X I I THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE PARASITIC DISEASES OF POULTRY. BY FRED. V. THEOBALD, M.A., F.E.S., FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS, U.S.A. '. ZOOLOGIST TO THE S.E. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, WYE ; AUTHOR OF ' AN ACCOUNT OF BRITISH FLIES ' AND ' INSECT LIFE.' WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR. LONDON: QTJBNEY & JACKSON, 1 PATEKNOSTER EOW (SUCCESSORS TO J. VAN VOORST.) MDCCCXCVI. PL AM MAM. P HINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. \<- rC\l5 (' CONTENTS. Pace Preface vii Introduction. Parasites and Parasitism ix PART I. Animal Parasites. I. Protozoan Parasites 2 A. Diphtheritic Roup 2 B. Epithelioma Contagiosum . C. Further Parasitic Forms 11 II. Insect Parasites (Phthiriases) 12 A. Fleas (Pulicidae) 13 B. Lice (Mallophaga)* 18 0. Other Insect Guests 34 * In a work on New Mallophaga published this year, by V. L. Kellogg, the Mallophaga are treated as a distinct order of Insects ; and this order is subdivided into two sub-orders, (i.) Ischnocera and (ii.) Amblycera — the characters being taken from the antennre and the labial palps. This work is issued by the Leland Standford Junior University. Paulo Alto, California. A 2 \4.fxp> V^Y^'.T ^ Larva and Pupa of Hen-Flea. of an inch in length. They remain pearly white durino- their whole existence, which mav extend to even three weeks. Their length of life, however, seems to depend a great deal upon the temperature, for in warm weather or warm places the larvaa may become full-grown in ten davs, or at least two weeks. 16 INSECT PARASITES. On reaching their so-culled * full-fed ' state they get into some crevice or amongst dust and dung, and there spin themselves a pale silken cocoon, often covered in dirt. In this cocoon the maggot changes into the pupal or nymph state (fig. 3), the period of quiescence, when the larva is k transformed ' into the distinct adult. This pupa is at first quite pale in colour, but by degrees its covering hardens and becomes brownish ; the wings, feelers, legs, and eyes of the future adult flea are now to be seen marked out upon the pupal skin, closely folded and soldered together. From ten to twentv-one days is the length of time passed in this condition. At the close of pupal life the shell, as it were, of the pupa, splits, and from it there crawls the future active degenerate little dipteron, destined to form a cause of great annoyance to our poultry. The Hen-Flea breeds all the year round, but is more productive in warm weather. It is very widely distributed in Great Britain as elsewhere. Like most members of this extremely active family, it will not live upon any but its own particular l host/ That ' Hen-Fleas ' will settle upon us when we enter dirtv hen-roosts of course is well known, but they will not live, even if transferred to our houses. Regarding their so-called bite, possibly some thin- skinned people may suffer from them, but, as a rule, they have little effect upon human beings. Regarding the food of the larva there is much FLEAS. 17 discussion. In the case of the Human Flea {Pulex irritans) it is said that the female, or ' mother' flea, after taking a sumptuous feast of blood from her host, repairs to the larvae and disgorges part of her meal for the benefit of her offsprings. We know that Earwigs look after and tend their young, and it may be that this is also the case amongst that nimble but obnoxious group of parasites the Fleas. That the larvae of the Hen-Flea feed upon the scaly productions of the quills of the feathers seems also possible. The exact food, however, is still unsatisfactorily settled ; possibly they feed upon a variety of substances. One of the most important things for us to remember in regard to not only the Hen-Flea, but to all fleas, is that they love dirt, bad air, and any unhealthy conditions. Wherever we find dark, dirty, and badly ventilated hen-roosts, there shall we find also innumerable creeping things. Prevention and Destruction of Fleas* By doing away with the above conditions, we shall to a large extent do away with this pest. The frequent use of limewash, especially if a small quantity of paraffin or kerosene oil be added, will not only block up those crevices in which the young pulices pass part of their lives, but it will destroy the larvae, and at least drive out the adults. It is a good plan to put a small quantity of size in the wash, which should be as liquid as possible, so as to make C 18 INSECT PARASITES. it adhere more firmly to the walls. The sprinkling of finely powdered lime upon the floors of the houses and into the corners ^ill tend much to help their eradication, whilst the perches should also receive their share of attention. As pointed out later on, both these and the nests should be movable, relays of them being kept, so that they can be completely purified at intervals. It is extremely difficult, of course, in old sheds and houses where poultry are often kept, to keep off these insects. To remedy this however, it is quite possible, and most advisable, to dress the nests with some powder that will ward off these invaders and yet not affect the eggs. There is nothing I find better for this purpose than to use 4 wood-wool ' or wood shavings, instead of the much employed straw. There is something nauseating to the fleas about 'wood-wool' which tends to keep them away from the nests, and I have found that the flavour of the eggs is in no ways impaired. Failing the use of wood-wool, the well-known Keating's Insect Pow^der dusted about the nests once a v^eek will keep off all marauders. Similar successful results in keeping off noxious insects from sitting- birds have been obtained by the simple method of puttino- a small quantity of sawdust soaked in naphthalin in each nest. B. Lice (Mallophagci). The Lice which prey upon Birds are quite distinct from those affecting animals and man. They are LICE. 19 scientifically known as Mallophaga, and are true insects. Their exact place in classification is not conclusively settled. They show in many respects close relationship to the order Neuroptera, the group of insects that includes the Dragon-flies, Lace- wing-flieSj and others. They are quite distinct from the Human Lice or JPediadidce, and equally distinct from most of the Mammalian Lice (Hcema- topince) . The true Bird-Lice have a mouth formed for biting and chewing their food ; the Human and Mammalian Lice have the mouth formed into a piercing-organ, by which they suck out the blood of their host. The Mallophaga, sometimes known as the Ricinidce, subsist upon the productions of the skin. They also devour the fragments of feathers, and even (sometimes to a most alarming extent) feed upon the barbs of the feathers, especially attacking the saddle-hackle — the feathers of the latter showing curious jagged and notched edges in lice infestation. Closely related, however, to the Bird-Lice are some Mammalian Lice, or Ticks, known as Tricho- dectes. These so-called Ticks are quite distinct from the general run of Mammalian forms and are very abundant. They are provided, like the Bird-Lice, with a biting-mouth, but they can at once be dis- tinguished from the latter by the structure of those remarkable sensory organs common to all insects, namely the antennae or ' feelers/ On examining one of the commoner Bird-Lice, these antennas will be found to be composed of either C2 L'O INSECT PARASITES. four or five joints. Compare the Mammalian Lice with the biting-mouth, and yon will only find three joints constituting the antenna?. The reason I am pointing out this structural character is because, owing to the similarity between these two groups, they are often confounded with one another, and you find such statements in Poultry Journals as that poultry lice can be transmitted to animals and vice versa. A few minutes' examination with a microscope w r ould soon dispel the idea that the lice, for instance, on horses are similar to those on fowls. So particular are Bird-Lice, that it is quite the exception to find one species upon two distinct kinds of birds. Fowl- lice will not even attack the duck, nor duck-lice the fowl. Nearly every bird has its own particular Mallophagan parasite or parasites. They may pos- sibly pass to some strange host for a short time, but they will not live and breed. Moreover, we shall see later on that particular species attack restricted areas on the same host, and are seldom found in other positions. Damage caused by Lice. The damage caused by Lice is often very con- siderable, and in many cases it is entirely overlooked, or even if the cause is known little attention is paid to the matter, and wonder is still expressed if the poultry do not flourish. The serious loss occasioned by lice cannot be too fully considered by poultry- breeders and fanciers. By constantly biting at the skin violent irritation lice: 21 is set up. The rest of the fowls is disturbed, and a general weak and cachectic condition will be sure to prevail if the parasites are present in force and no steps are taken for their destruction. Brood-hens are frequently much inconvenienced by lice, many failures in hatching being due to their constant irritation. It is, however, chiefly in chicks that the mischief is caused. The lice, as it were, sap the life-blood out of the young growing birds. The result is that by this constant biting, causing violent pruritus and inflammation in the affected parts, the growth of the birds is checked, and stunted birds are the consequence. Some experiments in this direction showed that chicks suffering from lice, at the end of the year, weighed one pound less than those which had been kept free from these pests, both having exactly the same diet. It must be remembered that the sharp biting and violent irritation causes considerable pain to the bird, when these parasites are present in abundance. We often find that lice are present in super- abundance in fowls suffering from Diphtheritic Roup and Gapes. As a rule the lice are the precursor of these two maladies, especially the former. By their deleterious effects the constitution of the host becomes impaired, and thus, just as with human beings, rendered more liable to contract any such infectious complaint as Diphtheritic Roup is well known to be. The different species seem partial to particular 22 IX SECT PARASITES. parts of the host ; their favourite positions are the neck, rump, under the wings, and between the wing-feathers. Certain species seem to be restricted to given areas ; others wander about upon the host to some extent. The presence of these lice in chicken is ascribed to a variety of causes. Food, if too uniform, is stated to be answerable for their presence. Insufficient nourishment again is said to help them to flourish in chicken-runs. Neither, I find, have any real bearing on this parasitic affection. On the other hand, dark, damp, badly ventilated, and above all dirty runs and houses are sure to encourage them, and make the fowls acceptable to their presence. The irritation, pruritus, and cachectic conditions produced by these gallinaceous c guests ' is usually spoken of as JPhthiriasis. Varieties of Foivls affected. It is sometimes stated that breed affects their presence. This, however, is contrary to all informa- tion sent me and to my own experience. Certainly the more delicate varieties of fowls suffer to a greater extent than the hardier breeds. Cochin Chinas, for example, are very prone, both as chicks and adults, to Phthiriases. White Brahmas are again much affected by lice. Plymouth Pocks alone seem to be indifferent to these unbidden, guests. So far I have not noticed any lice on Bantams ; but I have no doubt they affect LICE. 23 them like all other Gallinacese. (They are recorded by Neumann as attacking Bantams.) Species of Lice found on the Fowl. There are eight distinct species of Mallophaga found on the Fowl in England. Seven of these have been known for a considerable time. The eighth species, which is quite new, was forwarded to me by Mr. Till, of Eynsford, Kent. Two of these belong to the genus Goniodes, two to the genus Goniocotes, two to the genus Lipeurus, and two to the genus Menopon. The seven previously described species are cha- racterized by the following points : — (1) Goniodes dissimilis (fig. -4) .