461 B7 THE AMERICAN BIRD FANCIER; CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO THE BREEDING, REARING, FEEDING, MANAGEMENT, AND PECULIARITIES or CAGE AND HOUSE BIRDS; WITH REMARKS OX THEIR DISEASES AND REMEDIES; DRAWN FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES AND PERSONAL OBSERVATION. . BY D. J. BROWNE, AUTHOR OF THK 8YLVJL AMERICANA, THI AMERICAN POULTRY YARD, ETC., ETC. NEW-YORK: ORANGE JUDD & COMPANY, Kntered according to Act of Congress in the year 1850, by CHARLES M. SAXTON, In (he Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States fur the Southern District of New York. INDEX. FACES. BIPDS, Breeding of /. 16 Mavy, Red Food of 11 Habitation of 9 Mocking Bird ng of 8 Young of, Time for Removing from the Nest 16 Blackbird. European 70 Skunk 73 Bob-o-link 73 Bimtini,', Rice 73 Biitu-r liird 73 Canary Bird 26 Cat Bird 67 DlMMI of Tame Birds. ... 16, 39, 50, 59, 72 Asthma 17 Atrophy, or Wasting 10 Bloody Flux 20 Consumption 19 Costiveness 20 Diarrhoea 20 Obstruction of the Rump Gland 21 of the Feet 22 Reod Bird Pairing Fever 24 Rice Bird Parasitic Vermin '.4 Pip, or Thrush 17 Rheum 17 Robin, American Sore Eyes 23 PAGES. 65 Meadow Bird 65 60 French 65 Pigeon, Barb 94 Biset 85 Broad or Fan-tailed Shaker. ... 81 Capuchin 93 Carrier 88 Dragoon 92 Helmet 96 Horseman 89 Jacobin, or Jack 92 Mawmet, or Mahomet 93 Nun 95 Pouter 90 Rock 81 Tumblers 86 Turbit 94 White-rumped 81 Epilepsy 21 Quail, European . .". 104 Moulting 23 Raven 77 Red Polo 46 73 Tumors and Ulcers 23 Thrasher Tympany, or Bloating 2-2 Thrush, Brown. Bunt inu r 73 Troopial 73 Redbreast . . Unnatural Fatness '25 Vertigo, or Giddiness 24 Dove, Wild 81 Goldiinch 41 American 51 .Thistle Finch Linnet 46i Yellow Bird . , 65 Ferruginous 65 Red-breasted ..'.!...!.!!!.!!!! 54 Song 57 41 51 ILLUSTRATIONS. FAGIS. Aerie 100 Pigeon, Dragoon Aviary (Vignette) 5 Bultinch (Vignette on Title). Cages for Breeding 15, 32 Canaries and Nest 28 Canary-Bird Cage 37 Dove, Wild 82 Goldfinch 43 Linnet 47 Cage 49 PAGES. Horseman 90 Houses 98 Jacobin, or Jack 93 Pouter 90 Ring (Vignette) 81 Rock 82 Shaker, Broad-tailed 85 Tumbler, Bald-pated 87 Turbit 95 Pigeon, Bald-pated Tumbler 85 Quail, European * 105 Barb 94|Raven 78 Broad or Fan-tailed Shaker ... 85 Robin, European 55 Carrier 88,Thrush, Song 58 M1402B6 ADVERTISKM: IN issuing the present little treatise, the publisher would sa a word rr-p. character and the manner in which it has been compos* . He is fully :t\\ar<- of the limited nature of the work, when compared with the boundless science of which it forma a part, and would have cheerfully extended the subject had he believed the wanta and economy of the American public required it. To those win. to pursue the subject, he would recommend the more elaborate uvuli-*-.* of Auduhon, Wilson, Bonaparte, Nuttall,aitd lK-kay, for American birds, and particularly li.e works of Dr. Bechstein for the birds of Europe. An intimate knowledge of Natural History, being an enthusiastic lover of tho feathered tribes, having been familiar with them from his earliest childhood, has well qualified Mr. Browne for writing this and if necessary, an extensive work. He will doubtless bo recollected by many as the editor of w The Naturalist," a monthly periodical, published in Boston some twenty years ago, and more recently as the author of the M American Poultry Yard" and of a treatise on American Within the above-named period, ho has travelled and resided for a considerable time in various parts of North and South America, the West Indies, Europe, and Western Africa, (having passed several months at the Canary Islands,) for the express purpose of investigating, among other objects, the natural features of th ** countries, where he had ample opportunities for tudying Uie habits of birds both in a state of nature, and in confinement, the most advantageous means of procuring them, and tho proper mode of feeding and maintaining them in health. In order that the author may not be accused of the reproach of wearing u bor- rowed plumes," it is hereby candidly confessed that he has made a free use of thu writings of Audubon, Nuttall, and particularly those of Dr. Hechstein, as well as of the u Boy's Treasury of Sports," without giving them, in numerous instances, such credit as tho punctilious critic would seem to demand. Be thia as it may, the author has endeavored not to deviate from established custom, except in cases where he deemed U expedient to change the language, in part, for the sake of brevity, elucidai slmcricaHtniHg the subject, or adapting it to our climate, economy, and social con* dilion. Much of the matter, however, and several of the illustrations, he claims to be original. The publisher, therefore, confidently presents the tt American Bird Fancier" to the public with the full belief that it container such information on the subject, m the taste and economy of our fab ountry women and their children require. O. M. SAXTON. New YORK, Martk 90, 1850. F? IRDS, from their elegant and beautiful coloring, the graceful ease of their flight, their varied music, their tender solicitude for their young, their singular and engaging instincts, their susceptibility of domestication, and their subserviency to the sustenance of man, have, for ages past, attracted universal admiration, and, as objects of human interest, nnd even affection, they stand foremost, perhaps, in *he entire range of animated nature. 480 *Thj) .structure of Iblrds and their habits of life, are wonder- fully ad,ape animals. The stomachs of carnivorous birds are smaller than those of the graminivorous kinds, and their intestines are much shorter. Many species of birds possess a reservoir for food, called a cra?r, or crop, which seems to answer the same purpose as the first stomach of ruminating animals. Here it is that the food is softened and prepared for the stomach, or carried to the young. THE SONG OF BIRDS. THE song of birds is always, if not the expression of love, at least that of pleasure. Thus, the nightingale sings only as long as pairing time or hatching lasts, and is silent as soon as it is compelled to feed its young; whereas, the goldfinch and Canary sing throughout the year, and only cease when moult- ing dejects them. The continuation of the song of these birds, however, by no means proves that it is not occasioned by the stimulus of love. Song appears to be the especial privilege of the male, whereby it cither attracts the female or seeks to obtain her love; for there arc but few females which produce notes similar to the song of the male, and these almost exclusively in a state of widowhood. They listen attentively, in fact, to the greater or less perfection or charm of the song of the male, to bestow upon that one their love whom they esteem the most accomplished singer. Thus, the most sprightly hen Canary selects the* best singer; and the chaffinch, when at liberty, will choose from amonc: a hundred males the one whose song bes 1 pleases her. INTRODUCTION. HABITATION OF CAGE OR CHAMBER BIRDS. BIRDS which are kept only on account of their beauty, or for their animation and vivacity, are generally kept best in a room where they ca:i run or fly freely about, and where they can resort at night for repose, to a large cage of many compart- ments, or to one or more fir trees. But larger birds should have an apartment expressly appropriated to them, as their faeces smell unpleasantly in a dwelling room, whence also they require constant cleaning. Smaller birds may be allowed to run freely about, having a small tree or a cage hung up for them to roost in. With this degree of liberty, many birds sing better than when confined in a cage. Cleanliness is in every respect very important in keeping birds, for they arc not only thereby preserved for many years but it keeps them constantly healthy and cheerful ; hence it is necessary that the cage should be cleaned at least once a-week, and birds which run about upon the ground, should have the sand renewed frequently ; the perches also of such as use them should be carefully cleaned. If this be not attended to, the birds will become sickly, and will suffer from lame feet, gout, and other maladies, terminating in the loss of their toes, as all must have experienced who have been accustomed to keep birds, and have neglected cleansing them. In cleaning their feet, it is very requisite that the bird should have them dipped in water before the dirt is removed ; for if this be not done, the skin, to which the dirt closely adheres, comes off with it, which renders the bird not merely lame, but also attracts to the part all the unhealthy humors generated by their unnatural mode of living. It is in the feet indeed that cage or chamber birds chiefly suffer, and they must be daily examined to see that nothing gets entangled about them, as hair thus twisted will frequently cut very deep, and in the course of a few days, that portion of the foot or 4 .oc, so tied up, will dry up and fall off. Very great 10 INTRODUCTION. attention must be paid to this particular circumstance, as scarcely a bi;d can be preserved for any length of time with all its toes uninjured. It is not to be denied, however, that many birds keep themselves exceedingly neat, whilst others, even of the same genus, are so uncleanly, that they are not only always soiling themselves, but never clean their feet, beak, nor wings. Some bird fanciers take delight in making birds so tame as to be taken upon the hand into the open air, or to be allowed to fly away and come back again upon a call. "One of my friends," says Dr. Bechstcin, " who has tamed birds as well as otters, adders, foxes, weasels, and martins, so that they would follow him upon a sign given, adopts the following easy and certain method to effect it: When he wishes to accustom a bird to fly abroad, or to go out with him perched upon his finger or his shoulder, he first teases it with a soft feather in its cage which stands open. The bird soon snaps at the feather, and then at his finger, and it will then come out of the cage, ami perch upon the extended finger; he immediately strokes it, and lays a few choice morsels before it. These, the bird will soon take out of the hand itself. He then commences by familiarising the bird with some peculiar call or whistle, and he carries it, as soon as it permits itself to be grasped in the hand, placed upon his hand or shoulder, from chamber to chamber, taking care to close the doors and windows ; he then suffers it to fly, and calls it back again. As soon as it attends to this call without being scared or frightened, he takes it cautiously into the open air, and thus the bird becomes gradually so accustomed to him that he can carry it abroad or into company without its offering to fly away." Care, however, must be taken not to carry adult birds, which have been thus tamed, into the open air where they can hear their fellows, in the spring or at pairing time, which arc usually the periods when they show indications of resuming their native wildness. If it is wished to teach a bird to eat out of ihc mouth, it must be kept for a time in the cage without food, and then INTRODUCTION. 1 1 when sitting upon the finger its favorite food must be held to it upon the tip of the exteded tongue. Hunger soon teaches it to peck. Such tame birds learn, also, speedily to sing upon the finger. To accomplisL this, nothing more is necessary than to induce it by certain tones, motions, and fondling. But it is still further requisite to observe in this process of taming, that, to be effectual, it should be continued for a longer time thun is here laid down. May we not presume that the bird will, in the course of a few weeks, do that freely 4vhich has been taught, or rather forced upon it, in this short space of time. FOOD OF TAME BIRDS. IN selecting the food of fcirds in confinement, it is requisite to do so, as far as is practicable, in accordance with the nature of its food in a natural state. This, indeed, is frequently difficult, if not wholly impossible. Great caution, therefore, must be observed to accustom the birds we keep, or rather their stomachs, by degrees, to the food we are compelled to supply them, although it cannot be denied that there are birds, also, which, as soon as they arc placed in the aviary, eat anything that is given to them. But others are more deli- cate, and will not eat at all, partly from grief at the loss of their liberty, and partly from not finding the food they have been accustomed to. Great care must therefore, be taken of these. If such as arc known to be delicate the majority of singing birds for instance, commence greedily eating as soon as they are placed in the chamber, it is a bad sign ; for they will certainly die, as ic implies an unnatural indifference to the loss of their liberty, which is almost always deducible from sickliness. Those which creep into corners and seem for some hours to pine, it is less necessary to be anxious about; but they must not be disturbed until their ill-humor subsides. Dr. l\Je; er, of Offenbach, Germany, remarks as follows upon 12 IXTKODUCTIOX. this subject : "An almost unfailing mode of accustoming birds to their food, which is known to be extremely difficult in iinny, is thus: Let tjie bird be placed in a cage in the room when- it is purposed to be kept; give it freely appropriate food and drink in open vessels; leave it thus undisturbed for < hours; then catch it and dip it in fresh water, and again pi-ice it in its former cage. It will \\o\v sit for some moi. thoroughly exhausted, but will soon recover and begin pn '-n* ing itsclffand in the course of a few minutes become extrein I y animated, and then it will certainly eat the food put before it. Doubtless the same cause produces an appetite in birds after bathing as in man." In order to give some general rules for the best food of . however, are considerably increased by their having all kinds of delicacies, as pastry, sugar, &c., given them, which spoil their stomachs and usually produce a slow consumption. The following are the chief maladies which affect birds, and their remedies, as laid down by Dr. Bechstein, the efficiency of which he proved upon his own. Indeed, the variety of birds, as well as the variety of their food, requires also a difference of treatment in their maladies ; and in speaking of each species, I shall have occasion to notice how their peculiar diseases may be treated, when the general remedies are not suitable to their nature. It liift been frequently asserted that birds in their natural state ore never ill, but this is unfounded. INTRODUCTION. 