Gotfd Thing's and Graces GIFT OF GOOD THINGS AND GRACES Life gives us the key to the larder y We choose for our feasts what we will. BY ISABEL GOODHUE PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS, SAN FRANCISCO "tr^-. ~*^>v ^flpf-^ Good Things. Game Pie - Hash .... Irish Stew - ... A Roast a la Mode - Breakfast Food Hygienic Bread Johnny Cake Brown Betty - Angel's Food Cup Cake - Gold Cake - Puffs .... Lady Fingers Poppy-seed Cookies - Ginger Snaps - - . - German Tea Cake - - i^V Sunshine Pudding - -/TL 1-* Poor Man's Pudding - Mayonnaise for Blue Monday Salad - Summer Salad - - - - A Winter Salad - Greens First Recipe Greens Second Recipe Greens Third Recipe To Make an Elixir of Youth - Blackberry Cordial - - - Deviled Tongue - - - . Sauce Piquante ... How I Serve Invalid's Food - To Remove Steins from Character " 1 i 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 ii 12 '3 14 15 16 18 '9 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 2 9 hi P^vUs. EL*P?A>D COMPANY San Francisco The Tomoye Press 11 Game Pie. SEARCH for your game care- fully until you find it ; observe it well, and then leave it to the full enjoyment of life and its native haunts. You will soon have, in a green dish of rarest design and ornamentation, with cover of radiant blue, a filling of happy memories, seasoned with vigor and beauty. Every time the pie is opened these memories will begin to sing. Thanks for the magic by which we can eat some good things and keep them too. Hash. MIX equal parts of flattery and "a mush of conces- sions'* together, and brown over a fire of self- interest. This dish is often eaten with relish, but cannot be recommended as a whole- some one. We are thankful that some things have so disagreeable an aftertaste that we are not apt to forget it. r /'&': . . . . /c;.-v::; ::-:-s> Z*?* Irish Stew. FAITH, an' if ye'll take a plinty av wurruk; an* a hunk av elbow grace; an' a bit av a joke; or a little jiggin' an' a knock at the bones av an avenin' fer flavor, ye'll hev a combina- tion that'll shtand by ye ivery day in the wake. May tH saints kape us shtiddy, wid a civil tongue in our heads, an a riddy answer on th* tip av that same, fer cheerin av tK way. A Roast a la Mode. PLUCK off the feathers of van- ity and pride, but do it gently, that you may not injure the self-respect, as usually a bird of this feather does not have an overabundance of that quality. Clean carefully, removing injured in- nocence and self-pity. Singe the pin- feathers of self-deception over a blaze of truth. Baste frequently with its own good temper and common sense, if any ooze out. Garnish with patience and appreciation, and place in position for serving. From our own foolishness, good Lord deliver us. Breakfast Food. ESPECIALLY good for chil- dren. A good pinch of peaceful silence to begin with, then two well-disciplined parents to every well-disciplined child ; a table- ful of courtesy, good-nature and praise. We are filled with praise for life's many awakenings. Hygienic Bread. M 'IX together the flour of love, made from the whole kernel ( giving the ^//-inclusive flavor and quality ) ; the leaven of spirit; the salt of common sense; the water of Life appreciated. . Let this rise in the encouraging at- 8M mosphere of patience. Knead and mold in the silence. Butter with cheerful- ness, and serve to the entire family. May our eyes be opened to see this day's spiritual food. Johnny Cake. H OLIDAY hours; balmy air and sunshine; clear- water-creek ; clothes-on- the-bank ; some-other-fel- lows; bully swimming; fun-on-the- way-home; big dinner and lots of pie; circus -in -the -back -yard; peanuts and lemonade; dandy noise; big supper; chum-in-the-evening; ghost stories ; bed ; scarey shadows ! ! ! ! Mothers-little-talk and kisses; ghosts- don't-dast- come-near- me-now No- o-o-Sir-r-r-r; sleep - too - deep - for - dreams. God bless the boys, old and young. ->m iiVS?.^ Brown Betty. SHORT dress, stout shoes, girl inside; health, laughter, cour- age inside of girl; rowing; riding; climbing; housework; golf; tennis; generosity; pur- ity; jollity; sun-kissed cheeks. All served with abundance of out- door air. Bless us this day with the gract of wholesomeness. Angel's Food. AEIUE angel's food is a joyous consciousness of the Divine Omnipresence. He who can daily par- take of this food will grow from strength to strength, in a well- balanced, harmonious development, and beauty. We rejoice that in the One Spirit all live and move and have their being. -!$ T H on loA stii Cup Cake. cup of cold water to one of these little ones " ; a loving-cup of sympathy ; a stirrup-cup of blessing ; an overflowing cup of good- ness and mercy; a communion cup of :i; %; love. Praise for this> which sweet- ens each repast the heavenly privilege of sharing. 10 ;V'^ -^?5v- v O Gold Cake. PULENT thoughts; gener- ous judgments; bounteous loving-kindness; a blessing on every outgoing and in- coming coin. Flavor with a rich imagination and stir through it a steady purpose. m rejoice that we are this day centres of bounty , receiving and giving forth good. Puffs. A'IPFUL of praise, a half- cupful of smiles, bows and admiring glances. Stir with a silver spoon until the mixture becomes a shining froth and crystallizes into words. To make this well, the chef must have kissed the Blarney stone at least once, or he will not know when the com- pound tastes just right. Let us praise for praise y but let us not try to subsist upon it. 12 Lady Fingers. OMPOSED of equal parts of gracious kindnesses, dainty appearances, skilful achieve- ments, soothing touches. We rejoice in the charm of ladyhood added to the primitive splendor of womanhood. Poppy-seed Cookies. MIX thoughts of good-will and peace together ; mold into circles of beauty, and sprinkle thickly with restful tones and words. These cookies are especially delicious if eaten just before retiring. We praise that the downy wings of Rest so often brood over our eager lives. Ginger Snaps. THREE measures of the flour of energy; three-fourths measure of the butter of self-confidence; one meas- ure of the molasses of po- liteness. Season with the ginger of never-give-up. Spice to taste with sense and humor. Make light with desire mixed in hope. Stir all together. Roll out with the rolling-pin of difficulties held well in hand, and cut into cookies of conve- nient size for daily use. If there is no fire of opportunity started, make one, and bake till the en- ergy in them snaps. Let us remember that to him that overcometh is promised all things. German Tea Cake. T AKE portions of the spirit of home comfort in the Fatherland - of - God, and the truth of protection- for-the-asking, and forgive- ness and good-will to everybody. Make sweet with peacefulness, and spice with joy-in-everybody's-joy. This must be passed along from one to another ; it is better served that way. Praise be that we are one great family in true love, and that none need be left out. Sunshine Pudding. TAKE glowing faith in the Eternal Goodness ; the light habit of cheerfulness; the golden flour of loving-kind- ness ; the rich will to show forth health: in about equal parts. Stir through all the buoyancy of humor, and you will have a sunshine pudding that every one will want to share. To prepare yourself to enjoy it to the best advantage, saturate your entire body often with sunbeams and breathe large quantities of sunlit air. We give praise this day for the fine magnetic forces of phys- ical and spiritual sunlight. Poor Man's Pudding. UAL parts of perseverance, and the best work you can obtain. Pour over this mix- ture an abundant supply of courage, and replenish it frequently if it shows a tendency to boil away. Sweeten well with joy-in- service. Get up plenty of steam around this mixture, and keep the lid of your steamer on tight until all is done. This pudding is so wholesome that it may form the daily food of the labor- ing man. O Divine Worker ' y what joy hast Thou given us greater than the joy of work well done! Mayonnaise for Blue Monday Salad. lively CUT up some lively capers, add to them a sauce made of the milk of human kind- ness, thickened with peace oil and spiced to taste. When using this mayonnaise, always serve some fresh peals of laughter with the salad. If you find it impossible to obtain the fresh peals, use some that you have sun-dried for emergencies. m We praise for the merry heart that " doeth good like a medicine'' x. ; ^:^ ?'f. ' .'-... Deviled Tongue. Emy tongue you may select be boiled in hatred over a fire of jealousy and spiced with sarcasm; "confidential" crit- icism, falsehood, and flattery, and you will find that it is decidedly deviled. If this is too highly spiced, soak a tongue for some time in the habit of fault-finding and irritability, and season with tales of disease and misfortune. After these are done, if you do not like them you can undevil them by using ingredients that are the opposites in quality to those named, but this is a different task and will require patience. Oil our tongues this day with the spirit of praise. ; %r '''fffSfe~^*fi''- %>v ^v- : ' "*:m ^v&& Sauce Piquante. ESiUAL parts of wit and rep- artee, stirred until they effer- vesce in mirth. Season with tact, and salt with good- will. This sauce may accompany every course at dinner. Blessings for the things that bring out life's rich flavors. How I Serve Invalid's Food. STERILIZE the utensils and dishes employed thoroughly with faith, that the germs of fear may be destroyed. Sur- round the table, or tray, on which the food is served, with conver- sation which is filled with the flowers of cheerfulness and adorned with pic- tures of health and beauty. Season the food with helpful sympathy and patience, but never with pity, which is very weakening in its effect. Add to every dish some stimulant which arouses wholesome interest in the life of the day. fhauks for the friends who, with their splendid courage, re- deem our negative days. 29 To Remove Stains from Character. THIS usually requires perse- verance, but remember that no such stains are indelible, and that a constant and plentiful application of the great solvent, Love, will cause any dis- coloration to disappear. Love for the Eternal Goodness and one's fellows will dissolve and wash away selfish- ness, which is the cause of all the sins known to man. A character treated in this way will not only emerge cleansed, but will gain a shining white- ness that is indescribably beautiful. Let us rejoice that Eternity is so long that it is never too late to begin to really live. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY