UC-NRLF SB 123 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID A CHAPTER IN SWEDISH HISTORY VOL. I. PRINTED BY :POTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUAUK LONDON STATUE OF LINNJEUS AT STOCKHOLM THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH A CHAPTER IN SWEDISH HISTORY BY MKS FLORENCE CADDY AUTHOR OF 'FOOTSTEPS OF JEANNE D'ARC* ETC. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I. ON THE CASTLE HILL, UPSALA LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1887 All rights reserved TO MY HIGHLY ESTEEMED AND VALUED FRIEND D R HENRY TRIMEN, F.L.S. &c. Director of the Colonial Botanical Establishment, Ceylon WHOSE KIND ASSISTANCE HAS ENABLED ME WITH THE MORE CONFIDENCE TO OFFER TO THE PUBLIC THIS SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OF THE GREAT NATURALIST M345910 CONTENTS OP THE FIRST VOLUME. CHAPTEB I. THE LINDEN TREE OF LINNHULT 1 II. WEXIO V III. LUND UNIVERSITY 54 IV. UPSALA , . . . 85 V. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 114 VI. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 136 VII. ' LACHESIS LAPPONICA ' : JOURNEY ROUND LAPLAND, 1731, MAY TO NOVEMBER . 188 VIII. ROSEN VICTOR 198 IX. ITER DALECARLIUM THE FAIR FLOWER OF FALUN. . 213 X. TAKES HIS DOCTOR'S DEGREE IN HOLLAND . . . 259 XI. LEYDEN THE FAT OF THE LAND 291 XH. A VISIT TO ENGLAND . .318 ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOL. I. STATUE OF LINNJEUS AT STOCKHOLM . . Frontispiece ON THE CASTLE HILL, UP8ALA . ... Vignette title LINNJEUS IN SMALAND To face page 22 MAP. (At end of volume) THE TRAVELS OF LINN^US, 1735-38 THBOUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS CHAPTER I. THE LINDEN TREE OF LINNHULT. Beneath yon birch with silver bark And boughs so pendulous and fair, The brook falls scattered down the rock, And all is mossy there. COLERIDGE. AT RSshult, in the heart of SmSland, a province of South Sweden, on a slope beside the trunk railway line, stands a small shingle-roofed wooden house, painted deep red, with white windows draped with the whitest muslin the best laundry ever aided a bleaching-ground to produce. A granite obelisk before the house, be- tween it and the rail, tells all the world, or, to be accu- rate, the few persons who daily travel through SmSland by the slow cattle and timber train, that Carl von Linne, oftener spoken of as Linnaeus, was born here on May 23, 1707. The obelisk was erected in 1866. No other building is visible until we arrive at the small station at Liatorp. VOL. I. B /a 2 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNsEUS This is, indeed, being flung into medias res, as Horace recommends ; for if any place can fairly be defined as medias res, it is R&shult in SmSland. Even in Sweden there is no getting at it without patience. It is the kernel of everything ; leading apparently from nowhere to nowhere, yet really on the main road to every town of interest in Sweden. At 10 P.M. the late and lingeringly slow ' cargo ' train stops at Liatorp station for ' Linnseus,' as every one understands and is careful to inform us, and moon- light on the islanded lake Mockeln, and the last gleams of dying daylight, at the end of May, make it easy to find the small hotel with its ' Rum for Resande.' We can see the mat of fresh spruce boughs laid, as is customary, at the foot of its wooden threshold steps, and above this we meet the welcoming smile of a plea- sant-looking woman, who has been sitting in the porch watching by the tender light, still tinting the sky with daffodil and wild-rose colour, to see the train come in. 4 Yes, this is right for Linnseus. And so the stranger ladies want to find out all about our Lin- iiseus ? This is charming. Yes, here is Stenbrohult, his early home; and yonder is ESshult, his birth- place. To-morrow you can drive over and visit it. It is about half a mile from here.' 1 It is not worth while to drive that little step.' 1 Half a Swedish mile ! ' 1 Rum is a room in Swedish; it is pronounced room, and not rum. THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 3 'Ah, to be sure there is a difference.' ( So the English people really care about our Linnaeus ? This is delightful.' It seems very amusing to them likewise. The train was still waiting, and would have carried us on farther had we been misled. Meanwhile mistress and maid draw out a bed which shuts up telescope-fashion at the foot, and prepare a sofa whose cover lifts off, and, drawing out at the side, formsia trough-like receptacle for an extra guest. All sofas, however splendid the apartment, are thus formed as spare beds in Sweden. Going to bed here is like laying oneself by in a drawer. Presently the round table, sleek with white linen, is spread with a star- shaped arrangement of tiny glass dishes of relishes, served to provoke appetite (they do this with hungry English people), to be removed by a second course of exquisitely cooked cutlets and potatoes a pleasant sight at 11 P.M. for famished travellers weary with the time-murdering train, that dawdles fifteen minutes at every wayside station, where there seems no excuse for having a station at all ; and, besides these, a junction at every alternate station gives one ample time for making excursions in the district. The groaning train of timber-trucks stretching from horizon to horizon, with some pig and cattle vans, and a pas- senger carriage at the end of all as a concession, steams slowly in and out of each station at one-horse no, one-donkey or puppy-dog power. Let not over-wise 4 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS travellers avoid the snail t&g 1 (snail train) lest a worse thing, the cargo train, befall them. But here we are 011 our ground, in medias res, as explained before, which is a comfort ; for I defy anyone to get at Stenbro- hult from any civilised place, other than Scandinavian, within a fortnight or ten days at least. Liatorp is in the parish of Stenbrohult, of which Nils Linnaeus, father of our hero, was rector, so this is the scenery of the great botanist's early life. These wooden houses, the only sort known in Swedish villages, are much larger than from the outside they appear to be. They have shingle roofs, set on mostly at a right angle sometimes more, sometimes less, but thereabout. This seeming trifle shows a naturally in- artistic feeling in the Swedes. The right-angled gable always makes a common-looking house ; it has no specific character. The wooden walls being so thin makes the apart- ments surprisingly roomy inside ; yet they are warm and comfortable withal. Every bedroom by day be- comes a fine sitting-room with handsome mahogany sofas, even in poor houses. The flowers, too, are a great adornment, for the inhabitants keep plants in every window. That cactus (you would take it for a green rock or a fossil cactus) is seventy years old, for certain ; it has been so long in the family, and was not young when it came to them. It may be over a hundred years old. It or its immediate ancestor belonged to Nils Linna3us. It is not rash to suppose it one of iff, fast train. THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 5 his four hundred rare plants; though more probably it was a Mexican importation, sent by Linnaeus to his father. I do not say it was so, but much of the best legal evidence is made up of likely conjecture. The other plants here are flowers roses and such-like with less pedigree but more beauty this is la vieille roche. The smallest cottages here are comfortable, and the people, though poor in actual coin, are yet easy, happy, and contented. One can best judge of the happiness of a country by the condition of its poor people. Here, though it is hard to make a living, there appear to be no poor people in our sense of the word ; that is, none verging on pauperism. The villages are trim and clean, without being over scrubbing-brushed as in Holland. The floors are of clean bare boards. Give your linen to the maid, and you will see her wash it at the pump, soap it, beat it on a bench thoroughly with a kind of cricket-bat, bleach it on the flowery turf, and return it to you lint-white, with all the patent washing-powders and dirty messes, with which townspeople give themselves blood-poisoning and all manner of skin diseases, driven out of it. Brave, strong girl ; I see her in the garden doing her washing so honestly. The farmyard with the fowls, and, besides the pump, a well with a bucket to wind up, has a neatness, without being at all prim or fancy-farmed, which makes it very pleasant to look down upon. A long ladder reaches to the attics or garrets, where the swallows build in the eaves. There are also wooden steps up to the slightly elevated ground floor. 6 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN & US Many vehicles, of a sort between a cart and a carriage, drive into the yard, arid the drivers unharness and put up their horses in free, old-fashioned, homely style, and, doffing their huge frieze overcoats, awaken themselves up into the belief that it is a pleasant sum- mer-like day. Such a funny old equipage has just driven into the yard ! an ancient form of cabriolet or chariot with a hood ; low, small, crunched-up, and, oh, so shabby-genteel ! Out of it step an ancient pair, in clothing like old pictures, just spoiled with a few modern remnants of the fashion of ten years ago. The lady trails her snuff-brown silk skirt, with one scanty flounce at the bottom of it, through the farmyard with a genteel amble, keeping her quality from contact with the general coffee-room. She is unaware that dresses are worn short now, and that flounces such as hers are no longer admired. The gentleman's tailor can never have smiled again after executing that esteemed order. The gentleman, furnished by him, is short, and stout, and brown of extreme neutrality a faded brown, further neutralised by long lying by, when the style of the day I speak of Sweden is a symphony in spinach colour, with velvet collar of a livelier hue of green, a bronze-green billycock hat with a peacock's feather in the band, and a tasty alpaca umbrella of ultramarine blue, all cushiony and full. They use a simple sort of sledge here in the snow-time one sees them lying by in handy corners ; in summer they run light home- made well-made carriages, constructed to hold two THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 7 medium-sized and two small persons, with cushions of home-grown and home-tanned hides. One of these was now brought round to take us to K&shult. The sandy road to RSshult meanders about the rail- way-line like the serpent round the rod of ^Esculapius. The railway men ply swiftly to and fro between the stations on the line, paddling their little tricycle trucks, or six of them more arduously pumping along their i Sociables.' This is much quicker travelling than the train. Whortleberries, juniper shrubs, and wild straw- berries form the undergrowth beneath the pines and among the grey boulders set in wood anemones, among which as we passed lay a snake curled up like one of the twisted cakes used as the sign of a baker's shop. Three flaxen-haired, dark-blue-eyed girl children dressed in shades of pink and grey and rosy scarlet greeted us from their cottage garden gate with wondering but modest gaze. The people are polite, the wayside greetings are very courteous, yet everyone minds his own business, and a pushing crowd never gathers round an artist as in Belgium and elsewhere. There is no fear of pick- pockets, or other robberies or disagreeables. I will here give part of Linnaeus's own characteristic description of the scenery, taken from his diary. 4 Stenbrohult, a parish of Sm&land, is situated on the confines of Sk&ne, in a very pleasant spot adjoining the great lake Moklen, which forms itself into a bay S THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS about a quarter of a (Swedish) mile long, and in the centre of this bay stands Stenbrohult church. It is surrounded on all sides, except to the west, where it fronts the lake, by well-cultivated lands. At a little distance to the south the eye is relieved by a beech wood; to the north the lofty mount Taxas 1 rears its head, and Moklen lies on the opposite bank of the lake. Moreover, to the east the fields are encompassed with woods which westward inclose broad meadows and large spreading trees. In short, Flora seems to have lavished all her beauties on the spot that was to give birth to our botanist.' We drive through an avenue of hoary-lichened firs with the lake Mockeln shimmering between their stems, coloured no longer with the glassy reflections of last night before the sundown, but fresh, blue, and spark- ling in the limpid air, fragrant with flowers and buds of the lichen-clothed juniper shrubs. We cross a bridge over an arm of the lake. The influence of a gardener lasts long and spreads wide ; we still perceive the influence of Nils Linnaeus and his clan, all of them great gar- deners, in the variety and comeliness of the vegetation, which is hereabouts unusually rich. Yet one tree that used to flourish here, the famous lime tree of the Linnaei, is conspicuously absent. There is no lime tree growing here now, or none of any stateliness. And yet there might be ; for if De Candolle's list of the ascertained 1 Linnaeus had seen few mountains when he wrote this. It is as if we might say, ' the lofty Primrose Hill rears its head,' &c. THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT g ages of certain trees be correct, there are limes that have lived a thousand and nearly twelve hundred years. 1 This famous lime tree, according to Pulteney, one of the most careful biographers of Linnaeus, stood on the farm where he was born, and three progenitors of his family took their names from it Lindelius, Tiliander, and Linnaeus. This shows the inaccuracy of even a careful historian, for Linnaeus was not born on a farm at all, but at the parsonage house of RSshult, and his ancestors who named themselves from the lime tree lived at Hwitaryd, near by. It is not unusual for Swedish families to name themselves from natural objects. The peasants regard the lime tree as sacred ; in early spring they deck the graves of lost relatives with its fresh green boughs. 2 A large linden tree would always be an object of note in that land where the pine, the spruce fir, and the birch are the principal vegetation above the variegated carpet of the ground. The tree in question may be here, should be here, but I have not identified it, nor could I hear of it. The tradition of its three branches dying at the extinction of the three families and the dead stump remaining is, I suspect, a legend. For those who care for the study of race, of descent of talents and qualities through pure genealogies, the 1 The lime is one of the most lasting of trees, living to 1,076- 1,147 years. This is measured by the concentric zones. Professor Henslow considers De Candolle overrated the ages of his trees one- third. 2 Horace Marryat. io THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS story of the linden tree of the Linnasi should have great interest, showing as it does how the pride of hard-won place went hand in hand with a deep and increasing love of nature, inherited from three worthy peasants of Hwitaryd (who dwelt under the shadow of the great lime tree) whose descendants intermarried, and their fine qualities combined to form one brilliant descendant, the flower of the family tree the splendid Linnaeus. For all that Buckle holds that there is no such thing as hereditary transmission of qualities, no virtue in pure race, the general experience of the world runs otherwise. 1 In speaking of a botanist like Linna3us it is in- cumbent on one to mention root and branch, and Lin- naeus was proud of his genealogy. In his notes made for his autobiography which never became a book he gives in full the genealogy of the Linnaei, with their botanical and clerical traditions, which I shall epitomise here. Skip it, ye who care not for such matters ; easier reading lies beyond. Yet one has to learn less interest- ing lines of kings, and there are crowds who read the pedigrees of horses in the stud-book and racing calendar. ' Ingemar Suensson, a peasant at Jomsboda, in the parish of Hwitaryd in Smaland : from him descended Charles Tiliander, who took his name from a tall tilia standing between Jomsboda and Linnhult. He studied 1 Galton, in his book on Hereditary Talent, says, 'I would strongly urge that the sketch should be pretty exhaustive as regards the nearer kinsfolk, male and female, certainly including aunts and uncles on both sides, and preferably great-aunts, uncles, and cousins. This has great statistical value.' THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 11 at Upsala in 1660, and died without issue 1697. His brother, Suen Tiliander, 1 studied at Upsala 1678. He lived as domestic chaplain to Count H. Horn at Bremen, and died rector of Pjetteryd in 1712.' [Our little Linnaeus may have remembered him, his great-uncle. Suen's sister Ingrid married Carl's grandfather.] ' He was a peculiar lover of gardening and natural history. His sons were Abel Tiliander, who succeeded him as pastor, and was drowned in a well in 1724, and Nicholas, chaplain to a regiment. The latter left issue, Carl Tiliander, born 1701, who studied at Lund 1720, became adjunct teacher of Philosophy there in 1729, and adjunct teacher of Divinity there 1730.' Doubtless this Carl, who was six years older than our Carl Linnaeus, was held up as a model to his younger cousin, who was reckoned among the dunces. He was high in Lund University at the time Linnaeus was entered there as a student, with a bad character from his grammar school. We do not hear of the two having had much communication. I fear me Carl Tiliander was a prig, and ashamed of his country cousin. Yet the Tilianders seem to have been the pedagogues of the Linnaeus family for a long while, for Suen, the pastor of Pjetteryd, took our hero's father, Nils Linnaeus, into his house ' to educate with his children, and, having a good garden, he gave him also a taste for horticulture ' ; and a certain John Tiliander, a severe man, which is all we can find out about him, was the earliest tutor of the 1 Linnaeus's maternal uncle.- -SiR J. E. SMITH. 12 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS great botanist. LinnaBus now takes the line of another stem of his family. ' Anders, a peasant at Jomsboda.' These peasant an- cestors were all men of virtue and value. i His progeny were : (1) Ambern Lindelius, born 1600 ; took his name from the same linden tree.' He was the first to do so. * He was made Master of Arts in 1632, teacher, lecturer, and rector, &c., and died in 1684. (2) Lars Lindelius, who died rector of Jonkoping in 1672. Eric Ambern Lindelius, son of the former, studied at Upsala 1655, died preacher at Quanberga in 1715,' when Carl Linnaeus was eight years old. Lars Lindelius' son John was a physician of great repute at Wexio. He studied at Lund 1672, Upsala 1680, and died in 1711.' Thus both the Swedish universities and many of the rectories in South Sweden teem with Linnaean traditions. 1 No remaining males of this family,' says Linnaaus. Now comes the line of Linnasus's father's family, the main stock. 4 Benge Ingemarson, also a peasant in the parish of Hwitaryd, had issue Ingemar Bengtson, born 1633. He was farmer of the manor of Erickstad. His son Nicholas (Nils), who also took his name of Linnaeus from the same linden tree, was born 1674; assumed clerical functions 1704.' At the age of thirty-one he married Christina Broderson, the young daughter of the pastor of Stenbrohult, who was only seventeen. This was in 1705 ; at the same time he was appointed vicar of Stenbrohult, in the curacy of the district of THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 13 R&shult. At the time of the great botanist's birth Nils Linnaeus was cornminister, which, on the Swedish Church establishment, is a clergyman somewhat similarly cir- cumstanced to one who in England serves a chapel of ease. 1 The ' Swedish Biographical Dictionary' mentions many other ancestral connections and collateral branches, including a cousinship with the British Admiral Kem- penfelt, who was drowned in the ' Royal George,' 1782, in the course of five pages of genealogical tables, comprising a number of respectable people, nearly all of them clergy- men or medical doctors. 2 There is also a genealogical table in the appendix to Pulteney's biography, going further arid more minutely into the pedigree, including various in- teresting particulars, such as this concerning Ingemar of Waras, in the parish of Hangeryd, who was blind many years, and spontaneously recovered his sight in advanced age. But this is enough for the indulgent reader. GENEALOGY OF THE LINNAEUS FAMILY. LlNDELIUS. TlLIANDER. Anders, a peasant at Jomsboda Ingemar Suensson, a peasant at in the parish of Hwitaryd, Jomsboda, had sons bmaland, had sons 1. Carl Tiliander, died 1697. 1. Ambern Lindelius, born 1600, 2. Slum Tiliander, died 1712; died 1684. and a daughter, Ingrid Inge- 2. Lars Lindelius, died 1672. marsdotter. Ambern's son Suen Tiliander had sons Eric Ambern Lindelius, died Abel Tiliander, pastor, drowned 1716. 1724. Lars' son Nicholas Tiliander, army chap- John Lindelius, physician at lain. Wexio, died 1711. Nicholas's son, Carl Tiliander, born 1701. Pulteney. s Scenskt Biograjiskt Lcxikon. 14 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US LlKZTJBUB. Benge Tngemarson, peasant in the parish of Hwitaryd, had a son, (Ingemar Bengtson, born 1633, farmer of the manor of Erickstad ; j he married \ Ingrid Ingemarsdotter, sister of Suen Tiliander, pastor of Pietteryd . They had a son, (Nicholas (Nils) Linnceus, born 1674, rector of Stenbrohult ; he \ married ( Christina Brodersonia, daughter of his predecessor in office. They had two sons and three daughters Carl Linncsus, born 1707, married Sarah Elizabeth Moraea ; had two sons (both died childless) and four daughters. Anna Maria, born 1710, married Gabriel Hok, rector of Wirestad. Sophia Juliana, born 17 14, married Johan Collins, rector of Kysby. Samuel, born 1718, married the daughter of the prebendary of Markaryd ; had several daughters, no sons. Emerentia, married Branting, receiver of the land-tax in the Hun- dred of Sunnerbo. No heir male of the three families. The arms of Von Linne were broken on the tomb of Carl von Linne, son of the great Carl Linnaeus, ennobled as Von Linne. 1 Nils Linnseus afterwards became rector of Stenbro- hult. His father-in-law, Samuel Petri Broderson, rector of Stenbrohult, died December 30, 1707, of a fall by which his clavicle was broken. The vicar of Wexio succeeded Samuel Broderson, but, dying in the same year, Nils Linnasus succeeded him in the living of Stenbrohult. The family tree is the linden of Linnhult. Thus Linnseus was, in fact, rooted in R&shult ; it was more than an ordinary birthplace. The linden tree 1 How often we see in cases of great hereditary abilitj r the line dies out after the most talented member of it has brought it into special prominence. THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 15 under whose shade the family grew up stood in the vicinity of his native place, between Jomsboda and Linnhult. The linden tree has passed away, but in this cottage, this very cottage, Linnaeus's father dwelt, so long do these wooden houses last. This one looks as new and strong as do the other houses round, and as cheerful with its white muslin window draperies, for it is inhabited, and the climbing plants growing up round it, ever youthful in their buds and blossoms. Children still peep from those windows, still play about this sloping garden. A little pair are before me now. But that this boy's eyes are of the usual Swedish blue, like the speed- well of their fields, in this fair child I can almost imagine I see the intelligent and bright-faced Carl Linnaeus, a boy with rosy cheeks, sparkling brown eyes, and light silky hair, almost white in its fairness ; and that tiny maiden, with the dazzlingly fair neck, and flaxen locks escaping from under her cotton gipsy bonnet, might be the little Anna Maria Linnasa, long since lying in respected sleep as Fru Hok in the rectory churchyard of Wirestad, near by. .Nils, the perpetual curate of RSshult, having been born in 1674 makes the little house connect us with that date, which has so long since drifted into history, in a more intimate way than do many more ancient buildings. Life here altogether carries us back in the past, so completely is it the life of Linnaeus's own day and that of his ancestors before him. There has been no regular biography written of 16 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS Linnaeus since Stoever (of Altona) wrote in German his valuable ' Life of Linne" ' in 1794, and Pulteney his in English in 1805. 1 These two biographers abuse each other politely in long prefaces. Stoever says of Pulteney's book, c It is in several other respects imperfect and deficient. The learned author ought to have had recourse to Baron Haller's " Bibliotheca Botanica," torn ii. What follows is a translation of this work.' Pulteney speaks of Stoever's ' Life of Linne ' as containing interesting particulars, < but it is not without a considerable number of errors.' Sir William Jardine, in his brilliant epitome of both books, made as a short biographical notice of Linnseus for the Naturalists' Library, speaks of Linngeus's diary * as owing its preservation to Dr. Maton who edited it. 3 Almost as precious as this are the letters and diaries of travel kept by Linnaeus, which came with his other collections into the possession of Sir James E. Smith, the founder of the Linnaean Society. These papers, written either in Latin or Swedish, have been par- tially edited and translated by him, and some few of the diaries have been separately published in German, but some of them have never hitherto been brought to 1 Turton's biography, written in 1806 to accompany a translation of Linnaeus's General ' System of Nature,' is compiled from these. The smaller biographies are abridgments of Stoever. 2 The marvel is that Stoever did his work so well without the diary and documents that Dr. Maton appended to the second English edition of Stoever. 3 The diary, down to 1730, was put into Latin by Archbishop Menander. It is written in the third person. THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 17 light at all. Sir J. Smith is our most trustworthy authority on this subject, as he possessed materials of which both Stoever and Pulteney were ignorant, although he only used them biographically in a short memoir written for Rees's ' Cyclopaedia.' What the present generation knows of Linnaeus is an obsolete system and a few trivial anecdotes. In painting his portrait I have tried to give as a background the things he saw, the scenes he moved in, the con- tinuous diorama of his life, which abounded with adventure more than usually falls to the lot of scholars * whose fame is acquired in solitude.' I wish it may be thought a pleasant yarn about Linnaeus. Stoever, and all the short biography writers who about his time pillaged rather than translated him, begin with a hot dispute concerning Linnaeus's birthday. Some say it was the 3rd of May, some the 13th, some the 23rd, and various other dates. 1 Linnaeus in his genea- logical table says : < On May 12, 1707, at RSshult in SmSland, was born Carl Linnaeus ' ; but as his own flowery language in his commenced autobiography says he was ' brought into the world in a delightful season of the year, between the months of frondescence and flo- 1 The New Style being then in process of gradual adoption in Sweden, the year 1704 was regarded as a common year in that country ; consequently the true date of Linnaeus's birth, according to our present reckoning, was May 23, 1707 ; the commonly received date, May 24, being an error due to supposing the calendar in Sweden and Kussia at that time to be identical. Encycl. Brit.> JACKSON. VOL. I. C 1 3 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNALUS rescence,' this gave a good opening for controversy. The 4 Times' of April 1885, speaking of the new statue of Linngeus in the Humle Garden at Stockholm, says : { On the 13th of next month a statue of the celebrated Swedish botanist Linnaeus will be publicly unveiled at Stockholm. The day will be the 178th anniversary of his birth.' The obelisk says he was born on May 23. Linnaeus's own diary fixes the date with scrupulous exactness, as May \\-\^ between 12 and 1 in the night. The reason of these aberrations regarding his birthday is that, taking the 1 3th of May as about a central date, some authors in their 'cuteness, thinking they are the first to remember the fact of the late change in Sweden from the Old to the New Style in the calendar, have put him on or back eleven days, or some only ten days inclusive, not being able for the life of them to remember whether it should be eleven days forward or backward ; accordingly the date ranges from the 3rd to the 24th of May, an important difference in the short Swedish spring. Carl was the first-born child of his parents ; other little ones followed quickly on three daughters and a second son. We will have one short look round the curate's cottage at R&shult before removing with him to the somewhat larger house and much larger garden of Stenbrohult rectory. The granite obelisk, surmounted with the Polar star in gold, stands tall in front of the small red cottage (of the curacy) at the top of the slop- THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 19 ing garden, still set with flowers and beehives on grass thick with anemones and tiny pansies, and wild straw- berries under the yellow-flowering gooseberry bushes and other shrubs. The cottage stands in a beech grove which forms with the spruce, larch, and other trees a forest around it. The ground at the foot of a good-sized oak growing below the cottage is powdered with wood anemones. The land is undulating hereabout, and very agreeably broken and diversified. The railway-line passes directly before the obelisk and cottage, being only divided from the garden by a pair of iron gates. Beyond a stream, which one passes by a plank bridge, a wood rises on the opposite side across the railway. The well is still worked by a pole lever, one of the earliest and simplest ways of raising water for garden- ing purposes. Above the vibrating sound of the wood- pecker's tapping rises the prolonged coo of the wood- pigeon. The air is vocal with birds and perfumed with buds and flowers. It is the very fittest early home for a student of natural history, the science of peace. The garden is walled on two sides with granite, the large stones being smoothly laid and fitted without mortar. A granite slab forming a small table in an arbour is inscribed with Linnaous's name ; the Polar star and other devices are decipherable on it, traced in outline with tinges of colour. This, of course, has nothing to do with the infancy of Linnaeus. His father was appointed rector, instead of curate, of Stenbrohult in 1708, and the family moved to the c 2 20 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS rectory when Carl was a year old. The present rectory house is not the home of Linnaeus's childhood that was burnt down some forty years later and rebuilt. Here was a much larger garden, and Carl was as a child in the Garden of Paradise. ' From the very time that he first left his cradle,' says the enthusiastic Turton, ' he almost lived in his father's garden, which was planted with the rarer shrubs and flowers ; and thus were kindled, before he was well out of his mother's arms, those sparks which shone so vividly all his lifetime, and latterly burst into such a flame.' ' The same thing that is said of a poet nasciiur, non fit may be said without im- propriety of our botanist.' * Carl was nursed in beauty, fragrance, and pure delights. His toys were flowers, and Christina, his young mother, herself with only eighteen years of youth, used to stop his cries by giving him a flower to play with. The smallness of the rector's income obliged him to make the best of husbandry. He was his own gardener. His child was his constant companion, enjoying to the full Delight and liberty, the simple creed Of childhood, whether busy or at rest. 2 Here on the scene one seems to see the sunny-haired child running about among these ferny foregrounds, his baby feet sometimes bare like his young brethren around, sometimes, as became the rector's son, with tiny canvas shoes with a buckle-strap across the instep care- 1 Linnaeus's Diary. 2 Wordsworth. THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 21 fully stepping between the plants so as to injure none of them, as I have seen a little London-bred boy do among the ferns at Hampstead Heath. Perhaps Carl oftenest wore those national thick shoes with heels, but cut off low at heel, like slippers, which it is almost impossible to wear out. In these he went out scampering and chasing the butterflies across the broken ground where the granite boulders are almost lost among the whortle- berries, his keen eyes and swift feet following their flight into the grey mystery of the fir woods until tempted away by the discovery of a nest of game birds, all full of dear little palpitating balls of fluff. His eyesight was from a child remarkably acute a seemingly indispensable requisite to the naturalist, did we not remember that Huber, Reboul, and Rumphius, among the most eminent observers of nature, have been blind. Carl needed his keen bright eyes to trace the airy path of the butterflies, for, as a rule, these are very small in Sweden. 1 The brimstone butterfly, the only large one I saw here, is one of the largest, at least among the common ones. I have just caught, killed, and stuck a tiny fairy, a blue butterfly, 2 smaller and more fragile than our smallest chalk-hill blues. Did I call natural history the science of peace ? Oh, monstrous fiction ! But Linnaeus was as yet innocent of trying to compass their death. He wanted to keep them alive, as most 1 The family of the Lycainida being numerous!