lol - ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES tamp*" 4 ' w -v-fr-v-frv-t-y^^j-v-i-y^r^-C^Y^i-y^ educational EDITED BY HENRY SUZZALLO PROFESSOR OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY THE TEACHING OF PRIMARY ARITHMETIC A critical study of recent tendencies in method BY HENRY SUZZALLO WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID EUGENE SMITH HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY BOSTON, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO fiitiettfbe ptcjsrf Cambridge COPYRIGHT, 1911, BY TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY COPYRIGHT, 1913, BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED "V A 5 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . David Eugene Smith v THE TEACHING OF PRIMARY ARITH- METIC ....... Henry Suzzallo I. THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY ..... i II. THE INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING 9 III. THE EFFECT OF THE CHANGING STATUS OF TEACHING METHOD ..... 21 IV. METHOD AS AFFECTED BY THE DISTRI- BUTION AND ARRANGEMENT OF ARITH- METICAL WORK ........ 32 V. THE DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIVE WORK 42 VI. THE MATERIALS OF OBJECTIVE TEACH- ING ............ 47 VII. SOME RECENT INFLUENCES ON OBJEC- TIVE TEACHING ........ 53 VIII. THE USE OF METHODS OF RATIONALI- ZATION ........... 60 iii CONTENTS IX. SPECIAL METHODS FOR OBTAINING AC- CURACY, INDEPENDENCE, AND SPEED . 69 X. THE USE OF SPECIAL ALGORISMS, ORAL FORMS, AND WRITTEN ARRANGEMENTS 83 XI. EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS 96 XII. CHARACTERISTIC MODES OF PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD no OUTLINE .119 INTRODUCTION J" ' "' ' ' > - BY DAVID EUGLiNb SivilTH 2^ ^. -2. a a THE evolution of the teaching of primary arith- metic extends over a period of about two hundred years, although numerous sporadic efforts at teaching the science of number to young child- ren had been made long before the founding of the Francke Institute at Halle. During the eighteenth century not much progress was made until there was established the Philanthropin at Dessau, and perhaps it would be more just to speak of primary arithmetic as having its real be- ginning in this institution at about the time that our country was establishing its independent ex- istence. It is, however, to Pestalozzi, at the be- ginning of the nineteenth century, that we usually and rightly assign the first sympathetic movement in this direction, and it is the period from that time to the present that has seen the real evolution of the teaching of arithmetic to children in the first school years. v INTRODUCTION The evolution of this phase of education is one of the most interesting and profitable studies that a teacher of arithmetic can undertake. It re- veals the experiments, many of them puerile but a few of them virile, that have been made from time to time ; it brings into light the failures which should serve as warnings, and the suc- cesses which will inspire the teacher to better and more carefully considered effort ; it shows the trend of primary instruction, and it makes the student of education more sympathetic with the great problem before him.yjln_particular, he will see the danger of narrowness in matters of method, the futility of expecting to create genu- ine interest by any single line of devices, the pmfnt-fesijks that came from over-emphasis of the doctrine of formal discipline, and the errors of judgment that have been made in deciding upon what constitutes reality in an arithmetical problem for children. If by such a study he should see the childishness of confining one's self to the use of cubes alone, or of some special type of number chart, or of some particular form of number cards, or of sticks of varied lengths or vi INTRODUCTION shapes, the result would be salutary. If by his study of the absurd extreme to which formal dis- cipline was carried a generation ago he is led to see the equal absurdity to which so many teach- ers are tending to-day the denying that any such discipline exists at all his labor will bear good fruit in the school room of the present. It fortunately happens that after this century of experiment we are getting about ready to take some account of stock ; to weigh up values ; to select from what the world has produced, and to select with some approach to good judgment. It is not probable that the time is entirely ripe for this labor, because we are at present in the midst of a period of agitation that seems certain to warp our judgment, the period of agitation fora some- what narrow phase of industrial education ; but even with this danger we are better able to weigh up the values in the teaching of arith- metic than we have ever been before. One rea- son for this is that we now have men and women of sufficiently sound education and sufficiently broad view to attack the problem. These men appreciate the efforts of Pestalozzi, but they vii INTRODUCTION recognize that these are to the present what the science of Franklin is to that of Kelvin and Thompson. They appreciate what Tillich did for number work, and the influence of Grube ; but they know that these men were narrow in view and dogmatic in statement, and that they stand rather as warnings than as founders of any worthy theory. In looking for such a man to prepare a report upon the teaching of arithmetic in the primary grades, the American members of the Interna- tional Commission on the Teaching of Mathe- matics turned first of all to Professor Suzzallo. 1 They felt that his standing as a scholar, his ex- perience as a practical school man, and his posi- tion in the educational world fitted him perfectly for a work of this importance. That their good judgment did not fail them will be seen in read- ing the following report. In it Professor Suzzallo 1 The material presented in this study was originally col- lected and organized for the purposes of a special report to a sub-committee of the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics. This commission was created at the International Congress of Mathematicians held in Rome in 1908. The report was first published in the Teachers College Record, March, 1911. viii INTRODUCTION has set forth very clearly the aims of instruction in primary arithmetic, rightly considering these aims in their evolutiojg.a% rather than. in their static aspec^s^. emphasizing the importance of this phase of the study, tendencies that seem makingjorji_more rational view of teaching. He has discarded the narrow and trivial concept of method that characterized the educational work of a generation now passing away, and has brought dignity to the term by considering it from the modern scientific stand- point. He has discussed both historically and psychologically the important question of object teaching, showing the failures that have resulted from narrow views of the purpose of such an aid and the success that may be expected from a more rational use of number material. The whole question of the role of reason, or rather of the pupil's effort to express the rationalizing pro- cess has been considered, the extreme danger points have been indicated, and the bearing of some of our saner forms of psychology upon the subject has been set forth. The technique of num- ber, including the question of accuracy and speed ix INTRODUCTION in the operations, has also been treated in a very acceptable manner, Professor Suzzallo's experi- ence in this phase of work having been unusual. And finally, the vexed question of what consti- tutes a genuinely concrete problem has been con- sidered in its various bearings, and the present tendencies in problem-making have been indi- cated. It is needless to say that the last word has not been spoken on this phase of the work, and that it never will be. New generations produce new lines of application of arithmetic, even for children. But with respect to the general prin- ciples of the selection of matter for the framing of problems, Professor Suzzallo speaks with a con- viction that will carry weight. With all of the opinions expressed in such a report probably no reader will agree. It would be a poor discussion that would not provoke some opposition. But with the general tenor of the report it is certain that most thinking teachers of to-day will find themselves in hearty accord. More important still is the fact that the report sets forth in clear language the present status of primary arithmetic in the more thoughtful edu- INTRODUCTION cational circles in this country, and that it will state to teachers at home and abroad the tend- encies as they now appear to the leaders of edu- cational thought in the United States. TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, February, 1911. THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY IT is the function of this study to convey some notion of the methods employed in teaching math- ematics in the first six grades of the American elementary school. No attempt is made to give a minute description of the endless details of teaching procedure, nor even to enumerate all the types of teaching method employed. Its purpose is restricted to an analysis of the larger tendencies in teaching practice which are repre- sentative of the spirit of mathematical instruction in the lower schools. Function of the Study to Trace General Tendencies We should have a much simpler task if it were ours to sketch the purposes of mathematical iji- struction, or to outline the nature and organiza- tion of the various mathematical courses of study. As it is, we have to describe something less con- cr^tc, namely the method employed in the pre- 9 I TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC sentation of mathematical subjects. Intimately dependent upon the subject matter involved, dominated by the special aims of mathematical instruction in a non-technical school, adjusted to the immaturities of childhood, and reflecting the personal habits of mind of the teacher, teach- ing method emerges a powerful, variable, and subtle thing. In spite of subtlety and variability there are, however, certain general practices that can be described and analyzed. It is with these that this study will deal Teaching Method is a Mode of Presentation Owing to the existing confusions, it is well at the very outset to have in mind a clear definition of the term " teaching methods." Teaching methods are always methods of presentation. In this respect the teaching art is like any other art, literary, graphic, plastic, or what not. The literary artist, for example, has a purpose, a sub- ject matter, a particular audience, and a. special style of presentation. All these factors are pre- sent in the teaching art. The aims of instruction, the particular facts to be taught, the immaturity 2 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY of the child taught, and the inevitable personality of the teacher determine the style of instruc- tion, or, to use our own " trade word," a method of teaching. Every teacher, then, has ' a style or method conscious or unconscious, good, bad, or indifferent. Unlike the literary artist, he has many ends to serve rather than one. His functions are general to life, and include moral, social, and personal ends, as well as those that are aesthetic. His methods of communica- tion, too, are more than one. He presents his ex- periences objectively and graphically, as well as \ through the medium of written words and speech. Always the teacher's end is to stimulate growth -~~ through the presentation of experiences. When that presentation takes a form and order differ- ent from that usual to adult life for the precise purpose of making the fact more readily compre- hensible to the immature mind of the child, then , that modification may be called a method of \ teaching.^ Teaching methods are always special J manners of readjusting adult wisdom to the special psychological conditions of a student's m'md.f 3 \ TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Distinct Uniformities Exist among its Variations In the concrete, methods of teaching are always specialized responses to situations, and as variable as situations are variable. Life is never just the same at any point. Yet certain essential similari- ties exist and give us the opportunity to inter- pret life in terms of law. The same may be said of the teaching life. In a sense it never repeats itself ; yet to the degree that the same end, the same subject matter, and the same immaturity of mind recur in class rooms, teachers will tend to use similar modes of adjustment. In describing mathematical teaching in the primary schools, it is these similar modes of teaching adjustment, these similar " general methods," that we shall describe and analyze. The Methods of Public Elementary Schools are Representative It will be unnecessary to have a separate treatment of the "general methods "of mathe- matical teaching for public schools and private schools. Whatever may be said of the state-sup- 4 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY ported schools will in general be true of private institutions. It is true of elementary schools as it is not of secondary and higher schools, that private institutions hold a relatively minor place, as compared with public or state schools. They are in a sense mere adjuncts to the public school system, claiming, in the generality of cases, no real difference in their ideals and methods of in- struction. In the larger number of cases they draw their courses of study and methods from the public school systems of. the immediate neigh- borhood. The social jtatus of the parent or the personal incapacity of the child, rather than difference of school methods, is the cause of the special clientage of the private primary schools in the United States. Hence, a description of the characteristic methods of the public schools will be representative of the prevailing modes of in- struction in American private elementary schools. Elementary Mathematics is Mainly Arithmetic Mathematical instruction in the first six years of the elementary school concerns itself almost exclusively with the teaching of arithmetic. A 5 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC decade or so ago there was a vigorous movement for the introduction of algebra and geometry into the elementary school. As a result, these subjects made their appearance in the seventh and eighth grades seldom in the first six school years. Where the influence of this move- ment penetrated the lower grades or persisted in the higher grades, the algebraic and geometric elements involved were so restricted and simpli- fied that they became part and parcel of the subject of arithmetic, rather than the elemen- tary phases of two more advanced subjects. This is true of the simple algebraic equation or the measurement of simple geometric figures where introduced below the seventh year. Elementary Arithmetic Emphasizes the Four Fundamental Processes By common practice, even the arithmetic taught in the primary grades has been given a restrictive emphasis. For the most part it is con- cerned with the mastery of the fundamental pro- cesses in manipulating integers and fractions. The casual observer, in reading American courses 6 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY of study, will note that in the lower grades the^ mathematical subjects taught are named after ( the abstract process involved rather than after \ the particular business institution to which the ) arithmetic is concretely applied. Thus in the~^ lower grades we teach counting, subtraction, fractions, decimals, percentage, etc. ; while in the higher grades we teach interest, stocks and bonds, commission, insurance, etc. There is of course no hard and fast line of demarcation ; one emphasis gradually passes over into the other, an approximate balance being maintained in the intermediate grades. It will perhaps simplify the task of this study and make its treatment more thoroughly representative of all conditions, if the general methods described be restricted to that field which is most characteristic of the first five or six years of mathematical instruction, namely, to the teaching of the fundamental pro- cesses of manipulating integers and fractions along with their simple applications to concrete problems. This discussion, then, will be limited to the period of school life in which the tools of arithmetic are acquired. i 7 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC The Need for Studying Exceptional Reform Tendencies While the aspects of mathematical instruction here studied and presented are selected because of their representative nature, it would be un- wise to restrict ourselves to a statement of the commonly accepted procedures of school-room practice. There are in America certain reform tendencies which are as characteristic of condi- tions as are the conservative practices. These modifying forces need to be mentioned along with the practices that they alter. Again, there are certain scientific effects now well under way to study the problem of methods in teach- ing. While these have, as their immediate aim, the acquisition of new knowledge rather than di- rect educational reform, their ultimate effect will be to change methods of teaching. For this reason they are important, and have a proper place in this presentation. II THE INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING . ^^ Factors Influencing Teaching Methods IT has