A COMPARATIVE TABLE OF SECTIONS AS THEY APPEAR IN THE NEW YORK CITY CHARTER AND THE CHARTER REVISION BILL WITH TABLE OF CONTENTS OF REVISION BILL AND TABLE OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS FROM 1 897 TO I 900. • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • ». » . » » • . • • . • • •. * * [SEfc:0NT)"EDltfOfq]/' " PUBLISHED BY THE CITY CLUB OF NEW YORK, 19 West 34th Street, New York City, February, 1901. 'b'^'^^. NOTE. The bill prepared by the Charter Revision Commission embodies a complete charter for New York City. Although the bill is so printed as to indicate in detail the amendments proposed to the existing charter, the difficulty in making a comparison between the provisions of the bill and those of the charter is very great. This difficulty is due for the most part to the general re-arrangement of the charter proposed in the bill, and the consequent appearance of sections in the bill under num- bers other than those which the same sections bear in the charter. Each section of the bill refers to any section of the charter from which it is derived. But to the question what the bill proposes to do with this or that section of the charter, the answer can be found in many cases only by searching in the bill for the lost section of the charter. The accom- panying table will show what the Revision Commission proposes to do with each section of the present charter which does not appear in the bill under its present number. As a further aid in comparing the two documents, a list of the chapter headings of the bill is also printed. To facilitate amendment, the charter was so drawn that several numbers between that of the last section in each chapter, and that of the first section in the following chapter were not used. It happens, there- fore, that the bill has certain sections under numbers which do not occur in the charter. They are : — 6i 496, ii6 r <,:'4ot ^n"i ' '408 2^5 : .m'- I 430 ,2^3 CHARTER AMENDMENTS.; J ;\'; I •,/ .;';. i" The Charter was enacted as Chapter 378 of the Laws of i&}7, and weff:f into operation on the first of ;| fanuary, i8g8. > ,', ; ! I ''>' ^ T '',•'; ,' p< PTER OF SSION VVS. SUBJECT. 2 Q (A 11 W c« c/5 ^ c« ^ SUBJECT. U W < < w <; R 2 <; J ^% H > 35 tn iJ I 28 1899 1899 379 698 Bounds of City. City Clerk. 690* 1900 718 ■ Abandonment proceed- ings. 45 1900 7 Franchises Rapid Transit 691* 712 Same. / 49 58 1899 1900 691 247 Municipal Assembly. Commissioners of Deeds. 1900 1900 620 j Commissioner of Correc- tion. 73 1899 564 Franchises. 720 1898 573 Fire Commissioner. 124 1899 370" Affected by general civil 722 1899 612) 125 1899 370 service law, but not 722 1900 821 Fire Department 126 1899 370 expressly amended or 748 1900 155) 127 1899 370 J repealed. Sto 1898 1898 602) Fire Department tax on 150 1899 130 Deputy Comptroller. 811* foreign fire insurance 187 1899 74 Special revenue bonds. LMJZ I companies. 217 1898 650 Leases to city. 894* 1899 500 Personal taxes. 230 230 1898 1899 391) 126 • Appropriations. Chaps. 391 and 126 not in terms 937 937 1898 1898 432 515 Taxes and assessments. 230 1899 196 amendments charter. 948 1899 212 Assessments 255 1900 284' Corporation counsel. 1023a* 1899 706 Taxes and assessments. 355 1898 380 Police Pensions. 1055 1898 652' 372* 373* 1899 1899 674' 674 1060 1064 1900 1900 751 751 Department of Education 374* 1899 674 1065 1900 751J 375* 1899 674 1083 1898 H Teachers' retirement 376* 1899 674 Police matrons, arrest of fund. 377* 1899 674 ■ women, etc. 109 1 1899 417 Teachers' salaries. 378* 379* 1899 1899 674 674 1091 1117 1900 1899 751 1 254 1 Department of Education 380* 381* 1899 1899 674 674 J 1128 1132 1900 1900 757 1 757/ College City of New York 422 1899 212 Local improvements. 1212 1900 663 Department of Health. 471 1900 283 Water contracts. 1353 1899 254 Municipal Court Justices. 480 1900 463 Taxation lands for water supply. 1367 1373 1898 1899 546) 699 f Municipal Court. 518 1899 313 Aqueduct Commission. 1400 1898 389 Criminal Courts. 1898 613] Park Ave. improvement. ( Justices of Special Ses- sions and City Magis- 527 Does not amend charter 1403 1899 367 i 536 1899 261. Department of Street Cleaning, 1513 1897 703) trates. 744- Commissioner of Street 1514 1897 703 \ Boards of Pharmacy. 541 1900 Cleaning. 1519 1897 703) 567* 1899 568 Lateral sewers. 1528 1900 615 Publication civil list 567 1900 623 Lateral sewers. 1583 1899 74 County officers' salaries, 568* 1900 83 Sewage disposal works. 1586 1899 74 Boards of Supervisors. 575 1900 628 Inspection electric lights. 1587 1899 433] Treasurer Richmond ( Inspection gas meters. County. 576 1900 629 j Not in terms amend- ment charter. 1593 1899 74 Queens County tax. MMm' CONTENTS OF CHARTER REVISION BILL AS PROPOSED BY REVISION COMMISSION. Chap. I. Boundaries, Boroughs, Powers, Rights and Obligations of the City. Chap. IL Legislative Department. Chap. III. Franchise and Grants of land under water. Title I. Franchises. Title 2. Grants of land under water. Chap. IV. The Executive. Chap. V. The Mayor. Chap. VI. Department of Finance. Title I. The comptroller. Title 2. The bonds and obligations of the city. Title 3. The chamberlain. Title 4. The sinking funds. Title 5. Appropriations and the board of estimate and apportionment. Title 6. Levying taxes. Chap.VII. Law Department. Chap. VIII. Police Department and Board of Elections. Title I. Police Department. Title 2. Board of Elections. Chap. IX. Borough Officers. Title I. Borough officers. Title 2. Bureau of buildings. Chap. X. Contracts and Local Improvements. Title I . General provisions relating to contracts. Title 2. Local boards. Title 3. Local improvements. Title 4. Maps and plans. Chap. XI. Departments of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Street Cleaning and Bridges. Title I . General provisions. Title 2. Department of water supply, gas and elec- tricity. Title 3. Department of street cleaning. Title 4. Department of bridges. Chap. XII. Department of Parks. Title I. The parks of the city. Title 2. The art commission. Chap. XIII. Public Charities. Title I. Department oif Public Charities. Title 2. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in the City of New York. Chap. XIV. Department of Correction. Chap. XV. Fire Department. Title I. Organization, duties and powers of officers and men. Title 2. Fires and their extinction. Title 3. Prevention of fires; explosives and com- bustible materials. Title 4. Fire marshals, and investigations of origin of fires. Title 5. Relief fund and pensions. Title 6. Tax upon foreign insurance companies. Chap. XVI. Docks, Piers, Harbor, Port and Waters. Title I . Department of docks and ferries. Title 2. Piers, slips and wharfage. Title 3. General provisions. Chap. XVII. Taxes and Assessments. Title I. Department of taxes and assessments ; pow- ers and duties. Title 2. Assessments for local improvements other than those confirmed by a court of record. Title 3. Vacating and modifying assessments for local improvements other than those con- firmed by a court of record. Title 4. Opening streets and parks. Title 5. Sales of land for taxes, assessments and water rates. Chap. XVIII. Department of Education. Title I. The public schools and their management. Title 2. The College of the City of New York. Title 3. The normal college. Title 4. General provisions. Chap. XIX. Department of Health. Title I. Powers and duties of the department, its officers and administration. Title 2. Marriages, births and deaths. Title 3. Duties of physicians and others. Title 4. Legal proceedings and punishment for diso- bedience of orders and ordinances. Title 5. Reimbursement of expenses. Title 6. Abatement by suits. Title 7. Tenement and lodging houses. Title 8. Pension fund. Chap. XX. The Inferior Local Courts. Title I . The city court of New York. Title 2. The municipal court of The City of New York. Title 3. Inferior courts of criminal jurisdiction. Title 4. The marshals. Title 5. Interpreters. Chap. XXI. The Acquisition of Lands and Interests Therein for Public Purposes. Chap. XXII. General Statutes. Title I . Commercial paper during epidemics. Title 2. Pharmacists and druggists. Title 3. Board of city record. Title 4. General provisions. Title 5. Coroners. Chap. XXIII. Provisions Relating to the Counties and Repeal Pro- visions. Title I. Provisions relating to the counties. Title 2. Repeal provisions. CHARTER AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY REVISION COMMISSION, TABLE OF SECTION NUMBERS. (Sections which retain in the revision their numbers in the charter are not included here.) pa h e« is < g So «2 Woo H « •< a i » fc»2 o>. g ssdS ^^ >H o»> fcCQ 1 ii en CO Oq 00. II 44 46 54 42 19 47 43 20 48 47 21 50 44 24 51 26 52 {i 46 43 53 54 REPEALED, CHARTER 360 373 102 131 132 133 136 137 233 234 247 286 287 295 296 304 322 32s 326 327 328 329 330 358 359 361 363 364 365 366 367 REPEALED. 369 375 368 370 371 358 372 359 373 360 374 375 361 376 362 377 363 378 364 379 .365 380 366 381 367 390 425 391 426 392 427 393 428 and 429 394 430 400 432 401 433 402 434 403 435 404 437 410 411 412 413 414 417 415 416 555 CHARTER. REVISION. REPEALED. 417 CHARTER. REVISION. REPEALED. 556 418 557 392 422 436 558 393 423 422 559 394 424 418 560 395 425 61 S6i 396 426 244 562 397 432 438 563 398 433 439 564 399 434 440 565 435 441 566 389 436 243 and 442 567 400 437 443 568 401 438 444 57» 439 445 573 440 446 574 441 447 575 519 442 448 576 520 443 449 577 521 444 578 522 451 579 523 454 580 524 456 581 525 457 582 526 458 583 527 523 584 528 524 58s 529 525 391 586 526 387 587 530 527 388 588 644 405 lO CHARTER. REVISION. REPEALED. CHARTER. REVISION. REPEALED. 645 409 I081 1089 646 408 1082 1098 647 407 1083 1092 648 406 1084 1094 649 411 1085 1095 650 410 1086 651 412 1087 1096 652 413 901 931 1060 IO6I 1088 1089 IC9O 1092 1093 1094 1062 I06I 1095 1063 1062 1065 1066 1096 1097 1098 1067 1065 1099 1097 1068 1066 I 100 1069 1067 IIOI 1070 1068 I 102 IO7I 1070 IIO3 logo 1072 1073 1074 I07I 1072 1073 I 104 1084 IIO5 II06 I 107 II08 I 109 IIIO 1075 1076 1078 1074 1075 T076 1077 1079 1077 nil 1080 1078 III2 II I405 i4o8 CHARTER. REVISION. REPEALED. CHARTER. REVISIOH. REPEALED. III3 1406 1409 III4 1093 1407 1410 "I5 I 100 1408 I4II ' HI6 1409 I4I2 III7 IIOI I4IO I4I3 III8 II02 I4II 1415 III9 I4I2 1404 I I 90 1413 II9I I4I4 I281 I415 1407 1336 I416 I381 I4I7 1382 I418 1384 1458 139^ 1405 1392 H59 1460 1393 ^ 146 1 1394 1493 * 139s 1536 1396 1537 397 1588 1399 1589 1400 i59» I 401 1593 1402 1406 1403 1404 1594 1596 «597 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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