17 PIF. OR THRUSH. This is a catarrh, or cold, by which the nostrils are stopped up, and the membrane covering the tongue is hardened by inflammation. In large birds, it is common to remove this skin, taking it off from the base to the tip; but rough modes should not be used for doing it. A little borax, dissolved in water, may be applied to the tongue with a camel- hair pencil two or three times a-day until a healthy action is produced. By this means, this part can again perspire, the saliva necessary for digestion can flow, and the taste and appe- tite return. A mixture of fresh butter, pepper, and garlic, generally cures this catarrh. It is a good thing, also, for the birds to drink the pectoral infusion of speedwell (Veronica nfflcinalis} ; and the nostrils may be opened by passing up a small feather dipped in oil. The ruffling of the head, the beak often open and yellow at its base, and the tongue dry, are the most decisive indications of this disease. RHEUM. The symptoms of this disease arc frequent sneezing and shaking of the head. Some drops of pectoral elixir in the infusion of speedwell, which the sick birds must be made to take, appears to be the most efficacious remedy. When it is merely hoarseness, Dr. Handel, of Mentz, in France, gave to his birds for several days, as their only drink, a very dilute decoction of dry figs, sweetened with a little sugar, and afterwards purged them, for two days following, with the juice of carrots. ASTHMA. This is a very common disease among house birds. Those attacked with it have their breath short, often open their beaks as if to gasp for more air, and, when agitated or frightened, keep them open for a long time. The cause of this disease may doubtless be found in the mode of life which the birds lead. Their food is generally too dry and heating, being principally hemp seed, which is very injurious, but liked by all ; and is the more hurtful, as it inclines them to eat too much. If to this, be added the un- changed air of the rooms, particularly those which have stoves instead of chimneys, and the great heat which is kept up 18 INTRODUCTION. during winter, it is plain that there is much to injure the delicate lungs of the birds. A moist and refreshing regimen and some aperients, more or less often, according to the violence of the disease, appears the most appropriate remedy. A favorite linnet and goldfinch, mentioned by Dr. Bechstein, when attacked with very bad asthma, were relieved and preserved for several years by the following method : The first thing was to leave off hemp seed entirely, confining them solely to rape seed ; but giving them at the same time an abundance of bread, soaked in pure water, and then pressed ; lettuce, endive, or water cresses, according to the season, twice a-week, giving them bread boiled in milk, about the size of a nutmeg. This is made by throwing a piece of the crumb of white bread, about the size of a nut, into a teacupful of milk, boiling it, and stirring it all the time with a wooden spoon till it is of the consistency of pap. It must be quite cold before it is given to the birds, and must always be made fresh, for if sour, it will prove injurious. This paste, which they are very fond of, purges them suili- cicntly, and sensibly relieves them. In very violent attacks, nothing but this paste ought to be given for two or three days following, and this will soon give the desired relief. When the disease is slight, or only begun, it is sufficient to give the bread and milk once in three or four days. When employed under similar circumstances, this treatment has cured several very valuable birds. It may not be useless here to renew the advice of always giving the birds an opportunity of bathing every day, by putting in their way a saucer, or any other small shallow bath, filled with water, which should never be too cold, and in winter always milkwarm. One thing which is very injurious to the lungs of birds, and which too often occurs, is the fright occasioned by tormenting them, or by seizing them too suddenly; for the poor little things often rupture a blood vessel in the breast while beating themselves about. A drop of blood in the beak is the sign, and INTRODUCTION. 19 a speedy death is the general consequence. If this do not happen, the breathing is not the less difficult and painful; and recovery is rare, at least without the greatest care and attention. Birds that eat insects and worms, occasionally, by acci- dent, swallow some extraneous substance, which, sticking in their throat, stops their respiration and stifles them. The only remedy is to extract the foreign body, which requires much skill and dexterity. When asthma is brought on by eating seeds, which are too old, spoiled, or rancid, Dr. Handel recommends some drops of oxymel, (honey and vinegar boiled to a syrup,) to be swallowed for eight days following. But the best way is to change the seed, and be sure there is none but good seed in the feeding trough. ATROPHV, on WASTING. This is caused by giving unnatural food to the bird, which destroys the digestive power of its stomach. In this case, it disgorges its food, ruffles its feathers, and does not arrange them, and becomes thin very fast. The best thing is to make it swallow a common spider, which purges it, and put a rusty nail into its water, which strengthens the tone of the stomach, giving it at the same time its proper and natural food. Green food, such as lettuce, endive, chick- weed, and particularly water cresses, is the safest remedy. A very great appetite is a sign of this disease. A Siskin, men- tioned by Dr. Bcchstein, that was dying of atrophy, had nothing but water cresses for three days following, and on the fourth he sung. CONSUMPTION. This is usually the result of unnatural food, which interrupts the function of digestion, and it is recognised by the bird inflating and distending itsolf. The feathers are ruffled, and the flesh dwindles. No better remedy, perhaps, can be found than to give such birds a common spider, which purges them, and to lay in their water a rusty nail, which strengthens the stomach. They must, at the same time, be fed with the best description of their appropriate food. In birds 1 which will eat vegetables, and especially water cresses, this 20 INTRODUCTION. will be found the surest remedy against consumption, or waste. Usually, birds suffering from this malady h. voracious appetite for green food. Dr. Bechstein fed a Siskin, which had already completely wasted, for three succ< days, with nothing but water cresses, and on the fourth it n - commenced singing. COSTIVENESS. This disease may be discovered from the frequent unsuccessful endeavors of the bird to relieve itself. Aperients will be of use. If a spider does not produce the desired effect, anoint the vent of the bird with the head of a pin steeped in linseed oil; this sort of clyster generally succeeds. Boiled bread and milk is also of great service. DIARRHOEA. This is a disease to which birds that have 1 < n caught recently are very subject, before they are accustomed to their new food. Most of these die of it; they continually void a white calcareous matter, which sticks to the feath rs round the vent, and being very acrid causes inflammation in that part and in the intestines. Sometimes chalybeate water, (iron water,) and the oil clyster produce good effects; but it is better, if possible, to procure for the bird its most natural foo.i. Some people pull out the feathers from the tail and vent, and then rub these parts with fresh butter, but this is a very painful and cruel operation. They also mix the yolk of an egg boiled very hard with their food, but this docs not succeed very well. If there be any hope of curing this disease, it is by attacking it at the beginning, before inflammation is violent ; boiled bread and milk, a plenty of lettuce, or any other similar green refreshing food, generally effects a cure. In a case of chronic diarrhoea, which almost reduces the birds to skeletons, Dr. Handel, of France, prescribes chaly- beate water, mixed with a little milk for their drink, which, he says, is an easy and certain cure. BLOODY FLUX. This is a disease with which some parrots arc attacked. The best remedy is to make the birds drink a plenty of boiled milk, or even very fat broth ; for their intes- tines, which are ve*y much irritated, require something sooth- ing 1o protect them from the acrid discharges, which, at the . .^g . INTRODUCTION. 21 V same time, must by corrected be healing food. Birds in this state, generally do nothing but drink; therefore plenty of boiled milk should be given them, as it nourishes them, as well as acts medicinally, but should it appear to turn sour in the stomach, it must, at least for some time, be discontinued. OBSTRUCTION OF THE RUMP GLAND. This gland, which is on the rump, and contains the oil employed for anointing the foathers, sometimes becomes hard and inflamed, and an abscess forms there. In this case, the bird often pierces it itself, or it may be softened by applying fresh butter without any salt ; bi it is better to use an ointment made of white lead, litharge, wax, and olive oil, which may be had of any good chemist or apothecary. The general method is to pierce or cut the hardened gland, in order to let out the matter. The gland is known to be obstructed when the feathers, which surround it, aro ruffled, the bird never ceasing to peck them, and instead of being yellow it becomes brown. Dr. Bechstein says, this disease is very rare among wild birds, for, being exposed to damp, and bathing often, they make more use of the liquor in the gland, consequently, it does not accu- mulate sufficiently to become corrupted, sour, or cancerous. This confirms the necessity of giving them the means of bathing as often as instinct would induce them, as nothing can be more favorable to their health. Dr. Handel, after piercing the gland, recommends a little magnesia to be mixed with the bird's drink. EPJLEPSY. This is a disease with which house birds a*e very often attacked. What has been found to be most useful in this case, is to plunge the sick birds every now and then into very cold water, letting them fall suddenly into it, and cutting their claws, or at least one or two, short enough for the blood to run. From bleeding giving so much relief, one would think that this disease is a kind of apoplexy, occasioned by want of exercise and too much food. Bullfinches and thrushes are more subject to it than any other birds, and bleeding always cures them, which has been done with great success in the fol- I 22 INTRODUCTION. lowing manner, but much delicacy and skill are required, as there would be great danger of laming the bird : A very small hole is made on the surface of the claw, with a lancet or very sharp penknife ; it is then plunged in lukewarm water, and if the operation be well done, the blood runs like a thread of red silk; when removed from the water, the bleeding stops; no bandage nor dressing is required. TYMPAJTT OR BLOATING. In this disorder, the skin on one part of the body, or even the whole body, rises and swells to so great a degree that it is stretched like a drum. It is gene- rally sufficient to pierce it with a pin, so as to let the air escape, and the bird will be cured. DISEASE IN THE FEET. House birds are often subject to bad feet. From the second year, they become pale, and lose their freshness. They must be frequently cleaned, taking care to remove the skin ; the thick loose scales ought also to be taken off, but with all possible precaution The gout occasions the feet to swell ; they are also so scaly and painful that the poor little bird cannot support itself with- out resting on the points of its wings. Dr. Handel prescribes a warm fomentation with a decoction of soap wort (Saponaria officinalis). If a foot should be bruised or broken, he advises that the diseased bird should be shut up in a very small cage, the bottom of which is very smooth and even, without any perches, or anything which would tempt it to hop, and put in a very quiet and solitary place, out of the way of anything which might produce agitation. In this manner, the bird will cure itself in a little time, without any bandage or plaster of any kind. Dr. Bechstein was of the opinion that the principal cause of bad feet is want of bathing. The scales, contracting from dryncss, occasion great pain ; in order to remove them with ease, and without danger, the feet must be softened in luke- warm water. The following method has been ised with a bullfinch with success : Its cage was made with a movable tin bottom, which, being half or three quarters of an inch deep, could hold water, that was put in tepid, to bathe the bird ; A INTRODUCTION. 23 the porches were then removed, so that the bird was obliged to remain in the water, where it was left for half an hour, sometimes throwing it hemp seed to amuse it. After repeating the bath once or twice, the bird became very fond of it ; and it was remarked that its feet became, if we may say so, quite young again. The scales being sufficiently softened, the middle of each was cut lengthwise without reaching the flesh ; this made the sides easily fall off. It is better to remove only two scales a-day, that the bird may not be wearied. By con- tinuing the bath three times a-week, the feet become healthy and supple, and the bird is easy. SORE EYES. The juice of red beet for drink, and also as a liniment, greatly relieves this disorder. Dr. Handel, of Mentz, recommends washing the eyes, when disposed to blindness, with an infusion of the root of white hellebore. TUMORS AND ULCERS. As to the tumors and ulcers which come on the heads of the birds, Dr. Handel touches them with a middling-sized red-hot knitting needle. This makes the watery humor run out, and the wound afterwards dries and heals. To soften the pain, a little liquid black soap is used. If, from the softness of the tumor, matter seems to have formed, it should be rubbed with fresh butter until it is come to a head ; it may then be emptied, and opened by a few drops of essence of myrrh. During all this time, the bird must have nothing but beet juice to drink. Ulcers in the palate and throat may be cured by making the bird drink the milk of almonds for several days, at the same time lightly touching the ulcers several times a-day with a feather dipped in a mixture of honey and borax. MOULTING. This occurrence, though natural, is generally accompanied with disease, during which the birds ought to bo taken great care of. Their food should be changed, but with- out giving any heating delicacies, which are very injurious. It has been observed that birds always moult at tne time when their food is most abundant ; the forest birds may fien be seen approaching fields and cultivated places, where, having plenty of insects and seeds, they cannot suffer from want; 9 24 INTRODUCTION. indeed, the loss of their leathers prevents their taking long flights, and the reproduction of them occasions a loss of flesh which must be repaired. An abundance of food is th Or THE BRITISH. Greater Red Pole, } ( Or THE ANOLO ) AMERICANS. HE linnet, from its natural flute-like voice, cxjcls most other song birds in its power of beautifully and purely imitating melodies and airs which are piped to it, and for this quality it is especially esteemed. It will also learn the song of all the birds in the room or cage that it hears. Its natural song consists of many connected strophics, and is the more beautiful the oftencr it utters some high-sounding notes, which are called its " crowing," from its resemblance to the crowing of a cock. It sings both summer and winter, excepting the time of moulting. DESCRIPTION. THE length of this bird is more than five inches, of which the tail measures two inches and a half. The beak, six lines long, is dusky-blue in summer, and in winter greyish- white, with the I I & THE LINNET. 47 point brown; the iris dark-brown; the feet, eight lines high, are black. There are some very striking varieties produced by the season and age in the plumage of the male, which are not observed in the female, and these have caused great con- fusion in works on birds. A male three years old or less, is distinguished in spring by the following colors, and by the name of " red pole : " The forehead is blood-red, the rest of the head reddish ash-colored, the top rather spotted with black ; the cheek, sides of the neck, and the circle round the eyes, have a reddish-white tint ; the feathers of the back are chestnut, with the edges lighter ; the upper tail coverts are black, edged with reddish- white ; the throat and under part of the neck are yellowish-white, with some dashes of reddish-grey; the sides of the breast are THE L1NNKT blood-red, edged with reddish- white ; the sides of the belly arc pale rust-colored ; the rest of the under part of the body is reddish- white ; the greater wing coverts are black, bordered with reddish- white ; the others are rusty-brown with a lighter border. The quill feathers are black, tipped with white ; the first are edged with white nearly to the point ; the narrow beard forms a parallel white streak to the quill feathers; the tail is black and forked ; the four outer feathers on both sides have a broad white border ; that of the two middle feathers is narrower, and reddish-white. After moulting, in autumn, little red is seen on the forehead, because the feathers become colored from the bottom to the top ; the breast has not yet acquired its red tint, for the white border is still too wide ; but when winter comes, its colors appear. 48 THE LINNET. Males one year old have no red on the head, and more dashes of black ; the breast is pale-red, waved with pale and dark; the under part of the feathers on the breast is only a bright, reddish-grey brown ; the edges of these feathers are of a reddish-white ; the back rust-color, having detached spots of dark-brown and reddish- white. These birds are known under the name of " grey linnets." After the second moulting, if the reddish-grey feathers are blown aside, blood-red specks may be discovered on the forehead, and the red of the breast is only hidden by the wide yellowish-white borders to the feathers; these are the " yellow linnets," or the " rock linnets," as they are called in Thuringia. Besides these three different varieties of plumage of the males, there are several clouded, produced by the seasons and old age ; for instance, the older they become, the redder the head is. Birds brought up in the house never acquire the fine red on the forehead and breast, but remain grey like the i of one year old; on the other hand, old ones, red when brought into the house, lose their beautiful colors at the first moulting, and remaining grey like the young ones, arc no more than grey linnets. This difference of color does not take place in the females, which are smaller than the males ; the upper part of the body is grey, streaked with dusky-brown and yellowish-white, on the rump, with greyish-brown and reddish-white; these spots are more numerous on the breast ; the wing coverts are a dusky-chestnut The females are distinguished in the nest by the back being more grey than brown, and by the number of streaks on the breast, which resemble that of the lark ; bird fanciers leave these in the nest and take only the males. Linnets breed twice a-year, and lay each time from four to six bluish-white eggs, covered all over with flesh-colored and reddish-brown spots and stripes. The male birds may be recognised in the earlier stage of their growth by the white ring round the neck, and the white on the tail and wings. @ 4 THE LINNET. HYBRID ITY. 49 IT is common for a male linnet to pair with a hen Canary, and hybrids produced by this means are easily reared, and can scarcely be distinguished from other grey Canaries, either from their appearance or song. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. IN confinement, linnets require nothing but summer cabbage seed,* which does not require to be soaked, as they are na- turally seed-eating birds, having a powerful crop and stomach, and can therefore better digest it. Hemp seed, they must not have at all. They must not be too well fed in the cage ; for, taking little exercise, they would soon die from over-feeding. Winter cabbage seed, which does not injure them at liberty, soon kills them In confinement. 50 THE LISXET. They like salt, and, contrary to the general rule, it is therefore well occasionally to intermix some with their food ; and this is an excellent preventive against various maladies. When linnets are allowed to run about, they readily feed with other birds on the universal paste. Some green food must occasionally be given them, as also sand and water, as they like to bathe and dust themselves. It is best to keep them in square cages, as they are less subject to giddiness in these than in round ones, and sing better. They are not often allowed to range the room, as they are very indolent, remaining immovable in the same place, and running the risk of being trodden upon ; but if a small tree or a roost be placed in a corner, they may be let out of the cage with safety, as they will remain perched there, only leaving it to eat or drink, and will sing all day long. DISEASES. THE most common disorders of this species are const i pation, atrophy, and epilepsy; but linnets in confinement will generally live from twelve to sixteen yearn. THE AMERICAN GOLDFINCH. Synonyme*. Fringilla tristit, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. Cliardonnerot jaune, Or THE FRENCH. Amerikanischer Distolfluk, OP THE GERMANS. Jilguero americano, Or THE SPANIARDS. Pintacilgo americano, Cr THE PORTUGUESE. Calderino americano, Or THE ITALIANS. Yellow Bird, American ) J Or THE BRITISH AND Goldfinch, J t ANGLO-AMERICANS. very beautiful and familiar messenger of spring is known throughout this continent from the 49th parallel of north latitude to the savannas of Guiana and Suri- nam. As summer approaches, the males cast off their olive- colorevl winter suits, and appear in their temporary golden livery, with the front of the head, wings, and tail of a deep black, when they may be heard in concert, tuning their lively notes, several sitting on the same tree enjoying the exhilerating scene, basking and pluming themselves, and vying with each other in pouring forth their varied, soft, and cheerful song. When they sing all together, as they now do, it has a pleasing effect ; their favorite note resembles the word bab6e, or may be, the last syllable protracted and much higher than the first. They have also a note, which they utter when flying through the air, that sounds somewhat like the word physician, pro- nounced very rapidly. But the most beautiful part of their song, is, when they raise and sink their voices in such a delight- 52 THE AMERT4K GOLDFINCH. ful cadence, that their music, at times, seems " to float on the distant breeze, scarcely louder than the hum of bees ;" it then breaks out, as it were, into a crescendo, which rends the air like the loud song of the Canary. In confinement, the yellow bird soon becomes familiar and reconciled, its song being nearly as animated and sonorous as its transatlantic congener. According to Mr. Audubon, it is extremely hardy, often remaining the whole winter in the Middle States, and when deprived of liberty, will live to a great age in a room or cage. " I have known two instances," says he, tt in which a bird of this species had been confined for upwards of ten years. They were procured in the market of New York, when in mature plumage, and had been caught in trap cages. One of them having undergone the severe train- ing, more frequently inflicted in Europe than America, and known in France by the name of graferten, would draw water for its drink from a glass, it having a little chain attached to a narrow belt of soft leather fastened round its body, and another equally light chain fastened to a little bucket, kept by its weight in the water, until the little fellow raised it up with its bill, placed a foot upon it, and pulled again at the chain until it reached the desired fluid and drank, when, on letting go, the bucket immediately fell into the glass below. In the same -manner, it was obliged to draw towards its bill a little charriot filled .with seeds; and in this distressing, occupation was doomed to toil through a life of solitary grief, separated from its companions, wantoning on the wild flowers, and procuring their food in the manner in which nature had taught them." The food of the American goldfinch consists chiefly of the seeds of the various species of thistles, lettuce, hemp, and sun- flower; and in winter, when its more agreeable food is not found in sufficient abundance, it resorts to the fruit and seeds of the elder. It also collects the tender buds of trees, as well as the confervas of brooks and springs, as a variety of its usual fare. These birds occasionally do some damage to gardens by their indis:riminate destruction of lettuce and flower seeds, THE AMERICAN GOLDFINCH. 53 and they arc therefore often disliked by gardeners ; but their usefulness, in other respects, far more than counterbalances the trifling injuries tl.ey produce. After being caught in trap cages, they feed as if quite con- tented ; but, should it happen to be in the spring that they lose their liberty, and have thus been deprived of the pleasures anticipated from the previous union of a mate, they linger for a few days, pine away, and die. They arc very fond of washing and bathing themselves, in clear shallow water, when the weather is mild, after which, they are engaged in picking up particles of sand and gravel, from which the fancier mav take a useful hint. It is stated that it is more difficult to procure a mule, or hybrid, between this species and the Canary, than between the latter and the European goldfinch, although the cross has often been made with success. THE AMERICAN ROBIN. Synonyinct. Turdtu migratoriut, Totird emigrant, Cricvo du ) Canada, > Auswandcrcr Droncl, Tonlo migratorio, Turdo emigrante, Tordo mlgrante, American Hobin, Robin Red- bre:uit, Migrating Thrush, lied-brcaaU'd Thnuh, Or OKMTHCII.OOMTI. Or TUB FRENCH. Or TUB GERMANS. Or TUB SPANIARDS. Or TUB PORTUOCESE. Or THE ITAUANS. ' Or THE BRITII n AND AMU LO-AM KRICANI* |HE Ar icrican robin is a saucy familiar bird, fond of man's neighborhood, throughout North America, from the 56th parallel of north latitude to the table lands of Mexico, and is more frequently to be seen in our orchards and fields than in the denser woods. The confidence he reposes in us by taking up his abode in our vicinage; the frankness and innocence of his manners; the simplicity of his thrilling lays, delivered in all the artless energy of true love ; and the pecu- liar pleasure with which we listen to his vocal powers, ever inspires us with attachment and universal respect Besides, the endearing name he sometimes bears, recalls to mind T THE AMERICAN ROBIN. 55 the well-known legend, so oft repeated in our juvenile days, of the " favorite Robin Redbreast," said to have covered with a leafy shroud the lost and wandering " babes in the wood." He is commonly called " robin," though there is but little resemblance between him and his European congener, except in the single circumstance of his having a rel breast. lit KOl'KAN ROBIN. . The American robin, when reared in a cage, is of a lively and gentle disposition, docile, and seemingly content, and the melody and simplicity of his song, of which he is very lavish in confinement, renders him a special favorite. He sings well, readily learns to imitate lively parts of airs, and on the authority of Mr. Nuttall, some have been taught to pipe forth psalms even tojso solemn a measure as that of" Old Hundred !" He also acquires a considerable capacity for mimickry, imitating the notes of many of the birds around him, as those of the pe-wee, blue bird, and whip-poor-will. At times, he becomes very tame, and will go in and out of the house with domestic confidence, appear uneasy when left alone, and will follow his owner, come to her call, peck at her finger, or kiss her mouth, with seeming pleasure. His principal song, r both in confinement and at large, commences in the morning before sunrise, and at which time it is very loud, emphatic, and full. The rufous color of the breast becomes deeper in those birds brought up in confinement, and the females are somewhat paler than the males. The young, during the first season, are spotted on the breast with dusk and white. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. DURING the winter, according to Mr. Audubon, the robin feeds on the berries and fruits of our woods, gardens, and fields, and even of the ornamental trees of our cities and larger towns. The holly, sweet gum, gallberry, and the poke are those it first attacks; but as these fail, it feeds on the mountain ash, Carolinian cherry, and the azedarach. On the latter, in their annual migrations to Florida and the Southern States, these birds often glut themselves to such an inordinate degree, that they are sometimes found stupified by its narcotic power. In spring and summer, they devour worms and snails. They also pick up from the fields the seeds of maize. In confinement, this bird feeds on bread soaked either in water or milk, and on most kinds of our native and edible fruits. Being equally fond of insects as when at liberty, he seizes on all that enter his cage, or come within his reach. The robin is comparatively a hardy and long-lived bird, and instances arc reported of its having been kept for nearly twenty years. It suffers much in moulting, even in a wild state, and when in captivity, it loses nearly alL its feathers at once. In general, when due care is observed to cleanliness, it is freer from parasitic vermin than most other species. THE SONG THRUSH. Synonyincs. Turdu* musicut) CJrive, Tourd, Singdrossel, Tordo cantador, Tordo, Song Thrush, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. OF THE FRENCU. Op THE GERMANS. Or THE SPANIARDS AND PORTUGUESE. Or TUE ITALIANS. ()P THE BRITISH AND ANGLO-AMERICANS. ,HE song thrush is one of the few birds whcse clear and beautiful notes animates and makes pleasing the European woods. From the summits of the highest trees, it announces, by its varying song, resembling that of the nightingale, the approach of spring, and sings throughout the whole summer, especially in the morning dawn and evening twilight. For the sake of this song, it is kept by fanciers in a cage, whence evening and morning, even as early as February, it will delight a whole street by its loud and pleasing song, when hung outside of the window, or inside, so that the window be a little open. In Thuringia, it is reputed to articulate words. Its strophe was heard formerly more frequently tha it is LOW. Only old and excellent birds still sing it. This thrush will live from six to eight years, if its food be varied. 58 THE SOXG THRUSH. DESCRIPTION. Tins species is eight inches and a half long, of which the tail occupies three inches and a half; the beak is nine lines long, horny-brown beneath, and from the middle to the base, yellow; the irides nut-brown; the feet pale lead-color, one inch high; the whole of the upper part of the body olive- brown ; the throat whitish-yellow, with a black stripe extend- ing down its sides; the sides of the neck and breast, pale rcdush-yellow, with numerous dark-brown, heart-shaped spots; the abdomen white, with oval dark-brown spots; the inside coverts bright 'orange-yellow; the pinion feathers grey- brown ; the tail fiuithcrs the same. THK sova nun-Kit. In the female, the two black lines of the throat consist ot small stripes, and the breast is pale yellowish-white. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. THE food of the song thrush, in a state of liberty, consists generally of earth worms, but in autumn they cat berries of all kinds. Earth worms constitute their chief sustenance, with which they also feed their young. They are easily fed in con- finement, and the universal paste is an agreeable delicacy to them. Barley meal, or merely wheat bran, wetted with waier is sufficient to nourish them. But to get them into a state fit fv>r song, they must have a more generous diet, such as roll, THE SONG THRUSH. 59 bread, meat, and many other things which come to table, for they are not dainty. They are fond of bathing. In confinement, this .bird is usually placed within a trellis, or it is put into a large cage of any shape, but at least three feet and a half long, and nearly as high; for, being a large and wild bird, and in constant motion, it easily injures its plumage. It is best that such large birds should have a separate room appropriated to them, as their copious excrements smell offensively. DISEASES. THE most usual maladies to which this bird is subject are a stoppage of the feather glands, constipation, and atrophy. THE MOCKING BIRD. Synonyjnfs, Turdtis polyglotttu, Polyglotte, Tourd poly- glottc, Grand Moqueur Vielzungler Vogel, Tordo poligloto, Tordo polyglotto, Tordo poliglotto, Mocking Bird, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. Or THE FRENCH. Or THE GERMANS. Or THE SPANIARD*. Or TOE PORTUGUESE. Or THE ITALIANS. Or THE BRITISH AND AV.I. >- AMI.KK \N~. |IIIS "unrivalled Orpheus of the forest and natural I wonder of America," inhabits the whole continent from 'the state of Massachusetts along the Atlantic, including several of the West-India Islands, as far south as Brazil ; and from the table lands of Mexico, along the very base of the Rocky Mountains to Oregon, and the western sources of the river Platte. In short, he appears to dwell permanently in the milder regions of the New World, in either hemisphere ; and those bred north of the Delaware, on this side of the equator, are all that ever migrate, in autumn, to more congenial climes. The mocking bird, though destitute of brilliant plumage, is delicate and symmetrical in his proportions and beautiful in his form. His motions are easy, rapid, and graceful, per- petually animated with a playful caprice, and a look that appears full of shrewdness and intelligence. He listens with silent attention to each passing sound, treasures up lessons THE MOCKING BIRD. 61 ^ ' from anything vocal, and is capable of imitating with exact- ness, both in measure and accent, the notes of all the feathered race. And, however wild and discordant the tones and calls may be, he contrives with an Orphean talent, peculiarly his own, to infuse into them that sweetness of expression, and harmonious modulation which characterises this inimitable and wonderfnl composer. With the dawn of morning, while yet the sun lingers below the blushing horizon, our sublime songster, in his native wilds, mounted on the topmost branch of a tall tree or bush, pours out his admirable song, which, amidst the multitude of notes from all the warbling host, still rises pre-eminent, so that his solo is heard alone, and all the rest of the musical choir appear employed as mere accom- paniments to this grand actor in the sublime opera of nature. Nor is his talent confined to imitation; his native notes arc also bold, full, and perpetually varied^ consisting of short ex- pressions of a few variable syllables, interspersed with imita- tions, and uttered with great emphasis and volubility, sometimes for half an hour at a time, with undiminished ardor. These native strains bear a considerable resemblance to those of the brown thrush, with which he is so nearly related in form, habits, and manners ; but like him, rude from cultivated genius, his notes are distinguished by the rapidity of their delivery, their variety, sweetness, and energy* As if conscious of his un- rivalled powers of song, and animated by the harmony of his own voice, his music is, as it were, accompanied by chromatic dancing and expressive gestures; he spreads and closes his light, fanning wings, expands his silvered tail, and, with buoyant gaiety and enthusiastic ecstacy, sweeps around, and mounts and descends into the air from his lofty spray, as his song swells to loudness, or, in sinking whispers, dies away. While thus engaged, so varied is his talent, that it might be supposed a trial of skill from all the assembled songsters of the air ; and so perfect are his imitations, that even the sports- man is at times deceived, and sent in quest of birds that have no existence around. The feathered tribes themselves are decoyed by the fancied call of their mates ; or dive with fear 62 THE MOCKING BIRD. into the close thicket, at the well-feigned scream of the hawk. Soon reconciled to the usurping fancy of man, the mocking bird often becomes familiar with his master; playfully attacks him through the bars of his cage, or at large in a room; rest- less and capricious, he seems to try every expedient of a lively imagination, that may conduce to his amusement. Nothing escapes his discerning and intelligent eye nor faithful car. He whistles, perhaps, for the dog, who, deceived, runs to meet his master; the cries of the chicken in distress bring out the clucking mother to the protection of her brood. The barking of the dog, the piteous wailing of the puppy, the mew, ng of the cat, the action of a saw, or the creaking of a wheelbarrow quickly follow with exactness. He repeats a tune of consider- able length; imitates the warbling of the Canary, the lisping of the indigo bird, and the mellow whistle of the card jial, in a manner so superior to the originals, that, mor (tied and astonished, they withdraw from his presence, or listen in silence, as he continues in triumph. In the cage, also, nearly as in the woods, he is full of life and action, while engaged in song; throwing himself round with inspiring animation, and, as it were, moving in time to the melody of his own accents. Even the hours of night, which consign nearly all other birds to silence and rest, like the nightingale, he oft employs in song, serenading the houseless hunter and silent cottager to repose, as the rising moon illumines the darkness of the shadowy scene. His capricious fondness for contrast and perpetual variety appears to dete- riorate his powers. His lofty imitations of the musical brown thrush are perhaps interrupted by the crowing of the cock, or the barking of the dog; the plaintive warblings of the blue bird are then blended with the wild scream and chatter of the swallow, or the cackling of the hen ; amid the simple lay of the native robin, we are surprised with the vociferations of the whip-poor-will ; while the notes of the garrulous jay, kildeer, woodpecker, Baltimore wren, and many others succeed, with such an appearance of reality, that we imagine ourselvos _ , THE MOCKING BIRD. in the presence of the originals, and can scarcely realise the fact, that the whole of this singular concert is the effort of a single bird. Indeed, it is impossible to listen to these Orphean strains, when delivered by a superior songster in his native woods, without being deeply affected, and almost rivetted to the spot, by the complicated feelings of wonder and delight, in which, from the graceful and sympathetic action, as well as enchanting voice of the performer, the eye is no less gratified than the ear.* DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE MALE AND FEMALE. THE young male bird, which must be selected as a singer, may be distinguished by the breadth and purity of the white on the wings. This white spot, in a full-grown male, spreads over the whole nine primaries, down to, and considerably below, their coverts, which are also white, sometimes slightly tipped with brown. The white of the primaries, also, extends to the same distance on both vanes of the feathers. In the female, the white is less clear, spreads only over seven or eight of the primaries, does not descend so far, and extends considerably further down on the broad than on the narrow side of the feathers. The black is also more inclined to brown. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. IN a state of freedom, the principal food of the mocking bird consists of insects, grasshoppers, and worms. Dew- berries from the fields, and many kinds of our cultivated fruits, together with insects, supply the young. as well as the parents with food. In winter, they chiefly subsist on berries, particularly those of the Virginia juniper, (red cedar,) wax myrtle, holly, smfax, sumach, sour gum, and a variety of others. * NattalL 64 THE MOCKING BIRD. Success! /I attempts have been made to breed these birds in confinement by allowing them retirement and a sufficiency of room. Those which have been taken in trap cages are accounted the best singers, as they come from the school of nature, and are taught their own wild wood notes. The young are easily reared by hand from the nest, from which they ought to be removed at eight or ten days old. Their food is thickened meal and water, or meal and milk, mixed occasion- ally with tender fresh meat, minced fine. Animal food, almost alone, finely divided and soaked in milk, is at first the only nutriment suited for raising these tender nurslings. Young and old require berries of various kinds, from time to time, such as cherries, strawberries, whortleberries, &c., and, in short, any kind of wild fruits of which they are fond, if not given too freely, are useful. A few grasshoppers, beetles, or any insects conveniently to be had, as well as gravel, are also necessary ; and spiders will often revive them when drooping or sick. But, notwithstanding all the care and management bestowed upon the improvement of this bird, it is painful to reflect that his extraordinary powers of nature, exercised with so much generous freedom in a state of confinement, are not calculated for long endurance ; for, after this most wonderful and interesting prisoner has survived six or seven years, blindness often terminates his gay career thus shut out from the cheering light of heaven, the solace of his lonely, though active existence, he now, after a time, droops in silent sadness and dies. At times, this bird is so infested with a minute species of louse as to be destroyed by it Good singing birds of this species generally command from $5 to $15 each, though individuals of extraordinary and peculiar powers have been sold as high as $50, or $100, each, ane even $300 have been refused ! THE BROWN THRUSH. Synonymes. Turdus rufua, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. Tourd roiix, OF THE FRENCH. Rother Drossel, Or THE GERMANS. Tordo rojo, Or THE SPANIARDS. Tordo ruco, Or THE PORTUGUESE. Tordo rosso, Or THE ITALIANS. Brown Thrush, Ferruginous ) J Or THE BRITISH AND Thrush, Thrasher, { \ ANGLO-AMERICANS. French Mockirg Bird, Or THE SOUTHERN STATICS. (HIS large, cheerful, and familiar songster, inferior to none in musical talent, if we except the mocking bird, is found in almost every part of the United States from Canada to the shores of the Mexican Gulf, breeding, according to Mr. Nuttall, in all the intermediate space, though more abundantly towards the north. His voice somewhat resembles that of the European thrush, but is far more varied and powerful, rising pre-eminent amidst the forest choir. He takes no delight in mimicking the song of other birds, and therefore has no claim to the title of " mocking bird," as he is usually called at the south. On the first appearance of this bird in the spring, he faulters in his song, like the nightingale, but when his mate commences the cares and labors incident to breeding and rearing her young, his varied and melodious notes are steadily poured out 66 THE BROWN THRUSH. in all their vigor and strength. In the month of May, while the blooming orchards perfume the air and decorate the landscape, his enchanting voice, in his affectionate lay, seems to give grateful utterance for the bounty and teeming pro- fusion of nature, and falls in pleasing unison with the har- mony and beauty of the season. And even the young birds, in a state of solitary domesticity, without the aid of their parent's voice, already whisper forth in harmonious reverie the pathetic and sweet warble instinctive to the species. Deprived of other society, in a state of captivity, the brown thrush is exceedingly familiar, cheerful, and capriciously playful. He courts the attention of his keeper, follows his steps, complains when neglected, flies to him when permitted to be at large, and gratefully sings and reposes when perched on his hand. In short, in all his actions, he appears capable of real and affectionate attachment ; but, like many other animals, he is jealous of every rival, particularly any other bird, which he drives from his presence with unceasing hatred. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. ACCORDING to Audubon, the natural food of this species con- sists of insects, worms, berries, and fruits of all sorts, being particularly fond of ripe pears and figs. In winter, they resort to the berries of the sumach, holly, dogwood, and shriv- elled wild grapes. In a state of confinement, these birds may be reared in the same manner, and on the same kind of food as their congener, the mocking bird. In the autumn, of the first season, the young begin their musical studies, " repeating passages with as much zeal as ever did Paganini." By the following spring, their lessons are complete and the full powers of their song developed. Like the American robin, the brown thrush suffers much in moulting, and often nearly loses all his feathers at once. THE CAT BIRD. Syiionymes. Turdus felivoX) Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. Gbbe-raouche brim de Vir- ) ginie, Mouchcrolle de Vir- V Cr THE FRENCH. giuic, Tourd miaulant, ) Miauendrossel, Or THE GERMANS. Tordo de maullido, Or THE SPANIARDS. Tordo miante, Or THE PORTUGUESE. Tordo miagolare, Or TUB ITALIANS. P , niivl < Or THE BRITISH AND catuira, | ANGLO-AMERICANS. NE of the most remarkable propensities of this quaint and familiar songster, which inhabits almost every part of North America from Mexico to Canada, and even Kamtschatka, is the unpleasant, loud, grating, and grimalkin-like mew, ('pay,) that it often utters, on being offended or approached ; and thus coupled with the name of a " wizzard animal," so much disliked by many, this delightful vocalist, which seeks out the very society of man, and reposes an unmerited confidence in his protection, is generally treated with undeserved obloquy and contempt. " The cat bird," says Nuttall, " often tunes his cheerful song before the break of day, hopping from bush to bush, with great agility, after his insect prey, while yet scarcely distinguish- able amidst the dusky shadows of the dawn. The notes of different individuals vary considerably, so that sometimes his song, in sweetness and compass, is scarcely at all inferior to r 68 THE CAT BIRD. that of the ferruginous thrush. A quaintness, however, pre- vails in all his efforts, and his song is frequently made up of short and blended imitations of other birds, given however, with great emphasis, melody, and variety of tone; and, like the nightingale, invading the hours of repose, in the late twilight of a summer's evening, when scarce another note is heard but the hum of the drowsy beetle, his music attains its full effect, and often rises and falls with all the swell and studied cadence of finished harmony. During the heat of the day, or late in the morning, the variety of his song declines, or he pursues his employment in silence and retirement" About the dawn of day, if at large, the cat bird flirts about with affected wildness, repeatedly jerks his wings and tail, with a noise somewhat resembling a whip, stretching forth his head, opens his mouth, and mews. Sometimes this curious cry is so guttural as to be uttered without opening his bill. He often also gives a squeal as he flies from one place to another. According to Latham, this bird is also capable of imitating the variable airs of instrumental music, and will sometimes mimick the cry of chickens so as to deceive and distress the parent hen. When reared from the nest, he is easily domes- ticated, becomes a very amusing companion, and seems attached to his cage. Although a pleasant songster, he is seldom kept in confinement, and 1 believe all attempts at breeding it, have failed. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. THE natural food of this species is similar to that oi the ferruginous thrush, consisting principally of insects and worms, particularly beetles and wasps, and the \ arious kinds of garden fruits. In confinement, the food of these birds may be almost everything that is vegetable, except unbruiscd seeds, such as bread, fine pastry, containing little or no spices, cakes, THE CAT BIRD. 69 scalded Indian meal, juicy fruits, and now e/id then some bread boiled in milk, a few insects, or minced flesh. The young, when taken from the nest, may be fed on ripe cherries, and other kinds of juicy fruits. " Like all other thrushes," says Mr. Audubon, " this is very fond of bathing and rolling itself in the dust or sand of the roads and fields. Several are frequently seen together in the borders a small ponds or clear rivulets, immersed up to their body, splashing the water about them until completely wetted ; then ascending to the top of the nearest bushes, they plume themselves with apparent care, notwithstanding which, they are at times so infested with a minute species of louse as to be destroyed by it." 1\IE EUROPEAN BLACKBIRD. Synonymct. Turdut merit/a, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. Merle, Or IBB FRENCH. Schwarzdrossel, Or THE GERMANS. M.-rl.i < Or THB SPANIARDS ( AND ITALIAN*. Melro, Or TUB PORTUGUESE. Blackbird, Or TUB BRITISH. English Blackbird, Or TUB AXOLO-AMKBICANI. EING a permanent resident throughout the whojc of the Old World, even as far north as Sweden,^be European Blackbird is sufficiently hardy by nature to withstand the climate of nearly, if not all parts of the United States. Of all the thrushes, with perhaps the exception of the American robin, he is the most capable of instruction. His song is rich in melody, and contains some deep notes like those of the nightingale, varied, indeed, with some which are disagreeably harsh. At large, he sings only from March to July, especially at night; but in the cage, during the whole year except at moulting time. A single bird will enliven a whole street, so pure, distinct, and clear is his note. His memory, also, is so good, that he will learn several airs and melodies without mixing them; and sometimes even to imitate words. Neither does he forget what he has once well acquired. THE EUROPEAN BLACKBIRD. 71 DESCRIPTION. THE European blackbird is about the size of the song thrush, nine inches and a half long, of which the tail comprises four inches. The beak is one inch long, and of a golden-yellow ; the irides dark-brown; the feet black, and fourteen lines high. The male is entirely of a deep-black ; the female black-brown, rusty-colored on the breast, and with an ash-colored tinge upon the abdomen; the throat, spotted with light and dark- brown ; the beak and the feet, black-brown, appearing also to be rather larger and heavier, and hence it has sometimes been considered a distinct species. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. WHEIC wild, the blackbird, like other species of thrush, feeds on all kinds of edible berries, such as the elder, cherry, and mountain ash ; and when this food is not abund- ant, it satisfies itself with the tips of the white thorn. At this time, it often seeks for insects near the vicinity of warm springs. In confinement, these birds are content with the first kind of universal paste, described at page 13, but will also eat bread, meat, and most kinds of food that comes to table. The young, which must be taken from the nest when their quills have but just sprung, can be reared upon roll steeped in milk. The blackbird should be kept in a large cage, for it is not prudent to allow it to associate with other birds, as either through covetousness or caprice, it will attack the smaller kinds, and even peck them to death. Like all the allied species, this bird is fond of frequent bathing, and consequently should be amply supplied with the means. In captivity, he will live from twelve to fifteen years, especially if his food be varied. THE EUROPEAN BLACKBIRD. DISEASES. THE blackbird is particularly subject to a stoppage of the oil gland, which may be softened by the application of fresh butter, mixed up with a good deal of sugar, the aperture being enlarged by gently distending it with a needle, or a small knife ; but a lead salve, or rather a salve of litharge of silver, white lead, wax, and olive oil, which must be ordered at an apothecary's, opens it best The usual remedy is to pierce it with a needle, or to cut off the hardened gland. If this evil have not yet too severely affected the health of the bird, it may be sought to be remedied by puncturing the gland, com- pressing it frequently, bathing the bird with a syringe, and plucking out some of the feathers of the tail. The accumulated fat is absorbed in the renewal of the feathers, when the gland i sumcs its natural functions. THE RICE BUNTING. Synonymes. Ictertu agripennis, Kmberiza oryzirora, Ortolan agripcnne, Ortolan de riz, Bete Ortolan, FeUammer ron Carolina, Hortclano de arroz, Hortclano con ) pluraas agrias, Ccnchramo d'arroz, Cenchramo com > pennas agudas, ) Ortolano di HBO, Rice Bunting, Rice Troopial, Rice Bird, Rcetl Bird, Boblink, Boh-o-link, Bob Lincoln, Bob Linklin?, Skunk Black- bird, Meadow Bird, Butter Bird, Or ORMTHOLOOIF Or TUB FRENCH. Or THE GERMANS. Or TIIK SPANIARDS. Or THE PoRToauxic. Or THE ITALIANS. ( Or THE BRITISH AND ) ANOLO-AMERICANS. ,HIS well-known and truly migratory bird, familiarly known to everybody by the name of " Bob Lincoln/' who, as a stranger, perhaps, thinks it a point of polite- ness thus to announce himself, as he sits on a rail of the fence, or the branch of a tree, on his annual return in the spring from the south, inhabits the whole continent of America, from Labrador to Mexico ; although his winter residence appears to be more confined to Cuba, Jamaica, and other West-India Islands than to the main. 74 THE KICK BUKTINt. In the month of May, these birds fix their abodes in thi "savannahs" of Ohio and Michigan, and the cool p: "meadows" of New York, Canada, and Neiv England lor thr purpose, principally, for hatching and rearing their young. The song of the male continues, with but little intcrrujr during the period of incubation, and his chant, at all times very similar, is both singular and pleasant tt Often, like the skylark, mounted and hovering on the wing, at a small height above the field, as he passes along from one tree top or weed to another, he utters such a jingling melody of short variable notes, so confused, rapid, and continuous, that it appears ItJfflW* like the blending song of several different birds. Many of these tones arc very agreeable, but they are delivered with such rapidity that the ear can scarcely separate them. The general effect, however, like all the simple efforts of nature, is good, and when several are chantnW forth in the same meadow, the concert is very cheerful, thougftmonotonous, and somewhat quaint Among the few phrases that can be dis- tinguished, the liquid sound of Hob-o-ke, or Bob-v-link, Bob-o- link*, is very distinct " To give an idea of the variable extent of song, and ev< imitation, in some measure, of the chromatic period and air of this familiar and rather favorite resident, the boys of this part of New England, [Cambridge,] make him shout among others, the following ludicrous dunning phrase, as ho rises and hovers on the wing near his mate : * */&>6-o-/in&, 'Bob-o-link, "Tom Denny, 'Tom Denny 'Come pay me the ttco-and-six-pence you're owed men than a year and a half egn!'ishr 'tshe 'tshi, 'tsh '/& V*fcr,' modestly diving at the same instant down into the grass, as if to avoid altercation. However puerile this odd phrase may appear, it is quite amusing to find how near it approaches to the time, and expression of the notes, when pronounced in a hurried manner."* This relish for song and merriment, confined wholly to the male, diminishes as the period of incubation advances, and when the young brood begin to flutter around their parents, NuttalL THE RICE BUNTING. the song becomes less freqent. Sometimes the female is inclined to have a second brood, for which preparation is made while she is yet engaged in rearing the first; but tne male generally loses his musical talent about the first week in July ; from which time, or perhaps earlier, his spring or pied dress begins gradually to be laid aside for the more humble brownish- black and brownish-yellow garb of the female, the whole, both old and young, then appearing nearly in the same songless livery, uttering only a chink of alarm when surprised. When the voice of the male begins to fail, with the progress of the exhausting moult, he flits over the fields in a restless manner, and merely utters a broken Wlee 'boVlee, or witli his songless mate, at length, a 'wect *weet t Vleet b'leet, or a noisy and disagreeable cackling chirp. But at the early dawn of day, while the tuneful talent of the species is yet unabated, the effect of their awakening and faultering voices, jingling throughout the wide expanse of meadows is singular and grand. These sounds mingle like the noise of a distant torrent which alternately subsides and rises on the breeze, as t'ue performers awake or relapse into rest; finally, they become more distinct and tumultuous, till, with the opening day, they assume the intelligible character of their ordinary song. From the varied and changing plumage of this pleasing, and in some respects ludicrous bird, as well as for the singularity of his song, he is eagerly sought after by fanciers, and usually commands a fair price. Large numbers are annually captured in the Northcn States in trap cages and fed, almost immediately after which, they resume their song. Many are purchased and carried to Europe, often to the disappointment of the adven- turer, in regard to his profits, as, by the time they reach their destination, they change their livery and cease to sing. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. THE food of the rico buntings varies according to the season and locality in which they veside. Although on their early arrival at the north it consists of grubs, worms, caterpillars, 76 THR RICE BUNTING. , beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, ground spiders, &c., they frequently Iced on the seeds of dandelions and docks, the former of which are oily and sweet. Later in the season, and previous to leaving their native regions, they feed principally on various kinds of grass seeds, paricularly those of millet or other allied species (Panicums). If short of other food, they also attack the ripened fields of barley, wheat, and oats, in which they show their taste for plunder, and flock together like other blackbirds. About the middle of August, vast parties of these birds enter the states of New York and Pennsylvania on their way south, where, along the margins of the large rivers, they find an abundant means of subsistence, during their short stay, on the seeds of wild rice (Zizania). As soon as the cool nights of October set in, and the wild rice crops begin to fail, these birds take their departure from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and in their further progress through the Southern States, they congregate in large numbers in the rice fields, upon which they greedily feed, and, before the crop is gathered, they have already made their appearance in Cuba and Jamaica, where they subsist on the seeds of the Guinea grass, (Sorghum,) and become so fat as truly to deserve the name of " butter birds," and arc highly esteemed for the table. In a state of captivity, the food of this bird, during spring and summer, should resemble as nearly as possible that of nature ; but in winter, he may be fed on rice, boiled in milk, millet, Canary seeds, wheaten bread, soaked in water, and minced animal food, containing no seasoning nor salt THE RAVEN. Synonyms* (Vr.-i/.-r corar, CorbiMn, Gemein Rnbe, Kolkrabe, Cuervo, Corvo, Raven, Crow, Corby, OK ORNllK.'l Or THE FllKM'!!. OK THE GKHMANS. Or THE Si'ANIARl):". Or THE ITALIANS AND PoRTt'OTESK. OK THE DlUTIHII AND ANULO-A.MKRICANS. F all birds which have a convex, round, knife-shaped bill, furnished at the base with hair projecting for- wards, in other words, of all tha.t belong to the tribe of crows, this, from the breadth of its tongue, is the most easily taught to imitate the human voice. On the ground, he walks in a stately manner, his motions exhibiting a kind of thoughtful consideration almost amounting to gravity. His ordinary voice consists of a hoarse croak, resembling the syllable crock or crude ; but he frequently emits a note not unlike the sound of a sudden gulp, or the syllable cluck, which he seems to utter when in a sportive mood ; for, although ordinarily grave, the raven sometimes indulges in a frolic, performing somersets THE RAVEN. and various evolutions in the air. When divination formed a portion of the popular belief in Europe, this bird was held in considerable repute. Trouble was even taken to study its actions and all the circumstances attending its flight, ami the various modulations of its voice. Of these, sixty-four dill : i< nt variations were enumerated, without including the more deli. cate intonations, exceedingly difficult to distinguish, to detect which, however, an excessively fine ear was requisite, as iis cry, crock and cruck, is so simple! Every distinct chang- its peculiar signification, and there were not wanting people THE RAVEN. who studied to acquire this knowledge, while others carried iheir folly so far as to believe that, by eating the heart and viscera of this bird, they could acquire its prophetic pow- The raven ma)' be said to possess a social disposition ; for, after the breeding season has passed, flocks are often seen in the northern parts of Europe and the adjacent islands, amount- ing to one or more hundreds. These birds can perceive an object, as a dead carcass, at a great distance, but that they can carrion a quarter of a mile off, we have no satisfactory THE RAVEN. 79 f proof, neither need we believe that they can; for as we may account for the phenomenon by their sight, it is unnecessary to have recourse to their other faculties. Ravens have cha- racter in their flight, as men have in their walk. A poet sauntering by a river, a conchologist or fisherman hunting along the shore for shells, a sportsman searching the woods and fields for game, a lady running home from a shower, or a gentleman retreating from a mad bull, move each in a different manner, suiting the action to the occasion. In like manner, ravens, as well as other birds, might communicate intelligence, perhaps, several miles distant, judging by the flight of their neighbors, that they had a prize in view. In this way, a system of telegraphing could be extended over a large extent of country, and a great number of birds might be made to assemble in a single day. When domesticated and treated with kindness, the European raven, as well as our native variety, becomes attached to his owner, and will follow him about the garden or house, with all the familiarity of a confiding friend. FOOD AND MANAGEMENT. ALTHOUGH the raven is omnivorous, its chief food is carrion, by which is here meant the carcases of sheep, horses, cattle, deer, and other quadrupeds, dolphins and cetaceous animals in general, as well as fishes that have been cast ashore. In autumn, it sometimes commits great havoc among grain, and in spring, it occasionally destroys young lambs. It has also been accused of killing diseased sheep by picking out their eyes ; but of this there is no satisfactory evidence. It annoys the housewives sometimes by flying off with young poultry, and especially by breaking and sucking eggs which the ducks or hens may have deposited, as they frequently do, among the herbage. When these birds aie intended to ffy about, the young must be removed when half fledged, about twelve days after they 80 THE RAVEN. are hatched, and fed upon meat, snails, and earth worms ; they are also accustomed to eat bread and roll steeped in milk. The description of food they seek, when at large, as young hares, birds, eggs, mice, young geese, chickens, snails, pears, cherries, &c., renders them partly injurious and partly beneficial. This bird can be allowed to run at large, or fly about, and if reared from the nest, which must be the case if he is to be taught to speak, he will return to the place of feeding, upon calling him JScfc, the name he usually bears. All glittering metal, especially gold, must be hidden from him, or he, like some other bipeds, will carry it off. To facilitate his speaking, or to give his tongue greater freedom, which is necessary for articulate sounds, the tongue chord is sometimes loosened with the view of increasing or heightening his powers of speech. Individuals, however, have been heard to speak with an un- loosened tongue. The raven is naturally a long-lived bird, individuals having been known to live up wan Is of one hundred years. PIGEONS. THE ROCK PIGEON, OR WILD DOVE. Synonymes. Columba lirfa, Colombo, Biset sauvage, Holztaube, Paloma toreaz, Paloma del ) campo, $ Pombo bravo, Colombo salvatico, Biset, Wild Rock Pigeon, W h i te-Rum ped Pi j^eon , Rock Dove, Wild Dove, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. OF THE FRENCH. OF THE GERMANS. OF THE SPANIARDS. OF THE PORTUGUESE. OF THE ITALIANS. OF THE BRITISH AND ANGLO-AMERICANS. HE rock or wild pigeon of Europe is well known as the inhabitant of the pigeon houses in various parts of the world, or " dove cots," as they are more frequently called, buildings expressly erected for the purpose of contain- ing colonies of these birds. In this state, where they enjoy a A perfect freedom of action, and are nearly dependant upon their 8:2 PIGEONS. own exertions for support, they can scarcely bo called " reclaimed," much less " domesticated." Man, indeed, has only taken advantage of certain habits peculiar to the species, and bv the substitution of an artificial for a real cavern, (their natural habitation,) to which the pigeon house may be com- pared, has brought it into a kind of voluntary subjection, without violating, or at least greatly infringing upon its natural condition, and has rendered it subservient to his benefit and use. DESCRIPTION. IN its natural state, the bill of this bird is blackish-brown ; the nostril membrane red, sprinkled, as it were, with a white powder; the irides, pale reddish-orange; the head and throat, bluish-grey; the sides of the neck and upper part of the breast are dark lavender-purple, glossed with shades of green and purplish-red ; the lower part of the breast, abdomen, wing coverts, as well as the upper mandible, bluish-grey, the greater coverts and secondaries are barred with black, forming two 4 PIGEONS. 83 broad and distinct bars across the closed wings ; the lower par of the back is white ; the rump and tail coverts, bluish-grey ; the tail, deep-grey, with a broad black bar at the end ; the legs and feet are purplish-red; the wings, when closed, reach within Lai fan inch of the end of the tail. ORIGEN OF FANCY PIGEONS AND THE COMMON HOUSE DOVE. IT is from the wild rock pigeon, (C. livia,') that all those numerous varieties, or, as they are frequently termed, " races,' of the common inhabitants of the dove cot have descended which arc so highly prized, and fostered with such care anc attention by the fancier, or amateur breeder; for, however diversified their forms, colors, or peculiarity of habit may be they are all considered as having originated from a few acci- dental varieties of the common house pigeon, and not from any cross of that bird with other species, no signs nor marks whatever of such being apparent in any variety known to us. In fact, the greater part of them owe their existence to the interference and art of man ; for, by separating from the wild rock pigeon, such accidental varieties as have occasionally occurred, by subjecting them to captivity and familiarisation, and by assorting and pairing them together, as fancy or caprice suggested, he has, at intervals, generated all the various races, and peculiar casts, which, it is well known, when once produced, may be perpetuated for an indefinite period, by being kept separate from, and unmixed with, others ; or, in other words, what is commonly termed breeding " in-arid-in." Indeed, the fact, that all the varieties, however much they may differ in color, size, or other particulars, if permitted, breed freely and indiscriminately with each other, and produce | a progeny equally prolific, is another and a convincing proof of their common and self-same origin ; for it is one of those j universal laws of nature, which, if once set aside or not j 84 TIG EONS. enforced, would plunge all animated matter into indescribable confusion, that the offspring produced by the intercourse of different, (that is, distinct species,) is incapable of further increase. That such an intercourse may be effected, is \\vll known; but it is generally under peculiar or artificial circum- stances, and rarely when the animals, birds, or whatever they may be, are in their natural state, and in a condition to make their own election. Thus it is in the crosses obtained in a state of confinement, between the Canary and goldfinch, linnet, &c. But in all these instances, the progeny are invariably "mules," and as a general rule, are incapable of further production; for although they may exhibit the passions natural to the sexes, and the females may produce eggs, which, in general, even with extreme care, are found addled and incapable of being hatched. Such, I may add, is the case with hybrids of some of the crosses themselves ; for the mongrel progeny of the wild turtle dove, (Tur/ur communis,*) of Europe, with the turtle of the aviary, (T. risoria,") has jeen proved, by frequent experiments, to be barren, although the two species whence it originated appear to be closely allied, and a mixed breed is easily procured; and such I am justified in saying, would be the event, if a cross could be obtained between the rock pigeon, (Columba lima,) and the European wood pigeon, (C. anas,) or stock dove, as it is improperly called, or with the ring pigeon, (C. palumbus,) or any other species. VARIETIES. To describe or particularise all the varieties possessed by fanciers, would require a volume in itself; as, in addition to the permai,ent races, or those which, when kept pure, transmit their likeness to their offspring, there are intermediate casts produced by particular crosses between individuals belonging to the different varieties, and which, though h'ghly prized in the first generation, are not considered v- >rthy of further extension ; as their progeny cannot be depended upon, but are PIGEONS. 85 ! found to degenerate, and are liable to run into still more distant and less-valued races. Among the numerous varieties kept in aviaries by fanciers, which are deemed worthy of being perpetuated by breeding distinct, 'he following are held in particular esteem - THE BROAD OR FAN-TAILED SHAKER. This beautiful variety of the pigeon tribe receives the name of " fan-tail," from its habit of spreading out the feathers of its tail like a turkey cock, (for the same reason it is called Pigeon paon by the French,) and that of " broad-tailed shaker" from its breadth of tail, and a peculiar quivering motion of the neck, which is regarded as the attitude of courtship. From this motion, it is also sometimes called by the French Pigeon trembleur paon. This bird has a full breast, and a short, handsomely-formed, arched neck, which it carries in a graceful swan-like curve. Its tail, according to the rules of the fancy, should consist, at the least, of twenty-four feathers ; and at the most, of thirty-six, which number it should not exceed ; for, if the tail be over- crowded with feathers, the bird suffers it to droop, a defect never overlooked, although the specimen may be faultless in every other respect. Fan-tails, whose plumage is pure white, are more highly prized than those displaying red, yellow, blue, and black-pied colors; their carriage of the neck and tail being considered by far the most striking and elegant. 86 PIGEONS. Some persons discriminate a variety which they cull the u narrow-tailed shaker;" but this is only a degenerate breed of the fan-tail, or the result of a cross. Its neck is shorter and thicker, back longer, and it has not so many tail feathers &s the broad-tailed shaker; neither does it expand its tail so fully, but keeps the feathers rather closed one over the other, so as to resemble a fan when some little way open. The color of its plumage is generally white ; but a few different tints, and an almond variety, are to be met with occasionally. TUMBLERS. These pretty pigeons are so called from their peculiar habit of tumbling backwards in the air when on the wing; besides which, they soar to so great a height as to be almost lost to the view; when flying, they congregate very closely together; and if they be good birds and accustomed to each other, they will maintain such a compact flight, that a dozen may almost be covered with a large handkerchief. If the weather be warm and bright, they may be allowed to wing their aerial gambols for four or five hours in succession ; but care must be taken, that no other species of pigeon mix with them, for if they once become familiarised and fly with others, they will gradually drop their highly-prized mode of flight, and of course become worthless. They should never be let out on a dull, heavy, misty morning, nor when a fog appears to be rising, nor during a high wind; as all such atmospheric variations, by causing desertions from their lofts tend to diminish the stock. A hen tumbler should never be allowed to fly while with egg. The most esteemed tumblers do not somerset when swoop- ing along, but only when they are beginning to rise, or when coming down to pitch; and to preserve this, and the high-flying properties in his stock, the provident fancier must spare no expencein the purchase of one or two first-rate birds that have been used to soaring, as they will be of much service in train- ing the young ones. PIGEONS. 87 \Vhcn the birds are accustomed to their houses, they may be turned out upon the wing, but only once a-day. A bright grey morning is the best time, especially for young birds; and some hemp or Canary seeds must be scattered round their cots, to entice them in, when their hours of liberty have expired. There is a particularly fine variety of this pigeon, which is called the "bald-pated tumbler," denoted by the cut below, from its having a beautiful snowy white head; it has pearl eyes, and in plumage is exceedingly diversified ; the tail and flight feathers, however, match the head, which is pure white. When a tumbler, either of a black or blue color, has a long dash of white from the under jaw and cheek to a little way down the throat, it is called a " black" or " blue-bearded" bird. BAUi-PATED TUMBLER. as the color may be ; and if this beard be well shaped, and the bird be clean in the tail and flight, as before described, it may be reckoned very handsome and valuable. When these pigeons are dashing along in the brilliant sunshine, the lively contrast of their feathers adds much to the vivacity of their appearance. There is another and still more beautiful variety of this breed, called by some fanciers the " ermine tumbler," but which is generally known by the name of the " almond tumbler." It is an extremely elegant, and highly-prized variety, and is derived from common tumblers judiciously matched; as yellows, duns, whites, black-splashed, black- frizzled, &c., so as to sort the feathers. 88 PIGEONS. When in perfection, tumblers are esteemed by many persons to be the prettiest of all the pigeon tribe; and this high opinion is borne out by the beautiful diversity of their colors, which are so elegant and rich, in some birds, that they have been compared to a bed of tulips. The more they arc variegated in the flight and tail, especially if the ground color be yellow, the more they are prized ; and a fine bright-yellow ground has the precedence of all others, from its being so exceedingly difficult to acquire, that twenty light-colored birds may be procured for one displaying a deep, richly-tinted ground. THE CARRIER, The carrier, Pigeon de Turquie, of the French, is somewhat larger than most of the common pigeons; its feathers lie \- r\ close and smooth, and its neck is long and straight. From the lower part of the head to the middle of the upper chap, there is a lump of white, naked, fungous-looking flesh, which is denom- inated the "wattle;" this, in good birds, is met by two small swellings of similar flesh, which rise on each side of the under chap ; and if this flesh be of blackish color, the bird is con- sidered very valuable. The circle round the black pupil of the eye is usually of a brick-dust-red color; but if it be of a brilliant red tint, it adds considerably to the value of the bird ; this circle is surrounded by another of naked fungous flesh, generally about the breadth of a half eagle, the greater the breadth of which, the more it is admired. When the incrusted PIGEONS. 89 flesh round the eye is very thick and broad, it shows that the pigeon will prove a good breeder, and will rear fine young ones. The properties attributed to the carrier, and prized by fanciers, are three in the head, three in the eye, three in the wattle, and three in the beak. The properties of the head con- sist in its being flat, long, and straight; for instance, if the^head be very long, narrow, and flat, it is reckoned, in shape, perfect; if the contrary, it is termed a " barrel head." The properties of the wattle of the eye are its breadth and circular, uni- form shape ; for, if one part appear to be more scanty than another, it is termed " pinch-eyed ;" and is of comparative little value; while, if it be full, even, and free from irregularities, it forms a " rose eye," and is highly prized. The wattle should be wide across the beak, short from the head to the point of the beak, and lean a little forward from the head ; as the bird is said to be " peg-wattled" if it lie flat. The beak must be black, long, straight, and thick ; if it be an inch and a half in length, it is considered a long beak, but it must never measure less than an inch and a quarter; if the beak be crooked, (hook- beaked,) or spindle-beaked, the value of the bird is much diminished. This variety, in general, is either dun or black in color, although white, blue-splashed, and pied specimens occur ; the black and dun birds are usually the most perfect in their properties; but as the blues, whites, and pieds are very rare, even inferior birds of these colors are of consider- value. THE HORSEMAN. Many fanciers suppose the " horseman " to be a cross breed, either between a tumbler and a carrier, or a pouter and a carrier, and then again bred from a carrier. In shape, it resembles the carrier, but it is smaller in all its proportions; its body being less, its neck shorter and the fungous-looking flesh round its eyes not exuberant, so that there is a greater space between the wattle on the beak, than that round the eye. PIGEONS. The most approved colors for this variety of pigecn are the blue, and blue-pied, as they are usually the best breed- TS. They should be flown twice a-day regularly, when young; and as they gain strength on the wing, they should be allowed to TUB HORSEXAX. range loose, without any other birds in company. This variety is the kind generally employed in currying letters ; the genuine carriers being much too scarce and valuable to be commonly used. THE POUTER. All pigeons, as is well known, have the capability of in- flating their crops with air; and a fine pigeon, with breast feathers glossed with metallic tints, strutting and bowing, with an inflated crop, around his mate, presents no uninteresting spectacle; but this remark will not apply to this bird. In the " English pouter," or " pouting horseman," there is nothing PIGEONS. 91 s ' pleasing in its appearance nor graceful in its proportions; indeed, the inflation of the voluminous crop, rendering an erect, stiff, and apparently constrained attitude necessary, gives an aspect of distortion, or a want of a due balance of parts. The pouter is of large size, often measuring eighteen inches in length from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail. The chest is not really voluminous, though it appears enormous when the crop is distended with air; the back is concave, and the tail ample; the tarsi are very long, and covered with downy feathers. These pigeons are of various colors, as blue, rufous, pied, or altogether white. Those birds which are tall, erect, with a very ample crop, and with the colors of the plumage regularly disposed, and according to certain fancy rules, arc esteemed the most valuable. The pouter is formed by a cross between the "dragon" and the " old Dutch cropper," which latter bird, except in the development of the crop, (whence its name,) had nothing to recommend it. From this intermixture, not without much care and expense, has resulted this favorite variety. The flight of the pouter is buoyant, but not rapid, nor capable of being long sustained. As varieties of the pouter, or rather as breeds allied to it, may be mentioned the " uploper " and the " Parisian pouter," said to be a beautifully-marked bird ; but with these, I have no personal acquaintance. Pouters arc very expensive birds to rear, as the strain will soon become degenerate. As the old birds pay little attention 1o the wants of their young, it frequently happens that the tiny creatures are starved to death. Careful fanciers, therefore, never allow them to hatch their own eggs, but shift them as soon as they are deposited under a hen "dragoon," th'it has lately laid ; and place the eggs of the latter bird under the pouter, in order that she may commence incubation ; otherwise, she will lay again in a short time, which, often repeated, would, in all probability, kill her. Every pouter must be kept by itself during the winter season; and their coops must be lofty, so that they may not acquire a stooping habit, which is a very , b great fault. In the spring, every pair of pouters must have 92 PIGEONS. two pair of dragoons to tend and feed them ; but care must be taken that the dragoons are kept in a loft separate from the pouters, as otherwise, a cross breed would probably be the result, and the stock become degenerate. Pouting horsemen are not so much in repute as formerly, the ** almond tumblers " having almost superseded them. THE DRAGOON, OR DRAGON. Dragons are bred between a tumbler and a horseman ; and by frequently crossing them with the horseman, they acquire much strength and swiftness. They are exceedingly good breeders and kind nurses, and are, therefore, often kept as feeders for rearing young Leghorn " runts," pouters, &c. The dragon is somewhat lighter and smaller than the horse- man ; and one of its chief beauties consists in the straightness of the top of its skull with that of its beak, which, according to the rules of the fancy, should form almost a horizontal line. These birds should be flown and trained while young, in the same way as the horsemen, which they arc considered to surpass in swiftness, in short flights of from ten to twenty miles ; but in longer distances, if the horsemen be well bred, they will far outstrip the dragoon.- THE JACOBIN. This pigeon, often called a " Jack," is, when perfect in its properties, extremely rare. The real Jacobin is a very small bird, and the smaller it is, the more valuable ; it has on the PIGEONS. 93 hinder part of its head, inclining towards the neck, a range of inverted feathers, in appearance like the cowl, or cap, of a monk ; and from this peculiarity, it receives the sobriquet of " Jacobin," or " capper." These feathers are technically termed the "hood," and if they grow compact and close to the head, they enhance the value of the bird considerably ; the lower part of tho hood is called the " chain," and the feathers com- posing it should be long and thick. THE JACOBIN. A small head, very small spindle-shaped beak, and beauti- fully clean, pearl eyes are other properties of this little pet. Yellow, red, blue, and black are the colors usually bred, and in point of color, the yellow birds are preferred before all others ; however, let the color of the body be what it may, according to the rules of the fancy, the tail, flight, and head must invariably be white; sometimes the legs and feet are covered with feathers. THE CAPUCHIN. In its properties, this variety js closely allied to the Jacobin, and is, by some fanciers, considered a cross between that breed and some other kind. It has a longer beak, and is altogether a larger bird, than the Jacobin ; its hood is extremely pretty, but it lacks the chain. THE MAWMET. The Mahomet, commonly corrupted to " Mawmet," is a beau- tiful cream-colored bird, with bars of black across its wings ; 94 PIGEON'S. although the surface of its feathers is of a cream-color, the part next the body, the flue feathers, and even the skin, are of a dark sooty tint; it is about the size of a " turbit," but it has in place of a frill, a fine gullet, with a seam of beautiful feathers ; its head is thick and short, and its eyes orange-color, surrounded by a small, naked circle of black flesh ; it has a little black wattle on its beak, which is short and stout, and somewhat resembles that of a bulfmch. THE BARB. This variety was originally brought from Barbary. In size, it is somewhat larger than the Jacobin ; it has a short, thick beak, a small wattle, and a circle of thick, naked, incrustrd flesh round its eyes ; the wider this circle of flesh spreads round the eye, and the more brilliant its color, the more the binl is prized ; the circle is narrow, at first, and is not fully developed until the bird is three or four years old. The plumage of the Barb is usually dun or black ; but there are pied birds of both colors; these last are held in little esti- mation, as they are supposed to be only half bred ; when the pinion feathers are dark, the irides of its eyes are pearl color ; but when the pinions are white, the irides arc red. Some of these birds are ornamented with a tuft of feathers rising from the back part of the crown of the head. THE TURBIT. This variety is somewhat larger than the Jacobin. Its head is round, and beak short; from the breast grows a tuft of fea- -488 PIGEONS. 95 * thers named the " purle," spreading in opposite directkus, like the frill of a shirt ; and from the beak to the purle reaches the gullet. The colors of this pigeon are mostly yellow, dun, red, blue, and black; and accasionally chequered. According to the fancy, the back of the wings and tail should conrespond in color, except in lb<. yellow and red birds, whose tails should be white. A stripe of black should cross the wings of the blue birds, but the other body and flight feathers should be white; they are germed "black-shouldered," or "blue-shoul- dered," as their color may be ; and when of one color only, THE TURDIT. these pigeons have been sold as "owls." Turbits are also chosen for the shortness of their beaks, and their spreading "purle;" and if well-trained, when young, they will become excellent flyers. THE NUN. The nun is greatly admired, from the elegantly contrasting colors of its plumage. Its body is generally white, and its tail and six flight feathers of its wings should be either wholly red, vivid yellow, or black, as likewise its head, which is adorned and nearly covered by a tuft, or " veil," of pure white feathers. According to its colors, the bird is termed a red, yellow or black-headed " nun," as it may happen to be; and whenever the feathers vary from this rule, the bird is termed " foul-headed," "or "foul-flighted," and is greatly diminished in value; but , ^ with such as frequently rear clean-feathered birds, as perfect i *aa 96 PIGEONS. specimens, it is scarcely possible to obtain one entirely free from foul feathers. Smallness of head and beak, a pearl eye, and largeness of veil, are desirable properties in this bird. THE HELMET. This varie.y is a somewhat larger bird than the nun. Its head, tail, and flight are mostly of one color, cither yellow, blue, or black tint, and the other parts of the body are generally white ; its head bears a delicate tuft of feathers, differing in color from the body, and in form like a helmet. It is a pretty bird, but is not a fine flyer. It is most useful as a nurse. To the varieties already enumerated, I might add several others, as the " owl," the " ruff," the tt spot," the " lace," the " finnikin," and the " Friezland runt;" but these breeds are not common, nor are they generally held of much account As for the French, Leghorn and the Spanish " runts," they arc not to be placed among the fancy varieties, being remarkable merely for their sfb, and are appopriate for the dove cot FOOD. IN a state of nature, the rock dove feeds on grain and seeds of various kinds, as well as on vegetables. According to Montagu, it also devours some kinds of snails, and is particu- larly fond of the Helix virgata. In a state of confinement or familiarisation, these birds are fond of almost every kind of grain, but old tares are found, by experience, to be the best for them ; horse beans, particularly the smaller sorts, as small ticks, are considered next to tares in point of nutritive properties; oats, barley, wheat, and peas, may be given occasionally, and will be found wholesome varieties of diet Pigeons are very fond of rape, hemp and Canary seeds, which, however, should only be given occasion- ally ; and new tares should especially be given to young birds very sparingly. Many fanciers make a composition of salt, PIGEONS. 97 lime mortar, and a little clay, mixed with spicy seeds, as caraway, which they allow their pigeons to feed upon at will. The seed may be scattered on the floor amongst the gravel, although many persons recommend little contrivances to put it in. on the score of keeping it cleaner and better. DOMESTIC ACCOMMODATION AND MANAGEMENT. FAMILIARISED, or fancy pigeons are generally confined in aviaries, or lodged in appropriate buildings attached to or near the house of the breeder, in order that they may be regularly and easily fed, cleansed, and duly attended to in all matters having reference to their condition and health ; for their natural instinct and feeling of liberty have been so nearly effaced, or placed in abeyance by the captivity to which they have been subjected, for so many generations, that they have become nearly dependent upon man for support, and have lost the power or capability, even when allowed to fly at large, of looking for and finding their own food. In these buildings, it is common to erect a certain number of boxes, or divisions, against the walls or sides, each calculated to accommodate a pair of pigeons, with their nest and young. They succeed best when separate and distinct from each other, with a small platform, and an entrance just large enough to admit the bird ; as when disposed in a continuous row, and open in front, they are apt to interfere with each other, and, by their jealousies and contentions, prevent the due increase of eggs and young. The most common shape for a pigeon house is the one repre- sented in the succeeding illustration, but the form is immaterial. It is, however, necessary that the holes should be large enough for the birds to turn round in with ease ; and there should be in front shelves and partitions of from seven to nine inches in depth, so as to keep the couples apart, and afford them resting places ; and two holes for each couple, between each partition, will be desirable. The cot should be fixed where it will be PIGEONS. kin/1 I r i M 1 4 *-w screened from cold winds, which are extremely prejudicial to the birds ; a southern or south-western aspect should, therefore, if possible, be chosen ; visits from cats and rats must also be carefully guarded against PIGEON HOUSE. If the young fancier be enabled to lit up a loft over a stable, or other out-building, for a pigeon house, the best arrangement &K PIGEON LOFT. he can adopt is that shown in the above illustration. The means for exit and re-entrance must be first thought of; and if there be no window in the loft, two holes must be made in the wall, at about five feet from the floor, each sufficiently large to admit a pigeon easily ; a shelf should be fastened on the inside, and another on the outside, of the said apertures ; on PIGEONS. 99 this latter shelf, a trap, or "aene," should be affixed, the intent and purposes of which I shall presently explain. At the upper part of the loft, rough branches should be placed as perches in the manner shown in the representation. At about four feet from the floor, breeding boxes, according to the number of birds intended to be kept, should be securely fixed to the wall, care being taken to protect them from rats, &c. Some fanciers furnish their boxes with little earthenware pans, or small baskets, for the birds to deposit their eggs in ; although the eggs are not so likely to be broken in the baskets as in the pans, the latter, if supplied with straw, are cleaner than the baskets ; the pans should vary in dimensions, accord- ing to the class of pigeon for which they are designed. It is well to put two of these receptacles in each little room, as the hens frequently go to the nest again when their broods are about three weeks old, leaving them to the care of their mates. Instead of egg boxes, shelves partitioned off, and having sliding fronts for the convenience of cleaning, are used; if the young fancier intend to keep " pouters," the shelves should be fourteen inches in breadth, and at least twenty inches apart, so that the birds may not acquire the habit of stooping, which depreciates their value. As pigeons drink differently from most other birds, that is, by taking a long-continued draught, like cattle, a fountain, or large-bottomed glass bottle, with a tolerably long neck, for water, should be provided for their house ; it should be placed on a small three-legged stool, so that its mouth may incline into an earthenware pan, into which the water will trickle slowly, and cease when it reaches the level of the mouth of the bottle, and a continued supply of fresh water thus be kept up; two or three bricks will serve instead of a stool, to give tbs bottle the neces- sary elevation. To insure the thriving of the birds, the loft and shelves should be kept clean, and gravel strown on the floor; indeed, gravel must on no account be omitted, as pigeons are exceed- ingly fond of pecking it. The "aerie" before mentioned, which is fastened on the 100 PIGEONS. shelf outside of the loft, is a trap made of laths. It has two sides and a front only, the wall of the loft forming the back ; the front and sides act upon hinges, so that they may be thrown AERIE OPEN. open, and laid flat on the platform, as hi the above figure A, B t C , and on the upper parts of these flaps are fastened strings, united to a single string in the middle of the trap ; the string is carried over the swivel , at the top of the machine, to a hiding place, whence the owner can see all that passes, and when a bird alights within the aerie, he jerks the string, the flaps are elevated, and the bird is immediately a prisoner. The acric, when shut, presents the appearance shown in the following illustration. This kind of trap is used not only by AERIE CLOSED. fanciers, but by amateurs ; and is an important appendage to the loft, both as a means of self-defence to secure strays and to shut in their own birds. Among amateur fanciers, the first- mentioned purpose is to secure valuable and favorite breeds . from being deteriorated through stray birds of no value pairing PIGEOXS. V , '.Kjfl with them. When any strays are taken' inJthtf irap', killed for the table, unless called for and claimed ~oy owners, within twenty-four hours after their capture, and a trifling sum may then be demanded for trappage. To ensure the purity of any particular kind, the young males, as soon a& they show symptoms of maturity, which may be known by particular gesticulations and their cooing notes, are placed apart in a chamber appropriated for the purpose, with a female of the same variety. Here they remain till a mutual attachment has taken place, after which, they may be returned to the general aviary, or dove house; for, when once an alliance is effected, it generally continues undissolved and inviolate till the death or removal of one of the parties; on which account many different varieties may be kept in the same aviary, or associated together in one building, without much apprehension of having a contaminated breed. For mating, or coupling pigeons, it is a good plan to build two cots, divided only by" a lath partition, by which means the birds will see each other, and may feed out of the same little vessels ; when, by giving them plenty of hemp seed, they will soon be fit for mating. When the hen sweeps her tail, put her in the cock's pen, and they will readily agree. Where it is not convenient to make this probationary pen, and you are obliged to place them both in one coop, put the cock in a few days before his mate, that he may get accustomed to it, and feel himself master, especially if the hen be high spirited; else they will quarrel so fiercely, that their disputes will terminate in a total dislike to one another. When the pigeons are comfortably matched, allow them the full run of the loft, to select a nest for themselves ; or choose a nest for them, and inclose them in it for several days, by means of a slight lath railing, giving them an abundant supply of food and water during the whole time. Both male and female engage in the construction of the nest, and relieve each other in the task of incubation. Two eggs only are laid, and the young are hatched blind, naked, and helpless, and sedulously fed and cherished by both parents. Several pairs of young 1 _ --- 4$a PIGEONS. a" reared 'during llie se'ason. The young are fed for some days'afler exclusion from the egg, not on grain, nor insects, but upon a peculiar lacteous secretion, or curd-like matter, which is poured out from a series of glands in the crop both of the male and female, which glands develope themselves into activity by a mysterious law at the proper juncture. This lacieous fluid is very abundant, and will frequently drip from the bills of the pigeons as they approach their young. It is thrown into the open mouths of the nestlings by a kind of exgurgitation, the receiving one and the giver being both in agitation. In the course of a few days, pulse or grain, moistened in the crops of the parents and mixed with this lacteous curdy fluid, is given, the secretion gradually decreas- ing as it is less and less required, till at length peas, moistened or macerated in the crop, are alone transferred into those of the young. About the third day, some of the ordinary food, after mace- ration in the crop, is added, its proportion being increased, till at length, when the young quit the nest, it constitutes their food entirely. Though fancy pigeons are kept for the sake of their beauty and peculiarities, the ordinary dove-house pigeon is reared almost exclusively for the sake of its flesh, which is accounted in most countries a delicacy. But how far the rearing of great numbers of these birds is profitable in our country may admit of question; the quantity of peas, beans, and grain, which even a small flock will annually consume, is enormous. What, then, must be the consumption of flocks of many hundreds? DISEASES. THE megrims, or epilepsy, is an incurable disorder, in which the pigeon moves about and flutters at random, with its head turned, and its bill resting upon its back. If the birds suffer much while moulting, remove them to a PIGEONS. 103 warm place, mix a good quantity of hemp aeed in their ordi- nary food, and tinge their water with saffron. When the birds are affected with the wet roup, give them a few pepper corns once in three or four days, and put some green rue in their water. The dry roup is a husky cough, arising from a cold ; when three or four cloves of garlic should be given to the birds daily. When your pigeons are infested with insects, fumigate their feathers thoroughly with tobacco. The canker is occasioned by the cocks pecking each other, which, as they are extremely irritable, they often do. To cure it, rub the part daily with a mixture of burnt alum and honey. If the incrusted flesh round the eyes of " carriers," " Barbs," or "horsemen," be injured or pecked, bathe it with salt water; and if, in some days, this remedy does not succeed, another lotion composed of three drachms and a half of alum, dissolved in two ounces of water should be tried. When " pouters" and " croppers "gorge themselves, by over- eating, after Jong fasting, put the bird, feet downward, into a tight stocking, smoothing up the crop so that, overloaded as it is, it may be kept from hanging down ; then hitch up the stocking on a nail, and keep the bird a prisoner until its food is digested, supplying it with a small quantity of water occasionally. When the bird is taken out of the stocking, it should be put into an open coop or basket, and fed but scantily for a while. For lameness, or swelled balls of the feet, whether from cold, cuts with glas<3, or any accident, the most effectual application is u small qua nSty of Venice turpentine spread on a piece of brown paper. ft -41319 THE EUROPEAN QUAIL. Synonymes. Tetrao coturnif, Cailks Wnchtel, Codorniz, Qunglia, Quail, Common Quail, Or ORNITHOLOGISTS. Or THE FRENCH. Or THE GERMANS. Or THE SPANIARDS AND PORTUGUESE. Or THE ITALIANS. Or THE BRITISH AND ANGLO-AMERICANS. beauty of form and plumage, the song of the common quail of the Old World is no slight re- commendation to the amateur. In the breeding sea- son, that of the male commences by repeating softly, tones resembling i-erra, remz, followed by the word pieveroie, uttered in a bold tone, with the neck raised, the eyes shut, and the head inclined on one side. Those that repeat the last syllables ten or twelve times, consecutively, are the most esteemed. That of the female only consists of remz, rerra, pupu, pupu, the last two syllables being those by which the male and the female attract one another's attention; when alarmed or angry, their cry resembles guilldh! but at other times, it is only a murmur, resembling the purring of a cat This bird never sings when j^ . * got ^g THE EUROPEAN QUAIL. 105 ' ' left to run about in a light room, except during the night, but continually when in a darkened cage. When wild, the quail is found throughout the eastern conti- nent. It is a bird of passage, arriving in Europe in May, and taking its departure at the end of September. THE EIROl'EAN QtTAlI . FOOD. IN a *vild state, the quail feeds on wheat and other corn, rape seed, millet, hemp seed, and the like. It also eats green vegetables, as well as insects, and particularly ants' eggs. In the house, it is fed on the same food, adding bread, barley meal, mixed with milk, the universal paste, and occasionally salad or cabbage, chopped up small, and, that it may want nothing to keep it in health, plenty of river sand for it to roll in and peck up grains, which assist its digestion; but this sand must be damp, for if dry, it will not touch it. It drinks a great deal, and the water, contrary to the opinion of some 6* ' * 106 THE EUROPEAN QUAIL. persons, should be clear, and never turbid. It moults twice in the year, once in autumn, and again in spring; it then requires rive* sand, and greater attention than at other times. BREEDING. THE quail breeds very late, never before July. Its nest, if it can be called so, is a hole scratched in the earth, in which it lays from ten to fourteen bluish-white eggs, with large brown spots. These are hatched after three weeks' incubation. The young ones, all hairy, follow the mother the moment they leave the shell. Their feathers grow quickly, for in the autumn thcv are able to depart with her to the southern countries. The mains arc so ardent, that if one is placed in a room with a female, he will pursue her immediately with extraordinary cajii-niess, tearing off her feathers if she resist in tho least ; he is less violent if he has been in the same room with her during the year. The female, in this case, lay a great many eggs but rarely sits on them ; yet if young ones are brought her from the field, she eagerly receives them under her wings and becomes a very affectionate mother to them. The young must be fed on eggs, boiled hard and cut small, but the best way is to take the mother with the convoy, which may be done with a net. She watches over them attentively, nnd they are more easily reared. During the first year, one would think that all the convoy were females, the males resemble them so much, particularly before the brown shows itself on the throat. The adult female, however, differs very sensibly from the male ; her throat is white, and her breast paler, and spotted with black, like that of the throat. MANAGEMENT. IN the house, if allowed to range, its gentleness, neatness, anil peculiar motions are seen to advantage ; but it is often kept in a cage of the following make : THE EUROPEAN QUAIL. 107 A small box, two feet long, one foot deep, and four high, of any shape which is preferred ; in this are left two or three openings, one for drinking at, the other to give light; besides this all is dark; the bottom is a drawer, which should be covered with sand, and have a seed drawer at one end ; the top is of green cloth; for as the quail often springs up it would hurt itself were it of wood. The case should be suspended during the summer outside the window, for the quail sings much more when con- fined in this manner than if allowed to range the room, where there are many things to call off its attention from its song. AMERICAN ROSE CULTURIST ; BEING A PRACTICAL TKKATISE ox Tax PROPAGATION, CTLTIVATION. A \ H Ml\AGEMENl or THE ROSE Of ALL SEASONS J WITH A LIST OF CHOICE AND APPROVED ADAPTED TO THi CLIMATE OF T1IK UNITKD STATE* TO IttlUU AP.I ADDED FULL DIRECTIONS FOR TIJE TREATMENT Q* THE DAHLIA. Illustrated by Engraving*. .. No flovrnr that blowa .lira th ROM, nor sealUn och ptrfora* * NEW- YORK : ORANGE JUDD & COMPANY, RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be mod* 4 days prior to the due dot*. Book* may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SEP 1 1 1QQ? AUTO DtSCC ior Air, M