been suggested that all teaching methods represent adjustments to several variable factors in the school-room situation. Teaching method is never, or should not be, just one thing. It is as variable as the factors that determine its situa- tion. The purposes of mathematical instruction,--- the nature of the fact to be taught, the imma- turity of the child, the teacher's scholarly equip- ment, his personality, his attitude toward the very idea or institution of method, all these are influences in determining the status of mathe- matical teaching. Some of them are so important that it will be necessary to discuss them in de- tail at the very outset. The Influence of a Scientific Aim The purposes of mathematical instruction in the elementary school must always be very in- 9 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC fluential upon method. It makes a great differ- ence whether one is merely teaching the elements of mathematics or is teaching mathematics as a tool for business life. It has not been long since the aim of mathematical teaching was merely scientific. The facts taught were the beginning of a science, and the end was to obtain a foun- dation for more advanced facts of the same kind, which were dependent upon this foundation. As the teacher had learned his mathematics, so he taught the subject. To a considerable degree, as the master's adult mind classified the facts of the subject, so he presented it to the child. His methods were logical rather than psychological. He gave the finished product or process to the child without special adaptation to the child's immaturity; a roundabout method tha slowly approximated and only finally achieved the full result was with such a teacher exceptional. Such a scientific aim, implicit rather than ex- pressed, dominated the methods of teaching when arithmetic was handed over to the elementary schools by the higher institutions of education. The first purpose to be rooted in the traditions 10 INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING of mathematical teaching, it still persists with all the rigidity of a conservative force. Teachers still tend to teach future workmen in the lower they themselves were taught by sci- entific scholars in the universities. And high school and college instructors still impose their standards upon the lower schools so as to influ- ence their methods of instruction. As higher in- struction still remains largely scientific in purpose and method, its effects reinforce the earliest tra- dition in the elementary schools. Under such an influenceithe worth of a mathematical fact is--' vt'jr measured by its place in a logical scheme, rather } than by its significance and recurrence in every-' day life.\ The mathematician may need to know all abour the names of the places in notation and numeration ; the layman cares only about the ac- curate reading and writing of numbers, and not at all about the verbal title of "units of thou- sands " place. Again the rational needs of a stu- dent of mathematics may require an understand- ing of the reasons why we "carry" in column addition, but the effective everyday use demands an accurate habit of "carrying" rather than an ii TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC accurate explanation. Yet just such methods persist in our schools because of the domination of a scientific treatment of the subject. The Influence of the Aim of Formal Discipline The remoteness of such mathematical teach- ing from the needs of common life constantly threatens the loyalty and support of the public. Some defense becomes necessary on other than scientific grounds. Such a sanction could not be found in utilitarianism, for the waste was evi- dent. It remained for a psychological theory to sketch a defense upon "disciplinary" grounds. The doctrine of "formal discipline" says that such mathematical teaching trains the powers of the mind so that any mastery gained in mathe- matics is a mastery operating in full elsewhere, regardless of the remoteness of the new situa- tions from those in connection with which the power or ability was originally acquired^) The facts and processes mastered may not be those most needed in daily life, but they are good for every nan inasmuch as they train his mind.) Such was .he dictum of the doctrine of " f ormaTdiscipline." 12 INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING The effect of such doctrine is to/defend and perpetuate every obsolete, unimportant, and wasteful practice)in the teaching of mathematics.^ No matter that partnership as taught in the schools had its original sanction in its close cor- respondence to the reality of business practice ; no matter that the old sanction has passed ; teach it now for its ability to discipline the* mind ! No matter that " life insurance " touches more men than "cube root" ; the latter should be kept because of its power to train the mind. In life, where "approximation" of amounts suffices, the teacher demands absolute accuracy, and the eth- ical worth of such precise truth is the high law for its defense. In life, "the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker " figure out the total of a bill mainly "in their heads,", with a few ac- cessory pencil scribbles upon paper; the teacher finds sanction in aesthetics for requiring a com- plete statement written or re- written in exquisite form. Regardless of the truth that is concealed in the doctrine of " formal discipline," it must be confessed by those who know the history of teaching method in the United States that it is 13 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC the main defense of conservatism and the larg- est cause of waste in teaching methods. The Shift in Emphasis from Academic to Social Aims Such has been the ground upon which recent educational reform has operated. Slowly the \ older scientific and disciplinary aims of instruc- \ tion have given way to the newer purposes of business utility and social insight. In that step a large transition has been covered. Before, the school measured the worth of its work by stand- ards internal to educational institutions. The schoolmaster and the scholar, rather than the man on the street, had formulated the scientific classifications of mathematics and expounded the doctrine of "formal discipline." Thereafter, the measure of efficient school instruction was determined by standards external to the school, the product of conditions outside of school life. \J3usiness need and social situation determine whether a fact or a process is worth comprehend- ing, and whether the method of instruction has been effective?\ 14 INFLUENGE OF AIMS ON TEACHING Business Utility as an End The utilitarianism that first attacked the older course of study and its methods was the utility of the business world. The arithmetic of business life- became the standard. The practices of the market determined what matter, skill, and accuracy should be demanded of the elementary school pupil. Recently it became the habit to call upon the business man to give his opinion as to what constitutes good arithmetical training; and no criticism was so feared as that of the business leader who said that the boys that came to him were incompetent. Committees on courses of study have even investigated the relative fre- quency and importance of specific arithmetical processes in the business world with the idea of utilizing the results as a basis for changes in the mathematical curriculum. This aim of business utility, coming at a time when the elementary school course was felt to be overcrowded, met with a ready reception. It operated for the time being as the standard by which materials and methods in arithmetic were 15 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC to be eliminated, if not actually selected. Ma- terials not general to the business world, such as the table of Troy weight, were therefore eliminated. Processes of computing interest in- frequently used were supplemented by more widespread and up-to-date methods. More doing and less explaining characterized the instruction in adding columns of figures, and such manipu- lation mimicked the exact conditions of its use in the world at large. If strings of figures are usually added in vertical columns in the busi- ness world, then they should be taught in ver- tical columns more nearly exclusively than before. The obsolete and the relatively infrequent, the over-complex and the wasteful processes of the old arithmetic tended to disappear. More than any other influence, this aim of business utility has combated the over-conservative influence of scientific and disciplinary aims which dominated previous decades. The newer methods of teach- ing have kept the best of the old movements. The work is still scientific in that it is accurate; it is still disciplinary in that it trains ; but the truth and the training which are given are 16 INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING selected by and associated with actual business situations common to every-day life. Broad Social Utilitarianism as a Standard There is evidence in the present thought of teachers that a utility broader than that of the business world is beginning to obtain in the schools. Everywhere in these days the Ameri- can teacher and the educational writer speak of the social aims of education. More than ever be- fore, the social consciousness of the teacher en- larges. This general increase in the social con- sciousness of the teacher is reflected in mathe- matical instruction. In spite of an increasing movement toward specific vocational training, as seen in the in- dustrial education movement, for example, there has been a reactionary defense of the ele- mentary schools as an institution for very gen- eral training in the things that arc-socially fun- damental and common. This movement toward the preservation of the elementary school as a place for giving a broadly socialized and modern culture not only is checking the inroads of a 17 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC narrow vocational education, but is broadening the conception of the older studies, of which arithmetic is but one. Arithmetic is not a sub- ject in which only the skills of calculation are cultivated ; it is one that contributes social in- sight, just as history and geography do. The influence of the social aim of instruction upon mathematical instruction is subtle but ob- vious. The business man's opinion with refer- ence to arithmetical instruction is not always taken as gospel. There are other standards. " Why," says the schoolmaster, " should I train people for your special needs, any more than for the demands of other trades that men ply? To be sure, our graduates do not fit perfectly into your shop at once. But that precise and local adjustment is the work of the business course or of shop apprenticeship. My function is to train men for the situations common to all men and special to no class. The elementary school is a school for general culture or social apprecia- tion, not a business college or a trade school." The sociologist usurps the place of the business man as the school's proper critic. 18 INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING Some Concrete Effects of the Change in Aim The immediate effect is that arithmetical ap- plications find a larger place in teaching. A saner relation is established between abstract examples and concrete problems. And the prob- lems, in increasing extent, are real problems, typical of life, if not actual. No more does arith- metic, in the best schools, confine itself to fig- ures alone. Figures are applied in concrete problems. There may be days of teaching when not a figure is used during the arithmetic period. The social setting, the business institution, which calls for the calculation, is studied as carefully as the process of calculation. The students are given a knowledge of banking as well as skill in the computation of interest. They may even visit a bank, a factory, a shop, as the case may require. Instead of having fifteen problems that .deal with fifteen different subjects all more or less remote from one another, as was almost uni- versally the case with older text-books and teach- ing methods, the class hour may be given over to fifteen problems related to one situation, such 19 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC as might develop in the business of a bakery shop or an apartment house. Thus arithmetic gradually gains social setting and unity. To-day teaching methods in arithmetic are in a state of transition : old and new purposes min- gle with unequal force and give us a mixed pro- cess of instructing. Old materials and methods still persist, for logical and disciplinary ideals still hold ; but the newer regimen ushered in by the demands of business utility and social under- standing gains ground. The obsolete, the untrue, the wasteful methods pass from arithmetic teach- ing ; and the pressing, tfiodern, and useful activi- ties and understandings enter. Arithmetic is less abstract and formal as a subject than it was ; it has become increasingly vital and concrete with real interests, insights, and situations. The grind of sheer mechanical drill decreases in teaching ; and a reasoned understanding of relations, in some degree at least, is substituted. Artificial mo- tives and incentives are less frequently used to get work done, while the quantitative needs of the child's life and the intrinsic interest of children in the institutional occupations of their elders pro- vide a more vital motive for the use of arithmetic. Ill THE EFFECT OF THE CHANGING STATUS OF TEACHING METHOD Method as a Psychological Adjustment to the Child AT the very beginning, it was suggested that many factors enter into the nature of our teach- ing methods. There was occasion to show the effect of varying aims on the spirit and manner of instruction, for the end in view inevitably in- fluences any presentation of facts, in school or out. The most significant factor, however, in teaching method is the attempt to adjus^ meth- ods of presentation to the psychological con- ditions of childhood. Teaching method in the school is primarily a mode of presentation de- signed to stimulate the energies of children. As long as the teacher was the most active person in the classroom, method as such was not impor- tant in pedagogical theory. The focusing of at- tention on the child as an active human factor to 21 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC be given careful consideration is responsible for the extended development of teaching technique. The growing importance of "method" in educa- tional theory marks a growth in the teacher's consciousness of psychological factors, precisely as the appearance of the newer aims in teaching has marked an increased regard for social factors. The Effect of an Increased Reverence for Childhood Two important movements have been respon- sible for the development of a psychological con- sciousness of the pupil as a dominating factor in teaching method. One is humanitarian ; the other, scientific. There has been a steady growth in reverence and sympathy for childhood. As yet it has scarcely expressed itself with fullness. Its pre- sence is revealed by the widespread enactment of laws designed to guarantee the rights of child- hood laws against child labor and in favor of compulsory education. The growth of special courts for juvenile offenders, the development of playgrounds, and the decreased brutality of dis- 22 CHANGING STATUS OF METHOD cipline at home and school, are other symptoms of the public attitude toward childhood. The wide acceptance of the " doctrine of interest " in teaching ; the enrichment of the curriculum ; specialized schools for truants and defectives; individual instruction, these are the school- master's recognition of the modern attitude to- ward childhood. Under such conditions teach- ing becomes less and less a ruthless external imposition of adult views, and more a means of sympathetic ministry to those inner needs of child life which make for desirable qualities of character. While it is true that teaching method is a condescension to childhood, it is a socially profitable condescension in that it is a guarantee of more effective and enduring mastery of the life that is revealed at school. Since the child's acquisition tends the more to be part and parcel of his own life under such sympathetic teaching, the products of such instruction are enduring. The Reconstruction of Method through Psychology Such a humanitarian movement naturally called for knowledge of the child the wisdom 23 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC of common sense soon exhausts itself, and more scientific data are demanded. Thus the " child study movement" came into existence. The movement was in some degree disappointing, for frequently it busied itself in cataloguing the ob- vious rather than in classifying new and hitherto unexplained data. But one thing it did : it focused attention upon the child as the crucial factor in education, the prime conditioning force in all methods of instruction. Since then, a saner psy- chological foundation has been laid for educa- tional procedure, one which is criticising and reconstructing teaching method at every turn. Hitherto, teaching methods had been improved fitfully through a crude empiricism. As the ablest teachers became dissatisfied with their teaching and dared to vary their methods, they selected the successful