r 34- RE AMERICAN STATE AND TOWN HISTORIES BIBLIOGRAPHIES. RAILROADIANA AND ENGLISH LITERATURE THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOSIAH HENRY BENTON AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. BENTON ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, MARCH lira, 1920 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY GIFT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23RD STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF AMERICANA AND ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE LATE JOSIAH HENRY BENTON AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. BENTON ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, MARCH HTH, 1920 AT 2:30 IN THE AFTERNOON AND 8:00 O CLOCK IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES GIFT 43309A HISTORY or tJP TO THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS THEREIN BY THE I5T THE YEAR 1768. BY JOHN HAYWOOD, Of TUB COX7KTT Or B1TID80B, IK THE 8TATI OI TSKITISSIX, NASHVILLE: PRINTED BY GEORGE 1828. JOHN HAYWOOD Exact facsimile of Title-page [No. 376] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF RARE AMERICAN STATE AND TOWN HISTORIES ENGLISH LITERATURE AND RAILROADIANA THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOSIAH HENRY BENTON AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF MRS. BENTON ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, MARCH HTH, 1920 AT 2:30 IN THE AFTERNOON AND 8:00 O CLOCK IN THE EVENING THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF. THE LATE JOSIAH HENRY BENTON The late Josiah Henry Benton Jr. was born at Addison, Vermont, August 4th, 1843. He received* his education in the public schools, Bradford (Vt.) Academy, the New London (N. H.) Literary and Scientific Institute, and studied law at the Albany Law School, from which he graduated in 1886, being admitted to the Bar, May 5th, 1866. From August 15th, 1862, to July 1863, he served as a. private in Company "H," Twelfth Vermont Volunteers. During the years 1867 to 1873, he practised law in Lancaster, N. H., serving during a part of this time (1868 and 1870-1872) as Assistant-Clerk and Clerk of the Xew Hampshire House of Representatives. The early part of 1873 found Mr. Benton in Boston where he practised law until his death, specializ ing in corporation and railroad law. As a Trustee, and President of the Board of Trustees of the Boston Public Library, he rendered valuable service to that Institute from the time of his first taking on his duties in 1894 until his death. He was the author of numerous monographs and addresses on legal, economic and legislative subjects ; also of "Samuel Slade Benton, His Ancestors and Descendants," 1901; "A Notable Libel Suit," 1904; "Early Census Mak ing in Massachusetts," 1905, etc. In the formation of his library, Mr. Benton devoted himself largely to American History, specializing in items relating to Vermont. As a collector of autographs, he ranked among the more discrimin ating of modern collectors, gathering together one of the most important and interesting collections of recent years. This collection of autograph letters will be sold immediately following the sale of Mr. Benton s Library herein catalogued. SUMMARY OF THE BENTON LIBRARY AMERICANA. Numbers 1 to 558, inclusive CIVIL WAR HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Nos. 75 to 92 CONNECTICUT STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY. Nos. 99 to 110 EPISCOPAL CHURCH HISTORY. Nos. 124 to 137 GENEALOGIES OF AMERICAN FAMILIES. Nos. 143 to 156 GEORGIA HISTORICAL ITEMS. Nos. 157 to 159 ILLINOIS HISTORY. No. 172 INDIAN WARS AND CAPTIVITIES. Nos. 173 to 181 KENTUCKY HISTORY. Nos. 140 and 185 MAINE HISTORY. Nos. 199 and 200 MARYLAND HISTORY. No. 201 MASSACHUSETTS STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY. Nos. 203 to 281 NEW ENGLAND HISTORY. Nos. 287 to 300 NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY. Nos. 301 to 318 NEW JERSEY HISTORY. Nos. 319 to 321 NEW YORK STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY. Nos. 322 to 324 NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORY. Nos. 325 to 329 PENNSYLVANIA STATE HISTORY. Nos. 338 to 341 STA^E HISTORY. Nos. 358 to 363 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORY. Nos. 370 to 373 TENNESSEE STATE HISTORY. Nos. 376 to 378 TEXAS STATE HISTORY. No. 379 TRANSPORTATION, EAILROADS AND CANALS. Nos. 382 to 441 VERMONT STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY. Nos. 443 to 539 VIRGINIA STATE HISTORY. Nos. 541 to 546 ENGLISH LITERATURE. Numbers 559 to 754, inclusive BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Numbers 572 to 648, inclusive A FEW OF THE MORE NOTEWORTHY ITEMS BEVERLY (Robert). History of Virginia. First and Second Editions, 1705- 1722. [Nos. 541 and 542] BRICKELL (John). Historical Account of South Carolina and Georgia. First Edition. 1737 [No. 325] BURK (John). History of Virginia. Complete set. 1822-1816 [No. 543] CLAY (Henry). Memoirs. By R. C. Winthrop. Extra-Illustrated [No. 93] COXE (Daniel). Carolina. First Edition. 1722 [No. 72] FILSOX (John). The Discovery and Settlement of the State of Kentucky. First Edition. 1793 [No. 140] HAYWOOD (John). Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee; Also, Civil and Political History of Tennessee. Both original issues, and fine copies [Nos. 376 and 377] HEW ATT (A.). Historical Account of South Carolina and Georgia. 1779 [No. 373] HUTCHINSON (Thomas). History of Massachusetts-Bay. 3 vols. Boston and London [No. 256] ; Also, Collection of Original Papers [No. 257] LE PAGE DU PRATZ (M.). History of Louisiana. 1763 [No. 193] M/CALL (Hugh). History of Georgia [No. 157] M AFEE (R. B.). History of the Late War in the Western Country. First Edition [No. 197] MARSHALL (H.). History of Kentucky. 1824 [No. 185] MASON (Jeremiah). Memoirs and Correspondence. 1873. Extra-Illustrated. [No. 202] MATHER (Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana. 1702 [No. 282] SANDERS (D. G.). History of the Indian Wars. First Edition [No. 179] SMITH (Samuel). History of the Colony of Nova-Caesaria or New Jersey. 1765 [No. 319] STITH (William). History of Virginia. 1747 [No. 545] Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days except holidays between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, how ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. BENTON THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOSIAH HENRY BENTON AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY First Session, Numbers 1 to 374, inclusive THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH llth, AT 2 : 3 O CLOCK 1. ACORN CLUB PUBLICATION. Samuel Stone s Catechism*. Reissued. With an Introductory Sketch, from the Original Edition printed in 1684. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut, unopened. [Hartford] 1899 Edition limited to 100 copies, this being No. 35. 2. ACORX CLUB PUBLICATION. Iloadly (Charles J.). The Hiding of the Charter. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, and partly unopened. Hartford, 1900 Edition limited to 100 copies, this being No. 84. 3. ACORN CLUB PUBLICATION. Acts and Laws of His Majesties Colony of Connecticut in Xew-England. Printed in 1702 and now First Ee- issued. Roval 4to, boards, paper label, uncut, unopened. Hartford, 1901 Edition limited to 100 copies, this being No. 58. 4. ACORX CLUB PUBLICATION. Love (W. DeLoss). Thomas Short, the First Printer in Connecticut. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Hartford, 1901 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. Inserted are two A.L.S. by Albert C. Bates, to Mr. J. H. Benton Jr., relative to the Publications of the Acorn Club. 5. ACORX CLUB PUBLICATIOX. Eelation of the Pequot Warres Written in 1660 by Lieutenant Lion Gardener and now First Printed from the Original Manuscript. With an Historical Introduction. Facsimile. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Hartford, 1901 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. 6. ACORN CLUB PUBLICATION. Trumbull (James Hammond). List of Books Printed in Connecticut 1709-1800. Royal 4to, wrappers, un cut, and partly unopened. Hartford, 1904 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 7. ACORN CLUB PUBLICATION. Luke Gridley s Diary of 1757. While in Service in the French and Indian War. Edited for the Acorn Club. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Hartford, 1907 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. 8. ACORN CLUB PUBLICATION. Fane (Francis). Reports on the Laws of Connecticut. Edited with an Introduction by Charles M. Andrews. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. [Hartford] 1915 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. 9. ACORN CLUB PUBLICATION. Roll and Journal of Connecticut Service in Queen Anne s War 1710-1711. Edited for the Acorn Club. Fac simile. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, and partly unopened. [Hartford] 1916 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. 10. ADAMS (MRS. ABIGAIL). Letters of Mrs. Adams, the Wife of John Adams. With an Introductory Memoir. By her Grandson. Second Edition. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, a few fox- marks. Boston, 1840 With the John Adams Library bookplate. 11. ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). The Jubilee of the Constitution. Frontispiece. 8vo, three-quarter morocco, scratched, gilt back and top, uncut, BY p. B. SANFORD. New York, 1839 Inserted in the title-page is the autograph signature of J. Q. Adams. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 40 engraved contemporary por traits, some inlaid. The original front wrapper bound in. 12. ALLEX (ETHAN). A Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen s Captivity, From the time of his being taken by the British, near Montreal, on the 25th of September, 1775, to the time of his Exchange, on the 6th of May, 1778. Containing his Voyages and Travels. 12mo, half calf, uncut, first and last leaf extended in margins, last leaf mended, sig nature on title. Newbury: Printed by John Mycall, for Nathaniel Coverly of Boston, 1780 Fourth Edition. Three words are erased on page 15, and on page 30. 13. ALLEN (ETHAN). Moore (Hugh). Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Pittsburgh, N. Y. : 0. R. Cook, 1834 14. ALLEN (ETHAN). Memoir of Colonel Seth Warner, By Daniel Chap man. To which is added, the Life of Colonel Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks. 16mo, cloth. Middlebury, 1846 Signature of "Taft" on fly-leaf. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 15. ALMANAC. Dana (John Cotton) and Kent (Henry W.). Editors. The Old Librarian s Almanack. A very rare pamphlet first pub lished in New Haven Connecticut in 1773 and now reprinted for the first time. 8vo, marbled boards, paper label on back, and on front cover. Woodstock, Vermont, 1909 Presentation copy to Col. J. H. Bent on icith the Season s Greetings. George Parker Winship. Christmas Eve. 1910. Also an A.N.S. G. P. W. A facsimile reprint With prefatory note by E. L. Pearson. 16. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Who s Who in America. 1903-1917. 7 vols. thick 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1003-1917 17. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Lyford (<L 0.). Life of Edward II. Rollins, Boston, 1906; OLIVER (F. S.) Alexander Hamilton. Xew York, 1907; MORSE (J. T.) Memoir of Colonel Henry Lee. Boston, 1905 ; FARNHAM (C. H.) Life of Francis Parkman. Boston, 1900; SCHUCKEES (J. W.) Life and Publick Services of S. P. Chase. Xew York, 1874. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 18. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. McLaughlin (J. F.). Matthew Lyon. Portrait. New York, 1900; PEABODY (A. P.). Life of William Plumer. Por trait. Boston, 1856; ROBERTS (T. P.). Memoirs of John Bannister Gibson. Portraits. Pittsburgh, 1890; KENDRICKEX (PAUL H.). Memoirs of. Portrait. Boston: Privately printed, 1910; BRADLEY (J. P.). Miscellaneous Writings. Portrait. Xewark, 1901. To gether, 5 vols. Svo, cloth. Various places, various dates 19. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Xeilson (Joseph). Memories of Rufus Choate. Portrait. Boston, 1884; WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Letters and Recollections. Illustrated. Xew York, 1906; WINTHROP (R. C.). Life and Letters of John Winthrop. Portrait. Boston, 1867; WEED (H. A.). Autobiography of Thurlow Weed. Illustrated. 2 vols. With letter signed by Weed laid in. Boston, 1884. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 20. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Parton (James). Famous Americans. Bos ton, 1867; CALLENDER (E. B.). Thaddeus Stevens. Boston, 1882; SHELLEY (H. C.). John Harvard. Boston, 1907; PARKER (E. G.). Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. Xew York, 1860; and 2 others. Some illustrated. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates 21. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Parton (J.). Life of Horace Greeley. Boston. 1869; CHAMBERLAIN (X. H.). Samuel Sewall. Boston, 1897; WHIPPLE (E. P.). Recollections of Eminent Men. Boston, 1886; JENKINS (J. S.). The Life of Silas Wright. Auburn, 1847; and others. Some illustrated. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. , Various places, various dates First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 22. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Shea (G.). Life of Alexander Hamilton. Por traits. Boston, 1881; SHERMAN (JOHN). Recollections. 2 vols. Illustrated. Chicago, 1895; TICKNOR (GEORGE). Life. 2 vols. Boston, 1877; and 2 others. Some illustrated. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, 5 cloth, 2 half leather. Various places, various dates 23. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. ADAMS (C. F.). John Quincy Adams. Cam bridge, 1902; DICKENSON (M. F.). John Marshall. Boston, 1901; A.L.S. of the Author laid in; REMAINS of the Rev. James Marsh. New York, 1845; STAFFORD (W. P.). Wendell Phillips. New York. Presentation inscription from the Author; and others. To gether, 9 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 24. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY, 25 odd parts. Wrappers. Norwood, Mass. 1906-1916 25. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The Representations of Governor Hutchinson and others, Contained in certain Letters Transmitted to England, And afterwards returned from thence, And laid before the General- Assembly of the Massachusetts-Bay. Together with the Resolves of the two Houses thereon. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, BY MATTHEWS. Boston: Edes and Gill, 1773 26. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BOSTON MASSACRE. Warren (Joseph). An Oration Delivered March 6, 1775, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston ; to Commemorate The Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. 8vo, stitched, uncut, writing on half-title, foxed, margins worn at edges. Newport, Rhode Island : Reprinted and Sold by S. Southwick, 1775 27. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Drayton (John). Memoirs of the American Revolution. . .as relating to the State of South-Carolina. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. FINE COPY. Charleston, 1821 28. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Proceedings. 13 odd parts. 8vo, wrappers. Washington, 1915-1918 29. BANCROFT (GEORGE). History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, bindings slightly rubbed, one title- page stained. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1856-1874 30. BAPTIST DENOMINATION. Asplund (John). The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination, in North-America ; to the First of November, 1790. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 57 (I), 69-70. [Southampton County, Virginia, 1791] RARE. Contains an account of the Churches and their Constitutions, ministers, members, associations; their plan and sentiments, rule and order, proceedings and correspondence. THE FIRST WORK OF ITS KIND PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March Uth 31. BAY PSALM BOOK (THE). Being a Facsimile Reprint of the First Edi tion, Printed by Stephen Daye, at Cambridge, in New England in 1640. With an Introduction by Wilberforce Eames. 12mo, boards, cloth back, uncut and partly unopened. N"ew York, 1003 32. BAY PSALM BOOK (THE). The same. 12mo, boards. Xew York, 1905 33. BENTOX (ARIEL). Life and Times of Ariel Benton. This Historical Record Goes to print February 13, 1882, being the 90th birthday of Ariel Benton, who is now a resident of Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio. Written by himself. 51pp. 8vo, original boards. Peoria, 111., 1882 34. BEXTOX (JosiAH HEXRY, JR.). Opening Argument of J. H. Benton, Jr. in Behalf of the Petition of the Xashua and Lowell Railroad Cor poration. 1880; Argument of J. H. Benton, Jr. .. .against the Petition of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 1885 ; What Women Did for the War and What the War Did for Them. 1894 ; Public Libraries as a Means of Education. 1896; Annual Address before the Grafton and Coos Bar Association, 1898; and 3 others. To gether, 9 pamphlets, 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1880-1911 35. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). A similar collection. Together, 9 pam phlets, Svo, wrappers. Boston, 1880-1911 36. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). A similar collection. Some duplicates. Together, 1C pamphlets, Svo, wrappers, one cover missing. Boston, 1885-1911 37. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). The Veto Power in the United States. What Is It? Svo, wrappers. Boston, 1888 38. BEXTOX (JosiAH HEXRY, JR.). The same. 12 copies. Svo, wrappers. Boston, 1888 39. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). Andrew Benton. 1620-1683. A Sketch. Plan and view. Svo, wrappers, uncut. Boston: The Merrymount Press, Privately Printed, 1900 40. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). The same. 10 copies. Svo, wrappers, uncut. Boston: The Merrymount Press, Privately Printed, 1900 41. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). The same. 20 copies, Svo, wrappers, uncut. Boston: The Merrymount Press, Privately Printed, 1900 42. BEXTOX ( JOSIAH HENRY, JR.). The same. 40 copies, Svo, wrappers, uncut. Boston: The Merrymount Press, Privately Printed, 1900 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 66. BENTON (JosiAti HENRY, JR.). The same. 53 copies. 8vo, boards, cloth back, gilt top. Boston : Privately Printed, 1915 67. BENTON (PHILIP). The History of Rochford Hundred (Essex County, England), from former Authors, Ancient Manuscripts and Church Registers, treating upon Various Subjects, including Notices of Churches and Chapels; the Clergy; Biography and Genealogy of Families; Traditions; Superstitions. . . 2 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt backs and tops, original wrappers of various parts inserted, bindings broken. Rochford, 1867-1873 68. BURR (AARON). Parton (James). The Life and Times of Aaron Burr. Enlarged Edition. Two portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1886-1888 Vol. 2 dated 1886. 69. CALLENDER (JAMES THOMSON). Sketches of the History of America. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, rubbed; small tear in title mended, lightly foxed. Philadelphia, 1798 From the "Samuel Latham Mitchill Barlow collection, with his bookplate. 70. CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church Discipline: Gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod, at Cambridge, New-Eng land. To be presented to the Churches and General Court. . .Anno, 1649. Published by J. Weston (Reading, Mass.). 12mo,, marbled boards, contents lettered up back, original marbled wrappers bound in, text somewhat foxed. Boston, 1819 71. CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. Report on Congregationalism, Including a Man ual of Church Discipline, Together with the Cambridge Platform, Adopted in 1648, and the Confession of Faith, Adopted in 1680. 12mo, half split morocco, rubbed. Boston, 1846 72. CAROLINA. Coxe (Daniel). A Description of the English Province of Carolina, By the Spaniards call d Florida, And by the French La Louisiana. As also of the Great and Famous River Meschacebe or Missisipi . . . With folding map showing the entire eastern section of America from the St. Lawrence to Florida and including the Mississippi valley,, with inset showing the Mouth of the Mississippi. 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE, map in folding cloth case. Both pieces enclosed in maroon levant solander case, BY RIVIERE. London: Printed for B. Cowse, 1722 FIRST EDITION. The map is mounted on silk gauze, with tear in lower part skillfully repaired, and in folder separate from the book. With library stamp on title, p. 41, and last page, also on map. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 73. CARSON (HAMPTON L.). The Supreme Court of the United States: Its History and its Centennial Celebration, February 4th, 1890. Full- page illustrations. Thick imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1891 74. CIVIL WAR. Pollard (Edward A.). Southern History of the War. Re printed from the Richmond Corrected Edition. Portrait*. 4 vols. Svo, cloth, very slightly worn. New York, 1863-1866 75. CIVIL WAR. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. By an Officer. Illustrated with steel portraits, wood engravings and maps. Phila delphia, 1863; VAN HORNE (THOMAS B!). History of the Army of the Cumberland. Illustrated with Campaign and Battle Maps com piled by Edward Ruger. With Atlas. 3 vols. Cincinnati, 1875. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia and Cincinnati, 1863-1875 76. CIVIL WAR. American Rebellion. Report of the Speeches of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, delivered at Public Meetings in Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London. Svo, cloth. Manchester, 1864 Pasted in is a one-page A.L.S. by H. W. Beecher. 12mo, dated "Brook lyn Oct. 9. 52." To "James Coley Esq." With addressed envelope. 77. CIVIL WAR. Harper s Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion. By Alfred H. Guernsey and Henry M. Alden. 2 vols. [New York, 1866] ; FRANK LESLIE S Illustrations. The Soldier in Our Civil War. Edited by Paul F. Mottelay and T. Campbell-Copeland. 2 vols. New York, 1893. Both profusely illustrated. Together, 4 vols. folio, cloth and half roan, one pasre torn. New York, [1866] -1893 78. CIVIL WAR. Paris (Comte de). History of the Civil War in America. Translated by Louis F. Tasistro. Edited by Henry Coppee. Numer ous tinted maps. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1875-1886 79. CIVIL WAR. Campaigns of the Civil War. Complete set. Maps. 13 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, Scribners Sons, 1882, etc. 80. CIVIL WAR. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Edited by Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buell. Profusely illus trated. 4 vols. royal Svo, cloth, gilt backs and tops. New York: The Century Co., 1887-1888 81. CIVIL WAR. Ropes (John Codman). The Story of the Civil War. With maps and plans. 2 vols. Maps for Vol. II enclosed in a separate case. Together, 3 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1895-1898 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 82. CIVIL WAR. Logan (John A.). Life and Services of Gen. John A. Lo gan. By George Francis Dawson. Frontispiece portrait, -facsimile, and other illustrations. Chicago and New York, 1887. Author s presentation copy to Rev. Dr. John P. Newman, 1887; SEWARD (WILLIAM H.). William IT. Seward: An Autobiography from 1801 to 1834. With a Memoir of his life, etc. by Frederick W. Seward. Portraits. New York, 1891; DRAPER (WILLIAM F.). Re collections of a Varied Career. Portraits and plates from photographs. Boston, 1908. Author s presentation copy to Colonel Benton, with typewritten note signed in the autograph of, "William F. Draper" inserted; MEADE (GEORGE GORDON). The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army; by George Meade. Portrait and folding maps. 2 vols. New York, 1913. Together, 5 vols. 8vo J various bindings. Various places, various dates 83. CIVIL WAR, ETC. Benton (T. II.). Thirty Years View; a History of the Workings of the American Government. . .from 1820 to 1850. By a Senator of Thirty Years. Portrait of Thomas H. Benton. 2 vols. New York, 1854. (Page of text torn) . Laid in is a one-page A.L.S. Inj Thomas II. Benton; BLAINE (JAMES G.). Twenty Years of Congress. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. Norwich, Conn., 1884. Laid in is a one-page A.L.S. ly the author-. Cox (SAMUEL S.). Three Decades of Federal Legislation. 1855 to 1885. Engraved title-page. Providence, 1894; SHERMAN (EDGAR JAY). Some Rec ollections of a Long Life. Illustrations. Boston : Privately Printed, 1908. Presentation copy with the author s autograph inscription. Together, G vols. thick 8vo, cloth. Various places, 1854-1908 84. CIVIL WAR. Jackson (Thomas J. "Stonewall"). The Life of Stone wall Jackson, by a Virginian. Portrait. New York, 1864 (news paper clippings pasted in); THOMAS (GEORGE H.). Memoir of Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas, by R. W. Johnson. Numerous por traits. Philadelphia, 1881; LEE (ROBERT E.). Memoirs of Robert E. Lee, his Military and Personal History, by A. L. Long. Portraits and folding maps. New York, 1887; General Lee; His Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865, with Personal Reminiscences, by Walter H. Taylor. Folding maps. Norfolk, Va. [1906] ; DAVIS (JEFFERSON). A Short History of the Confederate States of America. Frontispiece portrait. New York, 1890; LONGSTREET (JAMES). From Manassas to Appomattox; Memoirs of the Civil War in America. Numerous portraits, engravings and colored maps. Philadelphia, 1896. To gether, 6 vols. 8vo and 4to, cloth, some worn. Various places, various dates First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 85. CIVIL WAR. Pittcnger (William). Daring and Suffering: A History of the Andrews Railroad Raid into Georgia in 1862. Illustrations. New York, 1887; POWELL (WILLIAM IL). The Fifth Army Corps. Naps and illustrations. New York, 1896; DWIGHT (THEODORE F.). The Virginia Campaign of 1862 under General Pope. Folding maps. Boston, 1895 ; CAMPAIGNS in Virginia, Maryland and Penn sylvania. 1862-1863. Folding map. Boston, 1903; WILDERNESS CAMPAIGN (The). May-June 1864. Folding map. Boston, 1905; PETERSBURG, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg. Folding maps. Boston, 1906. Together, 6 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, cloth* one half roan. New York and Boston, 1887-1906 The last 4 vols. are Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massa chusetts, Printed by the Society. 86. CIVIL WAR. Draper (John William). History of the American Civil War. Naps. 3 vols. New York [1867-1870] ; SWIXTOX (WIL LIAM). Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865. Por traits, maps. New York, 1882; BEATH (ROBERT B.). History of the Grand Army of the Republic. Portraits. New York, 1889; STINE (J. 11.). History of the Army of the Potomac. Second Edition. Portraits. [Washington, 1893] ; CHAMBERLAIN (JosnuA LAWRENCE) . The Passing of the Armies, An Account of the Final Campaign of the Army of the Potomac. With portraits and folding maps. New York and London, 1915. Together, 7 vols. 8vo and 4to, cloth and half morocco. Various places, various dates 87. CIVIL WAR. Sherman (William Tecumseh). Sherman and his Cam paigns: a Military Biography, by Col. S. M. Bowman and Lt.-Col. R. B. Irwin. ~\Yith portraits and map. New York, 1865 ; Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, by Himself. With folding map in pocket of bad- cover of Vol. II. 2 vols. New York, 1875. With clip ping from an autograph letter, comprising several lines of text and signature in the autograph of, "W. T. Sherman" attached to fly leaf of Vol. 7; MCCLELLAN (GEORGE B.). McClellan s Own Story; The War for the Union. Portrait. New York, 1887 ; SHERIDAN (PHILIP H.). "Little Phil" and his Troopers. The Life of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, by Frank A. Burr and Richard J. Hinton. Portraits and illustrations. Providence, 1888; Personal Memoirs of P. II. Sheridan. With portraits, maps, some folding, and other illustrations. 2 vols, New York, 1891 (Vol. II dated 1888). To gether, 7 vols. 8vo, cloth and half morocco, rubbed. Various places, various dates 88. CIVIL WAR. Greeley (Horace). The American Conflict. 2 vols. Hart ford, 1865; Lossing (Benson J.). Pictorial History of the Civil War. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1866; POLLARD (E. A.). The Lost Cause. New York, 1866; JOHNSTON (J. E.). Narrative of Military Operations. New York, 1874; VICTOR (0. J.). History of the Southern Rebellion. 2 vols. New York (1861). Together, 9 vols. 8vo, sheep and roan, bindings poor. Various places, various dates First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 89. CIVIL WAR. Swinton (William). The Twelve Decisive Battles of the War. Portraits. New York, 1867; PENINSULAR CAMPAIGN (The) of General McClellan in 1862. Folding Map. Boston: Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, 1881; PORTER (ADMIRAL). Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War. Portrait. New York, 1885; WILSON (JAMES G.) AND COAN (Tirus M.). Personal Rec ollections of the War of the Rebellion. Illustrations. New York, 1891; WILDERNESS CAMPAIGN (The). May-June, 1864. Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Vol. IV. Boston, 1905; HASKELL (FRANK A.). The Battle of Gettysburg. Portrait Wisconsin, 1908. Limited Edition; DODGE (GRENVILLE M.). The Battle of Atlanta and other Campaigns. Illustrations. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1910; SCHAFF (MORRIS). The Battle of the Wilder ness. Maps and plans. Boston, 1910; BIGELOW (JOHN JR.). The Campaign of Chanccllorsville. Maps and plans. New Haven, 1910. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, 1867-1910 90. CIVIL WAR. Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Dred; A Tale of the Great Dis mal Swamp. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. Boston, 1856; ATWATER (H. COWLES). Incidents of a Southern Tour. Boston, 1857 (original paper wrappers bound in) ; WAR LYRICS and Songs of the South. London, 1866 (uncut and unopened) ; HAMLIN (AUGUSTUS CHOATE). The Battle of Chancellorsville. Colored plans. Bangor, Maine, 1896; HUGHES (ROBERT M.). Great Commanders: Gen eral Johnston. Portrait, maps. New York, 1897; DAVIES (HEXRY E.). Great Commanders: General Sheridan. Portrait, maps. Xew York, 1898; DANA (CHARLES A.). Recollections of the Civil War. Portrait. New York, 1898; SHALER (NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE). From Old Fields ; Poems of the Civil War. Boston and New York, 1906; HOPKINS (LUTHER W.). From Bull Run to Appomattox; A Boy s View. With portraits and a folding map in pocket on inside of back cover. Baltimore [1908]. Author s presentation copy, ivith the following inscription, "Mr Josiali II. Benton With Compli ments of the Author Luther W. Hopkins, Baltimore, January first Nineteen hundred & nine;" BARDEEN (CHARLES W.). A Little Fifer s War Diary. With maps on inside of front cover and first fly-leaf, and facsimile on inside of back, cover, numerous other maps, portraits and illustrations in the text. Syracuse, 1910. Together, 11 vols. 12mo and 8vo, various bindings, some uncut. Various places, 1856-1910 91. CIVIL WAR. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. Hinman (Wilbur F.). The Story of the Sherman Brigade, 64th Ohio, 65th Ohio, 6th Battery Ohio, McLaughlin s Squadron, Ohio. Portraits. [Alliance, 0.,] 1897. Author s presentation copy with autograph inscription:, LIVERMORE [Continued First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth [No. 91 Continued} (THOMAS L.). History of the Eighteenth New Hampshire Volun teers, 1864-5. Portraits and plates. Boston, 1904. Author s presen tation copy, with autograph inscription-, BRUCE (GEORGE A.). The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861- 1865. With portraits, maps, and other illustrations. Boston and New York, 1906. Author s presentation copy with A.L.S. and auto graph postal card, loth addressed to Col. J. H. Benton, laid in. To gether, 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, first with gilt edges, last uncut. Various places, various dates 92. CIVIL WAR ENVELOPES. Union and Patriotic Album. Illustrated Fold ing Envelope Holder containing 100 envelopes with patriotic illus trations in upper corner of each, some colored. 12mo, pictorial boards. Boston, 1861 93. CLAY (HEXRY). Winthrop (Richard C.). Memoir of Henry Clay. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, with original paper wrap pers bound in. Very slightly rubbed. Cambridge, 1880 EXTRA-ILLUSTBATED with 38 portraits, 4 views, illustrated BROADSIDE, A.L.S. of HENRY CLAY, and lower portion of a Government Deed or Grant containing the AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES of, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. HENRY CLAY and BEVERLY CHEW. The Deed reads as follows, "Given under my Hand .and the Seal of the United States of America the twenty second day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven John Quincy Adams By the President. H Clay Secretary of State. State of Louisiana, District of Mississippi. Countersigned by Bev. Chew, At /(?)." (The words in italics are written in by hand.) The letter, written in the autograph of Clay, on the first page of a 4to folded sheet, reads, Washington 15/fc April 1842. "My Dear Sir "I received your letter transmitting drafts for $10.000 on Mr. Woods with your a/c. and I hope to be able to make them available to meet my acceptances becoming due in a few days. Should you not have remitted the residue, prior to the receipt of this letter be pleased to send it to me at Ashland, for which I set out in a few days. "Lord Ashburton appears to be animated by the most friendly disposi tions, but nothing has transpired as to the progress or prospects of his negotiation. "Yrs Affy "James Erwin Esq. (Signed) "H. Clay." The BROADSIDE is a Political Campaign Poster, with title. "The Life and Public Services of Henry Clay," with portrait of Clay at head and engraved decorative border around the text, Copyrighted by R. G. Ber- ford, eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1844. (Two small tears in margin neatly repaired.) The portraits include 20 different ones of Clay and one each of Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Madison, John Quiucy Adams, Monroe, Winthrop (the author of the Memoir), and many other prominent men of the period. AUTHOR S PRESENTATION COPY WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION, "Hon. C. H. Bell, with thanks & kind regards, from Robt. C. Winthrop. Dec. 1SSO," on original front wrapper. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 94. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Morton (Nathaniel). New-Englands Memor- iall. With an Introduction by Arthur Lord. Small 4to, grey boards., gilt top, uncut. Cambridge: Printed by S. G. and M. J. for John Usher of Boston, 1669 [Boston: Reprinted, 1903] Facsimile reprint of the 16C9 edition, by the Club of Odd Volumes, Boston, 1903. Limited edition of 150 copies, of which this is No. 139. 95. COLLINS (PATRICK A.). Life of Patrick A. Collins. With some of his most notable Public Addresses. Written, Compiled, and Edited by M. P. Curran. Illustrations on Japanese paper, with frontispiece portrait, title-page and one other in colors. 4to, full blue morocco, gilt back and sides, inner morocco borders with gilt designs, gilt top, uncut. Norwood, Mass., 1906 MEMORIAL EDITION DE LUXE limited to 100 copies, this being No. 17. 96. COLONIAL CHURCH HISTORY. Historical Collections relating to the American Colonial Church. Edited by William Stevens Perry. 3 vols. 4to, half calf, marbled edges, rubbed. [Hartford, Conn.:] 1870 Volume I, Virginia ; Volume II, Pennsylvania ; Volume III, Massa chusetts. 97. COLONIAL NEW ENGLAND. The Simple Cobler. Salem, 1906; BROOKS (H. M.). The Olden Time Series. Boston, 1886; EARLE (A. M.). Stage Coach and Tavern Days. New York, 1902; BLISS (W. R.) Colonial Times on Buzzard s Bay. Boston, 1889 ; and others. To gether, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 98. COLVIN MYSTERY. Mystery Developed; or, Russell Colvin, (supposed to be murdered,) in Full Life: and Stephen and Jesse Boom, (his con victed murderers,) rescued from Ignominious Death by Wonderful Discoveries. I. A Narrative of the Whole Transaction, by Rev. Lemuel Haynes. II. The Prisoner Released. A Sermon. . .by Lem uel Haynes. III. A Brief Sketch of the Indictment, Trial, and Con viction of Stephen and Jesse Boom, for the Murder of Russel Colvin. By S. Putnam Waldo. 8vo, marbled boards, roan back, contents lettered, uncut, text foxed, original printed wrappers bound in, pp. 48. Hartford, 1820 99. CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s English Colony of Con necticut, in New-England, in America. Small folio, old sheep, bind ing worn, back broken, text foxed, portion of pp. 369-370, and 393- 394 cut out; margin of pp. 411-412 torn, damaging text, name on first blank leaf, and writing covering half -page of second blank leaf. New-Haven and New-London : Re-printed and Sold by Thomas and Samuel Green, and Timothy Green, 1769 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 100. CONNECTICUT. Trunibull (Benjamin). A Complete History of Connec ticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical. Portrait. 2 vols. three-quarter green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. FIXE COPY. New Haven, 1818 101. CONNECTICUT. The Blue Laws of the New Plaven Colony. Compiled by an Antiquarian. Hartford, 1838; TRUMBULL (J. HAMMOND), The True-Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven. Hartford, 1876; HISTORICAL Catalogue of the First Church in Hartford. 1633-1885. [Hartford] 1885 ; REPORT of Commemorative Services with the Ser mons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885. New York, 1887; PARKER (EDWIN P.). History of the Second Church of Christ in Hartford. Illustrations. Hartford, 1892; WADSWORTH (REV. DANIEL). Diary. Hartford, 180-1. Together, 6 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and wrappers, some uncut. Hartford and New York, 1838-1894 102. CONNECTICUT. Beardsley (E. E.). The History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1865-1868 103. CONNECTICUT. GUILFORD. The History of Guilford, Connecticut. From the Manuscripts of Hon. Ralph D. Smith. Frontispiece and plan. Svo, half morocco, gilt back and top, worn, newspaper clippings pasted on blank leaves. Albany, 1877 104. CONNECTICUT. HARTFORD. Hartley (W. M. B Edited by). Hartford in the Olden Time. By Scaeba. Illustrations. Svo, half red mo rocco, gilt back and top, uncut, cracked at hinges. Hartford: F. A. Brown, 1853 105. CONNECTICUT. HARTFORD. Walker (George Leon). History of the First Church in Hartford, 1633-1883. Map, photographic plates, and portrait. Svo, cloth. Hartford, 1884 106. CONNECTICUT. HARWINTON. Chipman (R. Manning). The History of Harwinton, Connecticut, With facsimile of first page of the Har- winton Town Records, and newspaper article from Boston Recorder, April 21, 1818, entitled, "Revivals in Harwinton/ ly Joshua Wil liams, inserted. Svo, half morocco, gilt edges, original paper wrap pers bound in. Binding rubbed, back broken at top, first and last leaves stained. Hartford, 1860 107. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAVEN. Lambert (Edward R.). History of the Colony of New Haven, before and after the Union with Connecticut. Illustrated by 50 engravings. 12mo, cloth. New Haven, 1838 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 108. CONNECTICUT. TOLLAND. Waldo (Loren P.). An Address, Delivered before the Tolland County Historical Society, at Tolland, Conn., on the 22d day of August and 27th day of September, 1861. 8vo, half roan, binding somewhat rubbed. Hartford, 1861 109. CONNECTICUT. LAWS. The Code of 1650, Being a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut : . . . commonly called Blue Laws. Frontispiece of a "Constable seizing a tobacco taker." 16mo, original wooden boards, leather back, edges worn and paper cover of boards lacking. Hartford: S. Andrus, 1825 110. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Connecticut His torical Society Vol. VI (Hartford Town Votes, Vol. 1, 1635-1716). 8vo, cloth, ucnut. Hartford, 1897 111. COOK (GENERAL I). J.). Hands Up; or Twenty Years of Detective Life in the Mountains and on the Plains. Compiled by John W. Cook. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Denver, 1897 112. COOPER (WILLIAM). Concio Hyemalis. A Winter Sermon. Being a Religious Improvement of the Irresistable Power of God s Cold. Preach d January 23. 1736, 7. Small 8vo, stitched, piece cut from blank top of half-title, lower part of last leaf torn in margin, foxed. Boston : Printed by J. Draper, 1737 113. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789. Edited from the original records in the Library of Congress by Worthington C. Ford. Facsimiles. 12 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904-1908 114. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. Farrar (Timothy). Report of the Case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College against William H. Woodward... November, 1817. Portsmouth, X. H., undated; CHASE (FRED ERICK). A History of Dartmouth College and the Town of Han over, New Hampshire. Vol. I. Portrait. Cambridge, 1891 ; SHIR LEY (JOHN M.). The Dartmouth College Causes and the Supreme Court of the United States. Chicago, 1895; MILITARY RECORD of the Sons of Dartmouth in the Union Army and Navy 1861-1865. Boston, 1907. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, boards and cloth, some uncut. Various places, 1817-1907 115. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. Lord (John King). A History of Dartmouth College. 1815-1909. Being the second volume of A History of Dartmouth College and Town of Hanover, New Hampshire, begun by Frederick Chase. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Concord, N. H., 1913 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 116. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. WHEELOCK NARRATIVES. LA Plain and Faith ful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress and Present State of the Indian Charity-School At Lebanon, in Connecticut. Boston, 1763; II. A Continuation of the Narrative. Boston, 1765; III. A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School. London, 1766; IV. A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School. Second Edition, with Appendix. London, 1767; V. Continuation of the Narrative. With an Appendix. London, 1769; VI. A Continuation of the Narrative. . .to the Incorporation of it with Dartmouth Col lege. Printed in 1771. VII. A Continuation of the Narrative. New-Hampshire, Printed in the year 1773; VIII. A Continuation of the Narrative. Hartford, 1773 ; IX. A Continuation of the Narra tive. Hartford, 1775. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, boards, paper labels on front covers, uncut. Boston, no date Complete Set of the Rochester Reprints of the celebrated Tracts relating to the Indian Charity School established by Eleazar Wheelock at Lebanon, Connecticut, and later incorporated with Dartmouth College. Each volume is a photographic reprint from the original, and is strictly limited to 125 copies, printed on Strathmore Japan paper, this set being No. 25. 117. DAVIS (JEFFERSON). Pollard (Edward A.). Life of Jefferson Davis, with a Secret History of the Southern Confederacy. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869 118. DAVIS (JEFFERSON). The Eise and Fall of the Confederate Government. Map and numerous portraits. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth, name on title. New York, 1881 119. DELAWARE. Vincent (Francis). History of Delaware. 15 parts in one volume. Svo, half morocco, uncut, partly unopened, with original wrappers of each part bound in. Philadelphia: John Campbell, 1870-1871 Originally issued in 15 separate parts, and bound up as issued, with front and back wrappers to each part in the original form. 120. DEPEW (CHAUNCEY M.). One Hundred Years of American Commerce. 1795-1895. Illustrations, including two colored frontispieces. 2 vols. imperial Svo, cloth, gilt tops. New York, 1895 121. DRED SCOTT CASE. Howard (Benjamin C.). Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Opinions of the Judges thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F. A. Sand- ford. December Term, 1856; Historical and Legal Examination of that Part of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott Case. With an Appendix. By the Author of the "Thirty Years View." Name on title. 8vo, half roan, text somewhat foxed. Washington and New York, 1857-1860 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 122. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRIXTS. Webster (N.). American Spelling Book. Middletown, Connecticut, 1828 ; NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. Boston, 1777. Reprinted Hartford, 1843 ; "PniLO PACIFICUS." The Friend of Peace. Greenfield, Massachusetts, 1877; WEBSTER (N.). Ele mentary Spelling Book. Concord, N". H., 1840; WEBSTER (N.). History of the United States. New Haven, 1833; and two others, one of which is imperfect. Together, 6 vols. 16mo, various bindings, some worn. Various places, various dates 123. EDWARDS (JONATHAN). History of Redemption, on a Plan entirely Original. To which are now added Notes, Historical, Critical, and Theological, with the Life and Experience of the Author. Portrait, engraved ~by Amos Doolittle. 8vo, tree calf, leather label, slightly fox-marked. New York, 1793 124. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. A Letter Concerning an American Bishop, &c. To Dr. Bradbury Chandler, Ruler of St. John s Church, in Elizabeth-Town. In Answer to the Appendix Of His Appeal to the Public, &c. Small 8vo, stitched, uncut. [Philadelphia:] Printed [by W and T. Bradford,] A. D. 1768 Evans, No. 10947; Sabin, No. 11876. Signed, "Antiepiscopnlian." One of the numerous replies to Dr. Chandler s pamphlet. The author may have been Rod. Bethell, a young clergyman. 125. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. Chauncy (Charles). The Appeal to the Public Answered, in Behalf of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America. 8vo, three-quarter calf, binding worn. Boston, 1768 126. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity, of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in a Convention held in the City of Philadelphia, from September 29th, to October 16th, 1789. 8vo, stitched. Philadelphia, 1790; [Also] The Constitution of the Pro testant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 8vo, stitched, corners of several leaves torn. [Easton, Pa., 1793.] To gether, 2 pamphlets. Philadelphia and Easton, 1790-1793 127. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Journals of the General Conventions . . . .Also, First Appendix, containing the Constitution and Canons and Second Appendix, containing Three Pastoral Letters. 8vo, three-quarter morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1817 128. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. White (William). Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Phil adelphia, 1820 ; The same, Second Edition, 1836. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth and half sheep. Philadelphia and New York, 1820-1836 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 129. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Hawks (Francis L.). Contributions To the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. Vol. 1, Vir ginia, Vol. 2, Maryland. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, one binding worn. Xew York, 1836-1839 130. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Hawks (Francis L.). Contributions To the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. Vol. 1 only (Vir ginia). 8vo, cloth, binding worn. Xew York, 1836 131. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Sprague (William B.). Annals of the American Episcopal Pulpit. Portrait. 2 copies. 8vo, cloth, bindings worn. Xew York, 1859 132. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. General Convention Journals for the Years 1868, 1871, 1880, 1883, 1886, 1889, 1892, 1895 (2 copies), 1898 (2 copies) and 1904. Together, 13 vols. 8vo, cloth and paper. Various places, 1868-1904 133. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. The Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Vermont, including the Journals of the Conventions from the year 1790 to 1832. inclu sive. 8vo, half roan, name on title. New York, 1870 134. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Perry (W. S.). Journals of General Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (including historical notes and documents). 3 vols. cloth, uncut. Claremont, X. IT., 1874 135. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Perry (William Stevens). The His tory of the American Episcopal Church 1587-1883. Numerous por traits and illustrations. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. Boston. 1885 136. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. Updike (Wilkins). A History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett Rhode Island, including a History of Other Episcopal Churches in the State. With a Transcript of the Xarragansett Parish Register, from 1718 to 1774; an Appendix. . . Second Edition, newly edited, enlarged, and corrected by the Rev erend Daniel Goodwin. Illustrated by 50 portraits after old paint ings, 6 views of historic localities, and several facsimiles. 3 vols. 8vo. boards, contents lettered in gilt, uncut and unopened. Boston, 1907 137. EPISCOPAL CHURCH ix AMERICA. Collections of the Protestant Episco pal Historical Society. 1851-1852. Xew York; WHITE (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1820; CROSS (ARTHUR LYOX). The Angli can Episcopate and the American Colonies. Xew York, 1902 ; POTTER (HEXRY C.). Reminiscences of Bishops and Archbishops. Illustrated. Xew York, 1906; and others. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, cloth, half morocco and sheep. Various places, various dates First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 138. ESQUEMELIXG (A. 0.). The Bucaneers of America. Xow faithfully ren dered into English. With facsimiles of the original engravings, por traits, etc. 4to, cloth, gilt top. London, and New York, 1893 Reprinted from the Edition of 1684, with a reprint of the very scarce Fourth Part, by Basil Ringrose, 1685. Edited by Henry Powell. 139. EVERETT (EDWARD). Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, partly uncut, backs of Vol. I and II faded, different cloth, as issued. Boston, 1850-1868 Vol. I is Second Edition. Signature of J. H. Benton, Jr. on titles of Vol. MI. 140. FILSON (JOHN). The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Ken tucky, and Introduction to the Topography and Natural History of that Eich and Important Country ; also Colonel Daniel Boone s Nar rative of the Wars of Kentucky, with an Account of the Indian Xations within the limits of the United States * * * etc. Illustrated with a large wliole-sheet map of Kentucky from actual surveys, and an inset plan with description of the Rapids of the River Ohio. By Capt. Thomas Hutchins. 8vo, half morocco. London: John Stockdale, 1793 RARE. The original edition was printed at Wilmington in 1784, and the publisher s notice states that this reprint contains considerable addi tions. Much of the information was obtained from Daniel Boone, James Harrod, and other early pioneers with whom Filson was personally acquainted, and preceding the description is a notice signed by Boone, Harrod and Levi Todd stating that they have revised the book, and that it contains as accurate a description as can be given. The author, while surveying the present site of Cincinnati, in 1788, disappeared, presumably killed by the Indians. This edition, the first separate English edition, contains the very rare map giving the sites of towns and settlements which have now disappeared. It was re-engraved from the superlatively rare original, long claimed to be unknown, but which now exists in a few highly treasured copies. Scarcely half a dozen copies of the 1793 Filson have been offered for sale during the last twenty -five years, and these (with one exception) have all lacked the map. Even Brinley could not procure a perfect copy. THE MAP IN THIS COPY IS COLORED. The Edward N. Crane copy, with bookplate. 141. FISKE (JOHN). The Works of John Fiske. Illustrations. Together, 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston and New York, 1888-1894 CONTENTS : Critical Period of American History; Beginnings of New England; Richard Henry Dana. Vol. I ; Civil Government in the United States ; Discovery of America. 2 vols. ; Darwinism and other Essays ; Excursions of an Evolutionist ; The Idea of God ; The Reconstruction of Europe. By Harold Murdock. Introduction by Fiske. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 142. FOUREST (EDWIN). Report of the Forrest Divorce Case, Containing the Full and Unabridged Testimony of all the Witnesses, etc., together with the Consuelo and Forney Letters. Herald "Certified" Edition, published under the direct supervision of the Law Reporter of the New York Herald, and the only one containing the Suppressed Tes timony. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, rubbed. New York [1852] 143. GENEALOGY. Abbot (Rev. Abiel and Rev. Ephraim). A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot, of Andover; George Abbot, of Rowley; Thomas Abbot, of Andover; Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich; Robert Abbot, of Branford; George Abbot, of Norwalk. 8vo, cloth, name on title, pp. 197. Boston, 1847 144. GENEALOGY. The American Genealogist, being a Catalogue of Family Histories. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 406. Albany, 1900 Fifth, and enlarged edition. 145. GENEALOGY. ATWATER FAMILY. Atwater History and Genealogy. By Francis Atwater. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 492. Meriden, Conn., 1901 146. GENEALOGY. BECKWITH FAMILY. Marvin Beckwith and his wife Abi gail Clark; their Colonial Ancestors and their Descendants. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut, pp. 88. Elkhorn, Wis., 1899 Presentation copy from Mrs. Mary A. Knous, one of the compilers, to Mr. Benton, with two autograph letters from Mrs. Knous laid in. Manuscript corrections on many pages. Rare. Printed for private distribution only. 147. GENEALOGY. BENTON FAMILY. Caleb Benton and Sarah Bishop ; Their Ancestors and Their Descendants, by Charles E. Benton. Silhouette portraits. 4to, cloth. Poughkeepsie, X. Y., 1906 148. GENEALOGY. BENTON FAMILY. Benton (John Hogan). David Benton, Jr. and Sarah Bingham, Their Ancestors and Descendants; and Other Ancestral Lines. Frontispiece with 5 portraits. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1906 Inserted are two A.L.S., (1) 4pp. 12mo, dated "Nov. 10/06;" and (2) "Jany 19/07." From the author to his cousin, Col. J. H. Benton, Jr. 149. GENEALOGY. BENTON FAMILY. Samuel Slade Benton, his Ancestors and Descendants. By Josiah Henry Benton, Junior. Portraits, plates. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston; Privately Printed, 1901 150. GENEALOGY. Brooke (Mary Stearns). Genealogies of the Stearns, Lane, Holbrook and Warren Families. Portrait and plate. 4to, cloth, pp. 59. No place, 1898 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 151. GENEALOGY. Durrie (Daniel S.). Bibliographia Genealogica Ameri cana. 8vo, cloth. Albany: John Munsell s Sons. 1886 152. GENEALOGY. Hamilton (Samuel King). The Hamiltons of Waterbor- ough. Their Ancestors and Descendants. Portraits, maps and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 407. Privately Printed, 1912 Author s presentation copy, with signature. 153. GENEALOGY. Index to American Genealogies; and to Genealogical ma terial contained in all Works ... Alphabetically arranged. Royal 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1000 Fifth, and enlarged edition. 154. GENEALOGY. SALTONSTALL FAMILY. Ancestry and Descendants of Sir Richard Saltonstall, First Associate of the Massachusetts Bay Col ony and Patentee of Connecticut. Portraits, facsimiles and other illustrations. 4to, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. [Cambridge] 1897 Presentation copy with autograph inscription, from Richard M. Salton- stall, the Editor, to Col. J. H. Benton, 1899. Printed at the Riverside Press for private distribution. 155. GENEALOGY. Sargent Record. William Sargent of Ipswich, Xewbury, Hampton, Salisbury and Amesbury, New England, IT. S., with His Descendants and Their Intermarriages and Other Sargent Branches. Compiled by Edwin Everett Sargent. Portraits. Svo, cloth, pp. 331. St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 1899 156. GENEALOGY. Waters (Henry F.). Genealogical Gleanings in England. Illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1901 157. GEORGIA. M Call (Hugh). The History of Georgia, Containing Brief Sketches of the Most Remarkable Events up to the Present Day. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, marbled edges ; stamp erased from title of each volume, title and leaves somewhat foxed, but otherwise in excellent condition. Savannah: Seymour & Williams, 1811-1 81 G ONE OF THE RAREST OF SOUTHERN STATE HISTORIES. Vol. 2 Was pub lished by William T. Williams. 1816. This work was never completed. Volume 1 covers the history of the State from 1584 to 1772: Volume 2, to 1784. Both volumes are largely devoted to the history of the border warfare with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, with sketches of their chiefs and of the Loyalists who led them. Much of the material was obtained from the lips of the survivors, and from manuscripts no longer available. The whole forms the foundation of our present knowledge of the early history of Georgia. 158. GEORGIA. White (Rev. George). Historical Collections of Georgia. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, rebound in cloth, loose in covers. New York, 1854. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 159. GEORGIA. Jones (Charles C. Jr.). The History of Georgia. Portraits and maps. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Boston, 1883 160. GOODWIN (P. A.). Biography of Andrew Jackson. Xew York, 1833; DALE (G. X.) Memorial Sketches. Island Pond, 1903; LINCOLN (R. W.). Lives of the Presidents of the U. S. Xew York 1836; SPARKS (J.). Life of Ben Franklin. Boston, 1844; and others. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 161. GOODWIN (W. A. R.) Historical Sketch of Bruton Church. Petersburg. 1903; STAFFORD (W. P.). Speeches. St. Johnsbury. 1913. Presen tation Inscription from the Author; CLARK (BYRON X.). A List of the Pensioners of the War of 1812. Boston 1904; WAR WHOOP (THE). 1911. Xorthfield. 1910; and others. Together, 9 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates 162. GRANT (ULYSSES S.). Badeau (Adam). Military History of Ulysses S. Grant. Portrait and maps. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, one volume worn. Xew York, 1868-1881 Inserted is a two-page A.L.S. by the author, dated New York, April 20, 1886. 163. GRANT (ULYSSES S.). Dana (Charles A.) and Wilson (J. H.). The Life of Ulysses S. Grant. Portrait. Springfield, Mass., 1868 ; PER- SOAL MEMOIRS of U. S. Grant. Illustrations. 2 vols. Xew York, 1885; BADEAU (ADAM). Grant in Peace. Illustrations. Hartford, Conn., 1887. Presentation copy with the author s autograph inscrip tion; PORTER (GENERAL HORACE). Campaigning with Grant. Illustrations. Xew York, 1897. Inserted is a 2pp. A.L.S. , dated Xcw York, Tor. 1st, 1877. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, last vol. uncut. Various places, 1868-1897 164. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Works. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Portrait. 9 vols. 8vo, morocco backs, gilt tops, uncut, some bind ings broken. Xew York, 1885-6 Letter-Press Edition. Number 125 of five hundred copies printed. 165. HARVARD UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. Cambridge, 1910: WASHBURN (E.). Judicial History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1840; MASSACHUSETTS Charitable Fire Society. Boston 1904; and others. Together, 8 vols. Svo and 12mo,, various bindings. Various places, various dates 166. HAY (JOHN). Thayer (William Eoscoe). The Life and Letters of John Hay. Portraits. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Boston and Xew York, 1915 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 167. HENNEPIN (Louis). A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. Eeprinted from the second London issue of 1698, with facsimiles of original title-pages, maps, and illustrations, and the addition of Introduction, Notes, and Index by Reuben Gold Thwaites. With 2 folding maps, and numerous plates reproduced from the original edition. 2 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt tops. Chicago : McClurg, 1903 Only 150 copies printed, this copy being No. 3. 168. HISTORICAL PAMPHLETS. Littlefield (G. E.). Notes on the Calendar and the Almanac. Worcester, 1914; MOORE (G. H.). Notes on the History of the Old State House. Boston, 1886; BATES (A. C.). Records of the Parish of Turkey Hills. Hartford, 1901. One of 100 copies, and other pamphlets, mainly relating to New England. To gether, 20 pieces. Various places, various dates 169. HISTORICAL PAMPHLETS. Noble (John). A Few Notes on the Shay s Rebellion. Worcester, 1903; HARTFORD CONVENTION" (A Short Ac count of). Boston, 1823, and other pamphlets, mainly relating to New England. Together, 38 pieces. Various places, various dates 170. HOLMES (ABIEL). The Annals of America, from the Discovery by Co lumbus in the Year 1492, to the Year 1826. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, binding worn. Cambridge, 1829 171. HOPKINS (SAMUEL). The Puritans. (In England.) 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1859-1861 172. ILLINOIS. Ford (Gov. Thomas). A History of Illinois, from the Com mencement as a State in 1814 to 1847. Containing a full account of the Black Hawk War, the Rise, Progress, and Fall of Mormonism, the Alton and Love joy Riots, and other important and interesting events. 12mo, cloth, gilt back, embossed covers. Chicago, 1854 173. INDIAN CAPTIVITIES. Johnson (Mrs. Susannah). A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. Containing an Account of her Suffer ings, during Four Years with the Indians and French. 12mo, half calf, several leaves torn into, some mended, soiled, one leaf imperfect. Walpole, Newhampshire : David Carlisle, jun., 1796 FIRST EDITION. 174. INDIAN CAPTIVITIES. Johnson (Mrs. Susannah). A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. Containing an Account of her Suffer ings, during Four Years, with the Indians and French. Second Edition. 16mo, old boards, broken at corners. Windsor, (Vt.) : A. Spooner. 1807 RARE ISSUE. A HISTORY OF THE INDIAN WARS WITH THE FIRST SETTLERS OF THE UNI. TED STATES, PARTICULARLY IN NEW-ENGLAND. WRITTEN IN TKRMONT. Historia vero testis temporiim, lux veritatis, vita memoriae, magistra vitse, nuntia ve- tustatis. Cic. DE OR. MCHJTPELIER, VT. BY WRIGHT AKD SIBLEY, 1812. Sikley Printtr* DANIEL C. SANDERS Exact facsimile of Title-page [No. 179] First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 175. INDIAN CAPTIVITY. Steele (Zadock). The Indian Captive; or a Narra tive of the Captivity and Sufferings of Zadock Steele. Related by himself. To which is prefixed an account of the Burning of Royal- ton. 16mo, half morocco, gilt top, some margins worn. Montpelier, 1818 ORIGINAL EDITION. 176. INDIAN- CAPTIVITY. A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. Re printed from the Third Edition. Facsimile. 16mo, boards, cloth back, leather labels, uncut. Springfield, 1907 Edition limited to 350 copies. 177. INDIAN CAPTIVITY. Williams (Rev. John). The Redeemed Captive re turning to Zion. Reprinted from the Sixth Edition. Small 4to, boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Springfield, 1908 Indian Captivities Series. Edition limited to 526 copies, this being No. 11. 178. INDIAN WARS. Hubbard (William). A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New-England, from the First Planting thereof in the Year 1G07, to the Year 1677. 8vo, old sheep, worn, several leaves torn. Stockbridge, Masachusetts, 1803 Sabin 33450. 179. INDIAN WARS. [Sanders (Daniel Clarke).] A History of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States, Particularly in New-England. Written in Vermont. Mmo, olive levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, enclosed in royal 8vo fire-proof crimson levant morocco solander case, gilt tooled, BY RIVIERE. Montpelier, Vt. : Published by Wright and Sibley, 1812 FIRST EDITION. Very fine copy, measuring 5 5/16 x 2 11/16. ONE OF THE RAREST BOOKS RELATING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. THE ORIGINAL ISSUE, which was suppressed by the author. [See Illustration of title-page] 180. INDIAN WARS. Hubbard (William). A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New-England. 12mo, marbled calf, rebacked. Writing on fly-leaf, one leaf torn, foxed. Brattleborough, Vt., 1814 181. INDIAN WARS. Sylvester (Herbert Milton). Indian Wars of New Eng land. Engraved title-page. 3 vols. thick 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut, and partly unopened. Boston, 1910 182. INDIANA. Dillon (John B.). A History of Indiana from its Earliest Exploration to 1816, and a General View of the Progress of Public Affairs in Indiana, from 1816 to 1856. Portraits, folding map, and oilier illustrations. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Indianapolis, 1859 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 183. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). The Life and Morals of Jesus of Xazareth. Ex tracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English. With an Introduction. A facsimile reproduction of the original. 8vo, crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt, back broken. Washington, 1904 Presentation copy with autograph inscription to Col. J. H. Benton from A. O. Bacon. 184. JOHNSON (ANDREW). Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the Uni ted States, before the Senate of the United States, on Impeachment by the House of Representatives for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. 3 vols. Svo, cloth, name in ink on title of two volumes. Washington, 1868 185. KENTUCKY. Marshall (H.). The History of Kentucky. Exhibiting an Account of the Modern Discovery ; Settlement ; Progressive Improve ment; Civil and Military Transactions; and the Present State of the Country. 2 vols. Svo, tree calf, binding rubbed, leather labels, text somewhat foxed. Frankfort, 1824 A VERY SCARCE BOOK, which must always be considered the fountain of Kentucky history. This copy contains the "Ancient Annals of Ken tucky," by C. S. Rafinesque. 186. LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Palmer (Peter S.). History of Lake Champlain, from Its First Exploration by the French in 1609, to the Close of the Year 1814. Maps. Svo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Albany, 1866 187. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Xicolay (John G.) and Hay (John). Abraham Lincoln. A History. Numerous portraits, views, maps, and fac similes. 10 vols. Svo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, bind ings rubbed and some cracked at hinges. Xew York : The Century Co., 1890 188. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Eeminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distin guished Men of His Time. Collected and Edited by Allen Thorn- dike Eice. Portrait. Svo, cloth. Xew York, 1888 189. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Lamon (Ward H.). The Life of Abraham Lin coln. Illustrations. Boston, 1872; BROWNE (FRANCIS F.). The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations. Xew York, 1886; McCLURE (A. K.). Abraham Lincoln and Men of War- Times. Portrait. Philadelphia, 1892. Together, 3 vols. Svo, cloth, Various places, 1872-1893 190. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lin coln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois. Columbus, 1860; BANCROFT (GEORGE). Mem orial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Frontispiece. Washington, 1866; BARRETT (JOSEPH H.). Life of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. Xew York, 1888. Together, 4 vols. Svo, cloth. Various places, 1860-1888 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 191. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). History of the Administration of President Lin coln. Portrait. New York, 1864; HAPGOOD (NORMAN). Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. New York, 1899; LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). His Book. A Facsimile Reproduction of the Original with an Explana tory Note by J. McCan Davis, New York, 1901; TARBELL (!DA M.). He Knew Lincoln. Illustrations. New York, 1907; ATKINSON (ELEANOR). Lincoln s Love Story. Illustrations. New York. 1909. Together, 5 vols. Mmo and 12mo, cloth and roan, some uncut. New York, 1864-1909 192. LIVERMORE (GEORGE). Deane (Charles). Memoir of George Liver- more. Prepared Agreeably to a Resolution of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 8vo, cloth, leather back, gilt top, uncut, with original paper wrappers bound in. Cambridge, 1869 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 12 A.L.S., 69 portraits, and 11 plates, one colored. The A.L.S. include three from Josiah Quincy, two from George Livermore, one each from Alvan W. Griswold, James Savage, W. Roscoe, Right Honorable Thomas Grenville, owner of the famous Grenville Col lection, J. H. Trumbull, and others. Author s presentation copy, with autograph inscription, "John N. Barbour, Esq. with the kind regards of the Author," on original front wrapper. 193. LOUISIANA. Le Page du Pratz (Monsieur). The History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina . . . Translated from the French. With 2 engraved folding maps. 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary sprinkled calf. London: T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1763 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. The original edition, in French, was pun- lished in 1758, and contained besides the two maps, a large number of plates which are not included in the translation. The larger map, IS 1 /! x 10 inches, shows the entire Mississippi Valley as then known; the smaller map, 7 x 5% inches, shows the "Gulph of Mexico," with the mouths of the Mississippi. 194. LOUISIANA. Brackenridge (H. M.). Views of Louisiana; together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River, in 1811. 8vo, tree calf, leather label, name and date written on title. Pittsburgh, 1814 ORIGINAL EDITION. 195. LOUISIANA. Fortier (Alcee). A History of Louisiana. Colored frontis pieces and many portraits on India paper. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York, 1904 EDITION ROYALE limited to 200 numbered copies, this being No. 146. 196. LYMAN (THEODORE, JR.). Whitman (John W.). Eeport of a Trial in the Supreme Judicial Court, Holden at Boston, Dec. 16th and 17th, 1828, of Theodore Lyman, Jr., for an Alleged Libel on Daniel Webster. . . 12mo, three-quarter morocco, gilt back and top, origi nal wrappers bound in. Boston, 1828 OF THE LATE WAR IN THB WESTERN COUNTRY, COMPRISING A FULL ACCOUNT OF ALL THE TRANSACTIONS Itf THAT QUARTER, FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES AT TIPPECANOE, TO THE TERMINATION OF THE CONTEST" AT NEW ORLSANS ON THE RETURN OF PEACE* LEXINGTON. K. PUBLISHED BY WORSLET & SMITH. 1816. ROBERT B. M AFEE Exact facsimile of Title-page [No. 197] First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 197. M AFEE (ROBERT B.). History of the Late War in the Western Country, comprising a Full Account of All the Transactions in that Quarter, from the Commencement of Hostilities at Tippecanoe, to the Termi nation of the Contest at New Orleans on the Return of Peace. Svo, half brown morocco, gilt back and top, BY BLACKWELL, some leaves of text foxed. Lexington, K., 1816 FINE COPY OF THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION and one of the best and most important histories on the War in the West, and the original authority on the Western Campaigns of the War of 1812. The author was one of the h rst Kentuckiaus to join the Northwestern Army at the opening of hostilities. His information regarding the Indian outbreaks on the frontier are of the greatest historical value, being derived mainly from persons who took part in them. All subsequent historians have drawn freely from this work. [See Illustration of Title-page] 198. MAINE. Sullivan (James). The History of the District of Maine. Folding map of the District. Svo, three-quarter dark blue morocco, gilt back and edges, BY RIVIERE. FINE COPY. Boston, 1795 199. MAINE. Williamson (William D.). The History of Maine; from its First Discovery, 1602. .1820. Portrait. 2 vols. Svo, half green mo rocco, gilt, gilt tops, backs very slightly faded. Hallowell, 1832 The Edward N. Crane copy of this famous work. FINE COPY. 200. MAINE. Patterson (William D.). The Probate Records of Lincoln County. .1760-1800. Svo, cloth. Portland, 1895 201. MARYLAND. Bozman (John Leeds). The History of Maryland, from its First Settlement in 1633 to the Restoration in 1660. With a Copious Introduction and Xotes and Illustrations. 2 vols. Svo, three-quarter morocco, gilt tops, gilt backs, uncut, bindings rubbed. Baltimore, 1837 Inserted is a two-page A.L.S. of the author. From the Adrian H. Joline collection, with bookplate. FINE COPY. 202. MASON (JEREMIAH). Memoir and Correspondence of Jeremiah Mason. Privately Printed. Square 4to, half light brown crushed levant mo rocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. Cambridge, 1873 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 12 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, 4 AUTOGRAPH SIGNED RECEIPTS, OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE. SIGNED. 3 AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS, and 53 portraits of prominent men of the period. The letters, etc., inserted consist of the following, MASON (JEREMIAH). A.L.S., to A. W. Haven. 2pp. 4to, dated Boston, June llth, 1832, regarding some property of Mason s on Boyd s Creek, New Hampshire. LIVERMORE (ARTHUR). A.L.S., lp. 4to, dated Lowell, Dec. 11, 1838, re garding purchase of lands of settlers in Illinois. MASON (JEREMIAH). Autograph receipt, signed, lp. oblong 24mo. Clement Weeks, Esq. to Jere. Mason, Dr. for legal work during month of December, 1800. Receipted Jany. 6, 1801. [Continued First Session, Thursday Differ noon, March lltli [No. 202 Continued} CUTTS (EDWARD). Autograph receipt, signed, Ip. oblong, 24mo. Alfred Haven Esq. to Edward Cutts, del)tor, for legal work, 1827 and 1828. Re ceipted, Portsmouth, June (ith, 1828. MASON (JEREMIAH). A.L.S., to Messrs. Treadwell & Haven, Ip. oblong 12mo, dated Boston, June 15, 1841, expects to be absent from city. MOKRIL (DAVID LAWRENCE). Official certificate, signed, Ip. 4to, printed form, filled out in manuscript, reading. "David Lawrence Morril, Gov ernor of the State of New-Hampshire. To all who shall see these presents. Greeting. Know ye that Richard liartlett, whose official certificates arc borne on the papers hereunto annexed, is Secretary of the State of New Hampshire... Given under my hand, at Concord, this eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven..." Sealed with the State of New Hampshire Official Seal and signed in the autograph of, David Lawrence Morril. (The italicized words are written in by hand.) SHEAFE (JAMES). A.L.S., to A. Haven, Esq.. Ip. 4to. dated Portsmouth. 3 June. 1828, request to attach notes of Joseph Wiggin and Thomas Bachelder. WEBSTER (DANIEL). Autograph manuscript, signed, Ip. 4to, no date, regarding the settlement of estate of a certain Mary Bech (Beech?), giving list of heirs, and ordering division as follows, "Each of the twenty eight ncpheii s and nieces -will hare his or her 2Sth part of the Estate. This is not a case for the application of the rule of Representation. Signed, "D. Webster." PERLEY (J.). A.L.S., to A. W. Haven, Ip. 4to, dated Concord, 31 August. 1840, stating that it will be impossible for him to attend the Whig Convention at Exeter on the 3rd, as he has a case on at New London on the 4th which he must attend. HAVEN (NATHANIEL A., JR.). A.L.S., to "Alfred" (A. W. Haven). 2pp. 4to, dated Concord. Friday evening, regarding papers in case of Sherwood vs. Sutton, and a Bunker Hill circular, which he asks to have published and to have some .comments added to it. Signed, "X. A. H. jr." EASTMAN (JOEL). A.L.S., to A. W. Haven. Ip. 4to, dated Conway. April 1, 1838. regarding legal business. Addressed on back, "Alfred W. Haven, Esquire. Portsmouth. X Hampshire," with remains of seal. HACKETT (WILLIAM H. Y.). Autograph manuscript, signed. 3pp. 4to, dated, Portsmouth. June 14, 1858, giving report of a Committee appointed to take charge of the remonstrance against the right of Peter Jump and William Rand to hold seats in the House. Signed. Ml". //. I . Hack-eft, for the Commtee." WOODBURY (LEVI). A.L.S.. to A. W. Haven. Ip. 4to, reading. "Treasury Department, November 11. 1839. Sir, Your letter of the 6th instant, with the paper enclosed, has been received. Be pleased to accpt mij thanks for your attention to the subject. Very respectfully Your Ob Sevt Lcvi Woodbun/." Addressed, "A. W. Haven, esq. Portsmouth X. H." DAVIES (CHARLES S.). A.L.S., to Messrs. D. H. Treadwell and A. W. Haven. 4pp. 4to, dated Portland, Octr. 5. 1840, regarding case in Circuit Court. U. S. against Daniel Perley and Doxey Stone, and other legal matters. Addressed on back. "Danl H Treadwell, Alfred W Haven. Esqs. Portsmouth, X. //." Seal torn away. UPHAM (NATHANIEL GOOKIN). A.L.S., to A. W. Haven. Ip. Svo, dated Concord, Feby 27th, 1864, enclosing "Pass for the year." He ends the letter with, "/ care nothing personally for any one if the country /.s saved." Signed. "A". G. I pham." [Continued First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth [No. 202 Continued ] BURROUGHS (CHARLES) AND OTHERS. Receipt voucher for an account, Ip. oblong 32mo, reading, "Portsmouth Dec. 26-1832. We certify that we have examined this account and find the same to be rightly cast and well vouched." Signed in the autographs of, Charles Burroughs, Gco. Jaffrey, Charles W Cutter, Ichabod Bartlett, Directors. 1 WEBSTER (DANIEL). Autograph receipt, signed, Ip. 4to, no date, read ing, "Case of Mary Bech. Reed of Jona Denison (?) eight dollars, in full for fees in this case." Signed, "D. Webster." SMITH (J.). Autograph manuscript, signed. 4pp. 4to, no date, legal opinion. Signed, "J. 8." Docketed on back, "J. Smith s opinion in case of the Portsmouth Bridge" BARTLETT (ICHABOD). A.L.S., 2pp. 4to, dated Washington, Dec. 10, 1825, regarding his refusal of the appointment of Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, of New Hampshire. Signed, "Ich. Bartlett." BARTLETT (ICHABOD). A.L.S. to A. W. Haven. Ip. 4to, dated Ports mouth, April 28, 1829, regarding cases of Ruggles & ux v. Smith, and same v. Rogers. 203. MASSACHUSETTS. Acts and Resolves, Public and Private of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1714-1756. 18 vols. royal 8vo, sheep, six bind ings badly broken. Boston, 1869-1912 204. MASSACHUSETTS. Adams (C. F.). Three Episodes of Massachusetts History. 2 vols. Boston, 1892; ELLIS (G. E.). The Puritan Age in Massachusetts. Boston, 1891; BOWDITCH (N. I.). Suffolk Sur names. Autograph presentation copy from the author. Boston. Not published, 1857; NORTHEND (W. D.). The Bay Colony. Bos ton, 1896; and other works similar. Some illustrated. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, and smaller, cloth. Various places, various dates 205. MASSACHUSETTS. Barber (John Warner). Historical Collections ... re lating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachu setts. Illustrated with colored folding map and 200 engravings. 8vo, tree calf, binding worn, text somewhat foxed. Worcester, 1839 206. MASSACHUSETTS. Barry (John Stetson). The History of Massachusetts. The Colonial Period, Provincial Period, and Commonwealth Period. 3 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1855-1857 FINE COMPLETE SET. 207. MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON. ARTILLERY COMPANY or BOSTON. Whitman (Zachariah G.). The History of the Ancient and Honorable Ar tillery Company. . .its formation in 1637 and Charter in 1638, to the present time. SECOND EDITION. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, very slightly rubbed. Boston, 1842 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 60 portraits and views, mainly the former, stipple, steel, lithograph and reproductions. AN EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING COPY. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 208. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Bowen s Picture of Boston, or the Citizen s and Stranger s Guide to the Metropolis of Massachusetts, and its Environs. With folding map of Boston and vicinity, folding plan of City of Boston, and several plates. 12mo, original decorated boards, uncut. Boston : Abel Bowen, 1829 209. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Drake (Samuel G.). The History and Antiquities of Boston. Folding plates and other full-page and text illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, binding broken, back missing. Boston, 1856 210. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Foote (Henry Wilder). Annals of King s Chapel, from the Puritan Age of Xew England to the present Time. Illustrations, facsimiles of autographs, etc. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1882 211. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Lechford (Thomas). Xote-Book Kept by Thomas Lechford, Esq. Lawyer, in Boston, Massachusetts Bay, from June 27, 1638, to July 29, 1641. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1885 212. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Loring (James Spear). The Hundred Bos ton Orators Appointed by the Municipal Authorities and Other Pub lic Bodies, from 1770 to 1852; Comprising Historical Gleanings, Illustrating the Principles and Progress of our Republican Insti tutions. Second Edition. 4to, original cloth. Boston, 1853 Author s presentation copy, with autograph inscription, "To Matthew A. Stiekney, from Jiis sincere friend, James S. Loring. Boston, Ap. 26. 1853." 213. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Porter (Rev. Edward G.). Rambles in Old Boston, New England. Illustrations by George R. Tolman. 4to, half calf, gilt back, leather labels, rubbed. Boston, 1887 214. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Quincy (Josiah). A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, during Two Centuries, from Septem ber 17, 1630, to September 17, 1830. Frontispiece and chart. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, binding rubbed, and cracked at hinges. Boston, 1852 215. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Shaw (Charles). A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston. Illustrated with 6 plates and one facsimile. 12mo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. FINE COPY. Boston, 1817 216. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Snow (Caleb H.). A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts, from its Origin to the Present Period ; with some Account of its Environs. Second Edition. With map, plan and numerous views of Boston, engraved by Bowen. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Boston: A. Bowen, 1828 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March lltli 217. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Winsor (Justin). The Memorial History of Boston, including Suffolk County, Massachusetts. 1630-1880. Numerous illustrations, 4 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges, hind- ings rubhecl, 2 colors. Boston, 1880-1881 218. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Whitman (John W.). Report of a Trial in the Supreme Judicial Court, Holden at Boston, Dec. 16th and 17th, 1828, of Theodore Lyman, Jr., for an Alleged Libel on Daniel Webster. . .comprising all the Documents and Testimony given in the Cause. 8vo, half crimson morocco, lettered up back. Boston, 1828 219. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Selections from the Court Reports Originally Published in the Boston Morning Post, from 183-1 to 1837. Ar ranged and Revised by the Reporter of the Post. 16mo, new cloth. Boston, 1837 220. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Our First Men. Containing a List of Those Persons Taxed in the City of Boston, Credibly Reported to be Worth One Hundred Thousand Dollars ; With Biographical Xotices. Bos ton, 1846; [Also] THE ARISTOCRACY OF BOSTOX, being a History of the Business and Business Men of Boston, for the last Forty Years. Boston, 1848; [Also] OUR FIRST MEX, or A Catalogue of the Richest Men of Massachusetts, with Biographical Xotices. Bos ton, 1851. 3 parts in one volume, Svo, half morocco, with original paper wrappers of each part bound in. Boston, 1846-1851 221. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Quincy (J.). History of the Boston Athen- aeum. Cambridge, 1851; WADLIX (H. GL). The Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, 1911; SHURTLEFF (X. B.). Historical Description of Boston, Boston, 1890 ; STARK S Antique Views of Ye Towne of Boston. Boston, 1901. Together, 4 vols. Svo, cloth, Boston, various dates 222. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Ware (H.). History of the Old Xorth and Xew Brick Churches. Boston, 1821; COMMEMORATION by Kings Chapel. Boston, 1887 ; ELLIS (A. B.) . History of the First Church in Boston. Boston, 1881 ; RECORDS of the Church in Brattle Square Boston. Boston, 1902. Together, 4 vols. Svo, cloth. Boston, various dates 223. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Frothingham (F. E.). The Boston Fire. Boston, 1873; CHESTER (A. H.). Trinity Church. Cambridge, 1888; CEXTURY of Service. 1815-1915. Boston, 1915; WEST CHURCH and its Ministers. Boston, 1856; BRIDGMAN (T.). Memo rials of the Dead in Boston. Boston, 1853. Together, 5 vols. Svo, cloth. Various places, various dates First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 224. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Greenwood (F. W. P.). History of Kind s Chapel. Frontispiece. Boston, 1833; BOWEX S Picture of Boston. Numerous illustrations. Boston, 1838; SKETCHES of Boston, past and present. Illustrated. Boston, 1851; CLAPP (W. W.). A Rec ord of the Boston Stage. Boston, 1853, and another. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, various bindings. Boston, various dates 225. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Warren (G. W.). History of the Bunker Hill Monument Association. Boston, 1877; MC!XERXEY (MR.). Fourth of July Oration. Boston, 1899; IXAUGURAL Addresses of the Mayors of Boston. 2 vols. Boston, 1894; SHURTLEFF (X. B.). Historical Description of Boston. Boston, 1871. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, various dates 226. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Quincy (J.). A Municipal History of Bos ton. Frontispiece. Boston, 1852; DRAKE (S. A.). Old Landmarks of Boston. Illustrated. Boston, 1873; FROTHIXGHAM (R.). His tory of the Seige of Boston. Folding plates. Boston, 1849 ; GREEX- WOOD (F. W. P.). A History of King s Chapel. Frontispiece. Boston, 1833, and 2 other Boston books. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, and smaller. Mainly cloth. Boston, various dates 227. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Matthews (X.). City Government of Bos ton. Boston, 1895; INFLUENCE and History of the Boston Athen aeum. Boston, 1907: WADLIX (H. G.). Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, 1911 ; BRIEF HISTORY of the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. Boston, 1893; and others. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, various dates 228. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Memorials. Old State House, 1893 ; Bunker Hill, 1889 ; Army and Xavy Monument, 1877 ; Siege and Evacuation, 1876; Sheridan, 1889; Grant, 1885; and others, some duplicates. Plates. Together, 13 vols. royal Svo, cloth and half morocco. Boston, various dates 229. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. Record Commissioner s Reports. 1st to 39th Annual Reports, including five duplicates, but lacking volumes 4 and 18. Together, 44 vols. Svo, cloth and boards. Boston. 1881-1909 230. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTOX. BROADSIDE. At a Meeting of the Freehold ers and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, legally qualified and warned in public Town Meeting assembled, at Faneuil-Hall, on Tuesday the 31st Day of March, A.D. 1767. [Voted that the Select men should enclose portion of land at Faneuil-Hall Market, and that all persons selling provisions therein must pay the town for the privilege, and that no provisions should be sold at any other place.] William Cooper, Town-Clerk. Oblong 24mo. [Boston, 1767] First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 231. MASSACHUSETTS. Bostonian Society. Publications, Vols. 1 to 12 (lack ing vol. 9), and New Series, Vol. 1 (2 copies). Together. 13 vols. Svo, buckram. Boston, (1904) -1916 232. MASSACHUSETTS. Bostonian Society. Proceedings, 1882 to 1905. Bound in 5 vols. 8vo, buckram. Boston, 1882-1905 233. MASSACHUSETTS. Bostonian Society. Proceedings, from 1882 to 1915 inclusive. With title-pages Vols. 1 to 5. Together, 34 parts, Svo, original wrappers. Boston, 1882-1915 234. MASSACHUSETTS. Bradford (Alden). History of Massachusetts. Por traits and folding map. 3 vols. Svo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, name on title. Boston, 1822 FINE COPY. The map is an inserted one, being, "A map of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, and Colony of Rhode Island, with part of Con necticut, New Hampshire and Vermont/ engraved by J. Lodge, 17<S Backed with linen. 235. MASSACHUSETTS. Bradford (Alden). History of Massachusetts, for Two Hundred Years: From the Year 1620 to 1820. With folding map by James G. Carter. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, hinges broken, two leaves mended in top margin. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Co., 1835 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 6 portraits, leaf containing reviews of the work, and two A.L.S. from the author, the first relating to this particular copy of his history, the other to the sale of other copies of the same work. 236. MASSACHUSETTS. BRAINTREE. Bates (Samuel A.). Records of the Town of Braintree. 1640 to 1793. Svo, cloth, pp. 939. Randolph, Mass., 1886 Contains town and family records. 237. MASSACHUSETTS. BROADSIDE. Execution of Stephen Merrill Clark. which took place on Winter Island, Salem, on Thursday, May 10, 1821. For the Crime of Arson. [Two verses of three lines each, with picture of a coffin between, followed by description of the exe cution, the "Dying Exhortation" of Clark, his "Confession," and a letter to the Turn-Key.] With heavy black-lined border, and divi sion lines. [Salem, 1821] 238. MASSACHUSETTS. BROADSIDE. Rules and Orders of the Senate of Massa chusetts, 1803. Folio. Boston : Printed by Young & Minns [1S03] Printed in two columns, with decorative border at head and foot. 239. MASSACHUSETTS. BUNKER HILL MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. For the Years 1883 to 1916 (lacks the part for the year 1885). 33 parts, wrappers, gilt tops. Boston, 1883-1916 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 240. MASSACHUSETTS. CAMBRIDGE. The Register Book of the Lands and Houses in the "Xew Towne and the Town of Cambridge. 1896; The Records of the Town of Cambridge (formerly Newtowne) Mas sachusetts 1630-1703. Map. 1901. Both Printed by Order of the City Council under the Direction of the City Clerk. Together, 2 vols. small 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge, 1896-1901 241. MASSACHUSETTS. CAXTOX. Huntoon (Daniel T. V.). History of the Town of Canton, Xorfolk County. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1893 242. MASSACHUSETTS. CAXTOX. Endicott (Frederic). The Record of Birtl is, Marriages and Death and Intentions of Marriage, in the Town of Stoughton. . .Town of Canton, 1727-1845. 8vo, cloth. Canton, 1896 Presentation copy from Mr. Endicott, with inscription. 243. MASSACHUSETTS. CHARLESTOWX. Wyman (Thomas Bellows). The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, in the County of Middle sex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1629-1818. Portrait and folding map. 2 vols. royal 8vo, original boards, paper labels, uncut and unopened, one binding repaired. FIXE COPY. Boston, 1879 244. MASSACHUSETTS. DEDHAM. The Record of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1638-1845. Edited by Don Gleason Hill. 8vo, cloth. Dedham, 1888 245. MASSACHUSETTS. Early Census Making in Massachusetts 1643-1765. With a Reproduction of the Lost Census of 1765 (recently found) and Documents Relating Thereto. Xow First Collected and Pub lished by J. H. Benton, Jr. 4to, boards, cloth back, paper label on front cover, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1905 Edition limited to 125 copies, this being No. 10. 246. MASSACHUSETTS. Another Copy. 4to, boards, cloth back, paper label on front cover, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1905 Edition limited to 125 copies, this being No. 22. 247. MASSACHUSETTS. EAST BOSTOX. Sumner (William H.). A History of East Boston. Portraits, map and illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth, a few fox-marks. Boston, 1858 248. MASSACHUSETTS. Ford (Worthington Chauncey). Journal of the House of Representatives of His Majesty s Province of the Massa chusetts-Bay 1715. Facsimile and vignettes. Small folio, boards, paper labels on back, and front cover, uncut, and partly unopened. Boston, 1902 Edition limited to 250 copies, this being No. 10. Pasted in is a one-page A.X.S., oblong 12mo, by the editor, dated "28 Mar 1902." To Mr. Benton. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 249. MASSACHUSETTS. FRAXKLIX. Blake (Mortimer). A History of the Town of Franklin, Mass,. . . and a Report of the Centennial Celebra tion. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Franklin,. Mass., 1879 250. MASSACHUSETTS. GENERAL COURT. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Manual for the use of the General Court: Containing the Rules and Orders of the Two Branches, together with the Constitution of the Commonwealth, and that of the United States, etc. With double- page diagrams of the seating plans of the Senate and the House in each volume. 58 vols. (1858-1915). 12mo, first 51 vols. (1858- 1908) uniformly bound in half calf, marbled boards and edges, (cor ners rubbed, hinges loosened on four volumes, one back cover slightly damaged), last 7 volumes in black cloth, gilt lettered. Boston, 1858-1915 A number of the volumes have the dates of death written in ink against the names of some of the members. 251. MASSACHUSETTS. HIXOHAM. History of the Town of Hingham, Massa chusetts. Extensively illustrated with colored maps, portrait* and illustrations. 3 vols. in 4, Svo, cloth, name on title. [Cambridge] 1893 Pasted to first blank leaf is a list of author s autograph signatures as follows, Thos. F. Bouve", Edward T. Bouvfi, John I). Long. Walter L. Bouve. Francis H. Lincoln, George Lincoln, Edmund Hersey, Fearing Burr, and Charles W. S. Seymour. 252 MASSACHUSETTS. Holland (Josiah Gilbert). History of Western Massa chusetts. The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. Folding map, partly colored. 2 vols. 12mo, three-quar ter green morocco, gilt backs and tops, backs slightly faded. Springfield, 1855 253. MASSACHUSETTS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Rules and Orders to be Observed in the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Year 180G, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1816, 1819, 1820, 1821 (2 copies), 1822, 1828-9, 1830-31, 1834, 1843, 1849. With double-page diagram plan of the floor of the House in the vol ume for 1849. 1G vols. 16mo, uniformly bound in half calf, four with gilt tops, others with marbled or sprinkled edges. Boston, 1806-1849 The majority of the volumes have dates of death written in ink against some of the names of the Members of the House for the year, and in some volumes other information is also added. Several volumes interleaved with blank sheets in binding. The 1810 volume has Rhode Island His torical Society stamp and. "Presented I]/ W. S. Brei/er(l)" on title. The 1828 volume has original paper wrappers bound in, with signature. "7 T . Tolman" on front wrapper. The 1830-81 volume has. "Fraud* /> . Fay, South Lancaster" stamped on title. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 25-1. MASSACHUSETTS. Hutchiuson (Peter Orlando). The Diary and Letters of his Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. Compiled from the original documents still remaining in the Possession of his Descend ants. Photographic portraits and oilier illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt backs. London, 1883-6 255. MASSACHUSETTS. Hutchinson (Thomas). History of Massachusetts Bay. [Volume I.] The History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, from the First Settlement Thereof in 1628, Until its Incorporation with the Colony of Plimouth, Province of Main, &c. by the Charter cf King William and Queen Mary, in 1691. Boston: Thomas and John Fleet, 1764 FIRST EDITION. [Vol. II.] The History of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, from the Charter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691, Until the Year 1750. Boston: Thomas and John Fleet, 1767 FIRST EDITION. [Volume III.] The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from the Year 1750, until June, 1774. London : John Murray, 1828 FIRST EDITION. One of 500 copies printed for the American trade with out the 16pp. containing a Dedication and Preface, which were included in the copies printed for the English trade. An "Index of Persons and Places Mentioned in Hutchinson s Massa chusetts, by J. Wingate Thornton...* 15pp. 8vo, stitched. New York, 1879, is laid in. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, half leather bindings broken. Boston and London, 1764-1828 Complete set of the History. 256. MASSACHUSETTS. Hutchinson (Thomas). The History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, from the First Settlement Thereof in 1628 until its Incorporation with the Colony of Plimouth, etc. 1764; The History of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, from the Charter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691, until the Year 1750. 1767. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary sheep, leather labels, slight stain on few corners of one vol., cracked at hinges. Boston: Printed by Thomas & John Fleet, 1764-1767 FIRST EDITION. The Boston issue is much scarcer than the Salem issue. 257. MASSACHUSETTS. Hutchinson (Thomas). A Collection of Original Papers Belative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts- Bay. 8vo, contemporary sheep, leather label, binding rubbed, name oil title. Boston, New-England: Printed by Thomas and John Fleet, 1769 This collection of papers was published by Lieut. -Gov. Hutchinson, "to support and elucidate the principal facts related in the first part of the History of Massachusetts Bay, and may serve as an appendix to it." First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 258. MASSACHUSETTS. Hutchinson (Thomas) and Oliver (Governor). The Letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. Printed at Boston. And Remarks Thereon. With the Assembly s Address, and the Proceedings of the Lords Committee of Council. [Edited by Mandint.] 8vo, stitched, uncut. London: Printed for J. Wilkie, 1774 259. MASSACHUSETTS. Laws. A Bibliographical Sketch of the Laws of the Massachusetts Colony from 1630 to 1686. In which are included the Body of Liberties of 1641, and the Records of the Court of Assistants, 1641-1644. Arranged to Accompany the Reprints of the Laws of 1660 and of 1672. By W. H. Whitmore, Record Com missioner. With facsimile of the Body of Liberties, reproduced from the Hutchinson Manuscript. Imperial Svo, half morocco. Boston, 1890 260. MASSACHUSETTS. Minot (George Richards). Continuation of the His tory of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from the Year 1748, to 1765. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, contents lettered, binding rubbed, uncut, a few margins torn not damaging text, some leaves fox- marked. Boston: Manning and Loring, 1798-1803 261. MASSACHUSETTS. NEWTON. History of the Early Settlement of New ton, with a Genealogical Register. By Francis Jackson. Portrait and folding map. Thick 12mo, cloth. Boston, .1854 262. MASSACHUSETTS. NORTH BRIDGEWATER. Gary (Moses). A Genealogy of the Families who have settled in the North Parish of Bridge- water. With an historical sketch of Xorth Bridgewater. Frontis piece. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1824 263. MASSACHUSETTS. NORTH BRIDGEWATER. Kingman (Bradford). His tory of North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. Illus trations. Svo, cloth, name on title, loose in covers. Boston, 1866 264. MASSACHUSETTS. Perry (William Stevens Editor). Papers relating to the History of the Church in Massachusetts, A.D. 1676-1785. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. No place : Privately Printed, 1873 265. [MASSACHUSETTS]. PLYMOUTH. Records of the Town of Plymouth. Published by Order of the Town. 3 vols. Svo, cloth. Plymouth, 1889-1903 266. MASSACHUSETTS. Poole s Statistical View and Annual Register of the Executive and Legislative Department of the Government of Massa chusetts for 1847, 1850, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1861, 1862 (2 copies), 1863, and also Statistical View of the Conven tion of Delegates for Revising the Constitution of Massachusetts, 1853. Together, 14 pieces, Svo, wrappers. Boston, 1847-1863 First Session, Thursday Afternoon. March llth 267. MASSACHUSETTS. The Proceedings of the Council, and the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, Relative to the Convening, Holding and Keeping The General Assembly at Harvard College in Cambridge: And The several Messages which passed between His Honor the Lieutenant Governor and the Two Houses, upon the Subject. 8vo, half morocco, old marbled paper wrappers bound in, title stained, and with signature at top. Boston : Edes and Gill, 1770 268. MASSACHUSETTS. Records of the Court of Assistants of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay. 1630-1692. Printed under the Supervision of John Noble. Plate and facsimile. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1901-1904 269. MASSACHUSETTS. Records of the Governor and Company of Massa chusetts Bay. Edited by X. B. Shurtleff. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, bindings poor. Boston, 1853 270. MASSACHUSETTS. ROWLEY. Gage (Thomas). The History of Rowley, anciently including Bradford, Boxford, and Georgetown, from the year 1639 to the Present Time. With an Address, delivered Sep tember 5, 1839, at the Celebration of the Second Centennial Anni versary of its Settlement. By Rev. James Bradford. Map and view. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1840 271. MASSACHUSETTS. [Scotton (Joshua).] A Xarrative of the Planting of the Massachusetts Colony Anno 1628. Also a Caution from Xew-Englands Apostle, the Great Cotton,. . .With Prognosticks from the Famous Dr. Owen. Published by Old Planters, the Authors of the Old Mens Tears. 8vo, half roan, contents lettered up back, bind ing somewhat rubbed. Boston: Benjamin Harris, 1694 [Reprint") Index of places and persons made out in ink on reverse of a blank leaf. 272. MASSACHUSETTS. SOUTH BOSTON. Simonds (Thomas C.). History of South Boston; formerly Dorchester Xeck, now Ward XII. of the City of Boston. Map and portraits. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1857 273. MASSACHUSETTS. SPRINGFIELD. Burt (Henry M.). The First Century of the History of Springfield. The Official Records from 1636 to 1736. Map, facsimiles and other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Springfield, 1898 274. MASSACHUSETTS. SPRINGFIELD. Gardner (E. C.). Springfield. Illus trated. Springfield, 1905; GREEN (M. A.). Springfield. History of Town and City. Illustrated. Springfield, 1888, and another work on the city. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Springfield, various dates First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 275. MASSACHUSETTS. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Davis (William T.). Professional and Industrial History of Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Numer ous portraits. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco,, rubbed, gilt tops. Boston History Society, 1894 276. MASSACHUSETTS. TAUXTOX. Quarter Millennial Celebration of the City of Taunton, Massachusetts. 1889. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Taunton, 1889 277. MASSACHUSETTS. Whitmore (William H.). The Massachusetts Civil List for the Colonial and Provincial Periods, 1630-1774. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened, lower margin of few leaves stained. Albany, 1870 278. MASSACHUSETTS. Whitmore (William H.). The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Edition of 1672, with the Sup plements through 1686. Containing a Xew and Complete Index. Royal 8vo, half morocco, binding somewhat rubbed. Boston, 1887 279. MASSACHUSETTS. Whitmore (William H.). The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Edition of 1660. With the Supplements to 1672. Containing also, the Body of Liberties of 1641. With a Complete Index. Royal 8vo, half morocco, rubbed. Boston, 1889 280. MASSACHUSETTS. Whitmore (William H.). The Colonial Laws of Mas sachusetts. Reprinted from the Edition of 1672. With the Supple ments through 1686. Containing also, a Bibliographical Preface and Introduction. Together with the Body of Liberties of 1641, and the Records of the Court of Assistants, 1641-1644. Royal 8vo, half morocco, somewhat rubbed. Boston, 1890 281. MASSACHUSETTS. Whitmore (William H.). The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Edition of 1672. With the Supplements through 1686. . .together with the Body of Liberties of 1641, and the Records of the Court of Assistants, 1641-1644. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1890 282. MATHER (COTTOX). Magnalia Christ! Americana: or, The Ecclesiasti cal History of New-England, From Its First Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. . . With folding map of New England and the eastern part of New York. Folio, original calf, rehinged, and upper corners repaired, signature on title. London: Thomas Parkhurst, 1702 Very line copy, in excellent condition, with the two leaves of Advertise ments at end. The extra leaves of Errata are not found in this copy. 283. MATHER (COTTOX). Magnalia Christ! Americana: or, The Ecclesiasti cal History of New-England, from its first planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. First American Edition, from the London Edition of 1702. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf, corners and hinges repaired. Hartford: 1820 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 284. MATHER (INCREASE AND COTTON). The History of King Philip s War, by the Rev. Increase Mather, D.I). Also A History of the Same War, by the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D. To which are added an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Portraits. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut, embossed library stamp on title. Boston, 1862 285. MILITARY MONITOR (The) : or, Advice to the Officers and Soldiers of the American Army: with A few additional Hints to the Officers of the Ordnance, and to the Secretary of War. Curious folding frontis piece. 12mo, original boards, uncut, name stamped on title, small hole in frontispiece. Baltimore, 1813 The "Hints to the Officers of the Ordnance" has special title, but is paged continuously with first part of the work. 286. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. Monette (John W.). History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, by the three great European Powers, Spain, France, and Great Britain. 2 colored maps and one plate. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, binding rubbed. Xew York, 1846 VERY SCARCE, and one of the best works on the subject. 287. XEW ENGLAND. Adams (Hannah). A Summary History of Xew Eng land. Dedham, 1799; MORSE (JEDIDIAH) AND PARISH (REV. ELI JAH). A Compendious History of Xew England. London, 1808 (2 copies); DRAKE (SAMUEL ADAMS). A Book of Xew England Legends and Folk Lore. Illustrations by F. T. Merrill. Boston, 1884; WEEDEN (WILLIAM B.). Economic and Social History of Xew England. 1620-1789. 2 vols. Boston, 1890. Together, 6 vols. 8vo and small 4to, various bindings, some worn. Various places, 1799-1890 288. XEW ENGLAND. Davis (William T.). The Xew England States; their Constitutional, Judicial, Educational, Commercial, Professional, and Industrial History. Numerous portraits. 4 vols. 4to, half leather, broken at hinges. Boston [1897] 289. XEW ENGLAND. Drake (Samuel G.). Result of the Researches among the British Archives for Information relative to the Founders of Xew England. Folding map. Small 4to, cloth. Boston, 1860 PRESENTATION COPY from the author with his autograph inscription to Charles H. Bell, with the latter s bookplate. 290. XEW ENGLAND. Elliott (Charles W.). The Xew England History from the Discovery of the Continent by the Northmen, A.D. 986, to the Period when the Colonies Declared their Independence, A.D., 1776. Frontispiece portraits, engraved. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth. Xew York, 1857. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March lltli 291. XEW ENGLAND. Felt (Joseph B.). The Ecclesiastical History of Xew England. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, one binding slightly damaged. Boston, 1855-1862 292. XEW ENGLAND. Hubbard (Rev. William). A General History of Xew England, from the Discovery to MDCLXXX. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut, enclosed in cloth case, binding worn at hinge. FINE COPY. Cambridge, 1815 293. XEW ENGLAND. Lechford (Thomas). Plain Dealing. With an Intro duction and Xotes by J. Hammond Trumbull. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top. Boston, 1867 Edition limited to 285 copies, this being No. 203. 294. XEW ENGLAND. Xeal (Daniel). History of Xew England. Vol. 1 only. 8vo, original calf, binding broken. London, 1720 Author s presentation copy, with a long inscription presenting the volume to "Sir Peter King, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, one of the members of the Honorable Society for propagating the Gospel in Neiv England" Signed in full by the author. 295. XEW ENGLAND. Palfrey (John Gorham). History of Xew England During the Stuart Dynasty. Maps. 5 vols. royal 8vo, three-quarter green morocco, bindings rubbed, joint of one volume weak. Boston, 1858-1890 296. XEW ENGLAND. Prince (Thomas). A Chronological History of Xew- England in the Form of Annals . . . Vol. I. 12mo, old stamped calf, front cover loose, title stained and mended in upper margin, one leaf torn, foxed. Boston, 1736 297. XEW ENGLAND. Smith (John). Xew England s Trials. Written by Captain John Smith, A Reprint of the Rare First Edition of 1620. With a Prefatory Xote by Charles Deane. Small 4to, stitched. Cambridge, 1873 Only 50 copies printed. Presentation inscription by Mr. Deane. 298. XEW ENGLAND. Winthrop (John). The History of Xew England from 1630 to 1649. From his Original Manuscripts. With Xotes, by James Savage. Portrait. 8vo, boards, paper labels, uncut, back of Vol. I broken, text somewhat foxed. Boston, 1825-1826 299. XEW ENGLAND. Winthrop (John). The History of Xew England from 1630 to 1649. By John Winthrop, Esq. With Xotes by James Savage. A Xew Edition. With portrait of Winthrop engraved by C. W. Sharpe after VanDyke. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. With off-set from plate on title of Vol. I. Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1853 300. XEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER (THE). Vols. 57 to 70 (lacking three parts). 14 vols. 8vo, original parts; also, Proceedings, 20 parts, 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1903-1915 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 301. XEW HAMPSHIRE. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of Xew Hampshire, in Xew England. With Sundry Acts of Parliament . . . Pass d October 16th, 1759. pp. 238; [Also] Temporary Acts and Laws... 1759. pp. 44. 8vo, sheep, back and front cover missing. Portsmouth: Daniel Fowle, 1761 [Reprint] 302. XEW HAMPSHIRE. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of Xew Hampshire, in Xew England. With Sundry Acts of Parliament. By Order of the Governor, Council and Assembly, Pass d October 16th, 1759. Svo, wrappers. Portsmouth, 1761 303. XEW HAMPSHIRE. ALSTEAD. Arnold (Seth S.). A Sermon, Preached at Alstead, on the First Sabbath in January, 1826. With Historical Sketches of the Town. Alstead, X.H., 1826 ; [And] Continuation of an Appendix, Embracing Historical Sketches of the Town of Alstead, from 1826 to 1836. Keene, X.H., 1836. Two parts in one volume. Svo, old boards, foxed. Alstead, and Keene, X. H., 1826-1836 304. XEW HAMPSHIRE. CANTERBURY. Lyford (James Otis). History of the Town of Canterbury, Xew Hampshire, 1727-1912. Illustrated with 2 large folding maps, portrait, and views. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Concord, X.H., 1912 Presentation copy from the author with his autograph inscription. 305. XEW HAMPSHIRE. CHARLESTOWX. Saunderson (Henry H.). History of Charlestown, Xew-Hampshire, also Genealogies and Sketches of Families, from its settlement to 1876. Illustrated. Svo, boards, morocco back, rubbed. Claremont, X.H. [1876] 306. XEW HAMPSHIRE. Coos COUNTY. Powers (Rev. Grant). Historical Sketches of the Discovery, Settlement, and Progress of Events in the Coos Country and Vicinity, Principally included between the years 1754 and 1785. 12mo, original boards, worn, some leaves foxed. Haverhill, X~.H., 1841 307. XEW HAMPSHIRE. COVEXTRY-BEXTOX. Whitcher (William F.). Some Things About Coventry-Benton, Xew-Hampshire. Plans and numer ous portraits. Svo, cloth. Woodsville, X.H., 1905 Only 200 copies printed. 308. XEW HAMPSHIRE. DUXSTABLE. Fox (Charles J.). History of the old Township of Dunstable: including Xashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hud son, Litchfield, and Merrimac, X.H.; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. Xashua, X.H., 1846 Presentation inscriptions, "William P. & Abby A. Abbott, From their Sister Catherine P. .Fox (wife of the author), January 1, 1847," and "J. H. Benton, Jr. from Catherine P. Dinsmoor, July 4th, 1883." First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 309. NEW HAMPSHIEE. Farmer and Moore. Collections, Topographical, Historical, and Biographical, relating principally to New Hamp shire. 3 vols. 8vo, original parts, as issued, uncut, with all but two of the original wrappers, the title-page to Vol. I is a reprint. Each volume with cloth folder, and enclosed in cloth case. Concord, 1822-1824 RARE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION, seldom found complete in the original wrappers. 310. NEW HAMPSHIEE. Forbes (G. V. H.). Green Mountain Annals. New York, 1832 (Top margin of title-page torn off) ; STONE (DR. JAMES W.). Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire. Portraits. Boston, 1850; DE PUY (HENRY W.). The Mountain Hero and his Associ ates. Frontispiece. Boston, 1855; BARSTOW (GEORGE). The His tory of New Hampshire. Second Edition. Boston, 1853 ; BELL (CHARLES H.). The Bench and Bar of New Hampshire. Boston, 1894. Together, 5 vols. 24mo to 8vo, cloth. Various places, 1832-1894 311. NEW HAMPSHIRE. HAVERHILL. Bittinger (Rev. J. Q.). History of Haverhill, N. H. Portraits and plan. 8vo, cloth. Haverhill, X.H., 1888 312. NEW HAMPSHIRE. HOLDERNESS. Hodges (George). Holderness. An Account of the Beginnings of a New Hampshire Town. Maps, portraits, and views. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston and New York, 1907 Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription. In serted is a one-page A.L.S. dated 20 November 1910, to Mr. Benton, relative to the location of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass. 313. NEW HAMPSHIRE. LANCASTER. Somers (Rev. A. N.). History of Lan caster, New Hampshire. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Concord, N.H., 1899 314. NEW HAMPSHIRE PROVINCE. LAWS. Acts and Laws Passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province of New- Hampshire in New-England. Small folio, sheep, rubbed, front hinges broken. Boston: Printed by B. Green: Sold by Eleazar Uussel at his Shop in Portsmouth. 1726 [Reprinted] Thompson s Facsimile Reprint of the 1726 Edition. With an L.S. and an A.N.S. from A. S. Batchellor, regarding the work, laid in. 315. NEW HAMPSHIRE. McClintock (John N.). History of New Hamp shire. Portraits and illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1888 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 310. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Provincial, Town, and State Papers of Xew Hamp shire. Edited by Nathaniel Bouton, I. W. Hammond, and A. S. Batchellor. Together, 26 vols. 8vo, cloth. Concord and Manchester, 1867-189G This set comprises the following. Volumes 1 to 6, Provincial Papers (1623-1763) ; Vol. 8, State Papers (1776-1783) ; Vol. 10, Provincial and State Papers (1749-1792) ; Vols. 11, 12 and 13. Town Papers (1680-1800) ; Vols. 14 to 17, State Papers (Revo lutionary Rolls) ; Vols. 18 to 23, State Papers (1679-1793) ; Vols. 24 to 28, State Papers (Town Charters). 317. NEW HAMPSHIRE. WARREX. Little (William). The History of War ren. Photographic illustrations. 8vo, half roan, cracked at hinges. Manchester, N. H., 1870 318. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Yols. 1 to 10. 5 vols. boards, uncut, some leaves unopened, and 5 vols. cloth. To gether, 10 vols. 8vo, a few earlier bindings broken. Concord and Manchester, 1824-1893 Fine set. all original editions with the exception of Vol. 5. 319. NEW JERSEY. Smith (Samuel). The History of the Colony of Nova- Csesaria, or New-Jersey; containing an Account of its First Settle ment. . .to the Year 1721. With Some Particulars Since, and a Short Yiew of its Present State. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, back slightly faded, corner of title repaired. Burlington, in New-Jersey, 1763 ORIGINAL EDITION, of which only 600 copies were issued from the first permanent press in Burlington, the printer having established it for the purpose of printing this history. The earliest American-printed history of New Jersey, compiled by a native of the Colony and long esteemed a standard authority on the subject. 320. NEW JERSEY. Barber (John W.) and Howe (Henry). Historical Col lections of the State of New Jersey. With 2 frontispiece plates in color, and numerous illustrations and engravings. 8vo, half purple levant morocco, gilt top. New York: S. Tuttle, 1844 FIRST EDITION. 321. NEW JERSEY. Raum (John 0.). The History of New Jersey, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt backs and edges. Philadelphia, 1877 322. NEW YORK. Dunlap (William). History of the New Netherlands. Province of New York, and State of New York, to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, paper labels, text somewhat foxed, name written on front covers. New York, 1839-1840 323. NEW YORK. PAWLET. Hollister (Hiel). Pawlet for One Hundred Years. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1867 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 324=. NEW YOEK. Smith (William). The History of the late Province of New- York, from its Discovery to the Appointment of Governor Golden, in 1762. 2 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, BY FORBES. New York, 1830 Signature of, "Richd Goodman," on title of Vol. I. 325. NORTH CAROLINA. Brickell (John). The Natural History of North- Carolina. With an Account of the Trade, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants . . . With folding map and four plates showing the Beasts, Birds, Fishes, etc. of the country. Small 8vo, seal-brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Dublin : Printed by James Carson, for the Author, 1737 FIRST EDITION. The plates of this copy have never been cut apart, and are bound at end as two folding plates. 326. NORTH CAROLINA. Williamson (Hugh). The History of North Caro lina. Folding map. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf, leather labels. Philadelphia, 1821 327. NORTH CAROLINA. Martin (Frangois Xavier). The History of North Carolina, from the Earliest Period. 2 vols. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, some leaves uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Small hole in margin of two leaves, and light stains on a few leaves. New-Orleans, A. T. Penniman & Co., 1829 FIRST EDITION. 328. NORTH CAROLINA. Hawks (Francis L.). History of North Carolina. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, very slightly rubbed. Fayettevelle, N.C., 1859-1858 Volume one is the third edition, Volume two the first edition. FINE COPY. 329. NORTH CAROLINA. Moore (John W.). History of North Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. Raleigh, 1880 330. NORWICH UNIVERSITY, 1819-1911. Her History, Her Graduates, Her Eoll of Honor. Vol. 1. General History. Illustrations, 8vo, cloth. Montpelier, 1911 331. NULLIFICATION. The Genuine Book of Nullification: Being a True not an Apocryphal History, Chapter and Verse, of the Several Examples of the Recognition and Enforcement of that Sovereign State Remedy, by the Different States of this Confederacy, from 1798 down to the Present Day. By Hampden. Svo, half morocco, contents lettered in gilt up back, slightly fox-marked, with original wrappers bound in. Charleston: E. J. Van Brunt, 1831 Presentation copy with author s autograph inscription, Hon. John Randolph with the Author s respects. 332. OREGON. Gray (W. H.). A History of Oregon, 1792-1849. Frontis piece. Svo, cloth. Portland, Oregon, 1870 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 333. OIUGIXAL NARRATIVES OF EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY: comprising, Narratives of Early Carolina, 1650-1708; The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503; Spanish Explorers in the Southern United States, 1528-1543; Early English and French Voyages, 1534-1608; Johnson s Wonder-Working Providence, 1628-1651; Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, 1604-1618. Illustrated. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1906-1911 334. PAMPHLETS. A collection of Pamphlets, Biographical, Law, Economic, Speeches, a few Periodicals, and others. A few illustrated. To gether, 93 pieces. Various places, various dates 335. PARKMAX (FRANCIS). A Half-Century of Conflict. FIRST EDITION-. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1892 336. PARTON (JAMES). Life of Andrew Jackson. Portraits. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Mr. Bentoirs name on title-pages. Boston, 1866 337. PARTON (JAMES). Life of Voltaire. 2 vols. cloth. Boston, 1881; BENNETT (ARNOLD). Paris Nights. Illustrated. Cloth. New York, 1913; GNEIST (RUDOLPH). The History of the English Constitution. 2 vols. cloth. New York, 1886 /and others. To gether, 12 vols. 8vo and smaller. Various places, various dates 338. PENNSYLVANIA. Gordon (Thomas F.). The History of Pennsylvania, from its Discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence, in 1776. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges, binding rubbed. Philadelphia : Carey, Lea & Carey, 1829 339. PENNSYLVANIA. Hazard (Samuel). Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware. 1609-1682. 8vo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1850 340. PENNSYLVANIA. Proud (Eobert). The History of Pennsylvania, in North America. With an Introduction. With Appendix. Portrait of William Penn, engraved ~by Lawson, and large folding map, en graved by Thackara. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. FINE COPY. Philadelphia, 1797-1798 341. PENNSYLVANIA AND WEST NEW JERSEY. Thomas (Gabriel). An His torical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania; and of West-New-Jersey in America. With a Map of both Countries (torn). 12mo, three-quarter blue morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London: A. Baldwin, 1698. Reprinted, New York, 1848 342. PILGRIMS OF NEW ENGLAND. Young (Alexander). Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. Now first collected from original records. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, library stamp on title, binding worn. Boston, 1841 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 343. PILGRIMS OF XEW ENGLAND. Bartlett (W. H.). The Pilgrim Fath ers; or,, the Founders of Xew England. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half roan, gilt back and edges. London, 1853 344. PLYMOUTH PLANTATION. Brigham (William). The Compact with the Charter and Laws of the Colony of Xew Plymouth: Together with the Charter of the Council at Plymouth, and an Appendix, contain ing the Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England, and Other Valuable Documents. Royal 8vo, sheep, leather label, back cover missing, name on title. Boston. 1836 345. PLYMOUTH PLANTATION. Bradford (William). History of Plymouth Plantation. Xow First Printed from the Original Manuscript, for the Massachusetts Historical Society. 8vo, cloth. Boston: Published for the Society, 185(5 346. PLYMOUTH PLANTATION. Bradford (William). The same as preceding. 8vo, three-quarter green morocco, gilt back and top. Boston, 1856 347. PLYMOUTH PLANTATION. Bradford s History "Of Plimoth Plantation." 7 From the Original Manuscript. Portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1898 348. PLYMOUTH PLANTATION. Thatcher (James). History of the Town of Plymouth. Map. Boston, 1835; CHEEVER (GEORGE B.). The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in Xew England, in 1620. Xew York, 1848 (slightly foxed) ; BANNARD (JOSEPH). Plymouth and the Pilgrims. Frontispiece and engraved title-page. Boston, 1851. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, roan and half roan. Boston and Xew York, 1835-1851 349. POLITICAL PAMPHLETS. McPherson (Edward). A Political Manual for 1866, including a Classified Summary of the Important Execu tive, Legislative, and Politico-Military Facts of the Period. Wash ington, D. C., 1866. Presentation copy with inscription; PROCEED INGS of the Xational Union Republican Convention, held at Chi cago, May 20 and 21, 1868. Reported by Ely, Burnham & Bartlett, Chicago. Chicago [1868] ; ESSAYS on Political Organizations. . .for the Prizes offered by the Union League of Philadelphia. Philadel phia, 1868. Together, 3 pamphlets, bound in one volume, 8vo, half roan, binding rubbed. Washington, Chicago and Philadelphia, 1866-1868 350. PRINCE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Wood s Xew-England Prospect. Fold ing map. Small 4to, half roan, gilt top, binding rubbed. Boston: Printed for the Society, 1865 Number 12 of an edition of 100 copies. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 351. PRINCE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Dunton (John). Letters written from New-England, A.D. 1686. Now First Published from the Original Manuscript, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With Notes and an Appendix, by W. H. Whitmore. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Boston : Published for the Prince Society, 1867 Limited Edition, 150 copies printed. 352. PIUVATEERING. Palmer (Benjamin F.). The Diary of Benjamin F. Palmer Privateersman. While a prisoner on board English war ships at sea, in the prison at Melville Island and at Dartmoor. Now first printed from the original manuscript. Portrait and illustra tions. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. The Acorn Club, 1914 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 90. 353. PRESCOTT (JAMES). Pickering (Octavius) and Gardiner (William Howard). Eeport of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esquire; Judge of the Probate of Wills, for the County of Middle sex. Before the Senate of Massachusetts, in the Year 1821. With an Appendix. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. FINE COPY. Boston, 1821 354. PURITANS. Neal (Daniel). The History of the Puritans; or, Protestant Nonconformists; from 1517... to 1688. A New Edition. 5 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, a few leaves slightly stained. London, 1822 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 25 copper-plate portraits in Vols. I and II. 355? PURITANS. Neal (Daniel). The History of the Puritans. Steel por traits. 2 vols. New York, 1844; COIT (THOMAS W.). Puritanism. New York, 1845; BARTLETT (W. H.). The Pilgrim Fathers. Illus trations. London, 1853; OLIVER (PETER). The Puritan Com monwealth. Boston, 1856; CAMPBELL (DOUGLAS). The Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 2 vols. New York, 1892. To gether, 7 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, cloth, some uncut. Various places, 1844-1892 356. QUINCY ( JOSIAH, JR.). Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy Jun. of Massachusetts. By his Son, Josiah Quincy. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut, upper part of back broken. Boston, 1825 Laid in is a three-page A.L.S. of the author, "Braintree, Jan. 23, 1864." 357. REVERE (PAUL). Goss (Eldridge Henry). The Life of Colonel Paul Revere. With portraits, many illustrations, facsmiles, etc. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1891 LARGE PAPER. SUBSCRIBER S EDITION limited to 100 copies. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 358. RHODE ISLAND. Callender (John). An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in New-England in America. Small 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, BY ZUCKER. Boston: S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1730 ORIGINAL ISSUE, in excellent condition. ONE OF THE EARLIEST WORKS ON THE HISTORY OF RHODE ISLAND. 359. RHODE-ISLAND. Callender (John). An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode-Island. With a Memoir. . .by Romeo Elton. Third Edition. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1843 360. RHODE ISLAND. Payne (A.). Reminiscences of the Rhode Island Bar. Providence, 1885; UPDIKE (W.). Memoirs of the Rhode- Island Bar. Boston, 1842; MACSPARRAN (REV. J.). Letter Book. Boston, 1899; SESQUICENTENNIAL of Brown University 1764-1914. Boston, 1915. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 361. RHODE ISLAND. PROVIDENCE. Greene (Welcome Arnold). The Provi dence Plantations for Two Hundred and Fifty Years. Extensively illustrated with engravings of historic places, old buildings, and other views, and portraits of prominent citizens. Small folio, cloth, gilt, cover slightly stained. Providence, 1886 362. RHODE ISLAND. Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England, 1636 to 1792. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. Inscription on title-page of Vol. 1, backs of few bindings slightly worn. Providence, 1856-1865 363. RHODE ISLAND. Staples (Hon. William R.). Rhode Island in the Con tinental Congress. 1765-1790. Edited by Reuben Aldridge Guild. 8vo, cloth, loose. Providence, 1870 364. RHODES (JAMES F.). History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the Final Restoration of Home Rule at the South in 1877. 7 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1893-1906 365. RHODES (JAMES F.). Historical Essays. New York, 1909; Presenta tion Inscription from the Author; BLACK (C. F.). Essays and Speeches of J. S. Black. New York, 1883; BERRIAN (REV. W.). Historical Sketch of Trinity Church New York. New York, 1847 ; SMITH (G.). The United States. New York, 1893; TAYLOR (J. M.). Vassar. New York, 1915; And others. Together, 8 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates 366. RICHARDSON (JAMES D.). A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Steel portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1896 First Session, Thursday Afternoon, March llth 367. [SARGENT (Lucius MANLIUS).] Dealings with the Dead. By a Sexton of the Old School. Frontispiece and engraved title-page. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 368. SARGENT (NATHAN). Public Men and Events from the Commencement of Mr. Monroe s Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fill- more s Administration, in 1853. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. FINE COPY. Philadelphia, 1875 369. SKETCHES of the War. 2 vols. in one. Rutland, 1815; (Reprint Title Page) ; LODGE (H. C.). Short History of the English Colonies in America. New York, 1881; STATE PAPERS of Nullification: South Carolina. Boston, 1834; FISHER AMES,, Works of. Boston, 1809; and others. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 370. SOUTH CAROLINA. Ramsay (David). The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. Illustrated with folding maps. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs and edges, text foxed. Trenton : Isaac Collins, 1785 With bookplates of Charles C. Jones, Jr.. and Edward N. Crane in each volume. 371. SOUTH CAROLINA. Ramsay (David). The History of South-Carolina, from Its First Settlement in 1670, to the Year 1808. Illustrated with 2 folding maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, backs slightly faded. FINE COPY. Charleston, 1809 372. SOUTH CAROLINA. Dalcho (Frederick). An Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in South Carolina, and Some Account of the Early Civil History of Carolina. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Charleston, 1820 CRISP COPY of this interesting work. 373. SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA. [Hewatt (Alexander).] An Histori cal Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Caro lina and Georgia. 2 vols. Svo, mottled calf, leather labels, binding rubbed and cracked at hinges, text foxed. London, 1779 With bookplate of William Gooch in each volume. 374. STEAMBOAT DISASTERS and Railroad Accidents in the United States. Worcester, 1846; HOWLAND (S. A.). Steamboat Disasters and Railroad Accidents in the U. S. Worcester, 1840; Another copy. Worcester, 1846. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, calf and cloth, bindings worn. Worcester, 1840-46 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. BENTON THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOSIAH HENRY BENTON AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Second Session, Numbers 375 to 734, inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH llth, AT 8:00 O CLOCK 375. TAXATION PAMPHLETS. Dana (Richard H.). Double Taxation, Unjust and Inexpedient. Boston, 1892; BENTON (J. H., JR.). Inequality of Tax Valuation. Boston, 1890; MESSAGE of the Mayor Transmit ting Report of the Special Commission 011 Taxation. Chart. Bos ton, 1891; WINN (HENRY). Unequal Taxation. Boston, 1891. Presentation copy with author s autograph inscription; REPORT of the Tax Commissioners of the State of New Hampshire. . .1878. With Appendix. Manchcester, 1878. Name on title; STATE OF CONNECTICUT, General Assembly, 1887. Report of the Special Commission. . .on the Subject of Taxation. Schedule. New Haven, 1887. Together, 6 pamphlets, bound in one vol., Svo, half morocco, with original wrappers, cracked at hinges. Boston, Manchester, and New Haven, 1878-1891 376. TENNESSEE. Haywood (John). The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, up to the First Settlements Therein by the White People, in the Year 1768. 8vo, dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt lettered back, gilt dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Nashville : George Wilson, 1823 FIRST EDITION. A VERY FIXE COPY of this work, which is highly prized for the faithful and minute descriptions of the relics of the race which once inhabited the territory. Presentation copy from Henry Crabb to William Brown, with auto graph inscription, and a manuscript biographical note regarding Henry Crabb, who was a well-known politician in California in the early days. "Chas. M Wallace 1865." written at head of title. [See Frontispiece for title-page] 377. TENNESSEE. Haywood (John). The Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee, from its Earliest Settlement up to the year 1796. Svo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. 