A A = c 1 A = ^= o 1 o m ^— 5 1 o m ■- JO 1 1° = :- JJ 1 ^^^ -I- 1 - - o 1 3 E ^^ o I = ^ 1 4 m :> 1 5 ^ ^^^ 1 — 1 — —. OS 1 6 = =5= > , 33 1 — — -< 1 3 = 7 = - t — :> PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HE LOS ANGELES J Qhurcbyards good mil. LZj Sad and heauy Ver fes, in the nature of an Epitaph, for the lojje of the tJrchbifhop of Canterbury, lately deceafrd, Primate and Metropolitan of all England. Written h Thomas Qburcbjard, Efquire* Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford, dwel- ling in Holier hne, ncerc Smith- 468939 4a j^To the Honourable and righ Rcucremi Father in God, D. Bancroft, Bifliop of London, X good Lord, as Gods grace and big calling made jou great, andinfpecia favour with the Rulers of this Lam and m that while, called your Lordjht to be wed liked of the late ^yirchbtfho of Canterbury, {for Come ytur goo vertues:)foI y in boldneffe of thofe good parts, dedicat to jour Lordfhip , the life and death (in verfe) of th matchlefe {^rchbijhop of Canterbury Jately deceafed. Your Lordfhips a comnuundcmcni Tbonus Churchyard Vfc^Ffc? SLfee^^' If Churchyards good mlL HcStaffeof ftay> from feeble tolkeit gon f The Lanterne-light, of England is burnt out, The Spc&acle, for world to lookc vpon, The tickle whecle, of Fortune turn'd abour. Omortallchaunce, that giuesvsallacheck! O flattring life ! Fyc on thy froward fate. A firmy Card, is robbed from the deck r A Prelate great, is taken from our State, Axhiefe Shcpheard, flyes now from flock &fold, To kaue warm lodge, and lye in Coffin cold. Churchyards goodwill. A wofull change, hard dcft'ny doth afford, To fet fome hye, in honour and great place, And in three dayes, to tumble vnderboord, Like lumpc of lead, to lofe life, goods, and Grace This tells a tale, to twenty thoufand me*n, They muft prepare, togoe when God doth call, To droop and die, the Lord knowes how & when The Tree cries crack, & down the boughs do fal, Of all our date, the day and ho wre is fet (Before mans birth) when wc (hall pay our det. A 4 Whc W n ■•r, - £&f!$&^&^S2ffi^^ Churchyards good rcilL When vertuous Mind, with wiflom wan the go] And chad defires, might claimc a crown of prayi And Grace did guide, both body, mind & foul Totryumph on, bad world with bleiTed dayes, Acruellcourfc, of fodaync fickneflc cam, APalzycold, a wooluifh deaddifeafe, Stept to the Fold, and tooke away the Lambc, Whofe hafty death, did all good men difpleafe, Sauc that world knows, God (till takes but his ow To mew his power, and make his glory known. B Wktttgx •m Churchyards good vcilL Whiugift his name , great gifts of God he had, Won worthy fame, as white & black now (hoes. His prcfence made, full many people glad, Alwayes got friends, and (till rcclaymed foes, Heldliberallhoufe, and kept a Lordly trayne, Fed rich and poore, with all God fent and gaue, Hoordcdnotvp, norlou'dno greedy gaync, Knew that all we, (hall carry nought to graue, But Crowding fheet, good name, & true renowi That winnes from hence, an cucrlafting Crown. B 2 Mild M' Sf*J iys^yxs Churchyards good wilL Milde,foftand fwcct, (like Conduit water ctecrej Spake that was meet, as his hyc calling would : Slo to (harp words, but quick good things to hecre Of kind fpeech free, held filencedcareasgold: Lou'd learned lore, and could thereof dilpute Grauely and found, anddidfubduefomc Scc"t: His knowledge dcep,broght forth fweet perfit fruity Thatfprowted from, the Tree of Gods elect, Who fuffreth not, no fprig nor branch to bud, But fuch as bcares, faire fruit and bloflbmes good. B 5 Croydon . J '-■!> *w ? -X* cM -1* *TM>r w m IS Churchyards goad will. Croydon can fhew, his works, Iife,laud and all, Croydon hath loft, the Saint of that fwcetflirinc, Lambeth-may cry, and Canterbury may call, Long for the like, with wofull weeping eynex But few I fcare, his like are left aliue, The more our gricfc: a great King fo did fay: Death ftole like thcefe, the hony from the hiue, Our great Primate, in patience went away, Left ftatcly Court, and Countrey at the bell, Bccaufe he hop't, to fleepe in Abrahams brcft* FIHJS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 3VL1JU9B2 R JuN LOAN OE^K m JM -4 jogs A.M. 71819 JAN 25 1885 Form L- 2= -I .' P UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA University of California, Los Angeles L 007 118 080 6 u f SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 345 637