lA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH B 3 7 TTDS5 lENTAR JIKsiNG PROCEDURES FOR tAINING SCHOOLS FOR NURSES ! li California SrrrF, Printixq Oi i-u i: 101 --) CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BUREAU OF REGISTRATION OF NURSES ELEMENTARY NURSING PROCEDURES FOR TRAINING SCHOOLS FOR NURSES Caufobnia State Prtntixo Offtci: 1 n 1 5 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BUREAU OF REGISTRATION OF NURSES ELEMENTARY NURSING PROCEDURES FOR TRAINING SCHOOLS FOR NURSES California State Printing Office 1915 20531 PREFATORY NOTE. This illustrated j)amphlet of elementary nursing procedures is issued to instructors of nurses in the training schools of this State, and has for its purpose the establishment of a certain degree of uniformity in teach- ing fundamental nursing technic and to serve as a guide to the instructor during the preliminary part of the course. It illustrates the method of carrying on a series of demonstrations which will cover a period of three months' class instruction before the student is permitted to undertake the care of patients. It is not intended to take the place of the textbook, but to emphasize points preliminary to bedside nursing. Blank leaves are left for instructor's notes. A of articles required for equipment of demonstration room is given. This list may be amplified according to the requirements of the service of the hospital, the facilities of the training school and the scope of preliminary instruction. Anna C. Jamme, Director. Sacramento, December 10, 1915. 52 EQUIPMENT FOR DEMONSTRATION ROOM. FURNITURE. Students' chairs. Unvarnished table (3 feet by 6 feet). Instructor's table and chair. Blackboard (large size). Skeleton. Anatomical charts, drawings, etc. Pencil sharpener. Bed and mattress. UTENSILS. 2 large enamel basins. 2 small enamel basins. 2 .small enamel bowls. 2 curved basins. 1 foot tub. 2 enamel pitchers (2 qt.). 1 enamel graduate (16 oz. 500 c.c). 1 bed pan. 1 douche pan. 1 irrigator and stand. 1 saucepan (1 qt.). 1 large tray. 1 medium size tray. 1 small tray. 2 small glass jars. 1 small glass dish. 1 glass graduate (500 c.c). 1 clinical thermometer. 1 bath thermometer. 1 glass douche point. 2 glass catheters. 4 medicine glasses. 1 h.ypodermic syringe. 2 hypodermic needles. 2 hypodermoclysis needles. 1 hjT^podermoclysis bottle. 1 stupe wringer. ET.KMKXTArxY NTRSIXG PROCEDURES. LINEN. 6 large sheets. 4 draw sheets. 6 pillow slips. 6 bath towels. 6 hand towels. 6 cloths. 6 dressing- towels. 2 bed blankets. 1 long mattress pad. 1 small quilted pad. 5 bath blankets. 1 bed spread. RUBBER GOODS. 1 long rubber sheet. 1 small rubber sheet. 1 piece Stork sheeting (18x24). 1 piece bed rubber sheeting (24x36). 1 rubber ring. 2 ice caps. 1 rectal tube. 1 hard rubber rectal point. 1 rubber catheter. 1 proctoclysis point. 2 hot water bags. 1 pair rubber gloves. 1 rubber apron. 1 Davidson's syringe. MISCELLANEOUS. Vaseline. Application sticks. Toothpicks. IMouth wash. Comb and brush. 1 small dressing forceps. Small whisk broom. Toilet soap. Talcum powder. DRUGS. Blank tablets. Suppositories (cocoa butter). Alcohol (70%). Turpentine, 4 oz. Mustard. Lysol solution (10%). Carbolic solution (10%). Boracic acid. Bichloride solution (1-1000). Bichloride tablets (7-^ grs.). Common salt. 6 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. FIRST DEMONSTRATION. MAKING A BED. Articles required. 1. Bed. 2. ]\rattress of hair, cotton, or ostermoor, to fit bed. 3. Two pillows, one feather and one hair or both feather of medium size, moderately well filled. 4. ]\Iattress pad, length and width of mattress. 5. Enbber sheet, double coated, without wrinkles, creases or pinholes. 6. Rubber protector, quilted pad 36 in. by 24 in., or width of rubber sheeting. 7. Two sheets, large enough to tuck under mattress on all sides. 8. Draw sheet, single or double. 9. Two pillow slips to fit pillows loosely. 10. Two blankets — single blankets preferred. 11. Spread, dimity preferred. Procedure. Spread mattress pad over mattress. Spread sheet right side upper- most, wide hem at top, allow it to come well over head of mattress and turn corners wdth box effect ; see that it is smooth and firm. Spread rubber sheet across center of mattress and over this the rubber protector and then draw sheet. Pull latter down snugly by grasping ends only and tuck in very securely on each side. Spread top sheet, right side down, wide hem at top, the width of hem al)ove edge of mattress, tuck in securely at foot, box corners. Spread each blanket, leave about ten inches from top edge of mat- tress ; tuck in each blanket separately at foot of bed, box corners. Turn down top sheet over upper edge of blanket, tuck in blankets and top sheet securely on each side of mattress. The l>ed should now be smooth, firm and corners perfectly square. Place spread with upper edge even with mattress, tuck in at foot, square corners and alloAv spread to hang at each side. Pillows slipped into cases by first placing pillows on chairs and not on bed, corners of pillows to fit well into covers. First pillow or hair pillow, if used, laid flat on bed, seam side to head of bed, open end away from door. Second pillow standing upright, seam side at lower border, open end away from door. SECOND DEMONSTRATION. TO OPEN BED FOR OCCUPANCY. Procedure. Remove pillows to chair or foot of bed. Turn back spread about four- teen inches. Loosen blankets and top sheet at sides, turn up top sheet towards head of bed, bring up spread and turn upper edge over border of blankets. Turn back sheet, make one more turn so that last turn shall be twelve inches wide. Place pillows one over the other, closed ends on one side. See that bed clothing is perfectly smooth, no wrinkles or loose corners. ELKMKNTARY NURSINO I'lfOfVEDUEES. 7 THIRD DEMONSTRATION. TO STRIP AND AIR A BED. •Procedure. Place two chairs back to back. Remove pillows, place one on each chair. Loosen sheets and blankets around mattress, remove spread and fold in creases, place over chairs. Remove blankets, each separately by gathering in hands while standing at side of ))ed. Remove upper sheet and draw sheet in same manner. Hang rubber sheet and small pad on foot of ])ed. mattress protector on head of bed. FOURTH DEMONSTRATION. TO MAKE A SURGICAL BED. Articles required. Same as for First Demonstration, and in addition — 1. Two special or bath blankets. 2. Stork sheeting 18 x 24 inches. 3. Two towels. 4. Four small safety pins. 5. Three hot v/ater bags or cans. Procedure. Spread mattress protector, lower sheet, rubber sheet, small pad and draw sheet as in making ordinary bed. Spread special blankets six inches, from top of mattress ; spread top sheet width of hem above upper edge of mattress, do not tuck in at bottom of mattress. Spread bed blankets as in ordinary bed and do not tuck in at bottom. Put on spread, or if preferred, a sheet. Turn over upper bed clothes, including the upper special blanket, at foot of bed and make an even fold 8 to 10 inches in width with lower edge of fold on level with end of mattress. Turn over in same way at head of bed and on one side, that most convenient for placing patient in bed, making neat smooth folds same width as at foot. Tuck in bedding on opposite side. Place small rubber sheet covered with towel and held in place with safety pins, where patient's head will rest. Place hot water bags, or cans, where shoulders, hips and feet will rest. These should be filled with very hot water and in every case removed before the patient is placed in bed. Lower blanket may ])e omitted and used only in case of shock or when additional warmth is required. Bedside table. On table should be one (preferably two) emesis basins, towels and several small scfuares of gauze. 8 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. FIFTH DEMONSTRATION. TO MAKE A DELIVERY BED. Articles required for demonstration. Same as for First Demonstration, and in addition — 1. Long rubber sheet, length and width of mattress. 2. One long sheet and draw sheet. 3. Four large safety pins. 4. One light warm blanket. Procedure. Proceed as in making ordinary bed until after draw sheet is tucked in, then cover bed with long rubber and over this place extra sheet, tuck in on all sides, then extra draw sheet and pin securely to mattress with large safety pins. For the delivery a sterile sheet is placed over this. After delivery both sheets and long rubber are removed and patient is on clean bed- ding. Blanket will cover patient. ' 1 T^-^ -w-= -r=fci=t^^^^^r=^-^ flqjn^m ^.r-^ ^ |[ 1 ■ HHH A quilted pad protects the mattress. ELEMENTARY KUHSING rROCEDDRES. The lower sheet in place. A small quilted pad covers the rubber sheet and lessens the discomfort of the rubbe 2—20531 10 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. The draw sheet in place. The upper sheet is turned back on top of blanket. ELEMENTARY NURSING PROCEDURES. 11 The closed bed. In opening the bed for occupancy the spread is turned over the upper border of blanket. ]2 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP HEALTH. The bed is open for occupancy. One or both pillows may be used. Taking off the blanket to air the bed. ELEMENTARY NURSING PROCEDURES. 13 Bed stripped for airing. A surgical bed without blankets. 14 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. A sursical bed with blankets for additional warmth. The Hospital Doll. ELEMENTAEY NUESIXG PROCEDURES. 15 INSTRUCTOR'S NOTES. 16 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP HEALTH. INSTRUCTOR'S NOTES. i:i.i;mi;\"iaky xiMtsixc I'Uockdfrks. 17 SIXTH DEMONSTRATION. THE BED-BATH. Articles required. 1. Bed ])rei)ared for occupancy. 2. Subject for bath (model doll, nurse, or patient). 3. Two bath blankets. 4. One bath towel. 5. Two face towels. 6. Two wash cloths. 7. Soap, alcohol (50%). toilet powder, curved basin. toothl)rush, comb and brush, tooth paste, or mouth wash. 8. Two pitchers containing cold and hot Avater. 9. Basin, slop jar. hot water bag, bath thermometer. Procedure. Have two chairs at foot of bed, loosen bedding from all around mat- tress; remove spread and blanket, as in stripping bed, and place on chairs ; spread bath blanket over upper sheet ; remove sheet in a down- ward direction while holding upper border of blanket. Remove patient's gown by first drawing up gown from under hips, then remove one sleeve and while supporting the patient remove the gown over the head and other arm. When patient can not be raised, turn first on one side and remove one sleeve, then bringing the goA\Ti over the head, turn on back and remove it entirely. Place second bath blanket under patient by first turning her on one side, then place half of blanket over one side of bed, turn patient back and draw blanket over other side. The patient is now between two bath blankets. If recjuired, place hot water bag at feet ; place one face towel on upper border of top blanket and turn well over edge to keep blanket from coming in contact with chin. Remove one pillow and place towel under patient's head. To give the bath. Bathe face, using wash cloth so that ends will not drip or drag over skin ; wash carefully in corners of eyes, around nose and mouth and under chin. Do not use soap unless requested. Dry thoroughly. Bathe neck and ears. l)eing careful not to fill ears with soapy water, dry thoroughly, especially behind ears. Spread bath towel under one arm and over edge of blanket. Use second wash cloth and bathe arms Avith soapy water, using a firm even motion and giving special attention to axilla. While bathing arm. the nurse should support it l)y placing hand under patient's wrist, and never allow it to drop suddenly. After arms are well dried with bath toAvel, place hand towel on l)ed and over this set basin and immerse patient's hand in Avater. After A\-ashing thoroughly, remove basin and dry. Bathe other liand in same manner. Renew Avater in basin, bathe chest next, using fii-ni circular strokes. A])douien is then bathed, work- ing under ])lanket in oi'der not to expose })atient. 3— 20.131 18 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP HEALTH. Patient is then turned on side, bath towel placed over lower blanket and brought close to back, back is bathed, using firm circular strokes, dry thoroughly, finishing with long strokes down spine. Renew water in basin. Expose one thigh, place bath towel over blanket, bathe from hip to knee and dry. Expose lower leg and bathe from knee to ankle. Bathe other leg in same manner, covering patient with blanket after finishing each. Have patient flex knees, place bath towel on bed, over this set basin (not too full) and place one foot at a time in basin, bathe carefully and allow it to remain for a few minutes in the water. Renew water. In giving a bath to a female patient, the genitals are then bathed, if a male patient, this is done by the orderly, or by the patient himself. In the latter instance the nurse places wash cloth and towel conveniently near and leaves the room until the patient summons her by ringing the bell. A general alcohol rub may be given at this point, or it can be given after each part has been bathed. Talcum powder may also be used if desired. The night gown is then put on by 'putting first one arm, then the other, into the sleeves and slipping it over the head, shoulders and under hips. Turn patient on side to remove lower bath blanket and change sheet and draw sheet. This is done by pushing up soiled lower sheet and clean sheet close to patient 's back, put on clean lower sheet on half of bed, turn corners and tuck in firmly. Put on draw sheet on half of bed, folding the remainder of both sheets in flat folds close to patient's back with edge towards opposite side. Go to other side of bed and turn patient over, draw out soiled sheets, take edge of lower sheet and draw over, pulling securely, tuck in corners in usual manner. Straighten rubber and rubber protector ; take edge of clean draw sheet, pull and tuck securely in place. Patient is then turned on back, upper sheet put on and upper bath blanket removed. Blankets and spread are put on as in making the ordinary bed. Pillow slips are changed. In doing this the pillow should never be placed on the bed but put on a chair or table ; patient is raised and supported and pillows adjusted comfortably under shoulders and head. The care of the mouth, hair and finger nails is part of the bath routine. To clean the nails, a hand towel is placed over the spread under the hands, file and orangewood stick laid on it. If patient is well enough she may prefer to do this for herself. To clean the mouth, place hand towel under chin and have patient brush the teeth, or if unable to do so, nurse must clean carefully with a7)plicator, or gauze over finger. Have patient rinse mouth with mouth wash, adjust curved basin under chin for expectoration. To arrange the hair, a hand towel is laid over the pillow, the patient's head turned to one side and the hair divided into two parts, brush care- fully and somewhat slowly, combing must be done gently, the hair being held in the hand to prevent pulling. After tangles are removed, the hair is braided near the ears and the ends of the braid tied. In doing the hair the nurse stands on either side of the bed; she should never work across the patient. In male patients the hair must be carefulh^ brushed with special attention to the back of the head. ELEMEXTAUY XURSIXG PROCEDURES. 19 Articles prepared for giving the bath. 20 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Patient prepared for bed bath. Bathing the face. ELEMEXTATtY NTRSIXG PROCEDURES. 21 Bathing the arm. Bathing the hand. 22 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Bathing the leg. "W Bathing the foot. KLEMENTAKY NURSING rilOCEDURES. 23 Putting on the gown. Changing the lower bedding. 24 CALIFORNLV STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. The nurse assisting the patient in brushing the teeth. The nurse brushes the hair carefully. ELEMENTARY NUKSING PllOCEDURES. 25 Attention to finger nails. SEVENTH DEMONSTRATION. PREPARATION OF PATIENT FOR THE NIGHT. Articles required. 1. Basin with -warm water. 2. Hand towel and wash cloth. 3. Curved basin, tooth, tooth paste or mouth wash. 4. Comb and brush. 5. Alcohol (50%), and talcum powder. 6. Small whisk broom. Procedure. Place hand towel under chin, wash face and dry. Spread hand towel over spread, set basin conveniently on either side, immerse hand, wash with soap and water, allowing each hand to remain a fe^v minutes in the water. Place hand towel under chin and have patient cleanse mouth as in Sixth Demonstration. Rearrange hair if necessary. Have patient use bed pan or urinal. If female, wash genitals and douche externally, dry with cotton or gauze. Turn patient on side, brush out crumbs, using small whisk broom (kept for this purpose). Loosen draw sheet from side of mattress, also rubber sheet and lower sheet, pull firmly and retuck under mattress snugly. Rub back and over hips, using firm circular strokes, finishing with long strokes down spine. Turn patient ; go to opposite side of bed and proceed as before, pull nightgown down in place. Turn spread and blankets over foot of bed, straighten top sheet, turn back each blanket separately over patient ; turn spread over upper edge of blanket, turn back upper sheet. Remove i)illo\vs. sliake and adjust comfortablv. See that bell is within reach. 4— 20.-)3i 2f; CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. INSTRUCTOR'S NOTES. KI.KMKXTAIJY Mi;s|\(! I'ltOCKDr ItKS. 27 EIGHTH DEMONSTRATION. TAKING THE TEMPERATURE. Articles required. 1. Clinical thci inoiuctcr fov iiivtni('t(»i' and out' for each nienihor of the ehiss. 2. One rei-tal thcnnoiuetei". 3. holding' solution (TO^f alcohol) and cotton. 4. Small dish holding squares of gauze or cotton pledgets. 5. Small jar of vaseline. 6. One liand towel. Procedure. By mouth. Remove thermometer from solution, wipe, .shake down mei'cury to 95 degrees by holding end of thermometer firmly between tirst and second fingers and thumb — giving a sharp wrist movement. Place in a slanting position under side of tongue and have patient close mouth. If the lips are dry they should be moistened before the thermometer is introduced. The patient, if out of bed. should not be standing. A hot or cold drink should not be given for several minutes before the ther- mometer is placed in the mouth. The thermometer should be held for at least three minutes. Remove, wipe, and return to the solution. The temperature should be recorded at once. By axilla. Wipe axilla with towel to remove any moisture, shake mercury down, place bulb well in hollow of axilla, bring arm across chest and' hold in position for five minutes. Remove, read and record at once. By rectum. I'se special rectal thermometer, have patient turned on one side with knees flexed. Shake down mercury, lubricate with vaseline and insert gently in rectum about one inch ; allow it to remain for three minutes. Remove, wipe, read and record at once. Note. — Variations in temperature and reasons for same are taught by instructor. The thermometer tray. 28 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Placing the thermometer under the tongue. Holding the thermometer. The thermometer in the axilla. ELEMENTARY ^•I'T?^;T^•(; I'HOCEDrRES. 29 NINTH DEMONSTRATION. PULSE AND RESPIRATION. Articles required. The iustruetor and each member of tlie class must liave a watch with second hand. ]\rembers of the class act as subjects in turn. Procedure. To count the pulse at the wrist. Subject to be lying- down or sitting, arm at rest. The student places the two first fingers on inside surface of the wrist, one inch below the root of the thumb and in the depression made by the radius and flexor tendons, the pulsation of the artery will be easily felt, the number of beats are counted for one minute and recorded immediately. To count the pulse at the temple. The first two fingers are placed over the temporal artery immediately in front of the ear and the pulsation counted for one minute. XoTE. — Characteristics of, and variations in, pulse are tauglit by tlie instructor. Counting the respiration. This is done immediately after the pulse is counted and while the hand is still on the wrist. The patient should not be aware it is being done. The number of respirations should be counted for one minute. Note. — Characteristics of and variations in respiration are taught by the instructor. TENTH DEMONSTRATION. CHARTING. Articles required. 1. Chart forms. 2. Fine pen points, holders, black and red ink. and a six-inch ritle for each member of the class. Procedure. All lettering must be done in neat legible type. Fill out every blank space. Chart temperature, pulse or respiration with small dots uniform in size, the line connecting the dots must be straight and light, there must be no erasures. 30 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Taking the pulse at the wrist. Note the position of arm. Taking the pulse at the temple over temporal artery. Ei.KMivS'TAitv XF'iisixd )'iiori;i)rni':;s. ai Taking the pulse in the neck over carotid artery. 82 CAI.IKOKXIA STATK BOARD OF IIEAI.TII. OAIE |2/ I 22 23 I 24- I 25 1 26 I 27 ,^a \Z9 130 |3/ ff I 2 | 3 U 5" G 7 fl 9/0 fyj. h I —I ( I 1 I I I I t I I 1 l-=t— 1 1 i-l—l i 1 ««roF OISEME Facsimile of clinical chart made by student in a training school in California. i:i.i':Mi;\'i'.\m m'ksinc i'i;()('i:i)ri;KS. 33 DAY. ^ s ?- 3 4 ^r' L ? % q 10 \l \^ \^ J • T" "^ (-■ DATE ^ 7^ ?-\ ;;^a r^ 74 >:r A<, %"] T.'i 7.^ !>« oi \ % ') 4 TEMP. ^ ^1 t)n' ^f ^1 ^C ^7 ^r ?>C J1 1 51 ^7 ^f ?>1 %! ^7' ^7 3^to 3!»(.6 5a."io 31 /,o 333e nib 5^0 3 -/so 3'^t* ^')i^o 33*0 3a^rt 3rt7it so'qo 3(.>v DL(o 11'7S., Patient.'^ ;/AoV<\rrD.Qg,'. Room JTiTT Date./?..a..^.^...?>..'iJ.. .1914' Itmp. di K ioi: iM- A. vq4-^a ^v^ rSlSi. V-o-'on- CnX\v\o ^0 v<\^y\ ^U^\. VT\AV. iol lik i5_ C^tt\A[)^^^ ■^o.<^(L^. z2a h>a. \K\n rX^< s Q;n\X P^■^^bVl^^^'ll'»0<^ .^ A<\t.^ jlA .' liftA .U<^a-<'3: Cex'^^'eV.O'A \a- a 5 V.1^. ^ A \v WlsQ 't)(L t'i^^(L0O(L. 4^ t \o-i<'; '"^e/Mi ^A[^.^l a^a--^ Olivia. 0<.uQ3-rt Olivia. oH-uQit. c, 'fAt^V Afii. Lk ii N-< oNff ^^OAbtt. i. ^f1?n.^L^ o.'^o.)^\< >^iP.i'^Ur \ ^\a^<)\<^i). V\0 . O.Ui ^ Vlo'vavL^ An'^t n\\\V i3\j f^ ^V< .* %>| V\< ^;k,,.6 ^(\.•:,•'<'. mm. ^' yj-tiy.^-t'i'K:'-':-' *- '.■ -';<■. •;•*''■"?*•■■ m M^- ^■WiW^^ ^:: U,H W. ■'■m. "^mt. ^ ■i :vv ■>1^'