377 Continued] dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, BY STIKEMAN. Leaf "Copyright Secured," and title mended in lower front corner. Knoxville : Heiskell & Brown, 1823 FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY, WITH THE PRELIMINARY LEAF "Copy right Secured," and the inserted slip bearing copyright certificate. THE EARLIEST HISTORY OF TENNESSEE AND SCARCE. Contains an account of the "State of Franklin," the Indian wars of this section, and other historical data. From the Marshall C. Lefferts collection, with his book label. 378. TENNESSEE. Ramsey (J. G. M.). The Annals of Tennessee to the end of the Eighteenth Century. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. Charleston, S. C., 1853 379. TEXAS. Foote (Henry Stuart). Texas and the Texans; or, The Ad vance of the Anglo-Americans to the South- West. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, a few fox-marks in text. Philadelphia, 1841 380. THOMPSON (DANIEL PIERCE). May Martin. A Green Mountain Tale. Burlington, 1848; The Green Mountain Boys. Boston, 1848; An other Copy. Boston, 1849 ; The Rangers. FIRST EDITION. Bos ton," 1851 ; May Martin. Boston, 1855 ; The Doomed Chief. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia, 1860. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth, worn. Burlington, Boston and Philadelphia, 1848-1860 381. TOCQUEYILLE (A. DE) . Democracy in America. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1862; LUMMIS (C. F.). Mexico of To-Day. New York, 1904; CURTIS (G. T.). History of the Constitution of the U. S. 2 vols. New York, 1854; and others. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 382. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the Sub ject of Public Roads and Canals : Made in Pursuance of a Resolu tion of Senate of March 2, 1807. 8vo, half morocco, original wrap pers bound in, a few pages stained. Washington, 1808 383. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Commissioners appointed by Joint Resolutions of the Honorable the Senate and Assembly of the State of New- York, on the 13th and 15th March, 1810, to explore the route of an inland navigation from Hudson s River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 8vo, stitched, uncut, name on title. Albany: S. Southwick, 1811 384. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Commissioners Appointed b} Joint Resolutions of the Honourable the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, of the 13th and 15th of March, 1810, to Explore the Route of an Inland Navigation, from Hudson s River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 8vo, stitched, name on title. New York, 1811 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 385. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Commissioners, appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled, "An Act to provide for the Improvement of the Internal Navigation of the State," Passed April 8th, 1811, for the Consideration of All Matters relating to the said Inland Navigation. 8vo, stitched. Albany: S. Southwick, 1812 386. TRANSPORTATION. Watson (Elkanah). History of the Rise, Progress, and existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New York, from September 1788, to the completion of the Middle Sec tion of the Grand Canal, in 1819, together with the Rise, Progress, and existing State of Modern Agricultural Societies, on the Berk shire System from 1807, to the establishment of the Board of Agri culture in the State of New- York, January 10, 1820. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original boards bound in, fox-marked. Albany : D. Steele, 1820 Hare history. 387. TRANSPORTATION. Canals. A View of the Grand Canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson River. . .a description of the Champlain Canal. Portrait of De Witt Clinton and view (inserted). 12mo, half morocco. New Y r ork, 1825 RARE. Of special interest is the view inserted, "An Account of the Grand Canal." 388. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Commissions of the State of Massa chusetts on the Routes of the Canals from Boston Harbour to Con necticut and Hudson Rivers. Large folding map. 8vo, half calf. Boston, 1826 389. TRANSPORTATION. Railroads. Report of the Commissioners of the State of Massachusetts . . . Routes of Canals from Boston Harbour to Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. Folding map. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1826 The Appendix (usually missing) is bound in at the end. 390. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Commissioners of the State of Massa chusetts, on the Routes of Canals from Boston Harbour, to Connec ticut and Hudson Rivers. With an Appendix. Large folding map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut , original wrappers strengthened and bound in. Boston : True and Greene, 1826 PINE COPY of this rare report. 391. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Commissioners of the State of Massa chusetts, on the Routes of Canals from Boston Harbour, to Con necticut and Hudson Rivers. Large folding map. 8vo, wrappers, torn, uncut, Boston, 1826 392. TRANSPORTATION. Report of Mr. Baldwin on the Rail-Road Surveys from Boston to the Hudson River. 8vo, half morocco. [Boston, 1828] Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 393. TRANSPORTATION. Keport of the Board of Commissioners, of Internal Improvement in Relation to the Examination of Sundry Routes for a Railway from Boston to Providence. With a Memoir of the Sur vey. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1828 394. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Board of Directors of Internal Im provements of the State of Massachusetts on the Practicability and Expediency of a Rail-Road from Boston to the Hudson River, and From Boston to Providence. With plans and profiles of the routes. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1829 395. TRANSPORTATION. Reports relating to various railroads in Massachu setts, including the Seekonk Branch Railroad Company. 13 pamphlets. Boston, 1829-1875 396. TRANSPORTATION. Clinton (De Witt). Correspondence on the Import ance and Practicability of a Rail Road, from New York to New Orleans, in which is embraced a Report on the Subject. 12mo, stitched. New York, 1830 397. TRANSPORTATION. Sketch of the Geographical Route of a Great Railway, by which it is proposed to connect the Canals and Navigable Waters, of New- York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Mis souri, and the Adjacent States and Territories; opening thereby a Free Communication, at all Seasons of the Year, between the Atlantic States and the Great Valley of the Mississippi. Second Edition, with Additions. Large folding map. 8vo, wrappers, name on cover. New York, 1830 398. TRANSPORTATION. Hayward (James). Report on the Proposed Rail- Road between Boston and Ogdensburgh. Royal 8vo, stitched, uncut. Boston, 1831 399. TRANSPORTATION. Walker (James). Report of the Directors of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, on the Comparative Merits of Locomotive and Fixed Engines as a Moving Power. Lithographic plates and charts. 8vo, original boards, slightly foxed, uncut, bind ing broken. Philadelphia, 1831 400. TRANSPORTATION. Facts and Suggestions relating to the New- York and Albany Rail-Road. With the Act of Incorporation. 8vo, stitched. New York, 1832 401. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Board of Directors to the Stockholders of the Boston and Providence Rail-Road Company, submitting the Report of their Engineer. Plans and Profiles, Illustrative of the Surveys. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1832 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 402. TRANSPORTATION. Report on Steam Carriages by a Committee of the House of Commons of Great Britain. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, original front wrapper bound in, wrapper torn, some leaves repaired. RARE. Washington, 1832 403. TRANSPORTATION. De Pambour (Chev. F. M. G.). A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines upon Railways. Plans. 8vo, cloth, paper label. Philadelphia, 183<i 404. TRANSPORTATION. Hayne (Robert Y.). Address in behalf of the Knox- ville Convention, to the Citizens of the Several States Interested in the Proposed Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Rail Road. 8vo, stitched. Charleston, 1836 405. TRANSPORTATION. Report of the Engineer, upon the Preliminary Sur veys for the Ousatonic Rail-Road. 8vo, stitched. New-Haven, 1836 406. TRANSPORTATION. Eastern Railroad Company. Various reports, includ ing that of the Engineers for 1840 ; also Act of Incorporation. To gether, 32 pamphlets. Boston and Salem, 1836-1872 407. TRANSPORTATION. A Report of a Committee to the Board of Directors; and of E. F. Johnson, Esq. Chief Engineer of the Auburn and Syra cuse Railroad Company. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York, 1837 408. TRANSPORTATION. Railroad Construction in the United States ; KNIGHT (J.). Report Upon Principal Railroad in the Northern and Middle States; Report Upon the Locomotive Engines. Folding plans. Bound in one vol. half leather. Baltimore, 1838 409. TRANSPORTATION. Report to the Stockholders of the Mohawk and Hud son Rail-Road Company: March, 1838. 8vo, stitched. Albany, 1838 410. TRANSPORTATION. Letters on the Subject of a Line of Rail-Roads, from Boston to the Mississippi. 4to, stitched. Boston, 1839 411. TRANSPORTATION. Hayward (James). Report of Surveys and Esti mates for the Northern Railroad in New York. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1847 412. TRANSPORTATION. First to Fifth Annual Reports of the Directors of the Michigan Central Railroad Company. Map. Together, 5 pamphlets. Boston, 1847-1851 413. TRANSPORTATION. Some Considerations respecting the Proposed Con struction of the Albany and Susquehanna Rail-Road. January 1852. Folding map. 8vo, wrappers. Albany, 1852 414. TRANSPORTATION. Guide for the Pennsylvania Railroad, with an Exten sive Map ; including the Entire Route. Large colored folding map. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1855 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 415. TRANSPORTATION. The Illinois Central Railroad Company offers for Sale over 1 500 000 Acres Selected Farming and Woodlands. . .on each side of their Railroad, extending all the Way from the Extreme North to the South of the State of Illinois. Map and plate. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1857 416. TRANSPORTATION. Concord Railroad Corporation. Annual Reports, 1841-1899. 3 vols. 8vo, half leather, not collated. Concord and Manchester, 1866-1889 417. TRANSPORTATION. History of the Granite Railway Company, including Granite Quarters at Quincy, Mass., and Concord, N. H., with the Chapter and By-Laws of the Company, and a List of its Officers. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1870 418. TRANSPORTATION. Williams (J. J.). Report of J. J. Williams, Chief Engineer, upon the location of the Tehuan tepee Railway and Car riage Road Across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with the Map and Profiles as approved by the Government of Mexico, July 1st, 1870; and his Report on the Subject of a Ship Canal Across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, to unite the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8vo, printed wrapper. [New York] 1870 419. TRANSPORTATION. Hoosac Tunnel Hearing. 1873. Reports of all the twenty-two hearings. Together, 22 pamphlets bound in one volume, 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1873 420. TRANSPORTATION. Another copy of the above. 8vo, half roan, binding broken. Boston, 1873 421. TRANSPORTATION. New Hampshire. Railroad Legislation in New Hamp shire. An Important collection of pamphlets and newspaper ex cerpts relating to the railroad legislation in New Hampshire, June 1887. Bound in 3 vols. 8vo, half leather, bindings broken. Concord, etc. 1887 Contains nearly 2000 pages of printed matter. 422. TRANSPORTATION. Ringwalt (J. L.). Development of Transportation Systems in the United States. Illustrations. Small folio, cloth. Philadelphia, 1888 423. TRANSPORTATION. Manchester and Lawrence Railroad v. Concord Rail road Corporation. State of New Hampshire, Supreme Court. Hear ing Before Referees. 4 vols. 8vo, half leather, bindings broken. Concord, 1891 424. TRANSPORTATION. Northern Pacific Railroad. Memorial of the Board of Directors, 1867; Report of Edward F. Johnson, Engineer in Chief, Hartford, 1867; State of Resources and Merits, 1868; and other Pamphlets, two larye folding maps, bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco. Hartford and Washington, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 425. TRANSPORTATION. Jackson (William). Lecture on Rail Roads, Deliv ered January 12, 1829 Before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Boston 1829 ; An Account of the Proposed Canal From Worcester to Providence containing the Report of the En gineer. Map. Worcester 1822 ; Plan for Shortening the Time of Passage between New York and London, with Documents Relating thereto, including the Proceedings of the Railway Convention at Portland, Maine, and the Charter of the European and North American Railway. Portland, 1850; Acts Incorporating the Euro pean and North American Railway Company and Facilitating the Construction of the Road, Passed 15th and 28th March, 1851. Printed at the Gazette Office, Fredericton, no date; Report on the Survey of the European and North American Railway. By A. C. Morton. Map. Portland, 1851. Together, 5 pamphlets, Bound in one vol. 8vo, half calf. Various places, various dates 426. TRANSPORTATION. Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroad. Various pamphlets relating to; also, the Boston and Lowell Railroad Cor poration. Together, 11 pamphlets, bound in one volume, 8vo, half leather, binding broken. Various places, various dates 427. TRANSPORTATION. Massachusetts Railroad Pamphlets; Comprising, Brook s Testimony Relative to the Boston, Hartford and Erie Rail roads. 1870; Reports on Terminal Facilities of the Railroads on the Northerly Side of Boston, 1870; Report of the State Commission on Cheap Railway Transportation. 1870 ; Opening Argument by J. H. George in Behalf of the Boston and Lowell Railroad, 1873 ; Argu ment of C. F. Clioate in Behalf of the Northern (N. H.) Railroad. 1873; and three other pamphlets. Some with maps. Bound in one vol. half morocco. Boston, various dates 428. TRANSPORTATION. -Concord and Northern Railroads. Concord Railroad vs. Greeley. 1844; Contract Between the Northern (N. H.) Rail road and the Concord Railroad Corporation. 1858; Testimony for the Defendants; Evidence; and two other pamphlets. Bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco. Various places, various dates 429. TRANSPORTATION. Railroad Pamphlets. Proceedings of the National Railway Convention. New York, 1867 ; Influence of the Railroads of the United States in the Creation of her Commerce and Wealth. New York, 1869; Prize Essays on Roads and Road Making. 1870; Finks (Albert). Reports and Testimony Before the Legislative Committee on Railroad Transportation. 1882 ; Argument of J. H. George on the Boston and Lowell Railroad. 1867; Vermont Rail road Case, Vermont and Canada Railroad Company vs. Vermont Central Railroad Company. 1877. Together, 26 pamphlets, bound in three vols. 8vo, half leather. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 430. TRANSPORTATION. Booth (Henry). An Account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, ... a Description of the Railway, in an ex cursion from Liverpool to Manchester, and a Popular Illustration of the Mechanical Principles Applicable to Railways. Map and plates. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, presentation inscription on title. Liverpool, undated 431. TRANSPORTATION. Burges (Tristam). A Brief of the Remarks made before the Committee on Rail-Ways and Canals, on the Petition of the Seekonk Branch Railroad Co. 8vo, stitched. No place, no date 432. TRANSPORTATION. On the Petition of the Seekonk Branch Rail-Road Co. A Brief, Explained by a Statement of the Case. 8vo, stitched. No place, no date 433. TRANSPORTATION. New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. In vestigation and Arguments. 1893; DODGE (G. M.). How we Built the Union Pacific Railway. 1870; WOOD (N.). Practical Treatise on Railroads. Philadelphia, 1832; BLISS (G.). Historical Memoir of the Western Railroad. Springfield, 1863; WEYL (W. E.). Pas senger Traffic of Railways. Philadelphia, 1901. Together, 5 vols. cloth and half morocco. Various places, and dates 434. TRANSPORTATION. Railroads. History of the Old Colony Railroad. Illustrated. Boston [1893] ; VAN Oss (S. F.). American Railroads as Investments. COLORED maps. New York, 1893; JEANS (J. 8.). Railway Problems. London, 1887; and others on railroads. To gether, 8 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates 435. TRANSPORTATION. Railroad. WILLIAMS (P. S.). Our Iron Roads. London, 1885; WELLINGTON (A. M.). Economic Theory of the Location of Railways. New York, 1888; STIMSON (A. L.). History of the Express Companies and the Origin of American Railroads. New York, 1858; DICKSON (W. E.). Railways and Locomotion. London, 1854; NOTRE (A.). Description of the Railroad from Liverpool to Manchester. Boston, 1853; and others. Some illus trated. Together, 10 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth. Various places, various dates The last named is an uncommon work on English railroads ; the illus trations being lithographs by Pendloton of Boston. 436. TRANSPORTATION. Railroads. HUDSON (JAMES F.). The Railways and the Republic. New York, 1886; WILLIAMS (A.). The Romance of Modern Locomotion. Philadelphia, 1904; ACKWORTH (W. M.). The Railways and the Traders. London, 1891. Autograph presen tation copy -from the author, with an A.L.S. of the author laid in; POOR (L. A.). The First International Railway. New York, 1892; DAVIS (J. P.). The Union Pacific Railway. Chicago, 1894; BUT- TERWORTH (A. K.). Railway Rates and Traffic. London, 1889; and others. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. ( Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 437. TRANSPORTATION. Various reports relative to the Housatonic Railroad Company; The Troy and Greenfield Railroad and the Housac Tun- nell, 1832-75. Together, 12 pamphlets. Various places, various dates 438. TRANSPORTATION. Railroads. [ROLLINS (W.).] History and Descrip tion of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Illustrated. Baltimore, 1853; TANNER (H. S.). Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States. Folding map and chart. New York, 1840; WILLSON (B.). The Story of Rapid Transit. London, 1903 ; SMITH (W. P.). The Book of the Great Railway Celebrations of 1857. Folding map. New York, 1858 ; and others. Together, 13 vols. 4to, 8vo and 12mo, original cloth, one in wrappers. Various places, various dates 439. TRANSPORTATION. Railroads. WOOD (X.). A Practical Treatise on Railroads. Folding plates. London, 1825; Ross (H. M.). British Railways. London, 1904; MCPHERSOX (L. G.). The Working of the Railroads. New York, 1907; FINLAY (GEORGE). The Working and Management of an English Railway. Illustrated. London, 1894; JONES (WILLIAM). Popular Sketch. . . of Atmospheric Rail way. Illustrated. London, 1845. Together, 14 vols. royal 8vo, 8vo and 12mo, mainly original cloth. Various places, various dates The last named is an uncommon item of Railroadiana. 440. TRANSPORTATION. Railroad Pamphlets. State Reports, and other pamphlets relating to railroads in New York and New England. 32 pamphlets. Various places, various dates 441. TRANSPORTATION. Miscellaneous pamphlets, Addresses, etc. relating to Railroads in America. 47 pamphlets. Various places, various dates 442. TRIAL. Lyman (Theodore, Junior). Report of a Trial in the Supreme Judicial Court, holden at Boston, Dec. 16th and 17th, 1828, of Theodore Lyman, Jr., for an Alleged Libel on Daniel Webster. 12mo, cloth, leather back, back broken, stamp of New Hampshire State Library, and of E. Washburn on title. Boston, 1828 443. VERMONT. An Act Regulating and Governing the Militia of Vermont. Passed November 10, 1818. Published by Order of the Legislature. 16mo, original boards, worn. Middlebury, Vt., 1819 444. VERMONT. Aldrich (Lewis Cass). History of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, Vermont. Portraits and illustratiojis. Thick royal 8vo, half roan, gilt back, gilt edges. Syracuse, 1891 445. VERMONT. The same as above. Royal 8vo, half roan, broken. Syracuse, 1891 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 446. VERMONT. Allen (Miss Elizabeth). Sketches of Green Mountain Life. 16mo, rebound in half sheep, binding rubbed. Lowell, 1846 447. VERMONT. Allen (Ethan). Exercises Attending the Unveiling and Presentation of a Statue of Gen. Ethan Allen at Burlington, Ver mont, July 4th, 1873, including an Oration by Hon. L. E. Chit- tenden. Portrait. Burlington, 1874. Presentation copy from L. E. Chittenden to Jesse K. Furlong; JOHNSON. History of the town, 1784-1907. Compiled by Mattie W. Baker. Portraits and plates. Burlington, 1907; MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Addresses and Proceed ings at the Semi-Centennial Celebration, August 20, 21 and 22, 1850. Middlebury, 1850 (foxed) ; (and) Kaleidoscope (College Publication) for the year 1894/5. Illustrated. [Middlebury, 1895.] Presentation copy from the Editors to Mr. Carlos Slafter; EOCKINGHAM. Records of the First Church, 1773-1839. Copied by Thomas Bellows Peck. Illustrations. Boston, 1902; RUTLAND. Centennial Celebration, October 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, 1870. Com piled by Chauncy K. Williams. Rutland, 1870; WHITINGHAM. Green leaves from Whitingham, Vermont: A History of the Town. By Clark Jillson. Portrait and illustrations. Worcester, Mass., 1894; WILMINGTON. Reunion of the Sons and Daughters of the Town, July 3-6, 1890. To which are added Historical and Chrono logical Notes. Wilmington, 1890. Together, 8 vols. 8vo and 4to, cloth and boards, several uncut. Various places, various dates 448. VERMONT. ALMANAC. Thorn (Stephen). Lyon s Vermont Calendar: Or, A Planetary Diary, For the year of our Lord, 1794. 16mo, half morocco, leaves mended and extended in margins, text intact, foxed. RARE. Rutland: Printed and sold by J. Lyon [1793] 449. VERMONT ALMANAC AND REGISTER. From 1805 to 1903 (with the excep tion of years 1807 and 1844). Together, 99 vols. 16mo, new cloth. All volumes from 1818 on have original wrappers bound in, the earlier volumes have portions of original blank wrappers bound in. Middlebury, Burlington, and Montpelier, Vt, etc., 1805-1905 AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE SET, two or three vols. slightly imperfect. 450. VERMONT. Arnold (Josias Lyndon). Poems by the late Josias Lyndon Arnold, Esq. of St. Johnsbury (Vermont). 12mo, sheep, leather label, worn, name on half-title. Providence: Carter and Wilkinson, 1797 451. VERMONT. BARNARD IMPRINTS. Experience of Several Eminent Metho dist Preachers. Written by themselves to John Wesley, A.M. 1812; TAYLOR (J.) The Lives of the Holy Evangelists, and Apos tles. 1813; HUBBARD (JOHN). The Rudiments of Geography. 1814. Margins badly stained, edges worn, title repaired at inner margin. Together, 3 vols. 16mo, old sheep, boards, and new half morocco. Barnard, 1812-1814 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 452. VERMONT. Bcckley (Rev. Hosea). The History of Vermont. Brattle boro, 1846; HEMENWAY (ABBY MARIA). Poets and Poetry of Ver mont. Portrait. Boston, 1860; SANBORX (A. J.). Green Mountain Poets. Claremont, N. H., 1872; HEATON (JonN L.). The Story of Vermont. Illustrations by L. J. Bridgman. Boston, 1889; ROBINSON (ROWLAND E.). Vermont, a Study of Independence. Map. Boston, 1892. Together, 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 453. VERMONT. Benedict (G. G.). Vermont in the Civil War. Engraved portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Burlington, Vt., 1886-1888 454. VERMONT. BENNINGTON. Jennings (Isaac). Memorials of a Century; chiefly the early history of Bennirigton. Map and plate. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1869 455. VERMONT. BENNINGTON. The Dedication of the Bennington Battle Monument, and Celebration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Admission of Vermont as a State, at Bennington, August 19, A. D., 1891. Engraved portraits and illustrations. Royal 8vo, half mo rocco, uncut. Bennington, 1892 456. VERMONT. BENNINGTON COUNTY. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Bennington County, Vt., for 1880-81. Illustrations and colored folding map. 1880 ; GAZETTEER and Business Directory of Windsor County, Vt., for 1883-84. Illustrations. 1884. Both Compiled and Published by Hamilton Child. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan and roan, rubbed, bindings poor. Syracuse, X. Y., 1880-1884 457. VERMONT. BRADFORD. McKEEN (REV. SILAS). A History of Brad ford, Vermont. . .with Various Genealogical Records. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Montpelier, Vt., 1875 Inserted is a one-page A.N.S. by the author, certifying having married a couple. 458. VERMONT. BRAINTREE. Bass (H. Royce). The History of Braintree, Vermont, Chart. 8vo, cloth. Rutland, Vt., 1883 459. VERMONT. BRATTLEBORO. Burnham (Henry). Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont. Early History, with Biographical Sketches of some of its Citizens. Edited by Abby Maria Hemenway. Numerous full-page portraits, and large folding map, backed with linen, in slip case. 8vo, cloth, with cotton wrapper, a few fox-marks. Brattleboro, 1880 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 460. VERMONT. BRATTLEBOROUGH IMPRINTS. CARR (JOHN). The Stranger in France. 1806; WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious Gen. George Washington. 1811 ; [FLAVEL (JOHN).] A Token for Mourners. 1813; WEBSTER (NOAH). The American Spelling Book. 1815. All after page 166 missing; MURRAY (LiND- LEY). The English Reader. [No date, circa 1820]; MURRAY (LINDLEY). The English Reader; To which is added a Vocabulary; by Rensselaer Bentley. [1826] ; EASTMAN (HUBBARD). Xoyesism Unveiled. 1849. Together, 7 vols. 16mo, old sheep, boards and cloth, rubbed. Brattleborough, 1806-1849 461. VERMONT. BURLINGTON IMPRINTS. Thompson (Zadock). The Green Mountain Repository; for the year 1832. 1832; HOPKINS (JOHN HENRY). Christianity Vindicated. With presentation inscrip tion, "To Mrs. I. C. Warren . . . with the affectionate esteem of the Author." 1833; O CALLAGHAN (JEREMIAH). Usury, Funds, and Banks. 1834; THOMPSON (ZADOCK). Geography and Geology of Vermont. With maps and illustrations. 1848; THOMPSON (ZADOCK). History of the State of Vermont. 1858. Together, 5 vols. 12mo and 16mo, old boards and cloth, rubbed. Burlington, 1832-1858 462. VERMONT. Centennial Anniversary of the Independence of the State of Vermont and the Battle of Bennington, August 15 and 16, 1877. Westminster-Hubbardton-Windsor. Portraits inserted. 8vo, half morocco. Rutland, 1879 463. VERMONT. Chipman (Daniel). A Memoir of Thomas Chittenden, the first Governor of Vermont. Middlebury, 1849 (text foxed) ; DE PUY (HENRY W.). Ethan Allen and the Green-Mountain Heroes of 76. Illustrations. Boston, 1853; CHASE (FRANCIS). Gathered Sketches from the Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont. Frontispiece. Claremont, N. H., 1856; HEMENWAY (ABBY MARIA). Poets and Poetry of Vermont. Rutland, 1858 ; WAITE (OTIS F. R.) . Vermont in the^ Great Rebellion. Illustrations. Claremont, N. H., 1869; BROWN (CHARLES WALTER). Ethan Allen of Green Moun tain Fame. Illustrations. Chicago [1902] ; GREEN Mountain Poets. Portrait of Charles G. Eastman. Boston, undated. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth, some rubbed, one back torn. Various places, various dates 464. VERMONT. CIVIL WAR REGIMENTS. The Second Brigade; or, Camp Life. By a Volunteer. Montpelier, 1864. With inscription on fly leaf, "Presented to Mr. J. H. Benton, Jr., By A. J. Wallace, Aug. 27, 86 ;" WALKER ( ALDACE) . The Vermont Brigade in the Shenan- doah Valley, 1864. Map. Burlington, 1869; HAYNES (E. M.). A History of the Tenth Regiment, Vermont Volunteers. 1870; HOL- [C on tinned Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. 464 Continued] BROOK (WILLIAM C.)- A Narrative of the Services of the ?th Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, 1862 to 1866. Portrait. Xew York, 1882. Author s presentation copy, with inscription, "Prof. J. M. Hill With regards of Wm. C. Holbrook;" CARPENTER (GEORGE N). History of the Eighth Regiment Vermont Volunteers, 1861- 1865. With numerous portraits. Boston, 1886. Author s presenta- tion copy, with inscription, "To Col. J. H. Benton, Jr. with Com pliments of Geo N Carpenter;" BENEDICT (GEORGE GRENVILLE). A Short History of the 14th Vermont Reg^t, 1863-1887. Portraits. Bennington, 1887; [and] Army Life in Virginia; Letters from the Twelfth Vermont Regiment, 1862-63. Portraits. Burlington, 1895. Author s presentation copy to J. II. Benton, Jr., July 29, 1899, with inscription. 2 vols. ; STURTEVANT (RALPH ORSON). Pictorial History Thirteenth Regiment Vermont Volunteers. War of 1861- 1865. "Portraits and other illustrations. [1910]. With SUPPLE MENT, 1911, laid in. Together, 8 vols. 8vo and 4to, various bindings. Various places, 1864-1910 465. VERMONT. CIVIL WAR REGIMENTS. The Second Brigade: or, Camp Life. By a Volunteer. Montpelier, 1864; LANE (E. H.). The Soldiers Record of Jericho, Vermont. Burlington, 1868 ; BENEDICT (G. G.). Vermont at Gettysburg!!. With portrait, map and plates. Burlington, 1870; CHADWICK (ALBERT G.). Soldiers Record of the Town of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 1861-5. Frontispiece. St. Johnsbury, 1883 ; REUNION SOCIETY OF VERMONT OFFICERS. Pro ceedings, 1864-1884, with Addresses. Burlington, 1885; VERMONT MONUMENTS AT GETTYSBURG. Report of the Vermont Commission ers, 1890. With folding plate. Burlington, 1890. Presentation copy from Mr. Albert Clarke, with his visiting-card inserted. To gether, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, 1864-1890 466. VERMONT. CIVIL WAR REGIMENTS. Farnham (Roswell). First Ver mont Regiment. Three Months. Letters &c. With folding hand- drawn maps. 1861 ; Twelfth Vermont Regiment. Xine Months. Letters &c. 1862-3; Twelfth Vermont Regiment. Xine Months. Army Correspondence from the 12th Regiment to the Free Press, Burlington. 1862-3. Typewritten copies of letters and other cor respondence, with A.L.S. of Mrs. Roswell Farnham inserted in first volume. 3 vols. 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops. Xo place, 1861-1863 The first two volumes consist of copies of letters from Roswell Farn ham to his wife and other members of his family, with several from other members of the same family, and various orders which were issued to Col. Farnham during the time of his service with the First and Twelfth Regiments. The writer of the articles for the Free Press (the third volume) signs himself. "G," and his name does not appear to be given in the manuscripts. The letters are not only extremely interesting from a personal point of view, but give many interesting details and descrip- [Contimied Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. 466 Continued ] tions of the camp life and service, and of a number of skirmishes and battles of the Civil War. The letter inserted at the beginning of the first volume reads as fol lows, "CoZ. J. H. Benton. Dear Sir : I received the books in due season, and accept your thanks. The prospect now is, that if fortune favors us in the future as in the past, that some one of the family may use the war books to good advantage, but perhaps not during my life time, your Friend Mrs. Rosicell Farnliam. Bradford Yt. Oct. 30th 1910. (Florence birth day)." 467. VERMONT. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Minutes of the General Con vention of Congregational and Presbyterian Ministers in Vermont, for the years 1812, 1819, 1821, 1822, 1825, 1827, 1830, 1831, 1835, 1836, 1842, 1847, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1858, 1870, 1872. To gether, 19 pamphlets, 8vo, stitched and paper wrappers. Various places, 1812-1872 After 1836 the Convention included the Congregational Churches only. 468. VERMONT. CORNWALL. Matthews (Rev. Ly man). History of the Town of Cornwall, Vermont. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Middlebury, 1862 469. VERMONT. DANBY. Williams (J. C.). The History and Map of Danby, Vermont. Colored map. 8vo, cloth. Rutland, Vt., 1869 470. VERMONT. FAIR HAVEN. Adams (Andrew N.). A History of the Town of Fair Haven, Vermont. 2 colored folding maps. 8vo, cloth, back damaged. Fair Haven, 1870 471. VERMONT. Gallup (Joseph A.). Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont. Boston, 1815 (foxed) ; REGISTRATION REPORT. Report to the Legislature of Vermont relating to the Registry and Returns of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, for the year 1858, 1859. 2 vols. Middlebury, 1859-1860; TABULAR STATEMENT showing the amount due from the State of Vermont, to Soldiers in the late War for the Suppression of the Rebellion. March 20, 1873. Montpelier, 1873; STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Report for the years 1883-84. Hiram A. Cutting, Secretary. Folding map, illustrations. Mont pelier, 1884; VERMONT ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. Its Annals for fifty years. Frontispiece. Brattleboro, 1887; BENTON (R. C.). The Vermont Settlers and the New York Land Speculators. Por trait. Minneapolis, 1894 (back slightly damaged) ; THE VERMONT WATCHMAN. Souvenir Edition. Devoted to Montpelier. Illus trated. [No place,] 1893 ; LAWS AND STATUTES. Index to the Gen eral and Special Legislation of the State of Vermont. By Albert P. Cross. Montpelier, 1894. Together, 9 vols. 8vo and oblong 8vo, various bindings. Various places, 1815-1894 472. VERMONT. George (N. J. T.). A Pocket Geographical and Statistical Gazetteer of the State of Vermont. 16mo, original sheep, a few cor ners stained. Haverhill, New Hampshire, 1823 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 473. VERMONT. Goodrich (John E.). Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolu tionary War, 1775 to 1783. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Rutland, Vt.. 1904 474. VERMONT. Graham (John Andrew). A Descriptive Sketch of the Pres ent State of Vermont. Portrait of the author engraved by W. Evans after painting by W. Wood, woodcut vignette on title and seven head- and tail-pieces by Bewick. 8vo, old English straight-grained citron morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, edges rubbed, hinges cracked. London: Henry Fry, 1797 The binding is an interesting specimen of contemporary work, in the style of Roger Payne, and is in fair condition. From the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart, collection, with his bookplate. Signature, John Caley, F.R.A L, H.ss 1821, on fly-leaf. 475. VERMONT. Graham (John Andrew). A Descriptive Sketch of the Pres ent State of Vermont, one of the United States of America. Por trait. 8vo, undressed calf, leather labels, BY BARNARD, a few fox- marks. London, 1797 Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription on title. 476. VERMONT. The Green Mountain Spring. Devoted to Discussion and Information concerning the Popular and Medical Uses of Water. Volume 2. January to December, 1847. Printed in double columns. Royal 8vo, marbled boards, roan back, cracked at hinges. Brattleboro, Vt., 1847 Rare Vermont magazine. 477. VERMONT. GUILDHALL. Benton (Everett Chamberlain). A History of Guildhall, Vt., together with a brief sketch of Essex County, Ver mont. Portraits and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Wa verier, Mass., 1886 Author s presentation copy, with autograph inscription. With copy of Whittier s rare "The Song of the Vermonters. 1779." 4pp. leaflet. Boston, 1888, laid in. 478. VERMONT. Hall (Benjamin H.). History of Eastern Vermont from its Earliest Settlement to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. With a Biographical Chapter and Appendixes. Frontispiece and facsimile signatures throughout text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, gilt backs and tops, uncut, bindings poor and cracked at hinges. Albany, 1865 Edition limited to 50 copies, this being No. 35. Inserted is a one-page A.N.S. by Jonah Bellows, oblong 12mo, "Wai- pole June 9, 1^26." To "E. Seymoure," relative to a payment. 479. VERMONT. Hall (Hiland). The History of Vermont, from its Discov ery to its Admission into the Union in 1791. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1868 480. VERMONT. HARTFORD. Tucker (William Howard). History of Hart ford, Vermont. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Burlington, Vt., 1889 Second Session,, Thursday Evening, March llth 481. VERMONT. (Hemenway, Abby Maria Editor). The Vermont Histori cal Gazetteer: A Magazine, embracing a History of Each Town. Portraits. 5 vols. thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. Burlington, Vt., 1867-1891 FINE COMPLETE SET of this historical work. Rare in present condition. 482. VERMONT. Hitchcock (Edward and Albert D.). Report of the Geology of Vermont. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Claremont, N. H., 1861 483. VERMONT IMPRINTS. Parsons (Levi). Memoir of Eev. Levi Parsons. late Missionary to Palestine. Compiled and prepared by Rev. Dan iel 0. Morton. Poultney, 1824 ; WALKER S Critical and Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language. Bellows Falls, 1824. Hole burnt through two leaves; SMITH (ETHAN). View of the Hebrews; or the Tribes of Israel in America. Poultney, 1825. "T. H. Aldrich" stamped on title; CHAPIN (WALTER). The Mis sionary Gazetteer. With folding map, engraved and colored. Wood stock, 1825. With bookplate of the Library of the Adelphic Society; LOVELAND (SAMUEL C.) The Christian Repository. Vol. 5, June, 1824- April, 1825. Woodstock, 1825; RICE (ROSWELL, JUNIOR). Mental Vision, on the Ruins of the Fall. Bennington, 1828 ; ORMSBY (R. M K.) and others. Vermont Speller. Bradford, 1859. Last leaf torn. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, old sheep and boards, worn. Various places, 1824-1859 484. VERMONT. IMPRINTS. Swift (Job). Discourses on Religious Sub jects. To which are prefixed, Sketches of his Life and Character, and a Sermon, by the Rev. Lemuel Haynes. Middlebury, 1805 ; THOMSON (IGNATIUS). The Patriot s Monitor, for Vermont. Ran dolph, 1810; BALLOU (HOSEA). A Treatise on Atonement. Ben nington, 1811; LITCH (SAMUEL). A Concise Treatise of Rhetoric. Jaffrey, 1813. Page 92 has part of leaf cut out; THE PORTAL TO THE CABINET OF LOVE; Consisting of the Basia of Johannes Secun- dus, etc. Weathersfield, 1815; OSBORN (BENJAMIN). Truth Dis played. Rutland, 181G. Together, 6 vols. 24mo to 8vo, old sheep and boards, rubbed. Various places, 1805-1816 485. VERMONT. Marsh (Rev. James). The Remains of the Rev. James Marsh,, with a Memoir of his life. Burlington, 1852; ORLEANS COUNTY. Biography of the Bar of Orleans County, Vermont. By Frederick W. Baldwin. Portraits. Montpelier, 1886 ; MEN OF VERMONT. An Illustrated Biographical History. Compiled by Jacob G. Ullery. Portraits. Brattleboro, 1894 (back missing) ; MEN OF PROGRESS. Biographical Sketches. Compiled by Richard Herndon. Portraits. Boston, 1898 (back broken) ; HEADS OF FAMILIES, at the First Cen sus of the United States taken in the Year 1790; Vermont. Folding map. Washington, 1907. Together, 5 vols. 4to and folio, half morocco and cloth, some broken at hinges. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 486. VERMONT. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Minutes of the Vermont Annual Conference, for the years 1850, 1856, 1860, 1861, 1864, 1874. 6 numbers. 1850-1874; PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. VERMONT DIOCESE. Journal of the Annual Convention, for the years 1867, 1879, 1891. 3 numbers. 1867-1891; Programme of the 90th Annual Convention, 1880. Folded leaflet. 1880; HOP KINS (RIGHT REV. JOHN HENRY First Bishop of Vermont). Ad dress delivered before the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Vermont, May 28th, 1834. 1834; KELLOGG (BRAINERD). Oration by Prof. Brainerd Kellogg, and Poem by Mrs. J. C. R. Dorr, deliv ered at the Pioneer Centennial Celebration, Middlebury, Vermont, July 4th, 1866. Middlebury, 1866; COLLAMER (JACOB). Speech on the Mexican War. Washington, 1848; Memorial Address, by James Barrett. Rutland, 1868; CALEDONIA COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, LYNDON, VT. Catalogue for the year 1843, 1844. 2 num bers. 1843-1844; DERBY LITERARY AND THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Catalogue for the year 1844. Montpelier, 1844; VERMONT ACAD EMY BULLETIN, for February, 1911; [and] Middlebury College Bul letin, for Xovember, 1916." 2 numbers. 1911-1916; CONGREGA TIONAL CHURCH. Minutes of the General Convention for 1827, 1872. 2 numbers. 1827-1872. Together, 21 pamphlets, 8vo, paper wrappers. Various places, various dates 487. VERMONT. MIDDLEBURY. Swift (Samuel). History of the Town of Middlebury, in the County of Addison, Vermont. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Middleburv, 1859 488. VERMONT. MIDDLEBURY IMPRINTS. Swift (Job). Discourses on Reli gious Subjects. To which are prefixed, Sketches of his Life and Character, and a Sermon, by the Rev. Lemuel Haynes. 1805; HAWKER (ROBERT). Zion s Pilgrim. 1811; FULLER (ANDREW). Dialogues, Letters, and Essays, on Various Subjects. fXo date; circa 1815?] ; DEMING (LEONARD). A Collection of Useful, Inter esting, and Remarkable Events. Frontispiece. 1825. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, old sheep, rubbed, and cloth. Middlebury, 1805-1825 489. VERMONT. MONTPELIER. Thompson (D. P.) History of the Town of Montpelier. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, binding stained. Montpelier. 1860 490. VERMONT. MONTPELIER. The History of the Town of Montpelier. (From Vol. IV of the Vermont Historical Gazetteer). Illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Montpelier, Vt., 1882 491. VERMONT. MONTPELIER IMPRINTS. Dean (James). An Alphabetical Atlas, or, Gazetteer of Vermont. 1808. Margins trimmed; HER.- VEY (JAMES). Meditations Among the Tombs. 1810. With stamp [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. 491 Continued} of Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass, on title; [BANKS (JOHN).] A New History of the Life and Reign of the Czar Peter the Great. By the Author of the Critical Review of the Political Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1811; BUCHANAN (CLAUDIUS). The Works of ... Comprising his Christian Researches in Asia, etc. 1813; SCOTT (WILLIAM). Lessons in Elocution. 1818. Together, 5 vols. 24mo to 8vo, old sheep and boards, rubbed, and modern half morocco. Montpelier, 1808-1818 492. VERMONT. MONTPELIER IMPRINTS. [Allen (John).] The Christian Pilgrim. Woodcut illustrations in text. 1819; CHALMERS (THOMAS). Discourses on the Christian Revelation ; [and] The Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation. Two vols. in one. 1819; MASON (JOHN). A Treatise on Self Knowledge. 1819; UNITED STATES ARMY. The Infantry Exercise of the United States Army, abridged for the Use of the Militia. With 9 engraved plates. 1820; SCOTT (WILLIAM). Lessons in Elocution. Illustrated. 1820; ADAMS (F. W.). Theological Criticisms. 1843; WEBSTER (NOAH). The Elementary Spelling Book. With engraved title-page and front ispiece. 1843. Together, 7 vols. 12mo and 16mo, old sheep, boards and cloth, worn and rubbed. Montpelier, 1819-1843 493. VERMONT, Newbury. Wells (F. P.). History of Newbury. . .Genealogi cal Records of many Families. Portraits etc. Thick 8vo, half leather, broken. St. Johnsbury, 1902 494. VERMONT. NEWFANE. 1774-1874. Centennial Proceedings and other Historical Facts and Incidents relating to Newfane, the County Seat of Windham County, Vermont. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, cover stained. Brattleboro, 1877 495. VERMONT. NORTHFIELD. Gregory (John). 1776-1876. Centennial Proceedings and Historical Incidents of the Early Settlers of North- field, Vt. Portraits. 8 vo, cloth. Montpelier, 1878 496. VERMONT. NORWICH. Goddard (M. E.) and Partridge (Henry V.). A History of Norwich, Vermont. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Hanover, N. H., 1905 497. VERMONT. NORWICH U~NIVERSITY. Ellis (William A.). Norwich Uni versity. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Concord, N. H., and Montpelier, Vt., 1898-1911 498. VERMONT. PERU. Batchelder (Ira K.). Reunion Celebration. To gether with an Historical Sketch of Peru, Bennington County, Ver mont, and Its Inhabitants from the First Settlement of the Town. Numerous portraits. 8vo, cloth. Brattleboro, 1891 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 499. VERMONT. PITTSFORD. Gaverly (A. M.). History of the Town of Pittsford, Vt., with Biographical Sketches and Family Records. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, worn. Rutland, 1872 500. VERMONT MAGAZINE. The Post-Boy and Vermont and Xew-Hampshire Federal Courier. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 52, Jan. 1 to Dec. 24, 1805 ; Vol. I, Nos. 9 to 45; Vol. I, Nos. 7 to 50; and Vol. II, Nos. 1 to 52, Jan. 7 to Dec. 30, 1806. Together, 4 vols. 4to, boards, poor bind ings, somewhat stained, portions of text torn and missing. Not collated. Windsor: Nahum Mower, 1805-1806 501. VERMONT. POULTNEY. A History of the Town of Poultney, Vermont, from its Settlement to the Year 1875. Published by J. Joslin, B. Frisbie and F. Ruggles. 8vo, cloth. Poultney, 1875 502. VERMONT. READING. Davis (Gilbert A.). Centennial Celebration, to gether with an Historical Sketch of Reading, Windsor County, Ver mont, and its Inhabitants from the First Settlement of the Town to 1874. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Bellows Falls, 1874 503. VERMONT. Records of the Council of Safety and Governor and Council of the State of Vermont, to which are prefixed the records of the General Conventions from July 1775 to 1836. Edited by E. P. Walton. Portraits. 8 vols, 8vo, cloth. Montpelier, 1873-1880 504. VERMONT. Records of Conventions in the New Hampshire Grants for the Independence of Vermont 1776-1777. Reproduced in facsimile from manuscripts in the Library of Congress. Arranged and pres ented by Redfield Proctor. Folio, boards, uncut. Washington, D. C., 1904 Presentation copy with autograph inscription, "Josiah H. Bcnton Jr. A true Vermontcr still though transplanted to other soil. With regards of Redfield Proctor. May 2, 1904." 505. VERMONT. Report of the Adjutant & Inspector General of the State of Vermont, from October 1, 1863, to October 1, 1866. 3 vols. 1864- 1866. Presentation copies from Adt. Gen. Washburn to J. H. Ben- ton, Jun. witli inscription in each volume; PECK (THEODORE S.). Revised Roster of Vermont Volunteers, and Lists of Vermonters who served in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-66. 1892. Together, 4 vols. 8vo and folio, cloth and half morocco. Montpelier, 1864-1892 506. VERMONT. ROCHESTER. [Williams (W. W T .)] History of the Town of Rochester, Vt. Published by Order of the Town. * 12mo, cloth. Montpelier, Vt, 1869 507. VERMONT. ROCKINGHAM. Hayes (Lyman Simpson). History of the Town of Rockingham, Vermont. .". 1753-1907. With Family Gene alogies. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. cloth. Bellows Falls, Vermont, 190T Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 508. VERMONT. ROCKINGHAM. Peck (Thomas Bellows). Vital Records of Rockingham, Vermont, 1908; [Also] Records of the First Church of Rockingham, Vermont. Frontispiece and plate. 1902. 8vo, cloth, gilt back and top, uncut. Boston: George E. Littlefield, 1908-1902 Only 60 copies printed. 509. VERMONT. ROYALTON. Lovejoy (Evelyn M. Wood). History of Royal- ton, Vermont with Family Genealogies 1769-1911. Illustrated with large folding maps, portraits, views and facsimiles. Thick 8vo, cloth. Burlington, 1911 The genealogical portion occupies over GOO pages of this work. 510. VERMONT. RUPERT. Hibbard (George S.). Rupert, Vt. Historical and Descriptive 1761-1898. 8vo, cloth. Rutland, Vt., 1899 511. VERMONT. The Rural Magazine; or, Vermont Repository. Vol. I, January to December, 1795. (All published.) 12mo, cloth. Pages 643-648 missing, leaf torn, some edges worn away, foxed. Rutland: Printed by J. Kirkaldie for S. Williams, & Co., 1795 Tins RARE MAGAZINE contains many papers relative to Vermont history, notable among them being the "Collection of Original Historical Papers Relative to the New Hampshire Grants." It was edited by Rev. Samuel Williams. 512. VERMONT. The Rural Visiter: A Literary and Miscellaneous Gazette. Burlington, Seventh Month (July) 30th, 1810, to Seventh Month (July) 22d, 1811. Vol. I, Nos. 1 to 52 (Lacking Nos. 32 and 42, March 4th and May 13th, 1811; and containing No. 36 in duplicate, April 1st, 1811). 4to, boards, calf back, worn, text somewhat foxed. Burlington, 1810-1811 513. VERMONT. RUTLAND IMPRINTS. Bradley (Joshua). Some of the Beauties o f Free-Masonry. 1816; OSBORN (BENJAMIN). Truth Displayed. 1816. With bookplate of Library of School of The ology, Boston University; LATHROP (LEONARD E.). The Farmer s Library. 1825; PRATT (L. J.). The Unfortunate Mountain Girl. 1855. Together, 4 vols. 16mo to 8vo, old sheep and cloth, rubbed. Rutland, 1816-1855 514. VERMONT. ST. ALBANS. Adams (Henry K.). A Centennial History of St. Albans, Vermont. 12mo, cloth. St. Albans, Vt., 1889 515. VERMONT. ST. ALBAN S RAID. Benjamin (L. N. Compiler). The St. Alban s Raid; or, Investigation into the Charges against Lieut. Ben nett H. Young and Command, for their Acts at St. Albans, Vt., on the 19th of October, 1864. . . Before Judge Coursol and the Hon. Mr. Justice Smith. 8vo, half morocco, original front wrapper bound in. Boston, 1865 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 516. VERMONT. ST. ALBANS AND SHELDON. Butcher (L. L.) and others. The History of St. Albans, Vt, by L. L. Butcher, with Valuable Contributions from others; and The History of Sheldon, Vt., by H. R. Whitney, and others. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. St. Albans, Vt., 1872 517. VERMONT. SALISBURY. Weeks (John M.). History of Salisbury, Ver mont. With a Memoir of the Author. Portraits. 12mo, cloth, slightly foxed. Middlebury, Vt., 1860 518. VERMONT. SHOREHAM. Goodhue (Rev. Josiah F.). History of the Town of Shoreham, Vermont. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, .orocco, gilt back, original front wrappers bound in. Middlebury, 1861 519. VERMONT. Slade (William). The Laws of Vermont coming down to, and including, the Year 1824. Thick 8vo, sheep, worn, leather label. Windsor, 1825 520. VERMONT. Social Ball Notices, 1850-1855. A Collection of Invitations to Public Balls and Bances given in various places in Vermont in the years 1850 to 1855. Neatly mounted, and bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco. Vermont, 1850-1855 521. VERMONT. SPRINGFIELD. Hubbard (C. Horace) and Bartt (Justus). History of the Town of Springfield, Vermont, with a Genealogical Record. 1725-1895. Illustrations. 8vo, half roan, rubbed. Boston, 1895 522. VERMONT. Statutes of the State of Vermont. Passed by the Legislature in February and March 1787. Small folio, old sheep, worn, title and first leaf torn in margin. Windsor: George Hough and Alden Spooner, 1787 Collation, Title, lp.. verso blank. Table, 2pp., Constitution of Vermont, pp. (5) -18, Statutes, pp. 19-171. 523. VERMONT. Thompson (Zadock). History of Vermont. Folding map, illustrations. Burlington, 1842; STATUTES of the State of Vermont. Compiled by Charles L. Williams. Burlington, 1851; COOLIDGE (A. J.) and MANSFIELD (J. B.). History and Bescription of New Eng land. Vermont. Folding map, colored plate* and illustrations. Boston, 1860; CHITTENDEN (Lucius E.). The Capture of Ticon- deroga. Annual Address before the Vermont Historical Society, October 8, 1872. Montpelier, 1872. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, sheep and cloth, worn at edges. Various places, 1842-1872 524. VERMONT. The Vermont Antiquarian. Vols. I, II, III. September, 1902 to June, 1905. (All published.) Illustrations. 3 vols. in one. 8vo, half roan. Burlington [1905] Inserted is an A.L.S. by Byron N. Clark, dated November 13, 1905. relative to the suspension of the publication because of lack of funds to continue. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 525. VERMONT. Vermont State Papers; being a Collection of Records and Documents connected with the Assumption and Establishment of Government by the People of Vermont. . . 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. FINE COPY. Middlebury, 1823 526. VERMONT. The Vermonter. The State Magazine. Published Monthly. Nos. for 1901 to 1906, 1908 to 1913, complete; 1914 (lacks 4 nos.), 1915 (lacks one no.), 1916 (lacks 4 nos.) ; also, 4 numbers in dupli cate. Illustrations. Together, 161 nos. 8vo, wrappers. White River Junction, Vt. : Chas. R. Cummings, 1901-1916 527. VERMONT. WAITSFIELD. Jones (Matt Bushnell). History of the Town of Waitsfield, Vermont. 1782-1908. With Family Genealogies. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1909 Presentation copy with autograph inscription of George Emery Littlefleld. 528. VERMONT. WAITSFIELD. Jones (Matt Bushnell). Another Copy. Illus trations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1909 Presentation copy with autograph inscription by the author on his visiting card. 529. VERMONT. Wilbur (LaFayette). Early History of Vermont. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Jericho, Vt., 1899-1903 530. VERMONT. Williams (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Ver mont. Map. 8vo, sheep, leather label, binding broken, text some what foxed. Walpole, N. H., 1794 531. VERMONT. Williams (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Ver mont. Folding map. 8vo, sheep, leather label, back strengthened. Walpole, N. H., 1794 Interiorly a good copy. The map is usually missing. 532. VERMONT. Williams (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Ver mont. Second Edition. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep, leather label, rubbed. Burlington, Vt., 1809 The map is usually missing. With the stamp of A. Latham on front cover, and name written on blank leaf. 533. VERMONT. WINDSOR IMPRINTS. [Allen (John).] The Christian Pil grim. 1811. All after page 142 missing, several pages torn; BUCKMINSTER (JOSEPH) AND OTHERS. A Series of Letters between the Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D.D., the Rev. Joseph Walton, A.M., and the Rev. Hosea Ballou. 1811; [LESLIE (CHARLES).] A Short and Easy Method with the Deists. 1812; ROWSON (MRS. SUSANNA). Charlotte Temple. 1812; WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Farewell Ad dress. 1812, [and] CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1812. Two volumes in one; WINES (ABIJAH). An Inquiry into the Nature of the Sinners Inability to make a New Heart. 1812; HOLY BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. Printed by Jesse Cochran, 1816. Together, 7 vols. 24mo to 12mo, old sheep and boards, rubbed. Windsor, 1811-1816 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 534. VERMONT. WINDSOR IMPRINTS. ] Leslie ( Charles ).[ A Short and Easy Method with the Deists. 1812; LATHROP (LEONARD E.). The Farmer s Library. 1826; GOODRICH (JEREMIAH). Murray s Eng lish Reader. 1833; EMERSON (B. D.). The Second-Class Reader. 1834. One leaf torn; AIKENS (ASA). Practical Forms, with Notes and References. 1836; ROYCE (ANDREW). Universalism. 1839; EMERSON (B. D.). The Second-Class Reader. 1840; FLOWERS OF THE FOREST. By the Author of "Little Henry and his Bearer." 1841. Together, 8 vols. 12mo, old sheep, boards and cloth, rubbed, some boards broken. Windsor, 1812-1841 535. VERMONT. WINDSOR IMPRINTS. Hervey (James). Meditations Among the Tombs. 181 [4?] (last figure illegible) ; POPE (ALEXANDER). An Essay on Man. 1820; PRACTICAL FORMS; with Notes and References. 1823; LATHROP (LEONARD E.). The Farmer s Library. 1826; GOODRICH (JEREMIAH). Murray s English Reader. 1826. Last leaf missing; MASON (JoHN T ). A Treatise on Self Knowledge. 1828; HYMNS. A Choice Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. 1829. Together, 7 vols. 32mo to 12mo, old sheep and boards, some badly worn. Windsor, 1814-1829 536. VERMONT. WOODSTOCK. Report of a Trial for Alleged Mail-Practice, against Dixi Crosby, in the Windsor County Court, at Woodstock, May Term, 1854. Verdict for Defendant. 8vo, marbled boards, cloth back, contents lettered in gilt up back, with original wrappers bound in. Woodstock, 1854 537. VERMONT. WOODSTOCK. Dana (Henry Swan). History of Woodstock, Vermont. Colored map, portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Boston and New York, 1889 538. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society for the years 1861 (regular and special meetings), 1862 (regular and special meet ings), 1869, 1871, 1878, 1880, 1898, 1899-1900 (2 copies), 1901- 1902, 1903-1904, 1905-1906 (2 copies), 1908-1909, 1901-1910, 1911- 1912; Constitution and By-Laws, 1860; and the following Addresses delivered before the Society, Deficiencies in Our History, by James Davie Butler, 1846; The Life, Character and Services of Solomon Foot, by Hon. George F. Edmunds, Jonas Galusha : the Fifth Gov ernor of Vermont, by Rev. Pliny II . White, and The Sources of New- England Civilization, by Rev. J. E. Rankin, 1866; History of the St. Albans Raid, by Hon. Edward A. Sowles, 1876. Together, 22 pamphlets, 8vo, paper wrappers. Various places, 1846-1912 539. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. 1 and 2. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Montpelier, 1870-1871 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 540. VETO MESSAGES OF THE PRESIDENTS of the United States, with the Ac tion of Congress Thereon. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 8vo, half roan, binding broken. Washington, 1886 Inserted is a two-page L.S., by George F. Hoar (United States Senator) 4to, "United States Senate, Washington, D. C., Nov. 17, 1888." "To J. H. Benton Jr." relative to some messages omitted from the collection. 541. VIRGINIA. [Beverley (Robert).] The History and Present State of Virginia. With frontispiece and 14 plates engraved by S. Gribelin. Small 8vo, light blue morocco. London: R. Parker, 1705 FIRST EDITION. IN PERFECT CONDITION, with the frontispiece and all the plates. Agrees with the collation of the Church copy, except that the Folding sheet with heading, "Anno 1703. Taken from the Lists ..." is bound at the end of the text before the Table in this copy. (Church Catalogue, No. 821.) First Edition of the earliest history of Virginia, after Capt. John Smith s, and written to correct Oldmixon. Published anonymously. The illustrations are reduced reproductions of engravings from De Bry, by Gribelin. With old English dated bookplate of "John Hughes of Brecon: Esq. 1745," engraved by J. Skinner, on inside of cover. [See Illustration of Title] 542. VIRGINIA. [Beverley (Robert).] The History of Virginia, In Four Parts . . . The Second Edition revisM and enlarged by the Author. With frontispiece and 14 plates engraved by S. Gribelin. Svo, crim son morocco,, gilt tooled, gilt edges, BY WOKSFOLD, with signature on title. In board slip-case. London: Printed for F. Fayram and J. Clarke. . .and T. Bick- erton, 1722 SECOND EDITION. COMPLETE with all the plates, and the two leaves of Advertisements at end. This edition appeared, after the author s death, revised and enlarged as he had left it. The dedication of the First Edition is omitted, the pre face is entirely rewritten, and there are many changes in the text. 543. VIRGINIA. Burk (John). The History of Virginia, from its First Set tlement to the Commencement of the Revolution. 3 vols. ; The His tory of Virginia; commenced by John Burk, and continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. 181(>. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt tops, gilt inner borders, BY RIVIERE, Petersburg, Virginia, 1822-1816 The Fourth Volume is the ORIGINAL EDITION, EXCESSIVELY RARE, as most of the edition was destroyed by fire. FINE SET, the first three vols. are uncut. 544. VIRGINIA. Howison (Robert R.). A History of Virginia, from its Dis covery and Settlement by Europeans to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, leaves slightly foxed, name on each title-page, bindings not uniform in color. Philadelphia, 1846-1848 THE HISTORY AND Prefent STATE VIRGINIA, In Four PARTS. I. The H i s T o R Y of the Firft Settlement of Virgin^ and the Government there of, to the prefent Time. II. The Natural Produ&ions and Conveni- encies of the Country, fuited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native JW/4/w, their Religion, Laws, and Cuftoms, in War and Peace. IV. The prefent State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land. By a Native unA. Inhabitant of the PLACE. LONDON: Printed for^. Parker, at theUritcorn, under the Piano s of the f(ojal-Exchangc. M OCC V. ROBERT BEVERLEY Exact facsimile of Title-page [No. 541] Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 545. VIRGINIA. Stith (William). The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia, pp. viii, 331; [and] An Appendix. . .Con taining A Collection of such ancient Charters or Letters Patent, as relate to that Period of Time. . . pp. v, 34. Two parts in one vol ume. 8vo, polished calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges, BY PRATT. Williamsburg: William Parks, 1747 FIRST EDITION. There were two editions of Stith s "History of Vir ginia" printed at Williamsburg in 1747. the title-pages the same, but the text printed from the same type readjusted. The above copy agrees throughout with the Church copy, a full collation of which will be found in the Church Catalogue, No. 903. Church calls this the FIRST EDITION, but stating that the priority of printing can not be decided. Evans calls the other printing the First, but it is generally believed that this edition, which is printed on much finer paper than the other, is the FIRST PRINTING of the work. The fact that the errors in pagination which occur in this edition are for the most part corrected in the other would seem to indicate its priority. With 3 sheets of manuscript notes copied from Charles Dean s copy of Stith s History, laid in. 546. VIRGINIA COMPANY. The Records of the Virginia Company of London. The Court Book, from the Manuscript in the Library of Congress. Edited with an Introduction and Bibliography, by Susan Myra Kingsbury. Preface by Herbert Levi Osgood. Facsimiles. 2 vols. thick 4to, cloth, gilt backs and sides, uncut. Washington, 190G 547. WASHBURX (E.) Judicial History of Massachusetts. Boston. 1840; Trial of Thomas 0. Seflridge. 1806; WILLARD (J.). Addresses be fore the Members of the Bar. Worcester 1879 ; and others. To gether, 6 vols. 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 548. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Lossing (Benson J.). Life of Washington. Portraits and illustrations. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, one back with hole bored through. New York, 1860 549. WEBSTER (DANIEL). MCMASTER (J. B.). Daniel Webster. Xew York. 1902; HARVEY (P.). Reminiscences of Daniel Webster. Boston. 1877; OBITUARY Addresses on the Death of Daniel Webster. Wash ington, 1853 ; and others. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Various places, various dates 550. WEBSTER (DANIEL). Bartol (C. A.). The Hand of God in the Great Man. A Sermon delivered in the West Church, Boston, occasioned by the Death of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1852; ADAMS (NEHE- MIAH). A Sermon. . .after the Interment of Hon. Daniel Webster. Boston, 1852; KING (THOMAS STARR). The Death of Mr. Webster. A Sermon Preached in Hollis Street Meeting-House, Oct. 31, 1852. Boston, 1852; CHOATE (Rurus). A Discourse delivered before the Faculty, Students, and Alumni of Dartmouth College . . . commemor ative of Daniel Webster. Boston and Cambridge, 1853; ELLIS (GEORGE E.). The Organ, and Church Music. Two Discourses de- [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. 550 Continued] livered in Harvard Church, Charlestown, September 26, 1852. Bos ton, 1852. Together, 5 pamphlets bound in one volume, 8vo, half roan, binding somewhat rubbed, a few fox-marks, back broken. Boston and Cambridge, 1852-1853 551. WEBSTER (XoAii). A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. In Three Parts. Part Second. Thomas and Andrews s Second Edi tion. Frontispiece portrait. 12mo, original boards, worn. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1792; A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. In Three Parts. Part Second. Fourth Connecticut Edition. 12mo, original boards, worn. Hart ford: Hudson and Goodwin [1790?] With A.L.S. from Mr. Worth- ington C. Ford to 3/r. Benton laid in; A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. The Fifth Connecticut Edition. 12 mo, original boards, worn. Hartford: Hudson & Goodwin, 1796. The words "In Three Parts. Part Second," have been erased from title. Together, 3 pieces. Boston and Hartford, 1790-1796 552. WELLES (GIDEON). Diary of Gideon Welles. With an Introduction by John T. Morse Jr. Illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and Xew York, 1911 Inserted are two letters, 1) an A.L.S. Ip. 8vo, by Gideon Welles, dated Washington, 8th Febry. 1864, and 2) an A.L.S. 4pp. Svo, by Thurlow Weed, dated London, Dec. 8, 61. 653. WENDELL (BARRETT). Prof. Wendell s Book. Scrap book containing newspaper clipping criticisms of Professor Wendell s "Literary His tory of America," by Josiah H. Benton, Junior, from the Boston "Advertiser," Dec. 24, 1900, "Sunday Globe," Dec. 30, 1900, and other papers, with a collection of autograph letters to Mr. Benton regarding his article, from Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress, Fred D. Stetson, Asa P. French, Albert S. Batchellor, of Xew Hampshire, Robert L. Bishop, Prof. F. A. Sherman, of Dartmouth, and others. Square 4to, half red morocco. Boston, 1900-1901 554. WEST. Border Ballads. Edited, with Introduction and Xotes, by Gra ham R. Tomson. London, 1888; ROOSEVELT (THEODORE) ." The Winning of the West. Map. 2 vols. (only). Xew York, 1889; CARR (CLARK E.). The Illini. A Story of the Prairies. With 21 full- page portraits. Chicago, 1906. Together, 4 vols. 16mo and 8vo, cloth, three uncut. Various places, 1888-1906 555. WHIPPLE (E. P.). American Literature. Boston, 1887; STEVENS (C. E.). Sources of the Constitution of the U. S. Xew York, 1894; SAVAGE (M. J.). America to England. Xew York, 1905; Presen tation inscription from the Author; SIMMS (W. G.). History of South Carolina. Redfield, 1860: WENDELL (B.). Literary History of America. Xew York, 1900. Together, 5 vols, 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 556. WISCONSIN. Smith (William R.). History of Wisconsin. Part I, His torical, Part II, Documentary. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Madison, 1854 557. WISCONSIN. Strong (Moses M.). History of the Territory of Wiscon sin, from 1836 to 1848. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Madison, 1885 558. WOODWARD S HISTORICAL SERIES. Hubbard (Rev. William). The His tory of the Indian Wars in Xew England from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. From the Original Work. Carefully Revised by Samuel G. Drake. Folding map. 2 vols. 1865; MATHER (DR. COTTON) and CALEF (MR. ROB ERT). The Witchcraft Delusion in New England. With a Preface, Introduction, and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. 3 vols. Together, 5 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, bindings somewhat rubbed. Roxbury, Mass., 1865-1866 LARGE PAPER EDITION limited to 50 numbered copies, this being No. 7. 559. AESOP. The Fables of Aesop. With vignette on title, numerous wood cuts by THOMAS BEWICK, and Subscription Receipt with Bewick s Thumb Mark and signed in his autograph facing title. Royal 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled, dentelle inside borders, gilt top, uncut, BY BEDFORD. Newcastle, 1818 FIRST EDITION. Very fine copy of this well-known work by Bewick, with his AUTOGHAPH SIGNATURE oil the Subscription Receipt. 560. ANACREON. Gail (Joanne-Baptista). Anacreontis Odae et Fragmenta, Graece et La tine. 8vo, half roan, gilt back and top, uncut, binding rubbed. Parisiis : Didot, An. VII [1799] Text in Greek and Latin. 561. ANACREON. The Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Moore. Illustrated by Girodet de Eoussy. Oblong 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. London : Hotten, no date 562. ANTON (CHARLES). Classical Dictionary. Half morocco. Xew York, 1867; THOMAS (J). Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biogra phy and Mythology. Sheep. Philadelphia, 1893; JOHNSON S Xew Illustrated Family Atlas. Half leather. Xew York, 1878. To gether, 3 vols. folio and royal 8vo. Various places, various dates 563. APICIAN MORSELS ; or, The Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder : . . . Illustrating the Veritable Science of the Mouth. With 2 plates. 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut, with 8pp. of advertisements at end. Xew York : J. and J. Harper, 1829 564. ARCHITECTURE. Gotch (J. Alfred). Early Renaissance Architecture in England. With 87 collotype and other plates and 230 text illustra tions. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, rubbed. London and Xew York, 1901 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 565. AUTOGRAPHS. Book of autograph signatures, with small photograph at tached to each. 96 leaves, with an autograph and photograph on each side of most of the leaves, including signatures of Amasa J. Parker, Albany, X. Y., Henry B. Whitman, Providence, R. I., Les ter Bradner Faulkner, Dansville, X. Y., Charles X. Bixby. Norfolk, X. Y., Henry C. Littlefield, Albany, and many others. Dated Albany, March and April, 1866. 8vo, stamped leather. Albany, 1866 566. AUTOGRAPHS. Scott (Dr. Scott) and Davcy (Samuel). A Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents, Literary Manuscripts and Auto graph Letters, etc. Facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1891 567. AUTOGRAPHS. Warner (George F.). Facsimiles of Royal, Historical, Literary and Other Autographs in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. Series I-Y. Folio, halt morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. [London] 1899 568. AUTOGRAPHS. Autograph Letters and Autographs of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, in the possession of George C. Thomas. [Compiled by A. Howard Hitter.] Portraits. 8vo, red cloth, gilt top, uncut and unopened. Philadelphia: Printed for Private Circulation. 1908 Presentation copy from the Editor to Mr. Benton. with letter from Charles E. Mann regarding same, laid in. and signature of. "A. Howard Ritter," on leaf following title. 569. BACOX (FRANCIS). The Elements of the Common Lavves of England. Small 4to, contemporary calf. London. H>39 Bound up with the above is. The Use of Law." London, KJoO. Both are early editions, the first of each having been printed three years earlier. 570. BALZAC (HoxoRE DE). Droll Stories. Illuxfrationx bij Guxlnv Dore. 12mo, cloth, binding shaken. London. 1874 571. BIBLE. The Holy Bible containing the Old and Xew Testaments and the Apocrypha. Photogravure illustrations. 14 vols. 8\o. three-quarter pigskin, backs somewhat rubbed, uncut. Boston : R. H. Hinkley Company, undated 572. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Allibone (S. Austin). A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vols. ; With Sup plement. By John Foster Kirk. 2 vols. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, binding poor, backs broken. Philadelphia, 1900 573. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Barlow Library. Catalogue .of the American Library of the late Samuel Latham Mitchill Barlow. Royal 8\o, half red mo rocco, slightly rubbed. Xew York, 1889 With printed prices. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 574. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Barton Collection. Catalogue of the Barton Collection, Boston Public Library. In Two Parts. Part I, Shakespeare s Works and Shakespeariana, by James Mascarene Hubbard. Part II, Miscellaneous Works, by Jose Francisco Garret. Thick imperial 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt panelled back and sides, wide inner mo rocco borders with gilt designs, slightly rubbed. [Boston] Published by the Trustees, 1880 A valuable bibliographical work, seldom offered for sale. 575. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bates (Albert Carlos). Connecticut Statute Laws. A Bibliographical List of Editions of Connecticut Laws from the Earliest Issues to 1836. 4to, half morocco, gilt back, rubbed. [Hartford: Acorn Club] 1900 Edition limited to 102 copies, this being No. 58. Autograph note signed Chas. J. Martin on margin of first leaf. 576. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliotheca Historica. .a Catalogue of 5,000 volumes of books and manuscripts relating chiefly. . .Xorth and South America. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1870 Edited and compiled by Henry Stevens, of Vermont. 577. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliotheca Pretiosa. . .Books and Manuscripts. . .Offered by Henry Sotheran. Square 8vo, half morocco. London, 1907; CATALOGUE of the Library of Horatio Eogers. 8vo, cloth. Priced in ink. Boston, 1888 ; [CATALOGUE of the] English Church History Exhibition. 4to, half morocco. London, 1905; A COLLECTION of catalogues bound in one volume, including Francis Bedford (the eminent bookbinder), and others, 2 of which are priced in ink, and other bibliography. Together, 5 vols. various bindings. Various places, various dates 578. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brinley Library. Catalogue of the American Library of the late George Brinley. 5 parts in 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, fore edges uncut, Hartford, 1878 Boston, 1893 FINE COPY of this famous catalogue; with the printed prices for parts one, two, three, four ; and with the VERY RARE INDEX compiled by William I. Fletcher. 579. BIBLIOGRAPHY. British Museum. Catalogue of Printed Books. Litur gies. Part I. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1899 The important publication comprises 775 pages. 580. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of Books on the Masonic Institution. . .Anti- masonic in arguments and conclusions, etc. By a Member of the Suffolk Committee of 1829. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 581. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford. 4to, boards, cloth back, somewhat stained,* not returnable. Edinburgh, 1838 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March nth 582. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of Medieval Literature especially of the Romances of Chivalry and Books relating to the Customs, Costume, Art, and Pageantry of the Middle Ages. Illustrated with 19 full- page -facsimiles of choice examples selected from illuminated draw ings and illustrated books of early dale. Royal 8vo, half roan, gilt top, binding broken. London : Quaritch, 1890 583. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Books. . .American Antiquarian So ciety, Worcester. 8vo, half morocco. Worcester, 183? ; Catalogue of the Library of C. E. Pratt. 8vo, half morocco. Neatly priced in ink. Boston, 1899; Catalogue. . .Library of the Massachusetts His torical Society. Half morocco. Boston, 1811. Together, 3 vols. Various places, various dates The last named is believed to be the first catalogue of the library of the Society. 584. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogues of the William H. Whitmore, Alfred S. Mauson (part III, American portraits), and Frederick W. French collections. ALL NEATLY PRICED IN INK. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston, various dates 585. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogues of the Libraries of Francis B. Hayes. Bos ton, Massachusetts ; The Robert Lenox Kennedy. Xew York, 1899 ; and the Combination Sale including the Library of Philip Hurd. London, 1848. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. Various places, various dates The first and last-named catalogues are priced in ink. 586. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of Bibles, Liturgies, etc-. Xumerous repro ductions. Morocco back and cloth. London : Bernard Quaritch, 1910; STEVENS (HENRY). The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878; JARVIS (S. F.). Catalogue. Interleaved. Priced throughout in ink. Half morocco. Xew York, 1851 ; and another. Together, 4 vols. Various places, various dates 587. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogues of the Rush C. Hawkins, Alexander Farnum, Samuel B. Fales and other collections. Together, 5 vols. 8vo. and royal 8vo, half red morocco. Various places, various dates 588. BIBLIOGRAPHY . Catalogue des Livres...de M. Le Marquis de C.... 8vo, half red morocco. Paris, 1847; STEVENS (HENRY). The Huni- boldt Library. A catalogue of the Library of Alexander von Hum- boldt. Portrait. 8vo, half leather. London (not published), 1863; BRAND (JOHN). Bibliotheca Brandiana. Catalogue of the Unique, Scarce ... collection of Works. Portrait (inserted). 8vo, old boards, uncut. London, 1807, and two others in half morocco (broken). Together, 5 vols. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 589. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogues of the Proud Papers, the Joshua I. Cohen and Autograph Letters and Documents of Revolutionary interest. All neatly priced in ink. Also a collection of three catalogues issued by Pearson and Co. (London), of famous bookbindings, historical manuscripts, etc. Together, 6 vols. 4to, and 8vo, wrappers. Various places, various dates 590. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogues of the Henry Huth (part 2), Robert Hoe (7 of 8 parts), General Brayton Ives, Henry C. Eno (rare bookplates), L. C. Hubbard (rare Americana), and others. All in wrappers. To gether, 20 pieces. Various places, various dates 591. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Charlemagne Tower Collection of American Col onial Laws. Royal 4 to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. [Philadelphia] Privately Printed for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1890 PRESENTATION COPY with autograph inscription and signature by Charle magne Tower Jim. 592. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Colburn (Jeremiah). Bibliography of the Local His tory of Massachusetts. Portrait of the, author (inserted}. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1871 Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription. 593. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Collection of Old English Catalogues, including the Library of Isaac Watts, John Ord and others. Some priced in ink. 6 vols. in one, 8vo, half russia. London, 1749, etc. Interesting collection of old auction catalogues. 594. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book- Collectors, as also of some Foreign Countries. Portraits and repro ductions. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, binding broken, original wrappers bound in. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1892-1899 The 13 parts which comprises the complete work, bound in the above volume. 595. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cooke Library. Catalogue of the Library of the late Joseph J. Cooke. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1883 Neatly priced throughout in ink. A valuable catalogue of Americana. 596. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Crofts (Thomas). Bibliotheca Croftsiana. Catalogue of the Library... of Thomas Crofts. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 8360 lots, priced throughout in ink. London, 1783; CATA LOGUE of the Books, Manuscripts,. . .illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare. . .Shakespeare Library and Museum in Hen ley Street. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868; DKUHY (HENRY). Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library. Svo, half morocco. 4738 lots, priced throughout and with purchaser s names. London, 1827. Together, 3 vols/ London, 1783-1868 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 597. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Daly Library. Catalogue of the Valuable Literary and Art Property gathered by the late Augustin Daly. To be disposed of at Absolute Public Sale on March 19th, and following days, at the American Art Galleries. Parts I, II, ( PRICES), and III. Royal Svo, roan back, slightly rubbed. New York, 1900 Pencil note signed by A. Daly pasted on fly-leaf. The complete cata logue. The most important portion (the library) with prices in ink. 598. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Dexter (H. X.). The Congregationalism of the last Three Hundred Years as seen in Its Literature. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1880; LANE (W. C. Editor). A.L.A. Portrait Index. Cloth. Washington, 1906; and 2 others. Together, 4 vols. Various places, various dates 599. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Dibdin (Thomas Frognall). Bibliomania; or, Book- Madness. A Biblographical Romance. Xew and improved edition. Frontispiece and vignette title. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, very slightly rubbed. London, 1842 600. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Du Bois (Henri Pene). Four Private Libraries of Xew York. Preface by Octave Uzanne. Colored plates and text illustra tions, and facsimile. Svo, three-quarter morocco, gilt back and top, leather label, uncut, slightly rubbed. Xew York, 1892 Edition printed throughout on Japanese paper, limited to 200 copies, this being No. 192. (501. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Duyckinck (Evert A. and George L.). Cyclopaedia of American Literature. With portraits, autographs, and otlier illus trations. 2 vols. [and] Supplement to the Cyclopaedia of American Literature, including Obituaries of Authors. Together, 3 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, with signature of, ./. //. B.enton Jr, Aug. 30" 1867, on title of each volume. Xew York. 1866 602. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Elton (C. I.). The Great Book-Collectors. Illustrated. Svo, buckram. London, 1893; STEVENS (HEXRY). Recollections of James Lenox. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. London, 1887; FITZ GERALD (PERCY). The Book Fancier. 12mo, half roan. Large paper copy, limited to 250 copies. Binding poor. London, 1887: BROADLEY (A. M.) Chats on Autographs. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. London, 1910. Together, 4 vols. Various places, various date* 603. BIBLIOGRAPHY. French Library. Catalogue of the Valuable Private Library of the late Frederick \V. French, of Boston, To be sold by Auction April 23rd to 25th, 1901, by C. F. Libbie & Co. PRICED. Illustrations. Royal Svo, half morocco, slightly rubbed. Boston, 1901 Second Session, Thursday -Evening, March llth 604. BIBLIOGRAPHY. French and Deane Libraries. Catalogue of the Jonas H. French [and] Charles Deane Libraries. Reproduction*. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco., 2 colors, the first named rubbed. Boston, 1904-1898 Both priced throughout in ink. The Deaue catalogue is both parts. G05. BIBLIOGRAPHY. French and Livermore Libraries. Catalogues of the Frederick W. French [and] George Livermore Collections. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, covers loose. Boston, 1901-1894 Both catalogues priced throughout in ink. 606. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Garrick Library. Catalogue of the Library. . .of David Garrick. Folding view of Garrick s seat at Hampton, inserted. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1823 A copy of special interest, being interleaved throughout with prices and purchasers names. Bound in at the end is a catalogue of the David Garrick collection of engravings, sold in 1825, priced in ink. 607. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gilman (M. D.). The Bibliography of Vermont, or, A List, of Books and Pamphlets relating in any way to the State. With Biographical and Other Notes. Royal 8vo, cloth. Burlington, 1897 608. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Goodwin Library. Catalogue of the Howard T. Goodwin Library. Numerous reproductions of the bindings IN COLORS. * 3 parts in one, royal 8vo, half undressed calf. Philadelphia, 1903 Neatly priced throughout in ink. 609. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Green (Samuel Abbott). Ten Fac-simile Reproduc tions Relating to Old Boston and Neighborhood. Folio, green cloth, gilt top. . Boston, 1901 Limited Edition. 100 copies printed. Includes facsimiles of, Earliest American Newspaper ; Hubbard s Map of New England, the "Wine Hills" and the "White Hills" impressions; Earliest Boston Imprint; Bonner s Map of Boston, etc. 610. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Green (Samuel Abbott). Ten Fac-simile Reproductions Relating to N"ew England. Folio, green cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1902 Limited Edition, 125 copies printed. Includes facsimiles of the following, Several pages of the printing of Stephen Daye, first printer in this country ; Map of Massachusetts, 1637 ; Copy of the Stamp Act; Plan of Groton, etc. 611. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Green (Samuel Abbott). Ten Fac-simile Reproduc tions Relating to Various Subjects. Folio, green cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1903 Limited Edition, 125 copies printed. Includes facsimiles of the following. Portraits of Richard and In crease Mather ; "Reprints of early Boston Newspapers ; Panorama of Boston, 1775; Paul Revere s Ride, etc. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 612. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hibbert Library. Catalogue of the Library of George Hibbert. Frontispiece and plate. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1829 Priced throughout in ink. 613. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hollingsworth Library. Catalogue of the magnificent Private Library of Amor L. Hollingsworth. With reproductions. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1010 Neatly priced throughout in ink. 614. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hood (George). A History of Music in Xew England : With Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1846 615. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Home (Thomas Hartwell). An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, BY- STIKEMAX & co. London, 1814 Edition limited to 50 copies, this being No. 3. Rev. T. F. Dibdin s copy, with his marginal notes in pencil. With bookplate of Louis I. Haber in each volume. Inserted is a one-page A.L.S. by the author. "Brit : Mus : Saturday." To "Tho. Cadell Esq." 616. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hurst Library. Catalogue of the Library of Bishop John Fletcher Hurst (Washington, Franklin and other Americana). Reproductions. Small 4to, half morocco. New York. 1904. etc. Neatly priced throughout in ink. The four parts complete. 617. BIBLIOGRAPHY. HUTCHIXSOX (THOMAS). Deane (Charles). A Bib liographical Essay on Governor Hutchinson s Historical Publica tions. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1857 One of fifty copies, privately printed. Author s presentation copy, with autograph inscription. "George Liver- more. Esq. irith the best Irishes of his friend Charles Deane. Aug. 11- 1857." 618. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ives Library. Catalogue of the collection of Books and Manuscripts ... Brayton Ives. Frontispiece (the Gutenberg Bible). Royal 8vo, half morocco. Xew York: American Art Association, 1891 Neatly priced throughout in ink. 619. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Kittredge (G. L.). The Old Farmer and his Alman ack. Suggested by Reading the Earlier Numbers of Mr. Robert B. Thomas s Farmer s Almanack. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, slightly worn. Boston. 1904 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 620. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A List of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century in the John Carter Brown Library and the General Library of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Facsimiles: Square 4to, original boards, uncut. Oxford. 1910 621. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Literal Reprint of the Bay Psalm Book. 8vo, cloth, uncut, Cambridge, 1862 LARGE PAPER COPY, one of fifty printed. 622. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Littlefield (George Emery). Early Boston Booksellers. 1642-1711. Facsimiles. 8vo, boards, uncut, roan back missing. Boston: The Club of Odd Volumes, 1900 Presentation copy with the author s autograph inscription. Only 150 copies printed. 623. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Littlefield (George Emery). Early Schools and School- Books of Xew England. ]\ ith numerous facsimiles of title-payes, etc. 4to, original boards, leather back, uncut. Boston: Club of Odd Volumes, 1904 Limited Edition of 167 copies, of which this is No. 120. published by the Club of Odd Volumes. 624. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Littlefield (George Emery). The Early Massachusetts Press, 1638-1711. With numerous facsimiles. 2 vols. 4to, original boards, leather back, uncut, and largely unopened. Boston: Club of Odd Volumes, 1907 Limited Edition, 175 copies printed, of which this is No. 120, published by the Club of Odd Volumes. With receipt, signed by W. T. Shellaber, Treasurer of the Club, in serted on fly-leaf of Vol. I. 625. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Livingston (Luther S. Editor). Auction Prices of Books. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Xew York, 1905 Limited to 750 copies. Now entirely out of print. 626. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lowe (R. W.). A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature. 8vo, cloth. Limited issue. London, 1888 627. BIBLIOGRAPHY. McKee Library. Catalogue of the Thomas J. McKee Library. Parts 1, 4 and 5. With, reproduction*. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco (2 shades), gilt tops, uncut, Xew York. 1900-1902 Priced throughout in ink. Comprises the American Literature and American Plays, Early English Literature etc. 628. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Manson Library. Catalogue (both parts) of the Ameri can Historical Library of Alfred S. Manson. 8vo, half red morocco. Boston, 1899 Neatly priced throughout in ink. 629. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Martin (John). Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. [London, 1854J Second Sexition, Thursday Evening, March lltli 630. BIBLIOGRAPHY.. Oclell Library. Catalogue of the ...Andrew J. Odell Library. 2 vols. roval 8vo, half red morocco. Xew York. 1878-1880 The catalogue was compiled by George P. Philes, and is a fine speci- nien of printing. 031. BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Oldys (William).] The British Librarian: Exhibiting a Compendious Review or Abstract of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books... Xos. I-VI, January-June, 1737. (All pub lished.) 8vo, full dark green morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, BY CECIL & LARKIXS. London. 1738 Originally issued in six numbers. January to June. 1737, which were collected and published as a complete volume, with title-page, introduc tion and index, in the following year. The Postcript is dated, (iray s-Iun. Feb. 18. 1737 (i. c. 173S). and signed, "W. O." Dibdin says that the work "contains curious details of works now excessively rare." 632. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Osborne (T.). A Catalogue For the Year 1704.,. . .One Hundred Thousand Volumes. Svo, half calf. London, 1704 T. Osborne s remarkable catalogue, containing 16S13 items "which will be daily selling till the First of January, 1765." Osborne was the book seller that Dr. Johnson knocked down with a folio. 0:33. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Parsons (A. J.). Catalogue of the Gardner Green Hub- bard Collection of Engravings. Reproductions. 4to, leather back and boards, uncut, worn. Washington, 1905 034. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pierce (Harold). Auction Catalogue of the Private Library of. Philadelphia, 1903; DOWSE (THOMAS). Catalogue of the Private Library, Presented to the Massachusetts Historical So ciety. Boston, 1805; CATALOGUE of the Spanish Library and of the Portuguese Books bequeathed by George Ticknor to the Boston Pub lic Library. Boston, 1879; Together, 3 vols. small 4to, half and three-quarter morocco, bindings rubbed. Philadelphia and Boston. 1805-1903 The tirst one is neatly priced in ink. 035. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Poor Library. Catalogue of the Library of Henry W. Poor. Complete. Sold by the Anderson Auction Company Xovem- ber IT to 19, 1908, and January 12 to 14, 1909. PRICED. " Illustra tions including colored frontispieces. 2 vols. royal Svo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Xew York, 1908-1909 630. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Putnam (George Haven). Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages. 2 vols. Svo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1896 03T. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Eoberts (William). The Book-Hunter in London. Illustrated. Svo, cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1895 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 638. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Sabin (Joseph). Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. 8vo, half red morocco. Philadelphia, 1863 Bound in at the end is the supplementary catalogue of the personal effects of Forrest that were sold at auction. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 14 portraits of Forrest in character, and a one-page A.L.S. 639. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Thatcher Library. Catalogue of the John Boyd That cher collection of Incunabula. Portrait and facsimiles of types. Royal 8vo, morocco back and cloth. Washington, 1915 640. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Thomas (George C.). Catalogue. 8vo, cloth. Phila delphia: Privately printed, 1907; MORSE (R. M.). Catalogue of my Library. 4to, cloth. No place: privately printed, 1911; Wix- SHIP (G. P.). The John Carter Brown Library. A History. Boards. Presentation copy from the author. Providence, 1914 ; and another. Together, 5 vols. Various places, various dates 641. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Thomas (Isaiah). The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is Prefixed a Concise View of The Discovery and Progress of the Art in other Parts of the World. Full-page facsimiles of types. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, bindings rubbed, one folding plate torn, library stamp on titles. Worcester, 1810 642. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Thomas (Isaiah). A Catalogue of Publications in what is now the United States prior to the Revolution of 1775-6. 8vo, * half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1874 643. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Thomas (Isaiah). The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. Sec ond Edition. With the Author s Corrections and Additions, and a Catalogue of American Publications previous to the Revolution of 1776. Portrait. 2 vols. half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. BY p. B. SAXFORD co. Albany, 1874 644. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Tredwell (D. M.). Privately Illustrated Books. Cloth. Flatbush, 1892; GROWOLL (A). Three Centuries of English Book- trade Bibliography. Reproductions. 8vo, leather back and cloth. New York : Dibdin Club, 1903. Together, 2 vols. Various places, various dates 645. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Whitmore (William H.). Catalogue of American Por tion of the Library of the Rev. Thomas Prince. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1868 Contains Memoir and List of Prince s publications. A bibliographical work seldom offered for sale. 646. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Whitney (James L.). Catalogue of the Spanish Library and of the Portuguese Books bequeathed by George Ticknor to the Boston Public Library. Royal 8vo, half morocco, slightly rubbed. Boston, 1878 Contains a large number of valuable bibliographical notes. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 647. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Winston (John). Catalogue of the Books in the Library at Blenheim Palace, collected by Charles, Third Earl of Sunderland. Coat-of-arms. 4to, half morocco, rubbed. Oxford, 1872 One of 50 copies, not published. 648. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Wright (John). Early Bibles [and] Early Prayer Books of America. Reproductions. 2 vols. 8vo, half leather, l iidings worn. St. Paul, 1894-1896 649. BOOK-PLATES. Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Book-Plates and Super-Li bros held by the Club of Odd Volumes, at the Museum of Fine Arts, April 25th to June 5th, 1898. Illustrated with reproduc tions of rare book-plates. 12mo, half roan, binding somewhat rubbed, original wrappers bound in. Boston, 1898 650. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. CHAMBERS S Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Xew Edition by David Patrick. Illustrations. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt hacks and tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1902-1904 651. BREWER (E. C.). The Header s Handbook. Philadelphia, 1880: MUL- HALL (M. C.) The Dictionary of Statistics. London, 1892: CRABB (G.). English Synonymes. New York, 1832: BARTLETT (J.). Familiar Quotations. Boston, 1891, and others. Together, 12 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller. Various bindings, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 652. BRYANT (W. D. Editor). Library of Poetry and Song. Xew York. 1871: GHAY (THOMAS). Elegy. Illustrated. Xew York. 1856; MITCHELL (J. 0.). Burns and His Times. Glasgow. 1897: BYROX (LORD). Works. Illustrated. Xew York, undated; and others: DAUDET (ALPHOXSE). Sappho, Thirty Years of Paris, and 2 others by Daudet. Illustrated; MOXTAIGXE (M.). Works. 4 vols. Xew York, 1866. Together, 14 vols. 4to and smaller, various bind ings. Various places, various dates 653. BULLEX (A. H. Editor). A Christmas Garland. Carols and Poems from the Fifteenth Century to the present time. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, paper label, very slightly rubbed. London, 1885 One of 150 copies printed. 654. BULLEX (A. H. Editor). England s Helicon. A collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems. 1887 : Lyrics and More Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. 2 vols. 1887 and 1888 ; Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. 1889. Poems, chiefly Lyrical, from Romances and Prose-Tracts of the Elizabethan Age. 1890; Davison s Poetical Rhapsody. 2 vols. 1890. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, calf backs and cloth, gilt tops, uncut, slightly rubbed. London, 1887-1890 ALL LARGE PAPER COPIES, limited to 260 copies each. Long out of print and scarce. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 655. BULLEX (A. H. Editor). Musa Proterva : Love-Poems of the Restora tion. Square 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut, very slightly rubbed. London: Privately printed, 1889 One of 780 copies printed. Now entirely out of print and becoming scarce. 656. BULLEX (A. II . Editor). Speculum Amantis: Love-Poems from rare Song Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth Century. Square 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut, very slightly rubbed. London : Privately printed, 1889 One of 500 copies printed. Now entirely out of print and becoming scarce. 657. BUXYAX (JoHx). The Pilgrims Progress. Portrait of Bum/an, en graved l)ij J. Swaine, from a print by R. White, 1682. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: William Pickering [Printed by Charles Whittingham, Chiswiek/l 1849 658. BURKE (EDMUND). The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke. Revised Edition. Portrait. 12vols. royal 8vo, cloth, some bindings worn, uncut. Boston, 1866-1867 LARGE PAPER COPY, only 100 issued. 659. BURNS (RouKRT). The Poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by William Ernest Henley and Thomas F. Henderson. With illustrations, the frontispieces in color. 4 vols. 12mo, half green leather, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, somewhat rubbed. Edinburgh, 1905 One of 1000 copies printed, each numbered. 660. CLARENDON (EDWARD, EARL OF). History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 7 vols. 8vo, cloth, one binding damaged. Oxford, 1849 661. COLBURN (ZERAH). A Memoir, written by himself. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Springfield, 1833; HAYNES (REV. LEMUEL). Sketches of the Life and Character of the Rev. Lemuel llaynes, by Timothy Mather Cooley. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth. Xew-York, 1837 ; ADVENTURES OF ELDER TRIPTOLEMUS TUB, to which is added. The Old Man of the IT ill-Side. 16mo, original cloth. Boston, 1858. Together, 3 pieces. Various places, various dates 662. COOPER (WILLIAM M.). A History of the Rod. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Reprint. London, undated 663. CRANMER (THOMAS). An Answer of the most Reverend Father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterburye, Primate of all Englande and Metropolitaine vnto A crafty and sophisticall cauillation deuised by [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth | Xo. (i(i3 Continued] Stephen (jlardiner. Small folio, halt red morocco, printer s mark cut from centre of title-page, and repaired, last leaf somewhat repaired. Xot returnable. Imprinted at London by Reynolde Wolfe, 1531 FIRST EDITION of this famous work, printed mainly in BLACK LETTEB. It is rare in any condition, and the above, with the exception of the defects mentioned, is a copy in fairly good condition. 664. [CREECH (THOMAS).] The Odes, Satyrs, and Epistles of Horace. Done into English. ]Yith 2 engraved plates by M. Burghers. Small 8vo, contemporary English red morocco, gilt tooled panel on sides, gilt tooled and lettered back, gilt edges. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson...and Anthony Stephens . . . 1684 FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY OF THIS SCARCE EDITION, with the two leaves of advertisements and genuine blank leaf at end, in a handsome and well- preserved binding. The pagination is not consecutive and a number of pages are misnimibered, but the signatures are complete, and the volume is perfect. Creech lost his reputation by this translation of Horace, but it never theless went through a number of editions. From the William Gott collection, with his bookplate. 665. CRUIKSHAXK (GEOEGE). The Life of Xapoleon Bonaparte, by W. H. Ireland. Engraved title-page with vignette in each volume, 2? folding plates (24 in colors} by Cruiksliaiik, and a facsimile in the text. 4 vols. 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled sides and back, and dentelle inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, BY RIVIERE. London: John Fairburn, and John Cumberland, 1823-1828 WITH ALL THE PLATES ix THE FIRST STATE. Several plates have been re inforced in back of outer fold and two refolded, and the lower margin containing the imprint is trimmed away on the plate. "Napoleon s Ar rival at the Tuilleries." issued by Cumberland for the last volume. Other wise the entire work is in perfect condition. Colin, No. 421: Douglas, No. 57 (and p. 266). This work was originally issued in 04 parts, the first 48 by John Fairburn. forming volumes 1, 2. and 3, with printed titles dated respec tively 1823, 1825 and 1827. with a line folding plate in each alternate part (24 plates. 23 in colors and one, "Napoleon s Generals. " in sepia tones). After the 48th part the publication was taken over by John Cumberland, and finished in another volume in 16 more parts (8 double parts). In this last volume were the plates, "Napoleon s Arrival at the Tuilleries." in color, portrait of the Duke of Reichstadt in black and white, and of the Empress Maria Louisa in aquatint, and engraved titles for the three volumes already published as well as for this last volume, the three plates and titles all bearing Cumberland s imprint, and two plates with the Fairburn imprint. In Fairburn s edition the plates were not always issued in order and sometimes appeared in advance of the text, which accounts for there being two plates in the last volume with the Fairburn imprint in place of Cumberland s. There were a number of cancelled leaves to the parts. Cumberland then reissued the entire work in four volumes having cancelled Fairburn s printed titles and [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [Xo. Wo Continued] having also altered Fairburn s imprints on the plates to his own, with his address, 19 Ludgate Hill. He later printed a second reissue with the address, "2 Cumberland Terrace, Camden New Town." The present copy is apparently made up from the ORIGINAL PARTS, with the Cumberland engraved titles, ALL THE PLATES AS ORIGINALLY ISSUED, and the substituted leaves for those cancelled in the parts. The original wrappers, Fairburn s printed titles and the cancelled leaves are not included, but the fact that all the plates bear the Fairburu imprint, with the exception of the three in the last volume which were first issued by Cumberland and therefore never appeared under Fairburn s name, and also that the substitute leaves are printed on different paper from the other sheets, which would scarcely have been the case if they had all been printed at the same time, seems conclusive evidence that this SET IS MADE UP ENTIRELY FROM THE ORIGINAL ISSUE IN THE PARTS. 066. CRUIKSHANK (ISAAC ROBERT). [Crithannah (Job).] Fifty-One Origi nal Fables, with Morals and Ethical Index. \Yith 85 original draw ings by It. Cruickshank (sic). 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, un cut, rubbed. London, 1833 Marchmont, F. The Three Cruikshanks. No. 132. 667. CURTIS (G. W.). Trumps. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. Xew York [1861]; EASTMAN (C. G.). Poems. Portrait. Montpelier, 1848, and two others. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, and smaller. Various bind ings (name on 3 titles). Various places, various dates 668. DAXTE. Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth Translator). The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1875 669. DIBDIX (REV. THOMAS FROGXALL). Reminiscences of a Literary Life. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, binding rubbed. London, 1836 670. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Battle of Life. A Love Story. Engraved, frontispiece and illustrations, by Maclise, and others. 16mo, sprink led and plain calf, gilt tooled. London, 1846 Fourth Issue, without publisher s name on engraved title. Has the final leaf of advertisement. 671. DICTIONARIES. Greenwood (James). The London Vocabulary, English and Latin. The Tenth Edition, with Additions. Illustrated. 16mo, half morocco. London, 1745 672. DICTIONARIES. Webster (Noah). An American Dictionary of the Eng lish Language. Engraved portrait and title-page and text illustra tions. Springfield, Mass. 1864; WORCESTER (JOSEPH E.). A Dic tionary of the English Language. Portrait (margin water stained). 2 vo ls. Boston, 1869. Together, 4 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, name on title of latter. Springfield and Boston, 1864-1869 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 673. DISRAELI (ISAAC). Amenities of Literature. Frontispieces. 2 vols. ; Curiosities of Literature. Frontispieces. 3 vols. Edited by his Son, the Right Hon. B. Disraeli. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, rubbed. London. 1863 674. DRAMATIC. Davies (Thomas). Memoir of the Life of David Garrick, Esq. Xew^Edition. Portrait of Garrick engraved by Isaac Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo/ original boards, uncut. FINE COPY. London, 1780 675. DRAMATIC. Kirkman (James Thomas). Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq. Principally Compiled from his own Papers and Mem orandums. The whole forming a Comprehensive but Succinct His tory of the Stage. Engraved portrait of Macklin. 2 vols. 8vo, three- quarter morocco, gilt tops, uncut, bindings rubbed. FIXE LARGE COPY. London, 1799 676. DRAMATIC. Hazlitt (William). A View of the English Stage; or, A Series of Dramatic Criticisms. 8vo, polished calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges, front loose. Tear in leaf 91-92, neatly mended. London, 1818 FIRST EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 58 portraits of the famous actors of the day in various roles, and dramatic writers. A number of the plates are inlaid. . From the Frederick W. French collection, with his bookplate. 677. DRAMATIC. Campbell (Thomas). Life of Mrs. Siddons. With portrait of Mrs. Siddons engraved by Thomas Lupton after the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. London, 1834 FIRST AND BEST EDITION. 618. DRAMATIC. Doran (Dr.). In and About Drury Lane and other Papers. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt, BY TOUT. Bindings rubbed, one cover loose. London, 1866 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of more than 120 portraits of char acters mentioned in the work, some of which are neatly inlaid. 679. DRAMATIC. Booth Memorials. Passages, Incidents, and Anecdotes in the Life of Junius Brutus Booth (the Elder). By His Daughter. Portrait. Xew York, 1866 (slightly stained) ; WARREX (WILLIAM). Life and Memoirs of William Warren, Boston s Favorite Comedian, with a full account of his Golden Jubilee. Portraits. [Xew York] undated. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Xew York, lcS6(i. undated 680. DUXTOX (JOHN). The Life and Times of John Duntou, late Citizen of London. . . .With an Idea of a Xew Life, etc. Small 8vo. half mot tled calf, gilt. London, 1705 FIRST EDITION of this singular work. The author was a bookseller, who, in October 1685 sailed for Boston, and reached there after a four months voyage, where he met John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. Although lacking the portrait by Van der Gucht. it is a fair copy with the printed leaf preceding title-page, "The Author s Speaking Picture." Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 681. DURER (ALBERT). Designs of the Prayer Book. Portrait and series of 43 reproductions in varying colors. Small folio, half calf, gilt. London: Ackermann, 181? Bound in is the Mum-hen, 1818, edition of Lucas Cranach s designs for the same, in varying colors. Both works have become scarce. (582. EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Collier (J. Payne).. Illustrations of Old English Literature. 3 vols. square 8vo, full hlue morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, somewhat rubbed. London : Privately printed, 1866 Only a few sets were printed, and the work seldom comes up for sale. Here are found reprints of the rarest fifteenth and sixteenth century Interludes, etc., including writings by Nash, Greene, Jordan, Hubbard, and others. 683. EIGHTEENTH ( EXTTKY ENGRAVINGS. Ariosto (Lodovico). Orlando Furioso. Translated by John Hoole. With plates by Bartolozzi and others. 5 vols. 8vo, contemporary straight-grained hlue morocco, gilt, gilt edges, very slightly rubbed. London. 1783 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a number of fine plates by Eisen, Moreau, Cochin, and others. A VERY ATTRACTIVE COPY. 684. ENGLISH CHURCH. L Estrange (Hamon). The Alliance of Divine Offices, Exhibiting all the Liturgies of the Church of England. Small folio, calf. * London! 1(5!0 085. ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL TRACTS. A thick small 4to, volume, bound in vellum, containing about 25 Tracts, mainly anonymous, of the latter part of the seventeenth century. * London, 1683 etc. Interesting collection, comprising, "The Church of England Free from the Imputation of Popery." By Dr. Hooper. 1683; The Case of Infant- Baptism. By Dr. Hicks. 1683; The Case of Kneeling at the Holy Sacrament. By Dr. Evans. Both parts, London, 1683, and others. 686. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH. | Lupton (D.)-l The Glory of their Times, or, the Lives of ye Primitive Fathers. With engraved frontispiece and numerous finely engraved portraits by G. Glover, including S. Ignatius, Josephus, and others. 8vo, old, probably contemporary English red morocco, gilt, gilt edges, somewhat in the manner of one of the Mearnes. London, 1640 687. FIELDING (HENRY). Works of Henry Fielding: comprising, Amelia; Tom Jones, 2 vols.; Joseph Andrews; Jonathan Wild. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut, and unopened. London and Xew York: George Routledge and Sons, 1884 Number 311 of 250 copies printed. 688. [FiSH ( SIMON).] A Supplicacyon for the Beggars Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1524. i2mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt back and top, BY PICKERING. London: William Pickering, 1845 The h rst reprint of the original edition, limited to an edition of 100 copies. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 689. FLAGELLATION. History of Flagellation among Different Nations. . .with an Account of Its Practice among the Early Christians, With numerous illustrations. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1903 690. FRENCH HISTORY. The Historical Memoirs of Philip de Comines; con taining the Transactions of Lewis XI. and of Charles VIII. of France. Royal 8vo, half calf, very slightly rubbed. London, 181? 691. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY). History of England. 10 vols. 8vo, three- quarter morocco, gilt tops, rubbed. This set lacks vols. I and IX. New York, 1868-1870 692. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Vicar of Wakefield, a Tale. With 2 plate* engraved by Walker. 2 volumes in one, 8vo, old sprinkled calf, rubbed, hinges cracked. London: Harrison and Co., 1780 G93. GRANT (EGBERT). The Convictions of a Grandfather. 12mo, original red cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York : Scribner, 1912 Author s Presentation Copy, with A.L.S. to Mr. Benton from Mr. Grant laid in. 694. GREVILLE MEMOIRS. Reeve (Henry, Editor). A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. By the late Charles C. F. Greville. 3 vols. 1875 ; A Journal of the Beign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1860. 5 vols. London, 1885-7. "Together, 8 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1875-1887 695. GRIFFITHS (MAJOR ARTHUR). Mysteries of Police and Crime. A Gen eral Survey of Wrongdoing and Ite Pursuit. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Xew York and London, 1899 696. GUIZOT (M.). A Popular History of France, from the earliest Times. Extensively illustrated. 6 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, undated 697. GUIZOT (F.). The History of Civilization. Portraits. 3 vols. London, 1873; LECKY (\V. E. H.). Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. cloth. New York, 1870; DILLON (J. F.). The Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America. Boston, 18D5. Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription; and others. Together, 13 vols. 8vo and smaller, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 698. HALLIWELL (JAMES ORCHARD). A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, one back damaged slightly at top. London, 1901 699. HAMILTON (ANTHONY). Memoirs of Count Grammont. Portraits. 2 vols. (binding broken). Xew York, 1885; CUNNINGHAM (PETER). The Story of Nell Gwyn. Portrait. Xew York, 1883; MASSINGER (PHILIP). Plays. London, 1868; DEFOE (DANIEL). Captain Singleton. London, 1887 : and others. Together, 14 vols. 8vo and smaller, various bindings. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth TOO. [HAMOND (GEORGE).] AfYtXofpafta Sive rivsuax-a n NETMATOAOriA : or, A Discourse of Angels: Their Nature and Office, or Ministry... Also something touching Devils and Apparitions, and Impulses. . . Small 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt tooled, rubbed, some leaves stained, margins worn, old fly-leaf containing a pencilled note in an old hand preserved in rcbinding. London: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, 1701 The work which seems to be in imitation of Increase Mather s Angelo- graphia, was published anonymously, edited by Hamond. a Non-Conformist Divine. The Dictionary of National Biography attributes it to the Rev. Richard Sanders. 701. HABLEY (TIMOTHY). Moon Lore. Frontispiece. London, 1885; HOB- HOUSE (W.). The Church and the World. London, 1910. To gether, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, one loose in covers. London, 1885-1910 The first named is a volume seldom offered for sale, and contains chapters on "Moon Superstitions," "Moon Worship," etc. 702. HEYLIX (PETER). The Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts. Folio, calf; rebacked, portrait by White missing. London, 1681 FIRST EDITION. 703. HOLME (GORDON). The Inns of Court. Colored plate*. London, 1909; TOPLIFF (SAMUEL). Travels. Illustrated. Boston, 190(i; PARK- HURST (L.). A Vacation on the Nile. Illustrated. [Boston] Pri vately printed, 1913; KEMP (E. G.). The Face of China. Illustra tions, some in color. New York, 1909; and others. Together, 12 vols. 8vo and smaller. Cloth. Various places, various dates 704. HOLMES (X.). The Authorship of Shakespeare. Portrait. New York, 1866; WEISS (Jonx). Wit, Humor and Shakespeare. Boston, 1876; LOCKHART (JOHN). The Life of Sir Walter Scott. Plates. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1871; SCOTT (SiR WALTER). The Journal of Sir Walter Scott. Portraits and vignette titles. 2 vols. New York, 1890, and others. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, and smaller, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 705. HUGO (VICTOR). Works of Victor Hugo, In English: comprising. Les Miserables, 5 vols. ; Wandering Jew, 3 vols. ; Toilers of the Sea. 2 vols.; Notre Dame, 2 vols. Profusely illustrated. Together. 12 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth uncut. London and New York: Routledge and Sons, 1887-1888 706. HUNT (LEIGH). A Saunter through the West End. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt lined, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1861 FIRST EDITION. P^XTKA-ILLI STRATEO with (15 engraved portraits, an original watercolor portrait of George Selwyn drawn by S. P. Harding, "2 2 views, several colored, and an A.N.S. of HUNT. The Note and some of the plates are inlaid. The Autograph Note is written on two sides of a small sheet. 2% x 4 J /4 inches, inlaid on the leaf following the title, and reads, [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. TOG Continued] "Minimarket Theatre. Augt 17. "Mil dear Sir, "I came to explain how it teas that you had not yet had an answ (crossed out) a reply to your answer. Since I first wrote to you, I have had the benefit of reading my little piece to my friend Mr. Plancht, & the consequence is, that I hare enlarged, & I think, improved it. My altera tions are however not quite finished, but I hope to be able to send it you every day. "Faithfully Yours, (Signed) "Leigh Hunt. "It. Webster, Esqr." "07. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. Facsimiles of Illustrations in Biblical and Liturgical Manuscripts, executed in various countries, during the XI-XVI centuries, now in the possession of Bernard Quaritch. With an Introduction. With numerous reproduction*, a large num ber of wltich are ix GOLD AND COLORS. 4to, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, original wrappers preserved, BY ZAEHXS- DORF. London, 1889 One of the most perfect productions of its kind ever made. It is seldom offered for sale, having become very scarce. 708. JACOB (HENRY). Anno Domini 1616. A Confession and Protestation of the Faith of Certaine Christians in England. Typewritten copy of printed book in the British Museum, with letters regarding same from Henry H. Sprague, C. W. Ernst, G. T. Longley, with Receipt from Mr. Longley for work of copying, and biographical sketch of Jacob inserted. 1901 709. KOCK (CHARLES PAUL DE). The Works of Charles Paul De Kock. with a General Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English by Edith Mary Xorris. Illustrated with etchings, some in color, photogravures and drawings. 27 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Xew York: F. J. Quinby Company [1903-1904] ST. GERVAIS EDITION, in 50 volumes, Limited to 500 Numbered and Registered Sets, this being set No. 2 (incomplete, comprising 27 vols. only ) . CONTENTS : Andre the Savoyard. 2 vols. : The Barber of Paris. 2 vols. : The Child of My Wife: The Damsel of the Three Skirts; Edmond and His Cousin, etc ; Ftere Jacques. 2 vols. ; Friquette ; The Gogo Family. 2 vols. : Gustave [and] M. Martin s Donkey. 2 vols. ; Jean. 2 vols. ; Little Lise : Madame Pautalon ; Monsieur Dupont. 2 vols. ; Memoirs; My Neighbor Raymond. 2 vols.; Scenes of Parisian Life; Sister Anne. 2 vols. ; Adhe niar. 710. LAWS. Dugdale (William). Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memo rials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, etc. With portraits and coats-of-arms. Folio, full calf, title cut round and mounted. In the Savoy, 1671 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of ten portraits, mainly by R. White or Faithorne, some of which are scarce and brilliant impressions. A VERY INTERESTING COPY. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 711. LAWS. Dunning (John). Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King s Bench in the latter part of the Reign of George the Second. With Notes by Charles G. Delano. Portrait. 8vo, boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1885 Presentation copy with autograph inscription from the Publisher. 712. LAW. Green Bag (The). Edited by Horace W. Fuller. Vols. 1 to 20. 20 vols. 4to, v half morocco. Boston, 1889-1908 713. LEECH (Joim). [Leigh (Percicval).] The Comic Latin Grammar; A new and facetious Introduction to the Latin Tongue. Illus trated by John Leech. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, with original cloth back strip and front cover bound in. London: C. Tilt, 1840 714. LINDSAY (W. L.). Mind in the Lower Animals. 2 vols. "NTew York, 1880; TYXDALL (JOHN). New Fragments. New York, 1892; BALDWIN (JOHN D.). Pre-Historic Nations. New York, 1869; GROVE (PROFESSOR AND OTHERS). The Correlation and Conser vation of Forces. New York, 1867; and others. Together, 12 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates 715. LOWELL (A. L.). The Government of England. 2 vols. London, 1908; LODGE (HENRY C.). Studies in History. Boston, 1885; MORLEY (JOHN). Rousseau. New York, 1878; PERKINS (J. B.). France Under Mazarin. Portraits. 2 vols. New York, 1887; and others. Together, 12 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth. Various places, various dates 716. MAHON (PHILIP HENRY, LORD). History of England. 7 vols.; STAN HOPE (EARL). History of England. Portrait. 2 vols. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, binding poor, not returnable. London, 1858-1872 717. MAN OF THE WORLD S DICTIONARY (THE). Translated from the French. 12mo, half light brown levant morocco, uncut, with original boards bound in. Signature on title. London: J. Appleyard, 1822 718. MATTHEWS (MARMADUKE). The Messiah Magnified By the mouthes of Babes in America. 4to v boards. London, 1(559 [1906] Manuscript copy, in pencil, of the original edition published in London, 1659, with receipted bill from Miss Pattie Osier, of London, for the work of copying, and a note from Worthington Ford regarding the manuscript, laid in. ^19. MISSAL OF ST. AUGUSTINE S ABBEY. Rule (Martin). The Missal of St. Augustine s Abbey, Canterbury. Edited with an Introductory Monograph. Facsimile. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Cambridge, 1890 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 720. MISSALS. THE LEOFKIC MISSAL as used in the Cathedral of Exeter dur ing the Episcopate of its first Bishop, A.D. 1050-1072; Together with some account of the Red Book of Derby, the Missal of Robert of Jumieges, and a few other early Manuscript Service Books of the English Church. Edited, with Introduction and Xotes by F. E. Warren. Frontispiece -facsimile of leaf of the original manu script. 4to, leather back, binding loose. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1883 721. MOHLEY (Jonx). Voltaire. London, 1891; HOPES (JoHX CODMAN). The Campaign of Waterloo. Presentation copy from the author. Xew York, 1892; BESANT (WALTER). Fifty Years Ago. Illus trated. New York, 1888; GREEX (Jonx RICHARD). The Making of England. Maps. Xew York, 1882, and others. Together, 12 vols. various bindings, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 722. MOTLEY (Jonx LOTHROP). History of the United Netherlands. Por traits and map. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Xew York, 1880 723. NAPOLEON. Las Cases (Le Comtc August in de). Memorial cle Sainte Helene. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Em peror Napoleon at Saint Helena. ]\ ith frontispieces, VoL I, Por trait of Napoleon, engraved by J. Thomson after a painting; VoL II , House in which Napoleon wa-s born, and Folding map of the Campaign in Italy; Vol. IV, Map of the Island of Saint Helena. 8 vols. in four, 8vo, original sprinkled calf (Vol. IV mottled), joints weak. P. v of Contents of Vol. II wrongly bound after p. iv of Vol. III. London: Henry Colburn and Co., 1823 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. The Plan of Longwy called for as frontispiece in Vol. I has been replaced by the Portrait of Napoleon. 724. XAPOLEOX. Sloane (William Milligan). Life of Xapoleon Bonaparte. Numerous illustrations. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt backs and tops, gilt coat-of-arms on front covers. Xew York, 1909 725. NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS. The History of the Campaign of, 1796 in Germany and Italy; 1797, in Italy and Germany; 1799, in Germany and Switzerland; 1799, in Italy; 1799, in Holland. Translated from the French. Folding maps. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, half roan, binding worn and one broken, texts foxed. Not returnable. London: J. Barfield, 1800-1801 With bookplates of W. H., Col. Fitz Clarence, and the Earl of Minister. 726. ODD VOLUMES AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, including, Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1911. 2 vols; Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 5. New York, no date ; Annals of the American Pulpit, By Sprague. Vol. 1. New York, 1857; Cooke s History of Party. Vols. 2 and 3. London, 1837; and others. To gether, 32 vols. various sizes, various bindings. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 727. OLD DICTIONARIES. Phillips (Edward). The Xew World of Ours. London, 1720; BAILEY (X.). Universal Etymological English Dic tionary. London, 1730; JOHXSOX (SAMUEL). Dictionary. Por trait. 2 vols. London, 1819. Together, 4 vols. folio and 4 to, calf and half calf, bindings worn. Various places, various dates The volume by Bailey contains some words which are generally omitted from English dictionaries. 728. OMAR KHAYYAM. Thompson (Eben Francis). The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam, of Xishapur. With an Introduction by Nathan Haskel) Dole Facsimile. 8vo, boards paper label, uncut and partly un opened. [Worcester, Mass.] Privately Printed/ 1906 Edition limited to 85 copies printed on Japan paper, signed and num bered, this being No. 57. 729. PERRY (GEORGE G.). History of the Church of England. 3 vols. Lon don, 1861; AMOS (S.). Fifty Years of the English Constitution. Boston, 1880; MAY (T. E.). The Constitutional History of Eng land. 2 vols. New York, 1880, and others. Together", 12 vols. various bindings, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 730. PICKERING (JOHN). A Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases peculiar to the United States of America. 8vo, half morocco, original board covers bound in, uncut. Manuscript note in ink on one leaf. Boston, 181<> Boston Public Library Duplicate, with Stamp on verso of title. 731. PICTURESQUE EUROPE. The British Isles. 2 vols.; The Continent. 3 vols. Extensively illustrated with full-page plates and text illus trations on steel and wood by the most eminent artists. Together. 5 vols. royal 4to, half roan, gilt backs, leather labels, bindings rubbed. London, Paris and Xew York: Cassell ^ Petter and Galpin, undated Inserted is a one-page A.L.S. by David W. Theever, dated "Boston. Dec. 9, 1895," presenting to Mr. Benton this work. 732. PORTRAITS. Chappel (A.). Lives of the Presidents of the L T nited States. Xew York f 1881] ; The National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans. Volume I (only). Xew York [1862]; A thick royal 8vo vol., in half calf, containing about 190 Steel Portraits from Lodge s "Portraits." Together, 3 vols. 4to and royal 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 733. REAL (ANTONY). The Story of the Stick in All Ages and Lands. Translated and Adapted from the French of Antony Real (Fernand Michel). 12mo, cloth. Xew York, 1875 734. REES (JAMES). Life of Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia, n.d ; LOUXSBURY (T. R.). James Fenimore Cooper. Boston 1880; MARTYX (CAR LOS). Wendell Phillips. Xew York, 1890; McMASTER (J. B.). Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1889; and others. Together, 7 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 735. RICHARDSON (SAMUEL). The Works of Samuel Richardson. With a Prefatory Chapter of Biographical Criticism, by Leslie Stephen. With portrait of Kichardson in Volume I. 12 vols. 8vo, half calf, yellow edges, corners rubbed. London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1884 Limited Edition of 250 copies, this being No. 235. CONTENTS : Pamela. 3 vols. ; Clarissa Harlowe. 5 vols. ; Sir Charles Grandison. 4 vols. 736. ROMAN* BREVIARY (THE) : Reformed by Order of the Holy (Ecumenical Council of Trent. Translated out of Latin into English by John, Marquess of Bute. 2 vols. thick 12mo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. Edinburgh and London, 1879 737. RUSSELL (W. C.). Horatio Xelson. Xew York, 1890; McKiM (R. H.). A Soldier s Recollections. London, 1911; BIGELOW (Jonx). The Principles of Strategy. Philadelphia, 1894; WILKINSON (KosMo). The Personal Story of the Upper House. Frontispiece. New York, 1905 ; and others. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, and smaller, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 738. SAXGEIJ (WILLIAM W.). The History of Prostitution. 8vo, cloth, bind ing soiled. Xew York, 1858 739. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays and Poems of William Shakes peare. . .A Life of the Poet, and an enlarged History of the Stage, by Edward Malone. Portraits, etc. 21 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt, name of former owners on titles. London, 1821 A desirable and well bound set of this esteemed edition. 740. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Bacon (Delia). The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded. With a Preface by Nathaniel Haw thorne. 8vo, cloth, name on title, quotations written in ink on both sides of blank leaf. Boston, 1857 FIRST EDITION with the preface by Hawthorne. 741. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Knight (Charles Editor). The Complete Works of Shakespeare, from the Original Text. Illustrated with new and finely executed steel engravings. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, binding rubbed. Xew York, undated 742. SHAKESPEARE CONCORDANCE. Bartlett (John). A Xew and Complete Concordance of the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. Thick royal 4to, roan back, binding broken. London, 1894 743. SLANG. Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present, With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. Compiled and Edited by John S. Farmer and W. E. Henley. Yols. I to VII ; Also, Vol. I, Revised Edition. Together, 8 vols. small 4to, half roan, binding somewhat rubbed. [London] Printed for Subscribers Only. 1890-1903 Edition limited to 750 numbered copies signed by the editor. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth 744. SLAXG DICTIONARY (THE). With "Cadger* map." 12mo, full crimson calf, gilt yellow edges, BY MORRELL. London : J. C. Hotten, 1864 745. SLANG DICTIONARY. Maitland (James). The American Slang Diction ary. Embodying all American and English Slang Phrases in Cur rent Use, with their Derivation and Philology. 4to, cloth, uncut, paper label, binding worn. Chicago, 1891 LARGE PAPER COPY. Autograph of author on title. 746. SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). Works of Tobias Smollett; comprising. Roderick Random; Peregrine Pickle, 2 vols. ; Humphry Clinker; The Adven tures of Ferdinand Count Fathom; Sir Launcelot Greaves. To gether, 6 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. London and Xew York: George Routledge and Sons, 1884 Number 311 of 350 copies printed. 747. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). The Life of Xelson. With 8 woodcuts Inj George Cruikshank. 24mo, half blue morocco, gilt, gilt top. London, 1830 FIRST EDITION with the Cruikshank illustrations. Colin, No. 725; Douglas, No. 119. 748. STANLEY (ARTHUR PENRHYN). Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. With an Introduction on the Study of Ecclesiastical His tory. Second Edition. Folding map, partly colored. Svo, brown levant morocco, gilt top and back, gilt inner fillet borders, BY THE ROSE BINDERY. London, 1862 749. SUCKLING (SiR JOHN). The Works of Sir John Suckling, containing All his Poems, Love-Verses, Songs, Letters, and his Tragedies and Comedies. Never before printed in one Volume. Small Svo, full mottled calf, yellow edges, BY MORRELL. London, 1696 Evidently this edition was issued without a portrait. 750. TAINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. 4 vols. Svo, red cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1873-1874 With signature of, "J. H. Benton, Jr. Mar. 2. 1X75," on title of each volume. 751. TAYLOR (HANNIS). The Origin and Growth of the English Constitu tion. Boston, 1890; FINLASON (W. F.). Reeves History of the English Law. 3 vols. London, 1869; COURTNEY (L.). Tlie Work ing Constitution of the United Kingdom. London, 1901, and others. Together, 12 vols. Svo, and smaller, various bindings, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates 752. [WILLIAMS (JOHN Bishop of Chichester).] A Brief Discourse Con cerning the Lawfulness of Worshipping God by the Common-Prayer. Being in Answer to a Book, Entituled, A Brief Discourse concerning [Continued Second Session, Thursday Evening, March llth [No. 752 Continued] the Unlawfulness of the Common-Prayer Worship. Lately Printed in New-England, and Re-printed in London... The Second Edi tion Corrected. Small 4to, new boards, small tear in one leaf. London : Printed for Ri. Chiswell, 1694 This is Bishop Williams reply to Increase Mather s "Brief Discourse," printed in Boston in 1689. 753. WOLLSTOXECRAFT (MARY). Letters Written during a Short Residence in Sweden, Xorway, and Denmark. 8vo, mottled calf, inner gilt borders, binding rubbed. London, 1796 754. WRIGHT (THOMAS). Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. 2 vols. London, 1869; CHAMBERS (ROBERT Editor). Cyclopaedia of English Literature. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1867; BURTOX (Jonx HILL). The Book-Hunter. Xew York, 1863, and others. To gether, 12 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, various bindings, mainly cloth. Various places, various dates AMERICAX ART ASSOCIATIOX, MAXAGERS. THOMAS E. KIEBY, AUCTIOXEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHKR PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION. PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. &&Kar 6l!)i R..:^ LJ ..- t A It I : - l! t > i MA I9tn jUN 4 1968 3 S RECEIVED MAY 2 7 68 -8 AM LOAN DEPT. 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