/*^v) X ** ' /^pfe/Li _ s\~Ji j^^-^ THE FRENCH PRINCIPIA.PART I. FIRST FRENCH COURSE. CONTAINING GRAMMAR, DELECTUS, AND EXERCISE -BOOK, WITH VOCABULARIES. ON THE PLAN OF DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S " PRINCIPIA LATINA.' NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY PREFACE. THE following work has been compiled at the re- peated request of numerous teachers who, finding the "Principia Latina" the easiest book for beginners in Latin, are anxious to obtain an equally elementary French work on the same plan. The main object of this book, as of the "Principia Latina," is to enable a beginner to acquire an accurate knowledge of the chief grammatical forms, to learn their usage by constructing simple sentences as soon as he commences the study of the language, and to accumu- late gradually a stock of words useful in conversation as well as in reading. The grammatical forms are printed in conspicuous type and at full length, as no sound knowledge of the language can be acquired with- out the pupil being thoroughly familiar with these forms. It is the want of this sound grammatical training which is the chief objection to the systems of Ollendorff, Ahn, and similar works. But at the same time it is important that the pupil should be exercised from the first construc- tion of sentences, so as to test by practical application the grammatical forms. The present work thus contains 2091 BEG IV PREFACE. Grammar, Delectus, Exercise - book, with Vocabularies, and consequently presents in one book all that the be- ginner will require for some time in his study of the language. A few simple rules of syntax are introduced, as they are required for the construction of sentences; but it is proposed to give the chief syntactical rules in another book in the series, which will form a Practical Introduc- tion to French Prose Composition. The compiler has consulted most of the books used in teaching French in German schools, and has derived especial assistance from Otto's " Franzosische Conversa- tions-Grammatik," from which many of the examples are taken, as well as from the elementary works of Riedel and Keller. He also desires to express his great obli- gations to a friend, who is an eminent French teacher in one of our great Public Schools, and who has taken unwearied pains in the correction and revision of the work, thus securing it against those inaccuracies which a foreigner would otherwise be in danger of committing. CONTENTS. PAM I. THE ALPHABET, ACCENTS, AND OTHER MAKES, PARTS OF SPEECH 1 II. PRONUNCIATION 2 IH. THE ARTICLE 5 IV. THE SUBSTANTIVE 6 1. FORMATION OP THE PLURAL 6 2. FORMATION OP THE GENITIVE 9 3. FORMATION OP THE DATIVE 10 V. THE PARTITIVE ARTICLE 12 VI. PROPER NAMES 14 VII. THE VERB " AVOIR" 15 VIII. THE VERB "ETRE" 22 IX. THE ADJECTIVE 29 1. QUALIPICATIVE ADJECTIVES 29 2. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 38 3. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE 39 4. INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVE 39 5. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES 40 6. INDEFINITE ADJECTIVES 47 X. THE VERB 48 XI. FIRST CONJUGATION 49 XII. SECOND CONJUGATION 52 XIII. THIRD CONJUGATION 54 XIV. FOURTH CONJUGATION 57 XV. VERBS CONJUGATED INTERROGATIVELY, NEGATIVE- LY, AND INTERROGATIVELY WITH A NEGATIVE . . 60 XVI. EXERCISES ON THE FIRST CONJUGATION 61 XVII. EXERCISES ON THE SECOND CONJUGATION 65 XVIII. EXERCISES ON THE THIRD CONJUGATION 66 XTX. EXERCISES ON THE FOURTH CONJUGATION . .67 n CONTENTS. ri0B XX. THE PRONOUN 68 1. PERSONAL PRONOUNS .. 68 2. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS 74 3. RELATIVE PRONOUNS 75 4. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS 77 5. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS 79 6. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS 80 XXI. PASSIVE VERBS 83 XXII. NEUTER VERBS 85 XXIII. REFLECTIVE VERBS 86 XXIV. IMPERSONAL VERBS . . 95 XXV. ADVERBS 99 1. ADVERBS OF PLACE 101 2. ADVERBS OF TIME 101 3. ADVERBS OF NUMBER 101 4. ADVERBS OF QUALITY AND MANNER . . . . 102 5. ADVERBS OF AFFIRMATION AND NEGATION . . 102 6. ADVERBIAL EXPRESSIONS 102 XXVI. PREPOSITIONS 105 I. SIMPLE PREPOSITIONS 105 II. COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS 105 XXVII. CONJUNCTIONS 109 XXVIII. INTERJECTIONS 110 XXIX. FORMATION OF TENSES 110 XXX. IRREGULAR VERBS Ill I. IRREGULAR VERBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGA- TION Ill 1. Envoyer Ill 2. Aller 112 3. S'en aller 112 n. IRREGULAR VERBS OF THE SECOND CONJUGA- TION 119 1. Sentir 119 2. Mentir 119 3. Partir 119 4. Sortir 119 5. Se repentir 119 6. Dormir 119 7. Servir 120 8. Courir . 120 CONTENTS. Vn PAGB II. IRREGULAR VERBS, SECOND CONJUGATION continued. 9. Mourir 121 10. Tenii 122 11. Venir 122 12. Ouvrir 123 13. Couvrir 123 14. Offiir 123 15. Souflrir 123 16. Fuir 123 17. Vetir 124 18. Cueillir 124 19. Acqu6rir 124 20. Conqugrir 125 21. Bouillir 125 22. Tressaillir 125 HI. IRREGULAR VERBS OP THE THIRD CONJUGA- TION 126 1. Falloir 126 2. Valoir 126 3. Prgvaloir 126 4. Vouloir 127 5. Pouvoir 127 6. Voir 128 7. Pourvoir 128 8. Savoir 128 9. Mouvoir 129 10. Pleuvoir 129 11. S'asseoir 130 12. Dechoir 130 13. Echoir 130 IV. IRREGULAR VERBS OP THE FOURTH CONJUGA- TION 131 1. Dire 131 2. Suffire 131 3. Lire 132 4. Elire 132 5. Ecrire 133 6. Eire 133 7. Mettre 134 VlU CONTENTS. PAS* IV. IRREGULAR VERBS, FOUBTH CONJUGATION continued. 8. Faire 135 9. Croire 136 10. Croitre 136 11. Boire 137 12. Vivre 137 13. Prendre 138 14. Connaitre 139 15. Paraitre 139 16. Paitre 139 17. Vaincre 139 18. R6soudre 140 19. Absoudre 14G 20. Dissoudre 140 21. Plaindre 141 22. Joindre 141 23. Craindre 141 24. Ceindre 141 25. Peindre 141 26. Teindre 141 27. Conduire 142 28. Produire 142 29. Seduire 142 30. Introduire 142 31. Traduire 142 32. Instruire 142 33. Construire 142 34. Detruire 142 85. Cuire 142 36. Nuire 142 37. Luire 142 38. Suivre 143 39. Plaire 144 40. Taire 144 41. Naitre 144 xxxi. ALPHABETICAL LIST OK IRREGULAR VERBS . . . . 146 Vocabularies TO THE EXERCISES 148 INDEX I. FRENCH WORDS 160 INDEX II. ENGLISH WORDS . 169 A FIRST FRENCH COURSE. I. THE ALPHABET. ACCENTS AND OTHER MARKS. PARTS OF SPEECH. 1. Alphabet. The French Alphabet consists of 26 let> ters, the same as the English. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, 1, m, n, o, p, Q, R, S, T, U,V,W, X, Y, Z. q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. W is used only in foreign words. The names of the French letters are given on p. 4. The letters are divided into Vowels and Consonants. The Vowels are a, e, i, o, u, y. The remaining letters are Consonants. 2. Accents. There are three accents, which are placed over vowels: / 1. The acute (^, placed only over e: as ete. 2. The grave ( ( ), placed over a, e, u: as, Id, pres, oti. 3. The circumflex ( A ), placed over all the vowels except y : as, dme, reve, lie, oter, mwr. 8. Other marks. (1.) The Apostrophe ( ' ), showing that a vowel has been ' dropped : as, Vor instead of le or; fame instead of la dme; Vhistoire instead of la histoire. (2.) The Cedilla, a sign like a comma placed under c (before a, o, and u), thus c , giving c the sound of s, as re$u. (3.) The Diteresis,or Trema ( " ), placed over a vowel, show- ing that this vowel must be pronounced distinct from the preceding vowel : as, hair, noel. (4.) The Hyphen, connecting two words: as, a-t-U. 4. Genders. There are two Genders, Masculine and Feminine. A2 PRONUNCIATION. 5. Numbers. There are two numbers, Singular and Plural. 6. Parts of Speech. There are nine parts of speech in the French language : 1. Article. 4. Pronoun. 7. Preposition. 2. Substantive, or Noun. 5. Verb. 8. Conjunction. 3. Adjective. 6. Adverb. 9. Interjection. II. PRONUNCIATION. The Pronunciation of French can only be learned prop- erly from a master, but a few rules may be of some help.* a short a long e short 6 accented e long i, y short i long o short 6 long a SIMPLE VOWELS. Examples. English Sounds. la, the like a in arm. ame, soul broader than a in arm, but not so broad as in awe. le, the like e in her. ete', been somewhat like a in ale, only shorter. etre, to be like a in air. ici, here; y, there somewhat like ee in sheep, but shorter. gite, a home like ee in sheep. comme, as between o and u in bond and bun. dome, do.ne like o in comb. du, of the No similar sound in English. Pro- nounce with the lips forward, but not quite closed, and the tongue kept away from the teeth. ai an eau ei en oeu ou on, am COMPOUND VOWELS AND NASAL SOUNDS. faire, to do like at in air. baa*,t%A> Mk . 6 eau, water ) reine, queen like ai in air. heure, hour ) like e in her, the ceuf, egg clou, nail un, a lips more apart, like oo in cool. no similar sound. Utter, with a greater effort, the sound , from the pit of the stomach, and con- vey it through the nose, taking care to keep the tongue down, in order to avoid the sound of the n. The Rales for pronunciation are from Professor Merlet'e " Treatise on Pro nnnciation." t The consonants in French words printed in Italics are not pronounced. PRONUNCIATION. flndes, /n-i in, im, j dies somewhat like Utter t after the same aim, ain, ien, yen 1 main, hand > I bien, well I an in angry manner as the preceding sound. ( moyen, means ! ( bon, good | somewhat like Utter the 6 after the same on, om ( ombre, shade [ o in don't manner as the preceding an, am, en, em I an, year \ 1 ambre,a/n6er / < en, in I membre, I member ; somewhat like a in swan sound. Utter d after the same manner as the preceding sound. CONSONANTS. The Consonants not given below have the same or nearly the same sound as in English. Examples. . (k before a. o. u capitale. a capital. c has the sound of s ' -' I* , , y With a cedilla (9) it sounds like ss d has the same sound as in English. At the end of words followed by a vowel, or h mute, it is sounded like t g is hard before a, o, soft " e, i, y h is usually silent, but is pronounced in a few words, which must be learned by heart j is pronounced \\kejee 1 when double (//), preceded by i, is pro- nounced nearly as y i in the middle of a word is sounded more strongly than in English 8 at the beginning of words has the same sound as in English, but between two vowels it has the soft sound of z t has usually the same sound as in English, but it has the sound of s in many words before i, followed by a, e, o X is sounded like ks in " gzm " " ss in " " z in ceci, this. recu, received. vend-il, does he sell? (pro- nounce, vent-il). un grand homme, a great man (pronounce, un grant- homme). gant, glove. agir, to act. jour, day. taille, shap (pronounced taiye). parler, to speak. oser, to dare. partiel,, partial. essentiel, essential. nation, nation. reflexion, reflection. exei-cice, exercise. Bruxelles, Brussels. deuxieme, second. Many Consonants at the end of words are not pro- nounced, as : toul, all. plomfr, lead. chaurf, warm. drap, cloth. alors, then. PRONUNCIATION. PRONUNCIATION OF THE FRENCH ALPHABET. sounded pronounced sounded Similar Sounds in English. like a in ah ! like ba in bacon, baker. like sa in sage. like flu in date. like a in ale. like the English/, (likejfl, and articulated lik ( * in pleasure. like ash in 7ash. like ee in sheep. (likejee, and articulated like ( s in pleasure. cah. as in English. as in English. as in English. AS in English. like pa in pace. (like the French a with k ( before it. like air. as in English. like ta in table. no similar sound. like fa in vapor. like eeks in leeks. like ee in sheep. as in English. JUNCTION OF WORDS. In reading French, when one word ends with a con- sonant, and the following word begins with a vowel, or silent A, the two words are pronounced together, as if they formed only one word. But this junction does not take place when there is a pause in the sentence. The t in the word et, and, is never pronounced with the follow- ing words. The final e, preceded by a consonant, is not pronounced when followed by a word beginning with a vowel: die a=ett~a. EXERCISE IN READING. Les^hommes, les~enfants, des^arbres, nos~amis, vos~habits, nous~avons, vous^avez^eu, ils^ont, pas^encore, avec~un'~enfant, ses plus cruels^ennemis. Songez^a vos~affaires. Mon~oncle est^arrive". ir~avait~encore beaucoup^a faire. Un~homme~et une femme. Cet~habit~est~jl moi. Les^Anglais sont~indus- trieux. Vous~en~'avez~eu assez. J^a ville^allaitT'tre prise. THE ARTICLE. 5 III. THE ARTICLE (I? Article). There are three Articles, the DEFINITE (Particle defini), the INDEFINITE (Particle indefini), and the PARTITIVE (particle partitif). SINGULAR (Singulier). PLURAL (Pluriel). Masculine (Mascidin). Feminine (Feminin). Definite : le ( 1' ) la ( 1' ) les. Indefinite : un une (no plural). 1' is used instead of le, la, before a vowel or h mute. EXAMPLES. Singular. Plural, le pere, the father. les peres, the fathers. la mere, the mother. les meres, the mothers. 1'ami, the friend (masc.) les^amis, the friends (masc.). (instead of le ami), ramie, the friend (fern.) les^amies, the friends {fern.). (instead of la amie) 1'homme, the man. les^hommes, the men. un pere, a father. nne mere, a mother. un~ami, a male friend. une'amie, a female friend. [The Partitive Article is given on p. 12.] Present Tense of the Verb "To have" Singular. Plural. j'ai, I have. nous^avons, we have. tu as, thou hast. vous~avez, you have. iTa, elle"a, he has. she has. ils~ont, ) elles^ont, ) they have. et, and. EXERCISE I. 1. J'ai la rose. 2. J'ai une rose. 3. Le pere~a la rose. 4. La mere^a une rose. 5. IPa le jardin. 6. Le pere~a un jardin. 7. L'enfant a la pomrne. 8. Un^enfant a une pomme. 9. Le pere~a le livre. 10. L'enfant a un livre. 11. L'oncle^a un cheval. 12. L'enfant a un^oncle^et une tante. 1. I have the book. 2. We have a father and a mother. 3. He has the rose. 4. We have a garden. 5. He has the apple. 6. The mother has a book. 7. The child has a book. 8. You have an uncle and an aunt. 9. We have a horse. 10. The aunt has a garden. 11. The child has a horse. 12. You have a garden. Present Tense of the Verb " To have" used Interrogatively. Singular. Plural, ai-je, have If avons-nous, have we? as-tu, hast thou f avez-vous, have you? a-f-il, has he? ont~-ils, ) a-r-elle, has she? onr-elles, \ have they? 6 THE SUBSTANTIVE. NOTE. In Interrogative sentences, when the subject is a substan- tive, the noun is placed first, and the pronoun is also used after the verb : as, L'enfant a-t~-i7? Has the child? Lit., The child, has he? oui, yes. non, no. EXERCISE II. 1. Avez~vous~un pere~-et une mere ? 2. A-t~-elle~un'"oncle etTune tante ? 3. A-t~-il un^ami ? 4. A-tT-elle une~amie ? 5. Ont-ils^un jardin ? 6. Ai-je la rose ? 7. Avez-vous le livre ? Oui, j'ai le livre. 8. Avez-vous~un livre? Oui, j'ai un livre. 9. L'enfant a-tT-iPune rose? Oui, 1'enfant a une rose. 10. Le pere a-tT-iPun chien ? Non, iPa un cheval. 11. La tante~a- t~-elle~un jardin ? Oui, elle~a un jardin. 12. L'oncle~a-t~ -iPun habit ? Oui, iPa mPhabit. 1. Has he an uncle and an aunt? 2. Have they a father and a mother ? 3. Have they (masculine) a friend (masc.) ? 4. Have they (feminine) a friend (fern.) ? 5. Has she the rose ? 6. Have I the book ? 7. Have you the rose ? Yes, I have the rose. 8. Have you a garden ? Yes, I have a garden. 9. Has the child a coat ? (my, The child, has he a coat ?) Yes, he has a coat. 10. Has the uncle a horse ? (say,The uncle, has he a horse?) No, he has a dog. 11. Has the mother the book ? (say, The mother, has she the book ?) Yes, she has the book. 12. Has the father a horse ? (say, The father, has he a horse ?) Yes, he has a horse. IY. THE SUBSTANTIVE (le Substantif). 1. FORMATION OF THE PLURAL (Formation du Pluriet). GENERAL RULE (Regie generate). The Plural is formed by adding s, which is not sounded. EXAMPLES. Singular. Plural. te roi, the king. les rois, the kings. la pomme, the apple. les pommes, the apples. 1'habit, the coat. les~habits, the coats. le jardin, the garden. les jardins, the gardens. 1'enfant, the child. les^enfants, the children. la fleur, the flower. les fleurs, the flowers. la maison, the house. les maisons, the houses. EXCEPTIONS. 1. Substantives ending in 8, x, or z, remain unchanged in the Plural. THE SUBSTANTIVE. 7 EXAMPLES. Singular. Plural. le fils, the son. les fils, the sons. le pays, the country. les pays, the countries. le bras, the arm. les bras, the arms. la noix, the nut. les noix, the nuts. le nez, the nose. les nez, the noses. 2. Substantives ending in -au or -eau, in -eu or -CBU. take x in the Plural, instead of s. EXAMPLES. Singular. PluraL le chapeau, the hat. les chapeaux, the hats. le feu, the fire. les feux, the fires. le voeu, the vow, wish. les vceux, the vows, wishes. NOTE. The following seven words ending in -on also take x in the Plural: Singular. PluraL le bijou, the jewel. les bijoux, the jewels. le chou, the cabbage. les choux, the cabbages. le caillou, the pebble. les cailloux, the pebbles. le genou, the knee. les genoux, the knees. le hibou, the owl. les hiboux, the owls. le pou, the louse. les poux, the lice. le joujou, the plaything. les joujoux, the playthings. All the other words in -ou follow the general rule, and have the Plural in s: as, le clou, the nail. les clous, the nails. 3. Substantives ending in -al or -ail change these let- ters into -aux in the Plural. EXAMPLES. Singular. PluraL le cheval, the horse. les chevaux, the horses. le general, the general. les generaux, the generals. 1'animal, the animal. les~animaux, the animals. le travail, the work. les travaux, the works. Obs. There are a few exceptions to this rule: as, le bal, tht ball; 1'erentaiJ, the fan, etc., which form the plural bale, eventaile, etc. 4. The following are irregular : Singular. PluraL le ciel, the heaven. les cieux, the heavens. 1'oeil, the eye. les~yeux, the eyes. le be'tail, the cattle. les bestiaux, the cattle. 8 THE SUBSTANTIVE. 5. Many Substantives are used only in the PluraL EXAMPLES. les"~environs, the neighborhood. les funerailles, the funeral. 6. Some words have a different meaning in the Singular and PluraL EXAMPLES. Singular. Plural. le ciseaa, the chisel. les ciseaux, the scissors. le fer the iron. les fers, the fetters. la lunette, the telescope. les lunettes, the spectacles, deux, two; trois, three; vu, seen. EXERCISE III. On the General Hide and Exception 1 . 1. Nous~avons deux chiens. 2. Vous^avez trois chats. 3. Hs~ ont les lettres. 4. Les fils^ont les lettres. 5. Ont-elles~une fleur? Elles^ont deux fleurs. 6. Avez-vous vu les palais ? Oui, j'ai vu les palais. 7. L'enfant a~-t-iPune rose ? L'enfant a deux roses. 8. Les~enfants~ont~-ils~une pomme ? Les~enfants~ont trois pomrnes. 9. L'homme~a deux bras. 10. L'oncle~a deux jardins. 11. Le pere~a-t~-iPun chien? Oui, iPa trois chiens. 12. La mere~a-t~-elle~un canif ? Oui, elle~a trois canifs. 1. He has three cats. 2. She has three dogs. 3. You have the letter. 4. The children have the letters. 5. The son has two dogs. 6. The sons have three dogs. 7. Have you seen the flow- ers ? Yes, I have seen the flowers. 8. Have the children seen the palaces? The children have seen the palaces. 9. Have the sons seen the palaces? The sons have seen three palaces. 10. Have you seen the gardens ? Yes, I have seen three gardens. 11. Have you a penknife ? Yes, I have two penknives. 12. Has the fa- ther a cat ? Yes, he has two cats and three dogs, quatre, four; cinq, five; aussi, also. EXERCISE IV. A. 1. La reine^a les bijoux. 2. Le ge'ne'ral "* a trois chevaux. 3. Avez-vous vu les deux ge'ne'raux? 4. Les ~ enfants ~ ont ~ les cailloux. 5. Ont~-ils~aussi les joujoux ? Oui, ils~ont~aussi les joujoux. 6. J'ai trois noix, quatre pommes et cinq cerises. 7. L'homme^a deux~yeux. 8. Avez-vous vu les feux ? Oui, j'ai vu les feux. 9. Avez-vous vu les fune"railles ? 10. J'ai vu les palais^et les chateaux. 11. L'oncle~a quatre chevaux. 12. Avez- ^ous vu les lunettes ? Oui, j'ai vu les lunettes. 1. The aunt has the jewels. 2. The uncle has five horses. 3. The two generals have four horses. 4. Have you seen the spectacles ? 5. Have the children the nuts ? Yes, they have four nuts and live apples. 6. Have you seen the hats ? 7. The queen THE SUBSTANTIVE. 9 has three palaces and four country-houses. 8. Have the children seen the fires ? 9. Have you seen the playthings ? Yes, I have seen the playthings. 10. The child has two eyes. 11. Has the queen the jewels ? 12. I have seen the funeral. B. 1. Ai-je les couteaux ? Oui, j'ai les couteaux. 2. As-tu vu les chameaux ? Oui, j'ai vu les chameaux~et les chevaux.* 3. Avez- vous~aussi vu les chateaux ? J'ai vu les chSteaux^et les palais. 4. Avez-vous les bijoux? La tante~a les bijoux~et les coraux. 5. Les~enfants~ont-ils les""habits~ou les chapeaux? Les enfents~ ont les'"habits~et les chapeaux. 6. Ont~-ils vu les feux? Oui, ils^ont vu les feux. 7. La tante^a-f'-elle les joujoux ? Non, les~ enfants~ont les joujoux. 8. Avez-vous les tableaux ? Oui, j'ai les tableaux. 1. Has he the knives? Yes, he has the knives. 2. Has the child seen the camels ? Yes, he has seen the camels. 3. Have the children seen also the country-houses ? Yes, they have seen the country-houses and the palaces. 4. Have you also seen the corals ? Yes, I have seen the corals and the jewels. 5. Have they also the hats? Yes, they have the hats and the coats. 6. Have the children seen the nres ? Yes, they have seen the fires. 7. Have you the playthings ? No, the child has the playthings. 8. Has the uncle seen the pictures ? Yes, he has seen the pictures. 2. FORMATION OF THE GENITIVE (Genitif). The preposition of is expressed in French by de, which is thus used before the articles. Singular. Plural. Masculine. Feminine. Definite Article: { Jj p Jj J, a [ des. Indefinite Article: d'un d'une. Du, a contraction of de le, is used before a consonant ; de 1' before a vowel and h mute. Des is a contraction of de les. EXAMPLES. Singular. du pere, of the father. de 1'ami, of the friend. de la mere, of the mother. de Pamie, of the friend (fem.). d'un pere, of a father. d'une mere, of a mother. Plural, des peres, of the fathers. des^amis, of the friends. des meres, of the mothers. des~amies, of the friends (fem.). * The final z is Bounded like z when followed by a word beginning with a Vowel. 10 THE SUBSTANTIVE. ou, where f est, is; sont, are. EXERCISE V. 1. J'ai vu la maison du voisin. 2. J'ai vu la maison de la voisine. 3. IPa vu la porte des voisins. 4. Elle~a vu la porte des voisines. 5. Nous^avons vu la porte de la maison. 6. Vous~ avez vu les portes des maisons. 7. Ils~ont vu le pere de 1'enfant. 8. Elles~ont vu la mere des~enfants. 9. Avez-vous vu les livres de 1'enfant? 10. Ou est 1'ami du pere? 11. Ou sont les^amies de la mere ? 1. We have seen the books of the friend (masc.}. 2. Have you seen the books of the friend ? (fern.) 3. Where is the door of the house ? 4. Where are the doors of the houses ? 5. Where is the house of the neighbor ? (masc.) 6. Where are the houses of the neighbors? (fern.) 7. Where is the uncle of the child? 8. Where is the aunt of the children? 9. Have you seen the friend (masc.) of the uncle ? 10. Have you seen the friend (fern.) of the aunt ? 11. He has seen the horse of the general. 12. You have seen the horses of the generals. 3. FORMATION OF THE DATIVE (Datif). The preposition to is expressed in French by a, which is thus used before the articles : Singular. Plural. Masculine. Feminine. Definite Article: -j ^ j, aux. Indefinite Article a un a une. Au, a contraction of a le, is used before a consonant ; a 1' before a vowel and h mute. Aux is a contraction of a les. EXAMPLES. Singular. Plural, au pere, to the father. aux peres, to the fathers. a 1'ami, to the friend. aux~amis, to the friends. & la mere, to the mother. auxTmeres, to the mothers. a 1'amie, to the friend atuTamies, to the friends (fern.). (fem.). a un pere, to a father. a une mere, to a mother. THE SUBSTANTIVE. 11 mon (masc.) > je donne, I give. ma (fern.) j" my qui, what donnez-vous, do you give f a qui, to whom? Est, is, and sont, are, when used with d and a substan- tive or pronoun signify generally belongs and belong: as, le livre~estTa mon pere, the book belongs to my father. EXERCISE VI. A. 1. Le chapeau astTa" mon frere. 2. A. qui est la canne ? 3. La canne~est~fi mon cousin. 4. Les livres sont~aux~enfants. 5. A qui sont les chevaux ? 6. Les chevaux sont ~ aux ggneYaux. 7. Je donne la rose"~a ma sceur. 8. Donnez-vous la poire^a ma tante ? 9. Oui, je donne la poire^a" ma tante. 10. Le chien est" 1 a mon^ami. 11. Les chiens sont" aux ge'ne'raux. 12. Le jardin est~aux freres~et aux soaurs. 1. The hat belongs to my father. 2. To whom does the hat belong? 3. The hats belong to my brothers. 4. The cane be- longs to my brother. 5. To whom do the canes belong ? 6. The canes belong to my cousins. 7. I give the book to the child. 8. Do you give the books to the children ? 9. Do you give the roses to my sister ? Yes, I give the roses to my sisters. 10. Do you give the garden to the brothers and the sisters? 11. I give the dogs to my friends. voici, here is, here are. B. 1. Ai-je le livre du cousin? Vous~avez le livre du cousin. . 2. Avez-vous le portrait de la tante ? Oui, j'ai le portrait de la tante. 3. A-t~-il vu le jardin du roi ? Non, iPa vu le chateau du roi. 4. Qui axle's ciseaux de ma soeur ? Voici les ciseaux de votre scaur. 5. A qui sont les noix ? Elles sont " a 1'eufant. 6. A qui sont les poires? Elles sonfaux^enfants du voisin. 7. A qui est le jardin ? IPesf'au roi et & la reine. 8. Avez-vous vu le chien de 1'oncle ? Voila le chien de 1'oncle. 1. Have you the books of the neighbor? Yes, I have the books of the neighbor. 2. Have you the likeness of the sister ? Yes, I have the likeness of the sister. 3. lias she seen the gar- dens of the king ? No, she has seen the country-houses of the king. 4. Who has the scissors of my aunt ? Here are the scis- sors of my aunt. 5. To whom do the nuts belong ? .They belong to my sister. 6. To whom do the pears belong ? They belong to my cousin. 7. To whom do the gardens belong ? They be- long to the king and to the queen. "& To whom do the dogs belong ? They belong to the generals. 12 THE PARTITIVE ARTICLE. RECAPITULATION OF THE DECLENSION OF THB SUBSTANTIVE. 1. A noun masculine. Singular. Plural. Norn, le livre, the book. Gen. du livre, of the book. Dot. au livre, to the book. lea livres, the books. des livres, of the books. aux livres, to the books. 2. A noun feminine, beginning with a consonant. Singular. Plural. Nom. la table, the table. Gen. de la table, of the table. Dat. a la table, to the table. les tables, the tables. des tables, of the tables. aux tables, to the tables. 3. A noun masculine or feminine, beginning with a vowel or h mute. Singular. Plural. Nom. 1'ami, the friend. Gen. de 1'ami, of the friend. Dat. a 1'ami, to the friend. Nom. 1'homme, the man. Gen. de 1'homme, of the man. Dat. a 1'homme, to the man. les^amis, the friends. des^amis, of the friends. aux^amis, to the friends. les^hommes, the men. des^hommes, of the men. aux~b.om.mes, to the men. V. THE PARTTTTVE ARTICLE (V Article partitif}. The Partitive Article, some, is the same as the Genitive of the Definite Article, being compounded of de and the Article : Singular. Plural. Masculine. Feminine. da de la ) , de P de 1' before a vowel or h mute ) 1. The Partitive Article is always used in French to express the part of a thing, though it is often omitted in English : as, j'ai da pain et de la viande, / have some bread and some meat, or I have bread and meat; meaning, " I have a part of the bread and of the meat." EXERCISE VII. 1. IPa du pain et de la viande. 2. Avez-vous des'enfants, madame \ Oui. j'ai trois^enfants, un fils~et deux filles. 3. Mon THE PARTITIVE ARTICLE. 13 cousin a des chevaux^et des chiens. 4. Le roi a de l'or~et de 1'argent. 5. La reine""a des bijoux. 6. Avez-vous du caf6 et du thg ? 7. Emilie a du papier et de 1'encre. 8. A-tT-elle~aussi des plumes ? 9. Elle^a des plumes^et des crayons. 10. Avez-vous du vin, monsieur ? 11. Non, j'ai de la biere. 12. Le""marchand a du fromage^et du beurre. 13. IPa du pain, du beurre^et du sel. NOTE. In translating the following sentences, insert the partitive article before the nouns which are not in the Nominative case. 1. Have you bread and meat? 2. I have bread and cheese. 3. Have you bread and butter? 4. I have bread, butter, and cheese. 5. I have gold, silver, and jewels. 6. He has horses and dogs. 7. She has paper and ink. 8. She has pens and pencils. 9. The merchant has wine and beer. 10. The merchant has wine and salt. 11 The children have coffee and tea. 12. The mer- chant has coffee, tea, and salt. 2. When a partitive noun is in the Genitive case, the article is not used, only de: as, une bouteille de vin, a bottle of icine. De is used with the Genitive, without the Article, after adverbs of quantity: beaucoup, much, many. peu, little. D!US, more. moins, less. assez, enough. combien? how many? EXERCISE VIII. 1. J'ai une livre de viande~et deux livres de pain. 2. J'ai un verre de vin. 3. IPa un verre de biere. 4. Combien de cafe" avez-vous ? 5. J'ai beaucoup de cafe" ; j'ai trois livres de cafiS. 6. Avez-vous~assez de sucre ? 7. Combien de pommes^avez-vous ? 8. J'ai une bouteille de vin. 9. Nous^avons trois livres de sucre. 10. Nous^avons deux livres de cafe". 11. La reine^a beaucoup de bijoux. 12. Avez-vous~assez encil. 9. Have you Peter's hat ? Yes, I have Peter's hat, 10. Where is the cousin of Mrs. Johnson ? He is in London THE VERB "AVOIR. 16 11. To whom do the gloves belong ? They belong to Miss Mary. 12. Have you seen Mr. Johnson ? Yes, I have seen Mr. Johnson. B. 1. Les parties du monde sont 1'Europe, 1'Asie, I'AmSrique^et PAfrique. 2. Londres est la capitale de 1'Angleterre. 3. Mon cousin est ~ en "" Amgrique. 4. Mon pere ~ est "" en ~ Angleterre. 5. Berlin est la capitale de la Prusse. 6. Dresde~est la capitale de la Saxe. 7. Mon frere ~~ est "* en "" Afiique. 8. Mon frere, ou est~-il ? II est~en~ Angleterre. 1. Europe is a part of the world. 2. Asia is a part of the world. 3. Africa is a part of the world. 4. America is a part of the world. 5. My father is in France. 6. My brother is in Lon- don. 7. My cousin is in Germany, and my brother is in Dresden. 8. Where is my cousin ? He is in Dresden. VII. THE VERB AVOIR, to have. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. j'ai, .* I have. tu as, thou hast. il~o elle~a, he or she has. Plural nous~avons, we have. vous^avez, you have. ils^ow elles~ont, they have. j' avals, tn avals, il^avait, IMPERFECT TENSE (fmparfait). I had. thou hadst. he had. nous avions, vous~aviez, ils~avaiew< ( * we had. you had. they had. j'eus, tu eus, il^eut, PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Passe" de^ini). I had. thou hadst. he hu !. nous eumes, vous^eutes, we had. you had. they had. j' aural, tu auras, IPanra, J: TENSE (Futur). I shau have, thou wilt. have, he will have. nous aurons, vous^aurez, ils^auront, we shall have, you will have, they will have. * Not pronounced. 16 THE VERB "AVOIR. COMPOUND TENSES. 60, had. PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Paste" indefini). Singular. Plural. j'ai eu, til ft8 6Ui iPa en, I have had. thou hast had. he has had. nous~avons~eu, we have had. vous avez^eu, you have had. ils^onfeu, they have had j'avais~en, tu avais^en, iPavaifeu, PLUPERFECT TENS / had had. thou hadst had. he had had. K (Plus-que-parfait). nous^avions^eu, we had had. vous^aviez~eu, you had had, ils"avaiewt eu, they had had. PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Passt ante'rieur). j'eus~en, tu ens^eu, iPeutTen, I had had. thou hadst had. he had had. nous~eumes~eu, we had had. vous~eutes~eu, you had had. ils^eurenfeu, 'they had had. FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur ante'rieur). i'aurai en, tu auras~eu il^aura eu, I shall have had. , thou wilt have had. he will have had. nous~anron8~eu, we shall ) J vons~aurez~eu, you will ils^auronfen, they will ) J CONDITIONAL MOOD (Conditimnd). / PRESENT TENSE (Present). j'aurais, I should have. tu aurais, thou wouldst have. il^anrait, he would have. nous aurions, vous^auriez, ils"auraie<, we should have, you would have, they would have PAST TENSE (Passf) First Form. j'aurais^eu, I should ~) tu anrais"eu, thou wouldst > il'aurait^eu, he would ) nous^anrions eu, we should ) vous'"auriez"eu, you would > ils^auraient^en, they would ) Second Form. u, I should ) tu ensses eu, thou wouldst - il^eut^eu, he would ) nous^eussions^eu, we should ") vous'^eussiez'^eu, you would - il8~eu8sent~eu, they would ) aie, IMPERATIVE MOOD (Tmperatif). haw (thou). ayons, aye, let us have, hai-f (ye or you THE VERB "AVOIR. 17 qua j'aie, SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (&ubj INTERROGATIVELY WITH A NEGATIVE. In questions, the pronoun is placed after the verb, the two are united by a hyphen. The negative in French is expressed by two words, ne, pas, of which ne is placed before, and pas after the verb. When ne precedes a vowel, the e is elided, as : je n'at pas, I have not. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indimtif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Interrogatively. Negatively. have It etc. / have not, etc. ai-je? je n'ai pas. as-tu? tu n'as pas. a-lT-il ? il n'a pas. avons-nous? nous n'a vons pas. avez-vous ? vons n' avez pas. on t -ils ? ils n'ont pas. Interrog. with a Neg, have I not? etc. n' ai-je pas ? n' as-tu pas? n'a-t~-il pas ? n'avons-nous pas? n' avez-vous pas? n'ont^-ilspas? IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparjaif). had If etc. avais-je ? avais-tu ? avait~-il ? avions-nous ? aviez-vous ? avaient ~ -ils ? had IT etc. eus-je ? eus-tu ? ent^-il ? eumes-nous 1 eutes-vous ? eurent~-ils ? thall I have f etc. anrai-je ? auras-tu ? aura-t~-il I aurons-nous ? aurez-vous ? auront ~ -ils ? / had not, etc. je n' avals pas. tu n' avals pas. il n'avait pas. nons n'avions pas. vons n'aviez pas. ils n' avaient pas. had I not? etc. n' avais-je pas? n' avais-tu pas? n'avait^-il pas? n' avions-nous pas? n' aviez-vous pas? n' avaient -ils pas? PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Passe" defini). I had not, etc. je n'eus pas. tu n'eus pas. il n'eut pas. nous n'eumes pas. vous n'eutes pas. ils n'eurent pas. had Inotf etc. n' eus-je pas? n' eus-tu pas ? n'eut~-il pas ? n' eumes-nous pas? n' eutes-vous pas? n'eurent "-Us pas? FUTURE TENSE (Futur). I Shall not have, etc. je n'aurai pas. tu n' auras pas. il n'anra pas. nous n'aurons pas. vous n'aurez pas, ils n'auront pas. shall I not have? etc n'aurai-je pas? n' auras-tu pas? n'aura^-il pas ? n'anrons-nous pas? n' aurez-vous pas? n'auront~-ils pas? THE VERB "AVOIR." 1ft PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passt Tndefint} have I had f etc. / have not had, etc. have I not had? etc. ai-je~eu? je n'ai pas'eu. n'ai-je pas^eu? as-tu eu ? tu n'as pas~eu. n'as-tu pas^eu ? a-t~-il~eu ? il n'a pas~eu. n'a-t~-il pas~eu? avons-nous~eu ? nous n'avons pas~eu. n'avons-nous pas^eul avez-vous~eu ? vous n'avez pas eu. n'avez-vous pas~eu1 ont~-ils~eu? ils n'ont pas^eu. n'ont~-ils pas~eu? PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). had I had? etc. / had not had ? etc. had I not had f etc. avais-je~eu ? je n'avais gasmen. n'avais-je pas^eu ? avais-tueu? tu n'avais pas~eu. n'avais-tu pas^eu ? avaif-il^eu ? il n'avait pas~eu. n'avaif-il pas^eu? avions nous^eu ? nous n'avions pas^eu. n'avions-nous pas^en I aviez-vous^eu ? vous n'aviez pas^eu. n'aviez-vous pas^eu ? avaient-ils~eu ? ils n'avaient pas~eu. n'avaient^-ilspas^eu! PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Pass6 ante'rieur). had I had? etc. / had not had, etc. had I not had ? etc. eus-je"eu ? je n'eus pas^eu. n'eus-je pas~eu ? eus-tu eu ? tu n'eus pas^eu. n'eus-tu pas^eu! eut"-iPeu ? il n'eut pas~eu. n'eut^-il pas^eu ? eumes-nous^eu ? nous n'eumes pas^eu. n'eumes-nous pas^eu? eutes-vous~eu ? vous n'eutes pas"~eu. n'eutes-vous pas^eu? eurent~-ils'~*eu ? ils n'eurent pas^eu. n'eurent-ils pas^eu ? FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur ante'rieur). thall I have had? etc. I shall not have had, etc. shall I not have hadt aurai-je"~eu ? je n'aurai pas'eu. n'aurai-je pas"eu? auras-tueu? tu n' auras pas' eu. n'auras-tu pas~eu ? aura-t^-il"eu ? il n'aura pas^eu. n'aura-t"-il pas"~eu? aurons-nous^eu ? nous n'aurons pas~eu. n'aurons-nous pas^eu? aurez-vous^eu ? vous n'aurez pas"eu. n'aurez-vous pas^eul auront^-ils^eu ? ils n'auront pas^eu. n'auront^-i CONDITIONAL MOOD (Cavoir P a8 not to have had - PARTICIPLES (Partidpes). PRESENT (Present). PAST (Passe'). D'ayant pas, not having. \ n'ayant pas^eu, not having had. THE VERB "AVOIR." 