THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Yale From the Fund Established By his Wife Elsie Smith Gleason 1944 V A CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS , BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF BALTIMORE; TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, THE ACT FOR THE INCORPORATION OF THE COMPANY, THEIR Constitution, tficir AND AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS. Happy are tUey, wliose amusement is knowledge, and \vhoe supreae doU^ht, the culliratiOtt jf the mind ! Wherever they shall be driven by the persecution of fortune, the means of enjoy- ment are still with them ; and that weary litlejsness, which renders life insupportable to the ve-r rptuous And the lazy, is unknown to those, who can employ themselves in reacting " TEL.EMACHUS, BOOK II. flALTWORE : PRINTED BY EDES AND 1809. CONTENTS. ACT of Incorporation v Constitution vn By-Laws xm Miscellaneous By-Laws xvm List of Members xxi Catalogue of the Books xxvn to cxcvi INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE, ALPHABETICALLY CLASSED UNDER DISTINCT HEADS. f- The Books belonging to the following Classes may be found by perusing the Pages, as directed in the Index. PC-- Pave. Agriculture - - from 27 to 30 Anatomy - 133 144 Antiquities - 31 34 Architecture (Ancient, Civil, Naval and Military) 35 38 Arts (Fine) including Architecture, Music, Painting, Sculpture, &c. - - 35 Arts (Mechanical) - -72 Astronomy - - 104 Belles Lettres - - 39 Biblical - - 45 Biography - - - 50 Botany - - 120 Charts ... . - 78 Chronology - - 31 Chymistry ------ - 58 Classics --- - 60 Commerce - - - - 168 Criticism - - 39 Dancing -.--- -.-35 Dictionaries ----- -81 Drama - - 145 Economy (Domestic) ... - 27 Economy (Political) - 168 Education - - 64 Ethics (Morality) - 67 Farriery - - 72 Gardening - - 27 General Science, including Encyclopedias, Trans- actions of Societies for promoting Science in gen- eral, Manufactures and Arts - - 72 77 Geography - - 78 80 1J Paye. Page. Grammar - from 81 to 82 History, Civil and Ecclesiastical - - - 83 98 Law - - 99 103 Logic - - 67 71 Manufactures - - 72 77 Mathematics - - 104 106 Medical - 133 144 Metaphysics - - 67 71 Military - - 107 100 Mineralogy - 120 123 Miscellaneous, consisting of Works upon different subjects - 110 119 Music - - 35 38 Mythology - - 51 34 Natural History - 120 123 Natural Philosophy - - - 72 77 Naval - - 107 109 Novels - - 124 132 Painting . - 35 38 Pharmacopoeia - - - - 133 144 Physic - - - - 133 144 Plays - - 145 155 Poetry - ... 145 155 Political - - - 156 167 Rural Improvements - 27 30 Sciences - - - - 72 77 Sculpture - - - 35 38 Surgery - - 133 144 Theology - - 172 184 Topography - - . .7880 Tours . 185 100 Travels * - 185 196 Voyages - - - - - 185 196 ADDENDA. To page 48. Stackhouse's New History of the Bible 6 vols. 8vo. To page 101. Practice and Jurisdiction of the Court of Admjralty ; by John . Hail, Esq. Gift of the Author. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MEMBERS OF THE of 'Baltimore, WHEREAS the establishment of public libraries, under judicious regulations, cannot fail to promote the diffusion of useful knowledge, and the interests of virtue, and to grow greatly beneficial to society, and whereas this General As- sembly is desirous to aid and encourage every undertaking, tending to produce these effects, and whereas sundry persons in the city of Baltimore and its vicinity, have formed them- selves into a company, and established a library therein, therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the aforesaid persons, and such other persons, as they may hereafter admit into their company, agreeably to such rules and by-laws, as they may establish, for the beneficial and orderly management of their institution, shall be, and they, and their successors and assigns, are hereby declared to be one community, corporation, and body politic, for ever hereafter, by the name and style of THE LIBRARY-COM- PANY OF BALTIMORE ; and by that name, they shall be, and are hereby made, able and capable in law to have, pur- chase, receive, possess, enjoy, and retain, to them and their successors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, pensions, and other hereditaments, in fee simple, or for a term of years, life, lives, or otherwise ; and also goods, chattels, and effects, of what nature, kind, or quality soever; and the same to grant, demise, alien, or dispose of, and, by the name 'afore- said, to do and execute all other things touching the same ; provided, that the clear yearly value of the real estate of said corporation, exclusive of any house, which they may here- after possess, for the keeping of the books, maps, and other ti AN ACT, &c. effects of the company, exceed not the sum of one thousand dollars. And be it enacted, That the said company, and their sue. cessors, by the aforesaid name, shall be, forever hereafter, able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be im- pleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in any courts of record, or any other place whatsoever; and also to make, have, and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew at pleasure ; and also to assemble and meet, at such times and places, as they may agree upon, and publicly notify; and by a majority of the voices of those at- tending, to ordain, establish, and put in execution such by- laws, ordinances, and regulations, as to them shall seem ne- cessary and convenient, for the government of the company; the same not being contrary to the laws of this state, or of the United States ; and generally to do and execute all such acts, matters, and things, as to them shall or may appertain to do. And be it enacted, That until there shall be, under this act, an election of officers, necessary to the ends of the insti- tution, those now acting, or who may be hereafter appointed to act, under any existing regulations of the company, shall continue so to do, according to the provisions heretofore made ; and such regulations shall, till lawfully altered, be deemed as valid and obligatory, as if made since the passing of this act. (TRUE COPY) WM. HARWOOD, Clerk. CONSTITUTION OF THE LIBRARY-COMPANY OF BALTIMORE. ARTICLE I. THERE shall be no definite number of shares ; but every person may be entitled to a share, who shall be regu- larly admitted a member of the Company. The price of a share shall be Thirty Jive Dollars ; and every member shall annually contribute Four Dollars, for every share, which h&" may lawfully possess ; with, such exception, as is hereinafter specified, ARTICLE II. The books and other effects of the Company, shall be their joint property ; and every member shall be at liberty to trans- fer his share by sale, bequest, or gift, or in any other way, in which other property may be alienated : But in every case of transfer, except by will or descent, the person, in whose fa- vour it is intended to be made, shall be first approved of by a Board of Directors ; arid all transfers shall be made, accord- ing to some mode, prescribed by the Directors. ARTICLE III. The Directors may admit any person to hold a plurality of shares in the Library ; which shall entitle him to a propor- tionate use of the books, but not to more than one vote, or any other extraordinary privilege. ARTICLE IV. There shall be a stated meeting of the Company, on the fourth Monday in April, in every, year ; at which time, the members present shall proceed to elect, from among the Com- riii CONSTITUTION. pany, twelve Directors. The Directors shall choose, out of their own body, a President : and shall also appoint, either from among themselves, or the Company, a Secretary and Treasurer : And the President and Secretary of the Direc- tors shall be President and Secretary, at all general meet- ings of the Company. These shall continue in office, for one year, or until the next election. The place of elec- tion shall be determined by the Directors for the time being, and publicly advertised, for twenty days at least, before the election ; which shall be made by ballot : And those having a majority of votes, shall be deemed duly elected. ARTICLE V. It shall be the duty of the President, at all general meet-* ings of the Company, to keep order, and to do all other things, generally appertaining to the office of a President. The Secretary shall collect the ballots at elections, shall keep in a book, provided for the purpose, a fair transcript of the proceedings of the Company, and shall, from time to time, give public notice of all stated and special meetings of the Company ; which special meetings shall be called by the Pre- sident, whenever the Board of Directors, or twenty members of the Company, shall signify their desire, to this effect. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Company, in books proper for the purpose: He shall keep their monies, subject to trie order of the Directors ; and shall be ready, whenever called upon, with a warning of ten days, to give a regular statement of his accounts to the Directors. He shall be re-* mo\ able, at the pleasure of the Directors ; and shall, on en- trance upon office, and as often as the Directors may require, give such security, for the faithful discharge of his duties, as they may deem adequate. The Board of Directors shall meet once a month, and shall have the choice and direction of a Librarian, of all other officers, not chosen by the Company, who may be necessary to the ends of this institu- tion ; whom they may supersede, as often as they think proper. They shall have the disposal of all monies belonging to the company, shall provide a proper depository for the books, and shall make all such regulations, as may be neces- sary to the useful and economical circulation of the books. They shall elect new members, shall settle the accounts of the Company's Treasurer, shall fix all salaries and com- pensations, which may be created or made, and order the CONSTITUTION. ^ ix payment of all incidental expenses of the Company. They shall chuse the books, to be bought for the use of the Libra- ry ; but every member shall be at liberty to recommend to them any book, by putting into a box to be kept, for the pur- pose, in the Library, the title, with his name subscribed. They shall, at every stated meeting, report to the Company a state of their affairs ; and they are hereby invested with the pow- er of doing all things, not excepted in this constitution, or which may not hereafter be prohibited by the Company, which may be conducive to their interest. Whenever they have to dispose of any of the monies of the Company, or to admit new members, eight at least shall be present ; of whom three fourths must concur to carry the question : but for all other purposes, five shall be a quorum, and a majority of their voices give validity to their acts. The members of the Com- pany may have recourse to their journals; as also to the Treasurer's accounts, and all other papers and books be- longing to the Company ; of which, with the consent of the Directors, they may take copies. ARTICLE VI. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, Secretary, or Treasurer, or in the Board of Directors, the same shall be filled by the board, at some meeting, specially held for the purpose. And vacancies in these offices shall be deemed to be created, by death, resignation, absence from the United States, or confirmed inability to attend to their respective du- ties. The Directors may also, if they shall deem it expedi- ent, declare the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director, to be vacant, in consequence of their continu- ed absence from the state, for three months, or their habitual inattention to their respective duties, ARTICLE VIL All persons, hereafter admitted members of this Company, whether as transferrees, or purchasers of new shares, shall be nominated to the Board of Directors ; and if they shall be approved of by the Board, as directed in the fifth article of this constitution, they shall then be deemed duly elected. No person, not a transferree, shall be considered a member of this Company, until he shall have paid to the Treasurer the prie of his share. He shall then receive a certificate- x CONSTITUTION. signed by him, containing his name, the sum paid by him, the use for which it was paid, and the time of payment ; all which particulars shall be recorded in the Company's books : And this certificate shall entitle the possessor to the privileges of a member of the Company. The price of a share -shall be increased, at such times, and in such proportion, as to the Company may seem fit ; but this augmentation shall not be deemed to affect those, who were members, at the time of its being made. ARTICLE Vlir. The Librarian shall give security, for ti a . faithful discharge of the duties of his office, in such sum, as the Directors may determine* ARTICLE IX. The Directors shall prevent the lending out of the Library, even to members, of particularly scarce books, or other effects of great value, the loss of which it would be difficult to re- pair: but every reasonable convenience and facility shall be provided, for allowing the use of, or transcripts from them, within the Library. ARTICLE X. A member may be expelled for any misconduct disgraceful to the institution, and likely to impair its utility: but the meeting for this purpose, shall consist of at least three-fifths of the Company; a majority of whose votes shall be conclu- sive. In case of the expulsion of a member, he shall be paid the price of his or her share or shares, according to the price stablished in this constitution, ARTICLE XL Every person, who shall neglect to make the annual pay- ment, which shall be on the fourth Monday in April, in every year, or within ten days thereafter, shall pay, for the use of the Library, one cent for every day, he shall neglect said payment. And whenever his fines and deficient contribu- tions, amount to the value of a share, such share shall be forfeited: in like manner, if he possess a plurality of shares. But it shall be in the power of the Directors, to remit to per- sons, becoming members after the fourth Monday in April, in any year, in those cases, m which they may think it equi- CONSTITUTION. xi table, such part of the annual contribution, for that year, as they may think reasonable Provided, that this shall not be construed to affect persons, who may become possessed of the shares of members, elected before the aforesaid Monday in April. ARTICLE XII. Whenever an alteration of this constitution shall be con- templated, a meeting of the Company shall be called, by the Directors, who shall give ten days public notice of the time and place of such meeting: and the members attending, in consequence of such notice, shall proceed to act upon any al- terations, which may be proposed. If they shall be assented to by a majority of the members attending, they shall be published for consideration; and another meeting of the Com- pany shall be called, of which ten days publick notice shall be given; and if a majority of the members attending the second meeting, confirm the alterations before assented to, they shall then be deemed a part of this constitution. BY-1LAWB OP THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF BALTIMORE, * REGULATING THE USE OP THE LIBRARY, AND ASCERTAINING THE LIBRARIAN'S DUTY. 1. THE Librarian shall attend, at the Library, every day in the week, Sunday excepted, from ten o'clock, A. M. to two o'clock, p. M. in order to deliver and receive the books of the Company. But Christmas-day, Good-Friday, Easter-Monday, Whitsun-Monday, and the 4th day of July, shall be considered as holidays. When the Li- brary shall be open, he shall deliver to any person, who may apply, one folio for six weeks; or one quarto for five weeks; or one octavo, or two duodecimos, or four pamphlets, for two weeks. And he shall not deliver to a member any greater number, except on hire, or in the following cases, viz. A member desiring it, may be accommodated with two octa- vos, or four duodecimos, for four weeks, provided they belong- respectively to the same set; and a member, at the time of his having a folio, quarto, or octavo, may take an additional octavo, or two duodecimos, or four pamphlets, for two weeks, provided the subjects treated in the latter, be of a different class from those treated in the former. This, however, shall not be construed into a permission to blend together the pe- riods, for which such books are taken ; but a folio shall not be fcept longer than six weeks; a quarto, five; an octavo, two; and a duodecimo, .or two pamphlets, one ; and so in propor- tion. In the case of a member hiring, he shall pay at the fiame rate with those who are not members; and if he take, at any time, a book or books, double the value of which, or of the set or sets, to which it or they may belong, may ex- ceed the price of a share, then the Librarian shall require him to deposite a note for the surplus, payable to the Treasurer, o xur BYLAWS. Persons living one mile, and less than five miles from town, may keep their books two days, exclusive of Sunday, longer than those living nearer to, or in Baltimore ; those living five miles, and less than twenty, from town, may keep theirs one third of time longer, than those in the city; those living twenty, and less than fifty, miles from town, may keep theirs one half longer; and persons at the distance of fifty miles and upwards, may have their books twice as long, as resi- dents of Baltimore. Members living on the Eastern shore of Maryland, may, from December 10th till March 20th, take double the number of books allowed to other members, and keep them during that period. 2. Persons, not members, accommodated with the bookg of the Library, shall deposite, as a security, double the value of the books, which they may hire, or of the sets, to which they may belong. But if the aforesaid value shall exceed, ia any case, forty dollars, the Librarian may, in his discretion, receive from the hirer a note, payaple to the Treasurer, for the surplus, instead of requiring a deposite. Every such per- son shall pay, for the use of any book, which he may hire, four cents per day. A hirer may be permitted to take, at one time, more than the books allowed in the first rule, provided he can assign to the Librarian sufficient reason for the indul- gence. 3. The Librarian shall not deliver the books of the Library, either to members or hirers, except in person, without writ- ten orders, signed by such members or hirers. And in those cases, in which they may not have given him a general order to deliver books, on their accounts, to any person or persons* they shall be required to send a special order, signed with their names, whenever they may send for books. And such general orders shall be filed by the Librarian, till duly re- voked; and such special orders, till the books, for which they were given, shall have been returned. Members and hirers shall be responsible for all books, delivered on their written orders. 4. Every person, whether a member or a hirer, who shall neglect to return, at the specified time, any book, which he may have received, shall forfeit, for a pamphlet, one cent; for a duodecimo, three cents; and for an actavo, quarto, or folio, six cents, for each day of his neglect, until the book be returned, or until the fines shall amount to the value of the share of a member, or the deposite of a hirer. But should BY-LAWS. xv such person declare himself unable to restore the book, the fines shall cease, upon his paying to the company double the value of the book, or of the set, to which it may belong, in ad- dition to the fines, which he has incurred : and it shall be the duty of the Librarian to give notice to any person, who may detain a book two months, beyond the time allowed him, that he is incurring penalties for the detention. 5. When a book is delivered, and when it is returned, the Librarian shall examine it, in the presence of the party re- ceiving it; and every returned book, as soon as it has been examined, shall be immediately restored to its proper place. If any book shall be found to have been damaged, while in the possession of any person, the Librarian shall demand such satisfaction, as he may think equal to the injury done; and if the person shall think himself aggrieved by his decision, he may appeal to the Directors. He shall not be allowed to take any other book, till he shall have made satisfaction ; nor shall a person owing hire or fines, receive any book, till the same shall have been discharged. If a member refuse to pay any forfeiture, incurred by him, he shall not be allowed the privi- lege of taking out books; nor shall a transfer of his share be made, till he shall have complied: and when the penalties shall amount to the price of a share, if they be not paid within one month thereafter, the share shall be forfeited. Every hirer of books refusing to pay any forfeiture, which he may have incurred, and persisting in the refusal one month, shall lose his deposite money ; and if, in any instance, he has given a note, he shall be denied the use of the Library, till such note shall have been paid. 6. A member may be accommodated with the books of the Library, without giving his note, as directed in the first of these by-laws, provided he will sign the following obliga- tion, viz. tf I do hereby promise to the Library-company of Balti* " more, to return any book, which I may take out of their ** Library, in the same order, in which I may have received " it, and at the time, specified by the regulations of the Li- " brary; binding myself, in case of injury done to the book, " while in my possession, to make compensation for it, ac- " cording to the provisions of their fourth by-law ; and in case " of its not being returned by me, in due time, to pay the " fines for such neglect, as fixed in their third by-law. And " in case I should lose any book, or so injture it, as to destroy xvi BY-LAWS, et the utility of it, or of the set, to which it may belong, I " promise to pay to the Company double the value of every e?rt$;- with Elevations, &c, 1 3d ARCHITECTURE, &c FOLIO. VOL. Smeatou's Narrative of the Building, and Description of the construction of the Edystone Light-House, with Stone 1 Soane's Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings in England , 1 . . n Sketches in Architecture ; containing Plans and Elevations of Cottages, Villas, &c. I Wood's description of the Hot Bath at Bath ; with the Plans, Elevation, and Section of the same t ftUARTO. Atwood's Dissertation on the Construction of Arches t Belidor, Architecture Hydraulique, par Monsieur 4 Bell's (Charles) Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting : with plates 1 Bromley's Philosophical and Critical History of the Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture 1 Burney's (Dr.) General History of Music 1 Account of Musical performances in 1784, in Commemoration of Handel 1 Charnock's Prospectus of A History of Marine Architec- ture. See Phit. Misc. vol. 1. Elsam's Essay on Rural Architecture : with plates I Fulton's (Richard, Civil Engineer) Treatise on the improve- ment of Canal Navigation, &c. with thoughts on and designs for Aqueducts and Bridges of Iron and Wood 1 Fuseli's Lectures on Painting : delivered at the Royal Academy of London 1801 1 Hogarth's Analysis of Beauty 1 Lavater's Essays on Physiognomy : illustrated with plates 5 Malton's Essay on British Cottage-Architecture : -with plates 1 Perspective Practical, exemplified in all the variety of cases, for Painters, Architects, &c. from the French of A Jesuit of Paris : to which is pre- fixed the Theory of Perspective by James Hodgson, F. R. S. t Semple's Treatise on Building in Water : with plates Dublin 1776 I ARCHITECTURE, &p, 37 aUARTO. VOL, Smeaton, Reports made in various occasions by the late John, in the course of his employment as a civil Engineer. Vol. 1st. 1797 1 Switzer's Universal System of Water- Works, philoso- phical and practical 1 OCTAVO. JEdes Pembrochianse ; or a Description of the Curiosities in Wilton-House 1 Architecture, Rudiments of Ancient; with a Dictionary of Terms : illustrated with plates I .. Essays on Gothic ; by the Rev. T. Warton, J. Bentham, J. Milner and Capt. Grose : illus- trated with plates 1 Burney's (Dr.) Observations on the state of Music in France and Italy in 1771 1 Dallaway's Anecdotes of the Arts in England ; or com- parative Remarks on Architecture, Sculpture and Painting 1 D'Espie's (Count) Manner of securing all sort of Build- ings against Fire. See Phil. Misc. vol. 2d. Gallini's Critical Observations on the Art of Dancing & Gauger's New Method of building Chimnies so as to pre- vent Smoaking and improve Fires I Gilpin's Essay on Prints I -Three Essays on Picturesque Beauty; on Sketching Landscape ; and Landscape Painting I Mengs, First Painter to H. C. M. Charles 3d, the works of Anthony Raphael 2 Muller's Elements of Fortification, regular and irregular 1 Nicholson's Principles of Architecture 3 Nutshells, or Jchnographic Distributions for small Villas 1 Pain's Builder's Pocket-Treasure ; or Palladio delineated and explained 1 Price's (Uvedale) Essay on Picturesque, &c. 2 Smeaton's Report on Ramsgate Harbour 1 Smith's (Dr. Robert) Harmonics ; or True Philosophy of Musical Sounds 1 Tingry's Painter and Varnisher's Guide 1 Vauban, La Manniere de bjen Fortifier de Monsieur De 1 i 83 ARCHITECTURE, &t. OCTAVO. VOL Vauban, The new Method of Fortification, as practised by Monsieur De 1 Vinci, A Treatise on Painting, translated from the Italian of Leonardo Da 1 DUODECIMO. Avison's Essay on Musical Expression 1 Connoisseur, the English; containing an account of what- ever is curious in Painting, Sculpture, &c, in England 2 Cumberland's Account of the Paintings in the King's Pa- lace at Madrid, and Buen-Retiro 1 Guicciardini's Account of the ancient Flemish School of Painting 1 Shakspeare Gallery, the catalogue of 1 Webb's Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting 1 Winkelman's Reflections concerning the imitation of the Graecian Artists in Painting and Sculpture 1 RELLES LETTRES AND CRITICISM. ftUARTO. VOL. Alison's Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste 1 Aristotele's Treatise on Poetry translated : with Notes on the translation, and on the original ; and two Dissertations, on Poetical, and Musical Imita- tion. By Thomas Twining 1 Cicero's Orations against Verres, translated by White. Gift of Henry Nicols, Esq. I De Eruditione Comparauda in Humanioribus, &c. Trac- tatus Camerarii, Fungeri, &c. Cum Notis Th. Crenii 1 Fabricii Bibliothaeca Graeca ; Sive Notitia Script orum Veterum Graecorum. Editio quaita, Curante G. C. Harles 6 Gillies's Translation of the Orations of Lysias and Isocrates 1 Hill's Synonymes of the Latin Language, alphabetically ar- ranged, with critical Dissertations 1 Jones's (Sir William) translation of the Speeches of Isaeus, at Athens 1 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary of proper Names men- tioned in Ancient Authors, with a copious ac- count of their works, &c. 1 Michaelis's Dissertation on the Influence of Opinions on Language, and of Language on Opinions 1 Morhofi. Polyhistor ; Sive de Notitia Auctorum et Rerum commentarii. Lubecce 1695 1 Persian Miscellanies translated by Ouseley 1 Persian Lyrics translated by Hindley 1 Persian Lyrics translated by Richardson 1 Persian Literature, Rousseau's Flowers of Steele's Treatise on the Melody and Measure of Speech 1 Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language 1 y Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy, from the earliest period, to the present time 7 BELLES LETTRES, & c VOL. Warton's History of English Poetry from the close of the eleventh, to the commencement of the eighteenth century ; to which are prefixed two Disserta- tions on the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Eu- rope, and on the Introduction of Learning into England 3 OCTAVO. Alves's Sketch of a History of Literature 1 Anthologia Poetica Graeco-Latina Synonimis Poeticis in- stracta, &c. opera P. Halloix. Duaci 1617 1 Baker's Reflections upon Learning 1 Barry's Letters to the Dilettanti-Society 1 Barry's Inquiry into the Real and Imaginary obstructions to the acquisition of the Arts in England 1 Bayly's Alliance of Music, Poetry, and Oratory 1 Beattie's Essays on Music, and Poetry, and on the Useful- ness of Classical Learning 1 Critical Dissertations 2 Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature, and Scarce Books 2 Bentley's Dissertation on Phalaris examined : by Charles Boyle 1 Berdmore's Specimens of Literary Resemblance in the works of Pope, Gray and other writers 1 Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres 2 British Critic from 1793, to April 1808 31 British Synonymy, by Mrs Piozzi 2 Bryant's Observations on Rdwley's Poems 1 Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric 2 Canons of Criticism 1 Censura Literaria containing Titles, Abstracts and Opini- ons of old English Books 7 Cicero's Orations translated by Guthrie 3 Brutus ; or the History of Eloquence 1 Criticism on Rolliad 1 Curiosities of Literature 2 Dacier, Les Comedies de Terence ; avec la Traduction et les Remarques de Madame 3 Davies's Dramatic Miscellanies ; or Critical Observations on several Plays of Shakspeare 3 Davy's Letters on subjects of Literature 2 BELLES LETTRES, &c. 41 OCTAVO. VOL. Demosthenes, Orations of, translated by Leland 3 Dictionnaire Universel des Synonymes de la Langue Francaise ; par Girard, Beauzee, Roubaud, et autres Ecrivains Celebres 3 D'Israeli's Essay on the Manners and Genius of Literary Characters 1 Drake's Literary-Hours 3 Duff's Essay on Original Genius 1 Feriar's Illustrations of Sterne 1 Gerard's Essay on Genius 1 - Essay on Taste 1 Gilliland's Dramatic Synopsis ; or Essay on Theatre 1 Gradus ad Parnassum ; Sive novus Synonymorum The- saurus 1 Harris's Philological Inquiries 2 Three Treatises; the 1st on Art; 2d on Music, Painting and Poetry, and 3d on Happiness 1 Hermogenis Ars Oratoria, Graece ; cum Latina interpreta- tione et Commentariis G. Laurentii. 1614 1 Jortin's Philological and Critical Tracts 2. Kames's (Lord) Elements of Criticism 2 Kendersley's Specimens of Hindoo-Literature 1 Kett's Elements of General Knowledge 2 Knight's Inquiry into the Principles of Taste 1 La Harpe, Lycee; ou Cours de Litterature Ancienne et Moderne : par Monsieur de 17 Lawson's Lectures on Oratory 1 Letters on Chivalry, and Romance 1 Linguet's Critical Analysis, and Review of all Voltaire's works 1 Lipsi (Justi) Opera Omnia 8 Lowth's Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrew 2 Macrobii Opera ; Cum Notis Gronovii : 1694 1 Mason's Essays on Poetical and Prosaic Numbers, and Elocution 1 Maury, Principles of Eloquence adapted to the Pulpit and the Bar ; from the French of the Abbs 1 McDonald, Some of Ossian's lesser Poems, translated by : with a preliminary Answer to Mr. Laing's Cri- tical Dissertation on the Antiquity of Ossian's Poems 1 42 BELLES LETTRES, &c. OCTAVO. VOL. Metronariston ; or a Dissertation on a Part of Greek and Latin Prosody . i Miller's Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. Gift of Mr. C. Chambers 2 Milln's Well-bred Scholar ; or Practical Essays on the best Methods of improving the Taste of Youths,* &c. 1 Mitford's Inquiry into the Principles of Harmony in Lan- guage 1 Monboddo's Essays on the Origin of Language 6 Montagu's (Mrs.) Essays on the Genius and Writings of Shakspeare I Nares's Elements of Orthoepy; containing a distinct View of the whole Analogy of the English Language, as to Pronunciation, Accent and Quantity 1 Ogilvie's Observations on the various species of Composition 2 Penn, Critical, Poetical and Dramatic Works of John 2 Q,uintilian's Institutes of the Orator : translated by J. Patsall 2 Records of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, for 1807 : by Charles Taylor, jun. 2 Reflexions Impartiales sur le Progres des Sciences dans le 18 Siecle : par Monsieur Bartoli 1 Review, the Monthly ; from 1749, to 1789 81 Index to Do. 3 Enlarged, the Monthly ; from 1789, to. .April 1808 55 The Edinburgh, from 1803, to 1808, inclusive 12 The Imperial, for 1804 and 1805 5 Riccoboni Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam Aristotelis; Item commentarius in Doctrinam Oratoriam Ciccro- nis. 1588 1 Richardson's Essays on some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters 1 Roe's Elements of English Metre 1 Scott's Critical Essays on several English Poets 1 Sheridan's Course of Lectures on Elocution I Sidonii, (C. Solii Ap.) Avernorum Episcopi Opera : cum Notis. P&risiis 1614 1 Smith's Translation of Longinus on the Sublime 1 Taylor's Essay on the Sublime; from the Greek of Plotinus 1 BELLES LETTRES, &c. OCTAVO. VOL Taylor's translation of Sallust on the Gods and the World ; and five Hymns of Proculus 1 Urqhuart's Commentaries on Classical Learning 1 Verepaei, (Simonis) De Epistolis Latine conscribendis, Libri v. 1604. 1 Walker's Elements of Elocution 2 . -Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names 1 (J. Cooper) Historical and Critical Essay on the Revival of the Drama in Italy : 1 Ward's System of Oratory 2 Warburton and a Warburtonian, Tracts by ; not admitted into the collections of their respective works 1 Warton's Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope 2 Whitaker's Review of Gibson's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1 DUODECIMO. 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Goldsmith's Enquiry into the State of Polite Learning in Europe 1 Grayton's Festivous Notes on Don Quixote 1 Hole's Remarks on the Arabian Nights' Entertainments 1 Kurd's Translation of Horace's Epistles and the Art of Poetry; with Commentary and Notes 2 Journal des Savans; depuis 1665, Jusqu'en 1616 ~| 14 Nouveau; pour 1702 3 4 6 ^ 10 The Gift of Henry Nicols, Esq. j Knox's Hints to Public Speakers ; intended for Young Students at Law 44 BELLES LETT&ES,&c. DUODECIMO. VOi Labbe, Eruditae Prouuntiationis Catholicli Indicae ; Opera et Studio Philippi 1 Leland's Dissertation on the Principles of Human Elo- quence I Lindley Murray's English Reader. Gift of Mr. Gco. Douglas 1 My Pocket Book ; or Hints for a Tour in quarto, to be called, The Stranger in Ireland. Gift of Wm. Lorman, Esq. 