experiments, and other teachers willingly adopted the methods that seemed better than their own. Now a body of general psychological knowledge, rich in its criticism of old methods and in its suggestion of new means of procedure, gives a scientific basis to teaching method. Where additional psy- 24 CHANGING STATUS OF METHOD chological knowledge is needed, the educational psychologists seek it through special investiga- tions. And where the counter claims of com- peting methods defy ordinary psychological analysis and investigation, judgment is sought through an experimental pedagogy which sub- mits teaching processes to comparative tests under normal classroom conditions. The Increased Professional Respectability of Conscious Method Increased sympathy with childhood and in- creased scientific knowledge of human nature together give teaching method a new j ustification. The result is that the era of complete depend- ence upon teaching genius and mere common sense in methods of instruction has passed out of the American elementary school. We are now in a period where a specific professional tech- nique in teaching is demanded, a technique partly developed out of crude personal and professional experience, and partly founded upon scientific criticism and experiment. A new humanitarian and scientific attitude toward the mental life of 25 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC children elevates teaching method to a position it has never before enjoyed. The public elementary-school teacher is con- servative indeed who will deny that there is any- thing worthy in the notion of " method." As a class, teachers have faith in the special profes- sional technique which is included under the term. They are critical of the many abuses which have been committed in the name of method. Method cannot be a substitute for scholarship. It cannot be a "cut and dried" procedure indis- criminately or uniformly applied to class-room instruction. Like every other technical means, teach ing method is subject to its own limitations and strengths, a fact which the average teacher recognizes. The Prevalence of Methods Emphasizing a Single Idea *-. In spite of the^act that the majority of ele- mentary teachers Keep reasonably sane on the problem of method in teaching, it must be ad- mitted that a considerable proportion of teachers are inclined to be attracted by systems of method 26 CHANGING STATUS OF METHOD that greatly over-emphasize a single element of procedure. The hold which the " Grube method," with its unnatural logical thoroughness and progression, gained in this country two or three decades ago is scarcely explicable to-day. Scarcely less baffling is the very large appeal made by a series of textbooks which lays the stress upon the acquisition of arithmetic through the idea of ratio and by means of measuring. Manual work as the source of arithmetical ex- periences is another special emphasis, which, like the others, has had its enthusiastic adherents. Again it is "arithmetic without a pencil" or some other over-extension of a legitimate local method into a "panacea "or "cure-all," which con- fronts us. The promulgation and acceptance of such unversatile and one-sided systems of teach- ing method are indicative of two defects in the professional equipment of teachers : (i) the lack of a clear, scientific notion as to the nature and function of teaching method, and (2) the lack of psychological insight into the varied nature of class-room situations. Untrained teachers we still have among us, and others, too, to whom a little 27 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC knowledge is a dangerous thing. These are fre- quently carried away by the enthusiastic appeals of the reformer with a system far too simple to meet the complex needs of human nature. Our experiences seem to have sobered us somewhat, the increase of supervision has made responsible officers cautious, and increased professional in- telligence has put a wholesome damper upon na'fve and futile proposals to make teaching easy. The Tendency toward Over-Uniformity in Method A more serious evil than that just mentioned is the tendency of the supervising staff to over- prescribe specific methods for class-room teach- ers. Recently there has developed, more par- ticularly in large city systems, a tendency to demand a uniform mode of teaching the same school subject throughout the city. The prime causes of this tendency are to be found (i) in the specialization of grade teaching, and the conse- quent interdependence of one teacher on another; and (2) in the mobility of the school population, 28 CHANGING STATUS OF METHOD which involves considerable lost energy if teachers do not operate along similar lines. The result of such imposed uniformity is a reduction of spontaneity in teaching. The pro- cess of instruction proceeds in a more or less mechanical fashion, the teacher working for bulk results by a persistent and general application of the methods laid down. That teaching which at every moment tends to adjust itself skillfully to the changes of human doubt and interest, diffi- culty and success, discouragement and insight, now taking care of a whole group at once, now aiding an individual straggler, now resolutely following a prescribed lead, now pursuing a line of least resistance previously unsuspected, can- not thrive under such conditions. The demand for an excessive uniformity stifles teaching as a fine art, and makes of it a mechanical busi- ness ; only those activities that fit the machine can go on. Thus it happens that we memorize, cram, drill, and review ; and soon the subtler pro- cesses of thinking and evaluating, which are the best fruit of education, cease to exist. TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Method as a Series of Varied, Particular Adjustments Fortunately the one-method system of teach- ing will soon belong to the past ; and fortunately, too, the imposition of uniform methods is begin- ning to lose ground, even in our cities. For the most part, the common sense of teachers and the positive statements of our better theorists keep teaching methods in a sane and useful status. Teaching methods should be as infinitely variable as the conditions calling for their use are endlessly changeable. Not one method but many are necessary, for methods are supplementary rather than competitive. No one method should be used with a pre-established rigidity ; each must be flexible in its uses, so as to accomplish the varied work to be done. The teacher, with his everyday contact with the problems of child- hood, is the best interpreter of conditions and the best chooser of the tools of instruction. The supervisor may criticize, suggest, and ad- vise ; he may call attention to fundamental prin- ciples involved ; but the teacher himself must CHANGING STATUS OF METHOD finally choose his own methods. He is the only one who can know conditions well enough to ad- just teaching methods to the needs of his own children. Arithmetic teaching has suffered from false uses of teaching method. In this respect it has shared the common professional lot. But in addition it has had special difficulties and adven- tures of its own. We have now to note those special phases of teaching method which are peculiar and local to mathematical instruction. J f ' IV METHOD AS AFFECTED BY THE DISTRIBIK TION AND ARRANGEMENT OF ARITH- METICAL WORK The Tendency toward Shortening the Time Distribution SEVERAL decades ago arithmetic, as a formal subject, was begun in the first school year and continued throughout the grades to the last school year. This is no longer a characteristic condition, much less a uniform one. There have been forces operating to complete the subject of arithmetic prior to the eighth year, and to delay its first systematic presentation in the primary grades for a period varying from six months to two years. The report of the "Committee of Fifteen " of the National Education Association summarizes the tendency existing in 1895 when it states that, "with the right methods, and a wise use of time in preparing the arithmetic lesson in and out of school, five years are surfi- 32 DISTRIBUTION AND ARRANGEMENT cient for the study of mere arithmetic the five years beginning with the second school year and ending with the close of the sixth year. The Attempt to Eliminate Waste The attempt to shorten the period of formal instruction in arithmetic has had its effects upon the methods of teaching as well as upon the ar- rangement of the course of study. The presence of a large number of children who leave school by the seventh year, the example of a varied European practice, the overcrowded curriculum, all these have combined to suggest a short- ened treatment of arithmetic. Hence economy, through the elimination of obsolete and unim- portant topics in the course of study and through better methods of instruction, has become a pressing matter. Its influence on method is ob- vious. It has focused attention upon "teaching method" and given it an increasing importance in the eyes of mathematics teachers. Specifically, it has tended to reduce the amount of objective work, to eliminate the explanation or rationaliza- 33 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC tion of processes which in life are done auto- matically; it has made teachers satisfied with teaching one manner of solution where, before, two or three were given ; it has laid the emphasis upon utilizing old knowledge in new places, rather than on acquiring new means. Delay in Beginning Formal Arithmetic Teaching The tendency toward delay in beginning for- mal arithmetic instruction is to be explained in terms of several causes. Under a regimen where complicated and obsolete problems, difficult of comprehension, were common in elementary school tests, it was natural that teachers should believe that arithmetic is too difficult a subject for young children and that better results could be obtained if the subject were not commenced till the children were more mature. This belief persists even after the curriculum is purged of all obsolete and over-complex ma- terials, and has become a modern course of study with materials well within the compre- hension and interest of primary children. 34 DISTRIBUTION AND ARRANGEMENT The Incidental Method of Teaching The by-product of this belief is that any arith- metic taught during these first few years should be taught "incidentally," as a chance accompani- ment of other studies. Only after one or two years of incidental work should the formal arith- metic instruction be given. This " incidental " method of teaching beginners is difficult to es- timate. It has been so variously treated that a comparative measure of its worth is difficult to obtain. The contention that children who are taught incidentally for two years and systemati- cally for two years more have at the end of four years of school life as good a command of arithmetic as those who have had a systematic course through four school years, is difficult to substantiate or deny on scientific grounds. Sometimes "incidental" teaching required by the course of study becomes " systematic " in the hands of the teacher. Sometimes the two years of " systematic " teaching which follow the incidental teaching mean far more than two years, since the teachers, in order to catch up, 35 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC give more time and emphasis to the subject than the relative time-allotment of any general sched- ule would seem to warrant. Such have been the facts frequently revealed by a class-room inspec- tion that penetrates beyond the course of study, the time schedule, and regulations of the school board. Reactions against the Plan of Incidental Teaching In the lack of specific comparative measures of the worth of such methods of instruction, there is a growing conviction (i) that beginning school children are mature enough for the systematic study of all the arithmetic that the modern course of study would assign to these grades ; (2) that, considering the quantity and quality of their experiences, they can think or reason quite as well as memorize ; and (3) that what the school re- quires of the child can be better done in a re- sponsible, systematic manner than by any hap- hazard system of " incidental " instruction. These reactionary attitudes by no means imply a return to " systematic " teaching of arithmetic in the first two school years, nor to such formal 36 DISTRIBUTION AND ARRANGEMENT methods as were previously employed. Other grounds forbid. The crude, uninteresting memori- ter methods of the past have gone for good. Ob- jective work, plays, games, manual activities make arithmetical study easier and more efficient. In- deed, these newer methods have been a large fac- tor in convincing teachers that children have the ability to master the first steps in arithmetic during the first two years. Regardless of this change in prof essional belief, it is a fairly general opinion that arithmetic should not be thrown upon the school-beginner along with the other heavy burden of learning to read. Learning the mechanics of reading is quite the most important part of the first school year, and the addition of the difficulties of another language for such number is would overburden and distract the child. Hence a common-sense distribution of burdens and tasks, regardless of questions of child maturity, would delay the formal and sys- tematic study of arithmetic a half or whole school year, little reliance being placed upon previous " incidental " acquisitions. 37 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Logical and Psychological Types of Arrangement There are other problems of method less con- cerned with the time for beginning the study, or with the span of school life to be given to it. These deal with the arrangement of sub-topics within the course of study, or with the manner of progression from one aspect of arithmetical experience to another. I refer now to the vari- ous methods of planning the work in arithmetic from grade to grade, of which the "Grube method " and the " spiral " methods are types. The methods that have been employed in the United States for the arrangement or ordering of topics within the course of study have varied considerably from time to time, but all these variations may be grouped around two types: (l) The "logical" types of arrangement, and (2) the "psychological" types of arrangement. If the course of study proceeds primarily by units that are characteristic of the mathematics of a mature adult mind, the type may be said to be "logical." If the 'course of study proceeds pri- marily by units that are characteristic of the 38 DISTRIBUTION AND ARRANGEMENT manner in which an immature child's mind ap- proaches the subject, then the type may be said to be "psychological." The dominant arrange- ments have been " logical " up to within the past two decades. The older text-books taught " nota- tion and numeration "rather thoroughly, then pro- ceeded to a fairly adequate mastery of "addi- tion," then to " subtraction," and so on. Such an arrangement is distinctly "logical." So also was the later " Grube method," which progressed by numbers rather than by processes. The courses of study which have been most familiar to us in the past decade have used the "concentric circle" or "spiral" methods of ar- ranging the sub-topics of arithmetic. These ar- rangements are "psychological" in type. They are attempts to give a systematic order of mas- tery which shall approximate the child's order of need in knowing. Here the first mathematical facts and skills taught are those that the child first requires, regardless as to whether they em- ploy integers or fractions, additions or divisions. A little later, he deals with the same subjects and the same numbers in more complicated 39 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC manipulation and in more extended application. The field is re-covered, as it were, by ever widen- ing circles or by an enlarged swing of the " spiral " progression. Estimates of Worth The older "logical" plans are thorough and definite in their demands ; the teacher always knows just what he is about. But such a system of procedure is unnatural and remote from the child ; it lacks appeal and motive. The child pur- sues the subject as a task laid down for him, not as an answer to his own curiosities or necessities. The newer psychological plans meet the different levels of child-maturity effectively; they are nearer the natural order of acquiring knowledge. The difficulty with all psychological arrange- ments is that the teacher cannot readily re- member what the child has and has not been. The supervisor, too, finds it hard to locate re- sponsibility for the teaching of definite arith- metic sub-topics. As orders of teaching they are psychologically natural but administratively in- effective. 40 DISTRIBUTION AND ARRANGEMENT The Present Mixed Metho&of Procedure The result is that, to-day, the two types of arrangement are modifying each other and giv- ing a mixed method, partly " logical " and partly "psychological." That line, of least resistance in which the children study arithmetical facts and processes with greatest success is modified by definite demands that topics e.g., addition be mastered thoroughly " then and there." The method is partly " topical " and partly " spiral." The child in the second grade may have a little of all the fundamental processes, a few simple fractions, antf United States money; but just there he will be held definitely responsible for a very considerable number of the addition com binations. The pupil may have had fractions in every grade, but the fifth grade will be respon- sible for a thorough and systematic mastery of the same. Such is the mixed method of arrange- ment which is to-day prevalent in American schools. THE DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIVE WORK Objective Teaching is Generally Current THE use of objects in teaching arithmetic is cur- rent in the elementary school. Particularly is this true in the lowest grades of the school, in primary work. It may be said that there is a very large quantity of objective teaching in the first year of schooling and that it decreases more or less gradually as the higher grades are ap- proached. By the time the highest grammar grades are reached, the use of objects has reached its minimum. The teaching of arithmetic prior to the middle of the nineteenth century was little associated with object teaching. That is to say, the general practice of instruction was non-objective. The use of objects in giving a concrete basis for ab- stract arithmetical concepts and for memoriter manipulations, seems to have gained its initial 42 DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIVE WORK hold on the schools through the introduction of Pestalozzian methods of teaching. The later introduction of school subjects requiring objec- tive treatment, such as elementary science, na- ture study and manual training, fortified the previous movement and gave it considerable enlargement. Together these two movements established the respectability of objective teach- ing in arithmetic. School-room experience quickly gave it an empirical sanction. It remained for the modern psychological movement in educa- tion to give it a scientific sanction, and to refine its uses. Its Distribution is Crudefe* Gauged It is quite fair to say that the use of objective work decreases more or less gradually from the first to the last year, the underlying assumption being that the use of objects has a teaching value that decreases as the maturity of the pupils increases. Current practice does not proceed far beyond the application of the simple and some- what crude psychological statement that the youngest children must have much objective 43 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC teaching, the older less, the oldest least of all. The lack of a more refined analysis of the worth of object teaching necessarily leads to some neglect and waste. If a new topic enters late into the course of study, as in the case of square root, the subject is not so well taught because of the current pre- judice or tradition against the use of object teaching in the higher grades. On the other hand it is also probable that the teaching of ad- dition is often accompanied by wasted time and energy simply because lingering over objects in the lower classes is the current fashion. Tendency toward a More Refined Correlation of Object Teaching with Particular Immaturity Reform in the direction of a more refined and exact use of object teaching has already appeared in the treatment of fractions and men- suration, where, regardless of the increased maturity of the children studying these topics, a large amount of objective method is utilized. This is a considerable departure from the slight objective treatment of other arithmetic topics 44 DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIVE WORK taught in the same grades. Such exceptional practices suggest that the novelty of an arith- metic topic is the condition calling for objec- tive work in instruction. I It is immaturity in a special subject or situation which determines the amount of basal objective work.\ The jxr- relation is not with the age of the pupil, but with his experience with the social problem or subject in hand. It is of course true that the younger the student is, the greater the likelihood that any subject presented will be novel and strange. Only in this indirect manner does the novelty of subject matter coincide with mere youth as an essential principle in determining the need of objective presentation. The naive assumption of the older enthusiastic reformers that objective work is a good thing psycho- logically, one of which the pupil cannot have too much, is by no means the accepted view of the/ new reformer. With the latter, objective pre^j "V ~~ ~ "^ sentation is an excellent method at a given stage of immaturity in the special topic involved ; but it may be uneconomical, even an oBstacle^to) efficiency, if pushed beyond. 45 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC The Movement Supported by both Scientific and Common- Sense Criticism There is, then, a certain coincidence of the sci- entific criticism of the psychologist and of the common-sense criticism of the conservative teacher, who look suspiciously upon a highly ex- tended object teaching. The teacher, on grounds of experience, says that too much objective teaching is confusing and delays teaching. The psychological critic says it is unnecessary and wasteful. The result is that, in these later days, the distribution of objective work has changed somewhat. More subjects-are developed in the higher grades through an objective instruction than before. Perhaps no fewer subjects in the lower grades are presented objectively, but the extent of objective treatment of each of these has undergone considerable curtailment. VI THE MATERIALS OF OBJECTIVE TEACHING The Indiscriminate Use of Objects THE existing defects in objective teaching are not restricted to a false placing or distribution. The quality of the teaching use of objects is likewise open to serious criticism. Object teach- aoykA*. ing is a device, so successful, as against prior non-objective teaching, that it has come to be a standard of instruction as well as a means. As long as objects any convenient objects are used, the teaching is regarded as good. Given such a sanction, the inevitable result is an un- discriminating use of objects. The process of objectifying tends not to be regulated by the needs of the child's thinking life ; it is determined by the -enthusiasm of the teacher and the ma- terials convenient for school use. The Artificiality of Materials Utilized The first fact which is noted in observing ob- jective teaching is the artificiality of the materials 47 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC employed. Primary children count, add, etc., with things they will never be concerned with in life. Lentils, sticks, tablets, and the like are the stock objective stuff of the schools, and to a consider- able degree this will always be the case. Cheap and convenient material suitable for individual manipulation on the top of a school desk is not plentiful. But instances where better and more normal material has been used are frequent enough in the best schools to warrant the belief that more could be done in this direction in the average classroom. The " playing at store," the use of actual applications of the tables of weights and measures are cases that might be cited. Narrowness in the Range of Materials The materials used are not only more artificial than they need be, but too restricted in range. As has already been said, the types of material capable of convenient and efficient use in a schoolroom are not numerous. But the series can and ought to be extended. More forms of even the artificial material should be used, thus minimizing the danger of monotony. The blame 48 MATERIALS OF OBJECTIVE TEACHING for the narrow range of materials used falls partly on school boards who do not vote a sufficient allowance for teaching materials to primary teachers ; partly on teachers who do not exercise sufficient ingenuity in devising new forms of objects, or who do not show the vigor requisite to a shift from one material to another; and partly on the supervisory staff which has neither been insistent upon, nor sensitive to, the need of a more interesting range of objective stuffs. Inadequate Variation of Traditional Materials Even the narrow range of materials in general use might be better employed than it is. There is, of course, a distinct tendency to vary the ob- jects, merely because a child gets tired of one kind as a material. But a different quality of variation is required when the pupil is to derive abstract notions from concrete materials. It is too frequently the case that the teacher will treat the fundamental addition combinations with one set of objects, e.g., lentils. In all the child's objective experience within that field there are two persistent associations " lentils " and " the 49 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC relation of addition." The accidental element is thus emphasized as frequently as the essential one and, being concrete, has even a better chance to impress itself. A wide variation in the objective material used would make teaching more effective, particularly with young children. The Restricted Use of Diagrams and Pictures The nature of the materials proper to objective teaching has likewise been too narrowly inter- preted. Objective teaching has meant, almost exclusively, instructing or developing through three-dimensional presentations. There is a wide range of two-dimensional representations which have been neglected, but which for all the psy- chological purposes of education have as much worth as so-called objects. I refer here to the use of such material as pictures. Such quasi-ob- jective material has been little used by teachers save as it appears in textbooks. Even the text- book writers have not used pictures with a deep sense of their intrinsic worth. They are printed as a mere substitute for objects in a period when objects are popular pedagogical materials. The 50 MATERIALS OF OBJECTIVE TEACHING geometric figure or diagram has had a slight use with both the teacher and the textbook writer. Its most frequent use has been in treatments of mensuration. There are, of course, obvious dis- advantages to pictures and diagrams. The things represented in them are not capable of personal manipulation by the child in the ordinary sense. But. they have a superiority all their own. They offer a wider, more natural, and more interesting range of concrete experiences. Plays and Games in Object Teaching There are other curious phases of narrowness in the current pedagogical interpretation of what constitutes a concrete or objective experience. It will be noted that visual objects are the ones generally employed and that they are generally inanimate objects. Of late there has been some tendency to use hearing and touch in giving a concrete basis to teaching. Advantage is taken of the social plays of children, and their games with things. Here the children themselves, and their relations and acts are the experiences from which the numerical units are obtained. With Si TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC some of the best teachers in the lowest grades it is no longer unusual to see children moving about in all sorts of play designed to add reality to, and increase interest in, number facts. The Lack of Unity in the Use of Objects The conservative teacher's use of objects is hopelessly artificial and lacking in unity. If he brings a series of objects into the development of a single topic, they have little relation to each other, and they represent no actual grouping. Their sole connection with one another is that they exemplify the same abstract arithmetical truth. Beans, cardboard squares, and shoe-pegs may all be employed in the same lesson. The progressive teachers offer more logical unity in their materials. To "play at store," to utilize games, to deal with things within a picture, is to bring the concrete materials into the classroom with a more nearly normal setting. It is in no small measure due to this better use of material that the progressive teacher is gaining power throughout the elementary grades. VII y 3 SOME RECENT INFLUENCES 'ON OBJECTIVE TEACHING THE wasteful use of objective teaching in the lowest grades has undergone some correction. The sheer enthusiasm of the modern reformer is partly responsible for this modification of con- servative practice. When did single-minded men ever keep within bounds ? In our social economy the defense of the radical is found in the fact that other single-minded men are conservatives. Men at one extreme need to be overcome by like men at the other. But the check of one enthu- siast on another is not always perfect. Other contributory causes make it easy to go to unfor- tunate extremes not easily corrected. The Influence of Inductive Teaching Inductive teaching has been one of several movements affecting objective teaching. The effort of teachers to escape the slavishness of 53 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC mere memoriter methods and to approximate real thinking led to the introduction of inductive teaching. Necessarily objective teaching became more or less identified with the new movement and was influenced by it So, it has been said of objective work in arithmetic as it has been said of laboratory work in the sciences, that such instruction is a method of " discovery " or "rediscovery." Such an alliance has had its ben- eficial effects upon objective teaching ; it has re- deemed it from the aimless "observational work " of an earlier " objective study." But in the teach- ing of arithmetic, at any rate, it has confused an objective mode of presentation with a scientific method of learning truth, two activities having a common logical basis, but not at all the same. Under the assumption that the " development " method is one of "rediscovery," the tendency is to give the child as complete a range of con- crete evidences as would be necessary on the part of the scientist in substantiating a new fact. The result is, that long after the child is con- vinced of the truth, say that 4 and 2 are 6, the teacher persists in giving further objective illus- 54 INFLUENCES ON OBJECTIVE TEACHING trations of the fact. The child loses interest in the somewhat monotonous continuance of ob- jective manipulations, and the teacher has natu- rally wasted time and energy. If the fact or the process that the teacher wishes to convey can be transmitted with fewer objective treatments (the authoritative treatment of the teacher count- ing for something in school, as authority counts everywhere), then it is unnecessary to exhaust the objective treatments of a numerical fact. In- ductive teaching and learning are not equivalent to inductive discovery ; and to hold them iden- tical is necessarily to overdo the use of objects in teaching. The Movement for Active Modes of Learning Another modern movement in teaching method which has had a conspicuous effect on objective teaching is the Froebelian demand for "self -ac- tivity ".on the part of the child. The recent favor enjoyed by manual training, nature study, self- government, and other active phases of school life is indicative of the sway of this doctrine. Its influence has forced the introduction of new sub- 55 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC jects and changed the manner of presenting the older subjects of the elementary curriculum. Arithmetic has responded along with the other studies, and an active use of objects by the chil- dren themselves is, found in increased degree. There was a time when objective work in the schools was a passive matter so far as the child was concerned. Any active manipulation of the objects that might be required was cared for by the teacher, the child being merely a passive observer. This is much less the case than for- merly, the influence of "self-activity" having entered with contemporaneous pedagogy. The present situation is one where the child some- times merely observes objects and sometimes actually handles them. At present, then, we have about the same range of methods employed in teaching arith- metic as in teaching science. At one extreme the teacher himself demonstrates by the help of objects in the presence of the class, and records the relations in appropriate arithmetical symbols, the class being in the position of interested spec- tators of a process. At the other extreme the 56 INFLUENCES ON OBJECTIVE TEACHING teacher puts the material on the desks of the children and, with a minimum of instruction in advance, directs them toward the desired expe- riences and conclusions. The Abbreviated Use of Objects As might be expected, there has been some reaction against the influences emerging from inductive or developmental teaching and active modes of learning. To a considerable degree the reactionary influence expresses itself in the ab- breviated use of objects in presenting a mathe- matical relation, process, or manipulation. One mode of abbreviation will suffice as an example. There are two methods of relating the sym- bols and processes of arithmetic to the actual relations among objects. For convenience these maybe called the methods of "parallel corre- spondence" and of "final correspondence." The Method of Parallel Correspondence The method of " parallel correspondence " is generally used in the development of all the simpler combinations or processes of arithmetic. 57 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC In learning to count, the child sees the first ob- ject and says the symbolic " one," sees the sec- ond object, and says the symbolic "two." Again in addition, he sees " ten," and writes the sym- bol 10 ; sees " six," and writes 6 ; sees the whole as sixteen, and writes 16 ; then summarizes the work in the form 10 + 6= 16. Each stage in the symbolic process is noted in connection with ob- jects. This, the method of "parallel correspond- ence," is the more current method of using objects. The Method of Final Correspondence The method of showing a "final correspond- ence" of result between objective manipulation and symbolic manipulation is much less fre- quently used. It is used with more complex pro- cesses than those mentioned above, in connec- tion with column addition or "borrowing" in subtraction. It is a mode of object teaching used in place of the usual "explanation" or "ration- alization " which attempts to explain what is sim- ply a correspondence between the manipulation of a series of facts and the manipulation of a se- 58 INFLUENCES ON OBJECTIVE TEACHING ries of symbols. Under this method the teacher usually tells the child directly how to perform the process in the conventional manner, no spe- cial explanation being given. Then a case in- volving the actual use of objects is considered, and this result is compared with the result ob- tained by the symbolicv manipulation. One or two such cases suffice to convince the pupil that the authoritative mode is true to nature. This method of " final correspondence " in the use of objects represents a new and restricted, but in- creasing, tendency. VIII THE USE OF METHODS OF RATIONALIZATION The Tendency toward Rational Methods SOME of the marked changes which have occurred in the methods employed for the presentation of number to children have already been mentioned in connection with the objective teaching of arithmetic. The main tendency to be noted is that objective instruction, which has been used as a mere device of illustration, becomes the first step in inductive or developmental teaching. It is subsumed under a more inclusive method. The change is significant, for it is a symp- tom indicating that mathematical teaching is becoming less dominantly memoriter and more rational. The Era of Direct Instruction and Drill Several decades ago it was not at all unusual for the bare facts of arithmetic to be given to the child by the teacher without much attempt at 60 METHODS OF RATIONALIZATION providing a basis in the pupil's own experience. The teaching was "direct," the teacher's atten4 tion being focused on getting the fact from his) own mind into the child's mind, -the whole env phasis being placed upon the problem of trans- mission and the subsequent difficulty of retention. In so far as objects and illustrations were used, they were merely incidental and reinforcive. They did not constitute any basic body of personal ex- perience by which the child was to seize a con- cept, relation, or process to be handled thereafter through symbols and conventional forms. Under such a system of instruction, still too widely prev- alent, the child had to memorize outright, with- out any concrete basis for his belief, tables of addition, multiplication, etc., and the rules for solving various types of problems. It-was outright * memorization for which little vital motivation was provided. In insuring retention the teacher therefore relied, not upon interested a'nd varied '.*.' impressions, but upon the number of verbal re- petitions. " Drill " was characteristic of this era in teaching. 61 \, TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Indirect Teaching as a Rational Method Under the influence of the inductive or de- velopmental method of teaching, the emphasis on the repetitional memorization of number facts and processes is reduced. Teaching now becomes "indirect" rather than "direct" ; the child learns through his own experience rather than through the statement of book or teacher. Here the child's own thought and activity, not the teacher's, are conspicuously central in the teaching situation. The teacher stimulates the child into action ; he suggests, guides, corrects, does everything in fact save obtrude his authority and opinion into the child's interpretation. The child's activity gives him many vivid and varied impressions of the sub- traction combination or other relation. When he has found the fact, he has already learned it ! Further drill or review is not primary, but simply supplementary a further guarantee of the per- sistence of the impression. Even the spirit of such supplementary drill and review is, in these days, something different from a monotonous re- petition of the same words ; it is a reimpression 62 METHODS OF RATIONALIZATION or review of the essential fact in many varied and interesting forms. Interest as a Factor in Methods of Rational- ization It is perfectly natural that, in shifting the teacher's attention from his own activities to those of the children, the interest of the child should be considered in increasing degree. If the child is to learn directly, with a maximum use of his initiative, it is absolutely essential that the teacher should provide some motive. This im- plies that the child is to be interested in some fundamental way in the activities in which he is to engage. Instead of thumbing the fundamental facts with his memory, in an artificial and effort- ful manner, "sing-songing" the tables rhythmi- cally, so as to make dull business less dull, the child studies the arithmetic involved in his own life, for the modern teacher brings the two to- gether. The number story, the arithmetical game, playing at adult activities, constructive work, measuring, and other vital interests of the child and community life become increasingly the basis 63 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC of instruction in number. Such is the pronounced tendency wherever the movement is away from the traditional rote-learning or drill. Of course there is a slight tendency in Amer- ican elementary schools, where a soft and false interpretation of the "doctrine of interest" is gospel, to teach only those things that can be taught in an interesting fashion. But this tend- ency is less operative in arithmetic than in other subjects. Here the logical interdependence of one arithmetical skill on another has quickly pointed the failure of such a haphazard mode of instruction. The Reaction against Rationalization There is, however, in " advanced " as well as in reactionary quarters, a revolt against the tend- ency to objectify, explain, or rationalize every- thing taught in arithmetic. On the whole it is a discriminating movement, for this opposition to "rationalization" in arithmetical teaching, and in favor of "memorization" or " habituation," bases its plea on rational grounds, mainly derived from the facts of modern psychology. 64 METHODS OF RATIONALIZATION It is specifically opposed to explaining why "carrying" in addition, and "borrowing" in sub- traction are right modes of procedure. These acts are to be taught as memory or habit, inas- much as they are to be performed by that method forever after. To develop such processes ration- ally or to demand a reason for the procedure once it is acquired, is merely to stir up unnecessary trouble, trouble unprompted by any demands of actual efficiency. Four Principles for the Use of Rationalization A study of the actual arithmetical facts upon which this opposition expresses itself suggests the four following general principles as to the use of "rationalization" and " habituation," as methods of mastery: (i) Any fact or process which always recurs in an identical manner, and occurs with sufficient frequency to be remem- bered, ought not to be "rationalized" for the pupil, but "habituated." The correct placing of partial products in the multiplication of two numbers of two or more figures is a specific case. (2) If a process does recur in the same manner, 65 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC but is so little used in after life that any formal method of solution would be forgotten, then the teacher should "rationalize" it. The process of finding the square root of a number illustrates this series of facts. (3) If the process always does occur in the same manner, but with the frequency of its recurrence in doubt, the teacher should both "habituate" and " rationalize." The division of a fraction by a fraction is frequently taught both "mechanically" and "by thinking it out." (4) When a process or relation is likely to be ex- pressed in a variable form, then the child must be taught to think through the relations involved, and should not be permitted to treat it mechan- ically, through a mere act of habit or memory. All applied examples are to be dealt with in this, manner, for such problems are of many types, and no two problems of the same type are ever quite alike. These laws will, of course, not be interpreted to mean that no reason is to be given a child in a process like " carrying " in addition. The reason is not essential to efficient mastery, but it may be given to add interest or to satisfy the specially curious. 66 METHODS OF RATIONALIZATION The Substantiating Psychology The theoretic basis which seems to underlie such a statement of general principles is derived from functional psychology. Memory and reason- ing are not separate functions ; they are interde- pendent ; but we mean differently by these terms because they have distinguishable emphases. It may be said that memory as a function is effi- cient only in the face of familiar situations where, if the association is present at all, the response is quick and precise. In the face of new situations it is incapable of accurate re- sponse. Reason is slow and uneconomical in action, but it is the only efficient method of arriving at the essential nature of a problem largely unfamiliar. It would be wasteful to meet many of the necessary events of life with a purely reasoned reaction. It would be too de- vious and deliberate in reaching conclusions. Rationalization as a Substititte for Object Teaching There is a sense in which all proof through objects is a type of rationalization, but we do 67 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC not ordinarily so consider it. Such a mere "cor- respondence with the objective facts " is suffi- ciently different from the method of " explaining a new fact in terms of previously acquired facts" to warrant a separate classification. Were it not that the methods are sometimes inter- changeable in developing arithmetical truths, they would not need to be mentioned here. A citation will make the point clear. In teaching the multiplication tables, the combination " six twos are twelve " may be taught as a direct ob- jective fact, as when six pupils with two hands each are shown. On the other hand the same fact of multiplication may be taught as a " de- rived fact," as when six twos are added in a column and make twelve. They are both rational methods of proving that six twos are twelve. One method shows it objectively, the other through the use of well established addition combinations viewed as multiplication. Such a rational mode of "deriving" multiplication is used more frequently perhaps than the objective method. IX / SPECIAL METHODS FOR OBTAINING ACCU- RACY, INDEPENDENCE, AND SPEED Supervision of Learning after First Development IT is not alone the first stages in the acquisition of an arithmetical process which have received attention in the re-organization of teaching methods, though, to be sure, the problem of first presentations has in recent decades been given the most attention. More and more, the American tendency is to watch every step in the learning process, to provide for all necessary transitions, and to safeguard against avoidable confusions. It might be suggested that the in- termediation of the teacher at every step in the child's work might destroy the pupil's initiative and independence. Apparently, however, those who are deeply interested that the child should not be permitted to fall into the errors which unsupervised drill would convert into habits, are fully as cautious to provide steps for forcing the 69 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC child to assume an increasing responsibility for his own work. The distinction made is that an over-early independence is as fatal to accurate and rapid mathematical work as an over-delayed dependence. The Use of Steps, or Stages, in Teaching Some of these serial treatments or related stages of method to which reference has been made may be cited. Necessarily only the more important are mentioned. In indicating certain clean-cut steps or processes, there is no intent to convey the idea that these stages are fixed or conscious matters. The statement is merely in- dicative of the habitual tendency of the average practitioner with an implied theory. As will be readily evident, there is no assumption that such a formal, classified, theoretic statement of stages is a conscious possession of the teaching staff in general. Again, in actual school work there are many types of variation from the characteristic modes here suggested. Always the steps pverlap ; frequently they are extended, abbreviated, or omitted. But the statement represents, in a very 70 SPECIAL METHODS real way, the trend of underlying theory, whether conscious or merely implied. Stages in the Presentation of Problems One of the specific controversies much argued in the primary school concerns the medium through which arithmetical examples and prob- lems shall be transmitted to young children. There are three typical ways in which a situa- tion demanding arithmetical solution may be brought to the child's mind : (i) The situation when visible may be presented through itself, that is, objectively. (2) The situation may be described through the medium of spoken lan- guage, the teacher usually giving the dictation. (3) The situation may be conveyed through written language, as when the child reads from blackboard or text. Inasmuch as objects are a universal language, no difficulty arises through this basic method of presentation. It is when a language description of a situation is substituted for the situation itself that difficulty occurs. The child might be able to solve the problem if he really understood the situation the language was 71 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC meant to convey. Owing to the difficulty that primary children have in getting the thought out of language, it has been urged that problems in any unfamiliar field should be presented in the following order : (i) Objectively or graphi- cally ; (2) when the fundamental idea is grasped, through spoken language ; and (3), after the type of situation is fairly familiar, through written or printed language. It is seriously urged by some teachers that no written presentation should be used in the first four grades. Such an extreme tendency would practically abolish the use of primary text-books. There are many exceptional teachers who do not put a primary text in the hands of children at all. Such a tendency is in- creasing. Particularly is this true among primary teachers in the schools of the foreign quarters of large cities. Accurate communication through the English language is always more difficult here. Hence, the period of objective teaching is neces- sarily prolonged, dependence on the "number stories " told by the teacher extended, and the solution of written problems much longer de- layed than elsewhere. 72 SPECIAL METHODS An Opposite Method in Presenting Examples The situation is somewhat different, almost the opposite in fact, when " examples " rather than "problems " are presented, meaning by " ex- ample" a "problem " expressed through the use of mathematical signs. It is easier to present " examples " in written form on blackboard or in text than it is to dictate them orally. This ob- viates the necessity of holding the examples in mind during solution. The permanence of the visual presentation saves the re-statement fre- quently necessary in oral presentation. Hence it is a common practice to supply the youngest chil- dren with mimeographed or written sheets of "ex- amples." It is with older children, or with younger children at a later stage in the mastery of a typical difficulty, that oral presentation of examples is stressed. Then we have that type of work which is called " mental " or " silent " arithmetic. Better Transitions from Concrete to Abstract Work There is some tendency toward the provision of better transitions from the objective presenta- 73 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC tion of applied problems to the symbolic pre- sentation of abstract examples. Behind all uses of objective work is the belief that it is a mere foundation for more rapid and efficient abstract work. Objective teaching is fundamental, but purely preparatory. The child ought to pass from objects and sense-impressions, through images of various degrees of abbreviation, to symbols and the abstract concepts for which they stand. But in American practice a sharp jump is usually made from concrete objects to abstract symbols. The transition through ade- quate transitional imagery is not made. Wher- ever psychological influences are directly at work in the schools, there is a minority movement favoring a better transition. The nature of such transition is scarcely reasoned out as so much psychological science, but is the accompaniment of a widening professional movement for the enlarged use of pictures, diagrams, number stories, and the like. A critical examination of the various means of presenting arithmetical situations would order them as follows in making the transitions from objective concreteness to 74 SPECIAL METHODS symbolic abstraction: (i) Objects, (2) pictures, (3) graphs, (4) the concrete imagery of words, (5) more abstract verbal presentations, (6) pre- sentations through mathematical symbols. No such minuteness of adjustment is apparent in existing methods, though it might seem desir- able in teaching young children. At any rate, it would be more effective than an unreasoned tra- ditional procedure full of over-emphasis and omission. The Child's Four Modes of Work We have thus far discussed merely the teach- er's activity in instruction. We have to note the graded requirement made in the child's own ac- tivity. What is the existing custom with refer- ence to the manner !n which children are required to solve the problems or examples presented to them ? There are four typical ways in which the child does his work, the names of which are de- rived from the differentiating element : (i) The " silent " method, otherwise spoken of as " mental arithmetic," "arithmetic without a pencil," etc. (2) The "oral" method where the child works 75 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC aloud, that is, expresses his procedure step by step in speech. (3) The " written " method where the child writes out in full his analysis and cal- culation. (4) The "mixed" method where the child uses all three of the previously mentioned methods, in alternation, as ease and efficiency may require. The Worth of these Modes The worth of these four methods of work is necessarily variable. The rapidity of the " silent method" with simple figures is obvious. The "silent method "and the "mixed method" (which is more slow but more manageable with complex processes and calculations) are the two methods normally employed in social and business life. The purely " oral " and "written " methods, with their tendency toward analysis and calculation fully expressed in oral or written language, are highly artificial. They are valuable as school devices for revealing the action of the child's mind to the teacher so that it may be corrected, guided, and generally controlled. The present tendency is toward an over-use of these methods 76 SPECIAL METHODS and toward an under-use of the other two, more particularly the " mixed " method. It would seem that there is little conscious attempt to make certain that the child moves from full oral or written statement to the judicious application of the more natural " silent" and " mixed " methods. It may be that full oral and written statements of work have seriously hampered the right use of the more natural methods of statement. The Traditiottal Quarrel between " Mental " and " Written " Arithmetic One conspicuous traditional quarrel in the schools is between the " silent " and the " writ- ten " methods. Up to within a decade or so ago, "silent" or "mental " arithmetic was much over- emphasized, being carried to absurd extremes. The reaction that followed was equally extreme in its emphasis on the " written " method. There are signs now of a more rational use of the two as supplements of each other. The order in which different statements of arithmetical work should come has also been a subject for pedagogical argument. The usual 77 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC order, due to the fact that first treatments of a topic are simple both in the steps of reasoning and the calculations involved, has been " silent " arithmetic followed by " written " arithmetic. A more recent order has been: (i) "silent" (2) " written " (3) " silent " a much superior serial order, though by no means an accurate state- ment of a perfect procedure. The fixed treat- ments necessitated by text-books have made teaching method arbitrary in its steps, here as elsewhere. It is altogether probable that many simple calculations or analyses can be done "silently" ("mentally") from the beginning; that others require visual demonstration, but once mastered can thereafter be done without visual aids ; that still others will always have to be per- formed, partially at least, with some written work. It is purely a matter for concrete judgment in each special case, but the existing practice scarcely recognizes this truth. The result is that many problems are arbitrarily done in one way, and it is too frequently the uneconomical and in- efficient way that is used. SPECIAL METHODS The Transition from Development by Teacher to Independent Work by Pupil It is well to recall that in all these efforts to control the child's activity, there is a tendency to leave the child over-dependent upon the teacher. It is vitally important that a child should be kept free of any error which unsuper- vised drill would fix into a stubborn habit ; but it is likewise important that the child should acquire some self-reliance. While not always clearly defined, there is a distinct tendency in the direction of releasing the teacher's control of the child. A characteristic practice would be one in which the teacher's work with the child would pass through various stages, each one of which would mark a decrease in the control of the process by the teacher and an increase in the freedom of the child to do his example, or problem, by himself. Four Characteristic Stages of the Transition One characteristic series of stages quite fre- quently used in the presentation of a single topic 79 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC in arithmetic, say "carrying" in addition, is the following: (i) The teacher performs the pro- cess on the blackboard in the presence of the class, the children not being allowed to attempt the process by themselves until after the process is clearly understood from the teacher's develop- ment. (2) The children are then allowed to per- form the process upon the blackboard, where it is exceedingly easy for the teacher to keep the work of every child under his eye. An error is caught by a quick glance at the board and im- mediately corrected before the child can reiterate a false impression. (3) Other cases of the same type of example are assigned to the children at their seats where they work upon paper, still under the supervision of the teacher a super- vision which is less adequate, however. (4) The same difficulty, after the careful safeguarding of the previous stages, is then assigned for "home work," where the child relies almost completely upon himself. Once more it is necessary to sug- gest that these stages are merely roughly im- plied in the variations of existing practice. 80 SPECIAL METHODS Special Methods of Attaining Speed Most of the methods discussed in this chapter have had as their sanction the attainment of ac- curacy in thinking and calculating. Some efforts to insure independent power on the part of the child have already been noted. But nothing has been said of the effort to add speed to accuracy in getting efficient results. Such special efforts have been made. These efforts may be classified into two groups : (i) Those aiming to quicken the rate of mental response. (2) Those aiming at short-cut processes of calculation. Typical of the first are (a) the use of an es- tablished rhythm as the child attacks a column of additions ; (b} the device of having children race for quick answers, letting them raise their hands or stand when they have gotten the an- swer ; (c) the assignment of a series of problems for written work under the pressure of a restricted time allotment for the performance of each. These and similar devices are much used in the schools. They are open to the objection that they quicken the rate of the better students, but foster 81 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC confusion, error, and discouragement among the less able children, thus actually hindering speed. The various shorter methods which represent an effort to reduce the number of mental pro- cesses required are usually not of general appli- cability, and consequently have not attained gen- eral currency in the elementary schools which aim to teach merely one generally available and ef- fective method even though it requires more time, special expertness being left to later de- velopment in the special school or business which requires it. The Relation of Accuracy to Speed It has come to be quite a common opinion among teachers that the fundamental element in rapid arithmetical work is certain and accurate calculation. If pupils know their tables of com- binations and are sure of each detail of calcula- tion, there is no confusion or hesitancy ; speed then follows as a matter of course. This belief, as much as anything else, explains why the lower schools have developed few special means for at- taining speed other than those mentioned. THE USE OF SPECIAL ALGORISMS, ORAL FORMS, AND WRITTEN ARRANGEMENTS THE methods of teaching arithmetic are influ- enced not only by the aims of such instruction, but by the peculiar nature of the matter taught. The use of special algorisms, temporary algor- istic aids or teaching " crutches," oral and written forms of analysis, are of considerable moment in determining the difficulties and therefore the methods of teaching. Their condition and influ- ence will need to be given some slight notice. The Traditional Nature of Algorisms and Forms The algorisms and forms used in the American schools are those that have been determined by social and educational traditions. It is probable that wide social practice has largely determined the traditions, though it must be admitted that the traditions of text-book makers have also given it form. In consequence the ruling school 83 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC tradition in the matter of algorisms does not al- ways coincide with current community practice. It is probable that the various modes of comput- ing interest, given by the average arithmetic of ten years ago, were once current in the business world. These methods have changed somewhat, and the school form of computation has not al- ways been changed to accord. Such misadjust- ments between the forms used in school and those used in daily life are not numerous, but they are more frequent than they ought to be. The Number of Algorisms Used The use of various algorisms for a single pro- cess is not very frequent. There is a fairly gen- eral prevalence of a single algorism for a single process among American teachers. Certain strik- ing exceptions are to be noted in connection with subtraction and division, where the so-called " Austrian " methods are being brought into competition with the traditional modes of the American school. It may be said, however, that even when two distinct algorisms are in contem- poraneous use in a school system, the teachers 84 USE OF SPECIAL FORMS are usually careful to employ only one algorism with a given child. Even when a child moves from a school using one kind of algorism to a school using another, the tendency is to allow him to follow his own method. Reform in the Use of Algorisms The tendency toward the substitution, dupli- cation, and modification of existing algorisms is inconsiderable, and very recent. The introduction of the "Austrian" algorisms, already mentioned, is perhaps the most conspicuous movement, hav- ing a very wide group of adherents. There are, however, a group of teachers and educational psychologists who are attempting to refine teach- ing methods so as to attain a greater economy and efficiency in the learning process. These are responsible for a movement toward the reform of existing algorisms. The movement expresses itself in a number of ways, it offers new forms, modifies others, and aims to bring a larger sim- ilarity and consistency into algorisms employed in the various stages of the same process. Its function is always to simplify for the child and 85 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC thus to increase the practical efficiency and the mental economy of his methods. The Standard of Social Usage One of the standards set, is, that as far as is consistent with economy, the algorism employed with greatest frequency in social life is to be preferred. If people add, subtract, and multiply with their figures arranged above and below each other in vertical form 3 , then the vertical form 9 is to be preferred to the horizontal method 6+3=9 so largely used and imposed by text- book writers. The Extended Use of Acquired Forms To learn two forms for one thing, particularly when one has no sanction either in current use or on general grounds of psychological efficiency, is a waste. Hence there is an increasing disposi- tion both in general practice and among the more critical to utilize a single form in as many places as possible. " Subtracting by adding " is merely using the same association and word form for both addition and subtraction. Hence only 86 USE OF SPECIAL FORMS one set of tables, instead of two, has to be learned. The meaning, the applicability, and the visual form of addition and subtraction are still different. Only the process of remembering and using the fundamental combinations is the same. But this is a large saving : " Dividing by multiplying " is an analogous situation, though not so much em- ployed in American schools as " subtracting by adding." The most radical suggestion for utilizing a simplified common form is one in which these forms of division, as used in the tables 18-7-6=3, in short division 6)1832, and in long division 62)i8325(, are reduced to one consistent form in all three cases, as 6 [78, 6| 1832, 62 | 18325. Such a simplification is urged in other situations. The movement has not passed far beyond theo- retic acceptance, though several city school sys- tems are trying the experiment, San Francisco being a notable instance. The Use of " Crutches" or Temporary Algorisms The use of special and temporary algoristic aids or learning " crutches " in mathematical cal- culation is one of the problems of method under 87 r TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC constant controversy. Teachers seem fairly evenly divided upon the question. Typical situations in which such " crutches " are used may be noted as follows : Changing the figures of the upper number in " borrowing " in subtraction ; rewrit- ing figures in adding and subtracting fractions. In the broad sense any algorism which is used during the teaching or learning process tempor- arily, to be abandoned completely later, is an "accessory algorism" or "crutch." The objec- tions to their use lie in the facts : (i) that skill in manipulation is learned in connection with stages and forms not characteristic of final practical use ; (2) that this implies, psychologically at any rate, the waste of learning two forms or usages instead of one ; and, (3) that it decreases the speed with which mathematical calculation is done. If there is a drift in any direction, it is prob- ably toward the abandonment of " crutches." Full and Short Forms of Calculation The division of opinion, which exists in con- nection with the temporary use of special algor- isms or "crutches," likewise exists with reference 88 USE OF SPECIAL FORMS to the use of " full forms " and " short forms " of manipulation and statement. The temporary use of a " full form," in a case where a " short form " will finally be used, is similar to the em- ployment of a "crutch." There is one important difference, however, which explains the relatively larger presence of temporary " full forms " than of "crutches." The "full form " is an accurate form which is used somewhere, in a more com- plex stage of the same process or in some other process ; the " crutch " is not. Thus : a " full form " in column addition with partial totals and a final total of partial totals, will be utilized in column multiplication, the " long division form " of doing " short division " (which is the fully ex- pressed form of dividing by a number of one figure) will be utilized in division by numbers of more than one figure. Forms of Analysis or Reasoning The problem of form applies not alone to the algorism or special method of computation, but likewise to the special methods of reasoning used in determining the specific series of steps to be 89 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC taken in achieving the answer. In every problem the child solves, he must not only decide what is to be done (reason), but he must do it (calculate). There are forms of reasoning as there are forms of calculation. As any calculation may have several algorisms, the solution of a problem may be expressed in several forms. It is the latter dif- ficulty which appears in the teacher's demands for " formal analysis" of problems. The analysis is usually required in full statement. The Traditional Requirement of Full Formal Analysis It has been a very general requirement in American schools that the child give a full oral or written statement of his analysis and computation. Formal statements have been demanded of the child as much on the side of reasoning as on that of calculation. One of the causes of this demand is found in the tendency of the teacher to en- courage full statement by the child, merely as a revelation of his inner processes so that the source of error in results might be detected and the error eliminated. We have already noted this 90 USE OF SPECIAL FORMS predisposition of the teacher to call for full oral and written statements for purposes of control in the various methods designed to achieve and safe- guard accuracy. The Limitations of Full Formal Analysis There is, however, a marked tendency away from formal analysis of arithmetic problems in the elementary school, just as there is a move- ment away from a formal deductive logic in the higher schools. Natural, genetic modes of thought are supplanting the unnatural, formal statement of steps. It is felt that while such full formal statements of reasoning and calculation may assist in the teacher's control, they may actually interfere with accuracy and rapidity on the child's part. To write out each step in full often means giving an enlarged attention to factors that are merely touched and assumed in actual thinking. To delay the thought process, with attention held on a fully developed linguistic statement, whether oral or written, may be to distract from the chain of essential ideas or meanings that really solve 91 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC the problem. Frequently children lose the thread of thought midway of the process because of the necessity of dealing with the form side, and have to begin anew. " Labeling " the Steps of Calculation A conservative protest against the old formal expression of reasoned steps is found in omitting for the most part the linguistic statements deal- ing with the logic of the problem and merely " labeling " the numbers that occur in the calcu- lation. This is a more restricted form of state- ment, much more used at the present time than hitherto. But it is still open to psychological objections that make the more scientific critics protest. There are many stages in a calculation where there is no association whatever with the concrete problem in hand. The concrete problem is studied, the decision is made that all the fac- tors named are to be added. They are added, purely abstractly, and a number is given as the total. The result is then thought of in terms of the concrete problem in hand. A disposition to label each item in the addition may be ne- 92 USE OF SPECIAL FORMS cessary in the rendering of a bill, but it is a false and obstructing activity in the actual solv- ing of the problem. The same situation exists where there are two or three processes to be utilized in series. Once the child has grasped his concrete situation and reasoned what to do he may proceed to mechanical manipulation, never thinking of the concrete applications till he has finished. So-called Accuracies of Statement The protest mentioned above even goes so far as to attack the teacher's insistence upon certain so-called accuracies of statement. The case of 3 pencils at 5 cents would be expressed 3 times 5 cents ==15 cents. 3x5 = 15 would be demanded, and 5x3 not allowed at all. The protest is not against insistence on a proper order where " la- beled " statements are used. The objection is made against the demand for the so-called proper order when abstract figures are related merely by signs. Where the child calculates ^symbol- ically, he sees the situation as one to be worked out by a purely conventional relation between 93 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC two numbers. For all practical purposes 5x3 will solve the situation quite as accurately as 3x5. The insistence on one, as opposed to the other, is a useless effort that cannot affect the result. Increased Use of Mathematical Symbols The same tendency which is making for a re- duction of verbal forms is increasing the use of mathematical symbols. As logical relations are less frequently written out, a simple sign such as + or -f- is used. The algebraic x is supplied in place of a whole roundabout series of awkward preliminary statements or assumptions. With it, of course, come changed methods of manipula- tion, as in the use of the algebraic equation. It is doubtless true that the rigidity of full logical forms is giving way to a more flexible and natural mode of expressing the child's thoughts. Fixed oral and written forms of exposition may assist the child, much as the acquisition of a definite symbol fixes an abstract meaning, which remains unwieldy till it attaches itself to a word by which it is to be recalled. But increasing care 94 USE OF SPECIAL FORMS is manifested that children shall use only those forms that will conform to practical need upon the one hand, and to natural, efficient, and eco- nomical mastery on the other. XI EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS Formal and Applied Arithmetic THE teaching of arithmetic is usually classified under two aspects, formal work and applied work. The formal work deals mainly with the memori- zation of fundamental facts, processes, and other details of manipulation. The applied work, as the name implies, is the formal work utilized in the setting of a concrete situation demanding a solution. These two aspects of arithmetical in- struction are very frequently sharply separated, the child working alternately with one or the other. The characteristic practice is to deal with them without relating them as closely as the highest efficiency would demand. The Example and the Problem Formal exercises in arithmetic are usually pre- sented through the " example " ; the exercises in application through the " problem " ; the distinc- 96 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS tion being that one is an abstract and symbolical statement of numerical facts and the other a con- crete and descriptive statement. 1 In the first case the mathematical sign tells the child what to do, whether to add, subtract, multiply, or di- vide ; the example being a kind of pre-reasoned problem, the child has only to manipulate ac- cording to the sign, his whole attention through- out being focused on the formal calculation. In the second case the child has two distinct func- tions ; he must, from the description of the sit- uation presented, decide, through the process of reasoning, what he is to do (add, subtract, divide, or multiply), and having rendered his judgment, he must proceed through the formal calculation. The Traditional Precedence of Formal Work As the problem involves two types of mental processes in a single exercise, and the example 1 While this distinction is not general, it has sufficient cur- rency to warrant its use here for the convenience of discus- sion. The expression '* clothed problem " (from the German) is occasionally used to mean what is here designated as " problem," and " abstract problem " is used to mean what is here designated as " example." 97 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC but one, the usual procedure in arithmetic is to take up the formal side through examples first and, later on, the applied side through the use of problems. This means that the first emphasis is on formal and abstract work rather than on a treatment of natural, concrete situations, an em- phasis not wholly sanctioned by modern psy- chology and the better teaching procedure of other subjects. Objective and Narrative Presentation as a Reform Tendency The reform tendency is found mainly in the primary grades where the beginnings of new processes are made through objective presenta- tions of the problem. But the transition from objectified problems to formal work is not imme- diate. The children pass from objectified situa- tions to "number stories," which are only de- scriptions or narratives of a situation. This is the interesting primary-school equivalent of that more businesslike language description found in the higher grades, the arithmetical problem. But it precedes formal work and succeeds it, the 98 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS formal drill being a mere intermediate drill. Here concrete presentations and formal work are more closely related and more naturally ordered. This reform tendency, which began in the pri- mary school, is extending to the higher grades, where it is no longer rare to find the attack upon a process preceded by careful studies of the con- crete circumstances in which the process is util- ized. In the case of interest, several days might be utilized in studying the institution of banking in all its more important facts and relations. Such an approach not only provides motive for the formal and mechanical work, but gives a necessary logical basis in fact. Hence the un- derstanding of practical business life makes ac- curate reasoning possible for the child when he is called upon to solve actual problems in appli- cation of the formal work. The Over-Emphasis of Formal Work It is perfectly natural under the general tradi- tional practice of putting the first emphasis on mastery of formal work that the largest amount of attention should be given to the mechanical 99 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC and technical side of arithmetic, and that the concrete uses and applications should be slighted, and this is generally true of the practice of American teachers. Much more ingenuity has been used in the careful training of the child on the formal side than in teaching him to think out his problems. There is no such careful arrang- ing and ordering of types in teaching a child to reason, as there is in teaching him to cal- culate. The Need for More Systematic Teaching of Reasoning Here and there a few thoroughly systematic attempts are made to carry the pupil through the simple types of one-step reasoning, to two- step and three-step problems with their possible variations. Just as the example isolates the diffi- culties of calculation, by letting the sign + or stand for the logic of the situation, there is a tendency to give problems without requiring the calculations. This affords a means of isolating and treating the special difficulties of reasoning. The child is merely required to tell what he 100 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS would do, without doing it ; the answer being checked by the gross facts. A little later, as a transition, he is permitted to give a rapid, rough approximation of what the answer is likely to be. With further command he tells what he would do and does it accurately. But such a program of teaching is still rare among teachers. Existing Devices for Testing Reasoning The care of the child's reasoning is largely restricted to testing his comprehension of the problem, (i) by having him restate the problem to be sure he understands it, or (2) by having him give a formal oral or written analysis of the way in which he solved the problem. The first requirement may not be thoroughgoing, as the child may give a verbal repetition of the problem without really knowing its meaning. The second is a formal analysis of the finished result and does not represent the genetic method of the child's thinking. Consequently its formulas do not, in any considerable degree, assist him in his actual struggle with the complex of facts. 101 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Sources of Failure in the Solution of Problems This lack of a systematic teaching of the tech- nique of reasoning is manifest in the unrelia- bility of children's thinking. When a child fails in a problem assigned from the text-book, the source of the error may be in one or more of three phases : (i) In failing to get the meaning of the language used to describe the details of the situation ; (2) in failing to reason out what needs to be done to solve the situation ; (3) in failing to make an accurate calculation. The first is a matter of language ; the second, one of reasoning ; the third, one of memorization. The elimination of errors, due to the first and third sources, leaves a considerable proportion to be accounted for by the second. Such informal in- vestigations as have been made seem to show that the children who fail in reasoning do not make any real effort to penetrate into the essen- tial relations of the situation. They depend on their association of processes with specific words of relation used in the description of the prob- lem, an association determined of course by their 1 02 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS past experiences. As long as these familar " cue " words are used, they succeed. Let unfamiliar words or phrases be utilized in their stead or let the relation be implied, and, like as not, the children will fail to do the right thing. Practical school people are familiar with the fact that children solve the problems given in the lan- guage of their own teachers and fail when the problems are set by^grincipals ^r_superintend- ents, whose language is' strange to them. / The Need of Varied Presentations of Problems A varied use of materials in the objective presentation of problems, and a more constantly varied use of language in the descriptive pre- sentation of problems would prevent the child from making such superficial and unthought- ful associations, and force him to think out connections between what is essential in a typical problem and the appropriate process of manipulating it. But such a deliberate applica- tion of modern psychology is far from being a conspicuous minority movement. The subject- matter of the problems given to children has, 103 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC however, improved greatly. Obsolete, puzzling, and unreal situations, which only hinder the child's attempt to reason, are less and less used in problem work. Improvement in the Subject- Matter of Problems Daily it becomes recognized with greater clear- ness that right reasoning depends upon a com- prehension of the facts of the case, and the facts of the case in point must be within the experience of the child. This is the only way in which a problem can be real and concrete to him. Real and Concrete Problems Taken from the Larger Social World The recent effort on the part of text-book writers and teachers to make arithmetical prob- lems "real" and "concrete" has not always recognized the above-mentioned psychological principle. The terms "real" and "concrete" have been interpreted in many ways besides in terms of the child's consciousness. With some, " real" has meant " material" ; and the problems, 104 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS more particularly with primary children, have, in increasing degree, been presented by objects or words connoting very vivid images. Others have defined this quality in terms of actual exist- ence or use in the larger social world. If these problems actually occur at the grocer's, the banker's, or the wholesaler's, it is said that they "are indeed concrete." And much effort has been expended in carrying these current prob- lems into the classroom, in spite of the fact that they may be neither comprehensible nor interest- ing to the pupil. Real and Concrete Problems Taken from the Child's Own Life There is another social world, nearer home to the child, from which a more vital borrowing can be made. There is an opportunity to use the child's life in its quantitative aspects, to take his plays, games, and occupations, and introduce their situations into his mathematical teaching. As his world expands from year to year, he will be carried by degrees from personal and local situations to those of general interest. The 105 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC teacher can provide this progression without de- vitalizing the facts presented. The Imaginative or Hypothetical Problem There is another error into which both the socially-minded radical and the specialist in child study fall. In their eagerness to improve the arithmetical problem, they assume that problems taken from the larger sbciaDworld or from the child's experience are necessarily superior to hy- pothetical, imaginative, or " made-up " problems. The psychological fact that needs to be forced upon the attention of the reformers is that, with proper artfulness, an imagined problem may be even more vital and real to the child than one taken from life as a situation in a drama may be more appealing and real to a child than one on the street. This has some recognition, but not enough. Those who stand upon the side of the " made-up " problems are more likely to be re- actionaries who tolerate the traditional type of problem even though its stupid artificiality is ob- vious to both the teacher and the child. They might better be dealing with dull problems bor- 106 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS rowed from real life than with specially invented dullness. Valid Arguments for Actual Problems Of course there is another argument for the use of actual social materials. The child must ultimately come into command of precisely these facts, since their mastery will be demanded by the business world. But must a primary school child study his arithmetic through problems taken from the dreary statistics of imports and exports merely because tariff reform is a polit- ical issue which every citizen ought finally to comprehend ? There is a time for this, and, as is the case with most of such borrowed busi- ness problems, the time is later. In so far as these are current situations within the con- tacts of child life, let them enter. A quan- titative revelation of life is important ; and it is good teaching economy to gain knowledge by the way, provided it does not distract attention from whatever main business is at hand. 107 TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Unity in the Subject-Matter of Problems The socializing of arithmetical problems has one other additional good effect. It has tended to bring some topical unity into the problems constituting the assignment for a given lesson, or group of lessons. Hitherto, a series of prob- lems was almost always composed of a hetero- geneous lot of situations. There was no unity save that some one process was involved in each. The movement is now in the direction of attain- ing a more approximate unity within the subject- matter of the problems themselves. The difficul- ties of attainment have restricted this movement to more progressive circles. The Eclectic Source of Problems The eclectic source of arithmetic problems is apparent from the foregoing discussion. It would seem that some better texts would naturally be evolved through the implied criticism of each movement upon the other. Such is the case. Problems from child life emphasize the begin- ning condition to which adjustment must be 1 08 EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS made in all good teaching. Those from the greater world suggest the final goals of instruc- tion. Those "made up" by the teacher call attention to what is too often forgotten, that the educative process in school may be artful with- out becoming artificial. Teaching is art, and when well done is not less effective for the fact. XII CHARACTERISTIC MODES OF PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD Variation in Method, and its Causes THE existing methods of teaching arithmetic in the American elementary schools are exceed- ingly varied. This is due to many causes. The democratic system of local control, as opposed to a centralized supervision of schools, has in- creased both the possibility and the probability of variation. Even within the units of supervision (state, county, and municipal) the opportunity for reducing variation in the direction of a more efficient uniformity is lost. This is partly due to the lack of a thoroughly trained staff of super- visors of the teaching process. Uniformity be- yond the legal units of supervision has been restricted by the lack of organized professional means for investigation of and experimentation in controversial matters. Even such crude ex- no PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD periments as are being tried in more than one class room, school, or system are unknown, un- reported, unestimated, because no competent professional body gathers, evaluates, and diffuses such knowledge. In this respect the teaching profession is far below the efficient organization of the legal and medical professions. Characteristic Traditions and Reforms It is exceedingly difficult therefore to analyze the characteristic aspects of teaching method except as these are interpreted in movements of general significance. These may be actual or potential, traditional or reformatory, general or local in present acceptance. The situation is one wherein tradition is mixed with radicalism, and radicalism modified by reaction. In this medley of movements there are dominant tendencies both traditional and progressive. Forces for Progress in Method It is quite impossible to indicate the progres- sive tendencies with clearness save in connection with the discussions of concrete difficulties in in TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC mathematical teaching. The forces that are be- hind these tendencies may, however, be summa- rized here. For convenience, they may be classi- fied into eight types of influence, extending from more or less vague and general movements to very particular, scientific contributions. No at- tempt is made to indicate the achievement of each ; the form of each influence is only roughly defined, and illustrative movements or studies are suggested : General Pedagogical Movements (i) It is obvious that any general pedagogical movement that influences the professional atti- tude of teachers will influence the special meth- ods of mathematical teaching. The appearance of the doctrine of interest made mathematical instruction less formal. The growing enthusi- asm for objective work enlarged the use of ob- jects in the arithmetic period. The child study movement laid emphasis upon the child's own plays and games as a source of problems and ex- amples. 112 PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD Special Pedagogical Movements (2) Certain special movements in methods of teaching, local to the subject of mathematics, have also been effective. Here one has only to recall the "Grube" method, with its influence on the order and thoroughness with which the elements of arithmetic are taught. Daily Trial and Error (3) The tendency of every teacher, who is at all sensitive to the defects of his methods, is to vary his daily practice. Constant trial, with error eliminating and success justifying a departure, is thus a source of progress. The new devices of one teacher are taken up by the eager profes- sional witness, and innovation is thus diffused. We have no ability to measure how much pro- fessional progress is due to individual variation in teaching and its conscious and unconscious imitation. The disposition of school systems to send their teachers on tours of visitation without loss of salary is a recognition of the value of this method of advance. TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC Experimentation of Progressive Teachers (4) A far more efficient and radical source of change than that just mentioned is the delib- erate, conscious, experimental teaching of pro- gressive individuals. Some new idea or device occurs to the teacher of original mind, and it is tried out with a fair proportion of resulting suc- cesses. An illustration of such a contribution is found in one conspicuous effort to get more rapid column addition. The first columns to be added were allowed to determine the selection and order of addition combinations learned. Thus if 6 + 7 + 9 + 6 + 7=35 is the first column to be used, then the first combinations mastered will be 6 + 7=13, 3 + 9=12, 2 + 6 = 8, 8 + 7=15. Arising as a fruitful idea and seeming to give a measure of success, it has been carried, in the particular locality in mind, from school to school, and from system to system. Reconstruction through Psychological Criticism (5) A prolific source of radical change is found in the critical application of modern psychology 114 PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD to teaching methods. Algorisms, types of diffi- culty, the order and gradation of these, as well as many other factors in method have been rad- ically reorganized on psychological grounds. Ex- amples of such psychological modifications of method are found in the " Courses of Study for the Day Elementary Schools of the City of San Francisco." Still more extensive critical applica- tions are found in the " Exercises in Arithmetic " devised by Dr. E. L. Thorndike, Professor of Educational Psychology in Teachers College, Columbia University. Studies in the Special Psychology of Mathematics (6) Attempts have been made to inquire into the special psychology of arithmetical processes through careful experimentation and control. They have not been numerous, nor have they been influential on current practice. Such a field needs development. A typical attempt to investi- gate and formulate the special psychology of number is found in a Clark University study of TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHMETIC "Number and its Application Psychologically Considered." 1 Investigations of Existing Methods (7) Educational investigations as to the effi- ciency of existing arithmetical teaching among school systems, sufficiently varied to be repre- sentative of American practice, have also been conducted. These have usually gone beyond the field of the special methods of presentation em- ployed in the classroom, and have inquired into the conditions of administration and supervision, the arrangement of the courses of study, and other similar factors. Dr. J. M. Rice's studies into "The Causes of Success and Failure in Arith- metic" 2 investigated such specific factors as: The environment from which children come, their age, time allotment of the subject, period of school day given to arithmetic, arrangement of home work, standards, examinations, etc. A subsequent 1 Phillips, D. E., " Number and its Application Psycholog- ically Considered," Pedagogical Seminary, 1897-8, voL 5, pp. 221-281. 2 Rice, J. M., " Educational Research : Causes of Success and Failure in Schools," Forum, 1902-03, vol. 34, pp. 281-97, 437-S 2 - 116 PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD study of similar type, but employing more refined methods, is that of Dr. C. W. Stone on "Arith- metical Abilities and some Factors determining them." 1 The main problem of this study was to find the correlation between types of arithmet- ical ability and different time expenditures and courses of study. These two studies have prob- ably attracted more general notice than any other studies of arithmetical instruction. While they have largely dealt with administrative conditions that limit teaching method, rather than with the details of teaching method itself, they have stim- ulated the impulse to investigate conditions and practices of every type. Special Experiments in Controlled Comparative Teaching (8) The latest source of progress in teaching method is found in the movement for compara- tive experimental teaching under normal but care- fully controlled conditions. Several such exper- iments are being conducted in the Horace Mann 1 Stone, C. W., " Arithmetical Abilities and Some Factors determining them," Columbia University Contributions to Ed- ucation, Teachers College, N. Y. City, 1909, p. 101. II/ TEACHING PRIMARY ARITHM TIC Elementary School of Teachers College, Colum- bia University, under the direction of Principal Henry C. Pearson, with the co-operation of the staff of Teachers College. This experimental work is designed to determine primarily the relative value of competing methods in actual use throughout the country, the assumption being that every substantial difference in practice im- plies a difference of theory and consequently a controversy that can be resolved only on the basis of careful comparative tests. Two parallel series of classes of about the same age, ability, teacher equipment, etc., are selected for this work. One series is taught by one method ; the other series by the other method. The abilities of these children are measured both before and after the teaching, and the growth compared. The standards and methods of this type of com- parative experimentation, together with a list of current competitive methods requiring investiga- tion, are given in Dr. David Eugene Smith's monograph on " The Teaching of Arithmetic." 1 1 Smith, D. E., " The Teaching of Arithmetic," chap, xvi, Teachers College, January, 1909. OUTLINE I. THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1. Function of the Study to Trace General Tenden- cies I 2. Teaching Method is a Mode of Presentation . . 2 3. Distinct Uniformities Exist among its Variations 4 4. The Methods of Public Elementary Schools are Representative 4 5. Elementary Mathematics is Mainly Arithmetic . 5 6. Elementary Arithmetic Emphasizes the Four Fundamental Processes 6 7. The Need for Studying Exceptional Reform Tendencies 8 I. THE INFLUENCE OF AIMS ON TEACHING 1. Factors Influencing Teaching Methods .... 9 2. The Influence of a Scientific Aim 9 3. The Influence of the Aim of Formal Discipline . 12 4. The Shift in Emphasis from Academic to Social Aims 14 5. Business Utility as an End 15 6. Broad Social Utilitarianism as a Standard . . . 17 7. Some Concrete Effects of the Change in Aim . 19 119 OUTLINE m. THE EFFECT OF THE CHANGING STATUS OF TEACHING METHOD 1. Method as Psychological Adjustment to the Child 21 2. The Effect of an Increased Reverence for Child- hood 22 3. The Reconstruction of Method through Psychol- ogy 23 4. The Increased Professional Respectability of Con- scious Method 25 5. The Prevalence of Methods Emphasizing a Single Idea 26 6. The Tendency toward Over-Uniformity in Method 28 7. Method as a Series of Varied, Particular Adjust- ments 30 IV. METHOD AS AFFECTED BY THE DIS- TRIBUTION AND ARRANGEMENT OF ARITHMETICAL WORK 1. The Tendency toward Shortening the Time Dis- tribution 32 2. The Attempt to Eliminate Waste 33 3. Delay in Beginning Formal Arithmetic Teaching 34 4. The Incidental Method of Teaching 35 5. Reactions against the Plan of Incidental Teaching 36 j 6. Logical and Psychological Types of Arrangement 38 7. Estimates of Worth 40 8. The Present Mixed Method of Procedure ... 41 120 OUTLINE V. THE DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIVE WORK 1. Objective Teaching is Generally Current ... 42 2. Its Distribution is Crudely Gauged 43 3. Tendency toward a More Refined Correlation of Object-Teaching with Particular Immatu- rity 44 4. The Movement Supported by both Scientific and Common-Sense Criticism 46 VI. THE MATERIALS OF OBJECTIVE TEACHING ; I. The Indiscriminate Use of Objects . . . . .47 2. The Artificiality of Materials Utilized .... 47 3. Narrowness in the Range of Materials .... 48 4. Inadequate Variation of Traditional Materials . 49 5. The Restricted Use of Diagrams and Pictures . 50 6. Plays and Games in Object Teaching . . . .51 7. The Lack of Unity in the Use of Objects . . .52 VII. SOME RECENT INFLUENCES ON OBJEC- TIVE TEACHING 1. The Influence of Inductive Teaching 53 2. The Movement for Active Modes of Learning . 55 3. The Abbreviated Use of Objects 57 4. The Method of Parallel Correspondence ... 57 5. The Method of Final Correspondence .... 58 121 OUTLINE Vffl. THE USE OF METHODS OF RATIONALI- ZATION 1. The Tendency toward Rational Methods ... 60 2. The Era of Direct Instruction and Drill ... 60 3. Indirect Teaching as a Rational Method ... 62 4. Interest as a Factor in Methods of Rationalization 63 5. The Reaction against Rationalization .... 64 6. Four Principles for the Use of Rationalization . 65 7. The Substantiating Psychology 67 8. Rationalization as a Substitute for Object Teach- ing 67 IX. SPECIAL METHODS FOR OBTAINING AC- CURACY, INDEPENDENCE, AND SPEED 1. Supervision of Learning after First Development 69 2. The Use of Steps, or Stages, in Teaching ... 70 3. Stages in the Presentation of Problems . . . .71 4. An Opposite Method in Presenting Examples . 73 5. Better Transitions from Concrete to Abstract Work -73 6. The Child's Four Modes of Work 75 7. The Worth of these Modes 76 8. The Traditional Quarrel between " Mental " and "Written" Arithmetic 77 9. The Transition from Development by Teacher to Independent Work by Pupil 79 10. Four Characteristic Stages of the Transition . . 79 122 OUTLINE 11. Special Methods of Attaining Speed 81 12. The Relation of Accuracy to Speed 82 X. THE USE OF SPECIAL ALGORISMS, ORAL FORMS, AND WRITTEN ARRANGEMENTS 1. The Traditional Nature of Algorisms and Forms 83 2. The Number of Algorisms Used 84 3. Reform in the Use of Algorisms 85 4. The Standard of Social Usage 86 5. The Extended Use of Acquired Forms .... 86 6. The Use of "Crutches " or Temporary Algorisms 87 7. Full and Short Forms of Calculation 88 8. Forms of Analysis or Reasoning 89 9. The Traditional Requirement of Full Formal Analysis 90 10. The Limitations of Full Formal Analysis ... 91 ir. " Labeling " the Steps of Calculation 92 12. So-called Accuracies of Statement 93 13. Increased Use of Mathematical Symbols ... 94 XI. EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS 1. Formal and Applied Arithmetic 96 2. The Example and the Problem 96 3. The Traditional Precedence of Formal Work . . 97 4. Objective and Narrative Presentation as a Re- form Tendency 98 5. The Over-Emphasis of Formal Work .... 99 6. The Need for More Systematic Teaching of Rea- soning ico 123 OUTLINE 7. Existing Devices for Testing Reasoning . . . 101 8. Sources of Failure in the Solution of Problems . 102 9. The Need of Varied Presentations of Problem . 103 10. Improvement in the Subject-Matter of Problems 104 11. Real and Concrete Problems Taken from the Larger Social World 104 12. Real and Concrete Problems Taken from the Child's Own Life 105 13. The Imaginative or Hypothetical Problem . . 106 14. Valid Arguments for Actual Problems .... 107 15. Unity in the Subject-Matter of Problems . . . 108 16. The Eclectic Source of Problems 108 XH. CHARACTERISTIC MODES OF PROGRESS IN TEACHING METHOD 1. Variation in Method and its Causes no 2. Characteristic Traditions and Reforms . . . . ill 3. Forces for Progress in Method 112 4. General Pedagogical Movements 112 5. Special Pedagogical Movements 113 6. Daily Trial and Error 113 7. Experimentation of Progressive Teachers . .114 8. Reconstruction through Psychological Criticism 114 9. Studies in the Special Psychology of Mathe- matics 115 10. Investigations of Existing Methods 1 16 n. Special Experiments in Controlled Comparative Teaching 117 OUTLINE 7. Existing Devices for Testing Reasoning . . . 101 8. Sources of Failure in the Solution of Problems . 102 9. The Need of Varied Presentations of Problem .103 10. Improvement in the Subject-Matter of Problems 104 11. Real and Concrete Problems Taken from the Larger Social World ......... 104 12. Real and Concrete Problems Taken from the Child's Own Life .......... 105 13. The Imaginative or Hypothetical Problem . . 106 14. Valid Arguments for Actual Problems .... 107 15. Unity in thf Suhiprt-MaH-Ar nf Pr/->Klemc T 16. TheE xn. CH. 1. Variati 2. Charac 3. Forces 4. Gener; 5. Specia 6. Daily ' 7. Experi 8. Recons Mend [Unusual mending time charged extra] ...... Before sewing,Score.-LPressL. Strip Sect.. 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