- MONEY IN POLITICS BY J. K. UPTON Late Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury W&itfj an Introduction BY EDWARD ATKINSON BOSTON D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY FRANKLIN AND HAWLEY STREETS Copyright, By D. Lothrop & Co. ELECTROTYPED BY C. J. TETERS & SON, BOSTON. 50 PEEFACE. yC^ He who said the love of money was the root of all evil spoke not with accuracy of the properties and functions of this commodity. Evils may grow from a love to accumulate wealth in excess, but the love of money is in itself as harmless a diversion as an ill-conceived passion for a steam plough. True money is but one form of wealth, and should not be confounded with wealth as if it were the only form. He who possesses commodities in excess of his needs for them, and can exchange them for other commodities which he needs, possesses wealth to that extent. In no other way can wealth exist. Money facilitates the exchange of commodities, and, by saving labor and time in the exchange, may give to the commodities a greater value than they would otherwise possess, — only this and nothing more. Wealth can exist without money, and if there were no money in the world, wealth would still remain as before, though perhaps incapable of bringing to its possessor an equal degree of comfort. iii IV MONEY IN POLITICS. The railroad king Vanderbilt may not, and prob- ably does not, handle as much money in a given time as does his grocer, and yet his wealth is reckoned by scores of millions. In countries where money is not employed, trade is carried on by exchanging direct one com- modity for another, of which the following is a simple illustration. A farmer has grain which he does not need, but he needs a pair of shoes, which he has not. To obtain the shoes he is willing to part with a portion of the grain, and if he can find a shoemaker who has the shoes and is willing to part with them for the grain, the exchange can readily be effected. But if, when found, the shoe- maker, although he has the shoes, does not want the grain, the farmer will be compelled to find another person who has a commodity which he is willing to part with for the grain, and which the shoemaker will accept in exchange for his shoes. By making this double exchange the farmer obtains the shoes. The grain, however, was in fact exchanged for them, not the interposed commodity. That was used only to facilitate the exchange. This method of exchanging commodities is called " barter," and to a considerable extent exists in all communities to-da}^ Prof. Jevons relates that not long since Mademoiselle Zelie, a singer of the Theatre Lyrique, at Paris, made a professional tour around the world, and gave a concert at the PREFACE. V Society Islands. In exchange for an air from Norma and a few other songs, she was to receive a third part of the receipts. When counted* her share was found to consist of three pigs, twenty- three turkeys, forty-four chickens, five thousand cocoanuts, besides considerable quantities of ban- anas, lemons and oranges. As the islands con- tained no commodities which Mademoiselle needed, and for which these products could be exchanged, she must have suffered an embarrassment of riches. These contributions of the animal and vegetable kingdom, transferred to the markets of Paris, would, however, have realized for her handsome returns ; but meanwhile the turkeys must be fed and the fruit will decay. Inconvenience and useless labor have ever at- tended barter trade, and to avoid them commodi- ties have been sought out and interposed, which, on account of the universal demand for them, will be accepted by any person in exchange for any commodity he possesses and is willing to part with, knowing that in turn he can again in like manner exchange them for any commodity he may need. Gold and silver have for a long time been em- ployed by civilized communities as such interposed commodities. Neither of these metals, in itself, has any mysterious power. Like grain or a pair of shoes, each is the product of labor, and has a VI MONEY IN TOLITICS. value in exchange for other commodities depend- ing upon the relation to it of demand and supply. This relation, in case of these metals, is believed to be exceptionally uniform and well understood, and therefore either metal can be exchanged for other commodities at well-known rates. Neither metal suffers much, if any, loss from exposure to the elements. Equal weights of either, without regard to form, have precisely equal values, and the relation of value to that of weight in either is such that the amount needed is neither inconveni- ently heavy nor minute ; and the demand for both is universal. For these reasons the two metals named are naturally used in effecting exchanges of commodities, and Avhile performing this duty they are called money. An exchange of a com- modity for money, however, but half completes the transaction ; to complete it, the money must be again exchanged for the commodity needed. Bringing money into use, however, the farmer exchanges his grain for money, and then exchanges the money for shoes or any other commodity which he may need. And when the exchanges are fully completed he will have no money left. His wealth will remain, however, represented by the newly- acquired commodities which have taken the plnce of the grain. The money has gone to do like duty for some one else. Viewing money, therefore, as operating within PREFACE. Vll its proper functions, we arrive at certain deduc- tions, which should ever be borne in mind, viz. : — 1. The value of gold or silver, like that of wheat or any other commodity, will depend upon the relation of demand and supply to the metal in question. The miner who takes the metal from the earth exchanges it for other commodities at the best rate he can obtain. If the outlay and labor expended in obtaining the metal will not yield an amount of other commodities equal to, or greater than, an equivalent amount of outlay and labor would yield in other industries, mining operations will be abandoned for other pursuits, until the demand for the metal with the diminished produc- tion will increase its exchange rate, so as to render mining operations as profitable as other industries. On the other hand, should the product of mining operations on the whole prove more remunerative than that of other industries, less remunerative industries will be abandoned for mining, until the increased yield of metal will lower the exchange value of it to a point where other industries will be as profitable as mining. In this way the prod- ucts of our mines arc governed by natural forces, and money can have no artificial value. 2. There can be no such thing as "cheap money." In performing its functions, money will be exchanged for other commodities at just such rate as the owner of the other commodities is will- Vlll MONEY IN POLITICS. ing to part with them for it. He can be depended upon not to exchange them at a lower rate than he is obliged to. A decrease in the exchange value of money means a corresponding increase in the value of the commodities for which it is exchanged ; otherwise silver would be cheaper money than gold, and copper cheaper than silver, a relation which never has existed and never will. Conse- quently, in itself, one metal is just as cheap as another for money, and we need select for that purpose only the one which best suits our con- venience. 3. Money not being wealth, the amount of it in circulation will naturally be just the amount needed to effect the exchanges of products for which it is employed, and no more. It can be used for no other purpose, and everybody will get rid of any excess of it as soon as possible. If by any artificial restraint an excess of it is kept in any community, the owners of commodities therein will not part with them for it except at rates which will compensate them for holding a commodity which, being no longer of use as money, becomes unproductive wealth. Consequently prices of commodities, in such an event, will be higher until the restraint is removed and the surplus money allowed to flow where it is needed. 4. Money will be plenty in localities where commodities are cheapest. A purchaser of grain PREFACE. IX in New York notes that for the same amount of money he can procure in exchange therefor more wheat in Milwaukee than in Chicago. He there- fore buys in the former market, and sends his money there in exchange for his purchases. Other dealers will do the same, and money will be plenty in Milwaukee and scarce in Chicago, until, on account of the increasing demand, holders will raise the price in Milwaukee until grain can be purchased elsewhere as cheap, or cheaper, than in that market, when the money will flow else- where, and prices will again be lower. Money may, therefore, be trusted to flow towards the cheapest market, or where prices are lowest, and to shun the dearest markets, or where prices are highest. 5. A " tight " money market results from too high prices of commodities compared with prices ruling in other localities, and does not result from any lack of money. When prices are lowered, money will flow in. Increasing the amount of money to relieve a market only aggravates the evil it is intended to cure. There being no use for more money, the excess must lie idle as unpro- ductive capital, or at considerable expense be shipped away as bullion like any other commodity. There is another use for money which has not yet been considered — its use as a standard of value. Gold and silver, possessing a desirable X MONEY IN POLITICS. uniformity of value in exchange for other com- modities, have long been employed throughout the civilized world as standards by which the exchange value of all other commodities is expressed. The two metals, however, vary from time to time in their respective exchange value as to each other, and consequently but one metal at a time can be considered as a standard of value, without causing confusion. Thus, at a certain date one ounce of gold or sixteen ounces of silver can be exchanged for twenty bushels of wheat ; but at another date one ounce of gold may purchase twenty-one bushels of wheat, while sixteen ounces of silver will still purchase but twenty bushels. Whatever causes operate to cause this disparity, it is evident that only confusion of terms can result in attempt- ing to express values at the same time in two standards, having no fixed relations to each other. Money used simply as an interposed commodity to facilitate exchanges is man's best friend. With noiseless action it takes from man the products of his labor, and in exchange returns to him the products of all lands and climes, and when its work is accomplished modestly withdraws. It asks for no aid in doing its work ; no subsidy, no legisla- tion or monetary conferences to regulate its action. All it ever asks is to be let alone. But man will not let it alone ! He needs must attempt to regu- late it, and so it gets within the domain of legisla PREFACE. XI tion, where it does not belong, find brings no end of troubles. Without an}' excuse, legislation has debased it, substituted inferior commodities for it, interposed artificial barriers to its circulation for the alleged benefit of commerce, and by solemn proclamation declared it to possess a value which it had not. In no country has there been more interference with the operations of money than in the United States of America. The colonists debauched it, and then drove it from them to make room for unhappy substitutes. Since the adoption of the Constitution, changes in the weight and fineness have twice been made, and one metal has been maintained for years at a fictitious valuation to encourage mining in- dustries, and paper promises to pay have, by law, been declared the equal of the highest rated metal. In consequence of such and other legislation there is afloat a large assortment of money of various values and effect. Were Mademoiselle Z61ie to give a concert to- day in the capital city of this country, its receipts would rival in picturesque confusion those of her concert in the Society Islands. When counted, there would be found gold coin, silver coin, with its three kinds of dollars; nickel coin, bronze coin, copper coins, United States notes, silver certificates, gold certificates, bank notes of two kinds, and perhaps fractional notes, — and all these kinds having a Xll MONEY IN POLITICS. common unit, the dollar, but bearing to each other no necessary relation of value, but all in effect redeemable by the government in gold coin at their face values. Transferred to the Bourse of Paris these several kinds of moneys would also have a value, but it could hardly be computed even by a member of the French Ac-ademy. The explanations offered for the existence of these motley issues have been so varied, that few people know or appear to care to know, what the issues are for, or what powers they possess ; and so be- fogged has become the whole subject, that even the Justices of the Supreme Court do not appear to know a dollar when they see it. The diverse properties which have been given money in this country, the unnatural power with which some of it is legally endowed, and the false position in which other portions of it have been placed, can but bring disturbances sooner or later. Already in the financial horizon appear threatened clouds, and to the practised ear comes the prelude muttering of the brewing storm. As legislation has brought about the threatened disaster, to legis- lation we must turn for relief. What shall the relief be? CONTENTS. Introduction by Edward Atkinson xv I. Early Colonial Money . 1 II. Colonial Mints 8 III. The Original Silver Dollar 11 IV. Paper Issues 14 V. Revolutionary Issues 23 VI. Cui Bono ? 28 VII. Money of the Confederation 33 VIII. The Money of the Constitution .... 37 IX. Wild-Cat Currency 42 X. The Treasury Cornered 53 XI. The Second United States Bank .... 60 XII. United States Notes 67 XIII. Additional Issues 00 XIV. Fallacy of Legislation 99 XV. National Bank Issues Ill XVI. Contraction 127 XVII. Resumption 146 XVIII. The Supreme Court 157 XIX. Gold Coin and Certificates 171 XX. The Silver Dollar 197 XXI. Circulation of the Silver Dollar . . . 221 XXII. Monetary Conferences 227 XXIII. The Trade Dollar 247 XXIV. Other Moneys 258 XXV. The Par of Exchange 205 xiii INTRODUCTION". Having been requested to write an introduction to the following treatise on " Money in Politics," by J. K. Upton, late Assistant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, I cheerfully do so because I have found the work to be very tho- rough and complete, and of the utmost value, both with respect to the history of the past and to the policy of the future. It gives, in my judgment, the best record of legislation in the United States yet presented in regard to coinage, to legal tender acts, and other matters connected with our financial history. It shows in the most conclusive manner the futility of all attempts to cause two substances to become, and to remain of the same value or esti- mation, by acts of legislation. It gives a true picture of the vast injury to the welfare and to the moral integrity of the people of this country, which ensued from the enactment XVI MONEY IN POLITICS. of the acts of legal tender during the late war, whereby the promise of a dollar was made equal in the discharge of a contract to the dollar itself. It shows that this mode of collecting a forced loan was the most costly and injurious method of taxation which could have been devised. It proves in the most conclusive way, the injury which will surely come when by present acts of coinage and of legal tender, our gold coin has been driven from the country, and our standard of value becomes a silver dollar of light weight and of uncertain value. The reason given for this dangerous interference with the natural laws which control value, and for subjecting the whole business of the country to uncertainty and depression is, that " the silver pro- duction of the country must be sustained." The annual value of the silver product is about $40,000,000 — in gold. The production of the hen 5~ards of the United States, according to the census statistics, was, in 1879, 456,910,916 dozen eggs, and, if hens have increased in the ratio of population, it is now 500,000,000 dozen, which, at only ten cents a dozen, would exceed the value of the product of the silver mines. It would be vastly more reasonable for Congress to order the compulsory purchase of two million dollars' worth of eggs per month, "in order to INTRODUCTION. XV11 sustain the hen products of the United States," than it is to bay two million dollars' worth of sil- ver; because the esr2rs could be used, or else ' CO 7 •would rot, while the silver cannot be used, and is expensive to store and to watch. This book will prove to the mind of every think- ing man that, if we persist much longer in sustain- ing the acts of coinage and legal tender which now encumber the statute book, our national credit will be impaired and all our working people, whose wages arc paid in money, will be subjected to the most injurious form of special taxation which could be devised ; it proves that a considerable portion of their wages will be taken from them under due process of law without power of redress on their part, while the rich and astute advocates of the present system will reap wealth which they have not earned by taking from the laborer a part of that which is his rightful due. It may be said now of the legal tender currency which was issued during the late war, as it was written of the Continental currency of the Revolu- tion. "If it saved the State, it impaired the morality of the people ; it polluted the equity of our laws; it injured the fortunes of those who had the most confidence in it ; it destroyed respect for the courts ; " and although it did not in this most recent case inflict the maximum of injury, as it did in the Revolution, it may yet be said that XV111 MONEY IN POLITICS. it did more injury to the material prosperity of the country than all the arms and arts of the enemy combined enabled them to compass. While it destroyed the fortunes of many, it made the few rich richer and the many poor much poorer. Except for its malignant influence the nation would to-day have been substantially free from the burthen of any national debt whatever. The money cost of the war was a little over four thousand million dollars, measured partly in coin and partly in paper, and it could easily be proved that at least one third part of that cost, or a sum equal to the present national debt, was im- posed upon the country by the depreciation of the legal tender notes. This book, written by one whose official posi- tion gave him the clearest insight in respect to the working of the acts of coinage and of legal tender, and also of the banking system of the United States, may be of inestimable value because the chief dangers to which the country is now sub- jected are the present dangerous statutes still unrepealed, construed under the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the last legal tender case, — a decision rendered by judges whose opinions could be predicated upon the po- litical party to which the majority of the court are assumed to belong. It may not, perhaps, be called a partisan decision ; but, with hardly an ex- INTRODUCTION. XIX ception, the opinions of the judges in these legal tender cases have been made on party lines. It is singular that the attention of very few per- sons is ever drawn to the fact that in international commerce there is no statute of legal tender, and cannot be ; hence that all international transac- tions are settled by the weight of the various metals, chiefly in the pound sterling, which is simply a name for a given number of grains of gold. It would be very interesting and instructive if some one learned in the law would investigate and explain the first conception of an act of legal tender. Its modern purpose is twofold. First, to per- petuate the evidence that one party to a contract has made an effort to comply with its terms ac- cording to his understanding of it. This could bo accomplished in many different ways. The second function of a legal tender act is the one which has been perverted by legislation and by the recent decision of the Supreme Court, even to the full ex- tent of a declaration of the court that it is within the power of a legislative body to coin paper into money and to make the promise of a dollar, carry- ing no obligation for its performance, equal to the coin itself in the discharge of a contract. This is perhaps the logical outcome of a series of acts of legislation which must have originally been born in fraud and bred in corruption. XX MONEY IX POLITICS. This function of an act of legal tender must, in the nature of things, have originated in the act of a despotic power, conceived for the purpose of forcing the acceptance of a debased coinage in the liqui- dation of debts, in order to steal the property of the people without their knowledge. I commend this book to the careful study of everyone who takes an interest in honest finance. Edward Atkinson. Boston, Sept. 25, 1884. L / *> 5^ MONEY IN POLITICS. CHAPTER I. EARLY COLONIAL MONEY. The early settlers of this country brought with them from England a considerable amount of silver coin, and, following the practice of the mother country, expressed the values of commodities and kept their accounts in pounds, shillings, pence, and farthings. It is well known that the standard pound in England was originally a certain bar of silver kept in the Tower, representing a pound in value, as well as a pound in weight. As a pound in value, it was divided into twenty parts, called shillings, the shilling being divided into twelve parts, called pence. As a pound in weight, it was divided into twelve parts, called ounces, each ounce being di- vided into twenty parts, called pennyweights. A pennyweight was therefore, both in value and weight, 2!^ part of a pound. King Edward III., however, being pressed for means to pay his royal debts, directed that a 1 Z MONEY IN POLITICS. pound of silver should be coined into twenty-two pieces, .and declared by royal proclamation that each one of these pieces should be called a shilling, and should be accepted as such in payment of the debts of the crown as well as in payment of pri- vate debts. In this way there accrued to the royal revenue two shillings on every pound thus minted ; and the royal counsellors imagined that they had discovered a very ingenious method by which a revenue could be obtained without taxation, and without defrauding any one. But as silver, like other commodities, had a certain value of its own, the reduction of the weight of the shilling caused a corresponding increase of prices ; and the sub- jects of the king, finding that through some mys- terious agency their property had apparently increased in value, made no complaint of the debasement of their coins. The successors of Edward III. repeated this robbery again and again, until Queen Elizabeth directed that fifty-eight pieces be coined from the pound sterling, or sixty-two pieces from a pound troy. By this time royalty had reduced the shil- ling to about one-third of its original value, and yet by edicts and proclamations had made each one of the same power in the payment of debts as the original piece. The shilling had now, how- ever, become so small that the subjects of the queen saw there was cheating somewhere about EARLY COLONIAL MONEY. 6 the board, and they put a stop to any further reduction of the coin. These shilling pieces were the coins which the early settlers brought to this country. The history of our currency is little else than a repeated story of the interference of the State with the functions of money, and of abortive efforts to counteract natural monetary laws. Peag. New England began the interference. Explor- ing parties of the Massachusetts colony found living on the shores of Long Island a partially civilized community of Indians. There was among the natives a division of labor: some of them cul- tivated maize, others fished, others hunted, and a considerable number living along the sea shore were engaged in polishing the shell of the clam and of the periwinkle, which they traded for the products of the field and the chase. The shells were used as ornaments, and had a well-known exchange value for other commodities. One black shell was about equal to two white ones. They were called "Peag," and they answered for money among the simple natives, as did gold and silver among their civilized invaders. There was no limit to the number of these shells which might be pro- duced ; their possessors traded them for furs and other artieles upon the best terms that could be 4 MONEY IN POLITICS. obtained ; and they circulated for several hundred miles inland. Anions* these Indians, ignorant of the laws governing circulating medium and rates of exchange, the black and white Peag circulated together without the aid of compulsory legislation or monetary conferences. If an Indian sold furs for two fathoms of black Peag no law compelled him to accept in satisfaction of his contract four fathoms of white. But the white man came, and by statute made Peag a legal tender for twelve pence in payment of debt — and then counterfeited it. Upon thus being made a legal tender these shells became pos- sessed of a new value, and subject to new laws. Lustreless and half-polished shells being worth as much as any for paying debts, a deterioration of Peag at once commenced. In 1648 the Massa- chusetts colony found it necessary to pass a law which provided that only such Peag as was un- broken and of a good color should pass as money. Peag became so bad, however, notwith- standing the reformatory law, that the following year the colony treasurer was forbidden to take it, and even the inhabitants began to reject it. Again the law came to the rescue and ordered that Peag should be a legal tender for forty shil- lings — the white at eight, and the black at six for a penny. In this way Peag became clothed with all the legal finery which has ever adorned the EARLY COLONIAL MONEY. D currency of civilization. Not only was it a legal tender in payment of debt, but there was a " fixity of value " between the black and the white. Here- after, if it would not work satisfactorily, the law was not in fault. But Peag was perverse, and, just as great results were expected from it, it wholly disappeared from circulation, leaving the law- makers to look elsewhere for a circulating medium. They did not look long. Barter. In 1641 the General Court of Massachusetts made corn a legal tender in payment for all debts which should arise after a time prefixed. The exchange rate of corn varied so much that it brought an end to credit transactions — no man being willing to risk future values thereon — and trade was in con- sequence hampered or broken up. Exchanges, however, necessarily continued to be made, and so a barter currency was established, driving the legally-clothed corn from the circulation. In 1049, disputes arising about the payment of taxes in this currency, three appraisers were appointed to regulate the values of commodities. Of course if a cow was equivalent to so many shil- lings of taxes, the lankest of the herd would be proffered for their payment ; and consequently the collections of the tax-gatherer comprised an assort- ment of lean and lank kine, compared with which 6 MONEY IN POLITICS. those in the famous vision of Pharaoh would have been a goodly sight for a county fair. The col- onial government was obliged to keep these cows until they could be disposed of in the ordinary course of business. It would be curious, says one writer, to know how much, without giving milk or increasing in weight, a cow thus received for taxes could consume of government rations. To prevent evasion of this sort, in 1658, it was ordered that no man should pay taxes in lank cattle. The Massachusetts Puritan was not alone in such questionable transactions. As early as 1618, two years before the Puritans arrived in New England, Governor Argale, of the Virginia colony, had ordered that all goods should be sold at an advance of 25 per cent, and tobacco taken in pay- ment at three shillings per pound and no more nor less, on a penalty of three years' servitude to the colony. Notwithstanding this law, in 1623, arti- cles were rated in both corn and tobacco, thus : loaf sugar at Is. 8d. in corn, or 2s. 6d. in tobacco ; and other articles in like manner — excepting the young women shipped from England to become wives to the planters. These last commodities appear to have been invariably rated in tobacco — the price of a wife at first being 100 pounds of tobacco ; but the lucky investors must have cornered the market, for the price soon after advanced to EARLY COLONIAL MONEY. 7 150 pounds — but possibly the increased price was paid in tobacco of damaged quality. A distinguished writer of that period intimates that it did a man's heart £Ood to see the gallant young Virginians hastening to the water-side when a ship arrived from London, each carrying a bun- dle of the best tobacco under his arm, and taking back with him a beautiful young wife. But, as even a gallant young Virginian could hardly " hasten " with a hundred and fifty pounds under his arm, it is probable he took along only a small portion of the consideration as an earnest, — thus, in fact, buying his wife upon a margin. All the colonists were anxious to retain silver as a circulating medium, and their trade with the West Indies brought in considerable silver coin ; and the buccaneers spent a good portion of their booty among them. Had no law been enacted making inferior commodities a legal tender, silver would have circulated, being vastly superior in every respect for money. \ and some went so far as to think that wealth was created by such issues. FALLACY OF LEGISLATION. 103 They did not know that with the sixth day the labor of creation ended, and some there be who have not learned it yet. The policy of issuing these notes has been justi- fied on several grounds : First, the notes were a necessity. Doubtless in the winter of 1861-2 the govern- ment was sorely pressed for means to carry on its operations. Its credit was untarnished, however, and subsequent events showed there was ample wealth in the country to meet all the demands necessary. The government had only to levy a proper tax, and then to exchange its credit, the only commodity it possessed, for what it needed, at the best rate obtainable. This rate might seem like extortion, but there was no help for it, and it was not avoided by the issue of the notes. Second, the notes enabled the government to obtain money without begging for it. The notes themselves were a loan as much as though they had coupons attached to them, but they had one advantage over other loans. The government could not only exchange them for commodities, but it could impose them at par upon the soldiers in the field, and upon other per- sons in its employ whose compensation had been fixed by law; and debtors generally could pay obligations with them to the extent of an equal amount of coin. The difference between the face 104 MONEY IN POLITICS. value of the notes at the time of their issue in payment of salaries and their value in coin was a gain to the government, and to that extent the government was benefited, but no further. To compensate the soldier for the depreciation in the value of the notes his pay was increased, so that even in his case the government gained little. In purchasing supplies for forces in the field it paid prices commensurate with the depreciation of the notes. From a table carefully prepared in the treasury department, it appears that for the year 1864 the average coin price in New York of the leading commodities was twelve per cent above that of the same commodities in 1861, and that $110.10 in coin had an average purchasing power for 1864 equal to $223.80 in paper. The average price of $100 of gold for that year, measured in paper, as shown by other official publications, was $203.30, or, in other words, $1.00 in gold was worth $2.03 of paper. If a purchaser then, with $110.10 in gold, had converted it into paper at that rate he would have had $223.50, almost pre- cisely the amount required to make it of equal purchasing power with gold. There could, there- fore, be no possible gain in using these notes, and coin, or its equivalent, might as well have been employed at the outset. Third, the notes helped to float the loan. The loans were exchanged for commodities at FALLACY OF LEGISLATION. 105 the best rates obtainable, — no better and no worse, — and the notes had no more to do with float- ing them than had the Atlantie Ocean. It is true the bonds were exchanged for the notes dollar for dollar, but when owners of the notes declined to part with them at that rate more notes were issued until the value was so depreciated that a bond would be accepted for them at par. Mention has already been made of an instance where the right to exchange these notes for six per cent bonds at par was taken away, so that the Secretary could force down the price of the notes until the owners would be willing to accept for them even a five per cent bond at par. In this way and no other did the notes float the loan. Had the notes been issued for coin the government would have re- ceived precisely the same equivalent, the gold having a purchasing power correspondingly great. Instead of the notes facilitating the issue of loans, there is every reason to believe that the govern- ment could have obtained better rates for its credit if the notes had never been issued. Undoubtedly the great cause for the depreciation of the bonds was the doubt existing as to the result of the stru<™;lc with the rebellion. There should have been no other cause. Of wealth to meet the pay- ment of the loan at maturity there was an abund- ance in the country, and until the issue of these notes there had been no occasion to question the 106 MONEY IN POLITICS. good faith of the government in all its monetary transactions ; and integrity in a government as well as in a person has a commercial value. Unfortunately, however, the several acts under which the loans of the government were issued did not state in what kind of dollars the bonds would be paid when they became due. Many persons asserted that, as the notes were a legal tender in the payment of all debts public and private, the holders of matured bonds would be compelled to accept the notes therefor, whatever might be their depreciation, and as the law espe- cially specified that the interest on the loans was to be paid in coin, there seems strong reasons for such assertions. Doubts of this kind could not but affect the exchange value of the loans, and they did. The purchaser of the bonds had calcu- lated the chances of military success, and parted with his commodities at a rate which he believed was justified by the risks assumed. But when the character of the money in which the payment of the bonds at maturity was to be made became questionable, there entered into his reckoning another element of doubt, making the purchase of the bond a lottery in which the purchaser had against him success in arms and integrity in legis- lation. To buy a government bond under such conditions was like purchasing a pool on a horse- race when the record of the horses was unknown FALLACY OF LEGISLATION. 107 and little confidence felt in the integrity of the jockeys. Under such circumstances investors de- manded, and the government had to give, large odds. Thus the notes, instead of floating the loans, helped to depress them. Fourth, the notes furnished a uniform circulat- ing medium. When the civil war broke out the government had a uniform circulating medium of gold coin, supplemented by bank-notes substantially circu- lating at par with gold. The gold was a medium uniform throughout the civilized world, and bein^ everywhere recognized for what it was worth could maintain its uniformity of value without f dventitious aid. The introduction of these notes c/rove the gold from circulation and depreciated the value of the bank-notes. In less than a 3 r ear after their issue the notes had an exchange value for other commodities less by thirty per cent than when originally issued, and they fluctu- ated violently from day to day, all the time growing of less and less value, until a witty member of Congress suggested an increase in rate of duty on paper and dye stuffs, so that in case of further issue the notes might not become wholly worthless. The notes destroyed a uniform circu- lating medium, and such a medium was not re- stored until the resumption of 1879, when the notes themselves became redeemable in coin. 108 MONEY IX POLITICS. They were never uniform except in their varia- tions of value. Fifth, the notes had an additional value from their legal tender quality. At the outbreak of the rebellion there was in circulation $180,000,000 of bank issues, and an estimated amount of $250,000,000 in coin, in all about $430,000,000. "We have before seen that money left to itself will always equal the precise amount needed to effect the exchanges of products. As gold was the medium circulating in Europe, any excess in this country in 18G1 would have gone there until the equilibrium of circulation between the countries was restored. None went, but in fact a small amount came into the country from Europe in that year, indicating that the amount in circulation here had somewhat passed the minimum limit and was being restored. We have also seen that if a circulating medium be- comes excessive through artificial restraint, prices of commodities will be correspondingly raised. If two dollars exist where there is a demand for only one, nobody will give of his commodities for both dollars more than he would for one, there being, practically, no use for the extra dollar. Whether the circulating medium is gold, silver, copper, or paper the same rule is true. In 1861 the business of this country required in making exchanges about $430,000,000 in gold FALLACY OF LEGISLATION. 109 coin, or equivalents thereto. In 18G4 gold coin had been supplanted by legal tender issues, the face value of which averaged for that year about $840,000,000, and this amount had an average value for the year, in gold, of about $420,000,000. In addition thereto gold was maintained in circu- lation in California, and enough of it in ports of entry to meet custom duties. But on the other hand, in 1864 eleven States, having a portion of the circulation in 1861, were in rebellion, and a fair estimate would indicate that on the whole there had been no especial demand in 1864 for an increased circulating medium. In 1864 the exchange, and not the face, value of the notes, fixed with an inexorable law the amount of them which could be maintained in circulation. As notes depreciated, more of them, in amount, could be made to circulate, but this increase was owing to their decreased value, not to airv extraor- dinary quality with which the notes were endowed. Four hundred and twenty millions of gold, or its equivalent, was the amount of circulation the coun- try required in 1864. The issue of notes fur- nished this amount, and no more. Other circum- stances fixed the value of the notes, and business accepted them for circulation at the rate thus fixed. Had there been no issue of notes, coin, or its equivalent in convert ible paper, would have continued to do duty. There was an abundance 110 MONEY IN POLITICS. of coin in the country for this purpose. When Secretary Chase asked the banks where he could get coin to carry on the war, what he wanted was wealth, not coin, since the latter would come of itself, when needed, if not prevented by legisla- tion. The owner of legal tender notes, however, could not only exchange them for commodities, but he could with them pay debts ; and their use for this purpose might possibly give them a little addi- tional value over that of notes not enjoying a legal tender quality, but the bank notes of the country, which no one was obliged to receive for any pur- pose, circulated at par with United States notes, and so strongly competed for favor that the gov- ernment taxed them out of existence. The demand notes of the government, before endowed with a legal tender quality, circulated generally at par with ijold, maintaining a higher rate than that ever reached by the legal tender notes until their redeemability was secured. The United States notes circulated at a discount until within three days of the time of redeemability, in itself an indi- cation of the futility of effort of the government to give to the notes a value which would not be recognized by the laws of commerce and trade. CHAPTER XV. NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. In 18G1 sixteen hundred bunks, organized and operated under the widely differing laws of the several States, provided the greater part of the currency of the country. Their issues aggregated at that time about $200,000,000, their deposits $250,000,000 —a total immediate liability of $450,000,000, to meet which there was held about $116,000,000 of specie, or its equivalent. The loans outstanding aggregated about $700,000,000, while the capital stock was about $430,000,000. Of the capital $110,000,000, and of the circula- tion of $50,000,000, were in the seceding States. The circulating notes were far from satisfactory. Except in the amount of the reserve held against them, the banks had a clear profit in their issue, and generally the weaker the bank the greater was its effort to sustain itself by an excessive issue. The notes of even the stronger banks were subject to more or less discount, as they were far from, or near to, the place of issue. Chicago bills were at a discount in New York, and New York bills at a ill 112 MONEY IN POLITICS. discount in Chicago of sometimes as high as five per cent. A traveller between the two cities, with a capital of §1,000, could pay travelling ex- penses b}* a judicious trading of bills, buying the depreciated bills in one city to be disposed of at par in the other. A conductor on a " through " train would often refuse bills outright at one point of the line which he received at par at another. The use of bank-note detectors was necessary in order to ascertain the genuineness of notes, and the solvency, or the existence even, of the banks of which they purported to be the issue. The inferior quality of the paper on which the bills were printed, and the imperfections in the printing itself, made counterfeiting easy and its detection difficult. Trustworthy reports from eighteen different States show that in 18(50, out of twelve hundred and thirty banks, one hundred and forty were broken, two hundred and thirty-four r closed, and one hundred and thirty-one worthless. There were in existence at that time three thousand kinds of altered notes, seventeen hundred varieties of spurious notes, four hundred and sixty varieties of imitation, and over seven hundred of other kinds more or less fraudulent. The various kinds of genuine bills in circulation were about seven thousand. It* those who tampered with the notes were as industrious as were the bank officials in putting them into circulation, one might expect, NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. 113 by the law of chance, to find that out of every eleven notes in circulation five had been tampered with and that only six were genuine ; but even the genuine ones were at par only near their respective places of issue. After our experience of twenty years with the present currency, we can hardly realize the annoy- ances and loss to which the country was subjected by the circulation of such bills. The present currency, in its purchasing power, may fluctuate greatly, but one bill is as good as another of the same denomination, and wherever, or b}^ whom- soever issued, is received at par everywhere in the country. The paper of which the notes are made is of the best quality, and of late years has been characterized by distinctive marks. The printing is done from steel plates of the highest order of the engraver's art, thus rendering counterfeiting difficult and the publication of detectors almost unnecessary. A portion of this currency is issued directly by the government, and the remainder by the national banks, which have, in issuing bills, wholly supplanted the State banks. The first suggestion of the national banking sys- tem appears to have come from Secretary Chase. Thinking at once to get rid of the objectionable issues of the State banks, and to substitute there- for a currency which would protect holders from loss, and at the same time enable the government 114 MONEY IN POLITICS. to obtain means for prosecuting the war, he sub- mitted to Congress, on the 9th day of December, 1861, two plans for effecting the object. One plan contemplated the withdrawal from cir- culation of all the State bank notes, and the issue in their stead of United States notes payable in coin on demand, in amount sufficient to meet the wants of a representative currency. The other plan contemplated the preparation and delivery to institutions and associations, of notes prepared for circulation under a national direction, and secured, as to prompt convertibility into coin, by a pledge of United States bonds and by needful regula- tions. The first of these plans had already been par- tially adopted by the issue of demand notes, and had the issue of these notes been extended grad- ually, with a proper reserve to maintain their redeemability in coin, and had the State banks been imperatively required to keep their issues at par in coin, the country would have had a currency as creditable and profitable, perhaps, as any form of credit issues. But to Mr. Chase this plan presented inconveni- ence and hazard. He feared that the temptation to issue notes beyond adequate provision for redemp- tion would not be resisted, and that there would thence arise "the immeasurable evils of dishonored public faith and national bankruptcy," and that NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. 115 possible disasters which might result therefrom would far outweigh any possible benefit. He therefore proposed a second plan, which, in brief, "was : — 1st. The circulation of notes bearing a com- mon impression, and authenticated by common authority. 2d. The redemption of these notes by the asso- ciations and institutions to which they might be delivered. 3d. The security of the redemption by a pledge of United States stocks, and an adequate provision of specie. He believed that the notes thus issued and secured would form the safest currency the country had ever enjoyed ; that being receivable, as he thought they should be, for all public dues except customs, they would be of equal value as currency in every part of the United States ; that the large amount of specie in the country, esti- mated at $275,000,000, would easily support pay- ment of duties in coin, and that with such pay- ments, and with the ordinary demand, the specie would stay in the country, as a solid basis both for circulation and loans. He expressed great confidence in the plan be- cause it was not wholly an untried one. In the State of New York, and perhaps in other States, it had been subjected to the test of experience, and 116 MONEY IN POLITICS. found practicable and safe. He also thought that existing: solvent institutions would substitute these notes for their own, that the notes of weaker banks would disappear, and that the government would be greatly benefited by the sale of bonds, to be issued as a basis of circulation. Such was the scheme presented to Congress by Secretary Chase in December, 1861. It met with but little favor. In less than two months there- after Congress was discussing the policy of issuing legal tender notes with no provision for their re- demption, and was endeavoring to drag the Secre- tary into its support as a last resort for obtaining means to carry on the war. It is worthy of note that on the 9th day of December the Secretary saw- no necessity for suspending specie payments, and shrank from such a contingency ; yet at the same time that he was thus opposing their issue, he was pushing the demand notes into circulation, and forcing the suspension which came at the end of the month. The issue of United States notes under the act of February 25, 1862, bridged over the existing financial embarrassments, and Congress adjourned without considering the proposed plan for a national banking system. Upon the re-assembling of Congress, in Decem- ber following, Mr. Chase, in his annual report, re- newed his recommendation of a system of national NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. 117 banks, and reinforced it with strong arguments. He again expressed his conviction that, while gov- ernment notes were preferable to the issue of State banks, the circulation to be furnished by national banks, as he had recommended, would be better than either. He recognized the cheapness of gov- ernment notes and their facility of production in times of emergency, but on the other hand thought that there would be danger of excessive expansion, which would be accompanied by lavish and cor- rupt expenditure. The associations he proposed were to be volun- tary, but as a bounty he would impose a tax on the issues of the State banks. Their establish- ment would give every person holding a dollar of their circulation an interest in the preservation of the government, upon whoso credit the notes were issued, and thus out of the public debt, though never of itself a i^ood, this benefit might be ex- tracted. At the close of the previous Congress this measure was, as we have seen, almost friendless. Representative Hooper, of Boston, almost alone favored it in the House. The State banks were almost unanimously opposed to it. Rankling memories of the old United States Bank were everywhere revived, and the proposed repression of the Stale issues and the substitution of notes issued by associations organized under authority 118 MONEY EST POLITICS. ot'lhe general government were measures especially obnoxious to Democratic congressmen. But mean- while the measure had evidently gained in popu- larity, and a bill embodying the scheme recom- mended by the Secretary was promptly introduced in the Senate and exhaustively debated. Mr. Col- lamer summed up the chief objections against it. They were : — That it proposed to tax State banks out of existence. That it substituted for the State banks then doing business at least three thousand, and perhaps six thousand institutions, entirely inde- pendent of the power of visitation by the States. That the capital employed would not be subject to State taxation. That it made the government responsible for the ultimate redemption of the circulation to be issued. That it put great political power into the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury. That it hired the banking associations, at a yearly expense of $12,000,000 in gold, to cir- culate $300,000,000 of currenc}" among the people, who were at last responsible for its redemption. In short, that the people of the country would derive no benefit from the operations of the bill, and that after all the profits derived to the banks would be very small. To this Mr. Sherman replied that if $100,000,- 000 of the circulation of the State banks were withdrawn, the government would reap an advan- NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. 119 tage, at any rate, of a market for $100,000,000 of its stocks, and that the creation of the demand for $100,000,000 would excite a farther demand for $500,000,000. That the power of the Secretary ■would be weakened rather than strengthened by the operation of the proposed system, inasmuch as the powers conferred by the bill were more likely to make enemies than friends for the Secretary who exercised them. The bill passed both houses. In the Senate the vote stood 23 for, and 21 against it; in the House 78 for, and 64 against it. One Democratic senator — Nesmith of Oregon — voted for the bill, and seven Republican senators voted against it. In the House two Democrats voted for it, and twenty- five Republicans against it. It became a law February 25, 18G3." The act provided for an additional bureau in the Treasury Department charged with the execution of the law, the chief officer of which was to be denominated "The Comptroller of the Currency." The principal features of the bill relating to the issue of notes were these : — Thirty per cent of the capital stock was to be paid in before the bunk could begin business. As a preliminary to the beginning of business an asso- ciation was required to transfer and deliver to the United States Treasurer interest-bearing bonds of the United States, in amount not less than one- 120 MONEY IX POLITICS. third of the capital stock paid in, whereupon it was entitled to receive from the Comptroller circu- lating notes of various denominations in blank, but registered and countersigned at the depart- ment, equal to ninety per cent of the current value of the bonds, but not exceeding their par value. The whole amount of circulation authorized was $300,000,000, of which one half was to be appor- tioned according to population, the other half according to the then existing banking capital, resources, and business of the States, Territories, . and District of Columbia. Cl^ To reimburse the expense of the government in / preparing the notes, a tax of two per cent per annum was imposed upon the amount of the circu- lation of the associations in lieu of all other taxes upon the notes and the security bonds. ^The notes were made receivable in payment of all dues to the United States except duties on im- ports, and payable in satisfaction of all demands against the United States, except interest on the public debt. Every association was required to have on hand at all times, in lawful money of the United States, a sum equal to twenty-live per cent of the aggre- gate of its outstanding circulation and deposits. No association was to pay out or put in circula- tion the notes of any bank or banking association, NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. 121 which should not bo receivable at the time at par, on deposit or in payment of debts due the asso- tion paving out or circulating them. Nor could it circulate the notes of any association which did not at that time redeem its notes in the lawful money of the United States. Provision was also made for the conversion of State banks into these associations. Secretary Chase, in his next annual report, Dec. 10, 1863, ascribed salutary effects to the operation of the act. Up to that time 134 banks had been organized, chiefly in the west, with an aggregate capital of $16,000,000. Some defects in the act had naturally been developed in the year's experi- ence of its practical working, to correct which he recommended several amendments. The debate upon the amendatory act developed all that could be urged against the system, to wit : — 1st. That it inflated the currency and raised prices. 2d. That it provided for an irredeemable cur- rency. 3d. That it relieved the capital of the associa- tions from State taxations. In answer to the first allegation, that prices of commodities had largely increased, no denial could be made, but it was alleged that the increase was no more due to the expansion of bank circulation 122 MONEY IN POLITICS. than to the issue of United States notes, and that the evils at best were but temporary and would disappear with success in the field. Nor could the second allegation be denied, but it was alleged that after the suspension of the banks in 1861 a coin circulation was not believed possible, and that the government had to choose between the two paper currencies offered, one by the State banks also irredeemable in coin, which currency could be expanded and depreciated with- out restriction, the profits accruing to the banks issuing it; or one furnished by the government under its own direction and control, secured by the pledged faith of the United States, the profits of which should be for the benefit of the whole people of the country. In reply to the third objection it was urged that, under the decisions of the Supreme Court, banks chartered by the United States could not be taxed by the State authorities, even without a special exemption therefrom by law, and the same was true as to the bonds and stocks of the government, and that for the benefit which might arise from the circulation the banks paid the government a gene- rous tax. The amendatory tax passed the Senate, only two Republicans voting against it, and none of the Democrats voting for it. In the House no Repub- lican voted against it, and no Democrat voted for NATIONAL BANK ISSUES. 123 it. The bill became a law June 3, 1864. The amendments affecting the circulation were mainly these : — 1st. There was to be no restriction as to the distribution of the circulation, the aa-orerrate amount, however, to remain at $300,000,000. 2d. The tax on circulation was reduced to one- half of one per centum semi-annually, and a tax was imposed upon the deposits, and upon the capi- tal stock in excess of the amount represented by bonds pledged to secure the circulating notes. 3d. Any association wishing to close its busi- ness could deliver to the Treasurer of the United States lawful money to the amount of its out- standing notes, and be entitled to receive there- for the return of the bonds pledged for their security. By subsequent legislation, changes have been made, so that the banks can, at the present time, receive of circulating notes but ninety per centum of the face value of the pledged bonds, and they are not otherwise restricted as to the limit or dis- tribution of their circulation. In lieu of any reserve for circulation, every bank is now required to keep in the Treasury of the United States five per centum of the amount of its circulation ; and the Treasurer is required to redeem therewith any notes of the hank presented for that purpose. If the bank issuing the redeemed 124 MONEY IN POLITICS. notes is still doing business, now notes are issued to it in lieu of those redeemed and destroyed, and the five per cent fund must be reimbursed to that extent. Every bank can also, at its discretion, decrease the amount of its circulation by depositing with the Treasurer of the United States legal-tender notes to the amount of the reduction contemplated. The Treasurer, upon receipt of the deposit, returns to the bank a corresponding amount of its security bonds, and redeems the notes of the bank to the extent of the deposit when they come into his possession. No limit is fixed to the time during which the notes of banks which have closed busi- ness must be presented for redemption, and, as a result, many notes will be worn out or otherwise destroyed, and will never be presented for redemp- tion. No provision as to the disposition of the fund provided for the redemption of such de- stroyed notes has been made. The fund deposited with the Treasurer for the redemption of notes of banks which have failed, gone into liquidation, or are reducing circula- tion, reaches at times nearly $50,000,000. This amount, whatever it may be, lies idle in the Treasury vaults. Of this system of circulation much good can be said. No holder of a national bank-note has ever lost a cent through the failure of the bank issuing NATIONAL, BANK ISSUES. 125 it ; nor has he been subjected to a vexatious dis- count in passing it. Everywhere throughout the country the note passes at par, and no scrutiny is required to ascertain the place of its issue. Coun- terfeit issues are almost unknown, — so rare, indeed, that no one takes any precaution to guard against them. There is no monopoly in the system. Ten : persons in any city having less than twenty-thou- I sand inhabitants can organize a bank by contribut- ing $5,000 each, one-half down, the remainder in easy instalments., and have whatever profits they can find in issuing circulating notes. It is true that at first the national-bank notes, being made redeemable in lawful money of the United States, did not circulate at par in coin, but that time is happily passed, and hereafter no bank should be permitted, under any circumstances, to refuse payment of its notes in specie at par. Opposition to the system has almost entirely disappeared throughout the land. From no source come any complaints of its operations, and in the United States Senate this winter no reply was elicited, no denial made, when one of its ablest members, a Democrat from Kentucky, remarked, "The national banks are out of politics. There is nobody making war upon them, nor arc they, as such, interfering in political affairs. "We need their circulation for a growing country, and therefore it will be a benefit for us all to maintain it." 126 MONEY IN POLITICS. The rapid payment of the public debt, however, if continued, will in a few years retire the bonds, by the deposit of which, under existing laws, the banks will obtain circulation, and the whole ques- tion of a paper circulation for the country will again be opened. CHAPTER XVI. CONTRACTION. At the close of the civil war the State banks had a circulation of $143,000,000, but a law im- posing a tax of ten per cent upon the amount of the notes of such banks paid out by any banking association took effect on the first day of July, 1865, and there could be but one result, — the issues of State banks must go. The national banks at that time had issued but $146,000,000 of the $300,000,000 authorized. The government had outstanding $433,000,000 of United States notes, $104,000,000 of compound-interest notes, $43,000,000 of the one and two year notes, and $25,000,000 of fractional notes. The total amount of paper currency outstanding was $983,000,000, having a coin value of $692,000,000, the coin value of the paper dollar being seventy-one cents. Fiscal Year 1866. Secretary McCulloch, in his annual report for 1865, expressed the opinion that the issue of legal tender notes, being a war measure, a temporary 127 128 MONEY IN POLITICS expedient adopted in a great emergency ; they ouo-ht not to remain in use longer than was neces- sary to enable the people to return to a gold standard, and that the work of retiring the notes which had been issued should be commenced with- out delay and carefully and persistently continued until all were retired. The House of Representa- tives on December 18, 1865, under a suspension of the rules, by a vote of one hundred and forty- four yeas to six nays, resolved : — " That this House cordially concurs in the views of the Secretary in relation to the necessity of a contraction of the currency, with a view to as early a resumption of specie payment as the busi- ness interests of the country will permit, and we hereby pledge co-operative action to this end as speedily as possible." To carry out this policy, Congress, by an act approved April 12, 1866, directed: "That of United States notes not more than $10,000,000 may be retired and cancelled within six months from the passage of this act, and thereafter not more than $4,000,000 in any one month." On the date of the approval of this act there were outstanding of United States notes $422,- 000,000. At the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1866, the circulation of State banks had de- creased $141,000,000, that of United States notes $33,000,000, the amount of compound-interest CONTRACTION. 129 notes $143,000,000, and that of the one and two year notes $40,000,000, while the circulation of the national-bank notes had increased but $135,- 000,000. It may be alleged that the interest-bearing notes had passed entirely out of circulation. In one sense this allegation is true, — they were no longer used in making exchanges ; but being a legal tender for their face value they furnished, and were used as, a lawful reserve for the national banks, taking the place of United States notes to the extent that they were thus used, and swelling the aggregate circulation by a corresponding amount. Upon maturity, large amounts of them came back to the Treasury from the banks, with the seals of their original packages unbroken. Notwithstanding the great reduction in the paper circulation, the coin value of one dollar in paper was live cents less at the end of the year than at the beginning, — a poor encouragement for any plan of resumption by contracting the currency. It should l)e remembered, however, that on June 30, 18G5, a year before, a large army had just been disbanded and paid off, calling into use a large amount of circulating notes throughout the country ; large sales of public stores and property were being made for cash, and these transactions caused a demand for circulation which did not exist in 1866. The total amount of paper circula- 130 MONEY EST POLITICS. tion Jane 30, 1866, was $892,000,000, a reduc- tion within the year of $9,500,000. The coin value of the circulation was, however, but $589,- 000,000, a reduction of $103,000,000 of coin valuation, the coin valuation of paper being sixty- six cents. Fiscal Year 1867. The Secretary continued his policy of retiring United States notes, as provided by law. The compound-interest notes were also being rapidly funded into five-twenty bonds, but the national banks meanwhile were increasing their issues. By the withdrawal of the interest-bearing notes the banks had to keep their reserve in non-productive money, and they made an earnest appeal to Con- gress for relief. This relief was partly granted. Congress, by an act approved March 2, 1867, authorized a temporary loan of $50,000,000 in the form of certificates, bearing three per cent interest per annum ; the proceeds to be used in the redemp- tion of the compound-interest notes ; the certifi- cates issued to be used as a lawful reserve for the banks. The}^ were thus used, and any reduction during that year in the amount of United States notes was more than offset by the issue of this loan. Notwithstanding the issue of the three per cent certificates, the aggregate amount outstanding of interest-bearing notes rapidly decreased, and CONTRACTION. 131 there was no means by which the aggregate circu- lation could be increased, the circulation of the banks having already reached the limit authorized by law. The amount of outstanding paper circu- lation June 30, 1867, was $827,000,000, having a coin value of $587,000,000, a decrease during the year in face value of $65,000,000, but a decrease in coin value of only $2,-000,000. The paper dollar now had a coin value of seventy-one cents, an increase duriug the year of five cents. Fiscal Year 1868. Upon the assembling of Congress in December, 1867, there was a threatened stringency in the money market. A considerable decline in the prices of commodities had already taken place, the country was on the road to resumption at last, but the wrecks of fortunes threatened to strew its pathway. Congress became alarmed and deter- mined to postpone the evils it could not avoid. On February 4, 1868, the authority to further retire United States notes was suspended, leaving outstanding $356,000,000. On June 30, 1868, there remained outstanding of compound-interest notes only $28,000,000, but the issues of three per cent certificates had increased to $50,000,000. Including the amount of these certificates, the total paper circulation at that date was $770,000,000, having a coin value of $540,000,000, a reduction 132 MONEY IN POLITICS. during the year of $57,000,000 in face value and of $47,000,000 in coin value. The paper dollar was now worth seventy cents in coin, one cent less than it was a year before, notwithstanding the large reduction in the aggregate amount of circu- lation. Fiscal Year 1869. On July 25, 18G8, Congress, in order to favor the banks and to avoid a possible stringency in the money market, authorized an additional issue of $25,000,000 of the three per cent certificates. A new question now arose and had to be met. In several of the acts authorizing the issue of United States bonds the character of the currency in which they were to be paid at maturity was left in doubt, and a determined effort was made by a large class of people, especially by those who had not been friendly to the purposes of the war, to secure the payment of these loans in the notes for which they were issued. Congress, however, by an act approved March 18, I860, set these ques- tions at rest by declaring that the faith of the United States was solemnly pledged to the pay- ment, in coin or its equivalent, of all the obliga- tions of the United States not bearing interest, known as United States notes, and all the interest- bearing obligation of the United States, except in cases where the law authorizing the issue of any CONTRACTION. 133 such obligations had expressly provided that the same might be paid in lawful money or other cur- rency than gold or silver. And it also pledged the faith of the United States to provide at the earliest practicable period for the redemption of United States notes in coin. This act had the effect of strengthening the public credit and of increasing the value of United States notes. In- cluding the amount of these three per cent certifi- cates, the afnrreuatc amount of outstanding circula- tion at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869, was $75(3,000,000, having a coin value of $552,000,000, a decrease of $14,000,000 in face value and an increase of $12,000,000 in coin value. The paper dollar was now worth in coin seventy-three cents, a gain during the year of three cents. Fiscal Year 1870. On June 30, 1870, the aggregate of paper cir- culation was $745,000,000, having a coin value of $(133,000,000, a decrease during the year of $11,000,000 in its face value, but an increase of $81,000,000 in its coin value. A dollar in paper was now worth eighty-five cents, a gain in value during the year of twelve cents. Fiscal Year 1871. On the 12th of July, 1870, an act was approved 134 MONEY IN POLITICS. authorizing an additional issue of $54,000,000 national bank circulation, an equivalent amount of three per cent certificates to be redeemed ; and on June 30, 1871, the banks had increased their circulation to $418,000,000. The aggregate cir- culation at this date was $748,000,000, with a coin value of $(565,000,000, a paper dollar being now worth eighty-nine cents, an increase within the year of four cents. Fiscal Year 1872. Another question now arose to agitate the coun- try. The acts of Congress of February 25 and June 11, 1862, and March 3, 1863, had together authorized the issue of $400,000,000 of United States notes in addition to $50,000,000 of such notes reserved for the purpose of securing prompt payment of temporary loan deposits, and the act of June 30, 1864, contained these words: "Nor shall the total amount of United States notes, issued or to be issued, ever exceed $400,000,000, and such additional sum, not exceeding $50,000,- 000, as may be temporarily required for the re- demption of temporary loans." The temporary loans referred to having been redeemed, the maximum amount of United States notes was evidently fixed by the last-named act at $400,000,000. The act of April 12, 1866, provided, as we have CONTRACTION. 135 seen, that a certain amount of United States notes might be retired and cancelled. The act of Feb. 4, 1868, provided that the authority to make any reduction of the currency by retiring and cancel- ling United States notes should thereafter be sus- pended. Between the dates of these two acts the amount outstanding of United States notes was reduced from $422,000,000 to $356,000,000, and as the notes withdrawn had been retired and can- celled, as provided by law, and reduced to ashes, as provided by Treasury regulations, they were generally supposed to have passed beyond the power of resurrection ; but some financial genius discovered that the maximum limit of $400,000,000 to which the notes could be issued remained un- touched, and that the Secretary of the Treasury had consequently a reserve of $44,000,000 of United States notes which he could issue and retina at his discretion. By virtue of this newly discovered discretionary power Secretary Bout- well, in October, 1871, to relieve a stringency in Wall Street, issued of this reserve $1,500,000. At the end of the year, June 30, 1872, the amount of paper circulation was $738,000,000, the banks having increased their issues about $20,000,000. The coin value of this circulation was now $646,000,000, a paper dollar being worth eighty-seveu cents and a half, a decrease in value during the year of one cent and a half, mainly 136 MONEY IN POLITICS. brought about by the alarm which arose from the action of the Secretary in reissuing the notes. Fiscal Year 1873. The previous year ended with seeming prosper- ity throughout the country. In all parts labor met with good demand and remunerative compen- sation, and manufacturing enterprises were espe- cially prosperous. The Secretary, at his discre- tion, had from time to time caused additional issues to be made from the alleged reserve, although his authority to do so was doubted by many. Even if the right to re-issue these notes existed, the necessity of exercising what at best was a doubt- ful and dangerous prerogative may be questioned. The receipts of the government were largely in excess of i he expenditures, and bonds were being purchased with the surplus at a considerable pre- mium. The public Treasury, at the same time, was strong, holding of cash more than $70,000,000 in excess of all matured demands outstanding. The Secretary, in his annual report to Congress, made no reference to this important subject. The increased amount of the notes, however, appeared in the monthly debt statement and other official publications, and neither Congress nor the coun- try was ignorant of their issue. Of this reserve there was issued in all $4,637,256, but the outcry against the policy was so strong that $3,481,541 CONTRACTION. 137 was retired. Secretary Richardson, who suc- ceeded Secretary Boutwell in March, 1873, imme- diately retired the remainder of the reserve issue, and at the close of the year, June 30, 1873, the amount outstanding was again reduced to $356,- 000,000. Meanwhile the banks had increased their issues to $347,000,000, and the amount of fractional currency which had been gradually in- creasing now reached more than $44,000,000. The entire circulation June 30, 1873, was $750,- 000,000, coin value $048,000,000, the value of the paper dollar being eighty-six and a half cents, a still further depreciation of one cent. Fiscal Year 1874. Another year of intense activity in business had passed, the credit circulation of the country had been considerably increased, while the public debt had largely diminished, and there seemed to be no reason why this prosperous condition of affairs should not continue indefinitely. But sud- denly in September, 1873, when the country was revelling in apparent prosperity, there came a crash. The country was roused from pleasant dreams to unpleasant realities. It was now seen that a million men in arms destroyed wealth instead of creating it ; that goods manufactured beyond need were a drug in the market ; that rail- roads built where there were neither passengers 138 MONEY IN POLITICS. nor freight to carry could not pay dividends ; that the values of commodities were not governed by the imagination of the owners ; that men who habitually spent more than they earned would eventually become paupers, and generally that paying for the music did not give the ecstatic delight produced by the whirl of the dance. The first indication of the approaching cyclone was the failure of a well-known banking house. The storm did not abate until all the industries of the country were wrecked or damaged. Failures in business were numerous on every hand, and the man in active business who could pay promptly the demands upon him was looked upon as a skin- flint who had been devoid of enterprise and public spirit. Doubt and suspicion succeeded to hope and confidence. Men no longer dared to trust each other, and each one grasped all the money he could lay his hands on and kept it in his personal possession. The banks no longer received their customary deposits and consequently could with difficulty meet their obligations. With collateral of undoubted worth they could induce holders of money to part with their treasure only at exorbi- tant rates, if at all. The savings banks, although generally solvent, having extended their loans to the utmost limit to enable them to pay large divi- dends, were especially embarrassed to meet the demands of depositors, and their officers were CONTRACTION. 139 forced into the streets to borrow money at ruin- ous rates in order to avoid the mortification of temporarily closing their doors. In the vaults of the Treasury lay $50,000,000 of gold coin which could lawfully have been paid out in exchange for public obligations without embarrassing the operations of the government ; but as specie could not be employed to pay private debts without a sacrifice at once of about twelve per cent, — the amount of its premium in paper, — it was not wanted. Nowhere else did there appear to be any accumulation of money, nor could the banks expand their issues, their maximum limit having already been reached. All eyes were therefore turned to the $44,000,000 note reserve lying in the Treasury, a portion of which had done duty in the previous year in an exigency far less pressing than this, and urgent demand arose for its issue. The Secretary yielded to this demand, and in exchange for public securities paid out $25,000,000 of it, thus affording a temporary relief to the embarrassed banks. For this action he was censured as well as praised. In his favor it can be said that for more than a year Congress had known that the Secretary claimed the right to issue and withdraw any portion of this reserve as circumstances might in his judgment require, and no steps had been taken to dispossess him of this extraordinary and dangerous power. Congress 140 MONEY IN POLITICS. had also by its inaction needlessly left the country with only a local currency with which to effect exchanges. Gold, the currency of the world, was still only a commodity and unavailable for circula- tion. From the conditions indicated, only evils could flow in such a crisis, and the Secretary endeavored to make the evils as bearable as pos- sible. Had the country been conducting its ex- changes on a specie basis, no such crisis could have arisen. The gold of the Treasury would have met immediate wants, and for any additional needed amount European gold would have poured into Wall Street as soon as electricity could have invited it and steam brought it to our shores. Only by having the whole world for a market can a stringency of money be avoided in a panic like that of 1873. Congress assembled in December following. The scarcity of money still continued to be se- verely felt throughout the country. The Secre- tary had from his reserve given relief to the banks, and men then asked "If banks can thus obtain relief, why not make the reserve large enough so that from it the government can relieve everybody and make money plentiful again?" The inquiry was pertinent and suggestive. The Senate crys- tallized the idea into a bill of two sections. The first section fixed the maximum limit of United States notes at $400,000,000 ; the second author- ized $46,000,000 additional bank issues, and re- CONTRACTION. 141 quired each bank to retain as a part of its lawful reserve one-fourth part of the coin received by it as interest on the United States bonds deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to secure its circulation and deposits. The bill, however, prohibited an}' bank from keeping more than one- fourth part of its reserve in the banks of the reserve cities where the entire amount had usually been kept at a low rate of interest. Whether inflation or contraction would result from this measure nobody could tell. The friends of re- sumption opposed it, but were unable to defeat its passage. The President vetoed it, however, as an inflation measure, giving such cogent reasons for his action that even the promoters of the scheme had no reply to make. The influence of the action of the President had a gratifying effect throughout the country and called a halt to all inflation purposes. On June 20, 1874, an act was approved fixing the issue of United States notes at $382,000,000, the amount then outstanding. The act also re- quired every national bank to keep with the Trea- surer of the United States five per cent of its circulation with which to redeem its notes, and required no other reserve for that purpose. The act also authorized any bank to reduce its circula- tion by depositing with the Treasurer for the redemption of its notes an amount of United States notes equal to the reduction proposed. 142 MONEY IX POLITICS. On June 30, 1874, the fiscal year ended with $781,000,000 of circulation outstanding, $46,000,- 000 being fractional notes; coin value $711,000,- 000 ; coin value of the paper dollar, ninety-one rents, a net gain during the year of four and a half cents, notwithstanding the increase in circu- lation of $31,000,000. Fiscal Year 1875. The distress following the panic of 1873 was not easily or quickly relieved, and Congress as- sembled in December, 1874, with the country looking to it for corrective legislation. The firm- ness of the President, as evinced in his veto mea- sure of the preceding session, precluded any hope of further inflation of the currency and strength- ened the hands of those who favored a return to specie payments. Early in the session a measure was reported to the Senate, commanding the sup- port of the Republican side, and it was pressed through both houses as a purely partisan measure, no Democrat voting for it. It became a law Jan. 14, 1875, but its immediate effects were not encouraging. By the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1875, the banks had increased their issues to $354,000,000 and the amount of United States notes was reduced to $375,000,000 ; total circula- tion $773,000,000, coin value $674,000,000, value of the paper dollar eighty-seven cents, a loss of four cents, notwithstanding the resumption act. contraction. 143 Fiscal Year 1876. No further legislation affecting the issue of a credit circulation was adopted during this year. The banks, somewhat to the surprise of those who feared they might largely expand their issues, re- ported a decrease in the aggregate amount. New banks, however, had received issues which, under the provisions of the resumption act, required a corresponding reduction in the amount of United States notes. Contraction, therefore, resulted in both forms of credit circulation. On June 30, 1876, the total circulation was $738,000,000, coin value $656,000,000, value of the paper dollar in coin eighty-nine cents, a gain of two cents, owing largely without doubt to a decreased circulation of $35,000,000. Fiscal Year 1877. During this year a large amount of fractional notes was redeemed by the issue in their place of fractional silver. The banks also continued to withdraw their circulation, and the volume of United States notes was considerably diminished. The circulation being now relieved of many re- straints began to adjust itself to the needs of business, and good effects were felt. The total circulation, June 30, 1877, was $698,000,000, coin value $662,000,000, value of paper dollar ninety- five cents, a gain of six cents. 144 money ix politics. Fiscal Year 1878. By the end of this year nearly all the fractional notes not destroyed had been redeemed in silver, only $16, 000,000 remaining, of which only about $1,000,000 has since been redeemed. Congress contented itself with passing an act which was approved May 31, 1878, prohibiting the retire- ment of any more United States notes, and provid- ing that when any such notes should thereafter be redeemed they should not be cancelled, but should be paid out again and kept in circulation. As no limit had ever been placed on the amount or kind of fund which the Secretary could keep on hand the last provision was of no possible consequence, but it pleased the opponents of resumption and at the same time did no harm. At the close of this year, June 30, 1878, the total amount of circula- tion was $688,000,000, coin value $684,000,000, value of a dollar in coin ninety-nine and a half cents. Resumption took place six months later, as provided by law. To those who believe that the aggregate ex- change value of a circulating medium can be increased or diminished by the will of Congress or any human agency is commended the fact that after sixteen years of legislative effort, by which the face value of the circulation was reduced more than $300,000,000, the coin value was reduced less than $6,000,000. The great law of demand CONTRACTION. 145 and supply fixed the amount needed and mocked the futile efforts of those who tried to overrule it. The following statement shows in tabular form the changes which took place in the amount and valuation of the paper circulation for the years named : — Statement showing the amount in millions of outstanding paper circulation and its value in coin, together with the value in coin of one dollar in paper, at the close of each fiscal year, from 18G5 to 1879 inclusive. Year ending June 30. Amount of circulation. Millions. Coin value of circulation. Millions. Coin value of One Dollar of paper. 1865 983 697 .71 1866 892 589 .66 1867 827 587 .71 1868 770 540 .70 1869 756 552 .73 1870 745 633 .85 1871 748 665 .89 1872 738 646 .87* 1873 750 648 .86* 1874 781 711 .91 1875 773 674 .87 1876 738 656 .89 1877 698 662 .95 1878 688 684 .99* 1879 Jan. 1 686 686 1.00 CHAPTER XVn. RESUMPTION. The panic of September, 1873, called attention to the defects of our monetary system. United States notes were hoarded with such avidity that they rose in value to about ninety-three cents in gold or about the value of fractional silver coins — these coins being intentionally debased about seven per cent below their face value to keep them in circulation. President Grant noted this favor- able change, and in a letter to Mr. Cowdrey, of October 6, 1873, expressed surprise that silver was not already coining into the market to supply the deficiency in the circulating medium. On the 27th of that month Secretary Richardson issued a circular letter to the several sub-treasury officers, directing them to pay out silver coin to public creditors, should they desire it, in sums not to exceed five dollars in any one payment. At that time the government held of such coin but a few thousand dollars, and the step taken by the Secre- tary, although well intended, brought nothing but ridicule upon the administration. The instruction? 146 RESUMPTION. 147 looking to the paying out of silver coin in this manner were quietly revoked by verbal orders and by private letters. Upon the assembling of Congress Senator Sher- man promptly introduced a measure looking to the resumption of specie payments in gold on January 1, 1876, but it was amended into the inflation measure which was vetoed by the President, to which reference has been made in another chapter ; and no further legislation with a view to resump- tion was attempted during that session. But the action of the President fixed the policy of the Re- publican party. No steps backward could now be taken. In the next session (December, 1874,) efforts to secure harmonious party action in the future were diligently made. A congressional caucus took upon itself the duties of the finance committee of the Senate and perfected a bill which pleased nobody, but which was the best that could be framed with any prospect of securing its enact- ment into a law. Mr. Sherman reported the bill to the Senate and, alone, urged its passage. The party whip had done its work and the bill imme- diately passed, no Republican voting against it except Mr. Schurz. This senator insisted that positive provision should be made in the bill for the retirement of the notes after redemption, a provision which had been necessarily omitted to secure for the support of the bill Mr. Morton and 148 MONEY IN POLITICS. others who had . little faith in any scheme for resumption at so early a period. In the House the bill passed without debate, and the President added his approval January 14, 1875. The act provided (1st) for the redemption of the fractional notes in subsidiary silver coin ; (2d) for an unlimited issue of national bank notes with a provision for the retirement of legal tender notes to the extent of eighty per cent of such issue of bank notes until the amount of United States notes outstanding should be reduced to $300,000,000; and (3d) for the redemption in coin of the legal tender notes, on presentation in sums of fifty dollars and upwards at the Sub-Treasury in New York, on and after January 1, 1879. To carry out the provisions of this act, ample authority was given the Secretary of the Treasury to use all sur- plus revenues of the government, and also to issue such an amount of bonds bearing five, four and a half, or four per cent interest, as he might deem proper. The immediate effect of the passage of the bill was a decrease in the volume of United States notes, as also of national bank notes. The fractional notes were at that time about at par with fractional silver coin. Silver bullion was therefore purchased, and the mints began the manufacture of fractional coins with which to re- deem the fractional notes as provided by law. The Secretary, however, had some doubts as to hi? RESUMPTION. 149 authority to pay out the coin in the redemption of the notes, and an act was approved April 17, 1876> directing the exchange to be made and the notes to be permanently retired. For a time the notes were presented in amounts beyond the capacity of the mints to supply the coins for their redemption, notwithstanding the fact that they were operated over hours and to their maximum capacity. The amount of fractional notes outstanding was about $42,000,000, but long before that amount was redeemed their presentation for redemption practically ceased. A great demand for the coins continuing, however, Congress authorized the issue of an additional $10,000,000 in exchange for United States notes, these notes to bo held as a special deposit with which to redeem the fractional notes when they should be presented for redemp- tion. Straggling fractional notes subsequently reached the Treasury, to some extent, but Con- gress, convinced that a large amount of them would never be presented for redemption, author- ized the United States notes held to be paid out for otherjpu rposes. Ab out- -$!£,< >< >( U h h ) of t'nie- "Honal notes still remain outstanding, to that ex- tent constituting a clear gain to the government. To reimburse the Treasury in part for the money paid out in the purchase of silver bullion, and to make £ood the deficit occasioned by the retirement 150 MONEY IN POLITICS. of United States notes, Secretary Bristow sold of United States five per cent bonds $17,594,150. The balance needed for these purposes was made up from the surplus revenues. Neither Mr. Bris- tow nor his successor, Mr. Morrill, took any steps toward accumulating a fund with which to redeem United States notes on Jan. 1, 1879, as provided in the Resumption Act. In March, 1877, Mr. Sherman succeeded Mr. Morrill as Secretary of the Treasury. Of the action taken by this officer the writer has heretofore published the follow- ing:— "On April 6, 1877, Secretary Sherman addressed a letter to a prominent banking firm, in which he announced his purpose to sell bonds to secure coin with which to meet the redemptions required, pro- vided the surplus revenues proved insufficient to enable him to redeem the notes as required by law. lie also announced that whenever the. sales of four and a half per cent bonds (funded loan of 1891) then being made for refunding purposes reached $200,000,000, he proposed to withdraw from the market the remaining $100,000,000 authorized to be issued for refunding purposes, and to issue thereafter only four per cents (funded loan of 1907). Before the 1st of July ensuing the limit of $200,000,000 was reached, and of the amount sold $15,000,000 were applied to resumption pur- poses. On the 9th of June a contract was made RESUMPTION. 151 by the Secretary for the sale of said four per cent bonds, under which also $25,000,000 were reserved for resumption purposes. " This amount of $40,000,000 was received in gold coin before October, 1877. In that month Congress convened in special session. Among its first measures was the introduction on one day of thirteen bills for the repeal of the Resumption Act. One of these bills passed the House on the 23d of the following month. This extraordinary change of sentiment had been brought about by various causes. The depression in business, which had existed since 1873, was attributed by many to the effects of the Resumption Act. " During the winter of 1877-78 no further action was taken by the executive officers of the govern- ment concerning resumption. On April 1, 1878, in an interview with the House Committee on Banking and Currency, Secretary Sherman an- nounced his purpose to increase the coin reserve by the sale of bonds to the amount of $50,000,- 000. With this additional amount the total coin reserve in the Treasury applicable to resumption would be about forty per cent of the amount of legal tender notes outstanding ; and with this reserve the Secretary thought it would be practi- cable and prudent to commence the redemption of the notes on the appointed day as required by law. 152 MONEY IN POLITICS. Four days later negotiations were begun in New York between the Treasury Department and the banks for the sale of four and a half per cent bonds (funded loan of 1891) for this purpose; and after a little delay a sale was effected to the amount of $50,000,000 at a premium of one and a half per cent. The ability of the contracting parties to place the coin in the Treasury as proposed could not be doubted, and from that date there was but little fear of the success of resumption. Further efforts to repeal the law were abandoned, and the business of the country began to adjust itself to the basis of the approaching resumption of specie payments. The payments for the $50,000,000 of bonds were promptly met, and in addition thereto the Treasury reserved of the proceeds of sales of four per cent bonds (funded loan of 1907), then being made, an additional amount of $5,500,000 in gold coin necessary for the- extraordinary pay- ment of that amount on account of the so-called "Halifax award." " In addition to providing the necessary coin re- serve, every step was taken by the Treasury which the law would permit to maintain the reserve in- tact. On the 1st of January, 1879, about $25,- 000,000 of interest on the public debt, payable in coin, was to fall due ; and, as the law required the redemption-reserve fund to be kept in New York, Secretary Sherman determined that the payment RESUMPTION. 153 of coin on account of interest should thereafter he made only in that city, but gave permission to other Sub-Treasury officers to pay interest to all persons who might be willing to accept legal tender notes. Arrangements were also made with the several assay offices by which gold could be pur- chased for legal tender notes, whereby the Treasury was replenished to that extent for the probable coin payments in redemption of notes. Steps were also taken by which the government, to a certain extent and for certain purposes, became a member of the Clearing-House Association of New York. Under this arrangement, in consideration of the jjovernment's receiving and collecting its checks through the Clearing-House, that body agreed to receive all balances due it upon such checks at the counter of the Sub-Treasury in that city, and to accept legal tender notes in payment of govern- ment checks and drafts of all descriptions. As all interest-checks, as well as checks issued in pay- ment of called bonds, were, by law, payable in coin, this agreement on the part of the Clearing- House, through which institution nearly all of the checks passed, relieved the Treasury almost en- tirely from the necessity of making actual coin payments after resumption took place. This necessity being removed, there was no longer any reason for requiring duties on imports to be paid in coin as provided by law ; and the Secretary of 154 MONEY IN POLITICS. the Treasury, in his annual report of December 2, 1878, announced to Congress his purpose to receive notes in payment of such duties. Congress adjourned for the holidays without expressing any opinion as to the legality or advisability of the ac- tion proposed, whereupon instructions were given to the government officers to receive such notes in payment of duties, the notes to be redeemed in coin at New York on government account whenever it became necessary. Instructions were also given to the Treasurer and other officers of the Depart- ment to close up in their accounts all distinctions between coin and currency, and after January 1, 1879, to recognize, in the accounts as well as in the money, that the government had resumed spe- cie payments, and that the several kinds of money in circulation were of equal value. " The preparations were so complete that on Jan. 1, 1879, the date when resumption took effect, the Treasurer held, of gold coin and bullion, $135,382,- 639.42 ; of standard silver dollars coined under the act of February 28, 1878, $16,704,829 ; and of fractional silver coin, including silver bullion, $15,471,265.27. The amount of coin held by the Treasury as available for resumption purposes on that day, after deducting all matured coin liabili- ties, was about $135,000,000, or about forty per cent of the amount of notes to be redeemed. The thoroughness of preparation for resumption had RESUMPTION. 155 quieted all apprehensions as to the success of the policy, and on the first day of resumption only straffsrlins: demands for coin were made, the amount aggregating less than the amount of notes pre- ferred by the holders of coin obligations. And during the entire year there were redeemed of the legal tender notes only the amount of $11,456,536 ; while for the same period there were paid out of such notes on account of coin obligations more than $250,000,000. There were also received of such notes in payment of customs dues in the year ending Dec. 31, 1879, $109,467,456. "Thus, after much labor and sacrifice, the country was lifted out of the financial bog of de- preciated paper currency, and with the resumption thus happily secured came a revival of business, an extraordinary demand for labor of all kinds, and a confirmation of that confidence which was so necessary for all business enterprises, and which had grown step by step with every movement made toward a specie basis." No material draft has yet been made upon the resumption fund thus accumulated, nor has the precise amount of that fund yet been fixed by positive law. The whole amount is carried as a part of the ordinary Treasury balance, subject to the warrant of the Secretary at any time and perhaps for any purpose. The Secretary, in his annual report for 1879, called the attention of 156 MONEY IN POLITICS. Congress to the matter, and recommended that to avoid all uncertainty this fund be specifically de- fined and set apart for the redemption of United States notes, and that the notes redeemed be re- issued only in exchange for or purchase of coin or bullion. Congress, by an act approved July 12, 1882, provided that the issue of gold certificates should be suspended whenever the amount of gold re- served in the Treasury for the redemption of "United States notes should fall below $100,000,- 000, thus indirectly recognizing that amount as constituting the reserve fund. The Secretary, however, has not been prohibited from paying out the fund, and the whole subject is left in that vexatious state of uncertainty which seems to result from every effort of Congress to provide a circulating medium. CHAPTER XVm. THE SUPREME COURT. The act of Congress authorizing the issue of legal tender notes was a partisan measure, no Democrat voting for it. The act providing for the redemption of the notes in coin was framed in a Republican caucus, and curried through both Houses by force of party discipline. The courts of fifteen of the States have affirmed, from time to time, the constitutional power of Congress to issue such notes, the judges dividing in their opinion on the subject according to their political affinities; and the court of only one State has denied to Con- gress this power, — the Court of Appeals of the State of Kentucky. In this court the opinion was unanimous, but the judges were not of opposing politics. In the Supreme Court of the United States the justices have divided upon the subject whenever it has been brought before them, accord- ing to party prejudice. The action of this court on the legal tender question constitutes one of the most remarkable chapters in the history of that tribunal. The first decision pertaining thereto 157 158 MONEY IN POLITICS. arose in the now celebrated case of Hepburn v. Griswold. The facts in this case are briefly as follows : — A certain Mrs. Hepburn of Kentucky, on the 20th of June, 1860, made a promissory note to one Henry Griswold, by the terms of which she was to pay to the order of said Griswold $11,250, on the 20th of February, 1862. At the time of the making and maturity of the note there was not in the United States any legal tender money except gold and silver coin. The note, however, was not paid at maturity, and interest therefore accumu- lated upon it. On the 25th day of February, 1862, Congress passed the act authorizing the issue of United States notes, and making them a legal tender in the payment of private debts. In March, 1864, the Hepburn note not having been paid, suit was brought upon it, and the maker tendered in payment $12,770 in United States notes, that being the undisputed amount of note and interest. This tender was refused on the ground that it changed the terms of the contract, coin being the only legal tender money when the note was made. The Chancellor of the Court, however, declared the tender good, and adjudicated the claim to be set- tled accordingly. The payee, however, was not satisfied and appealed the matter to the Court of Errors, where the Chancellor's judgment was re- versed. The maker of the note was now dissatis- THE SUPREME COURT. 159 fied, and she carried the case to the Supreme Court of the United States. In that court the case was first argued during the December term, 1867, and it was elaborately reargued in the December term, 18G8, especially with reference to the constitutional power of Congress to authorize the issue of such legal tender notes. The case was withheld for decision until the December term, 1869, when, by a majority of the court, the act was declared to be unconstitutional, so far as it made the notes a legal tender for debts existing prior to the date of the authorizing act of Feb. 25, 1862. "When this decision was made the court consisted of eight justices, there being one vacancy. The five jus- tices concurring in the opinion were Chief Justice Chase, and Associate Justices Nelson, Clifford, Field, and Greer. Justice Miller read the dissent- ing opinion, in which Justices Swayne and Davis concurred. The court divided in accordance with the political sympathies of the justices composing it. It may be alleged that the Chief Justice was known as a prominent member of the Republican party, but it will be remembered that for some time his sympathies with that party had somewhat abated, and while the ease in question was pending before the court, he had been a prominent candi- date for presidential honors at the hands of the Democratic party. The judgment of the court was generally ap- K30 MONEY IN POLITICS. proved, but there was a considerable feeling that in some way the " greenbacks " had helped the country through the war, and that a like necessity for help might again arise, and for the country to deprive itself of any power likely to be needed in such an emergency would be political suicide. Hence arose a demand that the opinion of the court should be reversed. The case decided could not, however, under a rule of the court, be reargued, except upon the request of one of the judges who had joined in affirming the decision, and none of them asked to have the case reopened. Mr. Justice Greer, however, resigned, — his resig- nation to take effect Feb. 1, 1870 ; and Mr. Strong took his place as justice on the 14th of March fol- lowing. Mr. Bradley took his seat as an additional justice ten days later. It has been alleged, and never denied, that one or both of these gentlemen had formerly been employed as counsel for the Camden and Amboy Railroad, and, as such counsel, had given opinions affirming the legal tender act to be constitutional ; and also that both held consider- able stock of that corporation. It was known, too, that, subsequent to the decision in the Hepburn case, the company, in paying interest on its obliga- tions contracted previous to 18^2, had, in accord- ance with the opinion of their counsel, made a reservation looking to the reversal of judgment in that case, by which reversal the indebtedness of THE SUPREME COURT. 161 the road could bo paid in United States notes in- stead of coin. 1 The opinions of these two gentlemen on the power to issue legal tender notes were therefore well known, and the proceedings of the court im- mediately following their entering upon official duty has given color to the oft- repeated assertions that the court was organized to secure a reversal of the legal tender decision. The next day after Justice Bradley took his seat, Friday, the 26th of March, the Attorney General moved the court that certain cases appealed from the Court of Claims should he set down for argument, and suggested that the leinil tender decision might be reconsidered in these cases. The next day the motion was con- sidered, and, contrary to the wishes of the justices who had joined in the opinion in the Hepburn case, an order was directed that the cases in question should be heard on the 4th day of April following, berns: the second Monday next ensuing. This O */ CD order was in disregard of the usual practice of the court, the time for argument in such cases being usually fixed by counsel subject to the approval of the court. Before the order was announced, how- ever, Mr. Carlisle, the attorney for the appellants, protested against a re-argument of the legal-tender question in these cases, the rights of his clients, he asserted, having been already determined. The Schuckers' Life of Chase. 1G2 MONEY IN POLITICS. court, therefore, on Monday morning deferred the announcement of the order for the re-argument of the cases until the protest of Mr. Carlisle could be considered, and the time for considering the pro- test was fixed for the next day (Tuesday) after adjournment of the court, and this happened accordingly. After hearing Mr. Carlisle the court immediately ordered that the matters involved in the motion of the Attorney General should be argued on the Thursday following; that the subject should be considered in conference immediately after the ad- journment of the court for that day ; and that the result should be announced on the opening of the court the following morning. This order was made against the remonstrances of the justices who had agreed in the judgment of the Hepburn case, and it is alleged that so far as the history of the court is known the order was unprecedented. The regular motion day of the court was Friday, the regular conference day Saturday, and in no re- corded case had there been any anticipation of the regular order of business for those days in order to reach a special case. The order was, however, carried into effect, an argument in progress being suspended that the cases might be heard. That in itself constituted another unprecedented movement. The conference was held after adjournment, and a new order was THE SUPREME COURT. 163 passed, regardless of the convenience of counsel, directing that the cases be heard in all matters in- volved in the records on the 11th of the following month, but the time was subsequently extended to the 18th. These cases had previously been continued under the order of the court, distinctly stated by the Chief Justice, and acquiesced in by the counsel, by the appellants, and by the government, that the legal tender question should not be reopened, but that both sides should abide by the decision in the Hepburn case. The Chief Justice called the at- tention of the justices to these facts, but without effect. The appellants in these cases, however, knowing w r ell enough what would be the decision of the court, decided to withdraw the cases, and so, when the time for argument arrived, their counsel moved that the cases be dismissed. To this motion the Attorney General and Justices Miller and Brad- ley objected, but, after consultation, the court granted the motion, Justice Bradley objecting. The opportunity to reverse the decision in the Hepburn case was lost at present, but the country knew that the reversal would come in due time, and the fact of such reversal was discounted. The appointment of these two justices, whose opinion on the legal tender question was well known in advance, the fact of their connection with a great railroad corporation, and their well-known owner- 164 MONEY IN POLITICS ship of its stock, the haste of the court in at- tempting to secure a reversal of the legal tender decision together, created a painful impression that other interests than those of the government were bein^ served. The court had not long to wait for an oppor- tunity to reverse the opinion, as had been fore- shadowed in the December term, 1870. Several cases came up similar in character, the controlling questions of which were : — 1st. Are the acts of Congress known as the legal tender acts constitutional when applied to contracts made before their passage ? 2d. Are they valid as applicable to debts con- tracted since their enactment? The cases were considered in the full bench, and by a vote of five to four the court held such acts of Congress constitutional as applied to contracts made either before or after the passage of the acts, thus overruling the previous decision in the matter. The opinion was rendered by Mr. Justice Strong, and concurred in by Justices Bradley, Miller, Davis, and Swayne ; Chief Justice Chase delivered a dissenting opinion, as did also Justices Nelson, Clifford, and Field, the court being again divided in accordance with the opposing politics of the justices composing it. In delivering the opinion of the court, Justice Strong recounted the exigencies of the government THE SUPREME COURT. 165 which brought the notes into existence, and main- tained that Congress, in such an emergency, being called upon to devise means for maintaining the army and navy, — in fact to preserve the govern- ment created by the Constitution, — not only had the power to issue the notes, but that the condition of affairs justified such an issue. lie also plainly inti- mated that Congress, under its constitutional power to coin money and to regulate the value thereof, could at any time declare Treasury notes a legal tender, if such declaration should be adapted to cariying into execution the admitted powers of the government. The power of Congress to issue Treasury notes at any time and in any amount, and to make them a legal tender in payment of private debts, has since been distinctly affirmed by the court. The act of May 31, 1878, prohibited the further retirement of United States notes, and provided that when any of the notes might be redeemed or paid into the Treasury, they should not be retired or cancelled, but should be reissued and paid out again and kept in circulation. The effect of this act, so far as it applied to the reissue of notes that had been redeemed, was to authorize the issue of new legal tender notes in time of peace, and when no necessity of the government required such an emission. A case testing the power of Congress to thus authorize the issue of such notes was car- 166 MONEY IN POLITICS. ried to the Supreme Court on a writ of error, and a decision therein was rendered by the court in March, 1884. A synopsis of the decision pre- pared by the court is as follows : — "The question presented by this case, as it is stated by the court, is ' whether notes of the United States, issued in time of Avar, under acts of Con- gress declaring them to be a legal tender in pay- ment of private debts, and afterward, in time of peace, redeemed and paid in gold coin at the Treasury, and then reissued under the act of 1878, can, under the Constitution of the United States, be a legal tender in payment of such debts.' . . . "The court holds, therefore, that Congress has the power to issue the obligations of the United States in such form, and to impress upon them such qualities as currency for the purchase of mer- chandise and the payment of debts as accord with the usage of sovereign governments. The power, as incident to the power of borrowing money and issuing bills and notes of the government for money borrowed, of impressing upon those bills or notes the quality of being a legal tender for the payment of private debts, was a power universally understood to belong to sovereignty in Europe and America at the time of the framing and adop- tion of the Constitution of the United States. "This power of making the notes of the United Sates a legal tender in payment of private debts, THE SUPREME COURT. 1G7 being included in the power to borrow money and to provide a national currency, is not defeated nor restricted by the fact that its exercise may affect the value of private contracts. If, upon a just and fair interpretation of the whole Constitution, a particular power or authority appears to be vested in Congress, it is no constitutional objection to its existence or to its exercise, that the property or the contracts of individuals may be incidentally affected. " Congress," the court says, in conclusion, " as the legislature of a sovereign nation, beinsr ex- pressly empowered by the Constitution ' to lay and collect taxes to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States,' and 'to borrow money on the credit of the United States,' and ' to coin money and regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin," and being clearly authorized, as incidental to the exercise of those great powers, to emit bills of credit, to charter national banks, and to provide a national currency for the whole people, in the form of coin, Treasury notes, and national bank bills, and the power to make the notes of the government a legral tender in payment of private debts being one of the powers belonging to sovereignty in other civilized nations, and not expressly withheld from Congress by the Constitution, we are irresistibly impelled to the conclusion that the impressing upon the Tress- 168 MONEY IN POLITICS. ury notes of the United States the quality of being a legal tender in the payment of private debts is an appropriate means, conducive and plainly adapted to the execution of the undoubted powers of Congress, consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and therefore, within the mean- ing of that instrument, ' necessary and proper for carrying into execution the powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States.' "Such being our conclusion in the matter of law, the question whether at any particular time, in war or in peace, the exigency is such, by reason of un- usual and pressing demands on the resources of the government, or of the inadequacy of the sup- ply of gold and silver coin to furnish the currency needed for the uses of the government and of the people, that it is, as a matter of fact, wise and ex- pedient to resort to this means, is a political ques- tion, to be determined by Congress when the question of exigency arises, and not a judicial question to be afterward passed upon by the courts. "It follows that the act of May 31, 1878, is constitutional and valid, and that the circuit court rightly held that the tender in Treasury notes re- issued and kept in circulation under that act was a tender of lawful money in payment of the defen- dant's debt to the plaintiff. THE SUPREME COURT. 1G9 "The judgment of the Circuit Court is affirmed." Opinion by Justice Gray. Justice Field dissenting. In this decision a political line is again drawn among the justices, but prominent men of both parties are already alarmed at the dangerous doc- trine enunciated by the court. Article 10 of the amendments to the Constitu- tion is as follows : — " The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The court holds that in the issue of notes Con- gress has such power as accords " with the usage of sovereign governments," and that the power " of impressing upon these bills or notes the quality of being a legal tender in the payment of private debts was a power universally understood to be- long to sovereignty in Europe and America at the time of the framing and adoption of the Constitu- tion of the United States." No such omnipotent power was ever claimed for Congress by the most ultra federalist in the early days of the Republic, as that conceded to it by this court, and measures looking to a reversal of the decision of the court by an amendment to the Constitution expressly prohibiting to Congress such powers have already been introduced into thai body. Such an amendment will, in time, 170 MONEY IN POLITICS. doubtless become a part of the organic law of the land. Meanwhile the sacredness of contracts, the stability of wealth, the success of business enter- prises, and the prosperity of the whole country, must depend upon the integrity of that body, whose actions have too often been the result of successful log-rolling, or been dictated by a poli- tical caucus. Thirty years ago this same court decided that the nesrro had no rights which the white man was bound to respect, and only four years of bloody war reversed the decision. The pending amend- ment to the Constitution, reversing the legal tender decision of the same court, should be vigor- ously pressed to adoption in season to prevent, not another war, but national disgrace and bankruptcy. CHAPTER XIX. GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. The coinage act of April 2, 1792, which em- bodied the recommendations of Mr. Hamilton, pro- vided for the manufacture of certain gold coins, as follows : Eagles, each to be of the value of ten units or dollars, and to contain 247A grains of pure gold, or 270 grains of standard, thus making these coins eleven-twelfths fine ; and half-eagles and quarter-eagles, of the same fineness and of proportional weight. The act also provided for the coinage of silver dollars or units, each to be of the value of the Spanish milled dollar, con- taining 371] grains of pure silver, or 41G grains of standard silver ; and of halves, quarters, and dimes or tenths, of the same fineness and propor- tionate weight. Coinage of both gold and silver coin was to be free to all persons bringing bullion to the mint for that purpose. All the coins were to be legal tender in all payments for their face value. 171 172 MONEY IN POLITICS. The legal relation in weight of pure gold to pure silver was thus fixed by this act at 1 to 15. This ratio happened to be nearly the commer- cial one for the year 1793 ; but it was too small for the next year, and too large for the two succeeding years. In 1797 the commercial ratio was 1 to 15.45 ; in 1799 it was 1 to 14.29 ; in 1809 it was 1 to 1G.25 ; and up to the present time, in one year only (1813), has it ever been less than 1 to 15. Gold was therefore, on the whole, un- dervalued, and consequently little of it came to be coined, and less went into circulation. Silver coins were still manufactured at the mints, but bank issues and foreign coins furnished most of the circulating medium of the country. The bank issues were, however, uncertain in value, and in some parts of the country a considerable demand arose for a coin circulation, whereupon the ques- tion of a circulating medium at once got into politics. The Democratic party, headed by Sen- ator Benton, of Missouri, demanded that the weight of gold coin should be so reduced as to equalize its commercial value to a corresponding amount of silver coin ; or, if there was to be any differ- ence, that gold should be so underrated as to en- sure its circulation. Mr. Benton asserted that, in adjusting at any time the relative value of gold and silver so as to retain both in circulation, there was a nicety, but no difficulty. Such adjustment, GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 173 he asserted, was the proper work for a committee of Congress. Several nations of antiquity had accomplished it, some modern nations also, among which were England and France ; and he intimated that in the latter country the adjustment was es- tablished by the genius of Napoleon. As England had adopted the single standard of gold in 1816, and as gold then circulated in France only at a premium in silver, his mention of the modern nations which had achieved the simultane- ous circulation of both metals was not so happy as to create any curiosity as to which were the nations of antiquity to which he referred. But relief from the alleged evils of Hamilton's coinage act was at hand. A measure was intro- duced into Congress before which, Mr. Benton said, the machinery of distress was to balk. The bill originated in the House, and provided for "equalizing the value of gold and silver," and " legalizing the foreign coins of both metals." The ratio between the two metals was fixed at 1 to 15f . Mr. Benton, in his " Thirty Years' View," states that this ratio at first commended itself to all who seemed best calculated, from their pursuits, to understand the subject; that the majority of speakers, and the eighteen banks of New York, with Mr. Gallatin at their head, favored it; that the difficulty of adjusting this ratio so that neithei metal could expel the other had been a stumbling- 174 MONEY IN POLITICS. block for a great many years ; and that now this difficulty seemed to be as formidable as ever ; that refined calculations were «;one into, scientific liirht was sought, history was rummaged back to the times of the Roman empire ; but that there seemed to be no way to get an accord of opinion, either from the lights of science, the voice of history, or the results of calculation. The author of the "View," however, then took up the question in a practical point of view, re- gardless of history, calculations, and opinions of bank officers ; and, looking to the actual and equal circulation of the two metals in different countries, he saw, or thought he saw, that this equality and actuality of circulation had existed for three hun- dred years in the Spanish dominions of Mexico and South America, where the ratio was 1 to 16. Taking his stand upon this single fact, as a prac- tical test which solved the question, he urged the adoption of this ratio, and all the friends of the gold question soon rallied to his support. One to 16 was at last found to be the true ratio between the two metals. Truly the finder de- served the sobriquet of " Old Bullion " given him by his admiring friends. The proposed measure became a law June 28, 1834. Under this act the eagle was to contain 232 grains of pure gold, or 258 grains of stand- ard gold, a reduction in weight of 15| grains of GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 175 pure cold. The half-eagle and quarter-eagle wore to be of equal fineness and proportionate weight.* Upon the passage of this act Mr. Benton and his friends were in high glee, but their joy was brief. The gold coins Mere so reduced in weight that it was now cheaper to pay debts in them than in silver coin. In consequence no more silver was coined for circulation, and the amount then in circulation, upwards of $50,000,000, at once dis- appeared, being sent abroad in payment of obliga- tions, or melted down for other uses at home. This sudden contraction of the currency created considerable distress, and the loss of the small silver pieces caused no little inconvenience. The panic of 1837 followed. Depreciated bank bills, "shin plasters," and a few worn Mexican pieces came into circulation to take the place of full- weight silver pieces, which had been superseded by the cheaper gold coins. The author of the "View" admits that he was now called a f 'Gold Humbug;" that the newspapers expended their wit "in stale depreciation of his efforts;" but while apparently unable to explain what had be- come of the silver which the experience of Mexico led him to suppose would circulate with gold, he- still vaunted the excellence of his scheme, boasted of a coining abundance of his favorite metal, and * In ls:J7 the amount of pure gold in these coins was slightly reduced to make the standard nine-tenths fine. 176 MONEY IN POLITICS. prophesied that at some day "gold would flow up the Mississippi and spread through the land." Gold did come, all that was wanted, but with it came no benefits sufficient to compensate for the disappearance of silver. By the reduction in the weight of the gold coins the gold dollar became the unit of account, changing the terms of all pre-existing contracts .payable in dollars to the extent of its depreciation below the value of the silver dollar. It remained the unit of value until, by the act of February 25, 18(32, the paper issues of the gov- ernment thereby authorized were declared a legal tender in payment of debt. Gold now became a commodity, and was quoted at a premium, as was silver when gold took its place. Duties on im- ports and interest on public debt were, however, still payable by law in coin, and enough gold coin to meet these payments remained in circula- tion. To avoid handling the actual coin, the fifth section of an act approved March 3, 1863, authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to re- ceive gold coin or bullion on deposit, and to issue therefor certificates in denominations of not less than $20, to be used in payment of coin interest, and to be receivable in payment of customs dues. The coin deposited was to be held for the redemption of the certificates. The issue of these certificates proved to be a great con- GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 177 venience to brokers, bankers, and bullion dealers, who in this way had use of the Treasury vaults in which to store specie free of risk and expense to themselves. Although the issue of United States notes drove most of the gold from circulation, foreign ex- changes continued to be made in terms of that metal ; hence commerce was compelled to recog- nize two kinds of money, although but one was in "reneral circulation. This condition of affairs brought into existence the Gold Board of New York, at which exchanges of gold and currency could be made, and the rates of exchange prevail- ing at this Board fixed throughout the country the relation between the two. As lomj as the govern- ment retained the luxury of two kinds of money, the existence of this Board was a convenience, if not a necessity, to persons engaged in foreign trade. Its operations may be thus illustrated : A Liverpool cotton merchant telegraphs to the New York commission house, "If you can buy ono thousand bales of middling cotton so as not to cost me more than ten pence or twenty cents gold per pound, laid down in Liverpool, you may do so." The commission merchant finds that the freight, insuranco, and other charges will amount to about two cents. He can therefore afford to give eighteen cents, gold, for the cotton itself. He goes into the cotton market and inquires the 178 MONEY IN POLITICS. price of cotton in gold. The dealer answers that cotton is sold for notes, not for gold ; that the planters in the South pay their laborers and buy their provisions and agricultural implements with notes ; and that they can tell what their cotton costs them in notes, but not what it is worth in gold. The price of cotton is 27 cents a pound in notes. His next inquiry is to ascertain the price of gold, so as to know how much in notes he can afford to pay for the cotton without exceeding the orders of his Liverpool correspondent. He finds gold selling at 150. In other words, his 18 cents gold are worth exactly 27 cents in notes, and he can therefore buy his cotton at this rate without exceeding his correspondent's orders. Thus far the transaction is simple enough. He has only to take as much gold as would pay for the thousand bales of cotton, sell it at 150, and with the notes pay the cotton dealer, and the whole transaction is concluded. But the Liver- pool merchant has not sent the gold. It will be several days before the cotton will be ready for shipment, and not until thus ready will payment for it be made. Should he contract for the cotton without any assurance at what rate he could dis- pose of his gold when received, he would take a risk of loss in case the value of gold should in the meanwhile depreciate. To avoid this risk he contracts at the Gold Board to sell sufficient gold GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 179 to pay for the cotton at 150, the gold to be deliv- ered at his option, within say ten days. He now can purchase his cotton with safety, store it aboard the vessel, and procure the bill of lading there- for. This bill of lading he presents to a dealer in foreign exchange, obtains the gold therefor, which he delivers to the party to whom he has previously sold it, and the transaction is closed. Without the intervention of the Gold Board he would have run the risk of paying more for his cotton than his correspondent had authorized. What was a useful and necessary adjunct to transactions involving exchanges with foreign countries became a resort for fictitious trading, and fortunes there changed hands as rapidly as they ever did on the green cloth of Baden or Monaco. Nor was the speculation confined to New York. Telegraphic indicators furnished to all the cities quotations of the ever-changing price of gold. Speculation was raised to a fever- ish height throughout the country, and attention was turned to the Gold Board in New York as eagerly as to the embattled army at the front, en- gaged in a life-and-dcath struggle for the nation. The fluctuations in the price of gold in 18G3 and 1864 were remarkable. Gold was quoted on the 1st of January, 1863, at 134 ; on the 24th at 150 ; on the 31st at 160 ; on the 12th of February at 154^, 180 MONEY IN POLITICS. and on the 28th at 172i. The price then began to decline, and on the 28th of March gold stood at 143£ ; on the 28th of August at 1221, and the lowest figure for 1863 ; but the fluctuations con- tinued during the remainder of the year, resulting, on the whole, in a considerable advance in the price. On the 1st of January, 1864, gold was quoted at 152; on the 26th of February at 16ain, reasserting his opinion that the premium on gold should be maintained. "In my judgment," he said, "the government cannot afford to sell gold during the next three months while the crops are being marketed, and if such a policy were announced it would immediately cause a high export of breadstufl's and an active fall trade." This specious reasoning had its effect upon the President, and he addressed a letter about the 3d of September to the Secretary of the Treasury, then away from Washington, in which he expressed the opinion that it was undesirable to force down the price of gold. He spoke of the importance to the West of being able to move its crops. On the 12th he addressed another letter from New York, stating that a desperate struggle was then taking place between the bulls and bears of Wall Street, and that each party wanted the government to help it out. He advised the Secre- GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 189 tary to move on without change until the struggle was over. On the 20th the Treasury Department sent to the Assistant Treasurer at New York the information that he desired in reference to the coin and coin certificates held by the national banks. On the same day the member of the clique who had previously written to the Secretary wrote that there was a panic in Wall Street, engineered by a bear combination, which had withdrawn currency to such an extent that it was impossible to do ordinary business. He now advised that, until the crops were moved, the banks should be given some currency out of the Treasury reserve. The facts were, that the clique of which he was a member, having matured all their plans, had several days before commenced the purchase of gold, running up the price to such an extent that all business was disturbed and an artificial stringency in the cur- rency created. On the morning of the 24th of September, gold was at 150, before noon at 162, and the excitement in Wall Street was unpre- cedented. At 11.45 that day the Secretary tele- graphed the Assistant Treasurer to sell $4,000,000 of gold. This broke the combination, and gold, in fifteen minutes, was selling at 140 for cash. For once the Treasury was in Wall Street with effect, either for good or for evil. Of the allegations that were frequently made, that public officials aided in this plot, there never ICO MONEY IN POLITICS. was a shadow of proof, except, perhaps, in the case of the Assistant Treasurer at New York. For the part he took in the affair he was compelled to resign his position. The result of the combi- nation was immense loss to many innocent indivi- duals, and the wreck of some of the clique to whom the others proved unfaithful. A general disturbance was felt throughout the whole country, and gave to the day in which the scheme cul- minated the name of " Black Friday," which will be long remembered in the annals of the country. Of the operations of the parties other than gov- ernment officials, the following account, taken from a newspaper published at that time, furnishes full information : — "In the spacious exchange room of the Gold Board, crowded as it had never been crowded, even in the wildest excitement of war times, amid the strangest variations of deathlike silence and tumultuous uproar, the pallid, half conscience- stricken brokers of this gambling clique appeared, one after another, to do their dirty work. By the little fountain which plays in the centre of the floor, and around which the principal business is trans- acted, first one bid arose, 145 for $100,000, and there was no response. Then another bid, 146 for $100,000, and again no answer ; 146, 147, 148, 149 for $100,000, with a pause between each, all amid deathlike silence. GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 191 "The hundreds gathered there, and the thousands who read the ominous words on all the telegraphic indicators in the principal business offices in the city, and the hundreds of thousands who watched the telegraph offices throughout the country, stood appalled. Each one per cent advance involved losses of millions ; the gain was with the clique. Who could tell what would be the end? There was no resisting such power. They could advance to 200 if they chose. And the usually surging, bustling, shouting mass of humanity crowded there was held silent, almost motionless, as by a magic spell. One hundred and fifty is now bid for $100,000, and despair suddenly gives back life to many. They rush eagerly to bid and buy. Orders come in by telegraph to buy at any price. Mes- sengers from all parts of the city, the great bank- ers, the merchant princes, from up-town and down-town, force their way in through the crush, and give back to the brokers the sense of reality which they seem to have lost amid the dream-like terror. The stillness is suddenly succeeded by frantic excitement. Transactions of enormous magnitude are made amid the wildest confusion, and the most unearthly screaming of men, always excitable, now driven to the verge of temporary insanity by the consciousness of ruin, or the delu- sive dream of immense wealth. But amid all the noise and confusion the penetrating voices of the 192 MONEY IN POLITICS. leading brokers of the clique are still heard ad- vancing the price at each bid, and increasing the amount of their bids at each advance, until at last, with voice overtopping the bedlam below, the memorable bid burst forth, ' 160 for any part of $5,000,000.' Again the noise was hushed. Terror became depicted on every countenance. Cool, sober men looked at one another, and noted the ashy paleness that spread over all. Even those wdio had but little or no interest at stake were seized with the infection, of fear, and were con- scious of a great evil approaching. And from the silence again came forth that shrieking bid, '160 for $5,000,000,' and no answer; f 161 for $5,000,- 000,' « 162 for $5,000,000,' still no answer; f 162 for any part of $5,000,000.' And a quiet voice said, ' Sold $1,000,000 at 162.' "That quiet voice broke the fascination. The bid of 162 was not renewed. But 161 was again bid for a million, and the same quiet voice said, ' Sold ; ' and the bid of 161 was not renewed. But 160 was again bid for $5,000,000. Then dimly it dawned upon the quicker-witted ones that, for some reason or other, the game W'as up. As if by magnetic sympathy the same thought passed through the crowd at once. A dozen men leaped furiously at the bidder, and claimed to have sold the whole $5,000,000. To their horror the bidder stood his ground and declared he would take all. GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 193 "But before the words had fairly passed his lips, before the terror at his action had had time to gain men's hearts, there was a rush amid the crowd. New men, wild with fresh excitement, crowded to the barriers. In an instant the rumor was abroad, ' The Treasury is selling.' Quick as thought men realized that it was not safe to sell to the clique brokers. Scarcely any one now wanted to buy. All who had bought were mad to sell at any price, but there were no buyers. In less time than it takes to write about it the price fell from 1(32 to 135. The great ffijyantic cold bubble had burst, and half Wall Street was involved in ruin." Congress upon assembling in December prompt- ly ordered an investigation as to the cause of the disaster. It could not well do otherwise, the Treasury having entered Wall Street to control the gold market in the interest of the bears. Nothing came from the investigation, however, except two reports from the committee appointed to do the work, the opinions of the members being divided on the subject according to their political predilections, and the Treasury resumed the ordi- nary sales of gold. In February, 1873, another coinage act was passed, making the gold dollar the standard unit of account, but no change was made in the weight or fineness of the gold coins. It authorized, how- ever, the coinage of the gold dollar and three 194 MONEY IN POLITICS. dollar pieces, and made all gold coins of the United States a full legal tender in all payments when not below the standard weight and limit of tolerance, as therein provided for each piece, and when below such standard and tolerance to be a legal tender at valuation in proportion to their actual weight ; " And any gold coin of the United States, if reduced in weight by natural abrasion, not more than one-half of one per centum below the standard weight prescribed by law, after a cir- culation of twenty years, as shown by its date of coinage, and at a ratable proportion for any period less than twenty years, shall be received at their nominal value by the United States Treasury," &c. The standard weight of a gold dollar was fixed at 25.8 grains troy. The deviation allowed by law in adjusting the weight of gold coins was to be, in the double eagle and the eagle one-half of a grain, and in the other coins one-fourth of a grain for each piece. Precisely at what point one of these coins through abrasion ceases to be a legal tender, or not receivable at the Treasury, be- comes under the law an interesting question in vulgar fractions, and, when ascertained, the pos- sessor would require a nicely adjusted scale to make his information of any service. Congress borrowed this provision of the coinage act from England, in which country it had for GOLD COIN AND CERTIFICATES. 195 some time existed. When first put into operation in that country considerable attention was paid to its provisions, and society ladies took pride in being able to tell precisely how much any worn coin was worth. Miniature scales accurately ad- justed and highly ornamented were manufactured for the purpose, and ladies wore them hung about their necks. These scales are now frequently met with in pawn-shops and second-hand jewelry estab- lishments. No attention is now paid to the com- plicated requirements of the act, however, except by the Bank of England ; and coins, however much worn, pass readily at their nominal value, only the ignorant and the unwary ever presenting a doubt- ful piece at the counters of that institution. The coinage act of 1873 also directed that all coins in the Treasury below legal weight should be recoined, and in accordance therewith light coins, representing in nominal value upwards of $25,- 000,000, were recoined into full-weight pieces at an expense of about $100,000. As nearly all the coin in the country was at that time held by the Treasury, but few light-weight pieces in existence escaped the melting-pot, and consequently the gold coins now in circulation are but little worn or defaced. Upon the resumption of specie payments in January, 1879, a vast amount of gold coin re- turned to this country from Europe, where it had 196 MONEY IN POLITICS. been driven by the paper issues of the govern- ment. Since that time the gold dollar has been maintained as a standard of value and a unit of account. Owing to the prevalence of notes of small denomination, however, but little gold appears in circulation. At this time gold is exported in considerable quantities to meet the payment of balances heretofore met b} r the expor- tation of cotton and agricultural products. Should the drain continue to any great extent, silver dol- lars will necessarily take the place of gold coins, and the silver dollar will become the unit of ac- count again, being worth about 15 per cent less than gold at the present coinage rate of 1 to 15.98. Gold will then become a commodity and will again be quoted at a premium. Such is the beautiful diversity of a double standard ! CHAPTER XX. THE SILVER DOLLAR. The Spanish milled dollar, or, more strictly speaking, the Mexican pillar-piece, was a popular coin amonof the colonists. The British mint de- clared in 1707 that it contained -386| grains of pure silver. By the British standard at that time 444 grains of such silver was rated at 62 pence. Consequently the dollar contained 54 pence. A pound sterling contained 240 pence, and was therefore worth 4.44$ of those dollars, and this valuation of the pound sterling continued as an assumed value until January 1, 1873, notwith- standing that meanwhile both the pound and the dollar had been subjected to many important changes. In the year 1772 the amount of pure silver in the dollar was by law reduced to 377£ grains. In 1785 the Congress of the Confederation adopted the dollar as a unit of account, declaring that it contained 375.64 grains of pure silver. In 1792 Congress passed an act establishing for the country a uniform money of account, with this 107 198 MONEY IN POLITICS. dollar for a unit, declaring that it should contain 371 | grains of pure, or 416 grains of standard silver. The same act also provided that 24.73 grains of pure gold should be the legal equivalent of this dollar, and that, in all coined pieces, one pound of pure gold should be deemed equivalent to fifteen pounds of pure silver. The legal relation between the two metals of 1 to 15 thus established proved to be a close ap- proximation to the commercial one existing at that time. If anything, gold was for a short time a little undervalued, yet but little of it came to the mint for coinage. Foreign gold coins, to which the people were accustomed, furnished a satisfactory medium for making coin exchanges. Their values were reckoned in shillings and pence, and the new money of account, with its dollars, its decimal divisions and multiples, for a long time met with but little favor. The irold and silver coins were full legal ten- der for their face value in the payment of all debts, but their paper representatives, though often much depreciated below their face value, constituted much of the circulating medium of the country, although not endowed with any legal tender power. Soon after the beginning of the present century silver became comparatively cheaper than gold, and a considerable amount of it found its way to THE SILVER DOLLAR. 199 the mint for coinage. By 1809 one pound of gold was worth in the market 16^ pounds of silver. The legal relation, however, remained unchanged between the two metals. Gold therefore became a commodity, and the small amount coined was shipped abroad to pay for imported goods. Silver had meanwhile superseded gold as a circulating medium, and its comparative cheapness stimulated its coinage. Of silver dollars there had been coined, to the date mentioned, 1,439,457 pieces. The silver dollar was now the unquestioned unit of account, and in this coin all contracts calling for dollars could be satisfied. Mr. Jefferson, who was then President, had favorably indorsed the ratio of 1 to 15 proposed by Mr. Hamilton, and adopted in the coinage act of 1792. He be- lieved that both metals could and would circulate side by side under the relation fixed by that act. He desired that gold should circulate as well as silver, and, to prevent the expulsion of gold, he peremptorily ordered the mint to discontinue the coinage of the silver dollar, and Congress and the country seem to have approved his action, although taken without authority, if not in direct violation, of law. To the effect of this executive interfer- ence is probably due the fact that from 1809 to 1836 no silver dollars were coined. Fractional silver pieoes, however, of like fine- 200 MONEY IN POLITICS. ness and proportional weight, were freely coined, and were put into circulation, so far as they could successfully compete with the depreciated issues of the banks. The country, however, demanded a gold circulation, and in 1834 Congress enacted a law chano-ins: the ratio between the two metals from 1 to 15 to 1 to 16, by reducing the weight of pure gold in a dollar about seven grains. At this rating gold was a cheaper metal than silver, and the gold dollar became the unit of account. Gold coins now took the place of silver ones as rapidly as they could be manufactured at the mints. Silver, at the new rating, became a commodity, and the coins of that metal were rapidly shipped abroad or melted down for uses in the arts. No- body would take silver to the mint to be manufac- tured into coins for circulation, when for it they could obtain gold bullion, which the mint would, without charge, coin into more dollars than the silver would make. The country soon became drained of silver "change." Consequently worn Mexican and Span- ish pieces, and corporation tokens, took the place of the full-weight pieces, which unwise legislation had driven out of circulation. A small number of silver dollars were minted from time to time, but only for bullion dealers, who found it profitable to turn their silver into THE SILVER DOLLAR. 201 this form for exportation. Until 1873 there had been coined of these pieces for purposes of circu- lation only $1,439,457, and these were coined previous to 1810. On the 25th day of April, 1870, the Secretary of the Treasury sent to Consress a bill revising the laws relating to the mint, assay offices, and coinage of the United States, accompanied by a report giving a concise statement of the method adopted in preparing the bill, of the various amendments proposed to existing laws, and of the necessity for the changes recommended. In the letter of transmittal the Secretary stated that there had been no revision of the laws pertaining to the mint and coinage since 1837, and he expressed a belief that the passage of the bill enclosed would conduce greatly to the efficiency and economy of that important branch of the public service. From the report it seems that in preparing the bill the existing laws pertaining to the matter were first arranged in a concise form, with such addi- tional sections and suggestions as seemed valuable, and then submitted to the different mints and assay offices, to the officers of the Treasury Department familiar with coinage operations and the accounts arising therefrom, and to such other gentlemen as were known to be versed in metallurgical and numismatical subjects, with a request for such suggestions as experience and education should 202 MONEY IN POLITICS. dictate ; that in this way the views of more than thirty gentlemen, conversant with the manipulation of metals, the manufacture of coins, and the execu- tion of laws pertaining thereto, were obtained ; and that the bill was framed in accordance with these suggestions. Among the amendments proposed to existing laws as set forth in the report, the important ones were the establishment of a Mint Bureau in the Treasury Department, to have charge of the opera- tions of the mints and assay offices, and the dis- continuance of the coinage of the silver dollar. The reason given in the report for proposing the latter amendment was that, under the existing legal ratio between the two metals, the silver dollar was worth a premium in gold of about three and a half per centum, and that consequently the gold dollar was the unit of account, and no change therefrom was deemed advisable. The appendix to the report also contained a marginal note, stating that the silver dollar was omitted from the bill. Subsequently, on June 25, 1870, the Secretary of the Treasury transmitted to the House of Representatives copies of the cor- respondence of the Department, with the public officers and other gentlemen upon whose sugges- tions the bill had been framed, together with a let- ter from the Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, to whose supervision had been committed the pre- THE SILVER DOLLAR. 203 paration of the bill. Seven of these gentlemen discussed the proposition to discontinue the silver dollar, giving thereto their unqualified approval. On December 9, 1870, the bill was reported from the Finance Committee of the Senate, and printed with amendments. On January 9, 1871, in accordance with pre- vious notice, the bill came before the Senate, where it was discussed for two days and then passed. On January 13, 1871, the House ordered the Senate bill to be printed. On February 25, 1871, the bill was reported from the Coinage Committee with an amendment, when it was again printed and recommitted. No further action on the bill was taken by Congress during that session. On March 9, 1871, the bill was again introduced into the House and ordered to be printed. On January 9, 1872, Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Chair- man of the Coinage Committee, reported the bill to the House with a recommendation that it pass. In his opening speech he said the bill had received as careful attention as he had ever known a com- mittee to bestow on any measure. " AVe pro- ceeded," he said, "with great deliberation to go over the bill, not only section by section, but line by line and word by word." The bill, after considerable discussion, was again recommitted, again reported, again printed and 204 MONEY IN POLITICS. recommitted, to be again reported and printed, and to be made the special order for March 12, 1872, until disposed of. An exhaustive discussion fol- lowed. Mr. Hooper, of Boston, in a carefully prepared speech of ten columns of the " Globe," explained the provisions of each section of the bill, and dwelt at length upon the proposition to dis- continue the silver dollar. " This dollar," he said, M by reason of its intrinsic value being greater than its nominal value, long since ceased to be a coin of circulation, and is melted by manufacturers of sil- verware. It does not circulate in commercial transactions with any country, and the convenience of these manufacturers, in this respect, can better be met by supplying small stamped bars of the same standard, avoiding the useless expense of coining the dollar for that purpose." Mr. Stoughton, of the Coinage Committee, ex- pressed like views. Mr. Potter, of New York, spoke of the change proposed, whereby the legal tender coin of the country would consist of one metal instead of two, and said : " I think this would be a wise provision, and that the full legal tender coins should be of gold alone." Mr. Kelly also said : " It is impossible to retain the double standard. The values of gold and sil- ver continually fluctuate. . . . Hence all experi- ence has shown that you must have one standard THE SILVER DOLLAR. 205 coin which shall be a full legal tender, and then you may promote your domestic convenience by having a subsidiary coinage of silver which shall circulate in all parts of your country as legal tender for a limited amount." On May 27, 1872, the bill passed the House, — yeas, 110 ; nays, 13. So far as it related to the silver coinage, it was identical with the bill prepared at the Treasury, w r ith the exceptions that it provided for the coin- age of a silver dollar weighing 384 grains, and made all the silver coins a legal tender for $5 in any one payment, instead of for all sums less than $1. This dollar would be but the weight of two half dollars, and was designed to be coined only on government account, as were the fractional pieces. Just before the passage of the bill, Mr. McNeeley, of the Coinage Committee, said he had carefully examined every line of the bill, and, understand- ing the subject, he was satisfied that the bill ought to pass. The bill was again printed in the Senate, and referred to the Committee on Coinage. Subse- quenth r , upon being again reported from that com- mittee, it was again printed. Further amendments were proposed, and it was again printed witli the amendments, and, after a discussion oec^rying nineteen columns of the " Congressional Glol>e," it passed the Senate. 206 MONEY IN POLITICS. The bill was sent to the House, where it was again printed and referred to a Committee of Con- ference, which finally agreed as to its form, and the bill as reported from the conference became a law February 12, 1873. In place of the subsidiary dollar of 384 grains, with a limited legal tender quality, the Senate sub- stituted a trade dollar weighing 420 grains, in accordance with the wishes of the dealers in bul- lion upon the Pacific Coast, that being considered as the most advantageous weight for a coin to be used for shipment to China and Japan. The steps taken in framing and passing the act by which the coinage of the silver dollar was discontinued are herein so fully detailed because charges have frequently been made that the act was passed inadvertently or surreptitiously. As a final answer to such charges, it may be summed up that the bill was read in full in the Senate several times, and once, if not more, in the House ; that it was printed by order of Congress thirteen times ; that it was considered at length by the proper committees of both Houses during five different sessions, and that the debates on the bill in both Houses occupy 144 columns of the "Globe." The passage of the act caused no material change in the coin circulation of the country. Since 1809 no silver dollars had been coined for circulation, THE SILVER DOLLAR. 207 and the small amount which had ever entered into circulation had long before disappeared. Yet the act took from these dollars, if any there were, none of the properties they ever possessed. They were still a full legal tender in the payment of debts. But this property was soon to be taken from them. Congress, in 1867, authorized a com- mission to codify the statutes of the United States. These statutes were embraced in seventeen vol- umes, and for more than seven years the commis- sion was employed in the work, expending therein upwards of $80,000. The result of all this labor and expense was put into the form of a bill, which, after consideration by both Houses, became a law June 20, 1874. The "Revision," as it was called, superseded all pre-existing general laws to which it referred. By this "Revision" all the silver coins of the United States were made a legal tender for payments not exceeding $5, no excep- tion being made of the silver dollar. In this ■way the silver dollar, whose coinage had been by law discontinued the year before, had now its full debt-pa} r ing power taken from it, doubtless through an error. Thus the silver dollar, the coinage of which Hamilton recommended, Jefferson forbade, and Benton made unprofitable, was discontinued with general approval, and subsequently demonetized by a clerical blunder. 208 MONEY IN POLITICS. Hardly had the coinage act of 1873 gone into effect, discontinuing the issue of the silver dollar, when silver, as compared with gold, fell rapidly in price. In less than twelve months thereafter, the amount of silver required for the coinage of a dollar could be purchased in the market for 98 cents in gold. In 1875 it could be purchased for 94 cents ; in 1876 for 79.2 cents ; and in 1877 for 90 cents, — the most violent fluctuation in the rel- ative values of the two metals of which history gives any record. Many causes combined to produce this fluctua- tion, some of which are well known. The' ex- traordinary yield of silver in Nevada had increased the stock on hand. The German government had, in 1871, undertaken to redeem the enormous amount of silver coin circulating in that empire, and to replace it with gold coin, the silver re- deemed to be melted down and sold at the best rates obtainable. Through this operation over seven million pounds of pure silver had been thrown into the market. Alarmed at the abun- dance of this metal, the Netherlands changed their coins from silver to gold, and the Latin Union — composed of France, Italy, Belgium, and Switzer- land — in 1874 suspended the coinage of silver throughout the Union. There is also much reason to believe that the demand for £old in the arts had meanwhile in- THE SILVER DOLLAR. 209 creased at a greater ratio than had the supply, thus enhancing the exchange value of that metal. Had the coming disparity in the relation be- tween the two metals been foreseen, the action of Congress in 1873, establishing a single gold stan- dard, would, in view of the action of European governments, have been considered as conservative and judicious legislation by many well versed in monetary affairs. By maintaining the gold dollar as a unit of ac- count, Congress kept the circulating medium of this country in harmony with that of Europe, thus saving to the producers in this country heavy premium charges in effecting exchanges, which bankers would have been compelled to impose to protect themselves against loss from the constantly changing relation of the two metals. Had the silver dollar not been discontinued, its coinage at the mint for purposes of circulation "would have been resumed upon the fall in price of silver bullion, and resumption of specie payments would have occurred probably in 1876 upon a sil- ver basis twenty per cent below that of gold. Public, state, municipal, corporate, and private indebtedness, contracted prior to the change of standard and payable in coin, would then have been satisfied by the payment of silver dollars, these coins having had a legal if not an actual existence at the time the obligations were con 210 MONEY IN POLITICS. tracted. Nor would the debtor have had, in such an event, any just ground of complaint. No one had ever alleged of either metal an immutability of value, and the obligee to a contract calling for "coin" took a risk, which he was presumed to know, of being paid in the cheaper metal. The discontinuance of the silver dollar, how- ever, took from the obligor the power, if not the right, to satisfy his coin obligations by payment in silver coin. The number of private contracts affected by the discontinuance of the silver dollar in the country was probably not great, nor their amount excessive ; but a large amount of corpo- rate, municipal, and state indebtedness existed, payable in coin, and contracted previously to 1873, and this could now be paid only in gold. The entire bonded debt and the circulating me- dium of the United States was affected by the discontinuance. A large portion of the debt con- tracted during the rebellion called only for "dol- lars," and not without reason there had arisen in the country a considerable demand that these ob- ligations should be satisfied with United States notes, those being the kind of dollars the govern- ment received for the obligations. To explain the meaning of previous legislation, Congress in 1869 had pledged the faith of the United States to the payment in coin or its equivalent of all the obliga- tions of the government, except in cases where THE SILVER DOLLAR. 211 the authorizing act expressly provided that pay- ment therefor might be made in other money than gold and silver. Subsequently only the issue of bonds for refunding purposes was authorized, but in this case the act of authorization specifically provided that the bonds should be redeemable in coin of the then existing standard value. The act was approved July 14, 1870, at which time the silver dollar had an existence in the public stat- utes, and of course neither the discontinuance of that dollar, nor the great fall in the price of silver bullion, was contemplated or foreseen. While these changes in the coinage laws were being made, and the relative values of silver and gold were so rapidly fluctuating, the country was employing for a circulating medium only United States notes and the issues of the national banks, and current exchanges were consequently not affected to any appreciable extent by the fluctuat- ing ratio between the two metals. Gold con- tinued to be employed in payment of customs dues and interest on the public debt as before, and nobody felt wronged. But the same class of men that had sought to pay the public debt in depreciated paper, and had been defeated by the act of 18G9, now saw another opportunity to lessen the obligations of the gov- ernment. The restoration of the silver dollar to the place it occupied previously to its discontinue 212 MONEY IN POLITICS. ance in 1873 would at once make that dollar the unit of account, and as soon as a supply of the coins could be issued from the mint, payments on account of interest or principal of the public debt would be made in silver instead of gold dollars, a saving of about twenty per cent in all payments thus made. They asserted that no repudiation was involved in the transaction, silver as well as gold being the coin " nominated in the bond." Legally the position was well taken, and the gov- ernment had only to consider what in equity was due to the holders of public notes and bonds, and whether it could afford to take advantage of its technical right to pay its debt with the depreciated metal. The larger portion of the debt had been contracted when gold was the only coin in circula- tion, and holders of the public securities naturally supposed that the securities would eventually be paid in gold. To pay them in a cheaper metal would subject the government to the charge of a partial repudiation of its indebtedness. This charge would be unjust, but no explanation would ever fully satisfy the w T orld that the government had acted w r holly in good faith in thus returning to a silver basis to take advantage of its creditors. As the silver dollar had not for two generations formed any essential part of the metallic circula- tion of the country, its discontinuance attracted no attention for some time. Occasional mention THE SILVER DOLLAR. 213 of its absence was made in the public press, in connection with the rapid decline of the price of silver bullion in 1875 and 1876. No demand for its restoration was urged, and the question of its further coinage formed no part of the issues on which were conducted the local and national cam- paigns in the autumn of the last-named year. In the House of Representatives on March 25, 1875, Mr. Regan had offered an amendment to a bill to provide for the issue of small silver coins, declaring that the silver coins of the United States of the denomination of one dollar should be a legal tender in any one payment at their nominal value, for any amount not exceeding $50. This amendment was agreed to. The only effect of the proposed change was to increase the legal tender power of the trade dollar, that being the only dollar coin either authorized or fabricated. But in the Senate, a month later, the amendment was changed so as to provide for the coinage of a silver dollar nine-tenths line, to weigh 412^ grains troy, and to be a legal tender for any amount not exceeding $20 in any one payment, except for customs dues and interest on the public debt. This dollar was not to be coined for depositors of bullion, but only upon government account, the profit in its issue to accrue to the public Treasury. Nothing came, however, of either proposition. The session of Congress following the presiden- 214 MONEY IN POLITICS. tial campaign of 1876 was occupied principally in determining the succession to the Presidency, and pending that controversy little attention was paid to the monetary affairs of the country, in Con- gress or elsewhere. That matter settled, the pro- posed remonetization of the silver dollar at once became a disturbing element in local and national politics. The newly-made friends of the silver dollar became very numerous and unnecessarily noisy. They alleged that designing men had sur- reptitiously secured the passage of the act discon- tinuing that coin, although one of their number had in the House advocated the passage of the act, and especially commended the provision for such discontinuance. They attributed to the absence of the silver dollar the disasters following the panic of 1873, although up to the time of that panic, even had there been no adverse legislation, the dollar would not have appeared in circulation, owing to the high price of silver bullion. They euphoniously termed the coin the " dollar of our daddies," and alleged that, in discontinuing it, an indignity had been heaped upon the worthy founders of the republic, although, upon a most liberal estimate, an equal distribution of all such coins ever in cir- culation would not have given one piece to every ten voters when Jefferson stopped its coinage. In the press, on the platform, and in Congress, THE SILVER DOLLAR. 215 they pictured the distress the poor man hud suf- fered through the alleged mischievous legislation, and stoutly demanded the restoration of the coin as a panacea for all the evils, real or imaginary, with which the country was afflicted. With un- sparing epithets they denounced those who had invested their earnings in public securities as "leeches," "bloated bondholders," "vampires, flap- ping their dragon wings over a ruined country," and hinted that, unless the coin was restored to circulation, communism and anarchy would follow. One over-zealous Congressman openly asserted that, unless the public debt was paid in silver, he and his friends would rise in their might and wipe out the entire debt as with a sponge. In May, 1877, the legislature of Illinois deter- mined that the evils resulting from the discontin- uance of the silver dollar should be remedied, as far as within its power, and as there were no silver dollars in existence, and the State had no power to coin any, it resorted to the unhappy device of declaring the halves, quarters, and dimes a full legal tender for the payment of debts within that State. The measure was promptly vetoed by the governor, and the State was thus spared any fur- ther humiliation from the action of its too zealous legislators. The restoration of the silver dollar to its former place as an alternative dollar with gold was gen- 216 MONEY IN POLITICS. erally demanded throughout the country, without distinction of party. The Republicans of Ohio, in convention, August, 1877, demanded the rcmon- etization of silver, but with coinage and valuation so regulated that our people should not be placed at a disadvantage in their trade with foreign na- tions, and that both metals should be kept in cir- culation, as contemplated by the Constitution. About the same time the Democrats of that State in convention denounced the demonetization of silver as an outrage upon the rights of the people, although no member of the convention had prob- ably ever seen a silver dollar at that time, except in a museum of curiosities, and for more than four years the " outrage " mentioned had been endured without being known. The Republicans of Pennsylvania, a month later, thought that the long and successful exist- ence of the double coin standard warranted them in demanding a repeal of the legislation which had demonetized silver and established "an almost exclusive gold standard," and a return to the free use and unrestricted coinage of the silver dollar, thus preserving the equality of the commercial value of the silver dollar with the gold dollar, and keeping both in circulation. With sop of this diluted character both parties fed their adherents through the campaigns of that year. The Forty-fourth Congress having adjourned THE SILVER DOLLAR. 21 7 without making the annual appropriation for the support of the army, President Hayes called an extra session of that body to convene October 16, 1877 ; and on November 5, Representative Bland of Missouri, moved to suspend the rules and pass a bill directing the coinage of silver dollars of the weight of 412?r grains standard silver, as provided in the act of January 18, 1837, the coins to be a leoral tender at their nominal value for all debts and dues, public and private, except where otherwise provided by contract, and providing that any owner of silver bullion might deposit the same at the mints to be coined into such dollars for his benefit, upon the same terms and conditions as gold bullion. This was agreed to, — yeas, 164; nays, 34 ; not voting, 92. This bill, if it had become a law, would have restored the double standard ; and as the silver bullion necessary for a dollar could have been pur- chased in the market for eighty-five cents in gold, every person, corporation, or State, owing debts payable in coin, would have been enabled to satisfy such obligations at a discount of fifteen per cent from their face value, as soon as a sufficient amount of the coins for the purpose could have been put into circulation. The passage of the bill in tho House was re- ceived with general satisfaction throughout the country, the masses of the people believing that 218 MONEY IN POLITICS. with cheaper money good times would come. Any question of political or personal integrity involved in the scheme was little considered. On November 21, in the Senate, Mr. Allison, from the Committee on Finance, reported the bill with several important amendments. The authority for owners of silver bullion to have dollars coined therefrom for their benefit was stricken out, and, instead, the Secretary of the Treasury was author- ized and directed, out of any money in the Trea- sury not otherwise appropriated, to purchase, from time to time, silver bullion at the market price, not less than two million dollars nor more than four million dollars per month, and to have it coined into such dollars as fast as purchased, the gain arising from the transaction to be paid into the Treasury. The bill thus amended gave to the government alone the right to pay coin obligations at the rate of eighty-five cents on a dollar, because the coins manufactured would be sold by the mints to other parties only at their face valuation in gold. No action upon the proposition was taken during the extra session. Upon the assembling of Con- gress in December, President Hayes in his annual message, recommended the limited coinage of sil- ver dollars of increased weight, with a proviso that in no case should the then outstanding public debt be ever paid in any coinage of less commercial value than the gold coin as it then existed. No THE SILVER DOLLAR. 219 heed was paid to his recommendations ; the Allison amendment was adopted by the Senate and con- curred in by the House, by large majorities. The bill was however vetoed by the President, but upon its return to Congress became a law February 28, 1878, notwithstanding the veto, more than two- thirds of each House voting in its favor. Before the passage of the bill two sections had been added ; one directing the President, imme- diately upon the passage of the act, to invite the governments of the countries comprising the " Latin Union," and of such other European nations as he might deem advisable to join the United States in a conference to adopt a common ratio between gold and silver for the purpose of establishing, internationally, the use of bi-metallic money, and securing fixity of relative values be- tween the two metals, and to appoint commission- ers for that purpose ; the other authorized the holders of the silver dollars to deposit them in the Treasury in sums not less than ten dollars, and to receive therefor certificates, the coin to be held for the redemption of the certificates, and the certifi- cates to be receivable for customs, taxes, and all public dues, and when so received to be rcissuable. Under the operations of this act there has been coined up to June 30, 1884, an amount of $175,- 355,829, resulting in a gain to the government of about $21,000,000. Of the amount coined, the 220 MONEY IN POLITICS. government has sold $39,794,913, leaving in the Treasury vaults $135,560,916, of which amount outstanding certificates represent $96,427,011. Two monetary conferences have been held with no result. The government has not yet resorted to its privilege of paying its obligations in the de- preciated coin ; the mints continue to turn out the pieces with unabated energy, and the Treasury to bury them with equal diligence, no purchasers being found. Slowly but surely the silver dollars are accumulating in the moneys of the public Trea- sury to the displacement of notes and gold, and in the not distant future, should the coinage continue, the srovernment will have no resources with which to meet its obligations except these silver dollars. CHAPTER XXI. CIRCULATION OF THE SILVER DOLLAR. Promptly upon the passage of the act author- izing the issue of the silver dollar, the Treasury Department took steps to carry the act into exe- cution. The Director of the Mint caused new designs to be prepared for the proposed coin. On the one side the " emblem of liberty " required by law was to be represented by a female head, with hair in curls, and a somewhat brazen expres- sion of countenance, while on the reverse, in place of the familiar French eagle, which had been adopted from the arms of the Washington family, a new bird, having its wings pointing forward, was substituted — an addition to numismatic designs as fresh and unique as was the acquisition to natural history of the " Snark " and the "Boojum." The Treasury accepted the designs, and invited bids for a supply of silver from which to coin the pieces, and England furnished the first instalment, much to the disappointment of the producers of 221 222 MONEY IN POLITICS. domestic bullion, who supposed that the effect of the new coinage would be to greatly enhance the value of their mining products. The mints had capacity to coin conveniently only the minimum amount required each month, but in three months a considerable supply of the new coins was on hand, and on June 8, 1878, the Treasurer of the United States offered the coins for sale to the public. At that time a dollar of the paper circulation was worth 98 cents in gold, while the bullion in a silver dollar was worth only about 83 cents in gold, but the Treasury would receive the coins at their face value in payment of customs dues, while it could not receive for that purpose the paper circulation at any rate. Conse- quently to an importer having duties to pay there was a profit of about two per cent in exchanging notes for silver dollars. As a further inducement to purchase, the Treasurer offered to deliver the coins at any national bank depository free of expense to the purchaser, upon the amount in notes being placed to his credit in the bank ; but the pur- chaser was cautioned not to use the coins in any way which would facilitate their return to the department in coin payments. On the 17th of the following month the Treas- urer offered to send to any national bank at the expense of the department any amount of silver dollars needed upon payment therefor in notes, CIRCULATION OF THE SILVER DOLLAR. 223 but requested the banks to use them for any pur- pose other than directly for payment of coin dues to the government. Two days later the Treas- urer authorized depositary banks and sub-treasury officers to pay out silver dollars for any purpose in lieu of notes, except where the coins would be likely to come back to the Treasury in coin payments. The result was not unexpected. Nobody who could obtain small notes desired the heavy coins, and consequently but few pieces went into general circulation. The coins paid out came back to the Treasury in lieu of gold coin, at a handsome profit to customs brokers. Meanwhile certificates calling for silver dollars were prepared and issued by the Treasury, as provided by law. They, being less bulky, ob- tained considerable circulation, especially those sent to places remote from ports of entry, where they could not be used in paying customs dues calling for coin. Neither the coins nor certificates met with much favor from the banks in the large cities. On November 12, 1878, fifty out of fifty- eight banks, members of the New York clearing- house, unanimously resolved that on and after the resumption of specie payments, January 1, 1879, they would receive silver dollars upon deposit only upon special contract to withdraw them in kind, and would prohibit payments to the clearing- house in silver certificates, or in silver dollars, 224 MONEY IN POLITICS. excepting as subsidiary coins in small sums, say under ten dollars. Three days later the associated banks of* Boston passed similar resolutions. The action of the banks in these two cities in discrimi- nating against silver was severely condemned by the advocates of silver remonetization, they having predicted for the new coin a most hearty wel- come ; but there was no way to control the action of the banks. Meanwhile the Treasury officials continued their efforts to dispose of the coins, offering to takers every inducement which the law would permit, and to November 1, 1878, of $18,000,000 coined, $5,000,000 was in circulation. To the same date silver certificates had been issued to the amount of $8,500,000, of which, however, there was in circulation only $1,500,000, the remainder having been paid into the Treasury in satisfaction of coin obligations. Public creditors, although objecting to the coins, have generally accepted the certificates without protest. These plans of getting the coins into circulation have been continued to the present time ; but with all the effort of public officials, and the inducements offered, which have cost the government large sums of money, only about twenty-five per cent of the amount coined has remained in circulation, the remainder lying in the vaults of the Treasury. CIRCULATION OF THE SILVER DOLLAR. 225 By the retirement from circulation of the one and two dollar notes, and the forced payment to creditors of these coins, a considerably larger amount could doubtless be kept in circulation, but it has not been the policy of the Treasury or of Congress to resort to such measures. By an act approved July 12, 1882, Congress prohibited any national bank from being a member of any clearing-house in which silver certificates were not receivable in settlement of balances, but no bank has paid any attention to the act. The United States Treasury itself is in effect a member of the New York clearing-house, the Assistant Treasurer in that city making his daily settle- ments with the clearing-house banks through that agency with great convenience to public business. During the year ending November 1, 1883, this officer paid to the association in excess of the amount received by him, $181,728,065.15. This entire amount was paid in gold coin or gold certifi- cates, and Treasury officials can therefore but look with leniency upon the disregard of the law by the banks. The demand for increased currency in the West has offered favorable opportunities to put the sil- ver dollar into circulation. But events have proved that there is no necessity for issuing this coin, and a continuance of its coinage can lead to but one result, — the expulsion of the gold coins 226 MONEY IN POLITICS. from circulation, and the substitution of the silver dollar as a unit of account, much to the benefit of railroads and other corporations having outstand- ing large amounts of bonded indebtedness, and this event cannot Ion": be deferred. CHAPTER XXII. MONETARY CONFERENCES. Foreseeing the difficulties which would follow the attempted introduction of the silver dollar into the currency at the proposed fictitious valua- tion, Congress, in the act of 1878, which again authorized the manufacture of this coin, directed the President to invite the governments of the so-called Latin Union,* and such other European nations as he might deem advisable, to join the United States in a conference, with a view to the adoption of a common ratio between gold and sil- ver, " for the purpose of establishing internation- ally the use of bi-metallic money and securing fixity of relative value between these metals." * France, Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland had, in 1865, formed what was known as the Latin Union, entering into an agreement by which the amount of silver to be coined each year was fixed for each member of the Union. The coins were to be of like character, and to be received without dis- crimination throughout the Union, both on public and private account. Greece joined the Union in 18G8. In 1874, by mutual agreement, the coinage of silver was suspended throughout the Union. 227 228 MONEY IN POLITICS. In pursuance of these directions, the President invited European nations to send delegates to meet the delegates of the United States in Paris in con- ference for the purpose mentioned. The delegates selected, and who went to that city from the United States, were Hon. R. E. Fenton, Hon. W. S. Groesbeck, Prof. Francis A. Walker, and Prof. S. Dana Horton, gentlemen well known in politi- cal and scientific circles. The European nations invited who sent dele- gates to the convention, were Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland. Germany, although invited, de- clined to send. The deleo-ates assembled in Paris August 10, 1878, in accordance with the invitations, and Mr. Leon Say, the French Minister of Finance, was elected president of the convention. From the report of the proceedings it seems that the several nations represented in the con- vention were not favorably disposed to the re- establishment of the bi-metallic system. The delegation from Austria-Hungary, in which country depreciated paper furnished almost exclu- sively the circulation, defended the bi-metallic sys- tem, but thought its adoption by that country at that time could not possibly have much effect. The delegation from Belgium, a member of the MONETARY CONFERENCES. 229 Latin Union, was very unfavorable to the pro- posed bi-metallic system. France, a leading state of the Union, declared through her Finance Minister, the president of the conference, that in suspending the coinage of sil- ver in 1874 she did not incline to the single smld standard, but, on the contrary, she occupied a position in which she might await a favorable moment to re-enter the system of the double standard, but offered little encouragement for any renewal of the double system at that time. The delegates from Great Britain, which coun- try had, since 1816, maintained an exclusively gold standard, expressed a willingness, and even a desire, that other nations should maintain a bi-metallic system, and give to silver the greatest possi'^ i nlation ; but in their own country they said there was no disposition to use silver, except as a subordinate coin of a limited legal tender capaci y. The delegates from Greece appeared to be in sympathy with the views of France, and were willing to remain in a state of expectancy, hoping that other and greater nations might bring about the r< -introduction of silver. clegates from Italy, another member of Jnion, took advanced ground in defence of the bi-metaluc system, but the circulation of that country being depreciated paper, the re-establish' 230 MONEY IN POLITICS. ment of silver would, they thought, be of but little importance, there being no demand for silver for circulation. The delegates from Holland declared that while England and Germany adhered to the gold mono- metallism, that country, standing between them both geographically and financially, must conform to their action. The delegates from Russia announced the inten- tion of that country to reserve its decision upon the question before the conference until such time as it should be prepared to resume specie payment. The delegates from the government- of Sweden and Norway announced that they had been ap- pointed with instructions to refrain from partici- pating in any measures which might compromise in any way the mono-metallic position of those States. The delegates from Switzerland appeared as the uncompromising advocates of gold mono-metallism for Europe. The Empire of Germany was not represented. At the second session the conference also invited that government to participate in its deliberations. This invitation, having been communicated to the ambassador of Germany, was declined, that na- tion having, after mature deliberation, but recently established the single gold standard. Upon the assembling of the convention Mr. MONETARY CONFERENCES. 231 Groesbeck, in behalf of the United States, stated the position of our government, making the fol- lowing humiliating confession : — "In 1873, in a law which did not very accurately carry out its purpose, silver was made to disap- pear through inadvertence rather than intention- ally, by an omission to say anything about it. As a matter of fact, the silver standard w T as found to have been suppressed. The example of Germany had proved contagious ; no newspaper had dis- cussed the question ; public opinion, "by no means enlightened, was, so to speak, taken unawares, and great surprise was felt when, a short time after the law was passed, the change was fully perceived." He closed by proposing that the conference should pronounce itself on the two following propositions : — " 1. It is the opinion of this assembly that it is not to be desired that silver should be excluded from free coinage in Europe and the United States of America. On the contrary, the assembly be- lieve that it is desirable that the unrestricted coin- age of silver, and its use as money of unlimited legal tender, should be retained where they exist, and, as far as practicable, restored where they have ceased to exist. " 2. The use of both gold and silver as unlimited legal tender money may be safely adopted ; first, 232 MONEY IN POLITICS. by equalizing them at a relation to be fixed by international agreement ; and, secondly, by grant- ing to each metal, at the relation fixed, equal terms of coinage, making no discrimination be- tween them." These propositions were discussed, but did not become the subject of a general vote. France, instead of supporting the delegates from the United States, as would naturally be expected of a country having so large an interest in the rein- statement of silver, joined with England in pre- paring an answer to be made by the European to the American delegates, which answer was adopted, as follows : — "The delegates of the European states repre- sented in the conference desire to express their sincere thanks to the government of the United States for having procured an international inter- change of opinion upon a subject of so much im- portance as the monetary question. " Having maturely considered the proposals of the representatives of the United States, they recognize, — " 1 . That it is necessary to maintain in the world the monetary functions of silver, as well as those of gold, but that the selection for use of one or the other of the two metals, or of both simultane- ously, should be governed by the special position of each state or group of states. MONETARY CONFERENCES. 233 " 2. That the question of the restriction of the coinage of silver should equally be left to the dis- cretion of each state or group of states, according to the particular circumstances in which they may find themselves placed, and the more so in that the disturbance produced during the recent years in the silver market has variously affected the monetary situation of the several countries. "3. That the differences of opinion which have appeared, and the fact that even some of the states which have the double standard find it impossible to enter into a mutual engagement with regard to the free coinage of silver, exclude the discussion of the adoption of a common ratio between the two metals." In adopting these propositions, the delegates from America were treated more as messengers who had come across the water to submit a propo- sition to the conference, than as members of the conference and the representatives of the nation which had invited it. The European members withdrawing by themselves to vote upon the proposition, left the delegates from the United States to wait for an answer like criminals waiting for the verdict. This action closed the conference, no result of any value having been obtained, and the delegates from the United States returned home to thus report. For some time the matter rested, but the con- 234 MONEY IN POLITICS. tinued depression of the price of silver kept the subject under discussion, and in February, 1881, the governments of France and the United States extended joint invitations to the European nations to again take part in a conference with a view to establishing the use of gold and silver as interna- tional money. The conference was to examine and " adopt, for the purpose of submitting the same to the govern- ments represented, a plan and a system for the establishment, by means of an international agree- ment, of the use of gold and silver as bi-metallic money, according to a settled relative value be- tween these tw T o metals." The conference assembled in Paris April 19, 1881. Delegates from the nations represented in the previous conference were present, and in addi- tion thereto were delegates from Germany, British India, Denmark, and Portugal. The delegates representing the United States of America were Hon. William M. Evarts, Hon. Allen G. Thur- man, Hon. Timothy O. Howe, and Prof. S. Dana Ho r ton. Mr. Magin, the French Minister of Finance, was elected president of the conference. The sentiment in favor of a re-establishment of the bi-metallic system did not appear to have gained since the previous conference. Many of the delegates announced at once important res- MONETARY CONFERENCES. 235 ervations on their part. The delegates from Germany stated that between 1865 and 1870 a considerable quantity of gold had found its way into the treasury of the German Empire, and that that government had taken advantage of the occasion to firmly establish its monetary system upon the basis of a gold standard, and that this reform was now in a very advanced state. They also stated that there still remained in Germany at most only 500,000,000 marks in silver thalers, and declared that this reform had sensibly bettered the condition of the monetary circulation in Ger- many. Still, they had not failed to recognize the import of the fall of silver which had since occurred, and to relieve the Latin Union from the apprehension that this amount of marks, in old silver thalers, would be thrown upon the mar- ket as silver bullion, Germany had, in May, 1879, resolved to suspend its sales of silver, and they had not since been resumed. The delegates, how- ever, recognized without reserve that a rehabili- tation of silver was to be desired, and hoped that its free coinage might obtain in a certain number of the most populous states represented by the conference, but declared that Germany did not call for a change of system, and did not find herself in a position to concede the free coinage of silver. Still, having a disposition to assist the other powers which might unite for the purpose of a 236 MONEY IN POLITICS. free coinage of silver at a fixed ratio with gold, Germany would agree for a period of some years to abstain from all sales of silver, and during an- other period of a certain duration Avould pledge itself to sell annually only a limited quantity, so small in amount that the general market would not be glutted thereby, and it would, perhaps, melt down and recoin 172,000,000 of old five- mark and two-mark silver pieces at a ratio between the two metals of about 1 to 15^, whereas the ratio then was 1 to 14. Stripped of all technical verbiage, the proposition was as if Germany should say, " Gentlemen of the other powers, be- lieving you to be in earnest in your proposition to establish a fixed relative value between £old and silver, and that value to be as 1 to 15^, Germany offers her prayers for your success. She will not herself return to the free coinage of silver, but she will kindly hold 2,500 tons of old silver tha- lers, worth now about 77 per cent of their face value in gold, until, in accordance with your own theories, by your free coinage of silver you will force so much of that metal into new channels of circulation, that its price will be enhanced, and a fixed relation of equal value between gold and sil- ver will be secured. When that time comes, we will unload our silver on }'ou in exchange for gold at a profit of 30 per cent ; and we are now pre- pared to discuss the details of the execution." MONETARY CONFERENCES. 237 The delegate of Great Britain then followed, staling that for more than sixty years the monetary system of the United Kingdom had been with gold as a single standard, that this system had satisfied all the needs of the country, without giving rise to those disadvantages which had shown themselves elsewhere, and under other monetary regulations. That the government of Her Majesty could not, therefore, take part in a conference as support- ing the principle of the double standard, but the representatives of the United States at London having declared that the powers represented at the conference reserved to themselves entire liberty of action after the discussion, the government of Her Majesty considered that it would be lacking in consideration towards friendly powers to persist in its refusal to .send a delegate from the United Kingdom. That thus he had come, and that he stood ready to furnish any information desired concerning the monetary system of England, but he was not at liberty to vote upon any proposition which might be submitted to the conference. Subsequently he presented to the conference a communication from the Bank of England to the British government, setting forth to what extent the bank could aid the proposed league of coun- tries for the rehabilitation of silver, which was in these words : — "The Bank Charter Act permits the issue of 238 MONEY IN POLITICS. notes upon silver, but limits that issue to one- fourth of the gold held by the bank in the issue department. " The purchase of gold bullion is obligatory and unlimited ; the purchase of silver bullion is dis- cretional and limited, the distinction being en- forced by the necessity of paying notes in gold on demand. " The re-appearance of silver bullion as an asset in the issue department of the Bank of England would, as is understood by the Foreign Office letter, depend entirely on the return of the mints of other countries to such rules as would insure the certainty of conversion of gold into silver, and silver into gold. The rules need not be identical with those formerly in force ; the ratio between silver and gold, and the charge for mintage, may both or either of them be varied, and yet leave unimpaired the facility of exchange, which would be indispensable to the resumption of silver pur- chases by a bank of issue whose responsibilities are contracted in gold. " Subject to these considerations, the Bank Court are satisfied that the issue of their notes against silver, within the letter of the act, would not involve the risk of infringing that principle of it which imposes a positive obligation on the bank to receive gold in exchange for notes, and to pay notes in gold on demand. MONETARY CONFERENCES. 239 rf The Bank Court see no reason why an assur- ance should not be conveyed to the monetary conference at Paris, if their lordships think it desirable, that the Bank of England, agreeably with the act of 1844, would be always open to the purchase of silver under the conditions above described." The proposition of the Bank Avas a worthy rival of that of the delegates of Germany. In sub- stance, the Bank proposed to accumulate silver in its vaults, worth in gold considerably less than its face value, so long as other countries than Great Britain would leave unimpaired the facilities of exchange, by which it could at any time obtain gold therefor, par for par, at a handsome profit. The delegate from Denmark stated that the Danish government had no intention of abandon- ing the single gold standard introduced into the country a few years before, and that he had re- ceived instruction on the part of his government to abstain from all discussion of the manner in which the bi-metallic system could be regulated. The delegate from Portugal frankly stated that the Portuguese monetary system then in force would not allow of its entry into the bi-metallic union then contemplated, and that he had no duty except to report to his government any action taken by the conference. The delegate from Kussiu declared that the 240 MONEY IN POLITICS. Russian government reserved to itself entirely its right of opinion upon the whole matter, and in nothing renounced its liberty of action by reason of any resolution of the conference. The delegate from Greece stated that his coun- try had adopted mono-metallism, and he would not be able to join in any measure which might lead to a change in that system. The delegate from Austria-Hungary stated his attitude to be one of friendly reserve, and that, if he thought proper to take part in the discussion, it would only be to express his personal opinions. The delegates from Sweden and Norway an- nounced that their countries had adopted a mone- tary union based upon a single standard of gold, but that they had been given permission to take part in the discussions, and to report to their respective governments. The delegates of the Swiss Confederation an- nounced that they should confine themselves to hearing the reasons which had moved the govern- ments of the United States and France in calling the conference, but that they should not take part in any decision, of whatever nature it might be, without having first made a report to the Federal Council, and having received subsequent instruc- tions from that body. Notwithstanding these dispiriting responses, and especially those of the great powers of Germany MONETARY CONFERENCES. 241 and Great Britain, without whose aid there was no hope of securing bi-metallism, the conference proceeded to the discussion of the following propo- sitions, which had been prepared for it by a com- mittee of its own body : — "1. Have the diminution and the great oscilla- tions which have taken place in the value of silver, chiefly within the last few years, been hurtful or not to commerce, and consequently to general prosperity ? " Is it desirable that the relation of value be- tween the two metals should possess a high degree of stability? " 2. Should the phenomena referred to in the first part of the preceding question be attributed to increase in the production of silver or to acts of legislation? "3. Is it or is it not probable that, if a large group of states should agree to the free and un- limited mintage of lawful coins of the two metals, with full legal tender faculty at a uniform ratio between the gold and silver contained in the mone- taiy unit of each metal, a stability in the relative value of these metals would be obtained, which, if not absolute, would at least be very substantial? " 4. If so, what measures should be taken to reduce to a minimum the oscillations in the rela- tive value of the two metals? " For instance : — 242 MONEY EST POLITICS. " 1. Would it be desirable to impose upon privi- leged banks of issue the obligation to receive, at a fixed price, any gold and silver bullion which the public might offer? "2. How could the same advantage be secured to the public in countries where privileged banks of issue do not exist? "3. Should coinage be gratuitous, or at least uniform, for the two metals in all countries? " 4. Should there be an understanding that in- ternational trade in the precious metals should be left free of all restraint? "5. In adopting bi-metallism, what should be the ratio between the weight of pure gold and of pure silver contained in the monetary units?" On these propositions a long discussion ensued, eliciting much valuable information, but it seemed to be generally conceded that without the co- operation of Germany and Great Britain, which nations had been conspicuous in declining all propositions with a view of countenancing any hopes on their part of returning to the double standard, the convention must ultimately fail of its purpose. As indicating more definitely the purpose of France and the United States, Mr. Evarts, in behalf of the delegates of those two countries, submitted, on the last day of the session, the fol- lowing declaration : — MONETARY CONFERENCES. 243 "The delegates of France and of the United States, in the name of their respective govern- ments, make the following declarations : — "1. The depreciation and great fluctuations in the value of silver, relatively to gold, which of late years have shown themselves, and which con- tinue to exist, have been, and are, injurious to commerce and to the general prosperity, and the establishment and maintenance of a fixed relation of value between silver and gold would produce most important benefits to the commerce of the world. "2. A convention, entered into by an important group of states, by which they should agree to open their mints to free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold, at a fixed proportion of weight between the gold and silver contained in the monetary unit of each metal, and with full legal tender faculty to the money thus issued, would cause and maintain a stability in the relative value of the two metals suitable to the interests and requirements of the commerce of the world. " 3. Any ratio, now or of late in use by any commercial nation, if adopted by such important group of states, could be maintained ; but the adoption of the ratio of 15^ to 1 would accomplish the principal object with less disturbance in the monetary systems to be affected by it than any other ratio. 244 MONEY IN POLITICS. " 4. Without considering the effect which might be produced toward the desired object by a lesser combination of states, a convention which should include England, France, Germany, and the United States, with the concurrence of other states, both in Europe and on the American Continent, which this combination would assure, would be adequate to produce and maintain throughout the commer- cial world the relation between the two metals that such convention should adopt." After the conference had held but thirteen ses- sions, upon the suggestion of the two governments of France and the United States, at whose instance it w T as convened, it adjourned to meet again April 12, 1882. In submitting the proposition of adjournment, Monsieur De Normandie, a delegate of France, said : " We cannot disguise from ourselves that the observations just now submitted to you tend to nothing else than to establish, at least virtually, that nothing has been done here but an imperfect, useless, empty work." No further action was taken by the convention at this session, and, so far as known, it did not reassemble at the date appointed ; nor have the delegates from the United States ever submitted any report on the conference held. Had the proposition submitted by Mr. Evarts on behalf of France and the United States been MONETARY CONFERENCES. 245 accepted, even as a unanimous expression of the opinion of the entire conference, it could hardly have received the sanction of the United States government, as it fixed the ratio between sjold and silver at 1 to 15i. The Great embarrassment under which the government has labored in the coinage of silver since 1878 has been the lack of intrinsic value in that metal, eighteen ounces bein^ hardly equal in value to one ounce of gold, al- though by law sixteen ounces of it are declared to be equal to one of gold, and any proposition looking to a further reduction of the lawful equiv- alent would hardly be sustained, as, in such an event, all our standard silver dollars would be undervalued, and would be either melted down for bullion or shipped from the country. A new coinage of silver would result, having a dollar for the unit of still less value than the present one, which would effectually drive all the gold from the country and lead to endless complications, not to say repudiation and dishonesty. France could hardly consent to any other ratio than 1 to 15.V, as the immense amount of silver already coined and held in that country has been coined at that ratio. As the matter now stands silver is not coined by any European power without restrictions, and the effort of this government to secure unrestricted coinage of that metal has proved so futile, there is little hope of the re-establishment of unlimited 246 MONEY IN POLITICS. silver at any ratio, unless happily the price of sil- ver bullion should advance so as to make the ratio what it was previous to the great depression of 1874. So long as this country continues the pur- chase of silver and its coinage, even to the present limited amount, the nations of Europe, now bur- dened with silver bullion, cannot but regard our policy as one entirely in their interests. Should the government cease the further coinage of silver, European nations would no longer have a hope that the consumption of silver in this country for monetary purposes would be sufficient to restore its old value, and they would be compelled to re- sort to some means to secure the use of silver as money, or to suffer the loss which must result in disposing of it for bullion at present rates. The government of the United States, however, appears to be still hopeful that in some way foreign nations may come to its aid, and help it out of the dilemma into which unwise legislation has plunged it. At the last session of Congress an additional appropri- ation of $10,000 was made to enable the President to again confer with foreign powers, with a view to establishing a fixed ratio between silver and gold. Should a conference for this purpose be held, whatever may be its result, it is hoped that the delegates appointed will at least make a re- port, setting forth the results of their labors, that the country may know with what favor the renewed proposition has been received. CHAPTER XXm. THE TRADE DOLLAR. Among the documents transmitted by the Sec- retary of the Treasury to Congress in 1870, with the draft of the bill proposing a revision of the coinage acts, was one by Prof. E. B. Elliot, of the Treasury Department, containing an elaborate discussion of the questions involved. In place of the then existing legal tender dollar he suggested the issue of a commercial dollar of nine-tenths fineness, and containing 25 grains of pure silver, being almost the exact equivalent of the silver contained in the old Spanish-Mexican pillar dol- lar, established in 1704 by a proclamation of Queen Anne, and declared to contain 38G£ grains. The draft of the bill transmitted, however, con- tained no provision for such a coin, but it did provide for the coinage, on government account, of a silver dollar of 384 standard grains, being equal to the weight of one dollar of fractional coins, instead of the existing dollar of 412?, grains, and 247 248 MONEY IN POLITICS. this provision remained in the bill as it first passed the Senate, January 9, 1871 — the suggestion of coining a piece for purely commercial purposes, and not for circulation, receiving little attention. The House failed to pass the bill in any form that session. Secretary Boutwell, however, in his annual report for 1872, renewed his recommenda- tions for the passage of the coinage-revision bill, and suggested such alterations as would prohibit the coinage of silver as a general currency for the country, and also suggested that authority be given for the coinage of a silver dollar that should be as valuable as the Mexican dollar, to be fur- nished at cost ; and he added that the Mexican dollar was used in trade with China, and was sell- ing at a premium of eight per cent over the actual expense of coining. In May, 1872, a new Congress having convened, the House took up the bill and passed it as origi- nating in that body. The bill still provided for the coinage of a dollar of 384 standard grains. On January 7, 1873, Mr. Sherman reported the bill from the Senate finance committee, with cer- tain amendments, of which by far the most impor- tant was the proposition to strike out the authority to coin a dollar for circulation, but in place of the one proposed to authorize a coin for only commercial purposes, to be coined for private parties at cost. He stated in explanation that THE TRADE DOLLAR. 249 this dollar had been adapted mainly for the benefit of the people of California and others engaged in trade with China. The amendment was accepted by the House, and the bill thus amended became a law February 12, 1873. The amendment was as follows : — " That any owner of silver bullion may deposit the same at any mint, to be formed into bars, or into dollars of the weight of 420 grains troy, desig- nated in this act as trade dollars . . . and the charges for converting standard silver into trade dollars ; for melting and refining, when bullion is below standard ; for toughening, when metals are contained in it which render it unfit for coinage ; for copper used for alloy, when the bullion is above standard ; for separating the gold and silver, when these metals exist together in the bullion ; and for the preparation of bars, shall be fixed from time to time by the Director (of the Mint), with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury, so as to equal, but not exceed, in their judgment, the actual average cost to each mint and assay office, of the material, labor, wastage, and use of ma- chinery employed in each of the cases aforemen- tioned." The name of the coin, and the manner in which it was to be issued, confirmed the oft-repeated assertions of its friends, that the coin was for com- mercial purposes onlv, and not intended for circu- 250 MONEY IN POLITICS. lation. Through what appears to be an oversight, however, another section of the same law, in declaring what should be the silver coins of the United States, included the trade dollar, and made that coin, like other silver coins, a legal tender for any amount not exceeding five dollars in any one payment. Immediately upon the passage of the act, designs for the new coin were prepared and ac- cepted. On the one side was to be a left-handed view of the goddess of liberty, and on the other side the name of the coin, with the announce- ment that the piece contained 420 grains of sil- ver nine-tenths fine, surrounded with the words "The United States of America." Arrange- ments for its coinage beino; concluded, holders of silver bullion were notified that, upon presentation of it at the United States Mint in either Phila- delphia or San Francisco, they could obtain these coins in return, upon additional payment of 1| cents for each piece, the estimated cost of manu- facture. The certificate the coin bore as to its weight and fineness was accepted in China and Japan without farther assaying or weighing of the metal, and the form of the metal being adapted for circula- tion, the coin created a new market for silver, and readily sold at a considerable advance above other forms of silver bullion. As the coin would bring THE TRADE DOLLAR. 251 for exportation more than a dollar in gold, there was no object in putting it into circulation in this country. But owing to the depreciation in the value of silver, which soon followed, it became of less value than the paper dollar, and eventually less than that of the gold dollar. The holders of bullion then found it more profit- able to put the coin into circulation in this coun- try than to export it, and suddenly, as if by magic, the coins appeared in all parts of the country, to the surprise of nearly everybody, as even the authority for its coinage was not generally known. It soon came into competition with the other dollar authorized by the same act, and holders were perplexed beyond measure to understand why the former coin, having 1\ grains more of silver in it than had the latter, should be a legal tender for five dollars onl} r , while the latter was an unlimited tender in the payment of all debts. The confusion Avas increased when they ascer- tained that the government sold the former in any amount, with only cost of coinage added, while it was restricted in the coinage of the latter, and compelled to sell it at its face value in gold, re- gardless of the price of silver bullion. Appeals for information concerning this financial puzzle came to the Treasury from all parts of the coun- try, not unfrequently accompanied by a statement that the information was desired to settle a wager 252 MONEY IN POLITICS. as to the relative worth of the two coins. A full explanation was embodied in one reply, and to save labor this reply was printed, and thereafter sent to all inquirers. The letter was dated Sep- tember 1, 1878, and was signed by the Secretary. The following extract fully explains the character and circulation of the coin : — "As its name indicates, the purpose of this coin was for trade, not for circulation, though by classi- fying it with other silver coins, the law made it a legal tender to the amount of five (5) dollars in any one payment. " At the time of the passage of the act the ac- tual value of this dollar, including the charge of \\ cents for coinage, was a little more than $1.04 in gold. "Under such circumstances there could be no object for the owner to put the coins into circula- tion, and consequently they were exported mostly to China, where, from lack of a circulating me- dium, these pieces, convenient in size, and bearing the guaranty of a great government as to their weight and fineness, obtained an extensive circula- tion, and created a market for the silver of the Pacific States, as intended by the act. "After a few months, however, an unforeseen depreciation in the value of silver bullion occurred ; and in the early part of 187G this depreciation reached such a point that one dollar in gold would THE TRADE DOLLAR. 253 purchase more than the necessary amount of silver for a trade dollar, and pay for its coinage. " Under such conditions, dealers in bullion found a profit in putting trade dollars into circulation at par in the Pacific States, where the currency was upon a gold basis ; but the coin being a legal ten- der for only five (5) dollars, its circulation was necessarily limited in amount as well as restricted in locality. rt The people of the Pacific States, however, objected to its use at all for circulation, and the attention of Congress having been called to the matter, on the 8th of May, 187G, Hon. Samuel J. Randall of Pennsylvania introduced into the House a bill, the third section of which repealed the legal tender quality of these coins. " On the 10th of June following, Hon. S. S. Cox of Xew York reported the measure to the House, urging its adoption. "No objection was raised, and it became a law July 22, 187G, without modification or an opposing voice or vote in either House, and is as follows : — "'That the trade dollar shall not hereafter be a legal tender; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to limit, from time to time, the coinage thereof to such an amount as he may deem sufficient to meet the export demand for the same.' "Up to that time (excepting a few days), and for several months thereafter, the trade dollar cost 254 MONEY IN POLITICS. more than a paper-currency dollar, and conse- quently none of the coins got into circulation in other than the Pacific States. "Owing to the appreciation of the paper cur- rency, however, in the fall of 1877, the trade dollar became of less value than the paper dollar ; and in December of that year a large number of them were put into circulation, at their nice value, at a profit to the owners of the bullion." "Apprehensive of such misuse of the coins, on the 15th of October in that year I ordered the discontinuance of their coinage at the mint at Philadelphia, and four days later at the other mints. Meanwhile the Department, in reply to numerous inquiries, had uniformly stated that the trade dollar possessed only a commercial value, depending upon the price of silver bullion. "It will be seen that the coins were put into circulation months after the passage of the act taking from them their legal tender character, and mainly after their coinage had ceased. "But in their use as money, the Department has never had any interest or derived any profit. For the expense of their coinage the owner of the bullion reimbursed the government, and this ended the connection of the government with the transac- tion. At no time and on no account have they ever been received, or paid out, by the Treasury ; and it is a cause of regret that so manv of our THE TEADE DOLLAR. 255 people should have accepted them at their face value, thus enabling their owners to put them into circulation at a considerable profit. "Under date of July 25, 1878, the Director of the Mint published tables from which the value of these coins can be ascertained, and the terms on which they are received at the mints. He does not advise any one to dispose of them at such rates. The law under which the Department buys bullion with which to coin the standard silver dol- lar, requires the same to be bought at the market price, and it can purchase trade dollars only as bullion. Possibly in time these coins will find a ready market in China at nearly or quite their face value, for circulation as coin." The repeal of the law giving this coin a legal tender quality only added to the mystery of its existence. Congress could but recognize the il- logical position the coin occupied in the currency of the country. Although containing more silver than the standard dollar, it would not be received in payment of public dues, nor could the holder lawfully pay with it any private debt. There have been coined 35,959,300 of these pieces, of which about 6,000,000 probably re- main in this country. To finally dispose of the troublesome coins the House of Representatives, during the present Congress, has passed an act authorizing their redemption at par in gold, and 256 MONEY IN POLITICS. directing their recoinage into standard dollars. This would doubtless relieve the circulation of the country from their undesired presence ; but the plan offers to foreign holders of these coins ten per cent more than would be paid to holders of silver bullion in other forms, and such a per- centage of profit would hardly fail to bring back to the country all the trade dollars yet in exist- ence. And after settling with foreign holders, at a profit to them of ten per cent, the government proposes to take out about eight per cent of the silver for itself, and then to sell the coins again to the public at par in gold ! The act sleeps in the Senate, and common honesty demands that the sleep shall be the sleep of death. The purpose and the result of the issue of this coin affords but another example of the fallacy of legislative acts to improve upon natural commer- cial laws. Authorized as an avowed agency to assist mining industries, the coin at first filled its mission satisfactorily, but events which legislators could not foresee have completely changed its original character and object, and has brought to its holders loss, annoyance, and confusion. The government should never have embarked in the enterprise. It departed from its proper functions to legislate in the interests of a few persons, with the result we have seen. It might as well upon a proper consideration have placed its stamp upon THE TRADE DOLLAR. 257 the ends of a pork-barrel for the pork-packer in Chicago, certifying that tlie barrel contained the lawful amount and quality of mess pork. To complete the illustration, it might then declare the barrel to be a legal tender within a prescribed limit ! What action can be taken to get rid of the trade dollars without doing injustice to innocent persons is a question whose solution Congress has thus far vainly endeavored to solve. Mean- while speculators are depressing and raising their price as may suit their purposes. The last of their schemes noted is to pass the coins in Am- sterdam to emigrants leaving for America. Great therefore will be the surprise of the worthy Hol- lander when, upon tendering his silver to our customs officials, he finds that the great Ameri- can Caesar does not recognize the coin, although bearing his image and superscription. CHAPTER XXIV. OTHER MONEYS. Minor Coins. The act of April 2, 1792, au- thorized the coinage of copper cent and half-cent pieces, of 264 and 132 grains respectively. These pieces were not legal tender for any amount or made redeemable upon any terms. To those who wished for them, they were sold at the mints at their face value for gold or silver. Consequently no greater amount got into circulation than was required for convenience in making change, for which purpose they were readily accepted. In the following year the weight of the cent piece was reduced to 208 grains ; in 1796, to 168 grains, the half-cent suffering a corresponding reduction. The coinage of both pieces was discontinued by law in 1857, to which time they were the only authorized coins in circulation of less value than the silver half-dime. At the same time, to take the place of these worthy coins, a so-called nickel cent was author- 258 OTHER MONEYS. 259 izecl, to weigh 72 grains, and to be composed of 88 per cent copper and 12 per cent nickel. This piece was smaller than its predecessor and less cumbersome, but was apt to be mistaken for the gold quarter-eagle, being of nearly the same diam- eter and thickness. It had no legal tender quality, and was not redeemable in any other money ; but it answered the purpose for which it was coined as well, but no better, than its predecessor. By the act of April 22, 1864, the coinage of this nickel cent was prohibited, and in its place one and two cent bronze pieces were authorized, to weigh respectively 48 and 96 grains, to be composed of 95 per cent copper and 5 per cent tin and zinc, and to be a legal tender in any pay- ment for 10 cents and 20 cents respectively. Their issue was prohibited by the act of February 12, 1873. By the act of March 3, 1865, a three cent nickel piece was authorized, to weigh 30 grains, to be composed of 75 per cent copper and 25 per cent nickel, and to be a legal tender in any payment to the amount of 60 cents. The same act reduced the legal tender limit of the one and two cent coins to four cents. By the act of May 16, 1866, a live cent nickel piece was authorized, to weigh 77.16 grains, to be composed of 75 per cent copper and 25 per cent nickel, to be a legal tender in any payment to the 2G0 MONEY IN POLITICS. amount of one dollar, and to be redeemed by the Treasury in national currency when presented in sums of one hundred dollars. By the act of March 3, 1871, the redemption in lawful money of all the above coins is provided for when presented in sums of twenty dollars. It is doubtful if any case has arisen in which any advantage has arisen from the legal tender quality of these coins, and no harm or good has therefore come from this endowment. The coins were however designed only for the convenience of the public in rt making change," and only this purpose was served until they Avere made redeem- able in lawful money. Taking advantage of that provision, banks, street-car companies, bake-shops, and others receivimr large amounts of minor coins have turned these coins into the Treasury in ex- change for lawful money ; and the Treasury has been compelled thus to receive them and then to reissue them to persons needing them, thus throw- ing upon the government a labor and expense which should be borne by the parties in interest. Fractional Silver. Half-dollar, quarter-dol- lar, dime, and half-dime pieces were authorized by the act of April 2, 1792. They were of the same fineness as the dollar, and of relative weight. They were a full legal tender in payment of debts, and their coinage continued after 1809, when the coinage of the dollar ceased ; but they were mainly OTHER MONEYS. 261 exported, depreciated paper constituting the circu- lating medium of the country. Upon the reduction in the weight of gold coins in 1837, silver coins were undervalued, and the country consequently left without any silver for change, a want partly supplied by worn Mexican pieces. To correct this evil the act of February 21, 1853, provided that the weight of these frac- tional pieces should be reduced, so that one- dol- lar in value should weigh 384 grains, instead of 41 2i, making a dollar worth considerably less than one dollar in gold, an intentional over-valuation, in order that the pieces might not be melted down or exported. The pieces were then no longer coined for depositors, but on government account, being issued in exchange for gold, par for par, the profit in the coinage being turned into the public treasury. They were also made a legal tender only for sums not exceeding five dollars. Subse- quently a three-cent piece and a twenty-cent piece were authorized, but the authority for their issue has been discontinued. By an act approved June 9, 1879, the redemp- tion in lawful money of the silver coins of smaller denominations than one dollar was authorized, and the coins made a lc^al tender for all sums not exceeding ten dollars. Unexpected results fol- lowed the provision for redeeming these coins. It was supposed that the excess likely to be pre- 262 MONEY IN POLITICS. sented for that purpose would be insignificant ; and, could the redemption have been limited to the coins then in the country, such would have been the result. But while the country was using fractional paper currency the fractional silver had been largely exported to Canada and the South American States, in which places it circulated at its bullion value. As soon as the government offered to re- deem the coins at par in gold or its equivalent, the holders in those countries lost no time in send- ing in their coins for redemption, realizing from the exchange a profit of not less than 25 per cent. The amount of about $28,000,000 of these coins has been redeemed and now lie in the Treasury vaults. Not only has the government been thus over- reached, but, as in the case of the minor coins, the public Treasury has become a distributing agent, but working in this case for the benefit of the banks, dime museums, and travelling shows in redeeming and redistributing these coins. As the coins are convertible at sight into full legal tender money, the limit of their legal tender quality becomes of no importance. Clearing-house Certificates. By the act of June 8, 1873, the Treasury was authorized to re- ceive United States notes on deposit from national banks in sums of not less than ten thousand dol- OTHER MONEYS. 263 lars, and to issue certificates therefor, receivable at the clearing-house in payment of balances, the certificates to be payable on demand, and no expansion or contraction of the currency to arise from the transaction. Under this authority banks employ the public Treasury to keep them in notes of denominations which may suit their con- venience, turning into the Sub-Treasury one day worn notes of undesirable denominations, obtain- ing certificates therefor to be redeemed the next day in new notes of desired denominations, com- pelling the Sub-Treasury offices to make the exchange in Washington, at the expense of the government. No other advantage in the plan has yet become evident. Silver Certificates. These certificates, here- tofore mentioned, are issued upon deposits of silver dollars held in the Treasury for their redemption upon presentation. These are receivable by the government for any public dues, but arc not a legal tender for private debts. Thus far they have circulated at a ffold valuation ; and so long as the Treasury redeems any excess at a gold rate, they cannot fall to their true value. Gold Certificates. These certificates are issued upon the deposits of gold in the Treasury, and are redeemable in gold at sight. They are receivable by the government only for customs dues, and are not a legal tender for private debts. 264 MONEY IN POLITICS. The Treasury has, without authority of law, re- cognized them as lawful reserves for national banks ; and for this purpose they are ever in de- mand. In any stringency, gold can be obtained for them at sight, and the banks can thus have available gold without cumbering their vaults with the heavy metal, the government kindly performing that function for them. Excepting for the resumption fund of $100,000,000, the Treas- ury can issue certificates for any gold it owns. CHAPTER XXV. THT PAK OF EXCHANGE. By the r ng of the British mint in 1707 the pound sterling silver was valued at 4.44$ Spanish silver dollars, as they were then current in the American colonies. At that time the dollar con- tained 386 } grains of pure silver. Subsequent reductions were made in the legal weight of this piece, until the coinage act of 1792 fixed the weight at 371£ grains of such silver, at which it has since remained. The silver pound sterling, which in 1707 contained 1719.4 grains of pure silver, remained unchanged until 1816, when Great Britain demon- etized silver, and declared in effect that the pound sterling or the sovereign should consist of 113 + grains of pure gold. Of course the value of this pound expressed in silver dollars would thereafter vary in accordance with the unceasing fluctuations in the relative commercial value of the two metals. But an official proclamation had declared the pound sterling equal to $4.44$ ; and in all commcr- 265 266 MONEY IN POLITICS. cial dealings this rating continued to be mminally recognized until 1834, although the amount in dollars, where pounds were called for, would be calculated at an entirely different rate, and at a rate which changed from day to day. In 1834 the o;old dollar became the unit of value in the United States, and that unit bore fixed relation to the unit of value in Great Britain, both being of the same metal, but the pound ster- ling still continued to be rated at $4.44$. In 1837 the amount of pure gold in the dollar Avas fixed at 23.22 grains. The number of these dollars in a pound sterling would therefore be 4.8665, or in' other words the value of the pound was $4.8665, being 9£ per cent above the recognized value of $4.44*. Until January 1, 1873, the valuation of the pound sterling at $4.44$ continued to find place in all transactions involving the currencies of the two countries. The school arithmetics taught the value of a pound sterling to be $4.44$, but that the true " par of exchange " was found in this country by adding to that value 9^ per cent of itself, and that the commercial value would then be found by adding to or subtracting from this result the small percentage fixed by dealers, vary- ing from time to time according to the rates of insurance, interest, and transportation, and the demand for drafts on London payable in pounds THE PAR OF EXCHANGE. 2G7 sterling. Thus for 1G6 years the value of the pound sterling Avas estimated in accordance with the proclamation issued by Queen Anne in 1707, although meanwhile the silver dollar had twice been changed in weight, and both dollar and pound had been changed from silver to gold. This undervaluation of the pound sterling caused in commercial transactions only an incon- venience of calculation ; nobody gained anything by it, or lost anything except additional time con- sumed in arithmetical calculations. In computing duties on imported goods from England levied at a certain percentage upon their value at the place of shipment, customs officers, however, found that, reckoning the pound sterling at $4.44*, the government was not obtaining the revenue which the law evidently contemplated, and at the same time was discriminating in favor of England as against other nations sending their goods to this country. In 1842 Congress imposed a high tariff on im- ported goods, and, with a, view of equalizing rates among the different countries from which the goods came, determined to readjust the value of the pound sterling, known to be underrated. For this purpose an English sovereign was tested at the; mint, and upon the result of the test Congress declared the value of that pied' to be $4.84. This erroneous rating, evidently based upon the weight 268 MONEY IN POLITICS. of a piece somewhat worn, gave more duties to the government, more protection to " infant indus- tries," and to the importer of dutiable goods from England another rating of the pound to confuse his reckonings. To relieve the importers and others in any way interested in foreign exchanges, Congress in 1872 enacted a law declaring that the value of foreign coins, as expressed in the money of account of the United States, should be that of the pure metal of such coin of standard value, and that the stan- dard coins in circulation of the various nations of the world should be estimated annually by the Director of the Mint, and proclaimed on the first day of January, by the Secretary of the Treasury ; and that in all payments to or by the Treasury, where it became necessary to compute the value of the pound sterling, such pound should be deemed equal to $4.8665, and the same value should apply in appraising merchandise imported where the value was expressed in pounds or sov- ereigns, and that this valuation should be the par of exchange between the United States and Great Britain. The first proclamation of value of foreign coins was issued by the Secretary, January 1, 1873, and immediately thereafter quotations of sterling ex- change were based upon the new value of the pound. THE PAR OF EXCHANGE. 2G9 This value was found by dividing the number of grains of pure gold in a standard sovereign by the number of sueh grains in a standard dollar, — a process so simple that the delay of forty years in reaching the result seems unaccountable. England, however, had been in this matter equally as dilatory as the United States. In all transactions involving dollars, the pound was rated at $4,443, and the result corrected by the per- centage necessary to obtain the true value. Pub- lished quotations of the value of American secu- rities in London assumed that undervaluation of the pound as the correct par of exchange ; and to the extent of the undervaluation they were mis- leading, except to the comparatively few who knew of the error so persistently maintained. In 1873 the Secretary of the Treasury commu- nicated with the proper representative of the Stock Exchange in London, advising him of the reform in this country, by which the pound ster- ling had come to be reckoned and quoted at its true value, and suggested that a corresponding change be made in the usage of the London Stock Exchange, that the value of American securities might be correctly published in that city. The matter was favorably presented to the Ex- change, but it met with little favor. Theerror was so well understood, it was alleged, that no change was necessary or desirable ; but finally, in the 270 MONEY IN POLITICS. nature of a compromise, the Exchange adopted $5 as the value of the sovereign, upon which par future quotations of American securities would be published, and peremptorily closed the discussion, perhaps fearing an inquiry as to what process of reasoning had been used to obtain the result. To ascertain the true value in London of secu- rities calling for dollars, the published quotations of the Stock Exchange in that city must now be reduced in the ratio of 500 to 486.65 ; but, to obtain the commercial value of such securities, the current exchange value of the pound should be substituted in place of its legal value. THE END. S£l«i!lll[iMii?l^. GI0NAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001023 091