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Hammond's (Dr. Henry) Paraphrases and Annotations upon all the New Testament, the Psalms, and the Proverbs. See his works 3d and 4th vols. Holmes, Vetus Testamentum Graecum, cum Variis Lecti- onibus : Edidit Robertus (the three first Nos.) Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : Printed in Massachusetts by Isaiah Thomas 1 Kennicott, Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum Variis Lectionibus. Edidit Benjaminus 2 Patrick's (Bishop Simon) Commentary upon the Old Testa- ment : The fourth volume, comprehending the Prophets, being a continuation by William Lowth 4 Taylor's Life and Death of Jesus Christ, with Considera- tions and Discourses upon the several Parts of the Story 1 "Wecheli Heredes, Vetus et Novum Testamentum Grae- cum : Apud Andreae Francofurti, A. D. 1597 1 Wetstenii, Novum Testamentum Graecum; cum Lec- tionibus Variantibus, et Commentario: Opera et studio Joannis Jacobi j4mstelodami f A.D.l752 2 Whitby's (Daniel) Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament 2 Woide, Novum Testamentum Graecum, e Codice M. S. Alexandrine Descriptum a Carolo Godefriedo 1 aUARTO. Black wall, the Sacred Classics defended and illustrated : By A 1 Blair's (Rev. John) Lectures on the Canon of Scriptures : i Blayney's (Benjamin) translation of Jeremiah and Lamen- tations : with Notes 1 Dissertation on Daniel's Prophecy of Seventy Weeks ; to which is added his transla- tion of the Book of Zechariah : with Notes J Boch arti (Samuelis) Hierozoicon, Sive de Animalibus S. Scripturae, recensuit E. F. 0. RosertnniHer ' ^ 4$ BIBLICAL aUARTO. VOL Brya'nt's (Jacob) Observations upon some Passages in Scripture, which the enemies of Religion have thought most obnoxiou., 1 Campbell, The Four Gospels, translated from the Greek, with Dissertations and Notes : by George 2 Crude n's (Alexander) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament 1 Delgado's (Isaac) New English Translation of the Penta- teuch 1 Gilpin's (William) Exposition of the New Testament 1 Holy Bible translated from the Latin Vulgate; with Annotations : Do-way edition, printed by Carey & Co. Philadelphia 1 King's (Edward) Remarks upon the Signs of the Times, 1799: And Bishop of Rochester's Critical Disquisitions on the 18th Chapter of Isaiah, in answer to Do. 1 Locke's (John) Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul 1 and William Dodd's Common-Place-Book to the Holy Bible 1 Lowman's (Moses) Paraphrase and Notes on the Revela- tion of St. John 1 McKnight's (James) Harmony of the Four Gospels i with a Paraphrase and Notes 1 Literal translation of the Apostle St. Paul's first and second Epistles to the Thessalonians : with a Commentary and Notes 1 Newton's (Isaac) Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John 1 Oxven, the Modes of Quotation used by the Evangelical Writers, Explained and Vindicated; by Dr. Henry 1 Philiponi, (Joannis) in Caput 1. Geneseos, de Mundi Cre- atione, Libri Septem : Interprete B. Corderio 1 Royaumoflt, Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, avec Figures et Explications ; par Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. I Sigonii, (Caroli) de Republica Hebraeorum, Libri Septem 1 Stillingfleet's Origines Sacrae ; or the Truth and Divine . Authority of the Scriptures, asserted 1 Welle's Companion to the Holy Bible: with maps and plates 2 BIBLICAL. 47 OCTAVO. VOL. Bull's (Bishop) Harmonia Apostolica ; or the Agreement of St. Paul and St. James ; translated from the Latin, by the Rev. T. Wilkinson 1 Border's (Samuel) Oriental Customs ; or an Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, &c. 1 Burnett's (Thomas) Sacred Theory of the Earth 2 Chardin's (John) Observations on divers passages of Scrip- ture 4 Doddridge's Expositor ; or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament ; with Critical Notes, and a Practical Improvement of each Section 6 Faber's (Geo. S.) Hon Mosaicae ; or a View of the Mo- saical Records, with respect to their Coincidence with Profane Antiquity, and their Connection with Christianity 2 Dissertation on the Prophecies relative to the Great Period of 1260 years 2 Farmer's (Hugh) Letters on the Gospel Demoniacks 1 Gray's (Robert) Key to the Old Testament 1 Guyse's (Dr. John) Practical Expositor ; or an Exposition of the New Testament, in the form of a Para- phrase ; with Notes, and serious Recollections 6 Home's (Bishop) Commentary on the Book of Psalms 2 Hardis's (James) Dissertations on the Nature and Occasion of Psalm and Prophecy 1 Jones's (William) Course of Lectures on the Figurative Language of the Holy Scripture, and the Inter- pretation of it, from Scripture itself, &c. 1 Jurieu on the Accomplishment of the Prophecies 1 Kennicott's (Benjamin) Dissertations on the State of the Printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testament 2 Dissertations on the Tree of Life, in Paradise ; and on the Oblations of Cain and Abel 1 Kelt's (Henry) View of Scriptural Prophecies, and their Accomplishment 2 Leland, the Divine Authority of the Old and New Tes- tament asserted: by John 1 Levi's Defence of the Old Testament. Sec Theological Misc. Vol. 1st Lowman's (Moses) Dissertation on the Civil Government of the Hebrews I 4 BIBLICAL OCTAVO VOL. Lowth's (Dr. Robert) New Translation of Isaiah ; with a Preliminary Dissertation, and Critical Notes 2 Michaeli, Introduction to the New Testament ; translated byH. Marsh, from the German of John David 5 Miscellanea Sacra 3 Newcome's (Bishop William) Historical View of the English Biblical Translations 1 Newton's (Bishop Thomas) Works 5 Dissertations on theProphecies 2 Nisbet's (N.) Key to the Understanding of the most diffi- cult Passages in the New Testament 1 Oliver's Scripture-Lexicon; or a Dictionary of above Four thousand Proper Names, Persons, and Places, mentioned in the Bible, divided into Syllables; with their proper Accents, and Description of them 1 Orton's (Rev. Job) Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament ; with Devotional and Practical Re- flections, for the use of Families 5 Paley's Horae Paulhrae; or the Truth of the Scripture His- tory of St. Paul, evinced 1 Playford's English Version of the Psalms 1 Pluche, The Truth of the Gospel demonstrated from Pro- phecy : From the French of the Abbe 2 Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) Letters to Bishop Newcome, on the Duration of our Saviour's Ministry 1 Robert's (Peter) Answer to Volney's Book called the Ruins 1 Stanhope's (George) Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels appointed to be used in the Church of England, on all Sundays and Holy days 4 Thomson, The Old Covenant, commonly called The Old Testament: translated from the Septuagint : by Charles Philadelphia 1808 4 Travis's (George) Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq. author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1 Voltaire, Letters to, by certain Jews, containing an Apo- logy fgr the Old Testament: from the French of the Abbe Guenee BIBLICAL 49 OCTAVO. 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JBlfredi Magni Anglarum Regis Vita : a Johanne Spelman. See Spelmani Glossarium Atheude Oxonienses: An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford; from 1500, to 1695 2 Barnes's History of the Life of Edward III ; and that of his Son, sirnamed the Black-Prince 1 Biographia Britannica ; or the Lives of the most eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. By Kippis 5 Carte's History of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde 3 Cave's Lives of the most Eminent of the Primitive Fathers, during the first three hundred years. Gift of Mr. George W. Field 2 Dictionaire Historique et Critique de Bayle. Gift of Wm. 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See Misc. for Gray's works Medici, Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de 2 Milton, Hayley's Life of 1 Peintres, Entretien sur les Vies et sur les Ouvrages des plus Excellens. Gift of Henry Nicpls, Esq. 2 Pennant, Life of Thomas 1 Pilkington's Biographical Dictionary of Painters 1 Poggio Bracciolini, Life of, by Shepherd 1 Stanley's Lives of the Philosophers 1 Strutt's Biographical Dictionary of all the Engravers 2 Thomas, Military Memoirs of Mr. George 1 Walker's Memoirs of the Irish Bards 1 Walpole, Coxe's Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert 3 . Coxe's Memoirs of Horatio Lord 1 Wilmot, Memoirs of the Life of Sir John E. 1 touch's Edition of Walton's Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson ; with Notes, and the Life of the Author 1 OCTAVO. Addington's Life of St. Paul, and Remarks on his writings I Addison's Anecdotes, Memoirs, &c. 12 Adolphus, Biographical Memoirs of the French Re volution; by John 2 Agricola, Aikin's Translation of Tacitus's Treatise on the Inhabitants of Germany; and the Life of 1 Anquetil's Anecdotes of the Court of Lewis XIV. 2 Argyle, Campbell's Life of John Duke of 1 Au^igne, The Life of Theod. Agrippa D' 1 Beattie, Forbes's Life of James 3 Belknap's American Biography 1 Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland, Memoirs of George 1 Berwick, Memoirs of the Marshal, written by himself ? 52 BIOGRAPHY OCTAVO. VOL. Biographia Evangelica; or an Historical Account of the Lives and Deaths of the most eminent Protes- tant Authors and Preachers, to the year 1 785 4 Navalis ; or Memoirs of the Lives and Charac- ters of the Officers of the Navy of Great Bri- tain ; from 1660, to 1794 : by J. 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Authors, Walpole's Biographical Catalogue of Royal and , Noble 2 Beauveau, Memoires du Marquis de, pour servir a 1'His- toire de Charles IV. Due de Lorraine 1 Biographia Classica 2 Biographical Cusiosities 1 Charles XII. Roi de Suede, Histoire de : par Voltaire 1 Clairon, Memoirs of Hyppolite; with Reflections on the Dramatic Art : by herself 2 Commodus, The Life of : from the Greek of Herodian 1 Cowper, Hayley's Life and Posthumous Works of William 3 Cumberland's (Richard) Memoirs : by himself 1 Anecdotes of eminent Painters in Spain 2 Drake's Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical; illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guar- dian 3 Eloges des Academiciens, morts depuis le renouvellement de 1' Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Gift of the Rev. 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John 3 Wilke's (John) Correspondence vjjjh his Friends; with Memoirs of his Life 5 Zimmerman, Tissot's Life of Dr. 1. 68 AUARTO, Black's Lectures on the Elements of Chymistry j delivered in the University of Edinburgh, and published by Dr. J. Robison 2 Fourcroy, Translation of the Table of Chymical Nomen- clature, proposed by Guyton de Morveau, La- voisier, Bertholet, and 1 OCTAVO. Bergman's Dissertation on Elective Attractions : transla- ted from the Latin J Physical and Chymical Essays: translated by Dr. Cullen 3 Cramer's Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals 1 Davy's Researches, Chymical and Philosophical ; chiefly concerning Nitrous Oxide 1 Fourcroy's Elements of Natural History and Chymistry 3 Supplement to ditto I Philosophy of Chymistry 1 Fulhame's (Mrs.) Essay on Combustion 1 Gren, Principles of Modern Chymistry : translated from the German of Dr. F. C. 2 Higgins's (Bryan) Experiments and Observations on Sub- jects of Chymical Philosophy 1 (William) Comparative View of the Phlogistic, and Anti-Phlogistic Theories 1 Ingen-Housz, Experiments upon Vegetables: by Dr. John 1 Jacquin's Elements of Chymistry: from the German 1 Kirwan's Essay on the Analysis of Mineral Waters 1 Klaproth, Analytical Essays towards promoting the Chy- mical Knowledge of Mineral Substances : from the German of Dr. M. H. 2 Lagrange, Manual of a Course of Chymistry: from the French of 2 CHYMISTRY 59 OCTAVO. VOL. Lavoisier's Elements of Chymistry 1 Nicholson's First Principles of Chymistry 1 Peart (Dr.) on the Composition and Properties of Water, in various Chymical Operations ; with a Review of Mrs. Fulhame's Essay on Combustion 1 Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) Experiments and Observations on different Kinds of Air 3 Scheele's Chymical Essays 1 Thomson's System of Chymistry 5 Yeats's Observations on the Claims of the Moderns, to some Discoveries in Chymistry and Physiology 1 DUODECIMO. Watson's Chymical Essays 5 60 ) CLASSICS. FOLIO. VOL. See Demosthenes Callirnachi Hymni et Epigrammata, Greece. Glasguce. Foulis, A. D. 1 755 1 Demosthenis et jfEschinis Opera, Graece et Latine : cum utrius que Autoris Vita, et Notis H. Volfii. Basileae, A. D. 1572 1 Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui supersunt; Graece et Latine, cum Notis: Wesselingii Editio. Amstelodami, A. D. 1 746 2 Dionis Cassii Cocceiani Historiae Romanae Libri XLVI, partim integri, partim mutili, partim excerpti: Graece et Latine. Hanovice 1606 1 Dionysli Halicarnasei Originum Sive Antiquitatum Roma- narum Libri XI ; Latine interpretati per Lappum Biragum. Apud Bern. Celerium Delvere. Tarvisii, A. D. 1480 1 Euripidis quae extant Omnia, Graece; cum Latinis Notis Josuae Barnes. Cantabrigce 1694 1 Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum Libri IX: Item Vita Homeri, Graece et Latine. Gronovii Editio. Lugduni Batavorum. 1715 1 Luciani Samosatensis Opera omnia quue extant, Graece; cum Bourdelotii Latina interpretatione. Lute- tice Parisiorum. 1615 1 Pindari Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia, una cum La- tina omnium Versione Carmine Lyrico: per Ni- colaum Sudorium. West et Welstedi Editio. Oxonii 1697 1 Platonis Opera omnia quae extant, Graece et Latine: M. Ficino Interprete. Francofurti 1602 1 Pluta/chi Chaeronensis omnia quae extant Opera, Graece et Latine. J. Rualdi Editio. Lutetice Parisio- rum. 1624 2 CLASSICS. 61 FOLIO. VOL, 4 Thucydidis De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo, Graece : cum Latinis Adnotationibus H. Stephani et Jo- annis Hudsoni. Dukeri Editio. Amstelodami 1731 1 Vitruvii De Architectura, Libri Decem: cum Notie, &c. Johannis De Laet Editio. Lugduni-Batav. 1649 1 Xenophontis quae extant Opera, Graece : Latinas Adnota- tiones scripsit atque excudit H. Stephanus. A. D. 1581 1 ftUARTO. Ammiani Marcellini Rerum Gestarum Libri qui extant : cum Notis, &c. H. Valesii. Parisiis 1636 1 Anacreontis Odae et Fragmenta, Graece et Latine : cum Notis J. C. De Paw. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1732 1 Antonini (Marci) Imperatoris De Rebus suis, sive de eis quae ad se pertinere censebat, Libri Duodecim, Graece et Latine : cum Notis. Londini. 1697 1 Apolonii Rhodii Argonauticon Libri IV, Gruece : Latinas Adnotationes scripsit atque excudit H. Stepha- nus. A. D. 1574 1 Apuleii Operum Tomus Primus complectens Metamorpho- seon, sive de Asino, Lib. XI. In usum Delphini. Parisiis 1688 Aristophanis Comuediae Undecim, Graece et Latine; cum Notis S. Bergleri et C. A. Dukeri. Lugduni Batavorum. 1760 2 C. Julii Caesaris Quae extant; cum Graeca Versione, et No- tis politicis et criticis Jo. Brantii : G. Jungerma- ni Editio. Francofurtl. 1 606 1 Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii Opera; cum Notis, Sec. P. Sil- vii : In usum Delphini. Parisiis. 1685 2 Claudiani Opera quae extant; cum Notis, &e. G. Pyrrhi : In usum Delphini. Parisiis. 1677 1 Homeri Ilias Graece et Latine: Annotationes scripsit at que edidit Samuel Clarke, S. R. S. Londini 1754 2 Homeri Odyssea, Graece et Latine : cum Annotationibus Samuelis Clarke, S. T. P. Londini 1 740 2 64 CLASSICS, aUARTO. VOL. Horatii Flacci Opera ; cum B. Parthenii Commentariis. Ve- netiis. Apud D. Nicolinum* A. D. 1583 1 Livii (Titi) Historiarum Decas Quarta, et Quintae quod extat : cum Notis Jo. Doujatii : In usum Del- phini. Parisiis 1682 1 Job. Freinshemii Supplementum. Parisiis 1679 1 Longini (Dionysii) De Sublimitate Commentarius, Greece : Jacobus Tollius Versionem suam Latinam, et Gallicam Boilavii, cum ejusdem, ac Dacierii, suis que Notis Gallicis addidit. Trajecti ad Rhe- num 1694 1 M. Manilii Astronomicon : cum Notis M. Fayi : In usum Delphim. Parisiis 1689 1 Martialis Epigrammatum Libri XV : cum L. Ramirez De Prado Commentariis. Parisiis. A. D. 1607 1 Panegyrici Veteres Duodecim a Plinio, Mamertino, Eume- nio, &c. conscripti: cum Notis et Interpreta- tione P. De La Beaune. Lutetice-Parisiorum. A. D. 1676 1 Plauti Comaediae superstites: cum J. P. Parei Notis. Ne- apoli Nemetum. A. D. 1619 1 Statii Operum Tomus Primus, complectens Thebaidos Li- bros Duodecim ; cum Notjs C. Beraldi : In usum Delphini. Parisiis 1685 1 Virgilii Marohis Opera : cum M. S. Honorati Commen- taviis. Coloniae 1610 1 OCTAVO. VOL. jEschinis in Ctesiphontem, et Demosthenis De Corona Orationes ; Graece et Latine. Oxonii 1 726 1 ^Eschyli Tragaediae quae extant: cum Versione Latina, et Lectionibus Variantibus. Glasguce 1 746 2 Avistotelis Politicorum Libri Octo, Graece et Latine: cum D. Heinsii Paraphrasi. Lugduni Batavorum. Ex Officina Elzeviriana. 1621 1 Epicteti Enchiridion ; una cum Cebetis Tabula, Simplicii et Arriani Commentariis, Graece: Omnia H. Wol- fio Interprete. Londini 1670 1( CLASSICS. 63 OCTAVO. VODi Isocratis Opera quae extant omnia, Graece: cum Variis Lectionibus, Versione nova, ac Notis G. Battle. Londini 1749 2 Juvenalis et Persii Satirae ; cum Interpretatione ac Notis Ludovici Pratei : In usum Delphini. Londini 1715. The Gift of H. Nicols, Esq. 1 Lucani Pharsaliae Libri Decem; cum Supplement! Libris VII, Notis, et Lectionibus Variantibus: Authore Thoma Majo 1 Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri VI : cum Notis D. Lambini. Francofurti 1583 1 Senecae (L. Annaei) Opera omnia quae extant : cum Notis Lipsii et Gronovii. Amstelodami Elz. 1672 3 Sophoclis Tragaediae Septem, Graece et Latine : cum No- tis et Variis Lectionibus Thomae Johnson. Eto- nce 1775 2 Suetonii Tranquilli Opera omnia, Notis illustrata. Oxonii 1690. Gift of H. Nicols, Esq. I Theocriti, Moschi et Bionis Idyllia, Graece et Latine : cum Notis. Londini 1760 1 DUODECIMO. Auli Gellii Nodes Atticae. Amstelodami. Elz. 1665 1 Cornelii Nepotis Opera 1 Flori, L. J. Historiae Romanae Libri Quatuor 1 Homeri Ilias, per L. Valensem Latina facta. Colonies 1 522 1 Odyssea : Volaterani Latina Editio. Colonies 1524 1 Lucian, The Select Dialogues of, in Greek ; with a Lite- ral Translation in Latin, and Notes in English, by Ed. Murphy. Philadelphia I Patercuh* C. V. Q.uae supersunt, ex Historiae Romanae voluminibus duobus. Glasguce 1752 1 Poetae Minores Graeci 1 Latini 1 Quintus Curtius Rufus, De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni; cum Freinshemii Supplemento 1 Terentii Comaediae : cum Notis - 1 ( 64 ) EDUCATION. OCTAVO. VOL. Address to a young Lady, on her Entrance into the World 2 Berkenhout's (Dr.) Letters to his Son, at the University 1 Edgeworth's (Maria and R. L.) Practical Education 3 Fordyce's (James) Discourse on the Character and Con- duct of the Female Sex 1 Gellert's (Professor) Course of Moral Lessons, delivered in the University of Leipsick t from the German 3 Graham's (Catharine Macauley) Letters on Education 1 Hamilton's (Elizabeth) Letters on the Elementary Prin- ciples of Education 2 Knox's (Vicesimus) Liberal Education ; or a Practical Treatise on the Methods of acquiring useful and polite Learning 2 Essays, Moral and Literary 3 Letters to a young Prince, from his Governor 1 Rowe's (Elizabeth) Friendship in Death; or Letters Mo- ral and Entertaining, from the Dead to the Liv- ing. Gift of John O'Donnell, Esq. . 1 Williams's (Rev. David) Lectures on Education '4 Ybrke's (Henry R.) Elements of Civil Knowledge 1 DUODECIMO. Aikin's Letters from a Father to his Son, relative to Lite- rature and the Conduct of Life ] Barrow's (Rev. William) Essay on Education 2 Bennet's (Rev. John) Strictures on Female Education 1 I Letters to a young Lady 2 Berquin, The Friend of Youth : from the French of 2 Burton's Lectures on Female Education, and Manners 1 Calendar of Nature ; designed for the Instruction and En- tertainment of young Persons 1 Cambon, Letters and Conversations between several young Ladies : from the Dutch of Madame de 1 64 EDUCATION DUODECIMO. VOJL. Cartwright's (Mrs.) Letters, Moral and Entertaining 1 Centaur not Fabulous ; in Six Letters on the Life in Vogue 1 Chatham's (Earl of) Letters to his Nephew, Thomas Pitt, then at Cambridge 1 Darwin's (Erasmus) Plan for the Conduct of Female Edu- cation 1 Defoe's (Daniel) Religious Courtship I Family Instructor 1 Easter-Holy days ; or Domestic Conversations for the In- struction and Amusement of young People 1 Evenings at Home ; or Miscellaneous Pieces for the In- struction and Amusement of young Persons 6 Fenelon's Dialogues of the Dead: composed for the Edu- cation of a Prince 2 Adventures of Telemachus 1 Fordyce's (James) Address to young Men 1 Galateo; or, a Treatise on Politeness and Delicacy of Manners, addressed to a young Nobleman : from the Italian of Monsignor De la Casa 1 Genlis, Adele et Theodore ; ou Lettres sur 1'Education : par Madame de Gift of Mr. Robert Wilson 3 Lessons of a Governess to her Pupils : from the French of Madame de 3 Gilpin's (William) Moral Contrasts 1 Gregory, A Father's Legacy to his Daughters : by Dr. 1 Hale's (Sir Matthew) Affectionate Epistles to his Children 1 Lady's Pocket-Library ; containing various Essays 1 M'Intosh's Elegant Miscellanies; for Youth of both Sexes 1 Mentor, The Female ; or Select Conversations 3 Moir's (John) Female Tuition ; or an Address to Mothers on the Education of* Daughters 1 Moore's (Hannah) Essays on Various Subjects ; principally designed for young Ladies 1 Percival, A Father's Instructions to his Children : by Thomas 2 Moral and Literary Dissertations; chiefly in- tended as a Sequel to a Father's Instructions : by Thomas 1 Pleasing Instructor ; or Entertaining Moralist ; with Thoughts on Education 1 Repository, The Entertaining, Moral, and Religious ; for the Amusement and Instruction of the Youth of both Sexes 3 b r & EDUCATION. DUODECIMO. VOL. Rowe's (Elizabeth) Letters Moral and Entertaining ; from the Dead to the Living 1 Salzman, Elements of Morality, for the use of Children ; translated by M. Wollstoncraft : from the Ger- man of C. G. 1 Sheridan (Thomas) on British Education 1 Talbot's (Miss Catharine) Essays on Various Subjects, in Prose and Verse ; with Reflections on the seven Days of the week I Trimmer's (Mrs.) Economy of Human Life 1 West's (Mrs.) Letters, addressed to a young Man on his first Entrance into Life 3 Young's (Thomas) Essay on Humanity to Animals I ( 67 ) ETHICS* LOGIC, AND METAPHYSICS. FOLIO. VOL. Malebranche, Treatise concerning the Search after Truth ; translated by T, Taylor: from the French of Father 1 ftUARTO. Aristotle's Ethics and Politics ; comprising his Practical Philosophy : translated from the Greek, by Dr. John Gillies 2 Bentham's Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Le- gislation 1 Bridgman, (William) Paraphrase of an Anonymous Writ- er, on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle : translated from the Greek, by 1 Cumberland's (Bishop Richard) Treatise of the Laws of Nature 1 Drummond's (Sir William) Academical Questions t Ferguson's (Dr. Adam) Principles of Moral and Political Science 2 Hutcheson's (Dr. Francis) System of Moral Philosophy 2 Monboddo's Ancient Metaphysics; or the Science of Uni- versals 6 Philosophus Autodidactus ; sive Epistola Abbi Jaafar, Ara- bice : cum Latina Versione, ab Ed. Pocockio. The Gift of Rev. James Ingliss 1 Reid's (Thomas) Essays on the Active Powers of Man 1 on the Intellectual Powers of Man 1 Seneca's (Lucius Annaeus) Epistles : translated by Thomas Morrell 2 Wollaston's (William) Religion of Nature, delineated 1 68 ETHICS, &c. OCTAVO. VOL. Bate's Rural Philosophy; or Reflections on Knowledge, Virtue, and Happiness, in Retirement 1 Baxter's Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul 2 Beattie's (James) Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth 1 Belsham's (Thomas) Elements of the Philosophy of the Mind, and of Moral Philosophy 1 Bolton's Letters and Tracts on the Choice of Company, and other Subjects 1 Bowen's Thoughts on the Necessity of Moral Discipline in Prisons. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Brown's (W. L.) Essay on the Folly of Scepticism 1 Bruce's (John) Elements of Ethics, on the Principles of Natural Philosophy 1 Buffier, First Truths, and the Origin of Opinions, ex- plained : from the French of Father 1 Burgh (James) on the Dignity of Human Nature; or a brief Account of the certain Means for attain- ing" the true End of our Existence 1 Cicero's (M. T.) Cato Major ; or a Treatise on Old Age : translated by Mr. Logan 1 Clarke and Leibnitz, A Collection of Papers which passed between; in 1715, and 1716 1 Cogan's (Dr. T.) Philosophical Treatise on the Passions 1 Collier's (Jeremy) Short View of the Immorality of the English Stage, &c. with several Defences of the same 1 Croft's (George) Short Commentary; with Strictures on certain Parts of Dr. Paley and Mr. Gisborne's Moral Writings 1 Crouzaz, Treatise of the Art of Thinking: from the French of Mons. 2 Cudworth's (Ralph) Treatise concerning Eternal and Im- mutable Morality 1 Edward's (Jonathan) Inquiry into the Modern and Prevail- ing Notions of Freedom of Will 1 Enfield's History of Philosophy, from the earliest Ages to the eighteenth Century 2 Epictetus, his Morals ; with Simplicius, his Comment : translated from the Greek, by Geo. Stanhope ! ETHICS, &c, 69 OCTAVO. VOL, Gisborne's (Thomas) Inquiry into the Duties of Men 2 Inquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex 1 "Principles of Moral Philosophy 1 Graham's (Catharine Macauley) Treatise on the Immuta- bility of Moral Truth 1 Gregory's (Dr,) Philosophical and Literary Essays 2 Green's Examination of Godwin's Political Justice. See Mor. and Met. Misc. Vol. 1st. Harris's (James) Philosophical Arrangements 1 Hartley's (David) Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations 3 Helvetius, Treatise on Man, his intellectual Faculties, and his Education : translated by William Hooper, from the French of 2 Hibernicus's Letters ; or a Philosophical Miscellany 2 Hutcheson's Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue 1 Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Pas- sions and Affections J Kant's (Emmanuel) Project for a Perpetual Peace. See Phil, and Met. Misc. Vol. 1st. Knox's Antipolemus ; or the Plea of Reason, Religion, and Humanity against War 1 Le Cat, A Physical Essay on the Senses ; from the French ofM. 1 Mendelssohn, (Moses) Phaedon ; or the Death of Socrates: from the German of 1 Miscellanies 1 Moral and Philosophical Suggestions, on various Subjects 4 Morrell's (Thomas) Notes and Annotations on Locke on the Human Understanding I Nitsch's (F. A.) General and Introductory View of Profes- sor Kant's Principles, concerning Man, the World, and the Deity 1 Origin of Duty and Right in Man, considered. See Mor. and Met. Misc. Vol. 1st. Paley's (William) Principles of Moral Philosophy 1 . .. Edward Pearson's Remarks on the The- ory of Morals ; containing an Examination of Paley's Principles, &c, 1 79 ETHICS, &c- OCTAVO. VOt, Plutarch's Morals: translated from the Greek, by several hands 5 Treatise upon the Distinction between a Friend and a Flatterer; with Remarks, by Thomas Northmore 1 Price's (Richard) Review of the Principal Questions in Morals 1 -and Priestley's Discussion on the Doctrines of Materialism, and Philosophical Necessity 1 Reid's (Thomas) Inquiry into the Human Mind ; on the Principles of Common Sense 1 Scott's (R. E.) Elements of Intellectual Philosophy 1 Stael, Treatise on the Influence of the Passions upon the Happines of Individuals, and of Nations: from the French of the Baronness de 1 Stewart's (Dugald) Elements of the Philosophy of the Hu- man Mind 1 Tatham's (Edward) Chart and Scale of Truth, by which to find the Cause of Error 1 Tucker's (Abraham) Light of Nature, pursued 7 Watson's (William, junr.) Treatise on Time 1 Watt's Logick 1 Wilkins, The Heetopade* of Veenshnoo-Sarma ; translated from an ancient MS. in the Sanskreet Language : with Notes, by C. 1 Will's (P.) Practical Philosophy of Social Life ; after the German of Baron Knigge 2 Zimmerman's (Dr. J. G.) Solitude, considered with re spect to its Influence upon the Mind and the Heart 1 Ditto, with Plates 1 Essay on National Pride 1 DUODECIMO. Amusements of Clergymen, Three Dialogues on the 1 Seattle's (James) Elements of Moral Science 2 Bruce's First Elements of Philosophy 1 Centaur not Fabulous ; in Six Letters on the Life in Vogue. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field 1 Chapone's (Mrs.) Letters on the Improvement of the Mind 1 Clarendon, Moral Beauties of 2 ETHICS, &c, 71 DUODECIMO. VOL. Duncan's (William) Elements of Logick 1 Epictetus, The Works of: translated from the Greek, by Elizabeth Carter 2 Fashionable World, displayed 1 Formey, Philosophical Miscellanies on various Subjects : from the French of M. 1 Hutcheson's (Francis) Short Introduction to Moral Philo- sophy 2 La Rochefoucault, Maxims and Reflections : from the French of the Duke de 1 Macpherson's (John) Lectures on Moral Subjects. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend 1 Mason's (John) Treatise on the Nature and Benefit of Self-knowledge 1 Midnight, The Signal; in Sixteen Letters to a Lady of duality 2 Moral Essays on many Important Duties: from the French of Messrs, du Port Royal 4 Essays ; chiefly collected from different Authors : by A. M. 2 Purchoti (Edmundi) Institutions Philosophicae 1 Seneca's Morals, by Way of Abstract : by Sir R. L'Es- trange. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field I Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to general Society 1 Trimmer's (Mrs.) Economy of Charity 1 . -of Human Life : with Plates 1 Tully's Offices, in three Books; from the Latin, by Sir Robert L'Estrange 1 Zimmerman, (J. G.) Aphorisms, and Reflections on Men, Morals, and Tiling : from the German of 1 GENERAL SCIEKC&. FOLIO. VOL. Bacon's (Sir Francis) Sylva Sylvarum. London 1670. Gift of Henry Nicols, Esq. 1 Cabinet Maker, and Upholsterer's Guide : with Plates 1 Chambers's Cyclopaedia 2 . Supplement to: by Scott 2 Encyclopedic ; ou Dictionnaire raisonne des Sciences, des Arts, et des Metiers : avec les Planches. Gift of Charles Carroll, of Carollton, Esq. 28 Hooke's (Dr. Robert) Micrographia 1 i. Posthumous Works 1 Paine's Carpenters' and Joiners' Repository : -with Plates 1 ftUARTO. Adams's Essays on Microscope 1 Plates to 1 Aldini on Galvanism : with Plates \ Bacon's (Sir Francis) Philosophical Works : methodised, and translated by P. Shaw 3 Boyle's (Hon. Robert) Philosophical Works : abridged and methodised, by P. Shaw 3 Carpenters' and Joiners' Assistant : illustrated with Plates 1 Coleman, (Edward) Professor of the Veterinary College of London, on the Principles of Shoeing Horses : with Plates 1 Cumming's Elements of Clock- Work, adapted to Practice : with Plates 1 Dallaway's Inquiry into the Origin and Progress of Heral- dry, in England : with Plates 1 Emerson's Principles of Mechanics 1 GENERAL SCIENCE. ?j auARTO. VOL. Encyclopedia, (The American) or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature : the dif- ferent Arts and Sciences digested into the form of distinct Treatises : with Plates 18 Supplement to Ditto 3 Enfield's Institues of Natural Philosophy 1 Franklin's (Dr. Benjamin) Experiments and Observations on Electricity 1 Gambado's Academy for grown Horsemen : with Plates I Annals of Horsemanship : with Plates 1 Harrison's Time-Keeper, Principles of; with Plates : Pub- lished by order of the Commissioners of Longi- tude, at London 1 Jacob's Observations on the Structure and Draught of Wheel-Carriages : with Plates 1 Jones's (The Rev. William) Essay on the First Principles of Natural Philosophy 1 (William, F. R. S.) Physiological Disquisitions ; or Discourses on the Natural Philosophy of the Elements 1 Lewis, Commercium Philosophico-Technicum; or the Phi- losophical Commerce of Arts ; designed as an attempt to improve Arts, Trades, and Manu- factures : by WM. Gift of Dr. Upton Scott 1 Mahon's (Charles, Viscount) Principles of Electricity 1 Memoires de 1'Institut National des Sciences et Arts 12 Newtoni (Isaaci) Opera quae extant omnia 5 Newton (Isaac) on Optics 1 Nicholson's Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chymistry, and the Arts; from 1791, to 1802 5 Pemberton's View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy 1 Price's British Carpenter : with Plates 1 Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) History of Electricity ; with origi- nal Experiments 1 .History of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours 1 Sainbel's Elements of the Veterinary Art 1 Smith's (Robert) Complete System of Optics 1 Transactions (Philosophical) of the Royal Society of Lon- don ; from the beginning in 1 664, to 1 744 : abridged in 9 74 GENERAL SCIENCE. aUARTO. VOL. Transactions, (Philosophical) continued from 1744, to 1808 55 ... Birch's History of the Royal Society of London, from its first Rise, to 1688; being a Supple- ment to the 4 -of the Royal Irish Academy; from the begin- ning in 1787, to 1803 -of the Royal Society of Edinburg ; from the be- ginning in 1788, to 1803 -of the American Philosophical Society; from the beginning, to 1793 -of the Society of Bengal ; or Asiatick Resear- ches. Calcuta. Gift of M. Pringle t Esq. OCTAVO. Academy of Seiences at Paris; a Translation and Abridge- ment, by John Martyn and E. Chambers, of all the Papers relating to Natural Philosophy, pub- lished from 1699, to 1720, by the Royal Gift of John O'Donne//, Esq. 5 Adams's (George) Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy : with Plates 5 Atwood's Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies 1 Baldwin's Airopaidia ; containing the Narrative of a Bal- loon Excursion, from Chester, in 1805 1 Bancroft's Experimental Researches, concerning the Phi- losophy of Permanent Colours 1 Beatson on Vertical and Horizontal Wind-Mills. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Beckman's History of Inventions and Discoveries 3 Bilfield's Elements of Universal Erudition : translated by Hooper 3 Browning's Art of making common Salt 1 Cavallo's Elements of Natural Philosophy 4 History and Practice of Aerostation 1 Complete Treatise of Electricity 2 Coleman on the Frog of the Horse. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Cotes's (Dr. Roger) Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lec- ture's 1 GENERAL SCIENCE. 73 OCTAVO. VOIr. Dictionnaire raisonne de Bibliologic, contenant 1'Explica- i tion des principaux Termes de la Bibliographic, &c. &c. par G. Peignot 3 Dissertations by Sir William Jones, and others of the So- ciety of Calcuta 5 Euler's Letters to a German Princess, on different Sub- jects of Physics and Philosophy 2 Evans's Millwright and Millers' Guide 1 Ferguson's Lectures on select Subjects I Select Mechanical Exercises 1 Fowler's Experiments and Observations on the Animal Electricity discovered by Galvani 1 Gregory's (Dr. G.) Economy of Nature, explained and illustrated on the Principles of Modern Philoso- phy 3 Hales's Statistical Essays 2 Hare's (Robert, junr. of Philadelphia} Memoir on the Sup- ply and Application of the Blow-Pipe. Gift of the Author. See Phil. Misc. Vol. 3d. Higgins on Bleaching. See Phil. Misc. Vol. 2cL Hooper's Philosophical Recreations 4 Howard on the Modifications of Cloads, &c. See Phil. Misc. Vol. 3d. Imison's Elements of Science and Art 2 Lacaille, Legons Elementaires d'Optique : par 1 Luckombe's History and Art of Printing 1 Manchester, Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of 7 Martin's (Benjamin) PhUosophia Britannica; or a New and Comprehensible System of th Newtonian Phi- losophy 3 Young Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy 3 Maskelyne's (Rev. Dr.) Answer to Thomas Mudge, rela- ting to his Father's Time-Keepers for discover- ing the Longitude at Sea 1 M'Laurin's Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Discoveries 1 Minutes of Experiments and Conversations. London 1 795 1 Miscellanies, Philosophical 3 Morrice's Treatise on Brewing 1 Motte's Translation of Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principle* of Natural Philosophy 2 76 GENERAL SCIENCE. OCTAVO VOL. Mudge's (Thomas, junr.) Reply to the Answer of Dr. Mas- kelyne, relating to his Father's Time-Keep- ers, &c. 1 Nicholson's Introduction to Natural Philosophy 2 Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chymistry, and the Arts; from 1802, to May 1808 20 Pajot's Art of Bleaching 1 Preceptor, (The) containing a general Course of Educa- tion : by Dodsley 2 Pringle, Six Discourses delivered by Sir John, when Pre- sident of the Royal Society 1 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures ; consisting of origi- nal Communications, Specifications of Patent Inventions, &c. First set from 1795, to 1801 15 Second set, from 1801, to June 1808 12 Richardson's Theoretic Hints on Brewing Malt-Liquors. See Phil. Misc. Fol 3d. Royal Institution of Great Britain, Journals of 1 Rumford's (Count) Essays, Political, Economical, and Phi- losophical 2 Philosophical Papers 1 Saumarez's Dissertation on the Universe in general, and on the Procession of the Elements in particular I Short-Hand, Elementary Principles of 1 Six's Construction and Use of a Thermometer, for shew- ing the Extremes of Temperature in the Atmos- phere, during the Observer's absence 1 Smeaton's Experimental Inquiry concerning the natural Powers of Wind and Water, to turn Mills and other Machines 1 Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine ; comprehending the va- rious Branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures, and Com- merce 30 Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Com- merce; from 1793, to 1807 24 Vince's Principles of Hydrostatics 1 Wallis's Experiments on Animal Electricity 1 Farrier, and Horseman's Complete Dictionary 1 GENERAL SCIENCE. 77 OCTAVO. VOL. Wilkinson's Elements of Galvanism, in Theory and Prac- tice 2 Wood's Principles of Mechanics 1 DUODECIMO. Art of Manufacturing Alkaline Salt and Potash. See Ca- lico-Printing. Boylii Nova Experimenta Physico-Mechanica 1 Calico-Printing, Theoretical and Practical Treatise on ft Electricite, (Lettre sur 1') : par le Rev. P. Beccaria 1 Hand-Maid to the Arts 2 Home's Essays concerning Iron and Steel 1 Laurence's Sportsman ; or Farrier's and Shoe ing-Smith's New Guide 1 Morgan's Lectures on Electricity 2 Newton's Philosophy explained for the Ladies & ( 78 ) '.iJlOGJMPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY FOLIO. VOL. America, Popple's Maps of 'Gift of Henry Nicds, Esq. I Arrowsmith's Map of the United States of Bradley's Map of the United States of Olmedilla's Map of South Anacharsis, Recueil de Cartes, Plans, Vues et Medailles de 1'Ancienne Grece, relatifs au Voyage du Jeune Gift of Lewis Smith, Esq. I Atlas, Herman Moll's Gift of Henry Nicols, Esq. I Bowie's General 1 Carey^s General 1 Baltimore, Plan of the City and Environs of : 1 799 Canaan, Land of, described in Maps. Gift of Rose Campbell, Esq. I Chauchard's General Map of Germany, Holland, the Ne- therlands, Switzerland, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia 1 China, Maps and Plates to Lord McCartney's Embassy to 1 Cook, Maps and Plates to the Voyages of Captain 1 Coxe's Travels in Switzerland, Map to Danville's Maps of Ancient Geography 1 Egypt, Maps and Plates to Norden's Travels in I Hutchins's Map of the Western Parts of Virginia, Penn- sylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina. 1778 Ireland, Beaufort's New Map, Civil and Ecclesiastical, of: 1797 Maryland, Griffith's Map of Gift of Mr. G. W. Field New-Orleans, Lafon's General Map of the Territory of 1 Philadelphia, Birch's Views of the City of, in 1800 1 Kennel's Map of Hindostan 1 Vancouver's Voyage to Nootka-Sound, Maps to 1 Virginia, Madison's Map of GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 79 ftUARTO. VOL. Anacharsis, Maps and Plates to the Travels of 1 Beaufort's Memoir of a Map of Ireland 1 Busching's System of Geography : with Maps 6 Chauchard's Geographical, Historical, and Political De- i scription of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia ; with Statistical Tables of Europe. 1800 1 Ellicot, Commissioner on Behalf of the United States, from 1796 to 1800, to determine the Boundary be- tween the United States and the Spanish Terri- tory, Journal of Andrew 1 Ellis's Memoir of a Map of the Countries comprehended between the Black Sea and the Caspian 1 Guthrie's System of Modern Geography 2 Histoire de tous les Peuples du Monde, Cartes et Planches de 1' Gift of Wdliam De Laserre y Esq. 2 Ireland's Picturesque Views of the River Thames 2 London and its Environs, History of: with Maps, Plans, and Views iu ^ Ouseley's Translation of the Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal, an Arabian Traveller, in the tenth Cen- tury 1 Pinkerton's Modern Geography 2 Rennell's (James) Geographical System of Herodotus, ex- plained by a Comparison with Modern Geog- raphy 1 Memoir of a Map of Hindostan 1 Sonini's Travels in Greece and Turkey, Maps and Plates to 1 Symes's Embassy to Ava, Plates to 1 Washington's Life by Marshall, Maps to 1 OCTAVO. 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Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston 2 81 URAMMAk AND VOL. Robert! Coustantini Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Gift of Zebulon HoUing$worth> Esq. 1 Henrici Spelmani Glossarium Archaiologicum, continens Latino-Barbara, Peregrina, Obsoleta, et Novat* significationis Vocabula 1 auARTO. Ainsworth's English and Latin, and Latin and English Dictionary 1 Apparatus Latinae Locutionis, ex M. T. Ciceronis Libris collectus ; Auctore Alex. Scot 1 Baretti's Italian and English, and English and Italian Dic- tionary 1 Spanish and English, and English and Spanish , Dictionary 1 Chambaud's French and English, and English and French Dictionary 2 Johnson's English Dictionary 2 Mason's Supplement to 1 Jones's (Sir William) Grammar of the Persian Language } Mallay Tongue, Grammar of 1 Vossii (Gerardi J.) Aristarchus ; sive Ars Grammatica. 1 635 1 Ward's Essay on Grammar, as it may be applied to the English Language 1 OCTAVO. 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Gift of Henry Nicols, Esq. 1 Dupin's Ecclesiastical History, from the first to the middle of the sixteenth Century 6 Giannone's History of Naples : translated by Ogilvie ' 2 Heylyn's History of the Reformation of the Church of Eng- land 1 Howell's General History 4 Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) Map of History Raleigh's History of the World 2 Rapin de Thoyras, The History of England, to the Acces- sion of William and Mary : from the French of 2 Rushworth's Historical Collections 8 Rycaut's History of the Turks 3 Sigonii (Caroli) Historia de Rebus Bononiensibus, Libri VII, &c. &c. Francofurti 1604 1 Thurloe's State-Papers; from the year 1638, to the Resto- ration of Charles II. 7 Tyrrell's Ecclesiastical and Civil History of England, to the Reign of William III. 3 Wilkins, Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae, a Syno- do Verolamiensi, A. D. 446, ad Londinensem, A. D. 1717. ADavide 4 84 HISTORY. Q.t7ARTO. VOL, Ad air's History of the American Indians 1 Burgoyne's Expedition from Canada 1 Castillo's History of the Conquest of Mexico I Chalmer's Political Annals of the present United Colonies in North America ; from their Settlement, to 1763 1 Clarendon's State-Letters 3 Clavigero's History of Mexico 2 Clayton's Memoirs of the House of Medici ; from its origin to the death of Francesco the 2d, Grand Duke of Tuscany : from the French of Thenove 2 Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great-Britain and Ireland 3 Dalzel's History of Dahomy 1 Davila's History of the Civil Wars in France 2 De Foe's History of the Union of England and Scotland 1 Dillon's Memoirs of the Revolution in France, in 1789 1 Diot's Historical Description of Dunkirk 1 Dirom's Narrative of the Campaign in India, in 1792 1 Drinkwater's History of the Siege of Gibraltar, in 1780 1 Dupin, Bibliotheque Universelle des Historiens: par 1 Dutch Revolution, in 1785, '86, and '87, History of the 1 Edward's History of the West-Indies 2 of St. Domingo 1 Charmilly's Answer to 1 Ferguson's History of the Roman Republic 3 Fox's (Charles James) History of the early Part of the Reign of James II ; with an Appendix 1 History, &c. A Translation of the French Let- ters in the Appendix to 1 France (Histoire de) avant Clovis : par Laureau 1 par Velly, Villaret et Gamier 15 Francklin's History of the Reign of Shah-Aulum 1 Gifford's History of the French Revolution 1 Grant's History of the Island of Mauritius 1 Grece, Voyage d'Anacharsis en : par 1'Abbe Barthelemy. Edition de Didot. Gift of Lewis Smith, Esq. 7 Grive's History of Kamschatka 1 Hazard's Historical Collections, consisting of State-Papers, &c. intended as Materials for a History of the United States of America 2 HISTORY. 85 ftUARTO. VOL. Hervey and Middleton, Letters between, concerning the Roman Senate 1 Hindostan, History of 2 Home's History of the Rebellion, in 1745 1 Limborch's History of the Inquisition 1 Lloyd's History of the War in Germany, in 1758, &c. 3 Mackensie's Sketches of the War with Tippoo Sultan, in 1789 2 Macleod's Casus Principis ; or an Essay towards a History of the Principality of Scotland 1 Manchester, Aikin's History of 1 Manstein's Memoirs of Russia ; from 1727, to 1 744 1 Marsden's History of Sumatra 1 Mitford's History of Greece 3 New- York, Smith's History of the Province of; from its first Discovery, to 1732 1 Ouseley's Oriental Collections 2 Pennant's History of London 1 Pinkerton's History of Scotland ; from the Accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary 2 Planta's History of the Helvetic Confederacy 2 Plowden's Historical Review of the State of Ireland ; from its Invasion under Henry II, to its Union with Great Britain, in 1801 3 Robertson's History of Mary Queen of Scots 1 Russel's History of America ; from its Discovery to the conclusion of the late War, in 1778 2 Scott's Ttranslation of Ferishta's History of Dekkan ; from the first Mahummedan Conquests, to 1794 2 Smith's History of the Peloponnesian War: from the Greek of Thucydides 2 Sommerville's History of Political Transactions and Par- ties ; from the Restoration of Charles II, to the Death of King William 1 Reign of Queen Ann 1 Stedman's Narrative of a five years Expedition, against the revolted Negroes of Surinam; from 1772, to 1777 2 M 36 HISTORY, ftUARTO. Stewart's Translation of the Works of Sallust 2 Tarleton's Account of his Campaigns in America ; in 1 780 and 1781 1 Virginia, Keith's History of 1 Smith's History of, New England, and the Sum- mer Isles; from their first beginning in 1584, to this present year, 1626 1 Walpole's (Horace) Historic Doubts, on the Life and Reign of King Richard III. 1 Warrington's History of Wales 1 Wellesley's Notes, relative to the late Transactions in the Marhatta Empire: 1803 1 Wraxall's History of France ; from the Accession of Henry III, to the Death of Lewis XIV. 3 Xenophon's History of the Affairs of Greece : by the Translator of Thucydides 1 Young's History of Athens 1 OCTAVO. Anecdotes of the French Nation, during the thirty years preceding the Revolution 1 Anquetil's Summary of Universal History Q Armed Neutrality, (in 1780) A Secret History of the 1 Athenian Letters 2 Baldwin's Historical Recollections on Egypt. 1802 1 Barbary, History of the Piratical States of 1 Earruel's History of the French Clergy, during the Revo- lution 1 Memoirs, illustrating the History of Jacobinism 4 Beatson's Naval and Military Memoirs of Great-Britain ; from 1727, to 1783 6 Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation ; from Julius Cesar, to 731 1 Beloe's Translation of Herodotus 4 Belsham's Memoirs of the Kings of Great-Britain, of the House of Brunswick-Lunenbourg 2 __Reign of George III, <3 HISTORY. 87 OCTAVO. VOL. Bentivoglio, (Letters of Cardinal) during the Time he was Nuncio in France and Flanders 1 .-Relation! del Cardinale, in tempo della sua Nun- tiatura 1 Berrington's Account of the State and Behaviour of Eng- lish Catholics; from the Reformation, to the Year 1781 1 . History of the Reign of Henry the Second, and of Richard and John, his Sons 2 Bertrand de Molleville's Annals of the French Revolution 9 - . Private Memoirs of Lewis XVI. 3 Bisset's History of the Reign of George III, to the ter- mination of the War, in 1801 6 Bolingbroke's (Viscount) Letters on the Study and Use of History 2 Private and Publick Correspondence, during the time he was Secretary of State to Q,ueen Ann 4 Boucher's View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution 1 Bouill?, Memoirs relating to the French Revolution : from the French of the Marquis De 1 Boulainvilliers, An Historical Account of the Ancient Par- liaments of France : by Mr. de 1 Brackenridge, Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, in 1794 : by H. H. 1 Brumaire, Tableau des Evenemens du 18 1 Brewster's Secular Essay ; containing a retrospective View of Events connected with the Ecclesiastical His- tory of England, during the 18th Century 1 Buchano, Historia Rerum Scoticarum, Auctore Georgio 1 Buonaparte, Campagne de, en Italic, en 1796 et 1797 1 Expedition of, from Egypt into Syria. See Hist, and Biog. Misc. Vol. 1. Burnet's (Bishop) History of his own Time ; from the Re- storation of Charles II, to the Peace of Utrecht 4 Camille Jordan a ses Comettans sur la Revolution du 18 Fructidor J Campbell's Ecclesiastical History 2 Campaigns in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Holland, from 1790 to 1799 ; History of the 8 88 HISTORY. OCTAVO. VOL. Canada, Herriot's History of ; from its Discovery to 1731. 1st Vol. l Cape Breton and St. John, Memoirs relating to the Islands of 1 Card's History of the Revolutions in Russia, to the Acces- sion of Catharine I. I China, Du Halde's History of 4 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England; from 1641, to 1660 6 Colden's History of the five Nations of Canada 1 Connecticut, Peters's General History of 1 Corsica, A Description of; with an Account of its Union to the Crown of Great Britain, in 1794: by Frederick 1 Coxe on the Secret Tribunals of Westphalia. See Franck' tin's Information, $-c. Crawfurd's Memoirs of the Revolution in Scotland, in 1567 1 Dakin's History of the Reigns of Peter JII, and Catharine II of Russia 2 Dallas's History of the Maroons in Jamaica 2 Davies's Historical Tracts respecting Ireland 1 Denina's Revolutions of the Ancient Republics of Italy : translated by Langhorne 1 Denmark, An Account of, such as it was in 1692 1 Animadversions on 1 Dillon's Political Survey of the Sacred Roman Empire, in 1782 1 History of the Reign of Peter the Cruel, King of Castile and Leon 2 Dion Cassius, The History of; abridged by Xiphilin ; con- taining the most considerable Passages under the Roman Emperors, from the time of Pompey the Great, to the Reign of Alex. Severus : from the Greek, by Manning 2 Douglas's Summary, Historical and Political, of the British Settlements in North America, in 1755 2 Drinkwater's History of the Siege of Gibraltar, in 1780 1 Puclos, History of the Reign of Lewis XI, King of France ; from the French of 2 HISTORY. 39 OCTAVO. VOL. 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Gift of Mr. G. Keatinge 2 Garat's Memoirs of the Rerolution, in 1 90 HISTORY OCTAVO. VOI*. France, Rabaud's History of the Revolution, in 1 i Stephens's History of the Wars which arose out of the Revolution, in 2 Eraser's History of the Exploits of Nadir Shah, Emperor of Persia 1 Frederick II, King of Prussia ; Gillies's View of the Reign of 1 William II, King of Prussia ; Segur's History of the principal Events of the Reign of 3 Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain, &c. from the latter Part of the Reign of Edward II, to the Coronation of Henry IV : translated by Thomas Johnes 13 Geneva, History of the Constitution and Revolutions of, in the 18th Century: by D'lvernois. Gift of Mr. Geo. Keatinge 1 Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. First Part, Gift of James Carroll, Esq. 12 History, &c. Abridged. Gift of Mr. John Cole 2 Gordon's History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America 3 Greece, Gillies's History of Ancient 4 Travels of Anacharsis in : by Barthelemy 7 Helvetia, Naylor's History of; to the middle of the 15th Century 2 Henry's History of Great Britain ; from its Invasion under Julius Cesar, to the Death of Henry VIII. 12 History, &c. Continuation of : by Andrews 2 Herodian, History of the Roman Emperors : from the Greek of 1 Heron's General History of Scotland, to 1748 6 Herrera's History of America Hibernia ; or Ancient Pieces relating to Ireland : collected by Walter Harris 1 Hindostan, The History of: by Alex. Dow 3 Hooke's Roman History ; from the building of Rome, to the ruin of the Commonwealth 1 1 HISTORY 91 OCTAVO VOL. Hume's History of England, with Smollet's Continuation ; from the Invasion of Julius Cesar, to the Peace of Versailles, in 1783 16 Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History 5 Ireland, Warner's History of; from the earliest authentic Accounts, to the year 1171. Gift of John O'Donnelt, Esq. 2 Leland's History of 2 History of: by the Authors of the Modern Uni- versal History. Gift of John O 1 Donnelly Esq. 1 Curry's Historical Review of the Civil Wars in ; from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, to King William 2 Hay's History of the Insurrection of the County of Wexford, in: 1798 1 Gordon's History of; to the Union with Great Britain, in 1801 2 Italy, Guicciardini's History of; from the year 1490, to 1532 10 Commentaries of the War, in 1 744, in : from the Latin of Buonamici 1 Lally-Tolendal's Defence of the French Emigrants 1 La Trobe ? s (B. H.) 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Sullivan 1 Mallet Du Pan's British Mercury ; or Historical Views of the Events, in 1 799 4 Massachusetts, History of; from the first Settlement in 1628, to 1750 : by T. Hutchinson 2 Millet's Elements of Ancient History 2 of General Modern History 3 Minorca, The History of the Island of : by J. Armstrong 1 Miscellanies, Historical 2 Moira, (Earl of) Journal of the British Army, commanded by; in 1794 and '95. See Hist. Misc. Vol. 1. Morocco, The State of the Empire of, in 1788: from the French of Chesnier 2 Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, Antient and Modern; from the Birth of Christ, to the beginning of the eighteenth Century 6 Mountmorres, An Historical Dissertation on the Irish Par- liament : by Hervey, Viscount 1 Naval Chronology ; or an Historical Summary of Naval and Maritime Events ; from the time of the Ro- mans, to the Treaty of Peace, in 1 802 : by J. 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Gift of Wm. M'Cree- ry, Esq. 4 94. HISTORY. OCTAVO. VOL. Reynier, The State of Egypt in 1800 and 1801 : from the French of General 1 Rhuliere's Account of the Revolution in Russia, in 1 762 1 Richardson's Anecdotes of the Russian Empire 1 Robertson's Historical Disquisitions, concerning America 1 History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 2 of Scotland 1 of America 4 Robespierre, Rapport de Courtois sur les Papiers trouves chez Gift of Mr. T. W. 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Spelman, The Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and the Retreat of the ten thousand Greeks : translated from Xenophon, by 2 State Papers, A Collection of, relative to the War against France; from 1791, to 1802 11 Stedman's History of the American Revolutionary War 2 Stuart's View of Society in Europe, in its progress from Rudeness to Refinement 1 Sully, Memoirs of the Duke of, Prime Minister to Henry the Great, King of France 5 Sweden, C. F. Sheridan's History of the Revolution of 1772, in 1 'Memoirs relative to the Campaign of 1788, in 1 Switzerland, The History of the Invasion of, by the French, in 1798: By H. Zschokke 1 Tacitus, A. Murphy's Translation of the Works of 4 Temple, The Works of Sir William 4 Tooke's Account of the Nations in the Russian Empire 4 History of Russia; to the Accession of Catha- rine II. 2 View of the Russian Empire, during the Reign of Catharine II, and to the close of the eighteenth Century 3 Torcy, Memoirs of the Marquis of, Secretary of State to Lewis XIV. 2 Tott, Memoirs of Baron de 2 Appendix to 1 Tytler's Elements of General History, Ancient and Mo- dern 2 Universal History, Bossuet's Introduction to the 1 Ancient 18 Modern 42 Baumgarten's Supplement to 2 Vendee, An Historical Sketch of the civil War in the : from the French of Mons. de Bournisseaux 1 Venice, An Account of the Fall of the Republic of, in 1797; translated from the Italian, by J. Hink- ley 1 96 HISTORY, OCTAVO. VOL. Vermont, The Natural and Civil History of: by Samuel Williams 1 . . 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John) General History of the Britons 1 Vindication of Mary, Queen of Scots 3 -History of Manchester 2 Williams's Inquiry into the Truth of the Tradition concern- ing the Discovery of America, by Prince Ma- dog, in 1 1 70 Wilson's (James) History of Egypt ; from the earliest Ac- counts, to the year 1801 (Sir Rpbert Thomas) History of the Expedition of the British Army in Egypt, in 1801 Winterbotham's Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the United States of America; and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies, in 17D6 Wraxall's Memoirs of the Kings of France, of the Race of Valois Wynne's General History of the British Empire in Ame- rica; ending with the Campaign of 1762 HISTORY. 97 DUODECIMO. VOL. America, History of; extracted from the American Edi- tion of the Encyclopedia 1 Ayder-Ali Khan, History of 2 Bielfeld, Letters of Baron 2 Bigland's Letters on the Study and Use of the Antient and Modern History 1 Bloody-Buoy; or a Relation of a multitude of Acts of Bar- barity, committed during the French Revolu- tion : by Peter Porcupine 1 Boheme, Histoire de la Guerre de ; depuis 1 740, Jusqu'en 1 746. Gift of Henry Nicols, Esq , 3 Carnot, Reponse de, au Rapport fait sur la Conjuration du 18 Fructidor. Gift of IV. Cooke, Esq. 1 Corse, Histoire des Revolutions de, Jusqu'en 1737 1 D'Ablancourt, Traduction des Commentaires de Coesar : par 1 Dupin's History of the Church ; from the beginning of the World, to the year of Christ, 1718 4 Eusebius Pamphilius's Ecclesiastical History, Abridgement of 1 Fleury's Short History of the Ancient Israelites 1 Florus, his Epitome of Roman History, from Romulus to Augustus Cesar : Translation of 1 French Incursions into Franconia and Suabia, in 1 796 ; Anecdotes respecting the 1 French Revolution, Historical and Moral View of the : by M. Wollston craft. Gift of Mr. G. IV. Field I Gros's Historical Recital of different Occurrences in St. Domingo, in 1791 1 Helvetic-Union, History of the Destruction of the, in 1 798 1 Histoire Nouvelle de tous les Peuples du Monde. Gift of W. Delaserre, Esq. 53 History, A Concise Ecclesiastical ; from the Birth of Christ, to the beginning of the eighteenth Cen- tury 4 Joseph II, Letters from the Emperor, to General D'AlJon 1 Josephus, The Genuine Works of Flavius : from the Greek, by William Whiston Louisiana, History of : from the French of Dupratz 2 Malta, Ver tot's History of the Knights of 5 98 HISTORY. DUODECIMO. VOL. Mavor's Universal History, Ancient and Modern, down to 1801 25 Montesquieu, Considerations sur les Causes de la Grandeur et de la Decadence des Romains : par 1 Moore's Journal, during -a Residence in France, in 1792 2 Pauw, Recherches sur les Americains 1 3 -sur les Chinois et les Egyptiens. Gift ift] of Mr. R. C. Boislandry Recherches sur les Grecs : par Mons. De Gift of Mr. B. O'Shiell j 1 Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) Explanation of his Chart of History I Prisons of Paris, An Inside View of the, under the Go- vernment of Robespierre and the Jacobins 1 Rollin's Ancient History 8 Sheridan's History of the Revolution in Sweden, in 1772 I Silvii (Guillelmi) Historia Anglicana ; ab adventu Norma- norum in Angliam, usque ad Annum 1197 1 Tursellini Historiarum Epitomae Libri X ; ab origine Mun- di usque ad Annum 1548 1 Venice, History of the Conspiracy of the Spaniards, in 1618, against the Republic of: from the French of St. Real I Voltaire, The Age of Lewis XV : from the French of Williams's (H. Maria) Letters ; containing a Sketch of the Revolutionary Government of France, in 1793 and '94 1 LAW FOLIO. VOL,. Bacdn's Abridgement of the Law 5 Blackstone's Reports; from 1746, to 1779 2 Corpus Juris Civilis. Gift of David M'Mechen, Esq. 5 Domat, The Civil Law in its Natural Order ; together with the Publick Law : from the French of 2 Laws of Maryland : Bacon's Edition. Gift of Mr. James Clarke 1 Laws of Pennsylvania; from 1781, to 1789: by Alex. James Dallas. 2d Vol. 1 Seldon's Works 5 Sigonius de Antique Jure Civium Romanorum, &c. 1 State-Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, &c. from the eleventh year of Richard II, to the sixteenth of George III. 11 Vols. in Q Trials of Earl of Kilmarnock, Earl of Cromertie, and Lord Balmerino, for High Treason, in 1746 1 Willes's Reports 1 ftUARTO. Blackstone's Tracts; chiefly relating to the Antiquities and Laws of England 1 Cragii Jus Feudale 1 Doujat, Praenotionum Canonicarum Libri V. Auctore Jo- anne. Parisiis 1697 1 Fetti Place Bellers's Delineation of Universal Law 1 Margrave's Juridical Arguments and Collections. 1797 1 Hume's (David) Commentaries on the Criminal Law of Scotland 4 Justinian's Institutions, The Four Books of, in Latin ; with an English Translation and Notes, by George Harris 1 HX> LAW. ftUARTO. VOL, Laws of Maryland : Kilty's Edition. Gift of the Legis- lature of Maryland 2 Magens on Insurances 2 Vesey's Case upon the Will of the late Peter Thellusson, Esq. argued in 1798 1 Vinnii, in Quatuor Libros Institutionum Imperialium, Com- mentarius . 1 Wilmot, Notes of Opinions and Judgments, delivered in different Courts, by Sir John ". 1 OCTAVO. Abbot's Treatise of the Law relative to Merchant-Ships and Seamen 1 Azuni's Maritime Law of Europe 2 Blackstone's Commentaries; with Christian's Notes 4 Appendix to 1 Bott's Laws relating to the Poor. Fift h Edition, by Fran- cis Const, Esq. 3 Browne's View of the Civil Law, and of the Law of Ad- miralty 2 Burges's Considerations on the Law of Insolvency 1 Burn's History of the Poor-Laws 1 Butler's Horse Juridicoe ; a connected Series of Notes on the Grecian, Roman, Feudal, and Canon Law 1 Chitty on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. 1 Code des Douanes de la Republique Fran^aise. 1802 1 Collectanea Juridica ; or Tracts relative to the Law and Constitution of England. 1791 2 Colquhoun's Duties of a Constable 1 Cooke's Bankrupt-Laws. 1797 2 Curran's Speeches at length ; with a Sketch of Trials in Ireland, for High Treason. Gift of Mr. Geo. Douglas I Dallas's Reports of Cases in the Court of Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution 1 Danish Laws ; or the Code of Christian V. 1 Douglas, The Cases given in to the Court of Session, against Archibald 1 LAW. M) i OCTA\ r O. VOL. Erskine's Principles of the Law of Scotland 1 Espinasse's Cases, argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas; from 1793, to 1806 5 Fearne's Posthumous Works ; consisting of Cases and Opinions 1 Frederician Code ; or a Body of Laws, for the Dominions of the King of Prussia. 1761 2 Gentoo-Laws, Code of 1 Gravinae Origines Juris Civilis 1 Hargrave's Argument in the Case of Negro Somerset 1 Johnson, Report of the Proceedings in the Court of Exche- quer, in Ireland, in the Case of the Hon. Justice 1 Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant 1 Law, Letters on the Study and Practice of I Laws of the United States. Six Copies ; Jive of them, the Gift of the Legislature of Maryland 30 Lee's Treatise of Captures in War 1 Lovelass on the Law of Wills 1 Mahomedan Law, Epitome of 1 Marculfi Monachi Formularum Libri Duo : item Veteres Formulae cum Notis Hieronymi Bignonii. Lute- tice-Parisiorum 1613 1 Marriott's Formulary of Authentic Instruments, &c. used in the High Court of Admiralty 1 Marshall's Treatise on the Law of Insurance 2 Molloy's Treatise of Maritime Affairs and of Commerce 2 Nolan's Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor 2 Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Baltimore ; from the Incorporation in 1 796, to the February Session, 1809, inclusive 2 Park's System of the Law of Marine-Insurances 1 Peake on the Law of Evidence 1 Reeve's History of the English Law ; from the time of the Saxons, to the end of the Reign of Philip and Mary 4 Report of the CommerciaJ Cause of Minet and Fector, vs. Gibson and Johnson 1 l(K LAW. OCTAVO, Robinson's Admiralty-Reports and Cases ; commencing with the Judgments of Sir William Scott, in 1798, to December 1805 6 Robinson's Collectanea Maritima ; tending to illustrate the History and Practice of Prize-Law : to which is added a Translation of the Chapters 273 and 287 of the Consolato Del Mare, relating to Prize-Law 1 Term-Reports in the Court of King's Bench; from 1785, to 1800 8 Trial of the most Barbarous Traitors, arraigned for Conspi- racie of blowing up the House of Parliament with Gun-Powder. London 1606 1 of twenty- nine" Regicides, the Murtherers of Charles the First. 1647 1 -of Warren Hastings, late Governor of Bengal, before the High Court of Parliament 1 of Hamilton Rowan, Gerald and Thomas Muir, in Ireland. 1 798 1 of Henry and John Sheares, John M'Cann, W. M. Byrne, and Oliver Bond, for High Treason. Dublin 1798. See Pol. Misc. Fol. 12th. of J. Peltier for a Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte, First Consul of the French Republick, at the Court of King's Bench, 1803; with the Defence, by Mr. Mackintosh 1 of George, General Pichegru, General Moreau, and others: in French, with Plates. Paris 1804. The Gift of Mr. Paul Bentalou 8 of William Blount, before t*he Senate of the United States. Gift of William M'Creery, Esq. I of William Smith and Samuel Ogden, in the Circuit Court of the United States, New-York 1 of the Hon. Judge Chase, before the Senate of the United States 2 . of Ditto. Gift of Mr. G. Keatinge 1 of Aaron Burr, before the Supreme Court of the United States. Gift of W. M'Creery, Esq. I of Thomas 0. Selfridge, at Boston 1 Trials, Pennsylvania State 1 Watson's Treatise of the Law of Partnership 1 LAW. 103 DUODECIMO. VOL. Addigtonfc Digest of the Revenue Laws of the United States. 1804 1 Code Civil ; ou Recueil des Loix Decretees par le Corps Legislatif de France. Premie're Partie. 1803 1 Select Trials of the Old Bailey 4 Wilkes, Collection of Papers, Letters, &c. in the Case of John 1 ( 104 ) MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. FOLIO. VOL. Wollaston's Specimen of a General Astronomical Cata- logue 1 >. QUARTO. Costard's History of Astronomy 1 Hutton's Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary 2 Landen's Mathematical Memoirs, respecting a variety of Subjects 1 Residual Analysis 1 Mathematical Lucubrations 1 Long's Astronomy 2 Maseres's Principles of the Doctrine of Life-Annuities 1 Newton's (Sir Isaac) Two Treatises on the Quadrature of Curves, &c. translated by Stewart 1 Simson's Treatise concerning Porisms: translated by Law- son 1 Simpson's Treatise on Fluxions 1 Vince's Treatise on Practical Astronomy 1 OCTAVO. Adams's Geometrical and Graphical Essays 1 ----- Plates to 1 Analyst; or Mathematical Museum. Philadelphia 108. (4 first Numbers.) Annuities upon Lives, Richard Hayes's New Method for valuing 1 -- Lee's Essay to ascertain the value of Leases and I Richard Price's Essays on different Subjects in the Doctrine of Political Arithmetic and MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. 