—Dull white to pale Fig. 4. Goniodes dissimilis. brown in colour, with dark chestnut-brown markings ; L>4 INSECT PARASITES. end of abdomen slightly bifurcate. Head wider than long ; in the female the first joint of the antennas is most developed, there is also a long hair on the inner side. On the posterior border of the meta- thorax are five bristles ; in the abdomen there are two median bristles and three at the sides of the anterior segments, four at the posterior ; each seg- ment has also a curved marginal dark mark. Length in 2 , 2*5 mm. ; in rf , 2 mm.* This is an abundant species on most varieties of fowls, and is especially located under the wings and on the rump. According to Denny | ; whose work appeared some time ago, this species is rare. It seems to be more abundant in the South than the North of England. Fig. 5. Goniocotes hologaster. (2) Goniocotes hologaster (fig. 5). — This species is * A millimetre (mm.)=^sth of an inch. t Monographia Anoplurorum Britanniae, 1842. LICE. 25 much smaller than the former and of commoner occurrence. Dirty yellow in colour, somewhat chestnut-brown toward the thorax. The head is as wide as long. Two large bristles on each side of the lower anodes and a few short ones in front. The abdominal segments being marked with dark brown, quadrangular lateral bands. A single hair on each side of the segments, except the last two, in which there are more. Length in $, 1*3 mm. ; in <$ , *8 mm. G. hologaster is very partial to the rump and back. (3) Goniocotes gigas. — This is a large species, not very abundant. It can be told by its large round abdomen. Yellow in colour. The abdomen has pale brown patches, coloured with dark brown at the border. Length in $ , 4 mm. ; in 6 , 3 mm. I have not observed this species on the fowl myself, and am not aware if it locates itself in any particular part. (4) Lipeurus variabilis (fig. 6). — The members of this genus have long narrow bodies. — Narrow elongated abdomen ; pale yellowish, with dark brown bands and fawn-coloured spots, there is a dark brown middle spot beneath the thorax. Head quite rounded in front, with a dark border and a number of marginal hairs. End of the abdomen bilobed, with a genital lance-shaped spot ; last six abdominal segments with from one to three hairs on each side. Length in £ j 2'2 mm. ; in 6 , 1*9 mm. 26 INSECT PARASITES. This is a very abundant and widely distributed species in most breeds of fowl. It lives amongst the Fig. 6. Upturns variabilis. barbs of the primary and secondary wing-feathers, amongst which they remain stationary, but can move with great rapidity if they choose. (5) Lipeurus heterographus. — Very similar to the former in colour, but smaller in size, and the head is parabolic, not rounded as in variabilis. The abdomen is also more oval ; in the female there are six bristles springing from tubercles on each segment ; there are also median brown spots on each segment, bordered with large hairs. Length in $ , 2 mm. ; in J , 1*8 mm. This species is not nearly so abundant as the preceding. It lives in exactly the same manner. LICE. 27 (6) Menopon pallidum (fig. 7). — Dull yellow in colour, with darker side markings ; in each segment of the abdomen are two pairs of lateral pale dots. The head is angular in front, with four bristles and some hairs on the lower angles, a few hairs also on each side. The abdomen is oval in the male, slightly longer in the female, with a series of bristles on each segment. This louse is extremely active and smooth to the touch. This is the species found running over the hands whilst plucking fowls. It is extremely abundant and lives in all parts of the body, constantly changing its position. On many occasions I have found these lice in the nests, and possibly this and the next species are spread in this way from bird to bird, as well as during copulation. I) Menopon pallidum. (7) Menopon biseriatum. — This is like the preceding 28 1XSECT PARASITES. in colour, only it has a rounded head and two series of bristles on the segments. It is larger than pallidum, and the male is larger than the female. Length in $ , ~2'X to 2*5 mm. ; in c? , 2'S mm. Found on the turkey, pigeon, and pheasant, as well as upon fowls. (8) Goniodes Eynsfordii, n. sp. (fig. 8). — Tick- like in appearance. Ground-colour of female pale yellowish white or grey, the lateral bands dark shining chestnut-brown. A double pair of horizontal lateral stripes on each segment, chestnut-brown in colour, Fig. 8. Goniodes Eynsfordii. much darker towards their outer edges, and forming a ready feature of distinction for the species. Four long bristles on front of head and two large pairs of posterior ones. The 5-jointed antennce slightly hairy LICE. 29 at tip. Metathorax with four lateral bristles. Four anterior abdominal segments with a single lateral bristle, fifth and sixth with two lateral bristles, seventh with four. Anal segments bilobate, with four long and two short bristles. Each segment has four central and three pairs of lateral bristles, except the last, which has two large central ones. Legs thick, a single bristle on the tip of each tibia. The male is narrower than the female, bright yellowish brown, borders of the segments very dark brown, Five pairs of fine bristles on the head and one large one on each side of the posterior angle. Each abdominal segment with a pair on each side. Abdomen dark in centre. Legs not so thick as in the female ; three hairs on femora of second and third pairs. Length in $, 2'6 to 2*7 mm. ; in J, 2*8 to 2'9 mm. This species does not seem to leave the head and neck. It is especially abundant in chicks in the above-named positions. Specimens were first sent me by Mr. Till, of Eynsford, who finds they are most prejudicial to the health of the birds. They are found with their heads buried in amongst the feathers and their bodies in the air, just like a Tick. A full account of this species will be found in the Journal of the S.E. Agric. College, No. 5. Life-history of Chicken-Lice. Apparently Chicken-Lice breed all the year round, but more abundantly in the spring of the year than 30 INSECT PARASITES. at other times, lleproduction is fairly rapid under favourable conditions. The eggs laid by the female have, I believe, only once been described ; they are beautifully sculptured objects, oval in form, and, most that I have examined, truncated at the top. These 'nits' in G. Eynsfordii are covered with small hexagonal sculpturings (fig. 9) . The ova are laid amongst the feathers of the birds, especially amongst the l down ' feathers ; they are attached to the feathers by numerous fine threads around their base, as seen in the figure. In from six to ten days these hatch into small pale lice, which Fig. 9. Ovum of Goniodes. at once commence to irritate the birds. There is little difference between the young and adult lice ; they gradually become darker in colour. Some kept by the author moulted as many as twelve times, but this surely must be exceptional. There is no pupal stage in these insects ; they undergo what we call an incomplete metamorphosis, remaining active all their life, no passive stage or pupa intervening as we saw LICE. 31 in the ' Hen -Flea.' There is little doubt but that reproduction takes place chiefly upon the host, although the writer has found on many occasions Menopons in copula in the nests. The two Goniocotes have only been observed in copula on the birds. Although the two Menopons are found often plenti- fully in the nests, they nevertheless spend most of «/ J ml 1 their time upon the fowls. Mallophaga apparently live for a considerable time, for the author has kept M. pallidum alive for nine months on fresh feathers, they seemingly eating the quill-epidermis. Jfode of Distribution. There are three ways in which Lice are spread from fowl to fowl. Firstly during copulation ; an infested cock will soon distribute the lice to all the hens. Secondly, there is no doubt that anyhow some of the eight species leave the birds and may be found in the nests occasionally, and thus crawl upon the hens sitting subsequently upon the same nest. Thirdly, as Dr. Sharp says : — " Possibly Mallophaga may be transferred from one bird to another by means of the parasitic two-winged flies that infest birds.'"' This very probably does take place, but we must not overlook the fact that the parasitic two-winged flies spoken of, namely the Orrdthobia pallida and the Ornithomyia avicularia (figs. 10 and 11), are not so very common on fowls. They have never been re- corded to me as injurious to any serious extent, but 32 INSECT PARASITES. it is well known that they do occasionally enter the ear and nose of the fowl, duck, and gosling. Dr. Sharp has observed this method of transference himself. In 1890 he exhibited, at the Entomological Society of London, a specimen of the 0. avicularia, taken at Dartford, to which there were firmly adhering several specimens of a Mallophagous insect. Prevention and Remedies. Just as in the prevention of Fleas, so in Lice, clean- liness is one of the most powerful agents we can employ. Floors, ceilings, nests, and perches should be well whitewashed in the early spring, paraffin beino- added as mentioned before, with soft soap to make it adhere more firmly to any small lice that may have wandered off the birds. This wash should be sufficiently liquid so as to run into every crevice. A second cleaning should also be given again in the autumn. There is nothing that keeps birds free from lice so well as Dust-Baths ; these are natural remedies for the lice, and fowls should never