THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES JOHN SIBERCH BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES l886 I905 BY ROBERT BOWES AND G. J. GRAY £1 With Facfimiles of Title-pages, Colophons, Ornaments, Initial Letters, Woodcuts, &c., ufed by John Siberch. If Printed by John Ci.ay, M.A. Printer to the Univerfity of Cambridge for Hubert Bowes and George Brimley Bowes, M.A. (Macmillan and Bowes) No. 1 Trinity Street, over againft Saint Mary's Church [906 Is? n Z~ X ' PREFACE. It is now twenty-one years since I gave in " Biographical Notes on University Printers " the little that was then known of John Siberch the first Cambridge Printer. Two years later there appeared Mr Bradshaw's Introduction to Bullock's Oratio, showing the order of issue of the eight books, and the method pursued in arriving at that order. In 1894 I found in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, a copy of Linacre's Galen de Temperamentis differing from the other copies that I had seen, and a description of which I gave in a communication to the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, the 22nd of October 1894 {Proceedings IX. 1), and now reprint. I had a facsimile of the last two leaves (Q 5, 6) made at the time by Mr Dew Smith, but the issue of these was delayed, from a desire to include with them the result of discoveries that had then been made, and the hope that others might follow. My own inquiries with regard to Siberch and the other early Cambridge Printers had been limited to their work as Printers. But Mr G. J. Gray in his work on Early Cambridge Bookbinding for the admirable monograph issued by the Bibliographical Society in 1904, has made many interesting discoveries, and he LISRAR/ 4 PREFACK. now brings together all new matter that has come to light respecting Siberch since the issue of Mr Bradshaw's Bibliography in 1886. To enumerate here all the information brought together by Mr Gray is quite unnecessary. The chief interest centres in the discovery of the hitherto unknown work printed by Siberch — Lily & Erasmus, de octo partium orationis constructione libellus — found along with two other most important fragments, the letter of Peter Kaetz to Siberch, and the actual printer's " copy " of a portion of Croke's Introductiones hi rudimenta Graeca, printed in 1520 for Siberch, and of which we know of a copy in Siberch's own binding. These fragments, found along with a sheet of Papyrius Gemmus, seem to bring us into direct personal contact with the printer after a space of more than three hundred years. Then along with the discovery of the two editions of Linacre's Galen de Temperamentis, is the curious varying condition of the vellum copies of that work. Mr Bradshaw had noted the different impressions of the woodcut border of Baldwin's Sermo, and now it has been found that we have the work in two states, one of which, the only copy known, is put forward as that (probably the proof) sent to the Bishop of Ely to whom the work was dedicated. The record of the existence at one time of a bond of £20 given to the University on behalf of Siberch seems to point to his having some official connection with the University. The Subsidy Rolls 22 April, 1523 — 21 April, 1524, show that Siberch was not in Cambridge during that time. A point in Siberch's later history is gained by meeting with some of his binding rolls in the possession of Nicholas Spierinck, who used them with his own. PREFACE. 5 Facsimiles are given in this volume of title-pages and colo- phons of the books printed by Siberch which have not been reproduced in facsimile — including the single page of the Lily & Erasmus: ornamental borders, woodcuts, and initial letters are also brought together. With the Galen, Bullock, Augustine, and Papyrius Geminus, previously issued in facsimile, this volume will give specimens of each of Siberch's works, as far as our present knowledge extends. Thanks are due to many persons, especially to Mr F. J. H. Jenkinson and Mr Falconer Madan, for information given to myself and to Mr Gray; and to Mr A. W. Pollard on behalf of the Bibliographical Society, for the loan of the facsimile from a book of German Hours, 1491, printed on page 47. ROBERT BOWES. Cambridge, October 11, 1905. COiNTENTS. Preface On Linacre's Galen de Temperamentis, at Dublin, by R. Bowes Notes on John Siberch, by G. J. Gray: Prefatory remarks § i. Number and order of the books . § 2. Bibliographical list of books : i. Henrici Bulloci oratio 2. Augustini sermo, &c. 3. Luciani ntpl St^aScoi' Facsimile of Title-page and Colophon 4. Balduini sermo Facsimile of Title-page and Colophon of State A „ ,, Title-page, State B . 5. Erasmus, de conscribendis epistolis. Facsimile of Title-page and Colophon „ of Folio xxiii (proof) from Mr Bowes's ments .... 6. Galen, de temperamentis . Facsimile of sigs. Q 5, 6 of State A 7. Joannis Roffensis episcopi contio Facsimile of Title-page and Colophon 8. Papyrii Gemini Eleatis Hermathena 9. Lily & Erasmus, de octo partium oration libellus Facsimile of signature D § 3. Siberch's type, ornaments, &c Facsimiles . § 4. Siberch's bindings § 5. Of Siberch himself Notes ..... Illustrations .... fraj afte is constructione 3 9 12 13 13 14 14 33i 34 14 35,36 37 17 38,39 40 IS r p. 48 25 41,42 2 5 25 43 26 44-47 29 29 32 33 ON A COPY OF LINACRE'S GALEN DE TEMPERA- MENTIS, CAMBRIDGE, 1521, IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, BY ROBERT BOWES. [Read before the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Monday, 22nd October, 1894.] Being in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, a few weeks since, I took the opportunity of looking at a copy which I knew to be there of Linacre's Galen de Temperameiitis, printed at Cambridge, by John Siberch, in 1521. I soon saw that it had some features that did not belong to any of the other copies I had seen, which I will shortly describe. For convenience of description I will call the Dublin copy the first issue, and the other copies the second issue. The first issue (Dublin) consists of 74 leaves, title and preliminary matter 8 leaves + A-P 4 , Q 6 , 66. The second of 82 leaves, title and preliminary matter 8 leaves -4- A-R 4 , S", 74. The two issues agree exactly up to Q 4. In the first issue of O 5 recto the first 3 lines are the same as R 1 recto of the second issue, but the remaining lines arc arranged in hour-glass fashion and end with the de Tempera- mentis : Galeni de temperamcntis, Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete, libri tertij, & ultimi, Finis. IO LINACRES GALEN AT DUBLIN. On Q 5 verso is a wood-cut, the Adoration of the Shepherds, with imprint below: Impressum apud praeclaram Cantabrigiam per Joannem Siberch. An. M. D. XXI. Q 6 recto is blank. Q 6 verso has the 8vo. block, the Anna Regia, and below the date M.D. X.X.I., to which I will refer later. It will be seen that the Dublin copy has only the first treatise — the de Temperamentis — and in this it differs from the other copies that are known to me. It, however, has the same title- page, on which the de inequali Intemperie is mentioned, and the same contents, in which appear references to folios that it does not possess. From this I think we may conclude that after the printing was finished, but before the book had been published, Linacre determined to add the second treatise. To do this he cancelled the two last leaves, 5 and 6 of Q, and began a new sheet, R. This might be inferred from the fact that Q is marked up to iiij as for a quire of six leaves, while all the previous sheets are marked only up to iij ; but it is made quite certain from the guards of the two cancelled leaves appearing quite plainly in some copies. The first issue explains some peculiarities in the printing of the second. What Mr Bradshaw took for cancelled leaves, Q 3 and 4, are simply the original centre leaves of the sheet, but as he knew nothing of a previous issue this was for him the only probable explanation. The new matter, beginning on R 1, differs from the previous by having the Folios marked, and marginal notes. Mr Bradshaw placed the Galen sixth of those printed by Siberch in 1521. This first issue exactly agrees as regards the condition of the wood-cuts with the Erasmus, which LINACRE'S GALEN AT DUBLIN. II he placed fifth, and we may therefore leave the numbers and call it 5* 1 . I alluded above to the 8vo. wood-cut Anna Regia, with the date below, which is on the last page of the first issue of Q 6 verso. In Mr Bradshaw's introduction to the Siberch books prefixed to the Bullock, there is a note on page 14. alluding to a similar leaf that I found in a mutilated condition in the Bagford Fragments in the British Museum, and which was assigned to the Lucian, as the only Siberch book then known of which a copy had not been seen with its last leaf. Having compared the photograph of the last leaf in the Dublin volume with this fragment, I found them to be identical ; the Bagford specimen (Harl. MSS. 5929, No. 368) must therefore be assigned to the first Galen, and the last leaf of the Lucian is still to seek. Dr Noble Johnson, who wrote the life of Linacre, states that a second edition of both treatises was published during Linacre's lifetime : it is quite possible, therefore, that he had seen or heard of this Dublin copy or of a similar one. With regard to the wood-cut, the Adoration of the Shepherds, it would be interesting to discover where it was first used, and how it passed into the hands of Siberch. Sir Martin Conway considers it to be " clearly a Low-Country woodcut of about 1485." 1 Mr Gray calls it (p. 18) State A which is a better description. [After this was written Dr J. Frank Payne acquired a still more interesting copy which is now in the library of the Royal College of Physicians, a description of which is given on p. 20. K. P. 190.5.] JOHN SIBERCH: by G. J. Gray. The publication in 1886 of the late Mr Henry Bradshaw's Notes on the Books printed by John Siberch at Cambridge in 1521 and 1522 1 , was the first attempt towards an account of this printer and the books printed by him, and would have been more complete had he not been suddenly taken from us. Mr Bradshaw's work has been gradually continued by others, and the following four papers have been read before the Cam- bridge Antiquarian Society : 18 Nov. 1889. ' On a unique fragment of a book printed at Cambridge early in the XVIth century,' by F. J. H. Jenkinson 2 . 20 Oct. 1890. 'On a Letter from P. Kaetz to J. Siborch, Printer at Cambridge,' by F. J. H. Jenkinson 3 . 30 Nov. 1891. 'On two books printed by Siberch, in All Souls College, Oxford,' by J. E. Foster 4 . 22 Oct. 1894. 'On a copy of Linacre's Galen de Tempera- mentis, Cambridge, 1521, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin,' by Robert Bowes 5 . The discoveries conveyed in these papers, with other informa- tion, were summarized in The Earlier Cambridge Stationers and Bookbinders and the First Cambridge Printer, by G. J. Gray, issued by the Bibliographical Society in 1904. Since this work was issued some of the copies of the known books printed by Siberch have been re-examined, and new information gained. As these notes are intended to supplement those of Mr Bradshaw, the same order of the Books is followed, after which will follow other particulars concerning the printer and his work. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1 3 § I. Number and order of tJie books. Although so much information concerning the books has been discovered since Mr Bradshaw ingeniously worked out the order of their printing, his order remains undisturbed. But to the eight books he described must now be added another : 9. Lily & Erasmus. De octo partium orationis construclione libellus. 4 , which is described in § 2, p. 25. § 2. Bibliographical list of the books. 1. Henrici Bulloci oratio s . No other copies have been discovered. The printed signature B which Mr Bradshaw says is in the Bodleian copy, and not in that at Lambeth, also occurs in the British Museum copy. Leaf 8 (blank) is in neither the British Museum nor the Bodleian copies. The Bodleian copy is bound with foannis Roffensis episcopi contio (see § 2, No. 7) and other tracts of the same period, some printed by Pynson, 15 18. The volume is bound in plain white vellum — Bodleian XVI Ith century binding — and belonged to Robert Burton, author of the Anatomy of Melancholy \ and passed to the Bodleian by legacy from him in 1640 7 . The Lambeth copy is bound with Luciani irepl 8iylrd8quifaaarnentadcdit. 4. Baldwin. Colophon (state A). 3~2 36 &*-& REVERNDISSIMI in Chrifto patris, ac domi * niydhi Balduini, Cathuail'cn (is archicpifcopi^dc uenerabi li,acdfuiniffimoakaris {acra mento, (ermo deuotiffimus, (acrajcp fcripturae floribus / undiquac£ rdpcrfus. Ex prxdara CantabrigienGaca demia, An, M, D« XXI: munm 4. Baldwin. Title-page (state A). 37 £ ^ o c" (j o o o ■» REVERENDISSIMI in Chrifto patris, ac dorni * ni,dni Balduini, Cantuarien fis archtepifcopi,dc uenerabi li,acdiuini(IimoaItaris (acra memo, (crmo deuotiflimus, facracp feipturae floribus undiquacp refperfus. Ex pra:c!ara Cantabngicrtfiaca demia, Ail M. D. XXI Jtf5 'W^L! 4. Baldwin. Title-page (state B). $* $fr o 0_0 ^ Libcllusde ConiaibcuUis epi» ftoltfsAuiorcD. Erafmo, opus obraabcodcmcGcpium/cd pru mamaqa , mQX expoliricacptii, ie.d liucrmiilum^iuicpmnuni pro*a4 mluam Apud prardaram Caocabrigien kin Aeidarucdu* A iiMD.xxi; Cum gratia & priuikgio .^i *M &=S £3&J «J" 5. Erasmus. Title-page. 39 LXXVL u c^cflator omnium ceflatorum maxinie JxlWmri bi denunciatums cram, quod tu iam fexcentos an* nos nihilfcribis ,muka abeunti polliritus ♦lam pa* rati fecialis , pacerq? patratus. Iam hafta coni jden* da,ni Scrtorius tuam caufam do&tfsirne egiflct, ho Ciceroe ipfo patronus no inferior.Habebat cau Gm (ane difTidiliiriam , & ludicem minfme acquu, Quid cxc uiauit iiiquiesCNon negotia tua , non ta# bdianorum penuriam, non perfidiam Aft a enim aiiriqua (line mendatia , & te noui, Pfacauit uero me, quod chiragra te hborarcdioefet.Riderrmep^ . cascSrdEfcufapiogal* lumuoucas oportet, Vale. FINIS, ImprefsumCantabrigi^pcr loannem Siberch Anno MR XX L Menfe 0<2obri. Scftc* «c$e^o Soofeyg ft^.^ SW o^ otfW {fM^ipiM&S fti^/g22S2S* ?^*pi2^~ 5. Erasmus. Colophon. 40 an mm adepunoc,rep\taf ip4i$,cV acceffbria* Prinri palis , ut occidit hgniu 7 o» r% <_;uo pecuniae rriaxi* mam fummam {pe^b*ai&\.# ^Tbriispratereanon ignoras fe Clod»o,hifius.4ii7i jcoaeerrimoregra* tarn facluru.Locus o^portuuus, an impohunus, Locus, anguftus,amplus,nernc- ofiis, montuofusf Iongin quus,an propinqui^jCeJebriSjan dcferfus ,fecer an prophanus jpubKcu* ar priu^jwT * $■* &■ »dam an Mollis, uijpalamanoccljkejpcrfuaCbt /. ^ntc auda* derancaptibfe^infc^ens ^p^^, VdmoKanodio* Materia^Fufteanglid^ara^^ '^\ ** f 9&*«**'* bus*Nunc quomcn Jo rs{U9t&*&£ •*$ fn$, uentantur^ exempla fubi ia>'n^ji N '- pa^f poUii tri*c Cat ilina^nifihui&sjrc i .. ' iZ^mcx. fv« .- >v * rir^non eft audiendus. £a emm .iolife^ , Jjiv '**,' v C1 ioribusmwsfum,iit(inerefiAus,idclem€r&rj: V- vVrcu rinondebeatis* A torfcfeo mill's expellendus cf A ^o CtcerQi quurnhsecfine teftibus dicat , quod mihi r ; ^ fern per inimicus fuerit, &riobilitati C utp'ote no»f$; ULis homo )infeftus*Nam ueftrrc prudentiae iudi A ^ ^rfb ces eft earn poteftatem , talibus ui'ris non concedeua iudicii re,ne fi$is argumentis nobiles homines drcumue A re nianr»Non enim tanri (celeris frtpicfonemfinetefti Aioco ♦ bus approoare debetisPf azfeitim io ic republic A caufa, G H ca ? in 5. Erasmus. Proof-sheet of folio xxiii. 41 ONTIO QVAM AN, IGLICE HABVIT RE= VERENDVS PATER IOANNES ROFFEN. ISIS EP1SCOPVS IN |cefeberrimo Nobilium Ccns ueiitu Londini , eo dic,quo Martini Luiheri (ai? pta publico appararu in jgnem corriecfra fimt,uer* ia in Latinij.per Richardum Pacarum a Screnifii= mi REGIS ANGLiE SecreSs^vimm Grecc & LatinePeritiflimuiiK CVM GRATIA 'ET PRIVILEGICV. 7. Fisher. Title-page. 4= EXCVDEBATVR IN PRAECLA RACANTABRIGIENSI ACADEMIA PER IOANNEM SIBERCH A°,M.D.XXI. ♦ •♦ 7. Fisher. Colophon. 43 DE CONSTRVCTJONE NOMINIS magnopcrc placuerunf, COMPARATiVA.jDRDO. V. (?*}rnparatiua ct Superlatiuagtm cxiguu Vt,fum mi norfratui,deduobus.Sum minimus fratru,deplu* ribus.Et turn exponuturper inter Jnter fratre$ Velex fratrib 9 .Na coparatiua cu exponuturj)quia,abIun a(cifciir,Pra:ftantiorte. Eloqucrior olbus prscierqua Cicerone A. qua Cicero, Additur et alter abltus figni ficans modu exceflus. Eft maior te quatuor annis . Digico Iato te^cerior. Mulco potior ,Muho,et Ioge apponuturetluperlatiuis. Multo omnium doftilfi* musJLonge peiftmus, omnium, DiSTRiB VT. ET PART1TI . ORDO.VI Item Nomukpartiuua^ucpartitiuepofita^ieliit quif eJjquifquiSjquicucpjquida^uis itcrrogatiuLT,ct qufs proal/quis, AIiqius,vtcrq?, neuter, vteruir,utercucp nemo/iulIus,(oIus,vnus,medius. Quifcp hui 9 nau'o iig^Vnu quodcg animantiii. Prouocat vnuquclibet \ < eftru. Vtru horu mauis,accipe«Expoiiutur g inter, uel ex . vnus oim .i % folu9t>Im.Mediiis duoru A, int?r duos. Et dimidiii animas . Item >alter alius, et his equi* pcUctiapronomiahicet ille,et aducrbiupartiro. APPENDIX. I._ Qyacp in his gtis fignificas totu,in ahucafu fepe ucr« iijur.Quis hoiiiiuiditcEt,qi!ishouiduC.Neuter Ca tonu.Et neuter CatoAnirrianium-velanimanua^alia D, font uofavilia 9. Lily and Erasmus. 44 Initials. 45 Initials. 4 6 2. Augustine : woodcuts. 6. Galen: initials. 47 u>? fTje8. ffrtnt leftjire eua^efift £f. gfane&rjD flr quicquid homiiiiapplicamm naturalis eius caloris ud quaKtatem auget^ueffubftantiam . Eademmi* hi &dealrjscenferi dicta uelim,qua:cuncp fcilicet poteftate frigida,uel ficca,uel humida dkun tur.Cnm harcquoquepartim^ieluriad ipfa elerneta>parrim ueluti ad ea quae ex prarpollente font nominata^tu intelligMu explorari, turn do* teri conueniatPatet uero eu quocp qui iudicat tacfhim, omnis ac* quiiititrjcalorif $C frigori* rxpertc efle debere, • ficutideme dkametis ipfis priuf eftdiflunu Gakni detemperamenris^Thofra Lina* ao Anglo interpretCjlibri tenrj, S^ulmra, F I N I S knpredum apud pracdarani Cantabri^ismp^ j anncmSibach. An, M D, X^J M. D. X. X, f. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-9,*47(A5618)444 2NIA S5 6B6 Bowes - John Siberch. Z232 S56E6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000132 944 o