21 Qui, who f EXERCISE X. Simple Tenses. A. 1. J'ai un livre. 2. Tu as~un crayon. 3. II ~ a une pluma 4. Elle^a une^amie. 5. Nous~avons deux chevaux. 6. Avez- vous^un frere ? Gui, Monsieur, j'ai deux freres. 7. J'avais^aussi une soeur. 8. Les^gcoliers^avaient beaucoup de cerises. 9. Aviez- vous des'^amis? Oui, nous^avious des^aniis. 10. J'aurai une montre d'argent. 11. Charles aura une montre d'or. 12. Les~ enfants^auront du pain et du beurre. 13. Nous^aurons^assez d'argent. 14. Qui aurait du the" ? 15. Les~e"coliers~auraient vu les~oiseaux. 1. I have two horses. 2. He has three pens. 3. She has two books. 4. Have you a sister? Yes, Madam, I have three sisters. 5. Had you a brother? Yes, sir, I had two brothers. 6. The scholars had many pencils. 7. The children had many pens. 8. Had you a gold watch ? No, sir, I had a silver watch. 9. I shall have three horses. 10. We shall have bread and butter. 11. You will have tea and coffee. 12. They will have two bot- tles of beer, and three bottles of wine. Compound Tenses. B. 1. J'ai eu une maison. 2. Tu as~eu une plume. 3. IPa eu un livre. 4. Elle~a eu une robe de soie. 5. Nous~avons~eu du vin. 6. Vous~avez~eu du thC. 7. Ils~ont~eu du sucre. 8. Elles^onfeu du cafe". 9. As-tu eu une poire ? 10. L'6colier a-t^-il euun crayon? Oui, iPa eu deux crayons. 11. Les maitres onf-ils^eu beaucoup d'6coliers ? 12. iPaurait^eu des cerises. 13. Aurions-nous^eu du plaisir ? 14. Vous~auriez~eu beaucoup de plaisir. 1. I have had a horse. 2. She has had two horses. 3. We have had tea and coffee. 4. You have had coffee and sugar. 5. They (fern.) have had two silk dresses. 6. Has the pupil had a pen ? Yes, sir, he has had two pens. 7. Has the girl had a pencil? Yes. madam, she has had three pencils. 8. Has the master had many pupils ? 9. Has the girl had many cherries ? 10. Will you have had pleasure? 11. I shall have had much pleasure. 12. The children will have had much pleasure. 22 THE VERB ' ETHE. VIII. THE VEKB EIRE, to be. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. Je suis, / am. tu es, thou art. il~ow elle^est, he or she is. Plural, nous sommes, vous^etes, ils ou elles sont, we are. you are. they are. IMPBRFECT TENSE (Imparfaif). j' etais, tu etais, iTetait, I was. thou wast. he was. nous~etions, vous^etiez, ils'etaien*, we were, you were, they were. PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Passe" defini). je fas, tu fas, ilfut, I was. thou wast, he was. nous fumes, vous futes, ils fluent, we were, you were, they were. FUTURE TENSE (Futur). je serai, tu seras, il sera, I shall be. thou wilt be. he will be. nous serons, vous serez, ils seront, we shall be. you will be. they will be. j'ai ete. ta as~6t6 il^a ete, COMPOUND TENSES. et6, been. PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passe Indefini). I have been, thou hast been, he has been. ils"ont~ete, we have been, you have been, they have been. j'avais~ete, tu avais^ete, PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). I had been, thou hadst been, he had been. nous~avions~ete, we had been. vous~aviez~ete, you had been. ils"avaient"ete, they had been. THE VERB ETRE. 23 j'eus^ete, tu eus~ete, PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Passe' ante'rieur). Singular. Plural. / had been, thou hadst been, he had been. nous~eumes~ete, we had been. vous~eutes~ete, you had been. ils^eurentPete, they had been. FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur ante'rieur). j'aura ; ete, tu auras^ete, iPaura ete, / shall have been. thou wilt have been, he will have been. nous~aurons~ete, we shall have been. vous"aurez~ete, you will have been. ils~auront~ete, they will have been. je serais, hi serais, il serait, CONDITIONAL MOOD (Canditwnnel). PRESENT TENSE (Present). I should be. thou wouldst be. he would be. nous serious, vous seriez, ils seraienl, we should be. you would be. they would be. PAST TENSE (Passe"). First Form. j'aurais~ete, / should have been. tu aurais^ete, thou wouldst have been. iT > aurait~ete, he would have been. nous~aurions~ete, we should have been. vous~auriez'~"ete, you would have been. ils~auraient~ ete, they would have been. Second Form. j'eusse ete, / should have been. tu^eusses ete, thou wouldst have il~eut~ete, been, he would have been. nous~eussions~ete, we should have been. vous^eussiez^ete, you would have been. ils^eussent^ete, they would have sois, IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif). soyons, let us be. be (thou). soyez, be (ye or you). que je sois, que tu sois, qu'il soit, SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Subjmctif). PRESENT TENSE (Present), that I may be. that thou mayst be. that he may be. que nous soyons, que vous soyez, qu'ils aoient, that we may be. that you may be. that they may be. 24 THE VEBB "ETBE." que je fusse, que tu fusses, qu'il fut, que j'aie 6t6, quo tu aies ete, qu'iPaitTete, IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfait). Singular. Plural. that I might be. that thou might st be. that he might be. quo nous fussions, that we might be. que vous fussiez, that you might qu'ils fu be. that they might be. PAST TENSE (Passe"). that I may have been, that thou mayst havj been, that he may have been. que nou8~aybns~6te, that we may have been. que vous'~'ayez'~ 1 et6, that you may qu'ils^aientTete, have been. that they may have been. PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait}. que j'eusse^ete, that I might have been. que tu eusses ete, that thou mightst qu'iPeut^ete, have been. that he might have been. que nous~eussions~ete, that we might have been. que vous~eussiez"ete, that you might have been. qu'ils~eussentTete, that they might have been. INFINITIVE MOOD (Inflnitif). PRESENT (Present). PAST (Passe"). 6tre, to be. \ avoir^ete', to have been. etant, PARTICIPLES (Participes). PRESENT (Present). PAST ete, ayant^e'te', being. been. having been. ETBE USED INTERROGATIVELY, NEGATIVELY, AND INTERROGATIVELY WITH A NEGATIVE. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Interrogatively. Negatively. am If etc. suis-je ? es-tu? est~-il ? Bommes-nons ? etes-vous ? 8 c plus attentive la plus attentive The Superlative absolute is formed by prefixing to the Positive tres, very ; beaucoup, much; fort, very ; extreme- ment, extremely ; as, tres-haut, tres-beau, fort attentif. 2. The Comparison of inferiority is formed by prefixing to the Positive moins, less, and the Superlative relative of inferiority by prefixing to the Positive le moins, la moin&, the least, as : Positive. Comparative. Superlative. Masc. cruel ) . moins cruel le moins cruel Fern, cruelle ) moins cruelle ' la moins cruelle * The superlative absolute expresses the quality in the highest or lowest degree, but without mentioning any object with which it is compared, while the superla- tive relative implies a comparison, as : Paris est une tres-grande ville ; c'est la phtt grande ville de France : Paris is a very large town ; it is the largett town in Franca 36 COMPABISON OF ADJBCCTVE8. 3. The Comparative of equality is formed by prefixing to the Positive aussi, as: aussi cruel, aussi beau. Ob- serve that all the Comparatives are followed by que, than as, plus haut que, moms haut que, aussi haut que. 4. The following Adjectives form their Comparative of superiority irregularly : Positive. Comparative. Superlative. Masc. bon Fern, bonne Masc. mauvais ) Fern, mauvaise^ good, bad. Masc. petit ) little Fern, petite ) or small. meilleur > U1C11M3IU f ? ., meilleurel better ' pire less or le meilleur la meilleure j le pire \ la pire the best, the worst. le moindre > the least or lamoindre f the smallest. N. B. MAUVAIS and PETIT have also a regular com- parative of superiority, and a superlative relative, as : Masc. mauvais plus mauvais le plus mauvais Fern, mauvaise plus mauvaise la plus mauvaise Masc. petit plus petit le plus petit Fern, petite plus petite la plus petite But PLUS BON, and LE PLUS BON are not French. The Comparatives of inferiority and equality, as well as the superlative absolute of these three Adjectives, are formed in a regular manner, as : Comparative of inferiority: moins bon, moins mauvais, moins petit. Comparative of equality : aussi bon, aussi mauvais, aussi petit. Superlative absolute: trds-loon, fort mauvais, tr&s-petit. The comparison of these three Adjectives must not be confounded with that of the following Adverbs : bien, well. mieux, better, le mieux, the best. mal, badly. pft, or plus mal, worse, le pis. or le plus mal, the worst, peu, little. moins, less. le moins, the least. Comparatives of inferiority and equality : moins bien, moins mal; aussi bien, aussi mal, aussi peu. Superla- tives absolute : tres-bien, tres-mal, tres-peu. EXERCISE XIV. que, than, que, as, after "aussi." A. 1. Le jardin de mon pere est plus grand que le jardin du ggne"- ral. 2. Je suis plus fort que Charles ; mais je suis moins fort que COMPARISON OP ADJECTIVES. 37 Guillaume. 3. Qui (who) est le plus fort ? Mon frfcre est le plus fort. 4. La rose est plus belle que la violette ; elle est la plus belle fleur. 5. Louise est attentive ; Marie est plus attentive ; et Caroline est la fille la plus attentive. 6. La lune est plus petite que la terre, et la terre est plus petite que le soleil. 7. Avez-vous une bonne plume ? Oui, elle est meilleure que 1'autre ; c'est (it is) la meil- leure plume. 8. Le chocolat est aussi bon que le cafe". 9. II est aussi savant que vous. 10. Les pommes sont nieilleures que les poires. 11. Mes poires sont les meilleures. 12. La France est plus petite que la Russie ; mais elle est plus grancle que 1'Italie. 1. The house of my uncle is greater than the house of the gen- eral. 2. The gardens of my uncle are greater than the gardens of the neighbor. 3. William is stronger than Charles ; but he is less strong than Peter. 4. Who is the most attentive ? My brother is the most attentive. 5. My brother is stronger than you. 6. Louisa and Mary are the most attentive girls. 7. The sun is greater than the earth, and the earth is greater than the moon. 8. Have you a good coat ? Yes, it is better than the other ; it is my best coat. 9. The beer is as good as the wine. 10. She is as learned as you. 11. The girl is less learned than you. 12. En- gland is smaller than France, but it is greater than Belgium. NOTE. The metals in French have the Definite Arti- cle, as : Tor, gold. B. 1. L'Europe est plus petite que TAsie. 2. L'^Jleniagne est plus fertile que la Hollande. 3. Le sage est plus lieureux que le fou. 4. L'or est le me"tal le plus pesant. 5. Ma rob$.est moins belle que la robe de ma sreur. 6. L'enfant est moins affrigablc. 7. Le eheval est moins haut que le chameau. 8. Les chfl} sont moins iideles que les chiens. 9. La tante est plus laborie^Pftue la fille. 10.. La ville de Dresde est moins peuplee que la ville de 'Berlin. 1 1 . Lou dres et Paris sont les villes les plus grandes et les plus peuple"e$ de 1'Europe. 12. Mademoiselle Marie, Stes-vous heureuse ? Oui,je suis tres-heureuse, plus heureuse que ma sceur Julie. 13. Le voisin est-il malheureux ? II est moins malheureux que son (his) frere. 1. England is more fertile than Germany. 2. The wise (men) are more happy than the fools. 3. The daughter is as happy as her (so) mother. 4. The dresses are less beautiful than the dresses of the sisters. 5. The camel is higher than the horse. 6. The dogs are more faithful than the cats. 7. The aunts are less laborious than the daughters. 8. The son is not so laborious as the father. 9. The city of London is more populous than the city of Paris. 10. London is the greatest and most populous city in (say of) Europe. 11. Is he happy? Yes, he is very happy, more happy than his (son) brother. 12. Is the girl unhappy ? She is less unhappy than her (ea) sister. 38 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. 2. Possessive Adjectives (Adjectifs possetsifs). The Possessive Adjectives are : Singular. Plural. Masc. Pern. Masc. and Fern. mon, ma, mes, my. ton, ta, tea, thy. son, sa, ses, his, her, it*. notre, notre, nos, our. votre, votre, vos, yowr. leur, leur, leurs, their. 1. Mon, ton, son are used before Substantives feminine beginning with a vowel or h mute, instead of ma, ta, sa, in order to avoid an hiatus, as : mon amie (instead of ma amie), my friend (fern.), ton epouse (instead of ta epouse), thy wife. son humilite' (instead of sa humilite), his humility. 2. Possessive Adjectives agree with their Substantives in gender and number. In English, the Possessive Ad- jective agrees with the subject of the sentence; but this is not the case in French, as: le pere aime son tils et sa fille, the father loves his son and his daughter. la mere aime son tils et sa fille, the mother loves her son and her daughter. les parents aiment leur enfant, the parents love their child. les parents aiment leurs enfants, the parents love their children. 3. Possessive Adjectives are repeated in French with every Substantiva to which they refer, though in English one Possessive ^^ective only is used, and the others are understood, as: mon pere, ma mere, et mes freres )_ my father, mother, and brother* sont a Londres, ) are in London. EXERCISE XV. 1. Mon ami est malacle. 2. Ton pere est & Berlin. 3. Ta tante demeure-t-elle (lives) ici ? Oui, elle demeure ici ; mais elle n'est pas & la maison maintenant. 4. L'oncle aime son neyeu, la tante aime aussi son neveu. 5. Elle airae aussi sa niece. 6. Notre pere est bon. 7. Ou est votre cahier ? Voici mon cahier. 8. Ou sont vos cahiers ? Voici nos cahiers. 9. Caroline est mon amie ; est-elle aussi ton amie ? 10. Les e'coliers aiment leurs maitres. 11. Avez-vous vu mon pere? Non, Mademoiselle, je n'ai pas vu Monsieur votre pere ; il n'6tait pas ici. 12. Voici le chapeau de Madame votre mere. 1. My aunt is ill. 2. Thy mother is in London. 3. Does my DEMONSTRATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES. 39 uncle live here ? Yes, he lives here ; but he is not in the house at present. 4. The uncle loves his nephew and his niece. 5. The aunt loves her nephew and her niece. 6. Our mother is good. 7. Have you seen rny copy-book ? Here is (void) your copy-book. 8. Have you seen my friend (fern.) ? Yes, I have seen your friend (fern.). 9. My father, my mother, and my sisters were in Lon- don. 10. The aunts love their nephew. 1&i. The atHjts Ibve Ct^eir nepkeazs. 1J. I have seen your two horses. 3. Demonstrative Adjective (Adjectif demonstratif). The Demonstrative Adjective is : Singular. Plural. Masc. Fern. Masc. and Fern, ce, cet \ cette ' ces, these or those. Ce is used before a Substantive masculine beginning with a consonant ; cet before a vowel and h mute. EXAMPLES. Singular. Plural. ce chapeau, this hat. cet arbre, this tree. cet habit, this coat. uette femme, t his woman. ces chapeaux, these hats. ces arbres, these trees. ces habits, these coats. ces femmes, these women. Ci (here) and la (there) are often joined by a hyphen to the Substantive, to give greater emphasis. EXAMPLES. ce garcon-ci, this boy (here). ce gar9on-la, that boy (there). cette feiEEie-ci, this woman (here}. cette femme-la, that woman (there). ces arbres-ci, these trees (here). ces arbres-la, those trees (there). 4. Interrogative Adjective (Adjectif Interrogatif). The Interrogative Adjective is : Singular. Plural. Masc. Fern. Masc. Fern. quel, quelle, quels, quelles, which * or what t EXAMPLES. quel livre? which book f quelslivres? which books? quelle maison ? which house ? quelles maisons ? which houses f Quel is also used in exclamations, as: quel beau livre! what a beautiful }>ook!* N.B. The English Indefinite Article is not expressed in Frrach. 40 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. NOTE. Quel may be separated from its Substantive by the verb "etre," but it agrees with the Substantive just the same, as : quel est votre nom ? what is your name ? quelle est cette fleur ? what is that flower ? EXERCISE XVI. 1. Cette boite est grande. 2. Ces enfants sont pauvres. 3. J'ai vu le frere de ce gar9on. 4. J'ai deux livres de ce cafe". 5. Je donne (I give) ces poires a cette fille-ci. 6. J'ai vu ces chiens-la. 7. Quels chiens avez-vous vus ? 8. Quel beau cheval ! 9. Quel est ce livre? 10. Le fils de cet homme-la est tres-grand. 11. Quelle heure (what o'clock, lit. what hour) est-il ? II est trois heures. II est une heure. 12. Quelle fleur a-t-elle ? Elle a une rose. 1, These boxes are great. 2. That child is poor. 3. Have you seen the sister of this boy ? 4. The merchant has three pounds of this tea. 5. I give these apples to that boy (there). 6. We have seen those horses (there). 7. What horses have you seen ? 8. What a beautiful house ! 9. What a beautiful flower ! 10. The son of that man (there) is good. 11. What o'clock is it ? It is one o'clock. It is two o'clock. It is three o'clock. It is four o'clock. 12. What is that letter (lettre, fern.) ? 5. Numeral Adjectives (Adjectifs numeraux). A. CARDINAL. NUMERALS (Nombres cardinau&\. Cardinal Numerals denote numbers simply or abso '.utely, as : un, une, one ; deux, two ; trois, three. 1 Un, m, une, f. 2 Deux. 3 Trois. 4 Quatre. 5 Cinq. 6 Six. 7 Sept. 8 Huit. 9 Neuf. 10 Due. CARDINAL NUMERALS. 11 Onze. 12 Douze. 13 Treize. 14 Quatorze. 15 Quinze. 16 Seize. 17 Dix-sept. 18 Dix-huit. 19 Dix-neuf. 20 Vlngt. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 41 a .(Vingt-un. 72 Soixante-douze. Z1 ( Vingt etun.* 73 Soixante-treize. 22 Vingt-deux. 74 Soixante-quatorzt. 23 Vingt-trois. 24 Vingt-quatre. 75 Soixante-quinz^ 76 Soixante-seize. * 25 Vingt-cinq. 77 Soixante-dix-sept. 26 Vingt-six. 78 Soixante-dix-huit. 27 Vingt-sept. 79 Soixante dix-neuf. 28 Vingt-huit. 80 Quatre-vingts. 29 Vingt-neuf. 81 Quatre- vingt-un. 30 Trente. 82 Quatre-vingt-deux. 31 Trente et un.* 83 Quatre-vingt-trois. 32 Trente-deux. 84 Quatre-vingt-quatre. 33 Trente-trois. 85 Quatre-vingt-cinq. 34 Trente-quatre. 86 Quatre-vingt-six. 35 Trente-cinq. 87 Quatre-vingt-sept. 36 Trente-six. 88 Quatre-viugt-huit. 37 Trente-sept. 89 Quatre-vingt-neuf. 38 Trente-huit. 90 Quatre-vingt-dix. 39 Trente-neuf. 91 Quatre-vingt-onze. 40 Quarante. 92 Quatre-vingt-douze. 41 Quarante et un.* 93 Quatre-vingt-treize. 42 Quarante-deux. 94 Quatre-vingt-quatorze. 43 Quarante-trois. 95 Quatre-vingt-quinze. 44 Quararite-quatre. 96 Quatre-vingt- seize. 45 Quarante-cinq. 97 Quatre-vingt-dix-sept. 46 Quarante-six. 98 Quatre-vingt-dix-huit. 47 Quarante-sept. 99 Quatre-vingt-dix-neu 48 Quarante-huit. 100 Cent. >< 49 Quarante-neuf. 101 Cent un. 50 Cinquante. 102 Cent deux. 51 Cinquante et un.* 1 20 Cent vingt. 52 Cinquante-deux. 121 Cent vingt et un, etc. 53 Cinquante-trois. 130 Cent trente. 54 Cinquante-quatre. 200 Deux cents. 55 Cinquante-cinq. 210 Deux cent dix. 56 Cinquante-six. 300 Trois cents. 67 Cinquante-sept. 400 Quatre cents. 58 Cinquante-huit. 500 Cinq cents. 59 Cinquante-neuf. 600 Six cents. 60 Soixante. 700 Sept cents. 61 Soixante et un.* 800 Huit cents. 62 Soixante-deux. 900 Neuf cents. 63 Soixante-trois. 1000 Mille. G4 Soixante-quatre. 2000 Deux mille. 65 Soixante-cinq. 3000 Trois mille. 66 Soixante-six. 4000 Quatre mille. 67 Soixante-sept. 5000 Cinq mille, etc. 68 Soixante-huit. 10,000 Dix mille. 69 Soixante-neuf. 20,000 Vingt mille. 70 Soixante-dix. 30,000 Trente mille. 71 Soixante et onze.* 40,000 Quarante mille. 1 In the numbers marked thus ( * ) the et may or may not be used. C 42 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 50,000 Cinquante mille. 100,000 Cent mille. 200,000 Deux cent mille. 500,000 Cinq cent mille. 1,000,000 Un million. 2,000,000 Deux millions, etc. 100,000,000 Cent millions, etc. EXAMPLES. cinq enfants, five (5) children. trente-six chevaux, thirty-six (3 three hundred and ninety-five soldats, > (395) soldiers. REMARKS. 1. The Numerals remain unchanged with their Sub- stantives, except cent and quatre-vingt. Cent takes s when multiplied by a numeral, and not lollowed by another numeral, as: trois cents hommes, three hundred men ; but, trois cent dix hommes, three hundred and ten men. Vingt takes s when multiplied by the numeral quatn^ four (quatre-vingts), and not followed by another nu- meral, as : quatre-vingts ecoliers, 80 pupils; but, quatre-vingt-deux e'coliers, 82 pupils. 2. Mille, thousand, never takes s, as : trois mille chevaux, 3000 horset. 3. Mil is used instead of mille in dates, as: 1'an mil huit cent cinquante-un, the year 18. r >l. n mil huit cent quarante-huit, in 1848, omitting the word year. 4. II y a is used in reference to past time in such ex- pressions as the following: il y a trente ans, 30 years ago. il y a une heure, an hour ago. 5. In speaking of a person's age, the verb " to have" is used in French, and not the verb "to be," as iu English; as: J'ai huit ans, I am eight years old (lit. I have eight yean). J'ai dix ans, 7am ten years old. Frederic a vingt ans, Frederick is twenty years old. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 43 So in like manner: Quel age avez-vous ? How old are you? (lit. What age have you?) Quel age a-t-elle? How old is she? (lit. What age has she?) 6. In multiplication, fois, time, is used, as : une fois, once. deux fois, twice. trois fois, three times. quatre fois, four times. cinq fois, Jive times. sept fois, seven times. huit fois, eight times. neuf fois, nine times. dix fois, ten times. cent fois, a hundred time*. six fois, six times. achete, bought. \ font, make. EXERCISE XVII. 1. J'ai deux chiens. 2. Ma tante a trois chats. 3. Notre roisine a cinq enfants, quatre filles et un fils. 4. Une ann6e a douze mois, ou trois cent soixante-cinq jours. 5. Quel Sge avez^ vous, Fre'de'ric ? J'ai onze ans et mon frere a treize ans. 6. Quel Sge a votre niece ? Elle a quinze ans. 7. Et votre neveu quel Sge a-t-il ? II a dix-huit ans. 8. Combien font huit et douze ? Huit et douze font vingt. 9. Combien font trente et quarante-sept '{ Trente et quarante-sept font soixante-dix-sept. 10. Quatre fois douze font quarante-huit. 11. J'ai achete" ma maison il y a dix ans. 12. J'ai vu le garyon il y a deux heures. 13. En mil sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf. 14. Le ggngral a quatre-vingts chevaux. 1. My father has two horses. 2. Your mother has four cats. 3. Your friend (fern.) has six children, four sons and two daugh- ters. 4. A year has three hundred and sixty-five days and six hours. 5. My nephew is nineteen years old. 6. Your niece is twenty - two years old. 7. How old is your nephew ? He is thirty-one years old. 8. And your aunt, how old is she? She is forty-two years old. 9. How much do five and seven make ? Five and seven make twelve. 10. How much do twenty, thirty-five, and forty-five make ? Twenty, thirty-five, and forty-five make one hundred. 11. How much do six times eight make ? Six times eight make forty-eight. 12. We bought this house eighteen years ago. 13. We saw the girl four hours ago. 14. In (the year) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. B. ORDINAL NUMERALS (Nbmbres ordinaux). Ordinal numerals denote numbers as forming part of a series or order, as : 1st (le) premier (la) premiere, uni- eme.* 2d " second (la) seconde, deuxi- eme. 3d (le) troisieme. 4th " quatrieme. 5th " cinquieme. 6th " sixieme. * ffntime is only used in compound numbers, a* vingt et unieme. 44 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 7th (le) septieme. 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 30th 31st 32d 40th 41st huitieme. neuvieme. dixieme. onzieme. douzieme. treizieme. quatorzieme. quinzieme. seizieme. dix-septieme. dix-huitieme. dix-neuvieme. vingtieme. vingt et unieme. vingt-deuxieme, etc. trentieme. trente et unieme. trente-deuxieme, etc. quarantieme. quarante et unieme. 42d (le) quarante-deuxieme. 50th ' cinquantieme. 51st " cinquante et unieme. 52d " cinquante-deuxieme, etc. 60th " soixantieme. 61st " soixante et unieme. 62d " soixante-deuxieme. 70th " soixante-dixieme. 71st ' ' soixante et onzieme.etc. 80th " quatre- vingtieme. 81st " quatre-vingt-unieme. 82d " quatre-vingt-deuxieme, etc. 90th " quatre-vingt-dixieme. 91st ' ' quatre- vingt-onzieme, etc. 100th " centieme. 101st " cent unieme. 102d " cent deuxieme, etc. 1000th " millieme, etc. C. FRACTIONAL NUMBERS. demi, m. ) demie, f, J la moitie, le tiers, le quart, les deux tiers, les trois quarts, half. the half, the third part, thefmirth. two thirds, three fourths. un cinquifcme, one fifth. un sixieme, one sixth. un septieme, one seventh, and so on, like the Ordinal num- bers. un vingtieme, one twentieth, etc. NOTE. The Indefinite Article is not used before demi, half, in French, when following a Substantive, as it is in English; as: ane livre et demie, a pound and a half. REMARKS. 1. In speaking of the days of the month, the first day of the month is expressed in French by the Ordinal nu- meral le premier but all the other days by the Cardinal numerals, and the preposition of is not translated, as : le premier Mai, the first of May. le trois Aout, the third of August, le deux Juin, the second of June. etc. 2. So, in speaking of kings, the first of the name is ex- pressed by premier (without the Article) ; but the others of the name by the Cardinal numerals, as: Pierre (I. ) premier, Peter the First. Henri (IV.) quatre, Henry the Fourth. Louis (XIV.) quatorze. Louis the Fourteenth. Charles (XII.) douze, Charlet the Twelfth. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 3. The hours of the day are thus expressed : quelle heure est-il ? il est tine heure, il est deux heures, il est trois heures, il est trois heures et demie, il est midi, il est minuit, il est midi et demi. il est midi un quart, what o'clock is it? lit. what how is itf it is one o'clock, lit. it is one hour. it is two o'clock. it is three o'clock. it is half-past three. it is twelve o'clock (noon). it is twelve (at night). it is half-past twelve. it is a quarter-past twelve. il est deux heures moins un quart, it is a quarter to two. il est deux heures moins dix, it is ten minutes to two. il est deux heures moins cinq, it is Jive minutes to two. il est deux heures et cinq minutes, it is Jive minutes past two. il est deux heures et dix minutes, it is ten minutes past two. il est deux heures et un quart,* it is a quarter-past two. NOTE. Observe that in these examples moins, less, is used to indicate the time wanted to complete an hour, the word minutes being understood, thus : il est deux heures moins dix, lit. it is two hours less ten (minutes); that is, it is ten minutes to two. Les Mois. Janvier, FeVrier, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, NAMES OF THE MONTHS. Les Mois. The Months. January. February. March. April. May. June. Juillet, out, eptembre, ctobre, Tovembre, e'cembre, July. August. September. October. November. December. NAMES OF THE DAYS OF THE WEEK. Les Jours de la Semaine. The Days of the Week. Dimanche, Sunday. Liundi, Monday. Afardi, Tuesday. Mercredi, Wednesday. J'eudi, Thursday. JPendredi, Friday. $>amedi, Saturday. EXERCISE XVIII. A. 1. Avril est le quatrieme mois de 1'annge. 2. Je suis le huitifeme de ma classe. Mon frere est let onzieme. Charles est le dernier. * It can be said also : il est deux heures cinq, deux henres dix, deux heures un quart t Before onze or onzieme, a vowel is never elided. 46 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 3. Un mois est la douzieme partie de 1'annfie. 4. Le mois de FeVrier a vingt-huit jours ; Juin a trente jours. 5. Janvier est le premier, Mars le troisieme, Juillet le septieme, et De'cembre le dernier mois de l'anne"e. 6. La cinquieme fengtre du second 6tage est belle. 7. Charles douze 6tait roi de Suede. 8. La semaine est la cinquante-deuxieme partie de l'anne"e. 9. Quelle heure est-il ? II est cinq beures. 10. Quelle heure est-il ? II est cinq heures et demie. 11. Quelle heure est-il? II est cinq heures moins un quart. 12. Quelle heure est-il ? II est six heures moins dix minutes. 13. Quelle heure est-il? II est midi moins un quart. 14. Quelle heure est-il ? II est midi un quart. 1. February is the second month of the year. 2. I am the tenth in my class. My cousin is the thirteenth, and Frederick is the last. 3. Sunday is the first, Monday the second, Tuesday the third, and Saturday the last day of the week. 4. The month of July has thirty-one days. 5. August is the eighth, and No- vember the eleventh month of the year. 6. The sixth window of the third floor is beautiful. 7. Louis the Fifteenth was kin of France. 8. Charles the First was king of England. 9. What o'clock is it? It is four o'clock. 10. What o'clock is it? It is half-past four. 11. What o'clock is it? It is a quarter to one. 12. What o'clock is it? It is a quarter-past one. 13. What o'clock is it ? It is ten minutes past three. 14. What o'clock is it ? It is five minutes past twelve. B. 1. Ma soeur est ne'e le vingt-huit Juillet, mil huit cent trente- cinq. 2. Quelle place as-tu '( Je suis le vingtieme. 3. Quelle place a ton frere ? II est le dix-septieme de la classe. 4. Dans quelle classe est Richard ? II est en seconde. 5. Quand avez- vous vu votre mere ? Hier soir, a cinq heures. 6. Quel age a-t-elle? Elle a quinze ans. 7. Dans quelle anne est-elle ne'e? Elle est ne'e en mil huit cent quarante-cinq. Dans quel mois? Au mois d'Octobre. Quel jour ? Le onze. 8. Quelle heure est- il? II est sept heures et demie. 9. Combien de beurre avez- vous? J'ai une livre et demie de beurre et deux livres et un quart de fromage. 10. Est-il trois heures maintenant ? Non, Mademoiselle, il est deux heures et demie. 1. My niece was born on the nineteenth of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. 2. When did you see your sister? Yesterday, at half-past four. 3. How old is she ? She is sixteen. 4. In what year was she born ? She was born in 1856. 5. In what month ? In the (au) month of April. 6. What o'clock is it ? It is half-past two. 7. What place has the boy ? He is the tenth in the class. 8. What place has the girl ? She is the thirteenth in the class. 9. How much cheese have you ? I have a pound and a half of cheese, and two pounds and a quarter of butter. 10. Is it four o'clock now ? No, Madam ; it is half-past three. INDEFINITE ADJECTIVES. 4? 6. Indefinite Adjectives (Adjectifs indefinis). The Indefinite Adjectives are : ehaque, m. andy. each. maint,y. mainte, many, many a tout, y. toute, every, all. one. aucun, f. aucune, ) quelque. sinq. ) ,, ' > none, no one. f 5- some, some other nul,/. nulle, ) quelques, pi. > certain, y, certaine, certain, some one. plusieurs, pi. several, many. EXAMPLES. chaque enfant, each child. quelque temps, some time. toute ville, every town. quelques flours, some flowers. aucun moyen, no means. certains mots, certain words. nulle regie, no rule. plusieurs soldats, several soldiers. maint homme, many a man. REMARKS. 1. When tout means all or the whole, the Definite Ar- ticle or the Possessive Adjective is always used with the Substantive, as : toute la ville, the whole town. toutes les lettres, all the letters. tons les hommes, all the men, or tons ses enfans, all his children, all men. 2. Aucun and nul require the negative ne, as: je ne connais aucun de ses amis, / know none of his friends. EXERCISE XIX. 1. Chaque enfant a son livre. 2. Toute la maison est neuve. 3. Charles 'a aucune faute dans son theme. 4. Maint homme est pauvre. 5. Nous ivons eu quelque plaisir & 1st campagne. 6. Tous les hommes ne sont pas riches. 7. Je parle de certaines personnes. 8. J'ai vu plusieurs oiseaux dans votre jardin. 9. Cos roses sont de difle'rentes couleurs. 10. Nulle rose 7i'est sans Spines. 11. Chaque fige a ses chagrins et ses plaisirs. 12. Tous les hommes sont mor- tels. 13. Tout ce pays est pauvre. 14. Toute chose a son temps. 15. Je rc'ai aucune nouvelle de mon frere. 16. Plusieurs hommes out le meme nom. 17. Maint paysan est tres-pauvre. 18. Nul homme re'est toujours heureux. 1. Each girl has her book. 2. Each boy has his horse. 3. Caro- line has no fault in her theme. 4. Many a man is very poor. 5. She has had some pleasure in the country. 6. He speaks of certain persons. 7. Who is mortal ? All men are mortal. 8. Have I faults (desfautes) in my theme ? Yes, you have several faults. 9. To whom belong (sont) tbpe houses ? All these houses belong to my uncle. 10. Have you many faults (befiucoup defautes)1 No, I have no faults. 11. She has no news of her sister. 12. I have some books. 13. My sister has several friends. 14. My aunt ia not always happy. 48 THK VKKli. X. THE YEEB (le Verbe). There are five sorts of Verbs in French: 1. ACTIVE (le verbe actif). 2. PASSIVE (le verbe jjassif). 3. NEUTER (le verbe neutre). 4. REFLECTIVE (le verbe r6fltchi). 5. IMPERSONAL (le verbe impersonnel). Verbs have five MOODS (Modes) in French ; 1. The INDICATIVE (I'indicatif). 2. The CONDITIONAL (le conditionnef). 3. The IMPERATIVE (Cimpfratif). 4. The SUBJUNCTIVE (le subjonctif). 5. The INFINITIVE (Finfinitif). To which may be added The PARTICIPLE (le participe), which is a verbal adjective. Verbs have eight TENSES (temps) in French, one Pres ent (present), five Past (passe), and two Future (futur). Tenses are divided into Simple (les temps simples) and Compound (les temps composes), the latter being com- posed of the past participle with a tense of the auxiliary verb avoir or dire. The eight tenses are : 1. PRESENT (le present): j'aime, Hove. 2. IMPERFECT (Fimparfaii), expresses a past action go- ing on while another took place, as : je lisais quand vous entrStes, I was reading when you came in. 3. PAST DEFINITE (le passe defini), expresses a past ao tion entirely finished at a time specified, as: je voyageai Tanned derniere, 1 traveled last year. 4. PAST INDEFINITE (le passe indeftni), or Compound of the Present, expresses a thing as having taken place, without specifying when, or which has happened at a time not entirely past, as : il a beaucoup voyage, he has traveled much; j'ai 6srit aujourd'hui, / wrote to-day. 5. PLUPERFECT (le plus-qne-parfait), or Compound of the IMPERFECT, expresses a thing habitual or repeated, THE VERB. 49 but which happened immediately before a past event as: j 'avals de'jeune' quand vous entrates, I had breakfast when you came in. 6. PAST ANTERIOR (le passe anterieur), or Compound of the Past Definite, expresses a thing that happened immediately before a past event, as : quand j'eus lu, je partis, ic hen I had read, I went away. 7. FUTURE (lefutur): j'aimerai, I shall love. 8. FUTURE ANTERIOR (lefutur anterieur) : j'aurai aimg, I shall have loved. French Verbs have four CONJUGATIONS (conjugaisons\ distinguished by the ending of the Infinitive Mood, as : I. The First Conjugation ends in er: j ^f^' II. The Second * HI. The Third ' oir: { as IV. The Fourth re: { a % XL FIRST CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. Aimer, to love. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. j'aim-e, I love. tu aim-es, thou lovest. il aim-e, he loves. Plural, nous aim-ons, vous aim-ez, ils aim-ent, we. love, you love, they love. j'aim-ais, tu aim-ais, il aim-ait, IMPERFECT TEI 7 was loving, thou wast loving, he wa$ loving. fSE (Imparfaif). nous aim-ions, vous aim-iez, ils aim-aient, we were loving, you were loving, they were loving, j'aim-ai, tn aim-as, il aim-a. PAST DEFINITE Ti I loved, thou lovedst. he loved. c :NSE (JPass dtfini). nous aim-ames, // loved. vous aim-ates, you loved. ils aim-erent, they loved. 2 50 FIBST CONJUGATION. FUTDKE TENSE (Futur). Singular. j'aim-erai, I shall love. tu aim-eras, thou wilt love. il aim-era, he will love. PlnraL nous aim-erons, we shall love. vous aim-erez, you will love. ils aim-Croat, they will love. j'ai aim-e, tu as aim-e, il a aim-e, Compound Tenses. PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passt indefini). nous avons aim-e, we have loved. vons avez aim-e you have loved. Us ont aim-e, they have loved. I have loved, thou hast loved, he has loved. j'avais aim-e. tu avais aim-e, U avail aim-e, PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). I had loved. nous avions aim-e, we had loved. thou hadst loved, he had loved. vous aviez aim-e, you had loved. Us avaient aim-e, thfy had loved. j'eus aim-e. tu eus aim-e, U eut aim-e, PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Passe" anttrieur). I had loved. nous eumes aim-e, we had lo^ed. thou hadst loved, he had loved. vous eutes aim-e, you had loved, Us eurePt aiji-e, they had loved. FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur ante'rieur). j'aurai aim-e, tu auras aim-e. il aura aim-e, / shall have loved, thou will have loved, he ivill have loved. nous aurons ) we shall have aim-e, j loved. vous aurez aim-e, you will have loved ils auront aim-e, they trill have loved. aim-e, IMPERATIVE MOOD (Impcratif). love thou. aim-ons, aim-ez, let us love, love ye. CONDITIONAL MOOD (Cmditwnnel). PRESENT TENSE (Present). j'aim-erais, tu aim-erais, il aim-erait, / should love, thou wouldst love, he would love. nous aim-erions, we should love. vons aim-eriez, you would love. ils aim-eraient, they would love. PAST TENSE (Passf). j' aurais aim-e (or ^ I should have j'eusse aim-e), > loved. tu aurais aim-e, thou wouldst have loved. 11 aurait aim-e, he would have loved. nous aurions > aim-e, > vous auriez > aim-e, ) iis auraient ' aim-4, / we should have loved, you would have loved, they would ha loved. FIRST CONJUGATION. 51 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Svbjvnctif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. .Plural. que j'aim-e, que tu aim-es, q.u'11 aim-e. that I may love, that thou mayst love. que nous aim- > ., . , ns r that we may love. j que vous aim-iez, that you may love, that he may love. , qu'ils aim-ent, that they may love, IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfaif). que j'aim-asse, that I might love. que tu aim-asses, that thou mightst love. qu'il aim-it, that he might love. que nous aim- assions, that we might ) love. que vous aim- ) that you might assiez, ) love. qu'ils aim-assent, that they might love. PAST TENSE (Poss that thou mightst aim-e. have loved. qu'il out aim-e, that he might have loved. que nous eus- sions aim-e, that we might have loved. que vous eus- ) that you might siez aim-e, have hi ed. qu'ils eussent >_ that they might aim-e, ) have loved. INFINTnVE MOOD (Infinitif}. PRESENT. PAST. aim-er, / love. \ avoir aim-e, to have loved. PARTICD7LES (Participes). PRESENT. PAST. *im-ant loving. aim-e, e, loved. ayant aim-e, having loved. 52 SECOND CONJUGATION. XIL SECOND CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. Finir, to finish. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. je fin-is, I finish. tu fin-is, thou finishest. il fin-it, he finishes. PluraL nous fin-issons, we finish. vous fin-issez, you finish. ils fin-issent, they finish. IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfait). je fin-issais, I was finishing. tu fin-issais, thou wast finishing. il fin-issait, he was finishing. je fin-is, tu fin-is, il fin-it, nous fin-issions, we were finishing. vous fin-issiez, you were finishing, ils fin-issaient, they iverefinishing, PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Passt defini). I finished, thoufinishedst. he finished. nous fin-imes, vous fin-ites, ils fin-irent, tee finished, you finished, they finished. je fin-irai, tu fln-iras, il fin-ira, FUTURE TENSE (Fvtur). / shall finish, thou wilt finish, he will finish. nous fin-irons, vous fin-irez, ils fin-iront. we shall finish, you will finish, they will finish. j'ai fin-i, tu as fin-i, il a fin-i, Compound Tenses. PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passe' indefinf). I have finished, thou hast finished, he has finished. nous avons fin-i, we have finished. vous avez fin-i, you have finished. ils ont fin-i, they have finished PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). j avals fin-i, I had finished. tu avals fin-i, thou hadst finished. il avait fin-i, he had finished. nous avions fin-i, we had finished. vous aviez fin-i, you had finished. ils avaient fin-i, they had finished. PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Passe* ante'rieur). j'ens fln-i, / had finished. tu eus fln-i, thou hadst finished. il eut fin-i, he had finished. nous eumes fin-i, we had finished. vous eutes fin-i, you had finished. il eurent fin-i, they had finished. SECOND CONJUGATION. 53 FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur anttrieur). Singular. j'aurai fln-i, tu auras fin-i, il aura fin-i, / shall have fin- ished, thou wilt have fin- ished, he will have fin- ished. Plural, nous aurons fin-i, we shall have fin- ished. vous aurez fin-i, you will have fin- ite auront fin-i, ished. they will have fin- ished. fin-is, IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif). finish thou. fin issons, fin-issez, let us finish, finish ye. je fin-irais, tu fin-irais, il fin-irait, CONDITIONAL MOOD PRESENT TENSE (Present). I should finish. nous fin-irions, thou wouldst fin- ish, he would finish. vous fin-iriez, ils fin-iraient, we should finish, you would finish, they would finish. PAST TENSE j'aurais fln-i (or ) I should havefin- j'eusse fln-i), j ished. tu aurais fin-i, thou wouldst have finished. il aurait fin-i, he would have fin- ished. nous aurions fin-i, we should have finished. vous auriez fin-i, you would have finished. ils auraient fin-i, they would finished. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Subjmctif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). que je fin-isse, that I may fin- que nous fin- > that we may ish. issions, ) finish. que tu fin-isses, that thou mayst que vous fin- >_ that you may finish. issiez, f finish. qu'il fin-isse, that he may fin- qu'ils fin-issent, that they may ish. finish. IMPERFKCT TENSE (ImparfaiC). qne je fin-isse, that I might fin- que nous fin- ) that we might ish. issions, > finish. que tu fin-isses. that thou mightst que vous fin- \ that you might - finish. issiez, ) finish. qu'il fin-it, that he might fin- qu'ils fin-issent, that they might ish. finish. THIED CONJUGATION. PAST TENSE (Passt). Singular. Plnral. quo j'aie fin-i, that I may have finished. que tu aies fin-i, that thou mayst have finished. qu'il ait fin-i, that he may have finished. quo nous ayons > that we may have fin-i, finished. que vous ayez J that you may have fin-i, finished. qu'ils aient fin-i, that they may have finished. PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-quc-parfait). que j'eusse fin-i, that I might have finished. que tu eusses ) that thou mightst fin-i, qu'il eut fin-i, have finished. that he might have finished. que nous eus- > that we might sions fin-i, ) have finished. que vous eus- > that you might siez fin-i, qu'ils eussent fin-i. ) have finished, that they might have finished. INFINITIVE MOOD (Infinitif). PRESENT. PAST. fin-ir, to finish. (avoir fin-i, to have finished. PARTICIPLES (Participes). PRESENT. PAST. fin-issant, finishing. I fin-i, e, I ayant fin-i, finished, having finished. XIII. THIRD CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. Becevoir, to receive. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indieatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). je rep-ois, tu re?-ois, il reg-oit, / receive, thou receivest. he receives. nous rec-evons, we receive. vous rec-evez, you receive. ils re?-oivent, they receive. je rec-evais, tu rec-evais, il rec-evait, IMPERFECT TENSB (Imparfaif). I was receiving, thou wast re- ceiving, he was receiving. nous rec-evions, we were receiving. vous rec-eviez, you were receiving, ils rec-evaient, they were receiv- ing. TRIED CONJUGATION. PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Passe" Singular. je reg-us, / received. tu reg-us, thou receivedst. il reg-ut, he received. Plural. nous re that we may re' " evions, j" que vous rec- ) that you may re- eviez, 3 ceive. qu'ils re^-oivent, that they may re- IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfait). que je re^-usse, that I might re- ceive. quo tu re?-U8ses, that thou mightst qu'il re?-ut, that he might re- que nous re?- )_ that we might re* ussions, ) ceive. que vous rep- > that you niqht re- ussiez, ) ceive. qu'ils ref-ussent, that they might re- PAST TENSE (Passe"). que j'aie re$-u, that I may have received. que tu aies re?-u, that thou mayst have received. qu'il ait ref-u, that he may have received. que nous ayons ) that we maij havt re$-u, received. que vous ayez ) that you maj av* rep-u, received. qu'ils aientref-u, that they may haif received. PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). que j'eusse rec-u, that I might have que tu eusses > re?-u, J qu'il eut ree-u, received, that thou mightst have received, that he might have received. que nous eus- > thnt we might sions rep-u, ) have received. que vous eus- > that you might siez ref-u, > have received. qu'ils eussent ' that they might rep-u, have received. INFINITIVE MOOD (Infinitif). PRESENT. PAST. rec-evoir, t receive. | avoir rec-u, to have receives. FOURTH CONJUGATION. PRESENT. rec-evant, receiving. PARTICIPLES (Partidpes). PAST. Irec-u, re$-ue, ayant ref-u, received, having received. XIY. FOURTH CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. Rendre, to render. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. je rend-s, / render. tu rend-s, thou renderest. il rend, he renders. Plural. nous rend-ons, we render. vous rend-ez, you render. ils rend-ent, 'they render. je rend-ais, tu rend-ais, 11 rend-ait, IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfaif). I was rendering, thou wast render- ing, he was rendering. nous rend-ious, we were rendering. vous rend-iez, you were render- ing. ils rend-aient, they were render* ing. PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Pas, je rend-is, I rendered. tu rend-is, thou renderedst. il rend-it, he rendered. nous rend-imes, vous rend-ites, ils rend-irent, we rendered, you rendered, they rendered. je rend-rai, tu rend-ras, il rend-ra, FUTURE TENSE (Futur). I shall render, thou wilt render, he will render. nous rend-rons, vous rend-rez, ils rend-ront, roe shall render-, you will render, they will render. Compound Tenses. PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passe' indent). f ai rend-u, / have rendered. tu as rend-u, thou hast ren- dered. il a rend-u, he has rendered. we have rendered. nous avons rend-u, vous avez rend-u, you have rendered. ils ont rend-u, they have ren- dered. FOURTH CONJUGATION. PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). Singular. Plural, j'avais rend-u, / had rendered, nous avions tu avals rend-u, thou hadst ren- rend-u, dered. il avait rend-u, he had rendered. we had rendered. vous aviez rend-u, you had rendered. ils avaient rend-u, they had rendered PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Passe' antfrieur). j'eus rend-u, tu eus rend-u, il eut rend-u, / had rendered, thou hadst ren- dered, he had rendered. we had rendered. nous eumes ) rend-u, / vous eutes rend-u, you had rendered. ils eurent rend-u, they had rendered FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur ante'rieur). j'aurai rend-u, / shall have ren- dered. tu auras rend-u, thou u-ill have rendered. il aura rend-u, he will have ren- dered. nous aurons rend-u, vous aurez rend-u, ils auront rend-u, ) we shall have ren- ) dered. you u-ill have ren dered. they will have ren- dered. rend-s, je rend-rais, tu rend-rais, il rend-rait, IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif). let us render, render ye. render thou. rend-ons, rend-ez, CONDITIONAL MOOD (C&nditwnnd). PRESENT TENSE (Present). I should render. \ nous rend-rions, thou wouldst ren- der, he would render. vous rend-riez, ils rend-raient, we should render, you would render, they would ren- der. PAST TENSE (Passt). j'aurais rend-u (or ) / should have j'eusse rend-u), f rendered. tu aurais rend-u, thou wouldst have rendered. il aurait rend-u, he would have ren- dered. nous aurions ) we should have rend-u, vous auriez rend-u, ils auraient rend-u, _ j rendered. ) you would have > rendered. \ they would have \ rendered. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Subjonctif). PRESENT TENSF (Present). que je rend-e, que tu rend-es, qu'U rend-e, that I may ren- render. that he may ren- der. que nous rend- )_ that we may ren- ions, der. que vous rend- ) that you may ren- lez, der. qu'ils rend-ent, that they may ren- der. FOURTH CONJUGATION. 59 IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfait*). Singular. Plural. quo je rend-isse, that I might ren- der. que tu rend-isses, that thou mightst render. qu'il rend-it, that he might ren- der. que nous rend- issions, that we might render. que vous rend- ) that you might issiez, ) render. qu'ils rend-issent, that they might render. PAST TENSE que j'aie rend-u, that I may have rendered. que tu aies ) that thou mayst rend-u, ) have rendered. qu'il ait rend-u, that he may have rendered. que nous ayons ) that we may have rend-u, ) rendered. que vous ayez \_ that you may have rend-u, qu'ils aient rend-u, rendered. that they may have rendered. PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). que j'eusse \ that I might have rend-u, j rendered. que tu eussest ) that thou mightst rend-u, j" have rendered. qu'il eut rend-u, that he might have rendered. que nous eus- ^ that we might sions rend-u, > have rendered. que vous eus- ) that you might siez rend-u, ) have rendered. qu'ils eussent > that they might rend-u, j have rendered. INFINITIVE MOOD (Infinitif). PRESENT. PAST. rend-re, to render. \ avoir rend-u, to have rendered. PARTICIPLES (Participes). PRESENT. PAST. rend-u, rend-ue, rendered, rendering. ayant rend-u, having rendered. 60 INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE VERBS. XV. VERBS CONJUGATED INTERROGATIVELY, NEGA- TIVELY, AND INTERROGATIVELY WITH A NEGATIVE. All Verbs are conjugated interrogatively, negatively, and interrogatively with a negation, like avoir and etre (see p. 18-21). It is therefore only necessary to give one simple tense and one compound tense as examples: INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT TENSE {Present}. Interrogatively. Negatively. Interrog. with a Neg. Do I love ? I do not love. Do I not lovef aime-je? je n'aime pas. n'aime-je pas? aimes-tu ? tu n'aime s pas. n'aimes-tu pas? aime-t-il ? il n'aime pas. n'aime-t-il pas? aimons-nous ? nous n'aimoas pas. n'aimons-nous pas? aimez-vous? vous n'aimez pas. n'aimez-vous pas? aiment-ils ? ils n'aiment pas. n'aiment-ils pas ? PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passe" indefini). Have I loved? I have not loved. Have I not loved? ai-je aime ? je n'ai pas aime. n'ai-je pas aime ? as-tu aime ? tu n'as pas aime. n'as-tu pas aime ? a-t-il aime ? il n'a pas aime. n'a-t-il pas aime ? avons-nous aime ? nous n'avons pas aime. n'avons-nous pas aime ? avez-vous aime ? vous n'avez pas aime. n'avez-vous pas aime ? ont-ils aime ? ils n'ont pas aime. n'ont-ils pas aime ? REMARKS. 1. The Pronoun is always connected with the verb by a hyphen, as : aimais-je ? was I loving 2. Final e mute is accented before je, as: aime-je ? do I love f eusse-je aims' ? should I have lovedT 3. When the third person ends in a vowel, t is always inserted (between two hyphens) between the verb and the pronoun, as : aime-t-il ? does he love ? aime-t-elle ? does she love f 4. In the first person est-ce que is frequently used, as : est-ce que j'aime ? lit., is it that I love f =rfo / love 9 This is always the case with rendre and with most verbs EXERCISES ON THE VEKB. 61 which have only one syllable in the first person of the Present Indicative, as : est-ce que je rends ? do I render ? est-ce quo je vends ? do I sell? Exceptions : ai-je? have I? suis-je ? am J? vois-je ? do I see ? dis-je ? do I say f and some other verbs. EXEKCISE XX. Write out all the Tenses of the Indicative and Condi- tional Moods of aimer, finir, recevoir, rendre, in the Inter- rogative form, the Negative form, and the Interrogative form with a Negative. XYI. EXERCISES ON THE FIRST CONJUGATION. Remark carefully the preposition following the verb, which is often different in French and English ; as : penser a, to think of. nous pensons a notre mere, we think of our mother. on (indefinite pronoun), one, they, people. EXERCISE XXI. The Simple Tenses. A. 1. Je chercne mon chapeau. 2. J'aime ma mere. 3. Tu cherches ton cahier. 4. II cherche sa plume. 5. Nous pensons & notre mere. 6. Vous aimez les cerises, n'est-ce pas (is it not so) ? Oui, j'aime beaucoup les cerises. 7. La bonne femme donnait toujours du pain aux pauvres. 8. Nous admirions souvent cette belle 6glise. 9. Mon oncle arriva lundi. 10. Je tombai dans 1'escalier. 11. On trouva un enfant mort dans la neige. 12. Les enfants trouverent un nid d'oiseaux. 13. Portez cette lettre a la poste. 14. Vous porterez aussi ces souliers chez le bottler. 15. Je louerais ce petit gar9on, s'il 6tait plus applique 1 . 16. Les enfants joueraient, s'ils avaient le temps. 1. 1 love my father and my mother. 2. Thou lovest thy parents. 3. She loves her brother. 4. We think of our father. 5. You think of your mother. 6. They think of their aunt. 7. The good son gave always bread to the poor (pi.). 8. 1 admired often those beautiful churches. 9. My aunt arrived yesterday. 10. The boys fell in the staircase. 11. We found two children dead in the snow. 12. The girls will find a bird's nest. 13. Carry these letters to the post. 14. You will carry also these letters to the post. 15. They would take (say carry) the shoes to the boot-maker, if they had time. 16. We would praise those little boys, if they were diligent. 62 B. 1. Aimez-vous le caf<5 ? Non, je n'aime pas le caf6 ; j'aime le th6. 2. Que (what) cherchez-vous, Mademoiselle ? Je cherche mon parasol. 3. Pourquoi (why) ne cherchez-vous pas? dans ma cham- bre? 4. Aimez-vous (do you like) les noix? 5. Non, je n'aime pas les noix ; je mangerai des raisins. 6. Ne louerez-vous pas vos 6coliers ? Non, je ne louerai pas mes e'coliers; ils ne sont pas appliques. 7. Ne pensiez-vous pas & vos themes, quand (when) vous etiez a la campagne ? Non, je ne pensais pas a mes themes, je pensais toujours a mes jeux. 8. Ne pleure pas, mon enfant. 9. Ne pleurez pas, mes enfants. 10. On ne joue pas toujours. 11. Par- lez-vous franyais? Non, pas encore (not yet). 12. Votre mere parle-t-elle francais ? Oui, elle parle franyais et anglais. 1. Do you like wine ? No, we do not like wine ; we like beer. 2. What (cpie) are you looking for, sir ? I am looking for my hat. 3. Do you like nuts ? No, I do not like nuts ; I like grapes. 4. The children will not eat grapes. 5. Why do they not eat grapes ? 6. Why do you not look for your hat in our rooms ? 7. Why will you not praise your scholars ? 8. Would you not praise your scholars if (si) they were diligent ? 9. Did you not think of (a) your mother when you were in the country ? 10. The children will not play always. 11. Do not play, children. 12. Does your uncle speak French ? Yes, he speaks French and English. The Compound Tenses. C. 1. Je n'ai pas demande 1 du vin; j'ai demands de 1'eau. 2. As- tu pens6 a moi (of me) ? Non, mais j'ai pens6 & votre frere. 3. Qu'uvez-vous mange 1 ? J'ai mange 1 des cerises. 4. Pourquoi votre scaur n'a-t-elle pas mange 1 son pain ? Je ne sais pas (/ do not know). 5. Nous n'avons pas joue 1 hier. 6. Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas jou ? Nous n'avons pas eu le temps ; nous avons travaillS. 7. Auriez-vous jou6 si vous aviez eu le temps ? 8. Je ne sais pas ; peut-gtre nous aurions jou6 ; peut-etre nous n'aurions pas jou6. 9. Auriez-vous donn6 deux cents livres pour ce cheval ? Je n'au- rais pas donne 1 cent livres pour ce cheval. 10. Le domestique aura apporte 1 les lettres. 11. II n'aura peut-gtre pas apportS le paquet. 12. Qu'avez-vous apporte 1 ? J'ai apporte 1 les gants de Mademoiselle Mathilde. 1. What (que) have you asked for? I have asked for wine. 2. Has she thought of me ? No, but she has thought of my brother. 3. What has she eaten ? She has eaten nuts. 4. Why have the children not eaten their bread ? I do not know. 5. The chil- dren did not play yesterday. 6. Why did they not play ? They had not the time ; they worked. 7. Would they have played if they had the time? 8. 1 do not know; perhaps they would have played ; perhaps they would not have played. 9. Would you EXERCISES ON THE VERB. 63 have given a thousand pounds for that house ? I would not have given five hundred pounds for that house. 10. The serv- ant will have brought the hat. 11. The servant will not perhaps have brought the parasol. 12. What have you brought ? I have brought the shoes of Miss Caroline. REMARKS ON SOME VERBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION. 1. Verbs in -eter and -eler generally double the t and 1 when followed by e mute, es, or ent / as: jeter, to throw. Present. Imper. Futur. je jette nous jetons jette je jetterai tu jettes vous jetez pi. jetons tu jetteras il jette ils jettent jetez etc. Part, passe, jete. appeler, to call. Present. Imper. Futur. j'appelle nous appelons appelle j'appellerai tu appelles vous appelez pi. appelons tu appelleras 'A appelle ils appellant appelez etc. Part, passe, appele". EXCEPTION. Acheter, to buy, and some few other verbs, take a grave accent (e), and never double the t ; as: Prs. j'achete, tu achetes, il achete, nous achetons, vous achetez, ils achetent. Fut. j'acheterai. Imper. achete ; pi. achetez. 2. Verbs of two syllables in -eler (geler, to freeze), as well as all other verbs having e mute or e (acute) before the last syllable of the Infinitive, take a grave accent upon this e (e) when followed by another e mute or by es or ent : as : mener, to lead. Prs. je mene, tu menes, il mene, nous menons, vous menez, ilg menent. Imparf. je menais, tu menals. Fut. je menerai. tu meneras. Impdr. mene, menoris, menez. esperer, to hope. Pres. j'espere, tu esperes, il espere, nous esprons, vons esp^rez. ils espereut. Jmpnrf. j'esperais. Imper. espere, espe'rons, espe'rez. 64 EXERCISES ON THE VERB. 3. Verbs ending in -ger have an e mute before a and o. as: manger, to eat. Prs. je mange ]>l. nous mangeons, vous mangez, etc. Imparf. je mangeais, tu mangeais, il mangeait, nous mangions, vone mangiez, ils mangeaient. Pass dtf. je mangeai, tu mangeas, il mangea, nous mangeames, vous mangeates, ils matigsrent. Impe'r. mangeons, mangez. 4. Verbs ending in -cer have the cedilla under c (9) before a and o, as : commencer, to begin. Pre"s. je commence ; pi. nous commencons. Imparf. je commencais, tu commen^ais, il commencait. Pass df. je commencai, tu commen9as, il commenca, etc. 5. Verbs ending in -ayer, -oyer, -uyer, change the y into i before e mute, es, and ent; as : payer, to pay ; employer, to employ ; essuyer, to wipe wipe dry. Pre~s. je paie, tu paies, il paie ; pi. nous payons, vous payez, ils patent, j'emploie, tu emploies, il emploie; pi. nous employons, vous employez, ils emploient. j'essuie, tu essuies, etc. ; pi. ils essuient. Fut. je paierai, etc. ; j'emploierai, etc. ; j'essuierai, etc. (N. B. In modern writers the y is kept through the whole conjugation of payer, asjepaye, il paye,je payerai. They have only re- vived the old way of spelling.) EXERCISE XXII. 1. Que jettes-tu ? 2. Je jette une pierre. 3. Les enfants jettent des pierres. 4. Qui (whom) appelez-vous ? J'appelle Fre'de'ric. 5. J'achete un livre. 6. Tu achetes un chapeau. 7. Charles achete une canne. 8. Levez cette pierre. 9. Get homme leve son bras. 10. Je mene le chien a la chasse. 11. J'espere que (that) nous aurons beau temps demain. 12. Nous espe'rons que le jeune homme n'est pas malade. 13. Que mangez-vous, mes enfants? Nous mangeons des noix. 14. Louis mangea des raisins hier. 15. Commen9ons & (to) lire. 16. Le jeune homme comme^a 6tu- dier. 17. Je paie ce que (what) j'achete. 18. Charles emploie bien son temps. 19. Essuyez vos larmes. 1. What will you throw ? 2. I shall throw a stone. 3. The children will throw stones. 4. Whom (qui) shall we call ? 5. I will call William. 6. What (qm) will you buy ? 7. I shall buy a book. 8. The children buy books. 9. Where (mi) do you lead this dog? 10. Where shall we lead this horse? 11. The chil dren hope that (que) they will have fine weather to-morrow. 12. EXERCISES ON THE VERB. 65 I hope that the young girl is not ill. 13. I was eating apples. 14. We are eating nuts. 15. 1 began to read. 16. The boy began to study. 17. The children pay for what (ce que) they buy. 18. The girls employ their time well. B. 1. Qui a appelg ? Ton pere a appe!6. 2. Avez-vous nettoyg les gants ? Je nettoierai les gants ce soir. 3. Pr6f6rez-vous la vieillesse si la jeunesse ? Je prgf ere la jeunesse it la vieillesse. 4. Nettoies-tu la chambre ? Je nettoie toute la maison. 5. Avez- vous pay6 ces livres ? Mon pere achete tous mes livres. 6. Com- bien coutent-ils ? Us content sept francs. 7. Trouvez-vous cela (that) cher? J'appelle cela (that) tres-cher. 8. Que mangeais- tu ? Je mangeais des noix. 9. Gelera-t-il cette nuit ? II a deja ge!6. 10. Acheterez-vous du thg ou du caf6 ? Je n'aime pas le th6, j'acheterai du cafg. 1. Who has called ? My mother has called. 2. Has he cleaned the gloves ? He will clean the gloves this evening. 3. Who will clean the room ? I will clean the room. 4. Does the girl clean the house ? The girl cleans the whole house. 5. We prefer youth to old age. 6. Have you paid for this horse ? My father pays for all my horses. 7. How much (conibien) does the horse cost ? It costs eight hundred francs. 8. Do you call that dear ? I call that very dear. 9. What are you eating ? We are eating grapes. 10. Will you buy wine or beer ? I do not like wine, I will buy beer. XVII. EXERCISES ON THE SECOND CONJUGATION. NOTE 1. Hair, to hate, loses the Trema (i) in the singu- lar of the Present and Imperative. In the plural of these tenses, and in all other tenses, it keeps the Trema; as: Prtfs. je hais, tu hais, il hait, nous haissons, vous haissez, ils ha'issent. Imptr. hais; pi. haissons, haissez. Passt df. je hais, etc. NOTE 2. Obeir, to obey, is followed by a; as: nous obeissons a nos parents, we obey our parents. EXERCISE XXIII. A. 1. Je finis mon theme. 2. Tu finis ta lettre. 8. Le pain nourrit les hommes. 4. Les bons enfants obelssent it leurs parents et fi leurs maitres. 5. Vous obelssez a vos parents. 6. Le maltre punit les Scoliers paresseux. ' 7. Hier il a puni Charles et Fr6d6ric. 8. Remplis ce verre. 9. Je remplissais les bouteilles, quand (when) elles 6taient vides. 10. Remplissez votre verre; il est vide. 11. Quand finira-t-on la Ie9on ? La lecon est finie. 12. Je finirais la I) 66 EXERCISES ON THE VERB. leQon, s'il 6tait quatre heures. N'est-il pas encore quatre heures ? Non, il est quatre heures moins un quart. 1 3. Ne punissez pas ce petit gar9on ; il a 6t6 malade. 14. Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas rem- oli les bouteilles ? Je n'ai pas eu assez de vin. 1. He finishes his letter. 2. She will finish her letter. 3. The good girl obeys her mother. 4. The good boy will obey his uncle and his aunt. 5. Obey your masters. 6. The master will punish the idle children. 7. Yesterday he punished the idle scholars. 8. Fill (pi.) these glasses. 9. We shall fill the glasses when (quand) they are (say will be) empty. 10. I have filled the bottles. 11. When will the children finish their lesson ? The lesson is fin ; shed. 12. We would finish the lesson if it were seven o'clock. Is it not seven o'clock? No, it is ten minutes to seven. 13. I will not punish the little boys ; they have been ill. 14. Why have you not punished the idle scholars ? 15. One (on) will punish the idle children who (qui) do not obey their masters. B. 1. Romulus et R6mus b&tirent la ville de Rome. 2. Notre voisin batit une grande maison. 3. Nos voisins batissent de grandes maisons. 4. Je batirais aussi une maison, si j'avais plus d'argent. 5. Je hais le vice ; j'aimerai toujours la vertu. 6. Haissez le vice. 7. J'ai toujours ha'i le vice. 8. Nous haissons la flatterie. 9. On a saisi les voleurs. 10. Ha'fssez-vous le vice ? Oui, je hais tous les vices. 1. Who built the city of Rome ? Romulus and Remus. 2. My neighbor will build a beautiful house. 3. Our neighbors will build beautiful houses. 4. We would build also a house, if we had more money. 5. We hate vice ; we love virtue. 6. Hate (sing.) vice ; love (sing.) virtue. 7. We have always hated flattery. 8. The generals have seized the robbers. 9. When will the generals have seized the robbers ? XVIII EXERCISES ON THE THIRD CONJUGATION. There are very few regular verbs of this conjugation; the principal are : decevoir, to deceive. devoir (partic. du), to owe. redevoir, to owe again recevoir, to receive. apercevoir, to perceive. concevoir, to conceive. EXERCISE XXIV. 1. Je re9ois souvent des lettres de votre frere. 2. Recevez-vous aussi des lettres de votre pere ? 3. J'ai recu des lettres de mon fils. 4. Conibien dois-je ? 5. Le g6n6ral concut le projet d'attaquer les Remains. 6. La lune re^oit sa lumiere du soleil. 7. La semaine passCe jc recus une lettre de notre ami. 8! Ton frere doit de 1'ar- gent. 9. Tu dois ob
, , . chons, \welook-forjw. Us les cherchent, they look-far them. Also in the Compound Tenses. je t'ai donne, / have given to thee. il m'a donne, he has given to me. nous lui avons dit, we have said to him. elle m'a cherche, she has sought me. on vons a cherche, one has sought you. 3. In negative sentences the Dative and Accusative cases are always placed between ne and the Verb, as: je ne vous donne > / do not give to pas, j you. ils ne nous pre- ) they do not lend tent pas, ) to us. il ne me blame ) he does not blame pas, ) me. je ne le vois pas, 1 do not see him. elle ne m'a pas ) she has not an- repondu, j swered me. 4. In interrogative sentences the Dative and Accusa- tive cases always precede the Verb, as : me cherche-t-il ? does he look for me ? vous a-t-il re- > has he answered les vend-on ? does one sell them f pondu ? {" you t PERSONAL PRONOUNS. With a negative in interrogative sentences ne always stands tirst, as: ne me doimes-tu pas? ne le cherchez- vous pas ? dost thou not give me? do you not seek him? ne vous a-t-il pas ) has he not an- repondu? ) swered yout 5. There is an exception to the rule in the Imperative Mood of Affirmative verbs, as: mangez-les, eat them. donnez-moi, apportez-lui, give to me. bring to him. Moi and toi are used instead of me and te after the Verb. 6. But if there is a negative with the Imperative MooC, the words are in the same order as in Rule 4, namel), first, ne; secondly, the Pronoun; and lastly the Verb, as. ne me donnez pas, do not give to me. ne les mangez > , t t the ne lui apportez ) do not bring to pas, ) pas, > him. 7. When there are two Pronouns, one in the Dative case and the other in the Accusative case, the Dative stands first, and the Accusative second, but both before the Verb ; as : je te le donne, I give it to ihee. Louis me la (les) ) Louis lends it prete, ) (them) to me. il nous 1'apporte, he brings it to us. on vous le dira, one will tell it to you. So in like manner with interrogatives and negatives, as : me le donnes-tu ? dost thou give it to me ? vous 1'apporte- ) does he bring it to t-il ? f vo ? nous les appor- tera-t-il ? to us T ) will he bring them Louis ne me les > Louis does not prete pas, ) lend them to me. ne nous 1'appor- > will he not bring tera-t-il pas ? ) it to us ? on ne vous le ) one will not say dira pas, ) it to you. 8. There is an exception to this rule with the Datives lui and leur, which are always placed after the Accusative of the Personal Pronoun, as : je le lui donne, I give it to him. je ne le lui donna > / do not give it pas, ) to him. slle la (lea) lui ) she gives her donne, / (them) to him. elle ne la (les) lui ) she does not give donrie pas, ) her(them)tohim. la lui donne- ) does she give her t-elle? f to him? nous ne la lui ) we do not give donnons pas, j her (it) to him. la (les) leur don- \ will she (jive her nera-t-elle ? ) (them) to them ? elle ne la leur a she has not r/iren pas donne'e, ) her (it) to them. ne le lui donnen ) do not give him pas, ) (it)to him(toher). pourquoi ne la leur > why do nt you oretez-vous pas ? j lend it to them 1 PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 7i 9. With the affirmative Imperative the Accusative stands first and the Dative second, as: pretez-la-nous, lend it to us. donnez-le-moi, give it to me. apportez-les-lui ) bring them to him (leur), > (them). 10. With the negative Imperative both Pronouns stand before the Verb, according to Rule 6 ; but lui and leur stand after the Accusative, according to Rule 8 ; as : ne le lui ap- ) do not bring it to ne me le donnez ) do not give it to pas, j me. portez pas, him. EXERCISE XXVL 1. Charles le cherche. 2. Notre pere nous donne des Ie9ons de geographic. 3. On vous cherche. 4. On vous a cherche*. 5. Qui (who) a mange* mon pain ? Henri 1'a mange". 6. Ou est Louise ? Elle n'est pas ici, mais je Tattends. 7. Donnez-nioi votre canne. Nou, je la garderai. 8. Apportez-moi de 1'eau fraiche ; j'ai soif. 9. Pardonnez-moi. 10. Aimes-tu ton pfere^ Oui, je 1'aime. 11. Cherchez-vous votre canne ? Oui, je la cherche ; je 1'ai perdue. 12. Le bottler apporte-t-il mes bottes ? Oui, il les apporte. 1. I am looking for you. 2. Her father gives her lessons in (de) geography. 3. One looks for him. 4. One has looked for them. 5. Who has eaten my butter ? William has eaten it. 6. Where is Henry ? He is not here, but I expect him. 7. Give us our hats. No, I will keep them. 8. Give us some fresh water. We are thirsty (say we have thirst). 9. Do the children love their mother ? Yes, they love her. 10. Bring me some wine. 11. Is he looking for his cane ? Yes, he is looking for it ; he has lost it. 12. Has the boot-maker brought me my boots ? Yes, he has brought them. B. 1. M'attendez-vous ? Oui, je vous attends. 2. Qui m'a cherche* ; Votre frere vous a cherchg. 3. Vous a-t-il re*pondu? Non, il ne m'a pas re*pondu ; mais j'espere qu'ifme re"pondra bientot. 4. Ne me donnez pas tant de pommes ; je ne les mangerai pas. 5. Si vous ne les mangez pas aujourd'hui, vous les mangerez demain. 6. Ou est votre theme ? L'avez-vous fait ? Non, je ne 1'ai pas fait, il est trop difficile. 7. Vendrez-vous vos moutons? Non. je ne les vendrai pas; je les garderai. 8. Ou sont mes livres? Le relieur les a-t-il apportfis. Non, il ne les a pas apportSs. II les apportera demain. 1. Does he expect me ? Yes, he expects you. 2. Who has looked for her ? Her sister has looked for her. 3. Has she replied to him ? No, she has not replied to him, but I hope she will reply 72 PERSONAL PRONOUNS. to him very coon. 4. Give me some apples. 5. Do not give us so many pears. We will not eat them. 6. If we do not eat them to-day, we shall eat them to-morrow. 7. Will he sell his sheep ? No, he will not sell them, he will keep them. 8. Where are my boots ? Has the boot-maker brought them ? No, he has not brought them ; he will bring them to-morrow. C. 1. Si vous avez mon livre, donnez-le-moi. 2. Je vous le donnerai. 8. Je ne vous le donnerai pas. 4. Donne-le-lui. 5. Tu ne dis pas la ve'rite'. Je la dis. 6. Je vous la dis. 7. Avez-vous appris (say heard) la nouvelle ? Oui, je la sais ; Charles me 1'a dite. 8. Dites- la-moi. 9. Dites-la-lui aussi. 10. Aves-vous ma plume ? Oui, je 1'ai ; je vous 1'apporterai tout de suite. 11. Apportez-moi aussi ma regie. Je ne Fai pas ; je vous 1'ai deja donnge. 12. Apportez-la-lui. 13. Ne la lui apportez pas. 14. Pardonnez-moi cette faute. Je vous la pardonne. 15. Je ne vous la pardonne pas. 16. Voici une plume, voulez-vous me la tailler ? Oui, je vous la taillerai. 1. If you have my hat, give it to him. 2. Do not give it to him. 3. We will give it to you. 4. We will not give it to you. 5. We will give it to her. 6. We will not give it to her. 7. You (plural) do not tell the truth. We tell it. 8. We tell it to you. 9. We do not tell it to you. 10. We tell it to him. 11. We do not tell it to them. 12. Bring me my pen. I will bring it to you immediately. 13. Bring it to her. 14. 1 will not bring it to her. I have already given it to her. 15. Have you given the horse to my brother ? No, I have not given it to him. 16. I have not given it to you. B. DISJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS (Pronoms per- sonnels disjonctifs). Singular. 1. 2. 3. Norn, moi / Ace. mt Nom. nous we Ace, us Disjunctive Pronouns are used with' the reflective word meme, self: 1. moi-meme, myself. nous-memes, ourselves. 2. toi-meme, thyself. vous-memes. yourselves (vous-meme, when speaking of a single person). (lui-meme, himself. eux-memes, themselves. 3.- elle-meme, herself. elles-memes. themselves. ( soi-meme, one's self. toi lui elle soi. thou he tin < him she her. -self. Plural. vous eux elles soi. you they you thei* they them. -selvet. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 73 EXAMPLES. de moi, of or from me; de toi, de lui, a moi, etc. Especially after c'est, ce sont, c'etait; as: c'est moi, It is I. c'est toi, It is thou. c'est lui, It is he. c'est elle, It is she. c'est nous, It is wt. c'est VOUB, It is you. ce sont eux, It is they. ce sont elles, It is they. Interrogative. est-ce moi ? is it If \ est-ce vous ? is it you T Negative. ce n'est pas moi, it is not I. ce ne sont pas eux, it is not they. ce n'est pas vous, it is not you. EXERCISE XXVII. A. 1. Je par ] e de lui et de son frere. 2. Parles-tu de moi ? Oui, je parle de toi 3. Pensez-vous a moi ? Non, je ne pense pas it vous ; je pense a Charles. 4. Qui est la? C'est moi. 5. Est-ce toi, Louis ? Oui, c'est moi. 6. Est-ce vous, mes sceurs ? Oui, c'est nous. 7. Qui a cass6 ma canne? Ce n'est pas moi. 8. Nous parlons de vous, et vous parlez de nous. 9. Votre oncle demeure- t-il encore chez vous ? Non, Monsieur il ne demeure plus chez nous. 10. Venez cbez moi demain matin. 11. Je joue avec lui. 12. Pour qui est cette tasse de caf6 ? Elle est pour moi. 1. We speak of him and of his sister. 2. They speak of me and of my brothers. 3. Does she speak of me ? Yes, she speaks of you. 4. Does she think of me? She thinks of thee. She thinks of them. 5. I have not thought of thee. 6. Who is there? It is I. It is he. 7. It is not you. 8. Who has broken the cup ? It is not I. 9. 'I speak of him, she speaks of me. 10. Does my aunt still dwell with (chez) you ? No, sir, she no longer dwells with us. 11. For whom is that glass of beer? It is for myself. 12. For whom is that glass of wine ? It is for thyself. B. 1. Qui vient (comes) la? C'est nous. 2. Pensez-vous a" voa amis? Je pense sou vent a eux. 3. Pour qui sont cesbottes? Elles sont pour moi. 4. A qui pensez-vous? Je pense & vous et a votre mere. 5. De qui parle-t-on ? On parle d'eux. 6. Qui a apportfi cette corbeille ? Ma soeur elle-me'me. 7. Qui a e"crit cette lettre ? Mon pere lui-mgme. 8. Qui a battu cet enfant ? Ce n'est pas moi, c'est Leopold. 1. Does she think of her friends (fern.) ? She often thinks of them. 2. Of whom do you think? I often think of you and of your father. 3. Of whom does she think ? She often thinks of me D2 74 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. and of my sisters. 4. Of whom does she speak ? She often speaks of thee and of thy cousins (fern.). 5. For whom are those shoes ? They are for ourselves. 6. Who has brought that basket ''{ My brother himself. 7. Who has brought those boots ? The boot-maker nimself. 8. Who has written that letter ? My brother himself my sister herself. 9. Who has written these letters ? Our brothers themselves our sisters themselves. 2. Demonstrative Pronouns (Pronoms demonstratifs). Muse. Fern. Sing, celui, eelle, this, that. Plur. ceux, cellos, these, those. For the Demonstrative Adjective, see p. 39. 1. Ci and la are joined to the Pronouns by a hyphen to give greater emphasis : Masc. Pern. Sing, celui-ci, celle-ci, this (here), this. Plur. ceux-ci, celles-ci, these (here), these. Sing, celui-la, celle-la, that (there), that, yonder. Plur. ceux-la, celles-la, those (there), those, yonder. mon chapeau et celui de mon frere, my hat and that of my brother. ma sceur et celle de mon cousin, my sister and that of my cousin. mes chapeaux et ceux de mon frere. my hats and those of my brother. mes soeurs et celles de mon cousin, my sisters and those of my cousin. j %ri:iui e .ii: lui ' ci ' vousparlez } /^ /**, *** /<**. voulez-vous celui-ci on celui-la ? do you wish this or that ? jeprefereceUes.iaceUe.la, I *** ^ 0< 2. Ce, indeclinable, is used before the Verb etre, to be, to point out a person or thing (see p. 73), as : CO n'est pas moi, it is not I. ce n'est pas vrai, it is not true. 3. Ceci, this y cela, that, both indeclinable, refer to a noun understood, as: ceci est bon, et cela est maurais, this is good, and that is bad. que dites-vous de cela ? what do you say of that f 4. En is sometimes used for the genitive, and y for the dative of ce, ceci, cela (see also p. 69). They must be placed before the Verb, like the Personal Pronouns, except in the affirmative Imperative (see Rules, p. 69, 70). If en is used with a Personal Pronoun, it always stands after it, as : voici du jambon : en voulez-vous? here is ham ; do you wish (some) of itf oui, donnez-m'en, yes, give me (some) of it. je lui en ai doiiue, / have given (tome) of it to him. BELATIVE PRONOUNS. 75 j'en prendrai volontiers un petit )_ / will take willingly a small piece morceau, \ of it. eotre pere est-il aujardin? Ooi, > Is your father in the garden? Yes, il y est, ) he is there. y allez-vous ? are you going to that place (there} T non, je n'y vais pas, no, I am not going there. EXERCISE XXVIII. 1. Voici mon crayon et celui de Guillaume. 2. Voila" mes gants jt ceux de ma soeur. 3. J'ai vu votre portrait et celui de Louise. 4. On a trouv6 votre parapluie et celui d'Henri sous le grand arbre. 5. Celui-la" est neuf ; celui-ci est vieux. 6. Nos enfants et ceux de votre voisin sont au jardin. 7. Ceci est pour mon cousin, cela est pour ma cousine 8. Mon papier est meilleur que celui de Charles. 9. Voici du gateau de cerises, en voulez-vous ? 10. Donnez m'en un petit morceau, je vous prie. 11. Votre oncle est-il aujardin? Je crois qu'il y est. 12. Pensez-vous a vos affaires? Oui, j'y pense. 1. Here is (voici) my umbrella and that of Henry. 2. There are (voUd) my boots and those of my brother. 3. There are my pencils and those of William. 4. We have seen his portrait and that of Louisa. 5. We have found his hat and that of William under the great tree. 6. Our daughters and those of our cousin are in the garden. 7. These (here) (masc.) are new ; those (there) (masc.) are old. 8. These (here) (fern.} are new ; those (there) (fern.) are old. 9. My umbrella is better than that of Henry. 10. Here are (voici} apples ; do you wish (some) of them ? Give me (some) of them, I pray you. 1 1 . Here is ham (du jambori) ; do you wish some of it ? Give me a small piece of it, I pray you. 12. Are my sisters in the garden ? I believe (je crois) that they are there. 3. Relative Pronouns (Pronoms relatifs). 1. Nom. qui, who, which, that. Ace. que, whom, which, that. Gen. dont, whose, of whom, of which. Masc. Fern. The Article le, la, les, with quel, when preceded by dt or d, follows the rules of the Article ; as : duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelles, of or from whom or which. auquel, a laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles, to whom or which. 3. quoi, which, what. 1. Qui, que, dont, are used for both genders and num- bers, and apply to persons and things ; as : 1'enfant qui pleure, the child which weeps. les enfants qui pleurent, the children which weep. la porte qui est ouverte, the gate which, is open. le voyageur que j'ai quitte", the traveler whom I left. 76 RELATIVE PRONOUNS. le chapeau que j'ai achete", the hat which I have bought. les maisons que vous avez vues, the houses which you have seen. 1'homme les hommes ) fl on f 1 ^ ie man the men la femme les femmes > > the woman the women ( of ) 1 \n ) whom s of which ) | la reiniiie les immiies > i > iiw wumun me WUJIH la lettre les lettres ) P anez ' ) the letter the letters 2. With Prepositions, qui is used only of persons ; leque! 5 laquelle, of animals and things; as: e'est un homme a qui j'ai parle, it is a man to whom I spoke. c'est une occasion a laquelle je ne ^ it. is an opportunity of which I did pensais pas, j not think. le negocian't avec qui j'ai voyage, the merchant with whom I traveled. 1'arbre sur lequel je montai, the tree upon which 1 climbed. la clef avec laquelle on ouvrit la ) the key with which one opened the porte, ) gate. 3. Lequel, laquelle, is used only of persons when there is ambiguity, as : la tante de mon ami laquelle de- > the aunt of my friend who dwells at meure a Paris, ) Paris. (qui might refer to my friend.) 4. Celui qui is he who; celui que, he ichom. Norn, ce qui, that which, what. Ace. ee que, that which, ichat. Nom. tout ce qui ; Ace. tout ce que, all which, all that, every thing which, every thing that; as : celui qui me voit, he who sees me. celui que je vois, he whom I see. ce qui nous plait, that which pleases us. ce que je vois, what I see. j'aime tout ce qui est beau, / love every thing which is beautiful. 5. Quoi refers to a proposition, and is used only with Prepositions, or after voild followed by de, pour, etc. ; as : voila de quoi je me plains, this is what I complain of. EXERCISE XXIX. 1. Voici 1'homme qui a apporte" la lettre. 2. Ou est la femme qui vend des cerises ? 3. Louise a perdu le ruban que vous lui avez rlonn6. 4. Voici le ruban que Mademoiselle Louise a perdu. 5. Voici )'6colier a" qui vous avez pr6t6 votre livre. 6. Est-ce la la maison que vous avez achete"e ? 7. Oui, Monsieur, ce 1'est ; comment la trouvez- vous? Je la trouve tres-belle. 8. Ou est la lettre que vous avez reue ce matin? Je 1'ai donnGe it ma tante. 9. La chambre dans laquelle je travaille, est tres-froide. 10. Je connais la femme dont vous avez re9u cette lettre. 11.. Je connais 1' homme dont vous parlez. 12. Voici tout ce qu'il a de'sire'. 1. Here are (voici) the men who have brought letters. 2. Where are the women who sell cherries and apples ? 3. The girl INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 77 has lost the umbrella which her uncle gave her. 4. Here is (void} the umbrella which the girl lost. 5. Where are the children to whom I lent my books ? G. Is this the garden which you have bought ? 7. Yes, sir, this is it; how do you find (like) it? I find it very beautiful. 8. Where is the letter which my mother received this morning ? I gave it to your father. 9. The rooms in which she works are very cold. 10. 1 know the woman of whom you speak. 11. I know the men of whom you speak. 12. Here is (void) every thing which you desired. 4. Interrogative Pronouns (Pronoms interrogatifs}. 1. qui (Nom. Ace.), who? whom? que, quoi, what * Masc. Fern. 2. Sing, lequel, laquelle. Plur. lesquels, lesquelles. For the Interrogative Adjective, see p. 39. 1. Qui is used only of persons, as : qui est la ? who is there ? qui cherchez-vous? whom do you look for? de qui parlez-vous ? of whom do you speak f a qui donnez-vous cela ? to whom do you give that ? 2. Que and quoi are used only of things. Que stands alone, and is used only before Verbs ; quoi is often used with a Preposition ; as : que voulez-vous ? what do you want f que dit-on ? what does one say ? de quoi parlez-vous ? of what do you speak ? sur quoi ? on what ? NOTE. Instead of qui and que, a longer form is fre quently used: qui est-ce qui ? Nom. = qui ? who f qui est-ce que ? Ace. = qui ? whom ? qu' est-ce que ? que ? what f ' EXAMPLRS. qui est-ce qni vient la ? who comes tnere f qui est-ce que vous cherchez ? whom do you seek f qu'est-ce que vous voulez ? what do you want f 3. Lequel, laquelle, refers generally to a preceding Sub- stantive, or to a following Substantive ; in the latter case 78 INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. it is followed by de. It agrees in gender with the Sub- stantive to which it refers, as : voi deux appartements, lequel > here are two apartments, which wiO cboisirez-vous ? [ you choose ? laqueile de vos ecolieres est ) which of your scholars (fern.') i? malade? ]" Mr EXERCISE XXX. 1. Lequel de vos chevaux voulez-vous vendre ? Je n'en vendrai aucun. 2. Laqueile de ces deux pommes est la plus mure ? Je crois que celle-ci est la plus mure. 3. Auquel de ces (Jcoliers donnez-vous le prix ? Je le donnerai a celui qui est le plus appliqu6. 4. Voici deux plumes; laqueile voulez-vous avoir'? Donnez-moi celle-la. 5. Qui a apporte" cette lettre ? Le facteur 1'a apportfie. 6. De qui avez-vous reu cet argent ? Je 1'ai reu de mon grand-pere. 7. Que dgsirez-vous, Monsieur ? Je dgsire vous parler. 8. A quoi pensez- vous ? Je pense a l'<5cole. 9. De quoi avez-vous parl ? Nous avons parlg de nos affaires. 10. Qui est-ce qui parle ? C'est moi. 11. De ces bijoux lequel preTSrez-vous ? Celui-ci. 12. De ces gtoffes, laqueile vous plait le plus ? Celle-ci. 13. Qu'est-ce que la poire ? 14. Qu'est-ce que la ponime ? 1. Wliich of your jewels do you wish to sell ? I will sell none of them. 2. Of these jewels, which do you wish to sell ? I will sell none of them. 3. Which of your horses do you prefer ? This one. 4. Of these horses, which do you prefer? This one. 5. Which of these stuffs is the most beautiful ? I believe that this one is the most beautiful. 6. Here are (void) two pencils ; which of them do you wish to have ? Give me this one. 7. Who has brought these boots ? The boot-maker has brought them. 8. From whom has the boy received this money? He has received it from his uncle. 9. Of what is he speaking ? He is speaking of his house. 10. Of (a) what are you thinking? I am thinking of my moth- er, who is ill. 11. Of these horses, which pleases you the most ? This one. 12. To which of these girls do you give the prize? I will give it to the one (my this) who is the most diligent. 13. What is the pear ? 14. What is the grape ? B. 1. Laqueile de ces deux robes pr6fe"rez-vous? Je preTere celle-cl a celle-la. 2. Est-ce IS votre bague ? Oui, c'est ma bague d'or. 3. Sont-ce IS vos gants ? Non, ce ne sont pas mes gante, ce sont ceux de ma cousine. 4. Quelle maison vendez-vous ? J'ai deux maisons a vendre, celle de mon oncle et celle de mon grand-pere. 5. A qui donnerez-vous ce canif ? Je le donnerai a celui qui aura le moins de fautes dans son theme. 6. Voici du jambon et du pain, en vou- lez-voua ? Merci, nous en avons deja pris (taken). 7. Avez-voua POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. 79 apporte 1 les bouteilles ? Non, je n'y ai pas pens6. 8. Madame votre mfcre est-elle a la maison (or chez elle) ? Oui, elle y est. 9. Qu'est-ce que Toie ? L'oie est un oiseau domestique. 10. Qu'est-ce que le cheval ? Le cheval est un animal domestique. 1. Which of these two hats do you prefer ? I prefer this (one) to that (one). 2. Is this your watch ? Yes, it is my gold watch. 3. Are these your boots ? No, they are not my boots, they are those of my brother. 4. Which garden are you selling ? I have two gardens to sell, that of my aunt, and that of my grandmother. 5. To whom will you give these gold rings ? I will give them to those who will have the least (add of) faults in their themes. 6. Here is (void) bread and butter, do you wish any of it ? Thank you (merci), I have already taken some of it. 7. Has the boot-maker brought the boots ? No, he has not thought of it. 8. Is your father in the garden ? Yes, he is there. 9. What is the cock (coq) ? The cock is a tame bird. 10. What is the dog? The dog is a tame animal. 5. Possessive Pronouns (Pronoms possessifs). Singular. Plural. Masc. Fern. Masc. Pern. le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes, mine. le tien, la tienne, les tiens, les tiennes, thine. le sien, la sienne, les sicns, les siennes, his, hers, or its- le notre, la notre, les notres, les notres, ours. le votre, la votre, les votres, les votres, yours. le leur, la leur, les leurs, les leurs, theirs. The Article le, la, les, when preceded by de or d, becomes du, de la, des, and au, d la, aux, according to the rules on the Article ; as : du mien, de la mienne, des miens, des miennes, of mine. au mien, a la mienne, aux miens, aux miennes, to mine. 1. NOTE. The Possessive Adjectives, mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur, my, thy, his, our, your, their (page 38), must not be confounded with the Possessive Pronouns. The Possessive Adjectives always agree with a Substan- tive expressed, and are used without the Article. The Possessive Pronouns always agree with a Substantive understood, and are used with the Article, as: mon pere et le votre, my father and yours. ma mere et la votre, / iy mother and yours. vos freres et les siens, your brothers and hers. vos sceurs et les sienne?, your sisters and hers. j'ai ma plume et ma soeur > I have my pen, and mi/ sister a la sienne, ) has hers. mes freres ont les leurs, ny brothers have theirs. 80 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. EXEECISE XXXI. I. Quels crayons avez-vous ? J'ai le mien, et Charles a le sien. 2. Avez-vous vu mon parapluie ? Je n'ai pas vu le votre ; mais j'ai vu celui de Fre'de'ric. 3. Je crois que ma sceur est du meme age que la v6tre. Quel age a la votre ? La uiienne a quinze ans. 4. Vos roses soiit belles, mais les n6tres sont encore plus belles. 5. Ou sont vos cahiers ? Voici le mien et le sien ; Charles, ou est le v6tre. 6. Trouvez-vous mon jardin plus grand que le votre ? Au contraire, je le trouve plus petit que le mien. 7. Est-il aussi plus petit que celui de votre tante ? Non, le sien est moins grand. 8. Ta soeur est-elle plus ag6e que la mienne ? Non, elle est plus jeune que la tienne (la votre). Quel age a-t-elle done ? Elle a onze ans et demi. 1. What pens have you ? I have mine, and Charles has his. 2. Have you seen my horses ? I have not seen yours, but I have seen those of the general. 3. I believe that my brother is of the same ui^o as yours. How old is yours ? (say, What age has yours ?) Mine is eleven years old (say, Mine has eleven years). 4. My house is beautiful, but yours is still more beautiful. 5. Where are your umbrellas? Here are (vdci) mine (pi.) and hers (pi.). Where are yours? (pi.) 6. Do you find our house smaller than yours? On the contrary, I find it larger than ours. 7. Is it (i. e. the house) also larger than that of your uncle ? No, his is smaller. 8. Is your brother older than mine ? No, he is younger than yours. How old is he, then ? (scw/,What age has he, then ?) He is thirteen years and a half (say, He has thirteen years and a half). 6. Indefinite Pronouns (Pronoms indefinis). The words marked with a dagger (f) are also used as Indefinite Adjectives (see p. 47), as well as Pronouns. on, or Ton, one, people, they. tout le monde, every body. chacun, fern, chacune, each, every one. t aucun, f. aucune, none (with ne). quelqu'un, quelqu'une, ) pi. quelquesluns, /. quelques-unes, \ ** s (* ome oth ^- quiconque, whoever. personne (with ne), nobody, no one. 1'un ( /'. 1'une). 1'autre, ) pi. les'uns(/. les unes), les autres, f one another - 1'un et 1'autre. f. 1'une et 1'autre, ) , .. pi. les uns (/. ies unes) et les autres, | both > the one and the othe) 1'un (1'une) ou 1'autre, )_ . , pi. les uns (f. les unes) ou les autres, j" ei ni 1'un (f. 1'une) ni 1'autre, ) . , ni les uns (/. les unes) ni les autres, j" n autrui, other people. un autre, /. une autre, another. INDEFINITE PKONOUNS. 81 d' autres. others. t tel, telle, such a one. t plusieurs, the majority, most, the greater part, several. la plupart (with Gen. following : la plupart des homines, t/ze majority of men). t tout, m. ; f. toute ; pi. m. tous ; f. toutes, every, all. quelque chose, something. rien, with ne, nothing. le, la, mtme, the same. EXAMPLES. on dit qu'il est malade, one says (people say~) that he is ill. quelqu'un m'a dit, some one has told me. j'ai plusieurs plumes, / have several pens (indefinite adjective), j'en ai plusieurs, I have several of them (indefinite pronoun), les uns dansent, les autres jouent, some dance, others play. personne n'est arrive, no one has arrived. When personne and rien stand alone, they are used without ne, but retain their negative meaning, as : qui avez-vous rencontre ? Fersonne. whom have you met ? No one. 4u'avez-vous vu? Rien. what have you seen ? Nothing. EXERCISE XXXII. 1. On est heureux, quand (when) on est content. 2. On me 1'a dit. 3. Tout le monde le croit. 4. Chacun a eu ses plaisirs. 5. Quelqu'un m'a pre~t6 de 1'argent. 6. Quelques-unes sont trop pe- tites. 7. Je n'ai vu personne. 8. L'un travaille, 1'autrejoue. 9. Les unes chantent, les autres dansent. 10. Ces deux jeunes gens s'aiment 1'un 1'autre. 11. La plupart des fleurs sont belles. 12. Connaissez-vous ces messieurs ? J'en connais la plupart ; quelques- uns sont mes amis. 13. Voulez-vous quelque chose ? Oui, donnez- moi quelque chose. 14. Je n'ai rien re9u. 15. On n'a rien trouve". 16. Avez-vous beaucoup de crayons ? J'en ai plusieurs. 1. People (on) are content when they (on) are happy. 2. Every body says it. 3. Some one has told it me. 4. One believes it. 5. Have you seen any one ? I have seen no one. 6. Whom have you seen ? No one. 7. Who has said that ? Every body says it. 8. The one (fern.) sings, the other (fern.) dances. 9. Some work, the others play. 10. The young girls love one another. 11. The greater part of the houses are beautiful. 12. Are your two uncles rich ? The one is rich, the other is poor. 13. Do you know these boys ? I know most of them ; some are my friends. 14. Have you any thing ? I have nothing. Have you found any thing ? I have found nothing. 15. Give me something better (say of bet- ter). 16. Have you several pens? I have several (of them). 82 PASSIVE VERBS. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PRESENT (Present). nous sommes aimes, es, we are loved. vous etes aimes, es, you are loved. ils sont aimes, or ) ,, elles sont aimees, ^^ekved. / am loved, thou art loved, he is loved, she is loved. XXI. PASSIVE VERBS (Verbes passifs). The Passive of all Transitive Verbs is formed by add- ing the Past Participle to the Moods and Tenses of etre, to be. AIME, to be loved. je snis aime, e, tu es aime, e, il est aime, elle est aimee, j'etais aime, tu etais aime, il etait aime, je fas aime, tu fas aime, il fat aime, je serai aime, tu seras aime, il sera aime, IMPERFECT (Imparfait). / was loved, thou wast loved, he was loved. nous 6tions aimes, we were loved. vous etiez aimes, you were loved. ils etaient aimes, they were loved. PAST DEFINITE (Passe' dtfini). I was loved, thou wast loved, he was loved. nous fumes aimes, we were loved. vous futes aimes, you were loved. ils furent aimes, they were loved. FUTURE (Futur). I shall be loved, thou wilt be loved he will be loved. nous serons aimes, we shall be loved. vous serez aimes, you will be loved. ils seront aimes, they will be loved. PAST INDEFINITE (Passe" indtfini). j'ai ete aime, tu as ete aime, il a ete aime, nous avons ete aimes, vous avez ete aimes, ils ont ete aimes, / have been loved, thou hast been loved, he has been loved, we have been loved, yea have been loved, they have been loved. PLUPERFECT (Plus-que-parfait). j'avais ete aime, tu avais ete aime, il avait ete aime, nous avions ete aimes, vous aviez ete aimes, Us avaient ete aimes, / had been loved, thou hadst been lovtcL he had been loved, we had been loved, you had been loved, they had feen loved. PASSIVE VERBS. 83 PAST ANTERIOR (Passe ante'rieur). j'eus ete aime, / had been loved. tu eus ete aime, thoy, hadst been loved, il eut ete aime, he had been loved. nous eumes ete aimes, we had been loved. vous eutes ete aimes, you had been loved. ils eurent ete aimes, they had been loved. FUTURE ANTERIOR (Futur anUrieur). j'aurai ete aime, I shall have been loved. tu auras ete aime, thou wilt have been loved. 'A aura ete aime, he will have been loved. nous aurons ete aimes, we shall have been loved. vous aurez ete aimes, you will have been loved. ils auront ete aimes, they will have been loved. IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif). sois aime or aimee, be thou loved. soyons aimes or aimees, let us be loved. soyez aimes or aimees, be ye loved. CONDITIONAL MOOD (Conditionnd). PRESENT (Present). je serais aime, / should be loved. tu serais aime, thou wouldst be loved. il serait aime, he would be loved. nous serions aimes, we should be loved. vous seriez aimes, you would be loved. ils seraient aimes, they would be loved. PAST (Passe"). j'aurais or eusse ete aime, I should have been loved. tu aurais or eusses ete aime, thou ivouldst have been loved il aurait or eut ete aime, he would have been loved. nous aurions or eussions ete ) ' > we should have been loved. vous auriez or eussiez ete aimes, ils auraient or eussent ete >- you would have been loved. } would have been loved SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Subjonctif). PRESENT (Present). que je sois aime, that I may be loved. que tu sois aime, that thou 'mayst be laved. qu'il soit aime, that he may be loved. que nous soyons aim6s, that we may be loved. que vous soyez aimes, that you may be loved. qu'ils soient aimes, that they may be loved. 84 PASSIVE VERBS. IMPERFECT (Imparfait). que je fusse aime, that I m'ujht he loved. que tu fusses aime, . that thou miyhtst be loved qu'il fut aime, that lie might lie. loved. que nous fussions aimes, that we might he loved. que vous fussiez aimes, that you might he loved. qu'ils fussent aimes, that they might be loved. PAST (Posse _ que j'aie ete aim6, that I may have been loved. que tu aies ete aime, that thou mayst have been lovea, qu'il ait ete aime, that he may have been loved. que nous ayons ete aimes, that we may have been loved. que vous ayez ete aimes, that you may have been loved. qu'ils aieut ete aimes, that they may have been loved. PLUPERFECT (Plus-que-parfait). que j'eusse 6te aime, that I might have been loved. que tu eusses ete aime, that thou mightst have been Icred. qu'il eut ete aime, that he might have been loved. que nous eussions ete aimes, that we might have been loved. que vous eussiez ete aimes, that you might have been loved. qu'ils eussent ete aimes, that they might have been loved. INFINITIVE MOOD (Infimtif). PRESENT. PAST. etre aime, e, to be loved. \ avoir ete aime, e, to have been loved PARTICIPLES (Partwipes). PRESENT. PAST. etant aime, e, being loved. \ ayant ete aime, e, having been loved. REMARKS. 1. The Participle agrees in number and gender with the Nominative Case or subject of the Verb; but if the second person plural refer to a single person, the Parti- ciple is in the singular; as: avez-vous ete invite'. Monsieur? have you been invited, Sir? avez-vous ete' invites. Madame ? have you been invited, Madam f 2. The Preposition by, after Passive Verbs, is expressed by de and par: de, when the Verb expresses a feeling, a sentiment, ete. ; par, when the Verb expresses an ac- tion ; as : NEUTER VERBS. 85 il est aim de tout le monde, he is loved by every body. la ville QI, i'rcib fut prise par les )_ the city of Troy was taken by the firecs. ) Greeks. EXERCISE XXXIII. 1. Tu es loue" de ton maitre. 2. Charles e"st Iou6 de son pere. 3. Marie est aime'e de tout le monde ; elle est tres-bonne. 4. Le soldat fut blesse 1 par un officier. 5. Ces 6coliers ont 6tg blame's parce qu'ils (kaient paresseux. 6. Cette maison fut batie I'ann^e derniere. 7. Un nouveau palais sera bad. 8. Trois cents soldats ont 6t6 blesses. 9. Vous serez loue's de vos mattres, si vous gtes sages et appliques. 10. Avez-vous 6t6 invite" au bal du conite ? Non, je n'ai pas 6t6 invite". 11. Ma soeur aurait e"te" invitee, si elle 6tait ici. 12. Par qui la ville de Troie fut-elle prise? Par les Grecs. 1. 1 am praised by my master. 2. My brother is praised by his master. 3. My sister is praised by her master. 4. My brothers are praised by their masters. 5. My sisters are praised by their oias- ters. 6. If you were diligent, you would be loved and praised by your masters. 7. If the girls were diligent, they would be loved and praised by their masters. 8. By whom were the towns taken ? By the Greeks. 9. By whom was the man wounded ? By your brother. 10. The scholar was blamed because he was idle. 11. Two new palaces will be built. 12. Have your sisters been in- vited to the ball ? No, they have not been invited. XXII. NEUTER VERBS (Verbes neutres). Neuter Verbs are conjugated like Transitive Verbs. The compound tenses are generally formed with the aux- iliary Verb avoir. Some are conjugated with the auxil- iary Verb gtre, to be; of these the most important are : aller, to go. arriver, to arrive. deceder, to die. descendre. to go down. devenir, to become. entrer, to enter. monter, to ascend. mourir, to die. naitre, partir, parvenir, tester, revenir, sortir, tomber, venir, to be born, to set out. to attain, to remain, to come again, to go out. tofatt. to come. EXAMPLE. PAST INDEFINITE (Passe' indefini). [rived je snis arrive, / have arrived. nous sommes arrives, we have or. tu es arrive, thou hast arrived. vous etes arrives, you have arrived. il est arrive, he has arrived. Us sont arrives, they have arrived. 86 REFLECTIVE VERBS. PLUPERFECT (Plus-que-parfait). j'6tais arrive^ / had arrived. NOTE. Demeurer, to reside, takes avoir ; when it means to remain it takes etre. 11 a demeure a Paris, he has resided at Paris. il est demeure en France, he has remained in France. EXERCISE XXXIV. 1. Le prince arrive. 2. Ma mere arriva hier it huit heures. 3. Qui est arrive" ? Monsieur le professeur est arrive 1 . 4. Je serais arrive" plus tot (sooner) si j'avais eu le temps. 5. Quand Stes-vous parti ? Je suis parti a cinq heures. 6. J'e'tais a la maison, et j'y suis rest6 toute 1'apres-midi. 7. Mon oncle a beaucoup voyagg ; il a voyage" en Allemagne, en France, et en Italic. 8. J'aurais aussi voyage 1 , si j'avais eu assez d'argent. 9. Avez-vous vu qui est mont6 ? Non, je ne 1'ai pas vu. 10. Avez-vous bien dormi ? Non, je n'ai pas bien dormi. 11. Deux des voyageurs sont rested en chemin ; ils ne sont pas encore arrivfis. 12. Ou avez-vous demeure" l'anne"e derniere ? J'ai demeure 1 si Londres. 1. The general arrives. 2. My father and my mother arrived yesterday at half-past nine. 3. Who has arrived ? My brothers have arrived. 4. We should have arrived sooner if we had had the time. 5. When did she set out ? She set out yesterday at a quarter to four. 6. We were at home, and we remained there all the afternoon. 7. My brothers have traveled much ; they have traveled in England, in Germany, and in Italy. 8. We should also have traveled, if we had had enough money. 9. Has he seen the man who has gone up ? No, he has not seen him. 10. Has she slept well? No, she has not slept well. 11. My mother has remained on the journey (en chemin) she has not yet arrived. 12. Where did he reside last year ? He has resided at Paris. XXIII. REFLECTIVE VERBS (Verbes reflechis). Reflective Verbs are more frequent in French than in English. Besides the subject, they have always the ac- cusative cases of the Personal Pronouns, me, te, se, nous, vous, se, which stand before the Verbs ; as : ffhabiller, to dress one's self. je m'habille, I dress myself. nous noua habillons, we drest ourselvet. REFLECTIVE VEKBS. The compound tenses are always formed with t Df tre, and not of avoir; as: je me suis habille, e, / have dressed myself. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indicatif). PEESENT (Present). je m'habille, 1 dress myself. tu t' habilles, thou dressest thyself. il s' habille, he dresses himself, nous nous habillons, we dress ourselves. vous vous habillez, you dress yourself or yourselves ils s'habillent, they dress themselves. IMPERFECT (Imparfaif). je m'habillais, / was dressing myself. tu t'habillais, thou wast dressing thyself. il s'habillait, he was dressing himself. nous nous habillions, we were dressing ourselves. vous vous habilliez. you were, dressing yourselves, ils s'habillaient, they were dressing themselves. PAST DEFINITE (Passe' defini). je m'habillai, I dressed myself. tu t'habillas, thou dressedst thyself. il s'habilla, he dressed himself. nous nous habill&mes, we dressed ourselves. vous vous habillates, you dressed yourselves. ils s'habillerent, they dressed themselves, FUTURE (Futur). je m'habillerai, I shall dress myself. tu t'habilleras, thou wilt dress thyself. il s'habillera, he will dress himself. nous nous habillerons, we shall dress ourselves. vous vous habillerez, you will dress yourselves. ils s'habilleront, they will dress themselves. PAST INDEFINITE (Passt indefini). je me suis habille, e, 7 have dressed myself. tu t'es habille, e, thou hast dressed thyself, il s'est habille, e, he has dressed himself. nous nous sommes habilles, es, we have dressed ourselves. vous vous etes habilles, es, you have dressed yoursei^-ss ils se sont habilles, es, they have dressed themselves. 88 REFLECTIVE VERBS. PLUPERFECT (Plus-que-parfait). je m'etais habille, e, / had dressed myself. tu t'etais habille, thou hadst dressed thyseij, il s'etait habille, he had dressed himself. nous nous etions habilles, es, we had dressed ourselves. vous vous etiez habilles, you had dressed yourselves. Us s'etaient habilles, they had dressed themselves. PAST ANTERIOR (Passe' ante'rieur). je me fus habille, e, / had dressed myself. tu te fus habille, thou hadst dressed thyself. il se fut habille, he had dressed himself. nous nous fumes habilles, es, we hud dressed ourselves. vous vous futes habilles, you had dressed yourselves. ii se furent habilles, they had dressed themselves. FUTURE ANTERIOR (Futur ante'rieur). je me serai habille, e, I shall have dressed myself. tu te seras habille, thou wilt have dressed thyself. il se sera habille, he will have dressed himsi-lf. nous nous serons habilles, es, we shall have dressed oursi-lres. vous vous serez habilles, you will have dressed yourselves. Us se seront habilles, they will have dressed themselves. IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif}. habille-toi, dress thyself. habillons-nous, let us dress ourselves. habillez-vous, dress yourself or yourselves. CONDITIONAL MOOD (Conditiwmel). PRESENT (Present}. je m'habillerais, / shotild dress myself. tu t'habillerais, thou wouldst dress thyself. il s'habillerait, he would dress himself. nous nous habillerions, we should dress ourselves. vous vous habilleriez, you would dress yourselves. Us s'habilleraient, they would dress themselves. PAST (Passe"). je ".ae serais or fusse habille, e, / should hare dressed myself. tu te serais or fusses habille, thou wouldst have dressed thyself. U se serait or fut habille, he would have dressed hiniM If. nous nous serions or fussions ) , ,, , , , Y we should have dressed ourselves. habilles, es, ) voua vous seriez or fussiez > ,, , , , .,..,, >- you would have dressed yourselves. Us se seraient or fus sent ) ., ,, , k 9 would have dressed themselves. REFLECTIVE VEKBS. 8C SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Subj&nctif). PRESENT (Present). que je m'habille, that 1 may dress myself. que tu t' habilles, that than mayst dress thyself. qu'il s'habille, that he may dress himself. que nous nous habillions, that we may dress ourselves. que vous vous habilliez, that you may dress yourselves. qu'ils s'habillent, that they may dress themselves. IMPERFECT (Imparfcdf). qne je m'habillasse, that I might dress myself. que tu t'habillasses, that thou mightst dress thyself. qu'il s'habillat, that he might dress himself. que nous nous habillassions, that we might dress ourselves. que vous vous habillassiez, that you might dress yourselves. qu'ils s'habillassent, that they might dress themselves. PAST (Passe-). que je me sois habille, e, that I may have dressed myself. que tu te sois habille, that thou mayst have dressed thyself. qu'il se soit habille, that he may have dressed himself. que nous nous soyons habilles, es, that we may have dressed ourselves. que vous vous soyez habilles, that you may have dressed yourselves.. qu'ils se soient habilles, that they may have dressed themselve& PLUPERFECT (Plus-que-parfatt). que je me fusse habille, e, that I might have dressed myself. que tu te fusses habille, that thou mightst have dressed thyself. qu'il se fut habille, that he might have dressed himself. que nous nous fussions habilles, es, that we might have dressed ourselves. que vous vous fussiez habilles, that you might have dressed yourselves. qu'ils se fussent habilles, that they might have dressed themselve& INFINITIVE MOOD (Infinitif). PRESENT. PAST. s'kabiller, to dress one's self. 8 ' Stre habi116 ' e ' to ha one s self. PARTICIPLES (Partitipes). PRESENT. PAST. s'habillant, dressing one's self. E habille, e, dressed. s'etant habille, e, having dressed one's self 90 REFLECTIVE VERBS. REFLECTIVE VERBS CONJUGATED NEGATIVELY, INTERROGH ATIVELY, AND INTERROGATIVELY WITH A NEGATIVE. INDICATIVE MOOD (Indwatif). Negatively. 