a Record of Travel in Prose and Verse. 8vo. New York, 1899. D 13 P 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GARLAND, William J. Materials for Object Lessons, especially adapted for Australian Schools. 12nio. Sy Inev, 1897. MG 2 T 24 GAR LICK, A. H. Psychology in the School-room. [See Dexter, T. F. G.] G 17 S 14 GAR MAN, Samuel. Reptiles and Batrachians of North America. [See Kentucky.— Geolog. Sur.] A 15 It 22 f GAR MO, Dr. Charles de. [See Dc Garmo, Dr. C] GA1 ! N ER, R, L. Gorillas and Chimpanzees. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 51 GAL NEXT, Constance. , eharoff, I.] GARNETT, F. Cooperative Classes: how to make them more attractive and successful. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 GARNETT, Lucy Mary Jane. Greek Folk-poesy: anno- ( ited Translations from the whole cycle of Romaic and Folk-prose. Edited, with Essays on the Science of Folk-lore, Greek Folk-speech, and the sur- vival of Paganism, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1890. JUS 37, 38 1. Verse. 2. l'rose. GARNETT, Richard. The Age of Dryden. 12mo. Lond., 1895. (Hand-books of English Literature.) J 12 S 43 Edward Gibbon Wakefield : the Colonization of South Australia and New Zealand. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1898. (Builders of Greater Britain.) MB 3 Q 5 History of Italian Literature. Svo. Lond., 1898. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 U 5 Calidore and Miscellanea. [See Peacock, T. L.] J 25 Q 42 Life of John Milton. [See Milton, J.] C 20 S 15 Memoir of Mathilde Blind. [See Cohen, Mathilda] H 13 U 13 Poems by Robert Browning. [See Browning, R.] H 1 S 33 Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [See Coleridge, 8. I.] H 10 U 30 Richmond on the Thames. [See Portfolio. —Monographs, 27.] E Ruba'yat of Omar Kliayam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 13 V 1 Thomas Moore Anecdotes. [See Moore, T.] C 19 T 25 William Blake, Painter and Poet. [See Portfolio.— — Monographs, 22.] E GARNETT, Prof. W. Technical Education. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 GARNIER, Jules. Acrobats and Mountebanks. [See Le Roux, H.] A 27 V 26 GARNSEY, E. 11. [Sketch of] Rev. S. Marsden. [See Once a Month, June, 1880.] MJ 1 V 22 GARRAN, Robert Randolph. The Coming Common- wealth: an Australian Hand-book of Federal Govern- ment. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MF 2 R 40 Index of Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of New South Wales. [See Leibius, G. Hugo.] MF 1 R 14 GARRATT, H. A. The Modern Safety Bicycle. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 33 Q 30 GARRETSON, Dr. James E. A System of Oral Surgery : being a Treatise on the Diseases and Surgery of the Mouth, Jaws, Face, Teeth, and associate parts. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 32 S 20 GARRETT, Edmund, and EDWARDS, E. J. The Story of an African Crisis : being the truth about the Jameson Raid and Johannesburg Revolt, 1896, told with the assistance of the leading actors in the drama. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 17 P 44 GARRICK, David. [Life of.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art,] II 1 S 31 GARRIOTT, Prof. E. B. Notes on Frost. [See United States.— Dept. of Agrieult.] A 41 U 2 GARRISON, Dr. Charles G. Dental Jurisprudence. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 GARRISON, William Lloyd. William Lloyd Garrison, the Abolitionist; by Archibald H. Grimke. Svo. New York, 1891. C 20 U GARROD, Dr. Archibald. Chronic Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 30 Gonorrhoeal Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 36 Muscular Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 36 Rheumatoid Arthritis. [See Spender, Dr. K] A 20 T 30 "GARRYOWEN." [See Finn, E.] G ARSOU, Jules. Beranger et la Legende Napoleonicnne. Svo. Bruxelles, 1897. H 1 U 2 Les Createurs de la Legende Napoleonienne. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. H 4 S 37 ,-ols. 4to. Leipzig, J 1ST 16, 17 t Public Library of New South Wales. GARWOOD, E. J. The First Crossing of Spitzbergen. [See Conway, Sir W. M.] D 16 V 18 GASCOIGNE, George. Complete Poems of. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1869-70. (Roxburghe Lib.) H 3 U 4, 5 GASCOIGNE, Gwendolen Trench. Among Pagodas and Fair Ladies : an Account of a Tour through Burma. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 19 S 3 GASKELL, Elizabeth Cleghorn [Mrs. William] (Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson.) Wives and Daughters. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 22 P 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Life of Charlotte Bronte. [See Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne.] J 26 V 7 Mrs. Gaskell; by "Edna Lyall." [See Oliphant, Mar- garet O.— Women Novelists of' Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 GASQUET, Rev . Francis Aidan. Eve of the Reformation : Studies in the Religious Life and Thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIII. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 V 20 The Old English Bible, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., GASS, M. Labour Laws of Moses. With Portrait. 12mo. Glasgow (n.d.) F 16 S 32 GASTALDI, Giacomo. Universale. [See Remarkable Maps of the 15th-17th Centuries.] D 8 P 37 t GASTER, M., Rabbi. Chronicles of Jerahmeel; or, the Hebrew Bible Historiale. Translated for the first time from an unique MS. in the Bodleian Library ; together with an Introduction, Critical Notes, full Index, and five facsimiles, ental Translation Fund.) GATES, Prof. Lewis Edwards. Three Studies in Literature. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 24 T 1 GATHMANN, Henry. American Soaps: a complete Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap, 'with special reference to American conditions and practice. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. A 25 V 30 GATLIFF, J. H. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Vic- toria. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P New species of Victorian Mollusc, Goralliophila Wilsoni. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Some new species of Victorian Mollusca. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.] ME 1 P GATSCHET, Albert Samuel. The Karankawa Indians. [See Peabody Museum.] A 41 P 14 GAULLE, J. de. Vie de St. Louis. [See Tillemont, Rev. L. S. Le Nain de.] G 25 U 1-6 GAULLIEUR, Henry. Paternal State in France and Germany. 8vo. Lond, 1898. F 15 R 31 GAUME, Rev. Monsignor J. The Catechism of Perse- verance ; or, an Historical, Dogmatical, Moral, Litur- gical, Apologetical, Philosophical, and Social Exposi- tion of Religion, from the beginning of the World down to our own days. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1891- 93. G 9 W 1-4 GAUTIER, Judith (Mine from.] [See Pastels i Catulle Mendes). [Translation i Prose.] J 26 U 2 la vie de Charles — (Euvres completes, GAUTIER, Theophile. [Notice s Baudelaire.] [See Baudelaire, 1.] J 24 H ID GAY, Albert, and YEAMAN, C. H. Introduction to the Study of Central Station Electricity Supply. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 44 T 1 GAY, John. [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. O— Re- views and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 [Sketch of the Life and Work of.] [See Dobson, A.— A Paladin of Philanthropy.] J 22 Q 12 GAY, William. Christ on Olympus, and other Poems. Sm. 4 to. Bendigo, 1896. MH 1 S 26 GAYANGOS Y ARCE, Pascual de. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Spanish Language in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 17 T 29-32 GAYE, Selina. The Great World's Farm : some Account of Nature's Crops, and how they are grown. With a Preface by G. S. Boulger. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 27 R 37 GAZETTE DES BEAUX ARTS, La Tome l-3e Periode tomes 12, 14-23, 1859-Decembre 1894, Juillet, 1895- Juin, 1900. 80 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1859-1900. E La Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosite, Supplement a la Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1895, 1898-99. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1895-99. E GEAKE, Charles. Appreciations and Rosebery, Earl.] GEDDES, Tomas E. La Resurreccio: Nuestro Seflor. 12mo. Valpara GEDDIE, John. The Balladists. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (Famous Scots Ser.) H 11 R 2 GEDEN, Rev. Alfred S. Concordance to the Greek Tes- tament. [See Moulton, Rev. W. F.] G 23 U 41 ,1896. G11U27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GEE. Henry. Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of I leligion, 1558-64. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. G 23 T 10 ) and HARDY, William John. Documents illustrative of English Church History. 8vo. Lond., I S96. G 14 S 36 GEE. Dr. Samuel Jones. Diphtheria. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - System of Medicine.) A 2G T 34 , and HERRINGHAM, Dr. Wilmot Parker. Pleurisy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 GEE William Winson Haldane. Mathematical and Phy- sical Tables. [See Wrapson, J. P.] A 25 S 38 GEE LONG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. First An- nual Report, 1854. 8vo. Geelong, 1854. MF 5 S 19 GEE LONG ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. Nos. 1-3, Oct- Lee, 1853. 8vo. Geelong, 1853. [All published.] MG 2 U 12 GEELONG AND MELBOURNE RAILWAY CO. ! lalf -yearly Reports, 1855-56, 1858. 8 v. GEELONG AND WESTERN DISTRICT AGRICUL- TURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Annual Reports, 1856-58. 8vo. Geelong, 1856-58. MA 5 R 27 Rules and Regulations. 8vo. Geelong, 1855. MA 5 R 27 GET K IE, Sir Archibald, F.R.S. The Founders of Geology. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 S 26 Tvpes of Scenery and their influence on Literature. ' 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Romanes Lecture, 1898.) J 7 T 37 GE! KIE, Rev. Cunningham. Holy Land and the Bible : a r>ook of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 15 S 10 t Hours with the Bible: the Scriptures in the light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge. St. Peter to Revelation. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 23 Si. Paul: his Life and Epistles. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 896. G 14 S 28, 29 GELLATLY, F. M., "Yarrowee." Back from the Jaws of Death : an Australian Story. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 42 GEL LEE, Claude, "Claude Lorrain." Life of; by G. Grahame. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 15.] E GENERAL STUD-BOOK. [See Stud-book.] GEN KSTET, Peter Anton de. [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 GEN LIS, Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de [Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Saint-Aubin.l [Sketch of.] [See Dobson, A. — Four Frenchwomen.] C 27 P 19 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-288, 1731- June, 1900, and Index to vols. 1-56. 290 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1731-1900. E GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY, Classified Collection of the chief contents of man's Magazine, 1731-1868. Edited by G. 25 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1883-99. Archaeology. Vols. 1, 2. Architectural Antiquities. Vols. 1 , 2. Bibliographical Notes ; by A. C. Bickley. Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-lore. Ecclesiology ; by F. A. Milne. English Topography. Vols. 1-12. English Traditional Lore. Literary Curiosities and Notes. Manners and Customs. Popular Superstitions. Romano-British Remains. Vols. 1, B 32 U 5, 6 A 19 U 8, 9 J 12 V 33 J 12 V 35 A 19 U 10 I) 20 V 1-12 B32U9 J 12 V3i G 11 T 36 G 11 T 35 B 32 U 7, 8 GENTZ, Frederick. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, The. [See Royal Geo- graphical Society.] GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE, The [formerly Ocean Highways: the Geographical Review]. Edited by C. R. Markham. Vol. 1, n.s., and vols. 1-5, April, 1873- 78. Illustrated. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1873-78. D 23 P 1-6 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Arctic Ice Notes. 8vo. San Francisco, 1883. A 38 R 24 Examination into the genuineness of the Jeannette relics. 8vo. San Francisco, 1896. D 20 U 19 GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, The; or, Monthly Journal of Geology, with which is incorporated Tlie Geologist, from vol. 1, 1864-99. 36 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-99. E GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Bulletin. Vols. 6-9. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Rochester, 1895-98. E GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings, and Quarterly Journal. 2nd ed., including all the Memoirs and Notices to the end of 1889, by G. W. Ormerod. 8vo. Lond., 1870-90. E Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-55, 1845-99. 55 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1845-99. E Transactions. Vol. l-2nd ser., vol. 7. 12 vols. 4to. Lond., 1811-45. [All published.] A 20 Q 3-14 t GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Presi- dential Address ; by A. Hague. With Abstracts of Minutes for 1897-98 and Lists of Officers and Mem- bers, 1898. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. E GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ENGLAND AND WALES [See Gt. Brit, and Irel— Geolog. Surv. of England and Wales.] Public Library of New South Wales. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IRELAND. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. of Ireland.] GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. of Scotland.] GEOLOGIST, The. [See Geological Magazine, The.} GEORGE IV, King of England. The Court of England under. [See Caroline, Queen of England.] B 24 R 19, 20 [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 GEORGE FREDERICK ERNEST ALBERT, Duke of York. [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Worme- ley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 Visit of the Detached Squadron, with their Royal High- nesses Prince Edward and Prince George of Wales, to Brisbane, 1881. [See Visit of the Detached Squadron.] MD 7 U 29 Science of Political Economy. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 26 Mr. Henry George, the "Orthodox." [See Moffat, R. S.] F 12 T 32 GEORGE, Hereford Brooke. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899 B 34 R 20 GEORGE, John Rees. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 99.) E GEORGESON, Prof. C. C. Kafir Corn. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Sun- spot Drawings made at the Georgetown College Ob servatory in 1850 by Father Benedict Sestini. 4 to. Wash., 1898. A 20 Tilt GERARD, Rev. — . Scope and Limitations of Inspection. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 9 GERARD, Eric. Electricity and Magnetism. Translated by R. C. Duncan. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 39 Q 1 GERARD, Frances. Picturesque Dublin, old and new. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 V 7 Romance of Ludwig II of Bavaria. [See Ludwig II of Bavaria.] C 25 T 12 GERARD, Prof. R. La Botanique a Lyon avant la Revolution et l'Histoire du Jardin Botanique Muni- cipal de cette Ville. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 26 GERHARD, William Paul. Sanitary Engineering of Buildings. Vol. 1. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 30 V 29 Theatre Fires and Panics. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 23 S 34 GERLER, Carl F. Disease in Pineapple Plants. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 U GERM, The : Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Litera- ture, and Art, 1850. 8vo. Portland, 1898. [Reprint.'] J 21 P5f GERMAIN, V. J. Teaching of Domestic Economy and Needlework. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 "GERMAN STAFF OFFICER." Greco-Turkish War of 1897, from official sources. Translated by F. Bolton. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 Q 18 GERMANN, George B. National Legislatio Education : its influence and effect in the Public Land States East of the Mississippi Piivci' admitted prior to 1820. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 26 T 8 GERMANTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Re- port for 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. ME 6 Q GERMANY :— Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das Deutsche Reich, 1899. 8vo. Berlin, 1899. E Statistik der Seeschiffahrt, 1897-98. 3 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1899-1900. E [See also Prussia.] GHOSE, Manmohan. [Verses by.] [See Garland of New Poetry.] II 12 Q 15 "GIANT-KILLER," How to increase Wealth, and diminish the poverty of the many : a brief History of the Rise and Progress of the Labour Exchange Asso- ciations of America. 8vo. Melb.,1897. MF 3 Q 47 GIBBINGS, Alfred H. Commercial and Business Aspects of Municipal Electricity Supply. Illustrated. 4to. Bradford, 1899. A 35 W 7 GIBBINS, Henry de Beltgens. The Industrial History of England. 3rd ed. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 V 17 Industry in England. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 12 T 13 GIBBON, Edward. Autobiographies, printed verbatim from hitherto unpublished MSS. Edited by John Murray. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 24 Q 5 Private Letters, 1753-94. Edited by Roland E. Pro- thero. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 24 Q 3, 4 Gibbon's Autobiography. [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata?.] J 7 P 52 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 GIBBONS, Alfred St. Hill. Exploration and Hunting in Central Africa, 1895-96. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 4 Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. GIB]'.; >NS, James, Cardinal. The Faith of our Fathers : h> -iuga plain Exposition and Vindication of the Church fii: aided by our Lord Jesus Christ. 47th ed. 8vo. Baltimore, 1895. G 11 U 16 Our Christian Heritage. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. G 1 U 44 St. Peter and the first veais of Christianity. [See Fouard, Abbe C.j G 1 U 42 GIBBS, Archibald Robertson. British Honduras: an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Colony from us Settlement, 1070. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 19 Q 15 GIBBS, J. Arthur. A Cotswold Village; or, Country Life and Pursuits in Gloucestershire. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 S 6 GIBBS, J. W. M. Early Essays by John Stuart Mill. See Mill, John Stuart.] J 14 U 37 GIBBS, Mary and Ellen. The Bible References of John Buskin. 8vo. Lond., 1898. K 19 P 32 GIBBS, William E. Lighting by Acetylene: Generators, Burners, and Electric Furnaces. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 25 P 45 GIBERNE, Agnes. A Lady of England. [See Tucker, Charlotte Maria.] C 22 T 1 (Internat. Health Ex.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 5 GIBSON, Rev. Edgar Charles Sumner. The thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. . G 14 Q 35, 36 GIBSON, Edward, Lord Ashbourne. [See Ashbourne, Baron.] GIBSON, Dr. George Alexander, and FLEMING, Dr. Robert Alexander. Diseases of the Spinal Nerves. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 GIBSON, H. B., CALVERT, S., and MAY, D. W. Diet- ary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895. {See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 GIBSON, J. C. Diary of Sir Michael Connal, 1835-93. [See Connal, Sir M.] C 21 S 20 GIBSON, Margaret Dunlop. Apocrypha Sinaitica. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Apocrypha.] G 25 V 10 A Palestinian Syriac Lectionary. [See Lewis, A. S.] G 18 U 6 GIBSON, Hon. W. The Abbe de Lamennais and the Liberal Catholic Movement in France. 8vo. L>nd., 1896. G 15 Q 36 GIBSON, William Hamilton. Eye Spy : afield with Nature among Flowers and Animate Things. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 41 R 13 Happy Hunting-grounds : a Tribute to the Woods and Fields. Illust. 4to. New York, 1887. A 20 Q 2 t Highways and Byways ; or, Saunterings in New England. Illust. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1882. A 45 P 1 My Studio Neighbours. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 39 Q 8 Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, and how to dis- tinguish them. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 39 Q 9 Pastoral Days; or, Memories of a New England Year. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1886. A 20 Q 1 f Sharp Eyes: a Rambler's Calendar of fifty-two weeks among Insects, Birds, and Flowers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 41 R 12 Strolls by Starlight and Sunshi Svo. New York, 1891. Illustrated. Roy. A 45 P 3 GIDDINGS, Prof. Franklin Henry. Democracy and Em- pire, with Studies of their Psychological, Economic, and Moral Foundations. Svo. New York, 1900. F 17 P20 Principles of Sociology : an Analysis of the Phenomena of Association and of Social Organization. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 12 T 6 Sociology and Political Economy. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 13 GIDDONS, J. Harcourt. Australasia i Meteorological Almanac, 1899. Svo. Adelaide, 1898. ME 6 R GIESBRECHT, Dr. Wilhelm. Die Asterocheriden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 27 t Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagisehen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 19, 20 t GIFFEN, George. England v. Australia: Cricket Reminis- cences of past conflicts. (Windsor Mag., Mar., 1898.) E With Bat and Ball : Twenty-five years' Reminiscences of Australian and Anglo-Australian Cricket; with Hints to young Cricketers on Batting, Bowling, and Fielding. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1S9S. MA 4 P 7 GIFFEN, Robert. Progress of the Working-classes in the last half-century. Svo. Lond., 1884. F 17 P 2 GIFFORD, George. Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 10 Public Library of New South Wales. GIFFORD LECTURES. Elements of the Science of Religion. [See Tiele, Prof. C. P.] G 11 U 33, 34 Natural Religion. [See Miiller, Prof. P. M.] G 23 Q 27 Naturalism and Agnosticism. [See Ward, Prof. J.] G 24 V 14, 15 Physical Religion. [See Miiller, Prof. F. M.] G 23 Q 28 Providential Order of the World. [See Bruce, Rev. A. B.] G23R7 The World and the Individual. [See Royce, Prof. J.] GIHON, Dr. John H. Annals of San Francisco. [See Soule, F.] B 41 Q 3 GILBERT, B. D. Cheese Industry of the State of New York. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 GILBERT, Dr. Charles H. Report on Fishes. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 GILBERT, Elizabeth, A Blind Leader of the Blind. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 GILBERT, Grove Karl. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains. [See United States. — Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rockv Mountain Region.] A 13 W 26 f GILBERT, John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [Set McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 GILBERT, John T. History of the Irish Confederation. [See Bellings, Richard.] B 29 V 17 GILBERT, Sir Joseph Henry, F.R.S. Agricultural In- vestigations at Rothamsted. England, during a period of fifty years : six Lectures delivered under the pro- visions of the Lawes Agricultural Trust. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 18 U 27 Concise Review of principal data on Rothamsted Experiments, as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. William Fream's book. [See Kottmann, Dr. G.] MA 2 U 67 GILBERT, Percival H. New South Wales Sporting Annual. [See Neiv South Wab-x S/iortin;/ Annual.] MA 5 Q 14 GILBERT, W. Matthews. Life and Work of Peter Graham. [See Art Journal.'] A 20 R 24 t GILBERT, William Schwenck. Original Comic Operas. 2nd ser. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H 3 R 33 2nd ser. The Gondoliers. The Grand Duke. The Yeoman of the Guard. His Excellency. Utopia, Limited. Ruddigore. The Mountebanks. Haste to the Wedding. GILD AS, St. Gildas de Excidio Britannia*. [See English Historical Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 3 GILDER, Joseph B. Impressions of Spain. [See Lowell, J. R.] D 13 S 10 GILES, Ernest. [Obituary Notice of.] (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P GILHAM, George H. With Wolseley in Ashanti. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 GILKIN, Iwan. La Nuit, 8vo. Paris, 1897. H 11 R 28 GILL, Dr. Augustus H. Gas and Fuel Analysis for En- gineers : a Compend for those interested in the Economical Application of Fuel, prepared especially for the use of Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 12mo. New York, 1896. A 21 P 53 Short Hand-book of Oil Analysis. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 40 T 5 GILL, Charles. Evolution of Christianity. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 25 Q 5 GILL, David. New Double Stars found at the Cape Ob- servatory in 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 R 24 GILL, Isobel Sarah [Mrs. D.] Six Months in Ascension : an Unscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 14 P 18 GILL, J. Text-book of Navigation and Nautical Astron- omy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 T 13 GILL, Dr. Theodore. On Eleginus of Fischer, otherwise called Tilesia, or Pleurogadus. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 52 GILL, Rev. W. Wyatt. Concerning Unga as a term for Slave in Raratonga. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S A Female Hermit of the South Pacific, with her Song. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Re- port, 1898.) ME 18 S Remarks on the Legend of Honoura. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) # ME 6 R GILL, Walter. Forestry. (Journ. of Agricult. and In- dustry, S. Aust., Aug., 1898, Jan., 1899.) ME 9 Q GILLE, Valere. La Cithare. 8vo. Paris, 1897. H11R29 Le Collier d'Opales. 8vo. Paris, 1899. H 4 T 11 GILLEKENS, L. G. Teaching of Agriculture. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 227- GILL IN, F. J. Manners and Customs of the Aborigines of the McDonnell Ranges, belonging to the Arunta Trii>e. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 63 Account of the Engwurra, or Fire Ceremony, of certain Central Australian Tribes. [See Roy. Soc., Victoria, Proa, 1897.] ME 1 P Native Tribes of Central Australia. [See Spencer, Prof. IS] MA4Q7 Not' s on certain of the Initiation Ceremonies of the Arunta Tribe, Central Australia. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1897.] ME 1 P Remarks on Totemism as applied to Australian Tribes. [See Anthropological Inst, of Great Britain and Ire- land, Journ., 1899.] E GILLESPIE, Dr. Alexander Lockhart. Natural History o;' Digestion. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Con- temporary Science Ser.) A 40 T 15 GILLETT, Rev. Charles R, History of Early Christian Literature in the first three Centuries. [See Kriiger, Prof. G.] G 24 Q 18 Monasticism. [See Harnack, Rev. Adolf.] G 19 U 7 GILLIES, Hon. Duncan. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by 1). Blair. (Once a Month, May, 1886.) MJ 1 V 22 GILMAN, Arthur. Shakespeare's Morals. [See Shake- speare, W.] H 4 T 17 GILMAN, Daniel Coit. University Problems in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 24 S 5 GIL MORE, James R. Letters of a War Correspondent. [See Page, C. A.] B 41 P 14 GILMOUR, David. Reminiscences of the Pen Folk Pais- ley Weavers of other days, &c. 3rd ed. 8vo. Paisley, 1889. G 24 S 17 GIL1 ! UTH, J. A. Report on Experiments with Lambs. "See New Zealand.— Agricult,] MA 3 R 80 GIOTTO ANGIOLOTTO, Bondone. Giotto and his Works in Padua. [See Ruskin, J.] A 44 T 5 GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE, Guido or Guidolino Santi Fosini. Examination of the Works of Fra Giovanni. [See Stearns, F. P. — Midsummer of Italian Art.] A 23 S 25 GIOVANNI FIORENTINO, Ser. The Pecorone, now lirst translated into English by W. G. Waters. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 17 S 26 t GUTS, F. G. de V. Some Notes on the White Cliffs Opal-fields, Wilcannia. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P GIPPS, Frederick B. Proposed Electric City Railway. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P Source of Artesian Wells. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Austral- asia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P GIPPS, W. L. Reginald. Sin, and other Poems. 12mo. Sydney, 1899. MH 1 W 7 GIRARD, Prof. H. Beitriige zur Geologie von Aus- tralien. [See Leichhardt, L.] MA 3 P 11 f GIRAUD, Albert. Hors du Siccle. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. H11R30 GIRISACHANDRA TARKALANKARA, Pandit, and PRANANATHA SARASVATI, Pandit. Chi logical Tables containing Christian, Moolkee, Muggee, Shaka, Burmese, Amli, Vilaity, Tamil, Malayala Nauroz, Fuslee, Sumbat, Telugti, and Hijree Er with their corresponding dates, 1764-1900. Roy. 8' Bhowanipore, 1894. B 39 T 1 GIRUMA IAVANA WEDAUEI [School-book in the Language of Wedau]. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 T 25 GISBORNE, William. New Zealand Rulers and States- men, from 1840-97. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MC 1 S 18 GISSING, George. Charles Dickens : a Critical Study. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Victorian Era Ser.) J 14 V 21 Demos. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 25 Q 16 The Unclassed. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 R 33 GIULIANI, Giambattista. Vita Nuova e il Canzoniere. [See Dante Alighieri.] H 13 Q 6 GIZYCKI, Prof. Georg. von. Ethics and Theology. [See Seeley, Sir J. R. — Ethics and Religion.] G 25 S 14 GLADDEN, Washington. The Christian Pastor and the Working Church. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. G 23 S 33 Seven puzzling Bible Books; a Supplement to "Who wrote the Bible?" 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 8 Social Facts and Forces : The Factory, the Labor Union, the Corporation, the Railway, the City, the Church. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 13 V 40 Who wrote the Bible? a Book for the People. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 23 P 7 GLADSTONE, Dr. — . Dendereh, 1898. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] B 18 Q 30 t GLADSTONE, Catherine [Mrs. W. E.] Catherine Glad ; stone : Life, Good Works, and Political Efforts ; by E. A. Pratt. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 26 P 11 Healthy Nurseries and Bedrooms, including the Lying-in Room. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A41U1 Public Library of New South Wales. GLADSTONE, Rt. Hon. William Ewart. Gladstone, 1809-98 : a Character Sketch ; by W. T. Stead. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 R 23 Gladstone, the Man : a non-political Biography; by D. Williamson. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. 23 S 30 Life of; by G. W. E. Russell. 4th ed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Queen's Prime Min.) C 23 S 23 Mr. Gladstone : a Monograph ; by Sir E. W. Hamilton. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 2G P 9 The Real Gladstone : an Anecdotal Riography ; by J. E. Ritchie. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 Q 28 The Story of Gladstone's Life ; by Justin McCarthy. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1898. C 23 U 2 William Ewart Gladstone : a ISiographical Study; by F. W. Gunsaulus. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. (n.p.) 1898. C 24 S 12 Gladstone the Typical Christian Statesman. [See Clif- ford, Rev. J. — Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 Letter on the English Church. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 The People's Rible History. [See Lorimer, Rev. G. C] G 11 W 6, 7 t Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Century.] R 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] R 22 R 18 Remarks on the Royal Supremacy, as it is defined by Reason, History, and the Constitution. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 1 4 U 36 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 [Speech on.] [See Rosebery, Earl. — Appreciations and Addresses.] J 9 R 6 Talks with Gladstone. [See Tollemache, Hon. L. A.] C 24 P 10 Translations. [See Lyttelton, Lord.] H 12 T 18 Works of Joseph Butler, Rishop of Durham. [See Butler. J., Bishop.] G 2 T 33-35 GLAISTER, E. Art Embroidery. [See Lockwood, M. S.] A 17 T 1 t GLAISHER, James. Art Studies from Nature as applied to Design. [See Hulme, F. E.] A 45 T 21 GLAISHER, James Whitbread Lee, F.R.S. Memoir of J. C. Adams. [See Adams, Prof J. C— Scientific Papers.-] A 10 U 10 t GLASGOW CATHEDRAL. History of the Cathedral and See of Glasgow. Illustrated. 12mo. Glasgow, 1856. R 23 P 15 GLASS, Alexander. Disi Dr. G] GLASS, Henry Alexander. The Barbone Parliament (first Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, 1653) and the Religious Movements of the 17th Century, culminating in the Protectorate System of Church Government. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 8 11 29 GLAZERROOK, Richard Tetley, F.R.S. Light : an Ele- mentary Text-book, Theoretical and Practical, for Col- leges and Schools. 8vo. Camb., 1894. A 21 P 51 James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics. [See Max- well, J. C] C 19 V 20 GLEICHEN, Albert Edward Wilfred, Count. With the Mission to Menelik, 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' D 13 U 5 Hand-book of the Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, Monten egro, Roumania, and Servia. [See Gt. Rritain and Ireland.— War Office.] F 12 S 21 Hand-book of the Sudan. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — War Office.] D 19 P 17 Report on the Nile and Country between Dongola, Sua- kin, Kassala, and Omdurman. [See Gt. Rrit. and Irel. —War Office.] D 19 P 16 Sketch of Sir David Raird; by Count Gleichen. [See Wilkinson, S. — From Cromwell to Wellington.] C 26 R 18 GLEIG, Charles. When all men starve: showing how England hazarded her naval supremacy, and the horrors which followed the interruption of her food supply. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 R 40 GLEN INNES EXAMINER and General Advertiser, Jan. lOth-Dea, 1899. Fol. Glen Innes, 1899. ME GLEN INNES GUARDIAN, 1899. Fol. Glen Innes, 1899. ME GLENESK, Algernon Lorthwick, Baron. [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 GLENNIE, John Stuart Stuart-. Arthurian Localities. [See Early English Text Soc] E Greek Folk-poesy. [See Garnett, L. M. J.] J 14 S 37, 38 GLIMPSES OF AUSTRALIA, depicting Scenes, Cities, Industries, and Interesting Phases of Aus- tralian Life, with concise Literary Descriptions : an Album of Photographic (Jems. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. obi. 4to. Sydney, 1897-98. MA 12 P 31, 32 t "GLOBE TROTTER." [See McMillan, Robert.] GLOUCESTER, Bishop of. [See Halifax, S.] JSupp lementary Cat a logue — 1896-1 900. GLOUCESTERSHIRE NOTES AND QUERIES. Vol. 7, 1896-97. 8vo. Lond., 1896-99. B 40 P 6 7. Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire ; by C. T. Davis. GLOVER, Sir John Hawloy. Life of; by Lady Glover. IMiteil by the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Temple. With Por- traits and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 10 GLOVER, Rev. Richard. The Baptist Church. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 ' GLLCK, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von. Gluck and the ( >pera. [See Newman, E.] A 23 T 22 GLT OKSTEIN, S. M. Queen or President? an Indict- ment of Paul Kruger. With Portrait, 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 P 14 GLVDE, John. Life of Edward FitzGerald. [See Fitz- < lerald, E.] C 27 R 18 GLV XN, M. S. Victorian Rowing Register and Oarsman's i 'ompanion. [See Victorian Roiriiig Iirgix/rr.] MA5Q15 GMELIN, Prof. Leopold. Hand-book of Chemistry. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 S 2-20 GO A LEN, Capt, W. N. Tables for finding approximately the Time and Height of High Water at the Principal Ports in New Zealand, also at Sydney, N.S.W., and Hobart, Tasmania. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Hydrographic Office.] MA 2 R 54 GOI '.LET D'ALVIELLA, Comte Eugei Conite E. Goblet d'.] [See Alviella, GOD IN HIS WORLD. [See Allen, H. M.] G 24 P 17 CODING, Dr. F. W. Preliminary Study of the Mem- bracidse described from Australia and Tasmania. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P GODFREY, J. R. Economics of Mining. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P GODFREY, Capt. S. II. Central Asian Trade. [See Adair, Capt. F. E. S.— A Summer in High Asia.] D 22 S 4 GO DIN, Andre. The Association of the Familistere at Guise, France. 12mo. Manchester, 1881. F 12 S 20 G < > DKIN, Edwin Lawrence. The Australian Democracy. (Atlantic Monthly, March, 1898.) E Problems of Modern Democracy. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 2 V 33 Reflections and Comments, 1865-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 S 45 Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 13 R 13 GODLEE, Dr. Rickman John. Diseas [See Fowler, Dr. J. K.] of the Lungs. A40P6 GODWIN, Edwin William. Dress, and its relation to Health and Climate. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 6 GODWIN, Parke. Commemorative Addresses: George William Curtis, Edwin Booth, Louis Kossuth, John James Audubon, William Cullen Bryant. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 14 V 3 GODWIN, William. Adventures of Caleb Williams. 12mo. Lond., 1838. J 23 P 5 Cloudesley. 3 vols 8vo. Lond., 1830. J 23 S 12-14 Deloraine. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. J 23 R 17-19 Mandeville. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1817. J 23 P 15-17 St. Leon. 4 vols, (in 2) 8vo. Lond., 1816. J 24 S 14, 15 GOEBEL, Professor K. Organography of Plants. Autho- rized English ed. by Dr. I. B. Balfour, F.R.S. Pt. 1. Roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. A 45 V 22 GOERWITZ, Emanuel F. Dreams of a Spirit-seer. [See Kant, I.] G 25 S 16 GOES, Willem van der. [See Van der Goes, W.] GOETHE, J ohann Wolfgang von. Criticisms, Reflections, and Maxims of Goethe. Translated, with an Intro- duction by W. B. Ronnfeldt. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 P 42 Egmont ; with copious Explanatory Notes and a com- plete Vocabulary by H. Apel. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 13 P 17 Iphigenia in Tauris. Edited, with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes in English, by H. Attwell. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 13 P 16 A Criticism ; by Thomas Carlyle. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Goethe and Carlyle. [See Wilson, H. S.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men] J 22 Q 18 GOETZ, Georg. T. Macci Plauti Comcedise. [See Plautus, T. M.] HIT 24-27 GOFF, Maj. Gerald Lionel Joseph. Historical Records of the 91st Argyllshire Highlanders, now the first Battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1794, and of its subsequent services to 1881. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 31 U 24 GOLD, T. S. Farms in Connecticut for sale. [See Con- necticut.— Board of Agricult.] A 35 T 13 Public Library of New South Wales. GOLDTE, Sir George Taubman. Campaigning on the Upper Nile and Niger. [See Vandeleur, Lieut. S.] GOLDIE, John. The Poor and their Happiness : Missions and Mission Philanthropy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 33 GOLDMAN, Jhr. W. C. P. Aanteekeningen gehouden op eene Reis naar Dorei (noord-oostkust van Guinee) 1863. 8vo. Batavia, 1866. MD 6 R 12 GOLDONI, Carlo. [Sketch of.] [See Horridge, P.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 GOLDSBROUGH, MORT, & CO. A Practical Treatise on Wool and Sheep-breeding, Edible Scrubs, the Economical Use of Tank Water, Station 1 !ook-keeping, &c. Illust. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MA 3 W 21 GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Goldsmith's Poems and Plays. [See Dobson, A.— A Paladin of Philanthropy.] J 22 Q 12 GOLLANCZ, Israel. A Midi Shakespeare, W.] Tragical History nf Dr. Faustus. [See Marlowe, C.l H 13 Q 4 GOLM, Rudolf. The Old Adam and the New Eve. Translated from the German by Edith Fowler. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 R 48 GOLTZ, Lieut.-Gen. Colmar Freiherr von der. The Con- duct of War : a short Treatise on its most important Branches and Guiding Rules. Translated by Major G. F. Leverson. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Wolseley Ser.) A 36 R 8 GOMEZ, Gen. Maximo. Marching with Gomez. [See Flint, G.] B 36 Q 10 GOMME, George Laurence. Lectures on the Principles of Local Government. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 25 London in the Reign of Victoria, 1837-97. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Victorian Era Ser.) B 24 Q 19 Gentleman's Magazine Library. [See Gentleman's Maga- zine Library.] GONCOURT, Edmond de. [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 , and Jules. Journal of. [See James, H. — Essays in London and elsewhere.] J 14 T 23 GONIN, F, and others. Puttini e Figure Decorative : Allegorie. Vol. 1, ser. 1-3. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 19 + Puttini e Figure Decorative: Mitologia. Vol. 1. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 44 J GONNARD, Rene. Caracteres Generaux de la Loi de 1884 sur les Syndicats Professionnels ; Justification de cette Loi ; Reformes Possibles ; Etude de Legislation Industrielle. 8vo. Paris, 1898. F 7 U 34 GONNER, Prof. Edward Carter K. Social Philosophy of Rodbertus. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 18 Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. [See Ricardo, D.] F 16 S 17 GONTAUT-BIRON, Viscount Elie de. An Ambassador of the Vanquished. [See Broglie, Duke de.] B 31 U 20 GONTCHAROFF, Ivan. A Common Story. Translated by Constance Garnett ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U 15 GONZALES, Matias Rios. Esplicaciones de la lei de Or- ganizacion i Atribuciones de los Tribunales. 8vo. Santiago, 1894. F 1 U 16 GONZALEZ (or GONZALES) DE CAMARA, Rev. Luis. Testament of St. Ignatius. [See Ignatius Loyola, St.] G 26 Q9 GOOCH, George Peabody. History of English Democratic Ideas in the 17th Century. 8vo. Camb., 1898. (Camb. Hist. Essays.) F 15 Q 23 GOOD, Rev. Adolphus Clemens. Superstitions of Equat- orial Africa. (Parsons, Ellen O— A Life for Africa.) G 23 P41 A Life for Africa. [See Parsons, Ellen C] G 23 P 41 GOOD LUCK: an Australian Christmas Annual. Edited by J. D. Hennessey. Vol. 2. Fol. Sydney, 1898. ME GOODALL, Dr. Edward Wilberforce, and WASH- BOURNE, Dr. John Wychenford. Manual of In- fectious Diseases. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 41 R 5 GOODALL, Dr. Edwin. Antitoxin Rashes. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 General Paralysis of the Insane. [See Savage, Dr. G. H] A 26 T 40 GOODCHILD, J. G. Geology of the Country between Appleby, Ulls water, and Haweswater. [SeeGt. Brit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and W T ales.] A 47 R 38 GOODE, Prof. G. Brown. Review of the Fishery Industries of the United States, and the Work of the United States Fish Commission. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 The Fishermen of the United States. [See United States— Commission of Fish and Fisheries.] A 10 T 4 t Oceanic Ichthyology. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 17 T 20, 21 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GOO I ) E, W. A. M. With Sampson through the War : I icing an Account of the Naval Operations of the Xorth Atlantic Squadron during the Spanish- American War of 1898; with special Chapters contributed by iiear-Adm. Sampson, Capt. R. D. Evans, and Com- . i. lander C. C. Todd. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., ! 899. B41R3 GOO DELL, William. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 GO( ) I >ERE, Samuel, and others. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, 11. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 GO( ' i >GE, W. T. Hits, Skits, and Jingles. 8vo. Sydney, 1 899. MH 1 S 75 GOODHART, Dr. James Frederic. Asthma and Hay Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 GOODMAN, John. Mechanics applied to Engineering. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 20 Q 28 GOODMAN, Walter. The Keeleys. [See Keeley, R. and Mary Anne.] C 22 R 16 GOODNOW, Prof. Frank Johnson. Municipal Problems. Svo. New York, 1897. F 15 R 5 Politics and Administration: a Study in Government. Svo. New York, 1900. F 19 S 1 GOODNOW, J. A. B. Great Missionaries. [See Creegan, Rev. CO] G 14 S 30 GOODRICH, E. S. The Echinoderma. [See Lankester, E. 11.] ' A 44 S 25 GO< )DWIN, H. M. Fundamental Laws of Electrolytic Conduction : Memoirs by Faraday, Hittorf, and F. Kohlrausch. Svo. New York, 1899. (Harper's Scientific Mems.) A 44 Q 19 GOODWIN, Harry. Wordsworth and Turner. (Knight, William.— Words worthiana.) J 14 R 15 GOODWIN, Harvey, Bishop of Carlisle. A Biographical Memoir ; by Rev. H. D. Rawnsley. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 8 Foundations of the Creed. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 23 T 49 GOODWIN, Maud Wilder. Fort Amsterdam in the days of the Dutch. (Goodwin, M. W.— Historic New York. ) B 19 R 6 [Life of] Dolly Madison. [See Madison, Dolly.] C 20 U 14 , ROYCE, Alice Carrington, PUTNAM, Ruth, and BROWNELL, Eva Palmer. Historic New York : being the 1st and 2nd series of the Half-moon Papers. GOODWIN, Nathaniel C. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 GOOVAERTS, Alphonse. Histoire et Bibliographic de la Typographic M usicale dans lcs Pavs-Bas. Svo. Anvers, 1880. A 44 Q 11 GORDON, Adam Lindsay. Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MH 1 V 10 [Life of]; by A. P. Martin. (Melb. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q [Life of]; by Dr. Charles Pearson. (Pall Mall Magazine, June, 1896.) E [Life of]; by A. Sutherland. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Personal lieminisccnces of; by Rev. J. E. Tenison- Woods. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Byrne, Desmond- Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 The Poetry of ; by F. W. K. Adams. [See Melbourne Review,' 10.] ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P X [Portrait and Life of.] [See Turner, H. G.— The De- velopment of Australian Literature.] MJ 3 S 24 [Portraits and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, April, 1885.) MJ 1 V 20 indci-. Six Letters c Sydney, 1880. GORDON, Rev. Alexander. Charge on Induction of, at Hope-street Church, Liverpool. [See Martineau, Rev. J.— Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 30 GORDON, Anna Adams. Frances Elizabeth Willard. [See Willard, Frances Elizabeth.] C 24 S 9 GORDON, Armistead Churchill. Congressional Currency : an Outline of the Federal Money System [U.S.A.] Svo. New York, 1895. (Questions of the Day.) F8 U 29 GORDON, Surg. -Gen. Sir Charles Alexander. Public Health in China. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 15 Recollections of 39 years in the Army : Gwalior and the Battle of Maharajpore, 1843; the Gold Coast of Africa, 1847-48 ; the Indian Mutiny, 1857-58 ; the Expedition to China, 1860-61 ; the Siege of Paris, 1870-71, &c. With Portrait. Svo. Load., 1898. B 39 Q 15 GORDON, Gen. Charles George. Life of ; by Demetrius C. Boulger. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 20, 21 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 GORDON, George John James, 5th Earl of Aberdeen [See Aberdeen, 5th Earl of.] Public Library of New South Wales. GORDON, H. Laing. Sir James Young Simpson and Chloroform, 1811-70. [See Simpson, Sir J. Y.] C 23 R 12 GORDON, Home. The Snow on Shah-Dagh, and Ammalat Bey. [See Dumas, A.] J 14 Q 41 GORDON, James. Abredoniie vtrivsque Descriptio. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 R 4 GORDON, Lina Duff. The Story of Perugia. [See Sy- monds, Margaret,] B 37 P 8 GORDON, P. R, Development of a Dairy Breed from our Native Cattle. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME9U GORDON, Gen. Patrick. Passages from the Diary of. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 S 7 Short Abridgement of Britane's Distemper. [See Spald- ing Club, Pubs.] B 40 R 10 GORDON, Sir Robert. Genealogical History of the Earl- dom of Sutherland, from its origin to the year 1630, with a continuation to the year 1651. Fol. Edinb., 1813. K40U11 + GORDON, Gen. Sir Thomas Edward. Persia revisited, 1895 ; with Remarks on H.I.M. Mozuffer-ed-din Shah, and the Present Situation in Persia, 1896. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 U 4 GORDON, W. J. These sixty years. [See Holmes, E. M.] B 23 S 22 GORDON, William, Viscount Kenmure. [See Kenmure, Viscount.] GORDON, Rev. William T. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. [See Bossuet, J. B., Bishop.] G 24 Q 3 GORDON and GOTCH. The Australian Hand-book. [See Australian Hand-book, The.] ME GORDON-ALEXANDER, Lieut.-Col. W. [See Alex- ander, Lieut. -Col. W. Gordon-.] GORE, Rev. Charles. Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 28 General Lines of Church Reform. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 Government of the Anglican Churches in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. (Gore, Rev. C— Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 Leo the Great. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (The Fathers for English Readers.) G 26 P 15 Lond., 1898. G 23 P 30 Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. GORE, Rev. Charles— contd. St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Vol.1. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 1 The Sermon on the Mount : a Practical Exposition. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 25 Canon Gore and the Lux Mundi School. [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] " C 23 T 3 Good Citizenship. [See Hand, Rev. J. E] F 15 S 33 GORE, F. St. J. Lights and Shades of Hill Life in the Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. ' D 19 S 1 GORE, George, F.R.S. Lond., 1899. Scientilicliasis of Morality. 8vo. G 24 U 26 GORE, J. Ellard. Scenery of the Heavens: a Popular Account of Astronomical Wonders. 2nd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 19 R 19 The Concise Knmrb'di/f. Astronomy. [See Clerke, Agnes M.] A 19 S 14 GOREH, Rev. Nilakantha Sastri. Life of Father Goreh; by C. E. Gardner. Edited by R. M. Benson. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 26 GORGAS, Dr. Ferdinand J. S. Dental Medicine : a Manual of Dental Materia Modica and Therapeutics. 5th ed., revised and enlarged. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 32 S 23 Dictionary of Dental Science. [See Harris, Dr. Chapin A.] * A 32 S 25 GORMAN, Clarence H. Cultivation under Artesian Irri- gation. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Fruit-drying. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Handling Fresh Fruit. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Irrigation. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Profitable Fodder Crops. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R GORMAN, Frederick P., and TOWER, Ralph W. Labora- tory Guide for the Dissection of the Cat : an Intro- duction to the Study of Anatomy. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 41 R 6 GORMANSTON, Viscount, Governor of Tasmania. [Por- trait of.] [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 f GORRIE, H. W. Growing Roses on Barren Soil. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U Market Gardening. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898, July, Sept., Oct., 1899.) ME 9 U GORST, Harold E. China. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Imp. Interest Lib.) D 22 P 18 The Earl of Beaconsfield. [See Beaconsfield, Earl of.] C27R 12 GOSCH, C. C. A. Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605-20. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 96, 97.] E Stipplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GOSCHEN, lit. Hon. George Joachim, Viscount, The i'.: -metallic Question. [See Bi-metallic Question, The.] F 13 R 19 GOSFORD TIMES, July, 1897-Dec., 1898. Fol. Gos- ford, 1897-98. ME G OS M AN, Rev. Alexander. Federation Poetry. (People's federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 The Supernatural. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q GOSS, Prof. Arthur. Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.-— < >'fice of Experiment Stations.] A 38 R 15 Nutrition Investigations in New Mexico, 1897. [See i'nited States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 GOSSE, Edmund. Critical Kit-kats. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 14 U 23 Firdausi in Exile, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1885. H IIP 42 In Russet and Silver. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 11 P 31 Modern English Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 17 U 18 On \ r iol and Flute. 12mo. Lond., 1890. H 11 P 41 17th Century Studies : a Contribution to the History of English Poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 10 W 23 The Chief Justice. [See Franzos, K. E.] J 23 U 18 The Commodore's Daughters. [See Lie, J.] J 23 U 13 A Common Story. [See Gontcharoff, I.] J 23 U 15 DonaLuz. [See Valera, J.] J 23 U 6 The Epic of Kings. [See Zimmern, Helen.] II 11 R 12 Essays from the Guardian. [See Pater, W.] J 2G Q 34 Farewell, Love. [See Scarfoglio, Signora.] J 23 U 17 Footsteps of Fate. [See Couperus, L] J 23 U 2 The Grandee. [See Valdes, A. P.] J 23 U 5 The Heritage of the Kurts. [See Bjornson, B.] J 23 U 3 In God's Way. [See Bjornson, B.] J 23 U 4 The- Jew. [See Kraszewski, J. I.] J 23 U 11 Lite and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's. [See Donne, J., Dean.] C 26 S 4, 5 Lou. [See Roberts, A. von, Baron.] J 23 U 10 Niobe. [See Lie, J.] J 23 U 12 Pepita Jimenez. [See Valera, J.] J 23 17 7 Pierre and Jean. [See Maupassant, H. R. A. G. de.] J 23 U 14 Poetical Works of T. L. Beddoes. [See Beddoes, T. L.] H 12 T 3, 4 Pie try of. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 Under the Yoke. [See Vazoff, I.] J 23 U 8 Undine. [See La Motte Fouque, F. H. O, Baron de.] Woman's Folly. [See Ferruggia, G.] J 23 U 16 Work while ye have the Light. [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] J23U9 Works of Henry Fielding. [See Fielding, H.] J 23 Q 1 GOSSE, Philip Henry, F.R.S. Evenings at the Micros- cope ; or, Researches among the minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life. New ed., revised by F J. Bell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 40 Q 10 GOSSIN, H. Physics, Experimental and Theoretical. [See Jude, R. H] A 35 T 8 " GOSSIP." [See McMillan, Robert.] GOSSON, Stephen. The School of Abuse. [See Shake- speare Soc., Pubs.] H 3 U 8 GOTHE. [See Goethe.] GOUDIE, J. C. List of Birds of the Birchip District. (Vict. Nat., Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P GOUFFE, Jules. The Book of Preserves. Translated from the French by Alphonse Gouffe. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 31 Q 30 GOL T GER, Robert. Emigration for the relief of Parishes practically considered. 8vo. Lond., 1833. F 13 Q 37 The Founding of South Australia, as recorded in the Journals of Mr. Robert Gouger, first Colonial Secre- tary. Edited by E. Hodder. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " MB 3 P 6 GOUGH, Gen. Sir Charles, and INNES, Arthur D. The Sikhs and the Sikh Wars : the Rise, Conquest, and Annexation of the Punjab State. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 49 GOUGH, Gen. Sir Hugh. Old Memories. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. C 23 R 3 GOUGH, John B. John B. Gough, the Apostle of Cold Water; by Carlos Martyn. 8vo. New York, 1893. C 20 U 10 GOULBURN, Edward Meyrick, Dean of Norwich. The Lord's Prayer. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 39 Memoir of; by B. Compton. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 26 P 15 GOULBURN EVENING PENNY POST, May, 1896- 99. 4 vols. fol. Goulburn, 1896-99. ME GOULBURN HERALD, with which is incorporated the Goulburn Chronicle and the Gunning Leader, 1899. Fol. Goulburn, 1899. ME GOULD, A. C, "Ralph Greenwood." Modern Am Rifles. Must. 8vo. Boston, 1892. A 23 T 25 GOULD, Dr. E. R. L. Housing of the Working People. [See United States.— Bureau of Labor.] E GOULD, Edward Sherman. Commercial Cuba. [See Clark, W. J.] F 16 T 1 J?ublic library of New South Wales. GOULD, Ezra P. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary of the Gospel according to St. Mark. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Internat. Critical Commentary.) G 19 T 27 GOULD, John M., and TUCKER, George F. The Federal Income Tax explained with the Regulations of the Treasury Department. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F10V24 GOULD, Nat, " Verax." The Miner's Cup: a Coolgardie Romance. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 Q 45 Who did it? 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 1 Q 35 GOULD, Rev. Sabine Baring-. Book of Dartmoor. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 10 Book of the West: being an Introduction to Devon and Cornwall. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 R 7, 8 The Broom-squire. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 24 U 6 Curiosities of Olden Times. Revised and enlarged ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. J 16 R 10 Dartmoor Idylls. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 R 34 Grettir, the Outlaw. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 R 35 Historic Oddities, (fee. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 37 Q 3 John Herring. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 25 Q 17 Lost and Hostile Gospels : an Essay on the Toledoth Jeschu and the Petrine and Pauline Gospels of the first three Centuries, of which fragments remain. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 25 P 6 Mehalah. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 25 Q 18 Old English Fairy Tales. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 T 2 An Old English Home and its Dependencies. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 24 Q 22 A Study of St. Paul : his Character and Opinions. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 1 R 41 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 13 W 33 t GOUNOD, Charles Francois. Autobiographical Reminis- cences, with Family Letters and Notes on Music; from the French by Hon. W. Hely-Hutchinson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 11 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 GOURLAY, Janet. The Temple of Mut in Asher. [See Benson, Margaret.] B 28 U 11 GOURY, Jules. Views on the Is :« Jones, O.J D 31 R 21 t GOW, J. Professional Examinations. (Cookson, C- Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 GOW, William. British Imperial Customs Union. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. F 1 S 26 GOW, WILSON, and STANTON. Tea-producing Com- panies of India and Ceylon, showing the History and Results of those capitalised in Sterling. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F11U41 GOWER, Hon. F. Leveson-. Migration from the Country to the Towns. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 2 V 32 GOWER, Lord Ronald Charles Sutherland-Leveson-. Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. [See Vic- toria, Queen of England.] " C 19 U 1, 2 t Selections from the Letters of De Brosses. [See De , C] C 24 Q 7 GOWERS, Sir William Richard. Epilepsy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Paralysis agitans. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 GO WING, Richard, "Economist." The New Protection Cry. 12mo. Lond., 1880. F 17 P 1 GOYDER, George, jun. Note on Alkaloids of Strychnos psilosperma. [See Rennie, Prof. E. H.] MA 3 W 18 GOYDER, George A. Action of Cyanide of Potassium on Gold and some other Metals and Minerals. (Austral- asian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.)ME 18 P Notes on the Working of the McArthur-Forrest Process for Extracting Gold. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Sulvanite. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1900.) ME 1 S The Prospector's Pocket-book. [See South Australia. — Mines.] MA 4 P 6 GRACE, Morgan S. Sketch of the New Zealand War. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MD 5 Q 44 GRACE, Dr. William Gilbert. Cricketing Reminiscences and Personal Recollections. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 40 Q 18 GRADLE, Dr. Henry. Diseases of the Orbit, Lachrymal Apparatus, and Eye-lids. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 GRADY, Standish Grove. The Hedaya. [See Hedaya, The.] G 25 U 9 GRAEF, Gustav. [Reproduction of his Picture] Felicie. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J GRAFFENRIED, Miss Clare de. Child Labor. (Ameri- can Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 15 GRAFFIGNY, Henry de. Industrial Electricity. Trans- lated and edited by A. G. Elliott. Illustrated. 1 2mo. Lond., 1898. (Electro-Mechanical Ser.) A 33 Q 31 GRAFSTROM, Dr. Axel V. Medical Gymnastics, in- cluding the Schott (Nauheim) Movements : being a Text-book of Massage and Mechanical Therapeutics generally. Hlust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 40 Q 15 Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 235 GRA ITON, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of. Au- tobiography and Political Correspondence of, from hitherto unpublished docuinents in the possession of his family. Edited by Sir W. R. Anson. With Por- traits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 R 5 GRA I f AM, Austin Douglas. Australasian Annual Digest. [See Power, G. W.] ME 21 S The Queensland Digest. [See Scott, G.] MF 3 S 35 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme (Jourt of Queensland, with Tables of Cases and Index. [See Scott, G.] ME 18 S GRAHAM, Prof. Charles. Chemistry of Bread-making. ( Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 2 GRAHAM, Dougal. Collected Writings. Edited with Notes, together with a Biographical and Bibliographi- cal Introduction and a Sketch of the Chap Literature of Scotland, by George MacGregor. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1883. JUS 19, 20 GRAHAM, Dr. Edwin E. Croupous and Catarrhal Pneumonia. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 GRAHAM, Henry Grey. Social Life of Scotland in the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B II Q 1, 2 GRAHAM, Rev. J. A. Missionary Expansion of the Re- formed Churches. Illustrated. 12mo. Edinb., 1898. (Guild Lib.) G 23 P 16 GRAHAM, J. Whidden. Equitable Taxation. [See Weyl, W. E.] F 15 S 27 GRAHAM, Jan* Hooper, F.j Modern Business Methods. [See F 16 U 1 GRAHAM, James, "The Man in the Iron Mask." The Press and its Functions in the Social Mill. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 Q 48 GRAHAM, John. Elementary Treatise on the Calculus for Engineering Students, with numerous Examples and Problems worked out. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 S 18 GRAHAM, Rev. John. Memoir of ; by Charles Graham. 8vo. Lond., 1880. MG 2 P 62 Poems, Sacred, Didactic, and Descriptive ; with a Tri- bute of Friendship. 18mo. Lond., 1861. H 12 Q 12 GRA HAM, P. Anderson. Revival of English Agriculture. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 20 R 24 Mr. Blackburne's Games at Chess, [See Blackburne, J. H] A 40 V 13 GRAHAM, Peter. Life and Work of; by W. M. Gilbert. [See Art Journal.] A 20 R 24 t GRAHAM, Richard D. Masters of Victorian Literature, 1837-97. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 22 Q 9 GRAHAM, Robert Bontine Cunninghame. The Ipane. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Overseas Lib.) J 9 Q 32 Mogreb-el-Acksa : a Journey in Morocco. With Por- trait and Map. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 22 P 7 The Canon. [See Canon, The.] G 23 S 9 GRAHAM, Prof. Thomas. Chemical Reports and Me- moirs. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 S 1 GRAHAM, William Hussey. Book of the Cheese. [See Reid, T. W.] B 24 Q 10 GRAHAME, George. Claude Lorrain. [See Portfolio. — Monographs, 15.] E GRAHAME, Kenneth. A Hundred Fables of ^3sop. [See iEsop.] J 22 V 8 GRAM, Hans. Praktisk Vejledning i Frugtavl. [See Denmark.— Agricult.] A 39 V 28 GRAMPIAN CLUB. Publications. 6 vols. 8vo. and roy. 8vo. Lond., 1869-89. B 39 S 1-6 Book of Wallace ; by Rev. C. Rogers. 2 vols. Jacobite Lairds of Gask ; by T. L. K. Oliphant. Monuments ami Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland; by Rev. C. Rogers. 2 vols. Scotland, Social and Domestic : Memorials of Life and Manners in North Britain ; by Rev. C. Rogers. GRANBY, John Manners, Marquis of. Some Account of the Military, Political, and Social Life of ; by W. E. Manners. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 15 "GRAND, Sarah." [See M'Fall, Frances Elizabeth.] GRAND FAIR AND PRESS BAZAAR, SYDNEY. Press News, Nos. 1-5, Aug., 1899. 4to. Sydney, 1899. [All published.} MJ 5 R 17 \ Souvenir Book. Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MJ 5 R 16 I GRAND-CARTERET, John. L'Affaire Dreyfus et l'Image. Illust. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) A 33 Q 29 GRANDON, Alejandro Fuenzalida. Lastarria i su Tiempo. [See Lastarria, J. V.] C 10 X 14 t GRANGER, Prof. Frank. Worship of the Romans viewed in relation to the Roman temperament. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 23 P 49 GRANT, Arthur James. Herodotus. [See Herodotus.] B 17 Q 20, 21 Public Library of New South Wales. GRANT, Capt. Bartle. The Orchids of Burma, including the Andaman Islands, described. Compiled from the works of various authorities. 8vo. Rangoon, 1895. A 39 Q 10 GRANT, Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 GRANT, Elizabeth. [See Smith, Elizabeth.] GRANT, Elizabeth [Mrs. James]. Letters written by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, concerning Highland affairs and persons connected with the Stuart cause in the 18th century. Edited by J. E. N. Macphail. [See Scottish History Soc. Pubs., 26.] E GRANT, Francis J. The Commissariot Record of Edin- burgh, Register of Testaments. [See British Record Soc. Pubs. 16.] E Commissariot Record of Inverness, Register of Testa- ments, 1630-1800. [See British Record Soc, Pubs., 20.] E GRANT, James. Treatise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies, with an Appendix containing the most important Statutes in force relating thereto. 5th ed. ; by C. C. M. Plumptre and J. K. MacKay. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 17 GRANT, John B. Our Common Birds, and how to know them. 5th ed. Illustrated. Ob. 18mo. New York, 1895. A 27 P 1 GRANT, Robert. Tarpon-fishing in Florida. (Out-of- door Library.) A 40 Q 8 GRANT, Lieut. -Gen. Ulysses Simpson. [Life of] ; by W. C. Church. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1897. C 23 P 23 Campaigning with Grant. [See Porter, Gen. H.] B 39 S 31 Sketch of. [See Dwight, T. F. — Critical Sketches of some Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 GRANT, W. R. Ogilvie. Catalogue of the Game Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 4 Catalogue of the Picarise in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 17 Catalogue of the Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcae, and Impennes in the Collection of the Britisli Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 8 GRANVILLE, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 GRANVILLE, Mary. [See Delany, Mary.] GRAPHIC, The. Vols. 1-61, 1869-June, 1900. 61 vols. fol. Lond., 1869-1900. E GRAPHIC AUSTRALIAN. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3, Nov., 1889-Jan., 1890. Illustrated. Fol. Sydney, 1889- 90. MJ 7 R 2 J GRAPHIC NEWS OF AUSTRALASIA, The. No. 1, Jan., 1873. Illustrated. Fol. Melb., 1873. [Bound with the Illustrated Australian JVe ws.] MJ 7 P 1 { GRASBY, W. Catton. Teaching in three Continents: Personal Notes on the Educational Systems of the World. 8vo. Lond., 1891. G 17 S 23 GRASSI, Dr. Battista. I Chetognati : Anatomia e Sis- tematica con Aggiunte Embriologiche. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 5 t GRATRY, Rev. Auguste P. A. Mathematical Psychology of Gratry and Boole. [See Boole, Mary Everest.] G11U12 GRAUNT, Capt. John. Observations upon the Bills of Mortality. [See Petty, Sir W.— Economic Writings.] F 9 P 35 GRAVES, Alfred Percival. Poems of Joseph Sheridan LeFanu. [See Le Fanu, J. S.] H 11 Q 3 GRAVES, Algernon. Dictionary of Artists who have ex- hibited Works in the principal London Exhibitions from 1760-1893. New ed. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 22 Q 14 t GRAVES, Frank P. Burial Customs of the Ancient Greeks. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1891. G 24 U 36 GRAVES, Henry S. Practical Forestry in the Adiron- dacks. [See 'United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 GRAY, Dr. Asa. Structural Botany ; or, Organography on the basis of Morphology, to which is added the principles of Taxonomy and Phytography, and a Glossary of Botanical Terms. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1887. (Botanical Text-book.) A 20 U 25 GRAY, D. J. Thorns Hugh.] British Dogs. [See Dalziel, A 14T41* GRAY, G. Buchanan. Studies in Hebrew Proper Names. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 R 25 GRAY, George Robert, F.R.S. Catalogue of British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Britisli Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 10 List of Specimens of Birds in Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 W 1 4, 1 6 GRAY, Dr. J. A. At the Court of the Amir. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 19 U 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. QUA V, J. C. Cooperation as a Factor in the Education of the Citizen. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 iTIli v. Competition. 12m irative Productio o. Manchester, 1886. F 13 V 41 Cooperative Production in Great Britain. 12mo. Man- chester, 1887. F 13 V 23 Deceased Members' Shares; with some Hints on Probate and Administration. 12mo. Manchester, 1898. F 16 S 14 Educational Scheme and the new Code. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 How to start Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The System of Credit as practised by Cooperative So- cieties. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The Cooperative Union. [See Allan, J.] F 13 V 41 GRAY, John. Genealogv of Morals : Poems. [See Nietz- sche, F] G 16 V 17 GRAY, John Edward, F.R.S. Catalogue of Carnivorous- Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 2 Catalogue of Lithophytes, or Stony Corals, in the Collec- < ion of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 21 Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 4 Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia in the British Mu seum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 22 dialogue of Sea-pens, or Pennatulariida?, in the Collec- I ion of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 20 Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 Q 1 GRAY, Dr. Landon Carter. Disorders of Sleep. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 " GRAY, Maxwell." [See Tuttiett, Miss M. G.] GRAY, Moses Wilson. [Life of]; by R. Stout. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q GRAY, Samuel. Export of Poultry and Eggs. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) " ME 9 R Poultry Notes. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R GRAY, Thomas. Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 4 T 15 Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 GRAY, W. B. Treatment of Slimes. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P GRAY, Surgeon-Major Wellington. Botany of the Bom- bay Presidency. (Gazetteer of the Bombay Presi- dency, 25.) E GREARD, Vallery C. O. Meissonier: Art. [See Meissonier, J. L. E.] i Life and his C 13 U 20 t GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND:— Government De- jxirtmrnts — llt-portx and, I'ahlli-ations. Accidents to Railway Servants. Report of Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the cause of Accidents, fatal and non-fatal, to Servants of Railway Companies and of Truck-owners. Pts. 1, 2. Sin. fol. Lond., 1900. F 20 IT 17 t 1. Report. 2. Minutes of Evidence and Appendices. Acts. [See Statutes and Bills, under this heading.] Admiralty. Dock Book, 1897, and Additions and Cor- rections to July, 1898. 3rd ed. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. E The Admiralty List of Lights, 1898. Pts. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 12 T 23-30 1. The British Islands. 2. Eastern Shores of the North Sea, and in the White Sea. 3. Baltic Sea. 4. Western Coasts of Tan-ope and Africa, from Dunkcrquo to the Capo of < lond Hope, including Azores, Madeira, Canary, Cape Verde Islands, &c. 5. The Mediterranean, Black, Azov, and Red Seas. 6. South Africa, East Indies, China, Japan, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 7. South America, Western Coast of North America, Pacific Islands, &c. 8. Eastern Coasts of North and Central America from Labrador to the River Amazons, including IJcnnuda and the Islands of the West Indies. Annual Accounts of Shipbuilding and Dockyard Trans- actions, &c, including Manufactures, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Annual Accounts of the Cost of Manufacturing Pro- visions, Victualling Stores, and Seamen's Clothing, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Book of Forms referred to in General Instructions to Officers and others in Her Majesty's Victualling Yards at home and abroad. 8vo. Lond., 1855. F 13 U 18 Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 18 + General Instructions to be strictly complied with by all officers and others in Her Majesty's Victualling Yards. 8vo. Lond., 1855. F 9 Q 34 Instructions for Surgeons-Superintendent on board Con- vict Ships proceeding to New South Wales or Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1835. MA 2 R 53 List of Her Majestv's Ships, Vessels, and Torpedo-boats engaged in the Naval Manoeuvres, July, 1896. 2nd issue. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd, Admiralty — contd. Manual of Seamanship for Bovs' Training' Ships of the Royal Navy, 1893. 8vo. Bond., 1894. A 25 R 31 Naval Manoeuvres, 1897. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 19 J 173 vols. 12mo. Queen's Regulations : Addenda, 1897. 8vo. Bond., 1897. ' P 1 S 23 Regulations, -.-t of the Committee of Council on Erlucatior s Blind and Deaf; 1SJI8-99. 8vo. Lond., 1899. rith Appendices, Report on a visit to Germany with a view of ascertaining the recent progress of Technical Education in that country. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 17 U 38 Report on the Training Colleges 1897. 8vo. Lond. 1898. E Report to the Committee of Council on Education of the Proceedings of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 189G. E Re] h .rts from University Colleges, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898-99. E Reports of the Commissioners of National Education in 1 .viand; with Appendices, 1893-99. 11 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1891-99. E Reports of the Committee of Council on Education, England and Wales; with Appendices, 189-1-95, 1896- 99. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895-99. E Reports of the Department of Science and Art of the (J. .mmittee of Council on Education ; with Appendices and Supplements, 1891, 1896-98. 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895-99. E Reports of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland, 1897-99. 3 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1898-1900. E Return of the Pupils in Public and Private Secondary and other Schools not being Public Elementary or Technical Schools in England, excluding Monmouth- shire, and of the Teaching Staff in such Schools on . I une 1st, 1897; with introductory memorandum. Sin. fol. Lond., 1898. E Return showing the Expenditure from the Grant for Public Education in England and Wales in the years 1">95, 1897, upon actual Grants to Hlenientary Schools, and the actual number of Elementary Schools on the Annual Grant List, 1895, 1897 ; the accommodation and number of scholars in those schools ; and the result of the Inspection and Examination of Elementary Sehools during the year ending 31st August, 1895. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. E Revised Instructions issued to Her Majesty's Commis- sioners and applicable to the codes of 1896-97. 2 vols. svo. Lond., 1896-98. G 17 U 13 and 18 S 32 Revised Regulations of the 28th Feb., 1898, as to Certi- ficates of Age, Proficiency, and School Attendance. Svo. Lond., 1888. G 18 S 32 Rules to be observed in Planning and Fitting up Public Elementary Schools, as contained in schedule 7 of the (.'ode of 1899, with Appendix containing Building Rules for Schools for Blind or Deaf Children, 1899. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. A 40 W 42 J Sehools in receipt of Parliamentary Grants ; Grants paid to School Boards under section 97 Elementary Educa- tion Act, 1870; School Board Accounts and List of Loans, 1897-99. Svo. Lond., 1898-99. E GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conld. Education, &c.—contd. Second Report from the Select Committee on Museums of the Science and Art Department, together with Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Sin. fol. Lond., 1897. A40W30 J Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897-98. G 17 L T 14-16 Supplement to the Report of the Department of Science and Art of the Committee of Council on Education, 1894, 1896-97 ; Drawing and Manual Instruction in Elementary Schools, and Drawing in Evening Con- tinuation Schools during the years ending August, 1894, 1896-97. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895-98. E [See also London University ; National Gallery ; South Kensington Museum, as main Author Entries ; and Intermediate Education Commission, Ireland ; Second- ary Education; Scotch Education Department; and Technical Education, under this heading.] Electrical Energy. Report from the joint Select Com- mittee of the House of Lords and the House of Com- mons on Electrical Energv ((Jonerating Stations and Supply) ; together with Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 36 V lit Emigrants' Information Office. Emigrants' Informa- tion Office Hand-books, 1899. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 Q 19 Estimates. [See Fin i, under this heading.] Exchequer Rolls. [See Public Record Office, under this heading.] Explosion at Nitro-Glycerine Factory, Waltham Abbey. Report of Committee appointed to inquire into, 1894. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 V 10 ♦ Explosions from Dust in Mines. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Explosions from Coal Dust in Mines. Vol. 2. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 V 41 + Second Report of Royal Commission on Explosions from Coal Dust in Mines. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 39 V 43 + Explosives. Annual Report of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives, 1895. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. E Report on Trials with Explosives. Sm. fol. Lond., Factories and Workshops. Reports of the Chief In- spector of Factories and Workshops, 1893-97. 6 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1894-98. E Fiji. Further Correspondence respecting the affairs of Fiji and the Native population. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. MF 9 P 44 t Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Finance. Army Appropriation Accounts, 1887-90, 1893-97. 7 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1889-98. E Army Estimates of Effective and non- Kll'ective Services, 1896-99. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896-98. E Civil Services and Revenue Departments, Appropriation Accounts, 1887-90, 1893-97. 6 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1889-98. E Estimates for Civil Services for years ending 31st March, 1896-99. 4 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1895-98. E Estimates for Revenue Departments for vear ending 31st March, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1894-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-97. E Navy Appropriation Accounts, 1887-90, 1893-97. 6 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1889-98. E [See also Customs ; Taxation ; under this li *] Fisheries. Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland, 1894-95, 1897. Pts. 1-3. 9 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895-98. E 1. General Report. 2. Report on Salmon Fisheries. 3. Scientific Investigations. Annual Reports of the Inspectors of Fisheries, England and Wales, on Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries, 1894- 95, 1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Annual Reports of the Inspectors on Sea Fisheries, Eng- land and Wales, 1894-95, 1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Sea Fisheries of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1. Sm. fol. Lond., 1866. F 18 Q 16 t 1. Report and Appendix. Report of the Commissioners on the Fisheries of the Solway Firth. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 42, 43 J 1. Report. Map. and Appendix. 2. List of Witnesses, Minutes of Kvidem-e, and Index. Report of the Commissioners on the Tweed Fisheries. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 40, 41 J 1. Report, Map, and Appendix. 2. List of Witnesses, Minutes of Evidence, and Index. Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-96. E Report of Investigations on the Life-history of Salmon. Illustrated. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. A 34 T 39 Fishing Apprenticeship System. Report on an Investi- gation of the Fishing Apprenticeship System; by A. D. Berrington and J. S. Davy. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. F 17 T 26 t GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Flax Mills and Linen Factories. Reports by E. H. Osborn upon the conditions of work, &c, in Flax Mills and Linen Factories in the United Kingdom. Fol. Lond., 1894. F 39 V 9 + Food Products Adulteration. Report from the Select Committee; on Food Products Adulteration, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 38 \ Foreign Office. Bulletins and other State intelligence, 1895-96. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1896-97. E Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance. Annual Series. Nos. 1581-1781, 1783-2392, 2409-64, 1895-1900. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-1900. E Further Report on Liquor Traffic Legislation in United States since 1889. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 4 R 23 General Instructions for Her Majesty's Consular Officers. Revised, Jan., 1879. 8vo. Lond., 1879. F 7 U 35 Index to Reports of Her Majesty's Diplomatic and Con- sular Representatives abroad on Trade and subjects of general interest; with Appendix, 1886-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. E Map of Africa by Treaty ; by Sir E. Hertslet. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vc. Lond., 1896. D 13 V 3-5 1. Abyssinia to Great Britain. 2. Great Britain and France to Zanzibar. 3. Appendix, Alphabetical Index, and < 'hronological last. Report from Her Majesty's Consular Officers in certain European States respecting the prices of Cereals and of Bread. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. F 40 V 31 + Report on the General Condition of Paraguay, with some Observations on the New Australia Cooperative Settle- ment, 1893. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 16 V 16 Report on the Question of Employers' Liability in Ger- many. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 4 R 22 Report on Tea-raii Lond., 1894. Reports from Her Majesty's Representatives on the organization of Departments of Agriculture in foreign countries, and on the nature of the assistance rendered by the State in the interests of Agriculture. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 13 T 5 Reports on subjects of General and Commercial Interest, and Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series. Nos. 368-406, 429-39, 441-508, 525-29. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-1900. E Foreign Prison-made Goods. Report of the Depart- mental Committee on the Importation into the United Kingdom of Foreign Prison-made Goods ; with Min- utes of Evidence and Appendices. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. F 39 V 37 % Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 247 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— confc?. Friendly Societies. Copy of Special Report on Sick- ness anil Mortality experienced in registered Friendly Societies, together with certain Monetary Tables based thereon by the Actuary of the Friendly So- cieties. Sin. fol. Lond., 1896. F 40 V 26 + Guide-book to the Friendly Societies' Registry Office, for the use of Officers and Members of Friendly Societies and Branches, Benevolent Societies, Work- in U-men's Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Building So- cieties, Ac. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 15 R 21 [Another ed.] 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 S 30 Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies, 1894-97. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E General Prisons Board, Ireland. Report, 1894-95 ; with an Appendix. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. E Geological Survey. Memoirs. With Maps. 75 vols. rov. 8vo. and fol. Lond., Dublin, and Edinb., 1888- 93. A 47 and J United Kingdom. Pliocene Deposits of Britain ; by Clement Reid. Silurian Rocks of Britain. Vol. 1. Scotland; by B. N. Peach and John Home. Summary of Progress of the (Jeological Survey of the United Kingdom, 1897-98. Vertebrata of the Pliocene Deposits of Britain ; by E. T. Newton. The Jurassic Rocks of Britain. Vols. 1-5. 1,2. Yorkshire, with Table of Fossils; by C. Fox- Strangvvays. 3. The Lias of England and Wales, Yorkshire ex- cepted ; by Horace B. Woodward. 4. The Lower Oolitic Rocks of England, Yorkshire excepted ; by Horace B. Woodward. 5. The Middle and Upper Oolitic Rocks of England Yorkshire excepted ; by Horace B. Woodward. England and Wales. Geology of Country around Fake,, ham, Wells, and Holt; by Horace B. Woodward. Geology of Attleborougli, Watton, and Wymondham ; by F. J. Bennett. Felsitic Lavas of England and Wales, with an Introductory Description of the chief characters of this group ; by Frank Rutley. Geology of 1-M..m!c. l!o.-cdale, &c. ; by C. Fox-Strangways, C. Reid. and G. Barrow. Geology of the ( 'oasts adjoining lihyl, Abergale, and Col- wyn ; by A. Strahan. Geology of S.W. parts of Lincolnshire, with parts of Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire ; by A. J. Jukes- ology Felixstow ; by W. Whitaker. Geology of lloldei-ness and the adjoining parts of Yorkshire! ami Lincolnshire ; by Clement Reid. Geology of the Isle of Purbeek and Weymouth; by A. Geology of Bridlington Bay ; by J. R. Dakyns and C. Fox- Geology of Country around Northallerton and Thirsk ; by C. Fox-Strangways, A. G. Cameron, and G. Barrow. Geology of Country around Driffield; by J. R. Dakyns and ■ C. Fox-Strangways. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— confer 7 . Geological Survey— contd. England and Wales— contd. Geology of the Country between York and Hull ; by J. R. Dakyns, C. Fox-Strangways, and A. G. Cameron. Geology of the Country between and South of Bury St. Edmunds and .Newmarket ; by F. J. Bennett and J. H. Blake. Geology of part of Fast Lincoln-hire. in. ■lit. ling the Country near the Towns of Louth, Alford, and Spilsby ; by A. J. Jukes-Browne. ml Flsd. 3 Rocks, Geology of t ho ( 'onntr\ around Orterhu Hugh Miller. Geology of t he ( 'arbonifcrous l.inie-toni and Millstone Grit of .North Derbyshire; ny 1'roi. A. H. Green, C. le Neve Foster, J. R. Dakyns, and A. nd Harleston ; Geology of Southwold and of the Suffolk Coast from Dul- wich to Covehithe ; by W. Whitaker. Geology of the Cheviot Hills, English Side ; by C. T. Clough. Geology of .North Cleveland ; by George Barrow. Geology of the Country around Kendal, Sedberg, Bowness, and Tebay; by W. Talbot Aveline and T. McK. Hughes. Geology of the Country around East Dereham: by J. H. Blake. Geology of the Country around Lincoln ; by W. A. R. Ussher, A. J. Jukes- Browne, ami Aubrey Strahan. Guide to the Geology of London and the neighbourhood; by William Whitaker. Geology of Plashetts and Kielder : by C. T. Clough. Geology of the neighbourhoods of Flint, Mold, and Ruthin ; by Aubrey Strahan. Geology of the Country around Inglcborough. with parts of Wensleydale and Wharfedale ; by J. R, Dakyns, R. H. Tiddeman, W. Gunn, and A. Strahan. Geology of parts of .North Lincolnshire and South York- shire ; by VV. A. E. Ussher. Geology of the Country near Yarmouth and Lowestoft; by J.'H. Blake. Geology of the Country around Mallerstang, with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, ami Arkemlale ; try J. R. Dakyns, R. H. Tiddeman, R. Russell, C. T. Clough, and A. Strahan. Geology of parts of Cambridgeshire and of Suffolk ; by W. Whitaker, H. B. Woodward, F. J. Bennett, S. B. J. Skertehly, and A. J. Jukes-Browne. Geology of S.W. Norfolk and N. Cambridgeshire ; by W. Whitaker, S. B. J. Skertehly, and A. J. Jukes-Browne. Geology of the Country around liournemouth ; by C. Reid. Geology of part of Northumberland, including the Country between Wooler and Coldstream ; bv W. Gunn and C. T. Clough. With l'etrologieal Notes bj W. W. Watts. Geology of Country N.E. of York and S. of Melton ; by C. Fox-Strangways. Soils and sub-Soils from a sanitary point of view, with especial reference to London and its neighbourhood; by H. B. Woodward. Geology of the Isle of Wight ; by H. W. Bristow, F.R.S. Geology of London and part of the Thames Valley ; by W. orthumberland ; by W. Geology of the Country between Norham and Tweedmouth Northumberland ; by W. Gunn. Geology of the Country around Carlisle ; by T. V. Holmes 248 Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd, Geological Survey — contd. England and Wales — contd. Geology of the Count rv between Appleby, Ullswater. and Haweswater; by J. R. Dakyns. I!. II. Tiddeman, and J. G. Goodohild. With Pe'trological Notes by J. C. Ward and W. W. Watts. Geology of the Coast South of Berwick-on-Tweed ; by W. Geology of the Country around llognor: by C. Eeid. C eulogy of I be Country around Eastbourne ; by C. Reid. Geology of South Wales Coal-field ; by A. Strahan. Pt, 1. Water Supph of Sussex from underground sources ; by W. Whitaker and C. Reid. Ireland. Explanatory Memoir of Inisliowen, County Donegal ; by Edward Hull, Joseph Nolan, R. J. Cruise, and Alex- ander M'Henry. Explanatory Memoir of N. W. and Central Donegal ; by Edward Hull, G. H. Kinahan, Joseph Nolan, R. J. Cruise, F. W. Egan, J. R. Kilroe, W. F. Mitchell, and A. M'Henry, Explanatory Memoir of Antrim and Derry ; by Richard (i. Symes, F. W. Egan, and Alexander' M'ilenry; with Palreontological Notes by W. H. Baily. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 12 and part of sheet 6 of the Maps, including the Country around Limavady : by Joseph Nolan and F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 13 of the Maps, including Colcrainc and Carvagh, in Londonderry, Ballymouey, Deryoek, Stranocum, Annoy, Dunloy, and Clogh Mills, in Antrim; by F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 17 of the Maps, including portions of the Comities of Donegal, London- derry, and Tyrone; by (i. H. Kinahan, S. B. Wilkin- son, J. Nolan, and F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 18 of the Maps, including portions of tin- Counties of Londonderry and Tyrone ; by J. Nolan and F. W. Egan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 20 of the Maps, including the Country around liallymena, Clenarm, Connor, and the Mountainous District West of Larne ; by R. Clascott Symes. Explanatory Memoir to accompany the Maps of S.W. Donegal, sheets 22, 23, 30, and part of 31, including portion of the County of Donegal; by E. Hull, J. R. Kilroe, and W. F. Mitchell. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 25 of the Maps, including portions of Counties of Tyrone and Donegal; by S. B. Wilkinson, F. W. Egan, and J. R. Kilroe. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 26 of the Maps, including portions of the Counties of Tyrone and Lon- donderry ; by J. Nolan. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 31 and 32 of the Maps including parts of Donegal, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Leitrim, and Sligo ; by Richard G. Symes. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 33 of the Maps including the District round Omagh, Fintona, and Iryinestown ; by S. B. Wilkinson and J. R. Kilroe. Fxplanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 42 and 43 of the Maps comprising pott ions of Sligo and Leitrim; by Arthur B. Wynne. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 44 of the Maps including portions of Counties Fermanagh, Leitrim, and Cavan ; by R. G. Symes and S. B. Wilkinson. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 46 of the Maps including pans of Tyrone, Monaghan. Fermanagh, and Armagh; by R. J. Cruise. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— con^. Geological Survey — contd. Ireland — contd. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 55 of the Maps comprising portions of the Counties of Sligo and Leitrim ; by James R. Kilroe. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet -">»> of the Maps including the District round Swanlinbar, Florence- court, and Dowra; by S. B. Wilkinson ami Kichard J. Cruise. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 58 of the Maps illustrating parts of the Counties of Armagh, Fer- managh, and Monaghan ; by Richard J. Cruise. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheet 120 of the Maps illustrating the District of Baltinglass and Dunlayen, in the County of Wicklow ; by W. F. Mitchell. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 138 and 130 of the Maps comprising parts of the Counties of Wicklow, Carlow, and Wexford; by Ivlward Hull; with an Account of the Mines by Richard J. Cruise. Explanatory Memoir to accompany sheets 14S and 140 of the Maps including portions of the Counties of Carlow, Wexford, and Wicklow ; by Edward T. Hardman. Scotland. Explanation of sheet 75, West Aberdeenshire, IJanindiirc, parts of Elgin and Inycmess; by L. W. Hinxman. With Petrological Notes by J. J. H. Teall. Geology of Cowal, including the part of Argyllshire be- tween the Clyde and Loch Fine; by W. (i'unn, C. T. Clough, and J. B. Hill. Glasgow Telephone Inquiry, 1897. Proceedings at Inquiry into the Telephone System in Glasgow. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 39 V 35 J Glycerinated Calf Vaccine Lymph. Report on the Preparation and Storage of (Jlvcerinatod Calf Vaccine Lymph. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 31 Q 31 Government Contracts. Report from the Select Com- mittee on Government Contracts (Fair Wages Resolu- tion) together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 58 J Greenwich Royal Observatory. [See under main Author Entry.] Habitual Offenders. Report and Minutes of Evidence from the Departmental Committee on Habitual Of- fenders, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Delinquents, Scotland. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. F 36 W 1 + Herbert Hospital. Report descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich ; by D. Galton. Sm. fol. Lond., 1865. F 18 Q 16 t Historical MSS. Commission. Calendar of the MSS. of the Marquis of Salisbury, preserved at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. Pts. 6, 7. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895-99. E MSS. of his Grace the Duke of Buceleuch and Queens- bury, preserved at Drumlanrig Castle. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E MSS. of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, the Earl of Lindsav, the Earl of Onslow, Lord Emly, Theodore J. Hare, and James Round. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND- contd. Historical MSS. Commission— contd. MSS. of Charles Holiday, of Dublin : Acts of the Privy Council in Ireland, 1556-71. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E MSS. of J. B. Fortescue, Esq., preserved at Dropmore. Vol. 2. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E iS. of J. J. Hope Johnstone, of Annandale. Roy. no. Lond., 1897. E MSS. of Shrewsbury and Coventry Corporations, the Earl of Radnor, Sir Walter Corbet, and others. 8vo. Lond., 1899. E MSS. of the Duke of Portland, preserved at Welbeck Abbey. Vols. 4, 5. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897-99. E MSS. of the Duke of Somerset, the Marquis of Ailesbury, and Rev. Sir T. H. G. Puleston. 8vo. Lond., 1 898. E MSS. of the Earl of Carlisle, preserved at Castle Howard. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E MSS. of the Earl of Dartmouth. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. E MSS. of the Rt. Hon. F. J. Savile Foljambe, of Osberton. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E Report on the MSS. of F. W. Leyborne-Popham, of Littlecote, Co. Wilts. 8vo. Norwich, 1899. E Report on the MSS. of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberrv, preserved at Montagu House, Whitehall. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. E Report on the MSS. of the Marquis of Ormonde, pre- served at the Castle, Kilkenny. Vol. 2. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E R < • I >orts on MSS. in the Welsh Language. Vol. 1 . 1 vol. (in 2) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. E Tenth, eleventh, thirteenth-fifteenth Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical MSS. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885-99. E Home Office. Guide-book to the Explosive Act, 1875, and to the Orders-in-Council and Orders of the Secre- tary of State made under that Act, with Remarks upon the Explosive Substances Act, 1883, for the use of local authorities and their officers ; by Col. V. D. Majendie. 32mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 45 List of Explosives. Sm.fol. Lond., 1898. F20Ullf List of Mines in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, 1895-9G. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. E List of Plans of abandoned Mines, deposited in the I lome Office under the Coal and Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, including Plans transferred from the late Mining Record Office, corrected to 31st Dec, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. A 40 W 45 J List of Quarries (under the Quarries Act) in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, Sm. fol, Lond., 1898. E 2i GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Home Office — contd. Mines and Quarries: General Report and Statistics, .Mi 1897-98. Pts. 1, 3. SnWol. Lond., 1897-99. and Quarries: Mineral Statistics of the Ui E l of Great Britain and Ireland, with the Isle of Man, 1882-93, 1895-90. 12 vols. fol. Lond., 1883-97. E Report on the Discipline and Management of the Military Prisons, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Third Annual General Report upon the Mineral Industry of the United Kingdom for 1896 ; by C. Le Neve Foster. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. E [See also Mineral Statistics ; Factories and Workshops; under this heading.] Horse-breeding. - Reports by Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Horse breeding Industry in Ire- land ; together with Minutes of Evidence and Appen- dices. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1897. A 36 V 15 J Seventh Report of the Royal Commission on Horse- breeding. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. A 40 V 5 + Hospitals. Report of the Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals, with Appendices, for the year end- ing 31st March, 1896. 8vo. Dublin, 1896. E House of Commons. [See Parliament, under this heading.] House of Lords. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Housing of the Working-classes. Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the Hous- ing of the Working-classes. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1885. F 40 V 4 { 1. Report. 2. Minutes of Evidence and Appendix as to England and 3. Indexes. Hydrographic Office. Admiralty Charts of Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and Pacific Ocean. 53 Charts. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1875-99. MD 2 P 34, 35 + Anchorages in the Friendly Islands, 1890. Anchorages in Malekula Island, 1895. Anchorages in the Solomon Islands, 1895-99. Anchorages on the East Coast of Australia, 1899. Anchorages on the North-west Coast of Australia, 1898. Anchorages on the South-west Coast of Australia, 1899. Anchorages on and off North Coast of North Island, 1898. Apia Harbour, 1895. Banks between Rotumah and Samoa Islands, 1898. Banks North of the Fiji Group, 1897. Cape Direction to Cape Grenville, 1897- Claremont Point to Cape Direction, 1899. Double Point to Cape Grafton, 1899. Ellice Islands, 1898. Epi and adjacent Islands, 1S95. Esperancc Hay Anchorage, 1897. Esperance Bay and Approaches, 1897. Frederick Henry (North Bay) and Norfolk Bays, 1S95. 250 Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Hydrographic Office — contd. Admiralty Charts of Australia — coiUd. Funafuti Atoll, 1897. • Gilbert Islands, 1898. Hamelin Bay and Inner Harbour, 189S. Harbours and Anchorages in South Island, 1897. Hawaii, 1899. Islands and Anchorages in the Pacific Ocean, 1S98. Jcrvis Bay, 1895. New Caledonia, Isle of Pines to New Zealand N. Cape, 1898. New Georgia, 1896. New Hebrides Islands, 1S98. New Hebrides Islands and New Caledonia, 1899. Nomuka Islands, 1899. North Coast of Tahiti : Papiete Pass to Papcnu Pass, 1895 Pavilion Point to Risdon Kerry, 1899. Plans in Tasmania, 1897. Plans of Anchorages on N. Coast of New Guinea, 1895-90. Plans on North-east Coast of New Guinea, 1893-99. Port Hedland, 1S97. Poverty Bay, 1S98. R. Waiau to Cape Foulwind, 1S99. Rotumah Island, 1897. Samoa or Navigator Islands, 1898. Solomon Islands to Ellice Islands, 1897. South Bcjaliug to Gascoyue Road, 1897. Sulgoa Harbour, 1898. Suva Harbour, 1898. Tubai Island, 1898. Turtle Group to Claremont Point, 1S98. Vanua Levu, with Makongai and Koro, 1897. Admiralty Charts of Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Ocean. Fol. Lond., 1896. MD 3 Q 16 \ Anchorages in the Solomon Islands. Cape Direction to Cape Grcnvillc. CapeMentelle to White Point, showing approaches to Cape Leeuwin and Flinders Bay. Ellice Islands to Phoenix Islands. Fiji Islands to Samoa Islands. Gavutu and Tillage Harbours. Guasopa Harbour. Hawke Bay, Napier Port and Harbour. Lifuka Island Anchorage and Approaches. New Georgia, Vella Lavella to Wana Wana. Vatu Ira Channel, with adjacent Coasts. General Admiralty Charts. 74 Charts. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1884-99. D 49 P 1-3 \ Active Pass to Gabriola Pass and Inner Channels, 1899. Alaska: Anchorages, in and near Sumner Strait, 189S. America Bay, 1899. Anchorages in the Galapagos Islands, 1899. Anchorages in the Gulf of Tartary, 1898. Anchorages in Loyalty Islands, 1898. Anchorages in Marshall Islands, 1899. Anchorages in Russian Tartary and Saghalin Island. 1S99. Anchorages in South-cast Alaska, 1898. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Hydrographic Office— contd. General Admiralty Charts — contd. Anchorages on the Coast of Chili, 189S. Anchorages on the East Coast of Celebes, 1899. Anchorages on the West Coast of Yezo Island, 1899. Ande Zaki to Otose Zaki, including Sado Island, 1899, Aru Islands, 1897. Bays and Anchorages on East Coast of Borneo, 1899. Bays and Anchorages on South Coast of Java, 1899. Bering and Medni Islands, 1897. Bias Bay, 1898. Blanche Bay, 1S99. Cape Patience and Robben Island, 1899. Caroline Islands, 1S99. Celebes: Approach to Makassar, 1S98. Celebes : Ujong Jonga to Ujong Kassi, 1899. Chile : Chafiarel de Las Animas Bay, 1S98. China Sea : Torts and Anchorages, 189S. Clayoquot Sound, 1898. Conception Point to Point Pinos, 1899. Enderby Island, Phoenix Islands to Christmas Island, Fan Rang Bay to Tong King Gulf, 1899. Ferrol and Coiseo Bays, 1899. Fuyen and Ku Mong Harbours, 1898. Harbours and Anchorages on Coast of Formosa, 1898. Iquique, 189S. Islands in North Pacific Ocean, 1899. ;o.,i o Hay, 1S99. Johnstone and Broughton Straits and Queen Charlotte Sound, with Knight Inlet and adjacent Channels, 1898. Kara Ranh Bay, 1899. Kamchatka: Avatcha Bay, 189S. Ke or Ewaf Islands, 1897. Ke Hung Harbour, 1899. Kobe and Osaka, 1898. Kusaie or Ualan Island and Anchorages, 1895. Lynn Canal from I'oint Sherman to Head of Inlet, 1898. Macao to Pedro Blanco, including Hongkong, 1899. Natuna Islands, 1899. Peru : Cape Lobos to Pescadores Point, 1898. Peterhead, 1884. Plans in Alaska, 1898. Plans in the Si Kiang or West River, 1899. Plans of Anchorages in Serwatti and Tenimber Islands, 1898. Plans of Anchorages in Sumba, Timor, and adjacent Islands, 1S98. Plans of Western Shore of Bering Sea, 1898. Plans on the Coast of Chile, 1899. Port Lazarof and Yung Hing Bay, 1899. Ports in the Philippine Islands, 1899. Sam Sa Bay and Inlet, 1898. San Pedro Bay to Lihukan Islands, including Juanico Strait, 1898. Santa Cruz Islands, 1S9S. Sea of Okhotsk, 1899. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contcl. Hydrographic Office— contd. General Admiralty Charts- contd. Shadwell and Cargodo Gulfs, 1S9S. Skidegate Inlet, 1899. Slavianski Hay. IMS- Smyth Channel from South Entrance to Fortune 1 Tongatabu Island to L'Espcranee Hock, 1H9S. Tsu Saki to Kagani Sima, with Channels to Iinar Upper Yang Tsc Kiang, Sheet 7, 1S99. Uraga Harbour, 1899. Vostok Bay, 1899. Wrangoll Strait, 1899. Yap Island, 1898. Yokol, a Baj Australia Directory. .Vols. 1, 2, comprising the South and East Coasts from Cape Loeuwin to Port Jackson, including Bass Strait and Tasmania, the East Coast from Port Jackson to Cape York, Torres Strait and Approaches, the Coral Sea, and part of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Vol. 1, 9th ed., and vol. 2, oth ed. 2 vols. 8vo. LoncL, 1897-98. MD 8 R 55, 5G Australia Directory. Vols. 2, 3, comprising the East Coast, Torres Strait, and Coral Sea. also the Gulf of Papua, Eastern Coasts of New Guinea, and Louisiade Archipelago. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879-95. MD 8 R 16, -17 The China Sea Directory. Supplement to vols. 3, 4 1 894-99. 3rd ed. Vols. 1-4, and roy. 8vo. Lond., D 20 U 5-8 Lo: of the British Isla, id., 1848. List of Oceanic Depths and Serial Temperature Observa- tions, received at the Admiralty 1895, 1897-99, from H.M. Surveying Ships, Indian Marine Survey, and ISritish Submarine Telegraph Companies. Sm. fol. Lond., 1890-1900. A 40 V 33 } List of Time Signals established in various parts of the World. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 36 V 35 New Zealand Pilot. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MD 5 V 9 Notices Nos. 1, 2, relating to the Pacific Islands. Vol. 1, pt. 1, 1890 ; vol. 2, 1891 ; and pt. 2, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MD 7 U 25, 26 1895. !i -vised Supi i for the World, 1895. :>ment, 1898, relat'm; Pt. 1, 1890. Roy. c the Eastern Ar- Lond., 1898. D 20 U 13 (earch for reported dangers to the Northward of Fiji, and for La Brillante Shoal and Melanie Rock by I1..M.SS. Pfiw/Hin and Walorwifch, 1895-96; with Lists of Soundings and Temperatures, Soundings be- tween New South Wales and Fiji, the Ellice Group and Fiji, Fiji and New Zealand, and New Zealand and Tasmania Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. MD 3 P 36 f GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Hydrographic Office — contd. South America Pilot. Pt. 2, comprising Magellan Strait, Tierra del Fuego, and West Coast of South America from Cape Virgins (S.E. Coast) to Panama Bay, in- cluding the Galapagos Islands. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. ' D 16 V 21 Supplement, 1893, relating to the Eastern Archipelago Directory. Pt. 1, 1890. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 20 U 13 Supplement, 1899, relating to the Eastern Archipelago. Pt. 2, 1893. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 20 U 13 Supplement, 1894, relating to the Pacific Islands. Vol. 1, pt, 1, 1890. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MD7U24 Tables for finding approximately the Time and Height of High Water at the Principal Ports in New Zealand, also at Sydnev, N.S. W, and Hobart, Tasmania; by Capt. W. N. Goalen. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MA 2 R 54 [See also Admiralty, under this heading.] Hythe School of Musketry. Annual Report on the Instruction carried on at the School of Musketry, Hythe, during 1893, and of the progress of Musketry Instruction in the Army during the year ended 31st March, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " E Correspondence respecting the Proposals on Currency made by the Government of India. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 45 + Papers regarding British relations with neighbouring Tribes on North-western Frontier of India, and the Military Operations undertaken against them during 1897-98. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. B 36 V 16 J Papers regarding the Famine and Relief Operations in India, 1896-97. Nos. 1-6. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897- 98. F 40 V 50 + Papers relating to the Outbreak of Plague in India. Nos. 1-3. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. A 40 V 60 + India Office. The India List and India Office List, 1887, 1889-93, 1895-1900. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-1900. E Report on the Cultivation and Preparation of Tobacco in India, by Dr. F Watson : with an appended Manual of Practical Operations connected with the Cultivation, cvc, of Tobacco in Hunyarv, by J. Mandis. • Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1871. A 18 T 32 t ia, 1894-95. Loin i sue. eof 1 Lo; E E Indian Currency. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee appointed to inquire into the Indian Currency, together with an Analysis of the Evidence. Sm. fol." Lond., 1898. F 20 U 14 t Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Indian Expenditure Commission. Final Report. Vol. 4. Sm. fol. Lond., 1900. E 23 P 4 t Indian Famine Commission. Report of the Indian Famine Commission, 1898 ; with Appendix. 8 vols. (in 3) sm. fol. Lond., 1898-99. F 40 W 17-19 + Indian Plague Commission. Minutes of Evidence taken by the Indian Plague Commission ; with Ap- pendices. Vol*. 1 -3. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1900. A 23 P 11 13 t Industrial Schools. [See Reformatory and Industrial Schools, under this heading.] ' Infant Life Protection. Report from the Select Com- mittee of the House of Lords on the Infant Life Pro- tection Bill and Safety of Nurse Children Bill, to- gether with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 60 * Intermediate Education Commission, Ireland. Ap- pendix to the first Report of the Commissioners, con- taining Circulars, Schedule of Queries, Answers to Queries, and other Documents. Final Report, and Appendix to Final Report of Commissioners. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. sm. fol. Dublin, 1898-99. G 40 W 7, 11 J Intoxicating Liquors. Final Report of Her Majesty s Commissioners appointed to inquire into the operation and administration of the Laws relating to the sale of Intoxicating Liquors. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. F 39 W 36 + Papers regarding the present working of the Liquor Laws in Canada, the Australasian Colonies, and New Zealand. Sm. fol. Lond., 1891-96. MF 3 P 26 t Irish Land Commission. General Rules and Forms of the Irish Land Commission as to applications to fix a fair rent for a holding for the second statutory term. 8vo. Dublin, 1896. F 1 U 17 Order issued by the Irish Land Commission. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1895. F 1 U 17 Report of the Irish Land Commissioners, April, 1896- March, 1897. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1897. E Return, according to Provinces and Counties, of Judicial Rents, June, July, Oct., and Nov., 1897. 4 vols. sm. fol. Dublin, 1897-98. E Rule and Form of the Irish Land Commission. 8vo. Dublin, 1896. F 1 U 17 Joint Stock Companies. Return ; Joint Stock Com- panies. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) F 36 V 13 j Judicial Statistics. Judicial Statistics, England and Wales. Pts. 1, 2. 4to. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 55 + 1. Criminal Statistics. 2. Civil Judicial Statistics. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Kew Royal Gardens. Plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew. [See Curtis's Botanical Magazine.] E [See also under main Author Entry.] E Labour. The Agricultural Labourer. Vol. 5, pts. 1, 2. Reports by W. C. Little. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1894. F 39 V 27, 28 J Fifth and Final Report of the Royal Commission on Labour. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1894. F39 V 33, 31 \ gn Reports. Vols. 2, 9, 11. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 93-95. F 39 V 45, 52, 54 % 1893 Labour Department. Report by Miss Collet on changes in the employment of women and girls in industrial centres. Pt. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 1 U 25 1. Flax and Jute Centres. Report by Mr. D. F. Schloss on Profit Sharing. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1894. F 7 U 30 Report on Contracts given out by public authorities to Associations of Workmen. Svo. Lond., 1896. F1R27 Report on " Gain-sharing " and certain other systems of bonus on production. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 1 S 14 Report on the Statistics of Employment of Women and Girls. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 1 S 18 Report on Wages and Hours of Labour, 1893-94. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. E Reports by the Chief Labour Correspondent on the Strikes and Lock-outs of 1892-96. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-97. E Reports by the Chief Labour Correspondent on Trade Unions, 1892-96 ; with Statistical Tables. 6 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-97. E Reports of the Labour Department of the Board of Trade, 1893-97 ; with Supplement containing Abstract of Labour Statistics. 6 vols. roy.Svo. Lond., 1894-97. E Land Acts and Land Purchase Act Inquiry Com- mission. Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners of Inquiry into the Procedure and Practice and the Methods of Valuation followed by the Land Com- mission, the Land Judges, and the Civil Bill Courts in Ireland under the Land Acts and the Land Purchase Acts; with Minutes of Evidence and Appendices. 3 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Dublin, 1898. F 39 W 30 \ Land Registration in Scotland. Report of the Com- mittee appointed to enquire into the present system of Land Registration in Scotland. Sm. fol. Edinb., 1898. F 40 V 41 % Law Reports. [See under main Author Entry, Law Reports of Great Britain and Ireland.] Life Assurance Companies. Statements of Account and of Life Assurance and Annuity Business, and Ab- stracts of Actuarial Reports, 1895, 1897. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896-98. E Linen Factories. [See Flax Mills.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— could. Liquor Licensing Laws. Report of the Royal Com- mission on Liquor Licensing Laws. Vols. 1-10. 10 vols, (in 5) sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. F 39 W 32-36 % 1 :i.. First and Second Reports, &.C, Minutes of Evidence ; with Appendices and Index. 4. Return of Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland. 5. Statistics relating to the number of licensed premises, &c, in Great Britain and Ireland, together with a com- parative statement of the Licensing Laws in the tliree 0. Scotland. 8-10. Third, Fifth, and Final Reports. Loan Fund Board of Ireland. Annual Report of the ! a .an Fund Board of Ireland, 1896. Sm. fol. Dublin, 18 97. E Local Government. Annual Local Taxation Returns, 1895-96. Pts. 3, 7. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. E Annual Local Taxation Returns, Scotland, 1894-95. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. E Annual Report on Alkali, &c, Works, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Annual Reports and Supplements, 1893-98, and Supple- ments, 1880-81, 1892-93. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880- 98. E Supplement, 1880-81 : Report and Papers on the use and influence of Hospitals for Infectious Diseases. Supplements, 1892-94: Annual Report of Medical Officer. Supplement, 1894-95 : Annual Report of Medical Officer ; Report and Papers o:i i he Cultivation and Storage of Oysters and certain other Molluscs in relation to the occurrence of disease in man ; and Regulations issued by the Local Government I loan I under the Local Go- vernment Act, 1894; Inland Sanitary Survey, 1893-95. Supplements, 1895-97 : Annual Report of Medical Officer. Annual Reports of the Local Government Board for Ire- land, 1895-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1896-97. E Annual Reports of the Local Government Board for Scotland, 1891-97. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-98. E Boarding-out of Pauper Children. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 16 R 28 Mo« 8. Public Bathing. Report on an epidemic of Enteric Fever in the Borough of Newport, and in certain parts of the adjoining Isle or Wight rural districts ; by Dr. T. Thomson. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 11 + Report on an outbreak of an epidemic Skin Disease ; by I >r. S. M. Copeman. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 39 J Re] .ort on Local Taxation in Scotland. Sm. fol. Edinb., 1 895. E Reports and Papers on Cholera in England in 1893; with an Introduction by the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board." 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 33 V 21 Reports on Outbreaks of Diphtheria and Small-pox. lol. Lond., 1894. A 13 W 18 t Reports on Outbreaks of Enteric Fever. Fol. Lond., 1893-94. A 13 W 19 f GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— could. Local Government— could. Return, Agricultural Rates Act, 1896 (Rateable Values). Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 40 W 13 J Return, Sanitary Districts (Accommodation for Infec- tious Diseases). Sin. fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 36 J Rules, Instructions, and Recommendations to Parochial Authorities, issued by the Local Government Board for Scotland, Poor Law, Vaccination, and Local Govern- ment (Scotland) Acts. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. F 16 T 16 Local Taxation. First and second Reports; vols. 1, 4 of Minutes of Evidence; and Appendix taken before the Roval Commission on Local Taxation. 5 vols, (in 2) sm. fol. Lond., 1898-99. F 40 W 46, 48 { Memoranda chiefly relating to the classification and in- cidence of Imperial and Local 'Faxes. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. F 40 V 51 [See also Local Government, under this heading] London University. [See under main Author Entry.] Lunacy. Annual Report of the General Board of Com- missioners in Lunacy for Scotland, 1894. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. E Reports of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor, 1896-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. E Report, with Appendices, of the Inspectors of Lunatics, Ireland, 1894, 1896. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-97. E Malt. [See Beer and Malt, under this heading.] Manual and Practical Instruction, Ireland. First and Final Reports of the Commissioners on Manual and Practical Instruction in the Primary Schools under the Board of National Education in Ireland; with Appendices and vol. 4 of Minutes of Evidence. 3 vols. sm. fol. Dublin, 1898. G 40 W 1, 3, 6 J Marriage and Divorce. Reports on the Laws on Marriage and Divorce in Foreign Countries. Pt. 2. Fol. Lond., 1894. F 39 V 19 J Merchandise Marks. Report from the Select Commit- tee on Merchandise Marks, together with the Proceed- ings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 20 U 12 t Meteorological Council. Meteorological Charts of the Bed Sea. Fol. Lond., 1895. A 31 R 20 J Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order, 1889-90. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893-94. E Rainfall Tables of the British Islands, 1866-90. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E Report of the International Meteorological Conference, Paris, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 36 W 13 Report submitted to the President and Council of the Royal Society, 1894, 1896-97. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895-97. " E Mineral Statistics. [See Home Office, under this heading.[ Mines. [See Home Office, under this heading.] Mint. Annual Report of the Deputy Master and Comp- troller of the Mint, 1895-96. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896-97. E Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND —contd. Money-lending. Report from the Select Committee on Money-lending ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and In- dex. Sm. fol. Lond., 1S99. F 3G V 10 } National Debt. [See Finance, under this heading.] National Gallery. [See under main Author Entry.] National Gallery, &c, Scotland. Annual Report to the Secretary for Scotland by the Commissioners and Trustees of the Board of Manufactures in Scotland as to their Proceedings in regard to the National Gallery, School of Art, Museum of Antiquities, and other Buildings and Establishments under their charge for year ending 30th September, 1897. Sm. fol. Glasgow, 1897. E National Provident Insurance. Reports from the Select Committee, 1885-87. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1885-87. F 3G P 13-15 J Nautical Almanac. [See under main Author Entry.] Navy. [See Admiralty, under this heading.] New Zealand and Colonies. Copy of Papers and Ex- tracts relating to the appointment of members to the Upper House of Representatives in New Zealand and the Colonies. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893. MF 3 P 28 t Nicaragua. Further Papers relating to the arbitration of His Imperial .Majesty the Emperor of Austria in the differences between the Government of Her Brit- tanic Majesty and the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua, respecting the interpretation of certain articles of the Treaty of Managua. Sm. fol. Lond., 1881. F17T6f Norfolk Island. Correspondence relating to the transfer of Norfolk Island to the Government of New South Wales. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. MF 3 P 38 t Old Age Pensions. Report of Committee on Old Age Pensions. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. F 36 V 14 J Opium. Correspondence regarding the Report by the Royal Commission on Opium. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. F 36 W 13 J Minutes of Evidence and Proceedings of the Royal Com- mission on Opium. Vols. 2-7, 1893-95. 6 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-95. F 3G W 7-12 + Return of recent Correspondence between the Govern- ment of India and the Secretary of State in Council (including Reports by Local Governments in India) as to measures adopted to give effect to the recommenda- tion of the Royal Commission on the subjects of the evils connected with Opium-smoking in India, and the use of rooms as Opium-smoking Saloons. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 3G W 13 + Ordnance Survey. Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia ; made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, by Capt. A. R, Clarke, F.R.S. 4to. Lond., 1866. A 11 W 10 t Report of the Progress of the Ordnance Survey to 31st March, 1897. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. A 40 W 32 J GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Pacific Order in Council. Pacific Order in Council, 1893. Schedule of Rules Lond., 1893. F 17 T : Parliament. History and Proceedings of the House of Commons. Vols. 1-14, 1660-1742. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1742-44. FUR 9-22 History and Proccedingsof the House of Lords. Vols. 1-8, 16G0-1742. 8vols.8vo. Lond., 1742-43. F17R1-8 Journal of the House of Commons, 31st Jan., 1893— 5th March, 1894, Feb.-Oct., 1899. Fol. Lond., 1893- 99. E Journals of the House of Lords. Vols. 127-130, 1895- 98. 4 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1895-98. E Minutes of Proceedings of the House of Lords, 1894, 1898. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-98. E Parliamentary Debates. Vol. l-3rd ser., 26, 31, 33-41, 43-46, 48-52, 56-4th ser., 87, 1803-1900, and Index, 1803-30,1871-88. 520 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1812- 1900. E Reports from Committees of the House of Commons. Vol. 13. Fol. Lond., 1803. F 23 Q 22 + 13. Finance Reports, 23-3G, 1798. Sessional Papers printed by order of the House of Lords, or presented by Royal Command in the Session 1897 (60 and 61 Vict.) Sm. fol. (n.p.) 1897. E Patriotic Fund. Report from the Select Committee on the Royal Patriotic Fund, together with the Proceed- ings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appen- dix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 59 J Report of the Royal Commissioners of the Patriotic Fund, 1895. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. E Pawnbroking. Report from Her Majesty's Representa- tives abroad on the system of pawnbroking in various countries. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 19 S 1 Petroleum. Report from the Select Committee on Petroleum, together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Lond., 1896-97. A 40 V 37 J Police. Report of Commissioner of Police of the Metrop- olis, 189G. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. E Poor Law Schools. Report of the Departmental Com- mittee appointed by the Local Government Board to inquire into the existing systems for the maintenance and education of children under the charge of Managers of District Schools and Boards of Guardians in the Metropolis, and to advise as to any changes that may be desirable. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 40 V 7-9 J Post Office. Reports of the Postmaster General on the Post Office, 1894-97. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Prison Commission. Observations of the Prison Com- missioners on the recommendations of the Depart- mental Committee on Prisons. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 1 U 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Prison Labour. Reports from Her Majesty's Represen- ts lives in eertain Foreign Countries on Prison Labour. Bui. fol. Lond., 1894. F 17 T 27 t Prisons. Annual Report of Prison Commissioners for Scotland : being the Annual Report on Prisons in Scotland, 1896. Sm. fol. Edinb., 1897. E Copv of Rules for Prisons in Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. F 1 U 11 Draft of Rules proposed to be made under the Prison Act, 1898. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 515 + Ext i-.icts from the second Report of the Inspectors of Prisons for the Home District. 8vo. Lond., 1837. P 13 R 18 Privy Council. Acts of the Privy Council of England. EditedbyJ. P. Dasent. Vols. 1-21, n.s., 1542-91. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-1900. P 38 T 1-U 4 Public Accounts. Reports from the Committee on Public Accounts, 1881-83, 1889-91, 1895-96. 9 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1881-96. E Public Record Office. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1877-1900. B 45 P 44 Calendar of Documents preserved in France illustrative of the Histoi'v of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 45 I. 918-1206. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. B 45 Papal Letters. Vols. 1-3, 1198-1362. Petitions to the Pope. Vol. 1, 1342-1419. Calendar of Home Office Papers of reign of George HI, 1 773-75, preserved in the Public Record Office. Imp. Lond., 1899. B45 Calendar of Inquisitions post-mortem and other analo- gous documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. 1. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 15 I. Henry VII. Calendar of Letters and State Papers relating to English affairs, preserved principally in the Archives of Siman- eas. Vols. 2-4. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. B 45 ■2-4. Elizabeth, 1568-1603. Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to the affairs of the Borders of England and Scotland, preserved in II. VI. Public Record Office, London, 1560-1603. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1894-96. B 45 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers relat- ing to the Negotiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, Vienna, Brus- sels, and elsewhere. Vol. 6, pt, 2, and 7, pt. 1. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1895-99. I! 15 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND-cohM Public Record Office -could. Calendar of Patent Polls preserved in the Public Record Office: Edward I, 1292-Edward IJ, 1317; Edward III, 1330-43; Richard II, 1377-85; Edward IV, 1461-67; Henry VI, 1467-77. 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-1900. B 44 Calendar of State Papers and MSS. relating to English affairs, existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice and in other Libraries of Northern Italy. Vols. 8, 9. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. B 44 S, 9. 1581-1603. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial series, America and West Indies, 1675-88, also Addenda, 1574-1674. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-99. B 44 Pap Do 1625-72, . 8vo. Lond., 1897-98. B 44 Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, 1598-1600, 1625-32. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895-1900. B 44 Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots (1547-1603) preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and elsewhere in England. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1898-1900. B 45 1, 2. 1547-69. Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, 1729-34. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1897-98. B 45 Descriptive Catalogue of ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 45 The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Vols. 1-20, 1264-1579. 20 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1878-99. B 33 T 1-U 8 Guide to the principal classes of documents preserved in the Public Record Office ; by S. R. Scargill-Bird. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1896. K 11 It 25 Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids, with other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office, 1284-1431. Vol.1. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 45 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of reign of Henry VIII, preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and elsewhere in England. Vols. 14-16. 4 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1894 98. B 45 Lists and Indexes, 3-6, 8-10. 7 vols. fol. Lond., 1894- 99. E t Britain ft. 1. 4. List of Plea Rolls of the various Courts. 5. List of the original Ministers' Accounts. Pt. 1. 6. List and Index of Court Rolls. Pt. 1. 8. List of original Ministers' Documents. 9. List of Shei'ills for Knglunil and Wales. 10. List of Proceedings of Commissioners for Charitable The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, 1546-1651. 6 vols. imp. Svo. Edinb., 1897. B 34 U 4-9 Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Vol. ll-2nd ser. vol. 1. 5 vols. imp. Svo. Edinb., 1894-99. B 45 II 2nd ser. vol. 1. 1616-27, and Addenda, 1.VI5 162.V Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Pupil Teacher System. Report of the Departmental Committee on the Pupil Teacher System. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Lond., 1898. G 39 V 37 \ 1. Report. 2. Minutes of Evidence anl ( leneral Index. Queen's College, Belfast. Reports of the President of Queen's College, Belfast, 1894-99. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-99. E Queen's College, Cork. Reports, 1894-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-97. E Queen's College, Galway. Report of the President of Queen's College, Galway, 1896-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1897-99. E Railways. Report of Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the system of Ventilation of Tunnels on the Metropolitan Railway, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evi- dence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. A 20 U 25 f Return by Railway Companies in the United Kingdom relative to (1) The Interlocking and Concentrating of Signal and Point Levers, &c, and to (2) The System or Systems upon which the Lines of Railway under their control were worked on December 31st, 1895 Sm. fol. Lond., 189G. E Returns of Accidents and Casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several Railway Companies in the United Kingdom, 1896, together with Reports of the Inspecting < Mlicers of the Railway Department to the Board of Trade upon certain accidents which were enquired into. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Records Commission. Annals of Ulster, otherwise Annals of Senat : a Chronicle of Irish Affairs from 431-1540. Vols. 1-3. Roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1887-95. B 30 V 16-18 1. 431-1056 ; edited by William M. Hennessy. 2. 1057-1131, 1155-1378; edited by Rev. B. MacCarthy. 3. 1379-1541 ; edited by Rev. B. MacCarthy. Reports from the Commissioners respecting the Public Records of Ireland, 1821-25. Fol. Lond., 1824-25. B 29 Q 1 % Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Reformatory and Industrial Schools Acts, with Memorandum, Ap- pendices, and Index ; by F. V. Hornby. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 16 U 10 Report of the Departmental Committee on Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Vol. 2. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 20 U 8 f 2. Evidence and Index. Reports, 1894-96. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-97. E ,s of the Inspector appointed to visit the Reforn tory and Industrial Schools of Ireland, 1894-96. vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1895-97. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND- contd. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland. [See Public Record Office, under this heading.] Registrar-General. Annual Report of the Registrar- General on the Births, Deaths, and .Marriages regis- tered in Scotland during 1895, 1897, and Annual Re- port on Vaccination, 1895-96. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-98. E Annual Reports of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 1839-53, 1896. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839-97. E Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Death in London and other large towns ; with Appendix containing Dr. Frankland's Report on the Metropolitan Water Supply, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E Supplement of the 55th Annual Report of the Registrar- General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England. Pt. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E River Pollution. Report to Her Majesty's Secretary for Scotland, July, 1895-March, 1897. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. A 34 T 38 Royal College of Art. [See Education, under this heading.] Royal College of Science, London. [See Education, under this heading.] Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Syllabus of the Course of Instruction, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 17 U 23 Royal National Life-boat Institution. Report from the Select Committee on the Royal National Life-boat Institution, together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 20 U 13 f Royal Parks and Gardens. An Act for the Regulation of the Royal Parks and Gardens, with Rules for all the Parks. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 15 P 44 Safety of Nurse Children. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Infant Life Protection Bill and Safety of Nurse Children Bill, to- gether with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 60 X Science. [See Education, under this heading.] Science and Art Grants. Appendix to the Report o the Committee to inquire into the distribution of Science and Art Grants, containing the statements made by the representatives of certain public bodies and associations. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. G39W31J Science and Art Museum, Dublin. Guide to the Col- lections of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geologi- cal Survey of Ireland ; by A. McHenry and W. W. Watts. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. A 24 S 24 Supp lemen tary Ca ta logue — 1890-1 900. 257 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND- Scotcli Education Department. Anm Accountant for Scotland to the Scot. partment, 1.S95, 1898-99. 3 vols. Sv 1900. < by the ion De- ,1896- Code of Regulations for Day Schools ; with Appendices by the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council oli Education in Scotland, 1896, 1898. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. 18 S 28, 32 General Report on the Schools in the Soutlie of Scotland, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Divi E Lists of School Boards, Secondary K.hicati.m Committees, Voluntary Schools, and Training Colleges; with the Names of Clerks and Correspondents, May, 1898. 8 v.i. Lond., 1898. E Queen's Scholarship and Studentship Examination, 1891, 1S96: List of successful candidates, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-97. E Report by Dr. Herbert A. Strong on the Methods of Teaching Modern Languages in 'Belgium. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G18S22 Report on the Inspection of Higher Class Schools, and the Examination for leaving Certificates in Scotland, * 1895,1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-99. E Reports of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland; with Appendices. 1893-99. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. E Return showing the expenditure from the grant for Public Education in Scotland in the years 1895, 1897 upon annual grants to Elementary Schools, and the actual number of Elementary Schools on the annual grant list, ifcc, and the results of the Instruction and Ex- amination of Elementary Schools during the years 1895, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. E Scotch Code of Regulations for Evening Continuation Schools ; with Schedule and Appendices, 1896, 1898. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. G 18 S 28, 32 Trai j College Lond., 1896. is : Reports of Inspectors, 1895. Secondary Education. Report of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education. Vols. 1-6, 8, 9. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 17 U 2-7, 9, 10 1. Report of the Commissioners. 2-4. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commis- sion on Secondary Education. 5. Memoranda and Answers to (Questions. 6. Reports of the Assistant Commissioners of the Counties of Bedford, Devon, Lam-aster (the Hundreds of Salford and West Derby) Norfolk. 8. Summary of, and Index to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Secondary 9. Appendix and Statistical Tables. Report on the Inspection of Higher Class Schools, and the Examination for Leaving Certificates ; with Ap- pendix, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. South African Republic. Correspondence on the sub- Republic. ' Sim fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 56 J Correspondence relating to the outbreak of Rinderpest in South Africa in March, 1896. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 V 35 \ Further Correspondence relating to affairs in the South African Republic. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. B 40 W 28 J Letter from Sir J. A. De Wet, Her Britannic Majesty's agent at Pretoria, relative to his retirement, together with other Correspondence. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 40 V 30 + Papers relating to the Commandeering of British sub- jects in the South African Republic in 1894, and the visit of the High Commissioner to Pretoria. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 39 V 57 J Report of the Select Committee of the Cape of Good Hope House of Assembly on the Jameson Raid into the Territory of the South African Republic. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. B 40 W 27 \ South Kensington Museum. [See under main Author Entry.] State Papers. British and Foreign State Papers. Vols. 1-81, 84, 1812-89, 1891-92, with Index, 1373-1888. 82 vols, (in 83) 8vo. Lond., 1841-98. E State Trials. Reports of State Trials, n.s. Vols. 1-8, 1820-58. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888-98. F 17 U 1-8 Statistics. Banking, Railway, and Shipping Statistics, Ireland, June, 1895. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. F 13 T 8 Statistical Abstract for the principal and other Foreign Countries, in each year from 1860-72, 1874-89, 1884- 94, 1882-96. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874-97. E Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom in each year, from 1880-94. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 13 T 9 [See also Home Office, under this heading.] Statutes and BiUs. The Building Society Regulations, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 1 S 17 Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes to 1895. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 17 R 1 t fol. Lond., F 18 Q 10 t Public General Statutes, 1866-98. 32 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-98. (Law Reports.) E The Statutes, revised edition. Vols. 1-15, 17, 18, 1235- 1868, 1873-78, and Chronological Index. 20 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870-85. E The Statutes, 2nd revised edition, 1235-1875. Vols. 1- 13. 13 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870-97. E Statutory Rules and Orders : Master and Servant, Work- men's Compensation Act, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 16 T 26 Permissive Prohibitory Liquor Bill. 1878. 258 Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Statutes and Bills — contd. Statutory Rules and Orders, other than those of a local, mal, or temporary character, issued prior to 1890 (n!d.) l force. Vols. 5, 7, 8. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a local, personal, or temporary character, 1893, 1896; with a list of the more important statutory orders of a local character, arranged in classes; with Indexes. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. E Tables showing subsequent Repeals effected by Acts of the Session in 59 and 60 Vict., 1896. Row 8vo. Lond., 1896. " E Sunday Labour in the Colonies. Correspondence on the subject of Sunday Labour in the Colonies. Sin. fol. Lond., 1891. * MF 3 P 29 t Swine Fever. Reports of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture to inquire into the Etiology, Pathology, and Morbid Anatomy of Swine Fever. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. fol. Lond., 1896-97. A 40 V 32 | Tariffs. Customs Tariffs of the United Kingdom, 1800- 97, with some Notes upon the History of the more important branches of receipt from 1660. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 40 W 15 j Further Correspondence respecting Commercial Treaties and Tariffs. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Treaties.] F 36 W 17 J Taxation. Instructions to Surveyors on that part of their duty which relates to Taxes. 8vo. Lond., 1855. F 5 P 34 [See also Local Government.] Technical Education. Copy of Report on French Technical Education. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 U 19 Return showing the extent to which, and the manner in which, local authorities in the United Kingdom have applied, or are applying, funds to the purposes of Technical Education. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. G 40 V 57 J Telephone Service. Report from the Select Committee on the Telephone Service, together with the Proceed- ings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Ap- pendix, and Index. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 V 14 + Report from the Select Committee on Telephones, to- gether with Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, Index, and Digest of Evidence. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 20 U 22 t Town Holdings. Report from the Select Committee on Town Holdings, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1890. F 40 V 3 + Town Improvements. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Town Improvements (Better- ment) 1894. Fol. Lond., 1891. F 39 V 21 | GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Trade and Navigation. Accounts relating to the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom, August and September, 1895, February-June, 1896. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. E Trade of the British Empire and Foreign Competi- tion. Despatch from Mr. Chamberlain to the Gover- nors of Colonies and the High Commissioner of Cyprus, and the replies thereto. Sm.fol. Lond., 1897. F 36 W 5 + Treason and Treason-Felony, Ireland, 1867. Re- ports of Proceedings n! the Special Commissions, 1867, for the County and City of Cork, and the County and City of Limerick, in Cases of High Treason, and Trea- son-Felony, at the Summer Assizes of the same year, for the Counties of Clare and Kerry. Roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1871. F 7 U 37 Treaties. Complete Collection of the Treaties and Con- ventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present sub- sisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws, Decrees, Orders-in-Council, &c, concerning the same as far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, Post Office Com- munications, Copyright, ifcc., and to the privileges and interests of the subjects of the high contracting par- ties ; bv Lewis and Edward Hertslet, Augustus H. Oakes, and F. H. T. Streatfield. Vols 1-20. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840-98. F 16 P 1-QT3 Convention and Protocol between Great Britain and Nicaragua for the settlement of certain claims arising out of the disturbances in the Mosquito Reserve in 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 T 2 Convention between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary for the establishment of International Copyright ; with a list of British Colonies and Possessions which have acceded thereto under Article 9. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 13 T 10 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands defining the Boundaries between the British and Netherland Possessions in the Island of New Guinea. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MF 5 Q 4 Further Correspondence respecting Commercial Treaties and Tariffs. Fol. Lond., 1893. F 36 W 17 + Treaties and Tarills regulating the Trade between Great Britain and Foreign Nations, and Extracts of Treaties between Foreign Powers containing most-favoured- nation clauses applicable to Great Britain: Austria, 1875; by E. Hertslet. Svo. Lond., 1875. F 1 U 19 Tristan da Cunha. Further Papers relating to the Island of Tristan da Cunha. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 20 U 3 f Tuberculosis. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the administrative procedures for eon- trolling danger to man through the use as food of the meat and milk of tuberculous animals. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. A 20 U 21 f Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the effect of Fowl derived from Tuberculous Animals on Human Health. Fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 U 37 | Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Turkey. Correspondence relating to the Asiatic Pro- vinces of Turkey, 1894-95, 1898. 1 vols. sm. fol. Lond, 1896. ' F 40 V 17-20 | Correspondence relative to the Armenian Question, and Reports from Her Majesty's Consular Officers in Asiatic Turkey. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 40 V 13 \ Correspondence respecting the introduction of reforms in the Armenian Province of Asiatic Turkey. Sm. fol. Lond., 1896. F 40 V 12 { Correspondence respecting the Negotiations for the Conclusion of Peace between Turkey and Greece. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 14 | Uganda. Reports relating to Uganda ; by Sir Gerald Portal. Fol. Lond., 1894. B 39 V 17 \ United States. Correspondence between the Govern- ments of Great Britain and the United States with respect to Proposals for Arbitration. Sm. fol. Lond., 1S96. F 40 V 22 J Vaccination. Annual Report of the, Registrar-General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages registered in Scotland during 1895, and Annual Report on Vaccina- tion, 1895. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. E Sixth and Final Reports and Appendices to Final Report, 3-9, of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of Vaccination. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 189G-97. A 40 V 36, 38, 39 j Venezuela. Documents and Correspondence relating to the question of I'.oundary between British Guiana and Venezuela; with Maps. Fol. Lond., 189G. F 39 V 55 \ Veterinary Department, Ireland. Return in pursu- ance of the provisions of the 50th section of the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894, for 1897. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1898. E Volunteers. [See War Office, under this heading.] War Office. Annual Accounts of the Ordnance Fac- tories, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Annual Accounts of the Royal Army Clothing Factory, 1896-97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. E Annual Return of the Volunteer Corps of Great Britain, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E The Army List, 1831-June 1899. 289 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1831-99. [Not published in Dec, 1897, and Jan., 1898.] E Army Orders, 1896. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) E Conventional Signs and Terms used in Military To- pography. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 40 S 8 The Duties of the General Staff; by Gen. Bronsart von Schellendorff. Translated by W. A. H. Hare. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 36 R 15 Epitome of the Chino-Japanese War, 1894-95; byCapt. N. W. H. Du Boulay. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 33 P 5 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. War Office — contd. Field Artillery Service Hand-book, 1897. Illustrated. 32mo. Lond., 1897. A 35 P 7 Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry, 2 vols. 32mo. Lond, 1867-84. A 35 P 8, 9 Garrison Artillery Drill. Vol. 2, pts. 3, 4. 32mo. Lond, 1899. A 35 P 16 General Annual Returns of the British Army, 1894, 1896-97, with abstracts for 1875-97 inclusive. 3 vols. Svo. Lond, 1895-98. E General Index to the Army Regulations and Instruc- tions to 1895. 8vo. Lond, 1895. F 8 V 39 Gunnery Tables from "The Text-book of Gunnery, 1897," and Tables by A. G. Hadeock. Svo. Lond, 1898. A 36 W7 Hand-book for Field Range-finding with Watkin's Field Range-finder and Telemeter, for use witli Movable Armament and Batteries of Position, 1897. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 36 W 11 Hand-book for Military Artificers prepared in the Artil- lery College. 32mo. Lond, 1894. A 22 P 43 Hand-book for 0-303-in. Maxim Machine Gun (Magazine Rifle Chamber) mounted on Carriages, Field, Machine Gun, Cavalry and Infantry, Carriages, Parapet, and Cone Mountings, 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1898. A 36 W 17 Hand-book for the 5-4-in. b.l. Howitzer (Mark 1) 1897. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 36 W 17 Hand-book for the 6-in. b.l. Howitzer, 25 cwt. (Mark 1) 1896. Svo. Lond, 1896. A 36 V 29 Hand-book for the 6-6in. r.m.l. Howitzer on Bed and Ground Platform or on Siege Travelling Carriage for Movable Armament and Armament of Works, 1897. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 36 W 17 Hand-book for the 7-in. r.b.l. Guns of 72 cwt. and 82 cwt. on Moncrieff and Sliding Carriages, 1897. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 36 W 17 Hand-book for the 10-in. b.l. Gun, 1895. Svo. Lond, 1895. A 36 V £9 Hand-book for the 12-pr. b.l. 6 cwt. Gun (Mark 1) Horse Artillery, 1896. Svo. Lond, 1896. A 36 V 29 Hand-book for the 15-pr. b.l. Gun (Mark 1) Field Bat- teries, 1896. Svo. Lond, 1896. A 36 V 29 Hand-book for the 20-pr. r.b.l. Gun of 16 cwt, on Travel- ling Armament and Volunteer Batteries of Carriage, Movable Position, 1896. Svo. Lond, 1896. A 36 V 29 Hand-book for the 30-pr. b.l. Gun (Mark 1) 1897. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond, 1897. A 36 W 17 Hand-book for the 10-pr. r.m.l. Gun of 35 cwt. Siege and Movable Armament, 1897. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 36 V 29 Hand-book of the Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, Mon- tenegro, Roumania, and Servia ; by Capt. W. E. Fair- holme and Capt. Count Gleichen. 12mo. Lond, 1895. F 12 S 21 Public Library of New South Wales. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— could. War Office— contd. Hand-book of the German Army (Home and Colonial) ; by Maj. E. Agar. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 P 43 Hand-book of the Mekometer, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A36W11 Hand-book of the Military Forces of Russia; by Capt. W. A. MacBean. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 12 S 37 Hand-book of the Military Forces of Russia, prepared in the Intelligence Division of the War Office ; by Capt. J. M. Grierson. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F 12 S 3 ; by Capt. Count Gleichen. 8vo. D 19 P 17 Hand-book of the 6-pr. Hotchkiss q.f. Gun, Land Ser- vice, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 36 V 29 Hand-book of the 12-pr. of 12 cwt., A. q.f. Gun, Land Service, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 36 V 29 Infantry Drill, 1889. 32mo. Lond., 1889. A 35 P 11 Infantry Drill, 1896. 32mo. Lond., 1896. A 22 P 5 Infantry Sword Exercises, 1896. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 36 Q 6 Instruction in Military Engineering. Pts. 2, 3, 5, 6. 5th ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-98. A 22 R 13, 14, 16, 17 2. Attack and Defence of Fortresses. 3. Military Bridging and use of Spars. 5. Miscellaneous. G. Military Railways. Instructions for Practice: Horse, Field, and Mountain Artillery, 1899. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 36 Q 29 Instructions for Practice Seawards : Garrison Artillery, 1899-1900. Ulust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 36 Q 30 List, 1864. 8vo. Lond., 1864. E Manual for Non-Commissioned Officers of Garrison and Siege Artillery in preparing for Examination before promotion. 18mo. Lond., 1895. A 32 P 49 Manual for the Medical Staff Corps, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 36 Q 10 Manual of Instruction in Army Telegraphy — Field Tele- graphs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 36 R 12 Manual of Military Cooking, prepared for the Army School of Cookery, 1895. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 36 Q 8 Manual of Military Engi of Military Engineer: 1893. .•ompiled a Manual of Military Law. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 V 15 Manual of Saddles and Collars, Sore Backs, and Sore Shoulders; by 'Vet, -Capt. Fred Smith. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 25 R 32 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. War Office— contd. [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 36 Q 23 Musketry Regulations. 32mo. Lond., 1898. A 35 P 14 Notes on Military Law, Organization, and Interior Economy ; by Maj. Morrison. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F9 Q36 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 R 15 The Official Army List, April, 1885-January, 1886, July, 1886, January-July, 1887, January-April, 1888, April, 1890, July, 1891, April and October, 1893, 1894-Jan., 1897, July-October, 1897, April-October, 1898. 32 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885-98. E Precis of informat Precis of Modern Tactics, originally compiled in 1873 by Col. Robert Home. Revised and rewritten by Lieut.- Col. Sisson C. Pratt. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 36 V 14 Provisional Infantry Drill. 32mo. Lond., 1892. A 35 P 12 The Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army, 1892. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 16 S 7 [Another copy] 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 16 R 6 [Another copy] 1899. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 U 14 Regulations for Magazines, Ammunition Stores, Labora- tories, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 V 32 Regulations for Mounted Infantry, 1897. 32mo. Lond., 1897. A 22 P 62 Regulations for Musketry Instruction for the Martini- Henry Rifle and Carbine. 32mo. Lond., 1892. A 35 P 13 Regulations for the Equipment of the Regular Army. Pt. 2, sec. 12. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 36 Q 11 2, sec. 1'2. (larrison Artillerv ; Special Instructions and Details. Regulations for the Medical I Vpartmont of Her Majesty's Army. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 31 Q 29 Regulations for the Volunteer Force, 1898. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 16 S 23 Report of the Army Medical Department, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Report on the Examinations at the Staff College, 1893-96. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. G 18 T 2 Report on the Nile and Country between Dongola, Suakin, Kassala, and Omdurman, describing the various routes ; by Capt. Count Gleichen. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 P 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. War Office— contd. Reports on the Competitive Examinations in Military Subjects of Militia Subalterns for Commissions in the Army, 1893- 9G. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. G 18 T 7 Rival Warrant for the Pay, Appointment, Promotion, and non-effective Pay of the Army, 1895. 8vo. Lond, 1895. F 8 V 33 Rules for the conduct of the War-game on a Map, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 36 V 30 Signalling Instructions, 1896. 32mo. Lond., 1896. A32P4 Small Wars : their Principles and Practice ; by Capt. C. L. Call well. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 36 Q 12 Standing Orders of the Army Service Corps, 1895. l2mo. Lond., 1895. E 13 V 26 Supply Hand-book for the Active Service Corps ; by Lieut.-Col. J. A. Boyd, 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 36 Q 7 Text-book of Fortification and Military Engineering, pt. 2. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 31 Q 25 Text-book of Gunnery. 8vo. Lond, 1897. A 36 W 7 Text-book for Military Small Arms and Ammunition, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 36 R 16 Text-book of Military Topography. Illustrated. Pts. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 36 U 20, 21 Treatise on Ammunition, 1897. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 36 W 8 Treatise on Military Carriages and Stores connected with them. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 36 V 15 Treatise on Service Explos 1895. Treatise on Service Ordnance. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 31 Q 23 Trumpet and Bugle Sounds for the Army, with instruc- tions for the training of Trumpeters and Buglers. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 36 Q 9 Army Appropriation Accounts. [See Finance, under this heading.] Army Estimates of Effective and Non-effective Services. [See Finance, under this heading.] Water Supply. First and Final Reports of H.M. Com- missioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the Water Supply within the limits of the Metropoli- tan Water Companies; with Appendices. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898-1900. A 23 Q 9 J West India Commission. Report of the West India Royal Commission, with Subsidiary Report by D. Morris (Appendix A) ; and Statistical Tables and Dia- grams, and a Map (Appendix B). Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. F 36 V 17 t West Indies. Correspondence relating to the Sugar In- dustry in the West Indies. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. A 40 W 44 1 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Western Australia. A Bill intituled "An Act to enable Her Majesty to assent to a Bill for conferring a Con- stitution on Western Australia." Sm. fol. Lond., 1889. ME 3 P 34 t Correspondence relating to the proposed abolition of the Aborigines Protection Board of Western Australia. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. MF 3 P 37 t Further Correspondence respecting the proposed estab- lishment of Responsible Government in Western Aus- tralia. With Map. Sm. fol. Lond., 1890. MF 3 P 27 t Report from the Select Committee on the Western Aus- tralia Constitution Bill ; together with the Proceed- ings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Sm. fol. Lond., 1890. MF 4 U 31 Return of all Land Grants, Sales, or Leases made by the Government of Western Australia from 1878-88, in- cluding concessions to syndicates or companies. Sm. fol. Lond., 1889. MF 3 P 10 t Workshops. [See Factories and Workshops.] Wrecks and Casualties. Abstract of the Returns of Wrecks and Casualties which occurred on and near the Coasts of the United Kingdom, 1864. Sm. fol. Lond, 1865. F 18 Q 16 t GREAT CAPTAINS. Gustavus Adolphus. [See Dodge, T. A.] B 20 S 14 GREAT CHRISTIANS OF FRANCE. St. Louis and Calvin. [See Guizot, F.] G 24 Q 28 GREAT CONVENTION SPIDERS and the unsuspect- ing Fly. [See Johnstone, A. W.] MF 4 P 55 GREAT EDUCATORS. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools. [See West, A. F.] G18Q50 Froebel and Education by self -activity. [See Bowen, H. C] G18Q51 Herbart and the Herbartians. [See Do Garmo, C] G 9 W 23 Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. [See " Hughes, Rev. T.] G 18 Q 52 GREAT MASTERS is PAINTING and SCULPTURE. Andrea del Sarto. [See Guinness, H.] A 44 R 3 Bernardino Luini. [See Williamson, G. C] A 39 V 30 Carlo Crivelli. [See Rushforth, G. M'N.] A 44 R 14 Correggio. [See Brinton, S.J A 44 R 12 Donatella [See Rea, H.] A 44 R 13 Luca Signorelli. [See Cruttwell, Maud.] A 44 R 10 Raphael. [See Straehcy, H. ] A 44 R 1 1 Sodoma; by Contessa l'riuli-Bon. [See 1'riuli-Bon, Con- tcssa.] A 44 R 15 GREAT TRUTHS OF GREAT AUTHORS: a Dic- tionary of Aids to Retlection, Quotations of Maxims, Metaphors, Counsels, Cautions, Aphorisms, Proverbs, rl,n-i<; and Robert Barker.) Lond., 1598-1 GOO. D 11 T 14-16 t 92-94. History ami Description of Africa and of the notable things therein contained, written by Al-Hassan ibn- Mohammed al- Wczaz al-Fasi, a Moot-, baptised as Done into En-li'sh in the year lOtMlby .John l'orv, and now edited by Dr. Robert Brown. 95, 100. Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea, into English 'by Charles Raymond "lica'zicy and' Edgar Prestage. Vols. 1, •>, chaps. ] 97, with an Introduction on the Life and Writing, .f the Chronicler and the early Historv of Af.ican Exploration. < arlo-raphv, &c. : Da ud lutrodi ) Book;-. Kd'itcd, with Notes 93. The Christian Topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian Monk. Translated and edited by J. W. McCrindle. 99. Journal of the first Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-99. Translated, and edited with Notes, an Introduction, and Appendices, by E. (i. Ravenstein. 1,2. Embassy of Sir Thomas Hoc to the Court of the (! real Mogul, 1015 19, as narrated in his Journal and Corres- pondence. Edited by W. Foster. 3. Voyage of Robert Dudley, afterwards styled Earl of Warwick and Leicester and Duke of Northumberland, to the West Indies, 1.194 9.1, narrated by Capt. Wvatt, by himself, and bv Abram Kendall. Edited l.vCcorge F. Warner. -if Kill the Eastern parts of v himself ; with two of John of Pian do \ ith an Introductory HAL, Edgar, and SIMPSON, E. S. The Russell Process of Silver Lixiviation in Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Kept., 1898.) ME 18 S HALAYUDHA. Abhidhanaratnamala : a Sanskrit Vo- cabulary. Edited, with a Sanskrit Lnglish Glossary, by T. Aufrccht. 8vo. Lond., 1861. J 17 U 10 HALDANE, Elizabeth S. History of Philosophy. [See Hegel, G. W. F.] G 12 R 30, 31 James Frederick Ferrier. [See Ferrier, J. F.] C 20 V 17 Public Library of Neto South Wales. HALDANE, Richard Burden. Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. [See Dart, J. H.] F 1 U 12, 13 HALE, Rev. Edward Everett. Contemporary Spain as shown by her Novelists. [See Plummer, Mary Wright.] B 16 P 19 History of the Kansas Crusade. [See Thayer, E.] F 6 S 34 James Russell Lowell and his Friends. [See Lowell, J. R.] C 25 Til Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 HALE, Dr. Edwin Moses. Ilex cassine, the Aboriginal North American Tea. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult— Div. of Botany.] A 37 S 36 HALE, John P. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 HALE, Matthew. Matthew Hale's System of Book-keep- ing for Solicitors. 8vo. Loud., 1881. A 25 S 40 i the Bible. 8vo. MG 1 Q 67 HALES, John. The Ever Memorable John Hales: an Essay. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 HALES, John Wesley. The Teaching of English. (Farrar, F. W, Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T10 HALES, Stephen. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. William.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 HALEVY, Ludovic. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 HALIDAY, Charles. The MSS. of. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Historical MSS. Commission.] E HALIFAX, Samuel, Bishop of Gloucester. Works of Bishop Butler. [See Butler, J., Bishop.] G 2 T 31-33 HALIFAX, George Savile, Marquis of. Letter to a Dis- senter. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 A Rough Draft of a new Model at Sea. (Pollard, A. F— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 Some Cautions for choice of Members of Parliament. (Pollard, A. F— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 Life and Letters of, with a New Edition of his Works now for the first time collected and revised; by H. C. Foxcroft. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 R 7, 8 HALL, Prof. Asaph. Observations of Double Stars made at the United States Naval Observatory, 1880-91. (U.S. Naval Observatory Observations, 1888.) E HALL, Bolton. Equitable Taxatio HALL, Rev. E. Potter, and HAMILTON, John S. The Voice from the Rural Wilderness. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 HALL, E. Smith. Reply in refutation of the Pamphlets of Lieut.-Gen. R. Darling, late Governor of New South Wales, and Maj.-Gen. H. C. Darling, his brother, ad- dressed by them to J. Hume and Viscount Goderich. Contains specimen of the instrument of torture in- flicted on the persons of Joseph Sudds and Patrick Thompson, soldiers in the 57th Regiment, by order of Governor Darling, at Sydney, New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1833. MF 4 Q 57 HALL, Dr. Francis do Havilland, and others. Diseases of the Nose. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medieine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Larynx. [See Semon, Sir F.J A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Pharynx. [See Semon, SirF] A 26 T 37 HALL, Frederick S. Svmpathetic Strikes and Sympathetic Lockouts. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 R 22 HALL, George Walter Lorenzo Marshall-. A Book of Canticles. 8vo. Melb., 1897. Mil 1 V 18 Hymn to Sydney. Sm. 4 to. Melb., 1897. MH 1 T 23 To Irene. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 T 13 HALL, Hubert. The Antiquities and Curiosities of the Exchequer : with a Preface by the lit. Hon. Sir John Lubbock. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 S 32 The Red Book of the Exchequer. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Chrons. and Memorials.] E HALL, J. Clarke. Mercantile Navy List, [See Gt. Brit, and IreL— Board of Trade.] E HALL, Capt. James. Voyage to Greenland in 1612. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 96.] E HALL, Rev. Newman. Newman Hall : an Autobiography. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 T 18 HALL, Owen. After Kangaroos. (English Illustrated Magazine, Aug., 1897.) E HALL, Robert. Birds new to South-western Australia. (Vict. Nat., Mar., 1899.) ME 6 P Birds of the Box Hill District. (Vict. Nat., Oct., Nov., 1898, Feb., April, 1899.) ME 6 P Collection of Bird Skins from Kalgoorlic. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1900.) ME 1 S Key to the Birds of Australia and Tasmania, with their Geographical Distribution in Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MA 4 Q 17 Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. 273 HALL, Robert— contd. , Life history of the Blue-banded Grass Parrakeet. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1898.) ME 6 P Notes on the Bird Fauna of the Box Hill District. ( Vict. Nat., Aug. and Sept., 1897, Jan. and March, 1898.) ME G P Occurrence in Victoria of a phase of the sub-species Pardcdotna axdinilis, Ramsay. (Linncan Soc, N.S.W., ■roc, 1899.) ME 2 P Plumage Changes of Petroeca phcenicea, Gould, I'achy- . i/iii/n f Zachariah of Mitylenc. [See Zachariah of Mitylene.] G 24 V 37 HAMILTON, Hans Claude. Chronicon domini Walteri nder liri The Kind' Friedrich Froebel. Tra with an Appendix on ' 5vo. Loncl, 1897. G 18 Q 38 HANSEN, Dr. E. C. Practical Studies in Fermentation : l.-ing Contributions to tlie Life-historv of Micro-organ- isms'. Translated bv Dr. A. K. Miller. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 25 U 17 HANSEN, Peter Andrews. Transformation of Hansen's Lunar Theory, compared with the Theory of Delau- may. [See United States — Bureau of Equipment — Astronomical Papers, 1.] E 11 AN SLOW, F. G. Chippendale. Australian Cycling Annual. [See Australian Cycling Annual.'] MA 5 P 15 HANSON, Sir Richard Davies. [Life of]; by Miss C. II. Spence. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Theory of Evolution. (Adelaide Philosoph. Soc, Trans., 1872.) ME 1 S HANSSON, Laura Marholm [Fru O.] We Women and our Authors. Translated by Hermione Ramsden. 8vo. Loud., 1899. J 21 R 38 HAPGOOD, Isabel F. Evolution of France under the third Republic. [See Coubertin, Baron Pierre de.] B 2G U 13 Les Miserables. [See Hugo, V. M.] J 22 S 15 HAPGOOD, Norman. Literary Statesmen and others. 8vo. Loud., 1898. C 23 Q 26 HARBOTTLE, Thomas Bentield. Dictionary of Quota- tions (Classical). 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 19 Q 45 HARBUTT, William. Harbutt's Plastic Method and the use of Plasticine in the Arts of Writing, Drawing, and Modelling in Educational Work. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 It 1 HARCOURT, Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon-. Lawlessness in the National Church. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 5 P 30 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces cf the Period.] C. 23 T 3 HARD UP: Journal of the Unemployed. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6, Feb.-April, 189G. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1896. [All published.] MF 5 V 7 HARDAWAY, Dr. W. A. Inflammations of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. H. A.- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 HARDEN, Arthur. Dalton's Atomic Theory. [Set Roscoe, H. E] A 21 T 37 IIARDENBERG, Friedrich von, "Novalis." [Transla- tions from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 HARDIE, James Keir. The Independent Labour Party. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 39 HARDIN, L. S. The Dairy Calf: Breeding and Raising. Illustrated. 8vo. Louisville, 1897. A 18 R 47 HARDIN, Willett L. Physieo-Chomical Methods. [See Traube, Dr. J.] A 38 T 17 HARDING, C. W. Molluscs, Mussels, Whelks, .fee, used for Food or Bait. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 It 6 HARDING, Emily J. Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants. [See Chodsko, A.] J 8 T 39 HARDING, Georgina. The Child of Pleasure. [See Annunzio, G. d'.] J 23 T 9 The Triumph of Death. [See Annunzio, G. d\] J 23 T 8 HARDING, John W. Mei Hugo, V. M.j i of V. M. Hugo. [See C 27 S 5 Public Library of New South Wales. H Alt DING, It, It. Cause of Decay in Plants, and the remedy to <;ive to them new life. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U Liquid Manure. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., July, 1898.) ME 9 U Tree-guards for streets or private places. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U Yuccas and Agaves. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ' ME 9 U HARDING, Robert Coupland. Kerns and Serifs. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Marsh Lights. (N.Z. Inst., Tra , 1897.) ME 2 S HARDING, Prof. Samuel Bannister. Contest over the Ratification of the Federal Constitution in the State of Massachusetts. 8vo. New York, 1890. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 20 HARDINGE, E. Mesmerism; written by an English Medium while under Spiritual Influence. Svo. Lond., 1853. G 19 T 3 HARDMAN, Edward T. Geology of portions of the Counties of Carlow, Wexford, and Wicklow. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 22 H AR DWICH, Rev. Thomas Frederick. Manual of Photo- graphic Chemistry. 12mo. Lond., 1883. A 23 P 23 HARDY, Caleb. The Decimal Classification of Dewey. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 f The Dewey Classification. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 HARDY, Norman H. The Boomerang and its Flights. [See Wide World Mag., Feb., 1899.] " E HARDY, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 25 V 9 Jude the Obscure. 8vo. Load., 189(5. J 25 V 10 A Laodicean. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 11 Life's Little Ironies : a Set of Tales, with some Colloquial The Return of the Native. 8vo. Lond., 1 895. J 25 V 1 3 TessofthoD'Urbervilles. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 V 1-1 Under the Greenwood Tree. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 15 Wessex Poems, and other Verses. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. H 12 T 5 Wessex Tales: An Imaginative Woman: The Three Tli Wii Fe Interlopers at the Knap; and The Distracted Preacher. Svo. Lond, 1898. J 25 V 16 The Woodlanclers. Svo. Lond, 1896, J 25 V 17 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C. — My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 It 30 HARDY, Sir Thomas Duffus. The Athanasian Creed in connexion with the Utrecht Psalter; being a Report on a Manuscript in the University of Utrecht, 4to. Lond. (n.d.) G 13 X 1 f Further Report on the Utrecht Psalter, in answer to the eight Reports made to the Trustees of the British Museum, and edited by the Dean of Westminster. 4 to. Lond. (n.d.) G 13 X 2 f Willelmi Maimesbiriensis Monachi Gesta Regum An" glorum, atque historia Novella. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 It 6, 7 HARDY, William John. Documents illustrative of Eng- lish Church History. [See Gee, Henry.] G 14 S 36 , and BACON, E. D. The Stamp Collector. Illust, Svo. Lond, 1898. (Collector Ser.) A 39 V 22 HARE, Augustus John Cuthbert. Shropshire. Illust. 8vo. Lond, 1898. D 13 P 11 Story of my Life. Illustrated. 6 vols. Svo. Lond, 1900. C 28 S 1-6 HARE, Dr. F. E. Cold-bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever : the Experience of a consecutive series of 1,902 cases treated at the Brisbane Hospital. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 38 S 10 HARE, Dr. Hobart Amory. Diabetes Mellitus. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Influenza. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Thera- peutics.) A 31 P 17 Intestinal Parasites. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Practical Diagnosis : the Use of Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Disease. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1897. A 26 U 13 Scarlet Fever and Measles. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Physical and Natural Therapeutics. [See Hayem, Dr. G.] A 31 Q 19 ml CI lit YSTIE, 1 )r. Walter. System of Prac- tical The roy. Svo. Edinb, 1892 97. A 31 P 14-17 HARE, Maria [Mrs. A.] Memorials of a Quiet Life; by A. J. C. Hare. 2 vols. Svo. Lond, 1884. C 23 P 12, 13 HARE, Lieut.-Col. William Aldworth Home. Duties of the General Staff. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 It 15 HARFORD, John. Voyage to the African Oil Rivers twenty-five years ago. (Kingsley, Mary H. — West African Studies.) D 22 P 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 279 HA] ; FORD, John S. Life of Michael Angolo Buonarotti. [See Michael Angelo Buonarotti.] C 14 V 22, 23 IIAB V ORD-BATTERSBY, G. [See Battersby, G. Har- ford-.] HAROITT, Edward. Catalogue of the Picarise in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Mu- seum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 18 HARGRAVE, Lawrence. Aeronautics. (Roy. Soc., X.S.W, Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Th- Possibility of Soaring in Horizontal Wind. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1897,) ME 1 R Sailii g Birds dependent on Wave-power. (Roy. Sec, X.S.W, Journ., 1809.) ME 1 R Soaring Machines, (lb, IIAROREAVES, John. Nelson's Friendships. [Sea Xcl- :o.i, Viscount.] C 27 S 21, 22 HARKER, G. Composition of New South Wales Labra- dorite and Topazes, with a comparison of methods for the estimation of Fluorine. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., J ■urn, 1899.) ME 1 R HARKNESS, Prof. James, and MORLEY, Prof. F. In- I reduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions. 8vo. Land, 1898. A 25 T 20 11A1 ! LAN, Dr. A. W. Calcareous Deposits on the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W F. American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 HARLAND, .Mrs Henry. Farewell, Love. [See Scar- i'oglio, Signora.] J 23 U 17 "HARLAND, Marion." [See Terhune, Mary Virginia.] H AIM. EI AX SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. -10-41, 16. G vols. roy. Svo. Loud, 1895-99. E 111. FamiliiE Minorum Gentium. Diligeutia Josephi Hunter. Vol. i. H. The Visitation of Cambridge, made in 1575, continued and cidarg-d with the Visitation of the same county made hv Henry St. (leorgc in ltd:), with many other descent's added thereto. Edited liy J. W. Clay. 12. Visitation of Kent, 1619-21. t.i.e'ycars l.VIO, l',72,'and li;2:i.' Edited "by \\\ B. HARLETAN SOCIETY— conkl Registers. \ r ols. 21-26. 6 vols. roy. Svo. Loud, 1895- Armytage. the Baptismal Cathedral CI Ma n v Virgin, at I !•:. '. . w legister of the Bap Middlesex, 1.V.0 Kili). Edited l,y T.' Mason. 26. Registers of St. Paul's Cathedral. Edited by J. W. Clay. HARLEY, Dr. George, F.R.S. George Harley, F.R.S. : the Life of a London Physician. Edited by his (laughter, Mrs. Alee Twecdie. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1899. C 24 P 15 HARLEY, Lewis R. Francis Lieber : bis Life and Politi cal Philosophy. [See Lieber, F.] C 27 T 4 1IAKLIX, Thomas. [Criticism on] Prof. Pearson's Re- port on the Stale of Public Education in Victoria. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q HARMER, Sidney Frederic. Polyzoa. Svo. Lond, 189G. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 IIARMSWORTU MOXTULY PICTORIAL MAGA- ZINE, The. Vols. 1-4, July, 1898-July, 1900. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond, 1898-1900. E HARNACK, Rev. Adolf. History of Dogma. Trans- lated from the German by Neil Buchanan, James Millar, E. B. Speirs, and W. M 'Gilchrist. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. Svo. Lond, 1894-99. G 23 S 36-42 Monasticism : its Ideals and its History. Translated by Lev. C. R. Gillett. Svo. New York,' 1895. G 19 U 7 Sources of the Apostolic Canons, with a Treatise on the origin of the Readership and other lower orders. Translated by L. A. Wheatlev : with an Introductory Essav on the Organization of the Early Church and the Evolution of the Reader by Rev. John Owen. Svo. Lond, 1895. G 25 U 7 Thoughts on the Present Position of Protestantism. Translated by T. B. Saunders. Svo. Lond, 1899. G 24 Q 9 HARPER, Andrew. The Sunday Question. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q HARPER, Arthur P. Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zealand: a Record of the first Exploration of the chief Glaciers and Ranges of the Southern Alps. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1896. MI) 8 R 11 Public Library of New South Wales. HARPER, Charles G. The Bath Road : History, Fashion, and Frivolity on an Old Highway. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. - B 33 S 12 Practical Hand-book of Drawing for Modern Motheds of Reproduction. Illustrated, ^vo. Lond., 1894. A 25 T 9 HARPER, Robert. Elementary Agriculture (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) Education. ME 9 R HARPER, Walter R. Description of certain objects of unknown signifii South Wales Tribes. 1898.) Maori and Moriori Crari Proc, 1897.) Measurements of the Ti Tasmanian Museum. Proc, 1897.] formerly used by ; (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, ME 2 P a. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and ME 1 Q mianian Crania contained in the [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and ME 1 Q Results of an Exploration of Aboriginal Rock -shelters at Port Hacking. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P HARPER'S BAZAR. Vols. 28-32, 1895-99. Illustrated. 5 vols. fol. New York, 1895-99. E HARPER'S BOOK OF FACTS. [Sec Willsey, J. H.] K 17 S 22 HARPER'S CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. [See Ralph, J.] D 13 S 5 HARPER'S DICTIONARY of CLASSICAL LITERA- TURE AND ANTIQUITIES. [See Peck, Prof. H. T.] K 15 U 23 HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE [formerly Harper's Monthly Mm/azine]. Vols. 1-100, June, 1850-May, 1900, and Index to vols. 1-85, June, 1850- Nov., 1892 101 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1850-99. E HARPER'S POPULAR CYCLOPAEDIA OF UNITED STATES HISTORY. [&«Lossing,B.J.]B 17 U 11, 12 HARPER'S ROUND TABLE [formerly Harper's Young People]. Vols. 15, 16, Nov., 1893-Oct., 1895. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1893-95. E HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS. Fundamental Laws of K.lcctrolvtio ( '(induction. [Sir. (iooil- win, H. M.] A 44 Q 19 Laws of Gases. [See Boyle, R.] A 25 T 12 Modem Theory of Solution. [See .Tones, H. C] A 44 Q 21 Prismatic and Diffraction .Spectra. [See Ames, Prof. J. 8.1 A 44 Q 20 ROntgen Rays. [See Barker, Prof. G. F.] A 44 Q 22 Second Law of Thermodynamics. [See Magie, Prof. W. F.] A 44 Q 11 HARPER'S WEEKLY. Vols. 1-24, 27, 29-42, 1857- 80, 1883, 1885-98. Illustrated. 39 vols. fol. New York, 1857-98. E HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. [See Harper's Round Table.] HARRADEN, Beatrice. My Literary Life. [See Linton, Eliza.] HARRIGAN, Edward. McKay, F. E.— Fan [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See 3us American Actors of To-day.] C23Q6 HARRINGTON, Bernard James. New Alkali Hornblende and a Titaniferous Andradite from the Nepheline- Syenite of Dungannon. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Chemistry and Mineralogy.] A 40 S 22 HARRINGTON, Mark W. Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Experiment Stns.] A 19 V 30 Notes on the Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley, California. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 29 HARRINGTON SERIES. Chemistry of Photography. [See Steel, T.] MA 4 P 12 Making Ready and Printing of Process Blocks. [See Moereh, J. G.] MA 4 P 12 HARRIS, Dr. Chapin A., and GORGAS, Dr. Ferdii J. S. Dictionary of Dental Science, and such W and Phrases of the collateral Sciences as pertain t< Art and Practice of Dentistry. 5th ed. 8vo. Phi 1891. A 32 S 21 HARRIS, Edward. De Benedicts Incarnaci Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] :!, HARRTS, Prof. Ge 1896. Moral Evolution. 8vo. HARRIS, George F. Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum. [See -Nat. Hist.] A 43 S 1 British Mus HARRIS, Prof. James Rendel. Acts of Pilate. Roy. 8vo. Armenia and Europe. [See Lepsius, Dr. J.] B 28 R 8 The Teaching of the Apostles. [See Bibles and Testa- ments.— Codices.] G 23 V 29 , and Helen B. Letters from Scenes of recent Massacres in Armenia. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 R 21 HARRTS, Joseph. Talks on Manures : a series of Familial and Practical Talks between the Author and the Deacon, the Dr., and other neighbours on the whole subject of Manures and Fertilizers. New ed. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 19 R 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. II AI! IMS, Walter B. From Batum to Baghdad. Illus- trated. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. " D 17 S 16 Lai:.] of an African Sultan: Travels in Morocco, 1887- Ml. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. D 14 P 15 Talilet: the Narrative of a Journey of Exploration in the Atlas Mountains and the Oases of the N.W. Sahara. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. I) 1-1 S 23 IIABRIS, Capt. William Comwallis. Portraits of the (lame and Wild Animals of Southern Africa. Fol. Lond., 1840. A 46 P 28 | HARRIS, William Torrey. Psychologic Foundations of K. location : an attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. 8vo. New York. 1898. I i nternat. Education Scr.) G 18 Q 42 Tli. )f Ethics. [See Fichtc, J. G.] G 11 S HARBISON, Benjamin. The Constitution and Adminis- tration of the United States of America. 8vo., 1897. F 15 R 10 HARRISON, Clill'oril. Beading and Headers. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 23 P3 IIAB BISON, Frederic. Byzantine History in the Early .Middle Ages. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Rede Lectures.) B 28 T 19 Studies in Early Victorian Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J8T37 Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " J 26 It 29 Alfred theGreat as King. [See Alfred the Groat] C 20 S19 William the Silent. [See William I, King of the Nether- lands.] C 23 S 8 1 1 A B I HSON, Jane Ellen. Mythol. ,gy and Monuments of Ancient Athens. [See Pausanias.] B 27 Q 17 HA B BISON, Malcolm. Tasmanian birds. (Boy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q HARRISON, Thomas. Scientific Gossip. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q HARRISON, Rev. W. A. Richard IT. [See Shake- speare, W.] H 11 V 24, 26 HARRISON, William Henry. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 HARRLSSE, Henry. The Diplomatic History of America : its first Chapter, 1452-94. W ith Map. ' 8vo. Bond., 1897. F 13 V 37 John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America, and Sebastian his son : a Chapter of the Maritime History of England under the Tudors, 1496-4557. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 15 T 15 HABBOD, H. D. Creation of a Building Fund. (Intemat. Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 18 HABBOWBY, Dudley, Earl of. Portrait of. [See Paget, lit. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 HART, Prof. Albert Bushnell. American History, told by Contemporaries. Vols. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1897-98. 13 19 V 3, 4 1. Era of Colonization, 1492-1689. 2. Building of the Republic, 1689-1783. The Underground Bail road from Slavery to Freedom. [See Siebcrt, Prof. W. II.] F 16 Q 14 The Veto Power : its Origin, Development, and Function in the Government of the United States. [See Mason, E. C] F 15 V 1 HART, Alice Marion [Mrs. Ernest]. Picturesque Burma, Past and Present. Illustrated. Boy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 20 U 22 HART, Dr. Ernest. Hypnotism, Mesmerism, and the New Witchcraft, Illust. 8vo. Bond., 1896. G 14 S 35 Smoke Abatement, (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 [See Acland, Dr. T. D.] , and SMITH, Dr. Sol< Charles. Cholera HART, Francis. Western Australia in 1891. Illustrated. 8vo. Perth, 1892. MD 8 S 7 HART, Lieut.-Gen. Henry George. Annual Army List, 1859-1900. 42 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1859-1900. E HART, Rev. Henry Martyn. The World of the Sea- [See Tandon, Moquin.] A 24 S 21 HART, John W. External Plumbing AVork : a Treatise on Lead Work for Roofs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 45 U 12 Hints to Plumbers on Joint Wiping, Pipe Bending, and Lead Burning. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 45 U 11 Tnhlic Library of New South Wales. HART, Brig.-Gen. Sir Reginald Clare. The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in Tirah. [See Slessor, Capt. A. K.] B 31 R 13 HARTE, Bret [in full Francis Bret]. Complete Works. Vols. 1-9. 9vols.8vo. Lond., 1880 96. J 9 U 2-1-32 Choice Works in Prose and Verse. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 9 R 1 The Luck of Roaring Cam].. ; ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. other Sketches. New J 25 Q 19 A Sappho of Green Springs, and other Tales. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 25 R 41 Some later Verses. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H11R24 Stories in Light and Shadow. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 1 8 Bret Harte in relation to Modern Fiction. [See Mel- bourne Review, 2.] ME 18 Q Sketch of. [See Vedder, II. C. -American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 HARTERT, Ernst. Birds collected bv Dr. Ansorge d .'.ring his recent stay in Africa. (Ansorge, Dr. W. J.— Under the African Sun.) D 19 V 21 Catalogue of Picarias in Collection of British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 1G HARTING, James Edmund. Our Summer Migrants : an Account of the Migratory Birds which pass the Sum- mer in the British Islands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 27 S 11 HARTLAND, Edwin Sidney. The Legend of Perseus : a Study of Tradition in Story, Custom, and Belief. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 36 P 8 3. Andromeda. Medusa. HARTLEY, David. Conjecture qua-darn de Sensu, Motu, et Idearum Gcneratione. [See Metaphysical Tracts.] G 24 U 29 HARTOG, Prof. Marcus. Rotifers. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 HARTSELL, Dr. Milton B. Neuroses and Parasites of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 HARTSHORN, T. C. Animal Magnetism. [See Deleuze, J. P. F.] G 19 T 7 HARTWELL, Dr. Edward Mussey. General Exercise. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Rise of College Gymnasiums in the United States. (In- termit, Health Exhib — He.akh Ev ; t.) A 41 V 9 HARTWRIGHT, Henry. Story of the House of Lan- caster. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 50 HARVARD HISTORICAL MONOGRAPHS. The Veto Power. [See Mason, E. C] F 15 V 1 HARVARD HISTORICAL STUDIES. Bibliography of British Municipal Hist. [See ates, [See ¥ 3 T 22 ¥ 3 T 23 Contest over the Ratification of the Federal Constitution in the State of -Massachusetts. [See Harding, Prof. S. B.] F3T20 ThcC'ouutv Palatine of Durham, i.s'c Lipslov, . Detection of new Nebuhe by photography. 7. Photographic Determination of the brightness of . Int 19, pt. 1. Mct-uroluL'ical Observations, 1810-88. 2. Researches on the Zodiacal bight , and on a Photo- graphic Determination of the Atmospheric Ab- sorption. •20. Observations made at the Blue Hill -Meteorological Ob- servatory, Massachusetts, 1887-88. 21, pt. 1. Observations of the New England Meteorological 2. Investigations . f the New England Meteorological 22. al Observations made on the Summit of 25. Comparison of Positions of Stars, 1S70-S4. 28. pt. 1. Spectra of Bright Stars photographed with the 11-inch Draper Telescope. 29. Miscellaneous Researches, 1883-93. 30. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Ob- servatory, Massachusetts, 1889-90. 18 of the New England .\b tcorolegieal So- 31. Iny< 32, pt. S .s of the Moon and Planets ; by 33. Miscellaneous Researches, 1894-99. 34. Catalogue of 7.922 Southern Stars observed with the Meridian Photometer, 18S9-91. 35. 30. Journal of the Zone Observations of Stars, 1870-83. 40. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Ob- 41. Observations of the New England Weather Service, 1892-95. 42. pt, 1. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Massachusetts, 1890. 44, pt. 1. Photometric Revision of the Harvard Photometry, 1891 94; by E. C. Pickering. Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Ob- servatory of Harvard College, 189-1, 1898- 99. 3 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1894-99. E History of the Harvard College Observatory, 1840-93. (Harvard Univ. Ast. Ob.— Misc. Papers.) A 37 T 6 Miscellaneous Papers, 1888-95. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 189G. A 37 T G Miscellaneous Quarto Publications, 1877-96, with a List of the published references to the work of the Blue Hill Observatory, 1885-95. 4to. Camb., 1896. A 18 Q 23 f 1 1 Alt V LY, Joint M usgrave. Son ice of Equitable Process : being the Service of Imputable Process Act of 1897, and the Rules of Court made thereunder; with Ex- planatory Notes and 1 ndex. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF5Q15 HARVEY, Rev. M. Newfoundland in 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. D16R8 HARVEY, Rev. R. The Fire of Love, and the Mending of Life ; or, the Rule of Living. [See Early English Text Society.] E HARVEY, William. Scottish Life and Character in Anecdote and Story. With Portrait. 8vo. Stirling, 1899. -I 23 S 28 Robert Burns in Stirlingshire. [See Burns, R.] C 27 S 6 HARVEY, Dr. William. [Life of] ; by D'Arcy Power. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Masters of Medicine.) C23R11 HARVEY, William Frederick. Practical Spanish Manual : containing Grammar, Exercises, Reading-lessons, &e. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 12 P 41 HARVEY, Dr. William Henry. Nereis Boreali-Ameri- cana; or, Contributions to a History of the Marine Algte of North America. Pts. 1-3. With Plates. 3 vols. 4to. Wash, 1851-57. A 17 T 9-10* t HARVEY, William Hope. Coin's Financial School. Svo. Chicago (n.d.) F 10 V 25 A Tale of Two Nations. Svo. Chicago, 1894. J 14 T 11 HARWOOD, Henry. The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897, and its application to ('(.operators and Coopera- tive Societies. 12mo. Manchester, 1898. F 1G S 14 HASELHOFF, Dr. E., and BREME, H. Die Haideboden Westfalens. Heft 1. Svo. Berlin, 1899. [Bound with Prussia - Protokoll der 41 Sitzung der Central- Moor-Commission, 1898.] E HASLUCK, Paul N. Amateur Met Mechanics.] [See Amateur A 34 V 1, 2 HASSALL, Arthur. The Balance of Power, 1715-89. Kvo. Lond., 189G. (Periods of European History.) B 16 R 36 Hand-book of European History, 476-1871, chronologi- cally arranged. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 8 HASSALL, Arthur Hill. History of the British Fresh- water Algte, including Descriptions of the Dosmidea.' and Diatomacetv. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1857. A 20 T 25, 26 IIASSE, Adelaide R. Reports of Explorations printed in the documents of the United States Government. [See United States.— Govt. Printing Office.] 1) 22 U 7 284 Public Library of New South Wales. HASTINGS, Lady Flora. Poems. 8vo. Eclinb., 1841. H 3 S 41 HASTINGS, George Woodyatt. Is it desirable that Notification of Infectious Disease should be obligatory? (Intermit, Health Ex.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 18 1 EASTINGS, Rev. James, and SELBTE, John A. Diction- ary of the Bible, dealing with its Language, Literature, and contents, including the Biblical Theology. Vols. 1-3. 3vols.imp.8vo. Edinb., 1898-1900. G 8 S 19 21 1 HASTINGS, Warren. [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 Warren Hastings. [See Macaulay, Lord.] B 26 P 10 HASWELL, Prof. William A, F.R.S. Development of Heterodontus (Cestracion) J'/ii'/ijn, (Linncan Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ' ME 2 P Jottings from the Biological Laboratory of Sydney Uni- versity. (Linn. Soc., N.S.W., Proc., 1895.) ME 2 P Manual of Zoology. [See Parker, Prof. T. J.] MA 5 Q 20 Text-book of Zoology. [See Parker, Prof. T. J.] MA 4 T 7, 8 HATTON, H. F. The Collapse in Australia. (National Review, June, 1893.) E HATZFELD, A. St. Augustine. Translated by E. Holt ; with Preface and Notes by G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (The Saints.) G 4 V 37 IIAUG, H. Vergleichende Erdkunde und Alttestamcnt- lich Geographische Weltgexchichto. Illustrated. 4to. Gotha, 1894. G 11X19 f HAUGH, B. B. Clei (n.d.) Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney MA 13 P 5 t II AUGHTON, Sir Graves Champney. Dictionary, Bengali and Sanskrit, explained in English and adapted for students of either language ; to which is added an Index serving as a reversed Dictionary. Sm. (to. Lond., 1833. J 10 X G f HAUGHTON, William. Patient Grissil. [See Shakes- peare Soc, Pubs.] II 3 U 11 HAULLEVTLLE, Prosper Charles Alexandre, Baron de. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism in their civil bearing on Nations. Translated by H. Bellinger. 8vo. Lond., 1878. G 9 W 6 HAUPT, Prof. Lewis M. Canals and their Eco Relation to Transportation. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 15 HAUPT, Prof. Paul. Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 23 U 6, 7, 10, 12, 14 HAURISIUS, Benno Caspar. Scriptores Historic Romanre. [See Scriptores Historic Romame.] B40 U 22-21 f HAUSSMANN, William A, and GRAY, John. Gene- al< >gy of Morals : Poems. [See Nietzsche, F. ] G 1 6 V 1 7 HAUTEFORT, Marie de, Duchesse dc Schomberg. [Essay on.] [See Patmore, C. K. I).— Principle in Art, &c] J 1 R 51 IIAVELOCK. (Jen. Sir Henry. Portrait of. [See Lati- mer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 1G S 13 [Portrait of.] [Set Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 B 18 HAVERCROFT, Charles. How can a man become his own Landlord? 1 2mo. Manchester, 1876. F 13 V 41 HAVERFIELD, F. Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver, Rev. S. R.] G 24 U 7 HAVERTY, Martin. History of Ireland, Ancient and Modern. . 8vo. Dublin, 1860. B 34 T 8 HAVILAND, Alfred. Medical Geography of Great Britain. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 HAWAIIAN ALMANAC AND ANNUAL, 1875-1900. 19 vols. 8vo. Honolulu, 1875 1900. ME 3 U HAWAIIAN KINGDOM STATISTICAL AND COM- MERCIAL DIRECTORY and Tourists' Guide, 1880- 81. Illust. 8vo. Honolulu, 1880. D 22 R 18 HA WAIIAN SPECTATOR, The. Vols. 1, 2, April, 1838- Oct., 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. Honolulu, 1838-39. J 16 U 24, 25 TIAWDON, Joseph. Journal of a Journey from N.S.W. to Adelaide, 1838. (Rov. Geograph. Soc. of Austral- asia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P HAWETS, Rev. Hugh Reginald. The Dead Pulpit. 8vo. Lond., 189G. " G 19 T 21 Old Violins. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Collector Ser.) A 40 U G Travel and Talk, 1885-95: my 100,000 miles of Travel through America, Australia., Tasmania, Canada, New Zealand, Ceylon, and the Paradises of the Pacific. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 16 R 5, 6 The Pilgrim's Progress. [See Bunyan, J.] G 20 P 15 f HAWES, Benjamin. Speech on Colonial Administration. 12mo. Lond., 1849. F 13 V 29 HAWES, Stephen. Pastime of Pleasure. [See Percy Soc] H 1 1 S 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. HAWKE of Towton, Edward, Baron. [Portrait and Sketch of]; by Adm. Sir E. R. Fremantle. (Laugh- ton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.] C 25 T 7 HAW KEN, Hon. Nicholas. The Power of Government in relation to the entrance of the Labour Party into the. Parliament of New South Wales in 1891. 8vo. Svdney, 1892. MF 5 S 3 HAW KESBURY, Charles, Lord. [See Lh ol, Earl of.] II A W KESBURY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE MAGAZINE, Tho. Vol. 1, Dee., 1898-Dec, 1899. svo. Richmond, 1S98 99. ME 3 R IIAWKESWORTH, Alfred. Australian Sheep and Wool: a Practical and Theoretical Treatise. Illus- trated. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MA 4 S 35 " HA WKEYE." [See Fry, E. II.] "Anthony Hop -" Tho . Loud., 1895. J 24 U 11 rid.. 1899. J 14 V 2G The Prisoner of Zenda. Rupert of Hentzau. II HAWKINS, Edward. Medallic Illustrations of the His- tory of Great Britain and Ireland to the death of George II. [See British Museum.] A 40 11 17, 18 HAWKINS, Rev. Edward. of Oriel. [See Church, Papers.] Retirement of the Provost R, W., Dean.— Occasional J 14 U 36 HAWKINS, Dr. Herbert Pennell. Cirri ( Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medic sis of the Liver. ic.) A 20 T 37 HAWKINS, Rev. Sir John Cscsar. Horse Synoptic? Contributions to the Study of the Synoptic Problei Svo. Oxford, 1899. G 23 S -\ HAWKS, E 1 'nited S HAWLEY, Li< !. Bibliography of Poultry. [See Dept, of Agr. Library.] A 37 S 58 HAWLEY, Richard. Essay < York, 1878. HAWTHORNE, E. F. Deseripth. of Lepidoptera. (N.Z. Inst,, T s., 189G.) ME 2 S HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Complete Works; with In- troductory Notes by G. P. Lathrop. Illustrated. 13 vols. Svo. Boston, 1897. J 23 R 1-13 ] Twice-told Talcs. 2. Mosses from an old Manse. . The House of the Seven Gables ; the Snow-image, and i- T\v •t. \V( ; Tangk-v od Talcs Our Old Hoi; ; fro S. Passages from the Iviglish Xoto-books, vol. '2. 9. Passages from the Aniei-ican Note-hooks. 10. Passages from the French and Italian Note-books. 11. The Dolliver Romance : Fanshawe ; Septimus Felton, or the Elixir of Life; with an Appendix containing the Biographical of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by (!. P. Lathrop. 13. Dr. Urimshawe's Secret ; Appendix. [ Essays on the Life and Works of.] [See Curtis, G. W. —Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 Hawthorne in the shadow of Johnson. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W._ American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Short Studies of.] [See Higginson, T. W.— Short Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P.- Sketches from Con- cord and Appledore.] D 16 Q 3 Study of. [See Lawton, W. C— New England Poets.] J 23 T 3 HAY, Alexander. Footprints : a Memoir of the late Alexander Hav, one of the Fathers and Early Colonists of South Australia ; by his Widow. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. MC 1 S 22 HAY, Sir John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, I. Memoir of, based ( ndenco. Illustrated. HAY, Richard Dalrvmple Wales. (Agricult. Ga Timber Trade of New South , N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R HAY STANDARD, 1899. Fob Hay, 1899. ME HAYCROFT, James Isaac. Engineering Construction in connection with Rainfall. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Le Pont Vierendeel. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R 236 Tublic Library of New South Wales. HAYDN, . Francis Joseph. Sketch of. [See Butter- worth, H.— Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 HAYDN, Joseph. The Book of Dignities, continued to the Present Time, with numerous additional Lists and an Index to the entire work ; by H. Oekerby. 8vo. Lond., 1890. K 9 V 3 Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages and all Dates; by B. Vincent. 21st ed. Boy. 8vo. Lond, 1895. K 11 P 23 [Another copy.] 22nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. K11P24 HAYDON, Thomas. Sporting Reminiscences. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond, 1898. MA 4 P 15 Australasian L'oursina Calendar. [See Australasian Coursing Calendar.] MA 5 Q 3-6 HAYEM, Dr. Q. Physical and Natural Therapeutics. Edited by Dr. H. A. Hare. Roy. 8vo. Edinb, 1895. ' A 31 Q 19 HAYES, J. W. The Draper and Haberdasher : a Guide to the General Drapery Trade. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond, 1878. (Houston's Indust. Lib.) A 33 R 30 HAYES, Capt. M. Horace. Among Horses in Russia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1900. A 45 U 21 Illustrated Horse-breaking. 8vo. Lond, 189G. A 29 R 35 Points of the Horse : a Familiar Treatise on Equine Conformation. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond, 1897. A 10 W 9 t Stable Management and Exercise. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond, 1900. A 41 R 17 Modern Polo. [See Miller, E. D.] A 29 R 36 Veterinary Pathology. [See Friedberger, Dr. P.] A 40 P 14 HAYNE, Arthur P. Resistant Vines. [See California. —Agricultural Experiment Station.] A 36 R 17 HAYNE, M. II. E, and TAYLOR, H. West, Pioneers of the Klondyke: being an Account of two years police service on the Yukon. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond, 1897. D 16 Q 8 HAYNES, Dr. Frederick E. The Reciprocity Treaty with Canada of 1854. (American Economic Assoc.) F4 V 17 HAYNES, Jessie. Lou. [See Roberts, A. von, Baron.] J 23 U 10 Memoirs of the Baroness Cecilc do Courtot. [See Cour- tot, Baroness Cecile de.] C 27 S 20 HAYNES, T. H. An Imperial Customs Union; or, Com- mercial Federation of the British Empire. 4to. Lond, 1895. F 17 S 11 t HAYWARD, Abraham. Art of Dining ; with Annota- tions and Additions by C. Savle. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond, 1899. A 40 T 24 HAZEN, Prof. Charles Downer. Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolution. [See Johns Hop- kins University. Studies i:i Historical and Political Science.] " B 18 T 16 HAZEN, Maj.-Gen. William Babcock. The School and the Army in Germany and France; with a Diary of Siege Life at Versailles. 8vo. New York, 1872. G 17 S 30 HAZLITT, William. The Doubtful Plays of William Shakspeare ; with Glossarial and other Notes. 8vo. Lond, 1887. H 7 R 43 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* On Poetry in general. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata).] J 7 P 52 Sketch of. [See Hazlitt, W. Carew.— Pour Generations of a Literary Family.] C 24 Q 1, 2 Works of Montaigne. [See Montaigne, M. de.] J 8 V 26 HAZLITT, William Carew. The Coin Collector. 8vo. Lond, 1896. A 27 Q 3 Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances illustrating Shakespeare and other early English writers, to which are prefixed two preliminary Dissertations— (1.) On Pigmies. (2.) On Fairies; by J. Ritson. 12mo. Lond, 1875. J 14 P 49 Four Generations of a Literary Family ; the Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America : their Friends and their Fortunes, 1725-1896. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1897. C 24 Q 1, 2 The Lambs: their Lives, their Friends, and their Cor- respondence ; new particulars and new materials. 8vo. Lond, 1897. C 23 S 24 The Venetian Republic: its Rise, its Growth, and its Fall, 421-1797. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond, 1900. B 41 R 10, 11 Complete Poems of George Gascoigne. [See Gascoigne, George.] H 3 U 4, 5 English Drama and Stage. [See English Drama and Stage. | II 3 U 3 Lamb and Hazlitt. [See Lamb, O] C 27 R 7 Paris and Vienna. [See Paris and Vienna ] J 2 T 29 Poems of Thomas Carew. [See Carew, T.] H 3 U 6 Works of William Browne. [See Browne, W.] H 3 U 1, 2 HAZON, Prof. Henry A. The Climate of Chicago. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricuit, — Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 39 Sup]) lenient ary Ca talog ue — 1896-1 900. 287 HEAD, Barclay Vincent. Catalogue of Greek Coins in tli- British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 37 Q 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 19 11 HA I', Sir Edmund. Hand-book of Painting. [See Kugler, F. T.] A 44 R 5, 6 HEAD, Dr. Henry. Herpes Zoster, or Zona. (Allbutt, I )r. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Trigeminal Neuralgia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. 0. System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 HEADLAM, Rev. Arthur Cayley. The Teaching of the I lussian Church: being Notes on points on which it di Iters from the English Church. 12mo. Bond., IS97. G23Q18 Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver, Rev. S. R.] ' G 24 U 7 HEA DLAM, Cecil. Selections from the British Satirists. With Introduction. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 33 HEA I ) LAM, James Wyclifte. Bismarck and the Founda- tion of the German Empire. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 30 Q 25 HEADLAM, Rev. Stewart Duckworth. Christian Social- ism. [See Fabian Soc— Fabian Tracts, 42.] F19R15 HEA 1 )LEY, Dr. Walter Balls-. On the Temperature of Acute Disease. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Victorian Matrimony. (Melb. Review, 2.) ME 18 Q HEALY, Rev. James. Memories of. 12mo. Bond., 1898. C23S17. HEARD, Tsaac V. D. History of the Sioux War and Massacres of 1862 and 1863. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1865. B 19 Q 21 HEARD, W. A. Wordsworth's Treatment of Sound. ( Knight, William.— Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 HEA UN, Miss II. A. Shakspere : the Life and the Plays. [See Melbourne Review, 1.] ME 18 Q HEARN, Lafcadio. Exotics and Retrospectives. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 S 11 Gleanings in Buddha fields : Studies of Hand and Soul in the Far East. 8vo. Bond., 1898. D 14 P 17 Kokoro : Hints and Echoes of Japanese Timer Life. Svo. Lond., 1896. D17P31 HEARN, W. E. The Revision of the Law. (Melbourne Keview, 4.) ME 18 Q HEATH, Francis Ge Fol. Lond., 188; The Fern Portfol HEATH, Adm. Sir Leopold George. Letters from the Black Sea during the Crimean War, 185 1- 55. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 23 S 19 HEATH, Dr. T. L. The Works of Archimedes. [See Archimedes.] A 35 T 16 HEATHCOTE, Frederick Granville. [See , F. G.] HEATHCOTE, J. M. MSS. of. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Hist. MSS. Com.] E HEATHFIELD, George Augustus Eliott, Baron. [Por- trait and Sketch of) ; by Lieut. -Col. Adye. (Wilkin- son, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington ) C 26 R 18 HEATLEY, George S. The Stork- Medical Treatise for every m cow. Svo. New York, 1895. dc : a handy A 18 S 41 HEATON, Dr. Charles. Medical Hints for Hot Climates, and for those out of reach of professional aid. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 40 T 8 HEATON, John. Tables of Simple Interest at 1, 1|, 2, 2i, 3, 3. 1 ,, 4, 4i, and 5 per cent, per annum from one day to 100 days on £1 to £100. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 25 S 29 HEATON, John Henniker. Ten Years' Postal Progress : an Imperial Plan. (Contemp. Rev., July, 1895.) E HEAVISIDE, Oliver. Electromagnetic Theory. Vol. 2. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Electrician Ser.) A 21 T 18 HEA WOOD, Edward. Was Australia discovered in the 16th Century? (Roy.. Geograph. Soc., Geograph. Journ., Oct., 1899.) E HEBBLETHWAITE, Rev. James. A Rose of Regret. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. (Bulletin Booklets.) MH 1 T 24 HEBDEN BRIDGE FUSTIAN MANUFACTURING CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. Fifty-ninth Half- yearly Report and Balance-sheet. Svo. Hebden Bridge, 1899. FIGS 33 Brief Sketch of twenty-six years' Work in Cooperative Production. [See Greenwood, J.] F 16 S 33 HEBREW STANDARD OF AUSTRALASIA, The. Vol 1, Nos. 1, 2, vol. 2, Nov., Dee., 1895, July, 1897-Julv, 1898. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895-98. ME 16 T HECHT, Dora E. Recollections of Johannes Brahms. [See Brahms, J.] C 27 S 10 HECKETHORN, Charles William. London Souvenirs. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 37 Q 7 The Printers of Basle in the 15th and 16th Centuries: their Biographies, Printed Books, and Devices. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Bond., 1897. CllXlSf The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries. New ed. 2 vols. svo. Lond.. 1897. B 33 S 1, 2 Public Library of Neio South Wales. HECQ, Gaetan, and PARIS, Louis. La Poctique Fran- chise au Moyen Aire et a la Renaissance. 8vo. Paris, 1896. H 1 U 3 HECTOR, Annie [Mrs. A.] "Mrs. Alexander." Mrs. Norton. (Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 HECTOR, Sir James. Address by. (Australasian Assoc. for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S HEDAYA, The: a Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. Translated by C. Hamilton. 2nd ed., with Preface and Index by S. G. Grady. 8vo. Lond., 1870. G 25 U 9 HEDEMAN, J. Robespie: Ten Brink, Dr. J.] HEDGER-WALLACE, R. [See Wallace, R. Hedger,] HEDIN, Sven Anders.. Through Asia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898, D 19 U 19, 20 HEDLEY, Charles. Australasian Shipworms. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Broadening of Atoll-islets. (Natural Science, March, 1898.) E Considerations on the surviving Refugees in Austral Lands of Ancient Antarctic Life. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Feb., 1896.) E Description of a new Bivalve, Lima alanta, from Santa Cruz. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Description of a new genus Austrosarepta, and Notes on other Mollusca from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proa, 1899.) ME 2 P Description of a new Papuan Land Shell. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 11 Description of new Land Shells. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Ethnology of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 General Account of the Atoll of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mems.) MA 3 W 33 New Mollusca, chiefly from New Caledonia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Papuan Entomology. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proc. 1895, 1897.) ME 2 P c Scheme for the Mid-Pacific. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P , and WILLEY, Arthur. Description of a n species of Astralium from New Britain. (Lin Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P HEDLEY, Dr. William Snowdon. Therapeutic Electricity and Practical Muscle-testing. Illustrated Svu Lond., 1899. A 44 S 6 HEERES, Prof. J. E. The part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, 1606-1765. [In English and Dutch.] Fol. Lond., 1899. MD 13 S 1 t Huych Allardt's Map of India. [See Remarkable Maps of 15th-17th Centuries.] D 8 P 36 + Life and Labours of Abel Jai man, A. J.- Journal of his 1 Land.] man. [See Tar- n Van Diemen's MD 2 P 33 I HEERWART, Fraulein Eleonore. The Kindergarten in relation to the various industrial Products of a coun- try. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 9 HEFELE, Carl Joseph, Bishop of Rottenburg. History of the Councils of the Churches, from the original docu- ments. Translated from the German by Dr. William R. Clark. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1871- 96. G 14 P 27-31 1. To the close of the Council of Niesea, 325. 2. a.d. 326-a.d. 429. 3. a.d. 431-a.d. 451. 4. a.d. 451-a.d. 680. 5. a.d. 626 to close of the Second Council of Nicaea, 787. HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Translated from the German by Elizabeth S. Haldane and Frances H. Sirason. Vols. 2 and 3. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. G 12 R 30, 31 The Logic of Hegel. Translated from the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences bv William Wallace. 2nd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1892. G 19 U 28 Hegel as Educator. [See Luqucer, F. L.] G 26 T 12 Hegel's Doctrine of the Will. [See MacVannel, J. A.] Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy, and especially of his Logic. [See Wallace, W.] G 25 S 8 HEHNER, Otto. Adulteration of Honey. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 1 HEIDER, Dr. K. Embryology of Invertebrates. [Si Korschelt, Dr. E.] A 38 P 18-2 HEIGHWAY, Rev. William Aitken. Ai Vola ni Fika me Yaga Vei Ira na Gone ni Viti (Book of Figures to be of service to the children of Fiji). 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 46 HEILPRIN, Prof. Angelo. Alaska and the Klondike: a Journey to the New Eldorado ; with Hints to the Traveller. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 R 10 The Earth and its Story : a First Book of Geology. 8vo. Boston, 1896. A 24 Q 30 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. H EI NIC, Heinrich. Half-anhour with Heinrich Heine. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q 11. rich Heine's Last Days ; by C. Selden. Translated l.y Mary Thiddall. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 2(3 P 1 [Sketch of.] [See Grenicr, E.— Literary Reminiscences.] C 20 Q 15 [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.J II 1 1 T 3 HELIODORUS. [Sketch of.] [See Whiblcy, C- Studies HELLER, Thomas Edmund. Organization of Elementary Education. (Internal. Health Exhib. - Health Exhib. HELLINGMAN, Crab. Dc Noordcliike Passage door do Torres-straat, (Tijdschr. voor hctZecwezen, 1856.) E HELLMAN, Fr lieai HI, A.] HELLYER, S. Stevens. The Plumber and Sanitary Houses: a Practical Treatise on the Principles of In- ternal Plumbing Work ; or, the Best Means for einvt- luilly excluding Noxious Gases from our Houses. 6th vd. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 46 T 1 Principles and Practice of Plumbing Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 25 Q 41 HELMHOLTZ, Dr. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von. | Life of] ; by Dr. J. G. M'Kendrick. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Masters of Med.) C 23 R 15 Principles of Mechanic; presented in a new form. [See I lertz, H] A 45 T 6 HE L.MS, Richard. Anthropological Notes. (Linncan Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Tli- Australian Alps, or Snowy Mountains. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P Note on Emex Australia. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Noxious Weeds. (\V. A. Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 Soil Bacteria. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R HELOISE, Abbess. The Story of Heloisc and Abailard retold. [Set Vandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] G 23 Q 12 " H E LUMAC." Australian Wonderland. [See B., A. A.] MJ 2 V 24 HEMINGE, John. John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends and fellow-actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. [See Walker, C. C] C 24 P 6 HEMMING, George Wirgman. Relation between Uni- versity and. College. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 HEMMING, Harrv Baird. Law of Trade-marks. \ See Sebastian, L. B.] F 9 V 18 HEMPHILL, J. C. Climate, Soil, and Agricultural Capabilities of South Carolina and Georgia. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult.] A 19 U 13 HEMPTON, John. Siege and History of Londonderry. 8vo. Londonderry, 1861. B 25 P 15 HEMSLEY, W. Hotting. Vegetation, and some of the Vegetable Productions of Australasia. (Knowledge, 1897.) E HENAULT, Mauri [See Bourgogne, Memoirs of Sergca jrgcant A. J. B. F.j HENDERSON, Dr. Ebene/.er. The Annals of Dunferm- line and vicinity, from the earliest authentic period to the present time, A.D. 1069-1878. Interpreted with Explanatory Notes, Memorabilia, and numerous Illus- trative Engravings. Roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1879. B 17 U 19 HENDERSON, Ernest F. History of Germany in the .Middle Ages, 800-1300. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 27 R 9 Side-lights on English History. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B40 W 3 HENDERSON, Lieut.-Col. George Francis Robert. Stone- wall Jackson and the American Civil War. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 14, 15 HENDERSON, Henrv F. Erskinc of Linlathen. [See Erskine, T.] C 26 Q 11 HENDERSON, J. A. Poultry and Eggs for Market and Export. [See New Zealand.— Agr.] MA 3 R 79 HENDERSON, T. F. Scottish Vernacular Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 23 S 10 The Poetry of Burns. [See Burns, R.J H 9 T 9-12 HENDERSON, Lieut, W. The New South Wales Con- tingents to South Africa, from Oct., 1899. to March, 1900, with a Roll Call of Honour : being the Names of our Officers and Men at the Front. Illustrated. Ob. 18mo. Sydney, 1900. MB 13 T 1 f HENDERSON, Rev. William. If, and What? Twelve Lectures on the Foundations of Christian Theism. With Portrait. 8vo. Ballarat, 1882. MG 2 P 63 Optimism and Pessimism. (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q HENDERSON, William James. The Elements of Navi- gation, designed for the instruction of beginners 1 8mo. New York, 1895. A 19 P 22 How Music developed : a Critical and Explanatory Ac- count of the Growth of Modern Music. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 R 2 What is good Music ? Suggestions to persons desiring to cultivate a taste in Musical Art. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 1 Public Library of Neio South Wales. HENDREN, Samuel Rivers. Government and Religion of the \ irginia Indians. (Johns Hopkins University. —Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.) P> 18 S 13 HENDRICKS, Hon. Thomas A. Life of; by Col. Her- man Dieck. 8vo. Philad., 1884. C 23 Q 17 HENERIE, James E. S. Rhapsodies on Rhymers. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S7 HENEY, Thomas. The Girl at Birrell's: a Pastoral of the Paroo : an Australian Story. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 48 HENLEY, William Ernest. English Lyrics: Chaucer to Poe, 1340-1849. 8vo. Lond., 1898. 11 IS 38 Poems. 8vo. 2nd ed. Lond., 1898. H 1 S 41 Quatorzains to London Types bv William Nicholson. 4to. Lond., 1898. J 20 R 11 f Memoir of G. W. Steevens. [See Steevens, G. W.— Things seen.] C 28 R 1 Imperialism. [See De Thierry, C] F 15 P 21 The Poetry of Burns. [See Burns, R,] H 9 T 9-12 Slang and its Analogues, Past and Present. [See Far- mer, J. S.] Libr. , and STEVKNSON, Robert Louis. Tha Plays of. 8vo. Lond., 1896, H 10 S 19 HENNEQUIN, Emile. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 HENNESSEY, John Davis. An Australian Bush Track. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 S 33 A Lost Identity. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 S 34 The New Chum Farmer; with hundreds of Practical Hints on Agriculture and Dairying. With Portrait. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MA 4 P 4 Wynnura. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 32 HENNESSY, Sir John Pope. [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. --Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 HENNESSY, William M. Annals of Ulster. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Records Comm.] B 30 V 16 HENRIETTA MARIA. Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 HENRY I OF LORRAINE, Duke of Guise. [Sketch of.] [See MacDowall, H. C— Henry of Guise, and other Portraits.] B 36 R 11 HENRY II OF LORRAINE, Duke of Guise. Memoires of, relating to his Passage, to Naples and heading there the second Revolt of that people. Translated into English. 12mo. Lond., 1669. B 26 P 6 HENRY IV, King of England. History of England under Henry 1 V. [See Wylie. J. H] ' B 16 P 9-11 HENRY IV, King of France. History of Henry IV, King of France and Navarre. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 25 HENRY, Dr. Frederick P. Diseases of the Heart. (Hare, Dr. H. A. - Sys. of Practical Therapeutics. ) A 3 1 P 1 7 Typhoid Fever. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 HENRY, John. Address to the Electors of Tasmania on the Federal Constitution Bill. 8vo. Devonport, 1897. MF5Q21 HENRY, Joseph. Scientific Writings. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Wash., 1886. A 35 W 3, 4 Henry and the Telegraph. [See Smithsonian Inst., Rept., 1878.] E Memorials of Joseph Henrv. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Miscellaneous Collections, 21.] E HENRY, Richard. Notes on Bird-life in the West Coast Hounds. (N.Z. Inst., Trans, 1897.) ME 2 S Moa Farmers. (N.Z. Inst, Trans, 1898.) ME 2 S Old Huts at Dusky Sound. (N.Z. Inst, Trans, 1898.) ME 2 S Red Cats and Disease. (N.Z. Inst, Trans, 1898.) ME 2 S HENRY, Miss Teuira. History of Tahiti. (Polynesian Soc, Journ, 1898.) ME 6 R A War-song of the Oropaa Clan of Tahiti. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R HENRY, W. Ethelbert. Lighting Studios. [See Buchochois, P. C] Photographic A 41 Q 17 HENRY, Dr. William Charles, F.R.S. Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Researches of John Dalton. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T 4 HENSLOWE, Leonard. Henslowe's Annual. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MJ 3 T 19 HENSLOWE, Philip. Diary, 1591-1609, printed from the original MS. preserved at Dulwich College. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 33 HENSON, Rev. H. Hensley. Church Problems : a View of Modern Anglicanism; by various authors. 8vo. Lond, 1900.' G 25 R 10 HENTY, Ernest G, and STARK EY, E. A. Australian Idylls and Bush Rhymes. 12mo. Lond, 1896. MH 1 V 14 HEPBURN, F. Coffee-growing in Queensland. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ, 1897.) ME 9 U HEPBURN, Thomas Nicoll, '-Gabriel Sittoun." [Life of] Robert Bums. [See Burns. R.J C 20 T 14 Suj)plcmentary Catalogue— 1806-1900. HEPl'LEWHITE, A. The Cabinetmake -i.wr's Guide-. Illustrated. Sin. fol. (/tyn-int of 3rd edition, 1794.) HEPWORTH, Cecil M. Animated Phoi A 1! C of the Cinematograph : a simple < ; aide to the Projection of Living Phot Notes on the Production of Cinematogr, Illust. 12mo. Loud., 1897. HE HE I 'WORTH, Capt, M. W. Campbell lions on the Canadian-Australian N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) HEP WORTH, T. C. Book of the La ileal Guide to the Working of t and I'phol- Lond., 1897. A 29 Q 12 J and thorough A 41 Q 19 rent Observa- (Roy. Boo., ME 1 R ■al or Magic Lantern. 5th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 41 Q 1 1 HERALD OF PEACE and International Arbitration, May, 1898 Dec, 1899. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898-99. E HERBART, Joliann Friedrich. The Application of Psy- chology to the Science of Education. Translated and edited with Notes and an Introduction to the study of Herbart by Beatrice C. Mulliner; with a Preface bv Dorothea Beale. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1898. G 23 Q 23 Herbart and the Herbartians. [See De Garmo, Dr. C] G 9 W 2:5 The Horbartian Psychology applied to Education. [See Adams,.].] G23Q11 Introduction to the Herbartian Principles of Teaching. [See Dodd, Catherine I.] G 17 S 15 TlieorieundPraxisdesVolksschuluiiterrichtsnacliHerbar- i ischen Grundsatzen. [See Rein, Prof. W.] G 17 U 27-34 HI KBERT, R« byH.C. Be eel .Jorge. The Oxford" Pa 189 i G Edit 9 U ed 26 ' utlandish P Smith, Dr. J.- -I-lCC-l e.)° (.Men nis, Sir H J, a 3 R id 1 if erf. [See W dton, I ] C 27 P 22 IE ItBERT, C or *e Rob ;rt CI arles, 13th Earl of Pe 11- ,nd Montgomery. [See Pembroke and M01 , 13th Earl of.] HE It BERT, Lady. Memoirs of Lady Herbert, 1623-1723; compiled fro documents by Lady Stepney. 8vo. U 1 1 E BBERT, William V. Chronicles of a V being some unreeoi ded chapters of Tu garian History. 8vo. Lond, 1896. ssell and Lady .riginal family ash ard Eul- 1! 16 V 18 D. The Labour Questio HERDMAN, Prof. William Abbott, F.R.S. Note on the Tunicate Fauna of Australian Seas. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist, June, 1898.) E rac of the Tunicata in the Australian >escriptiv Muscun [,V, Austr 1 M11. HEREDIA, Jose Maria de. Les Tro trait. 18mo. Paris (n.d.) [Criticism of the Works of.] [See I Kit-kats.] . E. With Por- 11 12 P42 Critical J 14 U 23 HERFORD, Prof. C. II. The Age of Wordsworth. 12mo. Lond, 1897. (Han.l-books of English Literature.) J 14 U 33 H 12 T 17 [See lbs, ,H.l HERING, Carl. Recent Pre 12mo. New York, 1892. Electric Railways. A 21 P 49 HERKLESS, Prof. John. The Established Church of Scotland. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 [Life of] Richard Cameron. [See Cameron, R.] C 20 U 18 HERKOMER, Hubert, Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. -Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 \ HERMAN, Dr. George Ernest, Puerperal Eclampsia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. 0. — Sys. of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 HERMAN, H. Notes on the Auriferous Devonian For- mations of Gippsland, Victoria. (Australasian Inst. of Mining Engineers, Trans, 1898.) ME 18 P HERMANN, Binger. The Louisiana Purchase. [See United States. -General Land Office.] F 40 W 16 + HERMANN, Felix. Painting on Glass and Porcelain and Enamel Painting. Translated by C. Salter. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1897. A 45 U 17 HERMANN, Dr. L. dor Physiologic, die Forischrittc d lahresbericht ube 893-94. [See J. ■ Physiologic.] //EJi.UES: the Magazine of the I Vols. 3-5, May-Nov, 1897 9 Sydney, 1897-99. HERMES TRISMEGTSTUS. Th sophieal Works. Translated fro with Preface, Notes, and Indices 8vo. Edinb, 1882. I IER0DAS. [See Herondas. ] HERODOTUS. The Text of Cat tion, with the Notes abridged Maps and Plans. 2 vols. 8vo rsity of Sydney. i vols. sin. 4to. ME 17 Q by A. J.Grant. With Lond, 1897. B 17 Q 20, 21 Public Library of New South Wales. HEROES OF THE NATIONS. Alexander the Great. [See Whealer, B. I.] ?. 27 Q 14 Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire. {See Heidlam, J. W.] B 30 Q 25 Charlemagne. [See Davis, H. W. C] B 27 Q 13 The Cid Campeador and the Waning of the Crescent in the West, [See Clarke, H. B.] B 34 Q 15 Hannibal. [See Morris, W. O'C] B 30 Q 23 John Wyelif. [See Wiclif, J.] (i 24 Q 25 Oliver Cromwell. [See Firth, C] B 27 Q 15 Richelieu. [See Perkins, J. B.] B 27 Q 20 Robert E. Lee an 1 the Southern Confederacy; by Rev. H. A. White. [See Lee, R, E.] " C 23 1' 24 S.dadin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. [See Poole, S. Lane-.] B 30 Q 24 HEROES OF THE REFORMATION. Desidorius Erasmus of Rotterdam ; by Prof. E. Emerton. [See Erasmus, 1).] C 21 Q4 Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of (iermany. [See Richard, Rev. J. W.] Ci 23 P 48 Theodore Beza ; by Prof. H. M. Laird. [See Beza, T.J C 2(5 Q 16 HERON, Rev. James. The Celtic Church in Ireland: the Story of Ireland and Irish Cliiist.ia.nity from before the time of St. Patrick to the Reformation. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 15 HERON, John S., " Free Selector." Notes on Federation and kindred subjects of almost equal importance. 12mo. Parramatta, 1898. MF i P 50 HERON-ALLEN, Edward. [See Allen, E. Heron-.] HERONDAS. [Essay on.] [See Whibley, C— Studies in Frankness.] " C 23 S 2 Mimiambi. [See British Museum.— Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum.] J 5 V 13 HERRICK, Christine Terhune [Mrs.] Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J., 1834-51. [See Wellington, Duke of.] C 20 U 26 National Cook-book. [See Terhune, Mary V.] A 22 S 4 HERRICK, Rev. 1). S. First Catechism of Tamil Grammar. [See Pope, Rev. G. II.] J 1G R 44 HERRICK, Frederick M. The Attic Law of Status, Family Relations and Succession, in the 4th Century B.C., systematically and comparatively considered. 8vo. New York," 1890. " F 18 R 2*3 HERRICK, Dr. James B. Pneumonia, Croupous and Catarrhal, and Pleurisy. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 HERRICK, Rev. Robert, [Essay on.] [See Gosse, E. — 17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 23 HERRICK, William Hale, and BOLTWOOD, Bertram B. Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. [See Classen, Dr. A.] ' A 36 U 12 HERRTNGHAM, Christiana J. The Book of Art. [See Cennini, G] A 4 1 R 9 HERRINGHAM, Dr. Wilmot Parker. Diphtheria, (All- butt, Dr. T. C.— Syst3m of Medicine) A 26 T 34 Pleurisy. [See Gee, Dr. S. J.] A 26 T 38 HERRMANN, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery. [See Weisbach, Dr. Julius.] A 22 S 5 HERRMANN, Prof. Willib.ild. Communion of the Christian with God: a Discussion in Agreement with the view of Luther. Translated by J. S. Stanvon. 2nd el. Rvo. Lond, 1895. (Thenlog. Translation Lib.) G 25 Q 16 IIERSCHEL, Clemens. One hundred and fifteen Experi- ments on the Carrying Capacity of large riveted Metal Conduits, up to six feet per second of velocity of flow. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 22 IIERSCHEL, Sir John. Correspondence with Richard A. Procter. [See Proctor, Richard A.— Other Suns than ours.] A 19 Q 15 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A20U8 IIERSHLER, N. The Soldier's Hand-book for the use of the enlisted men of the armv. [See United States.-— Dept. of War.] F 10 V 43 HERTSLET, Sir Edward. Map of Africa by Treaty. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. -Foreign Office.] D 13 V 3-5 Treaties and Tariffs regulating the Trade between Great Britain and Foreign Nations. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Treaties.] F 1 U 19 , and Lewis. Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Treaties.] F 16 P 1-Q 2 HERTWIG, Dr. Oscar. Biological Problem of to-day. Translated bv P. Chalmers Mitchell. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 27 P 21 HERTZ, Prof. Heinrich. Miscellaneous Papers. Trans- lated by D. E. Jones and G. A. Schott. 8vo. Lond, 1896. A 21 U 23 Principles of Mechanics presented in a new form ; with an Introduction by H. von Helmholtz. Translated by D. E. Jones and J. T. Walley. 8vo. Lond, 1899. A 45 T 6 HERTZ, Joseph H. Ethical System of James Martineau. 8vo. New York, 1894. " G 26 T 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1000. Memoir of ; by Ear] rid., 1899. C 26 S 1 t IIERVEY, Lord Jo! I).. An Epistle from a Nobleman to if Divinity in answer to a Latin Letter in m. fol. Lond., 1723. H 39 Q 13 J HERXBERG FRaNKEL, Dr. [See Frankel, Dr. Hei HEhXFELD, Dr. J. Fa al J 'curing u? Yar lC e to official sp DIN, Raoul." Pseud. The Journal of a Spy in iris during the Reign of Terror, 1791. 8vo. Limd., 195. B 2G R 17 HESIODUS. The Works of Hesiodus, Callimaehus, am Theognis; literally translated into English Prose, wit! copious Notes, by Rev. J. Ranks; with the Remains o: [Opera.] [See Poet* Gneci.] y C. A. Elto H 1 1 R 1 1 II 1 7 U 1 2 t 1IESL0P, R, Oliver. Bibliographical List of Wo trative of the Dialect of Northumberlaiw English Dialect Soc, Pub.;., SO.] HETHERINGTON, Rev. William Maxwell. II: 1 IE T VEL, Jules Van Den. [See Van Den Hot HEW TIT. Si,- William. Mission to King sinia. [See Wylde, A. B.— '83 to '87 John of Abys- the Soudan.] B 16 T8, 9 IIEWTSON, Rev. J. K. The Isle of Bute in the Olden Time ; with Illustrations, Maps, and Plans. Vol. 2. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 1895. B 13 S 22 HEWITSON, W. C. Remarks on Mr. A. R. Wallace's "Pieridse of the Indian and Australian Regions." i Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.) E HEWITT, Edward Ringwood and Mary Ashley. The Bowery. (Goodwin, M. W.- Historic New York.) B 1 9 R 6 HEYNE, E. I!. It otati, of Manufactures, Pa HEYNE, Dr. Moi J. L.] Deutsches W.irterbu [See Grimm, K 1 1 R 26 iesammelte Werke. With Portrait. Bsrlin, 1895 -96. J 21 T 26 50 Neue Miirchen. 3rd ed. 8v< Paul Hevse and the Incomi Laura Marholm.— We Wo: IEYWO0D, John. Dialogue Percy Soc] Berlin, 1899. J 11 T 45 ensurable. [See Hansson, en and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 H 11 HEYWOOD, Thomas. An Apology for Actors. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.]. H 3 U 8 Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, C. —The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 The Fair Maid of the Exchange. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 34 First and second parts of King Edward IV. [See Shake- speare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 18 First and second 'parts of the Fair Maid of the West, or a Girl worth Gold; with an Introduction and ' J. Payne Collier. [See Shakespeare Soc, H 3 U 44 Pubs.] The Gold. dSilv. King E<1 ward TV. [See Donovan, Thomas.— English Historical Plays.] H 10 W 20 A Marriage Triumph. [See Percy Soc.] H11S3 Porta Pietatis ; or, the Port or Harbour of Piety. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 12 The Royal King and Loyal Subject, and a Woman killed with kindness. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 46 Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth ; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] II 3 U 47 , and ROWEEY, William. Fortune by Land and Sea. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H~3 U 34 II I ATT, C. Picture Posters ; a short History of the Illus- trated Placard. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 U 34 Ellen Terry and hei Ellen Alicia.] Impersonations. [See Wardell, C 26 P 13 lenry Irving : a Rec H.J ' >rd and Review. [See Irving, Sir C20S21 Public Library of New South Wales. HIBBERT LECTURES. Lectures on the Origin awl Growth of Religion as illus- trated by the Religion of Ancient Kgvpt. [.See l'.e- nouf, P. LePage.] - G 23 T 3 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illus- trated by the Religions of India, i.SV Miiller, Riof. F. M.] " G23Q2«J Via, Veritas, Vita, [See Drummond, J.] G 25 Q 1 HICK IE, W. J. Easy Gorman Rcadirg-bo.k f( r Begin- ners : with brief Outlines of Geiman Grammar prefixed, and copious Notes. 8vo. Loud., 1890. J 9 R 37 Grimm's Kinder unci Hausmarchen. [See Grimm, J. L.] J 12P39 HICKS, Era Party.) HICKS, Robert Drew. Cambridge Compositions, Greek and Latin. [See Hind, R, D. Archer-.] J 23 U 24 HIERN, William Philip. Catalogue of the Afi ican Plants collected by Dr. F. Wehvitsch in 1853-61. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 X 1-4 IIIGGIN, Alfred J. Melonite from Wortupa. (Roy. See., S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 S IIIGGTNS, A. Foster. Striped Bass-fishing. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 HIGGINS, Edmund Thomas, and PETTERD, William Frederick. Descriptions of hitherto undescribed An- techini and Muriehe inhabiting Tasmania. (Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers and Proc. 1882.) ME 1 Q HIGGINS, Henry Bournes. The Australian Federation Act. (Contemporary Review, April, 1900.) E The Federal Convention at work. (Review of Reviews, April, 1897.) E HIGGINSON, Rev. Francis. Life of; by T. W. Higginson. 12mo. New York, 1891. C 19 P 15 HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth. The Afternoon Landscape: Poems and Translations. 8vo. New York, 1889. H 12 R 6 Army Life in a Black Regiment. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 19 T 22 Atlantic Essays. 8vo. Bond., 1872. J 14 U 2 Book and Heart : Essays on Literature and Life. 8vo. New York, 1897. * J 22 P 44 Cheerful Yesterdays. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 S 24 Concerning all of us. With Portrait. 18mo. New York, 1893. J 1 R 39 Hints on Writing and Speech-making. 18mo. New York, 1894. J 1 R 32 Malbonc: an Oldport Romance. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 21 P 37 The Monarch of Dreams. 18mo. Boston, 1887. J1R37 HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth— contd. The New World and the New Book, with kindred Essays. 8vo. Boston, 1892. J 22 R 32 Oldport Days. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 21 P 35 Out-door Papers. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 22 R 31 The Procession of the Flowers, and kindred Papers ; with an Index of Plants and Animals mentioned. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 3 4 Short Studies of American Authors. 18mo. New- York, 1897. J 1 R 30 Travellers and Outlaws : Episodes in American History. 8vo. Boston, 1889. B 37 P'9 Women and Men. 12mo. New York, 1888. J 1 R 31 Young Folks' Book of American Explorers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 19 T 21 Young Folks' History of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. B18Q11 Life .if Francis Higginson. [See Higginson, Rev. F.] C 19 P 15 Margaret Fuller Ossoli. [See Ossoli, Marchesa d'.] C 19 T 23 HIGGS, Henry. The Physiocrats : six Lectures on the French Economists of the 18th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F4T16 HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND in 1750, from MS. 104 in the King's Library, British Museum; with an In- troduction by Andrew Lang. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. B 32 R 8 HTGHT, G. Ainslie. Richard Wagner. [See Wagner, R.] C17T28 1- HIGINBOTHAM, A. J., and ROBTNSON, H. E. C. Maps of Municipalities surrounding the City of Sydney. Sm. fob Sydney (n.d.) ' MI) 10 Q 12 f HTGINBOTHAM Thomas. [Obituary Notice of.] (Ins of Civil Engineers, Proc, 63.) HILGENDORF, F. W. Hydroids in the neighbourhood of Dunedin. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ' ME 2 S Occurrence of Pedicellina in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Rotifera of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S HILD Dr. Alexander. Aims and Practice of Teaching Physiology. (Spencer, Dr. F.— Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 A Run round the Empire: being the Log of two young people who circumnavigated the globe. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 Q 32 HILL, Dr. Alfred. Notification of Infectious Diseases : its importance and its dilliculties. (Internat. Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Supp lenient ary Ca talog ue — 1896-1 900. 295 t rated. Sin. It,,. New York, 1896. A 17 S 1 f HILL. Constance. Story of the Princess des Ursins in Spain (Camarera-Mayor). With Portraits. 8vo. Loud., 1899. B 34 S 4 HILL. Eraser. The Land and Wealth of New South . Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MP 4 R 63 Crilica] Examination of G. D. Hill's "Johnsonian" Edi- tions. [See Fitzgerald. P.] J 15 V 13 Johnsonian Miscellanies. [See Johnson, Dr. Samuel.] C 24 R 14, 15 Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti to William Ailing- ham, 1854 70. [See Rossetti, D. G.] C 25 Q 7 Letters of David Hume to William Strahan. [See Hume, IX] C 26 S 9 Unpublished Letters of Dean Swift. [See Swift, J., I lean.] C 26 R 3 HILL, George Everett, and WARING, George E. Old Wells and Watercourses of the Island of Manhattan. (Goodwin, M. W.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 HILL, George Francis. Hand-book of Greek and Roman Coins. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1899. (Hand-books «.f Arclueologv and Antiquities.) A 45 S 1 meSw c BiBtorj Oxford the Persi ISO 7. n and Pelo- B 39 P 7 t:sk Musr. iek Coin* m.] in the 15 •itish Mu Ream. [See A 37 Q 18 HILL, OeorgeG. Marketing Farm Produce. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 HILL, Georgiana. Women in English Life from Medieval to Modern Times. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1896. F 10 U 26, 27 HILL, H. Artesian Water Prospects in Poverty Bay and Gisborne. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Hawke's Bay Plain, Past and Present. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Maoris of to-day and to-morrow. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S National Pensions. (N.Z. List.. Trans., 1S98.) ME 2 S Swallows and Martens at Hicks Bay. (N.Z. Inst, Trans, 1897.) ME 2 S Volcanic-dust Shower in Napier. (N.Z. Inst., Trans, 1896.) . ME 2 S HTLL, J. 15. Geology of Gowal. [See Great Britain and Ireland. Geolog. Surv. Scotland.] A 17 U 1 HILL, James P. The Enteropneusta of Funafuti. Pts. 1, 2. (Aust. Mus, .Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Fiddler with abnormal pectoral (ins. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ML 2 P Morphology and Development of the Female Urogenital Organs' "in the Marsuphlia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P New species of Enteropneusta from the Coast of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Preliminary Note on the occurrence of a Placental Con- nection in Perdmcles obemla, and on the Fa-tal Mem- branes of certain Macropods. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P -, and MARTTN, Dr. Charles Jai A Platy- pus Embryo from the Tntra-uterine Egg. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P HTLL, J. Spencer. Annals of Shrewsbury School. [See Fisher, G. W.] G 17 T 33 HILL, Dr. Leonard. Experimental Pathology of the Cerebral Circulation. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 The Physiology and Pathology of the Cerebral Circula- tion : an Experimental Research. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1896. A 33 V 15 HILL, Mary. Margaret of Denmark. 8vo. Lond, 1898. B 20 Q 1 HILL, Robert T. Cuba and Porto Rica, with the other Islands of the West Indies : their Topography, Cli- mate, Flora, Products, Industries, Cities, People, Political Conditions, &c. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1898. D 22 P 5 Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica. (Harvard University. — Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 34.) E Notes on Forest Conditions of Porto Rico. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of For.] A 41 U 13 HILL, Sylvia Margaret. Rameau's Nephew. [See Diderot, D. ] J 14 Q 33 HILL, W. H. F. Notes on the Terrestrial Isopod, Phre- atoicopsis terricola. (Vict. Nat , April, 1898.) ME 8 P Some Victorian Case Moths. (Vict, Nat, May, 1898.) ME 6 P HILL, William. First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States. (American Econom. Assoc.) F4V18 HTLL. William. State Railways in Australia. (Journal of Political Economy, Dec, 1894.) E Public Library of Neio South Wales. ma an 1 Free-will, and Lond., 1893. G24TG Heresies; or, Agnostic Theism, Ethics, Sociology, and Metaphysics. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1899- 1000. G 24 P 21, 22 Rhythmic Heredity: Matter a Property of Energy. 12mo. Lond., 1891. ' A 33 P 44 HILLGROVE GUARD I AX and New England Mining- Gazette. Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 1889, and from vol. 13, No. 5, July, 1897- Dec., 1898, 1899. 2 vols. sm. fol. Hillgrove, 1889-99. ME HILLIER, Dr. Alfred P. Paid and Reform, by a Prctol ia prisoner ; with two Essays on the antiquity of man in South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 17 R 20 HILLIS, William J. A Metrical History of the Life and Times of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. H 1 T 15 HILLSTON SPECTATOR 'Ami Lachlan River Advertiser, 1898-99. Fol. Hillston, 1898-99. ME HIME, Lieut.-Col. Henry William Lovett. Lucian, the Syrian Satirist. [See Lucianus.] C 27 T 3 HIND, James. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] 23 Q 2 HIND, Richard Dacre Archer-, and HICKS, Robert Drew. Cambridge Compositions, Greek and Latin. 8vo. Camb., 1899. J 23 U 24 HINDE, George Jennings, F.R.S. Radiolaria in the Devonian Rocks of New South 'Wales. (Geolog. Soc, Lond., Quarterly Journ., 1899.) E HINDE, Sidney Langford. The Fall of the Congo Arabs. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 41 HINDLEY, Charles. Tavern Anecdotes and Sayings, in- cluding the Origin of Signs, and Reminiscences con- nected with Taverns, Coffee-houses, Clubs, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1875. J 14 R 19 HINES, George. Cooperation and the perils of Credit, 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 , JONES, B., and PUMPHBEY, H. Easy Book-keeping for small Cooperative Societies. 8vo Edinb., 1887. F 1G T 24 HINKSON, Katherine [Mrs. H. A.] (Katherine Tynan). Miracle Plays: Our Lord's Coming and Childhood. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 7 U 42 The Wind in the Trees : a Book of Country Verse. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 10 U 29 HINMAN, Russell. Eclectic Physical Geography. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1888. " D 20 Q 25 HINSDALE, Prof. Burke Aaron. How to Study and Teach History, with particular reference to the History New York, 1894. (In- of the United States. ternat. Education Ser.) HINTON, A. Horslcy. Use of the Hand Camera. [See Holland, C] A 23 F 44 HINTON, Joseph. In the Maori Rising. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 HINTON, Richard J. John Brown and his Men. [See Brown, John.] C 20 U 11 HINXMANN, Lionel W. Explanation of Sheet 75, West Aberdeenshire, Banffshire, Parts of Elgin and Inver- ness. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Geolog. Surv. —Scotland.] A 47 U 2 HIORNS, Arthur H. Practical Metallurgy and Assaying : a Text-book for the use of Teachers, Students, and Assaycrs. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 21 P 25 HIPPISLEY, Alfred E. National Education in China. (Internat, Health Exhib.- Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 15 HIRD, Frank. Cry of the Children : an Exposure of cer- tain British Industries in which children are iniquit- ously employed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 24 HIRSCH, Max. The Disastrous Effects of Protection : Facts and Figures about Victoria. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF3Q47 Protection in Victoria : an Inquiry into the influence of Protection on the Social and Economic Condition of the People. 8vo. Melb., 1891. (Financial Reform Tracts) F17P7 HIRSCH, Dr. William. Gei Lond., 1897. HIRSCHFELD, Dr. Eugen. Inspection of Meat, (Boy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1895.) ME IT HIRST, Dr. Barton Cooke. Diseases cf Pregnancy, Par- turition, and of the Puerperium, Extra-Uterine Preg- nancy, and Abortion. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P It] HIRST, Francis W. Libera 1IIRTIUS, Aulus. Commentarii Ro. *•) (Scriptores Historic B 40 U 24 | HISCOX, Gardner D. Gas, Gasoline, and Oil Vapour En- gines : a New Book descriptive of their Theory and Power, illustrating their Design, Construction, and Operation for Stationary. Marine, and Vehicle Motive Power. Illust. 8vo. 'Lond., 1897. A 37 R 20 Horseless Vehicles, Automobiles, Motor Cycles, operated by Steam, Hydro-Carbon, Electric, and Pneumatic Motors; including a special Chapter on how to build an Electric Cab, with detail Drawings. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 20 Mechanical Movements, Powers, Devices, and Appliances used in Constructive and ( )pcrative Machinery and the Mechanical Arts. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 38 S 17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. SEY, James John, ver Fen and Wold. Illustrated 8vo. TORICAL ACCOUNT of all the Vo Southern English Roads. 896. D 22 P 1.5 tvols. 8vo. Lond, 177 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT ptai.i Lui 3-74. HISTORICAL and .scientific society MANITOBA. Annual Report, 1897. 8vo. Wi iisactions. Nos. Winnipeg, 1898. Boston it New York, 1857-71. E HISTORICAL NARRATIVE of the Discovery of New Holland and New South Wales, containing an Ac- count of the Inhabitants, Soil, Animals, and other I'roductions of those Countries, including a particular Description of Botany Bay. Illustrated. Sm. 4 to. Lond., 1786. MD4U 2G HISTORICAL SERIES FOR BIBLE STUDENTS. History of the Jewish People. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ARMENIA. [See "Old Indian, An."] B 1G R 49 1IIST< )RICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTR A LAS 1 A . Trans- actions. Vol. 1, 1885-80. Edited by R. T. Litton. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MB 3 R 1 HTSTORY OF THE WITCHES OF RENFREW- SHIRE. New ed., with an Introduction. 8vo. Paisley, 1877. G 25 S 9 HITCHCOCK, Frank II. Our Foreign Trade in Agricul- tural Products, 1893-97. [See United States. Dept, of Agricult.— Section of Foreign Markets.] F 7 T 1 Our Trade with Spain, 1888-97. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr. Section of Foreign Markets.] F 7 T 1 Spain's Foreign Trade. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.- Section of Foreign .Markets.] F 7 T 1 Trade of the Philippine Islands. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Section of Foreign Markets.] F 7 T 1 Trade with Puerto Rico. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult.- Section of Foreign Markets.] F 7 T 1 HITCHCOCK, Mary E. Two Women in the Klondike : the Story of a Journey to the Gold-fields of Alaska. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. D 22 R 9 . HITTORF, Johann Wilhelm. Fundamental Laws of Electrolytic Conduction. [See Goodwin, H. M.] A 44 Q 19 IIIXON, Hiram W. and Copper Cor York, 1897. \ Lead and Copper Smelting Illustrated. 8vo. New A 38 V 4 HLAWATSCH, C. Stokite and Raspite. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T HOAR, Samuel. [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W._ Lectures and Biographical Sketches.] C 19 V 21 s Past and Future. MF 3 Q 47 tr it has helped Vic- MF 3 Q 47 Twenty-five years of Protectio toria. 8vo. Melb., 1896. 1IOBART, II. M. Armature Windings of Electric Machines. [See Parshall, II. P.] A 13 T 17 t HOB ART GAZETTE. [See Tasmania.— Government HOB ART TOWX ALMANACK and Vai Annual, 1829-35, 1837-38. 8 vols. I Hobart, 1829-38. Yemen's Land 10. and 18mo. ME4P HOBART TOWX GAZETTE and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, 1821-29. [25 Nos. only.] Fol. Hobart, 1821-29. ME HOBART TO WN MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-3, Nos. 3-5, 7, 9, 13, 18, Mav-Julv, Sept., Nov., 1833, March, Aug., 1834. 8vo. "Hobart, 1833-34. MJ 3 T 13 "HOBBES, John Oliver." Teresa.] HOBEX, Ernest D. Song Music] Sm. fol. Syd.u What the Australian reads. [See Craigie, Pearl Mary Crom- l-boo. [Words and (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 + (Revi ew of Reviews, Nov., 298 Public Library of New South Wales. HOBHOITSE, Dr. Edmund. Health Abroad. [See. Bat- terer, Dr. C. II.] A 45 R 3 HOBHOUSE, Henry, and FANSHAWE, E. L. County Councillor's Guide: being a Hand-book to the Local Government Act, 1888, and the various provisions of Epitome of the Powers and Ihities of the New County Councils, and full References, Notes, and Judex. 8vo. Lond, 1888. F 16 U 6 HOBHOUSE, Leonard Trelawney. The Theory of Know- ledge : a Contribution to some Problems of Logic and Metaphysics. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 Q 38 HOBLYN, Richard D. Dictionary of Terms used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. 1 3th ed. ; by Dr. J. A. P. Price. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 40 T 2:5 HOBSON, Dr. Edmund Charles. Memoir of. (Must. Aust. Mag., Dec, 1850.) ME 3 P HOBSON, John Atkinson. Economics of Distribution. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Citizen's Lib.) F 17 T 12 Problem of the Unemployed : an Enquiry and an Economic Policy. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 32 The War in South Africa : its Causes and Effects. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 P 11 John Ruskin, Social Reformer. [SajRuskin, J.] C 25 R 10 HOBSON, Richmond Pearson. The Sinking of the Merri- mac : a Personal Narrative of the Adventures in the Harbor of Santiago de Cuba, June 3rd, 1898, and of the subsequent Imprisonment of the Survivors. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 19 Q 19 HOCCLEVE, Thomas. [See Occleve, T.] HOCHE, Jules. Bismarck at Hoi Prince.] [See Bismarck, C 24 T 23 HOCKEN, Dr. Thomas Morland. Abel Tasman and his Journal. (N.Z. Inst., Trans. 1895.) ME 2 S Account of the Fiji Fire Ceremonv. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) M E 2 S Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand (Settlement of Otago). Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 18! MB 3 S 2 HOCKINGS, Harold J. Notes on two Australian species of Trigana. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1884.) E HODDER, Edwin. Conquests of the Cross : a Record of Missionary Work throughout the World. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 3 V 23-28 Suggestive Lines arfd Thoughts ; or, Brief Studies, Liter- ary, Biographical, and Iteligious, for every day in the year. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 46 The Founding of South Australia. [See Gouger, R.] " MB 3 P 6 HODGE, Miss M. A New Educational Experiment: Special Schools in Germany and England. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S HODGES, Lieut. Harry F. Notes on Mitering Lock Gates. [See United States.— Dept. of War.] A 10 X 1 t HODGES, John A. The Lantern-sl trated. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 41 Q 12 HODGETTS, Edwin Arthur Bray ley. Round about Ar- menia: Record of a Journey across the Balkans, through Turkey, the Caucasus, and Persia, in 1895. 8vo. Lond, 1896. D 18 Q 25 HODGETTS, Prof. J. Frederick. Anglo-Saxon Dress and Food. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 Anglo-Saxon Dwellings. (Tnternat. Health Exhib. - Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 HODGKIN, John Eliot. The MSS. of. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Historical MSS. Commission.] E ., and Edith. Examples of Early English Pottery, named, dated, and inscribed. Illustrated. 4 to. Lond., 1891. A 13 X 8 t HODGKIN, Thomas. Italy and her Invaders. Must. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1880-99. B 17 Q 37 14 1. Book I. The Visigothic Invasion. ■>. II. The Hunnish Invasion. III. The Vandal Invasion and the Herulian Mutiny. 3. IV. The Ostrogothic Invasion. 4. V. The Imperial Restoration. 8. VI. The Lombard Invasion. 6. VII. The Lombard Kingdom. 7. VIII. The Frankish Invasions. 8. IX. The Frankish Empire. The Society of Friends. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 Charles the Great. [See Charlemagne.] C 23 S 5 [Life of] George Fox. [See Fox, George.] C 20 T 18 HODGKINSON, Eaton. Memoir of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept, 1868.] E HODGSON, Brian Houghton. Life of; by Sir William Wilson Hunter. 8vo. Lond, 1896. C 21 U 8 HODGSON, Frai s Kliz [See Burnett, Fra s Eliza.] HODGSON, Dr. Ralph. Cycling for Ladies: contains Elementary Anatomy and Physiology for Cyclists ; Medical Effects of Cycling on the Body ; on Muscle ; in Heart Disease and Consumption ; Advice for Lady Cyclists; Bicycles, and Cyclist's Clothes, etc. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. ' MA 3 P 68 Look under your Nose. 8vo. Sydney, 1 900. MJ 3 V 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. HODGSON, Shadworth Hollway. Metaphysic of Ex- perience. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898. G 17 R 33-36 1. General Analysis of Experience. 2. Positive Science. 3. Analysis of Conscious Action. 4. Foundations of Ethic and the real Universe. Philosophy and Experience. 8vo. Loud., 1885. * G 14 R 29 Philosophy of Reflection. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. G 11 Q 30, 31 The Re-organization of Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 14 R 27 The Relation of Philosophy to Science. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 14 R 28 The Theory of Practice: an Ethical Enquiry. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. G 11 Q 28, 29 HO ! : lv. 1 )r. P. P. C. Oyster Culture. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 HOENIG, Fritz. Inquiries concerning the Tactics of the Future (4th ed., 1894, of the "Two Brigades.'') Translated by Capt. H. M. Bower. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 36 R 10 HOERNING, Reindart. British Museum Karaite MS. : Descriptions and Collation of six Karaite MSS. of portions of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic characters, with a complete reproduction by the autotype process of Exodus I 1-VIII 5, in 42 fac-similes. 4to. fLond., 1 889. G 20 R 23 f HOEY, Frances Sarah [Mrs. John Cashel]. The Century of Louis XIV. [See Louis XIV.] C 11 W 12 t Dr. Rameau. [See Ohnet, G.] J 25 Q 33 Josephine, Empress and Queen. [See Josephine, Empress of the French.] C 20 R 7 t Life of William Carleton. [See Carleton, W.] C 20 S 1, 2 HOFF, Dr. Jacobus Hendricus van't. The Arrangement of Atoms in Space, and an Appendix : Stereochemistry among Inorganic Substances; by A. Werner. Trans- lated by A. Eiloart. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 33 Q 20 Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. Trans- lated by Dr. It. A. Lehfeldt, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899-1900. A 39 Q 19-21 1. Chemical Dynamics. 2. Chemical Statics. 3. Relations between Properties and Compositions. Modern Theory of Solution. [See Jones, H. C] A 44 Q 21 HOFF DING, Prof. Harald. History of Modern Philoso- phy : a Sketch of the History of Philosophy from the of the Renaissance to our own dav. Trans, by B. E. Meyer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " G 24 V 31, 32 HOFFER, Raimund. Practical Treatise on Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha. Translated from the German by HOFFMAN, Dr. David. Chronicles selected from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the Wandering Jew, em- bracing a period of nearly nineteen Centuries. 3 vols. (in 2) 8vo. Lond., 1853. G 3 T 21, 22 HOFFMAN, Frank Sargent, The Sphere of Science : a Study of the Nature and Method of Scientific Investi- gation. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 40 T 13 HOFFMAN, Frederick L. Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro. (American Economic Assoc.) "HOFFMAN, Prof." [See Lewis, Angelo John.] HOFFMANN, G. Christian. Catalogue of Section 1 of the Museum of the Geological Survey. [See Canada. —Geological Survey.] A 34 V 12 HOFFMANN, Prof. Louis. Puzzles, Old and New. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 S 27 HOFMAN, Prof. H. 0. Metallurgy of Lead and the De- silverization of Base Bullion. 5th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 V 26 HOG, Thomas. Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui Tem- poris. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 20 F. Nicholai Triveti Annales. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 19 HOGAN, Rev. J. F. Life and Works of Dante Allighieri : being an Introduction to the Study of the Divina Commedia. With Port. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H4V21 HOGAN, James Francis. Australia Revisited. (Contem- porary Review, April, 1895.) E The Clean- shirt Ministry. (Gentleman's Mag., June, 1898.) E The Gladstone Colony : an unwritten Chapter of Aus- tralian History. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MB 3 S 1 A New Imperial Highway. (Westminster Rev., 1894.) E The Prison Poet of Australia. (Gentleman's Magazine, Oct., 1897.) E The Sister Dominions ; through Canada to Australia by the new Highway. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MD 8 P 30 What may happen to a Rritish Captain: the Costa Rica Packet Case. (Westminster Review, 1894.) E [Life of] Cardinal Newman. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q HOGAN, M. J. Lobelia Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f HOGARTH, David George. A Wandering Scholar in the Levant. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 R 32 Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane. [See Driver, Rev. S. R,] ' G 24 U 5 Philip and Alexander of Macedon. [See Philippus.] C24Q11 Public Library of New South Wales. HOGARTH, Janet E. Modem French Drama. [See Filon, A.] H10V32 HOGARTH, R. The Herring Fishery. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 31 R 11 HOGARTH, William. Hogarth Moralized. [See Trusler, Rev. J.] G 21 T 1 HOGBEN, George. Comparison of some Elements of Earthquake Motion as observed in New Zealand with their theoretic values. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Graphic Account of Calculating Cubic Content of Exca- vation as for Water-races on Uneven Ground. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Tasmanian Earthquake of 27th January, 1892. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S The Wanganui Earthquake on 8th December, 1897. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S HOGG, Charles E. The two .Spirits, and other Poems. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MH 1 Q 8! HOGG, Evelyn G. Glacial Reds of Toolleen, Coleraine, and Wanda Dale. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Petrology of Kerguelen Island. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1898.) ME 1 P Rock Specimens from Kerguelen Island. (Vict. Nat,, Dec, 1898.) ME 6 P The Geology of Coimaidai. Pts. 1, 2. [See Roy. Soc., Vict., Proa, 1897.] ME 1 P HOGG, H. R. AraneidfB of Central Australia. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Some Spiders from the Upper Endeavour River, Queens land, with Descriptions of two new species. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa. 1898.) ME 1 P Spiders of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1900.) ME 1 P HOGG, Hope W., and SPEIRS, E. B. History of the Hebrews. [See Kittel, Prof. R.] B 28 T 5 HOGG, J. De Quincey and his Friends. [See Do Quincey, HOGG, James, " The Kit rick Shepherd." Songs, now first collected. 12mo. Edinb, 1831. ' II 10 T 35 [Life of]; by Sir G. Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 19 HOGG, James Edward. Hints on the Law and Practice relating to Conveyancing in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 S 21 HOGG, John W. Compilation of Laws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, &c, from the revised Statutes and subsequent Acts to March, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. F 1 S 4 HOGG, Stuart. Canning and Pulping Fruit. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R HOHENLOHE INGELFINGEN, Prince Kraft zu. Let- ters on Strategy. With Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Wolseley Ser.) A 36 T 14, 15 HOLBEIN der Jiingere, Hans. 'Holbein. [See Knack- fuss, H.] A 45 W 2 HOLDEN, Prof. Edward S. Monograph of the Central Parts of the Nebula of Orion. (U.S. Naval Obser- vatory Observations, 1878.) E HOLDEN, George Kenyon. Enquiry into the new rela- tions between Libour and Capital induced by Cooper- ative Societies, Labour Partnerships, and other forms of productive industry in which labour is employed on a footing more independent than common hire, with some reference to special features of Colonial In- dustry. 8vo. Sydney, 1867. MF 3 P 69 HOLDER, Alfred. Beowulf. [See Beowulf.] H 13 V 5-7 HOLDER, Charles Frederick. Haunts of the Black Sea bass. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 HOLDER, Hon. Frederick William. The Sydney Conven- tion of 1897. (Review of Reviews, Oct., 1897.) E Why South Australia should accept the [Federal] Bill. (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E HOLDSWORTH, Edmund W. H. Apparatus for Fishing. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib— Fish. Lit.) A 34 R 1 HOLDSWORTH, Philip Joseph. A Federal Sonnet, (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P \ HOLE, James. National Railways: an Argument for State Purchase. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 15 Q 36 Suburban Dwellings and cheap Railway Fares. (Internat, Health Exhib.-- Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 18 HOLE, Samuel Reynolds, Dean of Rochester. A Little Tour in America. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 15 T 26 Our Gardens. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Had- don Hall Lib.) A 20 R 17 HOLE, William. Illustrations to "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush." [See Watson, Rev. J.] J 22 V 7 HOLGATE, Prof. Thomas F. Lectures on the Geometry of Position. [See Reye, Prof. T.] A 39 P 21 HOLIDAY, Henry. Stained Glass as an Art. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 V 5 HOLINSHED, Raphael. Shakspcre's Holinshed. [See Stone, W. G. Boswell-.] J 8 V 30 Snpp lemen tary Catalogue— -1890-1 900. 301 HOI. 1AM). Slaatkundig on Staathuishoudkundig vcor 1873. Svo. Amsterdam, 1873. F 15 Q 10 HOLLAND, Edmund Milton. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To- day.] C 23 Q G HOLLAND, Rev. Henry Scott. Church and State. (Oore, Rev. C— Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 Structure, Fitting, and Equipment of Girls' Schools. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 9 HOLLAND, J. The Odes of Horace. [See Horatius Flaccus, Q.] H 10 V 2G HOLLAND, Olive. Use of the Hand Camera, with re- marks upon larger apparatus ; with an Introduction l.v A. Horslov' Hinton. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 23 P II HOLLAND, Prof. Thomas Erskine. Legal Education in a University and the proper relation of the Faculty of Laws to the'legal profession. (Internat. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 11 V 11 Studies in International Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. F 8 Q 13 Cases on International Law during the Chino-Japanese War. [See Takahashi, Prof. S.] F 16 Q 15 HOLT. AND, W. J. List of the Lepidoptera collected by I )r. A. Donaldson Smith. (Smith, Dr. A. D.— Through L'nknown African Countries.) D 20 U 21 Collecting and Preserving Insects. [See Homaday, W. T.— Taxidermy and Zoolog. Collecting.] A 30 Q 30 Scientific Labours of A. C. Good. (Parsons, Ellen C— A Life for Africa.) G 23 P 41 HOLLANDER, J. H. Financial History of Baltimore. 1 See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 20 HOI. LIS TRUE." [See Chegwidden, T. O] oursesofthe Navy. [See Navy HOLLONI), .Toll Records Soc: HOLLO WAY Petition of. [See Cape of Good I l.-pe.- -Petitionof George Holloway.] F 1 S 12 HOLLOW AY, George T. Petroleum. [See Redwood, B ] A 21 U 9, 10 HOLM, Adolf. History of Greece, from its Commence- ment to the Close of the Independence of the Greek Nation. Vols. 3, 4. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896-98. B 27 S 23, 2 1 HOLM, John. Gymnastics and other Physical Exercises. ( I ntcrnat. Health Exhib. -Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 9 HOLMAN, Henry. Education : an Introduction to its Principles and their Psychological Foundations. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. G18Q32 English National Education: a Sketch of the Rise of Public Elementary Schools in England. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 21 HOLMAN, Prof. Silas W. Computation Rules and Logarithms. Roy. Svo. New York, 189G. A 25 V 28 Matter, Energy, Force, and Work : a plain Presentation of Fundamental Physical Concepts and of t lie Vortex- atom and other theories. Svo. New York, 1S9S. A 20 Q 29 HOLMES, E. M, GORDON, W. J., and LEGG, D. J. These sixty years, 1837-97 : a Sketch of British Pro- gress under Queen Victoria. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 23 S 22 HOLMES, Dr. Oliver Wendell. Complete Poetical Works. Cambridge ed. Svo. Lond., 1895. H 9 V 1 Life and Letters of; by John T. Morse. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. C 20 V 4, 5 A Mortal Antipathy : First Openings of the new Port- folio. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 25 Q 21 Our 100 Days in Europe 12mo. Lond., 1895. D 20 T 2 Over the Tea-cups. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 25 S 1 [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 Personal Recollections and unpublished Letters. [See Fields, Annie.— Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. —Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 Ralph Waldo Emerson. [See Emerson, R. W.] C 27 P 2 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 [Study of.] [See Lawton, W. C— New England Poets.] HOLMES, Richard Rivington. Queen Victoria. [See Vic- toria, Queen of Gt. Britain and Ireland.] CIS T 1 f HOLMES, T. V. Geology of the Country around Carlisle. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 37 HOLMES, Timothy. Life of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie. [See Brodie, Sir B. C] C 23 R 14 HOLROYD, Arthur G. Discovery and occurrence of Telluride of Gold upon the Kalgoorlie Gold-fields. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897) ME 18 P Public Library of New South Wales. HOLT, E. St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] G 4 V 37 HOLT, Rev. Robert. The Ormulum. [See Ormin.] H 13 T G, 7 HOLTZAPFFEL, John J. Wood Carving. [See Leland, CO.] A 35 Q 16 HOLTZE, N. Fertilization of some North Australian Plants. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 8 HOLYOAKE, George Jacob. The Growth of Coopera- tion in England. "" 1 2mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 Inaugural Address, delivered at the 19th Annual Co- operative Con stress, 1887. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 16 8 1-t Jubilee History of the Leeds Industrial Cooperative ►Society, 1817 97. Illustrated. 8vo. Leeds, 1897. F 15 P 42 Tlie Policy of Commercial Cooperation as respects in- cluding the consumer. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 History of the Taxes on Knowledge. [See Collet, C. 1).] F 1 7 R 23 HOLYROOD PALACE AND ABBEY. Guide to, with Catalogue of Portraits and Paintings. 1 2mo. Edinb. (n.d.) B 23 PIG HOLZINGER, Dr. Carl von. Lykophron's Alexandra. [See Lycophron.] B 3 V 3 HOME, D. M. Salmon and Salmon Fisheries. (Interna*. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 HOME, Daniel Dunglas. Incidents in my Life. 8vo. Lond., 1879. G 19 T 12 HOME, Hon. James A. Lady Louisa Stuart : Selections from her MSS. [See Stuart, Lady Louisa.] C 27 R 4 HOME, Col. Robert. Precis of Modern Tactics. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 V 14 HOME 'AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES FOR THE SICK, SYDNEY. Annual Reports, 1887-88. 2 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1888-89. MA 5 Q 8, 9 HOME FRIEXD, The : a Weekly Miscellany of Amuse- ment and Instruction. Vol. 2, Nos. 27-52. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 22 S 11 HOME LIBRARY. Mazarin. [Set Masson, G.] B 28 Q 4 Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. [See Woodhouse, F. C] G 26 R 5 HOME RULE FOR HOME READING: the best points of the best Speeches. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 1 S 27 HOME VISITING AND RELIEF SOCIETY. Twenty- sixth Annual Report, 1887-88. 12mo. Sydney, 1888. MG2U25 HOMERSHAM, Amelia. Papers on Phylloxera in Europe and America, and Vine-culture and Wine- making in the United States. [See Planchon, Prof. .I.E.] MAIS 9 HOMERSHAM, S. 0. Water for Domestic Use. (Internat, Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V 4 HOMERUS. Homer and the Iliad ; by Prof. J. S. Blackie. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1866. H 12 T 19-22 Iliad of Homer rendered into English Prose for the use of those who cannot read the original ; by S. Butler. 8vo. Lond., 1898. BUR 32 The Odyssey ; done into English Prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 14 U 31 Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope; to which are added the Battle of the Frogs and Mice, by Parnell, and the Hymns, by Chapman and others; with Obser- vations and brief Notes by Rev. J. S. Watson. Illus- trated with the entire series of Flaxman's Designs. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 7 Q 17 Odyssey, translated by J. G. Cordery, 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 25 Odysseus in Ph:ecia ; by J. AY MacKail. [See Bibelot, The, 1897.] E [Opera.] [See Poetse Grscei.] H 17 U 12 f [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.- Essays.] J 14 S 12 Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimp- sest. [See British Museum.] J 18 Q 17 t The Successors of Homer. [See Lawton, Prof. VV. C.j J 23 S 21 The Women of Homer. [See Perry, W. C] J 17 U 2 HOMMEL, Prof. Fritz. The Ancient Hebrew Tradition as illustrated by the Monuments : a Protest against the Modern School of Old Testament Criticism. Trans- lated by E. McClure and L. Crossle. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 26 S 1 HONDT, Pieter d'. Venise: L'Art de la Verrerie; son Histoire, ses Anecdotes, el sa Fabrication. 8vo. Liege, 1891. A 36 V 13 HONGL Hare. Tama-Ahua. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R Whare-Kura : its Philosophies and Teachings. (Poly- nesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R HONGKONG -.—Government Departments— Reports and Publications. Blue Book. Blue Book, 1898. Sm. fol. Victoria, 1899. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. HON ORE, Charles vin Pax iid Wan lid., i ct Tables du , A IS R 13 t ml Ghostlaiid: 19th Century. G IS U 12 Samuel, Viscount, [Portrait and .Sketch of] : by i. Sir It. V. Hamilton. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.- i Howard to Nelson.) 25 T 7 ; of. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 3.] E H00 ), Thomas. The Ha [. Railton. 12mo. L inted House. Illustrated by >nd., 1896. H 10 S 17 HOPE, Ansell. Little Donah Polka. Bm. fol. 8yd (n.d.) MA 13 P Tli. 1 Rules of Rhvme : aC 2mo. Lond."(n.d.) niide to English Versification. H 11 P43 " HOPE, Anthony." [See Hawkins, A. H] Es ,y on. [See Saintsl ury, G.— Essays in English J 14 T 1 " HOPE, Ascott Robert," [See Moncrieff, A. R, H] HOOOHT, Everard Van der. Biblia Hebraica. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Hebrew.] G 24 V 30 HOOK, James Clarke. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C1P17J HOOK, Theodore Edward. Choice Humorous Works of. New ed., with Life of the Author. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1889. J 25 S 2 HOOK EK, Sir Joseph Dalton. Century of Indian Orchids. [See Calcutta Royal Botanic Garden.] A 17 V 22 r Journal of Sir Joseph Banks. [See Banks, Sir J ] MD3 U 15 HOOKER, Rev. Ric [See Paget, E, Dea Life of. [See Walton, L] aid. Introduction to the 5th Book of : of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. 7 P 22 HOOK ER, Sir William Jackson. British Jungermannhe: being a History and Description, with Coloured Figures of each species of the genus, and Microscopical Analyses of the parts. 4to. Lond., 1816. A 20 S 3 t Genera Filicum ; or, Illustrations of the Genera of Ferns from the original Coloured Drawings of F. Bauer. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 44 W 2 — , and TAYLOR, Dr. Thomas. Bryologia Britan- ca: containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ire- nrl systematically arranged and described; being a ■w edition, with many additions and alterations, of k Museologia Britannica of Messrs. Hooker and ivlor, by W. Wilson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., c,5. A 35 T 17 HOOPER, Capt. C. L. Report on the Sea-otter Banks o Alaska. [See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury. A 38 R 2! HOOPER, Frederick, and GRAHAM, James. Modern Business Methods. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 U 1 HOOPER, George. The Campaign of Sedan : the Down- fall of the Second Empire, Aug.-Sept., 1870. With Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 16 P 29 HOOVER, Herbert C. Superficial Alteration of Western Australia Ore Deposits. (American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) E HOOYER, G. B. Guide to the Dutch East Indies. [See Bemmelen, Dr. J. F. van.] 1) 1 1 P 38 HOPE, Rev. F. W T . Revision of the Australian Bupre- stidse. [See Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.] E HOPE, George. Agri Manchester, 1842. s and the Corn Law. 8vo. F 17 P4 HOPE, James. Scotland : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult] A 39 W 27, 29 f HOPETOUN, John Adrian Louis Hope, 7th Earl of. Sport in Victoria. (Badminton Magazine, Dec, 1895.) E HOPKINS, Albert A. Magic : Stage Illusions and Scien- tific Diversions, including Trick Photography. With an Introduction by H. R. Evans. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 S 11 HOPKINS, Alphonso Alvah. Wealth and Waste: the Principles of Political Economy in their application to the present Problem of Lalx>r, Law, and the Liquor Traffic. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 15 R 22 HOPKINS, Erastus. The Oil-Chemists' Hand-book. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 46 V 4 HOPKINS, F. Gowland. Chemistry of the Urine. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 HOPKINS, J. Castell. Canada : an Encyclopaedia of the Country. Illustrated. 5 vols. 4to. Toronto, 1898. D 13 T 5-9 f HOPKINS, John. Neurotrophic Diseases of Soft Tissues. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 HOPKINS, Tighe. The Dungeons of Old Paris : being a Story and Romance of the most celebrated Prisons of the Monarchy and the Revolution. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B39Q11 An IdierinOld France. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 17 P 56 304 Public Library of Neio South Wales. HOPKINS, Prof. William J. The Telephone : Outlines of the Development of Transmitters and Receivers. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. A 20 Q 26 HOPKINSON, G. H. Best system of Leakage for a Country Cooperative Store. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 HOPPER, Allan. March of the Men of Kent, Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t HOPPIN, James M. Greek Art on Greek S( il. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 44 HORATIUS PLACCUS, Q. The Odes of Horace. Translated int.. blank Verse by J. Holland and E. H. Irving. 12mo. Melb., 1896. H 10 V 26 De Arte Poetica. Translated bv Oueen Elizabeth. [See Early Eng. Text Soc, Pubs., orig. ser., 113.] E HORE, Edward C. Narrative of the leading incidents of Vovage No. 2 of the s.s. John Williams. 8vo. Syd- ney, 1895 MO 2 S 23 HORN, Gertrude Franklin. [See Atherton, Gertrude Franklin.] HORN, William Austin. Scientific Exploration of Central Australia. (Roy. Colonial Inst., Proa, 1895-90.) E HORN SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. [See Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin, and Winnecke, G.] HORNADAY, William Temple. Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting ; with Chapters on Collecting and Preserving Insects by Dr. W. J. Holland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 30 Q 30 HORNBY, F. V. Reformatory and Industrial Schools Acts. [See Creat liritain and Ireland. — Reformatory and Industrial Schools.] F 16 U 10 HORNBY, Adm. Sir Geoffrey Phipps. A Biography ; bv Mrs. Fred Egerton. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. C 23 V 17 HORNBY, John. A Tex Students. Illust. 8\ c-book of Gas Manufacture for o. Lond, 1890. A 21 P 47 HORNE, John. Siluria [See Gt. Brit, and Ircl don,] i Rocks of Britain: Scotland. — Geolog. Surv.— United King- A 47 P 16 HORNE, Richard Henry, "Richaid Hengist Home." [Sketch of.] (Once a Month, Sept., 1884.) MJ 1 V 19 Ballad of Delora ; or, the Passion of Andrea Como. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Brief Account of; by H. Buxton Forman. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Cen- tury.] J 14 S 3 HORNER, Francis. Memoirs and Correspondence of. Edited by Leonard Horner. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1853. ' C 24 Q 14, 15 HORNER, Joseph G. English and American Lathes/ Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1900. A 10 X 3 f Practical Iron-founding. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 24 P 38 The Sheet-metal Worker's Instructor. [See Warn, R. H] A 23 S 18 HORNER, Leonard. Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Horner. [See Horner, P.] C 24 Q 14, 15 HORNER, Leonora and Joanna B. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai. [See Lepsius, Dr. R.] D19PJ3 HORNER'S PENNY HAND-BOOKS for the People. No. 5, pt. 4. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 19 P 11 5, pt. 4. Wild Flowers, Ferns, and Shrubs. HORNSBY, J. T. Marryat. The Results of the General Election in New Zealand : a Reply to Sir Robert Stout, (Review of Reviews, March, 1897.) ME 2 P HORNUNG, E. W. The Larrikin of Diamond Creek. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 HORRIDGE, Frank. Lives of Great Italians. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C20S11 HORSFALL, T. C. Use of Pictures and other Works of Art in Elementary Schools. (Internat, Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 HORSLEY, Rev. J. F. The Chinese in Victoria. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q ■isons and Prisoners. F 15 Q 33 HORSLEY, Rev. Samuel, F.R.S. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of St. Albans at a Visitation, 1783. Sm. 4 to. Lond, 1783. G 17 R 13 t HORSLEY, Dr. Victor Alexander Haden. Diseases of Vertebral Column, Tumours, and Compression Palsies (Allbutt, Dr. T..C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 39 Traumatic Neurasthenia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 HORT, Rev. Fenton John Anthony. Cambridge and other Sermons. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 33 Life and Letters of ; by his son, A. F. Hort, With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 S 28, 29 The New Testament in the original Greek. [See Bibles and Testaments. -Greek.] ' G 2 U 22, 23 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. HOirriCTLTURAL MAGAZINE and Gardeners' and Amateurs' Calendar, containing the Transactions of (he Horticultural Society of Sydney. 'Vols. 1-3, Nos. 1 12, 17-24, 31, 33, 18(34, May-Dec., 1865, July, Sept., I «<66. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1864-66. MA 4 R 31-33 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SYDNEY. Trans- actions, 1864-66. [See Horticultural Magazine.] ME 3 R HORTON, Rev. Robert Forma (Reid, A. -The New Party.) hv The Congregational Chu F 15 P 29 (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 In Answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 [Life of] John Howe. [See Howe, John.] C 22 P 21 Oliver Cromwell: a Study in Personal Religion. [See Cromwell, 0.1 C 23 P 8 HORTON, Samuel Dana. Silver and Gold and their Rela- ;ion to the Problem of Resumption, to which is added Sir Isaac Newton and England's Prohibitive Tariff upon Silver Money. Syo. Cincinnati, 1895. F 11 S 53 HOUWITZ, Louis. The Victorian Statutes; the Public Acts of Victoria, arranged in alphabetical and chrono- logical order ; with Notes and Indexes. 9 vols. imp. 8vo. Melb, 1898-99. MF 5 U 1-9 HOSKTNG, James. Educational Legislation. (Adelaide Philosoph. Soc., Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S The Government Rill for Promoting Elementary Educa- tion in South Australia. (Adelaide Philosoph. Soc, Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S HOSMER, Ralph S. Soil Moisture. [See United States. I >ept. -of Agricult Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 HOSPITAL, Michel de 1'. [See L'Hospital, M. de.] HOTSON, John. Australian Stock Pastures and British Consumers. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proa, 1894-95.) E HOVDET, V. Report of Experiments with Radiator. [See Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.] ME 9 R HOUGH, Dr. Franklin Benjamin. Historical Sketches of the Universities and Colleges of the United States. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. G 18 S 24 Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York, during the Century 1784- 1884. [See New York.— University.] G 17 T 9 HOUGHTON, John. Rural New Zealand, the Britain of the South. Illustrated. 4 to. Auckland, 1893. MA 5 R 6 J 2Q HOUGHTON, Richard Monckton Milnes, Baron. Address by, as President of the Wordsworth Society, 1885. (Knight, William.— Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 On the present Social Results of a Classical Education. (Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Essays on a Liberal Edu- G 17 T 10 >l] [See Russell, G. W. E.— Collections and actions.] C 25 P 13 cation.) [Sketch HOUGHTON, Thomas Harry. Annual Address to the Engineering Section, Royal Society of New South Wales. (Roy. Hoc., N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Low-lift Pumping Machinery. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R HOUGHTON, Rev. W. Natural History and Cultivation of the Sole. (Tnternat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 Natural History of Commercial Sea Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — ■ Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 10 HOUISON, Dr. Andrew. Some Reminiscences of the Early Days of Parramatta. [Articles published in the Cumberland Mercury, 1889.] 8vo. Parramatta, HOULLEVIGUE, L. Condensateurs. 8v :3ur le Residu Electrique des Paris, 1897. A 40 S 1 HOULSTON'S INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY. The Draper and Haberdasher. [See Hayes, J. W. ] A 33 R 30 HOURST, Lieut. E. A. L. French Enterprise in Africa : the Personal Narrative of Lieut. Hourst of his Ex- ploration of the Niger. Translated by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 22 HOUSEHOLD OF SIR THOMAS MORE. [See Man- ning, Anne.] J 14 Q 39, and 26 Q 27 HOUSMAN, Prof. Alfred Edward. A Shropshire Lad. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 12 Q 11 HOUSMAN, William. Cattle : Breeds and Management ; with a Chapter on Diseases of Cattle by Prof. J. WortleyAxe. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 P 10 HOUSSAYE, Henry. 1815 : Waterloo. Translated by A. E. Mann, and edited by A. Ewan-Smith. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 R 7 HOUSTON, David Franklin. Critical Study of Nullifica- tion in South Carolina. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 21 HOUSTON, Words, Prof. Edwin J. Dictionary of Electrical Cerms, and Phrases. 4th ed. Illustrated. . New York, 1898. A 21 V 39 HOW, F. D. Bishop John Selwyn : a Memoir. [See Sel- wyn, J. R„ Bishop.] MC 1 T 35 Public Library of Neic South Wales. HOW, Walter Wybergh, and LEIGH, H. D. History of Rome to the Death of Ciesar. 8vo. Lond., 189G. 15 16 R 39 HOW, William Walsham, Bishop of Wakefield. The Spirit of Christ in Daily Life: a Sermon. 12mo. Manchester, 1888. F 13 V 23 HOW MONEY MAKES MONEY. [See " Duncans."] F 13 V 33 HOW TO INCREASE WEALTH and diminish the Poverty of the many. [See "Giant-killer."] MF 3 Q 47 HOW TO WRITE FOR THE PRESS. [See "Editor, An."] J 12 P 25 A25Q23 HOWARD, Charles, Baron Howard of Effingham. [See Nottingham, Earl of.] HOWARD, Conway R. Earthwork Mensuration, on the basis of the prismoidal formula, containing a simple and labor saving method of obtaining prismoidal con- tents i ii-ectly from end areas. Illustrated by examples, and accompanied by plain rules fur practical use. 8vo. New York, 1874. A 21 U 29 HOWARD, E. To-morrow: a Peaceful Path to Real Reform. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 32 HOWARD, Capt. F. General Description of the Macleay River. [See N.S.W.— Macleay River.] MA 9 P 41 t HOWARD, Frances, Countess of Somerset. [See Somer- set, Countess.] HOWARD, George E. Ducks and Geese. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Standard Varieties of Chickens. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,] A 41 U 1 HOWARD, Henry Charles, 18th Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. [See Suffolk and Berkshire, 18th Earl of.] HOWARD, J. The Sabbath: its Obligations and Ad- vantages. 12mo. Melb., 1899. MG 2 U 11 HOWARD, Jan Politics.] HOWARD, Dr. Joseph Jackson, and CRISP, Frederick Arthur. Visitation of England and Wales. Vols. 1-7, and Notes, vols. 1-3. Illustrated. 10 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-96. K 19 U 4-S 10, 12, 14, 16 t Visitation of Ireland. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-99. K 10 V 11-13 t HOWARD, Leland Ossian. The Gipsy Moth in America. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult,— Div. of Entomology.] A 38 Q 20 Grass and Grain Joint-worm Flies and their allies. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Div. of Entomology.] A 41 L T 6 Insects affecting the Cotton Plant. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 The Principal Household Insects of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of En- tomology.] A 36 V 23, and 38 Q 29 Recent Laws against Injurious Insects in North America, together with Laws relative to Foul Brood. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Ento- mology.] A 38 Q 29 Revision of the Aphelini.ue of North America. [See United States. -Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Ento- mology.] A 30 R 34 San Jose Scale in 1896-97. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Div. of Entomology.] A 38 Q 20 A Study in Insect Parasitism. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Entomology.] A 36 V 21 Three Insect Enemies of Shade Trees. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,] A 41 U 2 , and MARLATT, C. L. San Jose Scale. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Div. of Ento- mology.] A 41 U 6 HOWARTH, A. M. Proposed sub-Aqueous Viaduct across Sydney Harbour from Dawes' Battery to Mil- son's Point. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Minutes of Proc, 1894-95.) ME 18 P HOWCTIIN, Walter. Evidences of Extinct Glacial Action in Southern Yorke's Peninsula. (Kov. Soc, S. Aust, Trans., 1900.) ME 1 S Further Discoveries of Glacial Remains in South Aus- tralia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98".) ME 1 S Geology of Kangaroo Island. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1899.) ' ME 1 S Notes on a Bore at Enfield, near Adelaide. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1896.) ME 1 S Occurrence of Lower Cambrian Fossils in the Mt, Lofty Ranges. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897.) ME 1 S Note on the occurrence of Casts of Radiolaria in Pre- Cambrian (?) Rocks, South Australia. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1896.] ME 2 P Notes on the Glacial Feature's of the Inman Valley, Yankalilla, and Cape Jervis Districts. [See Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897.] ME 1 S HOWDEN, Charles R, A. Papers relative to the Pre- servation of the Honours of Scotland in Dunnottar Castle, 1651-52. [See Scottish Hist, Soc. Pubs, 26.] E HOWDEN, R. Map of South Africa, sho Transvaal to surrounding territory Sydney, 1899. ng relation of Folded fol. D 22 Q 18 Supplemen tary Cata log ue — 1S0G-1 900. 307 ] [OWE, Edward Gardiner. Advanced Elementary Science. ,-vo. New York, 1900. (Intermit. Education Scr.) G 15 U 47 HOWE, Dr. Herbert Aloiizo. I Astronomy, illustrated. 8v< Study of the Sky. Illustrated. [Life of]; by Itei meats of Descriptive New York, 1897. A 19 U 1G ro. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 18 1, 1895. HOWE, llcv. John. Life i Howe; by H. Rogers. I id Character of Rev. John to. Lond., 1862. C 27 U 1 ■ Dial [A* Monetary and Industrial Fallacies: ».] 8vo. Boston, 1878. F 16 Q 12 HOWE, Dr. Lucien. Diseases of the Ocular Muscles, Paralytic and Concomitant Squint, Asthenopia, Spasms of the Ocular Muscles, and Nystagmus. ! Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 HOWE, Prof. Mai Retai ills fo r Earth: in- eloped from m pr on Founda- ictice. 3rd A 29 S 32 eel. 8vo. New York, 1896. Treatise on Arches designed for the use of Engineers and Students in Technical Schools. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 19 HOWE, Mark Antony Do Wolfe. American Bookmen: Sketches, chiefly Biographical, of certain Writers of the 19th Century. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1898. C 23 U 11 HOWE, Richard, Eai Rear-Adm. T. S. J Prom Howard to * [Portrait and Sketch of]; by :kson. (Laughton, Prof. .J. K. " son.) C 25 T 7 IK ) WE, Dr. Samuel Gridlev. Dr. Howe, the Philanthropist ; by F. B. Sanborn. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 20 U 5 HOWELL, A. M. Cotton - growing. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Culture of Tobacco. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Methods of Common-sense Farming. (Agricult, Gaz., M.S. W., 1898.) ME9R Preserving in Tins ; or, the Art of Canning. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R HOWELL, A. M.— conld Pruning of Plants. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R South Wales. (Agrii Gaz., N.S.W., IS 1900.) HOWELL, Ed Young, Fra HOWELL, Ge« 3rd ed. 8v ME 9 R =S.W., 1899.) of Chess. [See A 29 S 21 e. Handy-book of the Labour Laws. Lond., 1895. F I U 38 HOWELL, J. H. Bi-metallism ; or, Currency Reform. 8vo. Bristol, 1893. MP 3 R 12 HOWELL, John, and ASHCROFT, E. A. Utilization of Waste Heat contained in Slags from Smelting Fur- naces. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P HOWELL, Price. Comparative Statistics of Australasian Railways. (Roy. Statistical Soc, Journ., Mar., 1899.) E HOWELL, Rev. William, " W.H." Some interesting par] ticulars of the second Voyage made by the Missionary Ship The Duff] which was captured by the Buonaparte, Privateer, 1800. 12mo. Knarcsbrough, 1809. MD3Q16 The Albany Depot, 18mo. H 12 P 21 sw York, 1888. J 22 R 17 York, 1888. J 22 It 13 HOWELLS, William D, New York, 1892. Annie Kilburn. 8vo. April Hopes. 8vo." ] A Boy's Town described for "Harper's Young Folk." Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1890. J 22 R 13 A Chance Acquaintance. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1897. J 22 It 14 Christmas Every Day, and other Stories told for Child- ren. Must. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 22 It 29 The Coast of Bohemia. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 22 It 12 A Counterfeit Presentment, 6th ed. 18mo. Boston, 1877. H 12 P 3 Criticism and Fiction. 18mo. New York. 1892. J 1 R 43 Day of their Wedding. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 22 R 3 A Day's Pleasure, and other Sketches. Illustrated. 18mo. Boston, 1881. J 1 It 44 Dr. Breens Practice. 18thed. 8vo. Boston. 1891. J 22R25 The Elevator. 18mo. Boston, 1896. H 12 P 33 Evening Dress. 18mo. New York, 1892. H 12 P 22 A Fearful Responsibility, and other Stories. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 22 It 16 Five O'Clock Tea. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1894, II 12 P 20 Public Library of New South Wales. HOWELLS, William Dean— contd. A Foregone Conclusion. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 22 11 6 The Garrotters. 18mo. New York, 1894. H 12 P 21 A Hazard of new Fortunes. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1889. J 22 R 8, 9 An Imperative Duty. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 22 R 18 Impressions and Experiences. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 18 P 28 Indian Summer. 17th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1885. J 22 R 7 The Lady of the Arostook. 8vo. Boston, 1879. J 22 R 24 The Landlord at Lion's Head. Svo. New York, 1898. J 22 R 15 A Letter of Introductioi 12m A Likely Story. Illustrated. 1894. 18m New H 1 P 25 Little Sw < K„jm Illustrated. New York, D 20 P 9 The Minister's Charge ; or, the Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. 8vo. Boston, 1887. J 22 R 20 A Modern Instance. 28th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1881. J 22 RIO The Mouse-trap, and other Farces. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1889. H 12 R 4 My Literary Passions. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 16 R 38 My Year in a Log Cabin. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1893. D 20 P 8 An Open-eyed Conspiracy : an Idyl of Saratoga. Svo. New York, 1897. J 22 R 27 Out of the Question. 12mo. Boston, 1877. II 12 P 2 Out of the Question, and at the Sign of the Savage. 18mo. Edinb., 1897. J 16 T 45 The Parlor-car. 18mo. Boston, 1892. II 12 P 31 A Parting and a Meeting. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1896. J 1 R 38 Poems. Svo. Boston, 1895. H 12 It 5 A Previous Engagement. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1897. H 12 P 5 The Quality of Mercy. Svo. New York, 1891. J 22 R 21 The Register. ISmo. Boston, 1896. H 12 P 34 The Rise of Silas Lapham. 30th ed. Svo. Boston 1884. J 22 R 19 A Sea-change; or, Love's Stowaway. ISmo. Boston 1888. II 12 P 4 Shadow of a Dream. Svo. New York, 1890. J 22 R 28 The Sleeping-car. 17thed. ISmo. Boston, 1897. H12P32 Stops of various Quills. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1895. H 4 S 34 Suburban Sketches. 13th ed. Illustrated. Svo Boston, 1893. J 22 R 11 Their Wedding Journey, with an additional chapter on Niagara Revisited. Svo. Boston, 1898. J 22 R 4 Three Villages. ISmo. Boston, 1884. D 20 P 7 A Traveller from Altruria, Svo. New York, 1898. J 22 R 30 HOWELLS, William Dean— contd. Tuscan Cities. Svo. Boston, 1894. D 21 R 1 The Undiscovered Country. Svo. Boston, 1896. J 22 R 2 The Unexpected Guests. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1893. II 12 P 26 Venetian Life. Svo. Boston, 1898. D 21 R 2 A Woman's Reason. 17th ed. Svo. Boston, 1882. J 22 R 23 The World of Chance. 8vo. New York, 189:!. J 22 R 26 The House by the Medlar Tree. [See Verga, G.] J 26 U 1 Pastels in Prose. [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 [Short Studies of.] [ KRTI, Gustave. Apercu sur l'Histoire de la Musique I ! des Italiens et des Neerlandais. 8vo. I'.ruxelles, 1873. A 44 S 7 HUBNER, Carlos Luis. Ligeras Consideraciones sobre I ncompatihilidadcs Parlaniefitarias. 8vo. Santiago, 1 S89. F 1 R 25 HUBRECHT, Prof. - . Oyster Culture and Oyster Fish- eries in the Netherlands. (Tnternat, Fisheries Exhib. Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 HUBRECHT, Prof. A. A. W. Descent of the Primates. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princeton Lectures.) A 24 P 33 HUB8CH, Heinrich. Monuments de 1' Architecture Chre- tii-nne depuis Constantin jusqu'a Charlemagne et de leur Influence sur lc Style des Constructions Religi- euses aux Epoques posterieuros. Illustrated. Fol. Paris, 18GG. A 46 P 26 J HUCKIN, Rev. II. It. I)i "Analogy of Religion.'' r Romantik. Kvo. Leipzig, J 17 U 14 cs founded upon Butler's Lond., 1886. G 2G P 23 HUDDILSTON, John II. The attitude of the Greek Tragedians towards Art. l2mo. Lond., 1898. Jl 1 S 39 Greek Tragedy in the light of Vase Paintings. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A II T 3 HUDLESTON, Wil I WILSON, Ed war A 24 T 31 HUDSON, G. V. Elementary .Manual of New Zealand Entomology: being an Introduction to the Study of our Native' Insects. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MA 4 S 29 New Zealand Moths and Butterflies (Macro-Lepidoptera). Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. MA 13 Q 5 t Seasonal Time. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S HUDSON, Rev. Henry N. Complete Works of William Shakespeare. [Sr>e Shakespeare, W.] H 13 U 15-34 HUDSON, Thomson Jay. The Law of Psychic Phe- nomena: a Working Hypothesis for the Systematic Study of Hypnotism, Spiritism, Mental Therapeutics, f8a miel Daniel, 4, 5. HUTTON, Arthur W T ollaston. Essays on subjects con- nected with the Reformation in England. [See Mait- land, Rev. S. R.] - G 24 Q 23 Lives of the English Saints. [See Newman, Cardinal] HUTTON, Prof. Frederick Remsen. Heat and Heat- engines : a Study of the Principles which underlie the Mechanical Engineering of a Power Plant. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 S 23 Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 20 T 30 HUTTON, Capt. Frederick Wollaston, F.R.S. Ancient Maori Dog. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Behaviour of two Artesian Wells at the Canterbury Museum. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Collection of Insects from the Chatham Islands, with descriptions of three new species. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Corrections in the Names of some New Zealand Rocks. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Darwinism and Lamarck ism, old and new. With Por- trait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MA 4 P 28 Early Life on the Earth. (Australasian Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Footprint of a Kiwi-like Bird from Manaroa. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Grasshoppers and Locusts of New Zealand and the Ker- madec Islands. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Maori Stone Implements. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Moas of the North Island of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S New Zealand Acrididie. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Note on the Mantis found in New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Notes on some New Zealand Fishes, with description of a new species. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Phasmidasof New Zealand. (N.Z Inst,, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Stenopelmatidie of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896, 1898.) ME 2 S Supposed Rib of the Ki Trans., 1898.) Synopsis of the Hemiptera of New Zealand which have 'been described previous to 1896. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) . ME 2 S Theoretical Explanations of the Distribution of Southern Faunas. (Linn. Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Two Moa Skulls in the Canterbury Museum. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S HUTTON, Henry. Follies Anatomic. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S8 HUTTON, James. St. Lou ville, Sire de.] [See Join, B 27 P 8 ^Public Library of New South Wales. HUXLEY, Prof. Thomas Henry, F.K.S. Scientific Memoirs. Edited by Drs. M. Foster and E. R. Lankester. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. A 40 S 15, 16 Fish Diseases. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 Huxley and the Problem of the Naturalist. [See Brooks, Prof. W. K— Foundations of Zoology.] A 40 U 9 Nature and Man. [See Seth, Dr. A.— Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 R 26 Prof. Huxley's Lectures. [See Godkin, E. L.— Reflec- tions and Comments.] J 12 S 45 Reminiscences of Prof. Huxley. [See Flower, Sir W. H. — Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1 [Sketch of.] [See Clodd, Edward.— Pioneers of Evolu- tion.] A 27 R 13 HUYSERS, D. De Investigator-Straat, Golf van St- Vincent, Port Adelaide, Backstairs passage, Guichen- baai en zuidzijde van Kangaroe-ei'land. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1854.) E HUYSMANS, Joris Karl. Huysmans as a Symbolist, [See Symons, A. — Symbolist Movement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M.— Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 [Study of.] [See Ellis, H.-- Affirmations.] J 19 W 14 [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 HYATT, Alpheus. Fossil Cephalopoda in the Museum of Comparative Zoology [Harvard]. Roy. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1883. A 27 V 23 HYDE, Douglas. Literary History of Ireland from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Lib. of Lit. Hist.) J 4 T 28 HYDE, Edward. With the 49th in the Crimea. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 HYDE, Dr. James Kevins. Hypertrophies, and Atrophies of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 HYDE, Hon. John. Future Wheat Supply of the United States. [See Crookes, Sir W.— The Wheat Problem.] A 35 Q 15 Publications of the Division of Statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics.] A 38 R 27 HYDE, William Dewitt. Practical Idealism. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 23 Q 2 HYMANS, Henri. Lucas Yorstcruian : Catalogue raisonne de son CEuvre precede 1 d'une Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages du Maitre. Illustrated.' Sm. 4to. Brux- elles, 1893. A 34 V 3 HUTTON, Laurence. Curiosities of the American Stage. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. H 12 T 10 Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh, illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. D 20 Q 26 Illustrated. 12mo. D 20 Q 27 Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1895. D 20 Q 28 Literary Landmarks of London. 8th ed. With Por- traits. 12mo. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 29 Literary Landmarks of Rome. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 30 Literary Landmarks of Venice. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1896. D 20 Q 31 HUTTON, Margaret [Mrs. — ], "A Lady.'' Hand-book of Painting. [See Kugler, F. T.] A 44 R 5, 6 HUTTON, Richard Holt, Aspects of Religious and Scien- tific Thought, selected from the Spectator and edited by his niece Elizabeth M. Roscoe. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 10 The Earlier and Later Styles of Wordsworth. (Knight, W.— Words worthiana.) J 14 R 15 Richard Holt Hutton of the Spectator : a Monograph. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. C 22 S 27 HUTTON, Walter S. The Practical Engineer's Hand- book, comprising a Treatise on Modern Engines and Boilers, Marine, Locomotive, and Stationary. 5th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 T 4 [See Temple- A 33 R 32 Practical Mechanic's Workshop Compai ton, W.] HUTTON, Rev. William Holden. The Church of the 6th Century : six Chapters in Ecclesiastical History. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 U 30 Hampden Court. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897 B 16 V 32 Short History of the Church in Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 9 W 38 The Household of Sir Thomas More. [See Manning, Anne.] J 14 Q 39 [Life of] Archbishop Laud. [See Laud, W., Archbishop.] C 20 T 17 [Life of] Philip Augustus. [See Philip Augustus, King of France.] C 22 S 25 Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine. [See Free- man, E. A.] D 18 Q 28 HUXLEY, Henrietta. The Gold Diggings of Bathurst ii 1851. (Nineteenth Century, June, 1899.) I Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 315 HYNDES, Harry. Mindaribba Waltz. Sin. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA13P5J HYNDMAN, Hei _ ers. The Economics of Social- ism : being a series of seven Lectures on Political Economy. 8vo. Lond, 1896. F 8 V 24 IIYN OMAN, Hugh Henry Francis. Radiation : an Ele- mentary Treatise on Electromagnetic Radiation and 'in Ronttfen and Cathode Rays ; with a Preface by Prof. S. P. Thompson. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 20 Q 25 HYXI'I, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright. Through Arctic Lapland. Illust, 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 R 2 HYPERIDES. In Philippidem. [See British Museum. - -Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum.] J 5 V 13 HYSLOP, Dr. Theophilus Bulkeley. Alcoholic Insanity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sys. of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 "TAN MACLAREN." [See Watson, Rev. J.J IMS, The : a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. Vol. 1- 7th ser. vol. 5, 1859-99. 42 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859-99. E IBN AL-FARID. [See Umar.] IBSEN, Dr. Henrik. Love's Comedy. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by C. H. Herford. 8vo. Lond., 1900. H12T17 When we dead awaken. Translated by W. Archer. 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 13 V 11 [Essay on.] [See James, Henry. — Essays in London and elsewhere.] J 14 T 23 Henrik Ibsen : Bjornstjerne I'.jornson : Critical Studies. [See Brandes, G.] J 4 V 13 The Quintessence of Ibsenism. [See Shaw, G. B.] J 23 S 16 [Study of.] [See Hansson, Laura Marholm.— We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 IDAHO : — Stitii: Drj/tir/rn'itf* - Report* and Publications. Attorney-General. Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Lewiston, 1898. E Board of Horticultural Inspection. First Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Boise, 1899. E Board of Land Commissioners. Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Lewiston, 1899. E Constitution. Constitution of the State of Idaho, adopted by a Constitutional Convention held at Boise City, Idaho, Aug., 1898. 8vo. Lewiston, 1898. F 10 T 5 IDAHO— contd. Insane Asylum. Biennial Report of the Board of Directors, and Annual Report of the Superintendent, June, 1895-96. 8vo. Blackfoot, 1896. E Legislature, Biennial Message of the Governor of the State of Idaho to the fifth State Legislature, 1899. 8vo. Boise, 1899. E Lewiston State Normal School. Report of the Trus tees, embracing the period from its organization to Jan., 1897. 12mo. Lewiston, 1897. E Normal School, Albion. Annual Catalogue, 1897-98. 8vo. Albion, 1898. E Secretary of State. Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Boise, 1898. E Official Manual of the State of Idaho, 1895-96. 8vo. Boise, 1897. E Soldiers' Home. Annual Report of the Superintendent, 1898. 8vo. Weiser, 1898. E University. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho, 1898. 8vo. Moscow, 1898. E IDE, Hon. Henry C. Our Interests in Samoa. American Review, Aug., 1897.) (North IDEAL HUSBAND, An. [See Wilde, O.] H 12 T 11 IFOULD, W. H. Library Classification. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 IGGULDEN, Capt. Herbert Augustus. The 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Sikkim Expedition of 1888 ; with an Introduction by Sir S. Bayley. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Derbyshire Campaign Ser.) B 31 R 12 IGNATIUS, Father. [See Spencer, Hon. and Rev. G.] IGNATIUS LOYOLA, St. Testament: being "Sundry Acts of our Father Ignatius, under God, the first founder of the Society of Jesus, taken down from the St.'s own lips by Luis Gonzales." Translated by E. M. Rix; with Preface by G. Tyrrell. [Notes by H. Thurston.] 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 Q 9 Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits; by S. Rose. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occas. Papers.] J 14 U 35 JLoyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. [See Hughes, Rev. T.] G 18 Q 52 St. Ignatius of Loyola. [See Joly, H.] G 24 P 13 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 IHERING, Rudolph von. Evolution of the Aryan. Trans- lated by A. Drucker. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 U 14 IHLSENG, Prof. Magnus C. Manual of Mining, based on the Course of Lectures on Mining delivered at the School of Mines of the State of Colorado. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 38 U 32 Public Library of New South Wales. ILES, George. List of Books for Girls and Women. [See Leypoldt, A. H.] K 11 R 17 Reader's Guide in Economic, Social, and Political Science. [See Bowker, R. R.] Cat. Room ILLIDGE, Rowland. Life-history of Timber Moths. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1898.) ME 1 T List of Butterflies of the Brisbane District. (Roy. Soc Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T Miscellanea Entomologica ; or, Odd Notes on the History and Transformations of various Insects. (Roy. Soc., Queensland, Proa, 1899.) ME 1 T ILLINGWORTH, John Richardson. Divi an Essay on the Spiritual Significance of Matter. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 5 Q 31 ILLINOIS : — Statu Departments Reports and Publications. Prisons. Report of Commissioners of the Southern Illi- nois Penitentiary at Chester, 1895-96. 8vo. Spring- field, 1897. E ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN, The. Vols. 15 -20, 1894- 96. 6 vols. tto. New York, 1891-96. E ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL OF MICROSCOPY, The. 2 vols, (in 1) sm. 4to. Lond., 1898-1900. A 40 P 19 ILLUSTRATED AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-4, July, 1850-Aug., 1852. Illustrated. 4 vols, (in 3) 8vo. Melb., 1850-52. [Not published March-July, 1852.] MJ 4 P 17-19 ILLUSTRATED AUSTRALIAN NEWS, March, 1871, July, 1872-Dee, 1879. 3 vols. fol. Melb., 1871-79. MJ 7 P 1-3 + ILLUSTRATED ENGLISH POEMS. The Sensitive Plant. {See Shelley, P. B.] H 4 T 14 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Vols. 1-116, May, 1842-June, 1900. 116 vols. fol. Lond., 1842-1900. E ILLUSTRATED MISSIONARY NEWS. Vol. 19, 1885. 4to. Lond., 1885. G 23 V 27 ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY HERALD. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 3, 4, Dec., 1872, Feb, March, 1873. Fol. Melb., 1872-73. [Bound with Illustrated Australian News.} ILLUSTRATED SYDNEY NEWS New South Wales Weather Almanac, 1875. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. MJ 3 R 28 ILLUSTRATED T ASM AN IAN NEWS. Nos. 1-49, Aug., 1873-Dec, 1876. 2 vols. fol. Launceston, 1873-76. ME ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY HERALD. Vol. 1, Nos. 5- 9, Jan.-llth-Feb. 8th, 1873. Fol. Melb., 1873. [Bound with Illustrated- Australian Neils.] MJ 7 P 1 \ ILLUSTRATED WORDS OF GRACE. Vol. 5, Oct., 1880-Sept., 1881. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1880-81. MJ 2 V 23 IMAGE, Selw Poetry.] by.] [See Garland of New H 12 Q 15 ; IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND, Arthur Leon, Baron. The Court of the Second Empire. Translated by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 36 Q 18 France and Italy. Translated by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. With Portr. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B36Q19 Louis Napoleon and Mdlle. de Montijo. Translated by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 26 R 26 Napoleon III and his Court. Translated by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 26 R 25 IMPERIAL ALBUM op NEW ZEALAND SCENERY, depicting Scenes, Cities, Industries, and Interesting Phases of New Zealand Life ; with Preface by Sir R. Stout. 2 vols. ob. roy. 8vo. Wellington (n.d.) MA 1 P 41, 42 t IMPERIAL AND ASIATIC QUARTERLY REVIEW, The, and Oriental and Colonial Record. Vol. l-3rd ser. vol. 9, 1886- April, 1900. 28 vols. 8vo. Woking, 1886-1900. E IMPERIAL FEDERATION ON A COMMERCIAL BASIS. [See D., J. E.] MF 1 S 26 IMPERIAL INSTITUTE JOURNAL. Vols. 4, 5, 1898- 99. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1898-99. E IMPERIAL INTEREST LIBRARY. China. [See Gorst, H. E.] 1) 22 P 18 IMPERIAL LIBRARY. Imperial Africa. [See Fei , Maj. A. F. Morkler-.] Imperial Britain. [See Johnson, Rev. T.] F 8 Q 2 Imperial Defence. [See Clarke, Lieut. -Col. Sir ft. S.] F 13 U 19 IMPERIAL REVIEW, The. Vol. 1, No. 2, July, 1879. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MJ 3 R 26 IMPERIAL SONGSTER. Nos. 15, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33. 12mo. Sydney, 1896-1900. MH 1 U 78 IMPERIAL TARIFF, 1894-95. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) F12S33 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 317 IMPERIALIST." Cecil Rhodes: a Biography and Appreciation. [See Rhodes. C] 23 P 7 IMPEY, Dr. S. P. Hand-book on Leprosy. 8vo. Lond., IS9G. A41R3 IMPORTANT DECLARATIONS IN FAVOUR OF I SI-MET ALLISM. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MF 3 R 12 IN THE LAND OF THE BORA; or, Camp Life and Sport in Dahnatia and the Herzegovina, 189-1-96. [See -Snaffle."] D 19 U 5 INCORPORATED LAW INSTITUTE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Legal Digest of New South Wales, 1899. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. ME 6 U INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RE- s EARCH. [See Society for Psychical Research.] INDEPENDENT, The, from vol. 1, No. 1, 1831-35. 3 vols. fol. Launceston, 1831-35. ME INI > Ell WICK, Frederick Andrew. The King's Peace: a Historical Sketch of the English Law Courts. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 50 INDEX LIBRARY, The. [See British Record Society.] INDEX MEDICUS: a Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World. Vols. 1-21, 1879-April, 1899. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1879- INDTA :— Government Departments— Reports and Publi- cations. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Census. Census of India, 1891. Vols. 14, 15. 2 vols. fol. Madras, 1893. E Department of Finance and Commerce. Review of t lie Trade of India, 1893-94. 8m. fol. Simla, 1894. E Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Accounts of the Trade carried by Rail and River in India in 1 896-99, and the four preceding vears. 3 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1898-1900. E Agricultural Statistics of British India, 1890-99. 5 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1896-1900. E Put urns of Agricultural Statistics of British India and the Native State of Mysore, 1892-94. 2 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-95. E Review of Mineral Production inlndia, 1893, 1896 97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-98. E FcreEt Administration. Review of the Forest Admin- istration of British India, 1892-98. 6 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-99. E INDIA— coatd, Geological Survey. Records of the Geological Survey of India. Vols. 1-17, 19-30. 29 vols, (in 24) rov. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870-97. E Home Department. The Plague in India, 1896-97. Compiled by R. Nathan. 4 vols. 8vo. Simla, 1898. A 41 V 15-18 Statistical Bureau. Accc and Navigation of Brit October, 1895, and for tli 1895, compared with the years 1893 and 1894. 8 ating to the Trade i for the month of months, April-Oct., ading period of the :utta, 1895. E Weights and Values of Articles carried by Rail and River in British India during 1893-96. *2 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1893-9G. E Statistical Atlas of India. 2nd ed. Fol. Calcutta, 1895. F 1 Q 14 + [See also Census, under this heading.] Statutes. Acts of the Legislative Councils of India and Bengal: Rules, Byelaws, Regulations, and Notifica- tions relating to the Port of Calcutta ; with schedule of Port, Pilotage, Jetty, and Wharf Charges. 8vo Calcutta, 1882. F 13 R 27 [See also Selections from Public Correspondence, N.W. Provinces.] INDIA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO, HONGKONG. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (British Empire Ser.) D 22 Q 4 INDIA OFFICE LIST. [Sea Gt. Britain and Ireland.— India Office.] INDIAN DAILY NEWS. July, 1899-Juue, 1900. Fol. Calcutta, i899-1900. E INDIAN DIRECTORY. Thaeker's Indian Directory [previously issued as the Bew,e Boethius, Anicius M.anliusSeverinus.] G 1 V 20 JAM RS, John. Treatise of the Five Orders of Columns in Architecture. [See Perrault, C] A 40 U 20 J JAMES, Lionel. The Indian Frontier War: being an Account of the Molnnund and Tirah Expeditions, 1897. Illust. 8vo. Lund., 1898. B 29 U 16 JAMRS, Thomas P. Manual of the Mosses of North America. [See Lesquereux, Leo.] A 20 S 22 JAMRS, Prof. William. The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. 3 U 24, 25 Talks to Teachers on Psychology, and to Students on some of Life's Ideals. 8vo. Lond, 1899. G 25 P 3 The Will to believe, and other Essays in Popular Philosophy. 8vo. Lond, 1897. G23R24 Psychology of Religion. [See Starbuck, E. D.] G 24 P 33 JAM RSON, Dr. John Franklin. Dictionary of United States History, 1492-189."). Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1894. B 18 V 10 J A M RSON, Dr. Leander Starr. Cecil P. bodes : a Biography and Appreciation; by "Imperialist/' With Personal Reminiscences by Dr. Jameson. [See Rhodes, C] C 23 P 7 [Sketch of.] [See Cumberland, S. -What T think of South Africa.] D 14 R 18 JAM RSON, William. Land Monopoly. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 JAMIESON, Prof. Andrew. Text-book on Applied Mechanics. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1 898. A 2 t R 35, 36 Text-book 'of Steam and Steam Engines. 11th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " A 22 Q 48 JAMIESON, Dr. James. Colonial Beer. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q How to Feed Infants : a Manual of Diet and Digestion, with Remarks on Infant Mortality. 18mo. Melb, L871. MA 3 P 70 Our Unseen Enemies. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Science Cleanings. (Melbourne Review, 2, 3.) ME 18 Q JAMIESON, Mathew Buchan. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 123.) E JAM IN, Paul Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] His Share of the Spoils. \See Lansing, Clarence.- The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J JANAUSCHEK, Francesca Romana Magdalena. [Por- trait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G JANE, Fred T. All the World's Fighting Ships. (In English, French, German, and Italian.) Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 17 R 21 t The Imperial Russian Navy : its Past, Present, and Future. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1899. B 41 W 7 The Torpedo in Peace and War. Illustrated. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 19 S 25 t JANE, Paul. Le Chant Lyrique. 8vo. Lond, 1874. H 4 S 30 JANE SEYMOUR, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 JANIN, Jules. Notice sur Marivaux. [See Marivaux, C. de C. de.] J 24 R 1 JANNARIS, Dr. Anthony N. Historical Greek Grammar chiefly of the Attic Dialect as written and spoken from classical antiquity down to the present time, founded upon the Ancient Texts. .Inscriptions, Papyri, ■ ula, Lo JANOTHA, Natalie. Chopin's Greater Works. [See Kleczynski, Jean.] A 23 S 23 J ANSON, Edward W. British Beetles. [See Curtis, J.] A 34 V 20 JANSSEN, Johannes. History of the German People at the close of the Middle Ages. Translated by M. A. Mitchell and A. M. Christie. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1896-1900. B 43 P 7-10 JAPAN. General View of Commerce and Industry in the Empire of Japan. Illustrated. 12mo. Tokio, 1897. F 15 Q 13 Statistical Report of the Agricultural and Commercial Department of Japan, 1897. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) E JAPAN SOCIETY, LONDON. Transactions and Pro- ceedings. Vol. 1, 1892; vol. 3, pts. 1, 2, 4, 1893-94; vol. 4, 1894-98. 3vols.roy.8vo. Lond, 1893-99. E Transactions and Proceedings. Supplement 1. Vols. Lo ^90. i the Earliest Tin JAQUET, John Blockley. Geological Notes upon a Trip to Mt, Kosciusko, New South Wales. [See N.S.W.- Geolog. Surv, Records, 5.] ME 15 T The Intrusive and Metamorphic Rocks of Berthong, New South Wales, with especial reference to the occurrence . of Serpentine after Amphibolite. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv, Records, 5.] ME 15 T Notes on Gold Dredging, with reference to the introduc- tion of the industry into New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 3 V 47 Platinum in New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv, Records, 5.] ME 15 T JARRETT, F. C. Mercantile and Desk Companion, ISO"). nd Professional Director 8vo. Melb, 1805. MF 5 S 27 Public Library of New South Wales. JARVIS, Josephine. Education by Development. [See Froebel, F.] G 15 U 41 Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. [See Froebel, F.] G 18 Q 33 JASKI, F. P. J. lets over de Haven van Newcastle. Nieuw-Holland. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1861.) E JA.TAKA, The. The Jataka ; or, Stories of Buddah's former Births. Translated from the Tali by various hands under the editorship of Prof. E. B. Cowell. Vol. 1 trans, by R Chalmers, vol. 2 by W. H. D. Rouse, vol. 3 by H. T. Francis and R. A. Neil. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond , 1895 97. G 5 T 20-22 JATTA, Guiseppe. I Cefalopodi viventi nel Golfo di Napoli. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 25 t JAUSSEN, Tepano. Grammaire et Dictionnaire de la Langue Maorie : Dialecte Tahitien. 8vo. Paris, 1898. MJ 3 V 12 JAVELLE, Emile. Alpine Memories; with a Biographi- cal and Literary Notice by Eugene Rambert. Trans. by W. H. Chesson. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 20 S 20 JAY, John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of American States- men.] C 19 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 "JAY, W. M. L." [See Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M.] JAYNE, Dr. Horace. Mammalian Anatomy : a Prapara- tion for Kuman and Comparative Anatomy. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 S H 1. Skeleton of the Cat : its Muscular Attachments, JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson : an Historical Biography, based on letters and other Documents in the Morrison Collection. [See Hamilton, Lady.] C 23 R 2 JEANNE DAUVERGNE ET DE BOULOGNE, Queen of France. [Life and Times of.] [See Bearne, Catherine. — Lives and Times of the Early Valois Queens.] B 26 S 18 JEANNE DE BOURBON, Queen of France. Reign of Charles V and Jeanne de Bourbon. [See Bearne, Catherine. — Pictures of the old French Court.] B 26 S 23 JEANNE DE BOURGOGNE, Queen of France. [Life and Times of.] [See Bearne, Catherine.— Lives and Time* of the Early Valois Queens.] B 26 S 18 JEBB, Gladwyn [Mrs.] Some Unconventional People. Illustrated. 12mo. Edinb., 1896. J 22 P 16 JEBB, Sir Richard Claverhouse. Humanism in Educa- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Romanes Lecture, 1899.) G 5 Q 35 JEE, Sir Bhagvat Sinh. Short History of Aryan Medical Science. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " A 33 S 17 JEFFERIES, Richard. Early Fiction of. Edited by Grace Toplis. With Portrait, 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 21 P 29 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 JEFFERS, J. Frith. History of Canada. 12mo. Toronto, 1894. B 18 Q 9 JEFFERSON, Joseph. Life and Art of, together with some Account of his Ancestry and of the Jefferson Family of Actors ; by W. Winter. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 20 T 9 [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 JEFFERSON, Robert L. Roughing it in Siberia, with some Account of the trans-Siberian Railway and the Gold-mining Industry of Asiatic Russia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 Q 31 JEFFERSON, Thomas. The Writings of ; collected and edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Vols. 6-8, 1792-1806. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1895-97. J 4 U 21-23 Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, compiled from Family Letters and Reminiscences by Sarah N. Randolph. 8vo. New York, 1871. C 26 Q 7 Manual of Parliamentary Practice. (Constitution of the United States.) F 13 R 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to Homes of Amer. Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 JEFFERY, Walter. Admiral Phillip. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 Q 6 A First Fleet Family. [See Becke, L.] MJ 3 S 6 The Mutineer. [See Becke, L.] MJ 3 S 29 The Mystery of the Laughlin Islands. [Set Becke, L.] MJ 3 P 57 Naval Pioneers of Australia. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 S 1 1 An Old Australian Privateering Adventure. [See Pall Mall Mag., Jan., 1899.] E The Sea Story of Australia. [See Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1899.'] E Sketch of Sir George Grey. [See Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1898.1 E Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 327 JEFFREY, Francis, Lord. [Criticism of the "Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Study of.] [See Gates, Prof. L. E.— Three Studies in Literature.] J 24 T 1 JEFFIIEY, George. Principles and Practice of Austral- asian Wool-classing, with Chapters on other Branches of the Industry. Svo. Adelaide, 1899. MA 4 S 34 JEFFREYS OF WEM, George, 1st Baron, Lord Chancellor of England. Life of; by H. B. Irving. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 18 JEKF.LFALUSSY, Dr. Joseph de. The Mille: i I ungary and its people. 8vo. Budapest, 1897. D 19 U 8 JEKYLL, Gertrude. Home and Garden. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 40 V 16 Wood and Garden : Not Critical, of a Workin Lond., 1899. ; and Thoughts, Practical and Amateur. Illustrated. 8vo. A 40 U 10 J ELF. Ernest Arthur. Eileen's Journey: History in Fairyland. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 16 U 31 Where to find your Law : being a discursive Bibliographi- cal Essay upon the various divisions and sub-divisions .,;' the Law of England and the Statutes, Reports of Cases, and Text-books containing such Law; with Appendices for facilitating reference to all Statutes and Reports of Cases, and with a full Index. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 4 Q 17 JELLFFFE, Smith Ely. Flc New York, 1899. , of Long Island. 8vo. A 45 V 19 JELLY, E. C. Synonymic Catalogue of the recent Marine Bryozoa, including Fossil Synonyms. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 24 S 20 JEXAISCIIE ZEITSCEIUFT FUR XATURWISSEN- SCHAFT. Herausgegeben von der Medizinisch- Naturwissensehaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Biinde 1 0-28, 30-33, und Namen- und Sachregister zu den Banden 1-30. 24 vols. 8vo. Jena, 1876-1900. E JENKIN, Prof. Fleeming. Science Teaching in Labora- tories. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41V 11 JENKINS, E. H. Compilation of American Feeding Stuffs. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stns.] A 37 S 40 JEN KINS, H. M. School-farms and Farm-schools. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 10 JEN KINSON, Charles, Earl of Liverpool. [See Liverpool, Earl of.] JEN KB, Edward. Law and Politics in the Middle Ages, with a synoptic Table of Sources. Svo. Lond., JENKS, Dr. Jeremiah Whipple. Road Legislation for tho American State. ( Amer. Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 1 4 J ENNINGS, John. Notes on two Papuan Throwing-sticks. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P -, and HARDY, Norman H. The Boomerang and its Flights. (Wide World Mag., Feb., 1899.) E JENNINGS, Sir Patrick Alfred. The Berlin Congress from an Australian standpoint ; also an Essay on Knighthood : being an Historical Sketch of the Eques- trian Orders. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 3 R 28 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t Modern Drainage Inspection and Sauitarv Surveys. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 41 T 24 JENSEN, Herman. Classified Collection of Tamil Pro- verbs, with Translations, Explanations, and Indices. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 10 S 31 JEPHSON, Henry. The Real French Revolutionist. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 26 R 21 JEPHSON, Richard Mounteney-. Sword and Song. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 12 R 27 JEQTJIER, Gustave. Recherches stir les Origines de l'Egypte. [See Morgan, J. de.] A 17 S 18 t JERILDERIE HERALD and Ura 99. Fol. Jerilderie, 1898-99. JEROME, Jerome Klapka. The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 T 25 JEROME, St. St. Jerome. [See Largent, Rev. — .] G 26 Q4 JERN INGHAM, Ladv Mary, and BEDINGFELD, Lady Charlotte. The Jerningham Letters, 1780-1843. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 23 Q 3, 4 JERROLD, Blanchard. Life of George Cruikshank. [See Cruikshank, G.] C 23 S 21 JERROLD, Douglas William. Shilling Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 1. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 21 P 45 JERROLD, Walter Copeland. Bon-mots of the 19th Century. Illust. 18mo. Lond., 1897. J 7 P 54 Electricians and their Marvels. Svo. New York (n.d.) A 21 P 50 Sir Rcdvers H. Buller. [See Buller, Gen. Sir R. H.] C 23 R 23 Tublic Library of Neio South Wales. JERSEY, Victor Albert George Child Villiers, 7th Earl of. Report on the Colonial Conference at Ottawa, 1894. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Colonial Conference.] F 39 V 22 | JERVIS, John, 1st Earl of St. Vincent, [See St. Vincent, 1st Earl of.] JERVIS, Thomas Dost, F.R.S. Thomas Rest Jervis as Christian Soldier, Geographer, and Friend of India, 1796-1857 ; by his son, W. P. Jervis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 26 Q 17 JERVOIS, Sir W. F. Drummond. Address delivered at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the South Aus- tralian Institute. [See South Aust. Inst.] MB 3 Q 2 JESSETT, Montague George. The Key to South Africa : DelagoaBay. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B37P11 JESSOP, George H. A Tale of twenty-five hours. [£« Matthews, J. B.] J 1 R 29 JESSOPP, Rev. Augustus. [Life of] John Donne, some- time Dean of St. Paul's, 1621-31. [See Donne, J., Dean.] C 23 S 9 Story of our English Towns. [See Ditchtield, P. H.] B 23 S 21 JESUS CHRIST. [See under this Heading in the Index.] JEVONS, Frank Byron. Evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Churchman's Lib.) G 25 S 13 Introduction to the History of Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 R 39 JEVONS, Prof. William Stanley. Mechanical Perform- ance of Logical Inference. 4to. Lond., 1870. GUT 18 t JEWETT, Frances Gulick. Luther Halsey Gulick, Mis- sionary in Hawaii, Micronesia, Japan, and China. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 23 Q 7 JEWETT, H. M. Sleep and Dreams. [See Scholz, Dr. Friedrich.] G 9 V 45 JEWETT, Dr. Milo A. Analogy of Insanity to Sleep and Dreams. [See Scholz, Dr. Friedrich.— Sleep and Dreams.] G 9 V 44 JEWETT, Sarah Orne. A Marsh Island. 13th ed. 12mo. Boston (n.d.) J 23 T 23 JEWISH II KHALI), The. Vol. 17, Nos. 41 1 423, Jan.- Mav, 1896 [April 17th missing]. Fol. Sydney, 1896. MJ 10 Q 19 t JEWISH QUESTION and the Mission of the Jews. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 24 P 20 JEWISH YEAR-BOOK, 5660 (Sept., 1899-Sept., 1900). Edited by J. Jacobs. 8vo. Lond., 1899. E JEWITT, John. The Adventures of John Jewitt, only survivor of the Crew of the ship Hoston, during a cap- tivity of nearly three years among the Indians of Nootka Sound, in Vancouver Island. Edited, with Notes, by Dr. Robert Brown. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 16 Q 4 JEX-BLAKE, K. [See Blake, K. Jex-.] JEX-BLAKE, Dr. Sophia. [See Blake, Dr. S. Jex-.] JEX-BLAKE, Rev. Thomas William. [See Blake, Rev. T. W. Jex-.] JEYES, Samuel Henry. The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamber- lain. [See Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J.] C 20 T 24 JIMBO, Rotora. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Kreideformation von Hokkaido. [See Palseontolo- gische Abhandlungen.] E JOAL/Dr. On Respiration in Singing. Translated and edited by Dr. R. Norris Wolfenden. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 23 P 33 JOANNA OF NAVARRE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 JOHANSEN, Lieut. Hjalmar. With Nansen in the North : a Record of the Fram Expedition in 1893-96. Translated by H. L. Brivkstad. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. I) 16 R 18 Farthest North. [See Nansen, Dr. F.] D 10 U 26, 27 JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY'. List of Rooks of Reading- room, 1900. Imp. 8vo. Chicago, 1900. Cat. Room JOHN 0' GAUNT SEWS, The: Published on board the John u (linnit during the Voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne. 8vo. Geelong, 1872. J 21 S 21 JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY, MANCHESTER. Catalogue of the Printed Books and MSS. in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. 3 vols. 4 to. Man- chester, 1899. ' Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. JOHNS, F. The Jiet/ister Guide to the Parliament c.f South Australia. With Portraits. Sm. -I to. Adelaide, 1 887. MC 1 Q 20 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in His- torical and Political Science. 13th -15th, 17th ser. I vols. roy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1895-99. B 18 S 13-15, 17 13. South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia. 14. Baltimore. Slavery, and Constitutional History. 1.5. Amen, an Kconomio History. 17. Economic History : Maryland and the South. Ex t ra vols. 7, 8, 1 0-2 1 . 1 1 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1891- 99. B 18 T 7, 8, 10-21 7. Supreme Court of the United States: its History and Influence in our Constitutional system ; by W". W. Willoughby. 8. Intercourse between the United States and Japan ; by I. Nitobe. 12. The Old Fnglish Manor: aSmdy in English Economic History ; by C McL. Andrews. 13. America: its Geographical History, 1492-1892; with a Supplement entitled, " Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish Geographers the Mississippi ':" bv W. B. Scaife. 14. Florentine Life during the Renaissance; by W. B. 1.5. Southern Quakers and Slavery: a Study in Institutional History ; by S. B. \Yeeks. Hi. Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolu- tion ; by CD. Hazen. 17. Industrial Kxperimcnts in the British < 'olonies of North America; by Kleanor Louisa Lord. 18. State Aid to Higher Education: a series of Addresses delivered at the Johns Hopkins University. 19. Irrigation in Utah ; by C. H. Brough. 20. Financial History of Baltimore; by J. H. Hollander. 21. Cuba and International Relations: a Historical Study in American Diplomacy; by J. M. Callahan. JOHNSON, Alfred E. The Analyst's Laboratory Com- panion: a Collection of Tables 'and Data for the use . >f Public and General Analysts, Agricultural, Brewet s' and Works' Chemists, and Students. 2nd ed. ll'mo. Lond., 1897. A 20 Q 39 JOHNSON, Allen. The Intendant as a Political Agent under Louis XIV. 8vo. Lowell, 1899. F 18 Q 5 JOHNSON, Arnold Burges. The Modern Lighthouse Service. [See United' States.- Lighthouse Board.] JOB NSON, Arthur Henry. Europe in the lGtfv Century, 1 194-1598. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 16 11 34 JOHNSON, Bev. Arthur N. British Foreign Mis [See Thompson, Bev. R. W.] G 25 JOHNSON, Ben. [See Jonson, B.] JOHNSON, F. D. Certain Perforated Rocks in the Cool- gardie District. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Physiography and Geology of the Wadnaminga Gold- fields, South Australia.' (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1891.) ME 18 P Study of some Ore Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P JOHNSON, Rev. Franklin. The New Psychic Studies in their relation to Christian Thought, 8vo. New York, 1887. G 9 W 30 JOHNSON, Henry, " Muirhead Robertson." The Exploits of Myles Standish. [See Standish, M.] C 23 S 1 JOHNSON, Jesse. Testimony of the Sonnets as to the Authorship of the Shakespearean Plays and Poems. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 9 R 4 JOHNSON, John. Typographia; or, the Printers' In- structor ; including an Account of the Origin of Print- ing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of Eng- land from Caxton to the close of the 16th Century, a series of ancient and modern Alphabets and Domesday Characters, together with an elucidation of every sub- ject connected with the art. 2 vols. 32mo. Lond., 1824. A 33 R 23, 24 JOHNSON, John Butler. Materials of Construction : a Treatise on the Strength of Engineering Materials. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 6 JOHNSON, Joseph C. F. The Deposition of Gold. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P JOHNSON, Joseph French. Political Economy and Public Law. [See Pennsylvania University.] " F 7 T 8 JOHNSON, Lionel. Victorian Literature. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 JOHNSON, Reginald Brimley. 18th Century Letters; with an Introduction by George Birkbeck-Hill. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 26 P 8 [Criticism of the Works of] Harriet Martineau. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Mary Russell Mitford. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas De Quincey. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Sketch of] Leigh Hunt. [See Hunt, Leigh.] C 19 P 9 JOHNSON, Richard. [See Percy Soc] JOHNSON, Rev. Richard. Australia's First Preacher: the Rev. Richard Johnson, First Chaplain of New South Wales; by James Bonwick. 12mo. Lond 1898. MC 1 S 21 Public Library of New South Wales. JOHNSON, Robert J. Specimens of Early French Archi- tecture, selected chiefly from the Churches of the He de France, and illustrated in Geometrical Drawings and Perspective Views. Fol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1894. A 46 P 27 \ JOHNSON, S. G. Relations of Provincial Colleges to a University. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel. An Essay on the origin and importance of small tracts and fugitive pieces. (Rhys, E.— Literary Pamphlets.) H 11 T 4 Johnsonian Miscellanies ; arranged and edited by G. B. Hill. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. C 24 R 14, 15 The Age of Johnson. [See Seccombe, T.] J' 26 Q 35 The Book of the " Cheese." [See Reid, T. W.] B 24 Q 10 Hawthorne in the shadow of Johnson. [See Nicoll, W. R. —Lit. Anecdotes of the 19th Cent.] J 14 S 3 Johnsoniana. [See Stephen, L. —Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 Letters of. [See Johnson, R. B. — 18th Century Letters.] C 27 P8 On the Metaphysical Poets. [See English Literary Criti- cism.] J 14 U 19 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 L T 31 [See also Johnson Club.] JOHNSON, Rev. Samuel. [Essay on.] [See Jones, A. L. —Early American Philosophers.] G 26 T 11 JOHNSON, Rev. Samuel Jenkins. Historical and Future Eclipses, with Notes on Planets, Double Stars, and other Celestial matters. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 19 P 29 JOHNSON, Rev. Theodore. Imperial Britain : a compre- hensive Description of the Geography, History, Com- merce, Trade, Government, and Religion of the British Empire. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Imperial Lib.) F 8 Q 2 JOHNSON, Prof. Thomas Cary. History of the Southern Presbyterian Church. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 18 JOHNSON, W. On the Education of the Reasoning Faculties. (Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 JOHNSON, Maj. W. T. Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 3 JOHNSON, William A. H. Story of the Work of. [See Pierson, Rev. A. T.] G 4 V 30 JOHNSON CLUB. Papers by various hands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 14 Q 38 JOHNSON'S UNIVERSAL CYCLOPAEDIA. New ed., under the direction of Prof. Charles K. Adams. 8 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1895-96. K 8 T 5-12 JOHNSTON, Alexander W. Federation Spiders and the unsuspecting Flv. Folded 18mo. East Maitland, 1899. MF 4 P 55 The Great Convention Spiders and the unsuspecting Fly. Folded 18mo. East Maitland, 1898. MF 4 P 55 Museum. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat. Hist,] A 42 U 8 JOHNSTON, Sir Harry Hamilton. British Central Africa : an attempt to give some Account of a portion of the Ter- ritories under British influence North of the Zambesi. Must. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 11 V 15 History of the Colonization of Africa by alien races. With Maps. 8vo. Camb., 1898. (Camb. Hist. Ser.) F 15 S 13 JOHNSTON, Prof. Henry Phelps. The Battle of Harlem Heights, Sept. 18, 1776, with a Review of the Events of the Campaign. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 19 R 2. The Yorktown Campaign and the Surrender of Corn- wallis. Must. 8vo. New York, 1881. B33R19 JOHNSTON, Rev. J. O., and NEWBOLT, Rev. William Charles Edmund. Spiritual Letters of Rev. E. B. ' Pusey. [See Pusey, Rev. E. B.] C 25 P 22 JOHNSTON, James. Trades Unionism and Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 16 S 14 JOHNSTON, Rev. James. Report of the Centenary Con- fereiice on the Protestant Missions of the World, held in Exeter Hall, London. 1888. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888. G 1 P 31, 32 JOHNSTON, Rev. James B. Place-Names of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. K 19 P 34 JOHNSTON, Robert M. Brief Historical Sketch of the Geological Relations of Australia and Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Consumable Wealth. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Description of a new species of Fish from Emu Bay, Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1882.) ME 1 Q General and critical Observations on the Fishes of Tas- mania, with a classified Catalogue of all the known species. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1882.) ME 1 Q Health of Hobart. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. JOHNSTON, Robert M.— contd. Notes mi two Fishes, (J I inns ib'sjihillalna and Boiicfifhys r.rriryatns. (Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers and Proa, 1882.) ME 1 Q 01 is, irvations on the Working Results of the Hare System or Election in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Pupa : Note on the first discovered representative of the genus in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1882.) ME 1 Q R,,ot Matters in Social and Economic Problems. 8vo. Ilobart, 1889. F 17 P8 Some Fossil Plants new to Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Hand-book of Tasmania. [See Tasmania.— Hand-book.] MD 8 T 7, 8 Tasinanian Official Record. [See Tasmania.— Official Kecord.] MD 8 T 4-6 JOHNSTON, William A. History up to date : a concise Account of the War of 1898 between the United States and Spain: its Causes, and the Treaty of Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 19 Q 20 JOHNSTON, Dr. William W. Diarrheal Diseases and Dysentery. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 JOHNSTONE, C. L. The British Colony in Russia, Svo. Lond. (n.d.) B 22 R 15 JOHNSTONE, Maj.-Gen. Sir James. My Experiences in Mtinipur and the Naga Hills. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 19 U 4 JOHNSTONE, John James Hope. MSS. of. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Hist. MSS. Commission.] E JOHNSTONE, T. B. The Land o' Cakes and Brither Scots ; or, Scotland and Things Scottish. Svo. Paisley, 1897. D 18 T 22 JOIN VILLE, Sire de. St. Louis, King of France. Trans- laced by J. Hutton. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. B 27 P 8 JOKAT, Maurus. Timar's two Worlds. Translated by Mrs. Hegan Kennard. New ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. J 25 T 24 JOLLIFFE, William. Education Law in New Zealand. li'mo. Christchurch (n.d.) MO 2 U 8 Hand-book of Local Government Law in New Zealand. Svo. Christchurch, 1898. MF 5 Q 25 JOLLY, Leslie. Notes on the Lefroy Gold-fields. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P JOLY, Prof. Charles Jasper. Elements of Quaternions [See Hamilton, Sir W. R.] A 30 V 27 JOLY, Henri. Psychology of the Saints ; with Preface and Notes by G. Tyrrell. Svo. Lond., 1898. (The Saints.) G 4 V 38 St. Ignatius of Loyola. Translated by M. Partridge; with a Preface by G. Tyrrell. Svo. Lond., 1899. (The Saints.) G 24 P 13 JONCAS, Louis Z. Fisheries of Canada. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 JONES, A. Coppen. Structure and Functions of Bacteria. [See Fischer, Prof. A.] A 34 S 1 JONES, Adam Leroy. Early American Philosophers. Svo. New York, 1898. G 26 T 11 JONES, Adnah David. Cicero and his Friends. [See Boissier, Gaston.] B 17 P 52 History of South America. [See " American, An."] JONES, Agnes Elizabeth. The Pioneer of Trained Work- house Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 JONES, Benjamin. Cooperation v. Socialism. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 Easy Book-keeping for small Cooperative Societies. [See Hines, G.] F 16 T 24 What is meant by Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 Working-men Cooperators. [See Acland, A. H. D.l F 12 S 26 JONES, Hon. Charles Jesse. Buffalo Jones' Forty Years of Adventure. Illust. Row Svo. Lond., 1899. D 22 U 4 JONES, D. E. Miscellaneous Papers of Prof. Hertz. [See Hertz, Prof. H.] A 21 U 23 . and WALLEY, John Thomas. Principles of Mechanics presented in a new form. [See Hertz, Prof. H.] • A 45 T 6 JONES, Daniel. Cultivation of Broom Corn. (Queensl. Agricult. Journ., July, Sept., Oct., 1S99.) ME 9 U JONES, David. Extensive Iron Formation, West Coast of Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P JONES, David Brynmor-. The Welsh People. [See Rhys, Prof. J.] A 40 U 17 Public Library of New South Wales. JONES, Sir Edward Burne-. Essay on the Ni (Bibelot, 1898.) Kir E. Burne-Jones: a Record and Review. [See Bell, Malcolm.] A 10 X 7 t [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 [Sketch of the Work of.] [See Monkhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 4-1 W 1 JONES, Prof. Edward D. Economic Crises. Svo. New- York, 1900. (Citizen's Lib.) F 19 S 4 JONES, Ernest. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Em- pire.] B 22 R 18 JONES, Frederick G. Dairying. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 IT JONES, Frederick Robertson. History of Taxation in Connecticut, 1 636-1 77C. (Johns Hopkins University. —Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.) B 18 S 14 JONES, Prof. Forrest It. Machine Design. Tllust, Pts. 1,2. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1898-99. A 38 812,13 1. Kinematics of Machinery. 2. Form, Strength, anil Proportion of Parts. JONES, George Lindsay. [See Calvert Expedition.] JONES, Harry C. Modern Theory of Solution : Memoirs by Pfeft'er. Van't Hoff, Arrhenius, and Raoult. Illus- trated. Svo. New York, 1S99. (Harper's Scientific Mems.) A II Q 21 Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation and some of its Appli- cations. Svo. New York, 1900. A 45 S 5 JONES, Henrv Arthur. Carnac Sahib. 12mo. New York, 1899. H 12 Q 30 Michael and his lost Angel. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 11 Q5 The English Stage : being an Account of the Victorian Drama. [See Filon, A.] H 9 T 27 JONES, Dr. Henry Lewis. The Medical Applications of Electricity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 JONES, Horace. Suggestions respecting Doors and Fire- resisting Construction. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib Literature \ A 41 U 18 JONES, J. A. Manual of Hygiene Sanitation and Sani- tary Engineering, with special references to Indian conditions. Compiled for the use of District and Municipal Boards and their officers. Svo. Madras, 1896. A 38 T 7 Mai JONES, J. Alfred Kinghorn, How we may dispose of our Surplus Products, and how we may employ our Surplus Labor. ISmo. San Francisco, 1898. F 1 2 S 27 JONES, James Ifano. Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department. [See Cardiff Free Libraries.] Cat. Room JONES, John. The Natural and Supernatural ; or, Man Physical, Apparitional, and Spiritual. Svo. Lond., 1861. G 19 T 14 JONES, Joseph. Sumptuary Laws as an illustration of the powers of Government. (Melb. Rev., 7.) ME IS Q JONES, Leonard Augustus. An Index to Legal Periodical Literature. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1S8S. ' F 1 Y 21 JONES, Lloyd and William Cairns. Life, Times, and Labours of Robert Owen. [See Owen, R.] C 19 P 17 JONES, Lynds E. Tabular Views of Universal History. [See Putnam, G. P.] B 25 R 16 JONES, Owen, and GOURY, Jules. Views on the Nile, from Cairo to the second Cataract ; with Historical Notices of the .Monuments bv S. Birch. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1843. D 31 R 21 • JONES, R, J. Cornewall-. The British Merchant Service : being a History of the British Mercantile Marine from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 40 U 7 JONES, Dr. Robert. Insanity and Epilepsy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 JONES, Robert H. Asbestos perties, Occurrence, and Lond., 1897. nd Asbestic: their Pro- se. Illustrated. Svo. A 24 S 25 JONES, Prof. Thomas Rupert, F.R.S. Reliquias Aquit- anicre. [See Lartet, E.] A 20 R 22 f JONES, William Hiter. Federal Taxes and State Ex- penses ; or, the Public Good as distinct from the General Welfare of the United States. 2nd ed. Svo. New York, 1890. (Questions of the Day.) F 15 S 25 JONES-PARRY Sydney Henry. [See Parry S H. Supplementary Cata logite — 1896-1000. JONSON. Bon (Infill/ Benjamin). Masque at Lord Had- dington's Marriage ; Masque of Queens ; Oberon ; < : olden Age restored : Lovers made Men : News from t lie New World discovered in the Moon; Masque of Augurs; Pan's Anniversary, or the Shepherd's llo'lv.lav; Neptune's Triumph for the Return of Albion; Fortunate Isles and their union. (English Masques.) H 11 It 17 [«' iticism of Works of.] [See Castle, E. J.] J 14 S 15 os of Ben Jonson's Conversations with William >rummond. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 13 the Works of. [See West, K.— Laureates ■■ Kngl H 11 It 1 J01 ! 1 >AN, Prof. David Starr. The Factors in Organic Evo- lution : a Syllabus of a Course of Momentary Lectures delivered in Leland Stanford Junior University. 8vo. Boston, 1895. A 27 R 20 The Fishes of Sinaloa. 8vo. Palo Alto, Cal., 1895. (Contributions to Biology from the Hoj>kins Labora- tory of Biology.) A 30 T 20 The Fur Seals and Fur-seal Islands of the North Pacific < icoan. [See United States. - Dept. of the Treasury.] A 19 It 25-28 t md E VERM ANN", Dr. Barton Warren. The of North and Middle America. [See United —National Museum,Bulletin 47.] E JORDAN, Dr. E. O. Principles Hueppe, Dr. P.] JOB DAN, Thomas. London's Resurrection to Joy and Triumph. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 12 Ti iumphs of London. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 12 JORDAN, Whitman H. Dietary Studies at the Maine State College in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stations.] A 30 V 22 JOB DAN, William Leighton. The Ocean : a Treatise on ' >cean Currents and Tides, and other causes demon- si rating the System of the World. 2nd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 38 T 9 JOB I >ANES. [See Jornandes.] JOB DELL, D. Catalogue General de la Librairie Fran- raise. [See Lorenz, O.] Cat. Room JOBCENSEN, Alfred. Micro-organisms and Fermenta- tion. Translated by A. K. Miller and A. E. Lenn- liohn. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 40 U 16 JORGHENSEN, Jorghen. A Shred of Autobiography. (Boss's Hobart Town Almanac, 1835.) ME 4 P J0B1AUX, L. Nobilii Magny, Marquis L. • srsel de France. [See K 13 Q 21-23 t JORNANDES. De Rogn (Scriptores Historia- B JORRAN, Dr. Kar Through Unkiw uith, Dr. A. D.— ies.) D 20 U 21 JOSE, Arthur W. Difficulties of Country Schools of Arts. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 The Growth of the Empire : a Hand-book to the History of Greater Britain. With Maps. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MB 3 P"l [Another copy.] 2nd ed. With Maps. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. of Australasi Ilh MB 3 P 8 strated. 8vo. Sydney, JOSELAND, Henry Lincoln. Teaching of Mathematics. (Cookson, C. -Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 JOSEPH II, Emperor of Gen Bright, Rev. J. F.] JOSEPHINE, Emp and Queen : 1 Cashel Hoey. Mem of the French. Josephine, Empress i". Masson. Translated by Mrs. st. 4to. Paris, 1899. C 20 R 7 t Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre i; by Mine. Ducrest, 2 vols. 8vo. C 23 V 2, 3 and Malma Lond., 1894. Portrait of. [See Hill Napoleon Bonaparte.] [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.-- LittL Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 1: JOTTBAND, Conscripts HealthExl Examinations undergone by (Internat. Health Exhib.— e.) A 41 V 9 JOUBERT, J. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. [See Foster, Prof. G. C] A 25 S 11 JOUBERT, Joseph. Joubert : a Selection from his Thoughts. Translated by Katharine Lyttelton ; with a Preface by Mrs. Humphry Ward. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 T 12 tifiqiicsdo la Camp; aseogne. [See Kce JOUBIN, Prof. L. Resultats Seio du Gaudan dans le Golfe de I Prof. It.] JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Vols. 1-3, Aug., 1897-July, 1900. 3 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1897-1900. ME 9 Q JOURNAL OF AUSTRALASIA, The. Vols. 1-3, July, 1856-Dec., 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1856-57. MJ 4 Q 1-3 Dec, 1856. MJ 3T 11 3?ublic Library of New South Wales. JOURXAL OF DESIGX AXD MANUFACTURES. Vols 1-6, March, 1849-Feb., 1852. Illustrated. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1819-52. A 42 W 12-17 JOURXAL OF EDUCATIOX. Vols. 20, 21, n.s., 1898- 99. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1898-99. E JOURXAL OF GEOLOGY, The: a semi-Quarterly Magazine of Geology and related Sciences. Vols. 1- 7, 1893-99. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1893-99. E JOURNAL OF INDIAN ART. Vols. 1-8. Illustrated. 8 vols. fol. Lond., 1886-1900. E JOURXAL OF THE INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO AXD EASTERN ASIA. Vols. 1-n.s. vol. 3, pt. 1, 1847- 59. 12 vols. 8vo. Singapore, 1847-59. A 30 U 1-12 JOURXAL OF MYCOLOGY. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Vegetable Pathology.] E JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY and BACTERIOLOGY. [See Woodhead, Dr. G. 8.] A 31 P 5-9 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Vols. 1-7, Dec, 1892-Sept,, 1899. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1892-99. E JOURXAL OF PRIMARY EDUCATIOX, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, 6-10, and n.s. vol. 1, No. 1, Aug., Sept., 1871, Jan.-Mav, Sept., 1872. 8vo. Sydney, 1871-72. MG 2 V 20 JOURXAL OF SCIENCE [formerly Quarterly Journal, of Science]. Vols. 1-6, 8-22, 1864-69, 1871-85. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861-85. A 44 P 1-6, 8-Q 4 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. [See American Social Science Assoc] E JOURXAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY, The. Vols. 1-22, 1867-88. 22 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, Mo., 1867-88. E JOURNEY FROM SYDNEY over the Blue Mountains to Bathurst forty years ago. 12mo. Bathurst, 1882. MD 2 P 10 JOVANY, Dr. D. Jose Balari y. [See Balari y Jovany, Dr. D. J.] JOWETT, Prof. Benjamin. Letters of; arranged and edited by E. Abbott and Rev. L. Campbell. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 18 Life and Letters of ; by E. Abbott and Rev. L. Camp- bell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 16, 17 Sermons, Biographical and Miscellaneous. Edited by W. H. Fremantle, Dean of Ripon. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 49 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 JOWETT, Edmund. The Ruinous Fall in the Prices of Wheat, Wool, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MF 3 R 12 JOWETT LECTURES. Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, in Judaism, ami in Christianitv. [See Charles, Rev. R. H.] G 24 U 28 J OY, Edmund Steele. Right of the Territories to become States of the Union. 8vo. Newark, 1892. F 18 Q 6 JOY, George. An Apology made to satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale, 1535. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 23 JOYCE, James Wayland. Ecclesia Vindicata : a Treatise on Appeals in Matters Spiritual. [See Church, R, W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 JOYNSON, E. Report on Indian Fibres and Fibrous Substances. [See Cross, C. R] A 25 T 8 JUBB, Prof. George. Lingua; Hebraic* Studium Juven- tuti Academics? commendatum, Oratio. Sm. 4to. Oxonii, 1781. J 17 R 13 f JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, ADE- LAIDE. [See Adelaide Exhibition.] JUDD, Dr. Charles Hubbard. Outlines of Psychology. [See Wundt, Wilhehn.] G 19 T 24 JUDD, J. R. Always Strong and Happy : a complete System of Treatment for the General Care of the Body, with full Directions for the Development of the Mus- cular System. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 18 R 56 JUDD, Dr. John Wesley, F.R.S. The Student's Lyell. [See Lyell, Sir Charles.] A 24 R 18 JUDE, R. H. Physics Experimental and Theoretical, partly from the French of H. Gossin. Illustrated. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1899: A 35 T 8 JUDGE, August, 1898-Feb., 1899. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1898-99. E JUDSON, Adoniram. [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. O— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 JUDSON, Dr. Harry Pratt, The Growth of the American Nation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 17 Q 25 JUDSON, Isabella Field. Cyrus W. Field : his Life and ' Work. [See Field, C. W.] C 26 Q 6 JUKES-BROWNE, Alfred Jo> Jukes-.] JUNCKER, August W. Song: All in all. [Music] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA13P5f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1 900. JUNUE SOUTHERN CROSS and C.alaiixm Argr, ST1CE: the Australi; Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10, Jan.-Mi 1894. [All published.] of Soci , 1894. (Scrip! . Den JUSTiNUS. Historic Philippi Im asion of India by Alexander M'Crindle, J. W.] JUVENALLS, Decimus Junius. Juvenalis ad Satiram Sextain in Codice Bodl. Canon. XLI additi Versus XXXVI. 8vo. Oxonii, 1899. H 1 U 8 jres Historiie B 40 U 23 | Great. [See B 28 T 6 K., 0. [See Novikoff, Mi E ie. Olga.] KA.FS, (:n tge Jam. Double Entry; 11th ed. 12mo Kain's Solicitors' Book-keeping l>y ■vised and corrected by Henry Brown. Lond., 1895. A 25 P 18 KAIXS, Maurice G. Chicory-growing as an addition to the Resources of the American Farmer. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Botany.] A 41 U 11 KAISKNBERG, Moritz von. Memoirs of Baroness Cecile de Courtot. [See Courtot, Baroness de.] C 27 S 20 KAISERLICH - KONIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE ItEICHSANSTALT. Jahrbuch 1856-58, 1874-94, 1896-99. 28 vols. roy. 8vo. Wien, 1856-1900. E KAISER LI CHE A K AD KM IF DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsheriehle der Mathematiseh- Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Bande 1-103. 201 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1848-94. E KALGOORLIE WESTERN ARGUS. Vols. 2-4, March, 1896-Dec, 1898. 3 vols. fol. Kalgoorlie, 1896-98. ME KALIDASA MEGHADUTA: a Sanskrit Poem with a Sinhalese Paraphrase. Edited by lion. T. B. Pana- bokke. 8vo. Colombo, 1893. H 1 S 32 KALISCH, Alfred. [Life of] Barbara Villicrs, Duchess of Cleveland. [See Cleveland, Duchess of.] C 24 Q 20 KAMTNSKY, E. Halperin, KANGAROO VALLEY TIMES garoo Valley, 1898-99. [See Halperi. 1898-99. Fol. tsky, Kan- ME KANT, Immanuel. Dreams of a Spirit-seer illustrated by Dreams of Metaphysics. Translated by E. F. Goer- witz, and edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by F. Sewall. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 S 16 Kant on Education (Ueber Padagogik). Translated by Annette Churton; with an Introduction by Mrs. Rhys Davids. 12mo. Lond., 1899. G24P11 Kant's Inaugural Dissertation of 1770. Translated into English, with an Introduction and Discussion, by W. J. Eckoff. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 26 T 4 Kant's Kritik of Judgment. Translated, with Introduc- tion and Notes, by Rev. J. H. Bernard. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 3 U 28 Kritik der reinen Vernunft, 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) G 26 P 25 Formal and Material Elements of Kant's Ethics. [See Washington, W. M.] G 26 T 16 KANTHACK, Dr. Alfred Autunes. Diphtheria. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 General Pathology of Infection. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 , and STEPHENS, Dr. John William Watson. Cholera Asiatica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 KAPP, Gisbert. Transformers for single and multiphase Currents : a Treatise on their Theory, Construction, and Use. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 45 R 12 KAPPEL, A. W., and KIRBY, W. Egmont. British and European Butterflies and Moths. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 13 T 12 f KARAGEORGEVITCH, Prince Bojidar. Enchanted India. With Portr. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D13P14 Public Library of New South Wales. KARAMIANZ. Dr. N. Verzeichniss der Armenischen Handschriften. [See Berlin— Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 1 1 U t KARAMSIN, Nicolas-Mikhailowitch. [Essay on Karam- sin's Russia.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J H U 13 KARIPA TE WHETU. Kame-Tara and his Ogre Wife. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R KARPELES, Gustav. Jewish Literature, and other Essays. 8vo. Philad., 1895. J 14 U 22 KARR, Alphonse. Alphonse Karr and his Times. [See Bingham, Capt. D. —Recollections of Paris.] B34 R 5, G KATHERINE HOWARD, Queen of England. ' [.Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 KATHERINE OF ARAGON, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 KATHERINE OF VALOIS, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 KATHERINE PARR, Queen of England. [Sketch of.l [-See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 KATIB I RUMI. [See Seidi Ali Ben Hosein.] KAUP, J. J. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.- Nat. Hist.] A 43 U 2 KAUTSKY, Karl. Communism in Central Europe in the time of the Reformation. Translated by J. L. and E. G. Mulliken. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 2 KAIJTZSCH, Prof. E. Outline of the History of the Literature of the Old Testament, with Chronological Tables for the History of the Israelites and other 'aids to the Explanation of the Old Testament. Translated by J. Taylor. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 Q 39 KAVAN AGH, Julia. Julia Kavanagh ; by Mrs. Macquoid. [-See Oliphant, Margaret O. —Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 21 S 3 KAVANAGH, Mrs. M. Fruit Preserving. [See Victoria. —Agriculture.] MA 3 T 9 KAY, Charles De. [See De Kay, O] KAYSER, Christian Gottlob. Vollstandiges Riicher- Lexicon enthaltend alio von 1750 in Deutschland und Bande 1-2S, und Register, 175f) -11832, 1891 94. 29 vols. imp. 8vo, Leipzig, 1834 90. Cat. Room KAYSER, H. W. F. Address by, as President of Austral- asian Institute of Mining Engineers. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P Early History of Colonial Alining, in connection with "Is Scientific Management a Success'!'' (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Good Management and Ore-dressing by Automatic Machinery. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Mining Timber : its Use and Preservation. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P KEAN, Charles. [Portrait of] as Hamlet, [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 KEAN, Edmund. [Life of.] [See Hammerton, J. A. — The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 KEANE, Augustus Henry. Africa. Vol.2. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Stanford's Compendium of Geog.) D 14 R 15 2. South Africa. Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Stanford's Compen- dium of Geog.) D 17 R 22 22 * The Boer States : Land and People. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 8 Ethnology. 8vo. Camb., 1896. (Camb. Geograph. Ser.) A 26 S 24 Man, Past and Present. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1899. (Camb. Geograph. Ser.) A 27 S 29 The Universal Geography. [-See Reclus, E.] D 21 U 1-19 KEANE, John. Evolution of Geography : a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Geographical Knowledge from the Earliest Times to the' (irst Circumnavigation of the Globe. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 S 9 KEAR, J. A. Sturges' Guide to the Game of Draughts. [-See Sturges, Joshua.] A 29 R 34 KEARNEY, Thomas H. Grasses and Forage Plants of the South-eastern States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Agrostology.] A 39 P 20 KEARTLAND, G. A. Ornithological Notes from Central Australia. (Vict. Nat., April, 1898.) ME 6 P Some Poisonous Plants. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1898.) ME 6 P Notes on the Birds collected bv the Calvert Expedition in West Australia. [-See Roy- Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.] ME 1 S KEARTON, Richard. Wild Life at Home : how to Study and Photograph it, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 28 P 37 Vith Nature * nd a Camera : be ing tl e Ad\ entures and Observations of a Field Nat liralis , and an Animal Photograph. r. Illustrated. Lond. 1897. A 38 A' 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 337 KEARY, Charles Francis. Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.] A 40 R 15, 16 Guide to the Exhibition of Italian Medals. [See British Museum.] A 40 R U KEAsBEY, Lindley M. Early Diplomatic History of the Nicaragua Canal. 8vo. Newark, 1890. F 18 Q 4 Economic Foundations of Society. [See Loria, A.] F 15 S 19 KEATING, F. A. Australia's Interest in the Inter- national Monetary Conference. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 3 R 12 The Economic Problem : an Australian Appeal. (National Review, Dec, 1897.) E KE A TINGE, Maurice Walter. The Great Didactic of John Amos Comenius. [See Comenius, J. A.] G 14 R 25 KEATS, John. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Kdmand.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, &c] J 1 R 51 John Keats. [See Owen, Frances May.] J 23 S 27 KEBLE, Rev. John. [Essay on.] [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 11 43 Memoir of ; by Rt. Hon. Sir John T. Coleridge. [See 'liurch, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 )onaldson, Rev. A. B.— Five Great G 26 S 4 [Sketch of.] [See Dor Oxford Leaders.] K ED DIE, Henrietta, " Sarah Tytler." Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 T 21 Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. [See Victoria, Queen of Gt, Brit, and Irel.] C 19 U 1, 2 t KEEBLE, Samuel E. Industrial Day Dreams: Studies in Industrial Ethics and Economics. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F2U40 KEELEY, Robert and Mary Anne. The Keeleys on the Stage and at Home; by Walter Goodman. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 li 16 KEEN E, Charles. Workof. [&«Pennell, J.] A13X 13 t KEFFER, Charles A. Experimental Tree-planting on the Plains. [See United States. -Dept, of Agricult. - Div. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 KEITH, Admiral George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount, Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 [7 3 KEITH, Dr. George S. Plea for a Simpler Life, and.Fads of an Old Physician. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 33 P 31 Plea for a Simpler Faith. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 2 U 47 KEITH, Field-Marshal James Francis Edward. Fragment of a Memoir of. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] "KEITH, Kyra." [See Kirkham, Mrs. T.] KELLAND, Prof. Philip, F.R.S., and TAIT, Prof. Peter Guthrie. Introduction to Quaternions; with numerous examples. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 24 P 23 KELLER, Gottfried. Gottfried Keller and Women. [See Hansson, Laura Marholm. — We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 KELLEY, Lieut, James D. Jerrold. Our Navy: its Growth and Achievements. Ob. 4to. Hartford, 1897. B5S19t KELLNER, Leon. Historical Outlines of English Syntax. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 9 Q 10 KELLY and CO. Post Office London Directory. [See London Post Office Directory.] E KELLY, Dr. A. C. Wine-growing in South Australia. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 KELLY, Edmond. Government or Human Evolution. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 17 T 14 KELLY, Edward. Iron Ned Kelly and his Gang. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MJ 3 U 13 KELLY, F. S. Song : In May. Sm. fol. Sydnev (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t KELLY, Dr. Howard A. Diseases of the Broad Liga- ments, Tubes, and ( (varies. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 K ELLY, James Fitzmaurice-. History of Spanish Litera- ture. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 U 7 KELLY, Walter Iv. Curiosities of Indo-European Tradi- tion and Folk-lore. 8vo. Lond., 1863. B 25 P 20 KELSEY, Dr. Charles 15. Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. (Hare, Dr. Ff. A. System of Practical Thera- peutics.) A 31 P 15 KELSEY, Francis W. Pompeii: its Life and Art. [See Man, A.] B 41 S 3 KELTIE, John Scott. Applied Geography. With Maps. 12mo. Lond,, 1890. D 20 Q 24 Public Library of Neio South Wales. KELVIN, William Thomson, Baron. Elasticity and Heat. *4to. Edinb., 1880. A 34 V 25 Tide Gauge, Tidal Harmonic Analyser, and Tide Pre- dicter, with an abstract of the discussion on the Paper. Edited by J. Forrest. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 19 S 8 Second Law of Thermodynamics. [See Magie, Prof. W. F.] A 44 Q 18 KEMBLE, Frances Anne. [Essay on.] [See James, Henry.— Essays in London.] J 14 T 23 KEMBLE, John Mitchell. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici. [See Eng. Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 8-13 KEMISH, S. B. The Japanese Empire : its Physical, Political, and Social Condition and History, with De- tails of the late American and British Expeditions. 8vo. Lond., 1860. D 16 R 20 KEMP, Beilby Porteus Peel. The Miracle of Repair : a true Life-history. 12mo. West Maitland, 1897. MG 2 U 4 KEMP, Rev. Dennis. Nine years at the Gold Coast. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 25 T 17 KEMP, Dixon. Exposition of Yacht Racing Rules: Customs and Practices observed in Match-sailing, in- cluding Decisions on particular Cases of Protest. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 6 Manual of Yacht and Boat-sailing. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 15 S 14 f Down Channel. [See McMullen, R. T.] D 19 P 10 KEMP, Prof. James Furman. Ore Deposits of the United States and Canada. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 38 S 25 Geology of the Lake Placid Region. [See New York.— Museum, Bulletin 21.] E KEMP, Manley C. Football. [See Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 KEMPE, Harry Robert. The Engineer's Year-hook of Formula;, Rules, Tables, Data and Memoranda in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Marine, and Mine Engineering, 1895-96, 1899. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-99. E KEMPIS, Thomas a. Of the Imitation of Christ. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 T 45 [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 KEN, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells. [Life of] ; by F. A. Clarke. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 T 19 "KENDAL, Mr. and Mrs. [See Grimston, W. II., and Madge.] KENDALL, Abram. Voyage of Robert Dudley to the West Indies, 1594-95. [See Hakluyt Soc, Pubs., 2nd ser., 3.] E KENDALL, Henry Clarence. [Life of]; by Alexander Sutherland. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q [Portrait and Life of.] [See Turner, H. G.— The De- velopment of Australian Literature.] MJ 3 S 24 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by A. Sutherland. (Once a Month, July, 1885.) MJ 1 V 21 [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P t KENMURE, William Gordon, Viscount, [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] KEXNARD, Mrs. Hegai Jokai, M.] two Worlds. [See J 25 T 24 KENNEDY, Prof. Archibald R. S. Assyrian Grammar] [See Delitzsch, F.] J 12 P 34 KENNEDY, Rev. H. A. A. Sources of New Testament Greek ; or, the Influence of the Septuagint on the Vocabulary of the New Testament. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. J 17 U 9 KENNEDY, Neil. Surveying with the Tacheometer, in- cluding two scries of Tables specially computed for the reduction of readings in Sexagesimal and in Centesimal "vo. Lond., 1900'. A 45 U 26 KENNEDY, P. Beveridge. Structure of the Caryopsis of Grasses with reference to their Morphology and Classi- fication. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult, — • Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 KENNEDY, W. Examination of Scholars by the State. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 9 KENNEDY, Vice.-Adm. Sir William. Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor ! Fifty Years in the Royal Navy. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb, 1900. C 27 T 19 KENNEDY, William Sloane. John G. Whittier, the Poet of Freedom. [See Whittier, John G.] C 20 U 8 KENNETT, Sir Vincent Hunter Barrington Barrington-. Ambulance Organization of the Metropolis during Epidemics. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 River Pollution by Refuse from Manufactories and Mines ; together with some Remedies proposed. (Inter- nat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 4 KENNY, Minnie E. [See Paull, Minnie E.| KENRICK, John. In Memoriam. [See Martineau, Rev. J.— Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. KENT, Prof. Charles Foster. History of the Jewish People during the Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Periods. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 28 R 14 History of the Hebrew People from the Settlement in ( 'anaan to the Division of the Kingdom. With Maps, i' vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. B 28 R 10, 11 History of the Hebrew People fro K ingdom to the Fall of Jerusal Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ision of the B.C. With B 17 P 50 KENT, C. B. Roylance. The English Radicals: an His- torical Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 32 KENT, Victoria Mary Louisa, Duchess of. Portrait of. 'See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B16S13 KENT, Edward Augustus, Duke of. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 KENT, John. Records and Reminiscences of Goodwood and the Dukes of Richmond. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 33 KENT, William Saville-. The Artificial Culture of Lobsters. ( Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 6 Australian Natural History Gleanings. (Roy. "Colonial Inst., Proc, 1897-98.) E Marine and Freshwater Fishes of the British Isles. (In- ternat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 1 Market Fishes and Marine Commercial Products of Aus- tralia. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., June, 1897.) E The Naturalist in Australia. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1*97. MA 1 Q 10 + KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Archseologia Cantiana : being Transactions of the Kent Archaeo- logical Society. Vols. 1-23. 23 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond 1858-98. ' E Geological Survey. Reptiles and Batrachians of North America ; by S. Gurman. Illustrated. 4to. Frank- fort(n.d.) A15R22f State College. Catalogue of the Officers, Studies, and Students, 1897. 8vo. Louisville, 1897. E KENWOOD, Dr. Henry Richard. Public Health Labora- tory Work. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 26 R 31 KENYON A. S. Hydraulic Dredging ; or, the Working of deep Alluvial Deposits by elevation with Centri- fugal Pumps. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P KENYON, Agnes F. Notes on the effects of the At- mosphere on the Shells of Mollusca. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Occurrence of Callosities in Cypraja other than Cy. Bicallosa and Cy. Rhinocerus, and on the occurrence of a Sulcus in Trivia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Some Chronological Notes on Tasmanian Mollusca. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Two new species of Cyprasa from Western Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P KENYON, Frederic George. Our Bible and the Ancient MSS. : being a History of the Text and its Translations. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 R 36 Palaeography of Greek Papyri. 8vo. Oxford, 1899. J 21 Q 29 Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens. [See Aris- toteles.] F 3 R 2 Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] J 5 V 13 Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. [See Browning, Elizabeth B.] C 23 S 3, 4 The Poems of Bacchylides. [See Bacchylides.] H 3 Q 33 KEPLER, John. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 KEPPEL, Adm. Sir Henry. A Sailor's Life under four Sovereigns. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 Q 1-3 KER, Rev. John. Scottish Nationality, and other Papers. 8vo. Edinb.,, 1887. G 25 S 24 l Patoi , 1897. [Criticism of the Works of] Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38 * [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Babington Macau lay. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* KERCKHOFFS, Prof. Auguste. Yelabuk Pedipedelas. 8vo. Paris, 1889. J 9 R 38 KEREHOMA TU-WHAWHAKIA. The Story of Whaki-Tapui and Tu-Taia-Roa. Translated by S. P. Smith. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R KERFERD, George Briscoe. [Portrait i (Once a Month, Feb., 1886.) id Sketch of.] MJ 1 V 22 KLRL, Prof. Br KERNAHAN. Cot the Devil. 8v< The Assayer's Manual : an abridged )ocimastie Examination of Ores, and tier Artificial Products. Translated i-annt, and edited by Dr. William H. 8vo. Philad., 1883. A 30 V 21 on. The Child, the Wise Man, and Lond., 1896. G 19 T 17 I and the Ant. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) Public Library of New South Wales. KERNE, H. G. A Servant of "John Company," being the Recollections of an Indian Official. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.. 1897. B 29 U 15 KERNER vox MARILAUN, Prof. Anton. Natural History of Plants : their Forms, Growth, Reproduc- tion, and Distribution. Translated and edited by Dr. F. W. Oliver, with the assistance of Marian Busk and Mary F. Ewart. Vol. 2. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 22 V 3 KERNOT, Maurice Edwin. Economic Railway Construc- tion in Victoria. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 129.) E KERNOT, Prof. William Charles. Some Coi: in Iron Bridge Design. 8vo. Melb., 1898. MA 4 Q 5 KERR, Ceorge L. Practical Coal-mining. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 S 15 KERR, Mark Brickell. Mount St. Elias and its Glaciers. (Out-of-door Library.) D 20 S 22 KERR, Richard. Wireless Telegraphy popularly ex- plained ; with Preface bv W. H. Proece. Illustrated. 12mo. Bond, 1898. ' A 41 Q 1 KERR, Schomberg Henry, Marquess of Lothian. [See Lothian, Marquess of.] KERR LECTURES. Morality and Religion. [See Kidd, Rev. J.] (J 24 V 10 KERSEY, John A. Ethics of Literature. 8vo. Marion, Ind., 1894. J 10 U 33 KERSHAW, J. A. Description of a new Victorian Moth. (Vict, Nat. Nov., 1897.) ME G P ffolochila SubpalMn*, Luc, and Areas Marghuita, Don. (Vict. Nat , Aug., 1898.) ME G P SvnonjTnvofftcris^ni/m/f, Don. (Vict, Nat., Sept., "1897.)" ME 6 P KERSHAW, John B. C. Theory and Practice of Elec- trolytic Methods of Analysis. [See Neumann, Dr. B.l A 40 T 2 KESTEVEN, Dr. Leighton. Typhoid Fever treated anti- septically by the use of Eucalyptus. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MA 3 S 70 KESTNEB, A. Scheurer-. [See Scheurer-Kestner, A.] KETWICH, D. van. Aanteekening over Nieuw Cale- donie. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 18G5.) E KEVIN, John, "Arthur Ferres." His Cousin the Wal- laby, and three other Australian Stories. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MJ 1 Q 20 My Centennial Gift; or, Australian Stories for Children. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MJ 2 P 25 KEVIN, John W. State School Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 KEW ROYAL GARDENS. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, 1887-93, 1895-98. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-98. E Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information : Additional ser., 1, 2. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. E 1. Report cm the Kcononiic Resources of the West Indies ; by 1). Morris. 2. Selected Papers from the Kew Bulletin : Vegetable Fibres. Hand-list of tender Monocotyledons, excluding Orchida 3 , cultivated in the Royal Gardens, Kew, 1897. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 20 Q 41 KEY, Adm. Sir Astlev Cooper. Memoirs of ; by Vice- Adm. P. H. Colomb. With Portrait, 8vo. " Lond., 1898. C 25 P 21 kW Chronicle of Aus- KHUNRATH, Dr. Heinrich. Amphitheatre de l'Eter- nelle Sapience. With Plates. Sm. fol. Paris, 1898- 1900. G 23 V 32 KHURSHID, Mohamad Nizam-ud-din, Mirza. Persian Manual. 12m<». Lahore, 1897. J 21 P 33 KIAMA INDEPENDENT and Shoalhaven Advertiser, 189G-98. 3 vols. fol. Kiama, 189G-98. ME KIAMA REPORTER, 1899. Fol. Kiama, 1899. ME KIDD, Rev. James. Morality and Religioi 1895. (Kerr Lectures.) ' KIDD, Dr. Percy. Phthisis } T. C— System of Medicine. KIDDER, Dr. F. E. Building Construction and Superin tendence. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, New York, 1896-98. A 25 V 18, 19 1. Masons' Work. 2. Carpenters' Work. Churches and Chapels : Designs and Suggestions for Church-building Committees, Architects, and Builders. Illust. Ob. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 19 P 9 KIDDLE, Hugh Charles. Remarkable increase of Tem- perature after dark at Seven Oaks, Macleay River. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. KI1 >*TON, Robert. Catalogue of the Paleozoic Plants in ( lie Department of Geology and Pala-ontology, British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 9 KIESOW, E. Lough. Life of Man on the High Alps. [See Mosso, A.] A 41 S 20 KTKSOW, F. Fear. [See of the Iris and Ciliary Body: Sympathetic A Unctions. (Hare, Dr. H. A.- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 KIPPIS, Andrew. Edwin and Eltruda [See Williams, H. M.] 11 17 R 15 t KIRBY, Frederick Vaughan. In Haunts of Wild Game : a Hunter-Naturalist's Wanderings from Kahlamba to Libombo. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. A 29 V 28 Sport in East Central Africa : being an Account of Hunting Trips in Portuguese and other Districts of East Central Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 U 1 • KIRBY, James. Old Times in the Bush of Australia : Trials and Experiences of early Hush Life in Victoria during the forties. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MD 4 R 9 KIRBY, W. Egmont. British and European Butterflies and Moths. [See Kappel, A. W.] A 13 T 12 t KIRBY, William Forsell. List of the Hvmenoptera of New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1881.) E Notes on the Diptera of New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1881.) E Notes on new or litth'-known species of Hymenoptera, chiefly from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1883.) E Cupolas. Illust. Svo. Philad., 1899. A 38 T 26 Public Library of New South Wales. KIRK, Dr. Edward C. Dental Metallurgy. (Litch, Dr. W. P.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 Hygienic Relations of Artificial Dentures. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 KIRK, Rev. John. Papers on Health. 2nd and 6th se 2 vols. 12mo. Glasgow, 1883-89. A 26 P 24, 2 KIRK, Thomas. Botany of the East Cape District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.)" ME 2 S Carmichpelia, Corallospartium, Huttonella, and Noto- spartium. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S New species of Drimys. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME2S Remarks on Gunnera "ovala," Petrie, and G. fhtvido, Colenso, in reply to Mr. Petrie. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S KIRKALDY, J. W. Text-book of Zo'ilogy. [See Boas, Dr. J. E. V.] A 31 Q 8 KIRKCALDY, Sir William. Kirkcaldy of Grange ; by Louis A. Barbe. 12mo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 27 KIRKE, Henry. Twenty-five years in British Guiana. " Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D15T28 KIRKES' HAND-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. [See Halliburton, Dr. W. D.] KIRKHAM, [Mrs. T.l "Kyra Keith." Pains and Penalties. 8vo. Melb., 1899." MJ 3 U 16 KIRKLAND, J. B. Alkyl-Sulphine, Selenine, and Phos- phoniuiii Salts. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.] ME 21 T KIRKLAND, Joseph. Among the Poor of Chicago. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 KIRKPATRICK, Dr. Robert Charles. Notes upon a case of Madura Foot, [See McGill University.— Papers from the Dep. of Pathology.] A 10 S 23 KIRKPATRICK, T. S. G. The Hydraulic Gold-miner's Manual. 2nded. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A5S28 KIRKUP, Tho 1892. History of Socialism. 1 mo. Lond., F 13 V 19 KIRWAN, J. W. The West Australian Mining Troubl. the Case for the Miners. (Review of Reviews, Apr 1898.) E KITCHEN BOILER CONNECTIONS: a Selection of Practical Letters and Articles relating to Water Backs and Range Boilers. 5th ed. Rov. 8vo. New York, 1899. '' A 38 S 26 KITCHENER, Maj.-Gen. Horatio Herbert, Baron. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 KITCHIN, George William, Dean of Durham. Mission of the Churches. (Reid, A— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 KITSON, A. E. Geological Notes on the Gehi and Indi Rivers and Monaro Gap, Mount Kosciusko, N.S.W. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1896.) ME 1 P KJTSON, Arthur. Scientific Solution of the Money Ques- tion. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 10 V 20 KITTEL, Prof. R, History of the Hebrews. Translated by J. Taylor, H. W. Hogg, and E. B. Speirs. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. B 28 T 4, 5 KITTON, Frederic G. The Minor Writings of Charles Dickens: a Bibliography and a Sketch. 12mo. Lond., 1900. J 26 U 4 The Novels of Charles Dickens : a Bibliography and Sketch. With Portr. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 P 30 KJERULF, Dr. T. Beskrivelse af Bergarter. Illustrated. 4to. K Rrekke Norske ,, 1892. A 13 S 1 t KLAPROTH, J. Chrestoinathie Mandchou, ou recueil de Textes Mandchou, destine aux Personnes qui veulent s'occuper de l'etude de cette Langue. 8vo. Paris, 1828. J 12 V 22 Fan s Col KLECZYNSKI, Jean. Choj they should be understor tions, by Natalie Janotha. KLEE, W. G. Culture < Dept. of Agricult/ KLEEFELD, Armand. rs. [See Paine, John C 13 S 13-16 f reater Works: how mslated, with Addi- Lond., 1896. A 23 S 23 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. KLEIN, Dr. Edward Emanuel, F.R.S. Micro-Organisms iiiid Disease: an Introduction to the Study of Specific Micro-Organisms. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 26 R 32 , and SMITH, Dr. Eldred Noble. Atlas of His- tology, -tto. Loud., 1880. A 11 W 13t KLEIN, Prof. Felix. Mathematical Theory of the Top. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princeton Lectures.) A 24 P 34 KLEIN, Dr. Hermann J. Star Atlas, with Explanatory Text. Translated and brought up to date by E. McClure. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 P 13 t KLEFST, Heinrich von. Der zerbrochene Krug. Illus- Hated by Adolf Menzel. Imp. 8vo. Stuttgart (n.d.) H 1 U 7 KLEMM, L. R. European Schools; or, What I saw in the Schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzer- land. 8vo. New York, 1889. (Internat. Education Ser.) (i 18 P CO Higher Education of Women in Europe. [See Lange, II.] G 15 U 44 K LETTENBERG-WILDECK, Karl Heinrich von. Scrip- tures Historic Romaiue. [See Scriptores Historic Romaiue.] B 40 U 22-24 | KLIXtSCIlES JAHRBUCH. Band 2. 8vo. Berlin, 1890. A 28 U 24 KLONDIKE AND ALL ABOUT IT. [See •'Practical Mining Engineer."] D 16 P KLONDYKE MINING LAWS. The Canadian Gold- fields: how to get there, and where to purchase sup- plies. 18ino. Victoria, P..C. (n.d.) F 12 S 24 KLUSSMANN, KNAGGS, Dr. Samuel T. Federal Quarantine. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) ME 4 Q 54 The Australian Practitioner. [See Australian Prac- titioner.] MA 5 R 15 [See Na.vius, Cn.] KNACKFUSS, H. Durer. Translated by C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1900." (Monographs "ii Artists.) A 45 W 5 Holbein. Translated by C. Dodgson. Illustrated. I Hoy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1899. (Monographs on Artists.) ' A 45 W 2 Raphael. Translated by C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Boy. i S\o. Bielefeld, 1*99. (Monographs on Artists.) A 45 W 1 Rembrandt. Translated by C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Hoy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1899. (Monographs on Artists.) A 45 W 3 Van Dyck. Translated by C. Dodgson. Illustrated. Hoy. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1899. (Monographs on Artists.) A 45 W 4 j KNAGGS, R. C. and CO. The Newcastle Nautical Al- manac, Directory, and Guide to the Port of Newcastle, and Sailing Directory of Torres Straits, 1870-98. 29 vols. 8vo. Newcastle. 1870-98. ME 2 II KNAPP, S. A. Present Status of Bice Culture in the United States. [See United States.- Dept. Jof Agri- cult. — Div. of Botany.] All I' 11 KNAPP, William I. Life, Writings, and Correspondence of George Barrow. [See Barrow, G.] C 26 R 16, 17 KNECHT, Dr. Edmund. Che [See Benedikt, Dr. R.] The Codicil to my Will for the Healthy and the Sick : containing Chapters on the Auat. Adelaide, 1899. MA 3 W 28 K1MSTELLER, 1 an annotated Imp ml. Early Florentine Woodcuts ; with List of Florentine Illustrated Books. Lond., 1897. A 1!' T 19 t KR1STENSEN, E. T. Danish Fain and Folk Tales. [See Bay, J. C] J 14 Q 43 Public Library of New Sotith Wales. KROEGER, Adolph Ernst. The Science of Ethics. [See Fichte, J. G.] G IIS 40 KROHNKE, G. H. A. Hand-book for laying out Curves on Railways and Tramways, calculated for every possible Angle and Radius. ' l2mo. Lond., 1890. A 22 P 41 KROPOTKIN, Prince Peter. Fields, Factories, and Workshops. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 T 3 Memoirs of a Revolutionist ; with a Preface by Brandes. With Portraits. 1899. 8vo. Lond., C 2:5 T 18, 19 KROUT, Mary H. Hawaii and a Revolution : the Per- sonal Experiences of a Newspaper Correspondent in the Sandwich Islands during the Crises of 1893 and subsequently. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D13R1 KRUDENER, Barbe-Julie, Mine de. Life and Letters of; by C. Ford. 8vo. Lond., 189:?. C 2+ T 1 KRUGER, Prof. Gustav. History of Early Christian Literature in the first three Centuries. Translated by Rev. C. R. Gillett ; with corrections and additions by the Author. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 24 Q 18 KRUGER, Paul (in full Stephanus Johannes Paulus). Paul Krugerand his Times ; by F. R. Statham. With Portrait and Map. 8vo. Lonp., 1898. C 25 R 2 [Sketch of.] [See Cumberland, 8.— What T think of South Africa.] D 14 R 18 KUENEN, Prof. A. Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State. Translated by A. H. May. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-83. G 24 U 17-19 KUGLER, Franz Theodor. Hand-book of Painting : the German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and French Schools. Partly translated from the German of Kugler by "A Lady'" [Mrs. M. Hutton]. Edited, with Notes, by Sir E. Head. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854. A 44 R 5, G KUHNE, Louis. New Science of Healing ; or, the Doc- trine of the Unity of Disease, forming the basis of a uniform method of Cure without Drugs and without Operations. 12th ed., translated by K. Romanes. 8vo. Leipsic, 1901. A 30 T 30 KULPE, Prof. Oswald. Introduction to Philosophy: a Hand-book for Students of Psychology, Logic, Ethics, ^Esthetics, and General Philosophy.' Translated by W. P. Pillsbury and E. P,. Titchener. 8y„. Lond'., 18! (! 3 P44 Outlines of Psychology. Translated by Prof. E. B. Titchener. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 U 5 KUNOS, Dr. Tgnacz. Turkish Fairy Tales and Folk Tales. Translated from the 1 l-ungarian Version by R. Nisbet Bain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 14 S 2 KUNTZ, Gustav. [Reproduction of his Picture] Artist and Model. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 \ KURTH, Prof. Godefroid. Les Origines de la Civilisation Moderne. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Bruxelles, 1892. F 1 3 V 24, 25 KUYPER, Rev. Abraham. Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology ; with an Introduction by Rev. B. B. War- field. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 S 48 KYD, Thomas. The Spanish Tragedy. Edited, with a Preface, Notes, and Glossary, by Prof. J. Schick. 18mo. Lond., 1898. (Temple Dramatists.) H 13 Q 3 KYLE, Dr. D. Braden. Diseases of the Uvula, the Phar- ynx and Larynx. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of Prac- tical Therapeutics.) ' A 31 P 17 KYNGDON, F. B. Wine Culture in New South Wales. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S L, E. [Verses by.] [See Garland of New Poetry.] H 1 2 Q 1 5 L., E. J. Cupid's Pupils from Courtship to Honeymoon : being the Recollections of a Parish Clerk who assisted at 10,400 marriages and gave away 1,130 brides. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 12 R 21 L, M. An Old Sanctuary. [Se'K., L] G 11 Q 37 L, T. "The Prig." Chisel, Pen, and Poignard. [See Cellini, B.] C 20 S 20 Falklands. [See Falkland, Viscount.] C 25 P 1 1 LABAUME, Eugene. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia ; with Plans of the Battles of Moskwa and Malo-Jaroslavitz. Translated by E. Bovce. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1815. P, 31 S 5 LABICHE, Eugene. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B. French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 LABILLIERE, Francis Peter de. British Federalism : its Rise and Progress. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 1 S 2(1 Imperial Federation. 12mo. Lond., 188G. F 1 S 20 LA/SOUR ANNUAL, The: Year-book for Social and Political Reformers, 1897-98. With Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1897-98. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. LABRUNIE, Gerard, " G. de Nerval." [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Symbolist Movement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 LACHAMBRE, Henri, and MacHURON, Alexis. An- rlree and his Balloon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., I 898. D 13 P 4 LAC If LAN DEE, The, 1 Fol. Condobolin, 1899. ME de. [See Terrien de Lacou- LACOUPERIE, A. Ter perie, A.] LACY, George, "The Old Pioneer." Pictures of Travel, Sport, and Adventure. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 20 LACY, Thomas Hailes. Female Costumes, Historical, National, and Dramatic. 4to. Lond., 1865. A10T12t LA I ) 1), Prof. George Trumbull. 1 Joctrine of Sacred Scrip- ture : a Critical, Historical, and Dogmatic Inquiry into the Origin and Nature of the Old and New Testa- ments. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. G 24 V 11, 12 Introduction to Philosophy: an Inquiry after a rational system of scientific principles in their relation to ulti- mate reality. 8vo. Lond., 1891. G 1 T 24 Outlines of Descriptive Psychology : a Text-book of Mental Science for ( 'olleges and Normal Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (i 23 T 7 Philosophy of Knowledge: an Enquiry into the Nature, Limits, and Validity of Human Cognitive Faculty. I toy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 S 33 Philosophy of Mind: an Essay in the Metaphysics of Psychology. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 3 R 29 Primer of Psychology. 8v . Lond., 1896. G 11 U 23 Psychology, Descriptive and Explanatory. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 15 S 18 Theory of Reality : an Essay in Metaphysical System upon the basis of Human Cognitive Kx perience. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 8 LADIES HOME JOURNAL, Jan., 1896-Nov., 1899. 4 vols, (in 2) fol. Philad, 1896-99. E LAD [EX PICTORIAL. Vols. 28-31, 33 36, July, 1894- June, 1896, 1897 98. 8 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-98. E " LA I )Y, A." [See Mutton. Margaret.] LJUTUH, Pomponius. [See Pomponius Letus.| LA FARGE, John. An Artist's Letters from Japan. I Hum Loi [Life of.] [See Portfol M..i 5-] E LAFAYETTE, (Jen. Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert, Marquis de. The Household of the Lafayettes ; by Edith Sichel. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 7 LA FLESCHE, Francis. Study of Omaha Indian Music. [See Peabody Museum.] ' A 41 P 14 LAFLEUR, Dr. Henri A. Amoebic Abscess of the Liver. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Amoebic Dysentery. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Fables Choisies; hv L. Delbos. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (French Classics for English Students.) II 13 P 14 LAFORGUE, Jules. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Symbolist Movement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 LAGRANGE, Charles. The Great Pyramid, by Modern Science an independent witness to the literal chron- ology of the Hebrew Bilile and British-Israel identity, in accordance with " Brack's Law of the Life of Nations." 8vo. New York, 1894. G 12 V 2 LAGRANGE, Joseph Louis, Comte de. Lectures on Elementary Mathematics. Translated by T. J. McCormack. With Portrait, 8vo. Chicago, 1898. A 25 P 20 LAHMANN, Dr. H. Natural Hygiene; or, Healthy- Blood the essential condition of Good Health, and how to obtain it : a Treatise for Physicians and their Patients on the Predisposition to and Prevention of Disease. Translated bv Dr. H. Biittner. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 9 LAIGHTON, Celia. [See Thaxter, Celia.] LATNG, David, with William Pubs.] on Ben Jonson's Conversations mond. [See Shakespeare Soc, H 3 U 13 LAING, Robert M. Notes on several species of Delesseria, one being new. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S LAKE, Gerard. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Maj. E. S. May. (Wilkinson, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 LAKEMAN, James B. Health in the Workshop. (Inter- mit. Health -Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 17, 19 LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste Pie [Study of.] [See Brooks. Pro A 40 U 9 LAMA HTINE, Alphonse .Marie Louis Prat de. [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. Archibald.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 [Sketch of.] [See Grenier, E.— Literary Reminiscences.] C 26 Q 15 LAMB, Lady Caroline. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Eliza- beth W.— England in the 19th Gentury.] B 16 S 13 Public Library of New South Wftltih LAMB, Charles. Complete Works of Charles Lamb in Prose and Verse, including Poetry for Children, and Prince Dorus. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 37 Charles Lamb and the Lloyds. Edited by E. V. Lucas. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 19 P 21 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Essay on.] [See Pater, W.— Appreciations.] J 22 L T 17 Letters of. [See Birrell, A.— lies Judicata?.] J 7 P 52 On the artificial Comedy of the last Century; on Webster's Duchess of Main ; on Ford's Broken Heart. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 [Sketch, of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 31 Wordsworth and Charles Lamb. [See Ainger. A.] -, and HAZLITT, William. Lamb and Hazlitt : Further Letters and Records hitherto unpublished. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt, 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 II 7 LAMB, Prof. Horace, F.R.S. Elementary Course of In- finitesimal Calculus. 8vo. Camb., 1897. A 21 P 22 LAMB, Mary. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 LAMB, S. Ernest. The Common Law Procedure Act, 1899. [See Cockshott, H. M.] MF 5 R 13 Pigesfc of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, 1892-96. [See Cockshott, H. M.] MF 5 R 1 Liquor Act, 1898. [See Cockshott, H. M.] MF 5 R 10 LAMB, Samuel. A Tobacco-growers Association. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R LAMB ALL E, Marie Therese Louise, Priucesse de. [Sketch of.] [See Dobson, A.— Four Frenchwomen.] C 27 P 19 LAMBE, Lawrence M. Revision of the Genera and Species of Canadian Paleozoic Corals. [See Canada. -- Geologi- cal Survey.] LAMBERT, Ada Mary. Structure of an Australian Land Leech. (Roy. Sop., Vict., Proa, 1897.) ME 1 P Two new species of Australian Laud Leeches, with Notes on their Anatomy. (Roy. Soc, Vict,, Proa, 1898.) ME 1 P LAMBERT, P. A. Analytic Geometry, for Technical Schools and Colleges. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 23 P 36 LAMBIE, James. [Criticism of] Faust, (Melb. Rev., 7.) ME 18 Q Kildrostan. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q Notes on a Colonial Experiment. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME J8Q Poetry of Oriental Religion. (Melb. Rev., 10.) ME 18 Q LAME, Gabriel. Lecons s l'Elasticitc des Corps i v la Theorie Mathdmatique de >lides. 8vo. Paris, 1852. A 25 S 34 LAMENNAIS, Abbe Ungues Fdlicite Robert de. The Abbe de Lammenais and the Liberal Catholic Move- ment in France. [See Gibson, Hon. W] G 15 Q 36 CEuvres inedites. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 LAMOND, Jean. The Qut Sydney (n.d.) LA MOTTE FOUQUE, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Baron do. Sintram and his Companions, and Undine. 8vo. Illustrated. Lond., 1896. J 14 S 7 The Seasons. 12mo. Lond., 1843. J 26 Q 6 Undine : a Tale translated from the German, with Intro- duction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 V 21 LxlMPRIDIUS, Aelius. Historia Augusta. (Scriptores Historic Romanre.) B 40 U 23 J LAMPSON, Frederick Locker-. [See Loeker-Lampson, F.] LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F. [See Scribner, F. Lamson-.] LANCE, Charles Carey. Milk Testing and Payment for Milk by results. 3rd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 T 10 LANCET, The : a Journal of British and. Foreign Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Physiology, Chemistry, Pharma- cology, Public Health, and News, 1844-June, 1852, 1853-June, 1857, 1858-59, July, 1866-Jurie, 1868, 1869-Sept., 1872, 1873-June, 1900. 97 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1844-1900. E LANCIANI, Dr. Rodolfo. Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome ; a Companion Hook for Students and Travellers. Illust. 8yo. Lond., 1897. B30S21 LANDA, A. Musical Instruction in Kindergartens, Pri- mary Schools, and Normal Schools. (Intermit, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 LANDAUER, John. Spectrum Analysis. Translated by J. B. Tingle. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 15 LANDON, Dr. Judson Stuart. Constitutional History and Government of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1889. F 14 U 30 LANDOR, Arnold Henry Savage. In the Forbidden Land : an Account of a Journey in Tibet, C il P tui ' e by the Tibetan authorities, Imprisonment, Torture, and ultimate Release ; also, various official documents, in eluding the Enquiry and Report by J. Larkin, ap- pointed by the Government of India. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 17, 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 351 LAN I 'Oil, Walter Savage. Letters and other unpublished . Writings of. Edited Kv S. Wheeler. With Portraits. Svd. Lond., 1897. " C 23 R G Letters of, private and public. Edited by S. Wheeler. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 24 P 19 [Oil icism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J6Q38* Essay on. [See Saintsbury, G.— Essays in English Literature.] J 14 T 1 Tli ■ tandor-Blessington Papers. [See Nicoll, W. P.— i ,iterary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 1 1 S 3 An < >peil Letter to R. W. Emerson. [See Nicoll, W. R. Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] -I 14 S 4 [Sketch of.] [See Linton, Elizabeth Lynn— My Literary Life.] C 20 S 22 LAND WIUTIISCIIAFTLICHE JAURllUCllEll. Vol. --, and Supplementary vol. 2 : vol. 2.'!, and Supple- mentary vols. 1-3; vol. 24, and Supplementary vols. i 3: vol. 25, and Supplementary vols, l-l ; vol. 26, t:ul Supplementary vols. 1-4; vols. 27, 28, and Sup- plementary vols. 1-6. 13 vols, (in 18) ray. 8vo. Uurlin, 1893-99. E LANE, John. Bibliography of the Works of George Meredith. [See Le Gallienne, P.— George Meredith.] ■J 17 V 29 Bibliography of the Works of Pudvard Kipling. [See Le Gallienne, R,— Rudyard Kipling.] J 9 P 40 LAM:, Hon. Jonathan A. Equitable Taxation. [See W'eyl, W. E.] F 15 S 27 LAM; Laura M. Life and Writings of A. P. Vinet, [See Vinet, A. R.] C 27 S 17 LAM;, William Coolidge. Catalogue of the Washington Collection in the Boston Athemcum. [See Boston Athemeum.] " K7U34 LAN li POOLE, Stanley. [See Poole, S. Line-.] LANG, Andrew. The Animal Story Book. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 23 T 5 The Book of Pre; A Collection of Ballads ; with Notes. 18n lliMorv of Scotland from the Roman Occupation. Vol. 1. Svo. Edinb., 1900. B 41 Q 8 The Homeric Hymns: a new Prose Translation, and Lssavs, Literary and Mythological. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. * J I 1 T22 In Wrong Paradise, and other Stories. New ed. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 T 29 LANG, Andrew — contd. [Life of] Prince Charles Edward Stuart, Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1900. B 21 Q 1 t The Making of Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 30 Modern Mythology. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 34 R 14 Myth, Ritual, and Religion. New cd. S" vols. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 6, 7 Pickle the Spy ; or, the Incognito of Prince Charles. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 16 V 34 Red Book of Animal Stories. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. J 12 R 22 XXXII Ballades in Blue China. iSmo. Lond, 1888. II 12 P 35 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, Prof. J. B. —Aspects of Fiction.] J 22 T 45 The Highlands of Scotland in 1750. [See Highlands of Scotland.] B 32 R 8 Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart. [See Lock- hart, J. G.] C 23 V IS, 19 The Odyssey of Homer. [See Homerus.] J 14 U 31 Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. [See Burns, R.] H 9T 28 Pleasures of Literature and the Solace of Books. [See Shay lor, J.] J 23 P 4 Traditional Poetry of the Finns. [See Coniparetti, D.] H 3 U 49 LANG, Dr. Arnold. Die Polycladen des (iolfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna unci Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 11 t LANG, Herbert. Matte-smelting : its Principles and later Developments discussed, with an Account of the Py- ritic Processes. Svo. New York, 1896. A 25 U 28 LANG, Rev. John Dunmore. [Life of] ; by Angus Mac- Kay. (Melb. Rev, 3, 4.) ME 18 Q [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t [Portrait and Sketch of]; by I). Blair. (Once a Month, Jan, 1886.) MJ 1 V 22 LANG, Leonora Blanche [Mrs. A.] Memoirs of an Old Collector. [See Tyskiewicz, M, Count.] C 26 P 5 LANG, William. Mesmerism: its History, Phenomena, and Practice, with Reports of Cases developed in Scotland. 12mo. Edinb., 1843. G 15 U 4 LANGBRIDGE, Rev. Frederick. Poets at Play: a Hand-book of Humourous Recitations. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Lond. (n.d.) H 7 R 41 LANGE, Ilelene. Higher Education of Women in Europe. Translated by I, R. Klemm. Svo. New York, 1890. (Internat. Education Ser.) G 15 U 44 Public Library of New South Wales. LANGE, Dr. Karl. Apperception : a Monograph on Psy- chology and Pedagogy. Edited by C. De Garmo. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 15 U 33 LANGLAND, William. William Langland and the Middle Ages. [See Scudder, Vida D. — Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 LANGLEY, Alfred Gideon. H [See Leibnitz, G. W., Baron.] Understanding. G 5 Q 29 LANGLEY, J. Newport. The Salivary Glands. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 LANGLEY, Samuel Pierpont. The Astrophysical Ob- servatory. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Washington, 1897. A 30 V24 The New Astronomy. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. " Boston, 1896. A 38 Til LANGLOIS, Charles V., and SEIGNOBOS, Charles. In- troduction to the Studv of History. Translated by G. G. Berry ; with a Preface by F. Y. Powell. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 U 39 LANGTON, Edward. [Criticism of] Morley's Life of Cob- den. (Melb. Rev., 7.) ME 18 Q Political Parties in Victoria. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q Taxation in Victoria. (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q LANGWORTHY, C. F. Digest of Metabolism Experi- ments. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A II U !) Fish as Food. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Soy Beans as Food for Man. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 LANIER, Sidney. Select Poems. Edited by Dr. M. Callaway. 1 8mo. New York, 1895. H 10 V 25 LANKESTER, Edwin Ray, F.R.S. Scientific Results of the [Fisheries J Exhibition. (Tnternat. Fisheries Exhib. —Fisheries Literature.) A 34 11 4 Treatise on Zoology. Illustrated. Pts. 2, 3. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 S 24, 25 Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. [See Huxley, Prof. T. H.] A 40 S 15, 16 LANO, Pierre de. Napoleon III and Lady Stuart : an Episode of the Tuileries. 8vo. New York, 1894. B 16 P 13 LANSDALE, Maria Hornor. Morocco. [See De Amicis, E.] D 18 S 25, 26 LANSDOWNE, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of. The Administration of, in India, 1888-94. [See Forrest, G. W.] F 11 U 36 LANSING, Clarence. The Nude in Art : a Collection of forty-five Photogravures, reproduced from the original Paintings, selected from the best works of the most famous Painters of the Nude. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 12 P 27 t LAO-TSZE. Lao-Tsze the Great Thinker [604 B.C.] ; with a Translation of his Thoughts on the Nature and Manifestations of God by Maj.-Gen. G. G. Alexander, 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 32 LAPLACE, Pierre Simon, Marquis de. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R, S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 LAPS LEY, Gaillard Thomas. The County Palatine of Durham : a Study in Constitutional History. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Harvard Hist. Studies.) F 3 T 2P LARCHEY, Loredan. Narrative of Capt. Coignet. [See Coignet, Capt. J. R.] C 23 P 3 LARCOM, Lucy. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth SUiart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 LARDELLI, Guglielmo Sydney (n.d.) LARGENT, Rev. — . St. Jerome. Translated by Hester Davenport ; with a Preface bv G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (The Saints.) G 26 Q 4 LARKIN, J. Report by, on the Treatment of A. H. S. Landor by the Tibetans. (Landor, A. H. S.— In the Forbidden Land.) D 13 U 18 LARKIN, T. J. Chint G.] Native Vocabulary of miscellaneous New South Wales objects. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ, 1898.) ME 1 R LARMOR, Joseph. ^Ether and Matter : a Development of the dynamical relations of the ^Ether to material systems on the basis of the Atomic Constitution of Matter; including a Discussion of the Influence of the Earth's Motion on Optical Phenomena. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 40 U 15 EARNED, Joshua Nelson. History for ready reference from the best Historians, Biographers, and Specialists; with Maps and Drawings by A. C. Reiley. Vols. 1-5 5 vols. imp. 8vo. Springfield, 1894-95. B 40 W 4-8 EARNED, Walter Cranston. Churches and Castles of Medieval France, 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 S 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. LARTET, Edouard, and CHRISTY, Henry. Reliquiae Aquitanicre : being Contributions to tlie Arclueology and Paleontology of Perigord and the adjoining Pro- duces of Southern France. Edited by Prof. T. R. •Jones, lllust. 4to. Loud, 1875. A 20 R 22 t CER. Emanuel. Col .mid., 1890. Che LASSAR-COHN, Dr. [See Colin, Dr. Lassar-.] LASTARRIA, Jose Victorino. Lastarria i su Tieuipo, mi Vida, Obras, e Infiueneia en el Desarrollo Politico e intelectual de Chile. Roy. 8vo. Santiago, 1893. C 10 X 14 t LATA XE, John H. Early Relations between Maryland and Virginia, (Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.) 1) 18 S 13 LATHAM, Baldwin. Softening of Water. (Internat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V 4 LATHAM, Frank. Sanitation of Domestic Buildings. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A -11 T 5 LATH AM, Dr. Robert Gordon., F.R.S. Ethnology of the I Mitish Islands. 12mo. Lond., 1851. A 24 P 18 LATH HOP, George Parsons. Spanish Vistas. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1883. 1) 22 S 1 C ,.letc Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. [See Haw- Ihorhe, K] J 23 It 1-13 LATH HOP, Rose Hawthorne [Mrs. G. P.] Memories of Hawthorne. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 14 LATI I', Syad Muhammad. Agra, Historical and Descrip- tive ; with an Account of Akbar and liis Court and of the Modern City of Agra. Illustrated. 8vo. Cal- cutta, 189G. B 39 T 2 History of the Punjab, from the remotest antiquity to the present time. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1889. .15 32 S G LATIMER, Elizabeth Wormeley. England in the 19th Century. 8vo. Chicago, 1 895. B 1G S 13 Spain in the 19th Century. 3rd ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1*98. B34Q1G LAT I MER, Georgina. Across the Channel. [See Mourey, Gabriel.] A 23 S 32 LATI M ER, Hugh. [Life of] ; by R. M. and A. J. Carlyle. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Leaders' of Religion.) C 27 R 10 LATTA, Robert. The Monadology, and other Philosophi- cal Writings. [See Leibnitz, G. W., Baron.] LAID, William, Archbishop of Canterbury. : Life of j ; by Rev. W. H. Hutton. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 T 17 LAUDE, Jules. Manuel de Bibliotheconomie. [See Graesel, Dr. A.] J 17 U 11 LAUDER, John, Lord Fountainhall. [See Fountainhall, Lord.] LAUGHING JACKASS, The Vol. 1, Nos. 1-13, Dec, 1867-Feb., 18G8. Illustrated. 4to. Sydney, 1867- 68. " MJ 3 W 19 LAUGHLIN, Prof. James Laurence. History of Bi- metallism in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 13 U 4 LAUGHTON, Prof. John Knox. From Howard to Nel- son. With Portr. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 24 T 7 Nelson and his Companions in Arms ; [with Bibliog- raphy.] Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 S 8 Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve. [See Reeve, H] C 25 R 19, 20 LAUN, H. Van. History of English Literature. [See Taine, Dr. H. A.] J 14 T 32, 33 LAUNCESTON ADVERTISER, The, from vol. 2, No. 81, Aug., 1830-March, 1842. [Incomplete.] 7 vols, fol. Launceston, 1830-42. ME LAUNCESTON COURIER, The, from No. 1, Oct., 1840- Feb., 1842. [Incomplete.] Fol. Launceston, 1840- 42. ME LAUNCESTON EXAMINER, Commercial and Agricul- tural Advertiser. Vols. 2, 4, 6-10, 1843, 1845, 1847-51. [Incomplete.] Fol. Launceston, 1843-51. ME LAURENCE, Perceval M. Collectanea: Essays, Ad- dresses, and Reviews. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 19 W 15 LAURENCE, Richard, Archbishop of Cashel. The Book of Enoch. [See Bibles and Testaments. -Apocrypha.] G 1 U 38 LAURENS, N. A. [Reproduction of his Picture] The Wave's Caress. [See Lansing, Clarence. -The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27; LAURENT, Prof. Auguste. Chemical Method, Notation, Classification, and Nomenclature. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T 5 LAURENT, Prof. Francois. Thrift in Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Lit.) .V 1 1 V 10 LAURIE, Henrv. The Stu (Melbourne Review, 10.) Mental Philosophy. ME18Q LAURIE, J. S. The Story of Australasia : its Discovery, Colonisation, and Development. 8vo. Lond., 189G. MB 1 T 7 JPublie Library of Mlo South Wales. LAURIE, Prof. Simon Somerville, "Scotus Novanticus." Ethica; or, the Ethics of Reason. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. G 9 W 29 John Amos Comenius, Bishop of the Moravians. Life and Educational Works. 6th ed. 12mo. Camb., 1899. (Pitt Press Ser.) G 9' U 36 Professorships and Lectureships on Education. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 18 LAUTERER, Dr. Joseph. The Aboriginal Languages of Eastern Australia compared. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T Anatomical and Chemical Researches on the Parasitic Phanerogams of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1895.) ME 1 T Bunya Bunya Nuts. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1895.) ' ME 1 T Caffein-yielding Plants. (Roy. Soc., Queensland, Proa, 1895.') ME 1 T Chemical Affinities between Rutacete and Umbellifenv. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T Distilling Cognac from Sugar and Grape-juice. (Roy. Soc., Queensland, Proa, 1895.) ME 1 T New Method of Assaying Tannates. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proa, 1895.)" ' ME 1 T New Native Medicinal Plants of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T Occurrence of Saponin in Australian Acacias and Al- bizzias. (Roy. Soc., Queensl, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T The Resin of Araucaria Bidwilli. (Roy. Soa, Queens- land, Proa, 1894.) ME 1 T Rickets and Macrozamia. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1898.) ME 1 T Sassafrass Trees of Queensland, and the Chemistry of Cinnamomum Oliveri. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1894.) ME 1 T LAUTS, G. Naam der straat tusscheh Nieuw-Holland en Nicuw-Guinea. (Tijdschr. voor hot Zeowczen, 1861.) E Over A. J. Tasman, en Naschrift, [See Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844.] E LAUZUN, Due de. The Due do Lauzun and the Courts of Louis XV and Marie Antoinette. [See Maugras, G.] B 34 R 8, 9 LAVELEYE, Emile de. La Peninsule des Balkans : Vienne, Croatie, Bosnie, Serbie, Bulgaric, Roumelie, Turquie, ^ vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1 SS8. f ) 20 R 9, 10 LAVIGNE, Louis Bert. Amdo-Saxon Superiority. [See Demolins, E.] F 15 S 2 LAVOISIER, Antoine Ausfiiste. Portrait of. [&« Ram- say, Prof. W.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 LAW, Ernest. The New Guide to the Royal Palace and Gardens of Hampton Court, with a new Historical Catalogue of the Pictures. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 23 P 19 A Short History of Hampton Court. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 9 LAW, Jennie Clara. The Tyrol and the Dolomites. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1897.) ME 20 P LAW, John. [Life of]; by R, Murray Smith. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q LAW, Thomas Graves. The Archpriest Controversy. [See Camden Society.] E LAW, William. Second Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. 18mo. Lond., 1898. (Temple Classics.) G 9 U 37 LA W CHRONICLE, The : a Legal Newspaper. Vols. 3, 5, 7, June, 1894-May, 1895, July, "1896-June, 1897, July, 1898-Sept., 1899. 3 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1894- 99. ME 7 R LAW LIST, The, 1897. 12mo. Lond., 1897. E LAW MAGAZINE AND LAW REVIEW, The. Vols. 10-24, 4th ser., 1884-99. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884-99. E LAW REPORTS OF GREAT II KIT A IN AND IRE- LAND. Current Index to all Cases reported in the Law Reports and Weekly Notes, 1893-95. 3 vols. roy. Syo. Lond., 1894-96. E douse of Lords : Judicial Committee of the Privy Coun- cil, and Peerage Cases, 1865-98. 29 vols. Lond., 1865-98. E Probate Division : Courts ,,f Probate, Divorce, and Ad- miralty, and on Appeal therefrom in the Court of Appeal: also Decisions in the Ecclesiastical Courts, 1865-98. 26 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1869-98. E Queen's Bench Division and on Appeal therefrom in the Court of Appeal ; Decisions on Crown Cases reserved, and Decisions of the Railway and Canal Commission, 1865-98, vol. 1, 1900. 52 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-1900. E Supreme Court of Judicature: Cases determined in the Chancery Division and in Lunacy, 1865-98, vol. 1, 1900. 76 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-1900. E The Weekly Notes: being Notes of Cases heard and determined by the House of Lords, the Court of Ap- peal, the Chancery, Queen's Bench, and Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and Cases in Bankruptcy, 1*93-06. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. LAW PS, Sir John Bennett. Concise Review of Principal ! );ita on Rothamsted Experiments, as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. W. Fream's book. [See Kottmann, Dr. G.] MA 2 U 67 LAWES, Rev. W. G. Grammar and Vocabulary of Language spoken by Motu Tribe (New Guinea) : with Introduction by Rev. George Pratt. 3rd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MJ 3 R 13 LAWLER, James J. American Sanitary Plumbing: a Practical Work on the best methods of Modern Plumbing, illustrating, with Original Sketches, the Kmdamental Principles of everything the Plumber should know. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 25 T 19 Modern Plumbing, Steam, and Hot Water Heating. rilust. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 46 T 2 LAW LER, John. Book Auctions in England in the 17th Century, 1676-1700; with a Chronological List of the P.ook Auctions of the Period. 12mo. Lond., 1898. i Nook-lover's Lib.) J 24 T 3 LAWLOR, Rev. Hugh Jackson. Some Worthies of the Irish Church. [See Stokes, Rev. G. T.] G 25 T 7 LAWRENCE, Arthui Life-story, Letters, and Rei r Sullivan." [See Sulliv Sir A.1 LAWRENCE, C. Mai P.sayson Dante. LAWRENCE, Rev. Edward A. Model Past : their Methods, Successes, and •1, and WICKSTFED, Philip H. [S$t Witte, Dr. K.] .1 21 R 35 LAW HENCE, ( leorge Newbold. The Published Writings of. [See United States.- National Museum, Bulletin 10.] E LAWRENCE, Sir Henry. Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator; by Lieut. -Gen. J. J. McLeod Tunes. With Portrait. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. (' 19 T 2 1 [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve In LAW HENCE, John, Baron. [Poi Y r ears of Empire.] [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twe LAW HENCE, Dr. Robert Mean.. T Horse-shoe, with other Folk-lore Not i «a& LAW HENCE, Rev. Thomas Joseph. ' I .tcinatioual Law. 8vo. Lond., U LAW HIE, Rev. James H. The New II 20 S 10 •ait of.] [See Sixty LAWSON, Bert, The Rosalind Waltz. Sin. fob Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f LAWSON, Henry. In the Days when the World was Wide, and other Verses. 3rd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 W 11 On the Track. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MJ 3 V 17 Over the Sliprails. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MJ 3 V 17 While the Billy boils. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S 8 [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of c, 127.) E LAWSON, Jan Civil Engin LAWSON, Robert. Remarks on the aspects of Cholera in Europe and elsewhere. (Intermit. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 LAWSON, W. E. Hand, Dr. F.] ./Esthetics of Musical Art, .[See G 11 P44 LAWSON, W. R, Our Wool Staple; or, History of Squatting in South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1863. MA 4 S 15 LAWSON, Sir Wilfrid. Address by. [See Cobden Club.] C 19 P 23 LAWTON, Prof. William Cranston. New England Poets : a Study of Emerson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, and Holmes. 12mo. New York, 1898. J 23 T 3 The of Hoi . Lo , 1S9S. J 23 S 21 LAY, Wilfrid. Mental Imagery experimentally and sub- jectively considered. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 25 V 7 LAYARD, Arthur. Marvellous Adventures of Sir John Maundevile. [See Maundevile,. Sir J.] D 19 S 2 LAYARD, Sir Austen Hei form Character from British Museum.] ry. In Assyria cr ption Mom in the Cunei- ments. [Set B 47 P 9 + [Sketch of.] [See Emine it Perso! s.] C 19 Q 22 LAYARD, Ge of himself. Illustrate . * Roy. Ci 8v liksh .. L ink's Portraits >nd., 1897. A 23 V 2 t LAYCOCK, F. U. Econo st ration of the Cause a ,d Cure 8vo. Lo S of id. .cialis Trad 1895 m : a Demon- ■ Depressions F 12R34 LAYRIZ, Lieut. -Col. Otfried. Mechanical Traction in War for Road Transport, with Notes on Automobiles generally. Translated by 11. H. Marston. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 34 S 2 LAYS do LEA, Dr. A. Shei Animal Body r Oei .Ian, F.R.S. The Chemical Basis of the [See Foster, Dr. M.] A 28 TJ 19 Public Library of Neio South Wales. LEA, Arthur M. Australian Curculionidse. (Hoy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 S Australian Curculionid:e belonging to the sub-family Cryptorhynchides. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897-99.) ME 2 P New species of Australian Coleoptera. (Linnean Soc , N.S.W., Proc, 189.")- 98.) ME 2 P LEA, Dr. Henry Charles. A History of Auricular Con- fession and Indulgences in the Latin Church. :i vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 11 T 32-34 LEACH, Arthur Francis. English Schools at the Reforma- tion, 1546-48. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 18 It 65 History of Winchester College. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Eng. Pub. Schools.) O 17 S 28 LEADAN, I. S. The Domesday of Tnelosures. [See Roy Hist. Soc Pubs.] E LEADER, Robert Eadon. Life and Letters of John Arthur Roebuck, with Chapters on Autobiography [See Roebuck, J. A.] C 25 P, 4 LEADERS OF RELIGION. Hugh Latimer ; by R. M. and A. J. Carlylc. [See. Latimer, H.] " C 27 R 10 John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's ; bv A. .Tossopp. [See Donne, j. , Dean. ] C 23 S 9 Thomas Cranmer : bv Roy. A. J. Mason. [Sep Cranmer T.] ' C23S19 LEADAM, J. S. What Protection does for the Farmer and Labourer : a Chapter of Agricultural History. 3rd ed. 1 2mo. Lond. (n.d.) F17T10 Illustrated. A 41 T 20 LEAF, Walter. Versions from Hatiz. [See Hark.] H 1 S 40 LEAKE, Frederic. Historic Bubbles. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B17P45 LEAKE, Mrs. Percy. The Ethics of Browning's Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 14 P 39 LEAMING, Dr. E. Atlas of the Fertilization and Karyo- kinesis of the Ovum. [See Wilson, Dr. E. B.] A 5 R 25 f LEANDER McCORMICK OBSERVATORY, VIR- GINIA. Publications. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Charlottes- ville, 1883-93. E 1, pt. 1. Transit of Venus, 1S82. 1, pt. 3. Nebula of Orion, 188"). LEANE, Caroline Agnes. [See Aherne, Caroline Agnes.] | LEANING, J. Conduct of Building Work, and the Duties of a Clerk of Works. 1 2mo. Lond., 1898. A 22 P 51 Quantity Surveying for the use of Surveyors, Architects, Engineers, and Builders. 3rd ed. Lond., 1897. A 37 T 5 LEAPER, Clement J. First Principles of Photography. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 23 S 30 LEASK, W. Keith. [Life of] James Boswell. [See Boswell, J.] C20TJ21 [Life of] Hugh Miller. [See Miller, Hugh. ] C 20 T 1 3 LEATHES, Rev. Stanley. Claims of the Old Testament. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princeton Lect.) G24P15 LEAVES from a Diary in Lower Bengal. [See S., O] D 1 9 V 28 LEBLANC, L. Histoire des Naufrages comprenant ceux de la Penrose, de la Meduse et autres Naufrages celebres suivie d'une Notice sur la Navigation danger- euse de M. Dumont d'Urville dans les niers Australes. 8vo. Paris, 1847. B 24 R 21 LE BLANC, Max. Elements of Electrochemistry. Trans, by W. R, Whitney. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 P 24 LEBON, Andre. Modern France, 1789-1895. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 12 LE BON, Gustave. The Crowd : a Study of the Popular Mind. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 11 Psychology of Peoples. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 17 S 16 Psychology of Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 P 14 LE BRAZ, A. Dealings with the Dead : Narratives from " La Legende de la Mort en Basse Bretagne." Author- ized translation by Mrs. A. E. Whitehead ; Preface by A. Lillie. 8vo. 'Lond., 1898. G 24 P 18 LE CADET, Georges. Etude du Champ Electrique de 1' Atmosphere. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1898. A 38 T 19 LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. Democracy and Liberty. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 12 T 4, 5 The Map of Life : Conduct and Character. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 33 History of European Morals, from Augustus to Charle- magne. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 V 35 LECLERCQ, Paul. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 LECOMTE DU NOUY, A. Archaeological Research in Palestine, 1873-74. [See Palestine Exploration Fund.] B 13 V 16, 17 t Supp lemen iary Catalogue — 1896-1900. LECON T TE, Dr. John L. New Species of North American Coleoptera. Pts. 1, 2. 8vo. Wash., 1863-73. A 30 R 7 LE CONTE, Prof. Joseph. Outlines of the Comparative Physiology and Morphology of Animals. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1900. A 45 R 11 The Conception of Cod. [See Royce, Prof. J.] t LEE, Richard. The T manian Athenri'iim, Tin'. | i, [See Tas MJ 3 W 14 LEE, Gen. Robert Edward. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy, 1807-70: bv Rev. H. A. White. Illustrated. Svo. Xew York! 1897. (Heroes of the Nations.) C 23 P 24 LEE, Samuel. Maro, P ] The Works of Vir: of Nation LEE, Sidney Lazarus. Di [See Stephen, L. ] u 1 1 n Life of William Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] C 24 U 1 "LEE, Verr [See Paget, Vi< LEECH, Dr. Daniel John. Principles of Drug Thera- peutics. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 LEENEY, Harold. The Horse in the Stable and the Field. [See Walsh, Dr. J. H] A 39 Q 5 A Great Trish Library [Dublin ,-]. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, LEEPER, Alexander. University Librai Proa, 1S98.) LEES, Dr. David Bridge, and BARLOW, Dr. Thomas. Simple Meningitis in Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 40 LEES, Frederic. After Bii Foa, K] LEES, Rev. J. Cameron. History of the County of Inver- ness. 8vo. Edinb, 1897." (County Histories of Scotland.) B 32 T 19 LE FANU, Joseph Sherida Perceval Graves. 12m Poems. Edited by Alfred Lond., 1896. H 11 Q 3 LEFEBVRE, Jules Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] Diana surprised by Actfeon. [See Lansing, Clarence. --The Nude in Art.] A 1 2 P 27 ; LEFEVRE, Rt. Ho. Litera Freedom are.) >f Lan LEFFMANN, orge Shaw-. Principles of Fishing nat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries A 34 R 4 v Practical Politics.] F 12 T 31 rv. Materia Medica and Thera- LEE, Rawdon P.. History and Description of the Modern Dogs of Great Britain and Ireland. New ed. Illus- trated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 38 P 8, 9 LEFROY, Rev. Edward Cracroft. Echoes from Theo- critus. (Bibelot, 1898.) E Public Library of Neio South Wales. LEFHOY, Lieut.-Gen. .Sir John Henry. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.J MA IIP 33 t LEFROY, William, Dean of Norwich. Immortality of Memory, and other Sermons. With Portrait, 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 28 Norwich Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 Pensions for the Clergy. (Gore, Rev. C— Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 26 LEGAL YEAR-BOOK OF AUSTRALIA, The, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8v'o. Sydney, 1892-93. MF 5 S 11, 12 LE GALLIENNE, Richard. George Meredith : some Characteristics; with a Bibliography by J. Lane. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 17 V 29 My Maiden Vote. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Prose Fancies. 2nd ser. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 6 Q 40* The Quest of the Golden Girl: a Romance. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 21 Retrospective Reviews. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 16, 17 Robert Louis Stevenson: an Elegy, and other Poems chiefly Personal. 8 vo. Boston," 1895. II 10 W 5 Rudyard Kipling: a Criticism; with a Bibliography by John Lane. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 9 R 40 LEGG, D. J. These sixty years. [See Holmes, E. M.1 B 23 S 22 LEGG, Dr. John Wickham. Hemophilia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 LEGGATT, Rev. T. Watt. Biographical .Sketch of Agnes C. P. Watt, [See Watt, Agnes C. P.] MC 1 T 28 LEGGE, C. H. G. Imperial Federation. 18mo. Deme- rara, 1887. F 1 S 26 LEGGE, James Gordon. Selection of Supreme Court Cases, 1825^62. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. " MF 2 S 54, 55 LEGGE, Rev. John. ( Review, 1.) LEGGE, Dr. Thomas. The Latin Play of Richardus Tertius. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 26 LEGGE, Dr. Thomas Morison. Public Health in European Capitals. 12mo. Lond., 1896. , A 26 Q 40 LEGGE, Col. W. V. Notes on the fan-tailed Cuckoo in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1894-96.) ME 1 Q LEUOUIS, Dr. Emile. La Jeunesse de William Words- worth, 1770-93: Etude sur le "Prelude." [See Wordsworth, W.] J9V34 LEGRAND, Ph. E. Etude sur Theocrite. 8vo. Paris, 1898. H 4 V 19 LEHFELDT, Dr. R, A. Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. [See Huff, Dr. J. H. van 't.J A 39 Q 19, 20 LEHMANN, Prof. C. G. Physiological Chemistry. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 S 22-25 LEHMANN, F. C. The Genus Masdevallia. [Set Wool- ward, Florence H.] A 6 U 6 + LEHMANN, Rudolf. Men and Women of the Century ; being a Collection of Portraits. Edited by H. C. Marillier. 4 to. Lond., 1896. A 10 T 17 t LEHMANN, Rudolph Chambers. Rowing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Isthmian Lib.) " A 40 Q 4 LEIBIUS, G. Hugo, and GARRAN, Robert Randolph. Index of Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of New South Wales, 1825-95. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 1 11 14 LEIBNITZ, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron. The Monadology and other Philosophical Writings. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by R. Latta. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. Gil XT 41 New Essays concerning Human Understanding. Trans- lated bv Alfred Gideon Lanylev. 8vo. New York, 1896. ' G 5 Q 29 LEICHHARDT, Dr. Ludwig. Beitriige zur Geologic von Australien, herausgegeben von Prof. H. Oirard. 4to. Halle, 1855. MA 3 P 11 t Fine biograpliische.Sk izze, nebst cinem Berichte iiher dessen zweite Reise im Innern des Austral-Continents nach dem Tagebuche seines Begleiters. des Botanikers D. Bunce, von E. A. Zuchokl. With Portrait. 8vo. Leipzig, 1856. MO 1 T 31 Journal of Dr. Leichhardt's third Expedition. (Waugh's Australian Almanac, 1860.) ME 4 11 Lectures on the Geology, [Botany, Natural History, and Capabilities of the Country between Moreton Bay and Port, Essington. (Tasmania!! Journ.) MA 5 R 6 Lithographed Fao-simile of a Letter written bv I, Leich- hardt immediately before setting out on his last Ex- pedition. (Ph.ilo.soph. Inst, of Vict,, Trans., 1859.) ME 1 P Notes on the Geology of parts of New South Wales and Queensland, made in 1842-43. (Australian Almanac, 1867-68.) ME 4 R Report of the Expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington. (Tasmanian Journ.) MA 5 R 6 Report on White Men's Gra Trans., 1 SS|.) Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. 359 LEK ! I f, H. D. History of Rome to the Deatli of Cresar. [See How, W. W.] 15 16 R 39 LEK MI, J. E. Austen. Memoir of jane Austen. [See Austen, Jane.] J 25 P 3 LEIOHTON, Frederick, Baron. Addresses delivered to Siudcnts of the Royal Academy. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 25 U 32 Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. O.— Illus- trated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 } Frederick, Lord Leighton: an Illustrated Record of his Life and Work. [See Rhys, E.] A is R 23 f [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Monkhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 44 W 1 LEISURE MOMENTS. Vols. 1, 2, Dec, 1897-Nov., 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-99. ME LEISURE READINGS. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 19 Q 10 The Esthetic School. Antiquity of Man in Western Europe ; by E. Clodd, Betting and Mathematics ; by R. A. Proctor. British and American English ; by R, A. Proctor. The Comet seen during the Eclipse ; by A. C. Ranyard Dr. J. W. Draper; by R. A. Proctor. English or British? by Thomas Foster. Fallacies ; by R. A. Proctor. Has the Moon an Atmosphere ; by A. C. Ranyard. Illu, s Post. The Later Stone Age in Europe ; by K. Clodd. The Menacing Comet ; by R. A. Proctor. "The Mystery of Edwin Drood;" by Thomas Foster Nature Myths in Nursery Rhymes ; by Thomas Post o:l I-; Ilea . Vn LEI I'll, Mrs. Di LEI I'll, J. M. LEJEUNE, Lo rhree Visits to Iceland nd on Land, comprisin and Visits to Geysir trated. 12mo. Lond., (land. (Intermit re.) A 34 1! b 1 LELAND, Charles Godfrey, "Hans Breitinann." Legends of Florence, collected from the people. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189G. J 14 R 11 12 Manual of Mending and Repairing. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 23 P 15 Wood-carving. Revised by J. J. Holtzapffel. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 35 Q 16 LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Registers, 1892-99. 5 vols. Svo. Ralo Alto, Cal., 1893-99. E Development of Lytoceras and Phylloceras. [See Smith, J. P.] A 46 Q 2 Phycblogical Memoirs. [See Saunders, Dr. A.] A 46 Q 2 LEMAISTRE, J. French for Beginners : Lessons Sys- tematic, Practical, and Kt vmological. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 12 P 46 LEMAITRE, Jules. [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. P.. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 LEMANE, John. Photo-engraving of half-tone Blocks (Mezzo-tints) made easy: a Practical Manual for Photographers, Newspaper-men, Printers, and Ama- teurs. 12mo. Svdnev, ISiMi. (Harrington Ser.) MA 4 P 12 LEMON, Mark. The Small House oxer the Water, and other Stories. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1888. J 25 Q 29 LK MoYNE, Paul. LIdeede Dieu: sa Tn LE MOYNE, William J. [Portrait and Sketch of.J [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] LE NAIN DE TILLEMoNT, Lev. Louis Sebasticn. [See Tillemont, Rev. L. S. Le Nain tie.] LENDENFELD. Dr. R. von. Repo his recent examination of the een tralian Alps. [See N.S.W.— Mir the results of irt of the Aus- M.\ 13 P 2 f irthur Be yMaj.-U, LENNHOLM, A. E. Micro-organisms and Fermentation. [See Jorgensen, A.] A 40 U 16" LESS, The: a Quarterly .Journal of Microscopy and the allied Natural Sciences. Yds. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. svo. Chicago, 1872-73. A 39 R 1 I. 15 Public Library of New South Wales. LENTHEKIC, C. The Riviera, Ancient and Present. Translated by Dr. C. West. Svo. Lond., 1895. D 18 S 13 LEO T, Pope. Leo the Great. [See Gore, Rev. C] G 26 P 15 LEO XIII, Pope (Gioacchino Pecci). [Life of] : by Justin McCarthy. 8vo. Lond., 189(1. C 20 T 25 Pope Leo XIII : his Life and Work ; by J. De Narfon. Translated by G. A. Paper. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 23 U 17 LEO AFRICANUS. History and Description of Africa [See Hakluyt Society.] E LEON D'ARMENIE-LUSIGNAN, Prince. La Verity sur le Prince d'Anuenio-Lusigiian. [See Dulaurier, E.] B 41 T 8 LEONARD, John W. The Gold-fields of the Klondike : Fortune-seekers' Guide to the Yukon Region of Alaska and British America. Illustrated. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 33 P 29 LEONI, Giaconio. Delia Architettura. [See Alberti, L. B.] ' A 22 S 2 f LEOPOLD, J. Perns. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Propagation of Plants. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) LE PLONGEON, Dr. Augustus. Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx. Illustrated. Row 8vo. New York, 1896. " B 39 U 16 LEPSIUS, Dr. J. Armenia and Europe : an Indictment. Edited by James Rendel Harris. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 28 R 8 LEPSIUS, Dr. Richard. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai ; with Extracts from his Chronology of the Egyptians with reference to the Exodus of Israelites. Translated by Leonora and Joanna B. Horner. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1853. D 19 P 13 LE QUESNE, F. [Reproduction of his Pictures] The Daughters of .Menestho, and The Disarranged Toilet. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 \ LE ROUX, Hugues, and GARNIER, Jules. Acrobats and Mountebanks. Translated by A. P. Morton. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1890. " A 27 V 26 LEROY, Alphonse. Collection de Dessins Originaux de Grands Maitres, avee Texte Explicatif par F. Reicet et F. Villot. Fol. Paris (n.d.) A 46 P 8 + LE ROY, G. Agricultural Colleges and French Agricul- ture for Australia. (Melb. Rev., 10.) ME 18 Q LEROY-BEAULIEU, Anatole. The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians. Translated from the 3rd French ed., with Annotations, bv Zena'ide A. Ragozin. Vol. 3. Svo. New York, 1896. B 31 T 6* Israel among the Nations : a Stutly of the Jews and Anti-semitism. Translated bv Frances Hellman. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 28 R 5 LEROY-BEAULIEU, Pierre Paul. LAustralie et la Nouvelle-Zelande. (Revue des Deux Mondes, Aug., 1896.) E Les Nouvelles Societes Angio-Saxonnes, Australie et Nouvelle-Zelande, Afrique Australe. 12mo. Paris, 1897. MF4P41 LE SAGE, Alain Rene. Adventures of Gil Bias, of San- tillane. Translated by T. Smollett. Svo. Lond., 1893. J 24 U 22 LESLIE, Alexander, 1st Earl of Leven. [&elmt,m 28. A Day's Ride. 20, 30. Luttrell of Arran. 31. Tony Butler. 32, 33. Sir Brook Fossbrooke. 34. The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. 3.3. That Bov of Norcott's ; Paul (iosslet Rent in a Cloud. ' 36. Lord Kilgobbin. 37. Tales of the Trains: Nuts and Patrick's Eve. LE VERRIER, V. J. J. Sketch S. — Great Astronomers.] LEVERSOX, Maj. George [See Goltz, C. F. von d LEVESON-GOWER, Grs Earl.] LEVI, Prof. Leon. The Ec (Intermit. Fishe ville George. [See Gn leonomic Condition of Fishermen. Ixhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 4 LEVY, W. Hanks. Blindness and the Blind; or, a Treatise on the Science of Tvphlology. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 26 R 27 LEVY-BRVHL, Prof. Lucien. 1 osophv in France. With Poi 1899." LEWES, Mrs. C. L. Dr. Southwo. Dr. S.] LEWES, George Hen. y of Modern Phil- . Svo. Chicago, G 24 V 25 Edit. S. Kn< Life of Ma: 12i pies of success in Litera- duction and Notes, by T. I. (n.d.) J 14 P53 .. [See Robespierre, M.1 C 26 P (i Public Library qf Neib Smith Wales, LEWES, Vivian B. Acetylene. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 U 27 LEWIN, Sesca. [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P f LEWIN, William Charles James, " William Terriss." Life of ; by A. J. Smythe. With an Introduction by C. Scott. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P G LEWIS, Agnes Smith. In the Shadow of Binrti : a Story of Travel and Research from 1895-97. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1898. I) 13 P 9 Palestinian Syriae Lectionai'v, containing Lessons from the Pentateuch, Job, Proverbs, Prophets, Acts and Epistles; with Critical Notes by Prof. E. Nestle, and a Glossary by M. D. Gibson. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Studia Sinaitica.) G 18 U 6 LEWIS, Angelo John, "Prof. Hoffmann." Every Boy's Book of Sport and Pastime. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 T 36 LEWIS, Charlton Thomas. Harper's Book of Facts. [See Willsey, J. H.] K 17 S 22 . , and SHORT, Charles. Latin Dictionary, founded on Andrew's edition of Ereund's Latin Dic- tionary ; revised, enlarged, and in a great part re- written. Imp. 8vo. Oxford, 1890. J 9 V 29 LEWIS, Elizabeth Dike. Old Prisons and Punishments. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* LEWIS, Eric. [Art of Acting.] [See Hanmierton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 LEWIS, George H. National Consolidation of the Rail- ways of the United States. eposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P LIE, Jonas. TJie Commodore's Daughters. Translated by If. L. Bnekstad and Gertrude Hughes, with Intro- duction by' E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 23 U 13 Niobe. Translated by H. L. Braskstad, with Introduc- tion by E. (iosse. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 U 12 LIKBEU, Francis. Life and Polii L. K. llarley. With Portia 1899. Philosophy of: by 8vo. New York, C 27 T 4 LTEBEB, G. Norman. Remarks on the Army Regula- tions and Executive Regulations in general. [See United States. Dopt. of War.] f 16 R 7 Use of the Army in aid of the Civil Power. [See United States.- -Dopt. of War.] F 16 R 9 Public Library of New South Wales. LIEBSCHER, Prof. G. Breeding of Sugar Beets. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R LIEUTAUD, Victor. Les Cloches de Volone. 8vo. Sisteron, 1898. B 34 R 2 "LIEUTENANT, A." The Royal Navy. With a Preface by Adni. Sir J. E. Commerell. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 29 S 35 "LIEUTENANT-COL. IN THE BRITISH ARMY." The British Army; with an Introduction by Ma). -Gen. F. Maurice. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B41 W 1 LIFE. Vols. 1-33, Jan., 1883-June, 1899. Illustrated. 33 vols. 4to. New York, 1883-99. E LIFE IN AFRIKANDERLAND as viewed by an Afri- kander. [&*"Cios/] D14R23 LIGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber, Bishop of Durham. Bibli- cal Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 24 V 9 Historical Essays. 8vo. Lond., 189.">. J 12 U 27 On a fresh Revision of the English New Testament. 8vo. Lond., 1891. G 26 R 8 LIGNE, Karl Joseph, Prince de. Memoirs, Letters, and Miscellaneous Papers, selected and translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley : with Introduction and Preface by C. A. Sainte-Beuve and Mme. de Stael- Holstein. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 41 P8, 9 LILFORD, Thomas Littleton Powys, Lord. Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885-97. A 45 Q 1-7 LTLIENTHAL, Rev. Hermann. Lent, Past and Present : a Study of the Primitive Origin of Lent : its Purpose and Usages. 8vo. New York, 1895. O 15 U 1 LILIUOKALANI, Lydia Kamekeha, Queen of Hawaii. Hawaii's History. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 1 9 R 8 LILLEY, A. E. V., and MIDGLEY, W. A Book of Studies in Plant Form, with some suggestions for their application to design. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 T 23 LTLLTE, Arthur. Buddha and Buddhism. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (i 26 Q 13 Dealings with the Dead. [See Le Braz, A.] G 24 P 18 IJXLIE, C. O. New Zealand Ephemeridre. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S LILLY, Joseph. Collection of seventy-nine black-letter Ballads and Broadsides, printed in the Reign of Queen Elizal>eth between 1559 and 1597 ; accompanied with an Introduction and illustrative Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1867. H13V2 LTLLY, William Samuel. Essays and Speeches. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 14 First Principles in Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 8 R 30 LINCOLN, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln, the Liberator ; by C. W. French. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 20 U 4 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St. Loe.— From Grave to Gay.] . J 14 IT 38 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to Homes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Misc.] J 22 Q 25 LINDE, Dr. F. El Aire Liquido. [See Mascarenas, Dr. D. E.] A 45 IT 19 LTNDENBERG, Johann Bernhard Wilhelm. Species Hepathicarum. Illustrated. 4to. Bonnie, 1839. A 20 S 6 | LTNDERFELT, Klas August. Eclectic Card Catalog- Rules, Author and Title Entries. Rov. 8vo. Boston, 1890. Cat, Room LINDESAY, Robert. Historie and Cronicles of Scotland. [See Scottish Text Soc. Pubs., 42, 43.] E LTNDLEY, Prof. John, and PAXTON, Sir Joseph. Paxton's Flower Garden. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1853. A 35 W 15-17 LINDNER, Prof. Gustav Adolf. Manual of Empirical Psychology as an inductive Science. Translated by C. De Garmo. 12mo. Boston, 1894. G 23 P 54 LINDSAY, James. Essays, Literary and Philosophical. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. J 12 T 41 Recent Advances in 1 8vo. Edinb., 1897. The Significance of the Old Testament for Modern Theology. 12mo. Edinb., 1896. G 19 U 31 LTNDSAY, L. Le Developpement de l'Afrique. [See White, A. S.] D14S26 LTNDSAY, Lionel. A Consideration of the Art of Ernest Moffitt. Illust, Roy. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 4 V 9 LiNDSAY, Samuel McCui Public Law. [SeeYenns Political Economy and mia University.] F 7 T 8 LTNDSAY, Rex. Thomas M. Lutl Reformation. [See Luther, M.] 1 the German C 28 Q 2 LTNDSAY, Dr. W. Lauder. ( )bservations on new Lichc collected in Otago, New Zealand. (Boy. Soc, Edin Trans., 24.) Tertiary Coals of New Zealand. (Roy. Soc, Edin Trans., 24.) Supp lementary C§ talogue— 1896-1 900. LIN DSAY, William Alexander. The Royal Household. | LISLE, Rouget de. [See De Lisle, R] Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. C 22 U G LIN HHAM, Wilfrid J. Text-book of Mechanical Engi- neering. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 22 R 32 LINKLATER, Rev. Robert. True Limits of Ritual in the Church. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 14 LL\ N, W. A. Building and Loan Associations. (Stupes, Dr. R— Homes in City and Country.) A 23 U 41 LINNEAN SOCIETY, LONDON. Journal: Zoology, vols. 1-27, and Index, 1-20; Botany, vols. 1-25,27- 29, 31-33, and Index, 1 20. 50 vols. 8 vo. Lond., Transactions. Vols. 1-30, and index. Second series: I '.otany, 1-4; Zoology, 1-5, 7. 41 vols. 4to. Lond., I 791 -"1900. E LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney, 1877-99. ' " ME 2 P LINTON, Elizabeth Lynn [Mrs. W. J.] Atonement of Learn Dundas. New ed. Lond., 1893. .1 25 Q 31 "George Eliot." (Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 Mv Literary Life ; with a Prefatory Note by Beatrice Ilarraden. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ' C 20 S 22 Tine History of Joshua Davidson, Christian and Com- munist. 11th ed. Lond., 1891. J 25 Q 30 LINTON, Sydney, First Bishop of Riverina. His Life and Labours. Edited by Rev. W. Charles Pritchard. Svo. Melb., 1890. MC 1 T 27 LINTON, William James. Life of J. (4. Whittier. [See Whittier, J. G.] C 19 P 25 LU'l'IXCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-57, 1868-June,1896. 57 vols. Svo. Philad., 1868-96. E LIPPMANN, Dr. Friedrich. Engravings and Woodcuts by old Masters. [See Engravings and Woodcuts.] A 41 P 29-36 t LIS BOA, J. C. Useful Plants of the Bombay Presidency. (Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, 25.) E LTSLE, Charles Rene Marie Lee Lisle, C. R. M.] LIST, N. A. An Omaha Idea : Who were the Authors of the Arts and Science Literature of the Ancients ? Svo. Omaha, Neb., 1895. G 5 R 34 The Redemption of Woman from the Errors of Theology. Svo. Omaha, Neb., 1894. G 5 R 33 LISTER, Arthur. Guide to the British Mycetozoa. [See British Museum. Nat. Hist,] A 39 V 16 Monograph of the Mycetozoa : being a Descriptive Cata- logue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist,] A 42 U 14 LISTER, Joseph, Baron. Experiments on Animals. [See Paget, S.] A 45 R 5 LISZT, Abbe Franz. Sketch of. [See Butterworth, H.— Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 LITCH, Dr. Wilbur F. American System of Dentistry ; in Treatises by various Authors, 'illustrated. 3 vols! Svo. Philad., 1886-87. A 31 S 1-3 . liegional and Comparative Dental Ar Histology, and Dental Pathology. . Operative and Prosthetic Dentistry. :. Anesthesia and Anesthetics, Physiology of Digestion, Meflic^and' Anaesthesia and A Path- ition of the Teeth, Materia M etallurgy, Jurisprudence. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 Crown and Bridge-work. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System 'of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Metallic Facings for Carious Crowns. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 LITCHFIELD, Frederick. Illustrated History of Fur- niture from the Earliest to the Present Time. 4th ed. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 44 V 9 Pottery and Porcelain, illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. ' A 45 V 17 LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF LIVERPOOL. Proceedings, Nos. 44-53, 1889-99. 10 vols. Svo. Lond., 1890-99. E LITERARY HEARTHS T( ) X ES. C28P2 LITERARY NEWS, The: a Review and Magazine of Fact and Fiction, the Arts, Sciences, and Belles Lettres. Vol. 1. Aug., 1837-Feb., 1838. 4to. Sydney, 1837-38. MJ 3 W 9 Public Library qf tfew South Walei, LITERATURE. Vols 1-6, Oct., 1897-June, 1900. G vols. 4 to. Lond., 1897-1900. ' E HTJIdOW MERCURY, 1899. Fol. Lithgow, 1899. ME LITHOTOMY: its Successes and its Dangers. Illus- trated. 8yo. Melb., 1876. MA 2 Q 71 LITTLE, Alicia Bewick [Mrs. A.] Intimate China : the Chinese as I ljave seen them. Jllust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 V 24 LITTLE, Charles E. Cyclopedia of Classified Dates, with an exhaustive Index. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1900. K 11 11 27 LITTLE, George Thomas. H doin College.] LITTLE, James Stanley. The United States of Britain : an Address on England and her Colonies. 8vo. Guilford, 1887. F 1 S 26 A Yisiim (if Empire : a Lecture on Imperial Federation. 8vo. Guilford, 1888. F 1 S 26 LITTLE, L, M. Wild Myrtle. 18pio. Lond., 1897. H 13 S 1 LITTLE, Marion. Essays on Robert Browning. 8vo. Lqnd., 189/J. J 9 R 5 LITTLE, William C. Report qn the Agricultural Labourer. [Se« Gt. Britain and Ireland. Royal Commission on Labour.] F 39 V 27, 28 % LITTLE, Rev. William John Knox. The Church of England. (Our Churches.) 'G11U37 St. Francis of Assisi : his Times, Life, and Work: Lectures delivered in substance in the Ladye Chapel of Worcester Cathedral in the Lent of 1896. With Portrait. 8vq. Loud., 1897. G 11 Q 38 Sketches and Studies in South Africa. 8vq. Lond., 1899. D 22 U 2 In answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] (J 23 P 17 LTTTLEDALE, W- A. Registers of Christ Olmrch, New- gate, 1538-1751. [See Harleian Soc, Regs., 21.] E LITTLEHALES, G. W. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism. [See United States.— Hydrographie Office.] A 38 It 28 LITTLEHALES, Henry. The Prymer (»r Lay Folks' Braver-book. [Sec Karlv Fnglish Text Soc. Pubs., 105.] - E LlTt'LlvJOllN, J. Martin. Political Theory of the School- men and Grotius. Pts. 1-3. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 18 R 3 LITTON, Edward Falconer. Life or Death: the Destiny of the Soul in the Future State. 8vo. Lond., 1866. G 3 R 26 LITTON, Robert T. Transactions of the Historical So- ciety of Australasia. [See Historical Soc. of Austral- asia.] MB 3 R 1 LITURGIES. Authorised Daily Prayer-book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire ; with a new Translation by Rev. S. Singer. 3rd ed. [Hebrew and English]. 12mo. JLond., 1892. G 9 U 35 Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. [In Gaelic] 12mo. Dublin, 1832. G 26 R 11 Henanadai, Dirava ena Hereva mai Anidia Ida Baine Hadibadia. [Catechism, .Marriage and Burial Services, Firms of Prayer, &c, in the Motu Language, British New Guinea,] 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MG 1 P 36 Liturgies, Eastern and Western, being the Texts, original or translated, of the principal Liturgies of the Church. Edited, with Introductions and Appendices, by F. E. Brightman, on the basis of the former work by C. E. Hammond. Vol. 1. 8vo. Oxford. 1896. G 3 U 26 L1VAC1I !•:, Ach. Manufacture of Varnishes, Oil-crushing, Refining and Boiling, and kindred Industries. Trans- lated by J. G. .Mcintosh. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 25 T 13 LIVERPOOL, Charles Jenkinson, Earl of, formerly Lord Hawkesburv. Portrait of. [S,r. Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.- Paget Papers.] C i 21 U 4 LIVERPOOL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions and Report, 1894, 1896. 2 vols. 8vo. Liver- poo], 1895-97. E LIVERPOOL HERALD, 1898 99. Fol. Liverpool, 1898-99. ME LIVERPOOL. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. [See Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool.] LIVERSTDGE, Prof. Archibald, F.R.S. Blue Pigment of Corals. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 1898.) ME 1 R Crystalline Structure of Gold and Platinum Nuggets and Gold Ingots. (Chemical Soc, Joum., 1897.) E Presence of Gold in Natural Saline Deposits E Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Jan,, 1898. (Australasian Assoc, for the Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) Al H 18 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. mi LIVING AGE, The. Nos. 1-5, 7, 9-13, June-Sept., 1879. I to. Sydney, 1879. MF5U11 L1Y I SGST< )N, Luther S. American Book-prices current : a Record of Books, Manuscripts, and Autographs sold at auction in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, with the prices realized. Vols. 1, 3-5, Sept., 1894- Sepfc, 1895, Sept., 1896-Sept., 1899. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1895-99. Cat. Boom LIT I N T GST( >NE, AY. P. Black Jamaica : a Study in Evo- lution. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 T 7 LtY I ITS, Titus. Historic. (Scriptores Historic Roman*.) B 10 U 22 J Li', v, Book 2G ; with Introduction and Note* !>y W. H. W Nicholls. l2mo. Sydney, 189 6. B 30 P 13 LLOYD, A. B. In Dwarf Land and Cannibal Country: a Record of Travel and Discovery in Central Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 S 3 LLOYD, F. J. Influence of Food on the Quantity and Quality of Milk. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.AY, 1898.) ME 9 R LLOYD, II. Evans. Travels in the Interior of North America. [See Maximilian, Alexander Philipp, Prince of Wied.] D 17 T 2 t LLOYD, Henry Demarest. Labour Copartnership : .Notes of a Visit to Cooperative Workshops, Factories, and Management, and Besults. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.', Is98. F 15 B 32 Wealth against Commonwealth. 8vo. New York, 1*08. F10P 21 LLOYD, J. E. Aims and Practice of Teaching History. (Spencer, Dr. F. -Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 3G LLOYD, I, Notes of Travel in South Africa, [See, C. J.] I) 13 Q 1 LLOYD, Walter. The Galilean: a Portrait of Jesus of Nazareth. 12m.,. Lond., 1892. G 25 P 5 LLOYD'S REGISTER OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN SHIPPING, July, 1898-June, 1899. 2 vols. it... 'Lond., 1898. F 19 T 3, I t Rule; and Regulations for the Construction and Classifi- cation of Steel Yessels, Julv, IMS June, 1S99. It... Lond., 1898. p 19 T 5 f LOB, l>r. Walter. Elec 12mo. New York, II nd : of LOBBAN, J. H. English Essavs [Collected]. tSie English Essays.] « J l4 U 24 LOCABD, Arnould. Resultats Scientitiques de la Cam- pagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogtie. [See Ktehler, Prof. R,] A 31 S 30 LOCK, Rev. John Bascombc. Arithmetic for Scliools. New cd. l2mo. Lond., 1899. A 44 V 10 Key and Companion to Arithmetic for Schools. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 44 U 11 LOCK, Rev. Walter. St, Paul, the Master-builder. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 2i LOCKE, John. Some Thoughts concerning Education ; with Introduction and Notes by Rev. R. 11. Quick. 12mo. Camb., 1898. (Pitt Press Ser.) G 15 U 3G LOCKER LAMPSON, Frederick. London Lyries. 8vo- Lond., 1870. H 7 R 44 My Confidences. Svo. Lonrl., 1896. C 22 Q Ifi LOCKHART, John Gibson. Life and Letters of; by Andrew Lang. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 V 18, 19 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* LOCKHART, Lieut. Percy Clare Eliott-. A Frontier Campaign. [See Fineastle, Viscount A. E.] B 29 R 14 LOCKHART, Gen. Sir William Stephen Alexander. Campaign in Tirah, 1897 98. [See Hutchinson, Col. H. D.]' D19U16 Lockhart's Advance through Tirah. [See Shadwell, Capt. L. J] 15 29 U 17 LOCKWOOD, Dr. Charles Barrett. Aseptic Surgery. Svo. Edinb., 1896. A 26 R 28 LOCKWOOD, Sir Frank. Sir Frank Lockwood : a Bio- graphical Sketch ; by A. Birrell. Illustrated. Svo. LOCKWOOD, M. S., and (ILAISTEli, E. Art Embroid- ery : a Treatise on the Revived Practice of Decorative Needlework, tllust. 4to. Lond., 1878. A 17 T 1 t LOCKYEK, Sir J. Norman, F.B.S. Inorganic Evolution as studied by Spectrum Analysis. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 15 T 1 1 Recent and Coming Eclipses : being Notes on the total solar Eclipses of 1893, 1S9G, 1S9S. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S97. A 36 T 13 The Sun's place in Nature. Illustrated. 8m Lond., 1897. A5T39 Public Library of New South Wales. LOCKYER, Sir J. Norman, F.R.S., and SEABROKE.G.M. Stargazing Past and Present. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 45 Til LODEMAN, E. G. The Spraying of Plants. 12mo. New York, 1896. (Rural Science Ser.) A 20 P 23 LODGE, Prof. Alfred. Matter, Ether, and Motion. [See Dolbear, Prof. A. E.] A 33 P 42 LODGE, Edmund. The Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire as at present existing, 1872, 1885- 1900. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-1900. E LODGE, Henry Cabot. Story of the Revolution. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 20 T 1, 2 The War with Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 R 12 LODGE, Prof. Richard. [Life of] Richelieu. [See Riche- lieu, Cardinal.] * C 20 V 1 LODGE, Thomas. [Essay on.] [See Gossc, Edmund.— 17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 23 LOEW, Oscar. Curing and Fermentation of Cigar-leaf Tobacco. [See United States.- -Dept. of Agricult.] LOEWE, Gustav. T. Macci Plauti Coma-due. [See Plau- tus, T. M.] H 1 T 24-27 LOEWE, Johaim Carl Gottfried. [Sketch of.] [See Bach, A. B.— The Art Ballad.] H 1 S 34 LOFTIE, Rev. William John. Authorised Guide to the Tower of London ; with an Appendix on the Armoury by Viscount Dillon. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 21 R 15 Orient Line Guide : Chapters for Travellers by Sea and Land. Illust. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. MI) 8 Q 48 Alfred the Great and the Arts. [See Alfred the Great.] C 20 S 1!) Whitehall. [See Portfolio Myographs, 16.] LOFTUS, Dudley. [Lecture on.] [See Stokes, Rev. G. T. —Some Worthies of the Irish Church.] G 25 T 7 LOGAN, Daniel. Edi (North American 1 in the Haw,- , July, 1897.) LOMBROSO, Dr. Cesare. The Criminal. [See Drahms, Rev. A.] F 17 T 13 Criminology. [See MacDonald, A.] F 8 V 41 LOMMATZSCH, Err Segebade, I.] tnum. [See J 16 U 27 LONDON. The Queen's London. [See Queen's London.] A 8 R 30 t LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Report to the Special Committee on Technical Education ; bv H. L. Smith. Sm. fol. Lond., 1892. " G 40 V 59 I LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND DUBLIN PHILO- SOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The [formerly the Philosophical Magazine). Vols. 1-68, and new and united ser. vol. l-5th ser. vol. 49, June, 1798 Dec, 1826, 1832-June, 1900. 172 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1798-1900. E LOGAN, James. The Scottish Gael; or, Celtic Manners as preserved among the Highlanders. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. B 16 T 32, 33 LOGAN, Robert W. [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. C- Great Missionaries.] (I 14 S 30 LONDON JOURNAL. [See Hunt, L.J LONDON JOURNAL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (Newton's) ; being a Record of the Progress of Inven- tion as applied to the Arts. Vols. 1-23, ius., 1855-June, 1866. Illustrated. 23 vols, (in 12) 8vo. Lond., 1855-66. A 35 S 1-12 ; LONDON MANUAL AND MUNICIPAL YEAR-BOOK, 1896-97. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. New South Wales Auxiliary. Annual Report, 1894. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. " ME 6 P Report of the Directors, 1830. 8vo. Lond., 1830. E Transactions. Vol. 1,1795-1802. [With autograph of Samuel Marsden.] 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1804. MG 1 T 6 History of. [See Lovett, R,] G 24 U 5, (i LONDON NATIONAL GALLERY. [See National Gallery.] LONDON POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1853, 1874. 1881, 1884, 1886, 1890, 1894 1900. 16 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1853-1900. E LONDON TECHNICAL EDUCATION GAZETTE: being the Official Circular of the Technical Education Board of the London County Council. Vols. 3, 4, 1897-98, 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897 98. E idars, 1872-1901. 29 E ;de.] LONG, Alfred Parry. An for 1895, 1897, and pn Wales. -Statistics.] the Holy Graal. [See H 17 Q 9, 10 J .n \ ital Statistics [See New South Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. LONti, George. Decline of the Roman Republic. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-74. B 39 P 2-6 LONG Harry Alfred. Personal and Family Names. 8vo. Loud., 1883. J 5 T 33 LONG, James, and BENSON, John. Cheese and Cheese- n liking, Butter and Milk, with special reference to Continental Fancy Cheeses. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 1 U 5 LONG, Paul. Paddy Long's Budget of Topical Songs. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) " MJ 2 P 30 \ LONG, Robert Crozier. Reflections of a Russian States- man. [See Pobyedonostseff, K. P.] G 23 P 35 LONG, W. H. Medals of the British Navy, and how they were won ; with a List of those Officers who for their gallant conduct were granted Honorary Swords and Plate by the Committee of the Patriotic Fund. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 34 R 24 LONG, Capt. Wilfred James. The Franco-German War, 1870-71. [See Maurice, Maj.-Gen. J. F.] B 40 W 1 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Poems of Places. 31 vols. 18mo. Boston, 1876-79. H 11 P 7-37 1-4. England and Wales. 5. Ireland. 6-8. Scotland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. 9, 10. France and Savoy. 11-13. Italy. 14, 15. Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Holland. 16. Switzerland and Austria. 19. Greece and Turkey in Europe. 20. Russia, including Asiatic Russia. 21-23. Asia. 24. Africa. 25, 26. New England. 27. Middle States. 28. Southern States. 29. Western States. 30. British America, .Mexico, South America. 31. Oceanica. [Life of] ; by M. D. Conway. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q [Address on.] [See MacKie, Rev. J. G.— Sermons and Addresses.] MG 1 Q 66 [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 23 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. Be W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 1 1 Sketch of. [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 Study of. [See Lawton, W. C— New England Poets.] .) 23 T 3 3 a LONGFELLOW, William Pitt Preble. The Column and the Arch : Essays on Architectural History. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 19 S 4 Cyclopaedia of Works of Architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. 4to. New York, 1895. A 13 T 13 t LONGFIELD, Mountifort. Lectures on Political Economy. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. F 9 P 31 LONGINUS. On the Sublime : the Greek Text. Edited, after the Paris MS., with Introduction, Translation, Facsimiles, and Appendices, by Prof. W. It. Roberts. 8vo. Camb., 1899. J 19 W 9 LONGMAN'S GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD. Imp. 8vo Lond., 1895. D 15 S 13 f LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-36, Nov., 1882- Oct., 1900. 36 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-1900. E LONGSTAFF, Dr. George Blundell. Population of London and its Migrations. (Internat. Health Ex- hib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 LONGSTREET, Lieut. -Gen. James. From Manassas to Appomattox : Memoirs of the Civil War in America. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1896. B 19 T 15 LONGUEVILLE, Anne Genevieve de Bourbon [Mme. de]. Life of ; by Mrs. Alfred Cock. With Portrait, 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 12 LONSDALE, H. W. The Arms of the Royal and Parlia- mentary Burghs of Scotland. [See Bute, Marquess of.] " K 17 S 25 t LONSDALE, James. The Works of Virgil. [See Virgilius Maro, P.] J 12 S 44 LONSDALE, Sophia. English Poor Laws : their History, Principles, and Administration. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 P 34 LOOMIS, Eben Jenks. An Eclipse Party in Africa: Chasing Summer across the Equator in the U.S.S. Pensacola. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1896. D 14 T 26 LOOMIS, Dr. Elias. Elements of Geometry, Conic Sec- tions, and Plane Trigonometry. Revised ed. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 25 R 29 Introduction to Practical Astronomv, with a Collection of Astronomical Tables. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 19 U 17 LORD, Eleanor Louisa. Industrial Experiments in the British Colonies of North America. [See Johns Hop- kins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science] B 18 T 17 LORD, Fran nd Km y. Mother's Songs, (James, and 1, P.] G 18 R 62 370 Public Library of New South Wales. LORD, R. T. Decorative and Fancy Textile Fabrics, with Designs and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 45 U 6 LORD, Walter Frewen. The Lost Empires of the Modern World : Essays in Imperial History. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 2 The Lost Possessions of England. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 24 Sir Thomas Maitland: the Mastery of the Mediterranean- [See Maitland, Sir T.] C 23 S 10 LORENZ, H. W. F. Electrolysis and Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds. [See Lob, Dr. W.] A 41 T 19 LORENZ, Otto. Catalogue General de la Librairie Fran- chise. Tomes 13, 14, pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896-1900. Cat. Room 14. Periode de 1891 a 1899; redige par D. Jordell. Pt. 1. A-Boitel. 2. Boiteux-Contour. LORIA, Achille. Economic Foundations of Society. Translated from the 2nd French ed. by L. M. Keasbey. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 19 LORIMER, Rev. George Claude. The Argument for Christianity. 8vo. Philad., 1894. G 12 V 27 Christianity and the Social State. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 R 1 The People's Bible History, prepared in the light of recent investigations by some of the foremost thinkers in Europe and America ; with an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1895. G 11 W 6, 7 f LORIMER, Prof. James. Legal Education in a Univer- sity, and the proper relation of the Faculty of Laws to the Professional Corporations. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Political Progress nut necessarily Democratic; or,Relative Equality the true Foundation of Liberty. 12mo. Lond., 1857. F 15 P 20 LORING, Hon. George Bailey. Address before the Ameri- can Forestry Congress, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 44 Address delivered at the United States Cotton Conven- tion, 1881. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 19 U 13 LORRAIN, Claude. [See Gelle'e, Claude.] LOSERTH, Prof. Johann. De Ecclesia. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 19 De Eucharistia Tractatus Major. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 30 Opus Evangelicum. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 35, 36 Sermones. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 22-25 LOSSEAU, Leon. De la Reparation des Accidents de Travail (Responsabilite Garanlie, Assurance): Biblio- graphie des Travaux en Langue Franchise. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. F 16 T 20 LOSSING, Benson J. Harper's Popular United States History from the Aboriginal Period: containing brief Sketches of Important Events and Conspicuous Actors. New ed. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. New York, 1894. B 17 U 11, 12 Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. New York (n.d.) B 39 T 16, 17 Pictorial Field-book of the War of 1812. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1896. B 39 T 18 LOTHIAN, Schomberg Henry Kerr, Marquess of. The Genus Masdevallia. [See Woodward, Florence H.] A6U6 I LOTHIAN PRIZE ESSAY " LOTI, Pierre." [See Viaud, L. M. J.] LOTSY, Dr. J. P. Contribution to the investigation of the assimilation of free atmospheric nitrogen by white and black mustard. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.-— Office of Experiment Stns.] A 37 S 23 LOUDON, John Claudius. Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1846. A 39 P 18 LOUDON, W. J., and McLENNAN, J. C. Laboratory Course in Experimental Physics. 8vo. New York, 1895. - A 21 T 36 LOUGH, E. Fear. [See Mosso, A.] A 26 S 30 LOUIS IX, King of France, St. St. Louis. [Set £epet1 M.] G 25 P 1 St. Louis and Calvin. [See Guizot, F. P. G] G 24 Q 28 St. Louis et son temps. [See Wallon, H.] G 24 U 30, 31 St. Louis, King of France. [See Joinville, Sire de.] B27P8 Vie de St. Louis. [See Tillemont, Rev. L. S. Le Nain de.] G 25 U 1-6 LOUIS XIV, King of France. The Century of Louis XIV : its Arts, its Ideas ; by Emile Bourgeois. Trans- lated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) C 11 W 12 t Memoirs of Cardinal De Retz. [See De Retz, Cardinal.] B 21 U 2 LOUIS XV, King of France. The Due de Lauzun and the Court of Louis XV. [See Maugras, G.] B 34 R 8 LOUTS XVI, King of France. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H IT 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 371 LOUIS, Prof. Henry. Gold-fields of Australasia. [See Schmeisser, K.] MA 2 P 35, 36 f Hand-book of Metallurgy. [See Schnabel, Dr. C] A 21 U 18, 19 Treatise on Ore Deposits. [See Phillips, J. A.] A 25 V 31 LOU 1 SB, Queen of Denmark. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, ( 'ountess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 LOUISE, Queen of Prussia. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 LOUXSBURY, Prof. Thomas Raynesford. Studies in Chaucer : his Life and Writings. With Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 24 Q 11-13 James Fenimore Cooper. [See Cooper, J. F.] C 27 P 1 LOUR EIRE, P. The 100 Years Anglo-Chinese Calendar, 1st Jan., 1776-25th Jan., 1876. Roy. 8vo. Shanghai, 1872. B39S18 LOVAT, Simon Fraser, Baron. [Memoirs of.] [See Thom- son, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 3 LOVE, Ernest Frederick John. Entropy Meters. (Rov. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1897.) ME 1 P Library Facilities of Scientific I nvostigations inMelbourne. (Internat. Libr. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Room LOVE, Dr. James Kerr. Deaf Mutism : a Clinical and Pathological Study, with Chapters on the Education and Training of Deaf Mutes; by W. H. Addison. 8vo. Glasgow, 1896. A 28 U 25 LOVEDAY, W. G. Cooperative Agriculture. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 16 S 14 LOVELL, Arthur. Volo, or the Wil strengthen, and how to use it. 8 what it is, how to Lond., 1897. G 11 U 26 LOVER, Samuel. Handy Andy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 T 30 He would be a Gentleman. 8vo. Lond., 1890. LOVETT, Richard. History of the London Missionary Society. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 5, 6 LOW, David Allan. Pocket-book for Mechanical En- gineers. Tllust. 18mo. L 1897. J 25 U 3 My Novel; or, Varieties in English Life; by Pisistratus Caxton. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 24 U 16-18 Night and Morning. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 4 The Parisians. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 5, 6 ' Paul Clifford. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 7 Pelham. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 25 U 8 The Pilgrims of the Rhine. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 9 Rienzi. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 10 A Strange Story. Svo. Lond, 1897. J 25 U 11 What will he do with it; by Pisistratus Caxton. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 25 U 12, 13 Zanoni. Svo. Lond., 1S97. J 25 U 14 • , and MILL. John Stuart. Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy. [See Mill, John Stuart.— Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 LYTTON, Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of, "Owen Meredith." Glenaveril ; or, the Metamorphosis. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1SS5. H 11 R 8, 9 King Poppy. Svo. Lond., 1892. H 11 R 7 Lucile. Svo. Lond., 1893. H11R6 Marah. Svo. Lond., 1893. H 11 R 3 Selected Poems. Svo. Lond., 1891, II 11 R 5 The Wanderer. Svo. Lond., 1895. H11R4 History of Lord Lvtton's Indian Administration, 1876- SO. " [See Balfour, Lady Betty.] F 9 R 43 'Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] 19 Q 21 JPublic Library of New South Wales. M, J. [See McSweeny, J. J.] "MAARTENS, Maarten." [See Pcorten, J. M. W.] MABIE, Hamilton Wright. Books and Culture. 12mo. Edinb, 1898. J 23 P 2 Essays in Literary Interpretation. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 42 Essays on Nature and Culture. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 44 Essays on Work and Culture. 12mo. New York, 1899. G9U28 In the Forest of Arden. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 17 U 8 Memorial Story of America, comprising the Important Events, Episodes, and Incidents which make up the Record of 400 years from Columbus to the Present Time. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1896. B 20 V 9 My Study Fire. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 39, 40 Norse Stories retold fro 1896. Short Studies in Literature. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 43 Under the Trees and elsewhere. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 41 McADAM, Graham. The Protective System : what it costs the American Farmer. 12mo. New York, 1880. F 17 P 1 McADIE, Alexander. Protection from Lightning. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 20 U 13 MACALISTER, Prof. Alexander. Nephroptosis. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) " A 26 T 37 MACALISTER, D. The Australian Aborigines. (Mel- bourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Man's relation to the other animals. (Melb. Review, 2.) ME 18 Q MacALISTER, Dr. Donald. Special Pathological Anat- omy. [See Ziegler, Ernst.] A 32 R 29, 30 MACALISTER, R. A. S. Ecclesiastical Vestments : their Development and History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 T 22 McALL, Rev. Robert Whitaker. [Life of] Robert Whita- ker McAll, founder of the McAll Missions, Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 12 Y 25 McALPINE, D. Descriptions of new Australian Fungi. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Fungi from Kerguelen Island. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Fungi of Kerguelen Island. (Vict. Nat, Aug., 1898.) ME6P Fungi of the Wheat Plant in Australia. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia, and their Treatment. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 4 R 36 Meliola amphitricha, Fries. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Micro-Fungus from Mt. Kosciusko, and the first record of Uncinula in Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P New Myxomycete for New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P New South Wales Fungi. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Notes on Uromyces /airvin- Industry and its Critics. 18mo, Sydney, 1898. MA 4 R 2 MacCALLUM, Prof. Mungo William. The Place of Fic- tion in Public Libraries. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 McCARRON, STEWART, and CO. Map of Sydney and Suburbs, showing Tramway-lines and Stopping-places. Folded 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MD 7 P 1 Map of North Sydney and Environs, showing Tramway Lines and Stopping-places. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MD 8 S 10 MacCARTHY, Rev. B. Annals of Ulster. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Records Commission.] B 30 V 17, 18 M'CARTHY, Dr. Charles. Dipsomania or Drink-craving. (Melbourne Review. 6.) ME 18 Q MacCARTHY, Rev. Egerton Francis Mead. School Fit- tings. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 McCARTHY, James. Surveying and Exploring in Siam. [See Royal Geographical Soc., Lond.] D 22 Q 20 MCCARTHY, Justin. History of Our Own Times, from 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 3 S 47 Modern England before the Reform Bill. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 16 Reminiscences. With Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 T 5, 6 r Life of the Hoi 2 Of Co] The Inn W.] F 13 U 20, 21 [Life of] Pope Leo XIII. [See Leo XIII, Pope.] C 20 T 25 The Story of Gladstone's Life. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 23 U 2 , and PRAED, Rosa Caroline [Mrs. Campbell ] The Right Honourable. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. 1895. J 25 U 16 , and ROP.TNSt )N, Sir John R. The Daily News Jubilee : a Political and Social Retrospect of 50 years of the Queen's Reign. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 378 Public Library of New South Wales. MCCARTHY, Justin Huntly. The French Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1890-97. B 37 V 5-8 Short History of the United States. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 19 R 9 McCASKEY, J. P. Christmas in Song, Sketch, and Story : nearly 300 Christmas Songs, Hymns, and Carols ; with Selections from Beecher, Wallace, Auerbach, Abbott, Warren, and Dickens. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1891. G 23 V 21 McCLEAN, Frank, F.R.S. Spectra of Southern Stars. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 20 P 23 f McCLEAN, Mary Hall. Life of Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies. [See Xavier, St. Francis.] C 20 T 8 McCLELLAN, Maj.-Gen. George Brinton. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. — Critical Sketch of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 M'CLELLAN, Rev. John Brown. Higher Teaching of Agriculture. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 MACCLESFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Books in the Public Free Library presented by David Chadwick to the Corporation of Macclesfield. 8vo. Macclesfield, 1877. K 9 T 24 McCLINTOCK, Adm. Sir Francis Leopold. 1,000 Days in the Arctic. [See Jackson, F. G.] D 13 V 22, 23 McCLURE, Alexander Kelly. Our Presidents, and how we make them. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1900. F 19 R 14 McCLURE, Edmund. Historical Church Atlas. 4to. Lond., 1897. G 17 S 20 t The Ancient Hebrew Tradition. [See Hommel, Prof. F.l G26 S 1 Star Atlas. [See Klein, Dr. H. J.] A 21 P 13 t 200 Years. [See Allen, W. O. B.] G 25 T 5 McCLURE, M. L. Struggle of the Nations. [See Mas- pero, Prof. Gaston.] B 17 U 18 McC LUBE'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-3, 5-9, 11-13, June, 1893-Nov., 1894, June, 1895-Oct., 1897, May, 1898- April, 1899. Illustrated. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1893-99. E McCLYMONT, J. R, Discovery of New Guinea by An- tonio D'Abreu. (Australasian Assoc, for Advance- ment of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S An Explanation of the Voyage of Alvarado. (Roy. Soc. of Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1896.) _ ME 1 (J M'CLYMONT, Rev. James A. The New Testament and its Writers. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 37 MacCOLL, Rev. Malcolm. The Reformation Settlement examined in the light of History anil Law; with an Introductory Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir William Ver- von Harcourt. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 20 [Another copy.] 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 S 19 The Sultan and the Powers. 8vo. Lond., 1896. |F 12 T 23 Theological Teaching in a University. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 MacCOMBIE, Dr. John Chicken-pox. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Small-pox. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 McCOMBIE, Thomas. Frank Henly ; or, Honest In- dustry will conquer. 8vo. Melb., 1867. MJ 3 R 14 McCONNELL, John. Dry and Wet Crushing with Cyan- ide Treatment in New Zealand. (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1898-99.) E McCONNELL, Rev. Samuel D. History of the American Episcopal Church ; with Introduction by J. H. Over- ton. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 T 9 MacCORD, C. W. Slide- Valves : a Book for Practical Men on the Principles and Methods of Design, with an Explanation of the Principles of Shaft-Governors. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 38 U 2 McCORMACK, Thomas. Psychic Life of Micro-Organ- isms. [See Biiiet, A.] ' A 41 Q 8 McCORMACK, Thomas J. Lectures on Elementary Mathematics. [See Lagrange, J. L.] A 25 P 20 Science and Faith. [See Topinard, Dr. P.] A 27 S 31 Popular Scientific Lectures. [See Mach, Ernst.] A 21 R 38 McCORMICK, A. D. An Artist in the Himalayas. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 17 T 22 McCORMICK, P. D. Four Schoolmates : an Australian Tale of Misfortune and Success. With Preface by John Fraser, and Introduction by Rev. A. Gilohrist. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 U 6 McCOSH, Dr. Andrew. Pleural Effusion and Empyema : Abscess and Gangrene of the Lung. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 M'COSH, Rev James. The Institutions of the Mind in- ductively investigated. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1865. G 14P34 Realistic Philosophy defended in a Philosophic Series. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1887. G 17 S 21, 22 1. Expository. % Historical and Critical, Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 379 MacCOUN, Townsend. The Holy Land in Geography and History. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 18 McC< >Y, Sir Frederick. Note on an additional genus of Fossil Plants found in the Bacchus Marsh Sandstone. (Hoy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P McCRADY, Edward. History of South Carolina under tin; Proprietary Government, 1670-1719. With Maps. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 16 U 11 History of South Carolina under the Royal Government, 1719-76. With Map. 8vo. New York, 1899. B 17 Q 33 M'CRAE, George Gordon. How I found Cteur de Lion. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q In Memoriam: Henry Kendall. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q A Rosebud from the Garden of Taj. (Melbourne Review, 3, 8.) ME 18 Q Two Great Men of our own Time. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q M'CRTNDLE, J. W. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great, as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diod- oros, Plutarch, and Justin : being translations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as describe Alexander's Campaign in Afghan- istan, the Punjab, Sindh, Gedrosia, and Karmania ; with an Introduction containing a Life of Alexander, copious Notes, Illustrations, Maps, and Indices. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 28 T 6 The Christian Topography of Cosmas. [See Hakluvt Soc. Pubs., 98.] E McCUE, James Joseph. The Australasian Poultry Guide. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 36 [Another copy.] 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 3 U 51 Breeding and Rearing Ducks. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1*98.) ME 9 R Breeding Thoroughbred Kowls. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1*98.) ME 9 R Crossing Fowls for Market. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1*97.) ME 9 R Ducks. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Eggs and Incubation. (Agr. Caz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Fowls for Profit. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R The Hatching Season of 1898. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1*99.) ME 9 R Hens and Egg Production. (Ai 1*99.) Incubators and Incubation. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1*98.) ME9R Poultry. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Poultry Foods. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Poultry-houses and Runs. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1*99.) ME 9 R MacCULLAGH, Rev. J. C. Religion and Science. (Mel- bourne Review, 5, 6.) ME 18 Q McCULLOCH, Hon. Hugh. Bimetallism. 8vo. New York, 1879. F 17 P 8 M'CULLOCH, Robert. The Game of Draughts simplified. [See Anderson, A.] A 40 Q 14 McCULLOCH, Robert William. R Preparation for Market. [See Que '-growing and its sland. — Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 McCULLY, Charles Arnold. The People v. the Liquor Traffic. [See Finch, J. B.] F 15 P 27 MacCUNN, Prof. John. Making of Character: some Educational Aspects of Ethics. 8vo. Camb., 1900. (Cambridge Ser. for Schools and Training Colleges.) ' G 26 Q8 McCURDY, Dr. James Frederick. History, Prophecy, and the Monuments; or, Israel and the Nations. Vol. 2. 8vo. New York, 1896. B 27 V 19 2. To the Fall of Nineveh. MacDERMOTT, Martin. Memoirs of Lord Edward Fitz- gerald. [See Fitzgerald, E., Lord.] C 23 R 4 MacDEVITT, E. O. Hand-book of Western Australia: being a short Account of its History, Resources, Scope for Settlement, and Land Laws. 12mo. Perth, 1897. MD 8 P 33 MacDONAGH, Michael. Book of Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 10 V 45 MACDONALD, A. C. Account of the Expedition to New Guinea. (Roy. Australasia, Vict, Branch, Trans., 1 Early Discovery of Austral! Australasia, Vict. Branch JME2 (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of ., 1885-86.) ME 20 P Notes of an Address on the Progress of Geographical Discovery during the Reign of Queen Victoria, (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict, Branch, Trans., 1898.) ME 20 P Notes on the Discovery of the Eastern Coast of New Holland (Australia) by Capt, Cook. (Rov. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia. Vict. Branch, Trans., 1897.) ME 20 P Notes on the Panama and Nicaragua Canal Schemes. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Over Land and Sea ; or, A North Pole. (Roy. Ge Vict. Branch, Trans., 18 Sixty Years' Progress of G 97. (Australasian Asso Report, 1898.) •rial Voyage to the jc. of Australasia, ME 20 P [ Discovery, 1837 - .neement of Science. ME 18 S Public Library of New South Wales. MacDONALD, Alexander. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MACDONALD, Alice. Karl Marx and the Close of his System. [See Bohm-Bawerk, E. von.] F 15 Q 25 MacDONALD, Arthur. Abnormal Woman : a Sociologic and Scientific Study of Young Women, including Letters of American and European girls in answer to personal advertisements ; with a Bibliography. 8vo. Wash., 1895. F 10 V 9 Orii ■•-it'll M nile Zola. [See Zola, E.] C26S2 MacDONALD, Rev. D. Asiatic or Semitic Origin of the Oceanic Numerals, Personal Pronouns, Phonology, and Grammar. (Polynesian Soc, Joum., 1896.) ME 6 R Mythology of the Efatese. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Oceanic Family of Languages. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S MACDONALD, Flora. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 4 MAC DONALD, George. Alec Forbes of Howglen. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 17 V 22 Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 25 S 4 David Elginbrod. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 17 V 21 Donal Grant. New ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 5 Lilith. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 S 6 Malcolm. Newed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 7 The Marquis of Lossie. New ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 8 Rampolli : Growths from a long-planted root : being translations, new and old, chiefly from the German, along with a Year's Diary of an Old Soul. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 T 3 Robert Falconer. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 17 V 23 Sir Gibbie. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 9 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C. — My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 For the Right. [See Franzos, K. E.] J 22 T 40 MACDONALD, George. The Cold Coast Past and Pre- sent : a short Description of the Country and its People. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 14 R 25 MacDONALD, Dr. Greville Matheson. Diseases of the Nose. [See Hall, Dr. F. de H.] A 26 T 37 MacDONALD, Maj.-Gen. Hector Archibald. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 MACDONALD, Rev. J. A. From Far Formosa. [See Mackay, Rev. G. L] D 17 S 13 MACDONALD, James C. Devices of the 16th Century Debtors. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 MacDONALD, Major James Ronald Leslie. Soldiering and Surveying in British East Africa, 1891-94. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 48 MacDONALD, Sir John. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 MacDONALD, John F. Paris of the Parisians. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 11 MACDONALD, Louisa. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases, and of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney. [See Sydney University.] MA 4 S 28 MACDONALD, Marshal. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MacDONALD, Capt. R. J. History of the Dress of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1625-1897. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 11 V 22 t MacDONALD, Dr. Thomas Fauset. Transplantation of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve. (Australasian Assoc. for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S MacDONALD, Prof. William. Select Charters and other Documents illustrative of American History, 1606- 1775. 8vo. New York, 1899. B 19 R 12 MACDONNELL, Alexander, " Pickle the Spy." Pickle the Spy ; or, the Incognito of Prince Charles. [See Lang, A.] B 16 V 34 MacDONNELL, Prof. Arthur Anthony. History of Sanskrit Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 U 1 7 MacDONELL, Philip James. The Historic Basis of Liberalism. (Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 S 50 MacDONOUGH, A. R. Nepigon River-fishing. (Out-of- door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 M'DOUGAL, Thomas D. Opening Letters in the Post Office. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q McDOUGALL, D. Melbourne Directory. [See Melbourne and Suburban Directory.] ME 11 P-R McDOUGALL, John. Forest, Lake, and Prairie : Twenty years of Frontier Life in Western Canada, 1842-62. Illustrated. 8vo. Toronto, 1895. D 16 R 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Mac! )f) WALL, H. C. Henry of Guise, and other Por- traits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 36 R 11 MAC I >UFF, Rev. John Ross. Tales of the Warrior King : Lite and Times of David, King of Israel. 8vo. Lond., 1 896. . B 36 R 9 The Author of Morning and Night Watches : Reminis- cences of a long Life. Edited by his daughter. 8vo. Lend., 1896. C 22 T 17 McEACHRAN, Duncan. Tuberculosis in Cattle. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U McELROY, K. P. Canned Vegetables. [See Unit £, States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Chemistry. — Food and Food Adulterants.] A 31 T 10 MacFAVAN, Elias J. Technique of the Drama. [See Freytag, Gustav.] H 10 W 4 MacFAVAN, Peter. The Art of Dispensing: a Treatise on the Methods and Processes involved in Compound- ing Medical Prescriptions. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., MacIAVEN, Alexander R. The United Presbyterian Church. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 The Erskines. [See Erskine, Revs. E. and R.] C 20 V 21 McEWIN, George. Preparation of Dried and Preserved Fruits. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 MACEY, Frank W. Specifications in detail. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 39 P 17 McFADYEAN, Prof. J. Foot and Mouth Disease. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 M'FALL, Frances Elizabeth [Mrs. H.] "Sarah Grand." What to aim at. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 MacFARLAND, Alfred. Capt. Cook : his Life, &c. [See New South Wales. — Lands. — Dedication of Capt. Cook's Landing-place.] MF 5 P 19 MacFARLANE, Charles William. Value and Distribu- tion : an Historical, Critical, and Constructive Study in Economic Tlieorv, adapted for advanced and post- graduate work. 8vo. Philad., 1899. F 9 P 37 MacFARLANE, John. Library Administration. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Library Ser.) J 14 V 23 Archaeological Researches in Palestine, 1873-74. [See Palestine Exploration Fund.] B 13 V 16, 17 t MacFARLANE, Walter. Genealogical Collections con- cerning Families in Scotland. [See Scottisli Hist. Soc, Pubs., 33, 34.] E MacFARLANE, Walter, and CO. Catalogue of MacFar- lane's Castings. 5thed. 4 to. Glasg. (n.d.) A 40 U 21 J MACFARLANE, William Macpherson, and ADDISON, G. Campbell. Synopsis of Offences punishable on summary conviction by Justices of the Peace under local, and a few imperial, Statutes of general applica- tion in force in New South Wales at the end of 1896 ; with Introductory Outline of Procedure in Summary Convictions, and Cross-references, Notes, Tables of Statutes, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 R 71 MACFEE, K. N. Imperial Customs Union : a Practical Scheme of Fiscal Union for the purposes of Defence and Preferential Trade, from a Colonist's standpoint. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 28 MACFIE, Robert Andrew. Copyright and Patents for Inventions 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1879-83. F 7 P 23, 24 M'GAVIN, William. The Scots Worthies. [See Howie, Rev. J.] G 24 S 1 MACGIBBON, David, and ROSS, Thomas. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland, from the Earliest Christian Times to the 17th Century. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-97. A 23 V 28-30 McGIFFERT, Arthur Cushinan. History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G 11 R 38 M'GILCHRIST, William. History of Dogma. [See Har- nack, Rev. A.] G 23 S 41, 42 McGILL UNIVERSITY. Papers from the Department of Applied Science. No. 1. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 20 1. Presidential Address ; by H. T. Bovey. Papers from the Department of Botany. Nos. 1-6. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97. A 40 S 7 1. Nematophyton Ortoni, n.sp. ; by D. P. Penhallow. 2. Nematophyton Crassum ; by D. P. Penhallow. 3. Peculiar behaviour of Charcoal in the Blast Furnace at Radnor Forges. Quebec; by.]. T. Donald : and Char- coal impregnated with Slag ; by D. P. Penhallow. 4. The Generic Characters of the North American Taxaceas and Coniferas ; by D. P. Penhallow. 5. Myelopteris TopcJccnsis : a new carboniferous plant; by i>. P. Penhallow. 6. A few Notes on Canadian Plant lore ; by Carrie M. Derick. Papers from the Department of Chemistry and Mineral- ogy. No. 1. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 22 1. On a new Alkali Hornblende and a Titaniferous Andra- dite from the N'epheline-Svcnite of Dungannon, Hast- ings County, Ontario; l.y F. 1). Adams and B. J. Harrington: Papers from the Department of Engineering. Nos. 2, 3. 8vo. Montreal, 1898. A 40 S 24 2. Hydraulic Laboratory, McGill University; by H. T. Bovey and J. T. Fanner. 3. Law of Condensation of Steam ; bv H. L. Callendarand J. T. Nicholson. Public Library of New South Wales. McGILL UNIVERSITY— contd. Papers from the Department of Geology. Nos. 1-7. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97. A 40 S 9 1, 2. Review of the Evidence for the Animal Nature of Eozobn Canadense ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 3. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian : by Dr. F. 1). Adams and A. E. Barlow; with Remarks by R. W. Ells. 4. Additional Notes on Fossil Sponges and other organi'' remains from the Quebec Group at Little Metis, on the Lower St. Lawrence ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 5. Report on the (I eulogy of a portion of the Laurentian area lying to the North of the Island of Montreal ; by Dr. F. D. Adams. 6. Note on Cryptozoon and other ancient Fossils ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 7. Note on Carboniferous Entomostraca from Nova Scotia, in the Peter Redpath Museum, determined and described by Prof. T. R. Jones and Mr. Kirby ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 1. Upon general infection by the Bacillus Pyocyaneous in children ; by E. P. Williams and K. Cameron. 2. Notes upon a case of Madura Foot ; by J. G. Adaini and R. C. Kirkpatrick. 3. Further Observations upon Madura Foot Disease in America ; by J. G. Adami and R. C. Kirkpatrick. 4. Internal Secretions ; by J. G. Adami. 5. The Great Omentum ; by J. G. Adami. Papers from the Department of Philosophy. Nos. 1, 2. ' 8vo. Montreal, 1896. G 18 R 66 1. The Dualistic Conception of Nature ; by J. C. Murray. 2. The Idealism of Spinoza ; by J. C. Murray. Papers from the Department of Physics. Nos. 1-4. 7, 8. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-98. ' A 40 S 6 1. Preliminary Results of Observations of Soil Tempera- tures with Electrical Resistance Thermometers; by Prof. H. L. Callendar. 4. Observations of Soil Temperatures v. itli Electrical Re- sistance Thermometers ; by Prof. H. L. Callendar and Prof. C. H. McLeod. 7. Observations of Soil Temperature with Electrical Re- sistance Thermometers ; by Praf. H. L. Callendar and Prof. C. H. McLeod. 8. Some Measurements of the Temperature of the Lachinc Rapids ; by H. T. Barnes. Papers from the Department of Physiology. Nos. 1-6. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 21 1. The Cat; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 2. The Dog ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 3. The Dog and the Cat compared ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 4. The Rabbit and the Cavy or Guinea Pig; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 5. The Pigeon and the Domestic Fowl ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 6. The Functional Development of the Cerebral Cortex in different Groups of Animals ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. MacGILLIVRAY, Dr. P. H. Monograph of the Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 4.) ME 21 T M'GOWAN, Dr. George. Analytical Chemistry. [See Ostwald, Dr. Wilhelm.] A 21 R 41 MacGOWAN, Rev. J. History of China from the Earli- est Days down to the Present. With Map. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 38 U 14 MacGREGOR, George. Collected Writings of Dougal Graham. [See Graham, Dougal.] J 14 S 19, 20 MACGREGOR, Surgeon-Major John. Through the Buffer State : a Record of recent Travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 Q 32 MacGREGOR, Sir William. British New Guinea. (Scot- tish Geograph. Journ., April, 1895.) E British New Guinea. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proa, 1894-95.) E British New Guinea ; Country and People. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MD 4 W r 6 Discoveries in New Guinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., May, 1890.) E Highland Plants from New Guinea. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.] ME 21 T MACH, Prof. Ernst. Popular Scientific Lectures. Trans- lated by Thomas J. McCormack. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 21 R 38 M'HENRY, Alexander. Geology of Antrim and Derry. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V3 Geology of Inishowen, Co. Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 1 Geology of N.W. and Central Donegal, [See Gt. Brit. and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 2 Guide to the Collections of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland. [See Gt. Brit. and Irel.— Science and Art Mus., Dublin.] A 24 S 24 MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo di Bernardo. History of Florence; from the Translation of the Works of the famous Nicholas Machiavel, published in 1675. Edited by Prof. H. Morley. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 34 S 8 Life and Times of. [See Villari, Prof. P.] B 39 P 8 Machiavelli: the Romanes Lecture delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre.. [See Morley, Rt. Hon. J.J F 13 Q 32 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 MacHUGH, Alfred, and O'DOWD, Bernard Patrick. Local Government Acts ; with Introduction, Notes, and Index. 8vo. Melb, 1897. MF 5 Q 23 McHUGH, R. J. The Siege of Ladysmith. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 383 MacIICJRON, Alexis. Andree and his JBalloon. [Set Lachambre, H.] D 13 P 4 McILRAITH, J. R. Austria. [See Whitman, S.] B 26 S 17 Moltke's Letters to his Wife. [See Moltke, Count H. K. I!, von.] C 23 V 15, 16 Paradoxes. [See Sudfeld, M. S.] G 3 U 16 MacILWAINE, Herbert C. The Australian Horseman. (Harper's Monthly Mag., July, 1899.) E M'INNES, Duncan. Cooperative Agriculture. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 Hew Cooperative Societies can supply their members with Dwelling-houses. 12mo. Manchester. 1899. F 16 S H McINTOSH, John Geddes. Manufacture of Varnishes, Oil-crushing, Refining and Boiling, and kindred In- dustries. [See Livache, A.] A 25 T 13 McINTOSH, Dr. William Carmichael, F.R.S. Resources of the Sea, as shown in the Scientific Experiments to test the effects of Trawling and of the Closure of cer- tain areas off the Scottish Shores. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 T 25 Monograph of the British Annelids. [See Ray Soc., Pubs., 1898.) • E McINTYRE, G. On the state of the Surveys in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1882.) ME 1 Q MACK, Marie [See Creed, Marie Louise.] MAC KAIL, John William. Odysseus in Phseacia. (Bibelot, 1897.) E Aglavaine and Selysette. [See Maeterlinck, M.] H 11 R14 Life of William Morris. [See Morris, W.] C 25 S 9, 10 MAC KAY, Mne&s John George. History of Fife and Kinross. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (County Histories of Scotland.) B 16 T 20 Historie and Cronicles of Scotland,. [See Scottish Text Soc. Pubs., 42, 43.] E MACKAY, Alexander M. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MacKAY, Angus. [life of] Rev. J. D. Lang. [See Mel- bourne Review, 3, 4.] ME 18 Q MACKAY, Sir Donald James, Lord Reay. [See Reay, Lord.] MACKAY, Eric. The Lover's Missal. 18mo. Lond., 1897. H 11 P38 McKAY, Frederic Edward, and WINGATE, Charles. Famous American Actors of To-day. Illustrated. svo. New York, 1896, C 23 Q 6 MACKAY, Rev. George Leslie. From Far Formosa : the Island, its People, and Missions. Edited by Rev. J. A. Macdonald. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. D 17 S 13 MacKAY, J. K. Treatise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies. [See Grant, J.] F 13 R 17 MACKAY, John Charles. Light Railways for the United Kingdom, India, and the Colonies. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 U It MACKAY, Dr. John Yule. Human Anatomy. [See CTeland, Dr. John.] A 12 V 18 MACKAY, Kenneth. the Asiatic Invasi The Yellow Wave : a Romance of i of Australia. Svo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 43 MACKAY, Robert [oftener called Rob Donn and Robert Calder]. Songs and Poems in the Gaelic Language. Enlarged edition, containing several Poems never before published ; with English Notes and a new Memoir of the Poet by H. Morrison. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. H12R26 '• i See 26 T 10 MACKAY, Thomas. Life of Sir John Fowler. Fowler, Sir J.] MACKAY, Thomas. Methods of Social Reform. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 9 The State and Charity. Svo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 13 MACKAY, W. Boyd. Ruined Queensland : the Secret of her Downfall. (Westminster Review, 1895.) E McKAY, Dr. W. J. Stewart. Lawson Tait's Perineal Operations, and an Essay on Curettage of the Uterus. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 39 V 1 McKEAGUE, John. Practical Irrigation. Svo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 R 28 MACKECHNIE, Edmund A. The Influence of the Ideal. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S M'KECHNIE, William Sharp. The State and the Ind: vidual : an Introduction to Political Science, wit 1 special reference to Socialistic and Individualist! Theories. Svo. Glasgow, 1896. ith F 1 T 31 M'KENDRICK, Dr. John Gray. Waves of Sound and Speech as revealed by the Phonograph. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 42 H. L. F. von Helmholtz. [See Helmholtz, Dr. H. L. F. von.] C 23 R 15 MACKENZIE, Lieut-Gen. Colin. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 MacKICNZTU, Fe lidink, 1897, Sprays of Northern Pin 384 Public Library of New South Wales. MACKENZIE, Dr. Hector William Gavin. Grave's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Physical Si^ns of the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 )r. W. M.] A 26 T 3 MACKENZIE, Henry. The Man of Feeling. With Por- trait. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 24 S 36 MACKENZIE, Dr. James. Migraine. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 MACKENZIE, Sir James D. The Castles of England. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 10 T 13, 14 t MACKENZIE, Dr. John Kenneth. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MACKENZIE, Dr. Stephen. General Exfoliative Der- matitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Pityriasis Rosea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 MACKENZIE, William, and HANDFORD, Percy. Model Bye-laws, Rules and Regulations, under the Public Health and other Acts, with alternative and additional clauses. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 9 V 23, 24 McKEOWN, George Maurice. Broom Corn or Broom Millet. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Experiments with Fodders and Pasture Grasses at the Richmond River Experiment Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Experiments with Maize at the Richmond River Experi- ment Farm. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Experiments with Potatoes at the Richmond River Ex- periment Farm. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Fruits at Wollongbar Experiment Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Miscellaneous Sub-tropical Crops. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Pumpkins, Squashes, Melons, etc. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Riverina Notes. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Sweet Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) • MA 4 U 1 Trials of Commercial Crops at Wollonghar Experiment Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Trials of various Crops at Wagga Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R McKERROW, George. Economical Feeding. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R MacKIE, J. B. Life and Work of Duncan McLaren. [See McLaren, D.] C 24 P 4, 5 MacKIE, Rev. John Gordon. Sermons and Addresses. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MG 1 Q 66 MACKIE, S. J. Art Studies from Nature as applied to Design. [See Hulme, F. E.] A 45 T 21 McKIM, Dr. W. Duncan. Heredity and Human Progress. 8vo. New York, 1900. G 24 S 16 McKINNEY, Hugh Giffen. Water Conservation Surveys in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Journal, 1896.) ME 1 R The Union of England and Scotland : a Study of Inter- national History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 22 S 11 MACKINTOSH, Catherine Wink worth. On the Thresh- old of Central Africa. [See Coillard, F.] D 13 U 2 MACKINTOSH, Rev. Robert. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd : the Appeal to Biology or Evolution for Human Guidance. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 V 4 MACKNIGHT, Thomas. Ulster as it is, or 28 years ex- perience as an Irish Editor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 14 U 34, 35 MacLACHLAN, T. Banks. [Life of] Mungo Park. [See Park, M.] C 20 V 8 McLAREN, Alexander. A Rosary of Christian Graces. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 R 31 MACLAREN, Rev. Alexander. Triumphant Certainties and other Sermons. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 Q 1 McLAREN, Duncan. Life and Work of ; by J. B. Mac- Kie. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888. C 24 P 4, 5 " MACLAREN, Ian." [See Watson, Rev. John.] MACLAREN, J. M. Geology of Te Moehau. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Gold in the Coromanclel District. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. McLARTY, F. M. Affairs of the Colony : being a His- tory concerning the Straits Settlements and the British Protected States of the Malay Peninsula. 8vo. Penang, 1893. D 18 S 24 MacLAURIN, Dr. Henry Normand. Commemoration Addresses, University of Sydney, 1896-98. [See Sydney University.] MG 1 U 10 MACLAURIN, J. S. On the action of Potassium-Cyanide Solution upon Gold. (N.Z.Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S MAC LAY, Edgar Stanton. History of American Pri- vateers. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 40 P 3 MAC LAY, James. Certain Algebraic Double Minimal Surfaces. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 44 S 15 McKEOWN, George Maurice, and JACKSON, Henry Vaughan. New Varieties of Sugar-cane at the Richmond River Farm. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R MACLEAN, Arthur John, and BROWNE, William Henry. Catholicos of the East and his People. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 26 R 2 MACLEAN, G. R. Rocks ahead ; or, how the Jesuits conquered New South Wales. 4to. Sydney, 1894. MG 1 V 5 Th Sydney Mnyazine. [See Sydney Mayazine, The."] MJ 3 T 8 MacLEAN, Hector. Popular Photographic Processes : a Practical Guide to Printing with Gelatino-Chloride, Artigue, Platinotype, Carbon, Bromide, Collodio- Chloride, Bichromated Gum, and other Sensitised Papers. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 Q 6 MacLEAN, Henri J. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B32Q11 McLEAN, James A. Essays in the Financial History of Canada. 8vo. New York, 1894. F 18 R 10 MACLEAN, Sir John. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 3 McLEAN, Walter. Observations upon the Korean Coast, -Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia. [See Bucking- ham, Lieut. B. H.] D 20 U 10 MACLEAR, Rev. George Frederick. The English. With Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (Conversion of the West.) G 26 P 10 The Northmen. With Map. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Conversion of the West.) G 26 P 8 The Slavs. With Map. 12mo. Lond., 1879. (Con- version of the West.) G 26 P 9 MACLEAY, Hon. William. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 f MACLEAY ARGUS, July, 1897-Dec, 1899. 2 vols. fol. Kempsey, 1897-99. ME MAC LEA Y CHRONIC LEanA Bellin; Fol. Kempsey, 1899. r Advertiser, 1899. ME McLENNAN, J. C. Experimental Physics. [See Loudon, W. J.] A 21 T 36 M'LENNAN, John Ferguson. Studies in Ancient His- tory. 2nd ser., comprising an Inquiry into the origin of Exogamy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 14 U 33 McLEOD, Prof. C. H., and CALLENDAR, Prof. Hugh Langbourne. Observations of Soil Temperatures with Electrical Resistance Thermometers. [See McGill Univ. — Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 Our Record of Canadian Earthquakes. [See McGill Univ. — Papers from Dept. of Physics.] A 40 S 6 M'LEOD, Sir Donald. [Portrait of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. —Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 MACLEOD, Fiona. From the Hills of Dream: Mountain Songs and Island Runes. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) H 1 S 25 Green Fire : a Romance. 8vo. New York, 1896. J 22 T 39 History of Economics. 8vo. F 12 T 8 Indian Currency. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 10 U 30 Monometallism v. Bimetallism. [See Kitson, A. — Scien- tific Solution of the Money Question.] F 10 V 20 MacLEOD, Dr. Kenneth. Cholera Asiatica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Epidemic Dropsy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 35 MacLEOD, Rev. Norman. The Gold Thread. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 25 U 18 The Starling. Illust. 8vo. Lond, 1898. J 25 U 17 [Life of]; by John Wellwood. 12mo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 U 23 [Life of]; by Rev. C. Strong. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q MacLURCAN, Mrs. Hannah. Mrs. MacLurcan's Cookery- book : a Collection of Practical Recipes specially suit- able for Australia. 12mo. Townsville, 1898. MA4P18 MacMAHON, Marshal Marie Edmc Patrice Maurice de, Due de Magenta. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C19Q22 386 Public Library of New South Wales'. MacMAHON, Philip. A Good Garden and Orchard Ap- pliance. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME9U A Labour-saving Tool. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Aug., 1898,) ME 9 U Nut-grass. (Queensl. Agr. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U Our Botanic Gardens. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897-1900.) ME 9 U McMASTER, John Bach. History of the People of the United States. Vol. 4. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 18 R 4 Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters. [See Franklin, B.] C 27 P 3 MACMILLAN, Rev. Hugh. The Spring of the Day. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 26 McMILLAN, Margaret. "Woman in the New Party. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 McMILLAN, Robert, " Globe Trotter," " Gossip." Aus- tralian Gossip andStory. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MJ 3 R 1 1 Unsuccessful Competitors, and other Stories. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. (Brooks' Ser.) MJ 3 S 23 Voyage of the Moonsoon ; or, Adventures of a Stowaway. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MJ 3 V 13 The Woolly Festival : a Record of the Sydney Stud Sheep Sales and Annual Sheep-breeders' Show, 1896— 98. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-98. MA 3 T 58 McMILLAN, Walter G. Treatise on Electro-Metallurgy. 2nd ed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 24 R 34 Electric Smelting and Refining. [See Borchers, Dr. W.] A 38 T 1 Metals. [See Huntington, Alfred Kirby.] A 25 Q 43 McMILLAN, William. Speech on the Referendum as a mode of settling disputes between the two Houses of Parliament. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 2 Q 20 MAG MILL A1PS MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-81, 1859-April, 1900. 81 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859-1900. E McMULLEN, John. History of Canada from its First Discovery to the Present Time. 8vo. Brockville, 1868. B 18 R 20 McMULLEN, Richard Turrill. Down Channel; with Introduction by D. Kemp. Revised ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 19 P 10 McMURRICH, Dr. J. Playfair. A Text-book of Inverte- brate Morphology. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 27 T 12 MacNAB, Frances. British Columbia for Settlers : its Mines, Trade, and Agriculture. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 R 12 McNAIR, Maj. J. F. A., and BAYLISS, W. D. Prisoners their own Warders : a Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore, in the Straits Settlements, established 1825, discontinued 1873; together with a cursory History of the Convict Establishments at Bencoolen, Penang, and Malacca, from 1797. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 6 U 8 MACNAMARA, Nottidge Charles. Origin and Character of the British People. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 15 Story of an Irish Sept : their Character and Struggle to maintain their Lands in Clare. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 34 T 17 MacNAMARA, T. J. Education. (Sixty Years of Em- pire.) . B 22 R 18 MacNAMARA, Walter Henry. Paley's Law and Practice of Summary Convictions. [See Paley, W.] F 9 P 67 M 'NAUGHT, D. Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory. [See Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory.] J 19 W 1 McN AUGHT, W. G. Music in Primary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 9 MacNAGHTEN, R. E. Football. [See Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 McNEILL, William. Filter-press Treatment of Gold Ore Slimes (Hannan's Western Australia). (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.) E MACOUN, John. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. [See Canada.— Geolog. Surv.] A 20 V 25 MacPHAIL, J. R. N. The Arms of the Royal and Par- liamentary Burghs of Scotland. [See Bute, Marquess of.] K 17 S 25 t Letters written by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, concerning Highland Affairs and persons connected with the Stuart Cause in the 18th Century. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 26.] E MacPHERSON, Hector Carsewell. Adam Smith. [See Smith, A] C 20 V 15 Herbert Spencer, the man and his work. [See Spencer, H] C 27 R 20 Life of Thomas Carlyle. [See Carlyle, T.] C 20 T 10 MACPHERSON, James. Poems of Ossian. [See Ossian.] H12P16 MACPHERSON, Dr. John. Mental Affections : an In- troduction to the Study of Insanity. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 T 28 MacPHERSON, Rev. John. Christian Dogvnatics. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. G 23 S 31 MacPHERSON, Stewart. Interludes. [See Banister, H. C] A 41 T 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1 900. M'PHi:RSON, Urquhart. Commerce and Banking. (Mel- bourne Review, G.) ME 18 Q McPHUNS AUSTRALIAN NEWS and Record of Com- mercial Progress in Australia. Nos. 1-13, 1853. Fol. Glasgow, 1853. MF 5 V 3 MACQUARIE LIGHTHOUSE. Account of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the new Macquarie Light- house, March 1st, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. [Ex- tract from S. M. Herald, March 2nd, 1880.] MJ 3 R 28 MACQUOID, Katharine Sarah [Mrs. T. R,] Julia K a vanagh and Amelia Blandford Edwards. (Oliphant, Margaret O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 . , and Gilbert S. In the Volcanic Eifel : a Holiday Ramble. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 S 18 McRAE, George Gordon. [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P J McRAE, Lieut.-Col. John Graham. List of Gujerat Trees. [See Wilson. G. H. D.] E MACREADY, William Charles. Life of ; by W. T. Price. 18mo. New York, 1894. C 19 P 1 [Life of.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S31 [Portrait of] as Virginius. [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MacRITCHIE, Rev. William. Diary of a Tour through Great Britain; with an Introduction and Notes by David MacRitchie. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 11 S 10 McSWEENY, J. J., "J.M." Australian Turf Infamies: a Tale of the Australian Turf ; or, the Experiences of Inexperienced Men. 18mo. Sydney,.1899. MJ 3 V 9 McTAGGART, John McTaggart Ellis. Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic. 8vo. Camb., 1896. G 24 U 14 MACTEAR, James. Notes on the South German Mine, ^laldon, Victoria. (Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98.) E MacVANNEL, John Angus. Hegel's Doctrine of the Will. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 2G T 14 McVlCKAR, Harry Whitney. Evolution of Women. Illust. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 45 P 2 Our Amateur Circus; or, a New York Season. Illus- trated. Ob. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 23 P 19 M'VITTIE, James. "Riding the Marches" round La- bour's Estate. 12mo. Manchester, 1881. F 12 S 20 MACY, Prof. Jesse. The English Constitution : a Com- mentary on its Nature and Growth. 8vo. New York, 1897, F 13 R 9 MADDEN, Rt. Hon. Dodgson Hamilton. The Diary of Master William Silence : a Study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan Sport. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 35 T 18 MADDEN, Frank. Grass Lands of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1895, MA 3 U 37 MADDEN, John. The Wilderness and its Tenants : a Series of Geographical and other Essays, illustrative of Life in a Wild Country, together with Experiences and Observations culled from the Great Book of Nature in many Lands. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 S 4-6 MADDEN, Sir John. Inaugural Address, delivered at the Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia, Victorian Branch, 1899. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Br., Trans., 1899.) ' ME 20 P MADGWICK, Rev. E. D. An Historical Sketch of St. Peter's Church, Cook's River, Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MG 2 Q 55 MADISON, Dorothea [Mrs. J.l Dolly Madison ; by Maud Wilder Goodwin. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 U 14 MADISON, James. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 MADRAS AND BURMESE ART- WARE. Permanent Photographs of . Ob. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 19 S 10 t MADRAS NEW ALMANAC for 1860, with a General Register and Directory for Madras and Home. 8vo. Madras, 1859. E MADRAS OBSERVATORY. Results of Observations of the Fixed Stars made with the Madras Meridian Circle. Vol. 9. 4to. Madras, 1899. E 9. General Catalogue. MADRAS PRESIDENCY :— Government Departments— Reports and Publications. Administration. Manual of the Administration of the Madras Presidency, in illustration of the Records of Government and the Yearly Administration Reports : Articles on Geography, Ethnology, and History, taken from the first vol. Sm. fol. Madras, 1886. D 29 Q 20 \ Report on the Administration of the Madras Presidency, 1875-98. 23 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1875-98. E Agricultural Banks. [See Land and Agricultural Banks, under this heading.] Census. [See India. — Census, 14, 15.] Education. Report on Public Instruction in the Madras Presidency, 1875-98. 23 vols 8vo. and fol. Madrc~ 3-98. E Land and Agricultural Banks. Report regarding the possibility of introducing Land and Agricultural Banks into the Madras Presidency. 2 vols. sm. fol. Madras, 1895-97.. F 20 R 4, 5 f Public Library of New South Wales. MADSEN, C. L. Thermo-Geographical Studies : General Exposition of the Analytical Method applied to Researches on Temperature and Climate. 4to. Copenhagen, 1897. A 13 X 7 t MAETERLINCK, Polydore Marie Bernard (Maurice Maeterlinck.) Aglavaine and Selysette : a Drama. Translated by A. Sutro; with an Introduction by J. W. MacKail. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 14 The Treasure of the Humble. Translated by A. Sutro ; with an Introduction by A. B. Walkley. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 12 V 34 Wisdom and Destiny. Translated by A. Sutro. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 U 42 Maeterlinck as a Mystic. [See Symons, A. — Symbolist Movement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M.— Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY. Vols. 1-30, 1877-93. 30 vols. sm. 4 to. New York, 1877-93. B 38 R 1-S 15 MAGAZINE OF ART, The. Vols. 1-21, 1878-98. Il- lustrated. 21 vols. roy. 8vo. and 4to. Lond., 1878- MAGEE, William Connor, Archbishop of York. Speeches and Addresses. Edited by C. S. Magee. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 14 Q 37 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 MAGIC. [See Australian Theosnphist.] MAGIE, Prof. W. F. Second Law of Thermodynamics : Memoirs by Carnot, Clausius, and Thomson. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Harper's Scientific Mems.) A44Q 18 Elements of Theoretical Physics. [See Christiansen, Dr. C] A 33 V 18 MAGNIANT, Maurice. Fantaisi Fol. Paris (n.d.) i Florales. Illustrated. A 12 X 19 f MAGNUS, Julian. A Trumped Suit. (Matthews, J. B. — Comedies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P 6 , and BUNNER, Henry Cuyler. A Bad Case. (Matthews, J. B. — Comedies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P 6 MAGNUS, Laurie. Primer of Wordsworth, with a criti- cal Essay. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 36 M AGN US, Sir Philip. Education in the Colonies. (Progress in Women's Education.) G 23 R 10 Problems in Technical Education. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 MAGNUSSON, Eirikr. Stories of the Kings of Norway. [See Sturluson, Snorri.] J 14 Q 31 , and MORRIS, William. The Story of Grettir the Strong. Translated from the Icelandic. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 9 U 1 MAGNY, Marquis Ludovic de. Nobiliaire Universel de France; Recueil General des Genealogies Historiques des Maisons Nobles de l'Europe, fonde par L. de Magny et continue sous la direction de J. Moreau de Pravieux et L. Joriaux. Vols. 21-23. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1892-96. K 13 Q 21-23 t MAGUIRE, Mary McCarron. Katoomba Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t MAGUIRE, T. Miller. Outlines of Military .Geography. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1899. (Camb. Geograph. Ser.) D 21 S 5 MAGUIRE, William R. Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 R 19 MAHA-BHARATA : the Epic of Ancient India; con- densed into English Verse by R. Dutt. 18mo. Lond., 1898. (Temple Classics.) H 13 R 6 Nalopakhyanam : Story of Nala, an Episode of the Maha-Bharata ; the Sanskrit Taxt, with a copious Vocabulary, Grammatical Analysis, and Introduction, by M. Williams ; the Metrical Translation by H. H. Milman, Dean of St. Paul's. 8vo. Oxford, 1860. H 12 U 18 MAHAFFY, Rev. John Pentland. The Empire of the Ptolemies. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 28 S 3 MAHAN, Capt. Alfred Thayer. The Interest of America in Sea Power, present and future. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 5 P 39 Lessons of the War with Spain, and other Articles. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 U 9 Opinion on the Channel Tunnel. (Marston, R. B. — War, Famine, and our Food Supply.) F 4 T 21 [See Navy and the Civil B 23 Q 22 The Gulf and Inland W; War.] Ironclads in Action. [See Wilson, H. W.] B 33 R 6, 7 Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of the Sea-power of Great Britain. [See Nelson, Adm. H] C 24 Q 22, 23 The Royal Navy. [See Clowes, W. L] B 1 7 R 4, 5, 7, 8 t MAHILLON, V. C. Elements d'Acoustique Musicale et Instrumental. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874, A 42 W 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MAHOJST, John. Choosing and Breeding Dairy Cattle. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Dairying. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1898.) ME 9 U The Dairying Industry in Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Feeding and Treatment of Dairy Cattle. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Model Cow-shed. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Dairying. [See Queensland.— Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 MAIIONY, Matthew. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 MAIDEN AND MARRIED LIFE of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. [See Manning, Anne.] J 22 T 33 MAIDEN, Joseph Henry. Alleged Poisonous Nature of White Cedar Berries. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R A Chat about Wattles. (Agricult. Gaz, N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Cockle Burr. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Concerning Hill Top. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Effects on Cattle of eating Macrozaniia Roots. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Fatal Case of Poisoning by the Fruits of a Native Climbing Plant. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Flora of Mt. Kosciusko. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898- 99.) ME 9 R Giant Acacia from the Brunswick River. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Hemlock. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Indigenous Vegetable Drugs. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898-99.) ME 9 R Mt. Seaview and the way thither. (Agricult. Gaz,, N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Native Food Plants. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R New Atriplex from South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S New South Wales Weeds. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R New variety of Dendrobium undulation from the Solomon Islands. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Notes of a Trip to Mt. Seaview, Upper Hastings River. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Plants reputed to be poisonous to stock in Australia. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Presidential Address, delivered on the 7Gth Anniversary of the Royal Society of New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R The Sand-drift Problem. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Sheep's Burnet. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Some Eucalypts of the New England Tableland. (Aus- tralasian Assoc for Advancement of Science, Report, 8.) ME 18 S MAIDEN, Joseph Henry- contd. Some Exotic Grasses. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898— 99.) ME 9 R Some Food Plants of the Aborigines. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Some Native Australian Fodder Plants other than Grasses and Salt-bushes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897, 1899.) ME 9 R. Some New South Wales Plants worth cultivating for Shade, Ornamental, and other purposes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Study of the Prickly Pears naturalised in New South Wales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Useful Australian Plants. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W. 1896-1900.) ME 9 R Vegetation of Lord Howe Island. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898-99.) ME 2 P Valonia Oak. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Variety of Panicum coiiijiusituni. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Weeds of New South Wales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896-99.) ME 9 R The Wild Onion, or sweet-scented Garlic. (Agricult. Gaz, N.S.W, 1897.) ME 9 R The Eucalypts of New South Wales. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1897, 1899.] ME 2 P Manual of the Grasses of New South Wales. [See New South Wales.— Agricult.] MA 3 W 25 New species of Eucalyptus from the Sydney District. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1897.] ME 2 P Observations on the Eucalypts of N.S.W. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895-98.] ME 2 P — , and BAKER, Richard Thomas. Botanical Notes from the Technological Museum. (Lin N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Description of a new species of Acacia from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Descriptions of some new species of Plants from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2P New species of Elreocarpus from Northern New South Wales. (Linnean Soc. N.S.W, Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P , and BETCHE, Ernest. Four new species of New South Wales Plants. (Lim Proc, 1898.) New Myoporum from South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897-98.) ME 1 S New species of Macadamia, together with Notes on two Plants new to the Colony [of New South Wales]. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1897-99.) ME 2 P Sterculia (Jinic/ti/chiton ) hirida and discolor. (Li Soc, N.S.W, Proc, 1898.) Three new species of Australian Plants. (Linnean Soc N.S.W, Proc, 1897.) ME 2 1 Soc, N.S.W, ME 2P ME 2 39) Public Librmn) of New South Wales. MAIDEN, Joseph Henry, and CAMFIELD, J. H. Some Port Jackson Plants. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P .. and CAMPBELL, Walter Scott. The Flower- ing Plants and Ferns of New South Wales. Pts. 1-7. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1895-98. MA 3 R 49 . , COWDERY, George Robert, and DE COQUE, John Vincent. Report on Spotted Gum, with especial reference to its value for Wood-paving. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R , and DEANE, Henry. The Grey Gum of the North Coast Districts. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P MAIER, Gustav. Die Verhandlungen und Beschliisse des internationalen Kongresses fur Arbeiterschutz in Zurich. 8vo. Bern, 1897. F 13 T 22 MAILLY, Ed. De l'Astronomie dans lAcademie Royale de Belgique: Rapport Seculaire, 1772-1872. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872. A 45 V 10 L'Espagne Scientifique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1868. A 36 Q 21 Essai sur les Institutions Scientifiques de la Grande- Bretagne et de l'lrlande. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1867. A 19 P 17 Etude pour servir a l'Histoire de la Culture Intellectuelle a Bruxelles pendant la Reunion de la Belgique a la France. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1887. G 5 Q 36 Etudes pour servir a l'Histoire des Sciences et des Lettres en Belgique. Pts. 1, 2. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1877-87. A 44 Q 13 Histoire de lAcademie Imperiale et Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. Vol.1. 8vo Bruxelles, 1883. A 35 Q 20 Les Origines du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles. 8vo. Bruxelles, J 879. A 44 Q 12 Precis de l'Histoire de l'Astronomie aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1860. A 19 P 18 Relation d'un Voyage fait en Sicile et dans le Midi de l'ltalie pendant les mois de mai et juin, 1858. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1859. D 16 P 11 La Societe de Litterature de Bruxelles, 1800-23. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1888. J 15 S 35 Tableau de l'Astronomie dans 1'HemisphJre Austral et dans ITnde. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872. A 35 Q 24 Essai sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de L. A. J. Quetelet. [See Quetelet, L. A. J.] C 27 P 23 MAIN, William. Bush Solitudes, and other Verses. 12mo. Melb., 1896. MH 1 P 13 MAINE, Sir Henry Sumner. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Annual Re port, 1896. 8vo. Portland, 1897. E MAINTENON, Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de. Correspondence of. [See Wormeley, Katharine Prescott.] C 25 S 19 MAINWARING, Hon. William Frederick Barton Massey. Preservation of Fish Life in Rivers by the exclusion of Town Sewerage. (Intcrnat. Fisheries Exhib.- — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 MAIR, Rev. William. Speaking. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. MAISTRE, Xavier de. Les Prisonniers du Caucase and lo Lepreux de la Cite d'Aoste ; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond., 1886. (French Classics for English Students.) H 13 U 9 MAITLAND, Andrew Gibb. Geological Structure of Extra-Australian Artesian Basins. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Bibliography of the Geology of Western Australia. [See Western Australia. — Geolog. Surv.] MA 4 R 4 Mineral Wealth of Western Australia. [See Western Australia. — Geolog. Surv., Bulletin 4.] MA 4 R 4 Notes on the Pikedale Gold-field. [See Queensland. — Geological Survey.] MA 2 V 53 MAITLAND, Elphinstone V. A. Bimetallism. 4 to. Lond. (n.d.) MF 3 R 12 MAITLAND, Prof. Frederic William. Domesday Book and Beyond : three Essays in the Early History of England. 8vo. Camb., 1897. F 1 S 8 Township and Borough : being the Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in the Octoher Term of 1897, together with an Appendix of Notes relating to the History of the Town of Cambridge. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1898. B 16 V 1 Roman Canon Law in the Church of England. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 U 43 MAITLAND, J. A. Fuller. The Musician's Pilgrimage : a Study in Artistic Development. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 T 17 MAITLAND, Sir James Ramsay Gibson. The Culture of Salmonkho and 1 he Acclimatisation of Fish. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 MAITLAND, Margaret. St. Ambrose. [See Broglie, Due de.] G 25 P 14 St. Francis of Sales. e Margerie, A. de.] G 26 Q 2 MAITLAND, Rev. Samuel Roffey, F.R.S. Essays on subjects connected with the Reformation in England; with an Introduction by A. W. Hutton. 8vo. Lond., .1899. G 24 Q 23 MAITLAND, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas. Sir Thomas Maitland : the Mastery of the Mediterranean ; by W. F. Lord. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' C 23 S 10 MAITLAND CLUB. Registrum Monasterii de Passelet. Edited by Cosmos Lines. Sm. 4to. Passelet, 1877. G 15 T 25 MAITLAND DAILY MERCURY, The, 1896-June, 1900. 9 vols. fol. Maitland, 1896-1900. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MATTLAXD WEEKLY MERCURY, The, 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Maitland, 1896-99. ME MAJENDIE, Sir Vivian Dering. Guide-book to the Explosives Act, 1875. [See Great Britain and Ireland. —Home Office.] F 15 P 45 MAJOR, Thomas. Leaves from a Squatter's Note-book. Svo. Lond., 1900. MC 1 S 24 MAKARONY FABLES. [See " Cosmo."] H 9 T 30 MAKART, Hans. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of .Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 + [Reproduction of his Pictures] The Wedding of Bacchus and Ariadne, and Charles V entering Antwerp. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J MALAN, A. H. Famous Homes of Great Britain and their Stories. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 44 W 16 MALAN, Rev. Solomon Csesar. Memorials of his Life and Writings; by Rev. A. M. Malan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 2 MALDERGHEM, Jean Van. Les Rears de Lis de l'an- cienne Monarchic Francaise : leur ( (rigine, leur Nature, leur Symbolisme. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894. K 17 T 13 La Verite sur le Goedendag. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1895. B 17 U 20 MALET, Sir Edward, and others. Unwritten Laws and Ideals of Active Careers. Edited by E. H. Pitcairn. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 S 9 MALLARME, Stephane. Un Coup do Dos jamais n'abolira le Hasard : Poeme. (Cosmopolis, May, 1897.) E Divagations. 12mo. Paris, 1897. J 21 P 24 La Musique et les Letlres. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 21 P 23 Pages. Frontispice par Renoir. Imp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1891. J 21 U 15 Poesies. Frontispice par F. Rops. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. H 12 V 1 Vers et Prose : Morceaux Choisis. 3rd ed. With Por- trait by J. M'Neill Whistler. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 21 P 22 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Symbol- ist Movement in Literature.] J 11 V 30 Les Poemes d'Edgar Poe. [See Poo, E. A.] H 1 V 19 [Translations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 Vathek reimprimc sur l'original franeais. [See Beck- ford, W.] J 21 P 25 I Verses by.] [See Verlaine, P.— Les Poetes Maudits.] L JJ 11 11 U 33 Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. [See Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, P. A. M., Comte de.] J 21 P 26 MALLEE COUNTRY OF VICTORIA: being a short Account of the wonderful development of the Mallee Lands of Victoria, and giving full particulars of allot- ments for sale to intending selectors. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Melb. (n.d.) MD 8 R 52 MALLERY, Lieut.-Col. Garrick. Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians as illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind. 4to. Wash., 1880. J 13 W 27 t MALLESON, Rev. Frederick Amadeus. Letters to the Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church. [Set Ruskin, John.] G 19 U 9 MALLESON, Col. George Bruce. History of the French in India, from the founding of Pondichery in 1674 to the capture of that place in 1761. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 31 U 21 MALLET, Prof. J. W. Physiological Effect of Creatin and Creatinin and their value as Nutrients. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper Stns.] A 37 V 1 Report on an Investigation of Analytical Methods foi distinguishing between the Nitrogen of Proteids and that of the simpler amids or amido-acids. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 MALLET, Sir Louis. Reciprocity. 12mo. Lond., 1879. F 17 P 1 MALLOCK, William Hurrell. Aristocracy and Evolu tion : a Study of the Rights, the Origin, and the Social Functions of the Wealthier Classes. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 1 Classes and Masses ; or, Wealth, Wages, and Welfare in the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 14 Doctrine and Doctrinal Disruption : being an Examina- tion of the Intellectual Position of the Church of Eng land. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 S 19 The Old Order changes. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1887. J 23 S 15 MALLY, F. W. Report on the Boll Worm. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Entomology J The Boll Worm of Cotton : a Report of Progress in a Supplementary Investigation of this Insect. [Set United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Ento- mology.] A 37 S 6 MALMESBURY, Lord. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 MALTBIE, Milo Roy. English Local Government of To- day : a Study of "the Relations of Central and Local Government." With Bibliography. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Columbia University.— Studies in History.) V 8 Q 27 Tublic Libraiy of New South Wales. MALTHUS, Rev. Thomas Robert. Observations on the effects of the Corn Laws, and of a Rise or Fall in the Price of Corn on the Agriculture and General Wealth of the Country. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1814. F17P4 MALTON, James. Picturesque and Descriptive View of the City of Dublin, with a brief authentic Story from the earliest accounts to the present time. Ob. fol. Lond., 1794. D 47 P 34 | "MAN IN THE IRON MASK, The." [See Graham, James.] MF 4 Q 48 MANACEINE, Marie de. Sleep: its Physiology, Path- ology, Hygiene, and Psychology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 29 MANARO MERCURY, Cooma and Bombala Advertiser, 1899. Fol. Cooma, 1899. ME MANATT, Dr. J. Irving. The Mycensean Age. [See Tsountas, Dr. C] B 16 V 39 MANCHESTER, Alfred. [Life of] Caleb Davis Bradlee. [See Bradlee, Dr. C. D.] C 20 S 9 MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions. Vols. 14-16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 1875-82, 1884- 88, 1890-92, 1895-97. 8 vols. 8vo. Manchester, 1878-98. E MANCHESTER PUBLIC FREE LIBRARIES. Cata- logue of the Alexander Ireland Collection in the Free Reference Libary. Compiled by J. H. Swann. 8vo. Manchester, 1898. Cat. Room The Free Library Movement in Manchester ; by W. R. Credland. 8vo. Manchester, 1895. J 15 V 31 The Manchester Public Free Libraries : a History and Description and Guide to their contents and use ; by W. 11. Credland. Illustrated. 8vo. Manchester, 1899. Cat. Room MANDEL, Prof. John A. II and-book for the Bio-Chemical Laboratory. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 21 R 40 MANDEVILLE, Sir John. [See Maundeville, Sir J.] MANDIS, J. Manual of Practical Operations connected with the Cultivation, &c, of Tobacco in Hungary. (Watson, Dr. J. F. — Report on the Cultivation and Preparation of Tobacco in India.) A 18 T 32 t MANGAN, James Clarence Life and Writings of ; by D. J. O'Donoghue. Illustrated. Svo. Edinb., 1897. C 25 Q 11 Department of Agriculture and Immigration. Nox- ious Weeds, and how to destroy them. Roy Svo. Winnipeg, 1897. A 31 S 22 MANITOBA CENTRAL FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Annual Meeting, 1895. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1895. E MANLEY, Herbert. Acts of Parliament relating to Public Health in England and Wales. (Reid, Dr. G. —Practical Sanitation.) A 40 T 25 MANLEY, John J. Literature of Sea and River Fishing. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 3 Salt, and other Condiments. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 MANLY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Report, 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. ME 6 P MANN, Arthur Emile. 1815 : Waterloo. [See Houssaye, Henry.] B 41 R 7 MANN, Arthur M. The Truth from Johannesburg : a Vindication of the People. 12mo. Lond., 1896. B 17 P 53 MANN, E. E. Manual of the Principles of Practical Cookery. 12mo. Lond., 1899. (Domestic Science Manuals.) A 22 P 54 MANN, Frederick C. T. Visit to Tarawera, New Zealand. (Westminster Review, Feb., 1898.) , E MANN,Gother. Motion. 12mo. Sydney, 1879. MH 1 V 29 MANN, Isaac John. River Bars : Notes on the Causes of their Formation, and on their Treatment by "Induced Tidal Scour ;" with a Description of the successful reduction by this method of the Bar at Dublin. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 24 T 32 MANN, Tom. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. —Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 MANNERS, John, Marquis of Granby. [See Granby, Marquis of.] MANNERS, Walter Evelyn. Account of the Military, Political, and Social Life of John Manners, Marquis of Granby. [See Granby, Marquis of.] C 26 S 15 MANNING, Miss E. Adelaide. What Froebel did for young children. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) MANNING, Miss [Anon.] 4th < Household of Sir Thomas More, mo. Lond., 1860. J 26 Q 27 [Another copy.] [^Iwom.] With an Introduction by Rev. W. H. Hutton. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 14 Q 39 Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. [Anon.] 3rd ed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 22 T 33 Anne Manning; by Charlotte M. Yonge. [See Oliphant, Mai'garet O. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MANNING, Dr. Frederick Norton. * Report on Lunatic Asylums. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MA 5 S 1 MANNING, Henry Edward, Cardinal. Theological Teach ing in a University. (Internat. Health Exhib. — ■ Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Cardinal Manning as presented in his own Letters and Notes; by Stanley Roamer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 U 17 Life of; by E. S. Purcell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 Q 3, 4 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Russell. G. W. E.— Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 6 MANNING RIVER TIMES, 1899. Fol. Taree, 1899. ME MANSEL, Prof. Henry Longueville. Metaphysics ; or, the Philosophy of Consciousness, phenomenal and real. 8vo. Edinb., 1866. G 14 S 32 The Philosophy of the Conditioned; comprising some 'Remarks on Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and on Mr. J. S. Mill's examination of that Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1866. G 14 S 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Limits of Religious Thought. [See Martineau, Rev. J.— Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 MANSERGH, James. Sources of Water Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 MANSFIELD, Richard. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 MANSFORD, C. Training of Teachers. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 MANSON, E. The Builders of our Law during the Reign of Queen Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 R 19 MANSON, John. The Alps and the Pyrenees. [See Hugo, V.] D 18 Q 33 MANSON, Marsden. Observations on the Denudation of Vegetation. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R MANSON, Dr. Patrick. Ainhum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Beriberi. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 MANSON, Dr. Patrick— contd. Negro Lethargy or Sleeping Sickness. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Sprue, or Psilosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T.C.— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 36 Tropical Diseases : a Manual of Diseases of Warm Climates. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 7 Worms — Platyhelminthos and Nemathelminthes. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Malaria. [See Celli, Prof. A.] A 45 U 29 MANUALS OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF TEACHING. Cultivation of the Senses. [See National Soc.] G 15 U 37 Discipline. [See National Society.] G 15 U 37 Class Teaching. [See National Society.] G 15 U 37 MANUFACTURE OF COTTONSEED OIL and allied Products, including Cake, Meal Foods, Soap Stock, &c. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 33 P 23 MANUIRI. The Story of the Visit of Tonga-iti to Raro- tonga. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1896.) ME 6 R MAPLESTONE, C. M. Further Descriptions of the Ter- tiary Polyzoa of Victoria. (Roy. Soc., Vict., Proa, 1899.) ME 1 P Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. Pt 1. (Roy. Soc., Vict., Proa, 1898.) ME 1 P MAR, Alexander del. [See Del Mar, A.] MAR, John Erskine, 11th Earl of. 'The Earl of Mar's Legacies to Scotland and to his son Lord Erskine, 1722-27. Edited from the original MS. at Alloa House ; with a Biographical Introduction and Notes by the Hon. Stuart Erskine. [See Scottish History Soc. Pubs., 26.] E [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 2 MARAK, Julius. Waldeinsamkeit : Zwolf Landschaft- liche Stimmungsbilder. [See Scheffel, J. V. von.] H 12 R 19 MARCELLINUS, Ammianus. fSee Ammianus Marcelli- nus.] MARCH, Dr. Francis Andrew. Comparath the Anglo-Saxon Language, in which its forms are illus- trated by those of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, Old Friesie, Old Norse, and Old high-Ger- man. 8vo. New York, 1875. J 14 S 22 MARCH, Thomas. History of the Paris Commune of 1871. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 34 R 7 MARCHANT, William. Romantic India. [See Chev- rillon, And.v.] D 17 T 29 Public Library of New South Wales. MARCHBANKS, J. Artesian Wells at Longburn. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S MARCHESI, Mme. Mathilde. Marchesi and Music: Passages from the Life of a famous Singing-teacher. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. CKU3 MARCHMONT, Frederick. The three Cruikshanks : a Bibliographical Catalogue describing more than 500 works illustrated by Isaac, George, and Robert Cruik- shank ; with Introduction by J. Moore. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R 4 MARCOU, Jules. Life, Letters, and Works of Louis Agassiz. [See Agassiz, Louis.] C 22 S 14, 15 MARCROFT, William. A Cooperative Village : how to conduct it, and where to form it. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 MARCUSE, Adolf. The Hawaiian Islands. Translated by Helen H. Smith. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Jan., 1894.) E MARGARET OF ANJOU, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARGARET, Queen of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Margaret, Queen of Denmark. [See Hill, Mary.] B20Q1 MARGERIE, A. de. St. Francis of Sales. Translated by Margaret Maitland ; with a Preface by G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (The Saints.) G 26 Q 2 MARGHERITA Queen of Italy. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 MARGOLIOUTH, George. Descriptive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 11 Q 4 MARGOLIS, Maximilian Leopold. Commentarivs Isaacidis qvatenvs ad Textvm Talmvdis investigandvm adhi- beri possit, Tractatv 'Ervbhin ostenditvr. 8vo. Novi Eboraci, 1891. G 2G T 13 MARGUERITE D'ANGOULEME, Queen of Navarre. Life of ; by Martha Walker Freer. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Cleveland, O., 1895. C 21 U 1, 2 MARGUERITE OF FRANCE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARGUERITTE, Paul. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 MARHOLM, Laura. [See Hansson, Laura M.] MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hui resa. [See Bright, Rev. J. F.] MARIBOE, Alexander. The Danish Dairy. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 2 MARIE ANTOINETTE, Queen of France. The Due de Lauzun and the Court of Marie Antoinette. [See Maugras, G.] B 34 R 9 Marie Antoinette. [See Tschudi, C] B 34 R 4 Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace from another point of view. [See Albini, F. de.] B 26 R 24 Marie Antoinette, the Dauphine. [Sec Nolhac, Pierre de.l B 18 Q 15 f Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette. [See Carnpan, Mme.] B 33 R 8, 9 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 The Story of Marie Antoinette. [See Bicknell, AnnaL.] B 17 R 19 MARIE LOUISE, Queen of the Belgians. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 MARIE LOUISE, Empress of the French. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MARILLIER, H. C. Dante Gabriel Rossetti : an Illus- trated Memorial of his Art and Life. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. A 21 P 12 f Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley. [See Beardsley, A. V.] A 19 T 20 t Men and Women of the Century. [See Lehmann, R.] A 10 Tift MARINDIN, George Eden. Letters of Frederic, Lord Blachford. [See Blachford, F, Lord.] C 23 V 25 MARIO, Jessie White, Va. The Poor in Naples. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 MARIVAUX, Carlet de Chamblain de. La Vie de Marianne ; ou, les Aventures de Mme. la Comtesse de * * *. Precedee d'une Notice par J. Janin. New ed. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 24 R 1 MARK, Dr. E. L. Embryology of Invertebrates. [See Korschelt, Dr. E.] A 38 P 18 MARK, Harry Thiselton. Outline of the History of Educational Theories in England. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G17S24 MARKEN, J. Vos van. De Togt door Torres-straat. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1858.) E MARKHAM, Vice-Adm. Albert Hastings. [Portrait and Sketch of Lord Anson. [See Anson, G., Lord.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MARKHAM, Sir Clements Robert, Alfred the Great as a Geographer. [See Alfred the Great.] C 20 S 19 Th< Geographical Magazine. [See Geographical Magazine, The.} D 23 P 1-6 The Royal Navy. [See Clowes, W. L.] B 1 7 R 4, 5, 7, 8 f MARKHAM, Gervase, or Jervis. A Health to the ( rentlemanly Profession of Seruingmen. [See Inedited Tracts.] " J 2 T 30 MARKHAM, Violet R. South Africa, Past and Present : its History, Politics, and Native Affairs ; followed by personal Reminiscences of African Travel during the crisis preceding the War. With Portraits and His- torical Chart. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 27 R 17 MARKS, G. Croydon. Hydraulic Power Engineering. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 S 14 MARKS, John George. Life and Letters of Frederick Walker. [See Walker, P.] C 22 U 1 MARLATT, Charles Lester. Important Insecticides. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Peach Twig-borer. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.] A 41 U 2 The Periodical Cicada. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Entomology.] A 38 Q 20 Principal Household Insects of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Ento- mology.] A 36 V 23, and 38 Q 29 Principal Insect Enemies of the Grape. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology.] A 41 U6 Revision of the Nematinre of North America. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Ento- mology.] A 41 U 6 Sun Jose Scale. [See Howard, L. O.] A 41 U 6 MARLBOROUGH, John Churchill, Duke of. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by the Hon. J. W. Fortescue. (Wil- kinson, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 [Funeral of.] [See Funerals.] B 16 S 13 i MARLOWE, Christopher. Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. Edited, with a Preface, Notes, and Glossary, by I. Gollancz. 18mo. Lond., 1897. (Temple ' Dramatists.) H 13 4 Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 1 1 It 13 King Edward II. [See Donovan, T. -English Historical Plays.] ' H 10W 19 MARLOWE-TABER, Julia. [See Taber, Julia Marlowe-.] MAROT, Clement. The Medal Reversed. [See Vandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 MARR, John Edward, F.R.S. Scientific Study of Scenery. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 R 8 Eugenie Grandet, [See Balzac, J24U2 MARRIAGE, Ell. H. de.] A Gondreville Mystery. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 30 Old Goriot, [See Balzac, H. de.] J 24 U 1 The Wild Ass's Skin. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 25 P 7 A Woman of Thirty. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 24 U 4 MARRICKVILLE EXPRESS and Dulwich Hill Record, Jan.-Dec, 1899 [Feb. 11th, 1899, missing]. Fol. Marrickville, 1899. ME MARRIOTT, William. Some occasional Winds and their influence on Health. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 MARRIS, N. Murrell. The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamber- lain. [See Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J.] C 26 T 11 MARRY AT, Capt. Frederick. Japhet in search of a Father. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 24 U 19 Mr. Midshipman Easy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 24 U 20 Masterman Ready. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 S 10 MARSDEN, Richard. Cotton Weaving: its Develop- ment, Principles, and Practice. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 23 P 21 MARSDEN, Rev. Samuel. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Rev. E. 11. Garnsey. (Once a Month, June, 1886.) MJ 1 V 22 MARSDEN, William Joseph Lindsay, and DALGLEISH, William. Indexed Ready Reckoner for Invoicing Tallow, Bark, Bones, and General Merchandise. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1898. MA 5 R 9 \ MARSH, C. W. Notes on some Broken Hill and other Barrier Minerals. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Probable relation between the Zinciferous Sulphide Ores and the Oxidised Ores of the Broken Hill hxles. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME18P MARSH, Dr. Herbert. Two Seasons in Switzerland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18 S 16 MARSH, Narcissus, Archbishop of Dublin. [Lectures on.] [See Stokes, Rev. G. T.— Some Worthies of the Irish Church.] G 25 T 7 Public Library of Neio Smith Wales. MARSHALL, A. D. [See Ramsay, A. D.] MARSHALL, Alfred. Inaugural Address, delivered at the twenty-first Annual Cooperative Congress, 1889. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 16 S 14 MARSHALL, Prof. Arthur Milnes. Biological Lectures and Addresses. Edited by C. F. Marshall. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 28 P 34 Lectures on the Darwinian Theory. Edited by C. F. Marshall. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 V 6 MARSHALL, Mrs. Emma. A Biographical Sketch; by Beatrice Marshall. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 U 6 Miss Tucker and Mrs. Ewing. (Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 MARSHALL, Henry Rutgers. Instinct and Reason : an Essay concerning the relations of Instinct to Reason, with some special Study of the Nature of Religion. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 17 T 32 MARSHALL, Surg.-Maj. J. J. de Zouche. Stretcher Drill illustrated, including Hand, Seat, and Wagon Drill. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A 26 P 34 MARSHALL, John. The Bogus " Rush " at Coolgardie. (Wide World Mag., Sept., 1899.) E MARSHALL, Julien. Catalogue of Engraved National Portraits in the National Art Library. [See National Art Library.] A 36 T 28 MARSHALL, P. New Zealand Diptera. (N.Z. Inst., Trans, 1895.) ME 2 S MARSHALL, T. W. Boundaries and Fences in their legal aspect, [See Vernon, A— EstateFences.] A39P27 MARSHALL-HALL, George Walter Lorenzo. [See Hall, G. W. L. Marshall-.] MARSHMAN, John Clarke. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 MARSON, Rev. Charles Latimer. The Church and the Democratic Idea. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F15P29 MARSTON, Edward, "A Publisher." Copyright, National and International ; with some Remarks on the Position of Authors and Publishers. 8vo. Lond, 1887. F 7 P 25 MARSTON, John. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 MARSTON, John. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 MARSTON, Robert Bright. Coarse Fish Culture. (Inter- nal Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 6 Cultivation of Freshwater Fish other than Salmonida 1 . (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 11 War, Famine, and our Food Supply. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1897. F 4 T 21 Mechanical Traction in War. [See Layriz, Lieut.-Col. O.] A 34 S 2 " MARTELLO TOWER." At School and at Sea; or, Life and Character at Harrow, in the Royal Navy, and in the Trenches before Sebastopol. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1899. G 26 R 22 MARTEN, Henry J. Mode of Distribution, with Re- marks on Dual Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 MARTENSEN, H, Bishop of Zealand. Christian Ethics. Translated by C. Spencc, Sophia Taylor, and W. Affleck. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) G 3 U 11-13 MARTHA, Jules. Catalogue des Figurines en Terre Cuite du Musee de la Socie'te Archeologique d'Athenes. 8vo. Paris, 1880. K 8 R 27 MARTIN, Arthur Patchett. Beginnings of an Australian Literature. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond, 1898. MJ 3 S 30 Bret Harte in relation to Modern Fiction. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Charles Lamb on Stage Representations. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q The Drama as a Fine Art. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q England, 1877-78. (Melbourne Review, 2, 3.) ME 18 Q The Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q The Man from Bot'ny. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 A Russian Romance. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Walter Bagi'lmt's Literarv Studies. ( Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q The Withered Jester, and other Verses. 8vo. Lond, 1895. MH 1 V 9 An Australian Humourist (Percy Oswald Tanner). [See Melbourne Review, 5.] ME 18 Q An English Humourist (Robert Louis Stevenson). [See Melbourne Review, 5.] ME 18 Q A Glance at the Life of Beranger. [See Melbourne Review, 3.] ME 18 Q [Life of] Thomas Carlyle. [See Melb. Review, 6.] ME 18 Q [Life of] President Garfield. [See Melb. Rev, 6.] ME 18 Q Two Australian Poets (Brunton Stephens and Adam Lindsay Gordon). [See Melb. Review, 5.] ME 18 Q MARTIN, Benjamin Ellis, and Charlotte M. The Stones of Paris in History and Letters. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1900. B 26 R 22, 23 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 397 MARTIN, Dr. Charles James. An Explanation of the marked difference in the effects produced by subcu- taneous and intravenous injection of the venom of Australian Snakes. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Further Observations concerning the relation of the Toxin and Anti-Toxin of Snake-venom. (Roy. Soc, bond., Proa, 1898-99.) E History of the relations between Morphology and Physi- ology during the last fifty years. (Australasian Assoc. for Adv. of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Note on a method of separating Colloids from Crystal- loids by filtration. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Report on an Investigation into the Effects of Darling Pea upon Sheep. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R A Platypus from the Intra-uterine Egg. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.] ME 2 P , and CALMETTE, Dr. A. Snake-poison and Snake-bite. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 35 , and CHERRY, Dr. Thomas. Nature of the antagonism between Toxins and Antitoxins. (Roy. Soc., Lond., Proa, 1898.) E MARTIN, Charlotte M. and Benjamin Ellis. The New York Press and its Makers in the 18th Century. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* MARTIN, E. C. A New Penal System. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q [Sketch of] Hon. Graham Berry. [See Once a Month, Sept., 1885.] MJ 1 V 21 ; of the Prepuce, Glans Dr. H. A.— System of A 31 P 16 MARTIN, Dr. Edward. Dise; Penis, and Testicles. (Ha Practical Therapeutics.) Obstructions of the Intestines. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 The Present Treatment of Syphilis. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 MARTIN, Edward S. Country Clubs and Hunt Clubs in America. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 MARTIN, Elizabeth Gilbert. The Court of the Second Empire. [See Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 36 Q 18 Fiance and Italy. [See Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 36 Q 19 Louis Napoleon and Millie, de Moiitijo. [See Tinbert de Saint-Amand, A. L, Baron.] B 26 R 26 Napoleon III and his Court. [See Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L., Baron.] B 26 It 25 MARTIN, Geoffrey. [Life of] Frances Howard, Countess of Somerset. [See Somerset, Countess of.] C 24 Q 20 MARTIN, Harriette Anne [Mrs. A.P.] An Australia Rose. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 3 Cross Currents. (Fisher, L.— By Creek and Gully.) MARTIN, Lady Helena Saville (Helen! 'of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] cit). [Portrait B 22 R 18 MARTIN, Sir James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Month, 1857.) ME 3 P [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t MARTIN, Dr. Sidney. Poisoning by Food (Ptomaine Poisoning). (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 MARTIN, Capt. Stephe Soc. Pubs., 5.] Life of. [See Navy Records E MARTIN, Sir Theodore. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 .Eneid of Virgil. [See Virgilius Maro, P.] H 10 W 9 Vita Nuova of Dante. [See Dante Alighieri.] H 13 S 2 MARTIN, Sir Thomas Byan. Life and Letters of. [See Navy Records Soc., Pubs., 12.] E MARTIN, Thomas Commerford, and SACHS, Joseph. Electrical Boats and Navigation. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 21 U 15 MARTIN, Rev. William Alexander Parsons. The Chi- nese : their Education, Philosophy, and Letters. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 41 T 10 A Cycle of Cathay ; or, China, South and North. Illus- trated 8vo. Edinb., 1896. D 17 S 17 "MARTIN MARPRELATE." The Marprelate and Anti-Marprelate Libels. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 MARTIN'S HOME AND FARM: a Monthly Journal for Australian Farmers. Vols. 8-13, 1894-99. 6 vols, fol. Sydney, 1894-99. ME 16 T MARTINDALE, William. The Ext revised in accordance with the Bri 1898 ; with a Therapeutic Index 1 18mo. Lond., 1898. ish Pharmacopeia, v \Y. W. Westcott. A 26 P 33 MARTINEAU, Harriet. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Employments for Women. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 JPublio Library of New South Wales. MARTINEAU, Rev. James. Essays, Reviews, and Ad- dresses. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890-91 J 14 T 27-30 1. Personal, Political. 2. Ecclesiastical, Historical. 3. Theological, Philosophical. 4. Academical, Religious. A Biography and Study; by A. W. Jackson. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 IT 7 Ethical System of James Martineau. [See Hertz, J. II.] G 26 T 10 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MARTINS, Oliveira. The England of to-day Translated from the Portuguese by C. J. Willdey. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 Q 22 MARTYN, Carlos. John B. Gough, the Apostle of Cold Water. [See Gough, John B.] C 20 U 10 Wendell Phillips, the Agitator. [See Phillips, Wendell.] C 20 U 1 William E. Dodge, the Christian Merchant. [See Dodge, William E.] C 20 U 3 MARTYN, Edward. The Heather Field, and Maeve ; with an Introduction by G. Moore. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1899. H 12 T 7 MARTORELL, Don Miguel Cuni y. [See Cum y Marto- rell, Don M.] MARVELL, Andrew. Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 MARVIN, Prof. Charles F. Instructions for use of com- bined maximum and minimum Soil Thermometers. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 32 Instructions for the use of maximum and minimum Radiation Thermometers. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 33 MARX, Karl. The Eastern Question : a Reprint of Letters written 1853-56, dealing with the events of the Crimean War. Edited by E. M. and E. Aveling. Svo. Lond., 1897. P 13 Q 36 Secret Diplomatic History of the 18th Century. Edited by his daughter, Eleanor Marx Aveling. Svo Lond., 1899. F 15 P 41 Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston. Edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 15 P 40 Revolution and Counter-Revolution ; or, Germany in 1848. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 27 Q 7 Value, Price, and Profit. Edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 26 Karl Marx and the Close of his System. [See Bohm- Bawerk, E. von.] F 15 Q 25 MARY I, Queen of England. [Life of]; by R. Davey. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) C 23 R 9 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARY II, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARY ADELAIDE, Princess, Duchess of Teck. Memoir of, based on her private Diaries and Letters ; by C. K. Cooke. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 12, 13 MARY BEATRIX OF MODENA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Mary Queen of Scots, from her birth to her flight into England: a brief Biography, with Critical Notes, a few Documents hitherto unpublished, and an Itinerary by D. H. Fleming. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 17 '.euorts and Pvhli- Agricultural College. The Maryland Agricultural College Announcement, 1897-98. 8vo. (n.p.) 1898. E MARYSIENKA, Queen of Poland. Marysienka : Marie de la Grange d'Anjuien, Queen of Poland, 1641-1716; by K. Waliszewski. Translated by Lady Mary Lovd. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' C 26 R 4 MASCARENAS, Dr. D. Eugenio, and LINDE, Dr. F. El Aire Liquido. Svo. Barcelona, 1900. A 45 U 19 MASKELL, Alfred, and DEMACHY, Robert. Photo- Aquatint or the Gum-bichromate Process : a Practical Treatise on a new Process of Printing in Pigment, especially suitable for Pictorial Workers. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 41 Q 20 MASKELL, William Miles. Coccid Notes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-97.) ME 2 S Notes on some Genera and Species of Coccidte. (Annals ' and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Aug., 1895.) E On some Tick-parasites of the Kiwi. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Some Australian Insects of the Family Psyllidas. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S MASKELYNE, John Nevil. Modern Spiritualism: a short Account of its Rise and Progress, with some Exposures of so-called Spirit .Media. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 15 U 13 MASON, Alfred Bishop, and Mary Murdoch. The Four- teen Miles Round. (Goodwin, M. W. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. MAS< ) N', Rev. Arthur James. The Mission of St. Augus- tine to England, according to the original documents: being a Hand-book for the 13th Centenary. 8vo. Oamb., 1897. G 11 U 19 [Life of] Thomas Crar [See Cranmer, T.] C 23 S 19 MASoN, Charlotte M. Parents and Children. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 17 T 7 MAS' ) N, Edward Campbell. The Veto Power : its Origin, Development, and Function in the Government of the Tinted States. 8vo. Boston, 1891. (Harvard Univ. Pubs.— Harvard Hist. Monographs.) F 15 V 1 MASON, James. Annual Summary : a complete Chronicle of Events at Home and Abroad, 1875-76. 8vo. Lond., 1876. K 7 P 12 MASON, L. Breeding of Sheep and Improvement of Wool. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 MAS( >N, Dr. 11. Osgood. Telepathy and Subliminal Self : an Account of recent Investigations regarding Hyp- notism, Automat ism, Dreams, Phantasms, and related 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 17 MASON, T. Account of the Plants growing at "The ( 1 urns," Taita. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) M E 2 S MAS< >N, Lieut. Theodoras B. M. The War on the Pacific Coast of South America between Chile and the allied Republics of Peru and Bolivia, 1879-81. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. B 19 T 16 MASON, Thomas. Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, 1550-1619. [See Harleian Soc, Registers, 25.] E M AS( >N, Prof. William P. Examination of Water, Chemi- cal and Bacteriological. 12mo. New York, 1899. A 45 R 16 Water-supply; considered principally from a sanitary standpoint. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. MAS( iN-BEATTY, A. E. [See Beatty, A. E. Mason-.] MASOXIC GUIDE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Com- piled by G. S.Jacobs. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1890. M< ! 2 V 39 SOX1C YEAR-BOOK AXE DIREL XEW SOUTH WALES, 1892. Sm. 1 MASPERO, Prof. Gaston Camille Charles. The Struggle of the Nations : Egypt, Syria, and Assyria. Edited by A. H. Savce, and translated by M L McClure. MASSACHUSETTS -.—State Departmenti- Publieations. Adjutant-General. Annual Reports, 1862-65, 1875, 1885, 1889-91, 1893-97. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1863-98. E Almhouse at Tewksbury. Annual Reports of Inspec- tors, 1871-76, 1885-91, 1893-98. 19 vols. 8vo. Attorney-General. Annual Reports, 1886-90, 1892-97. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1887-98. E Auditor of Accounts. Reports, 1875, 1882-96. 8vo. Boston, 1876-97. E Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports, 1853, 1855- 56, 1859-78, 1885-91, 1893-97, and Index, 1853-77. 33 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854-98. E The Gypsy Moth : Report of the work of destroying the Insect in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, together with an Account of its History and Habits, both in Massachusetts and Europe ; by E. H. Forbush and C. H. Fernald. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1896. A 38 P 11 Board of Arbitration. Annual Report, 1887. 8vo. Boston, 1888. E Board of Commissioners of Savings Banks. Annual Reports. 1875, 1888-93, and pt. 1, 1898. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1876-99. E Board of Education. Annual Reports, together with Annual Reports of Secretary of the Hoard, 1850-59, 1863-64, 1868-75, 1885-89, 1891-92, 1896-97. 21 vols. Svo. Boston, 1852-98. E Massachusetts System of Common Schools : being an en- larged and revised edition of the 10th Annual Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education. 8vo. Boston, 1849. E Board of Health. Annual Reports, 1871-76, 1878, 1886-87, 1889-90, 1892-93. 13 vols. Svo. Boston, 1872-94. E Annual Reports of the State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity, Supplements, 1880, 1884 S6, containing Reports on "Public Health. [See Board of Lunacy and Charity.] Board of Lunacy and Charity. Annual Reports, 1880, 1884-88, 1891, 1893, 1894-95. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1881-96. E teturns of the Railroad Corporations in Massachusetts, 1864, 1869. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1865- 70. E Board of State Charities'. Annual Reports, 1864-74, 1877-7S. 13 vols. Svo. Boston, 1865-79. E Public Library of New South Wales. MASSACHUSETTS— contd. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Annual Reports, 1870, 1872-73, 1876-84, 1886-90, 1892-93, 1897-99. 19 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1871-99. E Annual Statistics of Manufactures, 1886-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-99. E Census. Census of Massachusetts, 1875, 1880. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1876-83. E Commissioners on Inland Fisheries and Game. Annual Reports, 1885-88, 1890-91, 1893-98. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-99. E Danvers Lunatic Hospital. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1894-98. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895-99. E Farm at Bridgewater. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1887-93, 1895, 1897-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1888-99. E Free Public Library Commission. Reports, 1894, 1896-97. 8vo. Boston, 1894-97. E Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Annual Report, 1889. 8vo. Boston, 1890. E Harbor and Land Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1895-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896-99. E Highways. Report of the Commission to improve the Highways of the Commonwealth, 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1893. F 13 U 17 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895-96. E Library. Reports of Librarian of State Library, and Annual Supplements to General Catalogue, 1880, 1884-97. 15 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1881-98. E Lyman and Industrial Schools, formerly Primary and Reform Schools. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1883- 91, 1893-97. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1884-98. E Northampton Lunatic Hospital. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1884-91, 1893-98. 8vo. Boston, 1885-99. E Perkins Institution. Annual Reports of Trustees of Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, 1885-98. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-99. E Primary and Reform Schools. [See Lyman and In- dustrial Schools, under this heading.] Prisons. Annual Report of the Commissioners, 1885-88, 1890-91,1893-97. 11 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-98. E Registration Reports. Annual Reports of Births, Mar- riages, and Deaths, 1842-47, 1848-49, 1852, 1855, 1857-59, 1862-75, 1880-97. 44 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1H3-98. E Sanitary Commission. Report of a General Plan for the promotion of Public and Personal Health, devised, prepared, and recommended by the Commissioners, relating to a Sanitary Survey of the State. 8vo. Boston, 1850. A 39 Q 17 MASSACHUSETTS— contd, School for Feeble-minded. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1870-76, 1880, 1889-91, 1893-98. 8vo. Boston, 1871-99. E Secretary. Abstracts of the Certificates of Corporations organized under the General Laws of Massachusetts, together with the Annual Returns required by chapter 106 of the Public Statutes, 1885-97. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-98. E Aggregates of Polls, Property, Taxes, &c, 1876-91, 1893-98. 22 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1877-99. E Statistics. Statistical information relating to certain branches of Industry in Massachusetts, 1837, 1845, 1855, 1865. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1838-66. E Taunton Lunatic Hospital. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1885-91, 1893-98. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886- Tax Commissioner. Reports, 1890-97. 8 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1891-98. E Treasurer and Receiver-General. Reports, 1885-97. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-98. E Westborough Insane Hospital. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1891-94, 1896. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1892- 97. E Worcester Lunatic Hospitel. Annual Reports of Trustees of the Worcester Lunatic Hospital and the Worcester Insane Asylum, 1894-98. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895-99. E Workhouse at Bridgewater. Annual Reports of Trus- tees, 1884-86. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1885-87. E MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pro- ceedings. Vol.11. 2nd ser., 1896-97. 8vo. Boston, MASS ART, Joan. Evolution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. [See Demoor, J.] A 41 T 25 MASSEE, George. Fungus Flora of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Text-book of Plant Diseases caused by Cryptogamic Parasites. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 20 R 19 MASSENA, Andre, Prince of Essling. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bona- parte.] H 1 T 15 MASSINGER, Philip. Believe as you list. [See Percy Soc.] H 11 S 29 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 M \SSON, Frederic. Josephine, Empress and Queen. [See Josephine, Empress of the French.] C 20 R 7 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MASSON, Gustavo. French Literature. 12mo. Lond., 1888. (Dawn of European Literature.) J 24 S 43 Mazarin. 8vo. Lond., 1886. (Home Lib.) B 28 Q 4 MASSON, Prof. Orme. Classification of the Chemical Elements. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 P 46 , and KIRKLAND, J. B. The Preparation of Alkyl-Sulphine, Selenine, and Phosphonium Salts. i I toy. Hoc, Vict., Trans., 1.)' ME 21 T MASSON, Rosaline. Pollok and Aytoun. [See Pollok, MASTER MUSICIANS. Bach ; by C. F. A. Williams. [See Bach, J. S.] C 27 Q 4 Beethoven ; by F. J. Crowest, [See Beethoven, L. van.] C 27 Q 3 Wagner ; by C. A. Lidgey. [See Wagner, R.J C 27 Q 2 MASTERMAN, Rev. J. Howard B. The Age of Milton ; with an Introduction by J. Bass Mullinger. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (Hand-books of Eng. Lit.) J 14 P 32 MASTERS OF MEDICINE. H. L. F. von Helmholtz ; by Dr. J. G. M'Kcndrick. [See Helmholtz, Dr. H. L. F. von.] C 23 R 15 Sir B. C. Brodie ; by T. Holmes. [See Brodie, Sir B. C] C 23 R 14 Thomas Sydenham; bv Dr. J. F. l'avne. [*c Sydenham, Dr. T.] C 23 RIG William Harvey ; by D'Arcy Power. [See Harvey, Dr. W.J C23R11 MASY, Paul. [Tra ,i.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 MAT AS, Dr. Rudolph. Diseases of the Pleura. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 MATER, Dr. Ceor; [See Van Mater, Dr. G. G.] S\ ATUESON, Ewing. Aid-book to Engineering Enterprise, .".rded. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 T 14 MATHESON, Percy Ewing. Matriculation, Responsions, and the Higher Certificate Examination. (Cookson, MATHEW, Gervase F. Descrij of new species of Rhopaloc Pacific. (Entom. Soc, Lond., e Di 3 Of s (Entom. Soc. Lond., Trans., 1887.) E Lire-histories of Rhopalocera from the Australian Region. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1888.) E Life-history of three species of Western Pacific Rhopalo- cera. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1885.) E MATHEW, John. Eaglehawk and Crow : a Study of the Australian Aborigines, including an 1 in pi iry into their Origin and a Survey of Australian Languages. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MA 4 Q 10 MATHEWS, Albert P. Physiology of Secretion. 8vo. Lancaster, 1898. A 46 S 16 MATHEWS, C. J. [Portrait of] i [See Sixty Years of Empire.] George Rattleton. B22R 18 MATHEWS, Charles Edward. Annals of Mt, Blanc [With Bibliography.] 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 22 P 9 Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T] A 29 S 41 MATHEWS, George Ballard. Aims and Practice of Teaching Algebra. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 MATHEWS, Rev. John. Note on Aboriginal Rock-paint- ing in the Victoria Range, County of Dundas, Vic- toria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1896.) ME 1 P MATHEWS, John Alexander. Action of Nitrils upon Aromatic Acids. Svo. Easton, 1898. A 44 S 17 MATHEWS, Dr. Joseph M. Anus. (Hare, Dr. H. A- Sysle s of the Rectum and a of Practical Thera- A31 P 17 MATHEWS, Robert Hamilton. Ab. Tall wood, Queensland, in 1895. Proa, 1896.) Aboriginal Customs in North Queei Queensland, Proa, 1897.) Aboriginal Rock Pictures of Aust 1894. riginal Bora held at (Roy. Soc, Vict, ME 1 P sland. (Roy. Soc, ME IT alia. Svo. Brisb., MA 4 Q 4 Additional Remarks concerning Aboriginal Bora held at Gundabloui in 1894. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Australian Divisional Systems. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R The Bora; or, Initiation Ceremonies of the Kamilaroi Tribe. Pt. 2. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1895.) E Bull-roarers used by the Australian Aborigines. (An- thropol. Inst, of Gt. Britain, Journ., 1897.) E The Burbung : or, Initiation Ceremonies of the Murrum. bidgee Tribes. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) The I Soc, , Proa, , Proc, v Engia , 1896.) The Burbung of the \ Lond., 1896 97. Divi s of s. Abo So N.S.W., Jot avures et Peintures .■ 1'Australie. (Soeiete tins, 1898.) Public Library of New South Wales, MATHEWS, Robert Hamilton— contd. Group Divisions and Initiation Ceremonies of the Barkun- jee Tribes. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Hand-book to Magisterial Inquiries in New South Wales : being a Practical Guide for Justices of the Peace in holding inquiries respecting deaths. 3rd ed. 8vo. Parramatta, 189C. MF 4 R 64 Pamphlets on the Aborigines of Australia. 8vo. Vari ous Places, 1893-97. MA 4Q4 Rock Carving by the Australian Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Rock Paintings and Car.ings of the Aborigines of New South Wales. 8vo. Brisk, 1895. MA 4 Q 4 Rock Pain t ings a ml Car v i n us < if the Australian Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt, Brit., Journ., 1895, 1897.) E Rock Pictures of the Australian Aborigines. 8vo. Brisk, 1896. MA 4 Q 4 Stone Cooking-holes and Grooves for Stone-grinding, used by the Australian Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1895.) E Totemic Divisions of Australian Tribes. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R The Wandarral of the Richmond and Clarence River Tribes. (Roy. Soc, Vict,, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P MATHEWS, Prof. Shailer. The Social Teaching of Jesus : an Essay in Christian Sociology. 8vo. New- York, 1897. ' G 11 U 25 of England. [Sketch C 23 S 7 of England. [Sketch C 23 S 7 MATILDA OF BOULOGNE, Qu< of.] [See Crown Jewels.] MATILDA OF FLANDERS, Que of.] [See Crown Jewels.] MATILDA OF SCOTLAND, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MATRIMONIAL CHRONICLE, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1- 10, July, 1879-April, 1880. 4to. Tumut, 1879-80. MG 1 V 2 MATTEB, Jacques. Le Mysticisme en France au temps de Echelon. [See Church, R. W., Dean— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 MATTH^BUS PARISIENSIS. [See Paris, Matthew.] MATTHEW, James E. Hand-book of Musical History and Bibliography from St. Gregory to the present time. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' A 40 R 7 The Literature of Music. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 23 P 26 MATTHEW, W. D. Effusive and Dyke Rocks near St. John, New Brunswick. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895 A 44 S 16 | MATTHEWS, Charles P., and SHEARER, John. Prob- lems and Questions in Physics. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 24 T 34 MATTHEWS, H. The means by which School Instruction may be made to contribute most effectively to the material advancement of the Colony. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 20 MATTHEWS, J. W. Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature. [See Texte, Prof. J.] J 23 V 36 MATTHEWS, James Brander. Americanisms and Briti- cisms, with other Essays on other isms. 18mo. New York, 1892. J 1 11 17 Aspects of Fiction, and other Ventures in Criticism. 8vo. New York (n.d.) J 22 T 45 Bookbindings Old and New: Notes of a Book-lover. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 P 10 The Decision of the Court, Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1893. H 12 P 27 Frank Wvlde. (Matthews, J. B. -Comedies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P 6 French Dramatists of the 19th Century. New ed. 8vo. New York, 1891. H 12 R 1 In the Vestibule, Limited. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1892. J 1 R 49 Outlines in Local Colour. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 22 R 41 Poems of American Patriotism. 8vo. New York, 1882. II 12 R 2 The Royal Marine. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1894." J 1 R 36 Secret of the Sea. 8vo. New York, 1886. J 22 R 39 The Story of a Story, and other Stories. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 21 P 36 Studies of the Stage. 18mo. New York, 1894. II 12 P 7 Theatres of Paris. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1880. H 12 Q 1 This Picture and that. Illustrated. 18mo. New York 1894. H 12 P 28 Tom Pauling: the Story of a search for buried treasure in the streets of New' York. Illustrated. 8vo. .New York, 1892. J 22 R 12 Vignettes of Manhattan. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1894. .1 22 R 38 -, and JESSOP, George H. A Tale of twenty-five irs. 12mo. New York, 1892. J 1 R 29 Supp lemen tary Ca talogue — 1896-1 900. 403 MATTOS, Alexander Teixeira de. Memoirs of Marshal i hidinot. [See Oudinot, Marshal N. C] C 21 U 13 ll.'. Elections of Alexis de Toqueville. [See Tocqueville, Alexis de.] F 12 T 25 MATURIN, Charles Robert. Melmoth, the Wanderer. New ed., from the original Text, with a Memoir and liibliographv of Maturin's Works. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 23 P 10-12 MAI', August. Pompeii : its Life and Art. Translated V F. W. Kelsey. Illustrated. ltov. 8vo. New York, 1899. B 41 S 3 MAUDE, Aylmer. What is Art? [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count.] ' A 23 P 48 MAUDE, Cyril. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 MAUDSLEY, Dr. Henry. Natural Causes and Super- natural Seemings. 3rded. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 8 39 MA I < ' RAS, Gaston. The Due de Lauzun and the Courts of Louis XV and Marie Antoinette. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. B 31 R 8, 9 MAULDE LA CLAVIERE, 11. de. The Women of the Wenaissance. Translated by G. H. Ely. 8v.». Lond., I 900. F 1 9 T 8 MAl T LT, A. Antarctic Exploration. (Roy. See, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Notes on a MS. Chart in the British Museum showing Tasman's Tracks in the Voyage of 1042-44. (Roy. Koc, Tas., Papers and Proc., 1894-95.) ME 1 Q The Recent Eclipse. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 28 Some Astronomical Records in ancient Chinese Rooks. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A '19 S 28 MAI* NDE VILE, Sir John. The Marvellous Adventures of, 1356. Edited by A. Layard. 8vo. Lond, 1895. D 19 S 2 MA I ' PASSANT, Henri Rene Albert Guy de. Pierre and J .-an. Translated by Clara Bell; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 23 U 14 Maupassant and the Fin de Siecle Women. [See Hans- ■ ,n, Laura Marholm.— We Women and our Authors."] .J 21 It 38 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 11 20 MAI.' RICE, Charles Edmund. Bohemia, from the Earliest Times to the Fall of National Independence in 1020 ; with a short Summary of Later Events. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 11 47 MAURICE, Rev. Frederick Denison. The Prayer-book considered especially in reference to the Romish sys- tem. 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 19 TJ 20 [Sketch of.] [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Sketch of.] [See Haweis, Rev. H. R.— The Dead Pulpit.] G 19 T 21 Theological Essays. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Ocea- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Three Letters concerning Ruskin's " Notes on the Con- struction of Sheepfolds." [See Nicoll, W. R,— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 MAURICE, Maj.-Gen. John Frederick. National De- fences. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 22 War. Reproduced, with amendments, from the article in the last edition of the " Encyclopedia Britannica;" to which is added, an Essay on Military Literature, and a list of books with brief comments. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 32 R 38 The British Army. [See " Lieut-Col. in the British Army."] B 41 W 1 Memoirs of Baron Lejeune. [See Lejeune, Louis Fran- cois, Baron.] B 17 R 46, 47 The 95th (the Derbyshire) Regiment in the Crimea. [See Wylly, Maj. H. C] B 31 R 9 Wellington. [See Wellington, Duke of.] C 26 R 18 , LONG, Capt. Wilfred James, and SONNEN- SCHEIN, A. The Franco-German War, 1870-71 ; by Generals and other Officers who took part in the Cam- paign. Illust, Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 40 W 1 MAURITIUS :— Government Departments— Reports and Publications. Blue Book. Blue Book, 1898. Sm.fol. Port Louis, 1899. E Census. Appendices to Commissioner's Report, 1891. Fol. (n.p.n.d.) E Civil Service. Mauritius Civil List, 1868, 1891, 1894, 1896. 4 vols. fol. Mauritius, 1868-96. E MAUGHAM, Harry Neville. Sir Paul Pindar, and other Plays. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 1 U 5 MAURY, Prof. Bonet, Faculties of Theology in the Uni- versity of France (Internat. Health Exhib.- -Health Exhib. Literature.) All V 11 MAVER, William. American Telegraphy : Systems, Ap- paratus, and Operation. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 7 MAWSON, Thomas H. Art and Craft of Garden-making. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1900. A 20 R 25 t MAXIMILIAN, Alexander Philipp, Prince of Wied. Travels in the Interior of North America. Translated by H. Evans Lloyd. 4to. Lond., 1843. D. 17 T 2 t Tublic Library of New South Wales. MAXIMTJS TYRIUS. Dissertationes. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Diibner. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V 23 MAXWELL, C. P. On Alterations in the Coast-line of the North Island of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S MAXWELL, Sir Herbert. History of Dumfries and Galloway. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. (County Histories of Scotland.) B 16 T 11 Robert the Bruce and the Strum-'..' for Scottish Inde pendence. Illustrated. 8vo. ' New York, 1897. P, 17 P 46 Memoir of Sir Charles Murray. [See Murray, Sir C] C 25 R 1 MAXWELL, James Clerk. James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics ; by R. T. Glazebrook, P.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 19 V 20 MAXWELL, Louis R, M. Modern European Tactics. [See Balck, Capt. — .] A 36 W 1 MAXWELL, Mary Moi [See Scott, Mrs. Maxwell.] MAXWELL, Maj.-Gen. Patrick. Nathan the Wise. [See ' ;, G. E.] H 10 U 16 MAXWELL, William. Wholesale Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester, 1888. % F 41 V 13 MAXWELL, William, Earl of Nithisdale. [See Nithis- dale, Earl of.] MAXWELL, William H. Removal and Disposal of Town Refuse. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 32 R 41 MAXWELL, Sir William Stirling-. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 MAY, Agatha. Country Life in Australia. (Review of Reviews, Jan., 1899.) ME 6 U MAY, Alfred Heath. Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State. [See Kuenen, Prof. A.] G 24 U 17-19 MAY, D. W. Dietary Studies at the University of Mis- souri in 1895. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Experiment Stns.] A 38 R 15 MAY, Maj. Edward Sinclair. Field Artillery with the other Arms : its Employment, illustrated from Military History, and its Re-armament with Quick-firing Guns discussed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 36 R 19 Guns and Cavalry : their Performances in the Past and their Place in the Future. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 19 MAY, Phil. ABC: Fifty-two Original Designs forming two humorous alphabets from A to Z. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 10 T 19 t Gutter-snipes: Fifty Original Sketches in pen and ink. 4to. Lond., 1896. J 10 T 16 t The Phil May Album ; collected by A. M. Moore. Illus- trated. 4 to. Lond., 1900. J 20 P 16 t M AY, Sir Thomas Erskine. Treatise on the Law, Privi- leges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. 10th ed. Books 1 and 2 edited by Sir R. F. D. Palgrave ; Book 3 edited bv A. Bonham-Carter. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. ' F 9 V 20 MAYCOCK, W. Perren. Electric - wiring, Fittings, Switches, and Lamps ; a Practical Book for Electric- light Engineers, Wiring and Fitting Contractors, Con- sulting Engineers, Architects, Builders, Wiremen, and Students. Illust. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 24 P 40 MAYER, Alfred Goldsborough. Acalephs from the Fiji Islands. [See Harvard University. — Bulletin of Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology, 32.] E Medusa; from Australia. [See Harvard University.— Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, 32.] E MAYER, Paul. Die Caprelliden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel.- Fauna unci Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) ' A 19 P 16, 17 t MAYES, Edward. History of Education in Mississippi. [See United States.— Bureau of Education.] G 18 S 38 MAYES, William Frederick. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proa, 82.) E MAYHEW, Edward. Dogs : their Treatment ; being a new plan of treating the animal, based upon a con- sideration of his natural temperament. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 8 M AYNARD, Charles J. Manual of Taxidermy : a complete; Guide in Collecting and Preserving Birds and Mam- mals. Illust. 8vo. Boston, 1884. A 23 P 13 MAYNARD, James Mortimer. Charges against. [See Cape of Good Hope. — Charges against James Mortimer Maynard.] F 1 S 12 MAYNARD, Samuel Taylor. Landscape Gardening as applied to Home; Decoration. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 20 R 16 MAYNE, Maj. Charles Blair. Moore. [See Moore, Sir J.] C 26 R 18 MAYO, Rev. Amory Dwight. Public Schools during the Colonial and Revolutionary Period inthe United States. [See United States — Bureau of Education. Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1893-94, vol. 1.] E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 405 MAYO, J. Report on Fruit-growing. [See New Zealand. - -Agricult.] MA 3 R 81 MAYO, John Horsley. Medals and Decorations of the lii'itish Army and Navv. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 34 V 18, 19 MAYO-SMITH, Dr. Richmond. [See Smith, Dr. Rich- mond May,,-.] MAYOW, John. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. Wil- liam.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] ' A 19 S 19 MAZARIN, Cardinal. Mazarin. [-SfeoMasson, G.] B 28 Q 4 Memoirs of Cardinal De Retz. [See De Retz, Cardinal.] B 21 IT 2 MAZZTNI, Giuseppe. [Ess -Essays, Modern.] Sketch of. [See Pearsoi Critical Essays.] Dr. C. IT.— Re- J 14 U 20 "ME AND GEORGE." [Sas Johnston, A. W.] MF 4 P 54 MEA D, Elwood. Abstract of Laws for acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 "Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. [See United States.— Dept. of A-ricult. Office of .Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 .MEAD, George S. Birds of New Guinea. (American Naturalist, 1896.) E Ornithology of New Guinea. (American Naturalist, .May, 1894.) E MEAD, William Edward. Merlin. [See Early English Text Soc] E .MEADE, Rev. George Whitefield. Modern Methods in Church-work : the Gospel Renaissance ; with an Intro- duction bv Rev. C. L. Thompson. 8vo. New York, 1897. ' G24Q4 MEADE, Gen. Sir Richard. Gen. Sir Richard Meade and ■ lie Keudatorv States of Central and Southern India : a Record of 43 years' service as Soldier, Political Offi- cer, and Administrator : by T. II. Thornton. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P 14 MEADOWCROFT, William H. The A I! C of the X I lays. Illust, 12mo. LonJ, 1896. A 23 P 35 MEAKIN, Budgett. The Moorish Empire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 33 Q 12 MEANS, Thomas H. Alkali Lands. [See United States. Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Alkali Soils of the Yellowstone Valley. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 An Electrical Method of determining the soluble Salt content of Soils. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 Temperature Changes in Fermenting Piles of Cigar-leaf Tobacco. [S'-e United States.- Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 54 (Internat. Health >.) A 41 U 18 MECREDY, R. J., and WILSON, A. J. The Art and Pastime of Cycling. 4th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. * A 29 S 37 MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN SAINTS and Miracles not ab uiio e Societate Jesu. 8vo. [t1«o».] New York, 1876. G 24 Q 15 MEDICAL ANNUAL AND PRACTITIONER'S IN- DEX, The, 1895-98, 1900. 5 vols. 8vo. Bristol, 1895-1900. E MEDICAL DIRECTORY, 1882, 1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1882-1900. E " MEDICAL MAN, A." Cassell's Family Doctor. [See Cassell and Co.] A 40 P 1 MEDICAL REGISTER, The. Printed and published under the direction of the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom, 1877-80, 1882-92, 1894-97, 1899. 20 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond, 1877-99. E MEDICI, Cosimo de'. Cos MEDICI, Lorenzo de'. Lorenzo de' Medici and Florence in the 15th Century. [See Armstrong, E.] B 16 S 7 Christ the Truth. 8vo. Lond, G 26 Q 14 MEHEMET ALI, Viceroy of Egypt, Egypt in the 19th Century ; or, Mehemet AH and his Successors till the British Occupation in 1882. [See Cameron, D. A.] B 37 R 1 MEIKLEJOHN. Prof. John M. D. The English Language: its Grammar, History, and Literature, with Chapters on Composition, Versification, Paraphrasing, and Punctuation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 U 5 Professorships and Lectureships on Education. (Internat Health Exhib.- Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 MEILHAC, Henri. [Criticisms of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 406 Public Library of New South Wale*. MEINEKE, August. Joannis Stobtei Eclogarum librl duo. [See Stobseus, J.] G 2 V 45 MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest. His Life and his Art ; by Vallery C. O. Gre'ard. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. C 13 U 20 t Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G.— Illus- trated Biographies of Morlern Artists.] C 1 P 17 J MEJLjENDER, Otto. Almindelig norsk Lovsamling for Tidsrummet, 1660-1870. 8vo. Christiania, 1872. F8 Q5 MELANCHTHON, Philip. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany. [See Richard, Rev. J. W.] G 23 P 48 MELANESIAN MISSION. The Island Voyage, 1880. 8vo. Ludlow, 1881. MG 2 S 17 MELBOURNE, William, Viscount, Lord Melbourne's Papers. Edited by Lloyd C. Sanders. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1890. C 22 R 14 [Life of]; by J. E. Denniston. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Memoirs of ; by W. M. Torrens. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 24 R 3, 4 [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— Eng- land in the 19th Century,] B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MELBOURNE CHURCH OF ENGLAND MESSEN- GER, The. 2 Nog. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MJ 3 T 10 MELBOURNE MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF ORIGI- NAL COLONIAL LITERATURE, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6, May-Oct., 1855. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1855. [All published.] MJ 4 Q 5 MELBOURNE PUNCH, 1855-July, 1856, Jan.- July, 1857, 1861-84, 1896-June, 1899. 31 vols. fol. Melb., 1855-99. ME MELBOURNE REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-10, Jan., 1876- Oct., 1885. 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1876-85. ME 18 Q MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY. Calendars, 1858 1901. 48 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1858-1900 ME 5 T MELBOURNE AND SUBURBAN DIRECTORY (Sands and McDougall's) 1857, 1861, 1864, 1875-1900. 29 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1857-1900. ME 11 P-R MELDRUN, David Storrar. Holland and the Hollanders. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. D 21 T 2 MELEAGER. A Flower of Laurium. (Bibelot, 1896.) E MELENG, F. E. Free Library Movement in South Aus- tralia. (Lib. Assoc, of Aust. Proa, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 MELL, Dr. Patrick Hues. Report on the Climatology of the Cotton Plant. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture.— Weather Bureau.] A 37 S 12 MELON, Paul. L'Enseignement Superieur et l'Enseigne- ment Technique en France. 2nd ed. 8vo. Paris, 1893. G 17 U 35 MELROSE. C. J. Modern scientific Whist, with reasons why. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 3 MELSOME, Dr. William Stanley. Furuncle— Carbuncles. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 MELTZER, Dr. S. J. Diseases of the Thyroid and Thy- mus Glands, Myxcedema, Cretinism, Graves' Disease, and Obesity. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 MELVILLE, Adam G. The Book Trade in Australia since 1861. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ2V1 The Book Trade in Australia. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 f MELVILLE, Andrew. [Life of] ; by W. Morison. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 16 MELVILLE, Maj. George John Why to. The Gladiators. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 25 S 13 MELVILLE, Herman. [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St, Loe.— From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 MELVILLE, Lewis. Life of William Makepeace Thack- eray. [See Thackeray, W. M.] C 27 S 3, 4 MEMLINC or MEMLING, Hans. Han's Mending's Love. [See Vandam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 MENANDER, The Farmer: a Revised Text of the Geneva Fragment ; with a Translation and Notes by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. II 12 T 1 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, Felix. Sketch of. [See Butterworth, H.— Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 MENDES, Mme. Catulle. [See Gautier, Judith.] MENDS, Adm. Sir William Robert. Life of ; by his son, Bowen Stilon Mends. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 21 P 17 MENGER, Prof. Anton. The Right to the Whole Produce of Labour : the Origin and Development of the Theory of Labour's Claim to the Whole Product of Industry. Translated by M. E. Tanner ; with an Introduction and Bibliography by Prof. H. S. Foxwell. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 407 ENIPPUS." [See Sealy, Robert.] S KEN, Percival S. Regulation of the Liquor Traffic. -\o. New York, 1891. F 18 R 11 S'NIS, Sir John, and SMITH, Dr. James. Facetise : Aiusarum Delicia;, or the Muses Recreation, contein- ing severall pieces of poetique wit, by Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith, 165G ; Wit RcsWd, in several! ■ iect poems, not formerly publish - !, IOoS: Wit K, ,-,■,- at ions, selected from the finest fancies of moderne uises, with a thousand outlandish proverbs, 1610. Newed., with additional Notes, Indexes, and a Por- i dt of Sir John Mennis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H 3 R 34, 35 <«)S, Jean H. Lettres de Benjamin Constant a sa iamille. [See Constant de Rebecquc, B.] C 18 P 30 s'SING, Ant. Mappe of the Principal Voyages and ! >iscoveries made by the Hollanders, with tlie Prin- cipal Lands, Places, and Factories in their Possession. \-. .Man in quest of himself. METAPHYSICIAN, The. [See Progressive Thought.] METCALFE, George. Guide to the Public Service Com- petitive Examinations. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 T 26 METCALFE, John. The Case for Universal Old Age Pensions; with Introduction by C. Booth. Svo. Lond., 1899. F 15 Q 39 METCALFE, Rev. William M. Legends of the Saints. Pts. 1-6. [See Scottish Text Soc., Pubs, 13, 18,23, , 35, MEUDELL, George D. Australia for the Australians. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q An Australian Protest against Imperial Federation. (Mel- bourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q A Popular Fetish. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q MECRICE, Paul. Memoirs of Victor Hugo. [See Hugo, V. M, Comte.] C 27 S 5 MEYER, B. E. History of Modem Philosophy. [See Hoffding, Prof. 1L] " G 24 V 31, 32 MEYER, Ethel S. Practical Dictionary of Cookery: 1,200 Tested Recipes. Svo. Lond, 1898. A 38 S 11 MEYER, Franz Sales. Hand-book of Art Smithing for the use of Practical Smiths, Designers of Ironwork, Technical and Art Schools, Architects, etc. Translated from the German by .). Starkie Gardner. Illustrated. 8v„. Lond, 1896. A23T 26 MEYER, H. A. E. Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Aborigines of the Southern and Eastern por- tions of the settled districts of South Australia, pre- ceded by a Grammar showing the construction of the language as far as at present known. Svo. Adelaide, 1843. MJ 3 R 15 MEYER, H. L. Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs. 7 vols. Svo. Lond, 1853-57. A 38 P 1-7 M EYER, Prof. Kuno. The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living ; with Essays upon the Irish Vision of the Happy Otherworld and the Celtic Doctrine of Re-birth, by Alfred Nutt. Vol. 2. Svo. Lond, 1897. B 36 P 10 MEYER, Prof. Oskar Emil. Kinetic Theory of Gases : Elementary Treatise, with Mathematical Appendices. Translated" from the 2nd revised ed. by R. E. Baynes. Svo. Lond, 1899. A 38 S 19 MEYNELL, Alice [Mrs. Wilfrid] (Alice Thompson). The Children. 12mo. Lond, 1897. J 9 P 46 The Spirit of Place, and other Essays. 12mo. Lond, 1899. J 23 P 8 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, Ac.] J 1 R 51 John Ruskin. [See Ruskin, J.] C 23 R 25 MEYNELL, Wilfrid. Life and Wo k of Lady Butler (Miss Elizabeth Thompson). [See Art Journal.] A 20 R 13 f MEYRICK, Edward. Australian Miero-Lepidoptera. (Linnean So.-, X.S.W., Proe, 1897.) ME 2 P Clas I "nd 1 ' Trans lS£ lian Pyralidii a. (Entom. Soc, E Des (1 iond. Trans, 1880.) ie South Paeiiie. E Pyri '(1 lidina from ntom. Soc, I Aust iond., ralia and tl Irans, 1887.) e South Pacific. E Pyr, lidina of th ■ Ha\ aiian Island. (Entom. Soc, E L e Lepidopter md. Trans, i fron New Guine a. (Entom. Soc, E 410 Public Library of New South Wales. MEYSEY-THOMPSON, Col. R, F. [See Thompson, Col. R, F. Meysey-.] MEZ, C. Bromeliacese. [See De Candollc, A. and C— Monograpliui' Phaiierogamarum.] A 32 T 24 MEZES, Prof. Sidney Edward. The Conception of God. [See Royce, Prof. J.J G 23 Q 1 MTALARET, Dr. T. L'Tle des Pins, son Passe, son Pre- sent, son Avenir : Colonisation et Ressources Agricoles. 8vo. Paris, 1897. MD 7 U 28 MIALL, A. B. The Kingdom of the Barotsi, Upper Zam- besia. [See Bertrand, A.] D 22 R 7 MIALL, Prof. Louis C, F.R.S. Object Lessonsfrom Nature. Pt. 2. Must. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 24 P 30 Thirty years of Teaching. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 18 P 46 MICHAEL ANGELO BUONAROTTI. Life of; by Herman Grimm. Translated by Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 S 5, 6 Life of ; with Translations of many of his Poems and Letters, also Memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna ; by J. S.Harford. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 14 V 22, 23 Art of. [/SetfRose, G. B. — Renaissance Masters.] A 41 T 11 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 Examination of Works of. [See Stearns, F. P.] A 23 S 25 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R, W.— Natural History of Intellect, and other Papers.] J 22 Q 26 MICHEL, Daniel. The Ayenbite of Inwyt, written in the Dialect of the County of Kent in the year 1340. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. 4to. Lond., 1895. (Roxburghe Club Tubs.) G 17 Q 8 t MICHEL, Emile. Rubens : his Life, his Work, and his Time. Translated by Elizabeth Lee. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1899. A 20 T 4, 5 f Rembrandt : his Life, his Work, and his Time. [See Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Ryn.] C11W14, 15 f MTCHEL, Georges Ephraim, " Ephraim Mikhael." [Trans- lations from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 MTCHELET, Jules. [Essay on] Michelet's France. [See Alison, Dr. Archibald.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 MICHELL, Stephen. Mine Drainage : being a complete Practical Treatise on Direct - acting Underground Steam Pumping Machinery. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 38 S 18 MICHIE, A. Phases of London Life. No. 1. Christie and Mason's. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q MICHIGAN -.—State Departments— Reports and Publico- Commissioner of Railroads. Annual Report, 1887. 8vo. Lansing, 1887. E State Agricultural College Experiment Station. Annual Report, July, 1895-June, 1896. 8vo. Lansing, 1897. E Bulletins, 107-110, 113-116. 2 vols. Svo. Lansing, 1894. E 107. Fattening Lambs. 108. Potatoes and Potato Scab. 109. Variety Tests of Vegetables. 110. The External Conformation of the Horse. 1 13. Fattening Lambs. 1 14. Rape as a Forage Plant. 115. MaiuiiTiiiriu of Swamp Lands. 110. Insects of the Clover-field. State Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports, Julv, 1895-June, 1897. 2 vols. Svo. Lansing, 1897-98. E State Horticultural Society. Annual Reports, 1885- 88, 1890-91, 1893. 7 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1886-94. E State Institutions. First Biennial Report of the Central Board of Control of State Institutions, June, 1890- July, 1892. Svo. Lansing, 1892. E Statistics. Reports of the Secretary of State, Michigan) relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marri- ages, and Deaths, 1872-80, 1892. 10 vols. Svo. Lansing, 1877-94. E MICKLETHWAITE, J. T. The Ornaments of the Rubric. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 5 T 26 MICROSCOPIC JOURNAL AND STRUCTURAL RECORD. [See Royal Microscopical Society.] MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. [See Royal Microscopical Society.] "M1D-ON." Seventy-one, not out: Reminiscences of William Caffyn. [See Caffyn, W.] C 27 Q 1 MIDDLETON, Edwin C. Collotype and Photo-Litho- graphy. [See Schnauss, Dr. Julius.] A 23 T 27 MIDDLETON, G. A. T. Surveying and Surveying In- struments. Illust. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 22 Q 22 -, and GARDEN, R. W. Ornamental Details of the Italian Renaissance. Fol. Lond., 1900. A 49 P 16 J Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 411 MIDDLETON, ' George, and MILLS, Thomas R. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 16 R 43 MIDDLETON, Prof. J. Henry. Illuminated MSS. in Classical and Mediaeval Times : their Art and their Technique. Imp. 8vo. Camb., 1892. J 22 V 22 MIDDLETON, Reginald E., and CHAD WICK, Osbert. Treatise on Surveying. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud ., 1899. A 45 V 3 MIDDLETON, Thomas. Conjectural Leadings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 MUX; LEY, W. Studies in Plant Form. [See Lilley, A. E. V.l A 23 T 23 MIEVILLE, Sir Walter. Under Queen and Khedive : Autobiography of an Anglo-Egvptian Official. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " B 37 Q G " MIKHAEL, Ephraim." [Ste Michel, G. E.] MILBOURN, S. The new Kreuz Polka Winifred. Sm. fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t MILES, Alfred 11. The Household Oracle: a Popular Referee on subjects of Household Enquiry. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 40 Q 9 Poets and Poetry of the Century. Vols. 9,10. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 11 Q 18, 19 9. Humour, Society, I'.uody, and Occasional Verse. 10. Sacred, Moral, and Religious Verse. MILES, Maj.-Gen. Nelson A. Report of his Tour of Ob- servation in Europe. [See United States. — Dept. of War.] A 36 W 14 MILFORD, Dr. Frederick. An Australian Hand-book of Obstetric Nursing; designed for the use of Midwives and Nurses. 12m,.. Svdnev, 1S9G. MA 3 U 47 MILINOWSKT, Harriet Ransom. Manual of the Do- mestic Hygiene of the Child. [See Uffelniann, Dr. J.] A 38 S 9 MILL, Hugh Robert. The International Geography. illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 Q 12 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society. [See Loyal Geographical Soc] K 9 R 14 MILL, John Stuart. Early Essays; selected from the original sources by J. W. M. Gibbs. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 U 37 The Ethics of John Stuart Mill. Edited, with Intro- ductory Essays, by Charles Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. " G 11 U 14 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy. [See Mansel, Prof. H. L] G 14 S 23 History of Economics. [See MacLeod, H. D.] E 12 T 8 J. S. Mill on Knowledge; by A. Montgomery. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q Philosophy of. [See Martineau, Rev. J.— Essays, Re- views, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 Rectorial. Addresses, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 " [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 Student's Hand-book, synoptical and explanatory, of J. S. Mill's System of Logic. [See Killick, Rev. A. H.] G 9 V 10 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 MILLAIS, Sir John Everett. Millais and his Works, with special reference to the Exhibition at the Royal Academy, 1898 ; by M. II. Spielmann. With a chap- ter, Thoughts on our Art of to-dav, by Sir J. E. Millais. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898". C 23 U 4 Life and Letters of ; by his son, J. G. Millais. Illus- trated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 T 2, 3 Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G.— Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 1 7 J [Portrait of.] [Set Sixty Years of Empire.] I! 22 R 18 Sir J. E. Millais: his Art and Influence. [See Baldry, A. L] A 44 R 4 [Sketch of the Work of.] [See Monkhouse, C- British Contemporary Artists. 4 ] A 14 W 1 , De the Hoi "J Must MILLAR, A. II. ffisto :al Castles nd Forfarsh 8vo. Paisley, 1890. Che Compt Buik of David Wedderbur Hist. Soc. Pubs., 28.] A 17 U 5 t nd Mansions of e. Illustrated. B 41 Q 13 3. [See Scottish MILLAR, George Henry. New, complete, authentic, and of Geography: being a complete Model ~ Ulustn \CINill O^.StUlll Ul ^t-UgHl^UJ . Ullllg •«. v,....^*^v^. dern History and Description of the whole World. istrated. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) D 17 U 7 t 412 Public Library of New South Wales. MILLAR, J. II. [Criticism of the W„rks of] Francis Jeffrey. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Henry Longueville Mansel. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Gait, [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Stuart Mill. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Lord Brougham. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Chalmers. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Washington Irving. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Sir William Hamilton. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* MILLAR, James. Apostolic Age; or, the Christian Church. [See Weizsacker, Prof. C. von.] .G 23 T 5, 6 History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Rev. A.] G 23 S 38-40 MILLAR, William. Plastering, Plain and Decorative : & Practical Treatise on the Art and Craft of Plastering and Modelling, together with an Account of Historical Plastering in England, Scotland, and Ireland, accom- panied by numerous examples. With an Introductory Chapter, entitled, "A Glimpse nf its History," by G. T. Robinson. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 10 X 9 t MILLARD, Godfrey William. Law of Personal Property in New South Wales, founded on Williams' Principles of the Law of Personal Property. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 2 Q 3G MILLER, Dr. Alexander K. Fermentation. [See Hansen, Dr. E. C] " A 25 U 17 Micro-organisms and Fermentation. [See Jcirgensen, A.] A 40 U 1G MTLLER, Cincinnatus Heine, "Joaquin Miller." Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 MILLER, Lieut. E. D. Modern Polo. Edited by Capt, M. H. Hayes. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 29 R 36 MILLER, Dr. Edmund H. Notes on Assaying. [See Ricketts, Dr. Pierre de Peyster.] A 24 V 38 MILLER, Prof. Edward F. Steam Boilers. [See Pea- body, Prof. C. H.] A 37 R 7 MILLER, Fred. The Training of a Craftsman. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898! A 23 S 41 MILLER, G. W. History of Chislehurst, [See Webb, E. A.] B 40 W 2 MILLER, Gerrit S. Directions for Preparing Study Specimens of small Mammals. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 46 S 18 Genera and Sub-genera of Voles and Lemmings. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult, — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 10 Revision of the North American Bats of the Family Vespertilionida\ [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 4G U 10 MILLER, Henry A. Money and Bimetallism. 12mo. New York, 1898. F 15 S 10 MILLER, Hugh. [Life of] ; by W. Keith Leask. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 T 13 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* MILLER, Hugh, jun. Geology of the Country around Otterburn and Elsdon. [See (U. Britain and Ireland. — Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 1G MILLER, Rev. J. R. Story of a Busy Life: Recollections of Mrs. G. A. Paull. [See Paull, Minnie E.] C 23 P 1 1 " MILLER JOAQUIN." [See Miller, C. H] MILLER, N. J. II. Production of Milk rich in Fat, (Agricult. Gaz , N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R MILLER, 11. E. Lessons in Shorthand on Gurney's Sys- ' tern (improved): being Instruction in the Art of Short- hand-writing as used in the service of the two Houses of Parliament, 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 9 Q 17 MILLER, Miss S. A. Training of Teachers for Element- ary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 MILLER, Thomas. Old English Version of Bede's Eccle- siastical History of the English People. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E MILLER, Wilhelm. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture. [See Bailey, Prof. L. H] A 44 W 8 MILLER, William. The Balkans : Rouniania, Bulgaria. Servia, and Montenegro. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 48 Travels and Politics in the Near" East. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 V 14 MILLER, Dr. Willoughby D. The Micro-organisms of the Human Mouth : the Local and General Diseases which are caused by them. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1890. A. 32 S 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MILLET, Jean Francois. His Life and Letters: by " Julia Cart wright " (Mrs. Henrv Ady). Illustrated. Hoy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 19 U 18 J. F Millet and Rustic Art. [See Naegely, H.] A 5 T 24 MILL EKAN, R. A. Polarization of Light emitted from ili" Surfaces of Incandescent Solids and Liquids. Svo. New York. 1895. A 44 S 11 M ILL I XG EN, Prof. Alexander van. Byzantine Constan- tinople: the Walls of the City and adjoining Historical Sites. Illusfc. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. 15 41 S 1 MTLLS, Dr. Charles K. Apoplexy, Brain Tumor, Spinal Tumor, Meningitis, Cerebritis, and Neuritis. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 The Nervous System and its Diseases : Practical Treatise on Neurology for the use of Physicians and Students. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. A 40 8 13 MILLS, Thomas R, Student's Companion to Latin Authors. [See Middleton, G.] J 16 R 43 MILLS, Dr. Thomas Wesley. The Dog Book : a Manual of the Dog; his Origin, History, Varieties, Breeding, Education, and General Management in Health and Disease. Tllust. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 27 S 9 Nature and Development of Animal Intelligence. 8vo. Lund., 1898. G 13 T 50 The Cat, the Dog, and the Dog and Cat compared. "See McGill University.— Papers from J)ept. of Physi- ology.] A 40 8 21 The Functional Development of the Cerebral Cortex in different Groups of Animals. [See McGill University. Papers from Dept. of Physiology.] A 40 S 21 The Pigeon and the Domestic Fowl. [See McGill Univ.— Papers from Dept. of Physiology.] A 40 8 21 The Rabbit and the Cavy or Guinea Pig. [See McGill 1 'niv.— Papers from Dept. of Physiol.] A 40 S 21 MILMAN, Helen. [See Crofton, Helen.] M I I . M A N, Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul's. Henry Hart Milman, Dean of St. Paul's : a Biographical Sketch ; hv his son, A. Milman. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 T 11 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English 1 'rose. 1 " J 6 Q 38* MILNE, Agnes A. Woman's Work and Wages. (Journ. of Agr. and Industry, S. Aust., Feb., 1899.) ME 9 Q MILNE, F. A. Ecclesiology. [See Gentleman's Magazine Library.] A 19 U 10 English Topography. [See Gentleman's Magazine Li- brary.] D 20 V 11 M I LXE. G. Griimell-. Life of Lieut.-Admiral De Ruyter. [See Ruyter, Lieut.-Adm. M. A. de.] C 20 S 4 MILNE, J. Grafton. History of E^ypt under Roman Rule. [See Petrie, Prof. W. M. F] B 21 R 7 MILNE, James. B Rt. Hon. Sir G. of a Pro-Consul. [See Grey, MC 1 S 23 MILNE, John, F.R.S. Seismology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Internat. Scientific Ser.) A 19 R 21 MILNES, Richard Monekton, Bai Houghton, Baron.] MILROY LECTURES. Vaccination. [See Copeman, Dr. S. A. M.] Houghton. [See A 40 T 1! MILTON, John. Areopag Pamphlets.) Fac-simile of the MS. of Milton's Minor Poems, preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fol. Camb, 1899. ' J 18 U 16 I Life of; by R. Garnett. Svo. Lond., 1890. C 20 S 15 The Age of Milton. [See Masterman, Rev. J. H. B.] J 14 P 32 The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise L< »st. [See Orchard, Dr. T. N] A 19 U 19 [Essay on] Milton's Prose. [See Strachey, J. St. Loe.— From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 Milton's Italian Poems. [See MacDonald, G.— Ram- polli.] H 1 1 T 3 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 31 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Natural History of Intellect, and other Papers.] J 22 Q 26 [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Great Books.] J 22 Q 14 MTNCHEN, Prof. E. A. Porifera and Coelenterata. [See Lankester, E. R.— Treatise on Zoology, 2.] A II S 24 Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. [See Church, It. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 MILN, Louise Jordan. Little Folk of .Many Lands. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 40 Q 20 MILN, W. S. The Scotch, East Coast, Orkney and Shet- land, Lewis and Barra Herring Fishing. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 1 1 ly Review of Psychology and Philosophy. ' o. Lond., MIND : a Qi Vol. 1-n.s., vol. 3, 1876-94. 19 1876-94. MINERVA: Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt, Heraus-e- geben von K. Triibner und Dr. F. Mentz, 1897-1900. 3 vols 12mo. St.vasburtr, 1*98-1900. E 414 Public Library of Neio South Wales. MINES OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1897, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-99. ME 9 U MINGAYE, John Charles Henderson. Analyses of the Artesian Waters of New South Wales, and their value for Irrigation and other purposes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Notes and Analyses of some New South Wales Phosphatic Minerals and Phosphatic Deposits. (Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Science, Rept., 1898.) ME 18 S Analyses of Phosphatic Minerals and Phosphatic Deposits. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Phosphatic Deposits in the Jenolan Caves. [See N.S.W. —Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T MINING MANUAL, The. [See Skinner, W. R.] Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1894-95. 2 vols. Svo. St. Paul, 1895-96. E Insects injui 1896. 1896. Illustrated. A 36 T 6 Geological and Natural History Survey, Bulletins 6, 8. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1891-93. 6. Iron Ores of Minnesota; by N. H. and H. V. Winehell. A 44 S 22 8, pt. 1. Anorthosytes of the Minnesota Coast of Lake Superior; pt. 2. Laccolitic Sills of the N.W. Coast of Lake Superior. A 30 T 18 Reports, 1873, 1875-76, 1881-87, 1889-91, 1893-94. 14 vols. Svo. Minneapolis, 1874-95. E Legislature. Executive Documents of the State of Minnesota, 1875, and vol. 4, 1886. 3 vols. Svo. St. Paul, 1876-87. E MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. Svo. St. Paul, 1872-98. E Report, 1895-96. Svo. St. Paul, 1897. E MIRABEAU, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de, [Life of] ; by P. F. Willert. 12rao. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 2 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 A Modern Theseus. [See Vandam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 13 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MIRAMS, James. A National Bank of Issue for Vic, toria. (Melbourne Review, 3.> ME 18 Q MIRROR, The, with which is incorporated Society and the Australasian Athenceum, Vol. 1, July, 1888-June, 1889. 4to. Sydney, 1888-89. MJ 2 U 8 MISKIN, W. H. Descriptions of new Australian Rho- palocera. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1884.) E Descriptions of new species of Australian Diurnal Lepid- optera. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1876.) E MISSIONARY SOCIETY. [See London Missionary So- ciety.] E MISSISSIPPI -.—State Departments— Reports and Publi- cations. Agricultural and Mechanical College Experiment Station. Annual Report, 1895. Svo. Starkville, 1895. E MITCHELL, Rev. Alexander Ferrier. The Scottish Re- formation : its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Dis- tinctive Characteristics. Edited by D. H. Fleming ; with a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Rev. J. Christie. With Portrait, Svo. Edinb., 1900. (Baird Lecture.) G 26 S 6 Compendious Book of Godly and Spiritual Songs, com- monly known as "The Gude and Godly Ballatis." [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 39.] E MITCHELL, Donald Grant. English Lands, Letters, and Kings: the later Georges to Victoria. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 12 U 29 The Country House and Country.) MTTCHELL,.F. J. Book-keeping simplified. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 25 P 17 MITCHELL, Frank. The Rugby Union Game of Foot- ball. (Shearman, M.— Football.) A 29 S 39 MITCHELL, John. The genus Pah-echinus in the Upper Silurian Rocks of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Silurian Trilobites of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts of Australia. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895-96.] ME 2 P MITCHELL, Dr. John Kearsley. Massage: Technique" Physiology, and Therapeutic Indications. (Allbutt, l) r . T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Rest-cure for Neurasthenia and Hysteria. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 MITCHELL, Lilian [Mrs. P. C] Evolution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. [See Demoor, J.] A 41 f 25 MITCHELL, M. A. History of the German People. [See Janssen, Johannes.] B 43 P 7-10 MITCHELL, Margaret Jane. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E— Famous American Actors of To- day.] C 23 Q 6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MITCHELL, P. Chalmers. Bi. .logical Pn,l,lem of to-day. [Sin Hertwig, Dr. 0.] A 27 P 21 W IT( ! I E LL, Dr. Silas Weir. The Birth of Death and Pain : .- ! >oem. (Semi-Centennial of Anaesthesia.) A 1 7 R 2 t Fa' and Blood : an Essay on the treatment of certain tonus of Neurasthenia and Hysteria. 7th ed. 12mo. . Philad., 1898. A 33 P 33 Collected Poems. 8vo. New York, 1896. II 13 V 8 MIT( ' ! TELL, Lieut-Col. Sir Thomas Livingstone. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of New South Wales in the year 1836. Fol. (n.p.n.d.) Iibr. MITCHELL, W. P. Geology of the District of Baltinglass and Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 20 Geology of Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel- Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 17 V 9 Geology of N.W. and Central Donegal. [See Gt, Brit. :.nd Irel— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 2 MITCHELL, W. Stephen. The Place of Fish in a Hard working Diet, with Notes on the use of Fish in former limes. ' (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Litera- ture.) A 34 III MIT FORD, A. B. Fre. 8vo. Lond., 1900. The Gun-runner. New ed. 8vo. " J 25 S 18 The King's Assegai. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 S 17 MIT FORD, Eustace Heveley. Pasquin. [See Pasquin.] MA 4 V 21 MITFORD, Mary Russell. Our Village: Sketches of i Sural Character and Scenery. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 24 TJ 36, 37 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* MITRA, Dr. Asutosh. The Bubonic Plague. 8vo. Cal- cutta, 1897. A 40 V 9 MlTTENDORF, Dr. William F. General Considerations of the Treatment of the Eye and its disorders. (Hare, Dr. II. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 10 MIV.VRT, Dr. Frederick St. George. Groundwork of Science: a Study of Epistemology. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Progressive Science Ser.) A 10 P 10 MIZZI, M. A. M. A Voice from Malta. 12mo. Malta, 1896. J HP 44 MLODZIANSKY, A. K. Measuring the Forest Crop. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 MOBEREY, Rev. Robert Campbell. Ministerial Priest- hood : Chapters preliminary to a study of the ordinal on the rationale of Ministry and the meaning of Christian Priesthood ; with an Appendix upon Roman Criticism of Anglican Orders. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G23S11 MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, Major Augustus Ferryman. [See Ferryman, Major A. F. Mockler-.] MODERN ENGLISH WRITERS. Matthew Arnold ; liv Prof. (!. Saintsburv. [See Arnold, M.] C 23 R 21 Robert Louis Stevenson; l>v L. C. Cornfonl. [See Steven- son, R. L. C 27 R 6 MODERN "FRENCH MASTERS: a series of Biographi- cal and Critical Reviews by American Artists. Edited by John C. Van Dyke. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 10 T 15 t MODERN LOCOMOTIVES. Illustrated. Fol. New York, 1897. A 6 U 17 { MODERN PLAYS. The Dawn. [See Verhaeren, E.J The Father. [See Strindberg, A.] Love's Comedy. [See Ibsen, H.] MODERN SERMONS. Nos. 1-11. MODJESKA, Helena. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 MOERCH, J. O. Making Ready and Printing of Process Blocks: a Practical Manual for Machine-minders. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. (Harrington Ser.) MA 4 P 12 MOFFAT, Robert. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MOFFAT, Robert Scott, The Economy of Consumption : an omitted Chapter of Political Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. F 12 T 33 Mr. Henry George, the " Orthodox" : an Examination of Mr. George's position as a systematic E. mist, ami a review, .f the Competitive and Socialistic Schools of Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 12 T 32 MOFFATT, James. The General Purpose Cow. (Queens- land Agricult, Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Red Devon Cattle. ((Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME9U H 12 T 2 H 10 V 33 H 1 2T 17 Lond. (n.d.) J 14 T 34 Public Library of New South Wales. MOFFETT, S. L. Population of the Towns and Munici- palities of tlie seven Colonies of Australasia, 1894. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1894. MF 5 II 12 MOFFITT, Ernest. A Consideration of the Art of Ernest Moffitt. [See Lindsay, L.] MA 4 V 9 MOHR, Dr. Charles. The Timber Pines of the Southern United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 11 X 7 f MOIR, David Macbeth. [Life of.] [See Douglas, Sir G. —The Blackwood Group.] " C 20 II 24 MOIR, George. Magic and Witchcraft. 12mo. Loud., 1852. G 15 U 15 MOLDENKE, Alfred B. Babylonian Contract Tablets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 8vo. New York, 1893. B 41 W 8 MOLE, C. C. H. Some Gold-bearing Rocks at Bingara, N.S.W. (Australasian Inst, of Mining- Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P MOLESWORTH, Sir Guilford Lindsay. Silver and Gold : the Money of the World. 8vo. Manchester, 1894. F9 Q 38 ■ , and Robert Bridges. Pocket-book of Useful Formulae and Memoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. 23rd ed. Ob. 32mo. Lond., 1896. A 22 P 44 , and DOWSON, J. Emerson. Decimal Coinage, Weights and Measures popularly explained. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 25 S 19 MOLESWORTH, Robert Bridges. Pocket-book of Use- ful Formula 1 and Memoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. [See Moles worth, Sir G. L] A 22 P 44 MOLFESE, Gerardo. Gli Affreschi di G. B. Tiepolo. [See Tiepolo, G. B.] A 48 P 16 + MOLIERE, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ; by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond., 1884. (French Classics for English Students.) H 13 P 13 Les Fourberies de Scapin ; with Introduction and Notes by G. H. Clarke. 12mo. Lond., 1892. (French Classics for English Students.) H 13 U 10 Le Misanthrope; with Introduction and Notes by G. H. Clarke. 12mo. Lond., 1891. (French Classics for English Students.) H13P11 Les Precieuses Ridicules ; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (French Classics for English Students.) II 13 II 8 Comedy-love. [See Vandam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 13 Commentaires sur. [See Beyle, M. H.] J 24 R 21 MOLINEUX, A. A. Luc N.S.W., 1896.) MOIjLER, A. German Reading-book : a Companion to Schlatter's German Class-book. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 S 35 MOLLOY, J. Fitzgerald. The Romance of the Irish Stage, with Pictures of the Irish Capital in the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 15, 16 Royalty restored; or, London under Charles II. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 12 The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington. [See Blessington, Margaret, Countess.] C 23 P 18 MOLON, Dr. Girolamo. Le Varieta di Piante da Frutto raccomandabili per l'Alta Italia esistenti nel Campo Sperimentale della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricol- tura di Milano. Imp. Svo. Milano, 1895-96. A 10 X 19 f MOLONEY, Sir A. Brief outline of the Botanical Efforts of the Government of British Honduras. 12mo. Belize (n.d.) A 20 P 38 MOLONEY, Capt. C. A. West African Fisheries, with particular reference to the Gold Coast Colony. (In- termit, Fisheries Exhib. Fisheries Lit.) A 34 11 5 MOLONEY, Dr. P. The Suicidal Staj (Melbourne Review, 2.) of Existence. ME 18 Q MOLONG ARGUS, 1899. Fol. Mo-long, 1899. ME MO LONG EXPRESS and Western Districts Advertiser, July, 1897-Dec, 1899. Fol. Molong, 1897-99. ME MOLTENO, Sir John Charles. Life and Times of; by P. A. Molteno. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 R 23, 24 MOLTENO, Percv Alport. Federal South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 37 MOLTKE, Field-Marshal Count Hellmuth Karl Bernard von. Letters to his Wife and other Relations. Translated by J. R. Mcllraith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 15, 16 Notes of Travel. New ed. 1 2mo. Lond., 1881. D 20 T 3 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 MOLYNEUX, Edwin. Chrysanthemums and their Cul- ture : a Practical Treat ise on Propagating, Growing, and Exhibiting, from the Cutting to the Silver Cup. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 20 Q 20 MOLYNEUX, Henry Howard, 4th Earl of Carnarvon. [See Carnarvon, 4th Earl of.] MOLYNEUX, Maj.-Gen. William Charles Francis. Cam- paigning in South Africa and Egypt. 8vo, Lond., 1896. B 31 U 9 Supplemental Catalogue — 1896-1900. 417 MO:\l MSEN, Theodor. The History of Rome. Translated I iv Dr. W. P. Dickson. 5 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1894. B 30 S 13-17 Die Unteritalischen Dialekte. With plates and maps. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1850. J 21 U 16 MOXARO MERCURY. [See Manaro Mercury.] MONCK, W. H. S. Introduction to .Stellar Astronomy' Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 19 Q 11 MONOKTON, Whitmore. Goodenough Island, New Guinea. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1897.) ME 6 It Si line Recollections of New Guinea Customs. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 189G.) ME 6 R MOXCRIEFF, A. B. Some Recent Engineering Experi- ences. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Hope, "A. R, Hope." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., B 17 P 39 oseph. Hymni Latini medii ;evi. 3 vols. l'Yiburgi in Brisgoviae, 1853-55. G 1 Q 25 MONE, Franz (in 1) 8vo, 'NETARY AND INDUSTRIAL FALLACIES: a Dialogue. [See Howe, J. B.] F 16 Q 12 MOXGREDTEX, Augustus. The Western America. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1886. Winer of F 17 P 3 XIER, Emil. [Reproduction of his Picture] Cupid Disarmed. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 | MOXIST, The: a Quarterly Magazine. Vols. 1-10, Oct., 1890-July, 1900. 10 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1890-1900. E 3-5, June, 1826. Fol. MONITOR, The. Vol. 1, Nos Sydney, 1826. ME MONK, Gen. George. [See Albemarle, Duke of.] MONKHOUSE, Cosmo. British Contemporary Artists. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 44 W 1 . Life and Work of Sir Edward J. Poynter. [See Art Journal.] A 13 W 9 t " M < )NKSHOOD, G. F." [See Clarke W. J.] MONOGRAPHS ON ARTISTS. Diirer. [See Knackfuss, H.l A 4.5 W 5 Holbein. [See Knackfuss, H.] A 45 W 2 Raiihael. [See Knackfuss, H.] A 45 W 1 Rembrandt. [See Knackfuss, H.J A 45 VV 3 VanDyck. [See Knackfuss, H.l A 45 W 4 MONRAD, John H. Dairy Industry in Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult, — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U8 MONROE, James. Portrait of. [See Short Studies in Party Politics.] ISm MONROE, Prof. William S. 12mo. New York, 1897. Bibliography of Education. (Internal. Education Ser.) G 18P50 lgs of Educational Reform. MONSERRATE, Miguel de. Libro intitvlado Ccena Domini. 18mo. La Aya, 1629. G 9 U 32 MONTAGU, Lady Mary Wortlcv. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 8 ;tor Alexander. A Middy's Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 8 M ONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquein, Sieur de. Works. Edited by W. Hazlitt, Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865. J 8 V 26 The Education of Children ; selected, translated, and annotated by L. E. Rector. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Internat. Education Ser.) G 15 U 46 Michel de Montaigne: a Biographical Study; by M. E. Lowndes. 8vo. Camb., 1898. C 23 S 22 [Essay on.] [See Carl) Essays.] [Lecture on.] [See Em -Moi in, R. W. — Representative J 22 Q 18 itaigne and Shakspere. [See Robertson, J. M.] J 14 S 36 MONTANA: — State Department*— Report* and Publica- Board of State Prison Commissioners. Annual Re- port, 1891-92, 1 898. 2 vols. 8vo. Helena, 1892-99. E Catalogue of the Library of the Historical Society of tho State of Montana, also the Report of the Librarian, 1891-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. Cat Room State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Annual Catalogue, 1896-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Bozeman, 1897-98. E 418 Public Library of New South Wales. MONTELIUS, Prof. Oscar. Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times. Translated from the 2nd Swiss ed. by Rev. F. H. Woods. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1888. F16T2 MONTENEGRO, Dr. Jose Verdes. Bubonic Plague: its Course and Symptoms and Means of Prevention and Treatment according to the latest Scientific Discover- ies; including Notes on cases in Oporto. Trans, by W. Munro, M.D. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 U 25 MONTEREUL, Jean de. Diplomatic Correspondence of. [See Scottish Hist, Soc. Pubs., 29.] E MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat, Baron de. [Essay on.] [See Alison. Dr. Archibald.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 MONTFAUCON, Bernard de. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Essays.] " C 24 R 5 MONTGOMERY, Alex. John S. Mill on Knowledge. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q The so-called Corruption of Modern English. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q • The Sword of a Sin. 8vo. Melb, 1898. MJ 3 S 27 MONTGOMERY, Alexander, M.A. Classification and Description of Australasian useful Mineral Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Useful Minerals of Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P MONTGOMERY, Dr. E. E. Therapeutics of the Genito- urinary Tract. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 MONTGOMERY, Eleanor E. The Pilgrim of Eternity; in Memory of Alfred Tennyson, Laureate. 8vo. Wanganui, N.Z. (n.d.) MH 1 S 72 Songs of the Singing Shepherd. 12mo. Wanganui, N.Z., 1885. MH 1 Q 82 MONTGOMERY, H. H., Bishop of Tasmania. The Light of Melanesia : a Record of thirty-five years' Mission Work in the South Seas. Illustrated. 8vo. ]jond., 189G. MG 1 Q 08 MONTGOMERY, Miss. [See Tautphceus, Bai s.] MONTGOMERY, W. H. Old Age Pensions in New Zea- land. (Review of Reviews, Nov., 1898.) ME G U MONTH, The, July, 1857-Oct., 1858. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1857-58. MJ 4 Q 11, 12 MONTH, The : a Catholic Magazine and Review. Vols. 1-82, July, 1864-94. 82 vols. Svo. Lond., 1864-94. E MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 6, No. 32, Aug., 1841. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MJ 3 T 10 MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. [See Royal Microscopical Society.] MOODY, Dwight Lyman. Life and Works of; by Rev. J. W. Chapman. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 26 T 5 Life-story of ; by D. Williamson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) C 20 T 28 MOON, George Washington. The Bad English of Lindley Murray ami other writers on the English Language : a series of Criticisms. 12mo. Lond., 1868. J 14 P 50 MOON, Robert A. The Sun as a Guide to Travellers and Explorers. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.) ME 20 P MOON, William. William Moon, and his Work for the Blind ; by J. Rutherford. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " C 23 U 6 MOONEN, Leo. Exhibitions : their Origin, Aim, Influ- ence, and Results, and the utility of a permanent Ex- hibition Commission. Svo. Melb., 1883. MF 4 Q 58 MOONEY, E. Music in Schools. (Intemat. Health Exhib— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 MOONEY, James. The Siouan Tribes of the East. Svo Wash., 1894. A 27 V 15 MOOR, C. G. Applied Bacteriology. [See Pearmain, T. H] A 27 T 8 MOOR, Samuel Albert. Practical Plant Physiology. [See Detmer, Dr W.] A 32 R 40 MOORE, Albert, Life and Works of. [See Baldry, Alfred Lys.] A 10X5 t MOORE, Aubrey L. Lectures and Papers on the History of the Reformation in England and on the Continent, [See Church, R, W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 MOORE, Augustus M. The Phil May Album. [See May, P.] . J 20 P 16 f MOORE, B. Chemistry of the Digestive Processes. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 MOORE, Charles. The North-west under three Flags, 1635-1796. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1900. B 27 R 18 MOORE, Edmund F. Reports of Cases heard and deter- mined by the Judicial Committee and the Lords of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Vols. 6, 7, n.s., 1869-71. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) F 11 T 24, 25 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MOORE, Rev. Edward. Studies in Dante. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 189G-99. J 4 V 15, 1G . Misccllane s I'.s.- MOORE, Col. - Engi- ard Crozier Sibbald. Sai i Practical Treatise on the Col moval, and Final Disposal of Sewage, and the Design .■ ml Construction of Works of Drainage and Sewerage: with a special Chapter on the Disposal , >f I louse llefuse and Sewerage Sludge, kc. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1898. A 38 T 12 MOORE, F. The Lepidoptera of Ceylon. Illustrated. •". vols. 4to. Lond., 1880-87. A 18 P 8-10 t MOO R E, F. W. J. Hand-book to Insect Pests of Farm and Orchard. [See Tasmania.— Agricult.] MA 3 S 72 MOORE, Prof. Frederick W. Outlines of Sociology. [See American Academy of Political and Social Science, Pubs.] F 16 It 33 a Comedy. H 12 It 33 of the B< . Lond., 1894 Esther Waters: 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894- J 23 S 6 Evelyn limes. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 Q 1 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C— My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 11 R 30 The Heather Field, and Maeve. [See Martvn, E.] H12T7 MOORE, Rev. George F. Crit mentarv on Judges. 8vo. ( 'rit, Com.) R. k .k of Judges. [See Bibles i cal and Exegetical Com- Edinb., 1895. (Internal, G 23 R 36 rid Testaments.— English.] G 23 U 7 MOORE, J. J. Australian Almanac and Country Directory for 1853-59, 1861-72, 1874-86, 1890-97. ! vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1853-97. ME 4 S MOORE, J. S. Friendly Letters to American Farmers and others. 8vo. New York, 1888. F 17 P 6 Friendly Sermons to the Protectionist Manufacturers of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1886. F 17 P 5 MOORE, Dr. John. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T. -Mon- taigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 MOORE, Sir John. C. R. Mayne. Wellington.) [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Montaign< [Portrait md Sketch ,f]: by Maj. (Wilkinso i, S.— Froi i Cromwell t C 26 R 1 say... MO< )RE, John William. Meteorol. Lond., 1894. (Sanitary Ser.) MOORE, Dr. John William. Typhus Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) MOORE, Julian. Th< mont, F.] MOORE, Dr. Norman. The Chui the Great, West Smithfield : i Condition, and Funeral Mom trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. a of St. Bartholomew Foundation, Present icnts. 4th ed. Illus- B 24 Q 9 ■ uggestions upon the Origin of the (Nat. Science, Sept., Oct., 1899.) E MOORE, T. B. Glaciation in Tasmanh Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1894-95. (Roy. Soc., ME 1 Q MOORE, Thomas. "Thomas Moore" Anecdotes: being Anecdotes, Bon-mots, and Epigrams from the Journal of Thomas Moore. Edited, with Notes, by W. Harrison ; with special Introduction by R. Garnett. With Por- trait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 19 T 25 Memoirs of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. [See Fitzgerald, E., Lord.] C 23 R 4 MOORE, Dr. Veranus A. Infectious Diseases among Poultry. [See Smith, T.] A 30 R 32 MOORE, Prof. William Harrison. The Commonwealth of Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MF 3 P 67 Constitution-making in Australia. (National Review, April, 1898.) E MOORE COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. N.S.W. Calendar, 1879. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. ME 4 T MOPE-HA WK, The : a Monthly Magazine of General Literature. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-11, May-Dec, 1868. Sm. 4to. Hobart. 1868. [Bound with Taxmmnan Punch.] MJ 3 W 20 MORAN, Thomas Frai Bicameral System versity. — Studies i cis. Rise and Development of the n America. (Johns Hopkins Uni- i Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 13 M ( )R DAUNT, Charles, Earl < >f Peterbor. .ugh. [See borough, Earl of.] MORE, Henry. Henry More the Platonist : [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] MORE, Sir Thomas. The Utopia La Kn.ul the 1551 ; by J. H.Lup Erasmus's Epistle to Sir Thomas Mo; D] [Essay on] the Utopia. _ [SeeTovey, Re , Km si, Lit, The Ui Tlu, of 1, 1895. J 12 V 20 . [See Erasmus, J 14 P29 r. D. C— Reviews J 14 V 18 la Scudder, Vida ■. Portrait of. [See Hillis, of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 Public Library of New South Wales. MOREAU-CHRISTOPHE, L. M. Codo des Prisons, 1670-1873. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-73. F 9 Q 31-33 MOREAU DE PRAVIEUX, J. Nobiliaire Universel de France. [See Magny, Marquis L. de.] K 13 Q 21-23 t MOREE NEWS, 1899. Fol. Moree, 1899. ME MORFILL, W. R. Slavonic Literature. 12mo. Lond., 1883. (Dawn of European Literature.) J 24 S 41 MORGAN. Dr. A. M. Nest and Eggs of Porzmm Jluminm. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S MORGAN, Augustus De. [See De Morgan, A.] MORGAN, C. L. Rabbit Question in Queensland. Illus- trated. 8vo. Brisb., 1898. MA 4 R 3 MORGAN, Conwy Lloyd. Habit and Instinct. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 13 V 26 Essays by George John Romanes. [See Romanes, George John.] A 27 R 14 MORGAN, E. Delmar. Early Discovery of Australia. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P MORGAN, Edwin Vernon. Slavery in New York, with special reference to New York City. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* MORGAN, George Osborne. Settlers in Australia : a Prize Poem. 12mo. Oxford, 1846. MH 1 V 24 MORGAN, Henry James. Canadian Men and Women of the Time : a Hand-book of Canadian Biography. 8vo. Toronto, 1898. Cat. Room Canadian Parliamentary Companion. [See Canada. — Parliament.] F 15 P 12, 13 MORGAN, Jacques de. Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte : FAge de la Pierre et les Metaux. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 34 V 10 Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte: Ethnographie et Tombeau Royal de Negadah; avec la Collaboration de Prof. A. Wiedemann, G. Jequier, et Dr. D. Fouquet. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 17 S 18 t MORGAN, James Appleton. The Shakespearean Myth : William Shakespeare and circumstantial evidence. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1881. J 6 S 43 MORGAN, Dr. M. List of Birds in the neighbourhood of Laura, South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S MORGAN, Prof. Thomas Hunt. Development of the Frog's Egg: an Introduction to Experimental Embry- ology. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 38 P 24 MORGAN-BROWNE, H. [See Browne, H. Morgan-.] Orpen. [Obituary Notice of.] ers, Proc, 129.) E MORGARI, Prof. Comm. R. Motivi di Figura applicati alia Pittura Decorativa Ornamentale. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 38 \ MORIARTY, Edward (Inst, of Civil Engineers, MORIER, James. The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan. Edited by Dr. C. J. Wills. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 6 V 26 MORIER, Sir Robert Burnett David. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 MORISON, James Cotter. Life and Times of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, 1091-1153. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 24 Q 31 Life and Times of St. Bernard. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 IT 35 MORISON, Rev. James. Life of ; by Rev. W. Adamson. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 P 9 MORISON, William. Andrew Melville. [See Melville, A.] C 20 V 16 MORLAND, George. George Morland and the evolution from him of some later Painters ; by J. T. Nettleship. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 U 4 MORLEY, Charles. Studies in Board Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 Q 41 MORLEY, Albert Edmund Parker, 3rd Earl of. Inaugural Address, delivered at the 18th Annual Cooperative Congress, 1886. 12mo. Manchester, 1886. F 16 S 14 MORLEY, Prof. F. Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions. [See Harkness, Prof. J.] A 25 T 20 MORLEY, Prof. Henry. London University Teaching considered from the modern side. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Life of ; by H. S. Solly. Vith Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 14 History of Florence. [See Machiavelli, N.] B 34 S 8 MORLEY, Rt. Hon. John. Machiavelli: the Romanes Lecture, delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 Q 32 [Criticism on] Morley's Life of Cobden ; by Edward Langton. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q TSketch of.] [See Hapgood, N.— Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 26 MORNING CHRONICLE, The. [See Sydney Chronicle.} MORNING STAR GOLD MINE. [Description of the] Morning Star Gold Mine, Ross Flat, Westland, New Zealand. 8vo. Hokitika, 1879. MA 3 U 32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. MOP. XY, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, Due de. Sketch <-f. [See Bingham, Capt. D.— Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 MOltPEOLOGISCHES JAHRBUCH. Fine Zeitschrift tiir Anatoinie und Entwickelun<>-sgeschichte. Bande 1- 28, 1876-1900. 28 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876-1900. E MORRELL, Charles Francis. Insurance: a Manual of Practical Law. 12mo. Lond., 1892. F 13 V 16 MORRILL, Georgiana Lea. Speculum Gy de Warewyke. "See Early English Text Soc, Pubs., ex. ser., 75.] " E MORRIS, C. \V. The effect of the existing National and International Laws for the Regulation and Protection of Deep-sea Fisheries, with suggestions for improve- ments of said Laws. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 8 MORRIS, Charles. The American Navy: its Ships and i heir Achievements. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 19 Q 16 MOR HIS, Clara. [Portrait ond Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.- -Famous Am. Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 MORRIS, Daniel. The Colony of British Honduras: its Resources and Prospects, with particular reference to its Indigenous Plants and Economic Productions. With Map. 12mo. Lond., 1883. D 18 P 33 Fruit as a Factor in Colonial Commerce. 12mo. Lond., 1 887. F 9 P 28 Report on Economic Resources of the West Indies. [See Kew Roval Gardens. — Bulletin of Miscellaneous In- formation, additional ser., 1.] E Subsidiary Report to Report of West India Royal Com- mission. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— West India Com- mission.] F 36 V 17 J MORRIS, Prof. Edward Ellis. Austral English: a Dic- tionary of Australasian Words, Phrases, and Usages, with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language, and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 T 1 Capt. Cook's First Log in the Royal Navy. (Cornhill Mag., Oct., 1899.) E Federated Universities. (Melb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q History and Geography. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q .Jenkins Ear. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Language and Literature. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Melbourne University. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Our Charities. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q The Problem of the Kangaroo. (Macmillan's -Mag., July, 1897.) E Terra Australis Incognita. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.) ME 20 P Capt. Owen Stanley. [See Melb. Review, 7.] ME 18 Q Sir Joseph Banks. [See Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proc., 1898.] MJ 2 V 1 MORRIS, Rev. Francis Orpen. Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 10 W 13-15 t MORRIS, Henry. Diseases of the Kidneys. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 The Wreck of the [See Byre MORRTS, Rev. John Gottlieb. The Lutheran Origin of the thirty-nine Articles of the Anglican Church. 12mo. Philad., 1887. G 9 V 40 MORRIS, Sir Lewis. Selections from Works of. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H8P9 Idylls and Lyrics. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 11 Q 6 Vision of Saints. 12mo. Lond., 1890. H 6 R 44 MORRIS, Dr. Malcolm Alexander. Acanthosis Nigricans. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Ethics of the Skin. (Tnternat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 Parasitic Diseases of the Skin. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Ringworm in the Light of recent Research : Pathology, Treatment, Prophylaxis. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 3 Xanthoma. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 MORRIS, Dr. Martin. Diseases of the Skin : an Outline of the Principles and Practice of Dermatology. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 26 P 35 MORRIS, Rev. Richard, and SKEAT, Rev. Walter W. Specimens of Early English Literature, 1150-1579. 3 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1871-83. H 13 S 3-5 MORRIS, William. Architecture and History and West- minster Abbey. 8vo. Lond., 1900. " A 44 Q 26 Art and the Beauty of the Earth. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 13 Browning's Men and Women: a Review. (Bibelot, 1898.) E The Decorative Arts : their relation to Modern Life and Progress: an Address delivered before the Trades- Guild of Learning. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 44 U 9 The Earthly Paradise. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898 H 12 T6 >s Lovers. (Bibelot, 899.) E on Pattern Designing 8vo. U nd, 1899. A 44 Q 10 ollow Land. (Bibelo . 1897.) E ; by J. W. Mackail. 1., 1899. Illustrate 1. 2 vols. 8vo. C 25 S 9, 10 oly; or, how Labour is robbed. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) F 17 T 18 Public Library of New South Wales. MORRIS, William— contd.— Note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell, and an annotated List of the Books printed thereat. 8vo. Loud., 1898. J 17 IT 6 Old French Romances. 8vo. Lond., 189G. JUT9 Textile Fabrics. (Internal;. Health Exhib.— - Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 Two Sides of the River, and other Poems. (Bibelot, 1899.) E Under an Elm-tree ; or, Thoughts in the Country-side. 32mo. Aberdeen, 1891. F 17 T 18 Useful Work v. Useless Toil. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) F 17 T 18 The Water of the Wondrous Isles. 8vo. Lond., 1897- J 22 S 3 The Well at the World's End. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 23 V 34, 35 Bibliography of the Works of. [See Scott, T.] J 14 R 23 Books of, described, with some Account of his doings in Literature and in the allied crafts. {See Forman, H. B.] J 14 S 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 The Nature of Gothic. [See Ruskin, J.] A 40 T 20 Stories of the Kings of Norway. [See Sturluson, Snorri.] J 14 Q 31 Story of Grettir the Strong. [See Magnusson, E.] J 9 U 1 William Morris and his Art; by L. F. Day, [See Art Journal] A 20 11 12 t •, and BAX, E. Belfort. Socialism : its Growth and Outcome. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 26 , and WYATT, A. J. Tale of Beowulf. [See Beowulf.] H 12 R 16 MORRIS, William O'Connor, Judge. The Campaign of 1815. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 R 9 Hannibal : Soldier, Statesman, and Patriot, and the Crisis of the Struggle between Carthage and Rome. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 30 Q 23 Ireland, 1494-1868. 8vo. Camb., 1896. (Cambridge Historical Series.) B17P36 Ireland, 1798-1898. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 29 U 19 MORRISON, Alexandei Review, 5.) The Poison Plants of Western Australia. (West Aus- tralian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 Some Plants found growing at the Mouth of River Yarra and at Werribee. (Vict. Nat., Nov., 1898.) ME 6 P MORRISON, Capt. Charles C, and AYRES, Capt. James C. Modern Guns and Mortars adopted in the United States Land Service. [See United States. — Adjutant- / General's Office.] A20T19f / MORRISON, Maj. Colquhoun Grant, Notes on Military Law, Organization, and Interior Economy. [See Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— War Office.] F 9 R 36, and 13 R 15 MORRISON, Hew. Songs and Poems in the Gaelic Language. [See Mackay, R.] II 12 R 26 MORRISON, T. Scotch Training Colleges. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 MORRISON, William Dongla? Lond., 1896. Juvenile Offenders. 8vo. F2 V34 MORROW, Dr. Prince A. Leprosy and Hawaiian An- nexation. (North American Review, Nov., 1897.) E System of Genito-Urinary Diseases, Syphilology, and Dermatology ; by various Authors. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols, (in 4) roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. A 26 V 19-22 MORROW, W. C, and CUCUEL, Edouard. Bohemian Paris of to-day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MORSE, Arthur. Agriculture and the Corn Law. 8vo. Manchester, 1842. F 17 P 4 MORSE, Edward Sylvester. Japanese Houses and their surroundings. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 45 P 4 MORSE, John T. Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. [See Holmes, Dr. O. W.] C 20 V 4, 5 MORSE, Samuel. Sketch of. [See Jerrold, W.— Elec- tricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 30 MORT, Thomas Sutcliffe. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t MORTIMER, Geoffrey. Chapters on Human Love. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 24 U 3 MORTLOCK, James J. Australian Amateur Gardening. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MA 3 U 34 MORTON, A. P. Acrobats and Mountebanks. [See Le Roux, H.] A 27 V 26 MORTON, Alexander. Antennarins mitchrfH. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Lampris Una. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Notes on the Nidification of the Black Cockatoo. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q MORTON, Dr. William J., and HAMMER, Edwin W. The X-Ray ; or, Photography of the Invisible and its Value in Surgery. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 33 Supjp lemen tary Ca ta logue — 1896-1900. 433 In liohemia with Du Maurier. Illustrated by G. Du Maurier. 8vo. Loud., 1896. C 24 T 20 MOSOHUS. [Opera.] [See Poetie Graaci.] H 17 U 12 t MOS( ,'OW. Soeiete Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moseo' MOS!]R, Thomas. The Parsonage Girl: a Tale in live chapters, lllust, 8vo. Sydney, 1884. MJ3S31 MOSS, John F. Value of Special and General Workshop Instruction in Elementary, Higher, and Evening Schools. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. literature.) A 41 V 10 MOSS VALE RECORD, Berrima, Sutton Forest, and Bun- danoon Advertiser, 1899. Fol. Moss Vale, 1899. ME MOSSO, Angelo. Fear. Translated by E. Lough and F. MOTHERSILL, John. England's Free Trade : its effect "ii Colonial Interests and English Agriculture; how ii may affect, her Factories. 12mo. Oshawa, 1895. F 9 P 28 MOTLEY, John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Re- public. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1858. B 30 R 21-23 MOTT, Edward Spencer, "Nathaniel Gubbins." The Flowing Howl : a Treatise on Drinks of all kinds and -fall periods, with sundry Anecdotes and Reminis- cences. 12mo. Lond., 1899. J21T2 MOTT, Dr. Frederick Walker. Arterial Degenerations and Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) " A 26 T 39 General Pathology of Nutrition. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System ..f Medicine.) A 20 T 34 Tabes Dorsalis. [See Ormerod, Dr. J. A.] A 2G T 40 MOTT, Dr. Henry Augustus. Fallacy of the Present Theory of Sound. Sm. 4to. New York, 1885. A 21 P 48 MOTT, John Robert. Strategic Points in the World's Con- quest: the Universities and Colleges as related to the MOTT, Lewis Freeman. System of Curtly Love : studied as an Introduction to' the "Vita Niiova of Dante." 8vo. Boston, 189G. 11 12 V 2 MOUILLEFERT, P. Tin. Keeping pf GVftpes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R MOUL, Alfred. The Jolly Tars March. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t MOULDEN, J. Collett. Cordierite-bearing Rock from BrokenHill. (Roy.Soc, N.S.W., Joum., 1897.)ME1R MOULE, Rev. Handley Carr Glyn. Colossian Studies : Lessons in Faith and Holiness from St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G23R11 Philippian Studies ; Lessons iji Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 31 MOULTON, Prof. Richard Green. The Literary Study of the Bible : an Account of the leading forms of Literature represented in the Sacred Writings. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 1 R 37 [Another copy.] 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 28 T 1 , and others. The Bible's Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 P 36 MOULTON, Rev. William Fiddian. Memoir of ; by W. F. Moulton ; with a Chapter on Biblical Work and Opinions by J. H. Moulton. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 10 -, and GEDEN, Rev. Alfred S. Concordance to the Greek Testament. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G 23 U 41 MOUNT MORGAN GOLD-MINING CO., Ltd. Re- port of the Extraordinary General Meeting, Dec, 1899. 12mo. Rockhampton, 1890. MF 5 P 17 MOUNTENEY-JEPHSON, Richard. [See Jephson, R. MOUREY, Gabriel. Across the Channel. From tl French by Georgina Latimer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MOWAT, William and Alexandei Hand-railing. Illustrated. 1m r-building and Lond., 1900. A 44 W 13 MOZART, Johann C. W. A. Sketch of. [See Butter- worth, H.— Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 MOZLEY, Rev. James Bowling. Eight Lectures on Miracles. [See Church, R. W., Dean.- Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 "MUCOR." [See Candler, S. C] M UDDOCK, Joyce Emmerson. The Savage Club Papers. [See Savage Club Papers.] J 14 R 39 Public Library of New South Wales. MUDGEE GUARDIAN, 1899. Fol. Mudgee, 1899. ME MUDGEE LIBERAL, 1899. Fol. Mudgee, 1899. ME MUELLER, Baron Ferdinand von, F.R.S. Flora of Victoria. (Vict. Nat., July, Sept., 1898.) ME 6 P Fragrnenta Phytographia? Australia'. No. 11. 8vo. Melb., 1878-81. MA 1 T 40* Notes on Boronia tioribu itdn, Sieber. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Observations on Sir William MacGregor's Highland Plants from New Guinea. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.) ME 21 T [Sketch of.] (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P and -, and TATE, Prof. Ralph. Phanerogai Vascular Cryptogams. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trai 1896.) ME 1 S MUHLEMAN, Maurice L. The Money of the United States: its Character and Legal Status from 1793- 1893, and its Volume from 1873-93; with an Ab- stract of various Plans for the solution of the Currency Problem. Sm. 4to. New York, 1894. F 10 V 10 MUIR, John. Bazaars and Fancy Fairs : their Organiza- tion and Management. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 17 T 19 Carlyle on Burns. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. J 5 T 34 MUIR, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. Course of Practical Chemistry. Pt. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 P 33 1. Elementary. Story of the AVanderings of Atoms, especially those of Carbon. 18mo. Lond., 1899. (Lib. of Useful Stories.) A 33 R 33 Elements of Electro-Chemistry treated experimentally. [See Liipke, Dr. R.] A 21 U 30 MUIR, Rev. Pearson M'Adam. The Church of Scotland : a Sketch of its History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 1 U 43 MUIR, Dr. Robert. Leucocythsemia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 , and RITCHIE, Dr. James. Manual of Bacteri- ology. Illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. A 33 P 10 MUIR, Sir William. The Coran : its Composition and Teaching, and the Testimony it bears to Holy Serip- MUIRHEAD, Prof. J. H. Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 S 18 Aristotle and the e E.] Position of an Ethical Society. [See Seeley, Sir J. R. — Ethics and Religion.] * G 25 S 14 MUIRHEAD, Lewis A. The Times of Christ. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Hand-books for Bible Classes and Pri- vate Students.) G 15 U 26 MULDER, Emile. Cultivation of Tobacco in Sumatra. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 54 MULDER, J. F. Miocene Age of a Conglomerate at Shelford. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1896.) ME 1 P Geology of the Lower Leigh Valley. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1898.] ME 1 P MULHALL, Michael G. Dictions cd. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1899. Industries and Wealth of Nation! National Progress in the Qiu Lond., 1897. n's Reign, 1837-97. 12) MULHOLLAND, Philip J. The Silver Question con- sidered from an Australian standpoint. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 S 6 MULLER, Prof. Friedrich Max (in full Friedrich Maxi- milian). Collected Works. Vols. 1, 2, 5-9, 11-14. • llvols.8vo. Lond., 1898-99. J 29 T 1, 2, 5-9, 11-14 1. Natural Religion. (Gifford Lectures.) 2. Physical Religion. (Gifiord Lectures.) 5-8. Chips from a German Workshop. !). Lectures on the Origin and ( Irouth of Religion ,i- jHu trated by the Religions of India. (Hibbert Lectures.) 11, 12. Science of Language. 13. India: what can it teach us? 14. Introduction to the Science of Religion. Auld Lang Syne. 1st and 2nd ser. AVith Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. J 19 W 10, 11 Contributions to the Science of Mythology. 2 vols. 8vo Lond., 1897. B 17 R 44, 45 Sacred Books of the East. Translated by various Oriental scholars. \ 7 ol. 44. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. G 20 S 10 44. The Satapatha-Brahmana according to the text of the Madhvandina. Translated l.v .1. Keeling. Pt. 5, Books 11-14. [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 MULLER, G. W. Die Ostracoden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 23 t MULLER, Georg. diseases of the Dog and their Treat- ment. Translated, revised, and augmented by A. Glass. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 39 R 25 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 425 MILLER, Georgina Adelaide [.Mrs. F. Max.] Letters from Constantinople. Illust. 8vo. Lend., 1897. - D 18 Q 27 i in Central [See Kaut- LLIKEN, J. L. and E. G. Connnuni Kurope in the time of the Reformat ioi sky, K.l MILLINER, Beatrice Charlc Psychology to the Science hart, J. F.'] ,e. The Application of of Education. [See Her- G 23 Q 23 Ml' I .LINGER, Jam, Reformation : a I '.lent from 1870 t oal Introduction. The Age of Milton. Las "Theodoi The NeN -.f the Old Catholic Mov the present time ; with an Histori- 8vo. Loud., 1875. G 3 T 13 [See Masterman, Rev. J. H. B.] J 14 P 32 Cai Nc Diet Lists for Australian » Springthorpe, Dr. J. W.] ML LOCK, Dinah Maria. [Set MUNARI, Pietro. Un Italiai: 1896. MA 3 R 55 Ii Resort ■V (n.«l.) for British Con- MA 3 R 55 dical Pra ctitioners. [See MA 2 P 3 Jraik, Dil ah Maria.] in Austr ., 1897. ilia, Note e Im- MD 1 W 15 MUNDAHL, C. M. lixliib.— Fisherie Literature.) 1898-Dec., ! lfc ME iOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH eedings, 1892, 1896, 1898. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1892 98. ME 6 R Reports, 1883-87, 1890, 1892. 4 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1888-93. ME 6 it MUNICIPAL YEAR-BOOK OF THE EXITED KINGDOM, The, 1900. 8vo. Lond., 1900. E MINK, dipt. Jens. Expedition i search of a North-west Passat Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 97.] Hudson's Bay in in 1619-20. [See MUNRO, John. (Library of Useful Stories.) A 33 R 29 MUNRO, Neil. Gilian the Dreamer. 8vc The Lost Pibroch, and othc 8vo. Edinb, 1899. Lond., 1899. J 12 U 18 Poor Gentleman and the . Edinb., 1899. J 9 R 35 • Sheiling Stories. 4th ed. J 21 S 29 MUNRO, It. J. The Herring Fishery. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 It 11 MUNRO, Robert, Cln K. — Historic Facts Disestablishment, (Rose, W. Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 Scottish Fishing Industry. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 Welsh Disestablishment. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 MUNRO, Dr. Robert. Prehistoric Problems: being a selection of Essays on the Evolution of Man and other controverted problems in Anthropologv and Archae- ology. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. A 19 U 15 Prehistoric Scotland and its place in European Civiliza- tion. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (County Histories of Scot- land.) B 32 R 12 Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dal- matia ; with an Account of the Proceedings of the Congress of Archaeologists and Anthropologists, held in Sarjevo, 1894. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. B 16 T 23 MUNRO, Dr. Willia gro, Dr. J. V.] .MUNRO, Willia B.] Bubonic Plagt Golspie. [See [See Montem A 45 U 2 holson, E. W. B 32 Q 11 MUNROE, James Phinnev. The Educational Ideal : an Outline of its Growth'in Modern Times ; [with Biblio- MUNSON, T. V. Ola the Wild Grapes States. -Dept. of . MUNSTERBERG, Pi 8vo. Lond., 1S99 MUNTHE, Dr. Axel. MUNTZ, Aehille. Re- in Wine- Diet for the ed States. ■ A 36 Q 25 v.] A 37 £ isuine of M M. Muntz and Rousseaux's portanee of Refrigeration of Musts [See Wilkinson, W. P.] MA 3 U 49 Public Library of Neio South Wales. MUNTZ, Eugene. Histoire de l'Art pendant la Renais- sance. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1889- 95. A 18 R 6-8 t Leonardo da Vinci. [See Vinci, L. da.] C 11 V 17, 18 t Raphael. [See Raphael Sanzio.] C 22 Q 10 MURAD V., Sultan of Turkey. Sultan Murad V and the Turkish Dynastic Mystery, 1876-95. [See Djemaleddin, Bey.] B 34 Q 14 MURAT, Marshal Joachim. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical Mistorv of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MURDOCH, Alexander W. Resources and rapid De- velopment of the Dominion of Canada. With Por- traits. Sm. 4to. Toronto (n.d.) D 19 V 29 MURE, Sir William. Works of. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 40, 41.] E MURFREE, Mary Noailles, "Charles Egbert Craddock." In the Tennessee .Mountains. 12mo. Boston, 1898. J 23 T 24 [Sketch of.] [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 MURGATROYD, J. Arrangement and Construction of largo Middle-class Schools, Grammar, and High Schools. (Internal Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 MURGER, Henri. Bohemian Life. Translated by L. Orde. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 20 R 12 MURTSON, Prof. Alexander Falconer. King Robert the Bruce. [See Robert I, King of Scotland.] C 20 V 18 Life of Sir William Wallace. [See Wallace, Sir W.] C 20 V 11 MURTSON, William. Leslie's History of Scotland. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 34.] ' E MURPHY, Arthur. Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson. [See Johnson, Dr. S.— Johnsonian Miscellanies.] C 24 R 14 MURPHY, Charles J. The Introduction of Maize into Europe. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] "A 37 S 18 MURPHY, Dr. Shirley Forster. Infectious Disease; and its Prevention. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Some difficulties of Sanitary Administration in the Metropolis. (Internat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 MURPHY, W. E. History of the Eight Hours' Move- ment. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MF 4 P 38 MURRAY, A. S. Tasmanian Rivers, Lakes, and Flowers. . Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1900. MA 6 P 27 + 1,200 miles on the River Murray. Illustrated. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1898. MA 6 P 24 + MURRAY, Rev. A. W. [Sketch of.] [See King, Rev. J. — In Memoriam.] MG 2 S 31 MURRAY, Alexander Edward, Viscount Fincastle. [Set Fincastle, Viscount.] MURRAY, Alexander Stuart. Designs from Greek Vases in the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.] A 23 Q 23 + Greek Bronzes. [Sec Portfolio. — Monographs, 36.] E Terracotta Sarcophagi, Greek and FAruscan, in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 12 X 16 t White Athenian Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 44 Q 13 J MURRAY, Lieut. Arthur. Mathematics. [See United States.— Adjutant-General's Office.] A 20 T 20 t MURRAY, Sir Charles. Memoir of; by Sir. H. Max- well. With Portr. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. C 25 R 1 MURRAY, David. An Archaeological Survey of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Glasgow, 1896. B 16 V 23 A small Brass Cup found in the Graveyard of the Church of St. Clement, Rodil, Harris; with a Note on the Chalice. Ulust, Sm.4to. Glasgow, 1898. G 24 U 16 MURRAY, Dr. David. Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784-1884. [See New York— Uni- versity.] G17T9 History of Education in New Jersey. [See United States.— Bureau of Education.] G 26 T 15 MURRAY, David Christie. The Cockney Columbus. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 P 5 My Contemporaries in Fiction. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 30 MURRAY, Lord George. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine.— Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 4 MURRAY, Dr. George Redmayne. Hodgkin's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 MURRAY, Prof. Gilbert, Andromache. 12mo. Lond., 1900. II 13 T 9 Carlyon Sahib. 12mo. Lond., 1900. H 13 T 8 History of Ancient Greek Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) -I 14 T 22 MURRAY, Rev. James. Kilmacolm : a Parish History, 1100-1898. Ulust, 4to. Paisley, 1898. B 31 V 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Mil IE, AY, James Augustus Henry. Evolution of English Lexicography. 8vo. Oxford, 1900. (Romanes Lec- tures.) J 4 T 29 -Ww English Dictionary on Historical Principles. (Ox- ford English Dictionary.) Vol. 3. 4to. Oxford, 1897. " K 20 V 3. I) E. MURRAY, John. Autobiography "See Gibbon, Edward.] r Edwa MURRAY, John, of Broi Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs "■I 1 Gibbon. C24Q5 Memorials of. [See E MURRAY, Dr. John Clark. The Dualistic Conception of Nature. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Philosophy.] G 18 R 66 The Idealism of Spinoza. [See "McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Philosophy.] G 18 R 66 MI ;ray, I nsurai Sydney J. Australia! ce Managers', and Agen Bankii s' Mag., g. (Bankers', Dec, 1896.) E MURRAY, bardine William, Marquis of Tl Marquis of.] llibardi le. [See Tulli- MURRAY-PRIOR, Rose Carolii Caroline Murray-.] e. [Se e Prior, Rose MU ;ray' 3 HAND-BOOKS. Hand-book for Travellers in Low Brodrick, Dr. M. ] v and Upper Egypt. [See D 12 8 16 MURRAY'S MAGAZINE: a Home and Colonial Periodi- cal for the General Reader. Vols. 1-3, 5-10, San., 1887-June, 1888, Jan., 1889-Dec, 1891. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-91. J 28 P 1-3, 5-10 MURRELL, Dr. A Therapeutics. What to do in ca n. Manual of Pharmacology and Lond., 1896. A 26 R 29 Poisoning. 32mo. Lond., 1897. A 26 P 26 MVRBUBUNDI AND QUIBINDI TIMES and Liver- pool Plains Gazette, 1899. Fol. Murrurundi, 1899. ME MUSiEUS. [Opera.] [See Poetic Grseci.] H 17 U 12 f MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE I3ELG [QU E. [See Belgium— Musee Roval d'Histoire Naturelle.] MUSES' LIBRARY. Poems of Henry Vaughan [Su Vaughan, H.] H 1 ;SCRAVK, George C. To Kumassi with Description of a Journey from Liverpool to with the Ashanti Expedition, 1895-96. II *vo. Lond., 1896. I MUSGRAVE, Sir William. Obituary prior to 1800 (as far as related to Eimlnnd. Scotland, and Ireland). [See Harleian Soc, Pubs., 44] E MUSIC. The Hig (n.d.) land Schottische n. fol. Melb. MA 15 P 5 t MUSTCK, John R. Illustrated. 8vo. f York, 1898. D22Q15 MUSKETT, Dr. Philip Edward. Book of Diet, with also a Collection of Savoury, Choice, Delicious, and Selected Recipes. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MA 4 P 13 Diet of Australian School Children ; with, also, Health and Disease during School Life and Technical Educa- tion. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 4 P 31 MUSSER, Dr. John H. Diseases of the Liver, Gall-bladder, Hepatic Ducts, and Spleen. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 MUSSET, Alfred de. [Sketch .if.] [See Grenier, E.— Literary Reminiscences.] C 26 Q 15 MUSSO FRATELLI E PAPOTTI. Plastica Ornamen- tale. 1st and 2nd ser. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 39 J MUSSON, John. Cotton: and how to grow the plant. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MA 4 T 9 MUSWELLBROOK CHBONICLE, 1898 99. Fol. Mus- wellbrook, 1898-99. ME MUTHER, Prof. Richard. History of Modern PaintingT 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. A 23 V 25-27 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. op NEW YORK. The Mishaps of the Australian Mutual Provident So- ciety ; or, Shells which failed to explode. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 5 Q 29 MUYBRIDGE, Eadwcard. tro-Photographic Invest i of Animal Progressive j\l roy. Svo. Lond., 1899. Anin , M,,t it Elec- MYERS, Ernes Pindarus.] Extai J 14 V 15 low to Cooperate: a Manual for trated. 12mo. New York, 1898. F 15 P 32 irontable Industrv in the United A-riculturc, and Labour. Illufi- New York, 1897. A 34 V 11 Ullebrew, Dr. J. B.] A 33 P 16 Public Library of New South Wales. NADIRIAN, The. Brisk, 1894. Illustrated. Vol. 1, 1894. Sm. 4to. NAEGELY, Henry, "Henry Gaelyn." J. F. Millet and Rustic Art. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A5T 24 NiEVIUS, Cn. Cn. Nanii, poetsee Romani, vitam descripsit, carminum reliquiu, ^illegit, poesis rationem exposuit E. Klussmann. 8vo. Jena-, 1843. J 15 S 23 NAKAMURA, Keijir. Hawaiian Annexation from Japanese point of view. (Arena, Dec., 1897.) NALLINO, Carlo Alphonso. [See Al-Battam.] NAMOI INDEPENDENT, 1899. 1899. medah, ME N ANGLE, James. Roof Coverings. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1894-95.) ME 18 P NANSEN, Dr. Fridtjof. [Arctic Voyages of.] [See Brogger, W. C] D 1G V 17 With Nan n in the North : a Record of the Emm Ex- i 1893-96. [See Johansen, Lieut. H.] D 16 R 18 . , and JOHANSEN, Lieut. Hjalmar. Farthest North: being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the ship Eram, 1893-96, and of a 15 months' Sleigh Journey. Illustrated. 2 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " D 10 U 26, 27 NANSON, Prof. Edward John. Electoral Reform. (Mel- bourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q NAPIER, Arthur Sampson, and STEVENSON, W. H. The Crawford Collection of Early Charters and Docu- ments now in the Bodleian Library. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Med. ser., 7.] E NAPIER, James. Folk-lore; or, Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within this Century; with an Appendix showing the probable relation of the Modern Festivals of Christmas, May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween, to Ancient Sun and Fire Worship. 8vo. Paisley, 1879. B 33 P 9 NAPIER, John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 80.) E NAPIER, W. J. Hot Water Supply and Circulation to large Buildings. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1894-95.) ME 18 P NAPIER, Sir William. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. [Life of] ; by T. P. O'Connor. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 13 Life of; by W. M. Sloane. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. fol. New York, 1896. C 17 T 14-17 t Life of; by S. Baring-Gould. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. C 13 W 33 f The Napoleon Gallery : Reproductions of Pictures of Napoleon, published" bv St. Paul's, 1898. Fol. Lond., 1 898. A 40 U 28 t Napoleon at St. Helena ; or, Interesting Anecdotes and Remarkable Conversations of the Emperor during the five and a-half years of his captivity ; by J. S. C. Abbott. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1855. C 24 S 10 New Letters of, omitted from the edition published under the auspices of Napoleon III. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. With Portrait, 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 1 Secret Memoirs of Napoleon ; by one who never quitted him for fifteen years [Charles Doris], 8vo. Lond., Campaign in Italy, 1796. [See Sturtees, Major Conyers.] B 17 Q 32 [Essay o , Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 History of Napoleon Bonaparte. [See Abbott, J. S. C] B 39 T 12, 13 | Lecture on.] [See ♦Men.] R, W. — Representative J 22 Q 18 Memoirs of Constant. [See Constant, Wairy.] C 2 2 Q 5-8 Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo. [See Savary, A. J. M. R,] C 23 U 12-15 Metrical History of the Life and Times of. [See Hillis, W. J.] H 1 T 15 Napoleon. [See Beyle, M. H.] J 24 R 21 Napoleon Bonaparte's first Campaign. [See Sargent, Herbert H.] B 16 R 29 Napoleon I in Russia. [See Verestchagin, V.] B 26 R 19 Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. [&>eGeorge,H.R] B34R 20 Napoleon's Mother. [See Bonaparte, Mary Letitia Ramolino. ] C 27 T 20 II 10 W 18 [See Ros Napoleon's Opera Portrait of, as first Consul of the French Republic [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. -Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 Portraits of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] HIT 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 429 NAPOLEON III, Emperor of the French. Life of ; by A. Forbes. With Portraits. 8vo. LoncL, 1898. C25P1 [Life of]; by Sir William Fraser. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 5 Lit'.' in the Tuileries under the Second Empire. [See Uicknell, Anna L.] B 34 T 9 Louis Napoleon and Mile, de Montijo. [See Imbert de S.iint-Amand, A. L., Baron.] I! 26 R 26 Nanoleo i III and hi. 1, A. L., Baroi Coi [See [I and Lady Stuart: : [See Lano, Pierre de.] NARFON, Julien de. Pope Leo XIII. [See XAHRABRI HERALD and Northern Districts Adver- tiser, 1899. Fol. Narrabri, 1899. ME Narrandera, ME NASH, 1). W. Taliesin; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain : a Translation of the Remains of the Earliest Welsh Bards, and an Examination of the Bardic Mys- teries. 8vo. Lond., 1858. H 12 S 19 Merlin. [See Early English Text Soc] E NASH, Ge rge V. American Ginseng. [See United Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Botany.] A 41 U 11 NASI r, Prof. H. S. Ge •en the establHime 1 Question i F. J. F. Nash and the Ge nt. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. ■ ristianity in New York, G 1 1 U 18 NASH, Robert Lucas. Australasian Joint Stock Com- panies' Year-book, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb. and Sydney, 1898-99. ME 1 S Federal Finance : an Enquiry into the probable influence of Federation on Finance and Trade. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 5 R 2 XAS I, Thomas. Pierce Penniless's Supp >evil. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] Pappe with i t. (Dearmer, tion to the H 3 U 17 NATAL: — Government Department* — Reports and Publi- cations. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Annual Reports. Departmental Reports, 1893-95. 2 vols. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1895-9G. E Defence. Magisterial. Education. Miscellaneous. Irrigation. Public Works. Judicial. Rcvenual. Statistics. Statistical Year-book of the Colony of Natal, 1893-95. 2 vols. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1894-95. E Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of the Colony of Natal, 1894, 1896. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Pietermaritz- burg, 1894-96. • E NATAL ALMANAC, DIRECTORY, AND YEARLY REGISTER, 1868-70, 1872, 1884-85, 1889, 1891, 1894, 1896-97. 11 vols. 8vo. Pietermaritzburg, NATHAN, R. Plai Home Departme NATION, T Literatui 1865-Jui 1896-97. [See India— A 44 V 15-18 'O.July, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, UNITED STATES. [See United States National Academy of NATIONAL ADVOCATE, Julv-Dec, 1899. Fol. Bathurst, 1899. ME NATIONAL ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Catalogue. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 4 Q 9 NATIONAL ART LIBRARY. Catalogue of Engraved National Portraits in the National Art Library; with a Prefatory Note by J. Marshall. 8vo. Lond., 1895. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. ; PROMOTION ■tions, 1857-84, i. F 15 T 1-U 9 NATIONAL AUSTRALASIAN CONVENTION. [See South Australia.— National Australasian Convention.] NATIONAL CHURCHES. NATIONAL CYCLOPAEDIA OF AMERICAN BIO- GRAPHY. Vols. 6-9. Illustrated. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1896-99. C 18 U 11-14 Public Library of New South Wales. NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Abridged Cata- logue of the Pictures in the National Gallery ; with short Biographical Notices of the Painters : Foreign Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 36 Q 27 Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures and Sculptures in the National Gallery of British Art ; with Biographical Notices of deceased Artists. 5 th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 36 Q 28 Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery ; with Biographical Notices of the deceased Painters, British and Modern Schools. 70th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. K 19 P 21* Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery ; with Biographical Notices of the Painters : Foreign Schools. 77th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. K 19 P 21 The National Gallery. [See Poynter, Sir E. J.] A 20 T 6-8 1 NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND. Catalogue. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. K 19 P 20 NATIONAL LIBERAL CLUB. Political Economy Circle: Transactions. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., NATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRELAND. Catalogue of Books, 1839-60, 1874-93. 16 vols. 8vo. Dublin, I860- 96. Cat Room NATIONAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-35, March, 1883- Aug., 1900. 35 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883-1900. E NATIONAL SOCIETY. Class Teaching. New cd. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Manuals of the Science and Art of Teaching.) G 15 U 37 Cultivation of the Senses. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Manuals of the Science and Art of Teaching.) G 15 U 37 Discipline. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Manuals of the Science and Art of Teaching.) G 15 U 37 NATIONAL STUDIES IN AMERICAN LETTERS. Brook Farm. [Set Swift, L.] F 17 T 9 NATIONAL UNION OF WOMEN WORKERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. An Occa- sional Paper, No. 12, Oct., 1898. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 1 U 30 Tacts, 1-6. 8vo. Lond., 1897-98. F 1 IT 30 1. Out Relief ; by Mary Clifford. 2. Hints for District Visitors (Sanitation). 3. Hints for District Visitors (Legal Difficulties of the Poor) ; by F. Tillyard. 4. Cliildrens' Country Holidays. 5. Girls' Clubs. NATURAL HISTORY OF REPTILES AND SER, PENTS ; to which is added, an Appendix containing an Account of Worms, of Corals, and of Sponges. 18mo. Dublin (n.d.) A 27 P 6 NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Notice of some new or interesting species of Shells from British Columbia and the ad- jacent region; by W. H. Dall. 8vo. Victoria, 1897. E NATURAL SCIENCE: a Monthly Review of Scientific Progress. Vols. 8-15, 1896-Dec, 1900. 8 vols, (in 7) Svo. Lond., 1896-99. E NATURE : a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vols. 1-61, Nov., 1869-April, 1900. 61 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1869-1900. E " NATIVE, A." [See Hallack, E. H] NATIVE COMPANION SONGSTER, The. Svo. Brisk, 1889. MH 1 V 30 NATURE SERIES. NAUTICAL ALMANAC and Astronomical Ephemeris, 1767-1902. 117 vols. Svo. Lond., 1766-98. E NAVAL ANNUAL. [See Brassey, Hon. T. A.] E NAVAL CHRONICLE, The: containing a General and Biographical History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom, with a variety of original papers on Nautical Subjects. Must. Vols. 1-40, Jan., 1799-Dec, 1818. 40 vols. Svo. Lond., 1799-1818. B 38 P 1-Q 21 NAVARRO, Mme. de (Mary Anderson). A few Memories. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 NAVE, Rev. Orville J. Index-Digest of the Holy Scrip- tures. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 23 V 34 NAVILLE, Edouard. Temple of Deir el Bahari. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] B 47 R 22, 23 J NAVILLE, Ernest. Modern Physics : Studies Historical and Philosophical. Translated by Henry Down ton. Svo. Edinb., 1884. A 24 R 29 NAVY AND ARMY ILLUSTRATED: a Magazine Descriptive and Illustrative of Every-day Life in the Defensive Services of the British Empire. Vols. 1- 9. 9 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-1900. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. NAVY IN THE CIVIL WAR, The. With Maps. 3 vols. 12mo. Lund., 1898. B 23 Q 21-23 The Blockade of the Cruisers ; by Prof. J. R. Soley. The Gulf and Inland Waters ; by Capt. A. T. Mahan. The Atlantic Coast ; by 1). Amnion. NAVY RECORDS SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 1- 17. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. E 1, 2. Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 3. Letters of Sir Samuel Hood, 1781-3. 4. Index to James' Naval History. 5. Life of Captain Stephen Martin, 1666-1740. (!. Journal of Rear-Adm. Bartholomew James, 1752-18-28. 7. Two Discourses of the Navy, 1638-59, by John Hollond ; also, a Discourse of the Xavv, 1660, l.v Sir Robert Slyngesbie. Edited by J. R. Tanner. 8. Naval Accounts and Inventories of the Reign of Henry VII, 1485-97. Edited by M. Oppenheim. 9. Journal of Sir George Rooke, 1700-1702. Edited by 0. . Letters slating to the War with France, ig the Spanish War, 11. Papers relating to the N 15S5-87. Edited by J. I 12. Letters and Papers of Adm. of the Fleet Sir T. Bi Martin. Edited by Sir K. V. Hamilton. Vol.2/ i the Blockade of NAY LOR, Edward Woodall. Shakespeare and Music. With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries. 12mo Lond, 1890. A 23 P 46 NAZAIIBEK, Avetis. Through the Storm: Pictures of Life in Armenia. Translated by Mrs. L. M.Elton; with a Prefatory Note by F. York Powell. 8vo. Loud., 1899. D 13 S I NEAL John Randolph. Disunion and Restoration in Tennessee. 8vo. Now York, 1899. F 18 R 7 NEAL, Thomas, "Practical Dyer and Cleaner." New System of Music ; or, the Old Notation superseded. .Nos. 1, 2. 4 to. Sydney, 1896-97. MA IIP 35 t " NEALE, Agnes." [See Aherne, C. A.] NEALE, Dr. Alfred. Plague and Security. 12mo. Sydney, 1900. MA 4 P 45 The Skin: its Disfigurements, Diseases, and their Cure; with Notes on Paths and Lathing. 2nd ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 44 NEALE, Edward Vansittart. Association and Education. 12mo. Manchester, 1882. F 12 S 20 The Cooperative News, and why Cooperators should sup- port it. 12mo. Manchester, 1878. F 13 V 23 The Common-sense of Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester, 1886. F 13 V 23 The Distinction between Joint-stockism and Coopera- tion. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 The Economic Aspect of Cooperation. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 The Economics of Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester, 1885. F 12 S 20 Inaugural Address, delivered at the 20th Annual Co- operative Congress, 1888. 12mo. Manchester, 1898. F 16 S 14 Principles of Rating applied to Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The three C's : a Cooperative Triologue. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 True Refinement. 12mo. Manchester, 1877. F 12 S 20 What is Cooperation 1 1 2mo. Manchester (n.d ) F 1 3 V 4 1 Why should the rich interest themselves in Cooperation, and how can they promote it 1 1 2mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 Manual for Cooperators. [See Hughes, T.] F 3 R 6 NEATE, H. D. How to Manage a Butchering Business. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 NEAVES, Charles, Lord. Rectorial Address, delivered at St. Andrew's University. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 NECKER, Jacques, Baron de. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T. — Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 NEELY, Samuel T. Traction Tests. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Road Inquiry.] A 41 U 4 NEESIMA, Rev. Joseph Hardy. Rev. J. H. Neesima, a Maker of New Japan. [See Davis, Rev. J. D.] « 19U 10 Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C O— Great Mission- NEIL, C. Laii"'. South Africa in Peace and War. Illus- trated. Ob. ito. Lond. (n.d.) D 20 S 8 t NEIL, Robert Alexander. The Jataka. [See Jiitaka,] G 5 T 22 NEIL, Samuel. The Home of Shakespeare. 8th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Warwick (n.d.) D11Q12 NEILD, Dr. James Edward. Advantages of Burning the Dead. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MJ 3 R 16 JBublio Library of New South Wales. NEILD, John Cash. Songs 'neath the Southern Cross. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 V 11 Report on Old Age Pensions, Charitable Relief, and State Insurance in England and on the Continent of Europe. [See N. S. Wales.— Old Age Pensions.] MF 3 U 69 NEILL, Charles Patrick. Daniel Raymond : an Early Chapter in the History of Economic Theory in the United States. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) " P. IS S 15 NEILSON, George. Fruit Exportation. [See Victoria. —Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 On Symbols. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 NEILSON, William. Mesmerism in its relation to Health and Disease and the Present Stale of Medicine. 12mo. Edinb., 1855. G 19 U 14 NELSON, A. D. Address to the Engineering Association of New South Wales. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1894-95.) ME 18 P NELSON, Prof. Aven. First Report on Flora of Wyoming. [See Wyoming.— Agricult. Exper. Stn.] A 20 T 6 The Red Desert of Wyoming and its Forage Resources. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult, — Division of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 NELSON, Dr. H. C. Sanitary and Medical Reports for 1873-74 by Officers of the U.S. Navy. [See United States.— Dept. of the Navy.] E NELSON, Adm. Horatio, Viscount. Horatio Nelson and the Naval supremacy of England; by W. Clark Russell and W. H. Jaques.] 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. C 23 P 25 Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson : an Historical Biog- raphy, based on Letters and other Documents in the Morrison Collection. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 2 Life of Nelson, the embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain ; by Capt. A. T. Mahan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 22, 23 Nelson and his Times ; by Rear- Adm. Lord Charles Beresford and H. W. Wilson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) C 13 R 17 t Nelson's Friendships; by Mrs. Hilda Gamlin ; with Pre- fatory Note by John Hargreaves. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 27 S 21, 22 Pictures from the Life of ; by W. Clark Russell. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 12 [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Vice- Adm. P. H. Colomb. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 NELSON, Adm. Horatio, Viscount— contd. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 [Funeral of.] [See Funerals.] B 16 S 13 \ Nelson and his Companions in Anns. [See Laughton, J. K.] B 16 S 8 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G. Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 NELSON, Julius. Suppression and Prevention of Tuber- culosis of Cattle and its relation to Human Consump- tion. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R NEMESIS TIMES, The: a W« and Art. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 8vo. Melb., 1877. ekly Journal of Literature Dec, 1876-Jan., 1877. M J 3 T 17 NENNIUS. Historia Britonun Pubs.] [See English Hist. Soc. B 39 R 4 NEPEAN TIMES, 1898-99. 2 99. vols. fol. Penrith, 1898- ME NERUDA, L. Norman-. [See Norman-Neruda, L.] "NERVAL, Gerard de." [See Labrunie, G. de.] NERVO, Gonsalve do, Baron Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: her Life, Reign, and Times, 1451- 1504. Translated by Lieut.-Col. Temple-West. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 12 U 35 NESBIT, Henry A. Spiritualism : an Essay. 8vo. Adelaide, 1881. MG 2 V 8 NESTER UND EIER DER VOGEL. 4 to. Stuttgart, 1866. A 40 U 7 J NESTLE, Prof. Bernard. A Palestinian Syriac Lection- ary. [See Lewis, A. S.] ' G 18 V 6 NETTLESHIP, John Trivett. George Morland and the evolution from him of some later Painters. [See Mor- land, G.] C 22 U 4 NETTLESHIP, Richard Lewis. Philosophical Lectures and Remains. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch, by A. C. Bradley and G. R, Benson. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 2, 3 NEUBAUER, Adolf. The Book of Tobit. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Apocrypha.] G 25 S 11 Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Sem. ser., vol. 1, pt. 6.] E NEUES JAHBBUGH EUR M1NERAL0GIE, GE0L0- GIE, UND PAL.EONTOLOGIE, 1894-95, 1897- 1900. 11 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1892-1900. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. NEU V ELD, Charles. A Prisoner of the Khaleefa : Twelve Years Captivity at Omdurman. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1899. " C 26 S 19 NEU M ANN, Arthur H. Elephant-hunting in East Equa- torial Africa: being an Account of three years Ivory- huuting umlei' Mount Kenia and among the Ndorobo M\ages of the Lorogi Mountains, including a trip to tin- North end of Lake Rudolph. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Loud., 1898. D 13 U 3 NEUMANN, Dr. Bernhard. Theory and Practice of Electrolvtic Methods of Analysis. Translated by J. 15. C. Kershaw. Illustrated. 12mo. Loud., 1898. A 40 T 2 NEVADA:— State Departments— Reports and Publications. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 21. 8vo. Reno, 1894. A 33 S 30 NEY1LL, E. Conversation with a Friend ; written will, the blunt point of A. J. Xibb. 12mo. Adelaide, ! ,s88. MG 2 R G NEVILL, R. S. Curing Cigar Tobacco. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 U Fin ure of the Tobacco Industry in Queensland. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Jan., 1900.) ME 9 U Handling Heavy Pipe Tobaccos. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U NEVILL, Ralph. Memoirs of Capt.-Lieut. DArtagnan. [See Courtilz de Sandras, G. : Rocks of NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Geological Survey — contd. Records — contd. 5,27. Australian Geological Record, 1896, w 1891-95 ; by R. Ktheridge, jun., and W. 28. Kalgoorlite ; by E. F. Pittman. (i, 1. ecology and .Mineral Deposits of portio Australia ; by K. F. Pittman. 2. Kalgoorlie Hocks; by G. W. Card. 3. Genus Kndophvllum in the Lower Pahec N.S.W.; by R. Ktheridge, jun. 4. Permo-Carbonifcrous Flora of N.S.W. ; by \Y. S. Dun. 5. Stolzite, and a new Mineral, Raspite; by C. Hlawatseh. 0. Structure and mode of Preservation of A'/ny// ,(,■»///< a austi-alis, Salter; by R. Ktheridge. jun.. and W. S. Dun. 7. Alleged Evidence of (ilaeial Action in the Pcrmo-Car- boniferous Rocks of the Ashford Coal-field ; bv Prof. David and E. F. Pittman. 8. Geology of the Hill Knd Gold-field; by K. F. Pittman. 9. Saddle Reefs of the Hargraves Gold-field ; by J. A. Wattf 10. Cyclopcroid Fern, closely allied to the European Cardi. upteris poli/murpln. Goc'ppcrt. in the Carboniferous o- N.S.W. ; by W. S. Dun 11. Phosphatic Deposits in the .Jenolan Caves; by J. C. H. Mingaye. 12. Analyses of some N.S.W. Phosphatic Minerals and Phosphatic Deposits; by J. C. H. Mingaye. 13. Australian Geological Record, 1S97. with Addenda, 1891-96; by R. Ktheridge, jun. 14. Corals of the Tamworth District ; by R. Ktheridge, jun. Gold-fields. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the working of the present Gold-fields Act and Regulations of New South Wales, and into the best means of securing a permanent water supply for the Gold-fields of the Colony. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1871. MA 13 P 1 f Government Gazette. Government Gazette, with Index, 1832-99. 208 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1832-99. ME Governor's Court. Rules and Orders of the Governor's Court in New South Wales ; to which are added an Abstract of the new Charter for the Administration of Justice in the. Territory, and a Table of Fees in the Governor's Court. With autograph Notes by Mr. Judge Advocate Wylde. 12mo. Sydney, 1815. Libr. Harbours and Rivers. [See Public Works, under this heading] Hawkesbury Agricultural College. [See Agriculture, under this heading.] Historical Records. Historical Records of New South Wales. Edited by F. M. Bladen. Vols. 1-6. Illus- trated. G vols, (in 7) 8vo. Sydney, 1893-98. MB 2 T 20-2G , pt. 1 .ok, 171; 1. pt. 2. Phillip, 1783-92. 2. Grose and Paterson, 1793-95. 3. Hunter, 1796-99. 4. Hunter and King, 1800-2. 5. King, 1803-5. 0. King and Bligh, 180li-S. Land Appeal Court. Cases determined in the Land Appeal Court of New South Wales. Vols. 1-7, 1890- 97. 7 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-98. ME 6 U NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Land Question in 1844-46. Papers of C. A. Wood, Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioner. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) MF 9 P 47 t 1. Quit Rents- Remarks for information of W. K. Glad- 3. MS. Draft of a Hill to amend an Act for regulating the sale of waste land belonging to the Crown in the Aus- tralian Colonies. 4. MS. Draft of a Bill to provide against the unauthorized occupati if wa-tc land in the Australian Colonies. 5. MS. Act of Council, 23rd June, IS40: Pounds. 0. Condition of tlic licensed occupiers of Crown Lands in Port Phillip and New South Wales. 7. MS. Note on recommendations sent home bv Sir George Gipps, 1844. 8. MS. Extracts from a letter bv Capt. King, 14th May, 1844, on Squatters. 9. MS. Extract from a Despatch from the Commissioner of the Australian Agricultural Co., dated Port Stephens, May 24, 1844. 10. Shameful monopoly of millions of acres of land in New South Wales. 11. Letter- Stephen to Wood, 30th Jan., 1845 on Land Question. 12. Letter— Dcnison to Wood, 20th June, 1S45 on Land Question. 13. Letter from a Port Phillip Settler, 12th Feb., 1845, on the Land Question. 14. Copies or Kxtracts of any Correspondence relative to Crown Lands and Emigration in New South Wales. 15. Memo, re Land Question, by C. A. Wood, 3rd July, 1845. 16. Letter— Denison to Wood, 13th July, 1845— on Land Question. 17. Private Memo., in MS., July. 1S-15. on Squatting Regu- lations. 18. Letter— 20th July, 1845, Wood to Denison— Land Question. 19. MS. Kxtracts from Lord Stanley's private despatch to Gipps on Land Sales Amendment Bill. 20. Copies or Kxtracts of any Correspondence relative to the licensed occupation of Crown Lands j,i New South Wales. ' 21. Letter— Wood to Stephen >•<■. Squatters in New South Wales ; with Memos, by Lord Lyttelton and W. K. Gladstone. 22. Observations by C. A. Wood, in MS., 3rd June, 1846, on Sir G. Gipps' proposed amendments to the Land Sales Amendment Act. 23. Bill for regulating the sale of waste land belonging to the Australian Colonies, and to make further pro- vision for the management thereof. 24-27. Bill for regulating the sale of waste land belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonics, with MS. alterations. Lands. Annual Reports of the Department of Lands, 1880-89, 1891-94. G vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1881- 95. ME Crown Lands notified as available on the dates specified herein for Homestead Selection and Settlement Lease, with Map showing Land Board and Land Divisions of the Colony under the Crown Lands Act of 1895. 8th ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MF 1 S 72 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 437 NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Lands -contd. Dedication of Capt. Cook's Landing-place, Kurnell, Botany Bay. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 P Id List ..f Pastoral Leases, showing the dates upon which the Bents are payable for the years 1899-1901. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1899-1900. ME 6 Q Out line of the main provisions of the Crown Lands Acts in force in New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF5Q33 Law Almanac. New South Wales Law Almanae, 1858, 1803-64, 1877-87, 1891, 1893-1900. ID vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1858-4900. ME 4 T Law Reports. [See New South Wales Law Reports as a main Author Entry.] Legislative Assembly. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under this heading.] List of Magistrates. List of Magistrates, 17th July, 1896. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1896. ME Macleay River. Report on the Entrance to the Macleav River; by Sir John Coode. With an Appendix on the General Description of the Macleav River by Capt. Howard. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ' MA 9 P 41 t Mines. Guide to Mining Laws of New South Wales. Re 1896. •on Lendenfeld < Reports of the Department of .Mines, 1X75-95. 19 vols. 4to. and fol. Sydney, 1875-95. ME [See "ho Geological Survey, under this heading.] Museums. [See Australian Museum.] Observatory. [See Sydney Observatory.] Old Age Pensions. Report on Old Age Pensions, Charitable Relief, and State Insurance in England and on the Continent of Europe ; by J. C. Neild. 4to. Sydney, 1898. MP 3 U G9 Parliament. Index to the Minutes of the Proceedings and Printed Papers of the Legislative Council, 1883- 94. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1883-94. ME Journal of the Legislative Council. Vols. 1-60, 1856- ' 99. 118 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1856-99. ME New South Wales Parliamentary Companion. 2nd ed. Il'mo. Sydney, 1895. MF I P 42 Parliamentary Debatesand Indexes. Vols. 1 102, 1879- 99. 102 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1879-1900. ME 1856-99. 250 vols°sni. fol. Sydney, 1847-99. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. 1824- 55. 32 vols. fol. 'Sydney, 1842-56. ME Parliamentary Library. [See ifnder main Author entry.] NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. Report ; together with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Plans relating to the proposed con- struction of Locks and Weirs in the River Darling. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1896. MA 12 P 27 t Police. Report' of the Inspector-General, 1890. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ME Standing Orders of the Mounted Police. 1 2mo. Sydney, 1847. MF4P3 Postal Service and Telegraphs. Annual Reports of the Postmaster-General, 1871-72, 1879-91, 1894. 10 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1872-95. ME Postal and Telegraphic Conference, 1883, 1888, 1890-92, 1894. 6 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1883-94. ME Prison Labour. Correspondence with Messrs. Armstrong and Son respecting Prison Labour in the Mat-making Industry. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MF 9 Q 43 t [See Auditor-General, under this Public Accounts. Public Instruction. Reports of the Minister of Public Instruction, 1896, 1899, upon the condition of Public Schools established and maintained under the Public Instruction Act of 1880. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1897, 1900. ME Reports of the Mi list* r of Public Instr ction, 1881-91, 1893-95. 1.897. 9 vols. 8vo. a id fol. Sydney, 1882- 98. ME Public Library. Annual Reports, 1870-95. 8vo. and sm. fol. Sydney, 1873-96. ME Report from Select Committee on Working of the Free Public Library, with Proceedings and Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1900. MJ 14 R 2 t Public Service. Blue Book, 1862-94. 13 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1863-95. ME Papers set at the Departmental Examination of Short- hand-writers and Typists paid less than £180 per annum, Sept., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 9 Papers set at the Examination held on 17th April, 1899, of Clerks who failed in one subject only at the test examination for promotion under the provisions of Public Service Regulation 261, which took place on 27th Feb., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U C 8vo. Sydney, 1898 MG 2 Q 57 »f Ca ndidates for ad- •f th, Public Service, 'mission to'the Clerical Div March, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Cadet Draftsman, Lithographic Branch, De- partment of Lands, Sept., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Public Library of New South Wales. NEW SOUTH .WALES— contd. Public Service — contd. Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Engineering Cadets (senior and junior) in the Public Works Department, Dec., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Engrossing and Assistant Search Clerk, De- partment of Mines, Sept., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Police Magistrates, June, 1898, July, 1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1898-1900. MG 2 Q 58, and 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Teachers of small Schools under the Depart- ment of Public Instruction, Dec., 1899, April, 1900. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Typist, Female, and Shorthand-writer and Typist, Female, 4th Aug., 1900. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment as Typist in the Public Service, Mav, 1900. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment to the position of Inspector of Metalliferous Mines, Nov., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG2U6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for appoint- ment to the Professional Emergency Stall' of the Public Works Department, Aug. and Sept., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for the ap- pointments of Teacher of Carpentry, Goulbum Techni- cal College, and Assistant Teacher of Carpentry at Sydney Technical College, 1900. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. " MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for Clerk- ships in the Bonds and Contracts llraneh, Department of Public Works, Oct., 1899, Sept., 1900. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for employ- ment as Cadet Draftsmen, June, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for employ- ment as Engineering Draftsman, and Survey Drafts- man (Temporary Staff) Public Works Department, Jan., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for employ- ment as Forestry Cadet, Department of Lands, 1 900. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for employ- ment as Postal and Telegraph Assistants, June, 1899, July, 1900. 8vo. Sydney, 1899-1900. MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for employ- ment on the Clerical Emergency Staff Aug., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U G Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for the esition of Clerk in the Crown Law Department, arch, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 NEW SOUTH WALES- mtd. Public Service— contd. Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for the position of Field Assistant, Department of Lands, May, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Caiicliflates for the position of Shorthand-writer and Typist in one of the Government Departments, December, 1898. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for the position of Typist (female) in one of the Government Departments, Jan., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates for promo- tion in the Petty Sessions Branch under Regulation 266, Nov., 1898, Oct., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examination of Candidates (male and female) for appointment as Junior Clerks in the Public Service, Dec, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 V 6 Papers set at the Examination of Telegraph Messengers to test their fitness for clerical work, 2nd May, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examinations held under the provisions of Regulation 264 for the testing of officers on the maximum salaries of grades, Feb., 1 899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 U 6 Papers set at the Examinations of Candidates for Junior Clerkships in the Public Service, December, 1897, March, 1899 ; also, Regulations for Competitive Exam- inations. 8vo. Sydney, 1898-99. MG 2 U 6 Public Service List, 1897-99. 3 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1897-99. ME Public Works. Catalogue of the Library of the De- partment of Public Works. Koy. 8vo. Sydney, 189G. MK 1 S 49 inted i the Report of the Royal Commission appoi 21st May, 1896, to make a diligent and full inquiry touching all questions in any way raised in the Legislative Assembly of the Colony of New South Wales, whether specifically or in course of debate, as to any improper conduct in connection with the contracts, past and present, of Messrs. Carter, Gummow and Co. (John Carter, D. G. Snodgrass, George Maddison, Peter Ewing, F. M. Gummow, George Forrest, and James Gillam) with the Depart- ment of Public Works, and touching the truth of any charges so, as aforesaid, made in connection with the performance or variation (if any) of such Contracts, or theconductofanypublieoftieeiyorof the said contractors, their agents, or workmen, in relation thereto, and to make the fullest investigation into any charge or matter in relation to the said persons and contracts ; together with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, Appendices, and Plans. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 P 9 f Reports of the Department of Public Works, 1890-94. 3 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1891-95. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. NEW SOUTH WALES— conid. Railways and Tramways. Annual Reports of the Railway Commissioners, 1872-87, 1889-90, 1892-95. •J vols. fol. Sydney, 1872-95. ME Cu! cairn to Corowa: Working Plan and Section, Con- tract No. 1, Drawings Nos. 1 and 2. Fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 6 P 22 | Hotels, Boarding-houses, etc., in the Tourist Districts. Illustrated. 18mo. Sydney, 1898. MD 1 P 75 Kiama to Jervis Bay: Contract No. 1. Kiama to Xowra: Working Plan and Section Drawings, Nos. i and 2. Fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 6 P 23 J Milson's Point Extension Railway: Working Plan and Section, Contract No. 1, Drawings Nos. 1 and 2. Fol. Sydney, 1891. MA C P 21 + New South Wales : its Railway Systems, Holiday Re- sorts, il'c. : a convenient volume of reference to the principal Railway Stations and places of interest along the railway lines. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MD 6 R 7 North-western Railway Extension : Narrahri to Moree, Contract No. 1, pis. 1 and 2. Working Plan and So :tion. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 6 P 18, 19 + Nynganto Cobar : Working Plan and Section Drawings, Nos. 1 and 2, pt, 1. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA G P 19, 20 | Parkes to Condobolin, Contract No. 1. Parkes to Bogan C. te, Working Plan and Section. Fol. Sydney, M96. MA G P 17 | Report relating to the proposed Railway from Temora to Wyalong. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 9 Q 35 f Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Plans relating to the proposed Rail way from Coo- tamundra to Temora. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 9 Q 41 f Report, together with .Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Plans relating to the proposed Railway from NyngantoCobar. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. M A 9 Q 42 t South-western Railway Branch Line : Narrandera to .lerilderie Extension. Jerilderie to Berrigan, Con- tract No. 1. Working Plan and Section. Fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 6 P 16 J Roads and Bridges. [See Public Works* under this heading.] Royal Commissions. [See in the Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly for Reports of Royal Com- Scarlet Fever. Memorandum prepared by the Acting Medical Adviser to the Oovernment for distribution in the Country Districts, with the view of averting or reducing the virulence of any serious outbreak of Scarlet Fever or other epidemic disease. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1875. MA 12 P 28 f NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Select Committees. [See in Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly for Reports of Select Com- mittees not detailed under this heading.] Statistics. Annual Report on Vital Statistics for 1895, 1897, and previous years. Compiled by A. Parry Long. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-98. ME Notes on the Financial Aspect of Australian Federation ; by T. A. Coghlan. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 R 4 Results of a Census of New South Wales, taken for the night of the 5th April, ] 891. Compiled under the direction of T. A. Coghlan. 4to. Sydney, 1804. ME Statistical Account of the seven Colonies of Australasia, 1890-98; by T. A. Coghlan. 7 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-98. ME 8 S Statistical Register, 1850-60, 1863-96. 19 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1860-97. ' ME Statistician's Report on the Vital Statistics of New South Wales, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. ME Vital Statistics for 1898 and previous years. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. ME The Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1886- 98; by T. A. Coghlan. 13 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1887- 99. ME 5 R Statutes and Bills. An Act to Establish Municipali ties. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1867. MF 3 P 33 t The Acts and Ordinances of New South Wales, 1824- 32, 1834-37, 1839, 1841-43, 1846-50, 1852-55, 1857- 62. 22 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1824-62. ME Alphabetical Register of Public and Private Bills, 1853- 91. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1854-95. MF 4 U 36 A Bill to establish a Central and Local Organisation of Industry and Finance! by self-administration of the people, and to provide farmers and others engaged in industrial pursuits, closely connected with land, with means of obtaining money at a low rate of interest by cooperation in the use of credit. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. MF 9 Q 45 t Chinch and School Lauds Act, 1826. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1826. MF 3 U 66 Crown Lands Acts of 1884, 1889, 1895, and the Regu- lations thereunder, including the Timber and Quarry Regulations, and the Rules of the Land Appeal Court, with the forms employed, and a Reference Map of the Colony. 6th ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 1 S 72 [Another copy.] 8th ed. 8vo Sydney, 1898. MF 1 6 72 Dairies Supervision Act, 1886. Svo. Sydney, 1894. ' h Practical Dairyim.' ; by J. P. Dowl: " MA 1 I Hound with Practical Dairying; by J. P. Dowling.] MA 1 S 4-3 : Dii Act of 1858; District Courts Act 9: and the Rules of Practice, ind Proclamations relating to a Table of Contents. 8vo. MF 1 S 21 440 Public Library of New South Wales, NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Statutes and Bills— contd, Fisheries Act, 1881, and the Regulations and Proclama- tions thereunder ; with an Introduction, Summary, and Index, by A. Oliver. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MF 5 R 11 Land and Income Tax Assessment Act ; Land Tax Act ; Income Tax Act ; Regulations under the Land and Income Tax Assessment Act. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 37 Mining Act, 1874, also amending Acts, with Regula- tions thereunder. 9th ed. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MF 3 R 70 The Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act, and the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act Amendment Act ; with Index, Regulations, etc., also Districts and Registration Divisions. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MF5Q1 Private Acts, 1832-62, 1879-85, 1887-95. 3 vols sin fol. Sydney, 1863-96. ME The Stamp Duties Act of 1865, with regulations there- under. 8vo. Sydney, 1865. MF 4 Q 44 Statutes, 1824-99, and Index, 1824-74. 19 vols. sm. fol. and sm. 4to. Sydney, 1861-1900. ME Synopsis of the Laws relating to the Crown Lands of the Colony of New South Wales, and general description of its characteristics and resources. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 1 S 72 Synopsis of provisions of the Crown Lands (Amendment) Act, 1899, so far as it relates to appraisements of Conditional Purchases, Conditional Leases, Homestead Selections, and Settlement Leases. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MF 1 S 72 Common Law Procedure Act, H. M.] Liquor Act, 1898. [See Cocksh S. E.] Steam Postal Communication. Papers on the subject of Steam Postal Communication with Great Britain, 1852-72. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1852-72. MF 13 Q 2, 3 f Supreme Court. Judgment of the Full Court, extracted from the Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry and General Courts-martial in the case of No. 95, Brigade Quarter- master-Sergt. William Webster, N.S.W. Artillery. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 5 R 12 a Equity. Sm. fol. Sydney, MF 9 Q 44 f [See also Governor's Court, under this heading.] Surveys. [See Lands under this heading.] Sydney Harbour-master's Reports. Harbour-master's Reports, 1836. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1836. MF 3 P 32 f Sydney Hospital. [See under main Author Entry.] Sydney Observatory. [See under main Author Entry.] Sydney University. [See under main Author Entry.] NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Technical College and Education. Calendar, 1892-93, 1895-96, giving details of the course of instruction for each class in the Sydney Technical College and Branch Schools, and particulars as to the Technological Museums. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-96. ME 6 Q Qualitative Analysis : Notes and Tables for the use of Students. Illust. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 W 26 Technical Education : Report from Committee of Work- ing-men's College of Sydney .Mechanics' School of Arts. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1881. MG 7 Q 2 J [See also Public Instruction, under this heading.] Votes and Proceedings. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Weekly Notes. [See New South Wales Weekly Notes.] NEW SOUTH WALES ABORIGINES PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. The Cry from the Heathen at our Doors : being the Annual Reports of the Association, 1881, 1891, 1893-95. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1881-95. ME 15 Q NEW SOUTH WALES AUXILIARY BIBLE SO- CIETY. Reports, 1849, 1865-66, 1868-70, 1873-76, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1849-80. ME 6 S NEW SOUTH WALES AUXILIARY TO THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. [See London Missionary Society.] NEW SOUTH WALES BANKRUPTCY, COMPANY, AND PROBATE CASES. Vols. 6-9, July, 1895- July, 1899. 4 vols. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896-99. ME 7 R NEW SOUTH WALES BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL, AND PASTORAL DIRECTORY, 1895-96. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1895-96. ME 10 T NEW SOUTH WALES COOPERATIVE ALLIANCE. Objects and Rules. 12ino. Sydney, 1896. MF 3 Q 47 NEW SOUTH WALES CONGREGATIONAL YEAR- BOOK, 1897. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. ME 6 P NEW SOUTH WALES COUNTRY DIRECTORY, 1898. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. ME 10 T NEW SOUTH WALES CREMATION, FUNERAL, AND SANITARY REFORM REVIEW. Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 1890. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 4 R 30 NEW SOUTH WALES CYCLING GAZETTE. Yoh. 1-4, Nov., 1896-July, 1899. 4 vols, (in 3) Svo. and roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-99. [All published.} MA 4 U 7-9 NEW SOUTH WALES CYCLIST, The, June, 1897- June, 1900. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-1900 ME 7 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. NEW SOUTH WALES EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE. Vols. 1-9, June, 1891-May, 1900. 9 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1891-1900. ME 17 Q NEW SOUTH WALES FELLOWSHIP UNION WIT- NESS. [See Witness, The.] NEW SOUTH WALES GOOD TEMPLAR. The. Nos. 1 1-65, 1887. Fol. Sydney, 1887. M.J 10 Q 30 t NEW SOUTH WALES GOOD TEMPLAR, The. {See Australian Temperance World.] NEW SOUTH. WALES INDEPENDENT. Vol. 1, 1875. 4to. Sydney, 1875. [All published.] MG 1 V 9 NEW SOUTH WALES INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB AND THE BLIND. Re- ports, 1862-63. 8vo. Sydney, 1862-63. MF 3 P 12 Reports, 1864-66, 1869-70, 1872-73, 1875-99. 26 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1864-99. ME 6 S Reports, 1867-68. 8vo. Sydney, 1867-68. MF 3 P 18 NEW SOUTH WALES LAW REPORTS. Vols. 1-20, 1880-99. 20 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1880-99. ME 21 NEW SOUTH WALES MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1, 2, Aug., 1833-March, 1834. 8vo. Sydney, 1833-34. MJ 4 Q 7 NEW SOUTH WALES MAGAZINE The; or, Journal ( if General Politics, Literature, Science and the Arts, .Ian. -Nov., 1843. 8vo. Sydney, 1843. MJ 4 Q 8 NEW SOUTH WALES MEDICAL GAZETTE. Vols. 1 5, Oct., 1870 Sept., 1875. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1871-75. MA 5 R 7-11 NEW SOUTH WALES MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY, 1891-92. 12mo. Sydney, 1891. ME 10 S NEW SOUTH WALES PARLIAMENTARY LI- BRARY. Catalogue of the Library of the Parlia- ment of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. Cat. Room Catalogue of Books added to the Parliamentary Library during the quarter ended 31st March, 1895. Roy. 8vo. ' Sydney, 1895. Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue of Books added to the Library of the Parliament/ 1886-June, 1894. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. Cat, Room NEW SOUTH WALES POLITICAL ASSOCIATION for the SUPPRESSION OF INTEMPERANCE. Second Annual Report, 1868. 12mo. Sydney, 1869. MF 5 P 12 NEW SOUTH WALES POST OFFICE COMMER- CIAL DIRECTORY (Wise's) 1886-87, 1889-1900. 7 vols roy 8vo Sydney, 1886-1900, ME 10 T NEW SOUTH WALES RAILWAY BUDGET. Vols. 1-7. Sept., 1892-Aug., 1899. 7 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1892-99. ME 7 P NEW SOUTH WALES RELIGIOUS TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY. Reports, 1850, 1853, 1856, 1858, 1860-62. 8vo. Sydney, 1850-62 ME 6 S NEW SOUTH WALES SHEEP-BREEDERS' YEAR- BOOK, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1898-99. NEW SOUTH WALES SOCIETY for PROMOTING THE OBSERVANCE OF THE LORD'S DAY. Reports, 1857, 1882-83. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1857- 83. MG 2 V 11, 12 NEW SOUTH WALES SON OF TEMPERANCE. Vol. 1, Aug., 1899-July, 1900. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1899-1900. ME 20 R NEW SOUTH WALES SPORTING ANNUAL, 1884. Ed. by P.H.Gilbert, 8vo. Sydney, 1884. MA 5 Q 14 NEW SOUTH WALES SPORTING MAGAZINE, The, Oct., 1848-Jan., 1849. Edited by D. C. F. Scott. 8vo. Sydney, 1848-49. MJ 3 T 12 NEW SOUTH WALES STAMP COLLECTORS' MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov., 1879. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MF 5 S 13 NEW SOUTH WALES TRADE PROTECTIVE IN- STITUTE : Weekly Trade Report, Vols. 33, 37-41, Jan.-June, 1896, 1898-June, 1900, and Index to vols. 37-41. 11 vols. sin. 4to. Sydney, 1896-1900. ME 8 T NEW SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NOTES. Vols. 1- 16, 1884-July, 1900. 16 vols. sin. 4to. Sydney, 1884-1900. ME 7 R NEW SOUTH WALES ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Annual Reports, 1884, 1887, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1884-94. ME 6 S NEW TESTAMENT HAND-BOOKS. History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. [,4s Vincent, Rev. M. R.] (J -•• l * 8 NEW YORK :— State Departments— Reports and Publi- Agricultural Experiment Station. Report of the Board of Control, 1894. Boy. 8vo. Albany, 1895. E Botanist. Annual Reports, 1894-97. Tllust, 4 vols. fol. and 8vo. Albany and New York, 1896-98. E Boundary Commission. Report of the Regents' Bound- ary Commission upon the New York and Pennsylvania Boundary, with the final Report of Major H. W. Clarke, Surveyor for the Commission. Illustrated. 8vo. Albany,' 1886. A 32 R 37 J?ubliG Library of New South Wales. NEW YORK— contd. Commissioners of Fisheries, Game, and Forests. Annual Reports, 1895-96. Illustrated. 2 vols. sm. fol. Albany, 1896-97. E Department of Public Instruction. Annual Reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1871, 1873. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1872-7-1. E Geologist. Annual Report, 1894, 8vo. Albany, 1895. E Historian. Annual Report, 1896. 8vo. Albany, Public Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins New York, 1807-17. With Portrait, Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1898. B 41 S 5 Legislature. Election Laws of the State of New York, with Extracts from the Constitution, also Forms and Instructions for Officers, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1871. F 16 T 22 Manual for use of the Legislature of the State of New- York, 1882. 12mo. Albany, 1882. F 12 S 35 Library. Bulletins Legislation, Nos. 10, 11, 1899-1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1899-1900. Cat. Room Bulletins Bibliography, Nos. 6-17, Feb., 1898-Jan., 1899. 8vo. Albany, 1898-99. Cat. Room Report of the Trustees for 1884-86, 1895-97. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Albany, 1885-98. E Museum. Annual Reports, 1879, 1885-86, 1894-96. 7 vols. 4to. Albany, 1879-98. E Bulletins. Vol. 4, No. 19, vol. 5, Nos. 20-23. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1898. E 19. Guide to the Study of the G-ologiral Collections of the New York State Museum ; by F. J. H. Merrill. 20. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State ; by K. P. Felt. 21. Geology of the Lake Placid Region ; by J. F. Kemp. 22. Earthenware if the New York Aborigines; by W. M. Beauchamp. 23. Fourteenth Report of the State Entomologist on Injuri- ous and other Insects of the State of New York, ls'.is. Statutes. [See Legislature under this heading.] University. Annual Ri partnient, 1896-97. Annual Repor : Ad! i tr.i Exi Albany, 1897-98. E i Department, 1896- tepartment, 1896-97. Annual Report of the Extension 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1898. College Department Bulletin, Jan., April, 1899. 8vo Albany, 1899. E College Department, Bulletins 3-11, Oct., 1899- April, 1900. Professional Education in the United States ; prepared by H. L. Taylor under direction of J. It. Parsons, jun. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Albany, 1899-1900. G 18 U 18-24 1. General. 2. Theology. 4. Medicine. (i. Pharmacy. 7. Veterinary Medicine ; Certified Public Accountants ; NEW YORK— contd. Univ er sity — contd. Extension Bulletins, Nos. 25, 26, July, 1898. 8vo. Albany, 1898. E High School Department, Bulletin, March, 1899 : Re- port of the Director, 1898. 8vo. Albany, 1899. E Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784-1884; by Dr. Franklin B. Hough, with an In- troductory Sketch by Dr. David Murray. 8vo. Al- bany, 1885. C 17 T 9 Regents Bulletins, Nos. 44, 45, March, Dec., 1898. 8vo. Albany. 1898. E Reports, "1885-86. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1885-86. E NEW YORK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF . RAPID TRANSIT. Minutes of Proceedings, July- Dec., 1875. "E NEW YORK BOARD OF EDUCATION. Annual Reports, 1856, 1878, 1891-93. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1857-94. E NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Report for the year 1881-82. 8vo. New York, 1882. E NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT. Report for three months ending Dec, 1896. 8vo. New York, 1897. E NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Report, 1883-84. 8vo. New York, 1884. E NEW YORK PUBLIC PARKS. Annual Reports of the Board of Commissioners, May, 1870-May, 1872. Ulust. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1871-72. E NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the New York State Library; First Supplement to the Subject-Index of the General Library, 1872-82. 8vo. Albany, 18S2. Cat. Room NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL. Hand- book. 32mo. Albany, 1897. Cat. Room vrnment Departments — Reports [For Reports and Parliamentary Papers not detailed here, see in Appendix to Journals of House of Repre- Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agriculture. Dairying Service : Reports, 1896-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1897-98. ME 19 Q Division of Biology and Pomology: Reports, 1895-99. 4 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1896-99. ME Leaflets for Farmers. Nos. 2, 6 13, 15-34, 36, 39-41. 8vo. Wellington, 1894-98. MA 3 R 74 Leaflets for Gardeners and Fruitgrowers. Nos. 1-9, 11- 19, 22-27. 8vo. Wellington, 1894-98. MA 3 R 73 Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry: by James Cow Black. 8vo. Wellington, 1895. MA 3 R 78 Poultry and Eggs for Market and Export ; by J. A. Henderson. 8vo. Wellington, 1896. MA 3 R 79 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 443 NEW ZEALAND— contd. Agriculture— contd. Pr.eeedings of Conference of Australasian Fruitgrowers, In -Id in Parliament Buildings, Wellington, May, 1896. Svo. Wellington, 1896. MA -1 U 13 Report of the Government Veterinarian, 1891-95. Svo. Wellington, 1895. MA 3 R 76 Report on Experiments with Lambs ; by J. A. Gilruth ; ! ! so, General Report by Archibald Park. Svo. Wellington, 1S96. MA 3 R 80 Report on the prospects of Viticulture in New Zealand; together with Instructions for Planting and Pruning, BragatO. Illustrated. Svo. Wellingto MA 3 R 7 Report and Proceedings of Conference to consider posi tion of the Frozen Meat Industry. Svo. Wellington, 1896. MA 3 R 77 Reports of W. J. Palmer, J. Mayo, J. G. Blackmore, i'lclR M. Gubb. Svo. Wellington, 1S96. MA 3 R 81 Report, Minutes of Evidence, &c, of the New Zealand Banking Committee. »Sm. fol. Wellington, 1896. MF1Q17J Census. [See Statistics, under this heading.] Colonial Museum, [See Mines and Mining, under this Crown Lands. [See Lands and Survey, under this heading.] Department of Labour. Journal. Vols. 1-6, 1893-98. G vols. Svo. Wellington, 1893-98. ME 19 P Education. Annual Reports of Minister of Education, 1S90-93. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-91. ME Reports of Inspectors of Schools, 1S90, 1893. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-94. ME nts of the Governments of New 1889-91. 3 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1872-91. ME General Assembly Library. [See New Zealand General Assembly Library.] Government Gazette. New Zealand Gazette, 1876-77 July. 1878-Oct, 1891, 1895-99. 16 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1876-99. ME Horowhenua Commission. Report and Evidence of the Horowhenua Commission. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1896. MF 13 Q 1 f House of Representatives. [See Parliament, under Lands and Survey. Reports of the Department of Lands and Survey, 1883, 1890-91, 1893-97, 1898- 1900. S vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1883-1900. ME Tours and Excursions in New Zealand. Illustrated, 4 vols. 12mo. Wellington (n.d.) MI) 3 P 53- 56 Waikare-Moana, the Sea of the Rippling Waters : the Lake, the Land, the Legends, with a Tramp through Tuhoe Land. Illustrated. Svo. Wellington, 1897. MD 3 S 1 NEW ZEALAND- Marine Department. Annual Report, 1890-92. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-92. ME Mines and Mining. Annual Reports of the Colonial Laboratory, 1 893-98. 4 vols, roy Svo. Wellington, 1894-99. ME16Q Reports on the Mining, Industry of N. Z., 1885-1900. 15 vols. fol. Wellington, 1886-1900. ME Native Land Laws. Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of the Native Land Laws. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MF 3 Q 40 t Official Year-book, 1892-1900; by E. J. von Dadelszeri. 9 vols. Svo. Wellington, 1892-1900. ME 14 P Parliament. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1861-80, 1891-99. 65 vols. fol. Auckland and Wellington, 1861-99. ME Debates. 1854-58, 1861-63. Vols. 12-37, 39, 40, 44-65, 71-74, 83-113, July, 1872-Sept., 1880, July- Sept., 1881, June-Sept., 1883, June-Nov., 1884, June, 1885-Aug., 1889, June-Sept, 1891, June, 1894-Nov., 1898, June-Sept., 1899, June-Sept., 1900; and Index to vols. 87-96. 90 vols. roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1872-1900. ME Journals and Appendix to the Journals of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, June-Nov., 1895. Fol. Wellington, 1895. ME Postal Service and Telegraphs. Report of the Post Office and Telegraph Department, 1890-91. 2 vols, sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-92. ME Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 12th of April, 1896. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1896-97. ME Public Accounts. [See Finance, under this heading.] Public Trust Office. Report of the Commissioners appointed to impure into the condition and working of the Public Trust Office. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MF 3 Q 44 t Royal Commissions. [See under the subject of each Commission, under this heading.] Settlement. Acts relating to the Settlement of New Zealand. Sm. fol. Lend., 1851. MF 9 P 48 f Statistics. Report on the Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken on the night of the 12th April, 1896 ; by E. .). von Dadelszen. Sm. 4to. Wellington, 1897. " ME Reports on tl; We lists of New Zealand, 1889-90. Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand, 1853-62, 1867- Auckland and Wellington, 1858-99. ME [See also Official Year-book, under this heading.] Public Library of New South Wales. NEW ZEALAND— contd. Statutes. The Ordinances of New Zealand passed in the first ten Sessions of the General Legislative Coun- cil, 1841-49 ; to which are prefixed the Acts of Parlia- ment, Charters, and Royal Instructions relating to New Zealand. 8vo. Wellington, 1850. MF 4 V 1 Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, 1841-53. Fol. Wellington, 1871. ME Statutes of New Zealand, 1854-71, 1874-77, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1891-99. 28 vols, (in 24) fol. and 4to. Auckland and Wellington, 1871-99. ME Surveys. [See Lands, under this heading.] Tariff Commission. Report of the Tariff Commission, 1895. Sm.fol. Wellington, 1895. MF 4 IT 41 NEW ZEALAND AMATEUR SWIMMING ASSO- CIATION. Annual, 1894-95. Illustrated. 12mo. Auckland, 1895. MA 5 Q 1 " NEW ZEALAND COLONIST." Notes on Political Economy from the Colonial point of view. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MF 3 P 66 NEW ZEALAND CO. Reports of the Directors, 1844- 45. 8vo. Lond., 1844-45. MF 5 S 20 NEW ZEALAND COUNTRY JOURNAL, The. Vol. 1, No. 4, Oct., 1877. 8vo. Christchurch, 1877. MJ 3 T 18 NEW ZEALAND FARMER AND BEE AND POUL- TRY JOURNAL, The. Vols, 5-8, 10-18, 1885-88, 1890-98. 13 vols. fol. Auckland, 1885-98. ME 8 T NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. Annual Circular and Price List, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Christchurch, 1897-98. ME 6 P NEW ZEALAND GENERAL ASSEMBLY LI- BRARY. Catalogue of the General Assembly Li- brary of New Zealand. 2 vols. 4to. Wellington, 1897. Cat. Room NEW ZEALAND HERALD, The, 1896-March, 1900. 12 vols. fol. Auckland, 1896-1900. ME NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. Transactions and Pro- ceedings. Vols. 1-19, 21-32, 1868-86, 1888-99, and Indexes. 32 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1869-1900. ME 2 S NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Vol. 2, Jan.-Nov., 1884; vol. 1, new issue, Jan.-Nov., 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Dunedin, 1884-91. ME 15 U NEW ZEALAND MAIL, The, 1896-June, 1900. 9 vols. fol. Wellington, 1896-1900. ME NEW ZEALAND MINING JOURNAL and Financial Guide. Vol. 4, March, 1899-Feb., 1900. Sm. fol. Dunedin, 1899-1900. ME 17 T NEW ZEALAND POST OFFICE DIRECTORY (Wise's) 1875-76, 1878-1900. 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Dunedin, 1875-99. ME 11 T NEW ZEALAND SCENERY. Photographs of. Ob. 4to. Auckland, 1895. MA 45 P J NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. Calendars, 1875- 77. 3 vols. 8vo. Christchurch, 1875-77. ME 5 U [See also Canterbury College.] "NEW ZEALANDER, A." Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1897. MH 1 P 55 NEWBERY, W. Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895. [See Salusbury, F. H.] MF 1 R 13 NEWBIGGING, Thomas. Essays at Eventide. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 21 P 30 NEWBIGIN, Marion I. Colour in Nature : a Study in Biology. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 23 S 44 NEWBOLT, Rev. William" Charles Edmund. Consolida- tion : an Address delivered before the Annual Meet- ing of the English Church Union, 1897. 8vo Lond., 1897. G 5 T 27 St. Paul's Cathedral. (Our English Minsters. ) A 39 P 1 Spiritual Letters of Rev. E. B. Pusey. [See Pusey, Rev. E. B.] C 25 P 22 NEWCASTLE MORNING HERALD, The, 1896-June 1900. 10 vols. fol. Newcastle, 1896-1900. ME NEWCOMB, Charles B. All's Right with the World. 8vo. Boston, 1897. G 23 R 19 NEWCOMB, H. T. Changes in the rates of charge for Railway and other Transportation services. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics.] A 41 U 5 NEWELL, E. J. St. Patrick : his Life and Teaching. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (The Fathers for English Readers.) G 26 P 21 NEWHALL, Charles S. The Vines of North-eastern America. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 17 8vo. Adc- MD 3 S 14 NEWMAN, Rev. A. H. History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1894. (Ameri- can Church Hist, Ser.) G 12 V 9 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. NEWMAN, Charles L. Norris-. With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange, Free State in 1880-81. 2nd ed.. with new Map of the South African Republic and Text of the Convention of 1884. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 36 S 6 NEWMAN, Err 1 895. of Wagi Cluck and the Opera. 8vo. Lond., A 23 T 22 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 35 T 1 NEWMAN, Francis William. Phases of Faith. [See Martineaul Rev. J. -Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 1 1 T 29 NEWMAN, Dr. George, F.R.S. Bacteria, especially as ilii'v are related to the Economy of Nature, to In- dustrial Processes, and to the Public Health. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Progressive Science Ser.) A 40 Q 17 Notes on Bacteriology. (Friedberger. Dr. F.— Veterin- ary Pathology.) " A 40 P 14 NEWMAN, John. Metallic Structures. Corrosion and Fouling, and their Prevention: a Practical Aid-book to the Safety of Works in Iron and Steel, and of Ships, and to the selection of Paints for them. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 21 NEWMAN, John Henry, Cardinal. Parochial and Plain Sermons. Vols. 1, 6. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1891. G 1 U 12, 17 Seventh Tract for the Times. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 [Life of]; by J. F. Hogan. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Lives of the Knsdish Saints ; with an Introduction by A. W. Hutton. Vol, 1. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 26 S 10 Apologia pro Vita Sua. [See Church, R. W, Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Essay on. [See Lilly, W. S. — Essays and Speeches.] J 14 S 14 Letters of Dr. Pusey to Cardinal Newman. [See Pusey, Lev. E. B.] G 3 U 7-9 Newman as a Prose-writer. [See Gates, Prof. L. E— Three Studies in Literature.] J 24 T 1 On the " Eirenicon." [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 30 Parochial and Plain Sermons. [See Church, R. W Dean.- Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 3g Personal Influences on Present Theology. [See Martineau, Rev. J. Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 [Sketch of. i [See Birrell, A.— Res .Judicata-.] J 7 P 52 [Sketch of.] [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Sketch of.] [See Donaldson, Rev. A. B. —Five Great Oxford Leaders.] G 20 S 4 NEWNHAM, William. Human Magnetism : its claims to dispassionate inquiry ; being an attempt to show the utility of its application for the relief of human suffer- ing. Svo. Lond., 1845. G 19 T 10 NEWNHAM-DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. Nathaniel. [See Davis, Lieut.-Col. N. Newnham-.] NEWPORT, Howard. Coffee Culture in Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1899, Feb., April, 1900.) ME 9 U 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Newport, 1899. E NEWSHOLME, Dr. Arthur. Elements of Vital Statistics. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1899. F 10 P 30 NEWSTEAD, Robert. General Index to " Annual Re- ports of Observations of Injurious Insects, 1877-98;" by Eleanor A. Ormerod. [See Ormerod, Eleanor A.] E NEWTH, G. S. Manual of Chemical Analysis, Qualita- tive and Quantitative. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 44 U 4 NEWTON, Alfred, and GADOW, Hans. Dictionary of Birds : with Contributions from Richard Lydekker, Charles S. Roy, F.R.S., and Dr. Robert W. Shufeldt. Svo. Lond., 1893-90. A 30 Q 31 NEWTON, Edwin Tulley. The Vertebrata of the Pliocene Deposits of Britain. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Geolog. Surv.— United Kingdom.] A 47 P 14 song : Australia. Sm. fol. Syd MA 13 P t NEWTON, Hen ney (n.d.) Soudan Comic Song. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t NEWTON, Sir Isaac. Mint Reports. [See Shaw, W. A.— English Monetary History, 1626-1730.] F 8 V 4 Sir Isaac Newton and England's Prohibitive Tariff upon Silver Money. [See Hot-ton, S. Dana.— Silver and Gold.] " F US 53 Sketch of. [SeeB&ll, Sir R.S.— Gt. Astronomers.] A20U 8 NEWTON, Mat 1S9S. Feu Ret irks - the id the Quali o. Sydney, MF 1 P 84 NEWTON, Richard Bullen. Systematic List of the Frederick E. Edwards' Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Natural History.] A 42 V 6 Public Library of New South Wales. NEWTONS LONDON JOURNAL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. [See London Journal of Arts Sciences.] A 35 S 1-12 NEY, Marshal Michel, Duke of Elchingen. Historic Doubts as to the Execution of ; by Rev. J. A. Weston. 8vo. New York, 1895. C 22 Q 2 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 NGATA, Apirana Turupa. Notes on the Rev. H. W. Williams' Paper on " The Maori Whare." (Polynesian Boc., Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R NIBELUNGENLIED, The : the Fall of the Nibelungers, otherwise the Book of Kriemhild. Translated by W. N. Lettsom. 3rd ed. 8vo. Loncl., 1890. H 13 P 18 NICANDER. [Opera.] [See Poetse Gneci.]H 17 U 12 f NICHOLAS, Sir Edward. Correspondence of. [See Camden Soc, Pubs.] E NICHOLAS, Thomas. The Pedigree of the English People. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 15 U 22 NICHOLL, Edith M. Observations of a Ranchwoman in New Mexico. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D13P12 NICHOLLS, Mrs. A. B. [See Bronte, Charlotte.] NICHOLLS, Sir George. History of the English Poor Law in connection with the State of the Country and the Condition of the People. New ed., containing the revisions made by the author, and a Biography by H. G. Willink. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 29, 30 History of the English Poor Law, in connexion with the Legislation and other circumstances affecting the con- dition of the people. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854. F 17 P 10, 11 History of the Irish Poor Law, in connexion with the condition of the people. 8vo. Lond., 185C. F17P12 History of the Scotch Poor Law, in connexion with the condition of the people. 8vo. Lond., 185G. F17P13 NICHOLLS, Harry. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art,] II 1 S 31 NICHOLLS, William Hunt Ward. Livy, Book 2G. [See Livius, T.] B 30 P 13 NICHOLS, Dr. Herbert, and PARSONS, William E. Our Notions of Number and Space. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 9 W 16 NICHOLSON, Rev. Alexander. No Cipher in Shake- speare: being a Refutation of Ignatius Donnelly's Great Cryptogram. 8vo. Lond., 1888. J 10 U 35 NICHOLSON, Edward Williams Byron. Golspie: Con- tributions to its Folk-lore ; by Annie and Bella Gum- ming, Jane Stuart, W. W. Munro, A. Gunn, H. J. MacLean, and Minnie Sutherland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 32 Q 11 NICHOLSON, George. 1900 Supplement to the Diction- ary of Gardening. Illustrated. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1900. A 46 T 7 Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening. 4 vols. sm. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 46 T 3-6 NICHOLSON, Dr. Henry Alleyne, and LYDEKKER, Richard, F.R.S. Manual of Paleontology for the use of Students, with a General Introduction on the Prin- ciples of Palaeontology. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 39 R 19, 20 NICHOLSON, John. Life of, based on private and hitherto unpublished documents; by Capt. L. J. Trotter. With Portraits and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 5 NICHOLSON, Dr. Joseph Shield. Principles of Political Economy. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-97. F 8 Q 24, 25 Strikes and Social Problems. 8vo Lond., 1896. F 8 V 25 NICHOLSON, Gen. Malcolm H. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 NICHOLSON, William. London Types. Qtiatorzains by W. E. Henley. 4 to. Lond., 1898. J 20 R 11 f NICKALLS, Guy. Sculling. (Lehmann, R. C— Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 NICOL, Rev. Thomas. Recent Archaeology and the Bible. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Croall Lectures.) G 24 U 8 NICOLL, Rev. William Robertson. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 Expositor's Bible. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S Memorial Sketch of Henry Drummond. [See Drum- mond, Prof. H.— The Ideal Life, and other unpub- lished Addresses.] G 23 R 9 , and WISE, Thomas J. Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century. Illustrated. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. J 14 S 3, 4 NICOLS, Arthur. Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds : a Book of Anecdotes, Adventures, and Zoological Notes. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 27 S 16 NICOLSON, Dr. David. Criminal Lunacv in England. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 NICOLSON, John T. Law of Cor [See McGill University.- Papers Engineering.] tion of Steam. the Dept, of A 40 S 24 Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 447 NIEDLRLETN, Gustavo. The Republic of Costa Rica. [See Philadelphia Commercial Museum.] D 13 V 18 The Republic of Guatemala. [See Philadelphia Commer- cial Museum.] I) 13 V 18 The Si ate of Nicaragua. [See Philadelphia Commercial Museum.] D 13 \ r IS NIES1 ( : H, J. W. The Prospects of Australia Federating. (I'uited Service Migazine, May, 1896.) E NIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm. Works. Vols. 8, 10, 11. 3vols.8vo. Lond., 1896-99. G 16 V 15, 17, 18 s. Thus spake Zarathustra : a Book for all and none. Translated by Alexander Tille. 10. Genealogy of Morals; Poems. Translated by W. A. Haussmann and J. Gray. 11. The Case of Wagner; Xietzsrhe enntra Wagner ; the Twilight of the Idols ; the Antichrist. Translated by Has Problem Friedrich Nietzsches. [See Grimm, E.] G 24 S 13 [Sketch of.] [See Ellis, H.— Affirmations.] J 19 W 14 NIGHT] NGALE, Florence. Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A. - Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 NIJIIO FF, Martinus. Bibliothcca Historico-Neerlandica : ] I Moire des Pays-Bas : Catalogue Systematise do li\ res aneiens et modernes. 8vo. La Haye, 1899. Cat. Room General Catalogue (No. 293). Illustrated. 8vo. The Hague, 1899. Cat. Room NILSSON, Sven. The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandi- irria: an Essay on Comparative Ethnography, and a Contribution to the History of the Development of Mankind, containing a Description of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs, and Modes of Living of the Savages in the North of Europe during the Stone Age. With an Introduction by Sir J. Lubbock. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1868. A 39 R IS NIXIVi'EEXTU CEXrURY, The. Vols. 1-17, June, L877- June, 1900. 47 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877-1900. E NION, Comte Francois de. Journal de " Stendhal " ( M . 1 1 . I'-eyle). [See Beyle, M. H.] .1 24 It 21 N1SJ ! I IT, Hume. My Friends the Cat By Creek and Gully.) Annals of San Fran (Fisher, L, MJ 3 1! 33 KISJ'.CT, John Ferguson. The Human Machine: an Tn- <|.:iry into the Diversity of Human Faculty in its bearings upon Social Life, Religion, Kdueat ion, and Politics. 8vo. Lond.. 1899. G 24 Q 5 NITHISDALE, William Maxwell, Earl of. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 3 NITOBE, Inazo. Intercourse between the United States and Japan. [See Johns Hopkins Lniversitv. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.] B 18 T 8 NOAILLES, Jules, Due de. How to Save Bi-metallism. 8vo. Philad., 1895. (Pubs, of Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc.) F 11 S 52 NOBLE, A. Cordite. Lond., 1893. A 36 V 28 NOBLE, F. H. Taxation in Iowa : Historical Sketch, Present Status, and Suggested Reforms. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 18 S 1 NOBLE, John. Illustrated Official Hand-book of the Cape and South Africa : a Resume of the History, Condi- tions, Populations, Productions, and Resources of the several Colonies, States, and Territories. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 22 Q 16 NOCARD, Prof. Edmond. Animal Tuberculoses and their relation to Human Tuberculosis. Translated by Dr. H. Scurfield. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 19 P 10 NODIER, Charles. Contes de la Veillee. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 24 R 3 Contes Fantastiques. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J24R4 Nouvelles ; suivies des Fantaisies du Deriseur Sense. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 5 [Sketch of.] [See Grenier, E. — Literary Reminiscences.] NOEL, Hon. Roden. Our Manufactures. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F.15 P 29 The Poetic Interpretation of Nature. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 NOICE, 0. S. Trade Directory of Sydney and Suburbs, 1890-91, 1893, 1895-1900. 8 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-1900. ME 10 S NOLAN, Joseph. Geology of Donegal, Londonderry, and Tyrone. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A *? V G > 7 Geology of Inishowen, Co. Donegal, [See Gt. Brit, and Irel —Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 1 Geology of N.W. a Geology of Tyrone and Londonderry. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Suvv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 11 ; and EGAN, F. W. Geology of the Country around, Limavady. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England'aiid Wales.] A 47 V 4 448 Public Library of New South Wales. NOLDEKE, Prof. Theodor. Sketches from Eastern His- tory. Translated by John .Sutherland Black. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 12 U 3G NOLHAC, Pierre de. Marie Antoinette, the Dauphine. With Portraits. 4to. Paris (n.d.) B 18 Q 15 t NOLL, Augustus. How to Wire Buildings. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 25 S 7 NOLL, Dr. Fritz. Text-book of Botany. [See Stras- burger, Dr. E.] A 40 U 1 NONNENBRUCH, M. [Reproduction of his Picture] Greek Vase Seller. [See Lansing, Clarence. —The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t "NORDAU, Max." [See Siidfeld, Dr. M. S.] NORDENSKIOLD, G. The Cliff-dwellers of the Mesa Verde, South-western Colorado : their Pottery and Implements. Translated by D. L. Morgan. Illus- trated. 4to. Stockholm, 1893. A 17 U 13 t NORDHOFF, Charles. God and the Future Life: the Reasonableness of Christianity. 12mo. New York 1883. G 9 u 33 NORDLINGER, Clara. Gabrielc [See Biilow, G. von.] i Biilow : a Memoir. C 24 R 13 NORGATE, Kate. Short History of the English People. [See Green, J. R.] B 20 V 23-26 NORMAN, Dr. Conolly. Systematised Delusional In- sanity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 NORMAN, Henry. The Peoples and Politics of the Far East: Travels and Studies in the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies, Siberia, China' Japan, Korea, Siam, and Malaya. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. D 20 U 11 NORMAN-NERUDA, L. Climbs of. Edited, and with an Account of his last Climb, by May Norman-Neruda Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 12 NORMAND, Henrietta [Mrs. E.l (Henrietta Rae.) [Reproduction of Her Picture.] A. Naiad. [See Lansing, C. — The Nude in Art] A 12 P 27 } NORRIS, Lieut. J. A. Telegraphic Determination of Longitudes. [See Green, Lieut. F. M.] A 13 W 25 f NORRIS, Dr. Richard C. Diseases of the Thymus and Thyroid Glands, and Exophthalmic Goitre. (Hare, Dr. H. A. —System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 NORTH, Alfred John. Aves from Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Cui Description of a new species of Collyriocincla from Queensland. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Extension of the range of Column ntlni.i Fitfiyiiwuus and Emblema Picta to New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Habits of a Cuckoo in the Gilbert Islands. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Proa, 1896.) E Insectivorous Birds. (Agr. Caz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R List of Birds collected by the Calvert Expedition in West Australia; including Field Notes by G. A. Keartland. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust.', Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S List of the Insectivorous Birds of New South Wales. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1896-97, 1900.) ME 9 R New sub-species in Miu/nifieii, the magnificent Fruit Pigeon. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897-98.) ME 2 P Oological Notes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895.) ME 2P Ornithological Notes. (Australian Museum, Records, 3.) ME 8 R Preliminary Descriptions of a new Genus and of five new Speciesof Central Australian Birds. (Ibis, July, 1895.) E Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Museum, Sydney. [See Aust. Museum.] MA 3 V 4 NORTH, W. Roman Fever : Results of an Inquiry, during three years' residence on the spot, into the Origin, History, Distribution, and Nature of the Malarial Fevers of the Roman Cainpagna, with especial refer- ence to their supposed connection with Pathogenic Organisms. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 Q 22 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, The.. Vols. 10-170, 1820-June, 1900. and Index to vols. 1-134. 160 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1820-1900. E Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, and Bulletins, 1894-95, 1897-June, 1899. 4 vols. 8vo. Raleigh, 1895-99. E Climatology of North Carolina, from Records, 1820-92, including the 5th Annual Report of the North Caro lina State Weather Service, constituting the Meteoro- logical Division of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, 1891. 8vo. Raleigh, 1892. A 38 Q 28 State Weather Service. North C during 1895. 8vo. Raleigh, 1895. ■olm Weat Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-1900. NORTH CAROLINA— contd.— Statutes. Public Laws and Resolutions of the State of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly, is'.':?. Svo. Raleigh, 189:3. E Supreme Court. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Vols. 111 — 113, 116, 118, 1892-96. G vols. 8vo. Winston and Raleigh, 1892-96. E -State Departments— Reports ind Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report for year ending February 1st, 1897. 8vo. Fargo, 1897. E Annual Reports. Public Documents of the State of North Dakota, being the, Annual and Biennial Reports of various Public Officers and Institutions to the Governor and Legislative Assembly for 1892. 2 vols. 8 \o. Bismarck, N.D., 1892. E I. State Auditor, 1891-92. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1891-92. Commissi.. hits of Railroads, 1891. Board of Dental Examiners, 1891. .State Veterinarian, 1891. Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor, 1891 92. Public Examiner, 1891. Commissioner of Insurance, 1891-92. •_'. Superintendent ..f Public Instruction, 1891-92. State Treasurer, 1891-92. Attorney-General, 1891-92. Public Examiner, 1892. Commissioners of Railroads, 1892. University of North Dakota, 1891-92. School for the Deaf, 1891-92. Hospital for the Insane, 1891-92. North Dakota Penitentiary, 1891-92. Normal School at Valley City, 1891-92. Normal School at Mayville, 1891-92. Agr ;ultural blleg n Scho< ,-ulture, 1892. State Reforn . Superintendent of Irrigation a Board of Dental Examiners, If Soldier's Home, 1892. Report of State Hoard of Agri State Veterinarian, 1892. State Librarian, 1892. Adjutant-General, 1892. Board of University and School Lands, 1892. NORTH NEW ZEALAND SETTLER AND LAND LINERS' GUIDE. Vols. 1-3, Aug., 1882 -Dec, I sst. 3 vols. Do. Auckland, 1882-84. ME 8 T NORTHALL, G. F. Warwickshire Word-book. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 79.] E NORTHBROOKE, Re' I lancing, Plays, a Soc, Pubs.] Treatise against Dicing, .ludes, [See Shakespeare 11 3 U 19 NORTIICOTE, Jai Illustrated. 8i Memorials of ; by S. Gwynn. Loud, 1898. C 25 P 12 N R T II E R N AG RTC C I >T U H A L ASSOCIATION, NEW SOUTH WALES. Member's Pamphlets, 1873-76,1878-82,1881-85,1895-99. 11 vols. 8vo. Singleton, 1873-99. ME 9 P NORTHERN PEOPLE. [See People and the Gollectivist, The.] NORTHERN STAR ; Advocate, 1899. '. id Richmond and Tweed Rivers ol. Lismore, 1899. ME [See South Australia.- NORTHERN TERRITORY. Northern Territory.] NORTHUMBERLAND, Hugh, 1st Duke of. Order of the Procession at the Funeral of. [See Funerals.] R16 S 13 J A 41 Q 2 NORTON, Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah [Mrs. G. C] (Caroline Elizabeth Sheridan). Lost and Saved. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 S 19 Old Sir Douglas. New ed. 8vo. Lond, 1877. J 25 S 20 Mrs. Norton; by Mrs. Alexander. [See Oliphant, Margaret 0. — Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 NORTON, Charles Kliot. [See Dante Alighieri. NORTON, Hon. J; N.S.W, 1897.) Nev (L w. (Agricult. Gaz., ME 9 R eiation of Australasia. c, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 [Portrait an NORTON, Jol ductor of . Open Letter to Mr. Jo] ■>,//, Newspaper, alleged 1 oral Senate, &c. [See Sm -former, Candi- th, G. P.] M I" 5 s :. i Devon . Hiyhwavs and Bvwavs lustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1897. D 15 R 18 vs in Yorkshire, illustrated. 8vo. 1) 13 R 11 Office Packet Service, 1793-1815. B 16 S 15 NORWAY : -Government Departments— Reports and Pub- lications. Statutes. Lois fondanientales de Suede et de Norvege suivies de Facte d'union entre les deux royaumes. Stockholm, 1 867. F5P35 1.', 1899. v of the Post " Lond, 189.' Public Library of Neiv South Wales. NORWAY -KGL. NORSKE FREDERlKS UNI- VERSITET. De Norske Commuriers Retsforfatning for 1837; af T. H. Aschehoug. Roy. 8vo. Christi- ania, 1897. " F 19 8 26 t Om ApostolateN begreh og Oprindelse ; af Dr. 8. Odland. Roy. 8vo. Christiania, 1897. G 23 V 20 Universitets-Bibliothekets Aarbog, 1890-95. 6 vols, roy. 8vo. Christiana, 1891-97. E NOTCUTT, George Jarvis. The Factory and Workshop Acts, comprising all the laws now in force for the regulation of labour in Factories and Workshops. With Introduction, Explanatory Notes, Notes of Decided Cases, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1874. F 15 Q 19 NOTES AND QUERIES. Vol. l-9th ser., vol. 5, Nov., 1849-June, 1900, and Index, vol. l-8th ser. 107 vols. sin. 4to. Lond., 1850-1900. E NOTES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY from the Colonial point of view. [See "New Zealand Colonist,"] NOTTER, Dr. James Lane. Malta Fever. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 35 -, and FIRTH, Dr. Robert Hammill. The Theory and Practice of Hygiene: with l!ililio<;raphv. Roy. 8v Lond., 1896. * A 31 Q 22 NOTTINGHAM, Charles Howard, Earl of, formerly Baron Howard of Effingham, Lord Admiral of England. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Laughton, Prof. J. K— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 NOUY, A. Lecomte du. [See Lecomte du Nouy, A.] at Di'jifirtmenfs— Reports and if Nova Scotia. 5th NOVA SCOTIA:— ( Publications. Statutes. The Revised Statu t< ser. 8vo. Halifax, 1884. F 1 £ "NOVALIS." [See Hardenberg, Fricdrieh von.] NOVELLO, Mary. [See Clarke, Mary Cowden-.] NOVIKOFF, Mine. Olga, "O.K." Russia and England from 1876-80: a Protest and an Appeal. With a Preface by J. A. Fronde. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 3 R 10 Reflections of a Russ seff, K. P.] [See Pobyec 23 P 35 NOWELL, Edwin Craddock. Local Industries. [See Hull, H. M.— Practical Hints to Emigrants intending to proceed to Tasmania.] M D 2 P 9 NOYES, Alexander Dana. Thirty Years of American Finance : a short Financial Memory of the Govern- ment and People of the United States since the Civil War, 1865-96. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 15 R 19 NUGENT, Robert, Earl. Memoir of, with Letters, Poems, and Appendices ; bv Claude Nugent. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " C 25 R 6 NUM B ER ONE, April, 1 8 G 1 . Edited by "A. Pendragon " (George Isaacs). 8vo. Adelaide, 1861. MJ 3 T 11 NUNEZ, Capt. Severo Gomez. The Spanish- American War: Blockades and Coast Defense. [See United States.— Office of Naval Intelligence.] B 40 Q 1 NUNN, Capt. Joshua Arthur. Notes on Stable Manage- ment in India and the Colonies 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 28 P 11 "NUNQUAM." [See Blatchford, R.] NUTT, Alfred. Essays upon the Irish Vision of the Happy Otherworld. and the Celtic Doctrine of Rebirth. [See Meyer, Dr. K.— The Voyage of Bran.] B 36 P 10 NUTTALL, William. Cooperative Share Capital : should it be transferable or withdrawable? 12mo. Man- chester, 1872. F 12 S 20 NUTTALL, Zelia. The Atlatl or Spear-thrower of the ancient Mexicans. [See Peabody Museum.] A 41 P 14 Standard or Head-dress? an Historical Essav on a relic of ancient Mexico. [See Peabody Museum.] A 41 P 14 NYNGAN OBSERVER, Bogan River and District Repre- sentative, from vol. 10, 1898. Fol. Nyngan, 1898. ME NYS, Prof. Ernest. Etudes de Droit International et de Droit Politique. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. F 1 U 23 Etudes sur lea Priucipes du Droit International. [See Westlake, J.] F 1 U 15 Recherches sur l'Histoire de l'Eeonomie Politique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. F 10 S 6 Researches in the History of Economics. Translated by N. F. and A. R, Dryhurst. 8vo. Lond., 1899. FIGS 8 Les Th6ories Politiques et le Droit International en lM-aneejUs.juVail8esic.-le. 2nd ed. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. F 16 T 21 O., A. J. A Colonist's Plea for Land Nationalisation. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MF 5 T i 0., R. [See O'Reilly, T. J.] OAKES, A. H. A Teacher Taught. (Matthews, J. B.— Comedies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P 6 OAKES, Augustus H, and 8TREATFEILD, Frederick H. T. Complete Collection of the Treaties and Con- ventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present sub- sisting between Creat Britain and Foreign Powers. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Treaties.] F 16 Q 3 Supplem en tary Cat a log ue — 1896-1900. OAK i:s, G. Spencer. Round and About : Recollections of the Bush. Roy. 8vo. Bathurst, 1896. MD 8 T 1 OAK KS, Leslie M. Ben Tillett's Fortune. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MJ3P41 Oal.-iiaw Annual of New South Wales, 1897. [See Shaw, J.] ME15P OAK ESHOTT, J. F. Humanizing of the Poor Law. [See Fabian Soc— Fabian Tracts, 54.] F 19 R 15 OAKLEY, W. J., and SMITH, G. O. The Association ( ;ainc of Football. (Shearman, M.— Football. ) A 29 S 39 OAKSHAW ANNUAL. [-See Shaw, J.] ME 15 P OATES, Eugene W. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat. Hist.] A 38 P 12 OBACH, Dr. Eugene F. A. Cantor Lectures on Gutta- percha. Illust. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A41S12 OBEB AMMERGAU PASSION PLAY. [See Stead, W. T.] G 23 V 19 O'BR I EN, Joseph. The Argument from Design. (Mel- bourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q En-Hsu Institutions and the Irish Race. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME18Q O'BRIEN, R. Barry. Life of Charles Stewart Parnell. [See Parnell, C. S.] C 23 T 12, 13 O'BR TEN, Thomas Rogers. Solicitors' Book-keeping. Svq. Melb., 1897. MA 3 W 27 OBSERVATORY, The : a Monthly Review of Astrqnainy. Vols. 122, 1877-99. 22 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-99. E OBSERVER TURF GUIDE FOR SOUTH AUS- TRALIA, 1878-83. 4 vols. 1 -Jmo. Adelaide, 1880- MA5P1-4 O'CALLAGHAX, Michael Angelo. Bacteriology in rela- : i m to Dairying. (Agr. Gaz, N.S.W, 1898.) ME 9 R Breeds of Cattle suited to Dairy-farming. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R B.a ine Tuberculosis. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898,) ME 9 R Dairy Bacteriology. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W, 1899.) ME 9 R Dairy Breeds and Milk Tests. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 II Dairying in New South Wales. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME9R Improvement of New South Wales Stock. (Agricult. ('as., N.S.W., 1898-99.) ME 9 R The Kerry Cow. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W, 1897.) ME 9 R Lactic Acid Ferment. (Agr. Ga?, N.S.W., 1899.) ME9 R O'CALLAGHAN Michael Angelo— contd. Lessons from the second State Butter Show. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Management of Dairy Cattle. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Pleuro-pneumonia in Dairy Herds. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Recent work with Tuberculin and Tuberculous Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Separated Milk as a Food for Calves. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R A Year's Experience of our Imported Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R OCCLEVE, Thomas. Works. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E OCEAN HIGHWAYS. [See Geographical Magazine.] OCHOROWICZ, Dr. J. Mental Suggestion; with a Preface by C. Richet, Translated by J. Fitzgerald. 8vo. New York, 1891. G 18 R 61 OCKERBY, Hora< Haydn, J.] The Book of Dignities. [See K9 V3 OCKLEY, Dr. Frederick. Mutual Aid and Cooperation in Agriculture. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U O'CLERY, Harry. Facing the Zulus. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 O'CONNOR, D. Fish Acclimatisation in Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T Fish Culture and Acclimatisation. (Queensland Agri- cult. .bairn., 1897.) ME 9 U Report on Preservation of Ceratodus. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) • ME 1 T O'CONNOR, Henry. The Gas Engineer's Hand-book, comprising Tables, Notes, and Memoranda relating to the Manufacture, Distribution, and use of Coal Gas, and the Construction of Gas-works. L3lljO. Lond., 1 898 A 22 P 50 O'CONNOR, Thorn Lynch, Arthui is Power. Character Sketch of. [See -Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 [Lifeof]Napoleo i. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 22 T 13 O'CONOR, Rev. le'ir'l istorvVi Literature and Work in ,. Lond, 1898. A 28 P 36 O'CURRY, Prof. E igene. Lectures on the MS. Materials of ncient Irish History. 8vo. Dublin, 1861. B 34 T 1 mers and Customs of the Ancient Irish. Edited, ill, .•!,. Introduction, Ac, bv W. K. Sullivan. 3 vols. vo. Lond, 1873. B 34 T 2-4 Public Library of Netc South Wales. ODELL, George Clinton Densmore. Simile and Metaphor in the English and Scottish Ballads. 8vo. New York, 1892. H 12 U 20 ODGERS, James. The Cooperative Insurance Co., Ltd., for the Fire and Life Insurance and Fidelity Guaran- tee in connection with Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manchester, 1895. F 13 V 41 ODGERS, William Blake. The Federation of our Aus- tralian Colonies. (New Century Review, Oct., 1897.) E Local Government. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 28 An Outline of the Law of Libel. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 Q 15 ODLAND, Dr. Sigurd. Om Apostolatets hegreb og Op- rindelse. [See Norway — Det Kgl. Norske Frederiks Universitet.] G 23 V 20 ODLING, Prof. William. Chemistry of Potable Water. (In- termit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 Chemical Method, Notation, Classification, and Nomen- clature. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T 5 O'DONAHUE, T. A. Colliery Surveying: a Primer designed for the use of Students and Colliery Manager aspirants. Must. 12mo. Lond., 189G. A 25 P 44 O'DONOGHUE, David J. Life of William Carleton. [See Carleton, William.] C 20 S 1, 2 Life and Writings of J. C. Mangan. [See Mangan, J. C] C25Q11 Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. [See Carleton, William.] J 14 IT 10-13 O'DONOVAN, Denis. Analytical and Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Parliament of Queensland. [See Queensland Parliamentary Library.] Cat. Room O'DOWD, Bernard Patrick. Digest of Australasian Min- ing Cases. [See Eagleson, J. G.] MF 5 R 5 Local Government Acts. [See MacHugh, A.] MF 5 Q 23 OEMLER, Dr. A. Truck-farming at the South : a Guide to the Raising of Vegetables for Northern Markets. Newed. Must. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 19 RIO OERSTED, Hans Christian. Memoir of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1868.] E One Mind in Nature. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 OFFER, Paul. Fortune-telling by Cards : seven Systems. 18mo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 IT 42 OFFICER, Graham, and HOGG, Evelyn G. The Geology of Coimaidai. Pts. 1, 2. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1897.) ME IP "VFLANAGAN, James Roderick. The Munster Circuit : Tales, Trials, and Traditions. 8vo. Lond., 1880. J 14 U 26 OGILBY, J. Douglas. Additions to the Fauna of Lord Howe Island. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Australian Eleotrinse. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896-97.) ME 2 P Australian Ichthyology. (Linnean Soc. N.S.W., Proa, 1899.) ME 2 P Descriptions of two new genera and species of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Galaxias from Mount Kosciusko. (Linnean Soc. N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P The genus Aphritis, C.V. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Larval Teleost from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Monograph of the A list ralian .Marsipohranchii. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P New family of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P New genera and species of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P New genera and species of Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897-98.) ME 2 P New genus and species of Fishes from Maroubra Bay. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Some Tasmanian Fishes. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q A Trachypterus from New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P Two new genera and specie's of Fishes from Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Zoology of New Caledonia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W. Proc, 1897.) ME 2 P OGILVIE, A. J. Third Factor of Production, and other Essays ; with an Introductory Note bv A. R. Wallace. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 30 OGILVIE, Will H. Fair Girls and Gray Horses, with other Verses. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MH 1 P 80 OGILVIE, William. Extracts from the Report of an Ex- ploration made in 1896-97. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 22 Lecture on the Klondike Mining District. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. A 34 V 21 Lecture on the Yukon Gold-fields. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. A 33 S 36 OGILVY, Margaret. [See Barrie, Margaret.] OGLE, John J. The Free Library : its History and pre sent condition. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Library ser.) J 14 R 27 lal. [See Fovargue, H. W.] J 5 T 37 Supplemental*!/ Catalogue — 1896-1900. 453 OGLE, Dr. William. Aristotle on Youth and Old Age. [See Aristoteles.] A 32 R 32 O'GORMAN, Prof. Thomas. History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. 8vo. New Y-.rk, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 1G O'HARA, John Ber Lyrics of Nature. 8vo. Melb., I 899. MH 1 W 4 OHIO : — State Departments —Ilqiorta and Publications. Annual Reports. Annual Reports, 189G. 3 vols. 8vo. Norwalk, 1897. E Auditor. Annual Report, 1898. 8vo. Columbus, 1899. E jorts. 1874, 1896. Building and Loan Associations. Annua 1895-96. 2 vols. 8vo. Norwalk, 1896-97. Bureau of Svo. C Labor Statistics. Ai olumbus, 1892. nual Report, 1891. E Commissioner of Common Schools. Annual Repc 1897. 8vo. Norwalk, 1897. rt, E Insurance all Insu do busi Department. Summary ranee Companies other th less in Ohio, 1896. Svo. of the standing in Life authorized Norwalk, 1897. of to E andCoc in Ohio jf the standing of all Life 1896. 8vo. Norwalk, Insurance Compai lorized to do busin L897. E Secretary of State. Annual Reports. 1896-97. 2 vo Svo. Norwalk, 1897-98. Statutes, General and Local Acts passed and joint res lutions adopted by the 73rd General Assembly, Jai . 93. Columbus, 1898. OHLY, C. H. Manual of German Composition; with Passages for translation arranged progressively, and Macaulay's " Frederic the Great " in extracts. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 12 P 47 OH NET, Georges. Dr. Rameau. Translated by Mrs. < lashel I [oey. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 25 Q 33 A bast Love. Translated by Albert I). Vandam. 12mo. bond., 1892. J 25Q34 slated by F. Rot Love's Depths. Lond., 1899. A Weird Gift, Translated by All: ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. O'KELLY, Alphonse. Comte. Notice t Verre en lJelgiM (>N I). Thomas Stewart. The R< Edihb., 1900. (Periods of Eun OXCE A MONTH: ah Illustrated Vols. 1-1, July, 1884-June, If ONDERDONK i Lit.) J 27 Q 11 s M ii "Noi hd I OKE HORSE CITY, The. O'NEILL, Henry. Fine Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland. Illust. Imp.Svo. Lond., 1803, A 35 AY 20 O'NEILL, I. R. Aletlie ; or, Light through the Shadow of Death. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 10 T 5 ONO, Dr. Yeijiro. The Industrial Transition in Japan. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 15 ONTARIO : — Government Departments — Reports and Pub lications. Agricultural College and Experiment Farm. Re- ports, 1889-95, 1897. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1890- 98. E Archaeological Museum. Report, 1894-95. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1896. E Department of Agriculture. Annual Report of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union, 1897. 8vo. Toronto, 1898. E Reports, 1892, 1894-97. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1893-98. E Statutes. Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, 1897 : being a consolidation of the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1877, 1887, with the subsequent Public Acts of the Legis- lature of Ontario. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1887- 97. E Statutes, 1898-1900. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1898- 1900. E ONTARIO DAIRYMEN'S AND CREAMERIES' AS- SOCIATIONS. Reports, 1892, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1893-94. E ONTARIO FARMERS' INSTITUTES. Report, 1892. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. E ONTARIO FRUITGROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Re- ports, 1885-92. 8 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1885-93. E OPEN COURT, The 1, Nos. 1-11, July Sept., MJ 10 Q 29 t nd his Works. [See Rogers, J. .1 , J. J.] A45T OIM'FNIIFI.M, M. History of the Administration of the Royal Navy and of .Merchant Shipping in relation to the Navy, from 1509-1060; with an Introduction treating on the preceding period. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond.,' 1896. F12T26 Naval Accounts and Inventories. [See Navy Records Soc, 7.] E Public Library of New South Wales. OPPENHEIM, Dr. Nathan. Development of the Child. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 33 P 39 OPPOLZER, Dr. Theodore d'. Traite de la Determina- tion des Orbites des Cometes et des Planetes. Edition Francaise publiee d'apres la deuxieme edition alle- mande par Ernest Pasquier. Vol. 1 (all published in French). Hoy. 8vo. Paris, 188C. A 10 W 1G t ORAM, Henry J. The Marine Steam-engine. [See Sen- nett, R.] A 13 U 9 ORANGE LEADER and Millthorpe Messenger, 1899. Fol. Orange, 1889. ME ORBELIANT, Sulkham Saba. Book of Wisdom and Lies. Translated, with Notes, by O. Wardrop. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (Kelmscott Press.) J 19 P 1 J ORCHARD, Dr. Thomas N. The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 19 V 19 ORCHARDSON, William Quiller. Art of. [See Port- folio.— Monographs, 11.] E [Sketch of the Work of.] [See Monkhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] .V It W 1 ORD, Dr. William Miller. Myxcedema. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 , and William Wallis. Sporadic Cretinism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 ■ , and MACKENZIE, Dr Hector. Diseases of the Thyroid Gland. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Grave's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 37 ORDE, L. Bohemian Life. [See Mttrger, H.J B 20 R 12 ORDERLY BOOK OF THE NORTHERN ARMY at Ticonderoga and Mt, Independence, from Oct. 17th, 1776-Jan. 8th, 1777. With Biographical and Ex- planatory Notes and an Appendix. Sm. 4to. Albany, 1859. B 28 T 17 ORDISH, T. Fairman. Shakespeare's London : a Study of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 23 P 14 O'REILLY, Lieut.-Col. A. A. Petition of. [See Cape of Good Hope.— Petition of Lieut.-Col. O'Reilly.] F 1 S 12 " O'REILLY, Miles." [See Halpine, C. G.] O'REILLY, T. Definitions of Socialism, Capital, Capital- ist, Single Tax, and other information from various leading Political Economists and Prominent Reform- ers. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 4 Q 55 O'REILLY, Thomas John, "R.O." Half-a-dozen attempts at Versification. 18mo. Sydney, 1886. MH 1 P 10 " O'RELL, Max." [See Blouet, P.] ORFORD, H. Lens Work for Amateurs. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 23 P 8 ORIENTAL HERALD and Journal of General Literature [formerly Oriental Herald and Colonial Review]. Vols. 1-16, 18, 20, Jan., 1824-March, 1828, July-Sept, 1828, Jan.-March, 1829. 18 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1824- 29. J 21 S 1-16, 18, 20 ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND. Chronicles of Jerahmeel. [See Caster, M.] (! 25 R 2 ORLEANS, Elisabeth-Charlotte, Princess Palatine, d'. Correspondence of. [See Wormolev, Katharine Prescott.] C 25 S 19 ORLEANS, Henri Philippe Marie, Prince d'. From Tonkin to India by the sources of the Irawadi, Jan, 1895-Jan, 1896. Translated by H. Bent. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1898. D 13 V 9 ORLEANS, Louis Albert Philippe d', Comte de Paris. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 ORMEROD, Eleanor A. Hand-book of Insects injurious to Orchard and Bush Fruits, with Means of Preven- tion and Remedy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 20 U 32 Report of Observations of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests, 1879-99, with Methods of Prevention and Remedy ; and General Index, by R. Newstead, 1897-98. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1879-1900. E ORMEROD, George Wareing. Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings, and Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. [See Geolog. Sou. of Lond.] E ORMEROD, Dr. Joseph Arderne. Epidemic Cerebro- spinal Meningitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. 0.— System of Medicine.) " A 26 T 34 Hysteria. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 1 1 .1 MOTT, Dr. Frederick Walker. Tabes (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 ORMIN. The Onnulum ; with Notes and Glossary of Dr. R. M. White. Edited by Rev. R. Holt. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1878. H 13 T 6, 7 ORMULUM, The. [See Ormin.] H 13 T 6, 7 ORPHEUM SONGSTER, The. Nos. 1, 2. 12mo Sydney, 1899. Mill U 83 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 457 ORPHEUS. [Opera.] [See Poefce Giwci.] H 17 U 12 f OKI!. Rev. James. Neglected Factors in the Study of the Early Progress of Christianity. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 23 P50 ORR, M. A. Southern Stars : a Guide to the Constella- tions visible in the Southern Hemisphere. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 19 P 19 ORSI, Prof. Pietro. Modern Italy, 1748-1898. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Story of the Nations.) B 26 S 20 OSB< )RN, E. B. Greater Canada : the Past, Present, and Future of the Canadian North-west. With Map. *vo. Lond., 1900. B 24 Q 25 OSBORN, E. H. Reports upon Conditions of Work in Flax Mills and Linen Factories. [See (it. Brit, and Ireland.— Flax Mills and Linen Factories.] F 39 V 9 { OSl!< )RN, Prof. Herbert. The Hessian Fly in the United Slates. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult— I >iv. of Entomology.] A 39 Q 20 Insects affecting Domestic Animals. [See United States. Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology.] A 36 V 24 The Pediculi and Mallophaga affecting man and the lower animals. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Entomology.] A 37 S 5 OSBORNE, Duffield. Surf and Surf-bathing. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 OSBOURNE, Lloyd. The Wrecker. [See Stevenson, It. L.] J 24 U 20 OSGOOD, Herbert Levi. Socialis Boston, 1889. O'SHANASSY, Sir John. [Sketch of] ; by W. H. Archer. ( Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q OSLi: It, Dr. William. Malarial Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. ' C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 35 Principles and Practice of Medicine. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 26 A' 2 OSMOND, Sophie. S OSS, S. F. van. The Westralian Mining "Boom." (Nine- teenth Century, Nov., 1896.) E OSSA, Jose Gregorio. Numa y Pompilio : juguete comico en un Acto i en Verso. 12mo, Santiago, 1889. H 11 Q 2 1 OSSIAN. Poems. Translated by J. Macpherson, to which are prefixed a preliminary Discourse, and Dis- sertations on the vEra and Poems of Ossian. 18mo. Lond., 1807. H 12 P 16 [Essay on] the Poems of. [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 OSSINGTON, John E\ from my Journal wl mons. With Portrait in, Viscount. Notes >f the House of Com- Lond.,1900. F17P18 OSSOLI, Sarah Margaret Fuller, Marchesa d'. [Life of] ; by T. W. Higginson. 14th ed. With Portr. 8vo. Boston, 1898. (American Men of Letters.) C19T23 OSTKRBERG, Max. Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 21 V 36 Thermodynamics. {See Pupin, Dr. M. L] A 25 R 35 OSTRANDER, D. Social Growth and Stability. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. F 10 V 2 OSTWALD, Prof. Wilhehn. Outlines of General Chemis- try. Translated by J. Walker. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 41 R 15 The Scientific Foundations of Analytical Chemistry treated in an Elementary Manner. Translated by Dr. G. M'Gowan. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 It 41 O'SULLIVAN, Vincent. The Green Window. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 4 U 1 OSWELL, William Cotton. William Cotton Oswell, Hunter and Explorer: History of his Life; by his Son. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 T 7, 8 OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DIRECTORY. Stone's Otago and Southland Directory and New Zealand Annual, 1891. 8vo. Dunedin, 1891. ME 12 R OTT, Prof. Carl von. The Elements of Graphic Statics. Translated by Major G. S. Clarke. 12ino. Lond. 1895. A 25 It 19 "OTT1LTE." [See Freidmann, <>.] OTTLEY, Robert Lawrence. Aspects of the ()ld Testa- Lecturas.) [Life of] Bishop And Bishop.] OTTOFY, Dr. Louis. Compendium of Dentistry for the use of Students and Practitioners. [See Parreidt, Dr. J.] A 32 S 24 OTTOLENGU1, Dr. ltodrigues. Methods of Filling Teeth : an Exposition of Practical .Methods which will enable the Student and Practitioner of Dentistry suc- cessfully to prepare and till all Cavities in Human Teeth. Illust, 8vo. Philad., 1892. A 32 S 3u Public Library of New Smith WalvH. OTWAY, fit. Hon. Sir Arthur. Autobiography and Journals of Admiral Paget. [See Paget, Adm. Lord Clarence K] C 22 Q 13 17th Century Studies.] OUDIN, Maurice A. Standard Polyphase Apparatus and Systems. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 S 3 OUDINOT, Marshal Nicolas Charles, Due de Reggio. Memoirs of, compiled from the hitherto unpublished souvenirs of the Duchess de Reggio by Gaston Sticgler, and now first translated into English by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 8vo. Lond.,' 1896. C 21 U 13 "OUIDA." [See Ramee, Mile. L. de la.] OULTON, W. School Savings Banks. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 OUR ALMA MATER. Edited by Students of St. Ignatius' College, Riverview, Sydney. 1886-87, 1890, 1893-Juhe, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. and sm. 4 to. Sydney, 1886-99. ME 15 Q Ot/R -CELEBRITIES: an Art Annual of Australian Favorites. No. 1. With Portraits. 4to. Sydney, 1895. MA 4 V 10 OUR CHURCHES, and why we belong to them. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 U 37 OUR ENGLISH MINSTERS. 1st and 2nd ser. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 9, 10 OUR INHERITANCE IN THE HILLS. [See Suther- land, G.] MD 6 R 8 OUR NATIONAL CATHEDRALS ; their History and Architecture from their Foundation to Modern Times Illustrated. Vols. 2 and 3. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1888-89. A 19 V 5, 6 OUR NATIONALITIES. Who are the English ? [See Bonwick, J.] A 27 P 1 1 Who are the Irish ? .[See Bonwick, J.] A 27 P 8 Who are the Scotch ? [See Bonwick, J.] A 27 P 9 Who are the Welsh ? [See Bonwick, J.] A 27 P 10 OUR QUEEN: Life and Times of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Empress of India, ihi>'!/ Catalogue— 1896-MQO. m ( ) WE X , Ren-. John W. Words of Warning : three Sermons pitched in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Ade- laide. 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. MG 2 U 7 OWE X, Sir Richard. Biographical Notice of Sir R. Owen. [ See Flower, Sir W. H— Essays on Museums.] A 1 1 R 1 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 OWEN", Robert. Loud., 1854. Addr. llui i Rae F 4 R 32 Development of the Principles and Plans on which to establish self-supporting Home Colonies as a most -■■■.■lire and profitable investment for capital, and an i il'ectual means permanently to remove the causes of ignorance, poverty, and crime, and most materially to !. nefit all classes of society by giving a right applica- tion to the now greatly misdirected powers of the human faculties and of physical and moral science. 4to. Lond., 1841. F7T2 Essays on the Forma' Lond., 1840. Great Preliminary Meeting, in which by his previo wrtisements Mr. Owen had announced that the millennial state of human existence should < with his reasons prefixed for calling these meetings. xvo. Lond., 1855. F 4 R 33 Inauguration of the Millennium. 8vo. Lond., 1855. F 4 R 34 Letters to the Human Race on the coming Universal Involution. 18mo. Lond., 1850. E 12 S 15 New Existence of Man upon the Earth. 6 Mils. 8vo. Lond., 1854-55. F 4 R 25-30 Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human I bice. 18mo. Lond., 1850. E 12 S 1G Six Lectures on Charity. 12iuo. Lond. (md.) F4 U 34 Supplement to the Revolution in Mind and Practice of the Human Race, also a copy of the Original Memorial winch was presented to the Sovereigns assembled in Congress at Aix-le-Chapelle in 1818, from the Author of this Work, showing the correctness of ' ' Med ; pro- 1 by subs .pien ulnel lelivered to the Socialists of Ion, 1849. 8vo. Lond., 1849. V t R 31 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Testimony of A. Combe in favour of Robert Owen's New V iews of Man and Society. [See Combe, A.] CI 8 P 25 OWEN, Robert Dale. Discussion on the Existence of God. [See Bachelor, O.] G 15 U 24 DXHERRY, William. Flowers of Literature: consisting of Selections from History, Biography, Poetry, and Romance, Jeux d'esprit, Traditionary Relics, and Kssavs. With Translations from approved authors. 2nded. 12ino. Lond., 1824. J 2.6 Q 1-4 OXENHAM, Rev. Frank Nutcombe. The Validity uf Papal Claims. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 4 OXFORD, Bishop of. [See Stubbs, W.] OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. [See Murray, J. A. H] OXFORD ENGLISH PRIZE ESSAYS. New ed. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1836. J 7 S 22-26 OXFORD SONGSTER, 12mo. Sydney, 1900. MH 1 U 84 OXFORD UNIVERSITY. Calendars. 1838-1900. 65 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1838-99. E OXFORD UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HISTORIES. Lincoln. [See Clark, Rev. A.] B 2a V 1 PACKARD, Dr. Alpheus Spring. Text-book of Ento- mology, including the Anatomy, Physiology, Embry- ology, and Metamorphoses of Insects, for use in Agri- cultural and Technical Schools and Colleges, as well as by the Working Entomologist. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. ' A 41 R 9 PACKARD, Dr. Frederick A. Cholera Morbus, Cholera, Cholera Infantum, and Dysentery. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Diabetes Mellitus. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practi cal Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 PACKARD, Dr. John H. Oral Surgery. (Litclt, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 PACKER, F. A. Song : For Evermore. Sin. fob Syd- ney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 f PACKINGTON, Stratford. The New Menstruum. [See Cope, D.] MG 2 R 59 PADDY LONG'S Budget of Topical Songs. [See Long, p.] M.J 2 P 30 t PAGE, Charles A. Letters of a War Correspondent; by J. R. Gilmore. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1899. B 41 P 14 PAGEAJTT, The, 1896-97. Edited by C. Hazel wood Shan- non and J. W. Gleeson White. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. [All pnhKshnl'] L J 28 V 3, 4 PAGES, Pierre Marie Francois, Vicomte de. Travels round the World in the years 1767-71. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1792-93. D 17 S 23-25 Public Library of New South Wales. PAGES FROM A PRIVATE DIARY. [See Beeching, Rev. H. C] C 26 P 3 PAGET, Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur. The Paget Papers : Dip- lomatic and other Correspondence, 1791-1807. Ar- ranged and edited by his son. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 3, 4 PAGET, Hon. Berkeley Thomas. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 PAGET, Admiral the Hon. Sir Charles. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt, Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 PAGET, Dr. Charles Edward. Healthy Schools. (Internat, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 17 PAGET, Adm. Lord Clarence Edward. Autobiography and Journals. Edited by the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Otway. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 13 PAGET, General the Hon. Sir Edward. Portrait of. [See ■ Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 17 4 PAGET, Francis, Dean of Christ Church. Introduction to the Fifth Book of " Hooker's Treatise of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity." 8vo. Oxford, 1899. G 1 P 22 PAGET, II. H. State Aid to Agricultural Science. (In- ternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 PAGET, Stephen. Experiments on Animals ; with an In- troduction by Lord Lister. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 It 5 Ambroise Pare and his Times, 1510-90. [See Pare, A.] C 23 U 1 John Hunter, Man of Science and Surgeon, 1728-93. [See Hunter, J.] C 23 R 10 PAGET, Violet, "Vernon Lee." Limbo, and other Essays. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 P 31 Ottilie. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 25 Q 28 Renaissance Fancies and Studies: being a Sequel to "Euphorion." 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 S 24 PAINE, J. Pictorial Photographs of the most popular and interesting Scenery of New South Wales. Ob. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 P 29 PAINE, John Knowles, THOMAS, Theodore, and KLAUSER, Karl. Famous Composers and their Works. Illustrated. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1895. C 13 S 13-16 t PAINE, Thomas. Writings, collected and edited by Moncure Daniel Conwav. Vol.4. Svo. New York, 1896. J6T25 PARES, Dr. Walter C. C. Science of Hygiene Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond, 1900. A 45 U 28 PAL/EOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions. Edited by E. A. Bond, E. M. Thompson, and G. F. Warner. Nos. 1-13, and vols. 1, 2, 2nd ser. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1873-94. J 48 P 4-7 \ Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions (Oriental Series)- Edited by W. Wright, Pts. 1-8. Fol. Lond., 1875-83. J 48 P 3 + PAL.EONTOGRAPHICA. Biinde 1-41. 44 vols. 4to. Stuttgart, 1851-95. E PA LJEONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Heraus- gegeben von W. Dames und E. Kavser. Band 6. 4 to. Jena, 1892-94. E G, pt, 1. Die oberen Kreidebildungen dor Uingelnmg des Lago di Santa Croce in den Venetianer Alpen; von K. Futterer. 2. Ueber Aepyornis ; von R. Burckhardt. 3. Beitriige zur Kcimtniss dcr l-'auna dor Kreidefor- niation von Hokkaido ; von Kotora Jiml)o. 4. Die Chelonier der Norddeutschen Tertiiirforma- tion ; von W. Dames. PALATINE NOTE-BOOK, The. Vols. 1-4, 1881-84. Illustrated. 4 vols. 4to. Manchester, 1881-84. B 24 U 1-4 PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. Archaeological Researches in Palestine, 1873-74, by Dr. Charles Clermont-Ganneau; with numerous Illustrations from Drawings made on the spot by A. Lecomte du Noiiy. Translated by John Macfarlane and Aubrey Stewart. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1896-99. B 13 V 16, 17 t Quarterly Statements, 1869-99, and Index to 1869-92. 31 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869-99. E Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 1865-95 ; by Sir Walter Besant, 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 28 R 9 PALEY, Frederick Apthorp. vEschyli quae supersunt omnia. [See vEschylus.] H 4 V 17, 18 PALEY, William. Law and Practice of Summary Con- victions under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, 1848- 84, including Proceedings preliminary and subsequent to Convictions, and the responsibility of convicting Magistrates and their officers; with the Summary Jurisdiction Rules, 1886, and Forms; by Walter H. MacNamara. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 9 P 27 PALGRAVE, Rev. Francis Milnes Temple. Words and Phrases in every-day use in Hetton-le-Hole, Durham. [See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 74.] E PALGRAVE, Francis Turner. The Golden Treasury, selected from the best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English -Language, and arranged with Notes. 2nd ser. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H 1 1 P 40 Journals and Memories of the Life of; by G. F. Pal- grave. WithPortr. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 It 15 Landscape in Poetry, from Homer to Tennyson, with many illustrative examples. Svo. Lond., 1897. H 1 1 T 'l Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. PAT,< : 1 ! A V K, Mary E. Pictorial Geography of the British Isles. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888. D 21 P 7 t PAL( : 1 1 AVE, Sir Reginald F. D. The Chairman's Hand- book. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 15 P 48 Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. [See May, Sir T. E.j F 9 V 'JO PALO HAVE, Robert Harry Inglis, F.R.S. Dictionary of Political Economy. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-99, F 7 S 28, 29 PALL MALL MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-21, May, 1893- Aug, 1900. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-1900. E PALLISER, F. W. The Irish Rebellion of 1796. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 29 R 16 PALMER, A. II. Life and Letters of Samuel Palmer. [See Palmer, S.] C 21 T 19 Life of Joseph Wolf, Animal Painter. [See Wolf, J. I C 22 Q 1 PALMER, E. Davidson. The rightly-produced Voice: a Presentation of Facts and Arguments in support of a new theory of Voice-production. 12mo. Lond., LS97. A 23 P 45 PALMER, Prof. Edward Henry. History of the Jewish Svo. Nation from the Earliest Time's to the Present Hay. Illustrated. Lond. (n.d.) B 28 Q 6 PALMER, Frank Loomis. The Wealth of Labour. 8vo. New York, 1894. F 10 V 4 PALMER, Maj.-Gen. H. S. Letters from the Land of the Rising Sun, 1886-92. Imp. 8vo. Yokohama, .1894. B 15 S 15 f PALMER, Henry Spencer. Sinai from the fourth Egyptian 1 >ynasty to the Present Day. New ed., revised by Prof. A. H. Sayce. 12mo. Lond., 1892. (Ancient History from the Monuments.) B 27 P 11 PALMER, Rev. J. Dictionary of the Language of Mota. [See Codrington, Rev. R. H] MJ 3 V 2 PALMER, John. [Sketch of.] (New South Wales Mag., ' .Jan, 1834.) ME 3 Q PALMER, John. From Sebastopol to Lucknow. (Small, 13. M. Told from the Ranks.) 15 21 S 4 PALMER, Roundel], Earl of Selborne. [See Selborne, Earl of.] PALMER, Dr. S. 15. Electro-Chemical Relations of Stop- pings to the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W F- American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 PALMER, Samuel. Index to The Times Newspaper. [See Times, The.] E PALMER, Samuel, Painter. Life and Letters of ; by A. H. Palmer. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1892. C 21 T 19 PALMER, T. H. Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Cold. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MA 2 R 56 PALMER, Dr. T. S. Jack Rabbits of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 55 PALMER, W. J. Report on Fruitgrowing. [See New Zealand. -Agricult,] MA 3 R 81 PALMERSTON, Henry John Temple, Viscount, [Por- trait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston. [See Marx, K.] F 15 P 40 PALTOCK, Robert. Life and Adventures of Peter Wil- kins ; with a Preface by A. H. Bullen. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1884. J 23 P 42, 43 PAMBULA VOICE, Oct, 1897-Dec, 1898. Fol. Pam- bula, 1897-98. ME PAMELY, Caleb. Colliery Manager's Hand-book : a com- prehensive Treatise on the Laying-out and Working of Collieries. 4th ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1898. A 41 S 14 PAMMEL, L. H. Notes on Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 PAMPHLET LIBRARY. Religious Pamphlets [lleprinU]. [Ste Deanner, Rev. P.] G 23 Q 32 PAN-AMERICAN MEDICAL CONGRESS. Transac- tions, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash, 1895. E PANABOKKE, Hon. T. B. Meghaduta. [See Kalidasa.] PANORAMA, Le. Le Louvre et le Luxembourg. Illus- trated. Ob. 4to. Paris (n.d.) A 19 S 2 t Merveilles de France, Belgique, Suisse, Algerie, et Tunisie. Ob. 4to. Paris (n.d.) A 19 S 1 f Salon. Illustrated. 2 vols. ob. 4to. Paris, 1896-97. A 19 S 3, 4 f PANTALEONI, Prof. Maffeo. Pure Economics. Trans- lated by T. B. Bruce. 8vo. Lond, 1898. F 3 R 25 PANTON, J. A. A few Days Ashore in West Kimberly. of Australasia, Vict, Branch, ME 20 P Possessions : their Resources, ension. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch. Trans,' 1899.) ME 20 P Probable River System of portion of N.W. Australia, and suggested further search for Leichhardt. (Roy. Ceograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict, Branch, Trans, 1885-86.) ME 20 P Public Library of New South Wales. PAJIE, Ambroise. Ambroise Pare and his Times, 1510- 90; by 8. Paget. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. C 23 U 1 PARETO Vilfredo. Le Protectionnisme en Ttalie: ses Resultats. 8vo. Paris, 1891. F 17 P 7 PARTS, Louis. Le Poetique Francaise au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. [See Hecq, G.] HI U 3 PARIS, Matthew. Appendix ad Rogeri de Wendover Floyes Historiarum. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 18 PARIS. Aeademie des Sciences. [See Academic.] Aeademie Nationale, Journal. [See Aeademie Nationale.] Societe d' Anthropologic de Paris. [See Societe.] Societe de Geographic. [See Societe.] PARIS AND VIENNE. Thystorye of the Noble Ryght Valyaunt and Worthy Knyght Pans, and of the fayr Vyenne, the Daulphyns Daughter of Vyennoys. From the unique copy printed by William Caxton in the year 1485 ; with a Preface, Glossary, and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1868. (lloxburgho Lib.) J 2 T 29 PARIS SALON. Illustrated Catalogue, 1881-91, 1897- 1900. 18 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1881-1900. E The Salon, 1892, 1891-1900: Plates, Photogravures, and Etchings. With English Text. 8 vols. sin. fol. Paris, 1892-19(10. E PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports des Membres des Jurys, des Delegucs et des Ouvriers sur l'Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1878. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1879-80. K 9 S 18-23 PARISH, Edmund. Hallucinations and Illusions: a Study of the Fallacies of Perception. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 18 P 43 PARK, Archibald. Animal and Vegetable Parasites asso- ciated with the. production of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S General Report by A. Park, Government Veterinarian, New Zealand. [See New Zealand. — Agr.]MA 3 R 80 PARK, James. The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction : a Text-hook for the use of Metallurgists and Students at Schools of Mines, kc. 2nd ed. 8vo. Auckland, 1896. MA 1 Q 22 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MA 4 S G The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction : a Text-book for the use of Alining Students, Metallurgists, and Cyanide Operators. 1st English ed. illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1900. MA 4 P 47 , and RUTLEY, F. Rhyolites of the Hauraki , u,..^ "ui^n, x'. rvnyoiues oi tne Jiaura (iold -fields, Ncm Zealand. (Geolog. Hoc, Lond ( hv torly Journ., 1899.) PARK, Mungo. [Life of] ; by T. 1!. MacLachlan. 12ma Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.j C 20 V 8 PARK, Dr. Robert. Pathology of Emotions. [See Fere, Q] G 25 V 1 PARK, Dr. Roswell. Peritonitis, Appendicitis, and Peri typhlitic Abscess. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 PARK, Dr. William Halloek. New Facts and Methods in the Treatment of Diphtheria. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 , and GUERARD, Dr. A. R, Bacteriology in Medicine and Surgery : a Practical Manual for Phy- sicians, Health Officer*, and Students. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 S 4 PARKER, Charles Stuart. History of Classical Educa- tion. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 Sir Robert Peel from his private Papers. [See Peel, Sir R.] C 25 S 7, 8 PARKER, Gilbert, Song : Twilight of Love. [Words only.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P G t PARKER, Rev. Joseph. Christian Profiles in a Pagan Mirror. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 15 Studies in Texts : for Family, Church, and School. Vols. 2, 4, 6. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1898-99. G 23 Q 40, 42, 44 PARKER, Mrs. K. Langloh. Australian Legendary Tales : Folk-lore of the Noongahburrahs as told to the Picca- ninnies. 8vo. Lund., 189G. MJ 3 R 12 More Australian Legendary Tales ; with Introduction by A. Lang. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 R 29 PARKER, Prof. T. Jeffery, F.R.S., andHASWELL, Prof. William A., F.R.S. Manual of Zoology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189,9. MA 5 Q 20 Text-hook of Zoology. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1897. MA 4 T 7, 8 PARKER, Theodore. Discourse of Religion. [See Mar- tineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 1 1 T 27 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Miscellanies.] PARKER, Dr. W. N. Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates. [See Wiedershoini, Dr. R.] A 39 R 2 Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 48S PARKED, Sir Henry. bourne Review, 4.) The 1 1 .Min - Letters. Sydney, 1891 i Nation. (Mel- ME 18 Q Sydney, 1896. MC 1 Q 58 MF 5 Q 20 itry. 8v i on the second reading of the Customs Duties Bill, the Legislative Assembly, June, 1886. 8yo. Sydney, 1886. F 17 P 3 The Union of the Colonies: a Speech delivered in the L-isktive Assembly of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 Q 53 Lif £. by Char 1. Lyne. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, MC 1 T 29 W. Walker. MC 1 T 37 ilogue of the Libraiy and Furniture of Hon. Sir enry Parkes. 4to. Sydney, 1896. Cat. Room tour to whom Honour is due. '[See Smith, B.] MF 5 S 30 Porta PAP, I ; GS, nd Sketch of.] [See Shu Gallery.] .- Australian MC 4 P 4 t iwl Public Health. A 33 Q 23 PAR K [NSON, Sydney. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] Ml) 8 R 50 PARKIN, George Robert. Life, Diary, and Letters of Edward Thring. [See Thring, E.] C 23 T 4, 5 PAP K 1NSON, Sydney. Memoir or. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., PARK MAN, Francis. [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 V 11 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.- S;udy of American Literature.] [Sketch of.] [See Vedder H. C.— , To-day.] PAP, K YN, Ernest Albert, Law of B with a Chapter on Apprentice; PARLBY, Samuel. Hints to : Climate, Capabilities, and < the British Colony of the Ca i Writers of C 22 S 19 FAh'I.JAMEXTARY REVIEW AXD FAMILY MAOA- ZIXE, Tim. Edited by J. S. Buckingham. Vols. 1- ;; 1833. 3 vols. 8vo. LoncL, 1833. F 15 U 10-12 O'Brien. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vr>. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 12, 13 The O'Shea-Parnell Divorce Case : Full Details. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) F 16 S 9 The Parnell Commission : Opening Speech for the De- fence. [See Russell, C, Baron.] F 10 R 22 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 t 6 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 PARNELL, Thor Homerus.] Battle of the Frogs and Mice. [See H7Q17 PARR, Mrs. Louisa. Dim phant, Margaret 0.— V toria's Reign.) . Mulock (Mrs. Craik). (Oli- >men Novelists of Queen Vic- C 24 S 3 PARRAMATTA AND DISTRICTS ILLUSTRATED; with a Review of chief Municipal, Electoral, Industrial, and Commercial Factors of Parramattan Progress and Prosperity. 4to. Parramatta, 1899. MD 7 V 1 PARREIDT, Dr. Julius. Compendium of Dentistry for the use of Students and Practitioners. Translated by Louis Ottofy; with Notes and Additions by O. V. Black. Illust, 8vo. Chicago, 1889. A 32 S 24 PARRY, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings. Evolution of the Art of Music. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 22 PARRY, D. H. The Death or Glory Boys : Story of the 17th Lancers. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 R 16 PARRY, Ernest J. Chemistry of Essential Oils and Arti- ficial Perfumes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 U 8 PARRY, Era its Symb, The Sacred .May Stone of Mexico, and Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1893. G 17 U6 t PARRY, Sydney Henry Jones-. An Old Soldier'sMemories. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. . C 24 R 8 PARSELL, Henry V. A., and WEED, Arthur J. Gas Engine Construction. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1 900. A 33 Q - 3 Armature ew York, 13 T 17 t PARSHALL, H. P., and HOBART, H. M. Windings of Electric Machines. 4 to. 3 PARSON AND THE PEDLAR, PARSONS, Alfred. Notes in Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S96. I) 17 S 14 PARSONS, Ellei Good. Illust A Life for Africa o. Edink, 1898 Public Library of New South Wales. PARSONS, Harold G. Australian Federation. (Fort- nightly Review, Oct., 1899.) E Federation. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q New Australian Commonwealth and the Privy Council. (Blackwood's Mag., Nov., 1899.) E PARSONS, J. Langdon. The Northern Territory [of South Australia]. 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. MD 8Q 49 The Northern Territory of South Australia; with Re- port by the Rev. J. E. Tenison- Woods on the Geology and Mineralogy of the Territory. 8vo. Adelaide, 1888. MD 8 Q 49 The Products of the Northern Territory [of South Australia]. 8vo. Adelaide, 1891. MD 8 Q 49 PARSONS, Robert. Reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to Church. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pains.) G 23 Q 32 PARSONS, Samuel. Small Country Places. (Sturgis, Dr. S.— Homes in City and Country.) A 46 V 12 PARSONS, William. Story of the Fresh-air Fund. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 PARSONS, William E. Our Notions of Number and Space. [See Nichols, Dr. H] G 9 W 1G PARTHENON, The. Vols. 1-3, 1889-91. 3 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1889-91. [All published.] MJ 3 W 10-12 PARTINGTON, James Edge-. Album of the Weapons, Tools, Ornaments, and Articles of Dress of the Natives of the Pacific Islands. lst-3rd ser. 3 vols. ob. 8vo. Manchester, 1890-98. MA 5 R 13-15 { Extracts from the Diary of Dr. Samwell. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1899.) ME 6 R PARTON, James. Caricature and other Comic Art in all Times and many Lands. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1878. A 39 Q 6 PARTRIDGE, Mildred. St. Ignatius of Loyola. [See Joly, H] G 24 P 13 St. Vincent de Paul. [See Broglie, E. de.] G 23 P 37 PARTRIDGE, William Ordway. Technique of Sculpture. 8vo. Boston, 1895. A 23 P 14 PARTS OF THE PACIFIC. [See Eykyn, Rev. J.] MD 8 R 42 PARVUS, Willelmus. [See Petit, Win.] PASCAL, Blaise. [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 PASCO, Crawford.. A Roving Commission : Naval Rem- Ulust. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MD3R13 PASCOE, Charles Eyre. The Civil Service Cooperative Society : its Origin and 20 years' History. Illus- trated" 8vo. Lond., 1887. F 16 S 33 PASCOE, Francis P. Descriptions of some genera and species of Australian Curculioniche. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1869-70.) E Notes on the Australian Longicornia, with Descriptions of sixty new species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1862.) E PASHKIEVITSCH, Col. Interior Ballistics. [See United States.— Adjutant-Gen. 's Office.] A 10 W 8 + PASLEY, Maj.-Gen. Charles. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 103.) ' E PASOLINI, Count Pier Desiderio. Catherine Sforza. [See Sforza, Catherine.] C 25 P 20 PASQUIER, Dr. Ernest. Traite de la Determination des Orbites des Cometes et des Planetes. [See Oppolzer, Dr. T. d'.] A 10 W 16 t PASSMORE, Rev. Thomas Henry. The Sacred Vest- ments. [See Durandus, W., Bishop.] G 24 Q 16 PASQUIN: the Pastoral, Mineral, and Agricultural Advo- cate. Edited by E. R, Mitford. Vols. 1-3, Jan., 1867-Oet., 1869. With Portrait. 3 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1882. MA 4 V 21 PASTELS IN PROSE. Translated from the French by S. Merrill; Introduction by W. D. Howells. 12mo. New York (n.d.) J 26 U 2 PASTEUR, Louis. Etudes sur le Vin : ses Maladies ; Causes qui les provoquent ; procedes nouveaux pour le conserver et pour le vieillir. 8vo. Paris, 1873. A 31 S 19 PASTIME, with Exchange and Mart : a Weekly Journal of Cricket, Football, Cycling, and Athletic Sports generally. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1885. 4to. Sydney, 1885. MA 4 V 26 PASTON, George. [See Symonds, Miss E. M.] PASTOR, Dr. Ludwig. History of the Popes from tl close of the Middle Ages, drawn from the seer, archives of the Vatican and other original source Edited by F. I. Antrobus. Vols. 1, 2,5, 6. 4 vol 8vo. Lond., 1891-98. G 17 T 23, 21. 27 2 PATENT BLATT: herausgegeben von dem Kaiserlichen Paten taint, July, 1877-79. 3 vols, 4to. Berlin, Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. PATER, Walter Horatis. ^Esthetic Poetry. (Bibelot, 1899.) E Appreciations ; with an Essay on Style. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 U 17 Essays from the Guardian. Edited by E. Gosse. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1898. ' J 26 Q 34 Gaston de Latour: an unfinished Romance, prepared for the Press by Charles L. Shadwell 8vo. Lond., 1890. J 14 T 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] (See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 Sandra Botticelli. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 PATERCULUS, Caius Velleius. Historic Roman*. (Scriptores Histori* Roman*.) B 40 U 23 + PATERSON, A. B. Australia among Nations. Folded 4 to. Sydney, 1900. MH 13 T 1 t Memoir of Marcus Clarke. {See Clarke, M.— For the Term of his Natural Life,] " MJ 1 R 16 PAT R RSON, Rev. Hugh Sinclair. Life, Function, Health : Studies for young men, 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 27 R 23 PATERSON, Thomas T. Plans for a safe Theatre. ( Young, A.— Theatre Panics and their cure.) A 37 R 25 PAT ]•] RSON, William. Writings. Edited by Saxe Bannister. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1859. F 13 U 9-11 PAT .MORE, Coventry Kersey Dighton. How I Managed and Improved my Estate. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 15 P 38 Principle in Art, &c. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. J 1 R 51 Religio Poet*, Ac. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. G 9 V 25 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C- Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 PATMORE, Emily Augusta [Mrs. C. K. 1).] The Angel in the House." [Sw Nicoll, W. R,— Literary Anec- dotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 PATON, Dr. Diarmid Noel. Mechanism of Bile Secretion. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 PATON, J. L. Aims and Practice of Teaching Latin. (Spencer, Dr. F.— Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 PATON, James. Glasgow : its Municipal Organization. [See Bell, Sir James.] F 9 V 2 PATON, William Agnew. Picturesque Sicily. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 R 4 PATRICK, Dr. Hugh T. Disorders of Sleep. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 PATRICK, St. St. Patrick : his Life and Teaching. [See Newell, E. J.] G 26 P 21 PATRIOT, The: a Weekly Journal advocating an Aus- tralian Policy for an Australian People.. Vols. 1, 2, April, 1898-Jan., 1899. 4to. Sydney, 1898-99. [All published.] MF 3 U 67 PATTEN, Prof. Simon Nelson. Development of English Thought : a Study in the Economic Interpretation of History. 8vo. New York, 1899. G 23 T 42 Educational Value of Political Economy. (American ' : Assoc.) F 4 V 15 Stability of Prices. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 13 Theory of Social Forces. 8vo. Philad., 1896. G 23 V 6 PATTERSON, Capt. Howard. Naval Dictionary, illus- trated: a Guide and Reference-book forOtHcersandMen of the Navy, RevenueCutterService and Naval Reserve, and an indispensable companion for Naval Cadets, United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 22 S 6 PATTESON, JohnC, Bishop of Melanesia. Sketch of. [Set Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 1 4 S 30 PATTISON, Mark. Essays of. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Sketch of.] [See Church, R, W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 PATTISON, T. Harwood. History of the English Bible. 8vo. Philad., 1894. G9W14 PAUL, Benjamin H, and DRUMMOND, Dr. J. Ele- ments of Chemical and Physical Geography. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 36 T 1-3 PAUL, C. Kegan. Met 8vo. Lond, 1899. C 27 R 8 PAUL, George M. Fragment of the Diarv of Sir Archi- bald Johnston, Lord Wariston, 1639. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs, 26.] E PAUL, Sir James Balfour. Heraldry in relation to Scot- tish History and Art, Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb, 1900. (Rhind Lectures on Archseology.) K9V4 406 Public Library of New South Wales. PAUL, St. Christianity of St. Paul. [See Alexander, Rev. S. A.] G 24 P 27 Epistle to the Romans. [See Gore, Rev. C] G 24 Q 1 Life and Letters of Paul the Apostle. [See Abbott, L.l G 23 Q47 Paul : the .Man, the .Missionary, and the Teacher. [See Cone, Rev. O.] G 23 R 29 PAULL, Minnie E. [Mrs. George A.] The Story of a Busy Life. Edited by Rev. J. R. Millar. 12mo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 11 PAULL, William J. Auriferous Veins at Charters Towers. (Australasian Inst, of Minim; Engineers, Trans., 1895.) . ME 18 P PAULTON, Harry. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 PAULUS DIACONUS. De Gestis Ror tores Historic Romans:.) orum. (Scrip B 40 U 23 + PAUSANIAS. Description of Greece. Translated, with a Commentary, by J. G. Frazer. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 S 7-12 1. Translation. 2. Commentary on Book 1. 3. Commentary on Books 2-5. 4. Commentary fm Books 6-8. 5. Commentary on Books 9, 10, and Addenda. 6. Indices, Maps. Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens : being a Translation of a portion of the Attica ; by M. de G. Vcrrall With Introductory Essav and Archa'ological Commentary by Jane E. Harrison. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 27 Q 17 PAXTON, Sir Joseph. Pax ton's Flower Garden. [See Lindley, Prof. J.] A 35 W 15-17 PAYEN-PAYNE, De V. [See Payne, De V. Payen-.] PAYN, James. The Backwater of Life ; or, Essays of a Literary Veteran; with an Introduction by L. Stephen. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 21 S 31 By Proxy. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 23 T 33 Humorous Stories about People, Places, and Things. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 25 Q 39 Lost Sir Massingberd. Newed 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 Q 40 The Luck of the Darrells. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 25 Q 41 PAYNE, De V. Payen-. Memoirs of Bertrand Barere. [See Barere de Vieuzac, Bertrand. 1 C 24 R 9-12 PAYNE, John. Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. [See Omar Khayyam.] H 3 Q 35 PAYNE, Edward John. History of the New World called America. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1892-99. B 19 S 10, 11 PAYNE, Dr. Joseph Frank. Acne, Comedo, Seborrhea, Milium, Milium Colloid. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Gutta Rosea, or Rosacea. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Hydroa, or Dermatitis Herpetiformis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Mycosis Fungoides. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Rhinoscleroma, (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 Thomas Sydenham. [See Sydenham, Dr. T.] C 23 R 16 PAYNE, William Harold. Psychology applied to Educa- tion. [See Compayre, G.] G 4 V 28 Rousseau's Emile ; or, Treatise on Education. [See Rousseau, J. J.] G 18 P 61 PAYSON, Edward Payson. Suggestions toward an ap- plied Science of Sociology. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 15 S 12 PEABODY, Prof. Cecil H. Steam Engine Indicator. 12mo. New York, 1900. A 25 P 53 , and MILLER, Prof. Edward F. Steam-boilers. New York, 1897. A 37 R 7 PEABODY MUSEUM. Archa-ological and Ethnological Papers. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6. Illustrated. 8vo. Cainb., 1888-98. A 41 P 14 ], No. 1. Standard or Head-dress? an Historical Essay on a relic of ancient Mexico ; by Z. Nuttall. 2. The Karankawa Indians, the Coast People of Texas ; by A. S. Gatsehet. 3. The Atlatl or Spear-thrower of the ancient Mexi- cans ; by Z. Nuttall. 4. Report upon Rile-st ructures in Naaman's Creek, near Claymont, Delaware ; by H. T. Cresson. 5. Study of Omaha Indian Music ; bv Alice ('. Fletcher and F. La Flesclie ; with a Report on the Structural Peculiarities of the Music, by J. V. Fillmore. (5. Prehistoric Burial-places in Maine; by C. ('. Willoughby. PEACE, Charles. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C- Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 467 PEACH, B. K, and HORNE, John. Silurian Rocks of Britain : .Scotland. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— United Kingdom.] A 47 P 16 PEACOCK, Edward. Commonwealth Law and Lawyers. ( Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Law a of the Forest. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 PEACOCK, R. W. Cultivation of Land in the Interior for Cereals. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R Economical Feeding of Stock in the West on purchased Food Stuffs. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Experiment in Manuring Wheat at Coolabah Farm. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R Hay-making. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Reclamation of Scalded Plains : a Trip to Yarrawin. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Some Edible Trees and Shrubs of the West Bogan. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Western Agriculture : Wheat and Wool. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Western Grazing Problems. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 11 PEACOCK, Thomas Love. Calidore and Miscellanea. Ed. by R. Garnett. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 Q 42 ■idlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey : with Introduc- ion by G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 896. J 15 S 27 d Marion and Crotchet Castle ; v G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. Th. 1 [C | PEA I Si Mai an Introduction Lond., 1895. J 25 S 28 ncourt ; or, Sir Oran Haut-Ton ; with an Introduc- in by G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., <96. J 25 S 30 Misfortunes of Elphin, and Rhododaphne ; with an i trod net ion by G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. 8vo. >nd., 1897. J 25 S 29 f the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— rose.] J 6 Q 38* ,, S. E. The Ancestors of the Maori. (Polynesian oc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R ivo Polynesian Theory : Comments on Dr. Eraser's q>er. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 189G.) ME 6 R .ItCE, Capt. Francis Barrow. Three Months' Leave passe t rated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. lRCE, Walter J. Painting hated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) Rambles in Lion-land : in Somaliland. Illus- D 13 R 4 PEARMAIN, Thomas Hames, and MOOR, Cresacre George. Applied Bacteriology : an Introductory Hand-book for the use of Students, Medical Officers of Health, Analysts, and Sanitarians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Universty Series.) A 27 T 8 Lond., 1898. A 40 P 11 [Another copy.] 2nd ed. PEARSE, A. W. The Pastoral Industry of New South Wales, 1895. Ob. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 U 35 PEARSE, H. H. S. Four Months besieged : the Story of Ladysmith. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 14 PEARSE, Major Hugh. The Crimean Diary and Letters of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Ash Windham" [See Wind- ham, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Charles Ash.] C 23 Q 11 Memoirs of Alexander Gardin PEARSON, A. N. Correspondence l)etween the Results of Chemical Analysis of a Soil and its Productiveness. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Experimental Manuring. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Feb., 1900.) ME 9 U Complete List of Manures, in the Melbourne marke ith current prices and value [See Victoria, — Agricult,] MA 3 T 9 [See Victoria. — Agricult.f MA 4 V 41 PEARSON, Charles Henry. Memorials by himself, his wife, and his friends. Edited by W. Stebbing. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 25 T 16 Property in Land. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Reviews and Critical Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 20 [Criticism on] Prof. Pearson's Report as to the state of Public Education in Victoria, and suggestions as to the best means of improving it, [See Melbourne Re- view, 3. J ME 18 Q [Life of] Adam Lindsay Gordon. [See Pall Mall Maga- zine, June, 1896.] E Note on the early Byrons and Robert de Burun. [See Borron, Sires Robiers de.— History of the Holy Graal.] H 17 Q 9, 10 t PEARSON, Henry J. Beyond Petsora Eastward : two Summer Voyages to Novaya Zemlva and the Islands of Barents Sea ; with Appendices 'on the Botany and Geology by Col. 11. W. Feilden. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 8 5 PEARSON, Rev. Hugh. B.— Sermons.] [S« i.] [See Jowett, G 23 Q 49 PEARSON, J. Cyclists' Touring Guide of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MD 8 P 29 Public Library of New South Wales. PEARSON, Prof. Karl, F.R.S. The Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution. Illustrated. "2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 R 9, 10 Grammar of Science. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 7 PEARSON, R. A. Care of Milk on the Farm. [See United States.— -Dept. of Agricult.] A41U1 Dairy Schools. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 Facts about Milk. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult,] A 41 U 1 PEARSON'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 2-9, July, 189C June, 1900. Must. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896^1900. E PEARY, Lieut. Robert Edwin. Northward over the Great Ice : a Narrative of Life and Work along the Shores and upon the Interior Ice-cap of Northern Greenland in the years 1886 and 1891-97 ; with a Description of the little tribe of Smith Sound Eskimos, and an Ac- count of the Discovery and bringing home of the Saviksue, or Great (.'ape York Meteorites. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 13, 14 With Peary near the Pole. [See Astrup, E.] D 16 T 21 PEASE, E. R. Liquor Licensing. [See Fabian Soc— Fabian Tracts, 85.] F 19 R 15 PECCI, Gioacchino. [See Leo XIII, Pope.] PECK, Prof. Harry Thurston. Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. K 15 U 23 The Personal Equation. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 9 R 31 PEDLEY, Ethel C. Dot and the Kangaroo. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MJ 2 V 9 PEDLEY, Dr. Richard Denison. The Diseases of Children's Teeth : their Prevention and Treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 40 V 14 PEDRO II, Emperor of Brazil. [Sketch of.] [See Emi- nent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 PEEK, Hedley. The Poetry of Sport ; with a Chapter on Classical Allusions to Sport by Andrew Lang. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Badminton Lib.) H 10 W 12 The Encyclopedia of Sport. [See Suffolk and Berkshire, 18th Earl of.] A 17 R 18, 19 f PEEL, Mrs. C. S. The New Home, treating of the Ar- rangement, Decoration, and Furnishing of a House of medium size to be maintained by a moderate income. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 12 PEEL, C. V. A. Somaliland : being an Account of two ' Expeditions into the far Interior, together with a com- plete List of every Animal and Bird known to inhabit that Country, and a List of the Reptiles collected by the Author. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D22U5 PEEL, Francis Robert. Song : I'll come, Love, to thee. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t Sweet Marie Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t PEEL, Sir Robert. Sir Robert Peel from his private Papers. Edited by C. S. Parker ; with a Chapter on his Life and Character by the Hon. G. Peel. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 S 7, 8 Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 PEELE, George. Conjectural Readings of the Text of. [See Deighton, C— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 King Edward I. [See Donovan, T.— English Historical Plays.] H 10 W 19 PEERY, Dr. R. B. The Gist of Japan : the Islands, their People and Missions. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G11U31 PEGGE, Samuel. Two Collections of Derbicisms, contain- ing Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives and Inhabitants of the County of Derby. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 78.] E PEIRCE, Dr. C. N. The Eruption and Structural Rela- tions of the Deciduous and Permanent Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— Am. System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 PELATAN, Louis. Lettres Caledoniennes. 8vo. Nou- mea, 1889. F 13 T 23 PELISSIER, Leon G. Recherches dans les Archives Italiennes : Louis XII et Ludovic Sforza. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896. B 32 S 9, 10 PELLISSIER, Georges. The Literary Movement in France during the 19th Century. Trans, by Anne G. Brinton. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 14 S 32 PEMBERTON, A. C, WILLIAMSON, Mrs. Harcourt, SISLEY, C. P., and FLOYD, Gilbert. The complete Cyclist. Edited by B. Fletcher Robinson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Isthmian Lib.) A 29 S 33 PEMBERTON, Caroline. Queen Elizabeth's Englishings. [See Early Eng. Text Soc, Pubs., orig. set-., 113.] E PEMBERTON, Max. Rugby Football. [See Robinson, B. F.] " A 29 S 25 PEMBERTON, Robert. The Happy Colony. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MF 2 R 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. PEMBERTON, T. Edgar. The Kendals. [See Grimston, AY H., and Madge.] C 26 S 21 PEM BREY, Dr. Marcus Seymour. AnimalHeat. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V -1 Chemistry of Respiration. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. — Text- book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY, George Robert Charles Herbert, 13th Earl of. Political Letters and Speeches. 8vo. Lond., 1890. F 13 R 5 PEXAFIEL, Dr. Antonio. Nombres Geograficos de Mexico. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.) 1885. J 17 T 24 t PENDER, W. S. Production of Honey. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME 9 R "PENDRAGON, A." [See Isaacs, G.] PEN KDO, Baron de. Condition of Education in Brazil. (Intermit. Health Exliib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 PEN FIELD, Edward. Posters in Miniature. [See Posters in Miniature.] A 23 T 29 PEN" FIELD, Frederic Courtland. Present-day Egypt. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 Q 3 PEN FIELD, Prof. Samuel L. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy. [See Brush, G. J.] A 38 U 20 PEXGELLY, William. Memoir of, with a Selection from his Correspondence. Edited by his daughter, Hester Pengelly ; with a Summary of his Scientific Work by the Rev. Prof. Bonney. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 2 PEN HALLOW, Prof. David Pearce. Charcoal impreg- nated with Slag. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 The Generic Characters of the North American Taxacea? and Coniferre. [See McGill University. —Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 ,M ,/elopteris Topekensis, a new carboniferous plant. [See 'McGill University.— Papers from Dept, of Botany.] A 40 S 7 Nematophyton Crassum. [See McGill University. — Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40"S 7 Nematophyton Ortoni, n.sp. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept. of Botany.] A 40 S 7 "PENLAKE, Richard." [See Salmon, P. R.] PENN, Arthur. Heredity. (Matthews, J. B.- Studies for Amateur Acting.) " II 12 P 6 PENN, William. The True William Penn; by S. G. Fisher. Illust. 8vo. Philad., 1900. C 26 U 4 PENNELL, Dr. George Herbert. Health Abroad. [See Battersby, C. H] A 45 R 3 PENNELL, Joseph. Art in the Victorian Age. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Illustration of Books : a Manual for the use of Students. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 P 17 Modern Illustration. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 It 45 The Work of Charles Keene, with an Introduction and Comments on the Drawings illustrating the Artist' methods ; to which is added a Bibliography of the works Keene illustrated and a Catalogue of his Etch ings, by W. H. Chesson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. 1897. A 13 X 13 f , and Elizabeth Robins. Lithography and Litho graphers : some Chapters in the History of the Art with Technical Remarks and Suggestions. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 40 U 26 t PENNING, G. A. de. [Sre de Penning, G. A.] PENNINGTON, Rev. Arthur Robert. The Counter Reformation in Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 13 PENNSYLVANIA -.—State Departments— Reports ana Publications. Act 3. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Adjutant-General. Annual Report, 1897. 8vo. Har- risburg, 1898. E Army. Proceedings of 32nd and 33rd Annual Encamp- ments of the Department of Pennsylvania, June, 1898, June, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-99. E Attorney-General. Reports, 1895-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-99. E Auditor-General. Report on the Finances, 1896-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1897-98. E Tax on Capital Stock : Opinions of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania construing the Acts of the General Assembly imposing Tax on Capital Stock. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898. F 16 T 5 Banking Department. Annual Reports of the Commis- sioner of Banking. Pt, 2, 1896, 1898-99. 5 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1897-99. E Bjard of Health. Annual Reports, 1897-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-99. E Bureau of Mines. Report, including Reports of Fire Inspectors, 1897. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898. E Public Library of Neio South Wales. PENNSYLVANIA— conld. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report, 1897, pts. 1, 2, 1898, pt. 1. 3 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-99. E Bulletins. Nos. G, 22, 31, 39. Illustrated. 8vo. Har- risburg, 1896-98. A 38 Q 21 0. Taxidermy: the (Same and Fish Laws of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania ; by B. H. Warren. '2nd ed. 22. Cider Vinegars of Pennsylvania ; by Dr. W. Froar. 31. Economic Status of the Mole ; by H. Wilson. 39. Farmers' Institutes in Pennsylvania. Department of Internal Affairs. Annual Report, 1897-99. 10 vols. 8vo Harrisburg, 1898-99. E Department of Public Instruction. Common School Laws of Pennsylvania. 12mo. Harrisburg, 1899. F 12 S 38 Factory Inspector. Annual Report, 1897-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-1900. E Fish Commission. Report of the State Commissioners of Fisheries for 1898-99. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-1900. E Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1897-99. 4 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898-1900. E 1. Fire and Marine Insurance. 2. Life, Accident, and Casualty Insurance. Legislature. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1899. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Journal of the Senate, 1899. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Library. Reports of the State Librarian, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899-1900. E Catalogue of Law Books. [See under main Author En- try Pennsylvania State Library.] Office of the Governor. Message of D. H. Hastings, Governor of Pennsylvania, to the General Assembly, Jan. 3rd, 1899. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Pharmaceutical Examining Board. Annual Report, 1895-96. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1897. E Public Charities. Preliminary Report, 1898. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Public Instruction. Biennial Report on Higher Edu- cation in Pennsylvania, 1897-98. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Reports of Superintendent, 1890-91, 1897-June, 1899. 5 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1891-1900. E Public Printing and Binding. Annual Report, 1895- 96, June, 1898. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1896-98. E Secretary of the Commonwealth. Biennial Report, 1897-98. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898. E Tabulated Statement of the Votes cast at the General Election, Nov., 1898. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1898. E Sinking Fund. Reports 1890, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1891-98. E Soldiers' Orphan Schools A.nnuai Report, 1898 99. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo Harrisburg, 1898-99. E PENNSYLVANIA— eontd. State College. Annual Report 1897-99. 3 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E Calendar, 1896-97. 8vo. Philad., 1897. E Statutes. Acts of the General Assembly to provide Re- venue by Taxation. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1896. F 16 T 5 Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1895. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1895. F 3 V 15 Vetoes : Bills returned to the Legislature by the Gover- nor, with his objections thereto, during its regular Session ending July 1st, 1897. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1897. E Treasury Department. Report of the State Treasurer on the Finances of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1898. 1899. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899-1900. E Veterinarian. Annual Report, 1898. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. E PENNSYLVANIA STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Law Books in the Pennsylvania State Library. Imp. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1899. Cat. Room PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Catalogue, 1898- 99. 8vo. Philad., 1898. E Political Economy and Public Law. No. 13. 8vo. Philad., 1898. F 7 T 8 13. Discussion .if the Interrogatories of the Monetary Com- mission of the Indianapolis Convention ; by J. F. Johnson; wit h Supplementary Surest ions b'v H. P. Falkner, H. R. Seager, and S. M. Lindsay. PENTECOST, Rev. George Frederick. The True Science of Living. [See Dewey, Dr. E. H.] A 32 R 35 PEOPLE AND THE COLLECTIVISM The, 1897-99, with which Is incorporated the Northern People. Sm. fol. Newcastle, 1897-99. ME PEOPLE'S FEDERAL CONVENTION, BATHURST. Proceedings, 1896. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 4 Q 54 PEOPLE'S FRIEND : a Miscellany of Popular and In- structive Literature. Vols. 28-31, 1896-99. 4 vols. 4to. Dundee, 1896-99. E PEOPLE'S HORN nO Y, The. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, Aug. 22nd, 29th, Sept. 12th, 27th, 1834. Fol. Hobart, 1834. [Bound with the Colonist, 1834.] ME PEPLOE, Rev. Howard Welville Webb, The Church of England. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 PEPPER, Dr. William. Higher Medical Education the true interest of the Public and of the Profession. 8vo. Philad., 1894. G 3 R 31 The Doctor's Window. [See Wa , I. R.] H 1 IT 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 471 PEPYS, Samuel, F.R.S. Diary. Edited by H. B. Wheatley. Vols. 1-9, with supplementary vol., Pcpys- iana, or additional Notes on the particulars of Pepy's Life, and on some passages in the Diary ; with Ap- pendices. 10 vols. 8vo. Low!., 1896-99. CUV 1-10 PER 11ANOGLOS, I. Glimpses of Greek Life and Scenery. [See Smith, Agnes.] D 19 R 7 PERCEVAL, Sir Westby B. New Zealand Timbers and Forest Products. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 4 S 3 PERCIVAL, John. Agricultural Botany, Theoretical and Practical. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 27 S 34 PERCY SOCIETY. Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages. Edited from original MSS. and scarce publications. Vols. 1-30. 30 vols. Svo. Lond., 1840-52. H 11 S 3-32 Rowley ; a Marriage Triumph, by T. Hcyv 2. Selection from the minor Poems of Lvdgate ; the Hoke ofCurtasve: Specimens of Lvrie Poctrv ; Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinaire, 1604. 3. Political Ballads published in England during the Com- monwealth ; Historical Songs of Ireland ; History of Patient Grissel. • 4. Karlv Naval Ballads of Knt'land ; Nursery Olivines of England ; Kind-heart's Dream, by H. Chettle, 1592. 5. Songs and Ballads relative to the London Prentices ; Specimens of old Christmas Carols ; Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage ; the King and a poor Northern Man ; the two Angrv Women of Abingdon, by H. Porter, 1599. 6. A Knight's Conjuring, by T. Dekker, 1607 ; Ancient Poetical Tracts of the Kith Century : Cock Lorell's Bote ; the Crown Garlard of Golden Roses ; Follie's ,ie, by H. Hutton, 1619; Poems, by Sir H. of the Church, by M. Drayton, 1591 ; Jack of Dover, 1604; a Kerry Pastoral. 8. Selection of Latin Stories; Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft, by G. Gifford. 9. The four Knaves, by S. Rowlands ; a Poem to the Memory of W. Congreve, by J. Thomson ; Pleasant Conceit's of Old Hobson, the Merrv Londoner; Maroc- eus Extatieus, or Bankcs' Bav Horse in a Trance ; Old Br llads illustrating the Great Frost of 1683-84. 10. Lord Mayors' Pageants. 11. The Owl and the Nightingale ; thirteen Psalms and the 1st chap, of Ecelesiastes, versified bv J. Croke ; an Historical Expostulation. &<:., by J. Hall, 1565; the Honestie of this Age, by B. Rich, 1611. 12. Reynard the Fox, from Caxton's ed. 13. The Keen of the South of Ireland ; six Ballads with burdens; Lyrical Poems, selected from Musical Publi- cations between 1589 and 16(H). 14. Poems of .7. Audelay ; St. Brandan : a Legend of the Sea ; the Romance of the Emperor Oetavian. 15. Friar Bakon's Prophesie ; Poetical Miscellanies; the Crown Garland of Golden Moses. Pi. 2. 16. The Seven Sages, with an introductory Essay ; Romance of Syr Tryamoare. 17. Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads; An- cient Poems. Ballads, aod Songs. PERCY SOCIETY— contd. 18. Pastime of Pleasure. 19. The Civic Garland ; Life and Martyrdom of T. Becket Harnfield's Affectionate Shepherd ; Dialogue on Wit and Foil Bessy . Popula Irelar 'opt! igs, illu< ings ; Song of Lady ich Inva 22. The Cvte/.en and Cplondvshman : Interlude of the four Elements; Interlude of the Disobedient Child; Auto- biography of Mary, Countess of Warwick ; Westward for Smelts. 23. Songs and ( 'amis of the 15th ( 'entury ; Festive Songs of 16th and 17th Centuries ; Popular English Histories. 24-26. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. 3 vols. of Treasure. 19. Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap-books ; the Man in the Moone ; Use of Dice-play ; the Loyal- Garland ; Poems and Songs on the Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham. 30. ( larland of ( inod-will ; Britannia's Pastorals, a 3rd Book ; John Bon and Mast Person, a Dialogue in Verse. PEREIRA, S. M. S. Wells Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 PERERA, Anthony. The Arrack Question in Ceylon, 1895-96: an impartial study. 12mo. Colombo, 1896. F 9 P 28 PERICLES. [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] C 24 R 16 PERIODS OF EUROPEAN HISTORY. Balance of Power, 1715-89. [See Hassall, A.] B 16 R 36 Europe, 476-918. [See Oman, C] B 16 R 31 Europe, 1598-1715. {See Wakeman, H. ().] B 16 R 35 PERIODS OF EUROPEAN LITERATURE. The Augustan Ages. [See Elton, ().] .! 2" Q 8 i.d the Rise of Allegory. [,s\, J 27 Q 2 .1 27 Q 3 . | J 27 6 "PERIPATETIC PARSON, A." [See Eykyn, Rev. J.] PERKINS, Arthur J. Manures from the Vinegrower's point of view. (Journ. of Agricull. and Industry, S. Aust., April, 1899.) HE 9 Q The Phylloxera Question. (Journ. of Agricult. and In- dustry, S. Aust,, June, 1899.) -ME 9 Q PERKINS, Charles C. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paint- ing. [See Champlin, J. D.] A 32 U 28-31 472 Public Library of Neio South Wales. PERKINS, James Breck. France under Louis XV. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 26 S 10, 11 Richelieu and tho Growth of French Power. 8vo. New York, 1900. B 27 Q 26 PERKINS, R. C. L. Notes < (Ibis, Jan., 1895.) E PERKINS, Prof. William Rufus, and WICK, Barthinias L. History of the Amana Society, or Community of True Inspiration. 8vo. Iowa City, 1891. (State Univ. of Iowa Pubs., Hist. Monog.) G 19 T 28 PEROWNE, J. T. Woolrych. Russian Hos's and English Guests in Central Asia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 26 Contes Militaires. [See Daudet, A.] J 11 P 50 PERRAULT, Claude. Treatise on the five Orders of Columns in Architecture. Made English by John James. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 41 U 20 J PERRAULT, Joseph Francois. Vie de; par P. B. Casgrain. 8vo. Quebec, 1898. C 26 Q 19 PERRAULT, Leon. [Reproduction of his Picture] Nymph and Satyr. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] * A 12 P 27 J PERRERS, Alice. [Life of] : by Arthur Vincent. (Vin- cent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 21 Q 20 PERREY, Louis. [Reproduction of his Pictures] Phcebe and Diana. [-See Lansing, .Clarence.— Tho Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 + PERRIS, G. H. Leo Tolstoy. [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count,] C 20 T 26 PERRY, Prof. John, F.R.S. Applied Mechanics: a Treatise for the use of Students who have time to work Experimental, Numerical, and Graphical Exer- cises illustrating the subject. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 21 Spinning Tops. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1890. (Ro- mance of Science.) A 27 P 12 PERRY, Thomas Sergeant. Library of Universal Adven- ture by Sea and Land. [See Howells, W. D.] D 1 3 V 25 PERRY, Walter Copland. The Women of Homer. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 17 U 2 PERTH, John Drummond, Duke of. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 4 PERTH GAZETTE AND WESTERN AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL, The, Sept. 5th, 1846. Fol. Perth, 1846. ME PERTSCH, W. Verzeichniss der Persischen Handschrif- ten. [See Berlin— Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 11 U t Verzeichniss der Tiirkischen Handschriften. [-See Berlin - Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 11 U t PESEL, Louisa F. Embroidery. [See Townsend, W. G. P.] A 46 P 1 PESTALOZZI, Johann Heinrich. Pestalozzi, Educational Reformer, 1746-1827: a short Account of his Life and Work, based on De Guinips' "Histoire de Pesta- lozzi ;" by J. Russell. 12mo. Lond., 1897. C 19 P 28 PETAVEL, Rev. E. The Problem of Immortality ; with a Prefatory Letter by C. Secretan. Translated by F. A. Freer. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G25R1 PETER, St. St. Peter and the first years of Christianity. [See Fouard, Abbe C] G 1 U 42 PETER I, surnamed the Great, Emperor of Russia. Peter the Great. [-See Waliszewski, K.] B 37 V 1, 2 Pupils of Peter the Great. [-See Bain, R. N.] B 39 Q 3 PETER II, Emperor of Russia. [Portrait of.] [-See Bain, R. N.— Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 39 Q 3 PETERBOROUGH, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Maj. F. E. Cooper. (Wilkinson, S.— From Cromwell to Wellington.) C 26 R 18 PETERMANN, August. Geographischer Litteratur Bericht, 1886, 1889-96. 8 vols. 4to. Gotha, 1886- 96. E Inhaltsverzeichnis von Petermanns Geographischen Mit- teilungen, 1875-84. 4to. Gotha, 1886. E Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. Biinde 1-41, 43-45, 1855-95, 1897-99, und Erganzungsbande 1-23, 25, 26. 68 vols. 4to. Gotha, 1855-99. E PETERS, Edward Dyer. Modern Copper-smelting. 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 24 U 11 PETERS, Edward T. Recent Features of our Foreign Trade. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.- - Div. of Statistics.] A 37 S 39 PETERS, John Punnett. Nippiw ; or, Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates : the Narrative of the University of Pennsylvania Expedition to Baby- lonia in the years 1888-90. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1897. D 17 T 30, 31 G 23 R 14 The Bible. [See Bartlett, E. T.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. PET KltS, Madison C. Justice to the Jew: the Story of what he has done for the World. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1900. F 17 Q 2 PETERSEN', Dr. Henrik G. Hypnotism and its applica- tion to Practical Medicine. [See Wetterstrand, Dr. O. G.] G11Q33 Medical Letters on Hypno-Suggestion, &c. [See Welter- strand, Dr. O. G.] G 11 Q33 PETHERTCK, Edward A. The Australian Clonics in 1S96 : three Letters addressed to an Investor in Aus- tralian Securities, describing the Country and its Resources, Population, Public Works, and 'Finances ; with Remarks on Federation, the Funding of Aus- tralian Public Debts, Emigration, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MF 1 R 21 European Enterprise in Australasia. (Melbourne Re- view, 8-10.) ME 18 Q PET HICK, Emmeline. Working-girls' Clubs. (Reason, \\\ — University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 PETIT, William. Historia Rerum Anglicarum. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 28, 29 PETIT DE JULLEVILLE, Prof. Louis. Histoire de la Eangue et de la Litterature Francaise des Origines a 1900. With illustrations, portraits, and facsimiles. Vols. 1- 8. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1896 1900. .1 21 V IS 25 PETRARCA, Francesco. Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar ami Man of Letters. Translated by J. H. Rabinson and H. W. Rolfe. 8vo. New York, 1898. C 23 T 1 1 An unrequited Love. [See Vandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F.— Lives of ( I reat Italians.] C20S11 [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G. — Rampolli.] II 11 T 3 PETRARCH. [See Petrarca, Francesco.] PETRIE, Donald. Botanical Notes. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) ME2S Description of a new native species of Coprosma. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Descriptions of new Native Plants. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S Modern Chapter in Vegetable Physiology. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) " ME 2 S Note on Gunneraovata. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME2S Supplement to List of Flowering Plants indigenous to Otago. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S PETRIE, Mary L. G. [See Wilson, Mrs. Ashley Cams-.] PETRIE, Prof. William Matthew Flinders, and MILNE, J. Grafton. History of Egypt. Illust. Vols. 1, 2, 5. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 189U98. B 21 It 3, 4, 7 1. Earliest Times to 16th Dynasty. :i UiuY. Relii nd Conscience in Ancient Egypt : Lectures delivered at University College, London. 12mo. Lond., 189S. G 23 Q 24 Syria and Egypt from the Tell el Amarna Letters. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 35 Q 13 Dendereh, 1898. [See Egypt Expl. Fund.] B 18 Q 30 t Deshasheh, 1897. [See Egypt Expl. Fund.] B 18 Q 19 t Royal Tombs of the 1st Dynasty, 1900, pt. 1. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] " B 18 Q 29 f PETRONIUS ARBITER, Titus. Lexicon Petronianum. [See Segebade, I.] J 16 U 27 [Sketch of.l [See Whiblev, C— Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 PETTERD, William Frederick. Classified List of the Mineral Species known to occur in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Descriptions of hitherto undescribed Antechini and Muridte inhabiting Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.] ME 1 Q Igneous Rocks of Tasmania. [See Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.] ME 18 P Notes on some recently discovered and other Minerals occurring in Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Limurite in Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Obsidian Buttons. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Syherulitic Felsite on the West Coast of Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] HE 1 Q The Topaz-quartz Porphyry or Stanniferous El van Dykes of Mt. Bischoff. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q PETTIGREW, William Frank. Manual of Locomotive Engineering, with an Historical Introduction ; with a Section on American and Continental Engines, by A F. Ravenshear. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 22 R 35 PETTY, Sir William. Econon the Observations upon tl probably by Capt. J. Grau 2 vols. Svo. Camb., 1899. Study in English Ecor L] ic Wr ;s ; together with ' Mortality, more d by C. H. Hull. ' F 9 P 35. 36 ■ Lit, [See Be\ F 4 V 19 PFEFFER, Prof. W. Physiology of Plants: a Trea.ise upon the .Metabolism and Sources of Energy in Plants. Translated and edited by A. J. Ewart. 2nd ed. Illust. Vol. 1. Roy. Svo. Oxford, 1900. A 45 V 13 Public Library of Neio South Wales. PFEFFER, Wilhelm Friedrieh Philipp. Modern Theory of Solution. [See Jones, H. C] A 44 Q 21 PFEIFFER. Dr. Louis. Catalogue of Auriculidw, Proser- pinidiv, and Truncatellidse in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. -Natural History.] A 43 U 3 PFLETDERER, Rev. Otto. Lectures on the Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Chris- tianity ; delivered in London and Oxford. Translated by J. Frederick Smith. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (Hibbert Lectures, 1885.) G 19 T 35 PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL, The : a Weekly Record of Pharmacy and allied sciences. Vol. l-4th ser., vol. 10, 1841-June, 1900. 44 vols. rov. 8vo. and 4to. Lond., 1841-1900. E PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALASIA. Vols. 9-11, 1896-Sept., 1898. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1896-98. ME 19 P PHARMACEUTICAL REGISTER OF NEW ZEA- LAND, 1897. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. ME 6 P PHEAR, Sir John B. The Aryan Village in India and Ceylon. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 19 S G PHELPS, Rev. Austin, and PRINK, Dr. Henry Allyn. Rhetoric: its Theory and Practice. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 14 T 8 PHELPS, Prof. C. S. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut. [See United States. Dept, of Agricult.— Office of Experiment Stns.] A 38 R 15 PHELPS, Edward J. The Monroe Doctrine. [See America and Europe.] F 2 V 30 PHELPS, Elizabeth Stuart, [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart.] PHELPS, Samuel. [Portrait of] as Cardinal Wolsey. [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 PHELPS, W. L. Best Plays of George Chapman. [See Chapman, G.] H 7 R 42 PHILADELPHIA. Annual Messages of the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia ; with Annual Reports of the Director of the Department of Public Works, and the Annual Reports of the Bureau of Water, 1888, 1890, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1890-94. E [See aho Academy of Natural Sciences.] PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL MUSEUM. Ameri- can Trade with Australia; by Col. G. W. Bell. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F 16 R 21 American Trade with India. 8vo. Philad., 1898. F16R21 American Trade with Siam. 8vo. Philad., 1898. F 16 R 21 Considerations on the Hygiene of certain Cities of Europe. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 38 V 25 Meetings of the International Advisory Board, June, 189*. Rw Philad., 1897. E PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL MUSEUM— eontd. The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) E Prospectus of the United States Commercial Commission to China. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F 10 R 21 The Republic of Costa Rica ; by G. Niederlein. With Map. 8vo. Philad., 1898. D 13 V IS The State of Nicaragua of the Greater Republic of Cen- tral America; by G. Niederlein. 8vo. Philad., 1898. D 13 V 18 The Waterworks of Europe. No. 1. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 38 V 25 The World's Commerce and the United States' share of it, 2nded. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F 16 R 21 PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITION, 1876. Classified and Descriptive Catalogue of the Collections selected from the India Museum and exhibited in the Indian De- partment of the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876 ; by J. Forbes Watson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. MJ 2 U 7 PHILADELPHIA FREE LIBRARY. Bulletin No. 1. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1898. Cat, Room PHILBRICK, Dr. John Dudley. City School Systems in the United States. [See United States.— Bureau of Education.] G 18 R 64 PHILIP, King of Macedon. Philip and Alexander of Macedon; by D. G. Hogarth. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 11 PHILIP AUGUSTUS, King of France. [Life of] ; by W. H. Hutton. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 S 25 PHILIP, George. Philip's Anatomical Model. [See Schmidt, Dr. — .] A 44 V 12 PHILIPPA OF HATNAULT, Queen of Engl of.] [See Crown Jewels.] id. [Sketch C 23 S 7 PHILIPPI, Federico. Disease of the Vines in Talca and Quirihue, Chili. Translated by II. Cambridge. (Ag- ricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ' ME 9 R PHILIPPT, Dr. Rodulfo Arnando. Los Fosiles Terciarios i Cuartarios de Chile. Illustrated. 4to. Santiago de Chile, 1887. A 17 T 8 t PHILIPS, Katherine [Mrs. James]. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, E.— 17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 23 PHTLTPSON, John. Art and Craft of Coachbuilding. l2mo. Lond., 1897. (Technological Hand-books.) A 23 P 31 'ementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 475 PHILLIMORE, Catherine Mai [See Dante Alighieri.] lit Ravenni C 24 Q 2 PHILLIMORE, J. S. Liberalism in outward relations, i Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 S 50 PHI LLIMORE, Sir Walter George Frank. Ecclesiastical Tribunals. (Gore, Rev. C. -Essays in aid of Reform of the Church.) G23S28 Legal and Parliamentary Possibilities. (Gore, Rev. C— Essays in aid of Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 PHILLIMORE, William Phillimore Watts. A Supple- ment to "How to write the History of a Family : a Guide for the Genealogist." 8vo. Lond., 1890. K 19 Q 1* Piaeita coram domino Rege apud Westmonasterium de tinnino Sanete Trinitatis anno Regni Regis Edwardi lilii Regis Henrici vicesimo quinto. [See British Record Soc] E — , and FRY, George S. Abstracts of Gloucester- shire Intjuisitiones jtost-infrten) returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. [See I'.ritish Record Soc. Pubs., 12.] '' E PHILLIP, Vice-Adm. Arthur, Governor of New South Wales. liiographical Memoirs of. (Naval Chronicle, 27.) B 38 Q 8 Admiral Phillip: the Founding of New South Wales. [See Becke, L.] MB 3 Q 6 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Becke, L. Naval Pioneers of Australia.] MB 3 S 11 PHI LLIPPS, James Orchard Halliwell-. [See Halliwell- 1'hillips, J. O.] 1*11 1 LLIPPS, Vivian. Short Sketch of Germ tor Schools. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. i Literature J 11 Pol Der Neffe als Onkel. [See Schiller, F. von.] H 13 P 15 PHILLIPS, Charles. The Ocean Cavern: a Tale of the Tonga Isles in three cantos. 8vo. Lond., 1819. MH 1 S 39 PH I LLTPS, Charles E. S. Bibliography of X-Ray Litera- ture and Research, 1896-97 : being a ready reference; Index to the Literature on the subject of Rontgen or X-Ravs; with an Historical Retrospect and Pi-actical Hints. With Portr. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A IH 1! 5 PHILLIPS, Claude. Antoine Watteau -Monographs, 18.] Earlier Work of Titian. [See Portfol [See Port fob, 1 ,nographi L'rWork of Titian. [See Portfolio. --Monographs, ure Gallery of Charles I. [See Portfolio.— raphs, 25.] PHILLIPS, Coleman. A Cor Inst., Trans., 1897.) . Vital Force. (N.Z. ME2S s of the Pacific. (N.Z. Inst., Tra PHTLLIPS. George. Rudiments of Curvilinear Design. Illustrated. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 48 P 22 ♦ PHILLIPS, II. Joshua. The Handling of Dangerous Goods: a Hand-book for the use of Government and Railway Officials, Carriers, Shipowners, Insurance Companies, Manufacturers, and Users of such Goods. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 It 3G PHILLIPS, John Arthur, F. R.S. Treatise on Ore Deposits. 2nd ed., by Henry Louis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 V 31 PHILLIPS, Kate. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A —The Actor's Art,] H 1 S 31 PHILLIPS, P. D. The Recent Elections, 1880. (Mel- bourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Thackeray. [See Melbo William Makepeac M E 1 8 Q PHILLIPS, Philip. The Forth Bridge in its various stages of construction, and compared with the most notable Bridges of the World. 4 to. Edinb. (n.d.) A 49 P 13 I PHILLIPS, Prof. R. W. Aims and Practice of Teaching Botany. (Spencer, Dr. F.— Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 PHILLIPS, Stephen. Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 1 S 35 PHILLIPS, Teresia Constantia (Vincent, A. — Lives of Tw< [Life of]; by G. Burgess, ve Bad Women.) C 210 20 The War of Greek Indepc: ). 8vo. Lond., 1897. B: PHILLIPS, Wendell. Wendell 1 Carlos Martyn. 8vo. New Sketch of. [See Stearns. F. P. PHILLIPS, Willia [See Alabama. ,rk, 1890. C 20 U 1 Sketches from Concord.] 1) 16 3 PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions [formerly Proceedings] 18+2-98. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854-98. E PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE of VICTORIA. [See Royal Society of Victoria.] 470 Public Library of Neio South Wales. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. [See London, Edin- burgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. [See Royal Society of New South Wales.] PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Bulletins. Vols. 1-10, 1871-87. [See Smithsonian Inst.— Miscellaneous Collections, 20, 25, 33.] E PHILPOT, Mrs. J. H. The Sacred Tree ; or, the Tree in Religion and Mvth. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 3 U 23 PHILPOTS. Dr. John R. Oysters and all about them. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1890-91. A 26 R 36, 37 New York, F17P6 PHIPSON, Cecil Balfour. Science of Civilization; or, the Principles of Agricultural, Industrial, and Commercial Prosperity. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 T 9 PHIPSON, Evacuates A. Art under Socialism. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 46 How to establish Australia's prosperity. 8vo. Sydney, 1884. MF 5 Q 14 PHIPSON, Dr. T. L. Famous Violinists and fine Violins. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 20 PHLIPON, Marie Jeanne. [See Roland, Marie Jeanne.] PHOCYLIDES. [Opera.] [See Poet* Grceci.] H 17 U 12 f PHONETIC JOURNAL, The. Vols. 32-58, 1873-99. 27 vols. sin. 4to. Lond., 1873-99. E PHONOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE AND TYPEWRIT- ING NEWS, The, for Australian, Tasmanian, and New Zealand Shorthand Writers. Vols. 4, 6-8, June, 1895-May, 1896, June, 1897-May, 1900. 4 vols. 8vo. Dunedin, 1895-1900. ME 19 P PHOQ, Ph. Dc la Colonisation do l'Australie et do son Developpement Economique. 8vo. Rochcfort, 1886. MF 3 R 73 PHOTOGRAM, The. Vols. 1-6, 1894-99. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-99. E PHOTOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF REVIEWS. [See Australasian Photographie Review.] ME 19 Q PICA VET, Francois Joseph. Roscelin, Philosophe et Thcologien, d'apres la Legendo et d'apres l'Histoire, avec mi rapport sommairc sur les Conferences de l'Exercice 1895-96, et lo Programme des Conferences pour l'Exercice 1896-97. [Ecole des hautes Etudes.] Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1896. G 23 V 5 PICCOLOMINT, Enea Sib [See Pius II, Pope.] PICKBURN, James Prosper. Perkin Warbeck. [See Ford, John.] H 10 U 21 PICKEL, A. Theorie und Praxis des Volksschulunter- richts nach Herbartischen Grundsatzen. [See Rein, Prof. W.] G 17 U 27-34 PICKERING, Dr. Charles. The Races of Man. [See United States.— Exploring Expedition.] A 31 Q 3 J PICKERING, E. C. Photometric Revision of the Har- vard Photometry, 1891-94. [See Harvard University Astronom. Observ., Annals, 44.] E PICKERING, William Alexander. Pioneering in Formosa : Recollections of Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers, and Head-hunting Savages ; with an Appendix on British Policy and Interests in China and the Far East, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 U 24 PICKERING, Prof. W. H. Visual Observations of the Moon and Planets. [See Harvard University As- tronom. Observ., Annals, 32.] E "PICKLE THE SPY." [See Macdonnell, Alexander.] PICTORIAL COMEDY. Vol. 1, April-Sept., 1899. 4to. Lond., 1899. E PICTURE MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-7, Jan., 1893- June, 1896. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. E PIDDINGTON, Albert Bathurst. Guide to Acts consoli- dated. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 R 8 Socialism in the Parliament of New South Wales. (Re- view of Reviews, June, 1897.) E PIERCE, Franklin. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 PIERCE, Newton B. Grape Diseases on the Pacific Coast. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.] A 41 U 1 PIERSON, Rev. Arthur Tappan. Life Power ; or, Charac- ter, Culture, and Conduct, 8vo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 25 Seven years in Sierra Leone : the Story of the Work of William A. B. Johnson. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 30 PIESSE, Alexander C. British Dogs. [See Dalziel, Hugh.] A 14 T 41* PIKE, Godfrey Holden. Oliver Cromwell and his Times : Social, Religious, and Political Life in the 17th Cen- tury. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 16 I' 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 477 PI K K, Luke Owen. Physical Education : an Essay, to which has been awarded the Prize of the Athletic Society. 12mo. Lund., 1863. G 18 P 35 Year-books of the Reign of King -Edward III. [See Ct. Brit, and Ireland. -Chronicles and Memorials.] E PIKE, Warburton. Through the Subarctic Forest: a Record of a Canoe Journey from Port Wrangel to the Pelly Lakes, and down the Yukon River to the Behi-ingSea. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. I) 15 T 27 PILKINGTON, C. Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T.l A 29 S 41 PILLAI, G. Paramaswaran. Representative Indians. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 8 PILLARS, James. Australian Free Religion* Press. [See Australian Free Religious Press.] MG 2 V 15, 16 PILLSBURY, J. H. Laboratory Guide for a Course in General Biology. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 27 Q 21 PILLSBURY, W. B. Introduction to Philosophy. [See Kiilpe, Prof. O.] G 18 P 44 PILOTY, Carl von. Illustrated Biography of. [See Du- mas, F. G.— Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 I PILSBRY, Henry A. Manual of Conchology, Systematic and Structural. [See Tryon, H. W., jun.] A 32 P 16, and Q 10, 11 PIM. Joseph T. Our Foreign Commerce and Free Trade Policy. 8vo. Manchester, 1882. F 17 P 2 PIXCHOT, Gifford. Go can Economic Asso Primer of Forestry. [See United States.— Dept, of Agr. — Div. of Forestry.] A 27 P 27 PIXDARUS. The Extant Odes of Pindar. Translated into English, with an Introduction and short Notes, by Ernest Myers. ' Lond., 1895. J It R 18 PI XDER, Francis F. Treatise on the Principles of Plead- ing in Civil Actions. [See Stephen, Sergeant James.] F 12 T 11 PI XE, John B. King's College, now Columbia University, 1751-1897. (Goodwin, M. \V. -Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 PINE, T. A Legend of "Ti- Australia. (Polynesian ! r.) ME6R "IXERO, Arthur Wing. The Benefit of the Doubt : a Comedy. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 3 II 12 The Princess and the Butterfly: a Comedy. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 12 Q 3 Trelawny of the Wells. 12mo. Lond., 1899. H 12 Q 14 PINKEKTON Dr. James N. Sleep and its Phe an Essay. 12mo. Lond., 1839. G 15 U 8 PINKERTON, Percy. Memoirs of Constant. [See Con- stant, Wairy.] C 22 Q 5-8 PINNINGTON, Edward. Sir David Wilkic and the Scots School of Painters. [See Wilkie, Sir D.] C 20 V 20 PINSCHOF, Carl. The " Credit Foncier " System. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MF 3 R 75 PIONEER, The. New series, from vol. 117, Jan.-Sept., 1899. 3 vols. fol. Allahabad, 1899. E PIOZZI, Mrs. Hesther Lynch (Mrs. Thrale). Sketch of her Life, and Passages from her Diaries, Letters, and other Writings. Edited by L. B. Secley. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 26 U 2 Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson. [See Johnson, Dr. S.— Johnsonian Misc.] C 24 R 14 PIRANI, F. J. The Parts of Speech. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q PITCAIRN, E. H. Unwritten Laws and Ideals of active Careers. [See Malet, Sir E.] G 24 S 9 PITMAN, C.B. Astronomy. [See Rambosson, J.] A 19 S 15 History of celebrated English and French thoroughbred Stallions and French Mares. [See Touchstone, S. E] A 3 R 23 f PITMAN, Charles Murray. College Rowing at Oxford. (Lehmann, R. C. - Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 Rowing. [See Rowe, R. P. P.] A 17 U 48 PITTMAN, Edward Fisher. Artesian Water in Rocks other than cretaceous. [See New South Wales. Geolog. Sur., Rec, 5.] ME 15 T The Ashford Coal-field. [See New South Wales.— Geolog. Sur., Rec, 5.] ME 15 T Fossil Fishes of the Talbragar Beds (Jurassic?) [See New South Wales.— Geolog. Survey.] MA 5 V 23 Geology of the Hill End Gold-field. [See N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Geology of Western Australia. [See N.S.W.- Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Glacial Action, Ashford Coal-Held. [Set N.S.W. - Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ME 15 T Kalgoorlite: a new Telluride Mineral from Western Aus- tralia [See Xew South Wales. Geolog. Sur., Bee, .-,.] ME15T Paleozoic Radiolarian Rocks of New South Wales. [See Geolog. Soc, Lond., Quarterly Journ., 1899.] E Records of Rock Temperature at Sydney Harbour Col- liery, Birthday Shaft. lialmain, Sydney, N.S.W. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.] ME 1 R 478 Public Library of Neio South Wales, PITMAN, Sir Isaac. Pitman's Typewriter Manual : a Practical Guide to Commercial, Literary, Legal, Dra- matic, and all classes of Tvjiew riting work. 2nd ed. 8m. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 34 V 27 PITROU, O. Histoire de lAlliance Scientifique Univer- selle. 8vo. Paris, 1886. (Insi itution Etlmographique). A 21 T 41 PITT, F. W. Incidents in India, and Memories of the Mutiny ; with some Records of Alexander's Horse and the 1st Bengal Cavalry. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 17 Q 17 PITT, Dr. George Newton. Right sided Valvular Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 PITT, William. Pitt: some Chapters of his Life and Times ; by the Rt. Hon. Edward Gibson, Lord Ash- bourne. WithPortr. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C25R14 [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 B 16 S 13 J [Funeral of.] [See Funerals.] PITT, William, Earl of Chatham. [Essay on.] [See Car- lyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 PITT PRESS SERIES. John Amos (.'oim-nius, Bishop of the Moravians: Life and Educational Works. [,S'ee Laurie, Prof. S. S.] (J 9 U 36 Some Thoughts concerning Education. [See Locke, J.] G 15 U 30 PIUS, Rev. Father. Life of Father Ignatius of St, Paul, [See Spencer, Hon. and Rev. George.] C 22 S 13 PIUS II, Pope. De Liberorum Educatione: an English Version. [See Woodward, W. H] G 2 U 45 PIUS IX, Pope. [Life of]; by Rev. I). F. Barry. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q PIXLEY, Francis W. Auditors : their duties and respon- sibilities under the Companies Acts and other Acts of Parliament. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 1 S 24 History of the Baronetage. 8vo. Lond., 1900. K10U 11 The Profession of a Chartered Accountant, and other Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 Q 33 PIZEY, Septimus V. Flax Cultivation. 8vo. Adelaide, 1871. MA 4 T 12 Flax Cultivation. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Victorian Manufactures and Industries. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 PIZZO, Lodovico. La Vita Nuova di Dante Alighieri. [See Dante Alighieri.] H1U6 PLACE, Francis. Life of ; by G. Wallas. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 T 5 PLANCHE, James Robinson. History of British Cos- tume, from the Earliest Period to the Close of the 18th Century. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1874. A 23 P 34 The Pursuivant of Arms: or, Heraldry founded upon facts. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1873. K 19 P 16 PLANCHON, Prof. Jules Emile. Papers on Phylloxera in Europe and America, and Vine-culture and Wine- making in the United States. Translated by Amelia Homersham. 8vo. Adelaide, 1877. MA 4 S 9 PLANTA, Robert von. Grammatik der Oskisch-Um- brischen Dialekte. 2 vols. 8vo. Strassbtirg, 1892- 97. J 12 V 37, 38 PLARR, Victor Gustave. Men and Women of the Time. loth ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 T 1 [Verses by.] [See Garland of New Poetry.] H 12 Q 15 PLATO. Education of the Young in the Republic of Plato. Translated into English, with Notes and In- troduction, by B. Bosanquet. 8vo. Camb., 1900. (Cambridge Series for Schools and Training Colleges.) G 26 Q 7 The Gorgias ; with English Notes, Introduction, and Appendix by W. H. Thompson. 8vo. Lond., 1871. J 15 S 32 [Criticism of.] [See Worsfold, W. B. -Principles of Criticism.] J 19 W 2 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men.] J 22 Q 18 The Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic. [See Lutos- lawski, W.] G 23 S 8 The School of Plato. [See Bussell, F. W.] G 3 U 15 Subject-Index to the Dialogues of Plato. [See Abbott. E.j J 14 S 16 PLATT, Charles A. Italian Gardens. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 44 W 6 PLAUCHUT, Edmund. China and the Chinese. Trans- lated and edited by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 19 P 12 PLAUTUS, T. Maccius. Comredue ; recensuit et enarravit Joannes Ludovicus Ussing. 5 vols. Svo. Havnia*, 1875-92. H 1 T 18-22 Como'dire ; recensuit F. Ritschl, sociis a Loewe, G. Goetz, F. Schoell. 4 vols. 8 1878-94. iptis G. Leipzig, H 1 T 24-27 Rudens. [In Latin and English.] 8vo. Montreal (n.d.) J 19 W 12 Translations from; by Prof. H. A. Strong. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q PLAYFAIR, Arthur. [Art of Acting.] '[See Hammer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 479 PLA Y FAIR, Lyon, Baron. Memoirs and Correspondence of ; by \V. Reid. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 8 PLA VFAIR, Dr. William Smoult. Abdominal Diagnosis from a Gynaecological standpoint. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Puerperal Septic Dis. of Medicine.) PLLHN, Dr. Carl C. Introduction to Public Finance. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 31 PLINIUS CiECILIUS SECUNDUS, C. Letters of the Younger Pliny. Literally translated by J. D. Lewis. 8vo. Lond, 1879. C 27 S 18 PLIN'TUS SECUNDUS, C. C. Plinii Secundi Histori- arum Natune Libri XXXVII. Sm. fol. Parisiis, 1532. A 17 U 9 t The Elder Pliny's Chapters on History of Art. Trans. by K. Jex-Blake. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 U 29 PLONGEON, Dr. Augustus le. [See Le Plongeon, Dr. A.] PL( ) WDON, E. R. Progressive Studies and other Designs for Wood-carvers. 2nd ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 14 W 3 PLUMB, Prof. Charles S. Geographic Distribution of Cereals in North America. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.- Div. of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 55 Silos and Silage. [See United States. — Dept, of Agri- cult.] A -11 U 2 PL MBER AND SANITARY ENGINEER. r/ineering Record.'] [S, En- PLI'MER, Lieut.-Col. Herbert. An Irregular Corps in Matabeleland. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 3 With Plumer in Matebeleland. [See Sykes, F. W.] B 37 V 4 PLUMMER, Rev. Alfred. Critical and Exegetical Com- mentary on the Gospel according to St. Luke. 8vo. PLl'MMER, Mary Wright, Contempor; shown by her Novelists ; with an In! !•:. E. Hale. 12mo. Lond., 1899. PLl'MPTRE, Claude C. M., ise on the Law relating t panies. [See Grant, J.] md MacKAY, J. K. Treat- > Bankers and Banking Com- F 13 1! 17 PLUNKET, William Conynghai testants in the 16th Century A.] , Baron. Spanish Pro- [See Wilkens, Dr. C. G 13 U 11 PLUNKETT, Hon. Hora, Manchester, 1890. Cooperative Dairying. 12mo. A 33 Q 36 his Life, lei Lives, C 19 P 26 Elizabeth. [See PLUTARCHUS. F and his Morals; Dublin. 2nd ed. De Curiositate. Ti Early Eng. Text Soc, orig. ser., 113.] Invasion of India by Alexander the Great. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T 6 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R, W. -Lectures and Biographical Sketches.] J 22 Q 24 POATE, Frederick. Market in China for our Surplus Wheat, (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R POBIEDONOSTSEFF, Konstantin P. Reflections of a Russian Statesman. Translated by R. C. Long, with a Preface by Olga Novikoff. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 35 POCOCK, J. The Bre Bangor, 1895. Ingofi- n-excisable Beers. 12mo. A 23 Q 51 ii Scorpions of the Genus Uro- md Mag. of Nat, Hist., July, POCOCK, R I. Australia dacus, Pet. (Am 1898.) IS Solifugse, Scorpions, Chilopoda, and Diplopoda. (Smith, Dr. A. Donaldson.— Through Unknown African Coun- tries.) D 20 U 21 Some Trapdoor Spiders of the family Ctenizidse from South and West Australia, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Jan., 1897.) E POCOCK, Roger. Rottenness : a Study of America and England. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 35 Studies in Psychical Research. 8vo. POE, Edgar Allan. Works : newly collected and edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introduction, and Notes, by E. C. Stedman and G, E. Woodlwrry. With Portraits and Facsimiles, and Illustrations by A. E. Sterner. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. JHRl-'O 15. Tales. . frit 9. Ku i Port 1 >fiscellanies. Imp. H 1 V 19 [Life of] ; by G. E. Woodl>errv. With Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1898. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 5 Aventures d' Arthur Gordon Pym ; Eureka. [See Bau delaire, C. P.] J 24 S 22 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St. Loe.— From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 JPublie Library of New South Wales. POE, Edgar AW&n—cmitd. Histoires Extraordinaires. [See Baudelaire, C. P.] J 24 S 20 Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires. [See Baudelaire, C. P.] J 24 S 21 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Short Study of.] [See Higginson, T. W.— Short Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Whibley, C— Studies in Frankness.] C23S2 POET^E GRiECI PRINCIPES HEROICI CARMINIS ET ALII NONNULLI: Homervs, Hesiodvs, Orphevs, Callim., Aratvs, Nicand., Theocrit., Moschvs, Bion, Dionysivs, Colvthvs, Tryphiodorvs, Mvssevs, Theognis, Phocylides, Pythagoras aurea carmina, Fragmenta Ali- orvm. Ed. H. Stephanus. Sm. fol. (n.p.) 1566. [Henricus Stephanus.} H 17 U 12 J POEMS. [See "New Zealander."] MH 1 P 55 POGONOWSKI, L. A. Song : Australia. 1st and 2nd eds. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t Song: Cricket. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 f Song: Football. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 f The Soudan Comic Song. [Words.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) " MA 13 P 6 f POINSOT, Louis. Elemens de Statique suivis d'un Memoire sur la Theorie des Momens et des Aires. 4th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1824. A 25 S 33 POLACK, Thomas. Caution to the World at large and serious Australian consideration : a Defence of the recently circulated work, entitled, " Modern Babylon's Downfall." 8vo. Adelaide, 1888. MG 2 V 7 Modern Babylon's Downfall followed by the triumphant Millennium after Armageddon, now fast approaching, which is proved by the death of the late Emperor of Germany. 8vo. Adelaide, 1888. * MG 2 V 6 POLDING, John Bede, Archbishop of Sydney. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 f POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY: a Review de- voted to the Historical, Statistical, and Comparative Study of Politics, Economics, and Public Law. Vols. 1-13, 1886-98. 13 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1886-98. E POLITICIAN, The : a Monthly Magazine of Politics and Literature. Vol. 1, No. 1, April, 1851. 8vo. Sydney, 1851. MJ3T11 POLITICS IN 1896. [See Whelen, F.] POLK, James K. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 POLK, Leonidas, Bishop. [Life of] ; by Dr. W. M. Polk. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. POLL, J. C. van de. Opmerkingen betrekkelijk Torres straat emeu Booby-eiland. (Tijdschrift voor het Zee- POLLARD, A. F. England under Protector Somerset. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 40 U 3 Political Pamphlets ; with an Introduction and Explana- tory Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 4 POLLARD, Alfred William. English Miracle Plays, Moralities, and Interludes : Specimens of the pre- Elizabethan Drama ; with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. 2nd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. H 13 V 3 Eeclesie M'litantis. Dialogus sive Specului Soc, Pubs.] a 23 T ^0 The Towneley Plays. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E , and SAYLE, Charles. De Officio Regis. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 26 POLLARD, E. C. Text-book of Zoology. [See Boas, Dr. J- F. V] A 31 Q 8 POLLARD, Joseph. The Land of the Monuments. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 S 18 POLLIO, Trebelliu [See Trebellius Pollio.] POLLOCK, Edward. Power and Duty of an Arbitrator. [See Russell, F] F 1 U 28 POLLOCK, Sir Frederick. The Fishery Laws. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature) A 34 R 1 Introduction to the History of the Science of Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 14 P 53 The Land Laws. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 11 The Law of Torts : a Treatise on the Principles of Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Common Law, to which is added the Draft of a Code of Civil Wrongs prepared for the Government of India. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 13 U 6 Encyclopaedia of the Laws of England. [See Renton, A. W.] F 7 T 9 English Law before the Norman Conquest. [See Alfred the Great.] C 20 S 19 Mountaineering. [See Dent, C. T] A 29 S 41 POLLOCK, Prof. James Arthur. Experiments with Rbntgen's Radiation. [See Threlfall, Prof. Richard.] E Quartz-thread Gravity Balance. [See Roy. Soc, Lond.' Proa, 65, and Philosoph. Trans., 193.] E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. POLLOCK, Walter Hemes. Jane Austen: her Con- temporaries and herself. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 9 II 32 The Charm, and other Drawing-room Plays. [See Besant, Sir W.] H 10 W 27 POL LOK, Col. Fitzwilliam Thomas. Fifty Years' Reminis- cences of India : a Retrospect of Travel, Adventure, and Shikar. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D17T24 -, and THOM, W. S. Wild Sports of Burma and iam. Illust, 8vo. Lond., 1900. D22S11 POLLOK, Robert. Pollok and Aytoun ; by Rosaline Masson. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Soots Ser.) C 20 V 14 POLYBIUS. Histories. Translated by E. S. Shuckburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889. B 13 S 19, 20 POLYCHROME BIBLE, The. [See Bibles and Testa- ments.— English.] POLYNESIAN SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1-8, 1892- 99. 8 vols. Svo. Wellington, 1892-99. ML G It POMEROY, Dr. H. S. Ethics of Marriage ; with a Pre- fatory Note by Dr. T. A. Emmet, and an Introduction by Rev. J. T. Duryea. Svo. New York, 1895. F 15 Q 28 POMEROY-COLLEY, Sir George. [See Colley, Sir G. POM PEIUS, Trogus. [See Trogus Pompeius.] POM PONIUS LMFVS. Roman® Historic Compendium. (Scriptores Historic Romance.) B 40 U 24 J PONSARD, Francois. [Sketch of.] [See Grenier, E.— literary Reminiscences.] C 2G Q 15 PONTGIBAUD, Chevalier de. A French Volunteer in the War of Independence. Translated and edited bv 11. B. Douglas. With Portrait. 8vo. Paris, 1897. C23P21 PONTIFEX, Henry. Cause and Cure of Piles. Sydney, 1900. MA 4 P 43 PONTMARTIN, Armand tie. Notice sur la Vie et les • euvrcs de C. de Bernard. [See Bernard, C. de.] J 24 S 10 POOL, John J. Studies in Mohammedanism, Historical and Doctrinal, with a Chapter on Islam in England. 12mo. Lond., 1892. G 12 V 36 POOLE, Franklin 0. Poole's Index to Periodical Litera- ture. [See Fletcher, W. I.] Cat. Room POOLE, Herman. Calorific Power of Fuels, founded on Scheurer-Kestner's Pouvoir Calorifique des Combus- tibles, with the addition of a very full Collection of Tables of Heats of Combustion of Fuels, Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous, to which is also appended the Report of the Committee on Boiler Tests of the American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers, and Tables of Con- stants used. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 13 POOLE, Reginald Lane. De Civili Dominio. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 15 De Dominio Divino. [See Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] G 23 T 28 POOLE, Reginald Stuart. Additions to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 3G T 24, 25 Catalogue of Arabic Glass Weights in the British Mu- seum. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 8 Catalogue of Chinese Coins, including the series in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 18 It 17 t Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 15, 16 Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 37 Q 1-16 Coins of the Shahs of Persia, Safavis, Afghans, Efsharis, Zands and Kajars. [See British Museum.] A 40 It 9 Roman Medallions in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 34 V 24 POOLE, Rev. Robert Burton. Comparative Advantages and Disadvantages of arranging the course of study in the various School Classes on lines of subjects ap- pointed for local University and other general Ex- aminations. (Internat. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 Wi Port POOLE, Prof. Xtanlev Lane-. Svo. Oxford, 1899. (Rulers of India.) B 32 Q 13 Saladin, and the Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1898. (Heroes of the Nations.) « 30 Q 24 Additions to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum. [See lit it. Museum.] A 3G T 24, 25 Catalogue of Arabic Glass Weights in the British Mu- seum. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 8 POOLE, William P. The Organization and Management of Public Libraries. Svo. Wash., 1876. J19W6 The Construction of Library Buildings. [See United United States. -Bureau of" Education.] J 19 W 3 Tublic Library of New South Wales. POOR, Henry V. The Money Question. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 16 T 4 ■ — , and H. W. Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States, 1895: with an Appendix con- taining a full analysis of the Debts of the United States, the several States, Municipalities, tvc. 8vo. New York, 1895. F13U1 POOR IN GREAT CITIES, The: their Problems, and what is being done to solve them. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 189G.' F 13 U 25 POOR LAW CONFERENCES, 1897-98. Proceedings of the Central and District Poor Law Conferences, held from February, 1897, to March, 1898, with the Papers read and Discussion thereon, and Report of the Central Committee. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E POORE, Dr. George Vivian. Craft Palsies. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 The Dwelling-house. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 Q 21 Essays on Rural Hygiene. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 33 P 15 Our Duty in relation to Health. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A -11 V 3 Thrift in its relation to Health ; or, the Right Use of Refuse. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 POORTENSCHWARTZ, Joost M. W. van der, "Maarten Maartens." The Sin of Joost Avelingh. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 25 U 15 POPE, Alexander. An Essay on Criticism. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) ' 11 11 T 5 Essay on. [See Lilly, W. S. —Essays and Speeches.] J 14 S 14 Homer's Odyssey. [See Homerus.] II 7 Q 17 Letter on the Rev. W. L. Bowles's Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope. [See ISvron, G. G, Baron.] HUT 5 [Sketch of.] [See Birrell, A.— Obiter Dicta.] J 11 U 31 POPE, Frederick John. Investigation of Magnetic lion Ores from Eastern Ontario. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 44 S 10 POPE, Rev. George Uglow. First Catechism of Tamil Grammar. Translated by Rev. D. S. Herrick. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. J 16 R 44 POPHAM, F. W. Leyborne-. Report on the MSS. of. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hist. MSS. Comm.] E POPLAR, Fred. Fred Poplar's Comic Song-book. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 U 81 POPPER, William. The Censorship of Hebrew Books. 8vo. New York 1899. J 24 V 2 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, The. Vols. 1-55, 57, May, 1872-Oct., 1899, May-Oct., 1900, and Index to vols. 1-40. 57vols.8vo. New York, 1872-1900. E PORRITT, George T. The Larva; of the British Butter- flies and Moths. [See Ray Soc. Pubs., 1894.] E PORT MELBOURNE SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE. [See Victorian Seamen's Mission.] PORT-ROYAL LOGIC. Translated from the French by Prof. T. S. Baynes. 7th ed. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) PORTAL, Sir Gerald. Reports relating to Uganda. [See Gt, Brit, and Ireland. — Reports relating to Uganda.] B 39 V 17 | PORTER, Anna Maria. The Village of Mariendorpt. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1821. J 23 T 12-15 PORTER, Donald A. Nickeliferous Opal near Tamworth, New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) PORTER, Mrs. Gerald. John Blackwood. [See Black- wood, J.] C 25 T 3 PORTER, H. C. Text-book of Botany. [See Strasburger, Dr. E.] A 40 U 1 PORTER, H. M. Diamonds at Inverell, N.S.W. (Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 1897-98) E PORTER, Henry. Two Angry Women of Abington. [See Percy Soc] II 11 S 7 PORTER, Maj. Gen. Horace. Campaigning with Grant, Illust. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 39 S 13 PORTER, Rev. Noah. Books and Reading; or, What Books shall I read, and how shall I read them 1 with an Appendix containing a select Catalogue of Books. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 3 T 14 Elements of Intellectual Science : a Manual for Schools and Colleges, abridged from "The Human Intellect." 8vo. New York, 1893. G 24 R 4 Elements of Moral Science, Theoretical and Practical. 8vo. New York, 1893. G 24 R 5 The Human Intellect ; with an Introduction upon Psy- chology and the Soul. 4th ed. 8vo. New York, 1893/ G 5 Q 34 Science and Sentiment, with other Papers chiefly Philo- sophical. 8vo. New York, 1882. G 24 R 6 Webster's International Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. [See Webster, N] Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. POUTER, Robert P. Industrial Cuba : being a Study of present Commercial and Industrial conditions ; with ingestions as to the opportunities presented in the Mand for American Capital, Enterprise, and Labour. illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. F 16 T 10 Report and Recommendations on the Customs Tariff of the Island of Porto Rico. [See United States. Dept. of the Treasury.] F 16 It 11 R< p >rt on the Commercial and Industrial Condition of t he Island of Cuba. [See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] F 1G R 17 Re] >rt on the Currency Question of Porto Rico. [See nited States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] F 1G R 12 PORTFOLIO, The: Monographs on Artistic Subjects. Illustrated. Nos. 13-38, 1895-98. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E 13. Early Work of Raphael : by Julia Cartwright. 14. Art of William Quillor Orchardson ; by W. Armstrong. 15. Claude Lorrain ; by G. Grahams. 16. Whitehall; by W. J. Loftio. 18. Antoine Watteau ; by G. Phillips. 19. The Isle of Wight ; by C. J. Cornish. 22. William Blake, Fainter and Poet ; by K. Harnett. 23. Renaissance of Sculpture in Belgium ; by O. G. Dostree. ■24. Gerard David, Painter and Illuminator; by W. H. J. s I ; by C. Phillips. 1 Writer ; by C. Waern. 29. Art of Velazquez ; by W. Armstrong. 30. Royal English Bookbindings ; by C. Davenport. 31. Albert Diirer's Paintings and Drawings ; by L. Cust. 32. John Cromo and John Sell Cotman ; by L. Binyon. 34. Earlier Work of Titian ; by C. Phillips. 35. Peter Paul Rubens ; by R. A. M. Stevenson. 36. Creek Bronzes ; by A. S. Murray. 38. Foreign Armour in England ; by F. S. ( iardner. PORTSMOUTH, Newton Wallop, 6th Earl of. Necessity lor a Minister of Education. (Intermit. Health lixhib.-— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 11 V 11 POISTUS, Alexander Drown. Centrifugal Pump Dredging in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 1896.) ME 1 R POKY, John. History and Description of Africa. [See Uakluyt Soc. Pubs.] E POSCHINGEK, Heinrich von. Conversations with Prince Bismarck. English ed., edited by Sidney Whitman. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 22 POSITIVIST REVIEW, Tlie. Vols. 1-6, 1893-98. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-98. [Vols. 1 and 2 incom- plete.] E POSSELT, E. A. Structure of Fibres, Yarns, and Fabrics. Illust, 2 vols, (in 1) 4 to. Pliilad., 1891. A 13 WUf POSTE, Edward. Bacchyli Bacchylides.] POSTERITY : its Verdicts and its Methods ; or, Democ- racy, a.d. 2100. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 28 POSTERS IN MINIATURE ; with an Introduction by Edward Penfield. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 T 29 POTSDAM- ASTROPHYSIKALISCHES OBSERVA- TORIUM. Photographische Himmelskarte ; bear- beitet von J. Schemer. Bandl. 4 to. Potsdam, 1899. A 14 S 18 t Publicationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam. Illustrated." Iiande 1-10, pt, 1, 11, 13. 13 vols. 4to. Potsdam, 1879-99. E POTSDAM KONIGLICHE OBSERVATORIEN. Die Kbni'diehen Observatorion fiir Astrophysik, Meteor- ologie und Geodasie bei Potsdam. Imp.Vvo. Berlin, 1890. A 32 U 27 POTTER, A. T. Habits of Dermestes vulpinus. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Notes on the Cicadas of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S POTTER, George. The Australian Emigrant. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MD 4 U 38 Emigrant's Guide to Australia, with a Description of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Aus- tralia, Western Australia, Victoria; also the average cost of Provisions, rate of Wages, House Kent, how to acquire Land, and other useful information. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 3 T 35 POTTER, Henry C. Scholar and the State, ana inner v/nu.o„s ,„„, Addresses. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 1 POTTER, J. M. Causes of Climate : Geological and Geo- graphical Changes upon the Earth. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P POTTER, Richard. Elementary Treatise on Optics : con- taining all the requisite propositions carried to first approximations with the Construction of Optical In- struments. 2 vols. Svo, Lond., 1847-51. A 41 P 2, 3 Bishop of New York. The Public Library of New South Wales. POTTER, Rev. Robert. Credibility of Miracles. (Mel- bourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Evolution in relation to Theology. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Miracles and Law. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Relation of the State to Religious and Ecclesiastical Bodies in Victoria, (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Vision of Retribution: a Poem. (Melb.Rev., 10.)ME18Q POTTER, Thomas Bayley. Biographical Sketch of. [See Cobden Club.] C 19 P 23 POTTHAST, August. Wegweiser durch die Geschichts- werke des Europaischen Mittelalters bis 1500. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1806. J 15 V 14, 15 POTTIE, John. The Science of Scripture : being a part of a Lecture specially designed for Sunday-school Teachers and young men and women. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 48 POULTON, Edward P.agnall, F.R.S. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 Q 18 POUND, Charles Joseph. Application of the Tuberculin Test to the Dairy Cattle on the Island of St. Helena. (Queensl. Agr. Journ., Nov., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 U Cattle Tick. (Roy. Soc, Queensl., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 T Destruction of Rabbits by means of the Microbes of Chicken-cholera. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Discovery of Chicken Cholera in Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Fowl-enteritis in Brisbane. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Method of Destroying Rabbits with the Microbes of Chicken Cholera. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Notes on the Inoculation of Hulls. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Preventive Inoculation for Tick Fever. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U The Stockowners' Indebtedness to the Microscope. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Tick Fever. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897, July, 1899.) ME 9 U Tick Fever : Technique of the Method of Preventive In- oculation. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Jan., 1899.) ME 9 U Tuberculin: its Historv, Preparation, and Use. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1898.) ME 1 T POUSHKIN, Alexander S. Translat ions from, in memory of the 100th Anniversary of the Poet's Birthday; by C. E. Turner. With Portrait. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1899. H 4 T 18 POUSSIN, Nicolas. Life and Work of ; by Elizabeth H. Demo. Ulusfc. 8vo Lond., 1899. G 25 S 13 POWELL, Baden Henry Baden-. Forest Law : a Course of Lectures on the Principles of Civil and Criminal Law, and of the Law of the Forest, chiefly basxl on the Laws in force in British India. 8vo. Lmd., 1893. F 8 Q 33 The Indian Village Community examined with reference to the Physical, Ethnographic, and Historical Condi- tions of the Provinces, chiefly on the basis of the Re- venue Settlement Records and District Manuals. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 12 T 24 Origin and Growth of Village Communities in India. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 R 36 POWELL, Edgar. The Rising in East Anglia in 1381, with an Appendix containing the Suffolk Poll-tax List for that year. 8vo. Camb., 1896. B 24 T 23 , and TREVELYAN, George Macaulay. The Peasants' Rising and the Lollards : a Collection of unpublished documents forming an Appendix to " England in the Age of Wycliffe." 8vo. Lond., 1899. B33S16 POWELL, Edward Payson. Nullification and Secession in the United States : a History of the six attempts during the 1st Century of the Republic. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 13 V 38 POWELL, Eleanor. Women's Settlements in England. [See Sewell, Margaret A.] F 15 P 33 POWELL, Francis S. Progress of Sanitary Legislation in Great Britain. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 POWELL, Prof. Frederick York. Introduction to the Study of History. [See Langlois, C. W.] G 11 U 39 Through the Storm. [See Nazarbek, A.] D 13 S 4 POWELL, Sir George Baden-. The Saving of Ireland 1 Industrial, Financial, Political. 8vo. Edinb., 1898' F 3 R 3 POWELL, Rev. Henry Clark. The Principle of the In- carnation, with especial reference to the relation between Our Lord's Divine Omniscience and His Human Consciousness. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G15R32 POWELL, Prof. John Wesley. Canyons of the Colorado. Ulust, 4to. Meadville, Pa., 1895. A 13 T 19 t Exploration of the Colorado River of the West, and its Tributaries explored in 1869-72. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1875. D 18 R 22 f POWELL, Lyman P. Historic Towns of the Middle States. Illustrated. . 8vo. New York, 1899. (American Historic Towns.) B 20 T 16 Historic Towns of New England. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. American Historic Towns.) B 25 R 11 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. POWELL, Sir Richard Douglas. Angina Pectoris. (All- butt, Dr. T. C.-Svstem of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 A 41 R 10 Diseases of the Myocardium. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Sanatoria for Consumptives. [See Walters, Dr. F. R.] POWELL, Maj.-Gen. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-. Downfall of Prempeh : Diary of Life with the Native Levy in Ashanti, 1895-96. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 U 3 The Matabele Campaign, 1896 : being a Narrative of the Campaign in suppressing the Native Rising in Mata- beleland and Mashonaland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 39 Q 1 Story of Baden- Powell, " the Wolf that never sleeps;" byll.Begbie. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 23 R 26 POWELL, Lieut.-Col. William II. The Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac : a Record of Operations during the Civil War in the United States of America, 1861-65. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1896. B 36 U 14 POWER, DArcv. [Life of] Dr. William Harvey. [See Harvey, Dr. W.]" C 23 R 11 POWER, Frederick Dan vers. Address as President of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, 1897. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Classification of valuable Mineral Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P Glossary of Terms used in Mining Geology. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Pocket-book for Miners and Metallurgists. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 35 P 19 Receptacles for valuable Mining Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Sampling and Ore-buying on the West Coast of Tas- mania, (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Testing Reducing Machinery. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Zollner's Patent Water Pipes. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P POWER, G. W., and others. Australasian Annual Digest : being a Digest of Cases decided bv the Supreme Courts of New South Wales. New Zealand, Queensland, and Victoria, 1897- 99. 3 vols. Hvo. Brisb. and Sydney, 1898-1900. ME 21 S POWER-BERREY, 11. J. [See Berrey, R. J. Power,] POWERS, Frederick Perry. Labour making Machinery. 8vo. New York, 1879. F 17 P 8 POWERS, Stephen. The American Merino for Wool and for Mutton: a Practical Treatise on the Selection, Care, Breeding, and Diseases of the Merino Sheep in all sec- tions of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 19 R 8 POWNALL, S. Beatty. Book of Sauces. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 R 31 POYNTER, Sir Edward John. The National Gallery. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1899-1900. A 20 T 6-8 t Life and Work of; by C. Monkhouse. [See Art Journal.] A 13 W 9 t [Reproduction of his Picture] A Visit to iEsculapius. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art,] A 12 P 27 + [Sketch of the Work of.] [See Monkhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 44 W 1 POYNTER, Eleanor Frances. Froissart. [See Froissart, Sir John.] J 6 T 32 POYNTER, H. M. English Contemporary Art. [See Do La Sizeranne, R.] A 39 R 22 Oral Instruction of the Deaf PR A AG H, W.l and Dumb. Literature.) PRACTICAL ADVERTISING: a Handy Guide by Practical Men, 1897-99. 2 vols. sin. 4 to. Lond., 1897-99. E " PRACTICAL COOPER ATOR," Reasons why I prefer Cooperation. [See Victorian Cooperative Society.] MF 3 Q 47 "PRACTICAL DYER AND CLEANER." [See Neal, T.] PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS for the Navigation of the Yang-Tsze-Keang ; extracted from the Xorth China Herald. 8vo. Hobart, 1852. D 17 R 27 "PRACTICAL MINING ENGINEER." Klondike and all about it, With Map. 12mo. New York, 1896. D 16 P 6 !., 1881. F12T31 ,vard. Grant Duff. id Wedderburn. I Scholai PRACTICAL POLITICS. 8vo. Lon 1. The Tenant Fanner ; by James Hr 2. Foreign Policy; by Moiiiitstuiirt K 3. Freedom of Land ; by G. Shaw Lef 4. British Colonial Policy ; by Sir Da J 26 Q 7 PllAED, Rosa Caroline [Mrs. Campbell] (Rosa Caroline Murray-Prior). Criticism of the Works of. [See Byrne, Desmond. Australian Writers.] M.J 1 R 6 The Old Scenes. (Fisher, L. -By Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 It 33 The Right Honourable. [See McCarthy, J.] J 25 IT 16 Tublic Library of New South Wales. PRANANATHA SARASVATI, Pandit, Chronological Tables. [See Girisjchandra Tarkalankara, Pandit.] 13 39 T 1 PRATT, A. T. Camden. Unknown London : its Romance and Tragedy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 1G U 8 PRATT, Edward. The Balance of Trade. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Money in its relation to the State. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q PRATT, Edwin A. Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign : being short histories of great movements. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 19 Catherine Gladstone : Life, Good Works, and Political Efforts. [See Gladstone, Catherine.] C 26 P 11 PRATT, Rev. George. Grammar and Vocabulary of Language spoken by Motu Tribe (New Guinea). [See Lawes, Rev. W. G.] MJ 3 R 13 PRATT, John Henry. Mathematical Principles of Me- chanical Philosophy and their application to the theory of Universal Gravitation. 8vo. Camb., 1836. A 25 S 35 PRATT, Mason D., and ALDEN, C. A. Street-railway Roadbed. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 V 23 Precis of Modern Tactics. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office.] A 36 V 1 -4 PREBLE, Edward A. Revision of the jumping Mice of the genus Zapus. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 10 PREECE, William Henry. Wireless Telegraphy. [See Kerr, R.] "" A 41 Q 1 PRENDEZ, Pedro Nolasco. La Maldicion a Balmaceda. 12mo. Santiago de Chile, 1891. H 11 Q 20 Poesias. Siluetas de la Historia, 1886. 8vo. Valpar- aiso, 1886. H 3 R 37 Siluetas, 1887. 12j Valparaiso, 1887. H 11 Q 22 PRESBYTERIAN AND AUSTRALIAN WITNESS, with which is incorporated the Presbi/lfrian Messenger. Vols. 8, 9, and n.s. vol. 1, June, 1897-Jan., 1900. 3 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1897-1900. ME 7 Q PRESBYTERIAN CALENDAR OF AUSTRALASIA and Astronomical Ephemeris, 1892, 1894. 2 vols. 12mo. Melb., 1892-94. MG 2 U 26, 27 PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP UNION OF VIC- TORIA. Constitution, Aims, Methods, and Work, with information as to the formation and conducting of a Fellowship Association ; also, Account of Foreign Mission in Korea. 8vo. Melb., 1893. [Bound with Re- port of the Fellowship Unions of Australasia.] ME 6 P PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP UNIONS OF AUS- TRALASIA. Report of the Proceedings of the 1st- 4th Intercolonial Conventions of the Presbyterian Fellowship Unions of Australasia, 1892-98. 8vo. Melb., 1892-98. ME 6 P PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE, The. Edited by Rev. R. Steel, 1862-66. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1862-66. MG 2 V 21-25 PRESBYTERIAN MESSENGER. [See Presbyterian and Australian Witness.] PRESBYTERIAN MONTHLY: the Organ of the Pres- byterian Churches of Victoria and Tasmania. Vols. 1-13, 1886-98. 13 vols, (in 11) sm. 4to. Melb., 1886-98. ME 7 Q PRESCOTT, William Hickling. [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 PRESENT STATE and Condition of the Colony of West- ern Australia, eiiibodvinir a Statistical Report by Sir James Stirling. 12mo. ^ Lond., 1839. MD 4 P 4 PRESS NEWS. [See Grand Fair and Press Bazaar.] PRESTAGE, Edgar. Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. [See Hakluyt Society.] E PRESTON, E. B. California Gold Mill Practices. 8vo. Sacramento, 1895. A 25 U 18 PRESTON, Francis Montagu. Manual of Railway Law. 12mo. Lond., 1892. F 13 V 15 PRESTON, Sidney H. Unclaimed Money. 8vo. Lond., 1896. K 19 P 22 PRESTON, Prof. Thomas. The Theory of Light. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 U 14 PRESTWICH, Sir Joseph, F.R.S. Geology: Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1886-88. A 25 V 32, 33 Life and Letters of, written and edited by his wife- With Bibliography and Portrait, 8vo. Edinb., 1899. C 25 T 10 PREUSS, Dr. K. T. Kiinstlerische Darstellungen aus Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Eth- nologic (Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 1897.) E PRICE, Bruce. The Suburban House. (Sturgis, Dr. R —Homes in City and Country.) A 46 V 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 487 PRICE, Dr. John Alfred Parry. Dictionary of Terms used in Medicine. [See Hoblyn, R. D.] A 40 T 23 PRICE, Julius Mendes. The Land of Gold: Narrative of i. Journey through the West Australian Gold-fields in the autumn of 1895. 8vo. Loud., 189G. MD 8 P 31 PRICE, Langford Lovell Frederick Rice. Economic Science and Practice ; or, Essays on various aspects of the relations of Economic * Science to Practical Affairs. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 30 Money and its relations to Prices. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 13 PRICE, W. T. Life of William Charles Macready. [See Vlacready, W. G] C 19 P 1 PRICHARD, Dr. James Cowles. Researches into the Physical History of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1813. A 27 S 3 PRICHARD, T. H. Annexation of Fiji to Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MF 5 Q 24 PRIDMORE, George. On the March to Chitral. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 8 4 PR] ESTLEY, Dr. Joseph. Life and Works. [See Mar- lineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. William.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 PR] ESTMAN, Edward. The Tichborne Mystery. With Portraits. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF5S2' "PRIG, The." (T. L.) Chisel, Pen, and Poignard. [See Cellini, B.] C 20 S 20 Falklands. [See Falkland, Viscounts.] C 25 P 11 PRIMROSE, Archibald Philip, Earl of Rosebery. [See Rosebery, Earl of.] PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL, SYDNEY. Annual Reports, 1883-90, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1883- 98. MEGS PR] XCETON LECTURES. Claims of the Old Testament. [See Leathos, Rev. 8.] (! _>4 P 15 Descent of the Prin Two Lectures on Theism. [See Soth, Prof. A.] U 24 P 1(3 PR I NTGLE, Andrew. The Optical Lantern for Instruction and Amusement. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 29 T 38 Processes of pure Photography. [See Burton, W. K.] A 23 U 43 PRINGLE, Dr. John James. Adenoma Sebaceum. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 41 Affections of the Sweat-glands. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 41 Angiokeratoma. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi cine.) A 26 T 41 Dar e.) Ephelis, Chloasma, Tattooing, Leucodermia, Albinism (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.-Syst, of Med.) A 26 T 41 PRTXGLE, R, Hunter. England : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland— Agricult.] A 39 W 12-14 J PRINGLE, Surg.-Maj. Robert, Leprosy in India, and the best means of preventing its increase. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 7 PRINGLE, Thomas. Ephemerides ; or, Occasional Poems written in Scotland and South Africa. 8vo. Lond, 1828. H 12 R 31 PRINGLE PATTISON, Prof. A. Seth. [See Seth Pringle Pattison, Prof. A.] PRIOR, Rose Caroline Murray-. [Set Praed, Rose Caroline.] PRITCHARD, Andrew. History of Infusoria, including the Desmidiacere and Diatomacrw, British and Foreign. 4th ed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1861. A 20 T 31 PRITCHARD, Rev. Charles, F.R.S. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Charles Pritchard, F.R.S. ; by Ada Pritchard, with an Account of his Theological Work by the Bishop of Worcester ; and of his Astronomical Work by his successor, Prof. H. H. Turner. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 V 23 PRITCHARD, George B. Palaeontology of the Older Tertiary of Victoria. (Rov. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P Revision of the Fossil Fauna of the Table Cape Beds, Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P Eocene Rocks of Victoria. [See Roy. Soc Vict,, Proc, 1895.] ME 1 P Geology of the Lower Moorabool. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Note on a Tooth of Palorchestes from Beaumaris. [See Roy. Soc, Viet, Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Tertiaries in the neighbourhood of Melbourne. [See Roy. Soc. Vict, Proc, 1896.] ME 1 P , and GATLIFF, J. H. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Pts. 1-4. (Roy. Soc., Vict., Proc, 1897 1900.) ME 1 P of Victorian Mollusca. (Roy. S Proc, 1897-1900.) ME 1 P Public Library of New South Wales. PRITCHARD, Rev. W. Charles. Life and Labours of Sydney Linton, first Bishop of Riverina. [See Linton, Sydney, Bishop.] MC 1 T 27 PRITCHETT, R. T. Pen and Pencil Sketches of Shipping and Craft all round the World. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1899. A 35 Q 17 PRIULI-BON, Contessa. Sodoma. (Great Masters in Painting.) Lond., 1900. A 44 R 15 PROAL, Louis. Political Crime. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Criminology Ser.) F 13 S 33 PROBYN, L. C. Indian Coinage and Currency : Papers on an Indian Gold Standard, with the Indian Coinage and Currency Acts corrected to date. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 24 PROCESS YEAR-BOOK, 1898 : a Review of the Graphic Arts. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E PROCTER, Henry II. Leather Industries: Laboratory Work on Analytical and Experimental Methods. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V 3 PROCTER, J. T. Indicators and Quartz-reefs. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P PROCTER, John. Boers and Little Englanders : the Story of the Conventions. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 23 Q 1 7 PROCTOR, Richard Anthony. The Borderland of Science : a series of familiar Dissertations on Stars, Planets, and Meteors ; Sun and Moon ; Earthquakes ; Flying Machines; Coal, Gambling, Coincidences, Ghosts, etc. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 19 S 16 Other Suns than ours : a series of Essays on Suns old, young, and dead, with other Science Gleanings, two Essays on Whist, and Correspondence with Sir John Herschel. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 19 Q 15 The Star-lit Heavens; Sketch of J. W. Draper; British and American English; Betting and Mathematics; Fallacies ; the Menacing Comet ; Winning Wagers. (Leisure Readings.) A 19 Q 16 PROCTOR, Richard Wright. Memorials of Manchester Streets. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Manchester, 1874. B 22 V 18 PRODUCERS' GAZETTE and Settlers' Record, Western Australia. Vol. 5, Jan.-June, 1898. 8vo. Perth, 1898. MA 4 Q 19 PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE SERIES. Bacteria. [See Newman, Dr. G.] A 40 Q 17 Book of Whales. [See Beddard, F. E.] A 44 Q 16 Groundwork of Science. [See Mivart, Dr. F. St, G. ] A 40 P 10 River De\ elopment. [See Russell, Prof. I. C. ] A 36 R 20 Study of Man. [See Haddon, A. C] A 27 Q 40 Volcanoes. [See Bonncy, Prof. T. G.] A 19 S 29 PROGRESSIVE THOUGHT [formerly the Metaphy- sician] : a Monthly Journal devoted to the Science of Life. Vols. 1, 2, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1898-99. ME 7 T PROMPTER, The, Nov., 1830-Nov., 1831. 8vo. Lond., 1831. J 22 S 9 PROSKOWETZ, Max Rittcr von. Guide Agricole et Forestier de l'Autriche. [French and German.] 18mo. Vienne, 1890. A 18 P 29 PROTECTION IN VICTORIA versus FREE TRADE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Reprinted from the Age, March-April, 1887. 8vo. Melb., 1887. F 17 P 7 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, UNITED STATES. Papers, Addresses, and Discussions at the sixteenth Church Congress in the United States, 1894. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 15 S 31 PROTESTANT STANDARD, The. Vols. 1-25, May, 1869^Tune, 1892, 1893, Jan.-July, 1895. 26 vols, fol. Sydney, 1870-95. ME PROTHERO, Rowland Edmund. Letters and Verses of Dean Stanley, 1829-81. [See Stanley, Dean.] C 22 R 15 Private Letters of Edward Gibbon. [See Gibbon, Ed- ward.] C 24 Q 3, 4 Works of Lord Byron. [See Byron, Baron.] HUT 69 PROVIS, Richard. Observations on : Surveying Instruments. (Austral; Engineers, Trans., 1895.) e Surveying and n Inst, of Mining ME 18 P PRUSSIA. Jahrbuch der Preussischen Gerichtsverfas- sung, 1894. 8vo. Berlin, 1894. F 5 P 28 Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt fiir die Preussische Gesetzgebung und Rechtspflege, 1894, 1896-98. 4 vols. sm. 4 to. Berlin, 1894-98. E Die Preussische Justizverwaltung. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1892. F 1 U 1, 2 Protokoll der 39-41 Sitzung der Central-Moor-Com- mission, 1897-98. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1898-99. E Zeitschrift fiir das Berg- Hiitten- und Salinen-Wesen im Preussischen Staate. Bande 39-46. With Atlas, 39- 45. 14 vols, (in 18) 4to. Berlin, 1891-98. E PRYER, Charles. The Neutral Ground. (Goodwin. Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* PRYNNE, William. Looking-glasses for Lordly Prelates. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pam.) G 23 Q 32 PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. [See Society for Psychical Research.] PTOLEMiEUS, Claudius. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R, S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 PTOLEMY. [See Ptolemams, Claudius.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. public library, museums, and national GALLEBY OF VICTORIA. Letters from Vic- torian Pioneers : being a series of Papers on the Early < I'cupation of the Colony, the Aborigines, ifcc, ad- dressed by Victorian Pioneers to His Excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe, Lieut.-Governor of the Colony of Victoria. Edited by T. E. Bride. 8vo. Molb., 1899. MB 2 Q 14 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Vols. 1-4, 1896-99. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1896-99. Cat. Room PUBLIC OPIXION: a Comprehensive Summary of the Press throughout the World on all important current topics. Vols. 20-64, 67-77, July, 1871-93, 1895- June, 1900. 56 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1871-1900. E PUBLIC SERVICE JOURNAL AXD RAILWAY REVIEW, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Vol. 1, Nov., 1888-Dec.,1889. Sm.4to. Adelaide, 1888-89. ME 20 R "PUBLISHER, A." [See Marston, E.J PUBLIUS, Victor. [See Victor, Publius.] PUG/IS ALMANAC and Queensland Directory, 1874-76, 1878-79, 1883-84, 1887-89, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1896. 13 vols. 8vo. Brisb, 1874-96. ME 4 P PUGT>v, Prof. Augustus Northmore Welby. Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1843. A 44 W 12 PUL1GA, Henrietta, Countess. My Father and I: a Book for Daughters. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 16 PULITZER, A. The Romance of Prince Eugene. [See Eugene, Prince.] C 22 R 10, 11 PULL AN, Rev. Leigh ton. History of the Book of Com- mon Prayer. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 26 Q 5 PULLAN, Richard Popplewell. Studies in Cathedral Design. Illust, Fol. Lond, 1888. A12X20I PULL EN, Prof. W. W. F. Treatise on Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry. [See Evans, T. J.] A 25 S 20 PULSFORD, Edward. New South Wales Stat Victorian Critics. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. 7 P ' PUM PELLY, Prof. Raphael. Across America and Asia : Notes of a Five Years' Journey around the World, and of Residence in Arizona, Japan, and China. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1870. D19U18 PUM t'HREY, H. Easy Book-keeping for small Coopera- tive Societies. [,V« HiiUH, G.] P 16 T 24 3q PUNCH. Vols. 1-118, 1841-June, 1900. 118 vols, (in 96) sm. 4to. Lond., 1841-1900. E An Evening from among the thousand Evenings which may be spent with l'uuch : being aselection from thefirst fifty years of Punch. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1900. J 28 V 2 Mr. Punch's Animal Land. [See Reed, E. T.] A 31 S 32 A Peep into Punch. [See Schooling, J. H.] J 23 R 36 PUPIN, Dr. M. I. Thermodynamics of Reversible Cycles in Gases and saturated Vapors. Arranged and edited by Max Osterberg. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 It 35 PURCELL, Edmund Sheridan. Life of Cardinal Manning. [See Manning, Cardinal.] C 22 Q 3, 4 Life and Letters of Ambrose Phillipps de Lisle. [See De Lisle, A. P.] C 27 T 1, 2 PURCHASE, W. It. Practical Masonry : a Guide to the • Art of Stone-cutting. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 25 PURENEY, Thomas. Sketch of. [See Whiblev, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 val, Dean of York. PUREY OUST, Arthur ] Cust, A. P. Purey-, Dean.] PURNELL, Charles W. The Antarctic Regions. (Mel- bourne Review, 5.) " ME 18 Q The Argument from Design. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q Comparison between the Animal Mind and the Human Mind. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Do Animals possess Reason? (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Glimpse of Savagedom. (Melb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q PURSER, Louis Claude. Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero. [See Cicero, M. Tullius.] C 14 U 9 PURVIS, William Frederick, and BIGGS, Leonard Vivian. South Africa : its People, Progress, and Problems : a Hand-book for the Present Situation. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 14 It 19 PUSEY, Rev. Edward Bouverie. Letters to Cardinal J. 1 1. Newman. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869-85. G 3 U 7-9 Life of; by Rev. II. P. Liddon. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-97. C 24 T 13-16 The Church of England a portion of Christ's one Holy Catho : Chu in Lire. ltd I visible of the Year." [See Church, R. W., Dean. Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 Spiritual Letters of. Edited by Rev. J. O. Johnston and Rev. W. C. E. Newbolt. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond, 1898. G 25 T 22 Story of Dr. Pusev's Life ; by the Author of " Charles LowdeC [Miss Maria Trench]. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 U 3 [Sketch of.] [See Donaldson, Rev. A. B.— Five Great Oxford Leaders.] G 26 S 4 490 Public Library of New South Wales. PUTNAM, George Haven. Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages : a Study of the conditions of the production and distribution of Literature from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the close of the 17th Century; with Bibliography. Vols. 1, 2, 476-1700. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896-97. J 12 V 30, 31 The Question of Copyright : a Summary of the Copyright Laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world, together with a report of the legislation now pending in Great Britain, a sketch of the contest in the United States, 1837-91, in behalf of International Copyright, and certain papers on the development of the conception of literary property, and of the probable effects of the new American law. 8vo. New York, 1891. F15R9 PUTNAM, George Palmer, and JONES, Lynds E. Tabu- lar Views of Universal History. 8vo. New York, 1891. B25R16 PUTNAM, Harrington. Breuckelen. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* PUTNAM, Ruth. Annetje Jans' Farm. (Goodwin, M. W. —Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 Historic New York. [See Goodwin, M. W.] B 19 R 6 History of the People of the Netherlands. [See Blok, Prof. P. J.] B28T 10, 11 PYCRAFT, W. P. Story of Bird-life. 18mo. Lond., 1900. (Lib. of Useful Stories.) A 33 R 35 PYCROFT, A. T. Birds of the Bay of Islands. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S PYE, Henry James. Selections from the Works of. [Set West, K.— Laureates of England.] H 1 1 R 1 PYE, Hugh. Olive Culture. [Set Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 Wheat Experiments, 1896. [Set Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 3 V 13 PYE-SMITH, Dr. Philip Henry. [See Smith, Dr. P. H. rye-] PYKE, Vincent. The Moa, and the probable cause of its extinction. 12mo. Wellington, 1890. MA 4 S 4 PYKE, William Thomas. Australian Heroes and Adven- turers. Illustrated. 4to. Melb. (n.d.) (Advance Australia Ser.) MC 6 P 2 f PYLE, Howard. A Modern Aladdin ; or, the Wonderful Adventures of Oliver Municr : an Extravaganza in 4 acts. Must. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 22 T 38 The Rose of Paradise. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1888. j 92 T 37 Twihght Land. Illustrated. 8vo, New York, 1895. J 21 T 20 PYLE, Howard, and Katharine. The Wonder Clock. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 5 V 23 PYLE, Katharine. The Wonder Clock. [Set Pyle, H] J 5 V 23 PYTHAGORAS. Aurea Carmina. [See Pontic Grreci.] H 17 U 12 f "Q." [See Couch, Arthur T. Quiller-.] QUACKENBOS, Dr. John Duncan. Illustrated History of Ancient Literature, Oriental and Classical. New ed. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 23 S 7 QUAIL, Ambrose. Fragmentary Paper on the Larval Structure of Ilepialnx vin'wun (D'bld) of New Zea- land. (Roy. Soc., Queensland, Proc, 1899.) ME 1 T QUAIN, Dr. Jonas. Elements of Anatomy. 10th ed., by Prof. E. A. Sehafer and Prof. G. D. Thane. 3 vols, (in 9) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-96. A 30 U 41-49 QUAIN, Dr. Richard, F.R.S. Dictionary of Medicine including General Pathology, General Therapeutics, Hygiene, and the Diseases of Women and Children ; by Dr. Richard Quain, assisted by Drs. F. T. Roberts and S. M. Bruce. With an American Appendix by Dr. S. T. Armstrong. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 31 P 3, 4 QUARITCH, Bernard. Collection of Fac-similes from Examples of Historic or Artistic Book-binding, illus- trating the History of Binding as a branch of the Decorative Arts. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 18 P 6 t Examples of the Art of Book-illumination during the Middle Ages, reproduced in facsimile. Imp. 8vo. Lond, 1889. A 18 P 7 t Monuments of Typography and Xylography : Books of the first half century of the Art of Printing. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 8 R 28 QUARRIER, William. In a penter, W. B., Bishop.] QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, The. Vols. 1-13, Oct., 1886-July, 1899, and Index to vols. 1-10. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1887-99. E QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 33, 36-42, 1853-92, 1894-Jan., 1899. 39 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-99. E QUARTERLY JOURNAL. OF SCIENCE, [See Journal of Science.] Supp lementary Catalogue — 1896-1900, 491 QUARTERLY JOURXAI OF SCIEXCE, LITERA- TURE, AXD ART, 1827-28. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827-28. A 30 Q 11-14 QUA RTERL Y REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-191, 1809-April, ] !J00; and Index to vols. 161-180. 192 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1809-1900. E QUEBEC LITERARY and HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1892-1900. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1*98-1900. E QUERY, The Vols. 95-106, June, 1894-June, 1900. 13 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-1900. E QUEEN'S EMPIRE, The: a Pictorial and Descriptive Record. Ob. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 19 S 5 f QUEEN'S LONDON: a Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Streets, Buildings, Parks, and Scenery of the (ireat Metropolis in the 59th year of the reign of I i.M. Queen Victoria. Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1*96. A 8 R 30 t QUEEN'S PRIME MINISTERS. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agriculture. Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture, 1889-90, 1891-93, 1894-98. 7 vols. sm. fol. and8vo. Brisb., 1890-98. ME 11, 13, 15. Contributions lo the Queensland Flora; byF.M. Bailey. 12. Pestiferous Fungi ; by M. C. Cooke, and Peculiarities of the Queensland Flora, by F. M. Bailey. Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture, 2, 4, 6-11, 13. 2ndser. 8vo. Brisk, 1896-98. MA 3 S OS (!. Wheat-growing Experiments; by E. M. Shelton. 7. Use of Maize as Human Food j by E. M. Shelton. 8. Practical Poultry Farming ; by Mrs. I.ance Rawson. 9. Dairying ; by J. Malum. 10. Report on the Olive Tree and Olive Oil of Tuscany ; Major W. P. Chapman. 11. Soil Wastes in the Cane-field : by E. M. Shelton. 13. Spraying; by A. II. Benson. Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant-life a Botany abridged; by R M. Bailey. 2nd ed. 8 Brisb., 1897. MA 4 i QUEENSLAND— conid. Agriculture — contd. Dairying in Queensland, and Queensland Grasses. 8vo. Brisb., 1896. MA 3 S 68 Grub Pest of Sugar-cane of the Mackay District ; by II. Tryon. (Queensland. — Agriculture. — Annual Report, 1895-96.) ME Prospectus of the Queensland Agricultural College, Feb., 1897. Sm. 4to. Brisb., 1897. ME Report of Proceedings of Conference of Australasian Fruit-growers, held in Brisbane, June, 1897. 8vo. Brisb., 1897. ME 1 U Report of Rust in Wheat Conference, held in Melbourne, May, 1896. (Queensland. — Agriculture. — Annual Report, 1895-96.) ME Queensland Agricultural Journal. [See Queensland Agricultural Journal as a main Author Entry.] Blue Book. [See Public Service, under this heading.] British New Guinea. Report on British New Guinea from data and notes by the late Sir P. Scratchley ; by G. S. Fort. Sm. fol. Brisb, 1886. MF 1 U 2 Forestry. Reports on Forest Conservancy, 1890. Sm. fol. Brisb, 1890. MA 3 Q 37 t Geological Survey. Bulletins 1-11. 2 vols. 8vo. Brisb, 1895-1900. MA 2 V 53, 68 1. Artesian Water in the Western Interior of Queensland : by R. L. Jack. 2. Notes on the Pikedale Gold-field ; by A. O. Maitland. 3. Mount Cannindah Copper and Cold Deposits ; bv W. H. Rands. 4. Notes on the present condition of the Hodgkinson (iold -field ; by R. L. Jack. 5. Notes on the Palmer as a Reefing District ; by R. L. 6. Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Queensland Mining Court, Queensland Interna: ional Exhibition, 1S97: bv It. L. Jack. 7. Additions to the Fossil Flora of Queensland ; bv J. Shirley. 8. Report on the Cold-mines at the Fanning and Mt. Suc- cess ; by W. II. Rands. 9. Report of the Chillagoe Mining District and projected 10. Six Reports of the Geological Features of part of the .1 Kai With Maps. :. L. F.] QUESTIONS OF THE DAY. America and Europe : a Studv of International Relations. [See America.] » F 2 V ,10 Congressional Currency. [See Gordon, A. C] F 8 U 29 Destructive influence of the Tarill' upon Manufacture and Commerce, and the Figures and Facts relating thereto. F 15 S 22 . [Set Jones, W. H.] F 15 S 25 History of Money and Prices. [See Schoenhof, J.] F 8 V 19 History of the Surplus Revenue of 1837. [See Bourne, E.G.] F15S24 Regeneration of the United States, [See Grinncll, W. M.] F 17 T 5 Relation of Tariff to Wages. [See Wells, D. A.] F 17 I' G A Sound Currency and Banking System. [See Foote, A. R.] F10V22 Work and Wealth. [See Bowker, R. R.] F 15 S 23 QUETELET, Lambert Adolphe Jacques. Essai sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de L. A. J. Quetelet; par E. Mailly. With Portrait. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1875. C 27 P 23 QUICK, John. The next step in Federation. (Review of Reviews, June, 1897.) ME 6 U Why Victoria should accept the [Federal] Bill. (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E QUICK, Joseph. Remarks on the Distribution of Water. ( Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 4 QUICK, Rev. R. H. Life and Remains of. Ed. by F. Storr. With Portr. 8vo. Camb, 1899. C 20 U 29 Universities in their relation to the Training of Teachers. (Intermit. Health Exhib— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 .Some Thoughts concerning Education. [-See Locke, J.l G 15 U 36 QUICK, Rev. W. A. Relig bourne Review, 7.) it State Schools. (Mel- ME 18 Q QU1LLARD, Pierre. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 QUILLER-COUCH, Arthur Thomas. [See Couch, A. T. Quillet-.] QUIETER, Harry. Sententue Artis ; First Principles of Art for Painters and Picture Lovers. 8vo. bond., 1 88G. A 40 Q 1 1 Jump to Glory Jane. [See Meredith, G.] H 11 T 2 QUINN, George. Disinfecting Fruit-cases with Sulphur Fumes. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., March, 1899.) ME 9 Q Fruit-tree Pruning. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., April, July, 1899, Jan.; Feb., 1900.) ME 9 Q Fumigation of Citrus-trees for suppressing Scale Insects. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Feb., 1899.) ME 9 Q Grafting Fruit-trees. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 Q Pruning Citrus-trees. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 Q Selection and Planting of Fruit-trees. (Journ. of Agri- cult. and Industry, S. Aust., May, 1899.) ME 9 Q Summer Treatment of Lateral Growths to induce Fruit- fulness. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Jan., 1899.) ME 9 Q Use of Bordeaux Mixture in South Australia. (Journ. of Agr. and Industry, S. Aust., Aug., 1899.) ME 9 Q QUINN, J. Henry. Manual of Library Cataloguing. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 23 T 31 QUINN, Roderic Joseph. The Hidden Tide. 4to. Sydney, 1899. (Bulletin Booklets.) MH 13 R 1 t QUINNELL, Wilmot C. The Horse. (Queensl. Agricult. Journ., July, Sept., 1899, April, 1900.) ME 9 U Tuberculosis in Spayed Cows. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U QUIIUXDI GAZETTE and Liverpool Plains 1898. Fol. Quirindi, 1898. Advocate, ME QUIRK, G. E. What should be the true relations be- tween a Wholesale Distributive Society and the Pro- ductive Societies whose work it may sell. 12mo. Manchester, 1888. F 16 S 14 QUIROS, Capt. Pedro Fernandez de. Did De Quiros land in Queensland ? by J. J. Shillinglaw. [See Rov. Geog. Soc. of Aust., Vict. Br., Trans., 1898.] ME 20 P R., M. Romance of a Kinsjs Life. [See J usserand, J. J.] B 24 Q 18 RABAGLIATI, Dr. Andrea Carl,. Francisco. Air, Food, of Diseases. Svo. bond, (n.d.) A 39 V 19 , and WESBROOK, F. F. Relapsing Fever, or Famine Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. System of .Medicine.) A 26 T 31 RABY, Richard. Pope Adrian TV : an Historical Sketch. 12mo. Lond., 1849. G 9 V> ? RACCOLTA DI MOBTLI IN DIVERSI STILL Fo.. Torino (n.d.) A 48 P 20 \ Public Library of New South Wales. RACCOLTA D'ORNATI ANTICHI E MODERNI. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 48 P 21 J "RACHEL "(Elisabeth Rachel Felix.) [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and (Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 RACINE, Jean. Les Plaideurs ; with Introduction and Notes by L. Delbos. 12mo. Lond., 1884. (French Classics for English Readers.) H 13 U 4 Phedre ; with Oranimaticuland Explanatory Notes by H. Bue. ' 12mo. Lond., 1880. H 10 V 17 RACINET, Auguste. Le Costume Historique. Must. G vols. sm. 4to. Paris, 1888. A 38 V 9-14 RACKHAM, Rev. Richard Belvard. Position of the Laity in the Early Church. (Gore, Rev. C— Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 RADAU, Rev. Hugo. Early Babylonian History down to the end of the 4th Dynasty of Ur, to which is ap- pended an Account of the E. A. Hoffman Collection of Babylonian Tablets in the General Theological Semin- ary, New York. 8vo. New York, 1899. B 41 T 2 RADCLIFFE, Charles. [Memoirs of.] [See Thomson, Katherine. — Memoirs of the Jacobites.] C 27 U 4 RADCLIFFE, James, Earl of Derwentwater. [See Der- wentwater, Earl of.] RADCLIFFE COLLEGE LIBRARY. Classification used in the Radcliffe College Library. 8vo. Camb., 1896. [Bound with Dewey, M. — Decimal Classifica- tion.] Libr. RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY, OXFORD. The Rad- cliffe Catalogue of Stars, 1845, 1860, 1890. 3 vols, roy. Svo. and 4to. Oxford, 1860-94. A 49 U 1-3 Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. Vols. 1-36, 38-47, 1840-76, 1880-91. 46 vols. roy. Svo. Oxford, 1842-99. E RADCLYFFE, Raymond. Wealth and Wild Cats : Travels and Researches in the Gold-fields of Western Australia and New Zealand. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. MD 6 R 17 RAE, Rev. Colin. Malaboch ; or, Notes from my Diary on the Boer Campaign of 1894 against the Chief Malaboch of Rlaauwberg, District Zouipansberg, South African Republic; to which is appended a Synopsis of the Johannesburg Crisis of 1896. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1898. B 39 P 17 RAE, Henrietta. [See Normand, Henrietta.] RAE, J. L. C, PITTMAN, Edward Fisher, and DAVID, Prof. Tannett William Edgeworth. Records of Rock Temperatures at Sydney Harbour Colliery, Birthday Shaft, Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 It RAE, John. Thirty-five years on the New South Wales Railways. [See Whitton, J.] MC 1 Q 59 RAE, William Fraser. Sheridan: a Biography. [See Sheridan, R, B.] C 22 T 9, 10 RAFFLES, Sir Stamford. England in the Far East; by H. E. Egerton. Svo. Lond., 1900. (Builders of Greater Britain.) C 27 R 23 RAGGED SCHOOLS, SYDNEY. Annual Report for year ending 31st March, 1873. 12mo. Sydney, 1873. ' * MG 2 U 36 RAGGED SCHOOL UNION MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 14, No. 166, Oct., 1862. 8vo. Lond., 1862. MJ 3 T 10 R AIKES, Henry Cecil. Life and Letters of ; by Henry St. John Raikes. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 25 R 17 RAILROAD GAZETTE: a Journal of Transportation, Engineering, and Railroad News, 1895-99. 5 vols, fol. New York, 1895-99. E RAILTON, Herbert. The Haunted House. [&«Hood,T.] H 10 S 17 RAILWAYIANA; or, Ye Seer's Warning. Sm. 4to. ' Hobart Town (n.d.) [Bound with Tasmanian Punch.'] MJ 3 W 20 RAINBOW, William Joseph. Arachnidan Fauna of Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Arachnidan Fauna of British New Guinea. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898.) ME 2 P Arachnidan Fauna of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Araneidan Fauna of Santa Cru: Proa, 1899.) Catalogue of the described Phasmidaj of Australia- (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Insect Fauna of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.)MA 3 W 22 Larva of I'smuloterpna pert'ompfaria, Gn. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 11 A New Araneiad. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R New Araneidan of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1895-96.) ME 2 P New Araneidie of New South Wales. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Oct., 1895.) E Range of Vision in some Araneidse. (Australasian Assoc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Two new Australian Phasmas, together with a synopsis of the Phasmidse of Australia. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 It Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. RA 1 XES, Lt.-Gen. Sir Julius Augustus Robert. The 95th (the Derbyshire) Regiment in Central India; with Introduction by Col. H. D. Hutchinson. With Portr. Svo. Lond., 1900. (Derbyshire Campaign 8er.) B 31 R 10 RAIXFORD, E. H. Cellar-work and Fining. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Oct., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 U Considerations on the Wines exhibited at the Brisbane Exhibition, 1899. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U ElFects of the late Frost on Vines. (Queensland Agri- cult Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 U Maladies of Wine. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, 1898.) ME9XJ Some Vines grown at the State Farms. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U Summer Pruning. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., Oct., 1899.) ME9U RATS, Gilles do. [See Retz, Gilles dc] RALEIGH, Prof. Walter A. Style. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 1134 [Criticism of the Works of] Charlotte Bronte. [See Craik, 1 Eenry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Robert Louis Stevenson. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* RALEIGH, Sir Walter. Select Observations of the incomparable Sir Walter Raleigh, relating to Trade, Commerce, and Coin, wherein it is proved that our Money, our Sea and Land Commodities serve to enrich and strengthen other countries against our own. 8vo. Lond., 1696. [Reprint, 1896.] F8V4 [Life of] ; by M. A. S. Hume. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 25 The Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh ; by Arthur Patchett Martin. [See Melb. Review, 6.] ME 18 Q Raleigh and the first British Colonies. [See Rodway, J. -The West Indies.] B 16 R 28 [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 1 2 S 3 1 RALEIGH SUN, 1898-99. 2 vols. fol. Bellinger, 1898- 99. ME RALFE, Dr. Charles Henry. Diabetes 1 insipidus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 2G T 36 _ and FEN WICK, Dr. William Soltau. General Pathology of Digestion. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 RALPH, Julian. Dixie ; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. D 22 R 5 Harper's Chicago and the World's Fair. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. D 13 S 5 Our Great West : a Study of the Present Conditions and Future Possibilities of the New Commonwealths and Capitals of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. D 22 R 4 Towards Pretoria: a Record of the War between Briton and Boer to the hoisting of the British Flag at Bloem- fontein. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 36 Q 15 RAM, Mrs. Abel. Literary Reminiscences. [See Grenier, E.] C 26 Q 15 RAMAKRISHNA. Life and Sayings of. [See Miiller, Prof. F. Max.] G 23 P 43 RAMBALDONT, Vittorino de (Vittorino da Feltre). [See Woodward, W. H.] G 2 U 45 RAMBERT, Eugene. Alpine Memories. [See Javelle, E.l D 20 S 26 RAMBOSSON, J. Astronomy. Translated by C. B. Pitman. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 15 RAMCHTJNDRA. Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima, solved by Algebra. Reprinted under the superintendence of A. De Morgan. 8vo. Lond., 1859. A 25 T 6 RAMEE, Mile. Louise de la, "Ouida." Critical Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 23 S 33 RAMOLINO, Marie Letitia (Mme. Bonaparte). [See Bonaparte, Marie Laetitia Ramolino-.] RAMOND, G. Geologie des Tndes Anglaises : Strati- graphic et Tectonique d'apres la nouvelle edition de " A Manual of the Geology of India" by M. E. D. Oldham. 8vo. Paris, 1895. A 31 S 21 , and DOLLFUS, G. Geologie du Spitzberg a propos de la Mission de la "La Manche." Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1894. A 25 V 36 RAMPINI, Charles. History of Moray and Nairn. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (County Histories of Scotland.) B 32 T IS RAMSAY, A. Alexander. Determining the Density of Sugar-cane. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 V Sugar Industry in the North [of Queensland]. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., July, L899.) ME 9 U Sugar-cane from Seed. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U RAMSAY, A. D. [Mrs. W. M.] (A. D. Marshall.) Every-day Life in Turkey. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 S 27 Public Library of New South Wales. RAMSAY, Allan. [Life of] ; by Olipliant Smeaton. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 T 11 RAMSAY, Edward Pierson. Notes on the Food Fishes and Edible Mollusca of New South Wales. (Internat. Fisheries Kxhil>. -- Fisheries Literature.) A 34 E 5 Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Museum, Sydney. [See Aust. Museum.] MA 3 V 4 RAMSAY, Sir Henry. [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. — Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 RAMSAY, Sir James Henry. Foundations of England ; or, Twelve Centuries of British History, B.C. 55-a.d. 1154. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 22 S 14, 15 RAMSAY, Prof. William, F.R.S. The Gases of the Atmosphere : the History of their Discovery. 8vo. Lond, 1896. A 19 S 19 RAMSAY, Prof. William Mitchell. Historical Comment- ary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 27 St. Paul, the Traveller and the Roman Citizen. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 U 6 RAMSDEN, Hermione. We Women and our Authors. [See Hansson, Laura Marholm.] J 21 R 38 RAMSEY, Marathon Montrose. The Island of Cuba. [See Rowan, Lieut. A. S.] B 26 P 7 RANCE, Charles E. de. [See De Ranee, C. E.] RAND, Benjamin. Life of Anthony, Earl of Shaftsbury. [See Shaftsbury, Earl] C 26 T 6 RANDALL, Dr. B. Alexander. Diseases of the External Ear and Tympanic Membrane. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 RANDALL, Frank H. Practical Instruction in Mesmer- ism. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 11 U 35 RANDLE, A. A District Cooperative Farm. 12mo. Manchester, 1883. F 13 V 41 RANDOLPH, John. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 RANDOLPH, Sarah Nicholas. Domestic Life of Thomas - Jefferson. [See Jefferson, T.] C 26 Q 7 RANDS, William Henry. Contemporaneous Basalt in beds of the Gympie formation at Cannindah Station. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) - ME 1 T Mt. Cannindah Copper and Gold Deposits. [See Queens- land.-— Geolog. Surv.] MA 2 V 53 Report on the Gold-mines of the Fanning and Mt. Success- [See Queensland.— Geolog. Surv.] MA 2 V 53 With Stoddart's Team in Australia : being the Record of the 1897-98 Tour. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.. 1898. MA 4 P 14 RANKE, Leopold. The Popes of Rome. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 1 4 U 35 RANKEN, Rev. Charles. Edward. Chess Openings. [See Freeborough, E.] A 29 T 35 RANKIN, Rev. Jeremiah Eames. Estrangement of young people from Christianity. [See Bersier, Dr. E.] C 9 V 14 RANKIN, Reginald. Wagner's Nibelungen Ring. [See Wagner, R.] H 13 T 5 RANKINE, Rev. W. Henry. A Hero of the Dark Con- tinent : Memoir of Rev. William Affleck Scott. [See Scott, Rev. W. A.] C 23 P 17 RANN, Ernest H. Fatal Links. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Trials in Superstitious Ages. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 RANSOHOFF, Dr. Joseph. Cerebral Concussion and Shock. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Thera- RANSOME, Dr. Arthur, F.R.S. General Pathology of Respiratory Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Treatment of Asphyxia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Treatment of Phthisis. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 33 S 14 RANSOME, J. Stafford. Japan in Transition: a com- parative Study of the Progress, Policy, and Methods of the Japanese since their War with China. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 R 8 Modern Labour : a Review of the Labour Question. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 2 V 31 RANYARD, A. C. The Comet seen during the Eclipse ; Has the Moon an Atmosphere? (Leisure Readings.) A 19 Q 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 497 RAOl'LT, Francois Marie \S,. e Jones, H. C] Modern Theory of Solution. A 44 Q 21 RAPKR, G. A. Pope Leo XIII. [See Loo XIII, Pope.] C 23 U 17 C 26 Q 10 Sarah Bernhardt. [See Bernhardt, S.] RAPHAEL SANZIO, or SANTI, DA URBINO. Raphael : his Life, Works, and Times ; by Eugene Miintz. Translated by Walter Armstrong. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 10 Art of. [See Rose, G.B.— Renaissance Masters.] A 41 T 1 1 Early Work of Raphael. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 13.] E [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 13 Examination of Works of. [See Stearns, F. P.] A 23 S 25 Memoir of. [See Michael Angelo Ruonarotti. — Life of ; by J. S. Harford.] C 14 V 22 Raphael. [See Knackfuss, H.] A 45 W 1 Raphael. [See Strachey, H.] A 44 R 11 Raphael in Rome. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 20.] E Doctrine and Development. G 23 Q 37 The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2 vols. (in 3) 8vo. Oxford, 1895. G 17 T 4-6 RASSAM, Hormuzd. Asshur and the Land of Nimrod : m lieing an Account of the Discoveries made in the An- cient Ruins of Nineveh, Asshur, Sephai vain, Calah, Babylon, Borsippa, Cuthah, and Van, including a Narrative of different Journeys in Mesopotamia, Assyria, Asia Minor, and Koordistan ; with an In- troduction by Rev. It. W. Rogers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 39 Q 10 RATHBONE, Frederick. Josiah Wedgwood on the Clay of Sydney Cove. [See Wedgwood, J.] MA 13 Q 10 t Sketch of Wedgwood's Life and Labours. [See Birming- ham Museum and Art Gallery.] K 19 R 20 RATHBONE, Mrs. W. District Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 19 RATHBORNE, Ambrose B. Camping and Tramping in Malaya: Fifteen years' Pioneering in the Native States of the Malay Peninsula. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 10 V 27 RATHBUN, Richard. Fishing gn [See U.S.— Commission of Fish; nds of North America. d Fisheries.] A10T4f RATIONALE OF POLITICAL REPRESENTATION. [See Bailey, S.] F 10 R 28 RATZEL, Prof. Friedrich. The History of Mankind. Translated by A. J. Butler ; with Introduction by E. B. Tvlor. Vols. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-98. A 31 S 9-11 RAUM, Green Berry. Laws and Regulations governing the recognition of Agents, Attorneys, and other persons to represent Claimants before the Department of the Interiorand the Bureaus thereof. [See United States.— Dept. of the Interior.] F 1 U 8 RAUPARAHA, Te. Life and Times of ; by W. T. L. Travers. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1872.) ME 2 S RAVENSHEAR, Albert F. American and Continental Engines. (Pettigrew, W. F. — Manual of Locomotive Engineering.) A 22 R 35 RAVENSTEIN, Ernest George. Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 99.] E The Universal Geography. [See Reclus, E.] D 21 U 1-1 9 RAWLINGS, Gertrude Burford. The Story of the British Coinage. Must. 18mo. Lond., 1898. F12S23 RAWLINSON, Rev. Ge< . Herodotus. [&e Herodotus.] B 17 Q 20, 21 Memoir of Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson. [See Rawlinson, Sir H. C] C 25 Q 23 RAWLINSON, Sir Henry Creswicke. Memoir of ; by G. Rawlinson. With an Introduction by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 23 -, and SMITH, (ieorge. Selection from the Mis- cellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. [See British Mu- seum.] B 47 P 12, 13 t RAWNSLEY, Rev. Hard wick Drummond. Reminiscences of Words worth amongst the Peasantry of Westmoreland. (Knight, William.— Words worthiana.) J 14 R 15 Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle. [See Goodwin, H. Bishop.] C 23 V 8 RAWSON, E. S. What did h L.-By Creek and Gully.) RAWSON, Prof. Edward Kir! Battles: Salamis to Sant Svo. New York, 1900. ( !■'.- RAWSON, Hen With Notes. Gilbert. Profit-sharing Precedents. Svo. Lond., 1891. F 10 U 2 RAWSON, Mrs. La Queensland— As ie. Practical Poultry-farming. [See iculture.j MA 3 S 68 Public Libnmj of New South Wales. RAWSON, Thomas Harold. Westport Harbour, New Zealand Wave-basin. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 1898-99.) E RAWSON, W. Stepney. Coil and Current. [See Frith, Henry.] A 20 Q 32 RAY, Sidney H. The Common Origin of the Oceanic Languages. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 189G.) ME 6 R RAY SOCIETY. Publications, 1894 98. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897-99. E 1894-95. Larvie of the British Butterflies and Moths ; bv William Buckler. Kditcd bv dewge T. Porritt. Vols. 7, 8. 189(5-97. The Tailless Batrachians of Europe; by (i. A. Boulenger. 1898. Monograph of the British Annelids; by Dr. YV. C. Mcintosh. RAYLEIGH, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron, F.R.S. Scientific Papers. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1899. A 44 V 1 The Theory of Sound. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 T 29 RAYMOND, Daniel. Daniel Raymond: an Early Chap- ter in the History of Economic Theory in the United States. [See Neill, C. P.] B 18 S 15 RAYMOND, Prof. George Lansing. Rhythm and Har- mony in Poetry and Music, together with Music as a representative Art. 8vo. New York, 1895. H 10 W 7 RAYMOND, Harry. Memoir of B. T. Barnato. [See Barnato, B. L] C 25 Q G RAYMOND, John T. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day. ] C 23 Q 6 RAYMOND, R, P. [Life of] Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. [See Melbourne Review, 10.] ME 18 Q R AYNER, Dr. Henry. Melancholia and Hypochondriasis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 41 REA, Hope. Donatello, " II Maestro di chi sanno." Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 It 13 Tuscan Artists : their Thought and Work, with Notes on other Schools, principally for the use of travellers; with Introduction by Sir '\V. 15. Richmond. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 6 REA, S. J. Lost in the Bush. (Wide World Mag., March, 1899.) E READ, Mrs. Charles. Australia 4to. Sydney, 189G. Guide. Sm. MA 3 P 07 READ, Gen. Meredith. Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy, from Roman Times to Voltaire, Rousseau, and Gibbon. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 19 U 2, 3 READE, Charles. The Cloister and the Hearth. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 25 Q 44 Griffith Gaunt ; or, Jealousy. New ed. 12mo. Lond. 1891. J 25 Q 46 Hard Cash. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 25 Q 45 r too late to mend. New ed. 12i 1894. Peg Wellington. New ed. 12n J 25 Q 47 Lond., 1892. J 25 Q 48 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C— My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T READER, Frederick M. Contributions to the Flora of Victoria. (Vict. Nat., Oct., 1897, April, Dec, 1898, March, 1899.) ME 6 P REASON, William. Settlements and Education. (Rea- son, W.— University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 Settlements and Recreations. (Reason, W. — University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 University and Social Settlements. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Social Questions of To-day.) F 15 P 33 REATCHLOUS, H. A. Science-teaching in Training- colleges. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib Literature.) A 41 V 10 RE AY, Donald James Mackay, 11th Baron. Address by, at International Conference on Education. (Internat. Health Exhib. - Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St, Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.J G 17 T 18 REBER, Samuel. Manual of Pho States.— Dept, of War.] [See United A 36 Q 16 REBOUET, A. [Reproduction of his Picture J Night. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J RECEJAC, E. Essay on the Bases of the Mystic Know- ledge. Translated by Sara Carr Upton. 8vo. Lond.. 1899. G 23 R 33 RECESS COMMITTEE. Report of the Recess Commit- tee on the establishment of a Department of Agricul- ture and Industries for Ireland : with Appendices. 2nded. 8vo. Dublin, 189G. A 38 R 13 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. REC LUS, Jean Jacques Elisee. The Universal Geography. IMited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Illust. 19vols.roy.8vo. Lond. (n.d.) " D 21 U 1-19 1. Southern Europe (Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania, Servia, Italy, Spain and Portugal.) 2. France and Switzerland. 3. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Ncther- 4. The British Isles. 5. The North-east Atlantic, Islands of the North Atlantic, Scandinavia. European Islands of the Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe. 6. Asiatic Russia. 8. India and Indo-China, 9. South-western Asia. 10. North-east Africa. 11. North-west Africa. 12. West Africa. 13. South and East Africa. 14. Australasia. 15. North America. 16. The United States. 17. Mexico, Central America, West Indies. 18. South America : the Andes Regions. 19. Amazonia and La Plata. RECREATIVE SCIENCE: a Record and Remembrancer of Intellectual Observation. Vols. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860-62. A 44 Q 6-8 "RECTANGLE" ("T.W.") Zetetic Cosmogony; or, Conclusive Evidence that the World is not a rotating, revolving Globe, but a stationary plane Circle. 8vo. HECTOR, L. E. The Education of Children. [See Mon- taigne, M. E. de.] G 15 U 46 RE I) DAW AY, William Fiddian. The Monroe Doctrim Svo. Camb., 1898. F 15 R 1 REDK LECTURES. Byzantine History in the Early Middle Ages. [See Harri- son, F.] B28T19 RE I) FIELD, Dr. James W. Comparative Physiognomy : or, Resemblances between Men and Animals. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1884. A 30 Q 29 REDFORD, John. The Moral Play of Wit and .Science. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] * H 3 U 40 REDFORD, Prof. R, A. The Christian's Plea against Modern Unbelief: a Hand-book of Christian Evidence. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1887. G 26 8 2 REDGRAVE, Richard. Oil Paintings in England. (Sheep- shanks, J.— The Sheepshanks Gallery.) A 10 W 1 1 t REDMAYNE, R. A. S. Colliery Working and Manage- ment. [See Bulman, H. P.] A 25 U 30 REDMOND, John Edward. Historical and Political Ad- dresses, 1883-97. Svo. Dublin, 1898. F 9 P 30 REDWOOD, Roverton. Chapter on the Detection rind Measurement of Petroleum Vapour. [See Clowes, Dr. F.— Inflammable Gas and VapoUrin the Air.] A 20 Q 21 , and HOLLOWAY, George T. Petroleum. Illust. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 21 U 9, 10 REDW T OOD, C. Barley-growing. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R REDWOOD, Iltyd I. Practical Treatise on Mineral Oils and their by-products, including a short history of the Scotch Shale Industry, the Geological and Geographi- cal Distribution of Scotch Shales, Recovery of Acid and Soda used in Oil Refining, and a List of Patents relating to Apparatus and Processes for obtaining and refining Mineral Oils. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 33 S 26 REED, Sir Charles. Memoir of ; by his son. Svo. Lond., 1883. C 27 R 24 REED, Edward Tennyson. Mr. l'mich's Animal Land. Roy. Svo. Lond., '1898. A 31 S 32 REED, T., and CO. Reed's Engineers' Hand-book. [See Thorn, W. H.] A 22 R 10, 11 REES, Rowland. Address delivered at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the South Australian Institute. [See S. Aust. Institute.] MB 3 Q 2 REES, W. L. Sir Gilbert Leigh ; or, Pages from the History of an Eventful Life, with an Appendix, " The Great Pro-Consul." 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1878. MJ 1 U 37, 38 REEVE, Henry. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of ; by J. K. Laughton. With Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. Lond", 1898. C 25 R 19 20 REEVE, R. Roope. Hunting in the Antipodes. (Bad- minton Mag., Nov., 1898.) E REEVES, Edward. Brown Men and Women ; or, the South Sea Islands in 1895 and 1890. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. MD 3 U 14 Land Laws of New Zealand. (Westminster Review, 189-1.) E The Piesent Position of adult Male Labour in New Zealand. (Westminster Review, 1895.) E Public Library of New South Wales. REEVES, Hon. William Pembcr. Education in New Zealand. (Progress in Women's Education.) G 23 11 10 Five Years Political and Social Reform in New Zealand. (National Review, Aug., 189G.) E The Fortunate Isles. (Roy. Colonial Inst., Proc., 1895-96.) E The Long White Cloud. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MB 3 S 4 New Zealand. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Story of the Empire Ser.) MB 3 P 4 The New Zealand Old Age Pensions Act, (National Review, Feb., 1899.) ' E Two Foreign Criticisms of Australasian Democracy. (National Review, June, 1898.) E REEVES-SMITH, H. [See Smith, H. Reeves-.] REFEREE, The, 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1896- 99. ME REGAN, William Frederick. Boer and Uitlander: the true History of the late events in South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 30 REGAUD, Dr. C, and BARJON, Dr. F. Anatomie Pathologique du Systeme Lyniphatique dans la Sphere des Neoplasmes Malms. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 40 S 4 REGENER, Fr. Allgemeine Unterrichtslehre : im Grun- drisse dargestellt. 8vo. Gera, 1894. G 19 T 39 Besondere Unterrichtslehre : im Grundrisse dargestellt. 8vo. Gera, 1896. G 19 T 40 REGENERATION: a Reply to "Max Nordau." 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 U 4 REGIA SCUOLA SUPERIORE DAGRICOLTURA IN MILANO. Annuario della Instituzione Agraria Dott. Andrea Ponti. Roy. 8vo. Milano, 1897. E Regolamenti e Programmi per l'Anno Scolastico 1895- 99. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Milam), 1896-99. E Ricerche eseguite nel Laboratorio di Chimica Agraria della Regia Scuola d'Agricoltura di .Milano: Analisi eseguite per il Pubblico, 1896-97. 8vo. Milano, 1898. E REGNAUD, Prof. Paul. Etudes Vediques et Post- Vediques. 8vo. Paris, 1898. G 17 U 26 Phon6tique Historique et Compares du Sanscrit et du Zend. 8vo. Paris, 1895. J 9 V 33 BhiiratTya-nfitya-castram. [See Grosset, J.] H 3 V 2 REGNIER, Henri Francois Joseph de. La Canne de Jaspe : Monsieur d'Amercceur ; le Trefle noir ; Contes a soi-meme. 8vo. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 6 La Double Maitresse. 12mo. Paris, 1900. J 24 R 44 Episodes ; Sites ; et Sonnets. 2nd ed. 8vo. Paris, 1891. H 11 Q 16 REGNIER, Henri Francois Joseph de —covtd. Les Jeux rustiques et divins : Arethuse ; les Roseaux de la Flute ; Inscriptions pour les treize Portes de la Ville ; la Corbeille des Heures ; Poemes divers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Paris, 1897. H 12 Q 19 Les Medailles dArgile. 12mo. Paris, 1900. H 13 T 12 Poemes, 1887-92 : Poemes an*iens et romanesques ; Tel qu'en songe : augment e's de plusicurs poemes. [2nd ed.] 8vo. Paris, 1897. II 12 Q 18 Premiers Poemes. 12mo. Paris, 1899. II 12 Q 17 L3 Trefle Blanc. 18mo. Paris, 1899. J 23 P 55 [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 REHAN, Ada. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] " J 14 U 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 REICH, Emil. Hungarian Literature : an Historical and Critical Survey. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 35 REICHENBACH, Karl, Baron von. Researches on Mag- netism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemical Attraction, in their relation to vital forces. Translated by Dr. William Gregory. Pts. 1, 2. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1850. A 21 U 20 BEID, Andrew. The House of Lords Question, with Con- tributions from others. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 8 The New Party described bv some of its members. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) F 15 P 29 REID, Arnot, From Peking to Petersburgh. With Por- trait and Map. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 S 2 REID, Christian. The Land of the Sun : Vistas Mes Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1894. D 16 Q 1 REID, Clement. Geology of the Country around Bourne- mouth. [See Gt. Brit, and Trel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 34 Geology of the Country around Bognor. [See Gt. Brit, and Trel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 41 Geology of the Country around Eastbourne. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. --England and Wales.] A 47 R 42 Geology of Eskdale, Rosedale, &c. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 5 Geology of Holderness and the adjoining parts of York- shire and Lincolnshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales. 1 A 47 R 9 Pli Deposits of Britain. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. -United Kingdom.] A 47 P 13 Water Supply of Sussex from urn' Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Wales.] d sources. [Se; -England and A 47 R 43 Supplemcn tary Ca (a log ue — 1896- 1 900. RE1 1 >, Prof. E. Waymouth. General Account of the Pro- cesses of Diffusion, Osmosis and Filtration. (Schafer, Dr. E A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Secretion and Absorption by the Skin. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 REID, G. Archibald. The Present Evolution of Man. 8vo. Lend., 1896. A 27 T 18 REID, Dr. George. Practical Sanitation; with an Ap- pendix on Sanitary Law by H. Manley. 6th ed. 8vo. Loud., 1899. A 40 T 25 REID, Rt. Hon. George Houstoun. The Australian Pre- miers in England. (Review of Reviews, Sept., 1897.) E The Outlook of Federation. (Review of Reviews, Jan., 1897.) E Speech on the second reading of the Customs Duties Bill in the Legislative Assembly, June, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. F 17 P 3 REID, H. Lloyd. British Taxpayers' Rights. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 7 REID, J. Prospects of Australian Federation. (United Service Magazine, Sept., 1896.) E RE I D, Rev. James Seaton. History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. New ed., with additional Notes, by W. D. Killen. 3 vols. 8vo. Belfast, 1867. G 2:5 P 45-47 RE 1 1 ), John Kidston. Index to the Statutes of Tasmania, and Acts of the Federal Council of Australasia in force on June 1st, 1897. [See Tasmania.— Statutes.] ME REID, St. George. Bacteriological Diagnosis. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 T 2 REID, Stuart. Victorian Land Acts and large Estates. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q REM), Thomas. Thomas Reid ; by A. Campbell Fraser. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Scr.) C 20 V 13 REID, Thomas Wilson. The Book of the Cheese, being Traits and Stories of "Ye olde Cheshire Cheese." Revised by W. H. Graham. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 24 Q 10 REM), Sir Wemyss. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt, Hon. W. E.] C 26 S 1 Memoirs and Correspondence of Lyon Playfair. [See 1 'lay fair, L] C 26 S 8 REION OF TERROR, The: a Collection of authentic Narratives of the Horrors committed by the Revolu- tionary Government of France under Marat and Robespierre; written by eve-witnesses of the scenes. Translated from the French, interspersed with Bio- graphical Notices of prominent characters and curious anecdotes illustrative of a period without its parallel in history 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 9, 10 REILEY, Alan C. History for ready reference. [See Larned, J. N.] B 40 W 4-8 REILLY, A. Adams-. Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S. [See Forbes, J. D.] C 25 R 9 REIN, Prof. W., PICKED, A., and SCHELLER, E. Theorie und Praxis des Volksschulunterrichts nach Herbartischen Grundslitzen. 8 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886-98. G 17 U 27-34 REINDORF, Rev. C. C. History of the Cold Coast and Asante, 1500-1860. 8vo. Basel, 1895. B 16 S 16 REINECKE, Dr. F. Anthropologische Aufnahmen und Untersuchungen, ausgefuhrt auf den Samoa-Inseln 1894-95 fur die Konigliche Akademie der Wissen- schaf ten zu Berlin. (Zeitschrift fur Ethnol., 1896.) E REINSCH, Prof. Paul S. World Politics at the end of the 19th Century as influenced by the Oriental Situa- tion. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Citizen's Lib.) F 19 S 5 REINSTEIN, J. B. Address by, at the Special Meeting of the Regents of the University of California, for the purpose of .suggesting and discussing matters necessary to the prosperity of the University. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1898. G 23 S 17 REIS, Philip. The Telephone. [See Jerrold, W.- Elec- tricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 REISET, F., and VILLOT, Frederic. Collection de Dessins Originaux de Grands Maitres. [See Leroy, A.] A 46 P 8 J vith Preface by B 41 R 2 REIZENSTEIN, Milton. Economic History of the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad, 1827-53. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 RELATIONS OF CAPITAL AND LABOUR: Pre- vention or Settlement of Labour Disputes. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 4 Q 58 REMACLE, Adrien. [Translation from.] [See Pastels in Prose.] J 26 U 2 REMARKABLE MAPS of the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries; reproduced in their original size. Pts. 2- 6. Fol. Amsterdam, 1895-99. D 8 P 36-38 J i Hen s Ma] All- Public Library of New South Wales. REMARKS ON EMIGRATION, with a Draft of a Bill. 8vo. Lond., 1831. F 13 Q 37 REMBRANDT HERMANSZOON VAN RYN. Rem- brandt : his Life, his Work, and his Time ; by Emile Michel. Translated from the French by Florence Simmonds. Edited by Frederick Wedmore. Illust. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1895. C 11 W 14, 15t Rembrandt. [See Knackfuss, H.] A 45 W 3 REMINGTON, Frederic. Crooked Trails. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 37 V 20 REMINGTON, J. C. Federal Legislation in its relation to Life Assurance. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 REMINGTON, Dr. Joseph P. Prescription-writing and the combination of Drugs. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 RENAN, Ernest. Antichrist. Translated, with an In- troduction, by W. G. Hutchison. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Scott Lib.) G 25 P 10 Poetry of the Celtic Races, and other Studies. Trans- lated by W. G. Hutchison. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 1G R 41 Life of ; by Mine. James Darmesteter. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 16 Ecce Homo. [See Church, It. W., Dean.- -Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Essay on.] [See Myers, F. W. H. -Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 Hibbert Lectures. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occa- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Sketch of. [See Pearson, Dr. C. H. —Reviews and Criti- cal Essays.] J 14 U 20 Souvenirs d'Enfance et de Jeunesse. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Vie de Jt'sus. [See Church, R. W., Dean.- Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Vie de Jesus. [See Martineau, Rev. J.— Essays, Re- views, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 , and Henriette. Brother and Sister : a Memoir, and Letters. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 5 RENARD, Mine. Secrets of Beauty, with the Science of Dressing with Taste, Elegance, and Economy. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 P 19 RENDALL, Dr. Gerald Henry. Marcus Aurelius An- toninus to himself : an English Translation, with In- troductory Study on Stoicism and the last of the Stoics. [See Aurelius Antoninus, M.] G 23 Q 22 RENEL, Ch. L'Evolution d'un Mythe. 8vo. Paris, 1896. B 39 U 7 RENER, Dr. Eduard. Handbuch des Volksbildungs- wesens. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1896. G 18 It 53 RENNIE, Prof. Edward Henry. Acids of the Native Currant (Lfptonxrriu adda.) 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MA 3 W 18 Action of Et.livlChlnrocarbonate on Benzene in presence of Aluminium Chloride. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 An Apology for Chemistry : Address delivered at the Annual Commemoration, University of Adelaide, Dec. 14th, 1892. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. MA 3 W 18 Benzyl-Phenol and its Derivatives. Pts. 1-3. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Colouring Matter from Lomatia Uici/olia and Lomatia longifolia. (Chemical Soc., Journ., 1895.) E Colouring Matters of Drosera Whitakeri. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Glycvphvllin, the sweet principle of Smilur t//i/ci//Ji>///<(. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 New Derivative of Quinine. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 New Zealand Kauri Gum. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) by Tinned Foods. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Presidential Address in Section B, Chemistry and Mineralogy, Australasian Association for Advance- ment of Science, 1890. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Action of Benzyl Chloride on Morphine. [See Wright, Dr. C. It. A.] MA 3 W 18 -, and GOYDER, G. Alkaloids of Slri/chnos psilospenna. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 3 W 18 , and TURNER, E. F. Note on a Vole; Ash from the Island of Tanna, New Hebrides. 8vo. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Poisonous Constituents of Sti'/Jttuna li>:rint>tdi folia. 8vo. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 RENOIR, H. Monograms and Ciphe (,,d.) 4to. Edinb. A 18 Q 20 f RENOUF, Peter Le Page. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religion of Anc«nt Egypt. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. (Hib- bert Lectures.) G 23 T 3 RENSSELA.ER, Mrs. Mariana G. Van. [See Van Rens- selaer, Mrs. Mariana G.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 503 REN TON, A. Wood. Encyclopedia of the Laws of Eng- land: being a new abridgment by the most eminent legal authorities ; with a general Introduction by Sir I'. Pollock. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897-98. FIT 9-21 1 . Abandonment to Bankruptcy. 2. Banner to Cheque. 3. Chicory to County Courts. 4. County District to Employers and Workmen. ii. Employers' Liability to Freemasons. 6. Freight to Interment. 7. International Copyright to Lodemanage. 8. Lodger to Mortgage. 0. Mortmain to Peel Acts. 10. Peerage to Rail. 11. Railway to Stream. 12. Street to Zululand, and Appendix. RENTON, Edward. Intaglio Engraving, Past and Pre sent. Must. 12mo. Lond.,' 1896.' A 23 P 29 RENTOUL, Rev. J. L. The Sunday Qut (Melbourne ueview, o.; ME 18 Q REPPLIER, Agnes. Essays in Miniature. 8vo. Boston, 1 895. J 1 R 23 In the Dozy Hours, and other Papers. 8vo. Boston. 1895. " J 16 R G3 Philadelphia: the Place and the People. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. B 19 Q 18 Varia. 8vo. Boston, 1898. J 1 R 2-1 RES ANOFF, A. Monographic de la Cathedrale d'Orvieto. [See Benois, N.] A 12 X 23 f RET I [WISCH, Prof. Conrad. Deutschlands huheres Schul- wesen im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. G 18 It 54 "RETIRED OFFICER," Letters on applied Tactics. [See Griepenkerl, Major.] A 36 It 18 RETROSPECTIVE UEVIEW: consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from curious, valu- able, and scarce old books. Vols. 1, 2, Nov., 1852- Aug., 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-54. J 28 It 11, 12 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW and Historical and Anti- quarian Magazine. Vol. l-2nd ser. vol.2, 1820-28. 16 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1820-28. J 28 Q 14-R 10 RETZ, Gilles de. Blue-beard : a Contribution to History and Folk-lore : being the History of (idles de Ret/., of Brittany, France, who was executed at Nantes in 1 1 10 RET/, Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de. Memoirs, containing all the, great events during the minority of Louis XIV and the administration of Cardinal Mazarin. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 21 U 2 REUCHLIN, Johann. [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 REUSENS, Prof. Edmond. Elements de Paleographie. Illustrated. 8vo. Louvain, 1897. J 15 V 33 REUTER, Fritz. Sammtliche Werke. 15 vols. 12mo. Wismar, 1894-98. J 23 P 20-34 1 , 2. Lauschen uu Rimels. 3. De Reis' nah Belligen. 4, 5, 8-10, 12, 13. Olle Kamellen. 6. Schurr-Murr. 7. Hanne Nute un de liitte Pudel. 11. KeinHiisung. 14, 15. Xachgelasscne Scliriften. Ergiinzungsbande zu den Siinuntlichon Werken. 3rd ed. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Leipzig, 1891. H 10 U 34 1. Der 1 April 1856 oder Onkel Jakob und Onkel Jochen ; Original-Lustspiel in 3 Acten ; Furst Blucher in Teterow; Dramatischer Schwank in, Akt. REVAREVA DUAHIA HADIBAIA BUKANA. Motu Gado. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MG 2 T 46 REVIEW OF REVIEWS'. Vols. 1-8, 10, 1890-93, July-Dec, 1894. 9 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1890-94. E Australasian edition. Vols. 3, 4, 6-14, July, 1893- June, 1894, 1895-June, 1899. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-99. ME 6 U History of the Mystery : a Sequel to Blastus, the King's Chamberlain ; by W. T. Stead. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1897.) E Index to the Periodicals of 1890-99. 10 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1891-1900. Cat. Room Satan's Invisible World Displayed ; or, Despairing De mocracy : a Study of Greater New York ; by W. T. Stead. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1898.) E The Splendid Paupers : a Tale of the Plutocracy. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. (Review of Reviews, Christmas No., 1894.) E [See also Stead, W. T.] REVILLE, Rev. Albert. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated bv the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru: delivered at Oxford and London in April and May, 1881. Translated by Philip H. Wicksteed. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Hibbert Lectures, 1884.) G 23 T 2 REVUE AVSTRAUENXE: Journal dea Interets Fran- cais en Australie, Nouvelle Cal6donie, Nouvelle Ze- lan.le, Fiji, Tahiti, PotynSsie. Nos. 1-4, 7, Dec, 1873- Jan. -March, June, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1873-74. 1,2. MJ3R26 3, 4, 7. MJ 3 T 15 Public Library of New South Wales. REVUE DES DEUX MONDES. Tomes 13, 14, 16; 2e Poriode, tomes 1-88, 91-108; 3o et 4e Periodes, tomes 1 100, 1852, 1856-Aolt, 1870, 1871 -Aout, 1900, et Table Generale, 1831-93. 274 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852- 1900. E REVUE D'ETHNOGRAPHIE. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882-89. A 42 T 1-8 REVY, J. J. Hydraulics of great Rivers : the Parana, the Uruguay, and the La Plata Estuary. 4to. Loncl., 1874. A 17 U 1 t REW, R. Henry. Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A 39 W 6-10 j "REWA." Tried and Acquitted. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MJ 3 P 53 REYCHLER, Prof. A. Les Theories Physico-Chimiques. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. A 38 U 14 REYE, Prof. Theodor. Lectures on the Geometry of Position. Translated by T. F. Holgate. Pt. 1. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 39 P 21 REYER, E. Growth of Australia. (Chautauquan, Nov., 1894.) E REYNARD THE EOX. History of Reynard the Fox ; from the edition printed by Caxton in 1481 ; with Notes and an Introductory Sketch of the Literary History of the Romance. [See Percy Soc] H 11 S 14 History of Reynard the Fox. Translated and printed by W. Caxton, June, 1481. [See English Scholar's Lib.] J 3 T 20 REYNOLDS, Henry Robert. Life and Letters. Edited by his sisters. "With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 20 S 16 REYNOLDS, Sir J. Russell, F.R.S. Essays and Addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 32 R 34 REYNOLDS, Dr. John P. Relation of Anesthesia and Ob- stetrics. (Semi-Centennial of Anaesthesia.) A 17 R 2 f REYNOLDS, Joseph William. The Supernatural in Nature : a Verification by free use of science. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 2 REYNOLDS, Dr. Marcus T. Housing of the Poor in American Cities. ( American Econ. Assoc. ) F 4 V 1 8 REYNOLDS, Samuel Harvey. Studies on many subjects ; with a Preface by G. Saintsbury. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 8 REYNOLDS, Sidney H. The Vertebrate Skeleton. Illus- trated. 8vo. Camb., 1897. A 33 P 38 RHEES, William Jones. James Smithson and his bequest. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Misc. Collections, 21.] E RHIND LECTURES ON ARCHAEOLOGY. RHODE ISLAND :— State Departments— Report* and Publications. Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports, 1892-96, pt. 2, 1897, pt. 2, 1899. 7 vols. 8vo. Providence, 1894-99. E College of Agriculture and Mechanics. Report, 1895. 8vo. Providence, 1896. E Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1897. Pt. 2. 8vo. Providence, 1897. E 2. Life and Casualty Insurance. RHODES, Hon. Cecil John. A Biography and Apprecia- tion, by " Imperialist ;" with Personal Reminiscences by Dr. Jameson. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 7 Cecil Rhodes and his Friends. [See Escott, T. H. S. — Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Cecil Rhodes: his Political Life and Speeches, 1881— 1900. [See "Vindex."] F 19 T 2 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Cumberland S.— What I think of South Afric D 14 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 With Rhodes in Mashonaland. [See De Waal, D. C] D 14 Q 17 RHODES, Lt.-Col. Francis [See Churchill, W. S.] The River War. B 41 P 1, 2 RHODES, James Ford. History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1895-99. B 20 S 16-19 RHODES' JOURNAL OF RANKING. [See Rankers' Magazine.] RHYS, Ernest. Frederic, Lord Leighton : an Illustrated Record of his Life and Works. 4 to. Lond., 1898. A 18 R 23 f Literary Pamphlets, chiefly relating to Poetry, from Sidney to Byron ; with Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 T 4, 5 RHYS, Prof. John. Celtic Britain. 2nd ed. With Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1884. (Early Britain.) B27 P 12 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illus- trated by Celtic Heathendom. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Hibbert Lectures, 1886.) G 23 T 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. RHYS, Prof. John, and JONES, David Brvnmor-. The Welsh People: Chapters on their Origin, History, Laws, Language, Literature, and Characteristics. With Maps. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 40 U 17 RIB 1 ! LESDALE, Thomas Lister, 4th Baron. The Queen's il.»unds and Stag-hunting Recollections; with an Introduction on the Hereditary Mastership l,v Edward Burrows. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 V 8 RIBOT, Prof. Theodule. Diseases of Personality. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. G 19 U 2 English Psychology. 8vo. Lond., 1873. G 24 S 21 Evolution of General Ideas. Translated by Frances A. W'elby. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. G 24 S 11 Psychology of the Emotions. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 P 45 RICA RDO, David. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Edited, with Introductory Essay, Notes, and Appendices, by E. C. K. Gonner. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 16 S 17 RICA RDO, Halsey. Colour in the Architecture of Cities. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 The Chaplain of the Fleet. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 12 The Golden Butterfly. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 13 The Monks of Thelema. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 15 My Little Girl. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 14 Ready-money Mortiboy. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 16 The Seamy Side. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 17 The Ten Years' Tenant, and other Stories. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 18 This Son of Vulcan. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 19 'T « as i n Trafalgar's Bay, and other Stories. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 20 With Harp and Crown. [See Besant, Sir W.] J 25 P 21 RICCI, C. Antonio Allegri da Correggio: his Life, his Friends, and his Time. [See Correggio, A. A. da.] C 1 3 T 2 t RICH, Barnaby. Honestie of this Age. [See Percy Soc] 11 II S 13 RICH, E, and CO. Wharf Protection against Teredo and RICH, George F.dward. The No- Liability .Mining Com panics Act, 1896. [See Rolin, T.J ME 3 R i RICHARD OF DEVIZES. Chronicon de Rebus gestii Ricardi Prinil [See English Historical Sec, Tubs.] _ RICHARD I, King of England. Chronicon d ) Rebus gestis Ricardi Primi. [See English Historical Society, Pubs.] B 39 R 5 RICHARD III, King of England. History of the Life and Reign of. [See Gairdner, J.] B 24 Q 20 RICHARD, Rev. James William. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Heroes of the Reformation.) G 23 P 48 RICHARD, T. A. Stamp Milling of Gold Ores. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 21 RICHARDS, Ellen II., and WOODMAN, Alphseus G. Air, Water, and Food from a Sanitary Standpoint. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 46 V 3 RICHARDS, Dr. Joseph W. Aluminium: its History, Occurrence, Properties, Metallurgy, and Applications, including its Alloys. 3rd cd., with Bibliography. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1896. A 31 Q 21 RICHARDS, Pearl Mary Ten Mary Teresa.] [See Crai: Pearl Des RICHARDS, Walter. Her Majesty's Army : tive Account of the various Regiments now comprising the Queen's Forces, from their first establishment to the present time. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) B 18 R10, lit Her Majesty's Army— Indian and Colonial Forces : a Descriptive Account of the various Regiments com- prising the Queen's Forces in India and the Colonies. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) B 18 R 12 t RICHARDSON, Sir Benjamin Ward, F.R.S. Biological Experimentation : its Function and Limit, 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 26 It 33 Vita Medica : Chapters on Medical Life and Work. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 30 Q 32 RICHARDSON, Charles James. Studies from Old English Mansions: their Furniture, Gold and Silver Plate, Ac. 4 vols, (in 2) fol. Lond., 1841. A 49 P 2, 3 J RICHARDSON, Clifford. The Chemical Composition of American Grasses. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. Vn Invest Wheat a 1 Com [See United States. — Dept. of -Div. of Chemistry.] A 30 R 40 RICHARDSON, Frank. An Incident out West. (Fisher, L. I'.v Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 RICHARDSON, Jerusha D. (Mrs. Aubrey). Famous Ladies of the Fnglish Court. Illustrated. Svo. Lond.. 1899. C 27 S 23 506 JPublic Library of New South Wales. RICHARDSON, Dr. Joseph. Practical Treatise on Me- chanical Dentistry. Cth ed., revised and edited by Dr. George W. Warren. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1893. A 32 S 22 [Another copy.] 7th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 32 S 36 RICHARDSON, Prof. Oliver H. The National Move- ment in the reign of Henry III, and its culmination in the Baron's War. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 23 S 20 RICHARDSON, Richard Stewart, "Argus." The Jenolan Caves and the Blue Mountains. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Parramatta, 1898. MD 6 V 4 RICHARDSON, Samuel. Works; with a Prefatory Chapter of Biographical Criticism, by L. Stephen. WithPortr. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. J 4 V 1-12 1-3. Pamela. 4-8. Clarissa Harlowe. 9-12. History of Sir Charles Grandison. Letters from Sir Charles Grandison ; selected, with In- troduction and Notes, by G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 T 6, 7 Samuel Richardson : a Biographical and Critical Study ; by Clara L. Thomson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 26 U 5 [Essay on.] [See Traill, H. D.— The New Fiction, and other Essays on Literary Subjects.] J 14 R 28 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata;.] J 7 P 52 RICHARDSON, William Adams. Sketch of the Life and Public Services of ; by P. W. Hackett. With Portrait. 8vo. Wash., 1898. C 27 S 2 RICHELIEU, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal. [Lifeof] ; by Prof. R. Lodge. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 V 1 Richelieu and the Growth of French Power. [See Per- kins, J. B.] B 27 Q 26 RICHET, Charles. Mental Suggestion. [See Ochorowiez, Dr. J.] G 18 R 61 RICHMOND, Henry Droop. Dairy Chemistry : a Prac- tical Hand-book for Dairy Chemists and others having control of Dairies. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 35 Q 19 RICHMOND, Sir William Blake. Tuscan Artists. [See Rea, H.] A 41 T 6 RICHMOND, W. D. Grammar of Lithography : a Prac- tical Guide for the Artist and Painter. 10th ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 41 Q 13 RICHMOND RIVER EXPRESS and Tweed Advertiser, July, 1896-99. 3 vols. fol. Casino, 1896-99. ME RICHTER, J. P. Lectures on the National Gallery. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898.J A 41 S 19 RICHTER, Jean Paul Friedrich. [Life of] ; by R. P. Raymond. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Levana. [See Wood, Susan.] G 26 R 10 RICKARD, T. A. Alluvial Deposits of Western Aus- tralia. (American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., RICKER, Prof. N. Clifford. Elementary Graphic Statics and the Construction of Trussed Roofs : a Manual of Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1885. A 24 T 36 RICKETTS, Dr. Pierre de Peyster, and MILLER, Dr. Edmund H. Notes on Assaying. 8vo New York, 1897. A 24 V 38 RIDDELL, Dr. John Scott. Manual of Ambulance. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 26 S 36 RIDDEB., A. de. Catalogue des Bronzes de la Societe Archeologique d'Athenes. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1894. K8R25 Catalogue des Bronzes trouves sur FAcropole d'Athenes. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 38 V 1, 2 RIDDLE, Albert Gallatin. Recollections of War Times : Reminiscences of Men and Events in Washington, 1860-65. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 V 17 RIDEAL, Samuel. Glue and Glue-testing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.', 1900. A 33 S 37 Water and its Purification : a Hand-book for the use of Local Authorities, Sanitary Officers, and others in- terested in Water Supply. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 Q 35 RIDER'S TECHNICAL SERIES. Bearings and Lubrication. [See Tayler, A. J. \V-.] A 24 P 3."> Sugar Machinery. [See Tayler, A. J. W-.] A 24 P 36 RIDGWAY, Robert. Directions for Collecting Birds [See United States.— National Museum.] A 37 S 49 RIEL, Louis David. Canada : Transvaal. [See Aron, Joseph.] B 16 P 21 RIES, Heinrich. Monoclinic Pyroxenes of New York State. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 46 S 22 Clays of Alabama. [See Alabama. — Geological Surv.] E RIEU, Charles. Catalogue and Supplement to the Cata- logue of the Persian MSS. in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 13 R 8-11 t Catalogue of the Turkish MSS. in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 13 R 12 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 507 RTGP.V, E. J. Test of a Modern Air-compressing Plant at the Long Tunnel Gold-mine, Walhalla. (Austral- asian Inst, of Mining Eng., Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P RIGG, J. M. St. Anselm of Canterbury: a Chapter in the History of Religion. 8vo. Lond.,1896. G15R33 R [GG, Rev. James Harrison. Free Education. ( [nternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 1 1 IG US, Eugene C. Nervous Disorders and Paralyses from excessive use of the parts affected; Vertigo, Tremor, and Lead-poisoning. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 RIGGS, Rev. James Stevenson. History of the Jewish People : Maccabean and Roman Periods (including New Testament Times). 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Hist. Ser. for Bible Students.) B 28 R 15 -, and SMITH, Nora Archibald. Froebel's Gifts. Lond., 1896. G 18 P 36 .ebel's Occupations. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ndergarten Principles and Practice. 8 G 18 P 41 Lond., G 18 P 40 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, The. [See "X."] K 19 R 26 RIG.N OLD, Geo rge. Macbeth. [Se e Sh ikespeare, W.l H 9 T 31 i;tg< .A LLOT, H. etinometre Reche s Electt •dies Experi > Chimiques 8 ales sur quelques •o. Paris, 1897. A 40 S 2 UIIS, Jacob A. reat Cities The Ch ) ildren )f the Po. r. (The Poor in F 13 U 25 RILEY, Dr. Charles Valentine. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects. [See United States.— National (■port on Insects. [See United States. — Dept. of Agri cult. — Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 RILEY, F. L. Colonial (Johns Hopkins Un rigins of New England Senates. ^ersity. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 RILEY, H. T., " Vidocq." Memoirs [See Du Barri, Mine.] of Mine. Du Barri. B 33 R 10-13 RILEY, J. W. Building Constat Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. ction for Beginners. A 24 P 37 RIMBAUD, Jean Nicolas Arthur. Works of. [See Symons, A. Sj Literature.] [Criticism of the mbolist Movement in .) 17 V 30 [Verses by] [See Verlaine, P.-L s Poetes Maudits.] H 11 U 33 RIMMER, Alfred. About England with Dickens. New ed. Ulust. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1899. D 16 P 9 Our Old Country Towns. New ed. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. B 23 Q 20 RINDER, Frank. Old World Japan: Legends of the Land of the Gods. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 33 P3 RINDER, Samuel. The "Foreigner" in Australia. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q The Northern Farmer. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q More about the Northern Farmer. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q RINGROSE, Robert C. Notes on the Conglomerate and Sandstone Series of the Wild River Valley, and of the head waters of the Walsh River. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 P RINGWALT, J. L. Development of Transportation Sys- tems in the United States. Illustrated. 4to. Philad., 1888. A 13 X 6 t RIO DE JANEIRO. Archive do Districto Federal: Revista de Documentos para a Historia da Cidade do Riode Janeiro, 1894-97. 4 vols. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1894-97. B 19 S 15-18 t RIOS, Prof. Giner de Los. Some Account of the Technical Education in the Institucion Libre de Enseiianza at Madrid. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 RIPLEY, Rev. Ezra. [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Lectures and Biographical Sketches.] J 22 Q 24 RIPLEY, George. [Life of] ; by O. B. Frothingham. 9th ed. With Portrait, 12mo. Boston, 1882. (Ameri can Men of Letters.) C 27 P 6 RIPLEY, William Z. The Races of Europe : a Sociologi- cal Study, accompanied by a Supplementary Biblio- graphy of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of Boston. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 12 RIPON, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Marquess of. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 RTPPER, Prof. W. Technical Education in Elementary Schools. 12m,.. Manchester, 18S7. G 1 5 C 42 RTSLEY, John Shuckburgh. The Law of War. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 3 R 4 RITCHIE, Anne Isabella [Mrs. R.] (Anne Isabella Thacteray). Works of W. M. Thackeray. [See Thackeray, W. M.] J 22 U 1-13 RITCHIE, James Ewing, "Christopher Crayon." The Real Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.l C 23 Q 28 Public Library of New South Wales. RLTSOHL, Friedrich. T. Macci Plautl Comredhe. [See Plautus, T. M.] 11 IT 2 1 27 RLTSON, Joseph. On Pigmies and Fairies. [See Ha/.litt, W. C] J 14 P 49 RITTER, Dr. Paul von. Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und clem Malayischen Archipel. [See Semon, Dr. R,] MA 13 P 17-21 t RIVERINA RECORDER, 1898-99. Fol. Balranald, 1898-9. ME RIVERINE GRAZIER, The, 1896-99. 4 vols. fol. Hay, 1896-99. ME RIVERINE HERALD, Eehuca, Kerang, and Moama Ad- vertiser, 1898-99. 4 vols. fol. Echuca, 1898-99. ME RIVERS, Dr. William liaise Rivers. Temperament. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of -Medicine.) A 26 T 43 RIVES, Amelie. [See Troubetzkoy, Amelia] RIVES, George Lockhart. Selections from Correspond- ence of Thomas Barclay. [See Barclay, T.] C 26 R 19 RIX, E. M. Treatment of St. Ignatius. [See Ignatius Loyola, St.] G 26 Q 9 ROAMER, Stanley. Cardinal Manning, as presented in his own Letters and Notes. [See Manning. Cardinal.] C 20 U 17 ROB DONN. [See Mackay, R.] ROBB, Dr. Hunter. Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Me- norrhagia, and Sterility. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 ROBB, Russell. Electric Wiring for the use of Archi- tects, Underwriters, and the Owners of Buildings. Sm. 4to. New York, 1896. A 21 U 12 ROBBINS, Edmund Y. Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo-European Language. [See Brug- mann, Prof. K.] A 24 P 32 ROBERT OF ANJOU, King of Naples. Robert the Wise and his heirs, 1278-1352. [See Baddeley, St. Clair.] B19U1 ROBERT I, King of Scotland. King Robert the Bruce ; by Prof. A. F. Murison. (Famous Scots Ser.)C 20 V 18 The Bruce ; by J. Barbour. [See Scottish Text Soc, • Pubs., 31-33.] E [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] * J 14 S 12 Robert the Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Inde- pendence. [See Maxwell, Sir H.] B 17 P 46 ROBERTON, Dr. Ernest. The State Prevention of Con- sumption. (N.Z. Inst, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S ROBERTS, Alexa Jessie Hayne; Lond., 1893. er, Baron von. Lou. Translated by with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. J 23 U 10 ROBERTS, Prof. CharlesGeorge Douglas. Canadian Guide- b.wk : a Guide to E istern Canada and Newfoundland, including full Descriptions of Routes, Cities, Points of Interest, Summer Resorts, Information for Sportsmen, &c. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1895. D 16 P 2 History of Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 19 U IS ROBERTS, Field-Marshal Frederick Sleigh, Baron. Forty- one years in India, from Subaltern to Commander-in- chief. With Portraits and Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 16 V 37, 38 Fro] well to Wellington. [See Wilkim C 26 R 18 Memoir of Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson. [See Raw- linson, Sir H. C] C 25 Q 23 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Low, C.— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 ROBERTS, Dr. Frederick Thomas. Diseases of the Medi- astinum and Thymus Gland. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Diseases of the Pericardium. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sys- tem of Medicine.) A 26 P 38 Dictionary of Medicine. [See Quain, Dr. R.] A 31 P 3, 4 ROBERTS, Capt. George. Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant. [See Hacke, Capt. W.] D 20 S 20 ROBERTS, Isaac. Selection of Photographs of Stars, Star- clusters, and Nebula 1 , together with information con- cerning the Instruments and the Methods employed in the pursuit of Celestial Photography. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893-99. A 20 P 17, 18 f ROBERTS, Tsaac Phillips. The Farmstead : the Making of the Rural Home and the Lay-out of the Farm. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Rural Science Ser.) A 27 P 16 The Fertility of the Land : a summary Sketch of the relationship of farm-practice to the maintaining and increasing of the productivity of the land. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Rural Science Ser.) A 18 P 33 ROBERTS, J. Wheat 1 . The Mining Industry of New South Wales. Illust. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 T 2 ROBERTS, M. E. Lace-making. [See Channel 1 , C. C] A 46 P 24 ROBERTS, Morley. Land-travel and Sea-faring. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Ml) 8 S 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. RO 1 1 1 :RTS, 1 )r. Richard Lawton. Illustrated Lectures on Nursing and Hygiene. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 2G P 38 ROBERTS, Robert Da vies. Requirements of a truly National .System of Higher Education, and the proper relation of the old Universities to such a system. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 ROBERTS, W. The Book-hunter in London. Svo. Lend., 1895. J 9 V 1 Memorials of Christie's: a Record of Art Sales from 1766-1896. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 30 V 22, 23 ROBERTS, Sir Willi m. Gout. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ROBERTS, Prof. William Rhys. Aims and Practice of RO i ! ERTS, William Bertrand. Electricity as a Factor in Ore Dressing. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P Teaching Greek. (Spencer, Dr P.— Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 Longinus on the Sublime. [See Longinus.] J 19 W 9 i Chandler. [See Austen, ROBERTS AUSTEN, Wil W. C. Roberts-.] ROBERTSON, Rev. Alexander. The Bible of St. Mark : St. Mark's Church, the Altar and Throne of Venice. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 20 Through the Dolomites from Venice to Toblach. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. D 18 P 30 ROBERTSON, Archibald Nugent. Federation and after- wards : a Fragment of History, a.d. 1898-1912, which briefly sets forth some of the causes of the late abortive revolt of the State of New South Wales against the Commonwealth of Australia. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MF 1 R 63 ROBERTSON, Ethel F. L. Siren Voices. [See Jacobsen, J. P.] " J 22 R 46 ROBERTSON, F. E. Practical Treatise on Organ-build- ing. With Plates and Appendices. 2 vols. Svo. and 4to. Lond., 1897. A 34 V 5, 6 ROBERTSON, Frederick W. Life and Letters of ; edited by Stopford A. Brooke. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 ROBERTSON, George Croom. Elements of Psychology. Edited by C. A. Foley Rhys Davids. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 19 T 16 ROBERTSON, Sir George Scott, Chitral: the Story of a Minor Siege. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S98. B 39 S 14 The Kafirs of the Hindu-Rush. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 15 V30 ROBERTSON, J. A. Edible Scrub on the Narran and Culgoa. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R ROBERTSON, Rev. James. The Old Testament and its contents. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 9 W 12 Edinb., 1898. G 23 S 47 Poetry and Religion of the Psalm (Croall Lectures, 1893-94.) ROBERTSON, James Burton. Philosophy of History. [See Schlegel, F. von.] B 28 P 1 ROBERTSON, Sir John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, April, 1886.) MJ 1 V 22 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 f ROBERTSON, John MacKinnon. Buckle and his Critics : a Study in Sociology. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 14 U 28 Christianity and Mythology. Svo. Lond., 1900. G 25 U 8 Introduction to English Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F19T 1 Montaigne and Shakspere. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 36 Patriotism and Empire. Svo. Lond., 1899. F 17 R 26 Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 9 Characteristics. [See Shaftesbury, Earl.] G 25 Til, 12 ROBERTSON, Leslie S. Marii L. E.] " ROBERTSON, Muirhead." [See Johnson, H] ROBERTSON, T. S. Progress of Art in English Church Architecture. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 43 ROBERTSON BROS. Catalogues of pure Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle to be sold by public auction, 1876-79, and Priced Catalogues of Messrs. Robertson Bros'. Annual Sales, 1876 78. 7 vols. ob. 32mo. and Svo. Melb., 1875 -78. MA 4 P 34-40 Private Herd-book, Aug, 1875. Svo. Melb., 1875. MA 4 P 33 ROBERTSON SCOTT, J. W. [See Scott, J. W. Robert- son,] ROBESPIERRE, Maximilian Marie Isidore. Life of, with Extracts from his unpublished Correspondence ; by G. H. Lewes. New ed. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1S99. C26P6 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. -Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 Robespierre and the Red Terror. [See Ten Brink. Dr. J.] B16U.14 ROBIN, Ernest. The Clairaudient : a Story of Psychical Research. 12 mo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 1 P 44 ROBIN, P. Ansell. Financial Aspects of Secondary Edu- cation. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1S9S.) ME 18 S 510 'Public Library of New South Wales. ROBINS, Edward. Benjamin Franklin, Printer, States- man, Philosopher, and Practical Citizen. [See Frank- lin, B.] C 26 P 2 Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield. [See Oldfield, Anne.] C 24 R 24 ROBINS, Edward Cookworthy. Impermeable Construc- tion of Roofs, Walls, and Basement Floors, with a reference to Ventilation and Warming incidental thereto. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 ROBINSON, Agnes Mary Frances. [See Darmesteter, A. M. F.] ROBINSON, Alexander. Study of the Saviour in the Newer Light ; or, a Present-day Study of Jesus Christ. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 23 ROBINSON, B. Fletcher. Rugby Football. Edited by Max Pemberton. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Isthmian Lib.) A 29 S 25 The Complete Cyclist, [See Pemberton, A. C] A 29 S 33 ROBINSON, Rev. Charles Henry. Hausaland ; or, 1,500 miles through the Central Soudan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. I) 14 V 19 Mohammedanism : has it any future ? with an Intro- duction by W. Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 4 V 27 Nigeria : our latest Protectorate. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 6 ROBINSON, Rev. Ezekiel Gih 8vo. New York, 1895. ROBINSON, George Frederick Samuel, Marquis of Ripon. [See Ripon, Marquis of.] ROBINSON, George T. Plastering, Plain and Decorative. [See Millar, W.] A 10 X 9 t ROBINSON, Gerald H. Additions to the Fungi on the Vine in Australia. [See McAlpine. D.] MA 3 V 33 ROBINSON, Harry Perry. Pictorial Effect in Photo- graphy : being Hints on Composition and Chiaroscuro for Photographers. 4th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 41 Q 14 Picture-making hv Photography. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond'., 1889. A 41 Q 7 [Another copy.] 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 S 31 The Studio, and what to do in it. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 41 Q 15 ROBINSON, Henry. Certain Proposalls in order to the Peoples Freedome and Accommodation in some par- ticulars. 8vo. Lond., 1652. [Reprint, 1896.] F 8 V 4 ROBINSON, Henry, M.Inst. C.E. Sewerage and Sewage Disposal. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 R 20 ROBINSON, Sir Hercules George Robert. [See Rosmead, Baron.] ROBINSON, Prof. James Harvey, and ROLFE, Prof. Henry Winchester. Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters. [See Petrarca, F] C 23 T 11 ROBINSON, Sir John (1st Premier of Natal). The Colonies and the Century. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 R 33 ROBINSON, Sir John Richard. The Daily News Jubilee. [See McCarthy, Justin.] F 8 V 21 ROBINSON, John Robert. [Life of] Philip, Duke of Wharton, 1698-1731. [^Wharton, Duke of.] C 23 V 24 ROBINSON, Llewellyn Farrant Samuel. Digest of Re- ported Cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Insol- vency, and Courts of Mines of the Colony of Victoria, 1890-95. [See Eagleson, J. G.] MF 1 S 67 ROBINSON, Dr. Louis. Wild Traits in Tame Animals : being some familiar studies in Evolution. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. A 27 Q 5 ROBINSON, Mary E. The Emperor Hadrian. [See Gregorovius, F.] B 34 R 17 ROBINSON, Phil. Fishes of Fancy : their Place in Myth, Fable, Fairy-tale, and Folk-lore. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 3 ROBINSON, Sarah. Pioneer Workers for Soldiers and Sailors. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Vic- toria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 ROBINSON, Thomas. Life and Death of Mary Magda- lene. [.SVv Karlv English Text Hoc, Pubs., extra ser., 78.] E ROBINSON, Sir William Cleaver Francis. Physical Geography of the South-west of Western Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MD 6 R 13 Western Australia. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1894-95.) E ROBLEY, Maj.-Gen. Horatio Gordon. Moko ; or, Maori Tattooing. Illust. 4to. Lond., 1896. MA 11 P 34 t ROBSON, Dr. Arthur William Mayo. Cholangitis. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Gall, IMadder, and Kile Ducts. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 ROBSON, Richard Oswald. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 104.) E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ROP.SON, Stuart. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. -Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 ROCCA, Gen. Conte Enrico della. Autobiography of a Veteran, 1807-93. Trans, and ed. by Jane Ross. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 S 4 .Memoirs of Barn ROCHE, Charle Paul.] C 21 T 15-18 ROCIIEGROSSE, Georges. [Reproduction of his Picture] The Fall of Babylon. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J ROC MUSSES, Charles. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M. -Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 1 1 V 19 t ROCKELL, Frederick. Drapery Departments and their .Management. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 ROCKHILL, William Woodville. Diarv of a Journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891-92. 8vo. Wash., 1894. D19U22 Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern parts of the World, 1253-55. [See Hakluyt Soc, Pubs., 2nd ner., 4.] E ROCKWELL, Dr. A. D. Electro-Therapeutics. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 1 4 ROC KWELL, Dr. Alfred Perkins. Roach and Pavements in France. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 25 R 30 ROCKWELL, Julius Ensign. The Teaching, Practice, and Literature of Shorthand. [See United States.— Bureau of Education.] J 14 S 9 RO I >BERTUS, Johann Karl. Overproduction and Crises. Translated bv Julia Franklin ; with an Introduction by J. B. Clark. 8v,». Lond., 1898. F 15 R 29 Social Philosophy of Rodbertus. [See Gonher, E. C. K.] G 24 V 18 RO] »GERS, Charles J. The Coins of the Mogul Emperors of India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894-95. A 41 S 1 Catalogue of the Coins of the Indian Museum. [See Indian Museum.] A 40 R 21-24 RODNEY, George Brydges, Baron. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Adm. Sir R. V. Hamilton. (Laughton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 RODRIGUES, J. Barbosa. Palmae Mattogrossenses. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1898. A22Q 12, 13 t Vocabulario Indigena com a Orthographia Correcta com- plemento da Poranduba Amazonense. Roy. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1893. J 9 V 38 Plantas Novas Cultivadas no Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. [See Brazil.] A 18 Q 27, 28 t RODRIGUEZ, Z. Tratado de Economla Polltica. 12mo. Valparaiso, 1894. F 7 V 54 I ROD WAY, James. History of British Guiana from the year 1668 to the present time. Vols. 1, 2, 1668-1833. 8vo. Georgetown, Demerara, 1891-93. B 1 U 24, 25 The West Indies and the Spanish Main. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 28 RODWAY, Leonard. List of Tasmania!! Fungi. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Notes on a new Trithuria. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Notes on some new and rare Tasmanian Plants. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Tasmanian Fungi. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1896.) ME 1 Q Underground Fungi of Tasmania. (Australasian Assoc. for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Australian Fungi. [See Agr. Gaz., N.S. W., 1 896.] ME 9 R ROE, Bassett. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A. —The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 ROE, Rev. Henry. English System of Elementary Edu- cation. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 ROE, Sir Thomas. Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Croat Mogul. [See llakluvt Soc. Pubs., 2nd ser., 1, 2.] E ROEBUCK, John Arthur. Life and Letters of; with Chapters on Autobiography. Edited by R. E. Leader. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 4 ROEHRICHT, Richard Hugo Oswald. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 106.) E ROELOFS, William. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M.- Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t ROESCH, C. Resultats Scientifiques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne. [See Koohler, Prof. R,] A 31 S 30 ROGER OF WENDOVER. Chronica sive Flores His- toriarum. [See Eng. Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 14-18 BOGERS, Rev. Charles. Book of Wallace. [See Grampian Club, Pubs.] B 39 S 5, 6 Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland. [See Grampian Club, Pubs.] B 39 S 3, 4 Scotland, Social and Domestic. [See Grampian Club, Pubs.] B 39 S 1 ROGERS, Fairman. Manual of Coaching. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 V 2 ROGERS, Henry. Life and Character of John Howe. [See Howe, Rev. J.] C 27 U 1 ROGERS, James Donnison. The Language of JEsehylus compared with the Language of the Attic Inscriptions prior to 456 is.c. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 22 U 15 Public Library of New South Wales. ROGERS, James Edwin Thorold. Holland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1888. B 30 R 20 ROGERS, John Jope. Opie and his Works: being a Catalogue of 760 Pictures by J. Opie, preceded by a Biographical Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 45 T 2 ROGERS, John Warrington. The Amendment of the Constitution. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q The English Language, and how it is taught. (Mel- bourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Prof. Max Miiller and the Chinese Language. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q ROGERS, Rev. Robert W. Asshur and the Land of Nimrod. [See Rassam, II.] B 39 Q 10 ROGERS, William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 95.) E ROGERS, William. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 ROGERS, William Barton. Life and Letters of. Edited by his wife, with the assistance of William T. Sedg- wick. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1890. C 23 Q 15, 16 ROGERS, Capt. Woodes. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 49 ROGET, F. F. First Steps in French History, Literature, and Philology. 12mo. Lond., 1895. " J 22 P 34 Introduction to Old French. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 22 P 20 Short Prose Tales of Voltaire. [See Voltaire, F. M. A. de.] J 9 R 36 ROGET, Dr. Peter Mark, F.R.S. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1867. A 26 R 25, 26 ROGGEVEEN, Jacob. Discovery of Easter Island. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 48 ROHE, Dr. George H. Text-book of Hygiene: a Com- prehensive Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Preventive Medicine from an American standpoint. 3rd ed. Illust. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 28 U 26 ROIJER, G. Reis van Amboina naar de Z.W. en N. kust van Nieuw-Guinea, in 1858. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1861.) E Vervolg en Slot der Reis naar Nieuw-Guinea. (Tijd- schrift voor het Zeewezen, 1862.) E ROLAND, Marie Jeanne [Mine. J. M.] (Marie Jeanne Philipon). A Biographical Study ; by Ida M. Tarbell. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 V 6 [Sketch of.] [See Dobson, A.— Four Frenchwomen.] C 27 P 19 ROLDAN, Alcibiades. LasPrimeras Asamblcas Nacionalcs, afios de 1811 a 1814. Roy. 8vo. Santiago, 1890. F 1 V 20 ROLFE, Eustace Neville-. Naples in the Nineties. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 R 26 ROLFE, Prof. Henry Winchester. Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters. [See Petrarca, F.] C 23 Til ROLFE, Dr. William James. Shakespeare the Boy, with Sketches of the Home and School Life, the Games and Sports, the Manners, Customs, and Folk-lore of the time. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 25 P 10 Complete Works of Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 13 W 1-40 ROLFSEN, Nordahl. Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-93. [See Brogger, W. C] D 16 V 17 ROLIN, Tom, and RICH, George Edward. The No- Liability Mining Companies Act, 1896. Edited with Notes, Cross-references, and short Chapters on the Formation, Management, and Winding-up of a No- Liability Company, and with a copious Index. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 11 8 MOLL CALL, The. Vols. 1-3, July, 1897-Dcc, 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1897-99. ME 20 R HOLLAND, Romain. Histoire de l'Opera en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti. 8vo. Paris, 1895. A 38 V 3 ROLLE, Richard. The Fire of Love, and the Mending of Life ; or, the Rule of Living. [See Early English Text ROLLESTON, Prof. George. Biographical Notice of Prof. Rolleston. [See Flower, Sir W. H.— Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1 ROLLESTON, Dr. Humphry Davy. Addison's Disease, and other Diseases of the Suprarenal Bodies. (All- butt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Alcoholism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Aneurysms of Arteries in the Abdomen. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Diseases of the Lymphatic Vessels. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System tf Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Diseases of the Oesophagus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Diseases of the small Intestine. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Diseases of the Spleen. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Pulmonary Asper- gillosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Supp lem en lavxj Cat a log ue — 1896-1 900. ROMAN, Frederic. Monographic do la Faune Lacustre Kuhne, L.] : of Healing. [See A 30 T 30 ROMANES LECTURES. Evolution of English Lexicography. [See .Murray, J. A. H.] J 4 T 29 Humanism in Education. [See Jcbb, Prof. R. C] G 5 Q 35 ROME SEEN IN A WEEK: being a Hand-book to Home and its Environs, with a Monumental Map con- taining a Description of the Roman Antiquities, Galleries, Museums, Churches. Catacombs, and General information necessary to the Tourist, 12mo. Rome, 1897. D 20 T 1 ROMERO, Julian. Julian Romero, Swashbuckler. [See ' Hume, M. A. S.— Year after the Armada.] 13 10 V 19 ROMERO, Matias. Coffee and India-rubber Culture in Mexico, preceded by Geographical and Statistical NTotes on Mexico. Roy.8vo. New York, 1898. A H S 16 Statistical Notes on Me: New York, 1898. ROMILLY, Hugh Hast Guinea. 8vo. Lor Letters from the Weste 91. Illustrated. 8 D 13 V 10 RONNER, Mine. Henrietter. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t RONNFELDT, W. B. Criticisms, Reflections, and Max- ims of Goethe. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] J 14 P 12 RONTGEN, Wilhelm Conrad. Rontgen Rays. [See Barker, Prof. G. F.] A 1 1 Q 22 ROOKE, Adm. Sir George. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Rear-Adm. C. C. P. Fitzgerald. (Laughton, Prof. J. K, —From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 Journal of. [See Navy Records Soa Pubs., 9.] E ROOS, L. Wine-making iu Hot Climates. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 4 R 37 ROOSA, Dr. Daniel Bennett St. John. Defective Eve- sight: the Principles of its Relief by Glasses. Illus- trated. 12mo. New York, 1899. A 33 P 41 ROOSES, Max. Dutch Painters of the 19th Century; with Biographical Notices. Translated by F. Knowles. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1898-99. A 20 T 21, 22 f ROOSEVELT, Dr. J. West, A Doctoi cling. (Out-of-door Lib.) w of Bicv- A 40 Q 1 ROOSEVELT, Robert Barnwell. Poetical Works of Charles G. Halpine. [See Halpine, C. G.] H 12 T 9 ROOSEVELT, Theodore. American Ideals and other Essays, Social and Political. 12mo. New York 1897. F15Q 16 The Rough Riders. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 17 Q 34 The Wildnerness Hunter: an Account of the Big Came of the United States and its Chase with Horse, I lound, and Rifle. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1893. I) 22 S 9 The Winning of the West. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894-95. B 16 Q 43-45 Oliver Cromwell. [See Cromwell, O] C 27 U 5 The Royal Navy. [See Clowes, W. I,] B 17 R 4, 5, 7 t ROOT, .John Wellborn. City House in the West. (Stur- gis, I),-. R. Homes in City and Country.) A 4G U 12 ROOT, A. L. A H C of Roe Culture: a Cyclopaedia of everything pertaining to the care of the Honey-bee. Illustrated. Rov. Svo. Medina, ISSS. A 27~V 27 Public Library of New South Wales. ROPER, Richard. Saving Life at Sea. (Internat. Fisher- ies Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 ROPES, John Codman. Story of the Civil War : a concise Account of the War in the United States of America between 1861 and 1865. With Maps. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1891-98. P, 17 R 31, 32 1. To the opening of the Campaigns of 1862. 2. The Campaigns of 18G2. ROSA, Prof. E. B. Description of a new Respiration Calorimeter. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 ROSA, S. A. The Federal Bill analysed : being an Ex- amination of the Federal Hill as amended by the Secret Conference of Premiers. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 4 P 54 Federation : an Exposure of the Federal Conspiracy. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 T 2 Ungrammatical Statesmen : an Exposure of the bad English contained in the Australian Federal Constitu- tion. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MJ 3 V 14 ROSALES, Henry. Notes and Observations on the Re- duction and Ore Dressing of Auriferous Quartz Vein- stone in Victoria. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P ROSCELIN, Jean (Joannes Roscelinus). Roscelin, Philosophe et Theologien, d'apres la Legende et d'apres l'Histoire. [See Picavet, F. J.] G 23 V 5 ROSCOE, E. S., and CLERGUE, Helen. George Selwyn : his Letters and his Life. [See Selwyn, G.] C 25 S 20 ROSCOE, Elizabeth M. Aspects of Religious and Scien- tific Thought. [See Roscoe, R. H.] G 24 P 10 ROSCOE, Sir Henry Enfield, F.R.S., and HARDEN, Arthur. New View of the Origin of Dalton's Atomic Theory : a Contribution to Chemical History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 T 37 . , and SCHORLEMMER, Prof. Carl, F.R.S. Treatise on Chemistry. Vols. 1, 2. New ed. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. A 38 U 3, 4 1. Non-metallic Elements. '2. The Metals. ROSCOE, Thomas. The Spanish Novelists. Translated from the originals, with Critical and Biographical Notices. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 T 2 ROSCOE, William. Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 7th ed., edited by his son, Thomas Roscoe. With Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1S91-93. G 25 P 12, 13 ROSE, A. V. New, Practical, and Easy Method of Learn- ing the German Language. [See Aim, F.] J 24 U 40 ROSE, George B. Renaissance Masters: the Art of Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Correggio, and Botticelli. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 41 T 11 ROSE,.!. Holland. The Rise of Den 1897. xacy. Svo. Lond., F 13 V 34 ROSE, Joshua. Key to Engines and Engine-running ; with Illustrations and Instructions upon Engineers' Calculations, Indicator Diagrams, Engine Adjust- ments, ,,il rait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 It 18 Rossetti as a Poet, [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, &c] J 1 R 51 Ruskin ; Rossetti ; Preraphaelitism. [See Rossetti, W. M.] C 20 T 27 Some Early Correspondence of, 1835-54. (Rossetti, W. M.— Prteraphaelite Diaries and Letters.) C 27 R 5 Public Library of New South Wales. ROSSETTI, William Michael. Prreraphaelite Diaries and Letters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 5 Ruskin; Rosaetti ; Preraphaelitism : Papers from 1854- 62. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1899. C 20 T 27 ROSSI, L., and CORBOULD, E. M. Side-lights on Shakspere. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 U 29 ROSSINI, Gioachino Antonio. Life of; by H. S. Ed- wards. With Portr. 8vo. Lond., 1869. C 24 P 22 Sketch of. [See Lutterworth, H.— Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 ROSSLYN, James Francis Harry St. Clair, 5th Earl. Twice Captured: a Record of Adventure during the Boer War. Illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. B 40 T 2 ROSTAND, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac : a Play in five acts. Translated by Gladys Thomas and Mary F. Guillemard. 12mo. Lond., 1898. H 10 U 33 Sarah Bernhardt. [See Bernhardt, 8.] C 26 Q 10 ROTCH, A. Lawrence. Sounding the Ocean of Air. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 900. ( Romance of Science. ) A 1 9 P 1 5 ROTH, Filibert. Fnrestrv Conditions and Interests of Wisconsin. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 Timber. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 39 P 19 Timber Pines of Southern United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry.] A 1 1 X 7 t Wood of the White Pine. [-See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry.] A 22 P 1 f ROTH, Henry Ling. Is Mrs. F. C. Smith a " Last Living Aboriginal of Tasmania?" (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Britain, J num., 1897.) E Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. Illust. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 Q 29, 30 ROTH, Dr. Walter Edmund. Description of an Aboriginal Drill. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T Ethnological Studies among the North-west-Central Queensland Aborigines; with Bibliography by R. Etheridge, jun. Illustrated. 8vo. Brisk, 1897. MA 4 T 6 Social and Individual Nomenclature of the North-west Central Queensland Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T ROTHSCHILD, Baron Ferdinand James de. Personal Characteristics from French History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 T 21 ROTHWELL, Frederick. Love's Depths. [See Ohnet, G.] J 22 T 34 ROTHWELL, Richard P. The Mineral Industry : its Statistics, Technology, and Trade in the United States and other Countries. Vols. 1-8, 1892-99. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1893-1900. E ROTHWELL, William Tl 8vo. Lond., 1897. "ROUGE ET NOIR." Gambling World: Anecdotic Memories and Stories of Personal Experience, in the Temple of Hazard and Speculation, with some Mys- teries and Iniquities of Stock Exchange Affairs. 8vo. Lond., 1898. . G 15 S 30 ROUGEMONT, Louis de. Advc Mag., 1-3.) sof. (Wide World ROULE, Prof. Louis. Ascidies Simples. [See Kcehler, Prof. R. — Resultats Scientitiques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 Ccelenteres. [See Koehler, Prof. R,— Resultats Scien- titiques de la Campatjne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 Resultats Scientitiques de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne. [SeeKcehler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 ROUND, John Horrce. The Commune of London, and other Studies ; with a Prefatory Letter by Sir Walter Besant. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 28 T 15 ROUND, P. Z. Pericles. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V 22, 23 ROUSE, Rolla. Practical Man. 17th ed., with many additional Tables and Calculations, revised by E. E. H. Birch. 12mo. Lond., 1900. F 15 P 47 ROUSE, William Henry Denham. History of Rugby School. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 11 U 38 The Jataka. [See Jataka.] G 5 T 21 ROUSIERS, Paul de. The Labor Question in Britain. Translated by F. L. D. llerbertson. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F12T2 ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Rousseau's Emile ; or, Treatise on Education. Abridged, translated, and annotated by W. H. Payne. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Internat. Education Ser.) G 18 P 61 Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit of Literature. [See Texte, Prof. J.] J 23 V 36 Plato or Priapus. [See Vandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 13 Rousseau and Education according to Nature. [See Davidson, T.] G 18 Q 47 ROUSSET, L. Syntheses d' Aldehydes et d' Acetones dans la Sorie du Naphtalene au Moyen du Chlorure d'Alu- minium. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 40 S 5 ROUTH, Edward John, F.R.S. The Elementary part of a Treatise on the Dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' A 33 S 32 Treatise on Dynamics of a Particle, with numerous examples. 8vo. Camb., 1898. A 25 S 36 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 517 ROUTLEDGE, Edmund. Book of the year, 1897: a ( 'iinmicle of the Times, and a Record of Events. 8vo. Land., 1898. E ROUTLEDGE, Robert. Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century. 1 2th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1*98. A 23 T 45 ROUX, Hugues le. [See Le Roux, II.] ROY 1(10, Anno Jean Marie Rene Savary, Due do. [Sei Savary, A. J. M. R.] ROWAN, Lieut, Andrew Summers, and RAMSEY, Mara- thon Montrose. The Island of Cuba : a Descriptive and Historical Account of the " Great Antilla." With Map. 12mo. Lond., 1898. R 26 P 7 ROWAN, Mrs. E. A Flower-hunter in Queensland and New Zealand. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1 SOS. MA 4 S 11 ROWAN, Capt. Frederic Charles. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 113.) E ROW E, Eleanor. French Wood-carvings from the National Museums. 1st ser. Fol. Lond., 189G. A 12X24 t Hints on Chip-carving and simple Northern styles. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 25 P 15 ROWE, R, P. P., and others. Rowing; and Punting by P. W. Squire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Badminton Lib.) A 17 U 48 ROWE, Nicholas. Selections from the Works of. [See West, K.— Laureates of England.] H 11 R 1 ROWE, Stuart II. Physical Nature of the Child and how to study it. 8vo. 'New York, 1899. A 39 V 31 ROWE, Thomas W. Public Libraries in New Zealand. (Intermit. Lib. Conf, Trans, and Proa, 1897.) Cat. Room ROWLAND, Percy F. How far has the Progress of Events modified the Objections raised in past times to the practice of taking Interest? 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 2 Q 70 ROWLANDS, Samuel. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, Edmund. —17th Century Studies.] II 10 W 23 The Four Knaves. [See Percy Soc.] H 11 S 11 ROWLEY, George Dawson. Birds of the Fiji Islands. (Ornithological Misc.) A 18 Q 12. L3 r ! Sirdsof New Zealand (Ornithological Misc.) A 18 Q 12 r Ornithological Miscellany. Vols. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. L«»nd., 1876-78. A 18 Q 12 14 f Remarks on the extinct Gigantic Birds of Madagascar and Nmv Zealand. (Ornithological Misc.) A 18 Q 14 f ROWLEY William. Fortune by Land and Sea. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 34 A Search for Money. [See Percy Soc] II 11 S 3 ROWNTREE, Joseph, and SHERWELL, Arthur. The Temperance Problem and Social Reform. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 29 ROXBURGH, William. Memoir of ; by Dr. G. King. [See Calcutta Roy. Bot. Garden.] A 17 U 22 t ROXBURGHE CLUB. The Ayenbite of Inwyt. [See Michel, Daniel.] G 17 Q 8 f History of the Holy Graal. [See Borron, Sires Robiers de.1 H 17 Q 9, 10 t ROXBURGHE LIBRARY. Court or Country ; by N. Breton. [See .edited Tni 3.] J2T30 Cyuile and vncyuile Life. [See Inedited Tracts.] J 2 T 30 Health to the u'enlleiimnlv profession of Seivingmen; by (4ervase or Jervis Mai'kham. [See Inedited Tracts.] J2T30 [See Newton, A 30 Q 31 ROY, Charles S. Dictionary i Alfred.] ROY, G. le. [See Lc Roy, C] ROYAL ACADEMY ILLUSTRATED, The, 1884. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 34 R 17 ROYAL ACADEMY PICTURES, 1892-1900: being the Royal Academy Supplement of the Magazine of Art. 9 vols. 4to. Lond., 1892-1900. E ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of ENGLAND. Journal. Vol. l-3rd ser. vol. 10, 1840-99, and Index to 1st and 2nd ser. 65 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840-99. E ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Journal, from vol. 1, 1834-99. 54 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834-99. E CHINA BRANCH. Journal, 1858 78, 1880- 95. 20 vols. 8vo. Shanghai, 1858-96. E . STRAITS BRANCH. Journal, from I 1878-97. 17 vols. 8vo. Singapore, 1878-97. E ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. Vols. 1-52, 1S22 98. with General Index to vols. 1-38 (hound in with vol. 39). 52 vols, (in 23) 4to. Lond., 1822-99. K Monthly Notices. Vols. 1-59, 1827-Oct., 1898, i 1-52. 61 (in I Lond., ROYAL CALENDAR i England, Scotland, 1810. 1831-93. 6 Court and City Register for land, and the Colonies, 1808, ols. 12mo. Lond., 1808-93. K 1 P 1-Q 29 JPublio Library of New South Wales, ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Education.] ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON. Nomenclature of Diseases, drawn up by a joint Com- mittee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 26 S 35 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LONDON. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education.] ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Colonial Institute. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Cat. Room 28 vols. 8vo. ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. Report of the Council, 1895. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. E ROYAL ENGINEERS. Papers on subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Vols. 3, 4, n.s. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-55. A II S 17, 18 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Library of the Itoval Geographical Society. Com- piled by H. R. Mill. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K9K14 Charter and Bye-laws. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Geographical Journal, including the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. ' Vols. 1-15, 1893-June, 1900. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-1900. E Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vols. 1-50, and Indexes to vols. 1-20, 31-40, 1830- 80. 52 vols. 8vo, Lond., 1830-80. E Proceedings and Monthly Record of Geography. Vols. 1-14, n.s., 1879 92. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879-92. E [For Proceedings 1893-1900 see Geographical Journal under this heading.] Surveying and Exploring in Shim; bv James McCarthy. D 22 Q 20 Lond, 1900. ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY of AUSTRAL- ASIA—NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH. Jour- nal, Transactions and Proceedings. Vols. 1-6, 1883- 96. 6 vols, (in 5) 8vo. Sydney, 1885-96. ME 20 P QUEENSLAND BRANCH. Proceedings and Transactions. Vols. 9 14, 1893-99. 6 vols. 8vo. Brisk, 1893-99. ME 20 P SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH. Pro- ceedings of the Sessions 1888-9S. 8vo. Adelaide, 1899. ME 20 P VICTORIAN BRANCH. Transactions. Vols. 1-17, 1883-99. 16 vols. 8vo. Sydney and Melb, 1885-99. [Vols. 1 and 2 bound with the Pro- ceedings of the N.S.W. Branch.] ME 20 P ROYAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, CORNWALL. Transactions. Vols. 1-10. 11 vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1818-82. A 42 W 1- 1 1 ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1897. E The Domesday of Inclosures, 1517-18 : being extant Re- turns to Chancery for Berks. Burks. Cheshire, EBsex, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northants. Oxon, and Warwickshire, liv the Commissioners of Inclosures, 1517, and for Bedfordshire in MIS. together with l>ug- dale's MS. Notes of the Warwickshire Inquisitions in 1517-18, and 1549. Edited, with Notes and Tables, by I. 8. Leadam. Transactions. Vols. 1-13, n.s, 1884-99. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1884-99. E ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1-24, 1846-April, 1900. 24 vols. Svo. Lond, 1846-1900. E Regulations. 8vo. Lond, 1895. E ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. Reports, 1884, 1893, 1895-1900. 8 vols. Svo. Melb, 1884-1900. ME 6 S ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Journal of Proceedings, 1885, 1887, 1894-99. 7 vols. 4to. Lond, 1885-99. E Kalendars, 1887-99. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1887-98. E Papers, 1853-78. 13 vols. 4to. Lond, 1854-78. E Transactions, 1835-40, 1878-92. 14 vols. 4to. Lond, 1836-92. E ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Yellow Book of Lecan. [See Yellow Book of Lecan.] J 22 S 1 t ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Microscopic Journal and Structural Record, 1841-42 ; continued as Transactions, 1844-68; continued as the Monthly Microscopical Journal, 1869-77 ; continued as Journal, 1878-96. 44 vols. Svo. and roy. Svo. Lond, 1842-96. E ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Royal National Life- boat Institution.] ROYAL NAVY, The. [See "Lieutenant, A."] A 29 S 35 ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Excursions to Dublin, Powerscourt, Coollattin, Carton, and Killarney, in Ireland, and also to Dolphinton, Lanarkshire, 1897. 8vo. Edinb, 1897. D 12 T 31 Transactions. Vol. 15. Svo. Edinb, 1898. E ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY. Illustrated Cata- logue, 1884-85. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb, 1884-85. A 34 R 15, 16 ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Atlas of Scotland. [See Bartholomew, J. G.] D 6 U 18 + Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Vol. l-2nd ser. vol. 13, 1882-95, 1897. 1 ! vols. 4 to. and roy. 8vo. Montreal and Ottawa, 1883-97. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. Transactions. Vols. 1-39, and Index to vols. 1-34. 40 vols. 4to. E link, 1788-1900. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE OF THE INITED KINGDOM. Transactions. Vols. 1-20, 2nd ser., 1840-99. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-99. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Catalogue of Scien- tific Papers, 1874-83. -Ito. Lond., 1896. K 19 V 16 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature : Report of the Committee of the Royal Society of London, Schedules of Classification. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J12U 28 Philosophical Transactions, 1665-1832, 1834-1900, and Index to vols. 1 110. 132 vols. 4to. Lond., 1801- Keport of the Proceedings at the International Confer- ences on a Catalogue of Scientific Literature, held in London, 1896-98. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. J 14 V 12 ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES [for- merly the Philosophical Society of N.S.W.] Journal and Proceedings, 1862-65, 1870-99. 29 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1866-99. ME 1 R ROYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Proceedings. Vols. 1-7, 9-15, and Index to vols. 7-9, 1884-90, 1 892 -1900. 15 vols. 8vo. Brisk, 1884-1900. ME 1 T ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA [formerly Adelaide Philosophical Society]. Transactions, 1871- 72, 1877- Aug., 1900. 25 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1871- 1 900. ME 1 S ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA. Papers and Pro- ceedings, 1848-55, 1659, 1863-86, 1888-99. 26 vols. 8vo. Hobart, 1848-1900. ME 1 Q ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA [formerly the Philo- sophical Institute of Victoria]. Proceedings, 1851 55, 1857-69 [not published 1870-73] 1874, 1879-80, 1882-87, 1889-1900. 33 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1855- i 900. ME 1 P Transactions. Vol. 1, pt, 2, and vol. 4, 1889, 1895. 2 vols. 4to. Melb., 1889-95. ME 21 T ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1- 55, 58-62, 1838-92, 1895-99, and Indexes to vols. 1- 50. 64 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838-99. E ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. Calendars, 1896,1898-1900. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1896-1900. E ROY ALL, William L. Andre the United States. 8vo. ROYCE, Alice Carrington. Historic New York. [See Goodwin, Maud Wilder.] B 19 R 6 ROYCE, Prof. Josiah. The Feud of Oakfield Creek. 12mo. Boston, 1889. J 11 P 48 The World and the Individual. 1st ser. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Gifford Lectures.) G 25 T 3 , LE CONTE, Prof. Joseph, HOWISON, Prof. G. H., and M KZES, Prof. Sidney Edward. The Con- ception of God : a Philosophical Discussion concerning the nature of the Divine Idea as a demonstrable reality. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 23 Q 1 ROYER, Lionel. [Reproduction of his Picture] Tole- machus meeting Calypso. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J ROYLE, Charles. The Egyptian Campai New ed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. , 1882-85. B41 Q 6 RUBENS, Peter Paul. [Life of] ; by R. A. M. Stevenson. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 35.] E Rubens : his Life, his Work, and his Time. [See Michel, E.] A 20 T 4, 5 t RUDDER, Augustus. The Waste of our Timber, and how to avoid it. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R RUDDIMAN, Dr. Edsel A. Incompatibilities in Pre- scriptions for Students in Pharmacy and Medicine and Practising Pharmacists and Physicians. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 38 S 3 of Catherine Sforza. 8vo. J 22 Q 8 RUFUS, M. Cadius. [See C.elius, Rufus M.] RUFl T S, Sextus. [See Sextus Rufus.] RUCGLES, Henry Joseph. Plays of Shakespeare founded on literary forms. Svo. Boston, 1895. J 12 V 19 RULERS OF INDIA. Babar. [See Poole, Prof. 8. L-.] B 32 Q 13 RUMKER, Dr. Charles. Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory at Parramatta. (Roy. Soc, Lond., Philosoph. Trans.," 1839, pt. 3.) E Observations for determining the absolute length of the pendulum vibrating seconds at Parramatta, according to Borda's method. (Roy. Astmnom. So,-., Mems. 3.) E Observations made at Parramatta Observatory, N.S.W., 18: (Ho; . Men Ast al Obser alio. it Parramatta and [See Ho) . Soc , Edinb., Trans., 10.] E is on the Com st of Jul -, 1824. [See Roy. mil DUNLOP, James. Observations on two s discovered at Parramatta in 1824. (Roy. Soc, , Trans., 10.) E 520 Public Library of New South Wales. ItUMMEL, L. The Spectra of the Alkalies and their Atomic Weights. (Roy. Soc., Victoria, Proc, 1896- 97.) ME 1 P RUMP ; or, a Collection of the choycest Poems and Songs relating to the late times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1662. H 9 T 25, 26 RUMSEY, Herbert J. Crimson Clove! N.S.W., 1897.) (Agricult. Gaz, ME 9 R RUNCIMAN, John P. Old Scores and New Readings : Discussions on Musical Subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 27 S 30 RUNDLE, Elizabeth. [.See Charles, Elizabeth.] G 26 R 3 RUPERT, Pri Eva.] Rupert, Prince Palatini [See Scott, B33S 13 RURAL AUSTRALIAN; The, 1884-91, May, 1893- April, 1899. Uvols. 4to. Sydney, 1881-99. [Ceased ME 19 S I 19 S 1899. 4 to. Los publication.] B URA L CALIFORNIA??. Angeles, 1899. RURAL SCIENCE SERIES. The Farmstead. [See Roberts, I. P.] A -27 P 1G Fertility of the Land. [See Roberts, I. P.] A 18 P 33 Irrigation and Drainage. [See King, F. M.] A 33 Q 40 Milk and its Products. [Sec Wing, H. H.] A 33 P 8 Principles of Agriculture. [See Bailey, L. H.] A 27 P 17 Principles of Fruit-growing. [See Bailey, L. H.] A 33 Q 18 Rural Wealth and Welfare. [See Fairchild, Dr. (J. T. | Spraying of Plants. [See Lodeman, E, G.] F17' :0 P 32 RUSDEN, George William. History of Australia. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MB 1 Q 14-16 RUSDEN, H. K. Labour and Capital. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q RUSH, Lieut, Commander Richard. Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. [See United States — Department of the Navy.] B 18 R 16 RUSHFORTH, G. M'Neil. Carlo Crivelli. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 R 14 RUSHTON, Alice M. Autographs and Birthdays of Eminent Persons. 18mo. Lond., 1896. *Libr. RUSKIN, John. The Ruskin Reader: being Passages from "Modern Painters," "The Seven Lamps of Archi- tecture," and " The Stones of Venice." 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 23 P 37 Selections from the Writings of. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-98. J 23 S 29, 30 The Art of England and the Pleasures of England: Lectures given in Oxford in 1883-85. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 3 RUSKIN, John— conld. Giotto and his Works in Padua : being an Explanatory Notice of the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 44 T 5 Lectures on Landscape, delivered at Oxford. 1871. Il- lustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 40 U 17 \ Letters to the Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church; with Replies from Clergy and Laity, and an Epilogue by Mr. Ruskin. Edited, with Essays and Comments, by Rev. F. A. Malleson. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 9 The Nature of Gothic : a Chapter from the Stones of Venice; with a Preface by W. Morris. 12mo. Lond., 1899. A 40 T 20 On the Old Road : a Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature, 1831-85. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 44 T 2-4 Sesame and Lilies. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J US 7 Studies in both Arts : being ten subjects drawn and described. Fol. Orpington, 1895. A 40 U 5 } John Ruskin; by Mrs. Meynell. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Modern English Writers.) C 23 R 25 John Ruskin: Sketch of his Life, his Work, and his Opinions, with Personal Reminiscences; by M. H. Spielmann ; together with a Paper by John Ruskin entitled "The Black Arts." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 23 T 20 Life of ; by W. G. Collingwood. New ed., with Portrait and Bibliography. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 19 The Bible References of John Ruskin. [See Gibbs, Mary and Ellen.] K 19 P 32 [Essay on.] [See Stilhnan, W. J.— The Old Rome and the New.] J 14 V H Lessons from my Masters. [See Bayne, P.] J 5 T 28 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Principles of Art as illustrated by examples in the Ruskin Museum. [See White, W.] A 23 U 33 Ruskin : Rossetti ; Preraphaelitism. [See Rossetti, W. M.] ' C 20 T 27 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] {See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] " J 14 V 17 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 Three Letters concerning Ruskin's "Notes on the Con- struction of Sheepfolds." [See Nicoll, W. R, — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 4 What to do according to Ruskin. [See Scudder, Vida D. -Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 RUSSEL, Hugh. Expedition to the Barrow, Cavenagh, and Warburtun Ranges, West Australia. (Roy. Geo- graph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1899.) ME 20 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. RUSSELL, A., De: (Melbourne Re vi rf Adelaide. '>■) The Supernatural. (Melbourne Revi Easter Thoughts. ME 18 Q w, 1.) ME IS Q RUSSELL, Alys [Mrs. B.] Social Democracy and the Woman Question in Germany. [See Russell, Bertram]. - German Social Democracy.] F 10 V 38 RUSSELL, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Baker Creed. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 2G RUSSELL, Bertram!. German Social Democracy; with an Appendix on Social Democracy and the Woman Question in Germany, by Alys Russell. 8vo Lond., 1896. F 10 V 38 RUSSELL, C. E. M. Bullet and Shot in Indit Plain, and Hill ; with Hints to Beginners Shooting. 8vo. Lond., 1900. I n Forest, in Indian 22 R 22 RUSSELL, Charles, Baron. The Parnell Con the Opening Speech for the Defence. 8vo. Lond., [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 RUSSELL, Charles T. Millen Allegheny, 1886-91. 1. Plan of the A^c*. 2. Time is at hand. lial Da^ fii. 3 vols. 8vo. G 18 P 51-53 RUSSELL, Sir Edward. That trait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. inds Me. With Por- C 27 T 14 RUSSELL, Frances Emily [Mrs of Australia: a Poem. Sm. II. 4t( E.] . S The Federation ydney, 1898. RUSSELL, Francis. Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards. 8th ed., by E. Pollock and H. Russell. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1 900. F 1 U 28 RUSSELL, Francis Alfred Alison. Depreciating Assets, Profits, Deductions, and Sinking-funds in relation to the Income Tax Acts. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 Q 30 An Introduction to Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. Mil 1 V 20 RUSSELL, George William Erskine, " One who has kept a Diary." Collections and Recollections. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P 13 ne Ministers. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 The Que Arnold, 1818-88. [See Arnold, C 21 P 22, 23 Letters of Matthe Matthew.] Life of W. E. Gladstone. [See Gladstone, W. E.] C 23 S 23 RUSSELL, George William Francis Sackville, 10th Duke of Bedford. [See Bedford, 10th Duke of.] RUSSELL, Henry B. International Monetary Confer- ences: their Purposes, Character, and Results, with a Study of the Conditions of Currency and Finance in Europe and America during intervening periods, and in their relations to International action. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 8 Q 28 RUSSELL, Henry Chamberlaine, F.R.S. Aurora Aus- tralis. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1897.) ME 1 R Climate. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Current Papers. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896, 1898-99.) ME 1 R Icebergs in the Southern Ocean. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1895, 1897.) ME 1 R Measures of Double Stars made at Sydney. 4to. Kiel, 1896. MA 1 Q 15 J Measures of Double Stars made at Sydney Observatory, 1882-S9. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 50.) E Measures of Sir John Herschel's Cape Stars, together with a list of new Double Stars. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 47.) E Observations of the Transit of Venus, December 8th and 9th, 1874, made at Stations in New South Wales. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mems. 47.) E Pericxlicity of Good and Bat N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) (Roy. Soc, ME 1 R Water-spouts on the Coast of New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R [See also Sydney Observatory.] RUSSELL, Herbert, Power and Duty of an Arbitrator. [See Russell, F] F 1 U 28 RUSSELL, Prof. Israel Cook. Giant Birds of New Zea- land. (American Naturalist, .Ian., 1877.) E Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand. (American Naturalist, July, 1876.) F New Zealand Flax (Americ an Naturalist, Jan., 1876.) E River Developme North Americi nt as ilh . Tllust. Ser.) st rated by the Rivers of 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Pro- A 36 R 20 Sketch of New Zt iland with Pen and Pencil. (American Naturalist, Feb , 1879.) E Volcanoes of No! Students of (b York, 1897. th Ameri •a: a Reading Lesson for ml Geology. 8vo. New A 39 It 1 RUSSELL, James 1 1 Germa i Higher Schools: the His- 1 .Methods of Secondary Edu( . New York, 1899. G 17 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. RUSSELL, Dr. James Samuel Risien. Affections of the Spinal Meninges. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) " A 26 T 39 Cho Disseminate Sclerosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Eclampsia Nutans. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Paramyoclonus Multiplex. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Saltatory Spasm. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 40 The Tics. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 , and KINGDON, Dr. Ernest Cory. Infantile RUSSELL, Jane Foss. Agriculture for Women. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R RUSSELL, John. Pestalozzi. [See Pestalozzi, J. H.] C 19 P 28 RUSSELL, John, 1st Earl. Life of ; by Spencer Walpole- 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 23 P 15, 16 New Views on Ireland; or, Irish Land Grievances Remedies. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 19 S 7 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Russell, G. W. E. -Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.- Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 RUSSELL, John W. Australian Federation. (North American Review, July, 1898.) E RUSSELL, Macnamara. Mount Lycll Mines, Tasmania. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MA 1 U 11 RUSSELL, R, Geology of the Country around Mailer" stang, with parts of VVensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 RUSSELL, Rachel Wriothesley, Lady. Memoirs of Lady Russell and Lady Herbert, 1623-1723. Compiled from original family documents by Lady Stepney. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 26 P 4 RUSSELL, Robert. Natal : the Land and its Story. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 37 P 14 RUSSELL, Robert Howard. The Edge of the Orient. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 S 19 RUSSELL, Sol Smith. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 RUSSELL, Prof. T. Instructions for Voluntary Ob- servers. [See United States. — Department of Agri- culture.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 53 RUSSELL, T. O. Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 21 S 4 RUSSELL, William, Lord. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, H. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 Horatio Nelson and the Naval supremacy of England. [See Nelson, Adm. H.] " C 23 P 25 Pictures from the Life of Nelson. [See Nelson, Adm. H.] C20S12 RUSSELL, Sir William Howard. The Crimean Diary and Letters of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Ash Windham. [See Windham, Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. A.] C 23 Q 1 1 RUSSELL-JEAFFRESON, J. [See Jeaffreson, J. R-.] RUSSIA ON THE PACIFIC and the Siberian Railway. [See "Vladimir."] F 16 T 11 RUSSIAN LIBRARY. Is War now impossible? [See Bloeli, I. S. ] F Id S 10 " RUSTICUS." [See Fowler, J. K.] " RUTH." [See Bedford, Ruth Marjory.] RUTHERFORD, Daniel. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. W.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 RUTHERFORD, E. Magnetic Detector of Electrical Waves and some of its applications. (Rov. Soc, Lond., Phil. Trans. 189, ser. A.) E Magnetic Viscosity. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S RUTHERFORD, John. Story of ; by Archdeacon W. L. Williams. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1890.) ME 2 S RUTHERFORD, John. William Moon and his Work for the Blind. [See Moon, W.] C 23 U 6 " RUTHERFORD, Mark." [See White, W. II.] RUTHERFORD, Rev. William Gunion. St, Pauls Epistle to the Romans : a new translation, with brief analysis. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 24 Y 38 Vublic Library of New South Wales. RUTHNING, Heinrich L. E. Agricultural Land Credit. Svo. Brisk, 1896. MA 4 S 21 Cooperation and Produce Trade. 8vo. Brisb,, 1888. MA 4 S 24 Cooperation in Ireland and Technical Education. Sin. fol. Brisb., 1898. MF 9 Q 45 t Farmers' Cooperation. Sm. fol. (n.p.) 1 897. MF 9 Q 45 t How should the Principles of the Credit Foncier be applied I Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MF 9 Q 45 t Industries Bill of New South Wales. Sm fol. Brisb., r.S95. MF9Q45I HUT LAND, Joshua. Ancient Pit-dwellings of the Pelorus District, South Island, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1897.) ME 6 R The Big-ears. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1897.) ME G R Did the Maori discover the Greenstone? (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Some Ancient Stone Implements, Pelorus District, Middle Island, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., I89G.) ME 6 R Traces of Civilization: an Inquiry into the History of the Pacific (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S KIT LEDGE, Rev. W. W. Prophetic Chart illustrative of Lectures on the Coming of Christ, the anti-Christ, and the Millennium. Folded fol. Sydney, 1900. ' MG 2 S 33 is of England and Wales. ,log. Surv. England and Wales.] A 47 R 4 Rhyolites of the Hauraki Gold-fields, New Zealand. [See Geolog. Soc, Lond., Quar. Journ., 1899.] E RUTT, Walter. The Flight of Birds considered with reference to Aerial Navigation. (Adelaide Philosoph. Soc, Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S RUTTER, Frank R. South American Trade of Balti- more. (Johns Hopkins University.- Studies in His- torical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 RUYSBROECK, Jan van. [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Uev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] ' G 215 Q 10 RU YTER, Lieut. Adm. Michiel Adriaanszoon de. Life of ; by G. Grinnell-Milne. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 S 4 RYAN, Dr. Charles E. With an Ambulance during the Franco-German War, 1870-71. 8vo. Lond., 1896. With Portrait and Maps. D 18 S 14 RYAN, Dr. Charles. Experiences during the Siege of Plevna. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q RYAN, Dr. Charles S., and S ANDES, John. Under the Red Crescent : Adventures of an English Surgeon with the Turkish Army at Plevna and Kr/.eroum, 1*77 78. With Port, and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B22R17 RYAN, J. Tighe. The Australian Girl in the City and in the Bush. (Review of Reviews, March, 1897.) E A Bush Brigade: an Illustrated Sketch of the First Australian Horse. (Review of Reviews, July, 1898.) ME 6 U RYDBERG, P. A. Report upon Grasses and Forage Plrnts of the Rocky Mountain Regions. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 19 RYE, Maria S. Emigration. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 RYE, Walter. Words used in East Anglia. [See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 75.] E RYLAND, Frederick. Events of the Reign, 1837-97. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 16 P 18 RYLEY, J. Horton. Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma : his Companions and Contempo- raries ; with his remarkable Narrative, told in his own words. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 36 R 7 RYLSTONE EXPRESS and Electoral Representative, with which is incorporated the Ryhtone. Arhvrliiwr, Nov., 1897-99. 2 vols. fol. Rylstone, 1897-99. ME S., C. Leaves from a Diarv in Lower Bengal. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 19 V 28 S., D. W. European Settlements in the Far East. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 21 Q 12 SABATIER, Prof. Auguste. Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion, based on Psychology and History. Trans- lated by Rev. T. A. Seed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 4 SACCARDO, Prof. Pierandrea. Sylloge Fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum. Vol.11. 8vo. Patavii, 1895. A 23 V 15 SACHAU, E. Kurzes Verzeiclmiss der Sachau'-schen Sammlung syrischer Handsehriften, Konigliche Bihliothek, Berlin. [See Berlin-Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 7 S 44 SACHS, Dr. 15. Chorea. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 1.6 SACHS, Edwin O., and WOODROW, Ernest A. E. Modern Opera Houses and Theatres: Examples selected from Playhouses recently erected in Europe. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 189G 98. A 8Q 16 18 ♦ SACHS, Joseph. Electrical Boats and Navigation. [See Martin, Thomas Commerford.] A 21 U 15 Public Library of New South Wales. SAD DING TON, Arthur Graham. Supreme Court Rules, June, 1891-Jan., 1899. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 Q 27 SA'DI (in full Shaikh Maslah-uddin Sa'di-al-Shirazi). With Sa'di in the Garden ; or, the Book of Love. [See Arnold, Sir E.j H 12 R 22 SADLER, Ralph. Apocalypse of St. John. [See Bibles and Testaments— English.] G 2.3 S 19 Book of Ayub. [See Bibles and Testaments -English.] G 23 E 23 Malaki, my Angel. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Hebrew.] G 17 S 10 SAIEGHI, Prof. E. Bacteria of the Sputa and Crypto- genic Flora of the Mouth. [See Vicentini, Dr. Filandro.] A 32 S 32 ST. ALBANS, Viscount, [See Bacon, Francis.] SAINT-AMAND, Arthur Leon, Baron Imbert do, [See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L., Baron.] SAINT-CLAIR, Roland William. The Saint-Claii s of the Isles : being a History of the Sea-kings of Orkney and their Scottish successors of the sirname of Sinclair. Must. Roy. 8vo. Auckland, 1898. C 22 U 3 SAINT-GENIS, Flour de. [See Flour de Saint-Genis.] SAINT-GERMAIN, Comte C. de. Practical Palmistry ; or, Hand-reading simplified. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. G 17 S 26 ST. HELENS, Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C21 U3 ST. JOHN, Charles. A Sportsman and Naturalist's Tour in Sunderlandshire. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D 18 S 20 ST. JOHN, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. [See Boling- broke, Viscount.] ST. JOHN, Sir Spenser. Rajah Brooke. [See Brooke, Sir J.] C 27 R 9 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. Class Lists, Nos. 1, 2, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 1897-98. Cat. Room 1. English Prose Fiction. 2. German Prose Fiction. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Annual Reports of the Board of Directors. 1874-78, 1880-82, 1884-97. 19 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 1874-98. E ST. PAUL'S COLLEGE, SYDNEY. [See Sydney Uni- versity.] ST. PETERSBURG. Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. [See Academic Imperiale.] ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, SYDNEY. Report, 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. ME 6 P mpletes. Port-Royal. 5th ed. ST. VINCENT, John Jervis, 1st Earl of. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Vice-Adm. Sir P. H. Colomb. ( Laugh- ton, Prof. J. K.— From Howard to Nelson.) C 25 T 7 SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles Augustin. Causeries du Lundi. [Vols. 1, 2, 4, 4th ed., vols. 3, 5-15, 3rd ed.] 15 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1859-60. J 19 V 15- 29 Causeries du Lundi, Portraits de Femines, et Portraits Litteraires: Table Generate et Analytique. 12mo. Paris, 1885. J 19 V 34 Nouveaux Lundis. 13 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1890-95. J 24 R 8-20 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1879. H 12 P 36, 37 Portraits de Femmes. New ed. 12mo. Paris, 1886. J 19 V 30 Portraits Litteraires. New ed. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1862. J 19 V 31-33 12mo. Paris, 1888-91. G 24 P 1 7 Tableau de la Poesie Franchise an soizieme siecle : edition definitive prceedee de la Vie de Sainte-Beuve par J. Troubat, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1876. J 23 P 52, 53 Volupte. New ed. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 24 It 7 The Book of the Ladies. [See Bourdeille, Pierre de.] C 25 S 3 Correspondence of Mine. Princess Palatine ; of Marie- Adelaide de Savoie ; and of Mine, do Maintenon. [See Wormeley, Katharine Prescott.] C 25 S 19 Memoirs, Letters, and Miscellaneous Papers of Prince de Eigne. [See Ligne, Prince de.] B 41 P 8, 9 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata;.] J 7 P 52 [Sketch of.] [See Grenier, E.— Literary Reminiscences.] C 26 Q 15 SAINTS, The. Psychology of the Saints. [See Joly, H.] (i 4 V 38 St. Ambrose. [See Broglie, Due de.] G 25 P 14 St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] (i 4 V 37 St. Francis of Kales. [See Margorie, A. de.] G 26 Q 2 St. Ignatius of Loyola, [See Joly, H.] (I 24 P 13 St. Jerome. [See Largent, Rev. — .] (1 26 Q 4 St. Louis. [See Sepet, M.] G 25 1' 1 St. Vincent de Paul. [See Broglie, E. de.] G 23 P 37 SAINTSBURY, Prof. George Edward Bateman. Essays in English Literature, 1780-1860. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J14T1 The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Periods of Kuropean Literature.) J 27 Q 2 History of 19th Century Literature, 1780-1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 8 Short History of English Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 34 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. S-UXTSBURY, Prof. George Edward Bateman— contd. The Atheist's Mass, and other Stories. [See Balzac, H. ile.] J 23 R 28 J 23 R 29 Arnold. [See Beatrix. [See Balzac, H. de.] [Criticism of the Works ofj Mattl« Craik, Henry. -English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Carlyle. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J6Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Sir Humphry Davy. [See Craik, Henry.- English Prose.] " J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] William Hazlitt. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Leigh Hunt. [See Craik Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Charles Kingsley. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Gibson Lockhart. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Walter H. Pater. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Love Peacock. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Sydney Smith. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] William Makepeace Thack- eray. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J6Q 38* Eugenie Grandet. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 24 U 2 A Father's Curse, and other Stories. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 26 A Gondreville Mystery. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 30 La Grande Breteche, and other Stories. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 31 Gryll Grange. [See Peacock, T. L.] J 25 S 2G Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. [See Peacock, T. L] J 25 S 27 Letters from Sir Charles Grandison. [See Richardson, S.] JUT 6, 7 [ Life of] Sir Walter Scott. [See Scott, Sir W.] C 20 T 21 Maid Marian and Crotchet Castle. [See Peacock, T. L] J 25 S 28 Matthew Arnold. [See Arnold, M.] C 23 R 21 Melincourt. [See Peacock, T. L] J 25 S 30 The Member for Arcis. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 9 R 31 The Misfortunes of Elphin, and Rhododaphne. [See Pea- cock, T. L] J 25 S 29 Modesto Mignon. [See Balzac, H. de.] J 23 R 32 OldGoriot. [Set Balzac, H. de.] J 24 U 1 Poems of John Donne. [See Donne, J. Dean.] H 10 U 31, 32 Sights and Scenes in Oxford. [See Whittaker, T.] A 8 R 29 f i many subjects. [See Reynolds, S. H.] J 19 W 8 Ursule Mirouet. [See Balzac. II. de.] J 24 U 3 fhe Wild Ass's Skin. [See Balza 3> H. de ] J 25 P 7 \ Woman of Thirty. [See Balzac . H. de. J 24 U 4 SAJOUS, Dr. Charles E. Diseases of the Pharynx and Larynx. (Hare, Dr. 11. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 SALADIN. [See Salah-Ed-Din.] "SALADIN." [See Ross, W. S.] SALAH-ED-DIN, Malek-Nasser-Tousouf, Sultan of Egypt. Saladin ; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf, 1 137- 93. Composed by Beha Eddin. 8vo. Lonrl., 1897. C 24 R 20 Saladin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. [See Poole, S. Lane-.] B 30 Q 24 SALISBURY, Bishop of. [See Davenant, John.] SALISBURY, E. Short History of Switzerland. [See Dandliker, Dr. K.] B 25 R 15 SALISBURY, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, Marquess of. I Portrait of.] [See Sixly Years of Em- pire.] B 22 R 18 SALLMON, William H. Studies in the Life of Jesus for Bible Classes and personal use. With Map. 18mo. New York, 1897. G 9 U 22 SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, Caius. Opera qua; extant omnia. (Scriptores Historic Romanic.) B 40 U 23 + SALMON, Daniel Elmer. Hog Cholera and Swine Plague. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 , and STILES, C. Wardell. Sheep Scab. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Bureau of Ani- mal Industry.] A 41 U 8 SALMON, Edward. Australian Federation : its Progress and its Prospects. (Fortnightly Review, July, 1895.) E SALMON, Rev. George, F.R.S. Cathedral and University Sermons. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 S 15 Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament : being an Expansion of Lectures delivered in the Divinity School of the University of Dublin. 8th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 24 Q 11 Some Thoughts on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 U 27 SALMON, Percy R,, •■Richard Ponlake." Home Por- traiture for Amateur Photographers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 41 Q 28 Public Library of New South Writes. SALMOND, Rev. Stewart Din-svall Fordvee. The Chris- tian Doctrine of Immortality. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. G 3 11 21 SALMONE, H. Anthony. The Fall and Resurrection of Turkey. 8vo. Lond., 189G. B 17 Q 18 SALMONIANA; done in Verse by " Barri Coota," and illustrated by "A Trumpeter." [See "Barri Coota."] MJ 3 W 20 SALON, The. [See Paris Salon.] SALQUIN, Major S. A. The Military Shoe. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 49 SALT, Henry S. .Life of Henry David Thoreau. [See Thoreau, Henry David.] C 22 T 12 SALTER, Charles. Animal Eats and Oils. [See Andes, L. E.] A 45 U 9 Iron Corrosion. [See Andes, L. E.] A 45 U 18 Painting on Glass and Porcelain, and Enamel-painting. [See Hermann, F.] A 45 U 17 Technical Testing of Yarns and Textile Fabrics. [See Herzfeld, Dr. J.] A 45 U 1G Vegetable Fats and Oils. [See Andes, L. E.] A 45 U 10 SALTER, William Mackintire. Ethical Religion. [See Seeley, Sir J. R.— Ethics and Religion.] G 25 S 14 True Basis of Religious Union. [See Seeley, Sir J. R,— Ethics and Religion.] G 25 S 14 SALUSBURY, Frederick H. Law and Practice in Bank- ruptcy in New South Wales, including the Bankruptcy Act, 1898, the Rules and Forms thereunder, and the Bills of Sale Act, 1898. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 It 9 . , and NEWBERY, W. Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895, and the Regulations and Proclamations made thereunder ; with Notes. 8vo Sydney, 1896. MF 1 R 13 SALUSTIUS CRISPUS, G [See Sallustius Crispus, C] SAL VADORI, Tommaso. Catalogue of the Chenoniorpha?, Cryptori, and Batitse in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 9 Catalogue of the Columbia, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat, Hist. J A 39 U 3 Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. Nat. Hi st-] A 39 U 2 SALVETAT, Alphonse. Coloring and Decoration of Ceramic Ware. [See Brongniart, A.] A 45 U 3 SALVIN, Osbert. Catalogue of the Piscarire in the Col- lection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. —Nat. Hist,] A 39 T 16 Catalogue of Tubinares in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist,] A 39 U 7 SALVINI, Alexander. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] SAMPSON, George. Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. [See Berkeley, G., Bishop.] G 18 P 55-57 SAMPSON, Rear-Adm. William Thomas. With Sampson through the War. [See Goode, W. A. M.] B 41 R 3 SAMUELL, Dinah [Mrs. H. J.] Violet's Illustrated Theatrical Annual. 4to. Sydney, 1898. MA5R10J SAMUELL, Harry Joseph. The New Guide : how to know- Sydney. Illust. 18mo. Sydney, 1895. MD 1 P 11 Samuell's Guide : how to know Sydney. Illustrated. 18mo. Sydney, 1897. MD 1 P 69 Samuell's Illustrated Pocket Guide to Sydney, with which is incorporated "How to Know Sydney." 18mo. Sydney, 1899. MD 1 P 76 SAMUELSON, James. Civilization of our day: a series of Original Essays on some of its more important phases at the close of the 19th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 1 V 14 Labour-saving Machinery: an Essay on the effect of Mechanical Appliances in the Displacement of Manual Labour in various industries. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 33 P 17 SAMWELL, Dr. — . Extracts from the Diary of ; bv J. E. Partington. [See Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1899.] ME 6 R SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL REPORTS. lie- ports for the fiscal year 1874-75. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1875. E SANBORN, Franklin Benjamin. Dr. Howe, the Philan- thropist. [See Howe, Dr. S. G.] C 20 U 5 Henry David Thoreau. [See Thoreau, H. D.] C 27 P 8 "SAND, George." [See Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A.] SAND AY, 1 lev. William. Different Conceptions of Priest- hood and Sacrifice. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 U 11 SANDBY, Rev. George. Mesmerism and its Opponents. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1848. G 19 U 16 SANDE BAKHUYZEN, Gerardina Jacoba van de. Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] AllVlOf Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 527 Problems of Biology. SAN ! • ERS, Lloyd Charles. Lord Melbo Melbourne, Lord.] le's Papers. [See C 22 R 14 SANDERS, William Bliss. Half-timbered Houses and ( 'arved Oak Furniture of the 16th and 17th Centuries, illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 12 X 30 t Afri The Fight for the Flag in South Africa: a History of the War from the 'Boer Ultimatum to the Advance of Lord Roberts. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 41 W 9 Historic Parallels to FAffaire Dreyfus. 8vo. Lond., 1900. With Portrait. B 37 Q 12 SAN 1 )ERSON, Frederick William. Electricity and Mag- netism for Beginners. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 21 Q 21 SANDERSON, Dr. John Scott Burdon-. Doctrine of Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 31 SANDERSON, Dr. Robe Life of. [See Walton, I.] C 27 P 22 SANDERSON, T. J. Cobden-. Art and Life. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 SANDERSON, William Alexander. Digest of Austral- asian Mining Cases. [See Eagleson, J. G.] MF 5 R 5 Digest of reported Cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Insolvency, and Courts of Mines of the Colony of Victoria. " [See Eagleson, J. G.] MF 1 S 67 SAN DES, John. Under the Red Crescen C. S.] t. [See Ryan, B 22 It 17 SANTLEY, Charles Lond. (n.d.) SAN DLANDS, Rev. John Poole. How t t he Principles of Health. New ed. 8v< . be well ; or, Lond., 1896. A 26 S 38 SANTOS, Carlos R. Asuncion, 1897. SAN DOW, Eugene. Views on the Training of Oarsmen. ( Lehmann, R. C— Rowing.) A 40 Q 4 f the City of Sydmn ,-o. Sydney, 1890. in Directory. [Se and Suburbs, M 1 > 8 Q 1 7 Sydney and ME 1" P I! SANDT DE VILLTERS, B. J. Van de. Cape of Good Hope Almanac. [See Cape of Good Hope— Almanac] E SANFORD, John Langton, and TOWNSEND, Meredith. The Great Governing Families of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G5. C 24 It 1, 2 SANFORD, P. Gerald. Nitre-] Treatise concerning the Prop Analysis of Nitrated Substa minates, Smokeless Powdei Lond., 1896. isives : a Practical , Manufacture, and including the Ful- d Celluloid. 8vo. A 20 Q 34 SANGSTER, Margaret Elizabeth [Mrs. G.] On the Road Home: Poems. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. H 10 U 36 Home Fairies and Heart Flowers. [See French, F] A 20 It 1 t SANITARIUM FOR HEBREW CHILDREN. An- nual Report, 1892. 8vo. New York, 1893. E SANITARY ENGINEER. [See Engineering Record] SANITARY SERIES. Meteorology. [See Moore, J. \V.] A 19 R 18 SANSON, Dr. Arthur Ernest. Diseases of the Mitral Valve. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 SANSONE, Antonio. Recent Progress in the Industries of Dyeing and Calico-printing : being a Supplement to "The Printing of Cotton Fabrics'' and " Dveing." 8vo. Manchester, 1895. A 25 T 37 SANTAYANA, Prof. George. The Sense of Beauty: being the Outlines of /Esthetic Theory. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 24 Santley's Singing-master. Fol. A 39 U 36 I SARDOU, Victorien. Costumes of the Time of the French Revolution. [See Guillaumot, - .] A -10 U 27 J ■ism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— nch Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 It 1 [Cri. Book of B( . 4to. Lond., 1898. Wi; Etchings by H 19 S 8 t , and McDOUGALL, I). Melbourne ; Suburban Directory. [See Melbourne and Suburl Directory.] mth Austral Directory.] Directory. [See 8ARGEAUNT, John. Annals of Westminster Schools. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 17 It 38 SARGENT, Arthur John. Economic Policy of Colbert, With Bibliography. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F 15 Q 38 Public Library of Neio South Wales. SARGENT, Charles Sprague. The Silva of North America. Illustrated by C. E. Faxon. Vols. 8-12. 5 vols. 4to. Boston, 1895-98. A 40 S 25-29 + 8. Cupulilene. 9. Cupuliferie- Salicacese. 10. Liliace:e— Conifera?. 11, 12. Conifer*. SARGENT, Dr. D. A. Physical Characteristics of the Athlete. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 Physical Proportions of the typical Man. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 SARGENT, Lieut. Herbert H. The Campaign of Marengo, with Comments. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 7 Napoleon Bonaparte's first Campaign. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. B 1G R 29 SARGENT, John F. Reading for the Young ; a classified and annotated Catalog; with an alphabetical Author- index; with a Supplement, 1891-95, and Subject-in- dex to the complete work, compiled by Mary E. and Abby L. Sargent. Roy. 8vo. Boston^ 1890-96. Cat. Room SARPI, Paolo, " Pietro Soave." Historic of the Councel of Trent. Translated by N. Brent. Sm. fol. Lond., 1620. G17U8I SARS, Georg Ossian. Fauna Norvegias : Descriptions of the Norwegian species at present known belonging to the sub-orders Phyllocarida and Phyllopoda. [In English and Norwegian.] Vol. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Christiania, 1896. A 13 R 1 t SARTO, Andrea del. Andrea del Sarto. [See Guinness, H.] A 44 R 3 SATTERLEE, Rev. Henry Yates. A Creedless Gospel and the Gospel Creed. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 12 V 7 SATURDAY REVIEW, The, of Politics, Literature Science and Art. Vols. 1-89, June, 1855 -June, 1900. 89 vols. fol. Lond., 1855-1900. E SAUNDBY, Dr. Robert. Diabetes Mellitus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 SAUNDERS, De Alton. Phycological Memoirs. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. San Francisco, 1898. (Leland Stanford Junior University.—-Contributions to Biology from the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory.) A 46 Q 2 SAUNDERS, Edward. Revision of the Australian Buprestidse described by the Rev. F. W. Hope. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.) E SAUNDERS, Eleanor and Elizabeth. Memoirs and Letters of; by Rev. D. M. Berry. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MG 2 T 19 SAUNDERS, Howard. Catalogue of the Gavho in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.- Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 7 SAUNDERS, Joh Chaucer, G.] ; Canterbury Tales. [See H 13 U 3 SAUNDERS, Sir Sidney S. Descriptions of three new- genera and species of Fig Insects allied to Blastophaga from Calcutta, Australia, and Madagascar ; with Notes on their Parasites and on the affinities of the respective races. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1883.) E SAUNDERS, Thomas Bailey. Human Nature. [See Schopenhauer, Arthur.] G 19 U 35 Thoughts on the Present Position of Protestantism. [See Harnack, A.] G 24 Q 9 SAUNDERS, Dr. William. Results from Test-growing of Crops : being the Evidence of Dr. W. Saunders before the Select Standing Committee of Agriculture and Colonization, 1899. 8vo. Ottawa, 1899. A 38 Q 25 SAUNDERSON, Nicholas. Method of Fluxions applied to a select number of useful Problems, together with the demonstration of Mr. Cotes's Forms of Fluents in the second part of his Logometria, the analysis of the Problems in his Scholium Generale, and an Explana- tion of the Principal Propositions of Sir Isaac New- ton's Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1756. A 36 U 19 SAVAGE, Dr. George Henry. English Law and Practice of Lunacy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Mania. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T41 Mental Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 Mental Stupor. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 Toxic Insanities. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 41 , and GOOD ALL, Edwin. General Paralysis of the Insane. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 SAVAGE, Rev. Minot Judson. Life beyond Death, to which is added an Appendix containing some Hints as to Personal Experiences and Opinions. 8vo. New York, 1900. G 24 S 15 SAVAGE, R. The Incidence of Taxation and the Ex- penditure of Public Money. (Melb. Rev., 2.) ME 18 Q SAVARY, Anne Jean Mario Rene, Due de Rovigo. Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo, written by himself, illustrative of the History of the Emperor Napoleon. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. C 23 U 12-15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SAYILE, George, Marquis of Halifax. [See Halifax, Marquis of.] SAT I LLE-KENT, W. [See Kent, W. Saville-.] SAVONAROLA, Girolamo. Fra Girolamo Savonarola : a Biographical Study based <>n Contemporary Docu- ments; by Rev. H. Lucas. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C27S1 Memoir of. [See Michael Angelo Buonarotti.— Life of; by J. S. Harford.] C 14 V 22 SAY ( >RY, Isabel. A Sportsw Svo. Lond., 1900. SAVOY, The. Edited by Arthur Symons. Nos. 1-8. 1*96. Illustrated. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. [All published.] J 22 V 19-21 SAW ARD, Blanche C. Decorative Paintings: a Practical 1 Land-book on Painting and Etching upon various ob- jects and materials for the decoration of our homes. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 S 26 SAW ELL, C. M. Suggestions to the Royal Commissioners on the Dwellings of the Poor. (Intermit, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 SAW TELL, Alfred E. Nautical Almanac, Tide- tables, and Mercantile Navy List of South Australia. 18mo. Adelaide, 1874. ME 2 U SAWYER, J. R. ABC Guide to the Making of Auto- type Prints in Permanent Pigments. 4th ed. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 41 Q 16 SAYCE, Prof. Archibald Henry. Babylonians and Assy- rians : Life and Customs. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Semitic Ser.) B 25 P 21 Early Israel and the surrounding Natio 1899. Svo. Lond., B 28 R 13 The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotus. Svo. Lond., ' Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illus- trated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. (Hibbert Lectures, 1887.) G 19 T 26 Patriarchal Palestine. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 28 S 1 Assyria. [See Smith, G] B 27 P 9 Persia. [See Vaux, W. S. W.] B 27 P 10 Sinai. [See Palmer, H. S.] B27P11 Struggle of the Nations. [See Maspero, Prof. Gaston.] B 17 U 18 SAYCE, O. A. Janirella, a new genus of Isopoda from Freshwater, Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1900.) ME 1 P Xiphan/us pulchellus, a new Victorian blind Amphipod. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1899.) ME 1 P Phreatoicoides, a new genus of Freshwater Isopoda. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1899.) ME 1 P Phreatoicoides Shephardi. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1900.) ME 1 P Structure of the Alimentary System of Gri/llotalpa australis. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1898.) ME 1 P SAYER, J. W. The Legal Position of the Mechanics' Institutes and Public Libraries of Victoria. (Aust. Lib. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t De Officio Regis. [See Wiclif Soc., Pubs.] G 23 T 26 Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Duke of. [See Edinburgh, Duke of.] SCAIFE, Walter B. America : its Geographical History, 1492-1892; with a Supplement entitled, "Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish Geographers the Mississippi?" [See Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.] B 18 T 13 Florentine Life dining the Renaissance. [See Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Poli- tical Science.] B 18 T 14 SCAMMELL, E. T. Work and Wealth of Western Aus- tralia. (Liverpool Geograph. Soc, Trans., 1899.) E SCAMOZZI, Vincent. Het Voorbeelt der alg< Bouv-Konst. Illustrated. Sin. fol. Amsterdam (n.d.) A 40 U 19 J SCANDRETT, W. B. Southland and its Resources: being a Paper on the Resources of the District of Southland, Otago, New Zealand. Svo. Invercargill, 1SS3. .MI) 5 V 20 SCARFOGLIO, Signora, "Matilde Serao." Farewell, Love. Trans, by Mrs. H. Harland ; with Introduction byE. Gosse. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U 17 SCARGILL-BIRD, S. R. [See Bird, S. R. Scargill,] SCARRON, Paul. Essay on. [See Jusserand, J. J.— English Essays.] B 32 Q 10 SCHAERER, Rev. Ludwig Emanuel. Enumeratio Critica Lichenum Europaorum. Illustrated. Svo. Bernte, 1850. A 20 R 22 Public Library of New South Wales. SCHAFER, Dr. Edward Albert, F.R.S. The Blood. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 The Influence of the Ductless Glands upon Metabolism — Internal Secretions. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology ) A 27 V 4 The Mechanism of the Secretion of Milk. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Metabolism. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physi- ology.) A 27 V 4 Text-book of Physiology. Vol. 1. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. " A 27 V 4 Elements of Anatomy. [See Quain, Dr. J.] A 30 U 41-48 SCHAFF, Rev. Philip. History of the Christian Church. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. G 24 V 2, 3 SCHARFF, Robert F. History of the European Fauna. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1891). (Contemporary Science Ser.) A 27 P 20 SCHARKIE, E. L. Fragments : Poems. 12mo. Mait- land, 1896. MH 1 V 15 SCHARLIEB, Dr. Mary Dacomb. A Woman's Words to Women on the care of their Health in England and India. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 18 Q 30 SCHAUFFLER, William G. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 SCHAW, Maj.-Gen. Henry. Antarctic Research. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Australasian Weather-charts and New Zealand Storms. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Further Light on the Circulation of the Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Histories of the Storms of the 30th January and 16th April, 1897. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Interaction of Cyclones upon one another. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Vertical Component of the Motions of the Earth's Atmos- sphere. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S SCHECHTER, Salomon. Studie Lond., 1896. Judai G 11 S 27 SCHEFFEL, Joseph Victor von. Bergpsalmen : Dich- tung. Illust. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1895. H12P13 Ekkehard : ine Geschichte aus dem zehnten Jahrhun- dert. 166th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1898. J 23 P 39 Frau Aventiure, Lieder aus Heinrich von Ofterdingens Zeit. 18th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1892. II 12 P 9 Fiinf Dichtungen. 2nd ed ] 2mo. Stuttgart, 1 898. H 12 P 12 SCHEFFEL, Joseph Victor von— contd. Gaudeamus : Lieder aus dem Engeren unci Weiteren. 61st ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1898. H 12 P 11 Hugideo : eine alte Geschichte. 8th ed. 12mo. Stutt- gart, 1897. J 23 P 40 Juniperus: Geschichte eines Kreuzfahrers. Illustrated. 1 2 mo. Stuttgart, 1891. J23P38 Der Trompeter von Sakkingen : ein Sang vom Oberrhein. 239th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1898. H 12 P 10 Waldeinsamkeit : Dichtung zu Zwcilf Landschaftlichen Stimmungsbildern von Julius Marak. 5th ed. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1889. H 12 R 19 SCHETDEL, Dr. A. The Cyanide Process : its Practical Application and Economical Results. [See California. —State Mining Bureau.] A 24 T 33 SCHEINER, Prof. Julius. Photographische Himmelskarte. [See Potsdam Astrophvsikalisches Observatorium.] A 14 S 18 t SCHELLENDORFF, Gen. Bronsart von. The Duties of the General Stall. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 R 15 SCHELLER, E. Theorie und Praxis des Volksschulun- terrichts nach 1 Lcrbartischen Grundsatzen. [See Rein, Prof. W.] G 17 U 27-34 SCHELLING, Felix E. A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics. 8vo. Boston, 1895. H 9 U 42 SCHENCK, Dr. H. Text-book of Botany. [See Stras- burger, Dr. E.] A 40 U 1 SCHENK, Dr. Leopold. The Determination of Sex. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 27 R 33 SCHEPPEGRELL, Dr. William. Electricity in the Diag- nosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 39 Q 2 SCHERREN, Henry. Through a Pocket Lens. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 28 P 10 SCHERZER, Georg. Ballhorns Nurnberger Wanderbuch. [See Dittmar, F.] D 12 P 64 SCHEURER-KESTNER, A. The Calorific Power of Fuel. [See Poole, H.] A 38 U 13 SCHIAPARELLT, Giovanni Virginia Origine del Sis- tema Planetario Kliocentrico presso i Greci. Sin. 4to. Milano, 1898. A 18 T 31 1 Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sull' Asse di Rota- zione e sulla Topografia del pianeta Marte. Roy. 8vo. Roma, 1896. A 18 P 14 f Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sulla Topografia e Costituzione del pianeta Marte durante l'opposizione del 1888. Roy. 4to. Roma, 1899. A20P19f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SCHICK, Prof. J. The Spanish Tragedy. [See Kyd, T.] H 13 Q 3 SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Maria Stuart; with copious Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by M. Foerster. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 13 P 12 Dei- Neffe als Onkel ; with Notes by V. Phillipps. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 13 P 15 Song of the Bell (Lied von der Glocke) and other Poems and Ballads; with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes and a complete Vocabulary by M. Foerster. l2mo. Lond. (n.d.) II 13 P 8 [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G. — llampolli.] H 11 T 3 and Berlin Socialists, and in Prison; including "A Home Abroad," by Pastor Otto Funcke. Edited by W. Smith Foggitt. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 S 18 SCHTMPER, Dr. A. F. W. Text-book of Botany. [See Su-asburger, Dr. E.] A 40 U 1 SCH I MPER, Dr. Wilhelm Philipp. Bryologia Europiva. [See Bruch, P.] A 11 X 1-6 t SCHJOTT, Prof. P. O. Samlede Philologiske Afhand- linger. Boy. 8vo. Christiania, 1896. J 9 V 37 SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von. Shakespeare's siimtliche Dramatische Werke. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 12 Q 26-29 SCHLEGEL, Eriedrich von. Philosophy of History. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by J.B.Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B28P 1 SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich. Life and Times. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 SCHLESINGER, Frank. The Prsesepe Group : -Measure- ment and Reduction of the Rutherfurd Photographs. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 46 S 17 SC1I I.TCir, Prof. William. Manual of Forestry. Vol. 5. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 32 R 17 ,1. Forest Utilization ; by Prof. W. R. Fisher. SCHLICHTEB,, Henry G. Problems of Nature. [See Jaeger, Dr. G.] A 44 Q 5 SCH LOSS, A. English Bijou Almanac. Illustrated. jin. xfin. Lond., 1841. Lil.r. SCH LOSS, D. P. Report on Profit Sharing. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Labour Depart.] F 7 U 30 SCHMECKEBIER, Laurence Frederick. History of the Know Nothing Party in Maryland. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 17 SCHMEISSER, Karl, and VOGELSANG, Dr. Karl. Die Goldfelder Australasiens. With Maps. Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1897. MA 2 P 34 t Gold-fields of Australasia. Trans by H. Louis. Illust. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MA 2 P 35, 36 t SCHMIDT, Dr. — . Philips' Anatomical Model : a Pic- torial Representation of the Human Frame and its Organs. English ed. ; by W. S. Furneaux. Roy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 44 V 12 SCHMIDT, Adolf. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Heft 1-54. Fol. Leipzig (n.d.) A 40 T 13 J SCHMIDT, Dr. Alexander. Shakespeare Lexicon : a complete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1874-75. J 9 V 30, 31 SCHMIDT, J. A. F. Lessin-'s Mi. [See Lessing, G. E.] l Barnhelm. H 13 P 9 SCHMIDT, J. S. Hermann. Principles of Sheep-breeding. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, Oct., Nov., 1899, Jan.-March, 1900.) ME 9 U SCHMIDT, Louis M. Principles and Practice of Artificial Ice-making and Refrigeration. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 45 T 16 SCHMIT, J. P. Nouveau Manuel complet du Decorateur Ornementiste, du Graveur et du Peintre en Lettres. Atlas. Roy. 8vo. Paris (n.d.) A 31 S 34 SCHMITZ, L. Dora. History of English Literature. [See Ten Brink, Bernhard.] B 3 P 24 SCHMOLLER, Gustav. The Mercantile System and its Historical Significance, illustrated chielly from Prussian History. 12mo. New York, 1896. F 8 V 22 SCHNABEL, Dr. Carl. Hand-book of Metallurgy. Trans- lated by H. Louis. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1898. A 21 U 18, 19 1. Copper, Lead, Silver, Gold. 2. Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury, liismutli, Tin, Antimony, c, Nickel, Cobalt, V SCHNAUSS, Dr. Julius. Collotyp in, Alun oto-lithography. Translated by Edwin C. Middleton, with an Appendix Steam Presses. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 27 Public Library of New South Wales. SCHNEIDER, Dr. Albert. Compendium of General Botany. [See Westermaier, Dr. M.] A 20 T 23 SCHNITZER, Dr. Eduard Carl Oscar Theodor, "Emin Pasha." Emin Pasha : his Life and Work. Compiled from his Journals, Letters, Scientific Notes, and from official documents by G. Schweitzer : with an Intro- duction by Dr. R. W. Felkin. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 P 18, 19 SCHCEBEL, C. L'Ame Humaine au point de vue de la Science Ethnographique. 8vo. Paris, 1879. G 3 R 27 SCHOELL, Friedrich. T. Macci Plauti Comcedite. [See Plautus, T. M.] HIT 24-27 SCHOENBEIN, C. F. Notice of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1868.] E SCHOENER, Dr. and Mrs. Reinhold. Rome. Condensed and edited by Mrs. Arthur Bell (Nancy DAnvers). Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1898. D 11 V 21 t SCHOENHOF, Jacob. Destructive Influence of the Tariff upon Manufacture and Commerce, and the Figures and Facts relating thereto. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1888. (Questions of the Day.) F 15 S 22 History of Money and Prices. 8vo. New York, 1896. (Questions of the Day.) F 8 V 19 SCHOFIELD, Dr. Alfred Taylor Mind. 8vo. Lond., 1898. Un G 11 U 40 SCHOFIELD, R, J. The Home Mechanic and complete Self-instructor in Carpentry, Painting, Horse-shoeing, Soap-making, Candy making, Baking, Taxidermy, Tan- ning, &c. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 39 P 3 SCHOFIELD, William Henry. The Home of the Eddie Poems. [See Bugge, Prof. S.] B 36 P 15 SCHOLES, Theophilus E. S. The British Empire and Alliances ; or, Britain's Duty to her Colonies and Sub- ject Races. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 P 19 SCHOLEY, H. Electric Tramways and Railways pro- perly explained. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 38 T 3 SCHOLZ, Dr. Friederich. Sleep and Dreams : a Scientific- Popular Dissertation [translated"] from the German by H. M. Jewett ; and the Analogy of Insanity to Sleep and Dreams by Dr. Milo A. Jewett. 8vo. New York, 1893. G 9 V 45 SCHOMBERG, Marie de Hautefort, Duchesse de. [Essay on.] [See Patmore, C. K. I).— Principle in Art.] J 1 R 51 SCHOMBURGK, Richard. Capabilities of the various Districts in the Colony [of South Australia]. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Cause of Disease in Silkworms. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Culture of Tobacco. (S. Aust, Chamber of Manufac- tures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Grasses and Fodder Plants. (S. Aust, Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Urari, the deadly Arrow-poison of the Macusis, an Indian Tribe in British Guiana. Sm. 4to. Adelaide, 1879. MJ 2 U 7 SCHOOLING, J. Holt. A Peep into Punch. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 23 R 36 Inwood's Tables of Interest and Mortality for the Pur- chasing of Estates and Valuation of Properties. [See Inwood, W.] F 8 Q 8 SCHOOLMASTER IN COMEDY AND SATIRE, The. Arranged and edited for the special use of Teachers' Reading Circles and Round Tables. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 10 R 44 SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. Human Nature: Essays (partly posthumous) in Ethics aud Politics. Selected and translated bv T. Bailev Saunders. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 19 U 35 SCHORLEMMER, Dr. Carl, F.R.S. Rise and ] ment of Organic Cheinistrv. Revised ed., by Prof. Arthur Smithells. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 R 39 Treatise on Chemistry. [See Roscoe, Sir H. E.] A 38 U 3, 4 SCHOTT, G. A. Miscellaneous Papers of Prof. Hertz. [See Hertz, Prof. Heinrich.] A 21 U 23 SCHOTT, Dr. Wilhelm. Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschu-Tungusischen Biicher und Handschrift- en der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. [See Berlin-Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 19 R 17 SCHOULER, James. History of the United States of America under the Constitution, 1783-1865. Vols. 1-5. Svo. New York (n.d.) ' B 16 S 31-35 SCHREIBER, Lady Charlotte. Playing Cards of various Ages and Countries. Illustrated. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1892-95. A 46 P 29-31 J 1. English and Scottish, Dutch and Flemish. 2. French and German. 3. Swiss, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, together with a Supplement of other Countries. Catalogue of the Collection of Fans and Fan-leaves pre- sented to the Trustees of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 17 R 22 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SCHP. LINER, Olive. [See Cronwright-Schreiner, Olive.] SCHROEDER, Lieut. S., and SOUTHERLAND, W. H. H. Azimuth Tables, giving the true bearings of the San at intervals of ten minutes between sunrise and sunset for parallels of latitude between 61° N. and G1 D S. inclusive. 4to. Wash., 1882. A 15 W 23 f SCHUBERT, Franz. [Sketch of.] [See Bach, A. B.— The Art Ballad.] H 1 S 34 SCHUCHERT, Charles. Directions for collecting and preparing Fossils. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 24 V 36 SCH CLTZ, William. Sterling Exchange Tables, showing 1 he value of United States Currency in English Cur- rency from 1c. to 810,000, and of English Currency in United States Currency from Id. to £10,000, from par to GO per cent, premium by eights per cent, pro- gressively. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) ' F 13 U 1G SCH I ' LTZE, Ernst. Die Studentenschaft und die Soziale 1-Yage. 8vo. Gottingen, 1895. F 14 8 37 SCH (' LZ, Albert. An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia, which obtained the prize of the Abergavenny Cymreigydd ion Society at the Eistedd- vod of 1840. 8vo. Llandovery, 1841. J 14 S 8 History of the Holy Graal. [See Borron, Sires Robiers de.] H 17 Q 9, 10f SCHULZ, Dr. Aurel, and HAMMAR, August, The New Africa : a Journey up the Chobe and down the Oko- \anga Rivers: a" Record of Exploration and Sport, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 14 T 27 SCHULZE, Oscar. Notes on the Belubula Dam. (Austral- asian Inst, o£ Mining Eng., Trans., 1 897.) ME 1 8 P SCHURMANN, C. W. Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language spoken by the Natives inhabiting the Wes- tern Shores of Spencer's Gulf, to which is prefixed a Collection of Grammatical Rules hitherto ascertained. Svo. Adelaide, 1844. MJ 3 T 2 SCH URZ, Hon. Carl. Honest Money and Labor. 8vo. New York, 1879. F 17 P8 Arbitration in Internal ional Disputes. [See America and Europe: a Study of International Relations.] F 2 V 30 SCHWAB, Dr. John Christopher. History of the New York Property Tax. (Amor. Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 15 SCHWAB, Moise. Le Talmud de Jerusalem. [&« Tal- mud, The.] G 23 V 8-18 SCHWARTZ, J. M. W. van der Poorten. [See Poorten Schwartz, J. M. W. van der.] SCHYVARZ, A. Preparation of Malt. [See Thausing, Julius B.] A 25 U 16 SCHWARZ, E. A. Common Crow of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 40 S 12 SCHWEINITZ, Dr. George E. de. [See De Schweinitz, Dr. G. E.] SCHWEITZER, George. Emin Pasha: his Life and Work. [See Schnitzer, Dr. E.] C 25 P 18, 19 SCHWETZER, R. von. Use of Gymnastics for Children of both Sexes. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 SCHWEIZERISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Beitriige zur Geologischen Ka V te der Schweiz, 21 [with Atlas] 24, 25, 30, 32-35, 37. 9 vols. fol. Bern, 1891-96. A 31 U, and 1 Q 15 { SCH WILL, Ferdinand. Europe in the Middle Ages. [See Thatcher, Dr. Oliver J.] B 17 Q 24 SCTDMORE, Eliza Ruhamah. Java, the Garden of the East, Tllust, 12mo. New York, 1898. D21Q1 SCIENCE: a Weekly Journal devoted to the Advance- ment of Science. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 1 1, Feb., 1883-June, 1900. [Not published from April-Dec, 1894] 34 vols. rov. Svo. and 4to. New York, 1883-1900. E SCIENCE GOSSIP: an Illustrated Monthly Record of Nature and Country Lore. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 6, 1865- May, 1900. 35 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 18G5-1900. E SCIENCE OF MAN AND AUSTRALASIAN AN- THROPOLOGICAL JOURNAL [formerly the Aus- tralasia i Anthropological Journal). Nos. 1-6, and n.s., vol. 1, Aug., 1896 Jan., 1899. 2 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1896-99. ME 17 Q 'view of current SCIENCE RECORD, The, 1872-76: a Compendium of Scientific Progress and Discovery. Edited by A. E. Beach. Illustrated. 5 vols. Svo.' New York", 1872- 76. A 35 P 1-5 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, The-: an Illustrated Journal of Art, Science, and Mechanics. X.s., vols. 1-81, July, 1859-99. 81 vols. fol. New York, 1859-99. E Public Library of New South Wales. SCLATER, Dr. Philip Lutley, F.R.S. Mammals of Aus- tralia. (Journ. of Science, Jan., 1865.) E Remarks on the arrival in the Society's Gardens of four living specimens of the Australian lung-fish. (Zoolog. Soc, Lond., Proc, 1898.) E Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. " [See British Museum.— Nat, Hist.] A 39 T 11, 14, 15 Catalogue of the Picarhe in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat Hist.] A 39 T 17 , and W. L. Geography of Mammals. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 35 T 4 SCLATER, William Lutley, jun. Fauna of South Africa. Illustrated. Vol.1. 8vo. Lond., 1900. A 37 T 11 1. Birds ; by A. C. Stark. SCOBLE, John, and ABERCROMBIE, H. R. Rise and Fall of Krugcrism : a Personal Record of Forty Years in South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 36 S 13 SCOFFERN, John. The Chemistry of Gold : its Natural History, Chemical Properties, Modes of Mining, Wash- ing, and Assaying Gold Ores ; and hints for dis- tinguishing them from similar substances found in connection with them. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1852. A 33 Q 20 SCOTLAND. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Public Record Office.] B 33 T-U The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Pub. Record Office.] B 34 U 4-9 [See aha Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland; National (iallery of Scotland ; Scottish His- tory Society: Scottish Geographical Magazine; Scot- tish Text Society; Sights and Scenes in Scotland; and for Official Reports under Great Britain and Ireland.] " SCOTSBURN." What is Socialism? 8vo. Lond., SCOTT, Adam. Story of Sir Walter Scott's First Love. [See Scott, Sir Walter.] C 23 Q 1 SCOTT, Alexander. Poems of. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 36.] E SCOTT, Dr. Alexander. An Introduction to Chemical Theory. 12mo. Lond. 1891. A 20 P 29 SCOTT, Maj.-Gen. Alexander De Courcy. Review of the Economio Position and Liabilities of the Argentine Republic. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 9 P 28 SCOTT, Clement. The Drama of Yesterday and To-day. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 12 U 16, 17 From "The Bells-' to "King Arthur": a Critical Record of the First Night Productions at the Lyceum Theatre from 1871-95. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. H 9 T 15 SCOTT, Clement— contd. Some Notable Hamlets of the Present Time (Sarah Bernhardt, Henry Irving, Wilson Barrett, Beerbohm Tree, and Forbes Robertson). Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 21 Life of William Terries. [See Lewin, W. C. J.] C 25 P G SCOTT, D. C. F. New South Wales Sporting Magazine.. [See New South With* Sporting Magazine.] MJ 3 T 12 SCOTT, David. Manures for Passion-fruit Vines. (Agri- cult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R SCOTT, Dukinfield Henry, F.R.S. Studies in Fossil Botany. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 35 S 13 SCOTT, E. Lewis. Song: All in all. [Words.] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 13 P G f SCOTT, Eben G reenough. Reconstruction during the Civil War in the United States of America. Svo. Boston, 1895. F 2 V 23 SCOTT, Edward. Ball-room Guide ; or, How to Dance. Newed. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 4 P 22 Dancing in all Ages. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 44 Q 9 SCOTT, Eva. Rupert, Prince Palatine. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1899. B 33 S 13 SCOTT, G. Firth. Romance of Australian Exploring. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. MD 3 R 33 SCOTT, George, GROOM, Littleton Ernest, and GRAHAM, Austin Douglas. The Queensland Digest : a Digest of Cases decided by the Supreme and District Courts of Queensland, from 1861-96. Svo. Brisk, 1897. MF 3 S 35 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queensland ; with Tables of Cases and Index. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. Svo. Brisb., 1898. MF 5 Q 34, 35 1. 1SG0-G8. SCOTT, Hugh S., "Henry Seton Merriman." In Kedar's Tents. 7th ed. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 25 S 14 Roden's Corner. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 189S. J 25 S 15 The Sowers. 19th ed. Svo. Lond., 1S99. J 25 S 16 With Edged Tools. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 25 Q 32 SCOTT, J. W. Robertson-. The People of China: their Country, History, Life, Ideas, and Relations with the Foreigner. Svo. Lond., 1900. D 13 P 21 "SCOTT, Leader." [See Baxter, Lucy E.] SCOTT, Mrs. Mary Monica Maxwell. The Making of Ab botsford, and Incidents in Scottish History drawn 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 32 R 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SCOTT. Michael. Cruise of the Midge. 12mo. Lend. (n.d.) J 22 P 18 Tom Cringle's Log. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 24 U 42 [Lit',' of.] [See Douglas, Sir G.— The Blackwood Group.] C 20 U 24 SCOTT. Robert Henry, F.R.S. Cumulative Temperature. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 7 Equinoctial Gales. (Internal;. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Storm Warnings. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. -Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 Weather Charts and Storm Warnings. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1887. A 19 Q 10 SCOTT, Rev. T. H. Geology of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. (Philosoph. Mag., May, 1824.) E SCOTT M SCOTT \ Temple. Bibliography of the Wo rks of Willie >rris. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 11 23 , Sir Walter. The Waverley Novels Dryburgh d. ust. 25vcls.8vo. Lond., 1892-94. J26R 1 25 2. (oiy Itunering. 3. The Antiquary. 4. Rub Roy. 5. The Black Dwarf, and a Legend of Mc nti-ose. 6. Old -Mortality. 7. Heart of Midlothian. 8. The Bride of Lammermoor. 9. Ivanhoc. 10. The Monastery. ory of Sir Walters 8vo. Edinb., 189C jfe of]; by G. S by Adam Scott. C 23 Q 1 Edinb., 1897- of i Pi [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Jack, A. A. ] J 14 R 31 Descriptive Catalogue of the Writings of Sir Walter Scott. [See Philadelphia Free Library.] Cat. Room [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Misc.] .1 22 Q 25 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. -Modern English Prose Story of Scott Biographer [See SCOTT, William. Rock Villages of the Riviera. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 Q 20 SCOTT, Rev. William Affleck. A Hero of the Dark Con- tinent : Memoir of Rev. W. Affleck Scott; by Rev. W. Henry Rankine. 8vo. Edinb., 1 897. C 23 P 17 SCOTT, Prof. William Berryman. An Introduction to Geology. Must. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 24 R 20 SCOTT, William Booth. Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and large Cities. (Internat. Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 SCOTT LIBRARY. Renan's Antichrist. [See Renan, E.] CJ 25 P 10 What is Art ? [See Tolstoi, L. N., Count,] A 23 P 84 SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZIXE, The. Vols. 1-13, 15, 1885-97, 1899. 14 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1885-99. E SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 19, 22-3G. 10 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895-1900. E 19. The Jacobite Attempt of 1710 ; by VV. K. Dickson. •22. The Lyon in Mourning. Vol. 3. 23. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, from his landing in Scotland, July, 174."), to his departure in .September, I74li. Compiled from the Lyon in Mourn - . Ini V Re ton, 1030: 1651-52 ; oncerning Public Library of New South Wales. SCOTTISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 13, 18, 23, 25, 31-43. 17 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1887-99. E 13, 18, 23, 25, 35, 3". Legends of the Saints, in the Scottish Dialect of the 14th Century. Edited, with Introduc- tion, Notes, and Glossarial Index, by W. M. Metcalfe. Pts. 1-6. 31-33. The Bruce ; or, the Book of the most excellent and noble Prince Robert de Broyss, King of Scots. Com- piled bv Master . lo Ini Harbour: with a Preface, Notes, and Glossarial Index, by Rev. W. W. Skeat. 34. Leslie's History of Scotland. Translated bv Father J. Dalrymple, edited by Rev. E. (J. Cody. Pt. 4. Com- pletion of Text ; with Notes, Indexes', and Glossary, by W. Hudson. 36. Poems of Alexander Scott. Edited by J. Cranstoun. 38. Scottish Alliterative l'oems in riming Stanzas. Edited by F. J. Amours. Pt. 2. Appendix, Notes, Glossary, and Introduction. 39. Compendious Book of Godlv and Spiritual Songs, com- monly known as "The 'dude and Godlie Ballatis." Reprinted from the edition of 1567. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by A. F. Mitchell. 40. 41. Works of Sir William Mure, of Rowallan. ^ Edited, with Introduction. Notes, and Glossary, by W. Tough. 42, 43. Historic and Chronicles of Scotland from the Slauchter of King James the First to the ane thou- sande fyvc hundreith thrie scoir fyftein zeir. Writ- ten and collected by Robert Lindesay, of Pitscottie : being a continuation of the t ranslation of the Chronicles written by H. Boece and translated by J. Pitscottie. Edited by M. J. G. Mackay. SCOTTISH TRADE ADVOCATE AND FIDELITY SOCIETY. Nine Essays. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. SCOTTON, A. Cooperative Cottage Purchasing. 12mo. Manchester, 1878. E 13 V 11 Penny Banks : Lessons of Thrift for the young ones. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 Some of the benefits and advantages of Cooperation to Working-men. 12mo. (n.p.n.d.) F 13 V 41 "SCOTUS NOVANTICUS." [See Laurie, S. S.] SCOULLER, Rev. James Brown. History of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. 8vo. New York, 1894. (Amer. Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 18 SCOVILLE, Prof. W T . L. The Art of Compounding. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 31 Q 20 SCREWS AND SCREW-MAKING ; with a Chapter on the Milling Machine. Illustrated. 8vo. Colchester, 1891. A 24 It 21 SCRIBE, Augustin Eugene. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 SCRIBNER, F. Lainson-. American Grasses. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 37 T 15 Economic Grasses. [See United States. -Dept. of Agri- cult.- -Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 The True Grasses. [See Hackel, Eduard.] A 30 T 19 Useful and Ornamental Grasses. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-27, 1887- June, 1900. 27 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1887-1900. E SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. [See Century Illustrated Magazine.'] SCRIPTORES HISTORIC ROMANCE Latini veteres, qui extant onmes, notis variis illustrati, a Carolo Hen- rico de Klettenberg et Wildeck, edente et accurante Bennone Casparo Haurisio. Illustrated. 3 vols. fol. Heidelbergtv, 1743-48. B 40 U 22-24 J SCRIPTURE, Dr. Edward Wheeler. The New Psychology Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 29 Thinking, Feeling. Doing. 8vo. Meadville, Pa., 1895. G 1 1 P 17 SCRIVENOE, Harry. History of the Iron Trade. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1854. * A 24 T 37 SCRUTTON, T. U. Petroleum or Coal. (S. Aust, Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 SCUDDER, Horace 1 ster, N.] SCUDDER, Rev. John. Memoir of; by Rev. J. B. Waterbury. 8vo. New York, 1870. C 27 R 3 SCUDDER, Moses Lewis. National Banking. 8vo. New- York, 1879. F 17 P 8 SCUDDER, Samuel H. Canadian Fossil Insects. [See Canada -Geological Survey.] E SCUDDER, Vida Dutton. Life of the Spirit in .Modem English Poets. 8vo. Boston, 1895. H11S2 Social Ideals in English Letters. 8vo. Boston, 1898. J 23 R 16 SCURFIELD, Dr. Harold. Animal Tuberculoses and their relation to Human Tuberculosis. [See Nocard, Prof. E.J A 19 P 10 SEAGER, Henry R. Political Economy and Public Law. [See Pennsylvania University.] F 7 T 8 SEAGER, Dr. Herbert West. Natural History in Shake- speare's Time, being extracts illustrative of the subject as he knew it. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 T 1 1 SEALY, Robert, "Menippus." Scraps. 8vo. Sydney, 1859. MH 1 It 65 SEAMAN, Owen. In Cap and Bells. 12mo. Lond., 1900. H 3 P 52 Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 537 SEALS Edmund Hamilton. Outline of Political Growth in the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. New York, 1900. F 19 R 13 SEARS, Hamblen. Governments of the World to-day. 8vo. Meadville, Penn., 1895. F 8 V 18 SEA lt.'-i, Prof. Lorenzo. History of Oratory from the Age < if Pericles to the Present Time. 8vo. Chicago, 1 896. J 14 U 7 The Occasional Address : its Composition and Literature. li'mo. New York, 1897. J 14 V 24 Principles and Methods of Literary Criticism. 8vo. Loud., 1898. J 22 Q 36 SEATON, Albert Edward. Manual of Marine Engineering: comprising the Designing, Construction, and Working (if Marine Machinery. 13th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 22 R 33 SEA TON, R. C. Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon. [See Lowe, Sir H.] C 23 S 18 SEATON, Roland. Romance of Diaphon. Translated from the original Inscriptions. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 21 R 37 SEA V ER, T. W. The Engineering Aspect of Local Self- Govornment. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 V 44 SEBASTIAN, Lewis Boyd, and HEMMING, Harry Laird. Law of Trade-marks and (heir Registration and matters connected therewith, including a Chapter on Goodwill, the Patents, Designs, and Trades-mirks Acts, 1883- K.S and the Trade-marks Rules and Instructions there- under; with Forms and Precedents, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 94, and other Statutory Enact- ments: the United States Statutes, 1870-82, and the Rales and Forms thereunder, and the Treaty with the United States, 1877. 4th ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F9V18 SECCOMBE, Thomas. The Age of Johnson, 1748-98. Svo. Lond., 1900. (Hand-books of English Litera- ture.) J 26 Q 35 SECRETAN, Prof. Charles. The Problem of Immortality. [See Petavel, Rev. E.] G 25 R 1 SECRETAN, J. II. E. To Klondyke and back : a Journey down the Yukon from its Source to its Mouth. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 1G Q 8 SEI ) DON, John P. Construction of Chimneys. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 18 SEDGEFIELD, Walter John. King Alfred's Old English Version of Brethius de Consolation.; Philosophic [See Boethius, A. M. S.~] -I 23 S 20 King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Boethius. [See Boethius, A. M. S. ] J 9U 15 3t SEDGWICK, Adam, F.R.S. Peripatus. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 40 U 12 Student's Text-book of Zoology. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V 4 SEDGWICK, Catharine Maria. Life and Letters of. Edited by Mary E. Dewey. 8vo. New York, 1872. C 27 R 2 SEDGWICK, Henry Dwight, A Letter by Capt. Cuellar. [See Cuellar, Capt. Francisco de.] B 16 P 15 SEDGWICK, William T. Life and Letters of William Barton Rogers. [See Rogers, W. B.] C 23 Q 15, 16 SEE. Prof. Thomas Jefferson Jackson. Researches on the Evolution of the Stellar Systems. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Lynn, 1896. A 11X8 f 1. On the Universality of the Law of Gravitation, and on the Orliits anil genera] eharaetei'ihties of Binary Stars. SEED, Rev. T. A. Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion, based on Psychology and History. [See Sabatier, A.] G 23 R 4 SEEL, Charles. Charles Seed's Song-book. With Portrait. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. Mil 1 V 32 SEELEY, Sir John Robert. The Growth of British Policy. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb, 1895. F 8 V 6, 7 Introduction to Political Science. 8vo. Lond, 189G. F 8 V 42 Liberal Education in Universities. (Farrar, F. W. Dean.— Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 Teaching of History. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 11 V 11 ndolhe Elhi< ■id lie! Lond, SKCEBADK. -loha [See Piozzi, Mrs. rlesthe C 26 U LOMMATZSCH, Public Library of New South Wales. SEIDEL, Friedrich. Kindergartenwes P.] [See Froebel, G 17 S 29 SEIDI 'ALT BEX HOSEIN, also known as Katib i Rumi (Sidi 'Ali Kapudan.) Die Topographischen Capitel des Indischen Seespiegels Mohit, iibersetzt von Dr. M. Bittner, mit einer Einleitung von Dr. W. Tomaschek. Pol. Wien, 1897. D 12 X 17 t Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Rei's in India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, 1553-56. Translated, with Notes, by A. Vambery. 8vo. Bond., 1899. D 16 R 19 SEIGNOBOS, Charles. Introduction to the Study of History. [See Langlois, C. V.] G 11 U 39 SELLER, Dr. Carl. Physiology of Voice and Speech. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry). A 31 S 3 SEISMOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF JAPAN: a Con- tinuation of the Transactions of the Seismological Society. Vols. 1-20, 1880-95. 15 vols. 8vo. Yoko- hama, 1880-95. E SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. [See Seis- mological Journal of Japan.] E SEISS, Dr. Ralph W. Diseases of the Nasal Chambers. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 SELBIE, John A. Dictionary of the Bible. [See Hast- ings, Rev. J.] G 8 S 19-21 f SELBORNE, Rounded Palmer, Earl of. Address, as President of the Wordsworth Society, 1886. (Knight, Dr. William.— Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 The Catholic and Apostolic Church : Letters to his son. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 25 P 16 Letters to his son on Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 4 V 35 Memorials, 1766-1895. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. C 23 V 4-7 1. Family and Personal. 2 vols. 2. Personal and Political. 2 vols. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 SELBY, Prideaux. Thoughts on Taxation. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q SELBY, Thomas G. Chinamen at Home. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 13 Q 4 The Theology of Modern Fiction 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 10 S 30 The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 SELDEN, Camille. Heinrich Heine's Last Days [See Heine, H.l C 26 P 1 SELECTIONS FROM PUBLIC CORRESPONDENCE; published by the authority of Government, North- western Provinces [India]. Vols. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. SELF- INSTRUCTOR, The ; or, Every Man his own Schoolmaster. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 R 61 SELFE, Norman. Annual Address to the Engineering Section, Royal Society of New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1899.) ME 1 R Machinery employed for artificial Refrigeration and Tee- making. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Map of Sydney City Railway, with a Bridge to North Shore, combined with a scheme for Eastern Suburbs Extension, reconstructing and improving a large part of Sydney, also the official scheme for terminus on Hyde Park and the Imperial Arcade site. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MA 4 Q 14 Rise and Progress of Lift Construction in New South Wales. (Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1894- 95.) ME 18 P Some Notes on a Wharf recently built in deep water at Dawes' Point, Sydney, N.S.W. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R SELFE, Rose E. Selections from the first nine books of the Chroniche Florentine of Giovanni Villain. [See Villani, Giovanni.] J 14 T 20 Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice. (American Economic Assoc) F 9 V 19 Shifting and Incidence, of Taxation. (American Economic Assoc) F 4 V 17 Two Chapters on the Medieval Guilds of England. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 12 SELLA, Vittorio. Exploration of the Caucasus. [See Freshfield, Douglas W.] D 15 S 17, 18 t SELLIER, Charles Auguste. [Reproduction of his Pic- ture] Leda and the Swan. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] ' A 12 P 27 $ SELLS, E. P. Remarks on the Physical Observations of Jupiter, made at the Adelaide Observatory, 1884-93. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) E SELOUS, Frederick Courteney. Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia : being a Narrative of Events in Matabele- land, both before and during the recent Native Insur- rection, up to the date of the disbandment of the Bulawayo Field Forces. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 31 Downfall of Lob [See Wills, W. A.] B 36 R 13 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. 539 SELWYN, Dr. Alfred Richard Cecil, F.R.S., and DAW- SI IN, Dr. George Mercer, F.R.S. Descriptive Sketch Hi' die Phvsical ( loography and Ge ology of the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. 'Montreal, 1894.' A 39 II 11 SELWYN, George. George Selwyn : his Letters and his Lire. Edited by E. S. Rosooe and Helen Clergue. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 25 S 20 SELWYN, George Augustus, Bishop of New Zealand. New Zealand : Letters to the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel, together with Extracts from his Visitation Journal. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1847-51. MD 1 P 73 [Portrait of.] [See Armstrong, E. S.— History of the Melanesian Mission.] MG 2 S 29 SELWYN, John Richardson, Bishop. Memoir of; by F. D. How. With Portr. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MC 1 T35 SEMI CENTENNIAL OF ANAESTHESIA, The, 1846- 90. Sm. 4to. Boston, 1897. A 17 R 2 f SEMITIC SERIES. SEM « )N, Sir Eelix. Diseases of the Nose. [See Hall, Dr. EdeH.] A 26 T 37 , WILLIAMS, Dr. Watson, and HALL, Dr. francis do Havilland. Diseases of the Pharynx. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Larynx. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 SEM ')N, Richard. In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea: being the Experiences and Observations of a Naturalist in Australia, New (luinea, and the Moluccas. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. bond.. 1899. MA 4 U 5 Zoologisehe Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malavischen Archipel mit Lnterstutzung des Herrn Dr. Paul von Ritter ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1891- 93. Bande 1, 2. With Atlases. 2 vols. 4to. Jena, 1893 97. MA 13 P 18 t Scientific Researches in Australia. [See Popular Science Monthly, Nov., 1897.] E SEM PERS, Frank W. Manures: how to make and how louse them; a new Practical Treatise on the Chem- istry of Manures and Manure-making. 2nd ed. Svo. Philad., 1893. A 28 P 23 SEM PLE, James George. Memoirs of the Northern Im- postor, or Prince of Swindlers : being a faithful Nar- rative of the Adventures and Deceptions of James SEND ALL, Sir Walter J. Memoir of C. S. Calverley. [See Calverley, C. S.— Literary Remains.] H 11 Q 25 SENECA, Lucius Annaras. [Selected Works of, in English.] Svo. [Title-page missing.] G 17 S 13 SENIOR, Jane Elizabeth [Mrs. N. J.] Associations for Girls and Young Women. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 SENIOR, Mary Charlotte IS [See Simpson, M. C. M.] SENIOR, Prof. Nassau William. Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, delivered before the University of Oxford. Svo. Lond., 1852. F 1 R 26 [Reminiscences of.] [See Simpson, M. C. M.— Many Memories of many People.] C 25 Q 19 , and TENNANT, Charles. Letters concerning systematic Colonization and the Bill now before Parlia- ment for promoting Emigration; also, a letter to the Canada Land Co. and a series of questions in elucida tion of the principles of Colonization. 8vo. Lond., 1831. F 13 Q 37 SENIOR, William. Angling in G reat Britain. (Internat. i Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 SENNETT, A. R, " Carriages without horses shall go " : being a reprint of a Paper on Horseless Road Locomo- tion, to which is added, Remarks on the Future of Horseless Road Locomotion; Notes on the New Enactment ; the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896 ; Evolution in Modes of Travel; the Engineer Com- petition, 1897; the Local Government Board Regula- tions. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 25 S 9 SENNETT, Richard, and ORAM, Henry J. The Marine Steam-engine : a Treatise for Engineering Students, young Engineers, and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 189S. A 13 U 9 SENSE, P. C. Free Enquiry into the Origin of the Fourth Gospel. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 U 35 SEPET, Marius. St. Louis; with a Preface by Rev. G. Tyrrell. Svo. Lond., 1899. (The Saints.) G 25 P 1 SEPP, Dr. J. N. Die geheimc Offenbarung Johannis. [See Diirer, A.] A 12 X 18 t "SERAO, Matilde." [See Scarfoglio, Signora.] SERGEANT, Emily Frances Adeline. Mrs. Crowe, Mrs. Archer Clive, and Mrs. Henry Wood. (Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 Tublic Library of New South Wales. SERGEANT, Lewis. Greece in the 19th Century: a Record of Hellenic Emancipation and Progress, 1821- 97. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 12 The Franks: from their origin as a Confederacy to the establishment of the Kingdom of France and the German Empire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Story of the Nations.) B 29 R 5 John Wyclif, last of the Schoolmen and first of the English Reformers. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. (Heroes of the Nations.) G 24 Q 25 SERGIEFF, John Iliytch, "Father John." Father John of the Greek Church : an Appreciation, with some characteristic passages of his mystical and spiritual Autobiography. [See Whyte, Rev. A.] G 23 P 14 SERGIO, Caietano. Bibliorum Racrorum Graecus Codex Vaticanus [See Bibles and Testaments — Greek.] G6U7-12 J SERJEANT, R, M. Essay on the Treatment of Aurifer- ous Pyrites. 12mo. Ballarat, 1886. MA 4 P 11 SEROCOLD, C. P Rowing. [See Rosve, R. P. P.] A 1 7 U 48 SERRANO, Mary Jane. Dona Luz. [See Valera, J.] J 23 L T 6 SERRES, A. [Reproduction of his Picture] A Libation to Pan. {See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J SERVETUS, Michael. Scrvetus and Calvin. [See Willis, Dr. R,] G 24 V 24 SERVICE, Hon. James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, Jan., 1885.) MJ 1 V 20 SERVICE, Dr. John. Natural and Artificial Feeding and Care of Infants. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. A 2G R 34 Tiiir Notandums : being the Literary Recreations of Laird Canticarl, of Mongrynen ; to which is appended a Biographical Sketch of James Dunlop, Astronomer Royal at the Observatory of Pari'amatta, New South Wales, 1831-47. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. MJ 3 Q 4(i SERVIEZ, Jacques Roergas de. The Roman Empresses ; or, the History of the Lives and Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the twelve Gcsars. With Historical and Critical Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 20 S G, 7 SESTINI, Rev. Benedict. Sun-spot Drawings. [See Georgetown College Observatory.] A 20 T 11 f SETH PRINGLE PATTISON, Prof. Andrew (Andrew Seth). Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G 14 R 26 Two Lectures on Theism. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Princeton Lectures.) G 24 P 16 SETON, Surg.-Capt. Bruce. Elementary Veterinary Manual for the use of Officers attending Veterinary Classes. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 3G Q 22 SETON, Eliza Ann [Mrs. — .] (Eliza Ann Baylev). [Sketch of.] [See Belloc, Bessie R.— Historic Nuns.] C 23 P 30 " SETOUN, Gabriel." [See Hepburn, T. N.] SEVERN, Henry Augustus. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 74.) E SEWARD, Albert Charles. Fossil Plants for Students of Botany and Geology. Vol.1. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1898. (Camb. Natural Science Manuals.) A 40 U 2 Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum : the Wealden Flora. [See British Museum. —Natural History.] A 20 S 19, 20 SEWARD, William Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of American Statesmen.] C 19 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 SEWALL, Frank. Dreams of a Spirit-seer. [See Kant, I.] G 25 S 1G SEWELL, Edward. Examination of Horses as to sound- ness, and selection as to purchase. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 38 P 23 SEWELL, Margaret A., and POWELL, Eleanor G. Women's Settlements in England. (Reason, W. University and Social Settlements.) F 15 P 33 SEWELL, Richard Clarke. Gesta Stephani, regis An- glorum, et ducis Normannorum. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 21 SEXBY, Col. Edward. Killing no Murder. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 SEXBY, Lieut.-Col. John James. Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London : their History and Associations. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 32 R 43 SEXTON, Prof. A. H. Chemistry of Materials of Engineer- ing. (Queensland Agr. Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 U Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SEXTON, Dr. Samuel. Chronic Purulent Disease of the Middle Ear. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 1G SEXTUS RUFUS. Breviarium Rerum Gestarum populi liomani. (Scriptores Historian Romans;. ) B 40 U 23 \ SEYMOUR, E. II. Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Fxplanatorv, upon the Plays of Shakspeare, resulting Collation of the Early Copies, together with some valuable Extracts from the MSS. of the late John, Lord Ched worth. 2 vols. 8vo. Bond., 1805. H 4 V 14, 15 SEYMOUR, H. Rippon. Physical Training: its Theory a: id Practice: being an Elementary Treatise on the Necessity and Effects of Exercise; with an Introduc- tion by Dr. W. Taylor. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) G 11 U 45 SEYMOUR, Horatio W. Government and Co., Limited : an Examination of the Tendencies of Privilege in the United States. 12mo. Chicago, 1895. F 4 U 31 SPORZA, Bona, Duchess of Milan. Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, in t he British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 31 P 2 SFORZA, Caterina, Countess of Forle. Catherine Sforza ; bv Count Pier Desiderio Pasolini. Translated and prepared with the assistance of the Author by P. Sylvester. Illustrated. 8vo. Loncl, 1898. C 25 P 20 SH A 1 >W ELL, Charles Lancelot. Cast. »n de Latour. [See Pater, Walter.] J 14 T 12 SIIA1 )WELL, Cipt. Lo mard Julius. Lockhart's Advance through Tirah. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 29 U 17 SHADWELL, Thomas. Selections from the Works of. See West, IC— Laureates of England.] II 11 R 1 SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, &c. Edited by .1. M. Robertson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 T 11, 12 Life, unpublished Letters, and Philosophical Regimen. Edited by B. Rand. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 2G T G SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashlev Cooper, 7th Earl of. [Sketch of.l [See Russell. G. W. E. Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 SHAIRP, John Campbell, TAIT, Peter Guthrie, and ItEILLY, A. Adams-. Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S. [See Forbes, J. !>.] C 25 1! 9 SHAKESPEARE, William. Complete Works. Edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe. 40 vols. 12mo. New York, 1899. (English Classics.) II 13 W 1-40 1. Comedy of Errors. 2. Two (Jentlemen of Verona. 3. Love's Labours Lost. 4. Taming of the Shrew. 5. A Midsummer Night's Dream, (i. Merchant of Venice. 7. All's well that ends well. S. .Much Ado about Nothing. 0. As you like it. 10. Twelfth Night. 11. Merry Wives of Windsor. 12. Measure for Measure. 13. The Tempest. 14. The Winter's Tale. lo 17. King Henry VI. 18. King Richard III. 19. King John. •20. King Richard II. 21, 22. King Henry IV. 23. King Henry V. 24. King Henry VIII. 20 Romeo and Juliet, 27 Julius Cesar. 28 Hamlet. 2!l King Lear. 30 Timon of Athens. 31 Antonv and Cleopat 32 Troilus and Cressida 33 Macbeth. 34. Othello. .'!.-» Cymbeline. 30 Coriolanus. 37. Pericles. 3S Two Noble Kinsmc p.. I .\ nd other Po< 11 Works ; with a Life of the Poet, Explana- ot-notes, Critical Notes, and a Glossarial In- 1 ed. ; by Rev. II. N. Hudson. 20 ston, 1899. II 13 U 15-34 lUl.'I! ii of Vei of Venice. it Nothing. John Fletcher and ..hunt : the Passion- Public Library of Neio South Wales. SHAKESPEARE, William— eontd. Dramatic Works and Poems : with Notes, original and selected, and Introductory Remarks to each Play, by S. W. Singer, and a Life of the Poet by C. Symmons. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. New York, 1877. H 12 V 4 Shakespeare's Siinitliche Drantatische Werke in neu revidierter Uebersetzung ; von Sehlegel und Tieck. With Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1889. H 12 Q 26-29 New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. Edited by H. H. Furness. Vols. 9-12. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Philad., 1892-1900. H 1 T 9-12 0. The Tempest, 10. A Midsummer Night's Dreame. 11. The Winter's Tale. 12. Much Ado about Nothing. 2nd ed. Quarto fac-siniiles, with Introductions, Line-numbers, &c, by Shakespeare Scholars ; issued under the super- intendence of Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 43 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-91. with an Intro- The famous Victories of Henry V, duct ion by P. A. Daniel. in v o The first part of the Contention, 1594 ; with Forewords embodying the late R. (J rant White's Argument on ShaUspere-s Right to the whole of 2 and 3 Henry VI, by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. H 11 V 1 Hamlet, 1603-4 ; with Forewords by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. H 1 1 V 2, 3 Henry IV, 1598, 1000; with Forewords by H. A. Evans. H 11 V 4, 5 Henry V, 1600, 1608 ; with an Introduction by A. Symons. H 11 V 7, 8 King Lear, 1608; with Introductory Notice by 1'. A. Daniel. H 11 V 9, 10 Lucrece, 1594; with Fore\ Merc Merry Wives of Windso • Night's l)r 1602 ; with Introduction bv P. H 11 V 15 _ .-im, 1600; with Introduction by . W. Ebsworth. H 11 V 16, 17 Much Adoe about Nothing, 1600 ; with Introduction bv P. A.Daniel. 1111 VIS Othello, 1622, 1630; witli Introduction by H. A. Evans. H 11 V 19, 20 The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599; with Introduction by E. Dowden. H 11 V 21 Pericles, 1009 ; with Introduction by P. Z. Round. H 11 V 22, 23 Richard II, 1597; with an Introduction by Rev. W. A. II 1 V24 Richa Richard III, 1597 ; with an Int H 11 V 28 ;tory Notice by H11V 29, 30 SHAKESPEARE, William— contd. Romeo and Juliet, 1597, 1599; with Introduction by H A. Evans. H 11 V 31-33 Sonnets, 1609 ; with an Introduction by T. Tyler. H 11 V 34 Taming of the Shrew, 1594 ; with Forewords by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. H 11 V 35 Titus Andronicus, 1600 ; with an Introduction by A. Sv- mons. Hll V 36 Troilus and Cressida, 1609; with an Introduction by Rev. H.P.Stokes. H11V37 Troublesome Raigne of John, 1591. H 11 V 38, 39 True Tragedy, 1595 ; with Introduction by T. ". H 1 md Adc is, 1593; with an Introduc Beauties of Shakspeare : regularly selected from each Play, with a General Index digesting them under proper heads ; by Rev. W. Dodd. 32mo. Lond., 1824. Libr. Comedies. Illustrated. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1899. H 1 U 9-12 Poems. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by G. Wyndham. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 3G Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems : being his Son- nets clearly developed ; with his character, drawn chiefly from his works, by C. A. Brown. 12mo. Lond., 1838. C 23 Q 7 Shakespeare's Morals : Suggestive Selections, with brief Collateral Readings and Scriptural References. Edited by A. Gihnan. 8vo. New York (n.d.) H 4 T 17 Bacon-Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis: ein Imehstablich genauer Wiedorabdnu-k tier iiltesten Original-Ausgabe vom Jahre 1593, verbunden mit der ersten Wort- und Sirmgetreuen Uebersetzung und Erliiuterung. Edited by E. Bormann. Illustrated. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899. H 4 V 22 Jules Cesar : Texte Critique avec la Traduction en re- gard; par A. Beljame. 8vo. Paris, 1899. H 12 T 12 Macbeth ; as arranged for the Stage by George Rignold. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. H 9 T 31 Macbeth : Texte Critique avec la Traduction en regard ; par A. Beljame. 8vo. Paris, 1897. H 12 T 13 A Midsummer Night's Dream. Edited, with an Intro- duction, by I. Gollancz. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. H4T13 The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon, and their Business Connection ; with some Revelations of Shakespeare's Early Struggles, 1587-92, by W. G. Thorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 7 Life and Plays of ; by Miss H. A. Hearn. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Life of; by S. Lee. Illustrated Lib. ed. Roy. 8vo, Lond., 1899. C 21 V I William Shakspere : a Biography ; by C. Knight. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1813. ' C 24 S 5 Shakespeare, Puritan am with a Prefatory Not Edinb., 1897. lecusant ; by Rev. T. Carter by Rev. J. O. Dykes. 8vo. C 23 P 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SUA KESPEARE, William— con td. Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians. [See Wig- -\nn, W. F. C] J G T 34 The Cipher in the Plays and on the Tombstone. [See Donnelly, I.] J 21 S 30 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Castle, E. J.] J 14 S 15 [Criticisms of various Works of.] [See Synions, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 The Diary of Master William Silence. [See Madden, lit. Hon. D. H.] A 35 T 18 The Doubtful Plays of William Shakespeare. [Set, lla/.litt, Win.] * H 7 R 43 Goethe on Shakespeare. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] J 14 P 42 The Home of Shakespeare. [Set Neill, S.] D 11 Q 12 John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends and fellow actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. [See Walker, C. C] C 24 P 6 King Henry IV, printed from a contemporary MS. Kdited by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs..] H 3 U 32 King John, King Edward III, King Richard II, King Henry IV, King Henry V, King Henry VI, King Richard III. [See Donovan, Thomas.— English His- torical Plays.] H 10 W 19, 20 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Representative .Men.] J 22 Q 18 Montaigne s Natural History in Shakespeare's Time. [See Seager, Dr. H. W.] A 27 Til Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays. [See Collier J. P.] H 4 V 16 Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspero unfolded. [See ISacon, Delia.] J 6 T 33 Tin' Plays of Shakespeare, founded on literary form. [See Ruggles, H. J.] J 12 V 19 A. Refutation of Donnelly's Great Cryptogram. [See Nicholson, Rev. A.] ' " J 10 U 35 Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory upon the Plays of Shakspoare. [See Seymour, E. H.] HIV 14, 15 The School of Shakspere. [See Simpson, R.] II 10 V 30, 31 Selections from. [See Smithson, D. J.— Elocution and the Dramatic Art,] J 14 R 20 Shakespeare the Boy. [See Rolfe, Dr. W. J.] B 25 P 10 Shakspere and his Predecessors. [See Boas, F. S. ] 1 1 3 I! 3 1 Shakespeare and Music. [See Naylor, E. W. ] A 23 P Hi Shakespeare in France. [See Jusserand, J. J.] .J 2 I P 29 Shakespeare Lexicon. [See Schmidt, Dr. A.J.I 9 V 30, 31 The Shakespeare Reference-book. [See Webb, J. 8.1 K 1 9 P 35 The Shakespeare Secret. [See Bormann, Edwin.] J 8 V 27 The Shakespearean Myth. [See Morgan, J. A] J G S 43 SHAKESPEARE, William— contd. The Shakesperian Guide to Stratford-on Ward, H. S., and C. W.] Shakespeare's English Kings. [See Pater, Shakspere's Holinshed. [See Stone, W. G. j of the Lvon. [See D 11 Q 13 Boswell-.] J 8 V 30 Knowledge and Use of the Bible. [See worth, C, Bishop.] J 10 P 46 Shakespeare's Knowledge of the Classics; by S. St. John Topp. [See Melbourne Review, 3.] ME 18 Q Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements considered. [See Campbell, Lord.] ' J 22 S 21 Shakespeare's London; a Study of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. [See Ordish, T. F.] B 23 P 14 Shakespeare's Town and Times. [See Ward, H. S.] D 22 T 4 Side-lights on. [See Rossi, L.] J 14 U 29 [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Farrar, F. W., Dean.— Great Books.] J 22 Q 14 Testimony of the Sonnets as to the Authorship of the Shakespearean Plays and Poems. [See Johnson, J.] J 9 R4 Tributes to Shakespeare. [See Silsby, Mary R.] H 10 U 35 William Shakespeare : a Critical Study. [See Brandes, G.] J 5 T 35, 36 William Shakespeare, the Man. [See Smith, G.] J 17 V 19 [See also Shakespeare Memorial, and Shakespeare Society, Publications.] SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL. Illustrated Catalogue of the Pictures, (fee, in the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-upon-Avon; with Historical and Descrip- tive Notes. Sm. 4to. Manchester, 189G. K 19 R 21 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY. Public 32, 35-37, 39-43. 39 vols. 8vo. L 1. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, founder Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Payne Collier. 2. The School of Abuse, containing 8 against poets, pipers, players, jestc Nos 1- )ekker. Hen. iVltrodw'eti, H 3 U 1 Tublie Library of New South Wales. SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY— contd. 8. Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond, of Hawthoi -udeii. January, 1819. [Edited by David Laing.] H 3 U 13 10. Fools and Jesters, with a reprint of Robert Anion's Nest of Ninnies, 1608 : with an Introduction and Notes [by J. Payne Collier]. H3U15 11. Timon: a Play, now first printed. Edited by Rev. Alexander Dyce. H 3 U 16 12. Pierce Penniless'* Supplication to the Devil : by Thomas Nash, from the first edition of 1592. compared with later impressions : with an Introduction and Notes bv J. Payne Collier. II 3 U 17 md 2nd pti s Hey wood, reprinted f letter 1st edition of 1600, collated with one" other in black letter and until those of Kill) and 102(1 ; with an Introduction and Notes by B. Field. HSU 18 11. Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes, with other idle pastimes ; by John Northbrooke, from the earliest edition, about a.i>. 1577 ; with an Intro- duction and Notes [by J. Payne Collier]. H 3 U 19 13. First Sketches of the 2nd and 3rd pts. "of King Henry VI. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. H 3 U 20 16. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer Night's Dream illus- trated by a comparison with Lvlie's Endvmion ; by Rev. N. J. Halpin. "H3021 17. The Chester Plays : a Collection of Mysteries founded upon Scriptural subject -.. and f-nacrlv represented by the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Edited by Thomas Wright. H 3 U 22 18. The Alleyn Papers : a Collection of original documents illustrative of the Life and Tinas , ,'f Edward Alleyn and of the early English Stage and Drama ; with an Introduction b\ J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 23 19. Honour triumphant : and a Line of Life ; two tracts by' John Fordo, the Dramatist, unknown to the editors of his works, and now first reprinted from the original copies published in 1601 and 1620. H 3 U 24 20. Tarlton's Jests and News out of Purgatory ; with Notes and sonic Account of the Life of Tariton by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. H 3 U 25 21. The true Tragedy of Richard III; to which is appended the Latin play of Richer, las Tcrtius. by Dr. Thomas Legge, both anterior to Shakespeare's Drama : with an Introduction and Notes by Barron Field. H 3 U 26 22. The Ghost of Richard III: a poem printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespeare'.-- historical play. Re- printed from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library ; with an Introduction and 'Notes by J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 27 £3. Sir Thomas More : a play now first printed. Edited by Rev. Alexander Dyce. H 3 U 28 24. The Shakespeare Society's Papers. H 3 U 29 25. The Old Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his Comedy. Reprinted from the edition of 1591, and collated with t he subsequent editions of 1596 and 1607. Edited by Thomas Amyot, H 3 U 30 26. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of a Midsummer Night's Dream. Edited by J. O.'lialliwoll-Phillipps. H 3 U 31 27. Shakespeare's Play of King Henry IV, printed from a contemporary MS. Edited by ' James Orchard Halli- well. H 3 U 32 28. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609, printed from the original MS. at Dulwich C " II 3 U 33 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY— contd. 29. The Fair Maid of the Exchange : a comedy ; by Thomas Heywood ; Fortune by Land and Sea : a tragi-eomedy ; by Thomas Heywood and William Rowley. Edited by B. Field. H 3 U 34 30. The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom : an ancient Intel hide, to which are added Illustrations of Shakespeare and the early English Drama. Kdited bv J. (». Halliwell. H 3 U 35 31. Memoirs of the principal actors in the Plays of Shakes- peare ; by J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 36 32. Eight Novels employed by Hindis'; Dramatic Poets of the Reign of (.limen Kli/.a'bcih. originally published by Barnabv Riche in the year 1581, and reprinted from a copy of that date in the Bodleian Library. H 3 U 37 35. The Moral Play of Wit and Science, by John Redford ; and early political Miscellanies from an unpublished MS. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. H 3 U 40 36, 37. Extracts from the Register, of the Stationers' Co. of Works entered for publication between the years 1557 and 1570; with Notes and Illustrations by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. H 3 U 41, 42 39. The 1st and 2nd pts. of the. Fair Maid of the West ; or, a Girl worth Gold: two Comedies by Thomas Hey- wood; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 44 40. Remarks of Karl Simrock on the plots of Shake- speare's Plays : with Notes and Additions by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. II 3 V 45 41. The Royal King and Loyal Subject; a Woman killed with kindness ; bv Thomas Hovwood : with Introduc- tion and Notes by J. Payne Collier. II 3 U 46 42. Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth, bv Thomas Hovwood ; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 47 43. The Golden and Silver Ages: two Plays by Thomas ili'vw 1: with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. H 3 U 4g SHALER, Nathaniel Southgate. American Highways: a Popular Account of their conditions, and of the means by which they may lie bettered. 12mo. New York, 1896. A 33 P 9 D< miesticated Animals : their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 29 Outlines of the Earth's History: Physiography. Illustrated. 8v , Popular Study in Lond., 1898. A 19 S 7 SHAMS-TJD-DIN. [See Hafiz.] SHAND, Alexander. The Moriori People of the Chatham Islands: their Traditions and History. (Polynesian Soc, Joum., 1894-98.) ME 6 II SHAND, Alexander Innes. Mountain, Stream, and Co- vert: Sketches of Country Life and Sport in England and Scotland. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 119 The War in the Peninsula, 1808-14. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 S 3 SHANNON, Charles Hazeiwood. The Pageant. [See Pageant, The.) ' J 28 V 3, 4 SHARKEY, Dr. Seymour John. Tremor, " Tendon-Phe- nomenon," and Spasm. [See Sherrington, Prof. C. S.] A 26 T 39 Supplementary Catalogue— 1806-1900. SHA ISLAND, F, Cruwys. Story-books of Little Guiding. See Ferrar, N.] " G 24 8 8 SHARP, Miss Amy. Cooperative Education. 12mo. .Manchester, 1886. F 13 V 41 What has a woman to do with Co-operation? 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 SHARP, Archibald. Bicycles and Tricycles : an Element- ary Treatise on their Design and Construction; with Examples and Tables. Illustrated.. 8vo. Lond., 1 896. A 25 R 38 SHARP, Capt. Bartholomew. Journey over the Isthmus of Darien and Expedition into the South Seas. [See ilacke Capt, W.] D 20 S 20 SUA HP, Dr. David, F.R.S. Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1879-81.) E Descriptions of eight new species and a new genus of Cossonides from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1878.) E Descriptions of new genera and species of Pselaphid:e and Scydmifinidse from Australia and New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans.. 1874.) E Khvncophomus Coleoptera fromVie Hawaiian Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond, Trans, 1878.) E Insects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1895-99. (Camb. Nat. ilist.) A 40 U 12, 13 Longicorn Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. (En- tom. Soc, Lond, Trans, 1878.) E New Zealand Coleoptera. (Entom. Soc, Lond, Trans, 1882.) E the Hawaiian Islands. (Ellto , Tri E LheHv.l of New Zealand. (Entoi SHARP, Elizabeth Amelia [Mrs. W.] and William. Lyra Celtica : an Anthology of representative Celtic Poetry. 8vo. Edinb, 1896. II 10 W 1 SHARP, John. Modern Foundry Practice. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1900. A 45 T 23 SHARP, Robert Farquharson. Hernani. [See Hug., V. M, Comte.] II 1 S 30 SHARP, William. Lyra Celtica. [See Sharp, Elizabeth A.] II 10 W 1 SHARPE, J. Fuel: its Combustion and Economy. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineei-s, Trans, 1894.) ME18P SHARPE, Reginald Robinson. London and the King- ly ■/. 1 Bowdler. Wo of the Bird World. 1 Bir A 27 £ l of Pre\ [See Bri the Collection of the British Muse Museum.— Nat. Hist,] " A 39 T 1 Catalogue of the Fulicarise and Alectorides in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. [See British Museum. - Nat. Hist,] A 39 U 5 Catalogue of the Limicola; in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 6 Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.- Nat Hist,] A 39 T 4, G, 7, 10, 12, 13 Catalogue of the Picarise in the Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.] A 39 T 17 Catalogue of the Platalese and Herodiones in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Ilist] A39U8 SHARPE, Samuel. Hi.storv of Egypt from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs, a.d. GI0. 6th ed. Illust. 2vols.l2mo. Lond, 1885. B35Q15,16 SHARPE, Dr. William, the Training of the and 8 of "The Dual Humai Adamite mage." ity and the Man; : a Poem of Life ; 12n.o. Lond, 1898 H 11 R n.l 20 Niagara and Khandalla West. 12mo. Lorn ; or, Na . (n.d.) H 11 K 19 SHATTOCK, Samuel G, i nd B A LI .ANCE, Charles Alfi xl. General Pathology of New Growths. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 SHATTUCK, Dr. Fr< (Hare, Dr. II. A. ck C. Disease, of the Blood. tem of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Blood-vessels. (Hare, Dr. H. A. Svste of Practical Therapeutics.) A 3! P i SHAW, Albeit. Cooperation in a Western City. (America Economic Assoc.) F 4 V ] Municipal Government in Continental Europe;. 8v Fii A 1 2 Q 1 t,)A41 V3 SHAW, Flora L. Austr April, 1894.) The Story of Austr Health Ex. ■.Col. rust, Pr.)c, 1891 95.) E MB 3 P 3 Fublio Library of Neio South Wales. SHAW, George Bernard. Cashel Byron's Profession. Ncwed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 7 Q 13 Fabian Essays in Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1889. F 13 R 8 2. Historic ; by Sidney Webb. 3. Industrial; by William Clarke. 5. Property under Socialism ; by Graham Wallis. 6. Industry under .Socialism : by Annie Besanl. 7. Transition; l>y (J. Bernard Shaw. 8. The Outlook ; by Hubert Bland. The Perfect Wagnerite : a Commentary on the Ring of Niblungs. 12mo. Lond., 1898. ' .1 23 P 9 Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant. With Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1898. II 13 T 1G, 17 The Quintessence of Ibsenism. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 23 S 1G The Fabian Society. [See Fabian Soc— Fabian Tracts, 41.] F 19 R 15 Impossibilities of Anarchism. [See Fabian Soc. — Fabian Tracts, 45.] F 19 R 15 SHAW, Harold Sydney. Australasian Gold Reckoner, for calculating the value of gold from one grain upwards, at £3 to £i 2s. 9d. per oz. 32mo. Sydney, 1897. MA 2 P 16 Dymock's Book of Fancy Alphabets. Ob. 1 8mo. Syd ney, 1898. MA 1 P 52 SHAW, Henry. Details of Elizabethan Architecture. 4to. Edinb., 1898. [Reprint] A 20 P 24 f SHAW, John, and OAKES, Leslie M. The Oakshaw Annual of New South Wales for 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Parramatta, 1896-97. ME 15 P SHAW, Leonard K. In answer to Prayer. [See Car- penter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 SHAW, Walter Robert. The Fertilization of Onoclea 8vo. Oxford, 1898. A 32 Q 23 SHAW, William A. History of the English Church during the Civil Wars and under the Commonwealth 1640- 60. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 900. G 24 V 28, 29 Select Tracts and Documents illustrative of English Mone- tary History, 1626-1730. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F8V4 Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Chassis 1G47-57 [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., 36.] E SHAW, Rev. William Hudson. Cooperation and Educa- tion. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) FIGS 14 Why should the Working-classes aid and support the University Extension Movement? i2mo. Manchester, 1898 - F 16 S 14 SHAW-LEFEVRE, Rt. Hon. G. [See Lefevre, Rt. Hon. O. Shaw-.] SHAYLOR, Joseph. Pleasures of Literature and the Solace of Books; with Introduction by Andrew Lang. 18mo. Lond., 1898. J 23 P 4 SHEA, Sir Ambrose. Newfoundland : its Fisheries and General Resources. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 SHEA, John Gilmary. History of the five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York. [See Colden, C.J B 23 V 17 SHEAR, C. L. Report upon the Grasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region. [See Unite* 1 States.— Dept. of Agricult.- Div. of Agrostology.] A 3G V 19 SHEARER, John. Problems and Questions in Physics. [See Matthews, C. P.] A 24 T 34 SHEARMAN, Montagu, and others. Football. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 29 S 39 SHEARMAN, Thomas Gaskell. Natural Taxation: an Inquiry into the Practicability, Justice, and Effects of a Scientific and Natuial Method of Taxation. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 23 SHEDD, Julia Ann [Mrs. J. H.] Famous Painters and Paintings. 8vo. Boston, 1896. C 20 V 2 Famous Sculptors and Sculpture. 8vo. Boston, 1 89C. C 20 V 3 SHEE, Richard Jcnery. Socialism and Catholicism. [See Soderini, Count Edward.] F 10 V 33 SHEEPSHANKS, John. The Sheepshanks Gallery: a series of 20 Pictures from this celebrated collection, re- produced in permanent tint by the Autotype Process ; with an Introduction on Oil Painting in England by Richard Redgrave, and Biographical Notices of the Painters. Km. 4to. Lond., 1873. A 10 W 11 t SHEILD, Dr. Arthur Marmaduke. Diseases of the Nails. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. System of Medicine.) A 2G T 4 1 New Growths of the Skin. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 SHELBURNE, William Petty, Earl of. [Life of] : by R. Murray Smith. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q SHELDON, Rev. Charles M. In His Steps : what wotdd Jesus do? 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 S 26 SHELDON, Prof. Henry Clay. History of the Early Church. 5vol.8vo. New York, 1895. G 11 R 20 24 History of Christian Doctrine. 3rd < New York, 1897'' Siipp Icmcntary Ca ta log u e — 1 SO 6-1 900. 547 SHELDON, Prof. Jehn Prince. The English Dairy. (L'nternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 2 To Canada and through it with the British Association. 8vo. Ottawa, 1885. D 16 S 5 SHELDON, Miss L. Nemertines. 8vo. Loud., 1896. (Oamb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 SH E LDON, Sir William. Baptisms in the private Chapel of Sir William Sheldon, of AVcston, in the Parish of Long Compton, Warwickshire. [See Crisp, F. A.] K 19 T 6 t SHELDON, William Robert. Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. [See Dart, J. H.] F 1 U 12, 13 Original Poetry. {See H 12 S 1 SH ELLEY, Elizabeth, " Caz: Shelley, P. B.] SI1 LLLEY, George Ernest. Catalogue of the Picaria- in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 39 U 1 SHELLEY, Mary Wollstonecraft [Mrs. P. IS] [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 SHELLEY, Perev Bysshe. Poetical Works. Edited by H. B. Forman. With Portrait. -1 vols. 8vo. Bond., 1876-77. H 12 S 15-18 1 .ast Days of : New Details from unpublished documents ; by Dr. G. Biagi. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 15 The Mask of Anarchy, written on the occasion of the Massacre at Manchester; facsimile of the Holograph MS. ; with Introduction by H. B. Forman. Sm. 4to. Lond, 1887. (Shelley Soc. Pubs.) H 10 W 12 f Prometheus Unbound. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, bv G. L. Dickinson. 18mo. Lond, 1898. H 13 Q 5 The Sensitive Plant. Illustrated by Laurence Housman 8vo. Lond, 1898. (Illustrated English Poems.) H I T 14 Life of; by Edward Dowden. 8m Lond, 1896. C 22 T 16 I'.undle of Letters from Shelley to Leigh Hunt. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. -Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] JUS 3 ( !rabbe and Shelley : What Shelley was. [See Patmore, C. K. D.— Principle in Art, &c] .J 1 H 51 Defence of Poetry. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 | Sketch of.] [See Fo , J.- s.] C : SHELLY, Dr. Charles Edward. Punishment in Schools : Notes on some of its methods and defects. (Internat. Health Exhib— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 7 SHELTON, Edward Manson. Soil Wastes in the Cane- fields. [See Queensland.— Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 Use of Maize as Human Food. [See Queensland.— Agricult,] MA 3 S 68 W^eat-growing Experiments in Queensland. [See Queens- land.— Agricult.] MA 3 S 68 SHELVOCKE, Capt. George. Voyage round the World- [See Historical Account of all the Vovages round the World.] AID 8 11 49 S11EXSTOXE, William. 18mo. Lond, 1794. Men and Manners. J 26 Q 8 SHEPHABD, G. E. Notes on the Nidification of the Emu Wren. (Vict. Nat, Feb, 1898.) ME 6 P SHEPHABD, J. A new Rotifer, Lacinularia elliptica. (Vict. Nat, Oct, 1897.) ME 6 P Some Animals reared from Dried Mud. (Vict. Nat, Sept, 1898.) ME 6 P Structure of the Vibratile Tags, or Flame Cell, in Roti- fera. (Boy. Soc, Vict, Proa, 1898.) ME 1 P SHEPHERD, Alice. Exhibition of Book-binding in Em- bossed, Modelled, and Tooled Leather. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 P 42 SHEPHERD, Richard Heme. The Bibliography of Tennyson. 8vo. Loud, 1896. K 19 P 19 SHEPHER D, Dr. William Robert. The Battle of Harlem Heights. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6* SHEPHERD, William Robert. History of Proprietary Government in Pennsylvania. 8vo. New York, 189G. F 18 R 18 SHEPPARD, Jack. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 •can Audience; or, the Use king 6th ed. 8vo. New J 12 T 46 of Co: SHEPPARD, Willis: Conveyancing" 'with' 1 ^lm*"x<RE, Dr. Lewis Eric Physiology for Beginners. [See Foster, Dr. M.] A 2G P 36 SHORE, Rev. Thomas Tcignmouth. Worcester Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 llistorv of Don Quixote. [See Cervantes Saavodra, M. de.] r. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 40 Nephritis, Pyelitis, Phosphaturia, Chyluria, Albuminuria, Uthuria, Oxaluria, and Diabetes Insipidus. (Hare, Dr. II. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 SMITH Annie S. [Mrs. Burnett.] (Annie S. Swan.) The Woman at Home. [See Woman at Home, The.] E SMJ Til, Rev. Arthur H. Village Life in China : a Study in Sociology. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. F 16 U 11" SMI TH, Arthur Hamilton. Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 11 White Athenian Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 44 Q 13 1 SMITH, Arthur Lionel. Teaching of Modern History. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 SMITH, Bruce, [in/all Arthur Bruce]. Honour to whom Honour is due: a Federal Retrospect; with Portrait of Sir Henry Parkes. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 S 30 The Ideal and the Actual in Politics. Sm. 4to. North Sydney, 1894. MF 4 Q 51 Modern Legal Reform in England. (Melbourne Review, I.) ME18Q Our Sister Cities : Sydney. (Melb. Rev., 9.) MF, 18 Q SMITH, C. Gregory. [Criticism of the Works of] Edward freeman. [SeeCraik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Richard Green. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* SMITH, Cecil Harcourt. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 11 R 21-23 SMITH, Rev. Charles Ernest. The Old Church in the New band: Lectures on Church History. 8vo. New York, 1891. G9W24 SMITH, Charles W. Reply to the Final Report of the British Royal Commission on Agriculture on the M ucs- tion of International Gambling in fictitious Agricul- tural Produce and fictitious Silver, under the option, settle! 18: SMITH, Dr. D. D. Artificial Dentures of Enamelled Platinum (Continuous-Gum Work). (Litch, Dr. W. F. —American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 SMITH, D. Nichol. Brunetiere's Essays in French Litera- ture. [See Brunetiere, F.] J 21 P 27 SMITH, Edgar Albert. Descriptions of five new species of Land Shells from New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Sept., 1895.) E SMITH, Edmund W. The Mogul Architecture of Fath- pur-Sikri. [See Archieological Survey of India.] A 18 T 23, 24 t SMITH, Edward. England and America after Independ- ence : a short examination of their International Inter- course, 1783-1872. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 16 U 16 SMITH, Dr. Eldred Noble. Atlas of Histology. [See Klein, Dr. E.] A 11 W 13 t SMITH, Elizabeth [Mrs. H.] (Elizabeth Grant). Memoirs of a Highland Lady : the Autobiography of Elizabeth Grant, of Rothiermirchus, afterwards Mrs. Smith, of Baltiboys, 1797-1830. Edited by Lady Strachey. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 21 SMITH, Ernest A. Manual of Dental Metallurgy. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 1 SMITH, Dr. Erwin F. Additional Evidence on the Com- municability of Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 37 S 14 Bacterial Disease of the Tomato, Egg-plant, and Irish Potato. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. ] A 38 R 20 Black Rot of the Cabbage. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Experiments with Fertilizers for the Prevention and Cure of Peach Yellows, 1889-92. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Phvsiology and Pathology.] A 37 S 13 Legal Enactments for the Restriction of Plant Diseases. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 It 20 Peach-growing for Market. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult] A41U1 Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 37 JS 26 SMITH, Dr. Eustace. Diarrhreas of Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Diet and Therapeutics of Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Mumps. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Whooping-cough. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medi- cine ) A 26 T 35 Public Library of New South Wales. SMITH, Francis Hopkinson. Caleb West, Master Diver. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1899. J 17 V 27 SMITH, F. W. Bee-keeping in Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U SMITH, Mrs. Fanny Cochrane. Is Mrs. F. C. Smith a "Last Living Aboriginal of Tasmania?'' by H. L. Roth. [Sec Anthropol! Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1897.] E SMITH, Frank J. Manual for Justices of the Peace in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 It 65 SMITH, Frederick. Descriptions of Aculeate Hymenop- tera from Australia. (Entoin. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.) E Descriptions of new species of Australian Hymenoptera and of a species of Formica from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond, Trans., 1862.) E Descriptions of new species of Hymenopterous Insects from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1878.) E Descriptions of three new species of Hymenoptera from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1876.) E Revision of the Hymenopterous genera Cleptes, Par- nopes, Anthracias, Pyria and Stilbum, with descrip- tions of new species, and also a new species of the genus Chrysis from North China and Australia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1874.) E Catalogue of British Bees in Collection of the British Museum. [See Brit. Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 T 1 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] a 43 V 3-5, 7 SMITH, Vet.-Capt, Frederick. Manual of Veterinary Hy- giene. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 33 Q 21 Manual of Saddles and Collars. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 25 R 32 SMITH, G. Armitage-. The Free-trade Movement and its Results. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 21 SMITH, G. 0. The Association Game of Football. [See Oakley, W. J.] A 29 S 39 SMITH, Garden. World of Golf. Illustrated. 8vo Lond., 1898. (Isthmian Lib.) A 40 T 12 SMITH, George. Occurrence of Dy tralian Broken Hill Consols Mil New South Wales. (Australasi Engineers, Trans., 1893.) The Ore Deposits of the Australian Broken Hill Consol Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales (America Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1896.) ] usite in the Aus- Barrier Ranges, Inst, of Mining ME18P SMITH, George. Assyria from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh. New and revised ed. by Prof. A. H. Sayce. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (Ancient History from the Monuments.) B 27 P 9 Selections from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria [See Rawlinson, Maj.-Gen. Sir H. C] B 47 P 12 + SMITH, Dr. George. Twelve Lond., 1897. Indiai SMITH, Rev. George Adam. The Book of the twelve Prophets, commonly called the Minor. [See Ex- positor's Bible.] ' G 19 S 24, 25 SMITH, George Barnett. Life of Queen Victoria. [See Victoria, Queen of Gt. Britain and Ireland.] C 23 Q 8 Life of the Rt. Hon. William E wart Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 24 P 1 1 SMITH, George Gregory. The Transition Period. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (Periods of European Lit.) J 27 Q 4 SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Sir Gerard. Western Australia : its Position and Prospects. [See Western Australia. — Lands and Survey.] MD 8 Q 56 SMITH, Gilbert Probyn. Open Letter to Mr. John Nor- ton, Conductor of Truth Newspaper, alleged Reformer, Candidate for Federal Senate, &c. ; together with Reprint of Letter in Truth of June 25th, 1899, and Account of Proceedings at the Police Court. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 S 5 SMITH, Prof. Goldwin. Guesses at the Riddle of Existence, and other Essays on kindred subjects. 8vo. New York, 1897. ' G 19 U 34 The Reorganization of the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1868. G 25 S 23 Shakespeare, the Man : an attempt to find traces of the Dramatist's Personal Character in his Dramas. With Portrait, 8vo. Toronto, 1899. J 17 V 19 The United Kingdom : a Political History. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 U 7, 8 Life of Jane Austen. [See Austen, Jane.] C 23 U 10 SMITH, Dr. Grafton Elliot. The Brain of a Festal Ornitho- rhynchus. Pt. 1. (Quarterly Journal of Microscopi- cal Science, Aug., 1896.) E 1. The Fore-brain. SMITH, H. Llewellyn. Through the High Pyrenees. [See Spender, H.] D 13 U 19 SMITH, H. Reeves-. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actors Art,] H 1 S 31 SMITH, Hannah. Music : how it came to be what it is. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 9 SMITH, Helen H. The Hawaiian Islands. [See Scottish Geograph. Mag., Jan., 1894.] E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 557 SMITH, Prof. Henry. [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] U 23 Q 49 SMITH, Henry George. Aromadendrin or Aromadendric \<-id froin'the turbid group of Kuealvptus Kinos. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Constituents of the sap of the "Silky Oak," Grevillea rnbusta, R. Br., and the presence of butyric acid therein. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Crystalline Camphor of Eucalyptus Oil and the natural formation of Eucalvptol. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1*99.) ME 1 R Gems and Precious Stones ; with Descriptions of their Distinctive Properties and the Methods of determining them. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 3 R 58 Notes on Myrticolorin. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ.. 1*97.) ME 1 R Pinenes of the Oils of the genus Eucalyptus. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898.) ME 1 R Pr. of 11 " Blue Cms. Andro . N.S.W.. ,<.ijon annul/itus, Forsk. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., bmrn., 1896.] ME 1 R cliarine and Astringent Exudations of the Grey Gum, -. ■■.■,••f Lytoceras and Cey to Elementary Trij Lond., 1882. SMITH, James Pen-in. Develo Phylloceras. Illustrated. 1 1898. (Leland Stanford Jul butions to Biology.) SMITH, Jare i Fn -Contri A 46 Q 2 Alfalfa, or Lucern. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Fodder and Fodder Plants exclusive of the Grasses. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 Grazing Problems in the South-west and how to meet them. [See United States.— Oept. of Agricult— Div. of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 Meadows and Pastures. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 SMITH, Capt. sometime C England : Warner. John. overnor i Study ivo. N Capt, J of Virgin ,f his Lift )w York, »hn ss Sn nd 1 W ith, 1579-1631, Mlmiral of New •itings; by CD. C 19 P 16 Works, 1608- 31. [S e En .dish Scl olai s Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 24, 25 (Inl •a I ( SMITH, Lev. Isaac Gregory, and (JR L'NDY, Rev. William. Aristotelianism : the Ethics of Aristotle, the Logical Treatises, the Metaphysics, the Psychology, and the Politics. 12mo. Lond., 1889. (Chief Ancient Phil- osophies.) G26P16 SMITH, Dr. J. Lewis. Scarlet Fever, Measles, Rotheln, and Varicella. (Hare, Dr. II. A.- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 found in Boreal America. [See United States- National Museum, Bulletin 44, 48.] E SMITH, John Challenor Covington. Index of Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1383-1558. [See British Record Soc, Pubs., 11.] E Public Library of New South Wales. SMITH, Rev. John Frederick. Lectures on the influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. [See Pfleiderer, Rev. 0.] G 19 T 35 SMITH, Joseph. Educational Funds: their value, and how to use them. 12mo. Manchester, 1877. F 13 V 41 How to take a town cooperatively by storm. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) F 13 V 41 Some of the weaknesses of Cooperation. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 SMITH, Prof. Justin Harvey. The Troubadours at Home : their Lives and Personalities, their Songs and then- World. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1899. II 12 U 21, 22 SMITH, Prof. Munroe. Bismarck and German Unity. 12mo. New York, 1898. B 26 S 14 ies of Great National Songs. HIT 12 SMITH, Dr. Noble. Postures in School : their influence upon Physical Development. (Intermit. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 SMITH, Nora Archibald. Froebel's Gifts. [See Riggs, Kate Douglas.] G 18 P 36 Froebel's Occupations. [See Riggs, Kate Douglas.] G 18 P 41 Kindergarten Principles. [See Rigj SMITH, Dr. Pe of Dredginj Sea. [See •ton the Result; eld Bank, Chim Jty.] A 39 V 5 1 SMITH, Dr. Philip Henry Pye-. Pneumonia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 SMITH, R, Greig. The Nodule Organism of the Legu- minosse. (Linnean Soe., N.S.W, Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P The Tick Fever Parasite. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P SMITH, R. Macaulav. Franchise and Registration. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 Foreign and Colonial Policy. (Rose, W. K.— Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 The Problem of Government in Ireland. (Rose, W. K. Historic Facts and Current Problems.) F 8 Q 16 Historic Facts and Current Problems. [See Rose, W. K.l F8Q 16 SMITH, R. Neil. State of Mining in the Kimberley Dis- trict, and probability of obtaining Artesian Water between the Pilbarra Cold-fields and the Great Desert. [See Western Australia. — Geolog. Survey.] MA 4 R 4 SMITH, Richard Baird. Richard Baird Smith, Leader of the Delhi Heroes in 1857 : Private Correspondence of the Commanding Engineer during the Siege, and other interesting letters hitherto unpublished. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' C 23 R 8 SMITH, Rev. Richard Travers. Constitution of the Church of Ireland. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 SMITH, Prof. Richmond Mayo. Science of Statistics. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1895-99. F4V 7, 8 1 . Statistics and Sociology. 2. Statistics and Economics. SMITH, Roanden Albert Henry Bickford-. Cretan Sketches. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D16T18 SMITH, Robert Murray. Paper Money. (Melb. Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Tariffs of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1891. F 17 P 7 A Financial Genius: John Law. [See Melb. Review, 7.] ME 18 Q A Forgotten Statesman: William, Earl of Shelburne. [See Melbourne Review, 2.] ME 18 Q SMITH, Robert Haden. Law List of Australasia, 1888- 89. 12mo. Melb., 1888. MF 5 P 13 SMITH, Dr. Robert Percy. Acute Delirium. (Allbutt, Dr. T. G— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 SMITH, S. LeB. Rowing. [5««Rowe, R. P. P.] A17TJ 48 SMITH, Dr. S. MacCuen. Diseases of the Ear and their treatment by the general practitioner. (Hare, Dr. H. A. .—System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 SMITH, S. Percy. The First Inhabitants of the Ellice Group. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R Geographical Knowledge of the Polynesians. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Hawaiki : the whence of the Maori. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898-99.) ME 6 R The Peopling of the North : Notes on the Ancient Maori History of the Northern Peninsula, and Sketches on the Ngati-Whatua Tribe of Kaipara, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896-97.) ME 6 R Volcanic Activity in Sunday Island in 1814. (N.Z Inst., Trans, 1895.) ME 2 S Wars of the Northern against the Southern Tribes of New Zealand. (PolynesianSoc, Journ, 1899.) ME 6 R The Story of Whaki-Tapui and Tu-Taia-Roa. [See Poly- nesian Soc, Journ. 1896.] ME 6 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SMITH, Dr. Solomon Charles. Cholera Asiatica. [See Hart, E.] A 26 T 34 SMITH, Stephen H. New Standard Geographies. No. 1. i2mo. Sydney, 1898. (Brook's New Australian School Ser.) MG 2 T 66 1. Geography for Third Class. One hundred and one Certificate Tests in Arithmetic : a L'tipils' Guide to the standard required by Inspectors from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Classes in the Public Schools of New South Wales ; with Answers. 32mo. Sydney, 1898. (Brooks's New Australian school Ser.) MG 2 T 70 SMI III, Rev. Sydney. Fifth Letter on the subject of the Catholics. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pams.) G 23 Q 32 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Englisl Prose.] J 6 Q 38* SMITH, Theobald. Sewage Disposal on the Farm. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 — _ ftn d MOORE, Dr. Veranus. Infectious Diseases among Poultry. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult,— Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 30 R 32 SMITH, Theodore Clarke. The Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the North- west: Toppan Prize Essay of 1896. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 24 SMITH, Prof. Thomas Roger. Sanitary Construction of Houses. (Intermit, Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 18 SMI TH, Dr. Thomas South wood. Dr. South wood Smith : a Retrospect; by his granddaughter, Mrs. C. L. Lewes. Ilustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. C 23 T 10 SMTT H, W. W. Notes on certain species of New Zealand Ducks. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Spurious Stone Implements. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R SMITH, Walter Chalmers. Hilda; a 1th ed. 8vo. Glasgow, 1889. SMITH, Rev. William. List of British Diatomacese in 1 he Collection of the British Museum. [See British .Museum.- Nat. Hist.] A 43 U 4 SMITH, Sir William. Concise Dictionary of Greek and lioman Antiquities. [See Cornish, F. W.] 1! 30 V 14 SMITH, William Anderson. The best Appliances and Methods of breaking the Force of the Sea at the Entrance to Harbours and elsewhere. (L I).— Fi: e.) lPit A 34 R 10 (Inter Salmon Disease: its Cause Fisheries Exhib. - Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 1 1 • a Progressive Spain. 8vo. Lond., D 22 Q 13 Tempera SMITH, Prof. William Benjamin. Infinitesimal Analysis. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 P 9 1. Elementary : Real Variables. SMITH, Dr. William G. Disc Dr. Karl Freiherr von.] is of Plants. [See Tubeuf, A 20 V 31 SMITH, Rt. Hon. Wil Eminent Persons.] Henry. [Sketch of.] [See C 19 Q 21 SMITH, Dr. William Johnson. Scurvy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 SMITH ARD, Miss Marian. Dairy Management. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 SMITHELLS, Prof. Arthur. The Rise and Development of Organic Chemistry. [See Schorlemmer, Dr. Carl.] A 21 R 39 SMITHSON, David J. Elocution and the Dramatic Art revised by Charles Reeve Taylor. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 20 SMITHSON, James. James Smithson and his bequest [See Smithsonian Inst,— Misc. Collections, 21.] E SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Account of the Smithsonian Institution : its Origin, History, Objects, and Achievements. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 30 V 31 Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. 1-32. Illustrated. 32 vols. 4to. Wash., 1848-95. a Miscellaneous Collections. Vols. 13-27, 29, 31-40. Illus- trated. 26 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1878-98. E Reports of the Board of Regents, 1853-54, 1863-74 1876-97. 36 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1854-98. E Diary of a Journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891- 92. [See Rockhill, W. W.] D 19 U 22 Journals of the Board of Regents, Reports of Commit- tees. Statistics, Ac. [See Smithsonian Inst. — Miscel- 18.] E laneoi [See also s Collect" under I'l - Nai lal Mm SMITT, Prof. Fredrik Adam. The Swedish Fisheries. (Internat, Fisheries Exhib. -Fisheries Literature.) A 34 It 5 SMOLLETT, Tobias George. [Life of]; by Oliphant Smeaton. 8vo. Edinb. (u.d.) ( Famous Scots Ser.) (' 20 1" 20 Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. [See U Sage, A. 5 Til, Albert II. [Life of) Bayard Tai Bayard.] [See Taylor, C 19 'V 19 SMYTH. Constantino Joseph. Chronicle of the Law Officers of Ireland from the earliest period, with an Outline of the Legal History of Ireland. 12mo. Lond., 1839. F 7 V 55 Public Library of New South Wales. SMYTH, Herbert Warington. Five Years in Siam, from 1891-9G. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1898. D 17 S 29, 30 SMYTH, Rev. Newman. Christian Ethics. 3rd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. (Internat. Theolog. Lib.) G 24 R 9 The Place of Death in Evolution. 12mo. Lond., 1897. G 1 1 U 22 SMYTHE, Arthur J. Life of William Terriss. [See Lewin, W. C. J.] C 25 P 6 SMYTHE, Carlyle. The Story of Belgium, with a Chapter on the Congo Free State. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 40 U 1 SMYTHE, John Yester. Observations upon the Civiliza- tion of tin ■ Western Barbarians. [See Swazey, J. B.] J 23 T 7 SMYTHE, William E. Conquest of Arid America. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1900. A 19 R 17 "SNAFFLE." In the Land of the Bora; or, Camp Life and Sport in Dalmatia and the Herzegovina, 1894-96. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 U 5 SNEATH, Prof. E. Hershey. The Mind of Tennyson : his Thoughts of God, Freedom, and Immortality. 8vo. Lond., 1900. J 23 S 34 SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner. The Principles of Equity. 11th ed.; by Archibald Brown. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 P 35 SNELL, Frederick John. The 14th Century. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Periods of European Literature.) J 27 Q 3 Wesley and Methodism. [See Wesley, J.] C 28 Q 3 SNELL, Dr. Ernest Hugh. Compressed Air Illness or so- called Caisson Disease. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 R 29 SNELL, Harry. Cooperation and the Engineers' Lock-out. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 16 S 14 Cooperation and the Welsh Coal Strike. 12mo. Man- chester, 1898. F 16 S 14 SNELL, W. E. The Cabinet and Party Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 V 2 Rights and Privileges of Citizens, with special reference to the Scottish Traders' agitation against the Coopera- tive Movement. 12mo. Manchester, 1897. F 16 S 14 SNOW, B. W. The Indian Corn Industry in the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.] A 37 S 18 SNOW, Francis H. Cooperative Banks on the Continent of Europe. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 Q SNOW, Freeman. International Law. [See United States. ■ — Dept. of the Navy.] F 1G T 17 SNOW, Prof. Marshall Solomon. Higher Education ir. Missouri. [See United States. — Bureau of Education.] G 18 S 38 SNOW, Walter B. Steam-boiler Practice in its relation to Fuels and their Combustion, and the Economic Results obtained with various methods and devices. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 38 V 27 SNYDER, Prof. Harry. The Chemistry of Dairying : an outline of the chemical and allied changes which take place in Milk and in the Manufacture of Butter and Cheese, and the rational Feeding of Dairv Stock. Sm. 4to. Easton, 1897. A 33 Q 19 , and VOORHEES, L. A. Studies on Bread and Breadmaking. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 SOANE, George. New Curiosities of Literature and Book of the Months. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. J 21 S 22, 23 "SOAVE, Pietro." [See Sarpi, P.] SOCIAL ENGLAND SERIES. Alien Immigrants to England. [See Cunningham, Rev. W.] F15Q17 Evolution of the English House. [See Addy, 8. O.] A 41 T 10 SOCIAL QUESTIONS OF TO-DAY. Modern Civilisation in sonic of its economic aspects. [See Cunningham, Rev. W.] F 8 V 12 L'niversilv and So'-ial Settlements. [Sir Kcason, W.] F 15 P 33 SOCIAL SIDE op the GERMAN REFORMATION. Peasants' War in (icrmany. [See Bax, E. B.] B 17 Q 36 SOCIALIST, The. Nos. 1-53, Nov., 1894-Dec, 1896 [Nos. 6, 8, 21, 26-28, 32, 40, 41, 45, 46, 52, missing.] 4to. andfol. Sydney, 1894-96. [All published.] MF 5 V 7 SOCIEDAD DE GEOGRAFIA Y ESTADfsTICA DE LA REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Boletin. Tomo l-3a Epoea, tomo 6, 1850-82. 21 vols. imp. 8vo. and 8vo. Mexico, 1861-82. D 21 V 1-21 SOCIETA GEOGRAFICA ITALIANA. Statistiea della Emigrazione Italiana all' Estero nel 1881. Roy. 8vo. Roma, 1882. F 9 V 11 SOCIETE D'ANTHROPOLOGIE DE PARIS. Bulletins. Tomes 7-10, 4e serie, 1896-99. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, ' 1896-99. E SOCIETE D'AQUARELLISTES FRANCAIS : ouvrage d'art public avec le concours artistique de tous les So- cietaires, toxte par les principalis critiques dart. Illus- trated. 2 vols. roy. fol. Paris, 1883. A 22 S 3, 4 t Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. 561 S0C1KTE DE OEOGBAPIIIE. Bulletin. Tome l-7e serie tome 19, 1821-98. 133 vols, (in 90) 8vo. Paris, 1-21-99. E Comptes Kendus des Stances de la Si ><-ict i ; de Geographic et de la Commission Centrale, 1885-93, 1895-99. 14 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1885-99. E SOC.I KTE IMPERIALE DES NATURALISTES DE MOSCOU. Bulletins, tomes 53, 54, 1878-79. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. Moscou, 1878-79. A 36 V 1, 2 SOC1ETE 110 YALE MALACOLOGIQUE DE BEL- GIQUE. Annales. Tomes 31-33, 1896-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896-98. E SOCIETY. Vols. 4-7, May, 1887-May, 1888. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1887-88. MJ 10 Q 37-40 f SOCIETY. [See also Mirror, The.] soc 1 1 ;ty for providing homes for NE- GLECTED CHILDREN". Sheltered: a Record of i ho Society for 1896. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 1 P 35 SOC1 I^TY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. Proceed- ings. Vols. 1-11, 13, 14, 1882-95, 1897-99. 13 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1883-99. E SOC ! i:TY for the ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, .MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. Trans- actions. Vol. 41. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1823. MA 4 T 1 International Congress on Technical Education : Report of Proceedings, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 17 U 20 SOC I I :TY FOR THE PREVENTION op ACCIDENTS IX FACTORIES, MULHOUSE. Collection of Appliances and Apparatus for the Prevention of Acci- dents in Factories : 42 Plates, with Explanatory Text in French, German, and English. Sm. fol. Mulhouse, 1889. A 40 U 12 | SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS, Classified Di- gest of the Records of, 1701-1892. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 1 P 30 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON". Archwologia; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Illustrated. Vols. 1-56, and Index to vols. 1-50, 1779-1899. 59 vols. 4to. Lond., 1779- 1 899. E Index of Archaeological Papers published in 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1898. E Vnvsta Monvmenta qvas ad Rervm Britannicarvm memoriam conservandam Societas Antiqvariorvm Londuii svmptv svo edenda cvravit. Illust rated. Fol. Lond., 1835. B48P23 + 4 b SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. Ar- chwologia Scotica ; or, Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. 4to. Edink, 1792-1857. B 31 V 2-5 SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Proceed- ings [formerly Transactions]. Vols. 1-9, 15-21, 1872- 87, Nov., 1892-99, and Index to vols. 11-20, 1888-98. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-99. E SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Journal. Vols. 7-18, 1888-99. 12 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1888-99. E SODERINI, Conte Eduardo. Socialism and Catholicism. From the Italian, by Richard Jenery Shee. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 33 SODOM A [Giovanni Antonio Razzi]. Sodoma; by Con- tessa Priuli-Bon. [See Priuli-Bon, Contessa.] A 44 R 15 SOILED DOVE, The. The History of a Young Lady. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 45 SOISSONS, S. C. de. In Monte Carlo. [See Sienkiewicz, H.] J 22 T 35 SOLA, Lieut.-Col. Francisco Garcia. Basis for Legisla- tion on Fisheries Question. (Tnternat. Fisheries Ex- hib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 The Fisheries of Spain. (Tnternat, Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 SOLEY, A. J. Rose-. An Australian Watering-place and its Industries. (Westminster Review, Nov., 1894.) E SOLEY, Prof. James Russell. The Blockade and the Cruisers. [See Navy and the Civil War.] B 23 Q 21 SOLTS-COHEN, Dr. Solomon. [See Cohen, Dr. S. Solis-.] SOLLAS, Prof. William Johnson, F.R.S. Funafuti : the Study of a Coral Atoll. (Nat. Science, Jan., 1899.) E SOLLY, Henry Shaen. Life oi ley, Prof. H.] SOLLY, Dr. Samuel Edwin. I System of Practical Thera] Hand-book of Medical Climi Loi ! he (Hare. Dr. II. A.- SOLMS- LAUBACH, Hermann Graf zu. Die Corallin al-en des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoolotdsche Station Neapel.— Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P Leber Stigmariopsis Grand' Eurv. [See Pak'ontologis Abhandlungen.j Public Library of New South Wales. SOLOMON, Solomon Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] The Judgment of Paris. [See Lansing, Clarence.— The Nude in Art,] A 12 P 27 J SOMBART, Prof. Werner. Socialism and the Social Movement in the 19th Century, with a Chronicle of the Social Movement, 1750-1896. Translated by A. P. Atterbury ; with Introduction by Prof. J. B. Clark. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 15 S 3 SOMERSET, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of. England under Protector Somerset. [.SV Pollard, A. F.] B 40 II 3 SOMERSET, Frances Howard, Countess of. [Life of]; by Geoffrey Martin. (Vincent, Arthur. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 21 Q 20 SOMERSET, Lady Henry (Isabel.) The Woman's Cause. (Reid.A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Frances Elizabeth Willard. [See Willard, Frances Elizabeth.] C 24 S 9 SOMERVILLE, A. F. Dairying in New Zealand. (Bath and West and Southern Counties Hoc, Journ., 1897.) E SOMERVILLE, Rev. David. Sfc. Paul's Conception of Christ; or, the Doctrine of the second Adam. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G 23 S 1 SOMERVILLE, H. G. Curiosities of Impecuniosity. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 12 R 35 SOMMER, Heinrich Oskar. Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. [See Sidney, Sir P.] J 23 V 33 Life and Death of Mary Magdalene. [See Early English Text Soc, Pubs., extra ser., 78.] E SOMMER VILLE, Prof. Maxwell. Siam on the Meinan, from the Gulf to Ayuthia ; together with three Ro- mances illustrative of Siamese Life and Customs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 V 27 SONNENSCHEIN, A. The Franco-German War, 1870- 71. [See Maurice, Maj.-Gen. J. F.] B 40 W 1 SOPER, George A. Purification of Drinking-water by the use of Ozone. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 44 S 19 SOPER, Rev. J. A. The Petersham Pulpit. No. 1. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 48 1. The True Secret of Joy and Peace. SOPHIA, Electress of Hanover. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [SesTytler, Sarah.— Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover.] C 24 T 21 SOPHIA, Queen of Sweden and Norway. [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 SOPHIA DOROTHEA, Queen, Consort of George I. The Love of an uncrowned Queen : Sophie Dorothea, Con- sort of George I, and her Correspondence with Philip Christopher Count Kdnigsmarck ; by W. H. Wilkins. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1900. C 25 T 13, 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Tytler, Sarah.— Six- Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover.] C 24 T 21 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 SOPHOCLES. The Plays and Fragments ; with Critical Notes, Commentary, and Translation in English Prose, by Richard Claverhouse Jebb. Part 7 : Ajax. 8vo. Cambridge, 1896. H 9 T 23 SORBY, Henry Clifton, F.R.S. Detection of Sewage Contamination by the use of the Microscope, and on the purifying action of Minute Animals and Plants. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V4 SOREL, Albert. The Eastern Question in the 1 8th Cen- tury : the Partition of Poland and the Treaty of Kainardji. Translated by F. C. Bramwell ; with a Preface by C. R, L. Fletcher. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 R 12 SORELL, Col. William, Licut.-Governor of Tas) Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 f SOTHERN, Edward H. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G SOUEF, W. H. Dudley le. [See Le Souef, W. H. D.] SOULE, Charles Carroll. Points of agreement among Li brarians as to Library Architecture. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Brochure Ser.) A 37 R 8 SOULE, Frank, GIHON, Dr. John II., and NISBET, James. Annals of San Francisco: containing a Sum mary of the History of the first Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and Present Condition of California, and a complete History of all the Important Events con- nected with its great City ; to which are added, Bio- graphical Memoirs of some prominent Citizens. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1855. B 41 Q 3 SOULE, Richard. Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions. New ed., by Dr. G. Howison. 8vo. Philad., 1892. J 10 S 28 SOULSBY, Lucy Helen Muriel. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. [See Beale, Dorothea.] C 19 T 19 SOUM, Dr. J. M. Recherches Physiologiques sur l'Ap- pareil Respiratoire des Oiseaux. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. SOUTER, David Henry. Bubbles: his Book. [See Ir- vine, R. F.] MJ 2 V G The New Australian School Series. [See Irvine, R. F.] MG 2 T 52-55 SOUTH AFRICA DIRECTORY. The General Directory ■ .f South Africa for 1896-97. Roy. 8vo. Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICAN DIRECTORY. [See Cape Argus.] SOI' TH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vols. 1-10, 1877-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Cape Tovn, 1880-99. E SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLICS. [See Gt, Brit and I id.— South African Republics, for Official Reports.] SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLICS VERSUS GREAT BRITAIN. [See "True American."] B .'5(5 R 18 SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.—Government Departments— Re- ports and Publications. Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Adelaide Observatory. [See under main Author Entry.] Agricultural Bureau. Notes on Manuring: by Prof. I.owrie. Sm. 4to. Adelaide (n.d.) [Bound villi Journal of Agricultural Bureau of S. Aust., 7.] ME Report of the Proceedings of the Congresses, 1890-95, I 897, and Branch Conferences. 7 vols. 4to. Adelaide, <'J0-'J- ME Treatment of Fruit-trees and Vines ail'ected by Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases. 4th ed. Adelaide (n.d.) | Bound with the Journal of the Agricultural Bureau of S. Aust., 7.] E Journal of Agricultural Bureau of South Australia. [See Agricultural Bureau of South Australia.] ME Agriculture. Hints and Advice on the Breeding and I tearing of Poultry; by D. F. Laurie. 8vo. Adelaide, 1895. MA 1 P 38 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for 1894-98. •I vols. Sin. fol. Adelaide, 1895-98. ME [See also Journal oj Agriculture and Industry of South Blue Book. [See Civil Service, under this heading.] Census. [See Statistics, under this heading.] Civil Service. Blue Book, 1894. Sm. fol. Adelaide, i 895. M E in connection with first Report. .S„i. fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MF 13 P 1 t Customs. Comparative Customs Duties of the Aus- tralasian Colonies and Fiji, 1893-94, and Decisions bearing thereon. Sm. fol. Adelaide. 1894. MF 4 U 43 SOUTH AUSTRALIA— contd. Geology. Geological Reports. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1884-92. MA 9 Q 36 t Reports of Arltunga Gold-field and Hart's Range Mica- field, and Explorations North-east of Hart's Range, North-west of Alice Springs and of the Frew River Country, by H. Y. L. Brown ; also, Contributions to the Paleontology of South Australia, by R. Etheridge, jun. With Maps. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1897. MA 9 P 46 t Gold-fields. Reports of the Gold-fields of South Aus- tralia. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1857-93. MA 9 Q 37 t Government Gazette. Government Gazette, 1843-77, July, 1878-Dec, 1880, July, 1881-June, 1882, 1885- June, 1900. 86 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1844-1900. ME Hospitals for the Insane. Report on Hospitals for the Insane, 1886. 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S House of Assembly. [See Parliament, under this Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Medical Board. Register of Medical Practitioners, 1895. Sm. 4to. Adelaide, 1895. ME Mines. The Prospector's Pocket-book ; by G. A. Goyder. 12nio. Adelaide, 1888. MA 4 P 6 Record of the Mines of South Reef; the Mannahill Gold-f Gold-field ; Gold Discovery a and Plans by H. Y. L. Brown. 1900. Record of the Mines of South Australia. 3rd ed. 8vo. Adelaide, 1899. MA 4 U 2 Mining. Report of the Mining Commission, together with Minutes of Proceedings, Evidence, and Appendices. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1890. MF 4 U 42 a Wadnaminga la ; with Notes Adelaide, 189 7- MA 4 U 2 Northern Territory. Report of tne Nort tern Territory Commission, togetl er with Minutes o • Pi icee.lings, Evidence, and App ndices. Pol. Ade aid. Ml 9 Q 39 t Report on the Northern Territory Explo atio is by H. Y. L. Brown. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1890 Ml 9Q38t Reports on the Nort iern Territory of S( uth Australia. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1869-94. Ml 9 Q 38 t Parliament. Debate of the Houses ( f L gislature, 1880- 99. 48 vo s. nip. 8vo. Adelaide, 1858-99.' ME Proceedings of the Pari ament of South Aust ralii , 1851-99, and Indexes 1857-! 1. 115 vols. fol. A.lela de. 1852- 1 900. ME Public Library, Mus eum and Art Gal ery Annual Reports of the P blic' Library, Mus inn. and Art Gallery [formerly he South 'Austral an Institute] 1861-75, 1888-92, 896-97. 5 vols, sn . It >. and sm. fol. Adelaide, 186 2-98. 1861-To [South Aus tralian Institute] MJ 2 S 2, 4 1888-92, 1896-97. ME Public Library of New South Wales. SOUTH AUSTRALIA— contd. Public Service. [See Civil Service, under this heading.] Railways. Annual Report of the South Australian Rail- ways Commissioner, 1894-95. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1895. MF 2 U 9 School of Mines. School of Mines and Industries and Technological Museum. Annual Reports, 1889-90, 1896-97. 4 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1890-98. ME 15 Q Statistical Register, 1890, 1894. 2 vols. sm. fol. Ade- laide, 1892-95. ME Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of South Australia, 1837-73, 1875, 1877-84, 1886-99, and Index to Public Acts and Ordinances of the Province of South Australia to 1893. 30 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1871-1900. ME Stock and Brands. Brands Directory of South Aus- tralia to Dec. 31st, 1885. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1886. ME Village Settlements. Report of the Village Homestead Special Settlement System in New Zealand ; by Hon. W. Copley. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1891. MF 5 V 9 [All Reports not specifically mentioned under these sub- headings will be found in the Proceedings of the Par- liament.] SOUTH AUSTRALIA CHAMBER OF MANUFAC- TURES. Annual Report for year ending July, 1893. 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. ME 3 It Papers read before the Chamber of Manufactures. 8vo. Adelaide, 1875. MA 4 S 12 SOUTH AUSTRALIA POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1890-93, 1895-1900. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1890-99. ME12T SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COLONIST, Tim. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-29, March-Sept, 1840. Fol. Lond., 1840. MJ 2 U 9 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIRECTORY, 1864-65 1867 1872, 1878-79, 1882-83, 1885, 1890-95, 1898. 16 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1864-98. ME 12 U SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE. Addresses de- livered at the laying of the Foundation Stone by Sir W. F. Drummond Jervois, Rowland Rees, and Thomas King. 8vo. Adelaide, 1879. MB 3 Q 2 Annual Reports, 1861-79. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1861-79. MJ2S2; 2 S 4; and 2 VI [See also South Australia.— Public Library.] SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LITERARY SOCIETIES UNION. Year-book, 1884, 1886, 1888,1899-1900 «> vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1884-1900. ME 3 R SOUTH AUSTRAL UN MAGAZINE, The. Edited by James Allen. Vol. 1, July, 1841-Sept., 1842, and vol. 2, Nos. 2, 7, Nov., 1842, May and June, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1841-43. M J 4 Q 4, and 3 T 11 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN NEWS. No. 1-n.s. No. 43, June, 1841-Dec, 1845. 8vo. Lond., 1841-45. MF 5 R 24 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER, 1896-Sept., 1900. 14 vols. fol. Adelaide, 1896-1900. ME Guide to the Parliament of South Australia. [See Johns, P.] MC 1 Q 20 SOUTHAMPTON, Bishop of. [See Lyttleton, A. T.] SOUTH COAST TOURIST UNION. Illawarra or South Coast Tourist Guide, 1899. Ob. 18mo. Sydney, 1899. MD 8 P 42 SOUTH DAKOTA -.—State Departments— Reports and Publications. Agricultural College and Experiment Station. Bulletins, 40, 43. 8vo. Brookings, 1894-95. A 33 S 29 40. Native and Introduced Forage Plants. 43. Native Trees and Shrubs. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. National Art Library, South Kensington: Classified Catalogue of printed Books : Ceramics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K 17 T 14 Supplement to the Catalogue of the Science Library in the South Kensington Museum, 1891-95. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K 17 T 15 Syllabus of the Science and Art Department. 8vo. " Lond. (n.d.) G17U21 SOUTHERLAND, Lieut. W. H. H. Azimuth Tables. [See Schroeder, Lieut. S.] A 13 W 23 f The North Atlantic Cyclones of August, 1883. [See U.S.— Hydrographic Office.] A 13 W 20 t "SOUTHERN CROSS." The Anarchist foiled. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 5 S 29 SOUTHERN MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 2, March-Aug., 1864. 8vo. Auckland, 1864. MJ 4 Q 14 SOUTHERN SPECTATOR, The, Jan., May, 1859. 8vo. Melb., 1859. MJ3T11 SOUTHERN TASMANIAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIA- TION. Annual Report, 1887. 8vo. Hobart, 1887. MA 5 P 6 SOUTHESK, James Carnegie, 9th Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains: a Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport, and Adventure: 'being a Journey through the Hudson's Bay Co.'s Territories in 1859 and 1860. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1875. D 16 T 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. J 14 T 1 [See West, K If 11 R 1 lie True G ■asses. [See A 30 T 19 n Insecticid* ) s. (Queens- ME 9 IT 1 Agricult. J ourn., 1897.) ME 9 U SOU'r HEY, Robert. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See ( Jraik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Essay on. [See Saintsbury, G. — Essays SOUTHWORTH, Efiie A. Hackel, Eduard.] SOUVENIRS NUMISMATIQUKS du Cinquantieme Anniversaire de lTndependanco <}<■ la Belgique. Illus- trated. 4to. Bruxelles, 1885.' A 20 S 10 t SOI ' Z A, Joaquim Gomes de. Melanges de Calcul Integral. !u>. Leipzig, 1882. A 17 RIOt SOWERBY, James. Coloured Pictures of English Fungi or Mushrooms. 4 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1797-99. A 18 Q 1-4 t English Botany [incomplete]. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1790-1814." A 39 Q 12 The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those remains of Testaceous A ninials or Shells which have been preserved at various limes and depths in the earth. Illustrated. 7 vols. Svo. Lond., 1812-34. A 39 R 3-9 Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist,] A 39 V 15 SPA11R, Charles Barzillai l ribution of Wealth New York, 1895. Essay on the Present Dis- the United States. Svo. F 10 V 32 SPA LDING, Frederick Putnam. Hydrau Properties, Testing, and Use. 12m ?ext-book on Roads and Pavements. York, 1895. SPA I. DING, John. Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotia, and in England. [.W Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 R 21, : Cement : its New Yo •k, A 2 4Q N 34 A 2 -> R .",3 SPALDING, Prof. Volney M. The White Pine. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry.] A 22 P 1 t SPALDING CLUB. Publications. Nos. 1-36. Illus- trated. 37 vols. 4to. and fol. Aberdeen, 1841-69. B 40 R 1-S 12, and 40 U 29, 30 * •2:!. .Mi-cellar Abrc, is of Aberdeen : li\ the Charters of the Bur 7. Extracts from Presbyter; S. Fragment of a Memoir of J'' self, 1 i :;i. 9. Collection Banff. 5 for a Histoi 10. Short Abr P. Conic dgement of 11. Breiffe N Ladyes ; irration of t by G. Blakh Aberdee ts from the C i, 1398 10-25. e Shires of Aberdeen and s Distemper, 1639-49 ; by n the Records of tl SPA l/DING, John Lancaster, Bishop of Pei the Mind. 12mo. Chicago. 1894. ria. Things of G 15 U 2 SPALDING, Thomas Alfred. Elizabctha svo. Lond, 1880. , Dcmonology. G 26 Q 10 Life of Viee-Adm. Richard Badiley. [Se Adm. R.] Badiley, Vice- C 26 S 3 (Int. ;:) At -Health Exhib. Literature.) Public Library of New South Wales, SPARKES, W. E. Blackboard Drawing : Hints on Sketching Natural Forms. Sin. 4 to. Lond., 1898. A 34 V 2G SPARKS, Francis Edgar. Causes of the Maryland Revo- lution of 1869. (Johns Hopkins University. —Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 SPARTIANUS, Aelius. Historia Augusta. (Scriptores Histories Romame.) B 40 U 23 + SPEARMAN, Edmund R, A School for Street Arabs. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 SPEARS, John Randolph. The American Navy in the War with Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 19 R 11 The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn : a Study of Life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 24 T 26 SPECTATOR, The, 1898-99. Fol. Walgett, 1898-99. ME SPECTATOR, The: a Weekly Review of Politics, Litera- ture, Theology, and Art. Vols. 1-83, July, 1828- Dec, 1899. 83 vols. fol. Lond., 1828-99. E SPECTRUM, The: an Australian Journal of Science. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, Jan., Feb., 1891. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1891. [All published.} MA 4 V 22 SPEECHES AND TOASTS : how to make and propose them: a Hand-book of Social Speech making for every occasion; with a List of Toasts and Sentiments, Directions for the Arrangement of Local Parliaments, Temperance Addresses, and Rides of Social Precedence. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 V 3 SPEIR, John. Scotland : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A 39 W 28 J SPEIR, R. T. N. Functions of the Laity in the Scottish Episcopal Church. (Gore, Rev. G— Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 SPEIRS, E. B. History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Rev. A.] G 23 S 39 History of the Hebrews. [See Kittel, Prof. 11. ] 15 28 T 5 SPEIRS, Prof. Frederic W. Street Railway System of Philadelphia. (Johns Hopkins Universal v. " Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 15 SPENCE, C. Christian Ethics. [See Martensen, H, Bishop.] g 3 U 11-13 SPENCE, C. H. Teaching of Modern History. (Cookson, C— Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 SPENCE, Miss Catherine Helen. Graduated Succession Duties. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Social and Intellectual Aspects of Australian Life. (Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 1894-95.) E Two Theories for the Working of Bicameral Legislatures. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q "George Eliot's" Life and Works. [See Melb. Rev., 10.] ME 18 Q [Life of] "George Eliot." [See Melb. Rev., 1.] ME 18 Q [Life of] Sir Richard Hanson. [See Melb. Review, 1.] ME 18 Q SPENCE, George. Ivpiitalile Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846-49. F 1 S 30, 31 SPENCE, Henry Donald Maurice, Dean of Gloucester. Gloucester Cathedral. (OurEnglishMinsters.) A39P9 The White Robe of Churches of the 1 lth Century: Pages from the Story of Gloucester Cathedral. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 45 S 9 SPENCE, James Cannichael. The Conscience of the King. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 8 R 28 SPENCER, Aubrey. England : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agricult.] A39 W 11, 15 J "SPENCER, Edward." [See Mott, E. S.] SPENCER, Dr. Frederic. Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching. 8vo. Camb., 1897. G 18 Q 36 SPENCER, Hon. and Rev. George, "Father Ignatius of St. Paul." Life of ; by the Rev. Father Pius. 8vo. Dublin, 1866. C 22 S 13 SPENCER, Guilford L. Hand-book for Sugar Manufac- turers and their Chemists, containing Practical In- struction in Sugar-house control, the I illusion Process, selected methods of Analysis, Reference Tables, etc. 2nd ed. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 25 P 13 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 33 Q 25 Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Preparations. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.— Foods and Food Adulterants.] A 31 S 18 SPENCER, Herbert. The Principles of Biology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. A 32 Q 19, 20 The Principles of Sociology. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 12 R 24 Various Fragments. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 S 3 Herbert Spencer, the Man and his Work ; by H. Mac- pherson. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 567 SPENCER, Herbert— cimtd. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, A.— Human Docu- ments.] J 14 U 15 [Criticism of] Spencer's Principles of Sociology ; by A. M. Topp. [See Melbourne Review, 2.] ME 18 Q [Port rait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 SPENCER, Prof. Walter Baldwin. Anatomy of Amphi- pUjcktxUrna, (Roy. Soc., Vict., Trans., 1.) ME 21 T Description of a new species of Marsupial from Central Australia. (Boy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 189G.) ME 1 P New Marsupials from Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proa, 1895.) ME 1 P Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. 4 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. MA 3 R 60-63 , and GILLEN, Francis James. Account of the Engwurra, or Fire Ceremony, of certain Central Aus- tralian Tribes. (Boy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Native Tribes of Central Australia. Illustrated. Svo- Lond., 1899. MA 1 Q 7 Notes on certain of the Initiation Ceremonies of the A runta Tribe, Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Remarks on Totemism as applied to Australian Tribes. (Anthropological Inst, of Great Britain and Ireland, Journ., 1899.) E . , and HALL, Thomas Sergeant. New Genus of Terrestrial Isopoda allied to the Genus Phreatoicus. (Boy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P , and SWEET, Georgina. Structure and Develop- ment of the Hairs r.f Monotremes and Marsupials. Ft. 1. (Quart. Journ. of Micros. So., Jan., 1899.) E SPENDER, Harold. Parliament during the Queen's SPENDER, Dr. Kent. Rheumatoid Arthri of Medicine.) md GABBOD, Dr. Archibald. ;. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System A 26 T 36 SPEXGEL, Prof. Johann Wilhelm. Die Enteropncusten dcs Golfes vtni Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 18 t SIM (KB, Henrv. and Sounds/' Sights and Soun entire Histor Svo. Lond., Far 1 I'a of the Day, comprising an m Spirit Manifestations. G 19 T 8 SPIELHAGEN, Friedrich. Sammtliche Bomane. 22 vols. 12mo. Leipzig, 1895-99. J 24 T 4-25 1, 5. Problematische Naturen. •2. Die Ton Hohenstein. 3, 4. Hammer und Amboss 6, 7. In Reih und Glied. 8, 9. Sturmflut. 10. 13. Kleine Romano. 11. Allzeit voran. 12. Was die Schwalbe sang. 14. Piatt Land. 16. Uhlenhans. 17. Qnisisana. 18. Au der Heilquelle. 19. Noblesse oblige. •20. Eine neuer Pharao. 21, 22. Was will das werden? SPIELMANN, Marion H. The History of Punch. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 9 V 6 Hitherto unidentified Contributions of W. M. Thackeray to Punch. [See Thackeray, W. M.] J 17 U 12 John Buskin. [See Buskin, J.j C 23 T 20 Millais and his Works, with special reference to the Ex- hibition at the Boyal Academy, 1898. [See Millais, Sir J.E.] C 23 17 4 SPILLAN. Dr. Daniel. Practical Manual of Animal Magnetism. [See Teste, Dr. A.] G 15 U 6 SPINGABN, Joel Elias. History of Literary Criticism in the Renaissance, with special reference to the in- fluence of Italy in the Formation and Development of Modern Classicism. 12mo. New York, 1899. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Literature.) J 12 P 26 SPINOZA, Benedict de. John Bunyan and Benedict Spinoza. [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 Sketch of. [See Benan, E.- -Poetry of the Celtic Paces.] J 16 R 41 SPIRIT OF THE AGE, The. Jan., 1856. 4to. Sydney, 1 SPIRIT OF LITERATURE, ARTS, & SCIENCES, 1845. Imp. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) MJ 3 W 16 SPIRIT OF THE PUBLIC JOUR! 1797-1805. 9 vols. 12mo. Lond., 181 SPIRITUALIST, Tin': be eads .1 truths [See G., D.F.J ml Johnson. 1 LS. Vols. 1-9, (i. J 26 Q 37-45 .osition of Psy- nd of the faith G 15 U 5 to-Micrography. A 41 S 22 SPLASHES. Vol. 1, May, 1899-April, 1900. Illustrated. Fol. Sydney, 1899-1900. ME 17 T JPiiblic Library of New South Wales. SPON, Ernest and F. N. Workshop Receipts. 5th ser. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 P 5* SPONT, Alfred. Letters and Papers relating to the War with France, 1512-13. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 10.] E SPORTSMAN, The, July, 1839-May, 1848. 18 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838-48. A 37 U 1-18 SPRENG, Rev. Samuel P. History of the Evangelical Association. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist, Ser.) G 12 V 19 SPRENT, Charles Percy. Exploration on the West Coast of Tasmania. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1885 80.) ME 20 P SPRIGGE, J. J. Shortcomings of the machinery for Pauper Litigation and a certain defect of Legal Edu- cation, and their joint amendment. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 17 P 15 SPRIGGE, Samuel Squire. Life and Times of Thomas Wakley, Founder and first Editor of the Lancet, M.P. for Finsbury, and Coroner for West Middlesex. [See Wakley, T.] C 24 Q 18 SPR1NGTHORPE, Dr. John William, and MULLENS, Dr.George Lane. Diet Lists for Australian Medical Practitioners. Ob. 32mo. Sydney, 1890. MA 2 P 3 SPROTT, Dr. Gregory. Disposal of our Dead by Crema- tion. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q Tuberculosis : Cause, Mode of Infection, and Prevention. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1890.) ME 1 Q SPRUCE, Richard. Hepatiae of the Amazon and of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 35 Q H SPRY, F P. New Butterfly, Lycemm Cyrilus. [See Vict. Nat,, May, 1897.] ME P SPRY, W. J. J. Life on the Bospho! City of the Sultan ; Turkey Past 8vo. Lond., 1895. s ; Doings in the d Present. Roy. B 30 U 4 SPURGEON, Rev. Charles Haddon. Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit and the New Park-street Pulpit: being Sermons preached by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. 45 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855-99. G 20 P 1-Q 21 Autobiography; compiled from his Diary, Letters, and Records by his Wife and his Private Secretary. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. 4 to. Lond., 1897-1900. C 17 S 21-24 f [Portrait of.] [See [Sketch of.] [See Em ( Pe >f Empire.] B 22 11 18 C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.-Tvpical Christie Leaders.] C 23 T 1 SPURZHEIM, Dr. Johann Caspar. Lectures on Phren- ology. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1837. G 15 U 11 SQUATTERS' DIRECTORY, The. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1849. MD 4 V 32 SQUATTERS DIRECTORY and Key to Ham's Squat- ting Map, 1859. 12mo. Melb., 1859. MD 4 P 32* SQUIRE, P. W. Punting. [See Rowe, R. P. P.— Rowing.] A 17 U 48 SQUIRE, Peter. Companion to the latest edition of the British Pharmacopoeia, comparing the strength of its various preparations with those of the United States and other Foreign Pharmacopeias ; to which arc added, not official preparations and Practical Hints on Pre- scribing. 17th ed., revised by P. W. Squire. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 40 P 20 nd Peter Wyi of thirty of the London Hospitals. 7th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1900. A 20 P 42 SQUIRE, Dr. William. Change in type of Epidemic Disease. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 STAAL, L. lets over de Reis door Tor schrift voor bet Zeewezen, 1854.) iraat. (Tij< STAEL-HOLSTETN, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de. [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. Archibald. -Essays.] J 14 U 13 Memoirs, Letters, and Miscellaneous Papers of Prince de Eigne. [See Ligne, Prince de.] 13 41 P 8, 9 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 ST^ENDER, Josef. Chirographorum in Regia Bibliotheca Paulina Monasteriensi Catalogus 4 to. Vratislavia», 1889. K 13 T 11 f STAGG, A. Alonzo, and WILLIAMS, Henry L. Scien- tific and Practical Treatise on American Football for Schools and Colleges. 18mo. New York, 1894. A 29 S 22 STAINER, Sir John. Musical Education in Elementary Schools. (Internal Health Exhib.- Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 , and BARRETT, W. A. Dictionary of Musical Terms. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1889. " A 44 V 10 STAINFORTH, Francis Edward. Works of R. B. Sheridan. [See Sheridan, lit. Hon. R, B.] H 13 P 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. STAIR Rev. John B. Jottings on the Mythology and Spirit-lore of old Samoa. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1*96.) ME 6 It Names and Movements of the Heavenly Bodies as looked a' from a Samoan point of view. (Polynesian Soc, J-urn., 1898.) " ME G It Old Samoa : or, Flotsam and Jetsam from the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MB 3 Q 1 Pal. il, i : a Sea-worm eaten by the Samoans. (Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1897.) ME 6 R Romance of Samoan Natural History; or, Records re- lating to the Manu Mea, or Red Bird of Samoa, now nearly if not quite extinct, (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S STANDARD, The: Free Presbyterian Magazine of Vic. toria. Nos. 6-8, 16, June-Aug., 1859, April, 1860. 8vo. Melb., 1859-60. MG 2 V 13 STANDARD DICTIONARY of the English Language. Edited by I. K. Funk. 2 vols. roy. 4 to. Lond. (n.d.) J 16 V 22, 23 The Exploits of; by H. Johnson. Bvo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 1 STANFORD, Edward. Map showing the position of the Yukon Gold-fields, 1897. 12mo. Lond., 1897. D 1 1 Q 10 STAN FORD, Leland. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Leland Stanford, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, 1894. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. C 24 S 2 Africa. [See Keane, A. H.] 1) 14 R 15 Asia. [See Keane, A. H.] 1) 17 R 22 Europe. [See Chisholm, G. G.] I) 15 R 21 North America. [See Dawson, S. E.] D 15 P 20 North America. [See Gannett, H.] D 15 R 20 STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield. [See Chesterfield, 4th Earl of.] STAN I HURST, Richard. First four Books of the vEnois of P. Yirgilius Maro. [.SVr English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] .1 3T 22 STANLEY, Art Penrhyn, Dean of W rials of Canterbury : the lurder of Becket ; Ed wan Shrine. 2nd ed. Illustr irs and Verses of, 1829-81. Edited by 1 STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn- God in History. [See Bum The Influence of Dean Stanley •ltd. ] G 23 S 20-22 ious Thought ; by Mrs. Martha Webster. [See Melb. Rev., 7.] ME 18 Q Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. [See Church, R. W., Dean —Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Rectorial Addresses, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 [Sketch of.] [See Clifford, Rev. J.— Typical Christian Leaders.] C 23 T 16 [Sketch of.] [See Haweis, Rev. H. R.— The Dead Pul- pit.] G 19 T 21 Three Introductory Lectures on the Study of Ecclesiasti- cal History. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 STANLEY, Edward. Enphorlna DnumnmuUi. (Agricult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Tuberculosis and Tuberculin. (Agricult. Gaz.,' N.S.W., 1897.) ME 9 R Tuberculosis in Cattle and Dr. Koch's Tuberculin. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R STANLEY, Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby. [See Derby, 14th Earl of.] STANLEY, Edward Lyulph. Organisation of Secondary Education, locally and by the State. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 12 STANLEY, Henry Charles. Re-erection of the Albert Bridge, Brisbane. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 132.) E STANLEY, Sir Henry Morton. Magdala : the Story of the Abyssinian Campaign of 1 SCO 07. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 1 P 44 The Land of the Pigmies. [See Bui Thr ■ Ye; i Savage Africa. [See I ws, C ipt. G.] 1) 13 U 15 ecle, I ] D13U7 Litcra " J 14 R 26 i Pra erita. [See TAN LEY, Capt. hven. Life Of] by E. E. Morris. (Melbou rue Re\ iew, 7.) ME 18 Q Public Library of New South Wales. STANLEY, Thomas Lorde, 1 st Earl of Derby. [See Derby, 1st Earl of.] STANLEY, William Ford. Notes on the Nebular Theory in relation to Stellar, Solar, Planetary, Cometary, and Geological Phenomena. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 S 34 Surveying and Levellii practically described. « Instruments theoretically and 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 R 20 STANTHORPE PROPRIETARY TIN-DREDGING CO. Prospectus. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 U 18 STANTON, Arthur Gwyer. Report on British-grown Tea. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 35 Q 9 STANTON, Frank Lebby. Lond., 1894. Songs of the Soil. 12; STANTON, Mary Olmsted. Encyclopedia of Face and Form Reading; or, Personal Traits, both Physical and Mental, revealed by outward signs through Prac- tical and Seient ifie rinsiognomy. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1895. G 16 V 24 STANYHURST, Richard. [See Stanihurst, R,] STANYON, J. Sandys. Communion of the Christian with God. [See Herrmann, Prof. W.] G 25 Q 16 STARBTJCK, Edwin Diller. Psychology of Religion : an Empirical Study of the Growth of Religious Conscious ness ; with a Preface by Prof. W. James. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Contemporary Science Ser.) G 24 P 33 STARK, Arthur C. W. L.] Birds of South Africa. [See Sclater, A 37 T 11 STARK, Francis R. The Aboli the Declaration of Paris. 8v< f Privatt vrij;tr and >w York, 1897. F 18 R 13 STARK, John. Proceedings in Congress upon the accept- ance of the Statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster, presented by the State of New Hampshire. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1895. C 24 S 1 STARKEY, E. A. [See Henty, En I Bush Rhymes. Mil 1 V 14 STARLING, Dr. Ernest Henry. The Mechanism of the Secretion of Urine. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 The Production and Absorption of Lymph. (Schafer Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 STARR, Prof. Frederick. Some First Steps in Human Progress. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 33 S 19 Catalogue of a Collection of objects illustrating the Folk- lore of Mexico. [See Folk-lore Soc, Pubs., 43.] E STARB, Dr. Moses Allen. Locomotor Ataxia, Acute In- fantile Spinal Paralysis, Myelitis, and Amyotrophic Lateral Paralysis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 Poliomyelitis Anterior Acuta. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Syringomyelia STAS, Jean Servais. Bruxelles, 1894. s completes. 3 vols. sm. 4to. A 10 X 20-22 f STATEMENT of the Principles and Objects of a _ National Society for the Cure and Prevention of Pau- perism by means of systematic Colonization. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 Q 35 STATESMAN S YEAR-BOOK, The, 1864-1900. 37 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1864-1900. E STATE-TRACTS, in two parts: the first part being a Collection of several Treatises relating to the Govern- ment, privately printed in the Reign of King Charles II ; the second part consisting of a further Collection of several choice Treatises relating to the Government 1660-89. Fol. Lond., 1692-93. B 20 R 3 t STATHAM, Francis Reginald. South Africa as it is. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 42 Paul Kruger and his Times. [See Kriiger, P.] C 25 R 2 STATHAM, H. Heathcote. Architecture among the Poets. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 45 S 10 Modern Architecture: a Bock for Architects and the public. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 8 STATIST, The: a Journal of Practical Finance and Trade. Vols. 35-45, 1895-June, 1900. 11 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-1900. E STATISTICAL REPORTER, The: a Monthly Journal devoted to Economic, Agricultural, and Statistical En- quiries. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1876-77. E STAUNTON, Howard. Chess-player's Hand-book: a Popular and Scientific Introduction to the Game of Chess, With Bibliography. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29S41 STAUPITZ, Johann von. [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 STEAD, David G. Australian Crustacean Fauna. (Lin- nean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898-99.) ME 2 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 571 STEAD, William Thomas. Letters from Julia ; or, Light from the Borderland: a series of Messages as to the ].;f ■ beyond the Grave, received by automatic writing from one who has gone before. 18mo. Lond., 1898. G 9 U 23 Mr. « 'arnegie's Conundrum : £40,000,000, what shall I do with it? 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1900.) F8 T 4 Real Ghost Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 2-1 U 41 The Story that transformed the World ; or, the Passion Play at Ober Ammergau in 1890: the complete Ger- inan and English Text of the Passion Play. Illus- trated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1890. G 23 V 19 i about Rui 8vo. Lond., 1888. F8Q1 The United States of Europe on the Eve of the Parlia- ment of Peace. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F16T14 A ( 'entury of Wrong. [See Reitz, F. W.] B 41 R 2 Character Sketch of. [Set Lynch, Arthur.— Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Gladstone, 1809-98: a Character Sketch. [See Glad- stone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 24 R 23 Is War now impossible ? [See Bloch, I. S.] F 16 S 1G [See also Review of Reviews.] STEAM ENGINEERING SERIES. Boilers and Furnaces. [See Barr, W. M.] A 38 T 20 STEAMSHIP-OWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF AUS- TRALASIA. Special Report of the Conference be- tween the Steamship-owners' Association of Austral- asia and the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia and the Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australia, on the subject of the proposed reduction of wages, held in the Town Hall, Sydney, Sept., 1886. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF 4 Q 49 STEARNS, Frank Preston. Midsummer of Italian Art, containing an Examination of the Works of Fra Angelico, Michel Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi, and Correggio. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 23 S 25 Writers. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 14 V 17 Sketches from Concord and Appledore. 8vo. New York, 1895. I) 16 Q 3 STEA RNS, J. N. The People v. the Liquor Traffic. [See Finch, J. B.] F 15 P 29 STEA RNS, Robert E. C. List of Shells collected on the West Coast of South America. [See United States.— National Museum.] A 37 S 48 Report on Mollusks. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 STEBBING, Rev. Frank Cole. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 U 11 STEBBING, William. Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1866. G 4 V 31 Charles Henrv Pearson: Memorials by himself, his wife, and his friends. [See Pearson, C. H.] C 25 T 16 STECTTER, William A. Gymnastics : a Text-book of the German-American System of Gymnastics, especially adapted to the use of Teachers and Pupils in Public and Private Schools and Gymnasiums. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 18 R 57 STEDMAN, Edmund Clarence. Poetical Works of. House- hold ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston (n.d.) H 1 S.22 Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 Works of E. A. Poe. [See Poe, E. A.] J 14 R 1-10 STEDMAN, Dr. Thomas L. Modern Greek Mastery : a Short Road to Ancient Greek. 8vo. New York, 1896. J 9 Q 30 STEEL, Flora [Mrs — .] On the Face of the Waters. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 S 40 The Potter's Thumb. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 S 41 STEEL, Rev. Robert. The Presbyterian Magazine. [See Presbyterian Magazine, The.] MG 2 V 21-25 STEEL, Thomas. Australian Land Planarians. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P Chemistry of Photography. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. (Harrington Ser.) MA 4 P 12 Land Planarians from Fiji, with Descriptions of new species. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1897.) ME 2 P The Mesquit Tree and its sweet pods. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S Observations on Peripatus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Red Rain Dust. (Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898 ) ME 18 S STEEL, William Heron. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 100.) E STEEVENS, George Warrington. Egypt in 1898. Illus- trated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. D 20 Q 19 From Capetown to Ladysmith : an unfinished Record of the South African War. Edited by V. Blackburn. With .Map. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. B 37 P 16 In India. With Map. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. D 13 P 17 The Land of the Dollar. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. F 10 V 44 Naval Policy ; with some Account of the Warships of the Principal Powers. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 12 T 25 JPublio Library of Neiv South Wales. STEEVENS, George Warrington— contd. Things seen: Impressions of Men, Cities, and Books; with a Memoir by W. E. Henley. 12mo. Edinb., With the Conquering Turk : Confessions of a Bashi- Bazouk. With Maps. Svo. Edinb., 1897. B 27 R 12 With Kitchener to Khartum. 2nd ed. With Maps. Svo. Edinb., 1898. B 37 R 2 STEINFELD, E. Manual Training and Technical Edu- cation. 8vo. Melb., 1890. [Bound with Report of Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, 1890.] ME 8 Q STEINMETZ, Charles Proteus, and BERG, Ernst J. Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phe- "vo. New York, 1827. A 37 R 5 STEINSCHNEIDER, Moritz. Ver/.eichniss der Hebnei- schen Handschriften. [See Berlin— Kijnigliche Bib- liotliek.] E STEJNEGER, Leonhard. Directions for Collecting Reptiles and Batrachians. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 47 Report on Reptiles and ISatrachians. [See United States. — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 7 Report on the Rookeries of the Commander Islands. [See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] A 40 V 7 Results of a Biological Reronnoissancc of South Central Idaho. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 5 Results of a Biological Survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Biological Survey.] A 46 U 3 STELLWAGEN, Dr. Thomas C. Extraction of Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 STELWAGON, Dr. Henry W. The Modern Treatment of Diseases of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. H. A.- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 " STENDHAL." [See Beyle, M. H] STENHOUSE, Fanny [Mrs. T. B. H.] Tell it All : Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism. Illus- trated. 8vo. Hartford, 1875. G 23 S 18 STENNING, John Frederick. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Literature. [See Anecdote Oxoniensia, Seni. ser. l.| E STENZEL, A. The British Navy. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bond., 1898. B 22 V 22 STEP, Edward, WATSON, William, and BOIS, D. Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1896- 97. A 31 S 5-8 STEPHANUS, Hem e Estienne, H.] STEPHEN, Sir Alfred. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 f STEPHEN, H. L. State Trials, Political and Social. With Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1899. F12S31, 32 STEPHEN, Sir James Fitzjames, and Herbert. Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedure in Indictable Offences. Svo. Lond., 1883. F 8 R 22 STEPHEN, Leslie. Social Rights and Duties : Addresses to Ethical Societies. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 29, 30 Studies of a Biographer. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 1, 2 Aims of Ethical Societi Ethics and Religion.] The Backwater of Life. [See Payn, J.] J 21 S 31 Works of Siiiiiuil Kirh;ii-dson. [See Richardson, S.l J 4 V 1 , and LEE, Sidney Lazarus. Dictionary of National Biography. Vols. 42-63. 22 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893-1900. " C 11 R 16-37 STEPHEN, St. [Life of.] [See Newman, J. H, Cardinal. -Lives of the English Saints.] G 26 S 10 STEPHEN, Henry John. Treatise on the Principles of Pleadings in Civil Actions, comprising a Summary Account of the whole proceedings in a suit at law. 7th ed., with alterations by Francis F. Pinder. 8vo. Lond., 1866. F 12 Til STEPHENS, Alfred George. The Sutueld Case. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MF 5 Q 12 Where the dead men lie, and other Poems. [See Boake, B. H. T.l Mil 1 V 21 STEPHENS, Edward. Tai (Melho le Review, ME 18 Q STEPHENS, Ellis. [Trial of.] [See Stephen, II. L.— State Trials.] F 12 S 32 STEPHENS, H. Bee-keeping for extracted Honey. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Construction of the Langstroth Hive. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U STEPHENS, H. R. First Steps in Bee-keeping. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., Sept., 1899.) ME 9 U Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. STEl ' I [ENS, James Brunton. [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. I Mel),. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q [Lift: of] ; by A. Sutherland. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q Mute Discourses. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q [Portrait and Sketch of]; by A. Sutherland. (Once a Month, Dec., 1885.) MJ 1 V 21 [P. ,rl rait of.] [See Album of Aust. Writers.] MA 45 P { [Poi trait of.] [See Turner, H. G.— The Development of Australian Literature.] MJ 3 S 24 STEl' MENS, J. W. W. Cholera Asiatica. [See Kant- hack, Dr. A. A.] A 26 T 34 STEPHENS, Thomas. Land Routes for Exploration of the Western Country. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Notes on a specimen of Basalt-glass from near Macquarie Plains; with Remarks on the Obsidian Buttons. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q STEPHENS, W. P. Supplement to "Small Yachts," con- taining Examples of Yachts and small craft built in America and England between 1890 and 1896. Illus- trated. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 29 Q 3 } STEPHENS, William Richard Wood, Dean of Winchester. Memoir of Richard Durnford, sometime Bishop of Chichester. [See Durnford, R., Bishop.] C 25 S 14 STEPHENSON, O, and SUDDARDS, F. Text-book dealing with Ornamental Design for Woven Fabrics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 38 STEPHENSON, .James. Experiments in Orange Ship- ment by the Board for Exports. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Export of Produce. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Export of Colonial Produce. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., I 899.) ME 9 R Storage of Eggs. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R STEPMAN, — , and CALOZET, T. Le Modelage Scolaire. Illustrated. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1891. A 40 V 8 STEPNEY, Lady. Memoirs of Lady Russell and Lady I Lerbert, 1623-1723. [See Russell, Lady.] C 26 P 4 " STEPNIAK." [See Kravchinsky, S. M.] STERLING, Lieut.-Col. Sir Anthony Coningham. The Story of the Highland Brigade in the Crimea. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " B31U19 STERLING, John, and EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Cor- respondence between ; with a Sketch of Sterling's Life, by R, W. Emerson. 12mo. Boston, 1897. C19P13 STERNBERG, Dr. George Miller. Disinfection. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 STERNE, Rev. Laurence. [Sketch of.] [See Whibley, C— Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 STERNHOLD, Thomas. The whole Book of Psalms. [See Bibles and Testaments.— English.] G 9 U 30 STERRY, Wasey. Annals of the King's College of our Lady of Eton beside Windsor. Illustrated. 8vo. Lon'd., 1898. G 18 R 72 STETSON, Charlotte Perkins [Mrs.] Women and Economics: a Study of the Economic Relations between Men and Women as a factor in Social Evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 21 STEVENS, C. J. The Barrier Silver and Tin-fields in 1888. 8vo. Adelaide, 1888. MA 4 T 10 STEVENS, Catherine. [See Crowe, Catherine.] STEVENS, Rev. George Barker. Theology of the New Testament. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. (Intermit, Theolog. Lib.) G 23 R 35 STEVENS, Joseph Earle. Yesterdays in the Philippines. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 14 R 24 STEVENS, Mathilde. Impre de 1859. 12mo. Paris, 1859. A 33 R 34 STEVENS, W. Teaching of Orthic Shorthand. Pt. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 23 S 35 2. Rules for Reporting, for the use of Teachers and Students of Orthographic Shorthand. Book of Psalms, written in full style. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Shorthand.] G 23 S 35 New Testament : authorised version, written in Orthic Shorthand. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Shorthand.] G 23 S 34 STEVENSON, Elizabeth Cleghorn. [See Gaskell, Eliza- beth Cleghom.] STEVENSON, Rev. Joseph. The Avenbite of Inwvt [See Michel, Daniel.] G 17 Q 8 1 Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis de rebus gentis Ricard primi regis Anglia. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 5 Gildas de Excidio Britai Pubs.] Nennii Historia Britonu Pubs.] Venerabilis Beda- Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 1 Venerabilis Be.he Opera Historica .Minora. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 11 2 STEVENS ON, R« >ert. Elas icity a Modt of Motion; being i popula desc npti. 1 of a new i nd important discov cry m sc ence. i Franci co, 1895. A 21 V 22 Public Library of New South Wales. STEVENSON, Robert Alan Mowbray. The Art of Velazquez. Ito. Loud., 189G. A 13 T 4 t Velasquez. [With Bibliography.] Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1899. A 44 R 1 Peter Paul Rubens. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 35.] E STEVENSON, Robert Louis [in fall Robert Lewis Balfour]. Edinburgh. Illustrated' by T. Hamilton Crawford. 8vo. Loud., 1896. B 16 Q 47 Lowden Sabbath Morn. Illustrated by A. S. Boyd. Sm. 4 to. Loud., 1898. H 3 Q 37 New Arabian Nights. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 25 U 21 St. Ives : being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 L T 20 The Silverado Squatters. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 U 19 S.-ngs of Travel. 8vo. Lond., 1896. II 10 W 8 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, with other Fables. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 38 Treasure Island. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 37 Weir of Hermiston: an unfinished Romance. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 39 Letters to his Family and Friends ; selected and edited, with Notes and Introductions, by S. Colvin. With Portr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 S 16, 17 [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melb. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q [Life of]; by M. M. Black. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 12 Robert Louis Stevenson; by L. C. Cornford. 12mo. Edinb., 1899. (Modern English Writers.) C 27 R 6 Robert Louis Stevenson's Edinburgh Days; by E. B. Simpson. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' C 26 P 10 Vailima Letters: being Correspondence addressed by R. L. Stevenson to Sidney Colvin, 1890-91. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MC 1 T 26 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, H.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, Edmund.— Criti- cal Kit-kats.] J U U 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, Prof. J. B. — Aspects of Fiction.] J 22 T 45 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C— My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 [Essay on.] [See Strachey, J. St. L.— From Grave to Gay.] J 14 U 38 The Plays of. [See Henley, W. E.] H 10 S 19 Prefatory Poem to the Stickit Minister. [See Crockett, 8. R.] J 25 V 3 Robert Louis Stevenson : an Elegy. [See Le Gallienne, Richard.] H 10 W 5 [Speech on.] [See Rosebery, Earl- Appreciations and Addresses.] J 9 R 6 , and OSBOURNE, Lloyd. The Wrecker. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 24 U 26 STEVENSON, W. H. Crawford Collection. [See Napier, A. S.] E STEWARDS' AND COOKS' UNION OF AUSTRAL- ASIA. Special Report of the Conference between the Steamship-owners' Association of Australasia and the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia and the Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australia, on the subject of the proposed reduction of wages. [See Steamship-owners' Assoc, of Australasia.] MF 4 Q 49 STEWART, Aubrey. Archaeological Researches in Pales- tine. [See Palestine Exploration Fund.] B 13 V 16, 17 t STEWART, Dr. David D. Acute and Chronic Gastric Catarrh, Gastric Atrophy, Gastric Ulcer, Gastric Cancer, and Gastric Dilatation. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 STEWART, Field-Marshal Sir Donald Martin. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C. — Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 STEWART, Dugald. Dissertations exhibiting the progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy since the revival of letters in Europe ; with numerous and important additions now first published. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. G 16 V 7 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, to which is prefixed Introduction and pt. 1st of the Out- lines of Moral Philosophy ; with many new and im- portant additions. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. " ols. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. G 16 V 1-3 Philosophical Essays. Iiilosophieal Essays ; with additions. Edited by Si TMJnV, 1S77 2nded. 8vo. Edinb, 1816. G 14 R 30 ■w and important i Hamilton. 8vo. G 16 V 6 The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, to which is prefixed pt, 2nd of the Outlines of Moral Philosophy ; with many new and important additions. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb, 1877. G 16 V 4, 5 STEWART, George Nixon. [Sketch of] Hon. A. Douglas. [See Once a Month, June, 1885.] MJ 1 V 20 STEWART, H. Cockburn. Agricultural Resources of Seychelles, (n.p.) 1881. A 11 X 15 f STEWART, Dr. James. Acute and Chronic Articular Rheu- matism, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 STEWART, Rev. James. Lovedale, South Africa. Illus- trated. 4to. Edinb, 1894. D 17 S 12 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 575 STEWART, James Douglas. Qualifications of Military I Amounts. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 It Rcporton the Disease affecting Cattle in the Moruya District. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R STEWART, John. The Ayrshire Gov/. (Queensland A ;ricult. Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 U STEWART, Dr. Robert Willson. Aims and Practice of '■"■•aching Physical Science. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chap- 1-rs on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 STEWART, Sir Thomas Grainger. Freidreich's Ataxia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 Spistic Paraplegia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 STEWARTON, — . Memoirs of Talleyrand. [See Tal- leyrand de Perigord, Prince C. M.] B 26 V 24, 25 STICKNEY, Albert, State Control of Trade and Com- merce by National or State authority. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 1 R 28 STICKNEY, Sarah. [See Ellis, Sarah.] STIEGLER, Gaston. Memoirs of Marshal Oudinot. [See I ludinot, Marshal Nicolas Charles.] C 21 U 13 STILES, C. Wardell. Sheep Scab. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr. -Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 STILL, Alfred. Alternating Currents of Electricity and the Theory of Transformers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 6 STILL, Dr. George Frederic. Rheumatoid Arthritis in Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 STILLING, Dr. Johann Heinrich Jung-. Theory of Pneu- matology; in reply to the question, "What ought to lie believed or disbelieved concerning Presentiments, Visions, and Apparitions, according to Nature, Rea- son, and Scripture." 8vo. Lond., 1834. G 15 U 14 STILLMAN, I Ea ).-. Thomas B. Engineering Chemistry: a Quantitative Chemical Analysis for the use s, Chemists, and Engineers. Illustrated. mi, 1897. A 38 U 1 STILLMAN, William James. The Old Rome and the New, and other Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 14 Union of Italy, 1815-95. 8vo. Cainb., 1898. (Camb. Hist. Ser.) B 34 Q 19 ) Crispi. [See Crispi, F.] C 26 Q 9 STIRLING, Dr. Edward Charles, F.R.S. Anthropology. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin.— Horn Scientific Ex- pedition.) MA 3 R 63 Hydatid Disease. [See Verco, Dr. J. C] A 26 T 35 PltiixriJtDiit* i/ii/ns and its identity with So'parnodon Ramsaya. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 S ; and ZIETZ, A. H. C. Description of the bones of the leg and foot of Geuyornis Netvtoni, a Fossil Struthious Bird from Lake Callabonna. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans, and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 S STIRLING, J. Propagation of the Salmonidse. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fish. Literature.) A 34 R 11 STIRLING, James. Geological Surveys of various Coun- tries. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P Mineral Wealth of Victoria. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Observations of Temperature, ifcc, in the Deep Mines of Bendigo. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Victorian Brown Coal-beds. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P STIRLING, Sir James. Present State and Condition of the Colony of Western Australia. [See Present State.] STIRLING-MAXWELL, Sir William. [See Maxwell, Sir William Stirling-.] STIRTON, Dr. James. New Australian and New Zealand Lichens. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S New Classification of the genus Pyxine. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S STISTED, Georgiana M. True Life of Sir Richard F. Burton. [See Burton, Sir R, P.] C 19 T 17 STOP-THUS, Joannes. Eclog; Augustus Meineke. Vol STOBART, James Willia Founder. 12mo. Loi iri duo ; recvnsuit •o. Lipsise, 1864 G 2 V 45 Hampson. Islam and its ., 1895. G 4 W 16 STOCK, St. George. Lectures in the Lyceum: totle's Ethics for English Readers. [See Ai ■, Aris- oteles.] G 11 U 15 IOC E EXCHANGE YEAR 1>,00K, Th,: [See Skin- . Th. STOCK KB, Dr. James Reginald. Sea-sickness. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ST. ICK MAN, Dr. Ralph. Diseases of the Mood. (Hare, Dr. H. A— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A31 P 17 576 Public Library of New South Wales. STOCKTON, Francis Richard. The Great Stone of Sarrlis. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1898. J 25 U 22 Rudder Grange. 12mo. Edinb.,1898. J 16 T 45 Sketch of. [See Vodder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] STODART -WALKER, Archibald. C 22 S 19 ■ Walker, A. S-.] STODDARD, Dr. Enoch Vine. Life and Times of Ber- tram) du Guesclin. [See Du Guesclin, B.] C 23 Q 24 STODDARD, Richard Henrv. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C.— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 STODDART, James Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q G STODDART, Jane T. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 STOKER, Abraham. Dracula. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 33 The Shoulder of Shasta. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 23 R 34 The Watter's Mou'. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 24 S 38 STOKES, Charles Henry. Papers relating to the Execu- tion of Mr. Stokes in the Congo State. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— Africa.] F 20 IT 5 t STOKES, Sir George Gabriel. Rontgen Rays. [See Barker, Prof. G. F.] A 44 Q 22 STOKES, Rev. George Thomas. Some Worthies of the Irish Church. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by H. J. Lawlor. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25" T 7 STOKES, Rev. Henry Paine. Corpus Christi. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (University of Cam- bridge, College Histories.) B 24 U 5 Troilusand Cressida. [See Shakespeare, W.] II 11 V 37 STOKES, Dr. William, F.R.S. Life and Work of; by his son, William Stokes. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 R 13 Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Chest. Pt. 1 ; with Memoir by Dr. Acland. Edited for the New Sydenham Society by Alfred Hudson. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " A 33 S 21 1. Diseases of the Lung and Windpipe. STOLE, Dr. Otto. Die Sprache der Ixil-Tndianer : ein IVitrag zur Ethnologic und Linguistik Modern Finland licfurc tin- Iteform Bill. [,s'« < McCarthy, J.] " B 26 S 10 Modern France. [See Lebon, A.] B 2G S 12 Modern Italy. [See Orsi, Prof. P.] B 20 S 20 Modern Spain. [See Hume, M. A. S. | B 26 S 19 Norway. [See Boyesen, H. H.] B 33 P 10 STORY OF THE SEA, The. [See Couch, A. T. Quiller-.l B 21 V 7 STOTT, Grace. Twenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 S 20 STOUT, John Logan. A Trip from Dunedin to Samoa via Tonga, returning r'm Fiji and Tonga. 8vo. Dune- din (n.d.) MD 5 V 17 STOUT, Sir Robert. Drift of Politics in New Zealand. (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E Governor Gordon and the Maoris. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Is there a remedy for Victorian Crises? '(Melbourne Review, 3.) ' ME 18 Q New Zealand. (Contemporary Review, Oct., 1899.) E Our Waifs and Strays. (Melb. Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Political Parties in New Zealand. (Melb. Review, 5.) ME 18 Q The Political Situation in Now Zealand. (Review of Reviews, Jan., 1897.) E Titles for Colonists. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q A Trip to Samoa. 8vo. Auckland, 1893. MD 5 V 10 Imperial Album of New Zealand Scenery. [See Im- perial Album.] MA 1 P 41, 42 t [Life of] Moses Wilson (!rav. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q The Results of the General Election in New Zealand. [See Review of Reviews, March, 1897.] E STOWE, Harriet Elizabeth [Mrs. C. E.J (Harriet Elizabeth Beecher.) Dred : a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp ; together with Slavery Tales and Papers, and Life in Florida after the War. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 22 T 25, 26 The Minister's Wooing. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 22 T 29 Oldtown Folks and Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. J 22 T 27, 28 Uncle Tom's Cabin ; or, Life among the Lowly ; with an Introduction setting forth the history of the novel, and a Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin." 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 22 T 30, 31 Life and Letters of. Edited by Annie Fields. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 14 Days with. [See Fields, Annie.— Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. —Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 STOY, Carl Volkmar. Training of Teachers. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 STRACHEY, Henry. Raphael. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture.) A 44 R 11 STRACHEY, John St. Loe. The Citizen and the State. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 16 S 34 From Grave to Gay: being Essays and Studies concerned with certain subjects of serious interest, with the Puritans, with Literature, and with the Humours of Life. 8vo. I d.. 1897. J 14 U 38 5?8 Public Library of New South Wales. ST.R.ACHEY, Jane Maria, Lady. Memoirs of a Highland Lady. [See Smith, Elizabeth.] C 25 Q 21 STRACHEY, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Richard. Harmonic Analy- sis of Hourly Observations of Air Temperature and Pressure at British Observatories. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 11 T 21 t 1. Temperature. STRAFFORD, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Historical Sketch of the Memorable Trial of Earl Strafford in Westminster Hall, 1641. 12mo. Lond., 1846. F 15 P 24 Lord Strafford ; by H. D. Traill. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (English Men of Action.) C 27 R 5 Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford ; with an In- troduction by C. H. Firth, and Forewords by F^J. ivall. 8vo. Lond., 18' C 18 P 3 STRAHAN, Aubrey. Geology of t he Carboniferous Lime- stone, Yoredale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of North Derbyshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 17 Geology of the Coasts adjoining Rhyl, Abergele, and Colwyn. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R G Geology of the Country around Ingleborougli, with parts of Wenslevdale and Wharfedale. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 28 Geology of the Country around Lincoln. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 24 Geology of the Country around Mallerstang, with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 Geology of the Isle of Purbeck and Weymouth. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A47S4 Geology of the Neighbourhoods of Flint, Mold, and Ruthin. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 27 Geology of the South Wales Coal-field, pt. 1. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 It 44 STRAHAN, Maj. Sir George Cumine, Governor of Tas- mania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t STRAITS SETTLEMENTS:— Government Department* - Report* a nd Publications. Annual Reports. Annual Reports, 189G. Sm. fol. Civil Service. Civil Service Lists, 1893, 1900. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Singapore, 1893-1900. E STRAND MAGAZINE, The: an Illustrated Monthly. Vols. 1-19, 1891-June, 1900. 19 vols. Svo Lond 1HQ1 loon ^ STRANG, Dr. John. Glasgow and its Clubs ; or, Glimpses of the Condition, Manners, Characters, and Oddities of the City during the past and present Centuries. 2nd ed. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1857. B 28 T 3 STRANG, William. Book of Ballads. [See Sargant, Alice.] . H 19 S 8 t Etching, Engraving, and the other methods of printing Pictures. ' [See Singer, H. W.] A 40 It 2 STRANGE, Edward Fairbrother. Alphabets: a Manual of Lettering for the use of Students, with Historical and Practical Descriptions. Svo. Lond., 1890. J 14 U 18 Japanese Illustration : a History of the Arts of Wood- cutting and Colour-printing in Japan. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 32 STRANGE MS. FOUND IN A COPPER CYLINDER. [See De Mille, J.] J 22 T 43 STRANGFORD, Percy Ellen Algernon Frederick William Sydney Smythe, Viscount. Original Letters and Papers upon Philological and kindred subjects. Edited by •;ess Strangford. Svo. Lond., 1878. J 12 P 21 STRANGWAYS, C. Fox-. Geology of Bridlington Bay. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 It 10 Geology of the Country around Driffield. [SeeGt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 12 Geology of the Country N.E. of York and South of Malton. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 45 Jurassic Rocks of Britain : Yorkshire. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— United Kingdom.] A 47 P 1, 2 , CAMERON, A. G, and BARROW, G. Geol- ogy of the Country around Northallerton and Thirsk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 11 Geology of the Country between York and Hull. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 13 , RE1D, Clement, and BARROW, G. Geology of Eskdale, Rosedale, &c. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 It 5 STRASBURGER, Prof. Eduard, NOLL, Prof. Fritz, SCHENCK, Prof. Heinrich, and SCHIMPER, A. F. W. Toxt-bookof Botany. Translated by H. C. Porter. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 40 U 1 STRATEGICAL SERIES. Campaign in Italy, 1790. [See Surtoes, Maj. C] B 17 Q 23 STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL, Donald Alexander Smith, Baron. The Great Company. [See Willson, 13.] B 36 Q 16, 17 STRAUSS, David Friedrich. New Life of Jesus. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1879. G 25 Q 18, 19 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 579 STREANE, Rev. Annesley William. Age of the Macca- bees, with special reference to the Religious Literature oii he Period. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 44 STREATFEILD, Frederick H. T. Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Regula- t ; is at present subsisting between Great Britain and I-', reigu Powers. [See Gt. Brit, and Ire!. Treaties.] F 16 Q 3 STREATFEILD, R. A. The Opera: a Sketch of the J Mvelopment of Opera, with full descriptions of every M.rk in the modern repertory. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 28 STRETCH, R. II. Prospecting, Locating, i Klines. Must. 8vo. New York, 1899. STRI'.'ITELL, Miss Alma. Legends from ;\i mntain. [See Elizabeth, Queen of Roi . Valui J 8 T 39 STRETTON, Julia Cecilia [Mrs. R. W.] Mrs. Stretton; bv Charlotte M. Yonge. [See Oliphant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 STRICKLAND, Sir Edward. Importance of Geography. (Roy. Geograph. Soe. of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ, 1891-92.) ME 20 P STRICKLAND, Tom Percival. Experimental Investiga- tion of the Flow of Water in Uniform Channels. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W, Journ., 1897.] ME 1 R STR I NDBERG, August, The Father : a Tragedy. Trans- lated by N. Erichsen. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Modern Plays.) H 10 V 33 [Sketch of.] [See Hansson, Laura Marholm.— We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 STRONG, Rev. Charles. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q [Life of] Norman Macleod. [See Melb. Rev., 1.] ME 18 Q Ad, to Students ,t the Melbourne 9. MJ 3 R 16 STRING, Prof. Herbert Augustus. attending the Classical Lecture- University, 1879. 8vo. Melb., 1 Curious Survival of an Ancient Lanj Uait'-an-hour with Heinrich Heine. (Melb. Review, 2.) ME 18 Q A Polyglot Love Song. (Melb. Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Should not the Melbourne University be removed? (Mel- bourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Methods of Teaching Modern Languages in Belgium. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Scotch Edu Translations from Plautus. [See Melb. Rev, 1.] ME 18 Q (Melbourne ME 18 Q G 18 S 22 STRONG, Rev. Thomas B. Christian Ethics. 8vo. Lond, 1896. G 3 R 32 [Another edition.] 8vo. Lond, 1897. G 23 S 4 STROUD, Prof. Henry. Supplement to Lord Armstrong's Work on Electric Movement in Air and Water : being a continuation of his Experiments, together with an extension of them, made, in concert with Prof. H. Stroud. [See Armstrong, Lord.] A 40 U 14* STRUTT, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh. [See Ray- leigh, 3rd Baron.] STRYIENSKI, Casimir. and NION, Comte Francois de. Journal de "Stendhal" (M. H. Beyle). [See Beyle, M. H.] C 19 P 24 STUART, Sir Alexander. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Once a Month, Dec, 1884.) MJ 1 V 19 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 f STUART, Donald M. D. The Origin and Rationale of Colliery Explosives. Sm. 4to. Bristol, 1895. A 25 V 27 STUART, Maj.-Gen. James Ewell Brown. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F.— Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 STUART, Jane. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B 32 Q 11 STUART, John. Book of Deer. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B40S11 Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen. [See Spalding Club, Pubs.] B 40 R 12, 19 STUART, Sir John Patrick Crichton, Marquess of Bute. [See Bute, Marquess of.] STUART, Lady Louisa. Lady Louisa Stuart : Selections from her MSS. Edited by Hon. J. A. Home. With Portrait. 8vo. Edinb, 1899. C 27 R 4 STUART, Dr. Thomas Peter Anderson. The Bubonic Plague. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MA 5 P 16 Federation in relation to Quarantine. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 The "Mika" or "Kulpi" operation of the Australian Aborigines. (Boy. Soe, N.S.W, Journ., 1896.) ME 1 S STUART-CANSDELL, Capt. Charles. [Set Cansdell, Capt. C. Stuart-.] STUBBS, Charles William. Dean of Ely. Charles Kings- ley and the Christian Social Movement. [See Kings- ley, C] C 19 T 26 STUBBS, Edgar. [Life of] Elizabeth Brownrigg. [See Brownrigg, Elizabeth.] C 24 Q 20 Public Library of New South Wales. STUBBS, William, Bishop of Oxford. Registrant Sacrum Anglicanum : an attempt to exhibit the Course of Episcopal Succession in Kngland from the records and chronicles of the Church. Sin. 4 to. Oxford, 1897. G 17 Q 11 t [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of fhe Period.] C 23 T 3 STUCKENBERG, Rev. John Henry Wilbum. Intro- duction to the Study of Sociology. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 27 STUCLEY, Capt. Thomas. [Life of.] [See Simpson, R. —The School of Shakspere.] H 10 V 30, 31 STUD-BOOK. General Stud-book: containing Pedigrees of Racehorses, &c, from the Earliest Accounts to 1896 inclusive. Vols. 1-18, and Supplements to vols. 17, 18. 18 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-99. A 37 P 1-18* STUB EXT AND INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART, The. Vols. 1-5. Illustrated. 5vols.8vo. Lond., 1868-71. A44S1-5 STUDENT'S PRACTICAL DICTIONARY, The: con- taining English Words with English and Urdu Mean ings in Persian Character. 8vo. Allahabad, 1897. J 21 R 34 STUDIA BIBLICA ET ECCLESIASTICA : Essays, chiefly in Biblical and Patristic Criticism. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1885-96. G 25 R 4-7 STUDIA SINAITICA. Apocrypha Sinaitica. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Apocrypha.] G 25 V 10 Palestinian Syriac Leetionary. [See Lewis, Agnes Smith.] C 18 UG STUDIES IN ECONOMICS & POLITICAL SCIENCE. Referendum in .Switzerland. [See Deploige, S.] V \o q 31 STUDIO, The : an Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Ap- plied Art. Vols. 1-18, April, 1893-Jan., 1900. 18 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-1900. E Beauty's Awakening : a Masque of Winter and of Spring. Sm. fol. Lond., 1899. (Tin- Studio, Summer Number, 1899.) E Children's Books and their Illustrators : by G. White. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. (The Studio, Winter Number 1897-98.) E Christmas Cards and their chief Designers ; by G. White. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. (Th>: Studio, Extra Number' Xmas, 1894.) E Modern Book-bindings and their Designers. 2 vols sm fol. Lond., 1899. (The Studio, ' Winter Number, 1898-1900.) E STUKELEY, Capt. T. [See Stucley, Capt. T.] STUMM, Charles. Australasiai Power, G. W.] Annual Digest. [See ME 21 S STURGE, Clement Y. Reform of Patronage. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 STURGES, Joshua. Sturges' Guide to the Game of Draughts ; with Critical Situations. Revised by J. A. Kear. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 29 R 34 STURGIS, Julian. A Boy Blakeney, R.] STURGIS, Russell. European Architecture : a His- torical Study. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 25 U 31 Library Architecture. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Brochure Ser.) A 37 R 8 , and others. Homes in the City and Country by R. Sturgis, J. W. Root, B. Price, D. G. Mitchell, S. Parsons, and N. A. Linn. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 46 V 12 STURLUSON, Snorri. The Stories of the Kings of Nor" way, called the Round World ( I leimskringla) ; done into English out of the Icelandic by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1895 J 14 Q 31 STURM, Christoph Christian. Reflections on the Works of God in Nature and Providence. 8vo. Glasgow, 1815. G 24 S 2 STURMFELS, F. E. Wool Industry from a Buyer's standpoint. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., Nov., 1899, Jan., 1900.) ME 9 U STURT, Albert, "An Elector 8vo. Sydney, 1898. Hints on Federation. MF 4 R 67 STURT, Charles II. Life of; by Mrs. Napier George Sturt. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MC 1 T 36 STURTEVANT, Dr. E. Lewis. Varieties of Corn. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 STUTTER, Rev. E. J. Bacteria of the Sputa and Crypto- gamic Flora of the Mouth. [See Vicentini, Dr. Filandro.] A 32 S 32 STYLES, A. A. S. The Copyright Act in South Australia. (Lib. Assoc, of Australasia, Proa, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 SUBHADRA BHIKSHU. A Buddhist Catechism : an Introduction to the Teachings of the Buddha Gotamo, compiled from the Holy Writings of the Southern Buddhists ; with Explanatory Notes for the use of Europeans. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 21 SUDDS, Joseph, and THOMPSON, Patrick. Specimen of the Instrument of Torture inflicted on the persons of J. Sudds and P. Thompson, Soldiers in the 57th Regiment, by order of Governor Darling, at Sydney, New South Wales. [See Hall, E. S.] MF 4 Q 57 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. SU1 > I > UTH, Dr. William Xavier. Embryology and Dental Histology. (Litch, Dr. W. R— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, and Pharyngeal Cavities. (Litch, Dr. W. R— American .System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 SUDFELD, Dr. Max Simon. "Max Nordau." Degenera- tion. 8vo. New York, 1896. G3U19 Paradoxes. Translated from the German by J. R Mcllraith. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G3U1C Biiton and Boer. [See Bryce, Rt. Hon. J.] B 37 P 18 Regeneration: a Reply to "Max Nordau." [See Re- generation.] G 3 U 4 SUD WORTH, George Bishop. Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult, — Div. of Forestry.] A 41 U 13 Nomenclature of the Arborescent Flora of the United States. [See United States.— -Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Forestry.] A 36 V 26 SUE, Eugene [in full J oseph Marie Eugene. Mysteries of Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 24 U 23 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, Caius. Opera quse ex- tant, (Scriptores Historic Roinanse.) B 40 U 24 \ SUF FIELD, T1k A. G.] The Suffield Case. [See Stephens, MF 5 Q 12 SUFFOLK, Owen Henry. [Sketch of] ; by J. F. Hog; (Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1897.) SUFFOLK AND BERKSI1 I HE, Henry Charles Howard, 18th Earl of, PEEK, Hedley, and AFLALO, Freder- ick George. The Encyclopaedia of Sport. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 17 R 18, 19 t SUG Alt JOURNAL an 1892-June, 1900. 1 900. •epical Cultivator. Vols. 1-9, ols. 4 to. Mackay, Q., 1892- ME 7 P Queensland. 8vo. Lond., MA 4 Q 3 SU I.IVAN, Admiral Sir Bartholomew James. Life and Letters 1810-90. Edited by his son. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 9 SULLEY, Phili Burns, It.] Robert Burns and Dumfries. [See C 20 S 8 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur Seymoui and Reminiscences ; by A. La by B. W. Findon, and Biblio; With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., .Silil. C 27 S 9 SULLIVAN, Sir Edward Robert, The C< Warriors, and Statesmen of India: an Narrative of the principal events from the Invasion of Mahmoud of Ghizni to that of Nader Shah. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1866. B 11 R 28 SULLIVAN, Edmund J. Illustrations to Carlyle's Sartor Resartus. [See Carlyle, T.] J 23 T 4 of Childhood. 8vo. G 15 Q 35 The Teacher's Hand-book of Psychology. Revised ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 11 U 24 SULMAN, John. Recent Fire at Melbourne. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S SUMMERS, W. L. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., April- June, 1899, Feb., 1900.) ME 9 Q SUMNER, Charles. Life of Charles Sumner, the Scholar in Politics; by Archibald H. Grinike. 8vo. New York, 1892. C 20 U 7 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J.— Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 SUMNER, Prof. William Graham. History of American Currency, with Chapters on the English Bank Restric- tion and Austrian Paper Money. 8vo. New York, 1884, F 5 P 31 Protection and Revenue in 1877. 8vo. New York (n.d.) F17P5 Our Revenue System and the Civil Service : shall they be reformed 1 [See Earle, A. L.] F 17 P 5 SUIT, The, 1899. Fol. Orange, 1899. ME SLW, The: an Illustrated Journal for the Home and the Society, Aug.-Dec, 1896, July, 1897-March, 1899. 4 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-99. ME 8 T SUNAERT, Ad. P. Dot Gent, 1871. ;htkunde of Perspectief. 8vo. A 44 Q 15 SUXDAY STORY-TELLER, Th>: Nos. 1-6, July- Aug., 1889. 4 to. Sydney, 1889. MJ 3 W 17 " SUNDOWNER." [See Tichborne, H.] SUPPLE, Gerald H. The Dream of Dampier : a Poem. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q " SURGEON, A." Animal Magnetism : its History to the Present Time. 18mo. Lond., 1841. G 15 U 21 SURTEES, Major Conyers. Campaign in Italy, 1796 ; or, the Debut of Gen. Bonaparte. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Strategical Studies.) B 17 Q 23 SURVEYOR, The: Journal of the Institution of Survey- ors, New South Wales. Vols. 1-12, 1883-99. 12 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1883-99. ME 7 S Public Library of New South Wales. SUSO Heinrich (Heinrich von Berg). [St. Amandus] [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 SUTCLIFFE, Halliwell. By Moor and Fell: Landscapes and Lang-Settle Lore from West Yorkshire. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 21 R 13 SUTER, Henry. List of New Zealand Mollusca described in foreign publications since 1890. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S New Zealand Plouroioniidie, with descriptions of six new- species. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S New Zealand Polyplacophora. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S SUTHERLAND, A. Football [See Shearman, M.] SUTHERLAND, Alexander. A Camp in the Mountains. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Equipment of the smaller Libraries for the assistance of Industrial Pursuits. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) M.I 2 P 32 t An Idle Time at Port Jackson. (Melbourne Review, 9-) ME 18 Q Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MG 2 V 9, 10 Religion in State Schools. (Melb. Rev., 8.) ME 18 Q Saturday Rambles. (Melb. Review, 6, 7.) ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Temperatures of Reptiles, Monotremes, and Marsupials. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 189G.) ME 1 P Victorian Test of a Social Theory. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q When was Australia discovered? (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Adam Lindsay Gordon: a Memoir. [See Melbourne Review, 8.] ME18Q The Development of Australian Literature. [See Turner H. G.] MJ 3 S 24 [Life of] Sir Redmond Barry. [See Melbourne Review 7-] ME 18 Q [Life of] Henry Clarence Kendall. [See Melbourne Re- view, 7.] ME 18 Q [Life of] James Brunton Stephens. [See Melbourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Aust, Writers.] M A 1 5 P J [Sketch of] James Brunton Stephens. [See Once a Monti,, Dec, 1885.] MJ 1 V 22 [Sketch of] Henry Clarence Kendall. [See Once a Month, July, 1885.] M J 1 V 21 SUTHERLAND, Rev. Archibald. Palestine, the Glory of all Lands: being Travel-studies of some Bible places. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. D 18 S 28 SUTHERLAND, George. Australasian Live Stock Manual and Breeder's Record. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MA 2 R 49 Our Inheritance in the Hills. 8vo. Adelaide, 1889. MD 6 R 8 The South Australian Co. : a Study in Colonisation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MF 5 P 6 SUTHERLAND, George Frederick. Du Tabac considere comme, recolte do petite culture dans la Nouvelle- Galles du Sud. 8vo. Noumea, 1896. MA 1 R 14 SUTHERLAND, Gilbert D. Practical Advertising. [See Practical Advertising.] E SUTHERLAND, Minnie. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B32Q11 SUTRO, Alfred. Aglai linck, M.] The Treasure of the Humble. [See Maeterlinck, M.] G 12 V34 Wisdom and Destiny. [See Maeterlinck, M.] G 11 U 42 SUTTER, Juli( SUTTON, Arthur W. Potatoes : a Lecture delivered be fore the Royal Horticultural Society, October, 1895. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 18P" A 21 V 23 SUTTON, Francis. Systematic Hand-book of Volumetric Analysis; or, the Quantitative Estimation of Chemical Substances by Measure, applied to Liquids, Solids, and Gases. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 U 26 SUTTON, J. Evaporators and Fruit Evaporation. (Agri- cult, Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R SUTTON, J. W. Experiments with Rontgen Rays. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T SUTTON and SONS. Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 20 U 31 SUITOR, Francis I'.atlu: Bathurst, 1898. Lecture on Politics. 8vo. MF 5 Q 22 SUVA OBSERVATORY. Meteorological Observations taken at Suva during 1897 ; by J. D. W. Vaughan. Sm. fob Suva, 1898. ME [See Fiji— Blue Book, for Observations, 1896, 98, 99.] SWAEN, A. E. H. Plays of Sir Jol Vanbrugh, Sir John.] i Vanbrugh. [See H 11 Q 2 SWALLOW, William. Cooperative Production. 12mo. Manchester, 1886. F 13 V 41 Credit Trading in relation to Cooperative Societies. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 13 V 23 Duty of the Distributive Store towards the Productions of Cooperative Societies. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 16 S 14 Supplementary Catalogue— -1900. 583 SWA N, Annie S. [See Smith, Annie S.] SWA XN, John Hibbert. Catalogue of the" Alexander Ire- hiiul Collection in the Free Reference Library. [.See Manchester Public Free Libraries.] Cat. Room SWA ! IT, Jacob. lets over Taiti en de Nederzetting der Franschen op dat Eiland. (Tijdschrift voor bet Zee- wezen, 1845.) E M.-dedeelingen betrekkelijk de Kaart van de Zuidkust van X ieuw-Holland. (Tijdschrift voor hot Zeewezen, itdekt en Coloni- r het Zeewezen, Nieuw-Zeeland door de Nederlanden satie op hetzelve. (Tijdschrift voor 1843.) Rif nabij het Steward-eiland Z. van (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1861.) Instructie of Lastbrief, voor A. J. Tasmar Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844.] SWAYSLAND, W. Illustrated Rook of Canaries and Cage-birds. [See Elakston, W. A.] A 10 X 11 t euw-Zeeland. E i 1644. [See L., •• Ah-« Obs SWAZEY, the Civilization of the W< l.irly of the English, made < years in those parts. Translated from the Chinese into English by J. Y. Smythe. 8vo. Lond., 1876. J 2.3 T 7 SWEDBERG, Emanuel. [See Swedenborg, E.] SWEDEN -.—Government Departments— Reports and Pub- Statutes. Lois fondamentales d d'l deux .oken .•l;h.. i La .:- i : 1 .- » . I F 5 1 J i ren pa Riksdags <79. Jemte Bihang, innehallende ingar, hvilka icke Kunnat i Lag- Stockholm, 1879. F 12 T 30 SW EDENBORG, Emanuel. Heaven and Hell, [in Arabic] Svo. Lond. (n.d.) G 11 R 33 [Lecture on.l [See Emerson, R. W.— Representative Men.] J 22 Q 18 SWEET, ,'e. Contribution; , Proa, 1897.] to the Paleontology of of Victoria. [See Roy. ME IP SWETE, Rev. Henry Barclay. Church Services and Service Books before the Reformation. Svo. Lond., 189G. G 19 U 19 helstane. The Real Malay. D 13P19 1, H. Aanteekeningen r Java door Torres-stra wezen, 1854.) > eene reis van Sydney . (Tijdschrift voor het SWIFT, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's. The Abolishing of Christianity. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pam- phlets.) G 23 Q 32 The Drapier Letters, No. 4. (Pollard, A. F.— -Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 An Epistle to a Lady who desired the Author to make Verses to her in the heroick stile; also, a Poem occasional by reading Dr. Young's Satires called the Universal Passion. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1734. H 39Q 13 { Importance of the Guardian considered. (Rhys, E. — ■ Literary Pamphlets.) H 11 T 4 On Poetry : a Rapsody. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1 7 33. H 39 Q 1 3 \ Some Free Thoughts upon the Present State of Affairs. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 Unpublished Letters of. Edited by G. B. Hill. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1899. C 26 R 3 The Age of Jonathan Swift. [See Scudder, Vida D.— Social Ideals in English Letters.] J 23 R 16 A Bachelor from conviction. [See Vandam, Albert D. - Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 13 SWIFT, Lindsay. Brook Farm : its Members, Scholars, and Visitors. Svo. New York, 1900. (National Studies in American Letters.) F 17 T 9 Significance of the Library. (Boston Public Library.— 'Hand-book.) Cat, Room SWINBURNE, Algernon Charli the Lombards : a Tragedy. Rosamund, Queen of Lond, 1899. H 4 T 23 Lond., 1896. H 10 W 6 >y. Svo. Portland, 1899. J 23 Q 21 • Scarcer Works of and Un- See Xicoll, W. R.— Literary >ntury.] J 14 S 4 Bo logy-] ™' ; Mix [See Florida. [See of Vegetable A 38 R 11 md Marsupials. [Sec Qua epical Science, Jan., 1899.] ■rly Journal of Mic of the Oxford University Muse Svo. Oxford, 1892. e of the Eastern and sra in the Collection i. Pt. 1. Illustrated. MA 2 R 50 Public Library of New South Wales. SWINTON, R. B. An Indian Tale or two. [See Indian Tale or two.] J 9 Q 39 SWITZERLAND : — State Departments— Reports and Pub- lications. Department of Commerce and Agriculture. Recueil des Dispositions actuolloinont on Vigueur concernant la Garantio et le Controle otficiels du Titre des Ouv- rages d' Or et d' Argent en Suisse. 8vo. Berne, 1885. F 13 V 5 Statutes. Recuoil Orticiel des Lois et Ordonnances de la Confederation Suisse. 4 vols. 8vo. Berne, 1876- 80. F 13 V 6-9 [See also Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.] SWORD, Lieut. William Dennistoun. [See Alford, Lieut, H. S. L.] SYDENHAM, Dr. Thomas. [Life of] ; by Dr. J. F. Payne. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Masters of Medicine.) C 23 R 16 SYDNEIAN, The: a Magazine edited by members of the Sydney Grammar School. Nos. 11-55, 57, 59-60, 62- 64, 66-68, 70-75, 77, 79, 81-84, 86-91, 95-119, 121- 138, 140-41, 143-44, 1882-98. 8vo. Sydney, 1882- 98. ME 6 S SYDNEY, William Connor. The Early Days of the 19th Century in England, 1800-20. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1898. " B 41 Q 10 SYDNEY. Beautiful Sydney. [See Beautiful Sydney.] MA 3 IT 33 View of Sydney Harbour. [See View.] MI) 6 V 3 SYDNEY AND SUBURBAN COOPERATIVE SO- CIETY, Ltd. Rules. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MF 4 P 45 SYDNEY AND SUBURBAN DIRECTORY (Sands') 1863-71, 1873, 1875-77, 1879-80, 1882-1900. 34 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1863-99. ME 10 P-R SYDNEY AND SUBURBAN HOTEL GUIDE and Licensed Victuallers' Directory, 1886-87. Edited by R. Thatcher. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF 5 S 14 SYDNEY BETHEL UNION. Annual Reports, 1853, 1892-93. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1854-94. ME 6 Q SYDNEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Reports, 1871, 1880, 1897-98. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1871-98. ME 6 Q SYDNEY CHRONICLE, The [formerly the Morning Chronicle] from vol. 1, No. 25, Jan., 1844-Sept., 1848. 5 vols. fol. Sydney, 1844-48. ME SYDNEY CITY MISSION. PI, Mission. 18mo. Sydney, 1896. SYDNEY DIOCESAN DIRECTORY, 1881, 1886, 1888, 1893-96, 1899-1900. 9 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1881- 1900. ME 4 T for the Sydney City SYDNEY DISPENSARY. [See Sydney Hospital.] SYDNEY FEMALE REFUGE SOCIETY. Reports, 1848-49, 1860, 1863-64, 1869-78, 1887-88. 13 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1849-89. ME 6 S, and G 1 Q 26 SYDNEY FUN. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-40, 42-58, vol. 2, Nos. 1-8, June, 1880- Aug., 1881. [No. 41, Feb. 25th, 1881, missing.] 2 vols, (in 3) 4to. Sydney, 1880-81. MJ 3 W 6-8 SYDNEY GAZETTE and Ne> Vols. 1-40, 1803-42. hi Sydney, 1803-42. 1. March 5th, 1803-Feb. 26th, 1804. 52 Nos. 2. March 4th, 1804-Feb. 24th, 1805. 52 Nos. 3. March 3rd, 1805-March 9th, 1S06. (March 2nd, 1 missing.) 51 Nos, 4. 5. March 16th, 1806-Aug. 30th, 1807. (Publication ponded 30th Aug., 1807- 15th May, 1808.) 71 Noi 6, 7. May 15th, 1808-l)cc. 31st, 1809. 2 copies. 86 ] 8. 1810. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 9. 1811. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 10. 1812. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 11. 1813. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 12. 1814. 2 copies. 56 Nos. 13. 1815. 2 copies. 54 Nos. 14. 1816. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 15. 1817. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 16. 1818. 1 copy. 52 Nos. 17. 1819. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 18. 1820. 2 copies. 53 Nos. 19. 1821. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 20. 1822. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 21. 1823. 2 copies. 52 Nos. 22. 1824. 2 copies. 53 Nos. 23. 1825. 2 copies. 65 Nos. 24. 1826. 2 copies. 105 Nos. 25. 1827. 2 copies April-Dec. (Feb. 5th missing.) 1 26. 1828. 2 copies. 156 Nos. 27. 1829. 2 copies. 24th Feb.-Dec. (Feb. 10th n 28. 1830. 157 Nos. 29. 1831. 1 copy. 157 Nos. 30. 1832. 2 copies. 156 Nos. 31. 1833. 1 copy. 156 Nos. 32. 1834. 1 copy. (Jan. 2nd and 1 8th missing. ) 1 33. 1835. 1 copy. 157 Nos. 34. 1836. 1 copy. 157 Nos. 35. 1837. 2 copies. 156 Nos. 36. 1S38. 2 copies. 156 Nos. 37. 1839. 2 copies. 156 Nos. 38. 1840. 1 copy. (Feb. 27th, March 10th, and De missing.) 156 Nos. 39. 1841. 1 copy. 155 Nos. 40. Jan. st-Oct. 20th, 1842. 1 copy. 117 Nos. ol. 1, March 5th, ISO;', February 26th, 180 Nos. Reproduced by authority of the Trustees Public Lil rary of New South Wales, 1899. 8 Lond., 1899. " SYDNEY GUARDIAN, The: a Journal of Religious, Literary, and Scientific Information. Vols. 1, 2, June, 1848-Feb., 1850. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Sydney, 1848- Supplementary SYDNtiY HOSPITAL [formerly Sydney Dispensary]. It. ports. 11 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1826-97. 1826. MJ 2 Q 21 1835-37, 1841, 1852-53, 1858, 1860-63. MF 3 P 13 1842-43. MJ2Q2 1849. M.J 2 Q 1867. MF3P18 1879, 1884, 1887-88, 1894, 1897. ME 6 S SYDNEY INDUSTRIAL BLIND INSTITUTION. Annual Report, 1893. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME C P SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. franco, Manufactures Nationals: Sevres, les Gobelins, I'.rauvais: CEuvres d'Art — Peinture, Sculpture, Grav- ure. 8vo. Paris, 1879. MA 3 W 19 SYDNEY LYING-IN HOSPITAL. Prospectus of a Lying-in Hospital to he established in the City of Sydney. 12mo. Sydney, 1850. MA 3 P G5 SYDNEY MAIL, The. Vols. 1-14, 16-69, July 1860- Dec, 1872, July, 1873-June, 1900. 80 vols. fol. Sydney, 1860-1900. ME SYDNEY MAGAZINE, The, March-July, 1878. Edited by G. R. Maclean. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 3 T 8 SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS. Annual Reports, 1885-98. 14 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1885-98. ME 6 P Bv-laws and Suiiplenientarv Catalogues to 31st March, '1893. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MK 2 S 1 SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, T/ie, from vol. 1 No. 1, April 18th, 1831-June, 1900. [Jan.-June, 1833, missing.] 242 vols. fol. Sydney, 1831-1900. [2 copies from July, 1899.] ME "SYDNEY NATIVE.'' An Australian Reformatory. The Sobraon. (Review of Reviews, Aug., 1897.) E SY I )NEY r OBSERVATORY. Astronomical and Meteor- ological Observations made at the Sydney Observatory, I860. Svo. Sydney, 1861. ME 16 R Meteorological Observations at Sydney, 1865-66, 1870- 90, 1893-95. 19 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1868-95. ME 16 P of Hai Ri I Ev i Wa .por. , Obs, [See also Russell, H. C.J SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK MAGAZINE, The. Edited by C. H. Barlee. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-21, .lan.-lune, 1878. Svo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 4 Q 9 SYDNEY PHILATELIC CLUB. Annual Report and Balance-sheet, 1899-1900. Svo. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 P 21 Catalogue of Exhibits, 1900. Svo. Sydney, 1900. " MF 5 P 21 Rules. 18mo. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 P 21 SYDNEY PROTESTANT MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, No. 7, Oct., 1840. Svo. Sydney, 1840. MJ 3 T 11 SYDNEY PUNCH, May, 1864-Dec, 1874, Dec, 1878- Dec, 1883, May-Sept, 1888. Illustrated. 26 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1864-88. MJ 4 S 1-26 SYDNEY QUARTERLY, 'The, Oct., 1882, Oct, 1883. Sin. 4to. Sydney, 1882-83. MJ 2 U 22, 23 SYDNEY QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. Vols. 3-8, 1886-91 [Sept., 1886, missing]. With Portraits. 6 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1886-91. MJ 2 V 12-17 SYDNEY RESCUE WORK SOCIETY. Wrecked but rescued : being a Statement of the Operations of the Sydney Rescue Work Society from March, 1894— August, 1895. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MF 1 P 44 SYDNEY REVIEW, The. Vol. I, No. 2, Aug, 1889. Svo. Sydney, 1889. MJ 4 R 1 SYDNEY SCHOOL OF ARTS. [See Sydney Mechanics School of Arts.] SYDNEY SOCIETY OF THE NEW CHURCH. An- nual Report, 1892. 12mo. Sydney, 1892. ME 6 R SYDNEY STOCK AND STATION JOURNAL, The, April, 1896-Dee, 1899. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1896-99. ME 8T SYDNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. [See New South Wales. — Technical College and Education.] SYDNEY TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. Second Annual Report, 1840. 12mo. Sydney, 1840. MF 5 P 18 SYDNEY TRADE REVIEW and Prices Current, 1896- 99. 2 vols. sin. fol. Sydney, 1896-99. ME SYDNEY TRADES DIRECTORY. [See Noice, C. S.] ME 10 S SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. Calendars, 1852-1900. 49 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1852-1900. ME 5 S Calendar of St. Paul's College, 1859. 12mo. Sydney, 1859. MG 2 U 35 Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases, and of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney: by Louisa Maedonald. Svo. Sydney, 1898. " MA 4 S 28 Commemoration Addresses, University of Sydney, 1896- 98 ; by Dr. H. N. MacLaurin. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896-98. MG 1 U 10 Manual of Public Examinations, 1871, 1876-85, 1S87-90, 1892-96, 1899 1900. 17 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1871- 99. "ME 5 S SYDNEY UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL, 1878. 12mo. Sydney, 1878. MA 5 Q 12 586 Tublic Librm*y of New South Wales, SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Nos. 1-3, Jan.- July, 1855. 8vo. Sydney, 1855. MJ 4 P 20 SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, The : a Literary, Scientific, and Educational Journal. Vols. 1, 2, April, 1878-March, 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1878-79. [All published.} 'MJ4P21, 22 SYDNEY UNIVERSITY REVIEW. Nos. 1-5, Nov., 1881-July, 1883. 8vo. Sydney, 1881-83. [All published.] MJ 4 P 23 SYDNEY WHEELMAN, The. [See Australian Wheel- man.} SYDNEY WOMEN'S PRAYER UNION. Annual Reports, 1890, 1892. 2 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1890-92. ME G P SYKES, Ella C. Through Persia on a Side-saddle. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. I) 20 U 12 SYKES, Prank W., and LOWINGER, 0. G. With Plumer in Matabeleland : an Account of the opera- tions of the Matabeleland Relief Force during the Rebellion of 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 Y 4 SYKES, Walter J. Principles and Practice of Brewing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 2 SYLVESTER, Paul. Catherine Sforza. [See Sforza, Caterina.] C 25 P 20 SYME, David. Increment in the Value of Land in Melbourne. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q [Criticism on] David Syme's Book Government. [See Melbourne Rcvi Representative v, 7.] ME 18 Q SYMES, Richard Glas.cott. Geology of the Country around Ballyinena, Clenarm, Connor, and the Moun- tainous District West of Lame. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Ceolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 8 Geology of Donegal, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Leitrim, and Sligo. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 12 , EGAN, F. W., and M'HENRY, Alexander. Geology of Antrim and Derry. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 3 , and WILKINSON, Sydney B. Geology of Fermanagh, Leitrim, and Cavan. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Geolog. Surv. — Ireland.] A 47 V 15 SYMMONS, Rev. Charles. Life of William Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W. — Dramatic Works and Poems.] SYMONDS, Miss E. M., "George Paston." Mrs. Dolany (Mary Granville), a Memoir. [See Delany, Mary.] C 26 Q 18 SYMONDS, Edward. Story of the Australian Church. With Map. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Colonial Church Histories.) MG 2 P 61 SYMONDS, John Addington. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece. lst-3rd ser. New ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 20 R 15-17 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 Life of Benvenuto Cellini. [See Cellini, B.] C 22 T 4 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 Walt Whitman. [See Whitman, W.] C 22 Q 12 , and Margaret. Our Life in the Swiss High- lands. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 18 Q 30 SYMONDS, Margaret, and GORDON, Lina Duff. The Story of Perugia. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. B 37 P 8 Aubrey Beardsley. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 39 V 29 Days and Nights. 8vo. Lond., 1889. H 9 U 44 Images of Good and Evil. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 13 V 12 London Nights. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 3 Q 40 Silhouettes. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 3 Q 39 Studies in two Literatures. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 31 The Symbolist Movement in Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 17 V 30 The Child of Pleasure. [See Annunzio, G. d'.] J 23 T 9 Confessions of St. Augustine. [See Augustine, St.] C 19 P 18 The Dawn. [See Verhaeren, E.] II 12 T 2 The Dead City. [See Annunzio, G. d'.] H 13 U 2 Henry V, Titus Andronicus, Venus and Adonis. [See Shakespeare, W.] II 11 V 7 Poetical Works of Mithilde Blind. [See Cohen, Mathilde.] H 13U 13 "oy, The.} J 22 V 19-21 SYMONS, George James, F.R.S. English Climatologieal Stations. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Origin of Water Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 SYMONS, Rev. John C. The Student's Hand-book of Christian Theology. [See Field, Rev. B.] MG 1 P 42 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. TA J E KHUMONG [Hymns translated into the Iaian Language of Uvea, Lovaltv Islands]. 2nded. 18mo. .Sydney, 1897 MG 2 P 58 TABEIt, Julia Marlowe-. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See .McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 TAB LE Y, Lord de. [See De Tabley, Lord.] TACITUS, Cornelius. Opera qufe extant. (Scripotres 1 listoriae Romanic.) B -10 U 24 t TADD, James Liberty. New Methods in Education. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Natural Education Ser.) G 18 U 12 TA] ) IIMA, Sir Lawrence Alma-. Illustrated Biography of. "See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biography of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 1 Life and Work of. [See Rooses, M. — Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 V 19 t [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Monkhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 41 W 1 TAI >EMA, Miss Laurence Alma-. Realms of Unknown Kings. 8vo. Loud., 1897. H 9 U 45 TAI T, Prof. Jonathan. Practical Treatise on Operative Dentistry. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 32 S 26 TAIXE, Hippolyte Adolphe. History of English literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 14 T 32, 33 Journeys through France, being Impressions of the Pro- vinces. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 S 21 Carlyle and Taine on the French Revolution. [See Wilson, H. S.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 TAIT, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury. Leon Gambetta and Archbishop Tait. [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 Scientific Papers. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 4to. Camb., 1898-1900. A 10 U 13,. 14 t Introduction to Quaternions. [See Kclland, Prof. P.] A 24 P 23 Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S. [See Forbes, J. D.] C 25 R 9 TAKAHASHI, Prof. Sakuye. Cases on International Law during the Chino-Japanese War; with a Preface by Prof. T. E. Holland, and an Introduction by Prof. J. Westlake. 8vo. Camb., 1899. F 1G Q 15 TALBOT, Dr. Eugene S. Degeneracy : its Causes, Signs, and Results. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 16 TALBOT, Rev. Reginald Thomas. Durham Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 TALIESIN ; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain. [See Nash, D. W.] H 12 S 19 TALLEYRAND DE PERIGORD, Prince Charles Mau- rice. Memoirs of, containing the particulars of his Private and Public Lif^ ; by — Stewarton. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 26 V 24, 25 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 TALMUD, The. Le Talmud de Jerusalem traduit pour la premiere fois par M. Schwab. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1878-90. G 23 V 8-18 TAMBLYN, W. F. Establishment of Roman Power in Britain. 8vo. Hamilton, 1899. B 34 S 5 TAMWOBTH NEWS, 1899. Fob Tamworth, 1899. ME TAMWORTH OBSERVER and Northern Advertiser, Oct., 1897-Dec, 1899. Fob Tamworth, 1897-99 ME TANDON, Horace Benedict Alfred Moquin-. The World of the Sea. Translated by Rev. H. Martyn Hart. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 24 S 21 TANGYE, Harold Lincoln. Tn New South Africa : Travels in the Transvaal and Rhodesia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 14 S 24 TANGYE, Sir Richard. English Notes for American Circulation. 12mo. (n.p.) 1895. J 14 P 46 Notes illustrative of the Cromwellian Collection in the possession of Sir R. Tangye. Vol. 1. With Portraits. 8vo. (n.p.) 1897. B24Q14 Some Peculiar Beggars. 12mo. Birm., 1897. J 14 P 47 Tales of a Grandfather. 8vo. (n.p.) 1897. J 16 R 9 Rich Lond., 1899. B 33 S 1 1 , and George. Old Wedgwood and old Wedg- wood Ware. [See Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.] K 19 R 20 TANNER, J. 11. Discourses of the Navy, 1638, 1659-60. [See Navy Records Society, 7.] E Public Library of New South Wales. TANNER, M. E. The Right to the Whole Produce of Labour [See Menger, Prof. A ] F 15 S 18 TANNER, Percy Oswald. [Life of] ; bv Arthur Patchett Martin. (Melbourne Review, 5.) " ME 18 Q TAPPIN, William B. A Model Lil Libr. Conf., Proc.) v Building (Aust TARBELL, Frank Bigelow. History of Greek Art ; with an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egvpt and Meso- potamia. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 35 TARBELL, Ida M. Madame Roland: a Biographical Sketch. [See Roland, Mine.] C 20 V 6 TARDENT, Henry A. Agricultural Possibilities of Western Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U The Cow Pea. (Queensland Agr. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Dakota Millet. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U Early and Late Frosts and other Troubles. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1899.) ME 9 U Friend or Foe? (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Maize-growing. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 U Mushrooms. (Queensland Agr. Journ., Sept., 1899.)ME9U The Sunflower. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Oct., 1899.) ME 9 U Tuberculous Consumption and Farming. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1898.) ME 9 U TARLETON, Alfred H. Nicholas Breakspear, English- man and Pope. [See Adrian IV, Pope.] C 10 T 18 t TARLTON, Richard. Tarlton's Jests and News out of Purgatory ; with Notes, and some account of the Life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. [See Shake- speare Soc Pubs.] H 3 U 25 TARR, Prof. Ralph Stockm Geography. Illustrated. TARVER, John Charles Secondary Educatior Elementary Physical New York, 1895. A 24 S 17 teable Claims : Essays o Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 2 B Flaubert as seen in 1 [See Flaubert, G.] " TASMA" [See Couvreur, Mme. J. C] TASMAN, Abel Janszoon. Journaal der Reis. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1856, 1858-59.) E Jacob Swart, Instructie of Lastbrief, voor A. J. Tasman, in 1644. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844.) E Journal of his Discovery of Van Diemen's Land and New Zealand in 1642, with documents relating to his Ex- ploration of Australia in 1644: being Photo-litho- graphic Fac-similes of the original MS. in the Colonial Archives at the Hague ; with an English Translation and Fac-similes of original Maps, to which arc added Life and Labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman by J. E. Heeres, and Observations made with the Compass on Tasman's Voyage by Dr. W. Van Bemmelen. Fol. Amsterdam, 1898. MD 2 P 33 + [Life of] ; by Marcus Clarke. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q Life and Voyages; by J. B. Walker. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Vict, Branch, Trans., 1896-98.) ME 20 P Life and Voyages ; by J. B. Walker. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Over A. J. Tasman, en Nasehrift. (Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844.) E Abel Tasman and his Journal. [See N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1895.] ME 2 S Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agriculture. Hand-book to the Insect Pests of Farm and Orchard; by Edward H. Thompson. Pt. 2. 8vo. Hobart, 1895. MA 3 S 72 Government Gazette. Hobart Gazette. Vols. 84-94, 1895-June, 1900. 11 vols, (in 10) fol. Hobart, 1895- 1900. ME Crown Lands. [See Lands, under this heading.] Hand-book. Hand-book of Tasmania, 1892-93; by R. M. Johnston. 2 vols. 8vo. Hobart, 1892-94. MD 8 T 7, 8 Lands. Crown Lands Guide, 1885, 1887. 2 vols. 8 vo. Hobart, 1885-87. MF 5 S 23, 25 Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under thisheading.] Mines. The Mineral Industry of Tasmania, 1894, 1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Hobart, 1894-97. ME 9 P Report of the Secretary for Mines, 1896-97. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1897. ME Official Record. Tasmanian Official Record, 1890-92 ; by R. M. Johnston. 3 vols. 8vo. Hobart, 1890-92. MD 8 T 4-6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. TASMANIA— eontd. Parliament. Journals and Printed Papers of the Parlia- ment of Tasmania. Vols. 1-41, 1884-99, and Index, 1856- 99. 42 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1884-1900. ME Journals and Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Vols. 2 35, 1857-83. 34 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1857-83. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, Van Diemen's Land. Vols. 2 6, 18'52 55. 5 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1853 56. ME ME Statutes. Acts of the Lieut-Governor 1824-39. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1840. Acts of the Parliament of Tasmania, 1872-81, 1883-99. 25 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1872-99. ME Index to the Statutes of Tasmania and Acts of the Federal Council of Australasia in force on June 1st, 1897 ; by J. K. Reid. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. ME [All Reports not specifically mentioned under these sub- headings will be found" in the Journals and Printed Papers of the Parliament.] TASMANIA POST OFFICE DIRECTORY (Wises) 1890-1900. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Hobart, 1890-1900. ME 12 U TASMANIAN, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-44, March-Dec, 1827. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1827. [Bound with Hohart Town Gazette.] ME TASMANIAN ALMANAC, 1863-65, 18G9, 1878, 1880, 1880, 1891. 8 vols. 12mo. Hobart Town, 1863-91. ME 4 P TASMANIAN ATHENJSUM ; or, Journal of Science, Literature, and Ait. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-0, Oct., 1853- Mareh, 1854. Edited by P. Lee and W. Coote. Sm. 4to. Hobart, 1854. * MJ 3 W 14 TASMANIAN COLONIST, The; with which is incor- porated the Britannia and Truth's' Advocate, from vol. 1, No. 1, 1846- 53. 6 vols. fol. Hobart, 1846 -53. ME TASMANIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCE, Agriculture, Statistics, Arc. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 8vo. Launceston, 1842-49. [Incomplete.] MA 5 R 4 6 TASMANIAN LITERARY- AND DEBATING SO- CIETIES' UNION. The Literary Competitor, 1889. 12mo. Hobart, 1889. MJ 4 Q 22 TASMANIAN MAGAZINE AND MASONIC REGIS- TER, The. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1849. 8vo. Laun- ceston, 1849. MJ 3 T 10 TASMANIAN PUNCH. Illustrated. 4to. Hobart, 186G-70. MJ 3 W 20 [Published as Tasmanian Vnnch, vol. 1, July 21st Dec. 2!)tli, lSlili ; Ib.hart T„„ „ /'„,„•//, vols. 1, 2, Jan. 12th, 1867-Fch. l."itli, ISOS; T'tswtuii'tn l'itm-1,, vol. I. Dec. 4th, 1868-May 21st, 1870.] TASMANIAN TRIBUNE, The. Nos. 1-7, 9-33, April- June, 1872. Fol. Hobart, 1872. MJ 6 P 26 + TASSIN, Wirt. Directions for Collecting Minerals. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 24 V 37 TASSO, Torquato. [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. Archi- bald.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 TATE, Nalium. Selections from the Works of. [See West, K.- Laureates of England.] H 11 R 1 TATE, Prof. Ralph. Botany of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin.— Horn Scientific Expe- dition.) MA 3 R 62 Critical Remarks on some Australian Mollusca. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Deep-seated Eocene Strata in the Croydon and other Bores. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans, 1897-98.) ME 1 S Definition of new species of Land Shells from South Aus- tralia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1899.) ME 1 S Diagnosis of four species of Plants from South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1899.) ME 1 S Dimorphism in two South Australian Cruciferous Plants. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897-98.) ME 1 S Evidences of Glaciation in Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897.) ME IS Host Plants of some Australian Loranthacese. (Austral- asian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S List of Plants collected by the Calvert Expedition. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897.) ME 1 S Mollusca of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Bald- win.— Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Older Tertiary Fossils from the Murray Desert. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1899.) ME 1 S Paleontology of Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. ■ -Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 02 Review of the characters available for the classification of the Eucalypts, with a synopsis of the species Rei t Cvdo> Aust., Tn , 18!l!l (Roy Revision of the Older Tertiary I (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 181) Revision of the Recent Rissoida- Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1899.) ME 1 S , "A Census of the Fauna of the Australia:" with an Appendix on alsbyJ. Dennant. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W, Joun (Woj ond Mipp '•) .ME 1 R ionic Australian species of Eulimida- and 1'yramidellida-. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans, 1897-98.) ME 1 S Public Library of New South Wales. TATE, Prof. Ralph— contd. Some Recent and Fossil Australian species of Philobrya. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S Pome new or little-known South Australian Plants. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust,, Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S Two Deep-level Deposits of newer Pleistocene in South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust,, Trans., 1897-98.) ME1 S Two new Cretaceous Bivalves. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S Phanerc , and WATT, J. A. General Geology of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. — Horn Scien- tific Expedition.) MA 3 R 62 Physical Geography of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. B.— Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 62 Report of the Physical Geography of Central Australia. (Winnecke, C. — Journal of the Horn Scientific Explor- ing Expedition.) MA 3 R 64 TAT HAM, John. The Royal Oake. [See Percy Soc] H US 12 TAUNTON, Rev. Ethelred L. The English Black Monks of St. Benedict : a Sketch of their History from the coming of St. Augustine to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (J 11 S 41, 42 TAUSSIG, Prof. Frank William. The Silver Situation in the United States. (American Economic Assoc.) F4 V 17 Wages and Capital : ah Examination of the Wages Fund Doctrine. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 10 V 12 TAUTPHCEUS, Jemima von, Baroness (Miss Mont- gomery). The Initials. 8vo. Lond., 1886. J 25 U 23 Quits. 11th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 25 U 24 TAYLER, Alexander James Wallis, Aerial or Wire-rope Tramways: their Construction and Management. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 20 Q 24 Bearings and Lubrication. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Rider's Technical Ser.) A 24 P 35 Modern Cycles : a Practical Hand-hook on their Con- struction and Repair. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 S 29 Mot Cars or P Illustrated. 12 r Carriages for Common Roads. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 7 Refrigerating and Ice-making Machinery. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 R 28 Sugar Machinery : a Descriptive Treatise devoted to the Machinery and Apparatus used in the Manufacture of Cane and Beet Sugars. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Rider's Technical Ser.) A 24 P 36 TAYLER, J. Sinclair. Jack's Toast : Sea Song. [Words.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t TAYLER, Rev. John James. In Memoriam. [See Mar- tineau, Rev. J. ■-- Essavs. Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 TAYLOR, A. R, Study of the Child : a brief Treatise on the Psychology of the Child, with Suggestions for Teachers, Students, and Parents. 8vo. New York, 1898. (Internat, Education Series.) G 17 S 12 TAYLOR, Albert, The Sanitary Inspector's Hand-book. 2nd ed. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 Q 22 TAYLOR, Alfred J. The Librarian and his Work. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc) MJ 2 P 32 t TAYLOR, Bayard. Eldorado; or Adventures in the Path of Empire, comprising a Voyage to California via Panama ; Life in San Francisco and Monterey ; Pictures of the Gold Region ; and Experiences of Mexican Travel. 8vo. New York, 1892. D 16 Q 2 [Life of]; by A. H. Smith. 12mo. Boston, 1896. (American Men of Letters.) C 19 V 19 TAYLOR, Rev. Charles. Fragments of the Books of Kings, according to the translation of Aquila. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Greek.] G 13 X 14 t TAYLOR, Rev. Charles Reeve. Elocution and the Dramatic Art. [See Smithson, D. J.] J 14 R 20 TAYLOR, Edgar. Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Troubadours of the 12th and 13th Centuries. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1825. H 12 T 8 TAYLOR, Elizabeth J. Western Asia. [See Tiele, Prof. C. P.] B 29 S 14 TAYLOR, Ernest B. Municipal Libraries. (Lib. Assoc of Australasia, Proc, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 TAYLOR, Dr. Frederick. Myelitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 TAYLOR, George. The Boer War : Campaign Cartoons, 4to. Sydney, 1900. MB 13 T 1 f TAYLOR, Henry D'Esterre. Our Future Rulers. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q TAYLOR, H. West. The Pio Hayne, M. H. E.] of the Klondyko. [See I) 16 Q 8 i and Growth of the English . 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1889- B 3 T 20, 21 TAYLOR, Henry Osborn. Ancient Ideals: a Study of Intellectual and Spiritual Growth from Early Times to the Establishment of Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 1 Q 23, 24 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. TAYLOR, Rev. Isaac. Names and their Histories alpha- betically arranged as a Hand-book of Historical (Geography and Topographical Nomenclature. 8vo. Load., 1896. K 19 Q 18 TAYLOR, Dr. James. Cerebral Palsies of Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O— System of Medicine.) A 2G T -10 Occlusion of Cerebral Vessels. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 10 TAYLOR, Rev. James. Australian Evaiu/elist. [See Australian Evangelist.] MG 1 V 11-14 TAYLOR, John. History of the Hebrews. [See Kittel, Prof. R,] B 28 T 4 ( 'utline of the History of the Literature of the Old Testament. [See Kautzsch, E.] G 11 Q 39 TAYLOR, John Michael. Geography of New South Wales. Tllust, 8vo. Sydney, 1898. (Angus and Robertson's Australian School Manuals.) MD 4 Q 8 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1899. (Angus and Robertson's Australian School Manuals.) MD 8 P 40 TAYLOR, Joseph. Naturales Curiosse : Curiosities in Natural History, taken from authentic reports of emi- nent travellers. 12mo. Lond., 1819. A 27 P 7 TAYLOR, Col. Philip Meadows. Confessions of a Thug. New ed. 8vo Lond. (n.d.) J 25 U 25 TAYLOR, Dr. Robert William. Syphilis. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 TAYLOR, Sedley. Inaugural Address, delivered at the sixteenth annual Cooperative Congress, 1884. 12mo. .Manchester, 1884. F 13 V 23 Life of John Sebastian Bach in relation to his work as a Church Musician and Composer. [See Bach, J. S.] C 23 Q 21 TAYLOR, Sophia. Christian Ethics. [See Martensen, H, Bishop.] G 3 U 11-13 TAYLOR, T. E. Why I proposed the New Zealand Police Commission, and what it has done. (Review of Reviews, Sept., 1898.) ME 6 U TAYLOR, Rev. T. Ogden. Sermon preached in the Wes- leyan Centenary Chapel, Dewsbury, 1888. 12mo. Manchester, 1888. F 13 V 23 TAYLOR, Dr. Thomas. Bryologia Britannica. [See Hooker, Sir W. J.] A 35 T 17 Eight Edible and twelve Poisonous Mushrooms of the United States, with Directions for the Culture and Culinary Preparation of the edible species. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Micros- copy.] A 31 S 17 Twelve Edible Mushrooms of the United States, with Directions for their Identification and their Preparation as Food. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Microscopy.] A 31 S 17 TAYLOR, Thomas Marris. Constitutional and Political History of Rome from the earliest times to the reign of Domitian. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 S 6 TAYLOR, Tom. Ballads and Songs of Brittany. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1865. H 12 T 14 TAYLOR, Una. Early Italian Love Stories, taken from the originals. Illustrated. Sin. 4to. Lond, 1899. J 21 U 17 TAYLOR, W. Irving. Employer's Liability to their Workmen for Accidents incurred in the course of their Employment, and State Regulation of Dangerous In- dustries. 8vo. New York '"(n.d.) F 18 R 12 TAYLOR, Rev. Walter Ross. The Free Church of Scot- land. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Mission- aries.] G14S30 TAYLOR, Dr. William. Physical Training. [See Sey- mour, II. R.] " G 11 U 47 TAYLOR, William Alton. Fruit Industry and substitu- tion of Domestic for Foreign-grown Crops. [See United States. -Dept. of Agr. Div. of Pomology.] A 37 S 56 TAYLOR, William F. Critical Annotations. [See Cole- ridge, S. T.] J 8 V 32 TAYLOR, Dr. William Frederick. Address as Presi- dent of the Roval Society of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Domestic Water Filter. (Roy. Soc.. Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T ) ME 1 T Water Supply for Domestic Use. (Hov. Soc. Queens- land, Proc,' 1894.) -ME 1 T TAYLOR, Rev. William Mackergo. Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation to the Present Day. 8vo. Lond, 1887. G26Q11 592 Public Library of New South Wales. TAYLOR, Zachary. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 TAYLOUR, Virginia. The Emperor of Germany at Home. \'See William II, German Emperor.] C 25 R 18 TCHAIKOVSKY, Peter Ilich. Tchaikovsky : his Life and Works ; with Extracts from his Writings and the Diary of his Tour abroad in 1888, by Rosa Newmarch. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1900. C 23 R 28 TCHERTKOFF, Vladimir. Christian Teaching. [See Tolstoi, Count L.] G 23 8 44 TEALE, Dr. Thomas Pridgin. Effects of Modern Systems of Compulsory Education and Competitive Examina- tion on the Mental and Physical Health of the Com- munity. (Internat, Health Exhib.- Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Healthy Houses. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 Scrofula. [See Allbutt, Dr. T. G— System of Medicine.] A 2G T 37 TEALL, Jethro.Justinian Hams. Penological Notes [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Scotland.] A 47 U 2 TEARLE, Osmond. On Tragedy. [See Hammerton, J A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 TEASDALE-BUCKELL, G. T. [See Buckell, G. T. Teas- dale-.] TEBBUTT, John. The Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, April, 1891. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MA 3 S G7 Equatorial Comparisons of Jupiter and 1 Geminorum, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MA 3 S G7 Equatorial Comparisons of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune with certain Stars in Neweomb's Standard Catalogue. (Hoy. Astron. Soc, Monthly Notices, June, 1899.) ' E Longitude of the Sydney Observatory. (Observatory, April, 1897.) E Observation of Comet a 1888. 8vo. Lond., 1888. MA 3 S 67 Observation of the Occultation of Saturn by the Moon, June, 1888. 8vo. Lond., 1888. ' MA 3 S G7 Observation of the Occultation of Venus by the Moon 1888. 8vo. Lond., 1888. MA 3 S 67 Observations of Comet Coddington (c 1898). (Roy. As- tron. Soc, Monthly Notices, Dec, 1898, Apr., 1899.) E Observations of Minor Planet Prokne, made at Windsor. New South Wales. (Astron. Journ., Dec, 1897.) E Observations of Minor Planets at Windsor, New South Wales, 1896. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Monthly Notices 57.) E Observations of Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites at Windsor, New South Wales, during 1896. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) TEBBUTT, John— contd. Observations of the Transit of Venus, December 8th and 9th, 1874, made at Windsor, New South Wales. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mem. 47.) E Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites, 1S95, and Results of Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn and Kappa Vir- ginia, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MA 3 S 67 Report of Mr. Tebbutt's Observatory, Windsor, New South Wales, 1895-99. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1896- 1900. ME 6 R Results of Double-Star Measures, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MA 3 S 67 Results of Double-Star Measures with the 8-inch Equa- torial, 1891. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MA 3 S 67 Results of Double-Star Measures with the 8-inch Equa- torial at Windsor, New South Wales, 1896. (Row Astron. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) E Results of Filar Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn with 96 Virginis and of Ceres with neighbouring Stars. Svo. Lond 1895. MA 3 S 67 Results of Meteorological Observations made at the pri- vate Observatory of John Tebbutt, "The Peninsula,'' Windsor, New' South Wales, 1891-97. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1898. MA 12 P 21 t Results of Micrometer Comparisons of Jupiter and Beta Scorpii, 1888. Svo. Lond., 1888. MA 3 S 67 Results of Micrometer Comparisons of Sat urn and (lamina Virginis in 1893. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MA 3 S 67 TECHNOLOGICAL HAND-BOOKS. Art and Craft of Bookbinding. [See Philipson, J. ] A 23 P 31 TECK, Duchess of. [See Mary Adelaide, Prin s.] TEGETMETER, William Bernhard. The Poultry Book: comprising the Breeding and Management of profitable and ornamental Poultry ; to which is added, "The Stan- dard of Excellence in Exhibition Birds." New ed. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 10 X 17 f TEGG, James. Tegg's Monthly Magazine. [See Tegg's Monthly Magazine. MJ 3 V 10 TEGGART, F. J. Catalogue of the Hopkins Railway Library. 4to. Palo Alto, Cal, 1895. (Leland Stan- ford Junior University.) K 17 T 1 TEGG'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, March-July 1836. 12mo. Sydney, 1836. MJ 3 V 10 TEJETRO, Lieut. Jose Miiller y. Battles and Capitula tion of Santiago de Cuba. '[See United States.— Office of Naval Intelligence.] B 39 T 10 TELEGRAPHIC JOURNAL and Electrical Review. [See Electrical Review.] TELFORD, Rev. John. The Wesleyan Methodist Church. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 593 TEMORA IXDEPEXDEXT, 1898-99. 2 vols. fol. Te- mora, 1898-99. ME TEUnRA STAR, 1899. Fol. Tei , 1899. ME TEMI'ERAXCE ADVOCATE ami Australasian Commer- cial and Agricultural Intelligencer. Vol. 1, Nos. 1- 52, Oct., 1810 Sept., 1811. 'ito. Svdnev, 1*40-41. ' MF r, r 16 TEM PERE, J. Le Diatomiste, 1890-90. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Paris, 1890-96. A 18 Q 5, 6 t TEM PLE, Capt. — . Seal Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 TEMPLE, A. G. The Art of Painting in the Queen's Reign : being a glance at some of the Painters and Paintings of the British School during the, last 60 years. Illust. 4 to. Lond., 1897. A 18 P 22 f England's History as pictured by Famous Painters. Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 24 f Sacred Art : the Bible Story pictured by eminent Modern Painters. Illustrated? 4to. Lond., 1898. A 10 V 16 t TEMPLE, Arthur. Our Living Generals: twelve Bio- graphical Sketches of Distinguished Soldiers. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 S 26 TEMPLE, Frederick, Archbishop of Canto-bury. Charge delivered at his first Visitation. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 30 TEMPLE, Henry John, Viscount Palmerston. [See Pal- merston, Viscount.] TEMPLE, Sir Richard, F.R.S. Bird's-eye View of Picturesque India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1*98. 1) 10 R 15 The House of Commons. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 31 Polynesian Labour Traffic. (National Review, July, 1S92.) E Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign. 8vo. Lond., 1897 F 13 V 13 Story of my Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 13, 14 Life of Sir J. H. Glover. [See Glover, Sir J. H] C 25 Q 10 Memoirs of Alexander Gardner. [See Gardner, Col. A.] C 25 P 7 TEW PLE, Sir Richard, K.B. Some short Remarks upon M r. Lock's Book in answer to Mr. Lounds, and several other Books and Pamphlets concerning Coin. 8vo. bond., 1090. [Heprint, 1890.] F 8 V 4 TEMPLE-WEST, Lieut.-Col. T. [See West, Lieut-Col. T. Temple-.] TEMPLE CLASSICS. Mahabharata. [See Mahabharata. ] II 13 R 6 A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. [See Law, W.J TEMPLE DRAMATISTS Dr. Faustus. [See Mr rlowo.C] II 13 Q 4 Philaster. [Set Beaumont, F. | H 13 Q 1 Prometheus Unbound. [See Shelley, P. B.] H 13 Q 5 The Spanish Tragedy. [See Kyd, T.] H 13 Q 3 Tragical Reign of Selimus. [See Greene, R.] II 13 Q 2 TEMPLETON, William. Practical Mechanic's Workshop Companion. 17th ed., revised by W. S. Hutton. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 33 R 32 TENANTS' OPTION OF PURCHASE ASSOCIA- TION, MELBOURNE. How to dispose of Vic- toria's permanent Landlords by means of Tenants' Option of Purchase. 8vo. Melb, 1899. MF 5 P 25 TEN BRINK, Bernhard. History of English Literature. Ed. by Dr. Alois Brandl, and translated from the German by L. Dora Schmitz. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 3 P 24 3. From the 14th Century to the Death of Surrey. TEN BRINK, Dr. Jan. Robespierre and the Red Terror. Translated by J. Hedeman. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 10 U 14 TENISON-WOODS, Rev. Julian Edmund. Geology and Mineralogy of the Northern Territory of South Aus- tralia. [See Parsons, J. L.— The Northern Territory.] MD 8 Q 49 Personal Reminiscences of Adam Lindsay Gordon. [See Melbourne Review, 9.] ' ME 18 Q TENNANT, Charles. Letter on Systematic Colonization. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 Q 37 Letters concerning Systematic Colonization. [See Senior, N. W.] F 13 Q 37 TENNENT, Sir James Emerson. Christianity in Ceylon : its Introduction and Progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British, and American Missions; with an Historical Sketch of the Brahmanieal and Buddhist Superstitions. Illustrated. Svo. bond.. 1850. G 23 T 1 1 TENNESSEE -.—State Departments— Reports and Publica- tions. Agricultural Experiment Station. Grasses of Tennes- see. Pt. 2. Illustrated. Svo. Knoxville, 1894. A 37 B 15 Grasses ami Forage Plants ; by J. B. Killebrew. Illus trated. Svo. Knoxville, 1899. A 37 R 26 Soils of Tennessee. Illustrated. Svo. Knoxville, 1897. A 41 R 2 3?ublic Library of New South Wales. TENNYSON, Alfred, Baro: 12mo. Lond., 1898. Works. With Portrait. H 3 II 39 Memoir and Works of; by his son. With Portraits. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-99. H 12 S 2-13 Early Poems. Edited, with a Critical Introduction, Commentaries and Notes, together with the various readings, a transcript of the Poems temporarily and finally suppressed, and a Bibliography, bv J. C. Col- lins. Svo. Lond., 1900. H 13 V 13 Memoir of ; by hh Lond., 1897. With Portraits. 2 vols. Svo. C 24 R 21, 22 The Age of Tennyson [See Walker, Prof. II.] J 14 P 33 Arthur Henry Hallam as Advocate of Alfred and Charles Tennyson. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 The Bibliography of Tennyson. [See Shepherd, 11. H.l K19P19 Criticism of the Work of. [See Walker, Prof. H.— Greater Victorian Poets.] J 10 L T 36 [Criticism onj Tennyson's "Princess"; by A. Wilson. [See Melbourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q [Essay on] Tennyson's Poems. [See Mill, John Stuart. —Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 Gareth and Lynette. [See Russell, F. A. A.] MH 1 V 20 Hand-book to the Works of. [See Luce, M.] H 11 Q 4 Lessons from my Masters. [,SW; Bavne, P.] ,1 o T 28 Lines on the Death of ; by H. Buxton Forman. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Mind of Tennyson. [See Siieath, Prof. E. 11.] J 23 S 34 [See Lindsay, James. — J 12 T 44 e Montgomery, Eleanor E.l MH 1 S 72 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] [See Fields, Annie.— Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 [Study of.] [See Harrison, F.— Tennyson, Buskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates.] J 26 R 29 Tennyson : a Critical Study. [See Gwynn, S.] J 23 U 23 Tennyson : Poet, Philosopher, Idealist, [See Walters, J- C] J 26 S 31 Tennyson and "In Memoriam." [See Jacobs, J.] J 4 P 8 The Philosophy of Tennysc The Pilgrim of Eternity. [ TENNYSON, Alfred, Baron— contd. Tennyson and "In Memoriam." [See Scudder, Vida U. —Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets.] H 11 S 2 Tennyson as a Religious Teacher. (See Masterman, C. F. G.] G 25 S 7 Tennyson's Idylls ; by A. C. Wilson. [See Melbourne Review, 8.] ME 18 Q TENNYSON, Charles [afterwards Charles Tennyson Turner.] [See Turner, C. T.] TENNYSON, Hallam, 2nd Baron. Memoir and Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. [See Tennyson, A.] II 12 S 2-13 Memoir of Alfred Lord Tennyson. [See Tennyson, A.] C 24 R 21, 22 TENTERFIELD INTERCOLONIAL COURIER and Fairfield and Wallangarra Advocate. I ' :>'>. !■',.!. Ten terfleld, 1899. ME TENTERFIELD STAR, with which is incorporated the Tenterfield Record, 1899. Fol. Tenterfield, 1899. ME TEPPER, J. G. O. Botflies, Gadflies, and Breezeflies. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Feb., 1900.) ME 9 U The Coleoptera of Lake Callabonna. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans, and Proa, 1896.) ' ME 1 S Description of the male of Coeluxuma iiumnu-, Maskell, and of a new species of a Leaf-mining Moth. (Boy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME IS Leaves, Flowers, Fruit. 8vo. Adelaide, 1898. MA 4 S 27 List of Australasian Libelluidre. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1899.) ME 1 S Orthoptera of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W Baldwin.— Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Plants, Insects, and Birds : their relation to each other, the soil, and man. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 4 S 7 # Trees and their role in Nature. (Agricult. Gaz., N S.W , 1896.) ME9R — , and McALPINE, D. Some South Australian forms of Cordyceps Gunnii, Berk. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W, 1897.) ME 9 R TERHUNE, Mary Virginia [Mrs.] "Marion Harland." Some Colonial Homesteads and their Stories. Illust, Svo. New York, 1S97. B 16 II 10 Charlotte Bronte at Home. [See Bronte, C] C 28 P 1 William Cowper. [See Cow'per, W.] C 28 P 2 nd HERRICK, Christine Terhu National Cook-book. Svo. Lond., 1896. A22S4 TERLIER, Mme. Venus Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. TERIHEN DE LACOUPERIE, Albert Etienne Jean I iaptiste. Orientalia Antiqua ; or, Documents and I tesearches relating to the History of the Writings, Languages, and Arts of the East. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 5 V 24 Catalogue of Chinese Coins, including the series in the [Jritish Museum. [See British Museum.] A is J! 17 f -Tl'ltRTSS. William. [See Le TERRY, Charles Sanford. Life and Campaigns of Alex- ander Leslie, 1st EarlofLeven. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 28 T 14 "TERRY, Ellen." [See Wardell, Ellen Alicia.] TESTE, Dr. Alphonse. Practical Manual of Animal Mag- netism, containing an exposition of the methods em- ployed in producing the magnetic phenomena; with its application to the treatment and c Translated by Dr. D. Spillan. 12mo. Lond., 1843. G 15 U 6 TFWFTK, Pasha, Khedive of Egypt. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 TEX AS : Stat<- Departments —RrpurU and I'nUh-ath, TEXT-LOOKS < ORNAMENTAL DESIGN. oik. [See Bay, L. F.] A mcnt. [See Day, L. F.] J TEXT- LOOKS OF SCIENCE. Metals. [See Huntington, Prof. A. K.] A 25 Q 43 TEXT-BOOKS OF TECHNOLOGY. Carpentry and Joinery. [See Webber, F. C] A 25 S 10 Practic.if Mechanics. " [See Wells, S. H] A -£, S 15 TEX TE, Prof. Joseph. Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature: a Study of the Literary Relations between France and England during the 18th Century. Translated by J. W. Matthews. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 23 V 36 Til ACKER, S. Indian Dir [See Indian TI 1 ACK ER AY, Anne Isabella. [See Mitel THACKERAY, Henry St. John. Gramn tament Creek. [See Blass, Prof. R] D 13 V 11 - Anne, L] THACKERAY, William Mak •peace. Works. Bio- graphical ed. ; with B igrapl ical In roductions by his daughter, Anne Ri chic. [Wit l Bibliography.] With Portrait. 1 3 v< Is. 8v< ., 1898. J 22 U 1-13 1. Vanity Fair. 2. History of Pendem 3. Memoirs of Mr. Ch Samuel Titmarsli mUhe Vellowp ush ; the History of ' the FitzlI.HMlle Papers: Men's Wives : Catherine, &c- 5. Sketch-books : Paris Sketch-book of Mr. M. A. Tit- marsh : the Irish Sketeh-book ; Xotes of a Journey from Cornhill toCrand Cairo, &c. 0. Contributions to Punch, &e. 7. History of Henry Esmond, Esq, written by himself ; the English Humourists of the 18th Century ; the Four (leorges ; and Charity and Humour. 8. The Newcomes. 9. Christmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titraarsh, &c. 10. The Virginians. 11. Adventures of Philip. 12. The Wolves and the Lamb; Lovcl the Widower; Roundabout Papers ; and Denis Duval. 13. Ballads and Miscellanies. Ballads and Songs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 17 Hitherto unidentified Contributions to Punch; with a complete and authoritative Bibliography from 1843- 48 by M. H. Spielmann. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 17 U 12 d Reviews, and Con- Life of; by L. Mel Lond, 1899. [Life of]; by P. D. Phillips. Thackeray's Haunts and Hoi trated. 8vo. Lond, 1897, >. Lond, 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. C 27 S 3, 4 (Melb. Rev, 5.) ME 18 Q nes; by E. Crowe. Illus- C23Q22 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P.— Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F.-E; Study of. [See Jack, Adolphus Alfrei Thackeray in America. [See Curtis, and Social Essays.] J 8 T 37 J 14 V 4 tch of." [See Clodd, Edward.— Pioneers A 27 R 13 THANE, Prof. George Dai [&,Quain,Dr.J.] "THAN FT, Octave. [See'Fvo Alice.] Public Library of New South Wales. THATCHER, Benjamin Bussey. Indian Tracts : being Sketches of the Manners, Customs, and Character of the North American Natives. 2 vols. 18mo. New York, 1833. A 26 P 39, 40 THATCHER, Dr. Oliver Joseph, and SCHWILL, Ferdi- nand. Europe in the Middle Ages. With Maps and Charts. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 24 THATCHER, Richmond. Sydney and Suburban Hold Guide, and licensed Victuallers' Directory. [See Sydney and Suburban Hotel Guide.] MF 5 S 14 THAUSING, Prof. Julius E. Theory and Practice of the Preparation of Malt, and the Fabrication of Beer, with special reference to the Vienna Process of Brewing, Translated from the German by William T. Brannt. and edited by A. Schwarz and Dr. A. H. Bauer. Illustrated. 8vo. Piiilad., 1882. A 25 U 16 THAXTER, Celia [Mrs. L. L.] (Celia Laighton). Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1898. H 4 T 24 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 [Sketch of.] [See Fields, Annie.-- Authors and Friends.] J 14 It 14 THAYER, Eli. History of the Kansas Crusade: its Friends and its Foes ; with Introduction bv Rev. E. E. F 6 S 34 Hale. 8vo. New York, 1889. THAYER, Prof. James Bradley. Preliminary Treatise on Evidence at the Common Law. Pt. 1. 8vo. Boston, 1896. F 13 R 28 1. Development of Trial Ijy Jury. THEAL, George M'Call. The Portuguese in South Africa, with a Description of the Native Races be- tween the River Zambesi and the Cape of Good Hope during the 16th Century. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B16T16 THEATRE, The: a Monthly Review and Magazine, from vol. 1, n.s., Aug., 1878-85. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-85. J 27 V 1-14 TIIEATItE OF AUSTRALASIA, The: a Monthly Re- view of the Drama, Music, and Fine Arts. No. 1- 2nd ser. No. 2, Aug., 1889-Sept., 1890. With Por- traits! 8vo. Melb., 1889-90. MJ 4 P 23 THEILE, Prof. Karl Gottfried Wilhelm. Biblia Hebraica. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Hebrew.] G 24 V 30 THEOBALD, Frederick Vincent. Insect Life : a short Account of the Classification and Habits of Insects. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 18 P 31 Parasitic Diseases of Poultry. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond 1896. A 27 R 15 Text-book of Agricultural Zoology. Illustrated. 8vo Edinb., 1899. A 27 P 4 ^HEOBALD, William. Conchologia Indica. [See Han- ley, S.] A 18 R 5 f THEOCRITUS. Etude sur Th6ocrite. [See Legrand, P. E.] H 4 V 19 [Opera.] [See Poetfe Gneci.] H 17 U 12 t "THEODORUS." [See Mullinger, J. B.] THEOGNIS. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and Theognis. Literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes, by Rev. J. Banks. H 11 R 11 The Fragments of Theognis. Translated or paraphrased and chronologically arranged, with a view to illustrate the personal history of the Poet, by J. H. Frere. (Banks, Rev. J.— Works of Hesiod.) H 11 R 11 [Opera.] [See Poete Giwci.] H 17 U 12 f THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, The: a Journal of Religious Thought and Life, 1866-72. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866-72. G 19 Q 15-21 THEOLOGICAL TRANSLATION FUND LIBRARY. Apostolic Age of the Christian Church. [See Wcizsacker, Prof. 0. von.] G 23 T 5, 6 Communii (the Christian with Coil. [See Herrmann, Prof. W.] G25Q16 THEOSOPHY IN AUSTRALASIA. Vols. 1-5, April, 1895-March, 1900. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. and 4to. Sydney, THEURTET, Andre. Rustic Life in France. Translated by Helen B. Dole. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. D 18 S 17 THIBAULT, E. Modern Languages at the Melbourne University. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q THIBAULT, Jacques Anatole, "Anatole France." Bal- thasar. 8th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 26 Q 9 Les Desirs de Jean Servien. 1 2mo. Paris (n.d. ) J 26 Q 1 Histoire Contemporaine. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1899. J 26 Q 17-19 1. L'Orme du Mail. 54th ed. 2. Lo Mannequin d'Oaier. 47th ed. 3. L'Anneau d'Aniethyste. 46th ed. Jocaste et le Chat Maigre. 6th ed. 12mo Paris 1897. J 26 Q 12 Le Livre de Mon Ami. 25th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 26 Q 13 Le Lys Rouge. 55th ed. 1 2mo. Paris, 1899. J 26 Q 14 Les Opinions de M. Jerome Coignard, recueillies par Jacques Tournebroche. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 26 Q 11 La Rotisserie de la Reino Pedauque. 29th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1899. J 26 Q 15 Thais. 29th ed. 12mo. Paris,. 1899. J 26 Q 16 La Vie Litteraire. Vol. 1, 7th ed., vols. 2-4, new ed. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1898-99. J 26 Q 23-26 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 Supplementary Catalog ue — 189G-1900. THl I )DALL, Mary. Heinrich Heine's Last Days. [See Heine, H.] C 26 P 1 THIEBAULT, Dieudonnd Adrien Paul F. C. H. Baron. .Memoirs of. Translated and condensed by A. J. Butler. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 11, 12 TH1ELE, H. H. Rewa River, Fiji. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Aug., 1891.) E TH1ELE, Johannes. Studien iiber paziiische Spongien. ]'t. 1. I!kr:t. 4to. Stuttgart, 1 80S. MA 10 Q 14 t THIERRY, Amedee Simon Dominique. St. Jerome. [See Church, R. W., Dean- -Occasional Papers.] J 14 IT 35 THl KRRY, C. de. [See De Thierry, C] THILENIUS, Dr. G. Formalin Inst., Trans., 1898.) Alfre History of Philoso! [See Weber, ( i 5 Q 30 THIMM, Carl Alber. Complete Bibliogi aphy of Fencing and Duelling as jiractised by all European Nations from the Middle Ages to the present day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 41 S 5 THIIILMERE, Rowland. Idylls of i Pictures of Travel in the Peninsi Van I) 21 Q 3 TH IsELTON-DYEE, T. F [See Dyer, T. F. Thiselton-.] THOBURN, James Mills, Missionary Bishop of India and Malaysia. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 THOM, W. S. Wild Sports of Burma and Assam. [See Pollok, Col. P. T.] D 22 S 11 T7I0.WS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1884, 1887-90, 1893-1900. 13 vols. 8 vo. Dublin, 1884-1900. E THOMAN, Fedor. Interest and Annuity Tables. [See Inwood, W. Tables of Interest and Mortality for the ■ Purchasing of Estates and Valuation of Properties.] F 8 Q 8 THOMAS, Prof. Allen C, and Dr. Richard II. History . ,f the Society of Friends in America. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist, Ser.) G 12 V 19 THOMAS, Charles G. Johannesburg in Arms, 1895-90: being the Observations of a casual spectator 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 16 R 25 THOMAS, Prof. Cyrus. Maya and Malay. (Polynesian Hoc, Journ., 1898.) ME R THOMAS, David Morgan. The Day-book of Wonders. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 R 13 THOMAS, E. Neumann. How thankful should \ve be Comments on Natal. Roy. 8vo. Cape Town, 1894. THOMAS, Edward. The Woodland Life. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. A 20 Q 40 THOMAS, Prof. Emile. Roman Life under the Caesars. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 17 Q 32 THOMAS, Maj.-Gen. George Henry. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore V. Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 THOMAS, Gladys, and GUILLEMARD, Mary F. Cyrano de Bergerac. [See Rostand, E.] H 10 U 33 THOMAS, J. R. Goring. Song: Dolly Day. [Music.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) " MA 13 P 6 t Song : Forget-me-not. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1 895. MA 1 3 P 6 1 THOMAS, James Henry. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proa, 80.) E THOMAS, James Waller. Treatise on Coal, Mine-gases, and Ventilation. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 24 Q 35 THOMAS, John J. The American Fruit Culturist, con- taining Practical Directions for the Propagation and Culture of all Fruits adapted to the United States. 12th ed, revised and enlarged by W. II. S. Wood. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 20 U 30 THOMAS, Julian, "The Vagabond." Holy Tonga. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MI) 5 R 36 Western Australia: being the Winter Supplement of The Leader, May, 1896. Illustrated. Fol. Melb., 1890. MD 2 P 32 J THOMAS, Margaret. Struck Gold. (Fisher, L. By- Creek and Gully.) MJ 3 R 33 Two Years in Pa Lond., 1900. 1) 22 R 13 THOMAS. Michael Rogers Oldtield. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. Nat. Hist.] A 42 V 1 Dendereh, 1898. [See Egypt Exploration Fund.] B 18 Q 30 t Habits of the Sydney Bush-rat, [See Zoological Soc, Lond., Proe., 1897.] E Public Library of New South Wales. THOMAS, Ralph. A Bibliographical List of Works on Swimming. 8vo. Lond., 1868. A 29 T 37 On the use of the word British. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 12 Q 23 Some Words in "A New English Dictionary on Histori- cal Principles." 12mo. Lond., 1899. ' J 12 Q 23 THOMAS, Thaddeua P. City Government of Baltimore. (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 14 THOMAS, Theodore. 1 John Knowles.] THOMAS, W. R. Economical Mining at the Myalls United Gold-mine, New South Wales. (Inst, of Min- ing and Metallurgy, Trans., 1898-99.) E THOMAS, William Cave. Cosmic Ethics; or, the Mathematical Theory of Evolution, showing the full import of the Doctrine of the Mean, and containing the Principia of the Science of Proportion. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 Q 34 THOMAS WALKER CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL, PARRAMATTA RIVER. Annual Reports, 1894- 99. 8vo. Sydney, 1894-99. ME 3 Q THOME, John M. Results of the National Argentine Observatory, Cordoba Duirhmusterimg. Vols. 16, 17. With Maps. 2 vols. 4to. Buenos Aires, 1892-94. A 14 S 19, 20 f, and 10 P 24 } THOME, Otto Wilhelm, and BENNETT, Alfred W. Text-book of Structural and Physiological Botany. 8th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 P 37 THOMPSON, Alice. [See Meynell, Alice.] THOMPSON, Dr. Alton Howard. The Causes of Con- genital Defectiveness and Deformity of the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F. -American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 THOMPSON, Anna Boynton. The Unity of Fichte's Doctrine of Knowledge. 8vo. Boston, 1895. (Rad- cliffe College Monographs.) G 3 R 33 THOMPSON, Charles John Samuel. The Chemist's Compendium for Pharmacists, Chemists, and Students. 18mo. Lond., 1896. A 26 P 21 The Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and Pharmacy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 20 R 8 THOMPSON, Rev. Charles L. Modern Methods in Churchwork. [See Mead, Rev. G. W.] G 24 Q 4 THOMPSON, Denman. [Portrait McKay, F. E. — Famous Amerii id Sketch of.] [See n Actors of To-day.] THOMPSON, Dr. Edmund Symes. Life Assurance. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 THOMPSON, Edward G. Woodward's National Archi- tect. [See Woodward, G. E.] A 18 R 21 t THOMPSON, Rev. Edward H. Farm and Orchard Pests. 12mo. Adelaide, 1892. MA 4 P 10 Hand-book to the Insect Pests of Farm and Orchard. [See Tasmania,— Agricult.] MA 3 S 72 THOMPSON, Sir Edward Maunde. English Illuminated MSS. Eol. Lond., 1895. A 13 T 3 f Fac-similes of MSS. and Inscriptions. [See Palaeographi- cal Soc] J 48 P 4-7 J Wycliffe Exhibition in the King's Library. [See British Museum.] ' K 19 R 24 THOMPSON, Edward P., and ANTHONY, Prof. William A. Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 25 U 33 THOMPSON, Elizabeth Southerden. [Sec Butler, Lady- Elizabeth Southerden.] THOMPSON, Ernest Eyan Seton. Studies in the Art Anatomy of Animals : being a brief analysis of the visible forms of the more familiar Mammals and Birds, designed for the use of Sculptors, Painters, Illus- trators, Naturalists, and Taxidermists. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 17 U 2 f THOMPSON, Francis. New Poems. Svo. Lond., 1897. H 1 S 24 THOMPSON, George F. Index to Authors, with Titles of their Publications, appearing in the Documents of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1841-97. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Publications.] Cat. Room Synoptical Index of the Reports of the Statistician, 1863-94. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult.— Div. of Publications.] Cat, Room THOMPSON, Sir Henry. Cremation: its Progress at Home and Abroad, and the medical responsibilities which it entails ; with special relation to improved Certification of Death. (With discussion.) 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 30 T 31 Diet in relation to age and activity. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 33 Q 41 Fish as Food. (Internat, Fisheries Ex bib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 Food and Feeding. With Appendix. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 39 V 25 Modern Cremation. Cremation : its History and Prac- tice to the present date ; with information relating to all recently improved arrangements made by the Cre- mation Society of England. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 28 P 41 Supplemental Catalogue — 1806-1900. TIP A1PSON, Rev. Henry Louis. Inspe, noir of Henry George Liddeli, Dean of Christ Church, ixford. [See Liddell, H. G, Dean.] C 25 S 11 THOMPSON, Herbert M. Russia >MPSON, J. W. Appeal t (Juestion ; Alienation; the Poor: Leasing Policy; Justi F 14 U 24 ; the Land method of introducing into (Queensland £13,01)0,000. Svo. Brisb., 1883. MF . r > Q 16 OMPSON, Dr. John Ashburton. Contribution to the History of Leprosy in Australia, Svo. Lond., 1897. MA 3 W 23 listory and Prevalence of Leprosy in Australia. (Aus- tralasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME IS S ,eprosy in Hawaii : a Critical Inquiry. Svo. Sydney, 1898. MA4T5 >MPSON, Jo X.S.W., 1S9C in Low. Catch Crops. •) (Agricult. Gaz., ME 9 R . Channel 1, X.S.W, 189C lands Breed of Cattle. ■) (Agricult. Gaz., .M E 9 It Gaz., N.SAV. ci the Cheddar Princ 1896.) pie. (Agricult. M E 9 R , Cultivation i S95. if Maize or Indian Corn Svo. Sydney, MA 3 R 59 (airy Notes. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1890.) ME 9 R Vhorning Cattle. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R 'he Dutch Belted Breed of Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV., 1896.) ME 9 R Jnsilage up to date. (Agr. Gaz., X.SAV, 1898.) ME 9 It 'he Grain Drill and Horse Hoe. (Agricult. Gaz., S.B.W., 1899.) ME 9 It I ighland Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV, 1898.) ME 9 It [olstein or Frisian Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV., 1896.) ME 9 It i ligation in Australia. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV, 1899.) ME 9 R .abotir-saving Implements. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV, M E R id. , N.S.W., 11; 196.) ME 9 K and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA I U 1 nd Fruit-growers' Guide.) MAI V 1 nd Bacon-curing. (Agricidt. Gaz.. SAW, 1896.) ME 9 R •urising Cream for Butter-making. (Agricult. ,z., N.S.W., 1890.) ME 9 R 3 ig. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA I U I irt on a Visit to the Western District. (Agricult. iz., N.SAV., 1899.) ME 9 R THOMPSON, John Low- Rotation of Crops. (Fan •Hid. Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA4U1 Selection of a Dairy Herd. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV., 1896.) ME 9 It Soil Exhaustion. (Agr. Gaz., N.SAV., 1899.) ME 9 It Soiling Cattle. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV., 1900.) ME 9 It A Spiked Roller. (Agricult. Gaz., N.SAV, 1898.) ME 9 R Steam Cultivation. (Agricult. Gaz.. N.SAV, 1900.) ME 9 It The Tillering or Stooling Proclivities of Wheat. (Agri- cult. Gaz., N.SAV., 1899.) ME 9 It THOMPSON, Patrick. Torture inflicted on Thompson, Soldiers i, Governor Darling, at Hall, E. S.I ; of h Wales. [See MF 4 Q 57 THOMPSON, It. Report on the Forests of Mauritius: their Present Condition and Future Management. Sm. fol. Port Louis, 1880. A 11 X 16 t THOMPSON, Rev. R. Wardlaw, and JOHNSON, Rev. Arthur N. British Foreign Missions, 1837-97. Svo. Lond, 1899. G25P17 THOMPSON, Col. Richard Frederick Meysey-. Reminis- cences of the Course, the Camp, and the Chase. Svo. Lond, 1898. C 20 S 17 THOMPSON, R« beit A. Tl Loi .son's A 1 id, 1899 i.anack and En- E THOMPSON, Rev. It Churches in the >bert E Unitec Churc S i H Hist on of Pre. o. Ne byterian w York, 12 V 13 THOMPSON, Pi namo-Electric ed. of "Dyn York, 1897. >f. Silvanus Machines imo-Electric l'l, M Hips, F.l Supple... ichinery. .S. L ■nt to A itest Dy the 6th . New 21 S 16* Light Visible s livered at the Christmas, D nd Ro 96. nvisib ■al Ins Illusti itu ion of ( . Svo. if Lee Lond., A ures de- ■itain at Michael Farad; M.] y=i is Life a, d Work. [See C 'aradav. 19 P 20 Radiation. [See H\ ndman II. 11. F.] A 20 Q 25 1 S)l. 1, 18 SOX lijal, loath Rev. Will uidits Les of F. Egg! ons .rgias of Plato. [Se te Mi ster of Tri lity Essays.] ( ! 9 V 38 .J 15 S 38 [See Benson, A. J 10 R 43 Public Library of New South Wales. THOMSON, A. Douglas. Eurimdes and the Attic Orators. 8vo. Loud., 1898. * GUP 35 THOMSON, Alec. The Small Debts Recovery Acts and the Bills of Sale Act. [See Addison, G. C] MF 5 It 6 Narrative of part of Nei 1889.) Exploring Expedition to the Eastern luinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Oct., THOMSON, Sir Charles Wyville, and MURRAY, Dr. John. Cliallriii/rr Expedition Iteports; Portraits of the Contributors. [See Crane, W.J A 6 R 4 f 5 K THOMSON, Clara Linklater. Samuel Richa Richardson, S.J THOMSON, Daniel. Relation of Cooperative to Com- petitive Trading, with special reference to High and Low Dividends. 12mo. Manchester, 1867. F 13 V 41 THOMSON, David Croal. Life and Works of Luke Fildes. [See Art Journal.] A 13 W 7 t THOMSON, Sir Edward Deas-. Chancellor's Address to the Sydney University, 1876. 8m. 4to. Sydney, 1876. MJ 2 U 7 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t THOMSON, G. S. Butter-making. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust, Aug., 1898.) ME 9 Q Butter-testing. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., June, 1899.) ME 9 Q Cheddar Cheese-making. (Journ. of Agricult. and In- dustry, S. Aust,, Sept., 1898, May, 1899.) ME 9 Q Dairy Cattle. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 Q Dairying. (Journ. of Agricult, and Industry, S. Aust., Oct., 1898, March, 1899.) * ME 9 Q Facts for consideration by Dairy-farmers. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust., April, 1899.) ME 9 Q Tubercular Disease in Dairy Herds. (Journ. of Agricult. and Industry, S. Aust,, Feb., 1899.) ME 9 Q Varieties of Cheese. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., Feb., 1900.) ME 9 U THOMSON, George. Life and Correspondence of ; by J. C. Hadden. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 15 THOMSON, George M. Cmxto.em Anomura of New Zea- land. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) ME 2 8 Letter respecting the proposed Biological Station and Fish Hatchery, near Dunedin, New Zealand. (Aus- tralasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S New Zealand Orchestidre. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1898.) ME 2 S THOMSON, H. C. The Outgoing Turk : Impressions of a Journey through the Western Balkans. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 T 27 Rhodesia and its Government. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 S 1 THOMSON, J. P. Commercial Geography. 8vo. Brisb., 1894. MD 8 Q 50 Exploration and Discoveries in British New Guinea since the proclamation of sovereignty. 8vo. Brisb., 1892. MD 7 U 27 Land of Viti. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Mar., 1894.) E The Physical Geography of Australia. 8vo. Brisb., 1895. MA 3 Q 68 Queensland. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Nov., Dec, 1897.) E Survey of Exploration in British New Guinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., July, 1892.) E Viti. 8vo. Brisb., 1894. MD 2 T 27 T 1 1 < ) M SON, J. Turnbull. A Brae (Melbourne Review, 9.) of Land Reformers. ME 18 Q THOMSON, James. [Life of]; by W. Bayne. 12mo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 7 Poem to the Memory of William Congreve. [See Percy Soc.J H 11 S 1*1 THOMSON, James, "B. V." [Criticism of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 THOMSON, Capt, Jocelyn Home. Report on the circum- stances attending an Explosion which occurred at the Dynamite Factory of Nobel's Explosives Co., at Ardeer. [See Gt, Brit, and Ireland.— Ardeer Explosion.] A 39 V 38 J THOMSON, John. Through China with a Camera. [With but slight alterations, a reproduction of parts of his earlier " Straits of Mulacca, Indo-China, and China."] Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. D 19 U 13 THOMSON, John. Descriptive Catalogue of the Writings of Sir Walter Scott, [See Philadelphia Free Library.] Cat, Room THOMSON, Dr. John. Congenital Obliteration of the Bile-ducts. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Hemorrhages in new-born Children. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Icterus Neonatorum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. THOMSON, Prof. John Arthur. The Natural History of tii.' Year. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 27 P 5 The Science of Life : an Outline of the History of Biology and its recent advances. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Vic- torian Era Ser.) A 21 P 39 From North Pole to Equator. [See Brehm, Alfred Edmund.] I) L8 V 22 THOMSON, Joseph. Joseph Thomson : a Biography ; by his brother. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 2;? Q 5 THOMSON, Prof. Joseph John, F.R.S. Discharge of Electricity through Gases. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 22 Q 23 R, ntgen Rays. [See Barker, Prof. G. F.] A 44 Q 22 THOMSON, Katherine (Mrs. A. T.) [Katherine Byerley]. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. With Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 184",. 27 U 2-4 THOMSON, Margaret R. From North Pole to Equator. [See Brehm, Alfred Edmund.] D 18 V 22 THOMSON, Dr. Theodore. Report on an epidemic of Enteric Fever in the Borough of Newport. [See Gt. I '.lit, and Ireland.— Local Government.] A 39 V 1 1 } THOMSON, Sir William. [See Kelvin, Baron.] THOMSON, Capt. William C. Fiji: Past and Present. (Kov. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Viet. Branch, Trans., 1899.) ME 20 P THOMSON, Dr. William H. Acute and Chronic Organic I >iseases of the Heart. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 THOMSON, Dr. William Hanna. Christ in the Old Tes- tament : or, the Great Argument. 8vo. New York, 1888. G24T5 THOMSON, William McClure. Sketch of. [See Creegan, I lev. C. O— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 THOREAU, Henry David. Life of; by Henry S. Salt, 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 22 T 12 [Life of]; by F. B. Sanborn. With Portrait. 12mo. " Uoston, 1897. (American Men of Letters.) C 27 P 8 [Short Study of.] [See Higginson, T. \V. -Short Studies of American Authors.] J1K 30 lerson, R. W. -Lectures and Bio- [Sketch of.] THORN, W. H. Reed's Engineers' Hand-book to the Board of Trade Examinations for Certificates of Com- petency as First and Second-class Engineers. 15th ed. With Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Sunderland, 1894. A 22 R 10, 11 THORNBURY, George Walter. Songs of the Cavaliers and Roundheads, Jacobite Ballads, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1857. H 10 W 24 Life of J. M. W. Turner. [See Turner, J. M. W.l C 23 R 29 THORNDIKE, Edward L. Animal Intelligence : an Ex- perimental Study of the Associative Processes in Ani- mals. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 25 V 8 THORNE, Charles R, [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay. F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C23Q6 THORNE, Dr. Richard Thorne. Diphtheria. (Allbutt, Dr. T. O — System of Medicine.) A 2G T 34 THORNE, Dr. William Bezly. The Schott Methods of the Treatment of Chronic Diseases of the Heart, with an Account of the Nauheim Baths, and of the Therapeutic Illust. 8vo. Lond, 189G. A 30 Q 10 THORNHILL, Mark. Haunts and Hobbies of an Indian Official. 8vo. Lond, 1899. D 13 S 3 THORNLEY, E. M. Notes on Hydraulicing and Ground- sluicing in New Zealand, ami comparisons with the Drift Gravel of the Corinna District in Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans, 1897.) -ME 18 P THORNTHWAITE, W. Hints on Reflecting and Re- fracting Telescopes and their accessories. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1895. THORNTON, J. First Le Lond, 1898. A 23 T 36 Book-keeping. 12mo. THORNTON, Rev. Robinson. St. S Times, and Teaching. 1 2mo. ] Fathers for English Readers.) THORNTON, Samuel, Bishop of Bal Aboriginal Art in Australia. (Vi< THORNTON, Thomas Henry. Gen. I India/' [See Meade, Gen. Sir R.] THORP, Frank Hall. Outlines of In Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 181 rose: his Life, 1, 1891. (The t. Problems of »t, Trans., 30.) hard Meade nd Southern C25 P 14 TIIORELL, Tamerlan. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma. [See British Museum. Nat, Hist,] A38P 12 Public Library of New-Jouth Wales. THOIiPE, Benjamin. Florentii Wigorniensis Monachi Chronicon ox Chronicis. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] " B 39 P 23, 24 THORPE, Francis Newton. Constitutional History of the American People, 1770 1850. With .Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1898. P 10 IT 3, 4 THORPE, G. Cooperative Agriculture. 12mo. Man- chester, 1891. V 13 V 41 THORPE, Dr. Thomas Edward, F.R.S. Humphry Davy, Poet and Philosopher. [See Davy, Sir U] C 20 U 10 THORPE, Dr. Tidal Gunson. Notes on a new species of Pedalion from the Solomon Isles. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1891 95.) ME 1 Q THORPE, William George. The Hidden Lives of with someBo'velat ions of Shakespeare s early struggles, 1587-92. [See Shakespeare, W.] C 20 S 7 THOUGHTS ON GENERAL GRAVITATION, and views thence arising as to the state of the Universe. Sin. 4to. Loud., 1777. A 17 li 10 f THRALE, Mrs. Hesther Lynch. [See Piozzi, Mrs. H. L] THRELFALL, Richard. Contribution to the Study of Laboratory Arts. Illustrated. 8vo Spontaneous Heating of Coal Carg. y. So( ., N.S.W., ME 1 R Lond 1898. M A 1 P 8 . 8v MA 1 13 - -, and ALLEN, J. Bernard. Experiments on s. ■ctrical Properties of purified Sulphur. (Austrahu soc. for Adv. of Science, Kept., 1898.) M E 1 1 P.liEARLEY, Joseph Henry Drapi, searches on the Elec No. 1. (Roy. Soc, London.'Philosoph. Trans ser \ 1890.) E , and POLLOCK, Prof. James Arthur. Experi- ments with Rontgen's Radiation. (London, Edinbu.-h, and Dublin Philosophical Mag., Dec, 1890.) ' E Quartz-thread Gravity Balance (Roy. Soc., Lond., THRELKELD 1822. (E< Rev. Lance ot E Uaial f Scii >ce,Apr ty Islands,' A 30 Q 20 THRING Edw 11. Parkin. 1898. u-d. Life, 1 With Poi !» and Le tersof; by . 8vo. Loi C 23 T 4 C. d., THRUM, Thomas G. Hawaiian Almanac and A, ,„„„!. [See Hawaiian Almanac.} ME 3 U THRUSTON, Maj. Arthur Blyford. African Incidents ; Personal Experiences in Egypt and Unyoro ; with an Introduction by Gen. Sir A". Hunter; a Memoir of the Author by his brother, E. H. Thruston ; and an Ac- count of 'Maj. Thruston's last stay, in 1897, in the Protectorate, his Death, and the Mutiny of the Uganda Rifles. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ' B 27 R 14 THUDICHUM, John Louis William. JEsthetical use of Wine and its influence upon Health. (Intermit. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 Alcoholic Drinks. (Intermit, Health Exhib.- -Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 THURSFIELD, James Richard. The Navy and the Nation. [See Clarke, Lieut.-Col. Sir G. S.] F 1 R 23 THURSFIELD, Dr. William Nealor. Cow's Milk as a vehicle of Infectious and Epidemic Disease. (Intermit, Health Exhib. -Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V t THURSTON, Rev. Herbert. Testament of St. Ignatius. [See Ignatius Loyola, St.] G 20 Q 9 THURSTON, Robert Henry. The Animal as a Machine and a Prime Motor, and the Laws of Energetics. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 R 30 THWAITE3, Reuben Cold. The State Historical Societ v of Wisconsin. [See Wisconsin State Hist. Soc] E THYNN, Francis. Debate between Pride and Lowliness. [See Shakespeare Soc, Pubs.] H 3 U 10 TICHBORNE, Herbert, "Sundowner.'' Noqu Talanoa : Stories from the South Seas. 1 2mo. Lond., 1890. MI) 4 P 7 TICHBORNE, Sir Roger Charles Doughty. TheTichbornc Case. [See Atlay, J. B.— Famous Trials of the Century.] F 17 T 1 The Tichborne Mystery. [See Priestmann, E.] MF 5 S 2 TIDDEMAN, Richard Hill. Geology of the Country between Appleby, Ullswator, and Haweswater. [See Ot. Brit, and trek -Geolog. Surv. England and Wales.] A 47 R 38 Geology of the Country around Ingleborough, with parts of Wonslovda!oand'\Yharfeda!e. [See Gt. Brit, and I rel. Geolog. Surv. England and Wales.] A 4 7 B 28 Geology of the Country around Mallerstang, with parts of Wcnsleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See lit. Brit, and Trek Geolog. Surv. England and Wales.] A 47 R 31 TIDEY, Dr. Stuart, Health Abroad. [See Battersby, Dr. C. II.] A 45 R 3 TIDSSKRIFT FOR LANDOKONOMI. [See Denmark-. Agricuit.] E Supplemental j Catalogue — 1896-1900. Til)- WELL, Dr. Frank. Protective Inoculation against Anthrax. (Agriculfc. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R Protective Inoculation against Tick Fever. (Agricult. (!.iz., N.S.W., 1899.) ME 9 R TIDY, Dr. Charles Meymott. Legal Medicine. 2 vols. my. 8vo. Lond., 1882-83. ' F 1 \ r 10, 11 TIE( K, Ludwig. Shakespeare's Samtliehe Drainatische W'erke. [See Shakespeare, AW] H 12 Q 26 29 TIELE, Rev. Cornelius Petrus. Elements of the Science of Religion. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1897-99. (Gifford Lectures) G 11 U 33, 34 We tern Asia according to the most recent Discoveries. Translated l,v Elizabeth J. Tavlor. 12m<». Fond, in.d.) B29S14 TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista. Gli Affreschi ; raccolti da r. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.)" A 3 1 S 3 TIJDSCIIRIFT VOOR 1JET ZEEWEZEN, foimerly ;.\, Samuel Jones. Life of: by John Bigelow. ,ols. 8vo. New York, 1895. * C 22 Q 15, 16 ings and Speeches of. Edited by Join, Bigelow. ,-ols. 8vo. New York, 1885. F 10 S 32, 33 :.\, Prof. William Augustus. F.R.S. Manual of ,emistry. Theoretical and Practical. Illustrated^. t History of the Progress of Scientiiic Chemistry in TILLE, Prof. Alexander. Works of Friedrich Nietzsche. [See Nietzsche, F. W.] G 1G V 15 TILLEMONT, Rev. Louis Scbastien le Nain de. Vie do St. Louis, Roi de France, aceompagnee de Notes et d'eelaircissements par J. de Gaulle. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817 51. G 35 U 1-6 TILLYARD, Frank. Banking and Negotiable Instru- ments : a Manual of Practical Law. 12mo. Lond., 1891. F 13 V 18 Hints for District Visitors (Legal Difficulties of the Poor). [See National Union of Women Workers.] F 1 U 30 TIMBS, John. Clubs and Club Life in London, with Anecdotes of its famous Coffee-houses, Hostelries, and Taverns, from the 17th Century to the present time. Newed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' F 15 11 28 TIMES, The, Jan., 1872 March, 1887, Dec, 1887-Julv, 1888, Jan. -June, 1889, Oct., 1889 Dec, 1890, June, 189 4 -April, 1900. 101 vols. fol. Lond., 1872-1900. E Index to The Times Newspaper, Jan., 1822 65, April, 1866-99. 78 vols. sm. 4 to. Lond., 1868-1900. E The Times Annual, 1890. 8vo. Lond., 1891. E The Times Atlas. Fol. Lond., 1895. D 8 P 34 % TIMOTEO, Pastor. Notes on the Kal.adi Dialect of New Guinea. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1897.) ME 6 R TINGLE, J. Bishop. Spectrum Analysis. [See Landauer, J.] A38U 15 TIPPER, II. England's Attainment of Commercial Su- premacy. 12mo. Lond, 1897. F 1 T 18 TIPPING, T. Review of Past and Present Steam-pump- ing at Alines. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1891.) ME 18 P TIRARD, Dr. Nestor. Diphtheria and Antitoxin. 8vo. Lond, 189". A 33 R 36 TIREBUCK, William. On the Verge of Change. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Qucenscliff. (Vict. Nat.. May and Oct.. 1897.) ME 6 F 'acilities for Botanical Studies in Victoria. (Vict. Nat.. March, 1899.) ME 6 P "l,89a "'" ~MU 2U *3 WALL, Itev. St. Clair. The Religion of the Crescent : or, Islam: its Strength, its Weakness, its Origin, its Influence. 12mo. bond, 1895. O t V 21 Public Library of New South Wales. !es Planetes d'apres la Methode de la 'onstantes Arbitraires. "igure des Corps Celestes ct de Leur 3. Expose de 1'Ena emble des Theories relatives au Mouve- TISSOT, James Joseph Jacques. Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ : 365 Compositions from the four Gospels. With Notes and Explanatory Drawings ; Notes trans- lated by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols/ fol. Lond., 1897-98. G 6 XJ 13, 14 J TITCHENER, Prof. Edward Bradford. Outline of Psy- chology. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 12 V 32 Primer of Psychology. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 23 11 1 5 The Facts of the Moral Life. [See Wundt, W.] G 1 1 B 40 Introduction to Philosophy. [Sec Kulpe, Prof. O.] G 18 P 41 Outlines of Psychology [See Kiilpe, Prof. 0.] G 3 U 5 TITHEBADGE, George S. The Daffodil in Australia, (Roy. Horticult. Soc, Journ., April, 1899.) E TIVOLI SONGSTER, Nos. 14-18, 21. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 U 82 TIZIANO VECELLI. Art of. [See Rose, G. B.— Renaissance Masters.] A 41 T 11 Earlier Work of; by C. Phillips. [See Portfolio.— Monographs, 34.] E Later Work of; by C. Phillips. [See Portfolio.- -Mono- graphs, 37.] E TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel, Comte de. Recollections of. Edited by the Comte de Tocqueville, and now first translated into English by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 12 T 22 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.-Essays.] J 14 U 13 TOD, Alexander Hay. Charterhouse. Illustrated. 8vo Lond., 1900. (i 15 TJ 50 TOD, Lieut.-Col. James. Annals and Antiquities of Bajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India. 2 vols. sin. lto. Calcutta, 1877 70. B 41 W 11, 12 TODD, Commander Chapman C. Report on Voyage of U.S.S. Wilmington up the Amazon River, preceded by a short Account of a Voyage up the Orinoco River [See United States. Dept. of the Navy.] 1) 22 U 1 1 With Sampson through the War. [See Code W \ M.] B 41 It 3 TODD, Charles. Observations of the Transit of Venus December 8th and 9th, 1874, at Adelaide South Aus- tralia. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mem. 17.)' E TODD, Prof. David Peck. New Astronomy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 R 20 Stars and Telescopes : a Hand-hook of Popular Astron- omv, founded on the 9th ed. of Lynn's "Celestial Motions." Illust. Svo. Lond., 1900. A 19 Q 32 TODD, George Eyre-. Early Scottish Poetry. 8vo. Glasgow, 1891. (Abbotsford Ser.) H 13 P 5 Medieval Scottish Poetry. Svo. Glasgow, 1892. (Ab- botsford Ser.) H 13 P 4 Scottish Ballad Poetry. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. (Abbots- ford Ser.) H 13 P G Scottish Poetry of the 16th Century. Svo. Glasgow, 1892. (Abbotsford Ser.) H 13 P 5 Scottish Poetry of the 17th Century. Svo. Glasgow, 1895. (Abbotsford Ser.) H13P7 Scottish Poetry of the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Glas- gow, 189G. ' (Abbotsford Ser.) H 13 P 1, 2 TODD, John, and WH ALL, W. B. Practical Seamanship for use in the Merchant Service, including all ordinary subjects, also Steam Seamanship, Wreck Lifting, avoiding Collisions, Wire-splicing, Displacement, and everything necessary to be known by Seamen of the present day. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 22 V 7 TODHUNTER, Isaac, F.R.S. History of the Mathe- matical Theory of Probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. Svo. Camb., 1865. A 38 V 5 Key to Algebra, for the use of Colleges and Schools. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 25 R 41 Mensuration for Beginners. 18mo. Lond., 1890. A 25 P 42 Key to Todhunter's Mensuration. [See McCarthy, Rev. Lawrence.] A 25 R 40 TOFT, W. Apici July, 1899.) TOKYO IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 2557- 58 (1897-98). Svo. Tokyo, 2558 (1898). E TOLLEMACHE, Hon. Lionel Arthur. Talks with Mr. Gladstone. With Portr. Svo. Lond., 1898. C24P10 Reminiscences of "Lewis Can-oil." [See Dodgson, Rev. C. I,] J 14 Q 35 TOLSTOI, Lvof Nicholayevitch, Count, Anna Karenina Translated by N. H." Dole. Illustrated. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 22 U 1G Anna Karcnine. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1899. J 22 T 1, 2 Christian Teaching. Translated by W. Tchertkoff. 8vo. 14 . Pa : Rom Historii vols. 12m Leo Tolstoy .. Paris, 18 the Grand I lution; 1 y G. H. Pe Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. TOLSTOI, Lyof Nicholayevitch, Count— contd. War and Peace. Translated by N. H. Dole, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 S 3-6 What is Art? Translated from the original Russian M.S., with an introduction, by A. Maude. 12mo. Lond., 1899. (Scott Lib.) A 23 P 48 Work while ye have the Light. Translated by E. J. Dillon ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1 890. J 23 U 9 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Gosse, E.— Critica 1 Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Sketch of.] [See Hansson, Laura Marholm.— We Women and our Authors.] J 21 R 38 "TOMAHAWK, A." Yellow Agony: Wide-spreading PranchesofaDangerousTree. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MJ3R28 TOM ASCHEK, Dr. Wilhelm. Die Topographischen Capitel des Indischen Seespiegels Mohit. [See Seidi Ali ben Hosein.] D 12 X 17 t TOMES, Sir John, F.R.S. System of Dental Surgery. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 21 U 31 TOM KINS, Rev. Henry George. Abraham and his age. I Uustrated. 8vo.. " Lond., 1890. G 23 Q 19 TOM X, Lilian. The Referendum in Australia and New Zealand. (Contemporary Review, Aug., 1897.) E The Referendum in Switzerland. [See Deploige, S.] F 15 Q 34 TOMPKINS, Albert Edward. Text-book, of Marine Engineering. Illustrated. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1898. A 38 T 4 "TOMSON, Graham R. [See Watson, R, TONKIN, James E. English, Australia,,, and American Spot-tiny L'akmhu; 1884. 8vo. Sydney, 1S84. MA 5 Q 13 T( X ) i .E, John Lawrence. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammer- tun, J. A. The Actor's Art.] II 1 S 31 TO!) LEY, Sarah A. Personal Life of Queen Victoria.. [See Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland ] TOOTH, Dr. Howard Henry. Cerebral Hemorrhage. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - System of Medicine.) A 26 T 40 TOOTHED GEARING. [See "Foreman Pattern-maker."] A 2 1 P 42 TOPJNARD, Dr. Pai an An McCoi r. Paul. Science and Faith : or, Man as m,l Man as a Member of Society : with a ,f Animal Societies. Translated' bv T. .1. , 8vo. Chicago, 1899. A 27 S •".1 TOPLEY, William. Water Supply in its influence on the Distribution of the Population. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 TOPLIS, S. Grace. Early Fiction of Richard Jefferies. [See Jefferies, R.] J 21 P 29 TOPP, A. M. Defence of the Empire. (Melbourne Re- view, 5.) ME 18 Q The Eastern Question and the British Empire. (Mel- bourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q English Institutions and the Irish Race. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q A few Banking Questions. (Melb. Rev., 4.) ME 18 Q A few more Words on the Irish Question. (Melbourne Review, G.) ME 18 Q Freeman's Historical Geography of Europe. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q Germany and England. (Melb. Review, 5.) ME 18 Q The Situation in Europe. (Melb. Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Spencer's Principles of Sociology. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q TOPP, S. St. John. Marriage and Divorce Laws. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Shakespeare's Knowledge of the Classics. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q [Life of] Charles Dickens. [See Melb. Rev., 6.] ME 18 Q TOPSENT, E. Ep sultats Scientifii le Golfe de Gas, [See Kcehler, Prof. R. —Re- la Campagne du Gaudan dans A 31 S 30 TORR, Cecil. Memphis and Mycenae : an Examination of Egyptian Chronology and its application to the Early History of Greece. 8vo. Camb., 1896. B 27 V 21 TORR, H. J. Parochial Church Councils. (Gore, Rev. C. —Essays in aid of Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 TORR, W. G., and ASHBY, Edwin. Descriptions of seven new species of South Australian Polyplacophora. (Roy. Soc, S. Ausl., Trans., 1897-98.) ME 1 S TORRENS, William Ton-ens Maccullagh. Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. William, 2nd Viscount Melbourne. [See Melbourne, Viscount.] C 24 R 3, 4 TORREY, R, A. What the Bible teaches: a thorough and comprehensive study of all the Bible has to say concerning the grout Doctrines of which it treats. TM HARRY IRRIGATION COLONY. Descrip- i and Map: Irrigated Farms, Vineyards, Orchards, 1 Gardens. 8vo. Melb.. 1891. " MA 4 S 5 ional Congress of Architects, Brussels, 1897. [See ited States. Dept. of the Treasury.] A 23 V 4 Public Library of New South Wales. "TOUCHSTONE, S. F." History of Celebrated English and French thoroughbiv 1 Stal'lions and French Mares, 1761-1887. Train, by C. B. Pitman. Illust. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 3 R 23 t TOUCH, William. Works of Sir William Mure. [See Scottish Text Soc, Pubs., 40, 41.] E TOULOT, Jules. [Reproduction of his Picture] Salambo. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 \ TOURGUENEFF, Ivan Sergueivitch. Tourgueneff and his French Circle. Edited by E. Halperine-Kamin- sky, translated by Ethel M. "Arnold. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 15 TOUT, Prof. Thomas Frederick. The Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273. Period 2. 8vo. Lond., 189S. B 16 R 32 TOUTAIN, J. Les Cites Romanies de la Tunisie : Essai Kiir l'Histoire de la Colonisation Romaine dans l'Afrique du Nord. 8vo. Paris, 189G. P. 32 S 7 Etude sur les Capitoles piovineiaux de l'Empire romain. 8vo. Paris, 1899. B H W 10 TOVEY, Rev. Duncan Crookes. Reviews and Essays in English Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 18 TOWER, Ralph W. Dissection of the Cat. [See Oorliam, Frederick P.] A 41 R 6 TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL, The, from No. 1, Jan., 1870- June, 1900. 74 vols. fol. Sydney, 1870- 1900. ME TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE: or, Universal Repository of Knowledge, Instruction, and Entertain- ment. Vols. 1-17, 21, 22, 1709-85, 1789-90. 19 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1769-90. F 28 P 11-Q 13 TOWNSEND, George William. Note on the Deposit of Marble at Yass. 8vo. Yass, 1900. MD 8 S 11 TOWNSEN 1), Mary Elizabeth ! Mrs. F.] Associations for Girls and Young Women. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.J C 23 19 TOWNSEND, Meredith. The Great Governing Families of England. [See Sanford, M.] C 24 R 1, 2 TOWNSEND, W. G. Paulson, and others. Embroidery : or, the Craft of the Needle. With Preface by W. Crane. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 46 P 1 TOWNSHEND, Dorothea. Life and Letters of Mr. Endymion Porter, sometime Gentleman of the Bed- chamber to Charles I. [See Porter, E.] C 24 T 8 'ritical and Exegetieal Coin- Book of the Prophet Ezekiel. [See Bibles and Testa- ments.- -English.] G 23 U 12 TOYNBEE, Gertrude. Treatment of the London Poor. (Intermit. Health Exhib.- Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 U 18 TOYNBEE, Paget Jackson. Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante. 4to. Oxford, 1898. K 13 T 6 Specimens of Old French (9th -15th Centuries); with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. 8vo. Oxford, 1S92. (Clarendon Press Ser.) J 22 P 35 TOZER, Rev. Henry Fanshawe. History of Ancient Geography. With Maps. 8vo. Camb., 1897. D 17 R 28 TRACTS RELATIVE TO ABORIGINES, 1838-92. 8vo. Lond., 1843. MA 2 T 24 TRACY, Dr. Frederick. Tin! Psychology of Childhood. 3rd ed. Svo. Boston, 1895. G 9 W 20 TRACY, Dr. Roger Sherman. Hand-book of Sanitary Information for Householder. s. l2mo. New York, 1895. A 26 P 23 TRACY, Prof. S. M. Corn Cultu: United States. — Dept. of Agriei Forage Plants for the South. [See of Agricult.] Hog-raising in the South. {See United States.- -Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Report upon the Forage Plants and Forage Resources of the Gulf States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult, - Division of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 TRADES DIRECTORY OF SYDNEY & SUBURBS, [See Noice, C. S.] ME 10 S TRAILL, Henry Duff. Em Svo. Lond'., 1900. The New Fiction and other Essavs on literary subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 28 The New Lucian: being a series of Dialogues of the Dead. 8vo. Lond., 1884. " J4V11 Social England : a Record of the Progress of the People in Religion, Laws, Learning, Arts, Industry, Science, Literature, and Manners, from the earliest times to the present day. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893 -97. 1! 19 U 4-9 the S< uth. [See A 41 U 2 3d Stat iS. Dept. A 41 U 1 1. Fro of I'M ill. Among my Books. [See Among my Rooks.] J 1 1 Q 35 [Life of] Lord Cromer. [See Cromer, Baron.] C 2 1 Q 19 Life of Sir John Franklin. [See Franklin, Sir John.] C 22 Q 1 1 Lord Strafford. [See Strafford, Earl.] C 27 It 5 TRANSMITTER, The. Published in the interests of the N.S.W. Postal and Electric Telegraph Society. Vols. 3-9, June, 1893-May, 1900. 7 vols. lto. Sydney, 1893-1900. ME 19 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 607 TRANSVAAL WAR, The: Souvenirs of the New South Wales Contingents on Active Service. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MR 13 T 1> TRASFv, Spencer. Rowling Green. (Goodwin, Maud W ilder. -Historic New York.) B 19 R G* TRATMAN, E. E. llusscll. Report on the use of Metal Uailroad Ties, and on Preservative Processes and Metal Tie-plates for Wooden Ties. Svo. Wash., 1894. A 22 V 8 TRAIBE, J. Phy.sico-Chemica] Methods. Translated l.y W. L. Hardin. Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1898. A 28 T 1 7 TPA (TWIN E, Join, Cresson. Experiments upon the con- traction of the liquid vein issuing from an orifice, and upon the distribution of the velocities within it. [See Bazin, H] A 32 R 33 TRAVERS, William T. L. Material and Scientific Pro- gress in New Zealand during the Victorian Era. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Palelhthe, with reference to species found on the rucks at Island and Lyall's Bays. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1*97.) ME2S Presidential Address. (N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S Life and Times of Te Rauparaha. [See New Zealand lest., Trans., 1872.] ME 2 S TREHRLLIUSPOLLIO. Historia Augusta. (Scriptures Historic Roman*.) B 10 U 23 } TRECHMANN, Einil J. Passages for Translation into French and German for the use of University and School Classes. I2mo. Sydney, 1899. MG 2 R 65 TRE1 )GOLD, Thomas. The Steam-engine. Vol.1. Illus- trated. 4to. Loud., 1850. A 18 T 29 f I. Principles and Practice and Explanation of the Machi- TREE. Herbert Beerbohm. [Art of Actio-] [5«Ham- merton, .). A. The Actor's Art.] 11 1 S 31 Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar.] ' ' J 12 X 21 t TREfJRAR, Edward. Congenital Stigmata. (N.Z. Inst, Trans., 1S98.) ME 2 S Inaugural Address, read before the Wellington Philo- sophical Society, June, 1898. (X.Z. Inst., Trans., I .'-'98.) ME 2 S Kiwa, the Navigator. (Polynesian Soe., .June, 1898.) ME (i R The Language of Makura, New Hebrides. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1896.) ME 6 R May land Malay. (Polynesian Soc, Journ, 1898.) MEGR Phase of Hypnotism. (N.Z. Inst, Trans, 189G.) ME 2 S Thoughts on Comparative Mythol gy. (N.Z. Inst, Trans., 1*97.) ME 2 S TREMELLTUS, Emmanuel. Riblia Sacra. [See Bibles and Testaments. - Latin.] G 9 U 30 TRENCH, Maria. The Passion-play at Ober-Ammergau, translated into English, and the Songs of the Chorus in German and English. Sm. 4to. Lund, 1900. H 12 T 16 Story of Dr. Pusey's Life. [See Pusey, Rev. E. B.l C 26 U 3 TRENCH, Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin. [Essay on the Poems of.] [See Myers, F. W. II.— Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 Plutarch : his Life, his Parallel Lives, and his Morals. [See Plutarchus.] C 19 P 26 TRENHOLM, William Lee. The People's Money. 12mo. New York, 1893. F i U 22 TRENT, Prof. William Peterficld. William Gilmore Simms. [See Simms, W. G.] C 27 P 7 TREVELYAN, Charles Philip. Referendum in Switzer- land. [See Deploige, S.] I' 15 Q .",1 TREVELYAN, Dr. Edmond Fauriel. Retrospecl of Medicine. [See Braithwaite, Dr. James.] E TREVELYAN, George Macaulay. England in the Age ofWycliffe, Svo. Lond, 1899. B 33 S 15 The Peasants' Rising and the Lollards : a Collection of unpublished documents forming an Appendix to "England in the Age of YVycliffe." [See Powell, E.] B 33 S 16 TREVELYAN, Rt. Hon. Sir George Otto. American Revolution. With Map. Pt, 1. 8vo. Lond, 1899. P. 20 T 3 TREVES, D*r. Frederick. Acute Peritonitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 36 Enteroptosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. - System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Intestinal Obstruction. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. -System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Perityphlitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 2G T 36 System of Surgery. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Laid, 1895. A 28 C 27, 28 TREVOR, H. B. Love's Evening Song. [Words.] Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) MA 13 PG t Till': VOIL BATTYE, Aubyn. [See Battye, A. Trevor-.] TRICKETT, Oliver. Guide to the Jenolan Caves, New South Wales. [See N.S.W.- Geolog. Surv.] MI) 8 P35 TR iCKETT, Hon. William Joseph. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T. -Aust. Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t 608 Public Library of New South Wales. TRIED AND ACQUITTED. [See " Rewa."] MJ 3 P 35 TRIMBLE, Prof. Henry. The Tannins; with an Index to the Literature of the subject. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1892-91. A 32 R 21, 22 TRIMMER, F. Mortimer. The Yukon Territory. [See Yukon Territory.] D 1G V 22 TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY, DUBLIN. [See Dublin University Library.] TRINITY COLLEGE, MELBOURNE. Calendar, 1897. 8vo. Melb., 1897. ME 5 T TRIPE, Dr. John W. Domestic Sanitary Arrangements of the Metropolitan Poor. (Intermit. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Some relations of Meteorological Phenomena to Health. (Intemat. Health Exhib.— Health Ex. Lit.) A 41 V 7 TRISMEGISTUS, Hermes. [See Hermes Trismegistus.] TRISTRAM, Rev. Henry Baker, F.R.S. Further Notes on Birds from Bugotu, Solomon Islands; with Description of a new species. (Ibis, July, 1895.) E Natural History of the Bible : being a Review of the Physical Geography, Geology, and Meteorology of the Mol v Land, witli a Description of every Animal and Plant mentioned in Holv Scripture. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 44 U 2 TRIVETH, Nicolaus. F. Nicholai Triveti, Annates. [See English Hist. Soe., Pubs.] B 39 R 19 TROGUS POMPETUS. Historic Philippics. (Scrip- tores Historic Roman*.) B 40 U 23 J TROLLOPE, Anthony. Barchester Towers! New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 2G Framley Parsonage. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. J 25 U 27 John Cold igate. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1885. J 25 U 28 Last Chronicle of Barset. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 15 V 34, 35 Phineas Finn. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 T 34 Phineas Redux. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 25 U 29 The Small House at Allington. New ed. 1 2mo. Lond , 1891. J 25 U 30 The Three Clerks. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 25 U 31 The Warden. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 25 U 32 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. -Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F.— Early Victorian Literature.] J 8 T 37 TROLLOPE, Frances [Mrs. T. A.] Life and Literary Vork of, from George III to Victoria; by Frances E. Trollope. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 20 T 1, 2 TROLLOPE, Thomas Adolphus. What I I vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-89. mber. 3 2.2 T 6-8 TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST MONTHLY, Th: Vols. 1-12, 15-19, 1881-June, 1893, July, 1895-June, 1900. 17 vols. 4to. Colombo, 1881-1900. E TROTTER, Coutts. Some recent Explorations in New Guinea. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., Oct., 1885.) E TROTTER, Lieut.-Col. James Keith. The Niger Sources and the Borders of the new Sierra Leone Protectorate. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 P 3 TROTTER, Capt. Lionel James. Life of John Nicholson, based on private and hitherto unpublished documents'. [See Nicholson, J.] C 25 Q 5 TROUBAT, Jules. La Vie de Sainte-Beuve. [See Sainte- Beuve, C. A.] J 23 P 52 TROUBETZKOY, Am61ie [Princess] (Amelie Rives). Athelwold. 12mo. New York, 1893. H 10 T 19 TROUESSART, Dr. Edouard Louis. Halacariens. [See Keehler, Prof. 11.— Resultats Scientitiques de la Campagne du Citudun dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 39 TROWBRIDGE, Dr. John. What is Electricity? Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Intemat, 'Scientific- Ser.) A 20 P 28 TRUBNER, Karl J. Minerva: Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt. [See Minerva.] E TRUE, Alfred Charles. Agricultural Experiment Stations : their Objects and Work. [See United States. Dept. of Agricult— Office of Experiment Stns.] A 38 Q 19 " TRUE, Hollis." [See Chegwidden, T. O] "TRUE AMERICAN." The South African Republics versus Great Britain. Sin. 4 to. New York, 1900. B 3G R 18 TRUE COLONIST, Van Diemen's Land Political Des- patch, and Agricultural and Commercial Advertiser, from vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 5th, 1*34 -March 25th, 1836, i Hobw, m !•: TRUEMAN, Dr. William H. Artificial Crowns (Pivot Teeth). (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Artificial Dentures on Bases of Gold and Silver. ( Litch. Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Metallic Dies and Counter-dies. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. TRUMAN, Ernest E. P. Song: 0! Love me yet. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t TRUMAN, Dr. James. Discoloured Teeth and their Treatment. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Diseases of the Dental Pulp, and their Treatment, (Litcli' Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 " TRUMPETER, A." Salm .a. [&e"BarriCoota."] ME 17 S TIU'MPP, Prof. Ernest. The Adi Granth. [See Adi Granth, The.] G 23 V 33 Till' SCOTT, S. J. The Witwatersrand Gold-fields Banket and Mining Practice. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., IS98. ' A 34 S 19 TRUSLER, Rev. John. Hogarth Moralized : a complete edition of all the most capital and admired works of William Hogarth, accompanied with concise and com- prehensive Explanations of their moral tendency. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1 S3 1. G 24 T'l TRUTH, Nos. 1-23, and from No. 234, Aug. Dec, 1890, 1895-99. 7 vols. fol. Sydney, 1890-99. ME TRYON, Vice-Adm. Sir George. Life of; by Rear-Adm. ('.C.P.Fitzgerald. 8vo. Ediub., 1897. C 24 Q 8 TRYON, Henry. Caterpillar Plague. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ'., Feb., 1900.) ME 9 U Destructive Insects liable to introduction to Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Fruitlet Core-rot of Pineapple. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Dec, 1898.) ME 9 U Insect Friends and Insect Foes. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., 1897.) ME 9. U Potato Disease. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, 1899.) ME 9 U Scale Tnsects: Coccida-. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Strawberry Leaf Blight. (Queensland Agricult, Journ., Oct., 1898.) ME 9 U Vaginula Slugs. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, I 899.) ME 9 U Disease affecting the Orange Orchards of Wide Bay, and the Insect Pests prevalent therein. [See Queensland. Agricult.] MA 3 S fiS Grub Pest of Sugar-cane in the Mackay District, [See Queensland. - Agricult. Annual Kept., 1895-96.] ME TRYON. Henrv Waslii List of American th the titles of their Svo. New York, Illustrated. Vol. 16, lsl -. 3 vols. Svo. Philad., A 32 P 1G, and Q 10, 11 TRYPHTODORUS. [Opera.] [See Poetre Grseci.l H 17 U 12 f TRYPHON. Ars Grammatica. [See British Museum. - Classical Texts from Papyri in Brit. Mus.] J 5 V 13 TSAR AND HIS PEOPLE, The; or, Social Life in Russia. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 1891. B 39 S 16 TSCHIRKY, Oscar. The Cook-book ; by " Oscar " of the Waldorf. With Portrait. 4to. Lond. (n.d) A 4 1 V 13 TSOHUDT, Clara. Marie Antoinette. Translated by E. M.Cole. WithPortr. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 34 R 4 Augusta, Empress of Germany. [See Augusta, German Empress.] C 26 T 9 Eugenie, Empress of the French. [See Eugenie, Empress of the French.] C 25 T 9 Napoleon's Mother. [See Bonaparte, Marie Letitia Ramolino-.] C 27 T 20 T'SERCLAES DE WOMMERSOM, Baron A. dc. Credit Foncier Mutuel a l'instar de la Societa du Credit Communal Beige : Prets Ruraux a 3fr. 75 pour cent, amortissemenl compris. Svo. Paris, 1888. F 9 V 21 TSOUNTAS, Dr. Chrestos, and MANATT, Dr. J. Irving. The, Mycena>an Age ; a Study of the Monuments and Culture of pre-Homeric Greece ; with an Introduction by Dr. Dorpfeld. Roy. Svo. Illustrated. Lond., 1897. B 16 V 39 TUBEUF, Karl Freiherr von. Diseases of Plants induced by Cryptogamic Parasites. English edition by Dr. William G. Smith. Illustrated.. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 20 V 31 TUCKER, Abraham, " Cuthbert Comment." Man in quest of himself. [See Metaphysical Tracts.] G 24 U 29 TUCKER, Miss Charlotte Maria, Letters of; by Agnes Gibcrne. 'A.L.O.E. Svo. Lo Life and C 22 T 1 Miss Tucker ; by Mrs. Marshall, garet O.— Women Novelists Reign.] [See OH of Queej .hant, Mar- C 24 S 3 TUCKER, Capt, Charlton. Arti (n.d.) ■les by. svo. Lond. J 23 T 30 TUCKER, George Fox. The Fed Gould, John .M.J ral Incom. Tax. [See F 10 V 24 TUCKER, Rev. Horace F. The Lond., 1891. New A. •adia. Svo. MJ 3 U 18 The Sunday Question. (Melboui ne Review 8.) ME 18 Q 610 Public Library of New South Wales. TUCKER, William Jewett. The Work of the Awlover House in Boston. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 TUCKERMAN, Edward. Synopsis of the Lichens of New England, the other Northern States, and British America, 8vo. Camb., 1848. A 39 Q 11 TTJER, Andrew White. Pages and Pictures from for- gotten Children's Books. Illustrated. 8vo. Bond., 1898. J H Q 34 TUFTS, F. L. New Flicker Photometry. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 41 S 12 TUFTS, James H. History of Philosophy. [See Windel- band, Br. W.j G 11 Q 40 TUKE, Dr. Daniel Hack. Catalepsy. (Allbutt, Dr.T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 TUKE, James Hack. Memoir of ; compiled by Rt. Hon. Sir E. Fry. With Portrait. 8vo. Bond., 1899. C 27 S 11 TB T KE, Sir John Batty. General Treatment of the Insani- ties. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 41 TUBBTBARDINE, William Murray, Marquis of. [Memoirs of. [See Thomson, Katherine.— Memoirs of the Jaco- bites.] C 27 U 3 TUBBOCH, Maj.-Geri. Alexander Bruce. An Object Besson in Payment of Members. (Nineteenth Century, July, 1895.) E The '45 ; from the Raising of Prince Charlie's Standard at Glenfinan to the Battle of Culloden. 12mo. In- verness, 1896. B 16 P 14 TUPPER, Sir Charles. Preferential Trade Relations be- tween Great Britain and her Colonies. 8vo. Mon- treal, 1896. F 1 S 26 TURGENEV, Ivan Sergyeevich. [See Tourgueneff, I. S.] TURCOT, Anne Robert Jacques, Baron de l'Aulne. Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Riches. 12mo. New York, 1*9*. (Economic Classics.) F 15 Q 20 TURIN EXHIBITION, 1898. I Mobili all' Esposizione Generale Italiana, Torino 1898: Raccolta di Camere complete e Mobili in diversi stili. 1st and 2nd ser. Fol. Torino, 1898. A 47 P 47 i TURTN-PRIMA ESPOSIZIONE ITABIANA DI AR- CHITETTURA. Raccolta cli Progetti d'Arto Mo- derna c di Studi d'Arte Antica. Illustrated. Fol. Torino (n.d.) A 47 P 7 } TURNBUBB, Thomas. Notes on Sampling for Gold. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P TURN BUTE, William. Bleaching and Calico-printing. [See Duerr, George.] A 25 U 19 TURNER, Dr. Alfred Jefferis. Australian Bepidoptera. (Roy. Soc., S. Aust., Trans., 1897-99.) ME 1 S Micro-Organisms from the Queensland Air. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Nature and Origin of Biving Matter. (Roy. Soc., Queensland, Proc., 1899.) ME 1 T New Micro-Eepidoptera, mostly from Queensland. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98, 1900.) ME 1 S Parasitic Scourge of Warm Climates. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Remarkable Reaction of the Typhoid Bacillus. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T TURNER, B. Bannister. Chronicles of the Bank of England. Illustrated. 8vo. Bond., 1897. F 5 P 36 TURNER, Charles Edward. Translations from Poushkin. [See Poushkin, A. S.] H 4 T 18 TURNER, Charles Tennyson [ formerly Charles Tennyson.] Arthur Henry Hallam a's Advocate of Alfred and Charles Tennyson. [See Nicoll, W. R.— Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century. | J 14 S 3 TURNER, Dawson. Fuci ; or, Coloured Figures and Descriptions of the Plants referred by Botanists to the Genus Fucus. 4 vols. 4to. Bond., 1808-19. A 18P U4 t TURNER, E. F. Note on a Volcanic Ash from the Island of Tanna, New Hebrides. [See Rennie, Prof. E. H.] MA 3 W 18 Poisonous Constituents of St''jihnnhi ln-nui iidi/ulia. [See Rennie, Prof. E. H.] MA 3 W 18 TURNER, Ernest. Improvement of the Sanitary Ar- rangements of Metropolitan Houses. (Intcrnat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 TURNER, Ethel. [See Curlewis, Ethel.] TURNER, Fred. New Australian Grass. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1898.) ME 2 P Supposed Poisonous Plants of Western Australia. (Aus- tralasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 1898.) ME 18 S West Australian Grasses. (West Australian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 West Australian Salt-bushes. (West Australian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 51 TURNER, Frederick Storrs TURNER, Dr. George A. Samoa. (Scottish Geograph. Mag., May, 1889.) E TURNER, Gilbert, Formicidse of Mackav, Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1897.) ' ME 2 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. TURNER, Henry Gyles. Advance Australia. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Australia Militant. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Banking in Victoria. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Eastward Home. (Melbourne Review, 2, 3.) ME 18 Q An Episode in Californian Ranking. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Naples through Australian Spectacles. (Melbourne Re- view, 7.) ME18Q Our .Sister Cities : Adelaide. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q Story of a Loan. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Trollope's Autobiography. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q An Unsuccessful Patriot. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q [Life of] Marcus Clarke. [See Melb. Rev., 7.] ME 18 Q [Sketch of] Marcus Clarke. [See Once a Month, Oct., 1X85.] MJ1V21 ( iU1 (l SUTHERLAND, Alexander. The De- velopment of Australian Literature. Illustrated. Svo. Melb., 1898. M.J 3 S 24 TUR XER, Hatton. Astra Castra : Experiments and Ad- ventures in the Atmosphere. Illustrated. 4to. Loud., 1865 A 16 R 5 | TU1 XER, .n.ical Ada.] Prof Wo H •k . •rbert Hi f Charles 11. Pr Accoui tchard. t of the Astron- [See Pritchard, C 23 V 23 TU1 XER, (it. Bi Jabez. t. and I England eland A M ili5 tu e Reports. [See A 39 W 2 ♦ TURNEY, Dr. Horace George. Neurotrophic Affections of Bones and Joints. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 20 T 39 TURON RIVER GOLD-DREDGING CO. Photograph of No. 1 Dredge. Roy. Svo. Bathurst, 1900. MF 5 U 18 TURPIE, David McCal Language. Svo. L( The Old Testament ii Biblical Criticism ai 18G8. lan. Manual of the Chaldee id., 1879. J 26 R 26 the New : a Contribution to 1 Interpretation. Svo. Lond., G 24 V 16 ; Cathedral, Aberdeen. B24Q 11 TURRI, George Garibaldi. Australian Mining and Metal- lurgical Patents. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P Errors in the World's Patent Laws. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Patent Acts of Victoria and New South Wales, and the official Rules, Regulations, and Forms thereunder. With Index and Notes. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 5 Q 2 Recent Developments in the attempt to amend the Cyanide Patent. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P TUSI UNE A HWEN IAI. [School Prim. age of Iai, Uvea, Loyalty Islands.] 3rd Sydney, 1897. ed. 12mo. MG 1 P 89 TUTIN, John Ramsden. Concordan Translation of the Rubaiyat of Oniii Lond., 1900. e to Fitzgerald's ■Khayyam. Svo. K 1 7 Q 23 TURNER, Joseph Mallord William. Life of; by W. bers in the Principles of Cooperation. 12mo. Man- Thornl urv. New ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., chester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 1897. C 23 R 29 Wordsw. rth and Turner. [See Goodwin, II.] J 14 R 15 TUTTTETT, Miss Mary G., " Maxwell Gray." The Forest Chapel, and other Poems. 1 2mo. Lond., 1899. H 11 Q 31 TURNER, Lilian. Lights of Sydney: or, No Past is 1 >ead. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 10 TUXEN, A. V. Kortfattet Vejledning for Landvsesens- hvrlinge paa storre Gaarde. Svo. Kjubenhavn, 1897. TURNER, Martha. Letters and Letter-writers. (Mel- A 33 P 34 bourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q "TWAIN, Mark." [See Clemens, S. L.] TURNER, May A. The Cruiser Waltz. Sm. fob Svd- TWEED AXD BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE and South- ney (n d.) MA 13 Pof ern Queensland Record, Jan., 1899- June, 1900. Fol. Murwillumbah, 1899-1900. ME TURNER, Dr. William Aldren. Diseases of the Cranial Nerves (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 TWEEDIE, Ethel B. [Mrs. Alec] Through Finland in ('aits. Ulust. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 17 S 23 Facial 11 Dr. T. emiatrophy and Hemihypertrophy. (Allbutt, C. - System of Medicine') A 26 T 39 George Harley, l-'.R.S. [See Harley, Dr. G.] C 24 P l. r ) and BULLOCH, Dr. William. Intracranial TWELVETREES, W. H. Microscopical Studies of Tas- Syphil s. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) manian Rocks. (Hoy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc. A 26 T 40 1896.) ME 1 Q JPublic Library of New South Wales. TWELVETREES, W. H., and PETTERD, William F. Igneous Rocks of Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P Limurite in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Notes on some recently discovered and other Minerals occurring in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Obsidian Buttons. (Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Splierulitic Felsite on the West Coast of Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Topaz-quartz Porphyry, or Stanniferous Elvan Dykes, of Mt. Bischoff. (Roy. Soc., Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) . ME 1 Q TWENTIETH CENTURY: a Weekly Radical Magazine. Vols. 16-20, 1896 June, 1898. 5 vols. -Ito. New York, 1896-98. E TWIGG, John Hill. Plain State Question, with reasons why wo English law of Bimetallism. 8 tore the old , 1893. F 9 Q 38 TWINING, Katherina The Transformation of Mrs. Camp. [See Pratt, E. A. Pioneer Women in Vic- toria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 TWINING, Louisa. Work-houses and Pauperism, and Women's Work in the administration of the Poor Law. 12rno. Land., 1898. F 15 Q 14 A Pioneer in Poor Law Reform. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 TYLER, A. A. Nature and Origin of Stipules. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 T 10 TYLER, Rev. B. B. History of the Disciples of Christ. 8vo. New Ymk, 1894. (American Chinch Hist. Series.) (! 12 V 19 TYLER, John. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 TYLER, Prof. John M. The Whence and Whither of .Man : a brief History of his Origin and Development through Conformity to Environment. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. A 27 R 19 TYLER, John William. The Workings of Time ; or, a Peep into the Future. 12mo. Sydney, 189(5. MJ 3 S 17 TYLER, Prof. Moses Coit. Glimpses of England : Social, Political, Literarv. With Portrait. 8vo. New York' 1898. F 15 R 27 Literary History of the American Revolution, 1763-83. Vols." 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1897. JUS 25, 26 TYLER, Thomas. Shakespeare's Sonnets, and the True Tragedy. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V 34, 40 TYLOR, Prof. Edward Burnett, F.R.S. The History of Mankind. [See Ratzel, Prof. F.] A 31 S 9-11 TYNAN, ICathe [See Hinkson, Katherine.] TYNDALL, Prof. John, F.R.S. Glaciers of the Alps : .being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents ; an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers ; and an Ex- position of the physical principles to which they are related. New ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 24 T 27 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 Sketch of. [See Jerrold, W.— Electricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 TYRRELL, Rev. George. External Religion: its use and abuse. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 P 28 Psychology of the Saints. [See Joly, II.] G 4 V 38 St. Ambrose. [See Broglie, Due da] G 25 P 14 St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] G 4 V 37 St. Francis of Sales. [See Margerie, A. da] G 26 Q 2 St. Ignatius of Loyola. [See Joly, H.] G 24 P 13 St, Jerome. [See Largcnt, Rev. — .] G 26 Q 4 St. Louis. [See Sepet, M.] G 25 P 1 St. Vincent dc Paul. [See Broglie, E. da] G 23 P 37 Testament of St. Ignatius. [See Ignatius Loyola, St.] G 26 Q 9 TYRRELL, J. W. Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada : a Journey of 3,200 miles by Canoe and Snow-shoe through the Barren Lands, including a List of Plants ollected on the Expedition, and a Vocabulary of TYIiRFLL, Prof. Robert Yelvcrton. Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero. [See Cicero, M. Tullius.] C 14 U 9 TYSKIEWICZ, Michael, Count, Memoirs of an Old Collector. Translated by Mrs. Andrew Lang. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. C 20 P 5 TYSON, Hon. James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] (Re- view of Reviews, Dec, 1898.) ME 6 U TYTLEH, Henry William. The Works of Callimachus translated into English Verse. [See Callimachus.] H 1 1 R 11 "TYTLER, Sarah." [See Keddie, Henrietta.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. u UDALL, Rev. John. Demonstration of the Truth of that Discipline which Christ hath prescribed in His Word for the Government of His Church in all times and places until the end of the World. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] J 3 T 22 UDALL, Nicholas. Roister Doister, written, probably a! so represented, before 1553; carefully edited from the unique copy now at Eton College by E. Arber. 12 mo. Loud., 1898. (English Reprints.) H 13 T 2 UFFELMANN, Dr. Julius. Manual of the Domestic Hvgieneof the Child, for the use of Students, Phy- sicians, Sanitary Officials, Teachers, an 1 Mothers. Translated by H. R. Milinowski. Edited by M. P. Jacobi. 8vo. Nov.- York, 1891. A 38 S 9 CFFoRD, Walter Shepard. Fresh Air Charity in the I'nited States. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 18 R 1 UHLAND, Johann Ludwig. [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.J II 11 T 3 ULJANIN, Dr. Basilius. Die Arten der Gattung Dolio- liim in Golfe von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) . A 19 P 10 f UL/ER, Prof. Ferdinand, and FR A EX EEL, Dr. A. Inl Philad., 1898. A 38 T 1 T.MAR TBX 'A LI IBN MURSHID IBN 'ALI(Sharaf Al-Dln Abu Hafs, or Abu Al-Kasim) Al Hiimawi Al- Misri, called Ibn Al-Farid. Jalla-ul-Ramid-fi-Sharreh I )iwan-Al-Farid. [The Revelation of Mystery in the Arabic Poem.] ' 8vo. ' Beyrout, 1888. G 24 U 23 I'X DERHILL, Francis T. Driving for Pleasure ; or, the Harness, Stable, and its appointments. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 5 1' 31 t UNION BOOTMAKERS' COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Abridged Prospectus. Sin. fol Melb., 1890. M F 3 Q 47 UNITED SERVICE JOURNAL. [See United Service Mayazine.] UNITED SERVICE MAGAZINE, Th-., from vol. 1, '.!/,', ',',',■■;„'■' ami from 1*44 90~as CMimi'x Uuitrd Ser- vice M«,,«zino.] 195 vols 8vo. Lond., 1829 -1900. E Acts. [See Statutes, under this lieading.] Adjutant-General's Office. Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Soldiers' Home, Dis- trict of Columbia, and Report of the Annual Inspec- tion of the Home by the Inspector-General of the Autumn Maneuvers of 1898 : Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and Switzerland. With Map. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 36 W 20 Electricity and its applications in Artillery Practice ; by Lieut. G. L. Anderson. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1893. A 20 T 18 t French-English Military Technical Dictionary ; by Lieut. C. do Witt Willcox. ' 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 36 W 21 Gunpowder and High Kx] I to. Wash., 1893. ; by Lieut. W. Walke. A 20 T 17 t Interior Ballistics ; by Col. Pashkievitsch. Translated from the Russian by Lieut, Tasker H. Bliss. 4to. Wash., 1892. A 10 W 8 f Laws and Regulations of the Soldiers' Home, Washing- ton, 1883. 8vo. -Wash., 1891. F 3 11 33 Mathematics ; by Lieut, A. Murray. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1893. " A 20 T 20 t Military Notes on the Philippines. With Maps. 8vo. Wash., 1898. D 13 V 19 Modern Guns and Mortars adopted in the United States Land Seivi-e: their Carriages, Projectiles, Fuzes, and Sights : by Capt. C. C. Morrison and Capt, J. C. Avres. Illustrated. Ito. Wash., 1895. A 20 T 19 t The Organized Militia of the United States: Statement of the condition and efficiency for service of the Or- ganized Militia, 1893, 1897.* 2 vols. Ito. and 8vo. Wash., 1S94-98. F 5 P 18 t, and 16 R I Reports of Explorations in the Territory of Alaska (Cook's inlet, Sushitna, Copper and Tanana Rivers) 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1899. 1) 22 1' 10 The Re Wasl ., 1892. ,uns to T ntial Rupture. Ito. A 5 P 24 t The So Unite dier's Hanrl- d States. 1: wok, for mo. Wt sh^ in the Army of the 898. F15P46 Whistle id X. Whist ;r u ' s ;;? W, vith Chart; by Lieut, sh., 1892. A5P23 t [See ah Department of War, title ■ this heading.] Army. [See Adju.a s () . of Medicine: Department of War; Department; Pension Office; Surgeon- Board of Indian Commissioners. [See Office of In> Affairs, under this heading.] jPubiio Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES.— could. Board of Ordnance and Fortification. Third Report of the Hoard of Ordnance and Fortification to the Secretary of War, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 1893. E [See (tlxo Bureau of Ordnance and Ordnance Department, under this heading.] Board on Geographic Names. Report and Decisions of the United Slates Hoard »n Geographic Names, 1890 98. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-98. D 16 T 24, 25 Ecuador. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. I) 18 T 32 Honduras. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 26 Monthly Bulletins of the Bureau of American Republics. Vol. 6, July, 1898-June, 1899. 8vo. Wash., 1898-99. E Nicaragua. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 27 Paraguay. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 28 Peru. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 33 Salvador. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D 18 T 30 Santo Domingo. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1892. D18T29 Bureau of Education. Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. No. 1, 1881, No. 2, 1881, No. 1, 1885, Nos. 1-+, 1898, No. 1, 1899. 5 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1881-99. 1S84. Teaching, Practice, ami Literature . by Julius Ensign Rockwell. 1885. City School Systems in the United ! ■f Shorthand JHSi States ; by Dr Proceeding or the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, at its Meetin- at Washington, February, 1883. Roy. 8vo Wash 1883. " (j is s 23 Public Libraries in the United States of America : their History, Condition, and Management. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. 8m Wash, 1876. J 4 S 30 Reports of the Commissioner of Education, 1870-98. [Report for 1892-93 contains Papers prepared for the World's Library Congress.] 33 vols. 8vo. Wash 1870-99. e Statistics of Libraries and Library Legislation in the United States. 8m Wash., 1897. F 13 T 35 Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Report on the Operations of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1897. 8vo. Wash, 1897. E UNITED STATES.— contd. Bureau of Equipment. The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1894, 1895-96, 1898-1902. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Wash, 1883-99. E Astronomical Papers prepared for the use of the. Ameri- can Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Vols. 1-4, 5, pts. 1-5; 6, pts. 1-3; 7, pts. 1-4; and 8, pts. 1, 2. 8 vols. 4to. Wash, 1882-98. E 1, pt. 1. Recurrence of Solar Eclipses, with Tables of Eclipses 2. Transformation of Hansen's Lunar Theory, compared idth I may. 3. Experiment ;il iM.rmii v.l ion oil lie Velocity of Light. 4. Catalogue of 1 ,098 Standard Clock and Zodiacal Stars. 5. Causs's .Method of Computing Secular Perturbations, with an application to action of Venus on Mercury. 0. Discussion of Observed Transits of Mercury, 1677- 1881. J, pt. ]. Formula' and Tables expressing corrections to the Geocentric Place of a Planet in terms of Symbolic its of the Orbits of the Ear I Plane 2. Investigations of Corrections to the Greenwic Planetary Observations, 1762-1830. 3. Measures of the Velocity of Light, made 18S0-82. •I. Supplementary .Measures of (lie Velocity of Whit and Colored Light in Air, Water, and Carbo Disulphide. 5. Discussion of Observations of the Transits of Vcnui 1 17< 6. Disc f the North Polar Distances observ Greenwich and Washington Trail 3, pt, 1. Developmc eccentric II po- 2. Determination of the Inequalities of the Moon's Motion which arc produ, cd by the Figure of the Earth. 3. Motion of Hyperion. 4. Certain Lunar Inequalities due to the action of ■f the Loi d Ra. 2. Catalogue of Fundamental Stars for 1875 and 1000 The Pacific Coaster's Nautical Almanac, 1894, 1896-97. 1899-1900. 5 vols. r..y. Svo. Wash, 1893-99. E Report, 1897. Svo. Wash, 1897. E [See also Bureau of Navigation and Department of the Navy, under this heading.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. UNITED STATES. — contJ. Bureau of Ethnology. Annual Reports, 1879-97. 17 vols. sm. fol. Wash., 1881-97. E Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Commercial relations ..f the United States with Foreign Countries, 1880-81. 1891- 93, 1895-97. 7 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1881-98. E Finance, Commerce, and Immigration of the United States, Aug.- Oct., 1895. 3 vols. 4 to. Wash., 1895. E The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United Slates, 1893-94, vols. 1, 2, 1896-97. 7 vols. 4to. Wash., 1894-97. E Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce of the Uiited States, March-April, 189G. 2 vols. sm. Ito. Wash., 189G. E Review of the World's Commerce, 1895-99. 3 vols. 8vo- Wash., 1897-1900. E Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1895, 1897-98- 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1896-99. E Statistical Tables exhibiting the Commerce of the United States with European Countries from 1790-1890. 8vo. Wash, 1893. F 12 T 29 Bureau of Immigration. Annual Reports, 1892-96. 5 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-96. E Report of the Immigration Investigating Commission. 8vo. Wash., 1895/ F 3 R 31 Bureau of Labor. Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Labor, 1892-99. 9 vols. 8vo. Wash, 1893-1900. E Vols. 1-3, 1895- hv E. R. L. Gould. the Working People; h, 1898. F 16 U 13 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Report, 1892. 8vo. Wash., 1892. E Report of the Surgeon-General, U.S. Navy, 1895-99. :. vols. 8vo. Wash, 1895-99. E [Sw also Surgeon-General's Office, under this heading.] Bureau of Navigation, Treasury Department. Annual Lists of Meivhant Vessels of the United States, with s of the United Stat: 1 v the ( .mmission er of Nav 1 vols. 4 o. Wasl , 1883-93 Co( e List of Merch mt Vessel Report of the Commii tary of the Treasury, 18U1-! Wash, 1893-97. [(Sec also Bureau of Equipment f Xa UNITED STATES.— contd. Bureau of Ordnance. Annual Report, 1897. 8vo. Wash, 1897. E [See also Board of Ore , under this heading.] Bureau of Statistics. [See Bureau of Foreign Com- merce ; Census Office; Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Statistics, under this heading.] Census Office. Area and Product of Cereals grown in 1879, as returned by the Census of 1880. Roy. 8vo. Wash, 1883. A 30 R 38 Report of Statistics of Churches in the United States,' 1890. Ito. Wash, 1895. E Report of Wealth, Debt, and Taxation at the eleventh Census, 1890. Pt. 2. Ito. Wash, 1895. E 2. Value ami Taxation. Report on the Indians taxed and the Indians not taxed in the United States, 1890. Ito. Wash, 1891. E Report on Insurance Business in the United States, 1890. Pt. 1. 4to. Wash, 1894. E 1. Fire, Marine, and Inland Insurance. Report on Population and Resources of Alaska, 1890. Ito. Wash, 1893. E 9. Forests of North America, exclusive of Mexico. 10. Production, Technology, and Uses of Petroleum and its Products; the Manufacture of Coke; and Building Stones of the United States. Chinese Immigration. Report of the joint Special Com- mittee to investigate Chinese Immigration. 8v«>. Wash, 1877. F 13 T 28 ve Departments, &c, Organiza Reports, 1891-1 F 13 T 16 t s for the classified Civil Service s, revised to Jan, July, 1898, "ash, 1898-99. O '17 U 22 ols. 8vo. Wash, 1892-99. E ber of positions in the Executive Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES.— contd. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bulletins 37-40. Illus- trated. 4to. Wash., 1899. A 20 T 14 t Deep-sea Sounding and Dredging : a Description and Discussion of the Methods and Appliances used on board the Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Blake ; bv Lieut.-Com. Charles D. Sigsbee. 4to. Wash., 1880. E Descriptive Catalogue of Publications relating to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1807 9G, and to United States Standard Weights and Measures, 1790-1890. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 37 V 2 Methods and Results of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey as illustrated at the World's Columbian Ex- position, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 1893. E Report on the Geodetic Operations in the United States. 4to. Wash. (n.d.) A 18 T 33 t Reports of the Superintendent, 1891-97. 11 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Wash., 1892-98. E Tables of Depths for Channels and Harbours, Coasts of the United States. 4to. Wash., 1897. E Tide Tallies for 1900. Sm. fol. Wash., 1899. E Tide Tables for the Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1893 9n. 3 vols. sm. fol. Wash., 1892-94. E Tide Tables for the Paciiic Coast of the United States, 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-94. E Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. An- nual Deports, 1888-97. 10 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1888- Commercial Relations. [See Burt Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Bulletin Vols 1-14,1881-94. 14 vols. imp. E The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. Sections 1-5. 7 vols. 4to. Wash., 188 1- 87. A 10 T 1-7 t 1. Natural History of useful Aquatic Animals: Text and rail!, . Hist., Mel of the Fis ries Industries and lea; with Charts, by George Browu s: Text, Atlas, and teport of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries on : " the Salmon Fisheries. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. AVash., 1894. L E Commissioner of Internal Revenue. [See Department of the Treasury, under this heading.] Commissioner of Railroads. Report for the year endins I June 30th, 1897. 8vo. Wash , 1897. ' f ' UNITED STATES.— contd. Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Police Regulations of the District of Columbia, as revised and amended Dec, 16th, 1895. 8vo. Wash., 1896. F 15 Q 29 Regulations governing the Erection, Removal, Repair, and Electric wiring of Buildings, and the Erection and Operation of Elevators and Fire-escapes, in the Dis- trict of Columbia. 12mo. Wash., 1897. F 15 P 25 Reports for the years ending June 30, 1893-1897. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893-97. E Committee on Finance. Report of the Committee 3 Finance on the changes in text and rates of the Tariff Act of 1890, and of the Administrative Act of June, 1890. 4to. Wash., 1894. F 13 T 15 t Comptroller of the Currency. Annual Reports, 1884, 18S8, 1897, vol. 1, 1898, vol. 1, 1899. 6 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1884- 99. E Congress. Official Congressional Directory for the use of the United Slates Congress. lst-3rd, and special eds. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1896-97. E Constitution. Constitution of the United States of America, with the amendments thereto; to which are added Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Practice; the Standing Rules and ( h'ders for conducting business in the House of Representatives of the United States ; the joint rules in force at the close of the 43rd Con- gress, and a digest thereof, and of so much of Jeffer- son's Manual as under the rules govern the House, or precedents of order and usages of the House, with references to such portions of the Constitution of the United States and Laws of Congress as relate to the rights, duties, and privileges of its members. Com- piled by Henry H. Smith. 4th ed. 8 V0 . Wash., 1880. F 13 R 34 Consular Reports. Consular Reports, Nos. 6, 7, 9, 12- 19, 21, 22, 24 25.1, 27, 28, 32, 33, 414.-43, 47, 50, 53 J-, 57, 58, and vols. 17-62, and Index to vols. 1-41, 1881 99. 75 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1881-99. E Special Reports. Vols. 1-11, 13-15. 14 vols. 8vo. AVash., 1890-98. E Court Of Claims. Cases decided by the Court of Claims at the Term of 1882-83, 1896-98, and Abstracts of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1882 83, 1896-98, in appealed cases. 4 vols, roy. 8vo. AVash., 1883-99. E Department of Agriculture. Address of the Hon. other" Proceedings of the Cotton Convention, 1881. 8vo. AVash., 1881. A 19 U 13 Arbor Day: its History and Observance: by N. H. Egleston. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 37 S 54 Climate, Soil, and Agricultural Capabilities of South Carolina and Georgia; by J. C. Hemphill. 8vo. AVash., 1882. A 19 U 13 Contagious Diseases of Domesticated Animals. Roy. 8vo. AVash., 1883. A 30 R 35 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 017 UNITED STATES.— contd. Department of Agriculture — contd. Cultivation of Cigar-leaf Tobacco in Florida; by M. L. Floyd. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 S 51 Cult ivation of Tobacco in Sumatra ; by E. Mulder. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 37 S 51 Curing and Fermentation of Cigar-leaf Tobacco: liv (). Loew. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 S 51 Encouragement to the Sorghum and Beet Sugar In- dustry. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 42 Farmers' Bulletins. Nos. 7, 15-19, 24-26, 29-35, 37- 55, 58-86, 88, 90, 91, 93-96, 98-104. 78 Nos. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1894-99. A 41 U 1, 2 7. Spraying for Fungous Diseases of the A|>;>U', Pear, and other Fruits. 15. Some Destructive Potato Diseases ; by 15. T. Calloway, 16. Leguminous Plants for Green Manuring and for Feeding ; by E. W. Allen. 17. Barnyard Manure; by W. H. Beal. 18. Forage Plants for the South ; by Prof. S. M. Tracy. 19. Important Inseelieides ; by C. L. Marlatt. •24. Hog Cholera and Swine Plague ; by 1). E. Salmon. 25. Peanuts ; by R. B. Handy. '26. Sweet Potatoes ; by J. F. Duggar. •29. Souring of Milk and other changes in Milk Products. 30. Grape Diseases on the Pacific Coast ; by X. I!. Pierce. 31. Alfalfa, or Lueern ; by J. G. Smith. 32. Silos and Silage ; by Prof. C. S.,. 33. Peach-growing for Market ; by K. F. Smith. 34. Meats : Composition and Cooking ; by C. 1). Woods. 35. Potato Culture ; by J. F. Duggar. 37. Kafir Corn ; by Prof. C. C. Georgeson. 38. Spraying for Fruit Diseases ; by 15. T. Galloway. 39. Onion Culture ; by R. L. Watts. 40. Farm Drainage ; by C. G. Elliott. 41. Fowls : Care and Feeding ; by Prof. G. C. Watson. 42. Facts about Milk ; by R. A. Pearson. 43. Sewage Disposal on the Farm and the Protection of Drinking-water ; by T. Smith. 44. Commercial Fertilizers ; by E. B. Voorhees. 15. Insects injurious to stored Grain ; by F. II. Chittenden. 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates ; by F. H. King. 47. Insects affecting the Cotton Plant ; by L. 0. Howard. 48. Manuring of Cotton. 49. Sheep-feeding ; by J. A. Craig. 50. Sorghum as a Forage Crop ; by T. A. Williams. 51. Standard Varieties of Chickens ; by G. E. Howard. 52. The Sugar-beet ; by H. W. Wiley. 53. How to grow Mushrooms ; by W. Falconer. 54. Some common Birds in their relation to Agriculture ; bv F. E. L. Beat. 55. The Dairy Herd ; by H. E. Alvord. 58. Soy Bean as a Forage Crop; bv T. A. Williams; and Soy Beans as Food for Man ; by C. F. Langworthy. 59. Bee-keeping ; by F. Benton. 60. Methods of Curing Tobacco ; by M. Whitney. UNITED STATES.— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. Farmers' Bulletins— contd. 61. Asparagus Culture ; by R. B. Handy. 02. Marketing Farm Produce ; by G. G. Hill. 03. Care of Milk on the Farm ; by R. A. Pearson. 61. Ducks and Geese ; by G. E. Howard. 05. Experiment Station Work, pt. 2. 66. Meadows and Pastures ; by J. G. Smith. 67. Forestry for Farmers ; by B. E. Fernow. 68. Black Rot of the Cabbage ; by E. F. Smith. 70. Principal Insect Enemies of the Grape ; by C. L. Marlatt, 71. Some Essentials in Beef Production ; by C. F. Curtiss. 72. Cattle Ranges of the South-west ; by H. L. Bentley. 73. Experiment Station Work. Pt. 4. 74. Milk as Food. 75. Grain Smuts; by W. T. Swingle. 76. Tomato-growing ; by E. B. Voorhees. 77. laming of Soils ; by H. J. Wheeler. 78. 79. Experiment Station Work. Pts. 5, 0. SO. Peach Twig-borer ; by C. L. Marlatt. 81. Corn Culture in the South ; by Prof. S. M. Tracy. 82. Culture of Tobacco ; by 0. C. Butterweek. S3. Tobacco Soils ; by M. Whitney. 84. Experiment Station Work. Pt. 7. 85. Fish as Food ; by C. F. Langworthy. 86. Thirty Poisonous Plants of the Unite! States ; by V. K. ( 88. Alka! 90. Mam 91. Potat 93. Sugai . Meat: Callox 94. The Vegetable Garden ; by G. H. Greathouse. 95. Good Roads for Farmers ; by M. 0. Eldridge. 96. Raising Sheep for Mutton ; by C. F. Curtiss. 98. Suggestions to Southern Farmers. 99. Three Insect Enemies of Shade Trees ; by L. 0. Howard. 100. Hog-raising in the South ; by S. M. Tracy. 101. Millets ; by T. A. Williams. 102. Southern Forage Plants. 103. Experiment Station Work. Pt. 11. 104. Xotcs on Frost ; by Prof. E. B. Garriott. The Grange: its Origin, Progress, and Educational Pur- poses; by D. W. Aiken. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 19 U 13 Grasses of the United S Tribes and Genera, a Vasev. 8vo. Wash. ;': Ix-ins,' a Synopsis of tin- List of the 'species ; bv G. <3. A 30 It 41 Hinders. 8vo. Wash., 18; nd Growth of Sheep Husbi 30 R 30 United 618 JPublic Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES.— contd. Department of Agriculture — contd. Proceedings of the National Convention for the Suppres- 11 of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases by Legislation, 1897. Wash., 1897. A 37 S 54 Report on the use of Maize (Indian Corn) in Europe, and of the possibilities of its extension. 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 18 1. The Introduction of Maize into Europe; by Charles J. Murphy. 2. The Food Value of Maize ; by Dr. H. W. Wiley. 3. The Indian Corn Industry in the United States ; by B. W. Snow. Selected Correspondence relating to the Export Trade of the United States in Live Stock and Meat Products. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 25 U 36 Studies of Parasitic and Predaeeotis Insects in New Zea- land, Australia, and adjacent Islands; by A. Koebele. 8vo. Wash., 1893. MA 2 R 55 Temperature Changes in Fermenting Piles of Cigar leaf Tobacco ; by M. Whitney and T. II. Means. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 S 54 k of the Department of Agi 8vo. Wash., 1895-1900. E Bureau of Annual Industry. Annual Reports of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1893 94, 1897-98. Illus- trated. 3 vols, 8vo. Wash., 1890-99. E Cheese Industry of the State of New York : by B. D. Gilbert, Svo. Wash., 1S9G. A41U8 Dairy Industry in Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota; by J. 11. Monrad. 8vo. Wash., 1890. A 41 17 8 Dairy Schools; by R. A Pearson. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 8 Dairying in California ; by Prof. E. J. Wickson. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 8 Inspection of Meats for Animal Parasites. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 8 Investigations concerning Infectious Diseases among Poultry ; by T. Smith and V. A. Moore. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 30 R 32 Milk Supply of Boston and other New England Cities ; by G. M. Whitaker. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 8 Sheep Scab : its Nature and Treatment; by D. E Sal- mon and C. W. Stiles. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 8 Tape-worms of Poultry. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash 1896. A 41 IT 8 Division of Agricultural Sods. [See Division of Soils, under this sub-heading.] ivision of Agrosto/og V. Lamson-Scribm Wash., 1898-99. iin Grasses, pta. 1,2; by- ted. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. A 37 T 15 n-Scribner. Illustrated. A 36 V 16 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. Division of Agrostology — contd. Experimental Grass Gardens. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 36 V 16 Fodder and Forage Plants, exclusive of the Grasses ; by J.G.Smith. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1896. A 36 V 16 Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska., and Colorado ; by L. H. Pammel. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 36 V 16 Grazing Problems in the South-west and how to meet them ; by J. G. Smith. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1899. A 36 V 16 Notes on States : 1895. Irassos and Forage Plants of the South-eastern by T. H. Ke .rney. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., A 39 P 20 The Red Desert of Wyoming and its Forage Resources ; by Prof. A. Nelson. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 36 V 16 Report upon the Forage Plants and Forage Resources of the Gulf States ; by Prof. S. M. Tracy. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 36 V 16 Report up m the Grasses and Forage Plants and Forage Conditions of the Eastern liockv Mountain Region; by T. A. Williams. Illustrated.' Svo. Wash., 1898. A 36 V 16 Report upon the Grasses and Forage Plants of Central Texas ; by H. L. Bentley. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. ' A 36 V 16 Report upon the Grasses and Forage Mountain Region ; by P. A. Rydl Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1897. Plants of the Rocky erg and C. L. Shear. A 36 V 19 Structure of the Caryc their Morphology ; nccly. Illustrated. Studies on American G isis of Grasses with reference to id Classification ; by P. B. Ken- 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 36 V 16 asses. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., Useful and Ornamental Grasses ; by F. Lamson-Scribner. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1896. A 36 V 16 Division of Biological Surrey [formerly Division of E.-ouoma-td Orudhnl>H,u and Mamnudout/.] The Com- mon Crow of the United States; by W. B. Barrows and E. A. Schwarz. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1895. A 40 S 12 Cuckoos and Shrikes in their relation to Agriculture. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 27 S 55 The English Sparrow in North America, especially in its relations to Agriculture; by W. B. Barrows. Svo. Wash., 1889. A 38 R 26 Geographic Distribution of Cereals in North America; by C. S. Plumb. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 37 S 55 Jack Rabbits of the United States ; by T. S. Palmer. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 37 S 55 Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States ; by Dr. C. Hart Merriam. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 37 S 55 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 619 UNITED STATES.— contd. Department of Agriculture — contd. Division of Jliologiciil Survey — contd. North American Fauna. Nos. 3-5, 7, 11-15. Illus r, vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890-99. A 46 U 3-f 3. Res M ilta of a Biological Survey )untain Region and Desert o team; by Drs. G. Hart M >f the San Fr the Little Co rriam and Le ,,r.„'l, 4. Dei, lerican Mammals ; by Dr. C. V species of Hart Merriam. No,, 5. R 38 hi ' C llts of a Biological Reco ntral Idaho ; by Drs. 0. H; rd .Stejneger ; and Descriptioi o new species of North Ameri Hart Merriam. ■an Mammals !y l')' 7. The Death Valley Expedition : a Biological of parts of California, Nevada, Ari; 1 Uta 1. Report on Birds ; by Dr. A. K. Fisher. 2. Report on Reptiles and Batrachians ; by Dr. Leonhard Stejneger. 3. Report on Fishes; by Dr. Charles H. Gilbert. 4. Report on Insects ; by Dr. C. V. Riley. 5. Report on Mollusks ; by Dr. R. E. C. Stearns. 6. Report on Desert Trees and Shrubs ; by Dr. C. Hart Mer 7. Report on Desert Cactuses and V C. Hart Merriam. . Synopsis of the Weasels of North Ameri ,1:1], r ,„! s, era of Voles e ; by Dr. >y C. H. 1 Lemmings; by G. Bats of the Family 13. Revision of the North Ai Vespertilionida' ; by G. S 1 I. Natural History of the Tres Marias Islands, Mexico. 15. Revision of the Jumping Mice of the genus Zapus ; liv 10. A. Preble. Tin. Prairie Ground Squirrels, or Spermophiles, of the Mississippi Valley; by Vernon Bailey. 8vo. Wash., 1S92. A .17 S S Report on the Food of Woodpeckers ; by F. E. L. Heal ; and the Tongues of Woodpeckers; by F. A. Lucas. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 30 R 30 Division of Botany. Agricultural Grasses and Forage Plants of the United States, and such foreign kinds as have been introduced; by George Vasey. With an Appendix on the Chemical Composition of Grasses; by CI i fiord Richardson, and a Glossary of Terms used in describing Grasses. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., I S89. A 20 T 33 Vi ural ( o. W Is: ish ses of tl the Ch by Cliffi , 1884. e Uni Binical rd Kit ed Con hart A es ; 1 iih 20 T • (! 1 y G. V. Nash. 8 A Wasl n r Karmei ; 1 ddition t »y M. G. Kains Res< A soft Wasl n u N .. 13. 111 ustrated. jf Musi Wa A l'oi 1897. 11 U UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture -contd. Division of Botany— contd. Contributions from the United States National Herb- arium. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890-96. A 37 S 29-32 Forei ed >v the "Wash •iginal North American m, and Use among th ians; by Dr. E. M. H; Section of ., 1899. V41 U 11 tl Tea: its Native vols. 4to. Wash., 1891 9: 1. Grasses of the South-west : 2. Grasses of the Pacific Slor :ses. Vols. 1, 2. A 20 S 12, 13 t including Alaska and the adjacent islands ; try u. vasey. Legislation against Weeds ; by L. 11. Dewey. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 11 Present Status of Rice Culture in the United States ; by S.A.Knapp. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 41 U 1 1. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States ; by V. K.Chesnut, Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 11 Thistle: its Hist., Wa: The Russ United States ; able for its erad: lustrated. Svo. The Russian Thistle and Wheat Region of M Dakota; by Lyster 1893. , Weet l tin 11,,: vail- er Hoxie Dewey. II- A 37 S 41 ibiesomc Weeds in the nd North and South wey. Svo. Was!,., A 37 S 19 Vanilla Culture as practiced in the Seychelles Islands : by S. J. Galbraith. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 11 The Water Hyacinth ami its relation to Navigation in Florida ; by H. J. Webber. Division of Chemist,-)/. Analyses of Cereals collected at the World's Columbian Exposition, and comparisons with other data ; by H. W. Wiley. Svo. Wash., 1895. A 21 U 16 •s in and Addit ted at the 13th Association of < Wash., 1896-97 to Met of An; ideal ( f tin- Car teluding t Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES— contd, Department of Agriculture— contd. Division of Chemistry — contd. Foods and Food Adulterants. Pts. 6-9. Svo. Wash., 1892-98. A 31 S 18 G. Sugar, Molasses and Sirup. Confections, Honey and 7. Tea, Coffee, and Coeoa 'Preparations ; by Guilford L. 8. Canned Vegetables ; by K. P. McElroy. 0. Cereals and Cereal Products. Investigation of the composition of American Wheat and Corn; by C. Richardson. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 40 Manufacture of Sorghum Sirup. Svo. Wash., 1894. A 41 U 7 Methods of Analysis adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists," 1895. Svo. Wash., 1895. A 41 U 7 Popular Treatise on the Extent and Character of Food Adulterations; by Alexander J. Wedderburn. Svo. Wash., 1890. A 31 S 18 Proceedings of the Annual Conventions of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1889-93, 1895-96, i. Svo. Wash., 1S90-99. lecord of Experiments at Y< Manufacture of Sugar from i 1886; by H. W.Wiley. 8v< Wa , Kansas, in the and Sugar canes, ,,1887.A41TJ7 R, periments conducted by the Commissioner ture in the Manufacture of Sugar from 1888; by II. W. Wiley. Svo. Wash., A 41 U 7 Record of Experiments in the Production of Sugar from Sorghum in 1889 ; by H. W. Wiley. Svo Wash 1890. A 2] D 28 1SS9. R( ■cord ,,f Experiments with Sor-duim, 1890-93; by H W.Wiley. Svo. Wash., 1891-94. E M, 11. t ; -* ith a Ha ses frot i Pro H. il . W Re, ley. A. to 111! F< ids and' rated App mder J. Wedder- A 31 S 18 Wash., 1894. A 41 U 7 • If. W. Wiley. Svo A 11 U7 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture — contd. Division of J'Jriiii'iniirid Ornithology mid Mammalogy. [See Division of Biological Surrey, under this heading.] Division of Entomology. The Roll Worm of Cotton : a Report of Progress in a supplementary investigation of this Insect; by F. W. Mally. Svo." Wash., 1891. A 37 S 6 The Chinch Rug. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 38 Q 20 Circulars. 2nd ser. Nos. 2-31. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1891-98. A 41 U 6 2. Hop- plant Louse, and the remedies to be used against it. 3. San Jose Scale. 4. Army Worm. 5. Carpet Beetle or Buffalo Moth. 6. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 7. Pear-tree Psylla. 8. Imported Elm-leaf .Beetle. 9. Canker Worms. 10. Harlequin Cabbage Bug or Calico Back. 11. The Rose Chafer. 12. The Hessian Fly. 13. Mosquitoes and Fleas. 14. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 1.5. Oencral Work against Insects which defoliate Shade Trees in Cities and Towns. 10. The larger Corn-stalk Borer. 17. The Peach-tree borer. 18. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 10. The Clover Mite. 20. Wooly Aphis of the Apple. . St, -a eevil. 22. Periodical Cicada in 1807. 23. Buffalo Treehopper. 24. Two-lined Chestnut Borer. 2o. The Ox Warble. 26. The Pear Slug. 27. Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil in 1807. 28. The P.ox Elder Plant Bug. 20. Fruit-tree Bark Beetle. 30. Periodical Cicada in 1898. 31. Striped Cucumber Beetle. An Enumeration of the published Synopses, Catalogues, and Lists of the North American Insects, together with other information intended to assist the student of American Entomology. Svo. Wash., 1888. A19V34 Grass and drain Joint-worm Flies and their all L. 0. Howard. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1 A 41 U 6 v L. O. Howard. Illustrated. A 38 Q 20 Hessian Fly in the United States ; by Prof. H. Osborn. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 38 Q 20 The Honey Roe : a Manual of Instruction in Apiculture ; by F.Benton. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1895, 1899. A 38 Q 20 ;by Gypsy Moth in Ameri 8vo. Wash., 1897. Snjjp (em en I ary Ca la log ue— 1800-1 'JOO. UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. DivKHin of Fiilni/iijni/i/ — contJ. Imported Elm-leaf Beetle: its Habits and Natural History, and means of counteract iin,' its injuries. 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 3 Insects affecting Domestic Animals : an Account of the species of importance in North America, with mention i if related forms occurring on other animals ; by Herbert Osborn. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 36 V 24 The Pediculi and Mallophaga affecting man and the lower animals; by Prof. Herbert Osborn. 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 5 Tin 1 Periodical Cicada : an Account of Cicada Septen- d'-cim : its Natural Enemies and the means of prevent- ing its injury; by C. L. Marlatt. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1898. ' A 38 Q 20 The Principal Household Insects of the United States ; by L. O. Howard and C. L. Marlatt; with a Chapter on Insects affecting Dry Vegetable Foods, by F. H. Chittenden. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 36 V 23 [Another copy.] Revised ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1S96. " A 38 Q 29 Principal Insect Enemies of the Grape ; by C. L. Mar- latt. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash, (n.d.) A 41 U 6 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists, ] 895-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1 895-98. E Recent Laws against Injurious Insects in North America, together with the Laws relative to Foul Brood ; bv L. ( ). Howard. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 38 Q 20 Reports of Observations and Experiments in the practi- cal work of the Division [of Entomology], 1883, 1890, 1892. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1883-92. E Reports of Observations on the Rocky Mountain Locust and the Chinch Lug, together with Extracts from the Correspondence of the Division on Miscellaneous In- sects. 8vo. Wash., 18S3. A 37 S 1 .{(■ports on the damage by Destructive Locusts during the season of 1891. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 4 {(■vision of the Aphelininje of North America; by L. O. Howard. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 30 R 34 .{(•vision of the Nematinse of North America ; by C. L. Marlatt. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 6 {.■vision of the Tachinidte of America North of Mexico ; by D. W. Coquillett. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 38 Q 29 ton Jose Scale in 1896-97; by L. O. Howard. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 38 Q 29 ton Josa Scale: its Occurrence in the United States ; bv L. O. Howard and C. L. Marlatt. Illustrated. 8vo, Wash., 1896. A 41 U 6 1 Jos nd : >rief c sideration of the chai acters which distinguish these closely reh ted [njurioi s Scale Ins( ■ts: bv T. 1). A. Cockered. h., 1897. A 41 U 6 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture — contd. Division of Entomology — contd. Some Insects injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops ; by F. M. Chittenden. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 38 Q 29 Some little-known Insects affecting Stored Vegetable Products; by F. H. Chittenden. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 41 U 6 Some Mexican and Japanese Injurious Insects liable to be introduced into the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 12 Some Miscellaneous Results of the Work of the Division of Entomology. Illustrated. 3 pts. 8vo. Wash., 1897-98. ' A 36 V 17 A Study in Insect Parasitism : a consideration of the Parasites of the white-marked Tussock .Moth, with an account of their habits and inter-relations, and with descriptions of new species ; by L. 0. Howard. Illus- trated. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 36 V 21 Division of Forestry. Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States : their Names and Ranges ; by G. B. Sudworth. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Experimental Tree-planting in the Plains ; by C. A. Keffer. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Forest-growth and Sheep grazing in the Cascade Moun- tains of Oregon; by F. V. Coville. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Forestry Conditions and Interests of Wisconsin ; by F. Roth. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Measuring the Forest Crop ; by A. K. Mlodziansky. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Nomenclature of the Aborescent Flora of the United States; by George B. Sudworth. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 36 V 26 Notes on the Forest Conditions of Porto Rico ; by R. T. Hill. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 41 U 13 r Culture ; by J. M. Sin 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Primer of Forestry ; by G. Pinchot, Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 27 P 27 Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry for 1891 ; by B. E. Fernow. 8vo. Wash., 1892. E Summary of Mechanical Tests on 32 species of American Woods. 4to. Wash, (n.d.) A 13 R 7 t Systematic Plant Introduction : its Purposes and 'Methods: by D. G. Fairchild. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 13 Timber: an Elementary Discussion of the Characteristics and Properties of Wood; by F. Roth. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 39 P 19 The Timber Pines of the Southern United States, by C. Mohr ; together with a discussion of the structure of their work, by F. Roth. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1896. A 11 X 7 t 622 "Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. Division of Forestry — contd. The White Pine (Finns Strobus Lin-nans); by Prof. V. M. Spalding. Revised and enlarged by B. E. Fernow. With Contributions: Insect Enemies of the White Pine ; by F. H. Chittenden ; and the Wood of the White Pine ; by F. Roth. Illustrated. Ito. Wash, 1899. A 22 P 1 t Division of Microscopy. Food Products. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash, 1891-93. A 31 S 17 1. Twelve Edible Mushrooms of the United States, with Directions for their Identification and their Prepara- tion as Food ; by Dr. Thomas Taylor. 2. Eight I'Miblc and twelve l'oh his Mushrooms of the United States, with Directions for the Culture and Culinary Preparation of the Edible Species ; by Dr. Thomas Taylor. ■Division of Pomology. Catalogue of Fruits recommended for Cultivation in the various sections of the United States by the American Pomological Society. 8vo. Wash, 1897. A 37 S 56 Classification and Generic Synopsis of the Wild Grapes of North America ; by T. V. Munson. 8vo. Wash, 1890. A 37 S 2 Fig Culture; Edible Figs: their Culture and Curing; by G. Eisen ; and Fig Culture in the Gulf States ; by F. S. Earle. 8vo. Wash, 1897. A 37 S 56 Fruit Industry, and substitution of Domestic for Foreign- grown Fiui'ts, with Historical and Descriptive Notes on ten varieties of Apple suitable for the Export Trade; by W. A. Taylor. 8vo. Wash, 1898, A 37 S 56 Report of the Penologist, 1894-95. 8vo. Wash, 1895- 97. A 18 V 33 Division of Fublwitions. Historical Sketch of the United States Department of Agriculture : its Objects and Present Organization : by C. H. Svo. Wash, 1898. A 38 R 17 Index to the Annual Reports of the United States De- partment of. Agriculture, 1837-93. Svo. Wash, 1896. Cat. Room Index to Authors, with Titles of their Publications, ap- pearing in the Documents of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1841-97; by (J.F.Thompson. Svo. Wash, 1898. Cat. Room Synoptical Index of the Reports of the Statistician, 1863-94; by G. F. Thompson. 8vo. Wash, 1897. Cat, Room Alkt f A of I'Jxp'-runent Stations. Abstract of Laws for acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries, with the legal forms in use ; by E. Mead. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Agricultural Experiment Stations : their Objects and Work; by A. C. True. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 38 Q 19 Carbohydrates of Wheat, Maize, Flour, and Bread, and the action of Enzymic Ferments upon Starches of different origin; by W. E. Stone. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 15 Chemical Composition of American Food Materials; by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. 8vo. Wash., 1S96. A 38 R 15 [Another copy.] Revised ed. ; by W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Compilation of Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs; by E. H. Jenkins and A. L. Winton. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 40 A Contribution to the investigation of the assimilation of free atmospheric nitrogen by white and black mustard; by J. P. Lotsy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 37 S 23 Cotton Culture in Egypt; by G. P. Foaden. 8vo Wash., 1897. A 38 R 15 The Cotton Plant : its History, Botany, Chemistry, Cul- ture, Enemies, and Uses. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 36 V 25 Description of a new Respiration Calorimeter, and Ex- periments on the Conservation of Energy in the Human Body ; by W. O. Atwater and E. B. Rosa. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Dietary Studies at the Maine State College, in 1895 ; by Whitman H. Jordan. 8 vo. Wash., 1897. A 36 V 22 Dietary Studies at Purdue University, Lafayette in 1895 ; by W. E. Stone ; with Comments by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. 8 vo. Wash., 1 896. A 38 R 1 5 Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895, and data relating to Bread and .Meat consumption in Missouri ; by H. B. Gibson, S. Calvert, and D. W. May; with Comments by W. O. Atwater and CD. Woods. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895 ; by C. E. Wait; with Comments by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 15 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. Office of Experiment Stations — contd. Dietary Studies in Chicago, 1895-96 ; by W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 9 Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895 ; by A. Gos Wash., 1897. A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies in New York City, 1895-96 ; by W. O. Atwater and CD. Woods. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U9 Dietary Studies with reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895-96; by W. O. Atwater and C D. Woods. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 38 R 15 Digest of the Annual Reports of the Agricultural Ex- periment Stations in the United States, 1888. Pt. 2. 8vo. Wash., 1891. E Digest of Metabolism Experiments, in which the balance of income and outgo was determined; by W. O. Atwater and C F. Langworthy. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 41 U 9 Experiment Station Record. Vols. 3-10. 8 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1891-99. E Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey in 1895-96 ; by E. B. Voorhees. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 38 R 15 Forage Plants for the South; by S. M. Tracy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 37 S 27 History and present status of Instruction in Cooking in the Public Schools of New York City. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Leguminous Plants for Green Manuring and for Feeding ; by E. W. Allen. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 37 S 25 Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Composition and Digestibility of Potatoes and Eggs. Illustrated. 8vo Wash., 1897. A 38 R 15 Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions; by Mark W. Harrington. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 30 Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey ; by C S. Phelps and E. B. Voorhees. 8vo. Wash., 1897. . A 38 R 15 Nutrition Investigations at the University of Tennessee, 1896-97; by Prof . C. E. Wait. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 9 Nutrition Investigations in New Mexico, 1897 ; by Prof. A. Goss. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 9 in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-96 ; by Wash., 1898. A 41 U 9 Organization Lists of the Agricultural Experiment Sta- tions and Agricultural Schools and Colleges in the United States, 1890, 1892-94, 1897-99. 7 vols. Svo. Wash., 1890-99. E Physiological effect of Creatin and Creatinin, and their value as Nutrients ; by J. W. Mallet. Svo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture — contd. (hiii- ■•/ Ex in -rimcnt Stations — contd. Pr< > -codings of the Annual Convet itions i of American Agricultural Colleges Stations, 1889-98. 10 vols. 8m ' W. O. Atwater, C. D. Woods, and F. G Benedict. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 38 It 15 Rules and Apparatus for Seed-testing, 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 38 It 15 Six Lectures on the Investigations at Eothamsted Fxpei i- mental Station, delivered under the provisions of the Lawes Agricultural Trust by Robert Warington. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 37 Statistics of Land-grant Colleges and Agricultural Ex- periment Stations, 189G. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 38 R 15 Statistics of the Land-grant Colleges and Agricultural Fxperimont Stations for year ending June, 1898. Svo. Wash., 1899. E Studies on Bread and Breadmaking ; by H. Snyder and L. A. Yoorhees. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Suggestions for the establishment of Food Laboratories in connection with the Agricultural ExperimentStations of the United States. Svo. Wash., 1893. A 37 S 21 Varieties of Corn ; by E. L. Sturtevant. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 37 V 1 Off,,-, , t f Fihn- InveMvjnliom. Descriptive Catalogue of I'seful Fiber Plants of the World, including the Struc- Ho-al and Feoiiomic Classifications of Fibers ; by C. It. I*.dge. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 38 It 19 Recent Facts regarding Ramie Industry in America; with brief statements relating to manufacture in Europe, &c, bv C. R, Dodge. Svo.'' Wash., 1891. A 37 S 15 Report on Flax Culture for Seed and Fiber in Europe and America; by C. It. Dodge. Illustrated. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 37 S 57 Report on Flax Culture for Fiber in the United States, including Special Reports on Flax Culture in Ireland, in Belgium, and in Austria, with statements relative to the industry in Russia; by C. R, Dodge. Svo. and present status ,.f Fiber Industries in the Foiled Slates; by C. It. Dodge. 2nd ed. Svo. Wash., IS92. A 37 S 16 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. the question of Machinery for extracting the Fiber; by C. It, Dodge. Svo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 17 Report on the Culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States ; by C. It. Dodge. Svo. Wash., 1896. A 37 S 57 Report on the Leaf Fibers of the United States, detail- ing results of recent investigations relating to Florida Sisal Hemp, the false Sisal Hemp Plant of Florida, and other Fiber-producing Agaves, Bowstring Hemp, Pineapple Fiber, New Zealand Flax, and Bear Grass ; by C. It, Dodge. Svo. Wash., 1893. A 37 S 11 Report on the uncultivated Past Fibers of the United States, including the history of previous experiments with the Plants or Fibers, and brief statements relat- ing to the allied species that are produced commer- cially in the Old World; by C. R, Dodge. Svo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 10 Office of Road Inquiry. Circulars. Nos. 14, 15, 17, 19- 31. Svo. Wash., 1891-98. A 41 U 15 14. Addresses on Road Improvement. 15. Act to provide for the Construction of Roads by Local 17. Origin and Work of the Darlington Road League. 10. Traffic of the Country Roads. 21. Methods of Constructing Macadamized Roads. 22. Organization of ?'-\.w- ,.-■. \ I.i>.-;1 R.ud Improvement So- lent in Maine, New York, ,ads: Extracts fn.m Messages of Governo, F 1 T 30 adding in the Information regarding lb. ads and Ilnad making Materia s mcei am as ci c A 41 U 4 Public Library of New South Wales, UNITED STATES.— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. Office of Road Inquiry — contd. Information regarding Road Materials and Transporta- tion Rates in certain States West, of the Mississippi Itiv Wash., 1894. A 41 U 4 Information regarding Roads, Road Materials, and Freight Rates in certain States North of the Ohio River. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 41 U 4 Notes on the Employment of Convicts in connection with Road-building. 8vo. Wash., 1895. F 1 T 26 [Another copy.] Revised ed. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 1 T 26 Proceedings of the Wood Roads Convention of Texas. 1895. 8vo. Wash., 1895. F 1 T 29 5 of Road Construction i 8vo. Wash., 1897. the United States. A 41 U 4 Report on Road-making Materials in Arkansas ; by J. C. Branner. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 41 U 4 State Aid to Road-building in New Jersey ; by E. Bur- rough. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 41 U 4 State Laws relating to Management of Roads, enacted in 1888-95; byR. Stone. 8vo. Wash., 1894-95. F7 U 33 Traction Tests; by S. T Neely. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 4 Section of Foreign Markets. Circulars. Nos. 16, 18, 20, 21. 8vo. Wash., 1897-99. F 7 T 3 16. Our Trade with Cuba, 1887-97. 18. Hawaiian Commerce, 1887-97. 20, 21. Agricultural Imports and Exports, 1893-98. Our Foreign Trade in Agricultural Products, 1893-98 ; "by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. Wash., 1898-99. F 7 T 1 Our Trade with Spain, 1888-97; by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 7 T 1 Trade of Puerto Rico; by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 7 T 1 Trade of the Philippine Islands; by F. H. Hitchcock. 8vo. Wash., 1898. E 7 T 1 The World's Markets for American Products : German Empire, France, Canada, Norway, Sweden. 4 vols. F 1 T 22-25 8vo. Wash., 1895-98. Weather Bureau. Abstract of a Report on Solar and Terrestrial Magnetism in their relations to Meteorology; by Prof. F. H. Bigelow. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 41 U 3 Climate and Health. Vols. 1, 2, July, 1895-March, 1896. 4to. Wash., 1896. A 20 S 9 f The Climate of Chicago ; by Prof. H. A. Hazen. 8vo Wash., 1893. A 19 V 39 The Diurnal Variation of Barometric Pressure; by Dr Frank N. Cole. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 31 Instructions for Use of combined Maximum and Mini- mum Soil Thermometers ; by Prof. C. F. Marvin and Prof . Milton Whitney. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 19 V 32 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Agriculture— contd. Weather Bureau — contd. Instructions for the Use of Maximum and Minimum Radiation Thermometers ; by Prof. C. F. Marvin and Prof. Milton Whitney. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 19 V 33 Instructions for Voluntary Observers ; bv Prof. T. Russell. 8vo. Wash., 1892. " A 19 V 35 Notes on a New Method for the Discussion of Magnetic Observations; by Prof. F. H. Bigelow. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 35 Notes on the Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley, California ; by Mark W. Harrington. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 29 Observations and Experiments on the Fluctuations in the Level and Rate of Movement of Ground-water on the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station Farm, and at Whitewater, Wisconsin; by Prof. Franklin H King. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 37 Protection from Lightning ; by A. McAdie. Illustrated 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 20 U 13 Report of Annual Meetings of the American Association Report on Forecasting of Thunder dining the Summer of 1892; byN. B. Conger. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 19 V 38 Some Physical Properties of Soils in their relation to Moisture and Crop Distribution; by Prof. Milton Whitney. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 19 V 36 Storms, Storm Tracks, and Weather Forecasting ; by Prof. F. H. Bigelow. 8vo. Wash., 1897. A 36 V 20 Work of the Weather Bureau in connection with the Rivers of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 41 U 3 • Department of the Interior. Laws and Regulations governing the recognition of Agents, Attorneys, and other persons to represent Claimants before the De- partment of the Interior and the Bureaus thereof ; compiled by G. B. Raum. 8vo. Wash., 1891. E 1 U 8 Miscellaneous Reports, 1896-97. 8vo. Wash., 1897. E Register of the Department of the Interior, corrected to Sept., 1883. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. E Report on the Des Moines River Land Grant Claims. 4to. Wash., 1894. F 13 T 14 t Reports of the Secretary of the Interior, 1890, 1892-97. 20 vols. Svo. and fol. Wash., 1890-97. E Rules and Regulations governing Mineral Leases, the Collection and Disbursement of Revenues, and the Supervision of Schools in the Indian Territory. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 16 [See also Bureau of Education ; Office of Indian Affairs ; Geological Survey; General Land Office; under this Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 627 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of Justice. Register of the Department . f Justice and the Judicial Officers of the United States. Roy 8vo. Wash., 1883. F 1 S 5 Register of the Judges, Attorneys, and Marshals, cor- rected to August 1, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 1893. E Report of the Attorney-General of the United States, 1891-92,1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1891-97. E Department of Labor. [See Bureau of Labor, under Department of the Navy. Articles for Government of luited States Navy. 8vo. Wash, (n.d.) F1U3 Ballistic Tables for standard Navy Projectiles, with ogival heads of two calibers radius. 8vo. Wash., 1 893. A 25 U 37 Catalogue of Nautical Almanac Library. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. K 17 T 5 Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Museum of Hygiene, Medical Department of the United States Navy ; com- piled by Philip S. Wales. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 31 S 16 Coaling, Docking, and Repairing Facilities of the Ports of the World, with Analyses of different kinds of Coal. 3rd ed. 8vo. Wash., 1892. A 25 U 38 Comments of Rear-Adm. Pliiddemann, German Navy, on the main features of the War with Spain. Translated from the German. 8vo. Wash., 1898. A 36 W 15 Effect of the Gun Fire of the United States Vessels in the Battle of .Manila Bay ; by Lieut. J. M. Ellicott. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 36 W 15 Lit 'rnational Law : Manual based upon Lectures de- livered at the Naval War College by F. Snow. 2nd ed. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 T 17 List and Station of the Commissioned and Warrant Offi- cers of the Navy of the United States, and of the Marine Corps, on the Active List, 1893-94, 1898-99. I vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893-99. E Manual for Officers serving on board United States ( Yuising Training Ships, 1899. 12nio. Wash., 1899. A 36 Q 24 • Notes on Asiatic Cholera. 8 to. Wash., 1892. A 26 R 38 Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion; by Lieut.-Commander Richard Rush and Robert 11. Woods. Vol. 1, ser. 1. Svo. Wash., 1891. B 15 R 16 Pape nd Wa , 181 Regulations for the Go/ern Regulations for the (nif..n of the United States Mai 1892. UNITED STATES— w«^. Department of the Navy — could. Regulat ions of the Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. 1 2mo. Wash., 1893. F 10 V 42 Regulations relating to the Uniforms of the Officers of the United States Navy, 1883. Roy. Svo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 48 Report of a Board of United States Naval Engineers on an Air Refrigerating Machine for supplying cold dry air to Vessels, Hospitals, etc., 1883. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 22 T 8 Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1892-94. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892 94. E Report on Voyage of U.S.S. Wilmington up the Amazon River, preceded by a short Account of a Voyage up the Orinoco River, 1899; by C. C. Todd. 8vo. Wash., 1899. D 22 U 11 Sanitary and Medical Reports for 1873-74 by Officers of the U.S. Navy. Compiled by Dr. II. C. Nelson. Svo. Wash., 1875.' E Sketches from the Spanish-American War. Translated from the German. Svo. Wash, 1899. A 36 W 15 Specifications for Steam Machinery of United States Dis- patch Boat, 1,500 tons. 12m,,. Wash., 1883. A22Q45 Specifications for a three-Cylinder, Horizontal, Back- ' Duplicate Pieces, and Oil- ... Wash., 1883. A 22 Q 47 Specifications for two direct-acting compound twin-screw Beam Engines of 5,000 horse-power for the United States steamer Chianjo. 12mo. Wash., 1883. A 22 Q 46 \See also Bureau of Equipment; Bureau of Navigation; Bureau of Medicine and Surgery; Bureau of Ordnance; Marine Hospital Service; Naval Academy: Naval Observatory; under this heading.] Department of the Post Office. Annual Reports of the Post Office Department for year ending June, 1897. Svo. Wash, 1897. E Proceedings of the Conference of Post Office Inspectors in charge, held at the Department Building, Washing- ton, D.C, Nov. 24 to Dec. 5, 1890. Svo. Wash, 189] F1U6 Report of the Ur eds .tes Postal Committee on the the Postal Service in Cuba. F 16 R 17 s, Rulings, and Regula- ^^"''^".''''^^ish, 1 ^!)',^ 1 ' J ' F16R1 Documentary History of the Constitution of the United States of 'America, 1787-1870. Vol. 1. Imp. Svo. Wash, 1894. F 10 W 21 t Foreign relations of the United States, 1894 : Affairs in Hawaii. Svo. Wash.. 1895. MF5P3 ■Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES— contd. Department of State — contd. President's Message, 1893, and Report from the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations, 189-1, on the Hawaiian Islands. 2vols.8vo. Wash., 1893-91. ME 1 S 73, 74 Proclamations and Deer 8vo. Wash., 1899. Register of the Department of State, corrected to 1883. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. E Report of the Delegates of the United States to the 5th International Prison Congress, held at Paris, July, 1895. 8vo. Wash., 189G. E of Foreign Commerce, undei The Bubonic Plague ; by Dr. W. Wyir Wash., 1900. [See also Bui heading.] Department of the Treasury. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1890-91, 1893, 1897. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1890-97. E Annual Report of the supervising Architect to the Secretary of the Treasury, 1889 -95, 1897-98. 9 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1889-98. E Annual Reports of the Treasurer of the United States on the Sinking Fund and Funded Debt of the District of Columbia, 1891-93. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1891-93. E . Roy. 8vo. A 45 V 21 Compilation of Decisions rendered by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue under the War Revenue Act, 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1899. E Decisions of the Comptroller of the Treasury. Vols. 3- 5, 6, pt. 2. 5 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1897-99. E Digest of Decisions of the second Comptroller of the Treasury. Vol. 4, Jan., 1893-Oct., 1894. 8vo. Wash., 1899. E The Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean ; by Prof. D. S. Jordan. Illustrated. Pts. 1-4. 4 vols. 4to. Wash., 1898. A 19 R 25-28 f History of the Currency of the Country and of the Loans of the United States"from the earliest period to June 30th, 189G; by W. F. De Knight. Sm. fol. Wash., 1897. F 18 Q 22 f Immigration and Passenger Movement at Ports of the United States, 1893-94. 2 vols. 4to. Wash., 1894- 95. E Imported Merchandise entered for Consumption in the United States, 1890 93, with Rates and amount of Duty collected, 4 to. Wash., 1893. E Instructions and Suggestions of the Comptroller of the Currency relative to the Organization and Manage- ment of National Banks. 8vo.' Wash., 1897. F 10 T 19 Laws of the United States relating to Customs, together with portions of certain Commercial Treaties compiled by M. P. Andrews. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 18 R 5 UNITED STATES— contd. Department of the Treasury— contd. Observations on the Fur Seals of the Pribilof Islands. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 30 T 7 Pilot Rules for Atlantic and Pacific Coast Inland Waters. 8vo. Wash., 1898. D 1G T 26 Pilot Rules for the Great Lakes and their connecting and Tributary Waters as far East as Montreal. 8vo. Wash., 1898. D 16 T 26 Pilot Rules for Rivers whose waters flow into the Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries, and for the Red River of the North. 8vo. Wash., 1898. D 16 T 2G Proceedings of the Assay Commission of 1899, and test of Coinage executed and reserved during 1898 ; also, Laws of the United States relating to the Annual Assay, and Rules for the Organization and Govern- ment of the- Board of Assay Commissioners. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 1G R 15 The Province of Santiago de Cuba and the Internal Revenue of the Island of Cuba; by R. P. Porter. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 17 Quarantine Laws and Regulations of the United States. Revised ed., 1899. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 18 R 29 Regulations and Instructions concerning the Tax on Legacies and Distributive Shares under the Act of 1898. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 18 Regulations and Instructions relating to the Transporta- tion and Exportation of Distilled Spirits in Bond without payment of Tax under the Internal Revenue Laws, 1899. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 1G R 18 Report and Recommendations on the Customs Tariff of the Island of Porto Rico; by 11. P. Porter. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 11 Report of the Board of Engineers, U.S. Army, on Stor- age of Explosives in New York Harbor. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 21 U 27 Report of the Chief of Division of Revenue Cutter Ser- vice, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. E Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1882-84, 1887-88,1891-93. 12 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1882-93. E . States Revenue Cutter it ion for the relief of the from Nov., 1897-Sept,, ash., 1899. D 22 U 9 Report of the Director of the Mine upon the production of the precious metals in the United States, 1880-94, 1896. 16 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1881-98. E Report of the Internal Commerce of the United States for 1891. 8vo. Wash., 1892. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. UNITED STATES.— contd. Department of the Treasury — contd, Report of the Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey, showing the progress of the Survey, 1872-73. 2 vols. ;t». Wash., 1875. E Hi •port on the Commercial and Industrial Condition of the Island of Cuba; with Appendix by 11. P. Porter. Svo. Wash., 1898-99. • F 16 It 17 Report on the Currency Question of Porto Pico ; by R. J'. Porter. Svo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 12 Report on the Island of Porto Pico: its Population, ( 'ivil Government, Commerce, Industries, Productions, ! toads, Tariff", and Currency; with recommendations I r, H. K. Carroll. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1899. D 22 U 12 Report on the Rookeries of the Commander Islands, i 897 ; by L. Stejneger. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 40 V 7 R.pirt on the Salmon Fisheries in Alaska, 1896-98. 3 vols. Svo. Wash., 1897-99. E Report on the Sea-otter Banks of Alaska; by C. L. I looper. With Map. Svo. Wash., 1S97. A 38 R 29 Revised Regulations governing the sampling and classifi- «■ ition of imported Sugars and Molasses under the Act of July, 1S97. Svo. Wash., 1899. F 1G R 15 The Tariff of 1897 on Imports into the United States, together with the Customs Administrative Act, 1890, with amendments to sections 7 and 11, and the War Revenue Act, 1898. Svo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 31 The United States Revenue Cutter Service in the War with Spain, 1S9S. Svo. Wash., 1899. B 41 S 4 Wool and the Manufactures of Wool; by Worthington C. Ford. Svo. Wash., 1894. A 37 R 12 [See also Comptroller of the Currency; Marine Hospital Service ; under this heading.] Department of War. Alphabetical List of Additions made to the War Department Library, 1882-81. Imp. Svo. Wash., 1884. K 9 P 17* t Compendium of Regulations for the Quartermaster's De- partment. Svo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 10 Customs Tariff and Regulations for Ports in Cuba in possession of the United States. Svo. Wash., 1898. F 1 6 R 1 1 Customs Tariff and Regulations for Ports in Porto Rico in possession of the United States. Svo. Wash., 1899. F16R11 L)e Tai Ma< Regula 1 Rules forthe Mai for tit* Rifle Carl l'hil )f the r, lllustr. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 3G V 33 Drill Regulations for Cavalry, United States Army. 32mo. Wash., 1899. A 22 P 59 Drill Regulations for Coast Artillery, United States Army.' Svo. Wash., 1898, A 32 U 33 Drill Regulations for Light Artillery. 32mo. Wash., UNITED STATES— contd. Department of War — contd. Drill Regulations for Siege Artillery, United States Army. ISmo. Wash, 1898. A 22 P 52 Drill Regulations for the Hospital Corps, United States Army." 32mo. Wash., 189G. A 22 P 60 Emergency Diet for the Sick in the Military Service ; by Capt. E. L. Munson. 12mo. Wash., 1899. A 36 Q 25 Fortifications of To-day ; Fire against Models of Coast Batteries and Parados; Horizontal and Curved Fire in Defense of Coasts. 4 to. Wash, 1883. A 13 W 21 t Hospital Corps Drill Regulation, U.S. Army. 18mo. Wash, 1893. A 22 P 45 Immigration Regulations for the Island of Porto Rico. Svo. Wash, 1899. F16R12 Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army. 32mo. Wash, 1891. A 22 P 57 Infantry Drill Regulations : the Manual of Arms, adapted to the Magazine Rifle, caliber 30. 32mo. Wash, 1897. A 22 P 58 Instructions for the Government of Medical Officers in preparing the Medical and Surgical Reports of the United States Army Medical Department, Roy. Svo. Wash, 1883. A 27 V 24 Manual for Army Cooks. Wash, 1S9G. A3G Q 14 Manual for Courts-martial and of Procedure under Mili- tary Law. 12mo. Wash, 1898. F 1G S 24 Manual for the Medical Department, 1S9G, 1898-99. 3 vols. Svo. Wash, 1896-99. A 3G Q 17, 19, 20 Manual for the Pay Department, 12mo. Wash, 1896. FIGS 25 [Another copy] revised to April, 1898. Svo. Wash, 1S98. " F 1G T 18 Manual for the Quartermaster's Department. 12mo. Wash, 1897. F 1G S 29 Manual for the Subsistence Department, corrected to April, 189S. 12mo. Wash, 1898. F 1G S 2G Manual of Guard Duty, U.S. Army. 18mo. Wash, 1S93. A 22 P 4G itary Laws of the United States ; with Appendix, vo. Wash, 1S97 -98. F 16 R 3 .other copy.] 3rd ed. Svo. Wash, 1898. j' 16 R 14 Mit Lo 896. A 22 P 5G Official Army Register, 1892-95. 4 vols. Svo. Wash, 1892-94. E Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES -conhl. Department of War — contd. Official Danger, Distress, and Storm-signal Codes for Signal Service, Sea-coast Stations, and Mariners. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 K 46 Pro, Unite. General Regulations of the Signal Corps, tes Army. 12mo. Wash., 1898'. E 16 S 28 Puerto Rico : embracing Reports of Brig. -Gen. G. W. Davis, Military Governor, and Reports on Districts of Arecibo, Aguadilla, Cayey, Humacao, Mayaguez, Ponce, San Juan, Vieques, and the sub-district of San German. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1900. D 22 U 12 Register of the War Department, 1893-94. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893-94. E Regulations and Decisions pertaining, to the Uniform of the Army of the United States. • 12mo. Wash., 1897. ' A 36 Q 15 Regulations for Operation and Maintenance of United States Military Telegraph lanes, and General Regula- tions of the Signal Corps, United States Army; with Appendix. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 44 Q 17 [Another copy.] 3rd ed. 12mo. Wash., 1899. A 36 Q 15 Regulations for the Army of the United States. 18mo. W r ash., 1892. P 12 S 18 Regulations for the Army of the United States, with Appendix separately indexed showing changes to Jan. 1st, 1899. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 T 15 Army Transport Service. 8vo. i»m A 36 V 32 Remarks on the Army Regulations and Executive Regu- lations in general ; by G. N. Lieber. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 R 7 »rt of Maj.-Gen. Nelso i Tour of Ob- ., 1899. A 36 W T 14 Report of the Test of Metals and other Materials for in- dustrial purposes, made with the United States Test- 5 at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, during 1894. 8vo. Wash., 1895. E Report of the Unit Secretary of Wai Civil Affairs of t! 1 States Insular Commission to the upon Investigations made into the ; Island of Porto Rico, with Recom- Wash., 1899. E 16 R 12 IPape Translated from European in., 1898. 8vo. Wash., A 36 W 10 s Hand-book for the U! y; prepared by N. Hei UNITED STATES— contd. Department of War— contd. Sources of information on Military Pi'ofes 8vo. Wash., 1898. ional Subjects. A 36 W 9 Staffs of various Armies, Jan., 1899. 1899. 8vo. Wash., F 16 R23 Standard Supply Table of the Medical Department of the United States Army, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 27 V 25 Translation of the Cock; of Commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, amended by the Law of June 10, 1897, including the Commercial Registry Regulations, Exchange Regulations, and other pro- visions of a similar character ; with Annotations and Appendices. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 18 R 28 Translation of the Law of Railroads for the Island of Puerto Rico. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 12 Translation of the Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, ml the Philippines, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 12 Translation of Police Law of Railroads of Puerto Rico, and Regulations for its application. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 12 Use of the Army in aid of the Civil Power ; by G. N. Lieber. 8vo. W r ash., 1898. F 16 R 9 >f Ordnance; cc; Surgeon- [See aho Adjutant-General's Office;. Board Bureau of Medicine; Bureau of Ordnai General's Office; under this heading.] Destruction of U.S. S. "Maine." Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the Re- port of the Naval Court of Inquiry upon the Destruc- tion of the U.S. Battleship M,nnc, in Havana Harbor, Feb. 15th, 1898, together with the testimony taken before the Court. 8vo. Wash., 1898. B 19 U 13 Electoral Count of 1877. Proceedings of the Electoral Commission, and of the two Houses of Congress in joint meeting, relative to the count of Electoral Votes cast Dec. 6th, 1876, for the Presidential Term com- mencing March, 1877. 8vo. Wash., 1877. F 13 T 12 Engineer Department. Annual Reports upon the Im- provement and Care of Public P.uildinys and Grounds, and Care and Maintenance of the Washington Monu- ment, in the District of Columbia, 1872-97. 27 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1872-97. E Organization of the Bridge Equipage of the United States Army, with 1 Erections for the Construction of Military Bridges. Illustrated. 8vo. Wash., 1870. 1898.] [See also Geological Survey, under this heading.] [Rep A 32 I irtmcnt of the Treasury Estimates. [See heading.] Exploring Expedition. United States Exploring Expe- dition, 1838-42, under command of Capt. C. Wilkes. 23 vols. 4to. and fol. Boston, 1845-75. A 31 P-R J Finance. [See Department of the Treasury, under this Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 631 UNITED STATES— coutd. Fur Seal Arbitration. Proceedings of the Tribunal of Arbitration, convened at Paris under the Treaty 1 1. 'tween the United States of America and Great Ih-itain, concluded at Washington, February 29, 1892, for the determination of questions between the two < 'overnments < cerning the jurisdictional rights of ; he United States in the waters of the Bering Sea. 13 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895. F 3 U 2-15, 17 General Land Office. Annual Reports of the Commis- sioner of the General Land Office, 1893-9-1, 1896-97. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893-97. E lations concerning Homesteads, Uiu'hts oi'-way, Timber, Ac, in Alaska. Svo. Wash., 1898. F 16 11 2 Circular respecting the location and assignment of Script issued under the decrees of the United States Supreme Court, 1879. 8vo. Wash., 1893. F 13 U 23 Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to Public Lands under the Homestead, Desert Land, and other Laws. Hoy. 8vo. Wash., 1899. F 16 R 32 Circular to Registers and Receivers of the United States Land Offices respecting the location and assignment of I iounty -land Warrants. Svo. Wash., 1 89 I . V 1 3 U 2 1 Divisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to Lands and Land Claims, 1881-83. Hoy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. E Derisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to the Public Lands. Vols. 20-28, 1895-June, 1899. 9 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1 895-99. E Instructions for making and perfecting entries of lands chiefly valuable for timber and stone in California, Nevada, Orcgm, and Washington Territory. 8vo. Wash., 1887. F 13 U 23 Instructions under Act of March 3, 1887, entitled, "An Act to provide for the adjustment of Land Grants made by Congress to aid in the construction of rail- roads and for the forfeiture of unclaimed lands, and for other purposes to Registers and Receivers." Svo. Wash., 1889. F 13 U 24 The Louisiana Purchase and our Title West of the Rocky Mountains, with a Review of Annexation by the United States; by B. Hermann. With Portraits. Sm. fol. Wash., 1898. F 40 W 16 t 4 liii e Public Lands ma concerning Rigl sservoirs over the it-of-wav for Canals, Ditches, Public 'Lands and Reserva- 3. A 32 U :U vo. Wash., F 13 U 21 UNITED STATES— contd. General Land Office r<»tfd. Rules and Regulations governing Forest Reserves. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 32 U 34 Rules of Practice in Cases before the United States Dis- trict Land Offices, the General Land < >lliee, and Depart- ment of the Interior. Svo. Wash., 1894. F 13 U 24 United States Mining Laws, and Regulations thereunder. 2 vols. Svo. Wash., 1881-1891. F 1 S 1, and 13 U 24 United States Swamp Land Laws : Regulations and Decisions thereunder. Svo. Wash., 1890. F 13 U 24 Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. [See Geological Survey, under this heading.] Geological and Geographical Survey of the Ter- ritories. 1st -3rd, 5th-9th, 11th Annual Reports of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 1867-69, 1871-75, 1877. 9 vols. Svo. Wash., 1869-79. E 1. Nebraska. 2. Wyoming. 3. Colorado and New Mexico. 5. Montana. G. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. 8, 9. Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories. 11. Idaho and Wyoming. 1st -3rd Annual Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, 1867-69. 2nd ed. Svo. Wash., 1873. E Geological Survey. Contributions to North American Ethnology rwith Philology]. Vols. 1-7. 8 vols. 4to. Wash., 1877-90. A 10 V 1-8 t Ist-lSth, and pts. 1, 4, 0, of 19th Annual Reports, 1879- 98 [ 1 I tli Report contains Bibliography of Irr" ' Wash., 1SS0-9S. Minei vok Repo. itates, 1882-93. 11 ns: by G. K. .A 13W2G t Surveys West A 10 U 1-8 t G32 Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES— contd. Government Printing Office. Report of the Public Pi-inter for year ending June 30th, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. E Reports of Explorations printed in the documents of the voports ot Has s Government. Compiled by A. R. Wash., 1899. D 22 U 7 Hydrographn Office. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism : the Magnetic Dip or Inclination ; by G. W. Littlehales. Svo. Wash., 1897. A 38 R 28 The Hawaiian Islands and the Islands, Rocks, and Shoals to the Westward. 8vo. Wash., 1899. D 22 R 21 Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador from Cape St. Lewis to Grand Point. 2nd ed. 8vo. Wash., 1899. D 22 S 7 North Atlantic Cyclones of Aug., 1883; by Lieut. W. H. H. Southerland. 4to. Wash., 1883. A 13 W 20 f Intestate Commerce Commission. Annual Reports, 1891-95. 2 vols. Svo. Wash., 1891-96. E Library of Congress. Report of the Librarian of Con- gress for fiscal year ended June 30, 1899. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1899. " E Life-saving Service. Annual Report of the Operations of the United States Life-saving Service, 1890, 1892 1895-98. 5 vols. 8vo. Wash.', 1892-99. E Official Register, 1895. 8vo. Wash., 1895. F 1 T 27 Organization and Methods of the United States Life- saving Service; by S. I. Kimball. Svo. Wash., 1894. A 10 P 13 Ligh"t-house Board. Annual Reports, 1892-98 7 vols 8vo. Wash., 1892-98. E The Modern Light-house Service; by A. R. Johnson. 8vo. Wash., 1890. A 38 R 25 Marine Hospital Service. Annual Reports of the Service of the roiled' Stales'.' 1 S'.l 2 9:i'!'l N95-98. 1 " "r, vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893 99. E Public Health Reports, formerly Abstract of Sanitary Reports. Vols. 11-13. 3 vols. 8v„. Wash 1897- 99. ' E Regulations regarding the Uniform of Officers and Em- ployes of the U.S. Marine Hospital Service. Svo Wash., 1893. E 13 T 11 Report of Commission of Medical Officers detailed by authority of the President to investigate the cause of Yellow Fever. Svo. Wash., 1899. A 36 W 19 Yellow Fever: its Nature. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prophylaxis; and Quarantine Regulations relating thereto. Svo. Wash., 1898. A 31 R 23 Military Academy, West Point. Report of the Board National Academy of Sciences. [See main Author Entry.— United States National Academy of Sciences. UNITED STATES— c.nhl. National Museum. Bulletins. Nos. 40, 43-48. 7 vols. Svo. Wash., 1892 96. E 40. The published Writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844 !H ; by L. 8. Foster. 43. Monograph of the Bats of North America ; by H. Allen. 44. Catalogue of the l.cpidopicmus Nuperfaiiiily Noctuidie found in Boreal America ; by J. B. Smith. 4,->. Monograph of the North American Proototrypidse ; by W. H. Ashmead. 40. The Myriapoda of North America ; by C. H. Bollman. 47. The Fishes of North and Middle America ; by 1). 8. Jordan and B. W. Kvermann. Pt. 1. 48. Insects of the Lepidnpterous Family Noctuidie of Boreal North America; by J. B. Smith. - [See Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections 13, 23, 24, for Bulletins 1-16.] Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects ; by C. V. Riley. Svo. Wash., 1892. A 37 S 45 Directions for Collecting Birds ; by Robert Ridgway. Svo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 49 Directions for Collecting, Preparing, and Preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests; by Charles Bendire. Svo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 46 Directions for Collecting Recent and Fossil Plants ; by F. H. Knowlton. Svo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 22 Directions for Collecting Reptiles and Batraehians ; by Leonhard Stcjneger. Svo. Wash., 1891. A 37 S 47 Directions for Preparing Study Specimens of small Mam- mals; by G. S. Miller. 8vo. Wash., 1899. A 46 S 18 Instructions for Collecting Mollu.xks, and other useful hints for the Conchologist ; by William H. Dall. Svo. Wash, 1892. A 37 S 51 Life-histories of the North American Birds, from the Parrots to the Grackles, with special reference to their Breeding Habits and Eggs; by Charles Bendire. Illustrated. 4to. Wash, 1895. A 17 T 19 t List of Shells collected on the West Coast of South America; by Robert E. C. Stearns. Svo. Wash, 1891. A 37 S 48 Methods employed at the Naples Zoological Station for the Preservation of Marine Animals ; by Dr. S. L. Bianco. Svo. Wash, 1899. A 46 S 19 Notes on the Preparation of Rough Skeletons ; by Frederic A. Lucas. Svo. Wash, 1891. A 37 S 9 Oceanic Ichthyology : a Treatise on the Deep-sea and Pelagic Fishes of the World, based chiefly upon the Collections made by the steamers Wah', Albatross, and Fish Hawk in the North-western Atlantic; by G B Goode and T. H. Bean. With an Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. Wash, 1895. A 17 T 20, 21 t On Eleginus of Fischer, otherwise called Tilesia or Pleurogadus; by Dr Theodore Gill. Svo. Wash, 1891. A 37 S 52 Proceedings. Illustrated. Vols. 1-21, 1878-99 21 vols. Svo. Wash, 1879-99. E Rep rt upon Annelida Polvchivtaof ISeaufort, N.Carolina E. A. Andrews. Svo. Wash, 1891. A 37 S 50 Reports, 1884-96. 14 vols. Svo. Wash, 1884-! Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. UNITED STATES-coW. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Annual Register of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, 1892- 04.1899-1900. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1892-99. E Naval Observatory. Astronomical Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory during 1 So 1 - 52,1876-90. 17 vols. 4to. Wash., 1867-96. E Re] >o-ts of the Superintendent, 1894, 1897-99. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895-99. E Navy. [See Department of the Navy; Marine Hospital Service; Naval Academy ; Naval Observatory; Pension Office; under this heading.] Office of Indian Affairs. Regulations of the Indian Office, with an Appendix containing the Forms used. Svo. Wash., 1894. F 1 U 10 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for year ending June, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. E Rules for the Indian School Service. 8vo. Wash., Office of Internal Revenue. Appendix to the Gaug- e's- Weighing Manual, embracing the Regulations for determining the taxable quantity of Distilled Spirits l.v weighing; with extracts from the Tables, and an extension of Table No. 1. Svo. Wash., 1892. A 2G It 39 Law-: and Regulations concerning Documentary and Pro- prietary Stamps under the Act of June, 1898. Svo. Wash., 1898. ■ FIG It 18 Regulations concerning Rectifiers and Wholesale Liquor- dealers' Notices, Returns, and Packages, iSrc., under the Act of July 10, 1892. Svo. Wash., 1892. F 1 U 5 Revised Regulations concerning Taxes on Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, under the revised Statutes of the United States as amended bv subsequent Acts, August, 1898. Svo. Wash, 1898. 'FIG It 19 Office of Naval Intelligence. Battles and Capitulation of Santiago de Cuba; by Lieut, J. M. Y. Tejeiro. With Map. 8vo. Wash, 1898. B 39 T 10 Notes on Naval Progress, 1895, Jan. and April, 1898. A p. 1899. 4 vols. 8vo. Wash, 1 895 99. E The Spanish-American War : Blockades and Coast De- fense; by Capt. S. G. Nunez. Svo. Wash, 1899. B 10 Q 1 The Spanish-American War : a Collection of Documents relative to the Squadron Operations in the West Indies arranged by Rear-Adm. Pascual Cervera v Topete. Svo. Wash, 1899. 'l! -10 Q 1 View of Adm. Cerv< late War. 8v( UNITED STATES— conld. Ordnance Department. Notes on the Construction of Ordnance. 4 to. Wash, 1883. Ordnance Notes. Vol. 10. Sm. Wash, 1883. A 13 W 28 t and Fortificatio [See also Bureau of Ordnf this heading.] Paris Exposition. Reports of United States Commis- sioners to the Universal Exposition of 1889 at Paris. Illustrated. 5 vols. Svo. Wash, 1891. K 7 U 38-42 1. Report of the Commissioner-* leuenil, with accompany- ing documents, including Reports of Oilicers of the Commission, Ollieial Regulations, Classification, Lists of Exhibitors, Awards, &c. 2. Fine Arts ; Education and Liberal Arts ; Furniture ; Textile Fabrics and Wearing Apparel ; Extractives Arts, Raw and Manufactured Products ; Hygiene. 3. Apparatus and Processes of Mechanical Industries, Civil Engineering, &c. -f. KIceirieity, .Military and Life-saving Material, Aliment- atry Products, Horticulture. 5. Agriculture. Patent Office. Alphabetical List of Patents for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1894. Imp. 8vo. Wash, 1894. E Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and the United States Courts in Patent Cases, 1890-92. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash, 1891-93. E In re Application of Daniel Drawbaugh. Telephones, public use and sale proceeding: Testimony taken by the Patent Office, April, 1890. Sm. fol. Wash, 1890. F 10 T 22 t Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Vols. 1-90, 1871 IMar, 1899. 90 vols. imp. 8vo. Wash, 1871-1900." E Report of the Commissioner of Patents, 1848-71, 1876- 92,1894,1897-98. 90 vols. Svo. Wash, 1849-1900. E Rules of Practice in the United States Patent Office. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Wash, 1883-91. F 1 S 6, and U 11 rov. Svo. Wash, 1883-97. F 1 S 7 Subject Matter Index of Patents for Live 1873. Vol 3. Imp. Svo. Wash, 187- Pension Office. Svo. ' Wash, Annual Report of the Commissioner of he Secretary of the Interior, 1897-98. 1898. * E Laws of the Yx Army and Na ited States governing the granting of W Pensions, together with the Regula- thereto. Svo. Wash, 1S97. F 1 U 26 Treatise on the ] Wash, 1898. >ractice of the Pension Bureau governing m of Army and Naval Pensions. Svo. F 16 R 5 Public Lands. [See General Land Office, under this heading.] Public Library of New South Wales. UNITED STATES— contd. Signal Service. Report on the Solar Eclipse of July, 1878; by Prof. Cleveland Abbe. Illustrated. 4to. Wash., 1881. A 10 X 2 t State Papers. American State Papers : Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. Vols. 1-21, 1789-1823. 21 vols, (in 38) sm. fol. Wash., 1832-31. E Statistics. [See Bureau of Statistics ; Census Office ; Department of Agriculture. — Division of Statistics ; under this heading.] Statutes. Appropriation Acts, 1895. Imp. 8vo. Wash., Coinage Laws of the United States, 1792-1894 ; with an Appendix of Statistics relating to Coins and Currency. 8vo. Wash., 1894. F 3 U 1 Laws of the United States governing the granting of Army and Navy Pensions, together with the Regula- tions relating thereto. 8vo. Wash., 1891. F 1 U 4 Laws relating to Street-railway Franchises in the District of Columbia. 8vo. Wash., 1896. F 3 It 34 Patent Laws and Laws relating to the Registration of Trade-marks and Labels. 8vo. Wash., 1889. F 13 U 15 Tariff Act, approved 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. F 3 P 2G United States Statutes concerning the Protection of Trade-marks and Labels ; with the Rules of the Patent Office relating thereto. 8vo. Wash., 1892. F 13 U 14 Steam-boat Inspection Service. Annual Reports of supervising Inspector-General to the Secretary of the Treasury, 1893, 1897-99. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893- 99. E General Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, as amended January, 1897. 8vo. Wash., 1897. F 3 It 32 Laws governing the Steam-boat Tiisnectioii Service. 8vo Wash., 1896. F 3 R 30 List of Masters, Mates, Pilots, and Engineers of Mer- chant Steam Vessels licensed during the years 1896- 97. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1897-98. E Proceedings of a special Meeting of the Board of Super- vising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 1893. E _;s of the 40th-44th Annual Meetings of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, 1892-96. 7 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893-96. E Steam-boat Inspectors' Manual : Laws governing the Steam-boat Inspection Service, revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by various Acts of Con- gress, to which are added the revised Rules and Regu- lations of the Board of Supervising Inspectors, as amended January and February, IN 9 5, together with various Decisions of the Treasury Department apper- taining thereto. Compiled by J. A. Dumont. 6th ed. !2mo. Wash., 1895. F 12 S 25 UNITED STATES— contd. Strike Commission. Report on the Chicago Strike of June and July, 1894. 8vo. Wash., 1895. F 13 Q 34 Supreme Court. General Orders and Forms in Bank- ruptcy. 8vo. Wash., 1898. F 16 It 20 Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States; and Rules of Practice for the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in Equity and Admiralty Cases, and orders in reference to appeals from Court of Claims. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883-91. F 1 S 3, and U 9 Surgeon-General's Office. Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, U.S. Army : Authors and Subjects. 2nd ser. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols, sm. fol. Wash., 1896-99. K 16 P 18-21 f Weather Bureau. [See Department of Agriculture.— Weather Bureau, under this heading.] UNITED STATES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Memoirs. Vols. 5, 7, 8. 3 vols. 4to. Wash., 1895-99. E UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION BULLETIN Nos. 1-40, Nov., 1863-Aug, 1865. 8vo. New York, 1866. A 34 U 10 UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD PATH [formerly Uni versal Brotherhood}. Vol. 14, April, 1899-March, 1900. Sm. 4to. New York, 1899-1900. E UNIVERSAL REVIEW, The. Edited by Harry Quilter. Illustrated. Vols. 1-8, May, 1888-Dec, 1890. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888-90. J 21 U 7-14 UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND FREE REVIEW, The [formerly the Free Review]. Vols. 1-12, Oct., 1893-Sept., 1899. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-99. E UNIVERSITY SERIES. Applied Bacteriology. [See Pearmain, T. H. ] A 27 T 8, 40 P 1 1 UNTOLD HALF, The. [See "Alien."] MJ 3 U 15 UNTRODDEN FIELDS OF ANTHROPOLOGY. [See "French Army Surgeon, A."] UNWIN, Mary Louise Hermione. Manual of Clay- modelling for Teachers and Scholars. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 23 It 44 UNWIN, Prof. William Cawthorne, F.R.S. Testing of Materials of Construction : a Text-book for the Engi- neering Laboratory, and a Collection of the Results of Experiment. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 22 R 34 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. AM, Warn [■iv. G. Fred Ice-fields. [See Wright, D16Q5 UPS A LA UNIVERSITY. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. Edited hv 1 1 . Sjogren. _ Vol. 2, pt. 2. Hoy. 8vo Upsala, 189G. E UPTO.V, Sara Can-. Essay on the Bases of the Mystic Knowledge. [See Rec'ejac, E.] G 23 it 33 TJRALLA TIMES and the People's Advocate, 1898-99 ■ I uly 20th, 1898, missing]. Fol. Uralla, 1898-99. ME UR< > CHART, Dr. Alexander Beid. Recurrent Insanity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 Stales of Mental Weakness. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sys- t< m of Medicine.) A 26 T 41 UR< I UHART, F. C. Albatross Bay and Embley and Hey 1 livers. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proa, 1897.) ME 1 T URQTJHART, John W. Electric Light: its Production and Use, embodying Plain Directions for Treatment of • "vnamo-Electric Machines, Batteries, Accumulators, ■■.nd Electric Lamps. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 24 P 45 Electric Light Fitting: a Hand-book for Working Electo- ral Engineers, embodying Practical Notes on Installa- tion Management. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 24 P 46 [Sketch of.] [See Whibley, 3.1 C 23 S 2 UBS INS, Marie Talleyrand, le, Prineesse des. (Marie Anne de essively Princesse de Chalais and icciano.) Story of the Princess des [See Hill, Constance.] B 34 S 4 UR I'GUAY. Memoria Correspondiente al alio 1893 pre- sentada a la direction general de Instruction Piiblica por el Inspector National de Instruction Primaria. Imp. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. G 13 V 36 Pi .gramas Escukres aprobados por Resolution Guher- uitiva de Fecha, 1897. 8vo. Montevideo, 1897. G 18 S 25 iKi: fN. rel. William Au jincolnshire ; Geolog. Sun '.ds. ^» .—En land. \ubr BROWNE, A. J of the Co Wales.] iING, Prof. Johann Ludwig. (Jomodi:e. [See Plautus, T. Macci 3.] H 1 T 18- UTAIL: State Dejmrtments -Reports and Publications. Agricultural College Experiment Station. Bulletin 50. 8vo. Logan, 1897. A 23 T 37 50. The Water Supply of Cache Valley ; by S. Fortier. Logan, 1897. A 33 S 51 o. Salt Lake City, 1893- The Climate of Utah. Report, 1892, 1894. I UTRECHT — HISTORISCH GENOOTSCHAP. Bij- dragen en Mededeelingen, 1896-99. 4 vols. 8vo. 'Sgravenhage and Amsterdam, 1896-99. E UXBBIDGE, Henry Bayly Paget, Earl of. Portrait of. [See Paget. Rt. Hon. Sir A— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 UXBRIDGE, Jane, Countess of. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 UZANNE, Octave. Fashion in Baris : the various phases of Feminine Taste and ./Esthetics, 1797-1897. Trans- lated by Lady Mary Loyd. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Loud., 1898. A 41 S 21 VACCIXATIOX INQUIRER AXD HEALTH REVIEW, The. Vols. 17-21, April, 1895-March, 1900. 5 vols. sm. 4to. Loud., 1895-1900. E VADAGNINO. [See Vavassore, Giovanni Andrea.] "VAGABOND, The." [See Thomas, Julian.] VALDEB, G< Guide.) Barley. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' MA 4 U 1 Chicory. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Comparative Trial of Oats. (Agricult, Gaz„ N.S.W., 1896.) Experiments with Pulses. (Agriei 1896.) Forage Plants at Wagga Wagga. N.S.W., 1896.) Hemp. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Lucerne. (Fanners and Fruit-grower Mangolds. (Fanners and Fruit-grower Millet. (Agricult. (!az., N.S.W., 18! Miscellaneous Forage Crops. (Fa B.) Pigs a cult. Potato Ha' Agi ME 9 It N.S.W., ME 9 It e.) MA 4 U 1 de.)MA4Ul de.)MA I U 1 ME 9 It i and Fruit- MA 4 U 1 (Ag. ME 9 R d Fruit growers' Guide.) MA i U 1 (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1899.) Public Library of New South Wales. VALDER, George— contd. Pulses. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Pumpkins, Squashes, Melons, &c. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Sheep in the Coastal Districts. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W.. 1900.) ME 9 R Sorghum. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Sweet Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Trials of Salt Bush at Wagga Wagga. (Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Turnips and Swedes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Wheat. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 VALDES, Armando Palacia. Froth. Translated by Clara Bell. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 22 R 47 The Grandee. Translated by Rachel Challice ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 2:5 U 5 VALE, W. H. Notes on Gold-milling. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P VALERA, Juan. Dona Luz. Translated by Mary J. Serrano; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 23 U G Pcpita Jimenez ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 23 U 7 VALENTINE, Charles R, Preparation of Meat Extracts. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., July, 1898.) ME 9 U VALTANTE, Raffaele. Le Cystoserira del Golfo di Napoli. (Zoologisehe Station zu Neapel. — Fauna unci Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 7 t VALLANCE, Aymer. Decorative Art of Sir E. Burne- Jones. [See Art Journal.] A 20 R 30 f VALLE, Antonio della. Gammarini del Golfo di Napoli. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna unci Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A J 9 P 21, 22 t VALLEE, Leon. Essai d'une Bibli Caleclonie et Dcpendances. If )hiedelaNouvelli Paris. 1883. MD 4 Q 2 VALLINGS, Rev. James Frederick. Jesus Christ, the Divine Man: his Life and Times. 8vo. New York (n.d.) G 19 U 8 VALMORE, Marceline Desbordes-. [See Desbordes-Val- more, M.] VAMBERY, Prof. Arminius. Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reis. [See Seidi 'Ali lien Hosein.] D 1G R 19 VAN, William Barnet le. [See Le Van, W. I;.] VANBRUGH, Sir John. The Relapse; the Provok'd Wife; the Confederacy; and a Journey to London. Edited, with Notes, by A. E. II. Swaen. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Best Plays of the Old Dramatists.) II 11 Q 2 VAN BUREN, Martin. Portrait of. ! See Brooks, Noah. ^Short Studies in Party Polities.] F 10 V 1 VANCE, Zebulon Baird. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1895. C 22 U 2 VAN CLEVE, B. Francis. English and American Me- chanic. Edited by E. Edwards. Illustrated. 8vo Philad., 1893. A 24 P 43 VANDAM, Albert Dresden. Amours of Great Men. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 23 Q 12, 13 Undercurrents of the Second Empire. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B1GV24 An Ambassador of the Vanquished. [See Broglie, Duke de.] B 31 U 20 A Last Love. [See Ohnet, G.] J 25 Q 34 A Weird Gift. [See Ohnet, G.] J 25 Q 35 VANDELEUR, Maj. Cecil Foster Seymour. Campaigning on the Upper Nile and Niger ; with an Introduction by Sir G. T. Goldie. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 36 R 10 VAN DENBURGH, John. Reptiles of the Pacific Coast and Great Basin. [See California Academy of Sciences.] A 38 Q 26 VAN DER GOES, Willem, Martinus, and Adriaen. Briefwisseling tusschen de Gehroeders Van der Goes 1659-73 uitgegeven door C. J. Gonnet. Vol. 1. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1899. C 27 T 5 VAN DER HOOGHT, Everard. [6'eeHooght, E. Vander.] VAN DER SMISSEN, Gen. Alfred Louis Adolfe Graves, Baron. Souvenirs du Mexiquc, 1864-67. 8vo. Bruxelles (n.d.) B 41 P 3 VANDERVELDE, Emile. Evolution by Atrophy in Biology and Sociology. [See Demoor, J.] A 41 T 25 VAN DIE MEN'S LAND MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. Nos. 1, 2, Sept., Oct., 1835. 8vo. Hobart, 1835. AM 3 Til VAN DYCK, Sir Anthony. [See Dyek, Sir A. van.] VAN DYKE, Rev. Henry Jackson. The Christ-child in Art. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 39 Q 7 Story of the other Wise Man. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 23 S 5l Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. VAX DYKE. John Charles. Nature for its own sake: First Studies in Natural Appearances. With Portrait, svo. Lond., 1898. A 23 S 43 Moi lern French Masters. [See Modern French Masters.] A 10 T 15 f VAX DYKE, Prof. Paul. The Age of the Renascence : an outline Sketch of the History "of the Papacy from the return from Avignon to the sack of Pome, 1377-1527; with an Introduction by II. Van Dyke. Svo. Edinl,., 1897. (Eras of the Christian Church.) G 23 R 5 VAX/TV FAIR: a Weekly Show of Political, Social, and Literary Wares. Vols. 1-12, 1869-74. 11 vols. fol. Lond., 1869-74. E VAX MATER, Dr. George G. Text-book of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 39 Q 3 VAX MILLINGEN, Prof. Alexander. [See Millingen, Prof. A. van.] VAN NOSTRAND'S ENGINEERING MAGAZINE [formerly Van NoxlramFs Eclrcllc Emjineering Maga- zine]. Vols. 1-35, 1869-86. 35 vols. roy. Svo. New York, 1869 86. A 46 R 1-S 15 VAX RENSSELAER, Mariana Griswold. [Mrs. S.] Art Out of Doors : Hints on good taste in Gardening, svo. New York, 1894. A 23 P 11 VAX SLEE, J. C. [See Slee, J. C. Van.] VAX 'T HOFF, Dr. J. H. [See Hoff, Dr. J, H. Van L] VAX VECHTEN, Emma. [See Vechten, Emma van.] VAPEREAU, Louis Gustavo. Dictionnaire Universe! des Contemporains : contenant toutes les Personnes Notables de la France et des Pays Strangers. 6th ed. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Paris, 1893-95. C 19 U 16, 17 VARIGNY, Charles de. The Women of the United States. Translated by Arabella Ward. Svo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 3 VASEY, George. Agricultural Grasses of the United States. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 20 T 32 The Agricultural Grasses and Forage Plants of the United States, and such foreign kinds as have been introduced. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. —Div. of Botany.] A 23 T 33 sluding Alaska and the [States.- Dept. of Agri- of the Paciiic Slope, sent Islands. [See Uni of Rot VAUGHAN, Prof. Charles Edwyn. English Literary Criticism. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 VAUGHAN, Henry. Poems. Edited by E. K. Chambers; with an Introduction by H. C. Beeching. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1896. (Muses' Lib.) H11Q7, 8 VAUGHAN, Herbert, Cardi de Paul. [See Bougaud, E., Bi Hist y of St. Vinceii G 24 U 1, VAUGHAN, J. D. W. Meteorological Observations taken at Suva. [See Suva Observatory.] ME VAUX, James Hardy. Sketch* of. [See Whiblev, C— Book of Scoundrels.] 23 Q 2 VAUX, William Sandys Wright, F.R.S. Persia from the Earliest Period to the Arab Conquest. New and re- vised ed., edited by Prof. A. H. Sayce. 12mo. Lond., 1893. (Ancient History from the Monuments.) B 27 P 10 VAVASSORE, Giovanni Andrea, called Vadagnino. Map of the World. [See Remarkable Maps of the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries.] D 8 P 37 J VAYSSIERE, Prof. Albert, Resultats Scientifiqucs de la Campagne du Caudan dans le Colfe de Gascogne. [See Kcehlcr, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 VAZOFF, Ivan. Under the Yoke ; with Introduction by E. Gosse. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 23 U 8 VEALE, Alfred P. The Diamond Jubilee, 1897. 18mo. Lond., 1897. H 13 P 19 VEBLEN, Prof. Thorstein B. Sciei Colin, Gustav.] VECHTEN, Emma van. Early Schools and Schoolmasters of New Amsterdam. (Goodwin, Maud Wilder.— His- toric New York.) B 19 R 6* 2 S 19 of the Apostolic G 9 W 22 " VEDETTE." [See Fitehett, Rev. W. H ] VEGA CARPI O, Lope F< ■enuis Moribus: ;1 , W. II.] G 2 U i issesof the United States: being a I'ribesand Genera, with Descriptions md a List of the species. [See U"nitc< It.] Public Library of New South Wales. VELASCO, Fniior. La Idea Liberal y la Idea Ultramon- taua. 12mo. Valparaiso, 1871. G 15 U 30 VELASQUEZ, Don Diego Rodriguez de Silva y. Art of. [See Stevenson, R. A. M.] A 13 T 4 t Art of ; by Sir W. Armstrong. [See Portfolio.— Mono- graphs, -29.) E Life of ; by Sir W. Armstrong. [See Portfolio. - Mono- graphs, 28.] E Velasqite e Stevenson, R.. A. M.] A 44 R 1 Velasquez : ein Bildoratlas zur Geschichte .seiner Kunst mit Text. [See Voll, K.] A 21 P 6 t VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Cuius. [See Paten C. V.] VENABLES, Rev. Precentor. Lincoln Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 VENN, John Edmund, P.R.S. The Logic of Chance. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 187G. G 1 U 39 VERBEEK, Dr. Reinier D. M., and FENNEMA, R. Description geologique do Java et Madoura. With Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. and fol. Amsterdam, 189G. A 39 R 1G, 17, and 20 P 28 J VERCELLONE, Carlo. Bibliorum Sacrorum Grreeus Codex Vaticanus. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G G U 7-12 J VERCO, Dr. Joseph Cooke. Descriptions of new species of Marine Mollusca. (Roy. Soe., S. Aust., Trans, and Proa, 189G.) ME 1 S ., and STIRLING, Prof. Edward Charle datid Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 2G T 35 VERDI, Giuseppe. Verdi, Man and Musician : his Bio- graphy, with especial reference to bis English experi- ences; by F. J. Crowest, With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 24 T 6 VERDON, Rev. Monsignor. Manual of Sacred Chant and Ceremonies. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MG 1 R 78 VERDY DIT VERNOIS, General Julius von. With the Royal Headquarters in 1870-71. With Portrait and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Wolseley Ser.) B 39 Q 8 VERESTCHAGTN, Vassili. 1812: Napoleon I in Russia ; with Introduction by R. Whiteing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 2G R 19 A Russian Village. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 1G VERFASSER, Julius. The Half-tone Process; a Practical Manual of Photo-engraving in Half-tone on Zinc and Copper. Illust. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. A 23 P 27 VERGA, Giovanni. The House by the Medlar Tree. Translation by Mary A. Craig ; Introduction by W. D. Howells. 12mo. New York, 1890. J 26 U 1 VERHAEREN, Emile. The Dawn (Les Aubes). Trans- lated by A. Symons. 8vo. Lond., 1898. II 12 T 2 [Study of.] [See Crawford, Virginia M.— Studies in Foreign Literature.] J 14 V 36 7ERHANDELINGEN EN BERIGTEN OVER EEN- IGE ONDERWERI'EX PER ZEEYARTKUNDE. [See Tijdschriftvoor het Zeetoezen.] VERLAINE, Paul Mai our. 12mo. Paris, 1892. H 11 U 22 Bonheur. 2nd ed. 12mo. Paris, 1896. H 11 U 24 La Bonne Chanson. 2nded. 12mo. Paris, 1898. H 11 U 18 Chansons pour elle. 12mo. Paris, 1891. II 11 U 26 Dans les Limbes. 12mo. Paris, 1894. II 11 U 30 Dedicaces. 12mo. Paris, 1894. II 11 U 25 Elegies. 12mo. Paris, 1893. H 11 U 28 Fetes Galantes. 4th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1896. H 11 IT 17 Invectives. 12mo. Paris, 1896. H 11 U 31 Jadis et Naguere. 12mo. Paris, 1891. H 11 U 21 Les Memoires d'un Veuf. 12mo. Paris, 1886. J 21 P 31 Liturgies intimes. 12mo. Paris, 1893. H 11 U 27 Louise Leclercq. 12mo. Paris, 1886. J 21 P 32 Mes Hopitaux. 12mo. Paris, 1891. C 18 P 26 Mes Prisons. 12mo. Paris, 1893. C 18 P 27 Odes en son Honneur. 12mo. Paris, 1893. H 11 U 29 Parallelement. 12mo. Paris, 1894. H 11 U 23 Poemes Saturniens. 3rded. 12mo. Paris, 1894. H11U 16 Quinze Jours en Hollande : Lettres a un ami. With Portrait, Sm. 4to. La Haye (n.d.) D 16 T 27 Romances sans Paroles : Ariettes oubliees, Paysages Beiges, Birds in the Night, Aquarelles. 1 ' 91. 4th ed. i, 1896. II 11 U 19 II 11 U 20 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Symbol- ist Movement in Literature.] •' li V 30 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. do.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 639 VERMONT:— State Departments-— Reports and Publico- Agricultural Experiment Station. Report on Dairy- i ig. 8vo. Burlington, 1893. A 33 S 27 It-ports, 1888, 1892-94, 1898-99. 5 vols 8vo. Bur- lington, 1889-99. E VEitNE, Jules. The Mysterious Island. Pts. 1-3. Translated by W. H. G. Kingston. Illustrated. 3 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 25 U 33 1. Dropped from the Clouds. J 2. Abandoned. 3. The Secret of the Island. Twenty thousand Leagues under the Seas. Illustrated- Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 23 T 3G VERNER, Lieut.-Col. William Willoughby Cole. A I iritish Rifleman. [See Simmons, Maj. G.] C 2G Q 5 VERNES, Maurice. De la Place faite aux Legendes lo- cales par les Livres Historiques de la Bible, avec nn Rapport Sommaire sur les Conferences de l'Exercice, I89G-97, et lo Programme des Conferences pour l'Exercice 1897-98. [Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes.] 8vo. Paris, 1897. G 18 S 30 VERNON, Arthur. Estate Fences: their Choice, Con- struction, and Cost; with a Chapter on Boundaries and Fences in their loyal aspect by T. W. Marshall. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 39 P 27 VERNON-HARCOURT, Rt, Hon. Sir William. [See Karcourt, Rt. Hon. Sir W. H-.] VERRALL, Arthur Woollgar. The Agamemnon of iEschylus. [See ^Eschylus.] H 3 U 50 The Choephori of ^Eschylus. [See iEschylus.] H 3 U 51 VERRALL, Margaret de G. [Mrs. A. W.] Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. [See Pausanias.] B 27 Q 17 VERRIER, Dr. E. Le Developpement de TAfrique. [See White, A. S.] D 14 8 2G VERTUE, George. Medals, Coins, Great Seals, Impres- sions, from the elaborate works of Thomas Simon. Fol. Lond., 1753. [Bound with Genealogical History of the Kings of England.] P. 15 U 17 1 VERWORN, Dr. Max. General Physiology; an Outline of the Science of Life. Translated from the 2nd Ger- man ed., and edited by Prof. F. S. Lee. [With Bibli- ography.] Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1899. A 41 R 11 VETERINARIAN, The: a Monthly Journal of Veterin- ary Science. Vols. 47-72, 1874 99, and Reports of Societies, 1895-98. 30 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874-99. E VI ALLS, Mary Alice. Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites. [See Sinigaglia, Leone.] D 18 V 25 VIAUD, Louis Marie Julien, "Pierre Loti." Aziyade. 31st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1897. .! 24 R 21 Les Desert. 19th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 24 R 31 L'Exilee. 25th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 3G Fantome d'Orient. 38th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 25 Figures et Glioses qui Passaient. 14th ed. 1 2mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 26 Flours d'Ennui : Pasquala Ivanovitch ; Voyage au Mon- tenegro; Suleima. Gth ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 27 La Galilee. 28th ed. 12mo. Paris, 189G. J 24 R 30 Au Maroc. 29th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1893. J 24 R 23 Jerusalem. 31st ed. 12mo. Paris. 1895. J 24 R 29 Madame Chrysantheme. 44th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1897. J 24 R 37 Matelot. 5th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 38 Mon Frere Yves. 75th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 39 Pecheur dTslande. 193rd ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 40 Propos d'Exil. 31st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1892. J 24 R 41 Ramuntcho. 52nd ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 42 Le Roman d'un enfant. 51st ed. 12mo. Paris, 1898. J 24 R 34 Le Roman d'un Spahi. 45th ed. 12mo. Paris, 1896. J 24 R 35 [Essay on.] [See James, H.— Essays in London and elsewhere.] J 14 T 33 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.j J 23 R 20 VIBART, Col. Edward. The Sepoy Mutiny, as seen by a Subaltern from Delhi to Lucknow. Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1898. B36Q11 VIBART, Col. Ho. and Men of (n.p.n.d.) Richard Baird Si VICENTINI, xlith. Addiscoinbe: its Heroes Alphabetical List, Sm. 4to. B 21 U 15* 3 Leader of the Delhi Heroes in a of the Sputa and Translated by Rev. Public Library of New South Wales. VICKERY, Samuel K. Notes of a Holiday Trip from Melbourne to the American Prairies and back. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P « VICTOR," [See Shelley, P. B.] VICTOR EMANUEL II, King of Italy. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Harridge, P.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 VICTOR, Publius. [De Regionibus Urbis Roma..] (Scrip- tores Historian Romanic,) B 40 U 21 \ VICTOR, Sextus Aurelius. O: Viris Illustribus Urbis Roi De Vita et Moribus imperatc tores Historian Romanic.) De 50 gentis Roman i' ; Historia abbreviata mi Romanorum. (Script B 40 U 23 } VICTORIA, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Life of ; by G. Barnett Smith. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 2:3 Q 8 Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen ; by Sarah Tytler. Edited, with an Introduction, by Lord Ronald Gower. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) [Life of] ; by R. R, Holm strated. 4to. Lond., C 18 T 1 t )ur Queen : Life and Times of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, etc. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 P 9 Events of the Reign, 1837-97. [See Ryland,F.] B 16 P 18 [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Portrait of.] [See Story, A. T.— The Building of the Empire.] B 16 U 13 Progress in the Reign of Queen Victoria. [See Farrar, F. W., Dean.] B 16 P 17 [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von.— Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 Victoria, Queen and Empress. [See Davey, R,] B 19 R 1 VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISE, German Empress and Queen of Prussia, Princess Roval of England. [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.-— England in 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 [Sketch of.] [See Bothmer, Countess A. von. -Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 VICTORIA MARY, Duchess of York. [Portrait of] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormolov.- England in the 19th Century.] 15 16 S 13 Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agriculture. Additions to the Fungi on the Vine 11 Australia ; by D. McAlpine, assisted by G. H. Robin- son. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 V 33 An Australian Colony : the Government Hand-book of Victoria. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1898. MD 8 Q 57 lst-3rd Annual Reports of the Secretary for Agriculture. 3 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1873-75. ME 1 T First Steps i sognitio Ar.ipelography: a Guide to facilitate the of Vines; by JMiireel Mazado. Translated by R. Dubois and W. P. Wilkins 1900. MA 3 V 12 Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia, and their Treatment ; bv D. McAlpine. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1899. * MA 4 R 36 Guides to Growei Melb., 1893-98. 8. Fruit Preserving ; by Mi 9. Crystallized or Glaced Fi 10. Cultivation of Sugar-beet 11. Process of Drying Fruits 12. Complete List of Mi Nos. 8-36, 40. 2 vols. 8vo. MA 3 T 9, and V 13 . II. Kavanagh. [its ; by Joseph Knight. by John West. vith c i in the Melbourne market; by A. N. Pearson. 13. The Castor Oil Plant ; by Joseph Knight. 14. Cultivation (if Flax and its after treatment; by Josep Knight. !.">. Spraying for Fungus Diseases ; by D. McAlpine. 10. Canary Seed: its Cultivation, &c. ; by Joseph Knight. 17. Fruit Exportation ; by (leorge Neilson. 18. Onion Disease; by D. McAlpine. 10. Perfume Industry as an adjunct to the Farm, Orohan or Cottage Garden. 20. Broom Corn ; by Joseph Knight, 21. Spraying for Fungus Diseases; by R. Bragato. 22. The Muscatel Industry ; by C. Bogue Luffmann. 23. Hints on Grafting Vines ; by R. Bragato. 24. Fig Industry ; by C. B. Luffmann. 25. Cultivation and treatment of Tobacco ; by A. J. Boi 27. Ins it of the Raisin Vi igue Luffnif ! for their 23. Regulations under the Vegetation Diseases Act, 1S0G. 20. Olive Culture : its Prospects and Profits ; by Hugh Pye. 30. Report on the Rotting of Apples ; by D. McAlpine. 31. Wheat Experiments, 1896 ; by H. Pye. 32. Fungus Diseases of the Raspberry ; by D. McAlpine. 33. The Peanut ; by J. Knight. 34. Canaigrc ; by J. Knight. 3o. Rust in Wheat Experiments, 1804-07 ; by D. McAlpine. 36. The San Jose Scale ; by C. French. 40. Fruit Flies ; by C. French. Journal of the Board of Viticulture, 1888-92. 8vo. Melb., 1888-92. MA 3 Q 67 Supplementary Catalogue — lt>90-1900. , grown at the Royal Horticul wnd Park, Burnley, 1897. 8vo. MA 3 V 26 ig; by A N. Pearson. 8vo. MA 3 V 41 Y 1C I < )m\~cnntJ. Agriculture contd. Melb. (n.d.) Practice with Scie Melb. (n.d.) Report, by I). Wilson, on the Dairying Industry in Vic- toria, 1894-96. 8vo. Melb., 1895-96. MA 3 V 27 Report, by D. Wilson, on the Export of Frozen Produce from Victoria, 1896 -98. 8vo. Melb., 1897-98. MA 3 V 27 Report, by James M. Sinclair, on the Sugar-beet In- dustry and Tobacco Culture of the United States. Svo. Melb., 1895. MA 3 V 29 Tuberculin Test. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MA 3 V 27 Wine-making in Hot Climates : bv L. Itoos. Translated by R, Dubois and W. P. Wilkinson. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1900. MA 4 R 37 [See also Council of Agricultural Education ; and Vege- table Products, under this heading.] Civil Service. [See Public Service, under this heading.] Coinage of Silver. Proposed Coinage of Silver at the Melbourne Branch of the Royal Mint: Correspond- ence. Sm. fol. Melb., 1890. MF 4 U 33 C ;mmissioners of Audit. [See Finance, under this heading.] Council of Agricultural Education. Prospectus and Regulations of the Agricultural Colleges, with Syllabus of Instruction, 1894, 1897. 2 vols. Svo. "Melb., 1894 97. ME8Q Report, 1884- 87. Svo. Melb., 1888. JIG 2 V 19 Defence. Financial and Store Regulations of the De- fence Department. Svo. Melb., 1892. MF 4 Q 50 lb-vised Regulations and Standing Orders for the Vic- torian Military Forces. 12mo. Melb., 1892. MF 4 P 43 Education. [See Public Instruction, under this heading.] Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops. Second Progress Melb., 1894. Finance. General Regul VICTORIA -contcl. Friendly Societies. Report of the Proceedings of the Government Statist in connection with Friendly So- cieties 1894. Sm. fol. Melb., 1896. ME Geological Survey. Observations on New Vegetable Fossils of the Auriferous Drifts; by Baron F. von Mueller. 1st and 2nd decades. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Melb., 1874 S3. MA 4 V 25 Reports of Progress. Nos. 1-8. 8 vols, (in 5) imp. Svo. and sm. fol. ' Melb., 1874-94. MA 5 V 1-5 Government Gazette. Government Gazette, July, 1851- Dec, 1852, July, 1853-Dec, 1854, July, 1855- June, 18(56, Jan., 1867-April, 1900. 110 'vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1851-1900. ME Law Reports. [See Victorian Law Reports as a main Author Entry.] Legislative Assembly. [See Parliament, under this Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Melbourne Mint. [See Coinage of Silver, under this Mildura Settlement. Report of the Mildura Royal Commission. Sm. fol. Melb., 1896. MA 3 P 30 t Mines. Annual Reports of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, 1886 88, 1890-93, 1896-98. 10 vols. sm. fol. Melb, 1887-99. ME Gobi-fields of Victoria: Reports of Mining Registrars for quarter ended March, 18S6. Sm. fol. Melb., 1886. ME Parliament. Debates. Vol 1-n.s. vol. 90-95, 1856- 1900, and Index. 107 vols. roy. Svo. Melb., 1856- 1900. ME Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council, 1898. Sm. fol. Melb.; 1898. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, 1856-1900. 151 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1856-1900. ME tes and Proceedii of the Legislative Council, 1 Soi- ls, sm. fol. Melb, 1852-81. ME Melb., 1891 97. ME Foot and Mouth Disease. Progress Report of Com- mission. Sm. fol. Melb., 1872. MA 9 Q 34 t Patents. Patents and Patentees, 1854 91. 29 vols. 4to. Melb., 1872 99. ME Postal Service and Telegraphs. Report upon the affairs of the Post Office and Telegraph Departments, 1889-92, 1894. 5 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1890-95. .ME Public Instruction, Regulations under the Education Act, 1890, and the Public Service Act, 1890. Svo. Melb., 1S<)1. MF 1 R34 Public Library, Museum, and National Gallery. Reports of the Trustees, 1870 72, 1874-81, 1890, 1896, 1S9S. 13 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1871 -98. ME 4 U Public Service. Public Service Act Regulations, 1890. Sm. fol. Melb., 1891. ' MF 4 U 37 Public Service Act, 1883. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Public Library of New South VICTORIA— conic?. Railways. Report of the Board appointed by the Governor to inquire into the Working and Manage- ment of the Victorian Railways. Sin. fol. Melb., 1895. MF 4 U 40 Royal Commissions. [See under the subject of each Commission as a sub-heading under this heading.] State Banking. Report of the Royal Commission on State Banking. 8m. fol. Melb., 1895. MF 4 U 30 Statistics. Statistical Register of the Colony of Vic- toria, 1886-94, 1896, 1898. 11 vols. 8vo. and fol. Melb., 1853-99. ME Statistical Register of Victoria from the foundation of the Colony ; with an Astronomical Calendar for 1855. Edited by W. H. Archer. 8vo. Melb. 1854. MF 5 S 7 Statutes. The Acts of Parliament of Victoria, 1851-71. 1875-1900, and Index, 1890-1900. 40 vols. 4to. Melb., 1851-1900. ME Land Act of 1890. Regulations. Sm. fol. Melb., 1890. MF 4 U 34 The Public General Statutes of the Colony of Victoria, I860, vols. 1-3; 1874, vols. 1, 2, 4; 1883, vol. 4. 7 vols, roy. 8vo. Melb., 1867-84. ME Victorian Statutes. [See Horwitz, L.] MF 5 U 1-9 Vegetable Products. Hand-book on Viticulture for Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 4 S 20 Victorian Butter. Report of the Board appointed by the Minister of Agriculture to inquire into the alleged deterioration of Victorian Butter made for Export. Sm. fol. Melb, 1900. MA 14 R 1 f Water Supply. First and Fourth Progress Reports of the Royal Commission on Water Supply. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 5 R 16, 17 so far as it lias relation 4. Irrigation in Egypt and Italy. Minutes of Evidence of the Royal Commission on Water Supply. Sm. fol. Melb., 1896. MA 12 P 30 f [See also Mines, under this heading.] [All Reports not specifically mentioned under these sub- headings will be found in the Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly.] VICTORIA COUNTRY FIRE BRIGADES BOARD. Reports, 1897-99. 3 vols. sm. fol. Melb., 1898-1900. .ME VICTORIA INSTITUTE. Journal of Transactions. Vols. 1-17, 20-25, 29-31. 26 vols. 8vo. Bond., 1867-99. E VICTORIA OFFICIAL POST OFFICE DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER, 1871-72. Roy. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) ME IIP VICTORIA POST OEFICE COMMERCIAL DIREC- TORY (Wise's) 1884-85, 1888-94, 1897-1900. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1884-99. ME 11 T VICTORIAN AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICUL- TURAL GAZETTE. Vols. 1-4, March, 1857-Dec, 1860. 4 vols. 4to. Melb., 1857-60. MA 4 V 16-19 VICTORIAN CHAMBER OF MANUFACTURES. Annual Report and Balance-sheet of the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures for the year ending March, 1890; together with the Rules, Bye-laws, Standing Orders, and List of Members, Office-bearers, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1890. ME 8 Q VICTORIAN COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Reasons why I prefer Cooperation ; by " A Practical Co- operator." 8vo. Brunswick (n.d.) MF 3 Q 47 Rules, &c. 12mo. Hamilton, 1889. MF 3 Q 47 VICTORIAN ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION. Rules and Bye-laws, with Balance-sheets, List of Members, Office-bearers, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MF 5 S 18 VICTORIAN ERA EXHIBITION. Progress in Wo- men's Education in the British Empire : being tht> Report of the Education Section. Edited by the Countess of Warwick. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 10 VICTORIAN ERA SERIES. Charles Dickens. [See Gissing, O.] J 14 V 21 Charles Kincslcv and the ('lirisiian Social Movement : by C. W. Stubbs. [See Kingsley, Rev. C] C 19 T 26 The Earl of Beaeonsfleld ; by H. E. Gorst. C 27 R 12 Growth and Administration of the British Colonies. [See Greswell, Rev. W. P.] F 16 S 1 London in the Reign of Victoria. [See Gomme, G. L.] B 24 Q 19 VICTORIAN LAW REPORTS [including Wyatt, Webb, and a'Beckett's Reports] 1861-72, 1875-88, 1897- Aug., 1900. 28 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1861-1900. ME 21 R VICTORIAN MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER, 7%; 1886. 12mo. Melb., 1886. MF 5 P 14 VICTORIAN NATURALIST, The: Journal and Maga- zine of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. Vols. 1-16, 1884-April, 1900. 16 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1884- 1900. ME 6 P VICTORIAN ROWING REGISTER and Oarsman's Companion, 1878; by M. S. Glynn. 12m,.. Melb., 1878. MA 5 Q 15 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION. Annual Report of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, including the Port Melbourne Seamen's Institute and Williamstown Sailors' Rest, &c, 1895. 8vo. Melb., 1896. ME 8 Q Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. VICTORY, The: an Illustrated Record of Salvation Army Advances in all Nations. Vols. 1-3, 1897-99. 3 v,,ls. 8vo. Melb., 1897-99. ME 6 R "VII )OCQ." [See Riley, H. T.] VIE N NA UNIVERSITY. Bericht iiber die Volksthiim lichen Univorsitatsvortriige im Studionjahre 1899— 1900. 8vo. Wien, 1900.' E VIEW" OF SYDNEY HARBOUR. Roy. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MD 6 V 3 )'/(.■ XEROX, The: a Monthly Journal of the Australian Wine Association of Victoria. Vol. 1, Feb. -Dec, 1886. 4to. Melb., 1886. (All published.) MA 4 V 20 VIGNY, Alfred Victor. Comte de. CEuvres completes. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) J 23 P 44-51 1. Poesies. 2, 3. Theatre. 4. Journal d'un Poete. 5. Stello. 6. Servitude et Grandeur Militaires. 7. 8. Cinq-Mars. VILLAGE LIBRARIES IN IRELAND. 8vo. Dublin, 1900. J 14 S 40 VILLANI, Giovanni. Selections from the first nine books of the Chroniche Florentine. Translated by Rose IS. Selfe. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 20 VILLARD, Oswald Garrison. Earlv History of Wall- street, 1653-1789. (Goodwin, M. W.— Historic New York.) 13 19 It 6 VILLARI, Linda, [Signora P.] Ascent of Mt. St. Elias [Alaska]. [See Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Prince.] 1) 23 Q 3 VILLARI, Prof. Pasquale. Life and Times of Niccolo Machiavelli. Translated by Mine. Linda Villari. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. 13 39 P 8 Two First Centuries of Florentine History : the Re- public and Parties at the time of Dante. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 31 U 7, 8 V1LLEVAL, Allan. La Nouvelle-Gallus du Sud, la Colonie-Mere des Australies. [See Hutchinson, F.] MI) 8 R 54 VI LLIERS, John de. Diary of a Citizen of Paris during the Terror. [See Hire, Edmond.] B 16 V 20. 21 VILLTERS, Victor Albert George Child, Earl of Jersey. [See Jersey, Earl of.] VILLTERS DE LISLE ADAM, Philippe Auguste Mathias, Comte de. Les .Miens, 1 : VilUers de lTsle- Adam ; par Ste'phane Mallarme. With Portrait. ISnio. Bruxelles, 1892. J 21 P 26 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A.— Symbol- ist Movement in Literature.] J 17 V 30 [Translation from.] [See Pastels inProse.] J 26 U 2 , P.— Les Poetes Maudits.] H 1 1 U 33 [Verses by.] [See Ye: VILLOT, Frederic. Collection de Dessins Originaux de Grands Maitres. [See Reiset, F.] A 46 P 8 \ VILMORIN, Henry Louis de. Selection and its effect on Cultivated Plants. (Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1900.) ME 9 R VINCE, Charles Anthony. [Life of] John Bright. [See Bright, J.] C 23 P 26 VINCENT, Arthur. Lives of Twelve Bad Women : Illus- trations and Reviews of Feminine Turpitudes set forth by impartial hands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 20 VINCENT, Benjamin. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. 21st and 22nd eds. [See Haydn, J.] K 11 P 23, 24 VINTCENT DE PAUL, St, Life of; by Henry Bedford. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 19 V 21 History of St. Vincent de Paul. [See Bougaud, B., Bishop.] G 24 U 1, 2 St. Vincent de Paul. [See Broglie, E. de.] G 23 P 37 VINCENT, James Edmund. Football. [Sec Shearman, M.] A 29 S 39 VINCENT, Jacques. Vaillante : ce que Femme veut. 12mo. Lond., 1891. (Army Holiday Ser.) J 11 P49 VINCENT, Leon II. The Bit nd other People. J 22 Q 35 VINCENT, Rev. Mai and to Philemon. Svo. Kdinb., 1S97. (Intermit. Critical Commentary.) (I 23 R 40 History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. Svo. New York, 1899. (New Testament Hand- books.) G 25 P 18 Public Library of New South Wales. VINCENT, Mary Ann [Mrs. J. R,] (Mary Ann Farlin). [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 VINCENT, Ralph Harry. The Elements of Hypnotism : the Induction, the Phenomena, and the Physiology of Hypnosis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 3 VINCENT, W. D. F. The Cutters' Practical Guide to Cutting every kind of Garment made by Tailors. Pts. 1-8. 8 vols. 4to.andfol. Lond. (n.d.) A 12 X 1-8 t VINCI, Leonardo da. Leonardo da Vinci, Artist, Thinker, and Man of Science ; by Eugene Miintz. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1898. C 11 V 17, 18 t Art of. [See Rose, G.B.— Renaissance Masters.] A 41 T 11 Examination of the Works of. [Set Stearns, F. P.] A 23 S 25 "VINDEX." Cecil Rhodes: his Political Life and Speeches, 1881-1900. With Portrait and Map of South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 T 2 VINES, Sydney Howard, F.R.S. Elementary Text-book of Botany. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 32 Q 1 8 VINET, Alexander Rodolphe. Life and Writings of ; by Laura M. Lane ; with an Introduction -by F. W. Far- rar, Dean of Canterbury. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. C 27 S 17 VIOLET'S ILLUSTRATED TUEAllUCAL ANNUAL [See Samuell, Dinah.] MA 5 R 10 J VIRGILIUS MARO, P. The Works of Virgil rendered into English Prose; by J. Lonsdale and S. Lee. 12mo Lond., 1873. J 12 S 44 The iEneid of Virgil. Books 1-6. Translated by Sii Theodore Martin. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. H 10 W 9 The Country of Horace and Virgil. [See Boissier, G.] D 18 S 15 [Essay on.] [Set Alison, Dr. A— Essays.] J 14 S 13 First Four Books of the ^Eneis of P. Virgilius Maro. Translated by R. Stanyhurst. [See English Scholar's Lib., Pubs.] j 3 'p 22 VTRSTOW, Henry. Lost in the Sketch. (Outing, Sept., 1899.) I!u,! Australia VISCONTI, Gi; Pio-Clcmen ibattista and Ennio Quirino. 11 Musec 10. Illustrated. 7 vols. fol. Roma A 46 P 1-7 : VISGER, Jean A. [Mrs. H] (Jean A. Owen). The Story of Hawaii. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MB 3 Q 4 VISTT OF THE DETACHED SQUADRON, with their [loyal 1 Uglinesses Prince Edward and P,-i„ce George of AVales, to Brisbane, from 16th-20th August, 1881. Illustrated. ito. Brisb., 1881. M D 7 U 29 VITTORINO DA FELTRE. [See Rambaldoni, Vittcrir.o VIVIAN, Herbert. Servia : the Poor Man's Paradise. With Portrait and Map. 8vo. Lond., 1 897. D 1 9 U 1 2 VIZETELLY, Edward. The Reminiscences of a liashi Bazouk. Illust. 8vo. Bristol, 1897. D 13 P 1 " VLADIMIR," The China-Japan War. Compiled from Japanese, Chinese, and foreign sources. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 33 R 4 Russia on the Pacific, and the Siberian liailway. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 16 Til VOCABULA AMATORIA: a French-English Glossary of Words, Phrases, and Allusions occurring in the Works of Rabelais, Voltaire, Moliere, Rousseau, Beranger, Zola, and others ; with English equivalents and synonyms. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. Libr. VOGDES, Capt. Anthony W. Bibliography relating to the Geology. Paheontology, and .Mineral Resources of California. [See California.— State Mining Bureau.] A 24 T 29 VOGEL, Sir Julius. Prospects of Australian Federation. (Contemporary Review, Aug., 1898.) E VOGELSANG, Dr. Karl. Die Goldfelder Australasiens. [See Schmeisser, K.] MA 2 P 34 t Gold-fields of Australasia. [See Schmeisser, K.] MA 2 P 35, 36 f VOGUE, Vicomte Eugene Melchior de. Social Life in Russia. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 Through the Caucasus. (Tsar and his People.) B 39 S 16 [Study of.] [See Bury, Y. B. de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS, The. Vols. 1-1, 6, 7, 1846-49, March 15th, Oct. 1st, loth, Nov. 15th, 1851- Dec, 1852. 6 vols, (in 2) sm. 4 to. Sydney, 1846- 52. MG 1 V 3, 4 VOICE OF THE DEAD, The: Sydney, 1874. 18) VOIGT, Dr. Johan Carel. Fifty Years of the History of the Republic in South Africa, 1795-1*45. With Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B 33 S 9, 10 VOIGT, Johannes. Der Ritter-Orden S. Maria des Dcut- schen hauses zu Jerusalem in Preussen. Sm. Ito. Konigsberg, 1843. G 5 U 32 Supplementary Ca talog ue — 1S9G-1900. 615 VOLL, K. Velazquez: ein Bilderatlas zur Geschichte seiner Knnst : mit Text, Sm. fol. Miinchen, 1899. A 21 P G t VOLLER, S. C. Rockhampton and Central Districts. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., Nov., 1899.) ME 9 U VOLLER, William R. Modern Flour-milling. Illus- trated. 8vo. Gloucester (n.d.) A 40 V 17 VOLTE, Girolamo. Eton Italian Grammar. -2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1871. J 12 P 48 VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie Arouet do. Short Prose Tales of ; with Introductory Matter and Notes by F. F. Roget, and with a Critical Preface by E. Faguet. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 9 R 36 VOXCK, C. Reis van Sidney naar Java, benoorden Nieuw-G uinea. (Tijdschrif t voor het Zeewezen, 1 80 1.) E VON DIEZ, II. F. [See Diez, H. F. von.] VOORHEES, Prof. Edward Burnett. Fertilizers. Svo. Xew York, 1898. A 20 R 52 First Principles of Agriculture. Svo. New York, 1896- A 20 Q 38 Commercial Fertilizers. [See United States— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey in 1895 and 189G. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult,— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Notes on Irrigation in New Jersey. [See United States. -Dept, of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Tomato-growing. [See United States. -Dept. of Agri- cult.] A 41 U 2 VOORHEES, L. A. Studies on Bread and Breadmaking. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 V 1 VOPISCUS, Flavins. Historia Augusta. (Scriptores Historic Romanse.) B 40 U 23 J VoRSTERMAN, Lucas. Catalogue raisonne de son (Euvre precede d'une Notice sur la vie et les Ouvrages duMaitre, ]»ar Henri lly mans. Illustrated. Sm. Ito. Bruxelles, 1893. A 34 V 3 VILCATIUS GALLTOANUS. Historia August (Scriptores Historic Romanic.) J! 40 U 23 w \V, T. [See "Rectangle."] WAAL, Dr. C. de. [See De Waal, Dr. C] WACE, Rev. Henry. Christianity and Morality ; or, the Correspondence of the Gospel "with the Moral Nature of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Boyle Lectures.) G 25 S 12 Theological Teaching in a University. (Internal, Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Luther's Primary Works. [See Luther, M.] G 19 T 20 WADDELL, Maj. Lawrence Augustine. Among the Himalayas. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D19U21 WADDELL, Rev. Peter Hately. Christianity as an ideal. Svo. Edinb., 1900. G 25 S 18 WADDELL, Rev. Rutherford. Sport in Maoriland with Rod and Gun. (Review of Reviews, Feb., 1897.) E Station Ballads, and other Verses. [See Wright, I). M'K.] MH 1 W 3 WADDIE, Charles. Restored Scotland. (Reid, A.- The New Party.) F 15 P 29 WADDINGTON, Prof. Albert. La Republique des Pro- vinces-Unies, la France et les Pays-Bas Espagnols de 1630 a 1650. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1895-97. B 39 U 10, 11 WADDINGTON, William Henry. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 WADE, F. C. The Manitoba School Question. Svo. Winnipeg, 1895. G 17 T 21 WADE, Thomas. The Poet and his Surroundings : by II. Buxton Forman. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. Liter- ary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Sonnet to certain Critics ; Fifty Sonnets ; the Contention of Death and Love ; Helena. [See Nicoll, W. Robert- son.— Literary Anecdotes of 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 WADE, W. Cecil. Symbolisms of Heraldry : or, a Treatise on the Meanings and Derivations of Armorial Bearings. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. K 19 R 25 WADE, William Burton. [Obituary Notice 'of.] (Inst. WAERN, Cecilia. -John La Farge, Artist and Writer. [Sm Portfolio. Monographs, 26.] E Public Library of New South Wales, WAGGONER, J. H. From Eden to Eden: a Historic and Prophetic Study. 8vo. Oakland, 1889. G 1 R 40 WAGHORN, Lieut. Thomas Fletcher. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by T. W. Comyn.s. (Once a Month, Sept., 1885.) M.J 1 V 21 WAGNER, Richard [in full Wilhelm Richard. Prose Works. Translated by W. A. Ellis. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1892-99. J4S 14-21 1. The Art Work of the Future, &c. 2. Opera and Prama. 3. The Theatre. 4. Art and Politics. 5. Actors and Singers. 6. Religion and Art. 7. In Paris and Dresden. 8. Posthumous, &c. Letters to Emil Heckel ; with a brief History of the Bayreuth Festivals, translated and indexed by W. A. Ellis. 12mo. Lond., 1899. C 27 P 20 Letters to Wesendonck et Al. Translated and indexed by W. A. Ellis. 12mo. Lond., 1899. C 27 P 21 Nibelungen Ring done into English Verse by R. Rankin. Vol. 1. 12mo. Lond., 1899. H 13 T 5 [Life of] ; by H. S. Chamberlain. Translated by G. A. Hight. Must, 4to. Lond., 1897. C 17* T 28 f Richard Wagner ; by C. A. Lidgey. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Master Musicians.) C 27 Q 2 The Epic of Sounds: an Elementary Interpretation of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring. [See Winworth, Freda.] H 11 Q 23 Legends of the Wagner Drama. [See Weston, Jessie L.] H 10 W 2 The Perfect Wagnerite: a Commentary on the Ring of the Niblungs. [See Shaw, 15.] J 23 P 9 Study of Wagner. [See Newman, E.] A 35 T 1 Wagner and his Music in America. [See Butterworth, H. — Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 [See aha Nietzsche, F. W.— Works of.] G 1G V 15, 18 WAHL, Dr. Robert. Indian Corn (or Maize) in the Manufacture of Beer. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 28 WAHL, Dr. William H. The Assayer's Manual [See Kerl, Prof. Bruno.] A 30 V 21 WAIT, Prof. Charles Edmund. Dietary Studies at the Uni- versity of Tennessee in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Nutrition investigations at tut- University of Tennessee, S 90-97. [See United States.-Dept. ii Agricult.-! | Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 | WAITE, Edgar R. Habits of the Sydney Bush-rat ; with Note by O. Thomas. (Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1897.) E Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Muridse from Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict.. Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Muridse of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. B.— Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R Gl New Blind Snake from Duke of York Island. (Aust. Mus. Records, 3.) ME 8 R Nidification of a Pouched Mouse, I'/insruliii/ah; flavljw.i. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Notes on Australian Typhlopidre. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust,, Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Notes on the range of Crocodilus and Brachylophus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1899.) ME 2 P Range of the Platypus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P WAITE, John Musgrave. Self-defence; or, the Art of Boxing. [See Donnelly, N.] A 29 S 38 WAKE, Richard. The New Education : Manual Training Woodwork. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 39 Q 15 WAKEFIELD, Bishop of. [See How, W. W.] WAKEFIELD, C. C. Future Trade in the Far East. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 35 WAKEFIELD, Edward Gibbon. Edward Gibbon Wake- field ; the Colonisation of South Australia and New Zealand. [See Garnett, R,] MB 3 Q 5 WAKEFIELD, Percy. Fair Trade : Prologue for the In- auguration of a Fair Trade League for New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1889. " MF 4 P 51 WAKEMAN, Henry Offley. Europe, 1598-1715. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (Periods of European Hist.) B 16 R 35 Introduction to the History of the Church of England from the earliest times to the present day. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G23P24 WAKLEY, Thomas. Life and Times of; by S. Squire Sprigge. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 18 WALCH, Garnet. [Portrait of.] [See Album of Aus- tralian Writers.] MA 45 P + WALCH, George T. Notes on some of the chief Navigable Rivers and Canals of the United States and Canada. Illustrated. 8vo. Madras, 1877. A 22 U 6 WALCH, J., and SONS. • Almanac.'] Almanac. [See M E 4 P Supp lementary Ca ta log u e — 1896-1 900. 647 WALCH, James Henry Brett, The Guileless Disciple : a Sermon in memory of J. H. B. Walch. [See Clarke, li.v. G.] MG 2 S 24 WALCHA WITNESS and Vernon County Record, 1898- 99. Fol. Walcha, 1898-99. ME WALCOTT, R. H. Note on a Basalt Tree Cast. (Boy. Soc., Vict., Proc, 1899.) ME 1 P Occurrence of so-called Obsidian Bombs in Australia. ( Hoy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1898.) ME 1 P WALDSTEIN, Charles. Excavations of the American School of Athens at the Heraion of Argos, 1892. Illust. No. 1. 4to. Lond., 1892. B 22 Q 3 t Study of Art in the Universities. 12mo. Lond., 1896. G 18 P34 WAL DSTEIN, Dr. Louis. The Subconscious Self and its relation to Education and Health. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. G23Q12 WALE, William H. Love's Evening Song. [Music] Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t WALES, Philip Skinner. Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Museum of Hygiene, Medical Department of the United States Navy. [See United States. — Depart- ment of the Navy.] A 34 T 43 WALFORD, Edward. Walford's County Families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of Kngland, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 1871, 1873, 1876, 1884, 1886-1900. 19 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871-1900. E WALGETT NEWS, 1899. Fol. Walgett, 1899. ME WA LISZE WSKI, Kazimierz. History of Russian Litera- ture. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 U 15 Peter the Great. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 37 V 1, 2 31 arysienka. [See Marysienka, Queen of Poland.] C 26 R 4 The Story of a Throne. [See Catherine II.] C 22 T 3 WALKE, Lieut. Willoughby. Gunpowder and High Ex plosives. [See United States.— Adjutant-General's ■ Office.] A20T17I WALKER, Agnes. Manual of Needlework and Cutting- out, specially adapted for Teachers of Sewing, Stu- dents, and PupilTeachers. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 35 WA LKER, Archibald Stodart-. The Struggle for Success : a Study in Social Compromise, Expediency, and Adap- tability. 8vo. Lond., 1900. F 19 R 17 Selected Poems of John Stuart Blackie. [See Blackie, .I.S.] H 10 W 3 WALKER, Charles Clement. John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends and fellow-actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes to them. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. C24PG WALKER, Charles Howard. Architecture of the Library. (Boston Public Library.— Hand-book.) Cat. Room WALKER, Donald. L 8vo. Lond., 1840. Exercises. Illustrated. A 20 P 22 WALKER, Gen. Duncan S. Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the laving of the Corner Stone of the Capitol of the United States, with Accounts of the laying of the original Corner Stone in 1793, and of the Corner Stone of the extension in 1851. Illus- trated. Imp. 8vo. Wash., 1896. B 10 X 13 t WALKER, Edward. Terrestrial and Cosmical Magnetism. 8vo. Camb., 1866. (Adams Prize Essay, 1865.) A 19 S 28 WALKER, Francis. Letters of a Baritone. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 23 Q 54 WALKER, Francis Amasa. Double Taxation in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 18 R 23 vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 21 Lond., 1883. F 15 P 39 International Bi-metallisi Land and its Rent. 12] Recent Progress of Political Economy in the United States. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 14 WALKER, Frederick. Life and Letters of; by J. G. Marks. Illust. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 U 1 WALKER, George Washington, and James Backhouse. Notes on the Aborigines of Tasmania. (Boy. Soc. Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 C, WALKER, Gilbert T. Aberration and some other Prob- lems connected with the Electro-magnetic Field. 8vo. Camb., 1900. A 45 T 19 WALKER, Henry de Rosenbach. Australasian Democ- racy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MF 5 Q 13 Australasian Extensions of Democracy. (Atlantic Monthly, May, 1899.) E WALKER, Prof. Hugh. The Age of Tennyson. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (Hand-books of English Lit.) J 14 P 33 Greater Victorian Poets. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 10 U 36 WALKER, Prof. James. Introduction to Physical Chemistry. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 30 T 29 Outlines of General Chemistry. [See Ostwald, Prof. W.] A 41 R 15 Public Library of New South Wales. WALKER, James Backhouse. Deportation of the Norfolk Islanders to the Derwent in 1808. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc., 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Some Notes <.n the Tribal Divisions of the Aborigines of Tasmania. (Hoy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1897.) ME 1 Q Abel Jansoon Tasman: his Life and Voyages. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proa, 1894-95.] ME 1 Q Abel Janszoon Tasman : his Life and Voyages. [See Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1896-98.] ME 20 P Notes on the Aborigines of Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc , 1897.] ME 1 Q WALKER, James Thomas. Federation of British Aus- tralasia : a Sketch from a political and economic point of view. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 Q 19 A Glance at the Prospective Finances of the Australian Federation or Commonwealth. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 Notes on Federal Finance. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 5 Q 19 Remarks on Federal Finance. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF5 Q 19 WALKER, Louisa. Varied Occupations in String Work ; comprising Knotting, Netting, Looping, Platting, and Macrame. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 P 9 WALKER, Obadiah. Of Education, especially of Young Gentlemen. 12mo. Oxford, 1687. " O 18 P 38 WALKER, R. Cooperation versus Private Trading. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 13 V 23 WALKER, Russell D. Billiards. [See Broadfoot, Major W.] A 29 S 23 WALKER, Thomas. The Original. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. j 4 s 2 i WALKER, Thomas Alfred. History of the Law of Nations. Vol. 1. 8vo. Camb, 1899. F 17 P 21 1. From the Earliest Times to Peace of Westphalia, 1048. WALKER, William. Recollections of Sir Henry Parkes [See Parkes, Sir H] MC 1 T 37 WALKER, William Gregory, and ELGOOD, Edgar John. Compendium of the Law relating to Executors and Administrators ; with an Appendix of Statutes, anno- tated by means of References to the Text 3rd ed 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 7 P 34 WALKER, Prof. Williston. History of Congregational Churches in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1894. (American Church Hist. Ser.) O 12 V 10 WALK LEY, Arthur Bin (Sixty Years of Knipiri The Victorian Stage. B 22 R 18 re of the Humble. [See Maeterlinck, M.] WALL, E. J. Carbon Printing. 3rd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 41 Q 21 WALLACE, Alfred Edward. Social Economy of the Future. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 WALLACE, Alfred Russel, F.R.S. Miracles and Modern Spiritualism. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 14 S 34 Pieridse of the Indian and Australian Regions. (Entom. Soc., Lond., Trans., 1865.) E The Wonderful Century : its Successes and its Failures. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 7 Third Factor of Production, and other Essays. [See Ogilvy, A. J.] F 15 R 30 WALLACE, Edgar. Wit in Barracks. 8vo. Lond., 1900. H 13 V 15 WALLACE, J. Howard. Manual of New Zealand His- tory. 8vo. Wellington, 1886. MB 2 P 58 WALLACE, Joseph. History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French Rule, embracing a general view of the French Dominion in North America, with some Account of the English occupation of Illinois. With Map. 2nd ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1899. B 41 R 8 The Prince of India ; or, Why Constantinople fell. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 39, 40 WALLACE, R, Pledger-. Practice with Science. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 45 WALLACE, Prof. Robert. Farming Industries of Cape Colony. Hlust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 12 Red Water in Cattle due to Tick Poisoning. 8vo. Mclb., 1897. MA 3 V 40 WALLACE, William. [Criticism of the Works of] Robert Southey. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6Q 38* Life and Works of Robert Bun [See Bu H 9 V 2-5 Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop. [See Burns, R.] C 23 U 5 WALLACE, Prof. William. Epicureanism. 12mo. Lond., 1880. (Chief Ancient Philosophies.) G 26 P 1 3 Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics. Edited, with a Biographical Introduction, by E. Caird. With Portrait. Svo. Oxford, 189«. G 24 U 24 Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy, and especially of his Logic. '2nd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. G 25 S 8 The Logic of Hegel. [See Hegel, G. W. P.] G 19 l T 28 Supj) lemen tary Ca talog ue — 150 6-1 900. WALLACE, Sir William. [Life of] ; by A. F. Murison. Svo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 1 1 Bonk of Wallace. [See Grampian Club, Pubs.] B 39 S 5, 6 In Memory of Sir William Wallace : an Address by Lord Rosebery. [See Rosebery, Earl.] C 24 P 8 [Speech on.] [See Rosebery, Earl— Appreciations and Addresses.] J 9 R 6 W A I . LACE, William Campbell. The Church : its Charac- ter and Function. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q WALLACK, Lester. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See .McKay, F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day] C 23 Q 6 WALLAS, Graham. Life of Francis Place, 1771-1854. [See Place, F.] C 24 T 5 Tli.' Organization of Society. [See Shaw, G. B. -Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 WA LLEM, Fredrik M. Notes on Fish Supply of Norway. (Internat. Fish. Exhib.— Fish Lit.) A 34 R 5 WALLENSTEIN, A. W. E. von. Sketch of. [See Wilson, JL S.— History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 WA LLER, Edmund. [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 1 4 V 18 WA LLEY, John Thomas. Principles of Mechanics pre- sented in a new form. [See Hertz, H.] A 15 T 6 WA LLEY, Prof. Thomas. Practical Guide to Meat In- spection. Illust. Svo. Edinb., 1896. A 20 S 25 WA LLIS, Capt. Samuel. Biographical Memoirs of. (Naval Chronicle, 33.) B 38 Q 14 Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] Ml) 8 R 50 WALLIS-TAYLER, A. J. [See Tayler, A. J. Wallis-.] WALLON, Henri Alexandre. St. Louis et son Temps. I'nded. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 187G. G 24 U 30, 31 WALMESLEY, Oswald. Guide to the Mining Laws of the World. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1894. " F 1 V 22 WALPOLE, R, S. Suggestions as to the Origin and Geo- graphical Distribution of the Aborigines of Australia. (Roy. Geograph. Soe. of Australasia, Vict, Lranch, Trans., 1899.) ME 20 P WALPOLE. Robert. Lido - Australian Trade. Svo. Melb., 1885. MF I Q 58 WALPOLE, Sir Spencer. The British Fish Trade. (Intermit. Fisheries Exhib. —Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 1 Fish Transport and Fish Markets. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 4 WxVLSH, Dr. David. Excretory irritation and the action of certain internal remedies in the skin. Svo. Lond., 1897. A37T3 The Rontgen Rays in Medical Work ; with an Introduc- tory Section upon Electrical Apparatus and Methods by J. E. Greenhill. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 40 WALSH, Rev. F. Disappearance of the New Zealand Bush. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S WALSH, Fred. New South Wales Patents, Designs, • Copyrights, and Trade-marks. Svo. Sydney, 1899. MF 5 Q 2G WALSH, Dr. John Henry, "Stonohenge." The Horse in the Stable and the Field : his Varieties in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, Wvalong Gold-field. [See New South .log. Surv.] MA 3 V 47 lie Beefs at Hargreaves. [See New South Wales.— iolog. Surv., Records, 5.] ME 15 T lie Beefs of the Hargraves Gold-field. [See N.S.W. Geolog. Surv., Records, 6.] ' ME 15 T WATT, James Croii Decorative Wo Examples of Greek and Pompeiai Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1897. A 47 P 25 : WATT, W. The Currents, Temperatures, and other Phy- sical Conditions of the Sea in relation to Fish. (Internal. Fish. Exhib.— Fish. Lit.) A 34 B 11 WATT, William. History of Aberdeen and Banff. Illus- trated. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (County Histories of WATTEAU, Ant graphs, IS.] ( Life of.] [See Portfolio. WATTENBACH, Wilhelm. Eeclesise Metropolitan* Coloniensis Codices Manuscripti. [See Jafte, P.] K 18 T 27 WATTS, George Frederick. Life and Works of ; by Julia Cart-wright (Mrs. Ady). [See Art Journal] A 13 W 8 f [Sketch of the Works of.] [See Monckhouse, C— British Contemporary Artists.] A 44 W 1 WATTS, Henry. Hand-book of Chemistry. [See Caven- dish Soc, Works.] A 36 S 2-20 W T ATTS, Dr. John. The Working-man: a Problem. 12mo. Manchester, 1875. F 12 S 20 WATTS, R. L. Onion Ci Dept, of Agricult.] WATTS, Theodore. [See Dunton, T. Watts.] WATTS, W. A. The Photographic Reference Book. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 24 WATTS, W. L. Oil and Gas-yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties. [See California.— State Mining Bureau.] A 37 B 23 WATTS, W. W. Geology of part of Northumberland, in- cluding the Country between Wooler and Coldstream. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 S 5 Guide to the Collections of Bocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Science and Art Museum, Dublin.] A 24 S 24 WATTS, Rev. W. W. Some New- Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W, M.», ?s from New South :., 1899.) ME 2 P WATTS-DUNTON, Theodore. [See Dunton, T. Watts-.] WAUGH, James. Three Years Practical Experience of a Settler in New South Wales: being Extracts from Letters to his friends in Edinburgh,' from 1834-37 ; with a Preface by the editor and an Appendix con- taining Notes and Information for all classes of in- tending Emigrants fr publi Edin It!, Wit Ma, 12i WAUGH, James William. 1 1858-63. 6 vols, (in 3) 8v< WAUTERS, A. J. L'Etat Indepe Bruxelles, 1899. WAUWEBMANS, Lieut. G. I'Keole Cartographupie Bel Henri. Histoire de vt Anversoise du XVI les, 1895. D 11 V 16. 17 Tublic Library of New South Wales. WAUWERMANS, Paul. Le Droit des Auteurs en Bel- gique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894. F 1 R 15 WAY, Arthur S. Aims and Practice of Teaching English. (Spencer, Dr. F.— Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 WAY, Sir Samuel James. Observations on the provisions of the Draft Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia with respect to Appeals to the Privy Coun- cil. Sm. 4to. Adelaide, 1900. MF 5 U 20 WAY, T. R. Reliques of Old London; with an Intro- duction and Descriptions by Henry B. Wheatley. 4to. Lond., 1890. D 5 P 22 t WAYLEN, James. The House of Cromwell : a Genea- logical History of the Family and Descendants of the Protector. New ed., revised bv John Gabriel Crom- well. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 24 WEALE, William Henry James. Gerard David, Painter and Illuminator. [See Portfolio.- Monographs, 24.] WEARE, G. E. Cabot's Discovery of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 30 WEATHERBURN, Robert. Ajax Loquitur; or, the Autobiography of an old Locomotive Engine. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 24 R 32 WEAVER, William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 31.) E WEBB, A. E. II. How to Manage a Boot and Shoe De- partment. [See Green, J. W.] F 13 V 41 WEBB, Beatrice [Mrs. Sidney]. Relationship between Cooperation and Trade Unionism. 12mo. Man Chester, 1892. p'l3 V 41 WEBB, Miss Catherine. Machinery of the Cooperative Movement. 12mo. Manchester, 189G. F 13 V 43 Should Cooperative Employe's understand the Principles of the Movement, and if so, how are they to be taught 1 12mo. Manchester, 1894. E 13 V 4] WEBB, E. A., MILLER, G W., and BECKWITH J History of Chislehurst: its Church, Manors, and Parish, lllust. 4 to. Lond., 1899. B 40 W 2 WEBB, George Henry Frederick. Victorian Law Reports [See Victorian Law Reports.] ME 21 R WEBB, J. Stenson. The Shakespeare Reference-book: Ixiing some Quotations from Shakespeare's Plays 8vo. Lond., 1898. K 19 P 35 WEBB, Sidney. Best Method of bringing Co-operation within the reach of the pcores" of the population. 12mo. Manchester, 1891. F 16 S 14 Labour in the Longest Reign. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 12 S 19 Municipal 1898. Government in England. 8vo. Sydney, MF 4 R 68 Socialism n England. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 14 The Basis of Socialism. [See Shaw, G. B.— Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 Difficulties of Individualism. [See Fabian Soc — Fabian Tracts, 69.] F 19 R 15 Socialism true and false. [See Fabian Soc. — Fabian Tracts, 51.] F 19 R 15 , and Beatrice. Industrial Democracy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 9 R 39, 40 Problems of Modern Industry. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 9 R 42 WEBP), Walter Loring. Railroad Construction theory and practice. lllust. 8 vo. New York, 1900. A 38 S 27 WEBBER, Frederick C. Carpentry and Joinery. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Textbooks of Tech- nology.) A 25 S 16 WEBBER, Herbert J. The Principal Diseases of the Citrous Fruits in Florida. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 11 Sooty Mold of the Orange and its treatment. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 The Water Hyacinth and its relation to Navigation in Florida. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Botany.] A 38 R 16 WEBER, Adna Ferrin. Growth of Cities in the 19th Century : a Study in Statistics. 8vo. New York, 1899. F 18 R 4 WEBER, Albrecht. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit-Hands- chriften. [See Berlin — Konigliche Bibliothck.l K 11 U t WEBER, Prof. Alfred. History of Philosophy. Trans- lated by Dr. Frank Thilly. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 5 Q 30 WEBER, Dr. Frederick Parkcs. Balneology and Hydro- therapeutics. [See Weber, Dr. H.] A 26 T 34 WEBER, Sir Hermann, and Dr. Frederick Parkes. Bal- neology and Hvdrolherapeutics. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Mineral Waters and Health Resorts of Europe : Treat- ment of Chronic Diseases bv Spas and Climates, with Hints as to the simultaneous employment of various Physical and Dietetic Methods ; being a revised and enlarged edition of "The Spas and Mineral Waters of Europe." With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 33 S 15 Sup}) lemen ta ry Catalog ue — 1890-1 900. 657 WEP.KR, Sir Hermann, and FOSTER, Dr. Michael (Jeorge. Climate in the Treatment of Disease. . Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 34 WEBSTER, A. D. British Orchids: containing an ex liaustive Description of each species and variety to which are added, Chapters on Structure and other Peculiarities, Cultivation, Fertilisation, Classification, end Distribution. 2nd cd. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., L898. A 38 V 20 Hardy Coniferous Trees: being a concise Description ■ 'f each Species and Variety, with the most recently approved Nomenclature, Lists of Synonyms, and best methods of Cultivation. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 20 U 12 WEBSTER, Dr. Arthur Gordon. The Theory of Elec- tricity and Magnetism : being Lectures on Mathemati- cal Physics. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 S 24 WEBSTER, Daniel. Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the Statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster, presented by the State of New Hampshire. Boy. 8vo. Wash., 1895. C 24 S 1 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. - Little Journeys to Homes of Am. Statesmen.] C 1 9 P 22 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 WEBSTER, H. Cavlev-. Through New Guinea and the Cannibal Countries. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. Ml) 8 H 53 WERSTER, John. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 Duchess of Main: a Criticism by C. Lamb. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 [Essay on.] [See Gosse, E.— 17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 32 WEBSTER, Mrs. Martha. [Essay on] the Poems of Matthew Arnold. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q The Influence of Dean Stanley on Religious Thought, ( Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Natural Religion. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q WERSTER, Noah. [Life of]; by H. E. Scuddei Portrait, 12mo. Boston, 1897. (American Letters.) C Webster's International Dictionary of the Engl ;;uage. Revised and enlarged under the super Noah Porter; with a voluminous Appendix Australasian Supplement. Australasian e Spring-field, 1898. Ci WERSTER, William. Jes view, 10.) Property in Land. (Mel Wii e Review, 9.) ME 18 Q WEBSTER, William Clarence. Recent Centralizing Ten dencies in State Educational Administration. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 26 T 18 WEBSTER'S ROYAL RED BOOK; or, Court and Fashionable Register. 1870^1900. 44 vols. 12mo. Lend., 1870-1900. E WEDDERBURN, Alexander J. Popular Treatise on the extent and character of Food Adulterations. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chem- istry.] A 34 T 37 Special Report on the extent and character of Food Adulterations. [See United States. — Dept, of Agri- culture. — Div. of Chemistry.] A 34 T 36 WEDDERBURN, Sir David. British Colonial Policy. [See Practical Politics.] F 12 T 31 WEDDERBURNE, David. Compt Bulk. [See Scottish Hist. Soc, Pubs., 28.] E WEDGWOOD, Josiah, F.R.S. The Clay of Sydney Cove ; by F. Rathbone. 4to. Birm. (n.d.) MA 13 Q 10 f Loan Exhibition of selected pieces of old Wedgwood, exhibited at the Wedgwood Institute, Burslem, 1895. Sm. 4to. Burslem, 1895. K 17 T 6 Sketch of the Life and Labours of. [See Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.] K 19 R 20 WEDGWOOD MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, BURSLEM. Loan Exhibition of old Wedgwood. [See Wedgwood, J.] K 17 T 6 The Wedgwood Memorial Institute. [See Dawson, J. ] B 23 P 18 WEDMORE, Frederick. Fine Prints. Illustrated. 8vo. Load, 1897. A 23 T 31 On Books and Arts. 8vo. Lond, 1899. J 20 R 28 Rembrandt: his Life, his Work, and his Time. [See Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Ryn.] C 11 W 14, 15 f , and Millicent. Poems of the Love and Pride of England. 8vo. Lond, 1897. H 11 R 26 WEED, Arthur J. Gas Engine Construction. [See Par- sell, H. V. A.] A 39 Q 23 WEED, Dr. Clarence Moores. Life-histories of American Insects. Illust, 8vo. New York, 1897. A 28 P 33 WEEDON, Thornhill. Queensland, Past and Present. [See Queensland.— Statistics.] ME 8 S WEEKS, Edwin Lord. From the Black Sea through Persia and India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1896. D 17 V 22 Some Episodes of Mountai (Out-of-door Lib.) Public Library of New South Wales. WEFKS, Stephen licauregard. Southern Quakers and Slavery. [See Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Historical and Political Science.] 13 18 T 15 WEEKS, Dr. Thomas E. Manual of Operative Technics : a Practical Treatise on the Elements of Operative Dentistry. Illust. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. A 32 S 29 WEEKS-SHAW, C. S. [See Shaw, C. S. Weeks-.] WEGMANN, Edward. Water-supply of the City of New York, 1658-1895. 4to. New York, 1896. A 13 T 18 f WEIL, Robert. The Legal Status of the Indian. 8vo. New York, 1888. E 18 Q 1 WEIR, Dr. James. The Dawn of Reason ; or, Mental Traits in the Lower Animals. 8vo. New York, 1899. WEIR, Capt. Robert, and others. Riding ; and Polo ; by J. Moray Brown. 4th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Badminton Lib.) A 17 U 49 WEIR, Thomas H. Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament, 8vo. Lond., 1899. 2:5 Q 50 WEISBACH, Dr. Julius, and HERMANN, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery : a Text-hook for Technical Scl Is, and a Guide for Practical Engineers. Translated by Karl P. Dahlstrom. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 22 S 5 WEISSE, Trangott Heinrich. Complete Practical Grammar of the German Language, with Exercises constituting a Method and Reader. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1888. J 12 P 49 German Life and Manners : a systematically progressing course of new Conversational Exercises in German Composition, with complete rules and directions and with full references to the 3rd ed. „f his Grammar of the German Language. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1876. J 12 P 50 Short Guide to German Idioms : being a Collection of the Idioms most in use witli Examination Papers. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 1 1 P 53 WEISSENBRUCH, John Henry. Life and Works of. [Silicoses, M.— Dutch Painters of the 19th Century.] A 11 Y 19 f WETZSACKER, Prof. Carl von. Apostolic Age of the Christian Church. Translated by J. Millar. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. (Tlie<.l..Ldcal Translation Lib.) G 23 T 5, 6 WELBY, Prances A. Electro-Physiology. [See Bieder- mann, Prof. W.] ' A 30 R 24, 25 Evolution of Generalldeas. [SeeRihot, Prof. T.] G 24 S 1 1 WELBY, Reginald Earle, Baron. [Sketch of.] [See Es- cott, T. H. S.-Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 WELCH, Charles. Modern History of the City of London: a Record of Municipal and Social Progress from 1760 to the present day. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1896. • B 11 W 8 f WELCH, Dr. II. W. The influence of Anaesthesia upon Medical Science. (Semi-Centennial of Anesthesia.) A 17 R 2 t WELCH, J. J. Text-book of Naval Architecture. [See Gt, Britain and Ireland.— Admiralty.] A 23 U 38 WELCH, James. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 WELCH, Prof. William Henry. Embolism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 Thrombosis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 39 WELCH, Dr. William M. Small-pox. (Dare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 WELD, Sir Frederick, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 f WELD, Dr. George W. Replantation and Transplanta- tion of the Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 WELDONS MA TRIMONIAL GAZETTEoi Australasia. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 13, Sept.-Dec, 1896. 4to. Sydney, 1896. [AU published.] MF 2 P 38 t WELLBANK'S AUSTRALIAN NAUTICAL AL- MANAC and Coasters' Guide for the Southern and Eastern Coast and part of the Western Coast of Aus- tralia, also the Principal Ports and Harbours of Fiji, 1874, 1886-87. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1874-87. MD 4 W 30-32 WELLBY, Capt, Montagu Sinclair. Through Unknown Tibet. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 24 WELLHAUSEN, Prof. Julius. Book of Psalms. [See Bibles and Testaments.— English.] G 23 U 14 WELLINGTON, Arthur Mellen. Economic Theory of the Location of Railways : an Analysis of the conditions controlling the laying out of Railways to effect the most judicious expenditure of capital. ' (ith ed. 8vo. New York, I 899. A 44 Q 23 WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of. Letters of, to Miss J., 1834-51. Edited/with Extracts from the Diary of the latter, by Christine Terhune Herriek. 12mo. Loud., 1889. C 20 U 26 Life of: Restoration of the Martial Power of Great lion. Sir II. Maxwell. Illustrated. [Po, (Wilkinson, S.--Frc C 25 S 1 7, 18 by Maj.-Oen. F. Maurice. unwell to Wellington.) ^C 26 R 18 Supp lemen tary Ca talogue — 1896-1 900. 4.INGT0N, Arthur Wellosley, Duke of— contd. •llington: his Comrades and Contemporaries; by \L.jor A. Griffiths. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 24 T 19 ■Hington's Career: a Military and Political Summary; i\ Lieut.-Col. E. B. Hamley. 12mo. Edinb., 18G0. C 19 V 22 ,say on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 meral of.] [See Funerals.] B 10 S 14-17 { trait of. [See Hillis, W. J.- Metrical History of sapoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 trait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— Eng- und in tlie 19th Century.] B 10 ST3 .toll of.] [See Griffith, C— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 •llington and Waterloo. [See Griffiths, Maj. A.] B 17 S 30 t LING TON ALMANAC, Directory, Calendar, Diary, nd Nautical Almanac, 1889, 1890, 1893, 1895. "4 .,1s. 8 vo. Wellington, 1888-94. ME 12 S WELLINGTON GAZETTE, 1899. Fol. Wei UNO TON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of .ending Department. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1894- MK 2 R 11 LINGTON TIMES and Australian Industrial Liber- tor, 1899. Fol. Wellington, 1899. ME WELLS, Prof. Benjai Villis. Century of French Fic- ■k, 1898. J 17 V 24 WELLS, Charles. A Dramatic Scene. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson.— Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 WELLS, Charles Frederick. [See Calvert Expedition.] WELLS, Hon. David Ames. Relation of the Tariff to Wages. 8vo. New York, 1888. (Questions of the Day.) F17PG Results of Protection in the United States. 12mo. New York, 1873. F 17 P 1 Robinson Crusoe's Money ; .or, the Remarkable Financial Fortunes and Misfortunes of a remote Island Com- munity. Illustrated. 8yo. New York, 187G. F 10 S 3 Why we trade, and how we trade. 8vo. New York, WELLS, Herbert George. The Island of Dr. Moreau. 8vo. Loud., 189G. J 25 V 21 The Stolen Bacillus, and other Incidents. 2nd ed. 8vo. Loud., 1897. J 25 V 3G When the sleeper wakes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 12 Q 22 WELLS, John C. The Gateway to the Polynia : a Voyage to Spitzbergen. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 18 T 23 WELLS, Joseph. Short History of Re Augustus. 8vo. Lond., 189G. e to the Death of B 30 Q 22 WELLS, Sidney H. Practical Mechanics : an Elementary Manual for the use of Students in Science and Techni- cal Schools and Classes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Text-books of Technology.) A 25 S 15 WELLS, William V. Explorations and Adventures in Honduras, comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of tht History and General Resources of Central America. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1857. D 22 T 1 WELL WOOD, John. [Life of] Norman MacLeod. [See MacLeod, N.] C 20 U 23 WELSH, Rev. Robert Ethol. God's Gentlemen. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 40 ical Bases of Educatio G 15 U43 WELWITSCH, Dr. Friedrich. Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch in 1853-61. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 43 X 1-4 WENDELL, Evert Jansen. Boys' Clubs in New York. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 WENTWORTH, Thoi Earl of.] WENTWORTH, Willi) 3) Earl of Strafford. [See Strafford, )ctober, 1849. MG 1 R 79 . -Australian MC 4 P 4 f Across Siberia a. Lond., 1896. WERE, J. 1!., on the Great D18P32 A Reconstruc- tfn. [See America nal Relations.] F 2 V 30 WERNER, Alfrec Tuhlic Library of New South Wales, WERNER, Edgar A. Civil List and Constitutional His tory of the Colony and State of New York, 1887-88. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1888-89. E WERNER I AN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Memoirs. Vols. 1-7, 1808-37. Illustrated. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1811-38. A 3G R 1-7 AVESBROOK, F. F. Relapsing Fever, or Famine Fever. [See Rabagliati, Dr. A. C. F.] A 2G T 34 WESLEY, Rev. John. The Desideratum ; or, Electricity made plain and useful; by a Lover of Mankind and of Common-sense, Rev. John Wesley, 1759. 2nd ed., with an Appendix on the Electricity of Modern Times. 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 21 P 10 Wesley and Methodism ; by F. J. Snell. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. (The World's Epoch-makers.) C 28 Q 3 John Wesley and George Whitefield in Scotland. [See Butler, Rev. D.] G 23 P 23 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B.— Sermons.] G 23 Q 19 WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Thirty-third Report of the Auxiliary Weslovan .Missionary Society of the Australian Districts, 1853-51 ; with Supple- ment. 12mo. Sydney, 1855. MG 2 U 34 WESSLAU, O. E. The Coming Individualism. [See Hake, A. Egmont.] F 1 It 22 WEST, Rt. Hon. Sir Alger Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vc Recollections, 1832-86. and., 1899. C 27 S 7, 8 WEST, Andrew Fleming. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools. [With Bibliography.] 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Great Educators.) G 18 Q 50 WEST, Dr. Charles. Rearing of Hand-fed Infants. [See Owen, Dr. E.] A 41 V 2 The Riviera, Ancient and Present. [See Lentheric, C. ] I) 18 S 13 WEST, Gerald Montgomery. Status of the Negro in Vir- ginia during the Colonial Period. 8vo. New York (n.d.) F18T1 WEST, John. Pr. — Agricult.] •ss of Diving Fruits. [See Victoria. MA 3 T 9 WEST, Kenyon. The Laureates of England : Ben Jonson to William Wordsworth, with Selections from their Works, and an Introduction dealing with the Origin and Significance of the English Laureateship. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. II 11 R ] WEST, Dr. i Dr. T. C. Intrapleural Tension. (Allbutt, m of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of WEST, Lieut.-Col. John Temple Temple-. Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain : her Life, Reign, and Times, 1451-1501. [See Nervo, Baron de.] B 12 U 35 WEST AUSTRALIAN SETTLER'S GUIDE and Farmer's Hand-book. Edited by L. Lindley-Cowen. Pts. 1-6. 8vo. Perth, 1897-98. MD 8 Q 54 WEST MAGQUARIE, The, 1899. Fol. Blayney, 1899. ME WE-STCOTT, Brooke Foss, Bishop of Durham. Coopera- tion. 12mo. Manchester, 1890. F 16 S U ■, and HORT, Fenton John Anthony. The New Testament in the original Greek. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Greek.] G 2 U 22, 23 WESTCOTT, Edward Noyes. David Harum. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 14 V 25 WESTCOTT, William Wynn. The Extra Pharmacopoeia. [See Martindale, W.] A 26 P 33 WESTERMAIER, Dr. Max. Compendium of General Botany. Translated by Dr. Albert Schneider. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 20 T 23 WESTERN ADVOCATE, 1899. Fol. Orange, 1899. ME Acts. [See Statutes, under this heading.] Agricultural and Live Stock Returns. Abstract of the Western Australian Agricultural and Live Stock Returns for 1896-97. Sm. fol. Perth, 1897. ME Agriculture. Official Report of the Proceedings of the, Annual Conference of Producers, 1898. 8vo. Perth, 1898. ME 19 P Possibilities of the Dairying Industry in Western Aus- tralia. Edited by L. Lindley-Cowen. 8vo. Perth, 1896. MA 2 U 68 Journal of the Bureau of Agriculture. [See Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia.] Producers- Gazette. [See Producers' Gazette as a main Author Entry.] Blue Book. [See Civil Service, under this heading.] Census. [See Statistics, under this heading.] Civil Service. Blue Bool vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1 Conslitution Bill. [See Great Britain and Ireland- Western Australia Constitution Bill.] Forests. [See Woods and Forests, under this heading.] Gold-fields. Report by the Government Geologist in connection with the 'Water Supply of the Gold-fields. With Maps. Sm. fol. Perth, 1897. 51 A 2 Q I I f Gold-mining Statistics. Gold-mining Statistics, 1897. 2 vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1897-98. " ME Supplementary Ca lalogue — 1896-1900. WESTERN AUSTRALIA— contd. Geological Survey. Annual Progress Report, 1898. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Perth, 1899. ME Bulletins 1-4. 8vo. Perth, 1898-1900. MA 4 R 4 i Australia ; by (Jold-nelds and the ( Desert ; liy !!. N. Smith. 3. (leology of the OoU;;irdie Jlnld-Iield ; by T. Ulatehfnrd. 4. .Mineral Wealth of W. Australia; by A. (J. Maitland. Government Gazette. Western Australian Govern- ment Gazette, 1813, 1801, 1805-09, 1872-83, 1885-87, 1895-96. 20 (in 17) vols, fol Perth, 1843-96. ME Lands and Surveys. The Land Selector's Guide to the ( town Lands of Western Australia ; with Notes on the Agricultural Bank Act, 1894, and Amendment Act, 1890. 8vo. Perth, 1897. MF 1 R 74 Western Australia : its Position and Prospects ; by T. Chambers ; with an Introduction by Lieut.-Col. Sir G. Smith. Illustrated. 8vo. Perth, 1899. MD 8 Q 56 Legislative Council. [See Parliament, under this heading.] Mines. Report of the Department of Mines, 1897. Sm. fol. Perth, 1898. ME Parliament. Minutes and Votes and Proceedings of the Parliament, 1895. 2 vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1895. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, 1874, 1876-77, 1882, 1884-89. 13' vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1874-89. ME Statistics. Census, 1870, 1891. 1870-91. 2 vols. sm. fol. Perth, ME Statistical Registers for 1890-98, and previous years. 3 vols. sm. fol. Perth, 1890-1900. E [See also Year-book, under this heading.] Statutes. Acts of Council, 1877, 1880-81, 1887-89, 1891,1894. 10 vols. 1 to. Perth, 1877-94. ME The Elementary Education Act, 1871, with Regulations for the Conduct and Management of Elections of Dis- 1 rict Boards of Education, and Uy-laws and Regulations of the Central Board of Education, also suggested By- laws for District School Boards and for Compulsory School Attendance. 12mo. Perth, 1890. MF 4 P 40 Index to the Statutes now in force. Sm. 4to. Perth, 1 882. ME Woods and Forests. Annual Progress Report of the Woods and Forests Department, 1897-98. Sm. fol. Perth, 1898. ME Report on the Forests of Western Australia : their Des- cription, Utilisation, and Proposed Future Manage- ment ; by J. Ednie-Brown. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Perth, 1S90. MA 5 R 12 r Year-book. Western Australian Year-book, 1890 99; bv M. A. C. Eraser. vols. 8vo. Perth, 1891-1900. ME 14 S WESTERN AUSTRALIA POST OFFICE DIREC- TORY (Wise's) 1895-1900. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Perth, 1895-1900. ME WESTERN CHAMPION and Parkes and Forbes Repre- sentative, 1899 [May 19th and 26th missing]. Fol. WESTERN HERALD and Darling River Advocate, 1890-99. 4 vols. fol. Bourkc, 1896-99. ME WESTERN POST and People's Representative, 1899. Fol. Mudgee, 1899. ME WESTERN SUBURBS COOPERATIVE SOCIETY. Rules and Regulations. 12mo. Meib., 1897. MF 3 Q 47 WESTLAKE, Prof. John. Etudes stir les Principes du Droit International ; traduit dc l'Anirlais par Ernest Nys. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1895. F 1 U 15 Cases on International Law during the Chino Japanese War. [See Takahashi, Prof. S.] F 10 Q 15 WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly of Divines : being a facsimile of the 1st ed., which was ordered to be printed by the House of Commons, 25th November, 1047 ; with Historical Account and Bibliography. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. G 24 V 13 WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Th,: Vols. 1-24, 20-28, 34, 30-43, 40-55, 58-77, 79-140, 142-153, 1824- Jan., 1830, July, 1S3G-38, June-Sept., 1840, July, 1841-45, Oct, 1840-51, July, 1852-April, 1802, 1803-93, July, 1894- June, 1900. 140 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1824-1900. E WESTOBY, William A. S. The Adhesive Postage Stamps of Europe : a Practical Guide to their Collec- tion, Identification, and Classification, illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898-1900. A 14 U 0, 7 WESTON, Miss Agnes Elizabeth. Pioneer Workers for Soldiers and Sailors. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 WESTON, Rev. James Augustus. Historic Doubts as to the Execution of Marshal Ney. [See Ncv. .Marshal M.] C 22 Q 2 WESTON, Jessie T, The Legend of Sir Gawain : Studies 1897. (Grimm Lib.) B 30 P 11 Legends of the. Wagner Drama : Studies in Mythology and Romance. 8vo. Lond., 1890. H 10 W 2 Public Library of New South Wales. "WESTON, Rev. Walter. Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1896. D 18 V 23 WESTWOOD, John Obadiah. Descriptions of some new species of Coleopterous Insects belonging to the Euro- pean Phytophaga, natives of the Old World and Aus- tralia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1864.) E Descriptions of two new Australian Lucaniche. (Entom. Soc, Loud., Trans., 1862.) E British Butterflies and their Transformations. [See Humphreys, H. N.] A 18 R 4 f British .Moths and their Transformations. [See Humph' reys, H. N.] A 18 R 2, 3 + Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 18 P 15 + Natural History of the Insects of China. [See Donovan, E.] A 20 R 10 + WET, Sir Jacobus Albertus de. [See De Wet, Sir J. A.] WETHERED, Dr. Frank Joseph. Medical Microscopy : a Guide to the use of the Microscope in Medical Prac- tice. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 40 T 10 WETTERSTRAND, Dr. Otto Georg. Hypnotism and its application to Practical Medicine. Trans., together with Medical Letters on Hy] mo-suggestion, &c, by H. G. Petersen. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 11 Q 33 WETZEL, W. A. Benjamin Franklin as an Economist. (Johns Hopkins University. — Studies in Historical and Political Science.) B 18 S 13 WEYL, Walter E., and others. Equitable Taxation : Six Essays in answer to the question, "What, if any, changes in existing plans are necessary to scenic an equitable distribution of the burden of Taxation for the support of National, State, and Municipal Govern- ments?" with an Introduction by the Hon. J. A. Lane. 8vo. New York, 1892. F 15 S 27 WEYMAN, Stanley John. From the Memoirs of a Minis- ter of France. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 25 V 23 A Gentleman of France. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. Under the Red Robe. 14th ed. Illustrated 8vo Lond., 1898. J 25 V 24 WHALL, W. B. Practical Seamanship for use in the Merchant Service. [See Todd, John.] A 22 V 7 WHARTON, Miss Anne Hollingsworth. Salons Colonial and Republican. 8vo. Philad., 1900. B 40 P 8 [Life of] Martha Washington. [See Washington, Martha.] C 1ST 18 WHARTON, Edith, and CODMAN, Ogdcn. Decoration of Houses. Must. Sm. 4to. Lond 1S9S. A 22 V 31 WHARTON, Philip, Duke of. [Life of] 1698-1731 ; by John R. Robinson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 24 WHAT IS SOCIALISM ? [See " Scotsburn."] F 15 R 20 WHATELY, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin. Memoirs of, with a Glance at his Contemporaries and Times ; by W. J. Fitzpatrick. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. C26Q12, 13 WHEATLEY, Henry Benjamin. Prices of Books : an Inquiry into the changes in the Prices of Books which have occurred in England at different periods. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Library Ser.) J 9 S 41 Diary of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. [See Pepys, S.] C 14 V 7, 8 Merlin. [See Early English Text Soc] E Roliques of Old London. [See Way, T. R.] D 5 P 22 + WHEATLEY, Leonard A. Sources of the Apostolic Canons. [See Harnack, Prof. A.] G 25 U 7 WHEATSTONE, Sir Charles. Sketch of. [See Jerrold, W. — Electricians and their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 WHEELDON, J. P. Angling Clubs and Preservation Societies of London and the Provinces. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 3 Practical Lessons in the Gentle Craft. (Internat, Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 3 WHEELER, Benjamin Ide. Alexander the Great : the Merging of East and West in Universal History. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1900. (Heroes of the Nations.) B 27 Q 14 WHEELER, Edward Jewitt. Prohibition : the Principle, the Policy, and the Party. 5th ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. ' F 15 Q 26 WHEELER, George. Privy Council Law: a Synopsis of all the Appeals decided by the Judicial Committee, in eluding Indian Appeals, from 1876-91 ; together with a precis of all the important cases from the Supreme Court of Canada in which special leave to appeal has been granted or refused, or in which Appeals have been heard. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 1 V 19 WHEELER, Gerald John. Confederation Law of Canada. [See Canada. — Statutes.] F 9 V 19 WHEELER, H. J. Liming of Soils. [See United States. -Dept, of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 WHEELER, Stephen. Letters of Walter Savage Landor. [See Landor, W. S.] C 24 P 19 Letters and other unpublished Writings of W. S. Landor. [See Landor, W. S.] C 23 R 6 WHELEN, Frederick. London Government, 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 9 Politics in 1896 : an Annual. 12mo. Lond., 1897. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. WHEIIRY, Albinia. Greek Sculpture with Story and S,,ng. Illustrated. 8vo. Lund., 1898. A 44 R 2 WE EHRY, Rev. E. M. Missions at Home and Abroad. [See Chicago Exhib., 1893.] G 19 U 4 WHEWELL, Rev. William, F.R.S. Researches on the Tides. 10th, 11th, 13th ser. 2 vols. (to. Lond., IS39-47. A 11 T 19, 20 t 10. Laws of Low Water at the Port of Plymouth, and on the permanency of Mean Water. 11. Certain Tide Conservations made in the Indian Seas. 13. Tides of the Pacific, and on the diurnal inequality. Elements of Morality and Systematic Morality. [See Martineau, Rev. J.— Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] JUT 29 Mathematical Papers of Rev. I. Barrow. [Set Barrow, I lev. I.] A 25 U 15 WHiCLEY, Charles. Book of Scoundrels. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 2 The Pageantry of Life. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 27 R 25 Studies in Frankness. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 2 WHICH? PROTECTION, FREE TRADE, oil UK VENUE REFORM: a Collection of the best articles on both sides of this great National Issue from the most eminent Political Economists and Statesmen. 8vo. Hartford, 1888. F 14 11 37 WHICH AM, H. J. Golf. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 WHIPPLE, Edwin Percy. [Short Studies of.] [See lligginson, T. W.— Short Studies of American Authors.] J1R30 WHIPPLE, George Chandler. Microscopy of Drinking- water. [With Bibliography.] Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1899. A 10 P 21 WHlltE, Sir William, F.R.S. Marine Boilers. [See I'.ertin, L. E.] A 38 T 15 WHTSTLER, Lieut, Garland N. Whistler's Graphic Tables of Fire, with Chart, [See United States. Adjutant-General's Office.] A 5 P 23 t WHTSTLER, James Abbott McNeill. [Portraitof.] [See ' Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 It 18 WHITAKER, George M. Milk Supply of Boston and ,.i her New England Cities. [See United States.- Dept. ■if Agricult.- Bureau «i Animal Industry.] A II U" 8 WH1TAKER, lb id ■ollishi, Hot Assisi Furnislii. . the Gr. Quatorze, Gothic, Tudor, and Elizabethan Styles of Cabinet and Upholstery Work. Illustrated. 4 to. bond., 1847. A18Q21J WHITAKER, Joseph. Almanac for 1881-1900. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881 1900. E WHITAKER, William. Area of Chalk as a source of Water Supply. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Geology of the Country around Ipswich, Hadleigh, and Felixstow. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 8 Geology of London and of part of the Thames Valley. [SeeGt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 S 2, 3 Geology of Southwold, and of the Suffolk Coast from Dunwich to Covehithe. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 19 Guide to the Geology of London. [See (it. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. -England and' Wales.] A 47 R 25 ■ , and BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-. Geology of the Borders of the Wash, including Boston and Hunstan- ton. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.- -Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 40 , and D ALTON, W. H. Geology of the Country around Halesworth and Harleston. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 18 , and REID, Clement. Water Supply of Sussex from underground sources. [See Gt, Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv. — England and Wales.] A 47 R 43 , SKERTCHLY, S. B. J., and BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-. Geology of S.W. Norfolk and of N. Cam- [SeeGt. Brit, and Irel.- Geolog. Surv. A 47 R 33 bridge — England and Wales.] — , and othe Geoloj of parts of Cambridgeshi and of Suffolk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 32 WHITE, Adam. Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat, Hist,] A 43 V 38 WHITE, Andrew Dickson. History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 3 U 17, 18 WHITE, Arnold. The Modern -Jew. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 10 S 15 WHITE, Arthur Silva. Le Developpeinenf de l'Afrique ; I L. The Expansion of Egypt under Anglo-Egyptian Con- dominium. With Maps. 8vo. bond., 1899. F 8 R 31 From Sphinx to Oracle : Through the Libyan Desert to the Oasis of Jupiter Amnion. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 P 4 Tublic Library of New South Wales. WHITE, Charles. History of Australian Bushranging. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney, 1900. (Commonwealth Ser.) ' MF5P11 WHITE, Diana. Tirabuctoo. [See Dubois, Felix.] D 14 V 23 WHITE, Edward Arthur. The Baptismal, Marriage, and . Burial Registers of the Cathedral Church. [See Har- leian Soc. Regs., 23.] E WHITE, Eliza Orne. The Coming of Theodora. 12mo. Boston, 1897. J 23 T 10 WHITE, Rev. F. O. Lives of the Elizabethan Bishops of the Anglican Church. 8vo. Bond., 1898. C 27 U 6 WHITE, Lieut. -Gen. Sir George Stewart. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C.— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 WHITE, Rev. Greenough. Matthew Arnold and the Spirit of the Age. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 21 Q 27 WHITE, Harry J. [Portrait of.] [See Album of Aus- tralian Writers.] MA 45 P + WHITE, Rev. Henry Alcock. Book of Leviticus. [See Bibles and Testaments.— English.] G 23 L T 3 History of the Jewish Nation. [See Edersheim, Rev. A. 1 B 31 U 3 WHITE, Rev. Henry Alexander. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy, 1807-70. [See Lee, R. E.] C 23 P24 WHITE, Hoftice. Money and Banking illustrated by American History. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 7 V 49 The Tariff Question and its relation to the present Com- mercial Crisis. 8vo. New York, 1883. F 17 P 5 WHITE, Horace. Roman History. [See Appianus.] B 28 P 2, 3 WHITE, Rev. James S. Rights of Man. 12mo. Single- ton (n.d.) MF 5 P 7 State of the Righteous after Death. 12mo. Sydney, MG 2 P 54 1895. WHITE, J. W. Gleeson. English Illustration, "The Sixties," 1855-70. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 30 V 20 Children's Books and their Illustrators. [See Studio, Christmas Cards and their Designers. [See Studio, The.} E The Pageant. [See Pageant, The.] J 28 V 3, 4 WHITE, Dr. J. William. Antisepsis and Asepsis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Gonorrhoea and its complications: Stricture, Cystitis, Hypertrophy of I he Prostrate, Atony of the Bladder, and Vesical Calculus. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 1G WHITE, Dr. James W. Diseases incident to the first Dentition. (Litch, Dr. W. P.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 WHITE. Dr. R, M. The Ormulum. [See Ormin.] H 13 T 6, 7 WHITE, Richard Grant. England without and within. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 21 R 3 Skakspere's Right to the whole of 2 and 3 Henry VI. [See Shakespeare, VV. — Quarto Facsimiles : The First Part of the Contention.] H 11 V 1 W T HITE, Robert A. The Break of Gauge and its Remedy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1889. MA 4 S 17 WHITE, Taylor. The Poua and other extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S Rats and their Nesting in small branches of Trees. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Te Reinga. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 R WHITE, Thomas. Improved Blanket Table. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Improved Buffer for Ore Feeders. (Australasian Inst. of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P WHITE, William. The Principles of Art as illustrated by examples in the Ruskin Museum at Sheffield. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 U 33 WHITE, William. The Inner Life of the House of Com- mons. Edited, with a Preface, by Justin McCarthy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 U 20, 21 WHITE, William, F.S.A. Hygienic Value of Colour in the Dwelling. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 WHITE, Sir William Arthur. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 WHITE, William Hale, "Mark Rutherford." Autobiog- raphy of Mark Rutherford. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 25 S 42 Catharine Furze. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 25 S 31 Clara Hopgood. 2nded. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 S 32 Mark Rutherford's Deliverance. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 25 S 35 Miriam's Schooling, and other Papers. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1892. J 25 S 33 The Revolution in Tanner's Lane. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 25 S 34 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. WHITE, Dr. William Hale. - System of Medicine.) Diseases of the Colon. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, and Thera- peutics. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lend., 1898. A 20 P 31 Myotonia Congenita (Thomsen's Disease). (Allbutt, 1 h: T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 39 Perihepatitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. S.— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 37 Tu urs of the Liver. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 37 Turn.. urs of the Stomach. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 WHITEAVES, J. F. Paleozoic Fossils, r&e Canada.— Geological Survey.] ^ A 25 V 17 WHIT EFIELD, George. John Wesley and George White- field in Scotland, [See Butler, Rev. D.] G 23 P 23 WHITEHEAD, Mrs. A. E. Dealings with the Dead. [See Le Braz, A.] G 21 P 18 WHIT EHEAD, Charles. Charles Whitehead, a forgotten WHITEHEAD, Charles, F.L.S. Report on the Hessian Fly, 1880; Report on Insects and Fungi injurious to Crops. [See Gt, Britain and Ireland. — Board of Agri- cult.] A 21 V 24, 20, 32 WHITEHEAD, Charles E. The Camp-fires of the Ever- glades ; or, Wdd Sports in the South. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1891. D 11 V 14 WHITEHEAD, V. [See West, K.- WHTTEING, Richard. Verestchagin, V.] . Selections from the Works of. ■eates of England.] II 11 R 1 Russia. [See B 20 R 19 Napole.: WHITELEGGE, Dr. Benjamin Arthur. Epidemic Pi leurnonia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 34 Some Defects in Sanitary Administration in the Metropolis. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 WHITELEGGE, Thomas. The Alcyonaria of Funafuti. Pts. 1, 2. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Crustacea of Funafuti. (Aust, Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Echinodermata of Funafuti. (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Sponges of Funafuti, Sl'i'hopus Mollis, Hi (Aust. Mus., Mem.) MA 3 W 22 Lou. (Aust, Mus., Records, 3.) WHITELEY, R. Lloyd. Organic Chemistry: the Fatty Compounds. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 R 18 WHTTEWAY, Rt. Hon. Sir Willi;. [See Willson, B.] The Tenth Island. D 16 Q 7 WHITFELD, Jessie M. The Spirit of the Bush Fire, and other Australian Fairy Tales. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. xMJ 3 S 19 WHITING, Lilian. [Life ofj Kate Field. [Set Field, Mary Katherine Kemblc.] C 26 Q H WHITLA, Dr. William. Elements of Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics. 7th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 20 P 32 WHITMAN, Alfred. Masters of Mezzotint: the Men and their Work. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 9 t WHITMAN, Prof. Charles Otis. Methods of Research in Microscopical Anatomv and Embryology. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1891. A 41 R 4 Biological Lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Hall. [See Biological Lectures.] A 27 T 13 WHITMAN, Dr. Marcu C. C— Great Missic ketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. s.] G 14 S 33 WHITMAN, Sidney. Conversations with Prince Bis- marck. [See Poschinger, H. von.] C 27 R 22 -, and McILRAITH, J. R. Austria. Illustrated. Lond., 1899. (Story of the Nations.) B 20 S 17 WHITMAN, Walt [in fall Walter]. Complete Prose Works. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1892. J 22 S 2 Calamus-: a series of Letters written during the years 1808-80 by Walt Whitman to a young friend (Peter Doyle). Edited, with an Introduction, by E. M. - Bucke. 8vo. Boston, 1897. C 22 P 19 Walt Whitman. A Study ; by John Addington Svmonds. 8vo. Lond., 1890. C 22 Q 12 Walt Whitman, the Man ; by Thomas Donaldson. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 23 The Wound Dresser: a series of Letters written from the Hospitals in Washington during the War of the Rebellion. Edited by R, M. Bucke. With Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1898. C 23 P 28 [Criticism and Sketch of.] [See Gosse, Edmund. Criti- cal Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. Do W.— American Bookmen.] C 23 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See McCarthy, J. Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 Walt Whitman as Religious and Moral Teacher. [See Guthrie, W. N.] G11S 32 Whitman, a Study. [See Burroughs, J.] -I 11 R 16 Tublic Library of Neio South Wales. WHITNEY, Adeline Dutton Train. Sketch of. [See Ved- der, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 WHITNEY, Caspar. On Snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds: 2,800 miles after Musk-Oxen and Wood- Bison. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 1G T 14 WHITNEY, Edson L. Government of the Colony of South Carolina. (Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.) B 18 S 13 WHITNEY, Prof. Milton. Instructions for use of com- bined Maximum and Minimum Soil Thermometers. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 32 Instructions for the use of Maximum and Minimum Radiation Thermometers. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 33 ' Methods of Curing Tobacco. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Preliminary Report on the Soils of Florida. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 It 14 Some Physical Properties of Soils in their relation to .Moisture and Crop Distribution. [See United States. - Dept. of Agricult— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 3G Tobacco Soils. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult.] A II U 2 Tobacco Soils of the United Stales. [See United States. Dept. of Agricult. -Division of Soils.] A 38 It 14 , and BR1GOS, I, J. An Electrical Method of determining the Temperature of Soils. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 It 14 • , GARDNER, Frank D., and BR1GGS, Lyman J. An Electrical Method of determining the Moisture Content of Arable Soils. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.- Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 United States. -Dept. of Agrii -, and MEANS, Thomas H. Alkali La . [See United ,ils.] A 38 R 1 I Temperature Changes in Fermenting Piles of Cigar-leaf Tobacco. [See United States -Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S 54 WHITNEY, W. It. Elements of Electro-chemistry [See Le Blanc, Max.] A 20 P 24 WHITON, Helen Dab, Ncw^kTnxl.) H 1 2 U 1 WHTTTAKER, Dr. James T. Asthma, Acute and Chronic Bronchitis, and Whooping-cough. (Hare. I )r. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 WHITTAKER, Thomas. Sights and Scenes in Oxford City and University : with an Introduction by G. Saintsbury. Ob. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 R 29 f WHITTAKER, Thomas P. Free Trade, Reciprocity, and Foreign Competition. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 17 P 2 WHITTAKER'S MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' POCKET-BOOK. [See Bjorling, P. R,] A 33 R 25 WH1TTEN, Robert Harvey. Public Administration in Massachusetts: the Relation of Central to Local Ac- tivity. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 It 19 WHITTEN, Wilfred. London in Song. Svo. Lond. 1898. H 12 It 12 WHTTTIER, John Greenleaf. Poems, Religious and Devotional. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 V 24 John G. Whittier, the Poet of Freedom; by William Sloane Kennedy. Svo. New York, 1892. C 20 U 8 Life of ; by W. J. Linton. With Bibliography. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 P 25 Notes of his Life and of his Friendships. [See Fields, Annie. - Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 13 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 It 37 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P. — Sketches from Concord.] D 16 Q 3 [Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 Study of. [See Lawton, W. C. - New England Poets.] J 23 T 3 WHITTLE, 0. L. Forces which operate to destroy Roads, connected. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Road Inquiry.] A 41 U 4 WHITTLE, .lames Lowrv. [Life of] G rover Cleveland. [See Cleveland, S. G.] C 20 T 22 WHITTLESEY, E. Peace ratified in the Creek Nation. [See Fisk, Clinton B.] A 30 It 17 WHITTON, John. Thirty-five years on the New South Wales Railways: the Work of .John Whitton, En- gineer-in-Chief of the Railways of New South Wales ; l.v.lohn Rae. With Portraits. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MC 1 Q 59 WHITWORTH, Charles, Viscount, Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 2 1 U 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. C67 WHIVWORTH, Robert Perq Ca^tieerand Road Guide, Wi h Map 8vo. Brisb. 1876. MD 3 S 3 3vo. Mel) ., 187.-,. MJ 3 P 49 Vai e Ma< 8vo ■i Scout: a Roi Melb., 1887. >ance of the New MJ 3 S 5 WH] ! ^VORTH, William Allen. Choice and Chance : an Elementary Treatise on Permutations, Combinations, a ad Probability. With G40 Exercises. 4th ed, 8vo. < a nl,., 1896. " A 24 Q 32 WHOLE SERIES of all that hath been transacted in the I louse of Peers concerning the Popish Plot, wherein is c a, tained the most material passages in both Houses .■I' relating to the full discovery thereof, li'mo. Lond., 1681. 13 23 R 20 WHO'S WHO, 1897-1900. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897- 1900. E WHO'S WHO IX AMERICA: a Biographical Dictionary of Living Men and Women of the United States, 1*99-1900. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. E W 1 1 Y M PER, Edward. Ascent of the Mattcrhorn. 1 llus- i rated. 8vo. Lond., 1880. I) 22 1! 25 How to use the Aneroid Barometer. 8vo. New V„rk, 1*91. A 41 P 13 WHYTE, i Cowans. Psychology of Re Bather .John of the Greek , 1890. Private Devotio G I U 35 VUVTK, Frederic. Actors of the Century: a Play- lover's Gleanings from Theatrical Annals. With Por- traits. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 22 U 5 The English Stage: being an Account of the Victorian Drama. [See Filon, A.] II 9 T 27 of the Ainuii;. Society. Australian Ta Cingswood Cookcry KM of Lenten I ish< WICKENDEN, .James. Wit (Small, E. M. Told fron > Hanks.) WICKSON, Prof. Edward J. California Bruits and how- to grow them. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. San Francisco, 1900. A 35 Q 18 California Vegetables in Garden and Field : a Manual of Practice, with and without Irrigation, for semi tropi- cal Countries. Illustrated. 8vo. San Francisco, 1897. A 19 U 34 Dairying in California. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 WICKSTEED. Rev. Philip Henry. Advent of the People. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) B 15 B 29 Essays on Dante. [See Lawrence, C. Mabel.] J 21 R 35 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru. [See Reville, P. IL] G 23 T 2 WICLIF, John. Septum Hereses. (Beamier, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 England in the Age of Wycliffe. [See Trevelyan, G. M,] B 33 S 7 John Wiclif. [See Sergeant, I,.] G 24 Q 25 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B. Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 Wycliffe's Exhibition in the King's Library. [See i Museum.] K 19 R 24 [See also Wy WIDE, Dr. Anders. Hand-hook of Medical Gymnastics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1899. A 45 U 20 WIDE WORLD MAGAZINE. Vols. 1 5, April, 1898- Sept., 1900. Illustrated. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. bond., 1898-1900. E WI D.MANN, J. V. Ret [Set Brahms, J.] ics Brahms. C 27 S 10 WIEDEMANN, Prof. Alfred. The Ancient Egn Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. I llusi 8vo. New York, 1895. (J 19 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. 8vo. Lond., G 1 R 39 Recherch J. do.] » sur les C rigines , o l'E. •ypf . [See Morgan, A 17 S 18 f WIEDERS parath N. Pa HLETM, D ker. ' 2nd . Robert of Vert. ed. I . Eh ,nitcs J a of the Com- -ululated by W. A 39 1! 2 WIEGAN1 », Auguste. Ori/ah tGav, tte. M A 1 3 P 5 t WIEL, Ah 1519. hea. Ron Illustrated ance of he II, Ne if Savoy, 1003- v York, 1898. B 31 Q 23, 24 Public Library of Neio South Wales. WHITNEY, Adeline Dntton Train. Sketch of. [See Ved- der, H. C— American Writers of To-day. I C 22 S 19 WHITNEY, Caspar. On Snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds: 2,800 miles after Musk-Oxen and Wood- Bison. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 1) 16 T 14 WHITNEY, Edson L. Government of the Colony of South Carolina. (Johns Hopkins University.— Studies in Hist, and Polit. Science.) B 18 S 13 WHITNEY, Prof. Milton. Instructions for use of com- bined Maximum and Minimum Soil Thermometers. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 32 Instructions for the use of Maximum and Minimum Radiation Thermometers. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult.— Weather Bureau.] £ 19 V 33 ' Methods of Curing Tobacco. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult,] A 41 U 1 Preliminary Report on the Soils of Florida. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 Some Physical Properties of Soils in their relation to Moisture and Crop Distribution. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult,— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 36 Tobacco Soils. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult.] All U 2 Tobacco Soils of the United States. [See United States. - Dept, of Agricult. Division of Soils.] A 38 R 14 , and BRIGGS, L. J. An Electrical Method of determining the Temperature of Soils. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 ., GARDNER, Frank D., and BRIGGS, Lyman J. An Electrical Method of determining the Moii Content of Arable Soils. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult. Div. of Soils.] A 38 1114 , and HOSMER, Ralph S. Soil Moisture. [See United States. -Dept. of Agricult. Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 1 t , and MEANS. Thomas If. Alkali Lands. [See United States Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 2 Alkali Soils of the Yellowstone Valley. [See United States.- Dept. of Agricult. Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 1 t An Electrical Method of determining the Soluble Salt Content of Soils. [See United States. Dept. of A«ri- cult.— Div. of Soils.] A 38 R 14 Temperature Changes in Fermenting Piles of Cigar-leaf Tobacco. [See United States -Dept. of Agricult,] ' A 37 S 54 WHITNEY, W. It. Elements of Electro-chemistry. [See Le Blanc, Max.] A 20 P 24 WHITON, Helen Isabel. Th a Comparison of the 1 New York (n.d.) WHITTAKER, Dr. James T. Asthma, Acute and Chronic Bronchitis, and Who, .ping-cough. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 WHITTAKER, Thomas. Sights and Scenes in Oxford City and University : with an Introduction by G. Saintsbury. Ob. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 R 29 f WHITTAKER, Thomas P. Free Trade, Reciprocity, and Foreign Competition. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 17 P 2 WHITTAKER'S MECHANICAL ENGINEERS- POCKET-BOOK. [See Bjorling, P. R,] A 33 R 25 WH1TTEN, Robert Harvey. Public Administration in Massachusetts: the Relation of Central to Local Ac- tivity. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 18 R 19 WHITTEN, Wilfred. London in Song. 8vo. Lond. 1898. H 12 R 12 WHITTIER, John Greenleaf. Poems, Religious and Devotional. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 V 24 John G. Whittier, the Poet of Freedom; by William Sloane Kennedy. 8vo. New York, 1892. C 20 U 8 nd Fri( [Portraits and Sketch of.] [See Howe, M. A. De W.— American Bookmen.] C 13 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B.— Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P.— Sketches from Concord.] D 16 Q 3 [Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 Study of. [Set Lawton, W. C— New England Poets.] J 23 T 3 WHITTLE, C. L. Forces which operate to destroy Roads, with Notes on Road-stones and Problems therewith connected. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult. —Office of Road Inquiry.] A 41 U 4 WHITTLE, James Lowry. [Life of] G rover Cleveland. [See Cleveland, S. G.j C 20 T 22 WHITTLESEY, E. Peace ratified in the Creek Nation. [See Fisk, Clinton B.] A 30 R 17 WHITTON, John. Thirty-five years on the New South Wales Railways: the Work of John Whition, En- gineer-in-Chief of the Railways of New South Wales ; bvJohnHae. With Portraits. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MC 1 Q 59 WHITWORTH, Charles, Viscount. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. - Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. C67 WHITWORTH, "Robert Percy. Bailliere's Queensland ( iazctteer and Road iGuide, containing the most recent .-Hid accurate information as to every place in the ( . !ony. With Map. 8vo. Brisb., 1876. MD 3 S 3 Cm.- ted. 8vo. Molb., 1875. MJ 3 P 49 Ili-n-Ra; or, the Maori Scout: a Pomance of the New 1 War. Svo. Melb., 1887. MJ 3 S c WH I T WORTH, William Allen. Choice and Chance : an biementary Treatise on Permutations, Combinations, : ml Probability. With G40 Exercises. 4th ed, 8vo. Camb., 1896. A 24 Q 32 WH< >LE SERIES of all that hath been transacted in the House of Peers concerning the Popish Plot, wherein is .. •;, tained the most material passages in both Houses . t Parliament relating to the full discovery thereof. li'mo. Lond., 1681. B 23 R 20 WHO'S WHO, 1897-1900. 4 vols. 8vo. Load., 1897- W1K/S WHO IX AMERICA: a Biographical Dictionary of Living Men and Women of the United States, WJ9-1900. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. E WHYMPER, Edward. Ascent of the Matterhorn. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1880. D 22 R 25 How to use the Aneroid Barometer. 8vo. New York, i-91. A 41 P 13 WHYTE, Adam Cowans. Psychology of Reasoning. [See i'.inet, A.] G 24 P 30 WHYTE, Rev. Alexander. Father.John of the Greek passages of his mystical and spiritual Autobiography. I:J mo. Edinb., 189S. G 23 P 14 Lancelot Andrewes and his Private Devotions. 8vo. Kdinb, 1896. G1U35 WHYTE, Frederic. Actors of the Century: a Play- !o.-ers Cleanings from Tlieatrical Annals. With Por- traits. Imp. 8vo. Loud., 1898. C 22 U 5 The English Stage: being an Account of the Victorian Drama. [See Filon, A.] 11 9 T 27 Wl'CK, Barthinius L. History of the Amana Society. [See Perkins, Prof. W. P.] " C 19 T 28 VIC KEN, Mrs ( my Lc Lond., 189 Harriet Dishes, i <\ Austra teluding R. ianTab mas Da e Dainties and MA 3 U 41 The Kingswo 1 898. )d Cooke, y-book. 4t led. 1 2mo. Sydney, MA 4 P9 Recipes of Lc nten 1 is ios. Sm. 4 nev, 1896. M A 3 P GG WICKENDEN, James. With the Gunners at Tel el Kebir. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 31 S I WICKSON, Prof. Edward J. California Fruits and how to grow them. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. San Francisco, 1900. A 35 Q 18 California Vegetables in Garden and Field : a Manual of Practice, with and without Irrigation, for semi tropi- cal Countries. Illustrated. 8vo. San Francisco, 1897. A 19 U 34 Dairying in California. [See United Staves.- Dept. of Agricult.— Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 WICKSTEED. Rev. Philip Henry. Advent of the People. (Iteid, A.- The New Party.) F 15 P 29 Essays on Dante. [See Lawrence, C. Mabel.] J 21 R 35 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru. [See Reville. P. H] G 23 T 2 WICLIF, John. Septum Hereses. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 England in the Age of Wycliffe. [See Trevelyan, G. M,] B 33 S 7 John Wiclif. [See Sergeant, L] G 24 Q 25 [Sermon on.] [See Jowett, B. -Sermons.] G 23 Q 49 Wycliffe's Exhibition in the King's Library. [See British Museum.] K 19 R 24 [See also Wyclif Soc, Pubs.] WIDE, Dr. Anders. Hand-book of Medical Gymnastics. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1899. A 45 U 20 WIDE WORLD MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-5, April, 1898- Sept., 1900. Illustrated. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. bond., 1898 1900. E WIDMANN, J. V. Recollections of Johannes Brahms. [See Brahms, J.] C 27 S 10 WIEDEMANN, Prof. Alfred.. The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1S95. G 19 17 17 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. 8vo. Lond., 1897. g l it 39 Re J. < Origin. l'Egypte. [See Morgan, A 17 S 18 t WIEDERSHETM, Dr. Robert, Elements of the Com- parative Anatomy of Vertebrates. Translated by W. X. Parker. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. bond., 1897. A 39 R 2 VV1 Wl Kb, Alethea. Romance of the House of Savoy, 1003 - 1519. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1898. P. 3 1 Q 23, 24 Public Library of New South Wales. WIKNRTt, Alfred K. Practical Calculation of Dynamo- Electric Machines: a Manual for Electrical and .Mechanical Engineers, and a Text-book for Students of Electro-technics. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 T 5 WIENER, August F. The Illustrated Book of Canaries and Cage-birds. [See Blakston, W. A.] A 10 X 11 t WIENER, Leo. History of Yiddish Literature in the 19th Century. 8vo. Load., 1899. J 10 S 32 WIERTZ, Antoine. Peinture Mate : Precede nouveau. Roy. Svo. Bruxelles, 1867. A 44 V 8 WIGGIN, Kate Douglas. [See Riggs, Kate Douglas.] WIGNER, G. W. Pure Milk. (Internat. Health Exliib. —Health Exliib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 WIGSTON, W. P. C. Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosi- crucians. Svo. Lond., 1888. J 6 T 34 WI LBERFORCE, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford. Life of ; by his son, Reginald Wiiborforce. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1888. C 29 R 22 Death of. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 WILBERFORCE, William. Private Papers of. Col- lected, and edited with a Preface, by A. M. Wilber- force. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 24 R 19 WILCOCKS, J. C. The best means supply of Mussels and other Molluscs. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 1 1 Improved Fishery Harbour Accommodation for Great Britain and Ireland. (Internat. Fisheries Exliib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 9 WILCOX, Delos F. Municipal Government in Michigan and Ohio: a Study in the Relations of City and Com- monwealth. Svo. New York, 1896. F 18 R, 14 The Study of City Government : an Outline of the Prob- lems of Municipal Functions, Control, and Organiza- tion. Svo. New York, 1897. F 5 P 37 WILCOX, Lute. Irrigation Farming. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 19 P 8 WILCOX, Wa Dwight. Cami Illust. Roy. Svo. New York, 1896. " D 15 V 29 WILD, John James. Proposed Antarctic Expedition. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, N.S.W. Branch, Journ., 1891-92.) ME 20 P WILD, Jonathan. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] " C 23 Q 2 WILDE, Norman. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi : a Study in the Origin of German Realism. Svo. New York, 1894. G 26 T 17 WILDE, Oscar Fingall O'Flahertie Wills, "C. 3. 3." The Ballad of Reading Gaol. 8vo. Lond., 1898. II 3 Q 34 An Ideal Husband. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 12 Til Intentions ; the Decay of Lying ; Pen, Pencil, and Poison; the Critic as Artist; the Truth of Masks. Svo. New York, 1894. J 17 V 25 i Klettenberg-. [See Klet- WILEY, David T. Australian Object Lesson-book. Pt 2. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1900. MG 2 U 19 WILEY, Dr. Harvey Washington. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis : a Manual for the Estimation of Soils, Fertilizers, and Agricultural Products. Illus- trated. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. Svo. Easton, Pa., 1895- 97. A 30 R 17, 18 2. Fertilizers. 3. Agricultural Products. Sugar-beet Industry. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Analyses of Cereals collected at the World's Columbian Exposition, and comparisons with other data. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Chemis- try.] A 21 U 16 Chemical Composition of Carcasses of Pigs. [See United States.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 Composition of Maize. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult, -Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 10 Experiments with Sugar-beets. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 The Food Value of Maize. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 37 S IS Record of Experiments at Fort Scott, Kansas, in the Manufacture of Sugar from Sorghum and Sugar-canes. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 II 7 Record of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar from Sorghum. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult,— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Records of Experiments in the Production of Sugar from Sorghum in 1889. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. -Div. of Chemistry.] A 21 U 28 Record of Experiments with Sorghum. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Chemistry.] E The Sugar Beet. [See United States.— Dept. of Agri- cult] A 41 U 2 Sweet Cassava. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. —Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Zinc'in Evaporated Apples. [See United States.— Dept, of Agricult,— Div. of Chemistry.] A 41 U 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. \Y] I . !'RI I >, St, [Life of.] [See Newman, J. H., Cardinal. ■Lives of the English Saints.] G 26 S 10 WI L 1IELMINA, Queen of the Netherlands. [Sketch of.] ! See Bothmcr, Countess A. von. — Sovereign Ladies of Europe.] C 27 S 24 WTLKENS, Dr. Cornelius August. Spanish Protestants in the 16th Century. Compiled by Rachel Challice ; with an Introduction bv the Most Rev. Lord Plunket, and Preface by Rev. Canon Fleming. 8vo. Lond., !S97. G 11 U 13 WILKES, Capt. Charles. United States Exploring Expe- dition. [See U.S.— Exploring Expedition.] A 31 + WILKIE, Sir David. Sir David Wilkie and the Scots School of Painters ; by E. Pinnington. 8vo. Edinb., 1 900. (Famous Scots Ser.) C 20 V 20 Illustrated. 2 vols. fol. A 31 R 22, 23 { . Turkey, Syria, and Egypt. s. Spanish and Oriental. WtLKINS, Charles, F.R.S. Grammar of the Sanskrita Language. «m. 4to. Lond., 1808. J 28 V 1 W 1 1 /KIN, Anthony. On the Nile with a Camera. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D It S 25 WILKINS, Mary Eleanor. A Humble Romance, and other Stories. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 41 • lane Field. 12ino. New York, 1899. J 23 T 42 .Jerome, a poor man. 12mo. New York, 1898. J 23 T 43 12mo. New Y r ork, 189G. J 26 T 44 ni other Stories. 12mo. New J 23 T 45 Pembroke. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 46 Silence, and other Stories. 12mo. New York, 1899. J 23 T 47 Young Lucretia, and other Stories. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1892. J 22 T 44 WTLKINS, William Henry. The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam. [See Burton, Sir R. F.] A 41 S 2 The Love of an Queen.] ThePassion Play at Ober-Ammergau. [See Burton, Lady.] H 13 V 10 The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton. [See Burton, Isabel, Lady.] C 24 R 6, 7 WILKINSON, F. Story of the Cotton Plant. Illus- trated. 18mo. Lond., 1898. A IS P 21 WILKINSON, Henry Spenser. Command of the Sea and the Brain of the Navy. 12mo. Lond., 1900. F 19 S 2 From Cromwell to Wellington : Twelve Soldiers ; with an Introduction by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1899. C 26 R 18 The Great Alternative : a Plea for a National Policy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 16 U 5 Lessons of the War : being Comments from week to week to the Relief of Ladvsmith. 8vo. Lond., 1900. B 37 Q 13 The Nation's Awakening: Kssavs towards a British Policy 8vo. Lond, 1896. F 12 P 40 The Volunteers and National Defence. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 27 Imperial Defence. [See Dilke, lit. Hon. Sir C. W.] F13R 11 WILKINSON, Sydney B. Geology of Donegal, London derry, Tyrone. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 6 Geology of Fermanagh, Leitrim, and Cavan. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 15 , and CRUISE, Richard J. Geology of the Dis- trict around Swanlinbar, Florencecourt, and Dowra. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 18 , EGAN, F. W., and KILROE, J. R. Geology of Tyrone and Donegal. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 10 -, and KILROE, J. R. Geology of the District >und Omagh, Fintona, and Irvinestown. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 13 WILKINSON, W. Percy. Resume of MM. Miintz and Rousseaux's Studies on the importance of the Refrig- eration of Musts in Wine-making. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 U 49 First Steps in Ampelographv. [See Victoria. — Agricult,] MA 3 V 12 Wine-making in Hot Climates. [See Victoria.— Agricult.] MA 4 R 37 WILKINSON, W. T. Photo-engi type, and Photogravure. 8 v. ,-ing, Photo-litho, Collo- Lond., 1894. A 23 S 29 •ated. 12mo. Lond., A 41 Q 23 WILKS, William. Raid of the Aborigines. [See Camp bell, J.— Early Settlement of Queensland.] MB 3 P 2 WILL, John Shiress. ] 8vo. Lond., 1898. WILLARD, Ashton Rollins. History of Modern Italian Art, Illustrated. Svo. Lond., "1898 A 39 R 23 Public Library of New South Wales. WILLCOX, Lieut. Cornelis ,le Witt French-English .Military Technical Dictionary. [Si-e United .States — Adjutant-General's Office, j " A 36 W 21 WILLDEY, C. J. England of to-day. [See Martins, Oliveira.] D 18 Q 22 WILLERT, Paul Ferdinand. [Life of] Mirabcau. [See Mirabeau, H. G. It] C 23 S 20 WILLETT, E. H. Oyster Culture. (Internal, Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 K 11 WILLEY, Dr. Arthur. Letters from New Guinea on Nautilus and some other Organisms. (Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Aug., 1896.) E Rare variation in the Shell of Pterocera Iambi*, Lin. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.) ME 2 P Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, collected during 1895-97. Pts. 1-3. Illustrated. Km. 4to. Camb., 1898-99. MA 4 V 3 New species of Astralium from New Britain. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1896.] ME 2 P WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY. Gesta Rerum An- glorum atque historia Novella. [SW Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 6, 7 WILLIAM OF NEWBURGH. [See Petit, Wm.] WILLIAM OF RUSBRUCK. Journey of William of Rusbruck to the Eastern Parts of the World 1253-55 [See Hakluyh Soc, Pubs., 2nd ser., 4.] E WILLIAM I, King of England. [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.-Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 WILLIAM I, King of the Netherlands. [Life of] • by F Harrison. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Foreign Statesmen.) C 23 K 8 WILLIAM IT, German Emperor and King of Prussia. The Kniperor of Germany at Home; by M. Leudet Translated by Virginia Tavlour. Illustrated. 8v„. The German Ej Lond., 1895. Char; William II ; by C. Lowe. C 2: Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. I, P20 U 15 WILLIAM III, King of England. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 1C S 13 WILLIAM IV, King of England. When William IV was King. [See Ashton, John.] B 16 U 5 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G.— Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 WILLIAMS, Albert. Our Dairy Herds and Pastures, and how to improve them. (Agricult. Gaz., N.K.W., 1900.) ME 9 R WILLIAMS, Benjamin. Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de Richart deux roy Dengleterre. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 22 Henrici Quinti, Anglire Regis, Gesta. [See English Hist. Soc, Pubs.] B 39 R 27 WILLIAMS, Dr. C. Holywell and its Miracles. 12mo. Liverpool (n.d.) G 24 P 32 WILLIAMS, Charles. The Navy and the Army. (Sixty- Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 WILLIAMS, Char J.K.] ? Abdy. Bach. [See Bach, C27Q4 WILLIAMS, Charles H. Principles of the Law of Per- sonal Property. [See Millard, G. W T .] MF 2 Q 36 WILLIAMS, Dr. Charles Theodore. Artificial Aerothera- peutics. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C- System of Medicine.) A 2G T 34 WILLIAMS, Cyrus John Richard. Floods in the Bris- bane River, and a System of predicting the Heights and Times. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proa, 1898-99.)E WILLIAMS, Dr. Dawson. Glandular Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Measles. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Rubella. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 WILLIAMS, Dr. E. P., and CAMERON, Dr. Kenneth. General Infection by the Bacillus Pyocyaneous in Children. [See McGill University.— Papers from Dept of Pathology.] A 40 S 23 WILLIAMS, Sir Edward Va of Executors and Admi roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. Treatise on the Law ■rs. 9th ed. 2 vols. F 9 V 13, 14 WILLIAMS, Ernest Edwin. The Case for Protection. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 17 R 25 The Foreigner in the Farmyard. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 5 The Imperial Heritage. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 15 31 Made in Germany. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 16 Marching Backward. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. WILLIAMS, Dr. F. Horticultural Resources of Victoria. 8va Melb., 1891. MF4Q58 WILLIAMS, H. Morton. Paspalum dilatatum. (Agri- « ult. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898.) ME y-. Our Fleet To- ie last half century. Chapter by R. C. JO. B27 R 16 >ur Navy for 1,00 the Principal 0\ 1 from the time' of Khartoum. the British Navy of King Alfred to Illustrated. Svo. WILSHEBE, George. William, Baron Bramwell. [See Bramwell, Baron.] WILSON, A. J. The Art and Pastime of Cycling. [See Mccredy, It. J.] A 29 8 37 WILSON, Dr. Albert. The Brain-machine : its Power and Weakness. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. A 39 V 27 WILSON, Alexander C. In Memoriam. (Melb. Rev., 8.) ME18Q A River famed in Song. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Tennyson's Idylls. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Tenjf son's "Princess." (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q WILSON, Andrew. Leisure Readings. [See Proctor, Richard A.— Leisure Readings.] A 19 Q 16 WILSON, Dr. Andrew. Infectious Diseases, and how to prevent them. 12mo. Lond., 1899. (Isobel Hand- books.) A 26 P 41 WILSON, Mrs. Ashley Carus-. Tokiwa, and other Poems. Svo. Lond., 1895. H 11 S 1 WILSON, C. R, The Early Annals of the English of Bengal: being the Bengal Public Consultations for the first half of the 18th Century summarised, ex- tracted, and edited with introductions and illustrative addenda. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 22 V 19 List of Inscriptions on Tombs and Monuments in Bengal p< ssessing historical or archaeological interest. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 189G. B 18 T 20 1 WILSON, Charles. The New Zealand Police Commission. (Review of Reviews, Aug., 1898.) ME 6 U Wl LSON, Prof. Charles Ashley Carus-. Electro-Dynamics : the Direct Current Motor. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 T 4 WILSON, David. Dairying Industry in Victoria. [See Victoria.— Agricult.j " MA 3 V 27 Export of Frozen Produce from Victoria. [See Victoria. — Agricult.] MA 3 V 27 WILSON, Dr. E. B. The Chlorination Process. 12mo. New York, 1897 A 33 P 12 Cyanide Processes. 1 2mo. New York, 1 896. A 24 It 1 7 , allc l LEAMINC, Dr. E. An Atlas of the Fertilisation and Karyokinesis of the Ovum. 4to. New York, 1895. A 5 R 25 t Life of Vice-Adm. Edmund, Lord Lyons. [See Lyons, j Vice-Adm. E., Baron.] ' C 24 S 8 [ WILSON, Edward. The Outlook, .fAustralianVederation. (National Review, May, 1895.) E Public Library of Neio South Wales. WILSON, Edward, F.G.S. Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda. [See Hudleston, W. H.] A 24 T 31 WILSON, Edward L. Mount Wa: (Out-of-door Lib.) in Winter. I) 20 S 22 WILSON, Epiphanius. Dante interpreted: a brief Sum- mary of the Life, Times, and Character of Dante; with an Analysis of the Divine Comedy and original translations in the Spenserian Stanza. 8vo. New York, 1899. J 9 R 2 WILSON, Eugene B. Hydraulic and Placer Mining. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1898. A 33 P 37 WILSON, Rev Lichens fro: 1898.) WILSON, Frai Field, E.] . F. R. M. ii Kerguele Mr. F. Hall's Collection of Island. (Vict. Nat., Aug., ME 6 P The Eugene Fit I knew. [See C 18 P 19 WILSON, G. H. D., and McRAE, Lieut.-Col. John Graham. List of Gujarat Trees. (Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, 25.) E WILSON, Dr. George. Domestic Sanitation in Rural Districts. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Inorganic Chemistry. 8vo. Loud., 1872. A 22 Q 43 Life of Hon. Henry Cavendish. [See Cavendish Soc, Works.] A 3G S 21 WILSON, H. J. Gymnastics and othc cises. (Internat. Health Exhib.- Literature.) ■ Physical Exer- Health Exhib. A 41 V 9 WILSON, Harry. Economic Status of the Mole. [See Pennsylvania.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 38 Q 21 WILSON, Henry Schutz. History and Criticism ; being Studies on Conciergerie, Hianea Capello, Wallenstein, Calderon, Carlyle, Goethe, Faust, Taine. 8vo. Loud., 189G. J 14 V 5 WILSON, Herbert S. Practical Tool-maker and Designer : a Treatise upon the Designing of Tools and Fixtures for Machine Tools and Metal-working Machinery. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 41 S 13 WILSON, Herbert Wrigley. Downfall History of the Spanish-American ^ Lond., 1900. Ironclads in action : a Sketch of Nai ,f S,» : Naval tof tl n In: Nelson and his Times. [See Nelson, Adm. H., Viscoun C 13 R n The Royal Navy. [See Clowes, W. L.] 1? 1 7 R 4, 5, 7, i WILSON, Prof. Horace Hayman. Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, and of useful words occurring in ollicial documents relating to the administration of the Government of British India. 4 to. Lond., 1855. J 19 T 2 f WILSON, Dr. James C. Cerebrospinal Fever. (Hare, Dr.H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 WILSON, James Grant. The Poets and Poetry of Scot- land, from the earliest to the present time, comprising characteristic Selections from the Works of the more noteworthy Scottish Poets : with Biographical and Critical Notes. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876, H 1 T 16, 17 WILSON, James Maurice. Teaching Natural Science in Schools. (Farrar, F. W., Dean— Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 WILSON, Prof. James T. Presidential Addresses, Linnean 8vo. Society, New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc., 1897, 1899.) ME 2 P WILSON, John. The Wholesale, and our relation to it, 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 WILSON, Prof. John, "Christopher North." [Life of.] [See Douglas, Sir G.— The Blackwood Group.] C 20 U 24 WILSON, John Purves. Fiction (Aust. Libr. Conf.) Libraries J 2 P 32 t WILSON, Louis N. Bibliography of Child Study. 8vo. Worcester, Mass., 1898. G 17 R 42 WILSON, Mary Elizabeth. [See Sherwood, Mary Eliza- beth.] WILSON, Nellie. Nellie Wilson's All-star Comic and Sen- timental Song-book. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 U 81 WILSON, R, J. Superannuation of Cooperative Em- ployes. 12mo. Manchester, 1897. F 16 S 14 WILSON, Reginald H. 11. R. Billiards. [See Broadfoot, Major W.] A 29 S 23 WILSON, Richard. Helps to the Study of Arnold's Wordsworth. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 T 45 WILSON, Robert. Queensland Coal as a Steam Coal. [See Queensland.— Geolog. Surv.l MA 14 Q 7 t WILSON, S. Practical Telephony. [See Bell, J.] A 33 Q 39 WILSON, Rev. S. G. Persian Life and Customs ; with Scenes of Incidents of Residence and Travel in the Land of the Lion and the Sun. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. D 17 S 15 WILSON, Scott B., and EVANS, A. H. Aves Hawaii- enses: the Birds of the Sandwich Islands. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1890-99. MA 13 R 2 \ Sxipplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. WILSON, Thomas. Blue-beard. [See Retz, G. de.] C 27 S 19 AVI i. SON, Willia Sir W. J.] WILSON, Prof. Will Bryolo< Camb., 1850. A 36 U 18 WILSON, Dr. Woodrow. The State: Elements of His- torical and Practical Politics : a Sketch of Institutional History and Administration. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 13 V 1 WINCH, Willian Loud., 1900. II. Problems Education. 8vo G 26 R 12 Wl NCHELL, Prof. Newton Horace, and Horace V. Iron Ores of Minnesota. [See Minnesota — Geolog. and Nat. Hist. Survey.] WINCHESTER, Prof. Caleb T. literary Criticism. 8vo. Nev WINCHILSEA, Anne Countess of. [See Pratt, E. A.— E A 41 S 2: ciples of s V,-> The Lincolnshire oneer Women in C 23 Q 19 W 1 X DELL 1 AND, Prof. Wilhelm. History of Philosophy, with especial reference to the Formation and Develop- ment of its Problems and Conceptions. Translated by Dr. James II. Tufts. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 14 Q 40 History of Ancient Philosophy. Translated by H. E. Cushman. 8vo. Lond., 1900. G 25 T 9 WIXDEYER, Mis Mai i Publi Li- uttcr 15. .ok Numbe c, 1898.) (Lib. As (Lib. As )C of Australasia, MJ 2 V 1 Assoc, of Australas NDEYER, Sir Willi Hugh Pear WINDLE, Dr e System of Classification. (Lib. , Proa, 1898.) MJ 2 V 1 am Charles. th Wales. m Mutiny, and an Introduction yard Russell. Edited by Majo Lond., 1897. C23Q1 .A 19 R 6 .. Lond., D 20 P 13 WINDSOR MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-11, 1895-May, 1900. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-1900. E WINDSOR REVIEW 1857. Nos. 1-3, 1857. MJ 3 T 10 WINE, SPIRIT, AND TOBACCO TRADES CIRCU- LAR. [See Barlow and Anuitage.] MF 5 V 2, 3 WINFIELD, Harriet. The Oil of \ 8vo. Easton, 1899. , (Zea Mays). A 37 T9 WING, Henry H. Milk and its Products: a Treatise upon the Nature and Qualities of Dairy Milk, and the Manufacture of Butter and Cheese. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Rural Science Series.) A 33 P 8 WINGATE, Charles Edgar Lewis. Famous American Actors of To-day. [See McKay, F. E.] C 23 Q 6 WINGATE, Maj.-Gen. Sir Francis Reginald. Fire and Sword in the Sudan, 1879-95. [See Slatin, Pasha R, C] D 14 V 21 WINGFIELD, Lewis. The Drama at the Antipodes. (New Review, 1892.) E WINGFIELD, Hon. Lewis Strange. History of English Dress. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 WINGFIELD, Maj. Walter. Bicycle Gymkhana and Musical Rides, with Diagrams and Drawings, and In- structions how to get them up. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1890. A 29 V 30 WINGIIAM CHRONICLE and Manning River Observer, 1898-99. Fol. Wingham, 1898-99. ME WINKWORTH, Susanne. God in History. [See Bun- sen, C. S. J.] G 23 S 20-22 WINN, William. The Boating Man's Vade-Mecum. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 19 Q 33 WINNECKE, Char Exploring Expec WINNING, Mis 8vo. Sydne WINS KILL, P. ' Journal of the Horn Scientific n, 1894 ; together with Maps and of tht Physical Geography of Central WINSOR, Justin, of the AUeg Boston, 1897. uinies, 1763-98. A 39 V 26 ud the Republic West Illustrated. 8vo. B 39 Q 12 Public Library of New South Wales. WINTER, William. Gray Days and Gold in England and Scotland. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1890. 1) 18 Q 26 Life and Art of Joseph Jefferson. [See Jefferson, J.] C 20 T 9 WINTERNITZ, Moritz. The Mantrapatha. [See Anec- dota Oxoniensia, Aryan series, pt. 8.] E WINTHROP, Margaret. [Life of]; by Alice Morse Earle. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 20 U 15 WINTHROP, Robert C. Addresses and Speeches on various occasions from 1852-67. 8vo. Boston, 1867. J 5 V 12 WINTON, Andrew L. Compilation of Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 37 S 40 WINTON, Maj. George Jean de Winton de. [See De Winton, Maj. G. J. de W.] WINTON, Wilfred S. de. [See De Winton, W. S.] WINWORTH, Freda. The Epic of Sound : an Element- ary Interpretation of Wagner's N'ibelungen Ring. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H 11 Q 23 WIRGMANN, Rev. A. Theodore Constitutional authority of Bishops in the Catholic Church, illustrated by the History and Canon Law of the undivided Church from the Apostolic Age to the Council of Chalcedon, a.d. 451. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q 10 Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin, 1884-93, 1896-99. 11 vols. 8vo. Madi- son, 1884-99. E General Court. Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin, 1876 ; by R. M. Bashford. 8vo. Madison, 1876. F 15 Q 9 WISCONSIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, ARTS, AND LETTERS. Transactions Vol. 9, 1893. 8vo. Madison, 1893. E WISCONSIN FREE LIBRARY COMMISSION. Free Travelling Libraries in Wisconsin : the Story of their of a few kindred movements.' Illustrated. ^ Svo. Madison, 1898. J 10 V 33 Free Travelling Libraries for Wisconsin Villages : how to give them, how to get them. 18mo. Madison, 1898. J 10 V 33 Hand-book of Wisconsin Free Library Commission Revised cd., 1897. 18m... Wisconsin," 1897. J 7 P 53 Statistics of Free Travelling Libraries in the United State*, 1897-98. Svo. Madison, 1898. J 10 V 33 WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. 1-4, 6-14. 13vols.8vo. Madison, 1855-98. E Proceedings, 1894-99. 6vols.8vo. Madison, 1895-1900. E Publications. 8vo. Madison, 1897-98. B 41 T 5 1. The State Historical Sncietv of Wisconsin: Story of its s of Men of betters, and Description of the uildi 2. How Local History Mat of the e His 3. Study of the Foreign Groups, in Wisconsin. 4. (lathering of Local History Materials by Public Libraries. 5. What American Men of Letters think of the State His- torical Society of Wisconsin. (i. Selected List of Printed Material rclat inu' to the Historv of Wisconsin. 7. Suggestions to [,oeal Histoi- ans in Wiseonsii ds. Suggestive Outlines for the Study of Wiscon in History. n'ienibei r s' of State VfiVt'orie il Society of Wi c*fit'£ 0. Some Suggestions to Loca he State's sem ( 'cntcnnial 11. Reports from Si ate. \ssneiations and the Counties-relative to Historical P.escareh and Local Observances of the State's semi-Centennial Anniversary. The State Historical Society of Wisconsin; by R. G. Thwaites. Illustrated. Svo. Madison, 1898. E WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY. Bibliography of Wisconsin Authors. Svo. Madison, 1893. Cat. Room WISE, Bernhard Ringrose. The Commonwealth of Aus- tralia. (National Review, July, 1899.) E Outlines of Jurisprudence for the use of Students. Svo. Oxford, 1881. MF 5 P 5 Why New South Wales should answer "Yes." (Review of Reviews, March, 1898.) E WISE, II., and CO. New South Wales Post Office Direc- tory. [See N.S.W. Post Office Directory.] ME 10 T New Zealand Post Office Directory. [See New Zealand Post Office Directory.] ME 11 T Queensland Official and Post Office Directory. [See Queensland Official and Post Office Directory.] ME 12 P South Australia Post Office Directory. [See South Australia Post Office Directory.] ME 12 T Tasmania Post Office Directory. [See Tasmania Post Office Directory.] ME 12 U Victoria Post Office Commercial Directory. [See Victoria Post Office Commercial Directory.] ME 17 Western Australi Australia Post i Posl Office Direc ory. [See Western ME VISE, Thomas J. ing, Robert.] Bells and Pomegrj nates. [See Brown- II 10W 21 Literary Anecdote W. Robertson.] s of the 19th Ct itury. [See Nicoll, J 14 S 3, -1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 677 WIS]:, William Lloyd. Gleanings from Patent Laws of all Countries. Ft. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 51 1. Argentine Kejnilili,- iVnnany. Wl S iOM AN, Nicholas Patrick Stephens-, Cardinal. Fabiola ; or, the Church of the Catacombs. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) G 9 V 11 Life and Times of ; by W. Ward. With Portraits. 2 vols. Svo. Lorn!., 1897. C 2:5 8 11, 12 WJTCHELL, Charles A. The Evolution of Bird-song, with Observations on the Influence of Heredity and Imitation. Svo. Lond., 1890. A 27 R 12 WITHER BY, H. Forbes. Light from the Land of the Sphinx. Must. Roy.8vo. Lond., 1896. G1S21 WITHERS, Hartley. The English and the Dutch in South Africa : a Historical Retrospect. Svo. Lond., 1890. B 17 P 35 WITNESS The [formerly New South Wales Fellowship Union Witness] 1891-98. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1891-98. ME 7 Q W1TSEN, Nicolas. Map of Northern Asia. [See Re- markable Maps of the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries.] I) 8 P 37 X WITTE, Johann Heinrich Friedrich Karl. Essays on Dante. Selected, translated, and edited with Intro- duction, Notes, and Appendices by C. M. Lawrence andP. H. Wickstecd. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 21 R 35 WITTENNOOM, Hon. Sir Edward Home. The West Australian Mining Trouble : the Case for the Govern- WODROW, Rev. Robert. History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution: with an original Memoir of the Author, Extracts from his Correspondence, a preliminary Dis- sertation, and Notes by the Rev. Robert Burns. 1 vols. 8vo. Glasgow (n.d.) G 3 U 30-33 WOGLOM, Gilbert Totten. Parakites: a Treatise on the Making and Flying of Tailless Kites for Scientific Purposes and for Recreation. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1896. A 23 V 14 W< )LF, Joseph. Life of Joseph Wolf, Animal Painter ; by A. H. Palmer. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 22 Q 1 W( )LFE, James. [Portrait and Sketch of] ; by Gen. Sir A. Alison. (Wilkinson, S. -From Cromwell to Web lington.) C 20 R IS WOLFENDEN, Dr. Richard Norris. Respiration in Singing. [See Joal, Dr.] A 23 P 33 WOLFF, Henry W. Village Banks; or, Agricultural Credit Societies for Small Occupiers, Village Trades- men, &c. : how to start them, how to work them, what the rich may do to help them ; with Model Rules and Model Account Sheets added. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 35 WOLFF, Rev. Joseph. Travels and Adventures of. 2nd ed. With Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1800-61. D 16 T 22, 23 WOLKONSKY, Prince Serge. Pictures of Russian His- and Russian Literature. With Portrait. Svo. B 17 R IS Lond., 1890. (Lowell Lectures.) WOLFF, Dr. Emil. Aschen-Analvsen von lambvirth- ucten, Kabrik-AMallen und wild- A 15 t) 10 I Dairy Calendar, 1896. 12mo. New York, 1896. A ISP 14 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 23 P 32 WOLLASTON, Edward G. Ulipa : a South Australian Story. Svo. Ballarat, 1890. MJ 3 P 47 WOLLASTON, Thomas Vernon. Catalogue of the Coleop- terous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 7 Catalogue of the Coleopterous insects of Madeira in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum.— Nat. Hist.] A 42 U 1 1 WOLLESTON, Rev. II. N. Biblical Inspiration. (Mel- bourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Future Destiny of Man. (Melb. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q Old Testament Difficulties. (Melb. Review, 3.) ME 18 Q WOLSELEY, Field-Marshal Garnet Joseph, Viscount. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 20 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 R 15 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. II. S. - Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Wellington and Waterloo. [See Griffiths, Maj. A.] P. 17S30 t WOLSELEY SERIES. Cromwell as a Soldier. [See Baldoek, Lieut. -Col. 'I'. S.] 1! 33 8 8 '" T] '"" m 'B29U 10 WO LSI' i:X HOLME. Mrs. M. S. [Sir Anderson. Mrs. F]. MF5QU JBuhlic Library of New South Wales, WO MAX AT HOME, Th». Annie S. Swan's Magazine. Vols. 7-9, April, 1899-Sept., 1900. Illustrated. 3 v,»ls. 8vo. Lond., 1899-1900. E WOMANHOOD SUFFRAGE LEAGUE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Report, 189:5. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MF 5 P 16 WOMAN'S BOOK, The: dealing practically with the modern condit ion of Home Life, Self-support, Educa- tion, Opportunities, and E very-day Problems. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 27 V 29, 30 WOMANS JOURNAL, The, 1895. Fol. Boston, 1895. E WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE JOURNAL, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, June-Sept,, 1891. 8m. 4to. Sydnev, 1891. " MF 2 R 64 WOMAN'S VOICE, The. Vols. 1-3, Aug., 1894-Dec, 1895. 3 vols. 4to. .Sydney, 1894-95. MF 5 U 13-15 WOMEN NOVELISTS OF QUEEN VICTORIA'S REIGN'. [See Oliphant, Margaret 0.] 24 S 3 WOMEN OF COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY TIMES IN AMERICA. Martha Washington ; by Anne H. Wharton. [See Wash- ington, Martha.] Mercy Warren ; by Alice Brown. [See Wai C 10 T 1 'Y'l'o?-'-;; WOMEN'S COOPERATIVE GUILD. Publications. 26 Pains. 8vo. Kirkbv, Lonsdale, Ac., 1*95 1900. F 16 S 35 Adapting Cooperation to the Needs of the Poor. .1 Rep c Wot Guild Work. High Dividends: Hints to District n the Cooperative Mo\ WOMEN'S COuPKItATIYL ST LK- OR< >WTNG AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Objects and Plans. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MF 4 P 12 WOMMERSOM, Le Baron A. do T'Serclaes de. [See T'Serclaes de Wonnnersom, Le Baron A. de.] WOOD, Rev. Andrew. The Hebrew Monarchy : a Com- mentary with a Harmony of the Parallel Texts and Extracts from the Prophetical Books. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1896. G 15 11 37 WOOD, Arthur Branscombe. Future Life: an Oratorio. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 S 70 WOOD, C. Alexander. Papers of. [See New South Wales —Land Question in 1844-46 : New South Wales.— Immigration from Great Britain; and New Zealand. —Settlements.] MF 9 P 47, 48 t WOOD, Dr. Casey A. Diseases of the Eye and their treatment by the general practitioner. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics. ) A 3 1 P 1 7 WOOD, Catherine Jane. Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids; with an Introductory Chapter by Dr. W. B. Cheadle. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 WOOD, Charles William. In the Valley of the Rhone. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 19 R 8 The Romance of Spain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. D 22 S 12 WOOD, Edward J. Giants and Dwarfs. 8vo. Lond., 1868. A 19 S 17 Mildred Arkell. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 25 V 26 The Shadow of Ashlydyat. 8vo. Lond., 1899. J 25 V 27 Mrs. Henry Wood; by Adeline Sergeant. [See Oli- phant, Margaret O.— Women Novelists of Queen Vic toria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 WOOD, H. 1896. F. E sypt i tld :r the British. 8vo. Lond., F 10 V 14 WOOD, II 1897. .nry. Edwi rd Burt., i. 8tl ed. Boston, J 14 V 31 God's Tm Truth. 1898. °10th Man ed. YV .me Ti th P. ■trait. Perceptions of 8vo. Boston, G 23 P 28 Ideal Sug With 1 - of t throu a for le La ?h Menta e and j ,f Me Soston Photo, ital H. 1898. jraphy : a Res- n, preceded by ding. 8th ed. ' G 23 S 32 Studies it 1th ed. the T I'.ost W -rid ; < r, Pract ical Mind Art. G 23 P 29 Victor S Boston, 1K9S. a S or j of t to Pauline Era. 8vo. J 14 V 32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 679 \V0< 'I >, Gen. Sir Henry Evelyn. Achievements of Cavalry. WithMaps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 S 31 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Lowe, C— Our Greatest Living Soldiers.] C 27 11 15 WOOD, Dr. Horatio Charles. General Therapeutic Con- siderations. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 . , and FITZ, Dr. Reginald H. Practice of Medi- cine. Roy. 8vo. Lond.', 1897. A 30 V 19 WOOD, J. A. E. How to make- a Dress. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 38 WOOD, Capt. John. Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan. [See Hacke, Capt. W.] 1) 20 S 20 WOOD, John Dennistoun. Memorandum addressed to the lit. Hon. Sir Michael Hicks-Peach. 8vo. Lond., 1878. MJ 3 R 16 WOOD, Joseph. Failure of Protection in the United States. 8vo. Manchester, 1879. F 17 P 2 WOOD, Dr. Stuart, Theory of Wages. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 14 WOoD, Susan. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter's Levana; or, the Doctrine of Education for English Readers. l2mo. Lond., 1887. G 20 R 10 WOOD. T. 15. Agricultural Chemistry. [See Adie, R, If.] A 33 P 20, 27 W( M )D, Rev. Theodore. Our Insect Enemies. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 27 P 15 W< « )D, Dr. Thomas Outterson. English Law and Practice of Lunacy. (Allhutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 41 WOOD, William H. S. The American Fruit Ouhurist. [See Thomas, J. J.] A 20 U 30 W( )ODBERRY, Prof. George Edward. Edgar Allan Poe. [See Poe, E. A.] C 27 P 5 Works of Edgar Allan Poe. [See Poe, E. A.] J 14 It 1-10 WOODFORD, C. M. TlioCilhcrt Islands. (Oeogrnphica! Journal, 1895.) E WOODHEAD, B. The Song of the Gospel. 18mo. Sydney, 1890. MH 1 S 18 WOODHEAD, Dr. German Sims. Glanders (Farcy). (Allhutt, Dr. T. C. System of .Medicine.) A 20 T 35 Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. roy. Svo. Edinb., 1893-98. '" A 31 P 5-9 Tetanus. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 34 WOODHILL'S HawMvry Calendar and Useful Diary, 1893. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1893. "MD 8 S 3 WOODHOUSE, F. W. Public School Drawing Copies for Advanced Classes. Sin. 4 to. Sydney (n.d.) MA 1 P 39 1 Public School Drawing Copies for Infant Classes. Sm. 4to. Sydney (n.d.) MA 1 P 39 t Public School Drawing Copies for Ruler and Freehand. 4to. Sydney (n.d.) ' MA 1 P 39 t WOODHOUSE, Rev. Frederick Charles. The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, and others; with an Appendix of other Orders of Knighthood, Legend- ary, Honorary, and Modem. Svo. Lond., 1899. (Home Lib.) " G 26 R 5 Monasticism, Ancient and Modern : its Principles, Origin, Development, Triumphs, Decadence, and Suppression; with an Inquiry as to the possibility of its revival. Svo. Lond., 1890. G 19 T IS WOODHOUSE, Robert, F.R.S. Treatise on Astronomy, Theoretical and Practical. 2 vols. Svo. Camb., 1818-21. A 30 U 10, 17 1. Theories of the Fixed Stars. 2. Physical Astronomy. WOODHULL, Prof. John Francis. Teaching of Physics in Secondary Schools. Svo. New York, 1899. A 44 S 13 WOODROFFE, Paul. The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. Must. Svo. Lond., 1899. G 24 Q S WOODROW, Ernest A. E. Modern Opera Houses and Theatres. [See Sachs, E. O] A 8 Q 16 J WOODRUFF, .Mrs. Julia Louisa Matilda, "W. I, M. Jay." The More Abundant Life. [See Brooks, P., Bishop.] G 4 V 25 W( » ) I )S, Albert F. Bermuda Lily 1 )isease. [See United States. ■— Dept. of Agricult.- Div. of Vegetable Phvsi ology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 Public Library of New South Wales. WOODS, Charles D. Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. [See United .States.— Dopt. of Agri- cult. -Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 It 15 Dietary Studies at Purdue University, Lafayette. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,- Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies in New York City, 1895-96. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.- Office of Exper. Stns.] A 41 U 9 Dietary Studies with reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895-96. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 Meats. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,] A 41 U 1 Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult,— Office of Exper. Stns.] A 38 R 15 WOODS, Rev. Francis Henry. Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times. [See Montelius, Prof. 0.] F 1G T 2 WOODS, Mrs. J. Crawford. The Jew and the Roman : a Story of the first Century. 8vo. Adelaide, 1878. MJ 3 S 2G WOODS, Rev. Julian Edmund Tenison-. [See Tenison- Woods, Rev. J. E.] WOODS, Robert A. The City Wilderness : a Settlement Study by Residents and Associates of the South End House. Svo. Boston, 1899. F G T 40 The Social Awakening in London. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 WOODS, Robert H. Records of the Union and Con- federate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. [See United States— Dept. of the Navy.] B 18 R 16 WOOD'S HOLL MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORA- TORY, BOSTON. Biological Lectures. [See Bio- logical Lectures.] A 27 T 13 WOODSEND, Charles J. Practical Wood-carving. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 40 V 2 WOODWARD, Arthur Smith. Outlines of Vertebrate Palaeontology for Students of Zoology. Svo. Camb., 1898. (Camb. Nat. Sc. Manuals.) A 40 V 6 Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum. [See British Museum. Nat. History.] A 39 S 11-13 Fossil Fishes of the Hawkesburv series at Gosford. [See New South Wales Gcolog. Sun.] MA 5 V 18 Fossil Fishes of the Talbragar Beds (Jurassic?) [See New South Wales— Geolog. Survey.] MA 5 V 23 WOODWARD, Benjamin Duryea. Palatal Consonants in English. Svo. New York, 1891. J 24 Q 15 WOODWARD, Prof. Calvin Milton. Manual Training Schools. (Intermit. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 WOODWARD, George E., and THOMPSON, Edward G. Woodward's National Architect, containing 1,000 Original Designs, Plans and Details to working scale, for the Practical Construction of Dwelling houses for the Country, Suburb, and Village, with full and com- plete sets of Specifications, and an estimate of the cost of each Design. 4to. New York (n.d.) A 18 R 21 t WOODWARD, Harry Page. The Dry Lakes of Eastern Australia. (Geological Magazine, Aug., 1897.) E Portrait and Sketcl The so-called Lode Formations of llannans, and Tellu: Deposits. (Tnst. of Mining and Metallurgy, Tra WOODWARD, Henry. Catalogue of British Fossil Crus- tacea. [See British Museum.— Nat, Hist.] A 42 V 5 WOODWARD, Horace Bolingbroke. Geology of the Country around Fakenham, ' Wells, and Holt. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 1 Geology of parts of Cambridgeshire and of Suffolk. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv.— England and Wales.] A 47 R 32 The Lias of England and Wales, Yorkshire excepted. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— -Geolog. Surv.— United King- dom.] A 47 P 3 Lower Oolitic Rocks of England. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel— Geolog. Surv.— United Kingdom.] A 47 P 4 The Middle and Upper Oolitic Rocks of England, York- shire excepted. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geolog. Surv.— United Kingdom.] A 47 P 5 Soils and Sub-soils. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Geolog. Surv. -England and Wales.] A 47 R 46 WOODWARD, Martin F. Text-book of the Embryology of Invertebrates. [See Korschelt, Dr. E.] A 38 P 19, 20 WOODWARD, William Harrison. Short History of the Expansion of the British Empire, 1500-1870. With Map. Svo. Camb., 1899. F 16 S 21 Vittorino da Feltre and other Humanist Educators- Essays and Versions: an Introduction to the "History of Classical Education." Svo. Camb., 1897. G 2 U 45 WOOD WORTH, Robert Sessions. Accuracy of Voluntary Movement. Svo. New York, 1899. " G 25 V 9 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. W0< ) D WORTH, Dr. William McM. Planarians from the (.'icat Barrier Reef of Australia. (Harvard Univer- sity. — Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, 32.) E Embryology of Invertebrates. [See Korschelt, Dr. E.] A 38 P 18 AVOOLLS, William. Letter addressed in 1830 to the Students of the Sydney College, and printed by the desire of their friends. 12mo. Sydney, 1842. MJ 3 II 28 WOOLMAN, John. Word of Remembrance and Caution to the Rich. [See Fabian Hoc.— Fabian Tracts, 79.] F 19 R 15 W< (OLSEY, Theodore Dwight Political Science ; or, the State theoretically and practically considered. 2 vols. 8vo. New York,' 1893. F 8 Q 31, 32 W< M >LSEY, Prof. Theodore Salisbury. America's Foreign Policy. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 16 S 3 W< M )LWARD, Florence H., and LEHMANN, F. C. The Genus Masdevallia, issued by the Manpiess of Lothian. Illustrated Fol Lond., 1896. A 6 TJ 6 + W< i IICESTER, Prof. Dean Conant. The Philippine Islands and their People : a Record of Personal Observation and Experience, with a short Summary of the more important facts in the History of the Archipelago. Illust. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1898. B 39 P 18 WORDS"VA 12i I'll, Charles, Bishop. The Episcopate of ordsworth, Bishop of St. Andrews, Dunkeld, lane, 1853-92: a Memoir, together with •ials for forming a judgment on the great n the discussion of which he was concerned ; J. Wordsworth. With Portraits. Roy. 1., 1899. C 25 T 15 WORDNAVORTII, John, Bishop of Salisbury. The one Religion: Truth, Holiness, and Peace desired by the Nations and revealed by Jesus Christ. 2nd ed. " 8vo. Loud., 1893. (i 24Q26 Episcopate of Charles Wordsworth. [See Wordsworth, C, Bishop.] C 25 T 15 WORDSWORTH, William. La .leunc Wordsworth, 1770 93, etude sur le Dr. E. Legouis. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A Letter to a friend of Robert Burn: Literary Pamphlets.) The Age of. [See Heford, Dr. C. II.] j Essay on.] [See Pate, W. - Appreciat de William II 11 T 5 J 14 1 T 33 ,]J 22U17 The d Wordsworth. [See Darines- jtudies.] J 14 V 6 Arnold's Wordsworth, [See ,1 14 P 15 WORDSWORTH, William— contd. Primer of Wordsworth. [See Magnus, L.] J 14 R 30 Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. Lau- reates of England.] II 11 K 1 Wordsworth and the Coleridgcs. [See Yarnall, E.] C25T8 Wordsworth and the New Democracy. [See Scudder, Vida D.— The Life of the Spirit in the Englhh Poets.] H 1 1 S 2 Wordsworth's Youth. [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 Wordsworthiana : a Selection from Papers read before the Wordsworth Society. Edited by William Knisrht. [See Knight, W.] J 14 R 15 WORDSWORTH SOCIETY, The. Wordsworthiana : a Selection from the Papers read to the Wordsworth Society. Edited by William Knight. [See Knight, AY] " J 14 R 15 WORK: the Illustrated Weekly Journal for Mechanics. Yols. 9-11, 14, Jan., 1895-July, 1896, July, 1897- Jan., 1898. 4 vols. fol. Lond.," 1895-98. " E WORKER, The, from vol. 4, 1895-Feb., 1897, Jan. 1898- Dcc, 1899. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895-99. ME WORKMAN, Walter Percy. Aims and Practice of Teaching Geometry. (Spencer, Dr. F.— Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 3 and Encyclojtedia, 1899. AY OR LI >'S EPOCH-M A Iv ERS. Buddha and Buddhism. [See Lillie, A.] Lindsay. [,SV Luth Wesley and Methodism; , M.J v F. J. Sue AVORMELEY, Marie'-Adela: and of Mme. preceded by With Portra Th3 Book of th ■ss Palat de Main Lond., 1899. [See Bourdoule, Pie • de.] ILAIELL, Richard, and LOIJI'.OCK, Dr First Year of Scientilic Knowledge. [See Public Library of New South Wales. WORSFOLD, William Basil. Portuguese Nyassaland ; with a Review of the Portuguese Rule on the East Coast of Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 Q 2 The Principles of Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 19 W 2 The Redemption of Egypt, Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 U 3 The Story of South Africa. 12mo. Lond. ( (Story of the Empire Ser.) B 37 P 7 The Valley of Light : Studies with Pen and Pencil in the Vaudois Valleys of Piedmont, With .Map. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 P 10 WORSNOP, E, M., and BLAIR, M. C. The Nurse's Hand-book of Cookery : a Help in Sickness and Con- valescence. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 39 WORSNOP, Thomas. Prehistoric Arts, Manufactures, Works, Weapons, t fcc, of the Aborigines of Australia. Illustrated. 8vo. Adelaide, 1897. MA 1 Q 15 WORTHINGTON, Prof. Arthur Mason. Dynamics of Rotation: an Klementary Introduction to Rigid Dy- namics. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 35 WORTHINCTON, T. K. Historical Sketch of the Fi- nances of Pennsylvania. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 12 WORTHINGTON, Tli of Disposal of i he: .ve! I inrhous.' situated lin sewer or outfall. liEx. Lit.) A 41 U 18 AY )RTMAN, Dr. Jacob L. Teeth of the Vertebrates. (Litch, Dr W. F. --American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 WoTTi )X, Sir Henry. Life of. r See Walton, I.] C 27 P 22 Poems. [See Percy Soc] II US 8 WRAGGE, Clement L Queensland Floods of 1890. [See Queensland.— Weather Bureau.] MA 3 Q 38 t WRAPSON, James P., and GEE, William Winson Hal- dane. Mathematical and Physical Tables. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 25 S 38 WRENCH, James Thomas. Autobiography of James Thomas Wrench, bom without anus: containing an interesting Account of my Life from a child to°the present, 8vo. Bathurst, 1897. MC 1 R 4 WRENN, Robert 1). Lawn Tennis. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 1 WREY, P. B. S. Downfall of Lobengula. [See Wills, W. A l B 3G R 13 WRIGHT, A. J. Nomenclature of an Australian Colony. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P Vasco da Gama and his Companions ; and Discoveries by Portuguese in Asia and Africa. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1898.) ME 20 P WRIGHT, Dr. Charles Romley Alder, and RENNIE, Prof. Edward Henry. Action of Benzoyl Chloride on Morphine. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 WRIGHT, Carroll Davidson. The Chicago Strike. (American Economic Assoc.) F 4 V 19 The Industrial Evolution of the United States. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 13 R 23 Outline of Practical Sociology, with special reference to American conditions. 8vo. New York, 1899. (American Citizen Se'r.) F 17 Q 1 Statistics in Colleges. (Am. Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 13 WRIGHT, Charles H. Designing of Draw-spans. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 38 U 21 , 22 1. Plate-Girder Draws. WRIGHT, David M'Kee. St Verses; with an Tntroduct 12mo. Dunedin, 1897. n Ballads, and other by Rev. R, Waddell. MH 1 W 3 WRIGHT, George. Wright's Australian, India, China, and Japan Trade Directory and Gazetteer, including Canada, South and Central America, .Mexico, West Indies, and South Africa: a Hand-book of Trades Professions, Commerce, and Manufactures in the above-mentioned Countries. 5th ed. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1899. ME WRIGHT, Rev. George Frc lerick, and UPHAM, Warren. WRIGHT, Rev. George Henry Ration. Was Israel ever in Egypt? 8 vo. Lond., 1895. G 25 Q 20 WRIGHT, II. ('. Seppings. Soudan, '90 : Adventure a War Artist, li'mo. Lond., 1897. B 17 1 WRIGHT, He, which bear upon the practice of Bre 8vo. Lond, 1897. WRTOHT, Hugh. An Index to Austral and Newspapers. (Lib. Assoc, of Aust A 25 R I m Magaziir Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Divine Comedy. [See Dante II 13 U 11 (HIT, Lewis. The Induction Coil in Practical Work, -.eluding Rontgon X-Rays. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 897. A 23 S 38 SIGHT, Lieut. M. Fisher. Operations Navy during the recent war with Tu Wash., 1883. of the French s. Roy. 8vo. B 26 V 23 (JUT, Mabel Osgood. Birderaft: a Field Book of 100 [American] Sons;, Game, and Water Birds, witli Mates in Natural Colours 8vo. New York, 1896. A 27 S 12 !<;HT, Mis. Marie Rol 1 to. Lond., 1897. GHT, Sir Robert i Picturesi : Me: WiilGHT, Thoma Soc., Pubs.] WRIGHT. Willia e Syriac MS! ■um.]K13R Lady] IlGIITSON, John. Agricultural Education. (Tnternat. Health Exhih. Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 10 WiJTOTHESLKY, Pvachel, Lady WUNDT, Prof. Wilhelm. Ethical Systems. Translated by Margaret Floy Washburn. 8vo. I.ond.. 1897. G II [t 41 The Facts of the Moral Life. Translated by Julia Gulliver and E. B. Titchener. 8vo. Lond., l's<)7. G 1 1 R t0 Outlines of Psychology. Translated, with the co-opera- tion of the" author, by Dr. Charles Hubbard J udd. 8vo. Leipzig, 1897. * G 19 T 24 Philosophise!^ Studien. Bande 11-15. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1895-1900. G 6 T 11-15 WURN, F. Sericulture. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manu- factures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 WURTTEMBERG. Forststatistische Mitteilungen, 189G. Sm. Ito. Stuttgart, 1898. E WY ALONG ST All and Temora and Barmedman Adver- tiser, 1899 [Jan. 17th, 1899, missing]. Fol. Wya- WYATT, (.'apt. . Voyage of Robert Dudley to the West Indies, 1594-95. [See Hakluyt Soe., Pubs., WYATT, A. Vii Law Reports.] WYATT. A.J. Talc of Beowulf. [See Moi Illusi )igbv. Melal-work and i ed. ' Fol. Loik !. A 4G P 32 + WYCK OFF, Prof. Walter Augustus. The Workers : an Experiment in Reality; The East. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F15S 15 The Workers : an Experiment in Reality ; The West. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. F 15 S 14 WYCLIP SOCIETY. Pub] 3 23. 21 vols. 23 T 15, 18 37 WUONG, Prof. < I, [&«Brit.Mus.]A3 ,ur Edgar. The L 18th Century. Ill Public Library of New South Wales. WYCLIFFE, John. [See Wiclif, J.] WYLDE, A. B. '83 to '87 in the Soudan, with an Ac- count of Sir William Hewett's Mission to Kins,' John of Abyssinia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888. B 16 T 8, 9 WYLDE, W. Inspection of Meat : a Guide and Instruc- tion-book to Officers supervising Contract-meat and to all Sanitary Inspectors, embodying the teaching im- parted to the Army Service Corps. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 38 S 15 WYLIE, Rev. James Aiken. History of the Scottish Nation. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886-87. B 31 IT 22, 23 1. Pre-historic, Kmidie, Roman, ami Kar'.y Christian Scot - 2. Tlie Celtic Christianisation, embracing the Epochs of Ninian, Patrick, Colnmba, Cohimbanus, and the Culdee Church. WYLIE, James Hamilton. The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus. 8vo. Lond., 1900. (Ford Lectures.) G 25 S 21 History of England under Henry IV. Vols. 1-4, 1399- 1419. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884-98. B 16 P 9-12 WYLLY, Maj. Harold Carmichael. The 95th (the Derby- shire) Regiment in the Crimea ; with an Introduction by Maj.-Gen. J. F. Maurice. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Derbyshire Campaign Ser.) B 31 It 9 WYM AN, Prof. W. E. A. Clinical Diagnosis of Lameness in the Horse. Illustrated. 8vo. Now York (n.d.) A 39 Q 4 WYMAN, Dr. Walter. The Bubonic Plague. [See United States. — Dept. of the Treasury.] A 45 V 21 WYNDHAM, George. Poems of Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, William.] H 3 Q 36 WYNDHAM, Horace. Soldiers of the Queen. 8vo. Lond., 1899. B25P17 WYNNE, Arthur B. Geology of the Counties of Sligo andLeitrim. [See (it. Brit, and Del.— Ceolog. Surv.— Ireland.] A 47 V 14 WYNNE, Frederick Richards, Bishop of Killaloe. Life of, with selections from his written unpublished ser- mons ; by J. Hannay. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C20S13 WYOMING -.—State Departments— Reports and Publico- Agricultural College and Experiment Station. An- imal Report, 1894. 8vo. Laramie, 1894. E Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 28. First Report on the Flora of Wyoming ; by A ven Nelson. 8vo. Laramie, 1890.- A 20 T 6 X " X." The Right to bear An XAVIER, St. Frai [See Francis Xavier, St.] XENOPHON. Xenophontis (viri armoru et literaru laude celeberrimi) qva? extant opera. Annotationes Henrici Stephani, multum locupletatw : qure varia ad lectionem Xenophontis longe vtilissima habent. Editio secvnda, ad qvam esse factam maximam diligentite accessionem statim cognosces. [Greek and Latin.] Sm. fol. (n.p.) 1581. [Henrieus Stephanus.] J 17 U 11 t YALDWYN, W. Butler. Advanced Thought on Ac- counts. Sm. 4 to. Sydney, 1895. MA 1 Q 14 + YALE, Dr. Leroy Milton. American Game-fishes. (Out- of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 Getting out the Fly-hooks. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 , and CK F.K J I I'D )N, J. G. A. The Land of the Winanishe. (Out-of-door Lib.) A 40 Q 8 YALE UNIVERSITY. Catalogues, 1893-99. 5 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1893-98. E Reports, 1895-98. 4 vols. 8 vo. New Haven, 1896-99. E YANKEE DROLLERIES. 2nd and 3rd vols. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 U 3, 4 YARNALL, Ellis. Wordsworth and the Coleridges, with other Memories Literary and Political. 8vo. New York, 1899. C 25 T 8 YARRINGTON, Rev. W. H. II. Sonnets on Ritualism, and other Verses. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 It 66 Capt. Cook meditating on Australia's Future: University Prize Poem. [See N.S.W.— Lands.— Dedication of Capt. Cook's Landing-place.] MF 5 P 19 "YARROWEE." [See Gellatly, F. M.] YASS COURIER, 1899. Fol. Yass, 1899. ME YASS EVENING TRIBUNE, with which is incorporated the Gunning Times, 1899 [May 1st, 1899, missing]. Fol. Yass, '1899. ME YASS FEDERAL CITY LEAGUE. Good Reasons why the Federal Capital should be built near Yass. Folded 8vo. Sydney, 1900. MD 8 S 11 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. YEA MAN, C. H. Introduction to the Study of Central Station Electricity -Supply. [See Gay, A.] A 44 T 1 YEAH -BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL FACTS, 1860. v. ■lited by R. S. Burn. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. A 36 Q 5 YE All BOOK OF AUSTRALIA, 1884-1900. 17 vols, my. 8vo. Sydney, 1884-1900. ME 15 YEA R BOOK OF FACTS IN SCIENCE and the Useful Arts, 1842-80. 42 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1842-80. A 36 P 1-Q 4 YEAR-BOOK OF PHARMACY: comprising Abstracts mi Papers relating to Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Chemistry, contributed to British and Foreign Journals, u ith the Transactions of the British Pharmaceutical Conferences, 1874-99. 27 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874- 99. E YEAR-BOOK OF QUEENSLAND, The, 1896. 8vo. Brisk, 1896. ME 14 T YEAR BOOK OF SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND, comprising Lists of the Papers read during 1884-99 before Societies engaged in fourteen Depart- ments of Research, with the names of their authors. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885-1900. E YEAR-BOOK OF TREATMENT, The : a Critical Review f.r Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery, 1884-85, 1888 9:5,1897-98. 10 vols. 12mo. Lond.,' 1884-98. E YEAR'S ART, The, 1880-1900. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-1900. E YEAR'S SPORT, The: a Review of British Sports and Pastimes, 1885. Edited by A. E. T. Watson. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 34 R 19 YEATS, William Butler. I Lond., 1899. The Secret Rose. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.. 1897. J 23 R 14 The Tables of the Law and the Adoration of the Magi. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 23 R 38 The Wind among the Reeds. 8vo. Lond., 1899. H 12 R 29 YEISER, John 0. Labor as Money : a story with a pur- pose. 8vo. Boston, 1894. F 10 V 6 YLLD, George. Scrambles in the Eastern Graians, 1878 - 1)7. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1900. 1) 20 S 25 "Aliph Clieem." Lavs of t nd Descriptive Poems illus- trative of English Life in India. 10th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' H 13 V 4 YELLOW AGONY. [See "Tomahawk, A."] MJ 3 It 28 YELLOW BOOK, The: an Illustrated Quarterly. Vols. 1-13, April, 1894-April, 1897. 13 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1894-97. [All published.] J 26 V 8-20 YELLOW BOOK OF LECAN, The: a Collection of Pieces (in prose and verse) in the Irish Language, in part compiled at the end of the 14th Century, now for the first time published from the original MS. in Trinity College Library, Dublin, by the Royal Irish Academy ; with Introduction, Analysis of Contents, and Index, by Prof. R. Atkinson. Fol. Dublin, 1896. J 22 S 1 t YEO, Dr. Isaac Burney. Nutrition and Foods, including the Treatment of Obesity and Leanness. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 YE WENS DIRECTORY of the Landholders of New South Wales. 4to. Sydney, 1900. MF 5 U 17 is Life and Notions. 8vo. D 17 V 26 YONGE, Charlotte Mary. The Armourer's Prentices Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 25 V 28 The Heir of Redclyffe. Illustrated. 8vo Lond, 1897. J 25 V 29 John Keble's Parishes: a Study of Hursley and Otter- bourne. Must. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 22 R 12 Lady Georgiana Fullerton, Mrs. Stretton, and Anne Manning. (Oliphant, Margaret O— Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.) C 24 S 3 YORK, Archbishop of. [See Magee, W. O] YORKE, Philip C. Letters of Princess Elizabeth of Eng land. [See Elizabeth, Princess.] C 24 T 22 YORKE-DAVIES, Dr. Nathaniel Edward. [See Davies, Dr. Nathaniel Edward Yorke-.] YOSHI-AKI, Dr. Yamada. Heroic Japan. [See East- lake, Dr. F. W.] B17R40 YOUNG, Archibald. Theatre Panics and their cure, with Plans for a Safe Theatre; by Thomas T. Paterson. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. A 37 It 25 YOUNG, Arthur. Autobiography of, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited bv M. Bet ham-Edwards. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C20S14 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L. --Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 YOUNG, Brigham. Brigham Young and the Mormon City. [Set McCarthy, J. Reminiscences.] C 25 T 5 deme of Attica.. 8vo. B 41 P 10 'Public Library of New South Wales. of the Yellow Rol c and Religious Hi Lond., YOUNG, Franklin K. Major Tactics of Chess : a Treatise on Evolutions, the proper employment of the Forces in Strategic, Tactical, and Logistic Planes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V 12 , and HOWELL, Edwin C. Minor Tactics of Chess. 12mo. Boston, 1894. A 29 S 21 YOUNG, Frederick. Reasons for Promoting the Cultiva- tion of New Zealand Flax. [See Bell, F. 1 ).] MA 4 S 30 YOUNG, Sir Frederick. Imperial Federation in Scotland. 8vo. Johnstone, 1888. F 1 S 2G Transplantation the true system of Emigration. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1869. F 9 P 28 YOUNG, Sir George. Proper relation between the teach- ing and examining bodies in a University. (Internat. Health Exhik— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 11 YOUNG, Sir Henry Edward Fox, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 1 1 P 33 t YOUNG, J. L. Origin of the name Tahiti, as related by Marerenui, a native of Faaiti Island, Pan mot u Group. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1898.) ME 6 It YOUNG, Dr. Louis Tarleton. The Carlsbad Treatment for Tropical and Digestive Ailments, and how to carry it out anywhere. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. " A 45 R 1 YOUNG, Norwood. The Truth about Female Suffrage in New Zealand. (Westminster Review, Dec, 1894.) E YOUNG, Rosalind Amelia. Mutiny of the Bounty, and Story of Pitcairn Island, 1790-1894. 3rd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Oakland, Cak, 1894. MB 1 Q 49 YOUNG AUSTRALIA: an Illustrated Monthly Paper for Boys and Girls. Vols. 10, 11, Dec, 1898-bec, 1899. 4to. Sydney, 1899-1900. ME 17 Q " YOUNG LADY, A." [See Williams, H. M.] YOUNG MEN'S SABBATH MORNING FELLOW- SHIP ASSOCIATIONS of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. Rules. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) [Bound with Report of the Presbyterian Fellowship Unions of Australasia.] ME G P YOUNG MEN'S SABBATH MORNING FELLOW- SHIP UNION of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. Rules. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) [Bound with tralasia.] ME 6 P YOUNGER, Robert T., and ATKINSON, J. IS. Reports occurred at Furnacebank, No. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland— YOUNGHUSBAND, Capt. Francis Edward. Among the Celestials: a Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas to India, Abridged from "The Heart of a Continent." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 R 6 The Heart of a Continent: a Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-94. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 17 V 23 South Africa of To-day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q 14 YOUNGHUSBAND, Maj. George John. Indian Fron- tier Warfare. With' Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Wolseley Ser.) B 29 U 10 The Philippines and round about, with some Account of British Interests in these Waters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 22 2 2 YUILLE, Archibald. The Australian Stud-book, contain ing Pedigrees of Racehorses from the earliest accounts to 189G inclusive. Vols. 1 6. 6 vols. 8vo. Melk, 1878-97. MA 3 W 1 G YUKON TERRITORY, The; with Introduction by F. M. Trimmer. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lonfl., 1898. D 1G V 22 YUSUF IBN RAFI IBN TAMIN (BahS Al-Dln, Abu Al-Mahasin) called 11m Shaddad. Saladin ; or, What befell Sultan Yusuf. [See Salah Ed Din.] C 24 It 20 Z., J. H. L [See Zillmann, Rev. J. II. L.] ZABRISKIE, Francis Nicoll. Horace Greeley, the Editor. [See Greeley, Horace.] " C 20 U 2 ZACHARIAH OF MITYLENE. The Syriac Chronicle, known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene. Translated by F. J. Hamilton and R. W Brooks. 8vo. Lond., 1899. G 2 1 V 37 ZAEHNSDORF, Joseph W. Art of Bookbinding. 12mo. Lond., 1890. A 23 P 19 ZAHM, Rev. John Augustine. Bible, Science, and Faith. 8vo. Baltimore, 1895. G 19 T 15 Supplementary Ca talogue — 1806-1900. ZAVl A, Dr. Cesar. Historia dos Tres Grandes Capitaes da A utiguidade : Alexandre, Annibal, e Cesar. 8vo. Uio de Janeiro, 1894. C 24 R 17 Ti-'"iis Biographicos e Politicos dos tres Grandes Gra- il ires da Anli^uidade, Pericles, Demosthenes, e Cicero Svo. Bahia, 1896. C 24 R 1G ZAN ARDELLI, Tito. Histoire de la Litterature Italienne : les Premiers Siecles Dante et ses Precurseurs. Svo. I'.ruxellcs, 1896. J 14 T 31 De quelques Suffixes d'Origine Celtique dans les Noms de Lieux de la Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. J 8 V 33 ZANDER, C. G. Photo-trichromatic Printing in theory and practice. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' A 25 U 26 ZANGWILL, Isaac. Children of the Ghetto : a Study of a Peculiar People. Svo. Lond., 1S97. J 14 U 21 The King of Schnorrers Grotesques and Fanti The Master. Svo. Lond., 1S97. J 25 V .".1 Without Prejudice. Svo. Lond., 1S96. J 14 U 25 ZA i ; ATHUS5 [TRA. [See Zoroaster.] ZARIEL, Agar. [See Cope, D.] ZEALAXDIA: a Monthly Magazine of New Zealand Literature by New Zealand Authors. Vol. 1, No. 6, Dee., 1889. ' Svo. Dunedin, 1889. MJ 3 T 9 ZEILLER, Prof. R. Elements de Palc'ohotanique. Illus- trated. Hoy. Svo. Paris, 1900. A 32 S 1 ZEJTSCHRIFT DER. DEUTSCHE N~ GEOLOGIS- CHEiY GESELLSCHAFT. Bande 1-51, 1849-99, and Register, 1849-88. Illustrated. 51 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1849-99. E ZEITSCIIliirT FUR ETlfXOLOdlE. ZEL.LER, Prof. Eduard. Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics. Translated from Zeller's " Philosophy of the Greeks" bv IT. F. C. Costelloe and J. II. Muirhead. 2 vols. Svo.' Lend., 1897. G 19 U 32, 32 ZLI.MAN, Alberto. 1 fol. Lond. („,!.) ZKNKKR, E. V. Anarchism: a Criticism and History of the Anarchist Theory. Translated from the Ger- man. Svo. Lond., 1898. F 13 T 33 ZENO, Nieolo and Antonio. Annals of the Voyages of. [See Lucas, F. W.] D 18 T 30 t ZERFFI, Dr. Gustavus George. Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism : a Treatise on Dreams, Second Sight, Somnambulism, Magnetic Sleep, Spiritual Manifesta- tions, Hallucinations, and Spectral Visions. Svo. Lond., 1871. G19TJ11 ZETETIC COSMOGONY. [See " Rectangle."] A 24 R 21 ZIEBER, Eugene. Heraldry in America. Illustrated. Imp. Svo. Philad., 1895. K 13 V 15 f ZIEGLER, Ernst. Text-book of special Pathological Anatomy. Translated by Dr. Donald MacAlister and Dr. Henry W. Cattell. Sections 1-15. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1896-97. A 32 R 29, 30 ZTEGLER, Prof. Theobald. Social Ethics: Outlines of a Doctrine of Morals. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 25 P 7 ZIETZ, A. H. C. Fossil Reptilia from the Warburton River. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust, Trans., 1899.) ME 1 8 Pisces of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. B.— Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Descriptions of the bones of the lei;- and foot of Gciti/orni* Xr.ri,,,,;,,, Fossil Struthiousliird from LakeCallabonna. [See Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans, and Proa, 1896.] ME 1 S ZILLMANN, Rev. John Hei P>ov : a Tale of the Early Days of Queensland. 12mo. Sydney, 1899. MJ 3 Q 32 Two Worlds are ours; or, Reasonings from the Natural to the Supernatural, with other popular subjects. Svo. Me]!,., 1885. MG 2 S 31 ZIMMERMANN, Dr. A. Botanical Microtechnique: a Hand-book of Methods for the Preparation, Staining, tratecl. Svo. ' Lond., 1896. A 20 T 25 ZIMMERN, Alice-. Methods of Educo ZIMMERN, Helen [See Ferruggia, G.] th> United 5 U 34 H s retold und W. 11 1! 12 J 23 U 16 Public Library of New South Wales, ZIRKEL, Dr. Ferdinand. Lehrbuch der Petrographie. Biinde 1-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893-94. A 31 Q 9-11 ZITTEL, Prof. Karl A. von. Grundziige der Paheontologie (Pakeozoologio). Illustrated. 8vo. Miinchen, 1895. A 30 P G Text-book of Palaeontology. Vol. 1. Translated and edited by C. It. Eastman. 8vo. Loud., 1900. A 30 P 7 ZIWET, Prof. Alexander. An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics. Pt. 3. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 U G* ZOLA, Emile. i; Affaire Dreyfus : Le Proees Zola (levant la Cour d' Assises de la Seine et la Cour de Cassation, 1898 : Compte-rendu stenographique in-extenso et Documents annexes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1898. F8 Q 11, 12 The Dreyfus Case: four Letters to France; with an Intro- duction by L. F. Austin. YYith Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1898. F 15 P 1G Emile Zola: a Study of his personality; by A. Mae- Donakl. 8vo. Wash., 1899. C 2G S 2 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur.- Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Emile Zola and the present tendencies of French Drama. [See Matthews, J. P.— French Dramatists of the 19th Century.] H 12 R 1 A Note on Zola's Method. [See Symons, A.— Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 . [Sketch of.] [See Ellis, II. Allirmalions.] J 19 W 14 Zola as an Evolutionist. [See Bury, Y. L\ de.— French Literature of To-day.] J 23 R 20 ZOOLOGICAL AND ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF VICTORIA, formerly the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. Annual Reports, 1862, 1865- 71. 5 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1862-71. MA 1 R 11, 14-17 Proceedin and Repo Vols, ZOOLOGICAL RECORD, The: being Records of Zoo- logical Literature. Vols. 1-35, 1864-98. 35 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-98. E ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Proceedings, 1830-99, and Indexes, 1830-90. 59 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831-99. E ZOOLOGISCHE STATION ZU NEAPEL Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Monographien 1-25. AVith Atlases. 27 vols. 4to. Leipzig and Berlin, 1880-99. A 19 P 1-27 t 1. Ctenophura ; von Dr. C. Chun. 2. Fierasfer ; von Dr. C. Emery. 3. Pantopoda; von Dr. A. Dohrn. 4. Corallina; von Graf zu Solms-Laubach. 5. Chaetognathen; von Dr. B. Grassi. (i. Caprelliden ; von Dr. P. Mayer. 8. Bangiaceen; von Dr. (J. Berthold. 9. Aotinien; von Dr. A. Andres. Thiol 1. 10. Doliolumj von Dr. B. Uljanin. 11. Polyoladen; von Dr. A. Lang. 1 2. Cryptonemiaccon ; von Dr. G. Borthold. 13. Koloniebildenden Radiolarien ; von Dr. K. Brand It. Polygordius; von Prof. J. Fraipont. ].">. (iorgonidon; von (J. von Koch. 16. Capitelliden; von Dr. H. Eisig. 17. Nachtrag zu den ('aprrlliden ; von P. Mayer 18. Enteropneusten ; von Dr. .1. YV. Spengel. 19. Polagische Copepoden; von Dr. W. Giesbreeht. 20. Gammarini ; di A. della Valle. 21. Ostraeoden; von G. W. Muller. 22. Nemeriinen ; von Dr. O. Biirger. 23. CVfalop . j: 1 i (Sislrni uica) ; did. Jatta. 24. Seesterne ; von Dr. H. Ludwig. 2.3. Asterocheridin ; von Dr. YV. ( Jieslireelit. Mittheilungen. Bande 1-13. 13 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1879-99. E Zoologischcr Jahresbericht, 1879-99, und Autoren-ung Sachregister, 1886-90. 22 vols. roy. 8vo. Leipzic and Berlin, 1880-1900. E ZOROASTER. Zoroaster, the Prophet of Ancient Iran. [See Jackson, Prof. A. V. YV.] G 23 T 41 ZUCHOLD, Ernst Amandus. Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt, [See Leichhardt, Dr. L.] MC 1 T 21 ZUILL, Dr. W. L. Pathology and Therapeutics of the Domesticated Animals. [See Friedberger, Dr. F.] A 30 It 27, 28 ZULULAND. Report on the Mining Industry of Zulu- land, 1895. 8vo. Pietermaritzburg, 1896. E Report on the Mineral Resources of Zululand, embody- ing the Annual Report on Mining Industry, 1894. 8vo. Pietermaritzburg, 1895. E ZUPITZA, Prof. Julius. Cynewulfs Elene. [See Cyuewulf.] Ii 12 T 15 ZURBRIGGEN, Mattias. From the Alps to the Andes : being the Autobiography of a .Mountain Guide. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1899. D 13 U 23 ZVETAIEFF, Iohannes. Inscriptions Italia; Inferioris Dialectics. Roy. 8vo. Mosqvse, 1886. J5V 22 ZYVEMER, Rev. S. M. Arabia, the Cradle of Islam: Studies in the Geography, People, and Politics of the Peninsula; with an Account of Islam and Mission Work. Illust. 8vo. Edinb, 1900. D 13 It 12 SUBJECT-INDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE, 1896-1900. Abattoirs. [See Slaughtering and Slaughter-houses.] Abbeys - Architecture and History, and Westminster Abboy... Morris, W. Cast'.-, and Abbeys of England Beattie. W. B 24 V Tl Chm; tbirvom.e'korsandAhhcv... (he! ham Soe. Pubs., 38 942.7 Guide to the Palace and Abbey of lloiyrood ... Holvrood Palace B 23 PIG Les Inscriptions sur Ardoise de I'Abbtn ;■ de Yilliers... Sheridan. P. Memorials of St. Kdniund's Abbey (it. Brit, and Irel. Chronicles ami Mems. -271 Westminster Abbey Bradley M. C. B 39 U 15 [Set "'mo Cathedrals and Churches; Kcclcxiastical Architecture; Abdomen. [Si* Digestion and Indigestion ; (lonitis-Vrinarv System; Intestines; Kidneys; Liver; Stomaeh ; Viscera.'] Abeokuta— General and Descriptive— Vie de John Williams Williams, J. C 19 V IS Aberdeen — General and Descriptive — Des •ription of Both Touns of Aberdeen: by Rev. J. Gordcn. Spaldim' Club Pubs. B 40 R 4 ■Sights and Scenes in Scotland ..' Scotland A 8 Q 20 t History— Mi; 'ay ,,f Aberdeen and Banff Watt, W. B 30 S 12 Spalding Club Publications... Spalding Club B 40 H IS 12, and 40 U 2!), 30 :;: Aberdeen University— I 'a ' .\l 1 .'rdo]ieus.-s. 14:14 1 854 , . . '""Spalding ( 'lu'b Pubs. R 40 S 3 History „f the Aberdeen Universitv, 1495-1895 ... Pulloch, d. M. (118 Q 3 1 Abiogenesis. [See Biology ; Evolution ; Life, Origin of.] Abnoi rnities [. .Science of Man &7a Stone Cookiiifi-lmlcs ami Oroovcs for Stone-grinding used by the Aborigines of Australia; hy It. IT. .Mathews... Anthropological Institute, Journal. 25 572 Studies iu Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Superstitions ,,f the Australian Aborigines: the Yahoo. Australian and New Zeal mil Monthly Maga/.ino MF 5 S 9 Tracking by Australian Aborigines; liv A. T. Magaroy ... Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., S.A. Br., Proj., 1S8S-98 910.0 Tracts relating to the Aborigines MA 2 T 29 Widow's Cap of the Australian Aborigines; by 11. Ft heridge, junr. Linnean Society, X. S. Wales, l'mc, 1899 '580.0 Word about the Aborigines Australian, The MJ 4 P 14 [See. also Boomerang; IJoia; Bullroarors; Folk lore— Aborigines of Australia: .Missions; Mites and Ceremonies; Rock-carvings; Totemism; and each Colony under tiis heading.] Languages — Aboriginal Languages of Fastcrn Australia compared; by Dr. J. Lauterer Roy. Soc, Queensland, Croc., 12 590 Etude sur les Dialectes Nco-Caledonicns, Australicns, et autrcs. Bernier, J. MJ 3 T 5 Native Vocabulary Larmer, J. MJ 3S 14 Native Vocabulary of Miscellaneous X.S. W. Objects; by Mr. Larmer Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898 500 On the Word Kangaroo ; by C. W. De Vis Royal (!eog. Soc, Aust., Queensland Br., Proc, 'l 893 ria. Proc", 1897 500 rigines of the Lower •lie ... Royal Socict v. ralia, Trans., 21 500 Anthropology; by R. Helms Roy. Soc. S.A., Trans., 21 500 Some Aborigines 1 have known; by S. Nov. Proc, 1888- !IS 91IL0 Use of the Wedge by the Natives of the Ci J. H. Browne Roy. Soc, S. Aust. Trans., 1897 98 ' 500 Tasmania - Aborigines of Tasmania; by J. B. Walker... Tasmania— Parlia- ment, Journs., :,9 328.910 Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land; by It. 11. Davies... Tas naniau Journal, 2 MA 5 R 5 Australian and Tasmanian Aborigines; by P. Ftluridge. X. S. Wales -Ocol. Survey, Paheontologv. 8 .MA 5 V 22 History of Mankind Rat/el, F. A 31 S 9 Is Mrs. F. C. Smithalast Living Aboriginal of Tasmania? by H. L. Roth Anthropological Institute, Journal, 1897 572 Man, Past and Present Keane, A. H. A 27 S 29 Origin of the Aborigines of Tasmania and Alls, ralia ; by A. W. Howitt... Australasian Assoc, for Adv. of Sc, Rcpt., 1898 500 i, Pa; Victoria — Aborigines, Reports... Victoria— Parli Anthropological Notes; by R. Helms... Blaekfellows' Mounds; by G. SoiPeux n VicI n Settlers Natio Western Australia — Aborigines of Xew Holland ; by G. F. Moore 'Magazine, 1840-41 Anthropology; by R. Helms Roy. Soc. . S.A. , Hark Bundle' of Native Objects from Western Aust Carnegie Anthropological Institute, J.ui IVotnTio'ii'liiaril of''\V.'-.!crn Aus! ralia ... Ot'.'l Western Australi; Absolute, The. [See Ontologj Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Absolution— History of Auricular Confession Lea, H. C. G 11 T 32-34 [S" also Confession; Creeds.] Absolutism — Pliil sophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 Abyssinia — General and Descrijilive- [So also Abyssinian Language; Abyssinian War; AbyssinianB.] - Commerce and Trade -Foreign Office 382 Wylde, A. B. B 16 T 8, 9 Abyssinian Language and Literature — Vcizeichniss del- Abessinisehcn Handschrifton ; von A. Dillnian. Berlin Kbnigl. Bibl. Kill - t Abyssinian War, 1868— Forty-one Years in India Roberts, Earl 15 10 V 37, 38 Magdala, 1866-67 Stanley, H. M. 15 1 P 44 Abyssinians- Th rough Unknown African Countries... Smith, A. 1). D 20 U 21 [Sk also Abyssinian Language and Literature.] Acacias. [See Wattles.] Academies of Literature, Art, and Music. [See under the exact title of each, both in the Author Catalogue and the Index ; also Fine Arts Societies ; Literature Societies ; Music— Societies.] Acalephse - Caiiipognc du Camion dans le < ojlfc de (iascogne. Li\ ing Ac.iri artificially produced .. [So also Mites; Parasites.] Accadians. [See Assyrian Language ; Babylon; Chaldea Accidents — Accidental Injuries: their Relief and Immediate Treatment; bj I)!'. J. Cantlie Internal. Health Exhib. Lit., 1SS4, 7 Acids. [See Technological Chemistry ; and under Names of Acids.] Acclimatisation— General — Acclimatisation in Xew Zealand; liv A. Bathgate... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1807 006 Acclimatisation Society, Queensland, Kept., 1S78 ... MA 5 Q 10 Zoological and Acclimatization Socict \ . Victoria, licpts. and Proe. MA4R 11-22 Accountants — Profession of a Chartered Accountant, and other Lectures. Pixley, F. W. F 13 Q 33 [See also Book-keeping.] Acephala— Conchifera, or Pi-valve Shells in the Collection of the British -Museum... British .Museum Natural History A 43 V 21, 22 [,SVe«A,oConehology; Mollusca.] Acetylene — Acetylene Lewes, V. B. A 45 U 27 Lighting by Acetylene (iibbs, W. E. A 25 P 45 Achmin, El. [See Egyptology.] Acology. [See Therapeutics.] Acoustics — Art of Projecting Dolbear, A. E. A 23 S 16 ElementsdAcou'sti.pic. Musical./ ct lustrum. •ntale...Mahillon.V.C, A 42 \V 18 Fallacy of the Present Theory of Sound... Mott, II. A. A 21 P 48 Formula- in Acoustics hi Mathematical and Physical Tables. Wrapson, .LP. A 25 S 38 Researches in Sound, with special reference to Fog-signallin ..■Papers.. oEar; Music; Physics.] 5(M| Xew Zealand Aeridii.he [See also Entomology- by Cap . F. W. Hutton ... Nl w Zealand IS! IS 506 Acrobats Acrobats and Mountebt nks LeRoux, H. A 27 V 26 Acting — The Actor's Art ■urThca ... Hammerton, J. A. ricals; Drama, The: S H 1 S 31 tagcThc: Actinidse — Le Attinie ; del Dr. A. Xew Zealand Aetiniaru Vndres.. ; by H. zu Neapel \ 111 l'!)t Actinomycosis— eland, T. D. A 26 T 35 Actinozoa. [See Cielenterata; Corals; Polyps.] 692 Tublic Library of Actions at Law. [See Equity; Evidence; Forms in Law; Trials.] Actors and Actresses — The Actors Art Hammorton, J. A. II 1 S 31 Actors of tin: Century Whyte, V. C 22 D 5 Allevn. Edward. Memoirs of; l.v .7. P. Collier..' Society, Pubs. H 3 U 7. 23 Apology for Ac-tors; l.v T. Hey wood ... Shakespeare Soc., Pubs. H 3 U 8 Bentley. Walter, Critical Kstimatc of Begg, W. MC 1 Q (i(l Bernhardt, Sarah; l.v J. Hurct 1. C 2(1 10 Books and Arts : Wcdmore. F. .126 1! 28 Curiosities of the American Stage Hutton, L. H 12 T 10 Drama of Yesterday and To-dav Scott, C. II I2U10, 17 Famous American Actors of To-.lay ... McKay, Y. K. C 23 Q Pew Memories Navarro, Mine M. de C 22 Q 14 From '-The Hells"!.. •• King Arthur" Scott, C. HOT 15 Heminge. John, and Coml-ll, llenrv; by ( '. < '. Walker ('24 P 40 Irving, Henrv; l.v ( '. Hiatt " C 20 S 21 Jefferson, Joseph,' Life and Art of C 20 T S Keeleys on the Stage and Off Keeley, R. C 22 R 10 Kenclals; by T. F. Pcml.erton Grimston, W. H. C 20 S 21, W. ('., Life of C 1!) P 1 Melbourne Stage in its Infancy .. Colonial Monthly, 3 MJ 4 P 7 Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare; by J. P. Collier Shakespeare Society Pubs. H 3 U 30 Napoleon's Opera-glass Rosen, L. H 10 W 18 Oldfield, Nance, Palmy Days of; by K. Robins ... Oldfield, Anne C 24 R 24 Our Celebrities MA 4 V 10 of 1592 cd.. .'.:.!.!....' ' shake- ,.-'!.,, -'sV.ei, t'y Pal.r TT 3 UiV Romance of the fiish Stage Molloy, J.' F. I! II R 15, 10 .School of Abuse; bv S. (h.sson Shakespeare Society Pubs. II 3 U 8 .Sketches of Leading Actors and Actresses Theatre, The Some Notable Hamlets. .ft he Present Time... Scott. ('. 27 I! 21 The Stage as a Career Hubert, P. G, 1113 U 14 Terriss, William, Life of; by A. J. Smvtho Lewin. W. C. J. C 25 P Terry, Kllen ; by C. Hiatt ... Wardell, Mrs. Ellen A. C 20 P 13 Theatre, The MJ 4 P 24 Wagner's Prose: Works, 5 Wagner. H. J 4 S 18 Without the Limelight Sims, (i. R. H 13 V [See also Stage, The; Theatre, The.] Acts of Parliament. [See sub-heading .Statutes under the name of the Country in the Author Catalogue and in the Index ; also sub-heading Laws and I egis- lation under each subject.] Acts of Pilate Homeric Centimes, and the Acts of Pilate Harris, J. R. Acts of the Apostles Naw Testament — History of Early Christian Literature Krcgcr, (i. v F. YV Woll- i Exper .1.9 United Sta es— Dept. of Agr. ( ttlice if Exper. St Agr cultural Kill cation l i N. S. W ales ... .. Anderson 11. ( . L. MA 3 S 51 Agricultural Education in the United States; by A. C. True United States— Dcpt. of Agr., Year-book, 1809 030.1 Agricultural Science: its Place in a University Education. Waring'ton. II. (I 18 R 5! Distribution of Crantsfor Agrii-.iliural Education in (Ireat Britain Report (it. Brit, anil lrel.— Board of Agr. 030.: , Ye. .■of. 1 eni i;:io.; \. Fr!cdlc\ Education of Boys intended to be Intcrnat. Health Ex Elementary Agricultural Educatio D.W.Aiken.. United Slates Dep;. of Agriculture AI9U1I Higher Teaching of Agriculture: bv Rev. .1. B. McClellan. Internat. Health Exhib., 1S84, Lit., 14 A 41 V 1 How Agricullure is Taught in Prussia and Franco... United Sialcs if Education, Rept., 1805-96 379.7 Dept. of Edu Recess Committee AM8R13 jriculture ... United States— Bureau if Education, Rept.. 1897 98 379.73 :ure... UnitedStates- Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Methods of Instruction : Methods of Teaching Agi Agriculture — Education, Tcachinq, Muzrunts —contd. Methods of Teaching Agriculture in Pro. ceilings, 12th Convention, American AgrieulturalCollcges... UnitedStaics Dcpt. of Age- Office of Experiment Stations (130.7 ' 'ing; by R, II. 1 ■inghridgo. . Ex e in Foi Pi nular /liii itii'ii'i'fo the Farmi ■ in the Un ted States; >y F. H. llilehe ek. u .S.— Dept. if Agr., Y, n-book, 189 030.5 Practical \~.ll e of Ins ruction in Agrieu by Prof. C. \ I idiana— Bo ird of Agr. Rents., 18S ' 039.6 R Experi .en Station Record, 10, Offic " United St ■ of Exi,eri ates— Dept. c 'H,- hool F< and Fa m Schools; bv H. M. Jenkins.. Intcrnat. Health E Jul,.. I8IM Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 me Pre fess to ,•« Progrc 's Edu- n B mire... Vi t. Era Exl lie Aii Agricultural Science ; bv R. II. Paget I Health E hili., 18S4 Lit,, 14 A 41 V 10 Te aching of A grieultu •e; by Earl E Forteseue. Lit., 14 A Health U lited S -Burea u of Educat , 1895-96 ... 379.73 V ctoria- -Council of Agicultural Education. Report M( 2 V 19 Law* ami Le<,i*l„r„,n Truth about Agricultural Depres ban ['"arm and Home... nd West and Southern ( of Agriculture, Wcste Council of Agriculture, Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 697 ;. Bureau, Anna, Statistics— Agricultural Depression, Reports of C Austria— Statistisches Jahrouch desk British India, Agricultural Statistics, Condition of Crops ii Con, Condition of Crowing Crops, 1890-91 ... United Agr. Div. of S Crop Experiments, Boml>a\ Presiilencv I: Land Records and A CropReporta United States Dept. of . d. tulea 'and Agriculture— Belgium — Belgium -Bulletin do 1' Agriculture G30.G State Aid lo Agriculture and Induslrv in n-d-ium, Report. Recess Committee A 38 R 13 Bombay — Bombay-Depl. of Land Records and Agricult.. Repts. ... G30.G J! " ''^amlVe'coi-d's'and Agriculture ^30.7 s "23 Canada— Agricultural Credit Associations in Canada United States- - Consular Kepts, 57 382 Agricultural Resources and Development - in Canada. Hopkins, J. C. I) 13 T 9 t Cooperative Experiments in Agriculture; by C. A. Zavite. Ontario Agr. and Kxpcr. Union. 1897 030.7 Imperial Heritage Williams, E. E. F 15 Q 31 9 V 1 5 I lie. 338. 1 Cape Colony — Fanning Resources of Cape Colony Wallace, R. A 30 R 12 ■1'|" Carolina - Climate, Soil, and Agricultural Capabilities of South Carolina and Georgia United States Dept. of Agriculture A 19 U 13 Dept. of — China — Agriculture in China United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of TlwoVl Connecticut — Descriptive Catalogue of Farms in Connecticut for Sale. Connecticut -Board of Agriculture A 35 T 13 i of the Year, Report, 1889-9 Di of S Sc I land: 'Agriculture Report'. 1 .. "...'.'.'.'."('it'. Synopticallndox.Rcportsof Statistician. 1803 94. Dept. of Agr. -Div. of l'ul.lh a Unit, .1 States -Dept. of Am'. - -Div. of Statistics, Cnlic,| States Dept. of Agr., Div. of Statistics United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. ot Statistics Yield of Crops per Acre, Report, 1884... United A::v. -Div. of Statistics Yield of Crops per Acre, Reports, 1890 92 ...Uni i -.oris: "Aw siih-la'aiiing Department of A i, .'me.: ,,f Countries in Author Catalogue.] Denmark - msko Landhusholdi ttee A 38 R 13 m stone Caardo. . V. A 33 1* 34 of Bedford, Huntin Dorset, Report 9 W 8 % ■irultnre o w o : also each Colony u - Austria — 698 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Agriculture— England— could. Reply to the Final Report of (lie British Royal Commission on Agriculture Smith, C. W. A 36 W 25 Revival of English Agriculture Graham. P. A. A 20 R 24 .Salisbury Wain District, Wiltshire, Report... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Agriculture A I!!) W (i + Selected Districts, Counties of Oxford, Gloucester, Wilts. anilBerks, and on the N'eighlmurhood of Taunton, Somerset, Report. (it, Brit, and Irel. Agriculture A 3!) W 11 J South Durham and Select,.,! Districts of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, Report (it. Brit, and Irel.— Agriculture A 39 W 13 t Tenant Farmer; l.yj. Howard Practical Politics F 12 T 31 Truth about Agricultural Depression... ( 'hannine;. F. A. F13VT -Agricu A 39 W 15 1 Vale of Aylesbury and the County of Hertford, Report "(it. Brit, and Irel.—.' Europe — Condition of Crops in America ami Europe, Repnr States Dept, of Agr. Division -' -'' [See a/xo each Country under this heading.] Soil and Products of Florida Saunders, W. A 30 R 30 France- Agricultural Organization and State Aid to Agriculture in France, Report Recess Committee A 38 R 13 Agriculture in France United States Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics, Rept., Jan., 1893 030.973 Georgia — Climate, Soil, and Agricultural Capabilities of South Carolina and Georgia United States -Dept. of Agriculture A 19 U 13 - Germany - Great Britain. [See England; Ireland; under this heading.] Holland - State Aid to Agric ■ India — Agricultural Statistics, British India.. Agricultural Statistics, India and Myso [See also Bombay under . Ireland- Agricultural Cooporatioi ic and Agriculture 030.9; y Zealand Dept. of .Touch., 1890 331.8 lies and Agricult lire aimittee A Si R 13 Japan- statistical Report, Agricultural and Commercial Departmi Japan. [In Japanese] Japan New Brunswick — Agriculture for the Province of New Brunswick, Report ... New Brunswick- Parliament, Journ. 328.715 Agriculture — New South Wales- Agricultural Education in N. S. Wales Anderson, H. C. L. MA 3 S 50 Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 030.5 Agriculture in New South Wales; by J. L. Thompson -in Net- South Wales, the Mother Colony. .Hutchinson, E. Ml) 7 U 23 Agriculture in New South Wales; by W. Wilkins- in Pams., N.S.W. Commissioners... Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MA 4 T 22 Western Agriculture ; by R, W. Peacock... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Western Grazing Problems; by R, W. Peacock Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.3 New Zealand— Colonists' (iuide and Cyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge. Bret, H. MK 2R 12 Porto Rico — Agricultuie in Puerto Rico; by R. Stone United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 030.5 Prussia— Proti ko'.l der 41. Sitzung tier Central-Moor-Coinmission. Queensland — Agricultural Possibilities of Western (Queensland ; byH. A. Tardent. (Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 030.5 A Few I ' cc, sland Agricultu al Journal ... ulc Ml Russia — and Agrieultur —in Diplomatic Seychelles - j of Northern and Consular (it. Brit, ar of Seychelles. Russii leporl s d Irel. including Fin , 1898. -Foreign Office xrt, C. A11X South Australia — Rural Bureau of S. Aust., Join lities of Various Districts in tl c'Colo, den and Eield 1th Australia-Agr Bureau, Rept of Am . Conference Switzerland- Agricultural Development of Switzerland ... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office, Misc. See, 394 382 Statu Aid to Agriculture and Industry in Switzerland, Report. Recess Committee A 38 R 13 Tasmania- Agricultural (iazclte and Journal of the Council of Agriculture, Tasmania 030.5 United States — Agricultural Discontent in the U.S. ... Emerick, C. F. F 18 Q 7 Condition of Crops in America and Europe, Report United States Dept, of Agr. Division of Statistics 03O.973 Life Zones and Crop Zones, if 1 he United States ; by C. 11. Merriam. U.S. Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Biological Survey A 37 S ~C> Progress of Agriculture 'in the United States; by G. K. Holmes. United States-Pept. of Agr., Year-book, 1899 030.5 Suggestions to Southern Pinners... United States Dept, of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 98 A 41 U 2 United States Dept. of Agr., Yes [See also Alaska, Carolina, ('ounce sota, under this heading. ] Victoria- Australian Coli Hints for the Guidance Mallee Country of Vic iedtur ia, Minn 111)! Fe< Virginia — miic History of Virgini ixthConferei Vest Aust rali ic of Producers, Proc n Settler's Guide.... Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Agriculture —Wyoming— Agricultural Survey of Wyoming United States - Dept. of Agriculture- Div. of Statistics A 37 S 38 Agriculture and Politics— ll "(;t!"l!iit'."an'ur"l!' A-rlc'di' u'i'c ' V 30 V 1-5 % Agricultural Discontent in the United States Emeriek, C. F. F IS Q 7 Agri ultural Distress and its Remedies. Nat. Lib. Club, Pol. Econ. Circle, 2. 330.0 Agricultural Labourer (it. Brit, and Irel. - Labour F 29 V 27, 28 % Arch. Joseph: the Story of his Life.... ■s Mo. Haggard, H. 1 , Ea or; ii I! : 3R5 ments of Agriculture in Foreign Countri . lint, and Irel. Foreign Ollice F 13 T 5 Report... (it, Brit, and' Irel. Agriculture F 39 V 12 J Labourer: ^range."''!'^-: Lajid Tenure; Agrostology. [See Grasses.] Ague. [See Malarial Fever.] Ahmedabad -General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, -1 ... Bombay— Ainos - Ainu of Japan [Stt also Anthropology.] Air Chemistry — . Batchclor, Rev. J. A 1! Air Physics — . Kemv 1, Dr. H. R. A20R 31 Jollections. 30 508 Institution, .Misc. Collections, 31 e Motions of the Earth's Atmosphcr ... New Zealand Ins!.. Trans IS07 a Thermodynamic Ma. Akhmin, El. [See Egyptology.] Alabama— General and Dem-ri/itir ind Sketches ... Ralph, J. D 22 R 5 C10P20 e, Earl of C 23 V 4, 5 •, Lieut, A. B36U13 Alaska and Archipelago — General and Descriptive — Alaska Bruce, M. W. 1) 22 R 10, 17 Alaska: by I. Petroft' - hi Census of the United States, 1880. United Slates -Census Office 317.3 Alaska and the Klondike Heilprin, A. D 13 R 10 Alaska. Report of the Governor United States -Dept. of the Interior, Misc. Rcpts. 353.3 Ascent of Mt. St. Klias, Alaska.. Luigi Amc.lco di Savoia, Prince D 23 Q 3 Narrative of the Expedition to Alaska. 1S00-0S Dall, W. H. D 16 V 22 Our Western Archipelago Field, If. M. 1) 10 S 4 Population and Resources of Alaska, Report United States Tim ields of Alaska to Bering Stra Office 317.3 Do Windt, H. D 16 T 20- Forest Pike, W. D 15 T 27 Rectus, E. D21 U 15 ^oration, and Early Voyages— ritory of Alaska United States - Adjutant-* ieneral's ( Iffice 1) 22 U 10 !iic Ollice 1) 40 P 1 t Anchorage in South-cast Alaska, 1808 [Chart 1. (it. lb-it. and Irel. H ydrographir Office D 40 P 1 * ' l ' 11 (;t'."i';,',t'."!cid !'rc'r l! 'llv'rlroc,'. l | l iMc'V)llicc I) 40 R2 + Plans in Alaska, 180S [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel. Ilydrographic Office 4!) 1*2 J . Miller, W. D 13 V 1 1 rt'assa Ell'endi B 30 P 2 Powell, II, V. B20T16 Albany, U.S.— History— Historic Towns of the Middle States Albany, Western Australia — A Peep at Albany; byH. Furniss... Windsor Magazine, 1S0S 052 Albuminoids. [See Foods, Chemistry of; Physiological Chemistry.] Albuminuria — '' w!TlVDickin.'o','' !l 'c Sy'H'n/ol'iNUdi'-inJ ...""."."Allimtt.V C A 26 T 37 Nephritis; by Dr. A. If. Smith in Practical Therapeutics: r Hare, 11. A. A 31 P 16 Albury, N.S.W.— General and Daeriptit m— in Catalogue of Birds 20. Tublic Library of New South Wales. Ale— Colonia [See ah Alectorides— . Fulicariie and Alectorides .;• :bv R. B. Sharpe- in O by Dr. J. Jamieson . . . Melbourne K lie Collection of the British .Museum ; )gue of Birds British Museum- Natural History A 39 U 5 [See also Ornithology ; Poultry.] '"'Alert," The— Zoological Collections made in the Indod'acitic Ocean during the Voyage of H. M.S. Alerl, I S8 1 82, Report ... British Museum ■ Alfalfa. [See Luce Algse - :, R. K. A -M U -J! I ■. Key to the Tribes audi I, ' Royal Nereis Boreiili-Americai Phvcological Memoirs... Queensland Freshwater Algiers and Algeria— General and Des, Merveilles de France, Belgique, Suisse, Algeri Alien Immigration Royal Statistical Soc, Journ., ISO.") .'• [,SVc«/.so Chinese Question; ('it i/.ei.ship ; Colored Labor; Cooli. Emigration; International Law; Kanakas; Naturalization.] Alimanic Language. [See German Language.] Alimentary Canal. [See Digestive System; Intestint Alkali in Soils Alkali and Alkali Soils... ( aliforni i -Agr. Exper. Station, Kept, 1894-96 (.30.7 Alkali Lands. ..California -Am-. Exper. St n., Kept., 1895-97 630'7 Alkali Lands; by M. Whitney ... United States Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 88 A 41 U 2 Alkali Soils of the Yellowstone Valley; by M. Whitney. United States Dept. of A sir. l')iy. of Soils "A 38 R 1-4 Forage Plants for Cultivation on Alkali Soils; by J. (4. Smith. United States -Dept. of Agr., Yea. -book, 1898 630.". Origin, Value, and Reclamation of Alkali Lands... United States -Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1895 631). 5 Pamphlets on Soils Agricultural Kxpor. Stations A 36 Q 16 [See also Agricultural Chemistry ; Soils anil Subsoils.] llkalies Manufacture — Alkali Workers in White Slav 3 of England .. Shcrard, R. 11. Manufacture of Alkali an* its Spce'traof t!ic\\lkaYies'and'tlieii S3hi Soc, Victoria, i Chemistry for t, B. A21T39 ; by L. Rummcl. Proc, 1897 506 dkaloids, Vegetable ; by E. Kop... Cavendish Pubs., A 36 SI e, X. A 31 Q 32 Morphi; llegoriet , Religious — 0.] [Z.X i llegory 'arables';' Religious' .... Philpot, Mrs.' Forlong Stories.] Alligators and Crocodiles Allusions, Dictionaries, of. [.vc (^uotutToitK.] Alluvium. \Ser Ceology : (JoMUekrs ; ( iold mining. J Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Almanacs and Calendars — .VI- idc Almanac and Smith Australian Directory Aim mac and Cuide, 188.) lirown, I). K. Almanac dcOotha Bon 1. iv Calendar and Almanac Border Post Almanac Affl Cap-of Oood Hope Almanac n Aim; Col. ■'.- Family Almanac Counier Anstralien, A Fdi ,bargh Almanac .. Km ;■ ants' Almanack ; Fin mcial Reform Aim; Han, 11 Aim; Hoi .art Town Almana Irish Australian Aim; Luna- Almanac, 1 Madras New Almanac Moore's Australi Aim. . Moo ; 2 U 30- 33 A 30 U 27 .... 315.48 I. J. 310.4 ry, and Yearly Register I'ugh's Almanac and Queensland Directory .Mii.4.1 Thompson's Almanark and Knrvolopedia 314.2 W. h's Tasnianian Aim; nae ..."... . . Tasmanian Almanac 319.46 We a her Almanac Kgeson, C. MA 5 R 18 Wellington Alniana ■ ai d Directory 910.31 Whitaker's Almanac M4.2 World Almanac and Encyclopedia 317.3 [,SV, niio Chronology ; Nautical Almanacs ; Year-books.] Almshouses. [See Asylums, Benevolent; Charities; Poor-laws ; Work-houses.] Almucantir — Almiicantxr; by S. C. Chandler Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 17 .V22.19 Alphabets— Philology- Alphabets Strange, E. F. J 14 U 18 [S- nl:n ( 'urn -if., mi Inscriptions; Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions; I'al.-eograpliy ; Writing; and sub-heading' Alphabet under each Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms— Alp!, diets, Old and New Day, L. F. A 41 Q 24 Dv.n ick's Rook of Fancv Alphabets ... Shaw", 11. S. MA 1 V .V2 Monograms and Ciphers Renoir, H. A is Q 20 f [Si ■ "iio Illumination—Fine Arts.] Alpine Plants. [See Botany and Flora— New Zealand; llutany and Flora— Switzerland.] Alps and Alpine Scenery- Alps and Pyrenees Hugo, V. M., Comte 1) 18 Q 33 Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites ! Sinigaglia, L. 1) 18 V 2."> Climbs of Norman-Xeruda Norman-Xcruda, L. I) 22 K 12 Kn \ ovage: Alpes c! Pyrenees... Hugo, V. M., Comte 1) 22 P 13 Glaciers of the Alps Tyndall, J. A 24 T 27 Hi, I . iic in the Swiss Highlands Svmonds, .1. A. I) 18 Q 30 Scrambles in the Fasten, Graians . Yeld, ,„„„„,,,, d, Memoir of C 21 U 11 Murray, Hon. Sir ( 'buries, Memoir of ; by Sir II. Maxwell. C25R1 Paget Papers, 1794-1807 ... Paget, lit. Hon. Sir A. C 21 U 3, 4 [>Siee also Consuls and Consular Service; Diplomacy.] Amber-cane. [See Sorghums.] Ambiguity — Distinction and the Criticism of Beliefs... Sidgwick.A. G 19 U 38 Ambulances and Ambulance Work — Accidental Injuries ; their Relief and Immediate Treatment ; by Dr. J. Cantlie... Internal. Health I-Miibii i- ,n. 1884, Lit., 7 V. B. B. Keni . Int . Ilea :, Lit., 8 Carriage and Removal of the Sick and Wounded; by J. Furley. Intel-national Health ion, 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Manual of Ambulance Riddell, ,1 . S A 26 S 36 Outlines of First Aid, United States Army United States— Surgeon General's Office A 35 P 17 Pan-American Medical ( 'om-ress. Transactions 610.0 Stretcher Drill Illustrated .'. Marsh.,!!. Surgeon Major J. J. do Z. A 20 P 34 Surgeon-General. United States Xavv, Report... United States Bureau of Medici,,.- ami Surgerv 013.08 [See aho Accidents; Medical Service.] Sublet Heading tha — Central -Genera _ Geography, Topography, and -— North— General and Descrip lib-divided by Coun1 I Descriptive. Maps - nd Irel. -Hvdro-raphic Office ' 1)49 P2: 702 Public Library of New South Wales. America — North— History — Dutch and Quaker Colonies of America ... Fiske, J. B 19 V G, 7 South — General and Descriptive — Australian Trade Directory Wright, G. 910.3 History of South America, from the Discovery to the 1 'resent Time. • "American, An" J! 20 S 15 Monthly Bulletin U. S. —Bureau of American Republics 382 [See a?so m South American Wars.] History — L'Estrange, Roger, Adventures of B 17 P 38 West Indies and the Spanish Main Rodway, J. B 10 R 28 American Art. [See Fine Arts — American.] American Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Author Catalogue for Publications.] American Civil War, 1861 — Adams, Charles Francis , C 19 P 29 Army Life in a Mack Regiment ... Higginson, T. W. C 19 T 22 Atlantic Coast ; by Rear-Adm. D. Amnion Navy in the Civil War B 23 Q 23 Blockade and the Cruisers: by J. It. Soley Navy in the Civil War B 23 Q 21 Campaigning with Giant Dorter, (Jen. H. B 39 S 13 Civil War am] Reconstruction, and lb lated Topics. Dunning, W. A. F 4 U 37 Critical Sketches of some of the federal ami Confederate Com- manders Dwight, T. F. C21 U5 Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac... Powell, Lt-Col. W. H. B 30 U 14 Foote, Adm. A. H., U.S.N., Life of; by Prof. J. M. " ■ATSi Forbes, John Murray, Letters and Recollections of... C 24 P 23, 24 Franklin, Rear-Adm. S. R., U.S. Navy ; Memories of C 24 P 13 From Manassas to Appomatox ' l.oiigstreet, Lieut. -(Jen. J. B 19 T 15 Grant, U. S. ; by W. C. Church C 23 P 23 Gulf and Inland Waters; by Capt. A. T. Mahan Navy iu the Civil War B 23 () 22 Heroes of the Civil War- In American Contributions to Civiliza- tion Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 History of the American War Fletcher. Lieut. -Col. II. C. B 20 T 8-10 Ironclads in Action, 1855-95 Wilson, II. W. II 33 K (i, 7 Lee, Robert E., and the Southern Confederacy (.'23 P 24 Letters of a War Correspondent Page, C. A. B 41 P 14 Mississippi Valley in the Civil War l'iske, J. B 40 T 1 Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion... United States- Dept. of the Nav\ li IS R 1C Polk, Leonidas, Bishop and General C 27 R 13, 14 Recollections of, I860 65... Riddle. A. G. I! 10 V 17 Reconstruction during the Civil War in the United States. Scott, E. G. F 2 V 23 Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War. Henderson, Lieut. -Col. G. F. R. B 39 P 14, 15 Story of the Civil War. Ropes, J. C. B 17 R 32 Struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Recon- struction Chadsey, C. E. F 18 R 17 Three Deeades of Federal Legislation, 1855-85 Cox, S. S. F 13 T 4 Two Years on the Alabama Sinclair, Lieut. A. B 30 U 13 Upper Canada Sketches Conant, T. B 19 U 16 Wound Dresser Whitman, W. C 23 P 28 [See also Confederate States; United States— Politics.] American Law. [See Law — American.] American Literature— General — American Bookmen Howe, M. A. De W. C 23 U 11 American Literature Rates, Katherine Lee J 4 V 42 American Prose Carpenter, G. R. J 21 R 36 Americanisms and Briticisms Matt hews, J. B. J 1 R 47 Atlantic Essays Higginson, T. W. J 14 U 2 Dictionary of American Authors Vlanis, <). F. K 19 R 22 American Literature — General — contd. Initial Studies in American Letters Beers, H. A. J 14 V 9 Introduction to t he St udy of American Literal u re. ...Matthews, J. B. J 22 R 37 Literary History of the American Revolution Tyler, M. C. J 14 S 25, 20 New World and the New Book ... Higginson, T. W. J 22 R 32 Short Studies of American Authors... Higginson, T. W. J 1 R 30 [See afao Americanisms; Canadian Literature; DrarWitio Litera- ture — American; Fiction- American: Poetry— American.] American Negroes- Army Life in a Black Regiment ... Higginson, T. W. C 19 T 22 Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro. Hoffmann, F. L. F 4 V 21 Status of the Negro in Virginia during tin- Colonial Period. West, G. M. F 18 T 1 Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom. Siebert, W. H. F 16 Q 14 [See also Race Problems.] American-Philippine War — Filipino Martyrs Sheridan, R. B. B 40 U 2 Story of the Spanish-American War and the Revolt in the Philip- pines King, Lieut. W. X. 1! 49 P l-l + American-Spanish War, 1898 — American Cruiser in the East Ford, J. D. D 21 _S 2 American-Spanish War B 1 V 21 AmcricanNavN in the War withSpain Spears, J. R. P. 19 R II America's Foreign Policy Wolsey, T. S. F 1 S 3 Battles and Capitulation of Santiago de( 'uba ; by Lieut. J. Mullery Tejciro... UnitcdStates ( Htice'of .Naval Intelligence B 39 T 10 Blockades and Coast Defense; by (.'apt. Severn Gomez Nunez. United States Oilice 'of Naval Intelligence B 40 Q 1 Comments of Rear-Adm. Pliiddemann, ( lerman Navy, on the Main Features of the War with Spain U.S.- Dept, of the Navy A 30 W 15 CubanamlPortoRicaii Campaigns Davis, R.H. B 36 R 15 Downfall of Spain Wilson, H. W. B 41 Q 5 Effect of the Gun-fire of U.S. Vessels in the Battle of Manila Bay ; by Lieut. Kllicolt U.S. -Dept. of the Navy A 36 W 15 History Up to Date Johnstone, W. A. B 19 Q 20 Lesson's of the War with Spain ... Mahan, Capt. A. T. F 16 U 9 New Pacific Bancroft, 11. II. D 22 Q 14 Proclamations and Decrees during the War with Spain. United States -Dept. of State F 16 R 30 Rough-riders Roosevelt,'!'. 1117 1,134 Sinking of the Mn-rinaa- Hobson, R. P. B 19 Q 19 ■ Sketches from the Spanish- American War; by Commander J United States- Dept. of the Navy A 36 W 15 Spanish-American War: Sipiadron Operations in t lie West Indies ; by Rear-Adm. Cervera U.S. Oilice of Naval Intelligence B 40 Q 1 Stor\ of the Spanish American War and the Revolt in the Philip- pines King, Lieut. W. N. B 49 P 14 J United States Revenue Cutter Service in the War with Spain. United States— Dept. of the Treasury B 41 S 4 United States San it arv Commission, Bullet in, vols. 1,2 A 34 U 10 Views of Admiral Cervera regarding the Spanish Navy in the late War... United States -Oliiee of Xmal Intelligence B39T11 War in Cuba Atkins, J. P. B 30 Q 12 War with Spain Lodge, H. C. B 30 R 12 With Sampson through the War ... Goode, W. A. M. B 41 R 3 [See also (.'uba -History : Philippine Islands.] American War, 1812 — Barclay, Thomas. Selections from I he Correspondence of. C 26 R 19 Calhoun, J. C, Life of, 1811-43 C 26 T 4 History of American Privateers Maclav, E. S. B 40 P 3 Naval Actions of the War of 1X12 Barnes. . I B 10 V 30 Pictorial Field-hook of ISI2 bossing, B. J. P. 39 T IS Tompkins, Daniel 1)., Governor of New Yolk, Public Papers of 1807-17 New York -Historian B 41 S 5 Sulivan, Admiral, Life and Letters of, 1810-90 C 22 Q 9 [See also United States -History. ] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. American War of Independence, 1775 83 — A., -■ i.-i.n Involution Fiskc. J. li 10 V 3."., 30 \, ,;,n Revolution. 1700-70... Trevelvan, Sir (J. 0. B 20 T 3 K, of llarlcu Heights. 1770 Johnston, H. 1'. B 19 R 2 Ulii-nl Papers Bland, Col. T. C 27 S 13 Building of the Empire Story, A. T. B 10 U 12, 13 Cat -.'. .-tti' ,1.- 1 Fxp .,iti>.n Hi^ori.ptcdos Souvenirs Franco-Amori- ., i .1 ,1, la Guerre de I'Independance Chicago Exhib., 1893 (V i al Period of AmerieanHistory, 1783 SO... Fiske,J. B17R17 (oily, of . '•'!'•■- of Da nith . :1 Del. , 14th Rep , K Look of the Xonliont Arntv at Tic Irr oga and Mt. Inc ..fence, Gel. 17th. 1770-Jan. 8th, 1777 B 28 T rialFiehbhookofthe Revolution. .. Lossing, B. J. I! 30 T 10, of the Revolution Lodge, If. C. 1! 20 T 1, of the Social Compact, a ' " ■'ollllio [Sen aim United States-History. 1 Americanisms — Jonathan and his Continent Land of the Dollar Ametabola - Nat t.ral History of Insects of China.. [&. ate Entomology.] Ammonitoidea — idPhylloe . Fet V: . Fgglcston, K. B 17 Q 20 Blouet, P. J 25 Q 38 Iteevens, G. \V. F 10 V 44 m, K. A 20 RlOf nith, J. P. A40C, xid:u7on'of Merc. , a in Air and Water: also, of Iron in Alkaline Solution; by W. Skey New Zealand Inst., Trans., 29 506 704 Public Library of New South Wales. Analytical Chemistry— contd. Position that Cyanogen holds in relation to the Simple Radicals, audits inability to combine with Silver or Hold; by W. Skev, New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 500 Scientific Foundations of Analytical Chemistry... Ostwald, W. A 21 R 42 Sewage Analysis Wanklyn, J. A. A 20 Q 27 Steel Works Analysis Arnold, J. 0. A 24 Q 12 Volumetric Analysis Sutton, F. A 21 U 20 [See aho Agricultural Chemistry; Chemistry Organic ; Elec- trolysis; Food Adulteration; "Foods. Chemistry of ; Fruit- Analyse Chemist of: -Milk: ,-; Water,: inological 8.] Anarchy and Anarchists — Anarchism Zenker, E. V. F 13 T 33 Fabian Society Tracts F 1!) R 15 Hand-book of" Anarchy Andrews, J. A. MF3P71 Memoirs of a Revolutionist ... Kropotkin, Prince C 23 T 18, 19 Political Crime Proal, L. F 13 S 33 Socialism and Anarchism Osgood, H. L. F 18 R 24 Socialists and Anarchists in Ignorance Dorman, M. R. P. G 18R71 [.See also Nihilism ; Reformers, Social.] Anatomy —General — Academic desScien 38, Comptes rendus des Seanc s 12), 12 506 Development of the M immalia i Prenasal Cartilage; by 1 r. R. Broom Lionoai, S ciety, N.S.W., Pr c, IS!).", 5NO.I Dissections IUustra ted ..... ... "."..'. "lirodie^C. ( . A 15 - I!l''+ Elements of Anatoi >y A 30 U Homology of the Pi ss of the Mammalia . IVemax Uary byDr.R, Broom. iSoc.,N.S.W.,Pr >c, IS9.5 Human Anatomy Cleland J. A 1: V18 Jahrcsberiehte fiber die Fo'i-tsei ritte der Anatomic und En wick- lungsgeschichte (iic.- Morphologisches Ja 591.4 Organ of Jacobson Linnea'n S- iianBat; by Dr. ] •icty. X.S.VV., Pr, .Broom 580.0 Pan-American Mod ouu Philips' Anatomical Model"... Schmidt,' >r.'"A4 V 12 Regional Anatomy by Dr. M. H. Cryer in Ame ican Svs Dentistry . F. A Relations of the Or ,'a'n ofdac.ii Linnean S. son in the Horse ;b ciety. N.S.W., Pr, • Dr. R. P c, 189(i .-'so'.' Structure and Rcl f' tic Pacinian Bodies- j Memoirs Huxley, T. 11. A" 40 S 15 Tegumentary Orgai s mScien ide Memoirs Huxley, A 4 T. H. 1 S 1." Text-book of Speci 1 Patliologi sal Anatomy .... Zieg A 3 er, E. I ; 2i Ultimate Structure and Rclati, ns of the Malphigi of the Spleen, and of tli e Tonsillar Bodies in Scientiti • Me. noil Huxley, T H. A 4 IN i.- [Set aho Anatomy vc ; Animal Mech pometry ; Artist c Anatom ; Circulatory S} f s irinary Sy.s tern ; Histology ;" I! Nys tern ; Morpholog y; Nerve's Osteology ; Rcspi atol.v Sn ' Skeletons Surgery ; Vascular Svstcn : Vi viseetion ; and tu der each 01 gan of the body.] Co Archiv fiir Mii.r,.,ko Art Anato lirainof A Con.parati Dr. R. V Comparati e Anaton Laboratorj Guide foi Mammalia r Anatomv Skcleto. of Man Morpholo.. sches.Iah Origin of t 16 Corpus Vertebrate Skeleton Zoological Atlas Ancestor Worship — Evolution of the Idea of God Allen, G. G 23 S 7 Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 Ancient History. [See Egyptology; History, Ancient; Roman Empire ; and under each Ancient Country.] Andes — Highest Andes Fitz Gerald, E. A. I) 22 T 2 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 30 Andradite — New Alkali Hornblende, and a Titanifcrous Andradite from the Nephelinc-Svemtc of Dungannon, Ontario; by F. D. Adams. McGill University A 40 S 22 Andrenidse — British Bees in the Collection of the British Museum ; by F. Smith. British Museum Natural History A 43 T 1 [Ste aho Bees.] Anecdotes— Bon-mots of the 1 9th Century Jerrold, W. J 7 P 54 Cakes and Ale Spencer, E. A 22 Q 36 Flowing Bowl, The Mott, 10. S. J 24 T 2 New Curiosities of Literature Soane, G. J 21 S 22, 23 Scottish Life and Character Harvey, W. ,T 23 S 28 Tavern Anecdotes and Sayings Himllcy, C. ,1 14 R 19 Thomas Moore Anecdotes; by W. Harrison... Moore, T. C 19T25 Works Sheridan, R. B. H 13 P 20 World, The Fitz Adams, A. J 1 V 43 [See aho Humour; Tales.] Anemometers. [See Meteorology.] Aneroid Barometer. [See Barometers.] Aneurisms - Aneurism of the Aorta; by Sir W. T. Gairdner -in System of Medicine Alllmtt. T. C. A 20 T 39 Aneurisms of Arteries in the Abdomen; by Dr. Rollcston in System of Medicine Allbu'tt, T. C A 20 T 39 [Set also Aorta; Arteries.] Angeiology - Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 [See aho Lymphatic System.] Angels - What the Bible Teaches Torrey, R. A. G 23 U 44 [See also Demonnlogy.] Angina Pectoris Angina Pectoris; by Sir R. 1). Powell -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 [See also Aneurisms; Heart.] Angling. [See Fishing.] Anglo-Indian Terms and Phrases - List of Indian Terms with their English Kquivalcots /. Indian Frontier Warfare Younghusband, Capt. (!. J. B 29 U 10 Anglo-Israelism Great Pyramid Lagrange, C. G 12 V 2 Anglo Norman Literature. [See English Literature.] Anglo-Saxon History. [See England —History -Early.] Anglo-Saxon Language- Comparative Grammar of the Anglo Saxon Language. March, F. A. .1 14S22 First Book in Old English Cook, A. S. J 12 Q 21 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Anglo-Saxon Literature — Anglo-Saxon Literature Earle, Rev. J. J 24 S 42 Beowulf; herausgegeben von A. Holder II 13 V 5-7 Cni-i "pi Collection of Larlv ( 'hartcis; by A. S. Napier. Anecdota Oxoniensia, Med. ser., 7 333 Elene Cynewulf H12T15 Kin- Alfred's Old English Version of Bocthius... Bocthius, A. M. S. Ornmlum, The; with Notes and Glossary by Dr. White .. Onnin H 13 T 6, 7 Tab -of Beowulf: trans, by Morris and Wyatt... Beowulf H 12 R 10 [Stt also Old English Language; ail under Alfred the Great, Beowulf, Cedmon, Cynewulf in Aut'ior Catalogue.] Anglo-Saxons— And. -Saxon Dre: sand Food; by Prof. Hodgetts... International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., !) A 41 V 5 Anglo-Saxon Dwellings; bv Prof. Hodgetts International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 Anglo-Saxon Superiority Demoting, E. F 15 S 2 Angola — General and Descriptive— Universal Geography Reelus, E. 1)21 U 13 Angora Goat- Angora Goat Cronwright-Schreiner, S. C, A 40 V 5 Anguillulidae. [See Nematodes.] Aniline Dyes- Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours Benedikt, R. A 23 P 20 [See also Coal-tar ; Colours and Colouring; Dyes and Dyeing.] Animal Foods. [.See Food; Meat; Vegetarianism.] Animal Industry, United States Bureau of- Outlines of the Work, Rules and Regulations in An. null Report.-. L'nited States - Dept. of Agr.- Bureau of Animal Industry 030 [Sir- also under United State's— Dept. of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, in Author Catalogue.] Animal Intelligence. [See Instinct.] Animal Lore — Beast and Man— in India Kipling, J. L. A 40 V 10 Red Book of Animal Stories Lang, A. J 12 R 22 Animal Magnetism. [See Hypnotism.] Animal Mechanism and Locomotion — Animal as a Prime Mover; by R. H. Thurston Smithsonian Institution, Kepis., IS96 506 Animals in Motion Muybridge E. A 10 S (i t Bipedal Locomotion among existing Lizards: bv"\V. Saville-Kent. International Congress of Zoology, I 'roe." 1808 A 35 W 14 D;i coni-ours n.Vcssaire de la physiologic et de I'anatomie comparee pour la connaissance de la io.-omot ion auimale ; par I'rof. Marev. International Congress of Zoology, I'roc, 180) A 35 VV 14 [See also Physiology (ieneral.J Animal Painting— Barber, Charles Burton, Works of A 17 T 3 t Wolf, J., Animal Painter, Life of '.'.',. (J 22 Q 1 Animal Plagues. [See Cattle Plagues ; Diseases of Ani- mals ; Veterinary Science ; and under names of specific disease*,] Animal Products — of th< Bullet [•* » Fat Ins , Uni .dOils; Animalcules. [See A Ctenophora; Echin Infusoria; Polyps Rotifera; Sponges, 4u i. Mis, 1 Mir Animals— -General. [See Animal-lore: Animal Mechanism; Animals, Worship of ; Cruelty to Animals ; Diseases of Animals; Domestication; Instinct and Animal Intel- ligence; Natural History; Physiology— Comparative ; Veterinary Science; Vivariums; Zoology; and under each Animal.] Hygiene, Feeding, and Treatment. [See Cruelty to Animals; Diseases of Animals; Feeding Experiments.] Animals and Plants in Mythology. [See Animal-lore; Plant-lore.] Animals, "Worship of— Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Egyptian Magic Budge, Rev. E. A. W. G 25 I' 20 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians ... Wiedemann, A. G 1 R 39 [See also Religions, Primitive: Serpent Worship.] Ankerite — Ankerite from Sandhurst ; by Dr. T. Cooksev... Australian Museum Records, 3 507 Annelida — Annelida Polychajta of Beaufort, North Carolina; by Dr. E. A. Andrews United States National Museum A 37 S 50 BiitishAnhelils; by Dr. W. C. Mcintosh... Ray Sot., Pubs., 1898 590.6 Formes epitoques des Annclidcs, et en partieulier des Cirratuliens; par MM. Mesnil et Caallerv ... Intermit. Congress of Zoology, Proc., li-93 A 35 W 14 Hermaphrodite and Fisiparous Species of Tulicolar Annelid in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Resultats Scientitiijucs de la Campagne ilu Ciiiulan ... Kf Nin rod. Rassan i, H. Ass iur and the Land B 39 Q Ass — Asshur— ,ur and the Land of Nin rod. Rassat , H. B 39 Q -Eg Ass Ass IP> — Assyria — ptische und Vort ur and the Land ria from the Earli e to the Exhibili. ites, and their La )f Xim tiscl Ke rod. e Alterthumer nigliches Muse Rassan the Fall of Nim ... British Mil. onder, Lt.-Col. Berlin m B47P16 , II. B 39 Q veh... Smith, < H 27 P cum A 39 V C. 1!. I! 33 P Archaeology— Babylon — Asshur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 10 Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. British Museum J 8 S 25, 26 t ries... British Museum A 39 V 17 d Adventures on the Euphrates. Peters, J. P. D 17 T 30 Belgium — Bulletin des C nii-sions Rovales d'Art et d'Archeologie. Belgium 913.493 La Verite stir le tioedendag Malderghem, J. van B 17 U 20 Bosnia - Rambles and Studies in Bosnia- Herzegovina and Dabnatia. Munro, R. B 16 T 23 Central Asia — British Collection of Antiquities from Centra] Asia Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1899 954 Ceylon — Archaeological Survey of Ceylon, Reports... Ceylon—Parliament, Papers 328.548 Chaldsea — Abraham and his Age Tomkins, Rev. H. G. G 23 Q 1 - Corn wali- ng Italy under this heading.] Borlase, W. C. B 40 P 2 Cyprus— Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ... Cesnola, L. P. di B 49 P 4-7 I Salaminia Cesnola, A. P. di B 15 S 16 Dalmatia — Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. Munro, R. B 16 T 23 ■ Egypt. [See Egyptology.] Etruria. France — Gloucestershire — Monumental Brasses of ( doucestershire ; by C. T. Davies. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries B 40 P 6 Great Britain — AntiquitiesandCuriositiesoftheExchcquer... Hall, H. F 13 S 32 Archaological Survey of L'nitcd Kingdom Murray, 1). B 16 V 23 Aehitectural Antiquities of C rest Britain. . (lent leman'sMag. Lib. A 19 U 8, 9 Ouidctolhe Exhibition Callcries... British -Museum A 39 V 17 Romano-British Remains ... Centlcman's Mag. Lib. B 32 U 7, 8 Vctvsta Monvmenta qvae ad Renin Britanniearvm ... Society of K 8 R 25 Ks'V-J7 - Athens alogue des Broi scum A 39 V 17 as, C. B 16 V 39 , P. O. J 9 V 37 sr, P. B 17 U 13 jPublic Library of New South Wales. Archaeology Herculaneum — Antiquites d'Herculanum David, F. A. B 19 R 11-22 t Herzegovina — Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. Munro, R. B 10 T 23 ■ Ireland— Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland Russell, T. O. D 21 S 4 Dolmens of Ireland Borlase, W. C. B 41 W 2-4 Fine Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland O'Neill, H. A 35 W 20 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish O'Curry, K. B 34 T 2-4 Italy— Country of Horace and Virgil lloissicr, G. D 18 S 15 Greek and Ktrnscan Vases, Greek and Roman Lamps in the Nicholson Museum, Uni\ e .-sit v of S\ ,lnev ; l.v Louisa Maedonald. Sydney University MA 4 S 28 Rome and Pompeii Boissier, (i. B 16 S 14 Jerusalem- Excavations at Jerusalem Bliss, F. J. B 28 T 9 Koordistan — Asshur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 10 Mantinea — Mantinee et 1' Aroadie Orientalc Fougeres, G. B 34 R 1 Mesopotamia— Asshur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 10 Mexico — Sacred Mava Stone of Mexico and its Symbolism Parrv, F. G 17 U 6 t Vocabulaire de l'Ecrituro Hieratique Vucatcque...Rosny, Leon de J 8 V28 Nicaragua— Arehteologieal Researches in Nicaragua : by Dr. J. F. Bransford. Smithsonian Inst., Contributions 'to Knowledge, 25 508 Nineveh — Asshur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 1 Ontario- Ontario Arclucologieal Museum, Report 913.71 Palestine — Archaeological Researches in l'alesliuc, 1873-74 Palestine Exploration Fund B 13 V 16, 17 t New Light on the Bible and the Holy Rami Evetts, B. T. A. G 14 P 20 Palestine Exploration Fund: Quarterly Statements 913.33 Patriarchal Palestine Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 S 1 Syria and Egypt Petric, W. M. F. B25Q13 Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 18(15-95; by W. Besant. Palestine Exploration Fund B 28 R 9 Persia- Persia Vaux, W. S. W. B27P10 Pompeii — Monumens les plus interessants du Musec Nationale de Naples. Oargiulo, R. A 20 S 4, 5 f Pompeii; its Life and Art Man, A. B 41 S 3 Borne — Greek and Etruscan Vases, Creek and Roman Lamps in the Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney ; by Louisa Macdonald. Sydney University MA 4 S 28 Cuidetothe Exhibit ion ( .allcries ..'. Uiitish Museum A 29 V 17 MuseoPioClementino Visconti, (i. A 40 I* 1-7 J Roman Life under the Ccsars Thomas, E. P. 17 Q 32 Ruins anil Excavations of Ancient Rome Lanciani, R. B 30 S 21 Samledu Philologiske Afhandlinger Schjott, P. 0. J 9 V 37 Archaeology — Scotland- Heraldry in relation to Scottish History and Art... Paul, Sir J. B. * K 9 V 4 Monuments and Monumental Ineriptions of Scotland; by Rev. C. Rogers Grampian Club, Pubs. B 39 S 3, 4 Prehistoric Scotland Munro, R, B 32 R 12 Sculptured Stones of Scotland Spalding Club Pubs. B 40 U 29, 30 I TuniS- Roman Africa Boissier, G. B 35 Q 14 Turkey- Impressions of Turkey Ramsay, W. M. I) 17 S 21 Arizona; by J. W. Fewkes. nmimsonian Institution, Rcpts., 1897 506 Palcnque Tablet in the United States National Museum ; byC. Rail. Smithsonian Inst.. Contributions to Knowledge, 22 508 Prehistoric l'.uiial Places in Maine; by C. C. Willoughby. Peabody Museum, Arch. Papers A 41 P 14 United States (ieographieal Surveys \\ est of the lOlith Meridian, Report United States Engineer Dept. A 10 U 8 t iSee a!*" America under this heading.] Archangel — General and Descriptive — Russian Province of the North Engelhar Archbishops. [See Bishops.] tit, A. P. D 13 V 20 Arches —Construction Column and the Arch Roofs and Bridgf Lom.dellow, W. P.P. A 19 S 4 Merriman, M. A 38 V 19 Arches Howe, M. A. A 37 R 19 Architects — Michael Angelo; by H. Grimm Architectural Antiquities Architectural Antiquities of ( iren P.rit ( iuntleinan's Mag. L A 19 U 8. Architectural Drawing- Academy Architecture 720.5 Monuments de rArehitecture I 'hretienne depuis ( 'onstantin jusqu'a Charlemagne Hubseh, H. A 40 P 20 J Prima Esposizione haliaua di Architettura Torino Turin A 47 P 7 t Specimens of Early French Architecture lohnson, R, J. A 47 P 27 t Architectural Drawings- Architectural Studies Wright, F. A. A 17 T 30, 31 f National Architect Woodward, G. E. A 18 R 21 f Architectural Periodicals. [S,v Architecture — Periodi- cals.] Architecture - Societies.] Architectural Societies. [Si Architecture — General — Architecture Alberti, L. B. A 22 S 2 t Architecture among the Poets Statham, H. H. A 45 S 10 Architecture and Sculpture in Selections.. Ruskin,.!. J 23 S 29 Architecture, Building, Decoration ; by W. H. Wood in Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Australasian Association for Advance, of Science. Report, 0... 500 Building Superintendence Clark, T. M. A 37 T 4 Colour in the Architecture of Cities Rirardo, H. A 23 S .'111 Column and the Arch Longfellow. W. P. P. A 19 S 4 Cottages and Country Puddings Cutler. T. W. A 19 R 5 European Architecture Sturgis, R. A 25 U 31 FiveOrdersnf Columns in Architecture Terraull.C. A 40 U 20 J Idea dclla Architettura Universale ... Seamozzi, V. A 40 U 19 { Introduction to the Study of the Renaissance ... Field, Lilian F. B20R 18 Influence of Material on Architecture... Fletcher, li.F. A 13 R 6 t Modern Architecture Statham, II. H. A 39 P 8 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 711 Architecture— Genera! — contd. National Architect Woodward, G. E. A 18 R 21 + On the Old Road Ruskin, J. A 44 T 2-4 Principle iu Art Patmore, C. J 1 R 51 Principles of Art White, \V. A 23 U 33 <,n>au,ity Surveying Leaning, J. A 37 T 5 lie! ,-P.,>i:i f the Ar.-hite.-t, Engineer, and Builder in Modern Works; bvX. Selfe... Engineering Assoc. ,N. S. Wales, Proe., Spe-ilications in Detail Maeey, F. W. A 39 P 17 Studies in both Arts Ruskin, J. A 40 U 5 + Text-book of the History of Areliiteeture Hamlin, A. 1). F. A23S 17 [So "ho Abbeys; Allianibra: Arches; Architect-,; Architectural Antiquities; Architectural Drawing: Architecture P.-riodi- c ! : Architecture Societies; Architecture l!v Countries: Puilding; Building Material: Building- Periodicals; Car- pentry; Castles; Cathedrals; Christian Art : Dairy Buildings ; Dei-oration ; Dwelling-houses ; Ecclesiastical Architecture : r.,1,1 Buildings: 1-ine'Arts By Countries: Grain Magazines; tin'; I'vrund.U ':''" iioof- ; " Nmiurv Enc-ine.-ring': .Schools; Sculpture; Ship-lniildiim : Stairs and ling ; Strength of Materials ; Theatres ^Tombs ; Ventilation.] t y. lopa-Oa ot \\ orks ot Architect En. y.-lopicdia of Cottage, Farm, Encyclopedic lY Areliiteeture re L,ongtellow, W. if, i.'. A 13 T 13 t m.l Milage Architecture and .... Loudon, J. C. A 39 P IS A 18 S 1-22 f — Essays— Architecture and History, and We ~ dSn'ders tminster Abbey... Morris, W. A 44 Q 26 ... Baxter, Lucy E. A 43 P 5 Fletcher, B. A 23 P 12 • American — American Houses Sloan, S. A 19 T 34 ionics in City and Country Slurgis, R. A 46 V 12 .lo.l. rn American Homesteads Atwood, 1). T. A 33 V 19 Supervising Architect to the Secretary of the Treasury, Report. United States- Dept. of the Treasury 720. (i — - Assyrian — list orie Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 — Australian - ..rial Architecture of the British lies from Old English Mansions Hist . Ward, J. A 39 P 4 French — Pictorial Architecture of Franc-.. . Bishop, Rev. H. H. A 21 P 9 t Specimens of Earl v French Architecture .Johnson, K. J. A 46 P 27 % Gothic— Gothick Architecture Brandon, R. A 18 P 19, 20 t Historic Ornament Ward, J.' A39P4 Nature of Gothic Ruskin, J. A 40 T 20 Grecian — Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 History of Greek Art Tarbell, F. B. A 23 S 35 Pictorial Architecture of Greece and Itulv ... Bishop, Rev. H. H. A 21 P 8 t Indian — Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Jeyporc Portfolio of Architectural Details Jacobs, S. S. A 31 R 17 % Moghul Architecture of Fathpur-Sikri Smith, E. W. A IS T 23, 24 t ■• Griggi A40L 1 Italian — Architecture inltaly, 6th-l 1 th Century. . .Cattanco, R. A 15 S 21 1 Architecture of the Renaissance in Italy Anderson, W. J. A 25 U 34 Cathedral Builders Baxter, Lucy E. A 45 P 5 Modern Italian Art Willard, A.'R. A 39 R 23 Pictorial Architecture of Greece and llalv ... Bishop, Rev. H. H. 1 P8t .- Meistc c Italia di Are i Tori, n Italien -, II. A 46 P 25 A 47 P 7 I Japanese — Artist's Letters from Japan La Farge, J. D 1 9 U 1 1 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. . Morse, E. S. A 45 P 4 New South Wales- Architectural Work in Svduev, N. S. Wales, 1788 1899. Barnet, J. MA 4 V 2 Areliiteeture and the Allied Arts in N. S. Wales ; by J. B. Barlow. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., IS9S 500 ( Irotcsirue in Modern Developments of the Pictures, pie ; bv H. Jose- land ... Australasian Assoc., Adv. of Science, Kept., 1898 506 Ornamental Treatment of Bricks and Iron in N. S. Wales; by J. Nangle ... Engineering Assoc, N.S.W., Proe., 1892-93 620.6 Persian — Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 - Phoenician — Hist Pompeiian— Roman — Historic Ornament Arctic Regions and Voyages- Ward, J. A 39 P4 . ... Ward, J. A39P4 Ward, J. A39P4 vrrell, J. W. D 15T29 is Balloon AndrcVs Aerial Voyage to the North Pole; bv A. C. Macdonal.l. RovalGeog. Soc, Australasia, Victoria, 1897 910.6 Arc-tie Explorations; bv Adm. A. H. Markhani Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1896 506 Arctic Ice Notes; bv ('apt. Hopper... Geographical Society of the ' Paeilie A 38 R 24 Public Library of New South Wales. Arctic Regions and Voyages -contd. Beyond Petsora Eastward Pearson, H. J. D 22 S 5 Buffalo Jones' Fortv Years of Adventure... Jones, 0. J. D 22 U 4 Cruise of the U.S. Revenue Cutter liruriuv the Relief of the Whalers intheArcticOcean, 1S(II)...U.S. Dept. of theTreasurv D 22 U 9 Danish Arctic Expeditious, 1005--20... Hakluvt ,Soc. Pubs., 9(5, 97 910.G Examination into the ( Icnuincncss of the ■!■;,„„, tic Relics. Geographical Soe. of the Pacific D 20 U 19 Farthest North Nansen, F. 1) 10 U 26, 27 First Crossing of Spitsbergen ... Conway, Sir \V. M. D 16 V 18 Franklin, Sir John, Life of C 22 Q 11 Gateway to the Polynia Wells, J. C. D 18 T 23 Greenland Iee-tields. and Life in the North Atlantic. Wright, Rev. G. F. D 10 Q15 Hand-book of Arctic Discoveries... Greely, Gen. A. W. D 16 P 1 Nansen, Fridtiof, 1861-93 Brdgger, W. C. D 16 V 17 Northward over the Great Ice Pcarv, R. E. D 13 U 13, 14 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 37 Problems of Arctic Exploration bearing upon Recent Attempts to reach the North Pole; by H. Hill New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 ."00 Thousand Days in the Arctic McClintock, Adm. Sir F. L. D 13 V 22, 23 Through Arctic Lapland Hvne, C. D 13 R 2 Through the Gold-tield; of Alaska to ReringStraits... DcWindt,H. D 16 T 20 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 15 With Nansen in the North Johansen, H. D 16 R 18 With Peary near the Pole Astrup, E. D 16 T 21 With Ski and Sledge over Arctic Glaciers Conway, Sir M. D20R8 [See afcfO Antarctic Regions.] Argentine Republic --General and Drxcrijitire — Argentine Republic... United States Run :iu of American Republics D 18 T 31 Argentine Republic: by F. Fairburn... Royal Gcog. Soe. of Aust., ■ Commerce and Trade — Economic Position and Liabilities of the Argentine Republic. Scott, Major-Gen. A. do C. F 9 P 28 Trade of the Argentine R-puUie /„ Diplomat icaml ( onsularRcpts., Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Argon — Argon; by Lord Rayleigh and Prof. W. Ramsay Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 29 SOS Gases of the Atmosphere Ramsay, W. A 19 S 19 [Set also Air.] Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders- Historical Records of the 91st Argyllshire Highlanders. Goff, G. L. B 31 U 24 [See also Highland Regiments.] Arians and Arianism — St. Athanasius Bush, Rev. P. W. G 26 P 5 [See also Heresies ; Ncstnvian Church ; Trinity; Unitarianism.] Arietidse — Genesis of the Arietidas ; by A. Hyatt... Smithsonian Institution, " Contributions to Knowledge, 20 SOS Aristocracy — General — Aristocracies and Upper ( 'handlers hi Democracy and Liberty. Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, S Greek Oligarchies Whibley, L. F 8 V 26 Political Science Woolscy , T. 1). F 8 Q 31 , 32 [See also Baronetage; Constitutions of Countries; Family His- tories; Genealogy; Gentry, Landed; Heraldry; Peerage; Seats of Nobility ; Visitations of Counties.] Aristocracy- contd. England Badeau, A. F 12 S 29 Walford 's Count v families. I 'nit c. I Kingdom... Walford.E. 929. 72S Who's Who 920.042 Aristotclianism Smith, Rev. I. G. G 26 P 16 Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics... Zeller, K. G 19 U 32, 33 Aristotle's Ethics for Kuglish Readers... Stock. St. G. G 11 U IS Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art : translated by S. H. Butcher Aristoteles G 18 R 70 Chapters from Aristotle's Ktliies Muirhead, .1. H. G 24 S 18 History of Ancient Philosophy Windelband, W. G 25 T 9 History of Philosophy .'... Hegel, G. W. F. F 12 R 30, 31 Intellectual Development Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 Outline of Philosophy Watson, J. G 17 S 19 Philosophy of the Human Mind Stewart, D. G 16 V 1-3 eek ; and under Aristoteles in Author Catalogue] Arithmetic and Mensu ution Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 44 Arithmetic for Schools Lock, Rev. J. B. A 44 U 10 Art of Reckoning Howard, C. F. A 25 Q 22 Art of Teaching Arithmetic Hunter. Rev. J. A 25 Q 40 Elementary Mathematics Lagrange, J. L. A 25 P 20 Exercises i'n Arithmetic Angus and 'Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 44 Key and Companion lo Arithmetic for Schools .. Lock, Rev. J. B. A44U11 101 Certificate Tests in Arithmetic Smith, S. H. MG 2 T 70 Siogarapi mai Arimetika MG 2 T 22 Table book and Mental Arithmetic Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 44 [See rilso Book keeping ; Calculating Machines ; Mathematics ; Mensuration ; Metric System ; Numbers, Theory and Concept of; Weights and Measures.] Arizona General and Dexerijifiee Arizona, Report of the Gove Mexico, California, and Ariz ... Ruinpelly, R, I) 19 U 18 . United States— Dept. of the Interior, Misc. Repts. 3S3.3 Bishop, W. H. D21 S3 Arkansas Gi.vrnmr'.i/ and, Administration — Arkansas, Secretary of State, Report 354.9767 Armada, Spanish — Drake and the Tudor Navy Corbett, J. S. B 39 Q 10, 17 [Another copy. New cd.j Corbett, J. S. B 36 Q 13, 14 Letter written by ('apt. Cucllar, 1S89 Cuellar, Capt. F. do i, E. A. B. IMS Q2. Through the Storm ' Turkey; Turkey Armenia and Europe Lcpsius, J. B 28 R 8 Conference sur l'Histoircd'Ai menic Dul.iui ier, E. B 41 T S Historical Sketch i f Armenia and the Armenians... "Old Indian" B 16 R 49 Armenian Language and Literature — Etruskisch und Armenisch Buggc, S. J 12 V 39 Handsel, rift en : von Dr. N. Kara- mianz Berlin -Konitdiehe Bibliothek K 11 U f Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalog U&--1896-1900. 713 Armenian Massacres - Turkey " Gt. 1 it it. ami irel'. Turkey A 40 V 12 J n : n-\-'.'.i. i:. i') it i: 24 Out Responsibilities for Turkey Irgyll, Dukeof F 10 V 74 Purple East Watson, \V. H 10 U 19 Round about Armenia. IS!).") Hodgetts, K. A. B. 1) 18 Q 25 Sultan and the Powers MacColl, Rev. M. F 12 T 23 T.;i key and Armenian Atrocities ... Bliss, Key. E. M. B 10 U 9 Twenty Years of the Armenian Question in Transcaucasia and Ararat Bryce, J. D 18 S 19 Armenians Historical Sketch of Armenia and the Armenians... "Old Indian" B 10 R 49 Impressions of Turkey Ramsay, \V. M. D IT S -21 [.See also Armenia; Armenian Massacres.] . Armies— General— Lectures on Justice, Police, &c Smith, A. F 12 T 12 [S. >■ a/so Army, British ; and sub-heading Army under each Armoured Ships. [See Naval Architecture : Naval En- gineering; Warships.] Arms. [See Badges.] Arms and Armour — Armour in England; by J. S. Gardner... Portfolio, 1897-98 T05 Hi'ffilTuid Dress, Arms. Oi'ia'meiit.'.. '< 'amphrll'. I. ml A. A 40 1' II IS'... also Artillery ; Military Art; Small Arms: Swords; Army, British — Annual Return Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office 354.426 Army Appropriation Accounts ... (it. Brit, ami Irel. -War Office 354.420 Army Estimates (it. Brit, and Irel. -War Office 354.420 Army Letters, 1897-98 Foster, H. 0. A-. F 15 R 10 Autumn Maneuvers, 1898 U.S.- -Adjutant-! ieneral's Office A 36 W 20 The British Army... " Lieut. -Col. in the British Army'' P. 41 W 1 W'il . M.i.i Army, British— Exam [nations— Admission to the Royal Military Aca ich, and for 3 ' G 20 T 37 (It, Br t. and Irel. War Office G 18 T 2 Examiiiatio is Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20 T 32 v, in Mode " Gt. Brit. nd Irel Civif Service G 20 T 50 ons respecti ig Examinations for the Home Civil ly, the Nav -, the Civil Service of India, &c. Gt. Brit. and Irel.- Civil Service F 7 U 32 3 recommen led for Commissions in the Army, King, Col. C. C-. B 13 W 1, 2 + Forces of the Crown; by H. Morgan Browne Sixty Years of Empire B22R18 The Navy and Army ; by C. Williams Sixty Years of Empire B22 R 18 Records and Badges of Regiments in the British Army. Chichester, H. M. P. 24 R IS Story of the British Army King, Lieut. -Col. C. C. B 39 Q 5 Wellingtons Career: by 'Lieut. -Col. E. B. Hamley. Wellington, Duke of C 19 V 22 Lists— Annual Army List Hart, Lieut, v Lis ,- List . . Brit I Irel. -War Office 354.426 I Irel. War Office 354.426 , Irel.— War Office 354.426 Orders, Rt'ynlafwns, and Instructions— Allowances of the Army, Regulations, 1895... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - War Office F 8 V 36 Army Orders,1898 (it. Brit, and Irel.— War Office 354-426 Equipment of the Regular Army : Garrison Artillery, Regulations. (it. Brit, and Irel. War Office A 36 Q 11 vnd Repository Drills, :. and Irel.— War Office A 36 Q 11 us, 1895. War Office F 8 V 39 . and Irel. War Office F 8 V 32 Index to Army Regulations and Magazines, &c, Regulations Medical Department, Her Majes Army "Worm (Le; War Office F 13 V 20 . U.S. — Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology Pamphlets on Injurious Insects Agr. Exper. Stns. A 38 Q 3 Arnheim's Land. [See Northern Territory.] 714 Public Library of New South Wales. Aromadendric Acid— Aromadeiidrin, or Aromadendric Acid from the Turbid Group of Eucalyptus kinos; by H. G. Smith ... Royal Soc, N. S. Wales, Proc, 18! Hi .-.(Hi Product allied to Aromadendric Acid ; b v II. (!. Smith Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 .106 [See also Qtims.] Arrow-heads. [See Arclueology ; Stone Age.] Arrowroot— Arrowroot; by H. V. Jackso Arrows. [See Bows and Arrows.] Art. [See Fine Arts ; Manufaetures and Industries.] Art and Morality — L'Art et la Morale— in Discours de Combat Brunotiere, F. J 24 U 34 Hogarth Moralized Trusler, Rev. .T. G '24 T 1 What is Art? Tolstoi, Count A 23 P 48 Art and the State- Art and the Commonwealth; by Rev. A. G. B. Atkinson— in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. .1. K. F 15 S 33 Art Criticism — Across the Channel Mourey, G. A 23 S 32 Addresses delivered to the Students of the Koval Academy. Leighton, Frederick, Lord A 25 U 32 Art and Criticism Child, T. A 44 W 5 Art of England ami the Pleasures of Kngland Ruskin, J. A 40 T 3 Ballads, Critical Reviews, Talcs, &c. Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 13 Beardsley, Aubrey Svm'ons , A. A 39 V 29 Books and Arts Wedmore, F. J 2(i R 28 Criticisms, Reflections, and Maxims (ioethe, J. W. von J 14 P 42 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert C 23 V 22 Impressions d'une Femme au Salon de 1S59 ... Stevens, Mathildc A 33 R 34 Lessons from my Masters Bayne, ]'. J 5 T 28 Meissonier, J. L. E C 13 U 20 f Modern French Masters A 10 T 15 + On the Old Road Ruskin, J. A 44 T 2-4 Principle in Art Patuiore. ( '. .1 I I! .11 Ruskin, John; by Mrs. Alice Meynell C 23 R 25 The Ruskin Reader Ruskin, J. A 23 P 37 ■ [See aim Art and Molality; Art "ai'iift he State; Vine Arts General ; Pre-Raphaelitism.] Art Education. [See Drawing; Fine Arts— Teaching ; Technical and Industrial Education.] Art Galleries. [See Fine Arts— Galleries ; and under the name of each Gallery in the Author Catalogue and in the Index.] Art Needlework. [See Needlework— Fine Arts.] Art Periodicals. [See Fine Arts— Periodicals.] Art Sales — Memorials of Christie's. Roberts, W. A 30 V 22, 23 Art Societies. [See Fine Arts— Societies ; and under the title of each Art Academy or Society.] Art Teaching. [See Fine Arts— Education.] Arteries- Arterial Degenerations and Diseases; bv Dr. F. W. Mott— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 39 Nature of Reparatorv Inflammation in Arteries after Ligature, Acupressure, and torsion : by Dr. K. O. Shakespeare. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 10 508 Artesian Water and Wells- Alleged Leakage of Artesian Water; bv J. P. Thomson ... Royal Geog. Soc., Aust., Queensland I Jr., Proc, 1895-90 91O.0 Analyses of Artesian Waters of X. S. Wales, and their Value for Irrigation and other purposes; by J. C. II. Mingaye. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales', 1890 030.5 Analyses of the Artesian Waters of Xew South Wales and their Value for Irrigation and oilier Purposes... Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, 1895 500 Artesian Prospects in Xew South Wales; by Prof. Stephens. Sydney University Review , IS82 MJ 4 P 23 Artesian Water in X.'S. Wales; bv J. W. Roultbee Royal Society, N! S. Wales. Journal, 1898 .500 Artesian Water in Rocks other than ( 'rctaceous; by K, F. Pitmann. Roy. Soc, X.S.W., journal, 29 500 Artesian Water in Rocks other than ( 'cetaceous : by K. F. Pitmann. sian Well-power utilised for Electric Light Dept. of Labour, sian Wells at Longburn; by J. Marchbai 898 500 •. College :., G30.7 .. 020.8 Influc of Pore n Water ; N. ! Wa , io o; u,y Muse On the Behaviour ,,f two Artesian Wells at bvCapt. F. W. Hutton N.Z. Inst. Pamphlets on Artesian Waters and litigation Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 R 5 Pera Artesian Bore Settlement Agricultural Gazette. N. S. Wales, 1 898 0311.5 Probabilities of obtaining Art. sian Water between Pilbarra Gobi- Rise and Progress of Ar N. S. Walcs.the Moth Source of Artesian Wells esi!ui"p,man- Stratigraphical Xotes on Question of Artesian V t'L^bfi"'' Submarine Leakage of A [See also Bores and Bori tcsian Watci g'; 'Diamond Arthrogastra— Structure of the Mouth a Memoirs id Pharynx o i Wei v T. C. Huxley, T. H. A 10 S 10 Arthrology. [See Joints — Anatomy.] Arthropoda. [See Annulosa; Arachnitla; Crustacea; Entomology ; Myriapoda.] Arthurian Romances — Legend of Sir Gawain Weston, Jessie B 30 P 11 [See also Anglo-Saxon Literature; Folk-lore; Holy Grail; Legends ; Mabinogion : Old English Language. Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. Articles of Association. [SW Companies — Law.] Artillery — ■ -Dept. of War A 32 U 33 U.S.— Dept. of War A 22 P 56 ... United States— Dept. of . Ki-i 1 Artillery with the other J 1 Artillery .Service Hand-be ilications of To-day ison Artillery Drill, 1899 . ihic Tables of Fire; by Lieu it of Works, 1807. the 7-in. R.B.L. ( n. .Mark 1, 18()(i. -War Office A 30 V 29 War Office A 36 V 29 k 1, 1890. War Oiiiee A 30 V 29 >f 16-ewt. on Travelling -War Office A 30 V 29 Artillery— contd. Notes on the Construction of Ordnance United States - Ordnance Dept. A 10 S 19 t Ordnance Notes United States I )ept. of War A 13 W 28 t Practice March of a Swiss Artillery Uattalion; 1)V Lieut. Ceresolc —in Selected Professional Papers'... United Stat'cs Dept. of War A 30 W 10 Annual, 1898 ..'....'....'..... '. lirasscy, Hon. T. A. 359.05 Resistance of < inns to Tangential Kupl me United States Adjutant-* Jeneral's Office A 5 P 24 J Ships, Guns, and Armor United States Dept. of the Navy A 22 TO Text-book of Gunnery, 1897 Gt, Brit, and Irel.— War Office A 30 W 7 Treatise on Military Carriages ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Ollice Treatise on Service Ordnance, 1893. . .G t. Brit, and Irel. -War Office A 31 Q 23 United States— Board of ( Irdnancc and Fortiiications, Rept. 023 United States— Bureau of Ordnance, Report 623 \Sce alto Ammunition; Ballistics ; (Junnerv: .Machine Guns; Military Art ; Naval Artillery.] Artisans. [See Working-classes.] Artistic Anatomy — Anatomical Diagrams Dunlop, J. M. A 35 W 5 Artistic Anatomy of the Horse... Annstead, H. W. A 20 P 25 t Hand-book of Anatomy for Art Students Thomson, A Artists -Gi-iteml Cyclopedia of Pain ters and Paintings Champlin, J. 1). A 32 U 28-31 its who have exhibited in London, 1700-1893. (haves, A. A 22 Q 14 t ml Paintings... Sl.edd, Mrs. .Julia A. C23 V2 ihies of Modern Artists Dumas, F. G. C 1 P17I if the Century Lehmann, R. A 10 T 17 t res in Selections Ruskin, J. J 23 S 29 s; Engravers; Musicians; Sculptors.] British — Across the ( 'hanncl lieardsley, Aubrey.. By Countries. Mourey, G. A 23 S 32 Symons, A. A 39 V 29 Artists Monkhouse, C. A 44 W 1 .ters and their Works Foster, J. J. A 17 T 32 t a Record of his Life ami Work; by F. M. C21 U 10 ; by J. H. Ingram C 24 Q 10 in Typical Christian Leaders. Clifford, Rev. J. C 23 T 16 aid Bell, M. A 10 X 7 t 1 Work of: bvW. Mcvnell Art Journal A 20 R 13 I .lid Letters of; by C. R.Leslie... C 10 T 10 t Art Journal A 12 W 11 t .ifeof: bv IS. Jerrold C 23 S 21 i„l Worl f W. M. ( ill.,.. A 20 T 2 t .rt Journal 13 W 7 t k 20 T tt 3 X 13 t Leighlon. Lord. Illustrated Record of the Life and Work of. Rhys, E. A 18 R 23 t Millais and his Works; bv M. H. Spielmann ". C 23 U 4 Millais, Sir J. E., Life and Letters of C 20 T 2, 3 Millais, Sir John; his Art and Inlluence... Baldrv.A.L. A 44 R 4 Tnhlic Libra)'!/ of New South Wales. Artists, Eritish— ltd. , Life and Works of A 10X5 + go ; by J. T. Nettleship C 22 U 4 in, and his Art; by L. F. D.iy Art Journal A 20 R 12 t nc-. .Memorials of an lSth Century Painter; bv S. C25P12 . K,,. i, J.] Palmer. Samuel. Life and Letters of C 21 T 10 Poynter, SirE. J., Life and Work of; by (,'. Monkhousc. Art Journal A 13 W + Rossetti, Dante Gabriel .Marillier, H. C. A 21 P 12 + Rossetti, R. <;., Letters of C 25 Q 7 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel C 22 R 17, 18 Ruskin, J.; bv Mrs. Meynell C 23 R 25 Ruskin; Rossetti; Preraphaclitism .. Rossetti, W. M. C 20 T 27 Turner, J. M. W., Life of; by W. Thornburv C 23 R 29 Stone, Marens. Life and Work of: by A. L. Baldly... Art Journal A 13 W 10 + Walkcr.FrcdcrickJ.ifeand Letters of ; bv.I. ( 1. Marks... C 22 U 1 Watts, G. V., R.A. : his Life and Work; bv Julia Cartwriglit. Art Journal A 13 W 8 t Wilkie, Sir David, and the Scots Sehool of Painters; by E. Pi V ■-' 1 Pail Dutch- Dutch Painters of the lOtli Century Rooscs, M. A 20 T 1 + Rembrandt ..... Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 3 Rembrandt; by E. Michel C 11 W 14, 15 + — Flemish- is Work, his Time. . . Michel, E. A 20 T 4 H. 5 W 4 ■ey. C44Q 12 1 Dyck, Van Knaekfus Dyek, Sir Anthony Van, Life and Work of; by , French — Bonheur, Rosa— in Little Journeys Hubbard, E. C 19 Q 12 . Dilke, Lady A 20 S 2 I C 13U20 + s Life, &• C 19U 1 French Painters of the LSth Cent! Po v Klizabcth H. Dennio .. A 10 T 1.5 t C 25 S 1 1 German — R'irer Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 5 Fragments of an Autobiography Mo-^holcs, V. 24 P 18 Holbein Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 2 C20S20 Hon, S. A 44 K 12 C13T2 + 1. M'N. A 44 R 14 ison.P,. A 23 P 47 Luini, Bernardino Michael Angelo, Life of; b Michael Angelo Buonarroti Michel Angelo Buonarroti •soft Jr. I Italia ..Ho, Raphael Raphael Raphael: his Life, Works,; ... Knackfuss, H. A 45 W 3 .... Straehey, H. A 44 R 1 1 .. Raphael Sanzio C 22 Q 10 i Guinness, H. A 44 R 3 Chutwell, Maud A 44 R 10 IViuli-Bon, Contcssa A 44 R 15 la; by E. Miintz CUV 17, 18 + Arts, Crafts, and Trades. {See Manufactures dustries.] Arundel — Uinta > y — History and Antiquitic Aryan Languages- .r of the Indo-G icrmame Languages. Brugmann, K. J 12 V 24-2 Melb. Aryans — Aryan Household; by J. S. Elkington Involution of the Aryan Ihering, R. von A 1!) U 1 Literary History of India Frazer, R. W. J 1 9 W 7 Madras' Presidciu v. Manual of Administration. 1880 1) 29 Q 20 * [See also Anthropology ; I'.thnology.] Asbestos — Asbestos and Asbestie Jones, R. H. A 24 S 25 - Asbestos and Asbe-tiform Minerals: by G. P. Merrill. United States- National Museum. Pioc., 18 507 Asceticism — Genealogy of Morals: Poems Xiet/.sehe, F. G 1GVI7 Ramaki'ishna : bis Life and Sayings ... Midler, !■'. M. G 23 P 43 [See also Monasticisni; Religions Orders.] Ascidians. [See Tunicata.] Ashantee — General and Descriptive — Glover, Sir John Hawley, Life of C 25 Q 16 To Kumassi with Scott Musgrave, G. C. 1) 14 P 16 Travels and Life in Ashanti and Jaman... I'Veeman, I!. A. 1)20 U 24 History — Collev, Sir (i. Poiuerov-, Life of; bv Sir W. F. Butler C 25 R 21 Downfall of Preinpeh... Powell. Maj.-Gcn. R. S. S. B.- B 36 U 3 Gold Coast and A.-antc, 15(10 1860 Rcindorf, Rev. C. C. B 16 S 16 Two Campaigns Burleigh, B. B 33 K 18 [See also Ashantee Wars.] Ashantee Wars- Told from the Ranks Small, E. M. B 21 S 4 [See also Ashantee — History.] Ashes. [See Agricultural Chemistry.] Asia — General and Descriptive— Asia Keane, A. H. 1) 17 R 22 Karakorams and Kashmir Fckenstein, O. 1) 17 R 23 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 27-29 s Map of Noi . Ren Hed Social Life and Custon Asia Minor —History— Western Asia according to the m Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 717 Assam — Wild Sports . 1B1 Assaying — Assayer's Ma urn] Assaying of < old ■r.igus Culture; bv II. 15. llandv ... United States— Dept. of Agr. Bulletin, 01 A 41 U 1 ragus I Ui~t 'n Injurious Insects, (i ... Agr. I'xper. Stations A38Q6 ihlets on Vegetables Agr. Exper. Stations A3SQM d*o Injects, Injurious ; Vegetable ( ianicning ; Vegetables.] Aspidiotus perniciosus. [,SV« San Jose Scale.] Asphyxia- Treatment of Asphyxia: liy Dr. A. Ransomo— in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. 0. A26T37 . Pollok, Col. F. T. D22S 1 Kerl, B. A 30 V -21 ins at the Mint of the United . Smiths. Inst. Kept., 1808 500 Rieketts, l\ A 24 V 38 ig ... Hiorns, A. H. A 24 P 25 ... Anderson, J. W. A 24 P 1!) Beringer, C. A 24 R 31 Assigned Servants. [Sec Convicts and Convict System -New South Wales.] Associationalism - [Sec Insurance.] enerol and Descriptive - und Vorderasial.i.M he Altcrthiimer Berlin— Konigliehes Museum B 47 P 16 t Man. Egyptology, and Assyriologv in Warfare of til Theology '..' White. A. 1). 3 U 17, 18 [assam.H. B 30 Q 10 Savce, A. II. "B28R 13 nspero, (i. B17U18 Assyriology. [SW Assyria— General.] Astacidse Astacida- in the United States Xa-tional Museum and in the Museum of Comparative Zoology : by W. Faxon United States — National Museum, 1'roe., 20 507 [ See also Crustacea] Asterocheridse — Asteroids Comparison of Rc>ults obtained from the I of Asteroids bv Parkhurst and Muller. trie Measur . Harvard University Observatory, Annals, 20 522.10 1 University Astronomieal Observatorv. Annals, 13 522.10 Photometric Observations of Asteroids ' Harvard University Astronomieal Observatorv, Annals, 20 522.10 Photometric Observations of Asteroids; liy H. M. Parkhurst. Harvard Univ. Astronomieal Observatory, Annals, 18 522.10 [See also Astronomy ; Stars; Sun.] Asthma Asthma and Hay Fever; bv Dr. J. F. (ioodhavt -in System of Medicine ' Ulbult, T. C. A 26 T 38 Asthma, Bronchitis, and Wl ping Cough : by Dr. X. Bridge-//,. Practical Tl.eianeulies Hare' II. A. A 31 P 17 Asthma. Bronchitis, and Whooping Cough: by Dr. .1. T. Whittaker in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Bungs Fowler, J. K. A 40 P 6 Astrseopora — Madrcporarian Corals in the British .Museum... British Museum- Natural History A18U2f [See a/so Corals.] Astro-Physics—- Astrophysical Journal Astrophvsical Observatory..* Li.1 Atlas of Stellar Spectra Huggi Elrmentaircd-Astronomic Bhy-hpte ... II Inorganic' K^ilution as studied' by Spcctri I.ockyer, Sir J. JN. A 45 T 14 Kimiglichcu 01 lit I) 1 tsdam _ 520.5 \ A 30 V 24 A 22 R 5 t A 10 S 9-11 tnd IS Q 23 f Astrology— The Canon The New C 27 P 23 Astronomical Instruments. [See Astronomy — lustra- Public Library of New South Wales. Astronomical Observations. [See Astronomy — Observa- tories and Stations ; and under the title of each Ob- servatory in Author Catalogue for its publications.] Astronomical Periodicals. [See Astronomy — Periodicals.] Astronomical Photography — Development of Photography in Astronomy; l»v K. K. Barnard. American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Pro.:., 1898 506 Handworterbuch iler Astronomic Emyklop. der Naturw. A 42 Q 12, 13 Instruments ami Methods employed in the Pursuit of Celestial Photographs- in Photographs "of Stars Roberts, I. A2UP 17, IS I [See aho Photometric Measurements ; Stars.] Astronomical Societies. [See Astronomy— Societies.] Astronomy — General — Academic des Sciences, ( 'omptes rendus des Seances 506 Address by P. Baracchi Australasian Assoc., Advance, of i Ephei s and Nautical Almanac United States - Aimuaire pour l'An 1897 ... Bureau des Longitude , Aspects of American Astronomy; by S. Newcomb... Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1807 500 Astronomical Phenomena in Whitaker's Almanac, 1800. \\ hitaker, J. 314.2 Astronomie Annee Scicnti!i,|ue el lndust i ielle, 1896 505 L'Aslronomio dans l'Academie Rovale de IVIginuc, 1772-1872. Maillv, E. A 45 V 10 Astronomy Rambosson, J. A 10 S 15 Astronomy in Australia; by (J. Buttertield Australian, The MJ4P 11-15 Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost Orchard, T. N. A 10 U 10 Astronomy without Mathematics Beckett, Sir K. A 10 P 13 Australasian Association. Advance, of Science, Report, 1805 506 Celestial Motions Lynn, W. T. A 19 P 21 Concise Knowledge of Astronomy.?. Clerke, Agnes M. A 19 8 14 Crawford Library. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, Catalogue. (it. Brit, and Irel. Kdinb. Roy. Observatory K 1 1 \V 1 1 t Descriptive Astronomy Howe, H. A. A 10 U 16 Klements of Practical Astronomy... Campbell. W. W. A 45 T 13 Geodetic Astronomy Hayford, J. F. A 38 T 10 Great Astronomers Ball, Sir R. S. A 20 U 8 Handworterbuch der Astronomie Encyklop. der Naturw. A 42 Q 12, 13 -'--lomical Observatory, Miseellane 7 00 .. 3t Introdi Leisure Readings A 10 Q 16 Life of Man on the. High Alps Mosso, A. A 41 S 20 Making of a World ; by Rev. W. Mathison Australasian Independent, 1800 205 Midnight Sky Dunkin, E. A 12 T 23 t Names and Movements of the Heav ' of Vi. . P. Sta Al-I! Rigorous Theory of the Di Altazimuth Solar Observations; ny u. H. t Royal Society, N. S. Wal Royal Astronomical Soe. , Memoirs ; with Indi Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notice Scenery of the Heavens Gore, J. E. Stars and Telescopes' A 19 R 19 out odd, 1). P. A 19 Q 32 lonek, W. H. 8. A 19 Q 11 ny... Brown, R..H. G 23 V 4 ... Howe, H. A. A 19 S 18 isserand, F. A 5 P 27-30 t odhouse, R. A 36 U 16, 17 White, A. I>. G 3 U 17, 18 Astronomy — contd. [See also Almanacs; Asteroids; Astrology; Astronomers; As- tronomical Photography; Astro Physics': Calendars; Comets; Eclipses; Geodesy; Gravitation; "Greenwich Observatory; Jupiter; Latitude Determination; Lom.'itud" Determination; Mars; Meteorology; Meteors; Moon; Nautical Almanacs; Nautical Astr any; Navigation; Nebuhe ; Nebular Hy- potheses; Observatories; Pendulum Experiments; Planets; Saturn; Spectroscope; Spectrum Analysis; Stars; Sun; Telescope ; Tides ; Transits ; Venus ; Zodiacal Light ; and under each Planet.] Bibliography — Bibliography of Astronomy, 1887; by W. C. Winlock. Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, 34 508 Dictionaries — Handworterbuch der Astronomic . Prec e de r Astronomie a Etals-Unis d'Ameriuuc. Maillv, E. A 19 P 18 Berry, A. A 19 Q 12 Short History of Astronomy Tableau de 1' Astronomic dans l'Hcmisplicre Austral ci iui Mailly, E. A 35 24 Instruments — Absolute Length of the Pendulum vibrating Seconds at Parra- matta; by Dr. C. Riiniker... Roy. Astrou. Soe., Mems.,3 520.6 Concise Knowledge of Astronomy.".. Clerke, Agnes M. A 19814 Elements of Practical Astronomy... Campbell, '\V. W. A 45 T 13 Handworterbuch der Astronomie Kncyklopadia der Natur- wissenschaften A 42 12, 13 Star-gazing Lockyer, Sir J. N. A 45 Til [Si e ulxu Spectroscope: Telescope.] Observatories and Stations — Repo; Royal for Scotland, Report E, Astronomical and Magnetieal Observations G Astronomical Observations made at Parramatta; 1 Royal Society, Load., Philosophical Tr Astronomical Observations ma, leal Sydney and I'ai T. Brisbaneand.M. Riirnker... RoylSoc", Edinb., Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory, Annals... Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory, Heliomete for Determinat ion of Stellar Parallax Cape of (bind Hope Royal Observatory, Report... Cape of 1 Hope Royal Observatory, Results o Observations, 1856 0(1, 1 ST I 70 Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory, Results of 522.19 h Royal rvatory h Royal lelitle Observat. lclifle Observat, eorologieal Obsi rvatory, Report of U rvatory, Reports ... Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 719 Astronomy— Periodicals— 520.5- A,tronomischc-Nachrirhten Ast rophysical J ournal . Suri,-/;,-,— 520.6 Royal Astronomical Society, Memoirs: with Index to vols. 1-38... Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices Teaching of Astronomy in the Primary and Secondary Schools, and in the University; l.y 10. S. Holden... United States— Bureau of Education, Report, 1897-98 379.73 Astronomy, Nautical. [See Nautical Astronomy.] Asylums, Benevolent ' Parliament',' '\\ and 1*! 328.943 llohart Benevolent Society, Reports Tasmania -Parliament, Journs. 328.940 State Almshouse, Tewkslmry, Report... Mass. -Almshouse 3G2.5 Asylums for Blind. [See Blind— Asylums.] Asylums for Deaf and Dumb. [See Deaf and Dumb — Asylums.] Asylums for Indigent Children. [See Children — Asylums, Lunatic. [See Lunatic Asylums.] Athanasian Creed — Athanasian Creed in connexion with the Utrecht Psalter. Hardy, Sir T. I). G 13 X 1,2 + Introduc ton to the Creeds and to the To Deum... Burn, Rev. A. 10. Atheism - Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. (1 10 V li Modern Physics Naville, 10. A 24 R 2! Tims Spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 11 Theism ; Theology, Natural.] Athens History - - Atlantic Ocean— . Longfellow, IT. W. II 11 P37 . Donnelly, I. A 44 U 14 Atlas Mountain . Harris, W. B. I) 14 S 23 . McCh Atlases and Maps — Astronomy. [See -Stars — Atlases.] Atmosphere. [See Air.] Atolls. [See Corals.] Atomic Theory — -Ether and Matter Larmor, .T. A 40 U 15 Arrangement of Atoms in Space ... I lot)', .1. II. van 't A 33 („> 20 Dalton. John, Memoirs and Scientilic Researches of; by Dr. W. C. Henry "A 30 T 4 Essai Critique sac des .Atonies Hannequin, A. A 31 S 20 History of the Atomic Theory; hy 10. W. Morlev American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 18(10 500 QOuvres Completes Stas, J. S. A 10 X 20-22 + Origin of Dalton's Atomic Theory Roscoe, H. 10. A 21 T 37 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 Theories Phvsioo-Chimi, pies lieychler', A. A 38 U 14 Wandering of Atoms Muir," M. M. P. A 33 R 33 [See nlxo Cheniisii v Cencral: Chemistry History ; Molecular Physics.] Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 38 5(8 Atonement — Theology — Ahelardian Doctrine of the Atonement— in Doctrine and Develop- ment Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 The Atonement All, a . A. V. MG2U2 nental Ideas of Christianity... Caird, Rev. .1. (15 P 32, 33 tality of Memory '. Lefroy, Dean G23R28 al Law through 'the Natural World... Ferguson, Rev. S. H. MO 2 R 64 Atrophy Attention — Psychology of Attention; by Rev. N. J. Cocks ...... Australasia! Attorneys-General— ll j 343.74S2 313.732 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Auckland Free Public Library - Auckland Free Public Library; by E. Shil Library Conference, T Auctions and Auctioneering — Australian Auction Co.. Report Auditors -Law — Auditors : their Duties and Respc Profession of a Chartered Ace ities Pixlcv, F. W. F 1 S 24 mil other Lectures. Pixley, F. W. F 13 Q 33 Auditors-General— Reports — Canada— Auditor-General, Report Canada— Parliament, Ress. Paps. 328.71 Colorado - Auditor of State, Report 330. 788 Great Britain and Ireland— Public Accounts, Reports, 188L83, 1889-91 336.42 Indiana — Auditor, Report ... Indiana Annual Repts. 353.9772 Massachusetts Auditor of Accounts, Report. 1802 336.744 New Brunswick Public Accounts of the Province, Report of Auditor-General New Brunswick Parliament 328.71.". New South Wales Auditor-General. Reports N. S. Wales Parlia M.I 1' North Dakota State Auditor, Report North Dakota Annual Repts. 328.781 Ohio -Auditor, Report 330.771 Pennsylvania Auditor-General, Report 330.748 South Australia Audit C'ommisii i. Reports ... S. Australia — Parliament, Proc. 328.042 Victoria— Public Accounts, Regulations Victoria— Finance MF 4 U 35 Augsberg Confession — Augsberg Confession G 9 V 39 Lutheran Origin of the 30 Articles... Morris, Rev. .l.G. GOV 40 [See alno Creeds; Lutheran Church.] Auk, The — Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds .. [See ot/soAlcae; Palisntology.] Aural Surgery. [See Ear, The.] Auricular Confession. [See Confession.] Auriculidse — Auriculiche, Proserj the British Musei Auroras . Nicols, A, A 27 S 19 >, and Truncated,, he in l he ( 'olleetion of ,y Dr. L. Pfeitlcr British Museum Natural History A 43 U 3 trails; by 11. C. Bus ell... Roy a Bor< Australian Hand book .... LifcVind Progress'i'n Aust Universal Geography .... [See also Australia ; Nev under the names of Cities, Uolomes, graphical subdivisions of subjects.] ; Po Australasia -<}coyrapliy. Topograph i/, and Maps — Australasian Geography in Kuroiican Terms; by W. H. Fiteliett. Review of Reviews, 1897 052 Geography of Australasia; by .1. P. Thomson... Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., Queensland Br., Proc., 1895-96 910.6 History — Story of Australasia Laurie, J. S. M B 1 T 7 Statistics — Australasian Statistics MF 4 U 39 Population of the Towns and Municinalit it s of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1894 Moffett, S. L. MF 5 U 12 Statistical Account of the Seven Colonics of Australasia, 1805-00. New South Wales Statistics 319.4 Australasian Association for Advancement of Science. [See under this Title in Author Catalogue for Publi- cations.] Australasian Students Christian Union — Australasian Intercollegian 207. 1 Australia — General and Descriptive- - Adventures of a Pioneer ; by W. L. Morton ... Once a Month, 1, 2 M.I 1 V 19, 20 Australia Fabian, B. MD 4 U 29 Australia; by Dr. 15. Boake International Review, 1874 052 Australia; b'y Flora L. Shaw... Scottish Geog. Mag., 1894 910.5 Australia and America in 1802: by K. Dowling in Pains.. X.S.W. Commissioners Chicago Inhibition. 1893 MA 4 T 22 Australia as a Strategic Base Nineteenth Century, 39 052 Australia Revisited; by J. V. Hogan... Contcmp. Rev., 1895 052 Australia, Van Dicnian's Land, and New Zealand MD 4 P 4 Australian and New Zealand Monthly Magazine MF 5 S 9 Australian Colonies; by J. Douglas..' ." Canadian Monthly, 10 J 27 P 15 Australian Colonies in 1896 Petheriek, E. A. MF 1 R 21 Australian Emigrant Potter, G. Ml) 4 U 38 Australian, India, China, and Japan Trade Directory... Wright, G, 910.3 Australian Scenes and Adventures Lippineott's Monthly Magazine, 1875 051 Commercial Geography Thomson, J. P. Ml) 8 Q 50 Emigrant's Guide to Australia Potter,*;. MD 3 T 35 Glimpses of Australia MA 12P31, 32 t Growth of Australia; by K. Rcvcr Chatauijuan, 1894-95 051 Hand-book of Information for the Colonies and India British India and Queensland Agency 910.2 Journal of the Horn Scientific Kxplnring F.xpedilion, 1894. Winnecke, C. MA 3 R 04 Lets over Nicuvi Holland en bijgelegeue eilanden Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1853 910.5 Les Nouvelles Anglo Saxonnes .. Leroy-Beaulieu, P. 1*. MF 4 P 41 Poems of Places . Longfellov v, H. W. HUP 37 '-three 'ears' Wa nth ■iugsinthe Australian Colonies; by]). Bun. talasia, 1 M.I 4 Q 1 A Roving Commission.. 1 asco, C. Ml) 3 R 13 A Run round the Kmpi u Hill, A. D18Q32 ii Australia; by J. T. Wills .. Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 721 ■e and Trade — •s of Commerce, Proceedings of Confei - ^--•"'•//, E.rplor and Eur/// i '"//",'/' DM I)e Quiros land in Oueensland? by T. K. IVv,;,.: Royal Di.covery of' Australia ; by .('. I), ami R.'' H." M a j< ,1'.'.'.'' < ie'ographioal Magazine, 3 I) 23 P 4 Di.-covery of tlu: Kastorn Coast of Xew }f,,llan,| l, v Capt. Cook; l.y A. C. Macdonald Royal Geog. Soc. Australia, Victoria, Trans., 14 910.0 Early Discovery of Australia; l>v G. Collingridge ... Roval Geog. Soc, Aust., X. S. Wales Br.. Journal. 1801-92 !)10.0 Early Discovery of Australia ; l,v A. C. Macdonald... Roval Geog. Soc., Aust., Victorian Hi-.. Trans. 188.1 80 910.0 Early Discovery of Australia; by K. 1). Morgan .. Roval Geog. Soc., Aust., N. S. Wales Mr.. .Journal, 1801-92 010.0 European Enterprise in Australasia; by J-:. A. Retheriek. Melbourne Review, 8-10 052 Exploration of Australia, Isll 00... Calvert, A. K. MD 7 U 21* Funeral of the Lost Explorers, Report Calvert Expedition MC 1 T 30 Geography of Australia as delineated by the 1 hitch Cartograpliers. Remarkable Maps D8 I' 30 + Henry Xorris to Sir dames Wri-iil respecting the Original MS. of Tasman's Voyage -in Copies of I), His wk, K -glish Xaviga ors . 111)8 1 ■is 5 Hi. orical Xarrat veof the Discovery of 'New'] lolland an 1 x,\ uth Wales... MI) 4 u 2< Is A ustralia the 1 Roval Ge g. Soc. of Aust,, X.S.W.'. Jo Jou nalof H.M.S ptain J. Coot nalof Cook's] nal of the h'>. Endeacmtr in Copies of Doci ast Voyage tc the FaancOcea . J. MB MD t. J. Ml) if 7 : i'r'-js Lei r/.v... MC 1 T ~S Mo. Adams, lb-.. . . MD3I Xa ■> Australia Bee] e, L. MB Xot •s on a M.S. C lart in the British Museum s Pat acks in the V >yage of 1042-44 ; by A. Mai tas., Pat Dutch in the Discovery of An ;: r^ "' !_■;!-' .an, Abel Jans/.; door I Australia— Discovery, Exploration, and Early Voyages — Tasman, Abel Jan/., Hot Journaal rcis van der, 1042. Tijdschrift voor hot Zeewezen, 1850 910.5 Tasman, Abel Jansoon : his Life, &c. ; bv J. B. Walker. Roy. Geog. Soc. of Aust.,' Vict,, Trans., 14 910.6 Tasman, Abel Jansen, Inxtruetie of Lastbrief voor, 1044. Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1844 910.5 Tasman, Abel Jans/,,,,,,. Journal MD 2 P 33 X lasman, Abel Jans/., Vervolg van het Journaal van... Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1859 910.5 Voyage round the World in H.M.S. AWmr.w, 1769-71. Cook, Capt. J. MD 7 U 30 Voyage to Now South Wales Harrington, G. MD 8 Q 52 Warburton s Journey across Australia Geographical Mag., 1 D 23 P 2 Was Australia disiovorrd in the 10th Century? by E. Heawood. Roval Geographical Society, Jour,,., ISO!) 0)0.0 When was Australia Discovered? by A. Sutherland ... Melbourne Review, 5 052 Geoyra/iliy, Tufioyraphy, and Maps — Australian Oceanography; bvT.'W. Fowler Australasian Association Advance, of Science, Rcpt., 1898 506 Part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, 1006-1765. Heeres, J. E. MD 13 S 1 t Terra Australia Incognita; by Prof. Morris ... Royal Geog. Soc., Aust,, Vict. Branch, Trail's., 189S 910.6 [See a/no Maps, Early.] llixtor by H. G. Turner Melb. Rev., 7 052 ory of Australia; by J. M. D. Larnaeh. irical Society, Australasia, Trans. MB 3 R 1 >a : lose, A. W. MB 3 P 7 Angus ami Robert son's School Scries MG 2 U 47 Rusden, G. W. MB 1 Q 14-16 , and Xew Zealand ... Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 P 65 ustralia Becke, L. MB 3 S 11 a; byL.liecke... Fortnightly Rev., 1899 052 . Royal Colonial dtlc Institute, ] ; by U. D. Mendel ir Ideals ; by E. Low c, 26 . Review . Wes 5. 342 Review, 1894 052 ■s; bvE. L.Godkin... Atlantic Monthly. 1898 051 Xouvelle-Zelande : Les Experiences sociales - Le rP. Leroy-Beaulieu Revue des Deux Mondes, 130 054 MF5Q 14 MF4Q51 MF5 Q(i ; by F. J. Donohue— in hiuson.F. Ml) 7 I* 23 nionds, E. MG 2 P 61 Public Library of New South Wales. Australia — Religion (Aborigi Australia,] »). [& Social Lifi: wild Customs — The Australian Girl; by T. Ryan... Review of Reviews, 1S97 052 The Australians Adams, F. W. L. MF 5 P 4 Country House Life in Australia; by Agatha May Review of Reviews, 1899 052 [See also Australians, The.] le Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1861-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 P 20 . Central — Western Central Australia; hy W. 11. Tietkins Koyal ( ;eog. Soe., Aust., N. S. 'Wales Br., Journal, 1891-92 910.6 [See otoHnni Kxpcdition ; Australia -Discovery.] Australian Alps — Australian Alps, or Snowy .Mountains; l.y I!. Helms Royal Geog. Soe. of Aust., N.S.W. Br., Journal, 1896 910.6 Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1887 910.5 Australian Art. [See Fine Arts — Australian.] Australian Federation. [See Federation, Australian.] Australian Gas-light Company llis MBS S3 Australian Literature — Beginningsof an Australian Literature... Martin, A. P. MJ 3 S 30 Colonial Literature and the Colonial Press; liy J. Smith. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Development of Australian Literature... Turner, II. G. MJ 3 S 24 Literature ami Art in Xew South Wales ; by F. Hutchinson— in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 [See also Special Catalogue of Australian Authors; and under Fiction — Australian; Tales Australian; Poetry — Australian.] Australian Museum — Australian .Museum Library; by S. Sinclair International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat, Room Australian Music. [See Music-Australian.] Australian Mutual Provident Society — Mishaps of the A.M. P. Society ; or, Shells which failed to Explode. Mutual Life Insurance' Company of Xew York M F 5 Q 29 Record of Our Jubilee Aust. Mutual Prov. Soe. MF 5 P 10 iSee under name of Society in Author Catalogue for Reports and other official publications. ] Australian Subscription Library — Australian Subscription Library ... N.S.W. Magazine MJ 4 Q 8 Australians — The Australian -born Type Australian, The MJ 4 P 12 Evolution of the Australian ; by G. E. Boxall Macmillan's Magazine. 1899 052 Our Fut Austria and Hungary -General tint/ Descriptive — Girl's Wanderings in Hungary... Browning, H. Ellen D 18 Q 24 Institutions of Austria Coldstream, J. P. F 12 S 34 Millennium of Hungary and it; People Jekelfalussv, J. de D19U8 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 22 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U 3 Autumn Maneuvers, 1S98 U.S.— Adjutant-General's Office A 36 W 20 StaffsofVariousArmies... UnitedStatos-Dcpt. of War F 16 R 23 ■ ■ Commerce and Trade— Trade of Austria— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Senes G t, Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 Austria and Hungary — Constitutional History — Austria-Hungary in The State Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 ■ History — Austria Whitman, S. B26S17 Campaign of Marengo Sargent, Lieut. H. H. B 21 S 7 Joseph II B 17 P48 Ligne, Prince de B 41 P 8, 9 Maria Theresa B 17 P 47 Napoleon Bonaparte's First Campaign B 16 I! 29 Tff Rev Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278-1352 [See also Austro-Italian War, 1866.] Politics — La Peninsule des Balkans... The Sultan and the Powers Austro-Italian War, 1866— Battle of Lissa /'// Ironclads in Action, 1855-95... Wilson, H. W. B 33 R 6, 7 Authority in Religion. [See Liberty of Conscience.] Authors and Authorship — Aspects of Authorship Jacox, F. J 14 U 1 The Bookselling Question in Various Fragments Spencer, H G 23 S 3 Highway of Letters Archer, T. J 14 U 14 Men and Women of the Century Lehmann, R. A 10 T 17 t [See also Authors and Publishers; C'opwighl ; Dramatists; Epi- grammatists; Fssayists ; Historians; Journalists; Literary Methods and Style; Litterateurs; Novelists; Philologists'; Philosophers; Po'ets ; Pseudonyms; Publishers.] Authors and Publishers -Ethics — Autocars. [See Motor-carriaj Autographs — Autographs and Birthdays of Em . Besant, W. J 23 S 9 nil other Autographs . British .Museum J 12 X 9-13 t . Hill, G. B. J 10U39 id Automatism - -in Man's Place in the Seth, A. G 14 R 26 ' ■■ ein, L. G23Q 12 Talks about Autograph: Automatism— The New Psychology a Cosmos Subconscious Self Telepathy and the Subliminal Self Mason, R. O. G Windsof Doctrine Elam, C. A [See also Consciousness ; Unconscious, The] Automobiles. [See Motor-carriages.] Autotypes — Guide to Autotype Sawyer, J. R. A [See also Photography.] Average. [See Insurance — Marine.] Aves. [See Birds; Ornithology; Paleontology.] Avesta. [See Zoroastrians.] Avignon— Les Archives de la Chambre Apostoliijue ail 14c Sice' [See also Ecilesiasti-al History; Papacy.] Awards, Law of. [.See Arbitration.] Axioms. [See Epigrams; Maxims; Proverbs; Quotations.] B32S I Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Ayrshire Cattle — Ayrshire Breeders' Association, Ontario, Report Ontario— Dept, of Agriculture, Kcport 630.6 Avrsliiro Cow; liy J. Stewart, senr. ... Queeensland Agricultural Journal, 1, 5 630.5 [See also Dairy Cattle.] Ayub. Book of. [See Job— Old Testament.] Azimuth Tables— Azimuth Tables Schroeder, Lieut. S. A 13 W 23 t Sun's True Bearing, or Azimuth Tallies ..(it. I'.rit. audlrel.— Admir. A 19 U 18 Azores — General and Descriptive- Atlantie Islands Poems of Places Aztec Race — Ancient America Baldwin, J. B. B IS S 12 At latl, or Spear-thrower of the Ancient Mexicans; l>v ZeliaNuttall. I'eabody Museum, Archaeological Papers A 41 P 14 Contributions of North American Ethnology United States - Geographical and G .'ol. Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region A 10 V 5 t North Americans of Antiquity Short, J. T. A 35 T " Origin and Growth of R, Pale illustrated l.v the Native Re- Reville, Rev. A. O '23 T 2 n Ins I Muse, coanditsSymb, . Parry, F. G 17 U G t »yZ. Nuttall .. I'cal.o. V Museum. Babylon and Babylonia — General and D* i and Growth of Rel aho Archaeology I ddcea; Cuneiform Ii luseuni B 17 1' It! J B 27 V 20 •e, A. H. B25P21 ' t he l-'oiirt h Dvnasl v ., Rev. H. B41T2 L. II. s li i: i the Holy Land Evetts, B. T. A. G 14 P3G Saycc, A. H. B 28 S 1 Babylonian Religion and Mythology ... King, L. W. ( I 25 P 22 Bacillaria. [See Desinids ; l)iatomaee;e.] Bacilli. [See Bacteriology.] Bacon-making - Ba, on-curing from the British Point of View; bv L. M. Douglas. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales. ISIIS (i30.5 Curing of Bacon United States Dept. of Agr. Bureau of Baconian Philosophy — History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 [See aim Empiric is, u ; Shakespeare Bacon Controversy ; and under Bacon, Sir Francis, in the Author Catalogue.] Bacteria. [See Bacteriology.] Bacteriology — Aeademiedes Sciences, Comptes rendus de.s Seances, 120, 121 50G Amateur Bacteriology ; by Rev. W. Spiers Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 1* 10 A pplicd Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 27 T 8 Applied Bacteriology. 2nd ed Pearmain, T. H. A40P11 Aseptic Surgery . . .'. Lock wood, C. B. A 2G R 28 Atlas of Bacteriology Slater, C. A 32 R 42 Bacteria Newman, G. A 40 Q 17 Bacteria New Zealand Journal of Science, 1884 505 Bacteria of River- water; by Dr. J. B. Billings United States "National Academy of Sciences, 7 506 Bacteria of the Sputa Vincentini, F. A 32 S 32 Bacteria; what thevare, what thev do, and how they are cultivated ; byC. E. Marshall Michigan State Hoard of Agriculture, Rept., 1890-97 630.6 Bacteriological Diagnosis Reid, St. G. A 37 T 2 Bacteriological Examinati f Air in Applied Bacteriology. Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Bacteriology in Medicine and Surgery ... Park, W. II. A 45 S 4 Certain Bacteria from the Air of New York City ... Dvar, H. G. A 44 S 21 Comparative Action of Dry Heat and Sulphurous Acid upon Putre- factive Bacteria... United Slates— Nat. Museum, Proc, 4 507 Composition of the Tuberculosis and (danders Bacilli; bv Dr. de Schweinitz... United States -Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal n Anil . Pa; 5 R 5 the Tuberculosis Bacillus, U.S.— Dept, of Agr. Bureau of Animal Ind.. Kept., 1898 630 History of Bacteriology and its Application to Modern Medicine; bv Dr. W. C. C. Bakes... Illust. Ann. of Microscopy A 40 P 19 Intermit. Cong, of Hygieneand Demography, 7, Trans.', 2... 614.06 .Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology Wooilhe; Laboratory Guide for the Bacteriologist . A 31 P 5-7 A 31 Q 14 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of certain Micro-organismal Diseases"; by C. F. Dawson ... United States Dept, of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry, Kept.. 189S 636 Living Death Germs in Other Suns than Ours Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 15 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Micro-organisms aVcci'lVisease'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'".'.'.'. Klein, 'iv' A 26 R 32 ^Public Library of New South Wales. Bacteriology — contd. Report by Drs. Copeland and Blaxall on the Influence of ( ilyi erine, of Lanoline, and of Vaseline, in lnhil>il ing the ( irowth of Micro- organisms commonly found in Vaecine Lymph —in Report of Medical Officer, 1895-96 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Local Government 014.0942 Science of Hygiene Pakes, W. C. C. A 45 U 28 Stockbreeders' Indebtedness to the Microscope; by C. J. Pound. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 6.30.5 Story of Germ Life Conn, H. W. A 33 K 22 Structure and Functions of Bacteria Fischer, A. A 34 S 1 Text-bonk of Bacteriology < Yookshank, E. M. A31Q_7 Vitality and Relent ion of Virulence of certain Pathogenic Bacteria in Milk and its Products; by C. F. Dawson ... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Ind., Rept, 1898 636 [See also Bacteriology. Fyniinmie; Biology: Botany, ( Yyptngamic : Bubonic Plague; Microscopy; Mycetozoa; Serums and Sero- therapy; Tuberculosis.] Economic - Dairy Bacteriology ; bv.M. A. O'Callaghan... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, i), 10 630.5 Dairying; by (I. S. Thomson... Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 2 630.5 Lactic Acid Ferment ; by M. A. O'Callaghan Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Micro-organisms and Fermentation ... Jiirgenson, A. A 40 U 16 [See also Fermentation; Leguminosa' ; Nitrogen in Agriculture; Serums; Yeasts.] Badges, Coats of Arms, and Crests — Armorial Families Davies, A. C. F-. K 13 U 1 t Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland. Bute, Marquess of K 17 S 25 f Nobiliaire Universcl de France Magny, Marquis L. de K 13 Q 21-23 t Records and Badges of Regiments in the British Army. Chichester, H. M." B 24 R 18 The Right to Bear Arms "X" K 19 R 20 [.See alto Genealogy; Heraldry; Seals.] Bagdad — Genera! and Descriptive — From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. D 1 7 S 1 6 Bahamas — General and Descriptive — Annual Reports—//! Colonial Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Colonial Office .'{51.428 Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. 1) 22 K 3 British America D 22 Q Universal Geography Reclus, E. D21 U 17 Baking The Colonial Baker Williamson, T. P. MA 4 P 46 [See also Bread; Confectionery; Cooking.] Balances — Quartz-thread Gravity Balance ; by Prof. Threlfall Royal Society, Lond., Proe., 1899 500 Balearic Isles— General and Descriptive — Forgotten Isles Vuillier, G. D 18 V 24 Balkan Peninsula — Outgoing Turk Thomson, H. C. D17T27 Peninsulc de.s Balkans Lavcleve, E. dc I) 20 R 9, 10 Travels and Politics in the Near Fast ' Miller, W. 1) 13 V 14 uS'ee also Bosnia; Bulgaria; Herzegovina; Montenegro; Ron- mania; Servia; Turkey.] Ballads and Popular Poetry— General— Epic and Ballad Poetry //, Epic and Romance Ker, W. P. , ,„ , •' U s 10 [.See also Chap-books; Legends; Lyrics; Parodies; Poetry- Selections; Songs.] 3 Ballads and Popular Poetry — contd. By Countries. Breton- Ballads and Songs of Brittany Taylor, T. H 12 T 14 English — Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 19 Ballads and Songs Thackeray, \V. M. H 10 W 17 Book of Ballads Sargant, Alice H 19 S 8 t Book of Old English Ballads Edwards, G. W. H 10 W 15 Collection of Black letter Ballads and Broadsides printed 1559-97. Lillv, J. H 13 V 2 Crown Garland of Golden Hoses; by K. Johnson, from the edition of 1012 Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 8, 17 Early Naval Ballads of England... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 6 English and Scottish Popular Ballads Child', F. J. H 1 V 18 Old Ballads from F.arlv Printed Copies of the utmost Rarity. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 3 Old Ballads illustrating the Great Frost of 1083 4 and the Fair on the River Thames, 1683-4 Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 11 Percy Society Publications ' ' || M S3 32 Poems and Ballads; by ."Q" Couch, A. T. Q-. H 10 W 14 Political Ballads published in Fngland dining the Commonwealth. Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 5 Simile and Metaphor in the Fngish and' Scottish Ballads. Odell, G. C. D. H 12 U 20 Six Ballads with Burdens Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 15 Songs and Ballads of the London Prentices, I 1th to Kith Centuries. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 7 Songs of the Cavaliers Thornbtiry, G. W. H 10 W 24 Strange Histories ; by T. Djloney . . . Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 3 Irish — Ballad Poetry of Ireland Duffy, Hon. C. G. H 10 V 27 Irish Political Ballads in English Studies Darmesteter, J. J 14 V 6 ■ Japanese — Three Popular Japanese Ballads—/// Kokoro...Hearn, L. D 17 P31 Scottish Balladists Geddie, J. H 11 R2 English and Scottish Popular Ballads Child. F. J. H 1 V 18 Collection of Ballads Lang, A. H 10 V 29 Scottish Ballad Poetry Todd, G. E-. H 13 P 3 Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads ... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 19 Simile and Metaphor m the Fnglish and Scottish Ballads. Odell, G. C. D. H 12 U 20 Ballar at- om Melbourne Memories Browne, T. A. MJ 3 P 50 Ballistics- Ballistic Tables for Standard Projectiles with Ogival Heads of two Calibers Radius... CnitedStates Dept. of the Navy A 25 U 37 Ballistics; by (.'apt. J. M. Ingalls United States— Adjutant- General's Office, Artillery ( uvular F A 22 P 2 + Interior Ballistics .... CnitedStates Adjutant-General's Office A 10 W 8 f [See also Artillery ; Gunnery.] Ballooning — Champion de Crcspigny, Sir Claude, Memoirs of C 22 Q 15 [See also Aeronaut ies, Fixing Machines.] Balloons. [See Ballooning.] Ballot, The — The Puritan in Holland, Fngland, and America Campbell, D. B28U 10, 17 [Sec also Election ami Representation; Suffrage.] Balnec-thtrapeutics Balneology and Hydrotlie, apcutics ; by Dr. H. Weber in System of Medicine "Alllmtt, T. C. A 20 T 34 Hydrotherapy ami Mineral Springs Barueh. S. A 31 P 14 Sehott Methods of Treatment of Chronic I Ibeases of t he Heart ; with Account of the Nauhcim Baths Thorne, W. B. A 30 Q 10 The Skin Neale, A. MA 4 P 44 [See also Baths and Bathing; Medical Baths; Nauheim Baths.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 725 Baltic Canal- Log of the Tmtallou Castle Lucy, H. W. D 18 Q 18 Baltic Sea — F.d.on on the Baltic Knight, E. F. 1) 18 Q 20 Baltimore — Commerce and Trade — Smith American Trade of Baltimore; by F. R. Rutter. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 15 B IS S 15 • Fiiiiaice and Taxation — Financial History of Baltimore ; liv J. H. Hollander,.. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol., 20 B 18 T 20 ■ .Vanici/jid (r'orerninent — Citv Government of Baltimore; livT. P. Thomas. .. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 14 B 18 S 14 Balti staii - A Summer in High Asia Adair, Capt. F. E. S. 1) 22 S 4 Banff— History— History of Aberdeen and Banff Watt, W. B 3C S 12 Bangiaceas — Die Bangiacecn des Golfes von Neapel; von Dr. G. Berthold. Zoologische Station zu Neapel A 19 P 8 t Bank of England- Chronicles of the Hank of England Turner, B. B. F 5 P 36 History of Modern Hanks of Issue Conant, C. A. F 12 T If Banking. [See Hanks and Banking.] Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law General Orders and Forms in Bankruptcv United States- Supreme Court F 10 R 20 Law and Practice of Binkruptev in X. S. Wales... Salusbury, F. H. MF 5 R 9 Report of the Hoard of Trade under the Bankruptcv Act, 1883. (it. Brit, and Irel. —Board of Trade 382 Banks and Banking - Banking and Negotiable I .1 Banking System... Pat mil Hanks; Coinage; Banks and Banking — Periodicals - Australasian Insurance and Hanking R Australian Financial ( lazctte Banker's Magazine Bankers', Insurance Managers', and Ag Ins By Countries. Australia — Articles on Australian Banking Economist, The 332 Australian Banking: bv S. J. Murray Banker's Magazine, Lond., 62 332 Australian Banks: Olticial Schemes of Reconstruction. Were, J. B. MF 5 Q 7 Collapse in Australia; byH. F. Hatton... National Rev., 1893 052 History and Development of Hanking in Australasia; by E. Brett. Institute of Hankers, Journal, 1894 332 Late Australian Banking Crisis; bvX. Cork... Institute of Bankers, Journal, 1894 332 Law and Practice of Banking in Australia and Xew Zealand. Aided Hamilton, E. B. MF 3 T 62 [See also each Colony under this heading.] California Episode in California - Canada — Melbourne Review, 1 052 Canada Hopkins, J. C. D 13 T 5 t Canadian Banking System, IS1, 90 Breckenridge, R. M. F4 V20 Currency and Banking Law of the Dominion of Canada. Com well, W. C. F 8 P 36 China Imperial Bank of China... United States— Consular Repts., 54 382 Connecticut - Bank Commissioners. Connecticut, Report Connecticut- Annual Repts. 328.746 Dakota — Public Examiner. North Dakota, Report North Dakota- Annual Repts. 328.784 England Chronicles of the Bank of England Turner, B. B. F 5 P 36 English Bank Restriction - ,'„ History of American Currency. Sumner, W. G F 5 P 31 Ireland — Banking, Railway, and Shipping Statistics, Ireland. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Statistics F 13 T 8 Maryland — History of State Banking in Maryland ; by A. C. Bryan. Johns Hopkins University, Studies 17 B 18 S 17 BankC Ins New Hampshire ' ers.Rept... ] New Zealand Law and Practice of Ban New Zealand' House of'' Pennsylvania — Queensland nd New Zealand. E. B. MF3T62 ing MF 1 Q 17 J -1 Nat Chieens 726 Public Library of New South Wales. Banks and Banking— United States— Banking System of the United States ... Dawes, C. G. F 10 V 5 National Banking Scudder, M. L. F 17 P 8 Open Mints and Five Hanking Brough, W. F 15 Q 22 [See also California, Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, under this heading.] Victoria Banking in Victoria; by H. G. Turner Melb. Rev., 4 052 A National Bank of Issue for Victoria; by .1. Mirams. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Royal Commission, Report... Victoria State Banking. MF 4 U 30 Bannockburn — Bannoekburn— zn Commune of London... Round, J.H. B 28 T 15 Baptism — Christian Institutions Allen, Rev. A. V. G. G 24 R 10 Cyprian Benson, Archbishop G 19 T 32 [.See also Baptists; Sacraments, The.] Baptists- Australian Evangelist MG 1 V 11-14 Australian Particular Baptist Magazine MG 2 U 17 BaptistChurch //lOurClmrches... (Hover, Rev. Dr. R. G II l' 37 History of the Baptist ( 'I lurches in the I" cited States. Newman, Rev. A. H. G 12 V History of the Congregational and Baptist Churches in Canada /« Canada Hopkins, .1. C. D 13 T 7 t [See also Anabaptists; Baptism; Calvinists; Mennonitcs; Wal- denses. ] Barbados — General and Descriptive Annual Reports in Colonial Reports tit. Brit, and lrel. Colonial Office 354.428 British America D 22 Q 6 Barbarism. [See Heathen Barbarism; Savagism.] Bards— Talicsin; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain Nash, D. W. H 12 S 19 [See also Minnesingers; Troubadours.] Barley — Agricultural Investigations at Rothamsted Gilbert, Sir J. H. A 18 U 27 Barley-growing: by C. Redwood... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., Barns. [See Farm Buildings.] Baroda — General ami Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 7 ... Bombay Gazetteer 915.47 Barometers and Barometric Pressure — Barometrical Determination of Heights Cordeiro, F. J. B. A 25 P 43 Determination of Heights by Barometric Methods; by T. W. Fowler. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 506 Diurnal Variation of Barometric Pressure; by Dr. Cole. United States Dept. of Agr. Weather Bureau A 19 V 31 Errand Thunderstorms Stopford, W. K. MA 5 R 8 + Experiments on Aneroid Barometers... Smiths. Inst. Rept.,'68 500 How to Use the Alien, id Barometer ... Whyniper, E. A 41 P 13 New Method of .Measuring by Means of the' Barometer; by G. K. Gilbert U.S.- Geological Survey, Annual Rept., 2 557.3 Observations upon the Marine Barometer made on the Coasts of New Holland anil N. S. Wales, 1S01 3, bv ('apt. M. Flinders. Royal Society, London. Phil. Trans., ISOli 50(i Observations with Aneroid ami Mercurial Barometers and Boiling Point Thermometers; by T. W. Fowler... Royal Soc., Victoria, Proc., 1895 500 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 4 United States Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report United States -Engineer Dept. A 10 U 2 f Baronage. [See Peerage.] Baronetage and Knightage — Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage 929.72 Dod 's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage 929. 72 History of the Baronetage Pixley, F. W. K 10 U 1 1 Peerage and Baronetage Burke, Sir B. 929. 72 Peerage ami Baronetage of British Empire Lodge, E. 929.72 [See also Peerage. ] Barrows. [See Arcluvulogy ; .Mounds.] Bars — Hydraulic Engineering — Report on the Macleav River ; bv Sir John Coode. . . N. S. Wales— Macleay River MA 9 P 41 f [See also Harbours.] Bas-Breton. [See Breton Language.] Bas-relief — Bas-relief Romain a Reprei , His- Courbaud, E. A 35 T 15 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 + II Museo Pio Clemontino Viseonti, G. A 46 P 1-7 J [See also Carving; Sculpture.] Bass's Strait — Original Discoverers of Bass's Strait Naval Chronicle, 30 B38Q 11 Basutoland — General and Descriptive — Annual Reports-/;/ Colonial Reports Gt. Brit, and lrel.— Colonial Office 354.42S Directory of South Africa South Africa 916.8 Illustrated Official Hand-book of the Cape... Noble, J. 1) 22 Q 16 Impressions of South Africa Bryce, J. D 13 U 1 Impressions of South Africa. 3rd ed lirvee, J. I) 21 5 Pictures of Travel Lacy, G. D 22 R 20 Twelve Hundred Miles in a Waggon .. Balfour, Alice D 14 T 23 Batavia — General and Descriptive — Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal of MD 3 U 15 Bath — History — The Bath Road Harper, C. G. B 33 S 12 Baths and Bathing — Model Bye-laws Gt. Brit, and lrel.— Local Govt. F 16 R 29 Surf and Surf- bathing; by 1). Osborne Out-of -Door Sports Batrachia — Amphibia of Central Australia Spencer, B. MA 3 R 61 Amphibian and Reptilian Remains from South Africa and Australia — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S It Batrachia Salientia in the Colleetion of the British Museum; by Dr. A. Gunther... British Museum Natural History A 42 U 13 Collecting Reptiles and Bat rachians ; by L Stejneger. United States— National Museum A 37 S 47 Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum; by R. Lydekker... British Museum Natural History A 42 V 12-15 Geographical Distribution of Australian Batrachia; by J. J. Fletcher Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Troc, 1897 580.6 North American Batrachia and Reptilia : by K. 1). Cope— in Bul- letin 1, United Stales National Museum Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 13 508 On a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from British New Guinea; by G. A. Boulenger... Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1896 590.5 Reptiles and Batrachians of North America Carman, S. A 15 R 22 t Royal Natural History Lydekker, R. A 28 V 25 Tailless Batrachians of Europe; by G. A. Boulenger. Ray Society Pubs.', 1S96-97 590.6 The Vivarium Bateman, Rev. G. C. A 27 R 9 [See also Frogs.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 727 Bats — Mammalia. [See Chiroptera.] Battles— General— ] :,u ties ami Battle-tick Is in K, igland... Barrett, ( :. R. B. B 24 V 18 Deeds that Won the Empire ; l.y "Vedette"... Fitehetl, Hev. \V. H. B 24 Q 13 lights for the Flag Fitchett, Rev. W. H. R 20 Q 24 Told from the Ranks .Small, E. M. R 21 S 4 [.S'i e also under each Rattle.] Batum— General and Descriptive — From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. R. I) 17 S Hi Bavaria- -Commerce and Trade— Trade of Bavaria— /« Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual cries (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 [S,eaho Ober-Ammergau.] Bayeux Tapestry — Bayeux Tapestry Fowke, F. R. A 41 T 8 Bayreuth - Wagner's Prose Works; by W. A. Ellis... Wagner.R. Beacons. [See Lighthouses.] Beans— Dwarf Lima Beans -in Pamphlets on Vegetahles ... Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 14 Insects injurious to Beans and Peas; l»v F. 11. ( 'hittenden. United States -Dept. of Agr., Yearbook. Is! IS 03O.5 Pamphlets on Vegetables Agr. Expcr. Station- A 3s >> I 1 Sonic Bean Diseases-//. Injurious Insects, (i... A-r. Expcr. Stus. Bearings Bearings and Lubrication Tavlcr, A. J. W-. A 21 P 3., [See also Friction; Lubricants.] Beatitudes — ( Ipus Evangclicum... Wyclif Society Pubs., 1!), 20 (i 23 T 35, 36 Bechuanaland — General and Descriptive — Annual Report, 1890-117 (it. Brit, and Irel.- Colonial Office - Colonial Report .,.,I.I2' Good Hope-Parliament, V. Instratcd Official Hand-book of the Cape... ,i Veldt and Farm Macnal Bedfordshire— General and Descriptive - English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library Bedouins. [See Arabs.] Beer. [See Ale; Brewing.] Bees. [See Andrenidse; Apida>; Bees and Bee-farming; Entomology, Economic; Hymenoptera: Insects.] Bees and Bee-farming — The A. B.C. of Eec Culture Root, A. I. A 27 V 27 . Queensland Agricultural Journal. 1,5 030.5 d Irel. —Foreign Office, Misc., Her., 380 3s2 Agrieull . Brit. ; Bees, and how to Manage them : 1 Bees and Wax Scales ; by J. Sliii bv A. (Jale Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Gazette. N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 United States Dept. of Agr., armers' Bulletin, 59 A 41 U 1 Agr. Gazette. X.S.W, 7 630.5 : iiv II. Stephens... (Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 " 630.5 ■ulturalG . P,o\ Pr< 506 Rees' Home; by A. Gale Agr. Gaz., X.S.W., 8 630.5 I b-i'lcpsi-li Hive, and the Combination (live; bv A. Cab-. Agr. Gazette, X. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Birds and Rees Burroughs, J. A 41 Q9 Blossoming of the Eucalvptus and its Inline, ,,-e on the Product of theHoncv-bec.fromaConunercialStandpoint; bvl). K. McC 1. Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., Qucensl. Br., Proc, 1895-96 910.0 Construction oi "the Langstroth Hive: by 11. Stephens. Foul Broods and their Treatment ; by T. W. Cowan...' Agr. Gaz., Honey Bee N. S s.W.. 030.5 . 030.7 . 630.6 Gazette, ) 030.5 1 630.5 Queensland Agricultural Journal 030.5 Species and Varieties of the Hnnev-beo; by A. Gale. Agr. Gazette, 'X. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Why do Bees Swarm V by A. Gale... Agr. Gaz., X.S. W., 11 6."0.5 Winter and Summer Protection for Bees... Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 6 630.5 [St •ls„ I lot v; Wa> Beetles. [See Coleoptera; Entomology; Insects.] Beets and Beet-sugar Beet-root Sugar Industry in Russia since its First Introdu 1800— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Misc. Scr. 4 4 S 12 R 39 Fungous Diseases of 1 Pamphlets on Beets ai 728 Public Library of New South Wales. Beets and Beet-sugar —t.ontd. Sugar-beet; by H. \V. Wiley ... United States— Dept. of Agr. - Farmers' Bulletin, 52 A 41 U 2 Sugar-beet Industry; by Dr. H. W. Wiley Queensland Agr. Journal, 1 630.5 Sugar-beet Industry. : by .1. M. Sin,. lair Victoria- Agriculture MA 3 V 29 Sugar-beets grown at the If a v. kcsbury College Kami, 1S94 95, Report Agricultural < lazcite, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 [See also Sorghums and Sorghum Sugar; Sugar-growing.] Beggars - - Auld Lang Sync M tiller, M. J 5 T 33 Some Peculiar Beggars, Sir R, J 14 P 47 [See also Pauperism ; Poor Laws; Poverty; Vagrants.] Behring Sea— An American Cruiser in the East Ford, J. 1). D 21 S 2 America's Foreign Policy Wolsev, T S. F 16 S 3 Bering am! Mc:lni Islands. IS97 [ChartJ (it'. Brit, and Irel.— Hvdrographio Office D 49 P 1 % Plans of the Western Shore of Bering S-i. IS!)-; [Chart.] fit. Brit, and Irel.— Radiographic OiHee 3D 49 P 3 * Through the Cold lields of Alaska to' Paring St raits... DeWindt.H. D 16 r F 20 Through the Subarctic Forest Pike, W. D 15 T 27 Tribunal of Arbitration, Bering Sea. Fisheries, Proceedings. United States Fur Seal Arbitration F 3 U 2-15, 17 [See also Arbitration, International; Fisheries - Canada ; Seal- fishing.] Belfast — General and Descriptive — Ulster as it is Maeknight, T. F 14 U 34, 35 Belgaum— General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 21... Bombay Gazetteer 915.47 Belgian Art. [See Fine Arts— Belgian.] Belgian Literature — Treasure of the Humble Maeterlinck, M. G 12 V 34 Belgium General and Descriptive— Carte des Chemins de Per, Pontes ct Voies Xavigahles de la Bel- gique Belgium D 23 Q 4 En Voyage: France et Belgi.pie... Hugo, Vise. V. M. 1) 22 P 14 Flemish Interiors Byrne, Mrs. \V. P. G 15 U 23 Panorama, Le Mcrveillcs de France, Belgiquc, Suisse, Algciic. ct Tunisio A 19 S ] t Poems of Places Longfellow, H. \V. H 11 P 20, 21 Universal Geography Reelus, E. I) 21 U 3 [See also Belgian Literature; Congo Free State; Fine Arts- Belgium.] Army— Annuaire Officiel de l'Armcc Beige Belgium 354. -1936 Stall's of Various Armies U.S. — Dept. of War F 16 B 23 Statistique Medicale de l'Armee Beige Belgium 613.67 Trade of Belgium in Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Annual Scries Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Foreign Office 382 Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium Vincent. J. M. F 1 S 29 Carte de la'P-elgiquo '. '.'.. .. Zanardelli, T. A 45 V 11 La PreccltitcitedesXonisde Rivieres dc Belgiquc... Zanardelli, T. A 45 V 1 1 Le Chaneclier de Flandie Paeha, E. F 1 U 20 ■ History — Joseph II B 17P48 La Republiquedes Provinces- Unie:s...VYaddington, A. B 39 U 10 Story of Belgium Smvthe, C. B 40 U 1 La Verite sur le ( loedondag Mahlcrghcm,'.!. van B 17 U 20 n de Croire — in Discnurs dc Combat Brunetiere, F. J 24 U 34 in of Belief — in Introduction to the History of Religion. Jevons, F. B. 37 Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1) 21 U 17 History — Generall Historic of the Bermudas, 1503 1(121: by Capt. J. Smith, 1(124 [Reprint]... English Scholar's Library Pubs., l(j J 3 T 25 Berne — History — Historic Studies Read, Gen. M. B 19 U 2, 3 Berry Estate — Berry Estate, Descriptive Account of Ml) 8 T 2 Bertillon System — Anthroponieli ie Measurements: by Surgeon P. Brown — in Report of United States Delegates to internal ional I Yisou< 'ongrcss, 1805. United States Dept. of State 3(15 Bertillon Svstem: bv Major R. \Y. McClaughrcv— in Report of United States Delegates to International Prison Congress, 1805. United States Dept. of State 3(i5 Bertillon Svstem as a Means of Suppressing the Business of Living bvCrime .. U.S.— Bureau of Education, Kept.. I S9.5-9G 370.73 Signaletie Instructions Bertillon, A. F KIT I!) [,s',r also Anthropometry; Idcntitication of Criminals.] Bessemer Steel. [See Iron and Steel.] Bethels- Sydney Bethel Union, Reports 266 Betterment — Increment in the Value of Land in Melbourne; by D. Syme. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Select Committee on Town Inipiovem -ills, (ireat Britain, Report, 1804 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Town Improvements E 39 V 21 1 [See also Property.] Betting. [See Gambling.] Beverages Tin.- Flowing Bowl Molt, E. S. .T 24 T 2 [See also Alcohols; Ale; Cocoa; Collee ; Tea; Wines and Wine- making.] Bi-metallism — Address on Bi-metallism Grenfell, W. H. ME 3 R 12 Australia's Interest in the International Monetary Conference. Keating, F. A. .Ml' 3 K 12 Bi metallic Question F !.'i K 10 Bi-metallism Darwin, L. F 13 V 30 Bi metallism Maitland, E. V. A. ME 3 K 12 Bi-inctallism McCullo. h, If. ]•' 17 I' S Bi-inctallism in Studies in Manv Subjects... Kevnolds, Rev. S. H. .1 10 W 8 Bimetallism Explained Rothwell, W. T. E 13 V 31 Bi-metallism; or, Currency Reform... Howell, .J. H. Ml' 3 K 12 Bi-metallist, The MF 3 R 12 Cci's Financial School Harvey, W. II. F III V tM Free Coinage of Silver in the United States Frewcn, M. MF3R 12 Gold and Silver Hallard, J. H. F 13 V 20 Gold and Silver Question : by T. Cornish... Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894 622.06 History of Bi-metallism in the United States Laughlin, J. L. F 13 U 4 How to Save Bi-metallism Noailles, Due de F 11 S 52 Indian Coinage and Currency Probyn, L. C. F 13 T 24 International Bimetallism..' Walker, F. A. F 10 V 21 International Bi-metallism- in Economic Science and Practice. Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 International Monetary Conferences ... Russell. H. B. . F 8 Q 28 Monetary and lie 1 canal Fallacies Howe, .1. B. F 16 Q 12 Monetary Situation in 1897 Boissevain, (i. M. F 1 S 11 Money and Bi-metallism Miller, H. A. F 15 S 10 The Money Question Poor, H. V. F 16 T 4 Open Mints and Free Banking Brough, W. F 15 Q 22 Plain Statement of theCurrencv Question... Twigg.J.H. F 9 Q 38 Popular Fallacies regarding Bi metallism .. Edgeumbe, Sir R. P. F 10 V 34 Principles of Political Economy Nicholson, J. S. F 8 Q 25 RuiuousEalliii the Prices, >f Wheat, Ac lowett.E. MF 3 R 12 Scientific Solution of the Money Question ... Kitson.A. F10V20 Silver and Cold Horton, S. I). F11S53 Silver and Gold Money of the World Molesworth, Sir G. L. F 9 Q 38 Silver Question Mulholland, P. J. MF 5 S 6 Silver Situation in the United States... Taussig. F. W. F V 4 17 Sketch of the Currency Question ( 'uthbertson, C. F 4 U 21 Statement of the Bi metallic League on the Resolution passed by the House of Commons, Mar.. 1 896... Bi-metallic League MF3 R 12 Studies in Currency Farrer, Lord F 1 3 R 14 Tale of Two Nations Harvey, W. H. .1 14 T 11 Visit to Broken Hill ; by M. Frewcn... Contemp. Rev., 1895 052 What Bi-metallisiu means for .Australians and Australia. Bi-metallic League of X. S. Wales MF 5 Q 9 [See also Currency ; Finance; Gold; Silver.] Bible, The— General An Apology made by (leoi'_'e Joy to satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale, 1535 [Reprint] ... English Scholar's Lib., 13 J 3 T 23 The Bible Farrar, Dean G 1 R 5 The Bible and its Transmission ... Copinger, W. A. G 17 U 4f Bible and the East Cornier, Lieut, -Col. C. R, G9W7 The Bible as Literature Moulton, R. G. G 23 P 36 The Bible for Home and School Bar'Jctt, Dean G 23 R 14 Bible for the World Somerville, Rev. A. N. MG 2 T 20 Bible Hand-book Angus, Rev. J. G 5 R 35 Bible in the Light of To-day Croslegh, Rev. C. G 19 T 19 The Bible: its' Contents ; by Rev. S. Li at lies in Aids to the . Bal R24 Boss, W. S. ,1 17 K 43 12V 32 1 R37 s ... (iasquet Ke -. F. A. 19 T 34 Kenyo. i;< v. F. G. 1 R 3ti ti Book of the Bib 730 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Bible, The-GWmw— Bibliorum Sacrorum G neons Codex Vaticanus Bibles and Testaments Codices G 6 U 7-12 X Catalogus Codicum Manuseriptorum Oricntalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur British Museum K 44 Q 14-1S Codex Bezie Bibles and Testaments -Codices G 21 P 3, 4 t ■ Commentaries — Aids to the Student of l lie Holy Bible... Ball, Rev. J. C. G 3 Q 32 Tlio Bible as Literature Moulton, R. G. G 23 P 36 [See also New Testament Commentaries; Old Testament— Com- •es.] ■ ■ Dictionaries — Dictionary of the Bible Hastings, Rev. , Encyclopedia Bihliea: edited by T. K. Cheyne Index -Digest of the lioly Scriptures... Nave, Rev O..I. ! 8 IS 19-21 t 23 V 23 23 V 34 • Societies — British and Foreign Bible Society, Report 20(i New .South Wales Auxiliary Bible Society, Reports 206 Society for Propagation of Gospel in foreign I 'arts, Classified Digest of the Records, 1701-1892 G 1 P 30 Bible in Schools. [See Religion in Education.] Bibles and Testaments — Texts. [See under Bibles and Testaments in the Author Catalogue.] Biblical Archaeology — Ancient Hebrew Tradition Hommel, F. G 2b' S 1 Authority and Archeology Driver, Rev. S. R. G 24 U 7 The Bible and the Monuments; l,v Rev. A. 11. Savcc— in Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible ."..... Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 Biblical Antiquities; hy {'. Adler Coiled States— National Biblical Archaeology Ethnology of the Bible; by Rev. A. Student of the Holy Bible Land of Goshen and the Exodus Eight from the East .Monumental Illustrations of the Hoi Student of the Holy Bible '. :iety of Biblical Archeology, Proc Mui !epl. Tes . Bihlie; t Eocl of the Moi to Old Testament History; by ^ to the Student of the Holy Bib Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q ; Bible-Dictionaries; Egyptolog Biblical Criticism— The Bib Bible an ml- d Mnderi . Earrar, Dei 1 R5 j—in Church Prob- Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Bilile and the East Cornier, Lieut, -Col. C. R, G 9 \V 7 Bible in the Light of To-day Croslegh, Key. C. G 19 T 19 Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Litera •cdoia O M>t. 220. i: Doctrin of the Sacred Scripture ... Ladd, G. T. t ; 24 \ 11. !■' From the Divine Oracles to the E gher Critieism- -in War are of Seienc e with Theology .. White, A. I! l!H 18 Gesanmielte Werke Ross, W ; i: 43 Betters »' HeHKioii Selborne, Karl C 4 V 3.-> Literals Study of the Bible Moulton, R. G. G 1 R Old Tes anient m the New Turpie, 1). Me 4 V Original Texts of Old and New Tc staments' Abbott T. 4U Is 1 K. l'alestii an Syriac Lectionary .... Lewis, Agn ■sS G J fi I'archm ntsof the Faith Merrill, Rev. ( Some T loughtson Hie Bible .... Hales, Rev. Study, Holy Scriptures ote the Bible? Briggs, Rev. C .... . (iladdei , W. G i'! Biblical Criticism — Old Testament — Ancient Hebrew Tradition Hommel, F. G 26 S 1 Aspects of the Old Testament Ottley, Rev. R. L. G 24 U 15 Church and the Old Testament -/// Guesses at the Riddle of Existence Smith, G. G 19 U 34 Claims of the Old Testament Loathes, Rev. S. (i 24 P 15 Es Rev. A. H. B 28 S 1 Subject- Index to the Supplt Catalogue— 1896-1900. 731 Biblical History — contd. De In I'lii'-e faite mix Lcgcudes locales par les Livros historiqucs do la Bible Vernes, M. G 18 8 30 Holy Land i.i ( Jeographv and History... MacCoun, T. D 20 Q 18 Hours with the Bible..." ....". (ieikie, Rev. ('. G 19 T 23 Joseph the Dreamer Bird, R. G 1 U 30 New Light on the Bible and the ll-lv Land Evetts, B. T. A. G14P2G People's Bible History Lorimer, Rev. G. C. G II W 6, 7 t Si.rni Palmer, H. S. B 27 P 11 simple of the .Nation* Maspero, G. B17U18 King Macduff, Rev. J. R. B 36 R 9 Ills Bibliography— G .nab- J28Q 14 R 12 Theory of National and International Bibliography... Campbell, F. J 14 S 21 [,S. e (/.so Book-binding ; Book-plates; Book Rarities; Booksellers; Catalogues of Books: Cataloguing: Classilicition ; Indexing ; Ivlmscott Press; Palimpsests; Libraries; Library Economy: I'-eiidonynis ; Typography : and under Author, Country, will lie placed under Chemistrv Bibliography; of Japan, under Japan -Bibliography.] Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer B 37 S 9-20 Tin Bibliographer. [See Book Lore under this heading.] Bibliographiea J 13 S 2-4 + Bool. Lore T 16 V 9-14 Bicameral System — Rise and Development of the Bicameral System in America; by T.F.Moran... Johns Hopkins University. Studies. 1;{ I! IS S 13 Two Theories for the Working of Bicameral Legislatures; by Miss _>peiire Melbourne Review, 4 052 Bicycles and Tricycles — Bicycles and Tricycles Sharp, A. A 25 R 38 Modem Cycles Tayler, A. J. W-. A 29 S 29 Modern Safety Bicycle (Jarralt. If. A. A 33 Q 30 [See also Cycling.] Bicycling. [See Cycling.] Bigotry. [See Toleration.] Bijapur— General and Descriptive— Bombay Presidency— Gazetteer, 23 915.47 Bilharziosis Bilharzia ha-matobia Cuillcinard, F. IT. II. A 2G T 35 [•See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Biliousness - Bilious Temperament in Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary Davies, N. E. A 26 R 30 Diseases of the Liver Waring, H. J. A 37 R 1 1 Billiards - Billiards Broadfoot, W. A 29 S 23 Bills of Sale- Bills of Sale Act : Thomson, G. C. MF 5 R 6 [See aim Mortgages. Binding. [See Book-binding.] Biogenesis. [See Biology ; Evolut Biographers — Boswell. James; by W. K. Leask Masters of Victorian Literature Biographical Sketches — n Bookm .reciations and A graphical Essays- En t 1' \ddl . Howe, M. A. De W. C 23 U 1 1 rcsscs Rosebery , Karl J 9 R ii Chips from a German Workshop. Midler, F. M. J 22 Q 4 Hawthor " , P. 4V3 ■II. Wotti :ial Essays . Lives of Dr. John If Herbert, and Dr. R. Sanderson Walton, I. C 27 P 22 Men who have made the Umpire Orillith, U. B 39 Q 4 Montaigne, and other Lssavs. chieil\ Biographical ... Carlyle, T. C 24 R 5 Dbiter Dicta .. Iceasional Papc feflentlieho Che akler Birrell, A. J 11 U 30, 31 . Church, Dean J 14U35, 30 imelle Werke Cutzkow, K. J 24 S 31 ... Brou-ham Lord C 22 R 1 t Whibley, C. C27 R25 Escott, T.'ll. S. C23T3 Lindsay, W. A. B 22 U (i Stephen, L. C 23 T 1,2 Old England's Worthies ... Pageantry of Life Personal Forces of the Peri The Ro\-al Household Studies of a Biographer .... Biography— General. [See Abolitionists; Actors and Ac- tresses; Admirals; Anarchy and Anarchists; Archae- ologists; Architects; Artists; Astronomers; Authors; Biographers; Biographical Sketches; Bishops; Book- sellers; Botanists; Bushrangers ; Cardinals; Chancel- lors; Chemists; Chief Justices; Clergy; Covenanters; Criminals; Doctors; Dramatists; Electricians; En- gravers; Epigramatists; Essayists; Fathers of the Church; Generals; Governors; Historians ; Huguenots; Humourists; Journalists;. I udges; Kings ; Litterateurs; Martyrs; Millionaires: Minnesingers; Missionaries; Musicians; Naturalists; Novelists; Orators: Philan- thropists; Philologists; Philosophers; Pilgrim Fathers; Poets; Popes; Preachers; Presidents; Princes; Pub- lishers; Queens; Bet'ormers ; Reminiscences; Sailors; Saints; Scientists; Sculptors; Soldiers; Statesmen; Theologians; Travellers; Troubadours; Women; and sub-heading Ilioyra/Jiy under each important Subject and Country.] tphy . hen, L. By Countries. [See sub-heading Biography undo each Country. ] Biological Chemistry. [See Physiological Chemistry.] Biological Laboratories and Stations. [See Biology- Biological Periodicals. [Sen Biology— Periodicals.] Biological Societies. [See Biology— Societies.] 732 2?ublic Library of New South Wales, Biologists - Darwin— m Typical Christian Leaders... Clifford, Re v. J. C23T 16 Biology — General — Air and Life; by Dr. H. Do Varigny ... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 3!) 508 Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Report, 1895... 500 Beginnings of Life; hv W. J. Bvrani... Roval Koeietv, Queensland, Proe, 1S99 500 Biological Experimentation... Richardson, Sir 13. \V. A 26 R 33 Biological I'rohlems of To-dav Ileitwig, 0. A 27 P 21 Biological Science a necessary Factor in University Work ; by Prof. W. J. Stephens Sydney University Review MJ4Q23 Boston Monday Lectures ..'. .". Cook, Rev. J. J 22 S 18 ;e of the Mexican Axolotl to an Aniblysto: Smiths. Ins Ret V 10 C !) Colour in Xature Newbigii Elementary Practical Biology Dodge, C. Foundations of Zoology ....." Brooks, W. Hotoioblaslie; l.v Prof. StUeiskv International Congress of Zoology, Proe., 1893 A 35 W 14 History of the Relations be! wen Xlnrpholoe , and Biology; by Prof. Martin... Australasian Assoc, Advance.'of Se.. R 'pi., "l898 50 i lungsgeschichte 610.3 The Living Organism Karl, A. A 27 R 35 Principles of Biology Spencer, II. A '.',2 i) li>. 20 Problems of Biology Sandemau, (!. A 27 Q 11) Relics of Primeval Life Dawson, Sir .1. W. A 'J 1 II 2S Science of Life Thomson, J. A. A 28 P 39 Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kh " [.SVe«i. so Anatomy; Bacteriology ; Biologists; Biology -Ad Biology Museum- Biology Periodicals; Biology-S. Botany; Cells; Development; Kmbryology; Evoiutioi tilization; Cemmation; (Icstation; lleredity; Histolog Marine Zoology; .Microscopy; Microtome: Mor| Natural History! Physiological Chemistry ; Physiology plasm; Sex; Zoology.] Addresses, Essays, Lectures— Biological Lectures A Biological Lectures and Addresses... Marshall, A. M. A A 35 ' Essay - Mas.'tt n Mus ■nth Nat •lower. Sir W. H. Pillsbury, J. II. A 27 Q 21 e; by B. Dean. Biological Lectures A 27 T 13 Proposed Biological Siation. Dunedin; by. II. Carpenter British Museum — Natural History A 12 U 3 t [ft.- also Palaeontology— Echinodermata.] Blastophaginse— Inse.-ts living in Figs; bvW. \V. Froggatt.. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales 11 630.5 [Si'- also Caprilication ; Entomology, Economic; Fi-s.] Bleaching- - Bh a-hing and Calico-printing Duerr, G. A 25 U 19 Textiles and Bleaching— in Chemist, -\ for Manufacturers. Blount, 15. A -21 T 29 Blind, The— Ast/Jums and Education— A IJliml Ltader of the Blind -in Pioneer Women ... Pratt, E. A. C 23 Q 19 Blindness and the Blind Levy, W. H. A 26 K 27 Central Board of Control of State institutions, Kept... Michigan M , William, and his Work for the Blind; 1 hv'j.' liiitherfo'rd. C 23 U (i N-w South Wales Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Report 362.4 Ohio Institution for the Education of the Wind, Reports. Ohio— Annual Repts. 328.771 1 'oil. ins Institution and M iss c-hus, Us School for the Blind, Report. Blocmfontein, South Africa. [See Orange Free State; South Africa.] ■y Dr. M. Cop-man in System '.. Alllmtt, T. C. A 20 T 38 dilation of the Blood for Diagnostic Purposes. ( iabot, R. ( '. A .".7 R 3 e Blood; by Dr. F. C. A. Shattuck ///Practical ss Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 c Blood; by Dr. R. Stockman in Practical Thcra- Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 ires of the Blood; by Dr. M. Foster in or . Alllmtt, T. C. A 2fl T 38 [ft Blood-poisoning. [See Pytemia : Septicemia.] Blood-rites. [See Sacrifice.] Blow-fly - AnatomyandPhysiologyof the Blow-fly... Lowne.B. T. A 34 V IS Blowpipe Analysis — ts^\ ( toAi. i dyti^.l'(1?ei'nisn'y:'\Me\anni ¥ y!r' Blue Books. [See under New South Wales Public Ser- vice, in Author Catalogue.] Blue Jay (C i/auocUta cristata) — Blue Jay and 'its Food; by F. E. L. Beal United States " Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1890 (130.5 Blue Mountains, N.S.W.— Constructing Road oxer the Blue Mountains. 1814-1.5... Cox, W. MA 4 Q 8 Jenolan Caves and the Blue Mountains Richardson, R. S. MI) V 4 Journey from Svdnev over the Blue Mountains to Bathurst Forty Years Ago...." MD 2 P 10 Bluebeard- Bluebeard: a Contribution to History and Folk-lore... Wilson, T. C 27 S 19 Blunders. [See Hallucinations; Popular Errors; Super- stition.] Board for Exports, New South Wales. [See Export Trade, New South Wales.] Boarding-out System— Boarding-out of Pauper Chih'rcn, Report ; by Miss Mason. Gt. Brit, and Del. Local Government F 16 R 28 Children under the Poor Law Chance, W. F 13 T 20 Poor Law Conferences. IS!); 2l'(,> 12 . Rut, ire Trade with the Far Fast Wakefield, C. C. E 8 V 35 Native, of Sarawak and North Borneo Roth, H. L. A 31 (» 27, 28 Supplement to the Eastern Archipelago Directory., (it. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty D20U13 Through the Buffer State MacGregor, J. 1) 17 Q 32 Universal Geography Rectus, E. 1)21 U 14 Commerce and Trade— Trade of Borneo— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Scries (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 - — - (i'co//rajJii/. Tojiiu/raj/Iii/, and. Afaps — Bays and Anchorages on tile Fast Coast of Borneo, 1899 (Chart ]. (it. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 * Brooke, Rajah; by Sir S. St. John Brooke, Sir J. C 27 R 9 Bosnia General and Descriptive — The Outgoing Turk Thomson, II. C. I) 17 T 27 Travels and Politics in the Near Fast Miller, W. I ) 13 V II [See also Balkan Peninsula.] Munro, R. B 16 T 23 Politics— La Peninsule des Balkans Laveleyc, E. dc D 20 R 9, 10 Boston General and Descriptive— Poor in Great Cities F 13 Ua Sanitary Condition of Boston... Boston Board of Health A 39 Q 16 [For its own Publications, see Boston in Author Catalogue.] Public Library of New South Wales. Boston — History — Historic Towns of Now England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Boston Record Commissioners Report B 41 T 3-4 Social Life and Custoi The City Wilderness . Woods, R, A. F T 40 Boston Public Library — Hand-book of New Public Library, Boston. . . Boston Public Library Cat. Room Bot Fly. [See Ox Warble Fly.] Botanic Gardens. [See Botany — Gardens ; and under the title of each Garden.] Botanical Dictionaries. [See Botany — Dictionaries.] Botanical Geography. [See Distribution of Plants and Animals.] Botanical Museums. [See Botany — Gardens, Museums, Laboratories.] Botanical Nomenclature. [See Botany — Nomenclature.] Botanical Periodicals. [See Botany — Periodicals.] Societies. [See Botany — Societies.] Botanists- Charles Cardale, Memo: Banks, Sir Joseph; byProf.' r'r: Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal of Pre-Linnoan Botanists; 1>3' J. G. Lue S MJ2V1 MI) 3 U 15 n Naturalist, 1898 505 ^Botany — General — Academic des Sciences, Comptes rendusdesScances, 120, 121 ... 506 American Ass. iciation for Advancement of Science, l'roc. ... 506 Annals and Magazi] f Natural History 590.5 Babington, Charles Cardale, Memorials', Journal, and Botanical Correspondence of C 25 Q 3 Biological Lectures, 1S93 A 27 T 13 Botanical Opportunity : l>y W.Trealease... Siuithsonia) Repts Bob Botany . C IS Darwin, F. A 20 i) 19 Campbell, 1). H. A 20 H 15 A 31 S5-8 Cooke, M. ('. A20R 7 Curtis, C. 0. A 34 V 10 Webster, A. 1). A 20 U 12 Tepper. J. (i. (). MA -t S 27 .... Bailey, L. II. A 33 P 32 DcCandolIe. A. A 32 T 24 von Marilaun, A. A 22 V 3 . Lindloy, J. A 35 W 15-17 . . Bailey, L. H. A IS P 30 by H. li. Guppy... Victoria Institute, Trans., 1 897 200 ... Thorn,', O. W. A 20 P 37 Gray, A. A 20 U 25 ... Bailey, L, H, A 27 R 10 Botany —General — contJ. Text-book of Botany Strasburger, E. A 40 U 1 United States Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 6 United States Engineer Dept. A 10 U 7 t [See also Alga", Bacteriology; Botanists; Botany and Flora — By Countries; Botany, Cryptogamie ; Botany. Economic; Botany, Medical; Botany, Physiological: Cells :' Collecting; Distribu- ens; Mosses: Orchids; l'lant-lore; Seaweed"; Seedlings: Seeds Seed-testing; Trees and Shrubs; and under names of plants and orders.] Dictionaries— Dictionary of Gardening.. Education, Go films, Mum nuts, Lnhoratories — Botanical Gardens ; by N. L. Britton . . . American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc., 1890 500 La Botanique a Lyonavant la Revolution... Gerard. R, A 31 S 26 Facilities for Botanical Studies in Victoria; by H. T. Tisdall. Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Hortus Fluminensis, cm Breve Noticia sobre as I'lantas Cultivadas no Jardim Botanicodo Bio de Janeiro Brazil A 44 W 15 Plantas novas cultivados no Jardim Botanic ci do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil A 18 Q 27, 28 t Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens. Reports... Tasmania — Parliament, Journs. 32S.946 .Yon •le/n/ir, lyptui . i Soc, N.S.W., l'roc, 1899 580.6 General Index to the Latin Names and Synonyms of the. Plants depicted in the first 107 vols, of Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Curtis's Botanical .Magazine 5S0.5 Glossary of Botanical Terms Jackson, B. I). A 45 S 8 Nomenclature of the Arborescent Flora of the United States; by G. B.Subworth... UnitedStatcs Dept.ofAgr. Div. of Forestry A 36 V 26 Periodicals — Curtis's Botanical Magazine .ISO. 5 Grevillea A20 S 23-44 Societies — Campbelltown Botanical Collecting Society MA 5 R 3 Cryptogamie™ English Botany Sowerby, J. A 39 Q 12 Grevillea A20 S 23-44 New Zealand Cryptogams; by \V. Colenso... N. Z. Inst., Trans., 1895 506 [See a/so Alg.c ; Bacteriology; Desmids; Dialomaeere; Ferns; Fungi; Hcpataea' ; Lichens; Messes; Mytetozoa; Seaweeds; Y oasts.] Economic Agricultural Botany Peroival, J. A 27 S 34 Bath and West and South. Counties Soc, J< urn.. 1895-96. 630.6 Black, or Spear Thistle Agiicult. Caz., N.S.W., 6 630.5 Botanical Asj>ects of Bril ish Central Africa... (it. Brit, and Irel. - Foreign Of! ce, Misc. Ser. 373 3S2 Botanical Notes Agiicult. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Brief Outline of the Botanical Klfoi Is of the Government of British Honduras Moloney, Sir A. A 20 P 38 Collecting Specimens illustrating the Aboriginal Use of Plants. Coville, F. V. A 20 V 27 Experimental Farms. Canada, Rcpoi's, 1895 Canada Dept. of Agriculture 630. 7 Marram Grass, a valuable Sand-stav Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Native Food Plants; by J. H. Ma den Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 New Jereey— Agricult. College Fxper. Stn., Kept., 1S95... 030.7 New Zealand Timbers and Fore t Products. .. Perceval, Sir W. B. MA 4 S 3 Products from Fruit of 1'i/t,:* orttm ttndtila!it„i, and from Leaves of the Pepper-tree Poyal Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 29 506 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. Botany — Economic— contd. Some Minor Vegetable Products of N. S. Wales; by J. H. Maiden - '»X. S. Wales, the MothcrColony... Hutch rnit ■■ 1 States -l)ept. of Agr., Experiment Useful Australian Plants jbyJ.H. Maiden .. rh:'ils;"'l'','i'rVlv Pear'; Scent Plants; Chemistry ; Weeds; and under the name: ~ Fossil. [See Palaeontology.] Medical - i,F. Ml) 7 U 23 i of Crops and l'lant -.] CallVi. Queen. rield.n;. y Dr. . Lauterer Rnval Soeietv, Queensland, 1W., 1894 95 51)0 Queensland Agricultural il Plant.] . Physiological and Structural - Aca.lcmie des Sciences, ( 'maples rendus des Seances, 120, 121 50b' Animaland Vegetable Physiology Roget, P. M. A 20 R 25, 20 IJ..1 nical Microtechnique '. Zimmennann, A. A 20 T 25 Bud- and Stipules Lubbock, Sir J. A 20 R 18 I )m„aMa in certain Australian and other Plants ;bv A. (I. Hamilto Kv. , N.S.W.. Botany and Flora —Africa — Botany and Flora— America, North Bibliographical Index of North American Botany; by S. Watson. Geographic I)if l.yC. H. Mcr: Sih'a of North Plants in North America; . , Year-book, 1804 030. .5 it, C. S. A 40 S 25, 26 I Arctic Regions Natural History of Arctic America; by L. lvumlien -hi Bulletin 15, National Museum... Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collects. , 23 508 Australia — Australasian Association for Ac Botany of Central Australia .. Km?.,- A«.y 1). P. Penhallow ... McGill Uni 1). P. Penhallow McGill Uni y 1). P. Penhallow ... McGill Uni Met Florida France Flora of the Alps . A 40 S 7 s, 3 -MA 3 W 22 A 38 R 1 A 20 R 5, - Great Britain ndcr this heading.] . Dcakin, R. A 20 R 9-12 738 Public Library of New South Wales. Botany and Flora — India— Additional Species of Convo!vulaee;c ; by 1). 1'rain Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, I s!M !i."i I Century of New and Rare Indian Plants; by 1*. Rriihl... Calcutta Royal Botanic Gardens, Annals, 5 A 17 U 21 t Croftia, anew Indo-Chinese ( hams of Scitaminca- ; bv Dr. G. King. Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1890 954 ■;byl). Prain... Asiatic So,-., I'.engal, Journ., """" Indian Speci ■ofYil Journal, 189(5 954 ,v Species of Meconopsis from Sikkini ; by I). Prain ... Asiatic Society, I'.engal. Journal, 1894 954 idian Botar , Advance, o Two Additional Species of Lagotis; by]). Prain... Asiatic Society, " Bengal, Journal, 189(i 954 [Sec '.ilio Bombay undei- I his heading.] Italy- Flora of the Alps ;, A. \V. A 20 K 5, ( — Lord Howe Island- Vegetation of Lord Howe Island; bv J. H. .Maiden Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proa, 1898 580.0 Malayan Peninsula — Materials for a plena of I lie Malayan Peninsula; by Dr. G. King. Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 189(5 954 Mexico — Natural History of the Ties Marias Islands, Mexico. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Biological Survey A ST S 41 Nevada — Early Flora of the Truckee Valley . New Caledonia — Description de (pielques Plantes Ri Calcdonie II Station A 33 S :5b rt, A. New Guinea — Contribution to the Botany of New Guinea; by F. M. Bailey. Queensland Agricultural journal, (5 (530.5 Contributions to the Flora of New Guinea; bv F. M. Bailey. Queensland Agrh till ma] journal, 1898* 030.5 Flora of New Guinea; by F. M. Bail. Highland Plants from New Gui Royal Vegetation of New Guinea; by i Miu '. M. Pa — New South "Wales — icynaceous Plant yielding large K.lible Tubers ; bv R. T. Hake. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales. Pro,'., 1899 580.1 imA:al Notes from the Technological Museum: b\ J. II.. Maiden Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe., 1895 580.1 my of Ryl I. H.Mai. . Lii Concerning Hill Toji ; h\ 'iJaUer' 1 . .'.'.....'.' Royal s'o'ei'et'v, ' Flora of Bathurst ; by W. J. C. I Flora of Mount Kosciusko; by J. Flora of Mount Wilson; by A. G flowering Plants and Ferns of N 8.W., SAW, uM.mi tKos,-i, >v Species ot hi . H. Maiden 17. tte, N. S. Wal s, IS! IS \( ith Wa et\ , N.S.W., Pro -., 1895 Botany and Flora — New South "Wales— contd. New Species of Macradamia; bv J. H. Maiden... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe., 1890 580.(5 New Species of Plants from New South Wales; by J. H. Maiden. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe, 1895, 1898 58(1.(5 New Species of Prostanthcra'fr,,.,, Xcw South Wales; bv R. T. Baker Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe, 189(5 580.0 New Species of Pultcna i: bv R. T. Raker Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proe, 1897 580.6 Plants of New South Wales Illustrated: by R. T. Baker. Linnean Society, N.S.W.* Proe., 1S95-97 580.(5 Some Minor Vegetable Products'ofN.S. Wales; by J. H. Maiden — in N.S.W., tiic Mother Colony ... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Some Port Jackson Plants ; by j. II. Maiden ... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proe., 1898 580*6 Some Western Plants; by W. S. Campbell... Agricultural! la/.elte. N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Trip to Mount Seavicw, Hastings River; by J. H. Maiden. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proe, 1S98 580.6 New York Flora of Long Island Jellitfe, S. E. A 45 V 1 9 New York— State Botanist, Reports 581.97-47 Plants of Buffalo and its Vicinity; b\ I). !■'. i)av... Buffalo Society, Natural Sciences, Bulletin, 4. 506 New Zealand — Botanv of Hikurangi .Mountains: by J. Adams New Zealand Institute, Trans., 30 506 Botany of the Fast Coast District; by T. Kirk... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 500 Burning and Reproduction of Suhulpino Scrub; bv L. Cockayne. New Zealand Institute'. Trans., 3 *500 Climbs in the New Zealand Alps... Fitzgerald. K. A. Ml) 3 V 19 Disappearance of the New Zealand Rush; by Rev. P. Walsh. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Establishment of VaUimcrhi spinrfi* in Lake Takapuna; by T. F. Cheeseman New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 500 Flora of New Zealand and the Outlying Islands Kirk, T. MA 4 U 6 Flora of the North Cape District ; by T. F. Cheeseman. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Flower-hunter in Queensland and New- Zealand... Rowan, Mrs. E. MA4S 11 Flowering Plants indigenous to Otago; by. D. Petrie. New Zealand Institute, Trans.. 29 506 Forthcoming Flora of New Zealand New- Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Future of the New Zealand Rush ; bv ( Anon Walsh... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 31 506 History of Botany in Otago; by T. Kirk... New Zealand Institute, Kauri Gum in the Kahikatea Forest at Turua : by L. J.'liagnall New Zealand Institute/Trans., 29 500 Liffuslieum trifoliatum, Hook, F. ■ by L. Cockayne... New Zealand - In. I Nev New Native I'lants; by D. Petrie . New Species of Astelia, Veronica, i New Species of Corysanthes;' by T. New Zealand Cryptogams; by W. I Institu 1 Mosses . Tra . W. N. and Proceedings ......... 506 Institute, Trans., 29 500 N.Z. Inst., Trans., 29 500 Petrie New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 5110 lelia in New Zealand ; 1, Subject-Index lo the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 739 Botany and Flora — New Zealand — contd. Plant Geography of the Waimakariri River Basin, considered chiefly from an (Kcnlogical Point of View; l)y L. Cookaync. New Zealand Institute/Trans., 32 500 Pla its growing at the Cuius, Taita ; livl -Mason .. New Zealand Plains n e Xew Zealand Flora Remarks on Paratrophis heterophyUa; 1 Spi ■.■iosof Iklesseria; by R. M. Lang.. Vegetative Organs of Ham NV>v Zealand Inslitul . 32 .".(111 North Carolina — Flore, of North Carolina... North Carolina- Agr. Fxper. Station, Rept. 1898-99 (530.7 - - Queensland- Co .,, lanion for the Queensland Student of "Plant Life" and " Botany Abridged:" by F. M. Bailey... (Queensland— Agriculture Co mibutions to til- Flora of Queensland ; by F. M. Bailey. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1. 030.5 Co nributions to the Queensland Flora. Bailey, V. M. MA 3 S 08 I'] : of (Queensland; bv I''. M. Bailee... Queensland Agricultu Flor Qu, (i.,0.5 ic. for Advance, of Science, 1897 500 mntrv, Bulloo River; bv J. F. Bailey. Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 500 . M. A4U 14, ] island -Ag MA3SI nard. it. 1S98 5< Winter Notes from North Queensland; by F. A. [ S, ■ aUo Thursday Island under this heading.'] — - Sandwich Islands — Solomon Islands — Neu Variety of Ih nlr„bin„, uiuhi'afxn, ■ by J. II. Maiden. Linnean Society, N. S. \\ : alcs, I'roe., 1899 580.0 South Australia — ilian Cruciferous Plants ; by Prof, i Australia, Trans., 1S97 9S 500 Brown, J. K. MA 3 Q 10 J Switzerland Flora of the Alps Botany and Flora-Texas— Flora of Western and Southern Texas; by Dr. V. Ilavard. United States National Museum, I'roe., 8 507 Thursday Island— Flower-hunter in (Queensland and New Zealand ... Rowan, Mrs. F. United States — ( 'nlril'nltions fi-om' t'h'e' l'uil!','l sl'at es' 'National' 1 1 erbariuin.' United States llc].t. of \ U r. Div. of Botany A 37 S 29 32 Kvolution of Our Native Fruits \ Bailey, L. If. A 20 R 13 Nomenclature of the Arborescent Flora of tie- United States: by (l.B.Sudworth... UnitcdStates Dept.ofAgr. Div.of Forestry lieport.'li..* ~. Fnitcd -talcs Engineer Dcpt. A 10 V 7 t Vines of North-eastern America Newhall, C. S. A 34 V 17 [See ah, Florida: Nevada; New York; North Carolina; Texas; Victoria — Flora of Victoria ; by F. M . Reader. . .Viet. Naturalist, 1 897-91 505 Floia of Victoria: by 1'rof. Midler... Viet. Naturalist, 1898 505 New Victorian Clematis; by W. R. Ouilfoylo Victorian Observation on A'cm/cs .*.,■<«•/» ; by J. G. Luenmann '. Victorian Plants found ( i rowing at Mouth of t lie Varra : by Dr. A. Morrison. Virgin Islands- Flora of St. Croix and the V Bulletin 13, United State; ■ Western Australia Wyoming — Flora of Wyoming, Report Wyoming- Agr. Exp. Station Boundaries of Countries New York and Pennsylvania Boundary, Report New York- Boundary Commission A 32 R 37 [.See alto Geodetic Surveys.] Bounties. [See State Bounties.] General Catalogue, 170 Bows and Arrows Boxing Defensive Exorcises Self-defence, or the Art of P.o ... Naval Chronicle. 33 . ito.-'aiind" MBIQ-If) « Hundredth Atmivcrs ;..w.loin College (1 IS Jowdoin College (J IS Public Library of New South Wales. r, C. D. J 1 R 2 Brachiopoda Anatomy of the Braehiopo; SciontiticMeinnirs... Huxley, T.H. A40S 15 lyC. D. Walcott United States - ii Tasma v W. H. Tw . Ro .-.oi ; of the Clas Names which have been applied to the I Brarhiopnda, i ■ x < ■ 1 '. : i i i ' i -4 I he Radiates, by\V. H. Dal! -in Bulletins, United Slates National Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, Rcsuitats Scientinipies de la Campague ...: jr-] 3 30 Brahmi Samaj. [See Brahn Brahmanisin — n ; Hinduism.] . c. \I,L, R :u J. A. ■'US 1-2, i:i .i-l-ll liev. N. S. w C2 J 1 n 2i ; I\Y 7 ) ■_'!) ,» '-'" X ■Satapalha-Br.ihmami; train, l.v .1. Kggeling ,n Sacred Bonks .ftheKast Midler, F. M. G 20 K 10 e ai-io Bud Ihism ; Hinduism ; Polytheism; Religions -ficneral.] Al.seess of the Brain: Brain in the Edontat The Brain Machine.. of tl Diseases of' the Br; Dual Character of Smi ;b of Anat< Kx Fear.. Hull Infantile Cerebral Regcn Brain — eontd. Physiology and Pathology of the Cerebral Circulation'. . . Hill, L. is of Cerebral Dis Brakes Railway Brakes; by R. Morse E [See also Mechanical Engineering.] Brands — Brands Directory of South Australia Royal Sock Brass. [See Alloys.] Brasses - Monumental Brasses of Glow Glouceat Bravery. [See Courage.] Brazil - General and Descriptive— >y Dr. D. Ferrier— in ratt, T. C. A 26 T 40 )uncan. C. C 17 Q 33 Insanity; Intellect; and Body; Nerves; , II. \Y. II IIP 3 icr, A. P. D 10 P sclus, E. I) 21 U 1 Jrazil... U.S— Cons. Rcpts.,00 382 tic and Consular Reports, Annual Brit, and Irel. foreign Ollice 3S2 aezde, Vidado C 24 R 18 schanged with the Legation of Portugal and the ,sil in regard to the Sunvnde; of the Insurgent Brazil F 1 R 24 Barbacena, Marquozde, Vida do C 24 R IS (•.■.-.■;.. . I ■ : ■ ■ ex ill i i .'■ i \. it !i the Legation of Portugal and the lI.r,,rgei!t'V:cfugve.' U ...' '.'.' ".'.... 'Brazil Fl R 24 Brazil National Library Annacsda Bihbnthe.-a Xaciona! do Riode.Taneiro.. .Brazil 027.3S1 Biblint.hcoa Nacional resumo Historic,) Brazil B 1!) S P2 t Relatorio pelo Director Brazil 027.581 Brazilian Literature— Dlc=io:uiri . Bibliographic) Brazileiro Blake, A. V. A. S. C 24 S 7 Brazing. [See Soldering.] Bread— Biv.dand Bread-making: bv II. Snyder United States - Dept. of Agr.' Ofiice'of Hxpor. Stations A 37 V I Chemistry of Bread-making; bv Prof. C. (iraham... Internat. Health Exhib., 1SS4, Lit., (i A 41 V 2 The Colonial Baker Williamson, T. P. MA 4 P 40 Prices of Cereals and of Breads in certain Kuropean States. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Foreign Office F 40 V 31 } Bread-stuffs. [See Cereals; Flour; Gra Wheat; and under each Grain.] Mai Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Break of Gauge. [See Railways— Construction.] Breakwaters. [See Harbours; Hydraulic Engineering] Breathing. [See Respiratory System.] Bree.'ling. [See Cattle and Cattle-breeding ; Heredity ; Hybridization; Selection in Breeding; and under n lines of Animals and Breeds.] Breviaries, [See Liturgies ; Missals ; Prayer-books ; Rituals.] Brewing — 'Mult ' '..'"'!'.''. '."". .'."'rinuisin!;, -f. hi A-I-! I' i<: Practice- of Browing Sykes, W. .J. A 39 V £ « Worker on their Industries (ialton, F. W. Brickwork. [See Building.] Bridges — Bridgej in Dis 3 j. -cries and Lift Bridge over the Murray at S Blight's Disease — Health an 1 Condition in the Active and the Se.lentai Davies, X. K. Y-. [See also Albuminuria; Diabetes; Kidneys.] Brisbane- General ami Descriptive — British Art. [See Fine Arts- British.] British Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Author Catalogue for Publications.] British Colonies. [See Colonies, British.] British Columbia ■"/< -n-nd and Descriptive fifteen Years' Sport '.. ..'' ' ..'.'. '.'.'.' < o -oilman. VV. A.' IS-. D 22 U fi Williams' Official Briti.-h Columbia Diiv.-t.n-v British ' Columbia 917.11 Commerce and Trade - British Columbia Board of Trade, Animal Report 380 History- History of British Columbia Bcgg, A. B lb Q 41 British Empire F 15 R 33 Sir .7. C. R. F 1CT 13 . Hand, Rev. J. K. F 1 ' B36R 7 mple, SirR. F 13 V 13 L'otes, K. 1). B41Q14 i; Federation, Imperial.] Social and Imperial Lit.-' of lii-it [See also Colonies, The, and (Jr. British Guiana General ami Descriptive - British America D 22 Q 6 Twenty-five Years in British (iuiana Kirke, H. 1) 15 T 28 Universal tocography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 19 British Honduras General and Ac- British Museum uid Ire!.— c :5,->4.428 1)22 (Mi sli Museum A 33 0. 28 .. (It. Brit, and Iivl. _ British South Africa Chartered Company 15 40 VV 23 I ex" F19T2 South Africa.] JPublic Library of New South Wales. Britons, Ancient— Ethnology of the British Islands Latham, R. 0. A 24 V 1: Life in Early Britain VVindle, B. C. A. A 1!) R I Brittany- Brittany Broken Hill, N.S.W.— General and Des< •al and Descriptive — ofThirty-fiveSketches... Foster.B. A 22 R 2 + Notes on Broken Hil Ore Deposits, A list r; N. S. Wales; bv C . *>uec Bronchitis — Asthma. Broneliitis, and Whooping ( 'ougli ; by Dr. N. Bridge-/;) Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whooping* '..ugh : liv I >r. .1. 'I". Whit taker in Practical Therapeutics Hare, II. A. A 31 P 15 Bronchitis; l,v Dr. W. Ewart - i„ System of Medicine. Allhutt, T. (,'. A 2*! T :SS Diseases of the Chest Stokes, W. A 33 S 2 1 Diseases of the Lungs Fowler,.!. K. A 411 P (i [See also Lungs: Respiratory System.] Bronze Age — m, Rev. II. N. A 30 Q 23 Rid Bronzes and Bronze-work- Cataloguc des Bronzes dc la Soeiete A Catalogue des Bronzes trouves sur VA Creek Bronzes; by A. S. Murray ". of Ornament Doln •, and Varnisher's Compani K 8 R 25 (m V 1, 2 irannt, W. T. A 23 R 51 Bronzes Tsar and his People B 39 S 10 Brooklyn — Him e Middle Slates Powell, L. P. ■ Public Puildin,/*, Parts, and II or, .lyn Park Commissioners. Reports tionof Bro< o Millet ; 5 daml Agrieul Journal. 5 I Broom Rape- Broom Rape of Hemp Brotherhoods. [See Mi mas A 38 Q lers.] Brovinia, Queensland -General and Descriptive— Visit to the Brovinia Cold-field Queensland Cold-fields MA 9 P 45 f Bryology. [See Mosses.] Bryozoa — Recent and Fossil Brvozoa collected in New Zealand; by A. Hamilton New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 500 Recent Marine Brvozoa Jelly, E. C. A 24 S 20 [See also Polyzoa.] Bubonic Plague- Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Bacteriology- in M cdieine and Surgery Park, W. H. Bubonic Plague Choksv, Khan Bahadur N. II. A 23 Q 1 t Bubonic Plague ". Mitra, A. A 40 V 9 Bubonic Plague Montenegro,.!. V. A 45 U 25 Bubonic Plague Stuart, A. MA 5 P 10 Bubonic Plague ; by Dr. W. Wvman United States— Dept, of the Treasury A 45 V 21 Bubonic Plague; by Dr. \V. Wvman -in Report of Supervising Surgeon-* Jencral, 1897... U.S. -Marinellospital Service 013. (is Epidemic of Plague, Bombay. 1897... Low.son. .!. A. A 23 Q 2 I Experiments on Animals ....' Paget. S. A 45 R 5 Experiments with the Bacillus ,,! Bubonic Plague: hv Dr. Klein— in Report of Medical Officer, 1890 97 (it. Brit, and Del. Indian Plague Commiss Measures against thel'lajj in Egypt I Outbreak of Plague in In •el.— Indian : it Marseilles, n.'lthel'lagueSituation aisular Repts., 61 382 . Brit, and Del.— India l 40 V 00 J [See United States I )ept. of the N'avv (>13.(iS ia and other Countries, Reports ... United States- Marine Hospital Scr\iee, Rept., 1898 013.08 loculation: by W. M. Hairkine... Royal Society, Loud., Proc, 1899 500 t Plagues of London; Serums and Serotherapy.] Buccaneers. [See Pirates.] Buckinghamshire — Genm-al ami Desc-i/itirr - English Topography ... Centleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 1 — History— Records of Old Times Fowler, J. K. B 25 T 10 Buddhism — Asiatic Studies Lvall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Buddha in Ancient [deals Taylor, H. O. (1 1 Q 23, 24 Buddha and Buddhism Lillie, A. O 26 V 13 Buddha and the Moral Order- in Moral Order of the World. ! 24 S Buddhisn Biiddhisn Buddhisn '. W. Intellectual Dcvclopn 'rit es Cams, P. C23Q31 Beal, Rev. S. *! 4 V 24 ature Davids, T. W. R. . Subhadra Bhikshu *! 9 W 21 Midler, F. AL J 22 Q 3 Ferrars, M. 1) 23 () 2 ... Berry, Rev. T. S. O 4 V 23 Sinnctt, A. P. 9 W 39 Mi- Melbourne Review, 8 052 . Peerv, Rev. R. B. (i 11 U 31 Heam, L. D 14 P 17 x- ctoria Institute, Trans.. 30 2*10 Hearn, L. B 14 P 19 Midler, F. M. .1 29 T 13 Little, Airs. A. 1) 13 V 24 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 74.3 Buddhism— contd. Young, E. (i 23 V 2 ... Frazer, R. W. .1 19 W 7 ... Hart, Mrs. 10. D 20 U 22 . Cobbold, G. A. G 26 P 14 . Cave, H. \V. D 10 T 20 t . Somerville, M. 1) 18 V 27 Fielding, II. C 23N29 ... Bird, G. W. 1) 20 U 23 i United States; and under California in the Author Catalogue for State Publications.] Climate— - Ce. -i'l-,- ... Victoria Agr. ( iuidrs to < J rowers, 34 MA M V 13 ('. -re: 1) V E. W. Hilgard ... California Agr. Exper. Station ' Report 630.7 Canals — Canada— Department of Railways and Canals, Reports 3S5 [Another Copy] Canada -Parliament, Sess. Papers 328.71 Canal and the" Railway James, K. J. F 4 V 15 C u.-ils and l heir Economic Relation to Transportation. Haipt, L. M. F4V15 Control Sluices Stoney, F. G. M. A 31 S 14 Mit .'ring Lock Cates: l.y Lieut. 11. K. Hodges... United States - Dept. of War A 10 X 1 f X. 'i-able Rivers and Canals in the United States and Canada. Walch, C. T. A 22 U (i Pennsylvania— Dept. of Internal Atl'airs, Report 3S5 Ship Canals in Discoveries and Inventions of the Kith Century. Routledge, R. A 23 T 45 Canary Islands— General and Descriptive — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P 37 Canker Worm — United States Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Entomology A 41 U !i . Watkins ... Queensland Agr. Journ., 1 830. .1 Cannibals and Cannibalism — Canning and Preserving — Canned Vegetables in Foods and food Adulterants, pt. 8. U.S.- Dept. of Agr. Division of ( 'hemistry A 34 T Dept. of Agr. -Div. of 1893 «3t 1.1)73 MA 3 \V 18 . M. Howell. s, 1808 030.5 ring and Pre- Canon Law — Canon Law in ( 'hurch of Kngland... Maitland, F. W. G 23 U 43 Canons of First F, mH ienoraH ,'ouneils. . . I5i ight . Rev. \V. G 25 S 10 {See also Ecclesiastical Law.] Canon of Scripture — Biblical Inspiration; by Rev. H. N. Wollaston Melbourne Source of the Apostolic Can Cant. [See Slang.] Cantaloupes. [See Molot Fremantle, Canon A 39 P (I Canterbury College, New Zealand. [See Now Zealand University, in Author Catalogue, for Calendars ami Publications.] Canyons. [See Colorado; Geology — United States.] Caoutchouc. [See Guttapercha.] Cape Colony. [See Cap- of Good Hope.] Cape of Good Hope — General and Descriptive — Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal of Ml) 3 U 15 British Africa I) 22 Q 5 Cape Colony Hand-book : with Map h, lland-l k, 1899. Cape 'of (lood'llope. Directory 91087 Fanning Resources of Cape Colony ... Wallace, It. A 30 R 12 Federal South Africa Molten.,, P. A. F 8 V 37 Fifty Vet 1795-18 History ol Sketches i F, (i B l(i R 40 D 14 T23 D-'l U 13 D 14 R IS h At iea: South F \\ . B 41 R 2 ulh Africa, . C. 1! 33 S 9, 10 e II B 37 P 13 e R, v. W. J. K. I) 22 U 2 Public Library of New South Wales. A Reg ■, Cape of G 26 R 23, 24 (I Hope ... Cape of Good Hope - 316.87 Cape River, Queensland - Cape River Gold-field, Report Queensland -Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Cape Town Central mid Descriptive — Cape of Good Hope Directory 916.87 What 1 think of South Africa Cumberland, S. 1) 14 R 18 Capillary Attraction - Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 18 [See <,?*<> Physics.] Liberalism and Wealth 1'opula! ion an 1 ( 'apital Present Distribution of Wealth i Scientific Solution of ihe Money Q Studies in Keoiion.ici Theory of Wealth Third' Factor of Product!, n 1 Capital and Labour Capital: the Friend and Ally of Wa; of Commerce ' The Capitalist and the Manual Worl ( 'onccntration of \\ Distribution of Inc.; Distribution of the Economics of Distr Fabian Society 'Vr.v Fi"c(\'mpeUtion h i, Coming [ndividn; Capital and Labour— contd. Relations of Capital and Labour Cow dcrov, IS. MF 4 Q 58 Relations of (apital and Labour '.. MF 4 Q 58 Rural Wealth and Welfare Kairchild. G. T. F 17 T 11 Science of Political Economy George, H. F 3 R 26 Social Philosophy of Rodbe'rtus ... Conner, 10. C. K. G 24 V 18 Strikes and Social Problems Nicholson, J. S. F 8 V 25 Third Factor of Production, and other Kssavs Ogilvy, A. J. F 15 R 30 The Two Capitals Barrow, A. If. MF5Q28 Value, Price, and Profit Marx. K. F 15 P 26 Wages ami Capital Tangier. F. W. F 10 V 12 Wages and Capital in Mr. Henry George, tne Orthodox. Moffat, R. S. F 12 T 32 Wages-fund Doctrine at the hands of German Fconomists. New Zealand Dept. of Labour, dourn., 1S05 331.8 Wealth against Commonwealth Llo\d. If. 1 ). !•' Ml 1' 24 White Slaves of ICngland Sherard, R. H. F 13 V 3 Work and Wealth Bowker.R. R, F 15 S 23 [See also Arbitration; Light hour Question ; Lmploycrs' Liability; Pauperisin ; Poor Laws •.'pmii;' baring: S.'yiugs Banks ':' Social- Wages ; Working-class" ,'; ' Cvorkmcn's Dwelling's/]' Capitalists and Financiers Paterson, W., Writings of F 13 U 9-11 Capitellaceae Monographic der Capitelliden des Golfes von X cape'. ; von Dr. H. Eisig Zoologische Station zu Xcijicl A 10 P 16 t [See also Helminthology.] Capon3. [See Poultry.] Caprellidie Die Caprelliden des Golf es von Noapel; von P. Mayer. Zoologische Station zu Neapcl A 1!) P 16, 17 t IfrtaprotcUuHUelilmsi.', n.sp. : by Dr. Mayor /„ Zoological Results. Willcv. A. MA 4 V 3 [.See a/so Amphipo, Caprification— Inset ■' a.] iFigs;byW. W. Fro [See also Figs.] Carabidas - Carabida? from Western Australia; by T. G. Sloane Linncan Society, N. S. Wales. Proc. 1808 580.6 Carenides; by T. G. Sloane.....".... Linncan Society. X. s. Wales, New Species of Carabiihc; by T. G. Sloane Linncan Society, N. S. Wales. p,„c. 1899 580.8 [Seea/soColeoptcra.] Carbides. [See Carbon.] Carbolic Acid— Derives Surehlorcs du Phenol et du Benzene Rarral, E. A 31 S 20 [See also Disinfection and Disinfectants.] Carbon — Carbon; by A. J. Sach Divinity Hall Briord MA 5 R 25 Fixation of Carbon by Plants; by H. 'i'. Blown... British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1800 506 Review and Bibliography of the Metallic Carbides; by J. A. Mathews Smithsonian Inst.. Misc.. Collections,"38 508 Wanderings of Atoms Muir, M. M. P. A 33 R 33 Carbuncles — Furuncle; Carbuncles; by Dr. W. S. Melssomc -in System of Cardamoms; by J. Dansey ... Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 630.5 Cardiac Diseases. [See Heart.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. Cardinals— Dubois, Cardinal, Memoirs of R 41 R 4, 5 Manning Cardinal C 20 U 17 Manning, Cardinal, Life of C 22 Q 3, 4 Ma/arin Masson, G. B 28 Q 4 Men and Women of the Century Lehmaim, R. A 10 T 17 t !;„■ ,.!i,. u and the (irowth of French Power Perkins, J. 15. 1? 27 Q 2ti Richelieu, Life of C 20 V 1 Ret/., Cardinal de B 21 L 2 Wiseman, Cardinal, Life ami Times of C 23 S 11, 12 Cards - dies, ami Playing Cards; l,y S. Culin... United States-National l'hi [St. .,/«, Gambling; Games; Whist. 1 Cards, Christmas. [See Christmas Cards.] Caricatures and Caricaturing — A 40 P 29 31 1 All'ai Ausl Boo alian rim. Cruikshank, George Life of; by 15. Jei Crnikshankian Momus C English Society Dl Evolution of Woman > Fun: or, the Tasmanian Charivari..... rtcret, J. A 33 I) 2!) irniss, H. M.I 2 V 7 M.I 2 U 24 Parton, J. A 39 Q Peep into Punch.... Phil Mav Album Phil May's A BC. M.I 3 W20 MJ3 W 1!) MJ3W 13 Reed, E. T. A 31 S 32 Allan, S. MA 4 P 32 Schooling, J. H. J 23 R 36 May, P. J26T 16t May, P. A 10 T 19 t .'.'.'.'..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. M J 2U 17-21 . Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 MJ3 W20 M.I 3 WO 8 Marchmont, F. A 40 R4 c Literature ; Satire.] Carlsbad Treatment — Carlsbad Treatment for Tropical and Digestive Ailment Young, L. T. Carnation - Carnivora ' |;| 1 i't'is]!'.\l!!:'cU i .' i ' , .V. Carolina. [See North Carolina; South Carolina.] Caroline Islands -General and Descripi \.,!e, fro,,.: by F. \V. Christian... I'olynesij W. 1) 22 R 19 Yap Island, 1 SOS [Chart] .. - - Language Table of " F. W. Carols — Carpentry and Joinery — (it. Brit, ami Irel.— graphic Office D 49 P 1 % . and Irel. — Hvdrographie Office D 49 P 3 t n Society, Journal, 1S9S MA 4 P 20 R. J. A 39 P 3 i, R. A 39 Q 15 I'. ,J. A39P 14 Carpets — Decorative and Famv Textile Fabrics ... Lord, R. T. A 4.-) U Historic St vies of (hi. anient 1 (olmetsch, H. A IS T 13 t [See also Textile Fabrics.] Carriage-building Art ami Craft of Coach building Philipson, J. A 23 P 31 Australasian Coach. huildcr and Saddler 084 [See also Rolling Stock.] Carriages, Coaches, and Carts Treatise on Militarc Carriages ... (it. Brit, and Irel. War Office A 30 V 15 Cars. ' [ X. Can ia-o-l.uihiino; ; .Motor-cars; Rolling Stock.] [See also under Descarl Carthage —History - Descartes, R. G 17 S 33 Hegel, G. W. F. (i 12 R 30, 31 Naville, E. A 24 R 29 n Author Catalogue. ] ;e. [See Phoenician Language.] Le Sfere C [See also CI Cartoons - or A 12 X 24 t .... A 19 SlOt -.Maori; Rock- 750 Public Library of New South Wales. Cassava- Sweet Cassava; hyH.W. Caste — Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. ft 11 U 18 Hindu Manners. Customs, and Ceremonies... Duliois, Ahhi J. A. G23S 12, 13 Law and Politics in the Middle .Ages Tenks, E. F 13 T 30 [See also Brahminism ; Social Ethics.] Castings. [*VcTi-on-eastings; Metal-founding; Moulding.] Castles— Castles and Abbey.- of Fuglund Hi Castles of England Mackenzie, Sir J Churches and Castles of Mediaeval France . Historical Castles and Mansions of Scotland [See also Archaeology ; and under the name Castor and Pollux — L'Evolution d'un Mvthe Renel, C. 1? 30 U 7 [See also Mythology— Greek.] Castor Oil — Castor Oil Plant... Victoria— Agriculture -Cuides to (Growers, l.'i MA 3 T ! Casuarina — Two New Species ofCasimrina; l>v K. T. Baker... Linncan Society, *N. 8. Wales, Prop., 1899 580.: tie, VV. B 24 V 17 3. B 10 T 13, 14 t Earned, W. C. B 16 S 12 Millar, A. H. B 41 Q 13 each Castle.] «••] A 41 R6 1 ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. ill University A 411 S 21 Sir J. Hector... New Zealand Institute. Trans., 1898 506 red with the Skeleton of Man. .lavne, H. A 40 S 14 Casuistry. [See Com Cat, The— Laboratory Ouide for the Dissection Physiology of the Dog and Cat eomp Red Cats and Disc;; Skeleton of the Cat Catacombs — Fabiola Wisem [See also Archaeology— Rome ; Egyptology.] Catalepsy- Catalepsy; by Dr. Tuke— in System of Medi Catalogues of Books and MSS. — Special Collect American Book-prices Current Livingston, L. S. C American Catalogue C Best Books of 1897, Bibliography, 12 New York- :, Card. 9\V 11 Bibliographic ilc Belgique ■ Amcricain Bibliuthe.-a Ilistorico-Neerlandiei Bucher- Lexicon Catalogue General dc la Librairic Franca * Bclgiui'.M Lor,' Boom Boon Lib,-.' z, d'O. Catalogues of Sciei Ecclesia? Mctropol English Catalogue (leneral Catalogue Valuable Works tine Papers... tame Colonien »f Books Royal Sec is Codices M;'mi-' Jaffe, 1 Work i K19VK ipti. . K IS T 27 '. Xijhof,,' M. Guide to the Forma In Deutschland ers Universitats-Au Index Catalogue Index Medicus.... st'ellunginCh jf Bibliograpl schaft'l ical Y\ •he Zcilsc! orks relat ( 'am])bell, rift'en >F.xhi K F. .! fur di. ... 189: r, C 10 India. 9 A" 3.-> 010.(11 Catalogues of Books and MSS. — Special Collections — contd. List of Books for Girls and Women and their Clubs. Leypoldt, Augusta H. K 11 R 17 Piidagogische Zeitschriftcn. Jahrbiichcr unci Lehrerkalender Deutschlands Arndt, 0. K 11 Q 19 Private Collection of PaintingsandObjctsd' Art... Beauchamp, Fail ioualC MA Catalogues of Exhibitions. [.Vev; Exhibitions; and under each Exhibition in Author Catalogue.] Catalogues of Fine Arts. [See Fine Arts — Exhibitions.] Catalogues of Stars. [Se>>. .Stars — Catalogues.] Cataloguing — Cataloguing; by If. ('. L. Anderson Australasian Library Conference, 1896 M.I 2 P 32 t Cataloguing Rules Bodleian Library .1 9 V 30 Cat .loguin'g Bules [J!.. A-so •. of Cnitecl Kingdom .1 it V 36 Conference Bibliographique Internationale 'Brussels OHicc Brussc ■s prepai c W'.ll edS Public Libraries of the Rules for Compiling Catalogues in the E [See also Classification; Indexing: Libr; Catechisms- Luther's Primary Works [See also Creeds; Theology, Systematic. F. H. J 23 T 3 iphie J 14 S 2 ice, 1893. . Luther, M. G 19 T 2i Caterpillars. [See Entomology: Insects, Injurious; Lepic optera; Metamorphosis.]' " Cathedrals and Churches - I Me. 1 Bra . Lai I, W. ' B 16 S 1: Churches ami Chapels Kidder. F. E. A 19 B ! Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland. 1 MacGibbon, ]) A 23 A' 2; Kcelesiology Gentleman's Magazine Library A 19 17 H Fa, .dish Calhclrals Illustrated Bond, F. A 41 T 1. Flemish Interiors Byrne, Mrs. \\ . P. G 15 U 2: Our English .Minsters A 39 P 9, II Our National Cathedrals A 19 V 5, I [.See also Abbeys; Christian Art : Fcclcsiastica! Architecture.] Cathode Rays— Cathode Rays; by J. J. Thomson Smithsonian Institution Repts., 1897 . r >0 [See also Rontgen Rays.] Catholic Church. [See Roman Catholicism.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Cattle and Cattle-breeding— An lasian Live Stock Manual Sutherland, < I. MA 2 R 4 Ann r.dasian Pastoralists' Review 630. ISec' produ cine: Lrccds of Cattle ... Am. ( laz. , X.S. W. , 030. ISi-i' ■. :i\ Civ,: Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630. Call Mortality; l.y H. Robinson Agricultural ( iazette, Tai Caul, -breeders' Association, Ontario, Report .........'... Ontario- Ex icnoeof out Imported Cattle; l.v M. A OVallieihan. Agricultural Ca/.e'tte, X. S. Wales, 11) 630 Itol-toin Cattle: Dutch lielted Breed of Cattle ; Choking of Cattb Sale Way to throw a Bull ... Agr. Caz., X. S. Wales, 7 030, Improvement of Xew South Wales Stork: l,v M. A. OVulIa-dta: Agricultural (Jazette, X. S. Wale !l 030 ha , i -State Roar.1 of Agriculture. Report , 1NS4 030 Lb ^toek in Xew South Wales; by A. Bruce in X. S. Wale t be Mother Colony Hutchinson,!'. M D 7 U : Xtnnbersand Valued of Farm Animals... United States Dcpt. Agr. Division of Statistic* 030. o; Pamphlets on Kxperiments in Cattle-feeding ... Agr. Kxpcriinei l'o of Ca' Cattle Fever. [See Diseases of Animals; Ticks.] Cattle Plagues — . Pearson, K. A 4o IV MeCosh, inalism; Phib.sopiiy.] Cavalry - ",<".' -»d Cavalry May, Major E. S. Dep^'of'War 1 [,?,, aho Mounted Infantry.] Caves. [Xr AiithniiHilogv; Catacombs; Troglodytes ; i under the names of famous Caws.] Cebidas Monkeys, Le ill Fruit-eating Hats in the Collection of the British Mil eum;l v Dr. .1. K. Cray... [iritislt Museum-Natural History A 42 V 4 [&«afa»Moi keys.] Ceilings — z.betlr n Architecture Shaw, H. A -20 P 24 t lie lie! >™tive Conin, E. A 47 P 10, 44 J SotlittidellO -lit See. lo, .lei Mieliori Castclli el'ala/.zi del I'iemonte. Cliarvet, A. A 47 P 17 J Studies front Old En .dish Mansions Richardson, C. J. A 40 P 2, 3 t Celebes -Ge leral < nd Descriptive- Bastiaanse, J. H. de B-. Ml) 4 U 34 Celestial Photography. [See Astronomical Photography; Stars— Photometric Measurement s. ] Celery — Pamphlets on Vegetables... Agr. Experiment .Stations A 38 Q 14 Some Celery Diseases--,// Injurious Insets, 7 Agr. Exper. Stations A38Q7 Celibacy — Looking Upward Ad.lerlcy, .1. G 9 W 17 Cells Str>„-t,i It 20 [.-'.. ',./<« Thomson, C. \V., in Author Catalogue.] Irolunau, \V. A. 1!.- 1) IS V, 1 Chancellors - .letV.-vs, Judge; l.v II. IS. living lellVevs, Baron C 25 Q Me A.rials, lTiitj lsir. Selborne, Earl of C 23 V 4 ■f Inr off ■sPost Mor British Iteeord Soeietv. 11 :I47.00 Cab ■: darof Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Itocu- ni nta, Henry VII ... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Public Iteeord Office B 45 Channel Islands Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. (1. W. D 22 R 3 Chants. [See Church Music] Chap-books— Not! sot Fugitive T [S,. '//,vV Ballad-^ Folkdore; Lei Character - Character Sketches— Sehlicli, W. A: 32 RI- ii the Blast Furnace; liv .1. T. .... McOill University A 44 S 7 Charitable Societies. [See Charities —Societies; and under the title of each in Author Catalogue.] Charities — General— Burdett, II. C. 360 MF 3 U 00 v. J 22 Q 12 . F 13 U 23 il F 10 V 29 '. F 15 R 13 i; Children— me Vis By Countries. Australia Uses and Abuses of the Public Hospitals in Australia... Brack, I. MA 4 P 30 [See also each Colony under this heading.! France — Conscil Sureiieur de rAssist:iiicc Publiijue 1' Great Britain— Charitv Commissioners for P., inland and Wales, Repor (it. Brit, and Irel.-Cha Children's Country Holidays: by Margaret A. Newell... Nat 360 t Bri ud Ire if Women Wot F 1 U 30 Out-relief; l.v MarvClillbrd... National Cnion of Women Workers F 1 U 30 State of the Poor Eden, Sir P. M. F 20 P 8-10 t New South Wales ■tment of Charitable Institu jred .. Society for Providin; Svdnev Female Refuge Soeietv, Wrecked, but Rescued. ..Sydney — New York Sanitarium for Hebrew Childrei Ohio Pennsylvania United States — 754. Public Library of New South Wales. Charity — Lectures on Charity Owen, R F4U3-1 Poor and their Pleasures Goldie, J. C 1 U 33 Rich and Poor Bosanquet, Mrs. Bernard F 10 V 29 A Rosary of Christian Graces McLaren, Rev. A. G 23 R 31 St. Vincent do Paul, History of... Bougaud, Bishop (i 24 U 1, 2 St. Vincent de Paul Broglie, E. de G 23 P 37 Charlatans. [See Impostors: Swindlers.] Charms. [See Amulets; Folk-lore; Magic; Occult Sciences: Witchcraft.] Charterhouse — Charterhouse Tod, A. H. Q 15 U 50 Charters and Deeds — Cardinal Rules of Legal Interpretation Beal, E. F (1 V 9 Crawford Collection of Early Charters; bv A. S. Napier. Aneedota Oxoni'ensia, Med. ser., 7 333 Descriptive Catalogue of Ancienl Deeds in the Public Record Office. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Public Record Ollice B 4.") Fae-similes of Ancient Charters in the British Museum ... British Museum B 4(i P 34 30 J Select Charters illustrative of American History, 1000-1775. MacDonakl, W. B 19 R 12 [See also Deeds Law; MSS. : Pakengraphv ; and under (it. Brit. and Irel. —Public Record Office, in Author Catalogue.! Chartists and Chartism — Place, Francis ; by G. Wallas C 24 T ."> Rise of Democracy Rose. J. 11. F 13 V 34 Some Social and Political Pioneers of the Hllli t 'enturv. Balmforth, 1!.' (.' 23 P. 24 [See aho Gt. Brit.— Politics.] Charts— General— Charts of the World. Society Islands, New Zealand, Melanesia, and East Indian Archipelago ' /(/Journal.. . Banks, Sir.]. Ml) 3 U 15 Collection of Charts and Memoirs... Dalrvmple, A. A 17 S 10 t [See aho Cartography ; Plans; Topography : under <;;. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty ;"Gt. Brit, and' Irel.'- Hvdroeraphie Office; United States Coast and ( ieodetio Survey in the Author Cata- Chastity^ /Edoeology Elliot, S. B. A 20 S 29 [See also Celibacy.] Chatham Islands — General and Descriptive — Moriori People of the Chatham Islands; by A. Shand.. .Polynesian Soc, Journal, 1895-97 990 Chautauqua — United States Bureau of Ldueat ion, Report. 1894-95 ... 379.73 [See alio Reading Circles ; Summer Schools ; University Extension ; University Settlements.] Cheating. [See Impostors; Swindlers.] Cheese- Analyses of the Different Varieties... Minnesota Agr. Experiment Bath a 1 Wes llltiest- taking .. Joi Book of the Cheddar Cheese-making; by F. J. Ll< Southern Counties Socio! CheddarChocse-making;bvG.S. Thorns, and Industry, South Austin CheddarCheese-makingandDanishButte'r-making;byJ. Journal of Agriculture and Industry, S. Aust.. 1S97 Cheese and Cheese-making ' Long, J. Cheese Industry of the State of X,w York; l,y B. 1). Gi U.S. — Dept. of Agr.- Bureau of Animal Industry Cheese-making on the Cheddar Principle; by J. L.* T Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, Cn Dept. of A ; H. A 33 Q 19 United States - Rept., 1898 630 630.5 •ymen . . . Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Hints for Choc- makers ... Queensland Agr. Journal. 1S98 030.5 Manufacture and I onsu'mption of Cheese... United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1895 030.5 Manufacture of Soft Cheese... Agr. Gazette, X. S. Wales, S 03(1.5 Milk and its Products Wing, H. H. A 33 P 8 New York— Agr. Exper. Stn., Board of Control, Rept., IS94 630.7 Pamphlets on Cheese-making ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 9 Pure Lactic Culture.-, of Bacteria in Cheese-making... Wisconsin — Agr. Experiment Station Kept., Is'Ni 030.7 Ripening of Cheese ... Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 030.5 Ripening of'Chocse... Wisconsin Agr. Exp.Stn., Kept.. 1S99 030.7 Rise and Fall of Bacteria in Cheddar Cheese Wisconsin Agr. Experiment Station liopt., 1S96 030.7 Wisconsin-Agricultural Experiment Station. Report, 1893 030,7 Cheirognomy. [See Palmistry.] Cheiroptera. [See Chiroptera.] Chelonia. [See Testudinata.] Cheltenham — History — New Historical Description of Cheltenham Griffith, S. V. B 13 \V 30 f Chemical Laboratories and Apparatus. [See Chemistry —Teaching.] Chemical Periodicals. [See Chemistry — Periodicals.] Chemical Societies. [See Chemistry — Societies.] Chemical Technology. [See Technological Chemistry.] Chemicals -Manufacture — Handling of Dangerous Goods Phillips, H. J. A 21 R 30 Made in Germany Williams, K. E. V 10 V JO [See also Alkalies; Technological Chemistry. 1 Chemistry — General — Academic des Sciences. Compter, rendus des Seances, 120 ... 500 American Association for Advance, of Science, Proceedings. 500 Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Reports 500 ncnt of Science, Re r , Pul A30S IT 5 Laurent, A. A 315 T 5 Armstrong, H. E. G 18 Q 30 Colin, L-. A 20 Q 33 rntilapieel Industrielle, 1', 1S90 505 d Elements... Masson, 0. A 21 P 40 ry Mulr, M. M. P. A 20 F 33 id Physics... White, A. 1 of Che •\ 20 P 29 010.5 A 23 P I Law and Theory in Chemistry Car London, Edinburgh, and Dublin I'hilo-ophica. .miga/.ine ... ooo Manual of Chemistry Tilden. W. A. A 20 P 27 Method of Separating Colloids from Crystalloids b\ Filtration; by Dr. C. J. Martin ... Royal Soc, X. S. Wales. Proa, 1S96 506 (Euvres Completes Stas, J. S. A 10 X 20 22 f Progress of Scientific Chemistry in our own Times... Tilden, W. A. A 41 T 26 Rise and Development of Organic Chemistry... Schorlemmer, C. A 21 R 39 Scientific Writings of James Smithson... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 21 508 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1S96-1000. Chemistry — General — contd. Short Studios in Physical Science Cornish,' V. A 24 R 27 Syntheses d'Aldehydcs ct d'Acetones dans la seric du Naphtalene ai: iiioyen du Ch'h.nire d'Aluminium liousscl, L. A 40 S 5 Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Hoff, J. H. van't > iihi t < ( n' Ir "in tiihtion; Drugs; Dyes;' Flee : Fes Min gy; Ph [*« Bios s.] Hai - Diet 'Tht — /lis ory— Address, Essays, Lectures, Th , .- An Apology for Chemistry Rennic, E. H. MA 3 W 11 An I alasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Prcsi dontial Address in the Section of Chemistry and Mineralogy Rennic, E. (1. MA 3 \V"1! Pre ident's Address, by Prof. Liversidge Australasian Assoc. Advance. ofSciei.ce, 1898 50( — ■ /li/Jinara/,/,,/-- lSil.ii. g,-aphy of Chemistry, 1492-1892... Bolton, H. C. A 21 U2. Mil ■.:■ graph v of Chemistrv, 1492 1S97: bv H. C. Bolton. Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, 31, 30, 39 oil! '. 1492 1892... Bolton, Qualitative Analysis Ctirran, Rev. .T. M. MA 3 W 20 Periodicals— American Chemical Journal ,-,49.5 Chemical News , r >40., r > Chemical Society, Journal ,-,40.(1 Society of Chemical Industry, Journal 660.6 Fvans New Zealand iiistitule/i' rails., 1897 'oIKi Physico-chemical Methods Trauhe, .). A 38 T 17 - Agricultural. [See Agricultural Chemistry.] — ! Industrial. [.See Technological Chemistry.] Inorganic— Inoi siuic CI, end try ...........'.'." NVilgon', G. A 22 043 - Medical. [See Pharmacy.] Chemistry, Organic — Commercial Organic Analysis Allen, A. H. A 21 T 22 27 Commercial Organic Analysis. 3rd ed.... Allen, A. K. A 32 S 2 Ad'vanee.'of Science,' Kept'. 1899 ,-,iil'i Hand-book for the Bio-Chemical Laboratory Mandel, J. A. A 21 R 40 Organic Chemistry Whiteley, R. L. A 23 R 48 Preparation of Alkvl-Sulpliinc. Scleniuc, and' Phosphonium Salts; by O. Masson and J. B. Kirkland R " ; Fats; Food.: Choi Chemists — Cavendish, Hon. H., Life of; by Dr. O. Wilsoi us., 1 5U(i y; Physio- Dalton, John, Memo! Dr. W. C. Henry . Dray. Humphry, to: Faradav, Michael; h of theDifeandS.-irnlitiellcscarchesof; by ■"; ' i'i.i! ..-.pher I...' ' C-20U 16 Sniithson, James, Memoir on Scieniilio ( 'hire tee and Ke-'cirehes of: by WAP. Johnson. ..Smitli-nidanliM \1i-e Clhv ->1 ."1)8 Smithson, James, Works and. Character of ; by J. K. Mel). Iiby. Cherries — Black Knot of the Plum and Cherry-!/, Injurious Insects, 6, 7. • Agricult. Exper. Stns. A 38 ( L ) (i. 7 Letf Blight of the Plum and Cherry— /» Injurious Insects (i. Agricult, E.xper. Stns., (i A 38 Q 6 Pamphlets on Cherries and Small Fruits Agricult. Exper. Stns. A 38 K 1 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing... Agricult. Exper. Stns. A 38 R 35 [« o Fn ; Poi >•■] Chesapeake and Ohio Canal - "l'rof. O. YV.'Ward''...'. Johns Ho pU"'' i -',','iV . ,'■' i'l'v, Studies, 17 B18S17 Cheshire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 29 V 2 — History- - ory of some English Shire eighton, Bisho] 8 P 13 t CheSB- Analysis of the Chess Ending King and Queen against King and Hook "Euclid" A 29 T 34 Chess and Playing Cards; by S. Culin... United States— National Chess Openings .. II V 1 n Che: Chester— History Old Chester Ci Chestnut [leTatoNui's.] 11 " " 8,mU " g " ' g "" Chicago— General and Descriptive Climate of Chicago; by H. A. Hazcn ... Cited States- Dept. of Agriculture Weather Bureau A 19 V 39 753 Library of Neio South Wales. Chicago— Commerce, and Trade - Trade and Commerce of ( 'hieaL'o. Annual Report Chicago Board of Trade 381 Public Works— Chicago, Department of Public Works, Report 352.5 Chicago Exhibition, 1893 Catalogue de l'Exposit ion Historhpie • 1 < - -* Souvenirs Franco- Ameri- cainsdelal iucrrede l'iudrpendanee... Chicago Kxhibition, 1S!)3 K 11 R24 Catalogue of Exhibits in the New South Wales Court. Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MK 1 S 34 Chicago and the World's Fair Ralph, J. D 13 8 5 Connecticut at the World's Fair .. Chicago F.xliil... 1893 1) 22 T 3 My Travels in Europe and America, 1893 ... .lagatjit Singh, Raja D 13 S 12 t [See also in Author Catalogue under Chi, ago Exhibition for Cata- logues and other Publications.] Chicago University. [See Author Catalogue, under this heading, for Publications.] Chicken Cholera Discovery of Chicken Cholera in (Queensland; by C. J. Round. Royal Society, Queensland, Pro'c., 189-1 9."> 500 Reports relating to the Microbes of Chicken Cholera; by C. J. Pound Queensland Parliament. V. and P., 18(17 328.943 [See also Poultry.] Chicken Pox — Chicken Pox; by Dr. J. McCombie— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 3.-» Scarlet Fever, Measles, &c Smith, J. L. A 31 P 15 Chief Justices — Bowen, Lord ; by Sir H. T. Cunningham' C 24 Q 6 Builders of our haw dinine the 1 ; . ■ i - 1 1 of Queen Victoria. Manson, E. F 8 R 19 [See also Chancellors ; Judges; Lawyers.] Child Life— International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 4 [See also Boys ; Children- -Ceneral : Family; Home; Infant Life Protection.] Children — General— Bibliography of Child Study Wilson, L. N. G 17 R 42 Care of Children ... Kneipp, Mgr. S. A 20 S 33 Care of the Baby .. Crillith, .1. P. C. A 20S27 Child Labor Willoughby, W. F. F4 V 15 Child Labour (irall'enried, Clare de F4 V lf> ucation, Kept., 1 S92 93 379.73 ... U.S. — Bureau of Educali Kept., 1897 98, vol. 2 379.73 Meynell, Alice .1 9 P 40 Children under the Poor Law Chance, W. F 13 T 2d Condition of Children in Civilis, lion of Our Day...Samuclso,i. .1. , J. MA 3 P 79 • Children —General— contJ. Labour Problem Little Folks of Many Lands .... Natural and Artificial Feeding a iK.'arc of Infants. ..Servi Parents and Children - in Other Worlds than Ours. . .Pro Physical Nature of the Child Rowe, S. H. Poor in Great Cities Redemption of Childhood -in Christianity and the . Study of Children Warner, F. Study of the Child Taylor, A. R. [Sce'aUo Boys; Child Life; Children's Books; F.ducalic Factories: Family; Home; Infant Life Protect io: Offenders: Kindergarten: Parents; Psychology. J Asylums and Systems of Relief— 7T7 R.A. A 19 Q 15 A 39 V 31 F 13U25 iocial State . G 24 R 1 G 18Q4-4 G 17 S 12 Poor La- mferci , 18! -98... 300 Sheltered... Society for Pro State Children's Council, Reports Ionics for Neglected Children MF 1 P 35 South Australia- Parliament, Proc. 328.942 State Children's Relief Board, Reports New South Wales- Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 [See also Boarding-nut System; Industrial Schools; Juvenile Offenders.] Development and Growth Changes in the Prop;, tions of the H unan Body during the Period of Growth; by Dr. W. S. Hall ... .. Anthropological Institute, Journal, 1895 572 Development of the ( Oppenheimer, N. A 33 P 39 Pcclopmcntal Defec Epi s Gt, 1 Report, 1898 A 39 W 38 * Ron's Method of Perccntive ' Grades; by Dr. H. P. Boh ditch'.' .... Massachusetts— Board of Health, I lepts., 1879, 1890 014.09744 Physical Nature of th e Child .... Rowe, S. H. A 39 V 31 Studies of Childhood Sully, J. G 15Q35 Diseases— Diseases of Children's ^.Children.: Quoin, R. A 31 P 3, 4 Mttskctt. P. E. MA 4 P31 .. Pedley, R, 1). A 40 V 14 Di-pensirv for Sick led with Chronic Disease; by Dr. J. Gilbert... Int. xhil)., 1884, Lit.,9 A 41 V 5 Domestic Hygiene of .... Un'elmann, J. A 38 S 9 Dull. DclieateandXe, by Dr. F. Warner— in System of Medicine dand^Pefcr ..' Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 41 ive and Epileptic Children, A 39 W38 % tren... United States , Bureau of F Rept, 189 , Parent and Child; by L. D. P Miles, A. H. Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1898-1900, 757 Children's Books - Aiii rial Story-book Lang, A. J 23 T Chil.lren's Books and their Illustrator Christmas, 1C very-day, and other Stoi .1 1-1 Q 34 Red Book of Animal Stories Lin-. A. J 12 R 22 Sunn ler in a Canon Riggs, Kate I). -J 23 T 21 V";,i^of the .!/,.«.<» n McMillan, R. MJ 3 V 13 Chili -General and Descriptive— Over the Andes Crommelin, May 1) 16 T 10 Template Chile Smith, VV. A. I) 22 Q 13 I'.,- rsal Ccn-raphv Heclus, K. D 21 U 18 Yi;!je de Destierro..': (irez, V. ]) 1(3 P 3 V.,- I;. Merdu Sud, 1712-14 Frc/.ier, A. I'. I) l(i 1' 4 Wreck of the Wager Byron, Hon. J. D 19 P 14 Biography- Lastarria, J. V., i su Tiempo C 10 X 14 f . Commerce and Trade— Trad- of Chili-//, Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1809, Annual series (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office £82 Geography, Topography, and Maps— I.j--: = a.'. ISO- [Chari]... Ot. Brit, and Irel. llvdro-raphic Ofliee ~~ l>40P2i Plans on the Coast of Chile, 1S00 [Charts]... CI. Fail, and Irrl. Hydrographic Office 1) 40 P 3 % History - I'm:, eras Asaml.leas Xacionaies en Chile, 181 1-14... Roldan, A. F 1 V 20 Destierro (irez, V. I) Hi I'!! W.i: nclwccn Chile and Pel u and Polivia. i >70 81. Mason, Lieut. T. B. M. B 19 T 16 Politics— Chilian Law — Chilian Literature - Chillagoe Caves- Chimneys >Se ior . fieddes, T. i:. Upper Va // , w M. A 38 T 20 History or Chimpanzee— (iorillas and Chimpanzees [See aim Apes.] China -General and Des er, R, L. A 30 R 51 'nlhv 1 Men, i de l'Indc Cycle of Cathay Mar European Settlements in the Far r From Peking to Petersburgh From Tonkin to India ... Orleans. Future Trade with the Far Fast... Heart of a Continent Vo Intimate China Mystic Flowery Land I The New Far Fast The "Overland" to China People of China; their Country, 11 tions with the Foreigner . Pe iples and Politics of the Far Has lly, R. I) 19 U 18 ,1, .1. I). 1) 21 S 2 d. F. K. 1) 13 R 6 . 15. F-. I) 13 P20 Wright, C. 010.3 . 11. F. I)J2 P IS A. K. ' i) u"v -r, .v. T. (1. D13Q4 '. 010.3 le, A. A 17 SlOt , ,1. C-. F 13 V 30 i. 1) 13 S 2 ' D13V9 '. F S V 35 1) 17 V25 1) 13 V 24 1) 17 T2(i U 13 U 20 I) 22 P 24 , and Rcla- 1) 13 P 21 . M. S. I) 16V24 - Geography, Tn^jraphy, aval Jf„, s Pay. 1808 [Chart]... Ct. Brit, and lrel. 758 Public Library of New South Wales. Jonfucianism ; ' 'ucl Customs— . Lvall, Sir A. < '. G '2:8 i! 31 .... Plauohut, E. ]) li)P 12 n, Rev. W. A. ]'. A 41 T 10 •in, I Ideals ... Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 .. Little, Mrs. A. D 13 V 2f 34 U1U32 Taoism.] China Painting. [See Ceramics.] China Sea- China Sea Directory (It. Brit, anil Irel. -Admiralty D 20 U 7, 8 Natuna Islands. IS!)!) [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographie Office 1)49 P2 J Torts and Anchorages, 1898 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 40 P 2 J Results of Dreilgings obtained on the Maeelestield Bank, China .Sea, Report (it. Brit, and Irel.- Admiralty A 40 V 44 J Chinch Bug (BUssus leucopterns)— Chinch Bug... Minnesota Agr. Exper. Station Rept., 1894 030.7 Chinch Bug; by F. M. Webster United States - Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 2, 3 Rocky Mountain Locust and the Chinch Bug ... United States— Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology A 37 SI [See also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious.] Chinese — The Chinese Martin, Rev. W. A. P. A 41 T 10 \_S:e also China-Social Life, Customs.] Chinese Campaigns — Recollections of Thirt v-nine Years in the Army... Gordon^ b; WarwithChina ,« AMiddv's Recollections. ..Montagu, Pea Chinese-Japanese War, 1894.-95 — Cases on International Law during the China-Japan Wai Takaln 1! 33 R 4 if the Chino-Japanese War, 1894-95; 'u Boulav (it, Brit, and Irel. -War "Office" B 33 P . Eastern Question Chirol, V. B 33 R 1- •oic Japan; a History of the War between China Eastlake, F. W. iclads in Action, 1855-95 Wilson, H. W. B 33 R 6, lor the Dragon Flag Allan, J. B 16 P i t, 7 'T 10 Chinese Language - Chinese Literature — ' Me?bo . Mclb. Rev., 1 052 a\\ ings in the Library British Museum K 13 R 13 t Bucher und Hand- ierlin; von Dr. W. Chinese Question — Anti-Chinese Legislation in Australasia ; by,). Lee ... Quarterly Journal of Economies, 1889 330.5 California— Chinese Emigration F 13 U 12 Chinese Immigration into the Australian Colonies; with a Return of Acts passed by the Legislatures of (hone Colonies and of Canada and British Columbia on the Subject Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Australasia MF 3 P 31 t Chinese in Victoria; by Rev. J. F. Horsley Melbourne Review, 4 052 Joint Special Committee to investigate Chinese Immigration, Report United States ( hime Immigration F 13 T 28 Judge and Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Royal Commission dleged Chinese ( iambling, Report. ' N.S.Wales Chinese Gambling MF4U38 Yellow Mackay, K. MJ 3 Q 43 ilxo Aliens; Coloured Labour Question; Emigration; Race Problen Chiropody. [See F Report of Rr.KleinonModilications of thcCholei a Vilaioartificially induced— in Report of Medical Oiliccr, 1890-97. (it. Brit, and Irei Local Covcrnmcnl 014.0942 [S:e also Bacteriology; Epidemics.] Cholera Morbus- Chorea— Ch rca; by Dr. R. Russell-/,, System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 2i Ch. rca; by Dr. B. Sachs in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, II. A. A 3 Christ, [.See Jesus Christ,] Christ Church, Newgate — Re-isters of Christ Church, Newgate, 1538- 1754... Hailciai Rubs., 21 Christian Art and Symbolism — [N. ■ y Ro^ . W. 0. Burrows 'roblems. G 23 S 28 m, H. H. I 25 R 10 blems. Aposto ic Suco n. Rev. ,1. i 23 S 1 1 G 25 R 10 G23T 15 hcC uroh ,f Kn 8 land Maitla d, F. W. ; 23 U 43 The Church in England , . 762 Public Library of New South Wales, Church of England — contd. Church of England— in Church Problems Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Church of England, Evangelical; by Rev. H. W. W-. Peploi Our Churches Church of England, High; by Rev. W. J. Little... On Ch :liProblen l,y\ froth, of t . Hens,, : \)i> ,H.H. Vplo,, 1 U 37 i II I J 37 G2.~>R 10 1, for the in all Time and Places, until the End of the World, 1588 [Reprint] English Scholar's Library J 3 S 22 Doctrine and Doctrinal Disruption... Mallock, \V. If. " G 24 S 19 Documents illustrative of English t 'hurch History (lee, H. G 14 S 36 Ecclesiastical Expansion of England ...Barry, Rev. A. G 14 S 31 Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, 1558-04. Gee, H. G 23 T 10 English Church, 597-1066 Hunt, W. G 25 S 1 Essays in Aid of the Reform of the Chundi | l>v iiiauv Writers]. Gore, Rev. C. (i 23 S 28 Functions of the Laity in the Scottish Church ; by R. T. N. Speir in Essavs in Church Reform (one, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 Government of the Anglican Churches in Canada, New Zealand, and Australasia ; bv Rev. C. Core in Essays in Church Reform. Gore, Rev. C. (I 23 1! 28 MeClure, E. G 17 S 20 t it Britain Hutton, Rev. W. H. G 9 W 38 Historv of the Church of England... Wakeman, H. 0. G 23 P 24 History of the Church of Wales... Clarke, Rev. H. W. G 9 W 32 Historv of the English Chinch. 10 to 00.. Shaw, W. A. G 24 V 28, 29 Howe, John, Life of C 22 P 21 Increase of the Episcopate; bv YV. S. Do Winton in Essavs in Church Reform Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 2S Ken, Bishop, Life of C 20 T 19 Laud, Archbishop, Life of C 20 T 16 Lawlessness in the National Church Hareourt, Sir W. V-. G 5 P 30 Legal and Parliamentary Possibilities; bv Mr. Justice Phillimore in Essavs in Church "Reform Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 Letters of Dr. Pusey to Very Rev. J. H. Newman. Pusey, Rev. E. B. G 3 U 7-9 Letters to the Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church. Kuskin. J. G19U9 Lutheran Origin of the Thirty -i Mai Mor hilto .7 3 8 21 ,, Rev. A. : 24 (,) 17 Old Church in the New Land Smith, Rev. 0. E. Ornaments of the Rubric Mieklethwaite, J. T. G 5 T 20 Parochial ( 'hurch Councils; bv C. Y. Stur"c in Essavs in Church Reform Cure, Rev. (\ (J 23 S 28 I'hc Parochial System ; by Rev. E. (.'. Gibson- in Church Problems. Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Parties in the Church; bv Lord II. Cecil- in Chundi Problems. Henson, H. II. G 25 K 10 ins for the Clergy ; by Dean Lefrov in Essavs in Church Kef, r His, .f the h of England ... Carpenter, Bishop G26S9 merican Church : bv the Bishop of eh Reform. ..Gore, Rev. 0. G 23 S 28 arly Church -in Essavs in Church Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 Church Of England- Principles and Conditio Hon. Lord Balfour i mtd. the Scottish Establishment; by Rt. ~" ih Reform... Gore, Rev.C. G 23 S 28 Reform to Patronage; bv C. V. Sturge in Essavs in Church Reform ". Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 Reformation Settlement examined in the Rigid of History and Law MacColl. Rev. M. G 24 Q 20 Reformation Settlement examined in the Light of Historv and Law. 6th ed MacColl, Rev. M. G 25 S 19 Relation of the [.ait v to Church Government in the Province of South Africa; by 'Rev. J. W. Williams in Essavs in Church Reform ". Gore, Rev. 0. G 23 S 28 Relations with Eastern Chinches; by Rev. A. C. Headlam— in Church Problems '. Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 The Roman Controversy; by \\\ E. Collins in Church Problems. Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Roman See in the Early Church Bright, Rev. W. G 12 V 26 Rome, Reform, and Reaction Forsyth. Rev. P. T. G 24 T 8 Secret History of the Oxford Movement ... Walsh, W. G 23 S 6 Self-government of the Church; bv Rev. A. Lvttelton- in Essavs in Church Reform Gore, Rev. C. G 23 S 28 State of the Church of England ; by the Rev. J. Udall, April, 15SS [Reprint] English Scholar's Library J 3 T 20 Thirty-nine Ariieles of the Chundi of England. Gibson, Rev. E. C. S. G 14 Q 36 True Limits of Ritual in theChureh. . .Linklater, Rev. R. G 24 Q 14 Uniformity: bv W. E. Collins -,'„ Church Problems. Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Vindication of Anglican Orders... Lowndes, Rev. A. G 1 S 24, 25 [See also Apostles' Creed; Apostolic Succession; Athanasian Creed; Church and State; Creeds; Ecclesiastical History- England; Ecclesiastical Law; Episcopacy; Episcopal Church — • United States; Episeopalianism : Festivals, Church; Neo- Catholic Movement; Nonconformists; Puritans; Pusevism ; Ritualism; Sacraments; Thirty-nine Articles; Tractarian Move t.] By Countries. Canada — Church of England in Canada : by bishop Sweat man and others— in Canada Hopkins, J. C. I) 23 Q 6 New South Wales — Church of England Chronicle MG 2 W 4 Church Sentinel, The MG I V 8 Story of the Australian (..'hurch Symonds, E. MG2P01 Sydney Diocesan Directory 283.944 Sydney Guardian MG 1 V 10 Queensland — Story of the Australian (.'hurch Symonds, E. MG 2 P 61 South Australia— Story of the Australian Church . Symonds, E. MG 2 P 61 Tasmania — Symonds, E. MG 2 P 61 United States — .... Coleman, Bishop G 19 U 5 spalChui ( ; 23 T 9 ry of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the I 'nited States. Tiffany, Rev. C. 0. G 12 V 14 hurch in the New Land Smith, Rev.C. E. G 9 W 24 slant Episcopal Chinch, U.S., Congress, 1894... G 15 S 31 - Victoria — Church of Ireland - Constitution of the Chu Essays in Church Rei Irish Church Bill— in Sp [>'(« '.duo Episcopacy. J ■s and Addresses.., Magi Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Chinch of Scotland— Oli 'ivh of Scotland Muir, Rev. P. M. G 1 U 43 Ed ; n burgh Almanac Oliver and Boyd 314.1 .. Krskine, Rev. E. C 20 V 21 li of S ..■rldes.<. 1 1 U 37 Ge>a ral Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, Records, 1(148-49. .Scottish History Society, 25 941 Hi t >ry of the Cimreh of Scotland ... lid hcrincton, Rev. W. M. G 24 V 6, 7 Inlliienco of the Scottish Church in Christendom. Cowan, Rev. H. G 19 U 21 Kiw.x, Jolin, Life of C 20 T 12 L Years of St. Andrews Boyd, Rev. A. K. H. G 14 Q 37 \i kr Hugh, Lifeof C 20 T 13 S, l.-rin..s of the Church of Scotland Wodiw, Rev. R, G 3 U 30-33 [S ■ also ( 'uvenanters ; Free Chureli of Scotland ; Presbyterianism.] Church Polity— Inm.duction to Hooker's Treatise of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Paget, Dean G 1 P 22 [,s- .,/.« Absolution; Apostolic Sueeessioii ; Asceticism; Baptism; Celibacy, Church and State; Lpiseopaev; Liturgies; Lord's Supper"; Penance; Preaching Priesthood'; Religion in Educa- tion; Religious Orders; Reunion of Churches; Ritualism; Sacraments; Stage and Church ; Sunday.] Church Vestments. [See Ecclesiastical Vestments.] Churches. [See Cathedrals and Churches; Ecclesiastical Architecture; also under names of remarkable Churches, and sub-heading Churches under each City.] Churches and Sects — Statistics. [See Christian Churches and Sects --.Statistics ; and under each Denomination Churches, History and Records of -General — ]•'.■ lesiology Gentleman's Magazine Library A 19 U 10 li mire d-' la Saint. -Chapelle du Palais Decloux, M. G 12X22 t [S. ■ al*o names of remarkable Cliurchcs, and sub-heading Churches icier ei y-] CicadidsB— Ci. ida; by T. W. Kirk— in Leaflets for Gardeners... New Zealand— Agriculture MA 3 ROT. Cicadas of New Zealand; by A. T. Potter... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 500 Xotes on Cicadas; l.vW. W.Froggatt... Linncan Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 ,-.80.(i ]'. nodical Cicada; by C. L. Marlatt United States— Pept. of Agr.— Piv. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 [See also Entomology ; Homoptera.] Cider— Bath and West and Southei n Counties Soc Canada, Department of Agriculture, Rep Diirn., 1895-96 OSo.O . 'liaih'and West and Cinematograph- Animated Photography Hepworth, C. M. A 41 Q 19 Cinnamon- Circulatory System — |>V at" A ,,'ria'; "Art. 'ries';' iiiood j Heart; Vascular System; Veins. J Circumnavigation. [See Voyages— General.] Circus — Acrobats and Mountebanks LeRoux, H. A 27 V 26 Cirencester — History — Beecham , K. J. B 25 R 1 3 Cirratulus — Formes epitoqucs des Cirra Los Formes Epi toques et l'E uliens; par MM. Mesnil et Caullety. ss of Zoology, Proc, IS98 A 35 W 14 olutiondesCirratuliens... Caullery.M. A 30 V 25 [S< i': also Annelida. ] — History of. [St of Cities.] of Cities Rica sub-heading His Citizens' Life Company- Page from the Secret History of the Citizf Christian Citizenship Closs, Rev. W. J. L. MG 2 P 60 Churchman as a Citizen; by C non Harnett — in Good Citizenship. Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Citizenship in Poets ; by Re\ . R Bavnc— in Good Citizenship. Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Judge and 'jury .'.'.'/.'.'.'/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .. Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 ... Crafts. Rev. \V. F. G 9 W 19 'the Scholar and the State' ... Potter, Bishop G 23 R 1 nd, France, and England. United States- -Unreal of Education, Rept,, 1897 379.73 [See also State Ethics.] City, The— M li 1 1 i . -i pal Problems Goodnow, F. J. F15R5 Gladden, W. F 13 V 40 [See also Cities.] Civil Engineering — American Society of Civil Eng l', utinvork Mensuration ... Howard, C. R. A 21 U 29 on, Steel, and Timber. Warren, W. 11. A 22 V 30 Engineering Magazine 620.5 Useful [See al nd, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Public Library of New South Wales. Civil Service — General — Colonial Government;; and their Civil Services ... United States- Civil Service Commission, Kept., 1S97 08 3.11.1 [.See also Pensions; and sub-headings Civil Service or Public Ser- vice under each Country in the Author Catalogue.] - Ea Mnut"ih:\ Guides— .. Brit G2 Assistant Cashier ee, and Appointments in ;. and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 26 t n H.M. Naval Yards, 1893, 1895. Gt. Brit, and Irel. ( 'ivil Service G 20 T 26 Assistant Civil Engineer, 2nd I irade, in H.M. Naval Establish- ments at Home and Abroad. 1890-98 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service (i 20 T 2b, and 20 U 26 t Assistant Clerkships in the Royal Navv, 1S93-98... Gt. Brit, and I rel. < 'ivil Sei 'vice ( i 2) T 2b, and 20 U 16, 26 t Assistant Clerkships o; the Abstractor Class, 1897... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 16 t Assistant Examine- in ILM. Oiiice of Works, 1897-98... Gt. Brit. and Irel.— Public Service (i 20 T 51, and 20 U 26 t Assistant Examiner in the Patent Office, 1897 98... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service ( ! 20 T 51 , and 2! I C 26 t Assistant Librarian and Clerk at the M useum ol' 1 Tactical Geologv, 1895 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 39 Assistant Naval Storekeeper, &c, 1897 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 10, 20 t Assistant of Excise, 1894-98 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 19, and 20 U 16, 26 t Assistant Surveyor in the Department of Director of Engineering and Architectural Works, 1890 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 29 T 52 Assistant Surveyor of Buildings in the Public Works Office, Ireland, 1895 "... (it. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 42 Assistant Survevor of Taxes, 1894-98... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 29 T 13, and 20 U 10, 20 1 Assistant Surveyor, Royal Engineer Civil Stall', War Office, 1894, 1890, 1898... Gt. Ilrit. and irel. Civil Service G 20 T 24, 51, and 20 U 26 t Assistant to the Head of the Intelligence Branch, Hoard of Agri- culture, 1895 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 33 Assistants in the British .Museum, and in the Natural History Museum, 1882 95... (it. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20 T 10 the Civil Service, 1894-95 Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 30 (new class) in the Civil Serv.ce, 1890 98 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Ser\ ice G 20 T 50, and 20 U 16, 26 t Building Assistant under the Boar. I of Agriculture, 1898. Gt. Brit, and Ire!.- -Civil Service G 20 U 20 t Cadetships in the Roval Irish Constabularv. 1890... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 18 Civil Service of India, 1894-98. Clerk in H.M. Stationery Offic Clerk in the London Posted Se: Clerk in the Operative Depart] Clerk of the First E Clerk of Works in 1 Boy Clerk ii Boy Copyi? d Irel. - Civil nd 20 U 20 t t. and Irel. nd 20 U 20 f t. and Irel.— e G 20 T 12 l'20 U 20 f cr Majesty's Oiiice of Works, 1895. Gt. Brit, "and Irel. ( 'ivil Service ( i 20 T 2 Clerk on the Supplementary Establishment of thcScoretary'sOffiee, General Post Office, 1897 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 T 4, and 20 U 16 t Clerkship in the House of Commons, 1895... (it. Brit, and Irel.-- Civil Service G 20 T 30 Clerkships, Class 1, 1894-95 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 22 Clerkships in the High Court of Justice, Ireland, 1895. Gt, Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 43 Clerkships of the 2nd Division. 1891-98 (It. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 21, and 20 U 26 t ;, Manned*, Guides — contd. Gt. Brit County Surveyor ships in Ireland, 1 18 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 20 t Dispenser in H.M. Naval Hospitals, 1897 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 16 t Draughtsman in the llvdrographic Department of the Admiralty, 1897 Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Civil Service G 20 T 52 Draughtsman in the i 'client Office, 1S9S (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 20 I Eastern Cadet, 1895... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G20T18 Engineer Students and Apprentices in H.M. Dockyards, 1894-98. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20. T 23, and 20 U 16t, 26t Extra Assistant Examiner of Binding in H.M. Stationery Office, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 U 26 + Female Clerk in the Post Office, 1894-90 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20 T 5 Female Inspector of Factories... (it, Brit, and Irel.- Civil Service G 20 T 40 Female Sorter in the Dept. of the General Post Office, 1894-96. Gt. Brit, and Trek Cavil Service G 20 T 7, and 20 U 20 1 Girl Clerk in the Savings Bank Dept. of the General Post Office, IS97-98 .. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 U 16f, 20 t India Forest Service, and Indian Police Force, 1894-96. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 31 Inspector of Factories under the Home Office, 1895, 1898. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 40, and 20 U 26 t Inspector of Mines under the Home Office, 1894 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 41 Inspector of Schools, National Education Oiiice, Ireland, 1893, 1S97... Gt.Brit.andlrel. CivilService G 20 T 20, and 20 U 20 t Junior Assistant in the Art and Science Branches, South Ken- sington Museum, 1895 Gt. Brit, and Irel. CivilService G 20 T 10 Junior Assistant in the Science Branch of the Smith Kensington Museum, 1898... Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service G 20 U 26 t Junior Clerk in the Bankruptcy Court, Ireland, 1896. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Civil Service G 2o T 19 Junior Clerk in the Ecclesiastical Commission, 1895, 1897-98. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 38, and 20 U 20 f Junior Clerkships in the Office of Woods. 1.895, 1897 ... Gt. Brit. and Irel. CivilService G 20 T 0, and 20 U 16 t Learner in the Department of the General Post Office, 1897-98. (it. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service (i 20 U 20 I Male Sorter in the Post Office, 1894-95 (it. Brit, and Irek- Civil Service G 20 T 9 Orders in Council and Notices in the London Gazette relating to Examinations for the Civil Scr\ie<\ 1894... (it, Brit, and Irel. Civil Service F 7 U 31 Out-door Officer in the Customs Department, 1893-94... Gt. Brit. and Irel. Civil Service (i 20 T 15 Postmaster, Sorting Clerk, and Postman Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 9 Promotion in the Dublin Metropolian Police Force, 1895. (it, Brit, and Irel. Civil Sevice G 20 T 44 Promotion in the Loudon Police Force, 1890 Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service G 20 T 45 Rules and Regulations respecting Examinations for the Home Civil Service, the Armv, the Xavv. the Civil Service of India. (it. 'Brit, and Irel. CivilService F 7 U 32 Science Examination I'ap. •>■■; 1898... Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Education G 18 T 12 o the Lecturer on Electricity at the Artillery .. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Civil Service (1 20 T 51 Second Class Assistant Survevor in H.M. Oiiice of Works, 1890. Gt. Brit,* and Irel.- Civil Service G 20 T 51 Second Class Clerk at the Outports in the Customs Department, 1894, 189-b.. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil Service G 20 T 17, and 20 U 26 t Second Clerk in the Metropolitan Police Courts, London, 1S95. Gt. Brit, and irel. Civil Service G 20 T 14 Specimens of Handwriting of Successful Students. Gt. Brit, and Irel. CivilService G 20 U 16 t Student Interpreter in China, Japan, and Siam, 1894-95. -, 1897... ;. Brit (I Irel.- Civi Student Interpreter in Turkey, Persia, M< 1894 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Civil ocrvu Sub-Inspector (2nd class) in Education Department... and Irel.— Civil Service the I. i 20 T 1 Subject- Index to the Civil Service — Examinations, Manuals, Guides — contd, T< raph Learner in the Department of the General Post Office, 1894-96 (it. Brit, and Irel.— Civil Service G 20 T 11 Third Class Clerk in the Irish Land Commission, 189G. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Serviee ( 1 20 T 47 Woman Clerk in the General Lost Office, 1897-98 Gt. Brit. and Irel.— Civil Serviee G 20 U 16, 26 t [iS'< f. ilso Army, British— Examinations ; Navy, British — Examina- New South Wales — Admission to Clerical and Professional Divisions of the Public .Service, 1898 N. S. Wales Public Service MG 2 Q 57 Admission to Clerical Division, March, 1 899 N. S. Wales- Public Service 11(1 2 U C Cadet Draftsmen, .luce and Sept., 1899 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Clerical Emergency Staff, August, 1899 N. S. Wales— Public Service- MG 2 CO Clerk in the Bonds and Contracts Branch, Public Works Dept,, 1899-1900 N. S. Wales-Public Service MG 2 U 6 Clerk in the Crown Law Cilice, March, 1899 N. S. Wales- Public Service Mli 2 CO Clerks for Promotion, Fe!.., 1899 ... N. S. Wales -Public Service MG2U6 Eoeincering Cadets N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Iv nceriiiL' Draft .men, Jan., 1899 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Ere ■■•o.-si:m -.-id Assi.-tant Search. Clerk, Dept, of Mines, Sept., 1899 N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Examination Papers, with Regulations for Competitive Examina- tions X. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Field Assistant in the Dept. of Lands, May, 1899 ... N. S. W T ales —Public Service MG 2 C (i Forestry Cadet, 1900... N. S. Wales Public Service MG 2 C 6 Guide to the Public Service Examinations Medcalfe. G. MG 2 T 26 Guide to the Public Service Examinations... Angus and Robertson MG 2 U 6 Inspector of Metalliferous Mints, 1899 N. S. Wales- Public Service MG 2 C 6 Junior Clerks, Dec., 1899... X.S.W. -Public Service Mi; 2 CO Junior Clerkships, 1897. ..N. S. Wales Public Service MG 2 C (i I'd e M.: -i-traies. Is93, 1900 N. S. Wales Public Serviee -MG 2(> 58, and 2 UG Postal ami Telegraph Assistants, June, 1S99 N. S. Wales- Public Service MG2U6 Postal Assistants, 1900. ..N. S. Wales— Public Service MG 2 U 6 Professional Emergency Stall' of the Works Department, 1899. N. S. Wales -Public Service MG 2 U 6 Promotion in the Petty Sessions Branch, 1898 99 ... X. S. Wales Shorthand-writers and Typists, 1898-99 N. S. Wales Public Teacher of Carpentry, 1900.. .N.S.W.— Public Serviee Ml ! 2 U 6 Teachers of Small Schools, i!)00 N.S.Wales -Public Service MG 2 U G Telegraph Messengers to test their fitness for Clerical Work, May, IS99 N.S.Wales -Public Service MG2U'o Te iingof OOie-rsoi! Maximum Salaries of Grades, Eel)., 1899. N. S. Wales -Public Service MG 2 C fi Typist, Female, Shorthand-writer and Typist, Female, 1900. N. S. Wales-Public Service MG 2 TJ 6 Typist in the Public Service, 1S99, 1900... N. S. Wales -Public Service MG 2 U United States— Manual of Examinations for the Classified Civil Service of theUnited States ... United States Civil Service Commission G 17 U 22 By Countries. Canada — Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 765 srdofC Civil Service— Cape of Good Hope- Cape of Good Hope Civil Service List 351.2 Civil Service. Report of Commission, 1883— hi Appendix 1, vol. 1 Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P. 328.687 Ceylon — Ceylon Civil Service List 351.2 Connecticut — Connecticut Register and Manual 328. 7648 Great Britain- Account of Retired Allowances or Superannuations. Irel. -Civil Service F 17 T 6 t ion Accounts of the Civil Services and Revenue Depart- Gt, Brit, ami Irel. Civil Service 351.1 •e Year-book and Official Calendar 351.2 :v's Civil Service Commissioners, Report, Gt. Biit. and Irel. Civil Service 351.1 Japan— Japanese Civil Service Regulations ... U. S. — Cons. Repts. , 60 382 Appro;,, lie: Ma New South Wales — Public Service Board Reports ... New South Wales— Parliament, Queensland — Public Service Board, Reports Queensland— Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 South Australia- Blue Book S. Australia Civil Service 351.2 Evidence take;: before Public ServiecCommission... S. Australia- Civil Service MF13P4t Public Service Journal of South Australia 351.1 . United States- Civil Service Commission F 1 S 2 Roosevelt, T. F 15 16 U. S. -Congress 328.7:18 ■oLislof Canada. ..(.'a. — . Western Australia — C \ try"intht Author Catalogue. ]' Civil War in America. [See American Civil War.] 766 Public Library of New South Wales, Civil War of England, 1642— Rupert, Prince Palatine Scott, Eva B 33 S 13 Civilization — Buckle and his Critics Robertson, J. M. F 14 U 28 Church and Civilisation ; by Rev. F. E. Powell — in Good Citizen- ship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Civilization and Progress Crozier, J. B. F 14 U 32 Civilization of an Ancient Race in < ind-Idea of the Ancients. Gamble, Eliza B. (i 3 U 29 Civilisation of Our Day Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Civilization of Sweden in Heathen Times Montelius, 0. F 10 T 2 Essay on Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects. Cunningham, Rev. W. F 17 T 21 GestaChristi Brace, C. L. G 25 R 9 Greek Civilization Mahaffy, J. P. F 13 R 33 Improvident Civilization ; i.v P.. 'J'. Colburn ... American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proe., 1897 506 Law of Civilization and Decay Adams. B. F 15 R 14 Mental Diseases and .Model -^Civilisation -Melb. Rev., 2 052 Modern Civilisation Cunningham, Rev. \V. F8 V 12 Origines de la Civilisation Moderne Kurth.G. F 13 V 24, 25 Our Christian Heritage Gibbons, Card. (4 1 U 44 Prehistoric Scotland Munro, K, B 32 R 1 2 Principles of Sociology Giddings, F. H. F 12 T G Psychology of Peoples Le Bon, G. (i 17 S 16 Regeneration (J 3 U 4 Science of Civilisation Phipson, C. B. F 19 T 9 Seieneeof Statistics Smith, R. M-. F 4 V 7, 8 Social Forces in German Liteiature Fraucke, K. F 17 P 17 Traces of Civilization : an Inquiry into the History of the Pacific ; byE. Tregear New Zealand Institute, Trans. , 29 506 Two Methods of Civilization -in Intellectual Development. Crozier, J. B. G 17 Til [See also Anthropology ; Archaeology ; Culture; Ethnology; Evo- lution — Social Economy ; Man, Natural History of.] Cladocera — Common Water-flea ; by H. 1). Scourfield Illustrated Annual of Microscopy A 40 P 19 [See also Crustacea ; Entomostraca. ] Clairvoyance — Art of Mind Reading i 23 P 19 BrainWavcs; by H. M. Andrews Melb. Re\ Human Magnetism Newnham, W. i i 19 T 10 Ideal Life, and other Unpublished Addresses Drum G 23 i! 9 Miracles and Modern Spiritualism Wallace, A. R. 1 14S34 Mollie Fancfier Fancher, Mary J. ' ■»-' S 20 Natural and Supernatural Jones, J. i 19 T 14 Somnolism and I'syche-ism Haddock,.!. W. Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism Zcrffi, G.G. ; 19 u n Studies in Psychical Research 1'odmore, F. ; 1 23 S 5 Telepathy and the Subliminal .self Ma,on, !-l. < >. < t 11 U 17 Theory of Pneumatology Stilling, .1. 11. ,!. ( » 15 U 14 [See also Electro-Biolocy ; Hypnotism; Second Sight,] Classical Antiquities. [See Archaeology -V>y Countries ; Classical Dictionaries; Egyptology; Greece; Mythol- ogy; Rome.] Classical Dictionaries- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities Cornish, W. F. B 30 V 14 Hater's Dictionary of Clas.-ieal LiLeratui-c and Antiquities. Peek, H. T. K 15 U 23 [See also Archaeology— Dictionaries; Mythology— Dictionaries.] Classical Education — Arnold of Rugby ; by J. J. Findlav Arnold, T. C 23 Q 20 Discourses in America Arnold, M. J 12 T 43 History of Classical l-Mucation Parker, C. S. G 17 T 10 Humanism in Education lebb, R. C. G 5 Q 35 !''■■- '■ ■'■ -'• II -alt ^ of Classical i-alucation ... Houghton, Lor " [See iidgwick, H. ' 10 I 17 T 10 Classical Literature. [See under each Language.] Classification — Books — Abridged Decimal Classificatii u and Relative Index.., Dewey, M. Classifiation Decimale Brussels -Office International do Bibliographic J 14 S 27 Classification in Public Libraries; by H. Wilson Library Association of United Kingdom. Trans., 1879 020.6 Classification used in ihe PaUlili' CoU.-co Library Radcliffe College" Library Libr. Conference Bibliographique Internationale Brussels- Office International do Bibliographic J 14 S 29 Decimal Classification Dewey, M. Libr. Decimal Classification of Dewey ; by ( '. Hardy Austra'.usiai. Library Conference," 1890 MJ 2 P 32 f Decimal, oi R 1 ti S\ cm t h i t n li M»,ii.t ftm- deycr Library Assoc, Australasia, Proa," 1898 M.J 2 V 1 Decimal System of Classification Institut International de Bibliographic: Bulletin 010.6 Dewey Classification; bv C. Hardy Library Association, Australasia, Pro:-., 1898 M.J 2 V 1 International' 'atalooue of.S-, ieiit ill. Literal lire: I ioport, Committee of the Royal Society Royal Society, London J 12 U 28 Library Classification'; bv W. H. 'ifould ..'. Library Association, Australasia, Proa, 1898 M.J 2 V 1 Library Classification and Shelf Arrangement Brown, J. I). J 1 1 T 44 Organisation Internationale do la Bibliog-raphio. . . Brussels- Office Internationale de Bibliographic J 14 S 28 [See also Cataloguing; Indexing; Library Economy.] Clays- Clay Industries and Glass -in Chemistry for Manufacturers, 2. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Clay of Sydney Cove Wedgwood, J. MA 13 Q 10 t Clays and Clay Industries of Pennsylvania; by Prof. Hopkins, Pennsylvania- -Slate College, Kept., 1897 378.748 Clays of Alabama; by H. Ries Alabama — Gcol. Survey, Bulletin 6 557.61 Ashby, H. M. A 45 U4 How to Analyze ('lavs [See also Modelling.] Clergy, The— Baptist— Spurgcon — in Typical Christian Leaders Clifford, Rev. J. C 23 T 13 SiHirgcou's Autobiography; compiled l>v his Wife. Spurgeon, Rev. C. H. C 17 S 21-24 f . Church of England— Butler, William John, late Dean of Lincoln, Life and Letters of C 25 Q 13 "Carroll, Lewis," Life and Letters of... Dodgson, Rev. C. L. C 20 S 18 if St. Paul's, 1021-31 C23S9 C 26 S 4, 5 Do: tof I! ■i-04. ee, H. C 23 ' vL. R. MacEwcn... Erskinc, Rev. E. C 20 V 'id May.ick ; by Rev. B. Compton ... C 26 P ., Australia's First Preacher; by J. Bonwick. 10 Malan, Solomon C:,,sar, D. D Marsden, Rev. S. ; by E. R, Garnscy... Oi Meriva'c. 1 •'. ■-..-. ,. , MiJniau, Hcni-v Hart. Dean of St, Paul's: by his Son Morison, Rev. J., D.D., Life of Phases of my Life Oaiiek, Kev. R. lb, Life and Remains of : Spurgcon's Autobiography... Spurgeon, 1; Stanley, Dean in typical Christian Loin [.See also Bishops.] ' a Month MJ1V22 C2(!S12 Biographical Sketch; Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 767 irgy, The— Church of Ireland— aim ■ Worthies of the Irish Church... Stokes, Rev. O. T. G 25 T 7 fee also Bishops.] - - Church of Scotland— ife of the Author of "Morning and Night Watches.'' Macduff, Rev. ,J. R. C22T17 •'.•oil, Norman; by J. Wellwood C 20 U 23 ... K.od, Norman, Life of ; by Rev. C. Strong. ..Melb. Rev., 7 052 Life of C25R 10 Christian Leaders. Clifford, Rev. J. C 23 T 13 MO 2P62 iphy C22T 18 C2 - - Free Church of Scotland— v.n, David, D.D. ; by W. G. Blaikio... liners, Thomas liners, Thomas; by W. (i. Riaikie.... - Greek Church— , Father, of the Creek Church.. -iergielT, J. I. G 23 P 1 ey anil . letliomsni , y vesicy, liev. .,. C 28 Q 3 - Presbyterian— le, Rev. A.. Autobiography o • Years in the Church of Chris •i^Chinlqui .... C26R21 , Rev. C. 1'. T. , JohnDunmorc; by D. Blair .. Once a Moi tli M.J i V 22 i Massachusetts Lav Catholic— Life of; by C. E. Card, or... ( ore!,, tov. \. S. of Little Bray Memorit Topes.] sof... Healy, Rev. J. C23 S 17 s, D.D. : In Memo-riant; by A. Manchi a Biography; by A. W. Jacks in... C Wesleyan— on, William !•'. . • v List [(Jrcat Brit. : :al Profession : Beetle. [See Wire Wor 1 Click Beetle.] est Colorado. kiiild, (i. A17U13f Short, J. T. A 35 T 7 Climate. [See Climatology.] Climatology — ('hinges in Climate by Dr. S. E. Solly if, Cycles of Drought and Good ,- Mean Temperatures - in Future Tra Medical Climatology Naturalist in Mid-Africa Physical Oeography and Climate of Russell— ra N. S. Wales, the Mot Mai «• Oce I'll \V',i 1 th.'i Internat. Health Kx e Relations of Meteorolog J. W. Tripe ... Internat. Health K Theory and Practice of Hygiene .... Thermo-geographical Studies Types of Australian Weather... Roy [,S'ee also Meteorology; and under heading-Climate.']' Climbing. [See Mountaineering.] Clinical Medicine- - E. A 24 Q 33 , 11 A 41 V7 ('.' " F 8 V 35 . E. A 38 S 1 S. A 28 U 22 les ; by H. C. Ititchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 ■alth; by W. 11 A 41V 7 Kdiuburgh ll.r-pital Reports International Clinics Klinisrhrs.Jahiburli Medical Annual Practical Diagnosis [,SVer«/*> Diagnosis; Pathology. ] Clivinides — [See also Colooptera. ] Clocks - ( tl.l Clocks and Watches and their M [See also Watches.] Clothes and Clothing ySet also Meteorology.] Jakseh, R. .n , .;,V;:77 -. A 38 S 2 in System A 26 T 38 Cabot, R. ( I A 37 1! 3 31 R 15, 10 A 28 U 24 . Hare, H. A. A 26 U 13 i.F.J. A33T3 768 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Clovers — Analyses of Clover . . . Minnesota -Agr. Exp. Stn. Rept. , 1 894 630. 7 Crimson Clover; by A. A. Crozier Michigan —Board of Agr., 1896 630.6 Crimson Clover; by H. J. Rumsey Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Insects of the Clover-field Michigan— State Agr. Bull., lit 6.39.7 egum [See also Forage Plants; Insects, Injurious; Legumiriosre ; Nitrogen in Agriculture.] Club Mosses. [See Lycopodiums.] Clubs and Club Life- Clubs and Club Life in London Timbs, J, F15R28 [See also Boys— Clubs.] in Education ... International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17° Q 4 Coach-building. [See Carriage-building; Rolling Stock.] Coaching — Manual of Coaching Rogers, F. A 45 V 2 Coal- Analyses of New Zealand Coal ; by Dr. Evans New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Apparent Occlusion otSuipliurottedHydrogeninaBituminous Coal; by Dr. Evans New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 Coal and its Mode of Occurrence ; by W. Howchin South Australia School of Mine;!, Rept., 1890 607.942 Coaling, Docking, and 1 '• }i, ; i iii i : ■ Facilities of the Ports of the World; with Analyses of different kin. Is of Coal... United States Dept. of the Navy A 25 U 38 Coke Fulton, J. A 25 V 29 Combustion of Coal Barr, W. M. A 24 S 18 Contact Metamorphism at the New Brocklcv Coal-mine; by Dr. Evans New Zealand Institute Trans., 1898 506 Fires in Coal-ships; by J. C. Firth... N.Z. Inst., Trans., 29 506 Petroleum or Coal Scrutton, T. U. MA 4 S 12 Spontaneous Heating of Coal Cargoes .. Threlfall, R. MA 4 T 3 Tertiary Coals of New Zealand; by Dr. W. L. Lindsay. Royal Society, Edinb. , Trans. , 24 506 [See also Coal-mines; Coal-mining; Coal-tar; Coaling Stations; Coke; Fuel; Gas— Manufact Coal-gas. [See Gas— Manufact! e.] Coal-mines — Ashford Coal-field; by E. F. Pittman ... N. S. Wales -Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Brown Coal-beds of Victoria : by.). Stirling Australasian Instil nte of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893 622.06 Coal Industry of Westphalia in I /iiiinin it ic and Consular Reports, Misc. Ser., 454 (it. Brit, and Lei.— Foreign Office 382 Victoria, Geologic il Survey, Progress Reports MA 5 V 1-5 [See also Coal; Coal-mining; Explosion's; Fires in Mines; (las in Mines; Miners' Safety Lamps.] Coal-mining — Coal, Mine-gases, and Ventilation ... Thomas, J. W. A 24 Q 35 Coal Mines Regulation Bill, Report of the Royal Commission. N.S.Wales Parliament. V. and 1'"., 1895 328.944 Coal-mining in N. S. Wales; by J. II. Ronaldson ... Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept.. IS9S .Vlli Collieries of New South Wales ; by .). Mackenzie in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, E. Ml) 7 U 23 Colliery Managers Hand-book Lamely, C. A 41 S 14 lan, H. F. A 25 U c . n Colliery Disaster, Report. A 40 W 43 J C o al-mining — contd. Practical Coal-mining Kerr, G. L. A 45 S 1 5 Royal Commissi,,,, on Exolosions from Coal-dust inMines, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Explosions from Dust in Mines. A 39 V 41, 43 X [See also Coal ; Coal-mines; Explosions; Fires in Mines; ('as in Mines; Miners' Safety Lamps.] Coal Tar- Distillation Products of the Blackball Coal ; by Dr. W. P. Evans. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897-98 506 Coaling Stations- Coaling, Docking, and Repairing Facilities of the l'orts of the World; with Analyses of dillerent kinds of Coal... UnitcdStatcs ■ Dcpt. of the Navy A 25 U 38 [See also Federation, Imperial.] Coats of Arms. [See Badges; Genealogy; Heraldry; Seals.] Cobalt- Extraction of Nickel and Cobalt ; by G. C. McMurtry South Australia— School of Mines, Rept., 1890 607.942 Cobden Club— The Cobden Club and the Death of Mr. T. B. Potter. . . Potter, T. B C 19 1-23 [See under this title in Author Catalogue for Reports and Publi- Cobra. [See Teredo Navalis.] Coca Plant — . The Coca Plant; by J. F. Bailey... Quccnsl. Agr. Journ., 1 630.3 CoccidiE — Australian Coccida; ; by W. W. Froggatt. .. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, -11 630.S Coccid Notes; by W. M. Mask, 11 ... N.Z. Inst., Trans., 29 506 Coccids in Sydney Gardens; by W. \V. Froggatt ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Food Plaits of Scale Insects; Uy T. D. A. Cockcrell. United Stilt i s National Museum, 1'roc, 19 507 Male of Cuehisiiitvi >t\ Maskell, and on a New Species of Leaf- mining Moth; by J. G. O. Topper Royal Society, South Australia, 'Trans., 1899 506 Notes on some Genera and Species of Coccida,. ; by W. M. Maskell. Annals and Mag. of Natural Hist., 1895 590.5 Notes on Sub. family Fracliyscelime ; by W. W. Froggatt. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc", 1895 580.6 Scale Insects; by H. Tryon ... Queensland Agr. Journ., 1 630.5 Some Gall-making Coccida : by C. Fuller Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Western Australian Coeeidic ; by C. Fuller Entomological Society, London, Trans., 1899 595.7 [See also Entomology, Economic; llemiptera; Scale Insects.] Coccinellidse — Coccinellida; of Japan; by G. Lewis Annals and Magazine of Cochin China, — Fan Rang Bay to Tong Kins; Gulf, 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and lrel. I! vdrographic Office D 49 P 2 Fuyen and Ku Mong Harbours, 1898 [Chart]... Gt, Brit and Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 2 ' Kam Rank Bay. 1899 [Chart]... OL Brit, and Irel. -Hydrographi Office ' D 19 P2 : Cock-fighting — Cock-lighting in Scotland in Legal Lore Andrews, W F 13 R 21 Cockieleerie Law Bird, R. F 13 R 2; Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1000. Coins— G <>. wired — Cockatoo— Ni dfication of the Black Cockatoo; l.v A. Morton ... Royal Soc, Tasmania, I'roc, ISOti r,(.Ki j S-.-e also Birds- Australasia.] Cocoa — ( o-oa: all about it Cadbury, ('. A 26 S 26 Foods and Food Adulterants United Slates Dept. of Agr.— Division of Chemistry A 34 T 41 Cocoanut Palm — Co cos-Keeling Island — Annual Reports— in Colonial Reports Ot. Brit, and IroL— Codes. [See subheading Statutes under eacli Country.] Codicils. [See Wills. J Codification Law — Codling Moth (Carpocajisa pomo.tdhi) : -enical Spra ving for Codling Moth: wi History of the M-,th: WC. <>uiiiM... ■'.:;;: Industry, Soutli Au- Codlin Moth. llopori on Kxnrriments for K SmuhAustralia-l'arliuiuu.t. P Codling Moth in Pamphlets on Injudou- I Codling Moth Act, Tasmania, Reports... 1 [,sVe also Apples and Apple-growing j Ei Insects, Injurious; Spraying.] ..osier. R. A 31 S 30 Hydrozoa; . Clarke, R. F. F J 1 T S ColFer-dams — I ■oiler-rlam Process for Pie: [See also Docks.] Coinage - ( .iiiage Uws of the Unite Director of the Mint, Unit [Se By Countries. . Hazlitt, W. C. A 27 Q 3 lis. Inst. Report, 1868 506 Rilling, A. A 35 T 6 ■ok Coins in the British Mm : Thessalvto.F.tolia... British * Museum A 37 Q 7 i: Crete British Museum a 37 q 9 : Attica, Sec... British Museum A37Q 11 JEolis — Creek Coins of .Uolis in the British Museum. British Museum A 25 U 25 .ffitolia - Greek Coins in the British Museum : Thessaly to . Ktolia... British " Museum A37Q7 - Africa — h Muse A 36 T 25, 20 Asia— oins of the Indian Museum: Catalogue; hv C. J. Rodgers. Indian Museum A 40 R 21-24 Attica - reek Coins in the British Museum : Attica, &c. ... British Museum A 37 Q 1 1 Australia— oins, Coinages, and Currency of Australasia ; l.v C. P. Hvman-fn Pares., X. s. Wales Com: "' ' Bithynia — ; Coins in the British Museum: Pontus, &e. ... BritishMus n the British Museum: Pontus, &c. ... British Museum A 37 Q 12 Canada- Coins of the Indian Museum: Catalogue; hv C. .1. Rodgers. Indian Museum A 40 R 21-24 Caria— Creek Coins in the British Museum : Caria, &e.... British Museum — Corcyra 770 Public Library of New South Walen. Coins— England— [See also G c British Museum: Anglo-Saxon Sent British Museum A 40 in, under this heading.] Greek Coins in the British Museum : Thessaly to iEtolia... British Museum A 37 Q 7 Europe — Coins of the Indian Museum : Catalogue ; by C. J. Rodgers. Indian Museum A 40 R 21-24 — Great Britain- Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum; by H. A. Grueber British Museum A 42 W 19 Dimensions of British Coinage— In Mathematical and Phvsieal Tables Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 38 Medals, Coins, (ireat Seals, Impressions . . Vertue,G. B 15 U 17 J Story of the British Coinage Rawlings, G. B. F 12 S 23 [See also sub-headings Kngland, Ireland, Scotland.] Greece — Greek Coins in the British Museum... British Museum A 37 Q 1-19 Hand-book of Greek and Roman Coins Hill, G. F. A 45 S 1 Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins Anaeharsis D 20 R 13 Illyria— Creek Coins in the British Museum : Thessalv to .Ftolia. Museum British India- Coins collected by C. J. Rodgers, and purchased by the Government; ofthePanjab Rodgers, C. J. A 41 S 1 Coins of the Indian Museum: Catalogue; by C. J. Rodgers. Indian Museum A 40 R 21-24 Ionia- Greek Coins in the British Museum: Ionia British Museum sh Museum: Italy n the British Museum . Greek Coins in the British Museum: Mysia Briti •itish Museum: Macedonia, &c. . l: Lycia.&c... British Museum A 37 Q 18 : Pontus, &c.... British Museum A 37 Q 12 l: Caria.&c... British Museum A 37 Q 19 . Hill, G. F. A 45 S 1 Sarmatia — Greek Coins in the British Museum: Tauric Chersonese, &c. British .Museum A 37 Q 3 Scotland — Coinage of Scotland Burns, K. A 17 T 11-13 t [See also Great Britain under this heading.] Syria — Additions to Oriental Collect ion... British Museum A 36 T25, 20 Greek Coins in the British Museum: The Seleucid Kings of Syria British Museum A 37 Q 4 Tauric Chersonese- Greek Coins in the British Museum: Tauric Chersonese, &c. British Museum A 37 Q 3 Thessaly— Greek Coins in the British Museum : Thessaly to /Etolia... British Mus - Thrace i the British Mus . British Mus A37Q7 A 36 T 25, 20 United States- Coins of the Indian Museum: Catalogue; by C. J. Rodgers. Indian Museum A 40 R 21-24 Coke — Chemistry of Coke „.., Simmersbaeh, 0. A 24 P 28 Coke : Fulton, J. A 25 V 29 Coke Ovens in Belgium and Australia .. United States— Consular Repts.,02 382 Manufacture of Coke; by J. I). Weeks— in Census 1880. United States— Census Office 317.3 Cold Storage- Agriculture and Dairying, Canada, Report of Commissioner. Canada— Parliament, Sess. Papers 328.71 Cold Storage at the London and India Docks; bv II. V. Donaldson. Institution, Civil Knginecrs, I'ro'c, 1890-97 020.0 Cold Storage in the United States; l.y.l. 11. Bulkeley. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales', 1898 03(1.5 Fish Preservation and Itcfrigeration International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883, Lit., 7 A 34 R 7 Insulation of Cold Stores; bv Prof. F. 1). Brown ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S97 500 Refrigerating Store-;, Iteport of Royal Commission— in Papers, vol. 4, 1899-1900 Victoria -Parliament 328.945 Relative Commercial Value's of l'uniice and Charcoal for Purposes of Insulation; by W. T. Firth .. N.Z. Inst,, Trans., 1897 500 [See also Compressed Air; Fruit Trade ; Meat Trade; Refrigerat- ing Machinery.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1900. Coldstream Guards — 771 . Ross, Lieut. -Col. J. By Countries. Africa Clcoptera Jordan, K. 1) 20 U 21 [,-V; also South Africa under this heading.] ■ America, North. [See United States.] Australia — Au-tralasian Species of Coleopterous Family Lvcidie; by C. 0. Watcrhouse... Entomological Soe. , Loud", Trans., 1877 595.7 Australian Colcoptcra; by Rev. T. JJIaekburn Roval Society, South Australia, Trans., 1900 5l!(; Australian Coleoptei a; by C. (). Watcrhouse Entomological Society, Loud., Trans., 1874 595.7 Coleoptera of Centra! Australia. ..Blackburn, Key. T. MA 3 R 61 New Genera and Soe. ies of Pselaphida, and Scydmcenidte ; by D. leoptera; by A. M. Lea ...Linnean Society, N.S.W., 1895-96 580.6 N,\y Species of Coleopterous Insects belonging to the Eupodous phytophaga, Natives of the Old World and Australia; by J. 0. . Canary Islands — Coleopterous Inserts of the Canaries in the Collection of the British .Museum; by T. V. Wollaston... British Museum, Nat. History A42U7 China — Natural History of Insects of China. . . Donovan, E. A 20 R 10 + ). \Y. A 34 V 20 igicorn Cole,, pi. ■, a from the lla> Lot logical S, w Colcoptcra from the Hawaiiai . New South "Wales — Lite-histories of Australian Colcoptcra; by W. W. Frogga Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 5S< Notes on Nomenclature of New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Science, 1884 505 Results of an Examination of some of White's Types of New Zealand Colcoptcra N. Z. Journal of Science, 1884 505 Sandwich Islands- New Genus and Species of Colcoptcra belonging to the Family LueanuUe; by C. 0. Watcrhouse... Entomological Soe. , Lond., Trans., 1871 595.7 South Africa Colcoptcra of South Africa... South African Philosophical Society, South Australia — Coleoptera of Lake Callabona; by J 0. Tepper . . . Royal Soe. , South Australia, Trans. , 20 506 of Australian Colcoptcra: by Key. T. Blackburn. Royal Soe, South Australia. Trans., 20 506 i Coleopt -Natioi IMus ; by M. L. Linell. l, Proc 19 507 Report, 1 Meridi; Coleoptei nited States ( , of North Amc Victoria Genera and Specii . Leconte, J. L. A 30 R 7 eg, Proc, 1893-94 506 raphical Survey west of the 100th States -Engineer Dept. A 10 U 6 t ; by (J. H. Home Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 26 508 of Australian Colcoptcra; by Rev. T. Loyal So,-., Viet., Proc, 189!)' 1900 5116 m; by D. Best Viet. Nat., 1898 505 - Western Australia — Phytophaga from Western Australia Collecting — Natural History- Collecting Birds: by R, Ridgway Collecting Mollusks and other Usef by W. H. Dall... United States Collecting, Preparing, and Preservi C. Bendire United States Collecting Reptiles and Batrachian! Directions for Collecting and IV. ., , Riley United States Collections of Pictures and Objects of Art Arts— Galleries.] s, W. H. A 26 T 31 ed States National mchologist; A 37 S 51 d Nests; by A 30 Q 30 [See Fine Collectivism. [St College Settlements. [St ; Individualism; Socialism.] aiversity and College Settle. Public Library of Neio South Wales. cultural Colleges ; Calendars tTnivi rsities and CoUeges; Classical ,■:■,■:..: IMueatioii; Dental Colle-e.s; ersities; Medical Education; Mili- tion; Scientific Education : Univer- each College.] llembola; by Sir J. Lubbock Liimean So< Loud., Journal, Zoology, Nov., ISill' mology.] Collieries. [See Coal-mines; Coal-mining.] Collotype — Collotype and Photo lii hosrraphv Sclmauss. J. A 23 T 27 Etching, Engraving, and other Methods of Piloting Pictures. Singer, W. H. A 40 R 2 rhofo-enuniving. l'liotoditho, Collotype, and Photogravure. Wilkinson, W. f. A 23 S 29 [See also Photography.] I Dwri/tHve — • Davis, R, II. D 13 PIS iphy Reclns, E. D 21 U 18 ce and Trade— ia — In Diploraatio and Consular Reports, Annual Descriptive Catalogue, Economic Minerals Colonies, The, and Great Britain - Australasian Colonics and British Capital.. Australian Covcrnors and their Ideals; by Westmins British Colonial Policy; by Sir]). Wo.lderbu British Umpire and Alliances --.I,. ' . Effects of the late Colonial Policy England's Free Trade fmgland's Treatment of herColoni. (Irowth of the Empire (Iiowth of lb. Empire. 2nd ed. Historical Geography of the Briti o, J. MF4Q5 .nada ... Colonia , 188G K8R2, E 13 R 35 lill, J. E 9 P 28 g.,1840 E19P2 . W. Mil 3 P 1 Imperial Ins ,e Jour Colonies, British— [See al.,0 Colonics and Creat Britain : Colonization; Colonizing Companies; Immigration ; and under each Colony.] Colonies, French. [See France— Colonies; and under each Colony.] Colonies, German. [See Germany— Colonies; and under each Colony.] Colonization — General — American History told by Contemporaries.. .Hart, A. B. B 19 V 3 Colonization ". .' Beecham, J. MF 4 Q 5(i Ber J-. E 1 ! V42 s ■5 ot S, ■at" ' V 1 . Bradf F 10 P Colo- 1 1) 37 . Po L. F 1 ; t •»;; ^idn y, s. M.I 1 } 13 J 11. •ill-. I'.li'O i de G 9 W6 By Countries. • Africa — ization of Africa by Alien Races.... Australia — isation dc l'Australie New Zealand - wIk"S n Edward Gibbon. Beecham, J. ME 4 Q 56 Garnett, R. MB 3 Q 5 Queens-land — Gladstone Colony . . Hogan, J. E. MB 3 S 1 South Australia South Australia— Northern r \Va\ i clicbl,'ilbv!u'(i'( , ;li')bon.' territory, Rcpt., 1895 MI) 9 Q 39 f Sutherland, C. M 1 ' 5 I'll Garnett, R. MB 3 Q 5 Tropics, The— Control of the Tropics Kidd, B. F 15R24 Virginia— Economic History of Virgin! tin the 17th Century... Bruce, P. A. Smith, Captain John, Life ai d Writings of, 1579 1031; by C.' D. Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 773 Colorado River— C cms of the Colora.lo Powell, J. W. A 13 T 19 t ' IWcll, J. \V. °1) 18 R22 t Colorado State Agricultural College. [For Publica- ! ions see Author Catalogue."] Colossians-- -Epistle — Oil ■Asian Studies Moule, Rev. H. C. G23R11 ( inciilaryoii the Epistle to tin; Colossians... Al.bott, Rev. T. K. G 23 R 38 Colour. [See Colours and Colouring.] Colour-blindness. [See Colour-vision and Colour-blind- Colour of Flowers and Plants- Colour Photog: Colour-printin Tell. kin-'. l-'eeiillL', Doing Scl [S.raUoEyv, The; Mental Physiology Colouration, Animal — Co! mr in Nature Newbi (■■■! miatioi, of Insects; l.v Dr. T. I'. L; Queensland, P Iv.olution of Colour in I.e;.idoptera; l.v K. C. 1 .Marion i. A '.'3 S4 V,\ lolog Colours and Colon Coloured Labour Question H i ) , i i'i l . Painter, Gild •, and V*a ni hoi Hurst, G. H. ro... Abney, W. de W. ; Brown, \V. X. A 45 U 13 A 27 P 13 A 45 R 18 nnt, VV. T. A 23 It .11 [S« •./.-.- 4nun I) . I>,ra. ,d Dyeing; Paints an Pigments; Columbae Hon of British Museum ...Brit. Mus., Nat. His ; by T. Sal- . A 39 U 3 Columbia University G 15 S 16 1 Columbium. [See Niobium.] Combustion Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 8 23 Steam-boiler Practice Snow, W. B. A 38 V 27 [See also Fh-o; Fuel; Heat. j Comedies. [See Dramatic Literature] Comedy - Idea of Comedy and the Use of the Comic Spirit in Works. Meredith, C J 23 V, -2 [See also Drama, The.] Comic Literature. [See Hui Commentaries General Lift Commentaries of the Bible. Commerce and Trade Coloured Schools and Negro Education, United State; [See American Negroes.] 771 JPublio Library of New South Wales, Commerce and Trade— Gene nil — contJ. Colonial Conference at Ottawa, "Report, 18!)4...(!t. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Conference F 39 V 22 + Commerce and Banking; bv V. M 'Pherson... Melb. Rev., 6 052 Commerce i ml Empire in Speeches... Rosebery, Karl F 12 T IS ( i! ] I 1 ti ill the World in Our Trade in the World Gastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 Economics of Socialism Hyndman, H. M. F 8 V 24 Fit-ids, Factories, a iidWorkMiop. . Kropo! kin. Ft incoP. F 10 V 3 History of M onev and, 1 'rices'.'.'. '.. '... Schoc'nhof. '.I. "V 8 V 19 Mercantile and .Maritime Guide Wilhnore, (I. F Hi T 27 Mercantile Directory of the World 910.3 Mercantile System Sehmoller, G. F S V 22 Modern Business Methods Hooper, F. F 1 6 U 1 Production and Price of Cotton for 100 Years I'n F ! ial Lax ; i'.i: Insurance ; International Lav ship; Postal Service ; Prolii -sharing ; Railways -Administration Routes for Trade; Statistics; Stock Exchange; Stocks am Shares; Tari (Is ; Trade. Boards of: Trade Protection; Trans portation; Trusts; Weights and Measurers; and the sub-headin Commerce, and Trade under each Country.] Education. [See Commercial Education.] Laws and Legislation. [See Commercial Law.] Manuals — Directory and Hand-book of the Meat and Provision Trader- A 33 P 2 How to Manage a Boot and Shoe Department Green, J F 13 V 4 How to Manage a Butchering Business... Xeate, II. 1). F 13 V 1 How to Start Cooperative Stores Cray, J. C. F 13 V 1 Commercial Correspondence. [SeeCoi Commercial Education — crciai Education.] t. and Ii-el. — Foreign (.Mice Commercial Education — contd. Higher Commercial Education in Antwerp, Leipzig, Paris and Havre in Special li< ports on Educational Subjects. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Education O 17 V 10 Hint on the Conduct of Business, Public and Private. Boyle, Sir C. G ID IT 49 International Congress of Education. Proceedings, 1893. Chicago Exhibition, 1893 C 17 T 1 Some Professions open to Women in Progress in Women's Edu- cation in the British F.mpire... Yi.-torian 1'i.i F.xhibition, 1897 (i 23 R 10 State Encouragement to Commercial Edm-ntion in Switzerland. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Foreign Office, Misi . Ser., 400 382 Commercial Law — Mercantile and Maritime Guide Willmore, (i. F 13 T 27 Mercantile Raw Reform : by T. Fink Mclb. Kev.,0 052 Principles of Commercial Uw Hurst, J. F 10 U 5 Commercial Periodicals. [See Commerce and Trade- Periodicals.] Commercial Products. [See Manufactures and Industries ; Technological Chemistry.] Commissariat — Regulations, X. S. Wales, 1825 X. S. Wales— Commissariat MP 1 S IS Common Law — Common Law Procedure Act, X.S.W., 1899 ... Cockshott, H. M. MF5R 13 Evidence at the ( iommon Law Thayer, J. B. F 1 3 R 28 Commune, 1871. [See Paris Commune.] Communion, The. [See Lord's Supper; Sacraments.] Communism- Address to the Human Race Owen, R. F 4 R 32 Are we Victorians drifting towards Communism; by J. Campbell. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Christianity and! 'onnnunism in Christianity and Social Problems. Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation. 1 U Genesis of the Social Conscience Xash, I History of the Amana Society Perkins, W. R. O 19 T 28 Letters to the Human Race Owen, R. F 12 S 15 Xew Existence of Man upon Earth Owen, R. F 4 R 25 30 Norske Commuuers Rctsforfat uing for lS.",7af T. II. Aschehoug. Norway — Let Kul. Xorske Frederiks I'niversitcl F 19 S 20 I Revolution' in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race. Owen, B. F 12 S 10 Self-supporting Home Colonies Owen, R. F7T2 Supplement to the" Re-, olut ion in Mind and Practice of the Human Race" Owen, R. F 4 R 31 Companies Law — Promoters of Companies; bv E. P.. Hamilton... Melb.Rev.,8 052 \S,e ol*o Bankruptcy; Commercial Raw; Corporations and Com- panies; Stocks and Shares; and under titles of Companies.] Comparative Anatomy. [See Anatomy, Comparative; Animal Mechanism.] Comparative Physiology. [See Physiology, Comparative.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Compass, The . Moffat, R. S. F 12T33 Williams, E. E. A :!7 I; 5 ... Cournot, A. F4U 19 ■,22-24; byM. I)u [S t aho Magnetism, Terrcst Competition — F, r.-ignci in the' Farnn u 1 T; .■;vy of Wealth Competitive Examinations. [,S'«?« Civil Service -Exami- j tations ; Examinations— General.] Compressed Air — Compressed Air-engines-,« Heat and Heat-engine*. Hutton, F. H. A 3S S 23 Compressed Air Illness Knell, I".. II. A 22 It 29 [S ■ ;/y„ Caisson Disease; Cold Storage ; Fruit Trade ; Tcoand Ire- making; Meat Trade; Pneuinaties ; Refrigerating Machinery.] Comtean Philosophy — Outline of Philosophy Watson, J. (! 17 S 10 [,S'.« ■ Conchifera. [Se fAc phala. Concliology -',',- veral s an, other I -seful Hints for the Con, ,ol_Ogi S < By Countries. - America, North - and Fresh-water Shells of North Ameriea; l.v (J. W. Trvo,,. Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, Hi "o!)8 - Australia- - 1 Pv . R. Conchology—Great Britain — Mineral Concliology of (Jicat Britain... Kowcrby, J. A 39 R 3-9 India — Conchologia Indica Hanley, S. A IS R 5 f Kermadec Islands - Correct Habitat of l'nh-ll,t Kc,;„u• ifi New Zealand Marine Shells found at Whangarei Heads; by C. Cooper. Queensland - New Species of Land-shell ; bv C. K. B-ddom- ... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proe., 1S97 580.6 Santa Cruz Des< ription of a new Bivalve, Lima ahia ; by C. Hedley. Australian .Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 597 - Solomon Islands South Australia Tasmania — Conehological Notes on the Tasmania!) Mollus Renvoi) Royal Soc, Tasmania. Pro Fll'cct.s"of the Atmosph'ere on the Shells ,,f Mollr Renyon Royal Soc., Tasmania, Pro New Marine Shells: bv Lieut. Beddoine ... Victoria Western Australia - British Columbia — N, w Shells from British Columbia a, W. H. Dall ... Natural History f- Conciliation. [Sre Arbitration.] Concord, New Hampshire— General mid Descriptive - Sketches of Concord and Appledore ... Steams, F. P. 1) 16 Q 3 c Towns of Xc« F.ogla, ill, L. P. B 25 R 14 Public Library of New South Wales. Concordances of the Bible. [See Bible— Concordances; and under each Epistle, Gospel, etc.] Concrete. [See Cements.] Condition of the People. [See Social Economy; Social Problems; "Working-classes; and sub-heading Social Lije under each Country.] Confectionery — The Home Mechanic Schofield, J. A 39 P 3 • Lessons in Artistic Confectionery Baxter. V.. MA 4 U 10 [See also Bread; Cookery.] Confederate States- Lee, Robert K., and the Southern Confederacy C 23 P 24 Reconstruction dining the Civil War in the United States. Scott, E. O. F2V23 South after the War in Reflections and Comments, 1865 Do. i Civil War; Fci [See also United States lirstorv; United States— tory.] Confession- History of Auricular' Confession.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'." Lea,' V Practice of Confession — )';/ Charge at First Vis Temple, Arc Confession of Faith. [.See Creeds.] Confucianism — Congo Free State— General and Des, utters, A. J. D 19 P 15 tan, C. S. L. D14T2S Burrows, (J. I) 13 1151 -. W. H. I) 22 P 21, 22 md Trade- - (it. Brit, and Ire ree State -,';; Dinhmia! (it. Brit, and In i and Constitution, Congregationalism — Congressional Library, Washington. [See Library of Congress.] Congress, United States. [>S'ee under United States — Congress, in Author Catalogue, for Official Publica- tions; and under the same heading in the Index for descriptive works.] Congresses. [See Treaties ; and under the names of special Congresses both in Author Catalogue and Index.] Conic Sections — Analytical Geometry Lambert, V. A. A 23 P 36 Elements of Ceometry Loomis, U A 25 1! 20 Pure Mathematics Carr, C. S. A 31 S t The White Pine ; by 1 [See also Pines ; and it Conjuring — Webster, A. P. A20U 12 i, lean Taxaceas and Conifer*; Mc'Ji'l University A 40 S 7 ...." United States— ])ej)t, of Div. of forestry A 22 P 1 t [See also Magic; Witchcraft.] Connecticut Finance and ' History of Taxation in Comieeti Bertram, C. A 23 T 30 . .. Hopkins, A. A. A40S 11 . Maskelync, J. X. U 15 U 13 Gov, His; ,nd Manual of the State of . r, Collections Connecticut, Public- Record Statistics — Connecticut, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Report .... [See. a/xo under this heading, in Author Catalogue Publications.] Statutes'. [See Connecticut -Statutes, Consanguinity— ' ~L. IL Morgan'.'.'. Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. Ill Conservation of Water. [See Water Supply.] Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles — Or ; .es du Conservatoire Royal de Musiqne de Bnixelles. Mailly, E. A 44 Q 12 Conspiracies Law L,- ,f Criminal Conspiracies and Agreements Wright, R. S. F 3 R 5 Constantinople -Grwrnl and Descriptive- - UlUfl from Constantinople Midler, Mrs. (!. M. D 18 Q 27 Co I).- . Constipation — t. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 Millingen. A. van B 41 S 1 Grosvenor, E. A. 1! 21 V 24, 25 . Diez, H. F. von 15 Hi R 20, 27 Constitutional History — Gem Constitutional Law Constitutions of Countries- Consular Reports Great Britain — F 13 R 6, 7 F 10 P 28, 29 . N. F 8 V 28 G. B. F13T16 :... Lowell, A. L. F 13 R 6, 7 .. Johns Hopkins rs, H. F 8 V 18 N. B 40 W 4-8 tutional History ; Foreign Office 382 - United States - id States Consular Repoi Consuls and Consular Service — Alibi of Med also Bacteriology uderKoch, Dr. R., Mltho A 41 R 10 ; by Dr. E. Robertson. ii.l Institute, Trans., 1897 500 Ransome, A. A 33 S 14 Tuberculin ; Tuberculosis; and Catalogue.] Contagious and Infectious Diseases — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Co-existence of Infectious Diseases; bv Dr. F. F. Caiger-m System of Medicine .'.. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Contagious Diseases (Animal) Acts, Annual Reports. (it. Brit, and Irel. Boaid of Agriculture 014.9 Contagious Diseases of 1 >. -iii.-m i. it.-.l Animals... United States — Dept. of Agr. A 30 R 35 Disinfection of Places wlicic Animals have been kept sufl'ering ft urn Infectious Diseases Agr (ia/.ette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 General Pathology of Infection; by Dr. A. A. Kanthaek— in Sys- tem of Medicine ! Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 34 How Infectious Diseases arc Spread; by Dr. W. H. Corfield. International IK-altli Exhibition. 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Infectious Disease and its Prevention; bv Dr. F. S. Murphy. Internationa! Health Exhibition. 1884, Lit., 7 A 41 V3 Infectious Diseases antl how to Prevent them Wilson, A. A 20 P 41 Infective Diseases of Animals Friedberger, F. A 40 P 14 International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Seventh, Trans., 1 014.00 Is it Desirable that Not ili.-at ion of Infectious Diseases should be Obligatory; bv G. W. Hastings International Health Exhibition. 1884, Lit.. 2 A II C IS Manual of Infectious Diseases Goodall. E. \V. A 41 R 5 Milk as a Vehicle of Infectious Diseases: by Dr. W. N. Thursfield. International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Notification of Infectious Diseases: its Importance and its Diffi- culties; by Dr. A. Hill International Health Exhibition, 1884, Lit., 8 of Natl y Di- Text-book of Harterioloey Crr [See also Anthrax; Bacteriology ; 1 Asiatic: Diphtheria; Disinfection Fevers: Hydrophobia; Influenza; L tion; Public Health: Puerperal Fcvi Scarlet Fever; Small-pox: Social Pur Fever; Vaccination; Yellow Fevi Contortionists. [See Acrobats.] Contracts — Law— 44Q5 (it. Brit, and Irel. Local ment Board A 39 V 20 J on of Infectious Disease; Health Exhibition, 1884 Lit., 8 A 41 V4 -\M. A31Q7 Epidemics'; - Flag Cardinal Rules of Legal li Law and Polities in the M terpretation ddle Ages Beal, 1 Icnks, E. . F9 V9 F 13 T 30 Controversy — in of Beliefs ..Sidgwiek.A. G 19 U 3S Convents and Convent Life — Ulcn, Rev. 1). MG 2S25 a (J IT 22 ; Religious Conveyancing Studies by the Way Touchstone of Common As [See also Deeds; Land Tei to Conveyai urc'; Real'l Hogg, J. e'. ... Fry, Sir K. Sheppard, W roperty. ] uth Wales. M F 5 S 21 J 24 Q 17 Fl U21 Public Library of New South Wales. Convict Labour. [See Prison Labour.] Convicts — Instructions to Surgeons on board Convict Ships. fit. Brit, and Irel. Admiralty MA 2 R 53 New Siberia j )<■ Windt. II. II17T2.) Prisoners their own Warders... McXair, Major J. F. A. F (5 U 8 [See also Criminals; Prison Labour; Transportation, Criminal; and under Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Convicts, in Author Catalogue.] Convicts and Convict System— New South Wales - Description of Svdnev ; with Account of the .Manners and Em- ployment of the Convicts, ISIS Slater, J. Libr. [See also New S. Wales -Transportation, in Author Catalogue.] Cook Islands— General and Descriptive — Brown Men and Women Beeves, E. MD 3 U 14 Heroes of the South Sees Hanks. Martha II. Mporative Union, Manchester, Pamphlets on Cooperation. F 13 V 41, and 10 T 21 A cooperative Village Marcroft, W. F 12 S 20 Cooperative Wholesale Societies and their relations to the Retail Cooperative Societies J., B. F 16 T 24 C i ■■■it Trailing in relation to Cooperative Societies... Swallow, W. F13 V23 Shares Cray, J. C. F 16 S 14 ivo I 'a i . Hai 3 V41 low it is made their Managemen F 13 V 23 t Rook.ll. F. F 13 V 23 ate its Members in the Principles of ribntive y Book-keeping for Small moniic Aspect of Co'iperat . Tutt, R. H. F 13 V 4 . Xcale, . Ha.llcv .. Xeale, F 13 V 11 F 13 V41 Ui ifv F 13 V 41 w ok F 13 V 23 w Mrs. I. C. w F 13 V 23 Cooperation and Cooperative Movements— General — contd. Principles of Rating applied to Cooperative Stores... Neale, E. V. F 13 V 41 Productive Coiiperation Allan, J. F13V41 Profit-sharing and Cooperative Production in Economic Science and Practice Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare ... Brabrook, E. W. F 15 R 26 Reasons whv I I 'refer ( 'odperation... Victorian Cooperative Society MF 3 Q 47 Relation of Capital and Labour Cowderov, B. MF 4 Q 58 Relation of Cooperative to Competitive Trading Nash, V. F 13 V 23 Relation of Cooperative to Competitive Trading Thomson, 1). F13 V41 Relation of the Church to Cooperation ... Grey, Earl F 15 U 21 Relationship between Cooperation and Trade Unionism— in Prob- lems of Modern Industry Webb, S. F9R42 Riding the .Marches round Labour's Estate M'Vittie, .J. F 12 S 20 Rights and Privileges of Citizens Snell, W. E. F 16 S 14 Science of Political Economy George, H. F 3 R 26 Self-supporting Home Colonies Owen, R. F7T2 Sermon How, Bishop F 13 V 23 Sermon Ramsev, Rev. A. A. F 13 V 23 Sermon Taylor, Rev. T. 0. F 13 V 23 Should Cooperative Employes understand the Principles of the Mo\ Testimony of Abram ( Views of Man and So. The Three C's Three Phases of Cooperat Wi ight. Working Met Workmen's C [See also Ag, bb, Cat F 13 V 4i e 19th 'ent til- th, R. C 23 R 24 .'. Wi . .1. "('. . F16S14 F 13 V 41 of Robert Owen's New .. Con be, A. C IS P25 Xeal. , E. V. F 12 S 2(1 Warn •r.A.C F4 V12 .loin, ton, J. F 16 S 14 (lui'ik ,'(!. E. F 16 S 14 ;!vo!" ,n',T, J. F 16 S 33 vin the m... Ca rter, W. T. F 16 S 14 Neale E. V. F 13 V 41 .... Si lith. J. v, Earl E 12 S 20 E Hi s .-;;; Sharp F 13 V23 Neale E. V. F 13 V41 .', "Wi es, B. F 13 V 23 F 13 V23 Max-w ii, w! F 13 V 41 Xeal, !•:. v. . ii. i). F 12 S 20 F 16 S 35 F 12 S 26 ll'arw' od, H. F 16 S 14 ties; Capital and .ral!°' es ; E Lai, on, filiations ; Question ; avings Ranks . Kul.', C.C..L Socialism ; F 13 V 23 F 16 S 14 E 1(1 S 14 Necessity for Ed ,- W. H. Brown... Cooperative Cong., Kept., 1803 334 , T. Cheetham ... Cooperative Coi^.. Kept., 1892 334 v.l.Clay Cooperative Congress. Kept., 1893 334 y W. Crooks... Cooperative Congress, Kept., 1894 334 780 Public Library of New l Wales. Cooperative Movements — Addresses A (1,1 less 1 Address 1 l-l.m.-s >, Q.C Cooperative Cong., Rept., 1892 334 Cooperative Cong., Kept., 1893 331 Cooperative Cong., Kept., 1891 334 Hughes, T. F 13 V." ,„;,,., ,,i:, T 334 vj. McKendriek .. Cooperative Cong., Kept., 1894 334 Address by J. T. W. Mitchell Coop. Cong., Kept., 1892 334 Address by T. Tweddell Cooperative Cong.. Kept., 1894 334 Inaugural Address ; b\ Lord Roscberv Cooperative "Congress, Rept., 1890 334 Periodicals — Avenue, The_. „ F 19 U 7 Feono c Revi 33ii..-) A. B. Productive Society, Rules F 13 V 23 Australian Cooperative Soc, Prospectus and Rules... MF 3 Q 47 Central Board: its Uses, Work, and Cost F 13 V 25 Civil Service Cooperative Soeietv: its Origin and 20 Years' History Pascoe, C. E. F 10 S 33 Cooperative Flax Societies, Special Rules Irish Agricultural Organization Society F 16 R 34 Cooperative Home Industries Societies, Special Utiles Irish Agricultural Organization Society F Hi R 34 Cooperative Insurance Society, Limited... Odgers, ,1. F 13 V 41 Cooperative Poultry Society, Rules Irish Agricultural Organization Society F 1(5 R 34 Cooperative Society, Limited, Rules F 13 V 41 Cooperative Union Allan, J. F 13 V 41 Cooperative Union, Rules and Rubs F 13 V 41, and 10 T 21 Cooperative Wholesale Society, Annual and Diary F 3 R 24 Cooperative Wholesale Society, Rise and Rrogrcss'of... F 16 T 24 Cooperative Wholesale Society : what it is F 13 V 23 Country Press Cooperative Co!, Articles of Association F 16 S 14 Farmers' and Fruitgrowers' ( '.Operative Soc, Rules MF 13 P 3 t Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Soeietv, Formation of. Greenwood, J. F 13 V 23 Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Cooperative Soc., Report. F 16 S 33 "Hebden Bridge. Industrial Co mm on wealth at.,. Drew, II. F 16S33 Irish Agricultural Organization So: ictv, Rules and Publications. F 10 R 34 Kettering Cooperative Corset Manufacturers, Ltd., Rides. F 16 S 33 Leeds Industrial Cooperative Soeietv, Jubilee History of. Holvoake, G. J. F 15 P 42 Live Stock Insurance Soeietv, Rules *. Irish Agricultural Organization Soeietv F 16 R 34 MF 3 ( Ne\ 1 Far hdale Equitable Pioneer's S, Educational Department Svdnev and Suburban Co.'iperati Union* Bootmakers' Cooperative Victorian Cooperative Society, 1 Western Suburbs Cooperative S Wo. e Lis 334 Coopering— Cask.-making- in Workers on their Industrii Copper and Copper-ores — Copper-mining Industry, and the Distribution of Copper Ores in N. S. Wales; by .]. F. Came... X. S. Wales-Geological Survey MA 3 V 4*8 Effect of Temperature on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Copper; by Prof . Warren Royal Society, X. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 506 Lead and Copper-smelting Hixon, H. W. A 38 V 4 Modern Copper-smelting Peters, E. IX A 24 U 1 1 Ontonagon Cop per Bowlder in t !c Uni led States Xat ional Museum : by C. Moore U.S National Museum, Rept,, 1895 507 Work-shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers Blinn, L. J. A 25 R 34 [See also Copper-mining; Metallurgy; Mineralogy; Smelting.] Copper-mining — Copper at the Dottswool Mine, Queensland; by G. W. Card. Mount Lyell Mines. Tasmania Russell. M. MA 1 U 11 [See also Copper and Copper-ores.] Coprosma— New Native Species of Coprosma ; by IX Petrie... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S97 5110 [See also Botany and Flora— New Zealand.] Copts and Coptic Church — The Egytian Rite Liturgies, Fastern and Western G 3 IT 26 Story of the Church in Fgvpt Butcher, E. L. G 23 Q 8, 9 [See also Christianity -History; Fcelesiastieal History— Egypt ; Egypt— Religion ; Greek Church.] Copyright and Literary Property — F 13 T 10 ... Library M J 2 V 'l Patents, De The Pen an Public Libra Question of Rcgistratioi Inter iion.d Lib, Corallinacese — Die Corallincnalgen des Colfes von Neapel : von Graf zu Solm Laubach Zoolo./isohc Station zu Xeapcl A 19 P 4 [See a'so Alg*.] Corals and Coral Reefs — Atolls; by S. Gardiner... Intermit. Congress of Zoology, Proc, 18! Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 781 Corals and Coral Reefs— contd. Funafuti; l.y. Prof. Sollas...... Isk eporarf Ul", Reefs of the F Mn rals in the IJrit Nil! Po. ','.,»■ pi! i" tralia y J. S. Gardiner— in Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington. [For Catalogues :nid other Publications, see Author Catalogue.] ing Rock from Broken Hill ; by J. C. Moulden. 'Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 500 Noble, A. A 36 V 28 n the Manufacture of ( 'onlitc i b\ K. W. Anderson. Inst., Civil Engineers, iVoc., 1898 ( awl Trade- iH. Brit, and Irol. iiist,, urs ... Bishop, Isabella L. Corinium. [See Cirencester] Cormorants. [See Steganopodes.] Corn. [See Cereals; Maize; Wheat.] Corn Laws Knglish Topography... Gentleinai Highways and Byways in Devon (..C. K 20 (.) ISt Library 1) 20 V 2 I... Norway, A. H. 1/15 R 18 M e,G. C. K 20 Q 15-171 Boase, (I.C. K20Q18f Book of the West Could, S. B. 1)21 R Corporal Punishment. [See Punishment; School Manage (' >rpo ration and Finance So,-ial Facts and Forces [See 782 Public Library of New South Wales. " Costa Rica Packet " — What may happen to a British Captain ; by J. F. Hogan, Westminster Review, 1894 052 Costume— Le Costume Historique Racinet, A. A 28 V 9-14 Female Costumes Lacy, T. H. A 10 T 12 f Female Costume from the Commencement of the 19th Century to 1825 A18R1 t History of British Costume Planche, J. R. A 23 P 34 Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume, 13th to 19th Centuries. Percy Society Pubs. H11S29 Sketches in Turkey, Svria, and Egypt Wilkie, Sir D. A 31 R 18, 19 J [See a/so Arms and Armour ; Boots; Clothes; Dress; Dressmak- ing; Ecclesiastical Vestments; fashion Journals; Hair; Jewel- lery; Toilet; Uniforms.] France- Costumes of the Time of the French Revolution, 1790-93. Guilaumot, — A 40 U 27 J Fashion in Paris, 1797-1S97 Uzaime, 0. A 41 S 21 Cotton Manufacture and Trade- Cotton Industry of Italy... United States— ConsularRept.,63 382 Cotton Manufacturing Industry in Mexico in Diplomatic and ( Jin- sular Reports, Misc. Ser., 453 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Cotton Trade- in Our Trade in the World ... Gastrell, W. S. H. F9 V 10 Cotton-weaving Marsden, R. A 23 P 21 ForeignCompetitionintheCottonTrade... Fielden, J. C. F 17P2 Production and Price of Cotton for 100 Years : bv J. L. Watkins. United States. \)e V i. of Agricult. Die. of Statistics F 1 T 28 United States Consular Reports. IS 3S2 [.See also Calico; Dyes; Textile Fabrics.] Cotton-plant and Cultivation — Acreage of Spring Grain and Cotton 1883 United States— Dept, of Agriculture A 19 U 13 Acreage of Wheat and Cotton, and Condition of Cereal Crops. United States Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Statistics (130.973 Black Rust of Cotton— in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Boll-worm in Cotton; by F. W. Mally... United States Dept. of Agriculture — Div. of Entomology A 37 S 6, 7 Climatology of the Cotton plant : bv Dr. P. H. Moil United States- Dept. of Agr. ' Weather Bureau A 37 S 12 Cotton, and how to grow the Plant Mtisson, J. MA 4 T 9 Cotton Convention, 1881 ... United States Dept. of Agriculture A 19 U 13 The Cotton Crop United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Statistics, Rcpt., Jan., 1S94 030.973 Cotton Culture in Kgvpt ; by G. 1'. Foaden United States Dept. of Agr'. Ofli.'e of experiment Stations A 38 R 15 The Cotton l'lant : ils llislorv, Botany, &c United States - Dept. of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stations A 30 V 25 Cotton Production in the United States ; by E. W. Hillgard— in Census, 1880 United States' Census Ollice 317.3 Cotton Root Rot— in Injurious Insects, 0... Agricultural Exper. Cotton-seed Hulls and Meal for Beef Production— in Work during 1895 North Carolina Agricult. Exper. Stn. 630.7 Cost of Cotton Production United States— Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Statistics A 41 U 5 Experiment in Cotton crowiutr; bv A. M. Howell... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Fertilizers for Cotton; bv Dr. J. M. McBryde... United States Dept. of Agr. Ollice of Experiment Stations A 37 S 24 Insects affect im; the Cotton Plant : l.v L. 0. Howard. United States— Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 47 A 41 U 1 Leaf Blights of Cotton-/,, Injurious Insects, 7 Wricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Manuring of Cotton United States- Dept. of Agr. -Farmers' ,, . Bulletin, 4S A 41 U 1 Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil United States -Dept. of Agr.— v , , , r Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 lumbers and \ allies of Farm Animals, and Distribution of Cotton, 189 °- 93 I 7 - «• Dept. of Agr. Div. of Statistics 630.973 Cotton-plant and Cultivation — contd. Pamphlets on Experiments v ith Cotton and Flax ... Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 11, 12 Production and Price of ( 'otton for KM) Years ; by J. L. Watkins United States.— Dept, of Agricult. Div. of Statistics F 1 T 28 Story of the Cotton-plant Wilkinson, F. A 18 P 21 Cotton-seed- Oil and Cake — Directory ami Iland-bookof Meat and Provision Trades A 33 P 22 Manufacture of Cotton-seed Oil A 33 P 23 Cotton Worm (Ahtia xijlina)— Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Expel'. Stations A 38 Q 2 [.See also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious; Noctuidte.] Cottony Maple Scale- Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 5 [See also Entomology; Economic] Slight, Rev. W. G 25 S 10 Council of Constantinople, A.D. 381 — Canons of the First Four General Councils Bright, Rev. W. G 25 S 10 Council of Ephesus, A.D. 431— Canons of the First Four General Councils Bright, Rev. W. G 25 S 10 Council of Nicsea, A.D. 325— Canons of the First Four General Councils Bright, Rev. W. G 25 S 10 History of the Councils of the Church Hefele, Bishop G 14 P 27-31 St. Athanasius Bush, Rev. R. W. G 20 P 5 [See also Nicene Creed.] Council of Trent— Counter-Reformation in Europe Pennington, Rev. A. R. G 24 U 13 Historic of the Conned of Trent Sarpi, Fra P. G 17 U 8 t Lectures on the Council of Trent Froude, J. A. G 15 S 30 Council, Vatican. [See Vatican Council.] Councils, Church — Cyprian Benson, Archbishop G 19 T 32 History of the Councils of the Church Hefele, Bishop G 14 P 27-31 [See also Council of ( 'lialeedon ; Council of Constantinople; Coun- cil of Ephesus; Council of Nieiea ; Council of Trent; Ecclesi- astical History ; (Ecumenical Council: Vatican Council.] . Banister, H. C. A 41 T 2 Counterpoint — Interludes [.See also Music— General.] Counties Palatine. [See Chester: Durham; Lancaster.] Country Life and Pleasures. [See Rural Life.] County Councils - County Councils— -in Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 [.See also London County Council.] County Maps. [See under each County.] Courage - Aristotle's Ethics for English Readers Aristoteles G 11 IT 15 Moral Courage Williams, H. MG 2 Q 56 [.See also Cowardice] Courses of Instruction in Colleges and Universities. [See Calendars and Registers of Universities; Educa- tion — Universities; and under the title of each Col- lege and University in the Author Catalogue.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 783 Coursing — Ar.siralnsian ('nursing Calendar MA 5 Q 3-6 IS. i also Sports and Pastimes.] Court Guides — Wei s Royal Red Book . Court Practice and Procedure - 1> |.,rtmentof.Justicean,ltheJudicialOmeersof the United States, Ib-gister United States Dept. of .iustice F 1 S 5 District Courts Arts. 1858,59.. X. S. Wales Statutes MF 1 S 21 C i ■nil Oiders and Forms in Bankruptcy United States- - Supreme Court F Hi It 20 H 1-book to Magisterial Inquiries in Xew South Wales. Mathews, R. H. MF 4 R 04 Pa ley's Law and Practiee of Summarv Convictions Palev. W. F 9 P 27 Pn of tl of Coi Statutes I'm eiples of Pleading Stephen, J. F 12 T 1 1 Sie eteomingsof the Ma -hinerv for Pauper Litigation ..Sprigge, J..T. F 17 P 15 Service of Equitable Process Harvey, J. M. MF 5 Q 15 United States Supreme Court, Rules F 1 S 3, and U 9 Courts-martial, Naval and Military— Jidgment of the Full Court in the Case of Brigade Q.M.-Sergt. Webster, X.S.W. Artillery X. S. Wales- Supreme Court MF 5 R 12 M uiual for Courts-Martial U.S— Dept. .if War F 10 S 24 [>■•< aho Military Law; Naval Law.] Courts of Law. \Si-e Law Courts.] Covenanters — Covenants. [See Sacrifice.] Cow-peaB — A ( oming Crop; by H. A. Tardeut ( . .-].cas;by J. G. Smith United Cows. [-Sot Butter; Cattle; Cheese; Dairy Cattle; Dairy- Farming; Milk.] Craniology— i the Crania of the Mound-builders; by ■erning Creatiol —in God-Idea of the e, Eliza B. (J 3 U 29 Hakluj Soe. Pubs ,98 910.0 Curtin, J. ( ; 23 S 50 i - in \\ ■Science wit Theology. , A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 ge; El rth; Ev riution; Gc ology; Re- Credit Foncier — Agricultural Land Credit Rulhning, H. L. E. MA 4 S 21 C .Operative Credit Associations in Certain European Countries, anil their relation to Agricultural Interests ... United States— Dept. of Agr. Die. of Statistics F 16 U 15 Credit Eonei. r Mutucl a l'inst ir ',1c la Soeiete du Credit Communal Beige T'Serclaes de Wommcrson, F 9 V 21 Credit Foncier System I'insehof, C. MF 3 R 75 Credit Territorial en France et la lb-forme Hypothecate. Flour do Saint-Gcnis, — . F 9 V 22 How should the Principles of the Credit Foncier be applied? Rut lining, H. L. E. MF 9 Q 45 t Industries Act, 1890 X'. S. Wales -Statutes MF 9 Q 45 t of X. S. Wales... Ruthning, H. L. E. MF 9 Q 45 t [Se ieullUl [ Banks.] Credit System and Public Credit — Economics Hadley, A. T. Money and Miller, H. A. Money and Social Problems Harper, J. W. People's Money Tretinoin!, W. T ■eof Pin . Cohn, [See also Banks and Hanking; Currency.] Creeds- Canons of the First Four (leneral Councils Bright, Rev. W. Catholic Creeds— i'n Christian Instituti Dogma in Religion K Introduction to the Creeds and to the T (Ecumenical. Documents of the Faith . 25 S 10 Allen, Rev. A. V G. G24R 10 i, Rev. J. MG 2 U 2 m... Burn, Rev. A. E. G 23 T 43 Bindley, Rev. T. H. G 24 Q 32 :ed; Athanasian Creed; Augsburg Con- Council of Trent ; Nicene Creed; Thirty - uler each Denomination or Sect for its own rial; by "Tasma' ; by W. Essie... .... Melbourne Review, 3 052 Thompson, Sir H. A 30 T 31 Intermit. Health Exhib., IS-'4, Lit., 8. A 41 V 4 Examination of Relative Advantages; Massachusetts-Hoard of Health, Rcpt., 1875 614.09744 Internal. Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Trans., 9 014.06 V. W. Blvth ...' Internal. Health Exhib., MA 4 R 30 Xeild, J. E. MJ 3 R 16 Crests. Crete , Badges; Heraldry.] Buxton, E. N. last Miller, W. . Beainan. A. G H-. 1) 10 S 38 1) 13 V 14 D22P3 , A. H. B-. D 16 T IS 784 Public Library of Ncio South Wales. Cretinism — Sporadic Crrtinisi ,. nhoV.u: : Idi by Dr. W. M. Onl— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 cy.] Cricket — Australian Cricket MA 2 R 21 Australian Cricket Annual Davis, J. C. MA 3 P 69 Australian Cricketers at Home ; by M. R. Roberts Strand Magazine, 1899 052 Bohemians, The MA 4 P 16 Cricket Reminiscences and Personal Recollections... (iracc, W. G. A 40 Q 18 Kngland v. Australia ; by C. Giffen Windsor Mag , 1898 052 Jubilee Book of Cricket Ranjitsinhji, Prince A 33 V 24 Memories of Kton and Klonians Lubbock, A. C 26 Q 8 N. S. Wales Cricket ers' ( iuide and Animal... Cohen, S. MA 5 P 5 Seventy-one, not out Catfyn, W. C 27 Q 1 Sydney University Cricket Club Annual MA 5 Q 12 With Bat and Ball Giffen, O. MA 4 P 7 With Stoddart's Team in Australia Ranjitsinhji, Prince MA 4 P 14 [.See alio Sports.] Crime — I/ixtury, Prevention, Treatment — At Darlinghurst Australian, The, 1 M.I 4 P 11 Book of Scoundrels Whibley , C. C 23 Q 2 Bye-ways of Crime Berrey, R. J. P-. F 16 S 4 Conduct and the Weather Dexter, E. G. ( i 25 V 4 Crime and Punishment in Civilisation of Our I )ay...Samuelson, .1. F 1 V 14 Crime and Transportation in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 11 The Criminal Drahms, Rev. A. F 17 T 13 Criminal Sociology Ferri, E. F 2 V 22 Criminals; the Enemies of the Social Order in Christianity and Social Problems Abbott, L. (4 19 U 23 Criminology MacDonald, A. F 8 V 41 The Discharged Con\ ict in Kurope ; by Rev. S. .1. Barows --in Report of United States Delegates to International Prison Con- gress, 1895 United States- Dept. of State 365 Fatal Links Rami, E. H. F 13 R 25 Habitual Offenders, Vagrants, Beggars. Inebriates, and Juvenile Delinquents, Report ... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. Habitual Offenders F 36 W 1 J Heredity and Human Progress MeKim, W. I). G 24 S 16 The Human Machine Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q 5 The Law's Lumber-room Watt, F. F 15 P 19 Mysteries of Police and Crime Griffiths, A. F 8 Q 14, 15 Political Crime Proal, L. F 13 S 33 Relation of the Liquor Trallic to Pauperism, Crime, and Insanity. Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics.)!' Labor, Rept., 1895 331 Science of Statistics Smith, R. M. F 4 V 7, S State of Oiimc Straits Settlements Annual Repts. 354.595 Transportation as th .1 v Kll'.vtual Means of Convict Reform. '" MF 4 P 47 Juvenile Offenders ; Penal Legislatioi ishment; Reformation; P.el'onnatorics : Swindlers; Transporta- tion — Criminals; Trials; Vagrants.] Great Britain — Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers- in Works... Fielding, H. J 22 V 15 Chronicles of Newgate Griffiths, A. F8 V 5 Criminal Statistics Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Judicial Statistics F 40 V 55 t Prisons and Prisoners Horsley, Rev. J. W r . F 15 Q 33 Crimean War — At School and at Sea "Martello Tower" C 26 R 22 Blackwood, Sir S. A., Some Records of the Life of C 23 V 1 Chronicles of a Virgin Fortress Herbert, \V. V. B 16 V 18 ColdstreamGuardsintheOrimca... Ross. Lieut. -Col. J. B 21 S 6 Kastern Question Marx, K. F 13 Q 36 Highland Brigade in the Crimea StirlitiL'. Lieut. -Col. A. B31U19 Invasion of the Crimea. [Student's ed. ] Kinglakc, A. W. Crimean W&r—covtd. — Letters from the Black Sea Heath, Adm. B 23 S 19 Lyons, Adm. E., Lord, Life of; by ( 'apt. S. K-. Wilmot (' 24 S 8 Memorials, 1766-1865 Sell.orne, Karl of C 23 V 4, 5 Mends. Admiral Sir W. R., Life of; by his Son. C 24 P 17 AMiddy'sRccollcctions. 1853 (ill... Montagu. Rear-Adm. C 23 U 8 95th Regiment in the Crimea ... Wylly, Major H. C. B 31 R 9 Old Soldier's Memories Parry, '('apt. S. H. J-. C 24 R 8 Paget, Adm., Autobiography and Journals of C 22 Q 13 Sulivan, Adm., Life and Letters of, 1810 91) C 22 Q 9 Told from the Ranks Small. K. M. B 21 SI Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life... Johnson. .Major W. T. B21 S3 Windham, (Jen., Diary and Letters of C 23 Q IS [See also Great Britain History; Russia— History.] Crimes, History of — Celebrated Crimes Dumas, A. F7P26-33 Mountain Mystery Drayton, J. MF 3 U 68 Mysteries of Police and Crime... Griffiths, Major A. F 8 Q 14, 15 Criminal Law — Codigo Penal de la Republics de Chile Chili F 10 X 16 + Criminal Law in Xew South Wales; by Sir A. Stephen... Sydney University Review, 18S2 MJ 4 P 23 Criminal Responsibility; by Sir S. Griffith... Australasian Assoc. , Degeneres et Desequilibrcs '. ' '.. Dallemagne, J.' A 34 V 4 Law of Criminal Law Procedure in Indictable Offences. Stephen, Sir J. F. F 8 R 22 Palev's Law and Practice of Summary Convictions ... Paley, W. F 9 P 27 PenalC'ode, State of California... California Statutes F 13 U 30 \S<, ;l,n Conspiracies; Convicts; Criminals;; Identi- fication of Criminals; Juvenile Offenders; Mutinies; Penal Legislation; Prisons; Punishment ; Transportation— Criminal j Treason; Trials.] Criminals— Barrington, George, Memoirs of MC 1 S 20 Book of Scoundrels Whibley, C. C 23 1,1 2 Chronicles of Newgate Griffiths, A. F8 V5 Dignam, D. B., and Barrington, G., Account of Two Noted Criminals Barrington, (i. MC 1 T 34 Lives of Twelve Bad Women Vincent, A. C 24 Q 20 Semple, Major, Memoirs of C 24 P 3 Treatment of Criminals; by Rev. W. 1). Morrison— in Good Criminology. [See Crimes; Criminals.] Critical Philosophy. [See Kantian Philosophy.] Criticism — Essay on the Bases of Mystic Knowledge... Reccjae, K. G 23 R 33 Introduction to Philosophy La.hl, (J. T. (i 1 T 24 Logic of the Practical Sciences in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Principles of Criticism Worafold, W. B. J 19 W 2 Crocodilia - Dermal Armour of Ci-ti-nilihin in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 10 S 16 Dermal Armour of .la. -arc and ( 'aiman : w itli Notes on the Specific and Generic Characters of Recent Cro.-.-iilia in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. II. A 10 S Hi Fisheries and fishery Industries of the United Stales, 1. United States Com. of Fish and Fisheries A 1(1 T 1 t Range of Crocodilus; by E. R. Waite Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1S99 580.6 [See also Alligators.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Crofters — O h.nisation in Canada of d-ofters and Cottars from Highlands and :• andsofS.-.tland... < !t. Brit, and Irel. Crofters F 40 V 29 J Ci er Legislation in Historic Facts ... Rose, W. K. ¥ 8 Q 10 Gnat Britain raid Ireland- -Crofters Commission, Reuort ... 333 [S,, also Land Tenure-- Scotland; and under tit. Brit, and Irel.— Crofters, in Author Catalogue.] Crop Reports. [See Agriculture — Statistics; By Coun- tries; find under each special Crop for its own Statis- Crops, Analyses of— Croquet — Ci-'iijuefc Cross, The — . Wiley, H. W. A 21 U 10 3xper. Stn. Record... 630.7 q.eriment Farms : Fodders ; ,. B. A 29 S 40 :,N.S.W.,7 630.5 Tie, Cross and a Dying Saviour in Cod-idea of the Ancients Gamble, Eliza B. G 3 U 2 The Cross in Scotland; by Rev. G. S. Tyaek in Bygone Churc! [.<■■ "exoChiissianArt: Chrisiianitv Jl i- -lorv ; Crueitixion";' Jesu Christ; Phallic Worship.] Croup— Dv-theria and True Croup; by Dr. J. C. Cameron -in Practica Therapeutics Dare, H. A. A 31 P 1, Crow, The— Common Crow; by N. A Common Crow of the Un State's Dept.ofAgr. Div. "of Ornithology A 40 S 12 Cr-A,- Black!. i;-ds and th. ir Fa d; by f. E. L. Beal. United .States -Dejit. of Agr., Veard.oo'k, 1S04 630.5 The Too Co, num' ow; by W. Fan \gi It, il Gazette N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Crowd, The - Crowd, The Le Bon, G. F10V11 [,S.,; also Democracy; Mobs; Working-classes.] Crown, The. [See Constitutional History; Constitutions of Countries; and the sub-heading Constitution under each Country.] Crown Colonies. [See Colonies, British; Colonics and ( Ireat Britain.] Crown Lands of Australasia. [See sub-heading Public Lands under Australia and each of the Colonies.] Croydon, Queensland CroydonGold-ficld, Report... Queensland-Gold-fields MA OP 45 + Crucifixion— Crei dless Gospel ... [*< also Cross; Jesu . Satterlee, Rev. H. Y. [i'4-e also Vivi Crusades— ri.-si.ys ; ipa.-y .Kingdom of Jen 11 \ 1 (1 ! Ji 1 is il the' ;. Bernard, Life and Times of .. Crusades— contd. St. Louis and Calvin Guizot, F. G 24 Q 28 St, Louis et son Temps Wallon, H. G 24 U 3", 3 1 St. Louis, Vie de Tillemont, S. L. le X. de G 25 V 1 Saladin and the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem... Poole, S. L-. B 30 Q 24 Saladin; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf... Sa!al.-Ed-Din C 24 R 20 [See also Chivalry; History— Medieval; Knights Templars; Crustacea—. Australian Crustacean Fauna; by D. G. Stead... Linnean Society, X. S. Wales, Proe., 1898 5S0"0 British Fossil Crustacea, with their and the Raive in Time of each Genus ai Natural History of the I: Sacculina parasitic upon Stalk-eyed Crnstaeea:' " y A 42 V 5 3., 1898 506 MA 3 R 01 Ma',3 W 22 » A 10 T 1 + A 20 R 10 + United States— National Museu Voices of Crustaceans ; by G. B. Goode .'. United States- National Museum, Proe., 1 507 [See also Brachytheciaca-a ; Copepoda ; Crabs ; Fntomostraca ; Isopoda.] Cryptogamic Botany. [See Botany— Cryptogamic.] Cryptonemiacese — Die Cryptonemiaceen des Golfes von Neapel; von Dr. G. Berthold. Zoologische Station zu Neapel A 111 !' 12 + Crystallography — {.See also Mineralogy.] Ctenophora— Die Ctenophoreu des Golfes von Neapel; von Dr. C. Chun. Zoologische Station zu Neapel A 19 P 1 + Cuba— General and Descriptive — Commercial Cuba Clark, W. J. F 10 T 1 Cuba and Porto Rico ... Unite.: S:at.-s -('...eud.-.r it- , i -. :~ :!v2 Cuba and Porto Rico, « ith the ,,the:- Idar.d-. ,.f ,!„■ V.\ m i'.-.-s nd Professional ^Public Library of New South Wales. C uba — History — Cuba and International Relations ; by J. M. Callaghan. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 21 B 18 T 21 Cuba, Past and Present Davey, R. B 33 S 3 Island of Cuba Rowan, Lieut. A. S. B 2(1 P 7 L'Estrange, Roger, Adventures of B 17 P 38 Lost Possessions i,f Kim-land Lord, W. P. B 16 R 24 Marching with Gomez Flint, G. B 36 Q 10 Cuckoo — Anatomy of an Australian Cuckoo; by V. E. Bedded .. Zoological Society, London, Proe., 1898 590.6 Cuckoos and Shrikes in their relation to Agriculture. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Biological Survey A 37 S S Pan-tailed Cuckoo ; by A. J. Campbell. . .Vict. Naturalist, 1 897 5! >5 Notes on the Bronzed Cuckoo; by A. J. Campbell Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Notes on the Pallid Cuckoo; by A. J. Campbell Victorian Naturalist, 1897 505 Square-tailed Cuckoo; by A. J. Campbell... Victorian .Naturalist, 1898 505 Cucumber — Downy Mildew of the Cucumber and its Treatment — in Injurious Insects, 6 Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 6 Spotting of Peaches and Cucumbers in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 6 Striped Cucumber Beetle United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Culloden — The '45 Tulloch, Major-Gen. A. B. B 16 P 14 [See also Great Britain and Ireland — History.] Culture — Books and Culture Mabie, H. W. J 23 P 2 Christ and Culture — in Doctrine and Development. Kashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Pursuit of Culture- in Practical Ethics... Sidgwick, If. G 23 Q 16 Things of the Mind Spalding, Bishop G 15 U 2 [See also Character; Civilization; Moral Education; Self -culture.] Cumberland — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 2 Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f Cumberland Disease. [See Anthrax.] Cumberland Presbyterian Church, United States — History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Poster, R. V. G 12 V 18 Cuneiform Inscriptions — Ancient Babylonian Temple Records in the Columbia University Library Arnold, W. R. R. B 41 T 1 Asshur and the Land of Nimrod Rassam, H. B 39 Q 10 Babylonian Cont -act Tablets in the Metropolitan .Museum of Art. Moldenke, A. B. B 41 W 8 Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouvunjik Collection .. British Museum K8S 11-15 t Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets British Museum J 8 S 25, 26 t Inscriptions in the ( 'unci form ! 'h. tract or from Assyrian Monuments. British Museum B 47 P 12 J Miscellaneous inscriptions of Assyria British Museum B 47 P 12 I New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land Evetts, B. T. A. G 14 P 26 Struggle of the Nations Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 Syria and Egypt Petrie, W. M. F. B 25 Q 13 Tell el-Aman'ia Tablets; with Auiot vpe Kae similes British Museum J 18 R 16 t [See ((/.so Assyrian Language; Chaldean lymguago; Palaeography. ] Curatel Procedure — Treatment of Habitual Drunkards in Austria... Gt. Brit, andlrel. — Foreign (Mice, Misc. See, 396 382 [See aho Dipsomania; Drink Question.] Curculionidse — Australian Curculionidse ; by A. M. Lea Linnean Society. N. S. Wales, Proe., 1897-99 5811.6 Australian Curculionidse ; by A. M. Lea . . . Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1899 506 Revision of the Australian Curculionidse belonging to the Subfamily Cryptorhynchides ; by A. M. Lea ... Linnean Society, N.S.W. , Proe., 1897-1899 580.6 Some Genera and Species of .Australian Curculionidse; by F. P. Pascoe Entomological Society, Lond. , Trans., 1870 595.7 [See alsj Coleoptera ; Entomology.] Curiosity — De Curiositate; by Plutarch... Early English Text Society, Pubs., Original Series, 113 820.8 Cur rants- Bush Fruits Card, F. W. A 18 P 20 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Currency — General — Banks and Banking Easton, H. T. F 12 T 11 Business without Gold Flurscheim, M. MF 5 P 9 Disturbance in the Standard of Value Barclay, R. F 4 U 26 Economic Theory Davenport, H, J. F 1 3 R 2 Economics Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economics and Socialism Laycock, P. U. F 12 R 34 Gold and Silver Hallard, J. H. F 13 V 20 Gold and Silver, and the Money of the World... I loyal Statistical Soc., Jotirn., 1895 310 History of Modern Banks of Issue Conant, C. A. F 12 T 16 History of Money and Prices Schoenhof, J. F 8 V 19 International Bimetallism Walker, F. A. F 10 Y 21 International Monetary Conferences ... Russell, H. B. F 8 Q 28 Labor as Money Yeiser, J. 0. F 10 V 6 Monetary and Industrial Fallacies Howe, J. B. F 16 Q 12 Monetary Situation... Nat. Lib. Club, Pol. Econ. Circle, 2 330.6 Monetary Situation in 1897 Boissevain, G. M. FISH Money and Banking White. II. F7 V 49 Money and Bi-metallism Miller, H. A. F 15 S 10 Money and Prices in Foreign Countries United States - Consular Rcpts.. special vol. 13 382 Money and its Relations to Prices Price, L. L. F8 V 13 Money and Social Problems Harper, J. W. F 13 U 7 Money and Value Hamilton, R. F7Q1 Money in International Trade in Theory of International Trade. Unstable, C. F. F 13 R 10 Money in its Relation to the State; by E. Pratt Melbourne Review, 4 052 Paper Money; by R. M. Smith Melbourne Review, 3 052 People's Money Trenholm, W. L. F4 U 22 Popular Government Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 29 Principles of Political Economy Nicholson, J. S. F 8 Q 25 Real History of Money Island Flurscheim, M. MF 5 T 3 Robinson Crusoe's Money Wells, D. A. F 10 S 3 Science of Money ' Del Mar, A. F 14 U 29 Science of Political Economy George, H. F 3 R 20 Scientific Solution of t lie Money < o.tcs! ion... Kit son, A. F 10 V 20 Silver and Gold Horton, S. 1). E 1 1 S 53 Sketch of the Currency Question Cuthbcrlson, C. F 4 U 21 Sound Currency and Banking System... Eoote, A. IX. F 10 V 22 Studies in Currency, 1 898 Farrcr, Lord F 1 3 R 14 Studies in Economics Smart, W. F 2 V 20 Surplus Products and Surplus Labor... Jones. J. A. K-. F 12 S 27 Trials and Triumph of Labor Bernardi, (i. B. de F 4 T 22 [See. also Banks; Bi-molallism : Capital; Coinage: Credit System ; Exchange; Finance; Gold; Interest; Mints; Silver; Value.] By Countries. Australia- Economic Problem : an Australian Appeal; by F. A. Keating. National Review, Dec., .1897 052 Proposed Coinage of Silver at the Melbourne Branch of the Royal Mint Victoria -Coinage of Silver MF 4 U 33 British Empire — Unity of Coinage for the Empire Kinmont, A. F 15 U 20 [See also Great Britain, under this heading.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. •rency — Canada — i: rency and Banking Law of the Dominion of Canada. Cornwell, \V. C. F 8 P 36 China — .; "rency in China United States— Consular Repts., 60 382 - Cuba — irronevofCuha - in Report on Con dit ion ot'( 'uba... United States— Dept, of the Treasury V Hi II 17 - Great Britain — ■:. ,in Proposals Robinson, H. F8V4 :isl. Monetary History, 1020-1730 ... Shaw, \V. A. F S V 4 V43 Tali of Two Nat India— . liar . Pre . Ha) , R. F ', ey, \V. H. , L. C. F 13 T lurrency Macleod, H. 1). lurrenev Committee, ISitS. Report... (It. Brit, and Irel.— Indian Currency F 20 U 14 t .nd Value Hamilton, R. F7Q1 la on Currency made by the ( Ct. Brit — Japan — — Porto Rico- rroney Question of Po and Irel.- I States -i Ind ia F 40 V 45 f ivC.mmi- kingSyM r Repta. , 40 382 . Royall.W.L. " F 17 P 8 ■on,.;" IS99. .. U.S. —Dept.nfthe Treasury V ill R 15 a of the United States ... Dawes, C. (i. F 111 V 5 pf the United States, 1792-1S9.'! ... L'.S. Statutes ,,'s Financial School Harvey, \V. IT. F Kl'v 25 optroller-.f the Currency, Reports United Slates Dept. of the e/ressiiuiiil Currency Gordon, e.ctor of the Mint, Repts. . . . U.S. - Dept. of Tr. tory of American Currency Sumner, ' tory of Bi-mctallism in the United States (tory of the American Coinage Watson, D. K. F 15 S 30 dory of the Currency of t lie Country, and of the Loans of the 'uitVd States 'U.S.- -Dept. of' the Treasury V IS Q 22 f (.est Dollar Andrews, E. B. F 4 V 14 nest Money and Labor Schura, C. F 17 P 8 ;al Tender Decisions James, E. ,1. F4 V 13 :al Tender Fraud Irving, E. F 16 S 10 ney of the U.S., 1793-1893 Muhleman, M. L. F 10 V 10 nev of the United States and other Countries in Bulletin 2, topt. Labor United SI ' V. C. F 8 U 29 usury 332.4973 f. G. F5P31 Laughlin, J. L. V I C 1 i.'Min (1 Fre Hanking . Bri , II. V. :h, w. Curves- Cubic Parabola applied as a Transit ion to Small Tramway Curves; by C. J. Merfield Royal Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 1897 506 Cubic Parabola as applied to the Easing of Circular Curves on Railway Lines Royal Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 29 506 Elom. Layir y Mat ;e, J. L. ..Krulmke. ( A 25 P 20 . H. A. Customs and Excise Duties Introduction to Public Finance ... ■s of the United S ised Regulations Customs and Manners - Bible Manners and Customs Curiosities of Popular Custoi Manners and Social Usages.. Sakularbilder Society and S . I. A 25 U 15 s F13T18 ited States— ry F 18 R 5 , Snuff, and a F 16 R 19 ited States- 7 F 10 R 15 [Se nl,n A Fat : l-Vlk-I. : Rites ing; Toi! TBuria : Fun'. d Ceren .eh Country.] Cutaneous System. [See Dermatology.] Cutting. [See Tailoring.] Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction- Action of Cyanide of Potassium on Gold and Minerals! by G. A. Coyder... Australasian 1 Cyanide Process; by Dr. A. Sch Cyanide Process for the Extract! Cyanide Process of Cold Extraction [2nd eel.] Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction [3rd ed.] Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction. [Revised el... California State Mining Bureau A 24 T 33 of Gold Palmer, T. H. Dr 1 Wei (ofC . Wil ,H. ( i, The . n.arkable I lot tie Voyage ; by Major Soc.. Aust,, Queensland les, Currents, and the Moon ; by W 1 e also Hydrography.] 788 Public Library of New South Wales. Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction— conld. Recent Developments in the Attempt to amend the Cyanide Patent, l:y G. G. Turri ... Australasian lust itute of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 ' 622.06 1>V 1). Clark Royal Soviet -,"," Vi.-toria! "'proc.', 'iSiis' W'(i Treatment of Auriferous Ores with Cyanide of Potassium; by L. Williams... Australasian Tn = i.y C. E. Beddome... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 os of Cvpnea inhabiting the Shores of Tasmania; bv C. E. Idome Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 •ho Conchology ; Gasteropoda.] Cypriotes Cyproidea— New /■■aland Species of the Amphipodan Ger Dr. C. Chilton. . . Annals and Mag. , Nat. Hist. [See also Crustacea.] Cyprus — General and Descriptive — Annual Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Cyprus 354.564 In the Levant Warner, C. D. D 20 R 14 Sultan and the Powers MacColl, Rev. M. F 12T23 Universal Geography Rectus, E. J) 21 U 9 Wandering Scholar 'in the Levant ... Hogarth, 1). (}. D 18 R 32 [See also Cypriotes.] . Cesnola, A. V. c BR 3 16 CystoseirsB— Cystoseira? del Golfe di Napoli : Memoria di R. Valiante. Zoologische Station zu Xeancl A 19 P 7 t [See also Algse.] Cytology. [See Biology; Cells; Morphology; Physiology.] Czars. [See Kings and Emperors.] Daffodil- Daffodils in Australia; by G. S. Titheradge... Royal Horticultural Society, Journal, 1898 034 "Daily News," The— Daily News Jubilee McCarthy, J. F 8 V 21 Dairy Buildings — A Model Cow-shed; by J. Mahon [See also Dairy Fannin;.': Dairying.] Dairy Cattle — Australasian Dairyman MA 3 U 43 Bath and West and Southern Counties Soviet v. Journal of. 630.6 ' Book of the Dairy Fleischmann, W. A 30 R 50 Breeds of Cattle suited ;•, Dairy-farming; bv >.i. A. O'Callaghan. Agricultural Gazette! N. S. W., 10 630.5 Breeds of Dairy Cattle; by II. E. Alvord... Uni' '" „ cultural Journal, 1 Cows Minnesota Agr. Expcr. Station Kept., 1894 (i30.7 Dairy Calf Hardin, L. S. A 18 R 47 Dairy Cattle; by G. S. Thomson Journal of Agriculture and Industry. South Australia, 2 630.5 Dairv Herd, The; its Formation and .Management; by H. E. Afvord... U.S.- -Dept. of Agr. — Farmers' Bulletin, 55 A41U2 Dairy Herd, The: its Formation and Management; by H. E. Gordon Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 030.5 Feeding and Treatment of Dairy Cattle ; by,!. Mahon ...Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 General Purpose Cow, The: by J. MotVitt ...Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Hand-book for Fanners and Dairymen... Well, P. W. A 23 P 32 How to raise a Dairy Calf; by C. P. Goodrich Queensland Importation of Dairy Cattle Agr. (laz., N. S. Wales, 9 63! (.5 Improvement of N. S. Wales Livestock: by M. A. O'Callaghan. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 9, 10 630.5 Management of Dairv Cat tie: bvM. A. O'Callaghan... Agrnultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 New York Agricultural Kxperiment Station. Hoard of Control, Report, 1894 630.7 Selection of a Dairv Herd; by J. L. Thompson... Agr. Gazette of N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 [Seea&oDiseasesof Animals Cattle; Plouro-pncumonia ; Spaying; and under each of the Dairy Breeds.] Dairy Farming — American Dairying Gurlcr, H. B. A 2G R 41 Assistant in Dairv Husbandry, Report New Jersey State Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1896 (130.7 Australasian Dairyman MA 3 U 43 Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia. Journal 630.5 Cooperative Conference, Kiama, 1897 MA 4 S 2 * Cooperative Dairy Plunkett, Hon. H. A 33 Q 36 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 789 Dairy Farming— con td. Dan-.-BreedsaudMilkTests;hv>.LA.O'Ca;Iaghan... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 63C.5 O.i i>a : rv H. ■;■.!-. ar/1 Pastures, and how to hnofve them; bv A. A 11m;',!- A .riculturai Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 030.5 i = ,...; s = <-T ■■-: ■ ..: Mdk :.. mill Fat; !,y N. . 1. H. .Miller... Agricultural Gazette, N. H. Wales, 9 030.5 [,v (/«, Bacon-making; Dairy Buildings; Dairy Cattle; Ds Fee, „ of; Forage Plants; Manures; Pastures; Pigs.] By Countries. - Australia — Dory Industi v in ti)e Colonies; bv S. Lowe Roval Colonial Institute, Proc, 28 325.342 Dairying — A; i eailturd Gazette of Tasmania, 1897 030.5 A. i culture and Dairying, Canada, Report of Commissioner. Canada Parliament. Sess. 1'apers 328.71 Australasian Livestock Manual Sutherland,*;. MA 2 R 49 Rept., H;i.f i,-. it] Ba teria in the Dairy Connecticut Storrs Agr. Exp. Stn., Report. 1895 030.7 Ba'-teriologv in relation to Dairying; by M. A. O'Cailaghan. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Bali! and West and Southern Counties Society, .Journal... 030.0 I" . . ■ 1 of ( ' ••■: : .1. i; ■■;„.. 1894... New York Agr. Exp. Stn. 030.7 B ; of the Dairy Fleisclunann, W. A 30 R 50 ('•'■ of n '■'. Cic'ii'-'il' 1 ; by lb A.'-fearsou." 1 .".." United States' - . PlunkoU, lion. 11. A 33 Q 30 Dairying— eontd. Dairying in Queensland ... Queensland Agriculture MA 3 S 08 AgrieuHu. Dairying Serveo Go The Danish Dairy; 1 it: Fxhib., V41 v2 L 030.5 Health . Ur.i 636 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... Woll, F. V Industries of the North C oast; by W. 11. Russell... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Manual for the Information and Guidance of Local Authorities and of Dairymen, tie., under Dairies Supervision Act, New South Wale^ loSO N.S.W. Hoard of Health MA 1 S 43 Milking Competition Queensland Agr. Journal, 1 630.5 Minnesota Farmers' Institutes, Annual 9 630.6 New- Butter-making Machine ... U.S. Consular Repts., 51 382 New-chum Farmer Hennessey, J. I). MA 4 P 4 Ontario Airrieult ural Colle-n Report 03O.7 Ontario Dairymen's and Civ a.nerios Associations, Repts 637 Pamphlets on Dairying ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 18 Pennsylvania— Dent, of Agriculture, lb-port, 1897 630.6 Possibditios of the Din-vine- Industry in Western Australia. Western Australia Agriculture MA 2 U 68 V ■.:•■!!-, ef the Dairy „ First Principles of Agriculture. Voorhees, K. B. A CO Q 38 Proposed Dairy Legislation... Queensland A_u. .Journal, 5 630.5 Tests of Dairy Implements and Practices /« Work... North Caro- lina Agr. Exper. Station 630.7 United States— Dept. of Aerirult., Exper. Stn. Record, 5 630.7 Utilization of By-products of the Dairy; by H. K. Alvord. Agricultural Gazette,' X. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Utilization of By-products,,!' the Dairy; by H. E. Alvor.1. United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book. KS97 030.5 Vermont-Agr. Exper. Station, Report on Dairying... A 33 S 27 Vermont— Agricultural Exper. Station. Pepts 030.7 Wisconsin -.Wi icnUural Experiment Stat, on, Rent., 1898 630.7 [See also lia-terioloev Fcnonde; Butter; Cheese; Dairy Build- ings ; Dairy Farming; Milk.] Dakota Language n N. S. Wales; by M. A. O'Callagha Weirs. | Dancing Australian Ball-room Guide Read, Mrs. C. MA 3 P 67 Ball-room Guide Scott, T. MA 4 P 22 Dancing (Badminton Library) Fra/.er, Lilly A 29 R 33 Dancing in all Ages Scott, E. A 44 Q 9 Public Library of Ncio South Wales. . Whibley, C. C 27 R 25 Daniel, Book of— Old Testament— Book of Daniel Expositor Bible G 19 S 26 Seven Puzzling Bible Hooks Gladden, Rev. W. G 23 P 8 True Import and Application of the Virion related, Daniel 9 v. 20 totheend Blayney, B. G 17 R 14 f Danish Literature- Andersen, Hans Christian : a Biography C 22 R 1 3 The Augustan Ages Elton, 0. J 1-1 R 32 Danish War — Memorials, 170(5-1865 Selboi i, Earl of C 23 V 4 From North Pole to Equator Brehm* A. E. 1) 18 V 22 Daphniadae — Hyaline Daphnia; by 1). J. Seourfield Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Darling Downs, Queensland — The Garden of Queensland Evans, G. E. MD 8 P 46 Darling Pea (Siminsona yalegifolia) — Darling Pea: by Prof. (I. T. Martin Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 [See also Poisonous Plants— Australasia.] Darwinism. [See Evolution; in the Author Catalogue.] Dates, Dictionaries of— Cyclopedia, of Classified Dates; v :i Q 10 larles, Daubentoniidse — Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-e; British Museum; by J. E. Gi Dawes' Point — ing Hats in the Collection of the v. British Museum— Natural History, A 42 V 4 Month, The, 3 MJ 4 Q 12 Day of Judgment. [See Judgment, Day of.] Deaf and Dumb — General — Marriage among Y)'eaf Mutes'! 1891 , Ins telnstiti Deaf a ,.1 Dm 36(1 mb, Annual Reports. —Columbia Institution 362.4 ul ion for the Deaf and Dumb, Report United Siat.-s Dept. of the Interior, Misc. Repls. 353.3 rurahlv Deaf Children; by \Y. B. Dalby. . . Internal. Health Exhib.', 1S84, Lit,, 11 A 41 V 7 e Deaf and Dumb ... Ohio— Annual Repts. 328.771 371.92 Gallaudct College lor the Deaf, Calendar , Deaf and Dumb — Ani/hnnn «,>>/ Education — contd. International Reports on Seh cols for the Deaf Volta Bureau G 17 T 22 New South Wales Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind, Report 362.4 Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb; bv W. van Praag. International Health Inhibition, 1884 Lit,, 11 A 41 V 7 School for the Deaf, North Dakota, Report North Dakota Annual I'.epts. 32S.781 Schools for the Blind and Deaf, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education 371.9 Deaf-mutism. [See Deaf and Dumb.] Deafness. [See Ear, The.] Death — Aristotle on Youth ami Old Age Aristoteles A 32 R 32 Asiatic Studies Lvall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Biological Lectures Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Chances of Death Pearson, K. A 37 R 37 Tragedy... Grieve, Lucia C. G [^■s.^i- Burial; FuneraJKii'-s Fut . Fraser, A. C. G 14 S 25 Smyth, N. G 11 U 22 -o State ; Purgatory ; Resur- Debates. [See sub-heading Parliament under each Country in Author Catalogue.] Debating —General — Pros and Cons Askew, J. B. F 4 U 23 [See :.] \, 3. \V lies, r Ill-ill < 630.5 W'a es, II al II <;;{ii.5 i; port 1897 030.6 23 T 42 24 U 9 e Dee. » Training of a [S,- cilso Alphabets; Bronzes; Carvings; Church Do. omli. eArts; Furnilul U l> i i i flluminati, b.wellory; Metal Work: Mosaics; Needlework— Fine Ar bunting; Pottery; S ulplure; Tapestry; Terra Cotta; Vas, Wall-papers; Wood-carving.] Decorations of Honour. [See Badges; Medals; Milita Orders.] Decorative Artists — Art Journal, Master Annual, 'l'.ilio ' A 20 K Ml Crane, W., Works of Art Journal A 12 W 1 Dee. La Deity and Divine Attributes. [See (J oil] Delagoa Bay - The Key to South Africa Tessett, M. G. Portuguese in South Africa Theal, C. Mr. Delisle's Method. [See Astronomy; Eclipses.] Delphacidee — North American Delphaoidaj; by Society of Natur Deluge, The- Bible, Science, and Faith F.lcn Lost and Won [See also Creation; Geology.] E. P. VanDuzoc 1 Sciences, Bulletin, v . Zalnn, Rev. J. A. ( . Dawson, Sir J. W. Delusions. [See Hallucinatio IS.] Democracy — American Contributions to Civiliz ition... Eliot, C. W. nd Deeds; Conveyancing; Roal Property.] eir Horns 'Millais, J. G. AIT U 5 t 'own of New En veil, I, Defeiice Forces of New South "Wales. [See Soudan Contingent; South African Contingents; and under Sew S:>uth Wales — Defence, in Author Catalogue and in Index.] Defence of Religion. [See Christian Evidences.] Deformities. [See Abnormities; Monstrosities: Surgery.] Degeneration — Democracy; by Rev. J. ] Democracy and Empire.. Democracy and Liberty Public Library of New South Wales. Bosanquet, Mis. B. F 15 It 23 Two Foreign Ciitieisms of Australasian Democracy; bv W. P. Reeves National Review, l".S93 052 Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy... Godkio, EL. F 13 R 13 bSee ai^o Aristocracy ; Crowd, The ; Crown, The ; Election and Representation; Evolution Social; Government; Liberty; Monarchy; Payment, of Members; People, The; Referendum; Republicanism; Suffrage.] Demography — ! Sinography, Indian Hygieneand Demography, Municipal Hygiene and Demography ... Intermit. Congress of Hygiene and Demo- graphy, Trans., 10-12 G14.06 Demonology — Demon Possession and Allied Themes Kevins, Rev. J. L. Light of the Hebrew Mig , Divi i, Demo; Vikrani anil" the Vami7ire';'Y,r, Tub ■"■.'< f' Hindu' D^uby. Burton. Sir R. F. J 14 S 34 [See aim Apparitions; Devil, The; Witchcraft.] Demotic Language. [See Egyptian Language.] Demurrage. [See Maritime Law.] Dendereh. [See Egyptology.] Dengue Fever — Dengue; by Dr. P. Manson - in System of Medicine Al!butl, T. C. A 20 T 35 Malarial Discs,,., and Dengue; by Dr. G. Dock in Practieal Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Denmark — dew-ral and Descriptive - Falcon on the Baltic Knight, E. F. 1) 18 Q 20 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 12-14 Universal Geography Reelus, E. 1) 21 U 5 Staffs of Various Armies... United States— Dept. ofWar F 10 E23 ■ Commerce and Trade— Trade of Denmark — in Diplomatie and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Ircl. — Foreign Office 382 ■ History — Margaret of Denmark Hill, Mary B 20 Q 1 Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark, 1766-1818 Brown, J. B 20 S 12, 13 Denominational Schools. [See Religion in Education.] Denominations. [See Christian Churches and Sects- Statistics ; Religions -Statistics ; and under each Church and Sect] Dental Colleges- Board of Dental Kxaminors, North Dakota, Report. North Dakota Annual Rcpts. 328.784 [See also Dentistry-Education.] Dentistry — Anatomy of the Human Tooth Black, C. V. A 32 S 27 Artificial Bridge and Crown Work Evans, G. A 38 S 4 Artiticial Crowns; by \V. H. Trueman in \u ■■;■• S-.stem of of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Dentistry — contd. Artificial Dentures on the Rubber Base : bv A. P. Beale — in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Calcareous Deposits on the Teeth; bv A. \V. Harlan in American System of Dentistry Litch, VV. F. A 31 S 2 Celluloid and Xylonite ; bv \V. W. Evans-,',, American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Compendium of Dentistry Parrsidt, J. A 32 S 24 Crown and Bridge Work -in American System of Dentistry. Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Dental and Facial Types; bv R. S. Ivy-i'n American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Dental Medicine Gorgas, F. J. S. A 32 S 23 Dental Metallurgy Smith, E A. A 40 T 1 Dental Metallurgy; by E. C. Kirk— in American System of Den- tistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Dental Pathology and Therapeutics Inglis, 0. E. A 38 S 5 Dental Surgery Barrett, A. W. A 26 R 35 Dental Surgery Tomes, Sir J. A 21 U 31 Dentists' Register Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Council of Midi, al Dictionary of Dental Science Harris, C. A. A 32 S 25 Discolored Teeth and their Treatment: bv .1. Truman— f„ American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Diseases and Injuries' of the Teeth Smale, A. A 32 S 30 Diseases of Children's Teeth Pedley, R, D. A 40 V 14 Electro-chemical Relations of Stoppings to the Teeth; by S. B. Palmer—;'/! American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Extraction of Teeth; by T. C. Stellwagen in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Geometrical and Mechanical Laws of the .Articulations of the Human Teeth; bv W. G. A. Bonwiil— in American System of Dentistry '. Litch, W. V. A 31 S 2 Herbst Method of Pilling Teeth; by C. F. VV". Bhdecker— in American System of Dentistry ."... Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Hygienic Relations of Artiticial Dentures: bv E. C. Kirk— in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics for Dentists. Clifford, E. L. A 32 S 33 Mechanical Dentistry Richardson, J. A 32 S 22 Mechanical Dentistry Richardson, ,L A 32 S 30 Metallic Dies and Counter-dies: by W. U. Tree-man in \meri.-an System of Dentistry Litch, VV. F. A 31 S 2 Metallic Facings for Carious Crowns-/,, American System of Dentistry .' Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Methods of Filling Teeth; by !;.. Ouoh-ngui in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 32 S 35 Micro-oroanisn.s of the Human Mouth Miller, W. 1). A 32 S 21 Moulding and Carving Porcelain Teeth; by W. R. Hall-m American System of 'Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Obturators and Artificial Vela;' by H. A. Baker— in American System of Dentistry .". Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 One'rative Demi-try Taft, J. A 32 S 26 Operative Technics Weeks. T. 1-1. A 32 S 2!) Oral Deformities Kingsloy, N. W. A 32 S 2S ar-iai-y Ort Orthod i. II. Uilfor,! ciio r i. H. iean Medical Congress, Transactions 010.0 aterials for Filling Teeth; bv A. (i. Bennett, in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Replantation and Transplantation of the Teeth : by G. W. Weld irt American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 2 Stopping Process with Gold: bv L. .lack in American System of Dentistry .' Litch, W. F. A ill S 2 System of an all Pore, lain Crown Substitute ; by VV. G. A. Bonwiil — m American Sy.t-ui of Dentist! v ... Litch, W. F. A 31 S2 Taking Impression's of the Mouth; LvA.G. Bermett in American System of Dentistry '. Litch, VV. F. A 31 S 2 [See also Dental Colleges; Teeth.] Education and Training— Den'al Education in the United States ... United State Bureau of Education, Rept., 1897-98 379.73 Professional Education in the United States New York- University, College Dept., Bulletin, 1900 G IS U 22 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1S90-1900. 793 o; Public Health; Dentir-try L. . .Hassall, A. H. A 20 T 25, 26 [See also Alga- ; Diatomaccre; Infusoria.] Despotism. [See Democracy; Liberty; Monarchy.] Destiny — Wisdom and Destiny Maeterlinck, P. M. B. G 11 U 42 Determinism — Butler, Bishop, Works of G 2 T 33-35 Case of Wagner Nietzsche, I', G 10 V IS Essay on the Bases of Mystic Knowledge... Reeejae, E. G 23 R 33 Heresies Miller. II. 0. G 2-1 I' 22 Metaphysic of Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 Thcistio Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Thus Spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 15 The Will to Believe James, W. G 23 R 24 [S,e nl-n Calvinism; Fatalism; Freedom of Will; Liberty; Necessitarianism; Predestination; Will.] Deuteronomy — Old Testament — ( 'omineiitary on Dun . Dr ', Rev. S. R. G 23 R 37 Development — Anatomy and Development of Pyrosoma in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Development of Frog's Egg Morgan, T. H. A 38 P 24 Development of Some Parts of flic Skeleton of Fishes— m Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Nature of the Earliest Stages of the Development of Animals— in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Physical Nature of the Child Rowe, S. H. A 39 V 31 Placenta von Tarsius und Tupaja ; von Prof. Ilubrecht. International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Problems of Nature ". Jaeger, G. A 44 Q 5 Studies of Childhood Sully, .1 . G 1 5 Q 35 Zoological Arguments commonly adduced in favour of the Hypo- thesis of the Progressive Development of Animal Life in Time — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. II. A 411 S Pi [See aim Children- Development and Crowth; Degeneration; Embryology; Evolution; Man, Natural History; Mind.] Devices. [See Christian Art; Emblems; Heraldry; Sym- bolism; Symbols.] Devil, The— Autobiography of Satan Beard, Rev. J. R. G 25 P 8 The Devil in Britain and America Ashton, J. G 15 R 36 Evil and Evolution G 11 U 28 History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil... Cams, P. G 23 V 35 What the Bible Teaches Torrcy , R. A. G 23 U 44 [See also Demonology ; Devil Worship.] Devil Worship — Madras Presidency, Admin n Manual, 1 915.48 Devonshire — : also Paheontology— Reptilia.] Didymium — Index to the Literature of Didymium, 1842 93; by A. C. Langmu r. Dietetics - Book of Diet ; Muskett, P. K. MA 4 1> 13 Dept. of Agr.' Offieeof Kxper. .sia'tinus '.VilSIMS Itmica .nnino-cionor^n, ,r a,, ,,,,,_ .1 ,U , Us, ^'"^ l^ _ DictandFood Hum A k 33 Q 35 of Children; bv Dr. K. Smith in Sole,,, '. Alibi icandActivitv... Thompson, Sir H. A 33041 Icalth and Work; by Dr. A. W. Blvth. International Healtli Exhibition, 1884 Lit,, 4 A 41 U 20 Diet Lists for Australian Medical i'raetiuoners Mullins, (!. L. MA 2 P 3 Dietof Australian Schoolchildren... Muskett, P. K. MA 4 P 31 Diet, ry Studies in Chicago United States Dept. of Agr.— Office of Kxper. Station A 41 C9 Diet t I'u . Uu udies'i'n'Xew'Vorl; Citv : l.v'\v. <' >. A I water ... ' United :s - Dept. of Agr. - Office of Kxper. Stations A 41 U 9 Dietietics — contd. Emergency Diet for the Sick in the Mi States; by Capt. Munson U.S.— Dept. of Fish as Food... Internal, Fisheries Exhib. , 1883, ] Fish as Food; by C. F. Langworthy United A 20 T 34 ice, United A 30 Q 25 f A34R7 js— Dept. of > A 41 U 2 nc J. Wood. International Health Exhibition. 1SS4, Lit., 4 A 41 U 20 Food and Diet; bv W. <>. Atwater United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 030.5 Food and Nutrition Inv, r tigat ions Xnv .Jersey State Agi'. Kxper. Station, Re]»t., 1897 030.7 Food and Nutrition Investigations in Xow. Jersey... United States-- Dept. of Agr. Office of Kxper. Stations A 38 R 15 Food of the Negro in Alabama... United States Dept. of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stations A 38 R 15 Food of the People in t "<\ ilisation of Our Day ... Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Health and Condition in the Active and tile Sedentary. Davies, X. E. Y-. A 26 R 30 Honey as Food ; by F. 15. Outhric Ayrieultural (Jazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 How to Feed Infants Jamieson, J. MA 3 P 70 Human F Is U.S. Dept. of Ac,'., Yearbook, 1894 630.5 nd the Composition and Digcsti- of P of N Otlic, yH. i A 38 R 15 hgainsn 'idled Slates— Dept. of Ayr.— Office of Kxper. Stations A 38 R 15 Milk as Food... United States -Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin. 7 I A 41 UI Nutrition and Foods; by Dr. I. B. Yeo— in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, T. A. A 31 P 14 Nutrition Experiments at the University of Tennessee; l.v Prof. C. I'.. Wait U.S. Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations Xut Im U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exj x\ Million Investigations in I'iltshuru; by U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Kxr Place of Fish in a Hard-working Diet Exhib., li Plea for a Simpler Life and Fads of an Old Digestibility of Food Stuffs. [See Feeding Experiments; Fodders.] Digestion and Indigestion — Ivspepsia in Childho. I; by Di W S. Fen ick i i System of Medieu .. AUbu t, T. t A 20 T 30 Public Library of Neio South Wales, Digestion and Indigestion - contd. General Pathology ui' I >igesi ion ; l.vDv. C. H. Ralfe— in System ci Medicine... ^ ' \ilbutt, T. C. A 20 T :!ii (:.:■.,.,■.! Pathology of Nutrition: by Dr. F. U. Mott— :n System of Medicine :.... Allbutt, ']'. C. A 20 T 34 Indigestion ,'« Health ami Condition in the Active and the Sedentary Davies, X. E. V-. A 20 R 30 Natural History of Digestion < dilespie, A. I, A 40 T 15 On Digestive Proteolysis Chittenden, R. H. A 20 S 28 Physiology of Digestion; by Dr. A. I'. Brubaker in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 , Physiology of Digestion and the Digestive Organs; by Dr. A. Gamgee Internal. Health Fxhib.. 1S84. Lit., 4 A 41 U 20 [See also Constipation; Cookery; Dietetics; Digestive System; Hygiene; Liver; Stomach.] Digestive System — Elements of Anatomy ... Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 [See also Constipation; Digestion and Indigestion; Intestines; Liver; Mouth; Stomach; and under each Organ.] Digests of Cases — Law. [See Law-Reports and Digests.] Dimorphism— . ■• i i;na .-;.! : \- -.'.: i a i Ir 'it; si Khi ■'. I !.•... ( 'mil lingo; in. •(. T. A 35 T 14 Dinornithidse — Bones of the Dinornis A",ihtnH ■■ : by Prof. ( lhase... American Assoc., Advance, of 'Science, Proc., 184;) 500 Nearly Complete Skeleton of JJi/r; nis ;«■))( in dui ice relating io Disinfection and Disinfectants contd. 1,, -Department of \.q-i, I'tin . i; lomycosis; Anth •ax ; ' ciii't ntagious Diseases ills . IK,-- hik! ers; Hog Cholera Ho. u Sk istralasian Li vc S Lock Manual Sutherk itlo IJiccdsand Management Housi ■ ease allceting Cattle in Moruva District; Agricultural < iazette, X. seascs among Stock ; by W. Thomson... Vi cry-day Ailments and Accidents of Cattle.. and Asthenic Apoplexvin Cattle; l»v R.J. f Ayr. and Indus;., S. A list., IS'.lT-ilS" 03il.,"> S and Treatment of Milk i'ever, ( Jargel. and ,- -.State Agr. Exp. Ktn., Kept., 1S!)7 030.7 . Mayhew, E. A 27 R 8 .if Sheep in Practical Treatise on Wool nil Co. MA 3 W 5 seases of Plants. [See Fungi; Insects, Injurious, Plant Diseases; and under Names of Plants.] ' scstablishment and Disendowment 'hurcli Disestablishment, Scotland; bv R. Munro in Historic facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 infection and Disinfectants land-book for Farmers and Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 2.3 P 32 . Wilson, A. A 26 P 41 . A 26 R 31 Dissection. [See Anatomy; Vivisection.] Dissenters. [See Nonconformists.] Distillation — Brewing and Distilling in Chemistry for .Manufacturers. Blount, 15. A Destructive Distillation -in Chemistry for Manufa Rlount. [See also Alcohols; Brandy.] Distinction— i of Beliefs... Sidgvviek, Distribution of Plants and A nimals Geographic Distribution of Cereals in North America; by C. Plumb... UnitedStatea Dept. of Agr. Di v. of Biological Surv 21 T39 A21 T 39 Distribution of Wealth Distribution of the Produce.. Early Essays ' Jems'; Work and Wages.] a. M-. F i V 7, nomy; Social Pro District of Columbia — General and De United States— Comms. of District of Columl scrijitive— m, Kept.... 354.7 DM Divi Tree- \gr.Journ.,l 030 Divination Divination by the Rod and by the Arrow in logic Divinity Schools Divorce. [SW Marriage ; Docks and Dockyards World: [See also C Admiralty Facilities of the Ports of the Dept. of the Navy A 2.j U 38 ,ours; Wharfs.] Public Library of New South Wales. Doctors and Surgeons— yDr. T.Holmes C 23 R 1 >tions of My Life Dodo, The— Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds Nicols, A. A 27 S 1G [Sie til.-o Paheontology— Now Zealand.] Dog, The— British Dogs Dalziel, H. A 14X41* Dog-book Mills, YV. A27S9 Dog in Australasia Beilby, W. MA 4 O 1 Dogs; their Management Mayhew, E. A 27 R 8 Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 Modern Dogs of (ireat Britain and Ireland... Lee, R. B. A 38 P 8, 9 Physiology of the Dog and Cat compared; by Dr. T. W. Mills McGill University A 4(1 S 21 Dogma — Against Dogma and Free-will and for Wcismannism... Hiller, H. C. G 24 X 6 Dogma in Religion Kinross, Rev. J. MC2U2 History of Dogma Hamaek, A. U 23 S 30-39 Introduction to Philosophy Ladd, (i. X. ( ( 1 X 24 Outlines of a Philosophy 'of Religion based on Psychology and History Sabatier, Key. A. G 23 R 4 [See also Theology— .Systematic.] [See afeo Tunicate.] Dolomites — Through the Dolomites Robertson, Rev. A. D 18 P 30 Dolphins. [See Cetacea; Porpoises.] Domestic Animals — Domestic Animals; by Dr. G. Stables in Household Oracle Miles. A. H. A 40 Q 9 Les origines des animaux domestiques; par X. Raspail. International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 189;") A 3.~> \V 13 [See also Birds; Cat; Cattle; Dog f Farm Buildings; Horse; Pigeons; Pigs; Poultry; Sheep; Stables; Veterinary Science. J Domestic Economy — n Household Oracle. Domestic Economy— contd. Housewifery Schools and Classes in Belgium in Special Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Education Making of the Home The New Home Teaching Dc G 17 U 14 ,. Barnett, Mrs. S. A. A 33 Q 38 Peel, Mrs. C. S. A 41 X 12 Economy and Needlework: by, I. V. (iprmain. 1 Health'Kxhibition, 1S84, Lit.", 14 A 41 V 10 [See also Cookery; Dress-making; Family; Food; Fuel; Furni- ture; Heating; Home; Needlework; Ventilation.] Domestic Education. [See Children ; Domestic Economy; Family; Home.] Donegal— General and Descriptive — Highways and Bvwavs in Donegal and Antrim Gwynn, S. D 21 S 1 Doors — Porte Piemontesi dal 15 al 19 Secolo ... Brayba, R. A 47 P 3o + Doric Architecture. [.See Architecture— Grecian.] Dorsetshire— General and Descriptive— English Topography... (ientleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 3 Doshisha University, Japan — Maker of New Japan : Rev. J. H. Neesima Davis, Rev. J. D. G 19 U 10 Dower. [See Marriage and Divorce.] Drainage, Agricultural — . United States - Farmers' Bulleti Dept. ofAgr.— ,40 A41U2 Roberts, I ulture; by D. Hi azette, N. S. Wa P. A 18 P 33 es, 1898 030.5 King, F H. A 33 Q 40 Drainage and Sewerage -Public Health. [-See Plumbing; Sanitary Engineering; Sanitation; Sewage Disposal.] Drama, The — General- Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art ; translated by S. H. Butcher Aristoleles (i'l.S R 70 Drama and Music in N. S. Wales; by F. C. P.n.v ,-,-/« Pams., N.S.W. Commissioners... Chieago Inhibition. 1 sif! MA 4X22 The Drama as a Fine .. Wii Alison, A. Dramatic Drama in Essays .... Kssay on Comedy Meredith, (i. H 10 W 2 Ce.sammclteVVerkc Frevtag, (!. J 23 U 3 The Later Renaissance Hannay, 1). J 27 Q Riscof the Drama -in Introduction to t heStmly of t he Renaissance I, I'M ace under the Anc tage, The; Theatre, The.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 799 Drama, The— Periodicals— Theatre, The By Countries. American — Curiosities of the American Sti Australian — . Hutton, L. H 12 T 10 M.J 4 P 24 2U U <>, !ei 7 h": U C< MJ loni 4 1' .1 H 3U 3 J 12 V 19 3C. Pubs ,'sa, 37 H 3 17 41, 42 . MoUoy, J. F. Hll R 15, 16 Ordish, T. V. B23 I'M Boas, P. S. H3R31 J 14U29 I Tut H 3 U 1 J. French li and English Coi Dramatic Art and Criticism — Account of the First Production of the School for Soandal. Barrington, G. MC 1 T 34 Conjectural Readings on tiic Texts of Marston, Beaumont and Fletcher, Peele, Marlowe, Chapman, Hevwood, (Jreene, Mid- dleton, Dekker, Webster Deighton, K. H 11 R 13 Divagations Mallarme, S. J 21 P 24 Elocution and t!.e Dramatic Art Smithson, D. .1. J 14 R 20 (ierman Passion Play in Chances of Death Pearson, K. A 37 R 10 ( Jreater Victorian Poets Walker, H. J 10 U 30 Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of A Midsummer Night's Dream; by J. 0, Halliwcll '. Shakespeare Soc. Pubs, 23 H 3 U 31 Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakcs»earo\s Plays Collier, J. P. H 4 V 16 Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer Night's Dream illustrated by mi.-ai h L\ Pa; Remarks on tlie Plays of Shakespc Shakspereand his Predecessors.. Henry Irving, Wilson Barret Study and Stage .............. .'....'. Trait ■ do Bht I i i nr le Theatre [« ■■ -.A : . : Actors.] Dramatic Literature Gene Short Studies in Literature With Poet and Player H 3 U 45 <:.H. H4V14,15 , F. S. H 3 K 31 V. J 12 V 21 i. 11 ID W 4 , J. II 3 V 2 . Mabie, IT. W. J 21 P 43 Adams, W. 1). .1 11 P47 md Criticism; Interludes.] e Bicyclers medics for Amat unterfeit Preset.' urtship with Va: ... Bangs, J. K. H 10 T 38 Matthews. .1. B. 11 12 PC . How-ells, VV. 1). II 12 P3 . Brunner, H. ('. II 12 PC Hindu Literary History of India Frazer, R. W. J 19 W 7 Traite de Bharata stir dc Theatre Orosset, J. H3V2 - Latin— , S.-liool Plays in Latin and t livek //(Special It-ports on Educational subjects Croat Brit, and lid. -Kducation <: 17 I' 15 Prank Wy! lie , "lit v'. .wells. W. I). H liannay,!). J 27 Q Unexpected (iuests... Public Library of New 'South Wales. Dramatic Literature— Australian- is of Ancient History . . .Capper, R. Isabel and Rinaldo Britisli — iir;i,,-. Iklls e X List; byP ig of the Bough .. Benefi t of the Doubt: a Best Plays .. Carlyc rh!'n ■ Saiiil , The Come Comp ■.IC \Vi iks'ol \Vil Re\ H. N Hudson . I)..:ll.- fni ri> sof Willi DlMin tic Si B nc; by 1 19t Dram th- V\'< rks Kngii. 1. His! ili: il l'iay. . Chapman, F. MH 1 V 2 Murray, G. H 13 T vSoe.Pubs. H US 29 jwning, R. H 10 W 21 Moore, (J. H 12 R 33 inero, A. W. H 3 U 12 'hapman, (i. H 7 R 42 Murray, (J. H 13 T 8 ones, H. A. H 12 Q 30 iesant.W. H 10 W 27 1 U 9-12 , Har i, W. 3U 1 r Maid of the Wes ,, H. N. HI U i Shakespeare, W. H 12 T 13 r Paul Pindar, and nt her Plays. Maughan, H N. H1U5 Perkin Warbeek . Philastor Plays of Henley a Plays, Pleasant ar Dramatic Literature - British — contd. d Death istix; Prodigi Drui ■gforKa W, i e Km, the Miller's Daughter of Manchester... Simpson, R. H 10 V SO, 31 Shakespeare Society Papers ... Shakes. Society Pubs. H 3 U 29 Shakespeare's Play of King Henry IV... Shakes. Society Pubs. , 27 H 3 U 32 Shakespeare's saninil iiehe dramatische Wcikc... Shakespeare. W. H 12 Q 20-29 Shakespeare's Works; edited, witli Notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Shakespeare, W. H 13 W 1-40 Sir Paul Pindar, and other Plays .Maughan. if. N. H 1 U .", Sir Thomas More Shakespeare Society Pubs., 23 H 3 U 28 Souvenir Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar. 1899 J 12 X 21 t Spanish Tragedy Kyd, T. H 13 Q 3 '1' i' a '. Shakespeare Society Pubs. H 3 D 16 Tower. Babel Austin, A. H 10 S 24 U18 . Works eilby Works Chilian— Mai Sin Kemedio... S21 Numa y Pompilio . Q 10 French — 2T7 Aglavaincand Sclv LeCid sene, R H 13 Q 2 A. W. H 12 Q 14 ch-dlli. Latin 1'Iav lbs., 21 H 3 U 20 rter. [Reprint of v Pubs H 11 S7 M 3 U 47 li 13 T 10 nerXie-ht's H 1 T 10 .. Sliak ispeare, W. II 1 T 9-12 , R. B. H 13P20 ,, D. A. HIS 27 ick, P. M. 15. II 11 R 14 La Dernier Le Saoril Les Fourbs le H 13 U 10 le H11U14 M. HIS 36 P. H 13 U 5 P. J 21 P 32 de H13P11 J 23 P 45, 46 J 15 W 31 34 A. H 3 Q 38 J. II 10 V 16 J, H 13 U 4 de II 13 U 8 le H11U14 M. H12U4 M. H 12 U 8 The Royal King and the Loyal Subject, and A Woman Killed with Kindness; by T. Hcvv. oo.l ... Shakespeare Soc. Pubs., 41 II 3 U 46 Savonarola: a Tragedy Austin, A. II 10 S 27 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. Dramatic Literature — Greek— .K- vli .,■:■;■ supersunt omnia .Eschvlus H 4 V 17, IS Agamemnon of Jiicbyliis; by A. W. Verrall . . .Eschvlus li SUM Hi.; Choephori a\ d&chylus; Hans, by A. W. Verrall... ^schylus H3U51 Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum, including Poems of Herodas ..... >, G. I)'. H 13 U 2 , T. M. II 1 T 19-27 — - Latin — Coneediaj 1). Fabulis Atellanis: Plauti Rudens — — Norwegian— Love's Comedy Who,, we Dead Awake, Strindberg, A. H 10 V 33 Dramatists — French Dramatists of the I9th< Vni ury... -Matthews. J. 15. H 12 R 1 O,ldoni-m Italians !Iorride.c V. CiilSll J ..son's Xotes on Conversations with William Drunmiond of 010 ...... Shakespeare Society Pubs. HSU 13 r lien [Lib! . 1 1 -li d.]... J 2' S !;esj.. -are, William: a Biography; by C. Knight ... C 24 S 5 Shakespeare's Autobiographical I'oem:- ;"bv ( '. A. Brown C 23 Q 7 Shakespeare's Town and Times "Ward, If. S. 1) 22 T 4 Sin ridan ; by W. F. Rae Sheridan, R. 15. C 22 T 9, 10 Wills, W. O., Dramatist and Painter; by F. Wills C 25 P 5 Drapery and Haberdashery— Draper and Haberdasher Hayes, J. W. A 33 R 30 Draughts — ( hi me of Draughts Simplified Anderson, A. A 40 Q 14 Sturges' Guide to the Game of Draughts... Sturges, J. A 29 R 34 Dravidian Literature — a Manual, 1880 .. 915.48 915.48 Drawing and Sketching — \ li (' of Drawing in Special Reports on Ed Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Ed Australian Drawing-book... Angus and Rober board Draw, tment of Sci ig Sparkc ng for Mode rn Methods of Reprodueti ng from Nat ure B, Drawings— Reproductions of Drawings of the Old Masters in the British Museum, pt. 4 '..... British Museum A 11 P 31 J Second Book of Fifty Drawing Hi ardslev, A. A 19 T 22 t IS* alto Engravings; Sketching.] Dreams — Book of Dreams and Ghosts Lang, A. 11 U 30 Dreamland and Ohostland Hood, E P. G 15 U 12 Egyptian Magic Budge, Rev. E. A. W. G 25 P 20 The Human Machine Nisbct, J. F. 2405 Imagination in Dreams, and their Study. ..Orecnv.ood.F. 1U34 Myths and Dreams Clodd, E. G 19 U 4C ral... . Joi: ,J. r li Telepathy and the Subliminal Self Mason, R. O. (J 11 U 17 The Unknown Flammarion, ('. G 24 U 40 [See also Apparitions ; Mind and Body; Sleep; Somnambulism. j Dredging -Km/ineerhv/ and Machinery^ Centrifugal Pump-dredging in X. S. Wales: by A. Portus. Royal Society, X. S. Wales. Proc., 1890 500 Deep-sea Sounding and Dredging Cniicd States (Vast and Resultats Seientifioues de la Campagne du Camhm dans le Oolfe de Oascogne K< elder, R. A 31 S 30 [See alio Challenger Expedition ; Marine Zoology ; Ocean.] ildren's Dress ; by i also Clothes ; Cos itional Health 12 A 41 V 8 Id... Internal. 12 A 41 V 8 » Workers on their Industries. Galton, F. XV. F 10 V 18 How to make a Dress Wood, J. A. E. A 23 P 38 [See also Clothes; Costume; Fashion Journals ; Needlework.] Dried Fruits. [See Fruit-drying.] Drill. [See Physical Education.] Drill and Minor Tactics. [See Artillery; Cavalry; In- fantry; Military Art; Military Engineers; Mounted Infantry; Tactics; Transport, 'Military.] 802 Public Library of New South Wales. Drills. [See Artesian Water; Bores and Boring; Diamond Drills; Mining Machinery; Wells.] Drimys — Sow Species of Drimvs; liv T. Kirk New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Drink Question- Arrack Question in Ceylon Perera, M. A. F 9 P 28 MiLliographv in Economic -Aspects of the Liquor Problem. Koren, J. F 17 T 2 Cyclopaedia of Temperance and i'roliibition F 7 T 7 Drink Bills of New South Wales... Bovce, Rev. F. B. MF 5 S 4 Drink Question and Temperance Klh'.rts i,i Civilization of our Day Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Economic Aspects of the Liquor Problem ... Koren, J. F 17 T 2 Economic Aspects of the Liquor rrohlem United States- Bureau of Labor, Kept,, 1898 178.4 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Free Trade in Drink in The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Industrial Day Dreams Keeble, S. E. F 2 U 40 Intoxicating Drink in Democracy and Liberty. Lecky, W. E. II. F 12 T 4, 5 Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Leverages in Europe and the United States (it. Brit, and lrel. - Board of Trade F 20 U 10 t [.See afro Alcoholism: ( 'uratel Procedure ; Dipsomania; Gothen- burg System; Liquor Traffic ; Local Option ; Temperance.] Driving — Driving for Pleasure Dropsy — Dropsy; by Dr. W. H. Diekin . Underbill, F. T. A 5 P 31 f Svstcm of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Epidemic Dropsy ; by Dr. K. MacLeod -in Svstcm of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Drosera Whittakeri — Colouring Matter of Dmsi-ru Wliiituh; ri Ronnie, E. II. MA 3 W 18 [.See also Insectivorous Plants.] Droughts — Observations on the determination of Drought-intensity; by C. II. Knibbs Royal Society N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 506 Suggestions for depicting diagrammatioallv the Character of Sea- sons as regards Rainfall, and especially that of Droughts; by H. Deane Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journ., 1899 506 Druggistry. [See Pharmacy.] Drugs. [See Adulteration; Materia Medica, Pharmacy; Prescriptions; and under each Drug.] Druids — Arclneology Gentleman's Magazine Library B 32 U 5, 6 Barddas Williams ah Ithel, Rev. J. J 14 S 17, 18 Literary History of Ireland Hyde, D. J 4 T 28 Tatiesin; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain.. '. Nash 1) W II 12 8 19 Who were the Authors of the Arts and Science Literature of the Ancients? List, N. A. G 5 R 34 Drunkenness. [See Curatel Procedure; Dipsomania; .. Ndldeke, T. B 12 U 36 Dry Rot. [See Timbers and Timber Trees.] Drying of Fruit. [See Fruit-drying.] ; by J. C. Mm Moral Order of the World Naturalism and Agnosticisr Philosophy of Mind IV^M.nism.j McGill ity G 18 R 66 l.'P. G24S0 G 24 V 14, 15 . T. G 3 R 29 DubbO — Gein-ral y J. Etheridge, Prof. David, ami y . Soc. , N. S. W. , Proe. , 1 896 506 ral and Descriptive — 'annibal Countries. Webster, H. C-. MD S R 53 A Umana Papait kai ra Umana Apositolo... Dumb Asylums. [See Deaf and Dumb— Asylums.] Dumfries— History — History of Dumfries and Galloway... Maxwell, SirH. B 16 T 11 "Dunbar" — Wreck of the Dunbar at South Head, 1857 Month, The MJ4Q 11 Dunedin - General and Descriptive— Our Sister Cities Melbourne Review, 10 052 Dunedin Hospital — Dunedin Hospital Inquiry Commission. Report — in Appendix. New Zealand- Parliament, Journals, 1891 328.931 Dunfermline — History — Annals of Dunfermline Henderson, -Hm 'II B 17 U 19 B 16 R 24 Duodenum Ulcer of the Stomach a System of -Medicine . Duploye- Sloan Method. [See Shorthand.] Durham — General and Descriptive— English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Libr History — County Palatinate of Durham .. Palatine Note-hook Story of some English Shires .. . Lapslev, G. T. F 3 T 26 1524 U I 4 diton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 803 Talbot, Canon A 39 P 9 Durham Cattle. [Sea Shorthorns.] Dutch Art. [See Fine Arts— Dutch.] Dutch Colonies. [See Holland— Colonies: and under each Colony.] Dutch East Indies — General and Descriptive — European Settlements in the Far East S. , ]). W. D 21 Q 12 Guide to Dutch East Indies Bemmelen, J. F. van D 11 P 38 Dutch Guiana — General and Descriptive— Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 19 Dutch Literature — The Augustan Ages Elton, 0. J 14 R 32 Dutch Republic. [See Holland] Duties. [See Customs and Excise; Tariffs; Taxation; and sub-heading Finance under each Country.] Duties, Civil, Public, and Social. [See Christian Ethics; Citizenship; Customs; Duty; Social Ethics; State Ethics.] Duty— A< live and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, 1). G 10 T 4, 5 Elements of Moral Science Porter, N. G 24 R 5 Faith and Duty in Parents and Children ... Mason, Carlotte M. G 17 T 7 N. rural Theology and Ethics Wallace, W. G 24 U 24 Two Question-begging Saws in Outspoken Essays ... Bax, E. B. [.■>•■ c also Citizenship; Moral Philosophy.] Dwarfs — (i hints and Dwarfs Wood, E. J. A 19 S 17 Dwelling-houses — Architecture — American Houses Sloan, S. A 19 T 34 Anglo-Saxon Dwellings; bv Prof. Hodgetts Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 ( 'oitages and Country Buildings Cutler, T. XV. A 19 R 5 Homes in City and Country Sturgis, R. A 40 V 12 .Japanese Homes ami their Surroundings... Morse, E. S. A 45 P 4 Modern American Homesteads Atwood, 1). T. A 33 V 19 [Sie also Seats of Nobility; Workmen's Dwellings.] — Sanitation, [Sec Sanitation.] Dyaks— Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo Roth, II. L. A 31 Q 27, 28 Dyes and Dyeing — Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours Bcnedikt, R. A 23 P 20 Dynamics— contd. Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy... Pratt, J. H. A 2.) S 3o Mathematical Theory of the Top Klein, F. A 24 P 34 On a Form of the Differential Equations of Dynamics. Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, 500 Popular .Scientific Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 Scientific Papers Tait, P. (!. A 10 C 13 t Treatise on Dynamics Wilson, YV. P. A 30 U 18 Treatise on the Theory of Screws ... Ball. Sir R. S. A 44 W 14 [See also Force and Energy; Mathematics: Mechanics; Physics; Dynamite- Hand-book on Modern Explosives Eissler, M. A 20 Q 22 [See also Explosives.] Dynamo Machines— Alternating Currents Jackson, 1). C. A 20 Q 37 Armature Win, lines of Electric Machines Parshall, H. F. A13T 17 t Electric Light Urquhart, .1. W. A 24 P 45 Electricity for Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 20 Electricity for Town and Count r, Houses Serutton, P. E. A 25 S 12 Electro-magnetism and Construction of Dynamos. Jackson, 1). C. A 20 Q 30 Engines and Boilers Le Van, W. B. A 25 P 40 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A 33 Q 31 Latest Dynamo-electric Machines... Thompson. S. P. A 21 S 10* PraeticalCalculationofDynamo-electrieMachines... Wiener, A. E. Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Osterberg, M. A 21 V 20 [See also Electric Lighting; Electric Motors; Electrical Engineer- Dynamometer — New Transmission Dynamometer: l,\ W. [•'.. Dalhv.. Institution, Civil Engineers, Minutes of Proc, 1898 020.0 Dyscrasite — Dyserasite in the A. B. H. Consols Lode; by G. Smith. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893 022.00 Dysentery - Amoebic Dysentery; by Dr. H. A. Lafleur— in System of Medicine. Allbutt/r. 0. A 20 T 35 Diarrheal Diseases and Dysentrv; by Dr. W. W. Johnston— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Dysentery; by Dr. A. Davidson -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Dyspepsia. [See Digestion and Indigestion.] Dysteria — Hysteria, a new Genus of Infusoria - in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [See also Infusoria.] E Ear, The, and Hearing - the Mid •. R. u Pn I P I Public Library of Neio South Wales* Early Closing Question — Early Closing in N. S. Wales; by Col Earth, The — Age of the Earth a . Causes of Climatic s an Abode Fi Smithsoni M. Potter'. e; by Lord Kelvin n, Repts., 1897 50 >hi< al Changes up<; an Institute, Minin Trans., 1895 622.0 [He er, N. S. Dawson, Sir J. W. A 40 T 22 "Rectangle" A 24 R 21 : Arctic Regions; Astronomy; Cos- :■•; Earthquakes; Geodesy; Geology; i'; Physical Geography; Volcanoes; «y.J Voyages— General Earthenware. [St Earthquakes — Academie des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances, 120, 121 596 Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. AIDS 10 Charleston Earthquake of 1880; bv Capt. C. E. Button. United States -Geological Survey. Annual Rept., 9 557.3 Comparison of some Elements of Earthquake Motion as observed in New Zealand, with their Theoretic Values; by G. Hogben. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S9S° 500 Earthquakes in New Zealand... X.Z. Journal oi Science, 1S91 505 Earthquakes on the Pacific Coast, 1709 1897, Catalogue; by E. S. Ilolden ... Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 37 508 Earthquakes, with their iiiiiucnce on Building Construction. Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, 6 500 How Earthquakes Notes on the R- Record of Canai ut Earthquake a Earthquakes ■, R. A. Field. \ it! 1,1 Zealand , 1897 506 >vC. II. MeLcod MeGill University A 40 S 6 jical Journal of Japan 551.2 .n Earthquake of 1892: by G. Hogben New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 li Earthquake of 1897; by G. Hogben Now Zcala ' ■o Seismology; Volca i8 .] , 1898 506 [fJee a/so Annelids; Cinetopoda; Oligoi East, The— East India Company Easter — Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial. . .Feascy, H. J. G 1 1 Q 36 Easter ThouLdits ; by Dean Russell .. Melbourne Review, 5 052 [.Sec also Festivals, Church.] Easter Island — Easter Island and its Colossal Statues; by Capt. H. V. Barclay. Royal Geog. Hoe., Aust., S.A. Br., Proc, 1888-98 910.6 Eastern Church. [See Greek Church.] Eastern Question — Ambassador of the Vanquished Broglie, Due de B 31 U 20 Armenian Crisis in Turkey Greene, P. D. F 10 V 19 Backwards or Forwards? Hanna, Col. H. P.. F 10 V 37 Eastern Question Marx, K. F 13 Q 36 Eastern Question and the British Empire : by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Eastern Question in the 18th Century Sorel, A. F 13 R 12 European Situation; bv T. 1). Wanliss Melb. Rev., 1 052 Our Responsibilities for Turkey Aryyll, Duke of F 10 V 13 Russia and Kin-land. Is7(i S0;*bv "O.K." Novikoff, Olga F 3 R 10 Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston Marx, K. F 15 P 40 [flee also Armenian Massacres; Crimean War; Russia — Politics; Turkey — History. ] Eating. [See Cooking; Diabetes; Digestion; Food.] Ecclesiastes -Old Testament — Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. W. G 2,3 P 8 Ecclesiastical Antiquities, [See Church Antiquities.] Ecclesiastical Architecture — Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture ... Evans, E. P. G 12 V 30 Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England. Pugin, A. W. A 44 W 12 Canon, The G 23 S 9 The Cathedral Builders Baxter, Lucy K. A 45 P 5 Early French Architecture Johnson, R. J. A 46 P 27 J Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland MacGibbon, D. A 23 V 28- 30 English Cathedrals Illustrated Bond, F. A 41 T 15 (io thick An hitecture Brandon, R. A 18 P 19, 20 f Histoire de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais Decloux, M. G 12X22 I Monog^phi^dolaCathcdraVdYtrvicto... Benois.N. A 12X23 + ' Charieuiagne^..'.!.". 1 ... 1 ... 1 .!. .:'. 1 .'!.' .?."."" !I,!l!'lu,,'lf'. ''a 4<> J p 26 J OpenTimberRoofs.ofthcMiddleAges... Brandon, R. A 19 U 3 + Our English Minsters A 39 P 9, 10 Polychrome Meistcrwerke dor Mo, -una ntalen Kunst in Italien vran 5bis 10 Jahrhundert Kohler, If. A 46 P 25 t Progress of Art in English Church Architecture Robertson T S A 23 P 43 Studies in Cathedral Design Pullan, R. P. A 12 X 20 | Ecclesiastical History— . Brown, Rev. J. G 23 Button, W. H. G 19 uson, Archoishop G 19 .. McClure, E. (1 IT S heldon, H. C G 14 R i h Hefele, Bi G 14 Pi Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 805 icsiastical History— General — contd. See in the Early Church Bright, Rev. W. G 12 V 26 ■'"iAl.!i vs; ApostlosandApostolieChurch; Apostolic Succes- cn; Ariausand Arianism; Annenian (.'liurch ; Bible; Cata- • nibs; Cathedrals and Churches : Christian Art; Christianity— T.cnt: Creeds;; Dogma; Fathers of the Church; nit I Mill n ' M u i ' Mi 1. M i . : 1 .Missionary Work; Mmm-licis,,, ; \,,, -Catholic Movement; h .11 1 . \ it ; lltiin lit' ini \ t' m i'.uneil. ISO'.); Wald-nses; and under names of Council-, De- nominations, and Sects.] By Countries. Australia— Story of the Australian Church Symonds, E. MG 2 P 61 — Bulgaria — s Slavs Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 26 P 9 — Denmark — ie Northmen Maclear, Rev. ( }. F. G '20 P 8 — Eastern Church — it holieos of the Mast ami his People Maclean, Rev. A. J. G 20 R 2 — Egypt— ory of the Church of Egypt Butcher, E. L. G 23 Q 8, 9 England — p- Anglican Reformation Clark, W. G 23 R 8 ic-ustineamlti,.. Kvangclixn' ion of En-land... Bovce, Rev. F. B. MG 1 P 90 ,e Church in England Overton, Rev. .1. H. (i 2;! (,) 5, m umsnts illustrative of English Church History.. Hist . Bri 4 S 30 1 S 30 Ecclesiastical History — France - Gibson, Hon. W. 3 the Pope, 1342-1419. tand Irel. -Pulilie Record Office B 45 i 1640 00... Shaw, W. A. (J 24 V 28, 29 I, Scotland, Wales, under this heading.] Ireland — The Celtic Church in Ireland Heron, Rev. J. G 23 Q 15 St. Patrick ; his Lite and Teaching Newell, K. J. G 26 P 21 Some Worthies of the Irish Church .. Stokes, Rev. G. T. G 25 T 7 Norway — The Northmen Maclear, Rev. ',. F. G 26 P 8 Poland — The Slavs Maclear, Rev. G. F. G 26 P 9 Russia — The Slavs Maclear, Rev. i. F. G 26 P 9 Scotland— Apostolic Mini try i th S oltish Ministry... St jry, Rev. R, H. G 9 W 33 History of the Reformation within the Rea Preachers of Scotland, 6th-19th Centuries. Spalding Club Pu igs of the I hurch ,f S-. 111 Spain sinth i lot l( Sweden Syria— ,lh t 7.i Unitsd i States .P. G24V2, : . 11. G 12 V 9 Public Library of New South Wales. Ecclesiastical History — United States contd. History of the Methodists in the United States... Buckley, J. M. G 12 V 12 History of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States. Corwin, Rev. E. T. G 12 V 15 " ' OI 7„ of Ufnyefsalism Eddy, Rev. R. G 12 V 17 iinson, First Minister in the Massachusetts Bav uoiony; oy 1. \V. Higginsnn... Hig-inson, Rev. F. C 19 P 15 Old Church in the New Land Smith, Rev. C. E. G 9 \V 24 Problem of Religious Progress Dorchester, Rev. D. G 12 V 4 Religious Forces of the United States... Carroll, H. K. G 12 V 8 ory of the Church of Wales... Clarke, Rev. H. W. Life of Era i Brit ivlati ts Bill— in Speeches.. .Magee, Archbp. J 14Q37 Ireland, Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- and Ireland. Ecclesiasti land, Reports Great Britain and Ireland, E< loi.Mr land, Orders in Council ratifying Sc [See also Church Polity ; Councils, Chu: ;e and Divorce.] Ecclesiastical Vestments — Ecclesiastical Vestments Macalisl . Durandus, Bishop (i 24 Q [See also Monotromata.] Echinodermata— British Echinoderms in the British Musi Britisli Museum- N; Echinodenn Fauna of New Zealand ; by Linnean Societv, N. S. Wales, I 'roc, Echinodermata; by T. Whitelegge Australi _ ,. , Memoirs, 3 MA 3 VV 22 Echinodermata in the Australian Museum... Australian Museum „ .. , , MA 3 R 66, 68 Echinoderms; by F. J. Bell— in Zoological Results ... Wilh mil fttslor A 42 U 9 898 580.6 History of New Zealand Kehi 4 V3 Origin (j Kchiuo, Tins; 1 y Pro M cl'-rid" International ess of Zoo oi/v, I'n Researc les of Pre f. M ill, the the Ec hinod.ern s, Rept. i«S ilie Men fuxley, 'I'. H. s Scienti ques de la Ca upa me du C tudan . . Ka-hler, R. Seester. e; voi.D ■■ II. Li dwig. Zoologis he Sta A 31 S 30 ion zu Neapel Shell an 1 Starfisl in the )epar tmei t of Zo lopv « A 19 P 26 t British Mus -Natural History A 39 V 10 [See also •oidea.] Echiuroidea — Echiuridsfrom the Loyalty islands, New Britain, and by A. E. Shipley— /« Zoological Results... Willov [See also Gephynea ; Helminthology.] Eclipses and Occupations - iiist e Ec g Keliu •. S. .1. Lockye. , .,,, --..,,c„ee of Solar Kclipse;; with 'fables of IOelinses nc 700 A. n. 2300... U.S. Bureau of Fquipment, Ast Papers I ' v'li s ular Eclipse of July, IS7S, Report ; by ( 'ievelund Abbe' United Slates - Sigurd Service A 10 X 2 t '■, '.'.' .. 'P V",, Chambers.!;. F. A 19 P 20 A ^t) X 41 lardon an Outbreak of an Kpidemio Skin rt. Brit, and Irel. Local Govt. A 39 V 39 + Economic Botany. [See Botany, Economic] Economic Entomology. [See Entomology, Economic] Economic Science. [See Political Economy; Social Economy; Statistics and Economics — Periodicals.] Economists. [See Philosophers; Reformers, Social.] Ecuador— General and Descriptive— Ecquador U.S.— Bureau of American Republics D 18 T 32 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U Is ■ Commerce and Trade — Trade in Ecuador— ,n Diplomatic and Consular Reports, annual serlcs Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 Eczema — Eczema; by Dr. Payne— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C A26T4 : Diseases, Rept.... „ ■[See also Dermatology.] Eden, Garden of— Romance of Diaphon Seaton> R j 21 R 3? Edentata - The Brain in the Edentata; by Dr. G. E. Smith... Linnean Society P ,, • T , . . L""' 1 -. ''^ns.. Zoology 7. 2nd series 590.6 Crn vorous, Rachydcrmatous, and Elentate Mammalia in the Li.tish Museum; by J. E.Gray British Museum-Natural Edeography. [See Shorthand.] Hl8t ° ry A 42 * ~ Edible Earth- Edible Earth from Fiji; by Dr. Corney R oyal SociotV) N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 500 Edinburgh— General and Descriptive-- bights and Scenes ifl Scotland Scotland A 8 Q 26 + Edinburgh and Leitli Post Office Directory, 1896 97 914. 144 History — Edinbur gh Stevenson, R. L. B 16 R 47 Edinburgh University. [For Calendars and Official Publications see Author Catalogue.] E driophthalma— R&ultats Seientifiqucs de la Campagne du Ca„ ; h:n dans le Oolfe [JJSSSfc] K,ehler,I, A 3,S.{o Education— General — Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools West, A. F Allgemeine Unterriehtelehre R egener v n , Q S *£ Application of 1'sy hologj toth, -iridic, ,,f fib, ,,,/,, Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Scmnce'lLtV *i«£ * Q «S Basis of National Prosperity; by Rev. T. F.' Bird '" Besondere Unterrichtslehre .^lieg'cT' R< 5I.ii r, F. G19T40 '• B. G 15 U 51 in the Republic of Plato; Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 807 Education— General — contd. Educational Aims and Methods Eitch. Sir J. (J 26 R 6 Ed ,„,;,d J.I-^1 ; v.ichP>iMio.;raphy... Munroe, J. 1». G 2 V 46 1 : 1 1 .aimed Theories Browning, 0. y Kev. T. F. Bird. Melbourne Review, 1 052 Pearson, Charles Henry C 25 T 16 rofessor Pearson's Report: l.v T. llarlin Hell). Rev. , 3 0.12 filiations under the Ivluration Act. 1890. and the !'ul die Service :, 1800 Victoria Public Instruction MF 1 R 34 Western Australia — Hegulat Act, 1 Education and Religion. Education, National. [See Education of Women. [St Education, Primary — Gene Re i ]•: British Birds, with th ir byD. LeSouiif... Ibis,! 1899 5£ .'hapnian, F. M. A 27 £ Eggs and Nests- contd. Nests and Eggs of the Australian Aecipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey... Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, 1S95 5l'(i Nests and Eggs of the Honey-eaters; by A. J. Campbell. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1S98 olili Nidifieation of the Emu Wren; by G. E. Shepherd Victorian Oologieal Notes; by A. J. North .. . Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 581 Mi Oology of New Zealand N.Z. .loiirnal of Science, 1884 505 Some new, or little known Birds'-cges from Queensland; byD. LeSouef Ibis, 1897 598.2 Three Rare Nests and Eggs; by A. J. Campbell Victorian Naturalist. 1S97-9S 505 {See also Birds; Ornithology.] . Wheeler, B. I. B 27 Q 14 its of B 27 V 20 tions Sayee, Rev. A. H. B28R 13 3 Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 28 S 2 ... Mahall'y, J.P. B 28 S .'{ e, W. M. F. B 21 R 3, 4, 7 .. Sharpe, S. B 35 Q 15, 16 Le Plongcon, A. B 39 U 16 ... Salah-Ed-Din (' 24 R 20 Butcher. K. L. 23 Q 8, 9 .... Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 Egypt, Ancient— History— Alexander the Great Alexander the Great, Life and Expk Early Israel and the Surrounding Ni md the Egyptian Npliii Religion— Book of the Dead Book of the Dead Book of the Master Egypt, Chaldiea, and Chin; British Museum B 41 P 1 + B 37 V 13-15 Adams, W. M. G 23 Q 48 lent Ideals ... Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Egyptian Ideas of t he Future Life... Mudge, Rev. K.A.W. G25P19 Origin and Growth of Religion Renouf, P. le P. G 23 T 3 Religion and Conscience in Ancient Kgypt Petrie, W. M. F. G 23 Q 24 Religion of the Ancient Egyptians Wiedemann, A. G1R 39 The Temple of Mut in Asher Benson, Margaret B 28 U 11 [.See aho Egyptology ; Hieroglyphics; Hyksos; Memphis.] Egypt, Modern- City of the Caliphs eral and Descriptive — Ball, E. A. R-. Russell, R. H. D 20 S 23 D 17 S 19 D 20 Q 19 .' Capt, C. Bendire. Ha id-book for Tr.-u Lai d of the Monun Lei ;crs from Egypt Nil 3 Notes die Nile with a IV sent-day Egypt Re amids and Prog em nt ion of E-v , A. S. I) 22 P 4 .per Egypt, rick, Mary Bollard, J. D 17 s is Lrpsius, R. D19P13 Curtis, <:. W. D20Q 22 Wilkin, A. D 14S25 Penlield, F. C. D 13 Q 3 Ward, J. B28T IS Worsfold, W. B. D22U3 Buxton, E. N. I) 10 S 38 ia,' and Egypt.... Wilkie. Sir 1). ... Ma, 'Coll, Rev.'M. FI2f 23 Earth" Tiffany, F. 1)21 T 1 ar Ea it ... Beanian, A. ()'. H-. D 22 P 3 Cairo t ;tl.cSc;V,,,dCata;,u't... 1 Jo!ul.o" for Eg ypt; by A. Nicbolls ....'.. British Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Egypt, Modern — Commerce and Trade — ' ' Relations of Great Britain and Egypt t. and [rel. Foreign (Mice Misc. set'., 391 382 -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Gt. Brit, and lid. -Foreign (Mice 3S2 'White, A. S. F8R31 — - History- Cromer, Lord; by H. D. Traill Cromer, Baron C 24 Q 19 Arnold, Sir E. 1) 18 U 14 Century Cameron , 1 ). A. B 37 R 1 Jritish Wood, H. P. F10V14 md the Sudan Traill, H. D. B 41 R 12 Kinglake, A. W. B 16R41 .tern History ~X.".ldeke, T. B 12 U56 Kkedive..... Mieville, Sir W. B 37 Q 6 Egypt, Religions of. [See Egypt, Ancient— Religion.] Egyptian Language and Literature [See Egyptology; Hieroglyphics.] C25Q9 Downfall of the Dervishes Bennett, E. N. B 29 Q 23 Egypt in the 19th Century Cameron, I). A. B 37 R 1 K: ■'vptian Guup.igns, 1SS2 !)!) Rovle, C. B 41 Q 6 lv. ■ plian Soudan'; it- Loss and Recovery... Alford, Lieut. H. S. L. B39P lfi How the Sirdar reached Khartoum... Campl.ell, Lieut. -Col.. G. R. Egyptology— contd. Deshasheh; by W. M. E. Petrie Egypt Exploration Fund B18Q 19 + Egypt of the Hebrews and Hcrodotos Saycc, Rev. A. H. 1! 28 S 2 Egyptian Texts of the Earliest Period from the Coffin of Amamu in the British Museum; trans, by S. Birch . . British Museum A 41! P 9 % Epitaphe Mir.cenne d'Egypte Derenbourg, II. B 39 U 8 Guide to the Kxhibil ion Galleries... British Museum A 39 V 17 Guide to the First and Second Egyptian Rooms... British Museum B 40 P 4 History of Egypt Petrie, W. M. F. B 21 R 3, 4, 7 Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic ( banister from the Col- lections of the British Museum ... British Museum B 47 P 8 J Land of Goshen and the Exodus Brown, R. H. B 34 S 7 Land of the Monuments Pollard. .). 1) 17 S 18 the Loci of lb ■ Sphinx .. Withcrby. H. F. (1 1 S 21 Mastal of Pi hhetep ind Akhethetep at Saqqareh Egypt Exploration Fund. Sth Memoir B 18 Q 32 + Memphis sol My, cue Torr, C. B 27 V 21 Pyramids and Process Ward, J. B 28 T 18 Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx Le Plongeon, A. B39U 16 Recent Research in Egypt; by W. M. F. Petrie Smithsonian Institution. Kept., 1897 506 Recherchessnrlei Origines do l'Egypti . Morgan, J. de A 34 V 10 Struggled he Nations Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 Petrie, V. M. F. B 25 Q 13 'Facsimiles.. !....'..!.. ...... '....' '.. British Museum J 18 R 16 f Temple of Deir-ebBahari ; by E. Xaville Egypt Exploration Fund'-'B-v/l'oo ,>;> + Wcsl irn Asia according to the niosl Recent Discoveries. Tielc. ('. P. B29 S l 4 Melbourne Re i sur les Origices de l'Egypte.. .Morgan, J. de A 34 V 10 Eidsvold, Queensland — Reports, Eidsvold Gold-field .. Eight-hour Question Elasticity — . R. A 21 G22 Elder Expedition Eleatic Philosophy Public Library of New South Wales. Election and Representation — General — Gudki'n. K. L. V i':i li'i:: Political Clinic l'roal, L. F 13 S 33 Rationaleof Political Representation ISailey, S. F 10 R 28 Representation des [nterets dan ; les < 'orps Elus Francois, C. F IT S 1 [See ako Citizenship; Electoral Laws; Suffrage: Woman Suffrage. J By Countries. . Great Britain- English Representative Government in the 18th Century— !» Democracy and Liberty Lucky, \V. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 ■ Massachusetts- Practical Working of Australia! setts; by R.H.Dana... Americ — Victoria - Melb. Rev., 8 Melbourne ncview, / uoa Whom do our Representatives Represent'; bv J. S. Elkington. Melbourne Review, 5 052 Elections — Nominations for Elective OHice Dallinger, F. W. F 3 T 22 Proceedings of the Electoral Commissi, ,n relating to the Count of Electoral Votes cast Dec, 1871), for the Presidential Term com- mencing 1877... United States Electoral Count, 1877 F 13 T 12 v York— Legislature. F 16 T 22 Parliamentarv Electorates and Elections Act, X. S. Wales. N. S. Wales Statutes MF 5 Q 1 Electoral Rolls (New South Wales). [See New South Wales — Electoral Rolls, in Author Catalogue] Electoral Systems. By Countries.] Electric Boats- [See Election and Representation— , A. 0. A 33 Q 31 , T. C. A 21 U 15 Electric Lamps. [See Electric Lighting.] Electric Lighting of Pre Artesian Well Power u Artificial Lighting in r Central Station Eleetri Coil and Current Commercial and Busint Electric Light Fitting ;ralia, Europe, s, Switches, ai . Dolbear, A. E. A 23 S 1 (i unieipal l';iectricitv Su;i])lv. Jibbings, A. H. A 35 W 7 Irquhart, J. W. A 24 P 40 .Uro.uhart,J.W. A 24 P 45 and America.. .Anderson, (J. MA 4 S 14 id Lamps... Maycock.W.C. A 24 P 40 ... Jurrold, W. A 21 P 50 Electric Lighting— Massachusetts— Cas and Eleetri ■ Light Commissioi ers Re Motive Power and G aring for Electrical Machinery ..C 'a H. Physiological Bearin g of Eleetri ity on Health ; by W lat, Health Exhib., 1884, Lit. A Railway Engincerin Synopsis of Current . Hahlane, J. W. c. A Kleetrical 1 terl Water, Gas, and Ele ants under Private i'\l Ownership... Unit pi ,18 [See also Dynamo M ichines.] Electric Motors— Electricity for Even body p. A Electro-dynamics ./ .'.'.7 Wilson, C. A c- Industrial Eleetricit Elliott, A. A Modern Locomotives A (i [See also Electric Ra lv.ay:,] Electric Powers- -Law. See Electricity- -I ,aw Legislation.] Electric Railways and Tramways Electric Street-car System of Hamburgh .. Mot elV ndC Railway Engineering Hahlane. J. W. C. A 22 R 30 Recent Progress in Electric Railways Hering, C. A 21 P 40 Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature Osterberg, M. A 21 V 20 Electric Telegraphs -General— ml Cu . Mm -, W. . Frith, H. Postal and Telegr I'clegr — Periodicals- Electric Wiring Electric Wiring Electric Wiring, Fitli Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Electrical Engineering — file trical Fishes- - P.iedrn A 30 q Elec' ricil Instruments. [See Electricity- Apparatus.] Elec'rical Periodicals. [.See Electricity -Periodicals.] Electrical Societies. [See Electricity— Societies.] Elec:i'icians — i- Marv, Id, W. A 2] P50 ionofDy. amos... Jackson, D. C. a 20 o ;:»; Magnetis n and Ele lew... Wr A ■_'.-; S 38 Wright, L. ...'.'.'.'.'."Elliott; A 33 ( l >31 A 21 U6 'h'i'lV.-.-oj.l. cal .Magazii K'hcrt, H. A 20 T 27 ling", J. A. A 20 Q 31 ty.n.M n, H. W. A 21 T 12* Hertz, 11. A 21 U 23 ony, A. W A 41 PI c't's' ... 1'" slteY, W. C A 38 T 2 Ayi on, W. E. A 20 P 25 ............ Ilclcll, F. Henry, J. A 21 U 24 A 3.". W 3 1. Frslvil ■ .. X ■u- Zealand "siiige'i-'T A 24 T 35 Clrt't licit' Feireris, G. 1803. A 21 U 7 s Houllevigue, L. A 40 S 1 terature . Osterbei A 21 V 31 i irry, C. E. A 20 1'3I| Webster, A. G. A 33 S 24 tiphase (' A4.1K 12 n 7ns'. in': ion/Kepts! IMHi .-,oii ..... Tro ■bridge, J. A 20 P 28 ■ Bibliography — Synopsis of Current Fleet rieal Lite Law, avl h'.nslat ged through Gases Electricity in Animals. [See Electrical Fi; physiology.] Electricity in Medicine, [See Electro-thei Public Library of New South Wales. Electricity, Measurement of — Electrical Transmission <,f Energy Abbott, A. V. A 21 V 22 Electricity and Magnet i en Gerard, E. A SO Q 1 ExpeiWnts for imp^dngtl^Onnstrii.Hon of IVactiral Standards tor us? in Electrical Mc'i ar-m-..:,. K -port of Committee. Magnets an. Popular Sck fElecl ser. A, vol. 189 506" Currents Fleming, J. A. A 20 Q 31 hires Maeh, E. A 21 R 38 d its Adjuncts ... Fisher, W. C. A 38 T 2 Ayrton, W. E. A 20 1> 25 aid Magnetism. . .Webster, A. G. A 33 S 24 Electro-biology — Electrical Psychology Dods, J. P». (i 10 U 12 Researches on Magnetism. Elect rich v. &.-. Reiehenbaeli. Karl, Baron von A 21 U 20 [See also Electro-physiology; Electro-therapeutics: Hypnotism.] Electro-chemistry — Electrolysis ai Electrolytic 1. A 41 T 19 Jones, H. C. A 45 S 5 Electrolytic Methods of Analysis Neumann, B. A 40 T 2 Elements of Electro-chemistry Lc Blanc, M. A 20 P 24 Elements of Eloctro-ehemisiry Lupke, R. A 21 U 30 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. G. A 33 Q 31 Electro-deposition. [See, Electro-nielalkirgv: Electro- plating.] Electro-dynamics— Electro-dynamics Wilson, C. A. C-. A 40 T 4 Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Watson, R. W. A 21 T 12* Theory of Electricity and Magnetism Webster, A. G. [See also Electricity, Measure Electro-magnetism— tof.] keetriViiy°au.l Magnetism".'.' Electricity and Magnetism f„ Fanners Electro-magnetic Theory Electro-magnetism and Const H uction of I)y Magnetic Fields of Force Magnets and Electric Curren Researches on Magnetism, 1'de s'.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'."Fie tricity,&c. Electro-metallurgy . Borehers, W. A 38 T 1 Electro-physiology — Electro-physiology Biedermann, W. A3' [See also Electro-biology.] Electro-plating — Electro-platers" Hand-book Bonney, G. E. A 24 P 2 Industrial Electricity Elliott, A. C. A ."!:', (,> M Mineral Industry in the Foiled States and other Countries. Rothwell, R. P. 022.0 [See also Electro-metallurgy.] Electro-statics — Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 1 Electro-therapeutics - Animal Magnetism Teste, A. G 15 U 10 Desideratum Wesley. Hey. J. A 21 P 10 Electrical Psychology Rods, J. B. G 19 U 12 Scheppegrcll, W. A3!)l)2 . A. 1). Rockwell— /« Practical Ther.i- Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 ricity ; by Dr. H. L. Jones— in System Vital Magnetism Pynt, Rev. T. G 15 U 17 [See alio Electro-biology ; Electro-physiology: Hypnotism; Mas- sage.] Elementary Education. [Sen Education, Primary.] Eleotrinse — Australian Elentrimo; by J. D. Ogilhv... Linncan Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 [See also Ichthyology- -Australasia.] Elc Elevators, Grain. [See Grain Magazines and Elevators Elixir of Life. [Sen Alchemy.] Ellice Islands— -IJnuend and Desrriptive— The Atoll of Kiinafuti, Ellice Group : by C. Ilcdloy... Australia Museum Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W ." Chart, ISO; Ellice Island? to Phfonix Isla Solomon Islands to Ellice Isla: Elliptic Functions c Km EiO; • Speaking Fleming, Rev. J. J 12 T 45 Elocution and the Dramatic Art Smithson, 1). J. J 14 R 20 See also Debating; Oratory; Preaching; Public Speaking ; Head- ing; Recitations; Rhetoric; Voice.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. Eloquence. [See Elocution; Oratory.] Ely Cathedral- Ely Cathedral Dickson, Canon A 30 P 10 Emancipation. [See Slavery.] Embalming— M..ko; or, Maori Tattooing... Robley, Maj.-Gen. H. G. MA 11 P34 t Embankments — Fa- cine Work as carried out by the Public Works Department of .V.S.Wales Royal Soc., N.S.W., Journal, 29 500 Emigration and Immigration — conld. Immigration Agent's Reports Queensland-Parliament, V. and P. 3-28.04:5 i i\.f II h ' I 1 ( n 1 i>> n V liiiiimijmn I> A 10 W 10 t [S,, : also Earthworks.] Emblems — Flours de Lis ,1c l'Aneienne Monarchic Franeaisc. Malderghoin, .1. V. K 17 T 13 ' [.ST, i also Christian Art and Symbolism ; Symbols. ] Embroidery — Ait Kmbroidery An in Needlework Historic Styles of Loci: wood, M. S. A 17 T 1 t Day, L. F. A 40 P 23 le ju-iiu'a nos Jours ...'. Farcy, L. do A 47 P 1-3 X raft of the Needle ... Townsend, W. G. P. A 40 P 1 intent Dolraetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t 1 in lMir..|MMii Silks Cole, A. S. A 30 V 2ii Lace; Needlework Fine Arts.] Papers of C. A. Wood, Re WoinarksonWigraiion .' of the Colonial Lai iort... N. S. Wale F 4 V 7, 8 a F 9 V. 1 1 [Srti nUo Aliens; Chinese-: Colonic* and < Siva! Urilain : Colon lion: and under New Soul li Wales Emigration and limni, lion in Author Catalogue. | »•■">. < • <>• [.-,-,.■ ni-u L-.v-: l'a--ioi,-; I'h •\ 41 I! 14 ' ' l v ' :: ;'; 1 ," s jj! Emperors. [See Kings.] r, and on . P. Hill. Emphysema l-knp! Emery— Ki: iv Districts of Naxos, Report... (it. Ii. it. and Iivl. Foi Office, Misc. Ser., 308 Emigration and Immigration — "|)!'.'m''||.'k.'i'-1! '",'« i'r.u'liral'li: [S -Pathology.] Empidaj Empiricism— T mployers and Employed. [S Employer"* Liability; Labjv Legislation; Miwti'r and Sen cl ISSCH.] JPublio Library of New South Wales. Employers' Liability — Causes of Accidents to Servants of Railway Companies and of Truck-owners Gt. JJiit. and Del. Accidents to Railway Servants F 20 U 17 t Employers' Liability in Germany .. (it. Hi-it. and Irel.— Foreign Office F 4 R 22 Employers- Rial .ill iv Lotlieii- "Workmen... Taylor, W. I. F 18 R 12 Four Lectures on the Law of Employers' Liability at Home and Abroad Bin-oil, A. F 13 V 21 Labour Problem Drage, G. F 10 S 31 Empresses. [See Queens and Empresses.] Emydosauria- Chelonians, Rhvneocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum; by G. A. Boulengcr British Museum, Natural History A 42 V [.See also Alligators and Crocodiles ; Reptilia.] Enamels— Art-enamelling upon Metals Cunynghamo, H. A 44 R 8 Art of Enamelling on Metal Brown, W. N. A 45 R 17 Enamelling on -Metal -in Training of a ( Vaftsman Miller, F. Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Painting on < dass and Porcelain ami Enimel Painting. Hermann, F. A 45 U 17 Encyclopaedias - - General — Chambers's Kncyclopsalia. Xcw ed Chambers, \V. and R. KISS 13-22 Colonists' G uide and Cy clopadia of Useful Knowledge . . . Brett, H. MK 2 R 12 Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia K 8 T 5-12 [.See also General Information, Works of ; Year-books; and the sub-heading Dictionaries, Cyclopaedias under Subjects.] Encounter Bay, South Australia — Encounter Bay : its Anchorage, Fisheries, and General Capabilities ; by Capt. Hart South Australian Magazine, 1 MJ 4 Q 4 Endocarditis — Infective Endocarditis; by Dr. J. DrcschfcbW« System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 34 Endocardium. [See Circulatory System; Heart.] Endosmosis. [See Physiological Chemistry.] Energy. [See Dynamics; Force and Energy; Sun.] Engineering — General — Address to the Engineering Section; by T. H. Houghton. Royal Society, X. S. 'Wales, Journal, 18!,'S 500 Aid-book to Engineering l-a it ■■rpr:.-." ... Mai he -on. I''.. A "ST 14 Annual Address to tin Engine-ring ."'en ion of the X. S. Wales Royal Society; by Prof. Warren... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Engineering Aspect of Local Seli-govenini Engineering Chemistry Sti Engineering Const] notion in .-onuc.-tion u Haycroft Royal Society, X. S. Wo Engineering Laboratory Practice Si Engineers' Reports Graphic Method of Cat anal i.i ■ I '::■ d'- '. olio Water-races on Uneven Ground; byG. Machine Design lone Mechanics applied to Engineering G Practical Mechanic's Workshop Comjianio —General— contd. Position of the Architect, E ; byN. Selfe... Engineer! En ink.r ; Docks; Dra ; Engii : Die ; Eli il Kngineering; Cold ctrieal Engineering; Engine, ring -Periodi- Kngiiics; Explosives; ( ieomcti-ical Drawing; Harbours; gatioii; Lighthouses; Machinery; sourv; Mechanical Drawing; Mechanical Engineering; Mechan- ics; Military Engineering; Mining Kngineering ; Naval Engi- neering; Public Works; Railways; Reclamation of Land; Rivers; Roads; Poofs; Sanitary Engineering; Strength of Materials; Sinac, ine : Tunnelling ; Ventilation ; Water -sup ply ; Wharfs.] Education, Schools, Laboratories — Entrance-Requirements for Ene .inoei iog Colleges. . United States ■ Bureau of Education, Rept., 1897 379.73 Periodicals — ,. En; 1 .Mil, Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Kempe, H. R. 62 02/ A 40 R 1-S n Society of Civi u Society of Mec ution of Mechanic lian Engineers' As- - Hydraulic. - Marine. [Set Mechanical. - Military. [,s - Mining. [Se> - Naval. [See neers, Transactions il Engineers, ig Engineers, Tram igineering.] mical Engine 621.00 622.06 620.6 Scavcr', T. W. Engineers, Military. [. ficers; Military Engi B. A 38 U 1 all; by J. I. ml, 1898 506 \. A 40 T 14 iv A 34 R 20 avation, as for New Zealand Engines — Heat and Heat-engines Railway Engineering [.See ate Air Engines; B il. Oil Engines; Pumps; Sb England General and I A3SS 12, 13 r. A 20 Q 28 'empleton, W. A 33 R 32 Gray Days akd°Gold n . '. Napoleon Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. England- -General and Descriptive— contd. One Hundred Day* in Eurone Holmes, 0. W. D 20 T 2 Our Old Home Hawthorne, N. J 23 R 7, 8 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 7-10 >s of Cities, Comities, and Subjects.] " Constitutional History — National Movement in Reign of Henry III Richardson, 0. H. R23S20 Piers Gaveston Dodge, W. P. F 12 T 21 Geo(jr«i>ln t ; Topoijraphtj, and Maps— Bath Road Harper, C. G. B 33 S 12 ■ Government and Administration — Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1318-37, and Calendar of the Patent Kolls, 1292-14(57. .. (it, Brit. andlrel.—PublieRccord Office B 44 History, General— Alien Immigrants).., F.ngland... Cunningham, Rev. \V. F 15 Q 17 Bath Road Harper, C. (i. B 33 S 12 i in, land's History ai i; 1: U 12, 13 l'. ; 2 r [alU-si ms ; 23 i ; 3-j c 49 •li. 13 Ten A P4 I Hi It „di: . Ka Series MG 2 U 43 His tory of England Forster, H. 0. A-. B 2 1 S 1 Imluenceof English Hislorv on English Literature; hv .1. Shirley. Australasian Assoc.', Advance, of Science, Kept'., 1S!)S 5110 I. in in Early Britain Windle, B. C. A. A 1!) R (5 Korinan and Saxon Blood Royal -in Leisure Readings... Proctor, Ri.-eandOrowth of tl England History -eontd. Eakly History, a.d. -1066-conirf. Crawford Collection of Early Charters; by A. S. Napier. Anecdola O.xoniensia, Medi.cval Ser., 7 333 Establishment of Roman P irin Britain Tamblvn, W. F. B34S5 lTorentii Wigonm nsis Mona-hi Chronicon ex Chronicis, edidit B.Thorpe English I ! b-mrical Society Pubs. Ii 39 R 23, 24 (iildasdeexcidio Britannia'... English Hist. Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 3 Jews of Angevin England Jacobs, J. B 26 P 4 Nennii Historia l'-riionmn ... Knglish Hist. Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 4 Rogori de Wendover Chronica, sive Elorcs Historiarum, nunc primum edidit H. 0. Coxe ... Knglish Historical Society Pubs. B 38 R 14-18 Ven. Bedie Historia Ecclesiaslica ( lent is Angloruin English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 1 Veil. Bed* Chronicon, sive dc sex lmjus Sccili '.Etatibus. English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 1 W. Malniesbiriensis Monachi gcsla Regum Anglorum, recensuit T. I). Hardy ... English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 6, 7 Norman Period, a.d. 1006-1135. served in France illustrative of the iii,l Ireland, HIS 120(1. (it. Brit, and Irel. Public Record Office B 45 Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, recensuit H. C. Hamilton English Historical Society Pubs. 15 39 R 25, 26 Complete Works of Samuel Daniel Huth Library J 5 V 7, 8 Domesday Book and Beyond Maitland, F. W. F 1 S 8 Historia ReruniAnglicanim Wiilchni Parvi dcXewburgh, recensuit H. C. Hamilton.^. English Historical Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 28, 29 • ,, J. B 26 P 4 Calendar of Documc .■ Wei , His! ieal Society, Pubs. B38R 14-18 W. Malniesbiriensis Monachi gesta Begum Anglorum, recensuit T. 1). Hardy ... English Historical Society Pubs. B 39 R 6, 7 Blow Period, a.d. 1135-54. Calendar of Documents preserved in France illustrative of the History of Croat liritaiu and Ireland. 918-1206. (it. Brit, and Irel. -Public Record Office B 45 ^ ! VLVnViilV ; u'. )l . > !''' ; i': i ,'li'-!"lVi^;";i,,,] S,'.' ■ iT t' v' T'iH >s! ' ' l" 39 R ^5, 26 F. N. Trheti, de Online Prat. Pnedicntoi um, Annalcs sex Rcgum Aimlhe, recensuit T. Hog... English Hist. Soc. Pubs. B 39 R 19 H oSi'andlioi'.T: Eugli-h Historical Soc. Pul v I'll 1) I! '. »s. B 39 R 20 d Office 15 45 it. and Irel.— ,1 Office B 44 [•it. and Irel.— d Office B 44 820 TuhliG Library oj New South Wale*. [gland History eontd. .r.riM'.M' Per , a.d. 1154-1399— contd. lbo,,,a lbs urn A^lbarum Will.-luii Parvi deXewburgh.recensuit ii. i . ii-n.ii .„ : ... English Hi,;. So.ioi.v l'uiw. B39R2S. 29 Mmoi-.v (»i Edward III MacKinnon. J. IMI Q 7 rmiisitinus and Asses-aae;.!, r ■!,,! in.M > Feudal Aids, 1284- 1431. Gt. Brit, and trel. Public Record Office B 45 ews of Angevin England Jacobs, J. B 26 P 4 rational -Movement in Reign oi Henry III Richardson, (). 11. iersGaveston Dodge, W. P. b' f-2 T 5l Using in East Anglia, 1381 Powell, E. II 24 T 23 c-ardxn.iksoflhcHoiguof King Edward 111... - Literarv Jlistorv of the American Revolution Tyler, M. C. ? 35 J 14 S 25 '2+ Masters of Victorian Literature (iraliam, R. ]>. .1 22 Q 9 il "'h Ol.l and Mi, 1,11,. KneJU!, Oliphant, T. L. K. J It U 34 Periods of Europeai Literature T 27 Q 2-11 Revi •. I). J 14 V 1 iociety, 74-70 427 i Words, Phrases, a-liingof K,,-:-.!; Lit Grammars, Syntax, Accidence, Analysis— 15a, 1 English of Lindley Murray and otlier Writers .. Moon, O. W. ■T 14P50 I i< i In! ,m1\ J !. I , , ' II m hold Oracle! Miles, A. II. A 40 Q I) English Language Meiklejohn, .1. M. I). .1 III" .", Elfish Syntax Kellner, L. .7 i) <} 10 English Literature , Examination Pap rs '1 Series Spelling-books. Irvine, U, 1\ M(jl English People. [.s'w English, The.] Engraveix — An English Engraver in Paris in Paladin of 1'hilanthropv. Dobson, A. J 22 Q 12 Masters and Masterpieces of Engraving ..Chapin, W.O. A 44 W 7 Vorsterman, Lucas A 34 V 3 [See alto Artists.] Engraving — Engravings and Reproductions of Pictures Ancient Marbles in the British Museum; with Kngravi Public Library of Neio South Wales. Engravings and Reproductions of Pictures- Modern Frem Monographs c Morris, Willi Repr h Masters f Artists im, and his Art e Pai' i of the 19th Ce Chapin, W. 0. liter Borland ; . Morland, G. A 20 R 12 t Bonaparte A 40 U 28 t , Sir E. J. A 20 T 6, 7 t Lansing, C. A 12 P 27 t s Francois A 22 S 3, 4 t VInseum A 17 R 30-34 t tury Bell. Mrs. A. Reproductions of Drawings by tlie Olil Musters, pt. 4. British Museum A IIP 31 J Reproductions of Prints British Museum A 46 P 14 £ Royal Academy Pictures 708.2 Rubens; his Life, his Work, and his Time Michel, 10. A 20 T 4, 5 t Sacred Art Temple, A. G. A 10 V 10 t Salon Panorama, Le A 19 S 3, 4 t Salon, The, English Text Paris Salon 708. 4 Specimens of Line Engraving l>v Masters of ( U-rmany and the Low Countries -/„ Reproductions of Prints. ... lh-it . Mus. .\ i0PI5T Velazquez Voll, K. A 21 P 6 t A 34 et... Bibles and Testaments —A poo G 1 and Wine-making.] Enoch, Book of— Book of Enoch theProph Enology. [See Wines Ensilage and Silos — Analyses of Ensilage... Connecticut lid. of Agr.. Kept., '95 630.0 Ensilage West Australian Set tier's < iuMc M!>8( v >54 Ensilage; by W. L. Boyee Agricult. (4az., N.S.W., 9 630.5 Ensilage up to Date; by J. L. Thom]:son... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Ensilage without Pressure; by Dr. Ross ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Plan and Specifications of a Small Circular Silo Agricultural Practical Treatise on Wool '.' Coldsbrougli, Morl/and Co." MA 3 W 21 A 22 R 20 iral Joun ales -De 630.5 i.ofAgr.- y If. V. Jackson ... Agricultural Ga/ette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 ; Fodders and Food-stuffs.] [See also Dairy-f Enteric Fever. [See Typhoid Fever.] Enteropneusta — Enteropneusten des (iolfcs von Ncapel; von Dr. J. W. Spengel. Zoologischo Station zu Noapol A 19 P 18 f Enteropneusta from tlie South P.uvi.-: with Xoios <,n lie- West Indian Species, by A. Willey- in Zoological Results... Willey.A. New Species of Knteropneieta , I':. ,',.,'. ,..'....".„,;.. ;>,.,,, the Coast of Xcw South Wales; by j. P. Hill ... Liunoan S ,ciet y N.S.W., Proe., 1895 580.6 [See also Annelida.] Enthusiasm- Characteristics Shaftesbury, Earl (J 25 Til, 12 Entomological Periodicals. [See Entomology— Periodi- tology — Societies.] Entomological Societies. [,SV Entomology — General— American Association, Advancement of Science, Proe 506 Colouration of Insects; by Dr. T. P. Lucas Royal Society, 'Queensland, Proe, 1804 95 r)i>C Constitution Morphologi.iuo de la. Tcte de l'lusecte; par C. Janet. International Congi es.- of Zoology. Proe, 1S!)8 A 35 W 14 Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects; by Dr. C. V. Riley Unite! States National Museum A 37 S 45 Household Ins-cls of the United States; bv L. 0. Howard. United States— Dept. of Agr. — 1 )i v. . it Entomology A 38 Q 29 Miscellanea Eiitomologica ; by K. Illidge Royal Society, Queensland, Proe.', 1899 506 Some Points in the Classification of Inseeta Hexapoda; by Dr. Sharp... Congress of Zoology, Pioc, 1.MI8 A 35 W 14 Text-book of Entomology Packard, A. S. A 41 R 8 Vegetable Wasps and Plant-worms Cooke, M. C. A 44 U 3 [See alxo Coleoptera; Collecting; Diptera ; Entomology, Econ- omic ; Entomology— By Countries; 11 vmenoptera; Insects; Lepidoptera; Xcuroptera; Orthopiera; P.hynoota; and under each Genus I iparately treated.] Periodicals— Entomological Magazine A 2S U 29-33 Entomologist's Annual A 33 R 1-20 Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 595.7 Association of Economic Entomologist United Slates Dept. of Agr. Entomological Society, London, Trans Entomological Soe., Ontario, Rept. .. Chatham Islands — Insects from Chatham Islands; by Capt. Hutton... New Zealand China — Natural History of Insects of China... Donovan, E. A 20 R 10 t Ellice Islands - Insect Fauna of Funafuti; by W.J. Rainbow... Australian Museum Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 India — Insects of India and the Islands in the Indian Seas... Donovan, E A 18 R 9 t New South Wales- Entomology of the Crass-trees; bv W. W. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proe, 1896 580.6 New Zealand— ■Anosi* bolina in the Wellington District ; i,c A. P. Duller. Xcw Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S98 506 Xew Zealand Entomology Hudson, G. V. MA 4 S 29 ,S/,H, V ),/„/«/r/c-of Xo-.v Zealand: by Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute. Trans., 1S96, 1S98 506 Spain Fauna EntomoUgica de la Villa deCalella...Cuniy Martorel United States- Enumeration of the Published Synor North American bisects I': S P 25 Lifo-hislo,, Some \lisi ■llaneoi s Its,, mology.. U.S. Dept. 3f Agr Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Entomology— Victoria - Entomology, Economic Dept. of aWpxs Ontario Entomological Society. Report 595.7 Revision of tiic Aphelinime of North America ; bv L <). Howard. United States. Dept. of A-r.— l)iv. of Entomology A 30 R 34 Useful Insects /,, Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 [See also Aphides; Beesand B e farming; Codlin j Moth; Collect- 1 'lent Diseases; Scab- In ■■•,..' Set -.:!, are : .-p.-ayhrj : \Vire- Entomostraca. [See Cladocera; Copcpoda; Crustac Ostracoda; Phyllopoda.] Entropy — Entropy Meter Environment— The Will to Believe Eozocin Canadense Ephemeridse uos, \V. G23R24 New Zealand Ephemeridro; by C. O. Little ......... X h V, dan Epliemerides -Astronomy [See Nautical Almanacs.] Epici Epicureanism Wallace, W. G 26 P 13 Epidemics — (•!...:_- in T\,.-otKi,id-inie Disease ; bvDr. W. Squire... Infernal. Health Fxhii,.. 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 ' D- ■■:'-. ":""Di''intec!io.',; l-Vvcr:'':' Plagues; Public "Health j Small-pox; Yellow Fever; and each Epidemic Disease] Epigenesis. [See Biology; Evolution; Life, Origin of.] Epigrammatists— Epigrammatists Dodd, Rev. H. P. J 16 R 40 Epigrams — Collection of Proverbs and Popular Si\ in-s ; by M. A. Denham. Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 22 Epigrams, Ancient and Modern P.ooth, Rev. J. II 10 V 28 [,te(i(«Maxims; Proverbs; Quotations.] Epigraphy. [See Inscriptions.] Epilepsy — Care of Epileptics ; by W. P. Letehworth Charities and Allbutt. T. C. A 26 T 40 Costa in Practical Thera- . Hare, IT. A. A 31 P 16 Christmas and Epiphany Kingsbury, Rev. T. L. G 9 U 38 Episcopacy — " Apostolic Succession Brown, Rev. J. O 23 S 14 Christian Institutions Allen, Rev. A. V. 22 U 4 Graphic Art of the Eskimo ; by W. J. Hoffmann.. . United States- National Museum, Kept., 1895 507 Greenland lee-fields and Life in the North Atlantic. Wright, Rev. (!. F. i) 10 Q 5 Lamp of the Eskimo; bv YV. Hough ... United Suites— National Museum. Kept., 1890 507 [See also Arctic Regions; Greenland.] Esoteric Buddhism. [See Buddhism; Theosophy.] Esperance Bay, Western Australia — Esperance Bav Anchorage, 189," [('hurt] (it. Brit, and Ircl.— Hydrographic Gllice Ml) 2 P 34 :[: Esperance Bay and Approach.- ■ . I897[< 'hart I... (•!. BnUandTrel. — Hydrographic Office MB 2 P 34 J Essayists — Arnold, Matthew ; by G. Saiutsburv C 23 R 21 Critics and Eisayisls /« Age of Wordsworth ... Herford, ('. H. J 14 U 33 Hunt. Li-iirli. sketch of; by R. B. Johnson C 19 P 9 Irving, Washington; l.v (.'."!). Warner C 27 P 4 Lamb, Charles, and the Lloyds; l,v E. \'. Lucas C 19 P 21 Lambs, The: their Lives, &'<• '...., Ilazlitt, W. ('. C23S24 Masters of \'ictorian Literature (iraliam, R. 1). J 22 Q 9 Montaigne, Michel do; by M. E. Lov.n.les ( ' 23 S 22 Thoreau, H. 1). ; by F. B. Sandborn C 27 P 8 Thoreau, Henry Divid, Life of C 22 T 12 Wilson, John, Sketchof in The Bla.-kwoodl U ..up. .. I !oiiglas,Sir( i. C 20 U 24 Essays, American — American Contributions to Civilization, and other Essays. Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 As we go Warner, C. 1). J 1 R 48 As wo were Saying Warner, C. 1). J 1 R 46 Atlantic Essays Higginson, T. W. J 11 U 2 Backlog Studies Warner, C. I). J 1 R 25 Concerning all of us Higginson, T. W. J 1 R 39 Emerson, K. W., Complete Works ... J 22 Q 15-20 Kssaysin Miniature itepplier, Agnes J 1 R 23 Essays on Nature and Culture Maine, H. W. J 21 P 44 Essays,,., Work and Culture Maine, H. W. G 9 U 28 From the Easy-chair.... Curtis, ther St tidies. ..St illman. W.J. J II V II Out-door Papers Higginson, T. \V. J 22 It 31 Over the Teacups Holmes, O. W. J 25 S 1 Essays, American— contd. Personal Equation Reflections ami Comments, 1865 Three Villages Under the Tiees and Elsewhere Australian — Australian Cossip and Story .. Peck, H. T. J9R31 i ... Oodkin, E. L. J 12S45 ... Howells, W. 1). 1)20 P 7 Mabie, II. W. J 21 P 41 ... Kepplier, Agnes J 1 R 24 J22S2 . Higginson, T. W. Jl R 31 British — At Random Austin, L. F. J 14 U 27 Backwater of Life: or, Essays of a Literary Veteran ... Payn, J. J 21 S 31 Ballads, Critical Reviews. Tales, &c Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 13 Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution ... Pearson, K. A 37 R 9, 10 Characteristics Shaftesbury, Earl G 25 T 11, 12 Chips from a German Workshop Midler, F. M. J 29 T 5-8 Collectanea Laurence, P. M. J19W 15 Decay of Sensibility, and other Essays ... (iwynn, S. J 12 U 20 Eighteenth Century Vignettes l)obson, A. J 14 T 17 English Essays [Collected] J 14 U 24 Essays Alison, Sir A. J 14 S 11-13 Essays Benson, A. C. J 10 R 43 Essays Mvers, F. W. H. J 14 V 15 Essays and Speeches '. . . Lilly, W. S. J 14 S 1 4 Essays at Eventide Newbigging, T. J 21 P 30 Essays from the Guirdian Pater, W. J 20 (,) 34 Essays in London and Elsewhere .lames. H. J 14 T 23 Essays in the Guunlian in Works Berkeley,""' Essays, Mock-Ess mdOlia; i 19 P ir Sketches J 14 Q 32 n and Manners Shenstone, W. J 26 Q 8 Essays, Reviews, and Addresses ... Martineau, J. J 14 T 27-30 ' and Retrospectives Hearn, L. J 23 S 1 1 Works I 22 V 14 . Straclicv, .1. St. L. J 14 U 38 . Welsh, 'Rev. R. E. (123 1' 40 . O'Sullivar " Fielding, Henry, Works .. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow . Lamb." ciiarlerV'omploteWorks" Man of fVelioV^....^...^"'"'" Mierocosmography Miscellanies Miscellaneous Essays Miscellaneous Essays New Curiosities of 'Literature Now Fiaion.andother Essays on L Jerome, J. K. J 25 T 25 Graham, C. J 9 Q 32 J 23 R 37 .. Paget, Violet J 14 P 31 . Mackenzie, H. J 24 S 36 . Earlo, Rev. J. J 14 R 35 Dobson, A. J 14P54 NewLucian Occasional Papers Original, The Oiltli. >eof the Doctrine,, f'Thoi Oxford English Prize Ess; , J. F. J 24 S 37 .. Thackeray, W. M. J 21 S 28 Soane, (!. J 21 S 22, 23 Literarv Subjects... Traill, II. I). J 14R28 Traill, H. D. ,14 V 14 ... Church, Dean J 14 U 35. 30 Walker. T. J IS 21 Carlyle... Carlyle, T. JUT 14 T " S 22-26 P ' ! in ,' i hi o h. i Pip. ,- 1) , on \ J 22 (J 1: Principle in Art ......! Pat more, 0. .11 R 5 I Prose Fancies Lc Oallienne, R. J 6 Q 40* Religio Poetic Patmore, C. (i 9 U 25 Res Judicata; Birrell, A. J 7 P 52 Reviews and Essays in English Literature Tovev, Rev. I). C. J 14 V 18 Roundabout Papers Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 12 Savage Club Papers Muddock, J. E. J 14 R 33 Scholar Cipsics Buehan, J. J 14 T 19 Select Writings Chambers, R. J 12 P 29-32 Spirit of Place, and other Essays Mevnell, Alice .1 23 P8 Studies by the Way ". Fry, Sir E. J 21 Q 17 . Reynolds, Rev. ! Rah ipple Skeltou Vagaries Munthe, A. . Zangwill, I. J 14 U 25 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Essays -French - Divagations Mallarme., S. J 21 P 24 Mo itaigne, M. K. do, Works J 8 V 26 Pages Mallarme, 8. .121 U 15 [For Essavs on Special Subjects, see Sub-heading; Essays under each Subject,] - Historical. [See History-Essays.] . Philosophical. [.See Philosoj hy— Essa/s.] . Political. [See Politics— Essays.] Scientific. [See Science — Essays.] Theological. [See Theology— Essays.] Royal' Society, N. a Solid Camphor ir «... Parry, E. L. A 4o U 8 Oils; by R. T. rarnal, 1899 506 , R. T. ■ H. I. IS! [,SV ls Oil ; Perf ur 1898 illv in regard to their Essential C.N.S.W., Journ., 1898 506 •y ; Scent Plants.] Essex— General and Descriptive- English Topography. . . ( icntleman's .Magazine Library D 20 V 4 Established Church of Scotland. [See Church of Scot- land.] Estate Management rals Es< e Fence Ho%\ I Mar Landed Estate Managoi Ester. [See Ether.] ate Agent's Hand-book... Bright, T. A 25 P 19 Vernon, A. A 39 P 27 1 My Estate Patraorc, C. K. 1). F 15 P3S Smith, H. H. A 39 P 26 Estimates of Expenditure, New South Wales. [Si Votes and Proceedings under New South Wales - Etching — Decorative Painting ... Dutch Etchers of 17th ( Etchings — contd. Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists Dumas, F. O. 1 P 17 X Mezzotints, E.chinu's. and Kngravings after Morland; by J. T. Nettleship 022 U 4', Lm-as .'....'.'...'... .'.7. ...... .'.'.'. .'.'.' A 34 V 3 Wilton Harden Caas, I: de A 8 H 31 t [.SV ings.j Eternal Life. [See Future State.] Ether Chemistry Physics - .Ether and Matter Mittc' 1 \ 'id M >'ti ,, Ethics. [See Moral Philosophy.] Larmor, J. A 40 U 15 . Dolbear, A. E. A 21 P 47 . Dolbear, A. E. A 33 P 42 Letters from Egypt Lepsius, R. 1) 19 P 13 Ethnography. [See Ethnology— By Countries.] Ethnology —General — Australasian Association for Advance, of Sen nee, Kept., ... 596 Classification of Mankind by Language or by Blood in Chips from a Herman Workshop" "Midler," 1'. M. .1 29 T 5-S History of Maukin Races of Man ; by Dr. C. '. f A. Hamilton. J. A 27 S 32 Periodicals^ Africa - — Canada Handbook for Poste Public Library of New South Wales. Ethnology — England — Pedigree of the English People Nicholas, T. Europe — Races of Europe Ripley, W. Z. A 45 T 12 -, J. B 36 P 13, 14 - Great Britain — 'lit Stone Implements of tain Evans, Sir J. A 19 U 33 Ethnology of the British Islands Latham, R. G. A 24 P 18 Life in Early Britain Windle, B. C. A. A 19 R 6 Origin and Character of the British People ... Macnamara, N. C. A 45 R 15 StudyofMan Haddon, A. C. A 27 Q 46 India — Indian Village Community Powell, B. II. I5-. F 12 T 24 ' ' ie Ethnology Survey of India - in Chips fr Worksh North-wet op . n Pre ■sof India .1-1,.;; B £9 T 7 1 W 2-4 Ireland — Dolmens of Ireland Borlase, W. C. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish UUui B 34 t 2-- Jamaica — Aboriginal Indian Remains in Jamaica Institute of Jamaica Japan — Ainu of Japan Batchelor, Rev. J. A 19 Q ! Kaiser Wilhelm's Land— Kiuistlerische Darstcllungen aus Kaiser- YVilhelms-Land in ihrei Bedeutung fiir die Ethnologic; von Dr. K. T. Preuss. Zeitschrift fiir Kthnologic, 1897 575 adra 915.4: ■ Murray Islands — Ethnographical Notes on the Murray Islands, Torres Straits; by Rev. A. E. Hunt ... Anthropological Inst., Journal, 1899 572 New Caledonia— Canaqucs dc la Nouvelle Calcdonie Revue d'Ethnographic, 2 A42T2 Usages, Mieurs, et Coutumes des Xeo Calcdoniens Revue d'Ethnographic, 7 A 42 T 7 New Guinea- Anthropology and Natural History of Torres Straits, Report of Committee... British Assoc., Adv. of Science, Rept., 1899 506 New Hebrides— Nouvelles-Hcbrides, Les Revue d'Ethnographic, 7 A 42 T 7 Norway — Norronaskaller: Crania antiqua in parte orientali Norveghe meridionalis inventa Barth, J. A 34 V 22 Philippine Islands Philippine Islands Foreman, J. 1 ) 22 R 1 Queensland — Anthropology and Natural History of Torres Straits, Report of Committee... British Assoc, Adv. of Science. Root., 1899 506 Kvoh Rarotonga— tion in the Ornamental Art of Savage Peoples ... Stolpo, H. MA 3 W 24 Samoa — Anthropologisohc Aufnalimen und Untersuelningen, T In, 1894-95; von F. Rcinecke. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic, 189J 572 iisgcfiihrt Sarawak — Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo Roth, H. L. A 31 Q 27, 28 . Nilsson, S. A 39 R 1 South Africa — Antiquity of Man in South Africa in Raid and Reform. Hillier, A. P. B 17 R 20 Catalogue of Ethnographical Objects from Somali land -in Through Unknown African Countries, by S. Culin Smith, A. ]). D 20 U 21 Sweden- Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times Montelius, 0. F 16 V 2 United States — American Indians Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1877 506 Con o Xo th Ai y of Rocky Mi Kiln, ogy . U.S.- U0 V I if ut, J. T. .... ... Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin, vol. 3 506 United States- -Bureau of Kil logy. Reports 572 United States— Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 7 U.S-- Engineer Dept., U.S. Army A 10 U 8 t [See ( ,o India s, Am, n.] Wales— The Welsh People Rhys, J. A 40 U 17 [For special works see under the name of each Nation, Race, or Tribe of Men.] Etiquette- Etiquette of Modern Society M(i 2 R 62 Manners and Social Usages... Sherwood, Mary K. W. G 9 U 34 [See aim Customs and Manners; Letter-writing: Professional and Business Klhies; Social Ethics.] Eton School — Annals of the King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor. Sterry, W. G 18 R 72 Eton in the Forties Coleridge, A. I). G 23 P 22 Fasti Etonenses Benson, A. C. G 24 V 26 History of Eton College Gust, L. G 24 S 10 Memories of Eton and Etonians Lubbock, A. C 26 Q 8 Etruscan Language and Literature Etymology. [Sue English Language Eucalypts , alasian". of the Vet i Assoi y W. Bae New Spooios of Eucalypts; Short Did . Bugge, S. J 12 V 39 —Etymology.] Rept., 1898 506 is fastiqata, Deane icty, N. S. Wales, >roc., 1899 5S0.6 lypti y J. ( Species of K White Ash o [See aim Bot Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 827 Eucalyptus Oil— Crystalline Camphor of Eucalyptus Oil and the Natural Formation of Eucalyptol; by II. C. Smith ... Royal Soeicty X. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 500 Typhoid Fever treated ruitiseptically by the use of Eucalyptus. Kcstcveu, L. MA 3 S 70 [>'■ <: also Essences and Essential Oils. ] Eucharist. [See Lord's Supper; Sacraments.] Euclid. [See Geometry.] Euphrates — Nippur; or, Explorations and Adventures on Hie Euphrates. I. P. 1) 17 T30 Wandering Scholar in the T.e . Hogarth, 'l >.'<;.' 1) 18R32 Eupomatia laurina Fertilisation of Enpomatia laurina ; by A. G. Hamilton... Linnean N. S. Wales, Proc., 1S98 580.0 Eureka Stockade- Story of the Eureka Stockade; by Marcus Clarke Melbourne Review, 1 052 [St, also Victoria-- History. | Europe — General— Europe in the Middle Ages Thatcher, O. J. B 17 Q 24 European Tour Allen, C. G 13 P 18 freeman's (lc >urapliy of Europe; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, (i 052 H md-book of Europe m History, 470-1871 .. Hassall,A. B 21 8 8 Selections from the First Nine Hooks of t he < hroiiirhc Eiorentine. Villain, G. J 14 T 20 I'nited States of Europe on the Eve of the Parliament of Peace. Stead, W. T. F 16 V 14 [>'<< also under each Country and Subject,] — d'rdiiriiiilii/, Tiiimi/riijiliij, anil Afap.i — Europe Chishohn, G. G. 1) 15 R 21 European History Adams, G. B. B 24 Q 24 A.n. 470-800. Europe, 476-018 Oman, C. B 16 R 31 A.n. 800-1100. Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273 Tout, T. F. B Hi R 32 a.d. 1100-1453. Empire and the Papacy, 018 1273 Tout, T. F. B 16 R 32 A.n. 1453-1517. Europe in the Kith Century, 1494 1598... Johnson, A. II. B10R34 e of Power, 1715-89 Hassall, A. B 10 R 36 tf-Reformation in Europe Pennington, Rev. A. R. G 24 U 13 n OnesHon i„ the 18th Century Sorel, A. F 13 R 12 15 Wakeman, H. (). IS 16 K 35 liCenturv,1494 1598.. Johnson, A. H. B16R34 Europe, 1598 1715 Guises of the War of 17 Historical Development How England Saved Em Historical Development Europe — Politics — Balance of Power, 1715-1789 Hassall, A. • B 16 R 36 Europe, 476-918 Oman, O. B 16 R 31 Europe, 1598-1715 Wakeman. H. O. B 16 R 36 Germany and England; by A. M. Topp Melb. Rev., 5 052 Political Future of Europe Melbourne Review, 1 052 Secret Diplomatic History of 18th Century... Marx. K. F 15 P 41 Situation in Europe; by A. M. Topp Melb. Rev., 5 052 Euryapteryx — Specimen of Euryapteryx from Southland; by A. Hamilton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 5C6 [See also Ornithology— New Zealand.] Evangelical Association, United States- Evangelical Lutheran Church, United States- History Jacobs, H. E. G 12 V 11 Evangelistic Work Chalmers, Thomas'; by W. G. Blaikie C 20 T 15 History of the Evangelical Association Spreng, Rev. S. P. G 12 V 19 Moody, I). L., Life-story of; by 1). Williamson C 20 T 28 New Evangelism Drummond, H. G 24 T 7 [See also Apostles; Missions and Missionary Work; Salvation Evangelists. [See Missionaries and Evangelists.] Thayer, J. B. F 13 R 28 Evidences of Christianity. [See Christian Evidences, Miracles.] Evil Eye. [See Witchcraft.] Evil, Problem of Evil and Evolution G 11 U 2S Fundamental Ideas of Christianity Caird. Key. J. G 5 P 32 History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil... Cains, P. G 23 V 35 Through Nature tot iod Fiske, J. G 24 P 26 [Sec also Original Sin ; Sin.] Evolution— Biology- Against Dogma and Free- Animal Mind as a Faotoi Animal Pedigrees in Bi Arehiv fin- Mikroskopis, villand irWeia ;;;;"•, Mi Hiller, H. C. G24T6 . W. Purncll. rs'hall, A.M. A 28 P 34 591.4 Child, The: a Study in th icrStu,' c Evolut iesinHv on of Ma ollllh A 37 R 9. 10 bcrlain, A. F. A 45 R 20 I. (i 1 U 29 Public Library of New South Wales. I vol:. /J. II,: ' -. ar. i.! Ev -lutii hi. willi special reference to the Effects of< logical Changes on Animal Life; by A. S. Packard. im rica i Ai ■■■ . Advance, of Science, Proc, 1898 506 Last Link, The Hasckel, E. A 27 R 36 Lectures on the Darwinian Themv... Marshall, A. M. A 38 V 6 Man's Place in the Cosmo* Seth, A. G II R. 26 Monkeys, Apes, ami Men Aveling, E. B. A 27 R 11 Organic Evolution Shute, D. K. A 27 S 33 Organic Involution Cros;-examined... Argvll, Duke of A 40 T 1 1 Origin of Species 'Darwin, < '. A 27 K 32 Our Present Knowledge of the Deseent of Man ; by Prof. Haeckel. Inter iiiion il Congress of Zoology, I'roe., 181)8 A 3") W 14 Papers, &c, Church Congress, United States, 1894. Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S. G 15 S 31 Pioneers of Evolution, from Thales to Huxley Clodd, E. A 27 R 13 Place of Death in Evolution Smyth, X. G 1 1 U 22 Prehistoric Problems Munro, R A 1!) U 15 Present Evolution of Man Reid, G. A. A 27 T 18 Primer of Evolution Clodd, E. A 26 P 37 Problems of Nature Jaeger, (J. A 44 Q 5 Recapitulation Theory in Biological Lectures... Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Romanes, George John, Life and Letters A 22 R 19 Science and Faith Topinard, P. A 27 S 31 ' Scientific Evidences of Organic Involution Romanes, G. J. A 27 Q 17 Species and Races, and their Origin -in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Survival of the Unlike Bailey, L. H. A 27 R 16 Theology of an Evolutionist Abbott, Rev. L. G 23 P 5 Theory of Evolution; by Sir R. 1). Hanson... Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Variation, and some Phenomena connected with Reproduction and Sex; by A. Sedgwick British Asoc, Advance, of Science, Rent., IN! Ml 51 Hi Whence and the Whither of Man Tyler, .1. M. A 27 R 19 Zoological Relations of Man v ith the Lower Animals -,n Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [See also Anthropology ; Apes; liioloey : Breeding; Colouration, Animal; Creation: Degeneration; Development; Embryology ; Environment; Heredity; Life, Origin of: Man, Natural His- tory of ; Natural Selection: Pithecanthropus crectus ; Religion Evolution- Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology— Against Dogma and Free-will and for Weismannism... Hiller, H. C. Bible, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Caseof Wagner Nietzsche, F. ClliVIS Cosmic Ethics Thomas. W. C. G 15 Q 34 Ev 13 2 \ T : .. Brooklyn Ethical A; G 12 1 gson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Harris, G. G 14 S 27 . Ward, J. G 24 V 14, 15 et Sutherland, A. MG 2 V 9, 10 Dawson, J. W. G 24 P 31 .. Bagehot, W. F 8 V 46 Giddings, F. H. F12TI Speuec lints. 23 S 3 Evolution— Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology— contd. Spencer's "Principles of Sociology"; by A. M. Topp... Melbourn Revie .... Abbott, E. A. G 3 U 27 Fiske, J. G24P25 .... Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 15 Elam, C. A27R 18 . Melbourne Review, 2. 052 The Spirit on the Waters . Through Nature to God.... Thus Spake Zarathustra . W inds of Doctrine Winds of Doctrine Evolution Social Economy — Aristocracy and Evolution Mallock, W. H. F3R1 Economic Foundations of Society Loria,_A. F 15 S 19 Evolution by Atrophy Demoor, J. A 41 T 25 Government or Human Evolution Kelly, E. F 17 T 14 Outlines of Sociology; by Prof. < lumplowiez... American Academy, Political and Social Science, Pubs. F 16 R 33 Social anil Ethical Interpretations j n Mental Development. Baldwin, J. M. G 24 R 4 Study of Sociology Stuckenberg. J. H. W. F 3 R 27 Suggestions toward an Applied Science of Sociology... Pavson.E. P. "F 15 S 12 Village Life in China Smith, Rev. A. H. F 16 U 11 [See also Primitive Society; Society, History of.] Evolution of Sex— Biology. [See Sex.] Ex-libris. [See Book-plates.] Examinations — Collective Examination of Pupil Teachers ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education G 17 U 39 Education Department, Midsummer Examination, 1896. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education G 17 U 37 Examination; and Examination Systems in Women in Education. International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 4 Examination of Scholars by the State: by W. Kennedy... Intermit. Health Exhih.; H84, Lit., "l3 A 41 VII Inspection and Examination of Schools by other Bodies than the Universities; by Rev. H. L. Thompson... international Health Exhib., 1884, Lit,, 13 A 41 V!) List of Successful Candidates and (Question ; propo.-cd to Candidates for admission to Trail line ( 'oHeges and for the Office of Teacher. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Scotch Education Dept. 370.7 Local Examinations; by Rev. G. F. Browne International Health Exhib., 1884 Lit,, 13 A 41 V 9 Manuals of Public Examinations Sydney University 378.944 On the Annual Examination undergone by Con ,ci ipts in Belgium: by G. Jottrand ... International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Queen's Scholarship and Studentship Examination. Gt. Brit, and irel. Scotch Education Dept. 37'i.7 Queen's Scholarship Examination, 1896 Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Education 370.7 Questions proposed to Candidates for admission into Trainiim Colleges and for the Office of Teacher Gt. Brit, and Irel. Scope and Limitation of Inspection ; by Father Gerard .. Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Scotch Education Department, Certificate Examination. Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Scotch Ed. Dept, G 17 U 37 State School Examination Papers, Victoria Tisdali, H. T. MG 2 U 23 [See nho Calendars and Register., of Universities; Civil Service- - Examinations; and sub-heading Education and Examination Papers under each Language and Subject,] Exchange- Exchange -iii Principles of Sociology ... Spencer, H. G 12 R 24 Foreign Exchanges in Theory of international Trade. Bastablc, C. F. F 13 R 10 Logic of the Practical Sciences— in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Principles of Political Economy Nicholson, J. S. F 8 Q 25 Science of Money Del Mar. A. F 14 U 21 Sterling Exchange Tables, English and American Cur Schultz, W. Theory of Wealth Cournot, A [See aim Banks and Banking; Credit ; Currency; Stock 4 V 5 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. Exchequer, The - ■f the Exchequer. . . Hall, H. F 13 S 32 ciuer — in Commune of London... Round, J. H. B 28 T 15 Excise. [See Customs and Excise.] Executors. [See Wills.] Exegesis. [See Biblical Criticism.] Exercise— Hygiene — General Exercise j by Dr. E. M. Hartwell— in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 I' 14 Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedenlarv. Davies, N. E. Y-. A 26 E 30 Swedish Movement and Massage; by Dr. 15. Lee-i'n Practical Therapeutics "..... Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Tl, - rv and I'raotcc of IfvL'iene Xottcr. .1. L. A 31 Q 92 [Sit alto Gymnastic ; Physical Education; Training, Athletic] Exeter Cathedral — Exeter Cathedral Exeter Road, The . Edmonds, Cant Harper, C. ( Exhibitions, Industrial — General - dResults... Moonen.L ME 4 Q 51 lit,' Influence in Civili unuelson, J. F 1 V 1 Exosraosls. [See Physiological Chemistry.] Experiment Farms and Stations - 630.7 Experiment Stations: their Objects at and' Experiment Stations. Dept. of Agr., Office of E - Dept. of Experiment Farms and Stations— 633.7— «m .' ; byF. Poafo... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Shipping Regulations N. S. Wales-.. Agriculture Board of Exports M A 4 T 1 1 ■ Victoria — Export of Frozen Produce from Victoria, Report; by D. Wilson. Victoria -Agriculture MA 3 V 27 [See also Produce Trade.] Expression. [See Artistic Anatomy; Physiognomy.] Extradition. [See Criminal Law; International Law.] Extreme Unction. [See Sacraments, The.] Eye, The, and Eyesight— General— Blindness and the Blind Levy, XV. H. A 26 R 27 Changes found in the Field of Vision while the Eyes are placed at Right Angles to Ordinary Position... Oliver, ('. A. A 33 V 16 Curiosities of Light an,! Sight Uidwoll, S. A 41 Q 27 Defective Eyesight Roosa, B. I). St. J. A 33 P 41 Fundus Oculi Frost, W. A. A 18 P 2.5 t Light Glazebrook, R. T. A 21 P 51 Treatise on the Eve and on Optical Let ruments... Coddington, H. \See also Blind, The; Colour-blindness; Optics; Sight.] Anatomy — Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 Diseases of the Conjunctiva, Sclera, and Cornea; bv Dr. G. E. do Schweinitz -in Practical Therapeutics .Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Fvc and their Treat ment by the < Icneral Practioner ; by Dr. CA. Wood -in Practical Therapeutic ... Hare, 11. A. A 31 P 17 Diseases of tic Iris and Ciliary P,n:lv: Sympathetic Affections; by Dr. C. J. Kipp in Practical Therupculi'cs 11a. v. II. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Lens and Glaucoma; by Dr. S. M. Burnett — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Ocular .Muscles. Squint.])ia, Spasms of the Ocular Muscles, and Nystagmus; bv Dr. L. Howe- In Practical Therapeu Dise 'of the Amblyopia F Fables — ('it il.guo of R muacci in the Dept. of Manuscripts in the British Muslim; bv H. L. I). Ward British Museum K 17 T 27 Fable and Song in Italy Clerke, E. M. H 4 T 19 Fables Choisi-s ' La Fontaine, J. H 13 P 14 Fables for the Frivolous Carryl, G. W. H 12 S 14 Fantastic Fables Bieree, A. J 23 P 41 History of Reynard the Fox. [Renrint]... Oaxton.W. J 22 P 15 Hundred Fables of jEsop Esopua J 22 V 8 Sea Fables Explained... Intermit. Fisheries, 1883, Lit., 3. A 34 R 3 Face- Oral Surgery Garretson, J. E. A 32 8 20 [See also Eye; Mouth; Nose; Physiognomy.] Facetiae. [See Humour.] Factories and Factory System — Child Labor Graffenried, Clare de F 4 V 15 Child Labor Willoughby, W. F. F 4 V 15 Commercial Organisation of Factories Lewis, J. S. F 9 V 3 Connecticut. Factory Inspci tor, Report Connecticut — Annual Repts. 328.746 Effects of the Factory System Clarke, A. F 15 P 31 Factories Act Inquiry Board... Victoria — Parliament, V. and P., 1895-96 328.945 Factories and Workshops; l.y Miss M. Wilson -in Good Citizen- ship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Factories, Reports of Inspectors Victoria — Parliament, V. and P., 328.945 Factory and Workshop Acts Notcutt, G. J. F 15 Q. 19 Factory Legislation for Women,.. New Zealand Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1895 331.8 Factory Labour in India New Zealand Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1896 331.8 Foreign Reports ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Labour F 39 V 52, 54 J Great Britain and Ireland Factories, Rept. of Chief Inspector, 1893 F 13 T 2 Great Britain and Ireland -Flax Mill-ami Limn Factories, Repts. F 39 V 9 % Influence of the Factory System on the Development of Great Britain... New Zealand Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1894 331.8 Modern Economic Imbroglio in The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Ohio, Inspector of Workshops and Factories, Reports Ohio — Annual Repts 328.771 Pennsylvania — Factory Inspector, Report 331.82 Prevention of Factory' Accidents Calder, J. F 16 S 22 Social Facts and Forces Gladden, W. F 13 V 40 United States. Industrial Involution of .. AVright, C. 1). F 13R23 [See also Children, Employment and Work; Women -Work, Professions, Employment, Wages.] Lai ntd Lrtjislat n Democr. Factory Laws in Xew Zealand. I Liberty.. . Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 tralasian Association for Law relating to Factories and Workshops Abraham. May E. F 13 U 5 Tabulation of Factory Laws of European Countries... Fair Trade v. Free Trade Free Trade Fads and Fair Trade Fallacies [See also Federation, Imperial; Free Trade; Protect S24 Fairies — Fairy Mythology of a Midsummer Night's Dream; by J. O. llalliwell ..* Shakcsp ■are Society Pubs., 26 H 3 U 31 [See also Fairy Talcs; Folk-lore] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. 831 . Wes Atha An Indian W. BuUliles: his Book Irvine, R. F. M.I 2 V (i Bilderbuch ohne Bildcr Andersen, H. C. J 12 P 33 Danish Fairy and Folk-tales Bay, . I. C. J 14 Q 43 Eileen's Journey Jelf, E. A. J 16 U 32 Fvcnuirog Historior ....'.'.'.. ' And u r.sen,°H. C. ".Ill R2S, 29 Fair, Tales from the Arabian Nights Dixon, E. J 24 Q 14 Fa:, x Tales Legends, and Knmam ■(•■■ iilnst rat in- Shakespeare and - :!,(■!• Karlv linglish Writers i la/litt , W. C. J 14 P 49 Fairy Tales of the Slav Feasants and Herdsmen Chodsko, A. From my Vera MD8R43 lie H 1 1 t of La Mot in, J. L. J 12 P 39 Id, S. B-. J 14 T 2 i',F. H.C., Baron de J 14 S 7 Turkish Fairy Talcs Kunos, I. J 14 S 2 Twilight Land l'yle, H. J 21 T 20 Vovuge of ISran, Son of Fehal. to the Land of the Living. Meyer, K. B 36 P 10 Zankiwank and the Blcthcrwiteh... Fitzgerald, S. .1. A. J 22 P 1 [See also Fairies j Folk-lore.] ■ Bibliography— Bibliography of Fairy Tales for Children— ,h State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 13... , New York — Library Cat. Room Faith— Bible, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Elements of the Science „f Religion Tide, C. 1>. (J 11 U 34 Faith and Duty in Parents and Children... Mason, Charlotte M. ml Leas 7T7 Faith-healing and Christian Science... Feilding. Alice \ 15. R, Wise .. National Rcvii Cc n of the Commonwealth of Alts 052 Australia; by Prof. W. H. Moo National Review, 1898 052 .. United States- ilar Reps., (il 382 vention at Work ; by H. B. Higgins Review of Reviews, 1897 052 ft Federal Constitution of 1897: a Criticism : by Sir S. \V. ft Federation' Bill' ".'.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'../ltarton, llon.K. ' MF5 R 3 ivson IvWeration Crabbe, G. W. M F 5 P 28 ,l'uti»n of a Federal Covernmcnt in Australasian 1 )emo, -rae\ . Walker, H. de P.. MF 5 Q 13 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Federation, Australian — amid. 1'ailu.v of the Australian Federation liill; J>v Rev. \V. If. Fitehelt. Canadian .Magazine. 1898 051 Fcdet d Hill Review of Reviews, I WIS 'Xd Federation, Imperial, and Defences Federation of British Austr Fed. tion of Our Australi: V . : by Dr. W. B. Od« Fed ration Spiders and the n Spiders and the Unsitspening l-'l; 1". Tn '■■■'•••'■ i !',,-> V \; Nl ..,i A. \: N< INe'dc Nouvulles Societe; Outlook of Austrt Australasian Federati Sis-. - Dominions ... So,, Factors of Fede S,,' : /Aus'tTaii!i Xati Wh\ South Australia Win Tasmania shoul Fee Simple. [See Land 'I Feeble-minded ( !hi. Sell! W;?:i Ssss e, Proc., led. Rep R.polls tr.ual Rep v."! .. . . 6 s. 3l> 300 l.'i.S [See aho Idiocy : [diot A,.; ums.j ecd mg Experiments it Rothamsted ... Oilbc ,.S,r. . I!. Can Ida Experimental Farm ., Reports, IS! i... (ana, ■- De, t...f Cot m-sccd Hulls and Meal for Beef Produ, Dig ltiuc , Fe .^: %E ,'.j,, Wh of tl 834 Public Library of New South Wales. Feeding Experiments— conld. Economical Feeding; by G. McKerrow Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Economical Feeding ofStoek in the Weston Purchased Food Stuffs; by R. W. Peacock Agricultural Gazette, N.S. VV., II) 030.5 Fattening Lambs... .Michigan Slate Agr. College Kxper. Station Bulletins, ID7, 113 030.7 Fattening Lambs; by F. B. Mumford Michigan Board of Agriculture, Rept., 189G 030.6 Fattening Steers in Winter Minnesota -Agr. Kxper. Station Rept., 1895 (130.7 Feeding Corn Smut to Dairy Cows; bv (.'. 1). Smith... Michigan — State Board" of Agriculture, Kept,, 1896-97 630.6 Feeeding Experiments : Tins, Limbs and Cattle ... Wisconsin — Agr. Exper. Station, Re),!., 1899 630.7 Feeding Experiments with Hogs ami Sheep ... Wisconsin Agr. Exper. Station Repts., 1896 630.7 Feeding of Working Horses; bv T. U. Walton Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1S98 506 How to Increase the Percentage of Butter-fat in Milk. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Influence of Food on the Quant it v and Guabi v of Milk ; bv F. J. Lloyd Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Investigations on the Metabolism of Milch Cows; by G. Hagemann. U.S.— Dcpt. of Agr.— Office of Kxper. Sins.. Record 10 630.7 Lamb Feeding, Steer and Heifer Beef Iowa Agr. College, Bulletin, 33 A 33 S '28 Maintenance Ration of Cattle; bv If. P. Armsbv... Pennsylvania- State College, Kept., 1817' 378.748 Methods of Determining the Digestibility' of feeding Staffs; by 0. Kellner United States -Dcpt. of Agr.— Otiice of Exper. Stns. Record, 9 630.7 Minnesota Farmers' Institutes, Annual 9 630.6 Molasses as Food for Live Stock... (>ueensl. Agr. Journ., 5 630.5 New York — Agricultural Kxi'crhmmt Siatiou,'"Rcpi . , 1891 630.7 Ontario— Agricultural College, Report. 188-1-05 630.7 Pamphlets on Experiments in Cattle Feeding... Agr. Kxpcrimont Stations A 38 R 33 Pamphlets on Feeding- Kxpcrimonts with Rig's, Horses, and Slice]). Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 8 Pig Feeding; by C. D. Smith Michigan State Hoard of Agriculture. Repts., 1896-97 630.6 Rations fed to Milch Cows, Nitrogenous Feeding Stuffs, and For- mula's for Feeding... Connecticut -Storrs Agr. Kxper. Station, Kept., 1897 630.7 Separated Milk as a Food for Calves; by M. A. O'Callaghan. Study of Rations fed to Milch ( 'nws'iu ( 'oii'necti'e'at ..'.' ( ''oniieci'ieu't — Storrs Agr. Fxp. Station. Report, 1,895 630.7 Texas-Agricultural and Mechanical Coll Bulletin A 32 R 19 United States— Dept. of Agricult,, F.xper. Stm Record, 5 630.7 Utilization of Residues from Rog-s„ear Manufacture in Cattle- feeding; by G. L. Spencer United State., Dept. of Agr., [See alto Cattle and Cattle-breeding; D.iirv Cattle;' Experiment Farms and Stations; Fodders and' Food-s'l, ill's ; Foods, Chemis- try of; Sheep and Sheep-breeding.] Feejee. [See Fiji.] FeelingS- Art of Thinking Kuowlson, T. S. G 25 P 15 Primer of Psychology Titchener, E. 15. G 23 R 15 Psychology Dewey, J. G 17 S 31 Feet. [See Foot, The.] Feldspar — Oligoelase Felspar; by A. W. Howitt Australasian Assoc., „ Advance, of Science, Rept, 1898 506 [bee atno .Mineralogy- Manuals.] Female Education. [See Women— Education, Hygiene Female Suffrage. [See Woman Suffrage.! Fences and Fencing — EstateFenees Vermn, A. A 39 P 27 Fencing and Impounding Act. ..Victoria -Agr., Rept., 1874 630.6 Plants adapted for Live Fences Victoria -Agricult, Report, 1873 630.6 Fencing — Gymnastics — Bibliography of Fencing and Duelling... Thimm, C. A. A 41 S 5 Defensive Exercises Walker,!). A 20 P 22 Infantry Sword Exercise Gt. Brit, and Irel. - War Office " A36Q6 Fenians — Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism...O'Leary, J. F 13 R 3, 4 [See also Home Rule; Ireland— Politics; Secret Societies.] Feriencolonien. [See Holiday Colonies.] Fermentation — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Brewing of No,, -excisable i Jeers Rocock, J. A 23 51 Fermentation; by Dr. Duclaux... Internal. Health Exhib., Importance of R-ffrigeratio of Mm- n Win 10 A 4 Practical Studies in Fermentation Preparation of Malt T Soluble Ferments and Fermentation ... [See also Alcohols ; Bacteriology; Bnv New Indigen Newly Disco Heath, F. G. A 22 R 3 t Agr. Gaz., N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 id Ours Robinson, J. A 27 S 14 Beddome, R. H. A 20 P 12, 13 t Beddome, It. H. A 20 P 1 1 I Deakin, R, A 20 R 9 12 eras of New South Wales... Maiden, ,1. II. MA 3 1! -19 Hooker, W. J. A 44 W 2 ealand Ferns; by W. Colenso. New Zealand institute. Trans., 29 506 ; by W. Colenso. [Se ,i,o i; , -, CryptOj of the M nic.] nd Ins te. Trail d Fei Campbell, 1). H. A 20 T 1 Fertilization Botany - Fertilization of North Australian Plants; by N. Holtze. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 Fertilization of Ouoclea Shaw, W. R. A 32 Q 23 Methods of Fertilisation of Goodeniaoca' ; by A. G. Hamilton. Linnean Society, N.S.W.", I 'roe., 1895 580.6 Methods of Ferti" ' Han Pollin: aiofFo; Aus bvM. ! Adv. Wa Fertilisatio Intel [See also Bi Fertilizers. Festivals, Church Lent, Past and Prese Alan i, E. B. A 5 R 25 f y Prof. Vejdovskv. c, 1898 A 35 W il ■y; Embryology.] r& Pagcan Fetich to Hygie, n Mythology.... to the History of Religion. Jevons, F. B. , n Warfare of Science and ' White, A. 1). G l Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Feudalism — Ancient Tenures Hewlett, E. F 13 R 25 inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids, 1284-1431. (it. lit. and lrel.— Public Record Office B 45 Laws ,,f the Forest Peacock, K. F 13 R 25 Law. under the Feudal System W:-<- .■;■<.. i\ 1 13 K 25 Manor Law Uowlett, E. t 13 R 25 • lid b Man Histiry, Medneval.] y Sir J. A. Fayrer— in Fibres and Fibre Plants — Flax Culture for Fibre in the United L\ S. Dept. of Agr. Office of Fibei Flax. Ileum, Ramiei and Jute. l{<-p..i-t Fichtean Philosophy— History of Philosophy .... , 0. W. F. ophy-Gon Fiction — General— contd. Novel, The !» Age of Words Novels of Charles Dickens..,. ticism; Tales.] History — Development of the English Novel Reading of- Almscof Fiction in Public Libraries; by Association of Australai Place of Fiction in Publi- Libraries; by Association of Australas Fiction, Works of- American— Traill, H. T). ,T 14 R 28 lerford, C. H. J 14 U 33 Kitton, F. G. J 14 P 30 Siidfeld, M. S. G 3 U 16 J 27 Q 11 .... Roscoe, '1 J 23 T 2 i Dixsc n, Zella A. J 14 V 30 . Selby, T. G. J 10 S 30 Adam Johnst Advc ■I Wr. i i;u/i.s! Annie Kilburn April Hopes At the Sign of the Savage.. Ben-Hur Boa Bro nith. Children of th- King. Ci .ss, W. L. J J8U9 vv. M. Fairland Proc, 1898 .. Library MJ 2 V 1 ia,' f. McCallum Proc, 1898 M J 2 V 1 ford, F. M. J 22 P 22 C|, nens, S. L. J 22 Q 31 CI ■mens, S. L. .1 25 y 8 !'■> mer, E. L. J 23 T 28 ertrude F. J 22 P 31 i [ow ells, W. D. J22R 17 In, ells. W. I). . .lames, 11 ells, \V. 1). J22R 13 J 25 T 7 J 10 T 45 J 25 U 34 Hi J 23 R 5 . James', If J 25 T 8 James, If. J 25 T 1 1 James, H. J 25 T 23 nith, F. H. ford, F. .\l'. J 17 V 27 J 23 R 15 J 22 P 23 J 22 R 14 ford, F.' M*. J 22 P 24 Vllen, J. L. 3 24 U 27 lo\ ells, \V. 1). J 22 R 12 lite FlizaOrne J 23 T 10 .. James, H J 26 P 5 'rederic, H. J 25 R31 wford, F. M J25R7 .. James, H J 25 T 9 les Coffin, C. C. J 9 R 33 I, F. M. J 25 R 10 Tublic Library of Neic South Wales, iiX •ican — could. . J 9 U 24-31 ... Burnett, France Howells, W. ). J 22 R 8, 9 French, Alice J OR 3 . Craigie, Pearl Ma yT. J22Q2 Frederic H. J 25 R 20 Howells, W L>. J 22 R 18 Sheldon, C M. J 23 S 26 Mabie, H W. J 17 U 8 hi i e Tennessee Mou hi t e Vcstibuk Indi n Summer [urfree, Marv N. J 23 T 24 . Mathews, J. B. J 1 R 49 i of Aroostook . . Uord at the Lira of the Mohican:- London Life ... Louisa Pallant .. Crawford, F. M. J 22 1' 20 Howells, W. D. J 22 R 24 Howells, W. 1). J22R 15 ... Cooper, J F. .1 23 T 27 .Warner. C. D. .1 •_•;.<,. 10 ■lis. W.J). J 22 R II Mortal Antipathy; First Opening of t! Mrs. Temperly Oldtown Folks.. Open-eyed Consj Parting and a J'assionalc l'i Patagonia .. Pathfinder . Patience Spa, Paid Pa toff Pembroke pilot' "... e . a !'. r " pa . Point of View ... Poor Richard Portrait of a Ladj . Wilkins, Marv E. !B, H. J 25 T 23, a Cooper, J. F. id J 20 P 4 J 23 T 25 James, r Tames, H. '.'.'.'."Wallace, L. J James, H. Curtis, G. W. Clemens, S. L. . J 26 P 4 J 25 T 20 J25T 15 J 22 P. 35 23 T 39, 40 J25T 10 J 22 R 34 J 23 R L'I ... Howells, W. I). lames. 11. J 22 1121 .'.'Crawford, F.'m.' Tames, H. J25T 18 J 25 R 1 3 J 25 T 20 Fiction, Works of— American— Rose-Agathe The Royal Marine Matthews. J. 15. J i i: Rudder Orange Stockton, F. R. J 16 T Sant'Ilario Crawford, F. M. J 25 R Sapuhoof ( Ireen Springs, and other Tales... Harte, B. J 25 R Saracinesca Crawford, F. M. J ->.j It Scarlet Letter Hawtliorne, N. Secret of the Sea ; Love at First Sight; Brief as Worn m's Lon Perchance to Dream ; Perturlied Spirits : Fe\ eral. Matthews, J. B. J 22 R Septimus Felton Hawthorne, N. .123 i; Seth's Brother's Wife Frederic, 11. Shadow of a Dream Howells, W. 1). Siege of London James, H .1 20 1 Spoils of Foynton Tames, IT. J 25 Spy Cooper, J. F. 3 23 Slaudish of Standish Austin. Jane J 23 Storvof a Storv ; A Cameo and a Pastel: Two Letters; The Member of the Club ; Etelka Talmeyr Matthews., Str vnge Manuscript found i a Co ijier Cylinder I)e Mille, J. ... Howells, W. D. J 22 K 11 rarban Sketches ei fa Lonely Parish .. Crawford, F. M. J 22 P -'8 e of Twenty-five Hours,. ... Matthews. J. B. J 1 R 29 e of Two Nations ... Harvey, W. H. J 14 T 11 .. Crawford, F. M. .1 22 P ■*> .... Howells. W. 1). J 22 it 4 Th ■ee Partners; or, the Big ■arike in Heavv Tree Hill... Harte. P.. J 25 R 40 .. Burnett, Frances J 25 P.".!) Th 'oueh One Administrate u Paulding .. Matthews, J. !!. J 22 II 42 gicMusa James, H. J 25 T 21 nip Abroad Clemens, S. L. J 25 Q 9 '!' vac; from Utruna .. Howells, W. D. .1 22 H 30 Curtis, 0. W. J 22 1! 33 l'i Stowe, Harriet J 22 T 30. 31 . Howells, W. D. . Howells, W. 1). . Howells, W. I). . ... Bynner, E. L. Crawford, F. M. J 22 R 23 J 22 1! 20 J 23 T 29 J 25 R 17 Australian — ntures of Louis de Rougeii ikes, L. M. M.13P41 rat Fleet Family.... >r the Term of His N eLai Lie;!,, Little Long Odds or, the Maoi e Wife id of the 15ur hadow of the I the Roman.... f Sydney Lost Identity Luck of the 'Native ISo Medhurstsof Mmdala. Miner's Cup .... Heney.T. MJ 3 P 48 i, Marie Louise MJ 3 U 2 \\ liitworth, R. P. MJ 3 S 5 Beeke, L. MJ 3 P 50 Rev. J. H. L. MJ 3 Q 32 Bell, J. MJ3S35 Wo .ds, Mrs. J. C. MJ 3 S 20 Turner, Lilian MJ 3 S 19 ( urlewis, F.tliel MJ 3 S 1 1 Colonial Monthly, 1S08 09 MJ 4 P 6, 7 H. nnessev, J. D. MJ 3 S 34 Barry, J. A. Mlf 3 R 31 Wit erhouse, J. M. MJ 3 S 25 ... Could, N. MJ 3Q45 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Ficiion, Works of— Australian — contd. Miner's Bight Browne, T. A. M J 3 U 8 Miracle of Repair Kemp, B. P. P. MCi 2 U 4 Mocassins of Silence Pavenc, E. MJ 3 P 40 '• ! xlern Duccanecr Browne, T. A. MJ 3 U 9 Mutineer Becke, L. MJ 3 S 29 Mv Run Home Browne, T. A. MJ 3 U 10 MVstervof Uic Lui-iilin Islands Beeke, L. MJ 3 P 57 N'overmore Browne, T. A. MJ 3 U 11 New Arcadia Tucker, Rev. If. MJ 3 U IS North Shore Mystery Fletcher, H. MJ 3 A" 4 Parsonage (iiil ..........'.'.'.'.'..".' Moser, T. MJ 3 S 31 ! lain I.ivii,-: hy|{ ilfBoldrewood"... Browne, T. A. MJ 3 S 28 IU>dmantheBoat-steeror,audothrrS:.;:i,- . IJ.-k-.I,. MJ3R32 Sealskin Cloak Browne. T. A. MJ 3 S 13 Severed Fronde, Lily MJ 3 S 16 sXJilbert Leigh Bess, W. L. MJ 1 U 37, 38 V'ellow Wave British- Fiction, Works of— British — contd. Briseis Black, W. J 25 V 22 Bro >m -Squire Gould, Rev. S. 13-. J 24 U (i Bv Cclia's Arbour Besant, Sir W. J 25 P I (1 By Proxy Pavn, J. J 23 T 33 Caleb Williams Godwin. W. J 23 P 5 Calidore, and Miscellanea Peacock, T. L. J 2."> Q 42 Captains Courageous Kipling, R. J 22 P 29 :1 Lady Cam per... Meredith.*;. .1 23 V ■_ Case of Mr. raft .. rW. J 25 PI . B. " Fin e Fleet ............ Whit Lvtt< Besan e, W. H. , Sir W. J 25 P 12 ftli of t e Ghetto heBastiie"'.'.'.'.".'.'.' e Hearth ".'..".'.'.' Zan r.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.."Di Di „ (1 39 In Furthest Ind Greig, Hilda .J 21 S 26 In Kedar's Tents Scott, H. S. Inheritance Ferrier, Susan J 26 Q 30, 31 Initials 'I'au .! •>:, U 23 Island of Doctor Moreai Wells, if. G. .! 2o V 21 Jol I, Halifax n Hen IcHtlcI, John lllglesant John Splendid. ...... Jonathan Wild Joseph Andrews .... Judc the Obscure .. Journey from this \ Kate Carnegie Keneln, (.'liillingley K en il worth Kilmeny King of Schnorrers, King Solon s Min . Hardy, T. J 25 V i Fiction, Works of— British— contd. Lewis Arundel Smedley, F. E. J 24 U 24 Lifeand Adventures of Peter Wilkins... Patlock.R. J 23 P 42, 43 Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox ... Cock ton, II. J 21 S 33 Life's Little Ironies Hardy, T. .7 25 V 12 Light that Failed Kipling, R, J 22 U 26 Lilac Sunbonnet Crockett, S. R. J 25 V7 Lilith MacDonald, G. J 25 S 6 Little Minister'".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. B i~r:e, J. M.' J 21 T lo! 16 Little Schoolmaster M irk Si.orthouse, J. H. J 25 S 38 Loehinvar Crockett, S. R. J 25 V C Lord Kilgobbin Lever, C. J 24 Q 8 Lord Ormont and his Aminta Meredith, G. J 23 V 21, 22 LornaDoone Blackmore, R. D. J 25 P 33 Lost and Saved Norton, Hon. Caroline J 25 S 19 Lost Sir Massingberd Payn, J. J 25 Q 40 Lovel the Widower Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 12 Lucrctia; or, the Children of Night ... Lytton, Baron J 25 U 3 Luck of the Darrells Payn, J. J 25 Q 41 Luttrell of Arran Lever, C. J 24 Q 1, 2 MacLeod of Dare Black, W. J 25 P 26 Maid Marian and Crotch, -\ t astle Peacock, T. L. J 25 S 28 Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell Manning, Anno J 22 T 33 Malcolm MacDonald, G. J 25 S 7 Mandeville Godwin, W. J 23 P 15-17 Manxman Cainc, II. J 25 R 3 Many Cargoes lacobs, W. W. J 25 T 6 Marcus Warwick, Atheist Dale. Alice M. J 21 S 25 Mark Rutherford's Deliverance White, \V. H. J 25 S 35 Marquis of Lossie MacDonald, G. J 25 S 8 Marriage Ferrier, Susan J 26 Q 32, 33 Martian Du Maurier, G. J 23 S 23 Martin Chu/./.lewit Dickens, C. J 26 S 12, 13 Martins of Cro' Martin Lever, C. J 24 P 21, 22 Master Zangwill, I. J 25 V 31 Master Humphrey's Clock Dickens, 0. J 22 V 4 Masterman Ready Marrvat, dipt. F. J 25 S 10 Maurice Tierney Lever, C. J 24 P 20 Mehalah Gould, Rev. S. B-. J 25 Q 18 Melincourt; or. s| r o„„, Ilaut-Ton ... Peacock, T. L. J 25 S 30 Maturin, C. R. J 23 P 10-12 Mei I llesol Oil,, J 25 Q 47 Men of tl J 26 R 9 Mieah Cli J 24 P 4 Mildred 1 J 26 V 1 Miriam's J 24 U 19 Misfortui M M . Mid ■ Lad, a nan Hi SI ■ l.ii, rl \1 ■ Nov i M \ ulai.k of 1 dwin 1 Nc w Arabiai Night N ■ho'i's Xi. d'ebv'.'. N .-hi ai 1 .s irniug Doyle \ c I 25 R IS 1 25 V 26 s... White, W H. .1 25 S 33 jck, T. L. .1 25 S 29 Bclla.n . , K. J 1 V 47 ,1 26 R 111 S\ .1 25 P 15 Collim. .Marrvat, Capt Barrie, J , W. F. M. .7 25 Q 6 1 24 C2H J 21 T 19 ... Besant, Sit VV. .1 25 I' 14 Lytton, Baroi J 24 U 16-18 , G. .1 26 s ;;i» Kipling Stevenson, R 1 22 U 27 I.. 1 "5 U 21 Thackeray, \\ M. J 22 U 8 Dickens, C. . 26 s 5. 6 , Mar •I Olip Malloek, W. H. J23S 15 Norton, Hon. Caroline J 25 S 20 1 Hekens, C. J 22 S 7, and 26 S 4 Steel, Flora Annie J 25 S 40 eredith, G. J 22 P 12, and 23 V 19, 20 Lever, C. J 24 P 26 . Meredith, G. J 22 P 3, and 23 V 1, 2 Paget, Violet J 25 Q 28 Dickens, C. J 20 S 26, 27 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Miction, Works of— British— contd. ..iVmon-of (JeoilVey llainlyn. "olu! i ,dit Honou'ral . Leon: a Tale of the Mil . Pat.iek's Kve . Roman's Well .mini lVlloni . White, W. H. . Poorten, J. M. W. Fiction, Works of— British— •rl'eUrllalketofMasho ... M ies] .. . Wells, 11 s.'k J25U 17 J 25 V 3 J 25 V 30 Ward 'i.Vtt.'n', "ii W. .1 25 U 38 .1 25 P 28 J25U 11 \Y. .1 2(1 K 25 edith,' ;. J 23 V . . Dicken -~ C.' nd 22 P 10 J 20 S 23 Lev i-, c J24Q9 w. J 21 i R 20 J 2."> U 35 \ \ !'•[; \v. J25P 18 J 17 U 18 1 Works of J 2G V 6 ...... "i ....'. l'lanh ;„';'; J 25 V 14 J 25 P 38 1 r S-? w. A. J 25 P 19 J 25 U 31 T 24 P 5, fi M. .1 24 U 42 i'a" J '22 V 9, 1 0, and 23 Q 3-6 Lev J 24 .'5 L 12, 13 . 'lia'rri'e, .1 M, J 21 T 13 J 14 R40 7 Well's, f . Doyle, A W. .1 25 R ?<» .1 21 5 Life ami Works of .'harlotto J 26 V 5 f, W. M. J 22 U 3 i, Baron J 25 U 14 Tublic Library of New South Wales. Fiction, Works of— Bulgarian— . Vazoff, I. J 23 U 8 Konni.1 mid Hi. una Siren Voices; trans, by Ethel F Dutch— Footsteps of Fate L. . (Jylleiuboui Robertson... g, T. s, L. J IV 46 .sen, .T. P. J 22 R 46 J 23 U 2 French- Adventures of Gil Bias of Sa Ailes d'Icarc, Les Amnialat Bey utillane .. LeSage, A .... Bernard, R. V. dc J 24 U 22 .7 24 S J 1 1 Q 41 Autour d'.me Source... ...... Aziyade Balthasar Beatrix Bean-Fere Cliat Maigre, Le Citizen Bonaparte, 1794 181 bcrt II '."Thibault,'! : /.. ( 1. .1 21 V; 2 ' ,f 2iW,M) .1 23 R 29 Contos du Lundi DCsirs de Jean Servien Dr. Ranieau Double Maitrcsse, La Eeueil, V Eugenie Grandet Kvang.'liste, L' Ivuitome d'Orient Femmes d'Artistes, Les; R< liuo'nt;' Etu. vM Figures ct Choscs qui Passa, F leurs d'Ennui Fromont Jeune et Ri.sler Ail Geutilhomme Compagnard ent Viand! L I ;; ;;! j; :£ (ionurcvi'l'le Mystery".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Great Invasion of 1813-14; >r J ft. LeSg [ i™* r. 1 ', F. !.-, \V ! J 21 S 12 igoi v.'m. ' .ih t.-> ppee, F. .) IS W38 [, L. M. J. .1 7 T 38 lo.'.M. Ji. .1 2! II ±i Mariago de Loti Matelot Member for Arcis Fiction, Works of — France— contd. ,. M. . r, \V 1 Maupassant, ( I. de J 23 U 14 and le Lepreux de la Cite d'Acste. Maistre, X. de J 24 R 46 Viand, L. M. ,7. J 24 R 41 Viand. L. M. J. J 24 R 42 Dumas, A. J 24 U S3 Daudct, A. J 22 P. •50 Daudct., A. J 15 W 8 Viaud, L. M. J. J 24 R 34 ""' I, L. M. J. J 24 R 35 Thi nilt, . . Daudet, A. J 15 W 16 \' r>, a id 24 U 10 .J 20 C> 16 .) 2o R 22 V. M J 23 S 1 e, F. J 15W41 10, J. .1 23 T 36 ,) 25 U 23 H. de J 24 U 3 .t, J. J 1 1 P 49 s V .1 25 it 24 (' ,!,■ J 24 R 1 24 P 48 50 J 24 R 7 vinann, E. .1 25 H 21 t, G. ,1 25 Q 35 11. do J 24 U 4 German — .Egypiisel.e KOnigsto; srderWelt.. e Romano -• dcM. .JwY.iijc Cnignnl Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. Die ... LaMotteFo. n. 1 hi- ( ' anpanions... ! Two Captains... La Motte Fouqu Uarda Ebers Uhl chairs Undine La Motte Kur,..u's Two Worlds Italian Cliiid of Pleasure Farewell, Love House by the Medlar-tree Triumph of Death Woman's Folly Norwegian - An.eand the Fisher Lassie Commodore's Daughters.... Heritage of the Kurts .... s Wa; .kai, M. J 2o T 24 '•■'in M 11 Ve ■£ i. (1 lde J 23 T 9 J23U 17 J 2(1 U 1 gyia, J 23 U 1(5 Bje Bj . Lie . Lie B. J. , B. , I?. J 24 U 31 J 23 L 13 .1 23 U 3 J 23 U 4 J 23 U 12 Fiji -General nnd Dexeyi,,! Ann.ial Reports... Gt. Brit, a Australian JLmd-book, Is!).; Brown Men and Women ... . ,;:;:?■ Parts of the Pacific Rowa River; by H. H. Thielo... Sco Studies in Ancient Historv Tariuna Lake, in Fiji; by Lieut. Li; Universal Geography viti ; ' Viti; by J. P. Thomson ... Royal ( [See «'«, under Fiji in Author Catah iiflndex 3 ] 1 " 1 Untl ° r lmp0rta " t SU ' ,J I) 14 V 20 D 23 P 2 , .1. F. F14U33 t L. N. .1 22 T 3-o 'ountL. J 23 S 3-6 Count L. .1 23 U Spanish Field Fortifications. [See Military Engineering.] Fierasferidae - Sp-eie del (ienere Fierasfer neKioifodcl Xapeli ; .lei Dr. C. Kn.ery. Zoologische Station zti Xeapel A 1!) P 2 f Mackay, .¥.. J. G. BIOTA) Fife Hist Hut n-y— Fife i nd Kinr )ss M Figs 'ultui udust e;hy (i. Eisei Dept and F. S. F | of Agr. 1 Fiji Iali Fiji Isl: Fijian Ordiiia Statute* - ices of the Fijians — Account of thj Fii e Cercn ;;A;;;;;- Histor Filices. [See Fe ns.] Filters and Filt •ation Office MD2P 35 1, T. H. MF 5 Q 2 M<; 2 V,-> utcs 34C.2 vDr. Horken Xew Zealand Ins- i lute. Trans., 1S!)S .".(Mi ... M'l.cnna.1,.1. F. F 14 Via Figure painting. [See Portrait Painting.] Public Library of New South Wales. Finance — General — Finance and '1'axation; l.v E. Adam -/;, Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 10 Free Trade Reform and rinanee in Essays Alison, A. JUS 13 History of Money and Prices Hchoenhof, J. F 8 V 19 Internationtal Monetary Conferences... Knssell, ii. 15. F S Q -S Introduction to Public Finance Plehn, C. C. F 10 V 31 Popular Government Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 29 Science of Finance Colin, G. F 4 R 24 [See also Bunks and Ranking; Bi-metallism ; Capital; Commerce; Credit System; Currencv; Exchange; Income Tax ; Interest ; Land Tax; Liquor Duties; Loans; Monopolies: National Debts ; Panics; Prices; Single Tax; Stocks; Tariffs; Taxation; and sub-heading Finance under names of Countries in Auhtor Catalogue and Index.] Periodicals — Australian Financial Gazette and Insurance Chronicle 332 Statist 338 Financial Statements. [See sub-heading Finance and Taxation under name of Country.] Financiers— A Financial Genius : John Law; by R. M. Smith Melbourne Review, 7 052 Fine Arts —General — Art and Criticism Child, T. A 44 W 5 Art under Socialism Phipson, E. A. A 23 T 40 Chapters on the History of Art.. Plinius Sccundus, C. A 2f) U 2!) Decay of Art- in The Old Rome and the New ... Stillman, W. J. J 14 V 14 Fifty Years of Art, 184!) -99 Art Journal, The A 20 T 2 t Hand-bonk of Creek Sculpture Gardner, E. A. A 23 S 13 Logic of the I'raelical Sciences in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Masterpieces of industrial Art and SeulpUi:- at the International Exhibition, 1802 Waring, J. B._ A 49 P 10-12 J Memorials of Christie's Roberts, W. A ."II \' 22, 23 APainter'sCampintheHighlands... Hanieiton,P. G. 1)21 R 4, 5 Painters and Pictures—//, Selections Raskin, J. J 23 S 29 Popularisation of Art—//, Civilisation of Our Day...Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Principles of Art White, W. A 23 U 33 Representative Painters of the l'.lth Century Bell, Mrs. A. A 29 S 7 t Revival of Art in The Old Rome and the New... Stillman, W. J. i 14 V 14 Rakularbilder Gutskow, K. J 24 S 30 St, .die. in Both Arts'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. [[['.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ruskh,. '.!. ' A 10 fV, * Stndyof Art in Cniversities WahUtein, < \ G ISP 31 What 'is Art? Tolstoi, Count !.. X. A 23 P 48 [See alio .Esthetics and .EsUieticism ; Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms; Arclneologv ; Architecture; Art and Mordily; Art and the State; Art Criticism ; Art Sale.; Arti-tie Anatom'v ; Artists; Bas-reliefs; Book-plates; Brasses; Bronzes; Carica- tures ; Cartoons ; Carving; Ceramics; Christian Art; Coins; Costume; Decoration and Ornament ; Decorative Art ; Design; Drawing; Embroidery ; Enamels ; Engraving : Engravings; Etching; Flower-painting: Frescoes: Furniture. Art; Gems; nation;' Illustration of Rooks; lutagii.. ; iron i Stings ;'lvories; Jewellery; Lace and Lace-making; Landscape Gardening; Landscape Painting; Leather-work; Lithography; Majolica; Medals ; Metal work ; Mezzotint; Miniature-painting; Model- ling; Mosaics; Music; Musical Instruments; Needlework; Nude in Art; Painting: Photo-engraving; Photographs; Photo- graphy ; Picture Posters ; Porcelain; Portrait-painting; Por- traits ; Pottery ; Prc-Raphaelitism; Primitive Art ; Renaissance; Scenery ; Rook-carvings; Sculpture; Seals; Silversmith's Work ; Vases; Wal Addn Art, and the 1 ( iesammelte \ Study of Art, ; Wo g-] Fine Arts — Bibliography — Renaissance Art of the loth and 10th Centuries ,n State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 10 ... New York — Library Cat. Room Eihieal ion, Ti-aeliinij, Schools — Art Elucatioi! in the Public Schools in Report, Commissioner of E lucation. 1894-95 U.S.... -Bureau of Education 379.73 Directory, with Regulations for Establishing andConductingSoicnce and Art Schools and Classes Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Education 007.42 Ecoledes Arts Deeoratifs Belgium G IS S 34 National C mioelition 189-5: List of Si adonis rewarded, with Report of Examiners (it. Brit, and Irel.— Education G 18 T 13 Royal College of Art, Prospectus Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education 707 [See also Technical Education.] . (Ja Her ics, A. , ■/< H> it ions —Catalogues — Abridged Catalogue of Pictures: Foreign Schools. Gt. Brit, and Ire 1. National Gallery A 30 Q 27 Academy Notes 708.2 Annuaire lllustiv des Rcaux-Arls A 34 R 18 Armorial 15carings, Portraits, and Rusts in the Mitchell Hall and Picture Gallery, Marischal College Aberdeen University K19Q41 Catalogue des Figurines en Torre Cuite du Musee de la Societe Archeologique d'Athenes Martha, J. K 8 R 27 Catalogue of Pictures and Sculptures Gt, Brit, and Irel. — National ( iallcrv A 30 Q 28 Catalogue of Pictures. Foreign School Gt. Brit, and Irel. National Gallery K 19 P 21 Corcoran Gallery of Art, Catalogue K 8 R 33 Exposition des Anciennes Industries d'Art Bclgique en 1880. Belgium A 38 Q 27 Hand-book to Picture Salon, Exhibition Buildings, Melbourne. Sherrard, J. E. MA 1 U 12 Illustrated Catalogue of the Pictures in the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare Memorial K 19 R 21 National Art Gallery. X.S.W., Illustrated Catalogue MA 4 (J 9 National Art ( Iallerv of X. S. Wales, lie-ports of Trustees. N. S. Wales Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 National Art Gallery, Queensland, Reports of the Trustees. National Gallery of Scotland,' Catalogue '....'.. ' K 1!) P 211 Opie and his Works Rogers. J. P. A 45 T 2 Picture Call, ■'har!- I ;"i,."«'. I "h i Slips' .'.'. " Port folio, IS'lo' 7ii5 PrivateCollcct'ion of Paintings and Objetsd'Ait... Bcauchamp, V ' Pu ■ Libr; , ilu, MA 4 Q l: Periodicals— ioan Journal of Archaeology . Australian Art !!!"!."!!.."!!!!""""!!"!!!!!." ma 4 v 24 Journal of' Art ....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'.'.' ' 740.5 Magazine of Art 705 Pageant, The J 2S V 3, 4 Univor8ali^WeVy.V.!l!V/.V/.y//".!y.y/.y.V//.l!V///.".'.'.'.'."''j 21 U 7 14 By Countries. American — La Fargo, John. Artist and Writer; by Cecilia Waern. . Portfolio, 1890 705 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. i Arts — Arabian — toric Styles of Ornament — Assyrian— .:nric Styles of Ornament — Australian — -iteration of the Art of Moffitt. sell, H. A 18 T 1; - Belgian — imissions Rovales d'Avt et d'ArchcoloL'io, Bulletin dos. Belgium 913.493 i.l, (leranl, Painter and llluminat..r; l>v W. H. .1. Weale. Portfolio, 1893 705 laissance of Sculpture in Belgium ; by 0. G. Destreu. Portfolio, 1895 705 >ens, Peter Paul; by R. A. M. Stevenson... Portfolio, 1898 705 toss the Channel Mourey, (!. A '2.'! S 32 t Gallery A 6 T 2-7 { •I of England, and the Pleasures of Kngland Buskin, .1. eil- Wo . J. ic-.loiies, Sir E., Decorative Art of; bv A. Vallanee. Art Journal. Luster annual, 19(H) A 20 R 30 t .c-Joncs, Sir Llward Bell, M. A 10 X 7 + ■r,, Life and Work of; bv W. Mevnell ... Art Journal A 20 II 13 t itmas Cards and their Chief Designers; by (J. White. Studio, Christmas \o. , IS94 705 e, W., Work of Art Journal A 13 Wilt le, John, and Cotman, John Sell; by L. Binyon... Portfolio, hlionai'v of Artists who have Inhibited in London, (J raves, A. . ;• dish Contemporary Art lie la Sizeranne, K, , dish lllusiration, 1855-70 White, C. i dish Piv-K.iphaelite Painters Bate, P. II. .Ides, Luke, Life and Work of ; by 1). C. Thomson... . .■.dian., IVte'r, Life and ' Work'of';' by w'.' M.' ' Yii'lbi Fine Arts— British- s'h'-pdmnksCadery" vmirl Stone, Mai ... Marillier, II. C. A 21 P 12 t Sheepshanks, J. A 10 \V 11 t ng Cross Hospital Bazaar, 1899 J 12 X 21 t nd Work of; by A. L. Bal.lry... Art Journal A 13 W 10 t These Sixty Years, 1837-97 Holmes, F. M. B 23 S 22 Watts, G. P., Koval Aeademieian: his Life and Work; by Julia Curtwright ....". Art Journal A 13 W 8 t Wilkie, Sir David. and the Scots School of Painters; by E. Pin- nington C 20 V 20 ■ — Burmese — Madras and Burmese Art-ware A 19 S 10 t Byzantine — Church of the 0th Century Hutton, W. H. G 19 U 30 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Influence of Byzantine Art on Italian Art in Architecture in Italy, 6th-llth Centuries Catlaneo, R. A 15 S 21 + Canadian — Canadian Art, Music, and Sculpli Celtic- Historic Styles of Ornament . Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Beaux-Arts au Chili Grez, V. A 10 X 18 1 Chinese — Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 1 Dutch- Dutch Etchers of the 17th Century; by L. Binyon... Portfolio 1895 70/ Rooscs, M. A 20 T 21, 22 t In. Dn c of Art •, F. T. e British Mi,.- 4 R 5, 6 and - Egyptian - i,H. A18T15f Etruscan — ■eck and Etruscan V; sesin the British Museum ... Brit .Museum K 11 Rl erracotta Sarcophagi n the British Museum ... Brit shMuse A 12 X 1 Flemish arly Prints in the Bri isli Museum: bv Dr. W. H Willsh I. A 39 R 24 5118, Mathilda A 33 R 34 Tublic Library of New South Wales. Fine Arts— French- Index of Artists represented Drawings in the British Mu id. • Department :,! Prints and !.vL. Oust... British Museum A 17 R27,28 t le Luxembourg Panorama, Le A 19 S 2 + Claude; by G. Grahame Portfolio, 1895 705 r; l.y V. 0. (). Crear Meissonier, J. L. E. C 13 U 20 f F., and Rustic Art Naegely, II. A 5 T 24 Hand-book of Pai Historic Styles oi History of the G< Draw i the British Mus A the Close of the Middl, Knaekfuss, H. A i the Department of Prii ■yL.C'u- . Brit Greek — Ancient Marbles in the British Museum ; with Engravii " Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum ; with El British Museum Attitude of the Creek Tragedians towards Art. . . Huddils Catalogue Catalogue Chapters Designs fi de., I!n> la s ,ictc Vivheolugique d'Athoncs. Bidder, A. do K 8 R 25 r l'Aoi R >polo d'Athenes. d.ler, A. de A 38 VI, 2 Pliniu . Brit s Seonndus, C. A 25 U 29 sh Museum A 23 Q 23 + egorovius, F. B34R17 of Argos .... Wall! stein C B 22<>3 i ses; by H. B. Waite s... Briti K 11 R IS, 19 Greek Art and . in Ancient Idea Taylor. H. 0. G 1 Q 23, 24 Greek Art on G eek So 1 .... Hop, n, J. M. A 23 T 44 Greek Bronzes; by A. S . Murray. Portfolio IS! IS 705 Greek Sculpture .. When v. Albinia A 44 R 2 Greek Tragedy l n the Light of Vat e Painting ... Huddi ston, J. H. A 41 T 3 Creek Vases in the Fitzwilliam M iseum, Ca nbridge. Gardn or, E. A. K 18 S 24 Greek View of I ife Dickins, n, G. L. G 19 U 15 Hand-book of G eek S: ilpture.... ... Gardi er, E. A. A 23 S 13 Historic Orname nt Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Tarbell, E. B. A 23 S 35 s du Musee National de Najiles. Gargiulio, R. A 20 S 4, 5 t Visconti, G. A4GP 1-7 X Tsountas, C. B 16 V 39 Greek and Roman Antiquities ; British Museum A 40 R 11 Gardner, P. B 17 U 13 A 12 X lot S. Murray and A. H. Smith. British Museum A 44 Q 13 J A3 Fine Arts— Herculaneum — Antiquites d'Hereulanum David, F. A. B 19 R 11-22 t Indian- Historic Ornament Ward, J. A39P4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 + Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details lac Journal of Indian Art Madras and Burmese Art-ware Photograph* and Drawings of Historical I: Through Persia and India Wi Irish — Italian Architecture in Italy, 6th-lllh Century C Architecture of the Renaissance in Italy Andei A 19 S W. D 17 \ 22 O'Neill A 35 ^\ II. 20 Jaitanco, R. A 15 S 21 f rson, \V. J. A 25 U 34 rreggio s Life, 1 . Rush forth. ( M'N. '2t Crivelli, Carlo Donatello Early Florentine Woodcuts Kristcllcr, P. A 19 T 19 f Florentine Painters of the Renaissance... Berenson, B. A 23 P 47 Giotto and his Work in Padua Ruskin, J. A 44 T 5 Guida Pratioa dclTappezzicre A 48 P 19 + Ilistoiredel'A.rt p-ndant la Renaissance. .. A ]8R(i-S + Historic Ornament Ward, , I. A 39 P 4 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Italian School of Design Bartolozzi, F. A 20 U 1, 2 t Lectures on the National Gallery Richter, .1. P. A 41 S 19 Luini, Bernardino Williamson, CO. A 3!) V 30 Midsummer of Italian Art Stearns, F. P. A 23 S 25 Modern Italian Art Willard, A. R, A 39 R 23 Ornamental Details of the Italian Renaissance .. Middlcton, C A. T Prii Rei arto. A >coItnra of A 1, Early Works of ; bv Juli 1 in Rome; bv Julia Cat I e Masters Win i, F. !l P I 7 IN P 20 Selections froi Signorelli, Lu Soffittideilo- Stucehi A48P21J ... Straehcv, H. A 44 ~ . Knaekfuss, H. A 4. - •twright. . .Portfolio, '95 705 lit Portfolio, 1895 705 Rose, G. B. A 41 T 11 ... Guinness, H. A 44 R 3 .... Frullini. L. A 47 P 6 J of the Chroniehc Florentine. Villain, G. J 14 T 20 •ruttwell, Maud A 44 R 10 idel Pi, \'!Ve ) del Valentino... Titian, Earlier Work of ; by 0. Phillips Portfolio, 1807 Titian, Later Work of ; by'C. Phillips Portfolio, 1MKS Tuscan Artists Rea, Hope A 41 Vinci, Leonardo da; by E. Mflntz C 11 V 17, 1 Japanese ■ Maori- Art Workmanship of the Mac ■ Persian — Hamilton, A. MA 1 V 10 f Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Pompeii— V. , :implt-K of Greek and Pompeian D -corative Work... Watt, J. ('. . British Museum A 13 X 1,1- 25 t . Russian - Historic Styles of Ornament Dolraetsch, H. A 18 T 15 1 Ttar and his People B 39 S 1G Scottish — Heraldry in relation to Scottish History and Art... Paul, Sir J. B. K 9 V 4 • Spanish - Hind-book of Painting Kinder. F. T. A 44 R 5, (> Velasquez Stevenson, R. A. M. A 44 R 1 Velazquez Voll. K. A 21 P6 t Velasquez, Art of Stevenson, R. A. M. A 13 T 4 t Velazquez, Life of; by W. Armstrong Portfolio, 1893 705 Turkish — Historic Styles of Ornament Dolnujtsch, H. A 18 T 15 f Finger Prints— Decipherment of Blurred Finger-prints... Galton, F. A 29 V 23* [N«. ttUo Anthropometry ; Bertilbn System ; Identification of Finland -Gmin-al «<■<} Descrip/in- •J'l, rough Finland in Carts Twcodie, Mrs. A. 1) 17 S 22 Vi •aiettcs fr.,m Finland Bayley, A M. C. C-. 1) 18 K 30 [.*, also Lapland.] 3 Tsars, 1809-99.. Fisher, J. R. B41 R 1 Tweedio, Mrs. A. 1) 17 S 22 Fin to-historic Finn- Abcrcromby, J. B .?6 P 13, 14 Fir Trees. [See Conifene.] Fire. [See Combustion; Fuel; Heat; Heating of Buildings.] Fire Arm?. [See Small Arms.] Fire Brigades and Departments — Chirago Fire Marshal, Report 3.72.3 Fire Brigades Hoard, Reports South Australia Parliament, Victoria Country Fire Brigades Boa Fire Damp. [See Fires in Mines; Gas in Mines.] Fire Insurance. [See Insurance, Fire.] Fire Prevention. [See Building - Laws and Legislation ; Fire Brigades.] Fire-walking — Fire-walking in Fiji, Japan, India, and Mauritius ... 1 olvnesian Society, Journal, 1899 996 Fire Worship — Asiatic Studies Lvall, Sir A. C. 23 R 34 Physical Religron .' Miiller, F. M. (! 23 Q 8 Sun-worship " /« God-Idea of the Ancients Gamble, Kliza B. C 3 U 29 ' ''Wiedemann, A. C 1 R 39 [See also Religions, Primitive; Zr.roastrians.] Fires, Famous — Meeting cf Gallants at an Ordinario, from a Unique Black-letter Copy Percy Society Pubs. II 1 1 S 4 Fires in Mines. [See Explosions; Gas in Mines; Miners' Safety Lamps.] Fiscal Question. [See Cobden Club: Corn Laws; Fair Trade v. Free Trade: Free Trade; Free Trade v. Pro- tection; Protection; Tariffs.] Fisheries, Fish Culture, Fishing Industry— General — Apparatus for Fishing... Internal. Fisheries Fxhib., 1883, Lit., 1 A34R 1 Capture, Transmission, and Distribution of Sea Fishes... Internat. Fisheries lnsof the State with Fisher ,1883, Lit., 9 A34R9 Public IAbrai°y of New South Wales. Fisheries, Fish Culture, Fishing Industries— General — contd. — Review of Report of Dominion Fisln ricsl 'om mission on the Fisheries of Ontario Canada-Parliament. Scss. Papci s, 1S93 32x71 Scientific Results of the Kxhibition... Internat. Fisheries Kxhib., 1883, Lit, 4 A34R4 Unappreciated Fisher Folk Internat Fisheries Exhib., 1883,Lit.,2 A 34 R 2 [See also Aquariums ; Fishing ; Marine Zoology ; ( rysters and Oyster Culture; Pearls and Pearl Fisheries; and under each Fish.] Wei By Countries. Africa, West- Fisheries . . . Internat. Afr ixhib., 1883, Lit, 5 A34R 5 Alaska — Sea-otter Banks of Alaska; by Capt. C. L. Hooper... United States — Dept of the Treasury A 38 R 29 . Bahamas — Fisheries of the Bahamas Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 5 A34R5 Canada — Canada— Department of Marine and Fisheries, Report... 614.864 Fisheries of Canada Internat. Fisheries Kxhib., 1883, Lit, 5 A34R5 China — Fisheries of China Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 5 A 34 R o ■ Connecticut — Shell-fish Commissioners, Connecticut, Report Connecticut- Annual Repts. 328.746 France — France et Algerie : Peches Maritimes et de l'Ostreculture Frar : Statistique des Peches Maritim Great Britain and Ireland— . France 338.3 British Fish Trade Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit,, 1 A34R 1 Central Wholesale Fish Market for London... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 10 A 34 II 10 Commercial Sea Fishes of Great Britain Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 8 A34R8 Fisheries of Ireland Internat. Fisheries Exhib.. 1S83, Lit, 7 A 34 R 7 Fisheries of Sohvav Firth, Report... (it. Brit, and Irel.- Fisheries A 40 V 42 J Fishery Board for Scotland, Report (it. Brit, and Irel.— Fish (1597 Improved Fishery Harbour Aecommotk Ireland ... Internal. Fisheries Exhib., 1X83, Lit, 9 A 34 R 9 Inspector of Irish Fisheries on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, Report (it Brit, and Irel. Fisheries 639 Inspectors of Salmon and Fresh-water Fisheries, England and Wales, Reports Gt Brit, and Irel. Fisheries 639 Inspectors of Sea Fisheries. England and Wales, Reports. (it Rrit. and irel. -Fisheries 639 Introduction and Aceliniat i sat ion of Foreicn Fish Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., II A 34 R 11 Investigation, Fishing Apprenticeship System ..(it, Rrit. and Irel. ■ Fishing Apprenticeship System F 17 T 26 f National Fishermen's Society... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 4 A34R4 Natural History of the Marketable Fishes of the British Islands. Cunningham, J. T. A 30 Q 28 Resources of the Sea Mcintosh, W. 0. A 30 T 25 Salmon Fisheries, Report in 13th Annual Report , I 'art II, Fishery Board of Scotland (it, Rrit and Irel. Fisheries 639 Scientific Experiments to test the Effects of Trawling in the Waters of Scotland; by Prof. Mcintosh Interim ional Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Scottish Fishing Industry; by R. Munro in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Sea Fisheries and Fi.-himf Population of ( ircat Britain... Internat Fisheries Exhib., 1NN3, Lit, 4 A 34 R4 es, Report (it. Brit, and Irel.— Fisheries A 40 V 40 % •ed Fisherie Fisheries, Fish Culture, Fishing Industries— Holland — Dutch Sea Fisheries Internat, Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 9 A34R9 India — Indian Fish and Fishing... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 2 A 34 R 2 Indiana — Fish Commissioner, Report . Japan — Fisheries of Japan Into India! Gov -Annual Repts. 353.9772 ernat Fisheries Exhib., 18S3, Lit., 5 A34R5 ;rs of Inland Fisheries, Report. . . 639 . Queensland Agr. Journal, 63". 5 New Hampshire — Fish and Garni Commissioners, New Hampshire, Report. New Hampshire— Annual Repts. 328.742 New South Wales — Fish Industry in New South Wales; by J. I). Ogilby— in N. S.- Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Fisheries Act, 18S1 N. S. Wales Statutes MF 5 R 11 Fisheries of New South Wales: by L. (i. Thompson — in Pams. v N.S.W. Commissioners... Chicago Exhibition. RS93 MA I T 22 Food Fishes of New South Wales... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., Lit, 5 1883 N.S.W. Commissioners... Chicago E MA 4 T 22 New York- Fisheries, Game, and Forests of New York, Report... New York — Commissioners of Fisheries 639 Newfoundland- Newfoundland: its Fisheries ... Internat. Fisheries Exhib. , 1883. Lit, 5 A34R; Norway — Fish Supply of Norway... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 5 A34R5 Rept. ... Ohio— Ann. Repts. 328.771. Pennsylvania — Pennsylvania— Fish Commission, Report 639 Queensland — Fish Acclimatisation in Queensland; by 1). O'Connor. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc., 12 .">06 Fish Culture and Acclimatisation; by 1). O'Connor... Queensland Agrieult. Journal, 1 630.5 Food-fishes of Queensland, Report; by Mr. Saville Kent. Queensland— Parliament, V. and P., 3. 1889 328.943 Spain- Fisheries of Spain... Internat. Fish. Exhib., 1S83, Lit, 5 A 34 R 5 Sweden — Swedish Fisheries... Internat Fish. Exhib., 1883, Lit,, 5 A 34 R5 United States- Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. U.S.- Commission of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1-7 + Fishermen of the United. Slides... United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 4 A 10 T 4 f Fishery Industries of the United Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 5 A 34 R 5 Fishing Grounds of North America... United States Commission of Feb and Fisheries, 3 A 10 T 4 f History and Methods of t lie Fisheries United States Commission of Fisli and Fisheries, 5 A 10 T 5-7 t Salmon Fisheries, Columbia River Basin, Report, 1894... United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries 639 United States- Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Bulletin... 639 [See also each State under this heading,] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 847 Fishes General— Commercial Set Fishes of Croat Britain Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 8 A 34 R 8 Exhib., 'iss'i. Lit., (i A :;i 1! (i F -', Diseases Internat. Fish. Exhib.. IS' 3. Lit., G A 31 11 (, Fisheries ami Fishery Industries of the United States, 1. United State. Com. of Fish and Fisheries A10T1 t Fisheries Exhibition Literature Internat. Fisheries Exhib., Lend., 1SS3 A 31 R 1-14 Fishes of Fancy Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit. 3 A 34 R 3 Fishes of Sinaloa Jordan, D. S. A 30 T 20 Fishes of Tasmania; by R. M. Johnston... Royal Noe., Tasmania, Papers, 1882 500 Food of Fishes... Internat. Fish. Exhib., 1883, Lit., A 34 R (i Marine and Fresh-water Fishes of the British Islands... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1SS3, Lit., 1 A 34 R 1 Natural History of Commercial Sea Fishes of Croat Britain. Internat, Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 10 A 34 R 10 Natural History,,*' the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands Cunningham, 3. T. A 30 Q 28 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J Notes on the Food Fishes and Edible Molluscs of i Vow South Wales. Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883. Lit., 5 A 34 R 5 Royal Natural History, 5 Lydekker, R. A 28 V 25 Sea-fish Aflalo, F. G. A 28 P 35 United Stales < ieographieal Survey west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 5 U.S. - Engineer Dept., U.S. Army A 10 U 6 t Winners in Life's Race Fisher, Arabella B. A 27 P 3 Zoology and Food Fishes Internal. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 2 A34R2 [.<■,: nho Fisheries; Fishing; Ichthyology; Marine Zoology; 1'aheontology; and under names of Fishes.] Fishing and Fishing Tackle — An ding Yale, L. M. A 40 Q 8 Ambling Clubs... Internat. Fish. Exhib., 1883, Lit., 1! A 31 R 11 Angling Clubs of London Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit. ,3 A 34 R 3 An ding in Croat Britain Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 2 A34R2 Complete Angler [Repiint] Walton, I. A 29 S 20 V: lories Exhibition Literature Internat. Fisheries Exhib. , , 1883 A 34 R 1 Lit Aflalo, F. O. A28P35 ,y Zealand... U a,- M i'lan's Magazine, 70. 052 ,, F. W. A 20 T 2 Flax — Cultivation and Spinning — contd. Flax Farming on the Continent of Europe A;;r. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Flax, He up. Ramie, and Jute, Report; by C. R. Dodge. U.S.— Dept. of Agr. Olliee of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 10 C eat Brita'u and Ireland Flax Mills and Linen Factories, Re- ports F39V9J New Zealand Flax Bell, F. D. MA 4 S 30 NewZoalandFlax;byI. C.Russell. . .' n e >un Naturalist, '76 505 Pamphlets on Exp, r'imon ,. ith Cotton an 1 Flax ... Agricultural Experiment St ;: thus A .'IS ( I II [See ft/so Fibres and Fibre Plants ; Linen ; Tcxtib Fabrics.] Fleas - Mosquitoes and Fleas United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 [See nl--o Amphipoda ; I'ulieida-.] Fleet-street, London — Highway of Letters Archer, T. J 14 U 14 Flemish Art. [See Fine Arts— Flemish.] Flies. [See Diptera; Entomology; Insects.] Flight - Internal Work of the Wind; by S. P. Langley Smithsonian Institution. Contributions to 'Knowledge, 27 5118 Soaring Flight; by E. C. Huil'ak r . Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1807 500 Story of Experiments in Mcehimi, -,il Flight; by S. I'. Langley. 506 [See also Aeronautics; Animal Mechanism ; Birds.] Flint Implements. [See Primeval Man; Stone Age.] United States'.! U.'s. ' Dept. of .V;' r.' Weather Bureau A41 U3 Floras of Countries and Places. [See Paleontology ; and under Botany and Flora—By Countries.] Florence — General and Descriptive — Florence: its Administration and Institutions— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Misc. Ser., 403 (it. Brit, and Irel.- - Foreign Office 382 Literary Landmarks of Florence Hutton, L. 1) 20 Q 27 Floriculture. Florida -Gem. avelli, X. B26 R 20 fe. B 18 T 14 B 34 S 8 J 14 R 12 -.:■ m.; E. 1 B 16 S 7 Villari, P. 31 U 7, 8 y. H. L. inge, R. 1, C. E. 1) 16 R 14 B 17 l'3S I) 11 V 14 . U.S.— D, n the Unit. , Year-book, 1897 De Soto and his Men .and of Florida King, Grace B 19 Q 17 Floridese Key to the Tribes ai 1 Gone •a of Floride.-c; by R. A. Bastow. v, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 506 [See also Algas.] Public Library of New South Wales. Flour— Imported Flour and Wheat by F. E. Guthrie ... Agr. Gazette of N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Flower-gardening — Coles's Australasian Gardening Elliott, W. MA 3 U 42 Favourite Flov.erj of Garden and Greenhouse Step, E. A 31 S 5-8 Florist and Pomologist A 48 P 1-17 Hand-book of Australian lin;-»uU me... James, H. A. MA 2 R 25 Pansies Queensland Agricult ural Journal, 5 030.5 Practical Vegetable and Flower. gardening Agrieult. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7. 8 030.5 Woman's Book A 27 V 20, 30 [See also Flowers; Gardening: Orchids; Primula; Scent Plants; Window-gardening; and under names of Flowers.] Flowers — Paxton's Flower-garden Lindley, J. A 35 W 1 5 - 1 7 [See also Fertilization; Flower-gardening: Oivhids; Scent Plants ; and under each Flower.] Fluids. [See Hydrodynamics; Hydrostatics.] Flukes- Fluke, or Liver Rot in Sheep— fn Report, 1S73 Victoria- Agriculture 030.0 Note on a Victorian Host of the Larval Stages of the Liver Fluke. Royal Society. Victoria. Proceedings. I S! 1.1 500 Sheep Fluke; by N. A. Cold... Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W. 8 030.5 [See aim Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Fluorine — Fluorine; by H. Moissan... Smithsonian Inst., Repts., 1807 500 Flying Fish — Kxocoehts ilma; by F. E. Clark N". Z. List., Trans., 1808 500 Flying Fox (Pteropus) — The Flving Fox ; its Habits and Depre lations ; by T. P. Lucas. Royal Society. Queensland', Proc. , 12 500 [See aUo Pteropidae; Zoology and Fauna -Australia.] Flying Machines. [See Aeronautics.] Fodders and Food Stuffs - Experiments \ by G. MeKc Feeding Value ithFoddi Forage Plants Wagga: by Hand-book fo 'i'tVn!- Leguminous F >rage Cr< Needs and Re Allen... Un OliieialMetho, l-d Slat. 8.W.. 1 Wa; o:;o. m.. Well, F. W. A 23 P 32 Smith United States - Agr. Year-book, 1897 030.5 lot' Feeding Stuffs; by E. W. \gr., Year-book, 1897 030.5 ■rs and FeodingStufFs adopted [See aho Foedi Plants; Sals, Fog Signals. Folk-lore— General — Curiosities of Indo-European Trad itinn and Folklore... Kelly, W.K. B 25 P 20 Essavs on Folk-lore in Chips from a German Workshop, 4. Miiller, F. Max J 29 T 8 Folk-lore Folk-lore Society 308 History cf Reynard the Fox; from the edition of 1481 Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 14 Introduction to History of Religion ... Jevons, F. I!. G 15 R 30 Legend of Perseus Ilartland, M.S. li oil P 8 Magic of the Horse-shoe Lawrence, K. M. G 17 R 30 Weather Proverbs Dunwoody, Lieut., H. H. C. A 31 Q [See also Amulets; Archa-ologv ; " Mallads ; Bluebeard; Chap- books; Customs and Manner.'; Devil: Divining Hod; Fables; Fairies; Fairy Tales ; Gypsies; Legends; Mythology ; Proverbs ; Sagas; Superstition.] By Countries. Aborigines of Australia- Australian Folk-lore Stories; collected by W. Dunlop. Anthropological Institute, Journal. 1800 572 Australian Gods; by A. Lang Folklore, 1899 398 Australian Legendary Tales Parker, Mrs. K. L. MJ 3 R 12 Denmark — Danish Fairy and Folk-tales Bay, J. C. J 14 Q 43 England- - English Traditional Lore. . . Gentleman's Magazine Lib. B 32 U 9 Tom Tit Tot Clodd, E. B 20 Q 10 Finland — Traditional Poetry of the Fir Florence — Legends of Florence Lei md, C. G France — Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature ( France, and Scandinavia Sehulz, Sehulz, C. J 14 S 8 larnctt, Lucy M. J. JUS 37, 38 Lcycn, F. von dor J 11 T 46 3 of Northern India ... Crooke, W. G 19T29, 30 Comparetti, I). H 3 U 49 Gypsy lypsy Folk-tales . Harvest of Irish Folk-lore in Century of Science 1 i ,ke. .1. A 45 S 2 Voyage of llran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living. Meyer, K. B 30 P 10 Japan - Nihongi : Chronicles of Japan, to 097 a.d Japan Society, London, Supplement 1 952 Louisiana — Louisiana Folk-tales Fortier, A. J S V 29 Malay Peninsula — Malay Magic, W. W. G 24 V 25 Mexico - Collection of Objects illustra New Guinea — From my Verandah in New Guinea ..Romilly, II. II. MD 8 R 43 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 819 -New Zealand — es and Legends Clark, Kate McCosh MB 1 S 3 — - Norway - Popular Tales from the Norse Dasent, Sir O Stories of the Kings of Norway (ifei'.nskringla)... Fol N. J 12 U 34 Sturluson, S. J 14 Q 31 Scandinavia — France, and Seandinavi - Scotland- lore ; or, Superstitioi i the West of Scotland within Napier, J. B 33 P 9 Turkey — Turkish Fairy Tales Kunos, I. J 14 S -2 Wales— of Willi Tradition upon the Literature of (icrinany, . Schulz, A. J 14 S"8 Folk-songs - _) in Italy Clerke, E. M. H 4 T 19 Folk-songs am I Myth.- from Samoa ; by J. Eraser Polynesian Society, .Journal, 1898 99(i [See also Ballads; Songs— By Countries.] Folk-tales. [See Fairy Tales; Folk-lore.] Food. [See Alcohols; Beverages; Bread; Butter; Cookery; Dietetics; Digestion: Fodders and Food Stufts; Food Adulteration; Foods, Chemistry of ; Fruit; Hygiene; Meat; Milk; Preserving and Preservatives; "Sugar; Vegetarianism; Wine.] ' Food Adulteration— . l T n 'li Counties Soc. , J. ood Adulterations Dept. of Agr. - ] Analysi: Food Adnltora by J. Bell Internal. Health Exhib., 18S4, Lit., 5 A 41 V 1 1 Food Laws— in Report, 1897. Pennsylvania Dept. of Agr. 030.0 Fond and Food Adulterants United States Dept. of Agr.- Division of Chemistry A 31 S IS Food Laboratories United States Dept, of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 21 Fond Products, Report Connecticut Agr. Exper. Station, Kept., 1897 030.7 Croat Britain and Ireland- Food Products Adulteration, Report. Public Health Laboratory Work ... Kenwood, H. R. A 26 R 31 Special Report on Food Adulterations; by A. .1. Wcdderburn. United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Chemistry A 31 S 18 [So: also Adulteration; Milk and Milk Inspection; Public Health.] Food Preservation. [See Canning; Fruit-canning; Pre- serving and Preservatives.] Sources of our Meat Supply; by Ma, Health Exl War, Famine, and Our Foo.l Supply. Wheat Problem [#( e also Corn Laws ; Fs ; Free Trade ; Pr< Foods— Cookery. [See Cookery.] Foods, Chemistry of - Agricultural Chemistry Adie, R, H. A 33 P 20, 27 Analyses of American 'Feeling Stuffs; by .Jenkins and Winton. ept. of Agr. Office of Experiment Stations United Sta Analytical Metho Is for Distinguishiiij Proteidsand that of the Sim])ler , Prof. J. W. Mallet ... U.S.— Dept. between the Nitrogen of mids or Amido-Acids; by of Agr. — Div. of Chemistry A 41 U 10 1 States Dept. Bread and Bread-making; by H. Snyder... t of Agr. -Office of Exper. Carbohydrates of Wheat, Maize, Flour, and dead ; liv Prof. Stone. U.S.— Dept. of Agr. Office of Kxper. Stations A 38 R 15 Chemical Composition of American Food Materials; by W. O. Atwater... U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stn. A 37 V 1 Chemical Composition of American Fooil Materials ; by W. 0. Atwater U.S. — Dept. of Agr. Office of Exper. Stations A 38 R 15 Chemical Composition of the ('area -.-es of Pigs; bv 11. W. Wiley. United States— Dept of Agr. Div. of Chemistry A 41 U JO Chemical Examination of Certain Indian Food Stuffs; by P. C. Ray Asiatic Society. P.engal, Journal, 1894 954 Chemistry of Cookery Williams, W. M. A 45 R 7 Composition. Digestibility, and Food Value of Potatoes. Minnesota Agr.' Kxporiment Station Kept., 1S95 030.7 Composition of Foods; bv.l.C. Uriinnich .. (Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 030.5 Foods and Food Adulterants United States Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 31 S 18 Life and Conditions of Survival Brooklyn Ethical Associatio Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Compo: of Potatoes and Eggs; by H. Snyder of Agr.— Office" cf Expei Meats: Composition and Cooking ; bv C. D United States -Dept. of Agr.". Fanners' Metabolis f Nitrogen and Carbon in the W.O. Atwater... United States Dept. of 12 V 1 tions A 3S R 15 Agr. Experiment tions A 38 R 30 Pami hlcts on Experiments in Cattle Fei Pamphlets on Feeding Experiments with Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 8 Public Health Laboratory Work ... Kenwood, H. R. A 20 R 31 [See also Feeding Experiments; Fodders and F 1 Stuffs; Food Adulteration; Fruits, Analyses of; and under each Food.] Fools and Jesters — ■ Fools and Jesters; with a Reprint of Arniin's Nest of Ninnies, 1008 Shakespeare Society Pubs. H 3 U 15 Foot, The— Military Shoe Salquin, Major S. A. A 30 R 49 [See also Boots and Shoes.] Foot and Mouth Disease - Applied Bacteriology P Foot and Mouth Disea-e Victoria Foot and Mouth Commission {See also Diseases of Animals; Vctcin . If. A 40 I > 11 i. J. A 20' "2 MA9Q 4 + ■and Pta.ti. 'J .o! bailer. I 5 K 22 24 A 11 U 8 A 29 s •_'.-, itology A 36 V 16 J. A. Robertson. I. Wales, 10 030.5 Tublic Library of New South Wales. Forage Plants— contd. Edible Trees and Shrubs of the West P.ngan ; by R. W. Peaeoek. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Fodder and Forage Plants West Australian Settler's Guide MI) 8 Q 54 Fodder Value of some Common Shrub Plants; by F. B. Guthrie. Agricultural Gazette. N. S. 'Wales, 10 030. .5 Fodders and Forage Plants exclusive of th<- Classes; by J. (i. Smith. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 10 Pontile Plants; by P. Lamsun-Seribncr Coiled Slates -Dept. -'■ 'in, 10-2 A41U2 Forage Plant rs' Puce I. M. . U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 10 Forage' Plants for Cultivation on Alkali Soils; by .J. G. Smith. United States Dept, of Agr., Year-book, 1898 030.5 Forage Plants for the South; by S. M. Tracy ... United States - Dept. of Agr. Office of Experiment Stations A 37 S 27 Forage Plants for the South ; by S. Tracy United States— Dept. of Age". Panne,;' Bulletin, IS A 41 U 1 Grasses and Forage Plants; by J. B. Killibrew Tennessee— Agr. Exper. Station A 37 R 26 Grasses and Forage Plants ; by E. J. Wickson California— Agr. Exper. Station, Kept., 1895-97 030.7 Grasses and Forage Plants anil Forage Conditions of the Rocky Mountains; by T. A. Williams... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 10 Grasses and Forage Plants of CentralTexas; by H. L. Bentlev. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 10 Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado; by L. H. Pammel U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. rasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky Mounta P. A. Rydberg U.S.- Dept. of Agr. Div. of Agrostology A 30 V 10 in Region; by of Agrostology A 30 V 19 ates; by T. H. of Agrostology A 39 P 20 rasses and Forage Plants of the South-eastern St Kearney... United States -Dept. of Agr. Div 1 Pol ath 1 ePlar vet;) ■ultui h Dakot S lit) yj. H. Maiden.. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8, 10 030.5 Grasses anil Forage Plant:, Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 10 ses, and Forage Plants in Neur South Wales; bv '/( N. S. Wales, the MothcrColony... Hutchins ;.ii.( MI) 7 U 2, ieulturalG Zygophyllum from the Point of \ [Set also Beans; Clovers; Cow- Grasses; Lucerne; Maize; A Pear; Salsolaeete; Sorghums; r-.s; and' f the Grazier... Agricultural tte, N. S. Wales, 11 030.5 Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Pea-nuts; Peas; Prickly nd,r names of Crops.] Foraminifera— Haildonia, a new Genus of Foran F. Chapman Liimean Soc Index to Genera and Species of 1 Smithsonian Instil [See also Protozoa; Rhyzopoda.] inift ■a from Torres Straits; by London, Zoology, 20 590.6 inifera; by C. I). Sherborn. Misc. Collections, 37 508 Force and Energy - Animal as a Machine and a Prin oMo or Thurston, R. H. A 25 R 36 Philosophy of Keilce Force and Energy— contd. Popular Scientific Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 13 t Some Unrei ognise 1 Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 Text-book of Mechanical Engineering... Linoham.W. J. A 22 R 32 Theory of Reality Ladd, G. T. G 24 V S [See also Cosmology ; Mechanics; Physics; Statics.] Forecasts, Literary— " Coming People, The Dole, C. F. G 15 U 32 [See also Ideal States.] ■ Weather. [See Weather Forecasting.] Foreign Missions. [See Missions and Missionary Work — Foreign.] Foreign Office Lists. [See under Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office, in Author Catalogue.] Foreign Policy. [See sub-heading Politics— Foreign, under names of Countries.] Forensic Medicine. [See Medical Jurisprudence.] Forestry and Forest Conservation— General— Address before the American Forestry Congress, 18S3. Loring, (LB. A 30 R 44 Denudation of Vegetation; by M. Manson... Agricultural (Iazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Forest Conservancy; by A. J. Boyd Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Forest Nursery Work; by II. V. Jackson... Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Forestry for Farmers: bv 11. E. Fcrnow United States — Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 07 A 41 U 1 Forestry for Fanners; by 11. E. Fernow United States — Dept. of Agr., Yearbook. lx<»4 030.5 Government Forestry Abroad Pinchot, G. F 4 V 16 Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen. .. Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Hardy Coniferous Trees Webster, A. D. A 20 U 1 2 Influence of Local Conditions on the Growth of Trees; bv W. Gill. Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia. 1897-98 030.5 Manual of Forestry '. Schlich, W. A 32 R 17 Michigan- State Horticultural Society, Report 634 Notes on Planting; by W. Gill Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia. 2 030.5 Pamphlets on Forestry ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 30 Present Condition of the Forests on the Public Lands. Bowers, E. A. F 4 V 16 Primer of Forestry; by G. Pinchot United States- Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry, Bull., 24 A 27 P 27 Royal Scottish Arborieultura! Society, Transactions 634.9 Some Forest Problems; by G. Pinchot... United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 030.5 Timber Culture ; by Dr. A. Furnas — in Agricultural Reports, 1SS2. Indiana— 1 loan I of Agriculture 630.6 Work of the Division of Forestry for the Farmer; by G. Pinchot. United States Dept'. of Agr., Year-book, 1 89 S 630.5 [See al*o Arbor-day ; Landscape Gardening: Timbers; Trees and Shrubs; and sub-heading Forestry, under each Country, in Author Catalogue, for Government Publications.] . Powell, B. H. B-. F 8 Schools — Forestry Education by C. W. Parks- By Countries. Austria — Guide Agrieole et Forestier de l'Autriche Proskowctz, Max von A 18 P 2!) Canada- Forests of Canada United States — Consular Repts., 60 382 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 851 •cstry and Forest Conservation— Germany — otstatisehe Mitteilungen aus Wcrttemburg, 1890. Wurtomburg 634.9 India— nest Administration. British India, 1893 t Department, including Sinde, Repor (i:?4.9 •tats of the Mauritius, Report ... Thompson, R. A 11 X 16 t - New Hampshire— ■. itry Coiiiin., Kept. ... N. Hampshire— Ann. Repts. 328.742 - New South 1 •f X. 8. Wa: 63:1.5 i. Campbell.... Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 5l!0 ,v.ll: of Trees Agr. Gazette, X. S. Wales, 7 630.5 ury to Forest Vegetation during the Winter of 1895. Agr. Gazette, N. 8. Wales, 7 030.5 e Forest Xurserv; bv IT. V. Jackson Agr. (Iazette, X. S. Wales, 7 030.5 ■••: and their Pole in Nature; bv.I.G.O. Tepper... Agr. (iazette, X. S. Wales, 7 630.5 isto cf our Timber and how to avoid it; by A. Rudder. Agr. Gazette, X. S. Wales, 7 030.5 New York — heries, ( amc, and Forests of Xew York, Report... Xew York— Commissioners of Fisheries 639 - New Zealand — w Zealand T ml eis and Forest Products... Perceval, Sir W. B. MA 4 S 3 — North Dakota — "■rin'endent of Irrigation and Forestry, North Dakota, Report. North Dakota " Annua! Repts. 32S.7K4 Pennsylvania — unsylvania— L'ept. of Agriculture, Report, 1897 030.6 — Porto Rico— rest Conditions of Porto Rico; by R. T. Hill... United States Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 — Queensland — • restry Ccnserv.mcy Queensland— Parliament, V. and P., !■ Tn I'vancy, Queensland, Report nDNtri. er Trees of Queensland.; by J. W. Fawoott Q Agricultural Journal, 4 - South Australia — it Conservancy and Timbor Supply... Krichauff, F. Is and Forests, Report of Conservator . . . South A Parliament, Proceedings- - United States - Forestry and Forest Conservation— United States — Nomenclature of the Arborescent Flora of the United States ; by G. B. Sudworth U.S.-Dept. of Agr. Div. of Forestry A 30 V 26 Practicability of an American Forest Administration. ..Fernow.B. K. F 4 V 16 '■ " Stales -DepLot 1 Agr.' "luv/'oi Forcsuy 'l 41 U 13 Pr< Phi 630.5 ok. IK! ; Wes Pudesaiid Regulations oono..->-nn: Ke Lung Harbour, 1899 [Chart] Pioneering in Formosa Forms in Law — R , to's Practical Man; revised by UK. II. Birch Bouse, 1 F 15 P 4 Fort Macquarle — Fort Mae.juarie, Sydney ... Journal of Australasia, 3 MJ 4 Q For h Bridge — Forth Bridge [See also Bridges -General.] Fortification. [See Artillery neering.] Fortune-telling - Offer, P. Mil 2 U 42 lwV'soH,Mv' 1 | ; ub''. t 'H''ll S3! .nee; Divination;' .Magic; Palmistry.] Dept. of Agr.-- Div. of 1" 42nd Regiment — Black Watch, The [See also Highland Regin ■ies B31 R9-13 ....^Tlgguiden, Capt.'lT. A. VjlR i2 . Forbes, A. B 16 T 14 Public Library of New South Wales. Fossils. [See Palaeontology.] Foul Brood in Bees — Foul Brood; by F. Cheshire Intemat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 5 A 41 VI Laws relative to Foul Brood ; by L. 0. Howard... United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 38 C> 20 [See also Bee-i and lice-fanning.] Fouling. [.See Corrosion and Fouling.] Fourierism. [See Communism; Socialism.] Fowls. [Sea Poultry.] " Fram," The. [See Nanscn, Dr. F. in Author Catalogue.] Framboesia — Frambcesia Firth, Surgeon-Major R. H. A 26 T 35 [See also Tuberculosis.] France — General and Descriptive — • En Voyage: France et Bolgique Hugo, V. D 22 P 14 Foreign Courts and foreign Homes F., A. M. 1) 21 Q 2 French and Italian Note-hooks Hawthorne, N J 23 R 10 Journeys through France Taine, H. D 18 S 21 Merveilles de France, lielgiijue. Suisse, Algcric et Tunisie. Panorama, Le A 19 S 1 t One Hundred Days in Europe Holmes, (). W. D 20 T 2 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 15, 16 Rustic Life in France Theuriet, A. D 18 S 17 Universal Geography Reelus, E. D 21 U 2 [See also France History; Franco-German War ; French, The; Huguenots; Napoleonic Wars; Paris t'unnmine; Tuileries; Vendee, La; under Districts, Cities, and Subjects; and under Napoleon in Author Catalogue. ] Autumn Manem Pastes Militairei ire, 1898 des Beiges ai i Thiebault . ieur d'Artagi U.S.— Adjutant-General's Ollice A 36 W 20 " la Fra , Ma; sn. F. C 24 S 6 I'liiebault, Baron C 25 V ! ; by R. Nevill. de Sandras, g de C 26 R 1 1 , 1 2 Mes Campagnes (Juillaiune, A. B 13 X 3 t Ordnance Notes, 10 ...United States Dept. of War A 13 W 28 f The School and the Annv in (iennanv and France. Hazen, Major-Gen. W. B. G 17 S 30 Staffs of Various Armies U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 R 23 Colonies French Colonies Series, 1900 Lost Empires of Peoples and Pol and Dependencies— —in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Misc. Gt. Brit, and Ircl. Foreign Office 3S2 the Modern World Lord, W. F. B 21 S 2 tics of the Far East ... Norman, H. D 20 U 11 Trade of France :e and Trade- in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual (it. Brit, and Ircl.— Foreign Office 382 Constiti French Constitu /ion and Constitutional Law- ion of 1793 Frost, T. G. F 18 R 27 Constitu France tional Histovy- Bodley, .J. E. C. F 1 T 32, 33 ranee in The State Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 nder Louis XIV, i, E. F 1 U 20 Fr&XiCe— History, General- Churches and Castles of Medieval France Earned, W. C. B 16 S IV Dungeons of Old Paris Hopkins, T. B 39 Q 11 Franks, The Sergeant, L. B 29 R 5 Historic Studies in Valid, Berne, and Savoy Read, Gen. M B19U2, 3 Idler in Old France Hopkins, T. B 17 P 56 Lost Empires of the Modern World Lord, W. F. B 21 S 2 Michelet's France -in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 13 Personal Characteristics from French History. Rothschild, Baron F. B 16 T 21 Early History, a.d. 987. Charlemagne, the Hero of Two Nations Davis, H. W. C. B 27 Q 13 Charles the Great; by Dr. T. Hodgkin... Charlemagne C 23 S 5 Capet and Valois, a.d. 987-1589. Bertram! du Guesclin ; by Dr. E. V. Stoddard... Du Guesclin, E. C 23 Q 24 Henry of Guise, and other Portraits... Macdowall, H.C. B 36 R 1 1 History of theCivil Wars of France... Davila.H.C. B19R23, 24 1 Joanne" d Are; her Life and Death... ( (liphant , Margaret B 16 R 46 Joan of Arc Lowell, F. C. B16T22 Letters and Papers relating the War with France, 1512-13; by A. Spont Navy Records Society, Pubs., 10 942 Lives and Times of the lOarlv Valois (.Ulceus ... Beanie, Catherine B26S 18 Marguerite d'Angouleme, Life of, 1492-1549 C 21 U 1, 2 Philip Augustus, 1180-1223 C 22 S 25 Pictures of the Old Fien:h Court... Beanie, Catherine B 26 S 23 Bourbon, a.d. 1589-1789. Anne of Austria, Regency of... Freer, Martha W. B 16 S 37, 38 Artagnan, Monsieur d'. Memoirs Courtilz de Sandras, G. do C26R 11, 12 Barras, P., Memoirs C 21 T 17, 18 Brief wisseling tusschen de Gcliroeders van der Goes, 1659-73. Van der Goes, W. C 27 T 5 Correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, of Marie-Adelaide de Savoie, of Madame de Maintenon in relation to Saint-Cyr. Wormelv, Katharine P. C 25 S* 19 De Retz, Cardinal, Memoir of, 1640-79 B 21 U 2 Dubois, Cardinal. Memoiis I! 41 R 4, 5 Eugene, Prince, Romance of C 22 R 10, 11 Hanc, Joachim, Journal of, 1653 5-1 B Hi P S Henry IV, King of France and Navarre, History of... B 16 V 25 HistoryoftheC.vdWarsof Fiance... Davila.H.C. B19R23,24t Lauzun, Due de, and the Court of Louis XV, 1760-74... Maugras, G. B 34 R 8 Lauzun, Due de, and the Court of Marie Antoinette, 1774-93. Maugras, G. B 34 R 9 Longucville, Mine, de, Life of; by Mrs. Cock C 27 S 12 Louis XIV, Century of Bourgeois, E. B 11 W 12 t Louis XV, France under Perkins, J. B. B 26 S 10, 1 1 Mario Antoinette Tsehudi, Clara B 34 R 4 Marie Antoinette. Memoirs of the Co. r. of Campan, Mine. B 33 R 8, 9 Marie Antoinette, Story of Bicknell, Anna L. B 17 R 19 Marie. Antoinette, the Dauphine Nolhac, P. de B 18 Q 15 t Mazarin Masson, G. B 28 Q 4 Republique des Provineos-Unies, la France, et les Pays-bas F.spagnols, 1(130 .,0 Waddington, A. B 39 U 10, 1 1 Richelieu and the Grov.tli ,,f Frcm-h Power Perkins. J. ]!. B 27 Q 26 Richelieu, Life of Richelieu, Card. C 20 V 1 Revolution, a.d. 1789-1804. liar're. P.ertrand. Memoirs C 24 R 9 12 Conciergerie in History ami Criticism... Wilson, H. S. J 14 V 5 Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolution; by Prof. C. I). - Hazen Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 16 B 18 T 16 Corday, Charlotte: by Mrs. R. K. Van Alstine C 23 P 14 Danton; by H. Bclloo Danton, G. J. C 24 P 16 Danton, Life of j by A. H. Bccsly Danton, G. J. C 26 R 20 Diary of a CitCcn of Paris during the Terror Hire, 10. B 16 V 20, 21 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. France— History— contd. Revolution, a.d. 1789-1804— contif, Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... 23 R 4 France Bcdley, .). E. C. F 1 T 32, 33 French Revolution McCarthy, J. B 37 V ,5-8 nch devolution in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 11 Fr< Cll II. N i |-:n. l-h . Dov I, E. irnal of a Spy in Paris during the Rt and Letters of; •t'of mI Abbott, J. I '.1.1s, Rev. ! C. B 39 T 15 lany Subjects. H. J 19 W 8 seholdof the Hesdin, K. B20R17 bv C.Ford... C24T1 Sichel, Ethel C 24 T 7 inette. 1 I !I3 Maugras, G. B 34 R 9 Mirabeau; bv P. F. Willert Mirabeau, Comte de C 23 S 20 Popular Oovcrnnient Bradford, U. F 10 P 28, 29 Bed French Revolutionist Jephson, H. B 20 R 21 Reign of Terror B 39 P 9, 10 Robespierre and the Red '['error Ten Brink, J. B 16 U 14 Bobespieiro, Life of ; bvO. H. Lewes. ..Robcspie. re, M. C 20 P Roland, Ma. lame: a Biographical Study C 20 V Kovigo, Duke of, Memoirs... Savarv, A. J. M. R. 23 U 12-15 Side-lights on the Rciu'n of Terror ' Eclierollcs, Mdlle. des B41 Q 12 Tocqneville, Alexis de, Recollections of F 12 T 22 First Empire, a.d. 1804-15. Campaign of Marengo Sargent, Lieut, H. H. B 21 S 7 Coignet, Capt., Narrative of .' C 23 P 3 l)u Barri, .Madame, Memoirs B 33 R 10-12 France since 1814 Coubertin, Baron R. de B 20 S 21 Josephine, Empress, Memoirs C 23 V 2, 3 .Modern France, 1789-1895 Lebon, A. B 20 S 12 Napoleon C 22 T 13 Napoleon Bonaparte, History of... Abbott, J. S. C. B 39 T 12, 13 Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of; by S. B-. Could C 13 W 33 t Napoleon Bonaparte's first Campaign Sargent, Lieut. H. H. . Mai I. Hist e Doubt as to Execution of C 22 Q 2 ivary, A. J. M. R. C 23 U 12-15 C. M., Memoirs... B 26 V 24, 25 •ein 1833 in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 12 ■e since ISM .' Coubertin, Baron P. de B 20 S 21 icville, Alexis de, Recollections F 12 T 22 Second Republic, a.d. 1848-5?. lie. Kmpress of the French : by Clara Tschudi ... C 25 T 9 c and Italy Imbert de Saint-Amand, Baron B 30 (,) 10 e sin.,. 1814 Coubertin, Baron P. de B 20 S 22 n the Tuileries under the Second Empire ... Bieknell, Anne B 34 T 9 > Km llooi B 1 P 29 Modern France Napoleon III ai 178!) IS!).") .. d his Court . ".'.'."imber .. Lebon, de Saint - A. B : " i; i !) > B.u i R Napoleon III ai ,1 Lady Stuar Lano, P. le B 1 i R France — Xational Assembly— . Bodley, J. E. C. F 1 T 32, 33 Fro Fleets of Croat Britain and Foreign Countries. 1898. (It. Brit, and Irel. - Admiralty A 36 V 18 J Naval Annual, 1896 Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.05 Naval Policy Stecvens, (i. \V. F 12 T 25 Operations of the French Xavy during the Recent War with Tunis Wright, "Lieut, M. F. B 26 V 23 ChoscsVues Hugo, V. M. J 24 R 43 France Bodley, J. E. C. F 1 T 32, 33 Ccsammelte Wcrke Out/.kow, K. J 24 S 29 Idee de Patrie, L'; Les Ennemisde l'Ame Fran.aise; La Nation et l'Armee; Le ( ienic Latin in Disoours dcCoiubat .. . Brunetiere, F. J 24 U 34 Paternal State in Franca and Oerinanv... Canllicr.r. If. F 15 R 31 The Physiocrats Higgs, H. F 4 T 16 Recollections of Alexis de Tocqneville Tocqneville, A. de F 12 T 22 Studies in Diplomacy Bencdetti, Count F 14 U 7 Theories Politi.pies et le Droit International en France jusqu'au lSesiecle Nys, E. F 16 T 21 ChosesVues Hugo, V. M. J 24 R 43 Dear Neighbours Blouet, P. J 25 () 36 Idler in Old France Hopkins, T. B 1 7 P 56 Jacques Bonhomine Blouet, P. J 20 P 2 Pictures of the Old French Court... Beanie, Catherine B 26 S 23 Franchise. [See Suffrage] Franciscans — Little Flowers of St" Francis of Assisi... Woodroll'c, P. ( I 24 Q 8 St. Francis of Assisi Little, Rev. W. J. K. 11 Q 38 [See aho Monasticism ; .Monks; Religious Orders.] Franco-German War, 1870 Ambassador of the Vanquished, 1871-77.. Broglie, Ducde B 31 U 20 Bismarck. Life of: by Dr. M. Busch .... Bismarck, Prince C25 P 15 17 Hooper, C. B 10P29 l)eutsch-fran/..'siscl,e Krieg, Der, 1870-71 Fianco-Cerinan War Maurice, Maj. r-Ocn. J. F. B 40 W I Ironclads in Action Wils ,n, H. W. B 33 R (i, 7 Recollections of Paris Binghan Capt. 1). B 34 R 5, 6 Recollections of Thirty-nine Years in the A B 39 Q 15 Hazcn, Major Gen. W. B. G 17 S 30 J ,yan. C. E. D 18 S 14 With the Royal Headquarters in 1870-71 Veiny du Vernois, Gen. J. von B 39 Q 8 Franco-Malagasy "War. [.S'<<« Madagascar History.] Fraud. [See Impostors and Imposture; .Swindlers and Ihown.Rey. 1). C 23 U !. Taylor. Free Fv.blic Libraries. [See Libraries Free Public.] Free Public Library, Sydney. [See Public Library of New South Wales.] 854 Public Library of New South Wales. Free Trade— Cobden. Richard, and the Jubilee of Free Trade F 13 R 22 Early Essays Mill, J. S. J 14 U 37 England's Free Trade Mothersill, J F 9 P 28 Essay on Free Trade Hawley, R, F 17 P 5 Fiscal Federation and Free Trade Medley, (J. W. F 17 P 7 Free Trade and Protect ion - in Fssuys Alison, A. J 14 S 1 1 Free Trade at its Zenith in Essays Alison, A. J 11 S 11 Free Trade Movement audits Results... Smith, G. A-. F 15 Q21 Free Trade Pamphlets F 17 P 1-7 Free Trade Papers addressed to the People of Victoria Free Trade League of Victoria F 17 P 1 Free Trade Reform and Finance in Essays Alison, A. J 14 8 13 Free Trade under Protection Gill, R. F 15 8 20 Impel ill Free Trade— in The Coming Individualism. ..Hake, A. E. FI R22 National Conference of Free Traders and Revenue Reformers. American Pre- Trade League F 17 P 3 Our Foreign Commerce and Free Trade Policy Pirn, J. T. F 17 P 2 Poverty, Taxation, and the Remedy Briggs, T. F 17 P 1 Rationale of Free Trade in Theory of International Trade. Baatable, C. F. F 14 R 10 Speeches bv (!. H. Reid and Sir llenrv Parkes on Second Reading of the Customs Duties Kill. ISSli ...... .. Reid, C. H. F 17 P 3 Which? Protection. Pice Trade, or Revenue Reform... F 14 R 37 [See also Cobden Club; Corn Laws; Fair Trade v. Free Trade; Free Trade v. Protection; Protecti ;n ; Tariffs; and under Cob- den Club in Author Catalogue.] Free Trade v. Protection — Letters on Free Trade and Protection Gordon, A. F 17 P 2 Protection in Victoria versus Free Trade in N. 8. W. .., F 17 P 7 Freedom — Essay on the Rasas of Mvsi ioKnov.dcdge... Keeejac, K. G 23 R 33 Freedom— in Chips from a German Workshop Midler, F. M. J22Q3 Freedom in Religion. [See Toleration.] Freedom of the Will— Against Dogma and Free will ami for Wcismannism... Hillcr, H. C. G 24 T 6 Ethiea; or, the Ethics of Reason Laurie, S. S. G 9 W 29 Free-will and Fatalism— m Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. G 19 U 35 Intuitions of the Mind McCosh, Rev. J. G 14 P 34 Mctaphysic of Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Theistic Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 [Si-.e aho Calvinism ; Determinism; Fatalism: Liberty; Predesti- nation; Will.] Freemasonry — Australian Freemason's Magazine MG 2 V 17 Canon, The G 23 S 9 Masonic Guide of N. S. Wales MG 2 U 39 Masonic Year-book and Directory MG 2 U 40 Origin and Antiquity of Fro. -masonry... lingo, W. M. MG 2 S 18 Origin of Freemasonry in Writings Paine, T. J 6 T 25 Some Account ..f the Schism amongst the Free and Accepted Masons in England Oliver, Rev. (J. G 24 U 34 Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy... Iliuwn, R. H. G 23 V 4 Freethought— Aleiphron; or, the Minute Philosopher in Works. Berkeley, Bishop G 19 P 55, 56 Freethinker's Text-book, part 2 Besant, Annie G 2 V 29 History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern... Robertson, J. M. G 24 U 9 [See also Agnosticism ; Atheism ; Deism ; Infidelity ; Positivism ; Rationalism ; Spinozism. ] French, The — Anglo-Saxon Superiority Demolins, E. F 15 S 2 French Art. [See Fine Arts— French.] French Canadians. [See Canada— History; Canadians- French.] French Colonies. [.See France— Colonies; and under each Colony.] French Guiana — General and Descrijitive — Universal Geography Reelus, E. D 21 U 19 French Language — French Spencer, F. G 18 Q 36 French History, Literature, and Philology Roget, F. F. J 22 P 34 Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterrlurc Franeaisc des Origines a 1900 Petit de Julleville, L. J 21 U 18-25 Old French Roget, F. F. ,1 22 P 20 Spcci mens of Old French Toynbee, P. J 22 P 35 Eugene's French Method Eugene-Fasnacht, G. J 12 P 38 French Grammar Cobbett, W. K 20 P 1 French for Beginners Lemaistre, J. J 12 P 46 Student's Comparative Grammar of I he French Language. Eugene-Fasnacht, G. J 12 P 37 — Metres — Pofitio-ue Franeaisc au Moveu Age et a la Renaissance... Hercq, G. H 1 U 3 Prosody, Accent, Versification — Vers Francis, Le Guilliaume, J. H 3 V 4 School Books — Chanson de Roland H 13 P 10 French Composition through Lord Maeatday's Kuglish: Frederic the Great; Warren Hastings; LordClive Macaulay, Baron B 26 P 9-1 1 Graduated French Reader Delbos. L. J 12 P 35, 36 Prisonniers au Caucase Delbos, L. J 24 1! 16 Racine's Les Plaidcurs ; by L. Delbos Racine, J. H 13 U 4 French Literature - The Augustan Ages Elton, 0. J 27 Q 8 Century of Louis XIV Bourgeois, E. B 11 W 12 t Essays in French Literature Krunetiere, F. J 21 P 27 French History, Literature, and Philology,.. Roget, F. F. J 22 P.'il French Literature Masson, G. J 24 S 43 a des Origines a 1900 Petit de Julleville, L. J 21 U 18-25 History of French Literature Dowden, E. J 14 R 29 Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia Schulz, A. J 14 S 8 Joan-Jacques Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature. Texte, J. J 23 V 36 Lectures on French Literature Dreyfus, lima J 10 S 29 Literary Movement in France dining the 19th Century. Pellissier, G. J 14 8 32 Manual of the History of French Literature Brunetiere, F. J 4T27 Naturalisme litteraire Cattier, E. J 15 V 32 Periods of European Literature J 27 Q 2-11 Port Royal Saintc Kcuvc, C. A. G 24 P 1-7 Specimens of Old French Toynbee, P. J 22 P 35 Studies in Two Literatures Symons, A. J 14 S 31 Symbolist Movement in Literature Symons, A. J 17 V 30 Trentc Ans de Paris Daudct, A. J 15 W 13 [See aho Dramatic Literature -French; Poetry French; Fiction — French; Provencal Language and Literature.] French Philosophy. [-See Materialism; Philosophy- French; and under Conite, Condillac, Cousin, Des- cartes, Diderot, Lamennais, Malebranche, Montes- quieu, Rousseau, etc., in Author Catalogue.] French Protestants. [.See Huguenots.] French Revolution, 1779-99. [See France— History— Revolution.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Frescoes — Giotto and his Works in Padua Raskin, J. A 44 T 5 Att'roschi, Gli Tiepolo, G. B. A 48 P 16 J Jevpore Portfolio of Architectural Details Jacob, Col. S. S. A 31 R 17 % Puttini o Figure Decorative Gonin, F. A 47 P 36 % Stueehi ed Afiresehi del Real Castellodel Valentino... Brayda, R. A 47 P.",. I J W lute Athenian Vases in the British Museum ; by A. S. Murray, and A. H. Smith British Museum A 44 Q 13 J [See aho Decoration.] Friction — Bearings and Lubrication Taylor, A. J. W-. A 24 P 35 Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 18 [Srt alto Dynamics; Lubricants.] Friendly Islands- -General and Descriptive— Anchorages, 1899 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irol.— Hydrographic Otiicc Ml) 2 P 34 J Brown Men and Women Reeves, K. MD 3 U 14 Cannibals of the Friendly Islands... Naval Chronicle, 24 B 38 Q 5 [.See also Tonga.] Friendly Societies- Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Rules F 12 S 17 Architects' Benevolent .Society: Report of the Council ... 302.8 Brotherhood Rdicf and Insurance of Raihva\ Employees; by E. R. Johnson U.S.— Bureau of Labor, Bull., July, 1898 331 Citizen and the State Slraehev, J. St. L. F 16 S 34 Development of Thrift Brown, Mary W. F 15 P 36 Friendly Societies; by K. F. Owen... Melbourne Review, 6 052 Friendly Societies and Friendly Society Finance Royal Statistical Society, Journal, 1895 310 Fiiendlv Societies, Industrial and Provident Societies, and Trade Unions, Repts.... (it. Brit, and Irol. Fiiendlv Societies 334.7 Friendly Societies, X.S.W., Reports... X. S. Wales -Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Friendly Societies. X.Z., Reports New Zealand -Parliament, Appendix to Journals 328.931 Friendly Societies, Victoria, Reports Victoria — Parliament, V. and P.. 328.945 Friendly Societies, Victoria, Report, 1894 ... Victoria- Friendly Societies 334.7 Guide-book of the Kriendlv Societies' Registry ( hiice. 1897 ed. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Kriendlv Societies F 15 R 21 [Another copv. 1899 ed.] F 16 S 30 Manual for Cooperators Hughes, T. F 3 R Mutual Relief and Benefit Associations in tin- Print ing Trade; by W. S. Waudby... U.S. -Bureau of Labor, Bull.. Nov., 1898 331 Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare Brabrook, E. W. F 15 R 26 Special Report on Sickness and Mortal;! v e\ porieneed in Registered Friendly Societies Gt. Brit, and Irel. Friendly Societies F 40 V 26 t Sweating of the Medical Profession bv the Friendly Societies of Australasia Brack, L. MF 4 P 39 [s'-caevo Building Societies; Cooperation ; Insurance, Life ; Old Age Pensions: Trades Unions; and under name of the Society in Author Catalogue and Index.] Friends, Society of. [.See Quakers.] Friendship — Friendship Black, II. G 4 V 36 ,[See also Love] Froebel System of Education. [See Kindergarten; and under Froebel, Fi-iedricli, in Author Catalogue.] Frogs — New Lizards and Frogs from New Guinea; by G. A. Boulenger. Annals and Mag. of Nat. History, IS97 590.5 Variations of the Spinal Nerves of Hi/la tin mi ; by Sliss (i. Sweet. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1896 506 [See also Batraehia.] Frost- Notes on Frost; by Prof. Garriott United States— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 104 A 41 U 2 Frozen Meat. [.See Cold Storage; Meat Trade.] Fruit-canning and Preserving- Canning and Pulping Fruit .; by S. Hogg... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Crystallized, or Glaeed Fruits ... Victoria— Agriculture— Guides to Growers, 9 MA 3 T 9 Fruit Preserving ... Victoria Agriculture Guides to Growers, 8 MA 3 T 9 Preparation of Dried and Preserved Fruits MeEwin, G. MA 4 S 12 Problem of Fruit Preservation... Queensl. Agr. Journal, 4 630.5 [.See also Fruit-drying; Syrups.] Fruit-drying and Dried Fruits- Australasian Fruit-growers' Conference, Proceedings, 1897. Queensland— Agriculture 634 Bush-fruits Card, F. W. A 18 P 20 Casula Fruit-dryer Agricult. Gaz., N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Drying Figs Queensland Agr. Journal, 6 630.5 Evaporated Fruits Journal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 1S97 98 63(1.5 Evaporation and Fruit Evaporation ; by J. Sutton... Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Fruit-drying; by W. J. Allen Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 10 630.5 Fruit-drying; by C, H. Gorman Agr. Gaz... X.S.W.,8 630.5 Fruit-growing, Drying, and Our in- :; b v W\ J. Allen... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Insects attacking Dried Fruits ; by W. W. Froggatt. . . Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Preparation of Dried and Preserved Fruits MeEwin, G. MA 4 S 12 Process of Drying Fruits Victoria Agriculture— Guides to Growers, 11 MA 3 T 9 Simple Fruit-dryer; bvO. Waters... Agr. Gaz., X.S.W., 8 630.5 Zinc in Evaporated Apples; l.y II. W. Wiley .:. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 41 U 7 Fruit-growing — General — Bush-fruits Card, F. W. A 18 P 20 Cyclopedia of American Horticulture.. .Bailey, L. H. A 44 W 8,9 Florist and Pomologist A 48 P 1-17 Fruit Culture Criehton, 1). A. MA 4 P 10 Fruit-growing under Irrigation Agr. Gaz., X.S.W., 10 630.5 Handling Fresh Fruit ; by C. I!. Gorman... Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Orchard Planting ; by W. J. Allen... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 8 630.5 Pruning, Budding, Grafting ; by W. J. Allen Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Royal Horticultural Society, Journal 634 Selection and Planting of Fruit trees; by G. Quinn ... Journal of Agriculture and industry. South Australia, 2 630.5 Surface Drainage for Orchards \gr. Gaz.. N.S.W., 11 630.5 Thinning Fruit Agricultural ( iazette. X. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Utilizing Surplus Fruits; by G. B. Brackett United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 [.See aho Experiment Farms and Stations: Fruit-canning; Fruit- drying; Fruit Trade; Fruits. Analyses of; Fungi in Agricul- ture; Grafting: Insects, Injurious and Beneficial; Plant Diseases; Pomology; Pruning; Spraying; and under names of Fruits.] By Countries. Australia — Australasian Dairyman , MA 3 V 43 Australasian Fruit-growers' Conference, Proceedings, 1$J7. Queensland Agriculture 6:54 Australian Vigncron. May. 1 .SO 4 April. 1S95 634 Conference of Australasian Fruit-growers. Proceedings, 18,90. New Zealand Agriculture MA 4 U 13 How to Grow Fruit Aust. Assoc, for Advance, of ,Se., 6 506 [.See also each Colony under this heading.] British Columbia — British Columbia Fruit-growers' Society, Report 634 California — California Fruits, and how to grow them...Wickson, E.J. A 35 Q 18 856 Public Library of New South Wales, Fruit-growing— Canada— Denmark — Praktisk Vejledning i Frugtavl ., H. A 39 V 28 Mala Idaho— —Board of Horticultural Inspretio Reports G34 Italy - Variota di Piaiito da Frutto raecomandabili per 1'Alta Italia. Molon, G. A 10 X 19 + ■ Michigan- Michigan— State Hoard of Agriculture, Report, 1893-97... G30.6 Michigan— State Horticultural Society, Report 034 Minnesota — Minnesota — State Horticultural Society, Report- i'tt Executive Documents Minnesota Legislature 328.77G New Jersey — New Jersey— State Agrieult. Expcr. Station Rept., 1895... G30.7 New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station Rept., 1896, Report of the Horticulturist 030. 7 New South Wales- Abandoned Orchards of Cumberland ; bv N. A. Cobb. . . Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, S G30.5 Fruit Cultivation in the Eastern Colonies; by G. Quinn. Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 Fruit Culture in New South Wales'; bv A. H. Benson -j» N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson. F. Mil 7 I" 23 Exporiiurnt Farm; bv < :. M. McKoown. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales. 1S9S 030.5 Orchard Notes Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 • New Zealand — Division of Biology and Pomology, Reports New Zealand — Agriculture MA 3 R 81 Queensland- Fruit Culture in Queensland; by A. H. Benroa Queensland Agricultural Journal G30.5 Fruit Cultivation in 1 he Eastern Colonics ; by G. Quinn. Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 630.5 South Australia — Notes on Planting Citrus Trees in South Australia ; by G. Quinn. Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, IS97 98 G30.5 Selection and Planting of Fruit-trees; by G. Quinn . . Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 630.5 United States— American Fruit Culturist Thomas, J. J. A 20 U 30 Evolution of Our Native Fruits Bailey, L. H. A 20 R 13 Fruits recommended for Cultivation in the Various Sections of the UnitedStates...U.S.— I )i v. of Pomology A 37 S 5G Improvement of our Native l-'i nits ; bv L. II. Mai lev... United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 189G 630.5 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Pamphlets on Strawberries .and Small Fruits ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Principles of Fruit-growing Bailey, L. H. A 33 Q 18 Survival of the Unlike Bailey, L. H. A 27 R 16 Wild Grapes of North America; byT.V. Munson .. United States Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Pomology A 37 S 2 [See also California, Idaho, Michigm, Minnesota, under this heading.] Victoria — Fruit Cultivation in the Eastern Colonies; by G. Quinn. Journal of Agr. and Industry. S. Australia. IS97-98 630.5 List of Fruit Trees grown in the "Royal Horticultural Gardens, Burnley Victoria— Agriculture MA 3 V 26 - — —— Western Australia— Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia, Journal 630. 5 Fruit, Nomenclature of. [See Pomology.] Fruit Trade- Appliances necessary in Fruit-packing Hous(s; by W. T. Allen. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 631 1.5 Australasian Fruitgrowers' Conference, Proceedings, 1897. Queensland— Agriculture 034 Australian Fruit-case; by G. H. Crapes ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Consular Reports, 47 United States Consular Repts. 3S2 Export of Fresh Fruit to London; by G. Quinn... Journal of Agr. and Industry.' S. Australia, 1897-98 G30.5 Fruit as a Factor in Colonial Commerce ... Morris,!). F 9 P 28 Fruit Exportation... Victoria Agriculture ( lui< lea to Growers, 17 MA 3 V 13 Fruit Industry ; by \V. A. Tavlor... United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 630.5 Fruit Industry ; bv W. A. Tavlor... UnitedStates— Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Pomology A 37 S 50 Fruit Inspection Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Fruit Inspection; by D. Jones... Queensland Agr. Journ., 4 630.5 Instructions for Fumigating Ft nit for Export Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Keeping of Crapes; bv P. Mouillefert Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Marketing and 1'reserving Perishable Products Indiana- Board of Agriculture, Rept,, 1874 630.5 Marketing Citrus Fruits; by W. .1. Allen... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Packing Lemons for Export Agrieult. (la/... X.S.W.,9 630.5 Packing Oranges for Export ; by ( . . Quinn.. Journal of Agr. ami Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 G30.5 Storage of Fruit, and Over-sea Carriage of Fruit Agricultural Gazette, Tasmania, 1897 030.5 Trial Shipments of Fruit in Report. Commissioner of Agriculture, Sess. Papers, Canada. No. 7, 1898.. .Canada- Parliament 328.71 [See also Cold Storage] Fruits— Varieties. [See Pomology.] Fruits, Analyses of— Composition of California!! Fruits, Nuts, Canaigre ... California— Agr. Fxpor. Station, Rept., 1895-97 630.7 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 UnitedStates Dept. of Agr. , Exper. Station Record, 5... 630.7 [See also Agricultural Chemistry.] Fucacese — Fuci; or, Colored Figures and Descriptions of the Tlants referred by Botanists to the Genus Fueus ... Turner, D. A 18 P 1-4 + [See also Sea-weeds.] Fuel- Calorific Power of Fuel Poole, H. A 38 U 13 Chemical Technology Groves, C. E. A 21 V 6-8 Chemistry for Engineers and Maufact urers. .. Mlouut , M. A 21 T 3S Coke Fulton, J. A 25 V 29 Combustion of Coal Barr, W. M. A 24 S IS Fuel; its Combustion and Economy; by .1. Sliarpe... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894 622.06 Gas and Fuel Analysis lor Engineers (Jill, A. H. A 21 P 53 Ho it and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 23 Motive Power and Gearing for Electrical Machinery ...Carter, E. T. A 25 T 22 Steam-boiler Practice Snow, W. B. A 38 V 27 [See alxo Coal; Coke; Furnaces; Gas (Heating, Lighting, and Cooking): Heating; Metallurgy; Peat; Petroleum.] Fugue. [See Music] Fulgurites- Fulgurites ; by G. P. Merrill ... U. S. —Nat. Museum , Proe. , 9 507 Fulgurites in the Sandhills at Kensington anil Mondi ; by G. H. Knibbs, and others... Australasian Assoc., Advance, oi Science, Rept., 1898 506 [See also Lightning.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 857 Fulicarire — Fuli. -aria: and Aleotori.lcs in the Collection of the British Museum ; I.n li. 15. Sharpe in Catalogue .if the Birds in the British \i isr mil I'.rilish Museum Natural History A 39 U 5 [S,c also Ornithology.] Fulminates. [See Explosives.] Funafuti - Atoll of Funafuti; byC. Hedley... Chart of Funafuti Atoll, 1897... Expedition of H.M.S. Penguin to Soc., Australasia, > Funafuti Da n Museum, Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 33 dlrel.— Ilvdromaj.hio Oltico Ml) 2 P 34 J Functions— General — Scientific Papers . [>!V'^ioC'ah'iuus 1 ; t 'r:ilipti'<;Fui.. Funeral Rites - Among Pagodas and Fair Ladiei lemons, 3 MA 3 W 22 l( 'oral Reefs : Crustacea ; ids ; Ornithology— Ellico .. Tait, P. (I. A .. Harkness, J. . ; Mathematics.] •olgne. ndohr ■sOri. sdel'Kg 1) 19 S 3 B37V13-15 Graves, F. P. G 24 U 36 lies... Dubois, Abbe J. A. G23S 12, 13 Borlase, \V. C. B 40 P 2 Morgan, J. do A17S18f . Gardner, P. B 17 U 13 ; Funerals.] i of Helk [Si e also Burial; Customs and Mi Funeral Sermons anj Orations. [See Sermons— Funeral.] Funerals — Collections of Orders, Sc, relating to Funerals of Karl of Derby, 1521; Karl of Carlisle. Sir l'liilip Si.lnev. l/iSli; Duke of Albe- marle, 1070; Duke of Marlborough. 1722; Viscount Nelson, 1S0(>; lit. Hon. \V. Pitt. l.SIKi; Arthur, Duke of Wellington, 1S.V2 Funerals B 10 S 13-17 X Royal Society id Figures of English Fu ition of a New Cordyceps ycetous Fungi of the Un " llutlalo Society of Nat.i Fungi— lept., 1898 506 Saccardo, P. A. A 23 V 15 iety, Tasmania, Ke ; Mv.-ct. Rust in Whi Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-growing n'cnv Zealand ^ Agriculture ° M A I! YtT n i-'i-i Aust io|.!. Agricult. ( , N.S.W., t. Brit, and Del. -B ar.lofAgr. A 21 V 31 iral E.xper. Station A 38 (.) li from Seeds and' Ro Sutton and Sons Tubeuf, K. Z. Journ. of Science A 3S Q0 A 20 U 31 A 20 V 31 , 1891 505 rri&rS-l A38Q7 iral Exper. Station A 3S . i li United States Dept. of Agl Insects and Fungi, Report ... Fungus Diseases of Fruit-tre ,s Flora of New Zealand ; b to Sowerby's Models of Bril Public Library of Neio South Wales. Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-growing— contd. Preliminary List of the Rusts of Ohio- -in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Kxpor. Stations A 38 Q 7 I'uccinia on Groundsel, with Trinioi-phii- Tolcistespores; by 1). McAlpine Linuean Society, N.S.W., 1N95 5S0.6 Remedies for the Prevention of Smut in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Fxper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Treatment for Fungous Diseases of Plants United States - Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S!!4 030.5 I'rmnyccs ami/i/duli; by 1). McAlpine... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895 580.0 Vermont -State Agricult. Experiment Station, Reports... 630.7 [See also Pathology, Vegetable; Plant Diseases; Rust in Wheat ; Sooty Mould : Spraying; and under names of Crops, Fruits, and Vegetables, as Apples, Lucerne, Potatoes, for their specific Fungiidse. [See Anthozoa.] Fungicides. [See Fu Spraying.] i Agriculture; Plant Diw Chemical Technology .. Cupola Furnace [See also Metallurgy.] Ran, W. M. A 38 T 20 >oves, C. E. A 21 V 6 8 Kirk, E. A 38 T 26 Furniture- Art of the House Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer' Rosamund M. A 22 S 3 Hepplewhite, A. A 29 Q 12 t Chippendale Period in Knejish Furniture Clouston, K. W. A17S9f Chinpend ile, Sheraton, and Hepplov. hiio Furniture Designs. Rell, J. M. A 21 P 4 t Encyclopedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Fur- niture Condon, J. C. A 39 P 18 Half-timbered Rouses and Caned Oak Furniture of the 16th and 17th Centuries Sanders, W. 15. A 12 X 30 t Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 House Furnishing: by A. H. Miles in Household Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 House Furnishing and Decorating Assistant Whitaker, H. Plus i i!ist of Fin Mobili all' Esposizione Generals Ital i« I=" =, 18 Raceolta di Mobili in Diversi Stiii.. Studies from Old English Mansions ;:::z:z"Ric) Woman's Book [.s'i e also ( 'iibiiiet-work ; Church Furn tiveArt; House Decoration; Upl olste'ry; Wood Future State- Active and Moral Powers of Man .. ... Stewart, D. Deatli and Rurial in Attic Tragedy... Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, ii g2Si^ Egyptian Ideas of the Future State. ('■ (' t Evolution of the Resurrection and of Development .. CrozimV.l. 1 '. A 44 V 9 nl^'oV i 49 P2,Vi ■llectual 17 T 11 P 32, 33 Fundamental Ideas of Christ ianitv... Caird, Ri Future Destiny of Man; by Rev. H. N. Wolla Melbourne Review, 9 052 Cod and the Future Life Nordhoff, C. G 9 U 33 Intermediate State and the Last Tilings Barrett, Rev. G. S. G 19 U 3 n Guesses at the Riddle of Existence. Smith, G. G 19 U 34 Savage, Rev. M. J. (i 24 S 15 n the Dead Pulpit... llaweis, Rev. H. Is there Another Life? Mind of the Master Wat 1 19 T 2 i, Rev. J. G 2 V 4 Future State— contd. Next Life, The -in Introduction to the History of Bcligioi ititic Demons n of the Fut eLife.. . Hud 12 V 2 Spiritual Law through the Natural World... Ferguson, Rev. S. H. MG 2 R 64 State of the Righteous after Death White, Rev. J. S. MG 2 P 54 [See also Death; Eternal Punishment: Heaven; Hell; Immor- tality; Judgment, Day of; Millennium: Purgatory; Resur- rection; Soul; Transmigration.] G Gaelic Literature — Bards of the Gael and Call Sigcrson, G. H 1 S 26 LyraCeltica Sharp, Elizabeth A. H 10 W 1 [See also Celtic Languages; Irish Languages.] Gaiety Theatre, London - Gaiety Chronicles Hollingshead, J. H 9 T 39 GalapagOS Archipelago - General anil Descriptive — Anchorages in the Galapagos Islands, 1S99 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hyiirogr.ipliic Ollico 1) 49 P 1 J Universal Geography Reelus, E. D 21 U 18 Galatians -Epistle- Epistle to the Galatians; it s Destiny and Date... Askwith, Rev. E. H. G 24 Q 12 HistoricalCommcntary onCalatians... Ramsay, W.M. G 24U27 Galaxidse— New Zealand Galaxida?; by F. E. Clark... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 [See also Ichthyology- Australasia.] Galeopithecidae — Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Pats in the Collection of the British Museum ; by J. K. Grav British Museum — Natural History A 42 V 4 [See also Insectivora ; Lemurida\ ] Gall-making Insects — Cynipidous (Jails and Gall-wasps in the United States National 'Museum; by W. H. Ashmeid Cnited States -National Museum, Proc., 19 507 Gall-making Diaspid; by C. Fuller Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Growth of (hill-making Insects; by W. \V. Froggatt .. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 [See also Galls.] Gall-stones. [See Calculi.] Galleries. [See Fine Arte -Galleries ; and under names of Galleries in Author Catalogue and Index.] Gallinse - Game-birds in the Collection of the British Museum; by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant - in Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum British Museum— Natural History A 39 U 4 [See also Came and Game-birds.] Galloway— History — History of Dumfries and Galloway. . . Maxwell, Sir II. B 1 6 T 1 1 Galls - Cynipidous Galls and Gall-waspi in the United States National Museum; by W. H. Ashmead Unite! State. National Vegetable Galls ; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette [See also Gall-making Insects.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Galvanometers. [See Electricity, Measurement of.] il and Descriptive — - . Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Col. Office Repts. 354.428 Gambling— Belling and Mathei n Leisure Readings... Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 10 G;. mbling - in Democracy and Liberty . . . Lecky, W. K. TL F12 T4, 5 Gambling Superstitions in Borderland of Science. . . Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 10 The Gambling World "Rouge et Noir" G 15 S 30 History of Gambling in England Ashton, J. F 8 Q 6 The Human Machine Nisbet, J. F. (i 24 q 5 Immortality of Memory Lcfrov, Dean (J 23 R 28 Royal Commi-,i,m on alleged ( 'hinese ( nunbling, Report. N. S. Wales Chinese Gambling MF 4 U 38 Winning Wag -is in Leisure Readings Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 10 Game and Game-birds— Fish and Game Commissioners, New Hampshire, Report. New Hampshire Annual Repts. 328.742 Fisheries, Game, and Forests of New York, Report. . . New York- Commissioners of Fisheries 039 Gallinaceous Game-birds of North America Elliot, 1). G. A 27 Q 4 Gamo-birds and Wild-fowl of the British Islands Dixon, C. A 44 W 4 G; me-birds of Manitoba; by G. A. Atkinson Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba A 27 S 27 In Haunts of Wild Game Kirby, F. V. A 28 V 2S In the Northman's Land... Ferryman. Maj. A. !•'. M-. I) Is q 21 Wild-fowl of the United States and British Possessions of North [>.. '(/^Uccr-stiUkingTllalliVKi-'rCamc'baw': limning': Sh'. ~!i.g; Game Laws and Poaching Recent Legislation on t he Protection of Wild Birds in Great Britain ; bv Sir H. Maxwell... Interna!. Congress of Zoology, Proa, 1899 A 35 W 14 Games — F< wl er's Complete Hoyle Foster, R. F. A 1 V 23 Homo Amusements; by T. An' Korean Gam Mil. Gammarini — Gaiumarina del Golfe di Napoli : Monografia di Antonio Delia Valle Zoologischc Station zu Neaped A 19 P 21, 22 t [Si i. also Amphipoda.] Gamopetalse — Synoptical Flora of North America ; the < lamopetalie ; by A. Gray. Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, 31 508 [See also Botany -Manuals.] Gangrene — .Gangrene of the Skin; bv Dr. Galloway in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A26T 41 [,Sf.« a ho Necrosis.] Gaols. [See Prisons.] I iiucfnl Congress of Hygiene and Den Removal and Disposal of Town Refuse Gardening — General— Art and Craft of Garden making ... Mawson, T. H. A 20 R 25 t Australian Amateur Gardening Mortloek, J. J. MA 3 U 34 Cole's Australasian Gardening' Filiott, W. MA 3 U 42 Culture of Vegetables an,! Flowers from Seeds and Roots. Sutton and Sons A 20 U 31 Cyclopedia of American Horticulture Bailey, L. H. Garden-making Bailey, L. H. A 33 Q 32 Gardening Horner and Son A 19 P 11 Gardening and the Gardeners' Calendar; bv W. W. Early-m Household Oracle Mi'les, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Hand-book for Farmers and. Dairymen... Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Hand-bookof AustraliaiiHirrtieulture... dames, H. A. MA 2 R 2 History of Gardening inEugland... Amherst, lion. Alicia A 31 Q 15 Home and Garden Ickvll, Gertrude A 40 V 10 Horticulture in New South Wales; by W. S. Campbell-!;* N. S. Wales, the Mo! her Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Horticulturist's Rule-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 P 28 Landscape Ga'.dening as appli -I to Home Decoration. Mavnard, S. Y. A 20 R 1G Nursery-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 P 32 Our Gardens Hole, Rev. S. R. A 20 R 17 ... ' Treasure Williams, F. MF 4 Q 58 Practical Gardening; bv 11. iliatt Indiana -Board of Agr., Repts., 1882 030.0 Propagation of Plants ; by J. Leopold Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Wood and Garden Jekyll, ( Jcrtrude A 40 U 10 [See a/so Botany— Gardens ; Experiment Farms and Stations; Flower-gardening; Fruit-growing; Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-growing; Grafting; Greenhouse-gardening; Insects, In- jurious; Landscape-gardening; Public Gardens;'' Scent Plants; Vegetable-gardening ; Weeds. ] Dictionaries — Dictionary of Gardening Nicholson, G. A 40 T 3-7 . Periodicals— Australian Horticultural Magazine and Garden Guide. MA 4 R 34. 35 Farm and Garden MA 4 V 11 Florist and Pomologist A 48 P D17 Gardencra'cinmieVe''y.y.y..y.]V.y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.]'.!'.'.'."!'.l'.r'.'.'.]'.]^!!'.! 710 Horticultural Magazine, Sydney MA I P. 31, 32 Royal Iiurlieiillural Society, .loaned 034 Victorian Agricultural and Horticultural Gazette MA 4 V 10 19 School Gardens at Hie liosc'.mibe P.rilish School- in Sj)ecial Reports on Educational Subjects Gt. Rrit. and irel. Education G 17 U 15 Geelong and Western Districl Agricultural and Horticultural Society, Reports MA 5 R 27 Horticultural Society, London, Regulations 03O.0 Horticultural Society, Sydney, Trans. ... Horticultural Magazine MA 4 It 31, 32 Royal Horticultural Society, Journal 034 Gardens- Italian Gardens Piatt, C A. \ 44 W0 Botanic. [See Botany Gardens.] Garlic - Wild Onion; by .1. II. Maiden Agr. Gaz., X.S.W., 8 G30.5 Gas Keating, Lighting, and Cooking Mottled Sunshine; or, a Word for Gas Mclh. Rev., 4 052 'safety of Cvlmdei' ,'.'i"( Vmpre «•■! Ga-:. ' Report ... Gt. Grit." and Irel. Compressed Gas (Minders A 40 V 39 t Chemical Technology Groves, C. K. A 21 V (1 S 860 Public Library of Neto Sotith Wales. Gas — Heating, Lighting, and Cooking — contd. Domestic Use of Gas; by H. 15. Dixon— in Health Kxhib. Litera- ture, 3 International Health Kxhib., 1S84 A 41 U 19 Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers Gill, A. II. A 21 P 53 Gas Manufacture Butterfield, W. J. A. A 21 R 37 Massachusetts— Gas and Electric Light Comms., Rcpt 005.7 [See also Fuel; Gas Engines.] . Manufacture and "Works- Chemical Technology Groves, C. E. A 21 V 0-8 (-las Kngineer's Pocket -book O'Connor, H. A 22 P 50 Gas Manufacture Butterfield, W. J. A. A 21 R 37 Mond Gas-producer Plant and its Applications; byH. A. Humphrey. Institution Civil Kngineers, Proc, 1890-97 020.0 Text-book of Gas Manufacture for Students W, . and Electric-light Plants under Private Ownership— in Report of Commissioner of Labor United States— Bureau A 21 P 4 ndMur 899. Gas Engines and Motors — Gas and Oil Engine Clerk, D. A 22 R 7 Gas-engine Construction Parscll, H. V. A. A 39 Q 23 (.'as Kngineer's Pocket-book O'Connor, H. A 22 P 50 Gas, Gasoline and Oil Vapour Engines... lliseox, G.I). A 37 R 20 Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 23 Modern Gas and Oil Engines '•] ■Genealogical Works; edited by Crisp, F. A. K 19U32 t Knightage: Family Histories; if liirths. Deaths, anil Marriages; tors of; and under each Knglish By Countries. Great Britain and Ireland — Armorial Families Davies, A. C. F-. K 13 U 1 + Familiic Minorum Gentium, 4 Harlcian Soc. Pubs., 40 929 Family Records Burke, A. P. K 8 U 15 Fragmcnta Cenealogica Crisp, F. A. K 19 T 23-27 t Genealogical Collections concerning Families in Scotland; by W. MacFarlane, 1750 51 ... Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 33, 34 941 Genealogical liisto.y oft he Ivuldom of Sutherland. ..Gordon, Sir R. K 40 U 1 1 t Visitation of Knghuid and Wales... Howard, J. J. K 13 T 5-8 t Visitation of Ireland Howard, J. J. K 10 V 11 t United States- Maine Genealogical Society, Report 929 General Average. [See Insurance, Marine; Maritime Law.] General Information, Works of — Arcana of Science and Art A 25 R 21 Day-book of Wonders Thomas, I). M. A 39 R 13 Harper's Book of Facts Willsey, J. H. K 17 S 22 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates Haydn, J. K 11 P 23 Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Notes and Queries 052 Whitakcr's Almanac Whitaker, J. 314.2 [.See also Encyclopedias ; Year-books.] Suhjcct-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. 861 Aborcomby; by Licut.-Col. a Court -in From Cromwell to Wel- lington .: Wilkinson, S. C26R 18 Alexander the Croat, Life and Kxplnits of B 27 V 20 Baden-Powell, Si orv of ;b\H. Bcgbie... Powell, Major-Gen. Baden- C 2:) R 26 Band; by Count Gleichen— in From Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C 26 R 18 Barhaccna, Marquez de, Vida do C 24 R 18 Blake, Robert; by H. Dixon C 26 U 1 Buller, Sir Redvers ; by W. .Terrold C 23 R 23 ('arm agnola in Lives of Great Italians .. Horridge, G. C 20 S 1 1 did C.unpeador, The Clarke, H. B. B 34 Q 15 Clive: bvCol. F. Adam —in From Crom well to Wellington. Wilkinson, 8. C 26 R 18 Clive, Lord Macaulay, Baron B 26 P 9-11 Oli-.c. Lord: bv Sir A. J. Arbuthnot C 26 P 14 Collev, Sir (1. Pomeroy-, Life of; by Lieut. -Col. Sir W. E. Butler. ■; by Lieut. -Col. S. C. Pi eal Sketches ■om Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C26R18 of the Federal and Confederate Com- ers Dwight, T. F. C21U5 11; bv Lieut. -Col. Cooper King— in From Cromwell to ngton Wilkinson, S. C 26 R 18 ill as a Soldier Baldoek, Lieut. -Col. T. S. B 33 S 8 11, Oliver; bv S. R, Gardiner C 20 R 2 t dl, Oliver; by T. Roosevelt C 27 U 5 ill, Oliver, and the Rule of the Puritans in England. 15 27 n well, Oliver, Politi 1 Life . Gold >n, Life of: by D. C. Boulger... Gordon, Gen. C 23 V 2(1. 21 Grenbv John Manners, Marquis of, Military. Politieul. and Social Lite" of ; bv W. E. Manners ' C 26 S 15 C,;,! ivus Adolplms Dodge, T. A. B 20 S 14 Hannibal Morris, W. O'C. B 30 Q 23 Ha-iim's, Warren Maeaulav, Baron B26P9-11 lb htield; le. Lieut. -Col. Adve in From Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C26R18 Lake; bv Major E. S. May— in From Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C 26 R 18 Lee. Robert E., and theSouthern Confederacy; by Rev. H.A.White. C 23 P 24 is of... Terry, C. Ligne his Men I! -1 Lumsden, Sir H. B. C 25 S 12 1, Sir Thomas; by W. F. Lord C 23 S 10 Marlborough; by J. W. Fortescue --in From Cromwell to Wel- lington Wilkinson, S. C 26 R 18 Meade. General Sir Richard; by T. H. Thornton C 25 P 14 Moltkes Letters to his Wife Moltke, Count C 23 V 15, 16 Moore; by Major C. 15. Mavne in From Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C 26 R 18 Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of C 13W31t Xi eholson, .lolm. Life of; by ('apt. Trotter C 25 Q 5 ' 1, Memoirs" of C 21 U 13 r Liv test Li\ McClel ,,l|.le irv.A.J. M.R. C23U 12 15 Scott, Eva B33 S 13 Grant, Hancock. Humphreys, Thomas /n Critical Sketches eCoi Dwight, T. F. C 21 U 5 Won, Memoirs of C 23 V 11, 12 ■s Capitaes da Antiguidade: Alexandre, Annibal, e . . Zama, C. 24 R 17 ; by Major-Gen. F. Maurice ,« From Cromwell to Wellington \ Wilkinson, S. C26R18 Wellington and Waterloo Griffiths, Major A. B 17 S 30 t Generals— contd. Wellington : his Comrades and Contemporaries; by MajorGritiiths. Wellington, Duke of C 24 T 19 Wellington, Life of: by Sir H. Maxwell Wellington, Duke of C 25 SI", 18 Wellington's Career ; by Lieut. -Col. E. B. Hamley. Wellington, Duke of C 19 V 22 Windham, General. Diary and Letters of C23Q11 Wolfe; by Sir A. Alison--,/, From Cromwell to Wellington. Wilkinson, S. C 26 R 18 Generative Organs and System— -Edceology Elliot, S. B. A 26 S 29 Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 [.See also Chastity ; Contagious Diseases Laws and Legislation; Genito-Urinary System: Social Purity.] Genesis — Old Testament - From Genesis to ( leology in Warfare of with Theology. White. A. D. G3U17, 18 ... Fiske, A. K. G 11 U20 Geneva Arbitration — Adams, Charles Francis History of the Red Cross Ai C19P29 ssoc. of tlie Red Cross F 11 V 32 [See also "Alabama," The; Arbitration, International; Inter- national Law.] Genito-Urinary System — Diseases of the Genito- Urinary Apparatus in Practical Thera- peutics ". Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Prepuce, Glaus Penis, and Testicles; by Dr. E. Martin— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Genito-Urinary Diseases Morrow, P. A. A 26 V 19-22 Therapeutics of the Male Genito-Urinary Tract; by Dr. W. T. Belfield— in Practical Therapeutics....:. Hare. 11. A. A 31 P 17 [.See also Calculi; Dermatology; Diabetes; Fallopian Tubes; Generative Organs ; Gynecology; Kidneys; Urinary Organs ; and under each Disease.] Genius — Genius and Degeneration Hirsch, W. G 5 R 36 Human Machine, The Nisbct, J. F. G 24 Q 5 Paradoxes Siidfcld, M. S. G 3 U 16 [.See also Psychology. ] Gentry, Colonial. [See Family Histories — American.] Gentry, Landed- Family Records Burke, A. P. K 8 U 15 Visitation of Ireland Howard, J. J. K 10 V 11 f [.See also Aristocracy ; Genealogy.] Geodesy- 's Sciences. Coinptes rendus de- Seances 506 den Stand der Krforschung der Breitenvariation. Albrecht, T. A17S28t dus des Seances cle la douzieme Conference Cencrale, A 25 U 13 A 38 T 10 A 32 U 27 Geodetic Surveys ia, Russia s des Ope. 1 States Coast and Geodet ... (it. Brit, andlrel. - •ey Office A 11 W 10 t uission ( leodesique. Belgium A 20 P 26 f Tublie Library of New South Wales. Geodetic Surveys conld. GeodetieOperationsinthcC nitedStates.Repoit .. United States - Coast and Geodetic Survey A 18 T 33 t Methods and Results of the United States Coast and (ieodetic Survey Cnited States - Coast and Geodetic Survey 526 New York -- boundary Commission, Report upon the New York and Pennsylvania Boundary A 32 R 37 Triangulation du Royaume de Belgique Belgium 526.3 United States -('nasi and (ieodetic Survey, Report 520 [See alxo Boundaries of Countries; Geographical Surveys; Scientific Expeditions ; and under United States in Author Catalogue.] Geographers — Memoirs of a Revolutionist Kropotkin, Prince C 23 T 18, 19 Thomas Best Jcrvis Tervis, Lieut. -Gen. T, B. C 26 Q 17 Geographical Distribution of Plants and Animals. [See Botany and Flora — By Countries; Distribution of Plants and Animals; Zoology and Fauna — By Coun- tries.] Geographical Societies. [Sen Geography — Societies.] Geographical Surveys — United States Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report United States Engineer Dept. A 10 U US f [See aho Geodetic Surveys.] Geography — General — Address liv Sir J. Hector Australasian Assoc. , Advance, of Science, Kept., 1S!1S 506 Applied Geography Keltic, J. S. 1> 20 Q 24 British Association for Advancement ofScience, Kept.. 1805 506 Dawn of Modern Geography Beazley, C. R. D 18 U 19 Earth ill Warfare of Science with Theology White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Evolution of Geography Keane, J. D 13 S 9 Function and Field of Geography ; by J. S. Keltic .. Smithsonian Institution, Repts. , 1897 506 Geography ... Angus and Rohertson's School Scries MG 2 U 48 Geography Oldham, H. Y. G 18 Q 36 Geography for Third Class Smith, S. II. MG 2 T CG Grammar' of Modern Geography ... Bovce, Rev. W. MI) 1 P 74 History and Geograpln : by K. E. Morris Mclb. Rev., 1 052 Importance of Gcngraphv:'bv Sir K. Strickland Roval Gcog. Soc, Aust., N. S." Wales Ur. , Journal, 1892-93 910.6 International Geography Mill, H. F. 1)22 R 12 Man on the Earth Lyde, L. W. 1) 20 Q 23 Memory Mapping Benton, J. W. MD1P71 Progress of Geographical Discovery during the Reign of Queen Victoria; by A. C. Maedonald... Roval Geog. Soc, Austalasia, Victoria, 1897 910.6 Siogarapi mai Arimetika MG 2 T 22 Sixty Years' Progress of (ieographieal Discovery; by A. C. Mae- donald ... Aust. Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 1S98 506 Smithsonian Geographical Tables; by R. S. Woodward. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. ( '(elections, 35 508 System of Universal Geography ... Bankcs, Rev. T. 1) 22 R 4 I Universal System of Geography Millar, (i. H. D 17 U 7 t What Geography Teaches Royal Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 12, 13 (110.6 [See aho Antarctic Regions ; Arctic Regions; Atlases; Biblical Geography; Boundaries of Countries; Cartography; Latitude; Longitude; Physical ( ieo< raphe ; Sailing Directions; Travellers and Explorers; Travels; Tropics; Voyages; and sub-headings Geography, Topography, and Maps, under each Country.] Dictionaries and Gazetteers — Bailliere's Queensland. ( lazetteers... Whitworth, R. P. MD 3 S 3 Geographical Dictionary, 1691 Bohun, E. I) 19 P 11 Imperial Gazetted- of India Hunter, W. W. D 19 S 7-20 Longmans' Gazetteer of the World 1) 15 S 13 f History — Christian Topography of Cosmas, 530-50... Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 98 910.6 Story of Geographical Discovery Jacobs, J. D20P11 Geography — Mann ah, Nompvelatnre — United States - Board of Geographic Names, Repts. D 1G T 24, 25 Periodicals — Cosmos 910.5 ( ieographieal Journal Royal Geographical Society 910.5 Geographical Magazine D 23 P 1-6 Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Gcographischer Anstalt; In- haltsvcrzcichnis von Petermann's ( ieographischen Mitteilungen ; Gcographischer Litteratur-Eericht Petermann, A. 910.5 Ocean Highways. [See (ieographieal Magazine under this heading.] Scottish Geographical Magazine... Roy. Scottish Geog. Soc. 910.5 Geographical Society of the Paeiiic, Proceedings A 38 R 24 Institute Naeional de Geogralia v Estadistica de la Republica Mexicana, Boletino D 21 V 1-21 International (ieographieal Congress, VI, Report 910.6 Liverpool Geographical Society, Transactions 910.6 Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Journal 910.6 Royal Geographical Society, ( 'barter and Bye laws 910.6 Royal Geographical Society, (ieographieal Journal 910:5 Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings 910.6 Royal Geographical Society, Victorian Branch, Trans 910.6 Soeiete de Geographic, Compte rendu des Seances 910.G Teaching of — Address by Sir J. Madden ... Royal Gcog. Soc, Aust., Victorian Branch, Trans., 1800 910.6 Teaching of Geography United States Bureau of Education, Rept., 1897 379.73 Teaching of Geography; by Commander V. L. Cameron. Internat. Health Kxhib., 1S84, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Teaching of Geography in Central E'uropc in Report of Commis- sioner of Education, '92-93 ...U.S.- Bureau of Education 379. 73 Ancient- Christian Topography of Cosmas, o.'iO 50... Hakluyt Soc. Pubs.. 08 910.6 History of Ancient Geography Tozer, Rev. H. F. D 17 R 28 Riviera, Ancient and Modern Lenthcric, C. 1) IS S 13 ■ Biblical. [See Biblical Geography.] Military- Military Geography Maguirc, T. M. D 21 S 5 Physical. [See Physical Geography.] Geological Periodicals. [See Geology— Periodicals.] Geological Societies. [See Geology— Societies.] Geological Surveys, Maps, and Atlases. [See Geology — Surveys, Maps, and Atlases; and under the name of each Country in Author Catalogue.] Geologists — Croll, James, Autobiographical Sketch of C 21 U 6 Miller, Hugh, Life of C 20 T 13 Pengelly, William, Memoir of C 24 T 2 Prestwich, Sir J., Life and betters of C 25 T 10 Woodward, H. P., a Western Australian Geologist ... Geological Magazine, 1S97 550.5 Geology— General— Academic des Sciences, Comptes lendus des Seances 506 Address by Capt. Hutton Australasian Assoc. Advance, of Science, Rept., 180s 5o6 Ago of the Earth as an Abode Fitted for Life; by Lord Kelvin. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Annals and Magazine of Natural History 590.5 Australasian Association for Advance of Science, Rept 500 British Association for Advancement ofScience, Rept., 1895 506 Directions for Collecting Rocks, and for the Preparation of Thin Sections Merrill, G. P. A 24 V 35 Earth and its Story Heilprin, A. A 24 Q 30 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. gy— General— contd. louts of Chemical and 1'livsical Geology ; by Prof. G. Bischof. Cavendish Society, Works A 30 T 1-3 Mcrsof Geology Geikic, Sir A. A 24 S 21} y Li; . Da i, U.S.N. ISIS Geological Laboratory Notes. ..Roy. Hoc., N.S.W., Jo Geologic Annee Seientiflque et Industrielle 505 Geology, Chemical. Physical, and St ratigraphical. Prestwich, J. A 25 V 32, 33 Introduction to Geology Scott, W. B. A 24 R 20 Modern Geology .' Green, A. H. A 24 P 24 Naturalist in Mid Africa Elliot, G. F. S. A 28 U 22 Note 'ii Ant antic Rocks... Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Journal, 29 500 Phil - pliieal Magazine London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Pliilosopliieal Magazine 505 Praet ice and Science of Mining Engineering Kaii-lcy, W. A22R 18 Prospc tor's Handbook Andersen, J. VV. A 24 P 19 Rcli of Primeval Life Dawson, Sir J. W. A 24 R 28 Rock-. Rock weathering, and Soils . . .Merrill, (!. P. A 33 V 20 St on of the Earth and Man Dawson, Sir J. A 40 T 22 Student's Lycll Lvell. Sir C. A 24 R IS Tun. ■ an Element in Ecological History; by Sir. A. Geikie. British Assoc. . Advance, of Science, Rept.., 1899 500 United States -National .Museum, Proceedings 507 [See n/.sO Artesian Water and Wells; Bronze' Age ; Caves; Coal- mining; Corals and Coral Reefs; Creation; Deluge; Earth; Iron Age: Meteors and Meteorites : Mineralogy; Paleontology ; Petrology; Primeval Man; Physical Geography; Seismology; Stone Age: Volcanoes; and sub-heading Geological Survey under name of Country in Author Catalogue," for Official Publications.] Bibliography — Australian Geological Record, 1890; with Addenda, 1891-95; by R. Etheridge, junr....N.S.W.— Geol. Surv., Records, 5 559.44 Hand'', orterbivh der Mineralogie, Ccologic, und Ta'a-oiitologie. Enevklopa'die der Nalurw is-amsehaftcn A 42 P 2-4 Nomenclature of Geological Age; by G. B. Pricharcl Royal Society, Victoria, Proc., 1900 500 Periodica!.-' — ( leoh igical Magazine 550.5 Journal of Geology 550.5 Kaisc: lich-Kdnigliche G oolo. ;i soke Pen hsa list ait , Jahrbueh 550. (i Neucs Jahrbueh fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Pahcontologie. Societies— Geological Society of Ameiica, Bulletin 550.0 Royal Geologic d'Soeioty of Cornwall, Trans A 42 W 1-11 <..-.,! Jcal Society of London, Quarterly Journal 550.5 GeoloL ieal Society of London, Transactions A 20 3-14 t Ma.e :. osier Geological Society, Transactions 550.0 Zeitiehrift der I >,' ut s'ohen .g'c' ,h ,gi, X'n !': c'scIIm iiaft '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 55o!o Canada Geological Surrey, Report 557.1 England and Wales, Geological Survey of, Memoirs. Gt. Brit, and lrel. ( [....logical Survey A 47 and Bd. Room Geol,.., of the Henry Mi United S Great Britain, Geological India Geological Survey, Records Iowa Geological Survey, Report .. Ireland, Geological Survey of, Menu Minnesota -( ieological Survey A 13 \V 20 + lyof, Memoirs... (it. Brit, and lrel. .gical Survey A 47 and Bd. Room Geology - nd Nat vey, Mei , .Men : Pake. itology ilogy oo9.44 es;by J. Stirling. Inst., Mining Engineers, Proc, 1898 022.06 Canada— Geological Survey A 25 V 16 d Survey, Progress Reports.. Queensland - Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 + Survey of, Memoirs Gt. Brit, and lrel. - Geological Survey A 47 and Bd. Room MAS By Countries. - Abyssinia— 'vations on the Geology and Zoiilog; Geological Collection, by Dr. J. W.Gregory /„ Through Unknown African Countries Smith, A. D. I) 20 U 21 Great Rift Valley Gregory, J. W. D 14 V 22 Alaska — Geology of the Yukon Gold District, Alaska; by J. E. Spurr. United States — Geological Survey, IS, part 3 557.3 Reconnaissance of the Gold-liel. Is of Southern Alaska; by G. V. Becker United States-Geological Survey, Rept. 18 557.3 Australia - Bcitriige zur Geologic von Ae.stralien Leichhardt, L. MA3P 11 t General Geology of Central Australia Tate, R. MA 3 R 62 Geological Specimens collected by dipt. King on the Coasts of Australia, and by Robert Brown on the Shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria, during the Voyage of Cap',, flinders; by Dr. W. H. Fitton...Lond.. Edi'nb.. and 1 lublinPhilo.sophiealMag., 1820 505 Historical Sketch of the Geological Relations of Australia and Tasmania ; by R. M. Johnston... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Proc., 1895 022.06 [See also each Colony under this heading.] California- Bibliography relating to ih Resources of California; Geology and Natural liisto e Min ,g Bur A 24 29 e Peninsula of Lower California ; onal Museum, Rept,, 1895 507 Oil and Gas-yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties; by XV. L. Watts ... California State Milling Bureau A 37 R 23 Canada- American Association, Advancement of Science, Proc 506 Canadian Laurcntiaii ; by F. D. Adams MeGill University Ge .logical Survey Department, Repor Geological Survey of Canada. . . ( 'a me la "realf by K. D. Adams .'. Met Cornwall Royal Geological Society, Cornwall, Tra nes dans le Bas- nan, F. A 40 S 3 , et dc la Suisse ni, H. A 31 S 2 86i JPublic Library of New South Wales, Survey \47P Geological Survey of England and Wales, Memoirs. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Geological Survey A 47 and Bd. Room [For detail of Geological Memoirs «ee Great Britain and Ireland- Geological Survey, in Author Catalogue.] Pliocene Deposits of Britain Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Geological Survey A 47 P Silurian Rocks of Britain... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geological Survey A47P [See also Ireland, Scotland under tliis heading.] . Ramond, G. 1 S 21 Ireland — Collection of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland; by A. McHenry... (it. Brit, and Irel. Science anil Arts Museum, Dublin A 24 S 24 Geological Survey of Inland, Memoirs Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Geological Survey A 47 and Bd. Room [For detail of ( icological Memoirs »uarl vW. If. Ferguson... .1 and Plant-bearing iastern Australia and N.S.Wales Geolo". ,!ogv of Coimaidai; 1 Geology — Victoria —contd. Geology of the Lower Leigh Valley; bv. J. Dennant Royal Society, Victoria, Proc., 1808 506 Geology of the Lower Moorabul ; by T. S. Hall ... Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1807 506 Glacial Epoch in the Southern Hemisphere; by (J. S. Griffiths. Melbourne Review, 10 052 Miocene Strata of the Gippsland Lakes Area; by J. Dennant. Roval Societv, Victoria, Proc., 1897 506 Northward Extension of the Dcrrim'al Conglomerate; by E. J. Dunn Roval Societv. Victoria, Proc., 1897 506 Proposed Sub-division of the Eocene Rocks of Victoria; by T. S. Hall Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1895 506 Results of Recent Examinal ion of the ( 'entral Pails of the Aus- tralian Alps: bv R. von Lendenfcld N. S. Wales Mines MA 13 P2 t Tertiaries in the Neighbourhood of Melbourne ; byG. B. Pritchard. Royal Societv, Victoria, Proceedings, 1S06 5»'6 Victoria-Geological Snrvev, Progress Reports MA 5 V 1 5 Victoria's Vicissitudes; by G. S. Griffiths ... Melb. Rev., 10 052 Western Australia - Bibliography of the Geologv of Western Australia; by A. G. Mai'tland... Western Australia Geological Survey MA 4 R 14 Dry Lakes of Western Australia: by H. P. Woodward. Geological Magazine, 1807 550.5 Geological Notes on Coolgardie Gold-lields; by ('. Chewings. Royal Colonial Institute, Proc'., 1895 90 325.342 Geology and Mineral Deposits of Portions of Western Australia; by E. F* Pittman N.S.W. — Geo]. Survey, Records, 6 559.44 Geology of the Coolgardie Goldlield; by T. Blatchford... Western Australia— Geological Survey, Bulletin, 3 MA 4 R 4 [See alio Coolgardie. ] Agricultural. [See Soils and Subsoils.] Economic. [See Asbestos; Asphalt; Clays; Coal; Gems; Marbles; Mineral Waters; Mineralogy; Petro- leum; Phosphates; Pumice Stone; Salt; Soils and Sub-soils ; Sulphur; and under each Metal and Mineral.] Geometry — Academic des Sciences, Comptcs rendus des Seances 506 \nalvlical Geometry Lambert, P. A. A 23 P 36 Elements of Geometry Loomis, E. A 25 R 29 Euclid Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 2 U 46 Geometry Workman, W. P. G 18 Q 36 Geometry of Position Reyc, T. A 39 P 21 Mathematical Works Barrow, Rev. I. A 25 U 15 Practical Plane and Solid G netry Evans, T. J. A 25 S 20 Pure Mathematics Carr, G. S. A 31 S 4 Study and Difficulties of Mathematics... De Morgan, A. A 25 P 50 Works Archimedes A 35 T 16 [See alio Conic Sections ; Curves; Mathematics; Mensuration.] Geophilidse — Arrangement of the Gcophiliihe; by 0. F. Cook. .. United States - National Museum, Proc, 18 507 [Sic alio Myriapoda.] Georgia General mid /)eserij>tire — Dixie; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches ... Ralph, J. I) 22 R 5 . History— American Colonial Tracts 973.2 Georgia, Strait of ' ,Sh Gt. Rrit'.'and Irel'. Hydrographio < Mice 1)49 P 1 { Georgian Literature - [See also Helmi German Art. Tublic Library of New South Wales. German Church. [See Reformed German Church.] German Colonies. [See Germany — Colonies.] German Dictionaries. [See German Language — Diction- German Language— Ger n Language... er, F. Dictionaries — Deutsches Wiirterbuch Grimm, J. KHE26 English-German Dictionary Plugcl, 1'. .1 7 V 20, '-'7 German Idioms Weisse, T. H. J IIP 53 llebraisehes und Clialditisches Sehul-Worterbueh Fiirst, J. J 9 P 48 Grammars — Complete Practical Grammar of the I rerman Language. Weisse, T. H. J 12 P 49 Conversational Exercises in German Composition... Weisse, T. H. J 12 P 50 German Grammar for "Beginners Apel, H. J 24 U 30 Manual of German Composition Only, C. H. J 12 P 47 ■ School Books — Bilderbuch ohne Bilder Anderson, H. C. J 12 P 33 German Prose Stories for Beginners Apel, H. J 24 U 28 German Reading-book Mdller, A. ,7 24 S 35 German Reading-book for Beginners ... Hiekie, \V. J. J 9 R 37 Kinder- und Hausmiirchen Grimm, J. L. J 12 P 39 German Literature — Uliithezeit der Romantik Huch, R, J 17 U 14 German Literature for Sebool.s Phillipps, V. J11P51 History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages Influence of Welsh Traditioi France, and Scandinavia Periods of European Literature Social Forces in German Literature . [See also Dramatic Literature — C Poetry-German.] Janssen, J. 75 43 P 7-70 icke, K. F 17 P 17 German Philosophy. [S ; 1'hilosophy— Gorman, and icohi, Kant, Leibnitz, Lotze, ipenhauer, in Author Cata- Kchelling, Soldo; loguc.] German Universities. [See Universities — G under the titles of Universities.] Germanton, N.S.W.— Churches— Gcrmanton Presbyterian Church, N.S.W., Reports. Germany -Gevn-ol and Descriptive — Reclus, E. D 21 U 3 an War; Germany --Colonies; Reformed n Church ; and under Territorial Divisions, Cities, and irbject.] — Army— , 1S98 U.S.— Adjut A 30 W 20 ; by Major I F15P43 Germany — Colonies and Dependencies — German Colonies in Africa an. 1 i lie South Pacific. ..( it. Brit.andlrel.— Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 3S2 382 German Colonies in Africa and the Southern Pacific— in Reports on Subjects of General Interest, Misc. Series, 1897. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 ■ Commerce and Trade — Foreign Commerce and Industrial Progress of Germany. United States Consular Repts., 59 382 Industrial Progress of the German Empire- in Our Trade in the World (iastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 Statistik der Seeschiil'alirt fiir das Jahr 1897 Germany 056 Trade of Germany — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 3S2 Coiistilnt'mnid. History — Governments of Germany— in The State... Wilson, W. F 13 V 7 Teutonic Polity and Government during the Middle Ages- in The State Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 History — General . Lilly, W. S. J 14 S 14 Frank Gesammelte Werke Freytag, G. .7 23 U 41 45 Gesammelte Werke Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 32 History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages. Janssen, J. B 43 P 7-10 Medheval Empire, The Fisher, H. F 8 Q 1 1 , 1 2 Prose Works Wagner, R. J 4 S 16, 17 Social Forces in German Literature Franeke, K. F 77 P 17 Formative Period, -a.d. 843. Charlemagne, theHeroofTwoNations... Davis, H.W.C, A27 Q 73 Charles the Great ; by T. Hodgkin Charlemagne C 23 S 5 History of Germany in the Mid. lie. \ges.S00 1 3i in.. . Henderson, E. K. B 27 R 9 Empire before Reformation, a.d. 843-1519. History of Germany in l lie Middle Ages. SI Ml- 1300... Henderson, E.E. B 27 R 9 Reformation, a.d. 1519-1618. Melanchthon, Philip Richard, Rev. J. W. G 23 P 48 Peasants' War in Germany, 1525 20, 10. B. B 17 Q 30 Rise Kni. leuer, Mine, de, nr Prussia, a Life and Lette d. 1705-89. sof; by C. For New G Ambassador of the V nquished, 787 , A.D. 7800 . -77 B . Broglie, Due do B 31 U 20 Bismarck and German Unity Smith, M. B 20 S 14 Bismarck and the foundation of the German Umpire. Headlam, J. W. B 30 Q 25 Bismarck, Life of; by Dr. M. Busch C 25 P 15-17 Bismarck, Prince; by C. Lowe C 19 T 19 Bismarck, the Man and Statesman 25 R 11, 12 Campaign of Sedan Hooper, G. B 10 P 29 History of the German Struggle for Liberty Bigelow, P. B 10 T 12, 73 Revolution and Counter Revolution ; or, Germany in 1848. Marx, K. B 27 Q 7 William II, German Emperor C 22 P 20 lleadouin tors in 1870 71. Verdy du Vernois, Gen. J. von B 39 Q 8 ■ Nwvy- Fleets of Great Br, la ml porei-n Countries, 1898. (it. Brit, and' Irel. Admiralty A 30 V 18 % Naval Policy Steevcns, G.'W. F 12 T 23 Politics — German Imperial Politics— in World Polities Reinseli, P. S. F 19 S 5 Gesammelte Werke Freytag, G. J 23 V 39 Gesammelte Werke , G.iUknw, K. .1 24 S 32 Nation's Awakening, The Wilkinson. S. P 12 P 10 Paternal State in France and Germany... Ga.illieur, If. F 13 R 31 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 867 n ; or, Germany in 1848. Marx, K. B 27 Q 7 Gutzkow, K. .J 24SS0 .. I'.enedetti, Count F 14 U 27 . MacColl, Rev. M. V 12 T 23 Germicides. [See Disinfection; Sanitation.] Germs in Disease. [See Bacteriology; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Disinfection; Pathology; and under each Disease.] Period of Gestation in Echidna; bv Dr. R. Broom Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895 580.6 [Sie also Embryology.] Gesture Speech. [See Sign Language.] Geysers and Hot Springs — Geysers Action of Rotorua ... N.Z. Journal of .Science, 1891 505 [in iinatc Connection existing between the 1'seuilo- Volcanic Phe- nomena of Iceland; bv Prof. Iiimscn... Cavendish Society, Tubs. A36S 1 Our Western Archipelago... Field, H. M. D 16 S 4 also Volet Ghetto. [See "olcan »■] 8.] . Lang, A. G 11 U 3' __ang, A. G 11 U 30 1 Pulpit, The Haweis, Rev. H. R. G 19 T 21 Dream Land and (ihost Land Hood, E. P. G 15 U 12 Kcvptian Magic Budge, Rev. E. A. W. G 25 P 20 Ghosts and Coblins in Borderland of Science ... Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 Real (ihost Stories Stead, W. T. J 24 U 41 Studies in Psychical Research Podmore, F. G 23 S 5 Theory of Pneumatology Stilling, J. H. J. G 15 U 14 [.S'r <■ aim Apparitions; llalliu -inations ; Magic; M ind and Body ; Psychical Research; Spiritualism; Supei naluralism ; Super- Giants and Dwarfs Wood, E. J. A 19 S 17 Gibraltar — Annual Reports — In Colonial Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Office 354.428 Gilbert Islands— General and Descriptive — Gilbert Islands ; by C. M. Woodford— in Geographical Journal, 1805 Roy. Geograph. Soe. 910.5 ■ Geiii/ritjilii/, TtijiiHiriijihi/, and Maps — ■ Gilbert Islands, 1898 [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P 34 J To Nu Tetcmcnt'i ac ana taeka ara uea ao ara tia kamaiu are Isuc Ivristo Bibles and Testam-nts MG 2 T 34 Gipsies. [See Gypsies.] Girders — Girls. [S, Glacial Geology — Alleged Evidence of Rocks oft lie Ashfoi Dim Yorke's Peninsula ; Trans., 1900 506 ,.lourn.,52 550.6 ml Inman Valley , Adva e. of Science, Kept., 1S9S 500 Evidences of Glaciation in Central Australia; by R. Tate. Royal Soe., South Australia, Trans., 1897 506 Further Discoveries of Glacial Rem mis in South Australia; by VV. Howchin Roval Soe, S. Australia, Trans., 1S97-9S 506 Glacial Action in Hie Bacchus Marsh; bv C. C. Brittlebank, and others Aust. Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rcpt., 1898 506 Glacial Action on Mt. Kosciusko Plateau; bv Rev. J. M. Curran. Linnean Society, X. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 Glacial Beds of Tooleen.Colcraine. and Wanda Dale: by E.G. Hogg. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rcpt., 1 898 506 Glacial Boulders at Yellow Clid. Central Australia... Australasian Glacial Geology ochinvar, Nei Nation in Tas t Ice c Mar . Royal Society, is, 1894-95 506 1, J. A 24 T 27 ml Ileus •. H. N. A 30 Q 23 Our Western Archipelago Field, H. M. D 16 S 4 Ragnarok, the Age of Fire and Gravel... Donnelly, I. A 44 U 12 Rock-scorings of the Great Ice Invasion; by T. C. Chambcrlin. United States -Geological Survey, Annual Rcpt,, 7 557.3 Scenery of Switzerland, ami the Causes to which it is Due. Lubbock, Sir J. A 24 R 19 Story of lee Brend, W. A. A 33 R 31 Structure and Motion of Glaciers i'w Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Structure of Glacier Ice -in Scientific Memoirs ... Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [See also Alps; Antarctic Regions ; Arctic Regions; Icebergs.] Glaciers — Glacier Ray and its Glaciers; by H. F. Uei.l-irt Geological Survey, Rept, 16, pt. 1 U.S. Dept. of Interior 557.3 Glaciers' of the United States; by I. C. Russell... United States— [See also Glacial Geology.] Gladstone, Queensland m, J. F. MB 3 S 1 i, T. H. A 40 P 11 Public Library of Neva South Wales. Glands — Internal Secretions; by Dr. J. (i. Adami McGill U liversity A 40 8 24 [See also Glandular Fever; Lymphatic System; Thyroid Gland; and under each System for its own Glands.] Glandular Fever- Glandular Fever; by Dr. D. Williams— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 X 35 Glasgow —General and Descriptive — Guide to Glasgow Black, A. D 11 Q 11 Sights and Scenes in Scotland Scotland A 8 Q 26 t Churches — History of the Cathedral and See of Glasgow. . . Glasgow Cathedral B23P15 014.143 Directories — Glasgow Post Olliee Directory ■ History — ■ Early History of Glasgow— in Scottish Nationality. . . Ker, Rev. J. G 25 S 24 Glasgow and its Clubs Strang, J. B 28 T 3 • Municipal Government — Glasgow; its Municipal Organization Bell, Sir J. F9V2 Glass-blowing — Glass-blow in-' and Winking Bolas, T. A 25 P 47 Laboratory Arts Threlfall, R. MA 4 P 8 Glass Manufacture- Art de la Verrerie Hondt, P. d' A 30 V 13 Clay Industries and Glass — in Chemistry for Manufacturers, 2. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Glass-painting and Staining — Art of William Morris Day, L. F. AllW20f Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 I' 5 Historic Stylos of Ornament I lolniotsch, H. A18T15f Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion Brannt, W. T. A 23 R 51 Painting on Class and Porcelain and I'aiamel-painting. Hermann, F. A 45 U 17 Peinture sur Verre en Belgique an dix-ncuvicmo siecle. O'Kellv, Comte A. A 44 V 7 Stained Glass as an Art Holiday, H. A 23 V 5 Training of a ('raftsman Miller, F. A 23 S 41 Windows: a Hook about Stained and Painted Class... Dav, L. F. A 40 R (i [See also Dei-oration and Decorative Ail ; Kn ■unels ami Lnamelling. ] Glass-ware — Fifty Years of Art, 1849-99 Art Journal A 20 T 2 t [See Greenhouse Gardening.] Glenorchy Caves — Visit to the Bone Caves at Glenorchy ; by S. H. Winde. Colonial Monthly, 1 M.T 4 V Glossaries. [See sub-headings Dialects, Glossaries, undt each Language.] Glossina morsitans. [See Tsetse Fly.] Gloucester Cathedral — Gloucester Cathedral White Robe of Churches Gloucestershire — General and Descriptive— Cotswold Village, A Gibbs, J. A. D 13 S f English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library 1) 20 V 4 dory - >f Gloucestershire ! Court of Chancery ioncs Post Mortem returned i of Charles I British Record Society, 12 914.241 English Shires .. Crcighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f Glue and Glue-testing Rideal, S. A 33 S 37 Manufacture of Leather, Glue, and Size in Chemistry for Manu- facturers, 2 Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Glyceridse— New Type of Nephridium in Clvcera; bv E. S. Goodrich. International ( 'ongre.-s of Zoology', Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 [See also Helminthology ; Polychseta. ] " Glyeyphyllin — Glycyphyllin, the Sweet Principle of Smilax qh/cyphylla. Ronnie,' E. H. MA 3 \Y IS [See also Chemistry, Organic.] Glyptodipterini — Glytolamus Kimi iirJi—in Scientific Memoirs Huxley. T. H. A 40 S 16 Glyptodontidae— New Specimen of Glyptodon in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [See also Palaeontology— Mammalia.] Gnostics and Gnosticism- Free Enquiry into the Origin of the Fourth Gospel... Sense, P. C. G 24 U 35 History of Early ChriMian Literature Kriigcr.O. G 24 Q 18 Intellectual Development Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 [See also Heresies.] Goats — Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 Habits of the Rocky Mountain Coat ; by .J. C. Merrill. United States — National Museum, Proc., 2 507 Keeping Goats for Profit; bv A. Barnes United States — Dcpt. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 030.5 , Wild Oxen, Sheep, and Goats of All Lands Lydckker, R. A 20 P 7 t [See also Angora Goat.] God and Divine Attributes- Active and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, D. G 16 V 4. 5 Basis of Early Christian Theism Cole, L. T. G 26 T 3 "Butler's Analogv" and Modern Thought Eagar, Rev. A. R. G 26 I' 12 Christian Ethics Martcnsen, Bishop G3U 11-13 Conception of God Royce, J. G 23 Q 1 Dawn of Reason in Religion /// Civilisation of our Day. Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 De Dominio Divino... Wyelif Soeietv Publications, 14 G 23 T 28 Elements of the Science of Religion Tiele, C. P. G 11 U 34 Evolution of the Idea of God Allen, G. G 23 S 7 Existence of God Bachelor, 0. G 15 0" 24 Existence of God -in Writings Paine, T. J 6 T 25 Fundamental Ideas of Chi istiamt v... Caird, Rev. J. G 5 P 32, 33 Nash, H. S. G 11 U 18 God in His World Alden, H. M. G 24 P 17 God in History Bunsen, Baron G 23 S 20 22 Idea of God Baynes, H. G 24 V 17 Idee do Dieu Alviella, Comte O. A' G 4 T 16 Idee do Dieu Lo Movne, P. G 15 U 28 Metaphysic of Kx])erience Hodgson, S." H. G 17 R 33-36 Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 Philosophy of Religion Caird, Rev. D.J. G 1 T 25 Place of Christ in Modern Theologv I'airbairn, Rev. A. M. G 20 R 8 Problem, The Williams, H. MG 2 Q 56 Providential Order of the World ... Bruce, Rev. A. B. G 23 R 7 Rcchcrches sur l'Origine de l'Idce de Dieu d'apivs le Rig-Vec Ric, 1 ile P e Salvatoi ot, A. 5T 1 What the Bible Teaches World and the Individual [.S'ee also Atheism ; Christianity ; Croat Idolatry ; Jesus Christ ; Monotheism ology— Natural ; Trinity.] v'3'elif Soeietv Plications, 14 G 23 T 2*8 orrcy, R. A. G 23 U 44 .... 'Royce, J. G 25 T 3 n; Deism; Holv Ghost; Religion: Theism; The- Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Gods and Goddesses -Mythology — Atlantic Essays Higginson, T. W. J 14 U 2 Bock of the Dead B 37 V 13-15 Gods of Old and the Storv that thcv told... Fit/Simon, Sir J. A. B41 P 12 \St<. ulso Mythology; and under each God.] Goitre — Diseases of the Thymus and Thyroid Glands, and Exophthalmic Ooitre; by Dr. K. C. Norris- ,'« Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 nism; Thyroid Gland.] [See Gold Currency ry of Money in.l Prices Sehoenhof, J. F 8 V 19 the United States United States Dept, of the Treasury 332.41 itallism ; Coinage; Mints.] Gold— Metallurgy — California Gold-mill Practi Chemistry of Gold ?reston, E. B. A 25 U 18 .. Scoffern, J. A 33 Q 20 uiimrinauon rrocess Wilson, E. B. A 33 P 12 Crystalline Structure (if Gold and Platinum Nuggets and Gold ingots; by A. Liversidgc. .. Chemical Soc, Journ., 1897 540.G Crystalline Structure of Gold and Platinum N'uggcts and Gold ingots; by A. Liversidgc Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1898 506 Cyanide Process; by A. Scheidel California- State Mining Bureau A 24 T 33 Improvements in Treating Minerals for the Wet Extraction of (wild and Silver; bv Or. Storer ... Engineering Assoc, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1893-94 620.6 Klerksdorp Gold-fields Denny, G. A. A 31 S 15 Metallurgy of ({old Eissler, M. A 24 S 19 Mctillurgyof Gold. 5th cd Eissler, M. A 46 V 2 Metallurgy of Gold Rose, T. K. A 24 S 27 Metallurgy of Gold on the Hand Begeer, B. W. A 38 T 6 Presence of ({old in Natural Saline I )<■ posit s and Marine Plants; by A Liversidgc Chemical Society, Journal, 1897 540.6 Relative Value of Specimens of Native Gold from the Different Countries whence it is brought to market in these Colonies; by Sir W. T. Denison in Papers of the Corps ... Roval Engineers "A 41 S 17, 18 Stamp-milling of Gold Ores Rickard, T. A. A 37 R 21 Tallies for Standardina Gold Elouis, C. MA 9 Q 4 t Pyrites ... Serjeant, R. M. MA 4 P 11 1:1::, ■> Alcl: Gold Coast— General and Descripth Annual Reports -,« Colonial Reports Gold Coast, Past and Preset, History— 1 Asante, 15(H) 18(19,. Nine Years; Gold-dredging — Araluen Proprietary Dredu'e. Photograph Araluen Proprietary Cold -dredging Co., Prospe .... Gt. Brit, andlrel.— Colonial Office 354.428 MacDonald, ({. D 14 R 25 idorf, Rev. C. C. B16S 16 v. D. B25T17 B39 Q 15 MF5U 18 MF 5 U 18 Gold-fields— General— Genesis of Gold-fields Calvert, J. MA 4 S 1 Gold-mines of the World Curie, J. H. A 34 V 28 Some Abandoned < iold-lields of the Old World: bv F. H. Hodgson. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1894-95 506 By Countries. Alabama- Upper Gold P.elt of Alabama, Report Brewer, W. M. Alaska — Alaskan ({old-fields, and the Opportunities thcv all'ord for Capital and Labor ; by S. C. Durham... United States -Bureau of Labor, Bulletin, May, 1898 331 Australia — Australia and its Gold; by A. H. Guernsey .. Australian Gold Dis.-ovory and its Kll'eets upon Australia; by W. Westgartl, National Association. Promoting Social Science, Trans., 1861 F 15 T 6 Goldfelder Australasiens Schmeisser, K. MA 2 P 34 t ({old-fields of Australasia Schmeisser, K. MA 2 P 35, 36 t [See also each Colony under this heading.] California- Eldorado Taylor, B. D 16 Q 2 Gold-Silver Veins of Ophir, California United States— Geol. Survey, Rept., 14, part 2 557.3 Cape Horn — Gold-diggings of Cape Horn Spears, J. R. A 24 T 26 Klondyke— Gold-fields of the Klondike Leonard, J. W. A 33 P 29 Lecture on the Klondike Mining District. .. < tgilvie, W. A 34 V 21 Lecture on the Yukon Gold-field Ogilvie, W. A 33 S 36 Truth about the Klondvke Evre, S. C. MD 2 S 9 h New Guinea; by T. F. Bevan .. Royal Soc, Australasia, Victoria, 1897 506 New South Wales — Auriferous Beach Sands of the Esk River and Jerusalem Creek ; by J. E. Carne... N. S. Wales -Geol. Survcv, Records, 5 559.44 Australian Gold Discoveries ... Colonial and' Asiatic Review, 1853 J 22 S 16 Gold-bearing Rocks at Bingera; by C. C. Mole Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894 622.06 Gold-diggings at Bathurst in 1851 ; bv Mrs. Huxlev... Nineteenth Century, 1899 052 N. S. Wale* Gold-fields, Roval Commission of Enquiry MA 13 P 1 t Hillgrove ({old-field: by E. C. Andrews N. S. Wales - Geol. Survey, Mineral Resources, 8 MA 3 V 48 Lucknow ({old-field; bv A. R. Canning ... Institution of Min I M-t S 99 2.1 Hi Mines d'Oi de 1', ustral e, Pro\ inee le ^ ietor a, et le git i d' Argent de Br. ken 1 ill. No velle- lalli es M 3. Wa Sud. Wvalong 1 >ld-fiel. ; by J. A. Wa N. es ( eologiea v MA 3 V New Zealand Deep Quart w Zeala d— in App othe 1894 .... New Zeal; Cold fields if New Zeala, .1 ... Nt w Zea tieldi- 553.41 Deserip . M \ 3 u 3-. Older Auri iftsoi ).a:'o. Rep, A. M. Kav ii Append! to Jo, rnals, 891 ... N 3-JS. '.,:! 1 Papers and s relating to \ Min n>', N land .... New Zealand Mi 1 Mil Philippine Islands Notes on the Philippine Islands.. U.S. —Consular Repts. , 57 382 Public Library of New South Wales. Gold-fields — Queensland- Annual Reports ... Queensland- Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Auriferous Veins al Charters Towers; by W. J. Paull. Australasian Inst., .Minim,' Engineers, Trans., 1805 022.00 Eunya Bunya Range, and a Visit to Brovinia Cold-field. Queensland Cold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Cape River Cold-field ... Queensland -Cold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Catalogue, Kxhib its in the Queensland Mining Court; by R. L. Jack Queensland lie .logical Survey MA 2 V 53 Croydon Gold-field Queensland Cold-fields" MA 9 P 45 t Kidsvold Gold-field Queensland Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 f Gold-mines at the Fanning and .Mount Success; by W. H. Rands. (Queensland Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Hodgkinson Gold-field ... Queensland Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Horn River Gold-field ... Queensland Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 + Mount Cannindah Copper and Gold Deposits; by W. H. Rands. Queensland Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Notes on the Palmer as a Reefing District; by R. h. Jack. Queensland— Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Notes on the Pikodalo Gold-field; by A. Maitland..." Queensland Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Present Condition of the Ho Igkinsou ( fold-Held : by R. L. Jack. Queensland Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Queensland -Gold-fields, Reports MA 9 P 45 f South Australia — Gold Discovery at Tarcoola ... South Australia— Mines, Records MA 4 U 2 Record of the Mines of South Australia: the Minnahill Gold-field. Brown, H. Y. L. MA 4 U 2 South Australia Gold-fields, Reports MA 9 Q 37 t Mount Lyell Mines, Tasmania Russell, M. MA 1 U 1 1 Transvaal - Klerksdorp Gold-fields Denny, G. A. A 31 S 15 Witwatersraml Gold fields liankel and Mining Practice. Truscott, S. J. A 34 S 49 - Victoria- Auriferous Devonian Formations of Gippsland; by H. Herman. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 022.00 Australian Gold Discoveries... Colonial and Asiatic Review, 1853 J 22 S 16 Contacts; by W. H.Ferguson Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 6 622.06 Deep Alluvial Leads of Victoria; by E. Lidgey Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, bond., Trans., 1S98 90 022.06 Gold Regions of Australia Home Friend, 1853 J 22 S 1 1 Mining Registrars' Reports Victoria— Mines 553 South German Mine, Maldon, Victoria; by J. Mactear. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 0. 622.06 Trip to the Australian Diggings Colonial and Asiatic Review, 1852 J 22 S 15 Victoria - Geological Survey, Progress Reports MA 5 V 1-5 Western Australia— Alluvial Deposits of Western Australia ; by T. A. Rickard. American Inst, of Mining Kngincer's, Trans., 18IKS 022.06 Bogus Rush at Coolgardie; by J. Marshall Wide World Magazine, 3 910.5 Geological Notes on the Coolgardie Coldfields... Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, 1895-96 325.342 Gold-mining Statistics, Western Australia... Western Australia Gold-mining 553.41 Kalgoorlic and its Surroundings; by C. J. Bancroft ... American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., ISilS 022.(10 Land of Gold, The Price, J. M. MDSP.31 Occurrence of Telluride of (fold upon the Kalgoorlic Cold-fields; by G. A. Holrovd... Australasian Institute, Mining Emdneers Trans., 1897 022.00 So-called Lode Formal ions of llaiman's and Telluride Deposits; by H- P. Woodward... I nst.. Mining and Metallurgy. Trans.. 6 022.00 Spinifex and Sand Carnegie, Hon. I). W. Ml) 8 S 1 State of Mining in the Kimbcrley District... Western Australia- Geological Survey, Bulletin, 2 MA 4 R 4 Gold-fields— Western Australia contd, Superficial Alterations of Western Australian) >re Deposits; hvH. C. Hoover ..American Inst., Mining Knginccrs, Trans., 1898 622.06 Technical Observations upon the Coolgardie Gold-fields. Oldruitenborgh, Karon S. van MA 4 Q 2 Visit to the Cold-mines at Kalgoorlic; by W. Frechcville. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 6 622.06 Westralian Mining Boom ; by S. F. VanOss... Nineteenth Century Nov., 1890 052 Gold-mining — Australian Mining Manual Bceman, G. B. MA 3 U 38 Chemistry of Gold Scofforn, J. A 33 Q 20 Contributions to tic Bibliography of Cold Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 6 506 Dry-crushing; by N. F. White ... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 6 622.06 Economical Mining at the Myalls United ( iold mines. N.S.W. ; by W. R. Thomas... Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Lond., Trans., 1898 99 022.00 Filter-press Treatment of Cold-ore Slimes; by W. McNeill. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Trans., 022.06 Getting Gold; by J. C. F. Johnson... South Australia School of Mines, Rept., 1890 607.942 Gold and Silver in Sea-water... Roy. Soc, N.S.W.,. lourn., 29 506 Hydraulic Gold-miner's Manual ... 'Kirkpatrick, T.S.G. A 5 S 28 Indicator Feature in some Gold Occurrences; by W. Bradford. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., IS95 022.110 Indicators and Quartz-reefs: by J. T. Proctor Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1S95 022.00 Metallurgy of Cold Eissler, M. A 24 S 16 Mining Commission, Report... S.Australia Mining MF 4 U 42 Mining Industry of N. S. Wales Roberts, J. W. MA 4 T 2 Notes on Blanket Deposits, South Africa, and Process of Treat- ment; by G. A. Denny Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 622.06 Notes on Gold-milling: bv W. H. Vale... Australasian Institute, "Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 022.00 Precious Metals in the United States United States — Dept. of the Treasury 332.41 Reduction and Ore-dressing of Auriferous Quartz Vein-stone in Victoria; by H. Rosales Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1S98 622.06 Refining of Base Lead Bullion; by G. H. Blackmore. Australasian Inst. .Mining Engineers, Trans.. 1S9S 022.00 Roughing it in Siberia lefferson, R. L. D 18 Q 31 Sampling and Ore-having on t he West ( 'oast of Tasmania ; by F. D. Power... Australasian Inst. Mining Fug., Trans., 1895 622.06 Sampling for Gold; by T. Turnbull Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 022.U0 Story of Australasia Laurie, J. S. MB 1 T 7 Study of Some Ore Deposits; by F. I). Johnson Australasian Institute Mining Engineers, Trans., 1803 022.06 Victoria- Geological Survey, Progress Reports MA 5 V 1-5 Witwatersraml Gold fields 'liankel ami Mining Practice. Truscott, S. J. A 34 S 49 [See also Gold-dredging : Gold-fields; Prospecting.] Goldsmith's Work — Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsoh, H. A 18 T 15 f Treatises of Bcnvenuto Cellini on Coldsmithing and Sculpture. Cellini, B. AllV20t [See also Gilding; Jewellery.] Golf- Game of Golf Park, W. A 29 R 37 Golf; by 11. J. Whigham Out -of- Door Sports A 40 Q 1 World of Golf Smith, G. A 40 T 12 [See also Sports and Pastimes.] Golspie— Golspie; Contributions to its Folk-loie Nicholson, E. W. B. B32Q11 Gonorrhoea- Applied Bacteriology Pearmain , T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Gonorrhoa and its Complications ; by Dr. \V. White- in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 [See. also Venereal I tiscases. ] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 871 Goodwood - Records and Reminiscences of Goodwood ... Kent, J. B 16 V 33 Gooseberries Apple Scab, (ii ape and Gooseberry Mildew -in Injurious Insects, C Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Bush Fruits Card, F. W. A 18 P 20 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Gopliers ((,'eomys) — Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 5 [Sc tilxo Rodentia.] Gorgoniacse - Gorgonidcn des (iolfes von Neapel ; von G. von Koch. Zoologisehe Station zu Neapel A 19 P 15 t Gorgoniacea; by I. L. Hiles— :n Zoological Results ... Willoy, A. MA 4 V 3 Gorilla- Gorillas and Chimpanzees Garner, R. L. A 30 R 51 [St, »,,oApes; Monkeys.] Goshawk— Hi'- 1 liption of a New Victorian (ioshawk; by A. Coles. Victorian Naturalist, 1897 505 Gospels— New Testament— History of Earlv Christian Literature Kriigcr, G. G 24 Q 18 Lo.-t and Hostile Gospels Goold, Rev. S. B-. G 25 P 6 Messiah of the Gospels Briggs, Rev. C. A. G 12 V 5 [Set ilso under each Gospel.] Harmony of- Harmony of the Four Gospels: bv Rev. S. G, Green -in Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 Gothenberg System - Liquor Traffic — Gothenburg Principle Burgess, Rev. J. MF 4 P 40 Gothic Architecture. [See Architecture— Gothic ; Cathe- drals and Churches; Ecclesiastical Architecture.] Gout - Acute and Chronic Articular Rheumatism; by Dr. J. Stewart in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Gout ; by Sir \V. Roberts in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 30 Gout and Goutiness Ewart, W. A 30 R 21 Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. Davies, N. E. Y-. A 20 R 30 [See also Pathology.] Government Forms, Methods, and Functions — Comparative Politics Freeman, E. A. F 12 T 9 English Political Philosophy Graham, W. F 10 P 31 Examination of the Nature of the State Willoughby, W. \V. F 12 T 3 Government and Co Seymour, H. \V. F4 U 31 Government and Democracy Chapman, J. J. F 15 S 6 Government or Human Involution Kelly, E. F 17 T 14 History of the Theory of Sovereignty... Bullowa.'F. E. F 18 P 2 Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. G 19 U 35 Party Government and Suggestions for Better ; by E. < !. Fitzgibbon. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Personal Government: by W. Forster Melb. Rev., 7 052 Walthew, G. W. ~ Philosophy of Government Walthew, G. Pol deal Kightsof the llritish People Dean, G. Pol f ; Revolut Government Forms, Methods, and Functions— conic? Relation of Religion to the Civil ( fovernment in the United States Cornelison, I. A. G 12 V 28 Representative Government in the Colonies: by W. Forster. Melbourne Review, 6 052 Separation of Governmental Powers Bondy, W. F 18 Q 3 State, The Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 State and the Individual M'Kechnie, W. S. F 1 T 31 Syme on Representative Government; by G. Elliot Melbourne Review, 7. 052 ' Coniiiaet, and its Influence upon t he American Fenton, .T. F. F 18 R 25 veto rower Mason, E. C. F 15 V 1 [.SV-e'^oAmiivliv^Aristoeraey: Ricameral System ; Cabinet, The; Civil Service ; ( 'lans and Clan System : Constitutional History; Constitutional Law; Constitutions of Countries ; Crown, The; Democracy; Flection and Representation; Electric Telegraphs —Administration; Family: Federal Government and Federal- ism; Feudalism; Local Government ; Monarchy; Parliament- ary Practice: Party System: Police; Political Economy; Politics; Postal Service and Administration; Public Health; State, The: State Ethics; Suffrage; Tribes and Tribal System ; Upper Chambers; Veto; Village Communities ; and sub-heading - Government and Administration, under each Country.] Government Gazettes. [See under each Colony in Author Catalogue.] Government House, Sydney — Government House New South Wales Mag., 1843 MJ 4 Q 7 [See also Sydney.] Government Printing Office, Sydney — The Government Printing Office, 1 894. . . Rla, len, F. M. MB 3 Q 3 [See also Sydney.] Governors -Australian Colonies - [See also subheading History u India— Story of My Life Govett's Leap - Legend of Govett's Leap; by R. W. Smith . Once a Week MJ 1 V 22 Grace- Divine Grace in Dogma mil Religion .. Kinross, Rev. J. MG 2 U 2 [See also Faith; Salvation.] Grade crossing. [See Railways— Construction.] Grafting and Budding Budding Plants; by G. Quinn Journal of Agr. and I rafting Fruit-trees; by(i. Qui: B-] Hints on Budding ; [See also Fruit-grow Grail, Holy. [See Grain. [See Cereals.] Grain Magazines and Elevators - f Grail.] Warehouses for Cleaning and I • 872 Tabltc Library of New South Wales. . New Zealand Ins . Ncrvo, Baron tie Graining. [See Painting— Trade.] Gramme ae — New Genus of Grammes: by T. K [See also Botany— Economic ; Grasses.] Grammar. [See Philology; and subheading —Grammar, under eaeh Language.] Grammar Schools. [See Colleges : Education, Secondary; High Schools; and under the title of each School.] Granada —History — Isabella the Cathoiic... [See also Alliambra.] Granaries— Architecture. [See Grain Magazines and Elevators.] Grange, The — American Grange, The Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 1898 630.5 Grange, The ; its Origin. Progress, and Educational Purposes; by D. W. Aiken United States Dept. of Agr. A 19 U 13 [See a£w> Agriculture and Politics; Agriculture -Societies; United States— Politics. ] Grants, Land. [See New South Wales -Public Lands.] Grape Vine. [See Viticulture.] Grape-root Worm- Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Expcr. Stations A 3S Q 4 [See also Insects, Injurious.] Grapes- Apple Scab, Grape and Goosebery Mildew in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 6 Dessert and Raisin ( I rapes ; bv VY. J. Allen... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Downy Mildew, or Brown Rot of ( it apes -in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 7 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Sultana Grape; bv W. J. Allen ... Agr. Caz., X.S.W., 10 630.5 [See also Currants; Phylloxera; Raisins; Viticulture; Wine- making.] Graphology. [See Writing.] Graptoloidea — Wales — (ieologieal Survey, Records, 5 559. 44 Tasmanian Graptolite Record; by T. S. Hall Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 5C6 [See also Palaeontology.] Grasses— General — Best, Most Useful, and Profitable Classes; by I. I). Nelson. Indiana— Board of Agr., Repts., 1882 630.6 Canary Seed Victoria— Agriculture Guides to Growers, 16 MA 3 V 13 Grass-seed and its Impurities; bv Structure of the Carvopsis of Classes with reference to their .Morphology and Classification; by P. B. Kennedy. U.S. Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Agrostology A 36 V 10 Studies on American Grasses ... Unite I States Dept. of Agr. - . of Agrostology A 30 V 16 -Dept. of Agr. ostology A 36 V 10 ■ Victoria — Victorian and other Australian Grasses ; by W. H. Bacchus— in Report, 1874 Victoria— Agr. 630.6 • "Western Australia — Hints on Laying down band to Crass: by \V. Adamson. West Australian Scaler's < iuide MD 8 Q 54 West Australian Classes; by F. Turner West Australian Settler's Guide MD8Q54 Graveyards. [See Cemeteries.] Gravitation— Development of the Perturbativc Function Inequalities of Long Period— in Astronomical Papers, vol. 5, pts. 1, 2. United States Bureau of Equipment 520.8 isticity a Mode of Motion Stevenson, R. A 21 U 22 Mat [,S< natical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy and their Appli- n to the Theory of Universal < i cavitation." Pratt, J. H. A 25 S 35 i to Lc Sage's Theory of Gravitation; by C. C. Farr. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Variations of the Orbits of the Four Inner Planets— in As- ical Papers, vol. 5, pt. 4 United States — Bureau of recognized Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 y-1 I Descriptive— Rev. T. F 8 Q 2 E. E. F 15 P 17 Great Britain and Ireland— Genera, Imperial Britain Join M oehins: Baekward Willi Thorn's Official Directory 35-1.4^ Trade and Industries of Creat Britain in their relation to those of Foreign Countries- -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Misc. Ser.,467 Ct. Brit, and lrel. Foreign Office 382 Trade and Shipping; l.v II. Morgan Browne Sixty Years of Empire B 22 R 18 [.S'.e also Armv, British; Civil Service; Clonics, The, and Creat Britain; Colonies, British; Consuls and Consular Service ; Edu- cation, Primary ; Kngland; English, The; English Language; English Literature ; Federation, Imperial ; House of ('.millions ; House of Lords; Ireland; Navy, British; Scotland; Wales; and under the different Counties, Cities, Rivers, Mountains, &c. ; and under Subjects, e.g.. Agriculture, Arelueology, Archi- tecture, Botany, Coins, Ecclesiastical History, Education, Ento- mology, Geology, Heraldry, Medals, Ornithology, Pahcontology, Zoology, with Creat Britain as a sub heading ; and under Creat Britain and Ireland in Author Catalogue for Government Pub- lications and Reports.] — Army. [See Army, British.] . Colonies and Dependencies. [See Colonies, British.] Rainfall Tables of the British Islands Ct. Brit, and lrel.— Meteorological Council 551.57 . Commerce and Trade— Accounts relating to the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom Ct, Brit, and lrel. Trade and Navigation of the l.'ni tit. Brit. nd Foreign Competit 1 Kingdo, Great Britain and Ireland— Commerce and Trade— contd. British Trade in South America... \J.K. - Consular Repts. 59 382 Commercial Crisis of 1837— in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 11 Correspondence respecting Commercial Treaties and Tariffs. Gt. Brit, and lrel.-- Treaties F 39 \V 1 t England's Attainment of Commercial Supremacy Tipper, H. F 4 T 18 England's Free Trade Mothersill, J. F 9 P 28 English Merchants Bourne, H. R. F. C 26 P 7 Forei"ii and Colonial Speeches Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J. F 13 V 14 Future Trade in the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 Creat Britain and Ireland -Merchandise Marks, Report from Select Committee F 20 U 12 + History of Trade between the United Kingdom and the United States Chapman, S. J. F 10 S 20 Industry in England Gibbius, H. de B. F 12 T 13 LandmarksinEnglishlndustrialHistorv... Warner, (bT. F 16S2 Made in Germany Williams, E. E. F 10 V 16 National Progress of the Queen's Reign Mulhall, M. G. F15Q11 Our Foreign Commerce and Free Trade Policy Pirn, J. T. F 17 P 2 Our Trade in the World Gastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 Progress of British Commerce Watherston, E. J. F 17 P 2 Rates of Import Duties levied upon the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom in the Principal Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom Gt. Brit, and lrel. — Colonial Import Duties F 10 T 25 Select Observations Raleigh, Sir \V. F 8 V 4 Ships, Colonies, and Commerce it Essays Alison, A. ' J 14 S 12 Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign ... Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 Statist 33S Trade of the British Empire and Foreign Competition. Gt. Brit, and lrel. Trade of the Empire F 30 W 5 J Constitution and Constitutional Law — English Constitution Bagehot, \Y. F 8 V 45 English Constitution Macy, J. F 13 R 9 English Constitution; by A. II. Miles in Household Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Constitutional History — Development of Parliament during the 19th Century. Dickinson, G. L. F 12 R 33 Early History of the Scottish Union... Omond, G. \V. T. F 4 T 20 Fall of the Constitution in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 11 Government of England in The State Wilson, W. F13V1 Ori'dn and Growth of the English Constitution Taylor, H. B 3 T 20, 21 Political Rights of the British People.... „ Dean, G. A. F 5 R 21 darC i Bill Finance and Taxation — British Tax-payers's Rights Reid, H. L. F 8 Q 7 Classilieation and Incidence of Imperial and Local Taxation. Gt. Brit, and lrel.— Local Taxation F 40 V 51 ♦ Committees of the House of Commons, Reports: Einanee Kesris, 1798 Ct. Brit., and lrel. Parliament F 23 Q 22 J Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom... Gt. Brit, and lrel. - Finance 336.42 Free Trade Reform and Finance— «'« Essays .. Instrti o Surveyor that pal I 14 S 13 Ta: 871 Public Library of New South Wales. Great Britain and Ireland — Government and Adminis- Administration ; by A. M. Anderson - in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Book of Dignities Haydn, J. K9V3 Royal Kalondar K 1 P 1-Q 29 History, General — British Rnle and Mi.ilern Politics Canning, Hon. A. S. G. B 24 Q 21 Chief Events and Dates in English History Angus and Robertson's School Scries M< I 2 L" 4!) Child's History of England Dickens, C. J 20 S 20 England's History as Pictured by Famous Painters... Temple, A. G. A 19 S 24 t Expansion of the British Empire... Woodward, W. IT. F 10 S 21 History for the NYw Standard \ngus and I lohrrtson's School Series MG 2 U 43 History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain Burrows, M. F 5 P 38 Short History of the English People. . . Green, J. R. B 20 V 23-20 , Side-lights on English History Henderson, E. F. B 40 W 3 [See aim under England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, for Histories of these Countries prior to 1603.] Stuart Period, a.d. 1603-89. Browning's Prose Life of Strafford Strafford, Earl C 18 P 3 Calendar of Slate Papers. Domestic Series, 1025-91. (it. Brit, and Irel. -Public Record Office B 44 Charles I, Life of ; by Sir J. Skelton C .18 T 14 + Clarke Papers Camden Society Pubs. 942.063 Historical Sketches Carlyle, T. B 1 U 33 Journey to England, 1003 in English Essays... Jusserand, J. J. B 32 Q 10 Leslie, Alexander, I. ifeand Campaigns of.. .Terry, C. S. B28T14 Life of a Conspirator, 15-U 1040 1 >igby,' Sir E. B 21 T 21 Pepys, Samuel, Diary of C 14 V 7, 8 Royalty Restored Molloy, J. F. B 24 Q 12 Rupert, Prince Palatine Scott, Eva B 33 S 13 State Tracts B 20 R 3 t Strafford, Lord; by If. 1). Traill C 27 R 11 What Gunpowder Plot was Gardiner,S. R. B 21 S 1 Whole Series of all that hath been transacted in the House of Peers concerning the Popish Plot B 23 R 20 Commonwealth, a.d. 1649-60. Barebone Parliament Class, II. A. F S R 29 Calendar of Slate Papers, Domestic Scries, 1025-91. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 44 Carstarcs, William; by Rev. R. II. Story C 25 T 18 Cromwell as a Soldier Baldoek, Lieut. -Col. T. S. B 33 S 8 'Cromwell, House of Waylen, J. C 24 Q 24 Cromwell, Oliver; by S. R. Gardiner C 20 R 2 f Cromwell, Oliver; by T. Roosevelt C 27 U 5 Cromwell, Oliver, and his Times Pike, G. II. B 10 P 20 Cromwell, Oliver, and the Rule of the Puritans in England. Firth, C. B 27 Q 15 Cromwell, Oliver, Political Life of C 19P27 Cromwell's Place in History Gardiner, S. R. B 17 P 54 East Anglia and the Great/Civil War ... Kingston, A. B 39 Q 7 English Democratic Ideas. ,f the 17th Century Gooeh, G. P. F 15 Q 23 Hane, Joachim, Journal of, 1053-54 B 16 P 8 History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate... Gardiner, S. R. B43Q1.2 Howe, John; by H. Rogers C 27 U 1 Notes illustrati'vc of the' Cromwellian Code. o Pre r lli.h ingye. mwellian Collection in the possession Tangve, Sir R. B 24 Q 14 Tangye, Sir R. 15 33 S 11 Revolution, a.d. 1689-1714. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1625-91. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Public Record Office B 44 Carstares, William ; by Rev. R. H. Story C 25 T 18 Savile, SirG, Life and Letters of ; byll.C. Fosiomft C 25 R 7, 8 Great Britain and Ireland — History — contd. Hanover Period, a.d. 1714-1837. British History during the 18th Centurv-m Essays. Alison, A. J 14 S 13 Calendar of Home Office Papers, Reign of George III, 1773-75. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Public Record Office B 45 Calendar of Treasury Rooks and Papers, 1729-34. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Public Record Office B 45 Charlotte, The Good Queen; by P. Fitzgerald... Charlotte, Queen C 24 T 24 Court of England under George IV Caroline, Queen B 24 R 19, 20 Early Days of the Century in England, 1800-20. Sydney, W. C. P. 41 Q 10 England and America after Independence... Smith, E. F 16 U 10 England and India Dutt, R. C. F 15 R 3 England in the I'M h Century... Latimer, Elizabeth W. B 16 S 13 Great Britain and Hanover Ward, A. W. B 25 P 16 Modern England before the Reform Rill... McCarthy, J. B 26 S 16 When William IV was King Ashton, J. B 10 U 5 Victoria, a.d. 1837-1900. England and America after Independence... Smith, E, F 16 U 10 Events of the Reign, 1837-97 Ryland, F. B 16 P 18 Granby, John Manners, Marquis of; Military, Political, and Social Life of; by W. E. Manners C 26 S 15 History of Our Own Times McCarthy, J. B 5 S 47 Jacobite Attempt of 1819 Scottish History Soc, 19 941 Our Queen Victoria. Quern of England C 23 P 9 Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign...:.. Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 Social Transformations of the Victorian Age Escott, T. H. S. F 5 P 14 These Sixty Years, 1837-97 Holmes, F. M. B 23 S 22 Union of England and Scotland Maekinnon, J. B 22 S 11 Victoria, Queen and Empress Davey, R. B 19 R 1 Victoria, Queen, Progress in Reign of... Farrar, Dean B 10 P 17 ■ Navy. [See Navy, British.] ■ Parliament — Barebone Parliament Glass, H. A. F 8 R 29 Parliament during the Queen's Reign; by II. Spender. Sixty Years of Empire B 22 R 18 Polities, General— Australian in Europe Thirt v Years Ago, An ; by Sir Charles Gavan Duffy Contemporary Review, 72 052 Beaconslield, Earl of; by 11. E. Gorst C 27 R 12 Blackford, Frederick, Baron, Letters C 23 V 25 Bolingbroke, Viscount, Extracts from the Political Writings. F 13 Q 35 Bright, John; by C. A. Vinco C 23 P 26 British Rule an. i Modern Politics Canning, Hon. A. S. G. B 24 Q 21 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J., the Man and the Statesman ; by N. M. Marris C 26 T 11 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph ; by S. H. Jcyes C 20 T 24 Defence of the Empire Carnarvon, Earl F 4 T 17 Effects of the late Colonial Policy of Great Britain... Baiclay, A. F 13 R 35 England in the 19th Century... Latimer, Elizabeth W. B 16 S 13 English Political Philosophy Graham, W. F 10 P 31 Foreign and Colonial Politic:.; I.y R. M. Smith in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F8QI0 Free Trade Movement and its Results... Smith, G.A-. F 15 Q 21 General Politics in Political Letters Pembroke and . Montgomery, George, Earl of F 13 R 5 Gladstone, YY. E.. Life of; by Sir W. Reid C 26 S 1 Gladstone's Life, Story of... Gladstone, Rt, Hon. W. E. C 23 U 2 Grafton, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of, Autobiography and Political Correspondence C 25 R 5 Growth of British Policy Seeley, Sir J. R. F 8 V 6, 7 Historic Tacts Rose, YV. K. F8Q16 Redmond, J. E. FOP 30 Historical and Political Ad, lie History of Our Own Times ... Lord -Melbourne's Paper. B5S Melbourne, Viscount C 22 R 14 d Rosebery's Speeches, 1S74 90... Rosebery. Earl F 12 T 15 McLaren, Duncan. Life and Work of ; by . I. I!. Mackie C24P4, 5 Made in Germany Williams, E. E. F 10 V 16 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 875 t Britain and Ireland— Politics, General— conld. ..■rials, 17GG 1805 Selborne, Karl of C 23 V 4, 5 . ' Hii-land before the Reform Bill... McCarthy, J. 15 20 S 16 iei,\ Awakening Wilkinson, S. I' 12 l> 10 .-.- from my Journal when Speaker of the Ho::.-' of I '(millions. of tin: Br G. Wallas, .ish People'' . Wh 23 T 12, 13 C~25 KU !•' 5 R 21 F 12 T 31 |)tor, The J22S9 an 1 Cons Askew, J. B. F 4 U 23 e. Henry, Memoirs of Life and Correspondence of; by Prof. K. Laughton C 25 R 19, 20 ■w of the late Parliamentary Session in England; by "An Indian Agent-General" Melbourne Review,*G 052 u.k, J. A., Life and Letters of; by R. E. Leader C 25 Q, 4 ■nness Poeoek, R. F 4 U 35 History of British Colonial Policy Kt/erton, H. K. F 13 T 26 Years of the Queen's Rci-n Temple, Sir R. F 13 V 13 !, on Colonial Administration Hawes, 15. F 13 V 29 v Years of Liberal Legislation in Essays Alison, A. J 14 8 1 1 -.1 King.V.n: a Political History Smith, (1. F 10 U 7, 8 a -la, Queen, Prc.-ics in Reign of... l'arrar, Dean B 10 P 17 n.-ton-.- Career: by Lieut. -Col. K. 15. Hamley. Wellington, Duke of C 19 V 22 ■ William IV was King Ashton, J. B 10 U 5 ■of Empire Brett, R, 15. C 23 Q 9 Vol it M, Foreign- sformation lg of British Subjec . Colcpihoun, A. R. 1) 1G V 25 s in the South African Republic, d Irel. — South Africa F 39 V 57 X ■u Question and the British Kmpire; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 3 052 under the British Wood, H. F. F 10 V 14 id and Americaafter Independence... Smith, 10. F 1G U IG id and India Dutt, R, C. F 15 R 3 n and Colonial Speeches Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J. !• 13 V II n Policy; by M. E. G. Dull... Practical Polities F 12 T 31 y of the Foreign Policy of Croat Britain .... History of the F Our Kcsponsibili Resolutions and New Zealand, of British and C •eign Policy of G [Nev, F 5 P 38 d., bMis.] ties for Turkey ... Argyll, Duke of F 10 V 1 Messages of Loyalty from Canada, Australia, an — ith reference to !■'. reign Interference in Matter Great Britain and Ireland— Politics, Home— contd, England of To-day Martins, Oliviera D 18 Q 22 English Radicals Kent, C. B. R. F 15 S 32 Events of the Rei-n, 1837 -97 R viand, F. B1GP18 .amis, Survey*, am, ; Report of Progress . . Rcid, A. tndaries— Religion. [See Church of England; Church of Ireland; Church of Scotland.] Social Life dial Customs — Aristocracy in England Badcau, A. F 12 S 29 England, Without and Within White, R. (i. I) 21 R 3 English Traits K. mason, R. W. .1 22 Q 19 Social and Imperial Life of Britain Cotes, K. D. B 41 Q 14 ■ ■ Statistics — Statistical Tables relating to the Colonial and other Possessions. Gt. Brit, and Irel— Board of Trade 382 ■ Statutes — Chronological Index to the Statutes Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Statutes 346.2 Law of Criminal Conspiracies and Agreements Wright, R. S. F 3 R 5 iblic General Statuti Stat. :s, Rev . Brit tatutory Rules and Orders Revised . I Ire Great Plagues of London, 1603 and 1665— Meeti lg of Gallants at an Ordin rie, from an unicjue Black letter . Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 4 [£l Jso Bubonic' "Hague.'] Greco-Turkish War, 1897 Battl -fields of Thessaly . Bartlett, Sir E.T\. B 27 R 10 pondence respecting the > cgolialious for the Conclusion of Pea ee between Turkey and (ire eee... (it. Brit, and Irel. -Turkey A 40 V 14 t i Sketches Smith, R. A. H. B-. D 16 T 18 Turkish War of 1897. . '* .'email Stall O/li'cr" B 31 Q IS Scene , in the Thirty Day's W r between Greece and Turkey. Nevinson, H. W. 15 27 i) G With the Conquering Turk .... ... Stecvens, G. W. 15 27 1! 12 With the Turkish Army in The- saly Bigham, 0. B 34 R 13 Greec -General and Descriptive - Descr ption of Greece Clin,! ses of Greek Life and Scei .•ry [in Modern Greek]. — Politics, Home— ministration of the Royal Navy, 1509-1600 ... Opp, Diary of the Home Rule Parliar Tublic Library of Neio South Wales* Greece— Army — Greek Army System— in Greco-Turkish War, 1 S<>7 ... "German Staff Officer [ ' B 34 Q 18 Hand-book, Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Roumania, and Servia Gt. Brit, and Irel. War Office F 12 S 21 Staffs of Various Armies U.S.— Dopt. of War F 16 R 23 With the Turkish Army in Thesaaly Bigham, C. B 34 R 13 Commerce and Trade — Trade of Greece — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 Constitiit'oiial History — ■ " "reecc and Rome— in The State Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 Greek Oligarchies Whibley, L. F 8 V 26 History, Ancient — Alexander the' Great Wheeler, B. I. B 27 Q 14 Alexander the Great, Life and Exploits of B 27 V 20 Aristotle on the Constitution of .Athens Aristoteles F 3 R 2 Athenian Democracy in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 12 Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien ... Diez, H. F. von B 16 R 26, 47 Description of Greece Pausanias B 39 S 7-12 Herodotus; by Canon Rawlinson B 17 Q 20, 21 Histories of Polybius Polybius B 13 S 19, 20 History of Greece Abbott, E. B 28 Q 7-9 History of Greece Botsford, G. W. B 24 U 28 History of Greece Holm, A. B 27 S 23, 24 History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great. Bury, J. B. B 35 Q 17 Memphis and Mycenae Torr, C. B 27 V 21 Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens Pausanias B 27 Q. 17 Philip and Alexander of Macodon ... Hogarth, D. G. C 24 Q 11 Samledc Philologiske Afhandlingor Schjott. P. 0. J 9 V 37 Sources for Greek History Hill, G. F. B 39 P 7 Survey of (Jreek ( Civilization Mahaffy, Rev. J. P. B 27 R 11 Tres Grandes Capitaes da Antiguidade: 'Alexandre, Annibale, e Cesar Zama, C. C 24 R 17 Tres Grandes Oratoios da Antiguiilade : 1'erieles, Demosthenes eCicero Zama, C. C 24 R 16 Xenophon, Opera J 17 U 11 t . History, Modern — Battle-fields of Thessaly Bartlett, Sir E. A. B 27 R 1 Greece in the 19th Century Sergeant, L. B 37 V 12 Reminiscences of a Bashi-Bazouk Vizetellv, E. 1) 13 P 1 Warof Greek Independent.. 1*21 33... Phillips, W. A. B 27 R 13 [See also Greco Turkish War, 1897 " . Dickin . L. G 19 U 15 Rclitjunis mid Mythology — Description of Greece Pausanias B 39 S 7-12 Euripides and the Attic Orators Thomson, A. D. G 14 P 35 Greek Principles of Life in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. . G 1 Q 23, 24 Greek View of Life Dickinson, G. L. G 19 U 15 HomericHymns Homerus H 4 T 22 Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 Religion in Greek Literature Campbell, L. (J 23 S 45 Samledc l'hiloloeiske Alhandlinger Schiott, I'. (). .1 '■) V 37 Greek Art. [See Elgin Marbles; Fine Arts -Greek; Sculpture.] Greek Church — Byzantine Rite Liturgies, Eastern and Western G 3 U 26 Christian Institutions Allen, Rev. A. V. G. G 24 R 10 Father John of the (Jreek Church Sergicff, J. I. G 23 P 14 Teachings of the Russian Church... I leadlam, Rev. A. C. G 23 Q 18 Greek Language— General — Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Harvard University — Studies in Classical 'Philology J 26 T 1-7, 10, 11 — Ancient — Curious Survival of an Ancient Language : by H. A. Strong. Melbourne Review, S 052 Greek ... Roberts, W. R. G 18 Q 36 Greek and Latin Verse - Composition as a General Branch of Edu- cation —in Essays on a Lib -ral Education. .. r'arrar, Rev. F. W. G 17 T 10 Language of -Esehvlus compared with i he Language of the Attic Inscriptions prior to 456 B.c Rogers, J. D. .1 22 U 15 Pakeography of Greek Papyri Kenyon, F. (J. J 21. Q 29 Sources of New Testament Greek Kennedy, Rev. H. A. A. J17U9 ■ Modern- Modern Greek Mastery Stedman, T. L. J 9 Q 30 . Dialects— Historical Greek Grammar, chiefly of the Attie Dialect. Jannaris, A. N. J 14 S 35 Ars Grammatica -in Classical Texts from the Papyri in the British Museum British Museum J 5 V 13 Grammar of Xcw Testament Greek Mass, F. J 14 S 24 Historical Greek Grammar, chieliv of the Attie Dialect. Jannaris, A. N. J 14 S 35 Greek Literature — Ancient Greek Literature Murray, G. J 14 T 22 Anthologia Gra;ca sive Poetarum Grajcorum lusus Jacobs, F. J 21 T 1-11 Authoress of the Odyssey Butler, S. J 19 W 4 Chcephori; trans, by A. W. Verrall .Eschylus H 3 U 51 Dictionary of Classical Quotations... Harbottle, T. B. K 19 Q4~ Emperor Hadrian Gregorovius, F. B 34 R 1 7 Etude sur Theocrite Legrand, P. E. H 4 V 19 Greek Art and Poetry in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Greek View of Life Dickinson, G. L. G 19 U 15 Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Harvard University — Studies in Classical Philology J 26 T 1-1 1 Homer and the Iliad ; by J. S. Blackie... Homerus II 12 T 19 22 Successors of Homer Lawton, W. C. Thoughts on Homer, and Mr. Gladstone on Homer -in Studies in Many Subjects Reynolds, Rev. S. H. J 19 W 8 Verzeiehniss der Gricrhischcji I laudschrifton ; von W. Studemund undL. Cohn Berlin— Konigliche Bibliothek KllUt Women of Homer Perry, W. C. J 17 U 2 [See also (Jreek Language ; Homeric Question ; and under each Greek Author in Author Catalogue.] Greek Philosophy. [See Aristotelianism ; Eclectics; Eleatic Philosophy ; Epicureanism ; Philosophy — Greek; Platonism; Pythagorcanism ; Socratic Philos- ophy; Stoicism.] Greek Religions and Mythology. [See Greece— Reli- gions and Mythology.] Greek Verses and Prose- Translations and Academical Compositions — Cambridge Compositions Hinds, R. D. A-. J 23 U 24 Literary Remains Calverley, C. S. H 11 Q 25 Translations by Lord Lvttleton and W. Gladstone. Lyttleton, Lord H 12 T 18 Greeks, The — Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities Bliss, Rev. E. M. Green Manuring. [See Clovers;- Cow-peas; Legm Manures and Fertilisers; Nitrogen in Agriculture; Soils.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 877 Greenbacks. [See, Currency; Paper-money.] Step, K. A 31 8 5-8 Forcing-book Bailev, L. H. A 18 P 35 [Sn 'lino Foliage and Flowering Plants.] Greenland —General and Descriptive— Explorations in ("irecnland Smitlis. Inst. Report, 1878 506 Hand-book of Aretie Discoveries .. Greely, Gen. A. E. D 10 P 1 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 39 Uni versal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U 15 Greenwich Ob:ervatory — Great Astronomers Ball, Sir R. S. A 20 U 8 [Sffe?a:idlndia-rul b rl 'ultimo in Mexico... Romero, M. A 41 S 16 (IBalat Queensland Agri, ',, W. i line! Hoffer, R. A l.y E Cowley (Queensland Agri. Chemistry.] [.Sec also Ted Gymnastics and Calisthenics— Always Strong and Happy J.uld, Vsv of Gvnma'ln'sVor Children of Loll, Sexes ; by Intermit. Health Kxhib., 1S84, L [See also Athletics ; Kxercise ; Fencing ; Hygien cation; Sports and 1'astimes; Traitiing. J Gympie Tublic Library of New South Wales. Gynaecology— Abdominal Diagnosis from a Gynecological Standpoint; by Dr. W. S. Playfair— in System of Medicine Allbntt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Diseases of Pregnancy ; by Dr. B. C. Hirst— in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Broad Ligaments, Tubes, and Ovaries; b}' Dr. H. A. Kelly— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Uterus; by Dr. R. L. Dickensen — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina; by Dr. T. J. Watkins — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Krankheiten der Frauen Fritseh, H. A 41 R 19 Pan-American .Medical Congress, Transactions 610.6 Retrospect of Medicine Braithwaite, J. 610.5 Therapeutics of the Genito-Urinar\ Diseases of Women; by Dr. E. E. Montgomery in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 [See also Fallopian Tubes; Obstetrics; and under each Organ.] Gypsies — Gypsy Folk-talcs Groome, F. H. J 21 Q 28 Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam, The... Burton, Sir R. F. A 41 S 2 Lavengro Borrow, (I. J 17 U 16 Laws relating to the Gipsies Axon, W. E. A. F 13 R 25 Gypsy Moth (Osneria dispar) — Gipsy Moth in America; bv L. 0. Howard United States — Dept. of Agr.-Div. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 Work of Dcstioving the Insect in Massachusetts, Report. Forbush, E. H. A 38 I'll [See also Insects, Injurious.] Gyroscope— Problems of Rotary .Motion: by Major-Gen. J. G. Barnard. Smithsonian lust., Contributions to Knowledge, 19 508 Spinning Tops Perry, J. A 27 P 12 Habit- Habit in Principles of Psychology James, W. G 3 U 24 Habits. [See Customs and Manners.] Habitual Offenders. [See Criminals.] Hsematomyelia — Haematomyelia; by Dr. F. E. Batten— /« System of Medicine. Allbut't, T. C. A 20 T 40 Hsemoglobinuria— Hemoglobinuria ; by Dr. S. A. M. Copeman in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Hsemoglobinuric Fever— Haemophilia— Hemophilia; by Dr. J. W. Legg— in System of Medicine.! . Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Haemorrhages— Hemorrhages in New-born Children; by Dr. J. Thomson — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Hagiology. [See Saints.] Hair- Affections of the Hair; by Dr. R. Croker -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. 0. A 26 T 41 Hitherto Undescribed Structure in the Human Hair Sheath- in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Structure and Development ot ' I lairs of Monot rentes and Marsupials ; by Prof. B. Spencer and Georgina Sweet.... (Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Jan., 1899 578 [See also Dermatology.] Hall-marks — Old Clocks and Watches aial their Makers Britten, F. J. Old English Plate Cripps, W. J. A 35 T 2 [See also Jewellery ; Plate; Watches.] Halloween — Probable Relation of 1 he Modern festivals of ( 'hristmas, May Day, St. John's Day, and Halloween— in Folk-lore Napier, J. B 33 P 9 [See also Scotland -Social Life and Customs.! Hallucinations and Illusions Book of Dreams and Ghosts Lang, A. G 11 U 30 Hallucinations Parish, E. G 18 P 43 Illusions- in Leisure Readings Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 16 Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S 30 Natural Causes and Supernatural Seemings Maudsley, H. G 11 S39 Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism Zerflfi, G. G. G 19 U 11 Studies in Psychical Research l'odniore, F. G 23 S 5 [See also Apparitions; Chosts; Impostors and Imposture; In- sanity; Magic; Psychical Research ; Spiritualism ; Witchcraft.] Halticidae— Halticide in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Rev. H. Clark British Museum— Natural History A 43 R 1 [See also Col cop t era ; Phvtophaga.] Halysites— Halysites in New South Wales: by R. Ktheridgo Australian Museum Records, Vol. 3. No. 4 507 Tasmanian Species of Halysites; by R. Kthcridge, jun. ... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-90 506 [See also Corals; Paleontology.] Hammelin Bay, Western Australia — Hammelin Bay and Inner Harbour. 1898 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P 31 £ Hampshire — General i ind Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 5 Hampton Court — ( luide to the Palace and Gardens Law, E. B 23 P 1 9 Hampton Court Hutton, W. H. B 16 V 32 Short History of Hampton Court Law, E. B 21 S 9 Hamyritic Language. [See Himyaritic] Hand— Language of the Hand Hammong, L. de G 17 R 3 + [See also Palmistry.] Handbooks of Countries. [See .sub-heading General under each Country.] Hand-books of Sciences. [See sub-heading General under each Subject.] Hanover — General and Descriptive — Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes F., A. M. D 21 Q 2 . Ward, A. W. B 26 P 16 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 879 Hansard. [See Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Parliament, in Author C atalogue.] Happiness — Aristotle's Ethics for English Readers ... Aristoteles O 11 U 15 Happiness as found in Forethought minus l'V,u thought. Fletcher, H. G 11 U 44 Hii])py Life in American Contributions to Civilization. Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Quc-.t of Happiness Hamerton, P. O. (} 23 P G Wis. lorn and Destiny Maeterlinck, M. G 11 U 42 Harbour Masters' Reports— New South Wales -Sydney Harbour Master's Reports, 1830. MF3P32f [Si i also under each Harbour. ] Harbour Regulations — Rules relating to the Port of Calcutta... India- Statutes F13R27 Harbours and Harbour Construction — Best. Appliances and Methods of Breaking the Force of the Sea at the Entrance to Harbours and elsewhere ... Internal. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 10 A 34 R 10 Massachusetts Harbour and Land Commissioners, Rept.... 627 (icnlogical History of Harbours U.S. -Geol. Survey, Rept., vol. 13, part 2 557.3 River Bars Mann, I. J. A 24 T 32 Table of Depths for Channels and Harbours of the United States. United States -Coast and Geodetic Survey 551.46 Vorks... Black, Capt. W. M. A i ;w Zealand; by T. H. Rawson... In of Civil Engineers, Proc., 1898-99 620.6 [Si i a/so Docks; Hydraulic Engineering; Wharfs.] Hare System of Voting Hare System in Tasmania... Vict.— Pari., V. and P., 1897 328.945 H ire System of Election in Tasmania -in .Minutes of Proceedings, Legislative Council, 1898 Victoria Parliament 328.945 New Democracy Brown, W. J. MF 5 S 8 [Sn also Election and Representation.] Harmony — Music — Rhythm and Harmony in Poetry and Music ... Raymond, G. L. H 10 W 7 [Sit also Counterpoint ; Music — General.] Harmony of Colours. [See Optics; Painting— Fine Arts.] Harness. [See Saddlery.] Harrow School — At School and at Sc Harrow School Old Harrow Days . "Martcllo Tower" C 26 R 22 Howson, E. W. G 18 S 31 Minehin, J. G 23 Q 14 Hartford— History— Historic Towns of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Harvard University— 'Four Americas Universities Q 15 8 16 t Harvard University Observatory — History of the Harvard Colic-,. Observatory, 1840-90... Harvard ' University Astron. Observatory. Misc. Papers A 37 T 6 [S,r alto Author Catalogue under this title for its Publications.] Hasheesh — . Baudelaire, C. J 24 S 19 Hawaii — General and Descriptive— Eastward Home; by H. G. Turner Melb. Rev., 2 052 Hawaii Musick, J. R. D 22 Q 15 Hawaii and a Revolution Krout, Mary H. D 13 R 1 Hawaiian Almanac and Annual 319.69 Hawaiian Islands ; by A. Marcuse Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1894 910.5 Hawaiian Islands ; by W. Maxwell United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630..-) Hawaiian Islands, and the Islands, Rocks, and Shoals to the Westward United States Hydrographic Oilico D22R21 Hawaiian Islands, Reports United States -Dept. of State MF 1 S 73, 74 Hawaiian Kingdom Directory D 22 R 18 Islands of the Southern Seas Shoemaker, M. M. MI) 2 T 31 Making of Hawaii Blackmail, W. F. F 16 T 12 New Pacific Bancroft, H. H. 1)22 (,'14 Notes on the Sandwich, or Hawaiian Islands ; by R. C. Wyllie. Colonial Magazine," 1845 F 19 P 17 Owhyhee Naval Chronicle, 15 B 38 P 15 Transformation of Hawaii Brain, Belle M. G 24 Q 19 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. 1)21 U 14 [See also Honolulu; Sandwich Islands.] t'tiiiintiTi-i- inul Trade — Hawaiian Commerce in 1898 U.S.— Consular Repts., 60 382 Trade of the Hawaiian Islands— in Diplomatic and Consular Repts., Annual Series Gt. Brit and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Constitutional History — Constitutional History of Hawaii: by 11. K. Chambers. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 14 B 18 S 14 Hawaii, 1899 [Chart] .. History — America in Hawaii Carpenter, E.J. B 16 P 30 Hawaii's Story Liliuokalani B 19 R 8 Political Crisis in Hawaii Davies, T. H. MF 5 Q 8 Story of Hawaii Visger, Mrs. MB 3 Q 4 Politics — Affairs in Hawaii United States -Dept. of State MF 5 Q 3 Hawaiian Annexation from a Japanese l'oint of View; by Keijiro Nakanmra Arena, The, IS 051 Hawaiian Crisis Dole, S. 1'. MF 3 R 72 Political Crisis in Hawaii Davies, T. H. MF 5 Q 8 Hawke's Bay, New Zealand— Hawke's Bay, Past and I 'resent; by H. Hill New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Hawkesbury District- Good Old Days Fitzpatrick, J. C. L. MB 3 P 11 Hawkesbury River — Three Days on the Hawkesbury.. Hawking. [See Falconry.] Hay and Hay-making — Analysis of Hav; by F. B. Guthrie... Haymaking; by R. W. Peacock... [See also Lucerne ; Oats; Wheat.] Hay Fever- Asthma and Hay Fever ; by Dr. J. Australian, The, I MJ 4 P 1 . Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 3 Hayti — General and Descriptive — Description of Hayti Foreign and Colonial Review J 22 S 14 Reviews and Critical Essays Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 [See also West Indies.] Public Library of New South Wales. YL«ji\— Commerce and Trade— Trade of Hayti— /« Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (It. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Head. [See Brain; Craniology; Ear; Eye; Face; Hair; Mouth; Nose; Phrenology; Physiognomy; Skull] leadaches — Headaches and Nouralgia; l>y Dr. W. Sinkler -in Practical Theia- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 10 [See also Migraine.] Healing by Faith. [See Faith-healing.] Health— General— Health and Condition in the Active and the .Sedentary. Davies, N. E. Y-. A 20 R 30 Health and Disease — in Civilisation of Our Day ... Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 International Health Exhib. 1884, Literature .. A 41 U 17-V 15 Health in India; by Dr. N. Chevers ... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 How to be Well Sandlands, Rev. J. P. A 20 S 38 Life, Function, Health Paterson, H. S. A 27 R 23 Papers on Health Kirk, J. A 20 P 24, 25 True Science of Living Dewey, E. H. A 32 R 35 [See also Health Resorts ; Hygiene; Longevity; Xcrvous System ; Public Health.] Health Boards' Reports. [See Public Health— Boards.] Health Resorts— Climatic and Sea-side Health Resorts in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand; by L. Bruck... Australasian Medical Directory. 010.994 Health Abroad Battersby, C. H. A 45 R 3 Medical Climatology Solly, S. E. A 38 S 1 Mineral Waters and Health Kesorts of Kurope " Weber, H. A 33 S 15 New South Wales as a Health Resort for British Consumptives. Mullins, G. L. MA 3 R 55 Present-day Egypt Penfield, F. C. 1) 13 Q 3 [See also Adirom lacks; Holiday Colonics ; Medical Baths ; Spas.] Hearing. [See Ear; Senses.] Heart— Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Heart ; by Dr. W. H. Thomson — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Cardiac Physics; by Prof. C. S. Sherrington—/;! System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Congenital Malformation of tlie Heart ; by Dr. L. Humphry— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Disease of the Aortic Area of the Heart— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Diseases of the Heart ; by Dr. F. P. Henry — in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Diseases of the Heart and Anita Balfour, ( J. W. A 40 P 5 Diseases of the Mitral Valve ; by Dr. E. Sansom — in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Diseases of the Myocardium; by Sir K. 1). Powell--/;; System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Diseases of the Pericardium ; by Dr. F. T. Roberts -in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Endocarditis; by Dr. J. Dreschfeld -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Functional Disorders of the Heart -/;; System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Injuries by Electric Currents of High Pressure; by Dr. T. Oliver —in System of Medicine ... Allbutt. T. C. A 20 T 38 Mechanical Strain of the Heart -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 Nauheim Treatment of Diseases of the Heart—/;! Treatment of Diseases by Physical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 20 S 40 Nervous Diseases of the Heart; by Dr. T. L. Burton -in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Heart— contd. Physical Signs of Diseases of the Lungs and Heart; by Dr. H. Mackenzie /;; System of Medicine / Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 37 Right-sided Valvular Diseases; bv Dr. G. N. Pitt— in System of Medicine * Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 39 Schott Methods of Tic;, t ment of ( 'hronie Diseases of the Heart, and Accounts of the Xauheim Baths Thorne, \Y. B. A 30 Q 10 Strain and Over-action of the Heart ; by Dr. J. M. Da Costa. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 15 508 [See a/so Angina Pectoris ; Aorta; Arteries; Blood; Circulatory System; Pericarditis.] Heat- Art of Projecting Dolbear, A. E. A 23 S 10 Elasticity and Heat Kelvin , Baron A 34 V 25 Formula; in Heat — in Mathematical and Physical Tables. Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 38 Heat and Electricity in Klcctricity for Everybody. Atkinson, P. A 20 P 20 Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 23 Latent Heat of Steam ill Diilerent Pressures; bv M. Regnault. Cavendish Society, Pubs. A 30 S 1 Mechanical Theory of Heat Smiths. Inst.' Report, 1808 500 Physics Anthony, A. W. A 41 P 1 Recent Progress in relation to the Theory of Heat Smiths. Inst. Report, 1808 500 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 Some Unrecognized Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 T 35 Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 1 8 [See also Actinometry ; Calorimetry ; Combustion; Fire; Fuel; Heating of Buildings; Melting and Boiling-point Tables; Physics ; Steam ; Sun ; Temperature ; Thermodynamics ; Thermometer. ] Heathen Barbarism. [See Cannibals and Cannibalism; Savagism.] Heathen Missions. [See Missions and Missionary Work Heating of Buildings- Engineering Magazine 020.5 Hot-water Heating and Pitting Baldwin, \V. ,1. A 37 II 2 Hot-water Supply and Circulation to Large Buildings; by W. J. Napier Pngineoriiig Assoc., X. S. Wales, Proc. 10 020.0 Modern Plumbing, Steam and Hot water Heating... Lawler, J. J. A40T2 Plumbing, Drainage, Water Supply, and Hot-water Fitting. Smeaton, J. A 25 U 20 Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting foi Domestic Use; by Capt. D. Galton... Internat. Health Kx'hil... 1SS4, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 [See also Fuel ; Heat; Sanitary Engineering; Ventilation.] Heaven — Heaven and Hell [in Arabic] Swedenborg, E. G 11 R 33 [See also Future State.] Hebrew Language - Hebraisches und Chaldaischcs Sehul Worterbuch Fiirst, J. Linguae Hebraiea- Studium .luvcntuti A.ademica' eommendatum. Jubb, A. G. ,1 17 R 13 t Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament. Weir, T. H. G 23 50 Studies in Hebrew Proper Names Cray, (1. B. J 14 R 25 [See also Samaritan Language; Yiddish.] Hebrew Literature — Hebrew Books British Museum K 13 T 10 t Jewish Literature Karpeles, ('}. J 14 U 22 Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles; by A. Neubauer Anccdota Oxoniensia, Sem. Ser. , vol. 1, pt. 290 Verzeichniss der Hebncisclicn llandschriften : von M. Stein- schneider Berlin— KSnigliche Bibliothek K 11 U t [See also Jewish History.] Hebrews. [See Jews.] Hebrides, New. [See New Hebrides.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Hegelianism— Hcgi 1 as Educator Hegel's Doctrine of the Will... History of Philosophy Phd-.sopiiv of Right.'...'.'.'...'.'.'...... Prolegomena to the Study of He; Studies in thWegelumDialectie" Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic N'atural Theology Uh imate Problem of Philosophy ; .. Wallace, W. G 24 U 24 . Pantaleoni, M. F 3 R 25 . DArcy, C. F. G 1 U 36 Luqueer, F. L. G 26 T 12 ... MacVannel, J. A. G 2i> T 14 Hegel, G. W. F. (I 12 II 30, 31 .... Hegel, G. W. F. (i 19 U 28 Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 V 24 - Pllilos iphv, and especially Wallace, W. (i 25 S 8 24U14 [A'< c also Philosophy— Heirs at-law. [See Next-of-kin.] Heligoland -General and Descriptive — From the Tropics to the North Sea... Barkly,] Heliostat — Scientific Writings Y [Si.e also Photomicrography.] . E. Mel iace, W. G21U24 .rlile... New Zealand ;., Trans., 1S95 506 James, W. G 23 R 24 .nd under Hegel in Author Cata- y W. W. < [elium - Sim's PI ice in Natu Lockyer, Sir N. [ell - Heavens [S,, also nd Hell [in Eternal Pm Arabic Swedenborg, E. ( t; Future State; Judgment gue of the Birds hi the Brif Museum- Natural Histoi ; Ornithology. J Hemiptera. [See Rhyncota.] Hemp - Culture of Hemp and Jute in the. United Siato . United States Dept. of Alt.- Oiiiee of Fiber Investig lions A 37 S . Culture of Hemp in Europe; bv C. R. Dodge .. Dept. of Agr.— Office of Fiber Investig Flax, Hemp. Ramie, and Jute, Report: by 0. 1! U.S. Dept. of Agr. Ofti x of Fiber Investig H mp Culture U.S.— Dept. of Agr., Year I..H Fibers of the Unite IStatesibyC.R.Dodg.-.. Hepaticae Hepatic* Enropae Du Mortier, B. C. A 3 II jutica- of the Amazon and of the Andes of Peru and Kc Hepialidse -- Larval Structure of He j Mils virfscan, D'bld, of New Zea A. Quail Koval Society, (Queensland, l'roe., 1 Heraldry— General— Bacon-Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis Shakespeare, W. H 4 V 22 Decorative Heraldry Eve, ( J. W. K 19 Q 42 Heraldry in relation to Scottish History and Art... Paul, Sir J. B. K9 V4 History, Principles, and Practice of Heraldry Hulme, F. E. : of Are is of Coumk . PI: .. ,9 R 19 L R. K 19 P 16 '. C. K 19 R 25 s, Coats of Arms, ags; Genealogy; By Countries. France — Fleurs do Lis de l'Ancieime Monarchic Francaise. Malderghem, J. V. K 17 T 13 Nobiliaire Univcrscl de Prance Magny, Marquis L. de K 13 Q 21-23 f Great Britain — Armorial Families Davies, A. C. F-. K 13 U 1 t Blazon of Episcopacy Beilford, Rev. W. K. R. K 17 T 16 Book of Public Arms Davies, A. C. F-. K 17 T 23 t English Regalia Davenport, C. K 17 T 22 t Right to Bear Arms "X" K 19 R 26 Visitation of England and Wales ... Howard, J. .1. K 13 T ."., 7 t [See also Ireland, Scotland under this heading.] 1, J. J. K10V11, 12 t dial l ' Scotland — \rmorial Bearings. P Picture Gallery. '.!. \rms of the Royal and Parli United States — Herbariums. [St B;.)t in the Mitel eU Hall and K ill ^ 41 K.17S 25t Zicber, E. K 13 V lot ns, Herbar urns.] Her ianPrin. iani'sve und IV: iolc.uf'lV, 7S 19 7 U2 [,See also tinder Herbert. J. [•'. , an I p, -: d-.z/.i, J. H., in Author Catalogue.] Herculaneum. [See Pompeii and Heiculaneum.] Herd-books— Catalogue of Shorthorn and Hereford C. n IV. sic lie: [St book, FF 1 Atttle.] MA M \ P 34 4 .lie Heredity Hiller, 11. C. A 33 P 44 lights ami Duties Stephen, L. F 8 V 29, 30 o Biology; Environment; Evolution; Natural Selection.] Publie Library of Neio South Wales. Hereford Cattle- Hereford Breeders' Association, Ontario, Report Ontario — Dept. of Agriculture 630.6 [See also Cattle and Cattle-breeding ; Herd-books.] Herefordshire— General and Descriptive— English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 5 ■ History — Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 t Heresies- Heresies Hiller, H. C. G 24 P 21 History nf Parly ( hristian Literature Kriigcr, (!. ■»'.'/ - tails of Var . U.S. -Dept. F 16 R 23 Bibliography— BibliothecaHistori.o-Xerrlandioa Nijholl', M. Cat. Room State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 9 New York— Library Cat. Room Colonies— English and the Dutch in S. Africa Withers, H. B 17 P 35 Lost Empires of the Modern World Lord, W. F. B 21 S 2 Commerce and Trade— Trade of the Netherlands -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt, Brit, and Irel. -Foreign Office 382 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. Ui-i. i.ulleling tusseheu de ( iebroeders Van der Goes, 1659-73. Van der (Joes, W. C 27 T 5 History of People of the Netherlands. .. Wok, P. J. B 28 T 10, 11 Ho':, id Rogers, J. E. T. B 36 R 20 Lo<; Umpires of the Modern World Lord, W. F. B 21 S 2 Papers illustrating the History of the Scots Brigade in the History Society! Pubs.732, 3.5 "Ml Partition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Essays. Alison, A. J 14 S 12 Republique des Provinccs-Unics, la France et les Pays-lias !■ p.iu'nois Waddington, A. B39U10.11 !!is uf the Dutch Repul.lie Motley, . I. L. B 30 R 21 -23 William the Silent... William I. Kingof the Netherlands C 23 S 8 Holothuroidea — Holothurians of New Zealai [$•■': vho Echinodermata,] Holy Ghost— Cn ■:■ iless ( iospel f A. Dendv. nnal. Zoology, 26 .590.6 :ieal Results... Willey, A. MA 4 V3 una!,' Zoology', 26 .590" 6 Holy Grail Let/ends— History of the Holy Graal... Borron, Sires R. d In ij-iest of the Holy Graal E [.S'r- nUo Arthurian 'Romances; Mabinogion.] Holy Land. [See Palestine.] Ho"y Roman Empire— Medieval Empire. Fisher Holy Wells . Williams, C. G24P32 Holyrood Palace and Abbey Holvrood Palace and Abbey, Guide [See also Edinburgh.] Home, The - Mi rality of Marriage 777777 Home Education and Life Home Islands, Queensland — Gem in.fc«.th.Frt \>s of At* Wevmoulh', Ni-ht" Islands,' Hoy.-irk (it. Brit, and Ire!. Hydro; Home Rule— ■-, H. W. F8V38 . Parnell, C. S. C 23 T 12, sm.O'Leary, J. F 13 R 3, 4 . Powell, Sir*!. B-. F3R3 Rose, W. K. F8Q16 : Rule— in Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Macknight, T. F 14 U 34, c l'a< Home Rule - cont<, Parnell, Life of; by Recollections of Fe'ni Saying of Ireland .. Scottish Home Rule Tory Scheme of Hon Ulster as it is [See also Ireland— Polities.] Homeric Question — Authoress of the Odyssey [See also Greek Literature ; a Homes of England. [See Seats of Nobility.] Homestead Settlements - Crown Lands available for Homestead Selection and Settlement Lease, New South Wales N. S. Wales— Lands MF 1 S 72 Village Homestead Special Settlement System in New Zealand— in Appendix to Journals, 1891 N.Z. --Parliament 328.931 Village Homestead Special Settlement System in New Zealand. Report South Australia— Village Settlements MF 5 Q 9 Village Settlements in Australia— in Appendix to Journals, 1895. New Zealand — Parliament 328.931 Homilies and Homiletics— Biblical and Patristic Relies of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. Anecdota Oxonicnsia, Sent. scr. I. pt. 9 220.43 [See also Preachers ; Preaching; Sermons; Theology — Pastoral.] Homoeopathy- British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia A 40 Q 19 Homoptera — New North American llnmoptenius Insects; by E. P. Van Duzee. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin, vol. 5 506 [See also Aphides; Cicada-: Entomology; Locusts; Rhyncota.] . Morris, D. I) 18P33 ,s Wells, W. V. D 22 T 1 1) 18 T 26 >avis, R. H. D13P13 . Rectus, E. D 21 U 17 n Repub Foods a Honey, Honey « Honey : Notes oi .ion.of Honey ; b 3 1 Food Adulteran id how to get rid oi Food ; by F. B. ( [St Hongkong Gibbs, A. R. B 19Q15 rlehner International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 5 A 41 V 1 . United States Dept, of Agr.— Division of Chemistry A 34 T 40 Dll R 11, 12 Kit el, K. J. B 33 R 5 yj. B. Mackie C 24 P 4 Public Library of New South Wales, Honour- Elements of Moral Science Porter, N. G 24 R 5 Hop Louse- Hop Plant louse ami tin' Remedies tn Ik; used against it. United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 5 [.See also Insects, Injurious.] Hops — Cultivation of Hops ... Agricult. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Cultivation of the Hop in Victoria Victoria — Agriculture, Report of Department, 1874 030.6 Horn Expedition- Journal of the Horn Scientific Exploring Expedition, 1894. Winnecke, C. MA 3 R 60-64 [See also Scientific Expeditions.] Horn Fly (Hamaiobia serrata) — Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 2 [.See also Insects, Injurious.] Horn Island, Torres Straits — Horn Island Cold-field, Report Queensland Cold-fields MA 9 P 45 f Hornblende — New Alkali Hornblende, and a Titaniferous Andradite from the Nepheline-Syenito of Dungannon, Ontario; by F. D. Adams. McGill University A 40 S 22 Horology. [.See Clocks; Time Systems and .Standards; Watches.] Horse, The— Among Horses in Russia Haves, Capt. M. H. A 45 U 21 Artistic Anatomy of the Horse... Armstcad, II. W. A 20 P 25 + Critical Period in the Development of the Horse ... Ewart, J. C. A 38 P 13 Domesticated Animals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 External Conformation of the Horse Michigan -Agr. College Exper. Station, Bulletin. 11(1 630.7 Horse in Art and Nature Brown, C. A 17 R 17 t Horse in Shakespeare in The Diary of Master William Silence. Madden, Rt. Hon. D. H. A 35 T 18 Horse in the Stable and the field; bv "Stonehengc." Walsh, J. H. A 39 Q 5 Pamphlets on Feeding Experiments with Horses, Pigs, and Sheep. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 3S Q 8 , [See also Driving; Karricry ; Horse Hot ; Horse-breeding; Horse- sickness; Horse-racing; Horse-training; Hunting; Riding; Saddlery; Stables: Stud-books; Veterinary Science.] Horse Bot — Bot-fly; by W. W. Froggatt Agr. Caz., N.S.W., 11 630.5 [See also Insects, Injurious.] Horse-breeding — Among Horses in Russia Hayes, Capt. M. H. A 45 U 21 Australasian Livestock Manual Sutherland, C. MA 2 R 49 Australian Stud-book Vuille, A. MA 3 W 1-6 Breeding Race-horses by the 1'iuoi re System... Lowe, C. B. A31 Q 17 Cross-breeding; bv "Arab". . Quec'nsl. Agr. .bairn. , 1898 630.5 Horse-breeders' Hand-book Osborne, J. A 27 V 28 Horse-breed in- for Military lb-mounts... Queensland Agricultural Journal, (i 630.5 Horse-breeding Industry in Ireland. Reports by Commissioners. Ot. Brit, and Irel. - Horse-breeding, Ireland A 36 V 15 + Horse-breeding. Report of!; malt 'om mission... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Horse-breeding A 40 V 5 t Military Administration of Germany in its relation to National Horse-breeding U.S.— Dept. of Agr. -Bureau of Animal Industry, Kept., 1898 636 Points of the Horse Hayes, Capt. Si. H. A 10 W 9 t Qualification, of Military Remounts ; bv J. I). Stewart. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 [See also Horse, The; Horse-training; Stud-books; and under each breed.] Horse Diseases. [See Horse, The; Veterinary Science.] Horse-racing — Australasian Turf Register 798 Australian I : seine ( 'alendar MA 5 Q 16 Australian Stud-book Yu'ille, A. MA 3 W 1-6 Australian Turf Guide MA 5 P 7 Australian Turf Infamies McSweeny, J. J. MJ 3 V 9 Champion de Crespigny, Sir Claude, Memoirs C 22 Q 15 Coming Events Fry, E. H. MA 5 R 19, 20 Hackney Horse Society, Clydesdale Horse Association, Shire Horse Association, and Canadian I base Association, Reports. Ontario— Dept. of Agriculture 630.6 History of Celebrated English ami French Thorough-bred Stallions and French Mares Touchstone, S. F. A 3 R 23 t Horse-breeders' Hand-book Osborne, J. A 27 A' 28 Observer Turf Guide for South Australia MA 5 P 1-4 Queensland Turf Guide MA 5 Q 11 Sporting Reminiscences Haydon, T. MA 4 P 15 [.See also Gambling : Horse-breeding: Stud-books.] Horse-shoeing. [.See Farriery.] Horse-eickness — Report by Dr. Edington — in Appendix 1, vol. 1 ... Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1898 32S.6S7 Report, Director of Colonial Bacteriological Institute, 1898 — in Appendix 2, vol. 1 ( 'ape of 1 hmd Hope- Parliament, V. and P., 1899 328.687 Horse-training Illustrated Horse-breaking Hayes, M. H. A 29 R 35 Manual forCossack Riding andTraining Horses: bv< 'ol.( '. Fleisher — ('nSulectedProfessionall'apers... U.S. Dept. of War A 36 W 10 [See also Horse, The.] Horsemanship, [.S'ee Driving; Horse-racing; Hiding.] Horticultural Periodicals. [.See Gardening — Periodicals.] Horticultural Schools and Gardens. [.S'ee Botany — ■ Gardens; Gardening — Schools.] Horticultural Societies and Shows. [.See Gardening- Societies, Inhibitions, Boards.] Horticulture. [.See Flower-gardening; Fruit-growing; Gardening.] Hosea Old Testament — Book of the Twelve Prophets Expositor's Bible G 19 S 24 Hospitallers. [.See Knights of St. John.] Hospitals— General — Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals, Report. Gt, Brit, and Irel. Hospitals 362 Colonial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum. I'iii, Annual Report. Fiji— Hospital soil Lunatic Asylum 362 Cottage Hospitals Burdett, Sir H. C. A 2T S 1 7 Hospitals and Charities Burdett, Sir H. C. 360 Lying-in Hospital, Sydney, Prospectus MA 3 P 65 Medical Department of ll'er Ma jesly's Army. Regulations. (it. Brit, and Irel. War Ollice A 31 Q 29 Sydney Dispensary, l.'lih Report, lS-fl... Sydney Hospital 3(32.1 Uses and Abuses of the Public Hospitals in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand Bruck, L. MA 4 P 30 [See also Asylums, Benevolent ; Children's Hospitals; Hospitals- Construction: Lunatic Asylums; Nursing; and under the name of each Hospital.] Administration — Charitable Institutions of Melbourne, Report... Grcsswell, D. A. MF 4 U 29 Cottage Hospitals Burdett, Sir H. C. A 27 S 1 7 Hospitals for Infectious Diseases in Report, Local Government Board, 1880... (it, Brit, and Irel. Local Government 352.042 State Hospitals of Ohio. Itepts. ... Ohio- Annual Rcpts. 328.771 Construction — Details of Hospital Construction ; by ( '. !•',. (). Smith... Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept.. 1898 506 Healthy Hospitals Galton, Sir D. A 45 T I Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 887 Hot-air Engines — Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 8 23 Hot houses. [See Green-house Gardening.] Hot Springs. [See Geysers and Hot Springs.] Hours of Labour. [See Capital and Labour; Eight-hour (Question; Factories and Factory System — Laws; Labour Question; Work and Wages; Working-classes.] House Decoration — An < if the House Watson, Rosamund M. A 22 S 3 Caliiuet-maker and Upholsterer's Guide Hepplewhitc, \. A 20 Q 12 J Do. oration of Houses , Wharton, Edith A 22 V 31 (inula Pratica del Tappezziere A 48 P 19 J House Furnishing and Decorating Assistant Whitaker, H . A 18 Q 21 t List of Works consulted hy the Authors of 1 1.™ ration of Houses in Decoration of Houses Wharton, Edith A 22 V 31 Painting and Decorating Pearce, W. A 44 R 7 Twentieth Century Cooking anil Home Decoration. Aronson, Mrs. Z. B. MA 4 S 36 Woman's Book A 27 V 2!), 30 [SV oVlericis' '.'.'.".".".".. '.". '.". '. ".'.". ". '. '.".. ". '. '. ".".". ". '. ". '. '.".".'.'. !"."'.'.!"" J "i"«i'ij 3, 4 Australian— Boomcranu', The M.J 2 U 24 Bulletin 072 Fun; or, the Tasmania.. Charivari M.I 3 \V 20 Ha! Ha! M.I 14 Q t Henslowe's Annual Henslowe, L. MJ 3 T 19 Hobart Town Punch. [See Tasmanian Punch under this heading. ] LauL'hinc Jackass MJ 3 W 19 Lietor. The MJ 3 W 13 Melbourne Punch 072 Queensland Figaro MJ 2 V 17 21 Salmoniana '• Barri Coota" MJ 3 W 20 Sydney Fun MJ 3 W (i 8 Sydney Punch M.MS L2«; Tasmanian Punch MJ 3 W 20 British Ballads and Songs Thackeray, W. M. H 10 W 17 Collected Writings Graham. D. .MIS HI, 20 Comic History of England VBeckett. (!. A. J 22 V 1 (Vuikshaukiaii Momus Cruikshank, I. II KITllt Facotia'""" .* '. . . . "."" . . .'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.',' Sir J. H 3 R~34, 35 Hitherto Unidcntilicd Contributions to I'm,,-/,... Thackeray. W. M. J 17 U 12 Humorous Works Hook, T. E. J 25 S 2 ^Public Library of New South Wales. Humour and Comic Literature— British — contd. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Jerome, J. K. J 25 T 25 Laysoflnd Yeldham, Capt. W. H 13 V 4 Modern Sermons J 14 T 34 Peep into Punch Schooling, J. II. J 23 R 36 Penniles Parliament : Reprint of 1 60S ed. ... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S9 Roundabout Papers Thackeray, W. M. J 22 U 12 Social and Pictorial Satire Du Maurier, G. J 14 V 29 Table-book Cruikshank, G. J 22 T 5 Tarlton's Jests and News out of Purgatory ; by J. 0. Halliwell. Shakespeare Societ y Pubs., 29 H 3 U 25 Verses and Fly-leaves Calverley, C. S. H 1 1 Q 27 Wit and Humour selected from the English Poets Hunt, L. H 12 Q 25 [See aho Scottish under this heading.] Service, J. MJ 3 Q 46 Humourists and Satirists — Australian Humourist, An [by A. 1'. Martin] .. Jielb. Res'., 5 052 English Humourist, An (by A. 1'. Martin] ... Melb. Rev., 5 052 In the Dozy Hours, and other Papers, . . Repp] ier, Agnes J 16 R 36 Lamb, Charles, and the Lloyds; by E. V. Lucas CI!) P 21 Lambs, The: their Lives, &c Hazlitt, W. C. C 23 S 24 Smith, James and Horace ; by A. H. Eevan C 26 P 1 8 Whitehead, Charles ; by M. Bell C 24 P 47 Humourous Poetry. [See Humour and Comic Literature; Parodies.] Humus. [See Soils and Subsoils.] Hungary. [See Austria. ] Hunting- Country Club and Hunt Club in America; by E. S. Martin. Out-of-Door Sports A 40 Q 1 Diary of Master William Silence Madden. Rt. Hon. I). H. A35T 18 History of the Belvoir Hunt Dale, T. F. A 35 T 12 Hunting in the Antipodes; by R. R. Reeve Badminton Magazine, 1898 7CC In Haunts of Wild Game Kirhy, V. V. A •_'!) V 28 Pink and Scarlet; or limiting as a School for Soldiering Alderson, Lieut. -Col. E. A. H. A 45 T 10 Queen's Hounds and Stag-hunting Recollections. Ribblesdale, Lord A 38 V 8 Quorn Hunt and its Masters Blew, W. C. A. A 34 S 48 [See aho Dogs; Game; Sport and Sporting Adventures.] Huntingdonshire— General and Descriptive— English Topography... Gentleman's .Magazine Library I) 20 V 5 ■ History — Story of some English Shi . Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f Hurricanes- Cyclones, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes; by F. H. Bigelow. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 C30.5 Husband and "Wife. [See Family: Home; Marriugt Divorce.] Hybridization — Hybrids, and their Utilization in Plant-breeding; by V\ Swingle... United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, IS97 Plant Breeding Bailey, L. H. A 18 Hydatids and Hydatid Disease — Anatomy and Development ot / I in it , > u , «S ientith Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Hydatid Disease; by Dr. J. C. Verco— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Hydatids of the Kidney ; by Dr. H. Morris in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T. C. A26T37 Treatment of id Disease Gardner, W. MA 4 S 18 [See aho Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Hyde Park, London- Hyde Park from Domesday Book to Date... Ashton, J. B 24 R 8 Hydraulic Engir eering — Boston Water-works Fitzgerald, D. A 23 U 35 Calculations in Hydraulic Engineering ... Eidler, T. C. A 41 S 6 Carrying Capacity of Large, Riveted. Metal Conduits. Herschel, C. A 37 R 22 Control Sluices Stoney, F. M. A 31 S 14 Chicago .Main Drainage Channel Hill, C. S. A 17 S 1 t Croton Aqueduct, New York King, C. A 10 T 21 + Hydraulic Power Engineering Marks, G. C. A 45 S 14 Hydraulic Power Supnlv; bv T. Dickinson... Engineering .Assoc, N.S.Wales. Proc.'; 1S93 1)4 620.6 Hydraulic Tables Beardmore, N. A 25 S 1 3 Masonry Dams Courtney, C. F. A 39 P 13 Mitering Lock-gate3; by Lieut. H. F. Hodges... Unite 1 States — Dept. of War A 10 X 1 t MotivePowerandGcaringfnrElcetiicM Machinery. ..Coier. E. T. A 25 T 22 Notes on the Belubula Dam; by 0. Schulze Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 622.06 Pumps and Pump Motors Bjorling, P. R. A 13 W 15, 16 f Text-book. lf Mechanical Engineering... I. ineham, W. , I. A 22 R 32 Water-supply Engineering .. Folwell, A. P. A 38 S 24 Water Supply of the City of New York, 1658-1895. Wegmann, E. A 13 T 18 f [See also Bars ; Breakwaters; Canals; Docks; Drainage; Dredg- ing; Embankments; Harbours; Hydraulic Mining :" Hydrody- namics; Hydrostatics; irrigation; Lighthouses and Beacons; Reclamation of Land; Reservoirs; Rivers; Water Supply; Water-wheels; Weirs; Wharfs.] Hydraulic Mining - Hydraulic and Placer-mining Wilson, E. B. A 33 P 37 Hydraulic Dredging; or, the Working Deep Alluvial Deposits by Elevation with a Centrifugal Pump: by A. S. Kenyon. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineer.- Trans., LS!!S 622.C6 Hydraulicing and Ground-sluicing in New Zealand; by E. M. Thornley... Australasian Inst. .".Mining E:u;in-crs, Trans., 1S97 622.00 [See ah-o Placer Mining.] Hydraulics. [See Hydraulic Engineering; Hydraulic Mining; Hydrodynamics; Hydrostatics; Mechanics.] Hydrodynamics — Carrying Capacity of Large Rivctc 1 Metal Conduits. Herschel, C. A 37 R 22 Contraction of the Liquid Vein issuing from an Orifice... Bazin, H. A 32 R 33 Experimental Investigation of the Flow of Water in Uniform Channels; by S. H. Rarraelough, and T. P. Strickland. Royal Society, N. S. Wales. Journal, 1S97 506 Graphical Solution ofHydraulic Problems.. .Collin, F. C. A 33 P 13 Hydraulic Laboratory, McGill University; by H. T. Bovey. McGill University A 40 S 24 Hydraulics for Garrison Artillery (It. Brit, and Irel. — War Office A 36 V 31 Hydraulics of Great Rivers Rcvy, J. J. A 17 U 1 t Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy... Pratt, J. H. A 25 S 35 Mechanics applied to Engineering .... Goodman, J. A 20 Q 28 Steady Plow of Water in Uniform Pipes ami Channels; bv S. H. Knibbs Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 506 [See also Hydrostatics; Mechanics.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Hydrogen— Densities of Oxygen and Hydrogen, and on the Ratio of their Atomic Weights; by E. W. Morlcv... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 20 508 Hydrography. [See Bars; Currents; Geodetic Surveys; Hydroid Zoophytes. [See Hydrozoa.] Hydrology. [See Rain and Rainfall] Hydropathy- Codicil to "My Will" Kneipp, Rev. S. A 30 V 2 Hydrotherapy; by Dr. S. lxiracli-in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14, 17 M.\ ^'U ■ Kneipp, Rev. S. A 30 V 23 Physical and Natural Therapeutics llaycm, (;. A 31 Q 10 [S<< also Rabico-thcrapcuties; Hath-; and ' Rubin" ; Oerman Nature Cure; Health Resorts.] Hydrophidse — Sc i-snake from the South Pacific ; bvO. A. Eoulcnger— i« Zoological 1'esults Willcv, A. MA4V3 [See also Reptilia.] Hydrophilidffi — n of the^HydrophilidaJ of New Zealand; by D. Sharp. Hydrophobia- Alleged Rabies in Nebraska ... United I Applied Bacteriology ... Pc Experiments on Animals Hydrophobia and the Mu/zlini; Order Manual of B •• i logj Voodhead- , nHy5tF :J$\ , R. V 33 P 10 Micro orj [&< also Dog.] Allbutt, ' . C. V 20 T 35 Kgj [ydrostatics - Formulae in Hydrostat fcl ithematical Principl [S. also Fkl'i.N; ll'ydi cs in Mat s of Mecha deal Philosop'l tied... Judc, v...'Pi a. h. 1 Tables. \ 25 S 38 att, J. H. A~35 T 8 RuralH; of My r ilV-..:i'- ; „f Hy ,,! Prac [ydrotherapeutics. [See Hyc ropathy.] [ydrozoa — What Re I, I Is of the Neighbourhood of Dunedin ; by P. W. Hil; lg Hydrozoa for the Mi. roscope; by (!.' T.'Ha ; Medusa.; Zoophytes.] Hygiene— General- Air, Pood, audExerci Codicil to "My Will" . Galton, D. A 33 S 20 )ensmore, E. A 45 R 9 Quain, R. A 31 P 3, 4 'oore, (4. V. A 33 Q 24 .. Exhibits o From Feti. too dDe, ivy A 34 T 43 » Warfare of Science with Theology. White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Health in the Village; by Sir H. W. Acland ... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 Health in the Workshop; bv J. 15. Lakeman ... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit,, 1 A 41 U 17 Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country: by W. Essie Internal. Health i-'.xhib., 1SS4. Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 Healthy Furniture and Decoration; by R. W. Edis Internat. Health Exhib., 1S84, Lit,, 1 A 41 U 17 How to bo Well Sandlands, Rev. J. P. A 26 S 38 Hygiene and Public Health Parkes, L. 0. A 33 Q 23 Hygiene in the Home Woman's Rook A 27 V 29, 30 Hygiene of Certain Cities of K.nope Philadelphia Commercial Museum A 38 V 25 Hygiene of Youth; by Dr. C. Dukes— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 34 Inline . the International Health Exhib., 1884, Literature A41U17-V15 Jones, J. A. A 38 T 7 1 V3 Hunt, E. M. A 41 T 20 .. Dudu'eon, R. E. A 45 R 19 Poore, (J. V. A23P 15 . Pakes, W. C. C. A 45 U 28 Robe, ng: Hymns. Loyalty Islands MO 2 P 58 Tusi Une a Hwen Iai : School Prime,-. Loyalty Islands MO 1 P 89 [So ulso Loyalty Islands.] Ice Age. [See Glacial Geology.] Ice and Ice-making— Artificial Ice-making and Refrigeration Schmidt, L. M. A 45 T 16 Ice -making and Refrigerating Machines... Dixon, A. J. A 25 P 14 Rc:i igerating and Ice-making Machinery Taylor, A. J. W-. Story of Ice Brend, W. A. A 33 R 31 [>$'• ■ also Cold Storage: ( 'om pressed Air: Rcf'rigerat ing Machinery.] Ice Caves. [See Glacial Geology.] Icebergs — Antarctic Manual, 1901 Murray, (i. 508.99 R88 Conditions of the Antaictic; by !Sii- C. W. Thomson. |Icebergs of 1874] Nature, 15 505 Icebergs at the Chatham Islands N.Z. Inst., Trans., 25 506 Icebergs in the Southern Ocean Nautical Mag., 63 656 Icebergs in the Southern Ocean ; by H. C. Russell ... Royal Soc, N.S.W., .Journal, 29 5it(i Icebergs in the Southern Ocean ; by II. C. Russell... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 31 506 New Safety Route in Southern Ocean ... Nautical Mag., 63 656 Oc'iuiographicid and Meteorological Work in the German Vuldivia ]-:xpedition [1898-99. Antarctic Ice, &c] Geographical Journal, 15 910.5 Physical Geography of Antarctica. [Review of Dr. Pricker's "Die Kutstehung und Wrbroitung des Antarktisclicn Treibeises."] Ren ral of A : Ex] [ with Maps showing Ice Limits and Currents, fcc] ...... Gee*. Thickness of the Antarctic lee, and its rolation's'to 'that' of the < dacial Epoch ; by J. Croll (Quarterly Journal of Science. Voyage in the Southern and Antarctic Re ■.],:,- l-.:i:! (:;. Ros8,8irJ. C. D 4 R 18, 19 Voyage towards the Antarctic Sea, Sept.. 1S!I2 dune, 1893. [Bergs anil Pack Ice] ( Joom-aphioa I Journal, 2 910.5 Voyages of Chdhnger, Narrative, 1 Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, J. A 6 S 1 t Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antaictic Seas, 1884. M'Cormick, R. D 4 S 35, 36 [So- also Glacial Geology.] Iceland— General and Descriptive— Poems of Places Longfellow, H. VV. H 1 1 P ] 2-1 4 Three Visits .to Iceland Leith, Mrs. Disney D 16 R 9 [St, also Faroe Islands.] Icelandic Language and Literature — Stories of the KiuL's of Norway I Heimskringla) Sturluson, S. J 14 Q 31 Ichneumonidse — New Ichneumonida' in the Collection of the U.S. National Museum ; by W. H. Ashmead... U.S.— National Museum, Proc, 12 507 [S, i- also H y menoptera. ] Ichnology. [See Palteontology.] Ich t h yology — Ge neral— A fiimriii.- Mil i-h'Ui; by A. Morton... Royal Society, Tasmania, Proc, 1S96 5(16 Development of Some Parts of the Skeleton of Fishes -i« Scientific Memoirs Huxlev, T. H. A 40 S 16 Fishes in the Australian Museum Australian Museum MA 3 R 70 Fossil Fishes in the British Museum ; by A. S. Woodward. British Museum-Natural History A 39 S 1 1 . 12 Lu in /yris lima ; by A. Morton Royal Society, Tasmania, Proc, 1896 5.16 Ichthyology— General — contd. New Species of Fishes collected by the U.S. Albatross of the U.S. Fish Commision ; by G. H. Gilbert ... United States— National Museum, Proc, 19 507 Oceanic Ichthyology ... U.S -National Museum A 17 T 20, 21 t Oceanic Ichthyology ; by U. B. Ooode... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 30, 31 508 On Eleginus of Fischer, otherwise called Tilesia or Plcurogadus ; by T. Gill U.S.- National Museum A 37 S 52 Perciform Fishes in the, British Museum; by G. A. Boulenger. British Museum A 39 S 1 Preliminary Essay upon the Systematic Arrangement of the Fishes of the Devonian Period -ov'Scientilic Memoirs. Huxlev, T. H. A 40 S 16 Resultats Scientifioues do la Campagne du Cnwlun dans le Golfe deOascognc K.ehlcr, R. A 31 S 30 United States National Museum, Proceedings, 1894 507 [See also Fisheries; Fishes.] By Countries. Africa — Collection of Fishes; by Dr. African Countries America, North— Cheek-list of Fishes of the Fresh-water of North America; by Dr. Jordan Buffalo Soc. of Natural Sciences, Bull., vol. 3 506 Contributions to North American Ichthyology ; by I). S.Jordan — in Bulletins 9, 10, 12, 16, United State's National Museum. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Colic, lions, 13, 23, 24 508 Fishes of North and Middle America: by I). S. Jordan. United States— National .Museum Bulletin, 47 507 Fishes of the East Coast of North America; by T. Gill. Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, 14 508 [See also United Stales under this heading.] Australia — Contribution to Australian Ichthyology; by J. 1). Ogilby. Linnean Society, 'N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.6 New Family of Australian Fishes; by J. 1). Ogilby Linnean Society, N.S.W., Pine, 1890 580.6 New Genera and Species of Fishes; by .1. 1). Ogilby Linnean Society, N. S. Wales. Proc. 1897 9S 580.6 On a little known Australian Fish Y7/,r ,,1,-nns ,„ar„h,sus; by G. A. Boulenger ... Annals and Magazine of Nat. Hist., 1896 590.5 Pisces of Australia Zietz, A. MA 3 R 61 Reptiles and Fishes in the Department of Zoology. British Museum A 39 V 5 [See a/so each Colony under this heading.] ■ Bermudas — Fishes of the Bermudas. Catalogue; by O. 15. ( ioode- in Bull. 5, U.S. National Museum Smiths. Inst., Misc. Collections, 13 508 Great Britain— mil History of the Marketable Marin mds Hawaii- Fishes dredged inDecpWal Uni' ' " Japan — Fishes collected in Kamchatka United States- New South Wales — e Fishes of New South Wales; by J. D. Ogilby— in Pams., 8. Wales Commissioners .. Chicago Kxink. is9.'{ MA 4 T 22 ITeleost from New South Wales; bv.J. D. Ogilbv... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales. Proc." 1897 580.6 '•i nera and Species of Fishes from Australia : by J. D. Ogilby. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1S95 '580.0 Public Library of New South Wales. Ichthyology— New South Wales— contd. New Genus and Species of Fishes from M.u'. inlira Bay; by J. D. Ogilby Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 On a Fiddler. 7',- w .-« -,-/,,« / /as .■; ./ 1, with abnormal Pectoral Fins ; l.v.l. I'. 1 1 ill. .... . Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895 580.6 Traehvpterus from New South Wales: liv .1. i ). Ogilby... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897 580.6 New Zealand — Notes on some New Zealand Fishes; by Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 506 Occurrence of If,;,.;!,,;,* ,,:■<,< »>,;,..■. on the Taranaki Coast; by F. E. Clarke New Zealand Inst., Trans., 1897 506 Parore; or, the .Man-rove Fish; by F. E. Clark ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Rcgalecus Sp. ; by S. II. Drew N.Z. Inst., 'IVans., 1897 5! 16 Two New Globe-fish and Xotes on a Species of L»j>/e,(cs from Coast of Taranaki; by F. E. Clarke N.Z. Inst., Trans., 29 506 Descriptor by A. Morton ... Royal Society, Tas: R. M. Johnston Royal £ Fishes of Tasmania; by R. M. Johnston... P. oval Soc. , Tasmania, " Papers, 1882 506 Lamp-is lima ; by A. Morton Royal Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 Notes on Two Fishes, ( 'Units th-s, , •/.'/ >>/>■< and /!,■< ihil,,,* variiyalus ; by R. M. Johnston Royal Soc., Tas., Papers, 1882 506 Some Tasmanian Fishes; by J. 1). Ogilby Koval Society, Tasmania, Proceedings, 1896 506 United States - Bibliography of the Fishes of the Ur iili Bullet , Uni Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, •_ Fishes of North and. Middle America; by 1). S. Jordan. United Statos-Nati tl Museum, Bulletin, 4 [See also America, North, under this heading.] 7 507 lchthyopterygia — Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Iehthvopi. rygituns ; b\ Salensky... Internal. Congress of 'Zoology, Pm'c^LSOS A: Prof. 5 W 1 1 Iconography. [See Emblems; Statuary; Syinbolisn >•] Idaho — General and Descriptive— . L. D16T29 . Idaho— Legislatm . Public Lands- Idaho -Board of Land Co nmissio, ers' Report 336.1 Idaho University. [ I tions see Author Ca \or Rej alogue orta and Official Publica- under this title.] Ideal States — Dr. l'lcrtzl\ ll'l',- (dan-,, the Sidney, Sir P. J 23 V 33 Donnelly, I. J 14 li 22 Watson, J. (i 23 I'Nl Limner. Key. G. 0. G 24 R 1 ■lub. Pol. Kcon. Circle, 2 33(1.6 Bellamy, K. F 15 Q 18 .. Pemhorton', 1!, MF2 K 15 Idealism — Christianity and Idealism Watson, J. G 23 P 51 Christianity and I lie Social State... Lorimcr. Kcv. G. C. G 24 R 1 Early American Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 1 1 Evolution Jevons, F. B. G 25 S 13 Groundwork of Science Mivart, F. St. G. A 40 P 10 History of Ancient Philosophy Windclband, W. G 25 T 9 History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Idealism of Spinoza; bv J. C. Murray McGill University G 18 R 66 Influence of the Ideal; by F. A. Mackeehnie New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Non-religion of the Future Guyau, M. J. G 11 R 41 Philosophical Th -v of the State Bosan.iuet, B. F 9 P 34 Practical Ideal ism Hyde, W. de W. ( i 23 O 2 Rational, or Scientific Idea! of Morality Fitzgerald, P. F. G 1 T 23 Renaissance de l'Idealismc -lit Discours de Combat. Brunetiere, F. J 24 U 34 Theory of Vision Vindicated and Explained ///Works of Berkeley. Berkeley, Bishop G 18 P 55, 56 [See also llegelianism ; Platouism ; Kcalisni ; Transcendentalism.] Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. 0. G 1 Q 23, 24 Genealogy of Morals: Poems Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 17 Ideals and Institutions Merrill..!. K. G I P 33 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 Ideas, Innate. [See Intuitionalism.] Identification of Criminals — Bertillon System as a Means of Suppressing the Business of Living by Crime... U.S. Bureau of Education. P. -i>t., 1895-96 379.73 Decipherment of Blurred Finger-prints... Gallon, F. A 29 V 23* Identification anal Begist ration of Habitual Criminals. N. S. Wales Parliament, V. and P., 1S95 328.944 Signaletic Instructions Bertillon, A. F 13 T 19 [See also Anthropometry.] Ideography. [See Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions; Paleog- raphy ; Rock-carvings.] Idiocy — Facts concerning Idiocy and Imbecility; by Dr. F. Beach. Internal. Health Exhib., I SSI, Lit., II A 1 1 V 7 Heilth Development of idiots : by Dr. G. E. Shuttle- worth Intermit. Health Exhib. , 1S84, Lit,, 11 A 41 V 7 Idi icy and Imbecility; by Dr. Shuttleworth - In System of Medi- cine ." Allbutt, T. C. A26T41 [See also Feeble-minded; Idiot Asylums; Insanity.] Idiot Asylums School for Imbeciles Connecticut— Annual Repts. 328. 746 [See also Feeble-minded; Idiocy.] Ignorance- Ignorance: a Study of the Causes and Fll'ects of Popular Thought. Dorman, M. R. P. G 18 R 71 Hex cassine. [See. Yerba-mate.] Illawarra — General and Descriptive — Illawarra; or, South Coast Tourist Guide ... South Coast Tourist Union Ml) 8 P 42 Illawarra Road Important New Line of Road... N.S.W. Mag., 1843 MJ 4 Q 7, S Illinois — History — Illinois and Louisiana under the French Rule Wallace, J. B41 R8 Illiteracy — Illiteracy in the United States United States— Bureau of Fducation, Kept.. 1802 93 379.73 [See also Culture.] Illumination. [See Electric - lighting ; Gas — Heating, Lighting, Cooking; Lamps.]' Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 893 Illumination -Fine Ari Alphabets , Strange, E. F. J U U 18 lsenpis Thompson, Sir E. M. A 13 T 3 t IJo.k Illumination .Uu in- the Middle Illusions. [See Apparitions; Ghosts; Hallucinations.] Illustration of Books IK- ., ative Illustration of Hooks Crane, W. A 23 P 28 D. ,,s I. , Tin .niton's Virgil Blake, \V. A 45 V 12 Earl Work of Aubrey Beardsley Beardsley.A. A 19 T 20 t Mr. ifa Illustration, 1855 70..." White, G. A 30 V 20 I. ..!■ ■: the Art of Hook Illumination during the Middle . ■ ■ ^uariteh, li. A 18 P 7 t FinePriiita Wedmore, F. A 23 T 31 Hi-tone Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 Illustration of Books Pennell, ,1. A 23 P 17 ,la..- nese Illustration Strange, E. F. A 23 T 32 Mn.l.rn Illustration Pennell, J. A 23 It 45 Printers of Basle in the I 5lh and I lilli ( 'euturies... He :kethorn,C. W. C 11 X IS t Work of Charles Keeno Pennell, J. A 13 X 13 t [*.. ;l*o Kngi-avmg; Illumination; Photo-engraving.] Illyrian Language- Di>:iouarioltaliano-Lati Imagination — Illirico . . . Bella, Rev. A. Delia J 1 2 V 29 i of Psychology . . . James, W. G 3 U 25 G 11 S 39 01 1 tnd New Psychology Colville, W. J. G 23 P 26 I'l,i:..;opl,\ ..t the Human Mind Stewart, I), (i 10 V 1-3 Tn ..rv of' Knowledge Hobhouse, L. T. (1 14 Q 38 [S-. h'/vo Mental Faculties; Mind; Psychology.] Immaculate Conception - I), ad Pulpit, The Haweis, Rev. H. R. G 19 T 21 I, -iters of Dr. Pusey to Very Itev. .1. II. Newman. Pusey, Rev. E. B. G 3 U 7-9 \ft at*o Vatican Council; Virgin Mary.] Immigration. [S-e Emigration and Immigration.] Immortality Imperialism — Democracy and Empire Oiddings, F. H. F 17 P 20 Patriotism and Empire Robertson, J. M. F 17 R 26 World Politics Reinsch, P. S. F 19 S 5 Implements. [See Agricultural Implementsand .Machinery.] Impostors and Imp:sture - Gambling World, The "Rouge et Noir" G 15 S 30 [See ■',■>, I'.., i n.] Incarnation- ■ Christ and the Church Bradford, Rev. A. H. 0, 9 W 27 Creedless Gospel Satterlee, Rev. H. Y. G 12 V 7 De Benedicta Incarnacione... Wvclif Socictv Pubs., 7 G 23 T 21 Divine Immanence Illingworth, J. R. G 5 Q 31 Fund imental Ideas of Christianity... Ciird, Rev. J. G 5 P 32, 33 Historv of Dogma Harnack, A. G 23 S 36-39 Immortality of Memory Lefroy, Dean G 23 It 28 . -----'e of the Incarnation Powell, Rev. H. C. r ' [See alio Immaculate Conceptio Incas - Income Tax — .Jesus Christ ; Virgin Mary.] , Deduction, and Sinking Funds in relation to the Income Tax Acts... Russell, F. A. A. MF 5 Q 30 Federal Income Tax Explained Gould. .1. M. F 10 V 24 Income Tax Act. New Smith Wales. |S95... X. S. Wales -Statutes MF 4 P 37 Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895...SaIusbury, F. H. Pay,,, t of Inc Increment. [' operation; MF 1 R i: the United Kingdom on Income n other parts of the British Empire. 1 Institute, Proa, 1895 96 325.342 ieTax, 1894... Foster, It. F 10 U 19 ue Tax System Eldridge, C. W. F 1 R 1 1 tee Betterment; Capital and Labour; Co- Land Tenure; Socialism.] »y.] Independence Day. [See United States— His Independents. [S,-e Congregationalism.] Indexes to Periodical Literature. [See Periodicals- Indexes.] Indexing lire State; Soul, The.] [.S>e a/* Ornithology.] Imperial Federation and Defence. [See Great Britain; Federation, Imperial.] Hast India and Colonial Ma. Public Library of New South Wales. India— General and Descriptive — contd. Enchanted India Karageorgevitch, Prince I) 13 P 14 Fifty Years' Reminiscences of India . Pollok, Col. F. T. D 17 T 24 Forty-one Years in India Roberts, Earl B 1 V 37, 38 From Tonkin to India Orleans, Prime H. d' D 13 V 9 Haunts and Hobbies of an Indian Official... Thornhill.M. D 13 S 3 Hand-book of Informal ion for the ( 'olonies and India British India and Queensland Agency ill 0.2 Heart of a Continent ... Younghu.-baml, ( 'apt. F. E. D 17 V 25 Imperial Gazetteer of India Hunter, W. W. I) 19 S 7-20 In India Steevens, G. W. D 13 P 17 Index Catalogue of Bibliographical Works relating to India, Campbell, F. J 9 V 35 India Midler, F. M. J 29 T 13 India; by H. .Morgan-Browne.. Sixty Years of Empire B 22 K 18 India- in Democracy and Liberty. ..Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 India, Ceylon, &e. D 22 Q 4 India List Gt. Brit, and Ircl. India Office 351.2 Indian Village Community Powell, B. H. B-. F 12 T 24 Jervis, Thomas Best C 26 Q 17 Kafirs of Hindu-Kush Robertson, Sir G. S. I) 15 V 30 Moral and Material Progress in India- hi Asiatic Studies. Lyall, Sir A. C. (i 23 R 34 More Tramps Abroad Clemens, S. L. D 13 P 2 On the Indian Hills Arnold, E. L. D 1 7 P 32, 33 Oswell, William Cotton. Hunter and Explorer C 26 T 7, 8 Photographs and Drawings of Historical Buildings .. Griggs, W. A40U 15 t Picturesque India Temple, Sir R. 1) 16 R 15 Quaint Corners of Ancient Em) ires... Shoemaker. M. M. I) 13 R 9 Reminiscences of an Indian Pnlic e Official... Crawford, A. F 13T31 Chevrillon, A. D 17 T 29 \ Men if Ini n Indian Win . India F 1 Q 1- . Dunn, Sara H. D 19 U 16 Tha.ker's Indian Directory.. Through Persia and India Weeks. E. L. 1) 17 V 22 Tour through the Famine Districts of India... Morewether, F. H. S. D 19 [I 14 Tr.ivels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi AliReis; by A. Vambery Seidi AH D 16 R 19 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U S [See also Anglo-Indian Terms and Phrases; Fine Arts— Indian ; Himalayas: Hinduism: India Religions: Indian Frontier; Indian Mutiny; Kulu: Km am Valley : Manipur; Naga Hills ; Sikh War; Sikhs; and under names of Places and Subjects.] Lumsdcn of the Guides Lumsden, Sir H. B. C 25 S 12 Types of the Indian Army Bremner, F. A 21 P 1 f Biography — Bibar Poole, S. L-. B32Q13 Chve, Lord Macaulay, Baron B26P11 Clive, Lord; by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot C 26 P 14 Hastings. Warren Macaulay. Baron B 26 P 10 Hodgson. Brian Houghton. Life of : by Sir W. W. Hunter C21U8 Lawrence, Sir Henry, the Pacificator; by Lieut. -Gen. J. J. McL. Innes t< 19 j 04 Meade, (Jen. Sir Richard; by T. H. Thornton C 25 P 14 Old Memories Cough, Gen. Si.- II. C 23 1! 3 Old Soldier's Memories Parry, Capt. S. H. J-. C 24 R 8 Representative Indians Pillai, G. P. C 25 Q 8 Story of My Life Temple, Sir R. C 23 V 13, 14 Thackerays, The, in India Hunter, Sir W. W. C 23 P 5 Twelve Indian Statesmen Smith, G. C 20 S 10 Xavier, St. Francis, Life and Letters C 20 T 6, 7 Commerce and Trade— Accounts of Trade carried by Rail and River in India, 1896-97. India Dept. of Revenue and Agriculture 362 Accounts relating to the Trade and Navigation of British India. India Statistical Bureau 3S2 American Trade with India ... Philadelphia Commercial Museum Future Trade with the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 ndo- Australian Trade Walpole, R. MF 4 Q 58 Review, J radeof India... India Dept. of FinanceandComm. 382 Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign Temple. Sir R. F 13 V 13 Weights of Articles carried by Rail and River in British India, 1893-96 India— Statistical Bureau 382 India — Finance and Taxation — Administration of Expenditure of India. Report of Commission. Gt. Brit, and Irek— Indian Expenditure F 24 P 4 t Indian Coinage and Currency Probyn, L. C. F 13 T 24 Review, Trade of India. . . India -Dept. of Finance and Comm. 382 Geography. Tn/iogrophi/, and Maps — - Thacker's Reduced Survey Map of India . ... Bartholomew, J. G. D 13 V 11 Government and Administration — History of Lord Lvtton's Indian Administration ... Balfour, Lady F9R43 Selections from Public Correspondence published by the Authority of Government, North-western Provinces... India A 34 R 21, 22 History — Alexander the Great Wheeler, B. I. B 27 Q 14 Alexander the Great, Invasion of India by M'Crindle, J. W. B 28 T 6 Alexander the Great, Life and Exploits B 27 V 20 Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Tod, Lieut. -Col. J. B41 W 11, 12 Biibar Poole, S. L-. B 32 Q 13 British India Frazer, R. W. B 17 Q 19 Building of the Empire Story, A. T. B 16 U 12, 13 Clive, Lord; by Sir A. .1. Arbuthnot C 26 P 14 Conquerors. Warriors, and Statesmen of India... Sullivan, Sir E. Bll R28 Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asieu Diez, H. F. von B 16 R 26, 27 Early Annals of the English in Bengal. . Wilson. ( '. R, B 22 V 19 Embassy of Sir T. Roe to Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-19. Hakluvt Society Pubs.. 2nd series, 1, 2 910.6 England and India '. Dutt, R. C. F 15 R 3 Fitch, Ralph Forty-one Years in Indi: Growth of the Empire .. History of British India History of the Dceean . History of the French in: History of the Pan jab... Incidents . ludi :r Warfare, s Presidency Adi istern Provinces of India. Philip and Alexander of Maeedon Recollections of Thirty-nine Years North-i Romance of an Indian Servant of John Com] Sikh, and Sikh Wars Soldier and Traveller Story of Ii Ryley, R. H. B 36 R 7 Roberts, Earl B 1 6 V 37, 38 Jose, A. W. MB3P1 Hunter, Sir W. W. B 28 U 12 Gribble, J. D. B. B 32 S 1 ia Malleson,Col.G.B. B31U21 Latif, Syad M. B 32 S 6 Pitt, F. W. B 17 Q 17 Younglmsband.Capt.G. J. B 29 U 10 listration, Manual, 1886 915.48 Crooke, W. B 29 T 7 . Hogarth, 1). G. C24Q 11 the Army... ( iordon.SirC. A. B 39 Q 15 >y D. Blair... Melb. Rev., 2 052 Keene, H. G. B 20 U 15 Cough, Gen. Sir C. B 17 R 49 .... Gardner, Col. A. C 25 P 7 Boulger, D. C. B 29 P 18 [Su- 11/xo Indian Mutiny.] Politics— Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne, 1888-84. Forrest, G. W. F 1 1 U 36 England and India '. Dutt, R. C. F 15 R 3 History of Lord Lyttou's Indian Administration... Balfour, Ladv F 9 R 43 Russia against India Colquhoun, A. R. F 19 S 3 Religions — Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Collected Works Midler, F. M. J 29 T 1-14 Evolution d'un Mythe Renel, C. B 39 U 7 Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India .. Crooke, W. G 19 T 29, 30 Ramakrishna : his Life and Sayings... Midler, F. M. G 23 P 43 [Set aho under each Religion.] Social Life and Customs — From Sea to Sea Kipling, R. 1) 21 R 11, 12 Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies Dubois, Abbe G 23 S 12, 13 India-rubber. [See Gutta-percha.] Indian Archipelago. [See East Indies.] Subject-Index to the Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. Indian Art. [See Fine Arts — Indian.] Indian Corn. [.See Maize.] Indian Frontier— General and Descriptive— Among the Celestials Youngliusband, Capt. F. E. D 13 R 6 Eighteen Years in the Khvber, 1879-98 Warburton, Sir R. B 36 S 1 1 Ind ia's Scientific Frontier Hanna, Col. H. H. F 16 S 18 . Campaigns — ■ Briti ih Relations with Tribes on the N.W. Frontier of India and tin' Military uporations undertaken again*! tin-in during the year 1897-98... (it. Brit, and Irel. -Mi'litan Operations, N.W. Frontier, India B 36 V 16 + Campaign in Tirah. 1S97 -98... Hutchinson, Col. 11. 1). 1) 13 U 16 theStorvofaMinorSiege... Robertson, SirG.S. B 39 S 14 Forward Policy and its Results Bruce, K. I. B 41 R 13 Frontier Campaign: Ooerations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-98 Fincastle, Viscount B 29 R 14 Indian Frontier War: being an Account of the Mohmund and Tiiah Expeditions, 1897 James, L. B 29 U 16 Indian Frontier Warfare... Youngliusband, Capt.t L, I. B 29 U 10 Lockhart's Advance through Tirah Shadwell, ('apt. L. J. B29U 17 Lunisden of the Guides Lumsden, Sir II. B. C 25 S 12 Making of a Frontier Durand, Col. A. B 36 S 9 Relief of Chitral Youngliusband, Capts. (!. J. and F. E, 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Sikkim Expedition, 18S8 Iggulden, ('apt. II. A. B 31 R 12 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment inTirali... Slesser, Capt. A. K. B31 R 13 StoiA of the Malakand Field Force ... Churchill, Lieut. W. L. S. B 29 R 15 With Kelly to Chitral Beynon, Lieut, W. G. L. 1) 17 V 24 [See also Chitral.] Indian Literature — Great Indian Epics Oman. J. C. .1 23 T 6 Literary History of India Frazcr, R. W. J 1 9 W 7 Indian Mutiny — British India Frazer, R. W. B 17 Q 19 Daily Life during the Indian Mutiny... Khercr, .1. \V. B 29 S 12 Forty-one Years in India Roberts, Eail B 16 V 37, 38 Incidents in India Pitt, F. VV. B 17 Q 17 Lawrence, Sir Henry, the Pacificator; by Lieut. -lien. J. J. MeL. limes ." C 19T24 Lunisden of the Guides Lumsden, Sir H. B. C 25 S 12 Meade, General Sir Richard; by T. H. Thornton C 25 1' 14 Middy's Recollections, A Montagu, Rear-Admiral C 23 U 8 Native Narratives of the Mutiny in Delhi Metcalfe, C. T. B 29 U 18 Nicholson, John, Life of C 25 Q 5 95th Regiment in Central India Baines. Gen. J. B 31 I! 10 Old Memories Gough, Gen. Sir H. C 23 R 3 01.1 Soldier's Memories Parry, Capt. S. H. J-. (' 24 It 8 Recollections of a. Hi-bland Subaltern... Alexander, Lt.-Col. W.I Recollections of Thirty ■ Mili le Yea n the Arn Forre 113! . W. ;» t 3 Sepoy Mutiny, as seen by a Subaltern, fror Vibart, Col. 10. B 38 Q 1 1 Sepoy Revolt limes, Lieut. -Gen. MeL-. B 16 S 39 Servant of John Company Keene, II. (!. B 29 U 15 Sikhs and the Sikh Wars Cough, Gen. SirC. li 17 II 49 Smith, Richard Baud, the Leader of the Delhi Heroes in 1857; bv Col. II. M. Vibart C 23 It S Storv of the Indian Mutiny Mon-riell, A. It. II. B 17 P 39 Told' from the Ranks Small, K. M. 1121 S4 Twelve Indian Statesman Smith. G. ( ' 20 S 111 Twelve Years' of a Soldier's Life... Johnson, Major W. T. B 21 S3 Windham. General. Diary and Lettersof ('23 H With H.M. 9th Lancers during the Indian Mutiny. Anson, Brevet-Major B. B 29 22 [Stc also India-History.] Indian Ocean — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. Hll P 37 Topograpeisehon Capitol des Indisehen Seespiegels Mohit, Die. Seidi Ali ben Hosein Katib i Rtimi I) 12 X 17 J Indian Politics. [See India —Politics.] Indiana— Finance and Taxation — State Treasurer, Indiana, Rept... Indiana — Ann. Repts. 353.9772 Government < Message of the Govern id Administration — r Indiana— Legislature 353.9' Indiana University- Indiana University, Ann. Rept.. ,. Repts 353.9772 Indians, American — Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements New York State Museum, Rept., 1896 507 j'.l Mounds on tlu (.' .1st of New Brunswick and of " y S. F. Baird ... U.S. —Nat. Mus. , Proc. , New Eiiglan American Antiqi American Association, Adv Antiquity of the Red Race United S' ' Xov if Science, Proc. i; byT. Wilson. -National Museum, Kept,, 1895 913.7 507 is of Adventure... Jones, C. J. 1) 22 U 4 Hopkins, J.C. D23Q5 Canada -Department of Indian Affairs Report, 1895 970.5 Canadian Aborigines British America I) 22 Q 6 Clitl'-dwc Hers of the Mesa Verde. South-west Colorado. Nordenskiold, G. A 17 U 13 t Collecting Specimens illustrating the Aboriginal Use of Plants. Coville, F. V. A 20 V 27 Condition and Needs of the Mission Indians of California, Report, Jackson, Helen A 30 R 45 Contributions to North American Ethnology. ..United States - Geographical and Geological Survey of the Kooky Mountain Region A 10 V 1-8 t Creation Myths of Primitive America Curtin, J. G 23 S 50 Department of Indian Affairs, Reports in Sessional Papers. Canada— Parliament 328.71 Earthenware of the New York Aborigines; by W. M. Beauchamp. New York— Museum, Bulletin 5, No. 22 507 Ethnology of the American Indians. .Sin it lis. Inst. Kept., 1877 506 Ethnology of the Coast Indians of Alaska; by A. B. Niblack. United States National Museum*, Proc., 1S88 507 Explorations of the Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee; by Dr. J. Jones Smiths. Inst. . Contributions to Knowledge, 22 508 Facts relative to the Canadian Indians Tracts relating to the Aborigines MA 2 T 29 Gold-diggings of Cape Horn Spears, J. R. A 24 T 26 Government andReligion of the Virginia Indians ; bvS. R. Hendren. Johns Hopkins University. Studies, 13 I! IS S IS " is of the Que ~ Hist rJ.( niths. Insl y of the Five Indian Natio of N'c, York . ild- isof B17P3I Public Library of Neio South Wales. Indians, American— conU. Man, Past and Present Keane, A. H. A 27 S 29 Massachusetts Indians; their Descent, Numbers, and Condition. Massachusetts— Lunacy and Charity, Kept., 1868 300 " Maya and Malay Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 996 Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 North Americans of Antiquity Shot, J. T. A 35 T 7 Notes on the N'tlakapamici of British Culumhia. a Branch of the great Salish Stock of North America; by C. Hill-Tout— in Ethnological Survey of Canada British Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1899 500 Old Santa Fe Trail Inman, Col. H. ]) 16 T 19 Omaha Indian Music; by Alice 0. Fletcher ... Peabody Museum, Archaeological Papers A 41 P 14 On Snow Shoes to the Barren (i rounds... Whitney, C. D 16 T 14 Palenque Tablet in the United States National Museum; by C. Rau Smiths. Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 22 508 Peace ratified in the Creek Nation Fisk, C. B. A 30 R 47 Pile-structures in Naaman's Creek ; by Dr. Cresson Peabody Museum, Archaeological Papers A 41 P 14 Prehistoric Burial Places in Maine; by C. C. YVilloughby. Peabody Museum, Archaeological Papeis A 41 P 14 Rules for the Indian' School Service United States— Office of Indian Affairs C IS S 37 Salt Lake Trail Inman, Col. II. D 22 P 16 SocialOrganization and thcSccd Societies of the Kwakiuti Indians; by F. Boas United States -Nat. Mus., Rept,. 1895 507 Sport and Adventures among the North American Indians. Messiter, C. A. D 16 T 15 Standish, Mylcs, Exploits of; by «. Johnson C 23 S 1 Stone Implements from Lake Michigan: by \V. A. Phillips. Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1S97 506 Story of the Indian Grinnell, G. B. A 27 S 19 Study of the Omaha Tribe; bv Alice C. Fletcher Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Tangweera Bell, C. N. T) 22 R 14 Travels in the Interior of North America. ..Maximilian 1) 17 T 2 J Twelve Months in Klondvke Kirk. R. C. D 13 P 16 United States Bureau of Kthnoiogv, Report 572 United States ( iengraphical Surveys West of 100th Meridian, Report United States Kngineer Dept. AlOUl-Sf Voeabulario indigena com a Orthogruphia Correeta, Complemento da Poran dub,, A.nazonense Rodrigucs. J. B. J 28 V 3 [See alto Aztec Race; Cliff-duellings; Kthnoiogv United States ; ' ; Mounds and Mound-builders; Race' Problems ; Sioux; "erba Mate; and under names of Tribes.] forth American Indians. Mallery, Lieut. -Col. 0. J 13 \V 27 + ieratique Yueatequc.Rosny, Leon de J 8 V 28 Voeabulario Indigena Rodrigues, J. B. J 9 V 38 Indians, Lives of. [See India— Biography.] Indie Languages — Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms YVi [See also Dra vidian; Marathi ; Pali; Prakrit; Sanskri Indie Literature. [See Indian Literature.] Indie Religions. [See Brahmanism ; Buddhisn ism; India — Religions; Mohammedanism; Indies, East. [See East Indies.] Indigestion. [See Digestion.] Indigo — lson, II. H. J 19 T 2 f t.] Subst Ranki [See ... ...ring Fermentat ion, from which Indigo Bin tally formed in [ndigo Manufacture; by Lieut-Col. (I. S. "p, Asiatic Society, Bengal," Journal, ISOli I topical Agriculture.] Individualism— Aristocracy and Evolution Mallock, W. H. F 3 R 1 Coming Individualism, The Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Difficulties of Individualism in Problems of Modern Industry. Webb, S. F 9 R 42 Genesis of the Social Problem Nash, H. S. G 11 U 18 Non-religion of the Future Guyau, M. J. G 11 R 41 Philosophical Theorv of the State Bosanquet, B. F 9 P 26 State and the Individual M'Kechnie, W. S. FIT 31 Theistic Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 [See t/xo Collectivism ; Communism; Socialism.] Individuality, Animal — Animal Individuality in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Indo China — Colonisation de lTndo-Chine Bert, J. C-. F 13 V 30 European Settlements in the Far East S., I). W. D 21 Q 12 Indo-Europeans. [See Anthropology; Aryan Languages;. Aryans; Ethnology; Romance Languages.] Indoor Amusements. [See Games.] Indulge) ory of Auricular Coufessio ' y.] . Lea, H. C. [See Industrial Arts. [See Manufactures and Industries.] Teaching of. [See Technical Education.] Industrial Chemistry. [See Technological Chemistry.] Industrial Periodicals. [See Manufactures and Industrie: —Periodicals.] Industrial Schools and Institutes— Female Sc'uool of Industry, Sydney, Report, 1888 MG 2 U 41 'Report of Departmental CommiU '"' Industrial School, New Hampshire, Inc Int F2 ) U u . New Ham| shil nual Repts. Ann. Repts. !28. "71 lings, 1893. Our Wa is and Strays; by R. Stout Melb. 1 Reform; torv and In.lustri d Schools Acts; by F. V. (it, B it. andlrel -Reformatory and fndust. Schoo Reform; torv and Industrial Schools of Creat liritau (It. Brit, and Irel. Retort Reform; torv and Indus! rial Schools of Ireland... (it. Br Refon [See also Technical Education.] Industries, Primitive -- United States— Bureau of Ethnology, Report, 1891 92 572 [See also Primeval Mar.] Inebriety. [See Dipsomania.] Infallibility. [See Popes; Roman Catholicism; Vatican Council.] Infant Life Protection Select Committee on the Infant Life Protection Bill, and Safety of Nurse Children Bill, Rep at (it. Brit, and Irel. -Infant Life Protection V 39 V 60 J [See also Children.] Infantry— Brill and Minor Tactics— Examens subis le 10 Oct., IS82: Regiment des Carabiniers. Belgium C 13 U 14 t Field Exercise, 1867... (it. Brit, and Irel. War Office A 35 P 8 Field Exercises, 18S4... (it, Brit, and Irel. --War Office A 35 P il Infantry Drill, 1SS9... (ft. Brit, and Irel. --War Office A 35 P 11 Infantry Drill, 1892... (it. Brit, and Irel. War Office A 35 P 12 Infantry Drill, 1896 ... (it, Brit, and Irel. War Office A 22 P 5 Infantry Drill Regulations U.S.— Dept, of War A 22 P 57 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. 897 Infantry— Drill and Minor Tactics— contd. Infantry Drill Regulations: Manual of Small Arms... United States— Dept. of War A 22 P 58 Infantry Sword Kxercise Gt. Brit, ami Irel. — War Ollire A 36 Q 6 Manual of Guard Duty, United States Army United States Dept. of War A 22 1» 4(i Om (let romerske infanteris kampmaade og (lets befal /// Samlcde I'l ilologiske Afhandlinger Schjott, P. 0. J 9 V 37 [S< e also Military Art ami Science; Mounted Infantry; Shooting.] Infants — Law. [See Children — Legal Status; Infant Life Protection.] Infants' Diseases. [See Children— Diseases.] Infection. [See Contagious and infectious Diseases; Dis- infection; Epidemics; Pathology.] Infidelity. [See Agnosticism; Atheism; Deism; Free- thought; Rationalism; Spinozism; Theism.] Infirmaries. [See Hospitals.] Inflammation — In'lammation; by Dr. J. G. Adami— in System of Medicine. Alllratt, T. C. A 25 T 31 Nature of Reparatorv Inllainmation in Arteries after Ligature, Acupressure, and Torsion; by Dr. 10. 0. Shakespeare. Smithsonian Institution. Misc. Collections, 16 508 Influenza — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Inlluenza; by Dr. J. F. Goodhart in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 Inlluenza - in Pra.-l i.-al Th.-rapeut ies ... Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Infusoria — History of Infusoria Pritchard, A. A 20 T 31 [,S'(, also Desmids; Diatoniacctu ; Dysteria; Protozoa; Rotifcra.] Inheritance — Inherited Property in France ... U.S. Consular Repts., 61 382 Physics and Politics Bagehot, W. F 8 V 46 [>:.'. also Succession, Law of; Wills.] Initials. [See Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms.] Injectors — Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 23 Injurious Insects. [See Insects, Injurious.] Injurious Occupations Employer's Liability to their Workmen... Taylor, W.I. F 18 R 12 Great Britain and Ireland Dangerous Trades, Report of Com- mittee appointed to report upon certain Miscellaneous Danger- ous Trades F40 V 28 t Industrial Diseases; by Dr. J. S. Bristov.e... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Report on Alkali, ,tc, Works; by the Inspector. (it. Brit, and Irel. -Local ( iovernment Board 613.63 White Slaves of Kngland Sherard, R. II. F 13 V 3 [See also Noxious Trades.] Ink— Printers' Hand-book Jacobi, C. T. A 24 P 41 Inoculation — Preventive Inoculation; by W. M. Hafkinc Royal Society, Loud., Proa, 1809 500 [,-ve also Serums and Serotherapy.] Inorganic Chemistry. [See Chemistry, Inorganic] Inquests- Hand-book to Magisterial lie, nines in New South Wales. Mathews, R. H. MF4R61 >n in Europe . Pennington. Rev. A. R. G24U13 ' the 16th Century ... Wilkens, Rev. 0. A. Gil U 13 Inquisition Counter Rcf Spani [See also Martyrs; Persecutions.] Insane, Asylums for. [See Lunatic Asy Insanity — Alcoholic Insanity; by Dr. Hyslop— i ~ American Journal of lass ILU! Mid; by Dr. Nirholso Allbutt. ' by Dr. Clousto 132.1 Syst .ucdienie iuinuti, i. u. A 26 T 41 lochal Insanity; by Dr. Clouston in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 mily System in Practice; by Dr.Stedman Massachusetts- Lunacy and Charities, Rept,, 1898 360 om Demoniacal Possession to Iusanil v in Warfare of Science with Theology White, A. 1). G 3 U 17, 18 neral Hoard of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland, Report. (it. Brit, and Irel. - Lunacy 362.2 neral Treatment of the Insanities ; by Sir J. B. Tuke-/« System »f Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 mpital Treatment of Insanity; by Dr. E. X. llrush -in Practical I'herapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 «initv; by Dr. Savage—/;/ System of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 sanity and Epilepsy; by Dr. R. Jones— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 I 1 41 Medici Mad Humanity .. Mania; by Dr. Sv nd Surgical Operations; by Dr. Dent— " Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Winslow, L. F. A 39 V 26 u of Medicine ... Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 Hare, H. A. A 31 P 16 Macpherson, J. A 30 T 41 Urquhart -in System o .Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 d Insanity. , 1805 331 Seholz, F G 9 V 45 )r. C. Norman -in System Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 41 stem of Medic Allbutt, T. C. A 26T41 S. Cons. Repts., 50 382 >y Dr. Me. n of Medi- Allbutt, T. C. A 26T41 Lunacy — Laws ; Lunatic idence; M nd and Body ; Nerves and Inscriptions— Ancient* .i reek I Epitaphe Minci Public Library of New South Wales. Insecticides. [See Insects, Injurious ; Plant Diseases ; Spraying.] Insectivora — Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum; by R. Lydekker. British Museum -Xatural History' A 42 V 1G-19 [See also Talpidse.] Insectivorous Birds — Insects and Birds ; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 List of Insectivorous Birds of New South Wales : bv A. J. North. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 7, 8, 11 C30.5 Insectivorous Plants. [See Drosera Whittakeri.] Insects — General — Insect Life Theobald, F. V. A 18 P 31 Insects Sharp, U. A 40 U 12, 13 Insects: their Structure and Life .. Carpenter, G. H. A 28 I* 40 True Tales of the Insects Badenoch , X. A 30 T 26 [See a/so Entomology for Scientific Works; and under each Class.] Insects, Injurious and Beneficial to Agriculture — Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 1-11 030.5 Aqn„,ni:a v lM>u,li, a New Species of Leaf-mining Fly ; by D. W. Coquillett ... Liimean Society, N. S. Wales, i'roc, 1899 580.6 Ambrosia Beetles; by H. G. Hubbard... United States -Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Association of Eci mi.- Entomologists. Proceedings. United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology 501.0 Attack of the Diamond bark Moth Caterpillar, Report, 1891. (it. Brit, and Ircl. Hoard of Agr. A 21 V 30 Australasian Fruit-growers' Conference, Proceedings, 1897. Queensland Agriculture 634 Boll-worm of Cotton; by F. W. Mally... United States -Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 37 S 6, 7 Box-elder Plant-bug United States- Dept. of Agr.-— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Buffalo Tree-hopper United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia, Journal 630.6 Carpet Beetle, or Buffalo Moth... United States Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Caterpillar Plague ; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Caterpillars; by W. W. Froggatt... Agr. Gaz., N.S. W., 10 630.5 Cause of an important Apple Disease; bv N. A. Cobb. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Cineraria Fly ; by T. W. Kirk— in Leaflets for Gardeners and Fruit-growers, 27 New Zealand -Agriculture MA 3 R 75 Clover Mite... United States -Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Common Insects; with Preventives -in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates. Dean, G. A. A 34 V 13 Culture of Vegetables and flowers from Seeds and Roots. Sutton and Sons A 20 U 31 Damage by Destructive Locusts... United States— Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Entomology A 37 S 4 Danger of Importing Insect 1'csts; bv L. 0. Howard. United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 630.5 Destructive Insects liable of Introduction to Queensland; by H. Tryon Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State; by K. Felt New York- Museum, Bulletin 5, No. 20 507 Enemies of Farm Crops in I land-book for Farmers and Dairy- men Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Farm and Orchard Pests Thompson, Bey, F. If. MA 4 P 10 Forest Moths that have become Orchard and Garden Pests; by W. W. Froggatt Agr. Gazette, X. S. Wales, 7, 8 630.5 Fruit Flies... Victoria -Agr. Guides to Growers, 40 MA 3 V 13 Fruit Flies; by Claude Fuller Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 2 630.5 Fruit Fly Experiments ; by Benson and Voller Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 630.5 Fruit-maggot Fly; by W. W T . Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Fruit-tree and Vine Pests ; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Insects, Injurious and Beneficial— contd. Fruit-tree Bark Beetle ... United States -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 General Work against Insects which Defoliate Shade Trees in Cities and Towns United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Government Entomologist, Report -in Appendix 2, vol. 1. • Cape of Good Hope Parliament. V. and P., 1897 328.687 Grass and Grain Joint-worm Flics and their Allies; by L. O. Howard... U.S.— Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Great Britain and Ireland Hoard of Agriculture. Leaflets, 1893- 95. A 21 V 31 Horticulturist's Rule-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 P 28 Idaho— State Hoard of Horticultural Inspection, Report 634 Imported Elm-leaf Beetle United States Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 37 S 3 Imported Elm-leaf Beetle ... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Injurious and oilier Insects of the State of New York... Xew\ r ork — Museum, Bulletin 5, Xo. 23 507 Injurious Insects Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Injurious Insects and Fungi, Report, 1890 ... Gt. Brit and Irel.— Board of Agr. A 21 V 29 Insect Control in California : by ('. L. Marlatt... United States - Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 030.5 Insect Friends ; bv G. Quinn Journal of Agriculture and Industry. South Australia. 1897-98 630.5 Insect Friends and Foes ; by C. Fuller. ..Agr. Gaz.,X.S.W., 7 630.5 Insect Friends and Insect Foes; bv H. Tryon Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Insect Pests; by W. W. Froggatt... Agr. Gaz., X.S.W., 10 630.5 Insect Pests and Fungi Victoria Agriculture -Guides to Growers, 27 MA 3 V 13 Insect Pests found in the Northern District ; by W. W. Froggatt. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Insectivorous Birds of \. S. Wales; by A. .1. North... Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7, 8, 11 630.5 Insects affecting Stored Vegetable Products; by F. H. Chittenden. United States -Dept. of Agr.- Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Insects and Birds ; by \V. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Insects and Fungi injurious to Crops, Reports, I8S9, 1892. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Board of Agr. A 21 V 28, 32 Insects and Fungus Diseases of Fruit -trees and their Remedies; by W. J. Allen, and others Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 9 630.5 Insects and Fungus Pests; by E. H. Thompson Tasmania- Agriculture MA 3 S 70, 72 Insects injurious in 1895 Minnesota Agr. Exper. Station Rept., 1895 03H.7 Insects injurious to Crops in Great Britain... Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Board of Agr. A 21 V 24 Insects injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops : bv F. II. Chittenden. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 38 Q 20 Insects injurious to Orchard and Hush Fruits; with Means of Prevention and Remedy Ormerod, Eleanor A. A 20 U 32 Insects injurious to Stored Grain: by F. II. Chittenden. United States Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 45 A41 U 1 Insects injurious to Stored Grain: by ]•'. II. Chittenden. United States Dept of Agr.. Year-book, 1S94 630.5 Larger Corn Stalk Borer.. United States Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Leaf-mining Caterpillar; by W. W. Froggatt Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Life-histories of American Insects Weed, C. M. A 28 P 33 Mexican and Japanese Injurious Insects liable to be Introduced into the United States ... United States Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 38 R 12 Minnesota-Agricultural Exper. Stn., Bulletin 48 A 36 T 6 Xew Jersey State Agr. Exper. Station. Kept.. 1897 630.7 Xew York— Agricultural Experiment Station, Board of Control, Report, 1894 630.7 Xew Zealand Agriculture, Government Biologist, Report 591.0 Notes on Injurious Insects... Connect,- Agr. Stn.. Rept ,'95 630.7 Notes on Injurious Insects Iowa Agr. College, Bulletin, 33 A 33 S 28 Observations and Experiments in the Practical Work, Reports. United States - Dept. of Agr Div. of Entomology 591.6 Observation.-, of Injurious Insects, lb-port, 1895. Ormerod, Eleanor A. 591.6S Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Insects, Injurious and Beneficial— con td. Oniario Entomological Society, Report, 1892 595.7 Or.: Inset Enemies '. Wood, Rev. T. A 27 P 15 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects, Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit- growing, Spraying, &c Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 1-5 1',.: . itic'and Pr'cdaceous Insects in New Zealand, Australia, and adjacent [slands ... United States Kept, of Agr. MA 2 R 55 I'l ln-lpiiiL'Inseets; hv P. MaeMahon. . . Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 630.5 Preparation and Uses of Insecticides United States Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S94 030.5 Prevention and Destruction of Insect Rests in Text-book of Agri- cultural Zoology Theobald, F. V. A 27 P 4 Principles of Fruit-growing Bailey, L. H. A 33 Q IS Queensland Fruit Flv Agr. Gaz. of Tasmania, 1897. 030.5 Recent Laws against Injurious Insects in X. America; with Laws relative to Foul Brood; by L. 0. Howard United States— Dept, Agr. — Div. of Entomology A lis i) 20 Remedies for Insect sand Fungi; bvC. \V. Woodworth... California— Agr. Exper. Station, Rcpt, 1895-97 630.7 Revision of the Aphelinimc of North America: l.v L. 0. Howard. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 30 R 34 Rose-chafer . United States"— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 UO Some Injurious Insects ; by G. C. Davis Michigan -Board of Agriculture, Rept., 1896 630. 7 Suppression of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases by Legislation. United States - Dept. of Agriculture A 37 S 54 Three Insect Enemies of Shade Trees; by L. 0. Howard. U.S.— Dept, of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 99 A 41 U 2 Two-lined Chestnut Borer... United States- -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms Cooke, M. C. A 44 U 3 [» Jees; Beetle loth; Delpha.-i.he ; Entomology, Economic; lop Louse; Insectivorous Birds; Lady-birds; rasites; Peach; Phylloxera; Plant Diseases ; lose Scale; Scale Insects; Spraying; and ■s of Insect Pests, and under names of crops tton, Potato, Tobacco.] Insolvency. [.See Bankruptcy.] Inspiration — History of the Aman Instinct and Animal Intelligence nd Animal Psychology Evans, E. I Morgan, C. L. A 13 V 2 Insular Faunas and Floras. [See Distribution of Plants and Animals ; and Botany and Flora — By Countries; Zoology and Fauna- — By Countries.] Insurance— General _ Comi lissioner of Insu akota, Report. North Dak ota Annual Rept ted... Odgers, J. s. 328.784 erative Insurane 3 Society, Lim F 13 V 41 [See llso Probabilities ] - Periodicals- Aust alian Financial iazette 332 - Accident — Conn rs, Report Connecticut — Annual Rept . ligs.Tst How ('erman Accident Insurance L w works New Zealand Labour, Journal, 1893 331.8 Insu ance : a Manual t f Practical' Lax ... Morrell.C.F. F 13VI6 Live Stock Insurance Society, Rule Irish Agr. •ganization F 16 R 13 Pcnns\ lvania— Insut-i 308.9748 Rhode Island — Insun nee Commissir ner, Report 368.9745 - Fire— •alasian Insuran e and Banking Record 332 Bank ers', Insurance Ivmv^rc sn: Agents' Magazin 332 Com ecticut, Insuran e Commissione Annual Rep s. 32S.746 Insu ance : a Manual of Practical La '... Morrell.C.F. F 13 V 10 ance Blue Book 368 Insu ance Business in the United Sta ed States - Census Office 317.3 Mass achusetts— Insu ance Commiss oner. Report .... 368.9744 New New Hampsl ire -Annual Rept a. 323.742 Pern 308.97 IS Fire Insurance! i N.Zealand... Banker's . Mag., Lond.. 62 rintendent of Ins sional Papers ... . Canada Parliament 328.71 - Life— Ame ican Life Insura ice Methods . . Dawson, M. M. F 16 R 24 Aust ■alasian Insuran e and Banking Record 332 Institutions, Charitable and Philanthropic. [See Asy- lums: Hospitals; Charities Societies.] Machines; Musical Instrume Science -Teaching, Labora Surgery — Instruments; Surv and Apparatu -Instruments.] 900 Public Library of Insurance— Marine — Australasian Insurance and Bank ing Record 332 Insurance: a .Manual of Practical Law.. Morrell, C. F. F 13 V 16 Insurance Business in the United States, Report. ..United States - Census Office 317.3 Insurance Commissioners, Connecticut, Report — Annual Repts. 328.746 Massachusetts — Insurance ( 'ommissoner, Report 368.9744 Pennsylvania -Insurance Commissioner, Report 368.9748 Superintendent of Insurance, Reports —in Sessional Papers. Canada— Parliament 328.71 State and Compulsory— Government Insurance Commissioner, Report in Appendix to Journals New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 ( J'VriT' i! Life Insurance and Annuity Business, Queensland, Report Queensland- Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Old Ace IV , .;.. .. ■ A nit il.'.e R ■lief, and Stat'- Insurance, Report; by .1. ('. X -il ', ... X. S. Wilts -Old Ace Pension. MF 3 U 69 [See also Old Age Pensions.] Intaglios — Intaglio Engraving Ronton, K. A 23 P 29 Photogravure in Intaglio Denison, H. A 48 V 13 [See also Engraving; Photo-engraving.] Integral Calculus. [See Calculus; Mathematics.] Intellect- Art of Thinking Knowlson, T. S. G 25 P 15 Kdueation Hohnan, II. (4 18 Q 32 Human Intellect Porter. Rev. X, G5Q34 Human Understanding I.-il.nit/. ( i. W. ( : 5 I > U9 Intellectual Science Port,-:-. R v. X. ( : ■_> 1 R i Studies of Childhood Sully. .1. G 15 Q 35 Memory; Metaphysics; Mind7" Psychology .' [;,,,,, )M ".j' Intelligence. [See Instinct and Animal Intelligence.] Intemperance. [.Sec Dipsomania; Drink Question ; Tem- perance] Interest- Capital and Interest -in Economic Theory Davenport, H. J. F 1 3 R 2 Early Essays Mills, J. S. J 14 U 37 Laws of Distribution — in Mr. Henry Ocorge the Orthodox. Moffat, R. S. F 12 T 32 Principles of Political Economy Ni<-h;,lson. J. S. F 8 Q 25 Rent, Interest, and Wages ...'. Fliirs-h -im. M. !•' lii S 5 Value and Dislrilmtion" Ma.-farlane, C. VV. F 9 P 37 [See also Usury.] Interest Tables — Tables of Interest and Mortality Inwood, W. F 8 Q 8 Tables of Simple Interest Heaton, J. A 25 S 29 Interludes — Interlude of the Disobedient Child; by T. Ingelend Percy Society Pubs. H 1 1 S 24 Interlude of the Four Flemcn! < .. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 24 John Bon and Mast Person; Reorint of the ed.' of 1548 Percy Society Pubs. I] I 1 S 32 Marriage of Wit and Wisdom... Shakesneare Soc Pubs. H 3 U 35 Trial of Treasure; reprinted from the Black-letter ed., by T. Purfoote, 1567 Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 30 [See also Drama.] Intermarriage- Intermarriage Walker, A. A 12 P 43 [See also Marriage.] International Health Exhibition, 1881. [For Publica- tions see under this heading in Author Catalogue.] New South Wales. International Law and Relations — America and Europe : a Study of International Relations. F 2 V 30 British and Foreign State Papers, 1812-87... Gt. Brit, andlrel.— State Papers 354 Cases on International Law during the (inno-. Japanese War Takahashi, S. F 16 Q 15 Collectanea Laurence, R. M. J 19 W T 15 Cuba and International Relations; by J. .M . Callaixhan Johns Hopkins University Studies, extra vol 21 B 18 T 21 Declaration of Pan's 1856 Bowles, T. G. F 19 U 2 Droit International Westlake, J. F 1 U 15 Etudes de Droit International ct de Droit Politique Nys, E. F 1 U 23 First Steps in International Law Baker, Sir S. F 16 Q 16 History of the Law of Nations Walker, T. A. F 17 P 21 International Courts of Arbitration Balch, T. F 5 P 32 International Law Bowen, H. W. F 10 V 36 International Law: by F.Snow... U.S. Dept.of theNavy F16T17 International Law and the Exhibition; by ('. B. Barton. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Law of War Rislev, J. S. F3R4 Lectures on Justice. Police, &c Smith, A. F 12 T 12 National Assoc, for Promotion of Social Sc, Trans. F 15 T 1-U 9 Political Theory of the Schoolmen and ( irotins... Littlcjohn, J. M. F 18 R 3 Principles of International Law Lawrence, T. J. F 2 V 26 Studies in International Law Holland, T. E. F 8 Q 13 Theories Politiques et Io Droit International en France jusq'au lSe siecle Nys, E. F 16 T 21 [See alxo "Alabama," The; Aliens; Ambassadors; Arbitration — International; Consuls; Citizenship: Diplomacy; Geneva Arbitration; Maritime Law: Monroe Doctrine; Passports; Privateering; State Papers; Treaties.] Interocea.r.c Canals. [See Canals; and under name of each Canal.] Interviewing. [See. Journalism; Newspaper, The; Press.] Intestines - Differential Diagnosis of Diseases of the Anus anil Rectum; by Dr. H. W. Ailingham -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Diseases of Small Intestines; by Dr. H. D. Rollcston— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. 0. A 26 T 36 Diseases of the Colon; by Dr. W. II. Whites -in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Intestinal Obstructions; by Dr. F. Treves- in System of Medi- cine Allbutt, f. C. A 26 T 36 Obstruction of the Intestines; by Dr. E Martin— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Perityphlitis; by Dr. F. Treves in System of .Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Physiology of Faecal Evacuations; by Dr. T. L. Brunton- in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Sprue; by Dr. P. Manson in System of .Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 [See also Colic; Stomach.] Intolerance. [See Fanaticism; Freedom of the Will; Persecutions; Toleration.] Intuitionalism— Human Understanding Leibnitz, G. W. G 5 Q 29 Intuitions of the Mind M'Cosh, Rev. J. G 14 P 34 Philosophy of the Human Mind Stewart, D. G 16 V 1-3 Short Study of Ethics DArcy, C. 1 . G 1 U 36 Inventions — Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century ... Routledge, R. A 23 T 45 [See also Manufactures ; Patents.] In verne ss — History — History of the County of Inverness Lees, J. C. B 32 T 19 Subject-Index to the Invertebrata — Embryology of the Invertebrates... Korschelt. E. A 38 P 18, 19 Zoology of the Invertebrata Shipley, A. E. A 37 R 14 [&"? also C.elenterata : Crustacea; Insects; Mollusea; Protozoa; Tunicata; Worms; Zoology.] Iodine — New South Wales Copper-ores containing Iodine; by A. Diesel- durff Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 506 Ionian Islands— General and Descriptive — Lost Possessions of England Lord, W. F. B 10 R 24 Iowa — Finance and Taxation— Taxation in Iowa Nobis, F. H. F 18 S 1 — History — Iowa Historical Record Iowa Slate Historical Society 977.7 Irairic Languages. [See Armenian Language; Persian Language.] Ireland — General and Descriptive— Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland Russdl, T. 0. I) '21 S 4 01.1 Country, The 1) 10 W 1-0 f Poems of Places L-r.tgfeliow, II. \V. II 11 P II Sights and Scenes in Ireland A S II 32 t Spring and Autumn in Ireland Austin, A. D 22 Q 17 Author Catalogue.]' HUory of Ireland in the Lives of Irishmen Wills, J. B 15 R 18-21 Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen Wills, J. I': .Mem of Government in Ireland; l.v II. M. Smith— in Historic Facts Ross, W. K. F8Q 10 History — Annals of Ulster, 431-1511 (It. and Iral. -Records Com. B30V 16-18 Gt. Brit, and IreL Public Record Office B 45 Klizaheth, l..9o lOOii..'. "(H.'"l5rit. and l'rel." Public- Record Office IS 44 Celtic Britain Rhys, J. B 27 P 12 Celtic Church in Ireland Heron, Rev. J. G 23 Q 15 Conquest oi [rel uid f« C .mmune of Lro'nd >n ..'....' Round,' J. H. I! 28 T 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Ii -land, 1491-1S0S Ireland, 179S-1S98 Irish Rebellion of 1798 Lectures. e. the MS. Materials. \iite also Irish Rebellion^ 1798^] Ireland — Politics— Australian in Europe Thirty Years Ago, An ; b}- Sir Charles Gavan Duffy Contemporary Review, 72 052 England in the 19th Century... Lat inter, Elizabeth W. B 10 S 13 English Institutions and the Irish Race; by J. O'Brien. Melbourne Review, 6 052 English Institutions and the Irish Race; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 6 052 Few More Words on the Irish Question ; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 6 052 Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Memoirs of; by T. Moore... C 23 R 4 ( Hailstone's Life. Story of; by .J. H. McCarthy. Gladstone, W. E. C 23 U 2 Historical and Political Addresses, 1SS3-97 Redmond, J. 15. F 9 P 30 Home Rule for Home Reading F 1 S 27 Ireland in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 11 Ireland. 1 79S IN'.IS Morris. W. O'C, B 29 U 19 Life and Death in Ireland, 1819 Hall. S. T. FlU.'ill Life Spent for Ireland Daunt. W. d. OX. C 23 V 10 McLaren, Duncan. Life and Work; Iv ,1. 15. Mackie C 24 P 4, 5 Mr. Gregory's Letter-box. 1813 3n ...'... (o.-.ey. W. C 25 I.) '-'2 Darnell, Life of: I 'y R.'il.Vilrien... i'lntcll. C. S. 'c 23 T '\2, 13 Rule < seeches 1 '." 1 ! ":. Ros'ehery", Karl' F 12 T 15 Saving of Ireland Powell, Sir G. B-. F3R3 Ulster as it is Maeknight, T. F 14 U 34, 35 Sac lid Life and Customs ■ Keen of the South of Ireland ... Percy Society Tubs. H 11 S 15 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish ...". O'Curry. E. H 34 T 2 4 [See also Irish Life and Character.] Irish, The — Story of the British Race Munro, J. A 33 R 29 Irish Language and Literature — Ballad Poetry of Ireland Duffy, Sir Irish Literature and Ossian hi English Studie: .go of Brat Irish Poetry. [See Poetry, Irish.] Irish Question. [See Great Brita Rule; Ireland Polities.] Irish Rebellion, 1798 Public Library of New South Wales. [See also Anthropology.] Iron and Steel — Architectural Iron and Steel Birkmire, W. H. A 19 U 11 Basic Refined Steel on the Continent ; l>v C. K. Stromeyer. Inst., Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scot.. Trans.. 1,897' 08 020.5 Constructional Iron and Steel Work ('ampin, F. A 25 P 41 Engineering Construction in Iron. Steel, and Timber. Warren, W. H. A 22 V 30 Experiments with Steel U. S. — Dept. of the Navy A 29 T 7 Handbook of Art Smithing Meyer, F. S. A 23 T 26 History of the lion Trade Serivenor, H. A 24 T 37 Industrial Evolution of Cited States... Wright, C. I). F 13 R 23 Iron Industry in Stvria, and the Heller Ironworks in Hungary. Gt,"Brit. and Irel.- Foreign Office, Misc. Scr., SSS .'.82 Iron; its Nature, Properties, and Uses.. Cameron, it. MA 4 S 12 Iron-making in Alabama; by W. B. Phillips... Alabama Geological Survey A 24 U 30 Iron-making in Alabama ; by W. B. Phillips. [2nd ed.] .. Alabama Geological Survey A 24 S 28 Made in Germany Williams, E. E. F 10 V 1 Metallic Structures : Corrosion an 1 Fouling Newman,.!. A 23 S 21 Metallography of Iron and Steel ; by W. H. Mc Annual of Mien Physical Properties of Xirkel Steel; by \ Society, N. S. W ncticul Iron-founding Hornt Steel: a Manual for Steel Use Steel-works Analysis Workshop Companion for Tin, Workers [See also Metallurgy.] Iron Castings — Catalogue, Mac Farlane's Castings.. Practical Iron-founding [See also Corrosion and Fouling; Moulding; Pattern-making.] Iron Ores Chromic Iron Ore ; by J. E, Carne , Me lerrctt.. Illustrated A 40 P 19 H. Wane n ... Royal , 1S98 500 er, J. (!. A 24 P 38 calf, W. A 25 R 37 >ld, J. 0. A 24 Q 12 ■ •-plato 5R34 Iron Ores of Minnesota; by N. Iron Ores of New Zealand-,;? N £See also Mineralogy.] Iron-work — Ornamental Treatment of Iron ; Nangle Aust. Assoc., Ad [See also Iron Castings.] Irrigation — General — Conquest of Arid America Ocpt. Practical Irrigation Water-supply Kicineei- [See also Canals; Drain; S. A 23 S 31 Ming Work; 1 3, Rept., 180S :, W. E. A 19 R 1 A 33 40 A 19 P 8 A -1 1 V 1 I A 4 R2S A 38 S 24 npply.] Treatise on the Law of Irrigation Kinney, C. S. F 13 U 8 By Countries. Canada — Department of the Interior ~ in Sessional Papers Canada— Parliament 328.7 ii Appendix 1 Cape of Good Hope - Douglas Irrigation Works, Vaal Riv Cape of (J nod Hope Parliament, V. £. Hartz River Valley Irrigation Scheme In Appendix 1, vol. 2. Cape of (iood Hope Parliament, V. and P., 1899 328.087 Irrigation and Hydrographic Survey, Special Report— in Appendix 1, vol. 2... Cape of (iood Hope -Pari, V. and P.. 1899 328.087 Irrigation Commission. 18S3. Report in Appenix 1, vol. 4. Cape of (iood Hope- Parliament, V. and P., 1883 328.087 Irrigation. Report of Select Committee in Appendix 2. Cape of Good Hope- Parliament, V. and P., 1892 328.087 Stevnsburg Irrigation Commission, Reports in Appendix 1, vol. 1. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P. . 1897 328.087 Thelitis Irrigation Commission. Report in Appendix 1, vol. 2. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1899 328.087 Egypt- Irrigation in Egypt and Italy- Present-day Egypt.. i Report, Royal ( ommission. iria— Water Supply MA 5 R 17 Penfield, F. C. I) 13 Q 3 India — Bengal Public Works Dept,, Irrigation Branch, Rept 020.8 Canal Irrigation of Valleys India Selections from Public Correspondence A 34 R 22 Irrigation of Turrai Lands India — Selections from Public Correspondence A 34 R 21 Irrigation Report and Maps. Presidency of Madras India- Selections i'uiiii Public ( 'orrcspondcuee A 34 R 21 Works for Irrigation India— Selections from Public Correspondence A 34 R 21 Italy— Irrigation in Egypt and Italy -in Report, Royal Commission. Victoria-Water Supply MA 5 R 17 New South "Wales Analyses of Artesian Waters of N. S. Wales, and their Value for Irrigation and other Purposes; by J. ('. H. Mingaye. South Australia- iwler Plains Irriga tion, Plans, &c South Australia— Parlianiei :, Proe. — Tasmania - Ir rigation in Tasmai ia;b •• Cap . Cotton... Ta smanian Journal, 1 MA 5 R 4 — United States- C lorado, Slate Eng Repo 020.8 Developments in \\ cll-U nl hrieat in South Dakota. Unitec olooiral S, ', Rept., 18 557.3 E igineering Results of Jl .. United States T ■ t" US c'"'i lo-ir: 1 Survey, 1 l 'p vtli vl .t -. .- 3 Ii ,'ndC Irrigation Methods .f California -book, 1895 030.5 li Ir U.S. Dept i Stat i C. S. Phelps, ations A 38 R 15 State Agr. Exper. Rept,, 1896 630.7 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. rn Ii I. Ration United States — in Utah; byC. H. Bro contd. .gh... J. Studies. lm t. Hopkii :'• ival '( ' 9 B 18 T 19 Ii I. •gaticn on the G ■eat Plains ; 1) Dept New J ■V. If.N al'-Vi,.'^ 'lKw^eraos L; Slates Titles to W i. Mead Office o nit. College 1 r.iit ■(! Kxpci g and In ^ tes ' !), pt. of Agr. - is A 37 V 1 ,uth Dakota. pt.4 557.3 S95... 030.7 Isaiah Old Testament — Ii IroductiontothcBookoflsaiah... Cheyne, Rer. T. K. G 24 U 10 Prophecies of Isaiah Cheyne, Rev. T. K. G 24 U 32, 33 Islam. [Sr,< Mohammedanism.] Island Laws — Island Laws Walters, C. F 13 R 2.1 Islands. [See under names of Islands.] Isle of France. [See Mauritius.] Isle cf Pines. [See Pines, Isle of.] Isle of Wight— General and Descriptive— English Topography... Gentleman's Mag Isle of Wight; by C. F. Cornish .'. Isles of Shoals ne Library D 20 V ; . Portfolio, 189o TO.' Benjamin, S. G. W. D 22 R 3 Isomorphism. [Sec Crystallography ; Mineralogy.] Isopoda - (front, A. J. A 3T '1 Israel, Lost Ten Tribes of. [See Anglo-Israelism.] Italian Art. [See Fine Arts— Italian.] Italian Language - Pizionarioltaliano-Latino-Illirico. .. Bella, Rev. A. Bella J 12 V 29 [,SVe '(/so Italic Languages: Oscan Language.] . Volpe, G. J 12 P 4! . Elton, 0. J 27 Q 8 i et ses Prc-curseurs. mlelli, T. J 14 T 31 iarnett, R. J 17 U 5 J 27 Q 2- 11 tion — Italian; Poetry Ital'an Literature - Augustan Ages, The Histoire de la Litteratme It Historv of Italian Literature Period's of Kuropean Literati [See a/,o Dramatic Literati.,- -Italian.] Italic Languages and Dialects - Inscriptiones Italia- Inferioris Dialectic.-.-... ZvctaiefL.T. J 5 V 22 Italic Dialects Conwav, R. S. J 15 V 16, 17 Lexicon Italieum Biicheler, F. K 18 S 12 Unteritalischen Dialekte Mommsen, T. J 21 U 16 [See aUo Latin Language; O-ao Language; Umbrian Language.] Italy -General and Descri l Boissii -. G. I) 18 S 15 II leyle. .C , N. J 23 R 10 •, K. J 24 S 33 J. P. F 12 S 2 usta I) 18 Q 23 . 11. J 24 R 21 s, ('. J26S 11 , 11. \Y II 11 P 17 19 \\ son, Re^ D 20 R 15-17 .A. D 18 P 30 e'l . Recb s, E. 1) 21 U 1 Maillv, E. D 10'Pll re; Italian Lan- Roman Empire; Rome; Staffs of Various Armies U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 R 23 Lives of Great Italians Horridge, F. C 20 S 11 Commerce and Trade- Trade of Italv in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series .' (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Finances of Italv in 1898 in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1898 (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 93 .. Roc . Surtces Maji i. Count E. dclla rC. B17Q23 -o... C26P12 velli ..... V,ll; .. Ors i, P. B 39 P 8 Pelissicr. L. G. B32S 10, 11 i. P. B 26 s 20 B 10 1! 29 v'il'...i . G. J 14T20 .... sun,' £* . R. BUS -Jf, \ J. B 34 Q 19 [Steal* Florence History.] Public Library of Neto South Wales. Italy-iW- Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty A 36 V 18 J Naval Annual, 1896 Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.05 Naval Policy Steevens, G. W. F 12 T 25 Social Life and Customs — OnBlueWater De Amicis, E. D 22 Q 1 Ivories and Ivory Work — Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 historic Stvles of Ornament Dolmetsch, H. A 18 T 15 t Madras and Burmese Art-ware A 19 S 10 + Ivory - Ivory Trade of Antwerp .. . Gt. Brit, ami Irel.— Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 381 £82 Stoll, 0. J 19 W 5 Jacobite Songs- Jacobite Minstrelsy H 12 P 17 Songs of the Cavaliers and Roundheads, Jacobite Ballads, &c. Thornburv, G. \V. H 10 W 24 [See 'dso Songs- Scottish.] Jacobites - Jacobite Lairds of Gask ; by T. L. K. Oliphant... Grampian Club Pubs. B 39 S ■> Memoirs of the Jacobites Thomson, Mrs. C 27 U 2-4 Pickle the Spy Lang, A. B 16 V 34 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin Edmonds, C. H 12 R 7 {See aUo Jacobite Songs ; Scotland - History.] Jails. [See Prisons.] Jam-making. [See Cookery; Fruit-caning and Pres Jamaica --General and Descriptive — Aboriginal Indian Remains in Jamaica Institute of ring.] Annual Reports-m Colonial Reports.. Black Jamaica Livingstone, W. P. F Columbus and the Discovery of Jamaica ... Institute of Ja: Hand Poem Univc book of Jamaica of Places ■sal Geography . Finance and Taxation— Fiscal and Economic Condition of Jamaica— in Report on Com- mercial Condition of Cuba U.S.— Dept. of the Treasury Social Life and Customs — Black Jamaica Livingstone, W. P. F 17 T 7 James, St.— Epistle — Epistle of St. .lames, and other Discourses Dale, R. YV. Jameson Raid - British South Africa. Rep,',,,',,'; si'h', VV'omn'iiiV,''-" i 14 Jameson Raid— contd, Impressions of South Africa Bryce, J. D 21 Q 5 Jameson Raid into the South African Republic, Report of Select Committee— in Appendix 2, vol. 2 Cape of Good Hope- Parliament, V. and P., 1896 328.687 Jameson Raid, Report, Select Committee of the Cape House of Assembly Gt. Brit, and Irel — South African Republic B 40 WW 27 t Kingdom of the Barotsi. I'pper Zambesia Bertrand, A. D22R7 Letter from Sir J. A. de Wet relative to his Retirement. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — South African Republic F 40 V 30 J Malaboch Rae, Rev. C. B 39 P 17 Recent Disturbances in the South African Republic, 1895-96. (it. Brit, and Irel.- South African Republic F 39 V 56 J Rhodesia and its Government Thomson, H. C. D 13 S 1 Sketches and Studies in South Africa Little, Rev. W. J. K. D22U2 Some South African Recollections ... Phillips, Mrs. L. B 36 S 7 Transvaal and the Boers Fisher, W. E. G. B 36 S 10 Transvaal from Within Fitzpatrick, J. P. B 36 S 8 [See itlso South Africa Politics ; South African War ; Transvaal.] Janjira - General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bomha\ Presidency, 1 1 ... Bombay Gazetteer 915.47 Jansenists — Century of Louis XIV [See al«o Port Royalists.] . Bourgeois, E. B 11 W 12 t Japan — Genera! inai Descriptive — Across America and Asia Pumpelly, R. I) 19 U 18 Ainu of Japan Batchelor, Rev. J. A 19 Q 8 American Cruiser in the East ., Ford, J. D. D 21 S 2 Artist's Letters from Japan La Farge, J. I) 19 U 11 Australian, India. ( 'liiua, and Japan Trade Directory... Wright, G. 910.3 Chronicle and Directory for China, &o 910.3 Diplomatist's Wife in japan Eraser, Mrs. H. I) 13 V 15, 16 Mast and West Arnold. Sir E. 1) IS U 14 European Settlements in the Far East S., D. W. I) 21 Q 12 Exotics and Retrospectives Hearn, L. J 23 S 11 Feudal and Modern Japan Knapp, A. M. B 33 P 6, 7 Gist of Japan Peerv, Rev. R. B. G 11 U 31 Gleanings in Buddha-fields Hearn, L. D 14 P 17 Gold-fields and Chrysanthemums ... Bond, Catherine D 16 V 23 In Ghostly Japan Hearn, L. D 14 P 19 .... Ransomc, S. 1)22 R8 Kokor uciety, London, Tra ' Hint D V, Maker of New Japan : Rev. Dr. J. H. Neesima. Davis, Rev. J. D. G 19 U 10 Mikado's Empire Griffis, W. E. B33Q11 Mountaineering and Exploration in I lie Japanese Alps. Weston, Rev. W. D 18 V 23 New Far East Diosy, A. D 13U20 Note: Ob Pars. is, A. D r 3 11 \ations upon tilt Korean Coast, J ijianesc- Korea Ports, and "ill %\r .... Buckinghan , Lieut. B. H. berlain, B. H. Tiffany, F D20U 10 1) 10 R 16 D21 T 1 ia, and Tasmania. Easti rn and A ship Company MI) 8 T 9 RecluB, E D21 U7 C 20 T 6, 7 ir; Fine Arts Japanese : of Vai ous Armi ames of Cities a es U.S.- d Places.] Dept. of War iff F 16 R 23 - Bibh "!/>■«/>/>>/ ito Librar, Bulletin Bibliography, C New Yoi k— Library Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Japan — Commerce and T, ade — Commerce and Industry in the Empire of Japan... Japan F 15Q 13 Foreign Commerce of Japan U.S. — Consular Repts., 54 382 Future Trade with the Far Fast Wakefield, ('. C. F 8 V 35 Iud us trial Transition in Japan Ono, Yeijiro F 4 V 15 Intercourse bet ween the United States and .la pan : bv Inazo Nitobe. Johns Ho]>kins University, Studies, extra vol. 8 B 18 T 8 Japanese-Australian Trade U.S. Consular Repts., 50 382 Trade Conditions in Japan U.S.— Consular Repts., 59 382 Trad- of Hakodate, Nagasaki, lliogo. and Osaka, 1S97— m Diplo- matic and Consular Repts.. 1 898... (it. Mi it . and Irel. — Foreign Office 382 Trade of Japan — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel— Foreign Office 382 Trade- with Japan and China in Our Trade in the World. Gastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 ■ Finance and Taxation — Supplementary Budget of Japan. bs9S 99 ■'/■ Diplomatic and Con- sular Report, 1898 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Geot/i-a/Jti/, Tti/iin/rajJi)/, and Maps — Anchorages' on the West Coast of Ve/.o, 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hvdro L oaphir Office D 49 P 1 J Ando Zaki to Otose Zaki. ineludinu' Sado Island, 1S99 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 % Kobe and Osaka. 1S98 [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hvdrographio Office D 49 P 2 J Tsn Saki to Kagara Sima, with the Channels to Imari, 1S99 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 J Ura-a Harbour, 1899 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 I Yokohama Harbour. 1899 [Chart] (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 J History — Far Eastern Question Chirol, V. B 33 R 14 Feudal and Modern Japan Knapp, A. M. B 33 P 6, 7 Heroic Japan -. Kastlake, F. \Y. B 17 R 40 Belters from the band of the Rising Sun, 1886-92. Palmer, Major-Gen. H. S. B 15 S 15 t Mikado's Empire Griffis, W. E. B 33 Q 11 Nihongi : Chronicles of Japan to 697 A.n. Japan Society, London, Supplement 1 952 Kavy- Fh-rts of Croat Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. (it, Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty A 36 V IS % Politics— Peoples and Politics of the Far East Norman, H. D 20 U 11 - av;.7 n japan Cobbold, G. A. G 20 P 1- - Social Lif<' and Customs icse Homes and their Surroundings.. Mora 5P4 Japanese, The — Japanese in America- in Intercourse between the United States and Japan; by Inazo Nitobe Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 8 B 18 T 8 [See al,o Aim*..] Japanese Art. [See Fine Arts — Japanese.] Japanese Literature — History of Japanese Literature .... Japanese Printed Books and Manns British Museum British .Muscr Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan to 697 A.I). Japan Society, London, Su] Japanese Plums- Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stati Jaundice i, W. G. J 23 R 22 the Library of the useum J 13 R 18 I Java — General and Descriptive— Islands of the Southern Seas Shoemaker, M. M. MD 2 T 31 Java, the Carde-i of the East Scidmore, Eliza R^ D 21 Q 1 Supplement to the Eastern Archipelago Directory, D 20 U 13 MD 8 R 53 Through New Guint [See also East Indies Geoi/roji't//, To/'in/ra/Jii/, and Maps — Bays and Anchorages on tin- South Coast of Java, 1899 [Chart]. Gt.' Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 { History — Lost Possessions of England Lord, W. F. B 16 R 24 Jaws, The — Oral Surgery Garretson, J. E. A 32 S 20 " Jeannette " Expedition, The— Examination into the ( icnuincness of the .h-unnrtte. Relics. Geographical Society of the Pacific D 20 U 19 Jenolan Caves — Fish River Caves; by J. Inglis ... Australian, The, 4 MJ 4 P 15 FishRiverCaves ; by F. L. Warleigh... Australian, The MJ 4 P 11 Guide to the Jenolan Caves; bv (.). Trickett N. S. Wales — Geological Survey MD 8 P 35 Jenolan Caves and 1 1 1< ■ Blue Mountains Richardson, R, S. MD 6 V 4 [■See also Geology— New South Wales.] Jeraeil, The. [See Rites and Ceremonies — Aborigini Australia.] Jeremiah— Old Testament- Book of Jeremiah Expositor I Of ; Bible G 19 S 27 Jerusalem — General and Descriptive— Excavations at Jerusalem Bliss, F. J. B 28 T 9 In Cairo and Jerusalem Carpenter, Mai\ Thorn D 17 Q 33 In the Levant Warner, C. 1). D 20 R 14 Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem Hutton, L. D 20 Q 28 [See also Crusades ; Jewish History; Palestine.] History — Archa-ological Researches in Palestine, 1873 74: bv C. ('. Oanncau. Palestine Kxplorat ion Fund " B 13 V 16, 17 t Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 1099 1291 . ..fonder, Lieut. -Col. C. R. B 28 U 10 Jervis Bay, New South Wales — Chart, 1895 .. (it.Brit andlrel.— HydrographicOffice MD2P35J Jests. [St Jesuits — 1 1 in r and Comic Literature; Wit.] 1 Teaching.... IcmoftheJesu ' (; I8Q52 C24 P 13 . G26Q9 906 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Jesus Christ— contd. Jesus Christ the Divine Wan Vallings, Rev. .7. F. G 19 U 8 Jesus of Nazareth ; his Life and Teachings. . Abbott, L. G 24 T 4 Life of Lives Farrar, Dean G 24 V 34 Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ ... Tissot, J. J. G 6 U 13, 14 J Limitation-, of Knowledge in Christ ■ /« Duct rine anil Development. Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Me^iah of the Apostles Briggs, Rev. C. A. G 12 V 6 Messiah of the Gospels Briggs, Rev. C. A. G 12 V 5 Messianic Prophecy in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. 0. (1 1 Q 23, 24 Mind of the Master Watson, Rev. J. G 2 V 27 New Life of Jesus Strauss, 1). F. G 25 Q 18, 19 Place of Christ in Modern Theologv Paiibairn, Rev. A. M. G20R8 Records of the Life of Christ in The Spirit on the Waters. Abbott, E. A. G 3 U 27 St. Paul's Conception of Christ ... Somerville, Rev. D. G 23 S 1 Sayings of Our Lord from an Early Greek Papyrus Egypt Exploration Fund G 11 Q 34 Social Teaching of Jesus Mathews, S. G 1 1 U 25 Story of Jesus Christ Ward , Elizabeth S. G 23 P 1 Studies in the Life of Jesus Sallmon, W. H. G 9 U 22 Study of the Saviour in the Newer Light Robinson, Rev. A. G 23 S 23 Times of Jesus Christ Muirhead, L. A. G 1 5 U 26 Unique Son, The— i'h Doetrineaud Development... Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 What the Bible Teaches Torrey, R. A. G 23 U 44 [See also Antichrist; Apostles; Arians and" Arianism; Atone- ment; Christianity; Cro3S, The : Faith: (J race; Immaculate Conception; Incarnation; Lord's Supper ; Miracles; Original Sin; Redemption; Resurrection; Salvation; Socinianism ; Transubstantiation ; Trinity; L'nitarianism ; Virgin Mary.] Jewellery — Antique Gems and Rings Ring, C. W. A 45 V 7, 8 Garantie et le Controle Ollieiels du 'litre des Ouvrages d'Or et d' Argent en Suisse Switzerland F 13 V 5 Training of a Craftsman Miller, F. A 23 S 41 [See also Gems and Precious Stones.] Jewish History — Age of the Maccabees Streane, A. W. G 23 P 44 Early History of the Hebrews Sayce, Rev. A. H. B 17 P 55 Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations Sayce, Res'. A. H. B28R 13 Hebrew Monarchy Wood, Rev. A. G 15 R 37 Hebrew Tragedy Conder, Col. C. R. B 28 P 4 Hebrews and the Philistines in Struck- of the Nations. Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 History of the Hebrew People Kent, C. F. B 28 R 10, 11 History of the Hebrews Kittel, R. B. B 28 T 4, 5 History of the Jewish Nation Kdersheim, Rev. A. B 31 U 3 History of the Jewish Nation Palmer, E. H. B 28 Q 6 History of the Jewish People Kent, C. F. B 23 R 14 History of the Jewish People Riggs, Rev. J. S. B 28 R 15 History of Literature of Old Testament... Kautzsch. K. (; ]l Q 39 History of the People of Israel Cornill, C. H. B 28 R 12 History, Prophecy, and the Monuments MeCurdy, .1. F B 27 V 18, 19 Israel among the Nations Leroy-Beaulieu, A. B 28 R 5 Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Abrahams, I. B 16 T 1 Jewish Religious Life after the Exile Cheyne, Rev. T K G 23 R 25 Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles ; by A. Neubauer... Aneedota Oxon. Sem. Ser. 1, pt, 6 296 Religionof Israel to Fall of JewishState...Kuenen, A. G 24U 17-19 Restoration of the Jews Dunlop, R. MG 2 T 20 Sketches fro., i Eastern History Noldeke, T. B 12 U 36 Tales of the Warrior King Macduff, Rev. J . R. B 36 R 9 Times of Christ .Muirhead, L. A. G 15 U 26 Was Israel ever in Egypt Wright, Rev. G. H. B. G 25 Q 20 Western Civilization Cunningham, Res'. W. F 15 R 12 Jewish Beligion. [See Judaism.] Jews — General — Children of the Ghetto Zangwill, I. J 14 U 21 Hebrew Calendar- in Aids to the Student of the Hols' Bible. Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 History of the Hebrew People Kent, C. F. B 17 P 50 History, Prophccv. and the Monuments MeCurdy, J. F. B27 V 18, 19 Israel- in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. 0. G 1 Q 23, 24 Jew, the Gypsy, and Kl Islam Burton, Sir R. F. A 41 S 2 Jewish Life' in the Middle Ages Abrahams, I. B 16 T 1 Jewish Question anil the Mission of the Jews G 24 P 20 Jewish Sects and Orders; by S. G. Green in Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible Ball, Rev. C. J. G 5 Q 32 Jewish Year-book 296 Justice to the Jew Peters, M. C. F 17 Q 2 Modern Jew White, A. F 16 S 15 Studies in Judaism Schechter, S. G 25 T 2 Wagner's Prose Works ; by W. A. Ellis. . . Wagner, R. J 4 S 19, 20 [See also Hebrew Language; llittites; Jewish History; Judaism; Talni. 1-] By Countries. — Australia — Australian Israelite MG 10 Q 31-33 + Hebrew Standard of Australasia 296 England — Jesvs of Angevin England Jacobs, J. B 26 P 4 Spain- History of the Jews in Spain Jacobs, J. B28T16 Job— Old Testament — Book of Avub, knov. n in the West as Job... Bibles and Testaments G 23 R 23 Book of Job— in Moral Order of the World ... Bruce, Rev. A. P. G24S6 Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. W. G 23 P 8 Johannesburg, South Africa— General and Descriptive^ What I think of South Africa Cumberland, S. D 14 R 18 [See also Transvaal.] History — Truth from Johannesburg Mann, A. M. B 17 P 53 John, St.— Gospel — Free Inquiry into the Origin of the Fourth Gospel... Sense, P. C. G 24 U 35 Gospel of St. John- in Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. 0. G 1 Q 23, 24 Johns Hopkins University — The Hopkins University — in Reflections and Comments. Godkin, E. L. J 12 S 45 Johns Hopkins Cnivorsilv in its Beginnings in I'niversity Prob- lems in the United States G ilman, D. C. G 24 S 5 Joinery. [See Carpentry and Joinery.] Joint Stock Companies - Australian — Australasian Joint Stock Cos.' Year-book ... Nash, R. L. 338.7 British — Great Britain and Ireland— Joint Stock Companies, Return, 1898. F 36 V 13 J [See ot/so Companies : Corporations.] Joints — Anatomy — Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 Jokes and Jests. [See Humour and Comic Literature.] Jonah— Old Testament — Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. W. G 23 P 8 Jonah Legend — Jonah Legend, The Simpson, W. G 24 V 23 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 907 Journalism — Ait of Newspaper Making ... History of Punch How to Write for the Press .. and the Book . ... Dana, C. A. J 16 R 39 Bpielmann, M. H. J 9 V 6 "Editor, An" J 12P25 . Besant, Sir W. Spirit of the Public Journals, 1797-1805 I 26 Q 37-45 Strikes and Social Problems Nicholson, J. S. F8V 25 These Sixty Years, 1837-97 Holmes, F. M. B 23 S 22 [& e also Authors ; Journalists; Libel; Newspaper, The ; Press, The.] Journalists — Gesammelte Werke Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 34 Greeley, Horace, the Editor C 20 U 2 Hutton, Richard Holt, of the Spectator C 22 S 27 McLaren, Duncan, Life and Work ; by J. B. Maekie C 24 P 4, 5 Ripley, George; bv O. Frothingham C 27 P 6 Sala, G. A., Life and Adventures of C 22 S 22 Journals — Biography. [See Reminiscences, and under names of Authors in Author Catalogue.] Journals of Learned Societies. [See sub-heading So- cities, under Subjects.] Joy - Emotion of Joy Dearborn, G. van N. G 25 V 5 Juan Fernandez— General and Descriptive — Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 37 Jubilees. [See Queen Victoria's Jubilee.] Judaism— ChaieAdamandNishmasAdam[inHebrewl ...Dan/.ig.A. G24U38 Chochmas Adam and Binas Adam [in Hebrew] Danzig, A. G 24 T 10 Christian Ethics Strong, Rev. T. B. G 3 R 32 Christianity and Idealism' Evolution of Christianity History of the Jewish People Intellectual Development t rozter, ,J. r>. u 1/ I u Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Abrahams, I. B 16 T 1 Jewish Literature Karpeles, G. J 14 U 22 Jewish Religious Life after the Exile Cheyne, Rev. T. K. (1 23 R 25 Judaism; by Rev. E. Blaubaum Melb. Rev., 8 052 Making of Religion.'.'.'.'.'. Messiah of the Apostles Moses George, H. G 15 U 29 . Fiske, A. K. G 11 U 20 Duff, A. G 24 V 36 God-Idea of the Ancients, iamble, Eliza 15. G 3 U 29 Passover, The Adler, Rev. S. A. MG 1 R 80 Religion of Israel to the Exile Budde, Rev. K. G 24 S 14 Religion of Israel to Fall of Jewish State... Kuenen, A. G 24 U 17-20 G 23 P 5 Gill, C. G25Q5 gs, Rev. J. S. B 28 R 15 Elvard, S. MG 1 '!' 5 Lang, A. G 23 S 30 . Briggs, Re " Muhsof Israel Old Testament Theology Original God-Idea of the Israelite of l'lat i ,Iu< Judges —Biography . Russell, I W. } 3 U 1 ilders of our Lav r durin g the Reign ofQ ronicle of the La vOffic rsoflrelan ... S hrett's House of ('"linn ins and Juil rial rferd, His Hono ir Mr. Justice... ( ■liardson, Willia is, Life and PuU tackett Judges Old Testament — Critical and Kxo-etieal Com ntarv on Judges. .. Moore, Rev. G. F. O 23 R 36 Seven Puzzling Bible Books Gladden, Rev. W. G 23 P 8 Judgment — Theory of Knc . Hoblioi s, L. T. G 14 Q 38 Judgment, Day of— Future Destiny of Man; by Rev. H. N. Wollaston. Melbourne Review, 9 052 Last Judgment - in The Dead Pulpit Haweis, Rev. H. R. G 19T21 Spiritual Law through the Natural World... Ferguson, Rev. S. H. [See also Eternal Punishment; Jungermannise — British Jungermannise [.Sfee also Bryophyta ; Hcpatica . Hooker, W. J. A 20 S 3 t . Jupiter Astronomy — Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 1 9 S 1 6 Certain Lunar Inequalities due to the Action of Jupiter. United Stales liurcau of F.quipment Ast. Papers, 3 520.8 Conjunction of Venus with Jupiter, 1S91 ...Tcbbutt. J. MA 3 S 07 Eccentricities and Longitudes of the Perihelia of Jupiter and Saturn for Distant KpHis;' l,v Prof. C. W. Hill Astronomical Journal, 1896-97 520.5 Eiiuatorial Comparisons of Jupiter and I Ceminorum, 1895. Tebbutt, J. MA 3 S 67 Equatorial Comparisons of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune; by J. Tebbutt... Rov. Ast. Soc, Monthly Notices, June, 1899 520.6 Mass of Jupiter and the ( libit of Polyhymnia United States- Bureau of Equipment— Ast. Papers, vol. 5, pi Micrometer Comparisons of Jupiter and Iktu Scorpii, 1 Tebbutt, J. New Theory of Jupiter and Saturn ... United States— Bureau of Equipment -Ast. Papers, 4 520.8 'Observations of Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites at Windsor, N.S.W., 1896; by J. Tebbutt ... Royal A Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites, 'hvsieal Remarks made of Jupiter 1884-93; by E. P. Sells Royal , Monthly Notices, 57 520.6 Tebbutt, J. ml, F. A 5 P 30 t Jurisprudence. [See Law; Medical Jurisprudence.] Jury, Trial by— Evidence at the Common Law,. ;• Human Kvoluti. sofa Russian States,, Trial by Ju. Justice — Frost, T. F13R25 of Plato; bv W. H. Tl —Administration Justice Departments Register of the Department of the United States... Unite.! [.See also under each Country ii Public Library of Neio South Wales. Justices of the Peace — List of Magistrates, 1800... N.S.W. List of Magistrates 347.96 Magistracy, The— ,'n Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 [See alio Magistrates' Guide.] Justification- Doctrine and Development Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Spiritual Law through the Natural World... Ferguson, Rev. S. H. MG 2 R 64 [See alto Faith; Salvation.] Jute— Culture of ITomp and Jute in the United States... United States — Dept. of Agr. - OHicc of Fiber Investigations A 37 S 57 Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute. Report; by C. R. Dodge. U.S.— Dept. of Agr. Cilice of Fiber In'vct igations A 37 S 16 Jute Culture and Jute Industry in India United States- Consular liepts., 60 382 [.See also Textile Fabrics.] Jutland — General and Descriptive — In Jutland with a Cycle Fdv.ardei, C. 1) 1 6 R 1 1 Juvenile Books. [See Children's Books.] Juvenile Literature. [See Children's Books.] Juvenile Offenders and Punishment — Habitual Offenders, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Habitual Offenders F 36 W 1 t Juvenile Offenders Morrison, W. D. F 2 V 34 Juvenile Reform... Charities and Correction, National Conference, [.See alio Reform Kabala - IS.] [.See also Theosopliy. ] Kabul. [See Cabul.] Kaffir Corn. [See Sorghums.] Kaffirs- Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush It.! Callaway, Bishop. Memoir of : by } Kaira — General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 3 ... Bombay Kalgoorlite — Kalgoorlite. a new Tellnrid- E. F. Pittman N.S.W Kamchatka - Avateha Bay, 1898 [Chart] . Kamilaroi. [See Aborigines -New South Wales.] Kanakas. [See Coloured Labour Question; Polyiu South Sea Islands.] Kanara— General and Descriptive— Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 15.. Bombay -Gazetteer Kandy — General and Descriptive — Notes on Kandy Siebel, J. B. D 18 S 23 KangarOOS- After Kangaroos ; byO. Hall ... English Illust. Mag., 1897 052 Problem of the Kangaroo ; by E. E. Morris Macmillan's Magazine, 1897 052 Transfer by the Mother of an Embryo Kangaroo by her Mouth into her Pouch; by D. Le Souef Zoological Society, London, Proc, 1898 590.6 [-See also Marsupials.] . Inr l, Col. H. D22P16 Kantian Philosophy — Dreams of a Spirit Seer Kant, I. G 25 S 16 Formal and Material Elements of Kant's Ethics. Washington, W. M. G 26 T 16 Friedrich Eduard Beneke : the Man and his Philosophy. Brandt, F. B. G 1 P 34 History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Inaugural Dissertation of 1770: trans, by W. J. Eckoff. Kant, 1. G 26 T 4 Kritik der roinen Vernunft Kant, I. G 26 P 25 Kritik of Judgment Kant, I. G 3 U 28 Philosophy of Knowledge Ladd, G. T. G ] 1 S 33 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 [.See also Philosophy Herman; llegelianism : Knowledge, Theory of; Neo-Kantian Philosophy; and under Kant, I., and Beneke, F. E., in Author Catalogue.] .1 Kash Eckenstein, 0. D V m, H. A. Karoo Desert, South Africa- Kloof and Karroo What I think of South Africa Cumberland, Karyokinesis. [Set Cells.] Kashmir— General and Descriptive — In and Beyond the Himalayas Stone, S. J. Karakorams and Kashmir Eckenstein, (). Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir Darragh, H. Z. Kathiawar — General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 8 ... Bombay— Gazett Kauri Gum — Kauri Gum Inquiry Commission, Report— in Appendix 18 ( J3 New Zealand— l'arliame D 18 U 17 D 17 R 23 D 19 U 15 i on the Kea, o llso Ornitholog; Mountain Parrot New Zealand Journal New Zealand.] Kelmscott Press - iding the Kelmscott Press ... " t Morris [Bibliography] .. Books of Williai Keltic. [S Kent-Gen, e Celtic.] nil and Desc History— Arclneologia Cantiana Kent Archaeological Society 913.42 Kentucky— General and Descriptive — Blue Grass Region of Kentucky Allen, J. L. I) IS U 23 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 909 Kentucky State College. [For Catalogues and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue.] Kermadec Islands — Kci'inadec Islands; by J. Guim ... Kerry Cattle— Kerry Cow; by M. A. O'Callagha: [See ulso Dairy Cattle] Kew Royal Gardens. [See under Great Britain and I reland, in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] Keys. [See Locks.] Khartoum— s Khaleefa Khybar Pass - . Neufeld, C. C 2G S 19 a Years in the, 1S70-9S... burton, Sir R. B3GS 11 Kiama, N.S.W.- -General and Descriptive — Australian Watering-place and its Industries ; by A. J. Rose-Soley, W • Revi, 1891 Kidneys Diseases - Discses of the Kidneys; by Dr. II. Morris— /« System of Medi cine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 3; Di.-i-ases of the Suprarenal Bodies; by Dr. H. D. Rolleston— it ^ -ten. of Medicine .". Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 3T, General Pathnlo-y of the Renal I'u.ietions ; by Dr. R. Bradford - ;„ System of Medicine Allbutt, T. (..'. A 20 T IV, Nephroptosis : by A. Maealister - ,« System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 3i Therapeutics of Renal Diseases; by Dr. N. S. Davis-m Practica Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 1" [So: also Albuminuria; Blight's Disease; Diabetes.] Kilmacolm — Kilmacolm: a Parish History, 1 100-1808 Murray, Rev. J B 31 V 21 Kimberley, South Africa — General and Descriptive— What I think of South Africa Cumberland, S. 1) 14 R IS [,S'.< also Diamond, The, and Diamond Mines.] Kindergarten — Periodicals Kinder' Q 18 S 19 372.2 372.2 Kinematics — Kinetic Theory of Cases Keyer, 0. M. A 38 S 19 Kinetic Theory of Cases -in Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 14 f [See also Dynamics; Force; Mechanics; Motion.] Kinetics. [See Dynami Kinematics; Mcchani Fo e; Gases; Gvroscope; n; Physics.] Kings -Oil Testament— Fragments of the Honks of Kinos according to the Translation of Aquila Bibles and Testaments G 13 X 14 f aug 5 and Emperors - Alfr il in the Chroniclers Convbeare, K. B 41 Q 4 Alfr d the Croat: cd. by A. Bowkcr C 21) S 1!) mder the Croat Wheeler, B. I. B 27 Q 14 Bnu -.The; by Master .1. Harbour Scottish Text Society. Pubs., 31 33 821. 16 magn .11 n of two Nations... Davis, H. W. C. B 27 Q 13 [. IhcG eal : by Dr. T. Hodgkin... Charlemagne C 2:1 S 5 !es XII of Swclen Browning, (X B 20 K Hi : .. ; ! irian Oregorovius, F. B 34 R 1/ Km! or, : c.-rmanvat Home: by M. I.cudet William II, " German Emperor C 25 R 18 Free •rick the Croat Macaulay, Baron B 2(i P 9 ■rick the Croat. History of Abbott, J. S. C. B 39 T 14 Fre; .Jose )h II : Bright, Bev. J. F. B 17 P 48 1 -...., s, St Guizot, F. G24C-2S s, St Sepet, M. O 2.. P 1 l.or.i s, St., ct sou 'i'emps Wallon, H. C 24 U 30, 31 Loui , St., King of Fran •_■ loinvillo, Sire de B 27 P 8 ■,, St.. Vie dc Tillcmont, S. L. le Nain de C 2.. U 10 Low .Sir Hudson, and N.ipolo, n; by R. C. Seal on C 23 S is hon; l,y T. P. O'Connor .."."Napoleon Bonaparte C 22 T 13 Xap Icon, i/mis. a id M b! •.,!•■ Montijo... Imb.-rt de Snint-Amai.d Baron B 20 R 20 Kobo'rt'the Bruce, King: b\ A. F. Muri.o Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278-1352 Victor Emanuel in Lives of (beat Italian William the Silent ; by F. Harrison ladde], [& o Mo, B 19 U I s Hoi ridge, F. C 20 S 1 1 William I, Kine, of the Netherlands C 23 S 8 Queens and Empresses.] King's College, London. [For Catalogues and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue.] Kinos. [See Gums, Kinos, and Rosins.] Kinross -History — History of Fife ami Kinross Mackay, .!•. J. C. B 10 T 20 Kitchen Gardening. [See Vegetable Gardening.] oration of the Free Air by Means of Kites; by A. L. Roteh. Smithsonian Institution. Repts., 18! 17 ■>()(> leCellulai Kite: by I., llargrave... Royal Soc, X. S. Wales, Proceedings. 1890 506 Public Library of New South Wales. Kites — contd. Parakites Woglom, G. T. A 23 V 14 Sounding the Ocean of Air Rotch, A. L. A 19 P 15 Use of Kites in the Kxploration of the l"])j)er Air; by C. F. Marvin. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 [See also Meteorological Instruments.] Kiwai Language - Buka Kiwai Language MG 2 T 49 [See also Polynesian Languages and Dialects.] Klondyke Gold-field- Alaska Bruce, M. VV. D22R16.17 Alaska and the Klondike Heilprin, A. D 13 Pv 10 Hold-fields of the Klondike Leonard, J. W. A 33 P 29 Klondike and all about it ..."Practical Mining Kuginecr" D 16 P 6 LectureontheKlondikeMiningDistrict... Ogilvie, W. A 34 V 21 Pioneers of the Klondike Havne, M. H. K. D 16 Q 8 Through the Gold-fields of Alaska to BcringStraits... DeWindt.H. D 16 T 20 To Klondvke and Back Seeretan, J. H. E. D 16 Q 9 Trail of the Gold-seekers Garland, H. D 1 3 P 1 5 Truth about the Klondyke Eyre, S. C. MD2S0 Twelve Months in Klondvke Kirk. K. 0. D 13 P 16 Two Women in the Klondvke ... Hitchcock, Marv E. , I) 22 R 9 Lugrin, C.*H. F13Q25 Knightage. [See Baronetage.] Knighthood, Order of. [See Heraldry; plus.] Knighthood, Orders of — Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. Woodhousc. ilev. Knights of Malta. [See Knights Templar Knights of St. John Military Religions Orders of the Middle Ages. Woodhousc. Ilev. Knights Templars— Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. Woodhousc'. Rev. [See also Crusades ; Freemasonry; Malta.] Knots and Splices — Scientific Papers Tait, P. [See also Navigation.] Knowledge, Theory of— ". C. G 26 R 5 Malta.] .1 the lierbai . W. !) W '_ iduction to Philosopln .... ;k der reincn Vernunft Kant, 1. G 20 P 25 on Knowledge; by A. Montgomery Melb. licv., 7 (!f>2 ■-ipliieal Essays ." Stewart, D. G 16 V (i iperience Hodgson, S. H. G 14 R 20 .. Ladd, Philosophy and E xl Philosophy of Knowledge. Philosophy of Reflection... Psvcholocy Re-organisation of Philoso Realistic Philosophy Rosary of Christian (Iraee Theory of Knowledge . Ho . H. 7 s 31 Koitapu. [See Papuans.] Kola Nut- Consular Reports, 47 United States -Consular Reports 382 Kolaba— General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 11... Bombay- Gazetteer 915.47 Kolhapur — General and Descriptive — ■ Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 24... Bombay Gazetteer 915.47 Koran— Goran: its Composition and Teaching... Muir, Sir W. G 4 V 16 Koran, Der Koran G 26 P 24 Koran [in Arabic], The Koran G 25 P 2 Sketches from Kastern History Ndldeke, T. B 12 U 36 [See also Mohammedanism; Sacred Books.] Kuhne System — New Science of Healing Kuhne, L. A 30 T 30 Kulu — Gem rid and Descriptive — Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab Gore, F. St. J. D 19 S 1 Kuram Valley— General and Descriptive — Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab Gore, F. St. J. D 19 S 1 Kurdistan- Geuend anil Descriptive— From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. D 17 S 16 Kurds, The — Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities.. .Bliss, Rev. E. M. B 16 U 7 Kurnell, Botany Bay — Dedication of Captain Cock's Landing Place... N. S. Wales— Lands MF5P 19 Site of Sutherland's Grave Colonial Monthly M.I 4 P 5 Kusaiean Language - La Plata, River — Hydraulics of Great Rivers Revy, J. J. A 1 7 U 1 f Labadism — Labadist Colony in Maryland; by B. B. James ... Johns Hopkins University, Studies 17 B 18 S 17 Labaratories. [See sub-heading Laboratories under eu'ch Science.] Labour Bureaus and Departments — Labor Bureaus in the Netherlands. . .U.S.— Consular Repts., 54 382 Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Report 331 New Zealand Department of Labour, Journal 331 .8 "i Country, in Author Catalogue, for Official Rer ,s.] Labour Party New South Wales- Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Power of Government Hawken, N. MF 5 S 3 Labour Question General Australasian Pastoralists' Review, March, 1892-Feb.. 1893 630.5 Boston Monday Lectures Cook, Rev. J. J 22 S 19 Economics Hadlcy, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economics of Socialism Hyndman, H. M. F 8 V 24 Economy of Consumption Moffat, R. S. F 12 T 33 England of To-day Martins, Oliveira D 18 Q 22 Essay on the Report of the Labour Commission in Economic Science and Practice Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 911 Labour Question —General — contd. Fal.i:m Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 General Functions of Labour; by J. A. Hobson - <« Good Citizen- ship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Government and Co Seymour, H. W. F4U 31 Hand and Machine Labor United States Bureau of Labor, Annual Rept., 1898 338.4 Idlers in the Market-place Day, J. M. MF 3 Q 47 In. i ustrial Day Dreams Keeble, S. E. F2U 40 Irregularity of Employment Dewey, D. R. F 4 V 19 Lai >our Annual 330. 5 Labour-making Machinery Powers, F. P. F 17 P 8 Labour Question in Democracy and Liberty... Lecky, \V. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Labour-saving Machinery Samuelson, J. A 33 P 17 Labour, Socialism, and Strikes Guyot, Y. F 4 U 29 Liberals and Labour Simon, J. A. F 5 S 50 Life in West London Sherwell, A. F 4 U 36 Migration from the Country to the Towns ... Gower, Hon. F. L. F 2 V 32 Modern Civilisation Cunningham, Rev. W. F 8 V 12 Modern Economic Imbroglio in The Coming Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Modern Labour Ransome, J. S. F 2 V 31 Money and Prices in Foreign Countries United States- Consular Repts., special vol. 13 382 Pa i >al Encyclical on the Labour Question... Brooks..!, (i. F4V 19 Practical Christian Sociology Crafts. Rev. \V. F. G 9 \V 19 Problem of the Unemployed Hobson. .!. A. F 4 U 32 Regulation of the Hours of Labour -in Problems ial A . Wei ins. H. ( nn i F4 M,fer 36' I FJ Studies in Economics Smart, W. F2V 20 Trials and Triumph of Labor Bernardi, G. B. de F 4 T 22 Under an Elm-tree Morris, W. F 17 T 18 Unemployment and its Proposed Remedies in Civilisation of our "ay Samuelson, J, F 1 V 14 Wealth and Waste Hopkins, A. A. F 15 R 22 Wealth of Labor Palmer, F. L. F 10 V 4 Woman and Labour in Chances of Oca th Pearson, K. A 37 R 9 [,V, > also Arbitration: Capital and Labour ; Chinese Question ; ( 'oloured Labour: ( .'oiiperution ; F.ight iiour (.iiiestion ; Employ- er's Liability : Factories; Friendly Societies; Guilds; Master and Servant; Old Age Pensions; Poor: Prison Labour; Profit- sharing; Social Problems; Strikes; Trade. Unions; Work and Wages; Women -Work ; Working-classes.] — Bibliography — — Laws and Legislation— nnuaire de la Legislation du Travail publi par rotfice du r Belgium hour F39V5 e Vu . Wri 13 P. 23 ic Facts. F8Q 16 'Industrial Problems and Labour Legislation — in Histo Rose, W. K. Labour Laws of Moses Gass, ... Labour Problem Drage, G. F 10 S 31 L a 1 .our Question in Britain Rousiers, P. de F 1 2 T 2 Laws of Various States relating to Labor United States - Bureau of Labor, Bulletins 331 Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Report, 1895 331 Need of Labour Representation in Workers on their Industries. Galton, F. W. F 10 V 18 New Zealand's Labour Laws New Zealand Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1896 331.8 Rise of Democracy Rose, J. H. F 13 V 34 Royal Commission, 5th Report Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Labour F 39 V 33, 34 J . United States Consular Repts., 47 382 Labour Question — Laws and Legislation — contd. Social Switzerland Dawson, W. H. F 1 5 R 7 Special Labour Legislation for Children in Women in Industrial Life International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 5 State and Labour— in Citizen and the State... Strachey, J. St. L. F 16 S 34 [See also Eight-hour Question ; Kmplovcr's Liability; Factories; Labour Party (N.S.'W.); Payment of Members.] By Countries. Australia - Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. M F 5 Q 1 3 [See also each Colony under this heading.] France Labour in France Cape of Good Hope— Labour Commission, Evidence and Proceedings in Appendix 1, vol. 4 ... Cape of Cood Hope Pari., V. and P., 1894 328.687 LabourQuestion, Report of Select Committee, 1892 -in Appendix 2. Cape of Good Hope -Parliament, V. and P., 1892 328.687 Great Britain- - Contracts given out by Public Authorities to Associations of Work- men, Report (it. Brit, and Irel. Labour Dept. F 1 R 27 Duties of Cooperators in regard to the Hours and Conditions of Labour; by 'J'. .Mann... Cooperative Congress. Kept., 1892 3:14 Great Britain and Ireland Distress trom Want of Kmployment, Report... F36 W 20, 21 % Handy-book of the Labour Law's .' . Howell, G F4 U 38 Industrial Problems and Labour Legislation— in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Irish Land and Labour Question Craig, K. T F 16 S 13 LaborConditionsinCreat Britain.. .U.S. —Consular Repts., 60 382 Labour in the Longest Reign Webb, S. F 12 S 19 Labour in the Longest Reign-,;, Fabian Tracts... Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Labour Question in Britain Rousiers, P. de F 12 T 2 Life and Labour of the People of London... Booth, C. F 10 U 14 Miss Collet on the Statistics of Kmplovmont of Women and Girls Report Gt Brit, and Irel. Labour Dept. nyal Conn Royal Commission, 5th Report ( Wages and Hours of Labour, Report .. ' 33, 34 * id Irel.— "& Slaves of England . She raid, R. H F 13 V 3 Massachusetts — chusett - Bureau of Stati ties of Labor, Report 331 New Hampshire - sioner, Rept... N. Ha mps.- Ann. Rep s. 328.742 New South Wales of C. A. Wood, one of tl ■ ( ' Land and era, Report N.S.'W . \a nd Questioi MF9 New Zealand > Help he Unemployed.. Ne v Zea md Dept. Journal, of Labour, 894 331.8 ■Mover 895 331.8 ity of fc of ','oon New , Journal, Zealand - S94 331.8 >n of Adult Male New Zealand : by ¥,. •es \\c -tnnn. ter Review 1895 052 H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 '* ' States Consular Reports, 50 382 Public Library of New South Wales. Labour Question — Switzerland — Problem of the Unemployed in Social Switzerland.. Dawson, W.H. F 15 R 7 Tasmania- Select Commit tec on Unemployed labour, Tasmania, Reports. Tasmania Parliament, Journals 328.94(1 United States — Department of Labor, Bullet ichusetts, New Hampsliii U.S. Bu eau of Labor 331 Distribute n of Wealth in the C. B. F 10 V 32 s... Wright CD. F13R23 E. W. F 4 V 13 ca... New Zealand labour, .1, mial, 1895 331.8 ed States Bureau of Labor, al Rept., 181)4 331.8!) heading.] Victoria Factories Act Inquiry Board, Victo Labour Settlements — " ; X;;, .. Walker, H. de R. J1F United States Bureavi of Bulletin, 180 South Australia; bv Rev. J. Berry. Contemporary lb Murray River Labour Settlements ,'„ Life and ]' tralasia Davitt [See also Village Communities.] Labouring Classes. [See Working Classes. Labrador -General and Descriptive— M. MD 4 T 43 Poems of Places .... Longfellow, II W. H 1 1 P36 Labuan — ai dlrel.-Col. Off Repts. 3 ->I.4-J.s Labyrinthodontidse— Dasi/ceps Bttckhi irU —in Sc Set entific Memoirs, fie Memoirs .... . Huxley, A 4 . Huxley, T. H. )S 16 T. II. . Dolmetsch, H. Lacquer and Lacquering— Preparation of Japanese Laeque States- Ni Scale Insects that produce Lac : b Ladakh — Summer in High Asia, A Ladrone Islands— //m Australian Pioneers and R Lady-birds- [St ,1.] "Lady Shore" LagOS- —General and Descriptive — Annual Report... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Col. Office Repts. 354.428 Recollections of Central America and the West Coast of Africa. Foote, Mrs. Henry Grant D 16 R 4 Lake-dwellers and Lake dwellings— Dwellers on the Water -in Prehistoric .Man and Beast. Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 Q -23 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 4 Prehistoric Scotland Munro, R. B 32 R 12 [See also Indians, American; Venezuela.] Lamaism. [See Buddhism; Thibet.] Lamentations- Old Testament — Song of Solomon, and the Lamentations of Jeremiah. ... Expositor's Bible G 19 S 23 Lamps - Chemical Technology Groves, C. E. A 21 V 6-8 Greek and Etruscan Vases, and Creek and Roman Lamps in the Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney; by Louisa Macdonald Sydney University MA I S 28 Lamp of the Eskimo; by W. Hough ... United States National Museum, Rept., 1896 507 [See also Elcctri ■■lighting; Minns' Safety Lamps.] Lampyridae— Lampyrides des Antilles; par E. Olivier International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Lancashire General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 6 History — Palatine Note-book B 24 U 1-4 Story of Some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 t Lancaster, Duchy of— History — Chartularv of Coekersand Abbey. ..'chetham Soc., Pubs., 33 942.7 Palatine Note-book B 24 U 1-4 Story of the House of Lancaster Hartwright , H. B 1 7 R 50 " Lancet," The Waklev, Dr. Thomas, Founder of the Lancet, Life and Times of; by Dr. S. S. Sprigge C 24 Q 18 [See also Medicine, Periodicals.] Land Banks. [See Agricultural Banks; Savings Banks.] Land Courts [See Land Tenure — Laws.] Land Laws. [See Land Tenure— Law.] Land Systems. [See Land Tenure— By Countries.] Land Tax- History of New York Property Tax ... Schwab, J. C. F 4 V 15 Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 18!).")...Salusbury, F. H. MF 1 R 13 Land Tax Act, New South Wales, 1895... N. S. Wales -Statutes MF 4 P 37 Select Commute on Town Holdings, Report... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Town Holdings F 40 V 3 J Taxation of Land Values and the Single Tax Smart, W. V 16 U 12 [See also Betterment; Single Tax.] Land Tenure — General — Economic and Commercial Aspects of the' Land Question. National Lib. Club, Pol. Econ. Circle, 2 330.6 Free Trade in Land in The Coining Individualism. ..Hake, A. E. Freedom of Land ; by G. S. Lefevre... Practical Politics F 12 T 31 (beat Land Question Ashton, J. MF 4 Q 52 Land and its Rent. Walker, F. A. F 15 P 39 Land and the Cultivator it Civilisath n of Our Day. Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Ltnd Questions in Political Letters Pembroke and Montgomery, George, Earl of F 13 R 5 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1000. Land Tenure —General— contd. Land Laws Pollock, Sir F. F 8 V 11 l.r:. and Polili-s in lli, ■ Mi. Idle Ages lonks, E. F 13 T 30 New Party, The Rcid, A. F 15 P 29 R ■.:. Interest, and Wages Fliirscheim, M. F 10 S 5 Rottenness Pocock, R. F 4 U 35 T. .ens' System of Real Property Law Aust. Assoc, for Advance, of Science, 6 5i.:0 [.s- ■ nho Betterment : Crofters; Feudalism; Land Courts; Land Tax; Landlord and Tenant : Real Property ; Kent; Single Tax ; Taxation; Land Tenure— By Countries; Right-of - Way. ] Laws and Legislation — C' mmission on Native Land Laws. Xew Zealand, Report. New Zealand- Lands and Survey MF 3 Q 40 t Ci >'ters Commission, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Crofters F 39 V 13 * Crown Lands ,V-t*. ]SS4. 1889, 1895, and Regulations. N. S. Wales— Statutes MF 1 S 72 ])'oan!'<;/' A 34 V 13 Decisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Utlice in Cases relating to Lands and Land Claims, 1881-83. United States General Land Office 336. 13 Dominion Land Acts Canada Statutes F 13 T 14 In-, ructions for Making and Perfecting Entries of Lands. United States Geneial Lands Office F 13 U 23 Instructions to Registers and Receivers... United States— General Land Office F 13 U 24 Laid Act, Victoria: Regulations... Victoria Statutes MF4U34 Lund Laws Pollock, Sir F. F8V11 La: 1 Laws of Xew Zealand : l,vK. Peeves Westminster Review, 1894 052 L-n I we Live on in Household Oracle... Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 relating to Crown Lauds, New South Wales; by H. A. G. Carry -i» N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony ... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Location and Assignment of Bounty Land Warrants United States - General Lands Ollice F 13 U 24 Location and Assignment of Scrip United States -General " ds Office F 13 U 23 ,t Va ■ Tit e Lai s, &<-., R .1.1 A [i w :■: dlrel. of Agriculture 333 icfore the United States District Land Officers. United States ( leneral Land ( Mice F 23 U 24 e in the United States District Land Offices, the Ollice, and the Department of the Interior United States -(leneral Land Ollice F 13 U 13 i. Wa By Countries. . Australia — MF y W. W. Carlilo. England - Allotments and Small Holdings Green, .1. L. F S V 20 Domesday Rook and Reyond Maitlan.l, F. W. F 1 S S Domesday of Inclosurcs; by I. S. Lcadham ...... Royal Historical Fa ian Tracts Fabian Society F19R15 Land Laws; by W. Brown— in Historic Facts Rose, W. K. Laud Tenure— France- Distribution of Real Property ii India- nity Powell, B. H. B-. F 12 T 24 Ireland — Greit Britain and Ireland Congested Districts Roard for Ireland, Report 630.0 Great Britain and Ireland Irish Land Commission. Reports 333 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Irish Land Commission, (leneral Rules and Forms F 1 U 17 Irish Land and Labour (Question Craig, E. T. F 16 S 13 Irish Land (.hiest ion in Democracy and Liberty. Leoky, W. K. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Judicial Rents... Gt. Brit, ami Irel.- Irish Land Commission 333 New Views on Ireland Russell, Baron F 19 S 7 Order issued by the Irish. Land Commission... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Irish Land Commission F 1 U 17 Ulster as it is Macknight, T. F 14 U 34, 35 New South Wales- Lands Department of N. S. Wales, Reports N. S. Wales- Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Land Tenure in 1844-40 N.S. Wades Land Question, 1844-46 MF 9 P 47 t . New Zealand — Land Question in New Zealand and Australia; by \V. W. Carlile. Melbourne Review, 4 052 . Pennsylvania- Proprietary Government in Pennsylvania Shepherd, W. R. F1SR18 ■ Queensland- Department of Public Lands, Queensland, Reports... Queensland — Appeal to Patriotis Russia- Land Tenure in Rus . United States— Consular Rcpts. , 59 Scotland- 's Commission, Report, 1892-93 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Crofters 333 te-nstration in Scotland Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Scotland F 40 V 41 % South Australia— Systems of Victoria and Smith Australia compared; by J. J. Casey Melbourne Victoria 052 y .1. T. Thomson Melbourne Review, 9 052 .'.ding; by C. Fairfield M.Ib. Rev., 9 052 re-sion Duties; by MissC. H. Spence... Melbourne Moll, Rev., 10 052 ared ; by J. J. evicw, 2 052 M.M Rev., 2 052 Moll Rev., 2 052 M.Mi Rev., 9 052 Rei, ... Melbourne ... Melbourne R< view, 10 052 Victorian Test of a Social Theory ; by A. (■ . Virginia Economic History of Virginia in the 17th Century... Bruce, P. A. 3 F2V2S, 29 Landholders, Lists of New South Wales - Yowen's Directory, Landholders of N. S. Wales MF 5 U 17 Victoria- How to Dispose of Victoria's Permanent Landlords by Means of Tenants' Option of Purchase Tenants' Option of Purchase Assoc. MF5P25 Summers' Directory, Victoria Ml) 4 V 32, and 4 P 32* Public Library of New South Wales. Landlord and Tenant— Law — Address by A. I). Nelson on Law of Fixtures Ki: Association, N. S. Wales, Proc, Landlord and Tenant. Master and Servant; by R. J. On Household Oracle Miles, A. H. Tci cry Act MF 1 Lands— New South Wales. [See New South Wales- Public Lands; and under New South Wales- Lands, in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] United States. [See United States Public Lands ; and under the name of each State, in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] Victoria. [See Victoria- Public Lands; and under Victoria —Lands, in Author Catalogue.] Lands, Crown, of Australasia, [See sub-heading Public Lands under Australia and each of the Colonics.] Lands Departments. [See under each Country in Author Catalogue for Official Reports.] Landscape Gardening - Art and Craft of Garden-making ... Mawson, T. If. A 20 1< 25 t Art Out of Doors. ..Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Mariana O. A 23 P 11 Garden-making Bailey, L. H. A 33 Q 32 Italian Gardens Piatt, 0. A. A 44 W 6 Landscape Gardening as applied to Home Decoration. Maynard, S. T. A 20 R 16 Ornamental Shrubs for Garden. Lawn, ;\m\ Park Planting. Davis, L. D. A 23 V 22 [.See also Cemeteries; Forestry; Gardening; Paiks; Trees and Shrubs.] Landscape Painting — Constable, John. Life and Letters of: by ( '. R. Leslie C 10 T 10 f dome, John, and Cotman, John Sell; 'by L. Binyon... Portfolio, Lorrtia, Claude; 1 Millet, Jean Franc Turner, J. M. W., Languages, Teaching of— Languages .;/ Special Kc.por Methods of Teaching Modern I Mode ml Mode :. Brit, b Language As t port, 1897-98, Languages at lire the Mclho n lOdurat ional Subjects. .. 10. Alleo, lookson, (' ami Tea. lung of the Mot KducationalSubie [SeeafeoPhiloloev. Langue d'Oc. [See Provencal Language and Literature : Troubadours.] Lanthanum — Indexes to the Literatures of Cerium and Lanthanum ; by W. H. Magee Smithsonian Institution, Mis.-. Collections, 38 508 Lapidary Work- Intaglio Engraving Ronton, 10. A 23 P 29 Lapland O'eneral and Descriptive — Beyond Petsora Eastward Pearson, II. J. 1) 22 S 5 From North Pole to lOquator Brehm, A. 10. 1) 18 V 22 Through Arctic Lapland Hyne, 0. D 13 R 2 [See also Finland; Russia.] Lard — Lard ; by J. L. Thompso Largs Bay- New Australian Port; ty Larynx — ■Agr. Gazette, N. 8. W., 7 ii-l of Kilmorey Rev Re\ 1898 ynx ; by Sir F. Semen - -in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 3/ Diseases of the Pharynx and Larynx; by Dr. C. E. Sajous— 1« Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diseases of the I Aula, t he Pharynx, and Larynx : by Dr. 1). B. Kyle in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 [See also Throat ; Respiratory System; Voice.] Latent Heat. [See Heat.] Lathes and Lathe-work — Advanced Metal-work Compton, A. G. A 41 T 21 English and American Lathes Horner, J. .. reme Court of N. S. Wales, 1892-96 Cocksliott, H. M. MF5R1 Index to Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of New South Wales, 1 82,-> 9.") Leibius, G. H. MP 1 R 14 Legil Digest of Xew .South Wales... Incorporated Law Institute, N. S. Wales 346. .5 New S. Wales Bankruptcy, Company, and Probate Cases... 346.5 New South Wales Weekly Notes 346.5 New South Wales Law Reports 346.4 Reports of Cases determined, Index N. S. Wales — Land Appeal Court 336. 1 Selection of Supreme Court Cases in New South Wales, 1825 62. Legge, J. G. MP 2 S 54, 55 Supplement to Digest of Criminal and Maoist rates' Case3. Addison, G. C. MP 3 R 58* New Zealand — Australasian Annual Digest Power, G. W. 346.5 North Carolina- Cases argued and determined... N. Carolina— Supreme Ct. 345.42 Queensland- Australasian Annual Digest Power, G. W. '346.5 Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queensland. Scott, G. MP 5 Q 3 4. 35 Queensland Digest Scott, G. MF 3 S 35 United States- Cases decided in Court of Claims... U.S.— Court of Claims 345.41 ViCtOria- Australasian Annual Digest Power, G. W. 346. 5 Australian Law Times 347.05 Digest of Reported Cases in the Supreme Curt. Court of insol- vency, and Courts of Mines of the Colony of Victoria, 1890-95. Eagleson, J. G. MF 1 S 67 Victorian Law Reports 346.5 [See also Attorneys-General — Reports.] Law Schools. [See Law— Education, Schools, Training.] Law Societies and Institutes. [See sub-heading Societies and Institutes, under Law.] Lawn Tennis— Lawn Tennis; by R. D. Wrenn ... Out-of-Door Sports A 40 Q 1 [See also Sports.] Laws. [See Laws and Legislation under each Subject; and sub-heading Statutes, under the name of the Country, in Author Catalogue.] Lawyers — Lockwood, Sir Frank ; by A. Birrell C 23 T 6 [See also Chancellors ; Chief .Justice:!; Court Practice; Judges.] Lazarettes. [See Hospitals, etc.] Lazarists. [See Vincentians.] Lead — Lead and Copper-smelting Hixon, H. W. A 38 V 4 Metallurgy of Lead and Silver Collins. If. |<\ A 21 S 29 Metallurgy of Lead Hofman, H. 0. A 38 V 26 [See also Plumbing.] Leather — Leather Industries Laboratory Book... Procter, H. R. A 40 V 3 Manufacture of Leather Davis, C. T. A 13 U 10 Manufacture of Leather, Glue, and Size in Chemistry for Manu- facturers Blount, B. A 21 T 39 [See also Leather-work; Tanning.] Leather-work — rti th r T' k t er ' S ^" al • c. ■ V •, bandage, H. C. A 45 U 5 [See also Boots and Shoes; Saddlery; Tanning.] Lectionaries — Palestinian Syriac Leetionary Lewis, Agnes S. G 18 U 6 [See also Liturgies.] Lectures. [See sub-heading Addresses, Lectures, Essays, under each Subject.] Lecturing — Lecture in Defence of Lectures— /;; Chins from aCcrman Workshop. Muller, F. M. J 22 Q 3 Thirty Years of Teaching Miall, L. C. G 18 P 46 Leeches — Earthworms and Leeches Beddard, F. E. A 20 T 20 Species of Australian Land Leeches ; by Ada M. Lambert. Royal Society," Victoria, I'roc, 1898 500 Structure of an Australian Land Leech ; by Ada M. Lambert. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1S97 500 Leeds Industrial Cooperative Society — Jubilee History of the Leeds Industrial ( 'ooporativc Society. Holyoake, G. J. F 15 P 42 Leeward Islands — General and Descriptive — Annual Reports... Gt. Brit, and Irel.-Col. Office Rcpts. 354.428 British America D 22 Q 6 Legal Education and Law Schools. [See Law— Educa- tion, Schools, Training.] Legal Medicine. [See Medical Jurisprudence.] Legends— General— Atlantis Donnelly, I. J 14 R 22 Chronicles selected from the Original.) of Cartaphilus, the Wan- dering Jew Hoffmann. I). 3 T 21, 22 Cuehillin Saga in Irish Literature Hull. Klcanor 1 ! 30 I > 1 2 Dealings with the Dead Le lira/.. A. (! 2-1 1' IS Epic and Romance Ker, W. P. J 14 S 10 Legend of Perseus Ilartland. E. s. R 36 1\S Ragnarok, the Age of Fire and ravel.. . Donnelly, I. A 44 U 12 Romances in the Department of MSS. in the Hrit'ishMuseum; by H. L. D. Ward British Museum K 17 T 27 Republished Legends of Virgil Leland, C. G. J 21 S 32 [.See also Ballads ; Cross; Fairy-tales; Faust; Folk-lore; Holy Grail; Mythology; Myths; Saints; Superstition.] By Countries. ■ Australia- Australian Traditions ; by Rev. R. Hamilton Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1S85 910.5 ■ England — Edwin and Miliaria Williams, Helen M. II 17 R 15 English Traditional Lore ( ientlcman's Mag. Lib. A 32 U 9 Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances illustrating Shakespeare and other Early English Writers Ilazlitt, W. 0. .1 14 P 49 Legend of Sir Gawain Weston, Jessie B 36 P 1 1 Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Recket : by Robert of Gloucester. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 21 Merlin; ed. by H. B. Wheatley Early English Text Society, Pubs., 820.8 Florence — Legends of Florence Leland, C. G. J 14 R 12 Germany — Fall of the Nibelungs Armour, Margaret J 1 4 S 33 Legends of the Wagnerian Drama... Watson, Jessie L. II 10 W 2 Nibelungcnlied ; trans, by W. N. Lettsom H 13 P 18 Greece — Evolution d 'mi Mythe Renel, C. B 39 U 7 Opera Apuleius, L. J 14 U 32 Hebrew- Chronicles of Jerahmeol Caster, M. G 25 R 2 Subject-Index to the Legends— Ireland— Yellow Book of Lecan J 22 S 1 t Japan — 01 1 World Japan Rinder, F. B 33 P 3 New Zealand— Maori Tales ami Legends Clark, Kate McCosh MB 1 S 3 • Roman Empire — Opera Apuleius, L. J 14 U 32 Roumania — Leu'eiids from River and Mountain... Elizabeth, < Juccii of Roumania J 8 T 39 Scotland — Legends of the Saints in the Scottish Dialect of the 14th Century. Scottish Text Society, Pubs., 13, IS, 23, 25, 3,1, 37 491.63 Spanish — St. Brandan: a Medieval Legend of the Sea... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 16 Legerdemain. [See Conjuring; Magic; Witchcraft.] Legislative Assembly. [See sub-heading Parliament under each Colony.] Legislative Council. [See sub-heading Parliament under each Colony.] Leguminosae — Agricultural Investigations at Rothamsted ... Gilbert, Sir J. H. A 18 U 27 Experiments with Pulses ; bv G. Valder ... Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Nodule Organism of Leguminos.'e ; bv R. G. Smith Linnean Society, N.S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.0 [S e d»0 Beans ; Clovers; Cow-peas; Lucerne; Nitrogen in Agri- culture; Peas; Wattles; and under each Genus.] Leicestershire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 7 History — Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 t Leith — General and Descriptive — Edinburgh and Leith Post Office Directory 914.144 Lemon — Cultivation and Uses — Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia; by D. McAlpinc. Victoria -Agriculture MA 4 K 36 I- -■ ' ai-curing Agricultural (iazette, X. S. Wales, 10 630.5 I. . p-growing and Curing; by W. S. Williams Queensland Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Principal I)i.-,ca>c> of Citrous Fruits in Florida; bv W. T. Swingle. L nited States -Dcpt. of Agr.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology A .'!S R 11 [S'cc also Fruit-growing; Fruit Trade.] Lemuridse — Monkeys, Lemurs, ami Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum ; bv .J. K. <;,av' ... British Museum— Natural History A 42 V 4 Angwantibo of Old Calabar- -In Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [Sec also Mammalia ; Prosimia;.] Lenses — Lens-work for Amateurs Orford, H. A 23 P 8 Light (ilazebrook, R. T. A 21 Pol Photographic Optics Cole, R. S. A 41 Q 2(5 T ! 'photography Dallmeyer, T. R. A 45 V 9 'Feting of inflecting Surfaces; bv P. Baracciii Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 . »i K ! [See also Optical Instruments.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 9] 7 Lent- Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial.. Feascy,H..T. G 11 Q 36 [.See also Raster; Fasts and Fasting.] Lepidoptera — General — Evolution of Colour in Lepidoptera; bv M. C. Piepers. International Congress of Zoology. Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Experiences stir la tela, i. ,n .mi existe entrc la couleur du Milieu et la couleurdesChrysalidcs.le e.i tains Lenidopt u'cs; parM. Bordage. International Congress of Zoology. Proc., KS98 A 35 W 14 Insect Life Theobald, F. V. A 18 P 31 Lepidoptera; by J. F. Stephens in List of Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum British Museum— Natural History A 43 U 9 Nomenclature of Lepidoptera; by J. H. Durrant... International Congress of Zoology. Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Synonomy of 1'icris /■(.■■imtili ; bv J. A. Kershaw Victorian Naturalist, 1897 505 [.See also Butterflies ; Entomology; Heterocera; Moths; Noetu- idre; Rhopalocera. ] By Countries. Australia- Australian Lepidoptera; by Dr. A. J. Turner Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1897-99 506 Lepidoptera from the South Pacific ; by E. Meyr Entomological Society, Loud. Lepidoptera of Central Australia Lower, O. Life-history of Xcnica acnantu; by J. F. H. Haase Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 New Australian Lepi.lnpiora; by 0. B. Lower... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1897-89 580*6 New Australian Lepidoptera ; by O. Lower Royal Society, South Australia, Trans.", 1S97 51)6 New Lepidoptera from Ausf ralia and New Zealand ; by E. Meyrick. Entomological Society, Condon, Trans., 1897 595.7 New Species of Australian DiurnalLepidoptera: by \V. H. Miskin. Entomological Society, bond., Trails., 1876 595.7 [.See also each Colony under this heading.] Ceylon — Lepidoptera of Ceylon Moc Meyrick. , Trans., 188 China — iatural History of Insects of Chii Great Britain— irilish and European Butt, rtli.-s a-itish Moths and their Transfom ,arvai of the British Butterflies Hawaii — epidoptera from the Hawaiian h Entomological Soci. , F. A 18 P 8-10 + m, E. A 20 R 10 + .tions Humphreys, H. N. A 18 R 2-4 t m.i Moths; by W. Buckler. , Pubs., 1894 95. 1899 590.6 - Malay Peninsula erflies from the Indo-Malaya ieSoc, Bengal. .Journal, New Guinea - ime Lepidoptera fro New South Wales - New York — Cist of Macro Lepidoptera of Buffalo and Vicinity; Duzee... Buffalo Society, Natural Sciences, Bullet Public Library of New South Wales. Lepidoptera — New Zealand — NewLcpidopf er a from Ausl rulia m nil \V\i Zealand ; bv E. Mevriek. Entomological Society, London, Trans.', 181)7 * 595.7 New Species of Lepidoptera : by E. E. Hawthorne... New Zealand Institute, Trans. , 29 506 NewZealandMothsandButterflies... Hudson, G. V. MA 13 Q 5 t Rare Lepidoptera in Wellington; by W. P. Cohen... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 500 Some New Zealand Lepidoptera; bv I). Sharp Entomological Soc, Lond., Trans., 1882 595.7 Synonymic List of the Lepidoptera of New- Zetland; bv R. W. Fereday New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 ■ Queensland — List of Butterflies of the Brisbane District; bv R, Illidgc. Royal Society, Queensland. IW.."l, 97 506 New Miero-Lepidoittcra from Queensland; by Dr. A. J. Turner, val Society, S. Australia, Trans.', 1897-93, 1900 506 ... F - msland, Proe., South Australia — Australian Butterflies; by G. Lyell.. Viet uralist, 1S9S 505 United States- American Lepidoptera; by A. R. Grotc Buffalo Society, Natural Sciences. Bulletin, vol. 2 506 List of Butterflies of North America ; by S. H. Seadder... Buffalo Society, Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 2 o'Mi Monograph of the Bombveine Moths of America nortli of Mexico; by A. S. Packard U.S. Nat. Academy of Sciences, 7 506 Texan Lepidoptera collected by Mr. Belfrag'e; by Dr. Harvev. Buffalo Society, 'Natural Sciences, Bulletin, 3 506 United States Geographical Surveys West of the 10'lth Meridian. Report, 5 Unite, 1 States— Engineer Dept. A 10 V 6 f Victoria — Lyeienn. Cyrilus; by K. Anderson... Vict, Naturalist, 1897 -98 505 Act to Amend the Leprosy Repression Ac! ... Cape of Cood Hope - Statutes A 17 T 29 f Act to Check the Spread of the Disease known as Leprosy. Cape of (lood Hope Statutes A 17 T 29 t Alleged Connection of Vaccination with Leprosy... International Congress of Hygiene and Dcmo-raphv, 'Trans.. 1 614.06 Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P ] 1 Copy of Letter addressed to the ( 'olonial Secretary bv the Chief and Medical Superintendent of the Robbcn Island establishment. Cape of Good Hope Leprosy A 17 T 29 f Correspondence on thcSubjeet of the Interim Kcpoi t'of thoEvidence taken by the Leprosy Com mission... Cape oft bond Hope— Leprosy A 17 T 29 t Dr. Impey on his Tour through Europe and Egypt for the purpose of enquiring into certain matters connected with Leprosy, Report. Emjan ^Capcof Cood Hope -Leprosy A"l7 T*29 t jofGoodHope - * 7T29 f .Leper Asylum, Reports... Cape of Cood Hope Lepiosy Ethnography of Leprosy in the Far East ; by S. B. J. Skertrhly. Royal Society, Queensland. I'roc., 1897 506 Hand-book on Leprosy ' Impcy, S. I'. A 11 R 3 History and Prevalence of Lepra in Australia; by Dr. .1. A. Thompson Aust, Assoc, Advance, of Sc. Rep',.. 1898 506 History of Leprosy in Australia... Thompson, J. A. MA 3 W 23 Is Leprosy a Telluric Disease? Australasian Association for t.lw. A,' Leprosy ; by Dr. 1 Leprosy and Hawi Leprosy Commissi Leprosy Commissi the Ad .f Scil S. Abraham /„ System of Me. Allbutt, T ian Annexation ; bv Dr. P. A. North American R 1,1894 in Appendix 1, vol. 6... Capcof'C. 051 Hope— Parliament, V and I'.. 1891 .128.687 i, Minutes of LviilciKcund Report 1894. Cape of Cood Hope -Leprosy A 17 T 29 t Leprosy m Hawaii Thompson, . I ." A. MA 4 T 5 Leprosy in Hongkong Cantlic, .1. A 39 V 3 Leprosy „, India and Best Means of Preventing it ; by Surg. -Map R. l'nnglc... Internal. Health Iv.hib., 1 S.S1 , Lit., 11 A 41 V7 LcprosyinN. S. Wales.. .N.S.W. -Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Leprosy — contJ. Leprous Patients at Robbcn Island .Report... Cape of Good Hope- Leprosy A 17 T 29 + Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Select Committee on the Leprosy Commission Evidence, Report. Cape of Good Hope -Leprosy A ] 7 T 29 t Select Committee on the Spread of Leprosy, Report. Cape of Good Hope Leprosy A 17 T 29 t [See also Tropical Diseases. ] Lesbos — Genera/ and Descriptive — Correspondance, 1869-80 Flaubert, G. C 14 P 25* Letter-writing — !•' r -eh and En r'.ish (' mimerci a! Correspondence... Williams, T. S. J 1 1 P 52 Letters and Letter-writers; by Miss M. Turner Melbourne Review, 1 052 [See also Commercial Education.! Letters. [See Alphabets — Philology; Hieroglyphics; In- scriptions; Paleography; ami "suit-division Alphabet under each Language.] Letters -Correspondence- Barclay, Thomas, Selections from Correspondence of C 26 R 19 Bland Papers Bland, Col. T. C 27 S 13 Briefwillciini tusschen ile Cebrocders Van der does, 1659-73. Van der Goes, W. C 27 T 5 Brownine, Robert, Letters to Elizabeth Barrett... C 26 P 10, 17 Carlyle, Thomas, Letters to his Youngest Sister C 23 U 10 Clerical Life, The G 23 Q 17 Constant, Benjamin, Letfres de Constant dc Itebeeque, H. B. C 18 P 30 Cnrrciponilenec between Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop. Burns, R. C 23 U 5 Correspondence of Madame. Princess Palatine: of Marie-Adelaide de Savoie, and of Madame de Maintenon in relation to Saint-Cvr. Wornieley, Katharine P. C 25 S'l9 De Lisle, Ambrose Phillips, Life and Letters of; by E. S. Purcell. C 27 T 1, 2 Eighteenth ('■■nturv Letters lohnson, R, B. C 26 P 8 Elizabeth, Princess cf England. Letters of C 24 T 22 Hume, David, Letters to William Strahan C 26 S 9 Jowett, Benjamin, Letters of C 26 S 18 Lamb and Hazlitt Lamb, C. C 27 R 7 Landor, Walter Savage, Letters of C 24 P 19 Letters; trans, by E. S. Shuckhurgh ..Cicero. M. T. J 22 Q 37-40 Letters concern in ;' Buskin's " Notes on the ( 'oust ruction of Sheep- folds"; by Rev. F. 1). Maurice- in Literary Anecdotes, of the 19th Century Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 4 Letters from Shelley to Leigh Hunt in Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 3 Letters of the Younger Pliny; trans, by J. D. Lewis. Plinius Gccilius Sccundus. C. (.'27 S 18 Prteraphaolite Diaries and Letters ... Rossctti, W. M. C 27 R 5 Pusey, Edward Bouverie, Spiritual Letters of C 25 P 22 Ruskin; Rossctti; Prcrupharlit ism , . . Rossctti, W. M. C 20 T 27 Sedgwick, Catherine M., Life and Letters of C 27 R 2 Selwyn, Ceorgc: his Let lets and his Life ( ' 25 S 20 Stevenson, Robert Louis, Letters of; with Notes by S. Colvin. C26S 16, 17 Stuart, Lady Louisa, Selections from MSS. of C 27 R 4 Swift, Dean, Unpublished Letters of ; cd. byC. B. Hill... C 20 R 3 Wagner, Richard. L ■Iters to Emil Meckel' C 27 P 20 Wagner, Richard. Letters to Wcsendonck et al C 27 P 21 Wound Dresser Whitman, W. C 23 P 28 [See also Manuscripts.] Letters Patent. [See Patents and Trade-marks.] Lettuce — Garden Lettuce and its Cultivation; by L. F. Kinney. Rhode Island— Agr. Exper. Station, Kept.*, 1897 030.7 Leucocythsemia— Leucocythsmiia ; by Dr. R. Muir— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Lexicons. [Sec sub-beading Dictionaries under nai Languages and Subjects.] Leyden — History — c advt s de Jean de Bai Leyden University Diarium Everardi Bror suntinAcademiaLcydcnsi. 1591-10: Libel -Law — Oil! line of the Law of Libel [SV. also Journalism; Press.] Libellulidse — List of Australasian LibolIuliiUe ; by J. ( Society, South Aus [.S'< ■ alio Entomology ; Odonata.] Liberalism— Hi.-i [& 11 Libel •'la ldca'citr'a ..Macdonnell, P. a Velas ', F. 5 i; :t sialism ami Wealth . •lalism in Outward I ■rals and Labour .... Chamberlain's Libei w of Education Hammond, .1. L. I<" 5 S of) and Labour in South Australia in Australasian . Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Hirst, F. W. F5S50 Phillimore, J. S. F 5 S 50 Simon, J. A. F 5 8 50 '(Speeches Roseberv, Laid F 12 T 15 r (iut/.kow, K. J '24 S 30 Moral Law Andrews, Rev. E. 15. F8 V 10 ities— History of; Croat Britain— Polities; Radical- Liberality - Ari-totle's Ethics for English Readers... Stock, St, 0. O 11 U 15 Liberty — American Contributions to Civilization. ..Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 < "r.i i- a; lit v and the Social State... Lorimer, Rev. C. C. C 24 R 1 Democracy and Liberty Leeky.W. K. II. F 12 T !. 5 Kiudish Political Philosophy Craham, W. F 10 P 31 Crowth and Expression of Public Opini u Unforeseen Ten- dencies of Democracy Godkin, E. L. F 13 R 13 Philosophical Theory of the .1 Pre [St e Individual... very; Tolerati n.] Lorii . M-Kcchiii. W. F] ■ -Metaphysics. [See Determinism ; Freedom of the Will; Predestination; Will.] Liberty of Conscience — Vinci, A., Life and Writings of; by Laura M. Lane C 27 S 17 [S, : also Church and State; Freedom of the Will; Heresies; Liberty of the Press. [.See Journalism; Libel; Press.] Libraries General — Account of the Country Institutes of South Australia; by R. S. ibrarie 8_ General— contd. Legal P sition of the Mechanu s' Institutes and Public Libraries of Vie toria; by J. W. Saver Australasian Library Conference, 1S96 MJ 2 P 32 f Librarie 3 from the Reader's P< nt of View; by Sir H. Wrixon. Australasian Libri ry Conference, 1890 MJ 2 P 32 f Libraric , of Lancashire and Cli ■shire; by W. E. A. Axon. Public Li Public, S ciety, and Special C .llections, Nodal. Library Si He Sul Mdiesand Anders n... Libri [S,r: „/<„ labile,,,, Kconon . : Librae names of Libra rk ...Ccnt!ciuan'.sMag. Lib. J12V34 rten Well 378 Is Library Conference, 1893. ; i lies Bureau of Education Libr. -'tates of America... United States- Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 braries— /« Report, 1895-96. ,atcs -Bureau of Education 379.73 i Lancashire and Cheshire; by J. H. lited Kingdom, Trans., 1ST!)" 020.0 nefactions to Libraries; by H. C. L. Australasia, Proe., 1898 MJ 2 V 1 k-binding; Books; Catalogues of r Catalogue. ] Architecture and Fittings — Boston Public Library Amer. Architect, 23 720.5 ■ Brochure Series of Arc!, itcciiual Illustration, 11 A 37 R 8 Carnegie Library, Allegheny [Designs] Amer. Architect, 21 720.5 Chicago Public Library Public Libraries, 2 020.5 Columbia University Library Amer. Architect, 12 720.5 Construction of Library Buildings United States -Bureau of Education J 19 W 3 Cornell University Library Library Journ., 14 020.5 Design for Public Library for Provincial Town Building News, 28 1190.5 Hand-book of Library Appliances Brown, J. D. J 9 V 36 International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat. Room Library Architecture Sturgis, R. A 37 R 8 Library Construction, Architecture. Piltiics and Furniture '"con- tains list of illustrations ,,f Libraries appearing' in Amcriam Architect, Architect, licit i*h Archit.0 Library Legislation. 1855-01) Fovargue, II. W. J 5 T 37 Library Legislation in the United States -in Report, 1805-90. United States Bureau of Education 379.73 Public Library Legislation Fovargue, H. W. J 9 V 36 Statistics of Libraries and Libra r\ Legb lation in the I'nited States. TT..:i..l L't..i.„^ " T>..,. i- I.\l (I,.,. !■' 1 ■>. T •!", Uni t! Slates ' Bureau of Education F 13 T 35 Management. [See Library Economy and Ad- ministration.] Periodicals— 020.5 reenwood's Library Year-book Library Association Record Library Journal Li hrary W< >rlcl Public Libraries ■ Statistics — Public Libraries of the United States of America. . . United States— Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Agricultural — Development of Agricultural Libraries; by C. H. (ireathouse. United States— Dopt. of Agr., Year-book, 1S99 030.5 • Free Public and Municipal — Connection between the Public Library and the Elementary Public School— in Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Education C 17 U 15 Employment of Young Winien as Assistants in Public Free Libraries; by T. Baker Library Association of the United Kingdom, Trans., 187'.) 021.0 Free Libraries -in Speeches Rosebery, Karl F 12 T 15 Free Libraries and Museums in ( 'ivilisation of Our Day. Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Free Libr; Free Lib raping of T •, The... Move i Manchester. Hand, W. R. Mm pal Libr. Provision of Novels in Ratc-supp. Library Association, Unite Public Free Library and the Boat Library Association, Unite Public Libraries in the United Stat Public Library and the Public, Tin Public School ant'l the Public Lib - National and State - Slatr School Librai . United States — ucation J 4 S 30 ... Barnett, P. A. G 18 P 47 Libr ar i e s - Travelling — Circulation of Book Boxes amongst Country Institutes in South \ustrali» • bv.l. [-!.< I. Adams... Library Association, Australasia, Proc, 189S MJ2 V 1 Free Travelling Libraries in Wisconsin... Wisconsin Free Library Commission J 10 V 3d Travelling Libraries ; by R. D. Boys Library Associatioi Australasia, Proc, IP"" University - >rsity Problems ii theUni . Giln MJ 2 V 1 m.D.C. G24SI By Countries. New South Wales - Library Work in New South Wales; by H. C. L. Anderson. International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat. Room New Zealand- Public Libraries of N. w Zealand ; bv T. W. Rowe... International Library Conference, Trans., 1897 Cat. Room South Australia — Circulation of Book Boxes amongst Country Institutes in South Australia: by J. R. G. Adams Library Assoc. Australasia ' ' !>:...„ IOIIQ MTOV1 v Mov , F. E. Mcleng. Free Libre Library Association, Australasia, 1'roc, lotra i«o - v x Library Associations— Transactions and Reports. [See Libraries— Associations, Conferences.] Library Buildings and Fittings. [See Libraries— Archi- tecture and Fittings.] Library Catalogues- Alexander Ireland Collection, Catal Annual Supplements to ( Ii Cat ... Manchester Public Libraries Cat. Room if Slate Library, Mas- ts-Library 027.5744 Astor Australasian Library Couf.. Loan Exhib., 1890 MJ 2 P 32 t Australian Museum Library MK 2 R 7 Berlin, KOnigliohe Bibliothek, Chin-.-isclm uud Maud.-chu-Tun- gusische B.icher und Handscriften K 19 R 17 Berlin -Konigliche Bibliothek: Claser'sche Sanimlung arabischer Handschriftcu K 7 S 45 Berlin Kouioiche Bihlio! h-A : Hairlschrifieit-Ver/oicliiiisse. Kll Ut iothek : Landberg'sche Sammlung arab- her llai n - Kin ..■hrifte, I'sche Sammlu :eichniss der lmiss der Zeit- ?syi K 7 S 14 crworbenen Cat. Room uthors... Wisconsin State Historica Society Library Cat. Loon aries K12 Y 2: : Catalogue of the Lending Dept, Boston Athei Boston Pubii British Muse :, Washington Colin tion K 7 V 34 i-arv. List 1897-98 Cat. Room Additions to the Manuscripts, 1870-81, 1888-93, :, Books printed in Eimiand Scot land, and Ireland, English printed abroad, to 1040 K 7 U 35 37 i, Descriptive List, Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. ; iouth Kll 04 i to the Mar )i MSS. and in the (it uni, Cuidc to the Prin urn, Hebrew Books.. in, Him , Pai tographs, Library K 19 P 30 ksin the King's Library. K19P31 K 11 Q5, and 13 T 10 t ndustani MSS; bv J. F, I13T22f Subject-Index to the Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. 921 Library Catalogues— c British Museum, Hindusts British Museum, Marathi lil'./shM^um.'^lecti.,!, Bra ;diMuseum,''stowe'M ntd. ii Printed Books; by J. F. Blumhardt. K 18 R 20 t ud Gujarati Printed Books; by J. F. KlSR19t 'ali.and Prakrit Books K IS R 14, 15 + Torn the Stowe MSS. in the King's K7 V 18 uuscripts K 17X23,24 Ualogue »f Arabie MSS. K 13 W 6 + library: Catalogue of the Reference Cat. Room .ibr.iry: < 'ovulating Dept. Catalogtu ! We] Room . Cat, Roon t.andlrel. . herren-Bibliothck,Z< u IDrucke i .burgh Public Library Royal Observatory K 11 W 11 f ;;rzeieh;iissderaltcn Handsehriftcn Beeh, F. K 15 U 15 K8R29-32 , .807... St. Louis Public Library Cat. Room Normal do Districlo Federal, Catalogo da Bibliotheca. Brazil K 8 R 34 i Prose Fiction St. Louis Public Library Cat. Room cok of Prose Fiction in the Librarv of the Midland Railway aite, Derby Baker, E. A. Cat. Room s Railway Library Teggart, F. J. K 17 T 1 erar Library, Chicago Cat. Room and Furniture of Sir !l. Parkes... Parkes, SirH. Cat.Room ifi J • !'. ■ PublicLibrary K 9 T 24 ript< in the Librarv of Trinity C .Urge, ; by T. K. Abbott, 'Dublin Ui'.iv, r>itv Lih.'arv K 11 R 26 a Historical Librar Montana- Librarv Cat.Room v.- South Wales -Dcpt. of Public Works Library... MIC 1 S ■ v. South Wales Parliamentary Library Cat. Roe w South Wales Parliamentary Library Supplementary Catalogu ary Catalogue... S.sturrortly r: in ted Books a 'Manchester ... : ted Books ii .l.rarv ~( , t I lit n i I ' ' ' t', K i \| > K 17 I 'l , aeon-General's Office Library, Index Catalogue, United States nary Economy and Administration— ard Ledger; by G. Parr Library Assooiati Library Economy and Administration — corUd. Cutter Book Xumbers; by Margaret Windeyer Library Association. Australasia, Proc. , 1898 M J 2 V 1 Equipment of the Smaller Libraries for the Assistance of Industrial Pursuits; by A. Sutherland Australasian Library Conference, 1806 M.J 2 P 32 + Free Library, The Ogle, J. J. J 14 R 27 Hints to Small Libraries Phunmer, Mary XV. J 14 V 16 Indicator Book; by A. Cotgreave Library Association of the United Kingdom, Trans., 1870 020.6 Indicator Catalogue and Charging System; by XV. H. K. Wright. Library Association of United Kingdom, Trans., 1879 020.6 Librarian and his Work; by K. L. Armstrong Australasian Library Conference, 1S00 MJ 2 P 32 + Librarian and his Work ; by A. J. Taylor Australasian Library Conference, 1 SOO M J 2 P 32 + Library Administration Macfarlanc, J. J 14 V 23 Library Classification and Shelf-arrangement Brown, J. I). J 11 T44 Library Primer Dana, J. C. J 17 V 28 Manuel de Biblioiheeonomie Gracsrl, A. J 17 U 11 Organization and Management of Public Libraries... Poole, W. F. J 19 W 6 Papers prepared for the World's Library Conference, 1893. United States -Bureau of Education Libr. Papers prepared for the World's Librarv Congress -in Report, 1802-93. United States Bureau of Education 370.73 Place of Fiction in Public Libraries; by Prof. MaoCalluni... Library Association, Australasia, Pioe., 1898 MJ 2 V 1 Public Libraries of the United States of America .. United States - Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Public Library Hand book, Denver. .. Denver Pub. Lib. J 16 T 43 Public Library Staffs Cowell, P. J 9 V 36 Second International Library Conference, Transactions, 1897. International Library Conference Cat, Room Sunday Opening of Libraries ; by If. W light Australasian Library Conference, 1896 MJ 2 P 32 + Wisconsin Free Librarv Commission Hand-book J 7 P 53 Working of the Free Public Library. Report of Select Committee, 1000 v. S. Wales ' Public Library MJ 14 R 2 t [See also Book-binding; Cataloguing; Classiiieation; Indexing; Libraries -Associations; Libraries -Periodicals.] Library of Congress, Washington — Hand-book of the Xcu Librarv of Congress... Small, H. Cat. Room Library of Congress, Washington A 40 U 16 J [See also Author Catalogue under U.S.- Library of Congress.] Library Reports— Bibliotheipie Royale de Belgique, Rapport sur la Situation. Belgium 027.5493 Boston Public Library, Annual Report, 1806 027.47446 Hobart Pub. Library. Repts. ...Tasmania- -Pari. , Journs. 328.946 Massachusetts — Free Public Library Commission Report 027.4744 Massachusetts-Library. Report '. 027.5744 '" 'e Library, Historical and Miscellaneous Department, Repor 027.5786 itatc Librarian, Report Xew Hampshir Annual Repts. 328.742 Xew York State Library, Report of Trustees Xew York - Library 027.5747 North Dakota, State Librarian, Report... Xorth Dakota— Annual te, Rei P. 32S.045 S. Wales - P. 328.944 Publi, Library MJ 2 U 7 United States — Library of Congress, Report ".... 027.573 Library Schools, [Sec Libraries — Education, Training, &c.] Licensing Laws. [Sec Liquor Traffic —Laws.] Tnllic Library of New South Wales. Lichens — Collection of Lichens from Kcri;ue!eii Tsland; bv Rev F. R. M. Wilson Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Enumeratio Critira Lichenum Eitropiearum... Sehaercr, Rev. L. E. A 20 R 22 Lichenographi. Earopau Reformat* Fries, E. A 20 R 20 Lichens and Ennui collected in Otago. New Zealand ; bv W. L. Lindsay Roval Society, Edinl.., Trans,! 21 500 Lichen Flora of ( 'iik- uo and Vicinity ; by W. W. Calkins. Chicago Academy of Sciences A 39 R 21 New Australian a;i 1 New Zealand I .i< liens ; bv J. Stirton. New Zed uid Institute, Trans., 1 S97 -99 500 Synopsis Met!, .dial Lichenum Vol, arius, E. A 20 R 21 Synopsis of the Lichens of Now England and other Xorthern States "of America Tuckerman, E. A 39 Q 11 [See also Botany, Cryptogamia] • Bibliography — Bibliography of .North American Lichonology -in Lichen Flora of Chicago Chicago Academy of Sciences A 39 R 21 Life and Conduct — Advice to Young Men Cobbett, W. J 10 Q 9 Cod's Gentlemen Welsh, Rev. R. E. C 23 P 40 Life, Function, Health Paterson, H. S. A 27 R 23 Map of Life; Conduct and Character Lecky, W. E. II. G 24 V 33 [Seeaho Customs and .Manners; Death; Future State; Longevity; Moral Philosophy ; Vitality.] Life-boats — Great Britain and Ireland —Royal National Life-boat Institution, Report of Select Committee F 20 U 13 t Life Insurance. [See Insurance— Life] Life, Origin of— Beginnings of Life ; by W. J. Byram Royal Soc. , Queensland, Proa, 1899 5!!(i Nature and Origin of Living Matter; by A. J. Turner. Royal Society. Queensland, Pino.. IS! 19 ."(Hi On Youth and Old Age Aristoteles A 32 R 32 [See also Biology; Cells, Structure and Theory; Embryology; Protoplasm.] Life-saving — Heard of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, Reports. United States Steam-boat Inspection Service 614.808 Royal Humane Society of Australasia. Report 0I4.S0S Saving Life at Sea. ..Intermit. Fish. Fxliib., ISS3. Int., 7 A 34 R 7 United States— Life-saving Service. Ollieial Register. .. F 1 T 27 United States— Life-saving Service, Organization and .Methods; by S. I. Kimball A 40 P 13 United States— Life-saving Service, Report 014.808 [See also Drowning; Life-boats; Lighthouses; Shipwrecks.] Lifts, Hoists, and Elevators — Rise and Progress of Lift Construction in New South Wales; by N. Selfe Engineering Assoc., N. S. Wales, Proa, 10 020.0 Lifu Dialect. [See Loyalty Islands— Languages.] Light. [See Optics.] Lighthouses and Beacons — Admiralty List of Lights: British Islands; Eastern Shores of the North Sea and in the White Sea.: Baltic Sea; Western Coasts of Europe anil Africa: Mediterranean, Black, Azov, and Red Seas; South Africa, E <-t Indies. China. Japan, Australia, Tas- mania, and New Zealand: South America. Western Coast of North America, Pacific Elands; Eastern Coast of North and Central America... (it. Brit, and Irel. Admiralty D 12 T 23-30 Lighthouses in New Sou:!, Wale; l, y II. R. Cirleton Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1S98 500 Lighthouses of t he British Lies, 1S4S Ct. Brit, and Irel. - T . , . I lydrographie Office D 16 T 28 Lighting of Our Coast ; by J. R. Atkinson Roval Geog. Soc, A ust., Queensland Br., Proa, 1894 95 910.0 Lighthouses and Beacons— contd. Modern Light-bouse Service; by A. B. Johnson... United States Light-house Board A 38 R 25 New Maequarie Lighthouse, and the New Barrenjoey Lighthouse Maenuarie M.I 3 R 2S Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 United States— Light-house Board, Reports 014.805 United States Public Works ... Black, Capt, W. M. A 8 R 33 t Lighting. [See Electric-lighting; Gas.] Lightning — Lightning Conductors — Chimney Design and Theory Christie, W. W. A 38 S 22 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 Romans of the Riviera and the Rhone... Hall, W. H. B 30 U 22 Lima Beans. [Sec Beans.] Limestones. [See Cements.] Limnoridae — Wharf Protection against Teredo and Limnoria Lincoln College, Oxford University — College Histories Clark, Rev. A. B 25 V 1 Lincolnshire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Centleniau's Magazine Library D 20 V 7 Over Fen and Wold Hisscy, J. J. 1) 13 U 21 Linen Manufacture — Great Britain and Ireland- Flax Mills and Linen Factories, Reports F 39 V 9 % [See also Fibres; Flax; Textile Fabrics.] Linguistics. [See Philology, Comparative.] Linnsean Societies. [See tinder title of each in Author Catalogue, and under Science - Societies.] Lions and Lion-hunting — In Haunts of Wild Came Kirby, F. V. A 29 V 28 [iSV;e also Game and Game Birds ; Hunting; Sport and Sporting Adventures.] Liquid Air — Aire Liquido, El Masearenas, D. A 45 U 19 Liquid Air and Liquefaction of Cases.. .Sloane, T. (f C. A 24 R 33 New Researches on Liquid Air; bv Prof. Dewar Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1896 506 Liquids. [See Hydrostatics.] ie Tax System... Eldridgc, C. VV. F 1 RL ' Liquor Prohibition- Cvclopa'dia of Temperance and Prohibition F 7 T 7 People v. the Liquor Traffic Finch, J. B. F15P27 Prohibition Wheeler, E. J. F 15 Q 20 Temperance Problem and Social Reform... Rowotiecl. F 15 S 29 Wealth and Waste Hopkins, A. A. F 1 5 R 22 [See also Drink Quest ion : Colin nburg System : Liquor Traffic- Laws; Local Option: Temperance- Societies.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Liquor Traffic — 17 iii- 1 States - >cpt. of I. Mom polyi i I!. pts, Misc. St !;. ..andlrcl otii tion of the L quor 'raflii to 'aupcrism Crime, in d li So i ,1 Switzerland Dawson, \V r . H. F 13 R : Wealth anil Waste Hopkins, A. A. F 15 R •_>: [,Sm aho Drink Question; Cthenburg System ; Local Option.] Evi lenee taken before the Loyal Commission on Liquor Licensing '"' Fii'J wlk :;:>'; Liquor Act, 180S; with Xotes Cackshott, H. M. MF 5 R 10 Lienor Laws Commission. It-port, 1SS9 %)... Cape of Oood Hope- Liquor Laws F 23 R 9 f Liquor Legislation; liv A. M. Anderson---,,, Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F8Q1G Liquor Traffic Legislation in the Unite, 1 States since 1889. (it. VH. ami Ireland Foreign Office F 4 R 23 Permissive Prohibitory Li, pier Bill... Ot. Brit, and Irel. -Statutes F 18 Q 10 t R dilation of the Liquor Traffic Menken, P. S. F 18 R 11 ' Notices.' Kciurn'<.' I'a-kW-s.' ■xc."'.. ..' I'mi'd States' Office 'of Internal Revenue F 1 U 5 1 ing til I in Canada'.' t \n li 'mi C olome" , and New Zealand ... (it. Urit. and Irel. Intoxicating Liquors MF 3 P 26 t [S, e aho Alcoholism ; Drink Question.] y J. F. Bailey ... Queensland A Couch, A. ' Ellis • Q-- , 11. in! J. J 14 T 10 J 19 \V 14 j 21 i; 36 J 14 q 35 HUT 5 J22U 17 d the Spirit of the Age Whi Literary Criticism— contd. Chaucer, Studies in Lounsburv, T. R, J 24 Q 11-13 Createurs de la Lrgonde Xapoleonicnne...... Carson, J. H 4 S 35 Critical Annotations Coleridge, S. T. J 8 V 32 Critical Character, The in Studies in Many Subjects. Ids, Rev. S. H. J 19 W 8 of i: Hill's n Kditi.. 1 Kit-Kat Fitzgerald, P. J 15 V 13 Oosse, E. J 14U23 . Ramie, Mdlle. L. de la J 23 S 33 Criticism and Fiction Howells, \V. 1). J 1 R 43 Criticisms, KYIleetiun-e and Maxims Ooethe, J. W. von J 14 P 42 Dante Alighieri, Life and Works... Hogan, Rev. J. F. H 4 V 21 Dante and his English Translators in Studies in Manv Subjects. Reynolds, Rev. S. H." J 19 W 8 Dante, Essays on Witte, K. J 21 R 35 Dante Interpreted Wilson, E. J9R2 Dante, Studies in Moore, Rev. E. J 4 V 15, 16 Dante, Studies in Moore, Rev. E. J 10 U 37 Dante's Ten Heavens ( iardner, E. < i. J 1 W 1 3 Dickens, Charles: a Critical Study Cissing, (i. J 14 V 21 Dickens, Charles. Minor Writingsof Kitton, EC. J 26 U 4 Divagations Mallarme, S. J 21 P 24 English Essays | Co Heeled | ,1 14 U 24 English Literary Criticism J 14 U 19 English Poetry," from lUakc to Browning Dixon, W. M. H 10U20 English Studies Darmesteter, .7. J 14 V 6 Essays Myers, F. W. H. J 14 V 5 Essays and Speeches '. Lilly, W. S. J 14 S 14 Essays from the Gu„,;li;n Pater, W. J 26 Q 34 Essays in Literary Interpretation Maine, 11. W. J 21 P 42 HssaVs, Literary and Philosophical Lindsay, J. J 12 T 44 Essays on Criticism I 'ope, A. HUT 5 Essays on Literary Art Stanley, H. M. J 14 R 26 Essays on the No'ycl lack, A. A. J 14 R 31 Ethics of Literature Kersey, J. A. J 10 U 33 Fielding, Henry, Works I 22 V 15 FourOeneratiousofa Literary Family llazlitt, W. C. C 24 Q 1, 2 Cay. Join, ■'„ I'aladinof Philanthropy... Dobson, A. J 22 Q 12 Cesannneltc Wcrkc (iut/.kow, K. J 24 S 34 ladin of Philanthropy. Do 2Q12 on, Adam Lindsay; by C. Pearson... Pall Mall Mag., 9 052 ter Victorian Poets Walker, H. J 10 U 36 ,ry and Criticism Wilson, U.S. .] 14 V 5 ,r'y of Modern English Literature (iosse, E. J 17 U 18 .'Leigh, Sketch of; by K. 15. Johnson... Hunt, L. C 19 P 9 :. lijnr e BjOr Brandcs. C J 4 V 13 .. Hunt, L. It 12 Q 24 . Wilde, O. J 17 V 25 1 Hi rself ... Poll oek, W. H. ,1 9 R 32 :"( ... Hunt, L arkc,' W. .1. J 21 S 24 J 9 V 34 .1 23 S 27 J 22 Q 13 J 9 R 40 Hainiay, "l>. J 14 V 19 .7 5 T 28 Xi ■ s l •oil, W. Ii. ingarn.J.E. J 14 S 3, 4 .1 12 P26 H 1 1 T 4, 5 m G 1 R37 Le( allienne.'li. ,7 17 V29 i. 1 ev. J. H. 15. ,7 14 P 32 earns, F. P. J 14 V 17 io! rtson. .1. M. ,7 14 S 36 Hon ells, W. D. J 16 R 38 Kci dings... Pro ctor, R. A. A 19 Q 16 .. 1 .'. L -lie eyle. M. H. J 24 R 21 .7 4 V 14 . .1 23 T 3 24 li S 20 Inn eh, 1 Dean J 14 V li.".! 36 Ruskin, J. A 44 T 2-4 Tublic Library of New South Wales. Literary Criticism — contd. On the Sublime; by W. R. Roberts Longinus J 19 W 9 Paladin of Philanthropy Dobson, A. J 22 Q 12 Perfect Wagnerite, Tho Shaw, 15. J 23 P 9 Personal lunation Peck, H. T. J 9 R 31 Pickwickian Manners and Customs ... Fitzgerald, P. J 12 U 30 Principles and Methods of Literary Criticism *g s, L Principles of Criticism Worsfold, W. B. J 19 W 2 Principles of Literary Criticism ... Winchester, C. T. J 23 T 37 Quintessence of Ibsenism Shaw, C. B. J 23 S 16 Retrospective Review J 28 Q 14-R 12 Retrospective Reviews Lc (iallienne, R. J 14 U 10, 17 Reviews and Critical Essays Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 Rhapsodies on Rhymers Henerie. .1. K. S. M.l .'! S , Richardson, Samuel: a Biographical anil Critic al Study; by Clara 1, Thomson C 26 U 5 Ruskin, John; bv Mrs. Alice Mcvncll C 23 R 25 Searron; byG. B. Barton... Colonial Monthly, 1807-08 MJ 4 P 5 Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson, and Greene... Castle, E. J. J 14 S 15 Shakespeare in Franco Jusserand, J. J. J 24 P 29 Shakespeare, Plays of, founded on Literary Forms. ..Ruggles, H ; J. Shakespeare, the Man Smith, G. J 17 V 19 Shakespeare, William Hugo, V. M. J 14 Q 42 Shakespeare, William: aCriticalStudv... Rrandcs.G. J5T35, 36 Shakespeare's H.Iinshe.l Stone, W. G. B-. J 8 V 30 Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use of Bible. . . Wordsworth, Bishop Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements considered ... Campbell, Lord J 22 S 21 Shakespeare's Plays, Remarks of M. Karl Simrock on the Plots of ; with Notes by j. 0. Halliwell Shakespeare Soc. Pubs., 40 H 3 U 45 Shakspere, Side-lights on Rossi, L. J 14 U 29 Short Studies in Literature Mabie, If. W. J 21 P 43 Simile and Metaphor in the English and Scottish Ballads. Odcll. C. L. 1). 11 12U20 Social Ideals in English belters S< udder, V. 1). J 23 R 16 Stevenson, Robert bonis; by L. C. Cornford C 27 R 6 Studies in Foreign Literature... Crawford. Virginia M. J 14 V 36 Studies in Frankness Whibley, C. C 23 S 2 Study and Stage Archer, W. ,T 12 U 21 Style. Raleigh, W. J 14 R 34 Symbolist Movement in Literature Symons, A. J 17 V 30 System of Courtly Cove studied as an Introduction to the Vita Nnova of Dante Mott, L. F. H 12 V 2 Tennyson Gwvnn, S. J 23 U 23 Tennyson Walters, J. C. J 26 S 31 Tennyson, Age of Walker, H. J 14 P 33 Tennyson and "In Meinoriam" Jacobs, J. J 4 P 8 Tennyson, Lord, Hand-book to Works of ... Luce, M. H11Q4 Tennyson, Mind of Sneath, K. H. J 23 S 34 Tennyson, Primer of Dixon, W. M. J 14 U 9 Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Literary Estimates. Harrison, F. J 20 R 29 Tennyson's Careth and Lynette Russell, F. A. A. .Mil 1 V 20 Testimony of the Sonnets as to the Authorship of the Shakcsperean Plays and Poems Johnson, J. J9R4 Thackeray: a Study lack, A. A. i 14 V 4 Theology of Modern Fiction Selby, T. G. J 10 S 30 Thoreau, Henry David. Life of C 22 T 12 Three Studies in Literature ( iatcs, L. E. J 24 T 1 Transcripts and Studies Dowden, E. J 14 V 27 Under the Microscope Swinburne, A. C. J 23 Q 21 Victorian Novelists Oiiphani, J. .1 !> it 39 Vie Litteraire, La Thibault, J. A. J 20 Q 23-26 Villiers de l'Isle-Adam Mallarme, S. J 21 P 26 Whitman Burroughs, J. ,J 14 R Hi Whittier, John Greenleaf, Life of; by W. J. Linton... CI!) P 25 Wordsworth, Age of Herford, C. H J 14 U 33 Wordsworth, Primer of Magnus, L. J 14 R 36 Wordsworthiana Knight, VV. J 14 R 15 [See'also Caricatures; Criticism; English Literature; Epigrams; Fiction; Literature; Literary Methodsand i-uylo; Litterateurs; and under names of Authors in Author Catalogue, for Com- n their Works.] Literary History. [See Bibliography; Literature— His- tory of.] Literary Methods and Style — Aims of Literary Study Corson, H. J 10 T 44 Appreciations Pater, W. J 22 U 17 Diva-cations Mallarme, S. J 21 P 24 Epie'lrd Romance Ker, W. P. J 14 S 10 Essay on Literary Art Stanley. H. M. J 14 1! 2(1 Ethics of Literature Kersey, J. A. J 10 U 33 HintsimWriti:igandSpeecii-makiu^..lliuciiHoii.T.W. J 1 1132 Methods of Authors ' Erichsen, H. J 16 R 37 My Contemporaries in Fiction Murray, D. C. J 14 R 30 Pen and the Book Besant, Sir W. J 23 S 9 Studies in the Poetry of Browning... Fotheringham. J. J 14 U 30 Style Raleigh, W. J 14 R 34 [.SY-e also Caricatures: Epi"rams; Humour; Literary Criticism; Litterateurs; Satire.] Literary Property. [See Copyright; Authors and Pub- lishers.] Literary Sketches. [See Literature — Addresses, Essays, Lectures; Reminiscences.] Literati. [See Authors; Litterateurs; Novelists.] Literature— General— Essays on Language and Literature — //; Chips from a Cerman Workshop, 3 Midler, F. M. J 29 T 7 Great Books Farrar, Dean J 22 Q 14 Introduction to Study of Renaissance... Field, Lilian F. 1! 20 R IS Oflico of Literature 'in Obiter Dicta... Birrell, A. J 11 U 30, 31 Pen and the Book Besant, Sir W. J 23 S 9 Pleasures of Literature and Solace of Books... Lair.', A. J 23 P 4 Principles of Success in Literature Lewes, ( i. H. J 15 P 53 Sakularbilder Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 30 Short Studies in Lioaaturc Mabie, IT. W. J 21 P 42 Types of Scenery, and their InHuem-c on Literature... Geikie, Sir A. n " J7T37 [See also Addresses; Advertising; Anecdotes: Authors; Authors and Publishers; Autographs: Ballads: Bibliography; Bio- graphical Sketches; Book Rarities: Rooks —General; Book- sdleis; CaiLa'curcs; Copyright and Literary Pioperty; Drama; Dramatic Literature; Epigrams; Essays General; Fables; Fairy Tales; Fiction; Folk-lore: Humour a ml Comic Literature; Humourists; Hymns; Ii s -i iptions ; Journalism; Legends; Letters; Libraries; Literary Criticism; Literary Methods and Style; Literature -Dictionaries; Literature —History of; Literature— Periodicals; Literature Societies ; Litterateurs ; Manuscripts; Maxims; Parodies; Periodicals— General ; Philology; Philology -Societies; Poetry; Political Satires; Press, The: Proverbs; Religion and Literature; Reminiscences; Renaissance; Romances; Sagas; Satire; Selections, Prose; Sermons; Slang; Songs; Speeches; Tales; Versification.] Addresses, Essays, Lectures — Among My Books J 14 Q 35 Book and Heart Higginson, T. W. J 22 R 44 Emerson, R. W. , Complete Works J 22 Q 15 20 Oesammelte Wcrke F.evtag, (!. ,123 1140 Relation of Literature to Life Warner, C. 1). J 22 Q 29 Short Studies in Literature Mabie, H. W. J 21 P 43 - Ilio i!a; •(iplr.j. [See Aulho ,; Poets.] hook . . Brew ; Litterateui •, Rev. E. C. K 9 T 5 History of— Ammstan Ages Elton, 0. J 27 P 8 Epic and Romance Ker, W. P. J 14 S 10 Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory. Saintsbury, G. J 27 Q 2 Fourteenth Century Snell, F. J. J 27 Q 3 History of Airs. ait' Lit' ratine, Oriental and Classical. Quackenbos, J. D. J. 23 S 7 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Literature— History of—conld. Liii; r Renaissance Hannay, D. J 27 Q 6 R< mantle Triumph Omond, T. S. J 27 Q 11 Ti .usition Period' Smith, G. G. J 27 Q 4 [S.> also Bibliography; English Literature; Creek Literature; Kelmscott I'riw; Latin Literature; Literary Criticism; Liter- ary Methods and Style; Patristic Literature; and under eaeli Periodicals — Atliemeum 052 Bibelot 805 P.., fellow M.J 3 VS Genu .121 P5 t Le _i Hunt's London Journal J 11 W 9 t Li ■ aturo 052 Pa e ant T 28 V 3, 4 R-trospcctive Review J 28 Q 14-R 12 pSVe also Philology— Periodicals.] Boston Browning Society, Papers II 3 Q 32 Ch'-tham Society, Publications 942.7 Literary and Philosophical Society of Livernool, I'roc 80(i i'- v Soeieiv, I'ulilieations H 11 S 3-32 Ro\al SocietV of Literature of United Kingdom, Trans 800 Shakespeare Society, 1'uUicat ions ii 3 i" KoeietCdoLitteraturedelh-uxelles. 1800 23... Madly, E. J 15S35 Wordsworthiana: Papers read to the Wordsworth'Soeiety. Knight, W. J 14 R 15 [S., also Piiilologv .Societies; and under title of Academies and S icioties in Author Catalogue] ■ Teaching, Study of— Sesame and Lilies Ruskin, J. J US 7 Lithography- Grammar of Lithography Richmond, YV. D. A 41 Q 13 Lithography : Pennell, J. A 23 P 17 LitliographvaiHiLiiho-iapliers.. Ponnell. Elizabeth R. A40U2G1 South Kensington Museum, Loan Collection of Lithographs. Gt. Brit, and lick- Education A 44 Q 25 Tvp .graphia Hansard, T. C. A 25 V 20 [*■< ^oChromo-lithography; Engraving.] Lithology. [See Petrology.] Lithophytes — Li' ■ 'pi is 1 1 's' or S ton v Corals in the Collection of the British Museum ; hv J. E. Cray .. British Museum -Xatural I listorv A 42 U 21 [Sec also Corals; Polyps.] Lithotomy— Lithotomy: its Successes and its Dangers MA 2 Q 71 [S Car! vie, Thomas; by M. 1). Conway C 27 R 1 C'i".l!. Levis, Lite and Letters of... !)o,!u-son, Kev.C. L. C 20 SIS !v; no Field I know, The:!,-, Francis Wilson... Field. F. C ISP 19 Fi- :.|. Kate; hy Lilian Whiting... Field. Mary K. K. C 20 Q 14 Fitzgerald, Edward, Life of ; by J. Clyde C27R11 !», Charles, and the Lloyds; by K. V. Lucas .... C 19 I' 21 ein lor, W. S., Letters aiidotheriinpublislu lor, W. S., Letters of diart, J. G., Life, &c, of C23 V 18, 19 Weil' Diseas lorials of a Quiet Life Hare, A. J. C . C 23 P 12, 13 ley, Henry, Life of; by H. S. Solly .. C23P14 [See a ho Bilk Litterateurs— contd. My Long Life Clarke, MaryC-. C 23 R 20 Reeve, Henry, Memoirs of Life and Correspondence of; by J. K. Laughton C 25 It 19, 20 Ruskin— in Great Teachers Forster, J. C 23 S 6 i, John Ruskin, John Shelley! Man V W. C. ;• m. h. 27 R 1 , Mc\ ell 120 1, E. C 20 U 20 Stael, Mme. de in Little Journeys Hubbard, E. C 19 P 12 Thralc, Mrs. : by I., i:. -„■!,•■.■ . ..'. Piozzi, Mrs. C 20 U 2 Willis, Nathaniel Parker: bv'll. A. Beers C 27 P 9 Wilson, John, Sketch of - in the Blackwood < iroup. . .Dom/las, SirG. C 20 U 24 [See also Authors : Dramatists; Epigrammatists; Essayists; His- l;..,..' I > 1 . : 1 . . 1 . ..;.(. . |l|n!/,c n ,'(ir.,.a. Po- ians; Jour 3.] Novelists; Philologists; Philosopher Little Sisters of the Poor Flowing Tide, The ; Bellec, Mine. 20 R 9 [See also Church Missions. ] Liturgies — Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial... Feasey,H. J. G 11 Q 30 English Liturgy, The; by Rev. T. A. Lacv in True Limits of Ritual Linklater, Rev. R. O 24 Q 14 History of the Korean Breviary Buttii'ol, P. (J 23 Q 25 Liturgies, Eastern and Western G 3 U 20 Lit in '»v and Ritual of the Ante-Nicene Church... Warren, Rev. F. E. G 26 S 3 Ornaments Rubric; by J. Mieklethwaite - /,, True Limits of Ritual. Linklater, Rev. R. C 24 14 Sacred Vestments Durandus, Bishop G 24 Q 10 Suggestions for a Basis of Agreement in Matters Liturgical and Ceremonial; by Rev. H. E. Halt in True Limits of Ritual. Linklater. Rev. !!. C 24 Q 14 [.SVe also Funeral Rites; Hymn,: Leotiona, ie. : Litanies: Mass; Autiio^CatalofcTicO ' Live Stock. [See Stock.] Liver— Diseases- Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver; by Dr. W. Hunter -in System of Medicine Ulbutt, T. C. A 20 T 37 Amoebic Abscess of the Liver; by Dr. ii. A. Lalleur in System of Medicine Ulbutt. T. C. A 20 T 37 Cirrhosis of the Liver; by Dr. H. P. Hawkins in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 37 Cholangitis; by Dr. M. Robson- ,'« System of Medicine. Conge uital Obliteration of (lie Bile I hi em of .Medicine stion of the Liver; by Dr. W. II esof'theCallBladdcrandBiie'i') em of Medicine es of the Liver; by Dr. J. Eie Public Library of New South Wales. Livery Companies. [See Guilds, Trade.] Lives. [See Ri (graphical Sketches; Biography; Reminis- cences; and under Names of Individuals in Author Catalogue.] Living, Cost of— Family Budgets; being the Income and Expenses of Twenty-eight British Households, 1891-94 Eeononiie Club F'l R 29 Lizards — Bipedal Locomotion a men;,' Existing Lizards; liy YV. Saville-Kent. International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 VV 14 Development of the Tuatata... X.Z. .Journal of Science, 1891 505 Lizards in the British Museum; by G. A. Boulenger British Museum — NaturalHistory A 42 U 1-3 Lizards indigenous to New Zealand; by A. H. S. Lucas. New Zealand' Inst it etc, Trans. , 29 506 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J New Lizards and Frogs from New Guinea; by G. A. Boulenger. Annals and Mag. of Nat. History, 1897 590. .3 New Lizard from Northern (Queensland; by A. H. S. Lucas. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1899 506 New Species of Ahlcpharus from Victoria; by A. H. S. Lucas. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1890 580.6 New Species of Delma from Western Australia: by Dr. A. C ant her. Annals and Mag. of Nat. History, 1897 590.5 New Species of Lizards from Central Australia ; by A. H. S. Lucas. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1890 506 Vivarium, The Bateman, Rev. G. C. A 27 R 9 [.See also Reptiles; Tuatura.] Loan Fund Societies, Ireland- Great Britain and Ireland — Loan Fund Board, Ireland, Rept. 332.3 Loan Societies. [See Building Societies.] [.See also Crus a.] Local Government — General— Christian Socialism and Local Government ; by ( i. YV. E. Russell— in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Classification and Incidence of Imperial and Local Taxes. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Local Taxation F 40 V 51 t Engineering Aspect of Local Self-government Seaver, T. W. MA 3 V 44 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Lectures on the Principles of Local Government... Gommc, G. L. F 13 T 25 Local Government Odgers YV B. F 15 S 28 Local Government and State Aid Chapman, S. J. F 15 R 34 Model Bye-laws, Rules, and Regulations Mackenzie, YV. F 9 V 23, 24 [See aho Boroughs; Bridges; Municipal Government; Roads and Road-making; Village Communities.] By Countries. ■ Cape of Good Hope- Local Self-government, Report of Select Committee, 1893— in Ap- pendix2... CapeofGood Hop,- Pari., V. and P., 1893 328.087 Local Government— Great Britain — Annual Local Taxation Ko'.urus (it. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government 336.28 County Councillor's Guide Hobhouse, H. F 16 U 16 English Local Government of To-day... Maltbie, M. R. F 8 Q 27 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Local Taxation. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission F 40 W 46, 48 J Great Britain and Ireland- Local Taxation, Report of Royal Commission F 40 V 51 % Local Government Board a id I'u'ish Councils ■'" Historic Facts. Rose, YV. K. F 8 Q 10 Local Government Board. Annual Retorts... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government 352.(142 Local Government Board fo -Scotland, Report .. i'.\. Brit, and Irel.— Local Government 352.041 Local Taxation Returns Sc :t:and (it. Brit, and Trek — Local Government 330.28 London in the Reign of Victoiia Gcmme, (i. L. B 24 Q 19 Rules, Instructions, and It ■commendations to Parochial Authorities issued by the Local Government Board for Scotland. Gt. Brit, and Trek— Local Government F 16 T 16 [.See aho Ireland under this heading.] Ireland — Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Local Government Board for 1 i-i-laud. Report... (it. Brit, andlrel. — Local Government 352.0415 Local Government Law in New Zealand . . . Jolliffe, YV. MF 5 Q 25 Queensland- Local Government, Report of Royal Commission ... Queensland- Parliament, Y T . and P., 2, 1896 328.943 ■ United States — Local Taxation as atl'e ting Farms United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Statistics A 38 R 27 Victoria — Local Government Acts MacHugh , A. MF 5 Q 23 Local Option — New Zealand Affairs ; by Rev. F. YV. Isitt. . . Rev. of Revs. , 1897 052 [See also Drink On st ion: Gothenburg System; Liquor Traffic- Laws ; Liquor Prohibition. ] Lock-outs. [See Strikes.] Lockjaw. [See Tetanus.] Locks — Proposed Construction of Locks and Report ... N.S.YV. Standing Con [.See also Hydraulic Engineering: Water Supply.] Locomotives — Modern Locomotives A 6 U 17 % [See also Railways; Steam and Steam-engines.] Locomotor Ataxia — Locomotor Ataxia ; by Dr. M. A. Starr— in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 1( ! Locusts — Damage by Destructive Locusts... United States Dept, of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 37 S 4 Grasshoppers and U.,usts of. VcwZea lam! and Islands; by Capt. F. YV. Hutton N.Z. Inst,, Trans.. 1897 506 I.ocustCampaionons'.!,-;. . ( it. Brit, and Irel. Cyprus A 20 U 9 t Locust Plague; by I'. Bath it, Rept. , 1873. . A'ietoria Ayr. 630.6 Plague Locusts : by \V. VV. Froogatt . . Agr. Gaz. . X. S. YV., 1 1 630.5 Rocky Mountain Locust United States Bept. of Agr. - Div. of Entomology A 37 S 1 [.See also Cicada-; Insects Injurious; Entomology, Economic; Rocky Mountain Locust.] Loganberries - it-growing ... Agr. Kxper. Stations Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 927 Logarithms — Computation Rules ami Logarithms... Holman, S. W. A 25 V 28 Condensed Logarithmic Tables Berglin, ( '. K. MA 3 1' .'.3 Mathematical and Physical Tables ... Wr.ipson, .1. l». A 25 S 38 [See, also Functions— (icneral: Mathematical Tables; Trigon- omctry.] Logic -General — A.ri'vsisof Mill's System of Logic Stcbhing, W. C4VSI Aristotle ami the Earlier Peripatetics ; by E. Zcller of Clia of Mill's Systcl o Philosophy • Heg . Vein ! 10 U 32 3 T 32- 34 ;; 19U38 bv. A. H. 1 U 30 !) U 28 Oil.; ■ and (Irowth of Plato's Lou'i-... I.utoslauski, W. Phil, ophical Lectures and Remains Ncttleship, R, L. G 23 R 2, 3 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. (! 11 Q 30, 31 Port -i loyal Logic; trans, by T. S. Bavnes (1 25 S 22 Process of Argument ". Sidgwick, A. (ill U 21 Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Piiilosophv, and especially ..i I, is Louie Wallace, W. G 25 S 8 Studi ,-s in the Hegelian Dialectic MoTaggart, J. MeT. E. 1 Q 1 '. .lie Logic Dodgson, C. L. (i V 41 .it of Knowledge llobhouse. L. T. (i 14 Q 38 lings Ruskin, J. J 23 S 20 ■tUo Evidence; Fallacies; Psychology; Reason.] Wr [Set also Evidence; Logs of Ships— Caj. tain Cook's First Log in the Royal Navy; bv E. E. Morris. Cornhill Magazine, 1800 052 Lollards— Km.I.nd in the Age of Wvclille... Trcvelyan, O. M. B 33 S 15, If) [St, -/so Persecutions.] ' Lomalia - Col, .ring Matter ]•:. II. Rennie.. London — General and Descriptive— \\ nets of Ini|uisitiones post-mortem re biting to City of London. British Rcc,„. I Society', 15 014.21 Am-rican's Reverie over London, An in The Old Home and the New Stillman, W. J. J 14 \* 14 l.ii. nd Laboui of the People of London... Booth, C. F 10 U 14 Lit iv Landmarks of London Hutton, L. D 20 Q 20 London Idylls Dawson. \V. J. .1 8 T 38 L, ...Ion in'Verse Whitten, W. II 12 R 12 London Lyrics Locker, P. H 7 R 44 London M'anual and Municipal V ear-book 352.(1421 P s of Loudon Life; by A. Michic Mclb. Rev., 2 052 F 13 U 25 sLoi . Pit dral Church of St. Paul . h of St. Bartholomew the is of the 17th and 18th Cen 6 U ! Moore, X. I! 24 Q o London — History— contd. London and the Kingdom Sharpe, R. R. B 24 R 7 London in the Rei-n'of \'ictoria Comme. (I. L. B 24 Q 10 Loudon Pleasure (.aniens of the 1st h Century Wroth, W. B16U0 London Souvenirs Heekethorn, C. W. B 37 Q 7 Modern History of the City of London... Welch, C. B 11 W 8 t Old London Taverns Callow. E. B 25 P 19 Reliques of Old London Way, T. R. D 5 P 22 t Royally Restored Molloy, J. F. B 24 Q 12 Shakespeare's London Ordish, T. F. B 23 P 14 South London P.csant, Sir W. B 22 S 13 Stories of the Streets of London Baker, If. 15. B 17 Q 35 Town, The Hunt, L. I! 22 S Hi [See also Oreat Phonies of London : Cuilds; HvdePark; Tower of London; and under London in Author Catalogue.] (it. Brit, and Ircl. Amalgamation of the City and County of London, Report of Commissioners F 20 U 18-20 t Public Parks— Municipal Parks of London. . . Se.xby, Lieut, -Col. J. J. A 23 R 43 Social Life and Customs — Seven Deadly Sins of London; by T. Dekker, lfiOfi [Reprint]. English Scholar's Library J 3 S 21 London County Council- Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 10 R 15 London Government Whelcn, F. F 15 S 9 [See also under this Title in Author Catalogue.] London Missionary Society - History of the London Missionary Society, 1705 1S05... Lovett, R. (1 24 U 5, 6 [See also Missions and Missionary Work Societies, and under- name of Society in Author Catalogue for Official Publications and Reports.] London University. [For Calendars, Registers, and Official Publications, f „- Author Catalogue.] Hempton, J. B 25 P 15 Longevity— Prolongation of Life Dudgeon, R. E. A 45 R 10 Secret of Long Life Collins, M. A 25 S 23 [See also Hygiene : Life ami Conduct; Old Ago; Statistics, Vital.] us Insects in the Collection of the British Muse British Museum Natural History A 43 V 37 a of Australia and Tasmania; by C. .1. Gahan. Longitude Determinations - Lophobranchii . Vict. Nat., 1808 505 . V. M. A 13 W 25 t leodc: v ; Nautical As- Loranthacese [See at*o Botany 928 Public Library of New South Wales. Lord Howe Island - Lord's Prayer — Letters to the Clergy o and Descriptive — nil..'_'\\ a i - < 1 I'iivsi m1 ( 'haractors. iseum, .Memoirs, 2 MA 3 W 32 . Royal Society of New South Wales Journal, 29 500 . Fairholt... Percy Society Pubs. Ruskin, J. 19 U 9 ll)uri.., Dean G 23 P 39 ore, Rev. 0. G 23 P 30 Lost Tribes of Israel. [See Anglo-Israelism.] rambling World "Ror . Siidfeld, M. S. Low German — Siimnitliche Werko Low Latin. [See Itali Mediaeval.] Loyalty Islands — Gen 1898...°.. Gt.Vrit. ami [See also laian Language. Pilgi [See Lubricants and Lubrication Animal Pats and Oils (iK-inirtryforKiiyine'ersan'.i'.Ma'iiVi id De,-r. from Fr, llydrogr. - Luntjuages — m's Progress in the Lifu Dial ilso laian Language.] cuter, P. J 23 P 20-34 Latin Literature — cli Admiralty Charts, >hic Office D 49 P 1 J i, L. E. A 45 U 9 J. W-. A 24 P 35 [S, actical Co . egetable F d Oils Lucanidae — Two New Australian Lucanida-; hy J. (). Wcstw Entomological Society, Loud., Tra [Ate aho Beetles; Coleoptera.] Lucernarise — Lucomariffl and their Alliet Institution [See also Zorphytes.] r Lucern; by J. G. Smith . Agr., Far ot Rot— in Injurious Insect itroyer of Lucerne, Hi/pcra m >us Plants for Green Manur Allen United Sta Esj •est, A; by A. A. Molineux.. : ( : !. Wal 030.5 d for Feeling; by Dr. Dept. of Agr. -Office of lent Stations A 37 S 25 . Bishop ... Agricultural r. S. Wales, 1898 030.5 ;.,N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 ournal, 1S95 030.5 y, S.A., 1897-98 G30.5 Luke, St. — Gospel— Commentary Lumbering. [See Lunacy— Law — Lunatic Asylums - Asylum for Insane, Rept. Asylums for the Insane, .... Plummer, ; Timbers.] Rev. A. G 15 R 38 Charit .1 Ho, I I an: ... New Hamps. — Ann. Repts. 328.742 Queensland, Reports Queensland Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 , National Conference, Proc., 1896 360 e Asy '■ 1'i.i 302. 1 ;ral Board of Comn nd Lunatic Asyh o the Lord Chancellor, Report. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Lunacy 302.2 lioners in Lunucc for Scotland, Report. Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Lunacy 362.2 Government Hospital for the Insane, Report United States Dept, of the Interior, Rept., 353.3 Hospital for the Insane, Report... North Dakota- Annual Repts. 323.784 Hospitals for Insane, Reports... Vict.— Pari., V. and P. 328.945 Idaho— Insane Asylum, Report 302.2 Inspector-General of the Insane, Reports N. S. Wales- Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Inspectors of Lunatics, Ireland, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Lunacy 302.2 Lunatic Asylums of the Colony -ii, Appendix to Journals. New Zealand Parliament 328.931 Lunatic Asylums, Report Manning, F. N. MA5S1 Massachusetts -Hoard of Lunacy and Charit v, Report 30!) Massachusetts— Dancers Lunatic Asylum, Report 302.2 Massachusetts -Lunacy and Charities. Annual Reports 300 Massachusetts Northampton Lunatic Hospital. Report... 302.2 Massachusetts -Taunton Lunatic Hospital. Report 302.2 Ma, -.cheats -Wcsl'noi-oii.-th Insane Hospital, Report ... 302.2 Ma ■»< ml ttlld /tr.irrijifirn — Maccabees - Macedonia General and Descripti Gb Macedonia — History — Alexander the Great, Life and Exploits of B 27 V 20 Philip and Alexander of Maccdon ... Hogarth, D. G. C24Q11 Political Crime Proal, L F 13 S 33 Machine Construction- Elementary Machine Design Smith, A. W. A 22 R 8 Machine Guns- Guns and Cavalry May, E. S. A 23 S 19 Machine Tools— Practical Tool-maker and Designer ... Wilson, H. S. A 41 S 13 Shop Kinks Grimshaw, R. A 22 R 9 Text-book ofMcchanicalFngincering... Lincham. W. .1. A 22 H 32 [See also Lathes and Lathe-work; Tools, .Making and Use of.] Machinery s; Hyd Nlini!;g 1, Ml l .d,in' 1 T.y'':'\'l''t'.rs'; ( iil''i':',',gine.,'; Pumps ; 'Railways- Construction ; Refrigerating Machinery; Technical Education; Tools.] Macedon, Mount— Stray Leaves from Upper .Macedon; bv "Sapphire." Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Mackerel— Mackerel and Pilchard Fisheries Internat. Fisheries Exhib.. 1SS3, Lit., 6 A 34 R 6 McKinleyism, [See Protection; Tariffs; United States- Finance and Taxation.] Macquarie Islands Maci-aucheniidse— New Species of Mac, Macropodidse Fossil .laws of the Mac C. W. DeVis L e Queensland Mus Du Bois, LeSieur 1) 19 L" 7 ,e Con.iuest Sibree, Rev. J. 1! 16 U 6 Madagascar War, 18DG Public Library of New South Wales. Madeira — General and Descriptive— Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. 1) 22 R 3 Madeira Islands Biddle, A. J. 1). B 33 Q 13, 14 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W, HUP 37 Madonna. [See Christian Art; "Virgin Mary.] Madras — General and Descriptive — Madras Presidency— Administration, Manual, 1S8G .. Madras Presidency— Administration, Report • History — Madras Presidency —Administration, Manual 915.48 ■ Statistics — India— Census 14, 15 315.48 Madreporaria Madreporia of Wli.lcieggo... Nustraliau .Museum, Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 Madreporian Corals in the British Museum ... British Museum — Natural History A 18 U 1 f [See also Anthozoa ; Corals. ] Magazine Guns. [See Small Arms.] Magazines. [See Periodicals— General; and sub-heading Periodicals under Subjects.] Magdala — History — Magdala, 1866-07 Stanley, H. M. B 1 P 44 .... Benjamin, S. 0. W. I) 22 R 3 Magellan Strait — Smyth Channel, from its South Entrance to fortune Bay, 1898 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 J Magic — Amongst the Persians Browne, E. O. i) 19 U 6 Art Magic Britten, \V. G 3 U 22 ., M: jie'toChen 'Wonderful?" Budge, I :y-U Warfar, Magic Lantern — Art of Projecting Barnet Book of Photo- [See alto Optical Ins ;e G 1 P 36 A 23 T 30 MG 2W2 C 15 U 15 (J 11 U43 ( ! 24 V 25 dal Monthly MJ 4 P 1 J 14 U 32 . G 1 R 39 G 17 R37 !. A 23 S 16 . A 25 T 10 '. A 41 Q 11 :;. A41Q2 . A 41 Q 12 R. A 41 Q 5 . Pringle, A. A 29 T 38 Magistrates' Guides — Hand-book to Magisterial Inquiries in New South Wales. Mathews, R. H. MF4R61 Justices' Assistant M 'Arthur, J. F. MF 4 P 44 Law ami Practice of Summary Con yiet ions... 1'alcy, W. F 9 P 27 Manual for Justices of the Peace in New South Wales. . .Smith, F. J. MF 4 R 65 Offences Punishable on Summary Conviction... Macfarlane, W. M. MF 3 R 71 [See also Justices of the Peace,] Magnesite— Magnesite Ore in Eubcea Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 375 382 Magnesium — Tensile and Compressive Strength, of Magnesium... Royal Society of N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 506 Magnetic Needle. [See Compass.] Magnetic Observations and Surveys - Astronomical and Magnetieal Observations, Greenwich. Greenwich Boyal Observatory A 13 S 3* + Magnetical Observations on the Variation and Dip of the Needle, made during (he Voyage of the ('or/iIn/, Topm/raphi/, and Maps— Anchorages in Male!;,:! i Island, '1895 [Chart .]... Gt. Brit, andlrel. - Hydrographie Office Ml) 2 P 34 t Malouine Islands. [See Falkland Islands.] Malt- Preparation of Malt Thausing, J. E. A 25 U 16 [See also Barley; Browing.] Malta — General and Descriptive— Annual Repts.... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Col. Office, Ropts. 354.42S Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 [See also Knights Templars.] History — Voice from Malta, A Mizzi, M. A. J 14 V 44 Malta Fever — Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 Malta Fever; by Dr. J. L. Notter- in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Maltese Language— Voice from Malta, A Mizzi, M. A. M. J 14 P 44 Malthusianism— Develonment of English Thought Patten, P. N. G 23 T 42 Malthas and Ricardo Patten. S. X. F4 V 14 [See aUo Population : and under Malthas in Author Catalogue.] Mammalia- General - . North, W. A 30 Q 2 Public Library of New South Wales. 3 3 U 17, 18 idings. 19 Q 16 Man, Antiquity of — Age of the Human Race according to Modern Science and Biblical Chronology in Bible, Science, iiml Faith ... Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 1.5 Antiquity (if Man ■ in Anthropological Studies... Buekland, A. W. A 27 R 34 Antiquity of Man in Prehistoric Man ami Beast. Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A .30 Q 23 Antiquity of Man, Egyptology, and Assyriology in Warfare of Science with Theology White, A. D. Antiiiuity of Man in Western Europe in Leisure Rea. Proctor, R. A. Man, Past and Present Keanc, A. H. A 2' [See also Anthropology; Arclueologv: Man. Natural Hisior Development of; Primeval Man.] Man, Fall of— Theology. [See Original Sin.] Man, Natural History and Development of— Archaeology Gentleman's Magazine Library B 32 1 Aristocracy and Evolution '. Mallock, W. II. F Coming People, The Dole, C. F. (i It" Descent of Man Darwin, C. A 27 R : Fossil Remains of Man— in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, Hun Mlll ; ii Machine, The . . Xislici itural History of Man ; by D. Mac Organic Evolution Origin of Man in Anthropological i Jlistc lelb. , D. K. A 27 S 33 . Buckland, A. W. A 27 I! 34 Physical History of Man Prichard, J. C. A 27 S 3 e Man and Beast... Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. Preliis c l'rol, of Man . Science and Faith.. Story of the Earth Unity of the Ilunia . Mini . Deniker, . ', R- Whc nd Wlo Z.-itschrift fui' Etlmi .-111 (.1 23 19 U 15 k 27 S 32 i. 27 S 31 Sir J. W. A 4(1 T 22 uin, J. F. F 14 U 33 e Nadaillac. on, Repts., 1897 500 ler, J. M. A 27 R 19 logy; Anthropometry; Craniologv tlution; Family; Folk-lore; Her ve; Longevity; Phrenology; Prill Churches- History of the Ancient Chapel of Strctford; by II. Chetham Society, Pubs Palatine Note-book Manchester Public Free Libraries — History, Description, and (iuide to their Use ; by W. T Mancliester I'ulilic Free Libraries Manchuria Among the Celestials . Yoi Manchurian Language and Literature — schrifteii .let Kniii-licl,,.,, F.iblioi l„'k zu li.'riii'i, von' \V. Schott," Bcrlin-Kiinigliche i;il,!iotl,ck K 19 R 17 Chrestomathie Mandchou Klaproth, J. J 12 V 22 Manganese — Manganese Nodules found at Onybygambah ; by W. M. Doherty. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kepi., 189S 500 Manichseism— History of Dogma Harnaek, A. G 23 S 36-39 Leo the Great Gore, Rev. C. G 26 P 15 [,s',c also Ecclesiastical History; Evil, Problem of; Heresies; Mysticism; Neo-Platonism.] Manilla — General and Descriptive — Peoples and Politics of the Far East ... Norman, H. D 20 U 11 Quaint Comers of Ancient Empires... Shoemaker, M. M. D 13 R 9 [See aim Philippine Islands.] Manipur — My Experiences in the Manipur and Naga Hills. Johnstone, Major-Gen. J. D 19 U 4 Manners and Customs. [See Customs; Etiquette.] [See Dwelling-houses.] Manna Presence II. G. Manual Education and Training. [See Technical Edu- cation.] Manufactures and Industries — General — History of the Iron I ' l^g!and'^. a "!.... 1 Masterpieces of Indu nd V Krop if ki Wai 1, P. d, J. H. A 23 S 39 F 16 V 3 A39P4 A 24 T 37 .ins. II. d bB. F 12 T 13- .g. .1. K A 4 ' Ma 1' III 12 ' A 35 W 3 mfact'urc.'l A 34 V 1,2 33S.5 630.5 By Countries. Australia — Australian Experiments in Industry; by Helen P. Bates... American Acadcmv, Political and Social Science, Annals. ISPS 306 Industries of Osaka ami Competition with Australian Products. (It. Brit, and Ircl.— Board of Trade Journal, 1896 382 Great Britain - Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Manufactures and Industries -United States — In. 1 ustrial Evolution of the U.S Wright, C. D. F 13 R 23 Industrial Experiments in the British Colonies of North America; by Eleanor Louisa Lord ... Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 17 "B 1ST 17 World's Oppirtimities and how tons, them Guernsey, A. H. F9V17 — - Victoria - Colony of Victoria: some of its Industries: by E. J. Dyer. Royal Colonial Institute. Pme.,2S 325.342 Vi torian Chamlier of Manufactures, Report, 1890 380 . Wiley, H. YV. A 30 R F '. 15. 1 3 1' S nic.Agricultura Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 (130., Blount,' B. A21T3: ■age Cost per Tound of 1'lant Food Constituents. ..Xew.Iersev- Ktate Agr. Exper. Station, Kept., 1897 030.' ivard Manure; by W. H. Beal United States— Dept, o Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 21 A 41 U : i and West and Southern ( 'utilities Soc, Journ., 1895-96 030.1 'state Agr! Exper. Station, Kept, 1897 030. 1 ■ial Fertilizers ('on,:";;;;;, '''vjri^pc^L^ Scientific Agncul Soil Tests; by H. :ial Fertilfeon by 10. B. Voorhees United' States Sulphate of Annn •ii^ Dean, G. A. " A 34 V 13 k of Meat and Provision Trades A 33 1' 22 .r Agricultural Education in Great Britain, (it. Brit, and Ircl. Foard of Agriculture Talks on Manure. Value of Phospha Vermont-State I [See a/,o Agricul ment Farms an ents with Choi F. Smith ents with Man •ord, .v.. U.S. Dept. of Agricult. 030.7 lical Manures; by W. F. Worley. Izcrs for the I Vacli Yellows; .. United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Vegetable Physiology A 37 S 13 Sub-soils.] Manuscripts — and Farm Fer 1 Manure ; by of the Land... ■Industry ■s...Connectici ilisers; by J. Strachan ..'.... Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 10 030..-, i. E. Day... Agr. (iaz., X.S.W., 10 030.5 Roberts, I. P. A 18 P 33 .. U.S. — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Statistics A 41 U 5 t - Agricult. Exp. Stn., Kept, 1S95 03(1.7 Voorhees. F. B. A 20 R 25 y J. M. McBryde United States "Oilice of Experiment Stations A 37 S 24 New Jersey State Agr. Exper. Station, Japanese Printed Journal of an Ex] Manuscript of a 1 Dept. of Agr. s, Report Manuscripts!,,!!, g Value of Str ct-sweepings ; by E. E. E well.' ' IvlshulNl'n'uicri', .Formulas for Pn Manures and Fertilisers— contd. Manure.* 1 >y A . X. Pearson . . . Vic MA 3 V 41 of View; by A. J. Perkins. -, South Australia, 2 630.5 Agr. Experin II Kept 03H.7 Experiment Stations of Holland-/;; United States— Dept. of Agr.— Orchard Manures; by W. S. Campbell Jur Crops, and how to Increase them . Wiley. ar-boo'k, 1S94 630.5 eiplcsof Agriculture. ;s, E. B. A 20 Q 38 n. Kept., 1895 030.7 and Feeding Stuffs and the Agricultural . Station Record, 10. Kxper. Stns. 630.7 ii-l:ind Agricultui .!.., 0311.5 Anderson, H. C. L. MA 3 V 15 and Fertiliser Con X A. J. 1)15 11 7 H. W. Wiley. r hook, lS!)(i' 030.5 . C. L. MA 3 V 15 on, Reports 630.7 an, G. MA2U6 ,oke, S. A 33 P 25 sland Agr : Expc- Manuscripts, Fac-similes of in the British Museu I Charters in the Bril Public Library of New South Wales. Manuscripts, Fac similes of— conk!. Facsimile of Manuscript of Milton's Minor Poems preserved in the Library ofTrinityColkgc.Cambridge... Milton, J. J 18 U 16 £ Fac-si miles of I loyal, Historical, Literary, and other Autographs in the Dept. of MSS., British Museum British Museum J 12 X 9-13 t JuvcnalisadSaliram Sextain in Codke liodl. ('anon, XLI additi Versus XXXVI Juvenalis, 1). J. H 1 U 8 Poems of Bacchylides: Facsimiles of Papyrus I )('( 'XXXIII in the British Museum Baeehvlidcs H 47 P 24 J Six Karaite Manuscripts of Portions of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic Characters Hoerning, R. G 20 R 23 t Teaching of the Apostles Bibles and Testaments— Codices G 23 V 29 Yellow Book of Lecan J 22 S 1 t Maori Language and Literature— Dictionary of th» New Z-aland Language ... Williams, Bishop L. MJ 3 T 4 Ko to kawenata hou a to tatou ariki a to kai whakaora a Ihu Kariti. Bibles and Testaments M(!2 V3 Maori-Knglish Lexicon Colenso, Rev. \V. MJ 3 R 18 To Tatau-o-te-Po Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 990 Maori Religion and Mythology. [See Folk-lore — Maori; Mythology— Maori.] Maoris — Account of some Early Ancestors of Rarotonga ; by A. H. Browne. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1897 993 Ancestors of the Maori; by S. E. Peal Polynesian Society, Journal, 1897 990 Ancient Pit Dwellings of the IVIorus District, South Island; by J. Rutland Polynesian Society, Journal, 1897 990 Ancient Stone Implements; by J. Rutland... Polynesian Society, Journal, 1S90 990 Art of the Whare Pora; by E. Best New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 .".'Mi Building of Hotunui New Zealand Ins!,. Trans., 1897 506 Cannibals of New Zealand... Naval ( 'luonicle. 21. '24 B 38 Q 2, 5 Concerning W'hate kura; by Hare Ilongi Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 996 Customs and Superstitions of the Maori; bvE. Best... Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science. Rept., 1898 500 Decrease of the Maori Race... N.Z. Journal of Science, 1884 505 Did the Maori Discover the Greenstone? by J. Rutland. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 C4overnor Cordon and the Maoris; by R. Stout Melho Revie 052 Hawaiki: the Whence of the Maori; by S. P. Smith... Polyn Society. Journal, 1898 990 Hine-Ra; or, the Maori Scout Whitworth, R. P. MJ 3 S 5 In Ancient Maoriland Best, E. M A 3 W 20 Karae-Tara and his Ogre Wife ; by Karipi te Whetu... Polynesian Koruru, the Maori Came of Kim-kh ion, : ''l'e. !■'. R.' Chapman Polynesian S , k;\ .Jet nal. 1S98 9!!0 Legend of Para-Hia; by W. H. Skinner ....'.. Polynesian Society Journal, 1897 990 Makutu, or Maori Witchcraft: by E. Best... American Antiquarian, Maori Origins; by E. Best... New Zealand Inst., Trans., 1899 Maori Stone Implements; by Capt, Hutton New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Maori Stronghold and Maori Earthwork Fortification: by T White New Zealand Institute. Trans., 1899' 500 Maori Tales and Legends Clark, Kate MeCosh MB 1 S 3 Maori Tribes of the Last Coast of N\.„- Zealand; by W. Gudgeon Polynesian Society, Journal, 1890 97 ~ 990 Maori Whare; by Rev. II. W. Williams Polynesian Society, Journal, 1S90 990 Maoris of To-day and To-morrow; by H. Hill New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Moke; or, Maori Tattooing Robey, Major-Gen. H. G. MA 11 P 34 f Maoris — contd. Mythology of the New Zealanders; by J. Hamlin Journal, 1 Native Names for Places; by T. White... Now Zealand Institute, Tram 500 Now Zealand; the Aborigines and their Language Colonial Magazine, 1843 F 19 P 10 New Zealand Institute, Transactions and Proceedings 500 Note stir l'etat aetuel des Maoris rcstcs i nib' pendants. Revue d'Ethnographie, 4 A 42 T 4 Notes from Murihiku ; by A. Hamilton... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Notes on the Ancient Maori Dog ; by Capt. Hutton. . . New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Notes on the Oi it: in. History,! 'tc-toms. andTraditionsof theTuhoc, or Urewera Tribe; by 10." Best ... N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897 506 Old Huts at Dusky Sound ; by R. Henry... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 Parts of the Pacific Eykyn, Rev. J. MD 8 R 42 Peopling of the North; by S. P. Smith Polynesian Society, Journal, 1897 990 Polynesian Society, Journal 990 Reports on Native Affairs- /« Appendix to Journals. New Zealand Parliament 328.9:11 Studies in Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Tohunga-Maori, The; by S. P. Smith ... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 5(10 Wars of the Northern against the Southern Tribes of Now Zealand ; by 8. P. Smith Polynesian Society, Join nal, 1899 990 [See nho Fine Arts-Maori ; Folk-lore— Maori ; Maori Language ; Mythology — Maori ; Hock -carvings; Tattooing ; and under New Zealand Native Department, and Native Land Court, in Author Catalogue.] Map-making. [See Cartography.] Maps — Ge neral — Remarkable Maps of 15th, 10th, and 17th Centuries D 8 P 36-38 £ Silver Map of the World Christy, M. D 22 P 20 Witsen's Map of Northern Asia, Three Maps of' the World, and Geography of Australia, 17th Century Remarkable Maps D 8 P 30, 37 £ [See nlxo Atlases; Cartography; Charts; Maps, Early; Physical Geography -Atlases and Maps; and sub-heading Geography, Topography, and Maps, under each Country.] Early, shmchiy Term Australia — Abel Janszoon 'busman's Journal ... Tasman, A. J. MD 2 P 33 £ Cartography of the Terra Australis and New Holland; by J. P. Walker Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 500 Charts recently reproduced by the Libraries of Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide; by A. Sutherland... Historical Soc", Australasia, Trans. MB 3 R 1 Geography of Australia as delineated by the Dutch Cartographers. Remarkable Maps I) 8 P 30 £ Huych Allardt's Map of India ... Remarkable Maps D 8 P 36 £ Mappe of the Principal Voyages and Discoveries made by the Hollanders Mensing, A. D 13 W 29 t Part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Austi alia, 1606-1765.. Heeres, J. E. MD 13 S 1 t [See aho Australia— Geography, Topography, Maps.] Maps and Plans of Cities. [See under names of Cities.] Marathi Language — Marbling — Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion Bramit, W. T. A 23 R 51 Marianne Islands. [See Ladrone Islands.] Marine Architecture. [See Corrosion and Fouling Naval Architecture; Ship-building; Yacht-building.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 935 Marine Boards and Departments— Caoala Department of Marineand Fisheries. Report... 614.864 Marbic Board „f X. S. Wales, Repoit ,.t Commission. X. S. Wales -Parliament, V. audi'., ]Sii ... Chapman, Elizabeth, R. lS cJ 1,0 Intermarriage; Mar ,ms and Rites; Sacram iagc and Divorce; Marriage •nts, The; Women- -Position, larriaj Dutyo Mou Historj je and Divorce the Church with regard to Divorce in Sermon on the Gore, Rev. C. D 19 C 25 Christian Luckock, Dean Mr'". gc'ou^iicnsinModcrn'F Abbott, B. V. B 13 V 2 ction... Chapman, lCli/abeth R. [See ah -Celibacy; Chastity; Col rtship; Love; Maniage : Sacra- Public Library of New South Wales, Marriage and Divorce— Laics and Legislation — Law and Practice in Divorce and ether Mat ri menial Causes. Dixon, W. J. F 9 R 41 Laws on Marriage and Divorce in Foreign Countries, Report". Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Marriage and Divorce V 39 Y 19 X Marriagcand Divorce Laws; l.v S. St.'.!. T. pp... Molb. Rev., 4 052 Marriage and Divorce Laws in Europe... Coudert, F. R. F !8 R 2 Marriage Laws in Democracy and Liberty ... Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Bill in Speeches. Magee, Arehbisliop J 14 Q 37 Matrimonial Causes, Parent and Child; liy L. D. Powles — in Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 . Some Disused Roads to Matrimony in The Law's Lumber-room. Watt, F. F 15 P 19 Speech on the Divorce Bill, 1S70 Dalley, Rt. Hon. W. B. MF4P36 Marriage Customs and Rites — Gretna Green Gossip /« Bygone Church Life in Seotlai ' Andre ■s, W. . l>:; T i Indian Child Wife and the Indian Child Widow in Chips from a German Workshop Midler, F. M. J 29 T 5 Marriage Customs Hutchinson, Key. H. N. F 13 T 21 Marriage Laws and Customs ~ in liveonc Church Life in Scotland. Andrews, W. G 23 T 44 Studies in Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Marriages and Marriage Licenses — Registers, &c. [See Registers of Births, Deaths, and Marriages.] Mars— Astronomy - Borderland of Science Pre Diameter of Mars; by Prof. E. E. Banian A 27 V 29, 30 or, R. A. A 19 S lfl Astronomical Journal, 1896-97 520.5 . Lowell, P. A 20 U 10 Cerulli, V. A 35 W 18 Marshall Islands [See also Ichthyology.] Marsupials Bone Breccia Deposit ; by R. Bri Condition of Young Marsupial . sr Ro y of the Marsu [See contd. larsupials with Large Grooved Premolars; by R. . Linnean Society. N. S. Wales, Proc, 1895 580.6 neles. together with Discussion on the Homologies i in Marsupial Animals; l.y J. T. Wilson, and J. P. i. of Micro. Science, Jan., 1897 ""' . II oval S tralia.] id Marsupials; by A. Victoria, Proceedings, 1896 506 ^aroos ; Macropodidse ; Zoology Martial Law. [See Courts-martial; Military Law.] Martial Poetry. [See War Songs.] Martyrs — Apology and Acts of Apollonius, and other Monuments of Early Christianity Conybeare, F. C. G 24 U 4 History of Early Christian Literature Kriiger, G. G 24 Q 18 [See also Covenanters; fanaticism; Heresies; Huguenots; In- quisition; Lollards: Persecutions; Saints; W'aldenses.] Mary, VirgiD. [See Virgin Mary.] Maryland (institutional History Provisional Government of Maryland', 1774 77: by J. A. Silver. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 13 B 18 S 13 i of the Maryland Revolution of 1689; by F. E. Sparks. ' '4 B 18 S " L H. Latai es," 13 B 18 S 13 .. Johns Hopkins es, 13 B 18 S 13 Politics— History of the Know-nothing Party in Maryland; by L. F. Schmeckebicr...JohnsHopkinsUniversity, Studies, 17 B 18 S 17 Mascarene Isles— General awl Descriptive — Dti Bois, Lc Sieu eral and Descriptive — D 21 U 14 D 19 U 7 F 19 T 2 iea 916.8 Foreign . Afn\ [3rd a.]... I Afrh . Brvce D 21 i •s from the Memories of Mashonalan On the South African Fri Hhodesia and its Govern, Rhodesia of To-day '— -'~e Hundred Miles in a Waggon... angyo. H. L. nifty, H. H. D 18 V 20 :. W. H. K-. D 14 S 22 irown, W. H. D 22 Q 2 lomson, H. C. D 13 S 1 night, E. F. B 16 R 18 B Balfour, Alice D 14 T 23 \\ ith Rhodes in Mashonaland De Waal, 1). C. D 14 Q 17 [See also British South Africa Chartered Co.; Matabeleland ; Rhodesia; South Africa; Zululand.] History- Matabele Campaign, l,s9(i ... Powell, Col. II. S. S. B-. B 39 Q 1 Haiders and Rebels in South Africa ... Green, Lisa G. B 37 P 10 With the Mounted Infantry anil the Mashonaland Field Force, l s| "> Alderson, Lieut. -Col. E. A. H. B 39 Q 18 er, F. E. rt, J. S. __ •t of Stone-cutting. Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Masques — Beauty's Awakening: a Masque of Winter and of Spring... Studio, Summer No., 1S99 705 Massachusetts — Commerce and Trade — Statistical Information relating to certain Branches of Industry in . Mas.-ai-husetts .Massachusetts Statistics 338 icialtnCommonwealthG .. (lushing, H. A. F U . Bradford, ( I. I' 10 J' Government and Administration— I'n! lie A.lministration in Massachusetts Whitten, II. H. F 18 R 19 History- Contest over the Ratification of the Federal Constilulion in the State of Massachusetts Harding, S. 1!. F 3 T '20 I'd, rim Fathers of Now Knglaud liiwn, Rev. J. (i 1 K 42 Si : dish, Miles. Fxploitsof ; hy 11. Johnson 2'j S 1 [SVi also Pilgrim Fathers; Plymouth, U.S.A.] Statistics — id Deaths in Massachusetts, Reports, its — Registration Kepts. certain Rranehes of Indu; Massachusetts Statistics Massachusetts— Registration Hepts. armation relating to certain launches of Indust Treatment of Disease by 1'hvsi .-al Methods Dowse, T. S. A 26 S 40 [Si e also Electro-therapeutics ; Mechano-therapeutics.] Master and Servant — Landlord and Tenant. Master and Servant : by R. J. Griffiths— in Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Law of Master and Servant Parkyn, E. A. F 15 S 1 S' mitorv Pub'sand Orders, Master and Servant : Workman's Com- pensation Act, 1S97... (it. Brit, and Irel. Statutes F l(i T 20 '//'so Arliitralion; Capital and Labour; Strikes; Working Classes.] Matabeleland -General and Descriptive — Matches — Explosives and Matches— in Chemistry for Manufacturers Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Materia Medica -- Aryan Medical Science lee. Sir B. S. A 33 S 17 Classification of the Materia Mclj,,, Collection, United States lited States — De National Museum. Proe., 6 507 id Medicine (iorgas, F. J. S. A 1)2 S 23 lents of Pharmacy. Materia Medica. and Therapeutics. Whitla, W. A 20 P 32 itid of Pharmaeoloev ami Therapeuties Murrell, XV. A 26 R 29 Greenish, H. G. A 30 T 27 . Me. Tin 1 S3 Year-book of Pharmacy 015.0.5 [S,;: , ,Uo Amcsthcfics: Botany Medici.l ; Drugs; Pharmacology; Pharmacy; Poisons; Prescriptions; Therapeutics.] Materialism — Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. (i 10 V 18 EssentialMan Cressey, G. C. G 15 U 22 History of Ancient Philosophy Windelband, W. (i 25 T 9 Human Machine, The '. Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q 5 Materialistic Doctrine of History in Outspoken Fssays...Bax, E. B. G 9 W 35 Modern Physics Naville, E. A 24 R 29 Non-religion of the Future Guvau, M. J. G 11 R 41 Philosophical Essays Stewart, D. G 16 V 6 Philosophy of Mind Ladd, (i. T. (i 3 R 29 Riddle of the Universe Haeekel, E. G 26 Q 16 Sensualistic Philosophy of the 19th Century... Dalmev, Rev. R. L. Thus Spake Zarathustra .... [See also Evolution ; Idealisi Spinozism ; Theism.] . Nictz : 17 S2i Materials. [See Strength of Materials.] Mathematical Tables — Mechanical Arts Simplified Dixon, D. B. A 39 [.*e (Coinsurance; Interest; Logarithms; Weights and Measu Mathematicians — Cardan, Jerome; by XV. (i. Waters C & Mathematics — General ~ American Association, Advancement of Science. Proe Analytical Geometry Lambert, P. A. A 23 Public Library of New South Waiea. Mathematics — General — contcl. Outline of Philosophy Watson, J. G 17 S 19 Primerofthe History of Mathematics... Ball. W. W. R. A -J.", I' 40 Pure Mathematics Carr, (}. S. A 31 S 4 Scientific Papers Adams, J. C. A 10 U 10 t (Scientific Papers Tait, P. (I. A 10 U 13, 14 t SitzungsberichtederMatheinatiseh-NaturwissenschaftliehenClasse Kaiserl. Akademio dor Wissensehaften 506 Study and Difficulties of Mathematics... DeMorgan,A. A 25 P 50 Teaching of Mathematics; l»v II. L. Joseland in Essays on Secondary Education..... Cookson, C. (! 23 P 18 Works Archimedes A 35 T 16 . Works Berkeley, Bishop G 18 P 55 [See aho Algebra : Arithmetic; Astronomy : Calculating Machines; Calculus; Conic Sections ; Curves; Decimal System ; Dynamics ; Elliptic Functions; Functions; Geodesy: Geometry; Loga- rithms; Mathematical Tables; Mechanics; Mensuration; Metric System ; Navigation; Numbers, Theory of; Probabili- ties; Surveying; Statics; Trigonometry; and other branches of Mathematics.] Matrimonial Causes. [See Marriage and Divorce] Matrimony. [See Marriage.] Matte-smelting. [See Smelting.] Matter— MetaphysiCS- Divine Immanence Illingworth, J. R. G 5 Q 31 Metaphysic of Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Rhythmic Heredity Hiller, H. C. A 33 P 44 Theory of Reality Ladd, G. T. G 24 V 8 [See also Cosmology. ] Matter Physics — .(Ether and Matter Larmor, J. A 40 U 15 Grammar of Science Pearson, K. A 45 T 7 Matter, Energy, Force, and Work ... Dolman, S. W. A 20 Q 29 Matter, Ether, and Motion Dolbear, A. E. A 33 P 42 Modern Physics Naville, E. A 24 R 29 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 Properties of Matter Tait, P. G. A4.VR4 [See aho Atomic Theory; Ether; Force and Energy ; Molecular Mauritius- Annual Reports— m Colonial Reports (it. Brit, and Irel.— Colonial Office 354.428 British Africa D 22 Q 5 Mausoleums. [See Tombs and Mausoleums.] Maxims — Criticisms, Reflections, and Maxims Goethe, J. W. von J 14 P 42 Great Truths of Great Authors ]< 19 Q 19 Joubert: a Selection from his Thoughts.. Jouhi it. .1. <; •_>,, T |-_» Napoleon Beyle, M. H. J 24 R 21 Signal Lamps for the Railway of Life F., J. F 7 V 48 [See also Epigrams ; Proverbs; Quotations.] May Day — Worship- in Folk-fore .' Napier, J. B 33 P 9 Mayan Language - Primer of Mayan Hieroglyphics Brinton, I). G. J 14 S 1 Sacred Maya Stone of Mexico and its Symbolism Parry, F. G 17 U 6 t [.S'ee also Indians, American- Languages.] "Mayflower, The"— History of the Plimoth Plantation ... Bradford, W. B 13 X 4 + [.S'ee also Pilgrim Fathers.] Measles — Measles ; by Dr. D. Williams— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Scarlet Fever and Measles- in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Scarlet Fever, Measles, &c. ; by Dr. J. L. Smith — in Practical Therapeutics ...; Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 [See also Rubella.] Measures. [See Metric System; Weights and Measures.] Meat. [See Dietetics ; Food; Horse-flesh; Vegetarianism.] Meat Extracts— Prepartion of Meat Extracts .. Queensl. Agr. Jottrn., 1898 630.5 Meat Inspection- Cattle Tick and Tuberculosis in X. S. Wales; by G. S. Baker. U.S.— Dept, of Agr. - Rureauof Animal lndust,, Kept., 1898 036 Federal Meat Inspection; by D. E. Salmon United States— Dopt. of Agr., Year-book, IS94 (130.5 Grading and Branding of Meat Agr. Gaz.. X.S.W., 8 G30.5 Inspection of Meat Wylde, W. A 38 S 15 Inspection of Meat ; by Dr. E. Hirschfeld Royal Society, Queensland, Proa, 1894-95 506 Inspection of Meats for Animal Parasites United States - Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Internat. Cong., Hygiene and Demography, 1891, Trans., 3 614.06 Meat and Milk Inspection in Shanghai:* by W. J. Blackwood. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.- Bureau of Animal Indus!.. Kept,, 1898 636 Practical Guide to Meat Inspection Wallev, T. A 26 S 25 Public Abattoirs and the Inspection of -Meat in Paris, Berlin, and Brussels— in Public Health in European Cities ... Legge, T. M. A 26 Q 40 Public Abattoirs and the Prevention of Tuberculosis; byDr.W. F. Taylor Royal Society. Queensland, Proa, 1899 506 Sanitary Inspectors Hand-book Taylor, A. A 33 Q 22 [See also Hygiene; Meat Trade; Public Health; Slaughtering.] Meat Preserving— . Agricultural Ga; , [See aho Cannii Meat Trade- iculture 630.6 . U.S.— Cons. Kepts., 57 382 Colonial Monthly, 2 irilish Consumers; by J. Hotson. mial Institute, Proc.,' 26 325.342 3a» Labels United States - Consular Repts., 51 382 630.5 : M. ait and Provision Trades. A 33 P 22 . U.S.— Consular Repts., 60 382 Froz i Mea Hand-book for Farmers and Dairymen... YVoll, F. \V. A 23 P 32 Live Stock and Meat Trade of the Fnitod States... X. S. Wales - Parliament, V. and P.. 1894-95 328.944 Meal Export Trade of New South Wales: by C. KeihcrstonhauL.'h in X. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. ..Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Pi .'.able Moat Trade « Prospects of the Frc Meat Trade— contd. Mm Exportation, Report of Committeo Queensland— Parliament, V. and P., 4, 189(5 328.943 Million Exnort Trade... Aarieiiltural ( iazclte, N.S.W., 10 G30.5 , ; by W. Fi nucane . . . Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 030.5 l Meat Trade on the Continent of Europe Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 030.5 Pr ,-pects of the Frozen Meat Trade on the Continent of Europe. N.S.W.— Parliament, A', and P., 1894 95 030.5 Shinment of Cattle by the Port I'irie to London Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 030.5 So no Essential, in Beef Production Coiled States— Dcpt, of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry, Kept., 1897 030 [..'. r. aho Cold Storage; Meat Inspection.] Mechanical Engineering — Ai.i lican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Iv gineering in Workers on their Industrie 11.110 Galton, F. W. F 10 V 18 Ei Sneering Laboratory Practice Smart, R. A. A 40 T 14 I'.: i.eenna Maga/ino' 020.5 Engineer's Year-book Kempe, II. R. 020.8 Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers (Jill, A. H. A 21 P 53 C,i- Kngineer's Pocket-book O'Connor, H. A 22 P 50 in ■ iut'ioii of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings 021.06 K v to Engines and Engine-running Rose, J. A 45 S 7 Locomotive Engineering Pettigrew, W. F. A 22 R 35 Mechanical Arts Simplified Dixon, D. B. A 39 P 1 Mechanical Engineering ol Power Plant* Hutton, F. R. A 20 T 30 Mechanical Movements Hiscox, G. D. A 38 S 17 Pocket-book for Mechanical Engineers... Low, D. A. A 33 R 28 Pr ; tical Kngineer's Hand-book Hutton, W. S. A 22 T 4 Rail way Engineering Haldane, J. W. C. A 22 R 30 [' i's Engineer's Hand-book Thorn, W. H. A 22 R 10 Scientific American 005 T ..-book of Mechanical iMiL'incering... Line'!, am. W. .1. A 22 R 32 Toothed Gearing "Foreman Pattern-maker" A 24 P 42 U al Foi ;m,he and Memoranda Molesworth, Sir (1. L. A 22 P 44 Whit s Meclu Mechanics— Phys: it of Science, Proc 5(1 Perry, J. A 33 P 1 Jamieson, A. A 24 R 35, S on the Fui : by L. Kobe lion, Kept., Mechanics' Institutes. [>'«• Schools of Aits.] Mechanics, Practical — • A 34 V 1,2 ement of Science, Kept., 1895 50(5 Smith, A. W. A 22 K 8 KngiM, 'Mechanic Home Mechanic ics... Van Cleve, B. F. A 21 1> 43 Schofield, R.J. A 39 P3 Machine Design Jones, F. K. A 38 S 12, 13 Mechanical Arts Simplified ... Dixon, I). B. A39P 1 Mechanical Movements Hiscox, G. 1). A38S 17 Mechanics ami Mechanism ... Burn, R. S. A 25 S 28 Practical Mechanic's Worksln p Companion Templeton, W. A 33 R 32 Scientific American and Art A 30 1'1-Q 4 don; Manufactures Periodicals; Mechrn. 1 hun i i' Technology — Periodicals ; Tools, Use of.] Mechanism. [See Animal Mechanism; Machinery.] Mechano-therapeutics— Medical Gymnastics Graf strom, A. V. A 40 Q 1. Medical Gymnastics Wilde, A. A 45 U % Treatn cut of Disc:, ses by Physical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 20 S 40 [See also Massage; Gymnastics.] leconi c Acid — Notes 3n some Double Salts of Meeonk Acid Rennie, E. II MA 3 VV 18 ledals — General- Medal. t Seals, Impressions. . Vertue.G B15TJ17: Scion.' of Gems ... Billing A. A 35 T 6 ii-s.Vuniisnn tiques du Cinquanti sairederinde- nice de la 15 slgique . A 20 S 10 t [See at Coins; Ni By Countries. Great Britain and Ireland — Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals li- the Death of George II; by E. Hawkin: Medals in Italy— Juidc to th.- Exhibition of [tali by C. F. Keary Medals and Decorations Military and Naval- Medals and Decorations of the British Army and Navy. Mayo, J. H. A 34 V 18, 1! Medals of the British Navy Long, W. H. A 34 R 2- r Medals and Deco i, 1). 11. A 30 Q 13 ; by Dr. F. T. Robcrts-in System of .. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 39 Medical and Surgical Electricity. [See Electro-thera- peutics.] Medical Baths- Mediastinum — Diseases of the Mediastii Medicine Schott Method of Treatn emofChr >nle Dtseas ... Thorn es of the Heart: with d, W. 15. A 30 Q 1( hing; Hydropathy Medical Botany. [St » Botany - Media 1; riiannaeolngy. Medical Chemistry. Hygiene; Materi Chemistry; Publi [.V,,l>is i Medica ■ Health. nfection Pharai ind Disinfectants icy; Physiologica Public Library of New South Wales. Medical Dictionaries. [See Medicine — Dictionaries.] Medical Education. [See Medicine— Education, Museums, Schools.] Medical Etiquette. [See Medical Profession.] Medical Gymnastics. [See Mechano-therapeutics.] Medical Instruments. [See Surgery— Instruments.] Medical Jurisprudence — Dental Jurisprudence ; by Dr. C. G. Garrison— in American System of Dentistry Pitch. \V. F. A Si S:i Legal Medicine Tidy, C. M. F 1 V 10, 11 [See also Insanity ; Poisons, Poisoning, and Antidotes.] Medical Missions — Among the Wild Ngoni Elmslie, W. A. D 21 Q 4 Missions at Home and Abroad... ( 'hicago Kxhib.. IS!):-! < , 111 1/ 4 [See also Missions and Missionary Work — Foreign. ] Medical Periodicals. [See Medicine— Periodicals; Phy- siology — Periodicals. ] Medical Profession- Doctor's Window, The Warren , Tna Russelle H 1 U 4 [See also Doctors; Medicine Ivluoalion ; Professional and Busi- ness Ethics.] Medical Registers- Australasian Medical Directory 010.094 Cape of Good Hope - M li landi'hai i i if, i ( I i 21 Dentists' Register Gt. Brit, and Irel. Council of Medical Education 614.24 Medical Directory, Croat Britain and Ireland 010.942 Medical IYa.-titiunois for South Australia, 1895. Rcei- lor. South Australia Medical Board 014.24 Medical Register, Croat Britain 014.24 Medical Schools. [See Medicine— Education, Schools.] Medical Service, Army and Navy — Ambulance Organisation in War and Peace; bv Surgeon-Major Evatt ... International Health Kxhib.. 1SK4. Lit., 9 A -II V 5 Army Medical Department Report Ct. Brit, and Del. War Office 013.07 Drill Regulations for the Hospital Corps United States— Dept, of War A 22 P 00 Emergency Diet for the Sick in (he Military Service; by Capt, Munson United States Dept. of War A 30 Q 25 Exhibits of the Museum of Hygiene, .Medical Department. United States Dept. of the Navy A 31 S 10 Hospital Corps Drill Regulations... United States- Dept. of Wat- Instructions to Surgeons Manual for the Medical I A 22 . Hi ii Bel. Admiralty MA 2 R 53 t United States— Dept. of War A 30 Q 17-20 Manual for the Medical Staff Corps Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office A .30 Q 10 Medical Department of Her Majesty's Army, Herniations. (it. Brit, and Irel. War Office A 31 Q 2!) Military Medicine and Surgery... Pan- American Medical Cong Naval and Military Hygiene,.. International Co and Demography, 1891, Recollections of Thirty-nine Yeats in the Army... Tro OIO.O of Hvi 3., 8 014.06 Ion, SirC. A. B 39 Q 15 itary and Medical Reports United States Dept. of the Navy 013.08 Medical Service, Army and Navy — contd. Standard Supply Table of the Medical Department United States— Dept. of War A 27 V 25 Statistical Repot t, Health of the Navy Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Admiralty 613.68 Supervising Surgeon Ccneral, Report United States — Marine Hospital Service 613.68 Surgeon-General. United States Navv, Report... United States — Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 613.68 Under the Red Crescent Ryan, C. S. B 22 R 17 United States Sanitary Commission Bull., l", 2 ... A 34 U 11, 12 With an Ambulance during the Franco-Ccrman War, 1870-71. Ryan, C. E. D 18 S 14 [See also and Ambulance Work; Cunshot Wounds; Military Cooking; Red Cross Associations.] Medical Societies. [See Medicine — Societies.] Medical Works, Popular. [See Family Medicine.] Medicinal Plants. [See Botany— Economic; Botany, Medical; Pharmacology; and under names of Plants.] Medicine — General — Anthropology and Medicine Beddoe, J. A 26 T 34 Aryan Medical Science .Joe, Sir li. S. A 33 S 17 Essays and Addresses Reynolds, Sir J. R. A 32 R 34 Excretory Irritation and the Action of Certain Remedies on the Skin Walsh. 1). A 37 T 3 From Miracles to Medicine in Warfare of Science with Theology. White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Historicall Expostulation against the Beastlye Abusers both of Chyrurgerie and Physyke in otire (vine, by '.I. Halle; reprinted Hypnotism, and its Applic; t to Practical Medic™ Wetterstrand, 0. G. G 11 Q 33 Index Medicus 016.61 Life and Times of Tlioma; Waklev ; bv Dr. S. S. Sprigge. Wakley, T. C24Q18 Logic of the Practical Sciences in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. II. G 11 Q 28, 29 Medical Hints for Hot ('limaies Heaton, C. A 40 T 8 Nomenclature of Diseases Royal College of Physicians, Loud. A 20 S 35 Pan-American Medical Congress, Transactions 010.6 Plea for a Simpler bite and Fads of an Old Physician. Keith, G. S. A 33 P 31 Practice of Medicine Wood, If. C. A 30 V 19 Principles and Practice of Medicine Osier, W. A 26 V 2 Retrospect of Medicine Brail l.waitc. .1. 010.5 Supplement, Reference Hand-book of the Medical Sciences. Buck, A. II. AllT9f System of Medicine Allbutt, T. 0. A 26 T 34-30 VitaMedica Richardson, Sir li. W. A 30 32 [See also Accidents; Ambuhuiocs; Anesthetics ; Anatomy; Anti- septics; Bacteriology; Botany. Medical ; Children— Diseases; Clinical Medicine; Diagnosis: |.;|„.. t rc , -therapeutics; Family Medicine; (iymeeology ; Health: Health Resorts; Heredity; Histology: Hemioopathy; Hospitals; Hydropathy; Hygiene; Hypnotism : Inoculation; Materia Medica : Medical Jurispru- dence; Medical Missions; Medical Profession; Medical Regis- ters; Medical Service Army and N'avv: Microscopy; Mind and Body; Narcotics; Nursing:' Obstetrics; Pathology; Pharma- cology; Pharmacy; Physiology; Poisons; Public Health; Surgery; Surgery Instruments: Therapeutics; Vaccination ; Veterinary Science; and under names of Diseases.] ■ — ■ 7!ii'j/i'i : /ni/J:j/ Index Catalogue, Library of the Sm -gcon-Oenerars Office, U.S. Army United Stales Surgeon-I IcneralV Office K 16 P t Index Medicus 016.01 Dictionaries — • Dictionary of Medicine Quain, R. A 31 P 3. 4 Dictionary of Terms used in Medicine... Iloblvn, R, I). A 40 T 23 Encyclopedia Medica ; edited by Dr. C. Wat'son A 4.5 P Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1800-1900. Medicine — Education. Museums, Schools— Educational Reform Eliot, C. W. II hcrM.dioa] Education Pepper, W. ( Medical Schools in the United States United States- of Education, Kept., 1894 95 Professional Education in the United States New- University, College Dept.. Hulk-tin, 1900 (! Some Professions open to Women in Progress in Womei cation in the British Empire ... Victorian Era Exhibit! History — Modern Progress in Medicine-/;! University Problem? - Periodicals— ji-ican Journal of Insanity. tralasian Medical Gazette . ,nure.h Hospital Reports . ,-rnta Mediea ■x Medicus 17 T 31 3 R 31 Bureau York - 18 U 21 's Edu- Lai Medical Journal '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'.'.' Paulding, I'. II. 010.5 New South Wales Medical Gazette MA 5 R 7 II Retrospect of Medicine Rraithwaite, J. 010.5 Y.-ar-book of Treatment 010.05 [Sta aim Lancet, The.] Meditations, Devotional — I' , titer John of the Creek Church Sergicn', J. I. 23 P 14 Good Thoughts in Bad Times Fuller, Rev. T. (! 9 U 31 Lancelot Andrewes and his Private Devotions White, A. Mediterranean Sea — C, stsand Islands of the Mediterranean Sea, pt. 4. Haw ley, ,1. M. I.) 20 U 17 Ci.iise^ in Ihe Modileranean. 1822 20 Black, W. 1)22 P 23 1 ,,.,-,■ Ceo.rraj.hv Reclus, E. 1)21 U 1 ysijsi SK S^/^a ixley, '1'. 1 "rMty 1 ™ {See ulso Moleet Membracidse Study of the Me by' Dr. F. XV. ( lelrometer — tcMekomete, ...Ot.B, t. and Ire! -War Office A 30 W 1 1 Memory- Melanesia V '•'() Spiritual Science of Health and Healing ..'. Chill-. W. J. Studies in the Thought World Wood, H. G ?3 ]> 20 Way, the Truth, and the Life, The Dewey, J. H. (! 23 R 10 Mental Philosophy. [See Metaphysics: Philosophy ; Psychology.] Mental Physiology and Hygiene- Alterations of Personality Binet, A. G 1° V 3? Application of Psychology to the Science of Education. Herbart, J. F. 23 Q 23 Diseases of Per.-onality Ribot, T. O 19 U 2 frSVc aim Mental bis, . ^\'u g; Mind and Body.] MenUS- Art of Dining Hay ward, A. A 40 T 24 Dinners of the Day Craga, Mrs. A 22 P 55 Merchant Navy and Service — British Merchant Service Jones, R. J. C-. A 40 U 7 Drunkenness, Desertion, and Disease in our Merchant Service; by J.Connor Melbourne Review, 6 052 Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping... F 19 T 3, 4 t Men of the Merchant Service Bullen,M<. T. A 19 Q 34 Mercantile Navy List and Maritime i )irector\\. .( !t . Brit, and Irel.— Board of Trade 050 Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Statutes F17R1 t Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Vessels Lloyd's Register F 19 T 5 f Statistikder Seesehiii'alut fiir das Jahr 1897 Germany 056 Merchants — English Merchants Bourne, H. R. F. C 2G P 7 Field, Cyrus W C 26 Q Mercury -Astronomy— Dis ussion of ( ihscrved Transits of Mercury, 1077-1881. United States- Bureau of Equipment- Ast. Papers, 2 520.8 Secular Perturbations of Mercury arising from the Action of Jupiter: by E. Doolittle... Astronomical Journ., 1896-97 520.5 Secular Pi rl'urhations of Mercury arising from the Action of Saturn; by E. Doolittle... Astronomical Journ., 1890-97 520.5 Tables of Men .airy -,«Ast ronomical Papers, vol. 0, pt. 2. United States- Bui can of Equipment 520.8 Transit of Mercury, 1894 Australian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Report, 1895 - 500 Mercury— Metal- Geology of the Quicksilver Deposits of the Pacific Slope ; by G. F. Becker... United States--! ieol. Survey, Annual Rept., 8 557.3 Mercurous Nitrite; by p. C. Pay ." Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1890 954 Mercury, or Quicksilver in New South Wales; by J. E. Carne. N. S. Wales -Oeol. Survey, Mineral Resources, 7 MA 3 V 48 Merit System v. Spoils System — Merit System Charities and Correction, National Conference, Proa, 1S9G 300 [See also Civil Service- United States; Examinations.] "Merrimac," U.S.S.— Sinking of the Merrimac Hobson, R, P. B 19 Q 19 Mesmerism. [See Clairvoyance; Electro-biology; Hyp- Mesozoa — Flatworms and Mesozoa Gamble, F. W. A 20 T 20 Metabolism- Investigations on the Metabolism of Mild, Cows ; by 0. Hagemann —in Experiment Station lb-cord. It) .. United States— Dcpt. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations 630.7 Metabolism Experiments; by \V. O. Atwater ... United States - Dcpt. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stations A 41 U 9 Metabolism of Matter and Energy; by C. F. Langworthy— ill Experiment Station Record. !)...' United States Dcpt, of Agr.— Office of Experiment Stations 030.7 Metal-founding — Modern Foundry Practice Sharp, J. A 45 T 23 Practical [ mi, -ion:, ding Horner. .1. G. A 24 P 38 Text-book of McchanicalEngineering... Lineliam, W. J. A22R32 Metal-work — Description of an Antique Plaque; by H. L. Davis... Royal Society, 'Queensland, Proc, 1S97 500 Fifty Years of Art, 1 849-99 Art Journal, The A 20 T 2 t Hand-book of Art Smithing Meyer. E. S. A 23 T 26 Historic Ornament Ward, J. A 39 P 5 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetsch, 11. A 18 T 15 I Madras ami Burmese Art-ware A 19 S 10 t Metal-turning Horner, J. G. A 24 P 39 Metal-work and its Artistic Design... Wyatt, M. I). A 47 P 32 t Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Metal-work— contd. M< mis and their Manufacture -in Our Trade in the World. Gastrell, \V. S. H. F 9 V 10 Precsworking of Metals .Smith, 0. A 23 U 40 Sh-ct.-inetal Workers Instructor Warn, K. If. A 23 S IS Training of a Craftsman Miller, F. A23S41 \V.>,k-snop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers Winn, L. J. A 25 R 34 W.:'-:ers in Precious Metals -in Workers on their Industries. Galton, F. W. F 10 V l s \V..i 'ung in Sheet Metal Lukin, J. A 25 Q 4o Metallurgy — (':.■ . lUryforKudiiecivsandManuficturor.- Hind-book of Metallurgy Sehn Institution of Miniij-au'l Metallurgy. Lo: Mi lallurgical -Methods in use at B.okcnlli ieal -Met . W. Rarer Metals and their Allovs; by W. C. R. Austen... Smithson: ^Institution, Repts., 1890 500 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Vietoria— Geological Survey, Progress Reports' MA 5 V 1-5 [See also Assaying.] Metals— Mciuls and their Manufacture— f/i Our Trade in the World. Gastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 Metals; their Properties and Treatment Huntington, A. K. A 25 Q 43 Te... of .Metals and other .Materials for In, In, trial Purposes. United States Dept. ot'Wai 0-0.1 [St :e also Metal-work.] Metaphysics— Amongst the Persians Browne. 10. ('.. 1) 19 U Aristotle's Metaphysics in Aristotle and the K olior Peripatetics • l.vK. Zeller \, : c-Cs C If) U ;;■» ('P.^Pniversalis: byA.Collier...Metaphi 9 i< ITn G 24 U 29 ; hyC. J. Brennan... ard Bcnexe, the Mai ILi-t..rvof Ancient Philosophy Windelbi History of Philosophy Windclhai Hi ; ,-y of the Philosophy of Mind Blakev Phil. Hod g'on. Ph : sophyof.Mind l.mld Huh ophy of Reflection Hodgso 1, S. 1 Metaphysics — contd. Philosophy of T. H. Green Fair-brother, W. H. G 9 W 8 Philosophy of the Conditioned Mansel, ll.L. G 14 S 23 Philosophy of the Human Mind Stewart, I). G 10 V 1-3 Study of Mental Philosophy; by H. Laurie... Melb. Rev.', lo 052 Theory of Knov.'l.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'..'."ifobh'ouse, L." '1\ (1 14 (J 38 Theory of Reality Ladd, G. T. G 24 V 8 Works ' Butler, Bishop G 2 T 33-35 Metazoa. [See under each Division of the Animal King- den,] Meteorites- Four New Australian Meteorites; by H. A. Ward American Journal of Science. Feb.. I SOS .'A::, Introduction to Study of Mc'eorites... Brit. Museum -Nat. Hist. A 20 U 9 Meteoric Inn which fell in Johnson County. M , ■■!,. Iv.C: by G. New South Wales Meteorites; by'll'. W. Card ..' X. s'"Wah's— Noooleche Meteorite; by T.Cooksey .' ..' Australian Museum, Records, 3 507 Study of Meteorites ; by L. Fletcher... British Museum A 39 V 9 Synthetic Experiments relative to Meteorites. Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1808 506 Meteorological Instruments — Instructions for the Use of ( 'umbilici Maximum and Minimum Soil Thermometers United States Dept, of Ayr. — Weather Bureau A 19 V 32 Instructions for the Use of Maximum and Minimum Radiation Thermometers United States- Dept. of Agr. — Weather Bureau A 19 V 33 [See al*o Actinomclry; Balloons; Barometers; Kites; Ther- Meteorological Observations, [See Evaporation; Mag- netic Surveys; Meteorology Observatories.] Meteorological Periodicals. [See Meteorology — Periodi- cals.] Meteorological Societies. [See Meteorology -Societies.] Meteorology— General— Ar :.'.',.■ ■: - : ■■ >. Com] tcs rendtis des Seances 506 .inn' mm \ :•'.:•. :i. Ailvaucement of Science. Proc 506 British ArMiciati..:.. Advancement of Science, Report, 1S95... f.00 Meteorological Charts of the Red Sea logical Council A3 944 Public Library of New South Wales. Meteorology — contd. Meteorological Wink for Agricultural \n> 1 it ul ions : b\ M. \\*. Harrington ... United States Dept. of Agr. Weather Bureau A 19 V 30 Meteorologie Annec Seientiliipic et ludustrielle, 1', 1896 505 Meteorology Dickson, H. N. A 19 P 16 Meteorology and the Law of Storms... Do Penning,! J. A. A 38 T 8 Meteorology in its connections with Agriculture — in Scientific Writings" Henry, J. A 35 W 4 Meteorology, Practical and Applied Moore, J. W. A 19 R 18 Naturalist in Mid Africa Elliot, O. I". S. A 28 L' 22 North Atlantic t'vclones of August, 1883: by Lieut, \V. II. If. Southerland United ilydrographic Office A 13 W 20 t Observations made- at Port Maciptaric. Van Diet) en's Land, for the Purpose of Determining the Heat in Ascending in the Atmosphere. Edinburgh Journal of Scicr.ce, 1827 A 30 15 Observations on the Mean Temperature of the Earth at Sydney, 1824-25 Kdinburgh Journal of Sc : euee, 1827 A 30 15 Periodicity of (iood and Bad Seasons; by H. C. Russell. Royal Society, X. S. Wales, Proceedings, 1896 506 Physical Phenomena of tin' Upper I legions of the Atmosphere; by A. Cormi Smithsonian Institution. Repts., 1896 506 Scientific Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 4 Short Memoirs on Meteorological Subjects ... Smithsonian Inst. , Rept.,1877 506 Smithsonian Meteorological Tables Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 35 508 Solar and Terrestrial Magnetism in their relation to Meteorology ; by F. H. Bigelow U.S. — Dept. of Agr. --Weather Bureau A 41 U 3 Sounding the Ocean of Air Rotch, A. L. A 19 P 15 Storm Warnings Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit., 7 A34R7 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Notter, J. L. A 31 Q 22 Thermonietrieal Observations made at Raiatca in 1822; by Rev. L.E.Threlkeld... Edinburgh Journal ofSeienee. 1829 A 30 Q 20 Weather Charts and Storm Warnings... Scott, R. H. A 19 Q 10 Weather Forecasting; by F. H. Bigelow United States— Dept. of Agr. '■' -Weather liureau A 36 V 20 Weather Proverbs Dunwoody, Lieut. H. H. C. A 31 Q 6 [See ifeo Air; Auroras; Barometer; Climatology; Cyclones; Droughts; Evaporation ; floods; Kites; Magnetic Surveys; Meteorological Instruments ; Meteorology — Obsei vatories ; Me- teorology — Periodicals; Periodicity; Radiatii n ; Rain and Rainfall; Temperature; Thermometers; Tornadoes; Weather Forecasting; Winds; and sub-heading Climate under names of Countries. ] ■ Obserratories and Stations —Reports — American Association of State Weather Services, First Annual Meeting, Rept.... U.S. Dept. of Agr.— Weather Bureau 551.5 Astronomical and MavMiciioal Observations, Greenwich. Greenwich Royal < >bsen atory A 13 T 3* t Atmospheric Temperature in the United States; by C. A. Schott. Smithsonian Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 21 508 Australasian Weatliei Charts and Xexv Zealand Storms; by Maj.-Gen. Schaw New Zealand Institute. Trans., 29 506 Great Britain and Ireland Meteorological Council Report 551.5 Investigations of the New England Meteorological Society. Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 3l" 522.19 Koniglichen Observatorien bei Potsdam, Die" Potsdam - Konigl. Observatorien A 32 U 27 Meteorological and other Observations made at Willows, Cal Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 29 522.19 Meteorological and Physical Observations oil the East Coast of British America ' Sherman, O. T. A 13 W 22 + Meteorological Observations Tebbutt, J. MA 12 P 21 + Meteorological Observations ... Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 19 522.19 Meteorological Observatories ; by R, Inwards Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1890 500 Meteorological Observations at Stations of the .Second Order. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Meteorological Council 551.5 Meteorological Observations a.t Sydney... Sydney Observ. 551.5 Meteorological Observations made at 'Providence, Rhode Island; by A.Caswell ... Smithsonian Inst. , Units, to Knowledge, 24 508 Meteorological Observations made on the Summit of Pike's Peak, Colorado... Harvard Univ. Astron. Observ., Annals, 22 522.19 Meteorological Observations, South Australia and the Northern Territory Adelaide Observatory 551 . 5 Meteorology — Observatories and Stations— Eeporls — conld. Meteorological Observations taken at Suva . . . Suva Observ. 551.5 Meteorological Reports Queensland Chief Weather Bureau MA 3 P 39 t Monthly Weather Review United States Dept, of Agr.- - Weather Bureau 551.5 New England Meteorological Society. Observations, 1888-89. Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 21 522.19 New England Weather Service, Observations, 1892-95. Harvard Univ. Astronomical Observatory. Annals, 41 522.19 North Carolina Weather North Carolina State Weather Service 551.5 Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Mass Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals. 20, Mo.' -10, 42 522.19 Precipitation in Bain and Snow 'in the United States; by C. A. Schott ... Smithsonian Inst., Conts. to Knowledge, 18, 24 508 Rain, River, and Evaporation Observations, New South Wales. Sydney Observatory 551.57 Rainfall of Southern Riverina Royal Soc., N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 500 Experiment Station Record, 5 U.S. — Dept. of Agr. 630.7 Meteors — Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A19S16 Great Meteor of May, 1895 Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 500 Other Suns than Ours Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 15 Method- Element in Method in Various Fragments Spencer, H. G 23 S 3 Methodist Episcopal Church, United States— Autobiograpbx of William Tax lor of ( alifornia, Bishop of Africa. Taylor, Bishop C 23 S 13 History of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South, United States. Alexander, G. G 12 V 18 History of the Methodists in the United States... Buckley, J. M. G 12 V 12 Metre. [See Poetry (leneial; Prosody; 'Versification; and sub-heading Prosody under names of Languages.] Metric System— Against the Metric System -in Various Fragments... Spencer, H. G 23 S 3 Metric System Delbos, L. A 25 P 52 Metric System of Weights and Measures... Smith,.!. H. A 33 P 18 Remarks on, and Suggestions for a. Decimal Currency Royal Statistical Society, Journal, 1895 310 [Sue r(/so Decimal System : Weights and Measures.] Metrology. [See Weights and Measures.] Mexican Language and Literature — Nombres Geograficos de Mexico Peiiafiel, A. J 14 T 24 t [See also Indians, American — Languages.] Mexico — General ami Descriptive — Australian Trade Directory Wright, G. 910.3 Coffeeandlndia-rubhorCulturo in Mexico... Romero, M. A 41 S 16 Land of the Sun Reid, C. D 16 Q 1 Mexico, California, and Arizona Bishop, W. H. D 21 S3 Nombres Geograficos de Mexico I'enaticl, A. J 17 T 24 t Picturesque Mexico Wright, Marie R. D 11 V 16 t Poems of Places Longfellow, 11. W. H 11 P 36 Resources and Hex olopinent of Mexico... Bancroft ,11.11. B 16 Q 42 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 17 [See also Aztec Race and Language ; Mexican Language; Mexico -Religions.] Commerce and Trade— Commerce and Industries of Mexico... U.S.— Cons. Repts., 59 382 Trade of Mexico -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Foreign Office 382 Trade of Mexico and Tampion, 1S97 -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1898 Gt. Biit and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue—1896-1900. Mexico — (i'i-!iii, 7'i>/>:ii/t , Field Artillery with the other Arms... May, Major E. S. A 36 R 19 French-English Military Toehiiiral i >i2 Prospector's Haml-book Anderson, J. W. A 24 P 19 Receptacles for Valuable Mineral Dcpo-its; by F. I). Power. ' ' nlnst, Mir' ' Stu rat's Index to the Collection of' Minerals" 6th ed. Brit 4R27 -....itral History A 39 V 12 System of Mineralogy. 6th ed Dana, J. 1). A 35 W 21 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 [.S'»e«i*> Assaying; Blow-pipe Analysis ; (, ,; ■..;.,. ,i , : ;,,., monds; Gems; Geology. Metallurgy; Mini,,-; Mining- Peri- odicals; Petrology; and under each Mineral.] Mineralogy — Mnneums, Collections — Guide to the Mineral Gallery. British Museum... British Museum - Natural History A 39 V 14 Mineralogieal Collections in the United States National Museum. United States— National Museum, Rept., 1895 507 By Countries. Australia— Classification and Description of Australasian useful Mineral Deposits; bv A. Montgomery... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 622.06 [See also each Colony under this heading.] Canada — Ore Deposits of the U.S. i id Canada ... Kemp, J. F. A 38 S 25 Ellice Islands-- Roek Specimens from Funafuti ; by T. Cooksey. New Caledonia — Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 New South Wales — Mineralogieal and Penological Notes; by G. W. Card. N. S. Wales— Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Notes on some Broken Hill and other Barrier Minerals; by C. W. Marsh ... Aust. Inst.. Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 622.06 On some New South Wales and other Minerals ... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 506 Ottrelite-phyllite from near Wattle Flat; by G. W. Card. N. S. Wales— Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Stolzite, and a New Mineral, Raspite, from "Broken Hill; by C. Hlawatseh N. S. Wales — G col. Survey. Records, 6 559.44 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Two New Mini ial Substances from the Australian Broken Hill Consols Mines... Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 506 New Zealand- Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Norway Beskrivelse af en Ra:kke Norske Bcrgarter. . . Kjerulf , T. A 13 S 1 1 Queensland — Chillagoe Alining District and Projected Railway; by R. L. Jack. Queensland Geological Survey MA 2 V 53 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 ■ South Australia — Northern Territory of S. Australia... Parsons, J. L. MD 8 Q 49 South Australia Northern Territory. Reports ... Ml) 9 38 + Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Tasmania- Classified List of Mineral Species known to occur in Tasmania; by W. F. Petterd Royal Soc, Tasmania, Proc, 1896 506 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Useful Minerals of Tasmania ; by A. Montgomery... Australasian Institute, Mining Kngincers, Trans., 1S95 622.06 United States- Ore Deposits of the U.S. and Canada ... Kemp, J. F. A 38 S 25 Victoria - Locality List of all the Minerals hitherto recorded from Victoria; by J. A. Atkinson Royal Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1896 506 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Western Australia- Country Roek of the Kalgoorlie ( lold field ; by G. W. Card. N. S. Wales- Gool. Survey, Record, 6 559.44 Treatise on Ore Deposits Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 949 Miner's Safety Lamps — Chemical Technology Groves, C. E. A 21 V 6-8 Daw, Humphry, Poet and Philosopher; by T. E. Thorpe. Davy, Sir H. C 20 U 10 [Sit also Fires in Mines.] Miniature Painting— Biitish Miniature Painters and their Works Foster, J. J. A 17T32 t H. n res de Notre Dame Restree, J. (J 23 V 1 Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan British Museum A 31 P2 Portrait Miniatures, 1531-1860 Williamson, G. C. A 40 R 3 Mining— General — Aerial or Wire-rope Tramways ... Tavler, A. J. W-. A 20 Q 24 Blasting of Rock , "... Daw, A. W. A 10 U 9 Early History of Colonial Mining; by H. W. F. Kayser. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 022.00 Economies of Mining; bv J. II. Codfrev... Australasian Institute, " Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898 022.06 Indications of Ore Deposits; bv E. Lidgev ... Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 622.06 Indicators; bv XV. Bradford Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans.. 1897 022.06 Manual of Mining Ihlseng, M. C. A 38 U 23 Mine Drainage, Pumps, &c. ; by H. C. Behr California - State Mining Bureau A 24 T 30 Mine Stores; by F. D. Power Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., (i 022.00 Mineral Industry in the United States and other Countries. Rothwell, R. P. 622.09 Mining Industry of New South Wales; by W. 11. J. Slec in X. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. ..Hutchinson, V. Ml) 7 U 23 Mining Timber; its Use and Preservation; bv H. XV. F. Kavser. Australasian Inst.. Mining Engineers, trans.. 1S98 622.06 Ore and Stone-mining Foster, C. le N. A 44 Q 14 sses; by H. W. F. Kayser. nlns dMetallui Mining — Laws awl Legislation — conld. Miners' Manual Addison, G. C. MF 2 P 44 New South Wales Mining Act, 1874, and Amending Acts with Regulations thereunder N. S. Wales Statutes MF3R70 No-liability Mining Companies Act, 1890... Rolin, T. MF 3 R 8 United States Mining Laws... United States ( ieneral Land Office F 1 S 1 and 13 U 24 West Australian Mining Trouble... Review of Reviews, 1898 0.V2 Yukon Gold-fields Lugrin, C. II. F 13 Q 25 ■ Periodicals — Annales des Mines 553 Building. Engineering, and Mining .loin nal. &c 690.5 Dicker's Mining Record MA 10 Q 20 28 + Engineering and Mining Journal 620.5 Engineering Magazine 620.5 Mining Manual Skinner, W. R. 338.2 New Zealand Mining Journal 622.05 Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiittem, und Salincn-Wesen im Preus- sischen Staate Prussia 553 ■ Societies — Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, Trans. ... 622.06 ■ Statistics — ■ Mineral Industry in the U. Min :1 States and other Countries. Rothwell, R, P. 622.09 Resources of the United States United States— Geological Survey 553 Statistics, United Kingdom, 1895... Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Home Office 338.2 id Quarries : General Report and Statist n Ore Dep .1 lie -Hor ■Office :::N2 Phillips, J. A. A 25 V 31 5 P 1 Mining and Mineral Resources- ' Iron and Steel and Allied Industries in Al Swank ... United States -Oeolngical S Mineral Industry in the United States air .'■.•cT,;; i-ell,'R. : Mining En .mission. I ,ed by the California ibliography relating ■iptive Catalogue, R» >epositsoftheU.S. a - China — ■se Mining Regulatioi Colorado ado— Bureau of Mine - Great Britain -al Indv eUn - Greece 5 du Laurion Hawaii— "Public Library of New South Wales. Mining and Mineral Resources — India — Mineral Production in India India— Dept. of Revenv 338.2 —Ann. Repts. 353.9772 Indiana — State Mine Inspector, Report.., New South Wales- Broken Hill Vughs; Occurrences and Probable Causes; by H. G. Bavc Aust. Inst.. Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 022.110 Mines of New South Wales '. 338.2 Mining Industry of X. S. Wales Roberts, J. W. MA 4 T 2 New Zealand — Crown Lands and Mines, Xev Zealand, Reports — in Appendix to Journals New Zealand Parliament 328.931 Wealth and Wild Cats Radclyffe, R. MD 6 R 17 Ohio- Inspector of Mines, Reports Ohio— Annual Repts. 328.771 ■ Philippine Islands — Mineral Resources; by G. F. Becker United States — Geol. Survey, Rept., 1897-98, pt. 6 557.3 Queensland — List of Minerals, Walsh and Tinaroo Mining District, North Queensland Royal Suejety, Queensland, Proc, 1899 506 South Africa — Mining Practice of the Witwatersrand Gold-fields; by G. A. 1 Jenny. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans." 1898 022. 110 . Aust. Min. Standard 622.05 United States — Mineral Industry in the United Slates and other Countries. Hot h well, 11. P. 622.09 Mineral Resources of the United States United States- Geological Survey 553 Ore Deposits of the U.S. and Canada ... Kemp, J. F. A 38 S 25 U.S. — Geological Survey, Annual Reports 557.3 [See a/\o California under this heading.] Victoria- Australian Colony, An Victoria— Agriculture MD 8 Q 57 Observations on 'Temperature in the Deep Mines of Bendigo ; by J. Stirling... Aust. Inst., Min. Engineers, Trans., 1897 022.(10 Victoria— Geologieal Survey, Progress Beports MA 5 V 1-5 Western Australia- Golden West, The Western Australian International Mining and Industrial Exhibition, 1899 MA P ;>.:> f Mineral Wealth of Western Australia; by A. (i. Maitland. Western Australia— Geol. Survey, Hull. 4 MA 3 R 4 Mining Hand-book of Western Australia Woodward, IT. P. MA 3 T 61 Wealth and Wild Cats Radclyffe, R. MD 6 R 17 Westralian Mining Manual Beeman, G. B. MF 1 P 45 Zululand — Mineral Resources of Zululand, Report Zululand 553 Mining Industry of Zululand, Report Zululand 553 Mining Companies — Handy Register of Mining Companies MA 5 R 1 [See also Mining -Education, Schools, and Museums.] Mining Departments- California State Mining Bureau, Report 553 Colonial laboratory, New Zealand, Reports. New Zetland Mines and Mining 553 Department of Mines an-! Agriculture. Reports ... X. S. Wales— , T , Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Mineral Industry of Tasmania Tasmania --Minim' 553 Minister of Mines, Annual Report ... British Columbia Mine i)e,,t. Mining Departments — contd. Papers and Reports relating to Minerals and Mining, New Zealand, 1896 Sew Zealand— Mines and Mining 553 Pennsylvania — Bureau of Mines, Report 622. 009 Queensland .Mines, Report 553 Secretary for Mint Secretary for Min —Pari. , V. and P. 328. 945 We; ry of Mines, Tasmania, Reports in Journal of Parliament Tasmania-Parliament 328. 94 n Australia— Mines, Report 553 [See Mining — Laws and Mining Engineering — Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans 622.06 Coal, Mine-gases, and Ventilation Thomas, J. W. A 24 Q 35 Colliery Survey ing O'Donahue, T. A. A 25 P 44 Engineering Magazine 620.5 Engineer's Year-book Kempe, H. R. 0211.8 Mine Drainage Michell, S. A 38 S 18 Mine Drainage, Pumps, &c. ; by H. C. Behr California- State Mining Bureau A 24 T 30 Mine Models and Mine Plans; by U. Dudley Australasian Institute. Alining Engineers,' Trans., 1893 022.00 Practice and Science of Mining Engineering Fairley, W T . A 22 R 18 Use of Electricity in Mining ; by E. F. J. H. Hewlett. Australasian Inst., Mining Engineers, Trans., 022.00 [See also Coal-mines; Coal-mining:' Gas in Mines; Gold-mining; Fires in Mines: Mining General ; Pumps.] Mining Law and Regulatioi Legislation.] Mining Machinery — Davis Calyx Drill: by Davis ami Knspp... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895 622.00 Developments of Gold-extract ing Machinery, and some Causes of Failure; by J. W. Jaffray Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 022.00 Improved Blanket Table : by T. White... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897 022.00 Improved Buffer for Ore-feeders ; by T. White Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers, 'Trans., 1808 022.00 Mine Drainage, Pumps, &c. ; by H. C. Behr California- State Mining Bureau A 24 T 30 Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, Annual Report, 1897. Victoria— Mines 622.009 Test of a Modern Air-coniprc ssing Plant ; by E. J. Rigby. Australasian Inst. , Mining Engineers! Trans., 1808 022.00 Testing Reducing Machinery; by F. D. Power Australasian Institute, Mininy Engineers. 'Trans,, 1894 022.00 [See also Pumps.] Mining Periodicals. [See Mining — Periodicals.] Mining Schools and Education. [St tion, Schools, Museums.] ing — Educa- Mining Societies. [See Mining — Societies, Boards, In- stitutes.] Mining Statistics. [See sub-heading Statistics under Mining; also under each Country, in Author Cata- logue, for Government Publications.] Ministers of State. [See Ambassadors; Chancellors; Diplomacy; Statesmen and Politicians.] Ministers of the Gospel. [See Clergy; Missionaries; Preachers.] Minnesingers — Fourteenth Century, The Snell, F. J. J 27 Q 3 Henry Suso, the Minnesinger of Eternal Love and Wisdom — in Pro-Reformation Worthies Cowan, Rev. W. G 23 Q 10 Lays of the Minnesingers Tavlor, E. H 1 2 T 8 Troubabours at Home Smith, J. H. II 12 U 21, 22 [See also Troubadours.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Minnesota — History— Minnesota Historical Society, Collections 977.6 Minor Prophets. [See Prophets; and under each of the Prophetical Books.] Minorca — History — Lost Possessions of England Lord, \V. F. B 1G R 24 Mints and Mint Reports— ]>• putvMasterof Mint. Kept... Gt. Brit, andlrel.— Mint 332.494-2 Director of the Mint, United States, Report United States - Brough, \V. F 15 Q 22 Miracle, Morality, and Mystery Plays — Cluster Plays Shakespeare Socictv. Pubs. H 3 U 22 English Miracle Plays Pollard', A. W. H 13 V 3 Interlude of the Four Element,: an early Moral Play. Liidus Coveniria;: a Collection of Mysteries formerly represented at Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi Shakespeare Our Lord's Com in- and Childhooil ... Hinkson, Katherine Tynan H 7 U 42 Towneley Plays... Early English Text Sue., extra ser., 71 820.8 [Sir also Drama, The; Ober-Ammcrgau ; Passion Plays.] Credibility of Miracles; by Rev. R. Potter... Melb. Rev., 5 032 From Miracles to Medicine" in Warfare of Science with Theolot'v. White, A. IX (!3U 17, 18 Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S 30 Miracle "' 1 Mo, ;i i: : Place of Miracles in R-ligion Lvttehon. Rishop G 24 Q 13 Works Butler, Bishop G 2 T 33-35 [S,, aho Apologetics; Apparitions; Christian Evidences; Spiritualism ; Supernaturalism.] Mirage— Scientific Papers Tait, P. G. A 10 U 13 + Missals and Breviaries — Church Services and Service Books before the Reformation. Swete, Rev. H. B. G 19 TJ 19 Miscellaneous Literature. [See Literature— General.] Mishna. [See Talmud.] Missionaries and Evangelists— Fr,. ,cis Xavicr. S;.', i.iie'and Lclurs 'of ..'..'. ..'... ..'....'" 1! 27 V 20 ek, Lu • lei . I'l. '. II. Missionary Societies. [See Missions and Missionary Work — Societies.] Missions and Missionary Work — General- British and Foreign Bible Society, Report 200 Centenary Conference on Protestant Missions, 1888. Ecclesiastical Expansion f England ... Barry, Rev. A. G 14 S 31 .. Schimmelmann, Countess C 12 S 18 Creegan, Rev. C. C. ( i 14 8 30 Illustrated Missionary Xc Missionary Expansion oft e Reformed Church. ..(iraham, Rev. J. A. G23P 10 Missions at Home and Al •oad... Chicago Exhib., 1893 G 19 U 4 Modern Missions in the I- at... Lawrence, Rev. E.A. G 19 U IS Travel and Talk, 1S8.V 9.-. llaweis, Rev. 11. K. 1) 16 R 5, 6 [See also Evangelistic \V, •k; Kanakas; Medical Missions ; Me- lanesia; Micronesia ; Ne v Hebrides ; Polynesia ; Salvation Army.] City and Home — Missions at Home and Abroad... Chicago Exhib., 1893 G 19 U 4 Plea for the Sydney City Mission Sydney City Mission MG 1 P 88 Poor and their Happiness Goldie, J. G 1 U 33 Story of a Busy Life; or. Recollect ions of Mrs. (ieorge A. Paul; by Rev. J. R. Miller Paul, Mrs. G. A. C 23 P 1 1 Vict. \\ recked, but Rescue [S,e also Church and i Schools; Y.M.C. A Foreign— nquests of the ( gest, Records o Propa| Historical Essays Lightfoot. liisl Missions a.t Home ami Abroad,.. Chicago Exhib., 1 Modern Missions in the Fast... Lawrence, Rev. K. New Evangelism Dru.nmond, [See also Medical Missions ; South Sea Islands.] Periodicals — Australasian Methodist Missionary Review Australasian Missionary Xews Colonial Church Chronicle and Missionary Journal... Centenary Conference on Protestan Jo Digest of the Records of the Rocieti Propagation of the Gosj History of London Missionary So, ii By Countries. Aborigines of Australia 206 MF 1 P4 Thompson, Rev. R. W. 9, 1888. ev. .1. : 1 P3I. 32 eiety for the ■jen Par s G 1 P30 L895. . Lovett, R. G24 U 5, 6 VI 802 . MG 1 T6 Hist ri. Is, 1853 54. mi; 2 U 31 126U1 25 cr, F. ; 3 V 23 28 i. S. Wales Aborii . Wolff, Rev. J. 1) 16 T 22, 23 ^Public Library of Neio South Wales. Missions and Missionary Work— Africa— Among the Wild Ngoni Elmslie, W. A. D 21 Q 4 Colonization of Africa Johnston, Sir H. H. F 15 S 13 Hero of the Dark Continent, A... Rankine, Rev. W. H. C23P17 Life for Africa, A Parsons, Ellen C. G 23 P 41 On the Threshold of Central Africa Coillard, F. D 13 U 2 Arabia — Arabia, the Cradle of Islam Zwemer, Rev. S. M. D 13 R 12 Assyria— Catholicos of the Kasi and his People Maclean, Rev. A. J. G26R2 Ceylon- Christianity in Ceylon Tennent, Sir J. E. G 23 T 11 China — From Far Formosa Mackay, Rev. G. L. D 1 7 S 1 3 From Peking to Petersburgh Reid, A. D 13 S 2 Gulick, Luther Halsoy Jewett, Frances G. G 23 Q 7 Sister Martyrs of Ku Cheng Berry, Rev. 1). M. MG 2 T 19 Twenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China Stott, G. D 17 S 20 Gold Coast — Nine Years at the Gold Coast Kemp, Rev. D. B 25 T 17 Hawaii — Gulick, Luther Halsey Jewett, Frances G. G 23 Q 7 Transformation of Hawaii Brain, Belle M. G 24 Q 19 India — Bickersteth, Edward, Life and Letters of ... Bickersteth, Bishop C 26 S 1 1 S udder, Rev. J. , Memoir of ; bv Rev. J. B. Waterbury. . . C 27 R 3 Travels and Adventures Wolff, Rev. J. D 1G T 22, 23 - — — - Japan — Bickersteth, Edward, Life and Letters of ... Bickersteth, Bishop C26S11 Gist of Japan Peery, Rev. R. B. G 11 U 31 Gulick, Luther Halsey Jewett, Frances G. G 23 Q 7 Maker of New Japan : Rev. J. H. Neesima ... Davis, Rev. J. D. G19U10 Melanesia — History of the Melanesian Mission... Armstrong, E. S. MG 2 S 29 Light of Melanesia Montgomery, Bishop MG 1 Q 68 Selwyn, John, Bishop; by F. D. How MC 1 T 35 Micronesia — Gulick, Luther Halsey Jewett, Frances G . G 23 Q 7 • New Hebrides- New Hebrides Mission, Annual Report 279 934 Mission Life on Tanna, New Hebrides Watt, Agnes C.'p _, . MC 1 T 28 Persia- Travels and Adventures Wolff, Rev. J. D 16 T 22, 23 Polynesia — Brown Men and Women Reeves, E. MD 3 U 14 Colonial Church Chronicle Q on, {j \_o% Heroes of the South Seas Bulks. Martha' ilurr MC L > i;""| Holy Tonga Thomas,.). Ml)., R:i6 Island A oyage, 18K0 Mclaiicsiaii Mission MG 2 S 17 Murray, Rev. A. W., a Veteran Missionary: In Memoriam , T 4 . r T ,. ,, King, Rev. J. MG 2 S 21 Narrative of Leading Events of Voyage 2 of the s.s. ./„/.,, KVV/v,,,.,- „, , .. T , Hore, Capt. E. C. MG 2 S 23 Otaneitean Journals London Missionary Society MG 1 T6 Missionary Life in Samoa Lundie, G. A. MG 1 P 23 ■ Sierra Leone- Seven Y'ears in Sierra Leone Pierson, Rev. A. T. G 4 V 30 Mississippi— General and Descriptive— Dixie; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches ... Ralph, J. D 22 R 5 Mites— Zoology — Board of Agriculture Leaflets, 1893-95 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Board of Agr. A 21 V 31 British Fresh-water Mites; by C. D. Soar... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 [See also Acarina. ] Mithra and Mithraism. [See Vedas, The; Zoroastrians.] Mitosis. [See Cells.] Mnemonics — Memory System Cunninghame, A. D. MG 2 P 56 [See also Memory.] Moa- Classification of the Moa N.Z. Journal of Science, 1891 505 Enormous Fossil Bones latelv discovered in New Zealand; by W. Colenso Tasmania.! Journal, 2 MA 5 R 5 Have we the Remains of a Swimming Swan-like Moa? by T. White New Zealand Institute, Trans. , 1899 506 Leg Bone of Maonnmi* from Glenmark ; bv Capt, F. W. Hut ton. New Zealand Institute. Trans., 1896 506 Maori and the Moa, The; by E. Best Polynesian Society, Journal, 1896 996 Moa Australian, The MJ4P 11 Moa, and the Probable Cause of its Extinction Pyke, V. MA4S4 Moa and Ton; bv T. White N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1899 506 Moa Farmers; by R. Henry N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898. 506 Moa in Australia New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Moa Skulls in the Canterbury Museum ; by Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute. Trans., 1896 506 Moas of the Xorth Island of \Y\\ Zealand : bv Capt. F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1896 506 Occurrence of Moa and other Remains at Albury New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Travel ami Talk, 1S85 95 Haweis, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 [See alio Dinornithidie ; Pake ontology — New Zealand.] Modelling — Artistic Ta.\iderm\ ami Modelling Browne, M. A 23 U 39 Chapters on the History of Art Plinius A 25 V 29 Cours de Modelage scolaire Stepman, — . A 40 V 8 Manual of Clav-inodcllimr L'nwin. Mary L. H A 23 R 44 New Methods in Education Tadd, J. L. G 18 U 12 Plastering, Plain and Decorative Millar, W. A 10 X 9 t Plastic Method Harbutt, W. A 40 R 1 . Technique of Sculpture Partridge, W. 0. A 23 P 14 Mohammedanism — Arabia, the Cradle of Islam Zwemer, Rev. S. M. D 13 R 12 Constantinople Grosvenor, E. A. B 21 V 24, 25 CorAn: its Composition and Teaching... Muir, Sir W. G 4 V 16 Hedaya, or Guide: a Commentary on the Mussulman Laws; trans, by C. Hamilton G 25 U 9 History of the Christian Church... Sheldon. II. C. (! 14 R 20 -24 • sofTurkey Ramsay, W. M. D 17 S 21 ts Founder Stobart, J. W. H. G 4 V 16 Missionary Religion Haines, C. R. G 4 V 20 Erica Atterbury, Rev. A. P. G 24 P 29 ad Seienee in Poetry of the Celtic Races... Renan, E. J 16 R 41 id El Islam, The... Burton, SirR, F. A 41 S 2 >rus Spry, W.J.J. B 36 U 4 y— Administration, Manual. 1886 915.48 has it any Future? Robinson, Rev. C. H. G4 V27 Mohammedanism in its relation to Christianity -in History of the Christian Church Schaff, Rev. P. G 24 V 2, 3 hing of Islam Arnold, T. W r . G 1 5 R 34 Islam a: Jew, the Gypsv, ai Life on the'lio',,,!^, Madras Presidency Mohammedanism I Religion of th S.iladin ; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf Sketches from Eastern History Story of Lafsu Beg, the Camel Driver . . Studies of Mohammedanism Through Persia, and India [See also Koran.] lall, Rev. St. C. G 4 V 21 . Salah-Ed-Din C 24 R 20 ... Nohleke, T. B12U36 "Gunn.Dr.D." MJ3P44 Pool, J. J. G 12 V 36 Weeks, E. L. D 17 V 22 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Molasses — Food and Food Adulterants United States- Dept. of Agr.— Division of Chemistry A 34 T 40 Manufacture of Sorghum Sirup; by A. A. Denton... United States — Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 90 A 41 U 2 [S, ug.u B-] Molecular Physics — Kinetic Theory of Oases Meyer, 0. M. A 38 S 19 Machinery of the Universe Dolbear, A. E. A 24 P 47 Matter, Energy, Font-, and Work ... Holman, S. W. A 20 Q 29 [St< also Atomic Thenrv ; Chemistry, I\l;>sl i--il v ; Kther ; Oravita- li.iu; Matter; Melting and Boiling L'oiut' Tables; Physics; Strength of Materials.] Moles — [Set iUso Talpid.-e.] Molltisca — General — ■ Best Means of Increasing the Supply of Mn <.-;•!-; ami oilier Mollusea. Internat. Fisheries Fxhii,., 1SS3, Lit,, 11 A 34 R 11 Collecting Mollusks, and other Useful Hints for the Conchologist ; bv W. H. Dall... United States National Museum A 37 S 51 Files s of the Atmosphere on the Shells of Mollusea; by Mrs. Angus Kenyon Royal Society, Tasmania. Proceedings, 1896 506 Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollu-va in the British Museum; bv J. E. Cray ... British Museum -Natural History A 43 S 1 Internat. Fisheries Exhib., Loud., 1883, Literature A 34 R 1-14 Mollusea in the Collection of the British Museum British Museum— Natural History A 43 W 34 Molluscs, &c, used as Food or Bait... Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit,, 6 A 34 R 6 Moilnsks collected bv the Boundary Commission of the United States and Mex ! " """ "' u " 189-2 94 by W. H. Dall.. National Museu United States- n, Proc, 19 50 ephalous Mollusea- in Sc ientifio Memoif Huxley, T. H. A 40 S reulation du Sang chez It Huxley, s Mollusques -- T. H. A 40 S 1 ia.dabb; byT. W.Stanton ..United States- department of . British Muse ilgique, Annale by W. M. Web Mollusea — New Caledonia — New Mollusea, chiefly from New Caledonia; by C. Hedley. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.6 New Hebrides — New Species of Mollusc:! from New Hebrides; by J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1896 580.6 New South Wales — Austrosarepta, and Notes on other Mollusea; by C. Hedley. Linnean Society. V S. Wales, Proc., 1899 580.6 New Species of Mollusc;] from New South Wales; by J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1896 580.6 New Zealand— Ceogranhieal Relations of our Land and Fresh-water Mollusea. New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand; by II. Suter New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 506 Queensland — Marine Mollusea from Torres Straits; by J. C. Melville. Linnean Society, Lond., Journal, Zoology, July, 1899 580.6 Samoa — Teetibranchs and Naked Mollusks from Samoa; by C. Eliot. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Proc, 1899 506 South Australia — New Species of Marine Mollusea; by J. C. Vereo. Royal Soc, South Australia, Trans., 20 506 ■ Tasmania - Conchological Notes on Tasmanian Mollusea; by Mrs Angus Kenyon Royal Society, Tasmania. Proceedings, 1896 506 On some Tasiuanian (7/»'e«s;'bv W. II. Bednall... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1894-95 506 United States — Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States, 1. United States Com. of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 t United States National Museum, Proceedings, 1894 507 [See also America, North, California, under this heading.] Victoria — Four New Species of Mollusea from Victoria; by J. Brazier. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 580.6 New Species of Victorian Mollusea; bv 0. B. Pritchard. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1898, 1900 580.6 Western Australia- New Species of Mollusea from Western Australia; by J. Brazier. America, North — Revision of the Deepwater Mollusc Verrill United States— Na of North Amor ional Museum, I Australia- Australasian Tertiary Mollusea ; by < .F.Harris...Bril Critical Remarks on some Australi Mollusea of Central Australia .... uii'ng'.] Tate ' R California Monads and Monadism Monarchy — f C20T6, 7 .... Reclus, E. D21 U 14 la Nouvelle-Cuince, et a s, J. H. de B. Ml) 4 U 34 . Miiller, F. M. J 5 T 33 Great Britain - British Oligocene and Foecne Mollusea in the British Museu II. B. Newton .. British Museum Natural llislorv A- History of British Mollusea and their Shells Fori i Monaro as a Site for the Capital of Federated Australia. Bombala Railway and Federal League MD 8 P 47 Public Library of New South Wales. Monasteries— Registrant Monasterii de Passelet Maitland Club G 15 T 25 [See also Abbeys: Convents; Monastieism ; Monks; and under names of Monasteries.] Monastieism — Anselm, St Church, Dean G 23 P 25 Christian Institutions Allen, Rev. A. V. G. G 24 R 10 Empire and the Papacy, (IIS- 127:i Tout. T. F. B 16 R 32 English Black -Monks of St. Benedict Taunton, Rev. E. L. Gil S41.42 Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. G 11 U 18 History of the Christian Church Schaff, Rev. P. G 24 P 2, 3 History of the Christian Church... Sheldon, H. C. G 14 R 20-24 Life in a Modern Monastery MeCabe, J. G 23 Q 38 Monastic Life Alliers, T. W. G 15 S 32 Monastieism .- Feasey, H. J. G 23 R 26 Monastieism, Ancient and Modern Woodhouse, Rev. F. C. G19T18 Monastieism: its Ideals and its History Harnack, Rev. A. G 19 U 7 Old English Bible, and other Essays. . .Gasquet, Rev. F. G 19 T 34 Origin and Early History of Double Monasteries; by Mary Bateson. Royal Historical Society, Trans., n.s. 13 906 Parish Priests and their People in the Middle Ages in England. Cutts, Rev. E. L. G 23 Q 45 Scenes and Sketches of the Middle Ages Cutts, Rev. E. L. B 28 U 21 Twelve Years in a Monastery MeCabe, J. G 23 R 6 Woman under Monastieism, 500 1500...Eekonstoin, Lina G 1 T 22 [See aim Asceticism ; August inians ; Benedictines; Brotherhoods; Celibacy; Convents; Dominicans; Franciscans; Jesuits; Monasteries; Monks; L'assionists; Religious Orders.] Monetary Question. [See Bi-metallism; Currency.] Money. [See Bi-metallism; Currency; Paper Money.] Money-lending — Great Britain and Ireland— Money-lending, Report from Select Mongolia — General and Descriptive — Diary of a Journey through Mongolia and Tibet, 189 Rockhill, W. \V. Journey of Willi 1253-55 Universal Geography of Ruhrnekiothc Eastern Parts of the Work Hakluyt Soeiet y Pubs. , -2nd ser., 4 910. Reclus, E. D21 U Mongols— Babar Man, Past and Present [See also Hieroglyphics; lliti Monism — Monist Naturalism am [See also Dualism ; Pantheism; Spinozi Ward, J. (I 24 V 14, 15 Juyau, M. J. G 11 R 41 . Ladd, G. T. G 3 R 29 n; Theology, Natural.] Monkeys — Brain of Atelcs jwniscus- Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A* 40 S 16 [See also Apes; Pithecanthropus crcctus.] Monks — English Black Monks of St. Benedict Taunton, Rev. E. L. Scenes and Sketc [See also Monast Alliers, T. W. G 15 S 32 ;s of the Middle Ages Cutts, Rev. E. L. B 28 U 21 us: Monastieism; Nuns; Religious Orders; Monmouthshire— General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 7 Monocotyledons— Hand-list of Tender Monocotyledons cultivated in the Gardens. Kew Royal Gardens A 20 Q 41 [See also Botany — Manuals.] Monogamy. [See Mormonisin.] Monograms. [See Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms; Illumination — Fine Arts.] Monopolies — Combination and Monopoly— in Economic Theory. Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Monopolies and Trusts Ely, R. T. F 17 T 8 Principles of Political Economy Nicholson, J. S. F 8 25 Relation of the State to Industrial Action Adams, H. C. F4V11 Theory of Wealth Cournot, A. F 4 U 19 Useful Work e,,,«,- Useless Toil Morris, W. F 17 T 18 Wealth and Moral Law Andrews, Rev. E. B. F 8 V 10 Wealth ngab.M Commonwealth Lloyd, H. D. F 10 P 24 [See also Capital; Trusts.] Monotheism — Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, H. S. G 11 U 18 [See also Polytheism.] Monotremata — Marsupial i a and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum; by (). Thomas. ..British Museum— Nat. Hist. A 42 V I Reptilian Affinities in the Temporal Region of the Monotremc Skull; by Dr. von Bemmelen International Congress of Zoology, Proa, 1898 A 35 W 14 Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds Nicols, A. A 27 S 16 Structure and Development of the Hair of Monotremes and Mar- supials; by B. Spencer and Georgina Sweet Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Jan., ISO!) 578 Temperatures of Reptiles, Monotremes, and Marsupials; by A. Sutherland Royal Soc, Victoria, Proceedings, 1890 500 [See al*o Echidna: Marsupials; Platypus.] Monroe Doctrine — America and Europe : a Study of International Relations F 2 V 30 American Ideals Roosevelt, T. F 15 Q 16 America's Foreign Policy Woolsey, T. S. F 16 S 3 History of the Last Quarter Century in the United States, 1870 95. Andrews, E. B. F 1 S 10 Monroe Doctrine Reddaway, W. F. F 15 R 15 Side lie], ts on American History Elson, H. W. B 16 P 4 [See also United States— Politics.] Monstrosities. [See Abnormities; Dwarfs; Hermaphro- Mont Blanc - Annals of Mont Blan . Mathews, C. E. D 22 P 9 Montana— Genen d and Descriptive — Our Western Archipelago Field, H. M. D 16 S 4 Public Lands— State Land Office, Report Montana— Land Office 330. 1 Montana Historical Society Library- Librarian's Report Montana— Library 978.6 Montana State College of Agriculture. [For Cata- logue, Reports, and Publications, see Author Cata- " Rouge et Noir" G 15 S 30 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Montenegro — General and Descriptive — E<1 -v of the Orient Russell, R. H. D 17 U 19 Tin vols and Politics in the Near East Miller, W. D 13 V 14 Hand-book, Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, .Montenegro, Roumania, ; ,,,d Servia Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office F 12 S 21 Commerce and Trade — Trade of Montenegro -in I Hplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 3S2 . History — Balkans, The Miller, W. B 16 R 48 Monterey — General and Descriptive — Eldorado Taylor, B. I) 16 Q 2 Montevideo — History — Lost Possessions of England Lord, W. F. B 16 R 24 Montiporinse — M idreporarian Corals in the British Museum... British Museum — Natural History A 18 U 3 t Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions — Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire; by C. T. Davis. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries B 40 P 6 [S,r also Arclueology— By Countries; Brasses; Inscriptions; Mounds; Pyramids': Sculpture; Tombs and Mausoleums.] Moon— A.ademie des Sciences. Comptes rendus des Seances 506 Action of the Planets on the Moon United States— Bureau of Equipment, Astronomical Papers, vol. 5, pt. 3 520.8 Borderland of Science in Leisure Readings Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 Certain Lunar Inequalities due to the Action of Jupiter. United States -Bureau of Equipment Ast. Capers, 3 520.8 Determination of the Inequalities of the Moon's Motion which are produced by the Figure of the Earth ... United States— Bureau of Equipment Ast. Papers, 3 520.8 Determination of the Solar Parallax and Mass of the Moon; by D. Gill Cape of O 1 Hope Roval Observatory 522.19 Errors in the Theory and Tables of the Moon's Motion; by Prof. J. N. Stockwell Astronomical Journal, 1896-97 520.5 Has the Moon an Atmosphere in Leisure Headings. Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 16 Observations of the Moon and Planets; by W. H. Pickering. Harvard University Astron. Obs. , Annals. ;«. ,,(.. ■> 522.19 Scientific Papers Adams, J. C. A 10 U 10, 11 t Tides, Currents, and the Moon; by W. Buchanan... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S97 506 T.aite de Mceanique Celeste Tisserand, F. A 5 P 29 t Transformation of Hansen's Lunar Theory, compared with the Theory of Delaunay ... United States- Bureau of Equipment — Ast. Papers, 1 520.8 [See also Eclipses ; Tides.] Moors — Moorish Empire Meakin, B. B 33 Q 12 [See also Alhambra, The; Arabs.] Moral Education— eac ling o . ora l \ in ami y B ^ jV^,,' )ie q ,g p 4S Moral Philosophy Complete Works Conduct of Life . Cosmic Ethics ... De Officiis; trans of Ma, 16 V 4 n, K. W. 1 -2-2 I > ■_•« s, \V. C. ; 15 I,) 3- o, M. T. 1210 2 Moral Philosophy— co? Early American Philosoph Elements of Moral Science Ethica; or, the Ethics of Reason Laurie, S. S. O 9 W 29 Ethical System of James Martincau Hertz, J. H. G 26 T 10 Ethics Mill, J. S. G 11 U 14 Ethics Wundt, W. U 11 R 40, 41 Ethics — in Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Aristoteles (i 19U23 Ethics and Religion Secloy, Sir J. G 25 S 14 Ethics of Aristotle ; by J. Burnet Aristoteles G 24 V 27 Evolutional Ethics and Animal Psychology Evans, E. P. G23Q20 Ferrier, James Frederick ; by E. S. Haldane C 20 V 17 Formal and Material Elements of Kant's Ethics. Washington, W. M. G 26 T 16 Genealogy of Morals: Poems Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 17 Genesis of the Social Conscience Nash, ll! S. G 11 U 18 Hand-book of Moral Philosophy Cahlcrwood, H. G 1 U 40 Herbart and the Herbartians De Garnio, C. G 9 W 23 Heresies Hiller. H. C. G 24 P 21, 22 Idea of God and the Moral Sense Paynes, II. G 24 V 18 Introduction to Philosophy Kiilpe, O. G 18 P 44 Introduction to Philosophy Ladd, G. T. G 1 T 24 Kant's Inaugural I );s-ertation of 1770; trans, by W. J. Eckoff. Kant, I. G 26 T 4 Making of Character MacCunn, J. G 26 Q 8 Man, considered Socially and Morally Sparkcs, G. G 9 V 37 Metaphvsic of Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Metaphysical, Ethical, raid Political Philosophy Stewart, D. G 16 V 7 Modern Physics Naville, E. A 24 R 24 Moral Evolution Harris, G. G 14 S 27 iheolog; "I Ethics Wallace, W. G 24 U 24 Outline of Philosophy Watson, J. G 17 S 19 Philosophy of Right: He-el. G. \Y. P. G 12 V 24 Philosophy of T. II. Green Fairbrotlier, \V. H. G 9 W 8 Practical Ethics Sidgwick, H. G 23 Q 16 Ruskin, John, Writings J 23 S 29, 30 Science of Ethics Fichte, J. G. G 11 S 40 Selected Works Seneca, L. A. G 17 S 13 Short Study of Ethics D'Arey, C. F. G 1 U 36 Social Rights and Duties Stephen, L. F 8 V 29, 30 Study of Ethics Dewey, J. (J 3 R 30 Supplement toKpitomc of the Synthetic Philosophy... Collins, F. H. G 16S53 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Will to Believe, The James, W. G 23 R 24 Wordsworth's Position as an Ethical Teacher Boyle, Bishop J 14 R 15 [S<■ yi lopment Crozier, J. R. G17T 11 Philosophy of Religion Cau-d, Rev. J. G 1 T 25 Progress of .Morality in the Relations of Men and Women; by Rei J. M. Wilson— in Good Citizenship... Hand, Rev. J. E. ~ 15 S 33 23 Q Hi Public Morality in Practical Ethics... Sidgwick, H. Rational, or Scientific Ideal Moral ii v... Fitzgerald, P. V. v T i i zo Sakularbilder Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 30 Scientific Basis of Morality Core. (J. G 24 U 20 Teaching of Morality in the Family and the School. Bryant, Sophie G 18 P 48 Mystery Morality Plays. [See Miracle-, Morality, Plays.] Medicine and the Mind Floury, M. do G 24 U 37 Morasses — Freshwater Morasses of the United States; by N. S. Shaler. United States Geological Survey, Annual Kept., 10 £57.3 Moravians — History of the Moravian Church in the United States. Hamilton, J. T. G 12 V 15 Moray — History — History of Moray and Nairn Rampini, C. B 32 T 18 Mordants. [See Dyes and Dyeing.] Moreton Bay— Moreton Bay and Port Bowen ... N. S. Wales Mag. , 1 MJ 4 Q 7 Mormonism — Mormonism— in Democracy and Liberty Leeky, W H E F 12 T 4, 5 Tell it All: the Storv of a Life's Exp Stcnhou Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Haw ■ienco in Morn , Mrs. T. B. H. G 23 S 18 s, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 Morocco — General and Descriptive — In Moorish Captivity ( Jrey , H. M. D 22 R 1 5 Land of an African Sultan Harris, \V. I?. I) 14 1' 15 Memoir Hay, Sir J. 1). C 21 U 1 1 Mogreb-el-Acksa: a Journey in Morocco Graham, R. B. ('-. D 22 P 7 Morocco; its People and Places ... ])e Amieis, E. 1) IS S 25 »(> Tafilet Harris, W. B. 1) 14 S 23 Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 11 Commerce and Trade - Trade of Morocco— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 3S2 History — Moorish Empire Meakin, B. B 33 Q 12 Action of Benzoyl-Chlorine on Morphine ... Bonnie, E. H. MA 3 W IS Agamic Reproduction and Moiphology of Memoirs \ b H „ xl Atlas of the Fertilization and Karyokinesis < ■y. ''r. if.'" a I'.Vs'j.'i f the Ovum. Wilso Biologieal Let ores, 1893 Comparative Physiology and Morphology , if A Constitution morphologique do la Tele de IT International Congress of Zoology, P, Experimental Morphology Daveipoi i, E. B. A 5 R 25 + A 27 T 13 A 45 R 11 c 1 wis ''a :\r,\\'\.] t, C. B. A Z(i T 8, 9 Morphology — could. History of the Relations between Morphology and Biology; by Prof. Martin... Aust. Assoc., Advance, of So., Kept., 1898 500 Morphologisehcs Jahrbuch 591.4 Text-book of Invertebrate Morphology McMurrich, J. P. A 27 T 12 [See also Anatomy ; Biology; Dentition; Embryology ; Histology ; Muscles; Nerves and Nervous System; Osteology.] Mortality Statistics. [See Statistics, Vital.] Mortars. [See Cements; Limes.] Mortgages — Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. United States— Dept. of War F 10 R 12 [Sec also Credit Foneier.] Mortuaries. [See Cemeteries.] Mosaic Law. [See Judaism.] Mosaics— Moscow — General and Descriptive— Holy Moscow Tsar and his People B 39 S 16 Mosquito Life-history of the Common Mosquito; by W. R. Colledge. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc., 1899 506 Mosquitoes and Fleas United States— Dept. Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Mosquitoes and Malaria; by J. Shirley Royal Society, Queensland, Proc.', 18!)!) 506 [See also Diptera.] Mosquito Territory — Convention between (treat Britain and Nicaragua for Settlement of Claims arising out of the Disturbances in the Moquito Reserve, 1894 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Treaties F 13 T 2 Tangweera Boll, C. N. D 22 R 14 Bryologia Britanniea... Wilson, W. A 35 T 17 Bryologia Furopa-a Bruch, P. A 11 X 1-6 t Manual of the Mosses of North America Lesquereux, L. A 20 S 22 Moss-flora of New Zealand; by T. W. N. Beckett... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 500 Mosses of New South Wales; by W. Forsyth... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 189!) 580.6 New Mosses from New South Wales; by Rev. W. W. Watts. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1899 5SO.0 New Species of Australian Mosses... Brotherus, V. F. MA 3 W 29 New Zealand Mosses; by T. W. N. Beckett New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 New Zealand Musci ; by R, Brown New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898-9!) 506 Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. Campbell, I). M. A 20 T 18 [See also Algre ; Botany, Cryptogamic; Hepatica-; Lichens.] Moths. [See Butterflies; Entomology; Hetoro sects; Lepidoptera; Noctuidic; Sphinxes.] In- ning Motion in Works... Berkeley, Bishop G 19 P 55, 56 ar of Science Pearson, K. A 45 T 7 , Ether, and Motion Dolbear, A. E. A 33 P 42 igTops Perry, J. A 27 P 12 of Reality Ladd.'c. T. G 24 V S ■o Cosmology; Dynamics; Force; Kinematics.] Subject-Index to the Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. 957 Motor Carriages and Auto-cars— Auk. cars Farnian, D. A 25 R 39 Auto motor Freight Waggons and Freight Kates ill England. United (States -Consular Repts., 59 382 Carriages without Horses shall go Seimett. A. R. A 25 S 9 Elect lie Tramways and Railways Seholev, H. A 38 T 3 Horseless Carriages in Europe.. . U.S. Consular' Kepts., 51 382 Horseless Vehicles. Automohiles, Motor Cycles ... Hiscox, G. I). A 45 T 20 International Motor-carriage Exposition at Berlin.. United States — Consular Repts., 61 382 Motor Cars Tayler, A. J. W-. A 33 P 7 Motor Vehicles and Motors Beaumont, W. W. A 44 W 17 Pet: oleum Motor-cars Loekert, L. A 40 T 17 Motors. [See Dynamics; Engines.] Motll LangUage- Cate.hism, Marriage and Burial Service, Forms of Prayer, &c, in the Motu Language, British New Guinea Liturgies MG 1 P 30 Dictionary of the Language of Mota Codrington, Rev. R. H. M J 3 V 2 Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Motu Tribe, New Guinea Lawes, Rev. W. G. MJ 3 R 13 Revareva duahia hadidaia bukana MG 2 T 46 [St<: ulso New Guinea ; Papuan Languages.] Moulding- Text -book of Mechanical Engineering... Lineham. W.J. A 22 R 32 [Sue also Iron-castings ; Metal-founding; Pattern-making.] Mounds and Mound-builders - American Association, Advancement of Science, I'roc., 1883 506 An -lent America Baldwin, J. B. B 18 S 12 Black fellows' Mounds; by G. Soilleux Historical Society, Australasia, Trans. MB 3 R 1 Certain Peculiarities in the Crania of the Mound-builders; by J. W. Foster... Amer. Assoc., Advance, of So., Proc, 1S50 5C6 Human Remain: found i„ Shell Mounds in Scientific Memoiis. Huxley, T. II. A 10 S Hi [See also Indians, American.] Mount Desert — General and Descriptive — Forgotten Millions, The- ih American Contributions to Civiliza- tion Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Mount Gambier — Tri]i to Mount Gambier; by "Carpe Diem" Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Mount Morgan Gold-mining Company - Mount Morgan Gold-mining Company, Report MF 5 P 17 Mountaineering— All line Memories Tavellc, E. 1) 20 S 26 Annals of Mont Blanc Mathews, C. E. 1) 22 P 9 Ascent of Mount St. Klias, Alaska... Luigi AmedeodiSavoia. Prince Ascent of the Matterhorn Whympcr, E. I) 22 K 25 Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites Sinigagdia, L. D 18 V 25 Climbs in the New Zealand Alps.. Fitzgerald, E. A. Ml) 3 V 19 Climbs of Norman-Neruda Noi manNc u.Ia. L 1)22 1? 12 Earl v Mountaineers Gribble, F. D22R11 Exploration of the ( 'aucasus... Freslilield, I). \V. I) 15 S 17, IS t From the Alps to the Andes Zurbriggen, M. 1) 13 U 23 Glaciers of the Alps Tvndall. .1. A 24 T 27 Highest Andes RtzGerald, E. A. D22T2 Mountain Climbing Out-of-Door Library I) 20 S 22 Mountaineering Dent. ( '. T. A 2!) S 41 Mountaineering and Kxpioration in the Japanese Alp>. Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zealand ' '.. Harper,' A. P. Ml) S K 44 Through the Dolomites ...'..'..'...'. 'Robertson. Lev.' A.' D KS P 30 Two Seasons in Switzerland Marsh, H. 1) 18 S 16 [See also Alps.] Mounted Infantry — Achievements of Cavalry; with a Chapter on Mounted Infantry. Wood, Sir E. A 36 O 26 Regulations for . Mounted Infantry Gt. Brit, and Irel. — War Office A 22 P 62 Mouth, The— Cryptogamic Flora of the Mouth Vincentini, F. A 32 S 32 Deformities of the Mouth Coles, O. A 32 S 31 Diseases of the Mouth ; by Dr. W. A. Wills— 1« System of Medi- cine Allbutt, T."C. A 26 T 36 Diseases of the Month and Salivarv Clauds j by Dr. A. D.Blackader in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, and Pharyngeal Cavities; by Dr W. X. Sudduth— in American System of Dentistry " Liteh. W. F. A 31 S3 Micro-organisms of the Human Mouth... Miller. W. I). A 32 S 21 Oral Deformities Kingsley, N. W. A 32 S 28 Oral Surgery Garretson. J. E. A 32 S 20 Oral Surgery ; by Dr. J. H. Packard -in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Oral Surgery ; by Dr. L. MoL. Tiffany in American System of Dentistry Liteh, W. F. A 31 S 2 Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V 18 [See also Teeth; Tetanus.] Mozambique — General and Descriptive — Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 13 Mules — Mules Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Multiple Expansion Engines. [See Engines.] Mumps — Diseases of the Mouth and Salivary Clauds ; by Dr. A. D. Blackader —in Practical Therapeutics Hare, II. A. A 31 P 15 Mumps Smith, E. A 26 T 35 Mung Bean. [See Beans.] Municipal Corporations. [See City, The; Ltcal Govern- ment; Municipal Government.] Municipal Engineering and "Works- Commercial and Business Aspects of Municipal Flcetricitv Supply. Gibbings, A. H. A 35 W 7 Municipal Government — Bibliography of British Municipal History... Gross, C. F 3 T 23 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Government of Municipalities Eaton. I). B. F 8 R 27 Historvof Municipal Owner-hip of Land on Manhattan Island. Black, G. A. F 18 R 9 McLaren, Duncan, Life and Works ; by .1. B. Mackie C 24 P 4, 5 Municipal Association of N. S. Wales,' Proceedings 352.0944 Municipal Development j„ F.n gland Webb. S. MF -1 II tiS "" 'h.V^A.'iT.' F 1 R22 rope. ..Shaw. A. F2V21 Muni cipal Owi icipal Pro n Mic I. F. Relation of Modern Mum Bradford. C. V 10 P 2S, 29 mic Association. 2 K4V 12 Tublic Library of New South Wales. Municipal Government— contd. Relation of the Modern M unicipalil y to tin' (las Supply. James, E. J. F 4 V 11 Remedy for Municipal M isgovernment in A merioun Contributions to Civilization Eliot , C. W. F 1 3 R 33 Story of a Woman's Municipal Campaign Williams, Mrs. T. F 16 R 25 Study of City Government Wilcox, 1). F. F 5 P 37 To-morrow: a Peaceful Path to Real Reform Howard, E. F 15 Q 32 Victorian Municipal Directory end ( cv/.etteer MF 5 P 14 [See also County Councils: Garbage; Local Government; Muni- cipal Regulations ; Sanitation; Street-cleaning; Water Supply.] Laws and Legislation — Act to Establish Municipalities, 1867 N. S. Wales—Statutes MF 3 P 33 t Digest of Cases decided in New South Wales upon the Law relating to Municipalities to 1811.5 Browning, R. .1. MF 1 l-S lili Legal Decisions X. S. Wales .Municipal Directory 352.0944 Local Government Law in New Zealand . . . Jolliffe, W. MF 5 Q 25 Municipal Regulations. [See under names of Towns.] Muridse— Murida; from Central Australia : by E. R. Waite. . . Royal Society, Victoria, 1'roe.*, 1897 e ; '(> Mundje of Central Australia Waite. 10. R. MA 3 R 111 Tasmanian Antechini and Murida'; l>v 10. F. Higgins, and W F Potterd Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 18S2 506 Murray River — 1,200 Miles on the River Murray... Murray, A. S. MA P 24 J Muscles and Muscular System— Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 Facial Hemiatrophy and Hcmiiivpei trophv : In- Dr W A Turnc— ;« System of Medicine .' \lil,n"-t, T. V. A 26 T 39 Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy and Hypertrophy; by Dr. C. E Beevor-,-,, System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Myosotis; by Dr. Batten in System of Medicine... Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Myotonia Congenita; by Dr. W. H. White-™ System of Medicine „ _, Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Museums —General— Aids to School Instruction; by J. H. Cowhan International . Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 14 A 4 I V 10 Cantonal Museums m I' ranee: by 10. Groult International . Health 1'Oxlii!,.. ISS-t, Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 H rest Libraries and Museum.- in Civilisation of Our Day. ,, , , ,, Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 School Museums; by Rev. T. W. J. Blake International r „ , , . ,. „ Healt " l - xlli! '-' '«8-l, '-it., 14 All V 10 Brief Guide to the Collections in the Bethnal Green Branch of the Victoria and Albert Museum ... (it. Brit, and Ire! Fduealio- Educational Museums of Spain ; by Prof. Cossio Intetnttional Health Exhib., I8S4, Lit., 14 AHv'lO General Guide to the B,-„,, ; !, Museum, .Natural History... British ,-,-.-- ,., " "''""' Xat1 "' 11 History B 22 R 16 Glide to the Exhibition Galleries nt the British Museum, Blooms- ,. ''",.\ ■-, British Museum A 39 V 17 Hand-book to the Aquarium, Picture Sal,,,, and Museum Coilee tions, Melbourne Sherrard, J. E. MA 1 U 12 Reports — Australian Museum, Reports of Trustees N. S. Wales -r. , Ar , , Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Lergcns Museums Aarbog Bergen-Museum 507 Ceylon- ( ..!,,,,,!,«, Muse,,.,,, Reports,.. =07 Museums of to, S, lall(;l iI1(1 Art Dcp,, u,k n, '.;•-.,.: , free, v ,, .'. [ XcwWk «;-;-<, :! A 41 V 1 Mushroom Poisoning in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Mushroom Poisoning in the District of Columbia.. . United States— Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Botany A 41 U 12 Mushrooms; by H. A. Tuident... Queensl. Agr. Journ., 5 630.5 Mushrooms and how to grow them Falconer, W. A 19 R 9 Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, and how to distinguish them Gibson, W. H. A 39 Q 9 Reference List of Publications relating to lOdible and Poisonous Mushrooms ... U. S. —Dept. of Agr. —Library Bulletin A 38 S 58 [See also Boleti; Fungi.] Music — General — /Esthetics of Musical Art Hand, F. G 11 P 44 Beethoven and Ids Symphonies Grove, (4. A 23 S 15 Chopin's Greater Works Klcezynski, Jean A 23 S 23 Drama and Music in Xnv South Wales; by F. C. Brewer— mPams., N. S. Wales Commissioners. . . Chicago Exhib. , 1 893 MA 4 T 22 Evolution of the Art of Music ... Parry, Sir 0. H. H. A 23 S 22 Gluck and the Opera Newman, E. A 23 T 22 Guide to the Formation of a Music Library... Brown, J. IX J 9 V 36 Interludes Banister, H. C. A 41 T 2 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1S93. Chicago Exhib., 1893 G 17 T 1 Musique et les Lettres Mallarme, S. J 21 P 3 Literature of Music Matthew..!. 10. A 23 P 20 Music and Manners Krehbiel, H. E. A 41 T 13 Music: how it came to be what it is.,. Smith, Hannah A 41 T 9 Music MtsMoralniidTliorapeutio Value //(Oldand New Psychology. Colville, W. J. G 23 P'-ib Musical Taste in Queensland Review of Reviews, 1897 052 '■■' '■-■■ " lv MsiiLud, ,i. \, v • I 'C 1 7 New System of Music Neal, T. MA 11 P 35 f Old Scores and New Readings Runciman, J. F A 27 S 30 Omaha Indian Music; by Alice C. Fletcher.., Peabody Museum— Archaeological Papers A 41 P 14 Origines du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles. Mailly, E. A 44 Q 12 Primitive Instruments of Mu.dc in Anthropological Studies. Buckland, A. W. A 27 R 34 Prose Works Wagner, R. J 4 S 16-20 Rhythm and Harmony in Poetry and Music Raymond, G. L. H 10 W 7 Souvenir Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar, 1899 J 12 X 21 t Story of British Music Crowest, F. J. A 23 U 36 Wagner, Case of Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 18 What is Good Music? Henderson, W. J. A 41 T 1 [See also Acoustics; Choirs: Choir Music; Counterpoint; Har- mony; Instrumentation; Music Education; Musical Criti- cism ; Musical Form and Composition; Musical Instruments; Musicians; National Songs; Opera; Singing and Voice-culture; Songs; Wagnerian Music] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. Music — Bibliography — Guide to the Manuscripts avid Primed Books illustrating the It. .gross of Musical Notation British Museum K 19 P 33 Hi; loire et Bibliographic de la Typographic Musicale dans les Dirl ail Tcr . Stain , Sir J. A 44 V 10 Education, Training, Schools— Class Teaching in Schools; bv A. W. Barrett International * Health Exhib., 1SS4, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 Letters of a Baritone Walker, F. A 23 Q 54 Marchesi and .Music Marchesi, Mathilde C 23 U 3 M. ■:.- in German Schools... United States -Bureau of Education,, 1890-97 379.73 Mi.-! ; in Primary Schools; l,y \V. G. McNaught ... International Health Exhib., 1884. Lit.. 13 A 41 V 9 Mr.-ac in Schools; by 10. Mooucv... International Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41V 9 Musical Education in Klcinciitarv Schools ; b\ .). Si ainer... Intermit. ■Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A41V9 i-allns ndNor . liealth'i:xliib.,1884,Lit.,13 ng in Schools; bv J. S. Curwcn Internationa! Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V 9 - History — ;r, sur 1'Hist ..ire dc la Musi.pie Iteligie.use des Italicns et des ■rlandais Huberti, G. A 44 S 7 ■ ire et Bibliographic dc la Typographic Musicale dans les is-Bas Goovaerts. A. A 44 Q 11 Music Developed Henderson, W. J. A 45 R 2 ■al History and Bibliography, from St. ( iregorv to the Present ne Matthew, j. E. A 40 B 7 spearc and Music Naylor, E. W. A 23 P 4(1 .wsky, L. A. MA 1 !"S\l\i'a MA 13 P h. B. B. MA 13 P M. MA 13 P MA 13 P n, S. P. MA 13 P May A. MA 13 P MA 13 P :e. V. s. MA 13 P , W. A. MA 13 1 I. R. G. MA 13 I i, 1). A. MA 13 P aron, L. MA 13 1 K.-i-".mba Waltz.... Little Dona!, Polka Lobelia Waltz Music- Australian— (Received under Copyright Act) — contd. New Kreuz Polka, Winifred Milbotirn, S. MA 13 P 5 t 0, Love me yet Truman, E. E. P. MA 13 P 6 t Oh, my Baby, Oh, my Honey Evans, G. MA 13 P 6 t Orizaba Gavotte .". Weigand, A. MA 13 P 5 t Queensland Waltz Lamond, Jean MA 13 P 5 t Return of Life Burnhain, 0. MA 13 P 6 f Rosalind Waltz Lawson, B. MA 13 P 5 + Softly Fell the Sunshine Allen, G. B. MA 13 P 6 t Song of the Rhino Bethune, V, C. MA 13 P 6 t Song of Young Australia Amati, M. MA 13 P 6 t Newton, H. MA 13P6f t Marie cy Wa ■ Wa! irnllv. Josephine MA 13 P 5 t ... Desjardins, R. MA 13 P 6 t ... Koualski. H. MA 13P6 + ... Terlier, Mine. MA 13 P 5 t Binstcd. W. H. MA 13 P 6 t Ludlow, E. MA 13 Pot .... Bear, Sara E. MA 13 P 5 + Zarita Waltz [See also Songs-Australi; Music-Drama. [See Wagnerian Music] Musical Criticism — Music and Manners Krehbiel, H. E. A 41 T 1 3 Musician's Pilgrimage Maitland, J. A. F. A 41 T 17 Old Scores and New Readings Runciman, J. F. A 27 S 30 Musical Education. [See Music — Education, Training, Schools; Singing.] Musical Form and Composition — Interludes Banister, H. C. A 41 T 2 Musical Instruments- Elements d'Aco i i.-t io lie Musicale et instrument ale... Mahillon, V. C. A 42 W 18 [See also under each Instrument,] Musicians - Bach; bv C. F. A. Williams Bach, J. S. C 27 Q 4 T ,ife of; by S. Taylor (' 23 (> 21 Be. y F- i-oii 2; . Tchaikovsky, P. I. C23R 28 Verdi, G. C 24 T Wagner, Study of ..'. Newman. E. A 35 T 1 Musk Melon. [See Melons.] Musketry. [See Shooting, Military.] Mustard- Assimilation of Free Atmospheric Nitrogen by Mustard; by J. P. Public Library of New South Wales. Mutinies- Mutiny of the Bounty 1 Stor\ of Pitcairn Island. Young, Rosalind MB 1 Q 40 Ship Lady Shore Black, J. B 32 R 9 ny : Revolutions.] Myall Lakes- Lakes of Port Stephens; by I Mycenae —History — Memphis and Mycena? xorr, v. is "/'/ v zi Mycenaean Age Tsountas, 0. B 16 V 39 Mycetoma — Actinomysoris and Madura Foot Acland, T. I). A 26 T 35 Notes on a Case of Minima Pout. ; by Drs. Ailami and Kirkpatrick. McGill University A 40 S 23 [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases; Tropical Diseases.] Mycetozoa— Guide to the British Mveetozoa in the Department of Botany. British Museum Natural History A 39 V 16 Monograph of tlic Mvcctuzoa: livA. Lister British Museum — Natural History A 42 U 14 New Myxomvectc for New South Wales; by 1). McAlpine. Linnean Society, X. S. Wales, Pro,., 1898 .-.80.6 North American Slime-Moulds MacBride, T. H. A 39 Q 18 [See also Protophvta; Protozoa.] Mycology. P-] MyelitiS- Mvelitis, Acute, and Chronic; by Dr. F. Taylor— In System of 'Medicine Allbut't, T. C. A 26 T 40 Poliomyelitis Anterior Acuta; by Dr. A. Starr in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 Poliomyelitis Anterior Chronica; by Dr. C. E. Beevor- -in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 [See also Spinal Cord.] Myology. [See Muscles and Muscular System.] Myriapoda — Centipedes and Millipedes; by R. I. Pocock in Zoological Results. Willev, A. MA 4 V 3 Myriapoda of North -America ; by ( '. If. Bollman... United States - - National Museum. Bulletin 4(1 .",07 Myriapods Sinclair, F. < i. A 40 U 12 North American Species of Myriapods; by .T. A. R; " Proa, 3 507 y R. I. Pocock Smith, A. D. D 20 U 21 :.S,„.,-„.s„ United 8 Solifug.r. Sc.irpiones, Chilopoda, and l)ii in Through Unknown African Conn [See also Ccophilida?.] Myrtaceae — Supposed New Genus of the N.O. Myrtacea' ; by R, T. Baker. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1898 5S0.0 Myrticolorin — Notes on Myrticolorin ; by H. G. Smith Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 506 Mystery Plays. [See Miracle, Morality, and Mystery Plays; Ober-Ammergau ; Passion Plays.] ie, E. i ie Bases of Myst Philosophy'.... Pagan and Chr ment Occultisn D 19 U 6 Khunrath, M. G 23 V 32 . Inge, W. R. G 24 V 21 Siidfold, M. S. G3U19 . Mallarme, S. .1 21 P 24 ... Recejac.E. G 23 R 33 G. W. F. G 12R30, 31 ithatn, Rev. S. G 23 Q 13 Dewev, J. H. G 19 U 1 Mallarme, S. J 21 U 15 Mysticism contd. Philosophy of Plotinos Guthrie, K. S. G 23 R 13 Religio Poetas Patmore, C. G 9 U 25 Revelation of Mystery in the Divan of Al-Farid G 24 U 23 Tables of the Law and the Adoration of the Magi... Yeats, W. B. J 14 R 24 Treasure of the Humble Maeterlinck, P. M. B. G 12 V 34 World and the Individual Rovce, J. G 25 T 3 [See also Janscnists; Neo-Platonism ; Phallic" Worship; Port Royalists; Rosicrucians; Spinozism ; Swcdouborgianism.] Mythology— General— Christianity and Mythology Robertson, J. M. G 25 U 8 Collected Works Midler, F. M. .1 29 T 1-4 Contributions to the Science of Mythology Mitller, F. M. B 17 R 44, 45 Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore. Kelly, W. K. B 25 P 20 Evolution d'un Mythe "Renel, C. B 39 U 7 From the Dead Sea Legends to ( 'ouiparativc Mythology — in War- fare of Science with Theology White, A. D. G 3 U 17, 18 Gods of Old and the Story that they tell... FitzSimon, Rev. J. A. B41P 12 Legend of Perseus, 3 Hartland, E. S. B 36 P 8 Modern Mythology Lang, A. B 34 R 14 Myth, Ritual, and' Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 Mythology in Introduction to the History of Religion. Jevons, F. B. G 15 R 39 Myths of Israel Fiske, A. K. G 11 U 20 Natural Religion Miiller, F. Max J 29 T 1 Nature Myths in Nursery Rhymes in Leisure Readings. Proctor, R, A. A 19 Q 16 Romantic Mythology in Epic and Romance Ker, W. P. J 14 S 10 Sacred Tree Philpot, Mrs. J. H. G 24 V 5 Science of Language Miiller, F. M. J 29 T 11, 12 Thoughts on Comparative Mythology; by E. Trcgear. New Zealand' Institute. Trans., 1897 506 [See also Animal lore ; Animals and I'lants in Mythology ; Ani- mals, Worship of ; Archa'ologv : Classical Dictionaries"; Fairy Tales; Folk-lore; Cods: Indians. American: Legends; Mvths ; Plant-lore; Popular Errors ; Religion - History of ; Sagas; Superstition.] Dictionaries— By Countries. ;ion and Mythology h of Religion as illustrate Egyptian- Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 Religion and Conseience in Ancient Egypt ' I'etrie, W. M. F. G 23 Q 24 German — Fall of the Nibelungs Armour, Margaret J 14 S 33 Greek. [See Greece- Religion and Mythology.] Indian G reat Indian Epics Oman, J. C. J 23 T 6 Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 6, 7 Irish — Literary History of Ireland Hyde, D. J 4 T 28 Voyage of Bran. Son of Fcbal, to the Land of the Living. Meyer, K. B 36 P 10 Wind among the Reeds Yeats/W. B. H 12R29 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Mythology — Maori — Atua Maori ; by T. G. Hammond. ..Polvnes. Soc, Journ., 1899 996 Mauri Spirals and Sun Worship; l>v I'l. Tregoar ... Now Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 . r >0(i Mythology of the New Zealanders; by J. Hamlin Tasmanian Notes cn Maori Mythology; by E. Best Polynesian Society, Omens and Superstitious Beliefs of the Maoris: by 10. Best. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 9!)(i TcKeinga; byT. White Polynesian Soc., Journ., 1898 990 '. Mexican — M\th, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q G, 7 Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Native Reli- gions of Mexico and Peru Revillc, Rev. A. G 23'T 2 ■ North American- United States— Bureau of Ethnology, Reports 572 Peruvian— Oriirin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Native Reli- gions of Mexico and Peru Revillc, Rev. A. G 23 T 2 . Polynesian — Mvthologv on Creation at Variance with tic Scientific Solution ; 'by Rev. J. S. Royce Hist. Soc, Austr. , Trans. MB 3 R 1 Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa... Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 29 51 Mi Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa; by J. Eraser Polynesian . Bugge, S. B 36 P 15 . Clodd, E. G 19U40 Naga Hills— Experiences in the Manipur and Naga Hill Johnstone. Major Nagana. [See Tsetse Fly.] Naliuatl. [See Mexican Language.] Nairn — History — 1 1 istory of Moray and Nairn Rampini, C. B 32 T 1 8 Names — Men-of- War Names: their Meaning and! Iri-in... Ba'.tenberg, Prince K19P29 Names [of Places] and their Histories. ..Taylor, Rev. I. K 19 Q 18 Personal and Family Names hung, H. A. J 5 T 33 Place Names of Scotland Johnston, Key. J. 15. K 19 1' 3-1 Stialies in Hebrew Proper Names Gray, ni>l Descriptive — N; pies in the Nineties Kolfe, Iv N . 1) 17 R 20 Naples through Australian Spectacles: by H. G. Turner. Melbourne Review, 7 052 Poor in Great Cities F 13 U 25 Commerce and Trade— TradeandCommerceofNaplesand District. 1S97- in Diploniaticand Consular Repts., 1898... Gt. Brit, and lreh— Foreign Otliee 3s2 Naples —History — Memoirs Henry, Duke of Guise B 26 P 6 Robert the Wise and his Heirs, 1278 1352 Baddelev, St. C. B 19 Ul Napoleonic Literature — Adventures of a French Sergeant, 1805-23 Guillcmard, R, B 26 S 13 Baivre, Bertram!, Memoirs C 24 R 9-12 lie" rau-er et la I/- -ndr Napolconionne Carson, J. H 1 U 2 Boyu'cocne. Sir cant. Memoirs. 1812-13... Bourgogne, A. J. P. F. C24P20 ~ B26R19 !R 10, 11 :, Prince, Roi on C23S18 M. H. J 24 R 21 C24S10 C. B 39 T 12, 13 d... C13W33 + C13W31f Lowe, Sir Hud; Napoleon Napoleon at St. Helena ; by J. S. C. Napoleon Bonaparte, History of... Ah Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of ; by S. B; Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Metrical History of t he Life and Times of. Hillis, W. J. HIT 15 Napoleon I, New Letters of Napoleon Bonaparte C 25 Q 1 Napoleon, Scent Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte C 21 U 7 Rovigo, Duke of, Memoirs of. . . Savary, A. J. M. R. C 23 U 12-15 {See also under Napoleon, in Author Catalogue.] Napoleonic Wars, 1789-1815— - Campaign in Italy, 1790 Surtees, Major C. B 17 Q 23 Cam pai'-o. of 1815 Morris, W. OC. B 41 R 9 Campaign of Marengo Sargent, Lieut. H. H. B 21 S 7 Causes of the War of 1792 Clapham, J. H. B 37 R 3 Coignet, Captain. Narrative of... Coignet, Capt. J. R. C 23 P 3 1812 Vercstelmgin, V. B 26 R 19 How England Saved Europe... Fitchctt, Rev. W. H. B 37 Q. S-ll Lejeune; Baron. Memoirs Life of Wellington; by Sir H. Maxv Napoleon's Invasion of Russia B 17 R 46, 47 cell Wellington, Duke of . George, H. B. B 31 K 20 f the Campaign in Russia Labaumc, E. B 31 S 5 Thiebault, Baron, Memoirs C 23 V 11, 12 [See also France— History ; Napoleonic Literature.] Narcissus and Jonquil — Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien Diez, H. F. von B 16 R 26, 27 Nasik — General and Descriptive — Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 16... Bombay— Gazetteer 915.47 Natal— General and Descriptive- British Africa ik'o'f id Y 1)22 5 Thomas, E. N. D 13 V 6 the Cape and South Africa. Noble, J. V 22 Q 16 arly Register 316.84 .Infornm.iun.l.lice D22Q 19 acna 'j™**? D22R20 Natal Statis Keclus, E. .. Cumberland, S. ics 310.81 1)21 U 13 D 14 R 18 , v ,,f Wron- Reit/., F. W. B 41 R 2 a\oandhi~ White Neighbours... Haggard, H. K. B37P12 ■y of the Croat Boer Trek Cloete, H. 15 37 P 33 ; Russell, R. B37 P 14 African Kepnhlio c Croat Britain "True American" B 36 R 18 Statutes. [See Natal— Statutes, in Author Cata- Tublie Library of New South Wales. National and Patriotic Songs — American National Songs in The ( Ircat ( 'omposers. Butterworth, H. C 19 V 23 Stories of Famous Songs Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. HSR 38 Stories of Great National Songs Smith, Col. N. H 4 T 12 [See also War Songs.] National Australian Convention. [See Federation, Aus- tralian.] National Banks — Banking Systems of the World Handy, W. M. F 15 R 4 History of Modem Banks of Issue Conant, C. A. F 12 T 16 Instructions and Suggest ion.-, of ( 'omplrollor of Currency relative to National Banks ... U.S. Dent, of the Treasury F 16 T 19 Judge and Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13.V 2 Money and Social Problems Harper, .1. W. F 13 U 7 National Bank of Issue for Victoria; by J. Mirams. Melbourne Review, 3 052 National Banking Scudder, M. L. F 17 P 8 Royal Commission, Kept,... Victoria State Banking MF 4 U 30 [See also Agricultural Banks ; Banks and Hanking: Savings Hanks.] National Debts — Appendix to Report of the Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Corporation of Foreign Bondholders 336.3 Australian Colonies in 1896 Petherick, K. A. MF 1 R 21 Poor's Manual Poor, H. V. F 13 U 1 Public Indebtedness in Introduction to Public Finance. Plehn, C. C. F 10 V 31 Pennsylvania— Sinking Fund. Report of Commissioners... 336.33 Sinking Funds Ross, E. A. F 4 V 17 Story of a Loan ; by H. G.Turner Melbourne Review, 8 052 [See also Finance.] National Education — Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Education 379.415 Free Trade in Education ; by A. R. Fitchett . . . Melb. Rev. ,10 052 Haudbuch des Volksbildungswesens Rener, E. G 18 B 53 History of the Irish System of Elementary Education - in Special Reports on Educational Subjects...* It. Bi it. andlreh- Education G 17 U 14 NationalEducation Union -in Speeches... Magce.Abp. J 14 Q 37 National System of [education in Ireland in Special Reports on Educational Subjects... (It. Brit, andlreh Education G 17U 14 Reflections of a, Russian Statesman Pobyedonoslseff, K. P G 23 P 35 Some Educational Suggestions— in Ignorance... Dorman, M. R. P. G 18R71 [See also Education— By Countries; Public Schools, N.S.W.] National Gallery, London Lectures on the National (lallcry Richter, J. P. A 41 S 19 National Gallery, The Povnter, Sir E. J. A 20 T 6, 7 t [See also London National (Iallery, in Author Catalogue,' for Catalogues; and under ( I real Britain and Ireland, for Official Reports.] National Gallery, Scotland [For Reports and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue.] National Insurance. [See Insurance, State and Compul- National Libraries. [See Libraries— State.] National Organizations— Thirty-second and Thirty-third Annual Encampments, 1898, 1899. Grand Army of the Republic, Dept. of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania— Army 369. 151 National Schools, N.S.W. [See Education, Primary- New South Wales; Public Schools, N.S.W.] Nationalization —Land- Colonist's Plea for Land Nationalization 0., A. J. MF 5 T 4 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Rent, Interest, and Wages lTurscheim, M. F 16 S 5 Third Factor of Production, and other Essays Ogilvy, A. J. F 15 R 30 [See also Land Tenure; Single Tax; Socialism, State.] Railways — National Railways Hole, J. F 15 Q 36 Railway Nationalization Edwards, C. F 13 V 35 State Railroad Control Dixon, F. II. F 10 V 7 Natural History— Popular Pmlanij and Zoblogy — All about Animals A 19 S_22 t Eye Spy ....L...\\'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''Gibson,'w. H. ' A 41 R 13 Flashlights on Nature Allen, G. A 41 Q 25 From North Pole to Equator Brehm, A. E. D 18 V 22 Great Rift Valley Gregory, J. W. D 14 V 22 Great World's Farm Gaye, Selina A 27 R 37 Habit and Instinct Morgan, C. L. A 13 V 26 Happy Hunting-grounds Gibson, W. H. A 20 Q 2 t Highways and Byways Gibson, W. H. A 45 P 1 Historiarum N'atunc, l.ibri xxxvii Plinius Secundus, C. A 17U9f Kloof and Karroo Bryden, H. A. A 27 S 10 Moorland Idylls Allen, C. G. B. A 27 R 4 My Studio Neighbours Gibson, W. H. A 39 8 Natural History.;;:- Know ledge. Disc inline, at id Power - in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Natural History in Shakespeare's Time Seager, H. W. A 27 Til Natural History of Australia Aflalo, F. G. MA 1 V 7 Natural History of the Ancients Watkins, Rev. M. G. A 27 R 17 Natural History of the Bible ... Tristram, Rev. H. B. A 44 U 2 Natural History of the Year Thomson, J. A. A 27 P 5 Naturales Curiosie Taylor, J. A 27 P 7 Naturalist's Assistant, with Bibliography... Kingsley, J. S. A 27 T 7 New York- State Museum of Natural History, Report 507 Notes and Jottings from Animal Life ... Buckland, F. A 27 S 5 Nouveau Dietionnaire d'llistoire Naturelle A 34 P 1-36 Our Island: a Naturalist's Description of Hongkong. Skertehlv, S. J. B. A 28 P 12 Pastoral Days Gibson, W. H. A 20 Q 1 t Prehistoric Man anil Beast... Hutchinson, Rev. If. N. A 30 Q 23 Primitive Natural History in Essays... Romanes. (I. J. A 27 R 14 Royal Natural History Lydekker, R. A 28 V 25, 26 Sharp Eves Gibson, W. H. A 41 R 12 Sportsman and Naturalist's Tour in Sutherlandshire... St. John, C. D 18 S 20 Strolls by Starlight and Sunshine Gibson, W. H. A 45 P 3 Vivarium, The Bateman, Rev. G. C. A 27 R 9 Wild Life at Home Kearton, R. A 28 P 37 Winners in Life's Race Fisher, Arabella B. A 27 P 3 With Nature and a Camera Kearton, R. A 38 V 7 Woodland Life Thomas, E. A 20 Q 40 [See also Animal-lore ; Acptariumx; Biology ; Botany; Collecting; Distribution of Plants and Animals; Evolution;' Geology; In- stinct; Mineralogy; Naturalists; Nature; Paleontology ; Plant-lore; Taxidermy; Zoology; and under each Animal.] riodicals— n Natui 505 Natural Philosophy. [See Physics.] Natural Religion. [See Religions, Primitive; Theology, Natural Science. [See Natural History; Physics.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 983 Natural Selection — Darv in, and after Darwin Romanes, G. J. G 1 U 29 Foundations of Zoology Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 Ri productive Selection— in Chances of Death Pearson, K. A37R9 So ,-i ilism and Natural Selection— in Chances of Death. Pearson, K. A 37 R 9 Tl.eory of Change of Function— /» Biological Lectures. .Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 [Ke also Evolution; Heredity.] Natural Theology. [See Theology, Natural.] Naturalism — M . Balfour and his Critics -in Man's Place in the Cosmos. Seth, A. G 14 R 26 Natural Theologv and Ethics Wallace, W. (J 24 U 24 Naturalism and Agnosticism Ward, J. G 24 V 14, 15 [/v i also Agnosticism : Romanticism : Sujiernaturalism; Theology, Natural.] Naturalists— Agnssiz, Louis, Life, Letters, and Works of C 22 S 14, 15 Allen, Grant; by E. Clodd C 23 R 27 Audubon and his Journals Audubon, .1. .1. L. (' 25 I' 2. 3 Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal of Ml) 3 U 15 Cope, Edward 1)., Naturalist; bv T. Kill American Assoc. , Advance, of Science, I'roc, 1897 500 Rallies, Sir Stamford ; by H. E. Egerton C 27 R 23 Tla.reau, Henry David, Life of C 22 T 12 [See also Biologists; Scientists.] Nature and Natural Law— - Characteristics of Nature-iB Writings ... Ruskin, J. J 23 S 29 Nature Emerson, R. W. J 22 Q 15 Nature for its own sake Van Dyke, J. C. A 23 S 43 [/w nho Metaphysics; Natural History;' Science; Theology, Nauheim Baths and Treatment — Account of the Nauheim Baths Thorne, W. B. A 30 Q 10 Nauheim Treatment in Diseases of the Heart in Treatment of Disease by Physical Methods Dowse, T. S. A 26 S 40 [Si e also Balneo- therapeutics] Nausitoria — Australasian Shipworms; by C. Hedley... Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proa, 1898 580.6 Nautical Almanacs — American Ephemcris and Nautical Almanac United States -- Bureau of Equipment 528.1 Australian Nam ical Almanac ami ( 'oastcrs' Guide... Wcllbank, J. MD t W :m .-(•_• Li>t of Geographical Positions for the Use of Navigators and . ithers Green, Lieut, F. M. A 13 W 24 t Nautical Almanac 528.2 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy Gill, J. A 38 'I' 13 N.'.wastle. N.S.W.. Nautical Almanac Knaggs & Co. 5g8.^ Pacific Coaster's Nautical Almanac UnitedState Bur. loi Wellington Almanac and Directory 919.31 IS.,-, alto under title of each, in Author Catalogue] Nautical and Naval Dictionaries. [See Naval Art and Science -Dictionaries.] Nautical Astronomy — N : . igation and Nautical Astronomy ...Stubbing, F.( '. A 20 U 1 I Admiralty' '.\ 1!) u'lS [S,,>. alio Compass; Latitude; Longitude; Nautical Almanacs; Nautical Life. [See Naval Life; Sailors and Nautical Life.] Nautical Surveying. [Sea Marine Surveying.] Nautilus — Letters from New Guinea on Nautilus and some other Organisms ; by Dr. A. Willey... Quart. Journ. Micros. Sc., Aug., 1896 578 Points in the Anatomv of Xinliln.- I'.,,,ij ilins in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Points in the Arrangement and Structure of the Tentaeuliferous hobes in Xuut Hits ji,,iii/.i!ii<* ; bv Prof. Iluswcll... Linnean Society N.S.W., Proc, 1895 [See Cephalopoda.] Naval and Nautical Periodicals. [See Naval Art and Science — Periodicals.] Naval Architecture — Ironclads in Action, 1855-95 Wilson, H. W. B 33 R 6, 7 Manual of La Nina' oil' lion. Steel, and Composite Vessels. Watson, T. H. A 41 S 4 Naval Annual Brasscv, Hon. T. A. 359.05 Norsk Naval Architecture; by G. If. Boehmer... United States —National Museum, Proc, 9 507 Text-book of Naval Architect ure... Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty A 23 U 38 Theoretical Naval Architecture Attwood, E. L. A 41 T 18 Torpedoes and Torpedo-vessels Armstrong, Lieut. G. E. A 22 Q 49 [See also Ship-building; Trireme.] Naval Art and Science — General — Accidence; or, the Path way to Kxporienec necessary for all Young Seamen; by Capt. J. Smith. Hi'-'.i [ Keprint ]. . . Knglish Scholar's Library J 3 T 25 Naval Gunnery Garbett, Capt. H. A 29 S 36 Naval Scouting; bv G. S. Clarke in Naval Annual, 1898. Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.05 NotesontheYear"sNavalProgress...U.S. Dept. of Navy 359.05 Naval Dictio . Pai i, Capt. H. vv A 36 Q 24 of the Royal ty A 25 R 31 ■ Education, Co!le,,e«, Tminim, Ship: Manual for Officers serving on board Unite. Training Ships... United States Dept. of tin Manual of Seamanship for Boys 7 Training SI Navy, 1S93 Gt. Brit, and Irel. A.lm Bcgulutions for the Government of II. M.S. liri! Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Admiralty G 23 S 24 Periodicals — Broad Arrow 355.05 Mercantile Marine Magazine and Nautical Record 656 Naval Annual Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.05 Naval Chronicle B 38 P 1-Q 21 I'ni nd Ail! ice'M. aga/.u Naval Battles- Life of; bv T. A. i'2ti S3 „. .!. B26P 12, 13 ilson, II. W til s-t Dutch \ ids Soc. Pub: K. C25T7 1). B39Q6 1? 33 K 6, 7 Public Library of New South Wales, Naval Battles —eontd. Naval Actions of the War of 1812 Bones, J. B 1G V 30 Naval Chronicle B 38 P 1-Q 21 Nelson and his Ti'ius : l>v I. >rd Charles Bcrcsford... C 13 R 17 t Nelson, Pictures from the Life of C 20 S 12 Our Navy for a Thousand Years... Wilmot. Capt. S. K-. B 25 P 18 Papers relating to the Xavv during the Spanish War, 15S5-87. Navy Records Society, 1'uhs., 11 9-12 Royal Navy, The Clowes, W. L. B 17 R 4-8 t Story of the Sea, 2 Couch, A. X. Q-. B 21 V 7 Twenty Naval Rattles, from Salamis to Santiago. RaNvson, E. K. B 40 P 0, 10 Xwo Years on the Alabaua Sinclair, Lieut, A. B 30 U 13 War between ('Idle and l'eru and Bolivia, 1S79-S1. Mason, Lieut. T. B. M. B 19 X 16 [See also Naval History.] Naval Biography, [See Admirals; Sailors.] Naval Dictionaries. [See Naval Art and Science— Die- Naval Education. [See Naval Art and Science —Educa- tion, Colleges, Training Ships; Navy, British— Exami- nations.] Naval Engineering — Engineer 020.;") Marine Engineering'; l.v < J. R. D.imdl in Naval Annual, 1S98. Rrassev, Hon. X. A. 359.05 Marine Steam-engine, The Sennett, R. A 13 U 9 Meelianismof Men-of- War... Oldknow. Lieut. R. C. A 22 Q 50 Naval Annual Brassey, Hon. X. A. 359.05 Ships, Guns, and Armor ... U.S. Dept. of the Navy A 22 X Specifications for Engines for U.S.S '"■' e Nun Specification for Steam Machinery f Naval Gunnery. [See Gunnery, Naval.] Naval History — Discourses of the Navy, 1038, 1059 00. ..Navy Records Soc, 7 Call well,' Major C. K. R 17 History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1088 ... Han nay, I). B 3! !Q46 I I'a, H. i Wa; B33 1 logue.] Naval Law and Administration Administration of the Royal Navy, 1509-1000 ... Oppenl Articles for the Go- Compilation of Lav United States ~. "Hogg, J. W. Naval Adl istration Hamilton. Adin. Sir H. V. Naval Administrations, 1827-92 Briggs, Sir J. H. [St ; Mar Naval Life and Customs At School and at Sea Fleet in Reing Way they have in the Navy [.See nWSailors and Nautical Life.] v.] ' ' Martello Tower" C 2G R 21 Naval Tactics. [See Naval Art and Science.] Navies of the World — General — All the World's Righting Ships Jane, F. X. A 17 R 21 t Naval Pocket-book Clowes, W. L: A 22 P 6 Naval Progress United States ( )liice of Naval Intelligence. A 36 W 15 [See also Navy, British; and sub-heading Navy under names of Countries.] Navigation and Seamanship- Catalogue, Nautical Almanac Library, United States. United States— Dept. of the Navy K 17 T 5 Elements of Navigation Henderson, W. .1. A 19 P 22 List of Geographical positions for the Use of Navigators and others Green, Lieut. F. M. A 13 W 24 f Manual of Seamanship for Hoys' Xraining Ships of the Royal Navy, (it. Brit, and Irel.- Admiralty A 25 R 31 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy Gill, J. A 38 X 13 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. ..Stubbing, F. C. A 20 U 11 Navigation for Yachtsmen English, Lieut. V. J. A 25 T 7 Pennsylvania Dept. of Internal Allah's, Report 385 Practical Seamanship for use in the Merchant Service... Todd, J. A 22 V 7 Tijdschrift voor het Zeewozen 910.5 [See also Azimuth Tables; Compass, The ; Knots and Splices; Latitude; Lighthouses; Logs of Ships : Longitude ; Merchant Navy and Service: Nautical Almana.cs: Nautical Astronomy; Naval History : Oil at Sea: Pirates: Sailing Directions; Sailors ; Ship-building; Shipwrecks; Signals and Signalling ; Yachting.] Laws and Legislation— Navigation Laws in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 11 [See also Maritime Law; Naval Law.] Navigators. [See Travellers and Explorers.] Navigator's Islands. [See Samoa.] Navy, British — Administration of the Royal Navy. 1509 1000 ... Oppenheim, M. F 12 T 20 Battles of the British Navy Allen, J. B 20 P 12, 13 British Navy Stenzel, ('apt. A. B 22 V 22 Collingwood, Admiral. Lord. Life of C 22 S -23 Command of the Sea and the Drain of the Navy ... Wilkinson, S. F 19 S 2 Discourses of the Navy, Ki.'iS. 1059 60... Navy Records Soc., 7 942 Dispatches and Letters relating to the Blockade of Brest, 1803-5. Navy Records Society, Pubs., 14 942.073 Dockyard Expense Accounts... (it. Brit, and Ire!.— Adm. 354.427 Drub and the Tudor Navy Corbett, J. S. B 39 Q 16, 17 Drake and the Tudor Navy. [New cd.] Corbett, J. S. B 36 Q 13, 14 Famous British War-ships and their Commanders Wood, W. B16T10 Fleet in Being Kipling, R, B 24 Q 23 Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. Gt. Brit, and lrd. Admiralty A 36 V 18 J Forces of the Crown; by 11. Morgan- Browne Sixty Years of Empire B 22 R 18 Historical Records of the Royal Marines Edve, Major L. B 16 V 40 History of the Royal Navy, 1217 1088 ... Hannav, D. B 39 Q 6 Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor Kennedy, Adm. C 27 T 19 Logs of the Croat Sea Fights, 1794-1805 : by Adm. Jackson. Navy Records Soc'., Pubs., 16 942.073 Manning of the Navy in Time'of War— In Naval Annual, 1S98. Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.05 Men-of AVar Names: their MeaidngaudOrig'in .. I iattenberg, Prince K 19 P 29 Middy'sReeollectious. A, 1S5..-00... Montagu, Roar-Adm. C 23 U 8 Naval Accounts and Inventories of the Reign of Henry VII. Navy Reeords Society, 8 359 Naval Administration Hamilton, Adm. R, V. F 8 V 23 Naval Administrations. Is.g; <)> Briggs, Sir J. H. F 1 S 13 Naval Chronicle B 38 P 1-Q 21 Naval Mameuvres, 1897... (it. Brit, and Irel. Naval Manceuvres A 36 V 19 I Naval Policy Steevens, G. W. F 12 T 25 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Navy, British— contd. Naval Reinforcements in War Time; by C. N. Robinson - in Naval Annual, 189S Brassey, Hon. T. A. 359.05 N ivy and the Arniv, The: by C. Williams. .. Sixty Years of Empire B22R 18 Navy and the Nation, The... Clarke. Lieut. -Col. Sir O. S. F 1 R 23 Navy and Volunteers in Political Letters Pembroke and Montgomery, ( ieorgo, Farl of F 13 R 5 Navy Appropriation Account, 1887-90 (it. Brit, and Ii-el. — Admiralty 354.427 . Wilmot, Capt. S. E-. 15 27 II 10 Our Navy fora Thousand Years... Wilmot, Capt, S. E-. B 25 P 18 I'rogrussof the Biulish' Xa V '/.' X • -. .' I Vunu'i. IsilVi. Brassoy, Hon. T. A. 359.05 I: filiations for Training lie 15., vs of the II oval Xavv. Gt Brit, and [rel. Admiralty F 13 T 15 i : oval\avv'''l'hc' m '.'....^.r.^ ".'.'... Clowes, '\v!"l. ']J 17 R4-8 t lo.'valNav'v, The "Lieutenant, A" A 29 S 35 Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns, A Kepnel, Adm. Sir H. C23Q 1-3 Statistical Report, Health of the Navy Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Admiralty Gl.'i.oS Successors of Drake '....".. !....!. ..'..'...... Corbett, J. S B 41 R 14 Way they have in the Navy ..' BuUen, F. V" B 37 Q~5 and Naval; Mod'icalServicc -Army and Xavv : Merchant Xavv"; Xaval Artillery; Naval Reserves; Royal Marines; Sailors; Warships; for other Navies see under Country, e.g., France- - I sdetships in the Royal Navy... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Civil Service C20 V Hi, 2(i 1 Competition for Cadet.-hip; in the British Navy. (It. ISrit, and Irel. Civil Service C 20 T 27 ;aged in Naval raltv 354,427 iralty 354.427 • List 354.427 Admiralty F 9 Q 34 .. (It. Brit, and Irel. Admiralty F 1 S 23 Index Catalogue of Books and ! Clusters; by K. S. Holden.. i Nebular Hypothesis- Bible, Science, and Faith Zahin, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Notes on the Nebular Theory Stanley, \V. F. A 21 S 34 Tides and Kind.;,! Phenomena in the Solar System. Darwin, G. H. A 19 Q 31 [See also Astronomy; Comets.] Necessitarianism — Evolution Tevons, F. B. G 25 S 13 [See also Determinism; Freedom of the Will.] Necromancy, [Sr-e .Magic; .Sorcery ; Witchcraft.] Necrosis. [See Gangrene] Needlework — Art Fmbroidery Lock wood, M. S. A 17 T 1 t Art in Needlework * Day, L. F. A 46 P 23 Broderie du Xlc Sicelv jusipi'a mis Jours Farcy, L. de A 47 P 1-3 t Needlework and Cutting-out Walker, Agnes A 23 T 35 Plain and Fine Needlework : by K.nilv 1). Francis in Household Oracle ". Miles. A. H. A 40 Q 9 [See a/«o Dressmaking: Kmbroidery; Fancywork ; Lice and Lace- Negrito Races and Languages. [See Aborigines of Australia; Papuans; Polynesians.] Negro Slavery. [See Slavery and Slave Trade.] Negroes [See American Negroes ; Race Problems ; Slavery.] Nelson, New Zealand — Nelson in 1843: by Capt. England Colonial Magazine, 1845 F 19 P 18 Nematodes — Linnean Society, X.SAV.'. Pro,-.'. 1S9S 580.6 A 20 T 20 [A [See also Helminthology. j [Se« also Papuan Languages.] Neo-Catholic Movement s.] ^oohrdsche Station zu Xeapel A 19P24t Sheldon, Miss L. A 20 T 20 r N. A 5 T 39 Neo-Kantian Philosophy Philosophy ofV.'il.Orccn ".'.' ,1 nsoii. II. H. (i 25 K 10 &2?j& Rev. W. E. G 26 Q 12 l,,k. W. 11. G 24 S 19 ]5cll,.e. Mine. ( J 26 R 9 Mac( 11 m. , urt. Sir \Y. \ -. G 5 P30 e Light Of History and oil. Rev. M. G 24Q20 (i 25 8 19 ::":: ii. It. •v.'"lV T. (! - 24T8 stantism . llarnaek. A. G24Q9 later. Rev. R. G24Q14 Lilly, W. S. J 14 S 14 Fairb other, W. H. G 9 W 8 Public Library of New South Wales. Neo-Platonism— History of Ancient Philosophy Winclelband, W. G 25 T 9 HistorV »f Dogma Harnack, A. G 23 S 30-39 History of Philosophy Hegel, (J. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Intellectual Development Cozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 Xeoplatonism Bigg, Rev. 0. G 20 P 7 sell, F. W. 3U 15 Theological and Philosophical Wi [See also Manichicism. ] Nepenthes — Nepenthes of Australia ; by F. M. Bailey ... Royal Horticultural Society, Journal, 1898 (,34 [See also Botany— Manuals.] Nephritis — Nephritis: by Dr. A. H. Smith-/// Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 10 [See a/so Kidneys ; Pathology.] Neptune — Astronomy — Equatorial Comparisons of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune with certain Stars of,nb's Standard ( 'atalou'ue : bv.J. Tcbbutt. ' Roval Astronomical So.-.. Monthly Nolices,' June, 1899 520.0 Heliocentric Motion of Neptune; bvS.Newcomb... UnitedSfatcs Bureau of Equipment, Ast. Papers, vol. 7, pt. 4 520.8 Scientific Papers Adams, J. C. A 10 U 10 t Traite lie Mccanique Celeste Tisseran.l, F. A 5 P 27 t Nerves and Nervous System — Academic des Sciences, Comptes rendus d Adiposis Dolorosa in System of Medicin -* Brain Machine Diseases of the Cranial Nerves ; by Dr. U of Medicine \ Diseases of the Nervous System -/„ Sy-f Wil Diseases of the Spinal Nerves ; by Dr. < 1. of Medicine .' A Eclamsia Nutans ; by Dr. R. Russell in I'yt Education of Central Nervous System. . H Effect of Irritation of a Polari/.e.l N.-rvc Erythromclalgia ; by Dr. Bai Facial Spasm ; by Dr. R. Rus Human Machine Localised Spasms; by Dr. F.X.T Morbid Habits; by Dr. T. D. Cr Motor, or Efferent N Affect e.l s Disor Adva Nerves and Nervous System— contd. Neurotrophic Diseases of Soft Tissues ; bv Dr. Hopkins— j'n Sys- tem of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Ncvroses Traumatiques Crocq, — .,jun. A 44 S 9 On Reaction Times and the Velocity of the Nervous Impulse; by Prof. Catted... United States Nat. Academy of Sciences, 7 500 Paramyoclonus Multiplex; bv Dr. R. Russell—/// System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 Physiol-, -v and Pathology of the Cerebral Circulation. y ° y °* Hill,L. A 33 V 15 Pr. -• -•<< •-<■..).■ ,,r Ki. ,,-,-, i.-d"c as to the Structure and Functions of N-r. •-.■■. :ii:,' Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 III : . . ,;■ Di, - - - -. by Dr. Harlow /// System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 39 Retrospect of Medicine Braithwaite, J. 610.5 Saltatory Spasm ; by Dr. R. Russell in System of .Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 40 Spasmodic Affections of the Nervous System ; by Dr. J. Collins— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Spasmodic Wry-neck ; by Dr. Chiene— in System of Medi Tetany ; by Dr. R. Russell in Syst Tics, The ; by Dr. P.. Russell in S Allbui n of Medic Allbui T. C. . T. i 26T41 20T41 „_..jjofMedioii Allbutt, r f. C. A 26 T 40 Transplantation of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve ; by Dr. Mac- donald Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Report, 189S 5110 Tremor, Tendon-Phenomenon, and Spasm ; by Dr. Sherrington /« System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Variations in the Spinal Nerves of /////./ tinrni ; bv Miss (4. Sweet. Royal Society, Victoria, Proceedings, 1S90 5(10 [See also Brain: Cells; Convulsions; Epilepsy: Headache; Hys- ■** urafgia; Neurasthenia; Nei ; P.ral ; Spi, : Spi, : Totan 3.] Nestoriau Church — {St rck Chll ; 1 1 ere - S.] Nests. [See Eggs and Nests; Birds.] Netherlands. [See Holland.] Neuralgia— il Neui ;ia; by Dr. \V. Sinklcr Han by Dr. Head in Systci Allbutt A 31 P 10 in of Medicine. A 26 T 39 Neurasthenia ■- ... Dallemagne, J. A 34 V 4 . Mil, hell, S. \V. A 33 P 33 e .. Allbutt, T. C, A 26 T 41 steria; by Dr. J. K. Mil. -hell Neuritis- Multiple Sy nmetrieal Peripheral Neuritis system of Medicine All also Nerves and Nervous System.] History A 43 U 18 . Hagen ... British listoiv A 43 W 21 Subject-Index to the Supplemental Catalogue — 1896-1900. New Australia Cooperative Settlement — < -neral Condition of Paraguay, 1803 ... Gt. Bt, and Ireland- Foreign Office 1) 16 V 10 New Britain— General and Descriptive— Through New Cuinca and other Cannibal Countries. Webster, H. C-. MD 8 R 53 Geo'/rajJn/, Topoi/rcp/ii/, mid Maps — Blanche Bav, 1899 [Chart] ... (It. Brit, and Ii-el.— Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 I A buk tabu kalamana ure to Iesu Karisito .. Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 40 New Brunswick — General and Descriptive — Toems of Places Longfellow, H. \V. HUP 36 . Parliament— I. gislative Assembly of the Province of Xew lirunswick, Journals. New Brunswick Parliament 328.715 _ __ Public Lands— Ciown Land Departinent of Xew Brunswick, Beport. New Brunswick Parliament 328.715 New Caledonia— General and- Descriptive — A anteekening over Nieuw Caledonie Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1865 010.5 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H11P37 [See abo Pines, Isle of.] . llihlwyraphy ■ — P. ili. .l' ;■! ; >ii i<- de It \'ouvelle-( 'ah'donie el Depcudances. Vallee, L. MD 4 Q 21 phie Office MD2P35J irt]...Gt.Brit.andIrel.— phic Office MD 2 P 35 % v.- Caledonia 35 1.032 Dialectes de la Xouvelle-Caledonie ; par J. Bernier. Royal Society, X.S.W., Journal, 1898 506 Etudes sur les Dialectes Xco-Cah'doniens, Australiens, ct autrcs. Bernier, J. MJ 3 T 5 New Church. [See Nwedcnborgianism.] New England, United States— General and Descriptive— Historic Pilgrimages in Xew Kngland... Bacon, E. M. B 24 17 27 Poems 'of Places.. '.'." ,°. ' Longfcllo'w, If.' \\\ 1 1 1 1 1'Tl, 32 ',.-■■* r»/« Connecticut; Maine: Massachusetts; Xew Hampshire; Pilgrim Fathers; Phode Island; Vermont.] ■ Parliament ial Origin of Xew Kngland Senates; bv V. L. Rilev. Johns Hopkins University Studies, 14 B 1: New Guinea —G British Xew ( British Xew ( British New (, uinea;bySir\Y\M British New ( uinea, Annual Re] Contribution NewCuinc the Knowledge o i; byG. F. de Bru ; by H. 0. Forbes. dagazinc. 1888 010.5 Hvdmgni.phicOllico MI) 8 R4H MD3U15 •, Sir W- MD 4 W 6 iliau Hand-book 319 Si nttishdeographical lagazine, 1805 010.5 (it. Brit, and Irel.— ice. Pop., its 354.428 and East Coasts of Journal of the Indian dago, 1852 A 36 U 6 on, A. C. A 23 R 46 w Guinea since the n, J. P. Ml) 7 U27 ia-izine, 1885 B10.S I. II. MI) 8 R 43 kton... Polynesian lournal, 1897 99-G tha B. MG 2 U 1 mett. .. Melbourne Poems of Places ReisnaardeZuidi laut Eilanden ei Sir W. Macgregoi N.S.W. Throi Universal Geography Voyages faitsdans lesMo [See also Motu Language; — Discovery, Exph 3 ... Romilly, H. H. I) 14 V 20 t voor het Zeewezen. 1854 010.5 . Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 iques a la Nouvelle-< 1 uinee et a Celebes. Bastiaanse, J. H. de B-. MD 4 U 34 Papuan Languages; Papuans; Torres •ation, and Early Voyagec— Dis of X e Exploration Geographical Magaz Italian Kxplor Public Library of New South Wales. 51 New Guinea - Lam/nai/p and Dialects — Aratoro, Wasare ram'u ..' MO : Buka Ovariave Bible, and Testaments MO 2 T SO Dirava lhananiona Ancdia M(! 2 1' S!l Ouriguri bukana M(i -J I' ST Iesu Keristo una Evanslia Mareko Bibles and Testaments MG2TS8 Bibl u'lll fes't unen'ts MO 2 T 42 Kabadi Dialect of Now Guinea; bv Kev. J. E. Newell... Polynesian ■Society, Journal, 1897 990 New Testament in Motu Bible, and Testaments MO 2 T 44 Revareva Helaga Bibles and Testaments MO 2 R 57 School-book in the Language of Wedau Giruna Mi) 2 T 25 SiogarapimaiArimetika MG 2 1' 22 [See nAsoMatu Language: Papuan Languages; Wedau Language. ] Socifil Life and Customs — Recollections of New Guinea Customs: by W. M. Fielding. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1896 C96 New Hampshire— Finance and Taxation — Board of Equalization, Rent, ... N. Hamps.— Ann. Rents. 328.742 State Treasurer, N.H., Rept,...N. Hamps.- Aim. Repts. 328.742 . Statutes. [See New Hampshire— General Court- in Author Catalogue.] New Hebrides — General and Descriptive— Cannibalism as Practised on Tanna Polynesian Society, Journal, 1S95 9!;0 Heroes of the South Seas Banks, Martha B. MO 2 U 1 Letters from the Western Pacific . . Romillv, ii. H. 1) 14 V 2D Mission Life on Tanna, New Hebrides Watt, Agnes ('. P. MC 1 T28 Williams, John, Vie de C 19 V 20 [See also Kanakas; Missions and Missionary Work; Pacific Islands; Polynesian Languages: Polynesians; and under each Island.] Geor/rajJii/, '/'njioi/ra/Jiy, and Maps — New Hebrides and New Caledonia, 1899 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrograpliie Office Ml) 2 P 35 + New Hebrides Island,, 1S98 [Chart] (!t. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrograpliie ( mice M I) 2 P 35 J Lant/uar/e and Dialects — Genesis go namagoyai vea ni Exodos Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 45 Gospels according to Matthew and John, translated into the Lan- guage of Nguna Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 39 Intasetipupmat u lesu Kristo.. . Biblesand Testaments MG -J VI Language of Makura, Xew Hebrides; by K. Tregear... Polynesian >r Society, Journal, 1S90 99(i Mark and Luke. together with i lie Acts of ihe Apostles, translated into the Language of Nguna... BiblesandTestaments MG 2 T 43 Matam Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 33 New Ireland- Through New Guinea and other Cannibal Countries. Webster, H. C-. MI) 8 I! 53 New Jersey — Finance and Taxation - New Jersey— Board of Assessors, Report 330.29 New Mexico -General and Descriptive History and Climate. New Mexico . Smiths. Inst. Repts., 1877 50G Observations of a Ranchwoman in New Mexico ... Nicholl. EdithM. New Orleans — History- - New Orleans; the Place and the People... King, Grace B 16 R 23 New South Wales- General and Descriptive — MD S P 41 Aim Banks, Sir Joseph, Jor s Nc\ Moi y W. V Ma; New South Wales— General and Descriptive— contd. Cockney Columbus, The Murray, IX C. D 13 P S Colonist's Tour Bvl, I*. L. van dor MD 4 P 13 County Cumberland Directory, 1880 Puller. C. E. MD 8 S 9 Description of Sydney. Parra'matta, New castle, 1818... Slater, J. Libr. Dvmock's Guide to New South Wales MD 4 Q 7 Hall's Business Directory N.S.Vy. Business Directory 919.44 Hall's Directory of New South Wales N.S.Wales 919.44 Hall's N. S. Wales Country Directory... N.S. W. Country Directory 919.44 Hotels, Boarding-houses, ic. at. or near Railway Stations. N. S. Wales Railways anil Tramways MD 1 P 75 Islands of the Southern Seas Shoemaker, M. M. MD 2 T 31 Italiano in Australia Munari, P. MD 4 W 15 Journal of a Journey from Xew South Wales to Adelaide, 1838; by J. Hawdon ... Royal Geog. Sec, Aust., N.S.W., Br., Journal', 1891-92 910.0 Land and Wealth of Xew South Wales Hill, E. ME 4 R 03 Land t rax el and. Sea faring Roberts, M. MD 8 S 2 Letter from ('apt. Baralin. employed on a. Voyage of Discovery 1802 Philosophical Magazine, 1803 505 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 Moore'* Au.-.lruliau Almanac and Country Directory. Moore, J. J. 319.4 More Tramps Abroad Clemens, S. L. D 13 P 2 New South Wales Hand book; xvith Map in Hand-book, 1899. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Emigrant's Information Office D 22 Q 19 New South Wales: its Railway System, Holiday Resorts, &c. N. S. Wales Railways and Tramways MD 6 R 7 New South Wales Muni, ipal Directory 352.0944 New South Wales, the Mother Colony of the Australias. Hutchinson, E. Ml) 7 U 23 Notes on New South Wales: by Dr. McKirdv ... East India and Colonial Magazine, 1843 E 19 E 12 Nouvelle-Galles du Sud Hutchinson, P. MD 8 R 54 Oakshaxv Annual of New South Wales Shaw, J. 319.44 Official Account of the most recent Topographical Surveys of New South Wales, 1815 Philosophical Magazine, 1,816 505 Post Office Directory, 1890 97 Wise, II.', and Co. 919.44 Practical Experience of a Settler in Xew South Wales... Waugh, J. MD 4 P 4 Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 14 Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1894... N. S. Wales- Statistics 319.44 [See also under New South Wales in Author Catalogue for Government Publications.] [See also Aborigines of Australia: Bush Life; Bushrangers; Colonization; Convicts and Convict System; Jenolan Caves ; Supreme Court; and under Districts. Cities, and Towns, and those subjects which are sub-divided by Countries.] Biography — Australia's First Preacher: the Rev. R. Johnson; by J. Bonwick. Johnson, Rev. R. MC 1 S 21 Parkes, Sir Henry, Life of; by C. E. Lyne MC 1 T 29 Climate— Climate and Geology of New South Wales; by J. King. Edinburgh Journal of Science, 1828 A 30 Q 18 Physical Geography and Climate of New South Wales ; by H. C. Russell -in Pains., N.S.W. Commissioners ... Chicago Exhih., 1893 MA 4 T 22 Commerce and Trade— American Trade with Australia; by G. W.Bell Philadelphia Commercial Museum F 16 R 21 Annual Review of Exports from New South Wales, 1S95-97, 1899 1900 Daily Commercial News MF 9 P 39 f ( 'ommcrcial ( ieography ." Thomson, J. P. M D S Q 50 Commercial Relations of Xew South Wales; by R. L. Nash-™ N.S. Wales, the MotherColony... Hutchinson. E. MD 7 U 23 Import Trade of Xew South Wales ; by W. G. Kendall- f» N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 Progress and Resources of N.S. W. ; by G. Tregarthen- in Pams., N.S.W. Commissioners Chicago Kxhib.. IS93 MA 4 T 22 Rue. Progress, and Pic.-cnt l\ sition of Trade and Commerce of N.S.W.- in Rams., N.S.W. Commissioners Chicago Exhibition, 1893 MA 4 T 22 Wealth of New South Wales shown by her Exports. Daily Shipping News MF 3 Q 15 { Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. New South Wales —Constitution and Constitutional Law— Constitution and Laws of New South Wales; by Prof. P. Cobbett in New South Wales, the Mother Colony '.. Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Constitution of the Government of N'ew South Wales; hv \V. W. Burton Colonial Magazine, 1840 F 19 P 1 . Defence Forces- .Military Forces of New South Wales. Reports ... X. S. Wales - Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 Xc w South Wales Army and Navy List . . . X. S. Iron for England ; by M. H. Donoli iteer Force Am ilso 1st Australian Horse ; N.S.W. - Discovery, Exploration, and _, raphical Results of the Elder Seienti Ford 3.">4.9446 Roy. ( •ical Xarrativ South Wales Journal of an L\j>e< of the Discovei of Xe\ Hollar Ml) Journey from Sydney o lto the Interior of N. S. Mitchell, SirT. L. Libr. the Blue Mountains to Bathurst. Ml) 2 P 10 Finance and Taxation — 'inancial Statements of the Colonial Treasurers, ]8.~>;V92. N. S. Wales- Finance 336.944 Geoi/rii/i/n/. TojKxiraphi/, and Ifajis — o ographv of Xcw South Wales .' Taylor, J. M. Ml) 4 Q 8 load Map of Xcw South South Wales 'Ferris, 'J'. MD 8 P 34 Government arid Administration — leply in Refutation of the Pamphlets of Lieut. -Gen. R. Darling and Maj. -Ceo. H. C. Darling to. J. Hume and Viscount Coderieli. Hall, E. S. MF 4 Q 57 History- \eeount of Xcw South Wales ... Xaval Chronicle, l(i B 38 P 16 \dn.iral Phillip Bccke, L. MB 3 Q (i e i:,, d Ren Is" of New South Wales . Jos of Botany Bay of Xew South Wales .. ing Details fromN.S.W. and Memoir of Capt. J. Sh Xn rtland... .[ Smith. Recollections of a Centenarian [John Dell] ; Colonial Monthly M Reminiscences of the Early Days of Parianiatta...Houison ME Sketch of the Life of Capt. J. Hunter Naval Chn Soldiering Fifty Years Ago Dc Winton, Major G. J ■it ate of New South Wales $lory of Australasia I'oyage to New South Wales lsl-_>. Xaval Chn Davitt. M. MD4 Hawken, X. MF . Parkos, Sir H. M1M •niwn hands available for Homestead Scl Lease X. S. Wales .uid Question in 1S44 46... X. S. Wales- New South Wales -1' Lands Department of Xcw ds—ct ales, Re, mid. N. S. Wales— irliainent, V. and P. 328.944 v South Wales: by H. A. G. icr Colony ... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 List of Pastoral Leasesand Artesian Well Leases... N. S. Wales- Lands 336.11 X. S. Wales Crown Lands Acts X. S. W. - Statutes MF 1 S 72 Outline of the Main Provisions of the Crown hands Acts in force in Xcw South Wales X. S. Wales -Lands MF 5 Q 33 Synopsis of Laws relating to the Crown hands of X. S. Wales. N. S. Wales-Statutes MF 1 S 72 Synopsis of Provisions of the Crown hands Act, 1899. N.S.Wales Statutes MF 1 S 72 Social Life and Customs — State of Society and Crime in New South Wales; by Judge Burton. Colonial Magazine, 1840 F 19 P 1, 2 Statistics -- Childbirth in Xew South Wales Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 Q 31 N.S.W. Statistics and Victorian Critics... Pulsford, E. F 17 P 7 Registrar-General's Reports N. S. Wales- Parliament, Statistical Account of the Sevci n the Vili Statistics of the Se\ Vital Statistics for itralasia. Statistics 319.4 Statistics 319.44 f. S. Wales, 1899. 614.1 N. S. Wales- n Colonies of Australasia, 1861-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF f> P 20 $98 and previous years X. S. Wales - Statistics 614.1 Statutes— Common Law Procedure Act, 1899... Cockshott. If. M. MF C, R 13 Guide to Consolidated Acts Piddington, A. B. MF 5 R 8 ImlextotheStatutcsof NewSouth Wales. ..Clegg.T. B. MF 3 S 36 New South Wales— Statutes 346.2 Rules and Orders of the Governor's Court in Xew South Wales. N. S. Wales Governor's Court Libr. New South Wales Corps of Engineers- History of the N.S.W. Corps of Engineers... Cansdell, Capt. C. S-. New Testament— C Bible Hand-book Colossian Studies Commentary on the Epistle a the Epistles to tl n the Gospel accon u the Gospel accon [See Bibles and Testai G 23 R 40 G l."> R38 G 19 T 27 G 25 T 4 f the Xew G24Q11 Rev. J. A. G 19 (J 1 G 24 U 12 . G 3 U 6 G 12 V 35 ( 1 24 Q 29 t ; 23 R 35 ich Gospel i Author e-] 970 Public Librae of New South Wales. New York (City) —General and Descriptive— Poor in Great Cities I Satan's Invisible World Displayed; by W. T. Stead. Review of Revi Commerce and Trade — New York Chamber of Commerce, Report Hisi . Goodwin, Maud W. B 19 R 0, ( New York (State) Constitution and Constitutional Law — Manual for the use of the Legislature ... New York Legislature F 12 S 35 ■ Cvitsfititfii,nal History — Civil List and Constitutional History of the Colony and State of New York Werner, E. A. 351.2 ■ Govern Centralization o Manual for the e of the Legislature . History — Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America ... Fiske, J. B 19 V 0, 7 Historic Towns of the .Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Public Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of New York, 1807-17 New York Historian B 41 S 5 State Historian, Report New York— Historian 974.7 Story of the Palatines Cobb, S. H. B 19 R 7 New York State Museum of Natural History. [For Reports and Official Publications, see Author Cata- logue.] New York State University — Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York, 1784-1884; by Dr. F. B. Hough New York - University G 17 T 9 [For Calendars, Reports, and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue. ] fe\ t Zealand -General and Des A. vanced Austr allowav, \ T . J. MD 8 P 41 stralia, Van Neman's Land, md New Zealan MD 4 P 4 stralian and New Zealand Mo nthl Magazine. MF 5 S 9 -book Banks, Sir Jose h. Journal MD3 U 15 .. Murray D 1 . D13P5 Cold Lakes of Ne v Zealand; by "W .N.J tish( Maga Flower-hunter i Queensland an IJS'e v Zealand.. Rowan, Mrs. E. MA 4 S 1 1 rtunate Isles by Hon. W. P Kee ves . Royal Colonial 895- (,« Visit to New Z Polvn ■alai '' H In In roes of the Sr pcrial Album the Kauri Fo of New Ze'aiani rests of New Ze .. 1! Ian, M\ MG 2 U 1 1 P 41,42 1 t's Monthly Ma In the New Zealand Alps; by E A. Fitzgerald .. c ntemporary Isl inds of the Southern Seas Shr emakcr, M Lite and Progress m Australasia M< re '1 ramps Abroad N. w Zealand .. \( w Zealand ... Ni w Zealand ; 1 v "Latitude"... . A Mralian. 1 ie, 3 MJ4 P 15 New Zealand — General and Descriptive — eontd. New Zealand Tours and Kxoursions; the Bull er Tour; Southern Alps and West Coast Tour; Aorangi Tour: Kotorua Tour. New Zealand— Lands and Survey MD 3 P 53-56 Northern Districts of New Zealand ; by W. H. Simnis... Colonial Magazine, 1844 F 19 P 14 Notes on a Visit to New Zealand ; by Rev. J. F. Buss. New* Church Magazine, 1899 205 Nouvelles Societes Anglo- Saxonnes Leroj-Beanlieu, P. P. MF 4 P 41 Our Stolen Summer Boyd, Mary S. I) 22 S 8 Parts of the Pacific Eykyn, Rev. J. MD 8 R 42 Pictures of Travel Laev, G. D 22 R 20 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P 37 Run round the Empire Hill, A. D 18 Q 32 Rural New Zealand Houghton, J. MA 5 R 6 J Sketch of New Zealand with Pen and Pencil; by I. C Russell. American Naturalist, 1879 505 Stone's Otago Directory and New Zealand Annual Otago and Southland Directory 919.31 Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Haweis, Rev. H. R. D 16 R 5, 6 Two Years in New Zealand ; by J. N. Ingrain Chautauquan, 1890 051 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Waikare-Moana Best, E. MD 3 S 4 Westland Alps ... Royal Geographical Soc, Journal, 1895 910.5 [See also Maoris; under Subjects, Towns, &c. ; and in Author Catalogue for Government Publications and Reports.] Discover;/, Exploration, and Early Voyages: — Nieuw-Zeeland, door de Nederlanders ontdekt en Colonisatie op hetzelve; door Jacob Swart Tijdschrift voor het Zeewezen, 1843 910.5 Scheme of a Vovaee to New Zealand [Reprint] ... Dalrymple, A. MB 2 Q 28 Supposed Earl} 7 Mention of New Zealand; by G. Collingridge. Polynesian Society, Journal, 1896 996 Tasman, Abel Janszoon, Journal MD 2 P 33 I Geography, Topography, and Maps — Anchorages on and oil' tin- North Coast of North Island, 1S9S [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P 34 + Harbours and Anchorages in South Island, IS'.i; [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office MI) 2 P 35 % Napier Port and Harbour [Chart] (it, Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office MD 3 Q 16 t New Caledonia to New Zealand, '1S98 (it, Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 35 + River Waiau to Cape Foulwind, 1899 [Chart]... (It. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 35 J ■ History- Colonist, The Bateman, W. MB 1 R 21 Colonization of New Zealand ... Colonial Mag., 1S43 F 19 P 2, 3 Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand. Hocken, T. M. MB 3 S 2 Growth of the Empire Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1 History of Australia and New Zealand ... Annus and RoWtson's School Series MG 2 P 65 In Ancient Maoriland Best, E. MA 3 W 20 In the Maori Rising: by J. Iliuton Told from the Ranks B 21 S 4 Long White Cloud Reeves, W. P. MB3S4 Manual of New Zealand History Wallace, J. H. MB 2 P 58 New Zealand Reeves, W. P. MB 3 P 4 New Zealand and its Present State Colonial Magazine, 1843 F 19 P 12 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 971 v Zealand— History— contd. una lis 0:1 the Military Operations in New Zealand; by Capt. C'ollinson — in Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Royal Engineers A 41 S 17, 18 com of the New Zealand War '... (irate, M. S. Ml) .-. O 44 Pi, ring Fifty Years Ago Da Winton, Major G. J. do W. MB 3 P 5 R-.r of Affairs in Xew Zealand... Colonial Mag., 1844 F 19 P 13 oi \ of Australasia Laurie, J. S. MP, 1 T7 nd'ies in Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 alelield, Edward Gibbon Garnett, R. MB 3 Q 5 r.ngs of New Zealand Colonial Magazine, 1844 F 19 P 14 - Politics— l-tralasian Democraev Walker, H. de R, MF 5 Q 13 01:, Shirt Ministry, the ( ientleiuairs . Magazine, 1S9S 052 ill of Politics in New Zealand ; by Sir R. Stout. " Review of Reviews, 1898 052 ye Years' Political and Social Reform in New Zealand; by Hon. W. P. Reeyes National Review, 27 052 •■■■ and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. Ml) 4 T 43 ..i-ical Parties in Xew Zealand; by Sir R. Stout. Melbourne Review, 5 052 ipara; or, the Rights of the individual in tlie State .. Forsyth, A. MF 3 P 68 ate and its Functions in New Zealand m Fibian Tracts. Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Public Lands — - emission on Native Land Laws, Report New Zealand Lands and Survey MF 3 Q 40 t ■e rinient of Lands and Sur\cv, Reports in Appendix to the Journals New Zealand— Parliament 328.931 nid Policy of New Zealand in Australasian Democracy. Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 mil Question in New Zealand and Australia; by W. W. Carlile. Melbourne Review, 4 052 ■v. Zealand— Horowhenua Commission MF 13 Q 1 f - - Statistics— ■suits of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, 1890 in Appen- dix to Journals New Zealand Parliament 328.931 atistical Account of the Seven Colonics of Australasia. New South Wales Statistics 319.4 atistics of New Zealand New Zealand Statistics 319.31 al istics of the Colony of New Zealand /,.■ Appendix to Journal.-. New Zealand Parliament 328.931 atistics of the Seven Colonics of Australasia, 1801-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 P 20 Statutes. [See New Zealand -Statutes, in Author Catalogue.] ,v Zealand Alps— hubs iu the New Zealand Alps. ..Fitzgerald, K. A. MD 3 V 19 oueer Work in the New Zealand Alps Harper, A. 1'. w Zealand University. [For Calendars and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue.] Newcastle, N.S.W.- ■wcastle, N.S.W., Naut — Churches— Newfoundland— General and Descriptive — Annual Reports... (it. Brit, and Irel. - Col. Office Repts. 354.428 Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. 1)22 R 3 British America D 22 Q 6 Canadian Guide-book Roberts, C. G. 1). 1) 16 P 2 Newfoundland in 1S97 Harvey, Rev. M. I) 16 R 8 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. \V. H 11 P 36 Practical Advertising 659 Stanford's Compendium of ( leoeTaphv : North America. " Dawson, S. E. I) 15 R 19 Tenth Island Willson, B. D 16 Q 7 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U 15 Newgate Prison- Chronicles of Newgate . Griffiths, A. F8VJ Newhaven, U.S.A. — History— Historic Towns of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Newport, U.S.A.— History— Historic Towns of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Newspaper, The — American Newspaper, The Warner, C. D. J 1 R 50 History of the Taxes on Knowledge... Collet, C. 1). F 17 R 23, 24 [See also Journalism ; Journalists; Press, The.] Newspaper Correspondents. [See Journalists.] Newspaper Selections and Cuttings — Spirit of the Public Journals, 1797-1805 J 26 Q 37-45 Newspapers — Canada — List of Newspapers publishedin Canada. . . Pract. Advertising 659 Ceylon — List of Newspapers published in Ceylon... Pract. Advertising 659 China— List of Newspapers published in Chii . Pract. Advc Europe- List of Newspapers published in Austria. Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark. France. ( Icrmauy, ( Gibraltar, (.'leecc. Holland, Iceland, Italy. Luxembourg, Malta. Montenegro, Norway. Por- tugal, Komnania, Russia, Scrvia, Spain. Sweden. Switzerland. Turkey Practical Advertising 659 Fiji Polynesian Gazette. [See Fiji Colonist under th Great Britain- 072 lilack and White • hMtllCg J20R 14 Financial News Brass - J =SS--Wi.«i- i dv2s 1 Tillies ' ublishcd ill India... Pra.t. A.ixciti-iii, Japan — List of Xexxspapcus published in Japan... Pract. Ad\ertising 059 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Newspapers- New South Wales- 072 Allan v Banner AlburV Dailv News and Wodonga Chronicle Herald Annual Review of Exports from New South Wales; being a Supplement to the Daily Commercial -News. IS!).") Condoholin Argus .. ( loolamon Echo Cooma Kxpress Coonamble Indcpencl Cootatnundia Liberal a Five Press ,. well ( Deutseh-Australisc ', | Dubbo Dispatch ai 1 H II Dubbo Liberal and \l.i, Dungog Chronicle Echo, Das Evening News Federalist Forbes and Parkes Freeman's Journal Glen Innes Examii Olen Innes Guardii Gonlburn Evening V (Joulburn Herald.. Uraphic Australian Grenfell Record . Grenfell Vedette .. Crip, The Ciiudagai lii.lep-ii.lent and Pastoral Advo Newspapers— New South Wales— 072— contd. Gundagai Times Hard up MF5V7 Hay Standard Hebrew Standard 296 Hillgrove (iuardian and New Kngland Mining < iazette Ilillston Spectator and Lachlan River Advertiser Illav a Merc Jerilderie Herald and Urana Advertiser Junee Southern Cross Macleay (.'hronicle and Bellinger Advc Mi Plum's Australian News Maitland Dailv Mercury Maitland Weekly Mercury Mann - Km Marrickville Express Mcrriwa and Cassilis Standard Molong Argus Molong Kxpress and Western Districts Advertise Monaro Mercury and Cooma and Boiubala Adver M oree News . Moss Vale Record Mudgee Guardian Mm Igee Li I icral Mungindi News Murrurundi and Quirindi Times M uswellhrook ( .'hronicle Namoi Independent Narrabri Herald and Northern Districts Adverti: Nar National Adv< ,nsign N.p •. Balhu New South Wales Trade Protective Institute. Report Newcastle Morning Herald New spapers published in N.S.W Practical Advertising Northern I'eople. [S,r- Peo].le and 1 he Collectivist.] Northern Star and Richmond and Tweed Rivers Advocate N vngan ( (bservcr. Orange Leader and Millthorpc Messenger bula Voi Patriot People and the Collectivist Press News Protest an I Standard < >uii imli ( Iazette and Liverpool Plains Ad\ Raleigh Sun Referee Richmond Riv Rylesione Kxpress and Klectoral Representativ Singleton Argus Spectator [ .. MF3U67 "MJ5R]7"t Sun. The .. Sunday Times Sydney Chronicle... d Commercial Record... (iazette and N. S. Wales Adve Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 973 Newspapers —New South Wales— 072 —contd. ! ha Witness and Vernon County Record MF 2P3S + u.m iv.'t" .'" . ,l "!r;;" t \ _.":'::'::::.':::'::::::':::: igham Chronicle and Manning River Observer ^:^ : :;' f Zealand Herald v Zealand Mail - n" s spapers published in N.Zealand... Practical Advertising .rth New Zealand Settler and Land l.uver's Guide dies of the First New Zealand Press; l,v R. ('. Harding... Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S9£ — Queensland 072 e.vspapers published in (Queensland .. Pract. Advertising — Siam — •t of Newspapers published in Siam ... — South Africa — stof Newspaperspublished inS. Africa. . Advertising 659 it. Advertising 0.59 - Tasmania -072 Victoria 072 of England Messenger d.J 7 1* 4, 5 X 332 . MO 1 V 1 -V ictor ia 072 —contd. Graphic News of Australasia M.7 7 P 1 X Illustrated Australian News M.I 7 P 1 ') | Illustrated Weekly Herald M.I 7 1' 1 t Newspapers published in Victoria ... Practical Advertising 659 Riverine Herald West Indies- List of Newspapers published in the British West Indies. Practical Advertising 059 - Western Australia- 072 In. Lis't of Nev Western Mail [For Newspaj papers. ] mblishe Nurses and Nursing — Australian Hand book of Obstetric Nursing Milford, F. MA 3 U 47 Hand-book for Nurses Watson, J. K. A 33 P 43 Home and Training School lor Nurses, Report MA 5 Q 9 Nurse's Hand-book of Cookery Worsnop, E. M. A 23 P 39 Nursing Hughes. Miss Amy A 26 T 34 Nursing and Hygiene Roberts, R. L. A 26 P 38 Nursing; its Theory and Practice Lewis, P. G. A 39 V 20 Pioneer of Trained Workhouse Nursing /// Pioneer Women. Pratt, E. A. C 23 19 Pioneer Women Pratt, E. A. C 23 Q 19 Text-book of Nursing Shaw, C. S. W-. A 12 Q 18 Nutrition- Nutrition and Foods ; by Dr. I. B. Yeo - [See also Animal Heat: Digestion.] Nuts - Bleaching of Nuts b\ Hipping in Pamphlets on Fruit-growing. Agr. Expcr. Stations A 38 R 35 [See also under each Nut.] Nyassaland— General and Descriptive — Portuguese Nyassaland Worsfold, W. B. D 1 3 Q 2 OatS- Coniparative Trial of Oats; by (J. Valder Agr. Gazette of N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Estimation of Wheat -meal in Oat-meal: by W. H. Doherty. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 506 nut in Injurious Insects, 6,7... Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6, 7 Pamphlets on Experiments with Oats \gr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 3 Smut in Oats— ,'« Injurious Insects, 6 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Treatment of Loose Smut of Oals - in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 7 [See also Cereals.] Oat Sm Obedience— Works Berkeley, Bishop G 18 P 5, Obelisks. [St I\t. aids.] Ober-Ammergau — Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau ... Burton, Lady I. H 13 V 10 Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau: Translation of text. Trench, Maria H 12 T 10 Story that Transformed the World Stead, W. T. G 23 V 19 [See'a/so Drama -History of; Miracle, Morality, and Mystery Plays; Passion Plays.] Obesity. [See Corpulence.] Object Lessons Australian Object Lesson-book Wiley, 1). T. MG 2 U 19 Materials for Object Lessons Garland, W. J. MG 2 T 24 [See also Kindergarten : School Management; Teaching.] Observatories y E. S. Holden. ctions, 37 508 ; Magnetic Ob- >gue, for their Obsidian Bombs Occurrence of so-called Obsidian Bombs in Australia; by R. H. Walcott Royal Society, Victoria, Proc., 1898 506 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900, 977 Obstetrics— Australian Hand-book of Obstetric Nursing Milford, F MA 3 U 47 Cinldbirth without Pain JIA 3 U 45 Fecundity, Fertility, Sterility, and Allied Topics. Duncan, J. M. A 19 U 12 Lance (ill)..-, i-American Medical Congress. Transactions ... Puerperal Eclamsia ; by Dr. G. E. Herman- in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 40 Relation of Anaesthesia and Obstetrics Reynolds, J. P. A17R2f [»V- f also ( iestat inn ; ( lymccology.] Occult Sciences — Canon, The G 23 S 9 M s.ellanies Aubrey, F. G 16 R 21 [N < also Alchemy; Astrology; Clairvoyance; Conjuring; Demon- ology; Divination : Faith-healing; Fortune ti-lling; Hypnotism; Kabala; Magic; Mesmerism; Mysticism; Xeo-1'latonism ; Pal- mistry; Rosicrucians; Second Si-lit ; Somnambulism; Spirit- ualism; Telepathy; Theosophy; Witchcraft.] captations. [See Eclipses.] Occultism. [See Theosophy.] Occupations. [See Injurious Occupatio ,,r 1 k'CllpUt in Ocean, The. [See Currents; Hydro id under each ; Sea, The: Voyages.] Ocean Currents. [See Currents.] Oceanica. [See Polynesia.] Odes- Nat ures Embassie Brath waite, R. H 1 W 25 [See also Poetry — General.] Odonata— African Odonata; by P. P. Calvert United States— National Mus 1, Proe., 18 507 (EsOphagUS- Diseases of the (Esophagus Rolleston, H. I). A 26 T 36 Ohio — Finn nee and Taxation — Treasurer of State, Report Ohio— Annual Repts. 328.771 Ohio— Secretary of State, Annual Reports 317.71 Ohio State University— Ohio State University, Report ... Ohio— Annual Repts. 328.771 Oidium Tuckeri — Vine Disease, Oidium Tiickeri ... Vict.— Agr., Rept., 1873 630.6 [Sv A. Tuekerman. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 34 508 C .1. .ur Measurement and Mixture . . . Abney , W. de W. A 27 P 13 C mception of the Term N. A. for Non-mathematical Amateurs ; by <;. West ... Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 Curiosities of Light and Sight Buhvoll, S. A 41 Q 27 Experimental Determination of the Velocity of Light. United States— Bureau of Equipment- Ast. l'apers, 1 520.8 Experiments in .Erodvmunics : liv S. P. Langlev ... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 27 508 Formula; in Optics -in Mathematical and l'hvsical Tables. Wrapson, J. P. A 25 S 3S Light Olazebrook, H. T. A 21 P 51 Light— in Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century. Routledgc, R. A 23 T 45 Liglit and its Artificial Production ; b}' 0. Lummer... Smithsonian Institution, Rcpts., 1897 50(5 Light Visible and Invisible Thompson, S. P. A 23 S 42 Mathematical Works Parro.v, Rev. I. A 25 U 15 Measures of the Velocity of Light, made 1880 82... United Stater— Bureau of Equipment— Ast. Papers, 2 520.8 Optics Coddington, H. A 41 P4, 5 Optics Potter, R, A 41 P 2, 3 Photographic Optics Cole, R. S. A 41 Q 20 Physics Anthony, A. W. A 41 P 1 Popular Scientific Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 Radiation Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1868 506 Rccherches experimentales sur quekpies Aetinometres. Rigollot, H. A 40 S 2 Reflexion and Refraction of Light Coddington, H. A 41 P 4 Scientific Papers Rayleigh, Baron A 44 V 1 Supplementary Measures of the Velocity of White and Colored Light in Air, Water, and Carbon Bisulphide... United States - Bureau of Equipment Ast. Papers, 2 520.8 Telephotography Dallmeyer, T. R. A 45 V 9 Theoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A 33 V IS Treatise on Physical Optics Basset, A. B. A 21 U 13 [Sie also Colour ; Colour-blindness; Eye, The; Lenses; Light; Magic Lantern; Microscopy: Mirrors: Optical Instruments; Photometry; Physics; Polariscoponnd Polarization; Radiation; Spectroscope; Spectrum Analysis; Telescope.] Optimism- Evolution Jevons, F. B. O 25 S 13 Moral Order of the World Bruce, Rev. A. B. (J 24 S 6 Opi imism and Pessimism; bv the Rev. W. Henderson. Melbourne Review, 2 052 Paradoxes Siidfeld, M. S. (i 3 U 16 Philosophy of Theism Frazer, A. C. O 14 S 25 Reviews and Critical Essays Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 [Sue aim Altruism; Pessimism.] Oracles. [See Clairvoyance; Divination; Omens; Second Sight.] Orakzais — < 'ainpaign in Tirah, 1897-98... Hutchinson, Col. H. D. 1) 13 U 10 [See also Pathans.] Oral Surgery. [See Mouth.] Orange Free State. [See Orange River Colony.] Orange River Colony — General and Descriptive — Boer States Kcane, A. If. D 21 Q8 Directory of South Africa. IS96-97 South Africa 916.8 Illustrated Official Hand-hook of the Cape... Noble..]. D 22 Q 16 Impressions of South Africa Bryie, J. I) 13 U 1 [Another copy. 3rd ed., revised.] D 21 Q5 Pictures of Travel Lacy, O. D 22 R 20 Tv.clvc Hundred Miles in a Waggon. .. Balfour. Alice I) II Ti'l Universal Geography Reelus, E. 1)21 U 13 [Si e also South Africa. Orange River Colony— History — Boers and the British MB 3 Q 7 Century of Wrong Reitz, F. W. B 41 R 2 Sketches and Studies in South Africa Little, Rev. W. J. K. D 22 U 2 South African Republics v. (Ireat Britain "True American" B 36 R 18 Transvaal and the Boers Fisher, W. E. 0. B 36 S 10 Oranges and Orange Culture — affecting the Orange Orchards of Wide Bay, and the Insect Pests prevalent therein; by H. Tryon i';i Bulletin 4. Queensland— Agriculture MA 3 S 68 Experiment in Orange Shipping by the Board of Exports; by J. Stephenson Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Fertilization of the Soil as affecting the Orange in Health and Disease; by H. J. Webber United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 630.5 Fungus Diseases of Citrus Tree- in Australia; by D. McAlpinc. Victoria Agriculture MA I B 36 Melanose of the Orange; by G. B. Owen ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Orange, The; by W. J. Allen... Agri, ultural Cazctte, N.S.W., 10 630.5 Orange Culture; by.]. Mitchell... Vict. Agr., I Sept., 1874 630.6 Pamphlets on Fruit-growing ... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 Principal Diseases ot Citrous Bruit's in Florida; by W. T. Swingle. United States. Pept. of Agr. I )i v. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology A "38 R 11 Propagating the Orange and other Citrus Bruits; by H. J. Webber. UnitedStatcs— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Scale on Imported Oranges ; by C. Puller... Agr. Cazctte, N S.W.,7 630.5 Sooty Mold of the Orange and its Treatment ; by H. J. Webber U.S. -Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology A 38 R 20 [See also Fruit-growing; Fruit Trade.] Orations. [See Speeches.] Oratorio. [See Church Music] Orators — Tres Grandes Oradorcs da Antiguidade: Pericles, Demosthenes, e Cicero Zama, C. C 24 R 16 Oratory — History of Oratory, from the Age of Pericles to the Present Time. Sears, L. J 14 U 7 Occasional Address Sears, L. J 14 V 24 Personal Equation Peek, H. T. J 9 R 31 [See also Debating ; Elocution; Eloquence; Preaching; Public Speaking; Reading; Rhetoric; Speeches; Voice.] Orchards. [See Fruit-growing.] Orchestidse — Synonomy of the New Zealand Orehestid.'e; by G. M. Thomson. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S98 500 [.See also Amphipoda ; Crustacea.] Orchids — General — Genus Masdevallia Woolwatd, Floruice If. A U 6 J Orchid Conference, Report, 1885, and Orchid Nomenclature, '.Cap B. Great Britain New Orel New Spu V 39 Q 10 .. .. Webster, A. D. A 38 V 20 r.I. 1). Hooker... Calcutta Royal Oaidcn, Annals. 5 A 17 U 22 f King... Asiatic Society,, Journal. 1.V10 954 Public Library of New South Wales. Orchids— South Africa— Orchids of the Cape Peninsula; by H. Bolus South Afric Philosophical Society, Trans., 5 I Ordalies dans l'Kglise Gallicauc an Xle Siecle . Orders — General. [S.'/' Undoes, Cunts of Arms, and Crests ; Baronetage and Knightage; Chivalry; Decorations of Honour; Heraldry; Knighthood; Knights of St. John; Knights Templars ; Military Orders; Religious Orders; and under names of Orders.] Ordinances. [See Statutes, under name of each Country, in Author Catalogue and Index.] Ordnance. [See Artillery.] Oregon — General and Descriptive — Contributions to North American Ethnology, 2. ..United States - Geographical and ( Icol. Survey of the Rocky Mountain Kcgion. A 10 V 2 t Organic Chemistry. [See Chemistry, Organic] Organs - ; by c. F. A. Wil ins and Tuning .. itise on Organ-buil, also Church Music Bach, J. S. C27Q4 Klliston, T. A •_>.-> R 26 . Robertson, F. E. A 34 V 5, Oriental Languages— Schcol of Oriental Languages — in Chips from a German Workshop. Midler, F. M. J 29 T 5-8 [See also under each Dialect and Language.] ligioii; by Rev. J. Lambie Melbourne Review, 10 0.52 I'rue Antiquity of Oriental Literature— ,« Chips from a German Workshop Midler, F. M. J 21) T 5-8 Oriental Periodicals- Oriental Philosophy and Religions. [See Philosophy— ■ Oriental; also Buddhism; China— Religions; Confu- cianism; East, The; Egypt -Religion; Hinduism; India --Religion; Japan- Religion; Judaism; Ka- bala; Mohammedanism; Parseeism: Taoism; Theoso- phy; and sub-heading Religion under each of the Oriental Countries.] Oriental Societies - Annual Address delivered to the Asiatic Society, Bengal. , , Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal 951 Journal of the China Brunch of the Royal Asiatic Society. . . , . Koyal Asiatic Society China Branch 951 Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society _ . . . _ Royal Asiatic Society- Straits Branch 915.9 Oriental Sore — Oriental Sore Firth, Surgeon-Major R. H. A 26 T 35 Rawlinson, Maj.-Gen. Sir H. C, Memoir oi Origin of Species. [See Evolution.] Original Sin — Dogma in Religion Kinross, Rev. J. MG 2 U 2 Eden Lost and Won Dawson, Sir J. W. J 9 W 9 [See also Augustinianism ; J'elagianisin ; Sin ; 'theology, System- atic and Doctrinal.] Orleanism. [See France — History.] Ornament. [See Decoration.] Ornithology — General— Birdcraf t Wright, Mabel Osgood A 27 S 1 2 Birds Evans, A. H. A 40 U 8 Birds I have kept in Years gone by Greene, W. T. A 27 P 2 Birds in the British Museum... British Museum — Natural History A 39 T 6-U 5-7, 9 Fossil Birds in the British Museum: bv R. Lvdekker British Museum— Natural History A 42 V 7 i North Vole to Equator Brehm, A. E. D 18 V 22 Recherehesl'hysiologhptessurrAppureii Respiratoire desOiseaux. Soum, J. M. A 31 S 27 Structure and Classification of Birds... Beddard, P. E. A 30 Q 33 Tongues of Birds ; by F. A. Lucas United States— National Museum, Rept, 1S95 507 United States National Museum, Proceedings, 1894 507 Ventriloquial ami Imitative Rowers of Birds; by K. E. Fish. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 5 506 Wonders of the Bird World Sharpe, R. B. A 27 S 28 [See also Birds ; Kggs and Nests ; and under names of Birds and Families.] Bibliography — Ornithological Bibliography ; by E. Coues United States - National Museum, Proc., 2 507 Periodicals — By Countries. America, North — Birds of Noith America, Catalogue; by R. Ridgway. United States National Museum, Proc., 3 507 Nomenclature of Certain North American Birds; by R. Ridgway. United States— National Museum, Proc, 3 507 Australia- Australian Birds in the Australian -Museum... Australian Museum MA 3 V 4 Aves of Central Australia North, A. J. MA 3 R 61 Habits of the .Mound-building Birds of Australia ; by I). Le Souef. Ibis, 1899 598.2 Key to the Birds of Auslialia andTasmania... Hall, R. MA 4 Q 17 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 + New Genus and live New Species of Central Australian Birds; by A. J. North Ibis, 1895 598.2 Ornithological Notes; by A. .1 North Australian Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 507 Trachea of the Freckled Duck of Australia ; by A. J. Campbell. Ibis, 1S99 598.2 \ ernacular Names for Australian Birds Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 500 [See also each Colony under this heading.] California — Partial Lists of Birds of Central California: by L. Belding. United States— National Museum, Proc, 1 50" Canada — Birds in relation to Agriculture; by C. W. Nash- in Report, 1S97 Ontario— Agriculture 630.6 Wild-fowl of the United Stales and British Possessions of North America Elliott, 1). G. A 27 S C Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Ornithology — Carribbee Islands— Ornithological Exploration of the ( aribbeo Islands. Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1878 Chatham Islands — On the Poua and other Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands; T. White New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 Ellice "Islands— Aves from Funafuti; by A. J. North Australian Museum *— Fiji— Birds of the Fiji Islands Memoirs, 3 MA 3 W 22 n Ornithological Miscellany. Rowley, G. I). A 18 Q 13 t — Galapagos Islands— — Gilbert Islands — On the Habits of a Cuckoo in the Gilbert Islands ; by A. J. North. Zoological Society, Proceedings, 1S90 590.0 Great Britain— British Birds Hudson, \V. H. A 27 R 7 British Birds and their Eggs Meyer, I!. II. A 38 I' I 7 British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum; by O. R. < i ray British Museum— Natural History A 42 U 10 British Birds, with their Nests and Eggs Butler, A. G. :1 Eggs A 20 P 1-6 t . Dixon, C. A 27 T 39 Islands... Lilford, Lord A 45 Q 1-7 amu-birds and Wild-fowl of the British Islands Dixon, C. A 44 W4 ur Favourite Song-birds Dixon, C. A 27 U 35 cc >nt Legislation on the Protection of Wild-birds in Croat Britain ; bv Sir H. Maxwell... Internat. Congress of Zoology, I'roc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Hawaii vcsHawaiienses Wilson, S. B. MA 13 R 2 t n some Hawaiian Birds ; by R. C. L. Perkins... Ibis, 1S95 598.2 — Heligoland - i ids of Heligoland; by H. Garke United States— National Museum, Proc, 2 507 — India- east and Man in India Kipling, J. L. A40V10 irds collected bv the Afghan Balwcli Boundary Coinmission, 189(i: bvF. Finn Asiatic Society, Bengal,' Journal, 1890 954 :w of Japanese Bin ir-birds of Japan ; 1 -Naiion; j G. P. Merrill. by L. Stejneger United St; National Museum, Proc., E r. W. Blakiston United Sti Madagascar - 1'olleetion of Birds made by Dr. Abbott in Madagascar; by C. Richmond United States— National Museum, 19 Mexico - Birds of South-western Mexico; bv G. N. Lawrence— in Bullet U.S. Nat. Museum ... Smiths. Inst., Misc. Collections, 13 A\ i Fauna of New Cuinca ; by Dr. G. Bennett \ust Almanac, 1877 319.4 N w Bird of Paradise from New Cuinca; by C. W. Do Vis. Ibis, 1897 598.2 Or lithology of New Cuinca; bvG. S.Mead... American Naturalist, 1894 505 Th rty-six New or Little-known Birds from British New Guinea; y C. W. De Vis Ibis, 1897 598.2 1 630. New Zealand- Auckland Island Shag; by Sir W. L. Buller ... Ibis, 1895 598. ^ Bird Life in the West Coast Sounds; bv R. Henry... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Birds of New Zealand- -in Ornithological Miscellany.. .Rowley, G.D. A18Q12f Birds of the Bay of Islands ; by A. T. Pycroft New Zealand Climbs Ins , 1898 V. MI) 3 V" 19 Kxtmct (iigantic Buds of .Madagascar and New Zealand- in Ornithological Miscellany Rowley, (J. 1). A 18 Q 14 t Giant Birds of New Zealand ; by I. C. Russell American Naturalist, 1877 505 New Species of .Y,;nc„s from an Island off the Coast of New Zealand; by Sir W. L. Buller Ibis, 1895 598.2 New Zealand Ornithology; by Sir W. L. Buller ... New Zealand Ornithology of Net Preservation of Ni Appendix to Jot Species of New Zc ■, Tra Insti Zealand . . . New Zealand Journal c live New Zealand Birds; bv Loi rnals. I ,S92 New Zealand- 1 land Ducks; by W. W. Smith... I. 328.931 ;i5 9li' 5110 Newfoundland — Wild-fowl of the United States and British Possessions in North America Elliott, D. G. A 27 S 6 Nicaragua- Collection of Birds from Nicaragua: by C. C. Nutting ... United States— National Museum, l'roc, 597 North Carolina - Ornithology of North Carolim - Philippine Islands ipine Ornithology... U.S.- Xatioiial Museum, Proc., 20 507 Queensland 'by 1). LeSoticf' '..'. Description of a Flyc New Sub-species of I Samoa — — Solomon Islands — Is from Solomon Islands ; by 11. B. Tristra collected at Cape York by H. (!. Barnard; ' Ibis, IS9S .-,98/2 tcher, presumably new ; by C. XV. De Vis. . Ibis, 1895 598.2 - South Australia if Birds collected in the Neighbourhood of Laura, South ■itralia; by Dr. M. Morgan Royal Soc, Smith Australia Public Library of New South Wales. Ornithology— Tasmania — Birds found nesting on Albatross Island, in Bass Strait, Australia; l.y H. Lc Smi.f Ibis, 1895 598.2 Catalogue of Birds of Tasmania ; by Rev. T. J. Fwing... Tasmanian Journal, 1 MA 5 R 4 Fan-tailed Cuckoo in Tasmania; by Col. W. V. Legge Royal Soc. , Tas. , Proe. , 1894-95 500 KeytotheBirdsofAustralhandTasmania... Hall, R, MA 4 Q 17 Nidilicalion of the Black Cockatoo; by A. Morton... Ro3'al Societ}', Tasmania, Proc, 1896 506 Texas— United States- Birds as Weed Destroyers; by S. 1). Judd United States - Dept. of Agr., Year-book. 1898 03H.5 Birds of Eastern N'orih America ... Chapman, F. M. A 27 S 15 Birds of North America Elliott, D. G. A 46 P 21 J Domesticated Birds hi Domes; it -at i -1 \nimals Shaler, N. S. A 30 R 29 Economic Ornithology of the United States; by T. S. Palmer. United States -Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S99 630.5 Life-histories of North American Hints ... United States— National Museum A 17 T 19 f Life-histories of North American Biids; by Capt. C. Bendire. Smithsonian Inst.. Contributions to Knowledge, 28, 33 r>'^ List of the Writings of G. N. Lawrence... United States-— National Museum, Bulletin 40 507 Our Common Birds Grant, J. B. A 27 P 1 Ravens, Crows, Jays, and Shrikes... Pennsylvania - Dept. of Agr., Rept., 1897 03: 1.0 Some Common lards in their relation to Agriculture; by F. E. L. Beal U.S.— Dept. of Agr., Farmers' 'Bulletin, 5-1 ' A !l 1' 1 United States I Icographieal Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 5 United States— Engineer Dept. A 10 U 6 t Wild-fowl of the Coiled State., and British Possessions of North America Elliott, D. G. A 27 S 6 [See also names of States under this heading.] 11 District; by R. Hall Victorian Naturalist, 1897-98 505 Birds of the Birch ip District ; by J. C. Goudie Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Large-billed Shrike-Robin Victorian Naturalist, 1S98 505 Occurrence in Victoria of a Phase of the Sub-species I'anlalo/us assimilis, Ramsay; by R. Hall... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Plumage Changes of Pitritcu jhaiiiect, Could; l'tu-hi/cephcht qut- teralis, Latham ; anil Mirr„;;,i /'nsfiiimis, Latham; by R. Hall. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1900 506 Western Australia — Birds collected by the Cal vet t Exploring Expedition in Western Australia; by J. A. North ... Koval' Society, South Australia, Trans., 1897-98 500 Birds new to South-western Australia; by R. Hall Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Collection of Bird-skins from Kalg lie; by lb Hall Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1900 500 Provisional Description of a New Fan u- Wren ; by A. J. Campbell. Victorian Naturalist, 1898 505 Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. [See Platypus.] Orphans and Orphan Schools Inspector of I hphai Pennsylv rennsvi Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Orthodoxy — Boston Monday Lectures . Orthoepy. [See sub-div guage.] n.sland, Report Queensland— Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 i of Soldiers' Orphan Schools. lvania Soldiei s' Orphan S.hools 362.7 Indiana, Report Indiana -Annual Rcpts. 353.9772 Cook, Rev. J. J 22 S 18 n Grammar, under each Lan- Orthopsedic Surgery. [See Deformities.] Orthoptera — Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum Westwood, J. 0. A 18 P 15 t Insect Life Theobald, F. V. A 18 P 31 Natural History of Insects of China... Donovan, E. A 20 R 10 t New Zealand Orthoptera; by F. W. Hutton New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 506 Orthoptera of Central Australia ... Tepper, J. G. 0. MA 3 R 61 United States Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, Report, 5 United States— Engineer Dept. A 10 U 6 f [See also Entomology; Grasshoppers.] Orvieto— Churches — Monographie dc laCathfidrale d'Orvieto. . . Benois, N. A 12 X 23 t Oscan Language — Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrisehen Dialektc Planta, R. von J 12 V 37, 38 [See also Italic Languages.] Oscillation. [See Vibration.] Osiris — Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life .. Budge, Rev. E. A. W. G25P 19 Osiris and his Cycle in Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. Wiedemann, A. G 1 R 39 [.See also Egypt Religions; Egyptology.] Osteology — Bones of the Mammalia in the Colloc tion of the British Museum. British Museum Natural History A 42 V 3 Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41-48 Vertebrate Skeleton Reynolds, S. H. A 33 P 38 [See also Bones; Dentition.] Ostracoda — New or imperlecth known Species of Ostracoda chiefly from New Zealand; by Dr. G. S. Brady Zoological Society, London, Proc, 1898 590.6 Ostracoden des Golfes von Neapel: von G. W. Muller. Zoologischc Station zu Neapel A 19 P 23 I [See also En tomostraca.] Ostrich — Ostrich Farm in Embryo ; by W. S. Campbell Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 Paper on the Ostrich - in Angora Goat. . .Cronwright-Schreiner, S. C. A 40 V5 Otago, New Zealand— General and Descriptive — Stone's Otago and Southland Directory Otago and Southland Directory 919.31 Otahite — General and Descriptive — Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal MD 3 U 15 Otology. [See Ear, The.] Ottawa — General and Descriptive — Canada and its Capital Edgar, Hon. J. D. D 13 R 3 Ottawa Colonial Conference. [See under Great Britain and Ireland in Author Catalogue.] Otterbourne— History — John Keble's Parishes Yonge, Charlotte M. B 22 R 12 Ottomans. [See Mohammedanism.] Ouananiche, The. [See Salmon.] Overman, The. [See under Nietzsche, in Author Catalogue.] Ox Warble Fly (Uypoderma lineata)— Ox Warble, The United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Oxford — General and Descriptive — Sights and Scenes in Oxford City and University... Whittaker, T. A8R2Jf Subject-Index to the Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. Oxford University — History of Lincoln College Clarke, Rev. A. B 25 V 1 Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett; by Dr. E. Abbott and Dr. L. Campbell Jowett, B. C 24 Q 10, 17 Pietas Oxoniensis Skelton, J. B IP. T 10 J Re ,1-ganization of the University of Oxford... Smith, fi. G 25 S 23 Sights and Scenes in Oxford City and University... Whittaker, 'J'. A 8 R 29 t [For Reports and Official Publications, see Author Catalogue.] Oxfordshire — General and Descriptive — English Topography... Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 9 Oxygen and Ozone Densities of Oxygen and Hydrogen, and on the Ratio of their Atomic Weights; by E. W. Morley... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 29 508 St ud v of Oxygen at Low Pressure; by R. Threlfall... RoyalSociety, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 506 Oysters and Oyster Culture— Fi.-hories and 1'ishrrv Industries of the United States, 1. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 t FranceetAlgeric: Inches Marit iincset ilel'Ostreieulture, 1885 639 Oyster, The Brooks, W. K. A 26 R 40 O'vsterCulture... Intermit. Fish. Kxhib., 18S3. Lit., 11 A 34 R 11 O'vster Culture; by II. M. Brewer— /« Appendix to Journals, 1892. New Zealand Parliament 328.931 Oyster Culture and Oyster Fisheries in the Netherlands. Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1S83, Lit, 5 A 34 R 5 Oyster Culture in relation to Disease Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Local Government Board, Supp., 1894 613.29 Ovster Fisheries of Moreton F.av, Report (Queensland - Parliament, V, and P., 3, 1889 328.943 Oysters and all about them Philpots, J. R. A 26 R 36, 37 Pearls and Pearl Oysters in The Naturalist in Australia. Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J Queensland Oyster Fisheries, Moreton Bay, Repts. MA 3 Q 30 1 [»S'i t also Fisheries.] Ozone. [See Oxygen.] Pachydermata— Carnivoimis, Pachyderma British Wuseum; by J. [.Sec also Mammalia.] ous, and Edentate Mammalia in the i. Gray British Museum — Natural History A 42 V 2 Pacific Islands — Gen era! and Descriptive — Australasian Islands Colonial Magazine, 1840-41 F 19 P 3, 4 Historical Account of, Circumnavigation of the Clobc MD 3 P 13 Islands in the North Pacific Ocean, 1X99: Ouadalupe Island, Alijos Rocks, Roca Perdita, Clarion Island. Clipperton Island, San Benedicto Island, Socorro Island. Melpomene Cove, Malpelo Island, Cocoa Island, Braithwaite Bay [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hvdrographie i Itliee 1) 49 P 2 X Journal of a Voyage round the World inH.M.f Journal of Cook's last Voyaf .othel'a. . J. Journal of the- UisulutlnCs Voyage... Cook, Caj)t. J. MD 4 U 27 Modem Voyages Adams, Rev. J. MI) 3 P 14, New Pacific Bancroft, H. H. South I'aeifie and Now Ouinea: by Rev. W. W. N.S.W. Commissioners... Chicago Fxliibit : - Trend of Islands in the Pacific; by Prof. Da Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc, 1S4U 8U Weapons, Tools, Ornaments, and Articles of Dress of the Native of the Pacific Islands Partington, J. E. [.Sec also under each Group and Island.] D22Q 14 -in Pams., 1893 MA 4 T 22 MA 5 R 13-15 Pacific Ocean — Islands and Anchorages in the Pacific Ocean. 1898 [Chart], fit. Brit, and Irel. —Hydrographic Office M I) 2 P 35 J New Pacific '..... Bancroft, H. H. D 22 Q 14 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 Packet Service. [See Postal Service.] Paediatrics. [See Children — Diseases.] Paganism— Emperor Hadrian, The firegorovius, F. B 34 R 17 Mysteries, Pagan and Christian... Checthani, Rev. S. (i 23 Q 13 Our Christian Heritage Gibbons, Card. G 1 U 44 Paganism and Christianity in Intellectual Development. Crozier, J. B. (J 17 T 11 Roman Society Dill, S. B 34 R 16 [.See also Mythology.] Pageants. [See Lord Mayor's Shows; Queen Victoria's Jubilee.] Pain. [See Anaesthetics ; Cruelty; Pleasure; Psychology; Vivisection.] Painters. [See Artists.] Painting— Fine Arts — Architecture Alberti, L. B. A 22 S 2 t Book of the Art of Cennino Cennini Cennini, C. A 44 R 9 British School of Painting in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 12 Catalogue of Pictures, Foreign Schools, in the National Gallery. National Gallery K 19 P 21 Chapters on the History of Art Plinius A 25 U 29 Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings Champlin, J. 1). A 32 U 28-31 Decorative Painting Saward, B. C. A 23 S 20 Famous Painters and Paintings... Shedd. Mrs. Julia A. C 20 V 2 Handbook of Painting Kugler, F. T. A 44 R 5, 6 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseli, H. A 18 T 15 t History of Greek Art Tarbell, F. B. A 23 S 35 History of Modern Painting Muther, R. A 23 V 25^27 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1893. Chicago Exhib., 1893 G 17 T 1 Introduction to the Study of the Renaissance Field, Lilian F, B 26 R 18 Oil Painting in England Redgrave, R. A 10 W 11 f Painting and Poetry //(Writings Ruskin. J. J 23 S 29 Peinture Mate Wiertz, A. A 44 V 8 Principles of Art White. W. A 23 U 33 ' 'tis Quilter.H. A 40 Q 11 [St Impressionism; Landscape Painting; ts and Pigments: Paleography ; Por- ■e; Water-colour Painting.] Painting— Trade — House Decorating and Painting The Home Mechanic Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Co: Paints and Pigments lints -in Chemistry for Manufacturers. Blount, 15. A 21 T 39 and Colouring; Painting.] Paisley — History — sterii do Passelet Maitland Club G 13 T 23 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Palaeography — Biblical anil Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. Aneedota Oxoniensia, Sem. ser. 1, pt. 9 '220.43 Catalogue of the ( 'unciform Tablets in the Kouvunjik Collection of the British Museum, 3 British Museum K 8 S 13 t Elements de Palcographie Rcusons, E. J 15 V 33 Fac-similes of Ancient MSS. and Inscriptions Pakeographical Society J 48 P 3-7 X Fac-similes of Royal, Historical, Literary, and other Autographs in the Department of Manusci ipts, British Museum ... British Museum J 12 X 9-13 t South Indian Palaeography Bumell, A. C. J 20 S 1 1 t Vocabulaire de l'Ecriture Hieratique Vucat ■'•quo .. Rosny, Leon de J8V28 [See alto Archa-nlogy Periodicals; Charters and Deeds; Cunei- form Inscriptions"; Egyptology; Hieroglyphics; Illumination; Inscriptions; Manuscripts; Palimpsests; Papyrus; Runic In- scriptions ; Writing.] Palaeolithic Age. [See Stone Age.] Palaeontology — General — Academic des Sciences, ( 'omptes rendus des Seances 506 Agassiz, Louis, Life, Letters, and Works of C 22 S 14, 15 Anniversary Address to the Geological Society, 1802— /« Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Directions for Collecting and Preparing Fossils ... Schuchert, C. A 34 V 36 Fossil Invert el nates and Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology ... British Museum Natural History A 39 V 8 Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologic, und Paheontologie. Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaften A 42 P 2-4 Manual of Palaeontology Nicholson, H. A. A 39 R 19, 20 Method of Paheoiitolo-'v in Scientific Memoirs... Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Names which have been applied to the sub-divisions of the class Brachiopoda, excludin- the Modistes, pievious to 1877; by W. H. Dall— in Bulletin S. L'nited States National Museum. Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 13 508 Ncues .Tahrbuch fur Mineralogie. (Ieologie, und Paheontologie, Band 1, 1895 550.5 Pakeontographica, Band 41 500.5 Paleontologie ... Annee Scientilique ut Industrielle, 1', 1890 505 Story of the Earth and Man Dawson, Sir J. W. A 40 T 22 Text-book of Paheontologv Zittel, K. A. von A 30 P 7 United States National Museum, Proceedings 507 ' [.See aho Dodo; Eozodn Canadense ; Geology; Moa; and under each Class.] Palaobotany. Collecting Recent and Fossil Plants; bv F. H. Knowlton. l'nited States National Museum A 37 S 22> PaLobutaniquo Zcilier, R, A 32 S 1 Fossil Plants Seward. A. C. A 40 U 2 Geographical Distribution of Fossil Plants ; by L. F. Ward. Mcsozoic Plants : the Weajdeu Flora. 'pt. 1 ... British Museum — Natural History A 20 S 19 Pakcozoic Plants in the Bi itish Museum : bv I!. Kidson... British Na..-;-al History A 42 V 9 Sketch of Paleobotany ; by L. F. Ward United States- Studies in Fossil Botany '.'. Scott, I). H. A 35 S 13 Palceozoblogy. Cephalaspis anil Pteraspis in Scientific Memoirs... Huxley, T. H. De la Structure speeiale des ('pines i Vaillant... Internal. Coulo-c-s of /,,. Essaisde Pah-ocncholo-ie , ompuve . Fossil Brvo/.oa in tin hvJ.W. Gregory. Fossil Cephalopoda y, les Apogonini ; par L. . hAtY .,.. MIS 5S id A list r: 11. A40S lint ^li.Miw. ' A 43 ■t alasia.iTertiaryMollitsea: bvG.F.Harr Natural Hist. -Italian Tieniopteridea; ; by W. H. Dun... Australasian Assoc., Advance, cf Science, Kept,, IS! IS 5n(i tisusof the Fauna of the Older Tertiary of Australia; by R. Iil,e Hoyal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1 897 ' 506 ntributions to tlie Tertiary Flora of Australia- by Pa ron ■:>' in-sliauscn N.S.W.— Geolog. Surv. Pair-ontology. 2 MA 5 V 16 w Species of Corals from the Australian Tcrtiaries; by J. 'ennant Royal Sot., South Australia, Trans.. IS!)!) ' olio !•■! Tertiary Mollusea of Australia; by H. Talc Royal Society. South Australia, Trans.. ISilil 516 '• uitnlngy of Central Australia Tate, R. MA 3 R 62 ■ ■■,..;//'.-■,.'(,/.(.-■ and its identity with Sr, j.„, n > u-brata of N'c\ is of N. S. Wales; by ev, Record, (i 559. 44 River ; by W. S. Dun. V, Records, 5 55!). 44 New South Wal . Huxley, T. IF A 40 S 10 Fuhlic Lihrary of New South Wales, Palaeontology— New South Wales — contd. Pahcchinus in the Upper Silurian Rocks of N.S.W. ; (hell ........ Lin, lean Society, N.S.W., Proc, l-of. 1 Small Foss Broom . Sponge Re Stratigraph :., N. S. Wale by R. Ktheridj ■, N.S.W., P« c 1800 506 1 J. Mitchell. >c, 1895-96 580.6 .Marsupial with Large ( I moved Premolars; by R. Linnean Society, N.S.W.. Pro,-.. 1895 580.6 lains in the Lower Silurian of N.S.W. ; by W. S. Linnean Society, N.S.W, Proc., 1897 580.6 ■al and Paheont, .logical Notes; by W. S. Dun. N. S. Wales -Geological Survey, Records, 5 559.44 Structure and Mode of Preservation of hWrplaculifes avstralis, Salter; by R. Etheridge, jun N. S. Wales Geol. Survey, Records, G 559.44 New York— Geology and Paleontology of Kighteeii-inile Creek; by A. W. Grabau ... liull'aln Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin, 6 506 Xew York Geologist, Report, 1894 557.47 New Zealand - Footprint of a Kiwi Bird from Manaroa ; by Capt. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Fos-ul Bi I'd and Fossil Cetacean from New Zealand n Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Leg Bones of tnc M. >:,:, „■„/.,- f,-,,.,, (;i,.;imark : by Cant Hutton New Zealand Institute, Trans., 29 506 Moa Skulls in the Canterbury Mu New Zealand Instit .... Moas of tho North Island of New Zealand; by (.'apt. Hutton. New Zealand Institute. Trans-, 29 506 Xew Species of Pliocene Mollusea from Wanganui District; by R u -M»»l'«'b New Zealand Institute, Trail., 1899 '506 Supposed l!il> ot the Kuiiii. or Xgarara : l.v Capt. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S98 506 North America North American Slime Moulds McBride, T. H. A 39 Q IS Queensland — Fossil Flora of Queensland; by J. Shirley Queensland- New Species of Organic Remai by Capt. Hutb ainsfrom South Africa and Australia ■■ Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 from near Colesberg ,n Scientilie Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Palaeontology— South Australia — Australian Sauropterygian converted into Precious Opal; by R. Etheridge Australian Musi urn Becords, 3 507 Cambrian Trilobite from Yorke Peninsula; by R. Etheridge. Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1897-98 506 Deep-seated Eocene St lata in the Crovdon and other Bores: by R. Tate Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897-98 506 Description of the Bones of the Leg of Griii/nrnis Xewtoni. Royal Society, South Australia. Trans., 20 506 Fossil Rcptilia from the \\ a, burton Biver; by A. Zietz ... Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1899 506 Lower Cambrian Fossils in the Mount Loftie Ranges; by W. Howchin Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 21 506 Older Tertiary Fossils from the Murray Deserts; by R, Tate. Royal Society. South Australia, Trans., 1899 506 Palaeontology of South \uslralia; by B. Ftheridge... S.Australia Geology MA 9 P 46 f Switzerland — Terrains Tertiaires du Dauphiiie, de la Savoie, et de la Suisse Occidentale Douxaini, H. A 31 S 25 Tasmania- - Collection of Tasmanian Silurian Fossils; by A. Montgomery. Royal Society, Tasmania. Proc, 1896 506 Fossil Fauna of Table (ape Beds; by G. B. Pritchard. Roy. Soc., Vict., Proc., 1895 506 Fossil Wood found at Cox's Bight ; by W. A. McLeod Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 5(6 Geological and Pala-nntological relations of the Coal and Plant- bearing beds of Pah, ozoie and Mcso/.oie Age in Eastern Aus- tralia and Tasmania; by 0. Fevstmantel N. S. Wales - Geological Survey. Paleontology, 3 MA 5 V 17 Palaeozoisehe mid mesozoische Flora ,les ostliohen Australiens ; by 0. Feistmantel PaUeontographica, Supp. 5 560.5 Some Fossil I'lants new to Tasmania; by'R. M. Johnston. Roy. Sec, Tas., Proc, 18!M-'J5 TOO Tasmanian Graptolite Record; by T. S. Hall Australasian i, Report, 1898 506 "' irDistric' Trilobitcs from the Lower Silurian B Tasmania; by R. Ktlieridgc.Roy. ■ United States- American Association for Advaneeme New York— Geologist, Report, 1894 557.47 United .States Geographical Surveys west of the ItKlth Meridian, Report, 4 Fnited States Fngineer I >cpt. A 10 U 5 f United States -Geological Survey. Reports 557.3 [>'ee also names of States under this heading.] ioc., Tas., Papers, 1882 506 it of Science, Proc Victoria i of Fossil Plants found in the Bacchus Marsh SirF. McCoy... Boy. Soc. Vict., Proc, 1897 506 of Adeona in the Older Tertiaries of Victoria; Royal Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1896 506 by R. H. Walcott Royal Society, Victoria, Proc 506 ; by A. Etheridge toria, Proc, 1895 51 Ki i Naturalist, 1S98 5il5 (iraptolites in North-Vast ern Victoria; by T.' S. •-, Royal Society, Victoria. Proc. KSiMi 5(ili f the Older Tertiary of'Viotoria; hyG. I!.' Pritchard. Royal Society, Victoria, Pro,-., I89S 5(10 ,f the Upper Silurian Bocks of Victoria; by W. S. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc. 1897 5116 ■ropoila in the Collect ion of the Australian Museuin ; dge... Aust. Museum Records, Vol. 3, No. 4 507 lid mesozoische Flo,-,-, des est lichen Australiens: by g l Pahcontographica. Supp. 5 500.5 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 180G-1000. 957 Palaeontology — Victoria— contd. Probable Miocene Age of a Conglomerate at Shelforil; by J. Pennant Royal Noc, Victoria, l'roc, 189G 500 S!\i , u-ridc from the Victorian Torliarics ; l>v T. S. Hall. Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1897 "0(5 Ternary Poly/oa of Victoria; by Dr. I*. If. Macdillivray. Royal Society, Victoria, Trans., 4 500 Ten iarvPolv/.ua of Victoria ; 'hvC. M. Maplestone... RovalSociety, Victoria, l'roc. 1898 1900 506 Two I'ossil Plants from Dundas; by \V. S. Dun... Royal Society, Pre , Vk 5 V 1 : Victorian Paleozoic Sponges; by T. S. Hall . Victoria, Proc.", 18US 506 "West Indies- Contents of a Bone Cave in the Island of Aiiguilla ; by E. 1). Cope. Smithsonian Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 25 508 Western Australia— Aclinoceras from North-west Australia; by R. Etheridge. Australian Museum Records, 3 5(7 Palestine and Syria — General and Descriptive — Howr (Hi in Syria Curtis, (I. W. D 20 Q 20 In the Levant Warner, C. 1). D 20 R 14 Palestine, the Glory of All Lands,,. Sutherland, Rev. A. D18S28 Sketches in TurkcV, Syria, and Kgvpt Wilkie, Sir 1). A 31 R 22, 23 X This Goodly Frame, the Earth Tiffany, F. I) 21 T 1 Two VearsinPalestinoandSvria... Thomas. Maiuaret 1)22 R 13 Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 9 Histovy- /Egyptische mill Vorderasiatischc Altei thiimer Berlin— Konigliches Museum B 47 P 10 J Eothcii Kinglake, A. W. B 16 R 41 Forty Days in the Desert Bartlett, W. H. D 18 U 20 Hnlv Land and the Bible Geikic, Rev. Dr. ( '. D 15 S 1(1 + Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291. ..Conder, Lieut. -Col. C.R, Sayc( H. Sal, iin; or, what befell Sultan Yusuf Sketches from Eastern History X.Udekc, T. B 12 U 36 Struggle of the Nations Maspero, (!. B 17 V 18 [Si< also Arclucology— Palestine.] Pali Language — Sanskrit, Pali, and Prakrit Hooks in the P.ritisli Museum; by Dr. Haas, and C. Bendall British Museum K 18 R 14," 15 t [See also Buddhism; Sanskrit.] Palimpsests — Fra-meuts of the Books of Kings. Aquila's Version... Bibles and Testaments -(J reek (! 13 X 14 I Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a S\ riac Palimpsest; edited by W. Cureton British Museum J 18 Q 17 t [Sit 'tlso Bibliography; Manuscripts.] Palmistry - Pal [See Palolo e Hand . Ham:, n the Palolo; by B. Friedlaeiider.. Palsy. [See Paralysis.] Hexrt of a Continent ... Voiinghusbun 1. ('apt. F. E. D 17 V 25 Innermost Asia Cohhold, R. P. 1) 22 R 24 Pamirs and the Source of the Onus Curzoii. Rt. Hon. v R. E. Guise Anthropological Inst., Journal, 1899 572 [,See«/,oFijians.] !rom Papyri in th.-- PritVh Mu-'-i M i the British Mi Palaeography of Greek Papyri. Poems of Baeehylides: Fae-sim British Museum British m J 5 V 13 scum: Catalogue, with Texts. British Museum B 20 R 27 t Kenyon, F. G. J 21 Q 29 of Papyrus DCCXXXII1 in the >■ - p 24 I n i'tua 11 Q34 the Cradle of the Human Race at the North Paraffin. [See Petroleum; W; Paraguay — -General and Descr Paralysis y 1).'. C. E. Beovor— in Syst ! Palsies of Children ; , T. i A 26 T 41 itt, T. C. A 26 T 41 d. Savage -in System itt, T. C. A 26 T 4(1 thaus, J. A 26 Q 42 aeti.-al Therapeutics. re, H. A. A 31 P 16 lis, C. K. A 40 S 13 System of Medicine, itt, T. C. A 26 T 41 c] Parana, River— Hydraulics of Gre ; Rive . Revy, J. J. A 17 U 1 t Parasites and Parasitic Diseases— General — AnimalParasites ; by R. Helms. . . Produeers't Inzette, 5 MA 4 Q 19 Applied Bacteriology Pcarmain, T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Diseases of Insects ... Minn.- Agr. Exp. Stn. Rept., 1895 630.7 Diseases of Plants Tubeuf, K. A 20 V 31 Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 Parasites and Parasitic Diseases; by Dr. A. J. Turner Royal Society, Queensland, Proc., 1S94-95 506 Study of Insect Parasites; by' L. O. Howard ... United States — - Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 36 V 21 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Notter, J. L. A 31 Q 22 [.See also Actinomycosis; Bacteriology, Economic; Bilharziosis ; Cestoda; Diseases of Animals; Ectozoa; Entozoa; Flukes; I'uiigi in Agriculture; Hydatids; Insects, Injurious; Nema- iculata; Tromatodes; Trichir ,s.] ; by A. Park New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1894 506 Ili'harzii hamatobia; by Dr. F. H. H. Guillemard— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35; by Dr. J. C. Verco -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Insects affecting Dome-lie Animals United States - Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology A 36 V 24 Inspection of Meats for Animal Parasites... United States— Dept. of Agr.- Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Intestinal Parasites ,';< Practical'l herapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Larval Cestodo Parasites of Pishes: by E.Linton .. UnitedStates— National Museum, Proe., 19 507 Lung and Intestinal Worms in Cattle and Sheep Journal of Agr. and Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 630.5 Metamorphosis of the Young Form of I-'ihtrhi Jlun-rofti, Cobb, in the Body of ( u'cx ci'ntri.i, Linn., "the House Mosquito of Aus- tralia" ; 'by Dr. Bancroft... Roy. Soc, N.S. \V...!ourn., 1899 506 Parasites of Meat and Prepared Flesh Food; by Dr. T. S. Cobbold Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 12 A 41 V 8 Parasites of Stock ; by N. A. Cobb Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Parasites of the Horse's Stomach ... Agr. Gaz.. Tas., 1897 630.5 Parasitic and Pre laecous insects in Now Zealand, Australia, and the adjacent Islands... UnitedStates Dept. of Agr. MA2R55 Parasitic Diseases of Poultry Theobald, F. V. A 27 R 15 Pediculi and Ma]'"phaisi ulibeting Alan ami the Lower Animals; by Prof. H. Osborn United States Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Entomology A 37 S 5 Prevention and Treatment of Yermieeous Pests —in Text-book of Agricultural Zoology Theobald, F. V. A 27 P 4 Reared Parasitie II vinenopterous Insects: by W. 11. Ashmead. UnitedStates -National "uaiiiii, Proc, 18 507 Revision of the Adult Tapeworms of Hares and Rabbits; by C. W. Stiles United States— National Museum, Proc, 19 507 Revision of the Anhcliiiimc of North America ; by L. 0. Howard. UnitedStates. -Dept. of Alt. Div. of Entomology A 30 R 34 Study of Insect Para atism; by L. (I. Howard ... United States - Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Entomology A 36 V 21 Tapeworms of Poultry... United States -Dept. of Agr. — Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Worm Diseases in Sheep Victoria— Agr., Rept., 1874 630.6 Worms; by Dr. P. Maiis.n in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Fungoid- Anatomical and < 'hemical Researches on the Parasitic Phanerogams of Queensland ; by Dr. J. Lauterer ... Royal Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1894-95 506 Animal and Vegetable Parasites; by A. Park Now Zealand Institute, Trans., 1894 506 Notes on a case of Madura Foot... McGill University A 40 S 23 Psorospermosis; by Dr. .1. Grillith in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Ringworm in the Light of Recent Research Morris, M. A 41 S3 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Parents- Parents an,l Children Mason, Charlotte M. G 17 T 7 [Si e ako Ancestor Worship ; Children: Family: Heredity; Home.] Paris— General and Descriptive - Bohemian Paris of To-day Morrow, W. C. D 13 S 7 < a sammeltc Werke Gutskow, K. J 24 S 29 Paris of the Parisians Macl )ona!d. .!. F. 1) 21 Q 11 fcmntcrings Warner, C. I). 1) --'0 P 10 [Sir alio Franco-German War; Paris Commune; Tuileries.] Paris .... Belloc, H. B 26 S 22 l: Elections of Paris Pin-ham. (apt. I ). 15 31 K ... (i >■• n-sof Paris in Ifistorv and Letters... Martin. P.. K. B 20 R 22 .... Morrow, W. C. I) 13 S 7 Paris Commune — History of the Paris Commune, 1871 March, T. B .14 R 7 Popular Government Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 29 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878- P ;i| .ports des Memhres des .ho vs. des I), deques, ct des Ouvriers stir 1' Exposition Universellede Paris, 1878...' Exposition Universale K 9 S 19-23 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1889 — Reports, United States Commisioners Paris Exposition K 7 U 38-42 Parish Registers. [See Registers of Births.] ParkE- P.blic Spaces. Parks, and Ga, den- ... . P.h.mlield, It. A 23 S 39 Parliament of Great Britain. [See House of Commons; House of Lords; and under Great Britain mid Ireland — Parliament, in Author Catalogue, for Debates and Proceedings; and under Great Britain— Parliament, in Index, for General Descriptive Works.] Parliamentary Debates. [See subheading Parliament, under the name of each Country and Colony, in Author Catalogue.] Parliamentary Government - K 'flections c f a Russian Statesman PobycdonosUeff, K. P. G 23 P35 [Sic aUo Government— Forms, Methods, ami Functions.] Parliamentary Hand-books Parliamentary Law and Practice — American Manual of Parliamentary Law... Fish, G. T. F 12S30 Book of Parliament MacDonagh, M. F 10 V 45 Manual of Parli imcntary Practice... United States Constitution F 13 R 34 Parliamentary System of France in France Bodley, J. E. C. Yuuiient°'.. .."....i".!... 1 ".' .^ '..'....'..'.? Ma"'. Si'r'V. F.^V 9 V 20 [See also Parliament try llanddi.,oks; Parliamentary History and Reform.] Parliamentary Privilege. [See Parliamentary History and Reform.] Parliamentary Reports. [See in Author Catalogue under the name of each Country or Colony with the name of the Public Department or Commission as a sub- heading, and in the Index under subjects of Reports. Reports of Royal Commissions, Select Committees, and Government Departments will be found in Votes * and Proceedings of Parliament for the year in which Reports are issued.] Parliaments of Countries. [See sub-heading Parliament or Congress, under name of Country in Author Cata- logue, for Official Publications and Debates; under the same heading in the Index for Descriptive or His- torical Works.] Parlour Games. [See Games.] Parnell Commission — Op.-ning Speech for the Defence Russell, Baron F 10 R 22 Parodies - Parramatta— General and Desert i it ire Description of Sydney, 1818 Slater, J. Lil.r. Parramatta and Districts Illustrated Ml>7 V 1 . History — Reminiscences of the Early Days of Parramatta Houison, A. M II 2 U 2.-> Parrots and Parakeets — Life-history of the Blue-banded Grass Parakeet : by It. Halb Notes on the Fiery Parakeet; by A. J. Campbell. . ...... Victorian ,-)90.0 s and Parseeism. {■<„■ S acre I IV. >ks : /end Avest Development of Parli: x!ey. F. \V. F 13 Q 33 [See also sub-heading Parli: Public Library of New South Wales. Passeriformes - Passeriformes, or, Peroliing Birds in the British Museum ; by R. B. Sharpc. ami P. L. Solater— in Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum ... British Museum -Nat. Hist. A 39 T 6-15 [.See also Ornit !i dogy Manuals.] Passion-fruit — Manures for Passion -fruit Vines; by I). Scott Agricultural e Hearing from Seed ;, N. S. Wales, 10 630..' . Agricult. Gaz. of N.S.W., 10 030.5 Strawberry and Passion Fruit; by W. J. Allen Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Passion Plays — German Passion Plav -in Chances of Death Pearson, K. A 37 R 10 Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau ... Burton, Lady I. H 13 V 10 Passion Plav at Ober-Annncrgau : Translation of Text. Trench, Maria H 12 T 16 Story that Transformed the World Stead, W. T. G 23 V 19 [.See also Miracle, Morality, ami Mystery Plays; Ober-Ammergau.] Passionists — Life of Father Ignati [.See Passions- Hur Mec of St. Orders.] . Adlcr, Rev. S. A. MG 1 R 80 [See also Emotions ;G Passover — Passover, The [See also Judaism ; Lot Passports — American Passport, The... United States— Dept, of State F 16 R I Pasteurism. [See Bacteriology; Fermentation; Yeasts; and under Pasteur, Louis, in Author Catalogue.] Pastimes. [See Sports.] Pastoral Addresses. [See Episcopal Addresses.] Pasture and Stock Boards. [See Stock and Pasture Pastures- Cattle Raii^s of the South- by H. L. Bentley Ui ; a Suggestion for Restoration; States— Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 72 A 41 U 2 Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates. Dean, G. A. A 34 V 13 Exhaustion of Pasture Lands ; by C. H. Lyon... Melb. Rev., 4 052 '' '"■ '"™- Madden. P. M A 3 I.' :!7 ures; by J. <;. Smith ... United States -Dei of Agr., Fa Lands of Vii 1 Pastur ;' Bulletin, 66~" Forage Plants in New South Wales; „, N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. ..Hutchinson, F „. - U23 s Dept. A 41 U 1 [.See also Dairy Farm Patagonia — Genera s.] < -'Id-divings of Cape Horn Wreck of the \\\uj, r ... Spears, J. R. A 24 T 26 Byron, Hon. J. D 19 P 14 Patellidae Notes on Patellidie; by W. T. L.Tra\ [.See also Conehology ; Gasteropoda.] ers. . . New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 506 Patents and Trade-marks — General — Australian Mining and Metallurgical Patents; by G. G. Turri. Australasian Inst., Mining Fngineers. Trails., I SOS (S22.U0 Copyright and Patents for Inventions. . . Maefie, R. A. F 7 P 23, 24 Copyright, Patents. Designs, Trade-marks, &c. ... Bewes, W. A. F15R8 Law of Trade-marks Sebastian, L. P. F 9 V 18 Patents, Designs. Copyrights, and Trade-marks Walsh, F. MF 5 Q 26 Patents for Inventions, and how to obtain them... Collison, C. N. MF 4 P 49 Trade-mark Law in Japan, and Patents and Trade-marks n tered in Japan United States— Consular Reports, 60 382 [.See also Authors and Publishers; Copyright and Literary Pro- perty.] Lairs and Legislation — • Errors in the World's Pan nt Laws: by G. G. Turri... Australasian Institute, Mining V; ':,;; s, Trans., 1804 022.06 Gleanings, Patent Lavs of All Countries... Wise, W. L F 7 V 51 Handy Guide to Patent Law and Practice Finery, G. F F 8 V 16 Judge and Jury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 Laws and Practice relating to Patents. . . Newton, M. MF 1 P 84 Patent Acts of Victoria and N. S. Wales... Turri, G. (J. MP 5 Q 2 Patent Laws of the East in Future Trade with the Far Fast. Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 Patent Laws of the United States United States Statutes F13U 15 Patentblatt 608 Patents and Patentees, Victoria Victoria Patents 608 Protection and Hegistiation of Trade-marks and Labels. United States Statutes F 13 U 14 United States- -Patent Oilice, Decisions 347.7 United States Patent Ofiice, Report 608 United States Patent Office., Rules of Practice. FISH, 1U 11, and 13 T 13 Periodicals am! Journals — Alphabetical List of Patentees, United States^. United States - Canadian Pat >.t()!l!eeRee Pat s Oilice 608 Canada- Patent Office 608 By Countries. Cape Colony — Trade-marks in Cape Colony U.S.— Consular Repts., 57 382 Queensland- Registrar of Patents, (Queensland. Reports Queensland — Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Pathans — Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab Gore, F. St. J. D 19 S 1 [See also Afridis; Indian Frontier; Orakzais.] Pathology, Animal. [See Diseases of Animals; Tuber- culosis; Veterinary Science and Practice; and under each Disease.] Pathology, Human- Chemical Physiology and Pathology Haliburton, W. D. A38S8 , Jaksch, R, von A 38 S 2 Inglis, 0. E. A38S5 .... Quain, II. A 31 P 3, 4 Paget, S. A45R5 ,ck- in American System of "wwiw-j Litch, W. F. A 31 S 1 Journal of Pathology and Pactetiology Woodhead, G. S. A 31 P 5-7 Manual of Pathology Coats, J. A 40 V 15 Pan-American Medical ( - . egress, 'transact ions (S1II.IS Thompson. \Y. G. A 33 U 25 ny Ziegler, E. A 32 R 30 e Hand-book of the Medical Sciences. Buck, A. H. AllT9f tses; by W. Balls-Headley. Melbourne Review, 2 052 by Dr. ( Special Pathological Ar.atc Supplement to the Referei Temperature of Acute Die Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-J900. Pat h ology — Human — contd. T xi-book of Bacteriology Cruikshank, K. M. A 31 Q 7 'I l.i„.: ; ,,f Special Pathological Anatomy Ziegler, E. A 32 R 29 :e of Hygiene Notter, .1. L. A 31 Q 22 [•- I Infectious Diseases: Dermatology iynaeology ; Histology : 1 1 ygiene : Xerves ; Xur.-in herapeuties; anil under eaeii Organ and Disease. Pail: ology, Vegetable. [See Fungi ; Fungi in Agriculture ; Parasites and Parasitic Diseases: Plant Diseases; Rust in Wheat; Spraying.] Patience— R wry of Christian Graces McLaren, Rev. A. (i 23 R 31 Patriarchal Theory. [See Family, The.] Patriotic Songs. [See National and Patriotic Songs.] Patriotism - Patriotism and Empire Robertson, J. M. F 17 R 26 Si,: -il of Patriotism ,,, Political Writings,.. Rolhigbroke.H.St, J. F RS< L >35 Things of the Mind Spalding, Bishop G 15 U 2 leiefe. Abhandlungen, St. Ambrose; his Life, Times, and Teaching... Thornton, Rev. R. Sermones de tempore Augustine, St. G 11 X 17 t Studia Bibli.a et Fcelesiastica B 25 R 4-7 Voice of the Fathers Church and Faith G 5 P 31 [S,< ((/.so Fathers of the Church; and under each of the Fathers Pattern-making — Test-book of aleehanicalKnginecring... Liucham, W. J. A 22 R 32 [Sit also Mechanics, Practical.] Paul, St Epistles — Epistles to the Ephesians Dale, Rev. R. \V. (i 2(i S 16 Explanatory Analysis of St, Paul's First Kpistle to Timothy. Liddon, Rev. II. P. G BIT 33 St. Paul: Life and Epistles Geikie, Rev. C. G 14 H 28, 29 St. Paul's Kpistle to the Romans Core. Rev. C. G 24 Q 1 Si, Paul's Kpistle to the Romans .. Rutherford, W. G. G 24 V 38 [S,r also Acts,,!' the Apostles; Paulinism ; and under Paul, St., Paulinism — Ch.istianitvof St. Paul Alexander. Rev. S. A. ( ! 24 P 27 Do trine of St. Paul -in The Spirit on the Waters.. Abbott. K. A. Christianity- in Intellectual [.SVc aUv Paul, St.— Epistles.] Pauperism — Causes of Pauperism ; by Rev. W. '1 ozer... Poor Law Conferences, 1897-9- 352. i) Classes and Masses .. Malloek, W. H. F8 V 14 Cure and Prevention of Pauperism »v means of Systematic Colo- Statement F 13 1,137 Poor and their' Happiness'. '.'..'.'.'. Gohlie, J. G 1 U33 Poor in Great Cities F 13 C25 tics of l.ale,. Pept., IS'•] Pavements - New Uses of Glass United States Consular Repts. , 39 382 Pavements of Paris... United States Consular Reports, 60 382 Roads and Pavements Spalding, F. P. A 25 R 33 Roads and Pavements in Fiance Rockwell, A. P. A 25 R 30 [See also Cements; Mosaics; Road-making; Wood Pavements.] Pawnbroking — Pawnbroking in Germany... United States -Cons. Repts., 61 382 Svstcin of Pawnbroking in Various Count lies. Reports. Gt. Brit, and Bel. Pawnbroking F 1 S 19 Payment of Members — Memorandum to Sir M. Hicks-Beach... Wood, J. I). M.I 3 R 16 Object Lesson in Payment of Members ; by -Maj. -( leu. A. B. Tulloch. Pea-nut — Peanut, The... Victoria Agr.— Guides to Growers, 33 MA 3 V 13 Pea- nut Oil Industry... United States Con Repts., 63 382 Pea-nuts ; by R. B. "Handy ^ United States Dept. of Agr., Pea, or Earth-nut ; by C. Batten... Queensl. Agr. Journ.,5 630.5 Pea Weevil — Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 5 [See also Insects, Injurious.] Peace- Reflections and Comments, 1865-95 .. Godkin, E. L. J 12 S 45 United States of Kuropc on the eye " " [See also Disarmament.] 'eacn- Can P ach Rot bo Con rollc Cultiv Exper tion of the Pea h T Peach Twig bor Public Library of New South Wales, Pear- Apple ami Pear Confc L-af H!i -lit of the IV =e. Report... Roy. Hort. Soc. Journ. 634 .ng IVar Seal) in Injurious Insects, (i. Agricultural Kxper. Stations A 38 Q 6 in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Leaf Blight of the Pear and the Quince- in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Kxper. Stations A 38 Q 7 National Pear Conference, Report Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. 031 Pear Slug... United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Kntomology A 41 U 6 Pear Tree Psylla United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 [See also Cider; Fruit -rowing; Pomology.] Pearls and Pearl Fisheries - Pearl and IVarl-shell fisheries of North Queensland; by W. Saville-Kent... Queensl.- Pari., V. and P., v. 3, 18!K) 328.9-13 Pearls and Pearl Oysters --in The Naturalist in Australia. Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J Peas— Canadian Field Peas U.S. Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1895 Ins is to Pea Pamphlets on Vegetables Agr. Kxper. Stations A 38 Q 1- [Sr Cottage [See Agricultural Banks; ; Banks.] Perfume Industry as an Adjunct to the I Carden... Victoria Agr. Ouidc-Ci j.s < „Uo Essences and EssentialOils; Fl. Workshop; Scent Plants.] we^effi, erichseta — Earthworms; by F. E. Beddard— inZook gical Results [<-' aho Helminthology.] Gk Periodic Law— . McKay, Vv . J. S. A 39 V 1 , A. Zariel Cope, I). MG 2 R 5! Periodicals -Iudcca to Periodical Literature- Index to Australian Magazines and Xewspaj Library Association of Australasia, P Index to Legal Periodical Literature Jc Index to Periodicals Re Index to the Commissariot Record of Ed Testaments, part 1 ... British Record Sot Poole's Index to Periodical Literature ... F Quart erly. Journal of Economics, Index of Writ laugh, Register of tv. Pub., Hi 020.3 tcher, VV. I. Libr. sand Subjects, 1-10. 330.5 e under title of each in Harper's New Monthly Mar - Australian - s Twopenny Trash... M.I 3 T 1 1 MJ4<*8 M.J 3T 111 M.I 3 V II Public Library of New South Wales. Periodicals —Australian- Colonial Monthly Hohart Town Magazine Home Companion Illustrated Australian M Illustrated Words of (in Imperial Review Journal of Australasia, \ Journal of Australasia, \ Laughing Jackass Leisure Moments Living Matin, . 'I'll. Mirr, e llevie Month Monthlv Magazine Mope- Hawk," The „ Xadirian.The 7. New South Wales Magazine . Number One Parthenon Revue Australicnnc Sidnev's Emigrant's Journal... Society South Australian Colonist .... South Australian Magazine .. South Australian Magazine .... South Australian News Southern Monthly Magazine.. Southern Spectator Spirit of Literature, Arts, and Spirit of the Age, The Splashes Sunday Story-teller, The Sydney Magazine Sydney Once a- Week Sydney Quarterly Sydney Quarterly Magazine.... Sydney Review S'vdnev Stork and St it ion Jou Svdnev Cniversitv Magazine Svdnev 1'niversitv Review... Tasnia'nian Alhon'aaim Tasmanian Magazine Tasmanian I'uiu-h Tcgg's Moutldy Magazine Use and Advantages of Coloni. .. MJ4P1-9 .'.'.'."'MJ4Q20 ','.'.'. 'mj'4 q 10 . MJ 3 W L5 ... MJ3W20 ... MG2U12 823.89 .... MJ3T13 .... MJ3T10 MJ 4 P 17-19 .... MJ2V23 .... MJ3R26 .... MJ3T11 ,.. MJ4Q1-3 ... MJ3W19 .'.'. "MJ 3 W 13 MJ2U8 MJ4Q 11, 12 MJ3T10 MJ3T11 MJ 3 W 18 20 MJ 3 R 26 MJ 1 13 1 MJ 10 Q 37-40 t MJ2U9 MJ3T11' MJ4Q4 ME 5 R 24 MJ4Q14 MJ3T11 MJ3W16 MJ3W18 '.'.'.'.'.'.'. " MJa ! W 17 MJ3T8 MJ4Q9 ... MJ2U22, 23 ... MJ2V12-17 MJ4R1 M, 630.5 I' 20-22 MJ 4 P 23 MJ 3 W 14 Tegg, J. MJ3 V 10 Heal Literature South ian Magazine, 1 MJ 4 Q 4 Zealandia British- Anglo-Saxon Review Annual Register Asiatic Quarterly Review Rent lev's Miscellany Blackwood's Edinburgh M.igaz Cosmopolis .. Douglas Jern Dublin Revie Periodicals -British — contd. East India and Colonial Magazine F 19 I? 1 12 Eclectic Review J 28 S 1 U 16 Edinburgh Review 052 English Illustrated Magazine 052 En'-lishwoma ,', Review F 13 S 1-16 Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Review J 22 S 12-14 Fortnightly Review 0-32 Gentleman's M agazine 052 Cerm J 21 P 5 t Good Words 205 Harmswortb Monthly Pictorial Magazine 052 Home Friend J22S11 Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review 950 Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. A3GU 1-12 Longman's Magazine : 052 Macmillan's Magazine 052 Merry England J 18 S 1-23 Month 052 Murray's Magazine J 28 P 1-10 National Review J 29 P 1-17 New Century Review 052 New Quarterly Magazine J 28 R 13-24 New Review . 052 Nineteenth Century 0.2 Notes and Queries Of 2 Oriental Herald and Journal of < huoral Literature... J 21 S 1-20 Pall Mall Magazine 052 People's Friend 052 Picture Magazine 052 Punch 827 Quarterly Review 052 Review of Reviews 052 Saturday Review 072 Savoy... J 22 V 19-21 Scottish Review 052 Spectator .'. 072 Strand Magazine 052 Town and Country Magazine I 28 P 1 1 Q 13 Universal Review J 21 U 7-14 University Magazine 305 Westminster Review 052 Wide World Magazine 052 Windsor Magazine 052 Woman at Home 052 Yellow Book J 26 V 8 20 ■ Canadian — Canadian Magazine of Polities, Science. Art, and Literature 051 Canadian Monthly and National Review J 27 P 1-21 French — Cosmopolis J 27 U 3-14 Intermcdiaire des ( 'herchcurs et Curieux 080 — German - tcnlaubc ".'.'..' .'.'.'.' J 18 T 16, 17 I . Jerrold, D. W. - Hawaiian — iian Spectator J 16 U 24, 25 nlsu sub-heading Periodicals under Agriculture; Anthro- >gy ; Arch. eulogy ; Architecture; Astronomy; Ranks and iking; Biology • 'Botany : Building; Chemistry; Education; ctricity; Engineering ;' EniomoIog\ ; fine Art's; Hardening; igraphv; (oology; History; Law; Libraries; Literature; nufacturesand industries: 'Medicine: Meteorology: Micros- v: Military Art and Science; Mining: Missions and Mission- 'W'ork: Naval Art and Science; Patents and Trade-marks ; irmaey; Philology; Philosophy: Photography; Physics; itical' Economy ;" Popular Science; Poultry; Religion; •nee (ieneral;' Social Economy; Sports and Pastimes; tisticsand Economics; Technology: Temperance; Vetcriu- Scienee; Viticulture; Women; Zoology; also Fashion rnals; Newspapers: School Papers and Magazines; and in thor Catalogue under the title of each Periodical.] Subject- Index to the Periodicity — Meterology. [See Droughts; Meteorology; Peripatidae— An itomy and Development of Peripatus Nov(ti-Britanni«- ; by A. Willey— in Zoological Results Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 Caracteres e\tcrnes des Pcripates : par E. L. Bouvier. International Congress of /oology, Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 Dc eription of Peripatus uviparus; bv A. Dendy... Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc, 181)5 581 Mi Observations on Peripatus; by T. Steel Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1890 580.0 Peripatus Sedgwick, A. A 40 U 12 Specific Identity of the Australian Peripatus, usually supposed to i ■ P. LuiJuiki; l,y J. .1. Fletcher.. Linnean Society, N.S.W., Proc., 1895 580.0 [S ■ also Anthropoda; Malacopoda.] Peritonitis — Acute Peritonitis; by Dr. F. Treves— m System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A •ill 'I' 30 Acute Peritonitis of I'mb-tcrmincd Nature; by Dr. W. H. Allchin in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 36 Chronic Peritonitis; by Dr. W. H. Allchin in System of Medi- cine '. Allbutt, T^C, A26T36 New Growths of the Peritoneum; by Dr. W. H. Allchin— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Peritonitis; by Dr. R. Park in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Peritonitis and Appendicitis; by Dr. G. R. Fowler— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Tubercle of the Peritoneum: by Dr. \V. II. Allchin in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 36. Perry. [See Cider and Perry.] Persecutions— Cyprian Benson, Archbishop G 19 T 32 r of the Waldenses of Itab Catalogue— 180G-1900. Pa: in Per n of C i Intellectu , .1. B. C II Spanish Protestants in the 10th Century ... Wilke G 11 U 13 Wsidensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont, Willyams, Jane L. G 15 U 27 [Sic also Albigcnscs; Christianity- -History of; Covenanters; Fanaticism; "Heresies; Huguenots; Inquisition; Jansenists; dews; Liberty of Conscience : Lollards; Martyrs; Massacres; fort Royalists ; Quakers; Waldenses; Witchcraft.] Perseus —Legends— Legend of Perseus Hartland, E. S. B 36 P 8 [,S',„ also Mythology-Greek.] Persia— General and Descriptive— Amongst the Persians Browne, E. G. D 19 U 6 From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. 1) 17 S 10 Ride through Western Asia Bigham, C. D 10 T 17 Through Persia and India. Weeks, K. L. D 17 V 22 Through Persia on a Side-saddle Svkes, Ella C, I) 20 U 12 Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi AH Reis; by A. Vambery Seidi Ali D 18 R 19 I 'niveral Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 9 Trade of Hushiro and Di.-tri.t. ls:»7 in Diplomatic and Consular In the Kingdom of the Shal: Persi'a Re'visited',' i 895 .'.'.' .'.'.'.' Persian Life and Customs . Persian Language — Persian Manual Khurshid, Mirza J 21 P 33 Phonetiquc Historique et comparee du Sanscrit et du Zend. Regnaud, P. J 9 V 33 Persian Literature — Adventures of Hajji Baba Morier, J. J 6 V 26 Buch des Kabus Diez, H. F. von J 14 U Denkwtirdigkeiten von Asien Diez, H. F. von B 10 R 20, 27 Epic of Kings Zimmern, Helen H 11 R 12 Verzeielmiss'der lYrsischcn Handschriften ; von W. Pcrtsch. Berlin ICmigliehe Bibliothek K 11 U t Personal Property Law of Personal Property in X. S. W. . . . Millard, ( I . W. MF 2 Q 30 [See also Property; Real Property.] Personality, Human and Divine. [See Ontology.] Perspective— Doorziehtkunde of Perspectief Sunaert, A. A 44 Q 15 [See also Drawing.] Perthshire— History — Historical Castles and Mansions of Scotland Millar, A. H. B41 Q13 Perturbations— Development of Pert in bat ivc Function anil its Derivatives. United States — Bureau of Kquipment Ast. Papers, 3 520.8 Gauss's Method of Computing Se -ular Perturbations with an Ap- plication to .Action of Venn ; and Mercury United States Bureau of Equipment— Ast. Papers, 1 520.8 Periodic Perturbations of the Longitudes and Padii Vectores of the Four Inner planets of the First Oder as to the Masses. United States -Bureau of Equipment Ast. Papers, 3 520.8 Secular Perturbations of Mercury; by E. Doolittle. Ast. Journal, 189G-97 520.5 Peru— General and Descriptive- Over the Andes Crommelin, May D 10 T 10 Peru... United States Bureau of American Republics D18T33 Peru in the Guano Age Duffield, A. J. D 16 R 7 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 1 1 P 36 Universal Geography Reclus, E % D 21 U 18 Voyage de la'.Mer du Slid' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'." Frezier, A. F. D 16 P 4 [See also Incas; South American Wars.] Commerce and Trade— Trade of Peru — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Gco!/ni/Jn/. y'li/iin/ri'/Jn/, and Maps — Cape Lobos to Pescadores Point, 1 S9S [Chart ]. . . Gt, Brit, and Irel. - - Hydrographies Office 1) 49 P 2 + Fcrrol and Coisco Bays. 1809 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office I) 49 P 2 % History— Viaiede Destierro Grez, V. D 16 P 3 War between Chile and Peru and Pol, via. ls;s si. Mason, Lieut. T. ]!. M. B 19 T 10 Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated bv the Native Reli- gions of Mexico and Peru Reville, Rev. A. G 23 T 2 Perugia History— Stay of Perugia Symonds, Margaret B 37 P 8 Pessimism- Evolution Icons, F. 15. G 25 S 13 Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. G 12 U 35 Paradoxes Siidfeld, M. S. ' G 3 V 16 mcs. W. MG 2.1 K 24 Public Library of New South Pestalozzi System. [See Kindergarten; and under Pes- talozzi, J. H., in Author Catalogue.] Pests. [See Agricultural Pests; Entomology —Economic; Fungi in Agriculture; Insects, Injurious; Parasites; Plant Diseases; Rabbits; Weeds; and under Fames of Animal or Insect Pests.] Petrography. [See Petrology.] Petroleum and Natural Gas — Chemical Technology Groves, C. K. A 21 V G-S Detection ami Measurement of Petroleum Vapour in Inflammable Gas and Vapour in the Air Clowes, F. A 20 Q 21 Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in( 'aliiornia : liv A. S.Cooper. California Mining Bureau A 37 T 7 Oil and Gas-viclding Formation of Los Angeles; l.y W. L. Watts. California - State Mining Bureau A 37 R 23 Petroleum Redwood, 13. A 21 U 9, 10 Petroleum in Chemistry for Manufacturers Blount, B. Petroleum and its Prod United States, 1S80.. Petroleum or Coal Scrutton, T. U. MA 4 S 12 Petroleum Trade United States Consular Repts., 57 382 Russian Petroleum in I SOS. .. United States- ( 'ons. Repts., 6!) 382 Select Committee on Petroleum, Report, 1890-08. Gt. Brit, and lrel. Petroleum A 40 V 37 l- and A 20 U 24 t Trenton Limestone as a source of Petroleum and Inflammable Gas; by E. Orton... United States ( icolngieal Survey, Annual „lso<)\\ Kn S.] ,r Reports, 47 . Be, Petrology — General — Basalt from One Tree Point; by W. A. .MacLeod... Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898 99 500 Basalts of Bat hurst and the Xeichbourinc- Districts; by W. J. C. Boss Koval Society, X. S. Wales. .Journal,' 1897 500 Directions for Collecting Bock's, and for the Pr Effusiv Felsites and W. H. Twt by H. B. ( logical Sur Hayne-trach d Dyke Bock . .loll ■rill. ( , w. Ig' d Oyst .us Roc Petrology — General — contd. Radiolaria in the Devonian Rocks of N. S. Wales; by Dr. Hinde. Geological Society. Loud., Quarterly Journal, 1899 550.0 Rhyolites of the Hauraki Gold-tields, N'iiv Zealand; by J. Park. Geological Society, Lond., Quarterly Journal. 1899 550. (i Rock Specimens from Kerguelen Island; by E. G. Hogg. Victorian Naturalist, 1S98 505 Rocks collected by Kitson and Thorne ; by A. W. Howitt. Australasian Assoc. Advance, of Se., Rept., 1898 50fi Rocks, Rock-weathering, and Soils .. Merrill, G. P. A 33 V 20 West Coast Dolerite; by W. A. MacLeod New Zealand Institute, Trans., 189S 500 [See also Crystallography ; Geology; Meteorites; Mineralogy.] Phrenogamia. [See Phanerogamia.] Phalangistidse — Contribution to the Development of the common Phalanger ; by Dr. R. Broom Linnean Soc, N.S.W.. Proc, 1898 [See also Marsupialia.] Phallic Worship — Fire and Phallic Worship in God-Idea of the Ancients. Gamble, Eliza B. G 3 U 29 From Phallism to Purism— in Outspoken Essays Bax, E. B. G9 W35 [See also Religion-:. Primitive; Bosicrucians : Symbolism.] Phanerogamia — Phsenogams; by W. Colenso N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1898 5C6 Seeding Forms of New Zealand Phancroi; mis and their Development; by L. Cockayne New Zealand Inst. , Trans.. 1898-99 5C6 [See also Botany— General; and. under each Order.] Phaneropleurini— I'/iairrojiIrun-n Jn-lei Pharmaceutical Periodicals. [See Pharmacy— Periodicals.] Pharmacology — [See also B ,', Pharmacology, and Therapeutics White, W. H. A 26 P c ', Medical; Pharmacy: Poisonous Plants.] Pharmacopoeias — British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia A 40 Q 19 British Pharmacopoeia, 1898 A 40 P 12 Companion to the British Pharmacop.eiu... Squire, P. A 40 P 20 Extra Pharmacopeia, 1898 Martindale, W. A 20 P 33 Pharmacopeias ol Thirty London Hospitals Squire, P. A 20 P 42 [St ms.] Materia Medica, Pharma Materia Medica, Pharm ronton, T. L. A 37 T 1 ville, W. L. A 31 Q 20 acEwan, P. A 44 U 13 ion, C. J. S. A 26 P 21 . Squire, P. A 40 P 20 Jnited States Consular W'lntla. W. A26P3: Cohn, A. I. A 41 T30 jy "'.".'." 'Curtis',' B-'"a'26PM iiitics Muirell, W. A 26 R 29 ■apenties for Dentists. Clifford, E. L. A 32 S 33 acologv, and Therapeutics. White, W. H. A 26 P 31 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Pharmacy— General — contd. Mvstery and Romance of Alchemy and Phaimacy. " Thompson, C. J. S. A 20 R 8 Prescription Writing and the Combination of Drugs ; by Dr. J. P. Kemington— //I Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Professional Education in the United States New York- University, College Dept., Bulletin, 1900 G 18 U 23 [S r also Botany. Medical : lloiinoopathy ; Materia Mcdica ; I'har- inacopa'ias ; Pharmacy -Periodicals ; Prescriptions; Veterin- ary Science.] Periodicals — Year-book of Pharmacy 015.05 Pharynx — Diseases of the Pharynx ; by Sir !•'. Semon in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Pharynx and Larynx; by Dr. C. E. Sajous— in iVacti-al Therapemies ' ' Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Diseases of the Uvula, the Pharynx, and Larynx; by Dr. D. B. Kyle — in Practical Therapeutics Hare. H. A. A 31 P 17 Inflammation of the .Mucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, and Pharyngeal Cavities; by Dr. \V. X. Sudduth in American System of Dentistry Litch W. F. A 31 S 3 Plrismidae — Fhasmida. of New Zealand : by Capt. Hutton Now Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897-1)8 .">0(i Ph.'smkke; with Notes on the El'l'- by 1). Sharp — in Zoological Results Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 [S< '. also Orthoptera. ] Phenicia. [See Phoenicia.] Phenomenism — Mctaphysic of Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Philosophy and Kxp.-rience Hodgson, S. H. G 14 R 29 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 R. -organisation of Philosophy Hodgson, S. H. G 14 R 27 Philadelphia— History Historic Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Philadelphia: the Place and the People Repplier, Agnes B 19 Q 18 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876— 'ollec , Mltsotl . the 'uke, James Hack.., arl of, Life, Unpublished Letters, and of C26T6 C37 S 11 Philanthropy. [See Charities; Charity; Philanthropists; Social Problems.] Philately. [See Postage Stamps.] Philippians Epistle — Philippine Islands ltd Descriptive - Ford, J. I). tst .'.'.'.'.'." s.',"ix w"i Philippine Islands -General and Descriptive— contd. Philippine-sand Round About Younghusband, Major G. J. D 22 R 2 Ports in the Philippine Island,. I SO!) | Chart]... Gt, Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 J QuaintCornersof Ancient Kmpiros.:. Shoemaker, M. M. D 13 R 9 San Pedro Bay to Libukan Islands, including .luanieo Strait, 1898 [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel. Uydrograpl'iie Otlice D 49 P 3 I Supplement to the Pastern Archipelago Directory. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Admiralty D 20 U 13 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Yesterdays in the Philippines Stevens, J. E. D 14 R 24 Commerce and Trade- Coda of Commerce in force in ( 'uba, Porto Pico, and the Philippines, amended by the Law of 1807... U.S. Dept. of War F 18 R 28 Trade of thePhilippinelslands: hyp. 11.11 ielHo,k...UnitcdStatcs - Dept. of Agr.- Section of Foreign Markets F 7 T 1 — History — Philippine Islands and their People. ..Worcester, D. C. B 39 P 18 [See also American-Philippine War; American Spanish War.] Philological Periodicals. [See Philology — Periodicals.] Philological Societies. [See Philology—Societies.] Philologists — Letters of De Brasses Brasses, C. de C 24 Q 7 Life Writings, and Correspondence of George Morrow; by W. I. Knapp Borrow, G. C 26 R 16, 17 Noah Webster: by H. E. Seuddcr Webster, N. C 27 P 10 Philology and Study of Languages— General — Collected Works Muller, F. M. J 29 T 1-14 Contributions to North American Kthnology... United States — Geographical and Ceol. Survey of the Pocky Mountain Region A 10 V 1-8 t Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Harvard University- Studies in Classical Philology J 26 T 1-7, 10, 11 Language and Literature: by I', K. Morris... Melb. Rev., 9 052 Language and Science in Groundwork of Science. Mivart, F. St. G. A 40 P 10 Letters and Papers upon Philological Subjects... Strangford, Vise. J 12 P 21 Logic of the Practical Sciences in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo-European Laneuaees Brugmann, K. A 24 P 32 ( Irigitiof Language .... Melbourne Review, 2 052 Psycl Of 1 1 I'lll! Jaeg les Nol! under M.grapl 1 Dii 4Q5 ; 9 W 20 Periodicals — American Journal of Philology 405 "philolo'-ical'society, Transactions 406 Polynesian Sooctv, Journal 996 Comparative of tl Etude 2-1 ■_ ,1 14 V 1 "ni'lohagy Public Library of New South Wales. Philosophers and Economists— American — Early American Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 11 Emerson, Ralph Waldo; bv O. W. Holmes C 27 P 2 Franklin, Benjamin, as an Economist ; l,v W. A. Wetzel. Johns Hopkins University. Studies. 13 B 18 S 13 Raymond, Daniel; by C. P. Neill loin, II,, pkins University, Studies, 15 B 18 8 15 British— Carlyle and Christianity- in Typical Christian Leaders. i, Thoi v M. D. Clitlor J. Lieber, Francis: by L. R. Harley C 27 T 4 Masters of Victorian Literature '. Graham, R. I). .1 22 Reid, Thomas; bv A. C. Eraser C 20 V 13 Ruskin, Jolm: by J. A. Hobson C 25 R 10 Ruskin, John; bv M. II. Spielman C 23 T 20 Shaftesbury, Anthony. Earl of. Life. Unpublished Lellers.anclPhilo- sophical Regimen of C26 T 6 Smith, Adam; by If. C. Macpherson C 20 V 15 Spencer, Herbert ; by H. C. Macpherson C 27 R 20 Canadian— My Inner Life Crozier, J. B. G 11 R 43 French — Montaigne, Michel de; by M. E. Lowndes C 23 S 22 Renan, Ernest, Life of; by Mine. L. Darmcsteter C 23 S 10 Philosophical Instruments. [See Astronomical Instru- ments; Optical Instruments; Science —Teaching, La- boratories.] Philosophical Periodicals. [See Philosophy— Periodicals; Political Economy— Periodicals; Social Economy- Periodicals; Statistics and Economics— Periodicals.] Philosophical Societies. [See Philosophy — Societies; Science — Societies.] Philosophy— General — Collected Works of Dngald Stewart ... Stewart, I). G 10 V 1-7 Consolation ot I'hiiosophv of Roethius Boethius G 4 V 26 De Consolation,' Philosophic; bv Buclhius... E:c H-h Text Society Pubs., original series 113 s^'l's European Thought in the lOih Century... Merz, J. T. B 10 T 28 Introduction to Philosophy Kiilpe, O. G 18 P 44 Introduction to Philosophy Ladd, G. T. GIT 24 i U ""■ f. 1 " 1, '«'P 'J' Watson, J. G 17 S 19 >. Snidien Wundt, W. G 6 T 11 ph'M'V 1 i ;' i '; i l n | | i; hi " 1 , : iiIii ■■ ^''- ■" * ! , r "nua Re-organisation of Phil,,.. ,p!,v . ..'.'.'.' Vb7dg-,',n. s" j|. ('; 14 R 27 ophy ; Neo-Plat theism ; Percep Political Econoi >ollsm; ideology; Theism; Theodicy; Theology, Nat., saltan- V.' t "| s ' J '' 1 !' k ' 1 .' till,sm . ; . Transmigration; Truth; Uni Philosophy — Addresses, Essays, Lectures— Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution ... Pearson, K. A 37 R 9, 10 Complete Works of Emerson Emerson, R. W. J 22 Q 15-20 Essays, Literary and Philosophical Lindsay, J. J 12 T 44 Essays, Reviews, and Addresses ... Martineau, J. J 14 T 27-30 Gesammelte Werke Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 34 Guesses at the Riddle „f Existence Smith, G. G 1!) U 34 Human Nature Schopenhauer, A. G 19 U 35 Man's Place in the Cosmos Seth, A. G 14 R 20 Outspoken Essays on Social Subjects Bax, E. B. G 9 W 35 Paradoxes Siidfeld, M. S. G 3 U 16 Philosophical Essays Stewart, D. G 14 R 30 Physics and Politics Bagehot, W. F 8 V 40 Practical Ethics Sidgwicfc, H. G 23 Q 16 Will to Believe, and other Essays in Popular Philosophy. James, W. G 23 R 24 History — History of Ancient Philosophy Windelband, W. G 25 T 9 History of Modern Philosophy Hoffding, H. G 24 V 31, 32 History of Philosophy Weber, A. G 5 Q 30 History of Philosophy Windelband, W. G 14 Q 40 Lectures on the History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Periodiccds — Journal of Speculative Philosophy ]05 Mind 105 Monist 105 Positivist Review 305 Societies — ■ Aristotelian Society, Proceedings G 25 Q 23-25 Literary and Philosophical Society, Liverpool, Proceedings... 806 Society for Psychical Research, Proceedings 130 By Countries. American — Early American Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 11 British- Development of English Thought Patten, S. N. G 23 T 42 James Frederick Ferrier; by E. S. Haldane C 20 V 17 Philosophical Essays Stewart, D. G 14 R 30 Realistic Philosophy McCosh, Rey. J. G 17 S 21, 22 Sartor Resartus Carlyle, T. J 23 T 4 French- History of Mod, in Philosophy in France Levy-Bruhl, L. G 24 U 25 Joubert: a Selection from his Thoughts... Joubert, J. G 23 T 12 German — Monadology, and other Philosophical Writings of Leibniz; trans- lated by R. Latta Leibniz, G. W. G 11 U 41 Problem Friedrirh Nietzsches Grimm, E. G 24 S 13 Works of Friedrieh Nietzsche Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 15, 18 Greek — Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. 0. G 1 Q 23, 24 Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics... Zeller, E. G 19 U 32, 33 Articles from the Heretic Tucker, C. J 23 T 30 Commentarii Aurelius Antoninus, M. J 18 V 23 Commentaries in Enchiridion Epicteti Simplicius .1 IS V 23 >jsscrtationes Maximus Tyrius J 18 V 23 Early Greek Philosophy Burnet, J. G 11 Q 32 EologiK Stobams, J G2 V 45 '•>--'ircr,,r Hadrian Gregorovius, F. B 34 R 17 Euripides and the Attic Orators Thomson, A. D. G 14 P 35 lathers of Greek Philosophy id Studies in Many Subjects. Reynolds, Rev. S. H. J 19 W 8 Iirst Philosophers of Greece Fairbanks, A. G 23 S 25 Greek View of Life Dickinson, G. L. G 19 U 15 History of Ancient Philosophy Windelband, W. G 25 T 9 Intellectual Development Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 Philosophy of Greece Bonn, A. W. G 17 S 18 lhitareh; by Archbishop Trench Plutarchus C 19 P 26 Tabula Cebos J 18 V 23 Aenophontis qua] extant Opera Xenophou J 1 7 U 1 1 t Stibjcct-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Philosophy— Oriental — Chi nose, The Martin, Rev. W. A. P. A 41 T 10 Intellectual Development Crazier, J. B. G 17 T 11 Philosophical Essavs Stewart, I). (! 16 V 6 Physics and Politics Bagehot, W. F 8 V 46 Poetry of Oriental Religion; bv Rev. J. Lambie Melbourne Review, 10 052 Six Systems of Indian Philosophy Miiller, F. M. G 24 V 1 ■ — - Roman — En iperor Hadrian Gregorovius, F. B34R17 Hi lory of Ancient Philosophy Windelhand, W. G 25 T 9 Ki ... Alfred's Old English Version of Boethius. Boethius, A. M. T. S. J 23 S 20 King Alfred's Version of the Consolation of Boethius. Boethius, A. M. T. S. J 9 U 15 Sole, ted Works Seneca, L. A. G 17 S 13 [Si '■ also Philosophy — Greek.] - Scottish— Ethical System of James Martineau Hertz, J. H. G 26 T 10 Phlorizin- Phlorizin Rennie, E. H. MA 3 W 18 [Ste aho Chemistry, Organic; Botany, Economic.] Phoenicia — History — Struggle of the Nations Maspero, G. B 17 U 18 We item Civilization Cunningham, Rev. W. F 15 R 12 Phoenician Language and Literature — Iiim riptions in the l'hienieian Character discovered on the Site of ( 'arthage; by X. Davis British Museum B 47 P 20 J OrientaliaAntiqua... Terrien de la Couperie, A. E. J. B. J 5 V 24 Phcenix Islands— Geot/raphi/, Toj>oi/r/i//hi/, and Maps — Ellice Islands to Phonix' Islands [Chart ] . . Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Hydrographio (,'llice M I ) 3 Q 16 J Eedrburv Island to Christmas l'slai.,1. 1809 [Chart]. (it. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographie < mice D 49 P 2 J Phonetic Journals. [See Phonography — Periodicals and Phonetics. [See Phonography.] Phonograph — Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century ... Routledge, R. A 23 T 45 Waves of Sound and Speech as revealed bv the Phonograph. M'Kendrick, J. (i. A 23 T 42 Phonography — Cursive Shorthand Callcndar, H. L. J 9 P 47 Duolovaii Shorthand Brandt, 25 Art of Retouching Hubert, J. A 41 Q 18 Barnett Book of Photography .' '.......'.. '...' A 25~T 10 Carbon Printin" Wall, E. J. A 41 Q 21 Chemistry of Photography Steel, T. MA 4 P 12 First Principles of Photography Leaper, C. J. A 23 S 30 Guide to Autotype Sawyer, J. R. A 41 16. Half-tone on the American Basis Crnnenhcrg, W. A 41 4 Half-tone Process Verfasser,.!. A 23 P 27 Home Pot Inst; Light, CIS PIlO iv Abney, W. de W. A 23 Q 50 Studios... Duchochois, P. C. A 41 Q 17 n.ographv .. Slingshy. R. A 13 T 20 f ngof Process Blocks Mocrch, J. (). MA 4 P 12 Masked. A. A 41 20 Hardwich. Rev. T. F. A 23 P 23 ,„ Magic... Hopkins. A. A. A 40 S 11 .. Cole. R. S. A 41 Q 26 23S31 I 41 Q 7 .11. A 41 6 Public Library of New South Wales. Photography— contd. Studio, ami what to do in it Robinson, H. P. A 41 Q 15 Talbot vpc urSiin Pictures Cowderov, B. MA 4 P 23 Telephotography D.Ulmever, T. R. A 45 V 9 Use of the Hand Camera Holland, C. A 23 P 44 Wild Life at Home Kearton, R. A 28 P 37 [See also Astronomical Photography ; Autotype: Camera; Collo- type; Colour-photography; Military Photography; Photo- engraving: Photographs; Photo-lithography ; Platinotvpe; Rontgcn Rays.] • Periodicals — Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, International Annual... 770.5 Australian Photographic Journal 770.5 Australian Photographic Journal Annual MA 5 Q 2 Australasian Photographic Review 770. 5 Photogram 770.5 Photographic Review of Reviews 770.5 Process Year-book 771 Photogravure. [See Photo-engraving.] Photogravures of Pictures. [See Engravings and Re- productions of Pictures.] Photometry — New Flicker Phot Phrases— Dictiona Dialect, Proverbs, a How to Phrer Lectures on I' Neglect of Phr . Tufts F. L. A 44 S 12 Harvard University ttory, Annals, 11 522.19 . Preston, T. A 21 U 14 iassett, A. B, A 21 U 13 atory Annals, 13 522.19 etric Observations.] Thc\Y< Carey, T. ( .. Spurzheim, J. ulerful Century.. ;. MA 4 S 19 (}. G15U11 Wallace, A. R. A 40 Q 7 *Z~ Carey, T. Duncan, G. MA 4 Q 6 G. G 17 Q 53 Fowler, 0. S. A 33 Q 33 Phthisis. [See Consumption.] Phylloxera — it Cure for Phylloxera Agr. Gaz. , N. S. W. , 6 030. 5 ' dopted to eradicate the Phylloxera Method; Outbreak of Phylloxera in ( Papers on Phylloxera in Eu Papers respecting the Phylh :. Wales 631 1. 5 oulhurn Vallev; by M. Blu Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 ope and America ... Planchon, J. E. MA 4 S 9 Victoria— Agriculture 630. 6 Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 8 030.5 ' 3, Reports in Appendix 1, Cape of Good Hope- Parliament 328.087 Phylloxera in Europe Agricult. Gaz.. N. S. Wales, 6 G30.5 Phylloxera in Crape Vines -i„ Appendix to Journals, 1895. New Zealand - Parliament 328.931 Phylloxera of the Grape Vine ; by M. Blunno Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 030.5 Phylloxera; by M. Blunno Phylloxera Commissions, 1S90. vol. 1, V. and P., 1891, L893 Phylloxera— contd. Phylloxera of the Vine Agricult. Gaz., N.S.W., 6 630.5 Phylloxera Question ; by A. J. Perkins Journal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, 2 630.5 Phylloxera, Report by J. W. Tavcrncr -in Papers presented to Parliament, 1899-1900 Victoria Parliament 32S.945 [See also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious; Viticulture.] Physaliidse — Memoir on Physalia in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [See also Zoophytes.] Physical Chemistry — Achievements of Physical Chemistry; bv W. A. Noyes. American Assoc., Advance, of 'Science, Proa, 1890 506 Connection existing between Atomic Weights, Crystalline Form, and Density of Bodies; by M. Filhol... Cavendish Society, Pubs. A36S 1 Memoirs bv Pfeft'er, Van't Hoff, Jones, H. C. A 44 Q 21 Walker, J. A 30 T 29 Traube, J. A 38 T 17 of the Volume of Bodies in the Solid State to their Equivalents or Atomic Weights; by Prof. Otto Cavendish Society Pubs. A 36 S 1 Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Hoff, J. H. van 't. A 39 Q 19-21 Theories Physico-Chimiques Reyehler, A. A 38 U 14 [See alsc Rontgcn Photography.] Physical Education and Drill — Always Strong and Happy Judd, J. R. G 18 R 56 Arm v Hand-book of Physical Train in <_'...< i ale and Polden A 35 P 18 Foundation of Success Brath, S. de G 18 Q 34 Games and Athletics in Secondan Schools for Girls — in Special Reports on ional Subjects. . ... Croat Britain and Ireland -Education G 17 U 15 Games out of School ,'n Special Reports on I'M ilea tional Subjects. Great Britain and Ireland— Education G 17 U 15 German-American System of Gymnastics Steelier, W. A. G 18 R 57 Girls' Physical Training James, Alice R. A 18 T 28 t Gyn. nasties and other Physical Exercises : by J. Holm... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 13 A 41 V9 Hygiene and Physical Culture tor Women... Galbraith, Anna M. A 26 S 34 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1S93. Chicago Exhib., 1893 G 17 T 1 Manual of Swedish Gymnastics 'Anderson, N. MG 2 T 27 Military Drill in the Public Schools MP 1 P 20 Physical Characteristics of the Athlete; by Dr. Sargent. Out-of-Door Sports A 40 Q 1 Physical Culture in Schools... Massachusetts-- Board of Education, Rept., 1887-88 379.744 Physical Education Pike. L. 0. G 18 P 35 Physical Educati mat Home Alexander, A. G 18 Q 48 Physical Education at the Sheffield High School for Girls— in Special Reports on Educational Subjects ... Great Britain and Ireland — Education G 17 U 15 Physical Education under the School Board for London— in Special Report on Educational Subjects Great Britain and Ireland— Education G 17 U 15 Physical Proportions of the Typical Man; by Dr. Sargent, ' Out-of-Door Sports A 40 Q 1 Physical Training Seymour, H. R. G 11 U 45 Physical Training; by Dr. E. M. Ilartwcll in Report, 1897-98. U.S. — Buicauof Education 379.73 Physical Training in Birmingham and Leeds Board Schools— in Special Reports on Educational Sublet- Great Britain and Ireland Education G 17 U 15 Psychology applied to Education Compavra, G. G 4 V 28 Rise of College Gymnasiums in the United States; by E. M. Hartwell ... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit,, 13 A 41 V 9 [See also Athletics ; Exercise; Fencing: Gymnastics; Hygiene; Sports; Training; Women— Hygiene.] Subject-Index to the Sity-plemeniaty Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1001 Physical Geography — Get American Association, Advanc Eclectic Physical Geography .. By Countries. Australia — mtions to the Physical Geography f South-eastei Australia; by (J. W. Earl Journal of the ■ New South Wales— I'h-, ->;,1 ( ieography and Climate of Now South Wales; by H. C. I! --11 in \. S. Wales, the Mother Colony... Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 • United States — Vol .noes of North America Russell, I. C. A 39 R 1 Physical Laboratories. [See Physics — Teaching, Labora. Physical Religion. [See Religions— Primitive; Theology- Natural.] Physical Societies. [See Physics— .Societies.] Physicians. [See Doctors and Surgeons.] Physicists Faraday, Michael: his Life and Work; by Prof. S. P. Thompson. C 19P20 Forbes, James David, Life and Letters of; by J. C. Shairp. C 25 R Helinholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand v.; by Dr. J.G.M'Kendrick. C23 R 15 Henry, Joseph, Memorial of... Smiths. Inst,. Misc. Coll., 21 508 Physics — General — Flemntary Text-book of 1'hv; PI. ai-uts of Theoretical Physi Fro:! Magic to Chemistry an Physics— Handbuch der Physik ... E neyklopiedie der Xatur Teaching, Laboratories, Apparatus — La 1 oratory Course in Experin si io chemical Methods'.'.'.'.' irtz-thread Gravity lialan 1 Physics Loudon. W. J. A 21 T 36 Threlfall, R. MA 4 P8 Traube, J. A 38 T 17 ,v Prof. Threlfall and .1. A. Pi.ih.sipliieal Trans., 103 .i0li : • .. bond., Proc.. 1S00 .Vtli - '.: Woodi.uii, J. F. A 44 S 13 nv siognomy — nparattve Physiognomy ... .. Redfield, J. W. A; SO Q 29 Fn nRc ading Stanton. Mary O. G 16 V24 Ph ysiognomy and Phrenology Carey, T. G. MA 4 (J (I Pit ■siognomy Illustrated [.V, ealno Phrenology.] Physiography. [See Geology: Physical Geography.] Physiological Chemistry— Chemical Basis off ' Hambbook for the d llody... . Foster, M. A 28 U 19 Physiological Psychology JPublie Library of New South Wales. Physiological Psychology— contd. Metabolism Experiments; bv W '. 0. Atwater... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Office of Exper. Stns. A 41 U 9 Pathology of Emotions Fere, C. G 25 V 1 Story of the Mind Baldwin, J. M. G 9 U 27 [See also Brain ; Faith-healing; Materialism; Mental Physiology ; Mind; Mind and Body; Nerves andXervousSystem; Phrenology; Psychonietry ; Sensation.] Physiologists — Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von; by Dr. J. G. M'Kendrick C 23 R 15 Physiology — General — Academic des Sciences, Comptes rendus des Seances 506 Animal and Vegetable Physiology... Roget, P. M. A 26 P. 25, 26 British Association. Advance, of Science, Report, 1895 506 Chemical Basis of the Animal Body Foster, M. A 28 U 19 Chemical Physiology and Pathology Halliburton, W. I). A 38 SS Electro-physiology Biedermann, YV. A. A 30 R 24 Essentialsof Expciimcnt.ilPhysiology... Brodie.T.G. A 10 U 10 Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 General Physiology Verworn, M. A 41 R 11 Identity and Structure of Plants and Animals — in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Institutions of Physiology Blumenbaeh, J. F. A 26 S 39 •lahresbericlit iiber die Fortschrit le der I'hysiologie 612.05 Kirke's Hand-book of Physiology .. Haliburton, W. 1). A 45 S 6 Lancet 010.5 Life, Function, Health Faterson, H. S. A 27 R 23 Pan-American Medical Conyrosss, Transaction 610.6 Physiology Hill, A. G 18 Q 36 Physiology for Beginners Foster, M. A 26 P 36 Physiology of Digestion; by Dr. A. P. Brubaker — in American System of Dentistry bitch. \V. F. A 31 S3 Physiology of Voice and Speech; bv Dr. ('. Seder -in American System 'of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Presidential Address; bv Dr. J. T. Wilson Linnean Society, X. S. Wales, Proc, 1S99 580"0 Recent Progress in Physiology; by M. Foster Smithsonian * Institution, Ropts., 1897 506 Recherches Pli\ siolo^iipies sur l'Appareil RcsphatoiredesOiseaux. Souin, J. M. A 31 S 27 Self-Instructor in PIiiciioIoliv and Physiology Fowler, 0. S. A 33 Q 33 Text-book of Physiology Foster, M. A 28 U 15-18 Text-book of Physiology Sehafer, E. A. A 27 V 4 VitaMedica Richardson, Sir B. YV. A 30 Q 32 Wonders of the Human Body Pileur, A. le A 26 R 24 [.feen/xoAhnnrinit ies ; Anatomy; Rioloey; I'.l !; Bones: Breathing; Cells; Deformities; Degeneration; Digestion; Embryology; (ilands; Heredity; Hermaphrodites; Medicine Periodicals; Mesmerism; Mind and Body; Monstrosities; Morphology; Muscles; Nerves; Nutrition; Physiological Chemistry; Re- generation; Inspiratory System; Secretion; Senses; Sex; Comparative — Comparative Physiology and Morphology of Animals. LeConte, J. A 45 R 11 Functional dcvelopm* nt of the Ceiebral Cortex in Different Groups of Animals; by Dr. T. W. Mills... McGill University A 40 S 21 Papers from the Department of Physiology on the Cat, the Dog and the Dog and Cat compared; 'by Dr.' T. W. Mills'. and the Domes! and the Cavy, i ■"F.,u'l: McGill Un le, Dr."i' ois, R. '. \V. Mill University A 40 S 2 Pig; by Dr. T. W. Mills. MeGill University A 40 S 2 Temperatures of Reptiles, Monotrenies, and Marsupials; by A Sutherland Royal Soc, Victoria, Ptoceedings, 1896 5(11 [See also Animal Mechanism.] Mental. [See Mental Physiology.] Vegetable. [See Botany, Physiological.] Physophoridse — Ueber die Sexualorgane der Diphydse und PhysophoridsE— in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [See also Zoophytes.] Pianoforte — A439 ; being the Autobiography of a Piano J 22 P 37 History of the Pianoforte Brinsmead, E. A 23 P 40 Picarise— Piearia; in the Collection of the British Museum; by O. Salvin, and others— fra Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. British Museum -Natural History A 39 T 16-19 [See also Ornithology.] Picture Galleries. [See Fine Arts — Galleries.] Picture Posters — Picture Posters Hiatt, C. A 23 U 34 Posters in Miniature A 23 T 29 [See also Advertising; Signs and Sign-boards.] Picture Writing — Nombres Geograficos de Mexico Peiianel, A. J 14 T 24 + [See also Carvings ; Hieroglyphics; Rock-carvings.] Pictures. [See Fine Arts— Galleries; Engravings and Reproductions of Pictures; Etchings; Fine Arts — Catalogues.] Piedmont General and Descriptive — Valley of Light Worsfold, W. B. I) 22 P 10 Pieridinse — riericbe of the Indian and Australian Regions ; by W. C. Hewitson. Entomological Society, Loud., Trans., 1808 51)5.7 [See also Entomology : l.epidoptera.] Piers — Coffer-dam Process for Piers Fowler, C. E. A 38 V 21 Pietists — Krudener, Mine, de, Life and Letters of ; by C. Ford... C 24 T 1 Pigeons- Australasian Pigeon Guide Fry, W. M A 3 U 40 Pigeons and Parrots from North and North-western Australia; by Prof. R. Collett Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1898 590.6 [.See also Poultry.] Pigments. [See Colours; Dyes; Paints.] PigS- Australasian Dairyman MA 3 U 43 Australasian Live Stock Manual Sutherland, G. MA 2 R 49 Chemical Composition of the Carcasses of Pigs; by H. W. Wiley. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 41 U 10 Development of the Pig Industry... Queensl. Agr. Journ., 5 630.5 Experiments in Pig-feeding... .'. A-ricult. Gazl, N.S.W., 9 630.5 Hog-raising in the South; by S. M. Tracy United States Dept. of Agr.- Farmcs' Bulletin. KiO A 41 U2 Homo Farming; bv I)r y Creek and Dully. Fisher, Lala MJ 3 R 33 Kangaroo Hunt ; bv C. Harpur Australian Home Compan'o i M.J 3 T 10 Kendall, Henry; by Rt. Hon. W. B. Dalley... Sydney University Review MJ4Q23 Kendall, Henry; by F. Hutchinson... Sydney University Review MJ 4 Q 23 Lang, John Dunmore... Sydney University Magazine MJ 4 P 41 Legend of Govett's Leap; bv K. \V. Smith Once a Month, 4 MJ 1 V 22 Liz; by F. Myers Australian, The MJ 4 P 15 Poetry — Australian — contd. Loss of the Taiaroa ; by W. Gay Once a Week MJ 1 V 22 Lyrics of Nature O'Hara, J. B. MH 1 W 4 Man from Bot'ny, The; by A. P. Martin in Bv Crock and Gully. Fisher, Lala M J 3 R 33 Maoriland and other Verses Adams, A. H. MH 1 W 5 Marriage Contract Jackson, Helen O. MH 1 S 74 Minstrel's Crave; by H. Halloran New South Wales Magazine MJ S Q 7 Moon, The; by H. Halloran... Sydney University Mag. MJ4P21 Motion Mann, C. MH 1 V 29 Murder of the Lamb ; by C. Harpur Australian Home Companion MJ 3 T 10 Mute Discourses; by J. B. Stephens Melbourne Rev., 1 052 Night and Morning; by S. 11. Hanks Sydney University Magazine MJ 4 P 22 Oh! tell me, ye Breezes; by H. Kendall Australian Home Companion MJ 3 T 10 Original Poems Smillie, J. MH 1 Q 86 Orpheus and Eurydice; by H. Halloran Sydney University Magazine MJ 4 P 21 Parson, The, and the Pedlar "Ingonyama" MH 1 V 29 Perdita Brercton, J. Le G. MH 1 R 66 . Personalities; by J. L. Michael Sydney University Magazine M J 4 P 22 Picnic Party, The Banks, S. H. MH 1 V 29 Pilgrim of Eternity Montgomery. Eleanor E. MH 1 S 72 Poems Gipps, VV. L. R. MH 1 W 7 Poems Cordon, A. L. MH 1 V 10 Poems Irvine, Rev. G. D'A. MH 1 W 8 Poems "NewZealander, A" MH 1 P 55 Poems; by C. Harpur... Australian Home Companion MJ 3 T 10 Poems of Freedom Andrews, J. A. MH 1 V 31 Prison Poet of Australia; by J. F. Hogan Gentleman's Prize Poems on the Interna! innul Exhibition of New South Wales, 1879 Halloran, H. MH 1 V 29 Psyche, and other Poems Dunne, L. MH 1 V 22 Quest of Love East, L. F. MH 1 Q 81 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Execution of : by A. P. Martin... Melbourne Review, 6 052 Rhymes by Ruth Bedford, Ruth M. MH 1 P 77 Rhymes from (he Mines, and other Lines... Dyson, E. MH 1 V 19 Rivals; by C. A. Sherard Melbourne 'Review, 9 ME 18 Q Rose of Regret Hebblcwaite, J. MH 1 T 24 Rosebud from the Garden of the Taj; bv G. G. M'Crae. Melbourne Review, 3, 8 052 Rosemary; by S. 11. Banks... Sydney Universit v Mag. MJ 4 P 22 Roses and Thorns ; by S. 11. Banks' Sydney University Mag. MJ 4 P 22 Scraps by Menippus Scaly, R. MH 1 R 65 Seedtime anil Harvest ; by F. Myers... Australian. The MJ 4 P 15 Selections-/;/ I5v Crock and Gully Fisher. Lala MJ 3 R 33 Sir Archibald Yclvcrtou: a Romannt in Rhyme; by J. L. Michael. Month, The MJ 4 Q 12 Sir Hawkwise; or, the History of Modern Conquest; by R. H. Home Melbourne Monthly Matrazine MJ 4 Q 5 Song of Brotherhood, and other Verses Brereton, J. Le G. MH 1 V 13 Songs from the Hills Miller, Marion MH 1 W 2 Songs 'neath the Southern Cross Neild, J. C. MH 1 V 1 1 Songs of the Shcdm.; Shepherd Montgomery, Eleanor E. MH 1 Q 82 Sonnets; by H. Halloran... Sydney University Mag. MJ 4 P 21 Sonnets; by 1). B. W. Sliden'.. Melbourne Review, 7 ME 18 Q Souvenir-book Grand Fair and I'ress Bazaar MJ 5 R 16 t Spindrift; by " An Old Chollonian"... Ingston, Mrs. MH 1 V 17 Station Ballads, and other Verses... Wright. 1). M'K. MH 1 W 3 Stockman's Christmas Dream; by T. L. G Dumas. Once a Month MJ 1 V 21 Sun; by H Halloran Sydney University Mag. MJ 4 P 21 Terrigal; by 11. Kendall... Sydney University Mag. MJ 4 P 21 TeufeWelt Bach, S. MH 1 V 12 To Henry Halloran ; by 11. Kendall Sydney University Magazine MJ 4 P 21 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1007 Poetry — Australian — contd. To Irene Hall, G. W. L. M.- MH 1 T 13 To My Cigarette; l>v Margaret Thomas in Bv (reek and Gully. Fisher, Lala M.J 3 R 33 To the Story-makers — in By Creek and Gully Fisher, Lala XXI Poems . MJ 3 R 33 Brennan, C. J. MH 1 T 22 Two Spirits, and other Poems Hogg, C. K. MH 1 Q 84 Various Verses Fit/.patrick. .J. C. MH 1 P 76 Vi-ion of Retribution; bv Canon Potter Melb. Rev., 10 052 Virion of Truth Banks, S. H. Mil 1 V 21) Weds in Verse Browne, Margery MH 1 V 26 Wherethe Dead Men Lie, and other Poems ...Boake.B. MH 1 V21 British — Amoris Victima Symons, A. H 3 R 36 Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of Peasantry of England. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 19 Ancient Poetical Tracts of the 16th Century... Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S8 Bacc >n-Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis Shakespeare, W. ' S 'iV"'v 22 Ballad of Delora; by R. H. Home— in Literary Anecdotes of the l!)th Century Xiool'l, W. I!. .1 14 S 3 Ballad of Reading Gaol; by "C. 3.3." Wilde, O. H 3 Q 34 Ballades in Blue China Lang, A. H 12 P 35 Ballads and Songs Thackeray, W. M. H 10 W 17 Ballads, Critical Reviews. Tales, &c Thackeray, W. M. j 22 U 13 Bantield's Affectionate Shepherd ... Percy Soc. Pubs. H 11 S 22 Bells and Pomegranates Browning, R. H 10 W 21 Bokc of Curtsave; an English Poem of the 14th Century. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 4 Book of Ballads Sargant, Alice H 19 S 8 t Bool; of Old English Ballads Edwards, (1. W. H 10 W 15 Lord; with a Selection from his Verses, by Sir II. S. Co uer's Canterbury Tales... Percy Society Pubs. II 11 S 26 2S acerian, and other Pieces . Chaucer, (J. H 9 S 33 k Lorell's Bote ; from an tmi.juc copy pi ■inted by Wviikvn de . Per v l'u HI H 11 R 18 Collected Poems Watson, W. II 12 R 18 Collection of Ballads Lang, A. II 10 V 29 Collection of Blackdetter Ballads and Broadsides printed 1550 07. Lilly, J. It 13 V 2 Coming of Love Dunton, T. W-. H 4 T 21 Complete Poems Davies, Sir J. H 12 R 20, 21 Complete Poems Gascoigne, G. H 3 U 4, 5 Contention of Death and Love; by T. Wade in Literary Anec- dotes of the 10th Certarv Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 3 Conversion of Wiokelmann, and other Poems Austin, A. II li Cytezen and Uplon.U simian; by A. Barclay ... ] Days and Nights Symon Debate between Pride and Lowliness; by F. II. Shakespeare Society, 1 Dialogue of Wit and Folly; by J. Heywood... Pel Diamond Jubilee, 1897: To Our Beloved Queen \ Flegy written i, Finland's Darli English Lyrics English Lyrics. itin, A. II 9 U 42 Btin, A. H 12 Q 3 •, W. E. H 1 S 38 Poetry — British— contd. English Madrigals in the Time of Shakespeare ... Cox, F. A H 13 R 1 English Satires J 14 R 33 Ephcnierides Pringle, T. H 12 R 31 Epistle from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity... Hervey, Lord H 39 Q 13 t Epistle to a Lady Swift, Dean H 39 Q 13 J Fac-simileof Manuscript of Milton's Minor Poems preserved in th Library ofTr-iintvColleuc Cambridge... Milton, J. J IS U 10 J Father of the Forest, and other Poems... Watson, W. H 7 U 41 Firdausi in Exile, and other Poems Cosse, E. H 1 1 P 42 Follie's Anatomic, by II. Hutton; from the Original of 1619. H 11 H 11 Q31 H 11 S 11 .f the Times, Forest Chapel, and other Poems; by "Max' Four Knaves; bv S. Rowlands Percy ! Friar Hakon's Prophesie: a Satire on the De 1604 Percy Society runs, nuni/ From the Hills of 1 Iream Maeleod, Fiona H 1 S 25 Garland of Good Will; by T. Deloncv Percy Society Pubs. H US 32 George A shby's Poems; ed. by Mary Bateson Early English Text Society, Pubs. , ext.-a sex., 76 820.8 Ghost of Richard III.. Shakespeare Society Pubs., 22 H 3 U 27 Glenaveril; Kin- Poppy ; Lucile; Marah; Selected Poems; and the Wanderer Lytton, Earl H 11 R 3-9 Golden Age Austin, A. H 10 S 16 Greater Victorian Poets Walker, H. J 10 U 36 Hand-book to Works of Lord Tennyson Luce, M. H 11 Q 4 Handful of Pleasant 1 (cliejits ; bv ( \ Robinson and others; Reprint of ed. of 15-54 English Scholar's Library J 3 T 20 Harmony of Birds: reprinted from the only known copy published in the. niddleot the Kith Century... Percy Soc. Pubs." H 11 S 9 Haunted House " '. Hood, T. H 10 S 17 Helena; by T. Wade -/„ Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century. Xieoll, W. R. J 14 S 3 S20 Hi tory of English Pcetr. Hi torv of the Holy Craa II. ■eleve's Minor Poems Hope of the World, and o Ho wot Life Human Tragedy Hit nanitv and the Man Idylls and Lyrics Im ■ i.t li 1 ami E\ i! In Cap and Bells Island Race Ju ip to Clory Jane e Divino iganda Poor Norther Iv > : Martin Barker La lirvinicMusarum.and La ! Baikal, and other P. La er Renaissance La .rentes in England .. Watso . Rosselt It 10 W 29 3tti, 1). G. H12P8 ustin, A. H 10 S 25 .. Sharpe, W. H 11 R 20 . Morris, Sir L. H 11 Q 6 ... Symons, A. H 13 V 12 Seaman, 0. H 3 P 52 . Xewbolt, 11. It 12 R 14 .dith.l H 11 )efoe, I). H 22 1 + Public Library of New South Wales. Poetry— British— contJ. Man of Taste, The Brainstem, Rev. J. H 39 Q 13 J Marriage Triumph on the Xupl ials of i he I'i -i 1 1- -■- Palatine and the Princess Elizabeth; 1>\T. Hoy wood... PerevSoc. Pubs. H 11 S3 Mask of Anarchy Shelley, P. B. H 10 W 12 f Menaphon ; Camila's Alarm to Slumbering Euphues in his Melan- choly Cell at Silcxdra, 1.1811; by R, < i recne [Reprint]... English Scholar's Library J 3 T 22 Midnight; Lines on the Death of Lord Tennyson; by H. B. Forman — in Literary Anecdotes of the 1 *>L h Century. Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 3 Most Pleasant Song of Lady Bessy. . . Percy Soe. Pubs. H 1 1 S 22 Musa Pedestris Farmer, J. S. H 10 W 26 Narrative Poems Austin, A. H 10 S 26 Natures Kmhassie Brathwaite, R. H 10 W 25 New Ballads Davidson, J. H 11 Q 29 New Poems Rossetti, Christina II III I' 24 New Poems Thompson, K. II 1 S 24 New Rome Buchanan, R. H 12 R 32 Niagara and Khandalla Sharpc, W. II 11 It 10 Ocean Cavern: a Tale of the Tonga Isles... Phillips, C. MH 1 S 39 Odes in Contribution to the Sung of French History... Meredith, C. H 12 R 15 On Poetry : a Rhapsody Swift, Dean H 39 Q 1 3 J Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire ... Shelley, P. 1!. II 12 S 1 Owl and the Nightingale; attributed to Nicholas de Guildford, 12th Century Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 13 Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage; from an unique copy printed by Wynkin de Worde Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 7 Pastime of Pleasure: by S. Hawes: Ke'print of the ed. of 1555. Percy Society Pubs. II 1 1 S 20 Pastoral in Imitation oft lie First Eclogue of Virgil : by M. O'Connor • Reprint of 1719 ed Percy Society Pubs. H11S9 Poem on the Times of Edward II... Percy So,.' Pubs. 11 11 S3!) Poem to the Memory of Mr. Congreve ; b'y .J. Thomson; Reprint of 1729 Percy Society Pubs. HUSH Poems Alexander, C. F. H 11 Q 1 Poems Oraham, Rev. J. H 12 Q 12 Poems Hastings. Lady Flora H 3 S 41 Poems Henley, W. E. H 1 S 41 Poems Meredith;*!. H 12 R 24, 25 Poems Phillips, S. H 1 S 35 Poems Yeats, W. B. H 12 R 30 Poems Arnold, M. H 9 U 43 Poems Browning, R, II 1 S 33 Poems Donne, J. H 10 U 31, 32 Poems Poems Poems — in Arcadia .. is — ',n Complete V Poen „ Work, . Vai . Mer J 23 ' Poems— in Works Fielding H. J 22 V 15 Poems and Ballads; by "Q" Couch, A. T. Q-. H 10 W 14 Poems by Sir H. Wotton Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 8 Poems of Charlotte. Emily, and Anne Bronte and the Rev. P. Bronte in Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte ami her Sisters. Bronte, Charlotte J 26 V 4 Poems of John Audelay, in Shropshire I balcct of the 1.1th Century. Percy Society Pubs. II 11 S 16 Poems of John Byrom Chetham Society Pubs., 31, 3.1 942 7 Poems of It. Barntield, 1.19-1 98 [Reprint] Libra T 23 Pcems of Shakespeare; edited by C. Wvndliam... Shakespeare, W. H 3 Q 36 PoemsoftheLoveandPrideofEngland... Wedmore.F. H 1 1 R 26 Poetical Miscellanies of the Time of James I... PercyS ' ' Poetical Works Poetical Works Poetical Works Poetical Works _ Poetical Works d Works of Matin Po try of S H 11 S17 . Boddocs, T. L. H 12 T 3, 4 Bridges, R. II 12 It 8, 9 De Vere, A. 11 12 U 4-9 Tngelow, Jean H 1 S 37 Shelley. P. B. H 12 S 1.1-18 Cohen, Mathilde H 13 U 13 . Coleridge. S. T. II 1(1 C30 Peek. H. H 10W 12 Kdinonds, C. H 12 R 7 Binyon, L. II 11 It 23 .... Arnold, Sir E. II 12 K 23 Poetry— British— contd. Principle in Art Patmore, C. J 1 R 51 Purple Fast Watson, W. H 10 U 27 Rampolli MacDonald, G. H 11 T 3 Reading of Earth ; Modern Love ; The Sage Enamoured ; and The Honest Lady Meredith, (i. II 10 U 22, 23 Realms of Unknown Kings Tadema, L. A. H 9 U 45 Robert Louis Stevenson: an Elegy... Le Callienne, It. H 10 W 5 Rump H9T25, 26 Russet and Silver Gosse, E. H 11 R 31 St. Brandan: a Medieval Legend of the Sea... Percy Society Pubs. H US 16 Second Series of Fleet-street Eclogues .. Davidson, J. H 13 T 13 Secret Rose, The Yeats, W. B. J 23 R 14 Selection from the Minor Poems of 1). J. Lydgate... Percy Society Pubs. H11S4 Selections Stuart, Ladv L. C 27 R 4 Selections Romanes, G. J. H 10 W 13 Selections Morris, Sir L. H 8 P 9 Selections from the Satirists Headlam, C. J 14 V 33 SensitivePlant Shelley, P. B. H 4 T 14 Session of the Poets; The Monke\ and the Microscope; To an Old Enemy; and, To Dante Gabrici Rossetti; by R. Buchanan-m Under the Microscope Swinburne, A. C. J 23 Q 21 Seven Seas Kipling, R. H 10 W 16 Shropshire Lad Housinan, A. E. H 12 Q 11 Silhouettes Symons, A. II 3 Q 39 Songs of Action Doyle, A. C. H11Q28 Songs of Exile Freeman, C. E. H 12 P 1 Songs of the Cavaliers Thornbury, < i . W. H 10 W 24 Songs of Travel Stevenson. R. L. H 10 W 8 Sonnets from the Portuguese... Browning. Elizabeth B. H 9 P 19 Souvenir Charing Cross Hospital Bazaar, 1899 J 12X21 f Specimens of Lyric Poetry composed in England in the Reign of Edward I Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 4 Speculum Gy de Warewyke... Early English Text Society, Pubs., Story of Rosina , and other Verses lohson. A. H11R27 Tale of Balen... irrc A. C. H 10 W 6 Tale of Beowulf . Beowulf H12R16 Testimony of th ■ ipoftheShakesperean Johnson, J. J 9 R 4 Plays and Po Thoughts in Pi- Dodrl s, Rev. W. H 10 T 36 Tokiwa, and ot icr Poems Wilson, Mrs. A. C-. H 1 1 S 1 istles; by lev. (J. Crabbe- ■'n Literary Anecdotes of the 19th C Nicoll, W. R. J 14 S 4 Two Sides of tl ■ River, ai d other Poems ; by W. Morris. Bibelot, 1899 811.1 Unpublished an 1 Uncollected Poems ... Cowper, W. H 13 P 21 Verses and Fly Leaves.... Calverlev, C. S. H 11 Q 27 Village, The .. Crabbe, Rev. a. H17RUt Viol and Flute ( losse, E. H 1 1 P 41 Vision of Saints M ..lis, Sir L. H 6 R 44 Wessex Poems., T. H12T5 owne, VV. H 3 U 1, 2 Jttlc, L. M. H 13 S 1 Wild Myrtle .. ] William Blake, Painter an 1 Poet; by R. ( arnett Portfolio, 1895 705 Wind i. Withcrt Works Works .... Works '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!".'.". "Kiplii Works Works .... Works .... Writ in Ba racks Wi Year of SI,: Wa Yeats, W. B. II 12 It 29 Hinkson, Mrs. II 10 V 29 es ... Martin, A. P. MH 1 V 9 Berkeley, Bishop G 19 P .1.1, 56 Baron HUT 13 ~ J 22 U 18-28 , W. 3 It 39 3 V 15 0U28 Premie/., P. N H 11 Q 20 .. Prendez, P. X. II 3 It 37 Prende/., P. X. H 1 1 Q 22 Chinese — Two Chinese Poems-m The Chii Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-1900. Poetry— Finnish — Selections from the Kalevak— in Through Finland in Ca: he Kil .. Verk etti, 1). H 3 U 49 ne, P. H 11 U 22 Fant isies, 18a 7-61 .. . Hugo, Daudet, A. J 15 W 1 1 V. M. H 12 Q 31 liulira le Hasai '. ' ' Verk rsou, J. H 1 U 22 ne, P. H11UI4 ne, P. H11U28 H13P10 ne, P. H11U30 lane, P. H 4 S 36 V. II 11 R29, 30 iille, V. HIT 11 lis, 1897 J27U8 e Nap . Ycrhi . Verk . n, .!. IMS 37 T. de H 1 1 U 12 ne, P. H11U 25 ne, P. H11U28 .. Huy , V. M. H 12 U 2 .. Verli mo, P. H 1 1 U 10 .... Kei \V. P, ,1 14 S 10 Fin .le Satan Fl u sduMal HiMory of the I1..I Her- duSiccle ' I 12 P 38-41 H H L : 23 Poetry— German - Nove]lcn in Vei'sen'.. Wagner's Xil.elunv.ui il.nv.l ■ into Hii-lisl. \'c: ■'< Wayne Waldeinsamkeit Scheflel, J. V. - Greek, Ancient — .1 111 R 10 23 H 20 34 1 M H 13 U 12 11 1 11' 8 H ll P 10 Bacchylides : a l'n 1 Texts from Pa] byF.Poste.... o British Museu Homer - : Poems of the Bae Hungarian — olyglot Love Song; by Prof. H. A. Strong... Melb. . Kcr, W. P. J 14 S 10 H 10T37 . Oman, J. U. .1 23 T 6 II 13 I! li toryof Xala William-. M. Irish - Gaelic — 3 Poem, "A Kolcha Albain File - '; written 1057. lonaCIuh, Trans. 11 30 Q 2 s Ossian H 12 P 10 : and Poems in the (laelic Language... Mackay, II. H 12 K 20 - German - — — Italian Dante Interpreted Life and Works of Public Library of Neio South Wales. Poetry— Latin — ;Eneid Virgilius Maro, P. H 10 W 9 Odes Horatins I'laccus. Q. H 10 V 26 Poetie Latini Minorca Bahrens, K. H 11 U 1-4 Translation of the -Eneis of 1'. Virginia M; lm; hv R, Stanvhurst, 1.582 [Reprint] English Scholar's Library J 3 S 22 Translations..... ^ Calvcrlev, C. S. H 11 Q 24 Vitam Desenpsit, (,'arniinnin ri'liijniis enllegit, poesis rationem exposuit E. Klussmann Nrevius, C. J 15 S 23 Works of Virgil in English Prose... Virgilius Maro, P. J 12 S 44 • Maori— Te tangi a Te Rangi Mauri n — Persian— [Another copy] Ruba'iyat Rubaiyat; by Fitzgerald; .. /iminern, Helen H 11 R 12 Omar Khayyam II 3 3.") . Cnstcllo. Louisa S. HIS 1" H I Ul Omar Khayyam .. od by Hole Omar Khayyam H 4 R 40, 41 by Mrs. Cadcll Omar Khayyam H 13 V 1 fiz; by W. Leaf Hafiz H 1 S 40 Garden Arnold, Sir E. H 12 R 22 With Sa'di in the ( ■ Russian — Translations from Poushkin; by C. E. Turner... Poushkin, A. S. „ H 4 T 18 ■ Scandinavian — Home of the Eddie Poems Bugge, S. B 36 P 15 Scottish — Book of Scottish I'asijuils, 1508-1715 H 13 V 16 Bruce, The; by Master J. Harbour Sottish Text Society, Pubs., 31-33 821.16 ,ed by A. Lang H 9 T 28 al Songs... Scottish Text Society, Pubs., 39 245 i'.arly Scottish Poetry Todd, G. E- H 13 P 5 Legends of the Saint's in the Scottish Dial,..-; of Urn 14th Century Scottish Text Society, Pubs., Li. Is. ■_>:). o- ;r , -^ .„,, ji.j Life and Works \lun\s, R. ' H9VM L owden Sabbath Morn Stevenson, R. L II 3 tf 37 M.., li.tval Scottish Poetry Todd G E- H13P St.. w;n;.,„, „f t>„... " t.t . . .'.■..•_ Mure, Sir William, of Rowallan, Works of . Poets ami Poetry of Scotland ""in "Land < Soots Johnst Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1219-1S76 ... Pubs hTextSoc, 821.49 H9T9 Cakes and Brither e, T. B. B 18 T 22 .ttish Alliterative Poems... Se: !ti,h Ballad Poetry... ■ ttish Poetry of the Kith C ,,'u ■ ttish Poetry „f the 17th Ccntu ittish Poetry of the |s,| ; . ( ..,,.,; no" Shunter e also sub-heading British for n odem" — Spanish — cr Renaissance, The dern Scottish Poetry.] Poets and Song-writers - American - Hr.vant, Willia 1, \, x J !;,_ ;„-,-, C27P11 le. C 23 P 19 Poets and Song-writers— American — conld. Poe, Edgar Allan: by (I. Woodberry C 27 P 5 Whitehead, Charles; by M. Bell C 24 P 47 Whitman Burroughs, J. J 14 R 16 Whitman, Walt, as Religions and Moral Teacher... Cuthrio, W. N". G 11 S32 Whitman, Walt, the Man ; by T. Donaldson C 23 Q. 23 Whittier, John (!., the Poet of Freedom C 20 U 8 Whittier, John (ircenleaf, Life of; by W. J. Linton... C 19 P 25 Australian — Kendall, Henry Clarence ; by A. Sutherland Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Prison Poet of Australia ; by J. F. Hogan Gentleman's Magazine, 283 (152 Stephens, James Brunton; bvA. Sutherland Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Two Australian Poets; by A. P. Martin Melb. Rev., 5 052 ■ British — Annual Burns Chronicle and Club J 19 W 1 Arnold, Matthew; by Prof. G. Saintsbury C 23 R 12 Browning fn Groat Teachers Forster, J. C 23 S 6 Browning in Typical Christian Leaders Clifford, Rev. J. C 23 T 10 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett— ,'n Little Journeys ... Hubbard, E. C 19 P 12 Browning, Elizabeth Pairct t , Letters of C 23 S 3, 4 Burns - in Great Teachers Forster, J. C 23 S Burns at Galslon and Ecclefocliun Muir, J. J 10 R 45 Burns Centenary: Re: old of the Celebration in N. S. Wales. Burns, R. MC 1 S 19 Burns' Centenary 1 Must rated Memorial Hums, R. C 24 T 12 Burns' Clarinda Ross, J. D. C 23 R 5 Burns, Excise Officer and Poet Burns, R. C 21 U 15 Burns, Robert ; by P. Setoun C20T14 Burns, Robert, and Dumfries; by P. Sulley C 20 S 8 and Mrs. Dunlep, ( 'orrespnndoiico Let ween C23 V 5 , Chronicle of Kiilth Birthday of C 15 S 20 f . in Stirlingshire; by W. Harvey C 27 SO .Life and Works of H 9 V 2-4 Vi oiks of: Letters and Journals; edited by Burns, Rob, . Foi ter, J. li 1 Da ■. William': ■dice C 20 U 1 C20V 10 1'ergusson, Robert : by Rev. A. B. Crosart C 20 U 2.8 Hogg, James; by Sir (J. Douglas ! .'.... C 20 V 19 Home, R, H, Brief Account of; by II. 15. Forman in Literary Anecdotes of the 1:1th Century ..' Nieoll, W. R, J 14 S 3 Hunt, Leigh, Sketch of; by R. 15. Johnson C 19 P 9 Kipling, Rudyard Clarke, XV. J. J 22 Q 13 Laureates of .England West, K. Hll R 1 Lockhart, John Cibson, Lite and Letters of C 23 V 18, 19 Mangan, James Clarence, Lifeand Writings of ; by B. J. O'Donogliue Maslcr, Milton, 25 (, Graham, II. 1). J 22 Q C20S "id Croup ... Domrlas, Sir( C 20 U ! irrison C 19 T : Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1011 Ponts and Song- writers -British— contd. S : "„. v . IVivy Itysshe, Life of C22T1G Tc : ,„vson /« (Jreat Teachers. Forster, J. CitSO T'cnVson, Alfred, Lord ■Y . n'vson, Life and Works of r l'.-i n'vson, IVet, Philosopher. 1 C24R2L22 H 12S2 st... Walters, J. (J. J 26 S SI Til nison, .fames; by W. I'.avi Wrle.Thomas.tholVt.andhi-. '>;indm^':'bvHJ;.'Forma!i -in Literary Anecdotes of the 19t turv... Xieoll.W. R. .1 1-1 S3 Wordsworth and the ( 'oloridgc ....:.... Varnall, E. C 25 T 8 Wordsworth, William, La Jou de; parE. Legouis J 9 V 34 Danish — Andersen, Hans Christian : a 1 iiogi aphy 022 R 13 French — • Hugo, Victor, Memoirs of C27 S5 German — Heinrioh Heme's Last Days; 1 yCa milloSeldon Heine, H. Dante Interpreted Wilsoi P-irarch in Lives of ( ircat Italians Horridge. P-trareh: the First Modern Scholar anrl Man of Let -!. H. Robinson Poisonous Plants New South Wales — C 20 S 1 a ; l.v Prof C 23 T 1 Poisonous Plants— Western Australia - Poisons, Poisoning, and Antidotes- Mnshroom Poii [iln Thoinps on, C. L S. A 26 P 21 by H. Ca r ".'.'. Interna t. Hca Li thKxhib., 1884, t., 9. A 41 V5 th e Al gin s; by J. Shi ,dfi>,; . Royal Society, e., 1894-95 508 . Allbutt, T. C. e— in S if .Medicine' A 26 T 35 )th rF Poisoning . . Oliv r, T. A 26 T 35 ng- '-v tern of Medi . Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 itl el) strict of Com nbia... United States— III pt. of Agr.-Dis of Ji. any A 41 U 12 — — United States Polar Eegions and Voyages. [See Antarctic Regions; Polemic Theology. [S Police General— %*SJ*Wl dscences of an Indian l'oliceOtlicial ...Crawford, A. F 13 T 31 New South Wales — ; by (J. A. Kcartland Vict. Nat ce Commission: bv C. Wilson Rex Reviews, 189 orts- in Appendix to Journals... New Zea 1012 "Public Library of New South Wales, Police— Porto Rico— Police Law of Railroads of Puerto Rico U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 R 12 Queensland — Commission':!' of Poli-c, Reports Queensland—Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Constitution. Adminis! ration, mid Working of the Police Dept., Report of Roval ( '-. ii-sion Quoi i island Parliament, V. and P., vol. 4, 189:) 328.943 Queensland— Police Inquiry Commission, Report MP 5 V 2 Tasmania — Territorial and Municipal Police, Reports -in Journals. Tasmania— Parliament 328. 946 United States- Administering the New York Police Force in American Ideals. Roosevelt, T. F 15 Q 16 Police Regulations of the District of Columbia... United States- Commissioners of the District of Columbia F 15 Q 29 Political Addresses. [See Politics — Addresses, Lectures, Pamphlets.] Political Economy— General — Address bvH. Iliggs, President of Section of Economic Science and Statistics British Assoc. , Adv. of Science, Rept. , 1899 506 America's Economic Supremacy Adams, B. F 19 S 10 Analysis in Political Economy Folwell, W. W. F 4 V 14 Australasian Association, Advance, of Science, Report, 6 .. 506 British Association, Advancement of Science. Report, 1895... 506 Citizen and the State Staehev, .1. St. L. F 16 S 31 Classes and Masses Mullock, W. IT. K 8 V 14 Development of English Thought Patten, S. N. G 23 T 42 Distribution of Income Smart, W. F 10 P 32 Early Essays Mill, J. S. J 14 U 37 Economic Crises Jones, E. D. F 19 S 4 Economic Duty of the Consumer; by Rev. J. Carter— in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Economic Policy of Colbert Sargent, A. J. F 15 Q 38 Economic Science and Practice ... Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 Economic Writings Petty, Sir W. F 9 P 35, 36 Economics Devine, E. T. F 15 P 37 Economics Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economics and Socialism haycock, F. U. F 12 R 34 Economic, of Socialism Hyndman, H. M. F 8 V 24 Economic Politique Nvs, E. F 10 S 6 Economy of Consumption .Moiiat, II. S. [•' I g T 33 Educational Value of Political Economy... Paiten.S.X. !•' 4 V 15 Essence of Exact Political Economy in The Coming Individualism Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Fields, Factories, and Workshops Kmpoikin. P. I'lliVS Free Trade under Protection dill, R. F 15 S 2') Introduction to Political Science Seeley. Sir.!. R. F 8 V 42 Is War Impossible'' Block, I. S. F16S16 Lieber, Francis; by L. R. Harley C 27 T 4 Logic of the Practical Sciences in Theory of Practice. Hodgson, S. II. d 11 Q28, 29 Mercantile System Selunoller, d. " d In. hi- ll I , allae , Rev. W. F 8 V 2 - F10Q1: seal Divi. end and its Distribution — in Problems if .Modern dustrv... . Webb, S. F 9 R 42 •si n Politi al Economy...' New Zealand Colonist." Mr 3 POO .logy; by Prof Gumplowicz... American Academy, Political a id Social Science, Pubs. F hi R 33 productio, Rodbcrtus. K. F 1 5 R •'() s Free Sell >ol of Political Science; bv E. Boutmy.. Internat. Health Exhih., 18S4, Lit,, 15 A 41 V 11 siccrats, The Higgs, It. F 4 T 16 Law; by J. F. Johnson. Pennsylvania Universit v F 7 T 8 deal Econ. my and Taxati m Ricardo, I). F 10 S 17 dStates... Walker. F. A. F 4 V 14 ical Sei ■„ e Woolsoy, T. D. F s (,i 3i. .■;■> tieal Theo, y of the School nenandGrotius... Littlejohn, J. M. F 18 R 3 itical Appl cation of Econc micsjbvA. doLissa... A istralasian vance. of Science, Rept, IS! is .-,(16 ciples of Political Econon y Nicholson, J. S. F 8 Q 25 Political Economy — General — contd. Pros and Cons Askew, J. B. F 4 U 23 Pure Economics Pantaleoni, M. F 3 R 25 Researches in the History of Economics Nys, E. F 16 S 8 Right to the Whole Produce of Labour ... Menger, A. F 15 S 18 Rights of Man White, Rev. J. S. MF 5 P 7 Rural Wealth and Welfare Fairehild. d. T. F 17 T 11 Ruskin, John : by Mrs. Alice Meynell J 23 S 22 Science of Civilization Phipson, C. B. F 19 T 9 Science of Political Economy George, H. F 3 R 26 Science of Statistics '. Smith, R. M-. F 4 V 7, 8 Smith, Adam; by 11. ( '. Maephcrson C 20 V 15 Social Philosophy of Rodbcrtus Conner. E. ( '. K, d 24 V IS Social Rights and Duties Stephen, L. F 8 V 29, 30 Social Theory Bascom, J. F8V8 Sociology and Political Economy diddings, F. H. F4V 13 Strikes and Social Problems Nicholson. J. S. F 8 V 25 Tendencies in American Economic Thought: by S. Sherwood. Johns Hopkins University,' Studies. 15 1! IS S 15 Theory of International Trade Rastable, C. F. F 13 R 10 Tratado de Economia Politica Rodriguez./. F 7 V 5-1 Value and Distribution Macfarlane. C. W. F 9 P 37- Work and Wealth Bowker, R. R. F 15 S 23 [See also Agriculture and Polities; Aliens; Anarchy; Arbitration; Aristocracy; Ranks and Ranking; Betterment; Capital and Labour; Capital Punishment; Charities; Citizenship; Civili- zation; Clans and Clan System; Colonization; Communism; Competition; Convicts; Co-operation; Corn Laws; Credit System; Crime; Criminals; Crowd. The; Currency; Demo- cracy; Despotism; Diplomacy; Distribution of Wealth ; Emigra- tion; Exchange; Factories; Famines: Federation; Feudalism; Finance; Food Supply; Free Trade; Gold; Government; Income Tax; Infant Life Protection; Insurance, State and Compulsory; Interest ; Labour question ; Labour Settlements; Land Tax; Land Tenure; Liberty; .Malthusianism ; Monarchy; Monopolies; Nihilism; Old Age Pensions; Patriotism; Pau- perism; Penal Legislation and Systems; Pensions; Police; Politics; Poor, The; Poor Laws ; Population; Prices; Prisons; Profit-sharing; Property; Protection; Punishment; Reforma- tories ; Rent : Secondary Punishment; Single Tax; Slavery; Socialism; State, The: Statistics: Strikes and Lock-outs; Tariffs; Taxation; Trades Unions; Transportation; Trusts; Usury; Value; Village Communities; Woman Suffrage; Women- Work, Professions, and Employment; Work and Wages; Workhouses; Working Classes.] Addresses, Essay*, Lectures — Introductory Lee! arcs on Political Economy Senior, N. W. F 1 R 26 Lectures on Political Economy Longtield, M. F 9 P 31 /ii/.'/i:ii/ra/i,'ii/ Reader's Guide in Economic, Social, and Political Science. Bowker, R. R. Cat. Room Dictionary of Political Economy ... Palgrave, R. H. I. F 7 S 29 Encyclopedia of Social Reform Bliss, W. D. B. F 9 V 15 History — History of Economics MacLeod, H. D. F 1 2 T 8 History of the Science of Politics Pollock, Sir F. F 1 4 P 35 Periodicals — Australian Economist 330.5 Economist 338 Journal of Political Economy 330.5 Liberty MF 5 V 46 Political Science Quarterly 320.5 Politics in 1896 Whelen, F. 320.5 quarterly Journal of Economies 331). 5 Statist 338 Twentieth Century 330.5 [See also Social Economy Periodicals; Statistics and Economics- Periodicals.] American Academy of Political ami Social Science, Annals... 30:1 American Economic Association, Publications ',' I Y 1 1 I!) National Assoc.. Promotion of Social Science, Trans. F15T1-U9 National Liberal Club. Political Economy Circle: Trans., 2. 330.6 Royal Statistical Society, Journal 31 ) Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. Political Satires, Songs, Squibs, and Cartoons- H,- Ii - Green fl^ and SI 1 P.,. .ourne Punch".'.'.'.'.' is and Songs relati ig'tn (;','.:, rj Poe Poli rv of the Anti-Tac ical Ballads publis >bin hod in Kn. Pop liar Songs illustati •e of the F -M.J 3 \V 20 Political Science. [.S'cvj Constitutional History; Constitu- tional Law-; International Law; Political Economy; Politicians Politics--! [See Statesmen and Politicians.] .il, and Political Philosophy byC. W. Caddy Melb. Politics -Addresses, Essays, Lectures, 7>innp/ilcfs— American Contributions to Civilization, and Other Kssavs. Kliot, C. W. F13R33 Political Pamphlets Pollard, A. F. F 13 V 4 Speeches, 1*74 96 Rosebery, Karl F 12 T la Periodicals— Parliamentary Review F 15 U 10-12 By Countries. [See sub-heading Polities under names of Countries.] Polity, Ecclesiastical. [See Church Polity.] Polo- T. F. A 29 V 29 .e of Polo Modern Polo Polo— in Riding .. Polo Calendar .... Miller, K. I). A 29 R 3 Weir, It. . Indian Polo Assoc Polycladidea — Polycladon des Colfcs von Ncapcl : von Dr. A. Lang. Zoologischc Station zu Xcapol A 19 P 11 t [See aho Turbellaria.] Polygamy. [See Marriage; JHohammedanisin ; Mor- Polygordiidae— Cenre Polvuoidius, T.c : 1111 Mniio_X.. . Roscoe, W. r. V. Le,, XIII. Pope. Life of: by J. M'Carthy Makers of Modern Rome ..... Oliphant, Mrs. M. (). Pius IX; by Rev. ]). F. Barry Melb. Revi [See also Apostolic Succession; Councils, Church; 1 Roman Catholicism ; Vatican Council.] Popular Errors - Ignorance Mistakes we make. [See also Blunders ; Halhi Popular Poetry. [See Ballads Dorman, M. R. P. Clark, C. E. ; Supcrstions. ] Subject-Index to the Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. Popular Science— General— Anana of Science and Art, 1831 A 25 R 21 Borderland of Science Proctor, It. A. A 10 S 10 Chemistry in Daily Life Cohn, L-. A 20 Q 33 • in u World's Farm (Jaye, Selina A 27 R 37 Popular Science Lectures Mach, E. A 21 R 38 Re: native Science A 44 Q 0-8 Science Gleanings; by Dr. J. Jamieson Melli. Rev., 2 052 Scientific Gossip; livT. Harrison Melbourne Rev., 1 052 Soap-bubbles a:rl the Forces which mould them Boys, C. V. A 21 P 31 [St i ••] Porcupine, The. [See Echidna.] Porifera. [See Sponges.] Porpoise Oil Manufacture of Porpoise Oil; by C. Cook United States - National Museum, Proo., 1 507 Porpoises — Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States, 1. United States Com. of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 t [Su ctteCetaooa; Porpoise Oil.] Port Bowen— Moreton Bay and Port Bowen New South Wales Maga MJ Port Bssington — Settlement of Port Essi Port Hedland — Chan of Port Hedland, 1897... (it, Brit, and Ircl. Hydrographie Office MI) 2 P 35 J Port Jackson — Vi, w aid IK- riplion of Tort Jackson Naval Chronicle, 22 B 38 Q 3 View of Sydney Harbour from North Shore... Sydney MD 6 V 3 Port Phillip- Port Phillip; by Sir C. Gavan Duffy Melb. Rev., 1 052 Port Royalists Ecclesiastical History — Port Royal Sainte-Beuve, C. A. G 24 P 1 -7 Port Royal Logic; trans, by Prof. T. S. Baynes G 25 S 22 Portland, U.S.A.— Historic Towns of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Portland, Victoria- Map of Portland Barrow, J. MD 1 P 72 Porto Rico- -General and Descriptive- Island of Porto Rico, Report United States Dept, of the Treasury D 22 U 12 Puerto Rico Dinwiddie, W. 1) 13 S 8 Puerto Rico, Reports of (ien. Davis... United States Dept. of War D 22 U 12 Commerce and Trade — Code of Commerce in fona> in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines amended bv the Law of 1897... U.S. Dept. of War F 18 R 28 Trade of Porto Rico; by F. H. Hitchcock United States— Dept. of Agr.— Section of Foreign Markets F 7 T 1 • Government and Administration — Investigations into the Civil Affairs of the Island of Porto Rico United Stater— Dept. of War F 10 R 12 Portrait Painting — Art of Velasquez Stevenson, R. A. M. A 13 T 4 t Gainsborough, Thomas C 18 P 21 f Portraits of Authors, Celebrities, &c. Album of Australian Writers MA 45 P J Australian Portrait (iallcrv Shine, T. MC 4 P 4 f Book of Beautv .' Williamson, Mrs. F. H. A 11 W5t Bruce, Robert" Album of Australian Writers MA 45 P J Cruikshank. t ieoivc. Portraits of Himself Layard, (i. S. A 23 V 24 Domett, Alfred Album of Australian Writers MA 45 P 1 Cordon, Adam Lindsay ... Album of Australian V . W, 5 P : 3 1 M'Rae, G. G Men and Women o National Portrait ( Neafe, Agnes Old Fug-land's Wor Portraits of Leadin Ports. [St Portugal s Neighbourhood ; by N. Bentha Public Library of New South Wales. Portugal — Commerce and Trade — Trade of Portugal in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual (Series Gt. Brit, and I rel. -Foreign Office .382 • History — Lost Empires of the Modern World Lord, W. F. B 21 S 2 Portuguese Colonies. [See Brazil; Mexico; Portugal — Colonies; South Africa; and under each Colony.] Portuguese in India. [.See India.] Portuguese Literature — Augustan Ages Elton, 0. J 27 Q 8 Periods of Euiopean Literature J 27 Q 2-11 Positivism — Essay on the Bases of Mystic Knowledge... Recejac, E. G 23 R 33 Positivist Review 305 Sensualistie Philosophy of the 19th Century .. Dal.ncv, Rev. It. I,. G 17S20 [See also Agnosticism ; Atheism; Oomtcan Philosophy; Deism; Freethoitght ; Infidelity; Rationalism; Realism; Spinozism ; Theism; Theology, Natural.] Possession Islands — General and Descriptive— Cruise of the Antarctic to the South Polar Regions ... Bull, H. J. D 18 U 15 Postage Stamps— A. B. C. Descriptive Priced Catalogue of the World's Postage Stamps, 1807 ... Uright an. I Son .1 !) Q 19 Adhesive Postage Stamps of F.uropo Wcstnbv, W. A. S. A 44 U G, 7 Postage Stamps and their Collection Firth. 0. A 23 P 30 Stamp Collector, The, \V. .1. A 30 V 22 Sydney Philatelic Clul., Annual Report. Is!):! 101)0.. M F . , 1' 21 Sydney Philalcli- Clul, i.,n. Catalogue Ml'' 5 l» 21 Sydney Philatelic Club, Rules MF 5 P 21 ■ ■ Periodicals — Australian Philatelist 383 New South Wales Stamp Collectors' Magazine MIM S 13 Postal Service and Administration — Blackwood, Sir S. A. .Some Records of the Life of C 23 V 1 , Report— in e-R 17 ookDistribm Condition and Xeeds of the Postal Service i Report on Commercial Condition of Cuba . Dept. of Post Office F Conference of Post Office Inspectors, Proceedings. 1800. United States Dept. of Rest Office F 1 U 6 General Freight and Passenger Post ... Cowles, J. L. F 10 V 35 History of the Post Office Packet Service, 1703-1815. Norway, A. H. B 16 S 15 Opening Letters in the Post Office; bv T. 1). M'Dougall. Melbourne Review, 1 052 Railways and Post Office ; bv H. Morgan-Browne... Sixty Years of Empire B 22 R 18 Steam Postal Communication with Great Britain . (it. Rrit and lrel. Steam Postal Communication MF 13 Q 2, 3 f Ten Years' Postal Progress : an Imperial Plan ; by J. H. Heaton [See ai,o Postage Stamps, C ^^^ R ™' ^ «« By Countries. ■ Canada — Canada Department of the Post Office, Report 354.714 [Another copy] Canada— Par). Sess. Papers 32S.71 . United States -Consular Repts. , 54 3S2 Postal Service and Administration— England — Forty Years at thePostOfiicc. Ron, Ion... Raines, F.E. F2V24, 25 Great Britain and Ireland Post Office, Report 354.424 ■ New South Wales- Postal and, Renort, 1801... N. S. Wales- Postal Service and Teh-graphs 3S3 Postal ami Telegraphic. Service of New Smith Wales; by S. 11. Lambton --in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colons-. ..Hutchinson, F. MI) 7 U 23 Postmaster-General of New South Wales, Reports ... New South Wales— Parliament, V. and P. 328.944 ■ ■ New Zealand- Post Office and Telegraph Department. Reports— in Appendix to Journals New Zealand — Parliament 328.931 Queensland — Post and Telegraph Dept , Queensland, Reports ... Queensland- Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Victoria- Post Office Department, Reports Victoria -Parliament, V. and P. 328.945 United States — Post Office Department of the United Slates, 1789-1815 -in American State Papers... United States -Stale Papers 328.734 United States —Dept. of Post Office, Reports 353. 4 ■ Western Australia- Souvenir of the Postal Telegraph Dept. of Western Australia. Bursill, W. 0. Ml) 8 P 20 Posters. [See Picture Posters.] Potash in Agriculture. [Sec Agricultural Chemistry: Manures.] Potato — Area of Corn, Potato.;.;, and Tobrcco ... United States— Dept, of Agr. — Division of Statistics, 1890 92 030.973 Composition. Digc tibilitv. and Food Value of Potatoes. Minnesota Agr. Fxperime it Station Rpt.. 1895 030.7 Deterioration in Potatoes Agr. Gazette. N.S. W. , 10 (i.Sti.5 Experiments in checking Potato Disease in the United Kingdom and Abroad, Report, 1892 93... (it, Brit, and Ire. Board of Agr. A 21 V 33, 34 Experiment with Potatoes; bv 11. V. Jackson Agricultural " (iazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 030.5 Growing and Management oM'otatoes, Reports Vermont - Agr. Fxpcr. Station Repts.. 1893 94 030.7 Late Blight and Rot of the Potato -in Injurious Insects. 7. Agricultural Fxper. Stations A 3S Q 7 Ontario Agricull ural College, Report. 1894 030.7 Pamphlets on Potato Culture ... Agr. Fxper. Stations A 38 R 2 Paying Crop for the West; by II. A. Tardent Queensland ' grieultural Journal, ' Insects, 7 Agi Exper. Stations __ . Potato Blights— in Injurious Insects, Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Potato Blights and Fungicides in Pamphlets on Injurious Insects Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 1-5 Potato Culture Agricultural Gazette, X.S.W., 1808 030.5 Potato Culture; bv J. F. Duggar United States— Dept. of Agr. -Farmers' Bulletin, ill A 41 U 2 Potato Disease; by IT. Tiyon ... Quecnsl. Agr. Journal, 5 030.5 Potato Diseases and their Treatment ... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 35 A 41 U 2 Potato Diseases: bv P>. T. Galloway ladled States— Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin. 15 A 41 U 1 Potato Scab—,'/, Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Fxper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Potatoes Sutton, A. W. A 21 V 23 Potatoes; by L. B. Taft... Michigan -B'rdof Agr. , Rcpt,, '90 030.0 Potatoes and Potato Scab... Michigan Stale' Agr. Fxper. Station Bulletin, 108 030.7 Potatoes at Richmond River Experiment Farm ; byG. M.MeKeown. Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 030.5 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Fot&to—contd. Practical Method for Treating Seed Tubers for Pol.ito Seal)- in Injurious Insects, 7 i Sweet Potatoes; by J. F. Duggar Unit.' Poultry and Poultry-farming— Wheat Straw fc ■•Potatoes; 1 [&« ..!«> Fungi n Agricultur ses; Spraying.] Pottery- Ceramic Teclm< Clays and Clay logy Industries o Pen^J ; by Prof. Hopki Coloring and I)c English Potterj Examples of Ka ""KnglishT rttery, Name "rl'laelils.'ltl, uing; by Dr. G. Stables— in Hon e FitzwiUiam Muse Gardner, E. A. K IS S 24 Ward, J. A 39 Pi 5 >olmetsch, H. A 1ST IS f Pott of the Potter 1 '•■ A i r ', \ 'J. Tan ye Collection of Old Wedgwood intb ■ Trai ;ing of a Craftsman' .'..."..'.'..'.. ..'.'.. !.' '.Mill' i Wee ,J. B23P18 !>'. iraCotta; Tiles; Vases.] Majo ica; Porcelain; Poult ry and Poultry-farming - Astl B^lk oU'oulu''- An '"com")t' n, a! j MA4Q25t Aus . MA 3 U 43 Aus mlasian Poultry < • uiile".'. '.'.'. 7. '.'.'.. .. M nother copy.] 2nded Cu'el'j" J. MA 3 U 30 ... MA 3 U 51 Belg m Poultry Industry U.S.— C Ms'iiiar' Bil.l ography of Poultry.., United States Dep.o Agr.— Library A 37 S 58 tte, N. S. Wales, 1 Rearing of Poult rj Mil.s, A. If. A 4 Poultry and Kggs for .Market Poultry Book lWitry-breedingfortheLo.ala; Poultry-houses and Runs; by. I. Poultry-keeping on Farms Successful Duck farm; by W. Tapeworms of Poultry ... Uni Ex per i, Pel Export of Poultry and Eggs; by S. (Jr Export of Poultry to England Feeling Experiments with Laying Ken Fowl Enteritis; by C. J. Pound Fouls: Care and Feeding; by (.'. ( '. W Poultry and Pet Stock Associt Poverty Curiosities of Impccuniosity . . . Life ill West London Poverty Bay, N.Z. Geot/i , Tojuxjvaph},, Ma,,,- ti it- ami Ire!. Hvdrogra; Oilice \ll)-jp: Public Library of New South Wales, Practical Chemistry. [See Analytical Chemistry; Metal- 11 mar of Vararuehi. Cowell, E. B. J 9 V 32 Sanskrit, Pali, am! Prakrit Books in the British -Museum; by Dr. Haas, and C. Bcndall British Museum K 18 R 14, 15 t [See aho Indie Languages ; Sanskrit. ] Prayer — Buddhist Praying- wheel Simpson, W. G15R35 Elements of the Science of Religion Tiele, C. P. G 11 U 34 He Prayeth Be3t who Liveth Best . . Williams, H. MG 2 Q 50 In Answer to Prayer Carpenter, Bishop G 23 P 17 Letters to the Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the Church. Ruskin, J. G 19 U 9 Philosophy of Belief Argyll, Duke of C 14 P 25 Prayer and the Lord's Prayer Gore, Rev. C. G 23 P oO [See aho Devotional Exercises; Liturgies; Lord's Prayer ; Prayer- books; Ritualism.] Prayer-books and Special Forms of Prayer— Book of Common Prayer [in Carlicj Liturgies G 26 R 11 Church Services and Service-books before the Reformation. Swete, Rev. H. B. G 19 U 19 Daily Prayer-book of the United lie! new Congregations of the British Empire Liturgies G 9 U 35 " ' lulaia doko koaulaia doko... JIG 2 P 57 LesH ■s de Noire ll,i ditcs de Hem lessy . . Desire :3 V 1 i20( v >5 Literary Curiosities and Notes .. History of the Book of Common Prayer... Pullan, History of the Roman Breviary Battitoi, 1". w 'lA <{ 2o Lancelot Andre wes and his Private Devotions White, A. G 1 U 35 rntlcmanV Magazine Library J 12V31 Aneedota Oyo.-iicusia, Aryan ser., 8 294 id Borders from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan, in the British Museum British -Museum A31P2 I'raycr book considered m reference to t!io Romish System. Maurice, Rev. F. D. G 19 U 20 Prymer, The, or Lay Folks' Prayer-book Early English Text Soc. Pubs. 82' 1. 8 Litanies; Liturgies; Meditations, [St " Dcv Pre-Adamites. [St English Pre-Raphaelite Paint val Man.] Mourey, G. A 23 S 3- .. Child, T. A 44 W . Bate, P. H. A 20 S 1 1 P.- On the Old Road Ruski'i Pra-Raphaelite Diaries and Letters... ' Ros.a.-Ui, VV. M. C 27 R 5 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Mariliier, II. C. A 21 P 12 t Ruskin, J.; by Mrs. Meynell C 23 R 25 Ruskin; Rossetti; Pie-Rapliaelitisni... Rossetti, W. M. C 20 T 27 Preachers — Preachers of Seotl tnd from the (ith to the 19th Centuries Blaikie, Rev. W. G. (! 25 T 10 Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation to the Present Day. Taylor, Rev. \V. M. U 20 Q 11 Spurgeon's Autobiography; compiled by his Wife. Preaching — Precious Stones. [See Gems.] Predestination — Dogma in Religion Kinross, Rev. J. MG2U2 Writings of Thomas Paine Paine, T. J6T2ii [See aho Arminianism ; Calvinism ; Fatalism; Freedom of Will; Salvation; Theology, Systematic and Doctrinal.] Premiers. [See Statesmen.] Presbyterianism — Cameron, Richard : by J. Herkless C 20 U 18 History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, United States. Foster, R. V. G 12 V 18 History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States. Thompson, Rev. R. E. C 12 V 13 History of the Southern Presbvtcrian Church, United States. Johnson, T. C. G 12 V 18 History of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. Scouller, J. B. G 12 V 18 Influence of the Scottish ( "liurcli in Christendom... Cowan, Rev. H. 6 19 U 21 Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Classis, 1017-57 Chetham Society Pubs. , 30 912.7 Morison, Rev. J., D.D., Life of C 24 P 9 Presbyterian Monthly Messenger 205 Records of the Prcsbyteric; of Inverness and Dingwall, 1043-88. Scottish History Society, 24 941 Shorter Catechism, The Westminster Assembly of Divines G 24 V 13 United Presbyterian Church ; by Rev. A. R. McEwan. Our Churches G 1 1 U 37 Voice in the Wilderness MG 1 V 3, 4 [See aho Calvinism; Church of Scotland; Congregationalism: Covenanters; KrecClmreh of Scotland ; Puritans audPr :i - Reformed Dutch Church of America.] Australia - Australian Me i ienger Fellowship Mcssengei Intercolonial Convent By Countries. MG 2 V 26 a Fellowship Unions of Australia, lytcrian Fellowship Unions 207.24 MG 2 U20, 28 MG2V21 25 MG2 V 13 207.24 Canada — History of Presliytcih England — Regent Sipiare Ireland — History of the Prcsby in Canada — in Canada. . . Hopkins, J. C. D23Q8 Hair, J. (! 24 S 20 New Zealand Fifty Years Syne Scotland— Scottish Nationality, and other Papers Prescriptions, Medical — Church in Ireland... Reid, Rev. J. S. G 23 P 45-47 Chisholm, Rev. J. MG 2 W 1 [St n Ma! i .Modi ; Ph. 5'-] Preserving and Preservatives — Pood Preservatives ... Ponn. Dept. of Agr./Rcpt., 1897 030.5 '''■■'"■ i 1 iii. ■ '■. \l'i e ,:,,,_,., . | 1( . | •,,._ Thilenius New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1S98 500 ' ,S. It. Drew. [See g Natural History Specimens; byS. H. 1) \™ Zealand Institute. Trans.. 29 •ig Frui" ics; C ; .Meat Pre Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900, 1019 Presidents - Cleveland, Grovor C 20 T 22 Cleveland, Grovcr, Life of; l»v Col. II. I heck C 23 Q 17 riant, U. S. ; by W. C. Church C 23 P 23 Oiu- Presidents, and how we make them. ..McClmv, A. K. F19R14 Press, The— Areopagitica Milton, J. HUT 5 A it of Newspaper-making 1 >ana, 0. A. J 1 R 39 Colonial Newspaper Press Illustrateil Auslralian Magazine, 2 MJ4P 18 Press, The i« Civilisation of Our Day... Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Press, The, and its functions in the Social Mill Graham, J. MF 4 Q 48 Deflections of a Russian Statesman Pobyedonostseff, K. i' [S,e also Journalism ; Journalists; Libel.] 3 P 35 Pretoria, South Africa — General and Descriptive — What I think of South Africa Cumberland, S. D 14 R 18 Prevention of Disease. [See Contagious and Infectious Diseases — Laws and Legislation ; Disinfection and Disinfectants; Hygiene; Public Health; Sanitation.] Prevention of Smoke. [See Smoke Prevention.] History of Money and Prices Sehoenhof, J. F S V 10 Money and its Relations to Prices Piic -. L. I.. F s V 13 Money and Prices in Foreign Countries United State, - Consular Repts., Bpccial voL 13 382 Science of Money Del Mar, A. V 14 C 29 Value, Price, and Profit Marx, K. P 15 P 20 [.Veifco Monopolies; Political Kcnomv; Trades Unions; Value; Work and Wages.] Prickly'Pear (Opunlla ruhjo.ri*) - •liekly Povras Fodder; by W. 1 Woi ii the Island of Anguilla; l«v K. R. Cope. t., Contributions to Knowledge-, 25 .".US Dawson, Sir W. J. A 40 T 22 . W. ; o w !. and Reform... .* Hillier, A. P. 15 17 R 20 ' A 40 S 1(3 Human Remains found in Shell-mounds In Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Human Remains from the Neanderthal ,V Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 10 Pro-historic Fishing in Km-ope and North America; by C. Rail. Smithsonian Inst., Contributions to Knowledge, 2.1 508 Prehistoric Man and 1 least .. .Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 Q 23 Primitive Man; by Rev. J. M. Mello Victoria Institute, Trans., 30 206 Remains of Late. I 're historic Man: by W. H. Dall... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 22 508 Was Primitive Man a Modem Savage? by T. Williams. Smithsonian institution, Kepts., 1890 500 [See nko Anthropology ; Ant hropometrv : Arrliaologv ; Craniolog}' ; Ethnology; Man, 'Natural History of; Mounds and Mound- build, Primitive Art — other Lapidarian Seal]) c Art of the Eskimo: by W. J. Roll man... United States- National Museum, Repfc, [89.1 507 e Ornament Waul. .1. A 30 P 4 oricArt; by T. Wilson United States-National Museum, Rept., lSOti 5117 Smith, 0. A 23 U40 Primitive Man. [See Industries, Primitive; Man, Natural History of; Primeval Man.] Primitive Methodists. [See \Vesleyan Methodism.] Primitive Religions. [See Religions, Primitive.] Primitive Society — if.] [See also Fodders and Pood-stuffs.] Priesthood - Cure of Souls Watson, Rev. ,1. G 19 U 22 Ministerial Priesthood Mobcrlcc, Rev. C. G 23 S 11 Parish Priests and their People in the Middle Ages in England. Cutts, Rev. K. L. G 23 Q 45 Priesthood in Introduction to the History of Religion. Jevons, P. 11. G 15 R 39 Priesthood and Sacrifice Sandav, W. G 25 U H Principles of Sociology Spencer, If. G 12R21 [See also Celibacy ; Roman Catholicism.] Priests. [See Clergy.] Primates— [)escont of the Primal [See also A^oa; Monkeys.] 301 "" Prime Ministers. [See Statesmen. Hubrecht, A. A. XV. A 24 P 33 -Natural itisiory' ' A 42° V 10-19 Primula Conference. Kept.. l,vsti...Roy. Holt. Soc. Journ.,7 034 [Snalso Flowers.] Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. [See Author Cata- logue for Reports.] Prince Edward Island — Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. XV. D 22 R 3 Princes and Princesses — Princeton — History ■k, Me. rof; by C. K. Cooke. ... Lang. A. B21 Q'l 9 Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Princeton University^ Public Library of New South Wales. i Dictionary of Printing A 12 T 20 t .1 their Makers during t iiu Mi.l.llf Acw... Putnam, G. II. J 12 V 30 glish Printing Duff, E. G. A 40 V 8 % t,C.D. F13R23 . N.Z. I ..Tii 500 . Jacobi, C. T. A 2 Hansard, T. C. A 2.". V 2! ) mm' Instmetoi Johnson. J. lalico-printing; Colour-printing; Copy- ■.; Printing Machinery; Publishing.] France — ac-similos from Karly Printed Books. ..Brit. Museum J 47 P 32 J Holland - Fae-similes from Early Printed Books. . .Brit. Museum J 47 P 32 J Italy— Fae-similes from Early Printed B . . Brit. Museum J 47 P 32 J ng Dickson, E. A 20 P 11 t Printing Machinery — Discoveries and Inventions ol the 19th Century ... Routledgo, R. A 23 T 4.5 Steam Presses in Collotype and Photo-lithography. Sehnauss,'j. A 23X27 Prints. [See Engravings.] Prison Labour- Convict Labour in Bulletin 5, 1890.. United States -Bureau of Labor 331 Importation into the United Kingdom of Foreign Prison-made Goods, Report... Gt. Brit, andlrel. - Foreign Prison-madeGoods Prisons and Prison Discipline national Prison Congress, [{< Ui n Reform — in Proceedings >f C.iit. . of S ■legates Dept of Stai National Conference, 1890 301) Treatment of Women in Prisons -in Woman in Social Life. International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 9 [.SVe also Crime ; Imprisonment; Penitentiaries; Police; Punish- By Countries. — Alabama — Board of Management of Convicts, Alabama, Report... Alabama- Convicts 30.") Canada - Penitentiaries in Canada, Report in Sessional Papers... Canada — Cape of Good Hope — Convicts and Gaols; Report of Committee, 1888— in Appendix 1, vol. 3 Cape of Good Hope Pari., V. and P., 1888 328.087 Connecticut- State Prison, Report Connecticut— Annual Rcpts. 328.740 Prisons and Prison Discipline- France - Code des Prisons.... Dungeons of Old Pal - Great Britain- Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Report. Gt. and Irel. -Police 352.2 I was in Prison ' Brockehurst, F. F 15 R 25 Inspectors of Prisons, Report Great Britain and Ireland- Prison Commission F 13 R 18 Military Prisons, Report...' Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Home Office 305 Observations of the Prison ( 'onnnissioiicr.s on the Recommendations of the Departmental Committee on Prisons. . . Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Pris F1U7 Frisons and Prisoners Horsley, Rev. .1. W. ^ F 15 Q 33 Rules proposed to lie made under the Prisons Act, 1898. Gt. Bt. ami Irel. -Prisons F 40 V 53 + [See also Ireland, Scotland, under this heading.] Illinois — Ireland — Great Britain and Ireland - General Pri Massachusetts — Massachusetts -Prisons, Report '..Com 305 New Hampshire — 'risen, New Hampshire, Report New Hampshire - Annual Repts. 32S.742 New South Wales — i compared with British Prisons-,;; Life L'neral of Prisons, Reports .. Parliame iralasi N.S.W. New Zealand - Australasian Prisons compared with I Slit Progress in Australasia Prisons Branch, Department of Justice, I Journals New Zcalai Ohio— ', T 43 Wales— 328.944 Ohio— Annual Roptr. 328.7 Queensland— alasiau Prisons compared with British Prisons- '« Life a. I roller t port.- Scotland- Copy of Rules for Pi Scotland Commissioners for Scotland, Report... Siberia— .vSibe. . De Windt, H. D 1' South Australia- Australasian Prisons compared with British Prisons -in Life am Progress in Australasia D.ivitt, M. M D 4 T 4 mpared with British 1 :, M. Ml) 4 T 43 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1021 Prisons and Prison Discipline— Victoria Western Australia — An tralasian Prisons compare:! wllli Irtish 1VU his -in Life and Pr .gress in Australasia Davitt, M. M!) 4 T 43 Privateericg — Abolition of Privateering and the Declaration of Paris. Stark, F. R. P IS R 13 1).- 1 nation ,,f Paris of I Sob' Bowles. T. (i. V 19 (J 2 Hist ,ry of American Privateers Maclay, E. S. 15 40 P 3 Old Australian Pri\ atecring A.lvcnl arc ; l,v L. Pccke. Pall Mall Magazine, 1839 052 [Su aho International Law.] Privy Council— Arts Gt. Brit, and Del. -Privy Council B 38 T 1-17 A. ofthcPrivv Council in Ireland, loot) 71... ( It. liril. and Ire. Historical Manuscripts Commission 354. 4 15 Privy Council Cases Moore, K V. !•' 1 1 T 24, 25 Privy Council Law Wheeler, G. F 1 V 19 Probabilities— [Sit oho Insurance; Lotteries; Risk.] Procedure -Law. [See Court Practice and Procedure.] Processions. [See Lord Mayors' Shows; Pageants; Queer: Victoria's Jubilee.] Produce Trade — of Business, Puhlic an 1 Private... Boyle. and Publishers; Clergy; Employers' Lial Pro'essional Education— i, Occupations, and Trades. [See under each Profit-sharing— Cooperation and Prolit sharing in Economic. Theory. Davenport, 11. J. F 13 R Examples of Sin ccssful Prolit -sharing ... New Zealand Dept. of Labour, 1894 331.8 >lci'hod>oMiidusti'iaVp.'i,o l !'!'.'di'', 1 ."..'.. S,"l,'l.'...>!''r'.""l' I.'. P31 MF4Q5I . and Irel. :. F 7 U 31 Strikes and Social Problems Nicholson, J. S. F 8 V 25 [See also Capital and Labour; Communism; Cooperation; Labour; Socialism; Work and Wages; Working Classes.] Progress of Human Race. [See Evolution — Social Economy; Man, Natural History of.] Prohibition. [See Local Option.] Projectiles. [See Artillery; Ballistics; Gunnery; Small Prokne —Astronomy — Observations of the Planet Prokne; by J. Tebbutt... Astronomical Journal, 1S9S 5211.5 Property — Attacks on Property - in Democracy and Liberty. Lecky, W. E. H. F 12 T 4, 5 Christian Doctrine of Property— in Doctrine and Development. Distribute the Unite of Pr 1 Stat Law and P. „,s, 1 hdosophy of Rig From Ellen to Eden Waggoner, J. II. (1 I R Millennial Dawn Russell, C. T. 18 P 51 Prophets. [See under each of the Prophetical Books.] Prose Selections. [See Selections, Prose.] Proserpinidse - Public Library of New South Wales, Prostitution — Life in West London Shorwell, A. F 4 U 36 [.S'ee alxo < 'ontaejous ill i< 1 Infectious Diseases -Laws and Legisla- tion; Social Purity.] Proteacese — Peculiarities of the Flowers of the Order Proteaceae ; by J. Shirley. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept!, 1898 506 [.S'ee also Botany and Flora— Australia.] Protection - Advance Australia McBride, T. J. MP 5 P 24 Arguments for Protection - in Theory of International Trade. Unstable, C. P. F1.U10 Australian Opinion on Mr. Chamberlain's Scheme of British and Colonial Protection acainst Foreign Trade. Chamberlain, lit. Ho,,. .1. F2 V 32 Case for Protection Williams, E. E. F 17 R 25 Curse of Protection Smith, J. MP 4 Q 58 Disastrous KH'eets of Protection Hirsch, M. MP 3 Q 47 Failure of Protection in the United States . . . Wood, J. F 1 7 P 2 Foreigner in the Farmyard Williams, E. E. A 37 R 5 Free Trade and Protection in Essays Allison, A. J 14 S 11 Free Trade Pamphlets F 17 P 1-7 Friendly Letters to American banners and others... Moore, J. S. F 17 P 6 How to Establish Australia's Prosperity Phipson, E. A. MP 5 Q 14 Liberal Party and (be Tariff ._ Blake, Hon. E. F 17 P 3 Made in Germany Williams, E. E. F 10 V 16 Neo-Protection Scheme of the Rt. Hon. J. Chamberlain. Fairer, Baron F 2 V 32 New Protection Cry Cowing, R. F 17 1' 1 Protection and Federation De Lissa, A. MF 5 S 1 Protection and Revenue in 1877 Sumner, W. G. F 17 P 5 Protection in Victoria Hirsch, M. F17P7 Proteetionnisme en Italic Pareto, V. F 17 P7 Protective System; what it Costs the American Farmer. McAdam, (!. F 17 P 1 Relation of the Tariff to Wages ... Wells, Hon. 1). A. F 17 P 6 Results of Protection in the United Sta.tes Wells, Hon. D. A. F 17 P 1 Review of the Farmer's Question Carey, H. C. F 1 7 P 2 Tariff Chats Philpott, H. J. F 17 P 6 True Issue, The Donnell, E. J. F17P6 Twenty -five Years of Protection Hoare, B. MF 3 ( ,) 37 Western Farmer of America Mongredicn, A. F 17 P 3 What Protection does for tlie Farmer and Labourer. • Leadam, J. S. F 17 T 10 Which? Protection. Free Trade, or Revenue Reform... F 14 R 37 Why wc Trade, and how we Trade... Wells, Hon. 1). A. F 17 P 5 [See also Fair-trade v. Free-trade; Free-trade v. Protection; M'Kinleyism; State Bounties ; Tariffs.] Proteids. [See Chemistry, Organic; Foody, Chemistry of: Physiological Chemistry.] Protestant Episcopal Church, United States- History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Tiffany, Rev. C. C. G 12 V 14 Protestantism — Centenary Conference on Protestant Missions, 1888. Johnston, Rev. J. G 1 P 31, 32 Church and Faith G 5 P 31 History of the Christian Church... Sheldon, H. C. G 14 R 20-24 Letters of Dr. Puscy to Very Rev. J. H. Newman. Pusey, Rev. E. B. G 3 U 7-9 Life of Luther; by J. Kiistlin Luther, 11. C 23 P 27 Luther's Primary Works Luther, M. G 19 T 20 Problem of Religious Progress ... Dorchester, Rev. D. G12V4 Rocks Ahead Maclean, G. R. MG 1 U 6 Spanish Protestants in the Kith Century ... U'ilkens, Rev. C. A. G 11 U 13 Tin ofP Protococcacse. [See Algre.] Protophyta. [See Bacteriology; Botany— Cryptogenic; ' Mycetozoa; Yeasts.] Protoplasm — Experimental Morphology Davenport, C. B. A 36 T 8 Nature and Origin of Living Mattel': by Dr. A. J. Turner. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1899 506 [See also Biology ; Botany, Physiological; Cells, Structure and Theory; Morphology.]" Protozoa — New Method of Staining Cilia, Flagella, and other Locomotor Organs of Protozoa ; hy Prof. Schewiakoff International Congress of Zoology. Proc., 1898 A 35 W 14 [.S'ee also Infusoria; Mycetozoa.] iera and the Rhone... Hall, W. H. B 30 U 22 Proverbs —Dictionaries — Classified Collection of Tamil Proverbs ... Jensen, H. J 10 S 31 Collection of Proverbs ami Popular Savings; by M. A. Denham. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 22 Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-lore ... Gentleman's Magazine Lib. J 12 V 35 Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien ... Diez, H. F. von B 16 R 26, 27 Great Truths of Great Authors K 19 Q 19 Weather Proverbs Dunwoody, Lieut. H. H. C. A 31 Q 6 [See also Epigrams; Maxims; Quotations.] Proverbs — Old Testament — Critical and Fxeuvtical Commentary on the Rook of Proverbs. Toy, C. H. G 23 R 41 Providence— History — Historic Towns of New England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Flogging and Bloating ,s.] Prunes ; by L. Bioletti. ttc, N. S. 'Wales, IS9S 6311.5 ,' V. T. liioletti... California— tation, Rept., 189.1 97 630.7 ■. Exper. Stations A 38 R 35 ig; by A. Despeissis ... Pioduc ing of Plants; by A. 11. Howell.'. Pruning — i' Gazette, 5 MA 4 Q 19 3ailey, L. H. A 18 P 22 minal of Agriculture and iouth Australia, 2 630.5 ... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 Pruning of Treesand other Plants; by W.Saunders... United States -- Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S9S 630.5 Pruning Ornamental Trees ; hy H. V. Jackson Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 ['«' Faith-houHnt,' ; Mental Healing; Mind and Body.] Psychological Societies." [See Philosophy — Societies; Psychology— Societies.] Psychology— General— Advance of Psychology; by J. McK. Cattell... Adva 3. of S , Pre :an Assoc, 1S0.S r,(Ki All's I tight with the World Am'-, lie Psychology Stout, G. E. G 3 U 20, 21 App eeeptioii Range. K. (J 1,5 U 33 Apph -at ion of Psychology to the Saenee of Education. Herbart, J. F. (I 23 (,) 23 Aristotle and the Fa iliei Peripatetics Aristotcles (4 19 U 38 Beicko, Fricdrieh Eduard : the Man and his Philosophy. Brandt, E. B. (IIP 34 Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. (1 16 V IS Claii sudient, The Robin, 10. M.I 1 P 44 ' jan Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 11 ;s of Psychology . . , al Ps;, ' • ICnglMiPsyel . Ro i 1 .1 : i ' boo!; of I'm rhologv lie; Una and 1 he 'l Icrbariians Human Intellect Ideal Suggestion through Mental Pie Psychology— Ge m ral — contd. In Search of a Soul Dresser, H. W. O 23 R 18 Intellectual Science Porter, Rev. N. O 24 R 4 International Congress of Education, Pnx\, 1893 Chicago .1 Psi . Roc . Mar , J. New Psychology and Auto 4U37 Metaphvsic of Experience Hodgson, S. II. G 17 R 33-38 Metaphysics Mansel, H. L. (J 14 S 32 Millie Puncher Fanehcr, Mary J. C 22 S 2 ) „ Scripture, E. W. G11U29 in Man's Place in the Cosmos. Seth, A. O 14 R 26 Old and New Psychology Colville, W. J. G 23 P 26 Origin and Growth, of the Moral Instinct Sutherland, A. MO 2 V9, 10 Our Notions of Number and Space Nichols, II. G 9 W 16 Outlines of Descriptive Psychology Ladd. G. T. G 23 T 7 Outlines of Psychology Judd, C. H. G 19 T 24 Outlines of Psychology Kiilpe, O. 3 U5 u.illhi ■ o! P . ho!, .,' Tii-h, ■„.■!■, Ii. Ii. C 12 V 32 Pathway of the Spirit Dewey, J. H. O 23 R 1 7 Philosophische Studien Wundt, W. OCT 11 Philosophy and Experience Hodgson, S. H. O 14 R 29 Philosophy of Mind Ladd, O. T. O 3 R 29 Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. O 11 Q 30, 31 Primer of Psychology Ladd, O. T. 11U23 Primer of Psychology Titchener, E. 15. G 23 R 15 Principles of Psychology James, W. O 3 U 24, 25 Principles of Sociology Giddings, F. If. E 12 T Psychologic Foundations of Education... Harris, W.T. C Is I) 42 Psychological Revival— in Report. IVI.'I 111 United States - Bureau of Educatio i 379.73 Psychology . J. ii. i. 17 S 31 Psychology and Life •berg, II. 24S4 Psychology applied to Education. Psychology, Descriptive and Expl lnator - v ..'. Ladd, ili.-e K 11 R25 1 Ireland in Author Catalogue. Publi3 Service. [See Civil Service ; and under the name "i each Country in the Author Catabrgu,', for Reports.] Publi z Speaking - Art i 1 Public Speaking -in Unis orsity Addresses . Ca rd, Rev. J. Art ( f Public Speaking Fleming, Re v. J. .] Pi 'I' 4:1 Befo can Audience;, •, the Us e of the Will in I . x. 1 Speaking. J 12 T 46 Occa ional Address; it , L. J 14 V 24 Prin iples. of Public S] Lee, ( ;. c. J 12 U 3:S Spc, Itk, Ziic'natingV"] locution Mair, Rex Oratory ; \v. .1 2:1 T 3S Reading; Public Works— . N. S. W.— Pai Work;. Report . X. S. W. Pa: Pugilism. [St Pulicidee. [St Pulmonata — Pulpit Oratory. Pulse, The — Pumice-stone — Fleas.] ■s; Preaching; Sen Proadbent, W. H. £ Pumps and Pumping Machinery 1, W. R. A 23 P 40 Punishment — is Sons : Annals of a. Publishing House ; od Book ' (...Putnam Punjab — Histoi y of the Panjab Purdue University - Purgatory - Intermediate State, and the Las [See also Future State; Indulge! 1 M. P, 32 S Public Library of New South Wale3, Purpose— Aristotle's Ethic for R ■. Im-s ... Arislotelei G 11 U 15 Evolution Jevons. F. B. G25S13 [See also Ethics.] Purpura —Pathology — Purpura; bv S. Mackenzie in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 38 [See also Scurvy.] Puseyism — Letters of Dr. Pusey to Very Rev. J. H. Newman. Pusey, Rev. K. 15. G 3 U 7-0 Secret History of the Oxford Movement ... Walsh, W. G 23 S 6 Pusey, Edward Rouvcrie, Spiritual Letters of C 25 P 22 Story of Dr. Pusey's Life ; by Miss Maria Trench. Pusey, Rev. E. B. C 2G U 3 [See also Ritualism ; Tractarian Movement ; and under Pusey, Rev. E. B. , in Author Catalogue. ] Putorius — Weasels of North America; bvC. If. Mon-iam /« North American Fauna, 11 U.S. - Dept, of Agr. Div. of Biological Survey A 46 U 10 [See also Weasels ; Zoology and Fauna — North America. ] Putrefaction. [See Bacteriology ; Fermentation ; Ptomaines.] Puzzles- Puzzles, Old and New Hoffmann, L. A 20 S 27 Pyaemia — General Infection bv the R-icillus Pvocvaneous in Children; by Dr. E. P. Williams McGill University A 40 S 23 Septicemia and Py.emia Cheync, YV. A 20 T 34 [See also Blood.] Pycnogonidea— Campagne du Cmuhtn dans lc Golfe do Gascogne Kiehlcr, R. Pantopoden des Golfes von Ncape-1; von Dr. A. Dohrn. Zoologische Station zu Ncapel A 10 P 3 f [See also Arthropoda.] Pygopodes— Platalcrc in the Rn'tish Museum -.-'« Catalogue of Birds, 26... British Museum -Natural History A 30 U 8 [See also Ornithology.] Pyralidae — Classification of Australian Pvralidina; bv E. Mcvrick. Entomological Society, Lond., 1884-85 505.7 Pyralidoe of the Hawaiian Islands; bj K. Mey It' Entomological Pyralidina from Australia and the Soul !, IVilirVby K. Mevrick. Kntoinol.igi.Ml Society, Lond., Trans., 1887 595.7 Pyramids and Obelisks — Apocalypse of St. John; translated by R. Sadler. Bibles and Testaments G 23 S 10 Great Pyramid Lagrange, C. G 12 2 V Pyramids and Progress Ward, J. B 28 T 18 Pyrenees- Alps and Pyrenees Hugo, V. M. D18Q33 En Voyage: Alpes el Pyrenees Hugo, V. M. D 22 P 13 Through the High Pyrenees Spender, H. 1) 13 U 10 Pyrometer — Chemical Technology Groves, C. E. A 21 V 0-8 Pyrosomidae — Anatomy and Physiology of Kalpa and Pvrosoma -in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Anatomy and Development of Pyrosoma m Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 10 S 10 [SeeateoTunicata.] Pyrotechnics, [See Fireworks. Pyroxene— Pythagoreanism— - First Philosophers of Grec.-e [See alio Transmigration.] . Fairbanks, A. G 23 S 25 Pyxine- New Classification of the Genus Pvxine; by Dr. J. Stirton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1807 50C Q Quacks and Quackery. [Sep, Impostors and Imposture; Swindlers and Swindling.] Quadrupeds. [See Natural History; Zoology.] Quakers and Quakerism — Dutch and Quaker Colonies of America ... Fiske, J. B 10 V C, 7 Fox, George, Life of C 20 T 18 History of the Society of Friends in America Thomas, A. C. G 12 V 10 Quakers, The Turner, F. S. G 19 U 30 Society of Friends in Our Churches ... Hodgkin, T. G 11 U 87 Southern Quakers anil Slavery; by S. 11. Weeks... Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 15 B 18 T 15 True William Pen. i. The; hvS. Queensland General and Descriptive,— contd. . Bieknell, A. C. MD 7 R 53 i, E. D 21 U 14 319.43 :it Publications, of Queensland, Report by Major-Gen. -Pari., V. and P., vol. 1, 18S9 328.943 .-. Reports ... Queensland Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 Did De Qui Proe., 1890 96 910.6 r. ShiUinglaw... Royal , Trf 910.6 it of Mt. Lindesay by Capt. Logan in 1S28; by B. M. Collins... Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., Queensland Br., l'roc, 1897-98 910.6 Expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington; by Dr. L. Leiehhardt Tasmania.. Journal, 3 MA 5 R 6 Journal of Leichhanlt's Third Expedition ... Australian Almanac, 1860 319.4 Narrative of Capt.'s Exploration of the Coen, Archer, ' of the Islands on the Wes the Ascent of Mount I 'ei \ M ij . J. Boy 11.6 Soldiering Fifty Sears Ago ;raphic Office Ml) 2 P 34 J [raphio Office Ml) 2 P 34 J 18 [Chart]. ;raphic Office M 1) 2 P 33 J i. insula; by J. T. E.ublev. 1. Br. , Proe. , 1 S96 97 910.6 . Bartley, N. MB 1 Q50 Campbell, J. MB 3 P 2 Hogan, J. E. MB3S1 . Jose, A. \V. MB3P1 Ml'.. P20 MP 5 U 19 1028 Public Library of New South Wales. Queensland University. Queensland Parliament, V. and' I'., vol. X 1891 328.943 Quicksilver. [See Mercury.] Quietism. [See Mysticism.] Quietist s. [See Jansenists ; Old Catholics ; Port Royalists.] Quinine — New Derivatives of Quinine Ronnie, K. H. MA 3 W 18 [See also Cinema; Materia Mcdioa; l'hannaey. j Quotations Ancient and Modern Familiar Quotations K 19 Q 20 Bible References ot John Ruskin (Jil.l.s. Marv K 19 P 32 Dictionary of t'lassival Quotations... Harhottle, T. ]i. K 19 Q 44 Dictionary of l'hra-c and Fal.le Ibcwcr, K. C. K 19 S 32 Dictionary of Quotations... Dalbiac, Lieut. -Col. P. II. K 19 Q 44 Dictionary of (.Imitations from F ngli 1. and American Poets. Ward, Anna L. K 19 P 37 Authors !" '. Ward, Anna L.' A 19 P 36 Croat Truths by Great Authors K 19 Q 19 . Wei . S. K 19 P 35 N. S. Wales Rabbit Question in Q. Rabbits iiiid Rabbit it Rabb'.s and Rabb'nic Learning. [.SV.; Judaism; Kabala; Talmud.] Rtbbits and Rabbit Pest - Australian Rabbit Plague ; by J. N. Ingram... LippincotfsMonthlv Magazine, 1893 052 Destruction of Rabbits by means of Microbes of I hi, ken ( Ikolera ; by C. J. Pound ". .. Agrieiilt. Gazette, X.S.W., 8 630.5 JackRabbitsofthoUnitedStates; byT.S Palmer...UnitedStates - '■ mt, V. and P., 1894 9o' 328.944 Morgan, C. L. MA 4 1! 3 "Repts" Special vol. 15'" 382 Recipes for Poisoned Roll-mi -,'„ Leaflets for Farmers, 39. New Zealand Agriculture MA 3 R 74 Rab'.es. [See Hydrophobia.] Race-horse. [See Horse; Horse-racing; Horse-training; Race Problems — History of the Last Quarter Century in the United States, 1870-95. Andrews, K. 15. F 1 8 10 Negroes of Virginia: a Social by W. E. Races of Man. [Sre Anthropology; Ethnology.] Racing. [See Horse racing.] Radiata. [.■'•'= Crelontorata; Echinodermata.] Radiation — Atmospheric Ai tipomet) v and the Actinic Constitution of the Atmosphere; by Prof. E. Duclaux Smithsonian Inst., Con- tributions to Knowledge, 29 508 Discharge of Electricity through (bases Thomson, J. J. A 20 Q 23 Radiation Hyndman, H. H. F. A '20 Q 25 [Sec also Heat ; Light ; Molecular Physics ; ( Iptics ; Rontgcn Rays.] Radicalism English Radkals \'.'. .'..'.'..'.'.'. '.'.'.'. Radiolaria- Radiolaria in PaUeozoic Rocks in N. S. Wales; by Prof. T. W. E. David Linnean Society, N.S.W., Prec, 1S9G 580.G [See aim Protozoa,] Radiography. [See Rdntgen Kays.] Raffia Fibre and Palm — United States - Consular Reports, 47 382 [See also Fibres and Fibre-plants.] Ragged Schools — Guthrie, Thomas ; by 0. Smeaton C 20 V 22 Ragged Seh. ols. Svd'uev. Report M<1 2 U 30 Ragged School l/nion Magazine M.J 3 T 10 Railway Carriages. [See Rolling Stock.] Railways Service and Administration— General — Canal and the Railway James, E. J. F 4 V 15 Catalogue of Hopkins Railway Library... Teggart, F. J. K 17 T 1 New South Wales Rai Railroad (iazcttc Australia in LSbO; by Hon. T. A. Rrassev Royal Colonial Institute, Proa, 28 325.342 '"" Rowl M ,,',' ,. ,l" ..\'. i" '\ou,,',\l ls'f| Ml ilo State Railways in Australia; by XV. Hill Journal of Political Economy, KS94 330.5 [See also each Colony under this heading.] - Canada - Canada Railways F 13 T (i Hopkins, J."c. 1) 23 Q (i '' Annual Repts. 328.740 Subject-Index to (he Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. Railways- -Service and Administration- District of Columbia, U.S.A. Laws relating to Street-Railway Franchises in the District of Cohimbia...U.S.--Con : mi-iuners, District of Columbia F 3 R 34 - Great Britain and Ireland ;, Railway, and Shipping Statistics, Ire . lii it. and Irel.-Imli «-a -Board of Railroad Com - Massachusetts — issaehusetts— Board of Hail) ilroad Corporations inMassa, — New Hampshire - New South Wales . X. II. -Annua.! ;>„'] Railways- Service and Administration —United States America., i Railway Man,-. ,,„■;,; Haims II. S. V 4 U 39 Victoria - Ccelomtun.l Melbourne Railway ( 'ompanv. Reports .. MF ,, S 15 Railway Commissioners' I;. .ports ]. Victoria Parliament, V. and 1'. 32>.!l I.") Victoria Railway Inquiry I! ,ard, Report Victoria -Railways MF4U40 Railways Construction General — ■ White, R. A. MA 4 SIT Des .. M. ] :. W'a ways; by Dr.' A. ' Campbell .'. - New Ycrk City- North Dakota Pennsylvania - Porto Rico — - Queensland South Australia I Working E:,p V Is: {See also Cook Islands.] Language — Evanelia Mareko ieurivatai... Bibles and Testaments MG 2 T 47 RarotonganandEnglishGrammar... Buzacott, Rev. A. MJ 3 P 54 Raspberries — Articles- ,'« Injurious Insects, (i... Agr. Exper. St ns. A 38 Q 6, 7 BushFruits Card, F. W. A18P20 Fungus Diseases of the Raspberry Victoria Agriculture — Guides to Crowcrs, 32 MA 3 V 13 Orange Rust of Raspberry and Blackberry -in Injurious Insects, 6 Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Prints ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Preventive Treatment of Raspberry Anthracnosc— in Injurious Insects 6 Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 6 Rationalism — i Chances of Death Pearson, K. A 37 R 9 Essay on the Bases of Mystic Know ledge... Recejac, K. G 23 It 33 Ethica; or, the Ethics of Reason .'. . Laurie. S. S. G 9 W 29 History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. (1 12 R 30, 31 Letter to His Lordship the Anglican Bishop of Melbourne; by- Marcus Clarke Melbourne Review, 5 052 Natural Theology and Ethics Wallace, W. G 24 U 24 Our Christian Heritage Gibbons, J., Card. G 1 U 44 [See also Agnosticism; Atheism; Christian Evidences; Deism; Empiricism; Free-thought ; Infidelity; Intuitionalism ; Miracles; Spinozism; Supernal iiralism ; Theism ; Transcendentalism.] Rats — Habits of the Sydney Bush Rat ; by W. Edgar. . . ZoologiealSoeiety, Loud., Proe.,"l897 59(U> Kiore Maori, or Native Rat ; by E. Best Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 906 Rats, and their Nesting in Small P.ranehcs of Trees; by T. White. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 500 [See also Rodentia. ] Reading — Books and Reading Reading and Readers Reading-books — New Australian School Series : First Primer ; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Readers Irvine, R, F. MG 2 T 52 -58 Pupil's Companion to the Australian Catholic loader Angus and Robertson's School Scries MG 2 U 50 Home Reading Union MJ 2 V 27 Schoolmaster in Comedy and Satire J 10 R 44 [See also Chatauqua ; Selections- Prose ; Sclf-cultui e ; Summer Schools. ] Ready Reckoners - Australasian Gold Reckoner Shaw, II. S. MA 2 P 86 Indexed Ready Reckoner Marsden, W. J. L. MA 5 R 9 J Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes, Barcelona Historia de la Real Academia de Ciencias v Aries. Barcelona. Balari y Jovanv, Don J. G 17 1! 41 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Real Property — Law — L;iu relating to the Vendors ami Purchaser!? of Real Estate. Dart, J. H. F 1 U 12, 13 New Party, The Reid, A. F 15 P 29 Tii-ii'iis System of Meal Property Law Australasian Assoc. for Advance, of Science 506 [Sm .7«0 Conveyancing; Deeds— Registration ; Personal Property ; Realism — Degeneration Siidfeld, M. S. G 3 U 19 V.< ,vs on Literary Art Stanley, H. M. J 14 R 26 Fri.drich Heinrich Jacohi : a Study in the Origin of German Realism Wilde, N. G 26 T 17 G,.,.mchvnrk of Science Mivart, F. St. C. A 40 P 10 N turalisme Litteraire Cattier, E. J 15 V 32 II dirtic 1'hilosopliv McCosh, Rev. J. G 17 S 21, 22 World and the Individual Royee, J. O 25 T 3 [.V i a/.vo Concept ualism ; Iniprcssionisin ; Nominalism; Positivism; Scholasticism.] Reality — Evolution Jevons, F. B. G 25 S 13 V.. ■ .physic of Experience Hodgson, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Philosophy of Knowledge Ladd, G. T. G 11 S 33 Theory of Reality Ladd, G. T. G 24 V 8 [Sir. a/so Consciousness ; Knowledge, Theory of ; Ontology.] Reason- Do Animals Possess Reason ; by 0. W. Purnell.. Melh. Rev., 9 052 Education of the Reasoning Faculties... Johnson, \V. G 17 T 10 Ethica; or, the Ethics of Reason Laurie, S. S. G 9 W 29 Fait h and Reason Guthrie, K. S. G 23 R 13 Fundamental Ideas of Christianity... Caird, Rev. J. G 5 P 32, 33 Groundwork of Science Mivart, F. St, G. A 40 P 10 In-iinct and Reason Marshall, H. R. G 17 T 32 Thcistic Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 [Si i. also Instinct ; Logic; Philosophy; Psychology; Rationalism; Reasoning — Ps\ chology of Reasoning Binot, A. G 24 P 30 P. soiling in Principles of Psychology ... James, W. G 3 U 25 Rebellion of 1745. [See Jacobites; Scotland— History.] Receipts, Medicine. [See Pharmacopeias : Prescriptions.] Receipts, Workshop- En dish and American Mechanic Van Clove, B. F. A 24 P 43 l'r. I'tical Mechanic's Workshop Companion Tcmpleton, W. A 33 R 32 Workshop Makeshifts Cassal, II. J. S. A 25 S 10 Workshop Receipts, 5th ser Spoil, E. and F. X. A 25 P 5* Recipes— Cooking. [See Cookery.] Rechabites— History of the Independent Order of Ro.-h.-ihites in South Aus- tralia Coles, (J. W. MF 1 T 14 Reciprocity Reciprocity Potter, T. B. F 17 P 1 [S, e also Fair Trade v. Free Trade; Tariffs.] Recitations — Eh.eution and the Dramatic Art Smithson, D. J. J 14 R 20 >. ngs and II. citati. ns of the Australian Push ... Fawrett, J. W. Mil I P 78 Reclamation of Land - 0m (""rmany 630.6 II •clamationof Land from Tidal Waters... Bea/.ehv, A. A 39 V 32 Reconnaissance. [>'"<:• Military .Surveying.] . International Health Exhik. 1884, Lit., 9 A 41 V 5 o Amusements; (lames; Sports and Pastimes.] . Mathews, J. M. A 31 P 17 Red Cross Associations- History of the Red Cross Ameri [See also Ambulances; Medical K,rvi< ,n Assoc, of the Red Cross F 11 V32 Army and Navy.] Red Sea and Islands — Meteorological Charts of the Red Sea Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Meteorological Council A 31 R 20 J Red Water in Cattle. [See Ticks and Tick Fever.] Redemption. [See Atonement; Salvation; Theology, Systematic and Doctrinal.] Referendum — J Parties in Continental Europe Xew Democracy Referendum in Australi Referendum in Switzerl, Speech on the Referend [.S'ee also Democracy.] owell, A. L. F 13 R 6, 7 Brown, W. J. MF 5 S 8 .... Bradford, O. F 10 P 28, 29 v Zealand; by Lilian Tomn. Contemporary Review, 72 052 Deploige, S. F 15 Q 34 McMillan, W. MF 2 20 leflection — Mclaphysie of Experience Philosophy and Experience .... Philosophy of Rellection Re-organisation of Philosophy. [See also Philosophy.] .. Hodgson, S. H. G Hodgson, S. H. Hod -son, S. H. (i Hodgson, S. H. 17 R 33-36 (I 14 R29 1 1 Q 30, 31 G 14 R 27 i,enex Action — Fear A 26 S 30 Reformation. [See Prisons; Punishment; Reformatories.] Reformation, The— General— Age of the Renaissance Communism in Central Europe in . Van Dyke, P. G 23 R 5 Time of" the Reformation. Kautskv, K. C23S2 mo I Hist.. Haullevillc. Hut CJ9 W 6 - Bohemia - .•il of Constant'. - England— By Countries. . the Death of John Hus.. .... C27K10 Campbell, l». B28 U 16, IT Tublic Library of New South Wales. Reformation, The —France - lie: y Pr< Mail C2GQ 10 G24<>28 Servetus and Calvin Willis, R. Germany — History of the ( Ionium People to the Close of the Middle Ages. Janssen, J. 15 43 P 7-10 Luther and the (Senium Reformation; bv Rev. T. M. Lindsay. Luther, M. C 28 Q 2 Luther, Life of; bv J. K.'istlin Luther. M. C 23 P 27 Luther, Martin, the Her., of the Refo-mation. Ms:) -1540. Jacobs, Rev. H. E. G 23 Q 40 Luther's Primary Works Luther, M. G 1 !) T 20 Melanehthon, Philip Richard, Rev. J. W. G 23 P 48 Holland — Erasmus, Desiderius, of Rotterdam ; by Prof. Emerton... C 21 Q 4 Scotland — History of the Reformation of Religion within the Realm of Scotland Knox, J. G 23 T 8 Scottish Reformation Mitchell. Rev. A. F. (i 20 S ■ United States — Story of the Pilgrim Fathers Reformatories — Australian Reformatory, An: the New . Arber, E. B 17 Q 29 Reformers, Religious— Reza, Theodore: bv Prof. Muird... Cameron, Richard: by .1. Herkle Cranmer and the Reformation in ] England in the Age of Wveliffc .. Luther, M. C 28 Q 2 Luther, Life of; by J. Kostlin Luther, M. C 23 1' 27 Luther, Martin, the Hero of the Reformation, 1 1S3 1540. Jacobs, Rev. H. E. G 23 Q 46 Melville, Andrew; bv W. Morison C 20 V 10 Preachers of Scotland from the 0th to the l'.lih Centuries. Blaikie, Rev. W. G. G 25 T 10 Savonarola, Fra < iirolamo', 'by' if. "Lucas"'.. ..'....'....'.. .'.-.. '(~27 Vl Wesley and Methodism ; by F. J. Snell ... Wesley, J. C 28 (,> 3 Wyelif, John " Sergeant, L. G 24 Q 25 C 18Q47 Tolstoy, Leo, the Grand Mujik ; by G. H. Penis C 20 T 20 Will inl. Frances E. ; by Anna A. Gordon C 24 S 9 Refrigerating Machinery — Air Refrigerating Machine, Report U.S. Dept. of the Navy A22T8 Reformed Dutch Church. [See Dutch Reformed Ch Reformed Dutch Church of America— History of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United I [S, : '..-, RaUi n.] ill, ReN Reformed German Church of America — History of the Reformed German Church in the Cited Stat Dubbs, Rev. J. H. G 12 Reformers and Teachers, Educational — Aleuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools West, of i;„. . Find! Id, T. Refuges. [See Reformatories.] Regalia - ; . Davenport, C. K 17 T 22 f Regeneration - Moral Evolution Harris, G. G 14 S 27 [See alto Baptism; Salvation.] Regimental Histories - Famous British Regiments Griffiths, Major A. B 37 P 20 Registers of Births, Marriages, and Deaths - H abject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. Registers of Births, Marriages, and Deaths— conld. Pai isli Regiatersof Birchington, Kent... Crisp, F. A. K 10 T 10 t Pans;, Registers,,!' Kownhopc, Hereford... Crisp. I'. A. K 1!) T 9 t Renter of the Parish of the Holy Trinity, Cork ... Caultieltl, R. M.I 3 R 28 Registers of Christ Church, Xewgatc, 153S 1754... Harleian Soc. , Registers, 21 92!) Registers of St. Raul's Cathedral ... Harleian Soc. Regs., 20 929 Registers of Universities and Colleges. [See Calendars.] Reign of Terror, 1793 9 k [See Franco -History.] Reindeer - . Ferryman, A. P. M. D 18 Q 21 Relapsing Fever - Applied Bacteriology Relationship — ■ Sv.-tcms of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family; by "L. H. Morgan ... Smiths. Inst.- fonts, to Knowledge, 17 508 [See also Ethnology.] Religion— General — Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Religion — General— contd. World and the Individual Vay... Wats, t; 9W.Ki MO 2R(i 3 23Q32 Divinity Hall Record... Book of the Dead Evolution of the Idea of Cod Origin and Growth of Religi( r. 37% Alien, G. trated by the Relij; .. Muller, F. M. ,1 th of Religion as illustrated l,v the Relit oi Re] asilluslr; tlf, I * * Melbourne Revi .. Marshall, H. R. Ladd, G. T. . W ',1 '" on... Midler, F.M. Brooklyn Ethical A M. - .lit v and Religion '.'.'. Myth. Ritual, and' Religion ion of the Fu ,1 Growth of Rcli ,y of Belief Public Library of New South Wales. Watson, J. G23P51 ■ Christian. [See Allegories, Religious; Canon of Scripture; Christianity; Creeds; Crusades; Greek Church: Heresies; Huguenots; Infidelity; Jansenists; Knights Templars; Moravians; Persecutions; Refor- mation, The; Religious Orders; I'nitarianism; Univer- salism; Vatican Council ; and under names of Denomi- nations and Sects.] Religion and Literature- Anglican Spirit in Literature; Iiv Rev. if. ( '. Bccohing— in Church Problems Henson, H. H. G 26 R 10 Tennysonasa Religious Teacher. . . Masterman, C. F. G. G 25 S 7 Religion and Science — Argument from Design; by J. O'Brien Melb. Rev., 6 052 Argument from Design; by C. W. Purnell ... Melb. Rev., 6 052 Aspects of Religious and Scientific Thought Hutton, R. H. G 24 P 10 Bible, Science, and Faith Zahm, Rev. J. A. G 19 T 15 Christ and the Church Bradford, Rev. A. H. G 9 W 27 Christian Topograph v of Cosnias... Hakluvt Soc. Pubs., 98 910.G Church and Science ' in Reflections and Comments, 1805-95. Godkin, E. L. J 12 S 45 Creation Centred in Christ Guinness, Rev. H. G. G 14 P 24 Discourse on Method Descartes, R. G 1 7 S 33 Divinity Hall Record MA 5 R 25 Early Greek Philosophy Burnet, J. G 1 1 Q .32 Eden Lost and Won 1 )a wson, Sir J. W. G 9 W 9 Evolution in relation to Theology; by Rev. R. Potter. Melbourne Review, 5. 052 Faith and Reason Guthrie, K. S. G 23 R 13 Foundations of Zoology Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 Great Pyramid Lagrange, C. G 12 V 2 History of the Warfare of Science with Thcolugv in Christendom. White, A. D. G3U17, 18 Human Machine Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q 5 Islamism and Science — in Poetry of the Celtic Races. ..Renan, E. J 10 R 41 Life and Work of the Church Bright, Rev. 0. MG 1 R 19 Miracles and Law; bv Rev. R. Potter Melb. Review, 4 052 Mr. Higinbotham on Pulpit Influence; bv II. G. Turner. Melbourne Review, 8 052 Natural Religion Midler, F. M. J 29 T 1 Natural Theologv and Lthics Wallace, W. C! 24 U 24 New Evangelism Durum™.!. ][. G 24 T 7 Open Court 205 Origin of the World I). wson, J. W. G 24 P 31 Our Christian Heritage ( iibbous, Cardinal (1 I [J 41 Philosophia Ultima Shields, Rev. ' '. W. CIS 22, •'.') Philosophy of Religion (and. Lev..!, G 1 T 25 Redemption of Woman f mint he Krrors of Theologv... List, \. A. G 5 R 33 Religion and Science; bv B. T. Fiunis Melb. Rev., 5 052 Religion ami Science: a Rejoinder; bv liev. J. C. MaeCullagh. Melbourne Review, 6 052 Religion and Science : a Reply; by Rev. .1. C. MaeCullagh. Melbourne Review, 5 052 Riddle of the Universe Hacekel, E. G 20 Q 10 Romanes, George John, Life and Letters of A 22 R 19 Scholar and the State Potter, Bishop G 23 R 1 Science and Faith Topinard, P. A 27 S 31 Science of Scripture Pottie, J. MG 2T 4S Scientific Demonstration of the Put ure Life Hudson, T. I. G 12 V 21 Supernatural in Nature Reynolds , J. W. G 23 P 2 Theism in the Light of Present Science and Philosophy. Iverach, Rev. J." G 25 S 17 Theology of an Evolutionist Abbott, Lev. L. (I 23 P 5 Who were the Authors of the Arts and Science Literature of the Ancients? List, N. A. G 5 R 34 [See also Biblical Criticism ; Christian Evidences; Deism; Evo- lution ; Genesis ; Miracles; Optimism; Positivism; Theologv, Natural.] Religion in Education — Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 1 3 Education; by H. A. Dalton in Church Problems. Henscn, H. H. Q 25 R 10 Eil ucation and Religion , Melbourne Review, 5 German Higher Schools Russell, J. E. G 1 7 S 25 History of the Manitoba School System and the Issues of the Recent Controversy in Special Reports on Ivlueat ional Subjects. Gt. Brit, andlrel. Education C 17 U 14 Is .Manitoba Right? Dethune, A. B. G 17 T 21 Manitoba School Question Fisher, J. G 17 T 21 Manitoba School Question Wade, F. C. G 17 T 21 Parochial Schools— s'n Report, 1894-95 ... United States— Bureau of Education 379.73 Relation of the Churches to State Colleges and Universities in 12th Convention of American Agr. Colleges ... United States ■ DeptofAgr. — Office of Exper. Stations 630.7 Religion in State Schools; by Rev. J. E. Bromby and Rev. T. Cahill Melbourne Review, 7 052 Religion in State Schools ; by Rev. W. A. Quick Melbourne Review, 7 052 Religion in State Schools: bv Rev. C. Strong Melbourne Review, 7 052 Religion in State Schools ; bv A. Sutherland... Melb. Rev., 8 052 Scholar and the State " Potter, Bishop G 23 P 1 Things of the Mind Spalding, Bishop G 15 U 2 Those Catholic Claims; by C. Fait field Melb. Rev., 10 052 [See aho Religion Lducali.,:, : Sunday Schools.] Religion in the State. [See Church and State.] Religions — General — Dictionary of Religions ; bv Rev. R. Tuck — in Household Oracle. Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Religions of the World Colo, E. W. M J 3 R 1 Thoughts and Aspirations of the Ages ... Coupland, W. 0. G3U 10 [See aho Christian Churches and Sects— Statistics.] Non-Christian. [See Agnosticism; Arians; Athe- ism ; Brahmanism ; Buddhism ; China — Religions ; Confucianism; Dervishes: Druids; Druses; Fetichism ; Free-thought ; Gnosticism ; Hinduism ; Idolatry ; India — Religions; Judaism; Mexico — Religions; Mo- hammedanism; Moimonism; Mythology; Mythology, Maori; Paganism; Peru- Religions; Polytheism; Ra- tionalism; Religions— General ;" Religions — Primitive; Rosicrucians ; Serpent Worship; Spiritualism; Taoism; Theosophy.] Primitive — Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Creation Myths of Primitive America ..'. .. Curtin, .1. C 23 S 50 Evolution d'un Mythe Renel, C. B 39 U 7 God-Idea of the Ancients Gamble, Kliza B. G 3 I' -.9 God in History Bunsen, Baron G 23 S 20 22 Great Law, The William:,,,.. W. G 24 V 19 Iile.i of God and the Moral Seine Baynos, II. G 24 V 17 Making of Religion Lang, A. G 23 S 30 Myth, Ritual, and Religion Lang, A. G 24 Q 0, 7 Natural Religion Miillcr, I'. M. .) 29 T 1 Physical Religion M idler, F. M. J 29 T 2 Reeherches sur l'Origine derides de Dion .Dances le Rig-Wda. Guerinot, A. G 26 T 1 Religions of Primitive Peoples Brinton. I). (!. G 11 U 30 Sacre.l Tree, The Philpot, Mrs. J. II. G 24 V 5 can; Mayan" i.augua',. : ' Mythology ;' Religion, llistorv S 31 Flemish Interiors Byrne, Mrs. W. P. G 15 (J 23 Vinb-ation of Anglican Orders... Lowndes, Rev. \. (i 18 21 25 W\elif Society Publications Wvelif So -iet , ,,■>■; T ,.-, ;;; [S,, ,Uo Ec'elesiasli.-al History: M, master,'-'; Mom , .. :-.,,, ; M inks; Nuns; and under each Order.] Religious Pamphlets. [See Reliinon— Addresses, Essays, Pamphlets.] Raliglous Periodicals. [See Religion --Periodicals.] Religious Persecutions. [See Persecutions.] Religious Poetry - Byrom, John, Poems of... Chetham Society, Pubs., 34, 35 942.7 Compendious Book of (Jolly and Spiritual Songs ... Scottish Text Society Pubs., 3!) 245 Fill ire Life: an Oratorio Wood, A. IS. Mil I S 70 Harmony of the Church; by M. Drayton- reprinted from the ed ot 1591 P ivy Sooj •'y r lbs. H11S9 Lie t of the World ... Arn ns of the Ag is of ..a .Rev.W.H.H. upland, W. 0. <; 3 u 10 • H a q 7, s ols; Hymns and Hymnody.] Religious Societies. [See Religion — Societies.] Religious Statistics. [See Churches and Sects -Statistics ; Religious Stories F.ibi-ja' ....'. '.' i.l the Devil .....Kern C .1 ,. id the Ant Mire -le of Repair .... i' this World Story-books of Little C Store of the other Wis Workings of Time .... [Sir- also Allegories.] S.::::::: Va'n'Y.vk Remainders. [See Real Property.] Reminiscences — Hawthorne, N. J 23 R 9 Angelo, H. C 24 P 1, 2 . Miillcr, I •'. M. .1 19 W 10, 11 Lea- Russell , ( J. W. E. C 25 P 1 3 I Personal Recollections. Grace, W. G. A 40 Q 18 Lysons, Sir D. C 23 T 17 s and Recollections .. C 24 1' 23, 24 Homes* P. , A. M. D 21 Q 2 'I'V Moscheles, F. C 24 P 18 \S. Navy, Memories of... C 24 P 13 Freytag, G. J 23 U 25 •aphy C22T18 Life of a London Physician C 24 P 15 Howells, W. D. C 18P28 t Moscheles, F. C 24 T 20 1 Beyle, M. H. C19P24 C26S13 K.k.. S 24 Many Memories of Many People, 1850-09./ Simpson, Mrs. M. C. C 25 Q 19 Memorials, 1766 -1S95 Selborne, Earl C 23 V 4-7 Memories Paul, C. K. C 27 R 8 Memories and Impressions, 1831 1900 Brodrick, Hon. G. C. C 27 T 16 Memories of Eton and Etonians Lubbock, A. C 26 Q 8 Mcs Hopitaux Verlaine, P. C 18 P 26 Mes Prisons Verlaine, P. C 18 P 27 AMiddy'sRecolleetions, 1853 00... Montagu, Pear-Adm. C 23 U 8 My Esther and I Puliga, Countess C 27 R 16 My Inner Life Crozier, J. B. G 11 R 43 My Literary Life Linton, Mrs. L. C 20 S 22 My Long Life Clarke, Mary C-. C 23 R 20 Notes from a Diary. 1873 88 ... Duff, Sir M. E. G. C 26 P 19-26 No'e of . M -,-:- i.e.,,- Craven, Lady 11. C 23 P 29 I'ag-s from a Private Diary Heceliing, Rev. If. C. Cffl ]> 3 P.e.-o --. -. l-'r,. -is Turner: his .Journals, and Memories of liis Life. C 20 R 15 P.:-- - i:> a Wani.-ring Life Arnold,!'. C 27 T 15 I'' ■■••'. L : f" Pigou, Dean C 25 R 15 li-eolle lions. is:{j so West, Sir A. C 27 S 7, 8 P '■■ ■'' ■': ' -' a Highland Subaltern Alexander, W. (!-. B 39 S 15 Recollections of My Life Fayrer, Sir J. C 25 T 17 - ' of Old Times Fowler, J: K. B 25 .... Bea . K.lwa , L. , Sr. b-. S20 5P4 s Life under four S . R. F. M-. C 20 S 17 . Keppel, Adin. Sir H. Renaissance, The - ■n English Poets... Scuddi TiibliG Library of New South Wales. Rent— Classes and Masses Mallock, W. H. F 8 V 14 Economic Theory Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Economics and Socialism Layeock, F. I,'. F 12 II 34 Economies of S.cialisui I lymlmau, H. M. F 8 V 24 Land and its Rent Walker, F. A. Flo P 39 Laws of Distribution in Mr* Henry Ceorgo the Orthodox. Moffat, R, S. F 12 T 32 Lectures on Political Economy Longfield, M. F 9 P 31 Life m \\e- S 17 Rent, Interest, and Wage* 1< liirseheim, M. F Hi S 5 Soma Asp jots of the Theory of Kent in Economic Science and Practice Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 Value and Distribution M i .-farline, C. \V. F 9 P 37 [See also InUrest; Land (Question.] Rapairing. [See Mending.] Repentance. [See Absolution ; Confession; Penance; Re- demption; Regeneration; Salvation.] Reporting. [See Journalism.] Representation. [See Election; Suffrage.] Representative Government. [See Government.] Reprisals. [See International Law.] Reproduction — Agamic Reproduction and Morphology of Aphis- in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H A 40 S 16 Variation, and some Phenomena connected with Reproduction and Sex; by A. Sedgwich British Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept., 1899 506 "Tiysiologieal ; Embryology ; Fertilisation; Physiolo^ Reptilia —General — Amphibian and Reptilian Remains from South Africaand Australia —in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 1 6 15.itrac.lna and Reptilia. North American ; by E. D. Cope— in Bulletin 1, United States National Museum.': Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 13 5PS Beast and Man in India Kipling, J. L. A 40 V 10 Collecting Reptiles and Latrachians : by L. L. Stejneger. United States .National Museum" A 37 S 47 Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum; by R. Lydekker... British Museum .Natural History A 42 V 12-15 Land Reptiles of the Hawaiian islands, ,. United States -National Museum, Proa, 21 507 Natural History of Reptiles and Serpents A 27 P 6 Reptiles ami Fishes in the Department of Zoology „f the British Museum British Museum Natural History A 39 V 5 Reptiles of the Paeilie Coast anil < treat Basin ; by F. V. Denburgh. California Academy of Sciences A 38 Q 26 Reptilia collected by Dr. P. F. Maynard and Members of the Afghan-Balueh Boundary Commission, LSilo ... Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1896 9.>4 Reptilian Affinities in the Temporal Region of the MonotremeSkull ; by Dr. v. Bemmclen... Intermit. Congress of Zoology, Proa, 1898 A 35 W 14 Royal Natural History Lydekker, R. A 28 V 25 ?6 Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds Nicols, A. A 27 S 16 St,,,/..,,,!,, i.,/ of the Elgin Sandstones /„ Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 Temperature, of Rep tiles. Monotremes, and Marsupials; by A Sutherland Royal See.. Victoria. Proceedings, 1896 506 I inted Mates (leographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, Pcport, .i United Slates Engineer Dept, A 10 U 6 f Reptilia — General — contd. United States National Museum, Proceedings Vivarium, The Bateman, Rev. ( [See a/so Adders and Vipers; Alligators; Crocc Snake-bite; Snakes; Tortoises and Turtles; ; Family.] By Countries. Australia — Reptilia of Central Australia Luca. New Guinea — New Genus of Elapine Snake, Nov United States - Reptiles and Bat raehians of North Ann Republicanism- Decline of the Roman Republic Equality in a Republic in Ame A. H. S. MA 3 R 01 A 15 R 22 t Republican Gentleman Roman Republic— in We: ... Long, G. B39P2-6 itributions tot 'i\ ili/at ion. Eliot, C. W. F13R33 American Contributions to Civilize Eliot, C. W. F 13R33 ;rn Civilization. Cunningha R W. F 15 R 12 Some Reus: >ns u h v 1 ho A mericaii Republic may Endure-/ n American Contributions to Civilization Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 [See also Democracy; Monarchy.] Reservoirs - Reservoirs with High Part hen Dams in "Western India ; liyW, L. Strange Institution. Civil Engineers, Proa, 1898 620.6 [See aho Civil Engineering; Water Supply.] Resins. [See Gums, Kin ind Resins.] Resources of Countries. [See Mining and Mineral Resources- By Countries; and sub-heading ( 'eneral, under each Country and State.] Respiratory System — Aristotle .ui Youth and Old Age Aristotelcs A 32 R 32 Diseases of the Chest Stokes, W. A 33 S 21 Elements of Anatomy Quain, J. A 30 U 41 -48 General Pathology of Respiratory Diseases; by Dr. A. Ransome —in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 37 Recherche? Pin . a oh amp to ■ . -in ■ I'App.ircil Respiraloire dcsOiscaux. Soum, J. M. A 31 S 27 Respiration in Singing Joal, Dr. A 23 P 33 [See also Larynx : Lungs; and under each Organ.] Responsibility — Natural Theology and Ethics Wallace, W. G 21 U 24 [See also Agnosticism ; Conscience.] Resurrection — Creedless Gospel Satterlee, Rev. H. Y. G 12 V 7 Egyptian Ideas of the Put ure Life.. . Budge Rev. E. A. W. G 25 P 19 Evolution of the Resurrection and of a Future State-in Intellec- tual Development Crozier, J. B. (! 17 T II From Eden to Eden Waggoner, J. H. G 1 R 40 Resurrection and Immortality in Doctrine and Development. Rashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Resurrection do Jesu-Christo, Xcustro Seiior Geddes, T. E Spiritual Law through the Natural World. [See also Future State.] G 11 U2 . Bailey, J. B. A 26 S 32 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. 1037 Retaining Walls . Howe, M. A. A29S R3tina. [See Eye.] Reunion— Genera! and Descriptive — . Oliver, W. 1). I) 14 R 20 Reunion of Churches Christ and the ('lunch adfnr H. Dr. Pusey to Very Rev. J. H. Newman, Letters of. 1'usey, Rev. E. I!. G 3 U ; 1), Lisle, Ambrose Phillipps, Life and Letters of; by K. S. Pure Bcison, Archbishop, Life-work of; by Rev. J. A. Carr. C 23 1 ■Tin . Cai Revelation Creation Centred in Christ Guinness, Rev. H. G. G 14 P24 Col's Image in Man Wood, H. G 23 P 28 [S.-calso Bible; Christianity; Theology, Natural.] Revelations New Testament — Revenue Laws. \S,-e Finance; Tariffs; Taxation; and sub-heading Finance and Taxation under each Colony.] Reviews. [See Literary Criticism; Literature -Periodicals.] Revivals. [See Evangelistic Work; Missions and Missionary Work; Prayer; .Salvation Army.] Revolutions - Revolvers. [Sec Small Arms.] Rhea (Bcchmeria nivsa). [See Ramie Fibre. Rhetoric— Pn of r Rheumatic Arthritis — Rhode Island— //is fori/— Rhode Island and the Formation of the Union Bates, V. Ci. F 18 R Rhodesia — General ind Descriptive — British Africa D22Q5 Cecil Rhodes "Vindex" F 19 T 2 uwayo 1) 14 R22 Tangye, H. L. 1) 14 S 24 Rhodesia and itsOov niment Thomson, 11. C. 1) 13 S 1 With Rhodes in Masl onaland l)e Waal. 1). C. 1) 11 Q 17 [See a/,o British Soul Africa Chartered Company ; South Africa.] History— 96 Powell, Maj.-Gen. R. S. S. B-. B3A Q 1 Wilmot, Hon. A. B 17 P 37 MF4 P 41 Raiders and Rebels ii South Africa .., Green, Elsa G. B 37 P 10 Rhodesia of To-day . Knight, K. F. li KiR 18 •esent Du Toit, S. .1. B 39 P I -... Young-husband, Capt. F. E. B 39 Q 14 i Rhodesia Scions, F. C. B Hi V 31 [See also South Afrie; History; South African (lucstion ; South African War.] Rhodospermes. [. 'ee Floridese.] Rhone, River- . Wood, C. W. 1) 19 R J [See aho Lepidoptera.] Rhynchocephalia . British .Museum Nat. Mistorv A 42 V I . Uhler... Un .Mi »v Capt, Hint. JPublio Library of New South Wales, Richmond, New South Wales— History — Good Old Days, Tho Fitzpatrick, J. C. L. MB 3 P 11 Riding— Australian Horseman; by H. C. Mcllwaino Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1899 051 Australian Rough Riders; by T. A. Browne Macmillan's Magazine, 1894 052 Riding Weir, R. A17U49 [See also Horso, The.] Rifles. [See Shooting, Military; Small Arms.] Rig Veda. [See Vedas, The.] Right-of-Way— Railroads claiming Right-of-way over the Public Lands... United States- General Lands Olliec F 13 U 24 Regulations eonceniing Right of- Way for Canals, Ditches, and Reservoirs over Publio binds 'U.S. - General Lands Office A 32 U 34 [See also Land Tenure. ] Rinderpest — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Colonial Veterinary Surgeon, Report. ISO, hi Appendix 1, vol. 4. Capeof Good Hope Parliament, V. and P., 1898 328.087 Cure and Prevention of Rinderpest, Report by Drs. Turner and Kolle —in Appendix 2, vol. 1 Capo of Cood Hope- Parliament, V. and P., 1898 328.087 Inquiry and Memorandum of Treatment in Appendix 1, vol. 1. Capeof Good Hope Parliament. V. and P., 1898 328. 0S7 Outbreak of Rinderpest in Soul li Africa. 1890 .. (it. Brit, andlrel.-- South Africa A 40 V 35 J Report of Visit of Native Representatives to Bechuanaland — in Appendix 1, vol. 1 Cape of Good Hope Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.087 Reports by Drs. Kohlstoek and Edington, giving Results of Ex- periments made by them of Preventive Inoculation against Rin- derpest- in Appendix 1, vol. 1 Cape of Good Hope- Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.087 Reports by Prof. Koch upon his Investigations into Rinderpest at Kimberley — in Appendix 2, vol. 1 Cape of Good Hope — Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.0S7 Rinderpest Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 630.5 Rinderpest Conference, 189(1 -in Appendix 1, vol. 1 Capeof (iood Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.087 Rinderpest Investigations - in Appendix 2, vol. I... Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.087 Special Report on Rinderpest in South Africa; by the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon -in Appendix 1, vol. 1 '. Cape of Good Hope— Parliament, V. and P., 1897 328.087 [See also Cattle Plagues; Diseases of Animals. | Rings— of Recent Research King, C. W. A 45 V 7, 8 !, M. A 41 S 3 Riots Bombay Riots of 1874 B 39 P 12 Riparian Rights. [See Irrigation— Laws; Water Supply.] Rites and Ceremonies— Aborigines of Australia — Initiation Ceremonies of the Arunta Tribe, Central Australia; by Prof. W. B. Spencer ... Royal Soc, Victoria, Proe., 1897 506 Native Tribes of Central Australia ... Spencer, \V. B. MA 4 Q 7 n the Aborigines of Australia Mathews, R, H. MA 4 Q 4 Rites and Ceremonies of the Aborigines of Port Stephens. N.S.W.; by W. J. Enright Royal Soe., N.S.W., Journ., 1899 500 Greece, Ancient — Burial Customs of the Ancient Greeks. . . Graves, F. P. G 24 U 36 . Malay Peninsula — Malay Magic Skeat, W. W. G 24 V 25 [Sir. also tim-.i; Pull-roarers-. Customs; Fast sand Pasting; Funeral Rites; Liturgies; .Marriage; Customs; Mass; Ordination; Ritualism; Sacraments; Social Ethics; Totemism ; Worship.] Ritualism — Benson, Archbishop, Life-work of; by Rev. J. A. Carr C 23 U 7 Reformat ion Settlement examined in the light of 11 istory and Law. MacColl, Rev. M. G 24 (.} 20 Sacred Vestments Durandus, Bishop G 24 (,H8 Secret History of the Oxford Movement ... Walsh, W. G 23 S 6 [See also Church of Kngland; Puseyism ; Rites and Ceremonies; Roman Catholicism; Tractarian Movement.] Rituals — Catholic Principle of Conformity in Divine Worship: by Rev.C. F.G. Turner— hi True Limitsnf Ritual .. Linklater, Rev. R. G24Q14 ICueharistic Ritual: by Rev. W. F. Cobb— in True Limitsof Ritual. Linklater, Rev. R. G 24 Q 1 1 Intelligible Ritual; by Rev. H. Arnott -in True Limits of Ritual. Linklater, Rev. R. G 24 Q 14 Liturgy andRitual of the Ante-XiceneChurch... Warren, Rev. F. E. bJ G 26 S 3 ManualofSaercdCbuntandCercmonies ..Verdon.Mgr. MG 1 R 78 Plea for Reasonableness: hv Rev. .1. Wylde -in True Limits of Ritual '. Linklater, Rev. R G 24 Q 14 TrueLimitsot Ritual in theChurch... Linklater, Rev.R. G 24 Q 14 [See also Litanies; Liturgies.] Rivers— E ngine ering— Navigable River.-, and Canals in the United States and Canada. Walch, G. T. A 22 U 6 Proposed Improvements to the Fail ranee of the Clarence River, Report N. S. Wales -Clarence River MA 9 Q 40 t Rapid Preliminary Survey of the Darling River, N. S. Wales; by W. Poole Institution of Civil Engineers, Minutes of Proceedings, 1899 1900 620.0 Report on lie Marlon River; by Sir .lohn Coode... N. S. Wales ■- Macleay River MA 9 P 41 t River Bars Mann, I. J. A 24 T 32 Ri ver 1 )evelopmont Russell, I. C. A 30 1 1 20 Rivers Pollution, Set land: Report by W. S. Curphey. (it: Brit, and Irol. Rivers Pollution A 34 T 38 United States Public Works Black, W. M. A 8 R 33 t Work in connection with the Rivers United States Dcpt. of Agricult. Weather Bureau A 41 U 3 [See also Embankments; Floods; Hydraulic Engineering; Recla- mation of Land.] ■ History — Rock Villages of the Riviera ... Roads and Road-making— . Scott, W. B 34 Q 20 Commission to improve the Highways, Report. Highways of the Common- Constructing a Road over the Blue Mountains, Construction of Good Count 1894 030.5 Massachusetts — ealth A 25 U 35 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. ads and Road-making — conld. ■■■peralive Road-making United States Dept, of Year-book, 1895 iu th Roads; by R. Stone United States -Dept. of A Office of Road Inquiry, bulletin 8 A 4 >od Roads Convention of Texas, Proceeding... United Sta Dept. of Agr.- Office of Road Inquiry F 1 ood Roads: Extracts from Messages of (iovcrr.oK of S U.S. -Dept. of Agr. Office of Road Incpiirv F 1 ood Roads for Farmers : livJI. (). Kldridcc ... United Sta Dept. of Agr. Farmers' 'Bulletin, 95 A 4 i.-torical and Technical Papers on Road-building in the U States... United States -Dept. of Agr.— Office of Road In United States - Dept, of Agi n Roads; by R. Stone ,iinsylvania-Dept. of .Agriculture, Report, 1897 630.6 r.grcssof ! toadi 'oust met ion in t lie I'nitei I States... I 'ni ted States - Dept, of Agr.— Office of Road Inquiry A 41 U 4 oad-building in the United States; by M. 0. Eldridge. United States Dept, of Agr., Yearbook, 1S99 630.5 oad Legislation for the AmericanState... Jenks.J.W. F 4 V 14 and Maintenance Aitken, T. A 46 V 1 Mil-making in the Hills... Selections from I'uMict 'orrespondence. A 34 R 22 ,, id-making Materials in Arkansas; by J. 0. Brainier... U.S. — Dept. of Agr. —Office of Road Inquiry, liullctin 4 A 41 U 4 id Materials and Road-bui' '' 1 Mat e Muse Oft] Illf n Mi, i — Dept, of Agr.- Oiliceof Road Inquiry.' Circular 3! A41 U 15 ;t.itoAidtoRoail-buildiue;in.\e\v.Iersev;l)V F. Burrough... U.S. —Dept. of Agr. - Office,,!' R,, a ,| Inquire, BulIetinO A 41 U 4 ;i;;te Highways in Massachusetts; hv O. A. Perkins. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book. 1894 630.5 it ate Laws relating to t lie Management of Pond ■ . 1' n it cd States Dept. of Agr. "()ni< e of Road Inquire FTP 33 itool-track Wagon Roads; hv M. Dodge United Si U - Dopt. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.3 '.action Tests; by S. T. Neely... United States Dept. of Agr.- - Office of Road Inquiry A 4. U 4 ,SVe also Pavements; Transportation; Wood Pavements.] tck-boring. [See Artesian Water; Bores and Boring.] tck-carvings and Rock-paintings — „di ...\.s.\ al Rock-dr Rock-paintings and Ilo, by R. H. Mathews... Rock Pictographs in S< Rock-melon. [See Melons.] Rocks. [See Petrology.] Rocky Mountain Locust (CalopU Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Agr. Rocky Mountain Locust and the Chine Dept. of Agr.— Div [,SV.c alio Insects, Injurious.] vR. IT. Mat! ewa id, Proc, 12 olili ginea of Australia; Journ., 1897 572 ealand. Trans., 1897 BOfl (denelgRivc, ; by of Kntomology A 37 S 1 Rocky Mountains — Camping in the Canadian Rockies . Saskatchewan and the Rocky Moun Wilcox, W. D. D 15 V 29 nins Southesk, Karl of D 16 T 10 Rod, The. [See Fishing and Fishing Tackle.] Rodentia — Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum; by R. Lydekker. British Museum - Natural History A 42 V 10-19 [See also Gophers; Mice; Rabbits; Rats.] Rodrigues Annual Reports— in Rolling Stock- Break of Gauge and its Remedies White, R. A. MA 4 S 17 Light Railways Cole, W. H. A 30 R 9 Railway Engineering Haldane, J. W. C. A 22 R 30 Romaic. [See Greek Language— Modern.] Roman Art. [See Fine Arts— Roman.] Roman Catholicism — General — Arehpriest Controversy Came Augustine, St. , Confessions of ; by A. i Australasian Catholic Directory of Perse Catho Catho : Ye; book and Cler: ml Democracy - Painted Rocks of Westralia— in Romi Pamphlets on the Aborigines of Aust Public Library of New South Waled. Roman Catholicism <:< , Par Pope Adrian I\ Religio Poetse Rooks Ahead Roman Contro by W. Cults, Rev. K. L. (i 23 45 Raby, R. G 9 W 5 Patmore, C. (I 9 U 25 . Maclean, G. R, MG 1 U 3 . E. Collins ,'/, Church Problems. Henson, H. H. G 25 R 10 Rome and Romanizing Galton, A. G 24 T 11 Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism. Haulleville, Baron de G 9 W 6 Socialism and Catholicism Soderini, Count E F 10 V 33 Supplication for the Beggars ; by S. Fish: Reprint of 1529 ed. English Scholar's Library. 1 •) 3 T 20 Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy ... Barrow, Rev. I. G 25 T 8 Twelve Years in a .Monastery McCabo, J. G 23 R 6 Validity of Papal Claims .. ...... Oxenham, Rev. F. N. G 23 Q 4 Vincent de Paul, St.Life of C 19 V 21 Wyolif Society Publicat ions ( i 23 'I' 15 37 Francis Xavie'r. St.. Life and Letters of C 20 T 6, 7 [See alxo Abbeys ; Absolution; Cardinals; Celibacy; Church and State; Church Music ; Confession; Convents; Councils. Church ; Ecclesiastical History; Ecclesiastical Law; Fasts and Fasting; Fathers of the Church; Immaculate Conception; Indulgences; Infallibility; Inquisition; .lansenists; Jesuits; Lent ; Litanies ; Liturgies; Mass; Miracles; .Missals; Missions and Missionary Work; Monasteries; Monasticism ; Monks; Neo-Catholic Move- ment; Nuns; Old Catholics; Papacy; Penance; Persecutions; Popes; Priesthood: Protestantism; Purgatory; Reformation; Religion in Education; Reunion of Churches ;' Rituals ; Sacra- ments; Saints; Traetarian Movement; Transubstantiation ; Ultramontanism ; Vatican Council, lSiii); Virgin Mary.] By Countries. Australia— Australian Messenger 205 Catholic Directory and Almanac for the CIcil'V and I.aitv in Victoria, 1863 MG 2 U 38 Irish-Australian Almanac and Directory MC ■> V 3(1-33 e Church in Canada ; c Phillipps, Life and Letters of; by E. S. Purcell. nd the Liberal Cat hoi - Great Britain— English Black Monks of St. Bcncdiel Flowing Tide Belln c, Mine Life of a Conspirato '. 15SI -1040 Di-hy. M. Auselm ot ( 'ante bury Hi-', Wiseman, Cardinal, Life a id Tin es of Italy - Age of the Re B. R. G26R9 I. M. <: 15 I! 36 ... C 23 S 11, 12 William I, King of the Netherlands C 23 S 8 Dyke, P. 23 R 5 — Scotland — United States- rringti :. Rev Roman Empire — Constitutional and Political History of Rome .. . Taylor, T. M. Description Historique des Monna: Emperor Hadrian Etude r les Capitoles Provi i frappees sousl'Enipire Roinain. Cohen, H. A 34 U 1-7 ... Grcgorovius, F. B 34 R 17 .. Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Britain Tamblyn, W. F. " B 34 S 5 x de FEmpire Romain. Toutain, J. B41W10 . Poly bins B 13 S 19, 20 Histories of 1'olybius History of Rome' to the Death of Augustus. ..Wells, .!. 11 3( Riviera, Ancient and Modern Lcntheric, C. D 18 S 13 Roman History of Appian of Alexandria... Appiauus B 28 P 2, 3 Roman Life under the Caesars Thomas, E. B 17 Q 32 Romans of the Riviera and the Phone... Hall. W. II. B 30 U 22 Rome of To-day and Yesterday Dennie, .1. B 10 V 29 Scriptores Historic Romana- B 40 U 22-24 J [Si e also Arclucology Italy; l.yzanline Einpite; Constantinople; Holy Roman Empire; Rome.] Religions— Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic ... Fowler, \V. W. Worship of the Rom Roman Fever — Roman Fever ! ranger, North, W. Roman Law. [See Civil Law.] Roman Literature. [See Latin Literature.] Romance Languages and Literature. [.' Italian, Portuguese, Provencal, Romans< Romances — General — Arcadia Sidney. Si i' I Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory... S h, Spa ; Legends; Romanticism.] ,irv Tales, Legends, and P nuance., illust rat ine Shakespeare and other Early English Writers tlazlitt, W. C. .1 14 P 49 Latin— Romances in the Dept. of Manuscripts in the llritish Musoum ; In H. L. I). Ward British Museum K 17 T 2: Mediseval - Merlin ; ed. by II. P. Whe.illcy... Early Eng. Text Soe., Pubs. 82(1.1 Romance of Syr Trvamoure Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 1! Romances in the |Vpt. of Manuscripts' in the Pritish Museum; In Romanizing of the Church of England. [St Catholic Movement.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Romans, Epistle to. [See Paul, St.— Epistles.] Romanticism— --'His e.] ~ Commerce and Trade— hade of the Consular District of Koine In Diplomatic and Con- sular Reports, 1898 ... (it. Brit, and lid.— Foreign Office 382 . Constitutional History— of G 1 Kolu. n The State .. Wil History- Antoninus Pius, Reign of, 138-101 .... Ave Roma Immortalis Cra Ci .round Lis Friends De liello Callico, Lib. I ; edited by i or^'ill'mleuiuK'DcatiMdfv'iu''. ory of the City of Rome in the Mid e Middle of the Woi •hilologiske Afhandl , W. F 13 V 1 B 30 S 18 "b \fvr>2 ' B23 ]>•>] 15 39 P 2-IS Rontgen Rays— < . Thoir,],son, S. P. A 23 S 48 Chatwood, A. II. A 23 Q f>2 vndman, 11. II. F. A 20 <} 22 •s; by W. P. Evans. Medical Work . lemoirs by Rontj en',' Stoke 'alsli, 1). A L r. j. tu. sontheX-Rays; bv.r. Cox .. Me ;ill L'ni A 40 S 6 X K: iy Morton, \V. J. A 23 S 33 X-Kays; by W. C. Kontgen Smiths. Inst., Repts., 1897 506 [See also Cathode Rays.] Roofs - Elementary C rapine Statics and t lie Construction of Trussed Roofs. Kicker. \. C. A 21 T 30 .. Brandon, K. A 19 U 3 t Merriman, M. A 38 V 19 Koof Coverings; by J. Nangle Engineering Association, N. S. Wales, Proa, 10 020. 6 [-Sec ate Building.] Roosevelt's Rough Riders— , w. F. c. (i 23 S 9 G 17 R37 s affecting the Phe- -( ien. J. ( !. Barnard. Knowledge, 23 508 Rothamsted Exj Rotheln. Rotifera Tics Orandes Oradores Rontgen Rays— guidadeV ' Pericles', Demostheius, e Zama, (.', C 24 K I (i Public Library of New South Wales, Roummia — General and Beseriptlv Universal Geography . Reclus, E. D 21 U 1 ria, Greece, Montenegro, Roumania, •it. and Irel.- War Office F 12 S 21 U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 R 23 Army- Hand-book, Annie antl Servia Staffs of Various A Commerce and Trade — Trade of Roumania — in Diplomatic ami Consular Reports, Annual '•;. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Peninsule des Balkans Laveleye, E. de D 20 R 9, 10 Roumanian Language and Literature — i T 39 Legends from River and Mountain... Klizabeth, Queen of Romi Routes for Trade and Travelling — Applied Geography Keltic, J. S. D 20 S 24 European Tour Allen, (J. 1) 13 P 18 Future Trade in the Far East Wakefield. C. C. F 8 V 35 Hand-book of Information for t lie Colonies and India British India and Queensland Agency 910.2 New Imperial Highway ; by J. F. Hogan Westminster Review, 1894 052 Orient Line Guide, 1890 Loftie, W. J. MD 8 Q 48 Permanent Ways of Travel and Commerce- in Civilisation of our Day Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Pioneer of the Overland Route to India and Australasia: Lieut. Waghorn Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Steam Routes from Singapore to Tones Straits: by (J. W. Earl. Journal of the Indian Archipelago, 1851 A 30 U 5 Tourist's Guide to China, Japan, Australia, and Tasmania, Eastern and Australasian Steamship Co. MD 8 T 9 Rowing. [See Boating.] Roxburgh— History — History of the Border Counties Douglas, Sir G. B 36 S 4 Royal Academy — Royal Academy Illustrated A 34 R 17 Royal Academy Pictures 708.2 Royal Frederick William University, Berlin — Berlin— Koniglichc Friodrich-Wilhchns-L'nivcrsitat .. G 18 S 20 Royal Geographical Society of Australasia - Historical Review; by A. Muir Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., Queensl. Br., Proc, 1895-96 910.0 Royal Marines — Historical Records Edye, Maj. L. B 16 V 40 Royal Military College, Sandhurst — Syllabus Royal Military College, Sandhurst G 17 U 17 Royal Patriotic Fund— Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Royal Patriotic Fund, Report 361 Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Royal Patriotic Fund, Rept. of Select Committee F 39 V 59 J Royal Regiment of Artillery - History of the Dress of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1625-1897. Maedonald, Capt. R. J. " A 1 1 V 22 + Royal Scottish Academy — Royal Scottish Academy Illustrated A ?A R 15, 16 Royal University of Ireland — Calendar Royal University of Ireland 378.415 Royalty. [See Monarchy.] Rubella — Rubella; by Dr. D. Williams --in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 35 Scarlet Fever, Measles. &c. ; by Dr. J. L. Smith- -in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P IS [See also Measles; Scarlet Fever.] Rubber Goods. [See Gutta-percha.] Rubrics. [See Liturgies.] Rugby School — Arnold of Rugby ; by J. J. Findlay Arnold, T. C 23 Q 20 History of Rugby School Rouse, W. H. D. G 11 U 38 Rulers. [See Czars ; Kings; Monarchy: ropes: Presidents:; Princes; Queens.] Rural E3onomy and Industries. [See Agriculture; Dairying; Estate Management; Gardening.] Lluminantia — Ruminant Mammalia; by J. K. Gray... British Museum— Natural History A 42 U 22 [See aho Mammalia.] Rural Life and Pleasures — A-Hunting of the Deer, and o1 her Essays... Warner, C. D. J 1 R27 Baddeck and that Sort of Thing Warner, C. I). J 7 Q 22 Boy's Town, A Howells, W. I). J 22 R 43 Cotswold Village, A Gibbs, J. A. D 13 S 6 Farmer's Year, A Haggard, H. R. A 20 R 23 Forgotten Millions -in American Contributions to Civilization. Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Happy Huiiii, .--grounds Gibson, W. H. A 20 Q 2 t In the Wilderness Warner, C. 1). J 7 Q 20 Lamia's Winter Quarters Austin, A. J 14 T 25 Mount, The Hamerton. P. G. J 23 S 17 Mountain, Stream, and Covert Shand, A. I. D 19 R 9 My Village Smith, E. B. D 16 P 8 My Year in a Log Cabin Howells, W. D. D 20 P 7 OldportDavs Higginson, T. W. J 21 P 35 Our Village Mitford, Mary R. J 24 U 36, 37 Outside a (harden Crofton, Mrs. C. J 12 U 32 Pastoral Days Gibson, W. H. A 20 Q 1 t Procession of the Flowers Higginson, T. W. J 21 P 34 Rustic Life in France Theuriet, A. D 18 S 17 Scholar Gipsies Buchan, J. % 14 T 13 Sharp Eves, and other Papers Burroughs, J. J 1 R 28 Three Villages Howells, W. D. D 20 P 7 Woodland Life Thomas, E. A 20 Q 40 Year in the Fields Burroughs, J. J 22 R 45 [See also Gardening; Hunting; Sports and Pastimes.] Russell Process. [See Silver— Metallurgy.] Russia— General and Descriptive — From Peking to Petersburgh Reid, A. D 13 S 2 In Joyful Russia Logan, J. A. D 18 S 22 Military Forces of Russia... ( ; I. Rrit. and Irel. War Office F12S3 Northern Highland of ihe Tsar Battye, A. T-. D 18 Q 34 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 26 Transcaucasia and Ararat Bryee, J. D 18 S 19 Twenty Years in the Near East ... Beaman, A. G. H-. 1) 22 P 3 Universal Geography Reelus, E. D 21 U 5 [See also Anarchy and Anarchists; Crimean War: Finland ; Greek Church; Lapland; Nihilism; Russia -Politics; Russo-Turkish Autumn Maneuvers, 1S98 U.S --Adjutant-General's Office A 30 W 20 Hand-book of the Military Forces of Russia; by ('apt, W. A. Macbean. 2nded. ... (it. Brit, and Irel. War Office F 12 S 37 Military Forces, ,f Russia... (It. Rrit. and Irel. WarOtlicc F I2S 3 Staffs of Various Annies U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 R 23 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Russia —Bibliography — (State Library Bulletin, Bibliography. 1.5 New York — Library . . Commerce and Trade— Fit ire Trade with the Far East Wakefield, C. C. F 8 V 35 T: ile and Agriculture of Northern Russia, im-luding Finland, 1 S97 — in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, 1898. (it. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 T ale of Russia -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel. - Foreign Office 382 History- British Colonv in Russia Johnstone, C. L. B 22 R 15 Charles XII o"f Sweden Browning, 0. B 20 R 1G Daughter of Peter the Great Bain, R, X. B 34 R 3 1S12 Verestehagin, V. B 26 R 19 Empire of the Tsa;s and the Russians... Leroy-Reaulieu, A. B 31 T 5-7 Karamsin's Russia— m Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 13 King Stork and King Log; bv "Stepniak''... Kravehinskj-, S. M. B3i R(», 7 Krudener, Madame de, Life and Letters of: by C. Ford C 24 T 1 . Kronotkin, Prince C 23 T 18, 19 n of Russia George. H. B. B 34 R 20 •sofa Rev •e of the Wai . Walls; . Lai ae, E. u-ski, K. I! 31 S i'tures of Russian History i Wolkonskv, Prince S. B 17 R 18 upils of Peter the Great " Bain, R. X. B 39 Q 3 ise of the Russian Empire Munro, II. H. B 41 R 6 assian Empire Boulton, S. B. B 27 P 5 u-sia'sSoa Power, l'ast an.l Present... Clarke, SirG. S. B 31 R8 toiyof a Throne Catherine II C 22 T 3 — Kavy- I.-i ts of Croat Britain and Foreign Countries, 1898. Gt, Brit, and Irel. -Admiralty A 36 V 18 J up. rial Russian Navy Jane, F.' T. B 41 W 7 aval Roliey Steevens, G. W. F12T25 ussian Fleet under Peter the (heat Xavv Records Society, - Pubs., 1.5 947.05 lussia'sScaPowcr.PastandPresent... Clarke, SirG. S. B 31 R8 — Politics— s Awakening .. elections of a Wilkinson, S. F 12 P 40 n Statesman Pobviedonostseff, K. P. G 23 P 35 Russia against India Colquhoun, A. R. F 19 S 3 Russia and England, 1876-80; by "O. K." Novikoff, Olga F 3 R 10 Russian Imperial Politics— in World Politics Reinsch, P. S. F 19 S 5 Russian Politics Thompson, IT. M. F 14 U 24 Sultan and the Powers MacColl, Rev. M. F 12 T 23 Truth about Russia Stead, W. T. F8Q 1 Social Life and Customs — Tsar and his People B 39 S 10 Russia in Asia — HeartofAsia Skrine, F. H. B 17 Q 31 Russia against India Colquhoun, A. R. F 1 9 S 3 Russian Church. [See Greek Church.] Russian Literature — Histcry of Russian Literature Waliszev Pictures of Russian History and Russian Liter Russian Thistle — Pamphlets on Weeds Russian Thistle; by L. H. 1 i A 38 R 4 s- Dept. of A 37 8 41 asd States— A 37 S 19 Russo-Turkish War, 1877— Chronicles of a Virgin Fortress Herbert, W. V. B 16 V 18 Experiences during the Siege of Plevna; bv Dr. C. R; an. Ironclads in Act [See -His . Wilson, H. W. B33R6, 7 Vizetellv, E. D 13 P 1 Evan, 0. S. B 22 R 17 ; Turkey -History.] Rust in "Wheat- Cereal Rusts of the United States; by M. A. Carleton. Fungi'ontla WlieaTplant'in AnsiTal'i'a: by l'>. M. Alpine. Agricultural Gazette, N." S. Wales, I S'.IS 630.5 Methods of Preventing Smut in Wheat and Oats -in Injurious Insects, (i \grimhrral Experiment I Stations A 38 Q 6 Probable Preventive Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 630.5 Rust in Wheat Conference Agr. Gazette, X.S.W., 7 630.5 Rust in Wheat during the Drv Season, 1S97; by D. McAlpine. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales. 1S98 630.5 Rust in Wheat Experiments, 1S94 97... Victoria Agriculture - Rust or Mildew on Wheat Plants',' Report, 1892.' ' Gt. Brit, and Irel. Board of Agr. A 21 V 27 Smut in Wheat in Injurious Insects. 7 ... Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 Smuts of Wheat. Oats, and Parley in Injurious Insects, 6 Agrieulturaf Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 Wheat Rust— ,-h Injurious Insects, (i ... Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6" [For other Rusts sr, Fungi in Agriculture: Pathology. Vegetable; Plant Diseases.] Rutland — History — Historic Towns of'Xcw England Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Rutlandshire General and Descriptive — English Topography .. Gentleman's Magazine Library D 20 V 6 Sabbath Question. [See Sunday and Sunday Obs Safcbath Schools. [See Sunday Schools.] Sacraments, The - Dogma in Religion Wvclif Society Publicatioi ... Kinross, Rev. J. Ml. 2 V 2 G 23 T 15-37 Sacred Books - Collected Works Mailer. F. M. J 29 T 1 It Sacred Rooks of Chahbea in Origin ami Growth of Religion. Sayce, A. H. G 19 T 26 Sacred Music. [See Church Music] Sacred Poetry. [See Hymns and Hymnody; Psalms and Public Library of New South Wales. Safely Lamps. [St re' Safety Lamps.] Uin S:va in Irish Literature Hull. Eleanor 15 30 1' 12 ■ ,,f t!,e Kddi.- 1'oems Bugge, S. B 3(i 1' 15 „lie Sagas >'" Kpic and Romance ... Ker, W. P. J 14 S 10 of Grettir the Strong Maginisson, E. J 9 U 1 Saghalin Island- On; Pati . Br Tartarv an.l Saghalin Island, 1809 [( 'hail. 1 ant. and Irol.— H vdrourapliic Office D 49 P 1 % d Rohhen island. "]899 [Chart]. nd Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 % Sagittidce - n the Genus ! [See also Helminthology. ] Sahara — General and Descriptive — Prom North Pole to Equator Brehm, A. E. D 18 V 22 Tafilet Harris, W. B. D 14 S 23 Universal (ieographv Rcclus, E. D 21 U 11 [See also Soudan; Timbuctoo.] Sailing. [See Boating; Navigation; Yachting.] Sailing Directions- Alaska... United States Australia Directory X Australian Nautical Alman ic and Coasters' .-> Pii .1. I\ , Little Flowers of... Wood l>. G24QS Margeri. A. le G26Q2 Life and Letters of C 20 T 6, 7 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1045 •s of English Sain is. St is, St., andCalvii Saints — contd. Ignatius of Loyola, St Jolv, H. G 24 P 13 Ji .-'pit Viti liculorutn Ahhatum Hencdili, (Volfridi, Eosterwini, Sigfridi, atque Hwtetberhti ... English Historical Society Pubs. B39R2 Jerome, St Largent, Father G 26 Q 4 Legends of the Saints in the Scottish Dialect of the 14th Century ; by W. M. Mcdcalfe ... Scottish Text Socictv, Pubs., 13, 18, 23, " 25, 35, 37 491.63 .... Newman, Cardinal G 26 S 10 Sepet,M. G25P 1 Cui/.ot, F. (i 24Q28 Louis, St., et son Temps Wallon, H. G 24 U 30, 31 Louis, St., King of France Joinville, Sire do B 27 P 8 Louis, St., Vie de Tillemont, S. L. le Xain de G 25 U 1-6 Loyola, Ignatius. Testament of Ignatius, St. G 26 Q 9 Mediaeval and Modern Saints and Miracles G 24 Q 15 I'.i rick. St. : bis Life and Teaching ... Newell, E. J. G 26 P 21 Paul, St.. the Master-builder Lock, Lev. W. G 24 Q 21 Pol. St.: Lib- and Epistles Geikie, Rev. C. G 14 S 28, 29 Paul, St.. the Traveller and Roman ( 'it izen Ramsay, YV. M. G3U6 l'crseverance of the Saints — in Dogma in Religion. Kinross, Rev. R. MG 2 U 2 Peter, St., and the First Years of Christianity Fouard, Abbe G 1 U 42 Peter, St., in Rome, and his Tomb on the Vatican Hill. Barnes, Rev. A. S. G 23 V 28 P-vchologv of the Saints loly, H. G 4 V 38 Saints and Holv Wells; bv T. Frost in Bygone* Church Life in Scotland . Andrews, W. G 23 T 44 Vincent de Paul, St Broglie, E. do G 23 P 37 Vincent de Paul. St., History of... Bougau.l. Kishop (i 24 U 1, 2 [>'<794 San Jose Scale (A*/>i.dio/iis pi rnlriosus) — Important Enemy to Fruit Trees United States — Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A 41 U 6 Investigations on the San Jose Scale, Report New Jersey — State Agr. Exper. Station Rept., 1896 630.7 More about the San Jose in Injurious Insects, 6 ... Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 Pernicious or Sin Jose Scale Agricultural Gazette, N.S.W., 6 630.5 San Jose Scale New Jersey— State Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1897 C30.7 San Jose" Scale ... Victoria— Agriculture Guides to Growers, 36 MA 3 V 13 San Jose Scale in Injurious Insects Agr. Exner. Stations A 38 Q 1-5 San Jose Scale ; by L. 0. Howard United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology A. 41 U6 San Jose Scale ; by W. W. Froggatt . . . Agr. ( laz. , N. S. W. , 8 630.5 San Jose Scale, and how it can be controlled; by J. B. Smith. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 189S 630.5 San Jose Scale, and how it may bo Controlled — in Injurious Insects, 6 Agriouli era! Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 San Jose Scab,; and its "Ne irest Allies; by T. D. A. Coekercll. United States Dept. of Agr. Div. of Entomology A 38 R 18 San Jose Scale in 1896-97; by L. 0. Howard... United States - Dept, of Agr. —Div. of Entomology A 38 Q 2!) Treatment of San Jose Scale- in Injurious Insects. 7... Agrioultutal Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 [See also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious; Scale Insects.] San Salvador— General and Descriptive— Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 36 Recollections of Central America., and the \V*t Coast of Africa. Foote, Mrs. H. G. D 16 R 4 Salvador U.S.— Bureau of American Republics D 18 T 30 Universal Geography Rectus, E. D 21 U 17 Sanctuaries — Sanctuaries Axon, W. E. A. F 13 R 25 Sand-drifts— Field Operations, 1899 ... U.S. Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Soils 631 Maram Grass : a Valuable Sand stay...Agr.Gaz., \.S. W.,6 630.5 Massachusetts — Harbour and Land Commissioners, Report. . . 627 Report of Select Committee oil Drift Sands... Cape of Good Hope. — Pari., V. and P., 1892, App. 2. 32-1.687 Rocks and Rock -weathering v. Soils... Merrill, G. P. A 33 V 20 United States. — Geological Survey, 10th Annual Rept., part 2. Sand-binding Grasses ; by F. Lamson-SoribiKT... United States — Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Sand-drift Problem ; by J. 11. Maiden Agricultural Gazette, N. 8. Wales, 11 630.5 Sandwich Islands — General and Descriptive — Heroes of the South Seas Banks, Martha B. MG 2 U 1 Parts of the Pacific Eyk yii, Rev. J. M D 8 R 47 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. VV. H 11 P 32 [-See also Hawaii; Honolulu.] Sanhedrim. [See Judaism.] Sanitary Engineering- Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing Maguire, W. R. ■ A 22 R 19 Elements of Sanitary Engineering Merriman, M. A 38 V 22 Intermit. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Trans., 7 614.06 Main Drainage of London; Itv J. K. Worth Institution, Civil Engineers, Proc, 1896-97 620.6 Manual of Hygiene. Sanitation, and Sanitary Engineering. Jones, J. A. A 38 T 7 Modern Drainau'c Inspection Icnsen, G. J. G. A 41 T 24 Sanitary Engineering. Moore, E. C. S. A 38 T 12 Sanitary Engineering of Buildings.. Gerhard, W. P. A 30 V 29 Sewer Design Ogden, H. N. A 41 T 28 Sewerage.... Eolwell, A. P. A 38 V 24 Standard Practical Plumbing Davios, P. J. A 34 V 8, 9 Suggestions for the Sanitary Drainage of Washington City; by G. E. Waring ... Smithsonian lust'.", Misc. Collections, 26 506 [Sue a/so Garbage; Heating of Buildings; Plumbing; l'nhlic Health ; Sanitation; Sewage' Disposal; Sewerage Engineering; Soils and Sub-soils ; Street Cleaning; Ventilation; Water Supply.] Sanitary Laws. [See Public Health — Laws and Legisla- Sanitary Science. [See Hygiene; Public Health.] Sanitation— General — Air, Water, and Food from a Sanitary Standpoint. Richards, Ellen H. A 46 V 3 American Sanitary Plumbing Lawler, J. J. A 25 T 19 Australasian Association, Advance, of Science, Report. 1895 506 Conditions Essential for a Healthy Dwelling; by H. H. Collins. Internal. Health. 1S84, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Construction of Chimneys ; by J. P. Seddon Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Construction of Healthy Dwellings Gallon, D. A 33 S 20 Disposal of the Sewerage of a Dwelling-house white there is no Main Sewer;. by '!'. Wortliiugtim ... Internal, Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Domestic Sanitary Arrangement.-, of the Metropolitan Poor; by Dr. J. W. Tripe... Internal. Health Exhib., 1SS4, Lit,, 8 A 41 V 4 Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing Maguire, W. R, A 22 R 19 Domestic Sanitation in Rural Districts; by Dr. 04. Wilson. Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 8 A 41 V 4 Doors and Fire-resisting Construction ; bv H. Jones ... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Drainage under Dwellings; by S. !•'. Clarkson... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Dwelling-house, The Poore, G. V. A 33 Q 24 Foul Air in Houses; by Prof. W. 11. Coriield... Intermit. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 General Sanitation; by Dr. H. B. Baker in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Health in the Workshop; by J. B. Lakeman... Intermit. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 1047 Sani tation— General— contd. Heathy Furniture; by R. W. Edis ... Intemat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., :i A 41 U 19 Healthy Houses; by l)r. T. P. Teale ... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 Healthy Nurseries and I5e.lro.ans; by Mrs. ( dadstone... Internat, Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 1 A 41 U 17 lieilthy Town and Country Houses; by W. E; Hea'" " Ho leDrai [ealth Exhib., 1884, Lit., 3 A 41 U 19 nageandSanitarvFitments. .. Jensen, (). J. (!. A 44 U 5 and l'ublie Health Parkes, L. C. A 33 Q 23 Value of Colour in the Dwelling ; by W. White. . .Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 tble Construction of Roofs and Floors; by E. C. Robins. Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit!, 2 A 41 U 18 Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Trans., 7 614.00 f Hygiene, Sanitation, and Sanitary Engineering. Jones, J. A. A 38 T 7 n Drai raetical Sanitat ural Hygiene .. v Hoi Jen . llelly. liyF.'W. A 46 T 1 Kent, (J. A40T25 Poore, G. V. A 33 P 15 it of Houses in London during the last 120 [tint... Internat. Health Kxhib., 1884 Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 it.- . if Metropolitan Houses; by E. Turner. mat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit.*, 8 A 41 V 4 iternal Fittings: by G. Aitchison... Internat. Health Exhib.*, 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U IS n of Houses... Interna!. Health Exhib., 1.SS4, Lit., 2. A 41 U 18 notary Engineei mg ,.| Buildings... Gerhard, W. P. A 30 V 29 tare H.uim-.- lortlie Working Classes in I'rbun Districts; by II. P. li.mlnois. .. Internat. HealthExhib., 1884, Lit. ,8 A 41 V 4 notary information lor Householders... Tracy, U.S. A 20 P •'.'! notary Inspector's Hand-book Taylor, A. A .'{3 (> •>■' notary Legislation in Croat Britain; by F. s! Powell... [nier'nat. Health Exhib.', 1884. Lit., 2 A 41 U nitary Aspect nitary Constr nitary Measur. nitation of Domestic Building .iter Supply; by T°H. "Watei ;Dis ;. Brit, and Irel.— India Office s.ii«i.-,.| ;ho Adulteratio d.'.sa Mcghadi.ta: a Sanskrit' Poem. trapatha. The Anecdota Oxon letitjtie Historique ct Coniparee dti .. Ha ght, i, SirG. C. J 10 X 6 t V illiam , M. J 19 T H .. Ret el, C B39U7 \\ ilk J 28 VI S; nsknt Engl sh Glossary J 17 U 10 nell, . . A. J 17 U 17 M iller, 1 . M. J 29 T 13 H 1 S 32 Santa Fe— General and Descriptive Old Santa Fe Trail Inman, II. D 16 T 12 Santo Domingo — General and Descriptive— Santo Domingo ... United States - Bureau of Amc Universal Geography Reclus, m Republics I) 18 T 29 D21 U17 Saprolegniese — Microscopic Study and Culture of the Saprolcgnie.e; by Prof. M. Hartog Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 [See also Fungi.] l, Ancient and Modern Lentheric, C. D 18 S 13 i and the Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem... Poole, S. L-. B 30 Q 24 .... Ali, Ameer Syed B 25 P 13 —History — Historic Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Sarawak — History — Rajah Brooke; by Sir S. St. John Brooke, Sir J. C 27 R 9 Sarcophagus. [See Catacombs; Tombs.] Sardinia— General and Descriptive— Forgotten Isles Vuillier, G. D 18 V 24 Sargasso Sea— Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 Sassafras Trees— Sassafras Trees of Queensland, a Oliceri; by Dr. J. Lautorer .. id the Chemistry of Cinmmomum Royal Society, Queensland, Proc.; 1804 95 506 Satan. [See Demonology; Devil, The.] Satara -General and Descriptive— Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 19... Bombay Gazetteer 915.47 Satire and Satires - ISIase.low und seine Sonne Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 27. 2.8 Mil 1 V 28 H 13 V 16 >ck Lorcll'sBote; from Mil 1 S 73 b" P 17 U 7 J 14 R 33 H 39 Q 13 t ». J 14 P29 English S 11 1 H. Si. V. c also Drama, Hin hi j Willi :d- Vc , M. IS, Prakrit Sorlin-K.a Language; laid las, ' Santa Cruz— Genet Poems of Places Universal Geography al c nd Dc Longfellow Rt 11 W. , E. raphicOffico D49P3J Public Library of New South Wales. Satire and Satires— con td. Puck 817 Rameau's Nephew Diderot, D. J 14 Q 33 Sartor Resartus Carlyle, T. J 23 T 4 Satirical Nona's and Poems on Costume, 13th to 19th Centuries. Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 29 Selections from the British Satirists Headlam, C. J 14 V 33 Social Pictorial Satire l)u Marnier, G. J 14 V 29 Sydney Punch M J 4 S l r 20 [See alsoi 'armatures ; I I'umnui- and Comic Literature : Humourists and Satirists; Political Satires, Songs, Squibs, and Cartoons.] Satirists. [See Humourists and Satirists.] Saturn — Astronomy — Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 19 S 16 Constitution of Saturn's Kings; by Prof. Pciree American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc. , 18.11 5(16 Eccentricities and Longitudes of the Perihelia of Jupiter and Saturn for Distant Epochs ; by Prof. G. W. Hill Astronomical Journal, 1896-97 520.5 Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn and Gamma Virginia, 1893. Tebbutt, J. MA 3 S 67 Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn and Kapya Virginia, 1895. Tebbutt, J. MA 3 S 67 Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn with 96 Virginis. . . Tebbutt, J. MA 3 S 67 Micrometric Measurements ... Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 13 522.19 New Theory of Jupiter and Saturn ... United States -Bureau of Equipment Ast. Papers, 4 520.8 Observations on the Planet Saturn, 1847-57... Harvard University Astronom. Observ., Annals 2, pt. 1 522.19 Occultation of Sat urn by the Moon, 1 SSS... Tebbutt, J. MA 3 S 67 Secular Perturbations of Mereurv arising from the action of Saturn; by E. Doolittle Astron. Journ., 1896-97 520.5 Tables of Saturn United States — Bureau of Kquipnu nt . Astron. Papers, vol. 7, pt. 2 520.8 Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar Svstem. Darwin, G. H. A 19 Q 31 Traite de Meeanique Celeste Tisserand, F. A 5 P 28 f Sauces — Book of Sauces Pownall, S. B-. A 22 R 31 [See also Cookery.] Savagism — Glimpses of Savagedom; by 0. \V. Purncll... Melb. Rev., 6 052 [See also Cannibals; Heathen Larbarism.] Savings Banks— Cooperative Crcilit Associations in ('eilain Huropeun Countries. United States Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Statistics F 16 U 15 Development of Thrift Brown , Mary W. F 1 5 P 36 Massachusetts ISoiydof Connns. of Sa\ nigs Ranks, Repts. 332.2 Pennsylvania — Banking Department, Report 332. 1 Penny Banks Scotton, A. F 13 V 41 Savings Banks— in Provident Societies and industrial Welfare. Brabrook, E. W. F 15 R 26 School Savings Banks; by \V. Oulton... Internal. Health Kxhib., Thrift in Schools ; by Prof. Laurent 1884, Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 .. Internal Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit., 14 A 41 A* 10 Working of the Queensland Go- land— Parliam [See also Agricultural Banks; Banks c Societies.] • History — Historic Studies Road, M. B 19 U 2, 3 Romance of the House of Savov, 1003-1519 Wiel, Alethea B 34 Q 23, 24 Savu Island — General and Descriptive — Banks, Sir Joseph, Journal of MD 3 U 15 Scab in Sheep- Scab Disease Commission. 1892 94, Report in Appendix 1, vol. 5, Cape of Good Hope Parliament, V. and P., 1894 328.687 Sheep Scab Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, Journal, 1898-99 630.6 Sheep Scab; by D. E. Salmon... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry A 41 U 8 Sheep Scab and Sheep Dips... United States -Cons. Rept., 50 382 Sheep Scab: its Nature and Treatment United States— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1897 636 [See also Sheep.] Scale Insects — Cottony Maple Scale in Pamphlets on Injurious Insects. Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 5 Hydrocyanic Acid (.'as Treatment for I >estroying Scale Insects by G.Quinn... Journ. of Agr. and Indttst., S. Aust.. 1896-98 630.5 Pamphlets on Injurious Insects... Ae,T. Kxpcr. Stat ions A 38 Q 1-5 Plum Scale Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 1 Red Scale; by W. J. Allen Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 1898 630.5 Scale Insects; by A. M. Lea... Producers" ( iazette, 5 MA 4 Q 19 Scale Insects of the Orchard : bv L. 0. Howard.. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 630.5 Scale Insects that produce Lac : by W. W. Froggatt. Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 10 630.5 [See also Coccid* ; Entomology, Economic; Hemiptera; Insects; Injurious; San Jose Scale.] Scandinavia. [See Denmark; Iceland; Norway; Sweden; Vikings.] Scandinavian Languages — Order of Words in Old Norse Prose Bernstein, L. J 24 V 16 [See also Sagas ; Vikings. ] Scandinavian Literature — Home of the Eddie Poems Bugge, S. B 36 P 15 Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia Schulz, A. J 14 S 8 Scandinavian Mythology. [See Mythology — Scandinavia.] Scarlatina. [See Scarlet Fever.] Scarlet Fever — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain , T. H. A 40 P 1 1 Memorandum prepared with the View of Averting or Reducing the Virulence of any Outbreak of Scarlet Fever... N. S. Wales- Scarlet Fever MA 12 P 28 f Preliminary R-pnrt bv' Dr. Klein on the .Microbes associated with Scarlatina - in Report of Medical Oliicer. 1896 97 Gt. Brit. and Irel.— Local Government Board 614.0942 Scarlet Fever; by Dr. F. F. Caiger— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Scarlet Fever and Me isles -in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Scarlet Fever, Measles, &c. ; by Dr. J. L. Smith— in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 [See also Measles ; Rubella. ] Scenery — General — English-speaking World A 21 P 11 f Pictorial Geography of the lirilish Isles Palgrave, Mary E. D21P7t Queen's Empire A 19 S 5 t Queen's London A 8 R 30 t Scientific Study of Scenery Marr, J. E. A 45 R 8 Types of Scenery and their Influence on Literature.,, (icikic, Sir A. yV ■ J7T37 Subject- Index to the Supplementally Catalogue — 1896-1900. Scenery, Australian— Photoyraphs, §c. Beautiful Sydney, 1895-93 Sydney MA 3 U 33 F'»«- Adelaide Adelaide MD 4 Q 28 ,;! i|»csof Australia MA 12P31, 32 t Imp-rial Album of X. Zc aland Scenery MA 1 P 41. 42 t Nov, Zealand Seeuerv, Photographs of MA 45 J PLo:, .graphic Views of Dubbn ('adman. S. J. MA 4 I' 2.. Pi l irial Photograplis of Scenery of X. S. Wales,. Settlement of Port Arthur, Tasmania, Past Anson Tasmania.! Rivers, Lakes, and Flowers Scent Plants— MA 1' 2!) il Prese MD 2 P 23* % Murray, A. S. MA 6 P 27 t y: Lavender... Victoria— Agriculture Guides to Growers, 19 MA 3 V 13 [S'-.c also Flower-gardening; Flowers; Perfumery.] Scents. [See Perfumery.] Scepticism. [See Agnosticism; Atheism; Deism; Free- thought; Idealism: Materialism; Pantheism; Ration- alism.] Schenectady — History — Hi-inric Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Schizopoda - Campagne du Cumin t i dans le Golfe de ( iascognc Ka'hler, R. A 31 S 30 New Zealand Schizopoda; by G. M. Thomson... Linnean Society, Loud., Journal, Zoology, April, 1900 590.(1 ISee aUo Crustacea.] Scholasticism — * History of Philosophy Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 R 30, 31 Pie e of Christ in Modern Theology Fairhairn, Lev. A. M. G 20 R 8 Political Theory of the Schoolmen and Grotius... Littlejohn, J. M. F 18 R 3 ■Idem of Religious Progress ... Dorchester, Rev. Rose, . I'ieav : L'li V Si, Mies in John the Scot Gardner, Ali Wydif Society Publications e G 26 R 7 i 23 T 15-37 School Furniture and Apparatus — School Fittings; by Rev. E. F. M. MacCarthy... Lite l!olla'ml...^ , Intctnat.' i n/luiVi l ;\hil^|'lSS4',Lit , .'! S mat. Health 3 A 41 V II 3 A 41 V 9 School Hygiene — Development of Boys; by Dr. W. Fergus lute K.xhib., 18S4, Lit., 1 Inmates ... Internal. Health Kxli'ib.'.' l.s's'f.' Lit'.V ■nat. Health 1 A 41 V 7 id Health of 1 A 41 V 7 School Libraries. [See Libraries, School.] School Life - Drat the Boys Blouet, P. School Management and Organization — is. Chicago Exhib., 1893. G 17 T 1 ion Barnett, P. A. G IS 1' 47 ; School Furniture and Apparatus; School School Papers and Magazines — Batlmstian Hawkeslmry Agricultural College Magaz King's School Magazine Alma Mater 3.944 .. 630.7 373.044 .... 373.944 Sydneian 379.944 Schoolmasters. [See Reformers, Educational.] Schools. [See Coloured Schools; Education, Primary; High Schools; Industrial Schools; Kindergarten; Public Schools; Ragged Schools; Reading-books; School Management; School Papers and Magazines; School Registers: Schools Architecture; Schools of Art; Summer Schools; Sunday Schools; Teachers- Training Schools; and under the title of each School] Schools —Architecture — Construction and Arrangement of Middle Class Schools; by J. Murgatroyd ... Intermit. Health Kx., 1S84, Lit., 11 A 41 V 7 Rules to be observed in Planning and l-'ilting-up Public Elementary Schools (it.! Education A 40 W 42 t School Construction. ..Internal. Hlth. Ex.. 18S4, Lit., 1 1 A 41 V 7 School Dormitories; by Dr. C. Dukes... Internal. Health Exhib , 1884, Lit., 11 A 41V 7 Schools of Art and Mechanics' Institutes — J. C. L. Sparkes— Internat d Health Exhib., 1, Tucker, < Hiller, H. C. G 24 P 22 son, S. H. G 17 R 33-36 Miall, L. C. A 24 P 30 , Essays, Lectures, Theses— and other Studies in Evolution ... Pearson. K. A 37 R 9, 10 , Queensland vol. Public Library of New South Wales. Scfence — Histor 1831 A25R21 Fiske, J. A4SS2 Mailly, E. A 36 Q 21 n Thalcs to B Presidential Address by T. H. Bovcy ... E. A 44 Q 13 T. B 16 T 28 iring the Vic- ft ing., 1897 506 ■i!!,. E. A 24 R 20 . H. G 1 1 Q 30, 31 Clodd, E. of the Arts ai MeGill University A 40 S 20 . Holmes, F. M. B 23 8 22 d Science Literature of the List, N. A. G5R34 es and its Failures. Wallace, A. R. A 40 Q 7 Periodicals — Academic- Impcriale des Sciences, de St. Pi'tersbourg, Bulletin 067 American Journal of Science T 5115 An.. ales des Sciences X'utun-llcs A 35 K 1-30, and W 1, 2 Annals ami Maga/ino of Natural History 500.5 Annals of Philosophy A 35 U 1-28 Wonderful Cent y, The ; '.1 oi'Srh" t In trielle... 505 MA Annual of Scientific 1 Australasian Seientiiic Marine. Catalogue of Scientific and 'I'echnical Periodicals, 1665-1805; II. ('. i;.>lton Smithsonian inst.. Misc. Collections, 29 508 Catalogue of Seientiiic Periodicals in Melbourne Libraries. Hall, T. S. Cat. Room Edinburgh Journal of Science A 30 Q 15-20 Jei.aisehe Zeitsehrift fur Naturwisscnschaft . .al of S Edinburgh, a.,1 Philosophical Magazii 4 I' Science Gossip 505 Science Progress 505 Science Record A 35 P 1-5 Spectrum MA 4 V 22 Student anil Intellectual Observer A 44 S 1 Tasmania.. Journal MA 5 R 4 6 Year-book of Facts in Science and Art A 36 P 1-Q 4 intirs— 506 lcSt. Petersbourg. Bulleti. :s Sciences et Belles- Lcttres ae Mailly, E. A 35 O 2(1 •hiladclphia. Proceedings... 5(16 Proceedings A 36 V 3 12 :e. of Science, Reports 506 Matheinatisch-Naturwi^cnschaftlichcn Olasse. 103 506 Linnean Society, London, Journal, General Index to first 20 vols. Zoology 500.6 Linnean Society, New South Wales. Proceedings 580.6 Minerva: Jahr'l.ueli dcr ( ich-hrlcn Welt 378 New Zealand Institute, Transactions and Proceedings 500 S cienc e — Soc ieties — contd. Org ._ Henry, J. A 3. Ray Society, Publications 5!)0.6 Royal Society, Canada. Transactions 061 Royal Society. Edinburgh. Transactions 506 Loyal Society, London. Catalogue of Scientific Papers 016.5 Royal Society, London. Philosophical Transactions 506 Royal Society, London. Proceedings 506 Royal Society, New Soul!. Wales. Journal and Proceedings 506 Royal Society, South Australia, Transactions 506 Royal Society, Victoria. Proceedings 506 Royal Society. Victoria, Transactions 506 Smithsonian Institution. Reports of Poard of Regents 506 South African Philosophical Society, Transactions 506 '" ' :s National Academy of Sciences, Memr : — Wen) Wise. Yot a Institi Irela. :i Natural History Society, Memoirs i .lemy, Transactions cientific and Learned Societies of Gre 206 Rl-7 Teacltiii'/, Laboratories, A/i/iaratus — Address by H. Deane Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1898 506 Advanced" Elementary Science-: Howe, E. G. G 15 U 47 Directory; with Peculations for Kstablishing and Conducting Science and Art Schools and Classes Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Education 607.42 List of Apparatus relating to Heat, Light, L'.eetricity, Magnetism, and Sound, available for Seientiiic Rosea relic., involving Accurate Measurements Smiths. Inst. Report, 1878 506 Natural Science as part of Ordinary School Course and Method of Teaching Chemistry; by Prof. H. E. Armstrong Internat. Health Exhib. , 1884, Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 New Method of Teaching Science in Public Schools; by W. J. Harrison Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., " e, London, Prospectus A 41 V 10 . Gt. Brit, and Irel. Education 507 Science Teaching in Laboratories; by Prof. F. Jenkin... Internat. Health Exliih., 1SS4, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 Science Teaching in Training Colleges; by H. A. Reatchlous. Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University — in University Prob- lems in the United States Oilman, 1). C. G 24 S 5 Teaching of Natural Science in the Primary NormaLScliool, Belgium ; by C. de Bosschere Internat. Health Kxhib., 1884, Lit., 14 A 31 V 10 [See also Scientific Education.] Science and Religion. [See Religion and Science.] Scientific Addresses — General. [See sub-heading Addresses under Science — General, and under each Science.] Scientific Apparatus and Instruments. [See Astronomi- cal Instruments; Chemistry — Teaching, Laboratories, Apparatus; Mathematical Instruments; Microtome; Surgery — Instruments; Surveying — Instruments.] Scientific Dictionaries. [See sub-heading Dictionaries under Science, and under each Science.] Scientific Education — Discourses in America Arnold, M. J 12 T 43 Teaching Natural Science in School ... Wilson, J. M. G 17 T 10 Things of the Mind Spalding, Bishop (i 15 U 2 [See aim Classical Education : Medical Education; P. .pular Science ; Science — Teaching ; Technical Education.] Scientific Expeditions and Voyages — Academic des Sciences, Con.ptes rendus des Seances 506 Account of tin- Society's Scientific Expedition to New Guinea. Royal (ieog. Soc., Aust., Vict. Br., Trans.. 1S85 86 010.6 Eclipse Party in Africa Loomis, E. J. D 14 T 20 From North'Polc to Equator Brelim, A. E. D 18 V 22 nt, V. and P., 4, 1 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Scientific Expeditions and Voyages— contd. (irf..t Rift Valley ....: Gregory, J. W. D 14 V 2 Nai nalisl in Miil-Africa Klliott, (1. F. S. A 2i U 2 S,-i. niiic F.xploralion of Central Australia; by VV. A. Horn. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings. 1S95-96 325.34 Through Jungle and Desert Chandler, W. A. D 20 U 1 Zonlngisehe Forsehiuigsreisen i:i Austr.iliou uml dcni Malayischei [See also" Alert," The; Arc n.] i-Kegi, i, R. MA 1 s; "Challenger" Expedition ; Scientific Periodicals— General. [See Science — Periodicals ; alio sub-liciidiiig Periodicals under each Science.] Scientific Societies — General. [See Science—Societies; nfio sub-hoadins; Societies under each Science.] Scientists- Franklin, Benjamin, as a Man of Letters ; by J. B. MeMaster. C 27 P 3 Masters of Victorian Literaure (iraliam, R. I). J 22 Q 9 Men and Women of t!ie (Century Lehuiann, R. A 10 T 17 t, William Barton, Life and Letters of C 23 Q 15, If) Romanes, (ieorge. John, Life ami Letters of A 22 R 19 Tru • Benjamin Franklin; l.v S. (!. Fisher C 2f> Q 4 [,SV. -/.so Astronomers ; Biologists; Botanists; Chemists; Doctors and Surgeons; Electricians; Engineers; Geologists; Inventors; Naturalists; Philosophers ; Physicists.] Scorpions — Au-'.alian Scorpions of the Genus r r ,„l,ais, Pet. ; by R. I. Pocock. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1898 590.5 Scorpions, l'cdipalpi, and Spiders; bv R. I. Pocock— im Zoological Results .". Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 Scorpions, Pedipalpi, and Spiders from the Solomon Islands; by R. I. Pocock Ann lis and Mag. of Nat. Hist.. 1898 590.5 Solifugai, Scorpionos, Chih.poda. and Diplopoda; bv R. I. Pocock - ;,i Through Unknown African Countries Smith, A. 1). D 20 U 21 Structure of the Mouth and Pharynx of the Scorpion— in Scientific Memoirs Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 16 [See. ^oAraohnida; Araneida'.] Scotch, The - Scottish Life and Character Harvey, W. J 23 S 28 Storv of the British Race Munro, J. A 33 R 29 Who are the Scotch ? Bonwick, J. A 27 P9 [Sie «ho Scottish Life and Character.] Scotland— Central and Descriptive— Atlas of Scotland Bartholomew, J. (i. D 6 U 18 t Kdinburgh Almanac < (liver and Boyd 314.1 Cray Day.-, and G„hl ; Winter, W. i) ISQ2G Land o' Cakes and Blither Scots ... .Johnstone, T. B. I) 18 T 22 01.1 Country, The 1) 10 W 1 ~(> t One Hundred Daya in Europe Holmes, 0. W. D 20 T 2 Place Names of Scotland Johnston, Rev. .J. B. K 19 P 34 Poemsof Places Longfellow, H. VV. H 11 P 12, 14 Sights and Scenes in Scotland A 8 21 i t Tour through Ureal Britain, 1795 MacKitchie, Rev. W. Uni-.ersal Geography Reclus, I*. 1(21 V 4 ' Scotland; Great Brit a, ;','; 1 1 i-Ma'i 'd '( !."is7 II inlands of'scct- tishBordcr;'"s(olti'sl, Bonier"\V a', s' , Soil is h'' Li'lc'am" Cli'alao- Soots Worthies Howie, Rev. J. (i 24 S I ■ Geoi/repJii/, Tajii c/rapl, y, and Jfa/is — Peterhead, 1884 [Chart]....' (i't. Brit, and Ire!.— Hydrographio —Gaveriiment mid Administration — :nt and Administration of Scotland in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F8Q16 irand Committees -in Historic Facts Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 llisto Accounts of t Arohieologia Scotiea By-ways of History... of England and Seo ■easurer of Scotland, 1473-1504. ill Irel.— Public Record Office B 45 . Society of Antiquaries of Scotland B 31 V 2-5 Colville, J. B 17T49 3 relating to the Affaii s of the Borders ) 1603 . Brit Cat d Office d Irel. B 45 ; iiiic; ml Blither Scots iston , T. B. 1) 18 T 22 Co lectanea dc Reims A! B 39 (.» 2 npaiiions of Pickle.... B 16 V 28 Co npt Buik of David W umle, 'tv, Pit 630. la., 28 941 c< )c, Sir John, and the Rebellion .f 17 C dell, Sir R. B 31 U 6 (V imwell's Scotch Cam]) , W. S. B 39 P 13 Di uy of Sir A. Johnston; ion of the Honours >f Scotland; .ord Mar's Legacies; Highland Affa rs of the 18 h Century. Scottish II i.-l, ty, 2li 941 Ka rly History of the Sco tish Uni, n (Question .. Omo F 4 T 20 Ex chequer Rolls of Scotl md • Gt Brit. and Ire L- Records i B 33 U 3 Fl etcher of Saltoun; by( Impcin'ciuirpuhlicat . W. T. loud . . Flet LllllOC i, A.' B' C 20 U 22 B IGP 14 B 39 S 1-0 H ghlands of Scotland ii 175" . B 32 R 8 H storie and Chronicles of Scotlan 1, tn or or King Tames I to the Ane th msandc h ve In scirfyftein zeir; by R. Lindesay, if Pitseot ... Si iitlsll '1 ext Society, H story of Dumfries anil Gallowaj M ixwel , Sir 11 B 16 T 11 H H t ,11 K Mac Kan B32T18 H storv of Seotiaml .. . Brow ,'. P. 11 B 32 Q 12 H story (,f Scotland fron the Ron mOi cupat °" .. Lang, A. B 41 8 History of the Highlands History of the Rebellion Public Library of New South Wales, Scotland — General and Descriptive —con/d. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, 1616-27. (it. Brit, mid Ircl. Public Record Office B 45 Robert the Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Independence. Maxwell, Sir H. IS 17 P 46 Romance of a King's Life Jusserand, J. J. B 24 Q 1$ Scotland and the Protectorate, 1654-59 Scottish History Society, Pubs., 31 941 Scots Brigade in the Service of the United Netherlands, 1572- 1782 Scottish History Society, Pubs., 32, 35 941 Spalding Club Publications ... B 40 R 1-S 'l2, and 40 U 29, 30 % Union of England and Scotland Mackinnon, J. B 22 S 11 Wallace, Sir William ; by A. F. Murison C 20 V 11 Wallace, Sir William, In Memory of... Rosebery, Earl C 24 P 8 Fletcher of Saltoun; by G. W.T. Omoiid... Fletcher, A. C 20 U 22 ■ Social Life and Customs — Friend MacDonald Blouet, P. J 26 P 1 Scotland, Social and Domestic; by Rev. ( '. Roc/ors Grampian Club, Pubs. B 39 S 1 Social Life in Former Days Dunbar, E. D. B 40 P 1 Social Life of Sroti. oid in' the ISth Century (iraham. II. C. B41Q1, 2 Scottish Borders — Border Law— in The Law's Lumber-room... Watt, F. F 15 P 19 Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to the A Hairs of the Borders of England and Scotland, 1560-1603 (It. Brit, and Ircl. — Public Record Office 15 45 History of the Border Counties Douglas, Sir G. B 36 S 4 md Comic Li tern tare Scottish Humour. [See Hui Scottish.] Scottish Life and Character— Characteristics of Scotsmen in Land o' Cakes and Brithcr Scots. Johnstone, T. B. D IS T 22 Reviews and Critical Essays Pearson, C. H. J 14 U 20 Scottish Life and Character in Anecdote and Story... Harvey, W. J 23 S 28 ; Scotland - Scottish Literature- Scottish Vernacular Literature Henderson, T. F. J 23 S 10 [See also Humour Scottish; Songs -Scottish ; Talcs-Scottish.] Scottish Philosophy. [See Philosophy— British; and in Author Catalogue under Beattie, J. ; Hume, D. ; Oswald, J. ; Read, T. ; Stewart., Dugald.] Scottish Songs. Scottish.] [See Ballads; Jacobite Songs; Songs Screw Propellers and Propulsion— .Marine Steam-engine Screws— ;, R. A 13 U 9 i he Milling Machine. A 24 R 24 Ball, Sir R. S. A 44 W 14 Screws and Screw-making ; with a Chapt( Theory of Screws Scriptures, Holy. [.See Bible, The; Canon of Scripture.] Scrofula- Scrofula- in System of Medicine Allbutt, 'I'. C. A 26 T 37 Scrofulosis and Rachitis; by Dr. \V. Chrvstie- in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Sculptors — Donatello Famous Sculptors and Sculpture. .Michael Angelo, Life of; by H. ( [See at/so Artists.] Rea, H. A44R 13 Id, Mrs. Julia A. C 20 V 3 n C20S5.6 S C ulptur e — General— Academy Architecture 720. 5 Ancient Marbles in the British Museum; wiih Engravings. British Museum A 13 X 15-25 J Architectural Sculpture ... Aust. Assoc, Adv. of Science, 506 Architecture Alberti, J. B. A 22 S 4 t Architecture and Sculpture — ('/(Selections... Ruskin.J. .1 23 S 29 Famous Sculptors and Sculpture... Shcdd, Mrs. Julia A. C 20 V 3 Historic Styles of Ornament Dolmetseh, H A 18 T 15 t International Conmess of Education, 1893, Proceedings. Chicago Exhib., 1893 G 17 T 1 Introduction to the Study of the Renaissance ... Field, Lillian V. B 26 R 18 Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture el the International Exhibition, 1862 Waring, J. 15. A 49 P 10-12 % Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art Plinius Secundus, C. A 25 U 29 Renaissance Fancies and Studies Paget, V. A 23 S 24 Sculptures Academy Architecture 720. 5 Technique of Sculpture Partridge, W. 0. A 23 P 14 Treatises of Bcnyenuto Cellini on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. Cellini, B. A 11 V 20 + [See alio Artistic Anatomy ; I bonzes ; Carving; Line Arts— Creek ; Ivories; Monuments; Sculptors; Tombs aid Mausoleums.] By Countries. Belgium — Renaissance of Sculpture in Belgium; by 0. G. Destree. Portfolio, 1895 705 Greece- Ancient Marbles in the British Museum : with Engravings. British Museum A 13 X 15-25 t Greek Sculpture Wherry, Albinia A 44 R 2 Hand-book of Greek Sculpmiv Car.ln'er, E. A. A 23 S 13 History of Creek Art Tarbcll, E. 15. A 23 S 35 Monumens les plus Int.'iessans cm Mus.'e National do Naples. Gargiulo, R. A 20 S 4. 5 t Sculpture in the Dept. of Creek and Rom, in Antiquities, British Museum ; . by A. H. Smith British Museum A 40 R 1 1 Italy— Donatello Rea, H. A 44 R 13 Modern Italian Art Willard, A. R. A 39 R 23 iMuseo Pio (Tementino Visconti, G. A 46 P 1-7 % Scoltura Ornamentale Frullini, L. A 47 P 6 J Roman — Ancient Marbles in the British Museum; with Engravings. British Museum A 13 X 15-25 + Monumens les plus Intcressans du Musee National do Naples. Gargiulo, R. A 20 S 4, 5 t Scurvy— Infantile Scurvy; by Dr. W. B. Cheadle -/« System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 Scurvy; by Dr. J. B. Hamilton -in Practical Therapeutics. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Scurvy; by Dr. W. J. Smith -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 38 [See also Purpura.] Sea, The— Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 37 Ston of the Sea Couch, A. T. Quiller- B 21 V 7 World of the Sea Tandon, M. A 24 S 21 [See nlso "Alert, "Till! ; Alg.c ; "Challenger" Expedition ; Dredging : Hydrography; Marine Zoology ; Maritime Discovery; Naviga- tion; Pelagic liotany; Physical Ccogiaphy ; Pirates and Piracy ; Sailors; Shipwrecks: Soundings, Sea; Tides; Voyages.] Sea Cucumbers. [See Holothuroidea.] Sea Serpent — Sea Monsters I'limasked Internet. Fisheries fixhib. , 1883, Lit., 3 A34R3 Sea Sickness- Sea Sickness; by Dr. J. R. Stocker— in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 36 Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Sea-snakes. [See Hydrophida\] Sea Soundings. [See Soundings.] Seal-fishing— Fi li erics anil F shery Industr cs of the Un I'nited State of Fish and F. r -Seals and F .r-Seal Islands of the North ). S.Jordan.. U.S. Dept. o: the Fur Scab of the n-dan United State n .keries of th United State s. il Fisheries... Intermit. Fisl cries Kxhil... l.unal of Arl g Sea Fisher Uni ed State.; Fi r Seal Arb:t! [>' i also Behrii j Sea Fisherie *.] Seals - Heraldry - Book of Public Arms Paries, A. C. F-. K 17 T 23 t lb T.ildrv in America Zieber, E. K 13 V 15 t M.dals.('oins,Cri.atSeals,Impressions... Vortue.G. B 15 U 17 * S. .is in the Dcpirtmenl of Manuscripts in the British Museum. British Museum K 1 1 Q 20- -25 Seals— Zoology. [See Seal-fishing.] Seamanship. [See Navigation and Seamanship.] Seaman. [See Maritime Law; Sailors and Nautical Life.] Seashore. [See Algae; Baths and Bathing; Marine Zoology; Pelagic Botany; Sea.] Seats of the Nobility and County Families - 1' : oui Homes „f (I rent Britain Malan, A. It. A 41 W 16 Mailbornugb Mouse and its Occupants. ..Bcavan, A. 11. B Hi T 15 Re onh and Reminiscences of Goodwood ... Kent, J. B 16 V 33 Sebastopol. [See Crimean War.] Secession. [See American Civil War ; Confederate States : Federal Government; United States Constitution and Constitutional Law; United Stat-; Biatory.] Second Advent and Second Adventists. [See Judgment, Day of; Millennium; Montanism ; Prophecy.] 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment — HMory of the 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment Davis, Col. J. B 5 V 39, 40 Second Sight - Secondary Education. [See Education, Secondary.] Secret Societies — Sects. [See Christian Churches and Sects; Religions- General; Reunion of Churches; Univer.salism; and under each Denomination and Sect.] Secularism. [See Atheism; Freethought; Rationalism.] Seedlings — Contribution to our Knowledge of Seedlings Lubbock, Sir J. A 20 U 33, 34 [See alo Botany, Physiological.] Seeds and Seed-testing — Additional Notes on Seed-testing: bvC.H. Hicks. ..United States— Dept. of Agr., Vearbook, IS07 030.5 Advantages of Germinating Seed-tubes: l.v S. Bowles. Agr. (Jazettc; X. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Texa— Agricultural and Mechanical ( 'olleg.-. Bulletin A 32 R 19 Farm Seeds; by Prof. .1. I'eivival Bath and West and Souther Hand-book for Fat 030.6 . Woll, F. W. A 23 P 32 Inventory of Foieien Seeds and Plants imported l.v the Section of Seed and Plant introduction U.S. Dipt, of Agr.— Div. of Botany A 41 U 11 Pure Seed Investigation: bvO. H. Hicks United States - I'.-pt. of A .,-., Year-book, 1S04 630.6 Rules and Apparatus for Seed-test i:ci ... I'nited Slates — Dept. of Asr. Mtiiccoi Kxpciment Stations A Its K 15 W.Woll /„ F.xperiment ml. 1 (lliic. Olio. 7 Voorhees, K. B. A 20 Q 38 r Value of Large, Heavy Seed; by (i. M. Hicks. United States— Dept. of Agr.,' Year-book, 1898 630.5 Aust. Assoc., Adv [See al«o Firth.piakes; Volcanoes.] Selection in Breeding -Plants — :, 6 506 '.e British lept., 1899 506 • II. L, do s 'h. L. lie Sanctions -Poetry. [See Poetry Selections.] Selections, Prose - Int-mal Secretions; by Dr. J. ( I'iiNsiologv of Secretion Public Library of New South Wales, Self-culture and Self-educated Men- Advice to Young Men Cobbett, W. J10Q6 Books and Reading Porter, Rev. N. J 3 T 14 Rooks and Heading Woman's Book A 27 V 29, 30 Essays on Work and Culture Mabio, H. W. G 9 U 28 Life-power Hereon, Rev. A. T. G 9 W 25 Self- Instructor, ; or, Every Man his own Schoolmaster MG 2 R 61 [See also Chautauqua ; Etiquette; Moral Education; Reading Circles and Unions; Summer Schools.] Selkirk — History — History of the Border Counties Douglas, Sir G. B 36 S 4 Semitic Languages. [See Amharic; Arabic; Assyrian; Chaldean; Cuneiform Inscriptions; Hebrew; Him- yaritic; Hittites; Phoenician; Samaritan; Syriac] Semitic Races. [See Arabs; Assyria; Hittites; Jews; Phoenicia.] Semitic Religions. [See Assyria; Babylon; Egypt- Religions; Hittites; Judaism; Phoenicia.] Senegambia — General and Descriptive — Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 12 Sensation — After Images Franz, S. I. G 25 V 6 Mental Imagery Lay, W. G 23 V 7 Primer of Psychology Titchener, E. B. (i 23 R 15 Sensation in Principles of Psychology ... James, W. G 3 U J" 5 Theory of Pra< tice Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, £9 Sensationalism — Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 18 Thus Spake Zarathustra Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 15 [See also Associationalism ; and under Locke, in Author Catalogue] Active and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, D. G 16 V 4, 5 Alterations of Personality Rinet, A. G 12 V 32 Cultivation of the Senses National Society G 15 U 37 Five Windows of the Soul Aitken, E. H. G 23 P 42 Hallucinations and Illusions Parish, E. G 18 P 43 Mental Imagery L av , W. G 25 V 7 Our Notions of Number and Space Nichols, H. G 9 W 16 Philosophy ot the Human Mind Stewart. 1). G 16 V 1-3 Psychology of Childhood Tracy, F. G 9 W 20 Sensations and feelings in Parents and Children. Mason, Charlotte M. G 17 T 7 Sensations from Pressure and Impact Grilling, H. G 26 T 9 Subconscious Self, The Waldstein! L. G 23 Q 12 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S. H. (ill Q 28, 29 Thinking. Feeling, !>,„„■, Scripture, E. W. G 1 1 P 47 [See aim Colour-blindness: Consciousness; Ear; Eye; Hcarin- ; Sight; Smell; Taste; Touch.] " Sensualism - Sensualistic Philosophy of the 19th Century.., Dabney, Rev. R. L. _ . . G 17 S 20 Sentiment- Primer of Psychology Titehener, E. R. G 23 R 1 5 Sepoys. [See India— Army; Indian Mutiny.] Septicaemia- Puerperal Septic Disease; by Dr. W. S. Playfair— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 .-septi.-amiaand Pya-mia: by Dr. W. W. Cheyne -/,/ System of [See a/wMood'i Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 Sepulchres. [See Tombs and Mausoleums.] Serfdom. [See Russia— History ; Slavery and Slave Trade.] Sericulture — Cause of Disease in Silkworms Schomburgk, R. MA 4 S 12 Observations and Experiments in the Practical Work, Reports. United States— Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Entomology 591.6 Sericulture Davenport, S. MA 4 S 12 Sericulture Francis, G. MA 4 S 12 Sericulture Wurm, F. MA 4 S 12 Sericulture in Victoria — in Report, 1 874 Victoria- - Agriculture MA 4 S 32 Silk Culture in New South Wales; by W. S. Campbell-™ N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Women's Co-operative Silk-growing and Industrial Association of New South Wales MF 4 P 12 [See also Silk Manufacture. ] Sermon on the Mount- Opus Evangelicum .. Wyclif Society, Pubs., 19, 20 G 23 T 35, 36 Sermons — General — Benson, Archbishop, in Ireland G 11 R 39 Bethlehem's Star Walters, Rev. G MG 2 S 19 Belief and Life Williams, Rev. T. R, G 23 R 22 Briefe, Abhandlungen, mid Predigtcn... Caspari, C. P. G 5 Q 33 Cambridge, and other Sermons... Hart, Rev. F. J. A. G 23 P 33 Cathedral and University Sermons... Salmon, Rev. G. G 25 S 15 Companions of I he Sorrowful Way... Watson, Rev. J. G 9 W 36 Criminal's Ascension, The Walters, Rev. G. MG 2 S 20 Devotion to the Bless,.,! Virgin Bossuel, Bishop G 24 Q 3 Doctrine and Development Hashdall, Rev. H. G 23 Q 37 Epistle of .James, and other Discourses... Dale, R. W. G 14 S 22 Footprints of the Apostles Luckock, Dean G 19 U 36, 37 Gospel of Joy Brooke, Rev. S. A. G 23 P 38 Great Charter of Christ Carpenter, Bishop G 1 (J 31 Guileless Disciple: a Sermon in Memory of J. II. B. Walch. Clarke, Rev. G. MG 2 S 24 Ideal Life, and other Unpublished Addresses Drummond, H. G23R9 Immortality of Memory, and other Sermons Lefroy, Dean G 23 R 28 In the Day of the Cross Clow, Rev. W. M. G 23 R 27 King's Messengers MG 2 T 20 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit ...Spur-eon, Rev. C. H. G £0 Q 18 Mind of the Master Watson, Rev. J. G 2 V 47 More Abundant Life Brooks, Rev. P. G 4 V 25 Old Testament and Modern Life. ..Brooke, Rev. S. A. G 12 V 29 Parochial and Plain Sermons Newman, Card. G 1 U 12, 17 Practical Discourses Hamilton, Rev. W. MG 2 S 27 Rosary of Christian Graces McLaren, Rev. A. G 23 R 31 Sermones Wyclif Society, Pubs., 8, 9, 11, 13 G 23 T 22-25 Sermones de (empoie ct Sanctis Augustine, St. G 11 X 17 t Sermons and Addresses Flint, Rev. R. G 24 V 22 Sermons and Addresses Mackic, Rev. J. ("J. MG 1 Q 66 Sermons, Biogianhical and Miscellaneous Jowett, Rev. B. G 23 Q 49 Sermons, 1860-89 Liddon, Rev. H. T. G 19 U 26 Spring of the Day Macmillan, Rev. H. G 23 Q 26 Spurgeon, Rev. C. H., Sermons preached by. 1855 95 G 20 P 1-41 State of Righteous alter Death ... White,' Rev. .1. S. MG 2 P 54 Studies in Texts Parker, Rev. J. ( i 23 Q 40, 42, 44 Studies in Texts for Family, Church, and School... Parker, Rev. J. G 23 Q 44 Triumphant Certainties Maclaren, Rev. A. G26 Q 1 True Religion Farrar, Dean G 24 Q 30 True Secret of . I oy and Happiness. ..Sloper, Rev. J. A. MG 2 T 48 Translation of Elijah and its Lessons Thompson, Rev. W. H. MG 2 T 20 Two Worlds arc Ours Zillmann, Rev. J. II. L. MG 2 S 31 University and other Sermons Butler, Rev. H. M. G24P8 University- Sermons Caird, Rev. J. G 15 P 47 Village Sermons Church, Dean G 23 P 11, 12 Village Sermons preached at What ley... Church, Dean G 23 P 13 Voice of the Dead MG 2 P 55 Words of Warning Owen, Rev. J. W. MG 2 U 7 Works Berkeley, Bishop G 19 P 55, 56 Works; edited by W. 10. Gladstone ... Butler, Bishop G 2 T 34 Wynne, F. R., Bishop of Killaloc, Life of C 20 S 13 [See also Episcopal Addresses; Preaching; and under Special Subjects.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Sermons — Funeral — (•uileless I >i.-- -iiilt- : a Sermon in Mei v of J. H. 15. Waleh. Clarke, Rev. C. MO 2 S 24 Im Memnriam : a Veteran Missionary, the late Rev. A. W. Murray. King, Rev. J. MO 2 N 21 Translation of Elijah Thompson, Rev. W. H. O 9 V 38 Serpent Worship — :! nual, 1886. ..Madras Presidency— Administration 915.48 [SD-U" and Ko U ' ( "nnlcra; by Dr. do Sehweinitz... United Stales— Dept. of Agr.- Bureau of Animal Industry, Kepi., I Mis 636 Snake Venom in its Prophylactic Relations with Poisons of the same and other sorts; by Dr. Kanthack— in Report of Medical Officer, 1895-96 ... (it. Brit, and lrel. Local Oovt, 614.0942 Treatment of Kxp, rimental Tuberculosis witli Antitoxic Serum; by Dr. de Sehweinitz .. United States -Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept'.. 1898 636 Treatmentof Tuberculosis with Antituberculosis Serum; by Dr. de Sehweinitz... United States- Dept. of Al'i\- Bureau of Animal Industry, Kept., 1898 636 [>'■■■ nl.«; Bacteriology ; Bubonic Plague; Diphtheria; Inoculation; Servants — .Scientific Training of Domestic Servants - in Women in Industrial Life International Congress of W en, IS99 F 17 Q 5 [.sVe aim Apprentices; Master anil Servant; Working Classes.] Servia— General and Descriptive — Servia, the Poor Man's Paradise Vivian, H. I) 19 U 12 Travels and Politics in the Near East Miller, W. D 13 V 14 Universal Geography Reelus, E. D 21 U 1 [-'•' ■ "' " s ■) ■ o- Bulgarian War.] Army - Hand-book, Armies of Bulgaria, (ireeco, Montenegro, Roumania, and Servia Ot. Brit, and lrel. War Office F 12 S 21 Servia, the Poor Man's Paradise Vivian. H. D 19 U 12 . Herbert, W. V. B 16 V II Settlements. [See Labour Settlements; University Set- tlements : Village Communities.] Settlers, Advances to. [See Advt s to Settlers.] Seven Years' War — Military, Political, and Social Life of John Manners, Marquis of Granby; by W. K. Manners ... Oranbv, Marquis of C 26 S 15 Ligne, Prince de .". B 41 P 8, 9 17th Lancers — Death or Glory Boy History of the- 17th . I'm Sewage Disposal- Elements of Sanitary engineering Merriman, M. A 38 V 22 Internat. Congress of Hygiene antl ! tomography. Trans., 7 614.08 Purification of Sewage Barwise, S. A 33 Q 37 Sanitary Engineering of Buildings ... (ierhard, W. P. A 30 V 29 Sewage Analysis Wanklyn, J. A. A 20 Q 27 Sewage Disposal on the Farm ; by Dr. T. Smith... United States —Dept. of Agr.-' Farmers' Bulletin 43 A 41 U 2 Sewage Purification Denton, E. B. A 22 R 6 Sewerage Folwell, A. P. A 38 V 24 Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Robinson. If. A 22 R £0 Sewerage Systems of North Sydney and Double Bay; by J. Davis. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1899 500 Sewerage System of Sydney and Suburbs, Map Australian Technical Journal, 1897 605 [See also Garbage; Public Health.] Combined and Sep irate Systems c Advance, of Sci nee', 6 506 Repts. 382 ( "hanipien. .. 1, Xol Sewer; by H. V. >f Natural History, 1898 590.5 Ogden, H. N. A 41 T 28 Folwell, A. P. A 38 V 24 mil Lai, -drainage . Waring, G. E. J l 13 W 17 t Sewerage ,11,1 Seu ige Disposal ., Robinson, H. A 22 R 20 [See also £ anitary Engineering; S swage Disposal.] Sex— v of Sex Elli s, H. Libr. Schenk's Variation Ineory; and son he Determinat e Phenomena e on of Sex Sel nneeted with Repr, enk, Dr. L. A 27 R 33 luctionand Sex ; h A. Seek wick Briti sb Assoc., Advance Rept of Science, . 1.S99 5(Mi [feabol in Man a id Woman in Chances of Death... Pearson. K. A 37 R 9 Sex Problem — Darwin oi Trial at the Old Bailey "Democritus F 17 U 7 Sexual Organs. Seychelles— General and Descr ml System.] and lrel— •o 3.54.428 D20S21 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Shakespeare Bacon Controversy- Bacon, Shakespeare, mid the Kosicrucians ... Wigston, W. F. C. J 6 T 34 Paeon-Shakespeare's Venus unci Adonis Shakespeare, W. H4 V22 Century of Science Fiske, J. A 45 S 2 Cipher in the Plays and on the Tombstone Donnelly, I. J 21 S 30 No Cipher in Shakespeare ... Nicholson, Rev. Dr. A. J 10 U 35 Philosophy of the ['lays of Shakspcro unfolded Bacon, Delia J 6 T 33 Shakespeare, Macon, Jonson, and ( i reene. . . Castle, E. J. J 14 S lo Shakespeare Secret Bormann, K. J 8 V 27 Shakespearean Myth Morgan, J. A. J 6 S 43 [See also under Bacon. V.. and Shakespeare. \\\, in AuthorCatalogue.] Shakespeareana. [See under Shakespeare, W., in the Author Catalogue.] Shales — Mineral Oils and their By-products . [See also Petroleum arid Natural Gas Redwood, I. I. A 33 S 26 [See Stocks and Shares.] Shares. Sheep and Sheep-breeding — American Merino for Wool and for Mutton... Powers, S. A JO It 8 Australasian Dairy man MA 3 U 43 Australasian Livestock Manual ... Sutherland, (J. MA 2 R. 49 Australasian Pastoralists' Review 030.,") Australian Sheep and Wool Hawkesworth, A. MA 4 S 35 Breeding of She( Breeds of Mutton SI Domesticated Annua Experiments with L; Improvement and Pr New South Wales Iowa State Agrieul Pas MA 4 S 1: e lire .1 l-'ii MA eep : r.ll, v Capt. M*i Philosophical Magazine, 1803 COS ;iety, Report, 1891 630.5 s, Annual 9 030.6 •Act's Year-book, 1897 636.3 Animals, Reports... United States \gr. Division of Statistics 630.973 [culture, Report, 1894 630.6 iments with Horses, Pigs, and Sheep. \gr. Experiment Stations A 38 Q 8 1th Wales, 1895 Pearse, A. W. Practical Treatise on W T c Principles of Sheep-bree. Raising Sheep for Mutt. Royal Agricultural' So'ei Sheep and Wool in X. S N.S.W. Coinmissionei Sheep-breeders' Associat Sheep-breeding ; by Pro Sheepshanks Gallery — Sheepshanks Callery Shee])shanks, J. Sheet-metal "Work. [See Metal-work.] Shells. [See Conchology: Molluscs.] Shepherd Kings of Egypt. [See Hyksos.] Shinto — Gist of Japan Peery, Rev. R. 1 lieligion of . Fa] can Cobbold, (1. i [See also Japan — Religions.] Shinumos — Shinumos: a Prehistor by F. S. Dellenbaugh Ship-building — Ancient and Mode -al Sc" Bulletin, 506 Ships Holmes, G. C. V. A45S11 ts with Steel ... United States Dept. of the Navy A 22 T 7 Free Ships Codman, J. F 17 P 5 Industrial Evolution of United Staters .. Wright, ('. D. F 13 R 23 Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Scotland, Trans. 620.0 Rules and Regulations for the ( '(instruct ion and Classification of Steel Vessels Lloyd's Register F 19 T 5 t Ship-building in Workers on their Industries ... Galton, F. W. F 10 V 18 Ship-building Industry in United States; by II. Hall— t'n Census, 1880 : United States' Census Office 317.3 Ship, The : her Story Russell, W. C. A 45 V 1 Ships, (inns, and Armor. . United States -Dept. of the Navy A22T6 [See also Corrosion and Fouling; Naval Architecture; Yacht- Shipping Law — Merchant Shipping Act... (it. Brit, and Irel. - Statutes F 17 R 1 t ecl S uof ippine Ships — Ge The Ship; 19 T 3, 4 t and Irel. Beard of Trade 056 MF5S28 ted States Bureau of Treasury Dept. 656 |iping Merchant iti.m ME 5 R 14 22 Merchant Navy.] t,R,T. A 35 Q 17 Logs of Ships;' Merchant Navy; Naval History; Navigation and Seamanship ; Shipbuilding; Shipwrecks; War-ships; Yachting; under the names of Ships, both in Author Catalogue and in the Index.] Ships' Journals and Newspapers 1 during a 'Voyage froi Leblanc, L. B24R21 Casualties on the Coasts of the United ;. Brit, and Irel. Wrecks and Casualties FlSQ16t Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 915.47 Shoes. [See Boots and Shoes.] Sholapur— General and Descriptive— C r/etteer, Bombay Presidency, 20.. Bombay - Shooting— Military — li .1 d-book for Hythe Busk, H. k 35 P 6 Mu-ketry Instruction for the Martini-Henry Bitlo and, l''!>2 Gt, Brit, and Irel. War Otii-e A 35 !' !3 Musketry Regulations, 1898 Gt. Brit, and IreL— War Office l: for Musketry Instruction, 1SS7... (it. Brit, and' Irel. ■ Britain and Ireland -Hvtho School of Musketry, Annual Import : 3;g Sports — V. o.erts on ( inns and .Shooting ... Buckell, 0. T. T-. A 44 V 1 1 Gun and its Development Greener, \V. W. A L» V 23 |>. aUo Game and Game -birds; Hunting.] Shorthand — 'B iik of Psalms in Orthic Shorthand ; by W. Stevens... Bibles and Testaments ( i 23 S 35 Cursive Shorthand Callendar, II. I.. .1 !) I' 47 Duployan Shorthand adapted to English... Brandt, G. J 14 V 10 LessonsinShortnandonCurnev'sSvstem... Miller, B. E. ,| 9 1,1 17 Ideographic Manual Courtney, 'i'. .M.J :i 1» .",1 New Testament written in Orthie Shorthand; by W. Stevens. Bibles and Testa; " Phi [*< .irnal . phy.] nents G23S34 ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. "(.Vie,' F."ll. M.I3S15 structor...Sloan, J. M. J16R42 Stevens, W. G 28 S 35 ■eoi'Siiorlhand: by.l. Broekwell. Bureau of Education J 14 S 9 Shorthorns— Cattle — She thorn-breeders' Association, Ontario, Report Ontario - Dept. of Agriculture (i:)!).(i Shorthorns; by J. Riddell ... Victoria - Wr.. IUo; 1875 031) [N • also Cattle and Cattle-breeding.] . W. (i 17T33 Shropshire -General and 1 Dialect— Poems of J. Audelay in the Shropshire Dialect of the 15th Centurv. Percy Society Pubs. J) US 16 History — St.. y of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop 1! 18 P 13 t Shrubs. [See Landscape Gardening-; Trees and Shrubs.] Siam -General and Descrijdire — lV.r'CaU'inVi';' ! !"Ys!!l t i)li .'.'"'.. ."snn'lh. IL W. \' ) 1 7' S 2 !)'! 3 O Kingdom of the Yellow Kobe ' Noun" I'' ( i 23 V ■' I". yles and Politics of the Far East Norman, H D20U11 American Trade with Siani Pliilailclplii;'. ( ommercial Museum F 16 R 21 Inlustnal Development in Siam U.S. -Cons. Repts., 03 3s2 Trade of Siam— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual series. (it. Brit, and Irel. Foreign Otiice 382 Trade Opportunities in Siam ... U.S.— Consular Kepts., 57 382 Social Life and Customs— Kingdom of the Yellow Kobe Young, K. G 23 V 3 ville, M. D 18 V 27 Prom North Pole to Equator Brchm. A. E. D 18 V 22 Prom Peking to Petersburg!, Keid, A. D 13 S 2 New Sd.eria I)e Windt, II. D 17 T 25 and Siberia .' Buckingham. Lieut. P. II. I) 20 U 10 Roughing it in Siberia Jetlerson, K. L. I) 18 Q 31 Sicily— General and Descriptive— Country of Horace and Virgil Boissier, O. I) 18 S 15 Jar of Honev from Mount Hvbla Hunt, L. J 21 S 24 Picturesque Sicilv Baton, W. A. 1) 19 R 4 Voyage fait en Sicile et dans le de Phalie Maillv. E. DIOl'll History— Kobcrt the Wise and his Heirs 1278 1352 Baddeley, St. C. B 19 U 1 Sieges. [See Battles; Military Art and Science.] Sierra Leone — Genn-al and Drscriptivt — Niger Sources Trotter, . I. K. 1) 13 P 3 Recollections of Central America and the West Coast of Africa. Foote, Mrs. H. (J. 1) 10 R 4 Seven Years in Sierra Leone Pierson, Rev. A. T. (J 4 V 30 Sight - Theory of Vision Vindicated and Explained -in Works. Berkeley, Bishop (i 19 P 55, 56 [See also Colour-blindness; Eye; Senses.'] Sign Language — Sign Language among the North American Indians. Mallery, G. J 13 W 27 + [See also Indians, American- Languages. ] . Brown, W. N. A 45 R 18 ipanion Brannt, W. T. A 23 K 51 Signals and Signalling - Signs and Sign-boards . Aust. .Assoc, for Adv. of .^ t K 19 7 K49 105S Public Library of New South Wales. Sikhim — General and Descriptive — Himalayan State of Sikhim... Aust. Assoc, for Adv. ofSc.,6 5C6 Sikhism — Adi Granth ; or, Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs G 23 V 33 [See also India — Religions. ] Sikhs- Sikhs and the Sikh Wars Gough, Gen. Sir C. B 17 R 49 [See also India — Army; India— Religions.] Silage. [See Ensilage.] Silk Manufacture and Trade- Mercantile System Schmoller, G. F 8 V 22 Silk Dyeing, Printing, and Finishing... Hurst, G. H. A 23 P 18 [See also Sericulture.] Silkworms. [See Sericulture.] Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta)— Constituents of the Sap of the Silky Oak, Grevillea robusta, and the Presence of Butyric Arid therein ; by H. G. Smith. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Proceedings, 1S98 506 [See also Forestry— Australia. ] Silos. [See Ensilage.] Silver— Currency — Silver Situation in the United States... Taussig, F. W. F 4 V 17 [See also Bimetallism ; Currency.] Silver— Metallurgy, Mineralogy, and Mining- Barrier Silver and Tin-fields in 1S8S... Stevens, C. J. MA 4 T 10 Broken Hill Propi iet. ( 'o., I.'epts. and Statement sof Aecnt. G22.0G Gold and Silver in Sea Water ... Royal Society of New South Wales, Journal, 29 500 Gold-Silver Vein of Ophir, California United States— Geol. Survey, Report, 14, pt. 2 557.3 Mines d'Or de l'Australie, Province do Victoria, et le Gite dArgent de Broken Hill, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Annales des Mines, 1896 553 Metallurgy of Silver Eissler, M. A 24 P 21 Mount Lyell Mines, Tasmania Russell, M. MA 1 U 11 Notes on Broken Hill ... Queensland Gold-tields MA 9 P 45 f Ore Deposits of the Australian Broken Hill Consols Mine, Broken Hill, N.S.W. ; by G. Smith American Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans. 26 022.06 OreZonesof the Cmberuiubcrka Lode: bv I : . Dudlev... Australasian Institute, Mining Engineers. Trans., 1893 622.1 Mi Precious Metals in United States .. U.S.— Treasury Dept. 332.41 Probable Relations between the Zinciferous Sulphides and the Oxidised Ons of the Broken Hill Lode; bv < '. VV. Marsh. Australasian Inst.. Mining Engineers," Trans., 1893 (122.06 Refining of Base Lead Bulla, n : bv Apes ; Gibbon ; Hylobathia." ; Mammalia.] . Wyclif Society, Pubs., 22 G 2 Sin- Christian Ethics Strong, Rev. T. B. G 3 R 32 Mind of the Master Watson, Rev. 0. G 2 V 47 Theistic Philosophy of Religion Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 [See also Absolution; Confession; Crime; Predestination; Sal- Sinai — General and Descriptive— Forty Days in the Desert Bartlett, W. H. D 18 U 20 In the Shadow of Sinai Lewis, Agnes S. I) 13 P 9 Letters from Egypt Lepsius, R. D 19 P 13 Short Stalks ..." Buxton, E. N. D 10 S 38 ■ History- — Singers — Notes of a Music-lover Craven, Lady H. C 23 P 29 Wagner's Works Wagner, R. J 4 S 18 Singing and Voice Culture — Australian Progressive Songster for Junior CI . McBurney, S. MA 4 P 5 Letters of a Baritone Walker, F. A 23 Q 54 Marchesi and Music Marchesi, Mathilde C 23 U 3 Principles of Singing Bach, A. B. A 23 T 43 Respiration in Singing Joal, Dr. A 23 P 33 Rightly-produced Voice Palmer, E. D. A 23 P 45 Santley's Singing-master Santley, 0. A 39 U 36 J Sight Singing Taylor, S. A 39 P 12 Voice, The ; its Physiology and Cultivation Aikin, W. A. A 45 R 10 [See also Hymns and h'ymnody; Music Education; Psalms; Songs; Voice.] Single Tax- Definitions of Socialism, Capital, Capitalist, Single Tax, and other Information O'Reilly, T. MF 4 Q 55 Mr. Henry George the Orthodox Moffat, R. S. F 12 T 32 Single Tax MJ 10 Q 19 t Taxation of Land Values and the Single Tax Smart, W. F. F16U 12 [.See also Betterment ; Land Tenure; Land Tax; Nationalization- Sinking Funds- sinking Funds [See also Finance.] Sioux Indians — History of the Sioux Indians Heard, I. V. D. B 19 Q 21 Siouan Tribes of the East Mooney, J. A 27 V 15 [See also Indians, American.] Sipunculoidea. [See Gephyrsea.] Sisterhoods and Deaconesses. [See Convents; Little Sisters of the Poor; Nuns; Jielignoux Orders; Sisters of Charity; Sisters of Mercy; Women — Work.] Sisters of Charity — History of St. Vincent do Paul . . Ross, E. A. F 4 V 17 Bougaud, Bishop G 24 U 1. Skeletons — Preparation of Rough Skeletons ; by E. A. Lucas... United States - National Museum A 37 S 9 Vertebrate Skeleton Reynolds, S. H. A 33 P 38 [See also Anatomy. ] Sketches, Character — Consideration of the Art of E. Moffitt ... Lindsay, L. MA 4 V 9 Gutter-snipes May, P. J 10 T 10 t Human Documents Lynch, A. J 14 U 15 Microcosmographv Earle, Rev. J. J 14 R 35 Phil May's ABC May, P. A 10 T 19 t Phil May Album May, P. J 20 T 10 t Scottish Life and Character Harvey, W. J 23 S 28 [See also Biographical Sketches.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Sketching. [See Drawing.] Skiascopy. [See Eye, The.] Skin. [-See Colouration, Animal; Cutaneous System ; Der- matology; Eczema; Leprosy; Measles; Ringworm; Rubella; Scarlet Fever; Secretion; and under each Skin Disease.] Skull— Clinical Study of the Skull ; bv Dr. H. Allen Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 34 508 Theory of the Vertebrate Skull - in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [■>'< e also Anthropology ; Brain: Craninlogy ; Head.] Slang and Slang Dictionaries — Musa Pedestris Farmer, J. S. H 10 W 20 Public School Word-book Farmer, J. S. J 22 S 17 Slung and its Analogues Farmer, J. S. Libr. [•">'- Language.] and the sub-division Dialects under Slaughtering and Slaughter-houses — City Abattoirs; by A. Bruce ... Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 8 630.5 < .iinti-v Sl.nivrlitc.T-li7 P (i New Mind Snake from the Duke of York Island: by E. R. \Yaite. Australian Museum. Records, 3 5i)7 Reptiles of the Pacific Coast Rasin ; by J. V Denbui-di California Academy of Sciences A 38 (/•'(> [.SVento Reptiles.]' ' Snipe— stralian Snipe in New Zeal; Soaps- Social Customs. [See Customs and Manners- Social Etlm-s : and suli-hmding Social Lite and Customs under each Country.] Social Economy — General — Buckle and his Critics . Robertson, J. M. F 14 U 28 Economic Involution -in Ignorance .. Dorman.M.R.P. O IS K 71 Economic Foundations of Society Loria. A. E 15 S 19 Economies Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 New Party, The Reid, A. F 15 P 29 Outlines of Sociology Ward, L. P. F 12 P 41 Practical Sociology: Wright, C. D. F 17 Q 1 Principles of Sociology .... Giddings, F. H. F 12 TO Siikularbildcr Gut/.kow, K. .1 24S30 Selections from Writings Ruskin, J. J 23 S 30 Social Theory . Bascom, J. F8 V8 Social Transformations of the Vic orian Age Escott, T. TT. S. F5P 14 Sociology and Political Economy. .... Giddings, F. H. F4V 13 Statistics and Economics Smith, R. M. F4V8 Studies in Economics Smart, W. F 2 V 20 Patten, S. N. C 23 V0 Work and Wealth Bowkcr, R. R. F 15 S 23 svlttms, ISnarding- C'harities: Children: Children's Asylums: Chnrcli and Social Problems; Citizenship; Civiliza- tion; Clubs: Communism: Cooperation ; Crime; Customs and Manners; Distribution ol Wealth: 1 )rink Question ; Eight-hour Question; Emigration: Evolution— Social Economy; Family; Feudalism; Friendly Societies; Gambling; Guilds ;' Homes and Shelters: Hospitals'; IdealStates; Indust rial Schools ; Insurance, State and Compulsory; Labour (Question : Marriage and Divorce; Master and Servant :' Monopolies ; Old Age Pensions ; Pauperism; Pensions; Political Economy ; P Laws: Population; Prisons; Profit-sharing; Property; Prostitution: Public Health ; Punish- ment; Reformation: Rl-formatorics ; Rural Life and Pleasures ; Slavery: Social Ethic-; Social Pioblems; Social Purity; So- cialism: S„ietv. History of; Stati-ii. -: T. ...peranee; Village Communities: Woman Sullragc : Women Work; Work and Wages: Workhous s; Working Classes ; Workmen's Dwellings.] odicals - mrnal of Sociology . . Bliss, VV. D. B. F 9 V 1 . Anier. Soe. Sc. Assoc. Social EthiCS- Couit and Country Breton, N. Life and Conditions of Survival... Brooklyn Ethical Asi Philosophical Theory of State B. mqnet, B. Social Life and Customs under each Country.] Social Life. [See sub-hoadinu; Social Life and Customs under each Country.] Social Problems — >1 Conference, Pre . Loi r. Re\ 300 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Social Problems— contd. hi Moffat, R. S. F12T33 il Problem— /« Manual Training. Ham, C. H. G 24 P 19 e Social Conscience Nash, H. S. G 11 U 18 al Democracy Russell, P.. F 10 V 38 ship Hand. Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 In ■Mr, S Lit' andOonditionsof Survival. ..RrooklynF.thicalAssoc. G 12V 23 Li!'.- in West Loudon Sherwell, A. F 4 U 3(5 M- hodsof Social Reform Mackay, T. FSV9 Mr. Carnegie's Conundrum: IMlUiOO.OdO; ulial shall I do with it? Stead, W. T. F 8 T 4 Modern Appeal to Legal Forces in Economic Life .. Clark, J. R. F 4 V 19 Morality of Marriage Caird, Mona F 13 T 32 N ,: ional Assoc, for I'roniotion of Social Sc., Trans. F 15 T 1-U 9 Nei ded Change in the Ace of Consent ... Arthur, R. MF 1 P 20 Outspoken Kssavs on Social Sulijects I lax. K. II. (! 9 \V 35 Poor and their Happiness Goldie, J. G 1 U 33 nd rndnstria] Probli ma o nt Time: by R. H. Tntt. ;■•■(■ ; ..rrss. Re]»t., 1 893 334 thoda ' F 13V28 Practical Social Sociolog 'rafts. Ihv. W. F. (i 9 W Hi Practical Sociology \\ light, C. 1). F 17 Q 1 Preventive Work; Res Treatment of the Destitute .... Giddings, F. H. F 12 T 9 Principles of Sociology.. Spencer, 11. G 12 R 24 Pi '•blem of 1 he I neni]il yed Hobson, J. A. F4U32 l'n -blems of Modern Ino wtry Webb, S. I'll R42 Pros and Cons Askew, J. R. F4 U 23 Public Assistance of Poo I... Raich, Emily G. F4 V 18 .... Ripley, W. 7, A45T 12 Root Matters in Social a e Problems... Johnston. R. M. F 17 P 2 Pocock, R. F4U35 . F., J. F7 V4 Social Problems —contd. Universitv and Social Settlements Reason, W. F 15 P 33 Wealth and Moral Law Andrews, Rev. E. R. F 8 V 10 White Slaves of England Sherard, R. H. F 13 V 3 Workers, The Wyekoff, W. A. F 15 R 18 tribution of Wealth; Education: Eight -hour System; Friendly Societies; Ideal States ; Industrial Schools ; Insurance— Life ; Obser Classes.] ; Univ.. ; Wo ing Social Purity .Rdoeology From Phallism Elliot, S. R. A 2V, S29 in Outspoken Essays Rax, E. R. G 9 \V 35 [■See also Contagious and Infectious Diseases Laws and Legis- lation; Prostitution.] Social Science. [See Social Economy.] Socialism — General — Art under Socialism Phipson, E. A. A 23 T 46 Rooks of William Morris [ Bibliography] Forman, H. R. J 14 S 23 Roston Monday Lectures Cook. Rev. J. J 22 S 19 Christian Ethics Martens™. Bishop G 3U 11-13 Christianity and Socialism in Christianity and Social Problems. Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 oek, F. U. F I2R34 nan, H. M. F 8 V 24 Wallace. W. . Russell, li. F 10 V 38 yidualism...Hake,~A. K. F 1 R 22 i, K. A 37 R 9 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Socialism— General — contd. Socialism and the Social Movement in the 19th Century. Sombart, W. F 15 S 3 Socialism in England Webb, S. F4V14 Socialism: its Growth and Outcome Morris, W. F 10 V 26 Socialism, Liberty, &c. in Political Letters Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl F 13 R 5 Socialism, True and False— in Problems (if Modern Industry. Webb, S. F 9 R 42 Socialists and Anarchists — in Ignorance Dorman, M. R. P G 18R71 Some Social and Political Pioneers of the 19th Century. Balmforth, R, C 23 R 24 Standard of Life Bosanquet, Mrs. B. F 15 R 23 State and the Individual M'Kechnic, W. S. F 1 T 31 Voluntaryism v. Socialism in Outspoken Essays Bax, E. B. G 9 W 35 Wealth and Moral Law Andrews, Rev. E. B. F 8 V 10 What is Socialism? "Seotsburn" F 15 R 20 Who will pay the Bills of Socialism? in Problems of Modern Democracy Godkin, E. L. F2V 43 [See alio Altruism; Anarchy ; Brook Farm; Church and Social Problems ; Collectivism ; Communism : ( 'o'".porat iun ; Democracy; Evolution— Social Economy; Friendly Societies; Ideal States; Individualism; Labour Laws and Legislation; Labour Settle- ments; Man, Natural History and Development of ; Nihilism; Old Age Pensions; Optimism; Profit-sharing; Property; Re- formers, Social : Socialism. Christian : Socialism, State; Society, History of; Milage Communities.] . Contra— Aristocracy and Evolution Mallock, W. H. F 3 R 1 Heresies Hiller, H. 0. 24P21,22 Socialism Exposed and Refuted ... Cathrein, Rev. V. F 15 Q 30 Periodicals — Avenue, The F 19 U 7 Socialist MF 5 V 7 Christian — Charles Kingsley and the Christ-it Christian Socialism and" Local Go Russell mGood Citizenship... Economic Review Fabian Tracts Flowing Tide State— Equality Industrial Day Dreams Karl Marx and the Close of his Syst '•■ D- Meudell Melb. Rev.,8 052 ion Edwards, C. F 13 V 35 to Industrial Action Adams, H. C. State Railroad Control Dixon, F. H. F 10 V 7 Victoria State Ranking, Royal Commission, Report, 1895. Socialists. [See Reformers;, Social.] Societe de Litterature de Bruxelles— Soeietc de Litterature de Bruxelles, 1800-23 Mailly, E. [See also Literature- Societies.] Societies, Institutions, and Clubs. [See Boys' Clubs; Building Societies; Friendly Societies; Guilds; Orien- tal Societies; Secret Societies; Trades Unions; Trusts; and sub-heading Societies under the following Sub- jects: — Acclimatization; Agriculture; Anthropology; Archaeology; Architecture; Astronomy; Banks and Banking; Bible; Biology; Botany; Chemistry; Edu- cation; Electricity; Engineering; Entomology; Eth- nology; Fine Arts; Geography; Geology; History; Law; Libraries; Literature; Medicine; Meteorology; Microscopy; Mining; Missions and Missionary Work; Natural History; Nayal Art and Science; Pharmacy; Philology; Philosophy; Photography ; Physics; Political Economy; Poultry; Religion; Social Economy; Statis- tics and Economics ; Temperance; Zoology; also under the Titles of Societies in the Author Catalogue for their own Publications.] Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge — History of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1698-1898 Allen, W. O. B. G 25 T 5 Society, History of — Aristocracy and Evolution Mallock, W. H. F3R1 Christian Ethics Martensen, Bishop G3U 11-13 Economic Foundations of Society Loria, A. F 15 S 19 Formal Development of Society— tn Outlines of Jurisprudence. Wise, B. R. MF 5 P 5 Ideals and Institutions Merrill, J. E. G 1 P 33 Mercantile System Schmoller, G. G 8 V 22 Organisation of Society in Theory of Practice... Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Outline of Sociology; by Prof. Gumplowiez... American Academy of Political and Social Science. Pubs. F 10 R 33 Principles nf Sociology ({hidings, F. H. F J2 T 6 Races of Europe Ripley, W. Z. A 45 T 12 Science and Faith Topinard, P. A 27 S 31 Social Philosophy of Rodbertus Conner, E. C. K. G 24 V 18 Socialism; its Growth and Outcome Morris, W. F 10 V 26 Studies in Ancient History M'Lennan, J. F. F 14 U 33 Study of Sociology Stuckenbcrg, .1. H. W. F 3 R 27 Suggestions toward an AppliedSciencof Sociology... Payson, E. P. F15S 12 Theory of the So, i i] Compact, and its Influence upon the American Revolution Fenton, J. F. F18R25 [.See alio Civilization; Customs and Manners ; Ethnology; Evolu- tion -Socia.1 Economy; Family; Man, Natural History of; Society Islands — General and Descriptive — Brown Men and Women Reeves, E. MD 3 U 14 Description of the Society Islands in Copies of Documents relating to Captain Cook Cook, Capt. J. MB 5 R 7 X Heroes of the South Seas Ranks, Martha B. MG 2 U 1 [See also Tahiti.] Gcix/ra/Jn/, To/i-x/ni/ihi/, and Maps — Tubai Island, 1898 [Chart]' ... (it, Brit, and Irel.-Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 35 J Sociology. [See Church and Social Problems ; Evolution- Social Economy; Social Economy: Social Problems; Society, History of; Statistics.] Socratic Philosophy— Xenophontis qua- extant Opera Xenophon J 17 U 11 + [See alio Philosophy Greek; and under Socrates, in Author Catalogue.] Soils and Subsoils- Action of Organic and Mineral Acids upon Soils Minnesota A . Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1895 630.7 Agricultural Chemistry Adie, R. If. A 33 P 26, 27 Alkali Soils of tie- Yellowstone Valley; by M. Whitney. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Soils and Subsoils— contd. Ail iiicial Changes of Physical Properties of Soils; by Dr. E. Wolloy— !» Experiment Station Record, 11 ... United States - Dept, of Agr.— Office of Kxper. Stations 630." Bacteriological Examination of Soil— in Applied Bacteriology. Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Chemical and Mechai Analyses of Soils Minnesota — Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1895 630.7 Chemistry of Soils and Manures; by J. Osborne Agricultural Gazette of Tas. 1897 6:50. 3 Composition of the Soil of the Taupo Plains; by J. A. Pond. New Zealand Institute/Trans., 1899 506 Conespondenee between the Results of Chemical Analysis of a Soil and its Productiveness; by A. N. Pearson ... Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 Ci liivatiny the Soil and Soil Fertility United States - Department of Agriculture, Year-book, 1S95 630.5 Electrical Instrument-; for Del. running the Moisture, Temperature, and Soluble Salt Content of Soils; by L. J. Brings. United States -Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 El ' trical Method of Determining the Moist lire Content of Arable Soils; by M. Whitney U.S. Dept, of Agr. -Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 Kb trical Met hod of Determining the Soluble Salt Content of Soils! hvM. Whitney... U.S. Dept. of Agr. Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 Electrical Method of Determining the Temperature of Soils; by M. Whitney ... U.S. Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 Electrical Method of Moisture Determination in Soils; by F. 1). Gardner U.S.— Dept, of Agr. — Div. of Soils A~38 R 14 Examination of Soils California -Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1895^97 630.7 Experiment Stn. Record, 5 ..United States Dept, of Agr. 630.7 Experimental Farms. Repts.. 1895. ..Canada Dept. of Agr. 630.7 Formation, Composition, and Improvement of Soils -m First Principles of Agriculture Voorhees, E. S. A 20 Q 38 Humus as a Factor of Soil Fertility Minnesota - Agr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1895 630.7 Idaho- State Board of Horticultural Inspection, Report 634 Interesting Soil Problems: by M. Whitney United States - Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1897 630.5 Level and Rate of Movement of < I round-water... United States - Dept. of Agriculture Weather Bureau A 19 V 37 Liming of Soils; by H. J. Wheeler United States— Dept. of '• ers' Bulletin, 77 A 41 U 2 Mechanical Analysis of Soils... M chanics of Soil Moisture ... Dr of Agr. - A 38 R 14 • 1. Briggs. Movement and Retention of Water in the Soils; United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Object and Method of Soil Analysis; by F. B.Guthrie... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Origin and Nature of Soils ; by N. S. Shaler United Stati .xpern, i7.3 A 38 Q 16 Distribution; by M. Whitney .' .'. Rocks, Roek-weathcringrand Soils ... i S. ictitie Agriculture s., ] Analysis Aust. Assoc, for the A Soil Analysis: by F. 15. Guthrie ... Agr. So'l Analysis; by II. V. .lack S .. I Bacteria; by R. Helms Agr. Ga Soil Moisture....'.. V.S." Dept.,.f'.\V ■." .his; by S. S. Dougall.. Tobacco Soils of the Uni Soils and Subsoils— contd. Soils and Sub-soils — in Report of the Work, 1894-95... California —Agr. Exper. Station 630.7 Soils and Sub-soils from a Sanitary Point of View ; by H. B. Woodward... Gt. Brit, and Ircl. 'Geological Survey A 47 R 26 Soils in their relation to Crop Production; by M. Whitney. United States— Dept. of Agr., Y Jar-book, 1894 630.5 Soils of Cumberland County; by F. 15. Guthrie Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 sd States— Dept, of i Div. of Soils A 31 Soils of Indiana and their Adaptation; by Dr. R. T. Brown. Indiana— Board of A gi., Reports. 1882 630.6 Soils of Tennessee... Tennessee Agr. Exper. Stn., Bull. A 41 R 2 Soluble Matter of Soils; by T. H. Moans United States— ' Dept. of Agr., Year! k, 1898 630.5 Texture of some Important Soil Formations Failed States— ■. Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 y M. Whitney United ■.—Div. of Soils A 38 R 14 [Sfeaiso Agricultural Chemistry; Agriculture;' Alkali in Soils; Manures; Public Health; Sanitation.] Soja Beans. [See Beans.] Solar System. [See Sun and Solar System.] Soldering— Manufacture of Metallic Alloys Cuettier, A. V. A 24 R 23 [See also Plumbing; Receipts, Workshop.] Soldiers— Bourgogne, Sergt., Memoirs of, 1812-13... Bourgogne, A. J. B. F. C 24 P 20 D'Artagnan, Monsieur, Memoirs of... Courtilez de Sandras, G. do C26 R 11 Pastes Militaires des Beiges an Service de la France, 1789-1815. Bernaert, Major-( Sen. F. C 24 S 6 Hervey, Hubert; by Earl Grey C 26 S 14 Jervis, Thomas Best C 26 Q 17 L'Estrangc, Roger, Adventures of B 17 P 38 Soldier and Traveller Gardner, Col. A. C 25 P 7 [See also Battles; Generals; Military Life and Customs ; Pensions; Soldiers' Homes ; Wars.] Soldiers' Homes — Board of Commissioners of Soi United State Idaho-Soldiers' Home, Report 362.8 Laws and Regulations, Soldiers" Home. Washington. United States Adjutant-I leneral's Office F 3 R 33 Soldiers' Home, North Dakota, Reports North Dakota • Annual Repts. 328.784 Soldiers' Homes and Pensions Charities and Correction. National Conference, 1896 360 Soldiers' Homes, Ohio, Report ... Ohio -Annual Repts. 328.771 ory and Cultivate of the . In; Exhib., 1883, Lit., 11 A 34 K 1 Diplopoda;byR.I.Po< b, 20 U 21 Solifugte Solifug.e. Scorpio, ,,s. Chi], .poda, and Diplopoda: bvE. I. Pocock- i,i Through Unknown African Countries '.. Smith, A. 11 [.See also Arachnida.] Solipsism. [S,-. Egoism.] Solomon Islands Throuen New ( Webster, H. C-. Ml) 8 R 53 inds, Ann al Repeats in Colonial Reports. Gt. Brit. aid Ircl. Colonial Office 354.428 a and othc r Cannibal Countries. Public Library of New South Wales. Solomon Islands — Geai/ra/Jii/, Tajiaiirapln/, and Maps — Anchorages in the Solomon Island* [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office MO 3 Q 16 J Anchorages in the Solomon Islands, ISO.". 99 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hvdrographic Office Ml) 2 P 34 J New Georgia, 1896 [Chart] ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P 35 % Solomon Islands [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hvdrographic Office 111)3 Q 16 % Solomon Islands toEllioe Islands. 1 S97 f ( Invl ]...( a. Brit, andlrel. — Hydrographic Office MD 2 P 35 J Solomonic Literature — Solomon and Solomonic Literature ... Conway, M. D. G 24 S 10 Somaliland— General and Descriptive — Rambles in Lion Land Pearco, Capt. F. B. D 13 R 4 Somaliland Peel, C. V. A. D 22 U 5 Short Stalks Buxton, E. N. D 10 S 38 Through Unknown African Countries... Smith. A. I). I) 20 U 2] Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 13 [See also Africa -East.] Somersetshire— General and Descriptive— English Topography... Gentleman"* .Magazine Library I) 20 V 10 Somnambulism — Alterations of Personality Binet, A. G 12 V 32 Animal Magnetism Lee, E. G 19 U 13 Animal Magnetism C * * *, Countess G 19 T 11 Animal Magnetism Teste, A. G 15 U 6 Human Magnetism Newnham, W. G 19 T 10 Sleep and its Phenomena Pinkcrton. .1. X. ■/,, Pretoria.. Churchill, W. L. S. B 37 Q 15 Mafeking: a Diary of the Siege... Baillie, Major F. D. B 37 P 19 My Diocese during the War Bavnes. Bishop B 37 Q 19 Natal Compaign Burleigh. B. B 27 R 15 Possible Continental Alliance against England ; by 1). C. Boub'er in Briton and Boer Bryce, J. B 37 P IS Relief of Ladysmith Atkins, J. B. B 37 Q 16 Renascence of South Africa Cohpihoun, A. R. 1) 21 Q 13 Settlement after the War in South Africa Farelly, M. J. F 19 T 7 Siege of Ladysmith McHugh, R.J. B 37 Q 1 8 Siege of Mafeking Hamilton, J. A. B 37 Q 21 South Africa in Peace and War Neil, C. L. 1) 20 S 8 t Towards Pretoria Ralph, J. B 36 Q 15 Transvaal War and Kuropean Opinion; bv K. Blind- in Briton anil Boer Bryce, J. B 37 P 18 Twi -eCaotuied Rosslyn, Karl B 40 T 2 War in South Africa; its Causes and KH'eets .' Hobson, J. A. B41 P 11 Will the Powers intervene in the War; by F Charmes-i« Briton an.lBo.a- .'.. Brvee, J. B 37 P 18 [See a/so South Africa- History; South African Question.] South America— General. [See America, South; South American Wars.] South American Wars — d Bolivia, 1878-81. i, H. W. B 33 R 6, ', t. T. B. M. B 19 T 16 [See also America, South— Histo South Australia— General and Descriptive— Account of the Colony of South Australia; by F. S. Dutton. National Assoc, for Promotion of Social Science, Trans., 1862 F 15 T7 Adelaide Almanac and South Australian Directory 319.42 Australia Deserta ... Royal Society of Australasia, Victoria Branch, Trans., 12, 13 910.0 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1057 South Australia — General and Descrijitk Evidence respecting the, Climate, and I S. nith Coast of Australia Journal of a Journey from New South Wales t liyj. Hawdon Ro '" Joi .to Wa More Tramps Abroad Clemens, S. L. 1) I J P 2 Our Inheritance in the Hills Sutherland, G. Mill! H S Our Townshi])s, Farms, and Homesteads Hal'.ack, K. H. MD6Q5 P; ■ ■•nt State of the C .lonv of South Australia ... East India and Colonial Magazine, IS:!!) 40 F II) R 7, 8 Sands and MeDougalFs South Australian Directory South Australian Directory 919.42 South Australia as it is Allen, J. MD 7 P 21 South Australia as it is ... South Australian Ma;.'., 2 M.J 3 T 11 South Australia Hand-book; with Map in Hand-book, 1S90. Gt. Brit, and Ircl.- Immigrants' Information ( )i!iee D 22 Q 19 South Australia Post Office Directory 919.42 South Australian News M F 5 K 24 Universal Geography K'-lu-, K. 1)21 U 14 Voyages and Advent urcs among the Mauds of the Ad jacont Gulfs. South Australian Mag izino, 1.2 MJ 4 Q 4 [Sir. also Northern Territory; and uniUr nam;-.- ■ .< I 'ilh-s. Distiicts, , old Subjects, e.g. Aborigines; Adelaide Observatory; Adelaide University; Botany; Entomology Biography- Footprints: a Memoir of the late A. Hay; by his 'Widow... Hay, A. MC 1 S 22 . Commerce and Trade— Our Pastoral Interest Downer, A. G. MF 5 Q 17 ■ Discovery, Exploration, and Early Voyages — Northern Territory Explorations, Report ; by H. V. L. Brown. South Australia.— Northern Territory MD 9 Q 38 t ■ Geography, Tig>ogrophy, Maps — De Investigator Straat, I'ort Adelaide nl zuidzijde van Kangn" ( iland Tijdschrift voor het Zeew 910.5 History— Founding of South Australia (longer, R. MP. 3 V (i i-rowth of tin- F.mpire (2) dose. A. W. M 15 3 I' 1, 8 South Australian Company Sutherland, G. HF.i IMS Siory of Australasia 1 Laurie, .1 . S. Ml? 1 T 7 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon Gamett, R. MB 3 Q 5 .. .South Australia -Pari. ,Proe. 328.942 South Carolina — General and Descriptive — Dixie; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches ... Ralph, J. D 22 R 5 [See also Confederate States; United States General.] '"" .iv.o.'n.'.oUiV r,.i'versit"v. si'u.!ic-."i:;" is is s i:': Nullification in South Carolina Houston, I). F. F 3 T 21 History of South South Carolina, 1, 1070-1719..., E. B16U11 1719-70, E. B 17 Q 33 and Virginia " Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 13 B 18 S 13 South Kensington Museum — Syllabus South Kensington Museum G 17 U 6 South Place Society— Centenary History of the South Place Society ... Conway, M. D. 3 G25P4 South Pole. [See Antarctic Kegions and Voyages.] , South Sea Islands— General and Descriptive— Conquests of the Cross Hoddcr, E. G 3 V 23-28 Journal of Sir Joseph Banks Banks, Sir J. MD 3 U 15 Under the Southern Cross ; by F. W. Christian New Zealand South Victoria Land — Cruise of the Antarctic to the South Polar Regie Southern Presbyterian Church, United States - History of the Southern Presbyterian Church Johnson^ Southern States. [St States; Slavery; Politics under Un: Southla Space can Civil War; Confederate .ub-lieadings History and Spain Births, De,.t!.-. and. Marriages. 1 ■;.■)■< its of Begi-: rar. Australia— Parliament. Fi Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Austral: New South Wales Stat Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, lMil- Coghlan, T. A. Statutes — A ts of Parliament South Australia- St, South Australian Institute — Addresses delivered at the Laying of the Foundation Si lcrvibvC. Benoit - .of War A 30 W 10 'of War' F 12 p'l2 of War F 10 K 23 Public Library of New South Wales. Spain— Colonies— Lost Empires of the Modern World Lard, W. F. B 21 8 2 Spanish Institutions of the South-west : by Prof. F. \V. Blackmar. JohnsHopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 10 B 18 T 10 West Indies anil th-j Spanish Main Rxlway, J. B 10 R 23 Spain's Foreign Trade... Unite. 1 States — 1) ]>;. of Ayr. — Section of Foreign Markets F 7 T 1 Trade of Spain -in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Foreign Office 382 Constitution and Constitutional Law — Constitutional Government in Spain... Curry, J. L. M. F 12 S 28 Finance and Taxation— of Spain, 1 SOS -93— in Diplomatic and Consular Repoi 1893 Gt. Brit, and Irel. History — Foreign Office 382 Irving, W. B 15P16 Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers, relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain. I a 12 1003. Cl. P.rit. and Irel. Public Record Office B 45 Carlist Struggle in Spain in Essays Alison, A. J 14 S 12 Castelar, Don Emilio C 20 T 23 ('id Campeador Clarke, II. B. B 34 Q 15 History of the Jews in Spain Tacobs, J. B 28 T 1 Isal.elletheOutl.olic.Ouecn of Spain... Xervo. llaron de B12U35 Lost Empires of the Modern World Lord. W. F. B 21 S 2 Modern Spain, 17SS-1S9S Hume, M. A. S. B 20 S 19 1-Icpuhlique des Province.,- Unies, la France, et las Pavs-bas Espaimols. 1030 50 Waddington, A. B 39 U 10, 11 Spain in the 19th Century Latimer, Elizabeth W. B 34 Q 16 Spain; its Greatness and Decay, 1179 1788 Hume, M. A. S. B34Q 17 Story of the Princess Des Ursins in Spain Hill, Constance B34S4 Views of Admiral Orvrra iVL'ardine. the Spinish Xavy in the late War... United Slates -Office of'Naval Intelligence B 39 Til Spanish-American War. [See Amcrican-Spe Spanish Armada. [See. Armada, Spanish.] Spanish Art. [See Fine Arts— Spanish.] Spanish Colonies. Spanish Language Spanish Literature -Col. mi r, W. F. J12P4: Breeding Habits of the N English Sparrow, Pass-: European Sparrow in Xew Zealand. ilmnixli.-iix, in Xorth America, especially U.S. Dept. of A. r. Div. of Biological Survey A 38 R 20 Spas. [See Health Re: and Springs.] orts; MedicalBaths; Mineral Waters Spaying Cattle — [.See al"o Veterinary Se ricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 G30.5 Speaking. [See Debating; Elocution; Oratory; Preaching; Public Speaking; Rhetoric] Specific Gravity — Specific Gravities, li lilinc-pnints, and Melting-points ; by F. W. Clarke Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 14, 32 508 Specifications —Architecture— Specifications in Detail Maeey, F. W. A 39 P 1' [See also Architecture.] Roosa, 1). B. St. J. ^ :;:; p 4 Defective Eyesight ... Spectroscope- Academic des Sciences, Com ptes rend us des Seances 506 Application of Interference Methods to Spectroscopic Measure- ments; by A. A. Michelson Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 29 508 Astrophysieal Journal 520.5 Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century ... Routlcdge, R. A 23 T 45 Index to the Literature of tlie Spectroscope; by A. Tuckerman. Smithsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 32 508 [See also Spectrum Analysis. ] Spectrum Analysis — Handwortcrbucli der Astronomic Encyklopaedie der Xaiturwissonsehaftcn A 42 Q 12, 13 Inorganic Evolution as studied bv Spectrum Analysis. Loekyer, Sir X. A 45 T 14 Bight Glazebrook, R. T. A 21 P 51 Micro-sped rographv; bv T. Palmer Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 ( CumplMes Stas, J. S. A 10X20-22 Prismui.- and Infraction Spectra... Fraunhofer, J. von A 44 Q 20 Sp ■etra of Height Stars Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 28 522.19 Spectra of the Alkalies and their Atomic Weight: bv L. Rummel. Royal Society, Victoria, Proceedings, 1896-97 506 Spectrum Analysis Landauer, J. A 38 U 1 5 Treatise on Physical Optics Bassett, A. A 21 U 13 [.See also Astro-physics; Optics; Spectroscope.] Speculation — How Money makes Money " Duncans" F 13 V 33 Speculation on the Stock 'and Produce Exchanges of the United States Emery, H. C. F IS R 16 [.See alto Credit System; Stocks.] Speech, Organs of— Aphasia, and other Speech Defects Bastian. H. 0. A 38 S 7 Physiology of Voice and Speech Seiler, C. A 31 S 3 [.See also Aphasia ; Deaf and Dumb; Elocution; Voice] ... Hiu-uinson.T.W. J1R32 Speeches and Addresses Magec, Archbp. J 14 Q 37 Speeches and Toasts M.T 3 V 3 [.See also under each Subject,] Spelling-books. [See Orthography, under each Language.] Spencerian Philosophy — Principles of Sociology Spencer, H. G 12 R 24 Realistic Philosophy MeCosh, Rev. J. G 1 7 S 21 , 22 Spencer, Herbert; by If. Macpherson U 27 R 20 Spencer's "Principles of Sociology"; by A. M. Topp. Melbourne Review, 2 052 [.See also Philosophy -British ; and under Spencer, H., in Author Catalogue. ] Spermatogenesis. [See Biology; Life, Origin of.] Subject- Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Koloniebildcnden,,!;, ri.-n (Sphaemzo -en), Die ; von Dr. K. Brandt Zoologisehe Station zu Xeapel A 19 P 13 t [S,, a Iso Protozoa ; Radiolaria.] Splionodon punctatum — Lire-history of the Tuatara; by Prof. Dendy New Zealand Institute, Trans.. 13118 500 [>>t aho Rcptilia -New Zealand.] )f North American Sphinges: be A. R. Grote. Hutialo Society of Natural Sciem-s, Bulletin •pidoptera.] Spice Islands. [See Spiders — unci Spiders from the Solum. 1'oeoek.:. Annalsaud Ma-a/.ine. Xat. Ilisto ■i- Spiders of l-'aniilv Cteniz.hhc from S. and T. 1'oeoek... Annals and Ma- of fli- Spinach — Pamphlets on Vegetables Agr. Exper. Stations A 3S Q 14 Spinal Cord — A flections of the S i > i i i 1 1 >i i.-i lin^t System of Medicine .... Amyotrophic Lateral Seles of Medicine .y Dr. J. S. R. Russell— in Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 ; by Dr. C. K. Beevor— in System ....: Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 40 Russell- . Allbu , T. C. of Medicine.... ifantile Paralys civile Paraphlegi pastic Paraphk- pinal Tui cringonn Dor . Althai Spine.] A 30 U 41-48 irt— /« System of Medicine. Allbutt," T. C. A 26 T 40 Allbutt. T\ 0. A 26 T 40 -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 2( i \ . . . 11 1 - -« • Ll ' , i ' i!< J™ 1 ^ Spontaneous Heating of Coal Cargoes.. . Threllfall. R. MA 4 T 3 Spontaneous Generation. [See Life, Origin ofv"> Public Library of New South Wales, Sport and Sporting Adventures — General — Bullet and Shot in Indian Forest, Plain, ami Hill... Russell, C. E. M. 1) 22 R 22 Fifteen Years' Sport and Life in the Hunting-grounds of Western America and British ( 'olumhia... ( irohman, W. A. B-. D 22 U 6 Innermost Asia Cobbold, R. P. D 22 R 24 Notes on Sport and Travel Kingslev, G. D 20 S 24 Pictures of Travel Lacy, G. I) 22 R 20 Round the World on a Wheel Fraser,\j. F. D 21 R 6 Sportswoman in India Savory, Isabel D 19 R 10 Summer in High Asia Adair, F. K. S. 1) 22 S 4 Wild Sport in Burma and Assam l'ollok, F. T. D 22 S 11 Wilderness Hunter, The Roosevelt, T. D 22 S 9 [See alxo Adventures : Falconry; Fishing; ( lame and Game-birds; Horse-racing; Hunting; Lions; Shooting.] ■ Periodicals — New South Wales Sporting Magazine MJ 3 T 12 Sportsman A 37 U 1-18 By Countries. Africa — After Big Came in Central Africa Foil, E. 1) 22 R 10 Elephant-hunting in Equatorial Africa... Neumann, A. H. D13U3 New Africa Sehulz, A. D 14 T 27 Rambles in Lion Land Pearce, F. B. D13R4 Sport in East Central Africa Kirbv, F. V. 1) 22 U 1 Through Unknown African Countries... Smith, A. D. 1) 20 U 21 Under the African Sun Ansorge, VV. J. 1 ) 1 9 V 2 1 Australia— Sport in Australia ; by F. (!. Aflalo... English Must. Mag., 21 052 ■• Austria — Iu the Land of the Bora "Snaffle" D 19 U 5 • Canada — On Snow Shoes to the Barren Grounds. ..Whitney, C. I) 10 T 14 Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains Southesk, Earl 1) 10 T 1G Cape Colony— Kloof and Karroo Bryden, H. A. A 27 S 10 — India— Fifty Years' Reminiscences of India ... Pollok, F. T. 1) 17 'J' 24 In and Beyond the Himalayas Stone, S. J. 1) 18 U 17 Roddy Owen Owen, E. R. C 25 Q 9 Tropics and Snows Burton, R. G. U 22 P 6 Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life Johnson, W. T. B 21 S 3 Kashmir— Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir ... Darrah, H. Z. 1) 19 U 15 New South Wales- Hunting in the Antipodes ; by R. R. Reeve: Sport in New South Wales ; by Loi Norway - "m' V ,:. ', l'S(. n's Land Ferryman, A. F. M-. 1) 18 Q 21 Wild Norway Chapman, A. 1) 18 T 25 — Russia- Hunting Trips in the Caucasus Demidoff, E. 1) 13 U 8 — Scotland- Sportsman and Naturalist's Tour in Sutherlandshirc.St, John, C. D 18 S 20 ■ Switzerland — Sport in the Alps Grohman, W. A. B. D 18 U 1G United States — Camp Fires of the Everglades Whitehead, C. E. I) 1 1 V 14 Spermatid Adventures among the North American Indians. Messiter, C. A. I) 16 T 15 Victoria — Winter's Camp in (lippsland; by C. B. Luffn y Ea . of Ho] liadm: 1899 n_Mag., Dec., 1895 796 Sports and Pastimes— Champion de Crespigny, Sir ('., Memoirs C 22 Q, L . Colin Cost of Sport Aflalo, F. G. A 40 Q 16 Encyclopaedia of Sport A 17 R 18 t Every Boy's Hook of Sport and Pastime... Lewis, A. J. A29T36 Foster's Complete Hoy le Foster, R, F. A 1 V 23 Mountain, Stream, and Covert Shand, A. I. 1) 19 R 9 Sporting and Athletic Records Browne, H. M-. A 10 R 6 Sportswoman's Library ... Slaughter, Frances E. A 29 T 39, 40 Young Sportsman Watson, A. E. T. A 44 V 14 [See also Acrobats; Amusements; Archery; Baths and Bathing; Boating; Boxing; Coaching; Cock-fighting; Conjuring; Cricket; Cycling; Driving; Falconry; Fencing; Cames; Gymnastics; Horse-racing; Hunting; Mountaineering; Riding; Shooting; Sport and Sporting Adventures; Swimming; Yachting; and under each Subject.] Periodicals — Badminton Magazine 796 English, Australian, anil American Sport inir Calendar. Tonkin, J. E. MA 5 Q 13 New South Wales Sporting Annual MA 5 Q 14 Outing 796 Pastime MA 4 V 26 Year's Sport A 34 R 19 Spotted Gum — Value of Spotted Gum for Wood Paving; by J. H. Maiden. Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Spraying- Application of Fungicides an.! insecticides -in r^jurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 Arsenical Spraying for Codling Moth; with Notes on the Life History of the Moth; l>y (!. Quinn... Journal of Agriculture and Industry, South Australia, 1897-98 630.5 Bordeaux Mixture United States !>cpt. of Agr. — Div. < f Vegetable Physiology A 38 R 20 Bordeaux Mixture for Apple Pests in Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 Bordeaux Mixture for Potato Seal) in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 Chemical Points in the Preparation of Insecticides and Fungicides; by F. M. Guthrie Agricultural Gazette, N.S.W., 8 030.5 Copper Sulphate and Germinat ion L'niled States — Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology A 38 R 20 Diseases in Crops and their Treatment in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 Fungicides and Insecticides, and Apparatus for applying them -in Injurious Insects, 7 ... Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 7 EungicidesandSpraying... New Jersey StatcAgr. Exper. Station, Rept., 1896 630.7 Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees of Australia and their Treatment ; by D. McAlpine Victoria — Agriculture MA 3 V 51 Important Insecticides; by C. L. Marlatt United States- Dept. of Agr. Farmers' Bulletin, 19 A 41 U 1 Insect Life Theobald, F. V. A IS P 31 Insecticides and Pumps in General— ;'« Injurious Insects, 6. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 (! Instructions in Spraying— ,« Injurious Insects, 6 ... Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 Materials used in Spraying Plants .'« Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 NewYork— Agricultural Experiment Station, Report, 1894 030.7 Pamphlets on Injurious insects, Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit- Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Preparation of Ammoniacal Solution of Copper Carbonate — in Injurious Insects, 7 ... Agricultural Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 7 Principles of Fruit-growing Bailey, L. H. A 33 Q 18 Profit in Spraying in Injurious Insects, 7 ... Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 7 Repoit on Insecticides; by W. Soutter... Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 630.5 Root-knots on Fruit-trees and Vines — in Injurious Insects, 7. Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 ' Bulletin Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900, 107 L Spraying— contJ. ;-]• rung iiinl Fumigating Trees for Scale: l>v W. J. Allen. Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales 10 630.5 Striving for Fruit Diseases: l>v 15. T. Galloway... United States— Dept. of Agr., Fanners' Bullet in. 38 A 41 U 1 Sp> a, ing for Fungus Diseases. . . icto. ia^ ^ g> icu tui e - . nil. ^es to Sp: a'.'ing for Fundus Diseases of the Apple, Pear, anil other Fruits. tinted .States Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, 7 A 41 U 1 Spraying for the Prevention of Fungous Diseases -in Injurious Insects, Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 6 Spiaying Mixtures an 1 their Application in Injurious Insects, (i. Agricultural Fxperiinent Stations A 38 Q Spraying of Orchards in injurious Insects, (i, 7 Agricultural Fxperiinent Stations A 38 Q 0. 7 Spiaying of Plants Lodeman, E. G. A 20 P 23 Spraying Potatoes in Injurious Insects, 7 Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 Q 7 Spraying Tests for Codlin Moth; by G. Quinn ... Journal of Agr. and Industry. South Australia, 1S97-9S 030..-) Sulphuring Pun-; t.v M. Blunno Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Us..- of Steam Apparatus for Spraying; by L. 0. Howard. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1896 030.5 i ho Fruit-growing ; Fungi in Agriculture ; Insects. Injurious ; ant Diseases.] PI Springs— it of Springs in Time of Drought; by W. E. Abbott. Royal Society, N. S. Wales, Journal, 1897 '-. also Geysers; Mineral Waters and Springs.] -. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 14 Pamphlets on Vegetables... Squatters — Our Pastoral Interest Downer, A. G. MF 5 Q 17 Our Wool Staple Lawson, W. R. MA 4 S 15 Squirrels- Prairie Ground Squirrels of the Mississippi Valley: by V. Nailey. U.S.- Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Biological Survey A 37 S S Stables and Stable Management- M ualofVeteiinarv Hygiene . Smith, Vet. -('apt. F. A 33 Q 21 Xcics ,,n Si iMe Management in India and the Colonies. Nunn, Vet.-Capt. J. A. A 28 P 11 Stable Management and Fxcrcise... Hayes. < 'apt, M. H. A 41 R 17 [Ste also Farm Buildings.] Staffordshire -Gewml and Descriptive — English Topography, 11... Gentleman's Magazine Lib. 1) 20 V 11 Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop P. 18 P 13 + Stage, The. [See Actors and Actresses ; Drama; Theatre.] Stage and Church- Cl lurch and the Stage - Stage Mechanism — Magic Hopkins, A. A. Stained Glass. [See Glass-painting.] Stairs and Stair-building — Stamp Duties- Stamp Duties Act of New South Wales... N. S. Wales F M Staphylinidse— Staphylinides de l'Australie ct de la Polyncsie Fn Fit yH.Farquhar ■V in Narragansett Bav; ode Island -Agr. Fxper. Stn., Rept. For tlso Echinod. Star Photographs. [See Astronomical Photography.] Starch — tl Starch in Chemistry for Manufacturers... A 21 T « Chemistry for Manufaetut If. Stars — General — Borderland of Science Proctor, R. A. A 1 9 S 1 6 Concise Knowledge Astronomy Gierke. Agnes M. A 19 S 14 Midnight Sky .". Dunkin, E. A 12 T 23 t Other Suns than Ours Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q If Aliases — Charts of the Constellations, from the North Pole to between 35 and 40 Degrees of South I kclmation . . Cottam, A. A 17 U 3 t Cordoba Durchmusterung ... Thome, J. M. A 14 S 19, 20 t, and A 10P24| Observer's Atlas of the Heavens Peck, W. A 47 P 33 J Photographs of Stars, Star-clusters, and Nebula- Roberts, I. ide Star Atlas containing Maps of all Stars from 1 to 6 -.' between the North Pole and 34' S. Declination ... Klein, H. J. A 21 P 13 t Catalogues and Meridian Observations — Cape Catalogue of Stars, 1834 40, ISM 52, 1S50 01, 1879-85. Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory A 12 W 14-17 + Cape Photographic Durchmusicrung, 1875; by Dr. 1). Gill, and Prof. J.C. Kapteyn... Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory 522.19 Catalogue of 1,098 Standard Clo 1, and Zodiacal Stars. Catalogue of Stars, 1870-80 ... Harvard University Astronomical Catalogue of Stars, 0° to V N. ... Harvard Un Catalogue of Stars of the British Association of Science British Ass, Catalogue of 3.007 Stars tor the F.qtiinox l! Hope Royal Obser Comparison of Positions of Cordoba Durchmusterung '522.l' 9 T2t": Ho Public Library of New South Wales. St&TB — Caf>('i>(/>iex ant/ Meviduni Ohservations—contd. Results of Meridian Observations of Stars Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory 522. 1!) Star Correction Tables; bv \V. 11. Finlav — in Appendix to Cape Meridian Observations,']89i) !ll ('ape of (iood Hope Royal Observatory 522.19 Zone Observations, 49" 50'-.-,,-,° 10', N.D Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 35, SO 522.19 Constants — Constant of Alienation : bv l'rof. ('. L. Doolittle... Astronomical Journal, 1890-9/ 520.5 Discussion of the North l'olar Distances, with a Determination of the Constant of Nutation United States — Bureau of Equipment— Ast. Papers, 2 520.8 Independent Dav Numbers for 1897 ... Cape of (Iood Hope Royal Observatory 521.2 New Determination of the Processional Motion ; by Prof. S. Newcomb Astronomical Journal, 1890-97 520.5 ■ Dnulile iiml Multiple — Double Star Measures, 1891, 1894 Tcbbutt, J. MA 3 S 07 Double Stars, 1885-80 Leander McCormiek Observatory, Pubs., 1, pt. 4 522.19 Evolution of the Stellar Sv-tcms See, T. J. J. A 11 X 8 t Historical and Future Kelipses... Johnson, Rev. S. J. A 19 P 29 Measures of Double Stars Russell, H. C. MA 1 Q 15 J Measures of Double Stars. Sydney. 1S82-89; by H. C. Russell. Royal Astron. Soc. Mcms.. 5(1 .72(1.0 Measures of Sir J. Hcrschel's (ape Stais, and List of New Double Stars; by H. C Russell .. Rov. Astron. Soc. , Mcms. , 47 520.G Mierometric Measurements ... Harvard diversity Astronomieal Observatory, Annals. 13 522.19 New Double Stars found at the ( ape ( M.scrvatorv, 1890. Gill, D. A 19 R 24 New Quadruple Stellar System Innes, R. T. A. A 19 R 24 Observations of Double Stars, 188(1 91; bv A. Hall United States Naval Observ., 18SS 522.19 Places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere; by J. Dunlop. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mcms. 3 52(1.0 Reference Catalogue of Southern Double Stars ; by R. T. A. Innes. Cape of Good Hope Roy. Observatory, Annals,' 2, pt. 2 522.19 ■ - Phiitniiii-l rii' Olisi'rni/innn — Catalogue of Stars observed with the Meridian Photometer, 1889-91; byS. I. Bailey ... Harvard Univ. Astron. Observ., 34 522.19 Discussion of the Cranometria Oxoniensis Harvard University Astronomical Observatory. Annals. 18 522.19 Magnitude of Bright Stars North of - 70°..". Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 111 522.19 Magnitudes of Stars cm]iloyed in Various' Nautical Almanacs. Harvard University Astron. Observatory, Annals, 18 522.19 Photographic Determination of the Brightness of Stars... Harvard Dnomical Observatory, Annals, 18 522.19 Pilot ■ Obser 77-79 .. i-.-il Obse,% Photometrischc Durchmusterung . 1 .t-dam .\-tiophv d.a -ches Zone Observations made with the Harvard University Astron. Ob l^"^J\? : .22.' 19 Proper Motions and Part Parallax of Eta Cassiopeia' Solar Motion as a < bulge of Stellar Di Astronor Davis, H. S. A 4 tances:bv l'rof. S. Nov, lical Journal, 1890-97 ; s 20 ■ Spectra and Colours— Sun's Place in Nature . Loekyer, Sir N. A 5T39 Index to Observations of Variable S ars Harvard Unh ersitv Miscellaneous Researches, 1S91 99 Observations of Twcnt vThro'' Varia Royal' Astronomiea Observations of Variable Stars. . . Ha vardCniversitvAstron .mica! Observatory, Annals, 29 522.19 State, The— Comparative Politics Freeman, E. A. F 12 T 9 Elements of Moral Science Porter, Rev. N. G 24 R 5 Examination of the Nature of the State Willoughby, W. \V. F 12 T 3 First Principles in Politics Lillv, W. S. F 8 R 30 General Functions of the State; by Rev. H. Rashdall- in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Growth of the State — in Outlines of Jurisprudence... Wise, B. R. MF 5 P 5 Law and Politics in tlie Middle Ages Jenks, E. F 13 T 30 Nature of the State: its Functions and their Classification — in Introduction to Public Finance Plchn, ( '. 0. ]■' 10 V 31 Paradoxes Siidfeld, M. S. G 3 U 16 Philosophical Theory of the Slate Bosaiujuet, B. F 9 P 34 Philosophy of Right Hegel, G. W. F. G 12 V 24 Political Science Woolscy, T. D. F 8 Q 31, 32 Political Theory of the Schoolmen and Grotius. Littlejohn, J. M. F 18 R 3 Relation of Religion to the Civil Government in the United States. Cornelison, I. A. G 12 V 28 State and Individual M'Keclmie, W. S. F 1 T 31 Teaching of Civics in Switzerland, Fiance, and England. United States— Bureau of Education. Rcpt.. IS97 379.73 [See also Aristocracy ; Church and State ; Clans and Clan System ; Democracy; Flection and Representation; Federal Government ; Feudalism' ; Government ; Nationalization ; Republicanism ; State Ethics; Tribes and Tribal Systems.] State Aid to Religion. [See Church and State.] State Bounties - Bounties other than those on Shipping and Na\ igatinn, Reports. Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Bounties F 1 S 15 Reports of Her Majesty's Representatives abroad on Sugar Bounties '(it. Brit, and Irel. -Bounties F 1 S 15 Sugar Bounties, Brussels Conference, 1898... (it. Brit, and Irel. — Foreign Office F 20 U 23 I What is a Bounty? Farrer, Baron F 17 T 4 [See also Protection. ] State Education. [See Education — Primary; Education — By Countries; National Education.] State Ethics - Philosophical Theory of the State Bosanciuet, B. F 9 P 34 Scholar, The, and the State Potter, Bishop G 23 R 1 State Ownership. [See Nationalization — Land.] State Papers. [See Great Britain and Ireland— State Papers; United States-State Papers, in Author Catalogue.] State Treasurers' Reports. [See Finance under the names of States in the Author Catalogue, and in the Index.] Statecraft — Aristotle's Ethics for English Readers ... Aristoteles G 11 U 15 Statesmen and Politicians — General — Literary Statesmen and others Hapgood, N. C 23 Q 26 Men and Women of the Century Lehmann, R. A 10 T 17 t [See also Statecraft.] C29R1 ions of C 24 P 23, 24 C26P2 by J. B. Mi-Master. C 27 P 3 C 26 Q 4 larah N. Randolph. C 26 Q 7 . Fish Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1S9G-1000. 1073 Statesmen and Politicians— -Australasian— Bury, Hon. Graham; by 10. C. Martin.. .Oncea M, „,th,3 M.I 1 V 21, Hon. J. T., Character Sketch of; l,v .1. .!. Kingsbury. Review of Reviews, J SOS " 052 Co! l on, Hon. John Oncca .Month, 2 MJ 1 V 20 Dalley,Hon.W.B. ; by.I.G. Do Libra .Oncca Montl.,2 MJ 1 V 20 ]>' aulas, Hon. A. ; byG. X. Stewart... Once a Month, 2 MJ 1 V 20 Downer, Hon. J. W Once a Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Gillies, Hon. 1). ; by ]). Blair (hue a Month, 4 MJ 1 V 22 Grliith,Hon.S.W.; by W.K.Rose... Oncca Month, 3 MJ 1 V 21 Meredith, Hon. C Once a Month, 4 MJ 1 V 22 Xc v Zealand Rulers an. 1 Statesmen ..'. Gisborne, W. mo i's 'is Pa ices, Sir Henry, Life of; by C. E. Lyne MC 1 T29 Ra lies, SirHcnrv, Recollections of ; by W. Walker... MC I T 37 IV; •son, Charles Henrv C25T 16 Kc ister Guide to the I'arliainent of South Australia. . Johns, F. MC 1 Q 20 ertson, Sir J Once a Month, 4 MJ 1 V 22 ice, Hon. James Once a Month, 2 MJ 1 V 20 St. it, Hon. Robert Once a Month, 2 MJ 1 V20 St- "t, Hon. A Once a Month, 1 - Brazilian — MJ 1 V 19 Ba bacena, Marquez do, Vida do C 24 R 18 B if 1 B. Bl; ■hford, Frederic, Lord, Letters of c 23 v •:-> rill _dit, John; by C. A. Vince Bu ghley, Lord, The Great Hume, M. A. S. B34 R 18 Cli. C 20 T 20 Chai nberlain, Rt, Hon. Joseph C 20 T 24 Chamberlain, Rt, Hon. Joseph, the Man and the Statesman; by X. M. Marris C 26 T 11 Col, den Club and the Death of Mr. T. B. Potter ... Rotter, T. B. C19 P23 C27U5 itans in England. Firth, C. B 27 Q 15 Debrott's House of Commons and Judicial Bench 023.242 Fletcher of Saltoun; by G. W. T. Omond C 20 U 22 Gladstone: a Character Sketch; by W. T. Stead. Gladstone, W. E. C 24 R 23 Gladstone, Mr. : a Monograph; by Sir E. W. Hamilton. Gladstone, W. E. C 26 P 9 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., Life of: by G. B. Smith C 24 1' 11 (iladstone, the Man; by I). WiR Glac Ileal; 7 J. E. Rit. Gladst. • W. S 30 on, . eof W. E., L William 1 s Life, Sto id Duke f, A itob SirW. Reid G. W. E. Russell.. J. McCarthy. Gladstone, W ography and Politic E ' C2 C". Jli S 1 ! S 23 3U2 j.ond- er, l l')un.-a' , Lord Me ), L Pa )C1 « and Correspondence of d Work : by J. B. Macki C 2U> 1 ! . la Ro.ebcry, Earl. Russell, Lord J. Seville, Sir G., I Statesmen and Politicians— British— contd. . Selwyn, George; his Letters and his Life C 25 S 20 Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of : Life, Unpublished Letters, and Philosophical Regimen of C 26 T 6 Shakespeare and Bacon, Hidden Lives of Thorpe, W. G. C20S7 C18P3 C27R11 Buckley, J. C 23 P 10 Wellington, Life of; by Sir IL Maxwell C 25 S 17, 18 Wilherforce, William, Private Papers of C 24 R 19 Yoke of Empire, The Brett, R. B. C 23 Q 9 French- Constant de Rebeeque. Benjamin, Lettrcs de C 18 P 30 Danton, Life of; by A. H. Beesly C 26 R 20 I)e Presses. Letters of C 24 Q 7 Dubois, Cardinal, Memoirs of B 41 R 4, 5 Fouquet, Nicholas C 24 S II L'Hospital, Miehel de; by C. T. Atkinson C 27 R 17 Mirabeau; by P. F. Willert C 23 S 20 Richelieu and the < Irowth of French Power Perkins, J. B. B 27 Q 28 Richelieu, Life of C 20 V I Robespierre and the Bed Terror Ten Brink, J. B 16 U 14 Robespierre, Life of; hv G. H. Lewes... Robespierre, M. C26P6 Talleyrand, Memoirs of .. Talleyrand de Pcrigord, Prince C. M. B 20 V 24, 25 - German — Bisr rck; by C 20 S 10 Bismarck a Headlam, J. W. I! 30 (,) 25 Bismarck at Home : by J. Hoelie C 24 T 23 Bismarck, Prince; by C. Lowe C 10 T 19 Bismarck, Prince, Conversations with; by H. von Poschinirer. C 27 R 22 Bismarck; the Man and the Statesman C 25 R 11, 12 Mathy, Karl—,';. Ocsainmelte Wcrke ... Freytag, G. J 23 U 46 Indian— Twelve Indian Sti Italian - iavelli -in Lives of Or, iavelli, Xiceolo, Life ai South African United States— icsof •and Spec: C 20 R 23. 24 C23P7 ics, 1881-1900. "Vindex" F 19 T 2 F3T1.2 ('24 12, 13 inet Sherman. J. B36 U 11. 12 C23P23 C16U16 C20U4 lina. Life and Charac- '. L. Ford C23 R 1 Tublic Library of New South Wales. Statistics— General — Analysis in Political Economy Folwell, W. W. F 4 V 14 Dictionary of Statistics Mulhall, M. G. F 9 V 16 National Progress in the Queen's Reign 'in!!. iii. ".i.e. E 15 11 Smith, R. M-. F4 V 7, 8 Wright, CD. F4 V 13 Study oi statistics Dewey, D. R. F4V 14 [Seeidro Agriculture Statistics; Churches andSects ; Education — Statistics; Mining Statistics; Statistics, Industrial; Statistics, Vital; Stocks ami Shares; Year-books; under each Country in the Author Catalogue for its Official Statistics ; and under each Country and Subject for its own Statistics.] Statistical Reporter — Societies — Royal Statistical Society, Journal 310 Industrial — Annual Statistics of Manufacture -. 1891 . .. Massachusetts— Bureau of Statistics of Labor 338.4 Digest of Reports... United States -Bureau of Labor, Bulls. 331 Great Britain and Ireland Labour Dept., Rept F 13 T 3 Industrial Statistic-, of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania— Dopt. of the Interior, Rept. 331 Industries and Wealth of .Nations ... Mulhall, M. G. F 10 V 39 Massachusetts -Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Report 331 Our Trade in the World Gustrell, W. S. If. I' 9 V 10 Strikes and Lock-outs of 1892, Report Gt. Brit, andlrel.— Labour Dept. 331.89 Trades Unions, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Labour Dept. F39 Vll % . Vital- Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, Report. Brit, andlrel. — Registrar-General 614.1 of Death in London and other Large neral 014.1 and Cans Births, Deaths, Towns (It. Brit, and Irel. —Regis Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Massachusetts, Reports. Massachusetts- Regi .1 ration Kepis. (11,1 Economic Writings Petty, Si,- W. E 9 P :-5, 36 Elements of Vital Statistics Newsholme, A. F 10 P 30 General Mortality in Xev Zealand, Victoria. New South Wales, and in England; by C. E. Adams New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Medical Statistics Billings, .]. S. A 26 T 34 New Zealand Mortality, 1874-91 ; bvC. E. A(kms... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 Ohr>— Secretary of State, Annual Repts 317.71 Public Health Rep:; ' Rates of M .rtality Registra libel! Ne v Zealand' ins lating t. the Registry a and Deaths, Michigan . Science of Statistics Meitii, K. AJ-. i'4V7,i Supplement to Annua! Repot t of Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Registrar-General 614.1 Theory and Practice of Hygiene Xofter, .!. 1 ,. A 31 22 Vital Statistics X.S.Wales Statistics 614.1 Vital Statistics, N.H., Report. .. New Hampaiire Annual Repts. 328.742 [See also Church and Parish Registers; Registers of Births, &c. ; and sub-heading Statistics under each Country.] Statistics and Economics— Education London School of Economics and Political Science— in Special ReportsonEducationalSubjects... Gt, Brit, and Irel. -Education G 17 U 15 Statistics of Australasia. [See, sub-heading Statistics under Australasia, and under each Colony in the Author Catalogue, and in the Index.] Statues and Statuary. [See Fine Arts — Greek; Sculpture.] Statutes. [See sub-hsadim; Statutes under the names of Countries, Colonies, or Sbates in the Index.] Steam and Steam-engines — Ajax Loquitur Wea-therbui Discoveries and Inventions of the 19th Century R. A 21 R 32 Routledge, R. A 23 T 45 Divinity Hall Record MA 5 R 25 Engines and Boilers Lc Van, W. B. A 25 P 46 Explanation of the Ma -Uinerv of Locomotive Engines... TredgoldT. A 18 T 29 t Heat and Heat-engines Hutton, F. R. A 3S S 23 Increasing the Efficiency of Steam-engines United States — Consular Repts., 62 3S2 Key to Engines and Engine-running Rose, J. A 45 S 7 Law of Condensation of Steam ; by 11. L. Callendar MeGill University A 40 S 24 Locomotive Engineering Pettigrew, W. F. A 22 R 35 Marine Steam-engine Scnnett, R. A 13 U 9 Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants Hutton, F. R, A 20 T 30 Modern Locomotives A 6 U 17 J Motive Power and Gearing for Electrical Machinery. Carter, E. T. A 25 T 22 Practical Engineer's Hand-book Hutton, W. S. A 22 T 4 present Position of the Theory of the Steam Engine; by S. H. Barraclough Roy. Soc, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1896 506 Proell-Cnrliss Engine, and the Pro 11 Valve Diagram ; bvll. Kuhne. Inst, of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scot!., 1897-98 620.6 Steam and Steam Engines Jamieson, A. A 22 Q 48 Steam-engine considered as a Thermodynamic Machine. Cotterill, J. H. A 21 U 21 Steam-engine Indicator Peabodv, C. II. A 25 P 53 Text-book of M-ohsui -a! Engineering. ..Line-ham, W. .1. A 22 II 32 [See also Boilers; Heat; Locomotives; Machinery; Marine Engi- neering; Mechanical Engineering.] Steamboat Inspection— Laus and Emjidntions — General Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Board of Super- vising Inspector;; of Steam-vessels... United States --Steamboat Inspection Service F 3 R 32 Laws governing the St t and n. -at Inspect ion Service... United States — Steamboat Inspection Service V ,'! R 30 Steamboat and Harbour Commissionoi s. Reports Canada — Parliament, Sessional Papers 328.71 Steamboats — Steam Navigation; by Sir W. H. White British Assoc., Advance, of Science, Rept,, 1899 5! [See also Marine Engineering.] Steel. [See Ire ,nd Steel.] [See also Ornithology.] Stenography. [See Sh Stephania hernandifolia - [See also Poisonous Plant; Stereopticon. [See Magic Lantern.] Stereotyping — Typographia s., 1893, 1898 50 : hernandifolia. Rennie, E. H. MA 3 W 1 isard, T. C. A 25 V 20 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1075 Stibio-Tantalite— S.ibio-Tantalite, a New Metal; l.v J. J. East Austn Inst,, Mining Fngincers, Trans., 1 81)3 [S,.r al,o Mineralogy-Western Australia.] Stirling -History— Lodgings of Stirling Fleming, J. S. B Stock and Pasture Boards Me ting of Chief Inspectors of Sick. R( port, 1891... X. S. \V Stock and Stock-breeding - :. IV 1 Din ral Gazette, N.S.W., 10 630.5 Fxport Trade of the United Stales in Live Meat and Meat Pro- ducts United States Dept. of Agriculture A 25 U 36 lianddiook for Farmers and Dairymen... Well, F. W. A '2.'; 1' 32 Hoc. r F Id's 34 Number and Values of Farm Animals, Reports, 18S0-93. United States— Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of Statistics 630.973 Western Australian Agrieult. and Live Stock Returns, Ahstraet. [.sV«oIm Cattle and Cattle-bi dins; Dairy Cattle; Diseases of Stock Exchange — ; Stocks and Shares. ] Stocks and Shares— <■ pora!i,.n..f I'oiviLin Bondholders, ,\ p] »..-ti. ! i x to Report II.. .v Money makes Monev "Duncans- F 13 '!"■■ on Capital Stock ' Pennsylvania -Statutes Fl [S- al-.Q Commercial Law; Companies; Stock Kxehange.] Stomach — Common-sense Management of the Stomach in System of Medicine Allb Stone Age and Implements- Agricultural Flint Implements ... Smiths. Inst. Rept., 1863 506 Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of (Ireat Britain Kvans, Sir J. A 19 U 33 Archeology Cent Ionian's Magazine Library B 32 U 5, ( 'i\ Hi-alien (,}' Swede.., in Heathen Times Montelius, 0. F 16 T 2 Drilling in Stone without Metal... Smiths. Inst. Report, 1868 506 Kli 1!! .:..i-:., l IAtI,:: Type. „ on. the Stone Age of New Guinea. Finscn, 0. MA 2 P 33 t Hist. »ric Ornament Wa id, J. A39P4 Later Stone Age in Kuro U e -mLeisu ■e Heading- .. Proctor, R. A. A 19 Q 16 Windle, B. C. A. A 19 R 6 Men of the later Stone Age and Beast Prehistoric Problems Primitive Inhabitants <,fS, RecherchessurlesOrigines Prehistoric Man . N. A 30 Q 23 >, R. A 19 U 15 i,& A 39 R IS A 34 V 10 fctcncImplementsfromMie V.'a*. PhOTi s... Smithsonian Rept,, 1897 506 , Report, 189D92 572 West of the 100th Meridian, i^allf Depai tme t A 10 U 1-8 t [See aluo Anthropology ; Pi an.] Stone and Stone-work Modern Stone-cutting and Masonry .. Siebert, . S. A 23 U 37 Stonehenge — Stonehenge not Druidieal in Preliis oric Man a d Beast, [SeenUo Druids.] Hutchinson, Rev. H. N. A 30 Q 23 Stories. [See Anecdotes; Childrc Fiction: Tales.] s Books; Fairy Tales; ,g : hyF.H.Bigel,,w. Bureau A 30 V 20 . R. H. A 19 Q 13 Public Library of New South Wales. Straits Settlements — General and Descriptive— Affairs of the Colony MoLarty, F. M. D 18 S 24 Annual Reports in Colonial Reports (it. Brit, and Irel. — Colonial Office 354.428 Chronicle and Directory for China, &c 910.3 European Settlements in the Far East S., D. W. D 21 Q 12 India, Ceylon, &c D 22 Q 4 ■ Commerce and Trade — Trade and Immigration Straits Settlements— Annual Reports 354.. 595 ■ Public Lands— Land and Survey... Straits Settlements Annual Repts. 354.595 Strategy— Conduct of War Goltz, Lieut. -Con. C. F. von der A 36 R 8 Letters on Strategy Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prince K. zu A 36 T 14, 15 War Maurice, Col. F. A 32 R 38 [See also Military Art and Science; Tactics.] Stratford-on-Avon— General and Descriptive— Home of Shakespeare Neil, S. D 1 1 Q 12 Shakespeare's Count. 'v Windle, 15. C. A. D 20 P 13 Shakespeare's Town and Times Ward, H. S. D 22 T 4 ShakespeareanCuidetoStratford -on-Avou. .Ward, U.S. D 11 Q 13 — Churches — Old Sanctuary, An, Stratford-upon-Avon G 11 Q 37 Straw Industry and Plaiting — Condizioni della Indu stria deila Piglia nelia Provincia di Vieenza, 1893 Annalideiriudustria, lsii:i A 21 U S Straw-plaiting in Germany U.S.— Consular Repta., 54 382 Strawberries — Experiments with Strawberries... New Jersey State Agr. Exper. Station", Kept,, lSiiT 630.7 Pamphlets on Strawberries and Small Fruits ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 1 Strawberry, The; by W. J. Allen Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1898 030.5 Strawberry and Passion Fruit; by W. J. Allen Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Strawberry Culture: by W. S. Williams... Queensland Agricultural Strawberry Weevil ... [See also Insects Injur Street-cleaning — Journal, 1 . United States— Dept. Agr.— Div. Entomology A 41 1 Plant Diseases.] Street Railways. [See I Strength of Materials - n Birds in the Australian Museum... Australian Museum MA3V4 [See also Ornithology ; Owls.] Strikes and Lockouts — ■ Belfast Shipbuilders' Strike... United States— Con. Rep., 50 382 Chicago Strike Wright, CD. F4V 19 Chicago Strike, I89i, I!.' , >:-t... United States Strike Commission F 13 Q 34 Economy of Consumption Moffat, R. S. F 12 T 33 England of To-day Martins, Oliveira D 18 Q 22 Foreign Reports ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Labour F 39 V 52, 54 * History of Strikes in America... New Zealand -Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1894 331.8 History of the Last (.Quarter Century in the United States, 1870-95. Andrews, E. B. F 1 S 10 Industrial Evolution of the United States Wright, C. D. F 13 R 23 Labour, Socialism, and Strikes Guyot, Y. F 4 U 29 Miners' Battle, and After New Zealand — Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1894 331.8 Modern Appeal to Leu a! forces in Kconomic Life ... Clark, J. B. F4V19 Modern Labour Ransome, J. S. F 2 V 31 Pullman Strike : its Causes and Events... Now Zealand— Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1895 331.8 Strikes and Lock-outs United States Bureau of Labor, Annual Rept., 1894 331.89 Strikes and Lock-outs, Reports Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Labour Dept. 331.89 Strikes and Social Problems Nicholson, J. S. F8 V 25 Sympathetic Strikes and Svmp allelic Lockouts Hall, I''. S. F 18 R 22 Trades Societies and Strikes, Report National Assoc, for Promotion of Social Science, Trans., I860 F 15 T 5 United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin 331 . [.SVe also Labour Question ; Master and Servant ; Trades Unions ; Work and Wages; Working Classes.] String-work. [See Fancy-work.] Strychnine- Note on the Alkaloids of Strychnos psil Strychnos psilosperma — Note on the Alkaloids of Sir:;,-!,),,,* j-sllos.-', ,;,,,, Rennie, E. II. MA 3 W 18 [See also Botany, Medical ; Chemistry, Organic] Stuart Dynasty. [See Culloden; Great Britain— History; Jacobites; Scotland — History.] Stucce-work — Plastica Ornamentale Musso, Fratelli e Papotti A 47 P 39 J Raccoltad'Orna'i. Antichi e Moderni A 48 P 21 t Stucchi c.l All'rcschi del real Castclio del Valentino... Bravda, K. A 47 P 50 I Stud-books — Australian Stud book Yuille, A. MA 3 W 1-6 General Stud-book A 37 P 1-17 History of Celebrated F.n-iish and French Thorough-bred Stallions and French Mares Touchstone, S. F. A 3 R 23 1-6 Horse-br ler's Hand book Osborne, J. A 27 V 28 [SeeaJao Horse-breeding ; Horse-racing.] Study. [See Self -culture.] Style. [See Literary Methods and Style.] Submarine Telegraphs. [See Electric Telegraphs— Con- struction.] Succession, Law of— Attic Law of Status, Family Relations, and Succession in the 4th Century, n.c '. Derrick, F. M. F IS R 26 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 1077 Suez Canal— Trade of Port Said and I Reports, 1898 Suffolk— English Topography ,.11... Gentleman's Magazine Lib. D 20 V 11 Suffrage— Franchise and Registration; by R. M. Smith— in Historic Facts. Rose, W. K. F 8 Q 16 Universal Suiti age -hi Popular ( lovcruiuont Bradford, G. F 10 P 28, 29 F 15 R 35 Grub Pest of Sugar-cane, /,< r i 90 Queensland— Agr. G30.0 Ni w Varieties of Sugar-cane at th" Richn ! River Farm. Agriculture.! Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Northern Territory Commission. Report. 1895.. .South Australia — Northern Territory Ml) !) Q 39 j '' ■■'„ Fertilising, and Cultivating Sugar cine to produce Rest Results Soil Wast y E. M. Shelter •. N.S ,, 10 Sugar-growing and its Manufacture in New South Wales; by W. S. Campbell in N. S. Wales, the .Mother Colony. Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Sugar in Queensland... United States Consular Report, 50 382 Suaar Industry in the North; by A. A. Ramsav Queensland Agricultural Journal, 5 630.5 Su:ar Industry in Oueensland, Report of Roval Commission. (Queensland - Parliament, V. and P.. ■!, 1889 328.9-13 Sugar Industry in the West Indies Ct. I hit. and Irel.— West indie.- A 40 W 41 t Sugar Industry of New South Wales .. N. S. Wales Parliament, V. and P., 1895 328.944 Sugar Journal and Tropical Cultivator West India Ro i, Report MA I 3 Woliongbar Sugar-cane Experiments: by If. V. Jackson. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 [Sir. .(/.so Beets a n.l Beet-sugar; Insects Injurious ; Sorghums and Sorghum Sugar; Tropical Agriculture.] Sugar-making and Refining — Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of ( stry A 41 U7 Dept. of Agr. - try ^ A 34 T 40 5P13 ',. L. Hand-book for Sugar Manufacturers and their Spence [Another copy. 3rd ed.] a W1 y ISO Sugi rami Starch in Chemistry for Manufacturers . ,. Closer. [:. A 21 T 39 Sugar Machinery Tayler, A. J. W-. A 24 P 30 L ,W,to Sugars^ Suicide- Science of Statistics Smith, R. M-. F 4 V 7, 8 Suicidal Stage of Existence; by Dr. P. Moloney Melbourne Review, 2 052 Suloga Harbour- Chart, 1898 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrog. Office MD 2 P 35 J Sulphur- Electrical Properties of Pure Sulphur; by Prof. R. Threlfall and J. H. D. Brearley... Roval Soc., Loud., Phil. Trans., 187 506 Electrical Qualities of Purified Sulphur; by Prof. R. Threlfall. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 Sulphuric Acid — Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and its Use in Metallurgy ; by W. H. May, da ley ... Aust. Inst,, Mining Engineers, Trans:, 6 * 622.06 Sulphuric Acid Manufacture -hi Chemistry for Manufacturers. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Sulvanite — Sulvanite; New Mineral; by G. A. Goyder Royal Society, South Australia, Trans., 1900 506 Sumatra— General and Descriptive— Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U 14 Summer Schools — Summer Schools in England, Scotland, France. andSwilzerland ; by H.B.Adams... U.S.— Bur. of Education. Rept., 1897-98 379.73 Australasian Intercollegian 207.1 [.sVe nl,o Chautaunua ; ' Reading l 'irele.- ; University Extension ; University Settlements.] Sumptuary Laws - Sumptuary Laws as an Illustration of the Powers of Covernmcrit ; by J. Jones Melbourne Review, 7 052 Sun and Solar System IgnesM. A 19 S 14 T. ,!'' A HI W 10 + manganatc; by W. H. Green Sampling and Classification of Ira [Si ■ also Beets and Beet ami Sorghum Sugar; logical Chemistry.] •. Paps., S, pt. 1. 520.8 Public Library of New South Wales. Sun and Solar System — could. Secular Variations „f the F.lcments of tlio Orbits of the Eight PiineipalPlanets; l,y.T. X. Xtockwell... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 18 508 Secular Variations of the Orbits of the Four Inner Planets. U.S.— Bureau of Equipment, Astr. Paps., 5. pt. 4 520.8 Solar Eclipse of July, 1878, Report; by Cleveland Abbe. United States Signal Service A 10 X 2 f Solar Motion as a Gauge of Stellar Disianees; by Prof. S. Ncweomb. Astronomical Journal, 181)0-97 520.5 Solar Spots, 1847-49 Harvard Univ. Ast. Obser., Annals, 7 Some Unrecognised Laws of Nature Singer, I. A 24 f 35 Sun as a Guide to Travellers; bv R. A. Moon.." Royal Ceog. So,-., Aust., Vict. Branch, Trans., 1MS8 910."(i Sun Spot Drawings; bv Father 1!. Sestini ... Georgetown College Observatory A 20 Tilt Sun's Place in Nature Lockver, Sir N. A 5 T 39 Sunspots and Seasons Hutchms, I). K. A 24 Q 33 Tables of the Sun United States - Bureau of Equipment, Astr. Paps., 0, pt. 1 520.8 Tides and Kindred, l'hcnoir.ena in the Solar Sys' Solar Eclipses of J nited States- - Xav do Mecanique Col Darw n.l Jar . II. 9Q31 , 2 522.19 ■and, F. A 5 P 27-30 t ; Heat; Light; Optics; Sun-worship, [See Fire-worship.] Sunday and Sunday Observance — Church Congress, United States. Papers, &c, 1894 ... Protestant Episcopal Church, United States 15S31 Judgeand.Iury Abbott, B. V. F 13 V 2 the Colonies M F 3 P 2!) f Sunday Legislation in Democracy and Liberty. ..Lecky, W. E. II. F 12 T 4, 5 Sunday Opening of Libraries; by H. Wright Australasian Library Conference, 1890 MJ 2 P 32 f Sunday Question; by Rev. W. H. Eitehett... Melb. Rev., 8 052 Sunday Question; bv A. Harper .Melbourne Review, S 052 Sunday Question; by Rev. J. L. Rcntoul Melb. Rev., 8 052 Sunday Question; by A. Sutherland Melbourne Rev., 8 052 Sunday Question; by Rev. 11. F. Tucker Melb, Rev., 8 052 Sunday Closing of Hotels. [See Drink Question: Liquor Traffic— Laws and Legislation.] Sunday SchoolS- Reed, Sir Charles, Memoir of 0->7R"4 Sunday Schools... U.S.— Bureau ofEducaln.n. Kept. , ls!»7 379.73 Sunflower- Sunflower, The; by H. A. Tardent... Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 030.5 Sunstroke — Superannuation. [Sen Pensions.] Supernaturalism — Superstition — Coincidences and Superstitions — Customs and Supcrstitioi 8-,-H Bygone Church Life in Scotland. Dealings with the Dead LeBraz, A. G 24 P 18 Evil Eye Elworthy, F. T. G 15 S 29 Human Machine, The .. Nisbet, J. F. G 24 Q 5 Magic of the Horse-shoe Lawrence, R. M. G 17 R 39 Popular Superstitions... lentl Magazine Library (JUT 35 ■'.'li'ti Studies Backhand, A. W. A 27 R 34 [ ^«-° A '- 1 '™^i.5 parit ons; Astrology; Charms; Clair- ; Supernaturalism; Symbols; Thcosoph.y ; VVitch- Supreme Court— New South Wales — Rules of the Supreme Court N. S. Wales- S t Rules Saddington, .a- Sew South Wales— Supreme >r its Official Reports.] - United States — for Official Reports.] Surgeons. [See Doctors and Sui Surgery- Aryan Me. Lock wood Mitchell, by Dr. C. Watse hist the Beastly ubs. II US 13 . Welch, W. H. A 17 R 2 t e C 24 Q1S cover, 1). W. A 17 R 2 t Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. Survf ying— Colli irySurv y Prof. K. J. Mills... Institution ..f Kngincei it Level in its Application tola? Periodicals— wveyor, The Suspension Bridges. [.Vw Bridges.] Slltlierlandslrire General and Descriptive — Spo. : sman and Naturalist's Tour I Swallow — ./,- ,it/isii,,erci!wsiis .. Victoria - iSutherlandshire... St. John, C. 1) 18 8 20 Agriculture, Rept., 1874 C30.G Hand-b#>k fo Hog Cholera . Hog Cholera a Swazioland — G'enrra! ri'i'l Dis Swc.deland as an Imperial Factoi Coope, W. J. 1) MS 27 Prevention of Report of the Sweating System— <;,a. ■rnmc'nt Sweating in 'the Clot Fabian Society F 10 E 15 [See also Disc How best to do away with tEe Switzerland Sweden — History— Charles XII and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. Bain, R.N. B 16 R 20 ("nirVs XII of Sweden Browning, 0. B 20 R 16 Civilization of Sweden in Heathen Times Montelius, 0. F 16 T 2 Gastavus Adolphus Dodge, T. A. B 20 S 14 Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Swede,, and Norway, 1766-1818 Brown, J. B 20 S 12, 13 Swedcnborgianisni — Heaven and Hell [in Arabic] Swedenborg, E. G 11 R 83 Swedish Drill. [See Physical Education.] Swedish Literature — Augustan Ages Elton, O. J 14 R 32 Swimming - Bihliogiapliieal Ids; of Works on Swimming Thomas, R. A 29 T 37 New Zealand Amateur Swimming Association Annual MA 5 Q 1 [See also Baths and Bathing; Divers and Diving.] Swindlers and Swindling— Manifest Detection of the Mo.-te Vvle and Detestable Use of Dice I'lav: Reprint of ed. of l.->32... Pcrev Soeietv Rubs. II 1 1 S 31 Memoirs of Major Semple Semple, J. (J. C 24 P 3 [See also Impostors and Imposture] Swine Fever ) 20 P 9 19 S 1 t WC! 1 i'o.l Uni en— General nmelte Werki is of Places... and Be ■erij • live — ongfellm v'iJ .. R Stal Arm if - U.S.—] )cpt. Commerce mid T, ide . Wilson, W. I' - 13 V 1 ul (d-ncral's Offic< A 36 W 2( f War F 16 R 2: Dcploige, S. F1.-.Q34 . Wilson, W. K 13 VI Tublic Library of New South Wales. Switzerland — Finance and Taxation — Graduated Taxation in Switzerland New Zealand -Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1S93 331.8 ■ History — Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy Read, Gen. M. B 19 U 2, 3 Short History of Switzerland Dandliker, K. B 25 R 15 )'n, W. H. 'F 15 R 7 Sword Exercises. [See Fencing; Gymnastics.] Sydney — General and Descriptive — AantciAi i ' ] i 1 i t s i Tijdsehrif't voor hot Zeewezen, 1857 910.5 Beautiful Sydney MA 3 U 33 Cacocthes Ambul -'.mi i : ;'. SU--t<-li •<( til'' Sydney Streets. Australian, 1 MJ 4 P 11 Capitals of Greater Britain: Sydney; by C. Seott Pall Mall .Magazine, 1899 052 Description of Sydney, 1818 Slater, .J. Libr. Description of the Town of Sydney, 1809 Naval Chronicle, 22 B38Q3 Dymoek's Illustrated Guide to Sydney and Xev, South Wales. MD 4 Q 7 Hand -book to the City of Sydney MD 2 S 23 How to Know Sydney Samucll, 11. J. MD 1 P 11, 09, 76 Idle Time at Port .Jackson; by A. Sutherland Melbourne Review, 9 052 Old Scenes Revisited ; by "A Roving Australian." Sydney University Magazine. 1 M-l 4 P 20 Our Sister Cities; by Bruce Smith ... .Melbourne Review, 9 052 Sister Dominions Hogan, J. F. MD 8 P 30 Sketches in Sydney; by H. Furniss Windsor Mag., 1898 052 PresentKtateofSvduev, X.S.W.... Colonial .Mae;.. 1841 F 19 P 5 Rambles in Town Australian, 3 MJ 4 P 13 Sights and Scenes in Sydney: 2. The Markets; 3, 4. The Rocks; 5. The Pavement on Saturday Night Australian Home Companion, 4 MJ 4 Q 19 Sydney and Principal Towns in Xew South Wales; by F. J. Donohue - in N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony. ..Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Tank Stream ; by J. Mae [with Illustration] Arden's Sydney Ma-azine MJ 4 Q 8 Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Haweis, Rev. H. R. D 15 R 5, 6 View of Sydney... New South. Wales Magazine. 1843 MJ -! G 7. 8 Views of Sydney, No. 3— in Voyage to Xew South Wales. Harrington, G. MD 8 R 52, 53 [See also Pert Jackson.] ■ Churches — Balmain Presbyterian Church ... Presbyterian Mag. MG 2 V 21 Historical Sketch of St. Peter's Church, Cook's River, Sydney. Madgwick, Rev. K. D. MG 2 Q 55 St. Andrew's Scots Church [ with lllustrationl X. S. Wales Magazine MJ 4 Q 8 St, George s [Church], Sydney... Presbyterian .Mat'. MG 2 V 21 St. James' Church [with Illustration] . . . Xew South Wales Abv MJ 4 Q°S St. Mary's Cathedral [with Illustration]... Sands' Sydney and Suburban Directory ... » d Suburban Hotel Guide ocesan Directory ;ctory of Sydney and Suburbs. Sydney and Suburban Directory 919.44 MF5S14 283.944 .. Noice, C. S. 919.44 ■ Exhibitions — Exposition Internationale dc Sydney en 1879. France: Manu- factures JNatinnalcs ; Sevres, les Gobelins, Beauvais. Sydney International Exhibition, 1879 MA 3 W 19 Australian Pioneers and Reminiscences... Hartley, N. MB 1 Q 50 Other Days; by F. Melthcipe Sydney TTmvcr.-ity Ma"azine ' MJ 4 P 22 Sydney — Maps — Map, City of Sydney and Suburbs Sands, J. MD 8 Q. 47 Map of North Sydney and Ivnviron-o.. MeCarron, Stewart, and Co. MD 8 S 10 Map of Sydney and Suburbs... McCarron, Stewart & Co. MD 7 P 1 ■ Public Buildings — Architectural Work in Sydney, New South Wales, 1788-1899. Barnet, J. MA 4 V 2 Public Parks— Hyde Park Trust Australian MJ 4 P 11 Sydney Botanical Gardens — In the [Botanic] Gardens Month, 1 MJ 4 Q 11 Sydney Harbour. [See Port Jackson.] Sydney Mechanics' Schools of Art — Preliminary Statement of the Circumstances connected with the Formation of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts; by Rev. H. Carmichael Xew South Wales Magazine M J 4 Q 7 Sydney Public Library. [See Public Library of N.S.W.] Sydney University- Commemoration Addresses by the Chancellor of the University, 1896-98 Sydney University MG 1 U 10 Speech on the University Bill... Wentworth, W. C. MG 1 R 79 [See- also Universities, Australian; and for its own Publications under Sydney University, in the Author Catalogue.] Sydney University Library- Library of the University of Sydney; by H. E. Barff. International library Conference. Trans., 1897 Cat. Room Sylviculture. [See Forestry.] ieclesiastical Architecture Symbolism — Animal Symbolism -■ans, E. P. G 12 V 30 Buddhist Praying Wheel Simpson, W. G 15 R 35 Christian Mysticism Inge, W. R. G 24 V 21 Degeneration Siidfeld, M. S. G 3 U 19 Designs to Thornton's Virgil Blake, W. A 45 V 12 Divagations Mallarme, S. J 21 P 24 Essay on the Bases of M vstic Knowledge... Rcccjac, E. G 23 R 33 Greet Law, The ' Williamson, W. G 24 V 19 Light from the Land of the Sphinx... Witherby. H. F. G 1 S 21 Pages Mallarme, S. J 21 U 15 Sacred Tree; or, the Tree in Religion and Myth. Philpot, Mrs. J. H. G 24 V 5 Symbolist Movement in Literature Symons, A. J 17 V 30 Wind among the Reeds Yeats, W. B. H 12 R 29 [See «/*> Christian Art; Cross, The; Kmblems; Phallic Worship ; Religions, Primitive; Serpent Worship; Symbols and Sym- bolical Representation; Totemism.] Symbols and Symbolical Representation — Evil Eye Elworthy, F. T. G 15 S 29 Flours cle Lis de l'Aneienne .Monarchic Prancaise. Malderghem, J. V. K 17 T 13 Horns of Honour Elworthy, F. T. B 36 R 17 On Symbols Neilson, G. F 13 R 25 Sacred Maya Stone of Mexico and its Symbolism Parry, F. G 17 U 6 t Sacred Tree Philpot, Mrs. J. H. G 3 U 23 [See also Emblems ; Mayan Language: Symbolism.] Synonyms and Antonyms — Dictionary of English Synonymes Sonic, R. J 10 S 28 [See also the subdivision Synonyms under each Language.] Synoptic Problems. [See Biblical Criticism; New Testa- Syntomidaj — Syntomidas in the British Museum; by Sir G. F. Hampson— in Catalogue of Lepicloptera Phaheme... British Museum— Natural History A 43 R 11 [See also Lepidoptera.] Subject-Index to the Sux>plemenlury Catalogue — 1896-1900. Syphilis— Ap , .l.od Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Constitutional Syphilis; by J. Hutchinson .-. System of Medi Pi, -■■■lit Treatment of Syphilis Sy i ,h ilis ;" I.V 'l )■■. R. W.' Taylor A 2!i T 40 A 31 Y 7 1 Western (1.1U26 Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Syphilis Popularly Considered Boan3y, J. G. MA 2 Q 70 SVi.hilitic Diseases of the Lungs; by Dr. K. Fowler— in System of Medicine Allbutt, T. C. A 20 T 33 [Sie also Contagious and Infectious Diseases -Lws ami Legisla- Syria. [See Palestine.] Syrian Church— Syrian Bite Liturgies,! [Sie also Nestorian Church.] SyrphidsB— List of North American Svrphi.he: bv C. P.. O. Saeken . . Buffalo Society of Xatural Sciences, Bulletin, vol. 3 506 [Sn also Diptera.] Syrups— Foods and Food Adulterants United States -Dept. of Agr.— Division of Chemistry A 34 T 40 [S ■ also Fruit-canning.] Table, The. [See Cooking; Domestic Economy; Eating; Food; Menus.] Table-rapping. [See Spiritualism.] Table Talk. [See Anecdotes; Essays— General.] Tables of Insurance. [See Insurance.] Tables of Interest. [See Interest Tables.] Tables of Weights and Measures. [See Weights and Measures.] Taboo- Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. f 1 23 R 34 Things Taboo in Introduction to the History of Religion. Jcvons, F. 13. G 15 R 39 Taborites— Communism in Central Fan ope in the Time of the Reformation. Kautsky, K. G 23 S 2 Tacheometer — . Contouring on Mining Properties with Aid of the Tacheometer ; by If. P. Scale... Aust. Inst., Mining lOngineers. Trans., 022. 00 Surveying with the Tacheometer Kennedy, N. A 45 U 20 Tachinidse [S the Tachinid.-cof America North of Mexico; bv D. W. t...U.S. - Dept. of Agr. Div.ofKntomologv A 38 Q 29 iptcra ; Parasites.] Tachys — [S'-e also Bembibiides ; Carabi.hc ; Coleoptera'.] Gx t. C. F. von der A 36 R 8 .enkerl, Major A 36 R 18 . Balck, Capt. A 36 W 1 frit, and Del.- War Office A 36 V 14 ... Biirde, Lieut. J. A36U 15 =nig, F. A 36 R 10 Col. P. A 32 R 38 illery; Cavalry; Drill and Minor Tactics; Infantry; rt and Science ; Mounted Infantry ; Naval Tactics ; Problems in Applied Tactics; with Solir Tactics of the Future Taenia echinococcus. [See Hydatids.] Tafilet— General and Desi . Hairi W. B. D 14 S 23 Tahiti— General and Descriptive— Description of Otahcitc in Copies of Documents relating toCaptain Cook Cook, Capt. J. MB5R7X lets over Taiti en de nedcrzetting der Franschcn op dat Kiland, door J. Swart Tijdschrift voor bet Zeewezon, 1845 910.5 Crigin of the Xante Tahiti ; bv .1. L. Young... Polynesian Society, Journal, 1898 990 . London Missionary Society Mfi 1 T 6 5 Haweis, Rev! H. R. D 10 R 5, 6 Geograj/hi/, '/'ii/>nt, of War F Hi I! 11 Customs Tariff of the Island of Porto Rico ; by R. P. Porter. United States -Dept. of the Treasury F 10 R 11 Destructive Influence of the Tariff upon Manufacture and Com- mons, Solioenhof, .1. F 15S22 First Stages of the Tariff I'oliev of the United States... Hill, W. F 4 V 18 Political and Social Aspects of the Tari tf. United States- in Prob- lems of Modern Democracy Codkin, Iv L. F 2 V 33 Tariff Act, 1897 '.. United States Statutes F 3 P 20 Tariff of 1897... United States Dept. of the Treasury F 10 R 31 Tariff Question and its relation to the present Commercial Crisis White, H. F17P5 Victoria - Comparative Statement of Tariffs... Free Trade League of Victoria F 17 P7 Fiscal System ef Victoria Victoria -Parliament, V. and P., 1895-9Ii 328.94 5 Tariffs of Victoria Smyth, R. M. F 17 P7 Tarrytown-on-Hudson — History — Historic Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Tarsiidse — Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum; by J. E. Gray ... liriiish Museum Natuial Tartary — General and Descriptive, — America Bay, 1898 [Chart] ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 % Anchorages in Russian Tartary and Saghalin Island 1899 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 * Anchorages in the (lulf of Tartary," 189S [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - -Hydrographic Office D 49 P 1 J Journey of William of Rubruek to t lie F.astorn Parts of the World, 1253-55 Hakluvt Society, Pubs., 2nd ser. 4 910.6 Slavianski Bay, USDS [Chart]... (it. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 J Vostok Bay, 1S99 [Chart] Gt. Brit, and Irel. —Hydrographic Office D 49 P 3 % Tasmania — General and Descriptive- Advanced Australia Galloway, W. J. MD 8 P 41 Australian Hand-book 319 Cockney Columbus, The Murray, D. C. D 13 P 5 Franklin, Sir John, Fife of C 22 Q 11 Governors of Tasmania, 1804-96... Beattie, J. W. MA 11 P 33 + Hand-book of Tasmania ...Tasmania Hand-book MD 8 T 7, 8 Hints to Immigrants to Tasmania Nowell, E. C. MD 2 P 9 Islands of the Southern Seas Shoemaker, M. M. MD 2 T 32 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 More Tramps Abroad Clemens, S. L. D 13 P 2 Poems of Places Longfellow, H . W. H 1 1 P 37 Residence in Van Diemen's hand, 1S42-43 ... Colonial Mag., 1844 F 19 P 13, 14 Roving Commission, A Pasco, Comm. C. MD 3 R 13 Run round the Empire Hill, A. D 18 Q 32 Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Australasia. N. S. Wales -Statistics 319.4 Tasmania; by E. Stephens Melbourne Review, 8 052 Tasmania Post Office Directory 919.46 Tasmanian Official Record Tasmania —Official Record MD 8 T 4-6 Tasmanian Rivers, Lakes, and Flowers Murray, A. S. MA 6 P 27 J Tourist Guide to China, Japan, Australia, and Tasmania. Eastern and Australasian Steamship Company Ml) 8 T 9 Travel and Talk, 1885-95 Haweis, Rev. H. R " D 16 R 5, 6 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 14 Van Diemen's Land, Moral, Political and Physical Colonial Magazine, 1840-41 F 19 P 1-4 Western Australia Hand-book— in Hand-book, 1899. Gt. Brit, and Trcl.- Kniigranls' Information Ollicc 1) 22 Q 19 [See a/no under Tasmania in Author Catalogue, for Official Publi- Defence Forces — Commandant's Reports Tasmania— Pari., Journals 328.946 Disroivn/, Exploration, and Early Voyages — Abel Janszoon Tasman's Journal ... Tasman, A. J. MD 2 P 33 J Explorations on the West Coast of Tasmania; by C. P. Sprent. Roval Geog. Soc, Aust., Vict, Br., Trans.", 1885-86 910.6 First Discovery of Tasmania, 1042 ; by Hey. J. P. ( WW... Tasmanian Journal, 2 MA 5 R 5 Surveyof two Early Journeys West ward, 1832 42: by the Bishop of Tasmania Royal Society, Tasmania, Papers, 1898-99 506 Geography, To/mf/ra/i/iy, mid Maps — Frederick Heme and Norfolk Pays, IS95 [Chart]. Gt. Brit, and Irel. Hydrographic < )tii< e M D 2 P 34 J Map of Van Diemen's Land Frankland, G. MD 4 V 1 2 Notes on Original Chart of South Tasmania ; by J. J. Shillinglaw. Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Aust., Vict. Br., trans., 1898 910.6 Pavilion Point to ilisdon Ferry, 1899 [Chart]... Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office M I) 2 P 35 % Plans in Tasmania, 1897 [Chart] Gt, Brit, and Irel.— Hydrographic Office Ml) 2 P 35 -J History — Growth of the Empire (2) Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1 , 8 History of Australasia Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 7 Soldiering Fifty Years Ago Do Winton, Major G. J. de W. MB 3 P 5 Story of Austral -sia Laurie, J. S. MB 1 T 7 Subject-Index to the Svpplementarij Catalogue — 1896-1900. Tasmania - Politics — Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Lire- and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 Tasmania Lands MF 5 S 23, 25 — Statutes — s of Parliament of Tasmania Tasmamia Statutes 340.1 lex to the Statutes of Tasmania and Acts of the Federal Council ■' Australasia; by J. K. Reid Tasmania Statutes 34fi.2 tistics cf the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1801-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 P 20 Tasmania!!?. [See Abo i of Australia -T; ?-e — Judgment. [See Esthetics and ^stheticism ; Literary Criticism.] . G ok, E. T. A 41 T 7 Tate Gallery— Hand-book to the Tate Gallery , [S In< can Taxacea-; by D. P. iill Univeraitj A 40 S 7 ... Alison, A. J 14 S 13 bution of We 1th in the Spahr, C. 11. F 10 V 32 venport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 Wevl, W. E. F 15 S 27 ian, E. R. A. F 14 U 25 Contributions oCiviliza- Eliot, C. W. F 13R33 Historic Fact Pose. W. K. F8Q 10 Schwab, J. C. F 4 V 15 ire of Public Money; bv Melbo cRc Increase of State Taxation in Europe— in l)c Lecky, W. E. IP F 12 T 4," 5 Introduction to Public Finance l'lehn, C. C. F 10 V 31 Lectures on Justice, Police, &c Smith. A. F 12 T 12 Natural Taxation Shearman, T. (i. F 10 V 23 Political Economy and Taxation Ricardo, 1). F 10 S 17 .Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice... Seligman. E. R. A. ■e of Ki! 1 1! •- Taxidermy — Artistic and Scientific Taxidermy and Modelling Browne, M. A 23 U 39 Directions for Collecting Minis; bv R. Ridgwav... Cnitcd States - National 'Museum A 37 S 49 Home Mechanic Schotield, J. A 39 P 3 Manual of Taxidermy Mavnard, C. .J. A 23 P 13 Taxidermical Methods at the L.-mIci M..,cum. Holland; by R. \V. Shufeldt... Cnitcd States National Museum, Kept., 1895 507 Taxidermy Pennsylvania Dept. of Agr. A 38 Q 31 Taxidermy ami Zoological Collecting Hornaday, W. T. A 30 Q 30 Taxonomy. [See Botany ■ Manuals, Systems, Nomencla- ture; Collecting— Manuals; Zoology— Manuals, Sys- tems, Nomenclature.] Foods and Food Adulterants ... United States Dept. of Agr.— Division of Chemistry A 34 T 41 llexcamne, the Aboriginal North American Tea; by Dr. E. M. Hale U.S. Dept. of Agr. Div. of Botany A 19 V 41 Report on British Grown Tea Stanton, A. (i. A 35 Q 9 Tea Crole, D. A 29 V 6 Tea Producing Com panics of India and Ceylon. Cow, Wilson, and Stanton F 11 U 41 Tea-raising in South Carolina... (it. Brit, andlrel. Foreign (Mice [S> also Beverages.] A 2 Teachers. [See Reformers, Educational, and Teachers; Teachers— Training Schools.] Training Schools ami Systems — Commissioner of Education, Reports... United States - Bureau of Education 379.73 Diplomas and Certificates, and the Registration of Teachers; by F. Rtorr ... Intermit. Health F.xhib.. 1884, Lit.. 10 A 41 V 12 . ill it. 1 Ire F.lm 7 U 14 axation for 10S6 Tullic Library of New South Wales. Teachers — Trainin'j School* and Si/slem* — contd. Training of Teachers; by Dr. Storv ... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit, 16 A 41 V 12 Training of Teachers for Elementary Schools; by Miss S. A- Miller Internal. Health Exhib.. ISS4, Lit., 1(5 Ail V 12 Training of Teachers fir Primary Schools: by Key. J. Bates. New Zealand Inst., Trans., 1895 50G Training of Teaehers for Public Elementary Sehools; by G. B. Davis Intermit. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 16 A 41 V 12 Universities in their relation to the T raining of Teachers; by Rev. R.H. Quick... Tnternat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 10 A 41 V 12 [See ah) Education— Museums.] Teaching — Aims and Practice of Teaching Spencer, F. G 1 8 Q 36 Apperception Lange, K. O 15 U 33 Class Teaching National Society G 15 U 37 Cultivation of the Senses National Society G 15 U 37 Discipline National Society G 15 U 37 Educational Ideal ; with Bibliography... Munroe, J. P. G 2 V 46 Great Britain and Ireland Secondary Education, Report. G 18 S 25 Great Didactic of John Amos Comeuius Comenius, J. A. G 14R25 Herbart and the Ifcrbartians lie ( larino, C. G 9 W 23 International Congress of Education, Proceedings, 1893. Chicago Exhib., l" n " 5 P 46 Schoolmaster in Comedy and Satire J 10 R 44 State School Teachers; by C. W. Melb. Rev., 3 052 Teaching and Organisation Barnett, P. A. G 18 P 47 Teaching by Means of ( Irannnar Howen, E. E. (i 17 T 10 Thirty Years of Teaching Miall, L. C. G 18 P 46 [S,e aho Examinations; History Teaching of; Languages- Teaching of; Object Lessons; Reading-books; Reformers and Teachers, Educational: School Management ; Science Teaching; Teachers Training Schools; and 'the sub-division Education and Teaching of, under each Subject.] is Larva." of the Genus Toara: I.yW.W. Froggatt ..... Linnean Society, N.S.W., I'roc, 1 89 J 506 [/See aim Lepiv I'. Magnus Internat. i'b.. 1884','Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 holar.-liips and Exhibitions for lire!. Kdueation G18S27 t. Brit, and Irel. Secondary Education G 18 S 25 I Dawson, W. H. F 15 R 7 o nelle Scuole d Arte npplicata all' Industria ill Krculei. R. of; Fat : Dyes; i <; Fib ndles Adulteration; Foods; Fuel; and Resins; ( Uittapcrcha and Manures and Fertilisers; Me Technology— General. [See Manufactures; Technological dia-rubber;Ink; Manufacture d Pigments; Perfumery; Soap ■ HandrbooJcs- i for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper . Bliu L.J. A 25 R 34 Periodicals— Australian Technical Journal ( C. dogue of Scicntiiicand Teclmieal Periodicals. 1005 ]MI.> : II. C. Bolton Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collections, 29 .' ' Technical Periodical Literature Dii le.lbou ■ Libra s .bni ■asion and Erosion of the Teeth; by Dr. G. V. Black -in iueri.MiL System of Dentistry Litch, XV. F. A 31 S 1 crican System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S I 3 lomy of the Human Teeth Black, G. V. A 32 S 27 mialies of the Teeth and Maxilla; by Dr. A. M. Guilford in niciican System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 es of Congenital Defectiveness and Deformity of the Teeth ; v Dr. A. II. Thompson— in American System of Demi-try. Teeth— conld. I Eruption and Structural Relations of the Deciduous and Permanent Teeth Peirce, C. N. A 31 S 3 Hannover on Dental Tissue in Scientific Memoirs... Huxley.T.H. A 40 S 15 Hypcrccmentosis ; by Dr. S. H. Guilford-m American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Methods of Filling Teeth Ottolcngui, R. A 32 S 35 Micro-organisms of the Human Mouth -Miller, W. D. A 32 S 21 Operative Dentistry Taft, J. A 32 S 20 Ope, alive Technics Weeks, T. F. A 32 S 29 Oral Deformities Kingsley, N. W. A 32 S 28 Oral Surgery ( Jarretson, J. E. A 32 S 20 Orthodontia Guilford, S. H. A 32 S 34 Pathology of the Dental Pulp; by Dr. G. V. Black— in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 1 Reflex Neurosis associated with Dental Pathology; by Dr. A. P. Brubaker— in American System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Teeth of the Invertebrates; by \V. H. Dall— in American System of Dentistry Litch, XV. F. A 31 S 1 Teeth of the Vertebrates; by Dr. J. L. \\ ortmann— in American System of Dentistry Litch, XV. F. A 31 S 1 [See also Dentistry.] Teetotalifm. [See Temperance.] Telegraph Administration. [See Electric Telegraphs- Administration.] Telegraphic Periodicals. [See Electric Telegraphs— Periodicals.] Telegraphs. [See Electric Telegraphs; Pneumatic Tele- graphs.] Telegraphy, Practical — Teleology- Heresies Kritik of Judgr .. Mavcr, W. A 34 V 7 Hiller, H. C. Kant, I. on, S. H. G Eraser, A. C. ... Lindsay, J. G 24 P22 (J 3 U 28 1 30, 31 I ; i p 35 DcntarMedicine".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Dental Surgery Dental Surgery Development of the Tee sesoftheDeti scsof the Pel ion of Daniel Drawbaugh ... United States Patent Office F 10 T 22 t ie Hopkins, XV. ,1. A 20 Q 26 tes in Many Countries .... NYh Zealand IVpt. of Labour, Journal, 1896 331.8 vice in Canada... U.S. Consular Reports, 00 382 vice, Report of Select Committee, t. Piit. and livl. Telephone Service A 39 V 14 * U ni in < da-.;o« (It. lirit. ami Irel. Olusgow Telephone Impiiry, 1S97 A 39 V 35 ♦ Tublic Library of New South Wales. Telephony— Commercial and Donr-stir Telephony Bvng, M. A 33 P 36 Electricians and their Marvels Jerrold, W. A 21 P 50 Electricity for Everybody Atkinson, P. A 20 P 26 Imlustriai Electricity Elliott, A. G. A 33 Q 31 Practical Telephony Bell, J. A 33 Q 39 [See also Telephone.] Telescope, The — Astronomy without Mathematics Beckett, Sir E. A 19 P 13 Hints on Behcet inland Refract inn Telescope c . .Thornthwaite, W. A 23 T 36 Hints on Silvered Class Reilcetini: Telescopes Calver, G. A 23 T 36 Silver on Glass Reflecting Telescope Booth, D. A 23 T 36 Stargazing Lockyer, Sir J. X. A 45 T 1 1 Stars and Telescopes Todd, D. P. A 19 Q 32 Temora— [Description of] Temora Australian, The, 5 M.T 4 P 15 Temperament. [See Character ; Mental Physiology ; Mind and Body; Physiognomy.] Temperance- Christianity and the Soda! State .. Lorimer, Rev. G. C. G 24 R 1 Cvclopa'dia of Temperance and Prohibition F 7 T 7 Cough, .John B.. the Apostle of Cold Water C 20 U 10 Rosary of Christian Graces McLaren, Rev. A. G 23 R 31 Temperance and Social Reform Rowntree, J. F 15 S 29 Temperance Movement and its Workers Winskill, P. T. F 1 V 15-18 Temperance Question -in Speeches... Ma gee, Arehbp. J 14 Q 37 °T n q o [Si.e nho Bevc:-.!.- - : I >ip-oma;,i:i : I i.-inl; l^uest ion : G 1 Templars ; Gothenburg System; Li.pior 1'rohihiti e, ; Liquor Trallic Laws; Local Option; Temperance Societies.] Periodicals - Australian Temperance Magazine MF 5 S 10 Australian Temperance World J78.05 New South Wales Good Templar 178.05 New South Wales Son of Temperance 178.05 Temperance Advocate MF 5 U 10 i for the Suppression of MF5P 12 t MF5P18 F 1 V 15-18 ee Year-book MF 5 S 26 aservations of Air Temperature and ies...Straehey,Gen.R. AHT21t Wrare Variables— in Physics; by vanee. ofScience, Proc, 1897 503 .dSea (it. Brit, and Irel. iteorological Council A 31 R 20 J re uith Electrical Resistance Ther- r ... Mcliill University A 40 S e Office A 40 V 33 J netcrs; by H.L. Callcndar... .Met i ill University A 40 S 6 . U.S. - Ucpt. of Agr. Div. of Soils A 3S II 14 ; by H. L. Callcndar McGill University A 40 S 6 Temperature — contd. Sounding the Ocean of Air Roteh, A. L. A 19 P 15 Temperature in the Dee]) Mines of Uendigo; by J. Stirling. Australasian Inst. , Mining E, mincers, Trans., 1897 622.06 TenipcraturcofLie|iiir.|Ii].ids:h\ 1 1. T. R times.. .McGill University A 40 S 6 Thermo-geographieal Studies Madsen, G. L. A 13 X 7 r [See also Climatology ; Heat; Melting and Boiling-point Tables.] Templars. [See Chivalry; Knights Templars.] Temporal Power. [See Papacy.] Temptation. [51m Evil; Sin.] Tenants. [See Landlord and Tenants.] Tenebrionidse— New Genera and Species of Tenobrionida', Australia, Now Cale- donia, and Norfolk Island; by F. Bates... Entomological Soc.__, Tenebrionid.e collected i [See also Colcoptera.] c Islands Benjan i, S. G. W. D 22 R 3 Tennessee— General and Descriptive— Dixie; or, Southern Scenes and Sketches ... Ralph, J. D 22 R 5 On Horseback Warner, C. D. D 16 P 7 . Neal, J. R. F 18 R 7 Tenure of Land. [See Land Tenure.] Teredinidee — Wharf Protection against Teredo and l.inmoria Rich, E. MA 4 P 21 Teredo navalis. [See Teredinidte.] Termites — Australian Termitidoe; by W. W. Froggatt Linncan Society, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96 506 Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 ♦ [See also White Ants.] [See also Ceramics j Pottery.] Terrapins. [See Tortoises.] Testament, New. [See Bible, The ; Bihlical Criticism ; New Testament Commentaries; under each Epistle and Gospel ; and under Bibles and Testaments in Author Catalogue.] Testament, Old. [See Bible, The ; Biblical Criticism ; Old Testament— Commentaries; and under each Book ; and under Bibles and Testaments in Author Catalogue.] Testudinata Jrocodiles in the British lusoum— Natural History A 42 V 1 1 Dancing-stick from New Guinea to which two Skulls of theChclonian (\nv/tiK-/i"li/s iiiut/Jii were attached; by G. A. Boulengcr. Zoological Society, London, Proc., 1898 590.6 Orthogenetic Variations in the Shells of Chclonia; bv ll.Gadow— 1"» Zoological Results WiHey, A. MA 4 V 3 [Ste also Reptilia; Tortoises and Tuitles.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1S90-1000. TetanuS- Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P 11 Epilepsy and Tetanus; by Dr. J. C. Da Costa -in Practical Thera- peutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 10 Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A4."i R 5 Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 P 10 Tetanus; bv Sir G. M. Humphry in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 [Stt also Bacteriology, Economic] Tetrachsetse — Australian Species of Tetracha; by E. Brown Entomological Soc, Lond., Trans., 1869 595.7 [£<« a/so Diptera.] Texas Fever. [See Ticks and Tick Fever.] Textile Fabrics — General — D< .-orative and Eanev Textile Fabrics Lord, R. T. A 4.5 U 6 Hi -urie Ornament ! Ward, J. A 39 P 5 Industrial Evolution of the United States Wright, C. 1). F13R23 Jarouard Weaving and Designing Bell, T. F. A 40 Q 12 Made in Germany Williams, E. E. F 10 V 16 Ornamental Design for Woven Fabrics. .. Stephenson, C. A 23 T 38 Our Textile Industries— in Our Trade in the World. (iastrell, W. S. H. F 9 V 10 Structure of Fibres Posselt, E. A. A 13 \V 14 t Textile Fabrics; by W. Morris... Intermit. Health F.xhib., 1884, Lit,, 12 A 41V 8 Tc x t ile Industry of Japan U. S. —Consular Reports, 60 382 Textiles ami Bleaching — in Chemistry for Manufacturers. Blount, B. A 21 T 39 Wall Papers and Textiles - in Training of a Craftsman... Miller, F. A 23 S 41 Yams and Textile Fabrics Herzfeld, J. A 45 U 16 [.<■, also Bleaching: Calico; Cotton: Dyes and Dyeing; Embroi- dery; Fibres; Fiax ; Linen ; Silk ; Spinning; Tapestry; Weaving; Woollen and Worsted Manufactures.] Thames — Thames Illustrated Leyland, J. D 19 S 23 + Thana— General and Descriptive— Gazetteer, Bombay Presidency, 13, 14.. .Bombay— Gazetteer 915.47 Theatre, The — Em dish Drama and Stage, 1.113-1664 II 3 U 3 En/dish Stage Filon, A. H 9 T 27 Gaiety Chronicles Hollingshead, J. II 9 T 29 Napoleon's Opera-glass Rosen, L. II 10 W 18 Romance of the Irish Stage Molloy, J. F. 11 11 R 15, 16 Shakespeare's London Ordish, T. F. B 23 P 14 State, The Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 Theatres of Paris Matthews, J. B. H 12 Q 1 [.S'.e also Acting; Actors and Actresses; Amateur Theatricals; Drama; Dramatic Art anil Criticism ; Opera: Pantomime ; Stage , Mechanism.] Theatres— Architecture— Modern Opera I louses and Theatres... Sachs, E. 0. A 8 16-18 J Theatre Fires and Panics Gerhard, \\. P. A 23 S 34 Theatre Panics and their Cure Young, A. A 37 R 25 Theatrical Life. [See Actors and Actresses ; Theatre, The. ] Theatricals. [See Amateur Theatricals.] Theism— Kasisof Early Christian Theism Cole. L. T. O 26 T 3 Hillcr, 11. " . and \Yh: „ Int Her MG e Ilisto Morality and Theism - Theism — contd. Providential Order of the World . Spiritual Theism— in Doctrine am Bruce, Rev. A. B. G 23 R 7 Rashdali" Rev'. H. G 23 Q 37 ic... Iveraeh, Rev. J. G25N17 Lindsay, J. Theism in the Light of P. Theistic Philosophy of ! Two Lectures on Theism oeui, n Will to Believe lames, W [See also Agnosticism; Atheism; Christian Eviden Freethought; lnlidelitv; Mat'-rialism ; Pantheism Rationalism; Spinozism ; Theology; Natural.] Theologians — Carstares, William; by Rev. R. H. Story ■rs, Thomas ; by W. O. Illaikie c. John, Dean of St. Paul's, 1621 31 ..„ ineofLinlathen;bv~~ , Fenton J. A. , Life tt, Benjamin, Life J 24 P 16 G 23 R 24 ;es; Deism; Chain, Story C25T 18 tie.. C20T15 21-31 C23S9 rson... Erskine,T. C26Q11 of; by his Son C23S28, 29 of ; bv Dr. F. Abbott. C 24 Q 16, 17 Kempis, Thomas a in I're-Reformation Worthies. Cowan, Rev. W. G 23 Q 10 Ripley, George ; by 0. 1!. Frothingham C 27 P 6 Kuvsbroeek, John' in Pre Reformation Worthies. Cowan, Rev. W. G 23 Q 10 Staupitz, John in Pre-Reformation Worthies... Cowan, Rev. W. i 23 Q 10 n Worthies ... Cowan, Rev. W. G 23 Q 10 et, A., Life and Writings of; by Laura M. Lane ... C 27 S 17 Susso, Henry- in Pre-Refor Theological Education. [/wllivinitvSeh. Education; Theology— Education, School Theological Periodicals. [See Theology— Pe Theology— General— Continuity of Christian Thought Allen, A. V. Logic of the Practical Sciences in Theory of Praet >ls; Religion— Significance of he Old Tt [See also Creeds ; Ecclesi Religion -Periodicals; versial ; Theology, Dov Pastoral; Theology, Kj Dictioi aries— Essays- 1 nckcr ( Ask tsot Religious and Scent i lie Thought. 11 Essays, Reviews, and Address. s ... Martin. Periodicals ix:;'e;::'iMi^m w i\u-iodieais 1 Controversial by Rev. G. Melbo Valtcr. Religious Thought in Melbour c; bv Rev- < ' Melbo . Walte Tiiblic Library of New South Wales. Theology— Devotional ard Practical — Cure of Souls Watson, Rev. J. G 10 U 22 Modern Methods in Church Work . . Mead, Rev. G. W. G 2-4 Q 4 Proper Objects of Worship and P. -avers for the Dead — in Charge at First Visitation Temple, Archbishop G 23 R 3d Church Institut i Chi, Mis-';,', Church Mu ical A chile Eoc i -t ical 'rlisl ding; Family Won Liturgies; Meditations, Devotional; t'raycr : Prayer! o iks ; Preaching; Priesthood ; Psalms and Psalmody ; Public Worship ; Religious Poetry; Sunday Schools; Symbolism.] ■ Natural— d Moral P.. Animal and Veget Asiatic Studies .. "Butler's Analog) of Man Physiology.. ilogy "and Modern TI Ethics u Centre 1 in Christ Gu Development of English Thought . Lyall, Sir A. C. ■, Res as, W. C. Divi Foundations of Zoology Fundamental Ideas of C God and the Future Lit Guesses at the Riddle ol Jlistorv of Dogma Harm Letter's on Religion Sell Life or Death the Destiny of the Soul ... Li Natural Causes and Supernatural Sccniings 21. P 12 G 15Q34 G 14 P 24 .... Patten, S. N. G 23 T 42 Illingworth, J. R. G 5 Q 31 ... Brooks, W. K. A40U9 Caird, Rev. J. G 5 P 32, 33 Nordhoff, C. G9U33 Smith, G. G 10 U 34 Harnack, A. G 23 S 36-39 i, E. F. ! V :!.) Nat ral Religion Natural Religion; bv Mrs. \\ Natural Theology and Ethics Naturalism and Agnosticism.. Origin of the World Philosophy of Belief Physical Religion Place of Christ in Modern The Providential Order of the Woi Spirit on the Waters Supernatural in Nature Theistie Philosophy of Roligio Theology of an Evolutionist . Thcorv'of Vision Vindicated ,a Tlirough Nature [,%Ta/' Agnosti'c Worship; Fut God V;Apoi" : r-;pl Berk. 5 11 S 39 Midler, F. M. J 29 T 1 r Melb. Rev., 8 052 Wallace, V. G 21 (J 24 Ward, J. G 24 V 14, 15 .. Dawson. J. W. G 24 P 31 . Argyll, Duke of G 14 P 25 Midler, F. M. .J 29 T 2 Eairbairn, Rev. A. M. Bruce, Rev. A. B. (I 23 I! 7 .... Abbott, E. A. G 3 U27 .. Reynolds, J. W. G 23 P 2 Lindsay, J. G 1 P 35 .. Abbott, Rev. L. G23P5 . Bis! : 19 His ; Death; Deism; ] ;e; God; Immortal onalism; Religion; >ry of; Revelation; Serpent Woi sophy; Tree Worship; Vedas.] Pastoral — . Fiske, J. v; Optimism; Pan- rl Science; Religion- lip; Soul; Theism; Christie Mo.lern Methods in Chu [See also Celibacy; CI Systematic and Doctrinal 'lace of Christ in Modern Th< Student's Hand-book of Chris Pheology of the New Testamer 1'rue Limits of Ritual in the Ch Uniformity in Ceremonial in *n Theology Field, Rev. B. MG 1 P 42 ... Stevens, Rev. G.B. (J 23 R 35 eh...Linklater, Rev. R. G 24 Q 14 hargc delivered at First Visitation. Temple, Archbishop G 23 R 30 Theology— Systematic and Doctrinal— contd. [See also Agnosticism ; Angels ; Antichrist ; Apologetics; Apostles; Arians and Animism; Arminianism ; Asceticism ; Athanasian Creed; Atheism; Atonement; Augus- tinianism; Baptism; Bibb'; Calvinism; Catechism; Christian Evidences; Chri dianit v; ( 'linrch Polity : Confession; Councils, Church; Creation; Creeds; Cross; Death; Devil; Eschatology ; Eternal Punishm ait ; Evil: Faith; Fan:;! ieism ; Fathers ; Free- dom of the Will; Future State; Gnostics; God and Divine Attributes; Grace; Heaven; Hell; Heresies; Holy Ghost; Immortality; Incarnation; Infallibility; Jesus Christ; Judg- ment ; Judgment, Day of ; Justification ; Liturgies ; Lord's Prayer; Lord's Supper; Mass; Materialism; Millennium; Miracles; Missions; Mysticism; Original Sin; Orthodoxy; Pantheism; Pelagianism ; Pen, nice; Prayer; Predestination; Prophecy; Protestantism: Purgatory; Rationalism; Redemp- tion; Regeneration; Religion; Repentance; Resurrection; Revelation: Sacraments; Salvation; Sane! ideation ; Sermons; Sin; Socinianism ; Soul; Sunday and Sunday Observance; Theology ■ Education : Transcendentalism ; Ti -ai [substantiation ; Trinity; Worship.] Theosophy — Art Magic Britten, W. G 3 U 22 Caves and Jungles of Hindustan... Blavatskv, Helena P. 1) 22 O 3 Esoteric Buddhism Sinnett, A. P. G 9 W 34 Esoteric Buddhism; by G. Elliot Melbourne Rev., 1 052 Ghost land ' Britten, Emma H. G 1 P 36 Intellectual Development Crozier, J. B. G 17 T 11 Key to Theosophy Blavatsky, Helena P. G 25 S 20 Ma<*ic Australian Theosophisl MG 2 W 2 New Testament Occultism Dewey, J. H. G 19 U 1 Old Diary Leaves Olcott, H. S. G 14 S 21 Pathway of the Spirit Dewey, J. H. G 23 R 17 Studies 'in Psychical Research Podmorc, F. G 23 S 5 Wav, the Truth, and ti bSVe'rt/.soKabala; Re-ir 212 a.] Therapeutics — Action of Medicines Brunton, T. L. A 37 T 1 Aryan Medical Science Jee, Sir B. S. A 33 S 17 Dental Medicine Gorgas, F. J. S. A 32 S 23 Dental Pathology and Therapeutics Inglis, 0. E. A 38 S 5 Dictionary of Medicine Quain, R. A 31 P 3, 4 Elements of Pharmacy, Materia Mcdica, and Therapeutics. Whitla, W. A 26 P 32 Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 General Therapeutic Considerations; by Dr. H. C. Wood— ire Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Murrell, W. A 26 R 29 Materia Mediea. and Therapeutics; bv Dr. II. Eclimann -in Ameri- can System of Dentistry Litch, W. F. A 31 S 3 Materia Medici. Pharmacy, ami Therapeutics for Dentists. Clifford, E. L. A 32 S 33 Materia M'-dict, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics. White, W. H. A 2li P 31 Pan-American Medical Congress. Transactions 610.6' Physical am! Natural Therapeutics Hayem, G. A 31 Q 19 Practical Therapeutics Hale, H. A. A 31 P 14-17 Principles of Drug Therapeutics Leech, 1). J. A 26 T 34 Retro,, t of Medicine Br lit hwaitc, J. 910.5 Si.nnlearmt to the Referee • Hand-book of the Medical Sciences. Buck, A. H. AllTflf [Seen oAnti ipti ;Bnet iriology;Balneo- therapeutics; Dietetics; Elect ro-lhcrap aitie- ; Evr.-is--: Faith Healing: Homo-apathy ; II vdroo i* h\ : H.gice-; Mas-ag ; Materia Mcdica; Nursing; tion ; Veterinary Science ; and under each Disease.] Thermo-dynamics — Determination of the Ratio of the Specific Heat at Constant Pressure and at Constant Volume for Air, Oxygen, Carbon- Dioxide, and Hydrogen ; bv O. Rummer and F. Pringshcim. Smithsonian Inst.. Contributions to Knowledge, 29 508 Index to the Literature of Thermo -dynamics : by A. tuckerman. Smithsonian lust., Misc. Collections, 3t 508 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1890-1900. Thermodynamics — contd. S-cnnd Lawof Thermo-dvnamies: Memoirs l.y Carnot, Clausius, : ml Thomson Magic, W. F. A 44 Q 18 Steam-engine as a Thermodynamic Machine Cotlcrill, J. H. A 21 U 21 Table of Specific Heats for Liquids ; l.v F. W. Clarke. Smithsonian Inst.', Misc. Collections, 14 508 Tables of Expansion by Heat for Liquids and Solids; by F. W. Clarke Smithsonian lust., Misc. Collections, 14 508 '1 licoretical Physics Christiansen, C. A33V11 Thermodynamics 1'upin, M. I. A 25 I! 3,'. Thermo-dynamics of the Voltaic Cell Australasian Assoc, for Advance, of Science, Report, 1898 506 [Ae a/so Heat.] Thermometers— ; Heat; Temperature.] Free., 1895 500 Thibet— General and Dcscnpticc— Diary of a Journev through Mongolia and Tibet, 1801-92. Rockhill, W. W. D 19 U 22 In and Beyond the Himalayas Stone, S. J. D 18 U 17 In the Forbidden Land Landor, A. H. S. I) 13 U 17, 18 Tn rough Unknown Tibet Wollby, M. S. D 16 V 24 Thirty-nine Articles — Lutheran Origin of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Anglican Church Morris, Rev. J. G. G 9 V 40 Ti.irty-niuc Articles of the Church of England. Gibson, Rev. E. C. S. G 14 Q 35, 36 Thirty Years' War, 5 48 Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital— Reports Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital 362.1 Thought Transference — Telepathy and the Subliminal Self Mason, R. 0. G 11 U 17 f.s.e «iso Clairvoyance; Second Sight; Telepathy.] Thread-worms. [See Nematodes.] Thrift— Development of Thrift Brown, Mary W. F 15 P 36 T,.ril't i„ S.-!io:,ls; by Prof. Laurent ... Intermit. Health E.xhib., 1884, Lit., 14 A 41 V 10 Throat. [See Larynx; Pharynx; Uvula.] Tick, Cattle (Boiiphilm bods), and Tick Fever— Cattlc-dippm-. F.xpc United St Cattle Tick; by R. 1 Cattle Tick; by C J. Cattle Tick and Tub. U.S.-Dept.ofAgr Inoculating F.xprrini , N.8.W., 7 ml... ■eulosisin'N. S. Ticks — General — On some Tick Para: Queensland Cattle Red Water Commi; Rod WaS' Disease. ical ; by V. A. Norgaard. ■., Year-book, 1898 03(1.5 users' Gazette MA 4 Q 19 Queensl.,Proc.,1898 506 Wales; by G. S. Baker. dIndust.,Rept.,189S 030 Pound Queensland Agr. Journal, 1 630.5 2Y-. its Prospects and Problems; eur.lund Agr. Journal, 1 030.5 nd ... Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1 030.5 from Texas Fever in Northern United States -Dcpt. of Agr.— aial Iniiustiv. Kept.. I..9S 030 !)0, Report .' X. S. Wales - uent, V. and P., 1800 328.9-14 f Texas Fever; by J. S. Hunt. Agricultural Journal, 3 630.5 k Fever: by Dr. Tidswcll. gr. Gazette! X.S.W., 10 1130.5 k Fever: Report by Dr. Tids- L'ouucil, 1S99... X.'S. Wales- Parliament 328.944 ,-i; by W. M. Masked. daud" Institute, Trans., 29 500 Tick Pest; by Dr. ,1. S. Hm Ticks; by C. Fuller Tidal Instruments- - Thyroid Glan< nd Thyroid Gland Oiiue 'MA 2 K 54 .1 Stat.s ... United letic Survey 525.00 Public Library of Neic South Wales. Tides — contd. Tide-tables... United States— Coast and Geodetic Survey 525.69 Tide-tables for the Pacific; Coast of the United States United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 525.09 Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System. Darwin, G. H. A 19 Q 31 Tides, Currents, and the Mum; by W. Buchanan... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1897 500 Tides of South Australia ; by R. W. Chapman Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Report, 1898 5(10 Tides of South Australia; bv K. \\ . Chapman ... Royal Geog. Soc. , Aust., South Aust. Br., Proc, 1SSS 98 910.(1 Tides of the Pacific, and on Diurnal Inequality... Whewell, Rev. W. A 11 T20t [See also Moon.] Tierra del Fuego — Ranks, Sir Joseph, Journal Ml) 3 U 15 Gold-diggings of Cape Horn Spears, J. R. A 24 T 26 TifliS— General and Descriptive— From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. 1) 17 S 10 Transcaucasia and Ararat Bryce, J. D 13 S 19 Timbor Trade- Timber Trade of New South Wale.;; by R. 1). Hay... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 1(1 630.5 Timber Trees. [See each Treo.l Forestry and under the name of -Diseases. [See Forestry Plant Diseases.] Timbers — Agn cultural Gazette of New Sout i Wales 630.5 Aus ralian Timbers ; by Prof. W Co .... Chioag Eng neering Construct on ill Iron, Si, ■,■!. ; Man lal of Forestry. 5 chlich, W. A 32 R 17 Mechanical Tests on Sp jcies'ofAnu ■Vcai'i W oods... UnitedStates De pt. of Agr. Div. c f forestry A 13 R 7 t New Zealand Timbers tint Forest Products... Perefval, Sir W. B. MA 4 S 3 of North America ent, C. S. A 40 S 25 I Tim .or: Discussion of the Charact lid Properties of Wood; F. Roth... U.S. - IVpt.ofAg of Forestry A 39 P 19 >er Pines of the So United States Dc p- o! \g, Div. f Forestry 'a 11X7 + Tim h Wal, s; by J. H. Maiden in N S. Wales, the Mo her Colony . Hutc hinson,F. Ml) 7 U 23 Uses of Wood; byF. I loth :.:. Unitec States -Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1890 030.5 Vali e of Spotted Gum tor Wood Paving ; by J. If. Maiden. Agr. CO i ; !i N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 [See also Forestry ; Str ngth of Materials ; Wood Pavements ; and Time imar of Science Pearson, K. A 45 T 7 Met Hodgso i, S. H. G 17 1! 33 30 New Psychology, The ............. . Scripture, K. W. G 11 U 29 Perceptio of Til n Principles of Psycl; >gy •■ , w. Philosophy of Reflection Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 30, 31 Theory of Reality Ladd, C. T. G 24 V 8 [See ate Almanacs; Cosmology; Horology; Metaphysics; Space] Time Signals - List of Time Signals established in Various Parts of the World, 1893 Gt. Brit, and Irel.- Hydrograpliie Office A 36 V 35 Time Systems and Standards— Measurement of Time and the St. >rv of ( he ( 'alendar-/,, Household Oracle Miles, A. H. A 40 Q 9 Proposed Change in Reckoning the Astronomical Day... Canadian Institute A 23 T 39 Seasonal lime; by G. V. Hudson New Zealand Institute. Twenty-four-o'clock Notation Am 11 Socio 1S98 of Civil Tin- Barrier Silver and Tin-fields in 1888... Stevens, C. J. MA 4 T 10 Coolgarra Tin-mines Queensland -Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 + Information respecting sonic of the 'fin-mines of Cornwall; by W. Colenso Now Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 506 Tin-mines nearCoikiown.. .Queensland Gold-fields MA 9 P 45 t Tin-mines, Wats >n ;ville... Queensland -(fold-fields MA 5 P 45 + Work-shop Com > i:ii i.i fir Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers Blinn, L. J. A 25 R 34 Tin-dredging — Broadwater Proprietary Tin-dredgingC'o., Prospectus MF 5 U 18 Stanthorpe Proprietary Tin-dredging Co., Prospectus MF 5 U 18 Tin-plate Manufacture- Consular Reports, 48 UnitedStates Consular Repts. 382 Tipulidse— Tipulid-, or Crane-flics of New Zealand; by F. W. Hutton. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 506 [See alto Diptera.] Tires— Law. [See Roads.] Titles of Honor- Book of Dignities Haydn, J. K 9 V 3 Titles for Colonists : by R. Stout Melbourne Review, 052 Titles of Property. [See Conveyancing: Deeds— Regis- tration; Real Property.] Toadstools. [See Fungi; Mushrooms.] Tobacco-growing— Area of Com, Potatoes, and Tobacco ... United States -Dept. of Agr. Division of Statistics. ]K!:n»2 030.973 Cultivation and Preparation ofToh.u. oin India: by Dr.F. Watson. (ft. Brit, and Irel. India Office A 18 T 32 f Cultivation and Treatment of 'tobacco... Victoria Agriculture — Guides to Cowers. 25 MA 3 V 13 Cultivation of Cigar Leaf Tobacco in Florida; by M. L. Floyd. UnitedStates Dept. of Agricid'uii e A 37 S 54 Cultivation of Tobacco in Sumatra ; by F. Mulder... UnitedStates— Dept. of Agriculture A 37 S 54 Culture of Tobacco Schomburgk, R. MA 4 S 12 Culture of Tobacco ; by O. C. Butterwcok... Coiled States -Dept. of Agr., Fanners' Bulletin, 82 A 41 U 2 Curing and Growing Tobacco."!. Connecticut -Agr. Kxpcr. Station, Rept., 1897 630.7 Curing Cigar Tobacco ; by R. S. Neville. . . Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1898 03(1.5 DuTabac Sutherland, G. F. MA 1 R 14 Florida Grown Tobacco Queensland Agr. Journal, 6 030.5 Future of the Tobacco Industry in Queensland; by R. S. Nevill. Queensland Agr. Journal, 030.5 Handling Heavy Pipe Tobacco ; by R. S. Nevill Queensland Agricultural Journal, 5 030.5 History of the Tobacco Industry in Virginia. 1800 94; by B. W. Arnold Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 15 B 18 S 15 Methods of Curing Tobacco: bv M. Whitney ... United States— Dept. of Agr'., Farmers' Bulletin, 00 A 41 U 1 New South Wales Tobacco in London Agricultural (iazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Principal Insects affecting the Tobacco-plant ; by L. 0. Howard. UnitedStates Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 630.5 Report on Tobacco Culture ; by L M. Sinclair Victoria — Agriculture MA 3 V 29 Tobacco Agricultural Experiment Stations A 38 R 32 Tobacco Hillings. F. R. A 40 U 14 'tobacco and its Cultivation West Australian Settler's Guide MD 8 Q 54 Tobacco Culture; by A. M. Howell... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., S 630.5 Tobacco Culture in 'New South Wales; by S. Lamb-iM N. S. Wales, the Mother Colony Hutchinson, F. MD 7 U 23 Tobacco Experiments in Texas... United States Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Statistics, Report, 1S93 030.973 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1093 To , ico in a new light; by A. M. Howell...... Agr. Gazette, Tobacco Leaf Killibrew, J. B. A 33 P 16 To'-, u-™ Soils; l.vM. Whitney... United States— Dept. of Agr., Farmers' Bulletin, s:i A 41 U 2 Tobacco Soils of the Unit,-;! States; by M. Whitney U.S.— Dept. of Agr. — i)iv. of Soils A 38 R 14 T\ p.-s of Toba.-.-o an.l their Analyses in Work .luring 1895. North Carolina -Agr. Kxper. Station 030.7 0'.? also Insects, Injurious; Tobacco Manufacture.] Tobtcco Manufacture — ring Piles of Cigar-leaf Tobacco; Dept. of Agriculture A 37 S 54 Killings, E. K. A40U 14 Kiilibiw, J. V. A33P 10 Toleration — '.'. i .'lisii Political Philosophy .. [>:. also Liberty of Conseieiici [Seoto Plant Diseases.] Tombs and Mausoleums - per. Stations A 38 Q 7 United States— Dept. of Bulletin, 7(i A41U2 linnesota Agr. Kxper. itionRept., 1895 030.7 British Mus > Brasses ; Burial ; Catacombs ; Cemc :U Kites.] .ems of Places' Tonga Tonga or Friendly Islands [Ch: H tabu to L'Esperance Rock, rt] 22 Secret History of the Oxford Movement W.iDh \V (I 2'! S (1 Secret History of the Oxford Movement ; » hat' r.- :[ , '„.,,. >', ties ^isetnaiCVJtdb^l.'Lif.VandTitn^'o'f':: ^.'.^ C 23S IE 12 [.See also in Author ( V d, ._,: ■ under Kcb'c, .loin, ; Manning, Car- dinal; Newman, Cardinal; Pusey, E. B. ; Wilberforee, Bishop.] Trade. [See Commerce and Trade; Trade, Boards of; Trade Protection: and the sub-heading Commerce and Trade under each Country.] Trade, Boards of— Board of Trade Journal... (it. Brit, andlrel. Board of Trade 382 n,ttc , rifih, i r( l ''nl i: 'r U '' 1 " f T '' a ' 1U U1 " !Cr " amCS " f ( ' ol,ntrics Trade Journals. [See Manufactures— Periodicals; Trade Protection— Journals ; and under each Trade.] Trademarks. [See Patents.] Trade Protection -- Journals— Merchants and Traders Association, Weekly Trade Report 332 New South Wales Trade Protective Institute ;;:i2 Trades — Work 605 [.See also Commercial Law ; Injurious Occupations ; Noxious Trades ; Prices; Produce Trade; Tariffs; and under each Trade.] Trades Directories — Crane's Buyers' Guide of the United Kingdom, Europe, and Aus- tralasia 910.3 Directory and Hand-book of Meat and Provision Trades A 33 P 22 Trades, Noxious and Injurious. [See Injurious Occu- pations; Noxious Trades; Public Health.] Trades Unions- Arch, Joseph: the Story of his Life C 25 Q 14 Best Means of bringing Coiiperators and Trade-unions together; by J. Arnold Cooperative Congress, Kept., 1891 334 Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies, Part C, Appendix M, Trade Unions, Rept. ... fit. Brit, and Irel. Friendly Societies 334.7 Citizen and the State Stachev, J. St. L. F 16 S 34 Cooperation in its Relation to Trade Unionism and Socialism— m Economic Science and Practice... Price, L. L. F. R. F 10 V 30 Distribution of Income Smart, W. F 10 P 32 Economic Theory Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Economy of Consumption Moffat, R, S. F 12 T 33 England of To-day Martins, Oliviera D 18 Q 22 English Labor Federations New Zealand Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1894 331.8 Frie::dly Societies, Industrial and Provident Societies, and Trade Unions, Reports...* it, Brit, and. Irel. Friendly Societies 334.7 History and Development of Gilds, and the Origin of Trades Unions Brentano, L. F 16 Q 13 History and Funet'ons of Centra! Labor Unions ... Burke, W. M. F 18 R 21 Industrial Democracy Webb, S. F 9 R 39, 40 Legal Disabilities of Trade Unions New Zealand - Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1895 331. S Massachusetts- Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Report 331 Method of Collective Bargaining New Zealand- Dept. of Labour, Journal, 1896 331.8 Modern Economic Imbroglio in The Coining Individualism. Hake, A. E. F 1 R 22 Modern Labour Ransomc, J. S. F 2 V 31 Provident Societies and Industrial Welfare Brabrook, E. W. F 15 R 20 Relation of Christianity to the Conflict between Capital and Labour Andrews, C. F. F 10 V 27 Relation. hip between Cooperation and Trade Unionism — in Prob- lems of Mo lern Industry Webb, S. F 9 R 42 Select Pommeiits illu, -rating the History of Trade Unionism : the Tailoring Trade Galton, F. W. F 4 U 20 Social Facts and Forces Gladden, W. F 13 V 40 Some Social and Political Pioneers of the 19th Century. Balmforth, R." C 23 R 24 Strikes and Social Problems Nicholson, J. S. F 8 V 25 Syndicats Professionals Gonnard, R. F 7 U 34 Trade Societies, Report ... National Association for Promotion of Social Science, Trans., 1860 F 15 T 5 Trade Organizations in Industrial Evolut ion of the United States. Wright, C. D. F 13 R 23 Trade Union Label ; by J. G. Brooks United States- Bureau of Labor, Bulletin, March, 1898 331 Trade Unionism-//! Principles of Socialism Spencer, H. (i 12 R 24 Trade Unions in Great Britain and Ireland United Suites Bureau of Labor. Iiulletin2, 1896 331 Trades Combination Movement in Groat Britain .. United States -Consular Reports, 60 382 Trades Unionism -in Women in Industrial Life ... International Congress of Women. 1899 F 17 Q 5 Trades Unions, Report (it. Rrit. and Irel. Labour Dept, F39 Vll t Verhandlungen des Internationale,, Kongre-s.-s fiir Arboitersehutz in Zurich Maier, G. F 13 T 22 Women's Trade Unions New Zealand Dept, of Labour, Journal, 1893 331.8 [See also Capital and Labour; Cooperation; Eight -hour Question ; Guilds, Trade ; Labour Question ; Manufactures; Strikes.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Tra:li-ions. [See Folk-lore; Legends.] Traffic Regulations- Omnibus and Hackney Carriage By-laws, Sydney ... MF 3 P 37 Tragedies. [See Dramatic Literature.] Tragedy. [See Drama, The.] Training —Moral Education. [See Culture; Home Edu- cation; Moral Education; Self-culture.] Training, Athletic — Pra, 'deal Training Faries, R. G 18 Q 40 [Ste aho Athletics ; < Jyninasties; I'hysieal Education.] Training Ships. [See Naval Art and Science —Education, Training Schools, Schools.] Tramps. [See Vagrants.] Tramways - - A : il, »,■ Wire P, » J . . - Tramways... Tavler, A. J. W-. A 20 Q 24 CaMo Tramway Machinery; livT. Irons Engineering Assoc., N. S. Wales. IV,,.-.'; 1892 93 620.6 La ving-out Curves on Railways and Tramways... KKihnke, G. H. A. A 22 P 41 Railways and Tramways in New South Wale-,: by R. L. Nash in V S.' Wales, the Moth, -rColony... Hutchinson, F. Ml) 7 U 23 Re, -nt Progress in Electric Railways Ilerin-, C. A 21 P 49 [,s'.< Kleetrie Railways.] t* o Hyi a of Trance; by R. Hod- Psychical R •scare in : Spiritualism.] , 1897-98 K0 Transcendentalism- Post on Monday Lectures deplete Works of Emerson Emer Dreams of a Spirit Seer [.-■-. ,r/soI]egelianisin;Idea'isni; Kantiai IMiilosophy ; Neo l'latonism ; Platonis Transits. [See Mercury; Venus.] Transmigration— Asi itic Studies Li Tr , immigration of Souls in Introdu Religion.... Transport, Military— Me 1 Tim a War for Road Transpr, Regulations for the Army ' Standing Orders of the Art! .Supply Hand-bookfortheA t.-Col. 0. A31S2 . United States - War A 36 V 32 ;. Brit, and Irel.- F 13 V 26 i. Brit dire Transportation -Commerce and Trade of Tra Foreigner in the Farmyard (ieiicral Freight and I'assenj Pates of Charges for Riilwa U.S.— Dept. Road Transport — in Light P. Transportation — Criminals — Anti-transportation Movement ... Hi,.-,, ■•d Au-Srahan Mae., 1 MJ 4 P 17 Alison, A. JUS 11 ._ ,me Friend J 22 S 11 Transportation as the only Means of JOll'eetual Convict Reform. Howitt, W. MF 4 P 47 Transportation Question Illustrated Australian Magazine, 1 M.J 4 P 17 Transportation System N. S. Wales Mag., 1 MI 4 Q 7 Transportation System: Reply of "0. P. Q." to "A Liberal'" N'ew South Wales Magazine, 1 MJ 4 Q i- •■■ :■- : md under < ircat Britain and Ireland Convicts, an I .V-v, S ,-a;!i Wale; Transportation, in Author Catalogue.] Transubstantiation I)c Eueharistia Tract at us Major .. [See alxo Lord's Supper; Mass.] Transvaal— General and Descriptive — Boer States Keane, A. H. D 21 Q 8 British Africa D 22 Q 8 Directory of South Africa 916.8 Illustrated Ottieial I l;o„|d„„,k of the Cape... Noble, J. D 22 Q 16 Impressions of South Africa Brvce, J. D 13 U 1 [Another copy. ] 3rd ed., revised .". D 21 Q 5 In New South Africa Tangye. H. L. D 1 4 S 24 Kingdom of the Barotsi, Upper Zambesi. . . Bertram!, A. 1 ) 22 R 7 Klerksdorp Cold-fields Denny, G. A. A 31 S 15 Life in Afrikanderland ""Cios" D14R23 Nouvelles Soeieles Anglo-Sax, mnes Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. On Veldt a Trade Con, 1 Farm . Mac . Un: d States — Consular Reports, 60 382 Geography, Topography, and Maps- Map of Soulh Africa, showing relation of Transvaal to Surrounding Territories Howden, R. D 22 Q 18 . Regan, W. F. B 16 R 30 Procter, J. B 23 Q 17 MB3Q7 Aron, J. B 16P21 :, F. W. B 41 R 2 c K F lie IS. V, i Ye , is ■<;. ,i I), s Whi V.'f'V;: eN -el rv" K -!,' r. ''if'' 'IVb' tin . Ha; 1. H. 37 P 1 -V) R:l Public Library of Neio South Wales. Transvaal- -// ixtory—conld. Transvaal and the Boer* Fisher, W. E. O. B Hi R 10 [Another copy.] New od B 3G S 10 Transvaal from Within.! °. '.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Fitepatriek, J. P. B 36 S 8 Transvaal of To-day Ayhvard, A. B 41 P 13 Transvaal under the Queen ... Davis, Lt.-Col. X. X . B 41 W5 White .Man's Africa Bigelow, P. B 37 V 11 With the Boers in the Transvaal in 1880-81... Newman, C. L. N-. B36S 6 Woman's Part in a Revolution Hammond, Mrs. J. H. B 17 P 51 , Politics— Affairs in the South African Republic Gt. Brit, and Irel.— South African Republic B 40 W 28 J Social Life and Customs — Transvaal of To-day Ayhvard, A. B 41 P 13 Travellers and Explorers - Australian Heroes and Adventurers... Pyke, W. T. MC (i P 2 t Book of American Explorers Higgfnson, T. W. C19T21 Burton, Sir Richard F.. Ti tie Life of : le. (,. \I Slistcl (' 10 T 17 Cabot, John and Sebastian Bcazley, ('. R. 1) 16 R 13 Cabot, John, and Sebastian, his Son, M'Jti 1557 Harrisse, II. Campbell, Robert, Sketch of the Life and Discoveries of' bv G Bryce... Historical and S, icntilic Society Ma Columbus: by Washington Irviin- En y H. N-hliit. Fitch, Ralph Franklin. Sir John, Life of.. Hero of the Dark Continent La Pevrouse, Fate of Leichhardt, Dr. Ludwig: c : n. Oswell, William Cotton II in Park, Mum..,; bv T. 11. Ma.-! Raleigh, Sir Waiter; bv M. . , Abel Jai [Se .miioba C 24 P 12 C23P1 Minds of the Sand- iele, 32 B 38 Q 13 Naval Chroirole, B 38 P 2 3r, E. C. 0. T. C25P 18, II) IT. B 36 R 7 MC 1 T3(i D 2 P 33 + .. C23Q5 Travelling, Art of— Woman's Book [See also Travellers.] Travels— General— a.-moi, I.;.,,,,!-. |-..nv,,„. .,,„| America... Hughes. T. 1) IS R 'ddcrn. ■> and its lenant.s Madden, J. D 1 S 4-. ".'"-V' ! "'"'""■":: R"»l-'- tor Trade and Travelling ; Travellers ira\cmng. Artot; \ oyages ; and I he sub-heading ( ieneral tin.U Scientific. [See Scientific Expeditions anc \ oyages. | Trawling— Resources of the Sea Mcintosh, W. C. A 30 T 23 Scientific Kxueriments to te-.! the Kit'ccts of Trawling in the Waters of Scotland; bv Prof. Mcintosh International Congress of Zoology, Proe., 1898 A 35 W 14 Trawling Internat. Fisheries Exhib., 1883, Lit, 7 A3 ' [See also Marine Zoiilogy.] Treason- Military Treason and, National Guards in Essays Alison, A. J 14'' [See also Crime.] Treaties — British and Foreign State Papers, 1812-87 .. Gt, Brit, and Irel.— State Papers 354 Convention between Great Britain and Nicaragua for the Settle- ment of Claims arising out of the I h-turhames in the Mosquito Reserve, 1804 Gt. Brit, and Irel. Treaties F 13 T 2 .lire Gt. Brit, and Irel. 1 M.ipo Africa by Treaty ; by SirE. Hertslet. Tri MF5(,l F 36 W 17 t Brit, and Irel. - ies D 13 V 3 5 Reciprocity Treaty with Canada, 1854 .. Haynes, F. E. F 4 V 17 Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreig Countries.......... Gt. Brit, and Irel. Treaties F16P1-Q ^ and Austria ./. < It .'~Brit. and Irel/ Treaties' F 1 U 19 - in American State Papers U.S. Slate Papers '328.731 Tribunal of Arbitration. Bering Sea fisheries. Proceedings. United States -Fur Seal Arbitration F 3 U 2-15, '" [See also Diplomacy; International Law; and under the names of Treaties in Author Catalogue.] Tree-planting. [See Forestry.] Tree-worship — Asiatic Studies Lyall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Sacred Tree, The Philpot, Mrs. J. H. G 3 U 23 Tree, Plant, and Fruit-worship in God-Idea of the Ancients. Gamble, Eliza B. G 3 U 29 [See also Religions, Primitive; Theology, Natural.] Trees and Shrubs — Diseases of Shade and Ornamental Trees; bv B. T. Galloway. United States Rept, of Agr., Year-book, 1896 630.5 Native Trees and Shrub; of South Dakota South Dakota- Agricultural College A 33 S 29 Now Indian Trees; by G. Kind Asiatic Society, Bengal, Journal, 1890 054 New SoutV f-'alos Plants worth cult ivalingfor Shade, Ornamental, and othc Purposes; by J. II. Maiden Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Ornamental Shrubs for Garden, Lawn, and Park Planting Davis, L. I). A 23 V £2 Pamphlets on Forestry ... Agr. Experiment Stations A 38 R 30 Tree-planting in Waste Places on the Farm; by C. A. Kcff De 630.5 A 37 R 13 Trematodes. [See Bilharziosis; Flukes; Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Trent, Council of. [See Council of Trent.] Trial by Jury. [See Jury, Trial by. J Trial by Ordeal, [See Ordeals.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1896-1900. 1097 Trials — General — Child-marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications in Diocese of Chester, 15(51-66... Early English Text Soc. Pubs., orig. sor. 108 347.6 PI icita coram domino liege apud Wcstmouastcrium de termino S, ncteTHnitit.isanno li-gni It ;gis K hvu-di filii Kyis Itcnriei .-st mortem Trials.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.'....!... N -V. ; ...'<..' F 13 R25 h home Mystery, The !Vi ■ :.:,. a:., K. MF 5 S 2 tHala in Superstitious Ages U . i i, I'.. II. F 13 Ii 25 Trials of Animals Frost, T. F 13 R 25 [,V. e also Crime; Criminal Law; Criminals; Evidence; Jury, Trial by; Law Reports.] Em inordinary Cases . . Clinton, H. L. F 8 R 21 • Crh \nal- Ju -e of Klizabeth Canning, and the Case of Bosavern Penlez —in Works of Henry Fielding Fielding, H. J 22 V 14 Celebrated Trials Clinton, H. L. F 8 R 20 ^inordinary Cases Clinton, H. L. F 8 R 21 famous Trial's of the Century Atlay, J. B. F 17 t T 1 R .:iua v. George Dean; Report of Roval Comn.ission.. X. S. Wales —Parliament, V. and P., 189.". 323.944 3uffield Case, The Stephens, A. G. MF 5 Q 12 • O'S i-Parnell Divot j Cas nell, C. S. F 10 S 9 State — Examination of the Trials for Sedition which have hitherto occurred in Scotland Cockburn, Lord F 9 P 32, 33 Historic Parallels to I Allaire Drcvfus... Sanderson. E. B 37 Q 12 Historical Sketch of the Memorable Trial of Kail Strafford, 1(541. Fisk, W. F 15 P 24 Vro. es Zola Zola, E. F8Q11, 12 Sjieeial Commissions for ( 'ork and Limerick in Cases of Treason, and of Trials tor Treason- Felony, ( 'hire and Kerry, 1867. (it Brit, and Ire!. Treason and Treason F. I civ, Ireland, 18(57 F 7 U 37 State Trials; v I'rof. Kanlhaek... International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 [See also Diseases of Animals ; Entomology, Economic] Tuatara — Summary of Principal Results obtained in a Study of Development of Tuatura; by A. Rendy... Roy. Soc, Lend., Proc, 1898 500 [See also Lizards; Zoology' and Fauna -New Zealand.] Tuberculin- Application of the Tuberculin Tost to the Dairy Cattle on the Island of St. Helena; by C. J. Pound Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1893 630.5 Attenuated Bacillus Tuberculosis; by Dr. de Schweinitz. U.S.— Dept. of Agr.— Bur. of Animal Industry, Kept., 1898 036 Board of Health Rules for Tuberculin Test Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Preparation and Use of Tuberculin ; by Dr. E. A. de Schweinitz. United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1898 030.5 Professor Koch's New Tubcrrulino... U.S. Consular Repts., 54 3S2 Tuberculin; its History, Preparation, and Use; by C. J. Pound. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 630.5 Tuberculin; its History, Preparation', and Use; by C. J. Pound. Royal Society, Queensland, Proc, 1898 500 Tuberculin Test Victoria -Agriculture MA 3 V 27 [See also Bacteriology; Scrums and Serotherapy ; Tuberculosis.] Tuberculosis — Agricultural Cazette of Tasmania, 1S97 630.5 Animal anil Vegetable Parasites; by A. Park New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 506 Animal Tuberculosis and their Relation t( Noc d, E. 9P 1 Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A 40 P Biologist, Report New Jersey State Ait. Expcr. Station, Rept., 1S90 63H.7 Bovine Tuberculosis Vermont— Agr. Experiment Station Repts., 1893-94 03 1.7 Bovine Tuberculosis ; by J. Stewart .. Agr.(!az.,N.S.W.,8 630.5 Bovine Tuberculosis ; by M. A. O'Callaghan Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 03(1.5 Cattle Tick and Tuberculosis in N. S. Wales; by '.l...l nited States - •* Dept, of the Navy 613.68 Restriction of Tuberculosis by Isolation and the Use of Affected Animals for Breeding Purposes... Wisconsin Agr. Experiment Station Rept,, 1896 030.7 Royal Agricultural Society of England. Journal, 1895 630.5 Royal Commission on Tuberculosis. 1M!.>, Report, Gt. Brit, and Irel. Tuberculosis A 30 U 37 I n Tuberculosis, 1898, Report, t, Brit, and Irel. Tuberculqsis A 20 U 21 t Six Years' Observations on a Tuberculous Experiment Herd. New Jersey -Agr. Expcr. Station, Rept., 1S99 630.7 Suppression and Prevention of Bovine Tuberculosis; by T. Smith. United Stales- Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 030.5 Treatment of Tuhcrc.ilnsi - v, it h An! it uherculosis Scrum ; by Dr. do Schweinitz... United States- Dept. of Agr.- Bureau of Animal Industry, Rept., 1898 030 Truth about Agricultural Depression... Channing. P. A. F 13 V 30 rn 1 1_„ TV :., TV,;-,, TTi.wli, . l,,r i'l S TllOinSOn. !. Aust., 2 030.5 ... Martin, S. A 26 T 35 tuberculosis;' by Dr. S. S-. Cohen-,')/ Practical Therapeutics. J Hare, H. A. A 31 P 14 Tuberculosis; by J. A. Gilruth— in Leaflets for Farmers, 40. Victoria— Agriculture MA 3 R 74 Tuberculosis among Cattle in New York ; by E. C. Schrocder— in Report, 1894 United. Slates- Dept. of Agr.— Bureau of 1 Animal Industry 636 Royal Commisi ■ Prove „ Work d . North Carolina— Agr. Expcr. Station 630.7 n Stock ; Interim Reports of Royal -Pari., tlP, IS.9-U nil the Public Health ; by Dr. G. L. Mullins. Australasian Assoc, Advance, of So., Rept., 1898 506 Tuberculosis and Tuberculin; by E. Stanley Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 630.5 Tuberculosis in Cattle Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 630.5 Tuberculosis in Cattle; by E. A. A. Grange ... Michigan-- Board of Agr., Rept., 1896 63(1.0 Tuberculosis in Cattle and Dr. Koch's Tuberculin : by E. Stanley. Agr. Gazette of N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Tuberculosis in Domesticated Animals Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 6 630.5 Tuberculosis in Pheasants in Wanganui; by S. H. Drew. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1899 5.0 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1000. ia, Proa, 1896 5oii Tuberculosis— contd. Tul «reulosis in Spayed Cows; by W. Agrici Tuberculosis: its Cause. Mode of Infi Hi'. G. Sprott Royal Society, Tuberculosis of Cattle and its relation to Human Consumption; l.y J. Nelson Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 8 030.5 Tuberculous Consumption and Panning; by H. A. Tardent. Queensland .Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Connecticut Storrs Agr. Exp. Stn., Re].t.,Ts97 630.7 Veterinarian, Report ... New Zealand Agriculture MA 3 R 80 [N., also Bacteriology; Consumption: Diseases of Animals; Lungs; Serums and Sero-therapv; Tuberculin ; Veterinary Science and Practice.] Tuileries — Lib iii the Tuileries under the Second Empire ... Bieknell, Anna Tulips— ]). iikwiirdigkeiten yon Asien ... Diez, H. F. yon B 16 R 20, 27 [N ( also Flowers.] Tumuli. [See Mounds and Mound-builders.] Tungsten -- Tungsten Ores inNcwSoulh Wales ; by J. K. Crane... N. S. Wales- Geological Survey MA 3 V 40 Tunicata— CV.mpagnc du Caudan dans le Golfe de Gascogne Koehler, R. A 31 S 30 Tunicata in the Australian Museum ; by W. A. Herdman. Australian Museum MA 3 W 30 Tunicate Fauna of Australian Seas: by W. A. Herdman. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1898 590.5 [6. t also Doliolidas ; Pyrosomidse ; Salpidas.] Tunis— General and Descriptive— Cave-dwellers of Southern Tunisia Brunn, D. D 22 P 2 Mcrvcillcs de France, Belgique, Suisse, Algeric, et Tunisie. Panorama, Le A 19 S 1 t Tunisia and the Modern Barbarv Pirates... Vivian, H. D 19 R 6 Universal Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 11 Toutain, .1. B 32 S 7 /// Iron, lads in Action, IS.m-95. Wilson, 11. W. B33 H 0, 7 Tunnelling- - Practical Tunnelling... Bail vay Engineering [,S< i also Tunnels.] Wright, M. F. 1? 20 V 23 n Corals in the Brit Turbines. [See Hydraulu Turf, The. [See Eorse- horse: Stud-books.] g; Water-wheels.] Tui-k's Island — Annual Report, 1897 -in Colonial Reports... Gt. Brit, ami Irel.— Colonial Office 334.428 Turkestan— General and Descriptive— From Batum to Baghdad Harris, W. B. D 17 S 16 Heart of a Continent Younghusbaml, V. K. D 17 V 25 [See also Asia, Central.] . Skri i, F. H. B 17 S 31 Turkey— General tv,d Discripttve— Russell, R. H. 1) 17 S 19 Ramsay, A. I). 1) 18 S 27 Ramsay* W. M. 1) 17 S 21 r Argyll,' Duke of F10V13 ... Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 25 Egypt Wilkie, Sir D. Even -day Life in Turkey .. Impressions of Turkey Our Responsibilities for Tur Poems of Places Sketches of Turkey, Syrii A 31 R 22, 23 + iultan and the Powers MacColl, Rev. M. F 12 T 23 aicasia and Ararat Bryce, J. D 18 S 19 md Politics in the Near East Miller, W. D 13 V 14 i Fairy Tales Kunos, I. J 14 S 2 Years in the Near East ... Beaman, A. G. H-. 1) 22 P 3 ial Geography Reclus, E. D 21 U 1 irkey— in Greco-Turkish War, 1897. "German Stall Olticcr" B 34 Q 18 rmies U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 R 23 rVrmy in Thessaly Bigham, C. B 34 R 13 and Trade— n Diplomatic and Consulaf Reports, Annual Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 - History - 3-fields of Th Chronicles of a Vii Lavcleye, E. de D 20 R 9, 10 '—'■-- Crimean ; Moham- ..Asia.] Turkey in Asia— General and Descriptive— Notes from a Diary in Asiatic Turkey Warkworth, Lord 1) 13 V 13 Universal Geography Reclus. E. 1) 21 U 9 [See also Armenia; Asia Minor; Kurdistan; Palestine and Syria.] Turkeys. [See Poultry and Poultry-fanning.] Turkish Question. [See Eastern Question.] Turning. [See Lathes and Lathe-work.] Turtles. [See Tortoises and Turtles.] Tuscany - General and Descriptive — Typewriting - Typhlocybinse ' '("inieu'c .'".'!. "u [See also llemiptc 1100 Public Library of New South Wales. Typhoid Fever — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H A 40 P 11 Cause airl Prevention of Typhoid Fever, with special reference to Proposed Metropolitan. Drainage Scheme ot Hobart; by Dr. gprott Roval Society, Tasmania. Pajxas, 189S-99 oC6 Cold-bath Treatment 'of Typhoid Fever... Hare, F. E A 38 S 10 Enteric Fever : by Dr. •). Drcschfold — ,'« System ot Medicine. ■y Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 34 Epidemic of Enteric Fever in the Borough of Newport, Isle of Wight ... Ot. Brit, and Irel.-Loeal Government A 39 V 11 t Experiments on Animals ,^ a S et ' S ' „ A i> 5 iF,n Manual of Bacteriology Muir, R. A 33 1 10 Outbreaks of Enteric Fever, Reports... Gt. Brit, ami Irel Local Government A 13 \\ 19 t Preliminary Report by Br. Martin on the Growth of the Typhoid Bacillus 'in Soil /„ Ponort of Medical Oilioer, 1896-97. Gt. Brit, and Irel. - l.o al < iovt. 614.0C42 Remarkable Reaction of Tvphoid Bacillus; by Dr. Turner. Roval Society, Queensland, Proc, 1897 506 Report by Dr. Cautlov on tie- Behaviour of the Typhoid Bacillus in .Milk- ni Report' of Medical Officer 1890-97. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Local (iovt. 014.0942 Tvphoid Fever ; bv Dr. F. P. Iltnrv— in Practical Therapeutics. n Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Tvphoid Fever and Malarial Diseases; by Dr. J. M. Anveiv— in 'Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Tvphoid Fever treated antiseptically by the use of Eucalyptus. Kcsteven, L. MA 3 S 70 [See also Bacteriology; Fevers; Sanitation; Scrums and Sero- therapy; Typhus Fever.] Typhus Fever — Typhus Fever; by Dr. M. Domingucx in Practical Tlierup. uti.-s. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Typhus Fever; by Dr. J. W. Moore -in System of Mocicino. J Allbutt, T. C. A £6 T 35 Typography. [See Printing.] Tyrol — General and Descriptive — Tyrol, The -in Essays i, A. J 14 S 21 Understanding. [See Associationalism : Conception; In- tellect; Judgment; Psychology; Reason; Reflection.] u Uganda — General and Descriptive — British Africa D 22 Q 5 In Dwarf Lard and Cannibal Country ... Lloyd, A. B. D 22 S 3 Roddy Owen Owen, E. R. C 25 Q 9 Soldiering ard Surveying in British Fast Africa, 1891-94. " " Ma-donald, Major.!. P. L. B IT P, 48 Under the African Sun ,.... Ansorge, W. J. D 19 V 21 [See also Africa, East; Colonics, British.] , History — African Incidents f Thruston, A. B. B 27 R 14 Reports re! dim; to Uganda (it. Brit, and Irel. -Uganda B 39 V 17 t Ulster — History — Annals of Ulster, 431-1510 ... Gt. Brit, and Irel. - Records Com. B 30 V 16-18 Ulster as it is Macknight, T. F 14 U 34, 35 Ultramontanism — Idea Liberal via Idea. Ukramoatana, La... Velasco, F. G 15 U 3) [See also Infallibility; Old Catholics; Popes; Roman Catholicism ; Vatican Council.] Umbrian Language — Grammatik der Os!;is-h-Umh:i -hen Di ilckte Planta, R. von .1 12 V 37, 38 Umbrica Biichelcr, F. J 12 V 30 [See also Italic Languages and Dialects.] Unconscious, The— Subconscious Self Waldstein, L. G 23 Q 12 rnconsciousMind Schofield. A. T. G 11 U 40 [See al>o Automatism ; Con- -ion. mess ; Hypnotism. I Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Ungulata— Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum ; by R, Lydekker. British Museum— Natural History A 42 V 16-19 Uniforms — History of the Dress of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1 025 1 897. Macdonald, Capt. R. J. A 11 V 22 f Records and Badges of Regiments in the British Army. Chichester, H. M. B 24 R 18 Regulations and Derisions pertaining to the Uniform of the Army. United States -Dept. of War A 36 Q 15 Regulations relatin" to the U informs of the Officers of the United States N t\ \ United St ttcs -Dept. of the Navy A 30 R 48 [See also Army, British; Military Clothing.] Unitarianism — Australian Free Religious Press MG 2 V 15, 1 Martineau, James; by A. W. Jackson C 27 U 7 Old and New Unitarian Belief Chadwick, J. W. G 12 V 1 Religion without Superstition; by Rev. G. Walters. Melbourne Review, 10 052 Unitarian Mover [See also Arians a: the Reformation ... Allen, Rev. J. II. G 12 V 17 :n; Jesus Christ; Socinianism ; Trinity.] ;' Spor md Cc United Brethren in Christ, United States- History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Berger, Rev. D. G 12 V 19 United Presbyterians — History of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. Scouller, J. B. G 12 V IS Our Churches, and why we belong to them G 1 1 U 37 [See also Presbyterians.] United States — General and Descriptive — American Notes Dickens, C. J 26 S 11. Cockney Columbus, The Murray, D. C. D 13 P 5 Colonist's Tour Byl, P. L. van der MD 4 P 13 loe.iwa.rd Home; bv H. World A 21 P 11 t .... Grohman, W. A. B-. D 22 U 6 Seymour, H. W. F 4 U 31 .. , .a America Ziehcr. E. K 13 V 15 t Impressions of America Porter, T. C. D 22 P 19 Little Tour in America Hole, Dean D 15 T 26 Lotus-eating Curtis, G. W. D 20 Q 21 Mineral Resources of the United States, 1882-93. United States (ieological Survey 553 Our Great West Ralph, J. D 22 R 4 Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. HUP 33, 35 Poor's Manual of Railroads of the United States, 1895 F 13 U 1 Reciprocity Treaty with Canada, 1854... Haynes, F. E. F 4 V 17 Reports on Census, 18!!0 ... United States Census Office 317.3 Run round the Empire Hill, A. D 18 Q 32 Siikularbilder Gutzkow, K. J 24 S 30 Some Reasons v. !iy the American Republic max F.ndure -in American Contributions to Civilization Eliot, C. W. F 13 R 33 Southern Sidelights Ingle, E. F 10 V 8 Stanford':- C.mpemlium of < icocrraph v and Travel: the United Stabs . "... Gannett, H. D 15 R 20 Siudi::: in the So,,! h a. ,d West Warner. C. D. D20R11 Travel and talk, 188.. 9.) Ilaweis, Rev. H. R, D 16 R 5, 6 Tiavcls in the Interior of North America... Maximilian D17T2f ! nitcd Stales Biaid of Geographic, Repts. D16T24.25 Universal (ieoma | >h\ Kecks, E. D 21 U 16 Voyage en Amerique Chateaubriand, Vicomte de D 16 P 10 Wo; Id's ( ha: r: i;,;i: i, . ami how to u>c them. Guernsey, A. H. F 9 V 1 Subject-Index to (lie Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Unite! Stites— GWjv^ and Descriptiv fSeenho American Civil War; American 1 Negroes; American-Spanish War, 1 SOS ; American Warof Independence; American •'Mayflower,'' The; Pilgrim Fathers: ant Subject, with '(''nit'':! states"^ a sub [For Official l' and Reports sec m Author Catalogue, with the name of c.i sub-heading.] , Auartcrm United States --Dept. T. W. C 19 T 22 ster'a Department. >i War F 10 R 10 real Repts. 328.746 oral, Report Connecticut— Annual Repts. 328.746 Potomac Powell, W. H. B 36 U 14 ...U.S.— Dept. of War F 16 S 27 s... United States Dept. of War A 22 P 25 i Adjutant-Oeneral, Report 353.97906 ial for the Pav Department, 1896 U.S.-Dept. of War F 16S25 ial for the Pav Department, revised to 1 SOS... United States — Dept. of War F 16 T 18 ial for the Quartermaster's Departmen' s Drill 1 ual for the Subsisten ual of Guard Duty .. ■ Depar of the Dept . U.S i Spanish Fst 734 -Dept, of War A 36 W 10 Military Laws. 1S97 United States Dept. of War F 16 R 3 .Military Laws, 1898 ... United States Dept. of War F 16 R 14 Militia of the United States; by (J. Triooche — /h Selected Pro- fessional Papers United Slates - Dept. of War A 36 W 10 New Hampshire, Adjutant.-! Icnrral, Report New Hampshire —Annual Repts. 328.742 North Dakota. Adjutant .-< leneral, Report North Dakota - Annual Repts. 328.784 Ollicial Army Register United States Dept. of War 3.53.6 Ohio, Adjutant-* fcr.cral, Repts Ohio- Ant,. Repts. 328.771 United States— Biography— Adams, Charles Francis C 19 P 29 , Henry Ward, the Shakespeare of the Pulpit C 20 U 9 6P2 Calhoun, J. C, Life of, 1811-43 Clay, Ik iry, Life of; by Dr. C. Colton Clevelan Douglas, Frederick, Life and Times of Franklin Benjamin; by E. Robins William Lloyd, the Abolition Grant, I S. ; by W. C. Church Oreeley, Horace, the Author Higgin-, i, Francis, First Minister in J Life of by T. W. Higginson King. R. fus, Life and Correspondence Abraham, the Liberator Li tile Jo rneys to the Homes of America Madison Dolly Phillips. Wendell, the Agitator Smith. ( iptain John, Life and Writing Sumner, Jharies.Lifeo'f Z\"\Z'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Tilden, 8 amuelj., Life of , 1814-87 ... Washing ton, Martha Winlhro ), Margaret, Life of .... C20U6 ... C23P23 .... C20U2 s Bay Colony, ... C 19 P15 .. C 16 U 16 .... C20U4 ...Hubbard, E. C 19 P 22 ... C20U14 .... C20U1 S31 ; by C. D. ... C19P16 .... C20U7 C22Q 16, 17 and Trade- with Australia;' I with India ... PI B. F 19 S 10 . Philadelphia an F 16 R 21 ■ulatini s and Decisions pc gulatioi rulatioi gulatio, s, Army,' 1895 '.'.' .ulatioi s regarding the U United States a Army Regulatioi marks o a-etary •f War, Report... Public Library of Neiv South Wales. United States— Com Div. -Dept. of Agricultui A :,; s :!0 Our Foreign Trails in Agricultural Products, 1893-97. U.S.— Dept. of Am:- Sec. ,.f Foreign Markets F 7 T 1 Our Trade with Sp tin, ISSN 97... UnitedStates Dept. of Agr. — Section of Foreign Markets F 7 T 1 Trade between the Uniteil States and China— m Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Misc. Series, 455 (it. Brit, andlrel.— Foreign Office 382 Trade of the United States— in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series (it. Brit, and Irel.- foreign Office 3S2 Trade with Cuba, 1887-97 United States Dept. of Agr.— Section of Foreign Markets F 7 T 3 United States -Bureau of American Repubs., Monthly Bull. 382 Uniteil States— Consular Reports 382 United States Interstate Commerce Commission, Report... 385 United States Trade in China ... U.S.- Consular Repts., 61 382 Why we Trade and how we Trade Wells, I). A. F 17 P 5 World's Commeive and the United Slates' Share of it. Philadelphia Commercial Museum F 16 R 21 World's Markets for American Products... United States -Dept. of Agr.— Section of Foreign Markets F 1 T 22-25 World's Opportunities, and how to use them ... Guernsey, AH. F 9 V 17 . Pongress— Official Congressional 1 )ii eetorv... United Si Speaker of the House of Representatives .. Constitution of the United States of Americ F 13 R 34 Hit of the United States. London, J. S. F 14 U 30 fcution of the United States. Dept. of State F 10 W 21 t The State Wilson, W. F 13 V 1 Right of the Territories to become States of the Union . . Joy, E. Study of the Constitution; by M. M. Colin Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 11 B 18 T 11 Veto Power, The Mason, E. C. F 15 V 1 . G'uiix/ifiitiiiii'i! History — nd Administration of the United States of America. Harrison, B. F 15 R 10 Constitutional History of the American People, 1776-1850. Thorpe, F. N. F 16 U 3, 4 Constitutional History of the United States Curtis, (4. T. B 19 S 8, 9 Contest over the Ratification of the Fe lend Constitution in the State of Massachusetts Harding. S. B. F 3 T 20 Disunion and Restoration in Tenia — ,-,• .. Xeal. .!. R, F 18 R 7 Documentary History of I he Cm.-: it u' h. n of the United States. United States Dept. of State F 1 1 V 27 Nullification and Secession in the United States ... Powell, E. P. F 13 V 38 Popular Government Bradford, (i. F 10 P 28, 29 Rhode Island and the Formation of the Unio Constitutional History and Go\ Documentary Evidence of the ( United St. Covernment of the United Stat 1 De in Am F 1 R6 Rise and G owtli of Amer ■an I'.iiit Struggle In tween Preside t Johnsc B 18 S 13 Ford, H.J. F15S7 on, A. W. F13R26 soy, C.'e. F 18 I! 17 Cabot, John, and Sebai Report of Explorations ian, his Son, 1496-1557.. Tinted in the Documents Revenue Double Ta: United States —Finnan- an-/ Titration — Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Rept., 1892-1893— in Ex. Doc. Civil Service, &c United States Dept. of the Treasury. 351.1 Decisions of Commissioner of Internal Revenue under the War U.S. Dept. of the Treasury 336. 29 lie United States ... Walker, F. F 18 R 23 ,-n.- F.xp, n- - Jones, W. H. F 15 S 25 Finance and Commerce of the United States United States- Finances of the United States. 1789-1815 United States State Papers 328.734 History of the Currency and Loans United States — Dept. of the Treasury F 18 22 t History of the Surplus Revenue of 1837... Bourne, E.G. F 15 S 24 Law and Regulations concerning Documentary and Proprietary Stamps... UnitedStates Office of Internal Revenue F 16 R 18 Rules and Regulations governing Mineral Leases, Collection and Disbursements, and theSup, r\ ision of Schools .. UnitedStates - Dept. of the Interior F 16 R 16 Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances, Report, State Tax Commissioners in the United States ; by J. W. Chapman. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 18 B 18 S 15 Tax on Legacies and Distributive Shares ... UnitedStates Office of Internal Revenue F 16 R 18 Taxation and Taxes in the UnitedStates. 1791 1895... Howe, F. C. F 13 V 32 Thirty Years of American Finance Noyes, A. D. F 15 R 19 Transportation and Importation of Distilled Spirits in Bond without Payment of Tax... U.S. Office of Internal Revenue F 16 R 18 Treasurer of the United States on the Sinking Fund and Funded Debt, District of Columbia, Reports... United States— Dept. of the Treasury 336.753 United States -Committee on Finance on Changes in Tariff Act, Report, 1890 F 13 T 15 t United State;. Internal Revenue Tax System ... Eldridge, C. W. F1R11 Wealth, Debt, and Taxation, United States, Report. United States-Census Office 317.3 Geor/ra/Jn/, Tt>p>»/rti///n/, and Maps — America: its Geographical History, 1492 1892; bv W. B. Scaife. Johns Hopkins University, Studies, extra vol. 13 B 18 T 13 Our Presidents, and how we make them.. . NicClure, A.K. F 19 R 14 Provincial Governor in the Fnglisli Colonies of North America. - History, General — ican History told by Contemporarie I'raoiinini's ,f N, i K Rook of An F\ Bu .din-' of a Xation Ce of th i An tone of the Cl pit. Cr, oked Ti ...... Fiskc, J. B25T 18 ;ginson, T. W. C 19 T 21 . Gannett, H. B 16 T IS aying of the Foundation alker, 1). S. B10X13f Remington, F. B 37 V 20 B 1 V 10 Hat of Un ed S 17 U 1 Historic Towns of New Fngland Powell, L. P. B 25 R 14 Historic Towns of the Middle States ... Powell, L. P. B 20 T 16 Historical Magazine B 17 T 26-48 History for Ready Reference Darned, J. W. B 40 W 4-8 History of the .\,» World, -alh-d America... Payne. E.J. B19S11 History of the People of the United States, 4.'.. McMaster, J. B. B 18 R 4 History of the United States of America under the Constitution, 1783-1865 Schouler, J. B 16 S 31-35 Magazine of American History B38R1-S15 Memorial Story of America Mabie, H. W. B 20 V 9 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. United States— History, General— contd. Xew Knipire, Tlie Howland, 0. A. F 10 U 28 North-west under Three Flags Moore, C. 1! 127 R IS Regeneration of the United States ... Grinnell, W. M. F 15 T 5 Short History „f the United States... McCarthy, J. H. B 19 R 9 Side-lights, a. American History- Flson, H. W. B 16 P 4 Student's History of the United States... Channing, K. B 19 R 5 Suppression of the Ai'riean Slave Trade to the United States, 1038-1870 PuBois, W. K. B. F3T 19 Travellers and Outlaws Higginson, T. W. B 39 P 9 Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom. Siebert, W. H. F 10 Q 14 United States of America, 1705-1805 Clianning, K. B 10 R 42 Westward Movemcni. Yi.e. ( V, ni, s and ihe Republic, 1703- 1798 Winsor, J. B39Q12 W inning of the West, 1709 90 Roosevelt, T. B 10 Q 43 If. Voting folks' History of the United Stat, ■ Higginson, T. W. B18Q11 I hot's Discovery of North America ... Weare, (i. E. B 17 Q 30 Diplomatic History ofAmcriea, 1452- 94... Harrisse, H. F 13 V 37 Genesis of the United States Brown, A. B 41 T 0, 7 Puritan in Holland, K:, eland, and America Campbell, D. B28U 10, 17 1! deigh, Sir Walter: l,y M. A. S. Hume C 23 (> 25 Smith, ('apt. John. File and Writings of, 1579-1031; by C. D. Warner 19 P 10 S73.2 America and West ic Record Office B 44 - Historian, Colonial 1, Rept. 1890 974.7 own, A. B 41 T 6, 7 on, E. M. B 24 U 27 , W. lcno 17; . j. Macdonald, W. B 19 R 12 a.d. 1775-89. CriticalPeriod of American History, 1 783-89... Fiske. J. B 17 R 17 Fngland and America after Independence... Smith, K. F If! U 10 Historic Pilgrimages in Xew Finland... Bacon, F. M. B 24 U 27 A.D. 1812-45. a after Independence... Smith, F. F 10 U 10 United States — Navy — American Xavy in the War with Spain... Spears, J. R. B 19 R 11 American Navy, The : its Ships and their Achievements .. Morris. (.'. B 19 Q 10 Articles for the Oovernmenf of the United States Xavy. United States Dept, of the Xavy F 1 U 3 Atlantic Coast, The; by Rcar-Adm. I). Aiimien... Xavy ill the Civil War" I! 23 23 Blockade, The, and the Cruisers; by J. R. Soley ... Navy in the Civi'l War B 23 Q 21 Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States, and of the Marine Corps, Register United States - Dept. of the Xavy 353.7 ' United Staies".!.'.. ..'......" Hogg, J. W. F 1 8 4 I :,-.■.: ■•:! a' Spain Wilson, H. W. B 41 Q 5 "'" United States' DepK of the Xavy' F 10 V 41 Admiralty 'a'30 V 18 t Franklin, Rear-Adm. S. R., U.S.X.. Memories of.'... .. C 24 P 13 Gulf and Inland Waters ; by Capt. A. T. Mahan Xavy in the Civil War B23Q22 History of American Privateers Maclay, F. S. 1! 4(1 1' 3 Manual for Officers serving on hoard United States Cruising Training Ships... United States Dept. of ihe Xavy A 36 Q 24 Military and Xava! Power of the United States: a Spanish Esti- mate-/,! Selected Professional Papers U.S. — Dept. of War A 36 W 10 Naval Actions of the War of 1S12 Barnes, J. B 16 V 30 - Naval Affairs of the United States, 1789-1815... United States- State Papers 328.734 Naval Dictionary Patterson, Capt. II. A 22 S 6 Naval Policy Steevens, ( 1. W. F 12 T 25 Navy Yard,' Washington, Regulations... United States Dept. of Official Records, Union and Confederate Xavics "in the War of the Rebellion, ser. I, vol. 1 ... U.S. Dept. of the Navy B 18 R 16 Our Xavy Kellev, Lieut..!. 1)". B 5 S 19 + Regulations of the Xavy Yard. Washington United States— Dept. of the Xavy F II) V 32 Regulations relating to the Uniforms of the Officers \ Exhibit!, m. 1897 G 23 R 10 University Extension Movement : l>v A. lircv.. Internat. Health Kxhib., 1884, Lit., 16 A 41 V 12 Whs- should the Working-class-.s aid Univcrsitv Extension? Shaw, Rev. W. H. E 16 S 14 [N"< also University and College Settlements.] University Magazines and Periodicals. [See Uni- versities — Periodicals.'] University and College Settlements — Hull-House Maps and Papers Hull-House F 9 Q 30 Social Settlements and the Labor Question-/;* I'roc, 1896. Charities and Correction, National Conference 360 Universitv and Soi ial Settlements Reason, W. F lo P 33 [St.< also Social Problems.] Upholstery — Caljinet-maker and Upholsterer's ( iuide Hepplewhite, A. A 29 Q 12 J Guida Pratica del Tappezziere A 48 P 19 J [Set also Furniture; House Decoration.] in, J. A 30 U 41- Heli icentric Motion of Uranus ; 1 Bureau of Eipiipmen Orbit of Uranus, with Tables of Smithsonian Inst., Con Urdu Language — IVrsian Character... Student' Uruguay —General and Descriptive— (icogiulia Xacional do la Republic Oriental del Uruguay. Araujo, O. D 15 R 17 South American Sketches Crawford, R. D 13 P 6 Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D21U19 Commerce and Trade— Trade of Uruguav in Diplomatic and < 'onsular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Uruguay, River - Hydraulics of Great Rivers Revy, J. J. A 17 U 1 t Usages. [.See Customs and Manners; Etiquette.] Useful Arts. [See Manufactures.] Usury — Practice of taking Interest Rowla [See also Interest.] , P. F. MF 2 Q 70 Clii - Climate — ,te of Utah ... Utah — Agr. College, Bulletin, 17 A 33 S 31 Uterus — Diseases of the Uterus Dickinson, R. L. A 31 P 16 Lawson Tail's Perineal Operations, and an Essav on Curettage of the Uterus McKay, W. J. S. A 39 V 1 [See also Gynaecology.] Utilitarianism- Asiatic Studies Lvall, Sir A. C. G 23 R 34 Ethics Mill, J. S. (i 11 U 14 Natural Theology and Ethies Wallace, W. G 24 U 24 Short Studies of Ethics D'Arey, C. F. G 1 U 36 Utopias. [See Ideal States; Socialism.] Uvula- Diseases of the Uvula, the Pharynx —in Practical Therapeutics.;.... [See ate Pharynx.] A 31 Q 31 lie!. Local t 614.0942 • Registrar- Public Library of New South Wales. Vacuum Tubes. [.Stee Electricity discharged through Gases.] Vagrants and Vagrancy — (4t. Brit, and Irel. Habitual Offenders, Report F36W1J The Tramp Question Charities and ('direction, National Conference, Proc., 1S96 360 [See also Pauperism; Poor Laws.] Valombre, France — My Village Smith, E. B. D 16 P 8 Value — Christ's Standard of Values in Christianity and Social Problems. Abbott, L. G 19 U 23 Economic Theory Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Lectures on Polical Economy Longfield, M. F 9 P 31 Money and Bi-metallism " Miller, H. A. F 15 S 10 Money and Value Hamilton, R. F7Q1 Outspoken Essays Bax, E. B. G 9 W 35 Pure Economics Pantalconi, M. F 3 R 25 Science of Political Economy George, H. F 3 R 26 Theory of International Values in Th< ory of International Trade. Bastable, C. F. F 13 R 10 Ultimate Standard of Value... B.ilnn-Bawcrk, E. von F 14 U 31 Theory of Wealth Cournot, A. F 4 U 19 Value' Na.ti.pnal Lib. Club, Pol. Moon. Circle, 2 330.6 Value and Distribution Macfarlane, C. W. I' 9 P 37 Value, Price, and Profit Marx, K. F 15 P 20 [See also Currency; Prices; Work and Wages.] Valves and Valve-gear — Engines and Boilers Le Van, W. B. A 25 P 46 Mechanical Enginccrine; of Power Plants Hutton, F. R. A 20 T 30 Practical Engineer's Hand-book Hutton, W. S. A 22 T 4 Proell Valve Diagram; by H. Kiihnc Institution. Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, Trans.. 1897-98 620.6 Pumps and Pump Gear Bjorling, P. R. A 13 W 15, 16 Slide-valves MacCord, C. W. A 38 U 2 [See also Mechanical Engineering.] Van Diemen's Land. [See Tasmania,] Vancouver— General and Descriptive— Clayoquot Island, 1S9S|( 'hart J... (It. Brit, and Irel. — Hydrographic Office D 49 P 2 J Johnstone an. I Brought. m Strait... and IJuicii Charlotte Sound with Knight Inlet and Adjacent Channels, 1898 [Chart], Gt, Brit and Irel.— Hydrographic Otlice D 49 P 2 J nunerce and Trade — • Board cf Trade, Report .. Vanilla Vanilla Bean in Mexico ... United States Cons. Repte., 60 382 Vanilla Cult tire in Seychelles Islands: by S. J. Galbraith. United States -Dcpt. of Agr.- Div. of Botany A 41 U 11 . Hutton, F. R. A 38 S 23 Variation Influence of 1 H. J. Web r.cnt in the Origination of Plant Varieties ; 1 v J.S.— Dcpt, of Agr., Year-book, 1896 030.5 some Phenomena connected with Keproducti. n and Sex; by A. Sedgwick... British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Kept., 1899 ato [See also Reproduction.] Varicella. [See Chicken-pox.] Variola. [See Small-pox.] Varnishes and Varnishing - Manufacture of Varnishes. Livache, A. A 25 T 13 , % . , A 23 R 51 Work-shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Go, pc-plate Workers Blinn, L. J. A : 5 R 34 \S,e also .lapaniung; Lacquer and Laccuering; Painting.] Vascular System- Embolism; by Dr. W. H. Welch -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Thrombosis; bv Dr. W. IT. Welch- -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 39 Vascular System of the Lower Annulosa— in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 [See also Circulatory System.] Vases- Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases and of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the Nicholson Museum : by Louisa Macdonald. Sydney University MA 4 S 28 Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum.. , British Museum K 11 R 18, 19, 21-23 G reek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum. Cambridge. . .Gardner, E. A. K 18 S 24 White Athenian Vases in the British Museum; by A. S. Murray, and A. H. Smith British Museum A 44 Q 13 J [See also Ceramics ; Fine Arts— Galleries ; Fine Arts— By Coun- tries; Pottery; Urns.] Vassalage. [See Feudalism.] Vatican Council, 18G9— Vaud, Switzerland — History— Historic Studies Read, M. B 19 U 2, 3 Vaudois. [See Albigenses; Waldenses.] Vedas, The — Collected Works Miiller, F. M. J 29 T 1-14 Etudes Vediques et Post-Ycdiqucs Bcgnau.l, P. G17U26 Evolution d'un Mvthe Renel, C. B 39 U 7 India -irt Ancient Ideals Taylor, H. O. G 1 Q 23, 24 Kecherches stir H )rigine .le I'ldee dc Dicu d'aprcs le Rig-Veda. Guerinot, A. G 26 T 1 Satapatha-Brahmana ; trans, bv J. Eggeling — in Sacred Books of the East Miiller, F. M. G 20 S 10 Six Systems of Indian Philosophy Miiller, F. M. G 24 V 1 [See also Hinduism; Sanskrit.] Vegetable Gardening — California Vegetables in Garden and Field Wickson, E. J. A 19 U 34 Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots. Sutton and Sons A 20 U 31 Forcing-book Bailey, L. H. A 18 P 35 Kitchen Garden ... West Australian Settler's Guide MD 8 Q 54 Pamphlets on Vegetables Agr. Exper. Stations A 38 Q 14 Practical Vegetable and Flower-growing; by W. S. Campbell. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales 630.5 Royal Horticultural Society, Journal 634 Truck-farming at the South Oemlcr, A. A 19 R 10 Vegetable Garden ; by C. H. Greathouse United States Dept. of Agr.— Farmers' Bulletin, 94 A 41 U 2 [See also under each Vegetable.] Vegetable Pathology. [See Fungi ; Fungi in Agriculture; Parasites and Parasitic Diseases; Plant Diseases; Rust in Wheat; Spraying.] Vegetable Physiology and Morphology. [See Botany, Physiological; Cells— Structure and Theory.] Vegetable Products. [See Fats and Oils ; Quinine; Tech- nological Chemistry.] Vegetable Technology. [See Botany, Economic] Vegetables —General— Canned Vegetables in Foods and Food Adulterants United States Dcpt. of Agr.— Div. of Chemistry A 34 T 42 [See also Vegetable Curd niin; ; and under each Vegetable.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1107 Vegetarianism— EU.ics of Diet Williams, H. A 33 Q 34 O'u also Dietetics; Food.] Veliicles. [See Ambulances : Motor-carriages and Auto-cars Moiling Stock ; Transportation; Waggons; Wheels.] Veins — Pulpitis; by Dr. H. H. Clutt [See also Vascular System.] Velocity- Writings Henry, J. A 35 W 3 ... Jephson, H. B 26 R 21 Vendee, La— Real French Revolutionist .... [.S'« also France— History.] Venereal Diseases. [See Contagious and Infectious Dis- eases — Laws and Legislation; Gonorrhoea; Syphilis.] Venezuela — General and Descriptive — Documents relating to the Question of Boundary between British Cuiaiiaand Venezuela... Cleat Britain and Ireland- Venezuela F 39 V 55 t Tlnoe Gringos in Venezuela and Central America... Davis, R. H. D 13 P 13 Reclus, E. D21U17 Curtis, W. E. DIG Q6 . Commerce and Trade— Trade of Venezuela in Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Venice — General and Descriptive — Literary Landmarks of Vcn.ce Hutton, L. D 20 Q 31 Venetian Life Howells, W. D. D 21 R 2 ■ Bibliography — State Library Bulletin, Bibliography, 7 New York— Library History— Venetian Republic, 421-1797 Hazlitt, W. C. B 41 R 10, 11 Ventilation— Composition of Kvpired Air and its Effects upon Animal Life; by His. Billing. Mitchell, and Bergev ... Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 29 5lora(ion, and Early Voyages — Early Explorers of Victoria's Coast... Royal Geographical Soc. of Australasia, Viet. Branch. Trans., 12, 13 910.6 Overland Expedition from Lake George to Port Phillip, 1824. Hume, H. MD 4 U 35 ■ Finance and Taxation— Taxation in Victoria; by E. Langton Melb. Rev., 2 052 Treasurer's Statements Victoria— Pari., V. and P. 328.945 ■ ■ Geoijra i>!,>/, Topography, and Maps — Trip to Mal'lacoota Inlet; by W.' H. 1). Le Souef ... Royal Geog. Soc., Australasia, Victoria, 1897 910.6 ■ History — Australia and its Cold Region Home Friend J 22 S 11 Australian Pioneers and Reminiscences... Hartley, N. MB 1 50 Earlv History of Port Philip ... Ardcn's Sydney Mag. MJ 4 Q 8 Growth of the Empire (2) Jose, A. W. MB3P1.8 History of Victoria; by T. McCombie... Journal of Australasia. 3 MJ 4 Q 3 Identity of some of Sir T. Mitchell's Rivers in Victoria with those now bearing the same names; by J. Blackburn Historical Society, Australasia, Trans. MB 3 R 1 Letters from Victorian Pioneers... Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria MB 2 Q 14 Locality of Batman's Treaty with the Port Phillip Natives; by J. Blackburn... Historical Society, Australasia, Trans. MB 3 R 1 Old Times in the Bush of Australia Kirby, J. MD 4 R 9 Port Phillip; by Sir C. G. Duffy Melb. Rev., 1 052 Settlement of John Batman in Port Phillip, from his own Journal, Journal of Australasia MJ 4 Q 1 Story of Australasia Laurie, J. S. MB 1 T 7 Twenty-five Year's Retrospect; by Hon. T. T A'Beckett. Melbourne Review, 1 052 Politics — Appointment of the Judges; by J. Dwyer ... Melb. Rev., 2 052 Are wc Victorians drifting towards Communism: by J. Campbell. Melbourne Review, 4 052 Australasian Democracy Walkor, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Crisis, The Cardwcll, Rt, Hon. E. MJ 3 R 16 Crisis, The Melbourne Review, 3 052 Is there a Remedy for Victorian Crises? by R. Stout. Melbourne Review, 3 052 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 Memorandum to Rt, Hon. Sir M. Hicks-Beach Wood, J. D. MJ 3 R 16 My Life in Two Hemispheres ... Duffv, Sir C. G. MC 1 T 32, 33 Our First Legislature; by Sir C. G. Duffy ... Melb. Rev., 6 052 Political Rallies in Victoria ; by E. Langton... Melb. Rev., 4 052 Port Phillip; by Sir C. G. Dully Melb. Rev., 1 052 Public Affairs in Victoria Melbourne Review, 1 052 Recent Elections : by P. 1). Phillips Melb. Rev., 5 052 Recent Social and Political Progress in Victoria; by Lord Brassey. Royal Colonial Institute, l'roc. 29 325.342 Victorian People's Blue Book Brown, J. K. MF 4 P 52 Public Lands — ■ Increment in the Value of Land in Victoria; by D. Svms. Melbourne Review, 4 052 The 'Leader' Land Selector's Guide; with Land Map of Victoria. Brown, A. G. MF 5 R 27 Social Life and Customs — Recent Social and Political Progress in Victoria: bv Lord Brassey. Royal Colonial Institute, Proe., 29 325.342 Statistics — Statistical Register of Victoria ... Victoria -Statistics MF 5 S 7 Statistics of die Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1801-99. Coghlan, T. A. MF 5 P 20 Statutes— Dr. Hearn on Jurisprudence and Codification : by E. B. Hamilton. Melbourne Review, 9 052 Revision of the Law; by W. E. Hearn Melb. Rev., 4 052 Victorian Statutes Horwitz, L. MF 5 U 1 -9 Victoria Cross. [See Army, British ; Military Orders.] Victoria, Queen. [See Queen Victoria's Jubilee; Queens; and under Victoria, Queen, in the Author Catalogue.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Vienna — General and Descriptive — M unicipal Government in ContinentalEurope...Shaw, A. F 2 V 21 Vikings — Xorse Stories Mabie, H. W. J 21 P 38 [.Vee also Sagas.] Village Communities — Arvan Village in India and Ceylon ... Phear, Sir J. B. F 19 S 6 Indian Village Community ..." Powell, 15. H. B-. F 12 T 24 Life in Early Britain .' Windle, 1!. ( *. A. A 19 R (i < rigin and ( Irowlh of Village ( '(immunities in India. Powell, B. H. B-. F 15 R 36 [SVe also Homestead Settlements; Labour Settlements.] Villages— Milage Estates— in India Midler, F. M. J 29 T 13 "Village Health and Village Life; by Sir H. Aeland... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 9 A 41 V 5 [.ve also Local Government; Towns.] Villas. [See Dwelling-houses.] Vincentians History of St. Vincent de Paul ... Bor.gaud, Bishop G 24 U 1, 2 Vine-growing. [See Viticulture.] Vinegar — Cider Vinegars of Pennsylvania ; l,vl)r. W. Frear... Pennsylvania— Dept. of Agriculture A 38 Q 31 Violin — Famous Violinists and Fine Violins... Phipson. T. L. A 23 S 20 Old Violins Haweis, Rev. H. B. A 40 U 6 [.See also Musical Instruments.] Violinists — Famous Violinists aud Fine Violins... Phipson, T. L. A 23 S 20 Vipers. [See Adders and Vipers.] Virgin Islands — General and Descriptive — Universal Geography Rcclus, E. D 21 U17 Virgin Mary — 1) votion to the Blessed Virgin Bossuet, Bishop G 24 Q 3 M adonna of St. Luke Bolton, Henrietta I. A 23 Q f>3 [S.ealso Immaculate Conception.] Virginia— General and Descriptive— On Horseback Warner, CD. D 16 P 7 ■ Constitutional Distort/ — Representation hi Virginia; by I. A. C. Chandler... Johns Hopkins University, Studies, 14 B 18 S 14 Geoi/ra/Ji//, Tn/io : /ra}>fn/, and M«px — \'irginia Cartography ; by]'. L. Phillips... Sinit hsonian Institution, Misc. Collections, 37 508 History- American Colonial Tracts 973.2 I! :rlv Relations l,etv,e. n Maryland and Virginia; by J. II. Latane. Johns Hopkins University. Studies," 13 B 18 S 13 F2v'i{ 29 Ui,torv of Virginia, 1609 24 in Capt. J. Smith's Works, 1608-31 [Reprint] English Scholar's Lihrary J 3 T 24 Old Virginia and her .Neighbours Fiske, J. B 19 R 3, 4 Smith, Capt. John, Life and Writings of, 1572 1631; by C. 1). Warner C19P16 South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia lohns Hopkins University, Studies, I .'! B 18 S 13 Story of the Palatines '.. Cobb, S. II. B 19 R 7 \\ hite Servitude in the Colony of Virginia: by J. 0. Ballagh. Johns Hopkins University. Studies, 13 B 18 S 13 Virgulariidae — On I vgidarmjraei. ,<■< [n ^ .^^Zihulv. .,.,'.;„;'_ or, "'-.j',,"; [.See also Anlhozoa ; Zoophytes.] Virtue — Active and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, I). G 16 V 4, 5 Aristotle's Ethics for English Headers Aristoteles G 11 U 15 Characteristics Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl G 25 S 11, 12 Christian Ethics .. Strong, Rev. T. B. G 3 R 32 Rosary of Christian Graces McLaren, Rev. A. G 23 R 31 [See also Chastity; Vices.] Vision. [See Colour Vision; Sight.] Visitations of Counties— General — Visitation of England and Wales... Howard, J. J. K 19 U4-12 + Visitation of Ireland Howard, J. J. K 10 V 11-13 f [See also Heraldry ; and under each County.] Vital Statistics. [See Statistics, Vital.] Viticulture— General — A cade 506 . Bailey, L. H. A" 18 P 22 Anthraenose Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Anthracnose; by T. W. Kirk- in Leaflets for Fruit-growers, 22. New Zealand Agrieult. MA 3 R 75 Apple Scab, Grape and ( loosebcrry Mildew ,'n Injurious Insects, 6 Agrieult, Exper. Stns. A 38 Q 6 Artie'e; on Rot of Grapes-- in Injurious Insects, 7 Agrieult. Exper. Stn. A 38 Q 7 Bench-grafting Resistant Vines: i,v M •-;-. ISioh.-ti and Dal Piaz. Agricultural Gaeette, N", S. Wales, ll 630.5 Black Rot of the Grape in Injurious Insects. t< Agricultural Exper. Stations A 38 Q 6 Diseases of the Vine in Chili Agr. Gazette, N.S.W.,7 630.5 Etudes sur le Viu : ses .Maladies, causes ijui les provoouent. Pasteur, L. A 31 S 19 First Steps in Ampelography ; by M. Mazade Victoria — Agriculture MA 3 V 12 Fungi on the Vine in Australia; by I). MeAlpine Victoria — Agriculture MA 3 V 33 Fungous Diseases of the Grape and their Treatment ; by T. B. Galloway ... United States Dept. of A Futu Hints on Graftin S 12 ela Enologia A 30 T 21, 22 By Countries. Cape of Good Hope— •t fnAppei v F. IS. Kvngdon. Australasian Assoc., Advance, of Science, Kept., 1898 506 — New Zealand — Viticulture in New Zealand : by It. Bragato New Zealand - Agriculture MA 3 R 75 ■ Queensland - New Vines at the (Government State Farms, Queensland; by E. H. Rainford Queensland Agricultural Journal, 4 630.5 Queensland Indigenous Species of Vitis as a Stock for the Grape; byF. M. Bailey (Queensland Agricultural Journal, 5 630.5 Vintage Operations ; byE. H. Rainford... Queensland Agricultural South Australia — Winegrowing in South Australia Cleland, W. L. MA 4 S 12 and 14 T 12 Wine-growing in South Australia Kelly, A. C. MA 4 S 12 United States — Grape Culture in California; bv(l. Ilusmann ... United States — Dept. of Agr., Vear-book, 1S0S 630..) Grape Diseases of the Pacific Coast; by N. B. Pierce. United States -Dcpt. of Agr., Fanners' Bulletin. 30 A 41 U 1 Viticultural Work... California Agricult. Exper. Station 663.2 Victoria — Board of Viticulture, . Cultivation of the Vine Viticulliirefor Victoria in Vict.' ..Victoi Victoria Agr. MA 3 Q 67 •ia; by W. E. Ivcv— /« Kept., 1874. Victoria -Agriculture 630. (i ia -Vegetable Products MA 4 S 20 r ivarais, France— Vivarais, Le Bourdin, L. D 13 V 17 Vivariums — . Vivarium, The Bateman, Rev. G. C. A 27 R 9 Vivisection — Biological Experimentation... Ridiaulso.i, n Machii Wa< ■sl'r, • Woi . Xisbct. J. J r,R. ..Wa; Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A45R5 Vladivostok — Peoples and Pol itics of tl e Far E ... No ma-. , H. D20U11 Vocalists. [Sis e Singei »■] Voice — Physiology of \ System of De Spiking Voice, The : its [.SW.soAphasi Ventriloquisn oiee and Physiol,', .'] J °" ,pech. by i'iV Dr. C. Seller in American Litch, W. F. A 31 S3 . Mair, Rev. W. J 23 T 38 vat-ion Aikin, W. A. A 45 R 10 ; Speech, Organs of; Throat; Volapuk — Yelabuk Pcdipt dulas .... ... Kei •kin ffs, A. J 9 R 38 Volcanoes and Volcanic Action Volcanoes and Volcanic Action— corttd. Isolation of Volcanic Action in Hawaii ; bv Prof. Dana. American Assoc., Advance, of Science, Proc., 1849 506 Note on a Volcanic Ash from the island of Taima, New Hebrides. Rennie, E. H. MA 3 W 18 Volcanic Activity in Sunday Island in 1814 ; by S. P. Smith. New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1895 506 Volcano in Australia Aust. Home Companion MJ 4 Q 10 Volcano of Kirauea, Sandwich Islands; by Count Strzeleeki. Tasmaniau Journal, 2 MA 5 R 5 Volcanoes Bonney, T. G. A 19 S 29 Volcanoes of Central America, and the Geographical and Topo- graphical Features of Nicaragua, as connected with the Proposed Inter-Oceanic Canal; by E. &. Squier American Assoc, Advance, of Science, Proc., 1850 506 Volcanoes of North America Russell, I. C. A 39 R 1 Volcanoes of the Pacific; by C. Phillips... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898-99 506 Volcanoes of the TaupoDistrict ; bvB. Friedlaender... New Zealand Institute, Trans., 1898 506 [.Sec aho Earthquakes ; Faster Island ; Ceyscrs; Seismology.] Volition. [See Determinism; Freedom of the Will; Pre- destination; Will.] Volscian Language. [See Italic Languages.] Voltaic Electricity- Fundamental Laws ,,f Fleet rulvti - Conduction: Memoirs bv Fara- day, Hittorf, and Kohlrausc'h Goodwin, H. M. A 44 Q 19 Thermo-dvnamics of the Voltaic Cell Australasian Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1898 506 [See also Electricity — General, and History of.] Volunteers and Volunteer Movement— Annual Return, Volunteer Corps of Great Britain. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— War Office 354.426 Navy and Volunteers— in Political Letters Pembroke and Montgomery, G., Earl of F 13 R 5 Volunteers and National Defence Wilkinson, S. F 8 V 27 [See also Army. British; Soudan Contingent: and under New South Wales— Defencte Forces, in Author Catalogue.] Votes and Proceedings. [See sub-heading Parliament or Congress under name of Colony or Country in Author Catalogue.] Voting. [See Election and Representation; Suffrage.] Voussoir Arches. [See Arches; Bridges.] Voyages — General— Collection of Original Vovages Hacko, Capt. W. D 20 S 20 Cruise of the Cachalot..." Bullen, F. T. D 16 Q 10 Explanation of the Voyage of Alvarado; bv J. R. MeClymont. Royal Society, Tasmania, 'Proceedings, 1896 506 Falcon on the Baltic Knight, E. F. D 18 Q 20 Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World by the Fnglish Navigators MDSR 48-51 Historical Account of Circumnavigation of the Globe MD 3 P 13 Interesting Particulars of the Second Yovagc made by the Mis- sionary Ship Tin- lh,[i; 1800 Howell, Rev. W. MD 3 Q 1C Journal of a Vovag,- round the World in II. M.S. l-j,,hnvonr, 1768-71 Cook, Capt, J. MD7U30 Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da I lama, 1497-99. Hakluyl Society l'ubs., 99 910.6 Modern Voyages... Adams. Rev. J. MD 3 P 14, 15 D20S 12 IS Principal Navigations, Voiages. Tralli,pies. and Discoveries of the English Nation Hakluyt, R. D 11 T 14-16 t SamtlieheWerke... Chamisso de Koncourt,' L. C. A. de J 19 R 40 Silver Map of the World Christy, M. D 22 P 20 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1806-1900. Pages, Vieomted 1) 17 S 23-2 . Betagh, Capt. W. D 20 S r Voyages — General — contd. Tij Isehrift voor het Zeewezen... Travels round the World, 1767-' Vovage round the World [.•>'< e al«o Antarctic Regions ; Ar< tions; Sea, The; Shipwrecks sub-heading Discovery, Exploi Voyages, Scientific. [See Antarctic Regions; Arctic Regions; "Challenger" Expedition; Scientific Expedi- tions and Voyages.] w Wadnaminga Gold-fields, South Australia — WadnamingaGold field; and Plans... SouthAustralia— Mines MA4U2 " Wager" - Wreck cf the Wager Byron, Hon. J. D 19 P 14 Wagers. [See Gambling.] Wagnerian Drama. [See Wagw Wagnerian Music and Opera— . Uallarme. J 21 's Xibc lungen Ring Winworth, Freda H 11 Q 23 Legemlsofthe Wa-nerian Drama... Weste,, . .lessie L. II 10 W 2 Paces Mallarme, 8. J 21 U 15 1'e-fcct Wagnerite. The Shaw, G. B, J 23 P 9 Prose Works; e.l. by W. A. Ellis Wanner. R. J 4 S 16-20 Study of Wagner ; Newman, E. A 35 T 1 Wagner; by C. A. Lidgey Wagner, R, C 2/ Q 2 Waikato — Glance at Waikato Colonial Monthly, 4 MJ 4 P 8 Wakatipu, Lake, New Zealand — Lake Wakatipu ; hyl. (.'. Russell... American Naturalist, 1876 505 History of t lie Christian Church... Sheldon, II. C. G 14 R 20 24 History of the Wahlenses of Italy... Coinlia. Rev. F. G II Q .35 Waldensian Church in 1 lie Valleys of Piedmont. . Willyams, JaneL. G 15 U 27 Wales Gsnrral and Descriptive— Highways and BvwavsinNorth Wales... Bradley, A. ( i. 1) 13 R 8 Old Country, The ..' "... D 10 W 1-6 + Poems of Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 7-10 Universal Geography Rectus, E. D 21 U 4 [.SVe also Great Britain.] History— Wall Decoratioi ; Wall-papers.] Frescoes; House Decoration; Paperhanging : Plastering ; Wall-papers Walrus — Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States, 1. United States - Cotnm. of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 + Wandering Jew — Chronicles selected from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the Wan- dering Jew Hoffmann, 1). G 3 T 21, 22 War- Conduct of War Golf/., Licut.-Gcn. C. F. von der A 36 R 8 Is War impossible? Bloch, I. S. F Hi S 16 Law of War Risley, J. S. F3R4 Logic of the Practical Sciences in Theory of Practice. in, S. H. Gil Q28, 29 Phi 1 Mor I Wa . P,ry i, E. L. J 12 S 45 Social and Imperial Life of Britain Cotes, K. 1). B 41 Q 14 War and International Arbitration-*',! Civilisation of our Day. Samuelson, .1. F 1 V 14 War, Famine, and Our Food Supply... Marston, H. B. F 4 T 21 [See also Disarmament; Military Art and Science; Peace; Wars.] War Game- Foreign War Games in Selected Professional Papers United States Dept. of War A 36 W 10 Rules for the Conduct of the War Game on a Map. Gt. Brit, and Ircl.— War Office A 36 V 30 War of the Roses, 1455 85, [See England -History.] War Songs and Martial Poetry — Essays in English Literature, 1780 1800 ..Saintsbury, G. J 14 T 1 Wardian Cases. [See Window Gardening.] Wards. [See Chancery; Equity.] Warming of Buildings. [See Heating of Buildings; Sanitary Engineering.] Warranty. [See Contracts; Gu; Wars - From Cromwell to Wellington Wars of the Nineties of the Wer '. F 16 U 9 A 36 W 15 Warts Warwickshire General and De Diahel- Windlc. 15. C. A. D _>i II u Hist . Public Library of New South Wales, Washington — General orts Queensland- Parliament, V. and P. 328.943 (roton Aqueduct, Now York King, C. A 10 T 21 f Junee Water Supply Works; by H. A. Blomlield ... Institution, Civil Engi London Water Supply; by Sir F. Bolton :, Pre . Int . Health > tropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, Sydney. N. S. Wales -Parliament, V. and P. 328... idadelphia— Bureau of Water. Report 62S (144 fication of the Thames; by W. .1. Dibdin Institution. Civil Engineers. I'roc, 1 StJU-07 020.0 Rural Hygiene Poore, G. V. A 33 P 15 Water, Gas, and F.leetrie-light Plants under Private and Municipal Ownership U.S. — Bureau of Labor, Report, 1899 3S8 Water Supply anil Drainage of Paris and Berlin i,i Public Health in European Cities Legge, T. M. A 2(3 Q 40 \\ ater-supply Engineering Folwell, A. P. A 38 S 24 Water Supply of the City of New York, 1G5S-1S05. A 13 T Water-wheels — Motive Power and Gearing for Kle'tiieal Machinery. Water-works. [See Water Supply of Towns.] Watering Places. [See Health Resorts.] We'lfingloi mpaign.. rll. Ma> also Battles ; Nat Watsonville, Queensland Wealth. [See Banks and Banking; Capital; Distribution of Wealth; Finance; Luxury.] Weapons — Verite sur le Goedendag Malderghem, J. van B 17 U 20 [Seealso Arms and Armour: Small Arms; and under each Weapon. ] Wearing Apparel. [See Clothing.] Weather Forecasting - Value of Forecasts; by H. H. C. Dunwoody United States— Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1S94 030.5 Weather Almanac Egeson, C. MA 5 R 18 ings... Scott, R. H. A 19 Q 10 Farmer; by M. W. Harrington. >f Agr., Year-book. 1S94 030.5 ;y; Storms; Winds.] Weather Chai What Meteorology can United* State [See also Climatology ; 1 Weaving - Jac'quard Weaving and Designing Bell, T. F. A 40 Q 12 Wedau Language — Ata Bada Iesu Keriso ana Evanelia Luka [St. Luke translated]. Testaments— Wedau MG 2 R 60 Giruma Javani Wedauci [School-book] MG 2 T 25 [.See also Papuan Languages.] Wedgwood Pottery— Description of t lie Wedgwood Memorial Institute Dawson, J. B 23 P 18 Loan Exhibition of Old Wedgwood, Catalogue, 1 895. .. Wedgwood, J. K 17 T 23 Birds as Weed Destroyers; by S. D. J mid United States— Dept. of Agrieult., V ear-book, 1898 030.5 Bureau of Agriculture, Western Austral, a. Journal 630.5 Cockle Burr; by .1. H. Maiden Agr. Gaz., X.S.W., 7 030.5 Legislation against Weeds ; by L. H. Dewey ... United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Botany A 41 U 1 1 Migration of Weeds; by L. H. Dewey United States — Dept. of Agr., V ear-book, 1S!)0 030.5 Noxious Weeds; by R. Helms .. West Australian Settler's Guide Ml) S Q 54 Noxious Weeds and How to Destroy them... Manitoba— Dept. of Agriculture and I deration A 31 S 22 Xut-m >y P. Mi rM ho,, duee s',11 I Age. .b, irn.,5 630.5 ets , n U< \gr. I-N| Ragwo th; .v T W K rk •« Leafk ts t, 41. MA 3 R 74 Remarks on Wee Is; th and it h'ei Agricultural X. s. w les. 6 030.5 Russiai Thi stlea id 1 r Tr ■ubleson >f Agr. e W eeds .. Ul of Botal iteM States y A 37 S 19 Bur ; by T. W. Ih-ts ts, 39. \. V MA 3 R 74 Tar W ed; >y T vv K rk v! ■;,",'; 1st, -neulu'," MA 3 R 74 Weeds inC id To\ ited States— V ear-book IS! is 630.8 Weeds of X 2\V Sc utl U des; .\b {?N."S." Agricultural Vales 030.5 Weights and Measures Tables [,S*< ( also Tar Waxes— Tublic Library of New South Wales. Weights and Measures— Tables — contd. Farmers' Weights and Measures; liv H. Lord Australasian Assoc, for Advance, 'of Science, Report, 1898 506 Ganger's Weighing Manual United Slates Office of Internal 8 b Revenue A 20 R 39 Mechanical Arts Simplified Dixon, D. B. A 39 P 1 Rouse's Practical Man: revised l.v 10. 10. H. Birch Rouse, R, F 15 P 47 Work-shop Companion for Tin, Sheet-iron, and Copper-plate Workers Blinn, L. J. A 25 R 34 Weirs — Report, Proposed ( 'oust ruction of Lo; ks and Weirs on the River Darling N.S.W. — Standing Commission on Public Works MA 12 P 27 t [See also Hydraulic Engineering.] Weismannism. [See Evolution— Biology ; and under Weisman in the Author Catalogue.] Wellington, Mt., Tasmania- Ascent of Mt. Wellington, Van Piemen's Land Sydney University Magazine, 1 MJ 4 P 20 Wellington, New Zealand— Central and Descriptive — Wellington Almanac and Directory 019.31 Wells and Well-boring. [See Artesian Water and Wells ; Diamond Drills; AVater Supply.] Wells Cathedral— Wei" s Cathedral Pereira, S. M. S. A 39 P 9 Welsh, The— Story of the British Race Munro, J. A 33 R 29 Welsh People Rhvs, J. A 40 U 17 Who are the Welsh? Bomvick, J. A 27 P 10 [See c „ \\V Welsh Calvinistic Church — Our Churches, and why we belong to them ( i 1 1 U 37 Welsh Language — Printed Literature in the Welsh Dept Cardiff Free Library Cat. Room Welsh People Rhys, J. A 40 U 17 [See ako Celtic Language.] Welsh Literature- Welsh People Rhys, J. A 40 U 17 Wesleyan Methodism- Australasian Wcslevan Methodist Church, Minutes of Annual Conferences 2S7. 1 Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society: N. S. Wales Australian Primitive Methodist Ycar-iook'']""]!.'". 'm< 1*2 U 29 Development of lOnudish Thought Ratten. S.N. C 23 T 42 History and Doctrines of ( anadian Methodism: bv Rev. Dr. Carman, and others in Canada Hopkins, J. C. D 23 Q 5 History of the Methodists in the United States... Buckley, J. M. G 12 V 12 John Wesley and < leorge Wliitelield in Scotland... Butler, Rev. D. C23P23 Stud, nt's Ua-cl 1 k of Christian Theology Field, Rev. B. MG 1 P 42 Wesley and Methodism: by F. J. Snell ... Wesley, .1. C 28 Q 3 Wcslevan Methodi-t Church ; by Rev. J. Telford... Our Churches. (1 11 U37 [See al«o Methodist Episcopal Church.] West Indies General ,md Descriptive— Australian Trade Directory Wright, G. 910 3 British America 1) 22 Q 6 British West Indies and the Sugar Industry Root, J. W. F 15 R 35 Cuba and Porto Rico, and other Is) mds of the West Indies. Hill, R. T. 1) 22 P 5 ■>!'! Descriptive — contd. ! West Indies; by 1). Morris Kew Royal Gardens. Bulletins. Add'itional series, 1 580.7 Posunof Places Longfellow, H. W. H 11 P 36 Voyage of Robert Dubley to the West Indies 15:14 95... Hakluyt Society, Pubs., 2nd scries, 3 910.6 [See also Bahamas; Rirbidoe;; liji-mitda - ; Cuba; Hayti ; Jamaica ; Leeward Island;; Trinidad; anil under each Island or Group.] - C, ir Industry in the West Indie3 W t India Royal Commission, Report .. Calendar of State Papt Gt. Brit, andlrel.— Indies A 40 W 44 J Gt. Brit, andlrel.— it India F 36 V 17 J Colonial Series, America and West .andlrel. Public Record Office B 44 Empire (2) Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1, 8 die Fiske, A. K. B32R11 Western Australia — Gene, Advanced Australia Australia Deserta ... Royal G n Hand- iooIc. Vic . Galloway, W. J. MD 8 P 41 raphica! Society of Australasia, a Branch, Trans., 12, 13 910.6 l in Western Australia; by I). W. Carnegie ... Royal Geographical Society, Journal, 1898 910.5 Few Days Ashore in West Kiinbcrley ; by" J. A. Panton... Royal Geog. Soc., Aust., Viet". Br., Trans., 1885-86 910.6 Gold-fields and Chrysanthemums ... Bond, Catherine D 16 V 23 Hand-book of Western Australia... MacDevitt, E. 0. MD 8 Q 33 Journey from Western Australia to Warina, in Smith Australia; by VV. Carr Boyd... Royal Geographical Soc, Journal 9 910.5 Kimberlev District ; by Hon. J. Forrest Royal Geog. Soc, Aust., Vict. I!r.. Trans., '1885-86 910.6 Land of Gold Price, J. M. MD 8 P 31 Land of Promise, or Western Australia in 1897-93... Chambers, T. MD 4 U 52 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 Mining Hand-book of Western Australia Woodward, H. P. MA 3 T 61 My Fourth Tour in Western Australia ...Calvert, A. F. MD1Q11J North-west Australia ; by J. G. Bartholomew Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1885 910.5 Physical Geography of the S .nth west of Western Australia. Robinson, Sir W. C. F. MD 6 R 13 n of the Colony of Western Australia, S3!) .. MD 4 P 4 Progress and Prospect ; of Western Australia: bv A. Andrews. Colonial Magazine, 1844 F 19 P 13 Short Account of the Settlement of Swan River, Western Aus- tralia '.'Emigrant, An" MD 4 P 4 Souvenir of the Post il Telegraph Dap irlinent. W. Australia. Bursill, H. 0. MD8 P 26 Spinifex and Sand Carnegie, Hon. 1). W. MD 8 S 1 Universal Geography Reclus, E. 1)21 U 14 West Australian Set tier's Guide and farmer's Hand-book. MD8R51, 55 Western Australia Hart, F. MD 8 S 7 Western Australia Knight, W. H. MD 8 P 32 Western Australia Thomas, J. MD 2 P 32 J Western Australia ; by A. F. Calvert Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1895 950 Western Australia; bv Sir W. ('. F. Robinson ... Royal Colonial Institute, Pro-.. 26 325.342 Western Australia Hand-book; with Map in Hand-book, 1899. Gt, Brit, andlrel. IOmigrants' Information Office 1) 22 Q 19 Western Australia : its Position and Prospects ; by T. Chambers. Western Australia Lands and Surveys \H)SQ56 Western Australia, orSwan River .. Colonial Mag., 1842 F 19 P 8 Western Australia Post Offi e Directory 919.41 Western Australian Yearbook, 1891 95 319.41 [See nlxo Aborigines; under Cities, Districts, and Subjects, in Index; and under Western Australia, in Author Catalogue, for Government Publications.] Climate — Meteorology of Western Australia... Western Australian Settler's Guide Ml) 8 Q 64 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1115 nd Trade— libition, 1890 MA 6 P 25 J Constitution and Constitutional Law— lYoposol Establishment of Responsible Government ill Western Australia... (it, Brit, and Irel. Western Australia MF3 P 27 t W'.stern Australian Constitution Bill Gt. liiit. and Irel. — Western Australia MF 3 P 34 t Constitutional History — Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Discovery, Exploration, and Early Voyages— Abstractof Journal of Explorationsin Western Australia, 1806-9"; by L. A. Wells Royal. Geog. Sue., Aust., S.A. Br., Proe., 1888-80 010.6 Journey through Western Australia; liv J. Forrest. ..Geographical Magazine, 2 D 23 P 3 X tes on Carneu'ie's Explorations in the Interim' of W. Australia. H..v. Cvei;:,,!.. See. of Aust., Viet. Br., Trans., 1808 010.6 l>i..l..-.l,ie Ki-.e, S> .5,111 of Portion of North-west Australia; by • I. A. 1'anton Royal Geog. Soo., Aust., Viet. Br., Trans., (,'''oi/i:ijihij, T^/ini/ra/di i/, and JJaps — Anchorages' on the Xorth-wost (/oast of Australia, 1S98: Point Cloatos, Maud Lauding (Chart ] (It. Brit, and Irel. - Hydrogiaphie Olli.-e M D 2 P 34 J Point, Flinders Bay (Chart]... Gt. Brit', and Del. liydrog.-apiiic II. Russe • uthBejal . Brai oyneRoad, 1807[Chail].. .Ct. Brit.andlrel. - Hydrographic Otiiee Ml) 2 1' 3,5 J History — E-.rly Days in Westralia; hy Sir E. Du Cane Cornliill Magazine, 1807 052 Growth of the Empire (2) Jose, A. W. MB 3 P 1, 8 Story of Australasia Laurie, J. S. MB 1 T 7 Politics— Australasian Democracy Walker, H. de R. MF 5 Q 13 Life and Progress in Australasia Davitt, M. MD 4 T 43 Public Lands— Lmd Selector's Guide to Crown Lands Western Australia - Lands MF 1 R 74 Return of Land Grants, Sales, or Leases, including Concessions to Statistics - Austi M F 10t Whales and Whale fishing — Cruise of the Antarctic to the South Polar Regions... Bull, H. .T. D 18 U 15 Cruise of the Cuchiht Bullcn, F. T. D 16 Q 10 Fisheries an 1 Fishery Industries of the Unite, 1 States, 1. United States ( loin, of Fish and Fisheries A 10 T 1 t Journal of the Right- Whaling Cruise of the Norwegian Steamship Antarctic, in the South Polar Seas... Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Viet. Branch, Trans., 12, 13 010.6 [See also Cetaoaa.] Wharfs and Jetties— Wharf recently huilt in deep water at Dawes' Point, Sydney ; by N. Selfe Royal Society, N. S. Wales. Journal, 1808 500 [See also Coffer .lam s"; D.xksf Hydraulic Engineering.] Wheat —Varieties and Culture — Al. sorption of Wat.; by the Gluten of Different Wheats; by F. B. Guthrie R< yalSoe., N. S. Wales, Proceedings, 1MJ0 5(.'6 bv the Gluten of Different Wheats; by F. B. ..." Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Acreage of "Wheat a id Cotton, and Condition of Cereal Crops, ept. of Agr. Division of Statistics 030.973 United States 1 Agricultural Invest) gallons at Bothamstcd Gilbert, Sir J. H. A 18 U 27 Allora Spring Whea t; by N. A. Cobb Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Analyses of Cereals Wiley, H. W. A 21 U 16 Area and Condition .f Winter Wheat, 18S3 United States Dept. of Agrieult. A 10 U 13 British Millers' Re uircments in Wheat; bv C. W. Dunham. Agrieult. Gaz., N.S.W., 9 630.5 Brush of Wheat Gra in ; by N. A. Cobb Agrieult. Gazette. N.S.W., 8 630.5 Colour of the Grain n Different Varieties of Wheat; by N. A. Cobb Agr. Ga:ctle, N. S. Wales, '7 03O.5 •ican Wheat and Corn; by C. Richard-am. U.S. -1 opt. of Agr. Div. of Chemistry A 30 R 40 it Gluten; by F. B. Guthrie ... Agricultural G , .tie, X. S. Wales, 9 630.5 Cross-breeding of W <-e - . i.o ,::.!,:, !Agr. Journal, 180S 630.5 I Si^t libation and Co, sumption of( 'orn and Wheat . UnitcdStates I )cpt. of Agr. Division of Statistics 630.073 Expcrim-mtsin.L-al ig with the Bunt,, >r St inking Smut of Wheat ; by W. Karrer .... .'.. Agricultural Ga/.ett •, X.S.W., 11 630.5 by N. A. Cobb. . . Agr. ( hi/.. , N.S. W. . 8 630.5 Varieties of Wheat; by Agr. Gazette, X. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Hot Air Ti >atm i it ,f Bunt, or Stinking Smut: bv N. A. Cobb. Statistical Reg St tistics of th Statut Westminster Confession cf Faith. [Si Creeds; Presbytenam,m.] Westminster School - Westmoreland — History- - Story of some English Shires ... Crcighton, Bishop B 18 P 1 ales, 6 630.5 . Experiment V.. 10 630.5 'obb. lies, 9 630.5 , 1894 630.7 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. Wheat— Varieties and Wheat Experiments, 1896 . Wheat-growing Experimen Culture— contd. Victoria Agrieultur MA 3 13 Wheat Testing ; by F. B. I Wheats commonly grown i Agrici Wheats which are in Genei Farrer White Lammas and Purple Agricv [See also Agriculture ; O Experiments ; Export Ti Grain Magazines and Wheat; Rust; Sir Whist— Language of Whist ; ts in Queensland in Bulletin 6. Queensland—Agriculture MA 3 S 68 ,, N. S. Wales, South Australia, and .... Queensland Agr. Journal, 5 630.5 Juthrie Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 n New South Wales ; by W. Farrer. iltural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 10 630.5 •al Cultivation in N. S. Wales ; by W- Agr. Gazette, N.S.W., 10 630.5 ■ Straw 'Wheats; by W. Farrer. iltural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 11 630.5 ereals; Crops, Analyses of; Feeding rade; Flour; Fodders and Food-stuffs; Elevators; Hessian Fly; Milling of Wheat.] Whist Signalling honest?— in Other urs Proctor, R. A. A 111 Q 15 Modern Scientific Whist Hamilton, C. D. P. A 29 R 38 Modern Scientific Whist Melrose, C. J. A 40 Q 3 Whist of the Future Lowsley, B. A 9 P 18 Whist Tactics Foster, R. F. A 29 S 30 [See aim Cards. ] White Ants — Naturalist in Australia Kent, W. S-. MA 1 Q 10 J White Ants; by W. W. Froggatt... Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., 8 630.5 [See also Termites.] [See also Paints and Pigments.] Whitehall - Old Whitehall— in Paladin of Philanthropy. . .Dobson, A. J 22 Q 12 Whitehall: Historical and Architectural' Xotos ; by W. J. Loftie. Portfolio, 1895 705 Whooping Cough — Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whooping Cough ; by Dr. N. Bridge — in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 17 Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whooping C, ugh : by Dr. J. T. Whittaker —in Practical Therapeutics Hare, H. A. A 31 P 15 Whooping Cough ; by Dr. E. Smith- in System of Medicine. Al'lbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 Widdin— Chronicles of a Virgin Fortress Herbert, W. V. B 16 V 18 Wight, Isle of -General and Descriptive — Atlantic Islands Benjamin, S. G. W. D 22 R 3 Will- Active and Moral Powers of Man Stewart, D. G 16 V 4, 5 Art of Thinking Knowlson, T. S. G 25 P 15 Before an Audience; or, the Use of the Will in Public Speaking. Sheppard, N. J 12 T 46 Early American Philosophers Jones, A. L. G 26 T 1 1 Elements of Moral Science Porter, N. G 24 R 5 Evolution Jevons, F. B. (i 25 S 13 Hand-book of Psychology Sully, J. (J 11 U 24 Hegel's Doctrine of the Will McVanncr, J. A. (! 26 T 14 Herbart and the Hcrliartians he ( iarmo, C. G9W23 Old and New Psychology C olville, W. J. V, 23 P 26 Philosophical Theory „f the State P.os.mipiet, B. V 9 P 34 Primer of Psychology Titchener, E. B. (! 23 R 15 Psychology Dewey, J. G 17 S 31 Psychology of Childhood Tracy, F. (I 9 W 20 Theory of Practice Hodgson, S. H. G 11 Q 28, 29 Volo, or the Will Lovell, A. Gil U 26 Will -in Principles of Psychology James, W. G 3 U 25 [See also Freedom of the Will; Predestination; Psychology.] WilloWS- Osier Culture ; by J. M. Simpson United States— Dept. of Agr.— Div. of Forestry A 41 U 13 Wills— Law- Cardinal Rules of Legal Interpretation Beal, E. F 9 V 9 Compendium of t he Law relating to Executors and Administrators. Walker, W. G. F 7 P 34 Law of Executors and Administrators Williams, Sir E. V. F9 V 13, 14 Law of Wills and Testaments; by L. Powdes— in Household Oracle Miles. A. H. A 40 Q 9 [See also Succession, Law of.] Registers — Bristol Wills, 1572-1792, and Wills in the Great Orphan Books, 1379-1674 British Record Society, Pubs., 17 929.3 Calendar of Wills and Administrations relating to the County of Dorset, 1568 1799 ... British Record Society, Pubs., 22 929.3 Child-marriages. Divorces, and Pat ilicat ions in the Diocese of Ches- ter, 1561-66... Marly English Text Soc. Pubs., orig.ser., 108 347.6 Index of Wills Proved ill" the Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, 1383-1558 British Record Society, Pubs., 11 929.3 Winchester Cathedral - Winchester Cathedral . Benham, Canon A 3 Winchester College — History of Winchester College . Williams, H. T. A 23 T 33 Leach, A. F. G 17 S 28 Window Gardening and Wardian Cases— [See also Greenhouse Gardening.] Winds and Atmospheric Pressure — Meteorological (.'harts of the Med Sea Gt. Brit, and Irel. — Meteorological Council A 31 R 20 f Winds of the Globe ; by J. H. Coffin Smithsonian Inst., Con- tributions to Knowledge, 20 508 [See also Cyclones ; Meteorology; Storms; Tornadoes.] Windsor, New South Wales— History — Good Old Days Fitzpatrick, J. C. L. MB 3 P 11 Windward Islands. [See Barbados.] Wines and Wine-making —General — ^sthetical Use of Wine and its Influence upon Health; by Dr. J. L. W. Thudichum ... Intcrnat, Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 6 A 41 V2 Annuario Generale per la Viticoltiira e la Enologia A 30 T 21, 22 Artificial Cooling for Wine-making Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Cellar-work ; by E. H. Rainford... Agr. Journ.,4 630.5 Colonial Timbers to lie used as Wine Casks ; by L. Frere. Agr. Gazette, 'N.S.W., 10 630.5 Colonial Wines forwarded to I 'mope for Examination... Victoria- Agriculture, Rept,, 1873 630.6 Colouring Matter of Wines; by M. Blunno... Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 630.5 [Abstract of same]... Aust. Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., n of Grape Jui 506 ; by S. Davenport ... Royal Society, South Australia, Trans.', 1S72 506 Future of Our Wine Industry, and the Results of Manuring Vine- yards in Europe and Australia Kriehaufl', F. E. H. W r . MA 3 W 28 io Fermentation ; by A. J. Perkins, lal of Agr. and Industry, S. Australia, 1897-98 630.5 e of Refrigeration of Musts in Wine-making. Wilkinson, W. P. MA 3 U 49 Maladies of Wine; by 10. 11. Rainford... Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1898 630.5 Notes on Wine-making ; bv M. Blunno ... Agricultural Gazette, N.S.W.,8 630.5 High Temper; Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. 1117 Wines and Wine-making— General — contd. . lb-port on the 1S9S Vintiitr-- ; Lv \1. Ulunno... Agricultural Gazette, N. 8. Wales, 9 030.5 Testing for Glycerine and Saccharine in Red Wines... Agricultural Gazette, X. S. Wales, 11 030.5 Treatment of Wines in France U.S. -Cons. Ropts., 60 382 Wine-making; by 11. Blunno Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, 9 030.5 Wine-making for Beginners: I.v P. F. Adams Agr. Gazette, N. S. Wales, 7 630.5 Wine-making in HotClimates; byL.Roos... Victoria Agriculture MA 4 R 37 Wine Production of the World... U.S.- Consular Repts., 51 382 Wines; by Rev. J.I. Blcasdale .. Viet. Alt., Kept., 1873 030.6 [Set also Brandy; Viticulture; Viticulture— Periodicals. ] By Countries. France - \\ inc-in iking in France ... United States-Cons. Repts., 49 382 - — Germany — Wine Trade of Germany, 1893-95... Gt. Brit, and Irel. -Foreign Office, Misc. Ser., 392 382 ■ New South Wales — Agricultural < iazette of New South Wales, 6 630.5 Australian Vigneron 034 < hemical Nature of the Wines of X. S. Wale-; : by F. B. Guthrie. Wine from New South Wales, 1 S23. '. / S, „ •', -ty for Encouragement of Arts, Trans., 1823 MA 4 T 1 Wingen, Mt. - Volcano in Australia... Australian Home Companion, 4 MJ 4 Q 19 Wheless Telegraphy- History of Wireless Telegraphy Fahie, J. J. A 24 P 44 Wireless Telegraphv and Hertzian Waves Bottone, S. R. A 24 P 48 Wireless Telegraphy popularly explained ... Kerr, R. A 41 Q 1 Wireworm and Click-beetle — Pamphlets on injurious Insects Agr. Expcr. Stations A 38 Q 5 Wisconsin — Government and Administration — Wisconsin - Legislature, Manual F 15 Q 9 _ History— Wisconsin Free Library- Hand-book of Library Commisi lck, P. M. B. G11U42 , W. J 7 :i, J. J 1 bran my Verandah in New < i ninea. . . Komilly, H. H. MI) History of the Witches of Kenfrewshire (, Hypnotism, Mesmerism, and the New Witchcraft I Magic and Witchcraft Moir, G. G 1 Miking of Religion Ling, A. (! Makutu, or Maori Witchcraft : bv E. Best Ai Popular Superstitions ... Gentleman's Magazine Lib. GUT 35 State Trials for Witchcraft in Tlie Law's Lumber-room... Watt, F. F 15P19 West African Studies Kingslcy, Marv H. D 22 P 12 Witch, Warlock, and Magician ... Adams'. W. 11. 1). G 17 R 37 Witchcraft and the Kirk -in Begone Church Life in Scotland. Andrews, W. G 23 T 44 Witches and Witchcraft; bv G. G i fiord : reprinted from ed. of 1003 ." Percy Society Pubs. H 11 S 10 Woman as Witch in Chances of Death... Pearson, K. A 37 R 10 [See also Demonology ; Folk-lore ; Magic ; Occult Sciences ; Wives. [See Family; Home; Marriage and Divorce.] Woman Question. [See Chastity; Costume; Marriage; Prostitution; Woman Suffrage; Women.] voman aunrage - Australasian Democracy Walker, H. dt R. MF 5 Q 13 Female Suffrage Movement Bevill, F E. MF5Q11 1899 F 17 Q 8 land: by H. H. Lusk I .rum. 1897 051 • N. Voung. view, 1894 052 Woman Suffrage Anderson, Mrs. F. MF 1 J2G, and 5 Q 11 396 .... MF2R64 Woman's Voice .'..'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. MF 5 U 13-15 MF5P16 Women in English Life Hill, Georgian F 10 L" 26, 27 Women — General — MacDonahl, A. F 10 V 9 ouvelle-Zclande: les Experiences Sociales le ■ P. Leroy-Beaulieu... Revue des Deux Mondes, tale - in Outspoken Essays... Ba 051 B W 35 ten Ma-azi. ions in Mod tis Anglo-S , H. W. G18S19 . Chapman, Elizabeth R. F 4 T 19 ... Leroy-Beaulieu. P. P. M F 4 P 4 1 '.. Walker, A. (; _ 24 R 8 Samuelson, j. F I V 14 C24T IS '23 P 14 Public Library of New South Wales, "Women Biography — conld. Delanv.Mrs., 1700 SS;l.v<:. on... Delanv. Mrs. M. C 26 Q 18 Famous Ladi .;. ■: '■'.'■■ ■ ■•< '•"••■ ..rd n. Mr-. A. C 27 S '23 Field, Kate; by Lilian Whiting... Field, Mary K. K. C 26 Q 14 Four French Women Dobaon, A. C27P19 ( iladstone, Catherine ; bv K. A. Pratt C 26 P 1 1 Cuvon, Mine, in Little-Journeys Hubbard, E. C 19 P 12 Guyon, Mm&, Autobiography of... Ciuvon, Mine. J. C 23 T 3, 4 Historic: Nuns Belloc, Bessie R. C 23 P 30 Jeanne d'Arc, Margaret B 16 R 46 Joan of Arc Lowell, F. C. B 16 T 22 Krudener, Mine, de. Life and Letters of; bv ( '. Lord... C 24 T 1 Lamb, Mary in Little Journevs Hubbard, E. C 12 P 12 Little Journevs to the Homes of Famous Women ... Hubbard, E. C19P12 Lives of Twelve Bad Women Vincent, A. C 24 Q 20 Longueville. Mine. de. Life of; bv Mrs. Cock C 27 S 12 Madison, Dolly, Life of C 20 U 14 Memoirs of Lady llu.seil and Ladv Herbert, 1623-1723; by Lady Stepney Russell, Lady C 20 P 4 Napoleon's Mother ; bv Clara Tsehudi... lion,:, .arte. Mine. M. L. R. C 27 T 20 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller; by T. W. Higginson C 19 T 23 Paul, Mrs George A., lie. oilections of ; by Rev. J. R. Miller. C23P11 Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign Pratt, E. A. C 23 Q 19 Sedgwick, Catherine M., Life and Letters of C 27 R 2 " it P. I). Pasolini C 25 P 20 use of Hanover Keddie, Henrietta C 24 T 21 Six Royal Ladies of the Stanley, Ladv Maria Jo: Stowci Harriet Beecher Warren, Mercy; by Ali Washington. .M.irtii a.... Willard, Frances E. : b\ [See also Actors a Life .if... Hon . ; Lov Pri Maria; . Dewey, E. H. A 33 Q 27 Education, Hygiene, and Training — Account of Prizes for Common Things. . . Bur.lcUd 'outts, Baroness G 2 S 26 Arrang-int-nts for the Admission of Women to the Chief Univer- sities in the British Kiie/dom in Special Heporlson Kdueational Subjects (it. Brit, and Irel. -Education G 17 U 14 Atlantic Essays Higginson, T. W. J 14 U 2 Clough, Anne Jemima, Memoir of C 24 T 18 Condition of Woman in the Unite .1 State*... Blanc, .Mine. M. T. a of a iirls' School •« Special Reports on F4 U2 -ant ... Inte est lb alii. E ition: a Man ation and In a! u*1 f 1' TV-in G 1 • Q 37 t. an, liv Rep. Edi (i 1 .tall. S G 1 U14 ira A. James Alic K. A 18 r 28 1 Hygiene and Physi Intermediate Educ Women — Education, Hygiene, and Training — contd. Kindergarten System Hanschmann, A. B. G 18 Q 37 List of Books for ( Iirls and Women and their Clubs. Leypoldt, Augusta H. K 11 R 17 Organisation of Higher Education for Girls; by Dorothea I I, Lit., 16 A 41V 12 . Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit,, 12 A 41 V 8 Pro- rcss in Women's Education in the British Empire. ■ Victoria Era Exhibition, 181)7 G 23 R 10 Report, 1870-S9, 1891-92 ... U. S. - Bureau of Education 379.73 Rousseau's "Emile" Rousseau, J. J. G18P61 Technical Education for (iirls in Sneeial Reports on Educational Subjects (it, Brit, and Irel. Education G 17 U 14 University Education of Women; bv Mrs. H. Sidgwick... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 15 A 41 V 11 University Education of Women in England United States— ,u of Education, Report, 1894-95 379.73 A27 V29, 30 lan's Higher Education; byAustr dicimo'' Melbourne Review, 7 052 Woman's Words to Women Scharlieb, Mary G 18 Q 30 Women and Education in Finland in Through Finland in Carts. Tweedie, Mrs. A. D 17 S 22 Women in Education International One. less of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 4 Women in English Life Hill, Georgiana F 10 U 20, 27 Work and F-lav in ( Iirls' Schools ... Beale, Dorothea G 23 P 32 [Set aim Domestic Education.] Periodicals— ;. Health Exh Physical Education of Girls; by Mi Woman's Book Englishwoman's Review F13S 1-16 646 Lobe,' Home Journal'.!' \.\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\~.\\\". ''.'.'. 051 Ladies' Pictorial 072 072 Woman at Home'".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 040.5 A 27 V29, 30 Woman's Voice MF5 17 13-15 Position, Treatment, and Influence — An; iui .elms of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry Benecke, E. F. M. F 10 V 17 Case of Wagner Nietzsche, F. G 16 V 18 •'! -in Worn si in Industrial Life. . Con lof Womsi, 1899 F 17 Q 5 Unit. 1 -.ales ... Plane, Mine. M. T. F 4 U 24 Etude Historique BUT le = Professions accessibles aux Femmes. Chauvin, Jeanne F 10 U 29 Gentlewoman at Home . . ; Coke, Mrs. T. F 8 V 40 Hand-book for Women e ngaged in Social and Political Work. Blackburn, Helen F 15 P 22 Nisi .ct, J. F. (1 24Q.) y Act, 1870... Griffith, J. R. F 3 R 28 Mind of Woman--'';: Igm ranee ... Djrman, M. R, P. (! 18 R 71 Morality of Marriage ... Caird, Monn F LIT 32 New Party, The Rcid, A. F 15P29 Marholm, Laura (1 21 Q 27 Raskin, J. J US 7 We Women anil Our Ant lors 1 fansson. Laura M. J 21 R 38 Woman underMonastieisi i,5)0-150,)...Eckenstein,Liiia G 1 T 22 i Law ... Cleveland, A. R. F 10 V 15 Woman's Book A 27 V29, 30 Stetson, Charlotte P. F 10 S 31 Women in English Life . Hill, Georgiana F 10 U 20, 27 rn. Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 8 WomeninSocialLife... Ii tern. Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 9 Mrs. Phillimore — in Good Citizenship. Women in Social Life; bj Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 .. United States Bureau of Education, Rept., 1891 95 379.73 Women of the Renaissam e... Maulde la Claviere, R. de F 19 T 8 Women's Work on Vestr es and Councils ; by Miss Busk — in Good Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 'Sirrrfxo Family; Home, The; Hygiene General ; Woman SullVage ; ' Women-Education; Women --Societies; Women-Work.] Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Women — and Clubs — B.anbn-Homcsand Clubs for Working Women; bv Marv S. Fergusson ... U.S. -Bureau of Labor. Bull., March, 181)8 "331 I. iris' Clubs National Union of Women Workers ]■' 1 U 30 !• tea-national Council of -Women, Trans., 1899 International Congress of Women, 1899 K IT Q 3 I'niversitv ami Social Seltli'incnts Reason, W. ]■' !f> I' 33 Women's Clubs -in Women in Social Life International Congress of Wome i, 1899 r 17 Q 9 Work of Ladies' Settlement; bv Miss E. Portal- -in Good Citizen- ship '. Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Work, /'ro/'rsxioHS, Eniploipnei.t — Agriculture for Women; by Jane F. Russell... Agricultural Ga/.. , N.S.Wales, 11 630.5 Changes in the Employment of Women and Girls in Industrial Centres ("It, Brit, and Irel. —Labour Dept. F 1 U 25 Condition of Woman in the United States... Blanc, Mine. M. T. F4 U24 ( onnectieut at the World's Fair. . . Chicago 1-Nhib. , 1803 D 22 T 3 Kflects of the Factory System Clarke. A. F 15 P 31 i] nploymeut for Women iuplovment of Young Women as , braries; by T. Baker Lib ■:tude Historiques sur les Profess 'a bian Tracts ndustrial Evolution of the United ..hour Problem . Pratt, E. Wri :. D. F 13 R 23 Drage, G. F 10 S 31 en -in Workers on their Galton, F. W. F 10 V 18 h Rep, 1 Ire F 1 Women and the Factory Act .-7^ Problems 'of "Modern" Industry. Webb, S. F 9 R 42 Women in Education ... International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 4 Women in Industrial Life ... Internat, Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 5 Women in Professions ... International Congress of Women, 1899 F 17 Q 6, 7 Women Wage Earners... New Zealand Dept. of Labour, Journal 331.8 Women's Wacres— /« Problems of Modern Industry Webb, S. F 9 R 42 W< rld's Opportunities, and how to use them ... Guernsey. A. H. F9V 17 [S, e aho Hygiene -General; Work and Wages.] Women's Property. [See Married Women's Property; Wood Ashes, Analyses of. [See Agricultural C;i Manures and Fertilisers; Timber.] Wold-carving and Wood-work Del J. M. \ -»1 1 Details of Elizabethan Arc iteetu w, 11. A Years' of Art, 1S49-1 Art . .. R. we, E 12 X •'r-t-work and Marquetry Drill A 23 1 \ 40 u bilf-timbercd Houses and : 7th Centuries lers, \ B. .\ 12 X Motoric S: vies of On, imen I). mets ,. u. a Is T Illustrated History of Fun iture Lite held, F. A 44 Wood-carving and Wood-work— eontd. The New Education Wake, R. A 39 Q 15 New Methods in Education Tadd, J. L. G 18 U 12 Practical Wood-carving Woodscnd, C. J. A 40 V 2 Progressive Studies and other Designs for Wood-carvers. Plowden, E. R. A 44 W 3 Raecoltadi Mobili in Diversi Stili A 48 P 20 J Studies from Old English Mansions Richardson, C. J. A 49 P 2, 3 J Training of a (Vim ,; nin Miller, F. A 23 S 41 W. ,;' Leland, C. G. A 35 Q 16 I Lathe ork.] g, F. P. A 25 R 33 Wood-engraving. [Kee Engra-s Wood Pavements — Roads and Pavements [See Pavements; Road-making.] Wood-pulp. [See Paper Manufacture.] Wood's Holl Marine Biological Laboratory — Work and A'msof; by C. (). Whitman Biological Lectin es A 27 T 13 Wood-turning. [See Lathes.] Woodpeckers — Food of Woodpeckers; by F. E. L. Beale United States— Dept. of Agr. - Div. of Biological Survey A 30 R 30 [See a/so Ornithology General.] Woods. [See Bctany, Economic: Forestry; Timbers.] Wool - Australasian P toralisl 'Beview 630.5 A'-. ■': v , '■.'■ . , '-, i Toti'rcv, G. MA4S34 Au-irao.ii- Sii.-pa'id W . ■! Hawkcswoi til, A. MA 4 S 35 Clip of Wool from Sheiriug-shcd to Shin "Sinclair, A." MA 4 K 29 Cooperator 334 Dalgctv's Review 630.5 Pastoral Industry of New South Wales, 1895 Pearse, A. W. Practical Treat isi Sheep and Wool l Wool and Slice] MA 3 D 3 M^ of Stati-ti s. i;.,,,.. is!M 630.973 ; Woollen' Hii'.T'worstcd M unifae- Woollen and Worsted Manufactures Rents., 82 382 United States sure A 37 R 12 .. Beaumont. R. .-. England!' B. F 12 T 13 Public Library of 2sexc South Wiles. Woolly Blight (Aphis laniyera)— Woolly Aphis of the Aup'.o UniUd States — Dept. of Agr.— Uiv. of Entomology A 41 U 6 [See also Aphides; Apples; Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious; Plant Diseases.] ter—Churchis— . Shore, Canon A 39 P 10 Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop B 18 P 13 f Work and Wages— Ai'i-ioultural Labourer: Reports l>v \V. C. Little. (it. Brit, and Irel.— Labour F 39 V 27, 28 t Annual Statistics of Manufactures Massachusetts - Bureau cf Statistics of Labor 338.4 Classes and Masses Mattock, W. H. F 8 V 14 Colliery Workin- ami Management... liulnian, 11. F. A 25 U 30 Consular Reports, 47 United States Consular Repts. 382 Distribution of Interest in I'rcsent Distribution of Wealth in the United States Spabr, C. B. F 10 V 32 Economies Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economics and Socialism Laycock, F. U. F 12 R 34 Economics of Socialism, 11. .M. F S V 2-1 Efi'ectsof the Factory System Clarke, A. F 15 P 31 Ethics of Wage-earning in Women in Industrial Life. International Congress of Women. 1899 F 17 Q 5 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Foreign Reports ... (It. and Irel. Labour F 39 V 52, 54 t Formationand Distribution of Riches. ..Tin-got, A. R. J. F 15 Q 20 Hand and Machine bailor in Report of Commissioner, 1S98. United States -Bureau of Labor 338.4 History of Money and Pries S-boenhof, J. F 8 V 19 Hull-house Maps' and Papers F 9 Q 30 Industrial Day Dreams Kceble, S. E. F 2 U 40 Industrial Evolution of the United Stales Wiight, C. I). F 13 R 23 Irregularity of Employment Dewey, D. R. F 4 V 19 Labor and Wages in China... United States -Cons. Rept., 50 382 Labor Conditions in Europe U.S. - -Consular Repts., 57 382 Labour Problem Drage, G. F 10 S 31 Lecture on Political Economy Lou-field, M. F 9 P 31 Life and Labour of the People of London.., Booth, C. F 10 U 14 Living Wage and the Law of Supply and Demand. Blatchford, R, F 16 T 24 Massachusetts ISureau of Statistics of Labor. Rept., 1895... 331 Methods of Industrial Remuneration... Sehloss, 1). F. F 15 P 31 Modern Civilization Cunningham, Rev. W. FS V 12 Money and Prices in Foreign Countries United States — Consular Repts., special vol. 13 382 Political Economy and Taxation Rieardo, D. F 16 S 17 Possibility of a Scientific Law of Wages .. Clark, .1. II. F 4 V 14 Rate of Wages paid under Public and Private Contract... United States Rureau of Labor, bulletin 7, 1896 331 Relation of State to lndu trial Action... Adams. H. C. F ! V II Relation of the TarilV | U.S. I la Wages ... Wells, I). A. FI7 P0 Rent, Interest, and Wages Fl.uschcim. M. F 1(1 S 5 Select Committee on Government Contracts: Fair Wages Resolu- ■t. Contracts F 39 V 58 J caving Trade-in Cotton- Marsden, R. A 23 P 21 icholson, J. S. F 8 V 25 ... Smart, W. F 2 V 20 . Wood, S. F 4 V 14 on, Report... idard Lists oi d he Lai Work and Wages— contd. White Slaves of England Sherard, R. H. F 13 V 3 Work and Wages of Men, Women, and Children-,;? Report of Commissioner of Labor, 1895 96... U.S.- -Bureau of Labor 331 Work and Wealth Bowker, R. R, F 15 S 23 [See aim Agricultural Labourer; Capital and Labour ; Proiit and Profit-sharing; Strikes and Lockouts.] Workhouses - Workhouses and Pauperism Twining, Louisa F 15 Q 14 [See also Asylums, Benevolent ; Poor Laws.] Working Classes— General — Agricultural Labourer: Reports by W. C. Little. Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Labour F 39 V 27, 28 ♦ Christianity and the Social State... Lorimer, Rev. G. C. G 24 R 1 Classes and Masses Haggard, F. T. F 9 P 28 Classes and Masses Mattock, W. H. F 8 V 14 Economic Theory Davenport, H. J. F 13 R 2 Economics Hadley, A. T. F 12 T 7 Economy of Consumption Moffat, R. S. F 12 T 33 Effects of the Factory System Clai\e, A. F 15 P 31 Foreign Reports ... Gt. Brit, and Irel.-Labour F 39 V 52, 54 I Housing of the Working Classes lin wniaker, E. F 4 U 25 Housing of the Working People United States Bureau of Labor, 8th Special Report F 16 U 13 How to Increase Wealth "Giant-killer" MF 3 Q 47 Idlers in the Market Place Day, J. M. MF 3 Q 47 Labour Problem Drage, G. F 10 S 31 Labour Quest!,.., in Britain Rousiers, P. de F 12 T 2 Manual Laboring Class Walker, F. A. F4 V 13 Methods of Social Reform Mackay , T. F 8 V 9 Migration from the Country to the Towns ... Gower, Hon. F. L. fc F 2 V 32 National Assoc. , Promotion of Social So. , Trans. ... F 15 T 1-U 9 Problem of the Unemployed Hobson, J. A. F 4 U 32 Progress of the Labouring Classes in Civilisation of Our Day. b Samuelson, J. F 1 V 14 Progress of the Working Classes in the Last Half-Century. Relation of Christianity to the Conflict between Capital and Labour Andrews, C. F. F 10 V 27 Royal Commission on Labour, Report... (it. Brit, and Irel. -Labour F 39 V 33, 34 J Working Man, The Watts, J. F 12 S 20 [Su til.inA'jrU nil lira] Labourer; Arbitration: Capital and Labour ; Ei'dit-hour Question: Employer's Liabiliu ; Injurious Occupa- tions; Labour Question: Master and Servant : N'oxious Trades ; People, The; Political Economy: Profit and Profit-sharing; Social 'Problems; Strikes; Sweating System ; Trades Unions ; Work and Wages; Workmen's Dwellings.] By Countries. Great Britain — Agricultural Labourer: Retorts hyW. C. Little. (it. Brit, and Irel. Labour F 39 V 27, 28 J Croat Britain and Ireland— Distress from Want of Employment, t lirit; 331.8 Life and Labour of the People of London... Booth, C. F 10 U 14 Life in West London Sherwell, A. F 4 U 36 Peasants' Revolt of 13S1. and the Subsequent Condition of the Working (lasses in Industry in En-land... (iibbins, H. de H. F 12 T 13 S, eiety for Insurance against Want of Employment in Winter, and'thrCcueral Labour Reeisl r\ at Cologne., (it. Brit, and Irel.— ' Foreign Office. Misc. ser., .399 382 Eden, Sir F. M. F 20 P S-10 t ate of the Poor Switzerland -- United States— Hull-house Maps and Papers. . Dawson, W. H. F 15 R 7 . Wyckoll'. W. A. F 15 S 14, 1. Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-1900. Working Classes— Victoria— < 'o Operation amniieMhc Working Classes; by J. Rosa... Melbourne Review, 6 052 Workmen's Dwellings — ( ouference Nationale des Societes d'Habitations ouvrieres, 1898. Belgium F 19 U 1 Consular Reports, 48 United States- Consular Repts. 382 Creation of Building Funds; by H. 1). Harrod... Internat. Health Exhib., 18S4, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Dwellings of the Poor; by H. Duff Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit,, 7 A 41V 3 Fabian Tracts Fabian Society F 19 R 15 Her Majesty's Commissioners, Report Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Housing of the Working Classes F 40 V 4 J Housing of the l'oor In Cood Citizenship Hand, Rev. J. E. F 15 S 33 Housing of Poor in American Cities... Reynolds, M. T. F 4 V 18 Housing of the Working Classes Bowmaker, E. F 4 TJ 25 Housing of the Working Classes in Berlin and l'aris-J» Public Health in European Cities Lcgge, T. M. A 20 Q 40 Housing of the Working People United States -Bureau of Labor, 8th Special Report F 16 U 13 Improvement of Working Class Homes... New Zealand Dept, of Labour, Journal, 1890 331.8 Labour Problem Drage, G. F 10 S 31 Mansion House Council and its Work... Internal. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 National Assoc., Promotion of Social So., Trans.... F 15 T 1-U 9 Overcrowding; by Rev. A. M earns Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Population of London and its Migrations: by Dr. C. B. Longstaff Internat. Health Exhib., LSS4, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 are Ad Int Select Committee, Repoi . Health Kxl nd Irel. — Artizans' and 'Dwellings F 40 V 1 J International Cong, of Hygiene and Demography. Trans., 9 014.06 Suburban Dwellings ami Cheap Railway fans; by .1. Hole. Internat. Health Exhib., LSS4. Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 'cT^'saweR.!! Internal. Health k\.. ISM, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Treatment of the London l'oor; by Miss Lidgett Internat, Health Exhib., 1SS4, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Treatment of the London l'oor; by < o-rt rude Toynbce... Internat. Health Exhib., 1884, Lit., 2 A 41 U 18 Workshop Receipts. [Sw Receipts, Workshop.] Workshops— Law. [See Factories and Factory System.] World, The— Voyages. [See Voyages— General.] World's Columbian Exposition. [See Chicago Exhibition.] World's Parliament of Religions. [See Religions— General.] World's Student Christian Federation— St rategic Points in the World's Conquest. . Mott, J. R. G 23 P 31 Worms— il Fishery Industries of the Cnited States, 1 Unite of V nd Fisheries A 10 T 1 t is in the Department of Iritish Museum— Natural History A 39 V 10 minthes...... Manson, P. A 26 T 35 Worship - Elements c Worsted. [See Woollen and Worsted Manufactures.] Wounds. [See Gun-shot Wounds; Surgery.] Wrecks. [See Shipwrecks.] Wrestling — Defensive Exercises Walker, D. A 20 P 22 [See also Sports and Pastimes.] Writers. [See Authors; Litterateurs; Novelists.] Writing - Australian Copy-books Angus and Robertson's School Series MG 1T9 Character Indicated by Handwriting... Baughan, Rosa G 25 P 9 [.See a/.vo Alphabets; Cipher; Cuneiform Inscriptions; Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions; Letter-writing; Palaeography; Type- writing.] Wrongs. [See Torts.] X-Rays. [See Rontgen Rays.] Xylophaga. [See Coleoptera.] Yacht-building— Supplement to "Small Yachts"... Stephens, W. P. A 29 Q 13 J [See also Boat building: Ship-building.] Yachting — Australian Yachtsman 797 Boating Man's Vade-mecum Winn, W. A 19 Q 33 Down Channel McMullen, R. T. 1) 19 P 10 Manual of Yacht and I'.oat -sailing Kemp, 1). A 15 S 14 t Supplement to "Small Yachts" ... Stephens, W. 1>. A 29 13 t Yacht Racing Rules Kemp, I). A 40 Q 6 [See also Boating; Sailing.] Yachts — Shipping and Craft all round the World Pritchctt, R. T. A 35 Q 17 Yale University — Catalogue Yale University 378.746 Four American Universities G 15 S 16 t Pr< [See also Universities, American. ] Yangtze-kiang River - Reg Yarrow River - e Kiang . US. Consular Repts., 54 . C. Wilson Melb. Rev., 8 052 Yaws, The. [See Framboesia; Tropical Diseases. ] Year-books of Current Events- Annual Summary K 7 P 12 Rook of the Year Rout ledge, E. BOS llazell's Animal 032 Brown, 1). K. MB3P9, 10 I., i ary Ye, uitkundig en Staathuishoudkundig .laarbockje voor Statesman's Year IhmiIc Stock Exchange Year books Times Annual, 1890 [See also Almanacs; and under Places and Subjects.] 805 5 Q 10 Public Library of New South Wales. YeastS- Brewing of Non-excisable Beers Poeock, J. A 23 Q 51 Micro-organisms and l'Vi mentation ... Jorgensen, A. A 40 U 10 Yeast: by Rev. W. Spiers Illustrate:! Annual of Microscopy, 1900 A 40 P 19 [See aim Bacteriology ; Botany, Oytogamic ; Brewing ; Fermen- tation; Mycetozoa.] Yellow Fever — Applied Bacteriology Pearmain, T. H. A40P11 Articles on Yellow Fever U.S.— Marine Hospital Service, Rept., 18GS 613.08 Cause of Yellow Fever ... U. S. —Marine Hospital Service A 36 W 1 9 Experiments on Animals Paget, S. A 45 R 5 Yellow Fever U.S.- -Marine Hospital Service A 31 R 23 Yellow Fever; by Dr. J. Cochran — in Practical Therapeutic. Hare, H. A. A 31 P 19 Yellow Fever; by Dr. A. Davidson -in System of Medicine. Allbutt, T. C. A 26 T 35 [See also Tropical Diseases.] Yellowstone National Park — Acting Superintendent's Report United States— Dept. of the Interior, Misc. Repts. 353.3 Yerba Mate— Ilex cassine, the North American Aboriginal Tea; by Dr. Hale. Uuited States -Dept. of Agr. — Div. of Botany A 37 S 36 Yiddish- History of Yiddish Literature in the 19th Century ... Wiener, L. y J 10 S 32 York —Churches — York Minster Cust, Dean A 39 P 10 Yorkshire— General and Descriptive— By Moor and Fell Sutcliffe, H. D21 R 13 Highways and Byways in Yorkshire. . . Norway, A. H. D 13 R 1 1 Story of some English Shires ... Creighton, Bishop BHP13t Young Men's Christian Associations — Public Libraries in the United States of America. . . United States- Bureau of Education J 4 S 30 Strategic Points in the World's Conquest... Mott, J. R. G 23 P 31 Young Women. [See Girls; Women — Education.] Youth- Aristotle on Youth and Old Age Aristoteles A 32 R 32 [See also Boys.] Yucatan — Vocabulaire de l'Ecriture Hieratique Yucatequo .. Rosny, L. de J 8 V 28 [.See aho Indians, American.] Yukon- Alaska Bruce, M. W. D 22 R 16, 17 Lecture on the Yukon Gold-fields Ogilvie, W. A 33 S 36 Narrative of an Exploration made in the Yukon District, 1S87. Dawson, G. M. D 16 V 22 Narrative of the Expedition to Alaska, 1866-68 Dall, W. H. 1) 16 V 22 Report of an Exploration made in 1 SOU -97... Ogilvie,W. 1) 16 V 22 Stanford's Map of the Yukon Cold-fields... Stanford, E. D11Q10 To Klondvke and l'.aek : a Journey dow n 1 lie Yukon. Secretan, J. H. E. D 16 Q 9 Yukon Gold-fields Lugrin, C. H. F 13 Q 35 Yukon Territory D 16 V 22 [.See also Alaska; Klondvke Gold-fields.] Zimbesi — Kingdom of the Barotsi, Upper Zambesi . . Bertrand, A. D 22 R 7 Zanzibar— General and Descriptive — Protectorate of Zanzibar; by Rev. W. Firminger. British Africa 1) 22 Q 5 Travels in Zanzibar and Pemba Fitzgerald, W.W. A. D 13 U 6 Twelve Hundred Miles in a Waggon... Balfour, Alice D 14 T 23 Universal Geography Reelus, E. D 21 U 13 [See aho Africa, East.] Commerce awl Trade — Trade of Zanzibar—/;; Diplomatic and Consular Report, Annual Scries Gt. Brit, and Irel.— Foreign Office 382 Zapodidse — Jumping Mice of the Genus Zapus; by E. A. Preble— in North American Fauna, 15... U.S.- Dept." of Agr. Div. of Biological Survey A 46 U 10 [See aho Rodentia.] Zealand— . Delsaux, W. D 49 P 15 % Zeni Avesta. [See Zinc — Zincography. [See Photo-engra Zodiacal Light - • I Books ; Zoi-uMsi fi; ing; Printing.] i determined by Yarious Observers in Scarlo... Harvard Univ. Ast Obs., Ann., 33 520.7 nous Bands in the Zodiacal Region, during 1S93 95 Harvard University Ast. < )bs.. Annals, 33 520.7 Harvard University Ast. Obs., Ann., 19 520.7 i>vC. Wilkes American Assoc, Advance of Science, Proc, 1857 500 [Solar System.] Zoolatiy. [See Animals, Worship of.] Zoological Laboratories and Stations. [See Zoology- Museums, Laboratories, Gardens; also Biology — Museums, Laboratories, and Stations; Marine Zoology.] Zoology — General — Agassiz, Louis, Life, Letters, and Works of C 22 T 14, 15 Audubon and his Journals Audubon, J. J. L. C 25 P 2, 3 British Association for Advancement of Science, Reports ... 500 Common Plan of Animal Form— in Scientific Memoirs. Huxley, T. H. A 40 S 15 Ks.-ai rl'iuii' classification des variations a ni males, scion lours causes; par A Brandt International Congress of Zoology, Proc., 1892 1 ° A 35 \V 12 Foundations of Zoology Brooks, W. K. A 40 U 9 Sclatcr, W. L. A 35 T t <■ Mem rsof... \ to S 5, 16 International Congresses ,,f Zoology, Proceedings A 35 W 11-14 Life-history Studies of Animals; Uv L. C. Miall Smithsonian Institution, Repts., 1897 506 Mod. -n. Study of Zoology in Biological Lectures. Marshall, A. M. A 28 P 34 Orh'in of Mammals; by Prof. Osborn... International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Psychic Life of Microorganisms Binet, A % A 41 Q 8 Spread of Land Species liy the Agency of Man, with Special Re- ference to Insects; by L. <). Howard American Assoc, Advance, of Science. Proc, 1897 506 Subject-Index to the Supplementary Catalogue— 1806-1000. 1123 Zoology— General— cont J. Text-book of Zoology Boas, J. E. V. A 31 Q8 Text-book of Zoology Parker, T. .1. MA4T7, 8 Text-book of Zoology Sedgwick, A. A 40 V 4 on Zoology Lankester, E. R. A 4 1 S 23 2.. 1'n Value of T SI ii. I Ma, l, Proc . Int Zo -logy of the Invertcbrata Shipkv, A. K. A :i, I: [<<> also Acclimatization; Amphioxus; Anatomy, ( ' .mpaiutiv Animal Electricity; Animal lure ; Animal Mechanism; Aiiimi cities; Apes; Aquariums ; .\rachniil a ; Arthnipmla ; Bac.e: -logy; IJatracliin; Biology; Birds; Brachiopoda '; Cephalop.d Cestoda; Cluctognatlia ; Oelenternta ; Colle-ting ; Colorutio Animal: Crustacea; Distribution of Plants and Animals ; Kehin dormata; Embryology; Entomology; Evolution; Fishes; (la teropoda; CephvraM; dorillu; ilclminthology; Heredit llirudinca; Instinct ; Invertelirala; L unellibranrhiata ; Mai malia; Marine Zoology ; Marsupials; Menageries; Melius-. Monkeys; Monotrematu ; Museums; Mvriapoda; Natnr History; Nematodes; Nemeriu,,. ■ ; Ornithology; 1'arasite: I'eripatus; Phoronis; Piivsiolo.'v; Polvclutla; 1'olyz.oa; Pr tozoa; Reptilia; liotifera; S,,,!,; Snongos; Taxidermy; Trent i >dcs; Tunicate; Turhellariu; Vet t '■l.r.o.a ; Vivariums'; Worm Zodlogy-liy Countries; and under name, of Orders, Classe Families, and individual Animals. ] - — Addrei Essays on Mus inburg Naturhi.-.torisches Museum. Mitt. ■irvard University, Annual Report, Cure ( '.imperative Zoology irvard I'niversit v.'Mus. of Compare: ive i ■ •ural History Camp at Lake Ouinsagimiu Massachusetts Hoard of Education, He aiuralist's Assistant; with Bibliography ., oval Menagerie m ilogische Stat .f IV, ; by E. T. Han MhummU, Syrians, Xc Manual of Zoology Nomenelutim i\<-< Etres organis. Noapel, Mitthcilungen •lature- fornia Academy of Sciences. I'l lex, vols. 1 '20, Zoology, Jotirna V,' South Wales Zoological Soric aete Inip.'rialedes Nat uralistes -logical and Acclimatisation So. ilogi.-al Society of London, Proc. Zoology and Fauna— Abyssinia — Observations ontology andZoology of Aby ...Blanford.W.T. Gregory, J. W. D 14 Ancient Antarc ;. of Natural History, Antarctic Regions— Surviving It -fug."- in Austral Lands of Ancient Antarctic- Life: C. Hedley... Annals; " Arctic Regions — Natural History of Arctic America : by L. Kumlien— in Bulletin 15, National Museum Smiths. Inst., Misc. Collections, 23 508 Australia — Amphibia of Central Australia in Horn Expedition. Spencer. W. 14. MA 3 R 61 Australian Natural History ( lleanings ; by W. Saville-Kent. Royal Colonial Institute, Proc., 29 325.342 Consideration on the Surviving Refugees in Austral Lands of Local Wri ; by C. Hedley... Annals a. In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the ('oral Sea. Semon, R. M, Mammals of Australia ; by P. L. Selater . . . Journal of Se Records, i d dem Malay MA 13 P 1' hupus mMis; by T. White logisehe Foi rCnpd ( sehungs.tse, - Califor vfo P. Me'r ural History ill... U.S.— - Commander Islands — ibufions to the Natural History of the C T. 11. Bean... United States— Nat. Mus Ellice Islands — f Funafuti.. -■o Arachnid Australian ; Coral; F Museu nafuti i Memo 'e 3 e.] MA 4 W 22 Europe — • of the Em tpeanFaun Scharll' R. F A >7 P 20 Fanning 1 History of Islands - . T. 11. Sir n and 1 sla id C d'tcd States Great Britain and Ireland ral History of the British Islands... At Hawaii nd Shot in Indian Forest ami Hobbies of an Indian Kipling, .1. L. A 40 V 10 Plain. audHili... Russell. C. E. M. 1)22 R22 OHieial... Thornhill.M. I) 13 S3 Indian Ocean •:il Collections made in t go of H. M.S. Alert, 1881 S2 '.'.'."British Museu iii "' Natural History A 42 U 15 Public Library of New South Wales. Zoology and Fauna—Italy — Fauna and Flor.i dcs ( ioljes von Neapel .... Zoologische Station zu Neapel A 19 P 1-23 t Japan — Zoological Matters in Japan ; by Prof. Mitsukuri ... International Congress of Zoology, Proc, 1898 A 35 W 14 Kerguelen Island- Natural History of Kerguelen Island ; by Dr. J. H. Kidder — in Bulletins, 2, 3, United Slates National Museum... Smithsonian - Institution, Misc. Collections, 13 508 — Labrador- Natural History of Labrador ; by W. A. Stearns... United States — National Museum, Proc. , 6 507 Lord Howe Island- Fauna of Lord Howe Island; by J. D. Ogilby... Linnean Society, Loyalty Islands — Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, 1895-97. Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 Malay Peninsula and Malaysia— Zoologische Forschungsrciscn in Australien und dem Malavisehen Archipel Semon, R. MA 13 P 17 t Mexico — Natural History of the Fauna, 14 U.S.- ,'rcs Marias Islands in North American Dent, of Agr. — Div. of Biological Survey A 46 U 10 n the Coast of the Coral Sea. Semon, R. MA 4 U 5 New Britain — Zoological Results based on Material i'rom New Britain, 1895-97. Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 New Caledonia — Zoology of New Caledonia ; by J. D. Ogilby Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc., 1897 580.6 New Guinea- Fauna of British New Guinea ... Linnean Society, N. S. Wales., Proc., 1898 507 In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea. Semon, R. MA 4 U 5 Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, 1895-97. Willey, A. MA 4 V 3 Zoology of British New Guinea... Queensl. Museum, Anns., 2 507 507 New Zealand — History of Kiwi New Zealand Journal of Science, 1891 505 New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings, 1895 506 Origin of the Fauna and Flora of New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Science, 1S84 505 Norway — Fauna. Norveghe Sars, G. 0. A 13 R 1 t Pacific Islands— Zoogeographio Scheme for the Mid-Pacific ; by C. Hedley. Linnean Society, N. S. Wales, Proc, 1899 580.6 Pacific Ocean — Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Paciric Ocean during the Voyage of H. M.S. Alert, 1881-82 ... British Museum Natural History A 42 U 15 Zoology and Fauna — Sandwich Islands — Report of Committee British Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1890 506 Zoology of the Sandwich Islands Brit. Assoc, Advance, of Science, Rept., 1895 506 Somaliland — Somaliland Peel, C. V. A. D 22 U 5 South Africa — Fauna of South Africa Sclater, W. L. A 37 T 11 Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa Harris, W. C. A 46 P 28 t South Australia- Collection of Mammals from North and North west Australia; by Prof. R. Collett Zoological Soc, Lond., Proc, 1897 590.6 Ansorge, W. J. D 19 V 21 United States- American Association. Advancement of Science, Proceedings 506 Chapters on the Natural History of the Coiled States. ' Schufeldt, R, W. A 15 Q 23 Diagnosis of New Mammals front the Mexican Border of the U.S. ; by E. A. Meatus . . United States— Nat. Museum, Proc , 19 507 Geographic Distribution of Animals and Plants in North America; byC. H. Merriam... U.S. Dept. of Agr., Year-book, 1894 630.5 Geographical Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Report, 5, 6. United States Kngineer Dept, A 10 U 6, 7 t North American Fauna... United States Dept. of Agr. -Div. of Biological Survey A 46 U 3-5, 7, 10 Victoria— Geographical Distribution of Land and Fresh. waiter Vertebrates; by A. H. S. Lucas... Royal Society, Victoria, Proc, 1896 506 Western Australia — Collection of Mammals front North and North- w est Australia ; by Prof. R. Collett... Zoological Society, Lond., Proc, 1897 590.6 Zoroastrians — God in History Bunsen, Baron G 23 S 20-22 In the Kingdom of the Shah Collins, E. T. B 16 U 2 Iran in Ancient Meals Taylor, H. 0. G 1 Q 23, 24 Moral Order of the World Bruce, Rev. A. B. G 24 S 6 Zoroaster, the Prophet of Ancient Iran Jackson, A. V. W. G 23 T 41 [See also Fire Worship; Sacred Books; Zend Avesta; and under Zoroaster in Author Catalogue] Zulu War- Campaigning in South Africa and Egypt Molyneux, Maj.-Gcn. W. C. V. B31 U 9 South Africa as it is Stat ham. V. R. B 17 R 42 [See also South African Question; Zululand— History.] Zululand — General and Descriptive — British Africa D 22 Q 6 Illustrated Official Hand. hook of the Capo. .. Noble, J. I) 22 Q 16 ' Reclus, E. D21U13 Matabclcland ; Rhodesia; South Africa; /..I War.] Cetywayo and his White Neighbours... Haggard,H.R, B 37 P 12 Story of South Africa Wot : sfold, W. B. B 37 P 7 [See also South Africa History; South African Question; Zulu War.] Zygomaturus — Mandible of Zyg< Zymotic Diseases. [See Contagious and Infectious Dis- ,] •; William Applied'.: Gallic];, (tovcnnmjni I'l inter.— 1002. (university )