105 OCTAVO. VOL. Baxter's Matho; a Dialogue in which the First Principles of Philosophy and Astronomy are accommodat- ed to the capacity of young Persons 2 Beddoe's Observations on the Nature of Mathematical Evidence ; and Difficulties in Geometry, ex- plained 1 Bryant's (Mrs.) Course of Familiar Lectures on Astronomy 1 Emerson's Treatise of Algebra 2 Eulers Elements of Algebra 2 Ferguson's Astronomy, explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles 1 Hammond's Elements of Algebra 1 Horseley's (Samuel, Bishop of Rochester) Elementary Trea- tises of the Fundamental Principles of Mathe- matics 1 Howard's Treatise of Spherical Geometry 1 Hutton, Mathematical Tables : by 1 Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philo- sophy : composed by Ozanam, and enlarged by 4 on Mensuration 1 il Kelly's Practical Introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy Lacaille, Lemons elementaires de Mathematiques ; ou Ele- mens d'Algebre et de Geometric : par 1'Abbe de Le Guide des Jeunes Mathematiciens, par Mons Paulian; ou Commentaire des Lemons d'Algebre, de Geometric, et de Mecanique de 1'Abbs de I 2 . Lemons elementaires d'Astronomie : par Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston J 1 .Lacaille's Astronomy : translated by John Robertson 1 Manning's Introduction to Arithmetic and Algebra 1 McGregor's Complete Treatise of Practical Mathematics 1 M'Laurin's Treatise of Algebra 1 Muller's Elements of Mathematics 2 Newton's (Sir Isaac) Universal Arithmetic 1 (Rev. T.) Short Treatise on the Conic Sections 1 Playfair's Elements of Geometry 1 Sherwin's Mathematical Tables 1 Simson^ Elements of Euclid 1 Elements of Conic Sections 1 106 MATHEMATICS AND 'ASTRONOMY. OCTAVO. VOL. Small's Account of Kepler's Astronomical Discoveries 1 Tontines calculated. See Pol. Misc. Vol. 1 1 th. Vince's Principles of Astronomy 1 Principles of Fluxions 1 Wood's Elements of Algebra 1 DUODECIMO. Brewers' and Gaugers' Assistant 1 Frend's Evening Amusements ; or the Beauties of Heaven displayed ; for 1804, '05, '06, 07, and '08 5 Button's Diarian Miscellany ; extracted from the Ladies- Diarian 6 Lambert, System of the World ; from the French of 1 ( 107 ) MILITARY AND NAVAL FOLIO. VOL. Truxtun's (Thomas) Instructions, relating to the Latitude and Longitude ; also the Variation of the Com- pass, &c. &c. 1 atJARTO. Clerk's Essay on Naval Tactics: with explanatory Plates. 1804 Falconer's Marine Dictionary ; explaining Technical Terms and Phrases employed in the Construc- tion, &c. of a Ship ; -with Plates : to which is annexed a Translation of the French Sea-Terms and Phrases Gamble's Essay on Signals, &e. and an Account of the most approved Methods of Telegraphic Corre- spondence : with Plates. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Marine Pyramid, or Spire-Buoy, Observations relative to the Invention of: See Misc. Vol. 1st. Maskelyne's British Mariner's Guide ; containing Instruc- tions for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea and Land, &c. Military Discipline, New System of: by a General Offi- cer. London 1773 Nichelson's Treatise on Practical Navigation and Seaman- ship Polyaenus's Stratagems of War: translated from the Greek, by Dr. Shepherd Turpin's (Count) Essay on the Art of War : translated from the French, by Capt. J. Otvvay 10S MILITARY AND NAVAL. OCTAVO VOL. Eland's Treatise of Military Discipline 1 Bolton's Remarks on the Present defective State of Fire- Arms, &c. London 1795. See Phil. Misc. Vol. 2d. Faucitt's Translation of the Regulations for the Prussian Cavalry. 1757 1 Translation of the Regulations for the Prussian Infantry 1 Foster's Translation of the Military Instructions from the late King of Prussia to his officers, &c. with Plates. 1797 1 Franklin's (Dr. Benjamin) Maritime Observations. See Phil. Misc. Vol. 1st. Glenie's History of Gunnery 1 Guibert, General Essay on Tactics : from the French of Mons. de_ 1781 2 Hinde's Discipline of the Light-Horse. 1778 1 Landmann's Field-Engineer's Vade-Mecum 1 Mackay's Method of finding the Longitude at Sea, by Lu- nar Observations 1 Military Reflections on four Modes of Defence, for the United States : by Maximilian *** 1 Muller's Attack and Defence of Fortified Places : enlarg- ed by J. Landmann 1 . Translation ofChev. de Chirac's Field-Engineer 1 Treatise of Artillery 1 Supplement to 1 Naval Architecture, Collection of Papers on 2 Neville's Treatise on the Discipline of Light-Cavalry: with Plates I Rennel's (James) Observations on a Current that often prevails to the Westward of Scilly. See Phil. Misc. Vol. 2d. Robertson's Elements of Navigation 1 Saxe's (Maurice, Count of) Reveriejs ; or Memoirs con- cerning the Art of War 1 Ship-Master's Assistant, Gift of Mr. G. W. Field I Thiebault's Explanation of the Duties of the several Etats- Majors in the French Army. 1800 1 MILITARY AND NAVAL* 105 OCTAVO. VOL. Tytler's Essay on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial 1 Wales's Method of finding the Longitude at Sea, by Time- Keepers 1 DUODECIMO. Military Dictionary 1 .-Mentor ; being a Series of Letters from a (Gene- ral Officer to his Son. London 1804 2 Moore's British Mariner's Vocabulary 1 Newman's Marine Pocket-Dictionary of the Italian, Spa- nish, Portuguese, and German Languages ; with an English and French, and French and Eng- lish Index 1 Russel's Instructions for the Drill. 1799 1 Smith's (Amasa) Compendium of the Duty of Artillerists 1 Stuben's (Baron de) Regulations for the Order and Discip- line of the Troops of the United States 1 Willett Adye's Bombardier and Pocket Gunner. 1802 1 Wolfe's (General) Instructions to young Officers I AHS CELLANE O US FOLIQ. VOL. Aurora, or General Advertiser; from January, to~| July 1795 ! , 1 from January 1797, to the end of 1800. Gift f of Paul Bentalou, Esq. J 5 Baltimore Evening Post, or Mercantile Daily Advertiser ; from March 1805, to October 1809. Gift of the Editors 5 Brown, The Works of Sir Thomas I Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts, pur^ chased by Authority of Parliament, and preserv- ed in the British Museum 1 Dunlap and Claypole's American Daily Advertiser ; from February 1794, to February 1795. Gift of William M'Creery, Esq. 2 Farmer's Weekly Museum ; from April 1 796, to Septem- ber 1800. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend 3 Gazette of the United States ; from April 1 790, to May 1792. Gift of Paul Bentalou, Esq. 2 of Ditto; from December 1798, to July 1809 17 Federal; for 1796 2 Gooch's Life and Death of a Race-Horse : -with Plates 1 Maryland Gazette, or Baltimore Advertiser ; from Janua- ry 1782, to the end of 1791 7 Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser; from May~l 1 782, to the end of 1 790 (8 Journal, &c. for 1792. Gift of W. M'Creery, \ Esq. j 1 Milton, A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John 2 Montaigne, Les Essais de Michel, Seigneur de Gift of B. B. O'Shiel, Esq. I MISCELLANEOUS. Ill FOLIO. VOL. New- York Herald; from September 1804, to July 1809. Gift of the Editor 5 Norfolk Gazette and Publick Ledger; from September 1804, to October 1805. Gift of the Editor 1 Pennsylvania Herald and General Advertiser; for 1785 and 1787 2 Porcupine's Gazette; from March 1797, to March 1799. Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston ~3 Republican Anti-Democrat; for 1802 and 1803. Gift of the Editors 2 ftUARTO. Baltimore Daily Repository ; from January to September 1792. Gift of William M'Creery, Esq. 1 Barington's (Hon. Daines) Miscellanies 1 Bibliotheca Americana; or a Chronological Catalogue of tfee most curious and interesting Books, State- Papers, &c. upon the Subject of North and South America. Gift of Zebulon Hollingsworth t Esq. 1 Bowyer's (William) Miscellaneous Tracts : collected and illustrated by J. Nichols 1 Common-Place Book ; being an Improvement on that re- commended by Mr. Locke ; properly ruled throughout, with a complete Skeleton-Index, and ample Directions for its use 1 Companion and Weekly Miscellany ; from the commeace- ment, November 1804, to November 1806. Gift of Dr. James Cocke 2 Forms of Herkern; in Persian and in English. Gift of Robert Gilmor,junr. Esq. 1 Gray's Works ; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by W. Mason 1 Marvell's (Andrew) Works, Poetical, Controversial, and Political 3 Orford, The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of 5 Plato's Works; translated from the Greek, with Notes by F. Sydenham, and chiefly Thomas Taylor 5 Port Folio; since the commencement, January 1801, to the end of 1805 5 112 MISCELLANEOUS OCTAVO. VOL. Account and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the Library of the King of France. Gift of Mr. G. Ken- tinge. 2 Adventurer 3 Aikin's (John) Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose 1 Alexander's History of Women 2 -Allison's (Dr. Patrick) Discourse on the Death of General Washington. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. See Tributes to Washington Almanach Imperial de France, pour 1'An XIII, (1805) 1 American Museum ; or Universal Magazine of Ancient and Modern fugitive Pieces, &c. Prose and Poe- tical; from January 1787, to the end of 1792 12 Ames's (Fisher) Oration on the Sublime Virtues of Gene- ral Washington. See Tributes to Washington. Angeloni's (Batista) Letters on the English Nation 2 Astrsea's Return 1 Atterbury's (Bishop Francis) Epistolary Correspondence, Speeches, and Miscellanies 3 Aulus Gellius, The Attick Nights of: translated by the Rev. W. Beloe 3 Bacon's (Sir Francis) Works 10 Essays on Civil, Moral, Literary, and Political Subjects 2 Bayard's (Samuel) Oration on the Death of General Washington. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. See Trib. to Washington. Boyd's (Hugh) Indian Observer 1 Miscellaneous Works ; with an Account of his Life and Writings, by L. D. Campbell 2 Bromley's Collection of Original Royal Letters, written by Charles I. and II, James II, &c. &(?. 1 Browne's (Arthur) Miscellaneous Sketches ; or Hints for Essays 2 Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy 2 Caldwell's Elegiac Poem on the Death of General Wash- ington. See Tributes to Washington. Carroll's (Bishop) Discourse on the Death of General Washington. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. See Tributes to Washington. MISCELLANEOUS. 113 OCTAVO. VOL. Caspipina's Letters ; containing Observations on a variety of Subjects, Literary, Moral, and Religious : by a Gentleman of Philadelphia 1 Catalogue of Books Sold by Lackington, Allen, & Co. in 1796, '97, and '98 3 London, for 1795 and 1799 2- -of Cadell and Davies, for 1807 1 of the Books belonging to the Library-Company"! of Philadelphia, in 1789 ! 1 of the Books belonging to ditto, in 1807. Gift of the Directors J 1 -of the Books belonging to the Alexandria Libra- ry-Company, in 1801. Gift of the Directors I Characters of the principal Nations of Europe, A Review of the Gift of John O'Donnell, Esq. 1 Cicero's (M. Tullius) Letters to several of his Friends : translated, with Remarks, by William Melmoth 3 Epistles to Afticus : translated, with Notes, by William Guthrie 3 Clark's (Daniel) Proofs of the Corruption of General James Wilkinson, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr 1 Cockburn's (Mrs. Catharine) Works, Theological, Moral, Dramatic, and Poetical ; with an Account of the Life of the Author, by Thomas Birch 2 Columbian Magazine, or Monthly Miscellany ; from Sep- tember 1786, to December 1788. Gift of IV. M'Creery, Esq. 2 Coryat's Crudities ; to which are added his Letters from India, 4c. 3 Dodsley's Annual Register of History, Politics, and Litera- ture; from 1759, to the end of 1805 47 Miscellaneous Trifles 2 Museum ; or the Literary and Historical Regis- ter 3 Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen, at Exeter 1 Evremond, Works of Mons. de St. Gift of William M'Creery, Esq. 3 Feyjoo, Essays and Discourses, selected and translated, by J. Brett, from the Works of 4 114 MISCELLANEOUS OCTAVO. VOL. Fitzosborne's (Sir -Thomas) Letters on several Subjects: published by William Melmoth 1 Frederick II, King of Prussia, The Pothumous Works of: translated from the French, by Thomas Holcroft 13 Gentleman's Magazine, or Trader's Monthly Intelligen- cer; from its commencement, January 1731, to May 1808 102 Magazine, &c. Index to the first fifty-six Vo- lumes of 2 Gibbon's (Edward) Miscellaneous Works 3 Gilpin's (William) Dialogues on various Subjects 1 Goldsmith's (Oliver) Miscellaneous Works 4 Guardian, A Corrected Edition of the ; with a Preface, Historical and Biographical, by Alexander Chal- mers 2 Henderson's (John) Letters and Poems ; with Anecdotes of his Life, by John Ireland . 1 Hermippus Redivivus ; or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave 1 Hill's (Aaron) Letters on various Subjects, and Original Poems ; with an Essay on the Art of Acting 4 Hopkinson's (Francis) Miscellaneous Essays, and occasional Writings 3 Howell's (James) Familiar Letters, Historical, Political, and Philosophical 1 Hume's (David) Essays and Treatises on several Subjects 2 Jackson's (William) Four Ages ; together with Essays on various Subjects 1 Jebb's (John) Works, Theological, Medical, Political, and Miscellaneous 3 Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Works ; with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by A. Murphy 12 Jones's (Sir William) Works } with the Life of the Author, by Lord Teignmouth 13 Julian, The Works of the Emperor, and some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius ; to which is added the His- tory of the Emperour Jovian 2 Kaims's (Lord) Sketches of the History of Man 4 Kemp's (Rev. James) Discourse on the Death of General Washington. Gift of the Rev. Dr. Bend. See Tributes to Washington. MISCELLANEOUS 115 OCTAVO. VOL. Knox's (Ticesimus) Elegant Extracts in Prose 1 Elegant Epistles 1 Winter Evenings ; or Lucubrations on Life and Letters 2 Lavater, Secret Journal of a Self Observer ; or Confes- sions and familiar Letters of the Rev. J. C. 2 Literary Leisure ; or the Recreations of S. Saunter 2 Locke, The Works of John 9 Love's (Charles) Poem on the Death of General Wash- ington. See Tributes to Washington. Lover and Reader ; the Whig Examiner ; and a Selection from the Medley : by the Authors of the T-at- ler, &c. 1 Lounger ; a Periodical Paper published at Edinburgh, in 1785 and '86 2 Lucian, Dialogues of: translated from the Greek, by Carr 5 The Works of: translated from the Greek, by Thomas Francklin 4 Luxborough's (Lady) Letters to William Shenstone 1 Machiavelli, Opere di Nicolo. Gift of Mr. Astraudi 4 Mason's Funeral Oration on General Washington. See Tributes to Washington. M'Worther's Sermon on the Death of General Washing- ton. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. See Tributes to Washington. Mirror; a Periodical Paper published at Edinburgh, in 1779 and '80 2 Miscellanies 1 Morrell's (Thomas) Sermon on the Death of General Washington. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. See Tributes to Washington. Murphy's (Arthur) Works 7 Observer; a Collection of Moral, Literary, and Familiar Essays 5 Ogden's (Rev. Uzal) Two Discourses on the Death of Ge-. neral Washington. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. See Tributes to Washington. O'Leary's (Rev. Arthur) Miscellaneous Tracts 1 Panorama, The Literary ; or a Review of Books, Register of Events, and a Magazine of Varieties ; for 1806 and 1807 2 116 MISCELLANEOUS. OCTAVO. VOL, Philidor's Analysis of the Game of Chess 1 Pliny's Letters : translated by Melmoth 2 Pope's (Alexander) Works: published by Mr. Warburton, with occasional Notes 9 Port Folio; from January 1806, to July 1800 7 Progress of Fashion ; and its Influence in all the Depart- ments of Life 1 Pye's (Henry James) Sketches on various Subjects 1 Rasselas, Novella traducida del Ingles; y Apologia de las Mugeres : por Dona J. J. Blake 1 Register, American ; or a General Repository of History, Politics, and Science; from 1806, to the end of 1808 4 Asiatic Annual ; or a Review of Hindostan, and of the Politics, Commerce, and Literature of Asia ; from 1769, to the end of 1802 4 Reynold, The Works of Sir Joshua 3 Satyre Menippee ; de la Vertu du Catholicon, &c. Gift of Mr. Geanty 3 Selections from the most celebrated Foreign Literary Journals, and other Periodical Publications 2 Select Reviews, and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines; from January 1809: by Bronson and others. Philadelphia I Senilites ; or Solitary Amusements, in Proee and Verse : by the Editor of the Spiritual Quixote . 1 Shenstone's (William) Works, in Verse and Prose 3 Smith's (Adam) Essays. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field 1 (Samuel Stanhope) Essays on the Causes and Va- riety of Complexion and Figures in the Human Species 1 (Samuel Stanhope) Oration on the Death of Gene- ral Washington. See Tributes to Washington. Spectator ; with Notes and Illustrations 8 Sullivan's (Richard Joseph) View of Nature, in Letters to a Traveller among the Alps 6 Philosophical Rhapsodies 3 Swift, The Works of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan ; arranged, revised, and corrected, with Notes, by Thomas Sheridan. Gift of Mr. Joseph Thomburgh 17 Tatler ; with Notes and Illustrations 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 117 OCTAVO. VOL. Theatre, by Sir Richard Steele ; with the Anti-Theatre, &c. 1 Towers, Tracts on Political and other Subjects : published at various times, by Joseph 3 Town-Talk, the Fish-Pool, the Plebeian, &c. by the Authors of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian : with Notes and Illustrations 1 Tributes to Washington ; or Funeral Discourses and Ele- gies on General Washington 1 Varieties of Literature : selected from Foreign Literary Journals, &c. 2 Voltaire, Lettre d'un Quaker a M. de : See Misc. Vol. 1st. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field DUODECIMO. Addison's (Joseph) Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose 3 Asiatic Miscellany; consisting of Extracts from the Pub- lications by W. Chambers and Sir William Jones 1 Asylum for Fugitive Pieces in Prose and in Verse 10 Batchelor, Essays from the, in Prose and Verse 2 Beloe's (William) Miscellanies; consisting of Poems, Clas- sical Extracts, and Oriental Apologues 3 Belsham's Essays, Philosophical, Historical, and Literary 4 Buncle, The Life and Travels of John 4 Burns, The Works of Robert 4 Colman's (George) Prose on several Occasions ; with some Pieces in Verse 3 Connoisseur : by Mr. Town, Critick and Censor General 4 Crawford's (Dr. John) Address to the Grand Convention of the Free-Masons of Maryland. 1802. Gift of the Author 1 D'Argenson, Essays Civil, Moral, Literary, and Political : from the French of the Marquis 1 Dialogues in a Library 1 Erskine (Andrew) and James Boswell, Letters between 1 Falstaff's (Sir John) Original Letters to his Friends 1 Farmer's Museum and Lay-Preacher's Gazette, The Spirit of the 1 118 MISCELLANEOUS. DUODECIMO. VOL, Fielding, The Works of Henry 12 Fontenelle, Conversations on the Plurality of the Worlds : from the French of 1 Dialogues of the Dead : from the French of 1 Fragments, in the Manner of Sterne 1 Franklin, The Works of Dr. Benjamin 2 Freneau's (Philip) Miscellaneous Works 1 Goldsmith, Miscellaneous Works of Oliver 4 Gregory, The Works of Dr. 4 Harrington's (Rev. Henry) Nugae Antiquae ; being a Mis- cellaneous Collection of Original Papers, in Prose and Verse 3 Kurd's (Rev. Dr.) Moral and Political Dialogues ; with Letters on Chivalry and Romance 3 Idler, by the Author of the Rambler, (Dr. S. Johnson) ; with additional Essays 2 Keate's (George) Sketches from Nature 1 Lay-Preacher ; or short Sermons for idle Readers 1 Letters between Waller and St. Evremond : by Lang- horne 3 . for Literary Ladies 1 from a Persian in England, to his Friend at Ispa- han 1 .- from the Rev. Job Orton and the Rev. Sir James Stonhouse, to the Rev. 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Desault's Parisian Chirurgical Journal Dickenson's Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Fever 1 Dionis, Anatomic de 1'Homme : par Mons. 1 Dobson's Medical Commentary on fixed Air 1 Duncan's Annals of Medicine; from 1796, to 1803 7 Edinburgh Practice of Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery 5 Else's Works. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Falconar's Synopsis of a course of Lectures on Anatomy and Surgery 1 Fermor's Reflections on the Cow-Pox. See Misc. Vol. 9th. Ferriar's Medical Histories and Reflections 3 Essay on Fox Glove. See Misc. Vol. Sth. Feyjoo, (Rev. Father) Rules for preserving Health, parti- cularly with regard to studious Persons : from the Spanish of See Misc. Vol. 9th. Fontana on Poisons 2 Foote on the Bite of Mad Dogs. See Misc. Vol. 2d. on the Diseases in the Urethra and Bladder. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Fordyce on Fever 3 Fothergill's (Dr. John) Works 3 Fowler on the Use of Arsenick in the Cure of Agues. See Mise. Vol. 4th. on the Effects of Tobacco in the Cure of Drop- sies. See Misic. Vol. 3d. on Acute and Chronick Rheumatism 1 Gibbes's Treatise on the Bath- Waters 1 Gilchrist on the Use of Sea- Voyages in Medicine, and par- ticularly in Consumption ; with Observations on that Disease 1 PHYSIC, &c OCTAVO. VOL, Gimbernat, A New Method of Operating for the Femoral Hernia : from the Spanish of Don Antonio See Misc. Vol. 8th. Girdelstone's Essays on the Hepatitis, and Spasmodic Af- fections in India. See. Misc. Vol. 1st. Goodvvyn on the Connexion of Life with Respiration I Gregory's Conspectus Medicina? 2 Haller's (Dr. Albert) Physiology 2 Pathological Observations ; chiefly from Dissec- tions of Morbid Bodies 1 Hamilton's (Alexander) Outlines of the Theory and Prac- tice of Midwifery 1 Harper's (Andrew) Treatise on the real Cause and Cure of Insanity. See Misc. Vol. 6th. Haygarth's (Dr. John) Letter on the Prevention of Infec- tious Fevers 1 Heberden's (Dr. William) Commentaries on the History and Cure of Diseases 1 Henderson on the Plague. See Misc. Vol. 4th. Hewson's Experimental Inquiries into the Properties of the Blood 1 Heysham's Account of the Jail Fever. See Misc. Vol. 4tk. Hilary on the Diseases of Barbadoes 1 Home's Clinical Experiments, Histories, and Dissections 1 Hufeland, The Art of Prolonging Life : from the German of Dr. C. W. 1 Hunter's Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Ja- maica 1 Hurlock's Practical Treatise on Dentition I Huxham's (Dr. John) Observations on the Air, and Epide- mical Diseases made at Plymouth, from 1 728 to 1738; with a short Treatise on the Devonshire Colick 2 Essay on Fevers ; with a Dissertation on the Malignant Ulcerous Sore-Throat 1 Irving's (Ralph) Experiments on the Red and Quill Peru- vian Bark 1 Jackson's (Dr. Robert) Treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica 1 Remarks on the Constitution of the Medical Department of the British Army, &c. 1 (Dr. Seguin H.) Treatise on Sympathy 1 PHYSIC, &c. 139 OCTAVO. VOL. Johnstone's (Dr. James) Medical Observations and Disqui- sitions relative to the Nervous 1 System 1 Jones's (Philip) Treatise on Crookedness. See Misc. Vol. 6th. (Robert) Inquiry into the State of Medicine, on the Principles of Inductive Philosophy 1 - (John) Medical, Philosophical, and Vulgar Errours refuted I Justamond on Cancerous and Scirrhous Disorders. See Mise. Vol. 1st. Kentish's Advice to Gouty Persons. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Kirkland's Inquiry into the present State of Medical Sur- gery 2 . Commentary on Paralytic and Apoplectic Affec- tions 1 Kite's Essays on the Recovery of Persons apparently Dead 1 Leake on the Chronical Diseases peculiar to Women 2 Leigh and Young on Opium. See Young on Opium. Lempriere's Army Diseases 2 Le Roi, Observations on the Prognostic in acute Diseases: from the French of Charles 1 Lewis's Materia Medica 2 Lind's Essay on the Diseases incidental to Europeans in hot Climates 1 Lyson's Practical Essays upon Fevers, Dropsies, &c. 1 Macbride's Experimental Essays on Medical and Philoso- phical Subjects 1 Maclurg's Experiments upon the Human Bile 1 Mathevvs's Observations on Hepatic Diseases incidental to Europeans in the East Indies 1 May's (William) Essay on Pulmonary Consumption. See Misc. Vol. 5th. M'Lean's (Dr. Hector) Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the great Mortality among the Troops at St. Domingo ; with practical Remarks on the Fever of that Island, in 1797 1 Medical Society of London, instituted in 1773, Memoirs of the 5 and Philosophical Commentaries : by a Society of Physicians in Edinburgh 20 and Philosophical Extracts ; or the Philosophy of Medicine 5 U9 PHYSIC, &c. OCTAVO. VOL. Medical Museum 3 Observations and Inquiries : by a Society of Physi- cians in London 6 Records : from the Papers of a private Medical Society 1 Communications 2 Spectator 2 and Chirurgical Review; from 1794 IS and Physical Journal; containing the earliest in- formation on Subjects of Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacy, Chymistry, and Natural History, from 1799 10 and Physical Recorder, The Baltimore: conduct- ed by Dr. Tobias Watkins. Gift of the Editor 1 Millar on Asthma, and on the Hooping Cough 1 Miscellanies, Physical 10 Monro's (Dr. Donald) Treatise on Mineral Waters 2 Moore's (Dr. John) Medical Sketches 1 Moseley's (Benjamin) Treatise on Tropical Diseases 1 Treatise on Sugar ; with Medical Observations 1 Moss on the Management and Nursing of Children 1 Ontyd's (Conrad G.) Treatise on Mortal Diseases 1 Parry's Inquiry into the Symptoms and Causes of the Syn- cope Anginosa, commonly called Angina Pec- toris 1 Peale's (Charles W. of Philadelphia} Epistle to a Friend on the means of preserving Health. Gift of the Author. See Misc. Fol. IQth. Pearson's (Richard) Short Account of the Nature and Pro- perties of different kinds of Airs, so far as it re- lates to their Medicinal Use. See Misc. Vol. 8th. 1 Observations on the Effects of various Articles of the Materia Medica, in the Cure of Lues Ve- nerea 1 Observations on the Epidemick Catarrhal Fever, or Influenza of 1803. See Misc. Fol IQth. Pennsylvania Hospital, Catalogue of the Medical Library in the Gift of the Managers 1 Percival's (Thomas) Medical and Experimental Essays 2 PHYSIC, &c. 141 OCTAVO. VOL, Percival's (Thomas) Medical Ethics ; or a Code of Insti- tutes and Precepts adapted to the Professional Conduct of Physicians and Surgeons 1 Perfect's Midwifery 2 Remarkable Case of Madness ; with the Diet and Medicines used in the Cure. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Playfair's (James, Architect) Method of constructing Va- pour Baths, so as to render them of small Ex- pense, and of commodious Use in private Fami- lies : with a Design and Description of a con- venient Hot-Water Bath. See Misc. Vol. 6th. Pott's (Percival) Chirurgical Works 3 Powers (George) on the Egyptian Ophtalmia. See Misc. Vol. 10th. Pringle on the Diseases of the Army i Ramsay's (Dr. David) Sketch of the Soil, Climate, Wea- ther, and Diseases of South Carolina. See Misc. Vol. 6th. < ' " Review of the State of Medicine in the 18th Century. See Misc. Vol. 8th. Rigby on the Uterine Haemorrhage. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Robertson's Observations on Jail, Hospital, or Ship Fevers I Rogers's (Joseph) Essay on Epidemick Diseases 1 Rowley's Treatise on Female Nervous Diseases 1 on the Scarlet and Yellow Fevers of the West Indies and America. See Misc, Vol. 4th. -on the Malignant Ulcerated Sore-Throat of 1787. See Misc. Vol. 4th. Rush's (Dr. Benjamin) Medical Inquiries and Observations. Gift of the Author 4 Sanchez, Historical Investigation into the first Appear- ance of the Venereal Disease in Europe ; with Remarks on its Nature : from the French of Dr. 1 Saunders's Treatise on the Chymical History and Medical Powers of Mineral Waters 1 Sheldrake's Practical Essay on the Club-Foot 1 Sherwen's Observations on the diseased Urinary Bladder. See Misc. Vol. 9th. Simmons on the Tenia, or long Tape Worm ; and Method, of treating it. See Misc. Vol. 2d, 142 PHYSIC, &c. OCTAVO. VOL, Sims's Observations on Epidemical Disorders; with Re- marks on Nervous and Malignant Fevers 1 Sinclair's (Sir John) Code of Health and Longevity 4 Skeete's Experiments and Observations on Quilled and Red Peruvian Bark 1 Smellie's Midwifery 3 Thesaurus Medicus 4 Smyth on the Jail Distemper at Winchester, in 1780 1 Spallanzani on Blood 1 Memoirs on Respiration : by 1 Speculations on the Mode and Appearances of Impregna- tion 1 Button's (Thomas) Considerations on Pulmonary Consump- tion. See Misc. Vol. Wth. Theses Medicae Edinburgi 7 Thomas on the Diseases of Warm Climates 1 Thornton on the Cow-Pock 1 Townsend's Guide to Health 2 Transactions of the Royal Humane Society 1 Trotter's Medicina Nautica 3 Underwood on Diseases of Children 2 Valli's Experiments on Animal Electricity ; with their ap- plication to Physiology," and Medical Observa- tions 1 Van Swieten's Commentaries 19 Wade on Emetics, Purgatives, Mercurials, and low Diet, in Disorders of Bengal and similar Latitudes 2 Walker's Memoirs of Medicine 1 Wallis's (George) Art of preventing Diseases and restoring Health 1 Treatise on Injudicious Bleeding in Pregnancy. See Misc. Vol. '2d. Edition of Thomas Sydenham's Works 2 Ware's Remarks on the Fistula Lacrymalis, &c. 1 Warner's Full and plain Account of the Gout 1 White (Charles) on the Management of Pregnant and Ly- ing-in Women 1 on the Swelling in the lower Extremities of Lying- in Women. See Misc. Vol. 6th. (Thomas) on Scrophula. See Misc. Vol. 5th. "PUYSIC, &o U,3 OCTAVO. VOL. White (William) Observations and Experiments on the broad-leaved Willow-Bark, illustrated with Cases. See Misc. Vol. 9th. Willich's Lectures on Diet and Regimen 1 Wilson's (Alexander) Observationons on the Influence of Climate on Vegetable and Animal Bodies 1 (Alexander, Phil.) Treatise on Febrile Diseases 3 Withering on the Fox-Glove and some of its Medical Uses 1 ' Withers's (Thomas) Observations on the Abuse of Medi- cine 1 Treatise on Asthma 1 i Treatise on the Errors and Defects of Medical Education 1 Woodville's History of Inoculation in Great Britain 1 Observations on the Cow-Pox. See Misc. } ol. Sth. Young and Leigh on Opium 1 Zimmerman's Treatise on Dysentery 1 DUODECIMO. Andry's Orthopaedia ; or the Art of correcting and pre- venting Deformities in Children : from the French 1 Assalini's Observations on the Plague, the Dysentery, and the Ophtalmy of Egypt : from the French 1 Cornaro's Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life 1 Falconar's Dissertation on the Influence of the Passions upon Disorders of the Body 1 Hamilton on Scrophulous Affections 1 La Faye, Principes de Chirurgie: par 1 Le Clerc, L'Appareil des Jeunes Chirurgiens : par 1 Lecture on the situation of the large Blood- Vessels of the Extremities 1 Monro on Dropsy 1 Nisbet's Edinburgh School of Medicine, intended as an In- troduction to the Clinical Guide 4 Clinical Guide ; to which is added a Practical Pharmacopeia E J44 PHYSIC, &c, DUODECIMO. VOL. Schmidt (Joannis) Dissertatio, sistens Dcscriptionem Ma- chin* Gibbositates minuendae at que sanandae 1 Stranger's Remarks on the Necessity and Means of sup- pressing Contagious Fever in London 1 Turnbull's Instructions to those, of both Sexes, who are afflicted with Ruptures 1 Willan's Reports on the Diseases of London ; from 1 796, to 1800 } ( 145 ) POETRY AND THE FOLIO. VOL. Boothby's Sorrows ; sacred to the Memory of Penelope : with Plates 1 Chaucer's (Jeffrey) Works; to which is adjoined the Sto- ry of the Siege of Thebes, by John Lidgate, Monk of Bury : together with the Life of Chau- cer, and a Table explaining the old and obscure Words. London 1687. Gift of William Low- ry y Esq. I ftUARTO. Barlow's (Joel) Columbiad : with Plates. Gift of Mr. Fielding Lucas 1 Bidlake's (John) Poems 1 Boaden's (James) Cambro Britons. See Plays by several hands, vol. 1st. Bowie's Sorrows of Switzerland. See Misc. vol. 3d. Blacklock's (Thomas) Poems 1 Booker's (Luke) Malvern ; a Descriptive and Historical Poem Brumoy's Greek Theatre : translated by Mrs. C. Lenox Burgess's Birth and Triumph of Love Callimachus : translated by Tytler Carlyle's Specimen of Arabian Poetry Cartwright's Armine and Elvira. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Cawthorn's Poems 1 Champion's (Joseph) Translation of the Persian Poems of Ferdosi 1 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales 2 Cupid and Psyche : a Mythological Tale from the Golden Ass of Apuleius 1 146 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. aUARTO. Dallas's (R. C.) Works; consisting of Poems; Lucretia, a Tragedy, and Moral Essays ; with a Vocabula- ry of the Passions 1 Darwin's Botanick Garden, a Poem in two Parts ; the first containing the Economy of Vegetation, and the second the Loves of the Plants ; with Phi- losophical Notes 2 De Lille's (Abbe) Gardens : translated from the French 1 Druriad ; or Strictures on the principal Performers of Dru- ry-Lane Theatije, a Satirical Poem. See Mlso. Vol. 1st, Fawcett's (Joseph) Art of War, a Poem 1 Fenelon's Telemachus : translated by John Hawkesworth 1 Fosbrooke's (T. D.) Economy of Monastick Life. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Genius of France ; or Consular Vision. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Gessner's Idyls ; with a Letter on Landscape-Painting, and the Story of the two Friends : translated by William Hooper 1 Hayley's (William) Essay on Sculpture ; with Notes 1 Heroick Epistle to Sir William Chambers Postcript to the Publick. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey : translated by William Cooper 2 Horace's Art of Poetry : translated by George Colman 1 Hubbard's Jacobinism. See Misc. -, oL 3d. Hurdis's Poem on the Marriage of the Prince of Wales. See Misc. : ol. 1st Innovation, a Poem. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Jones's (Sir William) Translation of Arabian Poems 1 Knight's (Richard Payne) Landscape, a Poem 1 Progres of Civil Society, a Didac- tick Poem 1 Lloyd's (Robert) Poems 1 Logan's (Maria) Poems on several Occasions. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Manner's (Lady) Review of Poetry, Ancient and Modern,, See Misc. Vol. 1st. Merry's (Robert) Pains of Memory. See Misc. Vol, 1st. Miscellanies 3 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. aUARTO. VOL. More's (Hannah) Florio, a Tale -} 9 ---- Bas Bleu, or Conversation ' 01 n Slavery, a Poem Nott's (John) Odes of Hafez : translated from the Persian 1 Ode to Dragon, Mr. Garrick's House-Dog. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Poems from the Arabick and Persian ; with Notes by the Author of Gebir. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Pye's (Henry James) Naucratia ; or Naval Dominion 1 Seward's (Miss Anna) Llangollen Vale, with other Poems 1 ---- Original Sonnets ; and Odes para- phrased from Horace 1 Sotheby's (Miss) Patient Griselda. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Swift's (Theophilus) Temple of Folly. See Misc. Vol. 3d. Thomson's (Alexander) Paradise of Taste 1 Voltaire's Henriade : translated in English 1 Williams's (Helen Maria) Peru, a Poem 1 Yearsley's (Ann, a Milk- Woman of Bristol) Poems on se- veral Occasions 1 i. "- - Rural Lyre ; or a Volume of Poems. See Misc. Vol. 2d. OCTAVO. jSEschylus : translated by Potter 2 Akenside's (Mark) Poems 1 American Select Poems 1 Apolonius Rhodius : translated by Fawkes 1 Ariosto's Orlando Furioso : translated by Hoole, from the Italian 5 Aristophanes's Clouds : translated by Richard Cumberland 1 Baillie's (Joanna) Series of Plays ; each Passion being the subject of a Tragedy and a Comedy 2 Barbauld's (Mrs. Anna Laetitia) Poems 1 Barlow's (Joel) Vision of Columbus I Barry's (Garrett) Elegies, and other little Poems. See American Poems, Vol. 2d. Battle of the Nile. See Plays by several hands, Vol. 1st. Beloe's (Rev. William) Poems and Translations 1 Bernis, CEuvres du Cardinal de Gift of Madame Len- drieve I 148 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. OCTAVO. VOL. Bubble and Squeak : by the Author of Topsy Turvy. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Barrel's (Lady) Poems 2 Butler's Hudibras 2 Camoens, The Lusiad : translated by William Mickle, from the Portuguese of 2 Champion's (Anthony) Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse : published from the original Manuscript, by Wil- liam Henry Lord Lyttleton 2 Cherry's (A.) Soldier's Daughter, a Comedy. See Plays by several hands, Vol. 2d. Cottle's Icelandick Poetry 1 Cowley's (Mrs.) Town before you, a Comedy I Crambe Repetita : or a Second Course of Bubble and Squeak. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Cumberland's (Richard) Plays 2 Darwin's Temple of Nature, a Poem 1 Deaf and Dumb, (the) Historical Drama : from the French of M. Bouilly. See Plays by several hands, Vol. 2d. Democracy Unveiled ; or Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism 2 Donald Bane. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Dray ton's (Michael) England's Heroical Epistles 1 Dwight's (Dr. Timothy) Greenfield Hill 1 Edkins's (Joshua) Collection of Poems, mostly Original, by several hands 2 Elegy on the Death of Mrs. Mary Wharton. Gift of the Rev Dr. Bend. See American Poems, Vol. 2d. Epistle from the Marquis de la Fayette to General Wash- ington. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Evans's (Nathaniel) Poems 1 Euripides : translated by Potter 2 Falconer's (William) Shipwreck, a Poem 1 Fawcett's Poems 1 Gebir, a Poem. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Good's (John Mason) Song of Songs ; or Sacred Idyls : from the Hebrew 1 Grant's (Mrs.) Poems on various Subjects 1 Guillotina (The) : by the Author of the Democratiad. Gift of Charles Ridgely, Esq. See American Po- ems, Vol. 2d. POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 149 OCTAVO. VOLc Homer's Iliad, Translated by Alexander Pope : Edition of Gilbert Wakefield 6 Odyssey Do. Do. 5 Hopkinson's Song, adapted to the President's March. See American Poems, ol. Id. Horace ; Translated by William Boscawen 2 House of Wisdom in a Bustle. See American Poems, Vol. 2d. Humphrey's Political Works 1 Poem on Industry. See American Poems, / ol. 2d. Hurdis's (James) Poems 1 Adriana, or the 1st of June ; a Poem 1 Village Curate, a Poem 1 Sir Thomas More, a Tragedy 1 Tears of Affection, a Poem 1 Whist, a Poem iu twelve Cantos 1 Jago's (Richard) Poems, Moral and Descriptive 1 Iffland's Forresters, or a Picture of rural Manners, a Play in 5 Acts ; Translated by Belle Plumptre, from the German. See Plays by several hands, Vol. 1st. Jone's (Sir William) Asiatic Poems; with two Essays, one on the Poetry of Eastern Nations, the other on Arts commonly called Imitative 1 Knox's Elegant Extracts, Poetical 1 Kotzebue's Stranger, a Play : translated by George Pa- dendick. See Plays by several hands, Vol. 2d. Legrand's Fabliaux, or Tales of the 12th. and 13th. Cen- tury : translated by G. Ellis, Esq. from the French 2 Lloyd's (Robert) Poetical Works 1 (Charles) Poems. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Lucretius, Translated by Creech 2 Lucrezio, Tradotto da Marchetti. Gift of Mr. Joseph Pench 1 Manner's (Lady) Poems 1 Mary Stewart a Tragedy 1 Maurice's Poems 1 Milton's (John) Paradise Lost, with Newton's Notes 2 J50 POETRY AND THE DRAMA OCTAVO. VOL. % Milton's (John) Poetical Works. Gift of William M'Creery, Esq. 4 Miscellanies 2 Moore's (Hannah) Plays 1 < Poetical Review. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Murphy's (Arthur) Arminius. See Plays by several hands t lol. 2d. Nicols de Literis Inventis, Libri Sex. Gift of H. Nichols, Esq. I Nivernois, Fables Translated in English Verse : from the French of the Duke of 1 Ogilvie's (John) Poems 1 Ossian's Poems 1 Owen's (William) Literal Translation of the Heroic Ele- gies, and other pieces of Leywarc Hen, Prince of the Cambrian Britons Peter Pindar's Poetical works. Gift of Mr. John Cole Plautus : translated by Thornton Plays by several hands Pleaders Guide : by Surrebutter. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Poetical Tour in the years 1784, '85, '86 : by a member of the Arcadian Society Polwhele's (Richard) Poems : among others, a Poem called the Influence of Local Attachment, with respect to Home Preston's (William) Poetical Works Pye's (Henry James) Poems Pursuits of Literature, a Satirical Poem in Dialogues Ramsay's (Allen) Poems Render's (the Rev.) Translation of Count Beniowsky, a Tragi-Comedy, from the German 1 Robinson's (Mrs. M.) Poems 1 Salmagundi : A Miscellaneous combination of original Poetry 1 Sayer's (Frank) Dramatic Sketches of Northern Mythology 1 Nugae Poeticae. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Schiller's Don Carlos : translated by G. H. Noehden and I. Stoddart I Fiesco : translated by Ditto 1 Robbers 1 Walstein : translated by S. Holleridge 1 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 151 OCTAVO. VOL. Scott's (John) Poetical Works 1 - (Thomas) Book of Job : translated into Verse 1 -- (Walter) Lay of the 'Last Minstrel 1 ----- Marmion, a Tale of Flodden Field 2 ihade of Alexander Pope, a Satirical Poem. See Misc. lhakspeare's Works, Edition of Johnson and Stevens 15 Jophocles : translated by Franklin 2 louthey's (Robert) Madoc 2 Jtatius : translated by Lewis 2 rasso's Jerusalem Delivered : a Heroic Poem, translated from the Italian, by Hoole 2 ["erence : translated by George Colman 2 'heocritus : translated by Richard Polwheles 2 ---- by Francis Fawkes 1 Pheophrastus, Imitations of the Characters of: Gift of Mr. Samuel Cole 1 'homson's (James) Seasons: with plates by Stocdale. Gift of Robert Gilmor, Jun. Esq. I ]*opsy Turvy. See Misc. Vol. 1st. [Yumbull's (John) M'Fingal 1 fida's Christiad : translated from the Italian, by Granan 1 Virgil, the works of, In Latin and English : the Eneid translated by the Rev. Christopher Pitt ; the Eclogues and Georgics, with Notes on the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton ; with several new observations by Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Spence and others, &c. 4 Walpole's (the Hon. Horace) Mysterious Mother : a Co- medy 1 kVyntown, De Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland ; be An- drow : with Notes, Glossary, &c. by David Macpherson 2 DUODECIMO. Anacreon, Sappho, Bio, Muschus and Musoeus : translated by Frances M. A. Fawkes 1 Anthology : translated from the Greek 1 (D. Magni) Opera 1 152 POETRY AND THE DRAMA, DUODECIMO. VOL. Bannatyne's Ancient Scottish Poem 1 Bath Guide, the New 1 Beattie's Poems 1 Beauties of Poetry, English and American 1 Bell's British Theatre, Tragedies and Comedies 14 Farces 6 Bidlake's Youth, a Poem. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Bourne, Poematica Latine Scripta a Vincentio 1 Bowles's Poems 2 British Album containing the Poems of Delia Crusca, Anna Matilda Arley, Benedict the Bard, &c. 2 Buchanan's Latin Psalms 1 Burn's (Robert) Poems, chiefly in,,the Scottish Dialect 1 Butler's (Samuel) Hudibras. Gift of Mr. John Cole 1 Cesarotti, La Iliade de Omero : Tradotta dall Abate. Gift of Mr. Joseph Pench 2 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, completed in a Modern Ver- sion 3 Churchill's (Charles) Poetical Works. Gift of Mr. John Cole Coleridge's Poems on various subjects Colman's (George) Dramatic Works Constantini Odarum Libri Tres Corneille, Theatre de Pierre "i Gift of William Thomas 3 Grahame, Esq. Cowper's (William) Poems Crabbe's (the Rev. George) Poems Cumberland's (Richard) Calvary, a Poem Natural Son Dante's Inferno : translated from the Italian, by Henry Boyd 2 Davis's (John) Poems. Gift of the Author 1 Delisle's (the Abbe) Rural Philosopher : translated from the French, by John Maunde 1 D'lsraeli's Poems 1 Dodd's (the Rev. William) Thoughts in Prison : to which are added Miscellaneous Pieces . 1 Dodsley's Collection of Poems, composed by several hands 6 Oowman's (Hugh) Infancy, a Poem ; or the Management of Children 1 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 15 DUODECIMO. VOt. Drummond's (William) Poems. Gift of Mr. John Cole 1 Dyer's (John) Poetical Works 1 Epigrammata et Parerga 1 Epistle to a Friend, by the Author of the Pleasures of Memory 1 Evans's (Thomas) Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative 4 Fables (Eighty Nine Fugitive) in Verse 1 Farquhar's (George) Works 2 Fe ssenden's (Thomas Green) Poems 1 Terrible Tractorations 1 Garrick's (David) Poetical Works 2 Genlis, Theatre of Education : from the French of Ma- dame de. Gift of Mr. George W. Field 3 Gessner's Death of Abel, translated from the German, by Mary Collyer ; with the Death of Cain, by a Lady 1 Gifford's (William) Baviad and Maviad 1 Giliepsie's (William) Progress of Refinement ; with other Poems 1 Gisborne's (Thomas) Sacred and Moral Poems 2 Grainger's (James) Sugar Cane, a Poem 1 Great Review 1 Green's (Matthews) Poems : consisting of the Spleen, and other Poems 1 Gresset, CEuvres de 2 Guarini, II Pastor Fido di: Gift of Mr. J. Pench 1 Haller's (the Baron) Poems : translated by Mrs. Howorth 1 Hayley's (William) Poems and Plays 6 Triumph of Temper 1 Huddersford's (George) Poems 3 W T iccamical Chaplet 1 Jerningham's Poems 2 Johnson's (Samuel) Edition of the English Poets 75 Jonstonii Opera 1 Keate's (George) Poetical Works 2 Kenney's (James) Society, a Poem in two Parts ; with other Poems 1 Kenrick's (W) Epistles 1 Klopstock's Messiah: translated from the German, by Joseph Collyer 1 Lansdown's (George Grenville Lord of) Poem* ^ 154 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. DUODECIMO. VOL. Leiden's (John) Scenes of Infancy; descriptive of Teviot- dale 1 Lambert (St.) Les Saisons : Pot me par 1 Marino, La Galeria di. Gift of Mr. Pencil 1 Martial Effusions of Ancient Times; from the Fragments of Tyrtaeus 1 Mason's (William) Poems 3 Metastasio, The works of, translated from the Italian, by John Hoole 1 Milton, II Paradiso Perduto di > Gift of Mr. 2 Milton's (John) Paradise Lost j Pench 1 Moliere, Theatre de. Gift of William Grahame, Esq. 4 Montgomery's (James) Wanderer of Switzerland; and other Poems 2 Moore's (Edward) Plays 1 Fables for Ladies 1 Nicoll's Collection of Poems 3 Opie's (Mrs.) Poems, containing the Warrior's return, and other Poems 1 Pearch's Collection of Poems by several hands 4 Peacock's (J. L.) Palmyra 1 Persius, Satires of, translated by William Drummond 1 Translated by Brewster 1 JPinkerton's Rhymes I Pindar, Translated by Gilbert West 3 Plays, Old 12 Pleasures of Hope, by Thomas Campbell 1 of Memory 1 of Solitude, with other Poems, by P. L. Coul- tier 1 Poetical Farrago, being a Miscellaneous Assemblage of Epigrams, and other Jeux d'Esprit 2 Polwhele's Poems 3 Ramsay's Evergreen 2 Relics of Ancient Poetry, consisting of Heroic Ballads, Songs and other Pieces of our earlier Poets 3 Richardson's (William) Poems, chiefly Rural 1 The Maid of Lochlin 1 Robinson's (Mrs. Mary) Lyrical Tales 1 Poems 1 Rogers's Epistle to a Friend ,1 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 155 DUODECIMO. VOL. Koscoe's (William) Nurse ; a Poem, translated from the Italian of Luigi Transilio 1 Rousseau, (JeanB aptiste) Odes, Cantates, Epitres et Poesies diverses de 2 Rushston's (Edward) Poems 1 Sacred Dramas by Hannah Moore 1 by Madame de Genlis 1 Sargent's (John) Mine, a Dramatic Poem ; to which are added two Historical Odes 2 Scottish Poems, (Ancient) with large Notes and Glossary 1 Scott's (Walter) Lay of the last Minstrel 1 Select Plays, performed in America 4. Seward's Monody on Major Andre, &c. 1 Smart's (Christopher) Poems 2 Smith's (Charlotte) Elegiac Sonnets and other Poems 2 Smollet's (I.) Works, Plays and Poems 1 Shee's (Martin Archer) Rhymes on Art 1 Southey's (Robert) Poems 1 Joan of Arc 2 Tasker's (William) Select Odes and Miscellaneous Poems 3 Tasso, L'Amadigi di M. Bernardo. Gift of the Rev. Mr. Doyle 4 Thomson's (James) Works. Gift of Mr. John Cole 2 Trumbull's (John) Progress of Dullness 1 Virgil, The Works of, translated into English Verse, by John Dryden 4 Wallace, the Metrical History of Sir William, by Blind Harry. Gift of Mr. G. L. Gray 3 Ward's Reformation of England, a Poem 1 West's (Mrs.) Poems and Plays 2 Wieland's Oberon, a Poem : translated from the German, by Mr. John Sotheby 1 Whitehead's (William) Hays and Poems 3 Wilke's Leonidas, a Poem 2 - Epigoniad 1 Williams's Poems. Gift of Mr. John Cole 2 (Helen Maria) Poems 2 Wordsworth's ( Villiam) Lyrical Ballads and other Poems 2 Young's Night Thoughts. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field. I loo POLITICAL FOLIO. VOL. Census, or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States; taken in 1800. Gift of Hon. John E. Hovardy Esq. Debates of the House of Commons from 1347 to 1659. Gift of James fTinekester, Esq. Embassador and his Functions, by Mons. de Wiquefort PufendorPs Law of Nature and Nations Selden's Mare Clausum ; or the Right and Dominion of the Sea Sidney's (Algernon) Discourses concerning Government 'Journal of the House of Representatives, for 1790 and 1791. Letters and Statements from the Secretary of the Treasury. from the Secret a- L'nited States Papers, Do- cuments, Journals, &c, ries of State, War and Navy 1 Yearly Accounts of the Receipts and Ex- penditures of the United States, frcr, 1792tol806 3 Public Accounts of Expenditures for the Navy Department, from 1 797 to 1 80 1 1 Public Accounts of Expenditure for the WarDepartment, from 1797tol801. Gift of Hon. William M'Creery, Esq. I fcUARTO. Harrington's Observations on the more ancient Statutes 1 Bevel's Votary of the Legal Policy of the Roman Senate, and of the Rise, Progress and Extent of the Roman Laws 1 Burke, Works of Edmund 3 POLITICAL, H; ftUARTO. VOL. Campbell's Political Survey of Great-Britain. Gift qf R. R. Dr. John Carroll 2 Ch aimer's Estimate of comparative Strength of Britain, during the present and the four preceeding Reigns, Gift of Henry Nichols, Esq. 1 Falconer's Remarks on the Influence of Climate, &c. on the Disposition, Manners, Laws, -Fast Sermon preached at the Lock Hos- pital, London, 1794. See Sermons on various j occasions, Vol. 3d. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend.j Scrope's (John) Translation of Dumoulin's Treatise on Peace of Soul and Content of Mind 18 THEOLOGY. OCTAVO. VOL. Seabury's (Bishop Samuel) Discourses 2 Seeker's (Archbishop Thomas) Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England 2 Eight Charges 1 Sermons 7 Nine Sermons I Fourteen Sermons 1 Sermons preached on Various Occasions 4 Shepherd (John) on the Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church of England 2 Sherlock's (Thomas) Discourses on the Use and Intent of L-rophecy, in the several Ages of the World 1 (William) Discourse concerning the Divine Pro- vidence 1 -Discourse concerning Death 1 Discourse concerning the Happiness of Good Men, and the Punishment of the Wicked in the next World -Practical Discourse concerning a Fu- ture Judgment 1 Shuckford's (Samuel) Discourse on the Fall of Man 1 Skinner's (John) Primitive Truth and Order Vindicated, with a defence of Episcopacy. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend 1 Smith's (Samuel Stanhope) Sermons. Gift of the Author 1 Sermon on the Thanksgiving, February 19, 795 (William) Sermon on Temporal and Spiritual Salvation ; preached in 1 790, before the Penn- sylvania Society of the Cincinnati. See Serm* on Far. Occasions, Vol. 1st. (William, Dean of Chester) Nine Discourses on the Beatitudes. See Serm. on /' err. Occa. Vol. 4. South's (Robert) Sermons 11 Southgate's (Richard) Sermons 2 Sowden's (Benjamin Choyce) Sermons 1 Squire's (Samuel) Indifference for Religion, inexcusable 1 Stebbing's (Henry) Treatise concerning the Operations of the Holy Spirit I Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ : from the Portuguese ef Father Thomas of Jesus * THEOLOGY. 181 OCTAVO. VOL. Swedenborg's (Emanuel) Universal Theology of the~J New Church ' 2 . . ' Delights of Wisdom concerning Conju- j gial Love. Gift of Robert Carter, Esq. J 1 Sylloge Confessionum Sub Tempus Reformandit Ecclesiue Editarum : viz. Professio Fidei Tridentina, Hel- vetica, Augustana, Saxonica, et Belgica 1 Thayer's (John) Discourse, delivered May 9th 1798, in the Roman Catholic Church, in Boston. Sec Serm. on Var. Occa. Vol. 2d. Trapp's (Joseph) Preservative against unsettled Notions and want of Principles in Religion 1 True Church of Christ shewed by concurrent Testimonies of Scripture and Primitive Tradition 2 Unjustifiableness of Cruelty to the Brute Creation. S$e Misc. Vol. 3d. Walker's (Robert) Sermons 4 Warburton's (Bishop) Divine Legation of Moses demon- strated. Gift of Rev. Dr. Bend. 3 Tracts 1 Julian 1 Sermons 3 Warner's (Ferdinando) System of Divinity and Morality 4 Watson's (Bishop Richard) Theological Tracts 6 (T.) Intimations and Evidences of a Future State 1 West's (Gilbert) Observations on the History and Evi- dences of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ : to which are added, Lord Littleton's Observations on the Conversion of St. Paul 1 Wharton's Inquiry into the Proofs of Christ's Divinity. See Misc. Vol. 2d. Whitby's (Daniel) Discourse concerning the Five Points 1 White's (Joseph) Sermons j. . (Bishop) Two Sermons preached in Philadelphia See Serm. on i ar. Occa. Vol. 1st. Sermon, on the Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Moore. ift of the Rev. 'Dr. Bend. See Serin, on Var. Occa. Vol. 2d. Fast Sermon, slpril 25th, 170.9. c >r> on Var. Occa, Vol. 3d. A a 182 THEOLOGY: aUARTO. VOL, Wilberforce's (Hon. William) Practical View of the Pre- vailing Religious System of Professed Christians, contrasted with Real Christianity 1 Wilkin's (Bishop) Principles and Duties of Natural Religion 1 Wilson's (Bishop Thomas) Works 5 Sermons 4 Zollikofer's (Geo. J.) Sermons on the Dignity of Man 2 H -Sermons on the Evils that are in the World, &c. 2 DUODECIMO. Archer's Sermons 4; Beattie's Evidences of Christianity 9 __ Ditto. Gift of Mr. Geo. W. Field 1 Belknap's Dissertations on the Character, Death, and Re- surrection of Jesus Christ J Beveridge's Thoughts on Religion. Gift of Mr. Geo W. Field I Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer and Frequent Communion 1 Blair's Sermons 3 Bogatskie's Golden Treasury. Gift of Mr. Geo. W. Field 1 Bossuet's (R. R. J. Benigne) Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of Controversy. Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston 1 Bourdaloue, Sermons du Pere 15 Practical Divinity : being a regular Series of Sermons, translated from the French of 4 Campbell on Miracles 1 Carroll's (R. R. John) Answer to Mr. Wharton's Letter to the Roman Catholics of Worcester, (England) See A7sc. Vol. 1st. Challenor's (R. R. Richard) Catholick Christian instructed in the Sacrements &c. of the Church. Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston I Translation of Thomas a Kempi's Following of Christ . 1 Clarke sur 1'Existence et les Attiibuts de Dieu 2 Courayer's (Le) Declaration of his last Sentiments on the different Doctrines of Religion 1 THEOLOGY. J83 DUODECIMO* VOL. Daubeny's Guide to the Church 1 Deism refuted 1 De Sale's (St. Francis) Introduction to a Devout Life 1 Dodd's Thoughts on Death 1 Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul 1 Duke's Clew to Religious Truth 1 Edwards on Religious Affections 1 Enfield's Biographical Sermons 1 Essay on the Fall of Angels and Men. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Farquhar's Sermons 2 Fenelon's Demonstration of the Existence of God 1 -Thoughts, or Pious Meditations 1 Fletcher's Works, Gift of Mr. John Brice. Q (Rev. Dr. of Hexham) Reflections on the Spirit &c. of Religious Controversy. Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston 1 Fordyce's (James) Sermons to Young Women 2 (David) Dialogue on the Art of Preaching 1 Genlis, Religion considered as the only Basis of Happiness: from the French of Madame de 1 Gentleman's Religion 1 Gibson's (Bishop) Pastoral Letters 1 Gilpin's (William) Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England 1 Gobinet, Instruction de la Jeunesse, par 1 Grosvernor's Mourner 1 Grotius (Hugo) on the Truth of the Christian Religion : translated by Le Clerc 1 Hare's Essay on, the Unreasonableness of Scepticism &c. l Huby's Spiritual Retreat. Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston I Kurd's Sermons on the Prophecies 2 Infidelity, Letters on 1 Jenyng's Internal Evidence of Christianity 1 Knox's (Vicesimus) Christian Philosophy 1 Langhorne's Sermons .* 2 Leslie's Short and Easy Method with the Deists 1 Machine's Letters to Jenyngs 1 Massillon, Les CEi^res de 13 Melmoth's Great Importance of a Religious Life 1 Miracles Displayed, Doctrine of 2 Miscellanies, 1 id* THEOLOfY. DUODECIMO. V*L. Moir's (Rev. J.) Philosophical Remarks on the Christian Religion I Moore's (Hannah)Estimate of the Religion of the Fashion- able World 1 Mumford's (James) Question of Questions. "| 1 -Catholick Scripturist, or the Plea of the fie j 'is \ Roman Catholicks. Gift of Rev. Francis Beeston j Necker, on the Importance of Religious Opinions 1 Osterwald, Traite des Sources de la Corruption qui regne aujourdhui parmi les Chretiens : Par 1 Paley's Evidences of Christianity 1 Pascal's Thoughts on Religion. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field 1 Porteus's Evidences of the Christian Religion 1 Priestley's Letters to the Jews ; and Levi's Answer 1 Proud's (Joseph) Liturgy of the New Jerusalem Church, &c. 1 Religious Tract-Society, Publications of. Gift of Rev. Lewis Richards 2 Scott's (John) Christian Life 5 Scougal's Life of God in the Soul of Man. Gift of Mr. G. W. Field Simpson's Essay on Christianity Smith's Sermons Sunday-Evenings, A Course of Lectures for Verus, Calumnies of, or Catholicks Vindicated. See Misc. Vol. 1st. Warburton's (Bishop) Doctrine of Grace 1 Watson's Apology for Christianity 1 Wharton's (Rev. Mr.) Letter to the Roman Catholicks of Worcester, England. See Misc. Pol, 1st, Witherspoon's Works 3 (185) yOYAGES AND TRAVELS FOLIO. VOL. Beaumont's Travels through the Rhaetian Alps ; with En- gravings 1 . through the Maritime Alps ; with En- gravings 1 British Traveller; or a Compleat Display of Great-Britain and Ireland; -with Plates. Gift of David Wil- liamson, Esq. 1 Chardin's (Sir John) Travels into Persia, and the East- Indies, in 1673 Drake's Collection of Voyages and Travels, to the yes 1767 1 Pocoke's (Richard) Description of the East and sorr _ other Countries ; 'with Plates 2 Purchas's Pilgrimes Sandys's (George) Relation of a Journey begun, in 1610, containing a Description of the Turkish Empire, of Egypt, of the Holy Land, &c. London 1632 1 Wheler's Journey into Greece, in 1675 1 Q.UARTO. Acerbi'^ Travels through Sweden, Finland and Lapland, to the North-Cape, in 1 798 9 2 Anson's Voyage round the World, from 1740 to 1744; with Plates 1 Antes's Observations on Egypt 1 Barrington's Discussion on the Probability of reaching the North Pole 1 Barrow's (John) Travels into the Interior of South Africa, in 179789 2 in China 1 Voyage to Cochin China, in 1 792 3 1 \S6 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. ftUARTO. VOL. Bell's Travels from St. Petersburg to divers parts of Asia 2 Beniowsky's (Count) Memoirs and Travels 2 Bligh's Veyage to the South Sea, for the purpose of con- veying the Bread-Fruit-Tree to the West-Indies 1 Bougainville's Voyages to the Falkland-Islands, and to the Streights of Magellan, from 1763 to 1766; with Plates 1 Broughton's Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, from 1 795 to 1 798 1 Browne's Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, from 1792 to 1798 1 Bruce's (Peter) Memoirs of his Travels in Germany, Rus- sia, Tartary, Turkey, the West-Indies, &c. 1 Burney's Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea ; with Maps: 1803 2 Campbell's Journey overland to India 1 Cartwright's Journal, during a residence of sixteen years, on the Coast of Labrador 3 Chandler's Travels in Asia Minor, in 1764 1 . in Greece, in 1 765 1 Cornell's Voyage to the South Atlantic, and round Cape Horn, into the Pacific ocean, in 1793 4 1 Consett's Tour through Sweden, Swedish Lapland, Fin- land and Denmark, in 1786 1 Cook's Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, from 1772 to 1775 2 .- . to the Pacific ocean, from 1776 to 1780 ; with an Atlas $ Craven's (Lady) Journey, through the Crimea, to Constan- tinople, in 1786 1 Dallaway's Constantinople ancient and modern, with Ex- cursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archi- pelago ; with Plates 1 D'Auteroche's Journey into Syberia, by order of the King of France, in 1761 1 Dillon's Travels through Spain, in 1778 1 Dobb's Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudsons's Bay 1 Falkner's Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America 3. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 187 ftUARTO. VOL. Forrest's Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, in 177456 I Forster's (Reinhold) History of the Voyages and Discove- ries made in the North I (George) Journey from Bengal to England, through the Northern part of India, and into Russia, by the Caspian Sea 2 Fortis's Travels into Dalmatia 1 Hakluit's Collection of the Principal Voyages and Disco- veries of the English Nation, to the year 1598 3 Hanway's Travels from England, through Russia, into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany and Holland 2 Hawksworth's Account of Voyages undertaken, for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere,by Com- modore Byron and Captains Wallis, Carteret and Cook ; with Plates 3 Hearne's Journey from Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, from 1769 to 1772 1 Hockin's Supplement to the account of the Pelew-Islands 1 Hodges's Travels in India, from 1780 to 1783; with Plates 1 Horneman's Journal of his Travels, from Cairo to Mour- zouk, in Africa, in 1 797 8 1 Hunter's Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson; with the Discoveries made in New- South Wales, and in the Southern Ocean, from 1786 to 1792. Gift of Mr. T. W. Jrmat, of Philadelphia 1 Irvvin's Voyage up to the Red Sea, and on the Coasts of Arabia and Egypt 1 Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, in 179678 1 Muller's Russian Voyages from Asia to America, for com- pleting the Discoveries of the North-West Coast of America 1 .Murphy's Travels in Portugal, in 1789 and 1790 1 Views of Portugal, in 1791; with Plates 1 Olivier's Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt and Per- sia; undertaken by order of the French Govern- ment during the first six years of the Republic; with an Atlas I 158 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. auARTO. VOL. Pallas's Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire, in 1793 4 2 Park's (Mungo; Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, in 1 79567 1 Paterson's Narrative of four Journies into the Country of the Hottentots and Cafraria, in 1777 8 -9 ; two Copies Pennant's Tour from Downing to Alston-Moor Tour to Scotland From Chester to London From London to the Isle of Wight Outlines of the Globe, including the View of Western and Eastern Hindostan, that of India Extra Gangem, China and Japan, the Malayan Isles, New Holland, and Spicy Islands ; -with Plates Percival's Account of the Island of Ceylon of Good Hope Phipp's Voyage towards the North-Pole, in 1773 Portlock's Voyage round the World, from 1 785 to 1 788 Radcliffe's (Ann) Journey through Holland, in 1 794 Russell's Natural History of Aleppo; containing a De- scription of the City and its Neighbourhood, with an account of the inhabitants, their manners, &c. -with Plates 2 Sandwich's Voyage round the Mediterranean, in 1738 9 1 Sauer's Account of Commodore Billings's Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia, from 1785 to 1794 1 Skrine's Three Successive Tours in the North of England, and great part of Scotland, from 1787 to 1793 1 Spar man's Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, from 1772 to 1776 2 Stanley's Observations on Tunis and the Adjacent Country 1 Staunton's Account of Lord McCartney's Embassy to China, in 1792; with Plates 2 Townson's Travels in Hungary, in 1793 1 Turner's Account of an Embassy to the Court of Lama, in Tibet, in 1783 1 Tuiss's Travels through Portugal and Spain, in 1772 3 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 1*9 OCTAVO. VOL. Vancouver's Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World, from 1790 to 1 795 ; with Maps and Plates 2 Van Reenen's Journal of a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope, in 1 790 1, in search of the wreck of the Grosvenor 1 White's Journal of a voyage to New South Wales, in 1807 8 j with 65 Plates of Animals, Birds, &c i OCTAVO. Addison's Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, in 1701-2-3 1 Africa, Proceedings of the Association for promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of, 1791 1 Voyages to, by Brisson and Tavernier 1 Aikin's Toyr Through the North Wales and Part of Shrop- shire 1 Bartheleray's (the Abbe) Travels in Italy 1 Bertram's Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, &c. in 1773 S Beatty's Journal of a Two Months Tour, for promoting Religion among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania, in 1766 1 Berchtold's Essays to direct and extend the enquiries of Patriotic Travellers 1 Bligh's Voyage to the South Sea 1 Born's Travels in Hungary, in 1770 1 Bossu's Travels through Louisiana, from 1751 to 1762, translated by Foster ; to which \e added, by the translator, a Catalogue of the known Plants, Shrubs and Trees in North America 1 Boswell's Account of Corsica, and Memoirs of Paschal Paoli i . Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson Bougainville's Voyage round the World 1 Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain, iu 1782 2 truce's (James) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, from ,768 to i773 6 Bk yo VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. OCTAVO. VOL. Brydone's Tour through Sicily and Malta 2 Byron's (Commodore) Narrative of his distresses on the Coast of Patagonia, from 740 to 746 1 Capper's Observations on the passage to India, through Egypt 1 Carr's Northern Summer 1 Tour to Ireland 1 Cassini's and d'Auteroche's Voyages to California, Mexico and Newfoundland in 768 1 CattPau's General View of Sweden in 790 1 Charlevoix's Voyage to Canada and Louisiana 1 Clayton's (Bishop of Clogher) Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai 1 Cockburn's Journey from Utrecht to Francfort 2 Cook's Voyages, including Hawkesworth's Collection 6 Cooper's Letter on the Irish Nation 1 Costigan's Sketches of Society and Manners in Portugal, in 1778 3 Coxe's Travels through Russia, Poland, &c. 6 . Account of the Russian Discoveries 1 View of Manners, &c. in Switzerland 3 Cruttwell's Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain 6 Dampier's Voyage round the World, from 1681 to 1699 2 Denon's Travels in Egypt, in 1798 3 Dtpon's Account of the Eastern Part of the Spanish Maine in South America, from 801 to 1804 8 Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red river, and Washita, by Captain Lewis and others. See President's Messages, Vol. 4th Drayton's View of South Carolina, in 1802 I Deputy's Travels through Italy 1 Ellis'* Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in 746 1 Este's Journey, in 1793, through Flanders, Germany, and Switzerland 1 Evans's Tour through North Wales, in 1798 1 Fi.