be kept without them. In every run or house there should be placed a o-ood-sized square box containing some powder in which the bird can dust itself. The writer has, after numerous experiments, found that ordinary road dust, in which a few handfuls of sulphur and lime are mixed, is as successful as anything. Sand mixed with a small quantity of creosote will also keep the birds LICE. 33 free from these noxious insects. The writer is also told that finely-powdered gypsum mixed with a small quantity of paraffin or carholic is most success- fully employed, quickly clearing off any lingering pests that the birds cannot reach. Regarding the head and neck infestation of chicks, there is nothing like dressing them, once or twice early in the season, with W lute-Precipitate . The yery smallest quantity rubbed upon the skin w T ith a gloved hand will suffice to destroy all the lice, that would eventually stunt the chick's growth. It is well to give the caution that this is a strong irritant poison and needs great care in its use, especially upon very young chicks. In the case of brood-hens it can be safely and most beneficially used : a small quantity of the ointment should be well rubbed into the feathers (at their base) around the anus, under the wings, and other places where lice congregate. It is surprising how many failures in hatching can be saved by this simple pre- caution, and by dusting the nesting-boxes with some of the numerous insecticides mentioned. Amongst other methods experimented with, upon old birds suffering from ' lousiness/ the following may be worth recording : — Two hens badly infested with Menopons and Lipeuri were dipped in a bath of boiled elder flowers, twigs, and leaves, to the con- coction being added a small quantity of soft soap. In both cases the lice were all destroyed and the *J plumage not damaged. l> 84 INSECT PARASITES. Fumigating the bird's is sometimes resorted to, hut it is trouhlesome and not always successful. An engine named Lagrange's Exterminator has been used for some time with more or less success. This is simply a wooden box, in which the fowl is placed in such a position that its head is out in the air and its legs firmly tied down. The box being made air- tight, and the extruded head being tied around with a piece of thick cloth close to the opening in the box, no vapour inside can escape. In this box a small piece of brimstone can be burnt, the vapour soon killing all the body lice. C. Other Insect Parasites. There are two Diptera or true Flies found some- times infesting the Fowl and other poultry. These pests are related, although distantly, to the Fleas, very closely to the Sheep-Tick, which, as I have pointed out, is also one of the true two-winged insects, only, like the Flea, it is minus its wings. Diptera on Fowls. These bird parasites are known as OrnitJiobia pallida, Mg., and Ornithomyia avicularia, L. (figs. 10 and 11). Both belong to the family Ilippoboscida;, in which all the species pass their egg and larval state in the body of the mother, instead of leading a free larval life. These strange insects are born in fact as pupae, or anyhow adult larvae ready to pupate. Only a single egg is produced by each female, and INSECT PARASITES. 3"> the young, either larva or pupa, when expelled from the parent's body is nearly equal to it in size. 0. pallida (fig. 10) has a small, oval, tough body, sliffhtly hairy and bristly, tawny in colour, paler Fis-. 10. Ornithobia pallida. beneath. Eyes large, oblong, and brown. Mouth (which is formed for suction) is not long ; it consists of a pair of hairy hard valves, which enclose a slender stiff tube, the sucking-tube, which is formed by the union of two setiform pieces. There are very short antenna?, and stout wings, grey in colour with dark brown veins. The legs are robust and wide apart ; claws long, curved, and black. About J of an inch long. 0. avicularia (fig. 11) is greenish in colour, more or less varied with tawny. The thorax has a reddish- brown dorsal stripe. Wings ample, rather long, grey with black veins. Legs stout and bristly. Sliohtlv larger than the former and more hairy. Both these Diptera crawl about upon the fowls and fly from one to another. They generally infest the nostrils and ears, crawling into them and setting up d2 36 INSECT PARASITES. Fig. 11. Or n ith omy ia a vicu la i 'ia . violent irritation. These flies can easily be cleared from the cavities by sponging the openings with asafcetida (4 ozs. to a quart of water). Fowl- Bug. Not uncommon in very dirty poultry-houses is the Poultry-Bug or Dove-Bug, Acanthia columbaria, Jenyns (fig. 12). This is a large brownish bug, Fig. 12. Fowl-Bag (Acanthia columbaria). about J of an inch in length. It is closely allied to that nauseous creature the ' bed-bug,' and like the latter it is provided with a sharp and piercing pro- boscis. Its food is the blood of the Pigeon and Fowl — the latter being bothered by them chiefly at INSECT PARASITES. 37 night, when thev cause severe irritation and much loss of blood. Railliet records that hens hatching- are so tormented bv these insects that they finally abandon their eggs, on which are then seen small specks of the Bugs' excrements (Bull, de la Soc. de Med. Veter. pratique, 1890, p. 99) . I have only once seen this insect attack in England. A new Fowl Pest. Lastly a species of Collembola, one of those lowly insects that Sir John Lubbock tells us are like the primitive insects, and which perhaps represent some ancestral form from which all other insects have sprung, is said to affect fowls. A single case of this pest has alone been brought to mv notice. The insect was not sent, but a poor photographic plate taken of it was. From this it appears to be an Tsotoma. This apteron was said to be a great torment to hens, and was usually found in old and foul nests. The Chigoe of the Fowl. Two other Fleas are found on fowls abroad : one, Sarcopsylla gallinaeea of Westwood, a flea related to the dreaded ' Jigger ' f S. America, is found on fowls in Ceylon, especially at Colombo. Another, the Alakurt [Vermipsylla alakurt of Schimkievitsh), which is a remarkable flea found in the autumn in certain valleys and on particular mountains in Turkestan, also lives on the fowl in common with man and most other animal-. 38 MITE PARASITES. III. MITE PARASITES. At least eighteen species of Mites are found para- sitic on the Fowl. Four only of these can be said to be truly injurious, although the remaining fourteen now and then are sufficiently abundant to be pre- judicial to the host's health. Mites are distinct from Insects, They are included in the group J carina, and are more closely related to the Spiders than to the Insects. These Acarina are characterized by a number of distinctive features, chief amongst which is the usual presence of four pairs of legs. They are generally small and thick, and have the head, thorax, and abdomen all united into one piece. The six, five, or even three-jointed legs terminate in hairs, claws, and in some in a curious sac-like vesicle, useful for the minute creature to hold on by to its host, for nearly all mites are parasitic. The permanent parasitic mites with which we are interested in this article breathe not through stigmata, but their respiration is cutaneous ; their skin alone is the respiratory apparatus. Other mites have true stigmata. The sexes are separate in all the mites. The males are always few in number and much smaller than the females ; they also often lead quite a different life to the females. Mites undergo a kind of incomplete metamorphosis. The eggs or nits laid by the female hatch into little six-legged ACARIASES. 39 larvae. These hexapod larva? undergo a change of skin several times ; at last they reach the four-legged stage, the nymph or pupa. Another moult brings about the development of the genital organs, the acarus then becoming the imago. This imago again moults, and if a female, becomes the true egg-pro- ducino- or ovioerous female. Amongst the great variety of Mites we find many ways of living ; the majority are parasitic, some permanent, some partial parasites. Many are ex- ternal guests ; others, however, are internal. Their food consists of either epidermal products and natural excretions of the skin, or blood, whilst many exist under the skin, forming sometimes serious cutaneous affections, such as ' Scaly Leg ' in Fowls and • Scab ' in Cattle. The diseases produced by these various Mites are known under the name of Acariases. There are two distinct modes of attack in Fowls as well as in other animals : firstly, those that suck the blood onlv of the host ; secondly, those that multiply rapidly, and excavate passages under the skin, giving rise to deep-seated cutaneous affections. These latter are known as Scabies or Psoric diseases. There are, then, Psoric and non-Psoric Acariases. We will treat of the former first. A. Psoric Acariases. The Psoric diseases in birds are produced by a group of Mites known as the SarcoptitUe. These are 40 MITE PARASITES. the smallest of all the Acarina, varying from *1 to 1 mm.; their appearance is best indicated by the figures. They have no eyes, and breathe through thei r skin. The only two Sarcoptidce found on domestic birds, anyhow on the Fowl, are both answerable for very serious complaints. These two Mites are known as Sarcoptes mutans (fig. 14) and S. Icevis (fig. 15). The former of these two Mites produces the well- known disease of ' Scabby Leg ' or * Scaly Leg'; the latter is anyhow answerable for the so-called ' Feather- eating ' in Fowls, the 6 Depluming Scabies/ or ' Body Scabies ' of Fowls and Pigeons. Scaly Leg of Fowls. This unsightly disease, due to the minute Sarcopt Mite (S. mutans), is very prevalent. Like most psoric diseases, it is not always amenable to rapid treatment ; patience, however, even in advanced cases, will usually be rewarded by recovery. Some authorities state that the disease may appear on the head as well as upon the legs. Reynal and Lanquetin (who are partly answerable for this state- ment), Megnin, and others who have paid much attention to this affection only refer to the leg attack. Some hundred cases have been examined by the author, and all of these were upon the legs, no signs appearing in any other part of the body ; moreover, every attempt to implant the Acari on the head failed. SCALY LEG OF FOWLS. 41 Symptoms. One of the chief symptoms is that the scales of the legs and feet become raised up and separated from one another. A white powdery substance forms beneath them, which, mixing with the serum, pro- duces a white chalky exudate which hardens between the scales ; gradually this forms greyish crusts over the feet and leo-s. and if not checked in its somewhat slow progress the disease will often end fatally (fig. 13). Fig. 13. 1 Scaly Leg ' of Fowl. On examining" one of these roujdi crusts it will be found to be of a spongy texture internally, and as the spongy cavities pass towards the interior they become larger : in these recesses are lodged the ovi- 42 MITE PARASITES. gerous female mites and also we shall find larvae, female imagines, and a few males. As the disease increases, the birds have a difficulty in standing, then lameness follows, and not unusually one or more of the toes fall off. As a rule it takes from (3 to 12 months to run its course. Gradually the fowl becomes affected in health, and either dies from this disease or, as is more usual, other complaints accompany it in its later stages, such as favus, diph- theria, and tuberculosis of the lungs and liver, and so speedily destroy the victim already weakened by the subcutaneous parasites. The Mites. It appears that these mites do not occur in the eo-o-state beneath the scales. The author has been 'Oft Fig-. 14. ' Scaly Leg ' Mite (Sarcoptes mutant). Male and ovigerous female. unable to find any trace of eggs at all upon the legs of numerous fowls examined. SCALY LEG OF FOWLS. 43 The female ovigerous mite (fig. 14) is a minute round white body, with very short legs, -40 mm. to '45 mm. in length ; the male is still smaller, being- only "20 mm. long. The male, larva, and nymph have on all their legs suckers, common to all Sarcoptes. The females have no suckers and are more globular than the other three forms. They are ovoviviparous. Disease Contagious. The ' scaly-leg ' disease produced by these mites is spread by contagion, through the contact of un- healthy and healthy fowls. It cannot, however, be highly contagious, for it is not unusual to see a bird suffering severely from this Acariasis amongst a lot of perfectly healthy birds. However, it is very likely to spread in time to other birds by the young mites, which move about amongst the scales and even on the outside of the leg. ©■ Influence of Breed. It has been noticed that the exotic breeds of fowls suffer most severely. Reynal and Lanquetin have noticed its more frequent occurrence in Cochin-Chinas and the varieties than in the Dorking. Leghorns © © and AVyandottes I have seen with this complaint. Dorkings seem less susceptible to this malady than any other breed. 44 MITE PARASITES. Other Birds affected, Passeres and Climbers are also predisposed to S. mutans. The Sparrow particularly is subject to tins parasite, and may possibly help to spread thi> mite from one run to another. Prevention and Treatment. The prevention of this malady is most important. Any diseased bird should be at once isolated, and the run and house in which it has been living disinfected. This may be carried out by a thorough white-washing of the walls and nests, cleaning perches, and the purifying of the floor by drenching with boiling- water and carbolic acid. Treatment of the patient consists of careful removal of the crusts. Before so doing, the leg should be soaked in warm water, care being taken not to cause bleeding. When as many of the crusts are removed as possible, the limb should be smeared over with creosote (1 part) and lard (20 parts). Balsam of Peru applied once a day for about a week also has good results ; whilst some breeders recommend equal parts of flowers of sulphur and vaseline well rubbed into the leg. Very similar in effect is carbolic-acid ointment, formed by mixing one part of crystallized carbolic acid to every ten of lard. Just as in ' epithelioma contagiosum,' oil of tur- pentine has been found a most effectual remedy, but its action is sometimes too irritating and must DEPLUMING SCABIES. Ab be allayed with sweet-oil well rubbed into the leg some little time after. In every case the diseased part should be well cleaned with hot water and soft soap some few days after treatment. If taken in time recovery is very rapid, but if allowed to work well into the leg this Scabies is not readily remedied. Depluming Scabies (Feather-eating). The annoying and so-called ' vicious ' habit of some birds of plucking out their own and other birds' feathers is usually attributed to pure mischief on the part of the birds : such, however, is not always the case. Railliet discovered some years ago (1886) scabies of the fowl's bodv in a poultry-yard in Normandy. Since then many fresh areas have been found affected with this Acariasis. It has not, I fancy, been paid much attention to in England, and the general idea still is that the feather-pulling or, as it is called, eating is due to some vicious habit, whereas it is really due in most cases to a minute Sarcopt mite, known as Sarcoptes Icevis (fig. 15). Idleness, thirst, &c, and other absurd theories have been put forward to account for this habit, without any examination of the bird, Alost of the cases examined by the author have been in pigeons, but those fowls reported suffered in a similar way and from a similar cause. According to Railliet, however, the mite on the pigeon is slightly 46 MITE PARASITES. different from that on the fowl, the former being known as variety columbce, the latter as variety gallium. The pigeon variety, I find, will not attack the fowl when put upon it, and vice versa. Symptoms of Disease. The early signs of Depluming Scabies are first of all a quantity of epidermic scurf and the falling- otf of the feathers in certain areas, the feathers as it were breaking sharply off close to the roots. The disease usually commences at the rump, from there spreading to all parts of the body. The head and neck often become severely affected. I have at present under treatment one of my Dorking cocks, in which the feathers on one side of the head and neck had completely gone, all in about ten days. Often prior to any external sign of the presence of these mites, the birds have been noticed plucking the feathers. On pulling out a feather from this area, the base of the quill is found to be full of a white powdery epidermal product, and amongst this the Sarcoptes Icevis live. Here they set up irritation, to alleviate which the fowl pulls out one of the feathers near the area of infection. This is the so-called 1 auto- or self-feather eating,' and is due entirely to this mite. The birds undoubtedly render each other service in this matter by plucking one another's plu- mage, to rid the companion of the irritation. Such an observation has been personally made once upon my" own fowls, and such undoubtedly is generally DEPLUMING SCABIES. 47 the case. This was especially noticed in the cock bird. It is well known that animals will destroy one another's parasites, as anyone can verify who has been to the Monkey House at the ' Zoo ' : this habit is undoubtedly found in fowls in connection with this depluming Sarcopt mite. Fowls do, nevertheless, pull out one another's feathers from pure vice. Life-history of the Mite. The form on the Fowl is most abundant in sorino- and in summer. The mite (fig. 15) is much smaller Fig. 15. E Sarcoptes Icevis var. gallinte. I. Ovigerous feiuaie. II. Legs of male. than mutans, and the male has much longer bristles on the legs, so also has the ovigerous female. 48 MITE PARASITES. These minute forms of life live at the base of the feathers amongst the white powder referred to, as many as ten to twelve being found at each feather. Larvae are also found in a similar position, together with the males and young females ; they are also found around the base of feathers on the skin. Spread of the Disease. From the above position they readily become spread from bird to bird by the cock in copulation. The region of the croup is that always first affected. This Acariasis spreads with great rapidity, a single cock soon infecting the whole run. e> Effect upon the Birds. The presence of these mites not only affects the plumage and causes the habit of feather-plucking, but it also, in the case of hens, checks egg-laying. In cocks, in which the malady is usually most severe, cachectic conditions may follow, often ending in emaciation and even death of the patient. Prevention and Treatment. As it has been pointed out that the disease is most contaoious, isolation of the affected bird is the first point to receive attention. This is especially the case if the disease appears in a cock. The mites being only slightly protected, readily NOX-PSOMC ACARIASES. 49 yield to treatment. The writer has found much success attended by the use of oil of cloves rubbed well into the invaded area. Creosote and vaseline as given for l scaly leg ' is also a useful remedy, and is better for use than the benzine and sweet oil that has also been tried ; this latter causes too much irritation to the skin. B. NoN-PsORIC ACARIASES. The majority of the non-psoric Acari found on the Fowl are comparatively harmless. One species only is really a serious nuisance to the poultry-keeper, namely the Dermanyssus of the Fowl, or the Hen- Mite. There are, as we shall see, others that are of interest, such as the Harvest Bug, which attacks our poultry as well as ourselves. Some Sarcoptes live between the barbules of the feathers, but are quite harmless ; another group live in the air-passages and even hollow bones of birds (Cytodites), and have been known in several cases to cause enteritis and peritonitis when present in large numbers, and a few others living in connective tissue, of less importance, will be briefly recorded. The Hex-Mite or Dermanyssus. Under the name of Dermanyssus gallince, Redi has described a small mite that is most obnoxious to poultry, a small Gamasid mite that may be found E 50 MITE PARASITES. in nearly every hen-house, unless very clean. Some considerable time ago De Geer described a Derma- nyssus under the name of JJ. avium (fig. 16), which Fig. 16. Hen-Mite (Dermanyssus avium) and Ovum (greatly magnified). I fancy to be synonymous with iralis of the pig and man, which is sexually mature in the intestines, and passes its larval state encysted in the muscle of the same individual. Many remarkable cases of these complicated life- histories could be given, but space forbids ; one other instance must suffice, namely, the group of Eel- worms, or Anguilhdidce, which are parasites not in animals but plants. Thus it will be seen that the life-histories of Nematodes are very varied. THE GAPE-WORM. 73 The food of these parasitic worms is chiefly the organic juices of the body. Some, the so-called Hsematozoa, live on the blood ; the majority, how- ever, on alimentary fluids. Tenacity of Life. One point is of great importance regarding these round worms, and this is that in the egg (and en- cysted stage] thev can remain for a great length of time undeveloped, awaiting favourable opportunities for the propagation of the species. Number of Species infesting Fowls, At least eighteen species have been recorded from the Fowl in various parts of the world. Of these, seven only seem to have been met with in England and thirteen in Europe. The only im- portant genera, pathologically, are Syngamus and Heterakis, the former being parasites of the respira- tory system, the latter of the alimentary system: others producing morbid effects will be briefly referred to in this article. Gapes being by far the most im- portant vermiceous infestation, we will deal fully with that first. The Gape-worm. = Red Womi or Forked Worm. [Syngamus trachealis, Siebold.) The peculiar symptoms of this parasitic disease render its detection an easy matter. It is often an 74 WORM PARASITES. extremely fatal malady, and yet great ignorance still exists regarding it and the life-history of the worm that is accountable for it. This Nematode worm producing Gapes has been described under the following names, as well as that given in the heading, viz., Sclerostoma syngamus, Diesing, and Syngamus bifurcatus. This worm (fig. 22), that lives in the air-passages of the galli- naceous birds, produces tracheo-bronchitic symptoms. The genus Syngamus, to which the Gape-worm be- longs, has also members living in the air-passages of mammals. Fig. 22. The Gape-worm. The Gape-worm is often very abundant also in Pheasantries and causes great havoc. It is known to gamekeepers as the Red or Forked Worm. The disease was first, I believe, reported by Dr. Wiesenthal in the ' Medical and Physical Journal* for 1799 (May), who observed it at Baltimore, U.S.A., both in Fowls and in Turkeys. The first English record I can find is by Montagu, in the ' Transac- tions of the Wernerian Natural History Society ' THE GAPE- WORM. 75 for 1806. It is here noticed as appearing in an epizootic form in Fowls. Young birds are most generally attacked, but I have many notes of its occurrence in old ones. Many instances of the latter seem to be in Dorkings. Dr. Wiesenthal, in the journal quoted above, states that the disease takes place in the greatest degree amongst the young turkeys and chicks bred upon old-established farms. " Chicks and poults," he says, u in a few days after they are hatched are found frequently to open their mouths wide, &c, and to become affected." This statement has been corro- borated time after time since it was made. In 1895 the writer conducted experiments with Fowls on con- taminated soil, and found both young and old birds quickly obtain the disease from the ova on the ground. This is a point we may well remember from a practical point of view. Chickens, if for this reason only, should have frequent change of environ- ment. Although many who keep poultry overlook this point, it is one paid great attention to by good gamekeepers, who know full well that constantly breeding pheasants on the same ground leads' to disease, and especially to 'Gapes.' Life-history of the Worm, On opening the trachea and bronchi of a bird showing symptoms of Gapes, from three to as many as twenty small red worms will be found. Their 76 WORM PARASITES. forked shape will at once be noticed ; some single straight individuals will most likely also be seen. The forked worms are the copulating males and females, the smaller one, forming the fork, being the male. In most instances the worms are surrounded by a frothy saliva, from which they can readily be freed. The adult worm is red in colour, cylindrical in form. The head is broad and truncated. The mouth is a large, circular, cup-like depression supported by a circular capsule ; at the base of this capsule are six horny pointed processes around the opening of the oesophagus. The male is from 2 to 6 mm. long, the female varies from 10 to 20. In the male the caudal pouch is truncated and supported by twelve ribs ; this pouch is attached around the vulva of the female. The male is attached so closely that it cannot be separated from the female without tearing. The female's body is much swollen at various places when full of eggs. The eggs are very minute bodies, only 2 5 o^ 1 °f an inch in length, ellipsoidal in shape, and have a distinct operculum. The eggs are not laid, the vulva of the female being closed by the male. In some large females embryos are found, but in the majority I have seen only undeveloped eggs in the uterus. Both ova and embryos escape by the rupturing of the female's body. This takes place, as a rule, after the worm has been expectorated by the fowl, and some two or three davs after the worm's death. Both ova and embryos take up their abode in damp ground and in THE GAPE- WORM. 77 pool edges, in and around the drinking-vessels of the fowls being also a favourite locality. The eggs hatch in from seven to forty days, ac- cording as to whether the surroundings are favour- able or not. These ova and embryos get taken up by the fowls either off the ground or in the water. They then develop direct into the worm in the tracheal reo-ion of the fowl. The small embryo-worm grows rapidlv, and soon becomes mature and the female united per- manently to the male. They are often spread by one bird devouring the worms coughed up by another. Distribution from one area to another is carried on by such wild birds as the Starling and Magpie, which are both very largely infested with Syngamus trachealis. Other hosts are the Sparrow, Partridge, Green Wood- pecker, Martin, Linnet, Hooded Crow, and the Eook. Ehlers was the first to show that the ova develop direct into the worm, no intermediate host beino- necessary as hinted at by that great authority Dr. Cobbold. Ehlers fed birds on Syngannis-oxa, and in ten days he found coupled worms in them, and seventeen females were present full of eggs. Megnin again, in 1872, gave a parrot Gapes by feed- ing it with ova from a pheasant. Numbers of times I have convinced myself of the truth of these state- ments by feeding quite healthy pullets with the worms and ova, and thus producing the disease in individuals quite free from it previously. It was never a case of the identical worms given the 78 WORM PARASITES. fowls causing the disease ; the parent worms were ruptured either in being picked up, or soon after, the embryos thus set free at once entering the tracheal tube. How this entrance takes place is not known : whether by the self-conscious movements of the embryo or by chance yet remains to be proved. "Walker has observed the embryos of this parasite in Earthworms, and thus he says the fowls get the disease. There is no reason to doubt that this does often happen ; the embryos and eggs may, and probably would, be taken in with the soil the Earthworms devour. But this is no proof that the Earthworm is an intermediate host of the Syngamus. Amount of Loss in Fowls, Sfc. Crisp says that half a million pullets are destroyed annually in England. Wiesenthal estimated the loss of Galling in the invaded areas he examined at four-fifths. If not so great as this now in England, the loss is still serious in some districts. Theories regarding the Development of the Gape-worm. Regarding the development of Syngamus trachealis there seem to be three theories, each entailing an intermediate host. The necessity of this intermediary is now practically disproved. The three hosts sug- THE GAPE- WORM. 79 gested have been : — (1) The Bird-Lice (Mallo- pliaga), (2) various Mollusca, and (3) Earthworms. (1) The supposed connection hetween Lice and Gapes. — This theory, for we must call it such, is based upon three points, namely: — (1) Dr. Cob- bold's suggestion (p. 77). (2) The observations of a Mr. Halsted, who noticed that if he cleaned off certain insects (what they were we are not told!) which were observed attached to the head of some of his chickens, that those broods never had Gapes, but those upon which the insects remained suffered from the disease. These i certain insects ' were probably lice ; he therefore at once assumed that there was a connection between Gapes and the insects he observed. But Mr. Halsted says of this insect that "it is not a louse." The figure in Mr. Wright's excellent book on Poultry is, however, one of the Mallophaga, but what species it is not possible to tell. (3) Thirdly, inferences have been drawn from other parasitic worms, such as the Taenia found in the do^\ ^vhich is derived from the cvstic stage found in the dog's louse {Tricliodectes latits). Un- doubtedly, we often find lice when Gape-worms are present, because, unfortunately, very many fowls suffer from this insect infestation recorded in one of the previous articles. On the other hand, I have numerous records of Fowls in isolated runs which were quite free from lice and yet suffering from Gapes. Again, we must remember that the Nematode worms are not Cestode worms. Many of 80 WORM PARASITES. the former develop direct, whilst the latter (except Boihriocephalus) can only develop by means of a second host. Lastly, we know that no intermediate host is necessary, as it has been shown that deve- lopment can take place by direct transmission of ova. (2) CobholcVs supposed intermediate Host an Insect or Mollusc. — Cobbold, after alluding to the permanent unition of the two sexes, says : — " Clearly the eggs can only escape by an eventual breaking-up of the body of the parent ; ..... by whatever mode the young escape the shell, it is clear that they are already sufficiently developed to undertake an active mi oration. A change of hosts is probably necessary, but in the first instance they either enter the sub- stance of fungi or other vegetable matters, or they bury themselves in the soil a short distance from the surface." Later Dr. Cobbold, in a communication to the Linnean Society, suggests that the inter- mediate habitation might be the larvae of certain insects or land-mollusca. That they may enter the soil we know ; but unfor- tunately no evidence has been brought forward of sufficient importance in favour of either larval insects or mollusca being the connecting-links in their life- history. (3) Thirdly, Br. Walker s Theory must be referred to. It is that the eggs falling upon the ground, and also the embryonic Si/ngami, enter the Earthworm, and there they live and undergo certain changes THE GAPE-WORM. 81 during development. On the earthworm being eaten by the fowl, the embryonic Gape-worms are released in the digestive organs, and then find their way back to the air-passages, take up their per- manent abode there, and reach maturity. Unfortunately for this theory, we find that Gapes appears in young chicks long before they could have eaten earthworms. Again, Gapes appears in fowls on land where earthworms do not exist. The Green Woodpecker, the Martin, and Swift suffer from this parasitic disease, yet they do not eat earthworms. It is quite possible, nevertheless, that fowls may take in embryos from eating, as they ravenously do, the earthworms. These useful annelids would doubt- less take in the ova in the soil that passes in such quantities through their bodies. This is quite dif- ferent to assuming that the earthworm is an inter- mediate host : it is simply a chance occurrence. There is very little doubt but that Gapes is spread by direct infection derived from the ova and embryos brought up in the expectorations of the fowls. These are taken from the soil and from polluted drinking-water — wild birds playing an important part in the distribution of this pest. I have trans- mitted this disease direct from one bird to another with ease ; whilst water polluted with the ova taken from mature worms gave the complaint to seven out of nine fowls drinking it. G CO WORM PARASITES. Symptoms of the Disease. The symptoms of Gapes are very pronounced. One of the chief features is the l yawning' or ' gaping/ with widely opened beak and constant straining forwards of the neck. In many birds,, especially young ones, a w T heezing cough is notice- able. When many worms are present, a frothy saliva is often noticed in the mouth. The birds become dull, and have a diminished appetite. The feathers become erect, weakness increases, and death may result unless remedies are adopted. Treatment and. Prevention of Gapes. One of the first steps to take is to isolate any affected bird, so that others cannot eat the coughed- up Syngami, as is too often done. The runs and houses after an outbreak should always be disinfected. This is best performed by watering the ground with a one-per-cent. solution of sulphuric acid. By the addition of 3 drams of salicylate of soda to every quart of drinking-water, the ova and embryos are destroyed. In cases where the disease is very prevalent, this may well be employed. The frequent removal of the birds from place to place, dry, clean, and light houses and runs, will greatly tend to lessen the chances of this parasite. As the ova of many, if not all, parasitic worms can remain some time without undergoing development THE GAPE-WORM. 83 unless eaten by their host, steps must be taken to free the land from them if infected birds have been present. Gas- lime is as good a purifier as any for use on a large scale. It destroys all such germs, just as sulphuric acid does, but is cheaper if it be used on a large scale. Of course this necessitates a longer absence of the birds from the invaded ground, as the gas-lime takes some little time to work out. Another point to remember in regard to the prevention of Gapes, is to destroy by fire the heads and necks of all birds that have died and suffered from this disease. By so doing, the worms and their complement of ova are effectually disposed of. In regard to remedies, the first point to call for attention is the removal of the worms from the throat. These pests have been removed mechanically for years. The usual plan is to pull off all the bar- bules of a feather except those at the tip. Then dip the feather in some substance obnoxious to the worms, and put it down the fowl's throat into the trachea and twist it round several times. On withdrawing the feather, some of the worms will be found attached to it. One part of oil of turpentine to two of olive- oil has been found most successful. Oil of rue and olive-oil in same proportions as above have been employed with similar results. I have found oil of cloves most useful, and less irritating than oil of turpentine and paraffin, so often recommended. An old plan of freeing the trachea of worms was by inserting a looped horsehair into the fowl's trachea. g2 84 WORM PARASITES. This is most painful to the birds, and not at all successful. Garlic is said to get rid of the worms by means of its powerful odour. This can be used either chopped up in the food or given in pills. I have never tried this remedy, but both Montagu and Megnin have found it very successful. Rue infused in the birds' drinking-water is another old remedy, by no means to be despised. I have known several cases of Grapes successfully overcome by the use of this herb. Tobacco-smoke has been employed with advantage. The way to use it is to put the bird in a closed box, and fill the box with tobacco-smoke until the bird falls over, when it should be immediately taken out and put in the fresh air. Tracheal injections have been tried in recent years. This method of curing Gapes is one of the most suc- cessful, but it requires care and attention. I have found a few drops of 8 p. c. solution of salicylate of soda, injected into the trachea with a fine pipette, invariably successful. I obtained similar results with Eaealy ptus-o\\. A mixture of one ounce of powdered chalk and half an ounce of finely-ground camphor, sprayed into a closed box so that the birds must inhale it, is by far the safest and most successful remedy I have tried, although not so certain in its results as by tracheal injections. It has, however, many advantages over the former, as so much care is not needed. This THE WHITE WORMS. 85 camphor and chalk has a similar effect to that excellent compound sold under the name of i Camlin Powder/ which has met with general approval. This disease is one, fortunately, that lends itself to treatment ; but it is well to take all steps to prevent its spreading and appearance, which we are capable of doing without any very serious expense. The White Worms (Heterakis) of the Alimentary Canal. Amongst the numerous worms mentioned as occur- ring in the alimentary canal of the Fowl, these are by far the most important. There has often appeared a kind of epizootic attack of so-called White Worms in the Fowls' intestines. These White Worms have more than once come under my notice. They belong to the Nematode genus Heterakis, Four species of this family will be found recorded in the Appendix as living in the Fowl. Two only are ever very abundant, namely, H. inflexa and H. papillosa. They are dirty yellow to white in colour. //. inflexa is only 8 cm. long in the male, and from 7 to 12 cm. in the female. H. papillosa is very similar. As far back as 1789 we find records of the damage caused by these worms in domestic birds. Blavette and Rossignol made observations on this subject in 1840. They found that the death of fowls they examined was due to the accumulation of these White Worms in the intestines. As many as thirty were found in each fowl that died. In the post-mortem 86 WORM PARASITES. examination of fowls I have found these worms chiefly located in the duodenum. A common habit seems to be for the worms to roll themselves together into a ball. I have counted as many as fifteen tightly knotted together. The worms form a plug, causing obstruction and thus death. They develop direct from the eggs, which are eaten by the fowls. As a rule, these worms are very slow working evil results, but if allowed free play in their host they may often cause sickness and even death. Symptoms of White Intestinal Worms. As a rule, infested birds become ravenous, yet at the same time they seem to lose condition. The feathers become erect and lose their sheen. The comb becomes pale in colour, the birds yawn, and when the parasite is present in large numbers diarrhoea sets in. The worms may be seen in the droppings, and unless the patients are kept isolated they are eaten at once by the other fowls in the run. Prevention and Treatment. Isolation of infested subjects is just as essential as in ' Gapes.' When penned separately, the bird should be given soft food only. For some time before being dosed, no food should be given at all. Santonin is the best vermifuge for Heterakis worms. It is best employed in the form of a pill — three grains of santonin to each pill ; this can be THE EYE- WORM. 87 mixed in meal or dough. These pills should be (riven every other day for about a week. About an hour or so after each pill, a teaspoouful of sweet oil should be administered. Disinfection of the ground where the birds had been should be carried out as described before, as the Heterakis eggs may remain in the runs for some time— in fact, until they are eaten by other fowls. The Eye-worm. Even the sensory organs of poultry are not exempt from vermiceous parasites. In China we are told by Dr. Cobbold that there is a minute Filarian worm (Filaria Mansoni) that lives in the eyes of fowls. This is of no unusual occurrence. Similar instances have been recorded in horses. But of course these are only accidental cases of parasitism. In conclusion may be mentioned a case of a serious choleraic affection in Cochin-China Fowls, quoted by Zurn. In these fowls, in which violent diarrhoea set in, causing debility and speedy death, there were observed in the walls of the intestines quantities of a minute Nematode worm known as Anguillula stereo- rails, which were undoubtedly the cause of the complaint. A fuller account of parasitic worms will be found in an article by the writer in the Journal of the S.E. Agricultural College (No. 4). 88 VEGETABLE PARASITES. PART II. VEGETABLE PARASITES. The vegetable parasites of birds, so far as our present knowledge goes, are few in number. These vegetable parasites are minute microscopical fungi, about which we know comparatively little. Three distinct families of parasites are known attacking poultry, namely : — (1) the Dermatophytes, which are cutaneous parasites, such as Ringworm and the poultry-disease known as Favus : (2) the Perisporiacece, or ' Moulds/ which affect the air -passages and cause a disease known as ' Mycosis ' : (3) the SaccJiaromycetes, which attack the mouth, pharynx, and other parts of the alimentary canal ; these are the cause of the ' Thrush ' in human beings, calves, and poultry. In England there does not seem to be much loss by these minute vegetable enemies. "When outbreaks do occur, they are generally attributed to other causes, owing to the incomplete knowledge of the parasitic ailments of the birds. It must be remem- bered that our knowledge is not very complete in this subject ; but sufficient is known to be able to identify the diseases caused by these vegetable germs. The diseases of the skin produced by the vegetable parasites are known under the generic name of FAVUS. 89 Dermatomy coses. Most of these vegetable parasites are related to the Moulds. Of these there are at least three found in animals and birds : one the unsightly ' Ringworm/ produced by the fungus Trichophyton tonsurans — a disease common to man and animals alike, and transmitted from one to the other; another, common to birds, the so-called 1 Favus,' due to Achorion Schonleinii (fig. 23) — this Favus is also found in the human being, especially in young subjects ; the third produces brown eruptions in the superficial layer of the epidermis in man, and is known as Microsporon furfur \ These are all contagious and unsightly complaints in man, but never fatal. In Fowls, however, the ' Favus ' is often a serious malady. V. Dermat03iycoses (Favus, etc.). These skin fungi are characterized by their circular manner of growth. They are allied to the < Moulds ' that we see on many decaying substances. It is doubtful, however, whether there is any connection between them. In fact, we have almost sufficient evidence to enable us to state that there is no con- nection, and that the Favus parasite gives rise only to Favus, and the Ringworm to Ringworm. Each one of the Dermatophytes is made up of two elements — one a system of tubes, forming the so-called mycelium, the vegetative part of the fungus, the stem and leaf, as it were, of the plant ; and, secondly, 90 VEGETABLE PARASITES. the spores, seeds or reproductive parts of the fungus. These spores may be quite free or grouped together in masses. The spores are practically buds at the end of the Dermatophyte filament. These minute vegetable forms live only in and upon epidermal products and the epidermis itself. They invade the cells of the outer skin, and even the hairs and feathers, destrovino; the two latter and causing the former to separate and decompose. In this way they produce intense itching, soreness, and redness. They are spread no doubt by contagion, and seem to flourish best in young individuals. They are also known as 'Tinese,' and may be easily cultivated artificially. Favus. Favus takes its name from the curious honey- comb-like structure of the deeper layers of the 1 crusts ' it produces on the skin. These curious cup-shaped yellow masses of crusts are produced by the fungus Achorion Schonleimi (fig. 23) of Remak, It is a parasite common to man, the cat, dog, rabbit, and fowl. In the former three it causes the hair to fall, in the latter the feathers. Not only is it found in hairy and feathery parts, but it, for instance, aftects the roots of the nails in man, giving rise to the disease called Onychomycosis favosa. FAVTTS. 91 Favus of Folds. The Favus, or ' Tinea favosa,' of Fowls differs but slightly from that of other animals, and is clearly due to the above-named fungus, as can be plainly demon- strated by microscopical examination. In fowls the Favus first manifests itself on the comb, wattles, and neck. Often I have noticed one side of the head being affected only. The first signs of the attack are small pale yellowish spots, cup-like, but sometimes irregular in form. These gradually grow and unite, eventually forming a confluent covering of a greyish-yellow substance, showing concentric markings. By degrees, usually in about four to five weeks, the feathers of the head, and possibly neck, become affected. The feathers are stiff, brittle, and eventually fall off, leaving sometimes their base still implanted in the scutula of the ' Favus.' The discoid masses of Favus have slight depressions in their centre from which the feathers have fallen. The depositions apparently form around the bases of the feathers. Birds so affected are said to give off a rather offensive mouldy odour ; this, personally, I have failed to detect. Efect of the Disease. The general result of Favus is debility and wasting, if no steps are taken to destroy it. Very often death of the patient results. I have nevertheless known cases of spontaneous recovery without any remedies being applied. 92 VEGETABLE PARASITES. Regarding the breeds affected bv Favus, Ziirn states that if all birds are affected, the larger breeds and those of Cochin-China descent are most liable to it. Bantams are also noticed bv Neumann. Recently I have had Dorkings severely attacked. A Dorking cock with favic scutula on one side of the head was allowed to run with some hens (Dorking) ; only one, however, caught the infection, and this was an old hen in moult, none of the other birds, which were all young and healthy, were affected. Poultry Favus transmitted to Man. It is important to note that poultry Favus can be transmitted to man. This especially happens if there is a slightly abraded surface. Care, therefore, should be taken in handling diseased fowls, as it is any- thing but a nice human complaint, and not so readily amenable to treatment as in poultry. Minute Appearance of the Fungus. The fungus can easily be studied under the micro- scope by shaking the dusty matter that will be observed under one of the detached crusts taken from the fowl. This dust should be moistened with water and a small drop of acetic acid, when it will be seen that the favic cups are formed of thread-like mycelia and spores, together with epithelial scales detached from the skin of the ' host.' There will also be seen tubes containing spores, and between these and the mycelia minute granules in a viscid FAT US. ulif<>rmis, Goeze. 8. Dicranotcenia cuneata, Linstow Intestine. = D. sphenoides, Railliet. Tcenia cuneata, Linstow. 9 Tcenia exilU, Dujardin Intestine. H 2 100 APPENDIX I. 10. Dawinea proglottina, Blanchard .... Intestine = Tarda proglottina, Davaine. 11. D. tetragona-j Molin Intestine. = Tarda bothrioplitis, Piana. 12. D. echinobothrida, Blanchard Intestine. = T. echinobothrida, Megnin. 13. 1). cesticillus, Molin , Intestine. = T. infundibidiformis, Dujardin. 14. Fimbriaria malleus, Frb'lich Intestine. = T. malleus, Goeze. T. fasciolus, Pallas. F. mitra, Frolich. 15. Cotugnia digonopora, Diamare Intestine. = T, digonopora, Pasquale. 16. Buthriocephalus longicornis, Molin. = I)othriotcenia longicornis, Railliet. = Dibothrium longicolle, Molin. 17. Cysticerci sp. ?, Railliet Peritoneal cavity 18. Fragments of Tcenia, Ziirn Ovum. 19. Piestocystis var labile, Diesing Peritoneum. TREMATODES. (Flukes.) 20. Cephcdogonimus pellucidus, Railliet. . . . (Esophagus. = Distomum pellucidum, Linstow. t)1 ri . o. • i i Bursa of Fabricius 21. L. ovatum, otossich { j r \ ' | and Ova. =zFasciola ovata, Rudolphi. Distoma ovatum, Rudolphi. I), bursicola, Creplin. 22. Crossodera linearis, Cobbold Large Intestine. = D. lineare, Zeder. F. linearis, Rudolphi. D. linearis, Cobbold. ANIMAL PARASITES. 101 23. Echinostomum echinatum, Zeder Caeca & Rectum. = D. armatum, Molin. 24. E. oxycephalum, Rudolpki ? 25. E. dilatatum, Miram Caeca & Rectum. = Z>. dilatatum. ?=E. echinatum, Zeder? 26. Mesogonimns commutatus, Sonsino .... Caeca. = D. dimorphum, Wagner. D. commutata, Diesing. 27. Notocotyle verrucosum, Monticelli .... Caeca. = Fasciola verrucosa, Frolieh. Monostomum attenuatum, Rudolplii. M. lineare, Rudolplii. Notocotyle triserialis, Diesing. NEMATODA= Thread-worms. ASCARIDJE. 28. Heterakis compressa, Schneider Intestine. 26. H. brasiliensis, Magalhaes Intestine. 30. H. compar, Stossick Intestine. =Ascaris compar, Schrank. A. lagopodes, Frolieh. Fusaria compar, Zeder. 31. H. different, Sonsino Intestine. 32. H. papillosa, Railliet. =Ascaris papillosa, Block. H. vesicularis, Dujardin. 33. H. inflexa, Rudolplii Intestine. = H. perspicellum, Sckneider. Ascaris gallopavonis, Gmelin. A. gibbosa, Rudolplii. A. funiculus, Deslongckamps. Fusaria strumosa, Zeder. 102 APPENDIX I. FlLAUIDJE. 34. Dispharagus nasutus, Dujardin Gizzard. = Filar ia nasuta, Schneider. Spiroptera nasuta, lludolphi. 35. I). hamulosa, Stossich Gizzard. = Cheilospirura hamulosa, Diesing. Spiroptera hamulosa, Diesing. 3G. D. spiralis, Molin (Esophagus. = F. papillosa ? 37. D. laticeps, Dujardin (Esophagus. = F. laticeps, Schneider. S. laticeps, lludolphi. 38. Filaria Mansoni, Cobbold Eye. Stkongylid^:. 39. Synyamus trachealis, Von Siebold .... J T £ ache a and " \ Bronchi. =Strongylus trachealis, Creplin. Sclerostoma synyamus, Diesing. Synga mus prim itiv us, Mol in. Fasciola trachea, Montagu. 40. Psiloptera truncata, Schneider Gizzard. Trichocephalid^e. 41. Trichosoma lonyicolle, lludolphi Intestine. 42. T. annulatum, Molin } , 43. T. collare, Linstow „ 44. T. retusum, liailliet „ A XGUILLULIDJE. 45. Anyuillula stercoralis, Bavay Intestine. ACAHINA. (Mites.) 40. Are/as mauritianus, Guerin External. 47. Dermanyssas gallince, Redi External. = D. avium, De Geer. ANIMAL PARASITES. 10:5 48. Cytodites nudus, Vizioli Air-tubes. — Cytoleichas sarcoptoides, Megnin. Sarcoptes Gerlachi, Rivolta. 49. Dermoylyphus minor, Xomer External. =Analgcs minor, Norner. 50. D. elongatus, Megnin External. = Antilles elongatus, Norner. 51. Epidermoptes bifurcatus, Rivolta .... External. 52. E. bilobatus, Railliet & Lucet „ =Symbiotes avium, Caparini. 53. Leptus autumnalis, Latreille External. 54. Laminosioptes cysticola, Vizioli „ = Symplectoptes cysticola, Vizioli. L. galliuarum, Megnin. 55. Lophopies patavinus, Megnin External. 5 = Knemidokopfes viviparus, Fiirstenberg. 61. Syringophilus bipectinatus, A. Heller . . External. = Picobia bipectinatus, 0. Heller. 02. Tydeus molestus. Moniez External. IXSECTA. (Lice and Fleas, etc.) Mallophaga. 63. Goniocotes gigas, Taschenberg Rump & Wings. = G. hologaster, Denny. G. abdominalis, Piaget. 64. G. hologaster, Xitzsch Rump & Wings. Var. maculata, Tasch. 65. Goniodes dissimilis, Xitzsch General. 66. G. Eynsfordii, n. sp Head & Neck. 67. G. Burnetii, Packard 104 . APPEXDIXI. J^^^t^f.K oa r . • 7 - r XT-* i. I Primary & second- oft. Lipeurus variabilis, iMtzscn -j f * fi 60. Z. heterographw, Xitzsch „ 70. Menopon biseriatum, Piaget General. 71. M. trigonocephalum, Railliet ,, 72. M. pallidum, Nitzsch DlPTERA. 7-'3. Pule.v avium, Tasch General. = P. gallince, Bouche. 74. Sarcopsylla gallinacea, Westwood .... ,, 75. Vermipsylla alakurt, Schimk „ 76. Ornithobia pallida, Mg Partial parasite. 77. Ornithomyia avicularia, L „ Hemiptera. 78. Acanthia columbaria, Jenyns Partial parasite. COLLEMBOLA. 79. Isotoma, sp Nests & Skin. II. VEGETABLE PARASITES. 1. Achorion Schonleinii Skin. 2. Aspergillus glaucus, Link Air-passages. =JSurotium herbariorum, Link. E. aspergillus glaucus, De Baiy. 3. A. candidus, Link Air-passages. 4. A. fumigatus, Fresenius „ 5. A. nigrescens, Link „ = A. niger, Van Tieg. 6. Oidium albicans, Robin Throat. = Saccliaromyces albicans, Reiss. Syringospora Robini, Quinquaud. VEGETABLE PARASITES. 105 7. Penicillium glaucum Albumen of egg. 8. Mucor stolonifer . . . t v 9. Botrytis, sp. ? » 10. Dact.ylhim, sp. ? v 11. Hatophora, sp. ? >j 12. SporotricJu'um, sp. ? » 13. LeptomituSj sp. ? » 14. Macrosporium, sp. ? » 15. Stysanus, sp. ? w 10(5 APPENDIX II. II. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Diphtheritic Roup and Psorospermosis. J. L'Ornitoj atria. Pisa, 1881. Rivolta & Delprato. 2. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Patkogenen Gregarinen. Zeitschr. f. Hygiene, v. Heft 3. 1889. Pfeiffer. 3. Les Bacteries. II. Paris, 1890. Corn il & Babes. 4. Bull, de la Soc. Centr. de Med. Veterinaire, 1889. Megnin & Cadiot. 5. Virchow's Archiv, 1873. Bollinger. 6. Epithelioma coutagiosum des Gefiiigels. Gesellscli. d. Aerzte in AVien, 1883. Csokor. 7. Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger. 1890. Pfeiffer. 8. Notes on Poultry Parasites. I. Diph. Roup and Epi. coutagiosum. Jour. S.E. Agricultural College, 1895. Theobald. Fleas (Pulicidje) and other Flies. 9. Die Flbhe. Halle, 1880. 0. Taschenberg. 10. Art. " Puces." Nouv. Diet. Prat, de Med., deChirurg. et d'Hyg. Veterinaires, xviii., 1890. Railliet. 11. Les Puces des Oiseaux. Bulletin de la Soc. Centrale de Med. Veterinaire, 1888. Megnin. 12. Sur la Puce des Poules. Recueil de Med. Vet., 1888. A. Lucet. 13. An Account of British Flies. Vol. I. 1892. {Pulicidce.) Theobald. 14. Syst. Besch. d. bek. europaischen zweifliigeligen In- sekten. Vol. VI. {Hippoboscidce.) 1830. Meigen. 15. Insecta Britannica. Diptera, Vol. II. 1851. Walker. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 107 Mallophaga. 16. Monographia Anoplurorum Britannise. 1842. Denny. 17. Insecta Epizoa. Leipzig, 1874. Giebel & Nitzsch. 18. Jahresberichte naturw. Ver. Halle, 1851. Jabrg. iv. pp. 113-135. Giebel. 19. Zeitsch. f. d. gesammt. Naturw., lift, v., xi. (249), xvii., xviii., xxiii., xxvii., xxviii., xxix., xxxvii. Giebel. 20. Neue Federlinge. Zeitsch. f. d. ges. Nat. xlvii. pp. 247 & 528. Giebel. 21. New Forms. Annals & Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. xvii. 1876. Giebel. 22. Classification and Structure of Bird Lice. Abstract by G. Macloskie, Am. Nat. xx., and Journal of Micr. & Nat. Science, p. 159, pi. xx. Grosse. 23. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xlii. 1885, pp. 532 and 537. Grosse. 24. Les Parasites et les Maladies Parasitaires. Paris, 1880. Megxix. 25. Arch. f. Naturg. xxxv. 1, 1869, p. 154, x., xi. (Ova). Melnikow. 26. Notes on Mallophaga and Pediculidse. Can. Ent. xvi. p. 197. II. Osborn. 27. Les Pediculines ; Essai rnonographique. Paris, 2 vols. E. PlAGET. 28. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxi. & xxxiii. E. Piaget. 29. Neue Mallophagen. Zeitsch. f. d. ges. Naturw. 1869; xxxiv. p. 387. F. Rudow. 30. Proceedings Ent. Soc. London, 1890, p. xxx. Sharp. 31. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2 vols. 1. pp. 46, 62, 68. SlMONDS. 32. Bull. d'Insectologie Agricole, 1878, p. 56. Schneider. 33. Science Gossip, 1871, pp. 131-185, 234-278. 34. Die Mallophagen. O. Taschexberg. 35. Insect Parasites of Poultry. Jour. SE. Agri. Coll., pt. 2, 1895. Theobald. 108 APPENDIX II. 36. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 180. Uhler. 37. Ueber das Ilerz von Menopon pallidum. Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1855, t. xvii. p. 173. Dr. D. Wedi. Hemiptera. 38. Sur une Punaise qui attaque les Poules. Bull, de la Soc. de Med. et Vet. Pratique, 1890, p. 99. Railliet. A CARINA. 39. L'Ornitoj atria. Pisa, 1881. Rivolta & Delpkato. 40. Die Kraukbeiten des Ilausgefliigels. Weimar, 1882. ZtJRN. 41. Economic Entomology (Aptera). Murray. 42. Hist. Natur. des Insectes. Apteres, III. p. 225. 1844. Gervais. 43. Tbe Veterinarian, 1851, pp. 222, 251, 254. Woodger, Henderson. 44. Traite de la Psore, 1862, p. 595. Delafond. 45. Art. "Parasites." Nouv. Diet, de Med., de Chir. et d'Hyg. Veterinaires, xv. 1888, p. 454. Railliet. 46. Oesterr. Vierteljahrsscbr. f. Veterinark. lvii. 1882, p. 87. Csokor. 47. Les Sarcoptides Plumicoles. Jour, de Micrographie, 1884-85. Megnin. 48. Sur les Acariens qui vivent dans le tuyau des plumes des Oiseaux. Comptes-rendus de l'Acad. d. Sciences, xcix. 1884, p. 1130. Trouessart. 49. Sur une Acariasedes Poules. Revue Veterinaires, 1887, p. 121. G. Neumann. 50. Di una nuova forma di Rogna nei Polli. Bull. Veteri- naire, 1880, p. 65. Caparini. 51. Acariases Multiples sur des Poules. Bull, de la Soc. Centr. d^ Med. Veterinaire, 1891, p. 133. Ratlliet & Lucet. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 109 52. Les Acariens Parasites du tissu cellulaire et des reservoirs aeriens cbez les Oiseaux. Journ. de Anat. et de Physiol. 1879, p. 123. Megxix. 53. Elements de Zoologie Medic, et Agricole. 1885. Rail- LIET. 54. Etude Zoologique du Sarcopte lisse (Sar copies Icevis). Bull, de la Soc. Zool. de France, xii., 1887. Railliet. 55. Comptes-rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences, p. 793, 1889. (Sarcoptes mutans.) Pobix & Laxquetix. 56. Sur la siege de la Gale Sarcoptique des Poules. Pey. Vet. 1885, p. 489. Neumann. 57. Nouvelle aftec. psorique des Gallinaces. Bull, de la Soc. Cent, de Med. Vet. 1887, pp. 45 & 193. Pailliet. 58. Poultry Parasites, Notes on. Journal S.E. Aim. Coll., pt. 2, 1896. Theobald. Vermes. 59. Einige neue Distoinen. Arch. f. Xaturgeschichte, xxxix. 1873, p. 95. Vox Lixstow. 60. Compte-rendu de la Soc. de Biologie, 1863, p. 218. {Dis- paragits.) Legros. 61. Ernbryologische Forschungen an Cestoden. Cent. f. Bakter. u. Parasitenkunde, v. 1889, p. 370. Grassi & P0^'ELLI. 62. Recueil de Med. Vet. Pratique, xvii. 1840, p. 332. Bla- VETTE. 63. Entente Vermineuse des Poules. Pec. de Med. Vet. 1888, p. 312. Lucet. 64. Les Parasites et les Maladies Parasitaires. Paris, 1880. Megxix. 65. Medical and Physical Journal, ii. p. 204, 1799. Wies- EXTHAE. 66. Entozoa. London, 1864. Cobbold. 67. Compte-rendu de la Soc. de Biologie, 1880, p. 394. Chatex. 110 APPENDIX II. 68. Journ. do MeU Vet. Militaire, vii. p. 272. 18G8. Liard. (19. Vorliiufige Mittheilungen iiber d. Entwick. von S. tra- chealis. Sitzber. pliys.-med. Soc. Erlangen, p. 43. 1872. Ehlbbs. 70. Epizooties Vermineuse chez les Jeunes Faisans. Rec. de Med. Vet. 1878, pp. 825, 927. Megnin. 71. Second Ann. Hep. of Bureau of Animal Industry (U.S.A.). 1885. Salmon. 72. Jahresber. d. Westf. Prov.-Ver. f. Wissenseh. u. Kiinstl. Minister, 1880, p. 11. Renne. 73. S. bronchialis. Deutsche Zeitsclir. f. tliier. Med. u. vergl. Pathologie, x. 1884, p. 205. Muhlig. 74. Compte-rendu de la Soc. de Biologie, (5) v. 1873, p. 295, (6) i. 1874, p. 197. Hayem. 75. Parasitic Poultry Worms — Gapes &c. Journ. S.E. Agri. Coll., pt. 4, 1896. Theobald. 76. Sur deux Cas d'inclusion de Parasites Nematoides dans les (Eufs de Poule. Journ. de Micro. 1887, pp. 407, 512. Cabuccio. Vegetable Pabasites. 77. Virchow's Archiv, iii. p. 528 (Thrush). Eberth. 78. Die Krankheiten des Hausgefliig-els. Weimar, 1882, p. 130. ZtiRX. 79. 'Magazin' of Gurtl & Hertwig (25tli year). Berlin, 1858, p. 236 (Favus). Gerlach. 80. Die pflanzlichen Parasiten (2nd edit.). Weimar, 1889. Zurn. 81. Revue Vet. 1885, p. 280. G. Neumann. 82. Compte-rendu de la Soc. de Biologie, 1886, pp. 173, 216. G. Neumann. 83. Hist. Nat. des Vegetaux Parasites, p. 447. Paris, 1853. Robin. 84. Notes sur rilistologie des Dermatophytes. Archiv de Physiologie, xii. p. 470. 1883. F. Balzeb. BIBL10GEA PITY. 1 1 1 85. Arch. Gen. de Med. 1881, ii. p. 391. F. Balzee. 8(3. On the Parasitic Affections of the Skin. New edit. London, 1868. Anderson. 87. L'Ornitoj atria, p. 247. Kivolta & Delprato. 88. Compte-rendu de la Soc. de Biologie, (5) v. 1873, p. 295 (Mi/coses). Hayem. 89. II Medico Veterinario, 1884, p. 10o. Perroncito. INDEX. -~o+- A. Acanthia columbaria, 36. Acariases, 39. Acarina, xiii, 12, 38, 102. Achorion Schonleinii, 89. Amceba croupogena, 9. Analgesincs, 57. Anguillula stercoralis, 87. Anguillulidcs, 72, 102. Animal Parasites, 1. Annelida, 61. Argas mauritianus, 59. Aspergillus, 94. ,, candidus, 96. „ fumigatus, 96. „ glaucus, 96. ,, niger, 96. B. Bacilli, 98. Bibliography, 106. Bird Lice, 18. Bladder-worm, xiv, 65. 114 INDEX. C. Camurus cerebralis, 06. Cephalogonimus pellucid us, 70. Cestoda, xii, 62, 70, 99. Chicken Lice, life-history of, 29. „ „ eggs of, 30. Chigoe of Fowl, 87. Coccidia, 4, 9. Coccidiosis, xii, 10. Coccidium tenellum, 11. Collembola, 37, 104. Cutaneous Mites, 58. Cutaneous Psorospermosis, 9. ,, „ prevention and treatment of, 10. Cysts, xiv, 65. Cytodites, 49, 55. ,, nudus, 5o. D. Darainea proylottina, 67. Depluming Scabies, 40, 45. Dermunyssus, 49. „ gallinee, 49. Dermatoinycoses, 89. Dermatof)hytes, 88, 89. Dermoylyphus elovyatus, 58. „ minor, 58. Diphtheritic Roup, xii, 2. ,, ,, prevention of, 7. Diptera, 12, 104. „ on Fowls, 34. Distoma armatum, 70. INDEX. Ho Distoma dilatation, 70. „ iineare, 70. ,, ovatum, 69, 70. ,, oxycephalum, 70. Drepanidotcenia iafundibulifurmis, QS. ,, tetragona, 68. Dust Baths, 32. E. Egg Parasites, 70. Eimeria dubia, 11, 99. Entozoa, 61. Epidermoptes bifurcatus, 58. ,, bilobatus, 58. Epidermoptince, 58. Epithelioma contagiosum, 9. Eje-worin, 87. F. Favus, 88, 90. „ treatment of, 94. ' Feather-eating,' 45. Feather Elites, 57. Filaria Mansoni, 87, 102. Filar idee, 102. Flagellata, 4. Flat Worms, 61. Fleas, 13. Flukes, 62, 69, 71, 100. Forked Worm, 73. Fowl Bug, 36. 116 INDEX. G. Gapes, 72. ,, symptoms of, 82. „ treatment and prevention of 82. „ theories regarding development of, 78. Gape-worm, 71, 73. „ life-history of, 75. Goniocotes, 23, 31. „ gigas, 25. „ holoyaster, 24. Goniodes, 23. „ dissimilis, 23. ,, Eynsfordii, 28. Greyarina avium intestinalis, 11, 90. H. Hcematopince , 19. Hsematozoa, 73. Harvest Bug, 59. Hemiptera, 104. Hen-Flea, 14. Hen-Mite, 49. transmission to man, 52. attack on nasal cavities, 53. prevention and treatment, 54. Heterakis, 73, 85. „ injlexa, 70, 85. Hippoboscidce, 34. Hydatid, 65. I. Insect Parasites, 12. Isotoma, 37. INDEX. H7 Lagrange's Exterminator, '34. Leiognathus bursa, 59. Leptus autumnalis, 59. Lice, xiii, 12, 18, 100. „ of birds, 18. „ damage caused by, 20. ,, human, 19. ,, mammalian, 19. „ prevention and remedies, 32. Lipeurus, 23, 33. ,, heterographus, 26. ,, variabilis, 25. M., Mallophaga, xiii, 12, 18, 103. Megninia asternalis, 58. „ cubitalis, 58. Menopon, 23, 31, 33. „ biseriatum, 27. ,, pallidum, 27, 31. Mesogonimus ton mutt at us, 70. Microsporon furfur, 89. Mite Parasites, 38, 102. Monocercomonas g alii nee, 4, G. Moulds, 88. Mucedinte, 95. Mycosis, 88, 94. „ treatment of, 97. N. Nemathelminthes, 61. Nematodes, 62, 71, 101. 118 INDEX. Neuroptera, 12, 19. Ncm-Psoric Acariases, 39, 49. Notocotyle triserialis, 70. 0. Onychomycosis favosa, 90. Ornithobia pallida, 31, 34, 104. Ornithomyia avicularia, 31, 34, 104. Parasites and Parasitism, ix. Parasites of the egg, 70. Pediculidce, 19. PerisporiacetB, 88. Phthiriasis, 22. Picobia bipectinatus, 59. Platyhelminthes, 61. Protozoa, xii, 99 Protozoan Parasites, 2. Psoric Acariases, 39. Ptei'olichus obtusus, 58. Pirfex avium, 13. Pidicidce, 12. Pulmonary Mites, 55. Pupipara, 12. R. Pted Forked Worm, 71 Picinidce, 19. Ring-worm, 88. Round Worms, bl. INDEX. U9 S. Saccharomyces albicans, 98. Saccharomycetes, 88. Sarcocystis, 11, 99. Sarcopsylla gallinacea, 37. Sarcoptes Icevis, 40, 45. w mutans, 40. Sarcoptidcs, 39, 49. Sarcoptida? phunicoles, 57. Scabies, 39. „ prevention and treatment of, 44. < Scaly Leg ' in Fowls, 39. Sderostoma svngamus, 74. Spiropterce, 72. Spiroptera obtusa, 72. Sporozoa, 4. Strongylidcs, 102. Symplectoptes cysticola, 56. Syngamus, 72. ' „ bifurcatus, 72, 74, 102. T. Tcenia ccenurus, CS. „ solium, xiv, 66. Tseniosis, 62, 67. symptoms of, 68. „ treatment of, 68. Tapeworms, xiv, 62, 70, 99. Thread-worms, 61. Thrush, 98. Ticks, 12. Tinea favosa, 91. Tobacco smoke, 84. 120 INDEX. Tracheal injections, 84. Trematodes, 62, 69, 100. Trichocephalidce, 102. Trichodectes, 1 Trichomonas JEberthi, 1 1 , 99. Trichophyton tonsurans, 89. Tricomas, 6. Tromhidium holosericeayn, 59. Tydevs molestus, 59. V. Vegetable Parasites, 88, 104. Vermes, 60. Vermiceous Parasites, 60. Yermipsylla Alakurt, 37. W. White-precipitate, 33. White Worms, 71, 85. ,, ,, symptoms of, 86. Worms, xii, 60. PRIKTBD BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COLRT, FLEKT STREET. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO—*- 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 " HOME USE 2 : 3 4 5 t S ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW INTERIIBRARYLOAN OCT 8 bbU UMV, OF CALIF., BER <. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®s 1 I 1 1 ^f%f^a^7i