7 do not rejoice, etc. je ne me rejouis pas. PRESENT TENSE (Present). Interrogatively. do I perceive ? etc. m'aper90is-je ? tu ne te rejouis pas. 11 ne se rejouit pas. nous ne nous rej cais- sons pas. vous ne vous rejouis- sez pas. Us ne se rejouissent pas. t'apercois-tu ? s'apergoit-il ? nous apercevons-nous? vons apercevez-vous ? s'aperfoivent-ils ? IMPERFECT (Imparfaif). L was not rejoicing, etc. was I perceiving f etc. m'apercevais-je? t'apercevais-tu? s'apercevait-il? nous apercevions-nous ? je ne me rejouissais pas. tu ne te rejouissais pas. 11 ne se rejouissais pas. nous ne nous rejouis- sions pas. vous ne vous rejouis- siez pas. Us ne se rejouissaient pas. vons aperceviez-vous ? s'apercevaient-Us ? Interrog. with a Is eg. do I not lose myself f est-ce quo je ne m< perds pas? ne te perds-tu pas ? ne se perd-il pas ? ne nous perdons-nous pas? ne vous perdez-vout pas ? ne se per dent-ils pas ? was I not losing my- self* ne me perdais-je pas ? ne te perdais-tu pas ? ne se perdait-il pas ? ne nous perdions-nous pas? ne vous perdiez-vouE pas? ne se perdaient-ils pas 1 PAST DEFINITE (Passe" dtfini). I did not rejoice, etc. je ne me rejouis pas. tu ne te rejouis pas. il ne se rejouit pas. nous ne nous rejouimes pas. /ous ne vous rejouites pas. ils ne se rejouirent pas. did I perceive f etc. m'apercus-je? t'apercus-tu? s'apercut-il? nous aper?umes-nous ? vous apercutes-vous ? s'apercurent-ils? did I not lose myself* etc. ne me perdis-je pas\ ne te perdis-tu pas ? ne se perdit-il pas ? ne nous perdimes-noui pas? ne vous perdites-vout pas? ne se perdirent-ils pas! I shall not rejoice, etc. je ne me rejonirai pas. tu ne te rejouiras pas. FUTURE (Futur). shall I perceive f etc. m'apercevrai-je ? t'apercevras-tu ? shall I not lose myself 1 etc. ne me pardrai-je pai ? ne te perdras-tu oas ? REFLECTIVE VERBS. 91 Negatively. il ne 36 rejouira pas. nous ne nous rejouirons pas. vous ne vous rejouirez pas. Us ne se re.joui.ront pas. Interrogatively, s'apercevra-t-il? nous apercevrons- nous? vous apercevrez-vous ? s'apercevront-ils ? Interrog. with a Neg. ne se perdra-t-il pas 1 ne nous perdrons-nous pas? ne vous perdrez-voui ne se perdront-ils pas? PAST INDEFINITE (Passe" indtfini). 1 have not rejoiced, etc. have I perceived f etc. je ne me suis pas re- joui, e. tu ne t'es pas rejoui, e. il ne s'est pas rejoui, e. nous ne nous sommes pas rejouis, es. vous ne vous etes pas rejouis, es. Us ne se sent pas re- jouis, es. me suis-je aperfu, e ? t'es-tu apercu, e ? s'est-il apercu, e? nous sommes-nous apercus, es ? vous etes-vous aper- cus, es ? se sont-ils apercus, es I have I not lost myself? etc. ne me suis-je pas per- du, e ? ne t'es-tu pas perdu, e ? ne s'est-il pas perdu, e? ne nous sommes-nous pas perdus, es? ne vous etes-vous pas perdus, es? ne se sont-ils pas per- dus, es? PLUPERFECT (Plus-que-parfait). / >\ad not rejoiced, etc. had I perceived ? etc. je ne m'etais pas rejoui. tu ne t'etais pas rejoui. il ne s'etait pas rejoui. nous ne nous etions pas rejouis. vous ne vous etiez pas rejouis. iis ne s'etaient pas re- jouis. m'etais-je apercu? t'etais>tu apercu ? s'etait-il apercu ? nous etions-nous aper- cus? vous etiez-vous aper- cus ? s'etaient-ils apercus? had I not lost myself? etc. ne m'etais-je pas perdu? ne t'etais-tu pas perdu? ne s'etait-il pas perdu ? ne nous etions-nous pas perdus ? ne vous etiez-vous pas perdus ? ne s'etaient-ils pas per- dus? PAST ANTERIOR (Passe" ante"rievr). I had not rejoiced, etc. je ne me fus pas rejoui. tu ne te fus pas rejoui. il ne se fut pas rejoui. nous ne nous fumes pas rejouis. TOUS ne vous futes pas rejouis. Us ne se furent pas re- jouis. had I perceived? etc. me fus-je apereu ? te fus-tu apercu ? se fut-il aper?u ? nous fumes-nous aper- cus? vous futes-vous aper- cus? se furent-ils apercus ? had I not lost myself f ne me fus-je pas perdu ? ne te fus-tu pas perdu ? ne se fut-il pas perdu ? ne nous fumes-nous pas perdus ? ne vous futes-vous pas perdus ? ne se furent-ils pas per- dus? 92 REFLECTIVE VERBS. FUTURE ANTERIOR (Futur anttrifur). Negatively. / shall not have re- joiced, etc. je ne me serai pas re- joui. tu ne te seras pas re- join. 11 ne se sera pas rejoui. nous ne nous serons pas rejoins. voas ne vous serez pas rejoins. Us ne se seront pas re- jouis. Interrogatively. shall I have perceived? etc. me serai-je aper?u ? te seras-tu apercu ? se sera-t-il apergu ? Interrog. with a Neg. shall I not hare losl myself? etc. ne me serai-je pas per- du? ne te seras-tu pas per- du ? ne se sera-t-il pas per- du? nous serons-nous aper- ne nous serons-nous pas perdus ? ne vous serez-vous pas perdus ? ne se seront-ils pas per- vous serez-vous aper- eus? se seront-ils apercus ? IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif). NEGATIVELY. do not rejoice, etc. re te rejouis pas. ne nous rejouissons pas. ne vous rejouissez pas. CONDITIONAL MOOD (Omditimnel). PRESENT (Present). Negatively. / should not rejoice, etc. je ne me rejouirais pas. tu ne te rejouirais pas. il ne se rejouirait pas. nous ne nous rejouirions pas. vons ne vous rejouiriez pas. Us ne se rejouiraient pas. Interrogatively. should I perceive ? etc. m'apercevrais-je? t'apercevrais-tu ? s'apercevrait-il? nous apercevrions- nous? vous apercevriez-vous? s'apercevraient-ils ? Interrog. with a Neg. should I not lose my- self? etc. ne me perdrais-je pas ? ne te perdrais-tu pas? ne se perdrait-il pas? ne nous perdrions-nous pas? ne vous perdriez-vous pas? ne se perdraient-ils pas? 1 should not have re- joiced. je ne me serais pas re- joui, or je ne me fusse pas re- joui. tu ne te serais pas re- joui. PAST (Passe'). should I have per- ceived? etc. me serais-je apsrcn ? or me fusse-je aper . eu, }* Passe" ant. il y eut eu, there had been. Fut. ant. il y aura > there will have eu, ) been. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Prts. il y aurait, there would be. Passe", il y aurait |_ there would or eut eu, ) have been. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Pres. qu'il y ait, that there may be. Imparf. qu'il y eut, that there might be. Passe". qu'il y ait) [that there may eu, j have been. Plus-q.-p. qu'il y out eu, that there might have been. INFINITIVE MOOD. Prfs. y avoir, there to be. \ Passe", y avoir eu, there to have been. PARTICIPLES. Pre~s. y ayanl, there being. \ Passe", y ayant eu, there having been. INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS. y a-t-il ? is there t n'y a-t-il pas ? is there not T il n'y a pas, there is not. n'y aura-t-il pas? will there not bet IMPERSONAL VERBS. 97 NOTE. il y a trois jours, three days ago. | il y a deux ans, two years ago. 2. 11 fait froid, it is cold (lit., it makes cold). Pre's. il fait froid, it is cold. Imparf. il faisait } froid, f it was cold. Passedef.il fit froid, Put. il fera froid, it will be cold. Passe' indey. il a fait froid, it has been cold. NOTE. In like manner: il fait chaud, it is warm. il fait jour, it is day. il fait nuit, it is night. quel temps fait-il ? what weather is it? il fait beau temps, it is fine weather. 3. ll failt, it is necessary, it must. INDICATIVE MOOD. Pre's. il faut, it is necessary (it musf). Jmpurf. il fallait, it was necessary. Passe" de"f. il fallut, it was necessary. Fut. il faudra, it will be necessary. Passe" ind. il a fallu, it has been necessary. Plus-q.-p. il avait fallu, it had been necessary. Passe ant. il eut fallu, it had been necessary. Fut. ant. il aura fallu, it will have been necessary. CONDITIONAL MOOD. Pre's. il faudrait, it would be necessary. Passe", il aurait, or eut fallu, it would have been necessary. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Pre's. qu'il faille, that it may be necessary. Imparf. qu'il fallut, that it might be necessary. Passe. qu'il ait fallu, that it may have been necessvry. Plus-q.-p. qu'il eut fallu, that it might have been necessanj INFINITIVE MOOD. Pre's. falloir, to be necessary. Passe, avoir fallu, to have been necessary. PARTICIPLES. Pre's. (None). Passe', fallu, been necessary. ayant fallu, having been necessary. E 2 98 IMPERSONAL VERBS. NOTE. 1. When the subject of must is a Personal Pro- noun in English, 1 must, thou must, etc., it is expressed in French by il faut in two ways, (1) either with me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur, or (2), which is often better, by que and the Subjunctive Mood; as : / must read, il me faut lire, or il faut que je Use. thou must read, il te faut lire, or il faut que tu Uses. he must he diligent, il faut ^w'il soil applique". we must work, il nous faut travailler, or il faut eve nous travaillionx. %ou must study, il vous faut etudier, or il faut que vous etudiiez. 2. When the subject of must is a Substantive in English, il faut is followed by que and the Substantive; as: the boy must work, il faut que le gar9on travaille. the boys must work, il faut que les gardens travaillent. 3. il me faut, il te faut, etc., followed by a Substantive signify need or want; as: / want a hat, il me faut un chapeau. he wants money, il lui faut de 1'argent. you want good books, il vous faut de bons livras. they want gloves, il leur faut des gants. what do you want ? que vous faut-il ? EXERCISE XXXVL 1. Neige-t-il ? Non, il ne neige pas, il pleut. 2. H a neig6 hier, et il neigera peut-Stre cette nuit, car il fait froid. 3. A-t-il fait froid hier ? Non, il n'a pas fait tres-froid ; il a neig6 un peu. 4. H tonne, entendez-vous ? Oui, il tonne, et il fait aussi des 6clairs. 5. Quel temps fait-il ? II fait rnauvais temps ; il pleuvra toute la jourae'e. 6. Y a-t-il de 1'eau dans cette cruche ? Non, il n'y a pas d'eau, il y a du vin rouge. 7. II n'y a pas eu beaucoup de cerises cette ann6e. 8. II faut que je le cherche. 9. II faut que vous le cherchiez. 10. II a fait beau temps hier. 11. Faut-il gw'on lui donne une me'decine ? Oui, il faut lui en donner. 12. Qu'est-ce qu'il vous faut ? II me faut une autre chambre. 1. Does it rain ? No, it does not rain, it snows. 2. It rained yesterday, and it will rain perhaps to-night (say this night). 3. It has snowed all the night. 4. It is cold ; it was very cold in your room. 5. It is warm ; it was too (trap) warm in your room. 6. What weather was it ? It was bad weather ; it rained all the day. 7. Was there wine in that pitcher ? No, there was not wine, there was beer. 8. There were not many apples that year. 9. 1 must ADVERBS. 99 read the book. 10. The boys must read the books. 11. What do you want ? We want good books. 12. Must I give them good books ? Yes, it is very necessary. B. 1. Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui ? II fait beau temps. 2. Pleut- il ? Oui, il pleut tres-fort. 3. Neigera-t-il ? Je ne crois pas qu'il neige. 4. La pluie a-t-elle cessg ? Pas encore ; il pleut sans cesse. 5. Que vous faut-il ? II me faut un chapeau neuf. 6. Y a-t-il assez de vin ? Oui, Monsieur, il y en a assez. 7. Y avait-il de 1'argent dans cette bourse? II y avait deux francs. 8. As-tu payg le compte ? Oui, il m'a fallu le payer. 9. Faut-il que je me leve maintenant ? Oui, il faut te lever tout de suite (directly). 10. Faut-il lui rendre 1'argent? Oui, rendez - le - lui. 11. Y avait-il beaucoup de monde (many people) au bal ? Oui, il y avait beaucoup de monde. 12. Faut-il que je parle? Non, taisez-vous (be silent). 1. What weather is it to-day ? It is bad weather; it rains without ceasing. 2. What weather was it yesterday ? It was bad weather ; it snowed all the day. 8. Does it snow ? Yes, it snows very much (strongly,/orQ. 4. 1 do not believe that it (will) rain (Pres. subj.). 5. What does he want ? He wants good books. 6. Is there enough bread ? Yes, sir, there is enough (add, of it, en). 7. Was there water in that pitcher ? No, there was no water, there was white wine. 8. Have you paid the bill ? Yes, we were obliged to pay it. 9. Must we get up now ? Yes, you must get up directly. 10. What must I read ? You must read good books. 11. Are there many people (beaitcoup de monde) in the garden ? Yes, there are many people. 12. Must we speak ? No, you must be silent. XXV. ADVERBS (Adverbes). Adverbs are formed from Adjectives by adding -ment If the Adjective end in a vowel, -ment is added to the masculine ; if the Adjective end in a consonant, -ment is added to the feminine. EXAMPLES. facile, easy. facilement, easily. poll, polite. poliraent, politely. utile, useful. utilement, usefully. vrai, true. vraiment, truly. doux, fem. douce, gentle. doucement, gently. '^"attentive, } attentive - attentivement, attentively. } A ' heureusement, happily. If the Adjective end in -ant or -ent. the nt is changed into m before the termination -ment, 100 ADVERBS. EXAMPLES. savant, learned. savamment, learnedly. patient, patient. patiemment, patiently. COMPARISON. The Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs are formed by adding plus, more, moins, less, aussi, as, and le plus, the most, le moins, the least, or tr6s, fort, very. EXAMPLES. Positive. Comparative, facilement, easily. . plus facilement, more easily. utilement, usefully, plus ntilement, more usefully. souvent, often. plus souvent, oftener. loin, far. plus loin, farther. moius facilement, less easily. aussi souvent, as oft- en, etc., etc. Superlative. le plus facilement, most easily. le plus utilement, most t'ully. le plus souvent, ofteiiest. le plus loin, furthest. le moins loin, the nearest. tres-souvent, very often. bien, well. mieux, better. mal, badly. pis, worse. peu, little. moins, less. beaucoup, much. plus, more. and moins bien, not so well. aussi bien, as well. aussi peu, as tittle tres-loin, very far. etc., etc. IRREGULAR COMPARISON. le mieux, best. le pis, worst. le moins, least. le plus, most. and tres-bien, very wett. tres-mal, very badly. tres-peu, very little. EXERCISE XXXVII. 1. Le domestique fut richement recompense". 2. Ce travail est vrairaent trop difficile. 3. Vous trouverez facilement le chemin de la ville. 4. Ces deux plumes sont 6galement bonnes. 5. Lea coliers paresseux seront 36 verement punis. 6. Pourquoi avez-vous trait6 cette affaire si 16gerement ? Je n'ai pas eu assez de temps pour la bien traiter. 7. Agissez toujours prudemment. 8. Ma pauvre mere est constamment malade. 9. Vous marchez trop lente- ment, allez plus vite. 10. Je ne me porte pas bien aujourd'hui : hier je me portais mieux. 11. Venez plus souvent. 12. La pro- chaine fois je resterai plus longtemps. 1. The girls were richly rewarded. 2. These works are truly too difficult. 3. He has found easily the road. 4. The two horses are equally good. 5. The idle servants were severely punished. 6. The master acted always prudently. 7. He treated that affair well. 8. The poor girls are constantly ill. 9. How (comment) must I act? You must act always prudently (jmtdeminent). 10. Go (allez) more slowly. 11. How are you to-day ? I thank you, I am better, 12. Last week (say the week last) I was not so well ADVERBS. 101 1. ADVERBS OF PLACE. ou, where ? en bas, below. d'oii, whence ? a cote, by, by the side of. ici, here. dedans, within. la, there. dehors, outside. de la, thence. derriere, behind. la-bas, yonder, there be- devant, before. J i low. de^a, en de there. dela, au dela, on that side. par-ici, this way. pres, ) par-la, that way. aupres, near. secondly. septiemement, une Ms, seventhly, once. troisiemement, thirdly. deux fois, twice. quatriemement, fourthly. trois fois, three times. einquiemement, fifthly'. cent fois, a hundred times, 102 ADVERBS. 4. ADVERBS OF QUALITY AND MANNER. comment, how f tout-a-fait, out'te. combien, how much ? beaucoup, much, very much. environ, > apeupres, j a6 ^' trop, too much. si, so. taut, so much, so many. aussi, a/so, /. a* assez, sufficient, enough. egalement, equally. pen, little. autant, as much. ne . . . guere, not much. plntot, rather. presque, almost. bien, well. au plus, ) tout au plus, | "t the most tres, > au moins, at the least. fort, | ver y- plus, > seulement, > , ne . . . m \ ^ davantage, f more - meme, even. moins, less. si, so, so much. 5. ADVERBS OF AFFIRMATION AND NEGATION. oni, yes. ne . . . pas, not. certes, ) ne . . . plus, no more. certainement, >- certainly. ne . . . point, not (emphatic) assurement, ) peut-etre, perhaps. Stat U a?Sit, } not at alL non, no. ne . . . rien, nothing. 6. ADVERBIAL EXPRESSIONS. a peine, scarcely. tout a 1' he ure, presently,imme- sur-le-champ, immediately. diately ; not peu a peu, little by little. long ago. a dessein, expres, on purpose. tout a coup, suddenly. en meme temps, otf Me same time. tout d'un coup, all at once. a la fois, at once. a droite, on the right. pele-mele, confusedly. a gauche, on the left. ce soir, ////.< evening. ensemble, together. ce matin, // to, at, in. envers, toward. fore les=a.r), J environ, about. apres, after. excepte, > , Sattendu, considering. hors, hormis, / exce P^ but i sa avant, before. malgre, . in spite of. avec, with. moyennant, by means of, for. cnez (at (the house of), nonobstant, notwithstanding. ( to, among. outre, besides. concernant, concerning. par, by, through. contre, against. parmi, * among. dans, in, into. pendant, during, while. de (before le = } pour, for. du, or c/e /' be- > of, from. with. sans, without. fore lea des), \ sauf, saving, but. depuis, derriere, since, from, for. behind. selon, > suivant, | according to. des, from, since. sous, under. dessus, over, upon, above. sur, on, upon. dessous, under, underneath. touchant, concerning. devant, before. vers, toward. devers, toward, about. voici, here is. durant, during. voila, there is. en, in, into, to. vu, seeing, considering. II. COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS. a eause de, on account of. aux environs de, round about. a cote de, by, next to. au lieu de, instead of. a 1'instar de, in the style of. a i' exception de, except. 106 PREPOSITIONS. a travers, through. faute de, for want of. au or en decji de, on this side of. hors de, out of. JIA j ( on the other side au dela de, < ~ , , ( of, beyond. jusqu'd, loin de, as far at. far from. aupres de, near. par dela, beyond. autour de, around, about. par-dessus, over. au travers de, through. pres de, near, next to. au-dessus de, above. proche de, near, by. au-dessous de, below, under. quant a, as to, as for. au milieu de, in the middle of. vis-a-vis de, opposite. auz depens de, at the expense of. & it It de, dans, en, to. it at, in. of- from . with. n. in. de chez, avant devant, centre, envers, vers, apres, pour, ii par, into. ( at (the ^ s house of), > ( with. ) ? to (the \ (house of).) (from (the) (house of).) ( be/ore \ \(of time).\ ( before ) \(of place).) against. i toward, \ to (de- noting behavior to). ( toward - (direction :- ( toward). ) after. Examples. je vais a Paris, j'ecris a mon fils, je suis a Paris, une table de bois, il vient de Londres, je suis content de votre travail, couvert de neige, dans la chambre, ils sont en ficosse, nous allons en Ecusse, il est chez moi, je vais chez Mon- > sieur A., ) je viens de chez mon ) oncle, $ avant le coucher du \ soleil, ) devant la porte, il poussa centre la porte, soyez poli envers dames, I go to Paris. I write to my son. I am at or in Paris. a table of wood. he comes from London. I am content with youi work. covered with snow, in the room, they are in Scotland, we are going into Scotland. he is at my house, or he is with me. I am going to (the house of) Mr. A. I am coming from (the house of) my uncle. before sunset. before the door or gate, he pushed against the door. for- ( to, in ( \ order to. ( by. vers Paris, apres la bataille, apres vous, ce cadeau est pour vous, Charles est parti pour \ Munich, ) il fait cela pour vous f plaire, > il a ete battu par vous, toward Paris. after the battle, after you. this present is for you. Charles has set out for Munich. he does that to please you. he has been beaten by you. PREPOSITIONS. 107 par throuah fa re * ne a P ass P ar ' a _f^ c queen has passed " ' ( ville, ( through the town. " " jetez cela par la fenetre, l f Ar f \ at thr 9 h ( or ' ' ( oj ) the window. sous, under. le chien est sous la table, the dog is under the table. dessous- under _f cetenfant est au-dessous (that child is under ten e t ( de dix ans, ( years. EXERCISE XXXIX. 1. Ma tante demeure chez un boulanger. 2. La jeune fille est aveugle depuis son enfance. 3. Mettez-vous (put yourself) derriere 1'armoire. 4. Le chien sauta de dessous le lit. 5. Je 1'ai accom- pagne" jusqu'a la gare. 6. Ma sceur a achete" de la soie, au lieu de coton. 7. Nous nous sommes promengs le long du chemin de fer. 8. Le chateau est situ6 au-dessus de la ville. 9. II y a un mur autour du jardin. 10. Je suis reste" au lit & cause du mauvais temps. 11. II y a une grande difference entre les deux freres. 12. Monsieur votre oncle est-il chez lui ? Non, Monsieur, il est en ville. 13. Ne demeurent-elles pas vis-a-vis de la Bourse? 14. Les Alle- mands deTendaient leur patrie contre leurs ennemis. 1. My uncle liyed at the house of a baker. 2. The boy is blind since his birth. 3. Place yourselves behind the door. 4. The dogs leaped from beneath the table. 5. We will accompany her as far as the station. 6. My sisters will purchase silk instead of cotton. 7. We will walk along the railway. 8. Is your mother at home ? No, sir, she is in the town. 9. Is the country-house situated above the town ? No, sir, it is situated below the town. 10. Is there a wall around the garden ? 11. Did she remain in bed in consequence of the weather ? 12. There was a great difference between my two sisters. 13. Does not your uncle live opposite the Exchange ? 14. Will the French defend their country against their enemies ? B. 1. Pour qui est ce beau cadeau ? II est pour ma cousine Emilie. 2. Pour combien de temps avez-vous lou< cette chambre ? Je 1'ai Iou6e pour deux mois. 3. Quand partirez-vous ? Je pars demain pour Munich. 4. Ou demeurez-vous ? Nous demeurons sur le bord du Rhin, vis-S-vis de Mannheim. 5. Ou allez-vous si vite ? Je vais chez mon grand-pere. 6. Quand e"tes-vous entre"s ? Nous sommes entre's apres vous. 7. Quand Stes-vous arrives ? Hier (au) soir, vers les six heures, avant le coucher du soleil. 8. A-t-on pouss6 le garcon ? On 1'a pouss6 contre le mur. 9. Contre qui Monsieur votre oncle est-il fach6 ? II est f&che 1 contre son domestique. 10. Etes- vous reconnaissant envers vos bienfaiteurs ? Je le suis et le serai toujours, toute ma vie. 11. Avez-vous votre canne ? La voici, je 1'ai a la main. 12. Partirez-vous demain ? Selon les circonstancea. 108 CONJUNCTIONS. 1. For whom is this beautiful present ? It is for my sister Mary. 2. For how long have you hired that house ? I have hired it for six months. 3. When did your sister set out ? She set out yes- terday for London. 4. Where does your uncle live ? He lives on the bank of the Seine, opposite Paris. 5. Where is she going so quick? She is going to (the house of) her aunt. 6. When did she come ? She came in after you. 7. When did he arrive ? Yesterday evening, about (say toward) eight o'clock, before sunset. 8. Who has pushed the child? The boys have pushed him against the wall. 9. Is your father angry ? Yes, sir, he is angry with (say against) his servant. 10. Is your nephew grateful toward his benefactor? He is, and will be always, all his life. 11. Has your sister her umbrella? There it is she' has it in her hand. 12. Will your uncle set out to-morrow ? According to circumstances. XXVII. CONJUNCTIONS ( Conjonctions). Conjunctions serve to join words and sentences to- gether. They are divided into Simple Conjunctions, that is, composed of a single word : as, et, and, ou, or; and Compound Conjunctions, that is, composed of several words : as, a moins que, unless. The following are the chief Simple Conjunctions : et, ou, wit ni, mais, quoique, car, puisque, or, pourquoi, lorsque, and. or. whether. nor. but. though. because, for. since. now. wherefore. when. que, quand, quand (memo) pourtant, cependant, toutefois, si, si (non), savoir, comme, done, that. > though. - yet, however. or else. namely. as. then, therefore. EXERCISE XL. Simple Conjunctions. 1. Le pere 6crit les lettres, et le fils les copie. 2. Travaillez ou jouez. 3. Je crois qu'il fera beau temps demain. 4. On 1'attendit. mais en vain. 5. Le professeur est content de ses Ccoliers quand ils sont appliques ; mais s'ils sont paresseux, il n'en est pas content. 6. CONJUXCTIONS. 109 Mademoiselle Mathilde est jolie ; cependant elle ne me plait pas. 7. Puisque vous e~tes ici, je vous donnerai une leyon de musique. 8. Nous ne nous promenerons pas aujourd'lmi, car il pleut. 9. Ce petit gallon serait tres-heureux s'il avait quelques bons livres. 10. Demaudez-lui s'il a assez d'argent. 11. Fre'de'ric est pauvre, nganmoins il est toujours habille" proprement. 12. Quand on travaille, on gague de 1'argent. 1. The mother writes the letters, and the daughter copies them. 2. She works or plays. 3. I believe that it will be wet (say will make bad weather) to-morrow. 4. He waited for you, but in vain. 5. If the scholars are idle, the master is not content with them. 6. Your niece is pretty ; however, she does not please us. 7. Since you are here, the professor will give you a music-lesson. 8. My uncle will not take a walk to-day, for he is ill. 9. This little girl would be very happy if she had some good books. 10. Ask the girl if she have enough money. 11. The boys are poor, nevertheless they are always dressed neatly. 12. When the pupils are diligent, they work and gain money. Compound Conjunctions. B. 1. Tout le monde 1'aime, parce qu'il a un bon cceur. 2. Un voleur a vole" ma montre pendant que j'e"tais absent. 3. Ce jeune homme travaille tandis que son frere joue toujours. 4. Tant que vous serez ici, vous demeurerez chez moi. 5. Je vous montrerai la lettre aussitot que je 1'aurai lue. 6. Mes sosurs fitaient absentes ; c'est pourquoi on ne les a pas invitees. 7. Avant quef vous quitties notre ville, il faut que vous diniez avec nous. 8. Approchez pour quef je vous montre cela. 9. Quoiquef 1'arnbition soit un vice, elle est quelquefois la cause de grands exploits. 10. II n'ira pas S moins quef vous ne lui demandiez. f Avant que, pour que, quoique, a moins que, govern the Subjunctive Mood: a,moins que requires ne with the Sub- junctive Mood which it governs. 1. Every one (say all the world) loved him, because he had a good heart. 2. The robbers robbed our watches while we were absent. 3. Those young men worked while our brothers were playing. 4. As long as she is (say will be) here, she will stop with us. 5. We will show you the letter immediately we have read it. 6. My brothers were absent ; it is the reason why my aunt did not in- vite them. 7. Before your sisters leave (subj.) our town, they must dine (say it is necessary that they dine) with us. 8. Draw near, in order that we may show this present. 9. 1 will not go, unless you ask me. 10. We will not go, unless you ask us. 110 INTERJECTIONS. FORMATION OF TENSES. XXVIII. INTERJECTIONS (Interjections). Expressing joy, bon ! well! quelle joieJ.j'ay/ grief, helas ! alas! ah! oh! O ciel! heaven! pain, ah! ahi! a'ie! ouf! ah! fear, ah! ah! eh! eh! aversion, fi ! fi done ! fie upon it ! surprise, quoi! what! vraiment! really! encouragement, ] a11 * ' come ! coura 8 e ! c ra( J e ' be cheer ~ silence. chut! hush! attention, tenez! here! voila! look here! contradiction, { Pardonnez-moi, / bey your pardon. Si or ( si tait, yes. warning, prsnez garde! gare! take care! mind/ XXIX. FORMATION OF TENSES. The Tenses are divided into Primitive and Derivative The Primitive Tenses are: 1 . The Infinitive, as aimer. 2. The Present Participle, as aimant. 3. The Past Partici/>le, as aime. 4. The Present Indicative, as j'aime. 5. The Past Definite, as j'aimai. The Derivative Tenses are formed from the Primitive, and are the following : L From the INFINITIVE are formed two Tenses : 1. The Future, by adding -ai: as j'aimer-ai from aimer. 2. The Conditional, by adding -ais: as j'aimer-ais from aimer. II. From the PRESENT PARTICIPLE are formed three Tenses : 1. The three persons plural of the Present Indica- tive, by changing -ant into -ons, -eaf -ent: as aim-ons, aim-ez, aim-ent, from aim-ant. 2. The Imperfect Indicative, by changing -ant into -ais: as j'aim-ais from aim-ant. IRREGULAR VERBS. Ill 3. The Present Subjunctive^ by changing_-an of the Participjo-into e: as que j'aimJeTrom. aim-ant, IIL From the PAST PARTICIPLE are formed all Compound Tenses by means of the Auxiliary Verb avoir or etre; as : j'ai aime, j'avais aime ; je suis venu, j'dtais venu. IV. From the PRESENT INDICATIVE the Imperative is formed by dropping the Personal Pronoun, as aime. V. From the PAST DEFINITE is formed the Imperfect Subjunctive, by changing the termination into -asse for the first conjugation ; into -isse for the second and fourth conjugations ; and into -usse for the third and sometimes also for the second and fourth conjugations; as: que j'ai m-asse, from j'aimai. (1) que je fin-isse, je finis. (2) que je rend-isse, je rendis. (4) que je re9-usse, je resus. (3) que je cour-usse, je courus. (2) que je 1-usse, je lus. (4) XXX. IRREGULAR VERBS. The irregularity in the Verbs is chiefly confined to the Primitive Tenses. The Derivative Tenses are for the most part regular. In the following list of Irregular Verbs the first persor only is given, when the other persons are regular. L IRREGULAR VERBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION. 1. Envoyer, to send. Inf. envoyer. Part. prs. envoyant. Part, passt, envoy& Prts. j'envoie ; nous envoyons, vous envoyez, ils envoient. Pr&. du Subj. que j'envoie, que vous envoyiez. Impqrf. j'envoyais, nous envoyions, vous envoyiez. Passe def. j'envoyai. Imparf. du Subj. que j'envoyasse. Fut. j'enverrai, tu enverras. etc. Cond. j'enverrais, tu enverniis, etc. Impr. envoie, envoyons. envoyez. 112 IBKEGULAB VERBS. 2. Aller, to go. Inf. aller. Part. pres. allant. Part, passe", all Prts. je vais, tu vas, il va; nous allons, vous allez, ils vont. Imparf. j'allais. tu allais, il allait, etc. Pass4 de/'. j'allai, tu alias, il alia; nous allames, vous allates, iL il lerent. Fut. j'irai, tu iras, il ira; nous irons, vous irez, ils iront. Cond. j'irais, tu irais, etc. jPa.sse indef. je suis alle. Imper. va (vas-y, go thither} ; allons, allez. Pres. du tiubj. que j'aille, que tu allies, qu'il aille, que nous allions. que vous alliez, qu'ils aillent. Imparf. du Subj. que j'allasse, que tu allasses, etc. 3. S'en aller, to go away. This Reflective Verb, on account of its frequent use and its difficulty, must be conjugated fully. Observe that en is never separated from the Pronoun. INDICATIVE MOOD (Induatif). PRESENT TENSE (Present). Singular. Plural. je m en vais, 1 am going away. nous nous en we are going allons, away. tu t'en vas, thou art going vous vous en you are going away. allez, away. il s'en va, he is going away. ils s'en vont, they are going away. Negative. 5 ne m en vais pas, m'en vais-je ? / am not going away. tii ne t'en vas pas, etc., thou art not goinc away, etc. Interrogative. am I going away f t'en vas-tu ? etc., art thou going away? etc. Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en vais- ) am I not going je pas? je m'en allais, tu t'en allais, il s'en allait, ne t'en vas- pas? etc away ? IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparf ait). I was going away, >-tu ) art thou not yoint . , ) away f thou wast going away, he was going away. nous nous en > we were going allions, ) away. vous vous en ) you were going alliez, ) away. ils s'en allaient, they were going away. IREEGULAB VERBS. 113 Negative. je ne m'en al- ) / was not going lais pas. away. tu ne t'en allais ) thou wast not go- pas, etc. , ) ing away, etc. Interrogative. m'en allais-je ? was I going away ? t'en allais-tu, ) wast thou going etc., ) away, etc. Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en allais- ^ was I not going je pas away ? ne t'en allais- ) wast thou not go- tu pas ? etc >- ) wa . , ) i ng away ? etc, PAST DEFINITE TENSE (Passe je m'en allai, / went away. \ tu t'en alias, il s'en alia, thou didst go away, he went away. nous nous en al- > lames, f we went vousvous en al- ) u went ils s'en allerent, theyjcent away. Negative. je ne m'en allai pas, / did not go away. Interrogative. m'en allai-je ? did I go away f Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en allai-je ? did I not go away f FUTURE TENSE (Futur). je m'en irai, / will go away. tu t'en iras, il s'en ira, thou wilt go away, he will go away. nous nous en irons, > we will go away. vous vons en irez, you will go away ils s'en iront, they will go away Negative. j ne m'en irai pas, / will not go away. Interrogative. m'en irai-je? shall I go away f Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en irai-je ? shall I not qo away f F 114 IRREGULAR VERBS. PAST INDEFINITE TENSE (Passe" indtfini). je m'en suis alle", I have gone away. tu t'en es alle", thou hast gone away. il s'en est alle, he has gone away. nous nous en ) we have gone sommes alles, ) away. vous vous en ) you have gone etes alles, ) away. ils s'en sont ) they have gon alles, ) away. Negative. je ne m'en suis ) / have not gone nous ne nous en > we have not pas alle, away. tu ne t'en es pas |_ thou hast not gone alle, ) away. il ne s'en est > he has not gone pas alle, | away. sommes pas alles, j gone away. vous ne vous en } you have not etes pas alles, ils ne s'en sont pas alles, ) gone away. ) they have not j gone away. Interrogative. m'en suis-je alle' ? have I gone away f t'en es-tu alle '{ hast thou gone away f s'en est-il alle" ? has he gone away f nous en sommes- )_ have we gone nous alles ? j away ? vous en etes-vous > have you gone alles ? j" away ? s'en sont-ils alle's? have they gone away T Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en suis-je ) have I not gone pas alle* ? ) away? ne t'en es-tu pas \ hast thou not gone alle'? } away? ne s'en est-il pas ) has he not gone alle ? ) away f ne nous en sommes- ) haoe we not nous pas alle's ? > gone awayt ne vous en etes- > have you not vous pas alles? gone away? ne s'en sont-ils pas \_ have they not alles ? ) gone away ? V/PLUPERFECT TENSE (Plus-que-parfait). je m'en e"tais alle*, I had gone away. tu t'en etais alle", thou hadst gone away. il s'en e'tait alle, he hadgom away. nous nous en e'tions alles, vous vous en e^ie/ alle's, ils s'en e*taient alle's, \_ we had gone \ away. \ you had gone > away. > they had gone ) away. Negative. je ne m'en e'tais pas alle, 1 had not gone away. Interrogative. m'en e*tais-je alld? had I gone au-uyf IRREGULAR VERBS. Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en etais-je pas alle? had I not gone away? ^ PAST ANTERIOR TENSE (Passe' anttrieur). Je m'en fus aHe, I had qone away. nous nous en) fumes alles, \ ^ had gone away tu t'en fus alie", thou hadst gone away. il s'en fut alle, be had gone away. vous vous en ) you had gone futes alles, ) away. ils s'en furent ) they had gone alles, ) away. Negative. je ne m'en fus pas alle, / had not gone away. Interrogative. m'en fus-je alle ? had I gone awayf Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en fus-je pas alle ? had I not gone away F FUTURE ANTERIOR TENSE (Futur anttrieur). ie m'en serai alle. / shall have gone away. tu t'en seras alle, thou wilt have gone away. il s'en sera alle, he will have gone away. nous nous en ^ we shall have gont serons alles, ) away, vous vous en ) you will have gon* serez alle"s, > away. ils s'en seront \ they will hew* alles, > gone away. Negative. je ne m'en serai pas alle, / shall not have gone away. Interrogative. m'en serai-je alle ? shall I have gone away T Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en serai-je pas alle ? shall I not have gone away f -^4 CONDITIONAL MOOD (Cmditimnel). PRESENT TENSE (Present). je m'en irais, I should go away. tu t'en irais, thou wouldst go away. il s'en irait, he would go away. nous nous en ) we should go away. vous vous en ) you would go iriez, ) away. ils s'en iraient, they would go away. 116 IBKEGULAK VERBS. Negative. je ne m'en irais pas, / should not go au:ay. Interrogative. m'en irais-je? should I go away ? Interrogative with a Negative. ne m'en irais-je pas ? should I not go awayf PAST TENSE (Passe-). je m'en serais alle, tu t'en alle, il s'en alle, / should have ) gone away. serais ) thou wouldst have ) gone away. he would have serait it ) j gone away. nous nous en se- ) we should haae rions alles, gone away. vous vous en se- >^ you would have riez alles, ) gone aimy. Us s'en seraient > they would have alles, j" gone away. IMPERATIVE MOOD (Imperatif). va-t'en, allons-nous-en, go away. let us go away. allez-vous-en, go away. ne t'en va pas, go not away. lie nous en allons ) let us not go pas, ) away. ne vous en allez > > pas, go not away. y SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (Sufy&nctif). """"T?RESENT TENSE (Present), may go que je m'en aille, that I away. que tu t'en ailles, that thou mayst go qu'il s'en aille, away. that he away. way go que nous nous en > that we may no :il lions. / away. que vous vous en > that you may go alliez. qu'ils s'en aillent, away. that they may go away. Negative. que je ne m'en aille pas, that I may not go away. -*>* IMPERFECT TENSE (Imparfait). que je m'en al- ) that I might go lasse, > away. que tu t'en al- > that thou mightst lasses, ) go atom/. qu'il s'en ali&t, that he might go away. que nous nous ^ that we might go en allassions, ) away. que vous vous ) that you might en allassiez, ) go away. qu'ils s'en alias- ) that they might sent, ) go away. IREEGULAK VEKBS. 11' Negative. que je ne m'en allasse pas, that I might not go away. PAST TENSE (Passe). que je m'en }_ that I may have sois alle, ) //one away. que tu t'en )_ that thou mayst sois alle, j have gone away. qn'il s'en soit > like 4. Sortir, sortant, sorti, to go out. ) sentir. 5. Se repentir, to repent. Inf. se repentir. Part. prs. se repentant. / 'art. passt, repenti Pr&s. je me repens, tu te repens, il se repent, etc. like sentir. 6. Dormir, to sleep. Inf. dormir. Part. pre"s. dormant. Part, passtf, dormi. Pre's. je dors, tu dors, il dort ; nous dormons, vous dormez, ils dorment Pre's. du Subj. que je dorme, que tu dormes, etc Imparf. je dormais. Passe def. je dormis. Imparf. du Subj. que je ilormisse. Passe ind. j'ai dormi. Fut. je dormirai. Imptr. dors ; dormons, dormez. 120 IRREGULAR VERBS. RULE. Verbs of believing are followed by que and the Subjunctive when used interrogatively or negatively, as : je ne crois pas qn'il mente, I do not believe that he lies. croyez-vons qu'il mente ? do you believe that he lies? EXERCISE XLII. 1. Ton petit frere dort-il dej&? Non, mon ami, il ne dort pas encore ; mais il dormira bientot. 2. Ou est votre pere ? II est sorti il y a quelques minutes. 3. Mon neveu partira ce soir pour Paris. 4. S'est-il deja Iev6? Non, il est encore au lit, il dort encore. 5. Combien d'heures dormez-vous ordinairement ? Je ne dors quo sept heures; je me couche a" dix heures, et je me leve S cinq heures. 6. Je pars pour Paris, et mon beau-frere est deja" parti pour Londres. 7. Partiras-tu bientot ? Mon pere veut que je parte deja demain. 8. Je sens bien que vous avez raison. 9. A quelle heure sortez-vous ordinairement ? Je sors ordinaire- ment & onze heures. 10. Croyez-vous (do you believe) que je mente (Subj.)1 Je ne mens jamais. 11. Ce gar9on ment toujours, il est grand menteur. 12. Ton frere ira-t-il au bal ce soir? Non, Mademoiselle, il ira au concert. Ira-t-il u pied ou en voiture ? II ira en voiture. 1. Are your little sisters already asleep ? No, my friend, they are not asleep yet ; but they will be asleep very soon. 2. Where is your mother ? She went out some (few) minutes ago. 3. We set out this evening for Paris. 4. We will set out to-morrow for London. 5. Shall you go in a carriage or by railway ? 6. How many hours does your brother sleep usually ? He sleeps only six hours and a half; he goes to bed at eleven o'clock, and rises at half-past five. 7. Shall you set out soon ? Our father wishes that we should set out to-morrow. 8. iJo you believe that my brother- in-law lies ? He never lies. 9. These boys lie always. They are great liars. 10. At what o'clock (say hour) does he go out usual- ly ? He goes out usually at half-past ten. 11. We feel that he is right. 12. My brother-in-law feels that my sister is wrong. 7. Servir, to serve. Inf. servir. Part, pre's. servant. Part, passe*, servi. Pre's. je sers, tu sers, il sert ; nous servons, vous servez, Us servant. Pre's. du Subj. que je serve. Imparf. je servais. Passe" dlf. je servis. 8. Courir, to run. Inf. conrir. Part, pre's. courant. Part, passe*, couru. Pre's. je cours, tu cours, il court; nou? courons, vous courez. ils courent IRREGULAR VERBS. 121 Pr6s. du Subj. que je coure. Imparf. je c-ourais. Passe dtff. je courus, tu courus, ils courut ; nous courumes, vous cou- rutes, ils coururent. Imparf. du Subj. que je courusse. Passt indef. j'ai couru. Fut. je courrai, tu courras, il courra, etc. Imptr. cours ; courons, courez. RULE. II faut que is followed by the Subjunctive (see p. 98), as : il faut que je sois a 1'ecole, I must be, at the school. EXERCISE XLIII. 1. Ce domestique sert mon oncle depuis plusieurs annges. 2. Je sers volontiers raes amis. 3. Servez vos parents, et vous serez recompense's ! 4. Je vous servirais volontiers, si j'en avais le temps. 5. Le diner est-il deja servi ? Pas encore, mais on le ser- vira a 1'instant. 6. Ou courez- vous si vite ? Je cours chercher un mgdecin ; mon beau-frere est dangereusement malade. Veux- tu que j'y coure aussi ? 7. Cet invalide a bien servi sa patrie et son roi. 8. Courez plus vite, mon ami ; il faut que nous soyons a rgcole a deux heures. 9. Ces enfants courent toute la journge ; je courrais aussi, si je n'gtais pas indisposg. 10. Nous courumes beaucoup hier, et nous courrons demain aussi. 1. These servants have served my brother-in-law many years (say, serve my brother-in-law since many years). 2. He serves willingly his friends. 3. We would serve you willingly if we had the time for it. 4. The servant has run quickly to look for a doc- tor. Do you wish (v&ulez-wus) that we should run also ? 5. Our servant has not served the dinner. 6. I will serve my country and my king. 7. Where does he run so quickly ? He runs to look for a doctor. 8. The children run quickly; they must be (say, it is necessary that they should be) at the school at half-past three. 9. We should run if we were not unwell. 10. I ran much yesterday, and I shall run also to-morrow. 9. Mourir, to die. Inf. mourir. Part. prs. mourant. Part, passt, tnort. Prs. je meurs, tu meurs, il metirt ; nous mourons, vous mourez, ils meurent. Prs. du Subj. que je meure, que tu meures, qu'il meure; que nous mourions, que vous mouriez, qu'ils meurent. Imparf. je mourais. Pass def. je mourns, tu mourus, il mourut ; nous mourum.es, vou mourutes, ils moururent. Imparf. du Subj: que je inourusse. Fut. je mourrai, tu mourras, il mourra, etc. Imper. meurs ; mourons, mourez. F2 rri 122 IRREGULAR VERBS, 10. Tenir, to hold. Inf. tenir. Part, pre's. tenant. Part, passe", term. Pre's. je tiens, tu tiens, il tient ; nous tenons, vous tenez, ils tiennent. Pre's. du Subj. que je tienne, que tu tiennes, qu'il tienne ; que noui tenions, que vous teniez, qu'ils tiennent. Imparf. je tenais. Passe" def. je tins, tu tins, il tint ; nous tinmes, vous tintes, ils tinrent Imparf. du Subj. que je tinsse. Fut. je tiendrai. Impe'r. tiens ; tenons, tenez. 11. Venir, to come. Inf. venir. Part, pre's. venant. Part, pass?, vena. Pre's. je viens, tu viens, il vient ; nous venons, vous vgnez, ils viennent. Pre's. du Subj. que je vienne, que tu viennes, qu'il vienne ; que nous venions, que vous veniez, qu'ils viennent. Imparf. je venais. Passe' dff. je^^vins, tu vins, il vint ; nous vinmes, vous vintes, ils vin- rent. Passe' indef. je suis venu. Imparf. du Subj. que je vinsse, que tu vinsses, qu'il vint ; que nous vinssions, etc. Fut. je viendrai. Imper. viens ; venons, venez. 1. Ces soldats meurent de faim et de soif. 2. Un homme ver- tueux meurt plus tranquillement qu'un me"chant. 3. Nous mourrong tous. 4. Mon voisin est mort ; il mourut hier a" midi. 5. Qu'est- ce que vous tenez a" la main ? Je tiens ma montre d'or. 6. D'ou viens-tu, mon cher ? Je viens de la promenade. 7. Viendrez-vous au spectacle ce soir ? J'y irai probablement. 8. Vous m'avez pro- mis de venir me voir; vous nem'avez pas tenu parole. 9.Monfrereet moi, nous irons vous voir demain. 10. Tu m'as promis un bon livre ; il faut que tu me tiennes parole. 11. Get homme tiendra-t-il sa pa- role ? 12. Quand viendras-tu me voir, demain ou apres-demain ? Je ne viendrai ni demain, ni apres-demain, je viendrai dimanche. 1. These soldiers will die of hunger and thirst. 2. The soldier dies quietly. 3. His sisters are dead ; they died yesterday at two o'clock. 4. What is it that he holds in his hand*? He holds his gold watch. 5. Whence does he come ? He comes from the theatre. 6. Will you come to the concert this morning ? We shall go (there) probably. 7. He promised to come to see me ; he has not kept his word. 8. 1 shall come to see you to-morrow. 9. I promised the girl a good book ; I must keep my word. 10. You (vous) promised the child a good book ; you must keep your word. 11. Will your uncle keep his word? 12. When will your brother come to see me ? He will come (on) Monday. IRREGULAR VERBS. 123 12. Ouvrir, to open. Inf. ouvrir. Part, pre's. ouvrant. Part, passe", ouvert. Pre's. j'ouvre, tu ouvres, il ouvre ; nous ouvrons,vous ouvrez, ils ouvrent Pre's. du Subj. que j'ouvre, etc. ; que nous ouvrions, etc. Imparf. j'ouvrais. Passe def. j'ouvris. Imparf. du Subj. que j'ouvrisse. Fut. j'ouvrirai. Impe'r. ouvre ; ouvrons, ouvrez. 13. Couvrir, couvrant, couvert, to cover. ) ,., 14. Offrir, offrant, offert, to offer. 15. Souffrir, souffrant, souflert, to suffer. ) 01 EXERCISE XLIV. 1. Pourquoi a-t-on ouvert la porte ? Parce qu'il fait trop chaud dans cette chambre. 2. N'ouvrez pas la fendtre ! 3. Mon frere ouvre toujours les portes et les fengtres. 4. La porte est-elle ou- verte ? Nous souft'rons tous du froid. 5. Ce malade souft're beau- coup; souffrira-t-il encore longtemps? 6. Qui a ouvert toutes les fengtres ? 7. Le domestique m'ouvrit la porte, et me mena dans la chambre du conite. 8. Je vous offre un tasse de cafe". 9. M'offrirez-vous aussi une bouteille de vin ? 10. Notre arm6e a beaucoup souftert du froid et de la faim. 1. Open the door and the window. 2. Do not open the door and the window. 3. The servant has opened the doors and the windows. 4. Why has he opened the doors and the windows ? Be- cause it is too hot in the room of the count. 5. The girl suffers much ; will she still suffer long ? 6. Who has opened the win- dows ? The servants have opened the windows. 7. Will you open (for) me the door ? The servant will open (for) you the door. 8. We offer you a cup of coffee: 9. He has offered me also a bottle of wine. 10. 1 have suffered much from the cold and from hunger. 16. Fuir, to shun, avoid. Inf. fuir. Part, pre's. fuyant. Part, passt, fui. Prs. je fuis, tu fuis, il fuit ; nous fuyons, vous fuyez, ils fuient. Imparf. je fuyais. Passe def. je fuis. Imparf. du Subj. que je fuisse. Passe indef. j'ai fui. Fut. je fuirai. Impe'r. fuis ; fuyons, fuyez. N. B. Fmu, as a Neuter Verb, means to flee, to fly; as Le temps fuit, time flies. In like manner s'enfuir, to run away, escape. Pre's. je m'enfuis, tu t'enfuis, etc. Passe indef. je me suis enfui. Impe'r. enfuis-tsi ; enfuyons-nous. 124 IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 7. VStir, to clothe. Inf. vetir. Part. pres. vetant. Part, passe, v5tu. Pres. je vets, tu vets, il vet ; nous vetons, vous vetez, ils vetent. Pres. du Subj. que je vete. Passe def. je vetis. Imparf. du Subj. que je vetisse. F ut. je vetirai. Iinper. vets ; vetons, vetez. In like manner rev6tir,to clothe,invest,bestow ; se revStii; to put on one's clothes, to dress. 18. Cueillir, to gather. Inf. cueillir. Part. pres. cueillant. Part, passe, cueilli. Pres. je cueille, tu cueilles, il cueille ; nous cueillons, vous cueillez, ils cueillent. Pres. du Subj. que je cueille. Imparf. je cueillais. Passe def. je cueillis. Imparf. du Subj. que je cueillisse. fut. je cueillerai. Imfier. cueille ; cueillons, cueillez. 1. II fuit de son pays. 2. Les ennemis fuyaient. 3. On ne lui reprochera jamais d'avoir fui. 4. II s'enfuit de la prison. 5. Les enfants des pauvres sont ordinairement mal ve"tus. 6. Cette 11 lie modeste est v6tue sitnpleraent. 7. II faut que tu te vgtes plus chau- dement. 8. Get homme g6n6reux vfitira les pauvres cet hiver. 9. La servante cueille des 16gumes. 10. Nous cueillons les fruits des arbres en automne. 11. Nous cueillimes les plus beaux fruits de cet arbre. 12. Quand cueillera-t-on ces abricots ? Nous les cudl- lerons quand ils seront murs. 13. J'ai cueilli moi-mfime ces ceri- ses. 14. D6sirez-vous que nous en cueillions davantage ? Non, celles que vous avez cueillies nous suffisent pour le moment. 1. They fly from their country. 2. The enemies will fly. 3. One will never reproach us of having fled. 4. They escaped from the prison. 5. The boy is usually badly clad. 6. Those modest girls are clad simply. 7. We must clothe ourselves more warmly. 8. These generous men clothed the poor (men). 9. The servants (fern.) gather vegetables. 10. They gather the fruits of the trees in autumn. 11. They gathered the most beautiful apricots. 12. We will gather the most beautiful cherries. 19. Acquerir, to acquire. Inf. acquerir. Part, fires, acquerant. Part, passe, acquis. Prls. j'acquiers, tu acquiers, il acquiert ; nous acque'rons, vons ac- querez, ils acquirent. IRREGULAR VERBS. 125 Pre's. du Subj. que j'acquiere, que tu acquires, qu'il acquiere ; que nous acquerions, que vous acqueriez, qu'ils acquierent. Imparf. j'acquerais. Passe def. j'acquis, tu acquis, il acquit, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que j'acquisse. Fut. j'acquerrai. Imper. acquiers ; acquerons, acquerez. 20. Conquerir, conquerant, conquis ; like acquSrir. 21. Bouillir, to boil. Inf. bouillir. Part. pres. bouillant. Part. passe, bouilli. Pres, je bous, tu bous, il bout; nous bouillons, vous bouillez, ilc bouillent. Pres. du Subj. que je bouille. Imparf. je bouillais. Passe def. je bouillis. Imparf. du Subj. que je bouillisse. Fut. je bouillirai. Imper. bous ; bouillons, bouillez. As an active verb faire bouillir is used, as: elle fait bouillir les pommes de terre, she boils the potatoes. 22. Tressaillir, to start, to tremble. Inf. tressaillir. Part. pre~s. tressaillant. Part, passe", tressailli. Pre's. je tressaille, tu tressailles, il tressaille ; nous tressaillons, vons tressaillez, ils tressaillent. Pres. du Subj. que je tressaille. Imparf. je tressaillais. Passi: def. je tressaillis. Imparf. du Subj. que je tressaillisse. Fut. je tressaillirai. EXERCISE XLV. 1. On n'acquiert rien sans travail et sans peine. 2. Par Tappli- cation et I'Stude vous acqugriez des connaissances. 3. J'ai acquis ce bien 16gitimement. 4. Le bien mal acquis ne profite pas. 5. Alexandre-le-Grand a conquis 1'Asie. 6. L'eau bout. 7. Les oaufs sont cults (boiled). 8. La servante fait bouillir les pommes de terre. 9. II tressaille de joie. 10. II tressaillit de peur. 1. The boy will acquire nothing without labor and without pain. 2. By application and study he acquires knowledge (pi.). 3. He has acquired this property lawfully. 4. The enemies conquered 126 IRREGULAR VERBS. France. 5. The water will boil. 6. The egg is boiled (say cooked). 7. The servant boils the water. 8. The servant must boil the po- tatoes. 9. They start with joy. 10. They will tremble with fear. III. IRREGULAR YERBS OF THE THIRD CONJUGATION. I Ya.lloiT,tobeobliged(must,should,ought). Impersonal Verb Pr6s, il faut. Imparf. il fallait, etc. See conjugation on p. 97. 2. Valoir, to be worth. Inf. valoir. Part. prs. valant. Part, passe', valu. Prs. je vaux, tu vaux, il vaut ; nous valons, vous valez, ils valent. Pre's. du Subj. que je vaille, que tu vailles, qu'il vaille ; que nous valions, que vous valiez, qu'ils vaillent. Imparf. je valais. Passe" df. je valus, tu valus, il valut ; nous valumes, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je valusse. Fut. je vaudrai, tu vaudras, etc. Cond. je vaudrais. Impir. vaux ; valons, valez. II vaut mieux, it is better. 3. Prevaloir, to prevail, is conjugated like valoir, except in the Pres. du /Subj., which is Que je preVale (not prevaille), que tu preVales, qu'il prevale ; que nous preValions, que vous prevaliez, qu'ils pre'valent. EXERCISE XL VI. 1. II faut manger pour vivre, mais il ne faut pas vivre pour manger. 2. II me faut faire cela ce matin. 3. II faut que je le fasse avant de sortir. 4. II faudra que nous disions la v6rit6. 5. Ce cheval vaut trois cents francs. 6. Ma montre vaut mieux que la votre. 7. II vaut mieux ne pas y aller. 8. Les pauvres valent souvent mieux que les riches. 9. Ce drap vaut sept francs le metre. 10. Croyez-vous que cette maison vaille ce qu'il 1'a payfie? 11. II y a beaucoup d'occasions ou il vaut mieux se taire que de parler. 12. Cette chose vaut Men la peine d'y penser. 13. Son adversaire a prSvalu. 14. II ndlfaut pas que la coutume prfivale sur la raison. 1. You must do that this evening. 2. You must do it before going out. 3. You will be obliged to tell the truth. 4. This house is worth ten thousand francs. 5. This house is better than mine. 6. This coat (habit) is worth two hundred francs. 7. Do you be- lieve that this house is worth what you have paid (for) it ? 8. Do you believe that these houses are worth what you have paid (for) them ? 9. It will be better for me to be silent than to speak. 10. These things are well worth the trouble of thinking of them. IRREGULAR VERBS. 127 4. Vouloir, to be willing, to wish. Inf. vouloir. Part. pres. voulant. Part, passe, voulu. Prs. je veux, tu veux, il veut ; nous voulons, vous voulez, ils veulent. Prts. du Subj. que je veuille, que tu veuilles, qu'il veuille ; que nous voulions, que vous vouliez, qu'ils veuillent. Imparf. je voulais. Posse def. je voulus, tu voulus, il voulut ; nous voulftmes, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je voulusse. Fut. je voudrai. Cond. je voudrais. Imper. veuille ; veuillez (be so good as). 5. Pouvoir, to be able (can, may). Inf. pouvoir. Part. pres. pouvant. Part, passe^ pu. Pres. je peux (or je puis), tu peux, il peut ; nous pouvons, vous pou- vez, ils peuvent. Prs. du Subj. que je puisse, que tu puisses, qu'il puisse ; que nous puissions, que vous puissiez, qu'ils puissent. Imparf. je pouvais. Passe def. je pus, tu pus, il put ; nous pumes, vous putes, ils purent. Imparf. du Subj. que je pusse. Fut. je pourrai. Cond. je pourrais. EXERCISE XLVH 1. Je veux que vous gcriviez une lettre a votre oncle. 2. Vou- driez-vous avoir la bonte" de tailler ma plume ? 3. Pourriez-vous me dire quelle heure il est ? 4. Non, monsieur, je ne peux pas vous le dire ; je n'ai pas ma montre sur (with) moi. 5. Peut-on tout ce qu'on veut ? Oh ! non, on ne peut pas toujours ce que 1'on veut. 6. Vous le pouvez, si vous le voulez. 7. Voudrais-tu que je fusse malheureux ? 8. Si mon beau-frere ne veut pas vous accompa- gner, je ne le veux pas non plus. 9. Pouvez-vous faire cela ? Oui, je le peux, mais mon frere ne le peut pas. 10. II ne croyait pas que je pusse Jeter cette grosse pierre. 11. Crois-tu que tu puisses porter cela ? 12. Mon oncle ne croit pas que je veuille partir. 1. He wishes that we should write a letter to his uncle. 2. Would you (wish) have the kindness to speak to my brother-in-law ? 3. Would he be able to tell me what o'clock it is ? 4. No, sir, lie can not tell (it) you; he has not his watch with (sur) him. 5. We are able (to do) all that we wish. 6. He is able (to do) it, if he wish it. 7. If our brothers do not wish to accompany you, we do not wish it either. 8. Is he able to do that ? Yes, he (it) can, but I (it) can not. 9. 1 do not believe that you can throw that large stone. 10. 1 did not believe that you could throw that large stone. 128 IRBEGULAK VERBS. 6. Voir, to see, Inf. voir. Part. prts. voyant. Part, passt, vu. Prts. je vois, tu vois, il voit ; nous voyons, vous voyez, ils voient. Pre's. du Subj. que je voie, que tu voies, qu'il voie ; que nous voyions, que vous voyiez, qu'ils voient. Impurf. je voyais. Passt dlf. je vis, tu vis, il vit ; nous vimes, vous vites, ils virent. Ini/iurf. du Subj. que je visse. Fut. je verrai. Imper. vois ; voyons, voyez. 7. Pourvoir (a), to provide (for). Inf. pourvoir. Part. prs. pourvoyant. Part, passt, pourvu. Pr6s. je pourvois, tu pourvois, il pourvoit; nous poun'oyons, vous pourvoyez, ils pourvoient. Prs. du Subj. que je pourvoie. Impurf. je pourvoyais. Passt def. je pourvus, tu pourvus, il pourvut, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je pourvusse. Fut. je pourvoirai. EXERCISE XLVIII. 1. Que voyez- vous Ifi-bas? Nous ne voyons rien. 2. Crois-tu que nous voyions nos amis ? 3. Voulez-vous venir nous voir ? Nous verrons. 4. Je verrais mon beau-frere, si je n'e'tais pas iachfi centre lui. 5. Je le vois presque tous les jours; je le verrai peut- e"tre encore ce soir. 6. J'ai vu votre cousin, mais vous ne 1'avez pas vu. 7. Je le verrai bientot et ton ami le verra aussi. 8. Je le vis hier a" la promenade. 9. II nc voulait pas que je le visse. 10. Voyez-vous que j'ai eu raison ? Oui, je le vois mainteuant. 11. II a pourvu a tous nos besoins. 12. Dieu y pourvoira. 1. What do you see down there ? I see nothing. 2. Does he believe that you will see (Subj.) your friends ? 3. Will you (are you willing) to come to see my brother-in-law ? I shall see. 4. The uncle would see his nephew, if he were not angry with (con- tre) him. 5. We see him nearly every day; we shall see him, per- haps, this evening. 6. He has seen my cousin, but I have not seen him. 7. We shall see him very soon, and you will see him also. 8. You were not willing that he should see her. 9. Does your brother-in-law see that I was right ? Yes, he sees it now. 10. I have provided for all your wants. 8. Savoir, to know. Inf. savoir. Part. prs. sachant. Part, passt, su. Prs. je sais, tu sais, il sait ; nous savons, vous savez, ils savent. Prts. du Subj. que je sache, que tu saches, qu'il sacho ; que n<->u* sachious. que vous sachiez, qu'ils sachent. IRREGULAR VERBS. 129 Imparf. je savais. Passe dey. je sus, tu sus, il sut ; nous slimes, vous sutes, ils surent. Imparf. du Subj. que je susse. Fut. je saurai. Imptr. sache ; sachons, sachez. EXERCISE XLIX. 1. Savez-vous parler frai^ais ? Nous le savons un peu. 2. Mon cousin, qui est mort & Berlin, savait plusieurs langues. 3. Savez- vous votre Ie9on ? Oui, je la sais. 4. Personne ne suit mon se- cret. 5. II ne croit pas que je sache son secret. 6. Voudrais-tu que je 1'eusse su plus tot ? 7. II est possible qu'il le sache. 8. C'est dornmage que vous ne sachiez pas assez le fra^ais et 1'anglais. 9. Sais-tu deja, le fran9ais ? Non, je ne le sais pas encore, je commence a" 1'apprendre seulement. 10. Vous saurez que notre ami est en voyage. 1. Do you know (how) to speak English ? I know it a little*. 2. My brother-in-law knows many languages. 3. Does the girl know her lesson ? Yes, she knows it. 4. The idle boy knows nothing. 5. 1 do not believe that you know my secret. 6. 1 should have wished that you had known it sooner. 7. Is it possible that he knows it? 8. It is a pity (that) my nephew does not know French and English. 9. Do you (vous) know French already ? No, we do not know it yet, we are only beginning to learn it. 9. Mouvoir, to move. Inf. mouvoir. Part. pr4s. mouvant. Part. pass, mu. Prs. je meus, tu meus, il meut ; nous mouvous, vous mouvez, ils meu- vent. Prs. du Subj. que je meuve, que tu meuves, qu'il meuve ; que nous mouvions, que vous mouviez, qu'ils meuvent. Passe dtf. je mus, tu mus, il mut ; nous mumes, vous mutes, ils mu- rent. Imparf. du Subj. que je musse. Fut. je mouvrai. Impr. meus ; mouvons, mouvez. 10. Pleuvoir, to rain. Impersonal Verb. Inf. pleuvoir. Part. prs. pleuvant. Part, passe, plu. Prs. il pleut. Prs. du Subj. qrril pleuve. Imparf. il pleuvait. Passt dtf. il plut. Imparf. du &ubj. qu'il plut. Fut. il pleuvra. EXERCISE L. 1. C'est 1'ame qui meut le corps. 2. Les passions meuvent souvent les homines. 3. Dix hommes n'ont pas pu mouvoir cette pierre. 4. Personne ne peut expliquer comment il est possible q^ue Fame meuve le corps. 5. Get homme est si malade qu'il ne 130 IRREGULAR VERBS. oeut B& mouvoir. 6. II y a des pays ou il pleut rarement. 7. II plut & verse (in torrents). 8. Je crois qu'il pleuvra bientot. 1. The boy moves this stone. 2. The boys move this stone. 3. The boys will move this stone. 4. These men are so ill that they can not move (themselves). 5. All animals move (themselves). 6. Does it rain ? Yes, it rains ; it rained also yesterday all day (say all the day). 7. It will rain in torrents soon. 8. It rained in torrents yesterday all day. 11. S'asseoir, to sit. Inf. s'asseoir. Part. prs. s'asseyant. Part, passt, assis. Prts. je m'assieds, tu t'assieds, il s'assied nous nous asseyons, vous vous asseyez, ils s'asseyent. Prs. du Subj. que je m'asseye. Imparf. je m'asseyais. Passt df. je m'assis, tu t'assis, il s'assit ; nous nous assimes, vons vous assites, ils s'assirent. Imparf. du Subj. que je m'assisse. Fut. je m'assie'rai, tu t'assieras, etc. , or je m'asseyerai. Imptr. assieds-toi ; asseyons-nous, asseyez-vous. 12. D6choir, to decay, to fall off. Inf. de"choir. Part. prs. (wanting.) Part, passt, de'chu. Prts. je de"chois, tu dechois, il de'choit ; nous de'choyons, vous dechoyez, ils de'choient. Prts. du Subj. que je dechoie, que nous dechoyions. Passt df. je dechus, tu de'chus, il dechut ; nous d&humes, vous de- chutes, ils dechurent. Imparf. du Subj. que je de'chusse. Fut. je de'cherrai. tu decherras, il de'cherra ; nous de'cherrons, vous decherrez, ils de"cherront. 13. Echoir, echeant, echu, to lapse, to fall to. Conjugated like dechoir. EXERCISE LI. 1. Le roi s'assied sur le trone. 2. Le ramoneur (the sweep) s'assit sur le toit. 3. Nous nous assimes sur une pierre. 4. Ou nous asseyerons-nous ? Vous vous assie"rez sur ce bane. 5. Pourquoi ne t'es-tu pas encore assis? Je ne m'asseyerai pas le premier. 6. Assieds-toi. 7. Asseyez-vous. 8. Je desire qu'on s'asseye. 9. Je voudrais qu'on s'assit. 10. Nous nous 6tions dejS assis it table, lorsqu'on nous annonca cette nouvelle. 11. II est fort de'chu dans 1'estime du public. 12. Le vieillard commence a d6choir. IRREGULAR VERBS. 131 1. The king and queen sit on the throne. 2. The sweeps sat upon the roof. 3. You sat upon a stone. 4. Where shall my sister sit ? She will sit upon this bench. 5. Why is he not yet seated ? He will not sit (down) the first. 6. We desire that you should sit (down). 7. I was already seated at table, when one announced to us that news. 8. They are much fallen in the esteem of the public. IV. IRREGULAR VERBS OF THE FOURTH CONJUGATION, 1. Dire, to say. Inf. dire. Part. prte. disant. Part, pass, dit. Prs. je dis, tu dis, il dit ; nous disons, vous dites, Us disent. Prtfs. du Subj. que je dise. Imparf. je disais. Passe def. je dis, tu dis, il dit ; nous dimes, vous dites, ils dirent. Imparf. du Subj. que je disse. Fut. je dirai. Impfr. dis ; disons, dites. COMPOUNDS. Redire, to say again, to repeat, is conju- gated exactly like dire. Dedire, to disown; contredire, to contradict; interdire, to forbid; mddire, to slander; pre'dire, to foretell, are con- jugated like dire, except in the 2d Pers. PI. of the Indie. Present, and the Imperative, which have d^disez, con- tredisez, interdisez, medisez, predisez. Maudire, to curse, is conjugated like dire, except that it doubles the s, as Part. pres. maudissant ; Ind. pres. nous maudissons ; Imparf. je maudissais ; Pres. du Subj. que je maudisse ; Imper. maudissez. 2. Suffire, suffisant, suffi, to suffice. Conjugated like dire, except in the 2d Pers. PI. of the Indie. Pres., and the Imperative, which have vous suffisez, suffisez. EXERCISE LIL 1. Que me dites-vous ? Je ne vous dis rien. 2. Dites-le-moi maintenant. Je vous le dirai une autre fois. 3. Qu'en dites-vous ? Je n'en dis rien du tout. 4. Je dis hier & ma belle-so3ur de venir nous voir. 5. Mon beau-frere disait souvent qu'il regrettait la mort de son ami. 6. Que voulez-vous que je vous dise ? 7. Les enfants disent tout ce qu'ils pensent. 8. Qu'est-ce que vous me dites ? Je Yous dis ce qui est vrai. 9. Dites-moi franchement ce que vous en 132 IRREGULAR VERBS. pensez. 10. Je veux que chacun dise son opinion. 11. Qu'est-ce que votre soeur dit de ce mariage ? Elle u'en dit rien, elle en est tout e'tonne'e. 12. Cette somme ne suffit pas pour payer vos dettes. 1. What does he say to you ? He says nothing to me. 2. He will tell (it) you another time. 3. What does she say about it (en) ? She says nothing about it at all. 4. We spoke (say said) yesterday to my brother-in-law about coming (de venir) to see us. 5. What do you wish that we should say to you ? 6. We say every thing (which) we think. 7. What does she say (say what is it she says) ? She says to you what is true. 8. I will tell you frankly what I think of it. 9. What is it that your brother-in-law said about (de) that marriage ? He said nothing about it ; he is quite astonished at it (en). 10. That sum will not suffice to pay their debts. 3. Lire, to read. Inf. lire. Part. prs. lisant. Part, passe", lu. Pre's. je lis, tu lis, il lit : nous lisons, vous lisez, ils lisent. Pre~s. du Subj. que je lise. Imftarf. je lisais. Passt de"f. je lus, tu lus, il lut ; nous lumes, vous lutes, ils lurent. Imparf. du Subj. que je lusse. Fut. je lirai. Impr. lis ; lisons, lisez. 4. Elire, elisant, elu, to elect, to choose. Conjugated like lire. EXERCISE LIU. 1. Qu'est-ce que vous lisez la ? Je lis le journal. 2. Avez-vous deja lu le journal ? Non, Monsieur, je ne 1'ai pas encore lu ; mais je le lirai ce soir apres le souper. 3. Vous lisez trop bas, mes enfants ; lisez un peu plus haut. 4. II entra, lut la lettre qu'il avait re9ue, et partit aussitot. 5. Que lisais-tu lorsque j'entrai ? Je lisais ce livre. 6. As-tu deja lu les auteurs fran9ais ? 7. Non, je ne les ai pas encore lus ; je les lirai plus tard. 8. Nous lumes cette nouvelle dans une gazette (dans un journal). 1. What is (that) he is reading there ? He is reading the journal. 2. Have you already read the journal ? No, sir, we have not yet read it; but we will read it this morning, after breakfast. 3. He reads too low ; he must (ilfaut que) read a little louder. 4. They entered, read the letters which they had received, and set out immediately. 5. What was he reading when you entered ? He was reading this book. 6. He has already read the Entrlish authors. 7. We have not yet read the French authors. 8. I read this news in a newspaper. IRREGULAR VERBS. 133 5. Ecrire, to write. Inf. Ecrire. Part. prtfs. ecrivant. Part. pass, e'crit. Prs. j'e'cris, tu ecris, il ecrit ; nous e'crivons, vous ecrivez, ils e'criyent. Pr4s. du Subj. que j'ecrive. Imparf. j'ecrivais. Pass dlf. j'ecrivis, tu ecrivis, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que j'ecrivisse. Fut. jecrirai. . ecris ; ecrivons, ecrivez. EXERCISE LIV. 1. J'e'cris une lettre. 2. Louise e'crit sa version. 8. Hier mon pere Scrivit dix lettres. 4. Les enfants e'criveiit des mots et de petites phrases. 5. N'6cris pas si vite. 6. J'gcrirai a mon ami pour lui communiquer cette nouvelle. 7. Quand m'6crirez-vous ? 8. Je desire que vous m'6criviez bientot. 9. II ne nVScrivit que deux mots pour m'annoncer son depart. 10. Lui avez-vous deja gcrit ce qui s'est pass6 ici? 11. Qu'6crivais-tu lorsque j'entrai? 12. Nous 6crivions des phrases frangaises lorsque vous entrates. 1. Are you writing a letter ? No, sir, I am writing a translation. 2. What are you writing? We are writing letters. 3. Yesterday my sisters wrote twelve letters. 4. Yesterday the child wrote words and short phrases. 5. Do not write (pi.) so quickly. 6. We will write to our brother-in-law to communicate to him this news. 7. When will he write to us ? 8. We wish (that) he would write to us very soon. 9. You only wrote to us two words to announce your departure. 10. What was he writing when we entered ? He was writing English phrases when you entered. 6. Eire, to laugh. Inf. rire. Part. prs. riant. Part, passt, ri. Prs. je ris, tu ris, il rit ; nous rions, vous riez, ils rient. Pr6s du Subj. que je rie. Imparf. je riais. Passt dtf. je ris, tu ris, etc. Imparf. dv Subj. que je risse. Fut. je rir&i. Impr. ris; rions, riez. COMPOUND, sourire, to smile. EXERCISE LV. Rire de, to laugh at. 1. Tel nt aujourd'hui, qui ne rira plus demain. 2. Le sage sourit, tandis que les sots rient. 3. Nous rions de vos pr6tentions. 4. J'ai ri de ses menaces. 5. Nous rimes de bon cceur lorsqu'il 134 IRREGULAR VERBS. nous raconta cela. 6. II n'est pas biensSant que vous riez comme desfous. 7. Nous sourions de la simplicity na'ive des campagnards. 8. Le bon campagnard 6tait si embarrass^ que la reine en sourit. 9. Les courtisans sourirent d'un air moqueur. 10. Pourquoi sou- riez-vous ? J'ai souri de votre embarras. 1. They laugh to-day. 2. They will not laugh to-morrow. 3. He laughs at our pretensions. 4. We have laughed at your menaces. 5. She laughed heartily when you told her that. 6. It is not be- coming that I should laugh like a fool. 7. Did you not smile at the simplicity of the countryman ? 8. The good countrymen were so embarrassed that my uncle smiled (at it). 7. Mettre, to put, put on (of clothes). Inf. mettre. Part. prts. mettant. Part, passt, mis. Pr(s. je mets, tu mets, il met ; nous mettons, vous mettez, ils mettent. Prs. du Subj. que je mette. Imparf. je mettais. Passt df. je mis, tu mis, il mit ; nous mimes, vous mites, ils mirent. Imparf. du Subj. que je misse, que tu misses, qu'il mit, etc. Fut. je mettrai. Jmp6r. mets ; mettons, mettez. Se mettre (a), to begin; as: 1'enfant se mit a pleurer, the child ks- gan to weep. COMPOUNDS. promettre, to promise. admettre, to admit. commettre, to commit. se demettre (d), to resign. omettre, to omit. permettre, to permit. compromettre, to compromise. remettre, to put back. soumettre, to submit. transmettre, to convey. EXERCISE LVI. 1. Ou avez-vous mis mes gants ? Je les ai mis sur cette chaise- la". 2. Mettons-nous a table, le dTner est servi. 3. Ou voulez-vous que je mette votre journal ? Mettez-le, s'il vous plait, sur cette petite table. 4. Charles mettra ses bottes. 5. Nous allons sortir ; mettras-tu tes gants? 6. Je veux que tu mettes un autre habit. 7. Je mettrais d'autres gants, si j'en avais de propres. 8. Remets I'6p6e dans le fourreau. 9. Remettez ces livres a" leur place. 10. Avez-vous permis aux enfans de sortir ? Oui, je leur ai donn6 la permission ; ils ont promis d'etre bien sages. 1. Where have you put my boots? We have put them on the bench. 2. Where do you wish that we should put your gloves ? Put them, if you please, on that chair (there). 3. William will IKKEGULAK VERBS. 135 put on his coat. 4. I am going to set out; will you put on another coat ? 5. We wish (that) you would put on other gloves. 6. If I had other stockings, I would put on also other boots. 7. 1 will put back the sword into the scabbard. 8. The children put back the books in their place. 9. He has permitted the children to go out. 10. They have promised to be good. 8. Faire, to do, to make. Inf. faire. Part. prs. faisant (pronounced and sometimes written fesant). Part, passe", fait. Prs. je fais, tu fais, il fait ; nous faisons, vous faites, ils font. Imparf: je faisais, tu faisais, il faisait, etc. Prts. du Subj. que je fksse, que tu fasses, qu'il fasse ; que nous fas- sions, que vous fassiez, qu'ils fassent. Passe def. je fis, tu fis, il fit ; nous f imes, vous files, ils firent. Imparf. du Subj. que je fisse, que tu fisses, qu'il fit ; que nous fissions, que vous fissiez, qu'ils fissent. Fut. je ferai, tu'feras, etc. Impe'r. fais ; faisons, faites. / COMPOUNDS. defaire, to undo. contrefaire, to counterfeit. refaire, to do again. satisfaire, so defaire, surfaire, to satisfy, to get rid of. to overcharge. EXERCISE LVH. 1. Fait-il chaud ou froid ? II fait trfcs-chaud aujourd'hui. 2. Trouvez-vous qu'il fasse plus chaud aujourd'hui qu'hier? H fit plus froid hier. 3. Chez quel tailleur faites-vous faire vos habits ? 4. Quand nous (jtions S, la campagne nous faisions tous les jours de longues promenades. 5. Je voudrais que votre beau- frere fit ce vogage avec moi. 6. Qui a fait cela ? Ce n'est paa moi, c'est mon frere Louis qui 1'a fait. 7. Ces 6coliers font-ils des progres ? 8. Vous feriez plus de progres, si vous aviez plus de zele. 9. II faut que vous me fassiez le plaisir de rn'accom- pagner a la campagne. 10. Je fais ce que vous m'ordonnez. 11. Que ferez-vous ce soir ? Je ferai ce que vous fites hier. 12. Ces gens font tout ce qui leur plait. 1. It is very cold to-day. 2. It is beautiful weather to-day. 3. I find that it is colder to-day than yesterday. 4. When I was in the country, I took (say made) long walks every day. 5. I should like (say wish) that your sisters made this journey with me. 6. We have not done that ; it is our sister who has done it. 7. The scholars make progress. 8. We have our clothes made at a good tailor's. 9. At what tailor's has he his clothes made ? 136 IRREGULAR VERBS. 10. He must (ilfaut que) do us the pleasure of accompanying us into the country. 11. They do what you order them. 12. They will do what we did yesterday. 9. Croire, to believe. Inf. croire. Part. pre~s. croyant. Part, passt, era. Prs. je crois, tu crois, il croit ; nous croyons, vous croyez, ils croient. Prs. du Suhj. que je croie, que tu croies, qu'il croie ; que nous croy- ions, que vous croyiez, qu'ils croient. Jmparf. je croyais. Passt def. je crus, tu eras, il crut ; nous crumes, vous crutes, Us era- rent. Iwparf. du Subj. que je crusse. Fut. je croirai. crois ; croyons, croyez. 10. Croitre, to grow. Inf. croitre. Part. prs. croissant. Part, passt, cru. Prts. je crois, tu crois. il croit -, nous croissons, vous croissez, ils croissent. Prts. du Subj. que je croisse. Imparf. je croissais. Passt ddf. je crus, tu crus, il crut, nous crumes, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je crusse. Fut. je croitrai. EXERCISE LVIII. 1. Crois-tu cet homme ? Non, je ne le crois pa?, je crois que c'est un menteur. 2. Cet homme est si crgdule qu'il croit tout ce qu'on lui dit. 3. Croyez-vous que cette nouvelle soit vraie 1 Xon. nous ne le croyons pas. 4. Si j'avais cru mon ami. je ne serais pas maintenant dans cet embarras. 5. Que pensez-vous de cet homme? Le croyez-vous homme cVhonneur? 6. Je le croyais plus ggnfireux. Je 1'aurais cru incapable de tromper. 7. J'em- ployai tous les moyens pour le persuader, mais il ne me crut pas. 8. Cette plante croit tres-vite. 9. Ils ont cru beaucoup en peu de temps. 10. Cet arbre est mort, il ne croitra plus. 1. We do not believe that man. We believe that he is (c'est} a liar. 2. These men are so credulous that they believe every thing which one tells them. 3. We believe that this news is true. 4. We believed those men more generous. 5. We should have believed them incapable of deceiving. 6. Will you believe that man ? I will not believe him. 7. Those liars did not believe us. 8. These plants grow very quickly. 9. This tree has grown much in a short time. 10. These trees are dead, they will grow no more. IRBEGULAR VEBBS. 137 11. Boire, to drink. Inf. boire. Part, prtfs. buvant. Part, passe", bu. Pre~s. je bois, tu bois, il boit ; nous buvons, vous buvez, ils boivent. Pre~s. du Subj. que je boive, que tu boives, qu'il boive ; que nous bu- vions, que vous buviez, qu'ils boivent. Iviparf. je buvais. Passe def. je bus, tu bus, il but ; nous bumes, vous butes, ils burent. Imparf. du Subj. que je busse. Fut. je boirai. Imper. bois ; buvons, buvez. EXERCISE LIX. 1. Buvez done ! Vous ne buvez presque rien. 2. Je vous remercie, j'ai assez bu. 3. Je bus hier deux verres de vin, et mon beau-frere but avant-hier deux bouteilles de biere. 4. Je ne veux pas que vous buviez de cette eau ; elle n'est pas potable. 5. Croyez- vous que j'aie assez bu ? Oui, je le crois. 6. Get homme a trop bu, il s'est enivrg. 7. Buvons fi la sant6 de notre capitaine. 8. Nous bumes de 1'eau fraiche si la fontaine. 9. Qu'est-ce que tu boiras ? Je boirai un peu de vin. 10. Nos parents ne veulent pas que nous buvions beaucoup de vin. I.We drink almost nothing. 2. We have drunk enough. 3. "We drank yesterday three glasses of beer, and my brother-in-law drank the day before yesterday a bottle of wine. 4. We do not wish that you should drink (any) of. that water; it is not fresh. 5. I believe that you have drunk enough. 6. These men have drunk too much they are intoxicated. 7. They drink to the health of their captain. 8. We will drink a little wine. 9. My father does not wish that I should drink much wine. 10. We will not drink much wine. 12. Vivre, to live. Inf. vivre. Part. prs. vivant. Part, passe, ve"cu. Pre~s. je vis, tu vis, il vit ; nous vivons, vous vivez, ils vivent. Pres. du Subj. que je vive. Imparf. je vivais. Pass df. je vecus, tu vecus, il vecut ; nous ve"cumes, vous v&utes, ils vecurent. Imparf. du Subj. que je ve"cusse. Fut. je vivrai. Impfr. vis ; vivons, vivez. COMPOUNDS. revivre, to revive. \ survivre (a), to survive. EXERCISE LX. 1. Je vis heureux dans ma famille. 2. La me"moire de ce h6ros vivra toujours. 3. L'enfant ne vficut qu'un an. 4. Ils vficurent a" G 138 IRREGULAR VERBS. la campagne. 5. Us ont toujours vScu en paix avec tout le monde, 6. Vous vivriez plus heureux, si vous aviez moins de besoins. 7. Nous d6sirons que vous viviez ensemble en bons amis. 8. D< quoi vivez-vous ? Nous vivons de notre travail. 9. Votre grand- pere vit-il encore ? Certainement, et il se porte tres-bien. 10. II est possible qu'il vive encore dix ans. 1. We live happy in our family. 2. We lived happy in our family. 3. The children lived only three months. 4. I lived in. the country. 5. I have always lived in peace with every body (say all the world). 6. I should live more happy if I had fewer wants. 7. I desire that they should live together as (en) good neighbors. 8. Is your grandmother still alive ? Yes, and she is very well. 9. It is possible that she may live still many years. 10. My grandfather always lived in peace with every body. 13. Prendre, to take. Inf. prendre. Part, pre's. prenant. Part, passt, pris. Pris. je prends, tu prends, il prend; nous prenons, vous prenez, ils prennent. Prts. du Subj. que je prenne, que tu prennes, qu'il prenne ; que nous prenions, que vous preniez, qu'ils prennent. Jmparf. je prenais. Pass de~f. je pris, tu pris, il prit ; nous primes, vous prites, ils prirent Imparf. du Subj. que je prisse. Fvt. je prendrai. Impe'r. prends ; prenons, prenez. COMPOUNDS. apprendre, to learn. eomprendre, to comprehend. entreprendre, to undertake. meprendre, to mistake. reprendre, to take again. surprendre, to surprise. EXERCISE LXI. 1. Prend rez-vous une tasse de the ou de chocolat ? Je prendrai one demi-tasse de caffe. 2. Prends garde, mon enfant ; ne tombe pas. 3. Je prends la plume pour vous genre. 4. Prenez vos livres et lisez a la page trente. 5. Nous prenons deux repas par jour. 6. Je prendrais volontiers une tasse de the. 7. Avez-vous appris votre Ie9on? Je Tapprendrai a" present. 8. Avez-vous compris la regie que je vous ai expliqu6e ? Je comprends tout ce que vous m'expliquez. 9. II serait a dgsirer que vous prissiez vos precautions avant d'entreprendre cette affaire. 10. Avez-vous pris beaucoup de poissons ? 1. He will take a cup of tea or coffee. 2. Take care, my chil- dren, do not fall. 3. He takes the pen in order to write to you 4. I will take the book and read at (the) page twenty. 5. He IKKEGULAB TEBBS. 139 takes 'three meals a day. 6. He has not yet learned his lesson. 7. When will you learn your lesson ? 8. He has not understood the rule which the master explained to him. 9. It is necessary that you should undertake this affair. 10. I have taken many fishes. 14. Connaitre, to know. Inf. connaitre. Part. prs. connaissant. Part, passe', connu. Prs. je connais, tu connais, il connait ; nous connaissons, vous con- naissez, ils connaissent. Pre~s. du Subj. que je connaisse. Imparf. je connaissais. Passe" def. je connus, tu connus, il connut, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je connusse. Fut. je connaitrai. COMPOUNDS. Eeconnaitre, to recognize. \ Meconnaitre, not to recognize. 15. Paraitie, paraissant, Part. pass paru, to appear.^ Conjugated f h'ke 16. Paitre, paissant, Part, passe" wanting, to graze. ) connaitre. EXERCISE LXII. 1. Connaissez-vous ce monsieur? Oui, je le connais, c'eot M. Cousin. 2. Ce drap parait gtre bon. 3. II commence a" paraitre dans le monde. 4. Les ennemis ont paru sur la frontiere. 5. Con- naissez-vous cet homme ? Nous le connaissons tres-peu, nous ne le connaissons que de nom. 6. Qui est cette dame? Ne la con- nais-tu pas ? Si, je la connais depuis longtemps. 7. On veut que je connaisse cette dame. Elle vint a moi sans que je la connusse. 8. Je voudrais que tu la connusses. 1. 1 do not know this gentleman. 2. This cloth does not ap- pear to be good. 3. They begin to appear in the world. 4. The enemies have not appeared on the frontier. 5. Does he know that man ? He knows him very little ; he knows him only by name. 6. Have you not known that lady? 7. He came to us without our knowing him. 8. We should like you to know (say wish that you knew) that lady. 17. Vaincre, to conquer. Inf. vaincre. Part. prts. vainquant. Part, passe", vaincu. Prs. je vaincs, tu vaincs, il vainc ; nous vainquons, vous vainquez, ils vainquent. Pre"s. du Subj. que je vainque. Imparf. je vainquais. 140 IRREGULAR VERBS. Pass d6f. je vainquis. Imparf. du Subj. que je vainquisse, Fut. je vaincrai. Impr. vaincs ; vainquons, vainquez. COMPOUND. Convaincre, to convince. EXERCISE LXIIL 1. Ce ggnfiral vainc tous ses ennemis. 2. Cgsar yainquit les Gaulois. 3. II a vaincu tous ses rivaux. 4. Nous vainquimes les ennemis dans une grande bataille. 5. Je desire que tu vainques tes passions. 6. Tes preuves ne me convainquent pas. 7. Elles ne m'ont pas convaincu, 8. L'expgrience te convaiucra de cette v6rit6. 9. Tu te convaincras que j'ai raison. 10. Le juge s'est convaincu que nous sommes innocents. 1. These generals conquer all their enemies. 2. This general conquered his enemies. 3. They have conquered all their rivals. 4. He will conquer all his rivals. 5. We wish that he should con- quer his passions. 6. These proofs have convinced me. 7. Will these proofs not convince you ? 8. 1 have convinced myself of this truth. 9. He has convinced himself that I am right. 10. The judge will convince himself that I am innocent. 18. R6soudre, to resolve. Inf. re"soudre. Part. prs. re"solvant. Part passe", re'solu.* Prs. je resous, tu re"sous, il resout ; nous resolvons, vous resolvez, ila resolvent. Prs. du Subj. que je resolve. Imparf. je re"solvais. Passt d6f. je resolns, tu re"solus, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je re'solusse. Fut. je resoudrai. Impfr. resous ; re'solvons, resolvez. 19. Absoudre, absolvant, absous, to absolve, to~\ like resoudre. 20. Dissoudre, dissolvant, dissous, 'o absolve, to) acquit; > HI to dissolve; ) 1. Qu'a-t-on re'solu au conseil ? Le gouvernement a re'solu la guerre. 2. Nous re'solumes de partir. 3. Nos amis re'aolurent de rester. 4. L'eau dissout les sels. 5. Certains acides dissolvent les * When RsooDRE means to change a thing into another, its past participle is rl- sous, which has no feminine, as " Brouillard resoiis en pluie," mist (or fog) turned into rain. Acadtmie. IRREGULAR VERBS. 141 m6taux. 6. Le roi dissoudra la chambre. 7. La chambre est dis- soute. 8. Absolvez un accus6, si vous doutez qu'il soit coupable. 9. L'accusS a 6t6 absous. 10. Cette femme ne sera pas absoute, parce que tout le monde la croit coupable. 1. What have you resolved ? I have resolved to set out. 2. He has resolved to remain. 3. An acid dissolves this metal. 4. The king dissolves the chambers. 5. Will the king dissolve the cham- bers? 6. The chambers are dissolved. 7. He will acquit the accused (men). 8. The accused (women) have been acquitted. 9. The women have been acquitted. 10. Why has the woman not been acquitted ? Because every body believed her guilty. 21. Plaindre, to pity. Se plaindre, to complain. Inf. plaindre. Part. prte. plaignant. Part. passe", plaint. Prts. je plains, tu plains, il plaint ; nous plaignons, vous plaignez, ils plaignent. Prtfs. du Subj. que je plaigne. Imparf. je plaignais. Passe def. je plaignis, tu plaignis, il plaignit, etc. Imparf. du Subj. que je plaignisse. Fut. je plaindrai. Impfr. plains, plaignons, plaignez. 22. Joindre. joignant, joint, to join. 23. Craindre, craignant, craint, to fear. I y * 24. Ceindre, ceignant, ceint, to gird. 1 25. Peindre, peignant, peint, to paint. 26. Teindre, teignant, teint, to dye. And all other verbs ending in .indre. EXERCISE LXIV. 1. Ce pauvre homme est bien malheureux, je le plains extrme- ment. 2. Ne le plaignez-vous pas? Nous plaignons sa pauvre famille. 3. Peu de gens te plaindront, si tu es malheureux par ta propre faute. 4. De quoi ces gens se plaignent-ils ? Ils se plaig- nent de leur pauvrete 1 . 5. De quoi te plains-tu ? Tu as tort de te plaindre. 6. Me suis-je plaint a tort ? 7. Nous les plaindrions moins, s'ils avaient mfirite' leur malheur. 8. Qui a peint ce tableau ? Un peintre fran9ais Fa peint. 9. Que craignez-vous ? Je crains la pluie. 10. Le domestique craignit de m'offenser. 1. We pity this poor man exceedingly. 2. Do you not fear him ? We fear his rich family. 3. Few people will pity you, if you are idle. 4. Of what do you complain? I complain of my poverty. 5. He is wrong in complaining. 6. Have we complained wrongly ? 7. I should pity her less if she had deserved her misfortune. 8. Who 142 IRREGULAR VERBS. will paint the picture ? An English painter will paint it. 9. Who has feared the general ? The enemies have feared the gen- eral. 10. 1 was afraid of offending (say to ott'end) you. 27. Conduire, to lead. Inf. conduire. Part. prs. conduisant. Part. passt, conduit. Prts. je conduis, tu conduis, il conduit; nous conduisons, vous con- duisez, ils conduisent. Pres. du Subj. que je conduise. Jmparf. je conduisais. Pass def. je conduisis. Imparf. du Subj. que je conduisisse. Fut. je conduirai. All Verbs ending in -uire are conjugated like conduire; as: 28. Produire, produisant, produit, to produce, bring forth. 29. Seduire, se'duisant, se'duit, to seduce. 30. Introduire, introduisant, introduit, to introduce. 31. Traduire, tradnisant, traduit, to translate. 32. Instruire, instruisant, instruit, to instruct, teach. 33. Construire, construisant, construit, to construct, build. 34. Detruire, de'truisant, de'truit, to destroy. 35. Cuire, cuisant, cuit, to cook. 36. Nuire, nuisant, nui, to injure. 37. Luire, luisant, lui, to shine. Note that nuire and luire have nui and lui in the Past Participle, and that nuire is constructed with a (dative). EXERCISE LXV. A. 1. Le mauvais air nuit & la sante\ 2. Ou conduisez-vous cet homme ? Je le conduis chez le me"decin ; il est malade. 3. Que cuisez-vous la ? Je cuis du pain. 4. Voici des pommes rle terre bien cuites. 5. La terre produit toutes sortes de fruits. 6. Un bon arbre produira de bons fruits. 7. Charles est un jeune homme bien instruit. 8. On a construit un pont, mais les ennemis 1'ont de'truit. 9. L'6colier a-t-il traduit son theme ? II ne 1'a pas encore traduit, il le traduira demain. 10. Les guides conduisaient les voyageurs. 1. That drink (boisson, f.) will injure your health. 2. Where does he lead those men? He takes (say leads) them to the doctor; they are ill. 3. What is he cooking there ? He is cooking meat. 4. 1 am eating well-cooked potatoes. 5. The earth has produced every kind (pi.) of fruits. 6. A good tree produces good fruit (pi.). 7. He will instruct the young man. 8. 1 will conduct you to my friend. 9. Have you translated the French book ? I have not yet translated it ; I will translate it to-morrow. 10. The guide has conducted the traveler. IRREGULAR VERBS. 143 B. 1. Je vous conduirai chez mon ami. 2. Je desire que tu me conduises chez ton pere. 3. Vous vous conduisez (behave) mal. 4. Je dgsire que vous vous conduisiez mieux. 5. Nous nous con- duirons mieux sL 1'avenir. -6. Les eaux d6truisirent la digue. 7. Les digues ont 6t6 dStruites par les eaux. 8. Un trop grand feu brule la viande, il ne la cuit pas. 9. On cuisit dans toutes les villes du pain pour les troupes. 10. Qu'est-ce que vous cuisez la, ? Je cuis des pornmes de terre. 1. He will conduct us to his friend. 2. We desire that you should conduct us to your brother-in-law. 3. He behaves (say conducts) himself badly. 4. He desires that I should behave myself better. 5. 1 will behave myself better for the future. 6. The waters will destroy the dike. 7. The dike has been destroyed by the waters. 8. The meat has not been well cooked. 9. Who has baked (say cooked) bread for the troops ? 10. What is (it that) he (is) cook- ing there ? He is cooking potatoes. 38. Suivre, to follow. Inf. suivre. Part. pre~s. suivant. Part, passe", suivi. Pre"s. je suis, tu suis, il suit ; nous suivons, vous suivez, ils suivent. Pre"s. du Subj. que je suive. Imparf. je suivais. Passe" def. je suivis. Imparf. du Subj. que je suivisse. Passe" inde"f. j'ai suivi. Fut. je suivrai. Impe"r. suis ; suivons, suivez. COMPOUND. Poursuivre, to pursue. EXERCISE LXVI. 1. Suivez les bons exemples. 2. Je suis exactement les ordon- nances du me'decin. 3. Allez en avant, je vous suivrai. 4. II mar- chait le premier, et les autres le suivaient. 5. Nous les suivimes de rue en rue. 6. Je les suivis de pres. Les autres nous sui- virent de loin. 7. Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas suivi ? 8. Vous avez marchg trop vite, il nous a 6t6 impossible de vous suivre. 9. Le ggne'ral exigea que les omciers suivissent exactement ses or- dres. 10. II poursuit les voleurs. 1. 1 will follow good examples. 2. My son follows exactly the prescriptions of the doctors. 3. Go (on) first, he will follow you. 4. 1 was going (say marched), first, and the others followed me. 5. We followed them closely ; my brother followed them at a dis- tance. 6. He has followed us from street to street. 7. Why did she not follow us? 8. It was impossible for us to pursue the robbers. 9. The general required that the troops should pursue the robbers. 10. Why did you not pursue the robbers ? 144 IRREGULAR VERBS. 39. Plaire, to please. Inf. plaire. Part. Prts. plaisant. Part. Passt, plu. Prs. je plais, tu plais, il plait ; nous plaisons, vous plaisez, Us plaisent Prs. du Subj. que je plaise. Imparf. je plaisais. Passt def. je plus, tu plus, il plut ; nous plumes, vous plutes, ils plu- rent. Imparf. du Subj. que je plusse. Fut. je plairai. Impr. plais ; plaisons, plaisez. Plaire is constructed with a (dative). COMPOUNDS. Deplaire (a), to displease. \ Complaire (V), to please. 40. Taire, to conceal, not to say. Taire, taisant, tu, like plaire, except that the 3d pers. sing, of the Pres. Indie, is tait without the circumflex. Se taire, to be silent, to hold one's tongue. Pre~s. je me tais, / am silent. Pass def. je me tus. Passe" indef. je me suis tu. Imper. tais-toi, taisez-vous. EXERCISE LXVH 1. Cette jeune fille est si aimable qu'elle plait a tout le monde. 2. Elle plaint a tout le monde par sa douceur et sa modestie. 3. Ses manures ne ine plaisent pas du tout ; elles me d6plaisent fort. 4. Je 1'ai observe" en soci6t6 et sa conduite ne m'a pas plu du tout. 5. R6pondez-moi, s'il vous plait. 6. Pourquoi vous taisez-vous ? Je me tais, parce que cela me plait. 7. Donnez-moi cela, s'il vous plait. 8. Vous plait-il d'etre de la partie ? 9. II sait taire ce qu'il aut taire. 10. Apres avoir dit cela, il se tut. 1. These young girls are so amiable that they please every one. 2. They will please every one by their gentleness and modesty. 3. His manners did not please me at all ; they displeased me much. 4. His conduct does not please me at all. 5. 1 will answer you, if you please. 6. Why is lie silent ? He is silent because he pleases. 7. 1 will give it you, if it please you. 8. Give me some water, if you please. 9. 1 will conceal what I ought to conceal. 10. After having said that, I was (passe def.) silent. 41. Naitre, to be born. Inf. naitre. Part. prs. naissant. Part, passt, n& Prs. je nais, tu nais, il nait ; nous naissons, vous naissez, ils naissent. IRREGULAR VERBS. 143 Pr&. du Subj. que je naisse. Imparf. je naissais. Passe def. je naquis {I was born), tu naquis, il naquit ; nous naquimes, vous naquites, ils naquirent. Imparf. du Subj. que je naquisse. Fut. je naitrai. COMPOUND. Renaitre, to be born again. EXEECISE LXVIII. 1. Ils naquirent le me"rne jour, dans la mgme annge. 2. II est n6 de parents riches. 3. II lui est n un fils. 4. Les passions nais- sent en nous. Toccasion les d6veloppe. 5. Lui et moi, nous na- quiines la mgrae annge. 6. Ces deux grands hommes naquirent le mgme jour. 7. Les grands hommes sont n6s pour les grandes choses. 8. Vous etes 116 musicien. 9. Monsieur votre frere est n6 artiste. 10. Ces deux messieurs sont n6s en France. 1. I was born the same day. 2. She was born of poor parents. 3. A daughter was born to him. 4. You were born the same day, and in the same year. 5. He was born a musician. 6. They were born artists. 7. He was born for great things. 8. I was born the same day, in the year 1863 (write the date in full). G2 146 IRREGULAR VERBS. XXXL ALPHABETICAL LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS. Inflnitit Pros. Part. pr. Part. pa8s<5. Passe det Absoudre, to acquit j'absous absolvant absous, te (wanting). Acquerir, to acquire j'acquiers acque'rant acquis, e j'acquis. Aller, to go je vais allant alle, e j'allai. Assaillir, to attack j'assaille assaillant assailli, e j'assaillis. S'asseoir, to sit down je m'assieds s'asseyant assis, e je m'assis. Atteindre, to reach j'atteins atteignant atteint, e j'atteignis. Boire, to drink je bois buvant bu, e je bus. Bouillir, to boil je bous bouillant bouilli, e je bouillis. Ceindre, to gird je ceins ceignant ceint je ceignis. Conclure, to con- je conclus concluant conclu, e je conclus. clude Conduire, to lead je conduis conduisant conduit, e je conduisia Confire, to preserve je confis confisant confit, e je confis. (fruits, etc.) Connaitre, to know je connais connaissant connu, e je connus. Coudre, to sew je couds cousant cousu. e je cousis. Courir, to run je cours courant couru, e je courus. Couvrir, to cover je couvre convrant couvert, e je couvris. Craindre, to fear je crains craignant craint, e je craignk. Croire, to believe je crois croyant cru, e je crus. Croitre, to grow je crois croissant cru, e je crus. Cueillir, to pluck je cueille cueillant cueilli, e je cueillis. Cuire, to cook je cuis cuisant cuit, e je cuisis. De"choir, to decay je dechois (wanting) de'chu, e je de"chus. Dire, to say je dis disant dit, e je dis. Dormir, to sleep je dors dormant dormi je dormis. Echoir to fall due il choit echdant echu, e il e'chut. lcrire, to write j'^cris e'crivant ecrit, e j'e'crivis. Faire, to do je fais faisant fait, e je fis. Falloir, must il faut (wanting) fallu il fallut. Faillir, to fail je fanx faillant failli je faillis. Frire, to fry je fris (wanting) frit, e (wanting). Fuir, to fly je fuis fuyant fui je fuis. Instruire, to instruct j'instruis instruisant instruit, e j'instruisis Joindre, to join je joins joignant joint, e je joignis. Lire, to read je lis lisant lu, e je lus. Luire, to shine je luis luisant lui (wanting). IRREGULAR VERBS. 147 Influitif. Pr6a. Part. pr. Part. pass<5. Pass6 deC, Mentir, to lie je mens mentant mend je mentis. Mettre, to put je mets mettant mis, e je mis. Moudre, to grind je mouds moulant moulu, e je moulus. Mourir, to die je meurs mourant mort, e je mourus. Mouvoir, to move je meus mouvant mu, mue je mus. Naitre, to be born je nais naissant ne, e je Maquis Nuire, to injure je nuis nuisant nui je nuisis. Offrir, to offer j'offre offrant offert, e j'offris. Ouvrir, to open j'ouvre ouvrant ouvert, e j'ouvris. Paraitre, to appear je parais paraissant paru je parus. Partir, to set out je pars partant parti, e je partis. Peindre, to paint je peins peignant peint, e je peignis. Plaindre, to com- je plains plaignant plaint, e je plaignis. plain Plaire, to please je plais plaisant plu je plus. Pleuvoir, to rain il pleut pleuvant plu il plut. Pourvoir, to pro- je pourvois pourvoyant pourvu je pourvus. vide Pouvoir, to be able je peux (puis) pouvant pu je pus. Prendre, to take je prends prenant pris, e je pris. Repentir se, to re- je me repens se repentant repenti, e je me repentia pent Hire, to laugh je ris riant ri je ris. Saillir, to project il saille saillant sailli il saillit. Savoir, to know je sais sachant su, e je sus. Sentir, to feel je sens sentant senti, e je sentis. Servir, to serve je sers servant servi, e je servis. Sortir, to go out je sors sortant sorti, e je sortis. SoutfYir, to suffer je souffre souft'rant souffert, e je souffris. Suffire, to suffice je suffis suffisant suffi je suffis. Suivre, to follow je suis suivant suivi, e je suivis. Taire, to conceal je tais taisant tu, e je tus. Teindre, to dye je teins teignant teint, e je teignis. Tenir, to hold je tiens tenant tenu, e je tins. Traire, to milk je trais trayant trait, e (wanting). Tressaillir, to start je tressaille tressaillant tressailli je tressaillis, Vaincre, to conquer je vaincs vainquant vaincu, e je vainquis. Valoir, to be worth je vaux valant valu je valus. Venir, to come je viens venant venu, e je vins. Vetir, to clothe je vets vetant vetu, e je vetis. Vivre, to live je vis vivant vecu je vecus. Voir, to see je vois voyant vu, e je vis. Vouloir, to wish je veux voulant voulu, e je voulous. VOCABULARIES. List of Abbreviations. adv. = adverb. irr. v. = irregular verb. adj. = adjective. m. = masculine. conj. = conjunction. n. = noun. /. = feminine. imp. v. impersonal verb. par. = participle. prep. = preposition. int. = interjection. pi. = plural. Vocabulary 1. chateau, TO. country how*. cheval, TO. horse. enfant, m.f. child. jardin, m. garden. h'vre, TO. book. mere,/l mother. oncle, TO. uncle. pere, m. father. pomme,/. apple. rose,/. rose. tante,/. aunt. corail, m. coral. couteau, w. knife. feu, TO. ./ire. fune'railles,/. pi. funeral. genera], w. general. joujou, TO. plaything. lunettes,/, pi. spectacles. noix,/. nut. ceil, TO. (pi. yeux) eye. reine,/. queen. tableau, w. picture. Vocabulary 2. Vocabulary 5. ami, TO. friend, m. maison,/. Aouse. amie./. friend, f. porte,/. efoor. chien, TO. efo^. voisin, TO. neighbor, TO. habit, TO. cootf. voisine,/. neighbor, f. Vocabulary 3. Vocabulary 6. bras, TO. arwi. canne,/. cane. can if, TO. penknife. ciseaux, TO. ;>. scissors. chat, TO. ca<. cousin, TO. cousin, TO. chatte,/. s^c ca<. consine,/. cousin, f. fils, TO. son. frere, TO. brother. fleur,/. flower. portrait, TO. likenes*. lettre,^. letter. poire,/. pear. palais, m. palace. roi, TO. iin^r. Vocabulary 4. sceur,/ bijou, w. jewel. Vocabulary 7. caillou, TO. pebble. argent, TO. silver, money. cerise, /. cherry. beurre. TO. butter. chameau, TO. camel. biere./. beer. chapeau, TO. hat. cafe', w. coffee. VOCABULARIES. 149 crayon,/. pencil. oiseau, TO. foVrf. timilie,/. Emily. plaisir, TO. pleasure,. encre,/. ink. robe, /. dress. fille. / daughter, girl. soie,/ si7&. fromage, m. cheese. Madame,/ Mrs. , Madam. marchand, TO. merchant. Vocabulary 11. Monsieur, TO. Sir, Mr. .r. 11, A, B, c, D. or, TO. gold. chambre,/. room, chamber. pain, m. bread. content, e, content, satisfied. papier, TO. paper. dejeuner, m. breakfast. plume,/ />en. difficile, difficult. sel, m. salt. diner, m. dinner. the', w. tea. domestique, TO./ servant, TO./ viande,/. weaf. faible, weak, feeble. vin, TO. wine. fidele, faithful. juste, just. Vocabulary 8. Louis, TO. Louis. bouteille,/ bottle. livre, /. pound. Louise,/ Louisa. malade, ill. personne,/ person. sucre, m. sugar. verre, TO. glass. pauvre, poor. poste,/. post. riche, rich. _.-._,_*_ / i servant, wicttu* servante. /. -\ (^ servant. Vocabulary 9. spectacle, m. play (the}. Afrique,/ Africa. temps, TO. time. Amerique,/. America. theme, TO. exercise. Angleterre,/. England. triste, sarf. Asie,/. Asia. Berlin, TO. Berlin. Vocabulary 12. Charles, m. Charles. actif, ve, active. Dresde,/. Dresden. &ge, TO. ct^e. Europe,/ Europe. Frederic, TO. Frederick. aimable, amiable. amer. ere, bitter. gant, ?n. glove. Guillaume, TO. William. applique, e, diligent. arbre, TO. tree. Jean, m. John. Londres, TO. or/ London. Marie, / Mary. oil, arfu. where. Paris, /. Paris. beau, bel, belle, beautiful. bon, bonne, good. Caroline,/. Caroline. dans, prep. into, in. eau,/. water. partie,/ />ar. eglise,/ church. Pierre, TO. Peter. Prusse,/ Prussia. Saxe,/. Saxony. Vienne,/. Vienna. fortune, /. fortune. frais, fraiche, fresh. grand, e, great. grand'mere, grandmother. Vocabulary 10. grand-pere, grandfather. heureux, se, happy. e'colier, TO. pupil, m. joli, e, pretty. ecoliere,/ pupil, f. lait, TO. w& maitre, TO. master. malheureux, se, unhappy. montre,/. watch. medecine,/. medicine. 150 VOCABULAKIES. muet, te, dumb. Belgique,/. Belgium. neuf, ve, new. chocolat, m. chocolate. nouvelle, n.f. news. fertile, fertile. obeissant, e, obedient. fort, e, strong. paresseux, se, idle. fou, fol, folle, adj. foolish. petit, e, small, little. fou, TO. fool, madman sot, te, foolish. tres, adv. very. folle,/. i ""fiT* tj I fool,f. trop, adv. too, too much. France,/. France. vieux, vieil, eille, old. haut, e, high. vif, ve, lively. Hollande,/. Holland. vrai, e, true. Italic,/. Italy. Julie,/. Julia. Vocabulary 13. laborieux, euse, laborious. allemand, e, German. lune,/. moon. amusnnt, e, amusing. Mademoiselle./. Miss. blanc, be, white. metal, m. metal. bleu, e, blue. pesant, e, heavy. cher, ere, dear. peuple, e, populous. couleur, f. color. Russie, / Russia. demain, adv. to-morrow. sage, adj. wise. doux, douce, sweet. sage, n. m. wise man. encore, adv. yet, still. savant, e, learned. francais, e, French. soleil, in. sun. gar9on, m. boy. terre,/. earth. gens, m. pi. men, people. ville,/. city, town. gris, e, 9 ra y. violette,/. violet. bier, adv. yesterday. In iiniiic. m. man. Vocabulary 15, italien, ne, Italian. to Exercises 15, 16, 17. jour, m. day. langue,/. language. anne"e,/. year. boite,/. box. mais, c.onj. but. i . cahier, m. copy-book. mauvais, e, bad. mechant, e, wicked. combien, adv. \ how much, hw meilleur, e, better. I many. ici, adv. here. mur, e, ripe. musique,/ music. maintenant, adv. now, at present mois, m. month. nature,,/. nature. moyen, TO. means. noir, e, black. neveu, m. nephew. pour, prep. for. i) MM in!, adv. when. niece,/. niece. raisin, m. grape. Vocabulary 18. rond, e, round. classe,/. class. rouge, red. table,/. table. dernier, ere, last. demi, e, half. vwrt, e, green. etage, i. story, floor. Vocabulary 14. fenetre,/. window. heure,/. hour. agreable, agreeable. ne, e, part. born. Allemagne,/. Germany. place,/. place. attentif, ive, attentive. quel, le, adj. what. autre, other. Richard, m. Richard. VOCABULARIES. 15] semalne,./. week. soulier, m. shoe. Suede, f. Sweden. souvent, adv. often. vu, e, part. seen. tomber, to fall. toujours, adv. always. Vocabulary 19. travailler, to work. campagne,/". country. trouver, to find. certain, e, certain. chagrin, in. sorrow, grief. Vocabulary 22. chose, f. thing. acheter, to buy. different, e, different. appeler, to call. epine,y. thorn. chasse,y. chase, hunt. faute,./". fault. chemin, m. road. mortal, le, mortal. commencer, to begin. nom, TO. name. couter, to cost. pays, m. country. deja, adv. already, yet. ( countryman. paysan,. j pea sant. esperer, essuyer, to hope, to wipe. No words in Exereise 20. etudier, . franc, m. to study, franc. Vocabulary 21. geler, jeter, to freeze, to throw. Ex. 21, A, B, c. jeunesse,y. young. admirer, to admire. larme,y. tear. aimer, to love. lever. to lift. anglais, e, English. lire, irr. v. to read. apporter, to bring. mener, to lead. arriver. to arrive. nettoyer, to clean. beaucoup, adv. much. ou, conj. or. bottier, m. bootmaker. payer, to pay. ***** { '^ r ' u pierre,_/*. prefe'rer. stone, to prefer. chez,prep. to, at. soir, m. evening. demander, to ask. donner, to give. tout, e, vieillesse,y. all, every, old age. ,. ( ladder, stairs. escaher, m. { . { staircase. Vocabulary 23. jeu, m. play, game. batir, to build. iouer, to play. flatterie,/. flattery. loner, to praise. finir, to finish. manger, to eat. hair. to hate. Mathilde,/. Matilda. Ie9on,/. lesson. mort, e, part. dead. nourrir, to nourish. neige,y. snow. obeir, to obey. nid, m. nest. parent, m. parent, m. on,pron. one, they, people. parente,y. parent, f. paquet, m. parcel. punir, to punish. parasol, m. parasol. plus, adv. more. parler, to speak. penser, to think. remplir, ( to fill, to fill ( again. peut-etre, adv. perhaps. Remus, m. Remus. pleurer, to weep. Romulus, m. Romulus. porter, to carry. saisir, to seize, csfcA. pourquoi, adv. why. vertu,y. virtue. 152 TOCABULARIES. vice, TO. vice. fait, e, part. done, made. vide', e, part. empty. garder, to keep. vider, to empty. voleur, m. robber. geographic,/. geography. Henri, TO. Henry. mouton, m. sheep. Vocabulary 24. notre, pron. our. apercevoir, to perceive. attaquer, to attack. pardonner, -j f o pardon, for- concevoir, to conceive. regie,/ rule. devoir, to owe. relieur, TO. bookbinder. lumiere,/ light. savoir, irr. v. to know. passe', e, part. past.* soif,/ thirst. projet, TO. project. tailler, to cut. recevoir, to receive. tant, adv. so many, so much Romain, n. m. Roman tout de suite, immediately. soldat, TO. soldier. solde,/. pay A Vocabulary 27. verite',/. truth. casser, to break. volonte',/ wish. corbeille,/ basket. Vocabulary 25. demain matin, -< ( ing. attendre, -< ( to wait f or , to demeurer, j to dwell, reside, ( to live. ( expect. battre, irr. v. to beat. bourse,/. purse. bruit, i. noise. ecrire, irr. v. to write. ecrit, e, part. written. Le'opold, TO. Leopold. matin, m. morning. \ to believe, to pour, prep. for. ( tiiinfc. cruel, le, cruel. tasse,/. cup. venir, irr. v. to come. defendre, to defend. droit, e, right. Vocabulary 28. entendre, to hear. gauche, adj. left. affaire,/ business. gateau, m. cake. innocent, e, innocent. longtemps, adv. a long time. jambon, TO. ham. morceau, m. piece, bit. nuit,/. night. perdre, to lose. repandre, to shed, spill. parapluie, m. umbrella. prier, to pray, beg. repondre, to answer. Vocabulary 29. rien, m. nothing. connaitre, irr. v. to know. rue./. street. comment, adv. how. sang, TO. blood. vendre, to sell. j , . (to desire, with desirer, j for froid, e, cold. Vocabulary 26. preter, to lend. aujourd'hui, adv. to-day. ruban, m. ribbon. bientot, adv. soon. botte, /. boot. Vocabulary 30. dire, irr. v. to speak, to tell. aucun, e, (ITII/.+ faire, irr. v. to do, to make. bague,/ ring. * La semaine passi-e, last week. t A soldier's pay. t With a negative, none. VOCABULARIES. 153 coq, m. cock. dormir, irr. v. to sleep. domestique, adj. tame. prince, m. pnnce. e'toffe,/ stuff, cloth. professeur, m. professor. facteur, m. postman. rester, to remain. merci, m. thanks, thank you. tot, rfi. soon. oie,y. goose. (plus tot, sooner.) pris, e, part. taken. voyager, to travel. prix, m. prize, price. Vocabulary 35. Vocabulary 31. ( to amuse one't ige, e, adj. old, aged. s'amuser, 1 self. an, m. year. anssi, adv. also, too. contraire, m. contrary. (an contraire, on the contrary.) done, con/. then. jeune, young. meme, adj. same. s'appeler, apres, prep. se coucher, s'egarer, ( to be called, < to call one's ( self, after. to go to bed. to lose one's way. moins, adv. less. . . ( behold, here is, s'eveiller, ( to awake, wakt \ up- voici, prep. < ( here are. foret,f. forest. Vocabulary 32. s'habituer, ( one's self. chanter, to sing. danser, to dance. se laver, ( to wash one's \ self. messieurs, m. pi. gentlemen, Messrs. plaisir, m. pleasure. preter, to lend. se lever, parent, e, n. to rise, get up. m.f. relation. , ^ ,. most part, Greatest plupart, f. < , * ( part, majority. se promener ' { to waik: ta plusieurs, ind. j most, several, the pro. \ greater part. remercier, Robert, m. to thank. Robert. si, adv. so much. Vocabulary 33. tard, adv. late. bal, m. ball. blamer, | to b . la ' % ^ nd ( fault with. se tromper, violon, m. ( to deceive one's 1 self, violin. blesser, to wound. comte, m. count. Grec, m. Greek. Vocabulary 36. inviter, to invite. car, con/. for, because. nouveau, nou- ) vel, nouvelle, f cesse,/. j " officier, m. officer. cesser, to cease. parce que, con/, becduse. compte, TO. bill, account. Troie,/. Troy. cruche,_/I pitcher. Eclair, m. lightning. Vocabulary 34. falloir imp. + ( must, should, assoz, adv. enough. \ ought. bien, adv. well. fort, e, strong. * il faut, it w necessary, it must. 154 VOCABULARIES. journee,/. | "^ ) * par-ici, this way. partout, every wher&. ne'cessaire, necessary. passer, to pass. neiger, imp. v. to snow. peu, adv. little, few. pas encore, not yet. presque, almost. peu, m. little, few. quelquefois, sometimes. pleuvoir, imp. v. to rain. rencontrer, to meet. pluie,y. rain. Stullgard, m. Stuttgart. rendre, j to return, give ( back. Vocabulary 39. sans, prep. without. a cause de, on account of. taire, irr. v. \ to *?* noth j^ ( of, conceal. accompagner, to accompany. Allemand (un), a German. se taire, irr. v. to be silent. armoire^/. cupboard, closet. temps, m. weather. au lieu de, instead of. tonner, to thunder. au tour de, around, about. avengle, ../. 1 Uiad man w Vocabulary 37. * \ woman. tiirir to Get aveugle, adj. blind. constamment, constantly. egalement, equally. facilement, easily. fois, f. time. legerement, lightly, slightly. lentement, slowly. boulanger, m. baker. bourse, f. exchange. chemin de fer, m. railway. ( at, at the houst chez, prep. { ( of, among, to. (il est chez lui, he is at home.} marcher, to walk. centre, against. mieux. adv. better, more. prochain, e, next. irudemment, prudently. colon, m. cotton. depuis, since, from, for. derriere, behind. recompenser, to reward. dessous, richement, richly. severement, severely. trailer, to treat. dessus, OTJ, upon. (au-dessus, above.) travail, m. work. en, prep. in, into, to. vite, adv. quickly, fast. _r- _ f ( infancy, child- entance,_/. < / , j" vraiment, truly. entre, prep. between. Vocabulary 38. Fran9ais, m. Frenchman. ailleurs, adv. elsewhere. aller, irr. v. to go. a peu pres, nearly. apporter, to bring. Fran^aise,/. French woman. gare,./; railway station. jusqu'a, as far as. leur, pass. adj. their. lit, m. bed. autre, other. baigi.er, to bathe, wash. davantage, adv. more. long, m. length. mettre, irr. v. to put. dehors, adv. outside. en haut, above, upstairs. journal, m. newspaper. naissance,y. birth. sauter, to leap, jump. situe", e, adj. situated. 15. i ' yonder, there be- la-bas situer, to place. ( low. moulin, m. mill. vis-a-vis (de) opposite. nulle part. nowhere. avant, before. par hasanl. accidentally. bienfaiteur, m. benefactor. VOCABULARIES. 155 bienfaitrice,/. benefactress. quitter, to quit, leave. bord. in. bank, shore. quoique, although, though. cadeau, m. present. tandis que, while, whilst. circonstance, /. circumstance. tant que,- as long as. coucher, m. sitting, sleeping. vice, in. fault. . (to enter, come voler, to rob, steal. entrer, < ( in. voleur, m. thief. envers, prep. to, toward. fache, e, adj. angry, vexed. Vocabulary 41. c* u ( to offend, to an- aller a pied, in-, (to go on foot, to lacner, -< jr v. \ walk. louer, to let, hire. aller en voiture, < to go in a carriage, Munich, m. Munich. irr. v. \ to drive. partir, to set out, start. s'en aller, irr. v. to go away. pousser, to push. Auguste, m. Augustus. reconnaissant, e, grateful. bateau, m. boat. selon, according to. bateau a va- ) , r steamboat. sur, on, upon, over. peur, m. ) vers, prep. toward, about. champ, m. field. concert, m. concert. Vocabulary 40. ensemble, together. cependant, yet, however. envoyer, irr. v. to send. copier, to copy. lorsque, when. gagner, to gain, earn. marche, m. market. ne'anmoins, nevertheless. par, prep. by. plaire, irr. v. to please. pardon, m. pardon. proprement, neatly. plus, more. puisque, since. plus longtemps, longer. quelque, adj. some, any. plus tard, afterward, later. vain, e, vain. (en vain, vainly, in vain.) Vocabulary 42. absent, e, absent. ambition, f. ambition. beau-frere, m. brother-in-law ( ever (with a neq- iamais, -! ^ y ( ative t never). a moins que, unless. approcher, to draw near. aussitot, immediately. avant que, before. avec, with. menteur, se, m.f. liar. mentir, to lie. minute,/. minute (of time). ordinairement, usually. cause,/. cause. coeur, m. heart. diner, v. to dine. ... ( exploit, achieve- raison,/. reason, sense. (vous avez raison, you are right.) sentir, to feel, perceive. sortir, to go out. exmoit m <. r ( ment. Vocabulary 43. lire, irr. v. to read. courir, irr. v. to run. monde, m. world. (tout le monde, every body.) dangereusement, dangerously. ecole. f. school. montrer, to show. indispose, e, unwell. pendant que, while. instant, m. instant. ( in order that, so (fc, 1'instant, instantly, immedt- \ that. ately) pourquoi, ">%> wherefore, j invalide, m.f. invalid, pensioner 156 VOCABULARIES. medecin, m. doctor, physician. pauvre, adj. poor, needy. ( native country, P atne '/- | country. ( poor person, a- pauvre, n. m. -: r ' servir, irr. v. to serve. prison, f. prison. volontiers, willingly. reprocher, to reproach. simplement simply. * , . ( the day after to- apres-demam, -< mvrrQV j , (to suffice, to be 8offire,irr.r. j su / cient . faim,y. hunger. main,y. hand. Vocabulary 45. midi, m. noon. acquerir, irr. v. to acquire. (a midi, at noon.) Alexandre, m. A lexander. mor.rir, irr. v. to die. application,y. application. parole,/'. word. bien, n. TO. property. probablement, probably. bouillir, irr. v. to boil. promenade,./! walk, promenade. connaissance,y. knowledge. promettre, irr. v. to promise. conquerir, irr. v. to conquer. promis, e, part, promised. e'tude.y. study. tenir, irr. v. to hold, keep. joie,/! joy. trauquiUement, ^anquilly, quiet- legitimement, lawfully. ceuf, m. egg. venir, irr. v. to come. peine,/. pain, trouble. vertueux, se, virtuous. peur,y. fear. voir, irr. v. to see. profiler, { to P ro ^^ im ~ Vocabulary 44. tressaillir, irr. v. to start, tremble. armee,y army. chaud, e, hot, warm. Vocabulary 46. fenetre,y. window. froid, n. m. cold. ( adversary, oppo- adversaire, m. -< . J ,. ( invalid, sick per- malade, n. m.f. j $on ' coutume,y. habit, custom. drap, TO. cloth. ouvrir, irr. v. to open. falloir, imp. v. to be obliged. soutfrir, irr. v. to suffer. vetir, irr. v. to clothe. metre, TO. meter. prevaloir, irr. v. to prevail. . riche n. m. rich man. abricot, m. apricot. valoir, irr. v. to be worth. automne, m. autumn. vivre, irr. v. to live. chaudement, warmly. completement, completely. Vocabulary 47. cueillir, irr. v. to gather. , . . . (to run away, es- senfuir, irr. v. < " ( cape. , . , - ( goodness, kind- bont^y. | 9 ness gros, se, great, large. ennemi, m. enemy, m. non plus, no longer. ennemie,/'. enemy, f. oh! int. O! oh! fruit, m. fruit. pouvoir, irr. v. to be able. fuir, irr. v. to shun, avoid. ... C to be willing, to vouloir, irr. v. -< / genereux, se, generous. hiver, m. winter. legume, TO. vegetable. Vocabulary 48. mal, adv. badly. besoin, m. want. modeste, modest. Dieu, m. God. moment, TO. moment. pourvoir, irr. v. to provide. VOCABULARIES. 157 Vocabulary 49. me'dire, irr. v. to slander. apprendre, irr. v. to learn. mort, n. f. death. dommage, m. hurt, injury. (c'estdommage, it is a pity.) opinion,/". opinion. pre'dire, irr. v. to foretell. plus tot, sooner. ,. . ( to say again, re* redire, irr. v. < * possible, possible. secret TO. secret. [ peat. regretter, to regret. tout, n. m. every thing. voyage, m. voyage, journey. rien du tout, nothing at all. somme,/". sum. (etre en voyage, to be on a jour- Vocabulary 53. ney, to be abroad.) auteur, m.f. author. bas, adv. low. Vocabulary 50. elire, irr. v. to choose. jime,/". spirit, soul. animal, m. animal. bref, eve, short. corps, m. body. gazette,/". gazette. haut, adv. loudly. journal, TO. newspaper. souper, TO. supper. expliquer, to explain. Vocabulary 54. mouvoir, irr. v. to move. passion,/". passion. ( to communicate. commumquer, < ,, personne, nobody , rarement, seldom depart, TO. departure. mot TO word j. ^ , ( very hard, in tor- phrase,/". phrase, sentence. ( rent*. version, /". translation. Vocabulary 51. Vocabulary 55. annoncer, to announce. bienseant, e, becoming. s'asseoir, irr. v. to sit down, sit. campagnard, TO. countryman. bane, TO. bench. dechoir, irr. r. to decay, fall off. campagnarde, f. country-woman. de bon cceur, heartily. estime, f. esteem. embarras, TO. embarrassment. ^ j* premier, ere, Jirst. embarrasse, e, embarrassed. public, m. public. menace,/'. menace, threat. toit, TO. roof. trone, TO. throne. naif, naive, \naive, artless, ( plain. vieillard, TO. old man. , /* pretention,/. pretension. Vocabulary 52. raconter, to tell, relate. rire, irr. v. to laugh. belle- soeur,/'. sister-in-law. rire de, irr. v. to laugh at. contredire, irr. v. to contradict. simplicity, f. simplicity. dedire, irr. v. to disown. sot, te, n. m.f. fool. dette, f. debt. sourire, irr. v. to smile. de venir, about coming. etonner, to astonish. .11 ( such, such a one. ' ' ( many a one. etonne, e, part. astonished. franchement, frankly. Vocabulary 56, interdire, irr. v. to forbid. bas, n. TO. stocking. mariage, TO. marriage. chaise,/". chair. maudire, irr. v. to curse. epee,/". sword. * Used of raining. 158 VOCABULARIES. fourreau, m. scabbard. poisson, m. fish. permission,/. permission. precaution,/. precaution. , plaire, irr. v. to please. prendre, irr. v. to take. propre, adj. own. prendre garde, to take care. remettre, irr. v. to put back. sage, adj. well-behaved. present (a), \ ^ ^ present mo- ( ment, at present. "table,/. table. repas, m. meal. Vocabulary 57. Vocabulary 62. ordonner, to order. dame,/. lady. progres, m. progress. frontiere,/. frontier. tailleur, m. tailor. paraitre, irr. v. to appear. zele, in. zeal. Vocabulary 63. Vocabulary 58. absoudre, irr. r. to absolve, acquit credule, credulous. accuse, e. m.f. accused person. f * . j acide, n. m. acid. consul], m. bataille,/. battle. croitre, irr. v. to grow. employer, to employ. en peu de temps, in a short time. honneur, m. honor. Cesar, m: Ccesar. convaincre, irr. v. to convince. coupable, guilty. dissoudre, irr. v. to dissolve. Incapable, incapable. persuader, to persuade. plante,/. plant. experience. /. experience. Gaulois, i. /;/. Gauls. gouvernement, m. government. sec, seche, dry. tromper, to deceive, cheat. guerre, /. war. juge, m. judge. preuve,/. proof. Vocabulary 59. boire, irr. v. to drink. resoudre, irr. v. to resolve. rival, e, n. m.f. rival. vaincre, irr. v. to conquer. capitaine, m. captain. enivrer, to intoxicate. Vocabulary 64. s'emvrer, -J to ^ intoxicat ~ craindre, irr. v. to fear. \ ed. fontaine,/. fountain, spring. potable, drinkable. sant^,/. health. extremement, exceedingly. malheur, m. misfortune. me'riter, to deserve. offenser, to offend. Vocabulary 60. pauvrete",/. poverty. peindre. irr. v. to paint. certainement, certainly. plaindre, irr. v. to pity. famille,/. family. se plaindre, to complain. he'ros, m. hero. tort, m. wrong. memoire,/. memory. (avoir tort, to be wrong paix,/. peace. * revivre, irr. v. to revive. Vocabulary 65. survivre, irr. v. to survive. air, m. air. nvenir, m. future. Vocabulary 61. boisson,/. drink. comprendre. irr. v. to comprehend. bruler, to burn. page,/. page. conduire, irr. v. to lead. se mtttre & table, to sit dovm at table. VOCABULARIES. 159 ee conduire, irr. ( to conduct, to be- ordre, m. order. v. \ have one's self. poursuivre, irr. v. to pursue. construire, irr. f to construct, rue,/! street. v. \ build. (de rue en rue, from street to cuire, irr. v. to cook. street.^) detruire, irr. v. to destroy. 'suivre, irr. v. to follow. digue, f. dyke. suivre de pres, to follow close. guide, TO. guide. instruire, irr. v. to instruct, teach. Vocabulary 67. nuire, irr. v. to injure. pommede terre,/. potato. , .. ,, ( conduct, behav- conduite,/. 1 . ' pont, m. bridge. produire, irr. v. to produce. sorte,/. kind, sort. terre,y. earth, land. traduire, irr. v. to translate. troupe, f. troop. ^. deplaire, irr. v. to displease. douceur, f, gentleness. fort, adv. very much. maniere,/". manner. modestie,/. modesty. observer, to observe. voyageur, se, n. ) . ; ~ J 6 ,- ' > traveler, m. f. m.f. | partie, /. party. plaire, irr. v. to please. Vocabulary 66. societe,/. company, society exactement, exactly. exemple, m. example. Vocabulary 68. exiger, to require. artiste, m.f. artist, m.f. loin, adv. t at a distance, developper, to develop. ( far off. musicien, m. musician, m. marcher, to march. musicienne,/. musician, f. ordonnance,/. j order^prescrip- naitre, irr. v. to be born. reoaitre, irr. v. to be born agair-. INDEX I. TO VOCABULARIES. FRENCH WORDS. A, abricot, MI., apricot. absent, e, absent. absoudre, to absolve, ac- quit. a cause de, on account of. accompagner, to accom- pany . accuse, m., accused, ac- cused person, m. accusee, f., accused, ac- cused person, f. acheter, to buy. acide, n. m., acid. acquerir, irr. v., to ac- quire. actif, ve, active. admirer, to admire. adversaire, TO. , adver- sary, opponent. affaire, /!, business. Afrique,/., Africa. age, m., age. age, e, old, aged. agir, to act. agreable, agreeable. ailleurs, elsewhere. aimable, amiable. aimer, to love. air, in. , air. Alexandre, m., Alexan- der. Allemagne, /". , Germany. Allemand, n. in., German. allem&ndi,e, adj., German. aller, irr. v. , to go. aller a pied, irr. v. , to go on foot, to walk. APRfeg-DF.MAlN. aller en voiture, irr.v. , to go in a carriage, to drive. 8' en aller, irr. v., to go away. ambition,/., ambition. ame,y., spirit, soul. amer, ere, bitter. Amerique,/. , A merica. ami, m., friend, m. amie, f. , friend, f. a moins que, unless. amusant, e, amusing. s' amuser , to amuse one's self. an, TO. , year. Anglais, e, English. Angleterre, /., En- gland. animal, m., animal. annee,/.,year. annoncer, to announce. s'annoncer, to present\ one's self. apercevoir, to perceive. a peu pres, nearly. _ appeler, to call. s'appeler, to be called, to call one's self. application,/., appli- cation. appliqu6, e, diligent. apporter, to bring. apprendre, irr. v., to learn. approcher, to draw near. apres, prep., after. apres-demain, the day after to-morrow. AVECGI.I. 1'apres-midi, the after' noon. arbre, m. , tree. argent, /. , silver, mon ey. armee,/., army. armoire, /, cupboard, closet. arriver, to arrive. artiste, m.f., artist, m. Asie,/., Asia. s'asseoir, irr. v., to tit, sit down. assez, adv., enough. attaquer, to attack. attendre, to wait for, tc expect. attentif, ive, attentive aucun, e, adj. , any.* Auguste, m., Augustus. aujourd'hui, adv., to- day. an lieu de, instead of. aussi, adv., also, too. aussi, conj., but, there- fore. auteur, m.f., author. automne, m., autumn. au tour de, around, about. autre, adj., other. avant, prep., before. avant que, conj. , before. avec, prep. , with. avenir, n. m., future. aveugle, adj. , blind. aveugle, n. m.f., blind person. ' With a negativ*. none. INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. FRENCH WORDS. 161 JU.GUK. B. baigner, to bathe, wash. bal, m., ball. bane, m. , bench, seat. has, adv., low. bas, n. m. , stocking. bataille,/., battle. bateau, m.. boat. bateau a vapeur, m., steamboat. batir, to build. battre, irr. v., to beat. beau, bel, belle, beauti- ful. beaucoup, adv., much. beau-frere, m., brother- in-law. Belgique,/. , Belgium. belle-soeur,/., sister-in- law. Berlin, m. , Berlin. besoin, .. want. beurre, m., butter. bien, n. m. , property. bien, adv., well. bienfaiteur,w., benefac- tor. bienfai trice,/. , benefac- tress. bienseant, e, becoming. bientot, adv., soon. biere,/., beer. bijou, m. , jewel. blamer, to blame, find fault with. blanc, he, white. blesser, to wound. bleu, e, blue. boire, irr. v., to drink. boisson, n. f. , drink. boite,/., box. bon, bonne, adj., good. bonte, goodness, kind- ness. bord, m., bank, shore. botte,/., boot. bottier, m., bootmaker. bouillir. irr. v.. to boil. boulanger, m., baker. bourse, f., purse. bourse, f., exchange. bouteille,/., bottle. bras, m., arm. bref, breve, short. bruit, m., noise. bruler, to burn. c, cadean, m., present. cafe, m., coffee. cahier, m., copy-book. caillou, m. , pebble. campagnard, m., coun- tryman. campagnarde, f. , coun- try-woman. campagne, /. , country. canif, m. , penknife. canne,/, cane. capitaine, m. , captain. car, conj..for, because. Caroline,/., Caroline. casser, to break. cause,/., cause. a cause de, on account of. \ cependant, adv. , yet, however. cerise,/., cherry. certain, e, certain, some. certainement, adv., cer- tainly. Cesar, m., Caesar. cesse, n. f. , ceasing, in- termission. cesser, to cease. chagrin, m. , sorrow, ffrief. chaise,/., chair. chambre,/., room, cham- ber. chameau, rn., camel. champ, m.,Jield. chanter, to sing. chapean, m., hat. Charles, m., Charles. chasse./., chase, hunt. chat, ?., cat. chatte,/., she cat. chateau, m., country- house. H QONBTAMMZNT. chaud, e, hot, warm. chaudement, warmly. chemin, m. , road. chemin de for, m., rail- way. cher, ere, dear. chercher, to look for, to seek. cheval, m., horse. chez, prep., to, at, at the house of, among. chien, ., dog. chocolat, m. , chocolate. chose, f., thing. circonEtance,/., circum- stance. ciseaux, m. pi. , scissors. classe, /. , class. coeur, m., heart. coeur (de bon), heartily. combien, adv., how much, how many. commencer, to begin. comment, adv. , how, what. communique?, to com- municate, tell. eompletement, adv.,com- pletely. comprendre, irr. v., to comprehend. compte, m., bill, account. comte, in., count. concert, in., concert. concevoir, to conceive. conduire, irr. v., to lead. se conduire, irr. v., to conduct, to behave one's self. conduite,/. , conduct, be- havior. connaissance,/., knowl- edge, acquaintance. connaitre, irr. v., t know. conquerir, irr. v. t to con- quer. conseil, m. , advice, coun- sel, council. constamment, adv., con- stantly. 162 INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. FRENCH WORDS. OONBTRUIKS. DOMESTIQUE. ENTEXDRJC. constrnire, irr. v., to de bon coeur, heartily. domestique, adj., tame. construct, build. dechoir, irr. v., to decay, dommagd, m., hurt, in* con tent, e, content, satis- fall off. jury.* fied. dedire, irr. v. , to disown. done, conj., then. contraire, ;/;., contrary defendre, to defend. donner, to give. (au contraire, on the dehors, adv. , outside. dormir, to tleep. contrary}. deja, adv., already, yet. douceur, f., gentleness. oontre, prep. , against. dejeuner, m., breakfast. doux, douce, sweet. contredire, irr. v., to d6m&in,adv.,to-niorrow. drap, m., cloth. contradict. domain matin, to-mor- Dresde,/,Z>refiorieux, euse, labori- ous. lait, TO. , milk. langue, /., language. larme,/., tear. se laver, to wash one's self. lecon,/., lesson. legerement, adv. , light- ly, slightly. legitimement, adv., lawfully. legume, m., vegetable. lentement.aefo., slowly. Leopold, m., Leopold. lettre,/, letter. MABOHE. leur, poss. adj., their. lever, to lift. se lever, to rise, get up. lieu, m., place, spot. (au lieu de, instead of.) lire, irr. v. , to read. lit, m., bed. livre, *., book. livre,f.,pound(weight). loin, adt:,at a distance, far off. Londres, m. orf., Lon- don. long, m., length. longtemps, adv., a long time, a long ichile, long. lorsque, conj., when. louer, to praise. loner, to let, to hire. Lonis, ;/(., Louis. Louise,/., Louisa. lumiere,/., light. lune,/, moon. lunettes, /. pi. , specta- cles. M. Madame, f., Mrs., Madam. Mademoiselle,/, Miss. main,/., hand. maintenant, adv., now. at present. rnais, conj., but. maison, /. , house. maitre, m., master. mal, adv., badly, wrong. malade, adj., ill. malade, n. m. f., in- valid, sick person. malheur, m., misfor- tune. malheureux, se, unhap- }>/anf. pleurer, to weep. pleavoir, imp. v., to rain. pluie,/., rain. plume, f.,pen. plupart, ind. pron. , most part, greatest part, majority. plus, adv., more. plus longtemps, adv., longer. plus tard, adv., after- ward, later. plus tot, adv., sooner. plusieurs, ind. pron., most, sei'eral. poire, f. , pear. poisson, m.,Jish. pomme, /'.. apple. pomme de terre, f. , po- tato. pont, m., bridge. porte,/., door. porter, to carry. portrait, m. , likeness, portrait. possible, possible. poste,/., post. potable, drinkable. pour, prep., for, on ac- count of. pour que, con/. , in order that, so that. pourquoi, adv., why. pourquoi, con/. , why, wherefore. poursuivre, irr. v., to pursue. pourvoir, irr. v., to pro- vide. pousser, to push. pouvoir, irr. v., to be able. precaution, /., precau- tion. predire, irr. v., to fore- tell preferer, to prefer. premier, ere, jirst. prendre, irr. v., to take. prendre garde, to take QUI. present, a, at the present moment, at present. presque, adv. , almost. pretention, /., preten- sion. preter, to lend. preuve,/., proof. prevaloir, irr. v. , to pre- vail. prier, to pray. prince, m., prince. pris, e, part., taken. prix, m. , prize, price. prison, /"., prison. probabieinent, adv., probably. prochain, e, next. produire, irr. v., to pro- duce. professeur, m., professor. profiler, to profit, im- prove. progres, m., progress. projet, m. , project. promenade,/ 1 ., walk. se promener, to walk, to take a walk. promettre, irr. v., to promise. promis, e, part., prom- ised. propre, adj. , own. proprement, adv., neat- iy- prudemEent, adv. , pru- dently. Prusse,/., Prussia. public, i. , public. puisque, con/., since. punir, to punish. Q. quand, adv., when. qne, conj., that, how. quel, le, adj. , what. quelqne, adj., some, any. quelque, adv. , however. quelquefois, adv., some- times. qni, re lat. pron., who, that, which. KOBE. quitter, to quit, leave. quoi, pron., which, what quoique, conj.,although^ though. R, raconter, to tell, relate. raisin, m. , grape. raison,/., reason, sense, rarement, adv., seldom. recevoir, to receive. recompenser, to reward. reconnaissant, e, grate- ful. redire, irr. v., to say again, repeat. regie,/., rule. regretter, to regret. reine,/*., queen. relieur, /., bookbinder. remercier, to thank. remettre, irr. v., to put back. remplir, to Jill, to fill again. Remus, in., Remus. renaitre, to be born again. rencontre, to meet. rendre, to give back, re- turn. r6pandre, to shed, spill. repas, m., meal. repondre, to answer. reprocher, to reproach. rester, to remain, stay. resoudre, irr. v., to res solve. revivre, irr. v., to re- vive. Richard, m., Richard. riche, adj., rich. riche, n. m., rich man. richement, adv., rirhly rien, in., nothing. rien du tout, nothing at all. rire, irr. v., to laugh. rire de, to laugh at. rival, n. m.f., rival. robe,/., dress. INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. FRENCH WORDS. 167 ROBERT. TARD. TROtTVEB. Robert, m., Robert. soif,/., thirst. tard, afterward, la- roi, TO., king. soir, TO., evening, night. ter). Remain, n. m., Roman. soldat, 7ii., soldier. tasse,/., cup. Romulus, w., Romulus. soldo, f., pay (a soldier's tel, le, adj., such, suck rond, e, round. pay). a one, many a one. rose,/"., rose. soleil, ?., sun. temps, m., weather. rouge, red. somme, f. , sum. temps, TO., time. rub an, in., ribbon. sorte,/, kind, sort. tenir, irr. v., to hold, rue,/., street (de rue sortir, to go out. keep. en rue,/roTO sZreeJ .,jusque. air, air, m. as long as, adv., tant que. Alexander, Alexandre, as much, adv., autant. m. Asia, Asie,f. all, adj., tout, toute. ask, demander. almost, adv. , presque. astonish, Manner. already, adv., deja. at, prep. , a, chez. also, adv., aussi. at present, adv., main- although, con/. , quoi- tenant. que, bien que. at the house of, chez. always, adv., toujours. attack, to, attaquer, as- ambition, ambition, f. saillir, irr. v. America, Amdrique. attentive, attentif, ive. amiable, aimable. August, Aout, m. among, prep., chez, Augustus, Auguste, m. avec, entre, parmi. aunt, tante,/. amuse one's self, author, auteur, m.f. s'amuser. autumn, automne, m. amusing, amusant, e. avoid, fuir, irr. v. anger, to, fdcher. awake, to, s'e~veiller. angry, adj., /ache", e. animal, animal, m. B, announce, annoncer. answer, to, re'pondre. bad, mauvais, e. any, adj., quelque, au- badly, mat. cun, e (with negative, baker, boulanger, m. none), du, de la, des, bank, bord, m. en. ball, lud, m. appear, paraitre, irr. v. basket, corbeille,/. apple, pomme,f. bathe, baigner. application, applica- battle, bataille,f. tion,/. be, to, etre. apricot, abricot, m. beat, battre. April, Avril, m. beautiful, beau, bel, arm, bras, m. belle. army, arme,f. because, conj., car, parce around, au tour de. que. arrive, to, arriver. becoming, biensfant, e. artist, artiste, m.f. bed, lit, m. 170 INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. ENGLISH WOKDS. BEER. beer, biere,f. before, adv. of time, avant. before, con/., avant que, plutot que. before, prep. , avant (of \ time), devant (of place). beg, prier. begin, commencer. behave ) one's self, s* conduct ) conduire. behavior, conduite,f. behind, prep., derriere. behold, int., void. Belgium, Belgique, f. believe, croire, irr. v. below, adv., en has. bench, bane, m. benefactor, bienfaiteur, m. benefactress, bienfai- trice,f. Berlin, Berlin, m. better, adj. , meilleur, e. better, adv., mieux. between, entre, prep. bill, compte, m. bird, oiseau, m. birth, naissance,f. bit, morceau, m. bitter, amer, ere. black, noir, e. blame, to, bldmer. blind, adj., aveugle. blind man, aveut/le, m. blind woman, aveugle,f. blood, sang, m. blue, bleu, e. boat, bateau, m. body, corps, m. boil, bouillir, irr. v. book, livre, m. bookbinder, relieur, m. boot, botte,f. bootmaker, bottler, m. born, part., ne, e. born, to be, nut/re, irr. v. born again, to be, re- naitre, irr. v. bottle, bouteille,f. box, l>oite,S. boy, garcon, m. bread, jmin. m. break, casser. breakfast, dejeuner, m. bridge, pont, m. bring, apporter. brother, f'rere, m. brother-in-law, beau- frere, m. build, bdtir, constrvire, irr. v. burn, to, bruler. business, affaire, f. but, con/. , mais, qui ne. butter, beurre, m. buy, acheter. by, prep. , par. , pres de. by, adv., pres. c, Caesar, Ce'sar. cake, gateau, m. call, apjieler. call one's self, s'appeler. called, to be, sappeler. camel, chameau, in. cane, canne,f. captain, capitaine, m. Caroline, Caroline, f. carry, porter. cat, m., chat. cat (she),/., chatte. catch, saisir. cause, cause, f. cease, cesser. ceasing, cesse,f. certain (some one), adj., certain, e. certainly, certainement, certes, assortment. chair, chaise, f. Charles, Charles, m. chase, n. , chasse,f. cheat, tromper. cheese, fromage, m. cherry, cerise, f. child, enfant, m.f. childhood, mfanc.e,f. chocolate, c/iocolat, m. Choose, Hire. irr. v. church, egli*e,f. COOK. circumstance, circon- stance,f. city, ville,f. class, classe,f. clean, to, nettoyer. closely, de pres. closet, armoire,f. cloth, drap, in. cloth, stuff, 6toffe,f. clothe, vetir, ii~r. v. coat, habit, m. cock, coq, m. coffee, cafe", m. cold, adj., f raid, e. cold, n.,fruid, in. color, couleur,f. come, venir, irr. v. come in, entrer. communicate, <-plique, e. dine, to, diner. dinner, diner, m. disown, dedire, irr. v. displease, deplaire, irr. v. dissolve, dissoudre, irr. v. distance, at a, loin. do (to make), /cure, irr. v. doctor, medecin, m. dog, chien, m. done, part., fait, e. f.oor, porte, f. draw near, approcher. Dresden, Dresde,f. dress, robe,f. drink, boisson,/. drink, to, boire, irr. v. drinkable, potable. drive, v. n. , aller en voi- ture. dry, sec, seche. dumb, muet, te. during, prep., pendant. dwell, demeurer. dye, to, teindre, irr. v. E, each, adj., ckaque. early, adv., de bonne heure. earlier, adv., de meil- leure heure. easily, facilement. earn, yagner. earth, terre.f. eat, to, manger. egg, a:uf, in. elsewhere, ailleurs. embarrassed, part., em- barrasse, e. embarrassment, tmbar- ras, m. Emily, Emilie,f. employ, employer. empty, to, vider. empty, part., vide", e. enemy, m., ennemi, m. enemy, f., ennemie,f. England, Angleterre, /. English, Anglais, e. enough, adv., assez. enter, entrer. equally, egalement. escape, senfuir, irr. v. esteem, estiine,/. Europe, Europe,/. even, adv., meme. evening, soir, m. ever, jamais. every (all), tout, e. every body, tout It monde. every thing, tout, n. m. every where, partout. exactly, exactement. example, exemple, m. exceedingly, extreme- ment. except (save), prep., except^, hors, hormis. exchange, bourse,/. exercise, theme, m. expect, attendre. experience, experience. expire, to, echoir, irr. v. explain, 'crpliquer. exploit, exploit, m. eye, ceil, m. (pi. yeux). F, fail, faillir, irr. v. faithful, Jidele. fall, to, tomber. fall off, dtchoir. family, famille,f. far off, loin. fast, adv., vite. father, pere, m. fault, faute,f. ; vice, m. fear, peur,f. fear, to, craindre, irr. v feeble, faible. feel, sentir, irr. v. 172 INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. ENGLISH WORDS. FERTILE. fertile, fertile. few, adv.,peu. few, n. , peu, m. field, champ, m. fill, fill again, rcmplir. find, trouver. find fault with, bldmer. finish, finir. fire, feu, m. first, preniter, ere. fish, poisson, m. flattery, /. ,ftatterie. floor, e"tage, m. flower, yfettr,/. fly> tO,_/uzV, irr. v. follow, suivre, irr. v. follow close, suivre de pres. fool, m. , fou, sot, m. tool,f.,folle,f.; sotte,f. foolish, sot, te; fou,fol, folk. for, conj., car. for, prep. , pour, par, de. forbid, interdire, irr. v. forest, /oret,f. foretell, predire, irr. v. forgive, pardonner. fortune, fortune, f. fountain, fontaine.f. franc, franc, m. France, France, f. frankly, franchement. February, Fe'vrier, m. Frederick, Fre'de'ric, m. freeze, aeler. French, Francais, e. Frenchman, Francais, m. Frenchwoman, Fran- caise,f. fresh, frais,fraiche. Friday, Vendredi, m. friend, m., ami, m. friend,/., amie,f. from, prep., depuis, de, des. frontier, frontiers, f. fruit, fruit, m. fry, to, frire, irr. v. funeral, enterrement ; fvne'rail/es,f. pi. OBIAT. [uture, n. , avenir, m. G. gain, to, gagner. game, jeu, m. garden, jardin, m. gather, cueillir. irr. v. Gauls, Gaulvis. in. pi. gazette, gazette, f. general, general, m. generous, oste,f. postman, facteur, m. potato, pomme de terre, pound, livre,f. poverty, pauvret,f. praise, to, louer. pray, prier. precaution, precaution. prefer, preferer. prescription, ordon- nance,f. QUITE. present, cadeau, m. present, at, a present. preserve, to, conjire, irr. v. pretension, pr&ention, pretty, joli, e. prevail, prevaloir, irr.v. price, prix, m. prince, prince, m. prison, prison,/. prize, prix, m. probably, probable- ment. produce, to, produire, irr. v. professor,/>ro/essewr, m. profit, to, profiler. progress, n.,progres, m. project, projet, m. project, to, saillir, irr. v. promenade, promenade, promise, to, promettre, irr. v. promised, part. , promts, e. proof, preuve,/. property, bien, m. provide, pourvoir, irr. v. Prussia, l'russe,f. public, public, m. punish, punir. pupil, m., e"colier, m. P u Pi^/-> tcoliere,f. purse, bourse,/. pursue, poursuivre, irr. v. push, to, pousser. put, mettre, irr. v. put back, remettre, irr. v. Q. queen, reine,f. quickly, vite. quietly, tranquillement. quit, quitter. quite, adv. , tout-a-fait. R. railway, chemin-de-fer< in. railway station, gare,f. rain, pluie,f. rain, to,pleuvoir, imp.v. rather, adv.,plutot. reach, to, atteindre, irr. v. read, to, lire, irr. v. reason, raison,f. receive, recevoir. red, rouge. regret, to, regretter. relate, raconter. relation, ;., parent, m. relation, f., parente,f. remain, rester, demetf rer. Remus, Remus, m. repeat, redire, irr. v. repent, to, se repentir, irr. v. reproach, to, reprocher. require, to, exiaer. reside, demeurer. resolve, resoudre. return, rendre. revive, revivre, irr. v. reward, to, re'compenser ribbon, ruban, m. rich, adj., riche. rich, n., riche, m. Richard, Richard, m. richly, richement. right, adj., droit, e. ring, bague,f. ripe, mur, e. rise, get up, se lever. rival, n., rival, e, m.f. road, chemin, m. rob, voler. robber, voleur. Robert, Robert, m. Roman, n., Remain, at. Romulus, Romulus, m. I roof, toit, 7n. room, chambre,f. rose, rose,f. round, rond, e. 176 INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. ENGLISH WORDS. BCUS. rule, regie,/. run, to, courir, irr. v. run away, s'en/uir, irr. v. Russia, Russie,/. sad, triste. salt, sel, m. same, adj. , meme. same time, at the, en meme temps. satisfied, content, e. Saturday, Samedi, m. Saxony, Saxe,f. say, to, dire, irr. v. say again, redire, irr. v. say nothing of, taire, irr. v. scabbard, /ourreau, m. scarcely, adv., apeine. school, cole,f. scissors, ciseaux, m. pi. secret, secret , m. see, voir. seek, chercher. seen, part. , vu, e. seize, saisir. seldom, rarement. sell, to, vendre. send, envoyer, irr. v. sense, raison,f. sentence, phrase, f. September, Septembre, m. servant, domestique, m. f. ; servante,f. eerve, to, servir, irr. v. set out, partir, irr. v. several, adj. , plusieurs. several, n., plusieurs, m. f.pl. severely, se'verement. sew, to, coudre, irr. v. shed, to, re"pandre. sheep, mouton. m. shine, luire, irr. v. shoe, s'mlier, m. shore, bard, m. short, href, breve. show, to, montrer. BPIKIT. shun,_/wt>, irr. v. silent, to be, se taire, irr. v. silk, soie,f. Silver, argent, m. simplicity, simplicity,/. simply, simplement. since, prep. , depuis, de- puts que. since, conj. , puisque. since, adv., depuis. sing, chanter. sir, monsieur, m. sister, sceur,/. sister-in-law, belle-sveur, ./- sit, sit down, sasseoir, irr. v. sitting, n., coucher, m. situated, adj., situt, e. slander, to, me'dire, irr. v. sleep, to, dormir, irr. v. slightly, Ifyerement. slowly, lentement. small, petit, e. smile, to, sourire, irr. v. snow, neige,f. snow, to, neiger, imp. v. SO, adv., si, ainsi. SO, conj., pourvu que. so many, adv., tant. so much, adv., tant, si. so that, pour que. society, soci^te'.f. soldier, sol dot, m. some, some other, adj., quelque, quelques, pi. sometimes, quelque/ois. son, ,///.-,-. m. son-in-law, beau-fils, m. soon, adv., bientot, tot. sooner, adv., plus tot. sorrow, chagrin, m. sort, sorte,f. soul, ame, f. speak, purler, dire, irr. v. spectacles, lunettes, f. pi. spill, repandre. spirit, dme,f. TEAB. spite (in of), prep., malgrt. spring, fontaine,f. stairs, escalier, m. staircase, escalier, m. start, to, tressaillir, irr. v. ; partir, irr. v. steal, voler. steamboat, bateau a va- peur. story, 6tage, m. still, adv., encore. stocking, 'bas, m. stone, pierre,f. street, rue,f. strong, fort, e. study, etude. study, to, ttudier. Stuff, 6toffe. Stuttgart, Stuttgard, m. such, adj., tel, le. suddenly, tout a coup. suffer, souffrir, irr. v. suffice, suffire, irr. v. sufficient, to be, suffire, irr. v. sufficient, adv., assez. sugar, sucre, m. sum, somme,f. sun, soleil, m. Sunday, Dimanche, m. supper, souper. m. survive, survivre, irr. v. Sweden, Suede,/. sweep, ramoneur, m. sweet, doux, douce. sword, tpft,f. T, table, table,/. tailor, tailleur, m. take, prendre, irr. v. take a walk, se prome- ner. take care, prendre yarde. taken, part. , pris, e. tame, domestique. tea, the", m. teach, instruirc, irr. v. tear, n., larme,f. INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. ENGLISH WORDS. 177 TELL. tell, communiquer, dire, irr. v. ; raconter. than, con/., que. thank, to, remercier. thanks, merci, tn. theatre, theatre, m. their, pass. adj. , leur. then, con/., done. then, adv. , alors, puis. there below, la-bas. they (people), on. "thief, voleur, m. thing, chose, f. think, penser, croire, irr. v. thirst, sot/,/, this way, adv. , par-id. thorn, e'pine,f. though, quoique, cepen- dant, bien que. threat, menace,/". throne, trone, m. throw, jeter. thunder, to, tanner. Thursday. Jeudi. in. time, temps, m. (from time to time, de temps en temps). time (repetition), foisj. to, prep. , a, en, chez. to, toward, prep., envers. to-day, adv., aujourd- hui. together, ensemble. to-morrow, adv.,demain. to-morrow morning, de- main matin. too, adv. , trap, aussi. too much, adv., trap. torrents (in), a verse (usedof raining), adv. toward, prep. , envers, vers. town, ville,f. tranquilly, tranquille- ment. translate, traduire, irr. v. translation, version, f. travel, to, voyager. traveler, voyageur, se, n., TO./. treat, to, trailer. tree, arbre, m. tremble, tressaillir, irr. v. troop, troupe, f, trouble, peine, f. Troy, Troie,f. true, vrai, e. truly, vraiment. truth, vrit6,f. Tuesday, Alardi, m. u, umbrella, parapluie, m. uncle, oncle, m. under, adv., dessous. under, prep. , sous, des- sous. undertake, entreprendre, irr. v. unhappy, malheureux, se. unless, a moins que. unwell, indispose, e. upon, prep., sur, dessus. upstairs, en haut. usually, ordinairement. vain, vain, e. vainly, in vain, adv., en vain. vegetable, Ifyume, m. very, adv., tres, bien. very much, adv. ,fort. vexed, adj '. , fach, e. vice, vice, m. Vienna, Vienne,f. violet, violette,/. violin, violon, m. virtue, vertu,f. virtuous, vertvettx, se. voyage, voyage, m. w. wait for, atlendre. wake up, s'e"veiller. walk, to, marcher, se promener. walk, it., promenade, f. wall, mur, m. want, besoin, m. war, (juerre,f. warm, chaud, e. warmly, chaudement. wash, to, baigner. wash one's self, se lo- ver. watch, montre,f. water, eau,f. weak,/ai'6fe. weather, temps, m. Wednesday, Mercredi, m. week, semaine,f. weep, pleurer. well, adv., bien. well-behaved, sage. what, quel, le. when, adv. , quand, lors- que. where, adv., ou. whether, cow/., sf. while, pendant que, tan- dis que. Whilst, tandis que. white, blanc, he. who, pron., qui. whoever, pron. , qui- conque. why, adv. , pourquoi. wicked, me 'chant, e. William, Guillaume, m. willing, to be, vouloir, irr. v. willingly, volontiers. window, .fenetre, f. wine, fin, m. winter, hiver, m. wipe, essuyer. wise, adj. , sage. wise man, saye, n., m. wish, volont, J". wish, to, vouloir, irr. v. wish for, de'sirer. with, prep., avec. without, prep. , sans. word, mot, m.; parole,f work, n., travail, m. work, to, travailler. world, monde, m. 178 INDEX TO VOCABULARIES. ENGLISH WOKDS. WOBTH. worth, to be, valoir, irr. v. wound, to, blesser. write, tcrire, irr. v. written, part., e'crit, e. wrong, n., tort, m. wrong, to be, avoir tort. Y. year, an, m. ; anne'e,f. yesterday, adv., hier. yet, conj., < < pendant, pourtant, toutefois. yet, adv., encore, deja. ZEAL. yonder, la-bas. young, jeune. youth, jeunesse. z, zeal, zele, m* THE END. FRENCH LITERATURE With Notes and Vocabularies Augier & Sandeau. Le Gendre de M. Poirier (Roedder). . . .$0.40 Bruno. Le Tour de la France (Syms) 60 Cameron. Tales of France 1.00 Chateaubriand. Les Aventures du Dernier Abencerage (Bruner) 30 Cremieux & Decourcelle. L'Abbe Constantin (Fran9ois) 35 Daudet. La Belle Nivernaise and Other Stories (Jenkins). .. .50 Tartarin de Tarascon (Fontaine) 45 Dumas. La Tulipe Noire (Brandon) 40 Les Trois Mousquetaires (Fontaine) 60 Erckmann & Chatrian. Madame Therese (Fontaine) 50 Foa. Le Petit Robinson de Paris (De Bonneville) 45 Foncin. Le Pays de France (Muzzarelli) 60 Fontaine. Douze Contes Nouveaux 45 Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de. Selections (Cameron) 1.25 Goodell. L'Enfant Espion and Other Stories 45 Guerber. Contes et Legendes. 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