-ht r's Travels in Spain, in 797-8 I Forstei's Travels through Sicily, Magna Graecia, and Egypt \ cklin's Observations on a Tour made from Bengal to Persia, in 1 786-7 1 < Inge's Survey of the West-Indies, in 1677 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 191 OCTAVO. VOL. Giflford, (John) Letters of an English Lady during a resi- dence in France, between 1792 and 1795, re- viewed by 2 Gray's Tour through Germany, Switzerland and Italy, in 1791-2 1 Grosier's General Description of China 2 Hamilton's Letters concerning the Northern Coast of An- trim 1 Hanway's Journal of Eight days Journey from Portsmouth to Kingston, upon the Thames 2 Hawkesworth's Collection of Voyages. Gift of John O'Donrvll, Esq. 3 Hennepin's Voyages to North America, from 1679 to 1682 1 Hentzner's Travels in England, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, translated by lord Orford 1 Hervey's Travels in Portugal, Spain, &c. Hill's Tour to the Highlands of Scotland 1 Button's Scarborough-Tour, in 1803 1 Joutel r s Voyage to the Gulph of Mexico 1 Kalm's Travels into North America 2 La Billardiere's Account of D'Entrecasteax's Voyage in search of La Pe rouse 2 La Hontan's Voyage to North America 1 La P rouse's Voyage round the World, from 1 785 to 1 788 Gift of Rose Campbell, Esq. 3 Lessep's Travels in Kamtschatka, in 1787-8 2 Letters from Barbary, Spain and Portugal 2 Letters from Scandinavia on the past and present State of the Northern Nations, in 1791 2 Lattice's Tour through various parts of Scotland 1 Lindley's Narrative of a Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Brasil, in 1802-3 1 Link's Travels in ortugal, France, and Spain, 1797 1 Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, translated by Dr. Johnson 1 Maclean's Excursion to France, from 1801 to 1803 l Mariti's (The Abb ) Travels through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine, with a General History of the Levant : translated from the Italian Marshall's Travels through the greatest part of Europe, from 1768 to 1771 4 192 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. OCTAVO. VOL. Martin's Description of the "Western Islands of Scotland 1 Matthew's Voyage to Sierra-Leone 1 Matthison's Letters written from various parts of Europe, between the years 1785 and 1794 J Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Gift of George W. Field 1 M'Kensie's Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific Ocean 2 M'Kinnen's Tour through the British West-Indies, in 1802-3 1 Mear's Voyage to the Nootka-Sound 2 Micheaux's Travels in America, in 1802 1 Millar's (Mrs.) Letters from Italy 2 Moore's View of Manners and Society in France 2 in Italy 2 Mortimer's Observations during Cox's Voyage to the North-west Coast of America, in 1 789 1 Niebuhr's Travels through Arabia and other Countries in the East Norden's Travels in Egypt and Nubia "Nugent's Travels through Germany Osbeck's Voyage to China and the East-Indies Owen's Travels in Europe in 1791 2 Pages's Travels round the World, from 1767 to 1771 Paris, As it was and as it is, in 1802 Praise of, in 1802 Le Maistre's Rough Sketch of, in 1802 Fragmens sur, en 1 798 Park's (Mungo) Travels into Africa Philip's (Governor) Voyage to Botany-Bay. Gift of Mr. T. IV. Armat, of Philadelphia 1 Piozzi's (Mrs.) Journey through France, Italy and Ger- many 1 Pollnitz's Memoirs of his Travels through several States of Europe 4 Pratt's Gleanings through Wales, Holland, Westphalia and England 6 RadclifiVs Journey through Sweden 1 Ro'i>frt?on's Tour through the Isle of Man 1 Rochon's Voyage to Madagascar 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 193 OCTAVO. Saint Pierre's Voyage to the Isle of France, the Isle of Bourbon and the Cape of Good Hope 1 Savary's Letters on Egypt 2 on Greece 1 Shaw's Tour to the West of England 1 Sherlock's Letters from an English Traveller 1 New Letters 1 Sketch of a Tour through the Austrian Netherlands, in 1785 1 Skryne's Tour in Wales 1 Smith's Tour on the Continent, in 1786-7 3 Sonnini's Travels in Egypt 3 in Greece 2 Southey's Letters from Spain and Portugal 1 Spallanzani's Travels in the Two Sicilies 4 Sparrnan's Voyages to the Cape of Good Hope, Gift of John O'Donnell, Esq. 2 Starke's Letters from Italy 2 Staunton's Account of Lord McCartney's Embassy to China, in 1792 2 Stavorinus's Voyage to the East-Indies 3 Stolberg's Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Sicily, in 1791 4 Storch's Picture of Petersburg, in 1 792 1 Sullivan's Tour through England, Scotland and Wales, in 1778 2 Swinburne's Travels through Spain 2 in the Two Sicilies. Gift of John O'Donnell, Esq. 2 Swinton's Travels into Norway,. Denmark and Russia, from 1788 to 1791 1 Symes's Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, in 1 795 ; with Plates 3 Taylor's Travels from England to India, in 1 789 2 Tench's Letters from France, in 1 794-5 1 Narrative of an Expedition to Botany-Bay, in 1787 1 Thickness's Journey through France and part of Spain, in 1775 3 Thomson's Letters in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa 1 194 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. OCTAVO. VOL, Thunberg'g Travels in Europe, Africa and Asia, between 1773 and 1779 4 Tour in Ireland, in 1775 1 in Wales, in 1773 1 through various parts of Europe, in 1792-4 1 through part of France, with a Description of Paris and Ermenonville, in 1 788 1 Townsend's Journey through Spain, in 1786-7 3 Trip to Paris, in 1 792 1 Ulloa's Voyage to South America 2 Ulysse's Travels through the Kingdom of Naples, in 1789; translated by Aufrere 1 Vaillant's Travels in Africa, in 1780-1-2 2 New Travels in Africa, in 1783-4-5 3 Vanbraam's Journal of the Embassy of the Dutch-India Company to China, in 1 794 2 Van-Troil's Letters on Iceland 1 Volney's Travels into Syria and Egypt 2 Voyage > Constantinople et aux Isles de L'Archipel, en 1790 1 de Deux Fran^ais en Allemagne, Suede, Russie et Pologne, en 1700-2 5 Wafer's Voyage, and Description of the Isthmus of Ame- rica, in 1 702 1 Walker's Letters written at Sea, on the African and Asiatic Coasts of the Mediterranean 1 Warner's Walks through Wales, in 1797-8 2 Watkins's Travels through Switzerland, Italy and Sicily, to Constantinople 2 Wimphen's Voyage to St. Domingo, in 1788 90 1 Wittman's Travels in Turkey, and across the Desart, into Egypt, in 17991801 1 Wollstoncraft's (Mrs.) Letters from Sweden, Norway and Denmark 1 World Displayed ; or a Collection of Voyages and Travels, by Goldsmith and others 8 Wraxall's Travels in Sweden 1 Tour through France, in 1775. See his Me- moirs of the House of Galois, Pol. 2d. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 193 DUODECIMO. VOL. America, Review of North America, in 1788 2 American Wanderer 1 American-Farmer, Letters from 1 Anderson's Account of Lord McCartney's Embassy to China. Gift of R. R. John Carroll 1 Anson's Voyage round the World. Gift of Mr. Geo. W. Field 2 Barrington's Voyage to South Wales 1 Bowden's Tour through Ireland 1 Bygge's Travels in the French Republic, in 1 798 1 Carver's Travels through the Interior parts of America 1 Chinese-Traveller. Gift of Mr. Geo. W. Field 2 Condamine's (La) Observations in a Tour to Italy 1 Curiosit s de Paris, et Voyage en France 3 Curtis's Travels in Barbary, in 1801 1 Denon's Tour through Sicily and Malta. Gift of Mr. John Cole 1 Dumouriez's Account qf Portugal 1 England, View of, towards the close of the 18th Century l Espriella's Letters from England, in 1802 3 Gardenstone's Travelling Memorandums 2 Grosley's Tour to England 3 Guy's Sentimental Journey through Greece 2 Hager's Description of Palermo 1 Imlay's Description of the Western Territory of North America 2 Journey to the Glaciers of Savoy 1 Karamsin's Travels from Moscow through Prussia, Ger- many, France and England 3 Keate's Account of the Pelew-Islands 1 Lempriere's Tour to Moroco 1 Luckombe's Beauties of England. Gift of Mr. John Cole 2 Mavor's British Tourists 6 Collection of Voyages 20 Montague's (Lady) Letters 2 Owenson's (Miss) Patriotic Sketches of Ireland 1 Poiret's Letters respecting Barbary 1 Poland, A Trip to 1 Remarks on a Tour through Europe, Asia and Africa, in 1777-9 2 196 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. DUODECIMO. VOL, Sample's Walks and Sketches at the Cape of Good Hope 1 Sterne's Sentimental Journey. Gift of r. John Cole I Timber-lake, who accompanied the three Cherokee-Indians to England, in 1 762, Memoirs of t >A|i)l!|li!^ -^* (&.9^/SiJw= *1 ll '^FINIS.^ SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, c. BZLOXQISO TO TECH LIBBARY COMPANY OF BALTIMORE; 1816. TBINTBD BY J. ROBINSON, 96, MARKET-STREET. 1816. INDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE. Pag*. Agriculture - - l Anatomy - 2 Aiuiquities 2 Architecture (Ancient, Civil, Naval and Military) 2 Ar s (Fine) including Architecture, Music, Painting, and Sculpture 2 Arts (Mechanical) 12 Bflles Lettres 3 Biblical r 4 Biography .... 5 Charts - 13 Chemistry .... fT Chronology .... 2 Classics - - - - 8 Commerce - - - - 3 1 Criticism ..... 3 Dictionaries 13 Drama - - 2? Economy (Domestic) - - 1 Economy (Political) - - - .3! Education . 1O E. hies (Morality) 11 Farriery 12 Gardening ... ._ 1 General Science, including Encyclopedias, Transactions of Philosophical Societies, Manuiactures and Arts 12 Geography - -13 Grammar - 13 History, Civil and Ecclesiastical . 14 Law ... * 17 ['L>gic .... 11 Manufactures . 12 iv INDEX. Mathematics Medical .... Metaphysics Military Mineralogy - Miscellaneous, consisting of Works upon different jects Mythology Natural History Naval Novels Painting . Pharmacopseia Physic Plays Poetry . Political Rural Improvements Sciences Sculpture Surgery . Theology . Topography Travels . Voyages Page. 18 sub- 11 18 22 19 2 22 18 23 2 25 25 27 27 29 1 12 2 25 32 13 34 34 SUPPLEMENT, &c. (QUARTO. COMMUNICATIONS, to the Board of Agricul- ture of London, on subjects relative to Hus- bandry, 6th vol. 1 OCTAVO* Bath and West of England Society for the encourage- ment of Agriculture, &c. Letters and Papers selected from the correspondence of. 10th and 1 3th vols. 4 Bordley's Essays on Husbandry and Rural Affairs 1 Davy's (Sir Humphery) Elements ot Agricukural Che- mistry 1 Mackenzie on the diseases and management of Sheep 1 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture 3 Tessier's treatise on Merinos and other Sheep 1 Williamson's Agricultural Mechanism, or a display of properties and powers of implements of Hus- bandry 1 Young's Farmers Calendar 1 DUODECIMO. Arator, being a series of Agricultural Essays, by a Citi- zen of Virginia 1 Bard's Shepherd's Guide Clator's treatise on the diseases of Horned Cattle 1 Huber's new observations on Bees 1 Luccok's Essay on Wool, &c. 1 ANTIQUITY, CHRONOLOGY AND MYTHOLOGY. FOLIO. Palmyras, les Buines de 1 QUARTO. Archselogia ; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to anti- quity, 16th and 17th vol. 2 Hoare's translation of Barri's Itinerary of Arch Bish- op Baldwin, through Wales, A. D. 1588 2 OCTAVO. Brady's Clavis Calendaria, or an Analysis of the Calen- der, illustrated with Ecclesiastical, Historical, and Classical Anecdotes 2 Duten's inquiry into the origin of the discovery attri- buted to the Moderns 1 DUODECIMO. Mnemonika, or Chronological Tables, from the crea- tion to 1812, by E. J. Coale 1 Tooke's Pantheon 1 ARCHITE CTURE, PAINTING, MUSICK, #c. ^ Landscapes, the Art of Couloring and painting in Water Colours 1 (3 ) BELLE8-LET2RES AND CRITICISM. QUARTO. Histoire Literaire de la France, par des Benedictins de St. Maur. j 2 T - OCTAVO. British Critick from 1809 to 1815, vol. 32 a 45 13 Censura Literaria, containing titles, abstracts and opinions of old English books, 9th SclOth vol. 2 Essay on the Principles of Translation 1 Review, the Monthly, enlarged, from 1808 to 1815, from vol. 63 a 7& 14 the Edinburgh, voL 13 a 19 7 the Quarterly Review 1-809 to 1815 12 Stuart's (Dugald) Philosophical Essays 1 Vigor's (N. A.) Essay on the nature and extent of Po- etic license 1 Batteux, principes de la literature par L'Abbe' G Dunlop's History of Fiction 3 Ellis's Specimens of early English Metrical Romances, 3 Fenelon's Dialogues on Eloquence 1 Lexiphanes, a Dialogue imitated from Lucian, being an attempt to restore the English language to its ancient purity 1 Stael's (Mde. de) influence of Literature upon Society 2 .. Germany, being Essays upon the Manners and Literature of the Germans 2 IlIBLICAL. OCTAVO. i Beausobre and Lenfans' introduction to the reading of the Holy Scriptures, intended for Students in Divinity Colly er's Sacred Interpreter Faber's (Geo. S.) Prophecies relative to the conversion of the Jews Hare on Daniel and Apocalypse Kidder's (Bishop of- Bath) Commentary on the Penta- teuch M a g e e's Discourses and Dissertations, on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice Malabar New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. M'Knight's translation of all the Apostolical Epistles, with a Commentary and Notes ; to which is added a History of the life of the Apostle Paul Towson's Works, with an account of the Author and an introduction to the Discourses on the Gos- pels, by Ralph Churton, M. A. DUODECIMO. Percy's Key to the New Testament (5) BIOGRAPHY. FOLIO. Woolsey (Cardinal) the Life of, by Richard Fiddes 1 OJJARTO. Angelo (Michel) Life of, with his Poetry and Letters, by R. Duppa 1 Cov.per; Supplementary pages to Haley's Life of, 1 Kamcs, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord 2 Warton, Biographical Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph, by the Rev. John Wool 1 OCTAVO. Carter, Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth 1 Darwin, Memoirs cf the Life of Dr. bv Ann Seward 1 Ea on, the Lifr- of the late General William 1 Fenelon, Histoire de, composee sur les Manuscripts ori- gineaux par Bausset 3 , the same translated by William Mudford 2 Granger's Biographical History of England, from Eg- bert to the Rev .lution, 2d, 3d, and 4th vol. 3 Handel, Memoirs of the Life of 1 Jiuet, (P. D. Bishop of Avranches,) Life of, Written by himself and translated by J. Aiken 2 Knox (John) M'Cries' Life of, containing the History of the Reformation in Scotland 1 Lempriere's Universal Biographical Dictionary Lovat (Lord Simon) Life of, by himself 2 Macklin, Memoirs of the Life of Charles 1 Nelson, Clarke & Aiken's Life of Admiral Lord, from i his manuscripts 1 Paine, Cheetham's Life of Thomas j Rittenhouse, Memoirs of the Life and Waitings of Da>- vid, by William Barton. 1 Souvarof, Field Marshal in the Russian service, the Life of, by De Laverne 1 Sydney, (Algernon) Memoirs of, by G. W. Meadley 1 6 BIOGRAPHY. Trimmer, the Life and Writing of Mrs. with original letters g Wellington, the Life of Authur Wellesley, Marquis and Earl of, 1 DUODECIMO. Chapone's (Mrs.) Posthumous Works, containing her correspondence, together with an account of her life 2 Cooke, Memoirs of the Life of George Frederick, by William Dunlap 2 Fenelon, Life of, by Charles Butler * Fox, Recollections of the Life of Charles James, by B. C. Walpole I Hall, Memoirs of the Life of David 1 Ligne, Letters and Reflections of the Field Marshal Prince de, by M. de Stael 1 Marmontel's Memoirs written by himself, 4* Marion, the Life of General Francis, by the Rev. M. L. Weems Nelson, Southey's life of Lord 2 Percival's Life and Administration 1 Porteus (Bishop of London) Life of, by the Rev. Robert Hodgson 1 Whitefield, Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. George, by the Rev. John Gillies 1 CHEMISTRY. QUARTO. Aiken's Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy 2 ' Appendix to ditto 1 OCTAVO. Chaptal's Chemistry applied to Arts and Manufactures 4 Cooper's Introductory Lectures on Chemistry, with notes and references 1 Davy's Elements of Chemical Philosophy 1 Irvine's Essays on Chemical Subjects 1 DUODECIMO. Berthollet's Researches into the Laws of Chemical affi- nities 1 Cutbush's Philosophy of Experimental Chemistry 2 (8) CLASSICS. QJJARTO. Aurelii Victoris Historiae Romanaa Compendium : cum intt-rpretatione et Notis. Vide Velleius. Ausonii Opera, cum Notis Juliani Floridas in usum S. Delphini 1 JBoetii Opera cum Notis Petri Callii in usum Delphini 1 Callimachi Cyrera|i Hymni Epigrammata et Fragmenta G'sece' et Latine', cum Notis in usum Del- phmi. Parisiis 1685 1 Ciceronis Orationes, cum Notis et interpretatione de Meronville, in usum Delphini. Par isiis 1694 3 Opera Philosophica cum Notis, F. L. Ho- nore', in usum Delphini, 1 689. 1 Ad Familiares Epistolae cum Notis Phil. Quartier. Parisiis 1685. 1 Euripidis Hyppolytus Graere cum Scholiis, versione latinae, varis lectionibus. Oxonii 1796. The Gift oft'.e Hanoi able F. H Egertcn 1 Eutropii History Romanae breviarium ab urbe condita usque ad Valentmianum in usum Delphini. Vide Velleius. Flori, (L. Annsei) Rerum Romanoruin Epitome cum interpretatione et Notis, in usum Delphini. Parisiis 1674. 1 Horatii Flacci Opera, cum interpretatione et Notis Lud. Despres in usum Delphini. Farisitsl&Ql .1 Lucretii Cari, De Rerum Natura, Lib. sex cum inter- pretatione et Notis, in usum Delph. Parisizs 1691 1 Nepos, Cornelius, de Vita Excellentium Imperatorum. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit N. Cour- tin, in usum Delphini. Parisiis 1726 1 Martialis (M V.) Epigrammatum Libros xv. cum in- terpretatione et Notis, in usum Delphini. Pa- rims* 1680 1 CLASSICS. Ovidii (Nasonis) Opera, cura interpretatione et Notis D. C. Helvetii, in usum Delphini, Lugdini>l689 Phaedri, Fabularum -^Esopiarum, Lib. V. cum inter, et Notis P. Danef, in usum Delph. Parisiis 1675 Plauti Comedise ; cum Interp. et Notis, Jacobi operarii in usum Delph. farisiis 1679 Salusti Opera quae extant, in usum Delphini cum in- terp. et Notis D. Crispini. Parisiis 1674 Taciti Opera, cum interp. et Notis Jul. Pichon, in usum Delph. Venetiis 1707 Terentii Comedise sex, cum interp. et Notis N. Camus in usum Delph. Parisiis 1675 Velleii Paterculi, Historia? Romanae, Libri Duo cum in- terp. et Notis in usum Delph. Parisiis 1726. Virgilii, Maronis Opera, cum interp. et Notis C. Ruaei Parisiis 1682^ DUODECIMO'. Plauti Comaediae Taciti Opera, cum supplementis, notis et dissertationi- bus Gab. Brotier, Parisiis 1776 EDUCATION. OCTAVO. hepherd's (Rev. Mr.) Systematic Education, or Ele- mentary Instruction in the various Departments of Literature and Science Thel wall's letter to Henry Cline, on the imperfect deve- . lopement of the faculties mental and moral and on the treatment of impediments of speech DUODECIMO. Aiken's Natural History of the Year Arundel's (Mrs.) Letters addressed to two Absent Daughters Chesterfield's, ( Earl of ') Letters to his Son Depping's Evening Entertainments, or Delineations of the Manners, and Customs of various Nations Grant's (Mrs.) Sketches of Intellectual Education, and Hints on Domestic Economy Jrving's Elements of English Composition Lady's Preceptor Scientific Dialogues for the Instruction and Entertain- ment of Young People West's (Mrs.) Letters to a Young Lady ETHICS, LOGIC AND METAPHISICS. OCTAVO. Bigland's Essays on Various Subjects 'U Clarke's (S. C.) Letters to Mrs. Dodwell on the Immor- tality of the Soul, J Feltham's Resolves, Divine, Moral and Political 1 Oriental Dialogues, on the Spirit and Beauties of the Sa- cred Poetry of the Hebrews, selected from Haller 1 Stewart's Elements of the Philosophy of the mind 2d vel. t DUODECIMO. Mavor's (Wm ) Father's Gift to his Children, consisting of Originial Essays, Tales, Fables and Reflec- tions 3 Moore's (Hannah) Christian Morals J Murray's Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retire- ment, Affliction &c. 1 Theory of Dreams, in which an inquiry is made into the Powers and Faculties of the Mind 2 Watt's on the Improvement of the Mind 1 Whole duiv of Woman 1 ( 12) GENERAL SCIENCE. QUARTO. Gregory's (Dr. G.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 1st volume 1 Memoirs de I 'Institut National des Sciences et Arts 21 Transactions of the Royal Society of London from 1808 to 1815 7 of the Royal Irish Academy, 10 & llth vol. 2 Young's (Thos.) Course of Lectures on Natural Philo- sophy and the Mechanical Arts 2 OCTAVO. Adam's (George) Essay on Electricity 1 Bancroft's Experimental Researches, concerning the Phi- losophy of Permanent Colours 2 Beckman's History of Inventions and Discoveries 4 Bossut, Mecanique et Recherches sur L'Equilibre des voutes par 1 Buchanan's (Robert) Practical and descriptive Essays on the Economy of fuel &c. 1 Claridge's Shepherd's rules to judge of the changes of the weather 1 Cooper's Emporium of Arts and Sciences, 2d. series 3 Edgeworth's (R. L.) Essays on Roads and Carriages 1 Home's Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, vith a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the An- cients 2 Manchester, Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophi- cal Society of, 2d series 2 Nickolson's Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, from 1808 to 1815, vol. 21 a 35 15 Play fair's (John) Outlines of Natural Philosophy 2 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, 2d series, from 1808 to 1815, vol. 13 a 26 .14 Robinson's Elements of Mechanical Philosophy 1 Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine, vol. 34 a 39 S Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- tures, and Commerce, from 1807 to 1814, vol. 25 a 32 8 " ' ' of the Society of Bengal, or Asiatic Re- searches y ( 13 ) GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. FOLIO. Pinkerton's Universal Atlas, 3 nos. OCTAVO. Pott's (Thomas) Gazetteer of England and Wales 2 Hamilton's (Walter) East India Gazetteer 1 GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARIES. QUARTO. Ludwick's German and English, and English and GCE- man, and French Dictionaries 2 > OCTAVO. Dufief 's Nature Displayed, in the Mode of Teaching Language to Man, adapted to the Spanish % Russian and English Grammar 1 Smart's Practical Grammar of English Pronunciation 1 DUODECIMO. Newton's (Rev. Jas. W.) Introduction to the Hebrew- Language, upon the plan of Grammar in ge- neral 1 (H) HISTORY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. *OLIO. Fuller'^ Church History of Great Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ to 164-8 Mayo's (Charles) Chronological History of the Euro- pean States, &c. from the Treaty of Nime- guen, in 1678, to the close of 1794 Rycault's Translation of the Royal Commentaries of Peru. The gift of Mr. Cheston Strype's Annals of the Reformation during the reign of Queen Elizabeth Whitelock's Memorials of the English Affairs, from Charles the 1st to the restoration of Charles the 2d QUARTO. Jackson's Account of the Empire of Morocco 1 Marhatta War, Notes relative to the late transactions in the Marhatta Empire, with official documents, &c. 1803 1 Mariana, Historia General de Espana por el Padre Ivan de. Gift of Mr. Wm. Howard "I Maurice's Ancient History of Hindostan, its Arts and its Sciences, as connected with the other Great Empires of Asia 2. *__ Modern History of Hindostan, of the Greek Empire of Bactria, and other Great Asiatic Kingdoms, commencing at the death of Alex- der, and continued to the close of the 18th century 2 Poyer's (John) History of Barbadoes, from 1605 until 1801 J Sitio y Socoro de Fuente Rabia y Sucesos, Del Anno 1638. Gift of Rev. Wm. Wyatt 1 Tillemont, Memoires pour servir a L'Histoire Ecclesi- , astique des six premiers siecles par M. Lenain de 16 - Histoire des Empereurs et des persons illus- tre, durant les six premiers siecles de L'Eglise, par JM. Lenain de 6 HISTORY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. 15 OCTAVO. Bannatyne's Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, during the contest of the Adherents of Queen Mary, and those, of her Son, from 1570 to IS 7 3 1 Bigland's Geographical and Historical view of the World, exhibiting a complete delineation of the Natural and Artificial features of each country, &c. with Notes by Jedediah Morse 5 Sketch of the Histo: y of Europe, from the peace of 1783 to 1810 2 Bozman's Sketch of the History of Maryland, during the three first years after its settlement \ Clinton's (De Witt) Discourse before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, in 1814 1 Coote's History of England, from the earliest record, to the Treaty of Amiens in 1783 10 Druids, the Histon of the Origin, Manners, Powers, and Superstitions of 1 Europe, the continuation of Modern, bv C. Coote 1 Fcuquitre's Memoires, Historical and Military 2 Great Britain, the History of, during the Administra- tion of Lord North, with statements of pub- lic expenditures 1 Historical R-.-gister che's (Regina M.) Monastery of St Colurnb . . Vicar of Lansdown Osma and Almeria Rowson's (Mrs.) Charlotte Temple Ryley's Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor Santo Sebastiauo Self Controul Self Indulgence Sketches of Characters Surr's Magic of Wealth Ditto, in Tales of Real Life Things by their Right Names Trotter's Stories for Calumniators Visit for a Week "Waverly Ditto, in Wanderer, or Female Difficulties, by Madame D' Arblay the same in West's Refusal Whos' the Murderer World Without Souls, by Cunning-ham Young Mother ^ (25 ) PHYSIC, ANATOMY, AND SURGERY. OJJARTO. Fox's (Joseph) Natural History of the Human Teeth OCTAVO. Morbid Anatomy 1 Bertrand, a Historical Relation of the Plague at Mar- seilles, in 1720, from the French of, by A. Plumptre. 1 Burn's (John) Principles of Midwifery, including the Diseases of Women and Children, with Notes, by N. Chapman 1 Cabanis's Sketch of the Revolutions of Medical Science 1 Cheyne's (John) Essay on Hydrocephalus Acutus, or Dropsy in the Brain 1 Gibson, Dissertatiojlnauguralis de Forma Ossium Gen- tilitia Gift of the Author 1 Haslam's (John) Observations on Insanity 1 Jones's (Robert) Treatise on the Process employed by Nature in Suppressing the Hemorrhage 1 Larreys ; Memoirs of Military Surgery and Campaigns of the French Armies, translated by Doc. R. . W. Hall, from the French of 2 Le Dran's Operations in Surgery, Gift of Dr. Little John 1 Medical and Physical Journal, London vol. 20 a S3- to June 1815. 14 Medical Repository* comprehending, Original Essays and Intelligence relative to Medicine, Chemis- try, Natural History, and the Arts, conducted by S. L. Mitchell, E. Miller, and E. H. Smith, N York 15 Medical Society of London. Memoirs of, 6th & 7th vol. 2 Miller ; The Medical Works and a Biographical Sketch of Edward, M. D. (of New fork) 1 Murray's Elements of Materia Medica and Pharmacy 1 Richerand's Elements of Phisiology 1 Rush's Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the mind 1 Theses Medicse Edinburgi 1809. Gift of Doctor Gibbon. 3 Trotter's Essay, Medical, Philosophical and Cnemical, on Drunkenness 1 . View of the Nervous Temperament 1 4 * 6 PHYSIC, ANATOMY, AND SURGERY. DUODECIMO. Le Clerc's Compleat Surgeon 1 MoncrkfPs Inquiry into the Medical Qualities and ef- fects of the Aerated Alkaline Water 1 (27) POETRY, AND THE DRAMA. QJJARTO. Cumberland's Exodiad 1 Hindiey's Translation of the Persian Lyrics of Hafir 1 Lucretius Carus, The Nature of Things, a Didactic Poem translated by John M. Good, from the Latin of 2 Sotheby's (William) Saul, a Poem 1 OCTAVO. Byron's PJnglish Bards, and Scotch Reviewers 1 Carysfort; Dramatic & Narrative Poems, by J. J. Earl of, 1 Crabbe's (Rev. G.) Borough, a Poem 1 Flute's (Samuel) Works " 2 Fox's (Chs.) Scries of Poems containing the Plaints and Doli :hts of Achmed, a Persian Exile 1 Grant's (Mrs.) Eighteen hundred and thirteen, a poem 1 Herbert's Miscellaneous Poetry 2 Hervey's Meditations and Contemplations, the Life of the Author, prefixed with, plates. 2 Hogg's (James) Mountain Bard 1 -- Queen's Wake, a legendary poem 1 .... . Pilgrims of the Sun 1 Holford's (Miss) Wallace, or the Flight of Falkirk, a Metrical Romance 1 Oldhams Works, the Gift of Dr. Littlejohn 1 Paedotrophia, or the Art of Nursing and Rearing Chil- dren, a poem translated from the Latin 1 Sargent's (Lucius M.) Hubert and Ellen, and other poems 1 Spence's Edmund the Wanderer 1 Syntax's (Dr.) Tour in Search of the Picturesque, with Coloured Plates 1 DUODECIMO. Associate Minstrels 1 Bloomfield's ( Robert ) Wild Flowers, or Pastoral and Local Poetry 1 Boileaux, Desprdaux (Evres de 1 Byron's Childe Harold, a Romance, 1 28 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Byron's Corsair, a Tale 1 Giaour 1 Camoen's, Poems, translated from the Portugese of Luis de 1 Crabbe's (Rev. G.) Tales 1 Crebillon, (Evres de 3 Drlisle, (Evres de 16 Dudley's Metamorphosis of Sona, a Hindu Tale 1 Gisborne's Walks in a Forest I Glover's (Richard) Leonidas, a Heroick Poem I Horace, a Poetical Translation of the Works of, with the Original Text and Critical Notes, by the Rev. Philip Francis 3 Hunt's (Leigh) Feast of the Poets I La Fontaine, Fables Choisies mises on vers par, avec un, NouveauCommentaire, par Mr. Cost 1 Maxwell's Poems 1 Montgomery's West Ind'es, and other Poem's 1 World before the Flood, and other Poems 1 Osander's Miscellaneous Poems 1 Ossian's Poems, translated by James Macpherson 2 Peacock's Genius of the Thames 1 Philip's Emerald Isle J Pratt's Lower World I Racine, (Evres de Jean 3 Reynard, OEvres de 4 Rejected Addresses, on the Theatrum Poetarum 1 Roger's Pleasures of Memory, and other Poems 1 Scott'* D n Roderick 1 " ' Lady of the Lake 1 Rokeby 1 . Lord of the Isles 1 Scward's ("Ann) Poetical Works, edited by Walter Scott 3 Shaw's (Dr. John; Poems 1 Smvth's (William) English Lyrics 1 Southey's (Robert) Roderick the last of the Goths 1 Spencer's (Edmund) Poetical Works from the text of J- Upton 6 Telemachus, translated into English Verse by Gibbons Bagnall 2 Two-penny Post Bag 1 Voltaire, Theatre complete de 9 La Henri ad e de 1 Worgan's (John D.) Poems to which is added his Life and Character 1 ( 29 ) POLITICAL. FOLIO. Census of the United States for 1810 1 OJJARTO. Playfair's (William) Inquiry into the Permanent causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Weal- thy Nations. 1 OCTAVO. Ames' (Fisher) Works, to which is added, Notices of his Life and Character 1 Bristed's (John) Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Great Britain, and her resources to maintain her present contest with France 1 Correspondence respecting Russia, between R. G. Har- per and Robert Walsh, with the Speech of Mr. Harper, Commemorative of the Russian Vic- tories, Sec. 1 Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, on the Constitution, recommended by the Federal Convention 1 Goldsmith's Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte 1 Jefferson, Memoirs of, with a View of the Rise and Pro- gress of French Principles 2 Journals of Congress, from 1804, to July 1812. Gift of Hon. Alex. M'&m 6 of the Senate of the United States, from 1803, to 18 3. Gift of Hon. Alex. AP Kim 4 Junius ; Woodfall's edition of the Letters of 2 .Leckei's Historical Survey of. the Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, in 1808, 9, & 1O 1 Macdiarmid's Inquiry into the System of National De- fence in Great Britain 2 . Inquiry into the Principles of Civil and Military Subordination 1 Plowden's (Francis) Constitution of the Kingdom of Great Britain, Civil and Ecclesiastical 1 30 POLITICAL. Select Speeches, Forensic and Parliamentary, with pre- fatory remarks, bv N Chapman 5 Silkirk's Observations on the Present State of the High- lands of Scotland 1 DUODECIMO. Montague's ('Edward W.) Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republics, adapted to the State of Great Britain 1 (31 ) POLITICAL ECONOMY AND COMMERCE. QJJARTO. Colquhoun's Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Re- sources of the British Empire, 1814 1 Censo Espanol executordo de orden Del Reyen el Ano 1787 1 Liverpool's Treatise on the Coins of the Realm of Great Britain 1 OCTAVO. Bolman's (Doct. E.) Paragraphs on Banks, 1811 vol. 1 1 Colebrook's Remarks on the Husbandry and Internal Commerce of Bengal 1 Colquhoun's Treatise on Indigence 1 Comber's Inquiry into the State of National Subsistence and Population 1 Faber's Sketches of the Internal State of France \ France, Sketch of the Geography, Political Economy, and Statistics of, abridged and translated, by J. N. Taylor 1 Han way's Account of the Hospital for Exposed and De- serted Children 1 Sinclair's History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire, 3d vol. 1 Walsh's (Robert) Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government 1 Young's (A.) Political Arithmetic, or Observations on the present State of Great Britain 1 ( 32 ) THEOLOGY. FOLIO. Cotelerii Patres Apostolici S Leslie's (Rev. diaries) Theological Works 2 Medt's (Joseph) Works 1 QUARTO. Buchanan's (Rev. Claudius) Memoirs of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India 1 Swedenborg, De Amore Conjugiali Ab Amanuele. Gift of Mr. Nathaniel Knight 1 OCTAVO. Allison's (Rev. Archibald) Sermons on Particular Occa- sions 1 Buist's (Rev. George) Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C Sermons 2 Campbell's (Rev. George) Lectures on S\ stematic The- ology, and Pulpit Eloquence 1 Chateaubriand's Beauties of Christianity 1 Chrysostom (St.) on the Priesthood, translated by the Rev. John Bunce 1 Cooper's Discourses 2 Draught of the Primitive Church t Duch^s (Rector of C. C. Phila.) Discourses 1 Franklin's (Rev. Thos.) Sermons on the Relative Duties 1 Hall's Sermon's and Treatise on the llolv Spirit 1 Hindmarsh's Seal upon the Lips of Unitarians, Trinita- rians, and all others who deny the Sole Su- preme and Exclusive Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Gift of the Rev. John Hargrove. 1 Horsley's .Bishop Samuel) Sermons 2 Magazine, Quarterly Theological Episcopal 4 Pearson's (The Right Rev. John N Exposition of the Creed 2 Potter's (Arch Bishop John) Discourse on Church Go- vernment 1 Reeve's Apologies of Justin ; Tertullian, Ike. in Defence of the Christian Religion 2 THEOLOGY. *S Wake's (Archbishop of Canterbury) Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, St. Barnabas, St. Ig- natius, &c. i White's (Bishop) Lectures on the Catechism of the Epis- copal Church 1 DUODECIMO. Balguy's (Rev. Thes.) Divine Benevolence Asserted 1 Buchanan's (Rev, Claudius) Missionary Sermons 1 Researches in Asia li Faber's Treatise on the Operations of the Holy Spirit 1 Kemp's (Rev. Doct.) Tract upon Conversion 1 Muir's (Rev. Doct.) Sermons. Gift of Rev. Dr.Inglis. 