}* represented. '-' One of the Lyca-nidcc. 22 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS children do ; it was only by sad accident that they were bruised and maimed. He formed a museum of live insects. He scarcely knew which he loved best, the caterpillar or the plant it fed upon. He loved the troops of ants that crowd the dust with palpable life. Some of the sorts found hereabout are large enough to be visible to the most casual observer. 1 What pleasure to a child thus to run, beloved yet wild and free, beneath the trees, sheltering the cooing doves, and the dryad's hair of the silver birch, his feet lapped in leaves of the wild lily of the valley with minia- ture racemes 2 ; the pimpernel and fern curls fringing the foundations of the boulders, which served little Carl for seats and tables ! Where we can generalise only a mazy bewilderment of grey stems, and in the foreground a crumbling grey intricacy of boulders touched with orange lichen, the colours of the orange-tipped butter- fly, his classifying infant eyes can spy the minute green butterfly, 3 invisible to anyone else, upon the whortleberries the moment it waves the brown upper sides to its wings preparatory to a fresh start. It has been safe, even from Carl, so long as the metallic green under-sides to its closed wings hid it among the crowd of leaves. Distinct to him also are a small brown-and- white speckled butterfly, and an atomy dark brown spotted one, 4 nearly black ; and among the commoner 1 There are five species of Formica found in Sweden. One kind is said to be eatable. 2 Maianthemum bifolium. s Thecla Jtubi, Lin. 4 Ccenonympha Hero, Lin. LINN^US IN SM!LAND THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 23 white cabbage butterflies he can discern a rarer fairy, a tender Psyche, looking to the ordinary world like a wood anemone or an oxalis flower. 1 The brimstone butterflies are a thought yellower than ours, and there are many small-sized tortoiseshells. George Eliot men- tions how not one polype for a long while could Mr. Lewes detect in some seaside holiday ramble, after all his reading so necessary is it for the eye to be educated by objects as well as ideas. For one thing, however, the little Linnseus's eyes were never strained over the horrible uncivilised print that the Germans blind them- selves with, as, though the Danes and Norwegians use the Gothic character, the Swedes use Koman letters, and the Swedes seldom wear spectacles. The church of Stenbrohult is three-quarters of a Swedish mile from Liatorp station, and the parish is very scattered, entailing considerable labour on the clergyman ; but the congregation make light of twelve English miles to go and come to church. The village and the indis- pensable all-sorts shop of Diwerse R'okeri, and the Bageri, or baker's shop, are at Liatorp. There are no squalid cottages in Liatorp such as we too often see in Devonshire villages ; yet all nature is less kind, and the winter is cruel. Though in the stony wilderness of SmSland there would be hardly a square yard of turf unless cleared by hand labour, and they cannot plant a cabbage till they have cleared a space, the cheerful content of the people would be surprising, but for the thought that a field once cleared 1 Leucophasia sinapis of the Pieridee. 24 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS is always clear and profitable when once the boulders are piled up into fences. If I seem tediously minute, remember that Stenbrohult is the foundation stone of Linnasus's history. This is the summer life. In winter the social joys are perhaps keener and more common, for it is easiest to get about when frost has made the land and water all alike, when the snow has filled up and smoothed the roughnesses of the ground between the boulders, and the Swedish landscape is daylighted by its own purity of snow, its landmarks effaced, and one can best travel by the compass of the stars. The worst season is before the frost sets in, when these Northern forests have a dreadfully aguish feeling. The little Linnaeus, all his life a gouty subject, was very suscep- tible to neuralgia and suffered much from toothache. His pleasures, however, as a child redeemed his pains. He has recorded how the love of natural science that followed him through life was first decidedly dis- played when he was scarcely four years old. The child was indeed father to the man. It must have been at Whitsuntide after his fourth birthday when Carl ac- companied his father to a feast at Mockeln, on the other side of the tall alder-fringed lake. In the even- ing the guests seated themselves on some flowery turf, listening to the pastor, who explained to them the names and properties of various plants, showing them the roots of the Succisa, Tormentilla, Orchides, &c. The child paid deep attention to all he saw and heard, and from that time never ceased harassing his father THE LINDEN-TREE OF LINNHULT 25 with questions about the name, qualities, and nature of every plant he met with ; but though his memory was good, and later became remarkably so from its constant exercise with attention, childlike he forgot the names of the plants and the result of all his questions. These things require to be impressed on children's memory by constant repetition, line upon line, like the nursery rhymes and other lore they learn. His father refused to tell him more until he showed with the curiosity a de- termination to remember. Indeed, it was a long lesson to learn the names of all the plants in the home garden ; for Linnaeus in a letter to Baron Hal ler says it con- tained more than four hundred species, many of them rare and exotic. 1 His father was his tutor in other things besides natural history. He taught Carl Latin, religion, and geography, i to qualify him for the pulpit and to conduct his botanical studies more skilfully,' until he was seven years old, when he was placed under the care of John Tiliander, a relative, who, I suppose, came to stay with the family, or came, perhaps, as curate. 2 He was in no way fitted to be tutor of an intelligent, vivacious, and peculiar child, the child of the young century, John having in teaching but one idea of his own an idea already antiquated: that of obstinate severity an idea impossible to maintain at a time when 1 ' To this early discipline Linnasus afterwards ascribed his tena- cious memory, which, added to his sharpness of sight, laid the foundations of his eminence as a reforming naturalist.' JACKSON. 2 Linnaeus marks the date Sept. 15, 1714. 26 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS the swathes and bandages of the European intellect were bursting. The budding energies might be controlled and swayed, but could not at that impulsive epoch be sternly repressed. Childhood has the mind in minia- ture, but, having its seed leaves still on, we do not always recognise its sort. To the late day of his writing his autobiography Linnaeus bore a grudge against John Tiliander. This man, morose, and probably disappointed in the ambition he shared in common with his family, vented his dis- content with circumstances on poor little Carl. But the boy's pains and penalties were mitigated by a joy, a new sense that of proprietorship. At eight years old his father allotted Carl a piece of ground of his own, and he at once began to form a botanical garden in miniature on an independent plan. His love of science disturbed even his father when the boy brought in weeds and wild herbs hard to eradicate, and worse than these wild bees and wasps, with all their concomitant inconveniences. In a garden necessarily cultivated for profit such practical science had to be discouraged. CHAPTER II. WEXIO. The breeze that flung the lilies to and fro, and said The dawn, the dawn, and died away, Thence shall we hear The music of the ever-flowing streams, The low deep thunders of the booming sea. Clouds, ARISTOPHANES (translated by ME. COLLINS). IN the spring of 1717, l Carl's father took him to Wexio to be entered at the grammar school (or trivial school, as Linnaeus calls it in his diary) in that town where already his connection John Lindelius had been cele- brated as a physician. It is true John had been dead these six years, but his interest would still be alive in the place, and might be useful to the boy now for the first time leaving his parents' roof. Carl's outward appearance had been transformed to suit his altered circumstances. The long silky white hair was cut short as befits a schoolboy, and he was provided with new boots for state occasions high loose boots reaching up the calf. Linnaeus's account of his schooldays is long- worded, after the fashion of his time ; but Stoever's biography of him is very funny. He begins the story 1 A note-book of Linnaeus's says September 1714, but this date is evidently an accidental interpolation. See note 2 p. 25. 28 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS of Carl's going to school, ' At the epoch of this deter- mination ' viz. of his father sending him to school ' Linnaeus had seen his second lustre.' This makes Stoever difficult reading, one so often stops to laugh or to consult the dictionary (often Lempriere). His full- sailed prose expresses everything in long measure. Stoever's rococo pages are stiff with embroidery of style rather than embroidery of thought. Can one imagine a greater pleasure to an inquiring boy of ten than, escaping from the severe rule of John Tiliander, to travel with his father, also a lover of nature, enjoying an unwonted excursion in spring through an interesting country ? Even though the journey was to end in going to school, still school was a novelty ; and to one with whom travel in his own country was a passion, this was a joy to stand out salient through life. The parting from home gave it the touch of pathos that thrilled the nerves and made the feelings more sensitive to every impression. They were off in the morning early, for they had before them a ride of over five-;, ml - thirty miles. They rode, most likely, both on one horse. Good-bye, loved mother and fond little sisters ! Their handkerchiefs are waved dry before the dear travellers are out of sight from the knoll on which they stand. Sweden in spring is one vast natural history collection, all careless of mankind, and SmSland is the very pith and core of the country as regards entomology and botany, both of them our Carl's wild delights objects that he loved as other bovs love their boats and bats. WEXIO 29 SmSland is one huge moraine which has poured itself upon a lake, filling it, except where a few pools are left so mingled with the stones that it is hard to say where dry land begins and ends. It is said of Soderman- land (Sudermania), which is likewise a confused mixture of lake and forest, that here the Creator omitted to separate the land from the water. This is still more aptly applicable to Smaland, which is the superlative of this. Solitary it is, yet full of life that never allows the country to feel gloomy the early heron fishing in the lake ; the young trees springing all about ; happy families of fir-trees, thick as grass Those delicious self-sown firs, whispering, What has been shall be. How vivid is the verdure of the spruce in spring, enhanced by that blue low distance to the northward, where the ground has been partially cleared ; elsewhere, the hoary limbs of patriarchal trees harmonising with the primeval boulders, make all one grey mystery, into which the sharp eyes of our young Linnaeus can pierce and he can find out treasures for his collections, where perhaps only a pair of kites are visible above the slanting splinter fences to a more ordinary observer where some, perhaps, can merely see the gates which so often cross the Swedish roads to keep the cattle within bounds, and others see only the vast chaos of the land ! The ground somewhat changes character on ap- proaching Alfvesta on Lake Salen, where the marsh 30 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS marigolds, heralded forth by the cuckoo, as they say in Sweden, are flowering right out into the water beyond rushy peninsulas ; and the ancient church of AringsSs is seen, with its curious detached belfry mounted on a wooden scaffolding, or, rather, a peculiar arrangement of wooden columns. Fergusson who, however, is too hard upon Swedish architecture generally says, ' The most pleasing objects in Sweden are the count r}^ churches with their tall wooden spires and detached belfries. If these do not possess much architectural beauty, they, at all events, are real purpose-like erec- tions, expressing what they are intended for in the simplest manner, and with their accompaniments always making up a pleasing group.' Swedish archi- tecture is mostly very simple, but fully expressive of its intention. There is no opulence or splendour in Sweden, not even in nature; the beauty there takes other characteristics fair flowers, blithe birds and insects, and fair women. God manifests Himself in different ways in different countries, through other darkened glasses. In Sweden its air, its snow, its social life, its moralities all are pure; therein lies its charm. It is plain, but with the purity of snow. Nature and science go hand in hand in Scandinavia ; art is left out of daily life altogether. Their school of painting is only nature transcribed, or set on canvas, with affectionate feeling but no ideal grace. There are some interesting runic stones at AringsSs. Here Nils Linnaeus stopped to dine at the house of WEXIO 31 one of his wife's relatives Professor Lars Johansson Humerus, a cousin of the Brodersons, and also con- nected with the Tilianders. The rector introduced his pretty boy, who evidently made a favourable impression upon the professor, for he counselled his father to send Carl to complete his education at Lund University, where he promised to be kind to him. The travellers then proceeded on their way to Wexio. Their road skirted the lake, and, though still wooded and rocky, the scenery was less wild and unconquered by man than their own Stenbrohult, and the climate even milder than at Liatorp, the most fertile part of their own parish. Here the gooseberries were setting for fruit ; at home they were still in blossom. ' All nature is alive, and seems to be gathering all her entomological hosts to eat you up,' says Sydney Smith of the wildernesses of Brazil. In Sweden, awakened nature at the close of May is arraying her entomological hosts for work or warfare. Still wood and rock ; though some of the larger masses of stone here are not boulders, but the living rock, showing traces of glacier action in its rounded smoothness. These rock walls are stained red with microscopic lichen, against which the hoary stems of pine and fir, all powdered or dusty with their parasitic moss, and the coarser ragged lichen hanging about the low wiry twigs of the firs, look ruder and rougher than ever. The principal crop grown hereabout is telegraph posts. This place is called Gemla ; though why it bears a 32 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN JE US name at all it is difficult at first to see, for only now and then a back settler's cottage is discoverable by the track that leads to it through the woods, and a few patches of pasture are carelessly enclosed here and there by the rudely made fences of splinters stuck obliquely between tall upright rods of irregular height. There are nowadays, however, several manufactories tucked away inside these rude forests, and served by the branch railway to Wexio. About four miles further lies Bappe, at the junction of the two lakes, Helgasjo and Bergquarasjo, on whose borders rises the picturesque ruined castle of Bergquara ; and here the father and son are nearing the end of their journey. The ground is smoother ; that is, there are fewer boulders than at Gemla, though occasionally a huge immovable block of granite stands right in the middle of a field of rye. They cross a wooden bridge over the narrowest arm of the smaller lake, and can see in the distance another large islanded lake, with a church spire and blue hills on its further shore, which lake is connected in the usual Swedish labyrinthine watery manner with the Helgasjo at Rappe. This is the approach to Wexio, a clean, white, comely, empty-looking town, seated on a pretty blue lake which is part of a vast general water system in these parts, where there is now (in 1886) an esplanade with seats; and in the evening when the fashionable folks turn out to promenade it looks like any modern watering-place, only prettier and pleasanter than most. WEXIO 33 It had not altogether this appearance in 1717, for the town has been stone-built since the fire of 1843 ; but in some parts its aspect is unchanged. The cathedral, dating from 1300, with its curiously battlemented tower and its six transepts, is one of the quaintest I ever saw. It focusses a pleasing scene as one sits in the leafy avenues of its close, admiring the truly Swedish mixture of its colours, red, white, and grey, set in foliage, and backed by a deep blue sky. Not until one comes to draw the building does one perceive the variety of its forms and tracery. It looks so simple with its six transepts all set in a row, yet it puzzles one's perspective more than many more seemingly elaborate churches. A bridge under the railway leads to the sea, I was going to write, the blue lake looks so like the sea from the avenues round the church ; and a lofty bridge over the railway leads to the higher gardens they are laying out above the lake borders, Wexio is an attractive place, and none so small either ; on closer view it has all the consequential appearance of a flourishing town ; though, with a population of only 4,000, it looks over-housed. It must have seemed a prodigiously fine place to young Linnasus, now seeing a town for the first time ; but the happy hunting-grounds for natural history looked a long way off. Father and son repaired at once to the grammar school now called the old grammar school, for a handsome new one has been lately built and the old school-house has been handed over to a lower class of boys, who, however, look very respectable and VOL. i. D 34 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS fairly well to do, besides being well-mannered but this last is universal in Sweden. The old grammar school bears a family likeness to the cathedral, having a frontage of five gables in a row, and a large playing-field before it fringed with fine avenues of plane trees. An obelisk to H. Siogren, on a grassy mound, faces the school. It bears the motto Aliis, non Sibi. Lasnerius, the rector of the school, was a botanist; the two rectors talked of botany and looked round the garden together. Now the father could jog home rejoicing : this brother botanist would be kind to his boy. The Linnaei next went to call on Dr. Eothman, the successor of their relative John Lindelius as the physician in highest repute at Wexio, to bespeak his interest in the lad. While the elders were holding a long chat over botany, a subject of interest in common with both, we may suppose young Carl eagerly listened to their talk, and when it turned on medical topics for it is more than probable that the rector took the opportunity of speaking with the doctor about his own ailments, as we know that he afterwards consulted Dr. Rothrnan on a malady to which he was subject the observing Carl found objects of interest in the room to occupy his attention and a country child's natural weakness of wonder. They were pressed to stay to supper, but the hospitality was declined. Father and son spent their last evening together. They sat by the delicious lake talking in the sunlight, now at eight o'clock (May 28), glancing on the little rowboats out a-fishing: WEXIO 35 the water so clear, the opposite shore reflections so soft, exquisitely tender as the parent's heart. Young Carl, though he cared less for fish than for any branch of natural history, was yet interested in the unprofitable fishing of the men and boys from the turfy bank. The fish themselves had unsuccessful sport ; it was equally amusing to see the numerous fish leaping up at the swarms of gnats above the lake, and the way the gnats darted away and escaped. The Linnaei took their evening meal together, in a garden overlooking the lake (one can enjoy this even in Sweden on May 28), while watching the moon (at 8.20) rising white, dim, spectral, above the lake out of the mist not silver, only just a dead white, gradually (at 8.45) becoming more normal in brightness. The inhabitants of Wexio come out to wander up and down in the cool sweet air. The women affect fawn colour and rosy-pink, and brick-scarlet cottons over their ordinary grey-blue woollen clothes; these contrasts have a pleasing effect in the landscape. They wear white or pink kerchiefs on their heads ; otherwise there is no especial costume in this part of Sweden. This kerchief is the national head-dress ; it is worn of black silk or cashmere edged with lace on best occasions. All this town gaiety, which at another time would have been so brilliant and dazzling to the country-bred lad, loses its charm this evening while he clings to his father as the time of parting draws near. Andres Celsius of Upsala had not yet invented his 3 6 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS thermometer, for he was a boy then only six years older than our Carl ; but the temperature on the following morning really stood at 13-14 (Celsius^), making the fire in the white stove in the coffee-room of the inn very acceptable as, after stirring its embers with a brass trident, father and son sat down to breakfast off fish and eggs and a basketful of three shades of brown rye and barley bread, and the pretty maiden who waited on them brought some fine white bread besides as a special welcoming. ' Tak, tak,' say they both the Swedish for ' Thank you.' Since Charles XII. 5 s wars carried off the men women have always been waiters in Swedish inns. The sun coming out makes it warm, but not yet oppressive, as they walk to the school by way of the sparkling blue lake. It seems higher water than last night, as if there were a tide in it. But feeling rises above the line of noticing such things as the moment of parting draws near. It comes, the embrace is over, the blessing left behind, and all the love that can be con- centrated in one last yearning look, and the parent, with chill at his heart, foreboding on his mind, and a prayer at his lips, rides home through the pine woods, still tragic with their traces of snow-havoc. A young forest tree had been uprooted and hastily put in to fill a gap in the splinter hedge. Pastor Nils Linnaeus looks at it painfully and then turns quickly away. How glorious were these forest aisles when solid with the crystals of winter, and when his boy played in them and lit all nature up for him with the gladness of his rosy face : WEXIO 37 the trees a vista of white pyramids, each tree topped with a pinnacle of snow! He rides wearily home beneath the ' querulous fraternity of pines ' ; the light dies out of the landscape for him now Carl is gone ; the boy is a child no longer ; it is almost like losing him to feel that the loved babe is gone, changed into another form improved, it may be, but the same no longer. He is a son gone out in the world. Henceforward, the pastor must enjoy his flowers alone ; yet he will enjoy Carl's interest in their growth in the rare periodical visits home rare of necessity because the family is poor and journeys long and Hope shines at the end of a long vista of years. The pastor is not a great man, though he had youthful aspirations ; but Carl will be great, and make a name that will be known throughout the province throughout Sweden, it may be. He may even rise to be a bishop in the Church, for he is a lad of noble promise. These duties of weaning oneself from a parent's joys are painful from the pang of shearing a boy's golden locks to the greater grief of his severance from the home world. Perhaps one feels these most with the first and the last to go. Wexio was a large world to Carl : the school and gymnasium had in his time 210 scholars. 1 His progress in the Latin school was not satisfactory as to Latin ; yet everyone spoke well of his good conduct and pleasing manners ; but he was inattentive, and he took every opportunity of escaping out into the country to collect 1 Linnaeus mentions this in his SkSne Journey. 38 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS plants. On holidays no pupil was so little found at home as Linnaeus. How he admired the plants that everybody keeps in his window in Sweden ! that is, everybody but schoolboys; it is difficult for them to have plants of their own. Dr. Rothman seems to have been kind to him for his father's sake a little, and more for the look of bright intelligence which flushed his face when a word was spoken about botany ; but a physician in full practice has not much time to spare over a boy of ten or twelve ; if he ' tips ' him or asks him now and then to tea with his children, it is the utmost he can do for him. Carl had been a year at Wexio when his brother Samuel was born, in 1718. The parents had thus been absorbed in new joys and cares ; a tragedy, too, had happened in the family; Abel Tiliander, rector of Pietteryd, was accidentally drowned in a well. 1 In 1719 Carl was put under the private tuition of Gabriel Hok, who afterwards married his sister Anna Maria. This man possessed a milder disposition and much better talents for teaching than John Tiliander ; but he could not overcome the distaste the boy had contracted towards the ordinary studies of the school. Carl's progress was still slow. Not for three years did he receive promotion to a higher form in the school, called the ( circle ' ; 2 and this time must be unusually prolonged or it would not be remarked upon. In the circle he had more liberty and leisure, and devoted both 1 Diary. 2 Notes for Autobiography. WEXIO 39 to the study of his choice. He wandered about the outskirts of the town seeking plants. Laenerius, the rector of the school, often talked with Dr. Rothman about the talent of the boy, and, being himself such a lover of botany, perhaps relaxed discipline in his favour. Stoever says he viewed his pursuits with complacency ; at least, he considered them as innocent. l He grew fond of a youth who so ardently entered into his own researches and displayed such extraordinary talent. He formed a proper judgment of his genius and applica- tion, while Carl's schoolfellows considered him as a vagabond who wasted his time in useless studies and running about.' * It is true he was not sent to school for that. At sixteen he began forming a small library of botanical books, comprising Hanson's Orta-bok,' or herbal, Tilland's < Catalogue,' Palmberg's ' Serta Florea Suecana,' the ' Chloris Gothica ' of Bromelius, and Rudbeck's ( Hortus Upsaliensis.' These latter he could not as yet understand, but he committed them to memory. 2 For this his schoolfellows nicknamed him the Little Botanist. Our nicknames in England are seldom so well-sounding, but boys are more mannerly in Sweden. He was confirmed in the cathedral of Wexio, by the bishop and another minister, in full lawn sleeves and copes of crimson velvet with great gold crosses on the back. 3 It is a pretty sight to see all the little fair heads of the girls as the deaconesses range 1 Jardine. 2 Diary. 8 The Swedish clergy always wear ruffs. 40 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS them in their places in the cathedral before confirmation, the rosy boys hanging shyly about the columns of the church, waiting to be shown their places. In 1724, when Carl was seventeen, he was removed to the upper school, or gymnasium, a separate building, where the higher branches of literature were taught. Here his tutors, like those of Newton at Cambridge, gave him up as a hopeless dunce. There was no modern side to a public school then ; a lad had to fight his way against and through the classics. A test examination showed that his time and attention had been all absorbed in his eagerness after flowers and insects. His father was written to and a manual employment recommended. This was what the Swedes call a Job's post a bad news-letter. The examiners were severe, and although in mathematics, and particu- larly in physics, Carl did well at Wexio, still the Greek and Latin grammars reigned supreme, and the tutors told him flatly he was fit for nothing but to be a cobbler. His fate was otherwise decided. At one of his visits to Dr. Bothman he met with Tournefort's c Ele- ments of Botany.' Away went all remembrance of the examiners : from henceforth he could be nothing but a botanist. This was the keynote in his career. Though a good and pious boy, he entertained an intense dislike of the study of divinity as a profession ; his sense of duty to his parents fought against his dread of their forcing him into the ministry, for which he felt no vocation. He roamed the fields now more in distress WEXIO 41 of mind than for research : he wandered off as far as the royal tumulus of Amlech Shakespere's ' Hamlet ' ; his disturbance of mind was, perhaps, equally great. Had Linnaeus been able to read English he would have found a kinship in Hamlet's unwilling acceptance of life, with its problems not always adapted to man's varying mental constitution. To be or not to be a clergyman : that was the question. How dare assume to guide others, when every blade and leaf taught him his own ignorance ? He could not receive the narrower doctrines the only ones then current as to what objects were the best worth seeking in this world. How was it, then, that his companions, who, he could not help seeing, were most of them less talented than he, were able without difficulty to pursue studies that for him were like beating his head against a stone wall ? He was brought down to earth again. What ! Were all his botanical excursions to be stopped ? his only pleasure at Wexio, where ' amid his wild-wood sights he lived alone. As if the poppy felt with him.' Stoever proceeds in his inimitable way : ' Dogmati- cal acquirements, the Hebrew language, and the more solid branches of scholastic science had been forgotten amidst the allurements of the goddess Flora, and still continued to enjoy their usual share of oblivion.' When we read passages like these our own pon- derous Johnson feels less sesquipedalian. He seems light reading after seeing Stoever and other Germans disporting themselves like whales. Carlyle talks of 42 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS how ' old German books, dull as stupidity itself nay, superannuated stupidity gain with labour the dreariest glimpses of unimportant extinct human things.' But they are always trusty as to dates, according to their light, and mostly as to facts, when one can get to the bottom of their meaning. Carl's parents took the com- plaints of the professors and lecturers of the college much to heart, foreseeing in the evil report the probable ruin of their fondest hopes. The mother argued thus : c His father loved plants too, yet he got the divinity, or theology, into his head. Why could not Carl ? Was all the rise in the family to go for nought ? Was the peasant family to be again de- graded to the ranks ? He must toil at this uncongenial study for his forefathers' sake and for theirs. His father had no money to give him, and the boy could not expect to live by picking flowers.' His father came out to see him soon after this. The first evening was a happy one. The meeting could not fail to awaken pride and delight in his boy in his merely physical aspect. Nils saw himself young again, with added charms such as he could not remem- ber in himself; besides, he had never been without in- fluence over his son. Oh yes, all things would be set right by some mild yet firm parental talk. The lad had promised to be so clever in earlier days. But the next morning, after the masters of the school had pronounced him unfit for any learned profession, a cloud of sadness rose between father and son ; they were no longer able WEXIO 43 to see each other's mind. The tutors had no opinion of Carl's abilities, and again counselled his father to put him to some mechanical trade a tailor, or better still a shoemaker, a favourite craft in Sweden, and, I suppose, therefore the most profitable ; it was, at all events, a secure livelihood. The account in Linnaeus's diary runs thus : ' 1726. The father came to Wexio, hoping to hear from the preceptors a very flattering account of his beloved son's progress in his studies and morals. But things hap- pened quite otherwise ; for, though everybody was willing to allow how unexceptionable his moral conduct was, yet, on the other hand, it was thought right to advise the father to put the youth as an apprentice to some tailor or shoemaker, or some other manual em- ployment/ Good as is the evidence of the diary, it is only the rapid rough draft of the fuller and sometimes slightly differing account in the autobiography begun in Latin, and continued in Latin or Swedish by various hands from dictation, or compiled from conversations. This date of 1726 seems to be an error, as we know this event occurred three years before his admission to Lund University, where he went in 1727. With filial obedi- ence Carl avowed his readiness to study divinity, but owned at the same time his want of inclination, his great aversion. His father therefore resolved to make his son ' take absolute leave of the muses ' old Stoever's expression and to bind him apprentice to some honest cobbler. 44 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS Would Linnaeus ever have sung at his cobbling shopboard like Hans Sachs ? No, for Linnaeus was no poet, no psalmist, no student of men. He would have reared himself a bower of greenstuff and followed with melancholy musings the movement of the flies in his window. He might have been himself lost. Who can tell ? Would so strong a bias have created for itself an opening to the light if imprisoned in an uncongenial forced labour ? One person only appreciated the form of industry of the boy, of whom none spoke in any blame except that he had no taste for the grammar school routine a thing not uncommon among idle boys. Yet Carl was not idle : there lay the problem. The rest never thought of solving it, only of smashing it open. This person was Dr. Rothman, the physician and medical professor in Wexio College. The old clergyman, having for some weeks laboured under a complaint which perhaps had now been increased by his anxiety, was obliged to consult Dr. Kothman professionally, and, grieving at the seemingly wayward and careless disposition of his son, he opened his mind to the doctor, who kindly prescribed for both his mental and bodily sufferings. 1 ' Rothman intimated that he found himself equal to the cure of both com- plaints.' 2 The boy might arrive at eminence in medi- cine, as being more intimately connected with that branch of his own choosing. He counselled his not 1 Sir W. Jardine. 2 Diary. WEXIO 45 being forced to the Church, but to a more congenial profession which would utilise his botanical studies. He finally offered to give young Linnseus board and in- struction for a time if he were permitted to continue his studies at the gymnasium not in divinity, but in medicine. At the end of a year they might see if a trade were really the better decision. This was some comfort to carry home to the anxious mother. ' Life is not long/ says Dr. Johnson, ' and too much of it must not pass in an idle deliberation how it shall be spent.' But it is human nature all the world over to seize any delay in making a change for the worse something may turn up. Rothman spoke kindly of the lad of his diligence, his peculiar endowments for his favourite studies. The first praises of his boy sounded sweet in the father's ears. Rothman was himself an eminent man, cele- brated throughout all Wexio. No matter the area, the celebrity was the thing ; he was first in Wexio. Carl added his entreaties to Rothman's persuasion. Many times had he heard his father say that a young man ought to learn that for which he felt the greatest inclination, because the natural propensity of a person always advanced him most in point of perfection. He was right in a general sense. It requires the highest genius to fight its way through all drawbacks. It is like good roads and good walking-shoes to a traveller that the line of life should go with the general bias. 46 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS An actor or actress should not be overweighted by per- sonal unfitness. With a shrug of the shoulders at parental weakness, the masters who had urged his being articled to a shoe- maker received back young Linnaeus as one who was to fail in medicine likewise. They showed even less penetration than the easily-blinded father. Dr. Roth- man had the clearest eyes of any of them. They gave it as their opinion that Carl was not endowed with such parts as would qualify him for any learned profession, grounding this judgment on the little progress Linnaeus had made in Latin. No sooner, however, had Roth- man directed him to read Pliny than his progress be- came rapid ; because the contents of that author corre- sponded entirely with his own natural propensity. To this circumstance may be ascribed his predilection for Pliny and the laconism of his style. Yet he loved the Georgics even better. The father had still to consult with his wife, who would be deeply hurt at the ruin of her hope of seeing her son a minister. Equally disappointing was it to the father, who had himself raised the family from the peasant station, to find it must return to the clay from whence it sprang who had hoped to see himself surpassed in his boy. How should he break it to the mother, the proud ambitious mother, who was waiting at home listening for the splash of oars on Lake Mockeln for her husband's return with details of the lad's triumphs, that her boy was considered good for nothing ? WEXIQ 47 Who knows, she thought in anger, the tutors them- selves might be jealous of his gifts ! Alas, poor fond proud mother, jaundiced now even to disbelief in Rothman ! Her son would have to be a shoemaker after all ! Oh, the sadness of that night ! Vainly did Nils defend his own favourite pursuit. She who had loved flowers all her life now loathed them. Never should the babe Samuel have anything to do with natural history ; he should not enter the hateful garden. The child should gather no wild flowers. This very restriction made Samuel in later years a botanist ; but his love for plants not being so ardent as that of his elder brother, his parents were not deprived of the gratification of seeing him in due time become a minister. That is, his strength of purpose was not so great as Carl's, or his sense of duty stronger. Christina, the daughter as well as the wife of a clergyman, felt more keenly on the point of family pride than Nils did. She felt the hope deferred that maketh the heart sick when her cherished wish had to be transferred to a younger boy. Carl's throne in her mind was vacant from henceforth. Though Carl redeemed this suffering nobly after- wards, he was not morally so great as Banks. Our admirable English naturalist had the stronger character of the two, the wider mind, which can take to itself even uncongenial learning. As an instance, once when overwhelmed by his great love of flowers, he said to himself, ' It is surely more natural that I should be taught to know all these productions of nature in pre- 4 8 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS ference to Greek and Latin : but the latter is my father's command, and it is my duty to obey him. I will, how- ever, make myself acquainted with all these different plants for my own pleasure and gratification.' l He immediately began to teach himself botany. Banks was a rich man's son, and might with more impunity than Linnaeus have been idle. I admit the faults of my immediate hero Linnaeus ; I have no wish to make him out perfect : he had many weaknesses. He was a great man for all that. After much hesitation the parents at length con- sented to let their son follow the new line. How ardent became Carl's love of nature now ! how happy his life henceforth till he was twenty ! Linnaeus entered with redoubled eagerness into his now encouraged studies ; only disturbed by such hard facts as certain Swedish plants not being reducible to the rules of Tournefort's System, he could expand freely in the career he had hitherto pursued by secret and inter- rupted steps. The certainty and limitation of a settled plan of study concentrated his zeal and spirit. Rothman gave his willing pupil instructions in physiology and botany, and pointed out, somewhat superfluously perhaps, the advantage of studying the latter science according to the system of Tournefort. Carl's lynx eyes had discovered the text-book before. He had already begun to arrange every plant in its 1 The somewhat priggish sound of this is due to the sym- pathising biographer. WEXIO 49 proper place, and even to doubt the situation of many species whose characters had not been properly ascer- tained. 'Rothman gave his pupil a private course of instruction in physiology on the Boerhaavian principles, that he might make more rapid progress. He was rewarded by his success/ l In both studies Carl made considerable proficiency. Tournefort, however, gave him the first view of the conveniencies of arrangement and the beauty of system, and was doubtless the foundation-stone of his own later structure. In writing the life of an eminent man it is customary to speak first of his ancestors, of his parents being poor and honest, and so forth ; his mental ancestry is of even more importance to his biographer. Linnaeus's immediate ancestor, metaphysically, was Tournefort. His valuable book 2 was not only illus- trated, but elucidated, by the insertion of a figure of a flower and a fruit of each genus. Carl saw nature by this fine strong light, as modern artists see the external movements of nature by the teaching of Ruskin. Little did Rothman think he was forming the mould of a greater botanist than Tournefort. Tournefort, who was born in 1656, died in 1708 the very year after Linnaeus was born aged only fifty- two. f He might have been alive now,' thought Carl regretfully as he turned over the book that was ablaze with light for him, * and I would have walked barefoot 3 1 Pulteney. 2 Institutiones Rei Herbaria, Paris, 1700. Letter to Haller. VOL. I. E 50 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS to sit at his feet had not that hideous accident de- stroyed him.' Tournefort, weakened by his laborious travels in the East, was felled by a blow on the chest from the axle of a carriage an injury from which he had not strength to recover. Tournefort was the first inventor of the Genera; therefore was he most immediately Linnaeus's metaphysical father. To meet with him at the first unfolding of his mind was a regeneration to our Carl. Tournefort was his real tutor, then came Vaillant. Carl's own neatly kept little library consisted of books calculated rather to fire than to satisfy his curiosity. These works, he felt, were only the beginning of science ; the fire laid, he longed to apply the match and fire the mass. 1 He attempted to arrange in systematic order the plants growing around him, which, being Swedish, varied considerably from the French examples of Tournefort and Vaillant. He felt acutely the imperfection of even Tourne- fort 's system. Oh, if he could perfect the system, or in- vent one which would be less incomplete ! This was his boyish dream : a fine ambition for a youth of seventeen. Even then he began to feel the difficulties attending classification. He had already got beyond Rothman, who worked very contentedly with his favourite text-books. Carl remained three years with the worthy Dr. Kothman, and gained his education. These three years at Wexio passed quickly, pleasantly, now that he had 1 Jardine. WEXIO 51 liberty of thought. It is not altogether surprising that at Wexio, although he lived there ten years, they hold little tradition of Linnaeus. The old gymnasium, which now contains the Sm&landic museum, library, and collec- tion of antiquities and coins, has since honoured itself with Linne's bust, but only one person here and there in Wexio knows that he studied here at all : for even in his day he was only known as an eccentric young fellow who wasted his time on things outside the school routine, causing some surprise as to why, considering his parents were poor, he was allowed to remain there at all. He might have wasted his time less expensively at home. He seldom shared in the schoolboys' sports ; but the masters said, in more sarcastic but less witty words than Dr. Johnson used of himself, he contrived wonderfully well to be idle without them. One Christmas Carl invited his more kindly pre- ceptor Gabriel Hok to come home with him on a visit and tell him all about Lund University, where Hok was entered as a tutor. Here Gabriel saw Anna Maria, the eldest of Carl's three sisters, a pretty girl, if we may judge by her portrait, taken in later life, which now hangs at Hammarby. Hok, to please Anna Maria's parents, spoke well, indeed proudly, of Carl ; all of which promoted the enjoyment of that pleasant Christ- mas holiday. Carl, it appears, did not return to Wexio, but stayed some months unsettled at home. Probably the parents feared to risk, or were unable to furnish funds for his entrance to Lund University, until his mother's 52 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US relative, Professor Humerus, urged their sending him thither, and offered to provide maintenance for him so long as he should need it. We can surmise how eagerly Carl accepted this offer by an entry in a pocket-book J of his of later date, where he says he flew to Wexio to ask from the rector the necessary testimonials for entering the university. He says he left his parents on May 1 (11), 1727, for Wexio, returning on May 2 (12) back to Stenbrohult with his testimonial. On applying to Nils Krok, rector of the gymnasium in that year, for a testimonial for entering the university, he was given the following a very curious example of the way professors then worded their certificates : 1727. c Youth at school may be compared to shrubs in a garden, which will sometimes, though rarely, elude all the care of the gardeners ; but, if transplanted into a different soil, may become fruitful trees. With this view, therefore, and no other, the bearer is sent to the university, where it is possible that he may meet with a climate propitious to his progress.' Signed Nils Krok. rector. 1 This pocket-book, in the possession of the Linnasan Society, is an interleaved copy of Operis agrostographici Idea, seu Gra-. minum, Juncorum, Cyperorutn, Cyperoidutn, usque qffinum methodus, authors Johanne Scheuchzero, M.D. Tigurin. Acad. Nat. Cur. Philippo. Tiguri : Typis Bodmerianis CIOIOCCXIX. It is in- scribed 'Carl Linnaeus, Upsal, 1728.' It is interleaved throughout, and annotated in dainty hand-writing and carefully-drawn flowers. In some of the blank pages at the end is written, 'Vita Carol i Linnaei. Ens entium, miserere mei ! ' WEXIO 53 Linnaeus, who must have, been amused at the arbori- cultural illustration, speaks of this as a not very credit- able certificate. He gives, in the pocket-book, his birth and parentage, and a list of his classes and masters at Wexio. The entry of farewell to his parents on his departure for Lund, August 14, 1727, seems to me to apply to his actually taking up his residence at the university after the long summer vacation. It is not likely that, after the hurried journey to Wexio in quest of the testimonial, he would have waited so long before entering himself at Lund as a student. Several circumstances in the story of his early days at Lund imply his entry previous to the summer vacation ; the solemn farewell to his parents would have occurred only on his taking up his residence at the university. When records are scanty one works best by putting likelihoods together, by following his road and describ- ing what he saw. 54 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN^US CHAPTER III. LUND UNIVERSITY. Buoyantly he went. Again his stooping forehead was besprent With dewdrops from the skirting ferns. Then wide Opened the great morass, shot every side With flashing water through and through ; a-shine, Thick-steaming, all alive. Whose shape divine Quivered i' the farthest rainbow-vapour, glanced Athwart the flying herons ? He advanced, But warily .... Each footfall burst up in the marish floor A diamond jet : and if he stopped to pick Rose-lichen, or molest the leeches quick, And circling blood-worms, minnow, newt, or loach, A sudden pond would silently encroach This way and that. Bordello, BROWNING. IN 1727, when he was just twenty, Carl Linnaeus was matriculated at the university of Lund, in Sk&ne, South Sweden, where his father had studied, and contended with poverty for some years, but where Carl possessed two relations who would be of great help to him in his studies. One of these, his cousin Carl Tiliander, was a student of some years' standing. Speaking so well and so persuasively as Carl did, his mother still looked forward to his being one day a preacher. She hoped much from the university. Carl LUND UNIVERSITY 55 travelled southward alone this time : he was to meet his elder relative Humerus, who was a professor in the university of Lund, and who had promised to support him. It was his birthday, May 23 (May 13, Old Style). What makes the date of Linnaeus's birthday of moment is that nearly every journey of consequence that he took, and many of the chief events of his life, are dated from his birthday. It is true that this is just the time of the break into the pleasantness of spring, and there- fore, naturally, the time to begin botanical excursions. Carl looked up fondly at the red cottage, his birth-place at R&shult, as he passed it. Poor as he might be, a garden like that would be sufficient for his happiness ; surely he might hope to compass as much in life, or so little, as that. He walked on he was to walk the distance of about eighty-four English miles in four days carrying his knapsack, and resting at various farm-houses or priests' houses on the way. Twenty-one miles a day promised a pleasant walk. There is nothing more delightful to an active young man than a lightly equipped walking tour. Carl was lightly equipped enough, we may be sure, and he found much to entertain him on the way. Through life he always enjoyed travel even beyond the usual relish of youth. A walking-tour is a more formidable thing in Sweden than elsewhere, when one reflects that Sweden, containing 170,000 square miles, is consequently nearly three times as large as England and Wales together. 56 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS Then the towns and cultivated lands bear so small a proportion to the fells, forests, and barren plains (super- ficially considered, a monotone of difficulty), which to- gether comprise 3,123 Swedish square miles, leaving, when we have deducted 429 Swedish miles for the lakes, only an area of 247 square Swedish miles of meadow and cultivated land. 1 One may travel for miles without seeing a human being. Carl walked lightly on with the brisk step of a youth who means to carve his own way to conquer the world. He had to depend upon himself now. He was happy, being filled with the great thoughts of what he meant to do, and with that longing to name and define things that marks the time of noontide in the mind. The sweet fanciful vaguenesses of childhood's dawn having vanished, with the dewdrops all about them dried, youth is the hour when one really possesses one's pleasures, instinctively realising happiness Yes, as I walk, I behold, in a luminous large intuition. His first day's journey took him through SmSland with its shingle-roofed red houses and its red lichened rocks, with juniper underwood, above which wave the silver birches whisking the flowing streams lightly and airily as does the line of a fly-fisher. The land was fair, yet for nearly the first time in his life Carl's own thoughts occupied him more than did external nature. It is true he had made a long day of it : the butter- flies had been asleep for hours. The white owl was 1 H. Marryat. LUND UNIVERSITY 57 blinking himself awake, the white ghost-moth, just emerged from his chrysalis, was trying his yet moist wing. At 9 P.M. the evening light reflected the banks and trees in a white lake to the eastward on his left ; the western sky was still suffused with buff and pale pink when Carl entered Ousby, laden with specimens, and made for one of the wooden houses, raised on cyclopean stone foundations, where dwelt a brother clergyman of his father's, who received him with hospi- tality and a round lecture, such as he deemed good for youth, and for this youth in particular. Off betimes, for Carl did not care for a second lec- ture. He crossed the Helga by a ferry not across the river itself, but further down in the pretty islanded lake of Ousby. The landscape became more smiling and commonplace. But there is natural history every- where. From the rising ground at Hastveda he could trace the great plain of Skne below him. This ridge still looks like a devastated land, only peopled, appa- rently, by one long-legged stork with white body and black wings. This was of old the borderland between the Swede and the Dane : henceforward to the coast the people become more Danish. Carl would soon descend upon another world, a world of level mediocrity so it seemed to him as he looked down upon the reaches of distance without one salient point. Should he too soon be lost in that ex- panse, that waste? Dismal reflections in a boy are generally a sign of its being dinner-time, and no dinner, 58 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US or not much, forthcoming. He ate his goat's-milk cheese it was his breakfast and his flat round rye biscuit, as large as our largest-sized dinner-plates, that he had slung round his shoulders by a string threaded through the hole in the centre. This is the Swedish bread of everyday life. He ate and felt better. His hand formed a cup at any stream. No, he was not lonely, his old friends were about him. The undulating ground here is still lined with whortleberry plants and polypodiums. One tasselled spruce above a rock reflected itself in the lake mirror ; boulders were standing up in the shallow water ; the lake was still surrounded by fir woods. Sm&land does not level into Sk&ne all at once in a hard sharp line : it melts away, blending two forms of beauty. The graceful white-flowered bird cherry, 1 as they translate the Swedish hagg, a favourite tree of LinnaBus, and the aspen are still very common. A lake with boats upon it, all setting southward, in- vited Carl to step into one of the fishing-craft and work his passage for about half a Swedish mile. The swallows flew dipping and curving by the low banks on the eastern shore. As they rowed away from these rocky slopes towards the west the signs of prosperity came thicker on ; more linen webs were spread out to bleach, and boulders were cropping out among the corn what was a sign of poverty to them was to him a token of wealth : he was more used to seeing the stones crop out of the whortleberry masses. Carl bought caraway biscuits 1 Prunus padus. LUND UNIVERSITY 59 and bread flavoured with anise-seed of a woman who was carrying her basket to the ferry, and the boatman offered him a drink of light beer from his firkin for his luck in catching fish. It was still broad daylight, for all that he had lin- gered, when he arrived at Hessleholm, where he walked about the town, or rather village, with its neat wooden houses with steps up and down at the porch ; houses not so dainty as in Switzerland, yet still pretty and inviting, set in gardens full of cherry blossom, which is in full bloom even so far south as Sk&ne at this date. Hessleholm is an increasing place now that the railway is made to carry off the stores of timber that its saw- mills make available to the outside world. No lectures for Carl to-night : these good people are strangers, and he has already fascinated them by his silver tongue and all the wonders he can show them in their own sur- roundings. They do not allow him to go forth with dry rye biscuit : they force on him an abundant break- fast, and they pack up a neat dinner of white bread and rarer fresh meat, and tempting cream cheese, and pickled fish, and bits of angelica steeped for weeks in honey. A third day's journey in the sweet fresh air there is something intensely balmy about the air of Sweden in May and a third day's pleasure. So this is SkSne, that he has heard so much of, as we in England hear of the mildness and fertility of Devon. One more ridge of limestone with a windmill on it, and now he is on lower ground, with meadows in the blue distance beyond 60 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS the fringe of woods; another lake, the Tinga, with marshy borders and a little stone jetty built out into the deeper water, and rocky scenery to the left hand, on the east. Had it but a mild winter climate, how people would fight for this delightful land, thinks the passing stranger from the south. Though in some parts the soil is still poor and heather-covered, there is an appreciable difference in its average value as compared with SmSland. There are fine currants in blossom at Sosdala, and the church- spire at Mallby is set in what looks like amazingly rich land to Carl, and there are water-lilies in the meandering rivulet below the rude but pretty little double stone bridge. Here and there the land is fairly cleared for crops, yet it is often impossible to clear away the boulders so as to leave room to till the soil, notwith- standing that they gather up all they can into lines of rude stone fences.. The stones are, after all, too many for the hands they have to lift them. ' Here they should plant woods to shelter the clearer plains,' thinks the young Linnaeus, ever ready to set the world to rights. And there are woods hidden away behind the ridges of rock. There is one particular forest at Sosdala where the black stork builds her nest and hatches every year a brood of young ones, who disappear none knows where. That wheat is not yet sprouting here and barley is very backward, is what a traveller from the south would notice. But to Linnaaus Sk&ne's vegetation seemed in advance of everything he knew, save that of Liatorp itself, his local LUND UNIVERSITY 61 fondness would reserve, and Wexio, which is mild as any part of Sweden. He already felt traveller enough to in- stitute comparisons. What ! pine and spruce-clad rocky hills again ! From above it looked all one blue ocean of meadowland. He stands on another shelf of native gneiss rock, beyond the limits of the great moraine, which forms a shield to the fertile Scanian level. The boulders of the moraine are chiefly granite, the under- lying native rock is either gneiss or limestone. The granite has a good smooth fracture which adapts it for walls, bridges, and the cyclopean foundations of the houses. It is softer, prettier country now, with fine rich earth too, and pigs in plenty and brown cows, and beech as well as birch woods at Tjorna.rp a sign to Linnaeus that he had come far south, for the beech was rare up in his country and a foliage-fringed lake. The lakes run through Sweden like necklaces of pearls : no sooner is one rounded than another rises ready on the string. Up hill and now down again among blue flowers. There is still much moorland scenery, with rugged wastes of heather and purling streams, and some un- awakened water in still pools, and wheat just springing in the well-sheltered patches of cultivation. Up and down hill in reiterating succession, in long stretches of both sorts, for this landscape comprises half a pro- vince. Here it resembles some lowland Scotch or York- shire scenery, a wild sierra region with beech and birch woods intermingled with rushy swamps spangled with 62 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS marsh-marigolds, the more elevated ground whitened with wood-anemones. People are richer here at least they seem so to Linnaeus, who judges by the houses, built of great stones in cyclopean masonry, the fine pairs of horses browsing in the grass patches (I, in speaking to Southerners, dare not call them meadows), and oxen drawing huge stones on timber trucks. Carl now came in sight of the pretty Ringsjo, or Lake King, beech-fringed and beautiful, and the timber station at Hor, with the chips built up smoothly in large cone-shaped stacks. Here they would have hospitably received him for the night. A child winding blue yarn on a wheel by her cottage door smiled a welcome to the youth ; it was very tempting, but he had planned to get on to the Bosjokloster. He took a draught of milk and trudged on. He soon reached the peninsula on which stands the Bosjokloster, once a monastery, as its name shows, and even in Linnaeus' time ready to receive pilgrims, who used to come to it from far and near. Monasteries were then still numerous in these parts. Count Beckfries owns the Bosjokloster now, and pilgrims never go there, and tourists rarely. The famous oak tree, now forty feet in circumference, and the oldest tree in Sweden, was even then renowned ; but it was less remarkable th^n than now that the best part of two centuries are added to its age. Next day would be the last of Carl's journey: next evening he would see Lund and be received into the arms of his Alma Mater. LUND UNIVERSITY 63 He took the boat in the morning with the rest of the pilgrims, chiefly small traders, and rowed across the lake southward, leaving Stehag far off on the right hand. After landing the party the boatmen set to work with their fishing-nets and tackle. They had bunches of flowers tied to their masts ; the country people had them tied to their staves and in their hats : nowadays they tie blossoming branches and bouquets to the railway-carriages, such is their fondness for flowers, their welcome to the spring. The trees were bare here, the range of low hills looked purply-blue behind them. Linnaeus was surprised to see Sk&ne's broader aspect so wintry. It was nothing like our usual idea of hot summer bursting upon Sweden all at once ; this was certainly a slow-moving spring. What huge narcissus bouquets the people carry ! and yet what shawls, and wraps, and thick frieze coats they wear ! Larks and thrushes sang to welcome the abundant flowers, which were much more plentiful than leaves. On the hill-slopes everywhere were wild flowers in pro- fusion cowslips, orchis and marsh-marigolds, whose unfolding is the signal for the cuckoo to arrive and the roach to spawn. One field was blue with pansies ; blackthorn blossom peeped out among the boulder fences ; the birches were just dressed in tiny amber leaf, the cherry-blossom was in its first freshness, and the gardens at Eslof were masses of variegated and early flowers. It was a pleasant journey through varied pleas- ing country, presenting, besides the ordinary wooden 64 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS houses and stone cottages with thatched roofs, and storks making themselves at home thereon, a view of several handsome country seats of gentlemen and nobles. At last Carl really descends once and for all upon the plain of SkSne ; in ten miles more he will be at Lund. He recognises the more fertile landscape of his father's description now, in a vast expanse of sunny green pasture sloping away downward into aerial grey, just marked by hedges, a few windmills, and pollard willows ; and a nearer water-landscape of a still river, full of fish, half shaded by birch and alder not quite in leaf; and, beyond a foam of pear-blossom, a fine reach of blue level distance seaward. Carl had turned aside from the road and now stood on the ' Saints' Hill,' from whence the view at sunset is so fine. Before him are the towers of Lund Londinum Gothorum, the London of the Goths superior to our own London in old, perhaps legendary times, when it had 200,000 inhabitants and we had less than Lund has now. Lund is situated on the small river HojeS, which was formerly navigable for large vessels. From this height Carl can see Malmo and the sea beyond ; yes, and what is that fringe to the right, that range of further distant towers, melting in the horizon's gold ? They are not trees, they are towers the towers of Copenhagen. Now indeed he is a traveller ; he sees another country ! He must sit down to pause and gaze and think. That golden distance seems like his life spread out before him. He sits there at gaze, half LUND UNIVERSITY 65 dreaming, while the sun sinks, and then wakes with a start to remember he is a stranger to the town and has food and a night's lodging to seek. He is weary and somewhat footsore. It becomes chilly too, the sea breeze carrying the cold so uninterruptedly from the Tartar steppes causes him to shiver. It is colder here than further inland. The poplars are leafless, though budding, and hereabouts the young hedge leaves are quite pale green, almost white, as if grown in the dark. Still it is a prosperous easy-looking land, with slight undulations, and to all appearance well peopled. Carl entered the town by way of the bishop's palace, the hospital and university buildings, through the grove of elms and horse-chestnuts round the cathedral. The name Lund signifies in Swedish a pleasant grove. It is too late to present his credentials, such as they are, to-night ; besides, the longer he can postpone the ignominious process of showing the Wexio certificate of his incompetence the better. He must sup and look for an inn, as he does not know the address of his cousin Carl Tiliander's lodgings; and as for his relative Humerus, the professor with whom he is to live, it will be too late an hour to present himself before a college don after he has shaken off the dust of travel and made the best of himself. Besides, a few more hours of liberty will not come amiss. The Stadshuset Hotel is much too large and impor- tant for his purse. It is customary in Sweden to find VOL. I. F 66 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS the town-hall building, where there is mostly a large ball-room, used also for theatricals and meetings the principal hotel. It was so in Wexio too, as Linnaeus remembered. A smaller house, with its modest ' Ruin for Resande,' with supper, was soon found. It had been light enough to write long after nine o'clock, but the excited Carl found so much to record that he lighted his candle and sat up late to finish the journal of his travels. 1 Through life he kept a careful diary, not so much of personal occurrences as of his observations. He slept like a fossil. Carl had told the people to call him early. He had no watch a possession well-nigh indispensable in Sweden, where you never know in summer when to get up, nor when to go to bed, for daylight is no clue : in winter it is worse, for the darkness is then as perplexing as the overbright daylight in May and June. But it seemed, from the many noises of a town, to be nine or ten when he awoke. They must have forgotten to call him. Land of the great Gustavus, could it be that Swedes could thus forget a guest and break their promises? At length they knocked. They called it six. ' I don't believe it,' muttered Carl ; ' the people are too wide awake in the streets for Whitsun week.' People do not keep such outrageously early hours in Sweden as in Germany : the daylight keeps them up later at night. The market was being held in the open place before 1 This one, alas, exists no longer. LUND UNIVERSITY 67 the Stadshuset, and it was raining a small steady rain. Carl did not wait to breakfast: he expected soon to find his cousin Carl Tiliander. A procession of the students was marching across the market-place, with a military band, and rabble following. Carl looked among the students for the other Carl, but could not distinguish him ; it is true he might not have known him. He must go and inquire for him at the Akademiska Forening, and also for Professor Humerus. On his way thither he looked up at the fine white Norman cathedral. It is really a grand building. To Carl it seemed stupendous, with its vast portal and lofty granite towers. It was suited to the time when Lund really housed 80,000 people, now dwindled to 12,000. When desolated by Charles XII.'s wars the town had only 680 inhabitants. How much murder one man may do and not be hanged for it! Carl entered the church, the doors being open, which is not usually the case out of service hours in Swedish churches. A funeral was going on ; not actually the service, but the bier was lying at the foot of the seventeen steps leading from the nave to the transept, from whence two more lead to the choir, and again three steps to the high altar. It was evidently a person of consideration who had died, for the coffin was covered with wreaths, flags and memorials, and several persons stood watching the bier. Awed, but not much interested, Carl walked round the church, whose gilt and coloured roof was then only a shadow of its present self, for it F 2 68 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS has been carefully restored. He walked up on the right-hand side, where eight steps lead to the raised chancel, examining the monuments, placed tablet-wise in niches, of an architect and a king and queen,. These look early in date, though, the inscriptions having been tampered with, one cannot be precise about it. Carl was afraid of being shut in the church, so he hurried past the old carved-wood stalls round the choir, by the bay where the model stands of the building as origin- ally planned, and through the archway facing this bay, where niched winged figures stand on grotesque animals, which have a Byzantine look, doubly strange in Sweden. These sculptures still bear traces of their former colours. The great square pillars of the nave ? and the great rounded pilasters with their chamfered capitals, are as imposing as the best Norman work in France. Carl did not then enter the mighty crypt, lighted by ten windows and supported by twenty-four pillars c the most beautiful and majestic part of the church ' which forms a ground-floor storey to the high-raised chancel : all of which reminds one of St. Denis, near Paris. Here are the colossal images of the giant Finn and his wife, said by legend to have built the church. These are huge stone figures clasping the great columns, which also have chamfered or sculptured capitals. The story read to Carl, later, when he had time to think about it, as if the old Scandinavian pagan heroes were buried in this crypt on the establishment of Christianity : or as if in 1080 the powers that then were in Scandinavia LUND UNIVERSITY 69 built this church under the direction of architects from France. This cathedral is said to have been consecrated by Archbishop Eskil, an Englishman, in 1145. It is pure Romanesque or Norman in its style, and in its sharp- edged whiteness reminds one much of the Conqueror's and Matilda's churches at Caen. When this was built Lund was styled the capital of Denmark. It was often the residence of the Scandinavian kings. Fergusson, who is never enthusiastic about Swedish architecture, says : ' The cathedral at Lund is older and better than either of these (Upsala or Linkoping). 1 It was commenced, apparently, about 1080, considerably advanced in 1150, and the erection of the apse must be placed between these two dates. The little gables over the apsidal gallery seem part of the original design, and are the only examples of the class we possess. With these the whole makes up a very pleasing composition.' I wonder at the usually perceptive Fergusson not recognising above the fine exterior arcade the gabled corona, typical of the crown of thorns, for this meaning is well known to even ordinary writers on Swedish architecture. It is not the only example of this in Sweden, and a church in Gothland has the same gabled corona. I do not delight in gush, but one may express feeling, and Fergusson is really too calm. Its contrast with the Swedish wildernesses makes Lund Cathedral 1 In Fergusson, the name Lidkoping is manifestly a misprint for Linkoping. 70 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS doubly impressive as a stately relic of tlie dawn of Christianity in Sweden. Leaving the cathedral, of which one watcher by the coffin was the only living tenant, Carl hastened through the elm groves on his way to the university. In his hurry he did not perceive the approach of a student who was diligently absorbed in a book. They jostled each other, and Linneeus recognised Carl Tiliander. To see his cousin and to claim his friendship was one action with our Carl ; but Tiliander was cool and did not respond to Linnaeus's overtures. The sight of the unfortunate certificate was sufficient to make the rising young student, who was one day to be a professor in the university, pause before he proclaimed his kindred with one who seemed at best an unpromising young scamp. He would not help him other than by reading him a lecture for his good, and Carl never relished such. We are nowhere told what was Carl Tiliander's relationship to the John Tiliander who was Linnaeus's early tutor, but we may be quite sure that whatever Carl had heard from John about the boy was bad. This Carl was an eminently respectable youth a bit of a Pharisee, I fear. He was not, as has been supposed, a professor at Lund on Linngeus's arrival in 1727 ; he was then only a distinguished student : he became ad- junct teacher in Philosophy two years later in 1729. This Carl was a celebrated man in his family ; he was rector of Jonkoping in 1741 and later a Doctor of Divinity. He was twice delegated as representative to LUND UNIVERSITY 71 the Swedish Diet. He coldly advised Linnaeus to do the best he could with his awkward certificate, lifted his college cap, and passed on. The bells were clanging loudly for the funeral. Indignant and astounded, our Carl stood rooted to the spot ; never, if he starved first, would 'he ask a favour of a Tiliander who could thus heartlessly disown him. Would Humerus do the same ? He almost dreaded now to meet his relative the professor, even though he had expressed himself in terms so kindly. The rain fell faster than ever. On leaving the shelter of the large horse-chestnut trees Carl passed the open square, now dignified with the statue of the poet Tegner, towards the red-brick round-arched building of the Akademiska Forening. Here the funeral procession was mustering to move towards the cathedral. The white-capped students, assembled under umbrellas, were following a grand display of banners with black cock- ades. The flagstaff of the building was twined with black. Linnaeus waited while the procession filed slowly by at the foot of a mound with three rough stones set upright, surrounded by four rude slabs a runic monument and asked a bystander whose funeral it was that was thus honoured. 1 It is that of a professor in the university Professor Humerus.' Linnaeus staggered backward, but recovered him- self, and following the procession to the church door, entered, and looked again upon the coffin of his only friend 72 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS in Lund. It seemed he was chief mourner there. What was he to do ? He went out of the cathedral with the others and still followed the procession, which now bore the coffin beneath the banners, the chaplets and mementoes being carried by the principal students, Carl Tiliander walking among the first. They carried the coffin first to the Kloster church (near the present railway-station), where an office was recited, and con- veyed it, now on a funeral car, to the cemetery on the high ground to the east of the town. White-capped students carried the banners, professors and students of the highest grade came next, the whole body of the students following to solemn music of a martial kind. What was Linnaeus to do now ? He must after all bind himself apprentice to one of the numerous shoe- makers in Lund. SkSne abounds in shoemakers, for all that many little boys run barefoot. That trade is over- crowded, for here, as in Denmark, it rains shoemakers and shoemakers' boys. 1 They were all departing, when one of the principal men forming the procession perceived Linnaeus, and struck by his appearance of dejection as he sat himself despondently on a tombstone near the late professor's grave, he came up and spoke to him. It was Gabriel Hok, the suitor of his sister Anna Maria. Hok recog- nised him at once. ' Hallo, Carl ! what are you doing here ? ' or its equivalent in Swedish. 1 Danish proverb. LUND UNIVERSITY 73 Hok deeply sympathised with Carl's misfortune in finding his relative and protector dead on his arrival. He looked at the unflattering certificate from Krok of the gymnasium at Wexio, and decided he had better not hand it in. The case was urgent. Hok took the responsibility upon himself, and used his interest to pro- cure Carl's admittance into the university, and, with- holding the doubtful testimonial altogether, introduced him to the dean and rector as his private pupil and pro- cured his matriculation. 1 Thus, by Hok rather than by Krok, Carl's name was enrolled in the classes and the injurious document suppressed. He underwent with credit the matriculation examination of the dean and of Papke, the professor of Eloquence. He always had a silver tongue ; if he spoke he prevailed. 2 Having thus settled this important matter, Linnasus was enabled to pass the vacation in peace at home ; and, perhaps, with Hok's assistance, prepare for his first term. We are not told how Linnaeus found means to attend the lectures of Kilian Stobasus, the professor of Botany and Medicine, which he mentions as beginning on August 21, as he had no money to pay the fees ; but he did attend them, and these lectures enriched and rendered more exact the scientific knowledge of our young botanist. 3 1 Diary. 2 Papke's examination is said to have taken place in August 1727, which has caused Sir J. E. Smith to suppose the matriculation was in August. Better evidence goes to show these events took place in the spring. 3 Stoever. 74 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS His attention and diligence interested the professor, who pointed out to him the means of making a hortus siccus. Linnaeus at once began drying plants and glueing them on paper. The dry air of Sweden is favourable to the drying of plants. Linnaeus always dried his plants and fixed them with isinglass, each on a half-sheet of paper. I dare say it was through the friendly offices of Hb'k, himself at this time a poor man, that Stobaeus was apprised of the ardent student's indigent condition ; so that Linnasus found in his extremity of need a second good physician ready to hold out a helping hand to a struggling young brother. Like the kind Rothman of Wexio, Stobaeus offered him accommodation free of all expense in his own family, and here Carl for the first time in his life met with a well-arranged collection of natural history. This fact of his being again gratuitously received into a family proves Linnaeus's good behaviour and manners, for we never hear of the ladies of these families objecting to him in any way. Stobaeus had very bad health; he was one-eyed, besides, and lame in one foot. But what nature had denied him in bodily advantages was amply compensated for in the excellence of his dis- position and the superiority of his mental attainments. 1 This was a delightful life. Carl's mind grew apace. He became acquainted with curiosities he had never seen before. The Natural History Museum of Lund contained a fine collection of birds and snow-white 1 Stoever. LUND UNIVERSITY 75 squirrels and winter-clad foxes from Lapland, besides minerals, shells, plants, birds, and other creatures, each one a specimen of a vast family out in the wide world. The present botanical garden of Lund did not then exist. The botanical garden of Carl's time flourished upon what is now a waste space in the form of a ne- glected shrubbery, where a few ancient cypresses with gnarled stems, old enough to have known Linnaeus, grow at the back of the old university building l where Linngeus studied. This is an oblong brick building of the Kenaissance mingled with a bastard Roman- esque, in three storeys, with quadrangular turrets at the angles and a rounded tower in the centre, loftier by a cornice and an additional storey than the main building. This central tower has a pure Roman- esque portal by which a winding staircase leads to the library 2 and reading-room. The books and pamphlets are arranged in open frames reaching to the roof. The grove of horse-chestnuts in front of this building must have been respectable young trees in Linnaeus's time. A small red building close by, led up to by a flight of steps, also near the large red-brick mansion of the Akademiska Forening, is the Kultur Historiska, one of the most interesting spots in Lund to Linnaeus, though it might now be overlooked among the more elegant white stone buildings of the new university, standing on a terraced pedestal of granite, in Vitruvian Classical style, with pediments and sphynges above the cornice of 1 Curia Lundensis. 2 Universitets Bibliotekets. 76 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS the central hall. REGIA ACADEMIA CAROLINA is inscribed on the garden front of this new university, which has been built within the last six years. At the entrance door are four colossal female figures with tablets in- scribed Theologia, Juris-Scientia, Medicina, Philosophia. This assemblage of new and old buildings gives a grace and dignity to Lund. PALESTRA ET ODEVM sufficiently designates the intention of another brick building com- pleting the group. Tegner's statue faces them all. The present botanic garden is on the eastern outskirt of the town. There are some large tree-ferns in the hothouses, and the garden is a fine one, with borders of poet's narcissus (in May) a foot deep in long continuous chains ; but, excepting these, there is a better display of flowers in the windows of the streets leading to the gardens. A notice was posted up inviting the students on May 28 to go on a botanical excursion to Refta and FogelsSng, this latter a favourite haunt of Linnaeus. They know nothing of Linnaeus now at Lund, but they are very proud of their poet Tegner and his house in the Klostergade. The students do not learn modern languages ; Greek, it appears, they speak fluently ; a little more German would be more convenient, and perhaps English; French they do not aim at. Their manners are more Gothic here than in the rest of Sweden, from their proximity to Denmark, where people are less polite, though a great deal of capping and bowing goes on. But to return to Linnaeus. He was allowed to attend Stobaeus's demonstrations LUND UNIVERSITY 7? of shells, petrifactions, and molluscs, which were ex- hibited to Matthias Benzelstierna and Retzius, two private pupils of Dr. Stobaeus. 1 Plants remained, above all, his favourite study. His botanical arrangements so far were made entirely accord- ing to the system of Tournefort. His experimental know- ledge, drawn from nature, was rendered regular, exact, and more extensive by that obtained from books. There was also a young German student, Koulas by name, who lived with Stobaeus, and to whom, among other indulgences, was shown that of having access to the Doctor's library. Linnaeus formed a close friendship with this young man, and in return for "teaching him the principles of physiology, which he had learned from Dr. Rothman, he obtained books by means of Koulas from Stobasus's library, which contained the most valuable works on botany. Linnaeus's candle was often seen burning far into the night, to the terror of Stobaeus's mother, who was very old and a bad sleeper. She desired her son to chide the young SmSlander for his carelessness. 2 Carl's candle was inimically observed by another person, a student named Rosen, higher in the university than himself, and a friend of Carl Tiliander, as well as a pupil of Stobaeus. This young man, Nicholas Rosen, who had been till now Stobaeus's favourite pupil, was jealous of the favour shown to the young Linnaeus at times even over himself. Carl was so eager, so clever 1 Diary. Ibid. 78 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS and original in his observations, that it is no wonder a man like Stobaeus enjoyed having the youthful zeal and brilliancy about him, encouraging his own drier studies and reinvesting them with the poetry they might have forgotten. Now was Rosen's opportunity. We may admit that he really thought badly of his new rival from what he had gathered from Tiliander, who was also honestly entitled to his opinion ; he thought it would be well if the professor's eyes were opened to the fact that he was wasting kindness on a worthless subject. He persuaded himself he could not bear to see the good professor deceived ; for that Linnaeus would disappoint him Rosen felt sure. Those two model young men, Rosen and Tiliander, were never without excellent motives. * Do you see, sir, that light in Linnasus's room ? He always keeps it burning very late.' ' Pooh ! it is nothing.' Stobasus's second thought was, ' I fear the poor boy may feel ill.' Rosen sneered politely. ' It may be so, but he loves company, and people passing his door have fancied they heard the sound of cards.' The Rosen doubts crept into the cockles of even the professor's unsuspicious mind when night after night the lamp shone on the trees outside. What a pity if that nice, clever fellow should be tempted into practising what were then called the lighter vices ! He was known to be of a social, convivial turn, and fond of company. LUND UNIVERSITY 79 He might be making merry with the servants while the family had retired to rest. Come what would, the good Stobaeus resolved that at all cost of unpleasantness to himself the boy should be saved. He burst into his room at eleven o'clock, and there sat Linnaeus intrenched with the works of Caesalpinus, Bauphius, Tournefort, and others. 1 These were his companions. Stobaeus ordered him at o*nce to bed after making him confess he had persuaded Koulas, the German student, to take the books out for him ; but, delighted to find his favourite reinstated in his good opinion, he gave him free access to his library and made him one of the family, treating him, in fact, like a son. 2 Professor Hok was always kind to Carl, but his having taken to the medical branch of study drew him out of Hok's supervision, he being a teacher of Divinity. Carl had his livelier pleasures too the students' carnival of Valborg's mass eve, 3 the Walpurgisnacht, when they light the Valborg fires. They collect mate- rials for a bonfire on the highest and nearest hill, and the young people go up and fire the beacon and dance round the blaze in a ring, and tell fortunes by the flight of the storks. There were likewise the Midsummer fes- tivities, with fireworks and dancing. Carl also was of great assistance to his protector in his profession. Stobaeus being perpetually harassed with applications for medical advice from the nobility of Skne, Linnaeus was sometimes called to write letters and give advice in 1 Stoever. 2 Diary. 8 Valborg's Day is May 1. So THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS the Doctor's stead ; but when he wrote a bad hand he was usually sent away again. Besides keeping his regular herbal, Carl made ex- cursions into all the neighbouring districts, exploring the animal as well as the vegetable kingdoms of nature. In an excursion to ' Fogels&ng, in the spring of 1728, with a brother botanist, Matthias Benzelstierna, Carl was attacked by an accident or malady for it seems uncertain which it should be called common to the in- habitants of the Baltic and Bothnian coasts. A small animal is said to penetrate the skin and bury itself so deeply in the flesh that it leaves only a black dot at the spot where it entered. Unless immediately extracted, the effect of the animal's poison is to cause inflammation and gangrene with great rapidity, and death in the course of a day or two, or sometimes within a few hours. That this malady is indeed caused by an animal has been doubted and denied by scientific men ; but Linnaeus was convinced of its being so, and notwithstanding the suffering he endured while a parish priest was kindly acting as surgeon and extracting the substance, about half-an-inch in length, from his arm, he carefully examined it, and in spite of its injured appearance, pronounced it to be a true vermes and called it the Furia infernalis, from an idea that it realised the description of the fatal powers ascribed by the ancients to an imaginary animal so named.' l Linnaeus utilised his mythological and other classical studies as aids in 1 Smith. LUND UNIVERSITY Si the nomenclature of his discoveries. He was at this time especially interested in examining the lower forms of animal life. Most Swedes think this furia is no worm, but that it owes its origin to a poisonous matter injected into the flesh by the sting of an insect. Though fruitless the result of all the researches made since Linnasus's time to discover an example of this worm, yet the disorder is common in the fenny parts of Eastern Sweden in autumn. 1 Darwin, in his book on worms, says, i In Scandinavia there are eight species, according to Eisen, but two of these rarely burrow in the ground, and one inhabits very wet places, or even lives under the water.' It was most probably a moist place where Linnaeus was botanising ; but Eisen says nothing about stinging worms, and Darwin does not concern himself with flesh-burr owers. In Scandinavia worm-burrows (in the earth) run down to a depth of from seven to eight feet. 1 Linnseus thus describes the Furia, in his Sy sterna, Natures : 'Habitat in Bothniae Suecise Septentrionalis vastis paludibus caespitosis ; ex sethere deciduassepein corpora hominum animaliumque momento citus penetrat summo omnium dolore, immo interdum intra quadrantem horae pras dolore occidit, quo et ipse Lundini 1728 laboravi. Anima 1 nonnisi rude siccatum vidi. Animalibus chao- ticis videtur proprietatibus affine. Quomodo aera petat, unde decidit a solstitio aestivali in hyemale, nullus dixit.' Linnaeus was no deep classical scholar : his Latin was fluent rather than accurate. - Sir J. E. Smith. Linnaeus's pupil Solander has recorded several cases of this accident or disease, and describes the animal as if he had seen it, in the Nova Acta Upsaliensia, vol. i. p. 55. The Furia infernalis seems an animalcule one-sixth of an inch long. Dr. Solander describes it as dropping out of the air in autumn. Art . ' Furia ' in Rees' Cyclopedia. VOL. I. G 82 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US Linnaeus appears to have been seriously ill on this occasion, as both his biographers l remark that the skill of Stobaeus saved his life. His own diary says differ- ently : ' The arm immediately became so swollen and inflamed that his life was endangered, especially as, Stobaeus being about to set off for the mineral waters of Helsingborg, he was left to the care of . Snell, however, having made an incision the whole length of his arm, restored him to his former health.' 2 Linnaeus had lived with Stobasus about a year, and the professor gave him hopes of becoming his heir, as he had no children. 3 But now, in order to recover his health, Carl went to pass the summer vacation with his parents in Smaland, and here he met his first friend, Dr. Rothman ; it is very probable he went to Wexio to see him, and the doctor advised him to leave Lund for Upsala, as a superior school for medicine and botany. Linnaeus, too, greatly desired to see more of the world and widen his learning, and he resolved to go to Upsala. How to compass it was another matter. His mother sighed to see Carl employ his whole time in glueing plants on paper, to the delight of little Samuel, who also loved plants better than Latin, and at last she abandoned her long-cherished hope of seeing Carl become a preacher. Linnaeus's young mother had been passionately fond of flowers, and was always melancholy from the frosts of October until spring; yet she now 1 Stoever and Pulteney. 2 Diary. 8 Ibid. LUND UNIVERSITY 83 solemnly adjured Samuel to look upon all flowers as prickly thorns and stinging nettles. c But what is Carl to live on ? ' she asked. c Never fear, mother, I will work my way ' ; and Rothman said the same. They all believed in him who believed in himself. ' When I was as you are now, towering in confidence of twenty-one, little did I suspect that I should be at fifty-four as I now am,' thought the father, unable to supply his first-born son with the necessaries of student life ; perhaps he only felt what Dr. Johnson put thus into words. Rothman hinted the possibility of Carl's talents gaining for him a pension from Government that his studies might be utilised for his country, and the great likelihood of one of the many royal and other foundations of Upsala falling to his share. The hint lighted the spark of hope, the hope at once became a conviction in Carl's breast, and with a light heart, light luggage, his parent's blessing, and 200 silver dollars reckoned at about SI. sterling, his whole fortune all that his father could spare him, or his mother save he set out for Upsala to make his path to fortune and to fame. 1 Linnaeus was a self-made man. It is as a man, and in the history of his self-making, that he is more interesting to this generation than as a scientist. He left Wexio, Lund, and even Upsala, with a 1 A. de A. Fee says it was 100 crowns. Were these 6cus, or were they kroner ? 100 kroner would be little over 5Z. G 2 84 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US reputation utterly disproportioned to his great abilities. He had not consulted Stobaeus about his removal to Upsala, although he must have written to inform the authorities at Lund of his intention, and asked for a testimonial of his attainments, as this time he carried a splendid Latin official testimonial from the rector of the university, in which he was called c politissimus orna- tissimusque dominus,' and was declared c to have con- ducted himself with no less diligence than correctness, so as to gain the affection of all who knew him.' * This testimonial, addressed to the Candido Lectori,' is signed Arvid Moller, rector. ' With the stillest face, more touching than if it had been all beteared,' the still-young mother watched her boy depart, the stalwart son, losing with him her cer- tainty of finding a protector to herself and her little children, the youngest girl a mere infant. Father and mother then turned and again sobbed in each other's arms and prayed for their darling, the hope of their age and weakness, for whom they had no other help than prayer. It was answered openly. 1 Smith. CHAPTER IV. UPSALA. In the very beginnings of science, the parsons, who managed things then, Being handy with hammer and chisel, made gods in the likeness of men; Till Commerce arose, and at length some men of exceptional power Supplanted both demons and gods by the atoms, which last to this hour. Yet they did not abolish the gods, but they sent them well out of the way, With the rarest of nectar to drink, in blue fields of nothing to sway. J. C. MAXWELL. UPSALA is distant from Lund seventy-five Swedish, or about five hundred English miles ; from Stenbrohult it is eighty-four miles less. No biographer tells us how Carl made the journey, whether by sea or land, and those who mention it loosely give Michaelmas as the date. His previously mentioned pocket-book l says Carl took his departure on August 23, 1728, arriving at Upsala on September 5. It names Ekesio, Skenninge, Orebro, Arboga, Koping, Westerns, Enkoping as his route. The writer carelessly inverts the three last names, which if taken in that sequence would lead him 1 Belonging to the Linmean Society. 86 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS directly away from Upsala. Most travellers, poor, hurried, and unencumbered as he was, would have selected the more direct route by Jonkoping up the Vettern and Hjalmar lakes, whence a short road across country would bring them to the Malar, giving direct water communi- cation to the very quays of Upsala. I can only account for Carl's choosing the longer and more expensive route by his considering the land journey would afford him better opportunities for study on the road. 1 I do not purpose describing this line of country, because we shall travel over all the region of the Vettern with him in his later and less hurried tours. Carl's journey was of necessity hurried, for, having only SI. sterling, repre- senting his whole patrimony, to embark on life with, he could not delay nor turn aside to visit objects or places of interest. He arrived at Upsala, perhaps the poorest student who ever entered her walls. 2 I do not deny it, but the authorities have contradictory ways of making it out. Stoever says ' he had 200 silver dollars, worth about SI. sterling.' This might be so if they were German silver dollars, but 200 thalers would be 30. 200 francs would be nearer the mark, or Swedish kronor not so very far off, but the Swedes did not reckon by kronor in those days. I dare not contradict Stoever, lest I should rue discovering inaccuracy in a German ; and 1 His journey averaged thirty-two miles on each of the thirteen days. 2 Stoever. UPSALA 87 every little duodecimo biographer of early in this century has followed Stoever, via Pulteney, securely, and said Linnaeus had 8/. One writer kindly allows him this sum annually. 200 silver dollars make about 40Z., varying of course with the dollar you reckon by. There is a considerable difference between SI. and 40/. to a young man in any country ; and 40?., according to the value of money in Sweden at that time, seems a good deal for Carl's father to have spared. Money seems to be measured in Sweden something on the Scotch plan of punds instead of pounds, and the cost of living is still small at the Swedish universities. Lund has now about 600 students, Upsala double that number. 31. a month at Lund and 4/. at Upsala will cover all the student's expenses. If this be so now and it is an admitted fact Carl's 200 silver dollars made a fair first year's allowance for him, even deducting a small sum for his journey. 1 1 Before 1777 accounts were kept in dahler of 4 marck, or 32 ore, either in silver or copper coins ; the former being reckoned at three times the value of the same denominations of the latter. By the regulations of 1777 (which was the reckoning used when Stoever wrote his history) the specie riksdaler was to pass for the same value that 6 silver dahler or 18 koppar dahler formerly did. Kelly's Universal Cambist, 1835. The single ducats (the common gold coinage of Sweden) were to pass for 1 riksdaler 46 skilling specie; or 11 dahler 24 ore silver ; or 35 dahler 8 ore copper. The silver dollars used in Linnseus's youth were coins of Frederic and Ulrica Leonora, showing the two sovereigns side by side on the obverse, the reverse the three crowns of the realm ; and the rarer pieces of Charles XII. with the crossed arrows, a crown, and a star on the reverse. The rapid changes in value of the coinage after Charles XII. 's wars causes the difficulty in reckoning Linna3us's funds. 88 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS The Enkoping road, by which Carl entered the town, leads down the hill directly through the group of university buildings. The ground-plan of Upsala looks imposing on the map ; but as all the ' new town ' is as yet unbuilt, we see it pretty much as Carl Linnaeus saw it on the day he entered Upsala. Was it an omen that the first person he knew by sight was Eosen, his antagonist at Lund ? The youths met coldly and soon parted. Rosen and Linnaeus were about as unsociable as Swedish milestones. Carl gazed with more interest on the town itself; but, neglecting the fine cathedral, he flew to the botanical garden not then what it is now, and vastly different to what Linnaeus himself made it and he thought it in- significant. The Botanic Garden now has well laid out walks and alleys, tall screens of dipt limes and lower hedges of hornbeam and other close-grown greenery sheltering the various gardens, and a fine botanical lecture-room, built in classic style with a peristyle, within which the object that first attracts the visitor is the marble statue of Linnaeus by Bystrom. The professor of Botany resides near the entrance to the garden. The present garden is on the high but sheltered ground behind the castle ; the botanic garden that Linnaeus saw was on the level ground on the opposite side of the river. Disappointed in the garden, Carl, impetuous in all his ways, flew up what is now the Carolina Park, and away by its steep alleys to the hill whereon the castle stands. UPSALA 89 He made himself master of the bearings of the town, and with experienced glance at once fixed upon the best site for a botanic garden, when he, the radical reformer, should once get a voice in the matter ; he examined the place with curiosity, considering what improvements he should make when high in the university for a great man he determined and fully expected to be. On the whole, he was pleased with the view of Upsala. These are his own words : < Upsala is the ancient seat of government. Its palace was destroyed by fire in 1702. With respect to situation and variety of prospects, scarcely any city can be compared with this. For the distance of a quarter of a Swedish mile it is surrounded with fertile corn-fields, which are bounded by hills, and the view is terminated by spacious forests.' Time was flying, and Carl had to report himself as arrived and enrol himself in one of the thirteen 'nations ' of the university. He had to find himself in lodgings and settle down : all this to do before dusk and the days shorten in September, especially so far north as Upsala. This palpable fact startled the young SmSlander. He briskly returned to the town across the broken turfy ground behind the castle, through the court (that was to have been a quadrangle, only it was never made so, the town front of the castle alone being built) containing the long-bearded bust of Gustavus Vasa mounted on four cannons. He scrambled round among the unfinished turrets, finding no path down the steep hill on that side, but lingering a moment to behold the panoramic view 90 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US extending all over Upland, comprising Old Upsala, with its 'Assize Hill' and the three tall tumuli known as the Tombs of the Kings. 1 Geologically, too, this view is very interesting, and Carl already knew all the geology that was then known in Sweden, and was constantly discovering more. The period following the glacial epoch was that of the roll-stone or sand-ridges. Such ridges are very common in Sweden ; the celebrated mounds at Upsala are situated at the end of such a ridge. 2 This landscape is studded by Danmark and many other towers and villages, the Fyrisa 1 river gliding through the broad meadows which fade far off into the infinite ring of blue. He made his way round in front of the tall pinky-red castle where the green hill, which is here almost a cliff, makes a magnificent pedestal to a palace, and down into the university quarter if one may say so of a town which is all university ; though the academic buildings, looking like large private houses, are principally grouped on the north-west side of the town, just beyond the cathedral precincts. While Linnaeus is settling his affairs let us glance at the stately cathedral that he, who cared nothing for art, so heedlessly passed by. His own monument adorns it now, and his remains lie there in honour ; but his monument was the last thing he would be thinking of just now it was his work that lay before him. Victory before Westminster Abbey ! Upsala Cathedral, 1 They are each 58 feet high and 225 feet in diameter. 2 Du Chaillu. UPSALA 91 if less imposing than that of Lund, is a fine building, harmonious with the city's name of Upsalir, ' the lofty halls ' ; and made grander by being built on a height, 1 in a commanding and picturesque situation. It is approached from the main streets bordering the canal by a flight of steps leading through an archway framing delightful pictures of the Peasant's church, more ancient than the cathedral, and other buildings and parks, most of them connected with the university. The cathedral is a very interesting building and full of charm; but before hearing mine or any other traveller's ravings for travellers always come back raving from the North, though most of them do not intend to visit Sweden again : ' the sea-sickness is too horrid ' let us hear Fergusson, who never raves over Swedish buildings. He begins his concise account of Scandinavian architecture thus : ' No one who has listened to all that was said and written in Germany before the late Danish war can very well doubt that when he passes the Eyder, going northward, he will enter on a new architectural province. He must, how- ever, be singularly deficient in ethnographical know- ledge if he expects to find anything either original or beautiful in a country inhabited by races of such purely Aryan stock. If there is any Finnish or Lap blood in the veins of the Swedes or Danes, it must have dried up very early, for no trace of its effect can be detected in any of their architectural utterances ; unless, indeed, 1 Mons domini. 92 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN^US we should ascribe to it that peculiar fondness for circular forms which is so characteristic of their early churches, and which may have been derived from the circular mounds and stone circles which were in use in Sweden till the end of the tenth century.' Does this solve the hard fact of Linnaeus's coldness to art that he was purely Aryan? But surely the Greeks were Aryan too. Or, does Fergusson, having hit upon an idea, knock his head against it too hard ? c The cathedral of Upsala can scarcely be quoted as an ex- ample of Scandinavian art, for when the Swedes, in the end of the thirteenth century (1278), determined on the erection of a cathedral worthy of their country, they employed a Frenchman, Etienne Bonneuil, to furnish them with a design and to superintend the erection, which he did till his death. After Bonneuil's death the French principles of detail were departed from.' The university buildings are not individually re- markable, although their grouping between the quaintly simple lines of the towered castle on its commanding hill and the rich Renaissance twin towers of the cathe- dral spiring up the valley, together with the undulating and well-planted slopes of the ground on the north- western bank of the river, makes up a very pleasing prospect, with many picturesque points for the memory to retain. Carl's immediate professors were Olaus Rudbeck (junior) and Roberg, both old men. Under them he made rapid advances in the different branches of medi- UPSALA 93 cine and natural history ; and, regardless of the fact of his bread depending on the name he might win in the regular line of study, he revelled in all the gratifica- tions of intellectual luxury. Life was one sparkling delight. His was a ( bright, healthy, loving nature, enjoying ordinary innocent things so much that vice had no temptation for him.' Chief among his enjoyments we know it from his remarks in after life was to sail up and down the river to the Almare Staket, where an arm of Lake Malar narrows itself into a more river- like branch, until it actually becomes the Fyrisa" River, flowing through Upsala. 1 The Malar resembles a great sea-anemone, with arms in all directions, only that these arms have other arms, and so ad infinitum : a deeply pinnate fern-leaf is a more exact comparison. To sail through the Malar is like seeing theatrical scenery unfolding as the capes and islands retire and disclose other islands, and beauties of lake and shore. The Almare Island, with the ruined castle of St. Erik's Borg, stands in the middle of the strait or Staket, where a swing-bridge lets the boat pass into the long and sleepy Skarfven, as this arm of the lake is called ; the shores are lined with gambrel-roofed cottages set in foliage ; boats, fishing-nets, and good agriculture enliven the soft and soothing landscape. Then comes the red-roofed town of Sigtuna, which has gone so com- pletely to sleep these last seven hundred years, that 1 There are no lakes immediately by Upsala. 94 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US after being one of the largest and handsomest towns in Sweden, it is now a mere village with picturesque ivy-covered ruins and five hundred inhabitants. The massive silver doors of one of its churches were carried off in 1187 by the Esths to Novgorod, where they may now be seen. Numbers of the white-capped students of Upsala are to be met cruising about this part of the lake and river nowadays. Rail and steamer both aid their peregrinations. 1 The grass here grows vividly green, and the trees are fine and flourishing. Presently (we are sailing to- wards Upsala) the foliaged banks subside to a narrow low-shored arm of the lake, looking like a shallow river rather than a lake, lying between water-meadows, until the banks rise again into fir woods and hills clothed with silver birch and the foaming white-blos- somed bird-cherry essentially a Linnsean tree, as it always grows abundantly round his dwelling, wherever that may be. At Skogkloster once a forest monastery, now a fine square chateau, with copper-roofed towers at the angles and much magnificence within the water widens out into a broad bay on the left bank, and the channel turns off to the right towards Upsala. The water's local colour is a greenish brown or warm olive, lowered by the sky reflections to a neutral grey. The boat here 1 The undergraduates wear a white cap with a black velvet band and a small blue and yellow rosette in the centre, symbolic of the Swedish flag. UPSALA 95 enters the Fyrisa" through a drawbridge and by a chain of low islets with wind-tost and water-washed fir-trees growing on them. The river, shallow, muddy, and rush- banked, is rich in water-lilies and marsh plants. The green slopes shelve gently upward to the Scotch fir" spruce, and pine trees, which feather down to the grass : the banks are so rotten that they are worn away by every wavelet. The fine modern agricultural school here has not devoted its attention to the first principle of riverine agriculture, the solidifying of the land-banks. The mud dissolves like sugar behind the passing steamers, and is swept down in rich liquid form, to settle at the bottom of the Malar. The boat sweeps by the famous ' King's Meadow,' which Linnaeus afterwards so loved, which in spring is one carpet of fritillary, chiefly purple, mingled with the white and red sorts. High above this historical scene rises the round red tower of the Slott, or Castle of Gustavus Vasa, with the Dutch-looking town of Upsala lying at its foot, and the long stretch of canal- like river is closed in by the lofty brick cathedral re- flected in the pools between the five bridges. Carl, free from care or anxiety respecting his bodily support, worked with all possible zeal. He had one great disappointment, however. The greatest adept in natural history, and especially in botany, in Sweden, was Olaus Celsius, 1 the first professor of Divinity, and dean of the chapter of Upsala. Linnaeus described him 1 Olof in the Diary. 95 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS later in a letter to Haller l as the only botanist of his country, and Carl had hoped to profit by his learning. Celsius at this time was away on official business at Stockholm, so that Carl was obliged to continue his favourite study with no guidance save that of his own genius and the works of the men of the last two centuries in fact, the same materials that Celsius himself had ; but he was minus Celsius' years of experi- ence. A year passed. With his vivacity of temperament, he could not manage his small finances to advantage he was too sanguine he felt too sure of immediately conquering fortune somehow. Well as he had been trained in economy, it is difficult to square SI. with a journey, clothes, board, lodging, and tuition for a year. It is not very easy to do it for 40Z. by a popular fellow, naturally open-handed, whose pleasant speech, and face beaming with frankest good-humour, made him courted by the pleasure-loving youths of the university. A short time before Carl came northward, his rival at Lund, Nils Rosen, had been appointed adjunctus of the faculty of medicine at Upsala ; he laughed at LinnaBus's hopes of that pension for his talents which Rothman had encouraged him to look for. The pro- fessors looked coldly on one who brought no ready- made reputation with him, and who seemed unlikely to do them credit, as he only pursued an inferior or inci- dental branch of learning for botany, until Carl made 1 Dated from Hartecainp, near Leyden, May 1737. UPSALA 97 a profession of it, was not a profession at all. He was finding his level among them, the students thought, and Rosen said it. ' Young Linnaeus always had too good an opinion of himself.' One would say, we often do say, that to know the marvels of creation keeps one humble ; yet, somehow, young scientific men are seldom humble, in expression at least, and Linnaeus was no exception. But he did not often get a snubbing, 1 nor were his days sorrowful, though he had not yet set the FyrisS on fire. Now were his joyous friendships, his pleasures of hope. Carl gave little heed to Rosen now : he was absorbed in a deep friendship. Hear the beginning of it in his own words. ( In the year 1728,' says Linnaeus, ' I came to Upsala. I asked what student was most eminent for his know- ledge in natural history. The name of Artedi was heard everywhere ; he had studied there several years before me. I felt the most ardent desire to see him. On paying him a visit I found him pale, downcast, and weeping because his father had just died. Our con- versation turned on plants, stones, and animals. The novel remarks he made, the knowledge he displayed, struck me with amazement. I solicited his friendship, he wished for mine. How valuable, how happy was our intercourse! With what pleasure did we see it cemented ! If one of us made a new observation he communicated it to the other ; not a day elapsed with- out our receiving reciprocal instruction. Rivalship 1 A Swedish word ; snubba, a rebuke. VOL. I. H 98 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS increased our diligence and researches ; though we lived at a great distance, yet it would not prevent us visiting each other every day. Even the dissimilitude of our character turned out to advantage. He excelled me in chemistry, and I outdid him in the knowledge of birds and insects and in botany.' Artedi also studied alchemy : the poor youth added the golden dream to that of the lordship of creation. Peter, or Pehr, Artedi was two years older than Linnaeus. He was born in 1705 in Angermania, likewise of poor parents. His behaviour at the college of Hernosand was the counterpart of our Carl's at Wexio, preferring the study of nature, especially that of fishes, to all other accomplishments. In 1724 he came to Upsala to study divinity, but he soon exchanged theology for natural history. Pehr Arctedius for this was his name in Swedish, only he shortened it to Artedi went to Angermanland to discharge the last duties to his father, and on his return gave himself up to the pleasures of a friendship with Linnaeus. Artedi was of a tall handsome figure ; Linnaeus was shorter, stouter, more hasty in temper, and fuller of youth's certainty of success. They both had a noble spirit of emulation ; they were ' opposing mirrors, each reflecting each ' ; every discovery or thought re- turned to each improved, enlightened by passing through the other's mind ; the flashes of illumination were caught in talk and fixed. Enthusiasm is catching. Carl's flame fired Artedi UPSALA 99 also. { As soon as one found himself unequal to the progress of the other in one species of study he dedi- cated himself to another. They therefore divided the kingdoms and provinces of nature between them.' l They began to study insects and fishes together, but in a short time Linnaeus yielded the palm to Artedi in ich- thyology and the latter acknowledged Linnaeus to be his superior in entomology. Artedi undertook to reduce amphibia, and Linnaeus birds, under a regular arrange- ment. Each kept his discoveries to himself, 2 though for no length of time, since not a day passed without one surprising the other by narrating some new fact. Artedi finally confined his botanical studies to the umbelliferous plants, in which he pointed out the dis- tinction which arises from the differences of the involu- crum, leading to a new method of classification, which was afterwards published by Linnaeus, with a tribute to his friend. i But the chief object of Artedi's pursuits, which transmitted his fame to posterity,' says the rap- turous old Stoever, ' was the empire of Neptune, or the knowledge of the natural history of fishes, called ichthy- ology. Linnaeus relinquished to him this province.' Emulation is the soul of improvement. Laying their plans so as to assist each other in every branch of natural history and medicine, Artedi had projected the happy plan of introducing a new method and classification in ichthyology, which cheered' and strengthened Linnaeus to effect the same thing in botany. They ' worked 1 Linnaeus. 2 Diary. H 2 ioo THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS deliciously hard ; felt light, happy, invincible ' ; and they loved like David and Jonathan. To Artedi Linnasus was like a young brother like himself, but more ardent : as Frederika Bremer says of another naturalist (Kingsley), ' a young mind that he could like, love, quarrel with, live with, influence, be influenced by, follow through the thorny path, through tropical islands, through storm and sunshine, higher and higher ascending into the metamorphosis of exis- tence/ Both were handsome in feature, improved by the beauty of expression caused by the habitual admira- tion of God's works : the love of beauty, and of God who made such beauty, passes into the countenance and glorifies it. Their faces were thus habitually cast in noble lines, animated by the eagerness of innocent discovery. They had no lower lusts, poverty kept them from all other indulgence, disciplined them. They had none but intellectual pleasures, and these of a fine kind. At first they laughed at poverty they, so rich in gifts, health, youth, affection, admiration, all that makes life so precious. Dans un grenier, qu'on est bien a vingt ans. Earth, air, and water were full of their familiar friends. They daily sought and found that beauty which Plato defines it goes best in French i Le splendeur du vrai,' * while Aristotle as truly declares that beauty consists in the complete development of beings, each according to its sort and nature, the groundwork of all science. The 1 Which, indeed, is the best definition of Art. UPSALA ioi two young men lodged far apart. Artedi naturally preferred the situation by the river-side, below the castle hill and the present hospital, where the Strom- parterre is now, where the band plays of an evening ; while Linnseus chose to be nearer the botanical garden and the museums. Sometimes they met farther down the river by the flowery ' King's Meadow/ where the water- by ssus grows in ditches by the wayside, particularly in places sheltered from the wind. ' It resembles the cream of milk,' Linnaeus says, ' and is called by the peasants the water-flower.' Here both were best suited Sometimes they would be seated on the moss-tufted castle slopes, where grows the rare moss, the lichen nivaliSj 1 looking away over the distance, far-reaching as their fancies, talking of the future ; where often also the two elderly professors, Rudbeck and Roberg, might be seen, as the professors may frequently be seen at this day, pacing the grassy terrace in front of the castle, not exactly arm-in-arm, but the taller with his arm around the other's neck, the shorter holding the other round the waist a sight queer to English eyes, but which passes perfectly unnoticed here in Upsala : these would be talking of the past. And what a difference in the ideas and the talk of the two pairs ! Contrast the seniors' converse, tough and sententious, with the burning young ideas or the limp new-born ones coming forth copiously and with every form of expansion. Yet there was occult talk between the juniors also, Artedi groping 1 Linnaeus. 102 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS his way in the unutterable and sublime ; Linnasus more practical, eager for praise and profit. Their minds, if raw, were receptive. The elders' were closed to any new discoveries : memory was broad enough for them. These two old professors could not sympathise with the young men, but Celsius would come soon, they reflected, and Celsius would understand them. Young people think our old inheritance of ideas, our civilisation, our religion, and our principles are ancient petrifactions. They are not so ; rather are they like wood, old yet alive, from which spring the shoots, the leaves, the sprigs, that look so different. They will become the same : intrinsically they are the same. Sometimes the youths would dart down the steep slopes and chevy away in the far distance in chase after a bird or beast, or something attractive viewed miles away. Both were swimmers : most Swedes are so, and have need to be in that lake country. There was no end to Carl's feats of agility in rock or wall-climbing, and of adventurous courage to get birds' eggs from orchard, cliff, tree, or tower ; unwearying his zeal, that never felt fatigue while in the chase, by night or day. Of happy disposition generally, Carl was of quick temper; his anger was violent, but soon over ; though he would sometimes be chafed to exasperation by a seeming trifle. He loved the hardest study, laboriously travelling in search of facts ; not careering his mind through fine districts the villas, parks, and esplanades of classic lore but changing ancient unreal dreams for facts, he UPSALA 103 fought his way through difficulties in unknown or fresh- broken ground. Though genial in temperament Linnaeus cared little for athletic sports. Perhaps few Swedes do. I have seen Swedish boys at brisk play in the gravelled or pebbled squares in front of their grammar schools ; but games do not seem to thrive among them like football does with us. They are such long years behind us with their tools their bicycles, for instance that as we laugh at their i wobbling ' movements we forget how we grinned at our own early velocipedes. They play croquet too, now that it has been for some dozen years superseded by lawn tennis. Carl's favourite haunts were beyond Danmark Church and the ten ancient Mora stones, round by Hammarby and Sofja, where the clay soil of Upsala Vale changes into the heathland of the hills consisting of sand and stones ; he was reminded by these glacier-worn rocks of his home in SmSland. Here he could revel in discovery ; here he felt those glorious moments when the soul, risen by hard-won ways mountains high, overlooks the fair world of common things in the clear air, the second heaven, of purity. He prolonged the comfort of these excursions to the latest autumn, ( those seasons of silence and twilight when nature seems to sympathise with the fallen ... to soothe and comfort, to inspire and support the afflicted.' For as time went on and a second winter was approaching a Swedish winter and yet appreciation came not, bringing scholarships 104 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS and all fat things, it seemed as if the corporeal portion of the complete development of these two poor geniuses were at a standstill. Petronius says it is Linnasus who quotes him here ' Poverty is the attendant of a good mind/ ' Never mind,' said Carl, cheerily quoting a local proverb, ' put a Smalander on a barren rock in the sea, and he will manage to make his living.' Artedi shook his head. Less hopeful than Carl, Artedi was pensive and sentimental, and susceptible of soft emotions. Philo- sophy is much, but it is not bread and butter. Carl's pockets were quite empty, and he had no chance of ob- taining private pupils, who, in fact, are seldom put under the care of medical students. It is said he obtained on December 16, 1728, a royal scholarship, of the value of which we are not informed, 1 but which was quite insufficient to maintain him. Stoever denies this, and it seems doubtful. The Englishman has perhaps con- founded this with a bursary he really did afterwards obtain Wrede's exhibition, value about 5Z. The woodland soft fruits were all' over ; the nuts would soon be gone too, and the edible roots that the two friends knew so well how to find in summer; the fish, too, that they caught, examined, dissected, cooked, and ate with their rye biscuit, would soon all be locked beneath the ice, as winter fell ' a heavy gloom oppressive o'er their world.' Hitherto they had relished their plain living and high thinking while, over some old book recently ferreted out of the lost corners of the 1 Smith. UPSALA 105 library, or some fresh winged thing discovered in the air, they seasoned their spare dinner with proverbs either national or of their own coining, bracing up their soul with maxims, persuading themselves that the wants, anxieties, privations of life were nought when set against the endless rapture of perpetual effort to realise a grand conception. Had we means answering to our mind. 1 c Nothing like poverty for strengthening the character,' would Artedi say, capped by Carl with ' Many things are more precious than a full stomach,' and his friend's rejoinder by-and-by, that ' royal roads do not make a great people.' Yet the burden of their inmost feelings was i Oh for Celsius ! Oh, if Dean Celsius would but come!' If he came their talents must be recognised. ' Alas, good and quickly seldom meet,' said Artedi, with the ready proverb's l deep though broken wisdom.' The aged medical professors, Eudbeck and Roberg, were limited and dull, and little inclined for improvement, which meant movement ; and old men are disinclined to stir. These men were pamphle- tary rather than practical ; but Celsius was still in the prime of life and zealous for his favourite science. Linnaeus felt his woes deeply aggravated by Celsius's prolonged absence, as his coat became more and more frayed at the seams and edges, and threadbare. For all their tall talk about the royalty of science, it was hard when Rosen stalked by neatly dressed, or was seen 1 Paracelsus, BROWNING. 106 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN^US sitting at the windows of the Stadhuset dining with a professor ; it was hard to feel that they two would be known for the handsomest young men in Upsala had they but had new coats and white silk caps. Carl's shoes, too, he had had them soled thrice ; he thought he had better have upper leathers put to them this time for a change. At last nothing was left of them but the strings, he tramped so much ; and there were irreparable defects in some parts of his equipage which could not be con- cealed by ' all sorts of coaxing, darning, or sitting cross-legged.' A blasted bud displays yon torn Faint rudiments of the full flower unborn. Sordello. But who divines what glory coats o'erclasp of the bulb dormant. Paracelsus. There was a certain grim humour in seeing these two ragged students portioning out the animal, vege- table, and mineral kingdoms between them ; dividing, as the Eomans had done, the domination of the world. 1 They who could not buy an oxstek 2 or a juicy turnip in it ; yet were they victors. Like Alexander, they had whole provinces to their hand in little epitomised on their study shelves : collections of rubbish, valueless in them- selves, valuable in their classification; their mineral collection, complete in granite, and gravel, and iron- stone ; the cells for gold and silver empty ; rubies would come by-and-by ; meanwhile there was their place ready and their analysis neatly written out. As Elia says of Captain Jackson, ' with nothing to live on 1 BaecU. 2 Beefsteak. UPSALA 107 he seemed to live on everything. He had a stock of wealth in his mind not that which is properly termed content, for in truth he was not to be contained at all, but overflowed all bounds by the force of a magnificent self-delusion.' Artedi took to himself the realm of fishes, which Linnaeus willingly ' conveyanced ' to him ; but when Artedi required a province of his friend's own particular kingdom, and wished to take the umbelli- ferous plants under his rule, this was a harder conces- sion to friendship. The two friends were always finding something fresh, acquiring property too a treasure-chest but of a sort whose key was in their mind. There is nothing like having little or no cash for making one's collections of value. One buys no trash, nothing that salesmen of curiosities consider suitable for amateurs. One gleans, not from books, but from the substances around, com- pleting an area, exhausting the neighbourhood, from its chalk-hills to its clay-beds. Each saw himself in the glass of his friend's admiring mind, and each felt comfort in the possession of commanding talent. They must rise, and they would. 1 Or, staggered only at their own vast wits,' no wonder if these two students felt stuck-up, over-elated at times, when they considered the education the rest of the fellows were getting in the university. Professor Hud- beck exhibited to the students his beautifully coloured drawings of birds, and Professor Koberg lectured on the problems of Aristotle according to the principles of Des io8 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS Cartes. In anatomy and chemistry there was profound silence ; neither did our botanist ever hear a single lec- ture, public or private, on the study of plants. 1 Oh, when would Celsius come and disperse this gloom, stir this stagnation, and begin to teach ? c During this period of intense receptivity ' 2 Linn&us read in the Leipsic commentaries a review of Vaillant's treatise on the sexes of plants. Here was a ray of light. Oh, for Celsius to come and help him to read by it! Linnaeus was beginning his second year at the university. His pockets were empty ; subsisting on accidents, he picked up a meal here and there by helping duller students, and from their charity. He learned by heart that marvellous lesson in natural history, that ' of all God's creatures, man alone is poor.' Now his clothes gave way completely, and winter was coming on. Winter begins to bite early in Sweden. Carl, who was proud of his personal appearance, and had always taken pains with his dress, was now glad to cover himself with the cast-off clothes of his more wealthy companions. He grew used to ' the mean and bitter shifts of poverty,' and gaunt and haggard with actual famine. He often spoke of this in later life (as well as in his installation speech in 1741 as professor at Upsala), telling how under severest poverty he could return thanks to God whose Divine Providence guarded and 1 Stoever. 2 Jackson. UPSALA 109 supported him. He thus made his own case an en- couragement to other poor students, and also a lesson in patience ; for victory does not come with a leap her path must be laboriously prepared. He put cards and pasteboard in the worn-out shoes given him by his comrades, and stitched and mended them with birch bark, neatly and carefully, for he was neat-handed with his glueing of plants and preparation of specimens a good thing for him, for, as George Eliot wisely says, Some skill with the hands is needful for the completeness of life, and makes a bridge over times of doubt and despondency.' The lowest price of a pair of common boots was nine (copper ?) dollars, and of strong shoes five dollars. 1 He thought, as he sat mending his shoes, that perhaps the cobbler's trade had been a better life after all. This brought to memory his father's kindness. He felt like the repentant prodigal I will arise and go to my father. But no, his father could not help him his parents had too many mouths to feed ; he would not sponge upon their small store. He would gladly have returned to Stobaeus at Lund, but Stobaeus had taken it ill that a pupil whom he had treated so kindly should have left the university without consulting him. 2 No, he must win his way upwards by himself; and as Artedi saw the conqueror shine through the darkened splendour of his eyes, he sighed that he himself had not the same victorious constitution, that he could not equally pull the chariot of science. 1 Linnseus's Lapland diary. 2 Stoever. I io THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN^US Meanwhile cold and hunger both grew harder to bear ; i the owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold ' ; and in the depth of a Swedish winter, where to study one must also burn the midday oil, Carl could buy neither candles nor oil for his study lamp. Winter was Linnaeus's especial enemy, putting ice for minerals, shrivelling his flowers to dust, and leaving him thin as his own darning-needle. Where a good-natured friend gave him a light, it was a sacrifice to burn the rare and luxurious candle that he might have eaten. What a conflict between the bodily and mental appetite ! When Dr. Johnson said l the distinction of seasons is produced only by imagination operating on luxury ' he had not felt a Swedish winter. What sounds wise and sensible when said over the second bottle of port at the c Mitre ' is less true when, empty of pocket and of stomach, one shivers in thin garments outside the tavern. Skating is glorious exercise, but one cannot even slide, Sam Weller fashion, barefooted. When one has sewn one's boots with birch-bark and pasteboard, one is as careful of them as Don Quixote was over the second edition of his helmet. Nothing in poverty so ill is borne, As its exposing men to grinning scorn. The Swedes are too polite to sneer at even un- professional cobbling, and Carl carefully stitched and mended his best shoes so that returning daylight might at least enable him to go out and gather plants. Spring was opening up after the long and bitter winter, when UPS ALA in cold and famine fought over his body ; when even his mind starved in those noontide twilights, without even a rushlight to warm body and soul by ; when at night he would shiver for hours till he fell asleep. Each day at dinnertime he felt the want of the meal ; and though he at first fought this off by trying to absorb himself in a book, he found his mind wandering through faintness, and he had to go and lie down till the hunger pang passed off. Carlyle, in the inflated style of his youth, feelingly says, ( Few things in nature have so much of the sublime in them as the spectacle of a poor but honourable-minded youth, with discouragement all around him, but with never-dying hope within his heart ; forging, as it were, the armour with which he is destined to resist and overcome the hydras of this world, and conquer for himself in due time a habitation among the sunny fields of life.' The ancient Scandi- navian spirit within him made Linnaeus ' firm to inflict and stubborn to endure.' 1 But the broad blaze of summer now coming, when even beggars might be fed cheap and warmed for nothing, would be all the more radiant for the long howling darkness of six months. Even this dreary winter stage had been sweetened to Linnaeus by youth's hopes and friendship, the sweet savour of life, the peculiar boon of heaven, To men and angels only given, To all the lower world denied. The friends inspired and warmed each other with fine 1 Southey. 112 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LIN N^ US words, and such visions Linnaeus could raise by his eloquence in the mind of his hearers, his Pylades, his 1 solitary luxury, his friend,' that at times they even grew drunk with the wine of their enjoyment. But Fate is tardy with the stage And crowd she promised. Lean he grows and pale, Though restlessly at rest. Sordello. Sadly Carl munched his rye biscuit by the warmth of the stoke-hole fire in the winter plant-house, and still waited. The woods were long austere with snow ; at last Pink leaflets budded on the beech, and fast Larches, scattered through pine-tree solitudes, Brightened . . . Our buried year grew young again. Carl, who had sighed for Celsius to come for his instruction merely, now looked to his coming as his only possible salvation. How, he knew not ; but with all the faith not yet starved out of him, he was sure that a new life for him would at once begin. He was now in debt for his lodging, and debt gnaws sharply. At last, in desperation, and by the advice of Professor Eoberg, Carl applied for the situation of gardener in the academy gardens ; but this was refused him by Pro- fessor Rudbeck, who remarked at the same time that he thought him qualified for a far superior station. 1 He says ' he repined very much at this denial.' Oh, if he could but be free of debt he would forsake all his hopes, all his dreams; he would leave Upsala, leave his friend, and go home and be obscure ! With 1 Diary. UPS ALA 113 energies burning themselves out unused, anxiety, worn- out hope, and leanness preyed upon him. He did not know what it was to have a full meal. Bitterest of all to him was the sense of failure. There was one lower step. If our Johnson felt savage as he did when some well-meaning clumsy person put new shoes out- side his door, what must Linnaeus have felt when Rosen, who was now going abroad for the purpose of improv- ing himself and obtaining his Doctor's degree (which by the Swedish rule must be taken in some foreign country), left him an old but respectable suit Rosen, who had despised Linnaeus in his rags ! ' I would rather die than put it on,' cried the fierce Linnaeus. In debt though he was, he could not be indebted to Rosen. The excellent Rosen complacently thought of coals of fire. Rosen went abroad, and by- and-by became a distinguished man at Upsala ; he was ultimately ennobled as Von Rosenstein. In the mean- time his place as adjunct teacher was supplied by an incompetent student named Preutz. Linnaeus, bound by poverty and chained by debt, could not leave Upsala even to become a mechanic in SmaUand, not for all the flowery language in which Stoever talks of his taking leave of the Muses and of the goddess Flora. But he endeavoured to do so : he made a determination : he would beg money of his father, of his relations, of Stobaeus ; he would so far humble himself, and leave Upsala and the bright future he had failed to conquer. Oh, for Celsius ! Oh, why had Celsius never come ? VOL. I. I ii4 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS CHAPTER V. DEAN CELSIUS COMES. Thou seek'st in globe and galaxy, He hides in pure transparency. Thou ask'st in fountains and in fires, He is the essence that inquires. He is the axis of the star ; * He is the sparkle of the spar ; He is the heart of every creature ; He is the meaning of each feature ; And his mind is the sky Than all it holds more deep, more high. Woodnotcs, EMERSON. LlNN^EUS was about to quit Upsala, when, standing one morning in the garden he loved so well, before a newly- opened flower one he had never seen bloom before^- * I will cut it/ said he ' a last specimen for my herbal, a " minne " of happy days gone by and then depart/ Carl stood not in the garden alone : a voice answered from behind, ' You will do no such thing ; leave the flower.' It was the professor of Divinity at Upsala, in gown and ruff; it was Dean Celsius himself, but Linnaeus did not know him. Old Stoever gives another version of the tale. I prune it of some of his exuberant syllables. ' One day DEAN CELSIUS COMES 115 in the autumn of 1729 ' [it was, in fact, early summer], * while Linnaeus was intently examining some plants in the academic garden, there entered a venerable old clergyman ' [Stoever always adds the picturesque touch, but Celsius was just forty-nine. 1 Is that such a vener- able age ?] ' who asked him what he was about, whether he was acquainted with plants, whether he understood botany, whence he came, and how long he had been prosecuting his studies. ' Linnaeus answered all these questions, and, when his interlocutor showed him various plants, mentioned their names agreeably to the system of Tournefort. Being further asked what number of specimens he possessed, he replied that he had above 600 indigenous plants pre- served in his cabinet. He was requested to accompany the gentleman who had thus interrogated him to his house, which proved to be that of Dr. Olaf Celsius, and the interrogator was the Doctor himself just returned from Stockholm.. 5 The Dean spoke kindly to the youth ; Linnaeus trembled like the aspen. Intuition told him who this was. Had Celsius, had Fortune really come at last ? Carl's thin cheek reddened, his eyes filled at the tone of kindness. Hot tears, a choking sensation in the throat, came at the words of encouragement from an elder ; the first for so long. Youth is always so hungry for kind- ness, and Carl was used to wanting bread. The ragged youth spoke of the plants to Celsius, describing them 1 He was born 1680. i 2 ii6 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS with an exactness surprising in a student, and upon nearer conversation displayed such extensive knowledge as struck Celsius with astonishment. At last the sun had risen upon Linnaeus. They talked; the dean listened with interest while the young man spoke with an enthusiasm which for the moment sent the rich blood of health into the student's pale features, long since wan with insufficient food. His threadbare clothes and patched shoes told their own tale ; ' starva- tion wrote as a. notice-board on his hollow cheeks, skinny fingers, and sunk eyes, went straight to the heart.' 1 Soap costs little and water nothing in Sweden, and manners come by nature : the gentlemanly bear- ing and the exquisite personal cleanliness of Linnaaus made him known for a gentleman at once ; all the rags in Upsala could not disguise the gentlemanhood of the man refined by loving all things lovely. Carl had an agitated walk to Artedi's lodgings. His eyes glittered with excitement as he told the good news to his friend. Now they should both get on : he would give his friend a helping hand. How volubly they talked ! It was as good as a full meal to both. Inquiries were made. Celsius heard of Carl's dis- tresses and his inoffensive mode of life, and the dean took him into his house and was ever kind to him, and made him tutor to his younger children. The advan- tages were mutual. Celsius too had found what he wanted. For thirty years he had been intent upon 1 Sam Slick. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 117 illustrating the plants of Scripture, and, himself an adept in Eastern tongues, had travelled to the East to inquire into and study these plants in their native soil. He was now at work preparing his ' Hierobotanicon :- a Critical Dissertation on the Plants mentioned in Scrip- ture,' only needing some more youthful help to make the work perfect and bring it before the world . Now had come the hour, the man, and the collaborator ready made to his hand. < There is no education like adversity ' : one readily turns one's hand to anything. Linnaeus bore an active share in the production of this learned work, which is in Latin, and, alas, sadly fails in interesting the ordinary reader. It was published in 1745 and 1752 in two volumes. As there were only two hundred copies printed, the book is of course now very rare, which is as well. The dean could not even interest his eldest son in it ; but then he was working at his own line of mathematics. The arrival of this young man, just six years older than himself, was a great additional pleasure to Linnaeus. They became firm friends. Andres Celsius is one of Sweden's most celebrated men. Later he joined Mau- pertuis and his associates in the measurement of the Lapland degree, and afterwards built an observatory at Upsala. He was the first who employed the centigrade thermometer. He wrote astronomical and meteorologi- cal observations and a collection of the Aurorae Boreales observed in his time in Sweden. 1 Linnaeus, however, 1 Under the title CCCXVI Observationes de Lumine Boreali, 1733. Nuremberg. Andres Celsius, born 1701 at Upsala, died 1744, 1 18 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINAGE US took a deep interest in the ' Hierobotanicon ; ' as we shall see later on, it was a subject on which he felt keenly aa the central point of botanical study, comprising as it does objects of such vital necessity and convenience to mankind. This book of Celsius' could never have satisfied Linnaeus, who would have liked a complete Flora Palestina with all the plants that Scripture does not mention by name as well ; but it gave him an in- sight into the way of preparing such works 7 and made him ambitious himself to become an author. The sap rose in the frozen body : it was the spring- tide of his life, and, as usual, the epoch of creative power. Carl had already composed a little catalogue of his botanical observations, under the title of ' Spolia Botanica,' Upsala, 1729. 1 This was never published. The original, written in Swedish, is preserved with the collection of MSS. brought to England by Sir J. E, Smith. It was dedicated to Professor Eoberg, and contains sketches of a few of the plants, arranged on Tournefort's system, and a rude map of their habitat. must not be confounded with his father Olaus Celsius, 1680 (some say 1670) to 1756, theologian and botanist ; or with his grandfather, Magnus Nicholas Celsius, 1621-1679 (?), mathematician and botanist. Linnseus probably accompanied the younger Celsius in a rapid visit to Dannemora, of which we find the only trace in the dates in tlie note-book previously mentioned : ' Journey to Dannemora, May 24 ' [he had just kept his birthday], 1729 ; June 10, travelled to Upsala/ No biographer of Linnasus mentions tlds expedition. It must have been very soon after his appointment with Celsius. The dates of his life at Upsala present many difficulties, Stoever, the diary, and the note-book are so contradictory. Even Linnaeus's own written dates do not always tally. 1 Pulteney. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 119 The arranging of the ' Hierobotanicon * was one of the chief motives which made Celsius take Carl into his house (though he afterwards became like a son to Celsius, and he a father a true adoption). For this purpose also he had free use of Celsius' library, one of the richest and most valuable in Sweden. Here Carl now met with Vaillant's small treatise on the sexes of plants, 1 a review of which he had already read in the Leipsic commentaries ; which gave him the first notion of the sexual distinctions of flowers, the groundwork of his celebrated system ; which, after all, contains the spark of a grand illumination. Hitherto he had worked on Tournefort's lines of classification by form. This was the germinating moment of his life. To many of us it happens to be once, if only once, struck dead, as it seems, to all outward things by the lightning shock of an idea. This flash is what must be brought to crystallisation by hard and continuous labour. This idea immortalised Linnseus's name, and deservedly so, since although this was no new notion that of sexes of plants Linnaeus first applied it to classification and elucidated it. ' Principles had to be imbibed in copious draughts all through his education. The collision, combination, harmonising of these constitute specula- tive insight and conduct to original thought.' 2 The Linnaean is an artificial system ; its author saw that fact as plainly as we do. But, though imperfect, it was a high road towards a new method of thought. 1 Sermo de Structura Florum. 2 Bain on Mill. 120 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS It was a new doctrine in his day, and brilliant in its brand-new gloss, although derived from a hint as old as Aristotle, who gives this glimmering ' If the dust of the branch of a male palm be shaken over the female tree, the fruit of the latter will ripen quickly.' Le Vaillant was not the first to read Aristotle, but he was the first to apply the idea to flower-structure, to the pistils and stamens of plants. One can go further with other people's ideas than with one's own, is a saying true all the world over : it was left to this young Swede to take the leap from Le Vaillant's standpoint and bring the long-desired system out of the obscurity beyond. ' Till now Linnaeus had considered plants by their bloom, hitherto the stamina and pistilla had been considered in- significant.' A mere finish to the beauty of the flower, a fringe and tassels. ' The idea of a better system than that which Vaillant had hinted now guided his botanical observations.' As in human nature families are named from their marriages, so with plants he would make this the basis of nomenclature. The further he brought his theory forward the more consistency did he discover in his own knowledge, the more powerful were the attractions of the plan. Oh, the fear lest someone might forestall him ! And this alarm was not un- founded ; for though a truth may have lain dormant for thousands of years, yet the moment the earth is ready for its appearing it will spring up, and someone will, and must, be the first to light upon it. 'The sexes of plants now occupied his thoughts night and DEAN CELSIUS COMES 121 day.' 1 During this time of intellectual fever he kept his ruind jealously aloof. He hugged his precious secret even from Artedi : their habit of keeping their discoveries close till perfected was of service to him now : he would wait until at last he could bring out his fair idea complete, clothed in a system, and show his new Eve to his bosom-friend, and then under four eyes only. Artedi was the first ; next day it was un- expectedly public to all Upsala. A disputation was held before Bishop Wahlin on the 'Marriage of the Trees : sive Nuptiae Arborum.' This was a blooming new idea in the summer of 1730. 2 Linnaeus was pre- sent. The subject of the controversy was familiar to him. None found it more pleasant, nor had anyone at Upsala studied it better than himself. 3 Linnaeus was in his element ; now was his hour the opportunity that comes once in life to all men. Even Artedi, his bosom-friend, was astonished at his radiance. The account in the diary adds a few particulars. ' There was just then published a philological disserta- tion " De Nuptiis Plantarum " 4 from the pen of George Wahlin, librarian of the university; and as Linnaeus had no opportunity of publicly opposing it, or of stating his doubts, he drew up in writing a little treatise on the sexes of plants, and showed it to Dr. Celsius, who put in the hands of Dr. Rudbeck. The latter honoured 1 Diary. * Glittering Darwin's Loves of the Plants delighted the reading world in 1789. FREDERIC HARRISON. 1 Notes for Biography Linn. * Or Arbwwm. 122 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN.EUS it with the highest approbation, and expressed a wish to be better acquainted with the author. This small treatise, replete with new and luminous observations, delighted Professor Rudbeck; he was struck with the young author's spirit of observation and the solidity and novelty of his knowledge. Old Rudbeck was not altogether one of those professors ' miserable creatures lost in statistics ' ; he loved a theory dearly. He wrote paradoxes by the score, and a thick book of hypotheses to prove that all Europe was civi- lised from Sweden. i We'll verify his words, eh, Artedi ? ' l said Linnasus. The young men used good-humouredly to laugh at the good old theorist. ' Rarely has such a variety of profound and extensive learning been united as in Rudbeck,' writes Linnasus. * But he maintains the strangest and most unbounded paradoxes. He pretends that Sweden was the abode of the ancient Pagan deities and of our first parents ; the terrestrial paradise, the true Atlantis of Plato ; and that it was the origin of the English, the Danes, the Greeks, the Romans, and all the rest of the world/ Linnaeus was brought forward to dispute upon his 1 The view now gaining ground is that the Aryans originated in Europe, say in North Germany or Sweden, that the Sanskrit- speaking conquerors of the Land of the Five Rivers were, in fact, the Eurasians of their time. Mr. Saporta's notion is that the human race originated within the Arctic circle at a time when most of the surface of the globe was too hot to be inhabited by man. Hibbert Lecture, May 1886. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 123 thesis, which he did in the most brilliant style. With- out a copper dollar in his pocket, though no longer in rags, he was an object of great attention. This was life indeed. It was as if he had dropped from the stars, so little had he been recognised in Upsala. ' Thought is the soul of act.' He had prepared his soul in unre- cognition, as all such souls must be prepared. Now he could expand, give wings to thought, ply act on act ; build an edifice on what was once but a theory, like an architect's design set in accomplishment. To work out both demands outward influence. His was a fresh soul created, late in space, as the new stars are, when the world was ready to receive it. Professor Rudbeck, under whom he had been prin- cipally working, was the most amazed. Celsius' swan, then, really was a swan. We can readily fancy the triumph of the worthy dean in having at once made the discovery that the other professors in over eighteen months had failed to make. Of course some envy was excited, but Rudbeck was too generous to feel piqued with either Celsius or the youth. Most people know who Rudbeck was, but in case overloaded memory should confound him with a greater Olaus Rudbeck, his father, I will faintly outline the lives of both. Olaus Rudbeck, junior, born 1660, was the son of Rudbeck, an anatomical discoverer, or more like what we now call a comparative anatomist, protected by the clear-sighted Queen Christina of Sweden. The senior Rudbeck established the botanical garden at 124 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS Upsala. He travelled at the Queen's expense and collected a vast quantity of plants and herbs, most of which, and the greater part of his valuable writings, with nearly all the 1,000 blocks prepared for the en- gravings of his great botanical work, were destroyed in the great fire at Upsala in 1702. Oxford possesses some relics of this work, and the Linnaean Society a few of the engraved blocks. Rudbeck did not long survive the de- struction of his labours : he died at Upsala, December 12, 1702, leaving his son, who had accompanied him in his Lapland travels, to carry on his work and repair if possible the havoc of the fire. Linnaeus named a plant after him. The junior Rudbeck (with whom his father's dying wish was a pious heritage that he had never yet been able to fulfil) was now seventy, and going out and giving lectures were difficulties for him. He wished for an assistant. Rosen being gone, Rudbeck had hitherto employed his nominee, Preutz, to read his lectures for him ; but his incompetency deprived them of all their spirit : a dull man himself, Preutz dimmed whatever he handled. The perusal of Linnaeus's treatise, and further examination, determined Rudbeck to fix on him to replace Preutz. Accordingly, he invited Carl to live in his house, and give the botanical lectures for him. Linnaeus was examined by the faculty and judged worthy of being placed (as adjunctus) in Preutz's stead. ' Professor Roberg, however, thought it hazardous to make a teacher of a young man who had not yet been three years a student, and still more so, to entrust him DEAN CELSIUS COMES 125 with the public lectures. But there was no other person so proper. 1 This was in 1730. The young student of twenty- three supplied the aged professor's place with every mark of approbation. The botanical lectures became the talk of Upsala and the attraction of the university. The viva- city of Carl's instructions and the novelty of their matter charmed his audience, accompanied as these were by all the graces of delivery, and the secret of oratory to be in earnest. His heart was in the work, his handsome face glowing with the love of lovely things as he joyfully taught the students what his superior talent had enabled him to discover. They relished it as our generation has enjoyed receiving light at Ruskin's hands. The effect of his teaching was heightened by the beauty of his voice and diction, and the enthusiasm that fired and enlivened his whole frame, giving a dignity to his personal appearance which had never been remarked before. He seemed born for a professor. The young lecturer himself gained by his residence with Rudbeck an extensive acquaintance with ornithology a great conquest for one who took the whole of nature for his province ; and he now laid the foundation of several of his works the ' Bibliotheca Botanica,' ' Classes et Genera Plantarum ' ; for which works Professor Rudbeck's fine collection of books and drawings was of infinite use. His good fortune did not come single. When one person has made a discovery (of a person, place, or thing) 1 Diary. 126 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS another will usually follow in his wake, the brilliant trail of light being visible and self-evident. Not only was Preutz obliged to give way to Linnaeus, who thus, after little over two years' residence at Upsala, was judged qualified to teach the science of botany, but Rudbeck, knowing him to be tutor to Dean Celsius's children, engaged him in the like capacity to his own sons by his second wife. Carl now said grace before full meals ; and as the students entertained the most marked contempt for Preutz's abilities, many of them as Let- strom, Sohlberg, and Archiater Rudbeck's first wife's son, Johan Olof put themselves under the private instruc- tions of Linnseus. The presents they made him enabled him to assume a more decent appearance in his dress. 1 Dress for gentlemen was a more important and exten- sive thing than it is now, involving ruffles and em- broidery and much fine linen. As adjunctus oh triumph of all ! he held Rosen's very post. Now Carl had enough to do ; what with the ' Hiero- botanicon,' lecturing for Rudbeck, these tutorships, and his private pupils, who flocked to him so soon as he did not need them, and his own books, to say nothing of his researches tacked on to his regular studies in medicine, he was in a whirlwind of work. ' His morn- ings were passed in giving instruction to pupils and his evenings in composing the new system and meditat- ing a general reform of botanical science. He began his " Bibliotheca Botanica," " Classes Plantarum," " Critica 1 Autobiography. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 127 Botanica," and " Genera Plantarum." Hence, not a moment passed unoccupied during his residence at Upsala.-' 1 But he was so strong and young that nothing came amiss to him. ' Blessed is he who has found his work ; let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a' life purpose ; he has found it, and will follow it.' 2 Celsius had brought spring out of the winter of Carl's discontent. Poverty had not narrowed his mind, but now he felt a renewing as he bathed in the bliss of work. It was no fancy, or, if fancy, then ' most real and practical, as many of our fancies are.' He was endowed with twenty-student power no, twenty-tutor power. No bird, or beast, or insect passed by him unnoticed ; while, for the beautiful embroidery of the earth, ah, there are times when, for very gladness, tears only can express our reverence, thankfulness, and perception of the beautiful. Linnaeus had little imagination ; and if he seemed to lack veneration also, and perception of the beautiful, it was because the artistic capability which expresses these was deficient, yet these things reverence and perception were there, unspoken but not unfelt. Carl now seemed to belong to the successful class, who have never known what it is to lack a meal in their life ; and with advantages of dress and pocket-money, he looked a different creature to the lean starving student of last year. Prosperity told upon his humour too : now that he was better off, that he had no 1 Stoever. 2 Carlyle, Past and Present. 128 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS gnawings of poverty to contend with, he became popular. The elder professors enjoyed his wit and humour they love to be lightly amused, the old do ; the younger and more earnest sought him for the less sparkling treasures of his mind. A walk with him was of immense interest ; he crowded the air and earth with things of life ; Pan lived again. He abounded in conversation, and delighted to pour forth the treasures of his knowledge, and thoughts no longer unspeakable ; tongue-loosened by the oil and wine of gladness, revealing to their astonish- ment Nature's open secret. It was not the money he made : it was the fact of success, of appreciation, that made him 'burst out and rollick along in the joy of existence/ Youth had long been stoppered back with him. It was his delight in finding those dreams were true all with which he used to live in dreamland with Artedi. Ah, why was there no Boswell at his elbow to colan- der his best for us ? The diaries only give us the bare facts : we know not what it was to hear his thoughts, fresh, full, powerful like a clear mountain stream; but we know for certain it was fine to hear his ideas bubble forth new-born in beauty in his native tongue, for in after years students, ay, and professors, crowded to Upsala simply to hear him speak in Latin too. These would not have travelled to that far-off nook had not the object been well worth the journey. He was a good listener too, and loved to hear Rudbeck tell all about bis journey with his father into Lapland, and the wonders of the great lone North. Eagerly he explored the DEAN CELSIUS COMES 129 ruins of old Kudbeck's work and wished the whole could be restored. One of the elder Rudbeck's works he did restore. 1 ' Owing to Rudbeck's age and infirmi- ties the botanic garden had fallen into a very low con- dition. Carl caused the garden to be entirely altered and planted with the rarest species he could procure, both indigenous and exotic, according to a method of his own. He also instituted botanical excursions with his pupils, who had become numerous. To hear all this must have rejoiced his father. It was, indeed, a hopeful change that Carl was now thought capable of teaching the science of botany, and placed virtually at the head of an establishment in which a year before he had applied for the situation of gardener. Besides botany ' it was de- creed,' says Stoever's quaint translator, ; that he should establish a better order in the other reigns of nature, especially among the classes of the animal reign.' One would think he was translating from the French. We hear less of Artedi now. ' We have been brothers, and henceforth the world will rise between us ; ' 2 but success did not harden Carl's heart, nor make him unmindful of his beloved friend ; while of Celsius he never spoke but in terms of reverence and warmest admiration. Carl possessed greatly the arts of winning and keeping affection. In Linnaeus's eagerness to hear all that the garru- lous Rudbeck loved to tell of his father's travels in Lapland, which it had been left him as a sacred legacy to 1 Diary. 2 Paracelsus. VOL. I. K 130 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS perpetuate, the professor now thought he saw a way to renew all the parental discoveries. Linnaeus's youth and strong constitution, his remarkable powers of mind, and his energy pointed him out as the deputy for the work Rudbeck himself had failed to fulfil. The Eoyal Academy of Sciences at Upsala had long fostered the hope of forming a complete survey of the whole of Sweden, investigating its capabilities and its natural treasures in order to develop the latent resources of the country. Prompted, doubtless, by Rudbeck's great desire, they proposed to begin by a searching examina- tion of the arctic regions of Sweden. ( They wanted a fresh and virgin intelligence to observe and consider the country.' l Celsius and Rudbeck both proposed that Linnaeus should undertake the first expedition, and without one thought of the difficulties of the under- taking, the small pay offered, and the disadvantage of being lost to sight of the scientific world for many months, Carl accepted the offer with alacrity, and al- though the Lapland expedition could not take place till next summer, he at once made his preparations and arranged his affairs, chiefly negotiating the publication of his manuscript books. The author of ( Spolia Botanica ' had not when he wrote it in 1729 * espoused his theory of a sexual differ- ence in the vegetable kingdom, though within three years afterwards it was sufficiently matured in his mind for the arrangement of the Lapland plants in that 1 D 'Israeli's Endymion. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 131 method.' l Now that he had formed his own system, he seems to have given up all intention of publishing this his earliest work. Linnaeus thus advertises the MS. of his second book: ' Upsala. January 1732. A student of medicine and natural history at this university, of the name of Carl Linnaeus, takes great pains to repre- sent these two sciences, and botany likewise, in a better light, and to render them more nourishing. The foreign herbs and plants, which are cultivated either in the fields or gardens of Upland, have already been enrolled by him in a little work which appeared last December, 1731, called Hortus Uplandicus." ' In this book he speaks with praise of his father's garden at Stenbrohult on account of the great number of rare plants in it. Pulteney, in a footnote, says, ' Stoever mentions a work of Linnaeus called " Hortus Uplandicus," which is supposed to be the first in order of time of all his pro- ductions ; but as the date of it is 1 730 2 it would not have been earlier than the work mentioned above (" Spolia Botanica "). The arrangement is stated to be founded on the doctrine of a sexual difference. I do not find any mention of the " Hortus Uplandicus " in the catalogue of Linnaeus's works given in his own diary.' ' Which,' had Stoever but seen the diary, he would comment thus in his polite, roundabout, and long-winded way of learned 1 Pulteney. 2 This book was written two years before the advertisement of it appeared. K 2 132 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS squabble-conducting, ' which by the intensely-respect- able-well -born-but-not-his-eyes - using - English - gentle- man a careless -and -idiotic -manner -of -precious- and - priceless - documents - an - evidence -of- unenlightened] y- searching-example is.' For the name is in the diary as plain as a pikestaff and in Pulteney's own book too, second edition. The real difficulty is that he has muddled the dates, both year and month of when the book ap- peared: errors which Stoever must have crowed over when he met with Pulteney's work. Linngeus thus prematurely announces another book ; or it is advertised for him : ' Upsal, February 15, 1732. An able student of medicine, Mr. Carl Linngeus, causes a botanical work to be printed here, entitled " Funda- menta Botanica." ' This did not appear till four years after, in 1736, at Amsterdam. Linnaeus sent the MS. to Griefs walda, but he could not find a person who would undertake to publish it. This shows how early Linnaeus prepared his system, what alterations he made iii the ' Fundamenta Botanica,' and at the same time how eager he was to make his system known, even by advertising works which still remained in MS. While these things were in preparation who should return but Rosen return to see his old rival lecturing in his place ! One can picture to oneself Linnaeus * biting his lip to keep down a great smile of pride.' How did Rosen like all this ? The diary throws some light upon the matter. Late 'in the year 1731, the Medicines adjunctus, Dr. Rosen, having returned from his travels DEAN CELSIUS COMES 133 abroad, and having perfected himself in anatomy and the practice of medicine, got into universal request, there being no other practitioner at Upsala. He like- wise commenced a course of lectures on a branch con- nected with Professor Rudbeck's office. As the latter was seventy years of age there was a good prospect of his being chosen Rudbeck's successor, and of his having no competitor unless Linnaeus got forward. He (Rosen) also applied for permission to lecture publicly on botany, but Rudbeck was unwilling to trust this department to him, as he had never studied it. Rosen tried to per- suade Linnaeus to give up the lectures to him sponta- neously, which Linnaeus would have done had Rudbeck consented to it. Thus Linnaeus had scarcely surmounted poverty before he became an object of envy a passion that played him too many tricks, of no use to be mentioned here. The faithless wife of the librarian Norrelius lived at this time in Rudbeck's house, and by her Linnaeus was made so odious to his patroness ' [Rudbeck's wife] ' that he could no longer stay there ; and as Rud- beck had often related to him the curious facts he had noticed and the plants he had discovered on his travels in Lapland, Linnaeus conceived a great inclination to visit that country. The secretary of the academy, the Master of Arts, Andres Celsius ' [who four years later, 1736, himself visited that country] 'strongly recom- mended him to go there.' l The machinations of his enemies prevailed, and Rosen, who had never been 1 Diary. 134 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS above using mean arts, at length got rid of Linnaeus, at any rate for the present. Linnaeus left Rudbeck's house and gave up his situation of tutor towards the end of the year, at which time he went to his native province of Sm&land. 1 Linnaeus passed part of the winter with his father at Stenbrohult. A vastly different home-coming from before : the young man honoured with a state commission of importance, the vicarial professor of botany at Upsala, was quite another being from the struggling student who was merely seeking his way. The sisters might well be proud of such a brother, and Gabriel Hok, now rector of the adjoining parish of Wirestad, was glad to make a visit to his old pupil an excuse for also enjoying the society of Linnaeus 's fair sister. We are not told precisely when the rector of Wirestad married Anna Maria Linnaea, but we may reasonably conclude it was about this time, and it is very probable that Gabriel's bridesman, a clerical friend, on the same happy occasion met and admired the lively and equally pretty sister Juliana, whom he afterwards carried off to another South Swedish rectory. 2 In January 1732 Carl paid a visit of some days to his kind friend and preceptor Stobasus at Lund, who had by this time forgiven him for leaving his protection. One of Carl's objects in visiting Lund was to study the collection of fossils belonging to Stobgeus, this being the only branch of natural history he was not well versed in. Linnaeus's mind had grown since he used to look 1 Diary. 2 Both their portraits are at Hammarby. DEAN CELSIUS COMES 135 at this collection with respectful awe. It is often so with us, the mental garments we once wore with pride no longer fit us. Stobaeus's cabinet of minerals, con- sisting chiefly of petrifactions, did not now satisfy Lin- naeus. He returned to his parents' home in SmSland, and spent some weeks, and then went to Upsala to prepare for the great journey and learn the result of his publishing negotiations. Just after his return from Sten- brohult another advertisement appears, dated Upsala, March 15, 1732, of the ' Insecta Uplandica,' and a book relating to the birds of Sweden. He took an affectionate leave of Artedi, who was going to England to complete his studies in ichthyology. They made their wills, and the friends mutually assigned to each other such MSS. treating of natural history, as they should be in posses- sion of, in case either of them should die in their travels. Linnseus bore also messages and letters from Artedi to his relatives in Angermania. 136 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS CHAPTER VI. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES. Spring clothes the fields and decks the flowery grove, And all creation glows with life and lore. From the Latin of LINN JBUS. THE account of Linngeus's Lapland journey was written by himself in a diary called c Lachesis Lapponica ' ; this MS. was purchased from the widow of Linnaeus, with the rest of the great botanist's writings and collections, by Sir J. E. Smith. It became his duty and wish to render them useful. Great was his disappointment to find the ' Lachesis Lapponica ' written in Swedish. For a long time it remained undeciphered. At length Mr. C. Troilus undertook the translation. It proved to be the identical journal written on the spot during the tour ; but the difficulty of interpreting it proved unex- pectedly great. The bulk of the composition is Swedish, but so intermixed with Latin, even in half sentences, that the translator, not being much acquainted with this language, found it necessary to leave frequent blanks. The translation is in two volumes, octavo. It is such a journal as a man would write for his own use, without a thought of its ever being seen by THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 137 any other person. The composition is entirely artless and unaffected, giving a most pleasing idea of the writer's mind and temper, and it is interesting in showing the development of a mind such as that of Linnaeus. It is not a professed description of Lapland, nor even a regular detail of the route of the traveller. What was familiar to Linnaeus, either in books or in his own mind, he omitted. By the brilliant sketches he has left us in his 1 Flora Lapponica,' written in Holland some years later, we see his journal perfected by after-research, which makes it more solid but not so fresh. In the journal we meet with the first traces of ideas, opinions, or dis- coveries, which scarcely acquired a shape, even in the mind of the writer, till some time afterwards. The familiar and correct use of the Latin language, and the general accuracy of the observations, give a very high idea of the author's accomplishments, considering they are made without a single book to refer to or a com- panion to consult. The original, moreover, displays a natural eloquence, of which the translation, especially when condensed, falls short. The numerous sketches with a pen that occur in the MS. are strikingly illus- trative. His handwriting was small, but legible and elegant. 1 The ' Lachesis Lapponica ' had not been translated when Stoever and Pulteney wrote, so that it is here first given with the c Life.' It is interesting to read this in connection with the journeys of Wheel- wright and Du Chaillu on the same roads ; Linnaeus is 1 Partially abridged from Sir J. Smith's preface. 138 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS by far the closest observer of the three, while the diffi- cult Lycksele episode is exclusively his own. His outfit sounds strange 150 years later. EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL. Having been appointed by the Royal Academy of Sciences to travel through Lapland for the purpose of investigating the three kingdoms of nature in that country, I prepared my wearing apparel and other necessaries for the journey as follows. 1 My clothes consisted of a light coat of Westgoth- land linsey-wolsey cloths without folds, lined with red shalloon, having small cuffs and collar of shag ; leather breeches ; a round wig ; a green leather cap, and a pair of half-boots. I carried a small leather bag, half an ell in length, but somewhat less in breadth, furnished on one side with hooks and eyes, so that it could be opened and shut at pleasure. This bag contained one shirt, two pairs of false sleeves ; two half-shirts, 1 an inkstand, pencase, microscope, and spying-glass ; a gauze cap to protect me occasionally from the gnats, a comb, my journal, and a parcel of paper stitched together for dry- ing plants, both in folio ; my MS. " Ornithology," " Flora Uplandica" and " Characteres Generici." I wore a hanger at my side, and carried a small fowling-piece, as well as an octangular stick graduated for the purpose of mea- suring. My pocket-book contained a passport from the 1 What is a half -shirt 1 THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 139 governor of Upsala, and a recommendation from the Academy.' I make more copious extracts from the earlier por- tion of the journal, as the part of Sweden treated of has not often been described. The aspect of the country is almost unaltered since Linnseus's day. In his shorter diary account of his Lapland tour he says he set out on horseback without incumbrances of any kind, and having all his baggage on his back. c I set out alone from the city of Upsala, on Friday, May 12, 1732 [Old Style], at 11 o'clock, being within half a. day of 25 years of age. 1 At this season nature wore her most cheerful and delightful aspect, and Flora celebrated her nuptials with Phoebus.' A flowery way of saying it was a fine day. Carl seems to have been made vain by the praise bestowed on his eloquence, and to have enriched it at this time by tropes and classical allusions, after the manner of youth. One forgives Linnaeus for his flowery language it was a fashion, like the embroidered waistcoats worn by those dear dandies, the curled darlings of his day for he wrote sense. It is only l grand nonsense ' that is insupportable. { Now the winter-corn was half a foot high, and the barley had just shot out its blade. The birch, the elm, and the aspen tree began to put forth their leaves. I left old Upsala on the right, with its three large sepulchral mounds or tumuli. The few plants 1 A birthday treat of the sort he best enjoyed. 140 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNALUS now in flower were Draba verna, called in Sm&land the rye-flower, because as soon as the husbandman sees it in bloom he sows his Lent corn ; dandelions, scorpion- grass, violets and wild pansies, Thlaspi arvense, Litlio- spermum arvense, sedges, 1 rushes, 2 Salisc, Primula veris, as it is called, though neither here nor in other places the first flower of the spring, 3 the Swedish caper, &c. The lark was my companion all the way, flying before me quavering in the air. Ecce suum tirile, tirile, suum tirile tractat. c Hogsta is a Swedish mile and a quarter from Upsala. Here the forests began to thicken. The charming lark here left me, but another bird welcomed my approach to the forest, the redwing, whose warblings from the top of the spruce fir were no less delightful. Its lofty and varied notes rival those of the nightingale herself.' Linnaeus followed the high road, which still exists, like the string of the bow which the railway makes in curving towards Dannemora. 1 In the forest are innumerable dwarf firs, 4 whose diminutive height bears no proportion to their thick trunks, their lowermost branches being on a level with the uppermost, and the leading shoot entirely wanting. It seems as if all the branches came from one centre, like those of a palm, and that the top had been cut off. 1 Carex. 2 Juncus campestris. 3 The primrose blooms quite to the end of June in Upland. 4 Pimis plicata. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 141 I attribute this to the soil, and could not but admire it as the pruning of nature. ' At Laby (one and a quarter Swedish mile further) the forest abounds with the Spanish whortleberry, now in blossom. Next came a large and dreary pine forest in which the herbaceous plants seemed almost starved ; the soil hardly two inches deep above the sand bore heather, and some lichens of the tribe called coralloides. The Golden Saxifrage } was now in blossom.' He speaks of a runic monument near the posting- house, but the inscription had already been copied. ' Opposite Yfre is a little river, the water of which would at this time have hardly covered the tops of my shoes, though the banks are at least five ells in height. Near the church of Tierp runs a stream whose bank on the side where it curves is very high and steep. The great power of a current, in the way it undermines the ground, is exceeding visible at this place. It now grew late, and I hastened to Mehede, two and a half miles ' [S.] ' farther, where I slept.' He travelled this day over seven and a half Swedish miles, or about fifty English miles. 1 May 13. Here the yew grows wild. The forest abounds with yellow anemone, hepatica, and wood- sorrel. Here for the first time I heard the cuckoo. ' Having often been told of the cataract of Elf Carleby, I thought it worth while to go a little out of 1 Chrysosjjlenium alternifolium. 142 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS the way to see it, especially as I could hear its roar from the road, and saw the vapour of its foam rising like the smoke of a chimney. I perceived the river to be divided into three channels by a huge rock. The water in the nearest of these channels falls from a height of twelve or fifteen ells, 1 so that its foam and spray are thrown as high as two ells into the air. On this branch of the cascade stands a sawmill. Below the cataract is a salmon-fishery. Oak trees grow on the summit of the surrounding rocks. At first it seems inconceivable how they should obtain nourish- ment ; but the vapours (of the cataract) are collected by the hills above, and trickle down in streams to their roots. In the valleys I picked up shells remarkable for the acuteness of their spiral points. Here also grew a rare moss of a sulphur-green colour. ' I hastened to the town of Elf-Carleby, which is divided in two parts by the large river. I crossed it by a ferry, where it is about two gun-shots wide. The ferryman ' [of course he likens him to Charon] ' asked for my passport, or license to travel. At Elf-Carleby for the first time I beheld what I had never before met with in our northern regions, a peculiar variety of purple anemone 2 hairy and purplish, stamens numerous and very short.' This flower (a peculiar variety) grows plentifully near Borgholm on the island of Oland. Linnaeus also met with it there later. 1 The fall is forty-nine feet high. 2 Pulsatilla ajriifolia or Anemone rernalis. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 143 * A mile from Elf-Carleby are the iron- works called Harnas. The ore is brought from Dannemora and from Engsio in Sudermania. Here runs the river which divides the provinces of Upland and Gestrickland. The post-houses or inns were dreadfully bad. The forests became more hilly and stony, white and dark granite ; the rose-willow abounded. Near Gefle stands a runic monumental stone, rather more legible than usual, and on that account better taken care of. By eleven o'clock I arrived at Gefle, where I was obliged to stay all day, for it was evening before I received from the governor of the province of Gestrickland the requi- site passport ; owing to which delay and my attending morning service next day at Gefle church, I could not quit that place till one o'clock.' Gefle, with 7,000 inhabitants, is now one of the principal seaport towns of Sweden ; well-built and clean, with neat granite quays, and substantial modern appearance. ' At this town is the last apothecary's shop, and also the last physician in the province: these are not to be met with further north. The river is navigable through the town. The surrounding country abounds with large red stones. Here begins a ridge of hills, ex- tending to the next post-house, three-quarters of a mile ' [S.] c further, separating two lakes. In the marshes to the left the note of the snipe was heard continually ; on the right are the mineral springs of Hille. Troye post-house, which Professor Rudbeck the elder used to 144 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS call Troy, is surrounded by a smooth, hill. The road from hence lay across a marsh called by the people the walls of Troy. The sweet gale l and dwarf birch form a sort of low alley through which the road leads. Here and there grew the marsh-violet with its pale grey flowers, marked with five or seven black forked lines on the lower lip ; and in the forests on the other side of the marsh were many kinds of club moss. A quan- tity of stones lay by the road-side, which the governor of the province had caused to be dug up in order to mend the highway. 2 4 They looked like a mass of ruins, and were clothed with Campanula serpyllifolia [the plant afterwards called Linncea borealis]* 'whose trailing shoots and verdant leaves were interwoven with those of the ivy. On the right is the lake Hamrange Fjarden, which adds greatly to the beauty of the road. I arrived at Hamrange post-house during the night. The people here talked much of an extraordinary kind of tree : no one could find out what it was. Some said it was an apple-tree which had been cursed by a beggar-woman, who one day having gathered an apple from it, and being on that account seized by the proprietor of the tree, de- clared that the tree should never bear fruit any more. 1 Myrica Gale, the bog myrtle, or Scotch or Dutch myrtle. 2 There are four kinds of road in Sweden : the Itungsvag, king's road, being the finest ; country road, hdradsvdg (sometimes called by travellers horrid way), most of which are very good ; sockenvag (nick-named shocking way), parish road, which is often bad ; and the byrag, village road, narrow and very rough. Du CHAILLU. 3 One of the honeysuckle family. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 145 Next morning I rose with the sun to examine this wonderful tree. It proved to be nothing more than a common elm. Hence, however, we learn that the elm is not a common tree in this part of the country. ' The redwing, cuckoo, black grouse, and mountain finch made a concert in the forest, to which the lowing herds of cattle under the shade of the trees formed a bass. Iceland moss grows abundantly in this forest. I arrived at the river Tonna, which divides Gestrickland from Helsingland and empties itself into the Bay of Touna. The lake called Hamrange Fjarden extends almost to the sea. I was told it did actually commu- nicate' [with the Bothnia]. ; At least there is a ditch in the mountain itself whether the work of art or nature is uncertain called the North Sound, hardly wide enough to admit a boat to pass. This is dammed up as summer sets in, to prevent the lake losing too much water by that channel, as the iron from several foundries is conveyed by the navigation through this lake. 'HELSINGLAND. ' The common and spruce firs grow here to a very large size. The inhabitants had stripped almost every tree of its bark. A red byssus stains the stones here, and near Norrala there is a bright red ochre in the earth, and staining the water. Several pairs of semi- circular wicker baskets were placed in the water to catch bream. Here I observed the black-throated diver, which uttered a melancholy note, especially in diving. VOL. I. L 146 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS 1 In the course of this day's journey I observed a great variety in the face of the country as well as in the soil. Here are mountains, hills, marshes, lakes, forests, clay, sand, and pebbles. Cultivated fields indeed are rare. The greater part of the country consists of un- inhabitable mountainous tracts. In the valleys only are to be seen small dwelling-houses, to each of which adjoins a little field. The people seemed somewhat larger in stature than elsewhere, especially the men. The women suckle their children more than twice as long as with us. Brandy is not always to be had here. The people are humane and civilised. Their houses are handsome externally, and neat and comfortable within.' [Are not these advantages due to their having less brandy than elsewhere ?] ' The ore used at the capital iron forge of Eksund is of several kinds : first, from Dannemora ; second, from Soderom ; third, from Grusone, which contains beautiful cubical pyrites ; fourth, a black ore from the parish of Arbro, which lies at the bottom of the sea, but in stormy weather is thrown up on the shore.' A kind of blueish stone (Saxum fornacum ?) is used for building the tun- nels and chimneys ; it is considered more compact and better able to resist heat than other building-stones. The limestone procured from the seashore abounds with petrified corals. 1 Of course he calls the workmen sons of Vulcan. Fashions have hanged : we never laugh when modern tourists call them sons of Thor, nor when we invoke all the Valkyrie. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 147 * In every river a wheel is placed, contrived to lift up a hammer for the purpose of bruising flax. When it is not wanted, a trap-door is raised to turn the stream aside, c Several butterflies were to be seen in the forest, as the common black, and the large black and white. Between the post-house of Tygsund and Hudviksvall a violet-coloured clay is found in abundance, forming a regular stratum. I observed it likewise in a hill, which was nine ells in height, near the water, a span-width of violet clay between two layers of barren sand. The clay contained small and delicately smooth white bivalve shells, quite entire, as well as some larger brown ones, of which great quantities are to be found near the water side. At this spot grows the Anemone hepatica with a purple flower a variety so very rare in other places that I should almost be of the opinion of the gardeners who believe that colours of particular earths may be commu- nicated to flowers. The produce of the arable land here being but scanty, the inhabitants mix herbs with their corn, and form it into cakes two feet broad, but only a line in thickness, by which means the taste of the herbs is rendered less perceptible. Hudviksvall is a little town situated between a small lake and the sea. Near this place the arctic bramble was beginning to shoot forth, while Lychnis dioica and Arabis Thaliana were in flower. The larger fields here are sown with flax, which is performed every third year. The soil is turned up by i- 2 148 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS a plough and the seed sown on the furrow, after which the ground is harrowed. The linen manufactory furnishes the principal occupation of the inhabitants of this country. Towards evening I reached Bringstad, and continued my journey at sunrise. ' May 17. I overtook seven Laplanders driving their reindeer, about sixty or seventy in number, followed by their young ones. Most of the herd had lost their horns and new ones were sprouting forth. The drivers spoke good Swedish. ' MEDELPAD. ' Here the common ling grows more scarce, its place being supplied by a greater quantity of the bilberry. Birch trees became more abundant as I advanced. I spied a brace of ptarmigans. All over the country I this day passed the large yellow aconite is as common as ling on a moor. Not being eaten by any kind of cattle, it increases abundantly in proportion as other herbs are devoured. To the north of Dingersjo stands a considerable mountain, called Nyackersberg, the south side of which is very steep. The inhabitants had planted hop-grounds under it. 1 As the hop does not in general thrive well hereabouts, they designed that this mountain should serve as a wall for the plants to run upon. These hops were very thriving, being sheltered from the north wind and at the same time exposed to the heat of the sun, whose rays are concentrated in this 1 Ale (67) is the common drink in Sweden and Norway. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 149 spot. I ascended on foot, with a guide, Knorby Kuylen, 1 the highest mountain in Medelpad, finding many un- common plants in greater perfection than I ever saw them before. The summit is crowned with a beacon used as a signal during the war with the Russians. Every sort of moss grows on this mountain that can be found anywhere in the country round. When at the summit we looked down on the country beneath, varied with plains and cultivated fields, villages, lakes, rivers, &c. Hares run about on the very highest part of this hill. An eagle owl (Strix Bubo) rose up suddenly before us as we were sliding down in the descent of the steep south side. We found its nest. Here and there among the rocks were a variety of herbaceous plants, pansies and others. Of the heartsease some of the flowers were white, others blue and white, others with the upper petals blue and yellow, the lateral and lower ones blue, while others again had a mixture of yellow in the side petals. All these were found within a foot of each other; sometimes even on the same stalk different colours were observable a plain proof that such diversities do not constitute a specific distinction. ( Proceeding farther on my journey, I observed by the road a large reddish stone full of glittering portions of talc. The greater part of my way lay near the sea- shore, which was strewn with the wrecks of vessels. To- wards evening I reached Sundswall, a town situated in a small spot between two high hills. On one side is 1 Norby Kullen. I5o THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN.EUS the sea, into which a river discharges itself at this place. About sunset I came to Finstad, but continued my route the same evening to Fjahl, where I was obliged tc* pass a river by two separate ferries T the stream being- divided by an island. 1 May 18. Being Ascension Day, I spent it at this place, partly on account of the holiday, partly to rest my weary limbs and recruit my strength. ' I was so unfortunate in my journey through Medel- pad as not to meet with a single horse that did not tumble- with me several times, in consequence of which I was at one time so severely hurt as to be scarcely able tc* remount. Having already collected a number of stones and minerals, which were no less burdensome than un- necessary to carry with me further, I rode to Hernosand r on the Bothnian Gulf, where I left these encumbrances. I did not, however, stay there above two hours. Near here I picked up a number of chrysomelas ' (a sort of beetle) f of a blueish green and gold. 1 The city of Hernosand stands upon an island, accessible to ships on every side, except at Varbryggan, where- they can scarcely pass. f I left Fjahl at sunrise, and at Hasjo, the next church, I turned to the left out of the main road to examine a hill where copper ore was said to be found. The stones,, indeed, had a glittering appearance like copper ore, but the pyrites to which that was owing were of a yellowish white a certain indication of their containing chiefly 1 The beautiful Chrys&niela graminu* THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 151 iron. I examined a cave formed by nature in a very hard rocky mountain, formerly a retreat of a criminal who had concealed himself for two years in this retired cavern. The roof and sides of this cave, near the entrance, were clothed with Byssus cryptarum. Every- where near the road lay spar full of talc, or Muscovy glass glittering in the sun. Now we take leave of Medelpad and its sandy roads, as well as its yellow aconite, both of which it possesses in common with Helsingland. 'ANGERMANLAND. 1 We no sooner enter this district than we meet with steep and lofty hills scarcely to be descended with safety on horseback. 1 In the heart of the Angerman- nian forest trees with deciduous leaves, the silver birch, Betula alba (with densely matted branches) and the hoary-leaved alder (Betula incana) abound equally with the common and spruce firs. These hills might with great advantage be cleared of their wood, for a good soil remains wherever the trees are burnt down not barren stones as in Helsingland and Medelpad. The valleys between the mountains, as in those countries, are cultivated with corn or laid out in meadows ; but here are spacious plains besides. Every house has near 1 On the coast south of Ornskoldsvik the scenery increases in beauty, and as far as Sundsvall the coast is the highest in Sweden. Numerous islands dot the sea along the shore, the principal ones being North and South Ulfo, inhabited by a few hundred fishermen. Du CHAILLU. 152 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US it a stage to dry corn and pease on, about eight ells in height, formed of perpendicular posts with transverse beams. The hay, or flax, is hung up to dry on these crossbars of what appears to be a gigantic six-barred gate about twenty feet high. The rye, less plentiful here than barley, is laid here to dry. f To whatever side I cast my eyes, nothing but lofty blue mountains were to be seen. The little straw- berry-leaved bramble (Itubus arcticus) l was in full bloom. A quarter of a mile further is Doggsta, near which, close to the road, stands the tremendously steep mountain of Skula. This I wished to explore, but the people told me it was impossible. With much difficulty I prevailed on two men to show me the way. We climbed, creeping on our hands and knees, often slipping back again. Sometimes we caught hold of bushes, sometimes of small projecting stones. I was following one of the men in climbing a steep rock, but seeing the other had better success, I endeavoured to overtake him. I had but just left my former situation, when a large mass of rock broke loose from a spot which my late guide had just passed, and fell exactly where I had been, with such force that it struck fire as it went, and was surrounded with fire and smoke. If I had not providentially changed my route nobody would ever have heard of me more. At length, quite spent with 1 The Rubus arcticus is a valuable plant for its fruit, which par- takes of the flavour of the raspberry and strawberry, and makes a most delicious wine, used only by the nobility in Sweden. SMITH. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 153 toil, we reached the object of our pursuit, which is a cavity in the middle of the mountain a mere cavern. The stones that compose it are of very hard quality, or spar ; yet the sides of the cavern are in many places as even as if they had been cut artificially. Several different strata are distinguishable, particularly in the roof, which is concave like an arch. In that part a hole appears, intended, I was told, for a chimney. Several sorts of ferns grow on the adjacent parts of the moun- tain. We descended with much greater ease. Laying hold of the tops of spruce firs which grew close to the rocks, we slid down upon them, dragging them after us down the precipices. c I had scarcely continued my journey a quarter of a mile before I found a great part of the country covered with snow, in patches some inches deep. The pretty spring flowers had gradually disappeared. The buds of the birch, which so greatly contribute to the beauty of the forests, were not yet put forth. The high moun- tains which surround this track and screen it from the genial southern and western breezes may account for the long duration of the snow. ' The cornfields afford a crop two years successively, and lie fallow the third. Rye is seldom or never sown here, being too slow in coming to perfection ; so that the land, which must next receive the barley, would be too much exhausted. 4 May 21. After going to church at Natra I re- marked some cornfields, which the curate had caused to 154 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS be cultivated in a manner that appeared extraordinary to me. After the field has lain fallow three or four years it is sown with one part rye and two parts barley mixed together. The seed is sown in spring, as soon as the earth is capable of tillage. The barley grows rank, ripens its ears, and is reaped. The rye meanwhile goes into leaf, but shoots up no stem, as the barley smothers it and retards its growth. After the latter is reaped the rye advances in growth, and ripens the year following without any further cultivation, the crop being very abundant. The inhabitants here also make broad thin cakes of bread. The flour used for this purpose commonly consists of one part of barley and three of chaff. When they wish to have it very good and the country is rich in barley, they add but two portions of chaff to one of corn. The cakes are not suffered to remain long in the oven, but require to be turned once. Only one is baked at a time, and the fire is swept towards the sides of the oven with a large bunch of cock's feathers. The coverlets of the beds at this place are made of hare-skins. To-day I met with no flowers except the wood-sorrel, which here is the primula, or first flower of spring. The lily of the valley and strawberry-leaved bramble were plentifully in leaf. 1 May 22. Apple trees grow between Veda and Hornoen, but none are to be seen further north. No kind of willow is to be met with throughout Angermanland, nor is the hazel. Cherries do not always ripen, but potatoes thrive very well. Tobacco and hops both THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 155 grow slowly and are of rare occurrence.' [One marvels that tobacco grows at all. It shows that the sun shines down very hot there, and brings an annual plant quickly forward.] ' In the road I saw a cuckoo fed by a Motacilla (water wagtail ?). Near the coast was a quick- sand, caused here, as in SkSne, by the fine light sand of the soil being taken up by the wind into the air and then spread about upon the grass, which it destroys. The road in several parts lies close to the seashore. ( May 23. After having spent the night at Norma- ling, I took a walk to examine the neighbourhood, and met with a mineral spring, already observed by Mr. Peter Artedi at this his native place. It appeared to contain a great quantity of ochre, but seemed by the taste too astringent to be wholesome. ' I observed on the adjacent shore that an additional quantity of sand is thrown up every year by the sea, which thus makes a rampart against its own encroachments, continually adding by little and little to the continent. 1 ' In proportion as I approached Westbothland, the height of the mountains, the quantity of large stones, and the extent of the forests gradually decreased. Fir- trees, which of late had been of rare occurrence, became more abundant. 1 Angermanland is a beautiful province, and many of its valleys are very productive. The Angermanelfven, running through its whole territory, is the deepest river of Sweden, and may be ascended by steamboats as far as Nyland, sixty [English] miles, and by small craft to Holm thirty miles farther.' The river is two miles wide at Wedga beyond Hernosand. Du CHAILLU. 156 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS < WESTBOTHLAND. ' The ground here is tolerably level ; the soil sand, or sometimes clay. In some places are large tracts of moss. Thus the country is by no means fertile, though it affords a good deal of milk. Barley is the chief grain raised here. No flowers were to be seen here not even the wood sorrel, my only consolation in Angermanland. The two sorts of cotton-rush were now coming into bloom. The dwarf birch was abundant enough, but as yet showed no signs of catkins or leaves. Throughout the whole of this country no ash, maple, lime, elm, nor willow is to be seen, much less hazel, oak, or beech. Towards evening I reached Roback, where I passed the night. f May 24. Close to Roback is a fine spacious mea- dow, which would be quite level were it not for the hundreds of ant-hills scattered near it. Near the road, and very near the rivulet that takes its course towards the town of UmeS, are some mineral springs, abound- ing with ochre, and covered with a silvery pellicle. I conceive that Roback may have obtained its name from this red sediment from roc?, red, and back, a rivulet.' ! Carl was ferried over to UmeS 2 by a l brawny bald grey-headed, grey-coated Charon,' just such as Eudbeck had described to him. 1 Not a difficult guess. 2 Umea,' a little dirty old town, with a remarkably fine white church, and the largest prison I have seen in the North. WHEEL- WRIGHT. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 157 ' Baron Grundell, the governor of the province, a pattern of mildness, received me kindly, showed me several curiosities, and gave me much interesting in- formation. The birds I saw here were the crossbill (which cleverly fed on the cones of the spruce fir), yellowhammers, swallows, snow-buntings and ortolans. * Ruffs and reeves had been in plenty this year. In the cornfields lay hundreds of gulls (Larus canus) of sky-blue colour. * In the garden the governor ' [the pattern of mildness] ' showed me orach, salad, and red cabbage, 1 which last thrives very well, though the white cabbage will not come to perfection here ; also garden and winter cresses, scurvy- grass, camomile, radishes, goosetongue (Achillea ptar- mica), rose-campion, wild-rose, lovage, spinach, onions, leeks, chives, cucumbers, columbines, carnations, sweet- william, gooseberries, currants, the barberry, elder, guelder-rose, and lilac. Potatoes here are not larger than poppy-heads ; tobacco, managed with the greatest care, and when the season is remarkably favourable, some- times perfects seed. Dwarf French beans thrive pretty well, but the climbing kinds never succeed. Broad beans come to perfection ; but peas, though they form pods, never ripen. Roses, apples, pears, and plums hardly grow at all, though cultivated with the greatest attention. Cherries, apples, pears, and plums always fail. 2 1 If he had a good cook for these herbs, this is, perhaps, the origin of his designation. 1 In UmeS Du Chaillu saw a garden filled with flowers, straw- 158 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS The people wear a kind of shoes, or half boots, called kangor, easy in wearing and impenetrable to water. Those who walk there may walk in water up to the tops without wetting their feet, for the seams never give way as in our common shoes. They only cost two copper dollars. They are cut so that not a morsel of leather is wasted. Thick soles are here needless ; neither are heels wanted. Nature, whom no artist has yet been able to excel, has not given (high) heels to mankind, and for this reason we see the people of Westbothland trip along as easily and nimbly in these shoes as if they went barefoot. May 26. I took leave of Umea 1 and turned out of the main road to the left,, my design being to visit Lycksele Lapmark. By this means I missed the ad- vantage I had hitherto had at the regular post-houses, of commanding a horse whenever I pleased, which is no small advantage to a stranger travelling in Sweden. It now became necessary for me to entreat in the most submissive manner when I stood in need of this useful animal. The road grew more and more narrow and bad, so that my horse went stumbling along at almost every step among great stones at the hazard of my life. My path was so narrow and intricate along so many by- ways that nothing human could have followed my track. In this dreary wilderness I began to feel very solitary berries, raspberries, currant bushes, peas, carrots, and potatoes, with a stretch of green fields beyond. Cauliflowers, cabbage, and lettuce had headed, peas were bearing fully, and melons were growing under glass. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 159 and to long earnestly for a companion. The mere exercise of a trotting-horse in a good road, to set the heart and spirits at liberty, would have been preferable to the slow and tedious mode of travelling which I was doomed to experience. The few inhabitants I met with had a foreign accent, and always concluded their sen- tences with an adjective. Here grew a willow l very hairy all over ; its catkins were for the most part advanced and faded. ' In the evening I arrived at Jamtboht, where some women were sitting employed in cutting the bark of the aspen tree into small pieces scarcely an inch long and not half so broad. The bark is stript from the tree just when the leaves begin to sprout, and laid up in a place under the roof of a house till autumn or the following spring, when it is cut up to serve as good for cows, goats, and sheep, instead of hay, a very scarce article in these parts, for the fields consist principally of marshy tracts with coarse herbage. On my inquiring what I could have for supper they set before me the breast of a cock of the wood (Tetrao Urogallus), which had been shot and dressed some time the preceding year. Its aspect was not inviting, and I imagined the flavour would be not much better, but I was mistaken. The taste proved delicious, and I wondered at the ignorance of those who, having more fowls than they know how to dispose of, suffer many of them to be quite spoiled, as often happens at Stockholm. After the breast is 1 Sallx lanata. 160 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNALUS plucked, separated from the other parts of the bird, and cleaned, a gash is cut longitudinally on each side of the breast-bone quite through to the bottom, and two others parallel to it a little farther off, so that the inside of the flesh is laid open in order that it may be thoroughly dressed. The whole is first salted with fine salt for several days. Afterwards a small quantity of flour is strewed on the under side to prevent its sticking, and then it is put into an oven to be gradually dried. When done it is hung up in the roof of the house, to be kept till wanted, where it would continue perfectly good even for three years if it were necessary to pre- serve it so long. 'It rained so violently that I could not continue my journey that evening, and was therefore obliged to pass the night at this place. The pillows of my bed were stuffed with reindeer's hair instead of feathers. Under the sheet was the hide of a reindeer with the hair on, the hairy side uppermost, on which people told me I should lie very soft. They use willow bark for tanning the leather. 1 May 27. At noon I pursued the same bad road as yesterday the worst road I ever saw, made of stones piled on stones among large entangled roots of trees. The frost, which had just left the ground, made matters worse. All the elements were against me. The branches of the trees hung down before my eyes, loaded with raindrops in every direction. Wherever any young birches appeared they were bent down to the THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 161 earth ' [across the path], ' so that it was difficult to pass them. The aged pines, which for so many seasons had raised their proud tops above the rest of the forest, overthrown by the wrath of Juno (!), lay prostrate in my way. The rivulets, which traversed the country in various directions, were very deep, and the bridges over them so decayed and ruinous that it was at the peril of one's neck to pass them on a stumbling horse. Many persons had confidently assured me that it was absolutely impossible to travel to Lycksele in the summer season ; but I had always comforted myself with the saying of Solomon (?) that ' nothing is impossible under the sun.' However, I found that if patience be requisite anywhere, it is in this place. To complete my distress, I had a horse whose saddle was not stuffed, and instead of a bridle I had only a rope, which was tied to the animal's under jaw. Here and there in the heart of the forest were level heathy spots, as even as if they had been made so by a line, consisting of barren sand, on which grew a few straggling firs and some scattered plants of ling. Some places afforded the perforated coralline lichen (L. uncialis), which the inhabitants in rainy weather, when it is tough, rake together in large heaps and carry home for the winter provender of their cattle. These sandy spots, about a mile ' [Swedish] < in extent, were encompassed as it were with a rampart or very steep bank fifteen or twenty ells in height, so nearly perpendicular that it could not be ascended or descended without extreme difficulty. VOL. I. M 162 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS It often happened that above one of these sandy heaths lay another equally barren. The interstices of the country between these embanked heaths were occupied by water, rocks, and marshes, producing abundance of firs, intermixed with some birches, all covered with black and white filamentous lichens. The few small juniper bushes were all close pressed to the ground. At Abacken, and on the road beyond it for a considerable way, some loose ice still remained, which surprised me much at this season of the year ; 1 yet I recollected I had but a week before met with snow near Mount Skula. 1 Nothing but water can be had to drink. Against the walls of the houses an agaric, shaped like a horse's hoof, 2 was hung up to serve as a pincushion. As a protection against rain the people wear a broad hori- zontal collar made of birch bark, fastened round the neck with pins. 1 The women wash their houses with a kind of brush made of twigs of spruce fir which they tie to the right foot and scrub the floor with it. The peasants, instead of tobacco, smoke the buds of hops, or sometimes juniper berries or the juniper bark. ' In the evening I reached Texnas in the parish of Umea 1 . Seven miles ' [Swedish] c distant from this place is the church, the road to which is execrable, so that the people are obliged to set out on Friday morning to get to church on Sunday. On this account they can 1 This is June in the New Style. z Boletus igniarius. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 163 seldom attend Divine service, except on fast days, and Whitsunday, Easter, and Christmas days. Timber for the purpose of building a church here was brought so long ago as the time of the late Abraham Lindelius ; l but it has lain till it is rotten. ' May 28. I left Texnas and proceeded to Genom, where I was obliged to stay till next day, as there is no conveyance but by water to Lycksele, and the wind blew very hard.' Here he saw a beaver, which he describes. ' May 29. Very early in the morning I quitted Genom in a haep, or small boat, proceeding along the western branch of the UmeS River. When the sun rose nothing could be more pleasant than the view of this clear unruffled stream, neither contaminated by floods nor disturbed by the breath of ^Eolus. All along its translucent margin the forests which dotted its banks were reflected like another landscape in the water. On both sides were large level heaths guarded by steep ramparts towards the river, and these were embellished with plants and bushes, the whole reversed in the water, appearing to great advantage. The huge pines, which had hitherto braved Neptune's power, smiled with a fictitious shadow in the stream. Neptune, however, in alliance with ^Eolus, had already triumphed over many of their companions : the former by attacking their roots, while the latter had demolished their branches. ' Close to the shore were many ringed plovers and sandpipers.' [He saw also owls, white swans, and 1 Was this an ancestor of Linnaeus ? M 2 1 64 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS cranes.] c The peasant who was my rower and com- panion had placed about thirty small nets along the shore, in which he caught pike. A dried pike of 20 Ibs. weight is sold for a dollar and five marks, silver coin. In one of the nets he found a large male goosander caught. ' The river along which we had rowed for nearly three miles ' [S.], ' and which had hitherto been easily navigable, now threatened us with interruptions from small shelves forming cascades, and at length we came to three of these, very near each other, which were ab- solutely impassable. One of them is called the water- fall of Tuken. My companion, after committing all my property to my care, laid his knapsack on his back and turning the boat bottom upwards, placed the two oars longitudinally, so as to cross the seats. These rested on his arms as he carried his boat over his head, and thus he scampered away over hills and valleys, so that the Devil himself could not have come up with him.' Linnaeus made a sketch of the boat, which was in 'length 12 feet, breadth 5 feet, depth 2 feet. The four planks which formed each of its sides were of root of spruce fir ; the two transverse seats were of branches of the same tree ; the seams were secured obliquely with cord as thick as a goose-quill.' He gives a humorous sketch of the man running off with the boat, half covered with it. ' Now and then some poplars are to be seen. The forest was rendered pleasant by the tender leaves of the birch, more advanced than any I had THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 165 hitherto met with. Among the plants were golden rod, marsh marigold, and the Linncea borealis ; among birds, the ringed plover, the redwing, the tufted duck, and the black-throated diver. A little before we reached the church of Lycksele, a fourth waterfall presented itself. This is more considerable than the preceding, and falls over a rock. On its brink the curate had erected a mill. Some islands of considerable size are seen in the river as we approach this waterfall. The adjoin- ing mountain is formed of a mixed spar, and extends a good way to the right, being in one part very lofty, and perpendicular, like a vast wall, towards the shore. At eight in the evening I arrived at the hospitable dwelling of Mr. Oladron, 1 the curate of Lycksele, who, as well as his wife, received me with great kindness. They at first advised me to stay with them till the next fast day, the Laplanders not being implicitly to be trusted, and presenting their firearms at any stranger who comes upon them unawares or without some re- commendation. In the morning (May 30), however, my hosts changed their opinion, being apprehensive of my journey being impeded by floods if I delayed it.' Here he gives drawings and descriptions of the para- phernalia used in driving the reindeer ; the ornaments of the saddlery, harness, and so forth. l The pasture- ground near the parsonage of Lycksele was very poor, but quite the reverse about quarter of a mile distant. 1 Or Pastor Gran. In the abridged account of his tour, drawn up as a report to the Academy, this name is given. Possibly the name was Olaf Gran. 166 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN^US Here the butter was remarkable for its fine yellow colour, approaching almost to a reddish or saffron hue ; wherever the birch abounded the pasture-ground was of the best quality. In the school here were only eight scholars. The church was in a miserable state. 'At Whitsuntide this year no Laplanders were at church, the pike happening to spawn just at that time. This fishery constitutes the chief trade of these people, and they were therefore, now, for the most part dispersed among the Alps, each in his own tract, in pursuit of this object. Divine service being over, on May 31 I left Lycksele in order to proceed towards Sorsele.' In this tour he describes the Linncea borealis. His own ' neglected fate and early maturity are said to be typified by it.' He gathered it at Lycksele on May 29, and chose it for his own especial flower. Hitherto this elegant and singular little plant had been called Cam- panula serpyllifolia, thyme-leaved bell-flower; but Linnaeus, prosecuting the study of vegetables on his new principle, 1 soon found this to constitute a new genus. He reserved the idea, keeping it warm in his heart, till his discoveries and publications had entitled him to botanical commemoration, and his friend Grono- vius, in due time, with his concurrence, undertook to make this genus known to the world. It was published by Linnaeus himself in the c Genera Plantarum,' 1 737, and in the same year in the ' Flora Lapponica,' with a plate. 1 Smith. THE NORTH SWEDISH PROVINCES 167 It is mentioned in the ' Critica Botanica ' as ' an humble, despised, and neglected Lapland plant, flowering at an early age.' This he regarded as typical of himself. Linncea borealis grows in shady places in Scotland, Switzerland, Canada, &c., and was cultivated (after Linnseus became famous) in the Jardin du Roi in Paris. The plant has a slight perfume in the evening. It is said to be specific against gout and rheumatism ; though Linnseus, who suffered from these complaints, never mentions the plant as medicinal. Fries l speaks of the Linnsea as ' one of the prettiest of plants, which by its colours and its exquisite vanilla perfume enlivens the dark pine woods of Sweden.' At this place too, Lycksele, he seems to have adopted the motto Tantus amor florum, i Thus great is the love of flowers.' 1 The present Director of the Botanical Garden at Upsala. 1 68 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS CHAPTER VII. 1 LACHESIS LAPPONICA ' : JOURNEY THROUGH LAPLAND, 1731, MAY TO NOVEMBER. Men there are whose patient minds, In one object centred, Wait, till through their darkened blinds Truth has burst and entered. Then, that ray so barely caught Joyfully absorbing, They behold the realms of Thought Into Science orbing. Men there are whose ambient souls, In rapt Intuition, Seize Creation as it rolls, Whole, without partition. J. C. MAXWELL. 1 WE here behold, not the awful preceptor of the learned world in his professorial chair, but a youthful inexperienced student full of ardour and curiosity, such as we ourselves have been.' * This Lapland journey was the first and most difficult of the six travels of Lin- naeus : a sort of labours of Hercules. Even now the young inquirer asks concerning Lapland : f Haven't you got to eat bears' grease there always ? ' To know the country better is to find that there is very little bears' 1 Sir J. E. Smith. 'LACHESIS LAPPONICA* 169 grease to be had. A hundred and fifty years ago, when Linnaeus travelled, the country was not known at all ; Rudbeck's memorials were destroyed and his son's memory was failing. The utmost that was known of Lapland had been learnt by Linnaeus sitting at the feet of the younger Rudbeck before his memory failed him alto- gether. It was a Robinson-Crusoe-like form of journey ; for not only did Carl travel alone, but he met with the scantiest of population, in miles and miles of loneliness studded with here and there a cottage. Excepting in the larger towns and on board the steamers, the popula- tion of Sweden is still everywhere ' understood but not exprest.' Here in Lapmark it is not even understood : the country is one vast emptiness, like the rest of the world in the days of Paradise; peopled only by the 1 lovely phantoms of the waterfalls.' The intrepid hardy-bred Linnaeus, with his un- tiring energy, was the very man to undertake a journey of discovery like this. He observed everything : had an eager appetite for all forms of nature. His indomit- able industry was well suited to that interminable Lap- land day 'in which one loses all hope that the stars and quiet will ever come.' It only enlarged his oppor- tunities to see 'the dawn shine through the whole night till it be morning.' To be out and away into the wide open, was his longing desire. He had studied books enough ; now for the mind's liberty, now to range through broad nature. To educate is to set free the mind, new sculptured, from its marble block. Truly this 1 70 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LIN N^ US journey was broad enough. Round Lapland, skirting the boundaries of Norway, he returned to Upsala by the eastern side of the Bothnian Gulf, having in five months travelled nearly 4,000 English miles, much of it on foot. That many modern travellers and sports- men do the same is only to say that many people go to America and many view the Pacific ' from a peak in Darien ' ; but for all that there is but one Colum- bus and one Cortez. Linnseus's journey is as good as a guide-book even now, for the face of the country is unchanged, and he is as clearly descriptive as Baedeker or Murray. Even Du Chaillu scarcely reads clearer, fuller, or more modern. I select such portions from the two volumes as best illustrate his character and history. 1 May 31. The Divine service of this day being over I left Lycksele for Sorsele, taking with me only three loaves of bread and some reindeer tongues by way of provision. I presumed that I should procure among the Laplanders reindeer-flesh, cheese, milk, fish, fowl, &c. Nor indeed could I well take anything more at present ; for whenever we came at any shoals or falls in the river my companion took our boat on his head over mountains and valleys, so that I had not only my own luggage to carry but my guide's likewise. At one place, close to the river, was a Laplander's shop raised on a round pole as high as a tall man and as thick as one's arm. This pole supported a horizontal beam, with two cross-pieces, which together formed the foun- dation of the edifice. The walls are very thin ; the LACHESIS LAPPONICA ' 171 ceiling is of birch bark, with a roof of wood and stone above it. It is scarcely possible to conceive how the owner can creep into this building, the door being so small, and wherein he is like a bird in a tree. The birch bark is extremely useful to the Laplanders : they make their plates or trenchers of it, and boat-scoops, shoes, tubs to salt fish in, and baskets. They also tan their leather with birch bark, like the Russians. 1 t June 1 . We pursued our journey by water with considerable labour and difficulty all night long if it might be called night, which was as light as day, the sun disappearing for about half an hour only, and the temperature of the air being rather cold. Fir trees were thinly scattered, but they were extremely lofty. Here were spacious tracts producing the finest timber I ever beheld. The ground was covered with ling, red whortleberries, 2 and mosses. In the low grounds grew smaller firs, amongst abundance of birch, and red whortleberries, which grew larger as he travelled north- ward, as well as the common black kind. 3 On the dry hills, which most abounded with large pines, the finest timber was strewed around, felled by the force of the tempests. The Laplanders formed their huts of these. The huts were at this time mostly deserted. We found guides in various Laplanders, and proceeded up the 1 The oil from this bark gives the peculiar odour to Russia leather. 2 Vaccinium Vitis Idcea. Idaean vine, as Scott called it in the * Lady of the Lake.' Idaean, relating to Mount Ida in Crete. * Vaccinium Myrtillv/s. 172 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS Umea 1 River, turning off to the right at the Juita branch. Here I found crake-berries, 1 as large as the black bilberry, and herb Paris. But what most sur- prised and pleased me was the little round-leaved yellow violet 2 described by Morrison, which had not before been observed in Sweden. ' I shall not dwell on the inconveniences I had to undergo every time we had to seek for any of* the Laplanders, while I was quite destitute of provisions. These poor people themselves had at this season no- thing but fish to eat, as they had not yet begun to slaughter their reindeer nor to go a-fowling ; neither had they as yet milked any of their reindeer. ' June 2. We were obliged to leave our boat ; the river being so rapid, and so much impeded by falls, that we were obliged to undertake a walk of a few miles ' [Swedish] ' further, which I was told would bring us to a more navigable stream. A fen or marsh lay before us, seemingly half a mile ' [Swedish] ' broad, which we had to to cross. At every step the water was above our knees, and ice was at the bottom. Where the frost was quite gone we often sunk still deeper, some- times to the waist. If we thought to find footing on some grassy tuft it proved treacherous and only sunk us lower. Sometimes we came where no bottom was to be felt, and had to measure back our weary steps. Our half-boots were filled with the coldest water. When we had traversed this marsh we sought in vain 1 Empetrum nigrum. * Viola Uflora. 'LACHES IS LAPPONICA* 173 for any human creature, and were therefore under the necessity, a little further on, of crossing (in pursuit of my new Lapland guide) another bog still worse than the former, and a mile ' [Swedish] ' in extent. I know not what I would not rather have undertaken than to pass this place, especially as it blew and rained vio- lently. We reposed ourselves about six in the morning, wrung the water out of our clothes, while the cold north wind parched us as much on one side as the fire we lighted scorched us on the other, and the gnats kept inflicting their stings. I had now my fill of travelling. These marshes are called stygx. The Styx of the poets could not exceed them in horror. We now directed our steps to the desert of Lapmark, not knowing where we went ' [in the diary account of his tour he calls this place Olycksmyran the unlucky marsh]. 'My Lap- lander, after a weary search, brought a woman of very diminutive stature to see me, who addressed me in Swed- ish in the following terms : "0 thou poor man ! what hard destiny can have brought thee hither, to a place never visited by anyone before ? This is the first time I ever beheld a stranger. Thou miserable creature ! How didst thou come, and whither wilt thou go ? " I inquired how far it was to Sorsele. " That we do not know," replied she, " but in the present state of the roads it is at least seven days' journey from hence, as my husband has told me.' There was no boat to be had on the next river. It was not possible to proceed further in this direction, and we had to return by the 174 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINNAEUS horrible way we came. The good woman conducted us to a side path, whereby we avoided about half a mile' [Swedish] ' of the way we had come. In a shed sup- ported by four posts hung some clothes and a small rein- deer cheese, which I wished to purchase. The woman refused, as she wanted it herself; but my hunger was such that I could not lose sight of this cheese. " I have no desire," she said, " that thou shouldst die in my country for want of food," and at last she let me buy it.' Even she was struck with his wretched appearance. 1 ' We continued our voyage down the river, being carried with great velocity by the current, the whole of the next day. At length coming to an island, the Laplander failed in his attempt to weather it, and the boat, striking against a rock, was dashed to pieces. We both found ourselves in the water. My conductor lost not only his boat, but a hatchet and a pike. I lost two stuffed birds one a large heron, black, with a white breast ; the other a red bird, or gvousachj as the Laplanders call it. 2 With difficulty we got from this island to the shore. 3 The sun shone warm, and after having wrung the water out of our clothes we walked on for about a mile ' [Swedish] ' along the bank of the river, amongst thickets and bogs, till we came in sight of a colonist who was fishing for 1 He actilly looked as if had been picked off a rock at sea and dragged through a gimlet-hole.' S. SLICK. 2 Corvus infaustus. 8 He thinks first of the loss of the birds ; his own rescue is a minor detail. ^LACHESIS LAPPONICA 1 175 pike. He gave me some provision, and conducted me to Grano, where I only stopped to rest one night, and on the evening of June 8 arrived at Umea*. These poor people roast their fish thoroughly, and boil it better and longer than ever I saw practised before. They know no other soup or spoon-meat than the water in which their fish has been boiled. I could not ob- serve that the nights were at all less light than the days, except when the sun was clouded. On the banks of the river, where fragments are to be found of all the productions of the mountains, I met with silver ore. 1 A Laplander, whose family consists of four persons, including himself, when he has no other meat, kills a reindeer every week, three of which are equal to an ox ; he consequently consumes about thirty of those animals in the course of the winter, which are equal to ten oxen, whereas a single ox is sufficient for a Swedish peasant. The bountiful provision of nature is evinced in provid- ing mankind with bed and bedding even in this savage wilderness. The great hair moss l is used for this pur- pose. They choose the starry-headed plants, out of the tufts of which they cut a surface as large as they please for a bed and bolster, separating it from the earth be- neath. This mossy cushion is very soft and elastic, not growing hard by pressure ; and if a similar portion of it be made to serve as a coverlet, nothing can be more warm and comfortable. They fold this bed together, 1 Polytrichum commune. 176 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN&US tying it up into a roll that may be grasped by a man's arms, which, if necessary, they carry with them to the place where they mean to sleep the night following. If it becomes too dry and compressed, its elasticity is re- stored by a little moisture. 1 June 12. I took my departure (from Umea 1 ) very early in the misty morning. The sun appeared quite dim, wading, as it were, through the clouds. Andro- meda polifolia was at that time in its highest beauty, decorating the marshy grounds. The flowers are quite blood-red before they expand, but when full-grown the corolla is of a flesh-colour. Scarcely any painter's art can so happily imitate the beauty of a fine female complexion ; l still less could any artificial colour upon the face itself bear a comparison with this lovely blossom. As I contemplated it I could not help think- ing of Andromeda as described by the poets, which seemed so applicable to the plant before me, that if these writers had had it in view they could scarcely have conceived a more apposite fable. This plant is always fixed on some turfy hillock in the midst of the swamps, as Andromeda herself was chained to a rock in the sea which bathed her feet, as the fresh water does the roots of the plants ; dragons and venomous serpents surrounded her, as toads and other reptiles frequent the abode of her vegetable prototype, and, when they pair in the spring, throw mud and water over its leaves and branches. As the distressed virgin cast down her blush- 1 A Swede can judge of fine complexions. 1 LACHES IS LAPP NIC A> 177 ing face through excessive affliction, so does the rosy- coloured flower hang its head, growing paler and paler until it withers away. Hence, as this plant forms a new genus, I have chosen for it the name of Andromeda. 1 'All the woods and copses by the way abounded with butterflies of the fritillary tribe without silver spots. An elegant little blackish butterfly, besprinkled with snow-white spots like rings, smooth and lustrous on the under side, was very plentiful in the paths. The great dragon-fly, with two flat lobes at its tail, and another species with blue wings, were also common. 4 The poorer Laplanders rock their infants on branches of trees. 2 In the part of the country where I was now travelling the cradles rock vertically, or from head to foot. 'I now entered the territory of Pitea". Here I met with kind entertainment from Mr. Solan der, the principal clergyman of the place.' 3 [He shot and sketched a Striae ulula, which was too much damaged to allow of stuffing.] ; Just at sunset on June 151 reached the town of Old PiteS, having crossed the broad river in a ferry boat. Immediately on entering the town I procured a lodging, but had not been long in bed before I perceived a glare of light on the wall of 1 Linnaeus has carried the fanciful analogy farther in his Flora Lapponica : ' At length comes Perseus in the shape of Summer, dries up the surrounding water, and destroys the monsters, rendering the damsel a fruitful mother, who then carries her head (the capsule) erect.' 2 ' Hushaby, baby, on the tree-top.' * Father of Dr. Solander the naturalist. VOL. I. N i;8 THROUGH THE FIELDS WITH LINN^US my chamber. I was alarmed with the idea of fire, but on looking out of the window saw the sun rising, per- fectly red, which I did not expect would take place so soon. The cock crowed, the birds began to sing, and sleep was banished from my eyelids. Near the new town of PiteS, close to the shore, grew the round- leaved water- violet, 1 with perfectly snow-white flowers. ' June 19. I went out to sea in a boat for some miles ' [Swedish] ' to explore the neighbouring coast and islands, and returned at length to the new town. In the island of Longoen, three miles' [S] 'from Old PiteS, I was lucky enough to find growing under a spruce fir the coral-rooted orchis (Ophrys corallorrhiza) in full bloom. It is a very rare plant. I proceeded to LuleS, being desirous of reaching the alps of Lulean Lapland in time enough to see the midnight sun, which is seen to greater advantage there than at Tornea 3 . The new town of LuleS is very small, situated on a peninsula encompassed by a kind of bay. The soil is barren. Indeed the slight eminence the town stands on is a mere heap of stones, with sea-sand in their interstices. It seems as if the sea had carried away all the earth, and, like a beast of prey, had left nothing but the bones, throwing sand over them to conceal its ravages. As no horse was to be procured in the whole place, I proceeded by sea to Old LuleS, half a mile ' [Swedish] ' distant. Here the curious kind of grass 2 which is called in Sm&land " old man's beard " is known by the name of Lapp-heir , " Lap- 1 Viola jjalustris. 2 Nardus strict a.