1 Presbyterian Church, the Constitution of 1 Reeve on Common Prayer 1 Rowe's (Mrs. E.) Devout Exercises of the Heart 1 ( 54) VOYAGES AMD TRAVELS. FOLIO. Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland aux Regions equi- noxiales du Nouveau Continent, tail en 1 799 a 1 804. Liv. 1st. Contenant, Atlas Pittoresque des Vues des Cordil)6 cs et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de L'Amenque. Liv. 2d. Plantes Equinoxiales. Liv. 3d. Monographic des Melastomes et des Rhexia et des Autres Genre du meme or- dre Liv. 4th. Atlas Geographique et Physiqile OJJARTO. Anacharsis. Voyage Du Jeune en Grece par Jean- Jacques Bartheiemy Collins's Account of the Colony of New South Wales, from 1788 to 1801 Voyage de Humboldt et Bompland au Nouveau Conti- nent 1799 a 1804 liv. 1. Contenant Rccueil d'Observations As- tronomique, d'Operations Trigonometri- ques, auquel on a j'i n t des Reserchcs His- torj^ques importans. Liv. 2. Recueil d'Obbervations de Zoologie et d' Anatomic comparee uvec Planches im- primec-s en couleur. Liv. 4 et 5. Essai Politique sur la Nouvelle Es- pagne Liv. 6. Relation Historique OCTAVO. Anacharsis's Travels in Greece during the middle of the Fourth Century before the Christian ,/Era, from the Fivnch of the Abbe Barthelemy Austin's Letters from London, written in 1802 & 3, to a Friend in Massachusetts Birkbeck's Notes on a Tour through France, 18]4 Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, in 1806 & 7. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. #5 Clarke's Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, 1801, part 1 I .. in Greece, Egypt, atod the Holy Land, p trt 2 1 Cockb urn's Journey over Land, from Honduras to the South Sea, in 1731 1 Eustace's (Rev. John C.) Classical Tour through Italy, in 1802 4 Feltham's Tour through the Island of Mann, in 1 787 & 8 1 Gait's Letters from the Levant, containing Views of the State of Society, Manners and Commerce of Greece, and of several of the Islands of the Archipelago, 1813 r 1 Graham's (Maria) Letters on India, 1814 Hall's (R, v. James) Tour through Ireland, 1814 Humboldt's Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain 2 Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Re- gions of the New Continent, daring the years 1799 & 1804 Researches concerning the Ancient Inhabi- tants of America, with Views of some of the Scenes in the Cordilieras Kendall's Travels in the United States, 1 S07 & 8 8 Lewis & Clarke's Expeditious to the Sources of the Missouri, and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, 1804, 5 & C 2 Malkin's Scenery, Antiquities and Biography of South Wales, 1803 Melish's Travels in the United States of America, and in parts of Greut Britain and Upper Canada, 1806 & 11 2 Mirza's Travels in Asia, Africa, and Europe, in 1799 a 1803, translated by Charle.-. Siov/art 2 Pike's Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, through the Western parts of Louissiana and the interior parts of New Spain, perfor- med by order of the Government of the U. S. in 1 305, 6, and 7. 1 Pinckard's Notes on the West Indies, during the Expe- dition under Sir R. Abercromby Porter's (Captain David) Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean in the U. S. Frigate Essex in IS 12, 13, and M-. t Porter's (Sir K.) Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden 1805, 1808 Ramond's Travels in the Pyrenees, containing a descrip- tion of the Principal Summits. Passes and Tal- lies * * 36 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Silliman's Travels in England, Holland and Scotland in 1805 and 6. 2 St. Pond's Travels in England, Scotland and the Hebri- des, for the purpose of examining the state of the Arts, the Sciences, Natural History and Manners in Great Britain 2 Tennant's (Rev. Wm.) Indian Recreations, consisting chiefly of strictures on the Domestic and Rural Economy of the Mahomedans and Hindoos 3 Volney's View of the Climate and Soil of the United States 1 DUODECIMO. Duten's Memoirs of a Traveller 5 Heriot's Travels in Canada, 1813. \ Paris in 1812 and 1814, by the Revd. W. Shepherd Gift of Mr. Wm. Howard. 1 Wilkinson's Tour through Asia Minor and the Greek Islands 1 FINIS. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF BELONGING TO THE 1823. PRINTED BY JOHN D. TOY, Corner of St. Paul's lane and Market street. 1823. SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE. PASS Agriculture - 5 Anatomy - - 28 Antiquities - 6 Architecture, (Ancient, Civil, Naval and Military) 7 Avts, (Fine) including Architecture, Music, Pain- ting, arid Sculpture - - ib. Arts (Mechanical) 13 Astr jnomy - 20 Belles Lettres ----- 8 Biblical - - ib. Biography - 9 Charts - 14 Chemistry - - 11 Criticism - 8 Chronology - 6 Classics - - 11 Commerce - - 33 Dictionaries - 15 Drama 29 Economy (Domestic) - 5 Economy (Political) - 33 Education - 12 Ethics (Morality) - ib. Farriery - - ib. Gardening - ... 5 General Science, including Encyclopedias, Trans- actions of Philosophical Societies, Manufac- tures and Arts - 12 Geography - 14 Grammar - - - 15 1V INDEX. History (Civil and Ecclesiastical) - 35 ;;* ic _ .ID Manufactures - . . _ Mathematics ... Medical - 28 12 Military - - - - 20 Mineralogy - .. Miscellaneous f Mythology - JNatural History - Q4 Novels ------ 25 Painting . 7 Pharmacopoeia - _ . _ -28 Physic .... - - _ . 31 Rural Improvements - Sciences - . _ . . - 12 Sculpture - - Surgery - - ... 2ft mi I - 4 * Theology ----- 34 Topography . - 14 Travels ' - - - 36 Voyages - - - - - ib. No. II. 1823. AGRICULTURE, GARDENING, AND DOMES- TIC ECONOMY. QUARTO. VOL. AMERICAN FARMER. Gift of the Editor, John S. Skinner, Esq. 3 Communications to the Board of Agriculture of London, 7th vol. 1 Explanation of the Engravings of the implements of Husbandry, used in Scotland, prepared for the Board of Agriculture, by A. Gray. 1 OCTAVO. Bath and West of England Society, for the en- couragement of Agriculture, letters arid papers selected frun the correspondence of. 14th vol. 1 Coxe's, (Wm.) view of the cultivation of Fruit Trees, and the management of Orchards and Cider, &r. 1 McMahon's American Gardener's Calendar. 1 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society, for promo- ting Agriculture. 4th vol. 1 Nicholson's, (John) Farmer's Assistant. 1 Sinclair's, (Sir John) General Report of th> Agri- cultural State and Political circumstances of Scotland. 5 Code of Agriculture. 1 Somerville's Facts, and observations relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen. i DUODECIMO. Glasse's, (Mrs.) Art of Cookery* 1 Livingston's Essay on Sheep. 1 2 ANTIQUITIES, CHRONOLOGY AND MYTHO- LOGY. FOLIO. Morelli, Thesaurus Numismata Aurea, Ar.erentia et Area, Imperatorum Romanortim, rum descriptione Columns Trajanae. Jlmstelae- dami, 1752. 3 Morelli, Theusaurtis, sive familiarum Romano- rum Numismatica OIIIUJH, atqup Nummi Misrellani, Urbis Homse et Hispanici. Jlmstelaedami, 17 A. 2 Goltzio, (Huberto) Los vivos retrains detodos Los Emps-radores, des de Julio Cesar, hasta el Emperador Carlos, 5th &c. 1560. 1 Goltzii, C. Julius Caesar, sive Historise Imperato- rum. Caesarumque Romanorum ex anti- quis numismatibus rest it ut 03 accessit C. Julius Caesaris vita et res gos'ae, 1563. 1 Goltzii, Fastos Magestratum et Triumphorum Romanorum ab urbe condita ad August! obitum ex antiquistam Numismafum quara Marmorum Monumentis restitutos: Jirn- gis, 1666. 1 QUARTO. Archaeoloejia, or Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to Antiquities. 18th vol. London. 1 Clarke's (Wm.) Connexion of the Roman, Saxon and English Coins. 1 Combe, (Caroli) Nummorum veterum Populorum et Urbiuni qui in Museo Gulielmi Hunter asservantur, ilescriptio Figuris illustrata. 1 Combe, (Taylor) Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in museo Britanico adservantur. 1 Pellerin, Recueil de Medailles de Rois, de Peu- ples et de Villes qui n' ont point encore, etc publiees, on qui sont peu connues, par. 11 Vaillant. Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum a Julis Caesare ad Constantinum. Rama-, 1743. S OCTAVO. Archaeolo'ia Americana, Transactions and collec- tions of the American Antiquarian Society. 1 ARCHITECTURE, PAINTING, MUSICK, &C. Dibdin's,(Rev.T. F.) Bibliographical Decameron, or ten days pleasant discourse upon illumi- nated manuscripts and subjects connected witu early Engraving, Typography and Bibliography, -with plates. Jennings, (Rev. David) Jewish Antiquities, or a course of Lectures, on the three first books of Godwin's Moses, and a dissertation on tiie i'Cbrew Language, by McCulloli's, (lemoirs of John Lrd de, written by himself, containing the Life of Louis 9th, with notes and dissertations, translated by Thomas Jones. 2 Reynold's, (Sir Joshua) Supplement to the Life, Writings and Works of, containing anec- dotes of his distinguished cotemporaries, by James Northcote. I OCTAVO. Annual Biography and Obituary, 1816 to 1822, Lond >n. 6 Boleyn, (Ann) Memoirs of her Life, by Miss Benger. 1 Buchanan, (liev. Claudius) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by the Rev. Hugh Pearson. 1 10 BIOGRAPHY. Buonaparte, (Napoleon) History of the Wars of Europe, from the Revolution in I'm nee to 1814, including anecdotes of the most cele- brated characters during the Revolution, by VV. B. Haverton. 3 Coleridge's Biographia Literaria, or Biographi- cal sketches of my life and opinions. 2 Cumin and some of his cotemporaries, recollec- tions of, by Charles Phillips. 1 Edgeworth, (Rich'd. L.) Memoirs of, by himself and his daughter. 1 Green, (General) Life and Campaigns of, by Charles Caldwell. 1 Henry, (Patrick) Life of, by Wm. Wirt. 1 Melancthon, (Philip) Life of, comprising an ac- count of the most important transactions of the Reformation. 1 Moreau, (General) Phillipart's Memoirs of, l Napoleon in Exile, The most important events of his Life and Government in his own words, by Barry O'Meara, his late Surgeon. 2 Parliamentary Portraits, or Sketches of the Pub- lio Character, of some of the most dis- tinguished Speakers of the House of Com- mons. 1 Pitt, Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Wm. by Geo. Toiulme, Bishop of Winchester. 2 Reynold's, (Sir Joshua) Memoirs, a brief analysis of his discourses and varieties of art, by James Northcote. 1 Sheridan, (Rich'd. B.) Watkin's Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of. 2 Syke's Life and Writings, by Disney. 1 Watson, (Bishop of Landaff,) Anecdotes of his Life, by his son. 1 West, (Benjamin) The Life and Studies of, by John Gait. 1 Wesley, The Life of, and the rise and progress of Methodism, by Robert Southey. 2 DUODECIMO. Alden's, (Rev. Timothy) Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with notes. 5 Betty, The Young Roscins, Memoirs of. 1 Graham, (Mrs. Isabella) The Power of Faith, ex- emplified in the Life and Writings of. 1 CHEMISTRY. CLASSICS. 11 Grosvenor, (Mrs.) Sketch of the Life and Death of. 1 Martyn, (K.ev. H.) Memoirs of the Life of. 1 Penti, (Wm.) Memoirs ot the Public and Private Life of, by Thomas Cl-trksnn. 2 Smith's, (Miss) Fragments, and her Life, by Bow- dler. 1 Warden's Letters, in which the conduct and con- versation of Bonaparte and suite are des- cribed and related. 1 White's, (H nry Kirk) Remains, with an account of his Life," by Robert Southey. 2 CHEMISTRY. OCTAVO. Henry's Epitome of experimental Chpmistry, with Sillitnan's notes. Gift of Dr. F. Didier. 1 Murray's. (John) System of Chemistry. 4 Farke's Chemical Catechism, with notes and ex- periments. 1 DUODECIMO. Accum's Practical Essay on Chemical re-agents or tests. 1 Conversations on Chemistry. 1 CLASSICS. FOLIO. Livii, Historiarum ab Urbe condita Libri qui ex- tant Universae Historise epitornis, adjunc- tis Scholiis Sigonii, quibus iidetn libri, at- que epitomae emandantur, etiam explarian- tur. VenetiiS) 1566. Gift of the Rev. James Pilmore. DUODECIMO. Excerpta ex Auctoribus Classicis. Gift of St. Mary's College. Xenoph-mtis Histnriarium de institutione Cyri Libri octo, Grsece et Latine. EDUCATION. OCTAVO. Edgeworth's (R. L.) Essays on Professional Edu- cation. Esai sur L' Instruction des Aveugles, par le Doc- teur Guillie. Gift of R. Gilmor, Jr. Esq. DUODECIMO. Avis d'une Mere a sa Fille, par Mde. de Lambert, ave<- une traduction interlink are de 1'Aila- mande. ETHICS, LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. OCTAVO. Smith's, (Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments, to which is added, a dissertation on the Ori- gin of Languages. 2 Stewart's, (Dugald) View of the progress of Meta- physical, Ethical and Political Philosophy, since the revival of letters in Europe. 1 DUODECIMO. Grey Cap for a Green Head, in a dialogue be- tween Father and Son. 1 Management of the Tongue. 1 Spencer's, (Rev. Joseph) translation of the Manual of Epictetus, with notes, in miniature, M.S. Gift of the editor. 1 Taylor's, (Mrs.) Maternal solicitude for a Daugh- ter's best interest. I GENERAL SCIENCE. Q.UAKTO. Description des Travaux Hydraulique de Louis Alexandre De Cessart. GENERAL SCIENCE. 13 Gregory's, (Dr. G.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 2d, and 3d vol. 2 Histoire et les Mem oi res de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences depuis son etablisment en 1666 jusqua 177 1, a Pans. Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. 86 Table des Matieres continues dans 1'. Gift of Win. Howard, M. D. 8 Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, pre- senles a L' Academic Ryale dps Sciences a Paris. Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. 6 Martin's, (Thomas) Circle of the Mechanical Arts. 1 Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1816 to 1820. 5 OCTAVO. Acc urn's Practical Treatise on Gas-Light, exhibit- ing, a description of the Apparatus and Machinery for illuminating streets, houses, &c. 1 Coopers, (Thomas) Information concerning Gas- Lights. 1 Button's (Charles) Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects, comprising the Theory of Bridges, also experiments on the force of Gun-p >wder. S Jenkin's, (John) Art of Writing. 1 Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts, edi- ted at the Royal Institution of Great Bri- tain. IS Leslie's Account of Experiments and Instruments, depending on the relation of Air to tleat and Moisture. 1 Manchester, Memoirs of the Literary and Philo- sophical Society of, 2d series, 3d vol. 1 McAdams' Remarks on Road making. 1 Playfair's View of the progress of Mathematical and Physical Science. 1 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, 2d series, 1816 to 1822, vol. 27 to 40. 14 Index to the 16 volumes 1st series. 1 Schoolcrat't's View of the Mines, Minerals, &c. of the Western section of the United States. I 3 14 GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. St. Ford, Description ties experiences Aeiostatique avec planches par M. Faujas. Gift of Wil- liam Howard, M. D. Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the encouragement of Arts, Manufac- tures and Commerce, vol. 33 to 39. of Bengal or Asiatic Researches. 8th to 12th. DUODECIMO. Bemiss's Dyer's Companion, also directions for milling and finishing, stamping and bleach- ing cloths, &c. GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. FOLIO. Darby's, (Win.) Map of Louisiana, and parts of Mississippi and Alabama. 1 Denon, Voyage en Egypt, pendant les Campagnes de Bonaparte, en 1798 and 99. Planches de 1 La Perouse, recueil de Cartes, Plans et Vues re- latifs au Voyage de, autour du Monde. 1 Novi Belgii et New Jorek, sive New Amsterdam delineatio. Gift of Mr. Lyde Goodwin. I Pinkerton's Modern Atlas, in 60 maps. 1 Q.UARTO. Monstrelet, Plates to the Chronicles of, 1 OCTAVO. Barrington and Beaufort, on approaching the North Pole. 1 Brown's, (S. R.) Western Gazeteer, or Emigrants Directory. 1 Darby's Geographical description of the State of Louisiana, part of the State of Mississippi and Alabama. 1 Darby's Emigrants' Guide, to the Western and. Southern States and Territories. 1 Spafford's, (H. G.) Gazeteer of the State of New York. 1 GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARIES. FOLIO. Minshen's Dictionary or Guide into the Tongues, of the English, Dutch, French, Italian Spanish, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Vossii, i&yiuologicon Linguae Latinse et de Lite- rarum permutatione tractatus. QUARTO. Morrison's, (Rev. Robert) Dictionary of the Chi- n-'se language. Gift of James Latimer, Esq. Philadelphia, Grammar of the Chinese language. Gift of James Latimer, Esq. Philadelphia. OCTAVO. Morrison's Dialogues and Sentences, Chinese and tin^lish language. Gift of J. Latimer, Esq. Philadelphia. Pickering's, (John) Vocabulary of Words and Pin-uses peculiar to the United States of America. HISTORY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. TOLIO. Belgicse Regise et Federatae, Novum Magnum Theatrum Urbium, a Joanne Blacu, 1649. Camden's, (William) History of Quoen Elizabeth, containing the most remarkable passages of state during her reign. 1675. Foxe's, (John) Acts and Monuments, of matters happening in the Church, with an univer- sal History of the samp. London, 1684. Norte de el Rpgno do Tierra Firma y Provincia de Veragua, I hronologia Geographia His- torial &c. 1716, per Don Diego dela Hay a, M.S. Gift of Wm. Howard. M. I). Triumphs of Nassau, or a description of the victo- ries grants! t' tin* '.states General, under the command of Prince Maurice. London, 1684. 16 HISTORY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. Q.UARTO. Casas Region urn Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum dcscriptio. Gift of H m. How- ard, M. D. 1 Creuxii, Historic Canadonsis sen Novae Francise ad Annum, 1656. Gift of Wm. -Howard, M. D. 1 Essai sur actte question, quant et comment L'Amerique a t'eJK- elc peuplee D'Hommes et D'Animaux. Gift oj W'm. Howard, M. D. 1 Raffle's, (T. S.) History of Java, coloured plates. 2 Southey's, (Robert) History of Brazil. 2 OCTAVO. Adams', (Rev. Robert) Religious World display- ed, or view of the various sects in the Christian World. 3 Aiken's, (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 Memoirs of the Court of King James the first. 2 Beaujour's Sketch of the United States of Ameri- ca, from 1800 to 1810, with illustrative notes and appendix, by Wm. Walton. 1 Botta's History of the V\ ar of the Independence of the United States of America, translated by G. A. Otis. S Buonaparte's, (Napoleon) Historical Memoirs, book 9th. 1 Caesar, the Commentaries of, and the supplements of A. Hirtius, translated with a discourse on the Roman Art of War, by Wm. Duncan. 2 Carli, Lettres Americanos, pour servir de suite aux Memoirs de D'Ulloae, par M. Gift of Wm. Howard. M. D. 2 Chalmer's, (George) Life af Mary Queen of Scots, with subsidiary Memoirs. 2 Cooke's History of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revolution. 3 Coote's History of Modern Europe, from the Treaty of Amiens, in 1802, to the pacifica- tion of Paris, in 1815. 1 Edmonston's View of the Ancient and Present state of the Zetland Islands. 2 HISTORY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. 17 France, Letters on the events of the Revolution by a French officer. 1 Considerations on the principal events of the French Revolution, from the French of Mde. De Stael. 2 Garden's, (Alex.) Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, with sketches of charac- ter. 1 Gillie's History of the World, from the reign of Alexander to that of Augustus. 3 Goldsmith's History of Greece, from the earliest state to the sacking of Constantinople. 2 History of Rome, from the foundation to the destruction of the Western Empire. , 2 History of England, from the earliest times to the Treaty of Amiens. Griffith's, (T. W.) Sketches of the early History of Maryland. Gift of the author. I Hallam's, (Henry) View of the State of Europe, during the middle ages. 4 Jones, (Lieut. Col.) Journal of the seiges in Spain, by the Allies, in the years 1811 and 12. 1 Laborde's View of Spain, comprising a descriptive itinerary of each Province and a General Statistical account of the country, with an Atlas. 6 Landt, A description of the Feroe Islands, from the Danish of the Rev. G. 1 Latour's Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana, in 1814 and 15. 1 MrCall's History of Georgia. 2nd vol. 1 Monstelet's Chronicles, beginning when Frois- sart's ends, and continued to the year 1516, containing an account of the wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, atid other memorable events. 12 Moore's, (George) History of the British Revo- lution of 1688 9. ' 1 Rambles in Italy, in 1816 and 17, by an Ameri- can. Gift of the author James Sloan, Jr. Esq. 1 Ramsay's History of the United States, from their settlement as English Colonies in 1607 to 1808, continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith and others. S 18 HISTORY* CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. Reserches flistorique et Politiques sur les Etats- Unis de L'Ainenque pur un Citojen de Virginie. GiJ't of Wm. Howard, M. D. Robinson's, (Win. 1>.) Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, &c. with observations on the practicability of opening a Commerce be- tween the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Soils, The History of the Conquest of Mexico, by the Spaniards, from the Spanish of Anto- nio De. Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. Transactions of the Historical and Literary Com- mittee of the American Philosophical Soci- ety, containing Heckwelder and L)u pon- ceau on the Indian JNations and Languages. Ulloa, Memoirs Philosophiques, i istoriques et Piiysiques, concernant la deconverte de L* Amerique, ses ancient habitants, &c. Gift of Wm. Howard, M.D. Webster's, (Dr.) Description of the Island of St. Michael, its Geological structure, with re- marks on the otner Azores. Whelpley's Compend of History, trom the earliest time, comprehending a general view of the present state of the World, &c. Wilkinson's, (Gen. James) Memoirs of my own time. Wilson's, (Sir Robert) Sketch of the Military and Political power of Russia in 1817. 1JUODECJMO. Alexander (the ist) Emperor of Russia, Memoirs of the Public Life and Character of. Brackenridge's Views of Louisiana. Gift of the author. History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. Gift of the author. Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territo- ry and Louisiana. Drake's, (Daniel) Natural and Statistical view of or picture of Cincinnati and the Miami country. Evan's, (John) Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World. Goldsmith's Abridgement of the History of Eng- land. LAW. 19 Hooke's Serret Negotiations in Scotland, in favour of the Pretender in 1707. 1 Jamaiqu". Vues pittoresques dela&c. par Beckfort. l Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. 1 Lescarbot, Histoire de la Noiwlle France, 1625, par. Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. 1 Louisiana, Histoire dela; par M. Du Pratz. S Louisiana, Memoirs Historic] w sur la, de les Me- mores de M. Dumont. Gift of Wm. How- ard, M. D. 2 Panorama of Paris and its environs. 1 Quebec, Histoire de L'Hotel, Dieu de. Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. 1 Rocca's, (M. De.) Memoirs of the War of the French in Spain. 1 Rye- House Conspiracy. Gift of Mr. John Cole. 1 Thompson's Sketches of the late War, between the United States and Great Britain. 1 Waldegrave, Memoirs from 1754 to 1758, by James, Earl of. 1 LAW. FOLIO. Laws of Maryland, from 1699 to 1726, Gift of Mr. E. J. Coale. 1 OCTAVO. Admiralty decisions time of Sir Wm. Scott, 1808 to 1812, reported by Thomas Edwards. 1 1811 to 1815, reported by John Dodson. 1 Hail's, (John E.) American Law Journal. 5th and 6th vols. 2 Hoffman's, (David) Course of Legal Study, ad- dressed to the Students of the United States. 1 Laws of Maryland, from 1799 to 1819, compiled by Kilty, Harris .uul Watkins. Gift of the Legislature of Maryland. 5 Massachusetts Bay, Ancient Charters and Pro- vincial Laws of. 1 Massachusetts, A Compendium and Digest of the Laws of the State of, by W. C. White. 2 20 MATHEMATICS, &C. MILITARY, &C. Virginia, The Revised Code, of the Acts of the General Assembly of a Public and Per- manent .Nature now in force, 1812. 2 MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. TOLIO. Codex Bombyciiuis, continens Tractatum de Ma- thematicis disciplines, (in the Chinese lan- guage.) Gijt of R. Gilmor, Jr. Esq. OCTAVO. Adam's, (George) Astronomical and Geographi- cal fc,ssa>s, containing a full view of the General principles of Astronomy, the use of the Celestial and Terrestial Globes. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, translated by E. Stone, with notes. MILITARY AND NAVAL. Q.UARTO. Congreve's, (Col.) Elementary Treatise on the mounting Naval Ordinance. OCTAVO. Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercise and Manoeuvres of Infantry, adapted to the or- ganization of the Army of the U. States. 1815. DUODECIMO. English Military Discipline and Rules and Arti- cles of War, 1688. Gift of Col. Jacob Small. Naval Monitor, containing useful hints to young officers and some observations on the Naval Actions with America. MISCELLANEOUS. FOLIO. Gazette of the United States, 1 8i5 1821. 5 Federal, 18151819. Gift of William Gwynn, Esq. 5 Federal, 1820 22. 3 Maryland, (Annapolis) 1754 5 1 Pennsylvania, (Philadelphia) 17601771. Gift of Thomas W. Griffith, Esq. 4 OJJARTO. Cauhar Durwesh; translated from the Cordoo languages, by L. F. Smith; illustrative of the manners, customs, &c. of the natives of India; with notes. Gift of Mr. John Foster. 1 Hogarth, the genuine Works of, illustrated with biographical anecdotes, a chronological catalogue and commentary, hy Nicholas and Stephens; the engravings by T. Cooke. 2 OCTAVO. Analectic Magazine, from July, 1815, to Decem- ber, 180. 11 Bigland's (John) Historical display of the effects of physical and moral causes of the cha- racter and circumstances of nations, &c. 1 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vols. 6 11. 6 Bowdler's Select Pieces, in prose and v rse. 2 Bracebridge it all, or the Humorists; a medley, by Geoffery Crayon. 2 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 1 (the London.) of books with their sizes and prices. 1814 16. 1 Chateaubriand's Recollections of Italy, England, and America; with essays on various sub- jects. 2 - Historical, Political, and Moral Essays on Revolutions, ancient and mo- dern. 1 22 MISCELLANEOUS. Chesterfield's Miscellaneous Works; to which are added, Memoirs of his Life, by M. Maty. 4 Coleman's Collection of the facts and documents relative to the death of General Hamilton. 1 Correspondence Litterare, Philosophique, et Cri- tique, addressee a un Souverain D'AHe- magne depuis, 1753, jus qu'en, 1790; par Grimm et par Diderot. 17 Dodsley's Annual Register of History, Politics, and Literature, from 1815 to the end of 1820. vols, 5763. 7 Franklin's (Benjamin) Works. 6 Gentleman's Magazine, London, July, 1815, to July, 1822, vol. 85, part 2nd, to vol. 91, part 1st. 12 Magazine, &c. (Index to) from 1787 to 1818. *" 2 La Belle Assemblee, or Bell's Court and Fashion- able Magazine, vols. 12 24. IS Lady's Magazine, (British) or Monthly Miscel- lany, vols. 25. 181517. 4 .. (British) new series. 1817 1 8. 2 (New British) or Monthly Mirror. 1818 19. 3 or Entertaining Companion; a new series. 18^0 21. Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository. 181522. vols. 19 32. 14 London Magazine, January, 1821, to July, 1829. vols. 3 5. 3 Monthly Magazine and Universal Register, 181720. vols. 7 14. 8 Naval Chronicle of Great Britain. 1815 18. vols. 34 40. 7 New Monthly Magazine, and Literary Journal for 1821. 3 North American Review. 1815 22. 14 Panorma, (The Literary,) 1815 19. vols. 16 25. 10 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1 Port Folio, from 181522. 14 Portico; a Repository of Science and Literature. Gift of the Editor. 1 Rabelais's (Francis) Works, translated from the French, with notes, by Du Chat, Motteux, and others 4 MISCELLANEOUS. 23 Register, (The American) or Summary View of History, Politics, and Literatim-. 1817. 2 N lies' Weekly, from September, 1 8 1 1 , to February, 1822. 3 vols. of the above pre- sented by the editor. 2 1 General InoVx to the first twelve vol- um.s of Niles Weekly Register. 1811 17. 1 (Edinburgh Annual) from 1813 18. 6 Sinclair's Address upon the opening the Balti- more College. Gift of the author. 1 Skeu h Book; by Geoffrey Crayon, Jr. Gent. 1 Smith's (Adam) Theory of moral sentiments, and a dissertation on the origin of languages. 2 Sporting Magazine, or Monthly Calendar of the turf, the chase, &c. vols. 49 and 50, 1817, and vols. 1 9 of the new series. 1818 22. 1 1 DUODECIMO. Bernard's Comforts of Old Age, with biographi- cal illustrations. 1 Calendar and Annals of the United States, for 1822. 1 Dennie's Lay Preacher. 1 Fragments sur Paris, par F. J. L. Meyor. 1 Gallery of Portraits. 1 Hamilton's (Eliza) Letters of a Hindoo Rajah. 2 Haslitt's (William) Round Table, or collection of Essays on literature, men, and manners. 2 Hermit in London, or Sketches of English Man- ners. 2 King's Political and Literary Anecdotes of his own time. 1 Memoirs of the Year 2500. 1 Montague's (Elizabeth) Letters, vols. 3 and 4. 3 Paris Spectator; containing observations upon Parisian manners and customs. 3 Philosophical Dictionary. 1 Phillip's Speeches, and the Emerald Isle; a poem. President's Tour in 1817. 1 Salmagundi; second series. 2 NATURAL HISTORY. POLIO. Catesby's (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. Coloured plates, royal folio, morocco, gilt. London. 1754. 2 Lobel (M. de) Plantarum Historise Physicw tarn indigenarum, et Britanise inquilinarum, quam exoticarum scriptoris. London, 1605. Gift of R. Gilmor, Jr. Esq. 1 Q.UARTO. Barton's (Wm. P, C.) Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States, or Medical Botany, with coloured engravings. 2 Bigelow's (Jacob) American Medical Botany; being a collection of the native medical plants of the United States. Coloured en- gravings, in six parts. 3 OCTAVO. Bakewell's (Robert) Introduction to Geology; il- lustrative of the general structure of the earth, &c. 1 Brande's (Thomas W.) Outlines of Geology. 1 Hayden's (Horace) Geological Essays. 1 Jameson's System of Mineralogy. 3 Lee's Introduction to Botany. 1 Linr.e's System of Nature, through the three grand kingdoms of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals; translated by William Tur- ton, with various modern arrangements and corrections, and a life of the author. 7 Pursh's (Frederick) Flora Americse Septentri- onali, or systematic arrangement and des- cription of the plants of North America. & Saint Pierre's Harmonies of Nature; being a se- quel to his Studies of Nature; from the French of 3 Shaw's (Dr. George) General Zoology, with plates, vols. 9 11, in 2 parts each, 6 NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. 25 Werner's (A. G.) Theory of the Formation of Veins, with its application to the art of working mines. 1 DUODECIMO. Eaton's (Amos) Index to the Geology of the Northern States, with a geological gram- mar. 1 Humphrey's (David) Letters to Sir Joseph Banks, containing some account of the serpent of the ocean. 1 Wakefield's (Priscilla) Introduction to Botany. I NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. OCTAVO. Walton, Viages de, a las Tierras incognitas Australes, y al pais de las monas. 3 DUODECIMO. Abbot, being the Sequel to the Monastery. 2 Aiken's (Lucy) Lorimer; a tale. 1 Anastatius, or Memoirs of a Greek. 2 Antiquary; by the author of Waverly. 2 Banockburn. 3 Benger's (Miss) Valsinore. 1 Bonaparte's (Joseph) Moina. -1 Burney's (Miss) Taks of Fancy. 1 Geraldine Faucenberg. 2 Clarentine. 2 . Country Neighbours. 2 Calthorpe, or Fallen Fortunes. 2 Clan Albin; a national tale. 3 Coelebs Deceived. 1 Cullen's (Margaret) Mornton. 3 Cunningham's Sancho, the Proverbialist. 1 Decision. 2 Demetrius; a Russian romance. 2 Display; a tale for young people. 1 Duncan's Cottage Fireside; a moral tale. 1 Edgeworth's Maria) Popular Tales. 2 26 NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. Edgeworth's (Maria) Harrington and Ormond. 2 Leonora; a tale. 1 Favourite of Nature. 2 Fielding's Tom Jones. 3 Forresters. Fortunes of Nigel. 2 Genlis's (Madame de) Rash Vows. 2 Les Chevaliers du Cygne. 2 Placide; a Spanish tale. 1 Graham Hamilton. 1 Grant's (Mrs.) Popular Models and Impressive Warnings. 2 Gulzara, or the Virgin Queen. 1 Gunning's (Mrs,) Fashionable Involvements. 2 Hesitation, or Marry or Not to Marry. 2 Happiness; a tale. 2 Henry Willoughby. 1 Boffland's (Mrs.) History of an Officer's Widow. 1 Father as He should be. 2 Patience and Perseverance. 2 " Ellen the Teacher. 1 - History of a Clergyman's Wi- dow. 1 History of a Merchant's Widow and his Family. Hogg's, Brownie of Bodsbeck, and other tales, Winter Evening Tales. Button's (Catherine) Oakwood Hall. Welch Mountaineers. Invisible Hand; a moral tale. Iwanowna, or the Maid of Moscow. Jones' Hawthorn Cottage. Ivanhoe. Keriil worth. Lester's (Elizabeth B.) Quakers; a tale* Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. Manners. Marriage. Match Girl. Melincourt. Morgan's (Lady) Florence McCarthy. 2 Monastery; a romance. 2 No Fiction, or the Test of Friendship. pie's (Mrs.) Valentine's Eve. 6 New Tales. 2 NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. 27 Opie's (Mrs.) Tales of the Heart. 2 -. . Madeline. 1 Pen Owen. 2 Pinchard's (Mrs.) Ward of Delamere. 2 Pirate; by the author of Waverly. 2 Plumtree's (Mrs.) Tales. 2 Porter's (Ann Maria) Pastor's Fireside. 2 Knights of St. John. 2 Fast of St. Magdalen. 2 Village of Mariendorpt. 2 Roche Blanche; a romance. 2 Precaution. 2 Privateer; a tale. 2 Provost. 1 Ratcliffe's (Ann) Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. 1 Rhoda. 2 Rosabella. 3 Ross's (Mrs.) Balance of Comfort. 2 Paired not Matched. 2 Richard Coeur de Lion, (The Adventures of) 2 Roche's (Regina M.) Threcothick Cottage. 2 Munster Cottage Boy. 2 Robert's (Mrs.) Duty, or the White Cottage. 2 Rosa in London, and other tales. 4 Rosa and Madame de Montolieu's Sentimental Anecdotes. 1 Ryley's Itinerant, second part. 3 Sandham's (Miss) History of William Selwyn. 1 Sir Andrew Wylie of That Ilk. 2 Smollet's Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom. 2 Spirit of the Castle. 1 Spy; a tale of the neutral ground. 2 Tales of My Landlord, containing the Black Dwarf, and Old Mortality. 3 Tales of My Landlord, second series, containing Heart of Mid-Lothian. 2 Tales of My Landlord, third series, containing Bride of Lammermoor and a Legend of Montrose. 2 Taylor's (Mrs.) Family Mansion. 1 Valerius; a Roman story. 2 Varieties of Life, or Conduct and Consequences. 2 Vathek; from the French. 1 Walker's Don Raphael. 9. White Cottage; a tale. 1 28 PHYSIC, ANATOMY, AND StfUGERY. Wood worth's Champion of Freedom. .,. 2 "Women, or Pour et Contre. 2 PHYSIC, ANATOMY, AND SURGERY. Abernethy's (John") Inquiry into the probability and rationality of Hunter's Theory of Life. 1 Physiological Lectures, exhibiting a general view of Hunter's Physiology, &c. 1 Bell's (Charles) System of Operative Surgery, second volume. 1 Surgical Observations, being a quarterly report of cases in surgery. 1 Boyer's Treatise on surgical diseases, and the operations suited to them, with notes and an appendix by the translator, A. H. Ste- vens. 2 Cooper's Dictionary of Practical Surgery, with notes and additions by Dr. Dorsey. 2 First Lines of the Practice of Surgery. Gift of Dr. F. Didier. I Cross's Attempt to establish Physiognomy upon scientific principles. 1 Cullen's Treatise of the Maferia Medica, with additions by R. S Barton. 2 Gall's New Theory of Physiognomy, with the strictures of Huffland. 1 Jameson's (Dr. H. G.) American Domestic Medi- cine, or Medical Admonisher. 1 London Dispensatory, by William Salmon, 1707. Gift of Dr. F. Didier. I Medical and Physical Journal. London, vols. S4 47, to July, 1822. 14 Methode sure de Guerir les Maladie Veneriennes. Gift of Dr. F. Didier. 1 Phillip's Experimental Inquiry into the laws of the vital functions, and on the treatment of internal diseases. 1 Potter's (Dr. N.) Memoir on Contagion. Gift of the author. 1 POETRY AND DltAMA. 29 Revere; Disputatio Inauguralis de Insania. Gift of the author. 1 Reid's (John; Essays on Hypocondriacal and Nervous Affections. 1 Shattuck's Three Dissertations on Boylston Prize Questions. 1 Spurzheirn's Observations on the deranged mani- festations of the mind or insanity. 1 and Gall's Physiognomical System founded on anatomical and physiological examination of the nervous system and of the brain. 1 Swediaur's Practical Observations on Venereal Complaints. Gift of Dr. F. Didier. I Thomas's Modern Practic*- of Physic, with an Appendix, hy Dr. Hosack, M.D. 1 Traite des Maladies Ve!eriennes par M. Fabre. Gift of Dr. F. Didier. 1 Wistar's (Caspar) System of Anatomy, for the use of Students of Medicine. 1 DUODECIMO. Art of preserving the Sight to extreme Old Age, and of re-establishing it when it is be- come weak. Gift of Mr. Wm. ff. Freeman. Nisbet's Medical Friend to the Asthmatic Pa- tient; selected and arranged from the Works of Dr. Bree. Zollickoffer's Materia Medica of the United States. Gift of the author. POETRY AND DRAMA. Johnson's (Benjamin) Works. London, 1616. Gift of Dr. P. Macaulay. QJJARTO. Churchill's Poems. Jephson's Roman Portraits; a Poem in Heroic Verse. 30 POETRY AND DRAMA. OCTAVO. Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, with Notes. 10 Coleridge's Sibyline Leaves, a Collection of Poems. I Elton's Remains of Hesiod, the Ascrsean; trans- lated into Verse; with a Dissertation, &c. 1 Specimens of the Classic Poets, in a Chronological Series from Homer to Try- phiodorus; translated into English Verse, and illustrated with Biographical and Critical Notes. 3 Hull's (Thomas) Moral Tales, in verse. 1 Pierpont's Airs of Palestine. 1 DUODECIMO. Ankatell's Poems; to which is added Yarico to Inkle. 1 Anster Fair, with other Poems. 1 Barton's (Bernard) Poems. 1 Bonaparte's (Lucien) Charlemagne, or the Church Delivered. Bowie's (W. L.) Missionary; a Poem. 1 Byron's Hehrew Melodies. 1 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 3d and 4th Canto; with Poems. 2 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 1 Farewell to England; and other Poems. 1 Mazeppa. 1 Cornwall's (Barry) Marcian Colonna, an Italian Tale, &c. 1 Craniad, or Spurzheim illustrated; a Poem, 1 Cunningham's (Rev. J. \V.) De Ranee, a Poem. 1 Dramatic Tales; by the author of the Poetic Mirror. 2 Fudge Family in Paris; by the author of the Two Penny Post Bag. 1 Fudge Family in Washington. 1 Hogg's Forest Minstrel, a Selection of Songs. 1 Mador of the Moor, a Poem. 1 Houghton's (Mary A.) Emelia of Lindinau, or Field of Leipsic. 1 Hunt's (Leigh) Rimini; a Poem. 1 POLITICAL. 31 Inchbald's (Mrs.) British Theatre, or Collection of Plays, with Biographical and Critical Remarks. 25 Modern Theatre, or Collection of Suc- cessful Modern Plays. 10 Collection of Farces and other After- Pieces. 7 Kennedy's (Thomas) Poems. Gift of the author. I Songs. Gift of the author. I Knight's (Ann C.) Year in Canada; and other PC ems. 1 Milman's Fall of Jerusalem, the Martyr of An- tioch and Belshazzar. 1 Samor, Lord of the Bright City; an Heroic Poem 1 Milton's Paradise Lost. Gift of Col. Jacob Small. 1 Moore's (i homas) Irish Melodies. 1 Lalla liookh. 1 Ovid's Metamorphoses. 2 Owenson's (Miss) Lay of an Irish Harp. 1 Poetic Mirror, or Living Bards of Great Britain. 1 Porter's (Ann Maria) Ballads, Romances, arid other Poems. 1 Scott's (Walter) Search after Happiness; and other Poems. 1 Southey's (Robert) Poet's Pilgrimage to Water- 1 loo. 1 Tappan's (Win. B.) Poems. 1 POLITICAL. FOLIO. Census of the United States for 1820. Gift of the Hon. Samuel Smith. Minutes of the Evidence taken before the British House of Commons, relative to the Orders in Council, 1812. Receipts and Expenditures for 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, and 18*0. Gift of the Hon. Samuel Smith. 3 POLITICAL. OCTAVO. Bentham; Theorie des Peines et des Recompen- ses Rdigee par M. Dumont. ? Bonnet; Tableau des Etats Unis de L'Amerique du 19me siecle; par M. E. Gift of William Howard, M.I). 1 Carey's Vindir iae Hibernicse, or Ireland Vindi- cated. 4 copies. Gift of the author. 1 Disconrs, compose 1 en 1788, sui la Question quella a e!e !* influence de I'Amerique, sur la Po- litique, la Commerce, et les Moeures de L'Europe. Gift of Wm. Howard, M.I). 1 Europe; or a Survey of the Present Situation and Future Prospects of the Principal Powers; by a Citizen of the United States. 1 Fox's (Charles James) Speeches in the House of Commons. 6 Harper's (R. G.) Select Works. Gift of Mr. 0. H. Neilson. 1 Junius Identified, with the Fac Similies of Hand- Writing; by John Taylor. 1 Leckie's Historical Research into the Nature of the Balance of Power in Europe. 1 Pradt; the Colonies of the American Revolution; from the French of M. De 1 The Congress of Vienna. 1 Select American Speeches, Forensic and Parlia- mentary, with Remarks, by S. C. Carpen- ter. 2 State Papers and Public Documents of the United States, including Confidential Documents, 1809 to 1815. 10 Tudor's Letters on the Eastern States. 1 Turreau; Apperceu sur la Situation P >litiqup, des Etats Unis D'Amerique, par. Gift of Wm. Howard, M. D. 1 United States Papers, consisting of the Presi- dent's Messages, Reports, and other Doc- uments, 1808 a 1822. 5 Vivard's Truth Respecting England. 2 DUODECIMO. Cobhett's Pride of Britannia humbled by the American Cock Boats. 1 POLITICAL. 33 Letters from Washington on the Constitution and Liiws of the Unit-llow Sea, with an Account of her Shipwreck, 1817. 1 Morgan's (Lady) France. London, 1817. 2 Phila. 1817. 1 Italy, 1821. 2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 39 Noah's (Mordecai M.) Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States, 1813 to 1815. 1 Nuttall's Journal of Travels in the Arkansa Ter- ritory in the year 1819. 1 Park's (Mungo) Mission to the Interior of Africa in 1805, with an Account of his Life. . 1 Parry's (Captain) Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage in 1819 and 1820. 1 Riley's (Capt) Narrative of the loss of the Ameri- can Brig Commerce on the Coast of Afri- ca in 1815, with an Account of the Suffer- ings and Adventures of the Officers and Crew. 1 Salt's Voyage to Ahyssinia and Travels in the In- terior of that Country. 1 Schoolcrjift's Journal of Travels from Detroit through the American Lakes to the source of the Mississippi River in 1820. 1 Simond's Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during 1810 and 11, (by a French Traveller.) 2 Switzerland, or a Journal of a Tour and Residence in that Country in 1817 and 19. 2 Sloan's Rambles in Italy. Gift of the Author. I Turkey's Narrative of an Expedition to the River Zaire, called Hie Congo, to which is added the Journal of Professor Smith. 1 White's Letters on England comprising descrip- tive Scenes, with Remarks on the state of Society and on the condition of the Manu- facturing Classes, 1816. 2 DUODECIMO. Archenholtz's Picture of Italy. 2 Ashe's Travels in America in 1806. 1 Barne's Tour through the Island of St. Helena, with Notices of its Geology, Botany, &c. 1 Birbeck's Notes on a Journey to the Illinois. 1 Letters from Illinois. 1 Brackenridge's Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri. 1 40 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Franklin's Letters to his Kinsfolk, from Edin- burgu, London, &c. Gift of Franklin Di- dier, JW.D. 2 Henuepin Voyage dans L'Amerique, avec une re- lation tie 1' Origins, &c. des Caraibes par la Borde 1704. Gift of tVm, Howard, M. D. 1 Description de la Louisiana 1688. Gift of Wm,. Howard) JW. D. 1 Jewitt's Narrative of his Adventures among the Savages of Nootka sound. 1 Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, cap- tured by the British and confined at Dart- moor Prison. 1 Letters from Paris during the Accession and Ab- dication of Napoleon. 1 Letters from the South in 1816, by the Author of John Bull. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk from France in 1 8 1 5. 1 Raffle's Letters from France, Switzerland, &c. in 1817. 1 Scott's (John) Visit to Paris in 1814, being a Re- view of the Moral and Political condition of the French Capital. 1 Paris rt'visitfd by way of Brussels in 1815. 1 Siliiman's Remarks on a Tour between Harford and Quebec in 1819. 1 Sketch of Old England by a New England Man. 2 Stael's (Baroness de) Memoirs of her 10 years of Exile. 1 Wakefield's (Priscilla) Traveller in Asia, or a Visit to the most celebrated parts of the East Indies and China. 1 William's (Helen Maria) Narrative of the events in France from the landing of Bonaparte to the Restoration of Lewis 18th. 1 THIRD SUPPLEMENT BOOKS, &. BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF BALTIMORE. 1831. BALTIMORE: PRINTED BY JOHN D. TOY, Corner of Market and St. Paul ttreett. 1831. THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE. Agriculture, 5 Anatomy, - 17 Antiquities, 6 Architecture, (Ancient, Civil, Naval, and Military,) - ib. Arts, (Fine) including Architecture, Music, Painting, and Sculpture, - ib. Arts, (Mechanical) - - 9 Belles Lettres, - 6 Biblical, 7 Biography, - 7 Charts, - 10 Criticism, - 6 Chronology, - - ib . Classics, - 8 Commerce, - - 18 Dictionaries, 10 Drama, - 17 Economy, (Domestic) - 5 Economy, (Political) - 18 Education, - 9 Ethics, (Morality) ib. Farriery, - ib- Gardening, General Science, including Encyclopedias, Transactions of Philosophical Societies, Manufactures and Arts, 9 IV INDEX. Geography, - - 10 Grammar, - -" - ib. History, (Civil and Ecclesiastical) - 11 Law, - 12 Logic, 9 Manufactures, - 9 Medical, - 17 Metaphysics, - - 9 Mineralogy, - - 14 Miscellaneous, - 12 Mythology, - 6 Natural History, - - 14 Novels, 15 Painting, - 6 Pharmacopoeia, - 17 Physic, - - ib. Plays, - ib. Poetry, - - ib. Political, - 18 Rural Improvements, - 5 Sciences, - 9 Sculpture, - 6 Surgery, - 17 Theology, - 19 Topography, 1 Travels, - - 19 Voyages, - ib. No. III. 1831. AGRICULTURE, GARDENING, AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY. QUARTO. VOL. AMERICAN FARMER, 4th to llth, 1823 to 1830, inclusive. 8 McKenzie's 5000 Receipts, in the useful and do- mestic arts. 1 OCTAVO. Darwin's Phythologia, or the Philosophy of Agri- culture and Gardening. 1 Lorain's, (John) Nature and Reason, harmonized in the practice of Husbandry. 1 Phillip's, (Henry) Pomarium Britannicum, an His- torical and Botanical account of Fruits known in great Britain. 1 History of cultivated Vegetables, com- prising their Botanical, Medicinal, Edible and Chemical qualities. 1 Silk, a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury on the growth and manufacture of: adapted to the United States. Gift of the Hon. S. Smith. 1 Silkworms, a treatise on the rearing of, by Dr. Hazzi. Gift of the Hon. S. Smith. 1 DUODECIMO. Jardinier Almanach, Paris 1823, ^ Figures pour Almanach. Gift of\ 2 Charles Oliver, Esq. ) Hortus Anglicus, or modern English Garden, l Virginia Housewife. ANTIQUITIES, CHRONOLOGY AND MYTHO- LOGY. FOLIO. Hieroglyphica, sivi de sacris -lEgyptiorum et alia- rumque Gentium literis Lugduni, 1579. Gift of Robert Gilmor, Esq. 1 Notitia Imperil Romani, Lugduni, 160S. Gift of Robert Gilmor, Esq. 1 QUARTO. Scott's, (Sir Walter) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, with plates. 2 OCTAVO. McCulloh's, (Dr. J. H. ) Researches Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America. Gift of the Author. 1 DUODECIMO. Hill's, (Henry J;) Essays on the Institutions, Go- vernment, and Manners of Ancient Greece. 1 ARCHITECTURE, PAINTING, MUSIC, &c. QUARTO. Introduction to thorough Bass in conversations. Strickland's, (Wm.) Reports on Canals, Railways, Roads, &c. BELLES-LETTRES AND CRITICISM. OCTAVO. American Quarterly Review, 1827 to 1830. 8 British Critic, 1823 to 1826.. 7 and Quarterly Theological Review, 1827 to 1830. Crabb's, (George) English Synonymes explained. , 1 Review, the Edinburgh, vol. 37 to 51. 15 the Monthly, enlarged 98 to 108-1825. 11 new series 1826 to 1830. 13 the Quarterly, 1823 to 1830, 28th, to 43. 16 Review, Southern, 1828 1830. 6 Sismondi's Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated, with notes by Thomas Roscoe. 4 ( 7 ) BIBLICAL. Home's (Thomas H.) Introduction to the critical study and Knowledge of the Holy Scrip- tures. BIOGRAPHY. QUARTO. Evelyn (John) Memoirs, illustrative of the life and writings of: comprising his diary from 1641 to 1705. 2 Pepy's (Samuel) Memoirs, comprising his diary from 1659 to 1669. 2 OCTAVO. Allen's (Wm.) American Biographical and Histori- cal Dictionary 1 Annual Biography and Obituary, London, 1823 to 1830. 8 Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of the Independence of the U. S. 9 Bonaparte's (life) with a view of the French revo- lution, by Sir Walter Scott. 3 Burke, Prior's Memoir of the life and character of 1 Byron, A. C. Dallas's Recollections of the life of 1 Campan's (Mde.) Memoirs of the private life of Antoinette, Queen of France. 1 Columbus, Washington Irving's History of the life and voyages of, 3 Cowper's (Wm.) Private Correspondence. 1 Fouche's Memoirs. 1 Genlis' (Madame) Memoirs, illustrative of the His- tory of the 18th and 19th Centuries. 2 Grey, (Lady Jane) and her times, by George Howard. 1 Jones, (Paul) life and character, by J. H. Sherburn. 1 Kemble's (John P.) Memoirs, including a History of the Stage, by James Boaden. 1 Lamballe's (Princess) Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France. 1 Lee (R. H.) Memoir of the life and Correspon- dence of. 1 8 CLASSICS. Ledyard (John) the American Traveller, the life of, with his Journals and Correspondence. Gift of the Editor, Jared Sparks. 1 Pinkney (Wm.) life, writings and speeches of, by Henry Wheaton. 1 Plutarch's Lives, translated by Langborne. 4 Quincy (Josiah, Jr.) Memoir of the life of, by his Son. 1 Pulaski Vindicated. Gift of Paul JSentalou. 1 Reynolds's (Frederick) life and times, written by himself. 1 Rochejaquelein, Memoirs of the Marchioness of. 1 Sheridan (R. B.) Thomas Moore's Memoirs of the life of. 1 DUODECIMO. Alfieri (Vitterio) Memoirs of the life and writings of, by Lloyd. 1 Byron's Conversations in 1821 to 1822, noted by Thomas Medwin. 1 Byron's life, by John Gatt. 1 Campan's (Mde.) Private Journal, comprising anecdotes of the French Revolution, thoughts on Education. 1 Napoleon, Journal of the private life and conversa- tions of the Emperor at St. Helena, by Count de las Cases. 8 CLASSICS. POLIO. Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cum notis et indices Gru- teris. Gift of Wm. C. Walker, Esq. OCTAVO Ciceronis (M. Tulli) De Republica, quae supersunt endente Angelo Maio. DUODECIMO. Greek Course, by Edward Damphoux, D. D, Gift of the" Editor. ( 9 ) EDUCATION. DUODECIMO. Edgeworth's (Maria) Parents' Assistant. 2 Frank. 2 Popular Lessons selected. 1 ETHICS, LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. OCTAVO. Brown's (Thomas) Lectures on the Philosophy of the human mind. 3 Relation of Cause and Effect. 1 Good's (John Mason) Book of Nature. 2 DUODECIMO. Body and Soul. 2 Scott's (Sir Walter) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 1 Sherwood's (Mrs.) Lady of the Manor, being a series of Conversations on the subject of Confirmation. 7 GENERAL SCIENCE. QUARTO. Crabb's (George) Technological Dictionary, or familiar explanation of the terms used in all Arts, Sciences, &c. 2 Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1821 to 1829. 11 Index to, 1781 to 1820. 1 OCTAVO. American Journal of Improvements in the Arts, and Mirror of the Patent office in the U. S. 1 Arnott's (Doc. Neil) Elements of Natural Philoso- phy, general and medical. 1 Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts, edited at the Royal Institution of London, 14th to 22d vol. to 1826. 9 New Series, 1827 to 1830. 7 10 GEOGRAPHY, &C. Millington's Epitome of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 1 Peckton's Theory and Practice of Gas-Lighting. 1 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, 2d series, 1822 to 1824, vol. 41 to 45. 5 Repertory of Patent inventions and other discove- ries, &c. London, 1825 to 1830. 9 Robison's (John) System of Mechanical Philosophy, with notes, by David Brewster, 1822. 4 Silliman's (Benjamin) American Journal of Science and Arts, 1816 to 1830. 18 Transactions of the Society instituted at London, for the encouragement of Arts, Manufac- tures, &c. vol. 40 to 47, 1823 to 1829. 8 DUODECIMO. Carver's Practical Horse Farrier. 1 GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. POLIO. Belzoni's Plates, illustrative of his researches and operations in Egypt and Nubia. Maps and Report of the Commissioners, to ascertain the Northwestern boundary between the U. S. and Great Britain. Gift of Wm. Frick, Esq. QUARTO. Long's (Major S. H.) Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, maps and plates to. OCTAVO. Make Brun's Universal Geography. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES. QUARTO. Morrisson's View of China for Philological pur- poses. Gift of J. Latimer, Esq. Phila. DUODECIMO. Burnouf's Grammar of the Greek Language. Gift of the Translator, E. Damphoux, D. D. ( 11 ) HISTORY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. QUARTO. Walpole's (Horace) Memoirs of the last ten years of the reign of George the 2d. 2 OCTAVO. Burnet's (Bishop) History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 6 Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas, with remarks on Johnson's life of Green, by H. Lee. 1 Hunter's manners and customs of several Indian tribes west of the Mississippi, with the Au- thor's life. 1 Marbois' (Barbe) History of Louisiana, of its cession to the United States, with an essay on the Constitution and Government of the U. S. I Miller's (J. R.) History of Great Britain, from the death of George the 2d to the coronation of George the 4th, 1760 to 1820. 1 Mill's (Charles) History of the Crusades for the re- covery and possession of the Holy Land. 2 History of Chivalry or Knighthood and its times. 2 Napoleon's Memoirs of the History of France dur- ing his reign, dictated by the Emperor at St. Helena. 4 Historical Miscellanies. 3 Pitkin's (Timothy) Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from 1763 to 1717. 2 Segur's (Count) Memoirs and Recollections. 1 Segur's (Count Philip De) History of the expedi- tion to Russia, undertaken by Napoleon in the year 1812. 1 A Critical examination of, by Gen. Gourgaud. 1 Shalers (Wm.) Sketches of Algiers. 1 United States Naval Chronicle, by Charles W. Goldsborough. I DUODECIMO. Bucaniers of America, History of. Grimshaw's History of the United States. 12 LAW. MISCELLANEOUS. History of France. Irving's (Washington) Chronicle of the Conquest of Grenada. 2 Recollections of the Peninsula. 1 Romans, sketches of the Domestic manners and In- stitutions of the. 1 LAW. OCTAVO. Evan's, (Hugh D.) Essays on Pleading. Gift of the Author. Griffith's, (Wm.) Annual Law Register of the United States, 3 and 4th, vol. Hoffman's, (David) Legal Outlines, being the sub- stance of a course of Lectures, now deliver- ing in the University of Maryland, 1st Vol. Gift of the Author. Address to Students of Law, and Intro- ductory Lecture. Gift of the Author. Maryland Reports, Harris and McHenry's General Court and Court of Appeals, from 1700 to 1797. Harris and Johnson's Court of Appeals, 1st vol. 1800 to 1805, 5th and 6th vols. 1820 to 1823. Gift of John Hoffman, Esq. Ordinances of the Mayor and City Council of Bal- timore, to 1828. Gift of E. Kent, Esq. Report of the conspiracy cases, tried at Harford County Court. Gift of the Directors of the United States Branch Bank, Balti- more. MISCELLANEOUS. FOLIO. Gazette, Federal, 1823 to 1825. 3 Baltimore, 1826 to 1830. 5 Record of the Tuesday club held at Annapolis, from 1745 to 1755, 1. vol. manuscript. Gift of James Carroll, Esq. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 13 OCTAVO. Catalogue of the library of the American Philoso- phical Society. Gift of the Society. I London, of the sizes, prices, and publish- ers of Books, 1800 to 1S27. 1 Supplement to, 1829. 1 of the Lyceum of natural History of New York. Gift of the Institution. of Books on sale, with the prices affixed by John & A. Arch, London, 1830. Dodsley's Annual Register of History, Politics and Literature, London, 1821 1829. 9 Eulogies on Adams and Jefferson. 1 European Magazine and London Review, 1822 1825. 8 Gentleman's Magazine, London, vol. 91, part 2nd, to vol. 100, part 1st, 1822 to 1830. 16 Jefferson's (Thomas) Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies, edited by Thos. J. Randolph. 4 La Belle Assemblee, or Bell's Court and Fashion- able Magazine, vols. 25 30. 6 new series, 1825 1830, vols. 1 to 11. 11 Lady's Magazine, or Mirror of the Belles-Lettres &c. 18221828, London. 7 new series, 1829 1830. 3 Lady's Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository, 1823 1830, vols. 33 48. London. 15 London Magazine, 1822 1824. 4 and Review, 18251828. 10 third series, 18281829. 3 Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, 14-th to 17th vols. Philadelphia. 4 New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, 1822 1829, vols. 4 to 27, London. 24 North American Review, vols. 15 31, Boston. 17 Index to first 25 Vols. I Register, Niles' Weekly, vols. 22 to 38, Balti- more. 1" Register, Edinburgh Annual, 1S19 to 1824. 6 Sporting Magazine, or Monthly Calendar of the turf, the chase, &c. vol. 10 25, New Series, London. 16 3 14 NATURAL HISTORY. Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Jr. 1 Walpole's (Horace) Private Correspondence. 4 DUODECIMO. Apician Morsels, or Tales of the Table, Kitchen and Larder. Barbauld's (Ann Letitia) Works, with a Memoir, by Lucy Aiken. 2 Butler's (Charles) Reminiscences. 1 Confessions of an English Opium eater. 1 Davy's (Sir H.) Consolations in Travel, or last days of a Philosopher. 1 Drake's (Nathan) Evenings in Autumn, a series of essays, Narrative and Miscellaneous. 2 Hermit in the Country, or sketches of English manners. 2 John Bull in America, or the New Munchausen. 1 Travelling Bachelor, notions of the Americans, picked up by a. 1 Warreniana, with notes, critical and explanatory. 1 NATURAL HISTORY. FOLIO. American Ornithology, or Natural History of Birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson; with figures drawn, engraved and coloured from Nature, by Charles L. Bona- parte. 3 OCTAVO. Bigelow's (Jacob M.D.) Plants of Boston and its vicinity. 1 Fleming's (John D.D.) Philosophy of Zoology, or View of the Structure and Classification of Animals. Shaw's (Dr. George) General Zoology, with plates vol. 12, 13, and 1st part 14th, London. 5 General Index to. 1 Smellie's Philosophy, with additions and altera- tions, by John Ware. 1 DUODECIMO. Insects, Natural History of. > 1 NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. DUODECIMO. Albigenses; a romance. 3 Almack's; a novel. 2 Almack's revisited or Herbert Milton. 2 Anne of Geirstein, by the author of Waverly. 2 Clarence; a tale of our own times. 2 Country Curate. 2 Cunningham's Paul Jones; a romance. 3 Cyril Thornton. 2 Denounced. 2 Devereux; by the author of Pelham. 2 Devere, or man of Independence. 3 Disowned; by the author of Pelham. 2 Dunallen. 2 Edgeworth's (Maria) Moral tales. 2 Entail, or Lairds of Grippy. 2 Early Impressions. 1 Foresters; by the author of Lights and Shadows. 1 Granby. 2 Hall's (Mrs.) Sketches of Irish Character. 1 Kale's (Mrs.) North wood. 2 Hajji Baba of Ispahan, adventures of. 2 Hoffland's (Mrs. ) tales of the Manor. 2 Beatrice. 2 Patience. 1 Hope Leslie, or early times in Massachusetts. 2 Hugh's (Mrs.) Emma Mortimer. 1 Highways and By-ways, 1st and 2d series. 4 Inheritance. Isabella; by the author of Rhoda. 2 Kuzzilbash; a tale of Khorasan. 2 Last of the Lairds. Lionel Lincoln, or the League of Boston. Merry tales of the three wise men of Gotham. 1 Mohicans, a narrative of 1757, by the author of the Pioneers. Neele's (Henry) Romance of History. 2 Opie's (Mrs.) Illustrations of Lying. Detraction displayed. Paul Clifford. Paul et Virginie, par Saint Pierre. 16 NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. Percy Mallory. 2 Pelham, or the adventures of a gentleman. 2 Peveril of the Peak. 3 Pilot, a tale of the sea, by the author of Pioneers. 2 Pioneers, hy the author of the Pilot. 2 Porter's (Mrs.) Honor O'Hara. 2 Barony. 2 Porter's (Jane) Duke Christian. 2 Prairie; a tale by the author of the Pioneers. 2 Prince Arthur and his Knights of the round table. 2 Quinten Durward; a romance. 2 Radcliffe's (Mrs.) Gaston de Blondeville. 2 Red Rover: by the author of Pilot. 2 Red Gauntlet; by the author of Waverly. 2 Red Wood; a tale. 2 Reginald Dalton; by the author of Valerius. 2 Rivals of Acadia. 1 Sayings and Doings, first and second series. 4 Scott's (Sir Walter) Novels, Waverly to Woodstock, included. 43 Spanish Daughter. . 1 Spaewife. 2 Spectre of the Forest. 2 St. Ronan's Well; by the author of Waverly. 2 Tales of a Grandfather, by the author of Waverly. 2 Tales of an American Landlord. 2 Tales of the Crusaders, by the author of Waverly. 2 Tor Hill. 2 Tremane, or the Man of Refinement. 3 Trials of Margaret Lindsay. 1 Trials; a tale. 2 Valentine's Day, or Fair Maid of Perth; by the au- thor of Waverly. 2 Vivian Grey. 3 Water Witch; by the author of the Pilot. 2 Wept of Wishton-Wish; by the author of the Pilot. 2 Wilderness, or Braddock's times; a tale. 2 Woodstock, or the Cavalier 2 Zillah, a tale of the Holy City. 2 ( 17 ) PHYSIC, ANATOMY, AND SURGERY. OCTAVO. Prick's (George M.D.) Treatise on the diseases of the Eye. Gift of the Author. 1 Gibson's (Wm. M.D.) Institutes and Practice of Surgery. Gift of the Author. 2 Larrey's Surgical Essays. Gift of the Transla- tor, Dr. John Revere. 1 Magendie's Physiology. Gift of the Translator, Dr. John Revere. 1 Medical and Physical Journal, vol. 48 58, to 18^7, London. 11 DUODECIMO. Kitchiner's Economy of the Eyes. 1 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. OCTAVO. Heman's (Mrs. Felecia) Poems. 2 Percival's (James G.) Poems. 1 DUODECIMO. Brooks' (James and Mary) Rivals of Este and other Poems. 1 Byron's Works. 8 Island, or Christian and his Comrades 1 Fables of the Holy Alliance. 1 Heber's (Rt. Rev.) Palestine and other Poems. 1 Heman's (Mrs.) Records of Woman. 1 Montgomery's (Rob.) Omnipresence of the Deity. 1 Moore's (Thomas) Loves of the Angels. 1 Petraca: Le Rime di Francisco. Gift of Mrs. Parrot. 1 Roger's (Samuel) Italy, a Poem. 1 Rose's (Wm. S.) Orlando Innamorato, from the Italian of Francisco Berni. 1 Orlando Furioso, translated from Italian of Ludovico Ariosto. 2 Specimen of American Poets, London. 1 Yamoyden, a tale of the Wars of King Philip. 1 POLITICAL. FOLIO. Digest of Manufacturing Establishments in the United States. Gift of the Hon. Sam. Smith. 1 Receipts and Expenditures of the United States, for 1822, 1283, 1824, 1825, 1826 and 1828. Gift of the Hon. S. Smith. 6 OCTAVO. Georgia Controversy: Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives on. Gift of Hon. S. Smith. I Sketch of the United States by a Russian. 1 .United States papers, Diplomatic Correspondence'! of the American Revolution, edited by Jared Sparks. 8 Journal of the House of Representa- j tives of the U. S. from 1st Session, 1789 to 1815. Gift of Co ngress. Virginia State Convention: Proceedings and De- bates on the new Constitution, &c. 1829 1830. DUODECIMO. American Constitutions, Articles of Confederation, 1830. POLITICAL ECONONY AND COMMERCE. QUARTO. Commercio Oriental, Discripcao Merchantil, ex- tracted and translated from the English of Milburn, into the Portuguese. Gift of the Translator, J. S. Rebello. OCTAVO. Everett's (A. H.) New Ideas on Population. THEOLOGY. OCTAVO Dick's (Thomas) Christian Philosopher, or the Con- nexion of Science and Philosophy, with Re- ligion. 1 Evan's (Thomas) Exposition of the Faith of the Religious Society of Friends. Gift of Dr. George Williamson, 1 Irving's, Four Orations for Judgment to come, &c. 1 Sparks' (Jared) Inquiry into the comparative Moral tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian Doc- trines. Gift of the Author. 1 DUODECIMO. Baltimore Religious Tract Society's Reports and Tracts. Gift of the Society. 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. QUARTO. Burckhardt's Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. With plates. Lond. Maude's (John) Visit to the Falls of Niagara, &c. in 1800. Gift of the Author. Parry's (Capt. Wm. E.) Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a northwest passage, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in the years 1819 and 1820. Journal of a second Voyage performed in the years 1821, 2, and 3, Porter's (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c. 1827 1820, with plates, London. OCTAVO. Africa, Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in the years 1822, 3, and 4, by Denham, Clapper- ton and Oudney. America, Travels through North, in the years 1825 and 1826, by Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Wei- mar. 20 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Belzoni's Narrative of Operations and recent disco- veries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs &c. in Egypt and Nubia. For plates to, see Geography. 2 Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels in Palestine, through Bashan and Gilead, London, 1822. 2 Campbell's Voyage round the world in 1S06 to 1812. 1 Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in various Countries, part 3. Scandinavia, vol. 10, 11 and 12th, Lon- don, 1824. 3 Flint's (Timothy) Recollections often years passed in the Valley df- the Mississippi,' &c. 1826. 1 Franklin's (Capt. John) Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819 to 1822. Narrative of a second Expedi- tion to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1825 and 1827. 1 Griscom's (John) year in Europe. 1 Heber's (Rt. Rev.) Narrative of a Journey through the upper Provinces of India from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824 and 1825. 2 Hodgson's Remarks during a Journey through North America in the years 1819, 20 and 21. 1 Humboldt's Personal Narrative of Travels to the equinoctial Regions of the new Continent, 1799 and 1804, 6th vol. in. 2 Long: (Major J. H.) Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky mountains performed in the years 1819 and 1820, un- der the command of. 2 Narrative of an Expedition to the, Lake of the woods, &c. in 1823, under command of. 2 Parry's (Capt. Wm. E.) third Voyage for the dis- covery of a northwest passage, in 1821 and 5. 1 Poinsett's Notes on Mexico, with an Historical sketch of the Revolution, &c. 1824. 1 Russel's (John) Tour in Germany, 1820 and 1822. 1 Wheaton's Journal of a residence in London and Excursions through parts of England and France in 1823 and 4. 1 White's (John) History of a Voyage to the China Sea. 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 21 Wilson's (Wm. Rae) Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. 1 Year in Spain, by a young American. 1 DUODECIMO. Bell's (John) Observations on Italy. 1 Hall's (Capt. Basil) Journal on the Coast of Chili, Peru and Mexico, in the years 1820 1822. 2 Travels in North America, in 1827 and 1828. 2 Lafayette in America in 1S24 and 1825; a Journal of a voyage to the United States, by A. La- vasseur. 2 Lyon's (Capt.) Private Journal, during the voyages of discovery under Capt. Parry. 1 Madden's (R. R.) Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nu- bia and Palestine, in 1824 1827. " 2 Matthew's Diary of an Invalid, in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France. 1 Persia, Sketches of, from the Journal of a Travel- ler. 1 Vasi, Itineraris di Roma Antiqua e moderna del. M. Gift of Samuel Ptirviance, Esq. 1 Walsh's (Rev. R. ) Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England. 1 Wood's (Wm. W.) Sketches of China. 1 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. Form L9- A 000 898 434 6 Z 881 B21c Un: