REESE LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, , igoo . Accession No. *$ 3 EDITED WITH BY THE HEY. ALEXANDER B. GROSART, ST. GEOEGE'S, BLACKBURN, LANCASHIRE. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION. 1868. 156 COPIES ONLY. MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. JF it be true and few who really know the facts, will be found to dispute it that many generations had to pass before either biographic justice or historic recognition, was rendered to the mighty and true men of The Commonwealth of England who were as really as ' of old ' the ' Sword of God ' for stern and ter- rible work equally must it be admitted, that names of kindred greatness and venerableness and trueness, on 'the other side', have partaken of the tarnish and the shame indelibly belonging to that sorrowful period of The Restoration of 1660. It is well that at this ' later day ' ' when Time hath furled The skirts of mist, and to our vision cleared, In luminous distinction, all unsphered, The adverse circles of the Church and World ' the foremost Thinkers and Writers irrespective of party have come to recognize what of Brain- power and Heart-worth, were on either side : and to concede to each the usual mixture of lofty and B 10 ICEMORIAL-rNTEODTrCTIOSr. mean, pure and stained, single-eyed and self -seek- ing. * Puritan ' applied earlier and later haslongbeen emptied of its scorn and cleansed of its opprobium : and, in turn, the generalization of * The Boyalists ' no longer hides from us that there were within their ranks in State and Church, men, ay and women if ' lady ' were more honouring I should give it freely of fine patriotism, and beautiful allegiance to conviction, and peerless integrity, and heroic self-sacrifice, " Who dreamed of honour, and had heart to die For their own bravo and glorious dream." That they loved * not wisely ' but ' too well ' that the objects of their splendid loyalty were falser and so baser, than ever heathen-knee bowed to abates nothing of our homage, if it thrill to wonder and deepen our sorrow. Of the many Families, all of the ' ancient days ', who staked and. lost uncomplainingly, ancestral wealth and position and * good name ' for the King if not * the Kingdom, ' that of the WASHBOiniNEsis of the foremost ; and the oblivion that has hitherto fallen on the ' Divine Poems ' of a scion of this renowned c stock, ' is largely to be explained by the shadow that lay broad and black over the ' losing cause * at the period in which the modest little MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 1 1 \ volume made its first shy appeal ' to the ingenuous reader '. When the right man appears to perform for * THE EOYALISTS ' something finer and deeper than the ' State-Worthies ' of LLOYD whether in the ori- ginal slender folio or the more recent two duodecimos edited by "Whitworth (1766) or than even the ' mighty line ' of CLARENDON : and surely it is not creditable that the meaner ' LOYALISTS ' of America should have found adequate memorial from LORENZO SABINE, while England's nobler and prouder names have only fragmentary record ? the WASHBOURNES will claim and reward fullest research and lovingest workmanship. There are living representatives of the Family who might be worse occupied than in preparing such a Memorial- volume of the name, as from year to year reach us from the United States concerning their mother-Country names and lineage. There are WASHBOURNES of repute in America, so that I am not without hope of home- neglect being atoned for by trans- Atlantic love and reverence.* Meanwhile, after all diligence and *I may recal the scholarly and excellent Rev. Dr. E. A. Washburn, Rector of Calvary Church, New York : and the strong-brained member of Congress of the name. All the American Washburns spring from our Washbournes. 12 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. persistence of inquiry in likely quarters, the result is inconsiderable. But it is to be noted that if our Memoir be slight and brief, it is relatively large and substantive, inasmuch as the name will be looked for in vain in the usual biographic authori- ties; even the omniverous ANTHONY A-Wooo furnishes little more than a few College dates. He outlived THOMAS FULLER : and hence could find no place in his ' Worthies ' : but it is tantalizing to come on abounding notices of other WASH- BOURNES, and their innumerable inter-marriages, in the ' County ' Histories of NASH and ATKYNS and their compeers : and not a line on our ' sweet singer '. The WASHBOURNES reach back not by mere boastful tradition, but by extant 'records' and muniments to before the Conqueror. In his immortal ' Britannia ' Camden thus eulogizes them : ' ' Under these BREDON hills south- ward, you see two villages named WASHBORNES whence came the surname to a very ancient and worshipfull Family in this tract." : or as elsewhere "a very ancient and illustrious family in these parts" * Similarly NASH observes "little *English edition, 1G10, p. 577 : and Gough't) Camdcn, (3 vols. folio, 1789) Vol n, 353. MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 13 WASHBORNE, anciently WASSEBORNE It is sometimes called KNIGHT'S WASHBORNE from the knightly character of the WASHBORNES, who took their surnames from hence : for men generally have their names from towns and not towns from men " : and further " of this family were Sir ROGER and Sir JOHN WASHBORNE before the reign of EDWARD III, as appears hy a record which Mr. HABINGDON saw in the possession of Sir RICHARD Sx GEORGE : in their coat-armour they quartered the arms of ZOUCH, CORBET, WYSHAM, WALSHE and BLOTJNT : they bore likewise the arms of the earl of WARWICK'S second son, perhaps only as kinsmen or clients to that mighty earl."* It were easy to multiply heraldic ' boastings ' of this type : and to tell of wise and brave, gentle and fair, scions of this preeminently ' blue blood ' House : but those who are curious for such lore will not grudge to ' search ' the folios of JL^ASH and ATKYNS : and so I simply name the MTJSARDS and POHERS (or POERS or POWERS) and STAPLES and SALWEYS and D' ABITOTS and THROMWINS, and other ' great ones ', whose family- trees shew grafting, and planting and transplanting, through many generations, and with change and interchange of * NASH' s ' Worcestershire' (2 vols. folio) Vol n, 263, seqq. 14 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. many a ' fair Estate ' with the WASHBOURNES ; and conversely emerging later in the FOLEYS (of RICHARD BAXTER'S ' Reliquce ' ) and the WINNING- TONS of Stanford Court so admirably represented in the present cultured * lord of the manor. ' * It would seem that that the WASHBOURNES have all sprung from "WORCESTERSIIIRE and GLOUCESTER- SHIRE. " They married " according to CAMDEN " in the 15th century into the family of POHER at WICHENFORD in this county [of Worcestershire] to which they removed."! NASH says "WICHEN- FORD COURT came about the time of Henry IY to NORMAN WASHBORNE " J ' To this day ' the Estates of the WASHBOURNES remain, to attest the former renown and splendour of the Family. With WYCHENFORD for centre, and a circumference stretching into neighbouring coun- ties, you have in them fine old Mansions, moated and parked, and presenting every variety of sylvan *See NASH, as supra and ATKYN'S 'Gloucestershire' [folio 1712: 2nd edit.] fAs before, edn. by GOUOH, Vol n. 369. The removal was not very distant, as while Great Washbourne is in the border of Gloucestershire, Little Washbourne is in Wor- cestershire. % As before, Vol n 458. MEMORIAL-INTRODUCSION. 15 tmd meadow beauty, and all lustrous with ancient memories. Now however the Estates are divided and subdivided and portioned. The chancels of the Churches of WYCHENFORD and STANFORD, and all round, have marbles and brasses bearing names and arms of WASHBOURNES. Our ' Worthy ' was son if I do not misread the somewhat intricate roll of WASHBOTJRNES of the JOHN WASHBOURNE of the following tablet-inscription which is still to be seen in WYCHENFORD CHURCH : * This monument is erected by JOHN WASHBOURNE Esq., in pious memory of his Father, ANTHONY WASHBOURNE Esq., as also of himself and his two wives : the first, Mary, daughter of Frances Savage, of Elmley Castle Esq. : the second, ELENOR, daugh- ter of RICHARD LYOON, of MADRESFIELD Esq., descended from one of the co-heiresses of the LORD BEAUCHAMP of POWYICK, the said John Washbourne being at the time of this inscription of tho age of 84 years.' * * The time ' here referred to is given by NASH as *I am indebted to the present Incumbent for these in- criptions. There follows above 'Restored A. D. 1863, by WILLIAM MONEY KYRLE, Esq., of HOMME HOUSE, Here- fordshire, great-great grandson of ELIZABETH WASHBORNE of WICHENFORD who was married to FRANCIS MONEY, Esq. A.B. 1723.' 1 6 MEMOKTAL-INTKODTTCTION. ' 1632 '* : and of this < John ' Mr. HABINGI)OX a contemporary attests, he was 'the best continual house-keeper and the best beloved gentleman in this county.'f ^-is mother must have been the second Mrs. JOHN "WAHSBOTTRNE, viz., ' ELENOE ' of MADEESFIELD. He was born at WYCHENFOED COTJET in 1606.J He had probably brothers and sisters by both marriages. An elder half-brother died while he was in his 10th year as this other WYCHENFOED-tablet tells : * In memory of JOHN WASHBOURNE Esq., grandson of Anthony Washbourne Esq. (and also of Ms wife and children) who departed this life 25th Septr. 1615, aged 48.' As before, pp. 458-60. JThe Wychenford ' Registers ' only reach back to 1690 : BO that there is no way of arriving at the birth-date except through the death-date 1687, when he was aged 80 : which takes us back to 1606-7 There follows here, as in the other, ' Restored A. D. 1863 by WILLIAM MONEY KYRLE, Esq., of Homme House, Herefordshire,' It seems proper to state that this gentleman who has shewn such respect to these memorials of his Family, possesses an original portrait of Dr. Thomas Washbourne, who holds in his hand a copy of his l Divine Poems. ' It is to be hoped that Mr. Kyrle will causo this portrait to be engraved worthily. MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 1 7 Thus well-born, there can be no doubt Master THOMAS would have all the advantages of his position, at home and in his education. I like to think of him drawing his after, fine, Royalism from the lips of his chivalrous Father and venerable Grandfather, the ' good ' Anthony. The Hunt with the ' goshawk ' was not gone out : neither, many of the stately old ways of the * time of Queen Bess ' when he was a boy : and he could not fail to partake of the elder inspiration. His loyalty to the Throne was hereditary. But there were mutterings of the coming ' contendings ' and changes when he first 'gan see the light. Two representative men were born as he was leaving his ' nurse's arms ' , to wit, JOHN MILTON and THOMAS PULLER both in 1608. I cannot determine the public * School ' to which Master WASHBOURNE went : but from its convenience to his home, and the fame of its master HENRY BRIGHT we shall not err perhaps in assuming that it was the ' Free School ' of WORCESTER. Thither went SAMUEL BUTLER, and JOHN TRAPP the rich and quaint Commentator on all the Bible, and keen-thinking EGBERT HARRIS, the Puritan, and FRANCIS POTTER and ROGER MANWARING.* *For fuller details of this celebrated ' School ' see ray 18 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. He passed from School to OXFORD. His College was ' Baliol . These dates from the FASTI give his progress : Batchelorof Arts: Feb. 13th: 1625. Master of Arts : June 25th : 1628. Batchelor of Divinity : April 1st: 1636.* These bring us to 1636. How long he was resident in Oxford does not appear. In 1640 he is entered by Biglandf as Kector of DUMBLETON in Gloucestershire, which ' living ' he held through 1 good and evil report ' for life ; but not without those trials it maybe, undistinguishing ill-usage that fell upon those who ranged themselves for the King rather than the Nation. J The Church of DUMBLETON has a venerable and Memoir of JOHN TRAPP, prefixed to recent reprint of his * Commentary ' 5 vols. royal 8vo. (Dickenson, London.) pp vni-ix. * Wood's 'Fasti' (by Bliss) i. 422, 439, 489...^.. f " Collections " for 'Gloucestershire' Vol i. pp 601 : Atkyns, as before, leaves the date unfilled. : Walker in his ' Sufferings ' (2nd part, p 33) blunders as usual with him. (1) He dates the presentation to Dumble- ton at the Kestoration in 1660 instead of 1640 : (2) Ho assumes his 'predecessor' in the 'Prebend' to have ' suffered ', whereas he ' resigned ' apparently by ' arrange- ment ' with W. himsolf : one of many devices to multiply his ' Sufferers * MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 1 9 interesting Story : but I do not know that under its richest marbles and proudest-inscribed brasses, there lies more precious dust than that of the ' Ejected ' pastor of EVESHAM saintly GEORGE HOPKINS : and knowing that WASHBOURNE was at the time its Rector, it is pleasant to read that this good man on retiring from EVESHAM as leal to conscience, and residing at DUMBLETON, " con- stantly frequented the parish-church and public prayers and holidays."* Preferment followed on DUMBLETON : but as it would seem stealthily. He was ' presented ' to a ' Prebendary-ship ' in GLOUCESTER Cathedral, in 1643. BUDGE thus narrates the appointment : " THOMAS WASHBOURNE, A. M. was nominated to succeed GILBERT OSBORNE in 1643, who resigned. He was again presented in 1660 having been, as it is supposed, kept out of possession, till that time. There is a tradition that when he first ob- tained a grant of this Prebend from King CHARLES I, he was forced to be installed into it in the night, and not let it be known he had been at GLOUCESTER ; *Atkyns, as before, 213 ; cf. CALAMY and PALMER. Dumbleton in 1650 was sold by Parliament but reverted to its original owners at the Restoration, Cf. Atkyns, as before. 20 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. which looks as if there had been some private treaty between him and OSBORNE : and that to prevent all dispute of his title, he took out a new presentation at the Restoration : and became regularly installed."* Besides his Prebend, Dr. WASHBOURNI: created liibosheth to David, Let them take all, foras- much as my Lord the King is come again in peace unto his own house. It will be honor and prefer- ment enough for me, if I may be but owned by Your Maiesty for Your Maiesty's most humbly devoted and most obedient Subject, Thomas Washbourn. In accord with the ' Epistle ' are the sentiments of the ' Sermon : as may be illustrated by a few extracts. I cannot withold these in justice to their author : nor do I think it worth while tra- MEMOBIAL-INTEODUCTION. 27 versing them, albeit it were not hard to do. The Sermon is based on Isaiah Lvm. 12. " And they that shall be of thee shall build up the old waste places : thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations, and thou shalt be called, the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of paths to dweU in." It is called The Repairer of the Breach.'* Passing over the plan and details of the Discourse *The following is the title-page in full : THE REPAIRER OF THE BREACH; A SERMON Preached at the Cathedral Church of Glocester, May 29, 1661. being the Anniversary of his Maiesty's Birth-day, and happy Entrance into Hia Emperial City of London. By Thomas Washbourn, D. D. London, Printed for William Leak, at the sign of the Crown in Fleet-street, between the two Temple-gates. 1661. [4] 28 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. I cull these ( opinions ' and utterances of feeling : " It was well said by our late King of glorious memory, to his Son our gracious Soveraign that now reigns, whom God preserve long among us : I had rather you should be Charles le Bon, than le Grand, good than great. We are born alike, being hew'd all out of the same Rock, our father Adam : 'tis only vertue and noble actions that distinguish and set above the vulgar." Again : " what breaches were made in this building even breach upon breach. Job xvi. 14. Here were the living stones broken, heart-broken, the principal Pillars thrown down? Able, painful and piteous Pastors and Preachers (such as Dr. Featly that Malleus Hereticorum, and many others of the Clergy besides the Reverend Fathers of the Church the Bishops, (of whom the world was not worthy) cast out of their places and livings upon false suggestions and informations, or, if true, deserving rather encouragement and protection than imprisonment and ejection. Sequestred and cast out they were, not for any thing really scandalous, but for being so con- scientious, that they would not take new Oaths & Covenants contrary to those they had formerly and lawfully taken and upon the same score would MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 29 have suffered death (as some did) rather than run with the tide of the times against the known Lawes of God & Man." Once more : ' ' Barclay in his Ic o n Animorwn writing of the several sects of Religion which he had observed in England in King James his reign, tells a story of a father and his two sons who constituted or made up a Church between themselves, but these three not long agreeing, the two Sons excommunicated the Father, and at last one son the other. So that these three made three distinct Churches in their conceipts, and each one the true. What would he have said, had he lived to see the many factions and fractions, Divisions and Subdivisions which have spawned since amongst us; our Church being well likened by the last Arch-bishop of Canterbury, in his Speech at his death, to an Oak cleft to shivers with wedges made out of its own body and by every cleft prophanenesse and irreligion entering in. ' ' Further : "What better could be expected when the Prophet's two staffes were once broken : the staffe of Beauty and the staffe of Bands ; Veritas Evan- gelica, & TJnitas Christiana, the true doctrine & uniform Discipline of the Church. When these I say were broken to pieces, behold an inundation of Sects and Heresies like a second Deluge over- flowed the whole Land : they came croaking about 30 MEMORIAL-INTEODUCTION. us like the Frogs of Egypt, and swarming like the Locusts out of the bottomles pit." Again : " And blessed be God that put it into the King's heart to take care that all Bishops, Deans and Chapters, should out of their Impropriation, augment the Small Vicaridges belonging to them in such a reasonable proportion as the Tythes will well bear. And 'tis hoped that this will be a leading Card to invite and draw on those of the Nobility & Gentry to do the like as some of them have done already, to their honour be it spoken, and therein have prevented His Majesty's desires in that kind, and began in us ; I could name some of them, but that I think they are sufficiently well known to the world." Again : "And to fill up the measure of our ruin, a breach upon the Head Stone of the building, the chief stake in our hedge was cut off, & most barbourously murdered before his own Eoyal gate, a most inhuman unparallel'd Parricide, Eegicide, I had almost said Deicide, and if I had, it might admit of a sober sence, for Kings are earth-Deities, God's pictures in a lesser form or model, and God Himself hath honoured them with His own Name, I have said Ye are gods. Psal. LXXXH. 6." Finally : "And when he fell all feU with him. Ever MEMORIAL-INTKODTJCTIOtf. 31 since we have been a Tohu and Bohu, rudis in- digestaque moles, a meer Chaos of confusion, a second Babel, or like a Tennis ball tost from hand to hand, a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to all that were round about us." His other printed ' Sermon ' of which the full title-page and short Epistle to the Eeader will be found below* is of a more private kind, having *A SERMON PREACHED AT THE Funeral of CHARLES COCKS. ESQ. One of the Masters of the Chauncery And of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple. By Tho. Washbourne M. A. London Printed for Henry Twyford and John Place, and are to be sold at the Middle Temple, and Furnivals Inn Gate. 1656. [4 ] TO THE READER. This Sermon, being the immature production of three days conception at most, I could not think worthy the public view, for like Hezekiah's children, when it came to the birth, there wanted strength to bring forth, and 32 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION-. been preached at the Funeral of a member of the COCKS Family to whom, as they were owners of the * living ' of DUMBLETON, he probably owed his first ecclesiastical charge. It is by no means an extraordinary, is [ sooth to say, a very ordinary ' Sermon '. I have gleaned a few short specimens to give an idea of its style. The Text is Psalm xc. 9-10. First of all take this : " Behold saith he to God, thou hast made my days as an hand breadth, and mine age is as nothing before thee : as an hand breadth or as a span long (according to the vulgar translation) : you may observe in a span, when all the fingers are extended to the full length, there is but one finger between the thumb and the middle finger which is the therefore I should have buried it as an Abortive in the Grave with him, for whose sake it was first formed. But since I hear it hath been subject to misconstruction, and an ill character put upon it by some, that have reported it to be rather a kind of Invective against the party deceased, than a proper Funerall Sermon upon him, I held myself engaged to this publication, as the fittest means for my vindication, that so all, who knew him living, may judge whether I have wronged him dead, to whose just censure I submit myself, and rest Thy servant in Christ Tho. Washbourne. MEMOEIAL-IFTKODUCTION. 33 longest, and but one again between the middle and the little finger which is the shortest, so in the span of a man's life there is but as it were a finger between child-hood and man-hood. Adolescentia, youth, brings you from the one to the other, and then you are at the middle finger, at the highest : from thence you decline strait, and there is but another finger between that and death, Senectus, old age, that drops you into the grave, and so I drop into my second part." Again : " Nor the clouds return after the rain, i. e. ere calamities gather like clouds, and fall one upon the neck of another, or there be a defluxion of rheume and fleyme upon the lungs and stomach as is usually in old age. "When the keepers of the house shall tremble, i. e. the hands be paraliticall. The strong men bow themselves, i. e. the legs not able to support the body. The Grinders cease, because they are few, i. e. the teeth fall out or fail to do their office in chewing of meat. And those that look out of the windows be darkned, i. e. the eyes grow dim or quite loose their sight. And the dores shall be shut in the streets, i. e. either the lips closed, and the man speechless, 34 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION-. or the smelling gone ; by the streets, perhaps meaning the nostrils, and by the dores the holes in the spungy bone, into which the odours are received ; when the sound of the grinding is low, i. e. the Jaws so weak, and the Teeth so few and bad, that a man cannot be heard to chew his meat. Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, i. e. the Liver next the Heart, which is the Fountain of life, will then hold no blood, as a broken Pitcher holds no water." Once more : "Thus we have seen a man [full of years and wealth, soon cut off, and his better part is flown away ; he now rests from his labours and sorrows, and his works follow him. These I am to tell you of particularly : he hath by his Will given ten pounds to the poor of this Parish, ten pounds to Bishops Cleere, (the place of his birth) five pounds to Evesham, five to Tewksbury, five in "Winch- combe, five to Parshore, five to Ash Lench, five to Bromsgrove, five to King's Norton, five to Langley neer Colebrook. Besides an hundred pounds which he gave to a Library in the Temple (of which Society he had been long a member ; ) and forty pounds per annum to two Lawyers, there to hear and accord causes and differences between parties that sue in forma pauperis. I could wish some more of this kind had gone before him, and MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 35 that in such pious and well intended acts he had "been his own Executour." Finally " He was one that spent his years like a tale that is told, or in the phrase of the seventy; meditatated taaf-iapo^iv like the Spider, had his webs too, and his thoughts busyed much (if not over much) in increasing that which is now no more his, and lading himself with thick clay in the Prophet's expression, yet I trust with- out a woe to himself, for I hear not of any Widows or Orphan tears and complaints to bedew or soil his hearse." Behind these published declarations of his * opinions ', and avowals of allegiance to the King, there was no little private struggle in seeking to know the ' path of duty ' in those ' perilous times.' Unconscious of who it is he is revealing at this ' later day ', the present Bishop of Chester [Dr. Jacobson] in his edition a very admirable one of the Works of Bishop SANDERSON, has presented from the original M S S, a note-worthy ex- change of letters between the Bishop then Rector of BOOTHBY PATNELL, Lincolnshire and Dr. WASHBOTJRNE. I gratefully transfer the ' Letter ' of Washbourne in extenso. For SANDERSON'S elaborate and anxious 'Reply' I must refer to 36 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. his Works.* Dr. Jacobson thus introduces his important Paper.f " One of the MSS. given by Bishop Barlow to the Library of Queen's College, IT. 16. b. p 90, contains a memorandum that this Case of the Engagement was drawn up in answer to inquiries from ' T. Washbourne, Presbyter in Gloucestershire . ' ' " The Letter containing Mr. Washbourne's in- quiries, to which reference is expressly made in the opening of the case, pp 20, 21, is here given from papers preserved in Lincoln College. And the entire Case is exhibited, in a more genuine and complete form than has ever appeared before, from the original in Sanderson's own handwriting which is in the possession of that Society. San- derson, it will be observed, speaks of this as the only perfect copy he had, p 35 below " "Now follows the Letter of Washbourne dated from Dumbleton : *Tho Works of Robert Sanderson, D. D., sometime Bishop of Lincoln. Now First Collected. By William Jacobson, D.D 6Vols. 8vo. 1854. fVol. v. pp 16-19 : the Case ' itself is Sanderson's ' Answer ' pp 20-36. MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. 37 Sir, Think it not strange that this Paper salutes you from a strange hand ; for though my name perhaps be unknown to you, yet cannot you be unknown to me, being deservedly honoured by all the remaining honest part of the Clergy of England, for your learning and integrity, which shines bright to them even in these dark times. I heartily wish both the Church and University might have enjoyed the benefit of your studies in the public exercise of that eminent place to which you were called : but seeing the iniquity of the times deprive us of that happiness, I hope and am confident you will not deny me your private opinion, which I humbly and earnestly entreat in a Case of Conscience, not to ensnare you, but to resolve myself. Had my wife's father, Dr. Fell, late Dean of Christ Church, and your friend, been now alive, I should have made him my pilot in this storm. But since God has taken him away, I desire you would supply the place of a father in your counsel. And although it be not safe pinning one's faith on another's sleeve in points of Eeligion, yet in doubtful Cases, where arguments on both side stand slike rocks to splitu pon, I had rather sail by your compass than mine own, and look, what you conclude lawful or unlawful, I shall submit 38 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. unto and acquiesce in as an Oracle. The occasion moving me thus to trouble you is this. I am now required to subscribe the New Engagement : the penalty of refusing may prove the loss of my Church Living, which is the main subsistence of my family, a wife and five or* six small children. But I thank God I have learned not to put the world in the one scale, when my soul is in the other ; or, if I weigh them in the same balance, I know which should preponderate. As therefore I would not be flattered into a conceit that I may safely, without making shipwreck of a good conscience, take the Engagement, which many do who are more learned, and would be thought as conscientious as the best, so would I not precipitately ruin myself in my temporal Estate by an over-preciseness in refusing what is not repugnant to the Kule of Faith, by which every Christian, and especially a Minister of Christ, ought to steer his course. Give me leave then to propose the most common Arguments urged for the subscription ; and the solution of them I assure myself you will easily and speedily return me by this bearer. *The ' or ' seems odd :* perhaps the * sixth ' baby was a prospective gift. G. MEMOKIAL-INTKODTTCTION. 39 1. That it is only a Promise, not an Oath, and consequently not so obliging the Conscience, but only pro tempore, whilst the State stands in force ; and that when the lawful Heir to the Crown shall come in place, it is void, &c. 2. That it is but a Civil Engagement, requiring no more than a passive obedience to the present Power, which I cannot resist, and therefore must submit to it. 3. That it is but just to promise fidelity, though to an unjust Power, under whom I live and from whom I have protection. 4. That it is the constant and avowed practice in frontier towns for the inhabitants to take an Oath to be true to that party which possesseth the place ; and as soon as that party is ejected, they are freed from the Oath, and swear to be faithful to the contrary party. 5. That the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance (for the Covenant I never took) bind not to im- possibilities ; and since the Government is altered against my will, as I am not able, so I am not obliged to defend the King's person and authority, &c. 6. That the present Power, though usurped, is the only Power extant, and we must be subject to that or none. And how can it be sin to promise 40 MEMORIAL-INTRODUCTION. what I cannot choose but perform, viz., to be true and faithful to the Parliament, &c.? for had I the will to betray or oppose them, I want the ability. 7. That by not subscribing I become a prey to them, and thereby am made utterly unable, in a civil capacity, to serve the rightful Prince, if he should come in place to demand my assistance. 8. That the King, both before and since his coming into Scotland, hath (if strong report of some may be credited, who stick not to say they have it from his own mouth) given leave to his subjects rather to subscribe than suffer the loss of their estates. In your Resolution, I crave not only an answer to these few, and it may be, frivolous Objections to your sound and more discerning judgment, but to any other of weight and consequence which you can think upon for my further satisfaction. So doing, you will engage me to subscribe myself, Sir, Your true and faithful friend and servant in Christ, Tho. Washbourne. Dombleton in Gloucestershire, Jan. the 7th [1650.] Let me trouble you with this one Query more. Whether, upon supposition that the words of the MEMORIAL INTRODUCTION. 41 Engagement may bear a double construction I may take it in my own sense or in the Imposer's ? and whether I ought to ask his interpretation before I subscribe ? I add this at the request of a friend who desires to be satisfied in this point. To my very worthy and much esteemed friend Dr. Sanderson, Rector of Boothby Paynell, near Grantham in Lincolnshire, present these " Dr. WASHBOTTRNE must have felt that he could remain at Dumblcton. However he did so, there can be no question that it was with the approval of his conscience. Incidentally in the Funeral-Sermon for COCKS, he lets us know that the ' troubles ' of the period saddened and perplexed him. Quoting a familiar incident in the life of ORIGEN, who instead of ' preaching ' from a certain text, closed the book and ' wept ', he continues : " Such a comment, would suit as well with my text, if with my book I also shut my mouth and discoursed on it onely with mine eyes : certainly my tears would prove the more powerfull though the more silent oratours Interdum lachrymsB pond era vocis habent " The words are typical of the whole man. A shadow lay across his lif e : a soft, tender 42 MEMORIAL INTEODTJCTION. melancholy touched his ' spirit '. Fallen on ' evil days ' he shrank from, not faced or wrestled with, difficulty. He was stronger on his knees than on his feet. It was meet that it should he so : for ' Times so dire Bent knees not lifted arms require ' He was superhly true to ' the King ' as he l feared God '. That he was penetrative enough to discern the sham-loyalty of many of his associates his * Epistle Dedicatory ' (ante) shews : none the less did he ahide faithful. And yet you do not come on him among the 'intriguers' of the Palace : you do not find even the ' gossip ' of the day handy- ing his name : you do not hear his voice in the clash and clangour of ecclesiastico-politico Con- troversy : you look in vain for ' Thomas Wash- hourne ' on any of the old venal, sycophantic pamphlets on ' Divine Right ' of Kings to ' govern wrong.' He looks to me as fine a specimen of the class Royalist as you meet with. " Constant as the northern star, Of whose true-fixed and resting quality, There is no fellow in the firmament." It only remains to say of the ' Divine Poems ' now happily reprinted that while it were absurd to claim for them the highest inspiration of the MEMORIAL INTRODUCTION. 43 true 'Makkar,' the ineffable light of the poetic faculty, whereby the highest things are glorified they yet deserve recognition and acceptance as a small but definite and actual addition to the treasury of England's sacred verse. The careful and loving student will come on quaint touches, and tender-coloured fancies, and occasional melody of wording, and felicity of epithet, that remind of f The Silurist ' and place WASHBOURNE in a niche with the ' singers ' of < The Temple ' and ' The Synagogue/ ALEXA1SDEB, B. GROSAET. 15 ST. ALBAN'S PLACE BLACKBURN, LANCASHIRE. ..j TABLE. Page. Testimonies in Verse to the Author 57 Affliction brings man home 100 The Accident 230 The Ague 229 Angels our guardians. Psal. xci., 11, 12, .. 95 The Antipodes 181 AUSaints i 203 The Ascension 200 The Passing Bel 185 The Blind man. MARK x., 61 134 God's Bottle. PSAL. LVI., 8 89 The Heavy Burden. PSAL. xxxvin., 4 .. .. 87 The Bush Burning. EXOD. HI., 2 73 Care cast on God. 1 PET. v., 7 . . . . . . . 162 The child and the old man 225 Christ's Second Coming compared .. 181 Christ calumniated. MATTH. xi., 19 .. .. 131 Christ's Cup. MATT, xxvi., 39 132 To Christ Jesus 235 The Church black but comely. CANT. i. 6 . . . . 109 The Circulation. ECCLES. xn., 7 107 No continuing city. HEB. xiii., 14 .. . . . . 158 Tho good man's clothing. JOBXXIX., 14.. .. 80 46 TABLE. Page. The Circumcision 198 Man complaining without just cause. LAM. in., 39 114 Country Disputations 228 To-day heare God's voice. PSAL. xcv., 8 . . . . 97 An Apostle a Divel. JOHN vi., 70 138 Of Divine Love 172 The Dove and the Serpent. MATTH. x., 16 . . 130 The Dream 196 The Drunkard 224 God's two dwellings. ISA. LVII., 15 112 TheEccho 173 Faith and works. JAM. n., 20 161 Fear of falling. 1 COR. x. 12 150 Former favours earnests of future. I SAM. xvn., 37 79 The Fountain. ZECH. xin., 1 123 To Doctor Hammond 218 The Best Harbinger. JOHN xiv., 2 143 The good Harvest 193 No Hiding from God. GEN. m., 8 71 The Christian's hope not in this life. 1 COR. xv., 19 151 God's Jewels. MAL. m., 17 125 The impartial Judgment. REV. xx., 11, 12 . . 163 The Inquisition. ZEPH. i., 12 121 To his kinsman Sir E. B 214 TotheLadyM.C 221 TotheLadyM. T - 216 TotheLadyP 217 To the Lady B 215 The Larum 186 TABLE. 47 Page. Against going^to'Law for trifles 222 Much in a little. PSAL. xxxvu., 16 85 The three lives of a Christian. GAL. 11.. 20 . . 155 To the malicious man. 223 What is man ? PSAL. vni., 4 83 To one that married a rich, but most unhandsome woman 226 The Mystical Marriage. HOSE A n. 19 .. .. 115 To his Cousin, Mistriss M. B. .. 219 The Mist 221 None but God. PSAL. LXXIII., 25 90 Paul's Paradox. 2 COR. xn.. 10 154 Passion without reason. JONAH rv., 1 117 The Pastoral 174 The Path of the Just. PKOV. iv. 18 102 Christ persecuted in his members. ACTS rx., 4, 5 145 Peter's prayer. LUKE v., 8 137 The power of Prayer. EXOD. xxxn., 10 . . . . 74 Lay -men's preaching 190 Upon Doctor Prideaux 212 A Poem of Grotius translated 205 Two of Boethius translated 209 TheEace. PHIL, ui., 13, 14 157 The Kesurrection 199 The Rock. NUMB, xx., 11 76 Scylla and Charybdis 188 Secret things belong to God. DEUT. xix., 19 .. 77 The Holy Separatist. PSAL. rv., 3 82 The Snake in the Garden 171 SnowinMay 233 48 TABLE. Treasures only in heaven. MATTH. vi., 19, 20 126 The Temple of the Holy Ghost. 1 COR. vi., 19. . 148 The contrary effects of Tobacco 192 The Tooth-ach 185 Upon denyal of Tythes 178 The Vine wasted. PSAL. LXXX., 12, 13 .. .. 92 The Way, the Truth, and the Life. JOHN xiv. 6 144 The Wind and Sunne 194 The soul's wish 180 The wounded spirit. PROV. xvm. 14 104 Youth's Memento. ECCLES. xii.. 1 . 106 TO THE HEADER. Not any itching ambition to bee in print though a very catching disease of the time but a very zealous affection to be doing some good though by weak meanes hath inclined the Authour to the publication of these Papers, in hopes that the reading of them may make some pious impressions on thy soul, as the writing of them did in his. He is no pretender to extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, as too many are, who have very little, or no evidence to command or approve them to others, whatsoever high conceits they may have of themselves. Yet he is modestly confident that as these his Meditations now running in verse, streamed for the most part from the Sanctuary, the Fountain of the Sacred Scriptures, so in some measure they derive a tincture from those holy Waters ; which though they may not relish well with the captious critick, or the sullen Cinnick, to 52 TO THE HEADER. to whom they are not intended, yet hee believes they will not displease the charitable and con- scientious Christian. Presuming that thou art such, he is bold to present them to thy view in print, and thee to God, in prayer, desiring thee to esteem of him no otherwise then of thy servant in Christ, TH. WASH[BOUKKE]. 53 NOTE. The original title-page of these * Poems ' will be found below.* The collation is as follow : Title-page To the Reader pp. 3 Prefixed ' Testimonies ' &c., pp. 6 Poems pp. 141. G. * DIVINE POEMS WRITTEN BY THOMAS WASHBOURNE, Bachelour in Divinity. Omnt tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci* A Verse may find him, who a Sermon flyes, And turn delight into a Sacrifice. Herbert's Church Porch. LONDON, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Princes Arms in 8. Paul's Church-yard. 1654. TESTIMONIES &c. TO THE EIGHT HONOURABLE MY EVER HONOUBED LABY, THE LADY VEEE. 1 MADAM, JOME of these Papers coming to your view, Eeceiv'd incouragement from you, You first commended them unto the Press And therefore I could do no less Then give them these commands, First that they kiss your hands, Then at your Honour's feet let them fall low, Confessing they their heing to you owe. 1. For a full and singularly interesting memoir of this lady-Puritan see ANDERSON'S * Memorable Women of Puritan Times,' p.p. 31-85, (2 vols., 1862.) She was the fast friend of good Dr. RICHARD SIBBES, who dedi- cated his " Bruised Reed " to her and her husband. It was to Lady Vere the Parliament entrusted the care of the Children of Charles I. She died on 25th December, 1671, in the 91st year of her age. Gurnall preached her funeral sermon. Cf. My Sibbes, vol. i, LXXIV., 35. G. 56 TESTIMONIES. Nor is this all, but let them further say, I owe you more, and more would pay If I knew how ; yet 'tis my hopes you will Take this in part of the whole bill. As patient creditors use Those debtors, who their dues Acknowledge, and by r fair intreaty win A longer day to pay their money in. TO HIS EVER HONOURED MOTHER, THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. ET Poets pray the gods their wit t* inspire, My holy flames are kindled by thy fire ; My Muse drinks at thy fountain, thou alone To me Parnassus art and Helicon ; And though that some would dam up all thy streams, And with their new lights put out thy old beams, Yet I shall pray, and hope Heaven will me hear, That thy Light still may shine, thy Spring run clear. I tender thee this slender offering, "Wishing that I a better had to bring ; But what it wants either of wit or art, To make it up, I here present my heart. TESTIMONIES. 57 TO HIS LEARNED, PIOUS FRIEND THE AUTHOUR. |OST do but sin in verse, and pale sheets dress Fitter to cloath their pennance then the Press ; And all their vain, though most advanced rimes, Are but soft mischiefs and ingenuous crimes, For to write well, where it is ill to write, Is to trangress a poem, not indite. Loose fancies frenzies are, and our fond layes Require more wreaths of hellebore then bayes. But from thy guided choice thy poem is, Not thy distemper, but thy artifice. Thy numbers are thy weal, yet not thy fit This is not to impart, but hallow wit. MARTIN LIEUELLIN M.D. 1 ON THE AUTHOR. |HE Muses met to find a way (though late) Their servants trespasses to expiate, And make amends for the wit vainly spent, On many an ungracious argument. Urania said, I have a man of worth, "Whose verse is holy, he shall put it forth. C. B. 1. The odd-witted author of a small volume of rough- shod verse called ' Men Miracles ' [1656.] G. TO THE READER OF MY DEARLY LOVED, BECAUSE TRULY PIOUS FRIEND, MR. T. W's RELIGIOUS POEMS. L"W neer, but draw devoutly, for you may Better keep hence, then come and be away ; And yet approach still, though thy soul brings none, That it may carry hence devotion. Expect, if thou be such, some loose sin here, That so thou moist be caught at unaware : 80 Heathens, when to Christian slaughter they "With Pagan hate flock'd only to annoy, Did return Converts, and there learnt to do What they saw done, hope, confess, and dye too. He that came snake, and serpent, sting and hiss, Did return man ; for there he left all these ; He that did come, and but in part a man, "Went back a whole and intire Christian. He that was got so far would still go on, TO THE READER. 59 And by God's faith reach up to God's own S<>n ; Serpent too much, and man t<> littlr : I 1 And Christian too : he would be saint and d\v. Bathe in these Sion streams, that ev'n thou lu-iv May'st be a star, a sun i' th' upper sph This is the way to both, way and end, this Wil infuse piety, and that assure blisse ; This wil that serpent of thy heart unskin And to thy false brow add a man within ; Make thee love God, and man ; unlike him, who 'Cause he can't hit God, shoots his image through ; \s-ill first teach thee to escape his In 1. And then convey theo whence that Serpent it 11. Till thus thou lov'st and loath'st, it is not safe To tcl thee all the holinesse of each leafc. For what to cock, is jewel, pearl, to sow ? His chaffe, her husks, are pearl and jewel too. Here is no chaffe nor husks : the Prodigal May hither come, and find it good corn all ; Come hither they who the vain poets prize For their unsens'd verbal hyperbolies ; Can they expresse beyond a heav'n ? Here You have that only, and what came from there ; Make they a god, and then by him rehearse ? The God that made this man fils all his verse. 1. Ay. G. 60 TO Tin: i;i \m:i:. Docs a fair virgin teach tin in to indite ? Faith is liis lady, by whose beams to write; HIT .nid h< r (J>1 he loves, more then all they Can by their false gods to tln-ir false lovers say. Expect no fond l invokings : we confesse There is no gi-niu- In-id.- holincsse. "Were this left out, had he another thcame Child's straw and bubbles, would be all the gem me ; How many, and none, compose and not compose ? For without this 'tis neither rime nor prose ; Bead this man's storms, this man's fairer weather, Compare them both to none, nor each to either ; What get you ? but that you can only tell This line's like that, a decaysyllablo : That ho was knight ! he, gentleman ! their fire Tun'd not to David's but Apollo's lyre ; And that because there li's in neither even What was in Johnson's 9 self, a close to heaven. How many shillings have I thrown away, To read in Monteigne 8 his own prose-essay, Mixt with some lay because but prophane song Unspirited with firm religion. When I read ' Finis ' this is all I know 1. Fooliah. G. 2. Can this be Ben Jonson (sometimea spelled Johnson.) ? 3. Montaigne. G. TO THE READEE. 61 Both arc the same piece, author and work too ; His hook's his self ; when that my hand does carry I graspe both Caesar and his Commentary. "Why did I give so much that I might look On a French picture, not worth a French cooke ? One qitelque chose, and you have him : I could eat The author now, and sel him to buy meat. Cartwright 1 is wit throughout, but I read o're More then his four playes, his last pious four ; And then his several gratitudes unto TTim whose head taught him, and purse fed him too; "Who gave him to buy books and gave him skil In each of them to chuse out well from ill ; The learned, pious, constant Duppa 8 : ho "Who was and is still, reverend in those three ; "When these three, voice, and pen, and heart, cannot 1. William Cartwright a 'seraphical preacher ' according to Anthony a-Wood : but author of various Tragedies and Comedies, before and after taking holy orders. Tho praises of him by contemporaries are prodigal to ludicrous- ness now. Even Ben Jonson said " My son Cartwright writes like a man." Does this point out the allusion supra to be to * Ben '. G. 2. Brian Duppa Bishop of Chichester, and afterwards of Salisbury. He died in 1662, so that he might read these flattering if not fulsome lines. G. TO THE REAP! K. No not Cart - >\rn enough celebrate : In tln-r fear or love, that all should live ! I dare not name all, lest I emulate The bulk of his town, with my swelling gate. APOSTROPHE TO THE AUTHOR. You Sir, who study and sport too, this way Whose spare hours heaven, and whose serious day ; Whose two week-sermons are to others aim ; Whose whole week-life is to that your own claim. Who preach both waies, b ' example and by rule, Whose life's a sermon, and whose house a school Who your own self do, without lure, supply h breath and patt -me, this twin curacy ; Who moke each day the Lord's, whilst there ore some TO T1TE READFR. 65 Do grudge him one in seven ; who make your home To be His pious house, while some there are Who scarce allow Him His own House for prayer ; You who do read, and meditate, and live Scripture, and thereby midst of world's frowns thrive ; You know, they who on Gospel's first word look Learn from that first word, this is all the book. They who proceed, and search on, find that this Is only Scripture, all else writ amiss ; Tli. v who make ftirtln-r y< t, know tin re's not one Word besides this : This is the Word alone. And yet, though nothing else is book, but what God Himself made, the man, not that he wrote ; Though nothing else be Scripture, but pretence Because if not the same with this, not sense ; Though nothing else be Word, 'cause parrots may Without this, talk to as good ends as we ; Yet as those birds are said to come more near To what we speak then other fowles o ' th ' air Because they imitate our cadencies : So we do more speak when w* approach to thec. Blest be the charity then, of your wise choice Not to vex us with an unmatter'd noise ; Since though in hundred sheets of paper, he Has silent been, who does not edifie. Since without this, though Stentor be our roare 66 TO TITE READER. Hr huth <:iil li << tin ii th' mud bul or wild boar ; Since without this, each other book's a crime ; It robs my purse, and \\ 1 ik-ur, my time : t be your guidance too, that t ' all were giv'n, Both to discourse, and write, tuul print for heav'n ; He that writes next, this is his praise or curse He makes the reader if not I- tt> r, worse. But Mend, you often aske why 'tis that I Preach to th' next ear, and not to th' distant "Why 'tis that I, wh* have taskt myself a sell- nine In Learning's own behalf, forbear that tin ,1111*-, Pray ask no more ; how can you wish my IK ir "Were come to'th birth, win n there's no midwifo near? Copy't once more, and t-l tin brave Lord N ; io Mecamas, and I wil write then. Habos hocc, 6 manu subitanca, propo in-cogitanter effusa, quippo ab oo cujus nulla in instituto pars eat. Til.i placere, (qui cum occterb D f trtunao ludibriia ct insultibus par ea, ondiqaaquo similis et Tibi constans ; soli illiua Approbanti Lenocinio iraaoeres, vir aliter Pa- catisaimuB) sod lectori tuo, voco invitatoria, prodcsso ; ejus interest, non tui, quod Fcrcoloo hooc, e Fromptuario tuo anatantia, ut sitiat ipsc, Collando ; Unum hoc mihi (cujus ^t/X^f <**f"*, Facultatisquo qualia-cunquo, aut quanulla ( unqur in animo oat. Res Angosta Domi Tumulus socnn- dut>) aatU est utnuuquc (quod oet omne) punctum tulibti TO THE RPADER. 67 Tu. Vale hie, fled e supra Internes Angelas ipso Tu, diu ; Vale supra inter Affines Angeloe tuos : semper sod Soro. July 26, 1653. Gulielmus Towers, B. D. ON THE DIVINE POEMS OF HIS FRIEND THE AUTHOR. Some say a poet's born, not made ; but I Say he's twice born that made this poesic. Nat are imparted little to his wit 'Twos grace which had the greatest hand in it ; His pen came from the wing of th' holy Dove Dropping no gall, but innocence and I No scurrilous obscenity to make It vendible, and with the rabble take ; No tenter-stretch't conceits, no puff-paste strains Which serve not to instruct but wrack men's brains ; No such as their invention draw from wine And reele into a verse : but all divine Clear as the beams are of th' inlightncd day Smooth as the galaxy or milkic way, Pure as Ezekiel's waters, which did glide Forth of the Sanctuary on each sid ; Made not to please the pallat of the foule And carnal man, but to revive the soul That humbled is at night and same of sin ; To cheer his spirits, comfort him within j 68 TO THE READEB. To scare bold sinners from their wicked course And win them to a prnitrnt remorse; That they who take these poems up as men May lay them down as saints, made by his pen ; Thus Ambrose catch't an Austin by his quaint li\inity, the Manichee turn'd saint. 1 F. P. 1. Seo the memorable confession ' in the Confessions of Augustine, Book v. xm. 23 : xnr. 24. A few words will doubtloas interest the English reader. "Though I took no pains to learn what he spake, but only to hear how he pake yet together with the words which I would choose, came also into my mind the things which I would refuse : for I could not separate them. And while I opened my heart to admit how eloquently he pake' there also entered 'how truly he spake' : but this by degrees./ Ct mySibbes, Vol 1. p 184. G ibine |Jocms. NO HIDING FROM GOD. " And Adam and hit wife hid themselves from tlie presence of the Lord God, amongst the trees of tlie Garden." GEN. ra. 8. fancies sin in our First Parents wrought, That they a hiding-place so quickly sought From God's all-seeing Eye ? As if that Ho Who form'd the eye, l were blind and could not see Thorow the thickest trees, or darkest shade, Which in that Garden He Himself had made. Such simple fools are their posterity, Who seek out places of obscurity To sin unseenc, and mask themselves all over, That God should not their wicked deeds discover ; As though that they from Him themselves could shrowd, Like Juno from Ixion in a cloud. 8 1. Psalm xcrv. 9: Cf. Jeremiah xxui. 24. G. 2. Piudur, 1'yth. ii-39 : Euripides, Phoen. 1185 : Lucian, Dial. Deorum. 6. O. 72 NO HIDING FROM GOD. Or like tho wood-cock hide their heads, and thm, 'Cause they see none, think none sees them agen. l not deceiv'd, a double folly li In sinning first, then hoodwinking God's eyes. All's ono to Him, the dorknesse and tho light, The night as clear as day is in His sight. Think not by putting of a candle out, Or drawing of a curtain round about Thy bed, or by fast-barring of thy door, To shut God out, or make Him see no more ; Thou canst not be invisable to Him, "Who did behold thy substance, every limmo And member of thy body, ere that they Were perfect, * and received day by day, Tin ir form and fashion ; the womb to Him was Cleare as the chrystal, or the purest glasse, Search the world's closest corners o're and o're, 'Mongst all thou canst not findc a place that's more Invisible and secret ; then reveal Thy sin to God, which thou canst not conccalc ; And what thou canst not hide from Him, confesse : So seeing, Hee'le not see thy wickednesse ; But with the whitest robe will cover thee, That without fear or shame thou may'st Him see. 1. Usually applied to the Ostrich. G. 2. Psalm cxxxix. 16. G. 73 THE BUSH BURNING. " And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in aflame of fire, out of the midst of a bush ; and he looked, and behold the bush burned with fire, and was not consumed. ' ' EXOD. n i . -2. JOE! hero a sight Presented to the e} A Bush on fire flaming bright, Yet not consum'd ; a wondrous mysterio. The Bush, the Church, Affliction is the fire, "Which serves not to destroy, hut search And try her gold, raising the value higher. It gathers dust, And sullied is with ease, Wherefore to rub off all the rust, To cast it in this fire God doth please. "Whence it comes forth, Far brighter then before, And is advanced much in worth : One pound being equal now unto a score. This Bush that flame Could never long withstand, 74 THE BUSH BUKNIKG. Unlesse the Lord were in the same ; Tis He that doth uphold it with His hand. Whiles He is th< -i And doth His light dispense, The heat we need not greatly fear, Ho\v-( i. it may seeme grievous to our sense. For though we be I' th' fiery furnace cast, Our faith the Son of God may see, Preserving of our very haires from waste. Much more He will By His Almighty anno Defend the souls of His Saints still, That by this fire they shall sustaine no hannc. For this fire shall, Like that which snatch'd away Prophet once, transport them all From this world's sorrows to a world of joy. THE POWER OF PRAYER. " Now therefore let Me alone, that My wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume :' EXOD. TITTT. 10. |HAT a commanding power There is in prayer ! Which can tower As high as heaven, and tie the hands THE POWER OF PRAYER. 75 Of God Himself in bands, That He unable is to loose the raines To Justice, til released from these chains ! l Samson could break his cords As tow, and yet the Lord of Lords "Who gave that strength to Samson, can Not break the cords of man ; Man makes his Maker pray, ' Let Me alone That on .this people My wrath may be shown/ Since then such vertue lies In prayer, as will exorcise The Almighty, and fast bind His arms In spiritual magick charms ; for another Moses now to pray That the like benefit wee might enjoy. But God's wrath long hath been Against us hot ; a signe our sin TIC Cries lowilrr tin n our prayers to God, Which makes Him use His rod. "When once our prayers grow more fervent, then "We may expect they'l bind God's hands again. 1. Cf. Thomas Fuller's ' David's Heartie Repentance ' 8 13. See my privately-printed collection of the * Poems and Veree-Tranalations ' of Fuller, pp 56-58. 76 THE I JOCK. " Motes lift up his hand, and with his rod smote the rock twice, and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank. Num. xx. 11." iT wonder's this, that there should spring Streams from a rock to quench a people's thirst? What man alive did e're see such a thing, That waters out of stone should burst? Yet rather then Israel with drowth should die, God by a miracle wil them supply. What wonder's this, that from Christ's side, Water and blood should run to cleanse our sin ? l This is that fountain which was opened wide To purge all our uncleannesse in ;* But this the greater wonder is by farre, As substances beyond the shadows are. Christ is that spiritual rock* from whence Two Sacraments derived* arc to us : ng the objects of our faith and sense, Both receive comfort from them thus, 1. John xrx. 4. O. 2. Zcchariah xm. 1. Q. 3. 1 Corinthians x. 4. 4. Transmittud=communicutod. G. THE BOCK. 77 Eathorthon we should faint our Rock turns Vine, 1 And stayes our thirst with water and with wine, But here's another rock, my heart Harder then adamant ; yet hy and by, If by a greater Moses struck, 'twil part, And stream forth tears abundantly. Strike then this rock my God, double the blow, That for my sins, my eyes with tears may flow ! My sins that pierc'd Thy hands, Thy feet, Thy head, Thy heart, and every part of Thee, And on the cross made life and death to meet : Death to Thyself, and life to mce, Thy very fall does save ; happy strife, That struck God dead, but raised man to life. SECRET THINGS BELONG TO GOD. " Secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us, and our children for ever, that toe may doe all the words of this Law." DEUT. xux. 29. 1. John xv. l. G. 78 SECRET THINGS BELONG TO GOD. JHIS was good doctrine once, but now We not contented are to know What God thinks good for to r Unlesse wo with Prometheus stt ah Some fire from heaven ; * or commit A rape on Potto*' Divine Wit, Or pick Jove's lock, and secrets get Out of his closest Cabinet. We with the Bethshemites dare pry Into God's Ark, and cast an eye 'Within the vaile, although that wee Or blinde, or dead straite stricken be ;* Such boldnesse wel deserves to have No eyes, or else a suddaine grave. He that would know more then is fit, I its his life as wel as wit. And while he seeks what God hath hidden, He eats again the fruit forbidden. So striving to be overwise, Is justly banisht Paradise. But if we would know safely m" Let's practice what we knew before ; Nor search His secret wil into, 1. Acschyliw, Prom. 110. G. 1. 1 Sjiiiiu. 1 vi. 1'J. O. 79 But His revealed let us doe ; Tis that concerns us most : the way To understand is to obey. l FORMER FAVOURS EARNESTS OF FUTURE. " David said, moreover, The Lord that delivered m$ out of the paw of the Lion, and out of the paw of the Hear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine." i. SAM.rm. 37. HY should I doubt God's providence, Or fear Hee'le not protect me in my wayes? Since He His goodnesse stil to me displuyes, And proves it by experience. One day another certifies, and saith, Each several Mercy doth confirm my faith. His former favours earnests are Of future ; He that saved mee from the Bear "Would not permit the Lyon me to teare. And He that of me took such care, As from the Lyon's paw to set me free, Will from this Philistine deliver me. Lord, from a fiercer Lyon Thou Hast saved me by Thine Almighty power : 1. John vn. 17. G. 80 FORMER FAVOURS EARNESTS OF FUTURE. I mean that Lyon which sought to devour My soul and hody. Shall I now Suspect that Thou who spar'dst me from the di \vl, Wilt let mo perish hy a lesser evil ? I am resolv'd to fear no more What man can do, though he Golia he, Much less a bear or lyon ; though I see Him ne're so much against me roaro ; I have so oft been rescued by Thine arm, That I believe nothing shall do me harme. THE GOOD MAN'S CLOTHING. < I put on EightoounHS*, and it clothed me." JOB zxix. 14. TAB sin brought shame into the world : til then There was no nakednesse 'mongst n And till they 'put on Bighteousnesse,' they wil Though clad in gold be naked stil ; They may their clothes change every day, yet find That clothes they want, unless they change their mind. 1 1. Cf. Fuller's before unpublished * Epigrams' in my volume of his 'Poems ' Ate., as ante. N. 1. p 221. G. THE GOOD MAN J 8 CLOTHING 81 The newnesse of the fashion's not enough, Nor yet the richnesse of the stuff, To cover the soul's nakednesse within, Whiles tis deform'd with deadly sin. The Gallant without grace, for all his brags, Is worse attir'd then Truth that goes in rags. What matter is't if that his body be Adorn'd with all the bravery His wealth can compasse, or his wit invent : For all this costly ornament, If he be destitute of Kighteousnesse To clothe his soul, bee's naked ne're the lease. God looks into my inside, and if there He see that I do vertue weare, And that the habits of my mind are white As Innocence, and clear as Light ; Then He invites me as a proper guest, Being thus apparrerd, to His Marriage-Feast. Now Lord, since mine own righteousncsse will bo Too short a robe to cover me ; (For who alas, with so great store is clad, But he to borrow may be glad ?) Do thou some of Thine Owne on me bestow, That's long enough for both of us I know. 82 THE HOLY SEPARATIST. " But know, the Lord hath set apart him that w godly for Himself." PSALM iv. 3. [EHOLD an holy Separatist, Whose sanctity doth not consist In setting of himself ap.-irt, Both from the world, and his own heart With a keep-back, as if that none Must neer him come ; but stands alone, Like the disdainful Pharisee That thinks no man so good as he. l No, ho himself doth most despise, And humble is in his own eyes ; So ful of meekness and so mild, As is the newly-weaned child ; His faith though firm is lowly built, Judging his own, not other's guilt ; This humble-minded man God deems, So highly of, so well est< That He divides him from the rest And him impropriates for tin- best ; To His own special use him takes, And his select companion makes. 1. Luke xvm. 10 : Cf. Isaiah LXV. 6. Q. THE HOLT SEPARATIST. 83 The godly man most humble is, There is no godly man but this. Let me cast down my self among The ordinary common throng ; And with Paul make it my beli That I of sinners am the chi In lowlinesse of mind let me Think that all others better be, So that I with the Publican Be the more truly Christian, And God to His immediate Attendance will me separate ; Thus the Most High wil not diadiun To make the lowest one of 'a traine , And he that doth himself e abase, Shal be prefer'd to highest place. WHAT IS MAN ? " What is man that Thou art mindful of him, or the Son of man that Thou viritttt him f " PSALM vm. 4. |ORD, what is man that Thou So mindful art of him ? Or what's the Son Of man, that Thou the highest IK a\u didst bow 2. 1 Timothy i. 15. G. 84 WHAT 18 MAW. And to hi- ;iitl May comfort to it bri' Last a cottyriit/n ' make of tlu-m, which may Take all the sorenees of niii. NONE BUT GOD. " Wlwmhawli* boot* but Thte? and there is noneupw earth that I fain betide* Thee." PSALM ., 35. |AVE I not many th in -< inh<-:m-i\:m'! Besides Thee, that are worth The having and desiring ? Have I not Some friends, some riches got, Borne honours too ; and may increase my store Of all these three yet more? Excuse me then my God if tha- And covet somewhat else for to enjoy. Besides those earthly there are things in heaven \\lii< h tor my use an Tin- Sun, and Moon and Stars which do dispense t li^'ht, heat, influi Angels and Saints to whom in my distress May I not make addresse ? i Eyc-ilve' 6 NONE BUT GOD. - 91 Excuse me then, my God if I repair To these sometimes as objects of my praier. Yet when I think a little better on These things, I find there's none That can compared be to Thee ; for Friends, They are for private ends, And do me courtesies, because I do Courtesies for them too ; But Thou a faithful friend wast unto mo When by my sins I was Thine enemy. For Riches they arc subject to decay, And quickly fade away, Honours are bubbles which the breath of men Blowes in and out agcn. Nor those, nor these, any true vertue have Body or soul to M- But Thou my riches and my honours art, That savest both, and dost from neither part. The Sun, Moon, Stars are goodly creatures, yet As they rise, so they set ; The Saints triumphant happy creatures are, But know not how I i The Angels glorious, yet but finite, seeing They IIMVC from Tluc thrir ''- >n. Th>u ;irt my Sun which only I ad Who .'lire ilid- :i .Iratll t'> Srt 11" 11! Thou art all Saints in on , th.-y havr 1'rom Thoe Alone ti Thou art the Angel of the Covenant, And wilt not M in. want : Th.Mi mad'stme with Thy w>nl, ami with Thy blood Redeemd'st me : none so good, So great as Thee in earth or II. a\ . n abides, Aii'l th n t>iv I ' nd the wild beast* of the field devour it. Turne thee again T God of Ho*t*, look down from heaven, behold and ti*itthi* Vine. PSALM LUX., U. 18, 1 I. |OME Lord and look how Thy poor Vim- li. - wast, H T hedg is broke dnwn \. ry lionr, And if Thou dost not niak. tin L'n :it -r h The wild bore will hrr gnipe.s devour. Come Lord, Thine aid we crave, i her to nave. THE VINE WASTED. 93 Lord 'tis that Vino whir-h Thy right hand hath pl;n And fenc'd about for Thine own use. But she alas ! too long Thy c:in> hath wanted And little fruit sh- doth produce. Come Lord, Thine aid we crave, Come quickly her to save. ^prings 1 are dry, the hoi Are stopt, or run not free to all ; H. r \\-atcliincn dNainvring make her rents So wide, she doth to pieces fall. Come Lord, Thine aid tee crave, Come quickly her to save. Under her shade we did securely rest And comfort we did take in it. Hut now w< pine away with grief opprcst To see her in the dust to sit, Come Lord, Thine aid we crave, Come quickly her to save. Our hearts are broke, our harps unstringed be, Our only musick'n sighes and groans. Our songs are to the tuno of lachryma, W are fretted all to skin and bones. 1. Misprinted ' Sprigs.' G. 94 THE VIKTE WASTED. Come, come Lord Jesus, Quickly come and ease us. This is the last and worst age we live in, For the most righteous go to wr Then set an end unto these days of sin And misery ; Thy help we lack. Come, come Lord Jesus, Quietly come and MM us. Punish the men are settled on their lees, * And at our suffrings make a sport ; But lift the hands up that fall down, the knees That feeble are, do Thou support 9 Come, come Lord Jesus, Quickly come and ease us. Bind up our wounds, and pour in oyl & wine Give cordials to our heavy hearts, Make up the mounds once more about this Vine, Bepair her breaches on all parts. Come, come Lord Jesus, Quickly come and eat* us. 1. Jeremiah XLVHL 11. 6. 2. Isaiah xxxv. 3. G. 95 AXGELS OTJK GUARDIANS. " He shall give his Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy wayes. They shall bear thee up in their hands lest thott dash thy foot against a stone." PSALM xci., 11, 12. W dear to God is man That He His mercy should enlarge To this poor span, And thus to charge His Angels to keep every limb of him! Such are His strict commands To them, that they are bound to bear Him in their hands Secure from ! Of dashing but his foot upon a stone. 1 1 they so careful are To keep his foot from hurt, they have Much greater care His soul to s; Aud it int' Abraham^ bosom they con M y. 96 ANOEL8 OUB GUARDIANS. Did we poor creatures know How much unto tln-ir watchfulness And care we owe ; W. uMiIl express Our thanks to God, and His name praise alwayes; For highly honouring us With this rare priviledg to he Attended thus By Angels, He The greater makes to serve the less ; Ohless The Lord for this, and pay To these pore spirits reverence due, That so they may Ne're forsake you ; Do no vile action which may these displease, Or cause them to retard ir wonted aid ; each wiekol ! -1 K :i~. tli tin ir i:u;tnl In time of n Live so that th-y may you attend to th' end. 97 " TO-DAY " HEARE GOD'S VOICE. A DIALOGUE BETWEEN GOD AND A SINNER. " To-dj>r Thou wilt di-] With my want of inno< With my sports and wickrdncssr. I know Lord Thou canst do no lease i hoar my prayer at the last, For Thou Thy faithful word hast past To pardon mo when ere that I Shall implore Thy clemency. Th. tli. -if upon the Cross did find mercy : the same gracious mind i still retainost; may I not thm Expect to find the like agon ? I am resolv'd what ere comes on't To hazard ev'n my soul up God. Bold sinner, do not thou presume Upon My grace ; a sweet perfume, Or pleasing sacrifice doth from A late repentance seldom come. l Canst thou believe that tree's ought worth, That not till Winter, fruit brings forth? Or wouldst thou be content thy wife Should play the harlot all her life, 1. THOMAS BROOKS has antithetically put it "Though true repentance be never too late, yet lute repentance ia Beldom true." (Works, by ; G. 'TO-DAY 1 HEARS GOD*8 TOI 99 And at the last should render thee II ! lore and st-rvicr, wln-n that she Through age and sickness overworn Is most unfit to serve thy turn ? Judg then thyself if thou wouldst be So served as thou servest Me ? Thou'dst have her to thyself alono Before her youth and beauty's gone ; I must thy love and service have When thou art dropping in thy grave : When thou art lame or impotent, Then thou wilt be a penitent. Fool not away thy soul with this Presumption, for the highway 'tis To hell ; a double danger lyes In such late conformities : For that man that doth delay To hearken to My voice To-day AVill be To-morrow more unfit, And have his eare quite deaf to it. Each cranny there will bo fast barr'd And his heart will grow so hard Through long continuance in sin, That not a word can enter in ; Although I call and call again He IH still deaf, 'tis all in vain. Lee, -hould la knock at My door 100 ' Tn-HAY ' HEABB OOD*8 VOICE. When In- i- living, not before, M- -hull pen rive it then to l:ttr, Fastlock'd will h, M> M,-r.-y-(}at.-, lieeaut heal- That I should his petition hear, Who would not hear My Voice at all, Albeit I did him often call. then take heed, do not delay The hearing" ! o a day. The thief o' th' Crosse no pattern is For thy deforr'd repentance : his Was extraordinary, thou Ought'st not to look i<>r the like now. When Christ is crucifiM once more Presume upon it, not before. ' AFFLICTION BRINGS MAN HOME. " Before I wot afflicted I went astray t but now have I kept Thy word." PSALM oxix., AN like a silly sheep doth often stray, Not knowing of his way. Blind deserts and the wilderness of sin 1. This sccma an echo of the words of St Augu. to*. < AFFLICTION BRINGS MAN HOME. 101 I ' daily travels in ; Tli. 'TV'S nothing wil reduce him sooner then Afflictions, to his pen. l He wanders in the sunshine, but in rain And stormy weather hastens home again. Thou the great Shepherd of my soul, b Me thy unworthy sheep n gadding: or it fair means wil not do it ul thm bring me to it. Rather then I should perish in my error, Lord bring me back with terror ; he chastized with Thy rod And shepherd's staff, then stray from Thee my God. Though f<>r the present stripes do grieve me sore, At la-t they profit m- And m.ik. in. t" Mh-rrve Thy Word, which I 'iy Let Hie rather by Weeping CIO88 i still be at alossc. For health I'd rather take a bitter pil, Then eating s writ-meats to be always ill. 1. Fold. G. 102 PATH OF THE JUST. " The path, of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." PEOVEKBS rv., 18. J1HE just man's life's the path to heaven ; Though narrow, yet 'tis even, No dark nor obscure way, But shining bright as is the day ; And as the day's each minute brighter, so He step by step doth to perfection go. No violent motion 'tis, but creeps A gentle pace, and peeps Like break of day ; a light That's chequer'd betwixt black and white, Till it increasing more and more appear A perfect day within the hemisphere. The man new-started from his sins When he his race begins, Just so much light he hath To show him that there is a path Which leads to heaven, though scarce enough to guide His feet from slipping sometimes on each side. PATH OP THE JUST. 103 A little now, a little then : As he Christ cur'd, saw men Walking at first like trees, 1 So doth the righteous by degrees ; Each cross he meets at first seems more then man, A gyant in his way to Canaan. But as his light his courage growes, And then away he throwes His fears, takes heart of grace, And boldly looks the world i'th' face, Bids do its worst and what before did seem A monster, now a pigmy he doth deem. Vice in his native colours he Sees and hates perfectly ; Yertue's the thing alone That he makes his companion ; Adding of grace to grace till that his sun To the meridian of his day hath run, And then like Joshuah's fixd stands To do all God's commands, Nor shall it e're go down, But glory shall his graces crown, And make one constant day that knowes no night, Nor lessening nor augmenting of his light. 1. Mark vm. 24. G. 104 PATH OF THE JUST. Lord, let Thy grace about me shine, That I may not decline, The path which leads to Thee, And may it still increasing be Till grace and glory shall unite their rayes Into one perfect light that ne're decayes. THE WOUNDED SPIEIT. 11 A wounded spirit who canbear?" PEOV. xvin. 14. |S'T possible ? who will believe A spirit can wounded be and grieve ? "What hath no body needs no blows to fear: Yet 'tis most true, God's Word tells you, " A wounded spirit who can bear ? " One thing there is a soul will wound So deeply, that 'twill bleed and swound, And even dye for grief, for shame, for fear : Sin is the thing Doth all this bring. " A wounded spirit who can bear ? " Sin's a two-edged sword which slayes The soul of man a thousand wayes : It kil'd the divell though he a spirit were, THE WOUNDED SPIRIT. 105 For dead he is To grace, to bliss. " A wounded spirit who can bear ?" That man whose conscience within Is galled with a crying sin, How much it racks him, x how it doth him tear No tongne can tell, 'Tis worse then hell. " A wounded spirit who can bear ? " Since then it so torments the mind, Lord let me this favour find, Prevent me with Thy grace whiles I live here That I may be Prom great sins free ; An innocent spirit let me bear. Or if that favour be too high. Yet this I pray Thee not deny ; That soveraign balsom, though it cost Thee deer, Thy blood I mean, To wash me clean, A cleansed spirit I can bear. 1. As before, spelled ' wrack.' G. 106 YOUTH'S MEMENTO. " Remember now Thy Creator in the dayes of fhy Youth." ECCLES. xii., 1. ND is that piety which doth begin In youth : e r re 'tis accustom' d unto sin The mind white paper is, and will admit Of any lesson you may write in it. What's then imprinted, there doth firmly stand Not to be blotted out by any hand, But when that vice hath first took up the place, 'Twill be a double labour : one to rase Out that which long hath got possession, Another for to make a new impression ; And a much harder task ymi wil it find To root out vice then vertue plant i' th' mind ; To cast one divel out is greater pain, Then two good angels there to entertain. To keep a vessel sweet is not so much, As when once sowred 'tis to make it such r And look at first how it hath season' d bin, It will retain that odour still therein. He that ne're thinks on God till he is old, Gray headed, and his blood froze up with cold, Ruckt 1 with diseases, one foot in the grave, 1. Spelled, as before, ' wrackt.' G. YOUTH'S MEMENTO. 107 "Whom all the art of Physick cannot save, A Colledg of Physicians not reprieve, Or keep his carkass scarce a day alive ; what a business it will be to climb To heaven by penitence, when there's no time, Nor means for him to do it in ! but he By vertue of his faith, nor works, must be Eapt thither in an instant, as if heaven Would be to him at the first asking given. Eut man remember thy Creator now Whiles God both time and means doth thee allow. Trust not thy soul upon a broken reed, Faith without works will stand in little steed : When thy first dayes and best in sin are past, Think not God will accept thy worst and last. THE CIECULATION. " Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall returne to God that gave it." ECCLES, xii., 7. TIE famous Harvey 1 hath made good The circulation of the blood, And what was paradox we know 1. The illustrious and venerable discoverer of the circulation of the blood Dr. William Harvey may have seen this compliment. He died in 1657. Gr. 108 THE CTRCTLATTOX, To be a demonstration now. The like in bodies doth befall Civil as well as natural Such revolutions in them found That they are alwaies turning round. We know a kingdome which of late Converted was into a State : And from the hands of many men, That State devolv'd to one agen. ' We know that wealth, which now doth flow I'th' City veins did lately grow I'th' Country furrowes, and the same Soon runs to th' place from whence it came. We know our bodie's frame, of dust At first created was, and must Crumble to dust ere long ; we see Not one from dissolution free. We know, or what's equivalent, Believe our souls, which God first sent To make our bodies move and live, Shall go to Him who them did give ; When once their Maker them commands, They strait return into His hands. 1. The Commonwealth of England and Oliver Cromwell the ' one ' Protector. Or. THE CIKCTJLATION. 109 Thus we see almost every thing Circling about as in a ring. The Winter-season of the yeer, Is now turn'd Summer everywhere. This Summer will to Winter turn, And that freeze which before did burn. Rivers which borrow from the main Their streames, do pay them back again. Since nothing under heaven hath rest But floating up and down, 'tis best To look above, and fix mine eyes Where not a shadow of change lyes : No variation there, but all, Stand still in state pacifical Go then my dust to dust, but thou my soul Return unto thy rest above the pole. THE CHURCH ' BLACK BUT COMELY.' A DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND HER DAUGHTERS. " / am Hack lut comely, ye daughters of Jerusalem" CANT i., 5. Daught. |hk^$jfSP~0" were our mother once most bright and fair Admir'd and lov'd by every eye : 110 THE CHURCH 'BLACK BUT COMELY.' No earthly beauty could with you compare ; But now y' are of another dye. We ne're beheld a Moor more black then you Are by this unexpected change ; We hardly can believe it to be true, The sight so uncouth is and strange. You are become a Widow desolate, You have no suitors as before ; We are asham'd to own you, since of late Most men have cast you out of door. Church. Despise me not, although that black I am, The reason that you shall understand ; From an extreme hot Country late I came, Prom that Egyptian sun-burnt Land. There I was scorcht, and lost my beauty there, By lying long amongst the pots ; l And brick-kilns heavy burthens I did bear ; Thus I contracted all my spots. Yet be not you asham'd of me, for I, Though black without, am fair within ; My soul is purged from impurity, And grace hath now excluded sin. 1. PSALM LXVIII. 13. G. THE CHURCH 'BLACK BUT COMELY.' Ill It was the plot of my Beloved, who Seeing me proud, and wanton grow Of my nnparalell'd beauty, serv'd me so ; To keep me up he brought me low. i He took away the lustre of my face, Bnt gave another to my mind ; And now I do account it no disgrace, Since this the better far I find. 'Tis not the fairness of the face but soul, Which doth invite my Lord to love : If he perceive the inward parts be foul, The outward not at all Him move- No matter though I black to others seem, Whilst I am comely in His eyes ; If He me worthy of His love esteem, I care not who doth me despise, When He shall find it fit to wash off all My black, and outward grace restore, Like the sun after an eclipse, I shall Shine brighter then I did before. 1. Cf. Fuller, as before, p 29. G. 112 GOD'S TWO DWELLINGS. " Thus saith the High and Lofty One that inhaliteth Eternity, whose name is holy, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit" ISAIAH LVH., 15. ORD ! Thou hast told us that there be Two dwellings which belong to Thee, And those two that's the wonder Are far asunder. The one the highest heaven is, The mansions of eternal bliss ; The other's the contrite And humble sprite. Not like the princes of the earth, Who think it much below their birth To come within the door Of people poor. No, such is Thy humility, That though Thy dwelling be on high, Thou dost Thyself abase To th' lowest place. Where ere Thou seest a sinful soul Deploring His offences foul, GOD'S TWO DWELLINGS. 113 To him Thou wilt descend, And be his friend. Thou wilt come in, and with him sup, And from a low state raise him up, Till Thou hast made him eat Blest angel's meat Thus Thou wilt him with honour crown Who in himself is first cast down, And humbled for his sins, That Thy love wins. Though heaven be high, the gate is low, And he that comes in there must bow : The lofty looks shall ne're Have entrance there God since Thou deligh'st to rest In the humble contrite brest Firt make me so to be, Then dwell with me. 114 MAN COMPLAINING WITHOUT JUST CAUSE. " Wherefore doth a living man complain ? a man for the punishment of his sins." LAM. in., 39. JHY doth a living man complain, When for his sins he punished is ? Since his complaint is all in vain And he no ease obtains by this But rather adds new torments to the sore, Ami by impatience makes his sufferings more. So have I seen i' th fowler's gin, A bird by striving out to get, The faster hath entangled bin, And ne're could scape out of the net ; Were he awhile but quiet, he might spy Perhaps some hole or other through to fly. But man of all things hath least cause To murmur or complain at all, Since by oft breaking of God's Lawes He justly in this toil doth fall. For sin and suffering are correlatives, A malefactor well deserves his gyves A mercy 'tis that he yet lives, And hopes a parden he may have, MAN COMPLAINING WITHOUT JUST CAUSE. 115 'Not so much favour the Law gives, It's the Law-giver's part to save. He ought not to complain, but to be glad, Whiles he's alive and pardon may be had. When Thou chastizest me, Lord ! And for my sin dost make me smart, I'll not return an angry word, But take it from Thee in good part; Since Thou exactest of me less then I Deserved have for mine iniquity. THE MYSTICAL MAKRIAGE. " I will betroth tliee unto Me for ever, yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in judg- ment, and in loving kindness, and in tender mercies." HOSEA n., 19. JET all records be searched o're and o're, Such an unequal marriage as this Was never seen or heard before, Where heaven and earth, God and man kiss, Where Majesty and misery do meet, Power and infirmity each othar greet. x 1. Cf. Palmer's ' Christian Paradoxes ' of some of which this stanza is an echo. I take the liberty to refer to my ' Lord Bacon not the Author of the Christian Paradoxes.' G. 116 THE MYSTICAL MARRIAGE. Thou art the King of Glory, Lord of life, Thy Spouse at best a creature poor ; but since Her fall, deformed, and not fit wife Will make for Thee so great a Prince. Go court the Angels then ; yet they, though bright, Are creatures too, and scarce pure in Thy sight ; How much less I that on my belly creep, And cleave unto the earth ; that did begin As soon as I was born to weep, As soon as I could go to sin ; When I polluted in my blood did lye No eye would pity me but all past by ; Cast out i' th' open field I was, to th' shame And loathing of my person in the day That I was born^, then my Lord came Like the Samaritan 2 that way, And took me up ; Thy mercy did Thee move, Not my desert : that was Thy time of love. Nor is Thy love fickle as most men's be, Who soon grow weary of their former choice, When they a greater beauty see ; 1. Ezekiel xvi. 5. G. 2. Luke x. 33. G. THE MYSTICAL MARRIAGE. 117 But Thou with me wilt still rejoice. Thou hast betroth'd me to Thy self for ever. And if I leave Thee not wilt leave me never. Thou that didst love me when I nothing had That lovely was, endue me with Thy grace ; For with that wedding garment clad, Thou wilt no blemish in my face Or any other part of me espy But I shall always seem fair in Thine eye. And that my love to Thee may never fail, No more then Thine to me, open mine eyes, And then Thy glorious face unvaile That above all I may Thee prize, Believing I the greatest bliss obtain, "When Thou lov'st me, and I love Thee again. PASSION WITHOUT REASON. " Upon Jonas his anger at God's sparing of Nini- veh, and destroying the Gourd." JONAH rv. ET angry Jonah 'cause God gracious is And merciful to Nineveh ? is this Thy charity that thou hadst 1 rather see 1. Misprinted ' hast ' G. 118 PASSION WILHOUT REASON. Thousands of people perish, then to be Deem'd a false prophet ? wouldst thou have thy Lord Deny Himself to Justine thy word ? Nor spare the penitent, since thou hast said, Yet forty dayes and Nineveh's destroid ? Not so ; forbear thy passion, curb thine ire, Let God be true and every man a lyar. 1 It cruelty, not justice were, if them "Who have repented, once God should condemn. God is as just as merciful, when He Forgives the sinner his iniquity Upon his true conversion. Nor may we Think God is mutable in His decree, But man the changeling is, 'tis his contrition That makes him capable of God's remission. The judgment thou denounced' st did suppose This tacite limitation, if that those 'Gainst whom 'twas past, continued obstinate Without returning from their wicked state. But they repenting, God revokes His doom, And th' objects of His pity they become ; Yet thou art angry still, and needs wilt dye, Before that God shall shew His clemency 1. Romans in. 4. G. PASSION WITHOUT REASON. 119 On them, whiles thou art guilty of the same For which thou dost thy God so boldly blame, Thou but a mortal man dost pity take Upon a gourd which God made for thy sake ; And shal not the immortal God have pity On Niniveh, that is so great a city ? A city He for His own glory made, And must that city perish whiles thy shade Remains untouch't ? This gourd no fruit doth bear, Yet flourish must, whiles men for whose use were All things created, must destroyed be Only to please thy froward phantasie ; This gourd, because thy covering, thou wouldst spare Though it grew up without thy cost and care ; Eut Niniveh must down, which God did frame, And to that height of honour brought the same, That tis th' imperial city of the East, Within whose walls resteth both man and beast ; It is a shade to thousands, yet must down, Or else thy Lord shal now incurre thy frown ; This gourd came up, and vanish't in a night, Yet such thy love's to it, and such thy spight To Niniveh, that though it was not built In many ages, must in one be spilt, Yea, thou wouldst have one hour to deface And ruinate this stately towring place 120 PASSION WITHOUT REASON. Of three dayes journey, th' wonder of the world, Into a strange confus'd chaos hurl'd. Lord, how far Thy thoughts above man's are, Thy waies 'bove his! 'twixt them there's no compare. Man's mercies cruel be, if weigh'd with Thine ; Thy judgment, mercies be, mercies divine And infinite. Such vast and mighty odds There is 'twixt our affections and God's ; If He were not more merciful then we, One of a thousand would not saved be ; Whom God thinks fit to spare, we damne to hel, And think in doing so we do wel : All that dissent from us we curse and banne, As if they were worse then a publican. Cease, cease rash man, who dust and ashes art, To contradict thy Maker, and to thwart His righteous Judgments, which are so profound A deepe, that thy short line can never sound The bottome of them ; thou may'st in thy span As soon contain the earth and ocean, As comprehend them in thy shallow brain ; The thought's blasphemous as th' attempt is vaine. Seek not above thy reason's reach t' aspire, And what thou canst not comprehend admire ! 1 1. 'Wonder' at. G. PASSION WITHOUT SEASON". 121 Submit thy judgment unto God's, so shall Thy feet stand firmly, whereas others fal ; Thou shalt like th' Israelites walk on dry ground Whiles others like the Egyptians are drownd In the Red Sea of their owne censures ; so By judging others, they themselves judge too. Do not conceit thy faith to he the lesse 'Cause it abounds in charitablenesse ; "Without all question his faith is the best, "Whose charity flames highest in his brest ; And his religion is most Christian, That saves a world rather then damns a man. Let then God mercy shew to Niniveh, I wil not, with the prophet, angry be ; But wish to all the same repentant ininde, And pray that they may the like forgiveness find. THE INQUISITION. " It shall come to passe at that time that I wil search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men," . ZEPH. i., 12. |HEN God shall inquisition make For sin, what man can chuse but quake ? No place he hath his head to hide, Lurke where he will, he'el be espied. But why with candles wil God look, As if some corner or close nook 122 THE INQUISITION. Of His Jerusalem could be Without their light from His sight free ? No, He that fonn'd the eye wil see Through the greatest obscurity. Candles are uselesse ; when the Day Appears, we throw them then away. Yea when the sun begins to shine, The brightest stars their light decline. God's eyes ten thousand times more bright Are then the sun's, and there's no night At all to Him ; by candles then He speaks to th' common sense of men, Letting them know, that as when we Intend to make a scratinie, And strictly search for some rare thing That's lost, jewel or diamond ring ; We candles light, and pore about The house, we pry within, without, Leave not a hole unsearcht, for fear The thing we look for should lye there. So God, to take all thoughts from us, Of scaping His inquiry, thus Himselfe expresses : if He search Jerusalem so close, His Church What wil become of Babylon The wicked citie, where not one Bighteous is to be found ? That needs- THE INQUISITION. 123 No inquisition, their ill deeds Are too transparent to each eye As he that runs may them espie ; "Where crimes are open to the view Of all, not search, but plagues are due. Lord ! give me grace for to prevent As wel the search as punishment ; Teach me to cast mine eye within My brest, and spie out every sin "Which there lies hid, that so I may Judging myself before the day Avoid the judgment just which shall Upon the wicked heavy fall. THE FOUNTAIN. " In that day there shal be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for undeannesse" ZECH. xin., 1. [EVER was leper's body halfe so foule As is the sinner's soule ; Each power and facultie Polluted is, not the least part being free ; No fuller's soap nor nitre can Make clean this soiled soul of man, * 1. Cf. Fuller, as before, No. 33, p 228. G. 124 THB FOUNTAIN. But lo ! an holy Well is opened wide, Which runs from God's own side, Whose vertue is so rare, That it will make the blackest Ethiop fuiiv ; In this clear fountain sinners may Wash all their spots and stains away. Open it is to all, to all that be Of David's familie, And of Jerusalem ; The fountane only opened is to them That of the faithful seed are sprung : To them of right it doth belong. They that are strangers to the Covenant And saving faith do want, This holy Well disdain, As if it no more vertue did contain Then Abana and Pharpar, * which Can hardly cure a scab or itch ; Much lesse the spreading leprosie of sin Which sticks so close within That nought can cleanse the same But th' Aqua Vita3 which from Christ's side came : 2 1. 2 Kings v. 12, G. 2. Cf. Fuller, as before, No. 40, p 229. THE FOUNTAIN. 125 TGo then, my soul, and drink thy fil, See !~from His heart it doth distil. What though thou very poor and wretched art, In it thou may'st have a part, For 'tis the beggar's bath As much as 'tis the kings, and he that hath A mind for to be cleans' d indeed, May use the same as he hath need. GOD'S JEWELS. " They shall be Mine saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my Jewels. HAL. m.. 17. JOIJ that of Godlinesse do make mock, And those that are religious, jeere, As if they were your laughing stock; Know that ere long God will appear To judge this wicked world ; and then They wil be found to be the only men. Though now you tread them underneath your feete, And no more reckoning of them make Then of the dust that's in the street, The time shall come when God wil take Them f orchis richest jewels, and Prize them, as 'twere the signet on's right hand. 126 GOD'S JEWELS. Yea to your shame and wonder He will raise The value of them above all That you can think is worthy praise, Or whatsoe're thou precious cal : Gold is but drosse, pearls pebbles are To what they shall be : there is no compare. And how can it be otherwise, when they Derive their lustre from His face ? Not Sol himself shines at mid-day With so illustrious a grace ; For every grace which they have here, Shal be a glory in in the highest sphere. I care not then how I am vilified, Or what the world doth make of me ; Let men at pleasure me deride, So that I may God's jewel be : For though I now am trampled down, Hee'le make me up a diamond in His crown. TREASURES ONLY IN HEAVEN. " Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where theeves break thorow and steal ; but lay up for yourselves TREASURES IN HEAVEN. 127 treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where theeves do not break thorow nor steak." NATTH. vn., 19,, 20. [VE o're your greedinesse, muck-worms give o're, And trade no more ; For apes and peacocks, and such petty toyes Are fit for boyes. Men that have reason and religion too, Scorne so to do ; They count that voyage lost that brings No better things. For all the treasures of the earth will not Make a man happy if they could be got. Some think the Indies to the King of Spain Bring little gaine, And that our Seventh Henry was more wise Them to despise, Though offered to him ; this we know, that Prince Is poorer since ; And notwithstanding all his golden mines He stil declines ; For all those treasures which are fetcht from far, When home they come are strait consum'd in war. 128 TREASURES ONLY IN HEAVEN. What private man can then his riches boast ? He that had most Amongst us when our troubles first begun, Is now undone ; And he that since of thousands is possest, Thought kept in's chest Fast under lock and key, may soon be brought Not worth a groat. Thus Fortune's wheele is turning up and down, To-day 'twil smile on thee, to-morrow frown. Who then of this world's wealth would guilty bee, Since that we see No certaintie in riches can be had ? That man is mad Who seeks to hedge the cuckoe in, and stay What wil away. For riches, wings unto themselves do make, And their flight take, Like th' eagle towards heaven 1 ; none can hold Or clip their wings though they be made of gold. Be wise, and lay up treasures that are sure And wil endure In spite of fraud or force. Heaven's the place The treasures, grace. 1. Proverbs xxm. 5. G. TREASURES ONLY IN HEAVEN. 129 When all your temporal estates do perish, This stil shal flourish. How much it doth all earthly goods excel, I cannnot tell ; But this I can assure you, there is none Can bring it under sequestration. Travel by sea or land, go where you will, 'Tis with you still ; It costs you nought the portage, nor will make Your back to ake. No burthen 'tis, but full of ease and joy In the convoy. No soldier nor pirate can it force, Or make divorce 'Twixt you and it. Once fix it in your heart, And make much of it, it will ne're depart ; Eut grow from grace to grace, and never cease For to increase, Bringing fruits of piety and love, Making us move Fast towards our center, Heaven, until our soul Knock at the pole And enter into that eternal rest With all the blest Society of saints and angels ; this When all is done the only treasure is. 130 DOVE AND SEKPENT. 11 Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves" MATTHEW x., 16. ]EXT to angels man created was, In knowledg and all parts he did surpass The other creatures ; yet is such a fool Become by sin that he may go to school To birds and beasts ; the little ant and bee, Both thrift can teach him, and good husbandry : The serpent wisdom, the dove innocence, That to avoid, this to give no offence. That to prevent dangers before they fall, And this not to revenge a wrong at all. How farre is man to seek in both these kinds, He by too sad experience daily finds. Into a world of mischiefs he doth run, Undoing others, and himself undone Some serpent's craft he hath, but not the love, The candour, and the mildnesse of the dove ; That hath took wing long since and fled away, bought but the serpent's sting doth stay. Malice enongh to be reveng'd, but none Of the true wisdome of the beast ; that's gone. My God ! Who didst both these at first instil In dove and serpent ; let it be Thy wil DOVE AND SEEPENT. 131 T' infuse them both in me, that I may live So innocent, as no offence I give To others, and so prudent too, that I May not to injuries exposed lie. CHRIST CALUMNIATED. " Behold a man gluttonous^ and a wine-libber^ a, friend of publicans and sinners" MATTH. xi., 19. 1HY should I think to be From calumny or slander free, When I see men afford No better language to my Lord ? My Lord though free from sin, Free from detraction hath not been : If to a feast He come, He is a glutton called by some. If wine He drink, then they crie He is a drunkard presently ; If He converse with common people, then He's friend to publicans and sinful men. My God ! since Thou didst bear Such vile reproaches, I'l not fear The like, nor be asham'd By wicked men to be defam'd: It is the godlie's lot, A blessing rather then a blot. Their tongue no slander is, 132 CHRIST CALUMNIATED. They kill me when they kiss. When they revile, I'm ne're the worse When they commend me, 'tis a curse. Their commendation is a sign that I Too much with their ill courses do comply. Let them then do their worst, And swell with poison till they burst, Spit all their venom on me, Till they believe they have undone me, Cast all the dirt they can To make me like them, a bad man ; It shall not trouble me, Since so they served Thee. My Lord and Master suffered so, Why should I scot-free think to go ? Whiles Thou art witness of my innocence I'l take it for a favour, no offence. CHKIST'S /3UP. " my Father, if it be possible, let this cup passe from me : neverthelesse not as I will, but as Thou wilt.'" MATTH. xxvi., 39. JORD ! what a bitter draught this was, Which made Thee pray Thy Father thrice that it might passe From Thee away ? 'Twas deadly poison fiPd the glasse. CHRIST'S CUP. 133 Thy Father's wrath, and our sins were Both in one cup ; Who then could blame Thee for to fear To drink it up, Or pray it might not Thee come near? Yet such Thy love to man was, and Thy duty to Thy Father, Thou wouldst not withstand His wil, but do What e're it pleased Him to command Though it displeasing were to Thine As flesh and blood, Thou saidst * Thy will be done, not mine.' I think it good This cup no longer;to decline. My God, it is my purpose now Sin to detest, And never more it room allow Within my brest, Since with 't Thy cup did overflow. But if to me dispos'd Thou art Some of the gall 'And bitter poison to impart, I'l take it all, And pledge my Lord with all my heart. 134 CHRIST'S CTTP. And good cause why since I am sure, That on the Crosse Thou drank' st the dregs, I may endure A gentle dose, 'Twil not my corr'sive be but cure. THE BLIND MAN. " The blind man said unto Jesus, Lord, that I may receive my sight. MASK x. 51. JHAT wouldst thou see poor man, that thou wouldst fain Receive thy sight again ? Should Beauty be thy object ? That's a fire "Wil kindle loose desire, And put thy soul out, making thee in minde As in thy body blind. I made a covenant with mine eye, Job said, Not once to look on maid. * If then to gaze on Beauty thou delight, Thou'dst better want thy sight. What wouldst thou see poor man, that thou wouldst fain Receive thy sight again ? 1, Job xxxi. 1. G. THE BLIND MAN. 135 Should Eiches be thy object? they entice Unto a baser vice, And make thee poorer then thou wast before By coveting of more ; Wishing with Achan for that wedge of gold, Thou didst but now behold ; Or else with Ahab, longing to be Lord Of Naboth, his Yineyard. If then to gaze on Eiches thou delight, Thou'dst better want thy sight. What would' st thou see poor man, that thou wouldst fain Eeceive thy sight again ? Should Honour be thy object ? That's a thing No true content can bring, But puffe thee up with an ambitious rage, And to high acts engage, With Herod, law and justice trampling downe Thereby to gain a crown ; Til Icarus 1 his fal become thy fate, And thou repent too late , If then to gaze on Honour thou delight, Thou'dst better want thy sight. 1. Ovid, Met. vm. 195. G. 136 THE BLIND MAN. What wouldst thou see poor man, that thou wouldst fain Receive thy sight again ? Should Jesus he thy ohject ? He is one Worth looking on alone ; For hadst thou eies, in's person thou mightest see Both God and man to he ; Humilitie his majestic did shade, When He a man was made ; Thou couldst not see His face, and live hefore That flesh had veil'd Him o're ; As friend with friend, so thou maist with Him talk As Moses once ; and walk As Enoch did, hut more familiarly, Since He's a man like thee In all hut sin ; in Him as in a glass We see God face tp face. The Godhead hodily in Him doth dwel, Of life He is the well, The way to heaven, the spring of grace and glory. 'tis too long a story To tell thee what He is, so great's His worth No pen can set it forth Though snatcht from angel's wing; wel maist thou pray To see this Star of Day, THE BLIND MAN. 137 This Sun of Righteousness which with His raies Produceth endless joies. If then to gaze on Jesus thou delight, 'Twere hest to be all sight. Pray still that He would give thee the fruition Of this thrice happy vision. PETER'S PRAYER. " Lord, depart from me t for lam a sinful man" LUKE v., 8. j]ORD ! Thou art just, I am a sinful man, Thou art as fire, and I as tow, how can We meet together, hut I needs must be Consum'd to dust and ashes strait by Thee ? Since I so frail am, Thou so furious art, Have I not cause to pray Thee Lord depart ? Yet Thou art merciful as well as just, And he from whom Thou partest perish must. As I do fear Thy justice, so do I Thy mercie want to help my miserie ; Have I not then far greater cause to pray That Thou wouldst not depart, but with me stay? My God, in Thee both attributes combine, Enough for ine if one of them be mine ; 138 PETER'S PRAYER. Thus Thou whose presence heaven and earth doth fill, 1 Must go from me, and yet be with me stil ; Whiles I am sinful, Justice get thee gone, Mercy be thou my sole companion. AN APOSTLE A DEVIL. " Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a ?" JOHN vi., 70. )T chance, but choice, did first Apostles make ; Christ did not them at all adventures take : But as His heavenly wisdome thought most fit, For His own purpose, so He order' d it. He raised not an army for to fight And force Religion, but did men invite By gentle means ; twelve of the simpler sort Serv'd to make up His train, and kept His court ; His Father could if so He had been bent Have more then twelve legions of angels sent To wait upon Him, but He was inclin'd To put off state, and put on a meek mind ; That sa the world condemned by man's pride Might by an humble God be justified. 1. Misprinted 'still.' G. AN APOSTLE A DEVIL. 139 These twelve thus chosen were enabled too By power divine all miracles to do, All languages to speak, and by His word All nations to turn unto the Lord. Let the pretenders then unto the Spirit Prove by the like effects, that they inherit Th' Apostles preaching office, and we shall Obey their voice, and hearken to their call ; But whiles they speak no language but their own, Nor any miracles to work are knowne, Yet take upon them the Apostles places To teach and preach, though void of all their graces, Have we not reason then to think, that they Who enter not by th' door but some back-way Into the sheepfold, and not called dare Intrude thus boldly no true shepherds are, But wolves, that under a false vizard creepe, Not to instruct, but to devour the sheep ? But who would ever have imagined One of Christ's Colledg, which had Christ for Head And Founder too, should divil turne, and be A traitor to his master ? Yet we see One of these twelve, that could preach very wel And wonders work, his own deer Lord did sel For a smal matter ; thus the best of things Corrupted once, the worst contagion brings. What place or person can be free from vice 140 AW APOSTLE A DEVIL. Which seised on man even in paradise, Crept into heaven and angels caus'd to fall Made them and an Apostle divels all ? To gather Churches then's a vaine attempt As if you could have any quite exempt Prom sinful men ; when do what e're you can The hypocrite will be the holy man, And put as good a face on't as the best Purge ne're so much your body, there will rest Some noxious humours in't, some Judas wil In spite of you lie lurking in it stil. Christ's Church is likened by Him to a field Which tares and wheat confusedly doth yeeld And He commandeth us to let both grow Together till the harvest, lest that now By hastie separation, e're the day, l We not good husbands, 2 but the wild bores play, Rooting up both, whereas they both should stand, And waite the weeding of the Angels' hand. You'l say by tares is meant the hypocrite, Which cannot be discerned by our sight, Being only knowne to God ; and therefore we May mix with him in our society ; Whereas the wicked is so easily known 1. Matthew xiii., 30. G. 2. Husbandmen. G. AN APOSTLE A DEVIL. 141 "We may and ought shun his communion. "Why then did Christ into his fellowship Take Judas, suffer him to kisse his lip Call him by th' name of friend, nay give him leave The holy Sacrament for to receive ; Although He knew his heart, and all the evil He had conceiv'd, which made him up a divel ? And so no hypocrite to Christ was he ; "What shall we purer then our Saviour be ? 'Tis true, the childrens bread should not be cast To dogs, yet of the crumbs the dogs may taste ; l And who knowes but the tasting of them may Turn dogs to Christians ere they goe away? The Word alone, converts a wicked mind, Much more the Word and Sacrament combind ; Both holy be : and if we must forbear, To give the Sacrament to some for fear Of profanation, why do we dispense The Word to all men without difference ? Or if we must not give it 'cause it may Prove death to some that take it the wrong way ; The very same may of the Word be said, Therefore to preach it we should be afraid To mixed congregations, lest that some 1. Matthew xiii., 30. G. 142 AN APOSTLE A DEVIL. Should worser then they were before become This only so falls out by accident 'Tis neither in the Word nor Sacrament : God commonly by them grace on us pours ; If it prove death, the fault's not theirs, but ours. It is the duty then of every one, To fit himself for this communion; And if the minister the danger tell Of taking it unworthily, 'tis wel ; His own soul he delivers if he do it, Upon their peril 'tis that wil come to it. We wish the Church invested were again With power, notorious sinners to restraine, And excommunicate them too ; til then We may reprove, but not correct, these men : It is our heart's desire, and we pray That every one rightly receive it may ; And that no Judas any more may be Admitted to this blest society ; But this is rather to be wisht then found In this craz'd age, when more are sick then sound. More traitors then are faithful, twelve to one, How can we then make separation ? For if we wil not partial be, but just, Scarce one of twelve into our flock we must Receive ; and then how many little flocks Wil there be of us, subject to the mocks AN APOSTLE A DEVIL. 143 Of all our enemies ? and whiles that each Intends his own particular, the breach "WU wider grow i' th> general, and we May seek a Church, but stil to seek shal be. THE BEST HARBINGER. " I go to prepare a place for you." JOHN xrv., 2. JHAT a high favour's this, That God should be man's harbinger to blisse ! "When John prepar'd the way before Thy face, Christ ! 'twas no smal grace Unto the Baptist then ; Much greater dost Thou now bestow on men, In that Thou goe'st before to make us roome In heaven against we come. Lord ! we were not more glad At Thy first coming then we should be sad At Thy departure ; didst not Thou impart This cordial to our heart, Chearing our spirits thus, That Thou possession tak'st of heaven for us ; Thou in our flesh hast entered there, and we By vertue thereof be 144 THE BEST HARBINGBK. Assured of our places, As soone as ever we have run our races ; With, all the patriarchs we shall sit down And there receive our crown. It is then fit and just That we should think of shaking off our dust, And laying downe our earthly tabernacles, Which are to us as shackles, And hinder our soul's flight To those blest mansions which are ours by right, Let us not dreame of setting up our rest Til w' are of heaven possest. That is our center, that Our country is, our proper place, whereat All our endeavours must aim, since we are ne're At home till we come there. Thou that art the Way, And went'st the way before us, grant we may Follow Thy steps so close that in the end We may that place ascend. THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. " / am the Way, the Truth, and the Ltfe."Joius nv., 6. THE WAT, THE TRUTH, AtfD THE LIFE. 145 I came from heaven to be your guide, and I Am He by whom your path to heaven doth lie, The steps I trod on earth are th' only right Way to those mansions of most glorious light ; The doctrine which I taught you is the whole Truth which if follow'd wel, will save your soul, And bring you to those joyes shall never end, The joyes to which blest spirits doe ascend ; Life without death, to that your hopes must tend. CHEIST PERSECUTED IN HIS MEMBERS. Saul, why persecutest thou MeV ACTS ix., 4. f|EYEB, was union seene So strict as that between Christ and his members ; though in heaven Hebe, - And we on earth, yet see We cannot suffer here but strait He cryes And feels our miseries, As if they were His own : So wel to IJim th' are known, That what e're persecutions we sustain, He hath the greatest share and wil complaine, 146 CHRIST PERSECUTED IN HIS MEMBERS. Talk not what vertue lies In secret sympathies, As that between the loadstone and the steele Which do at distance feele Each other's force, and hy an innate love This unto that will move, l Or that betwixt the wound And Talbot-powder found ; A Or of that sensitive plant whose vertue' s such, That it contracts itself at every touch. All these, though very rare, Secrets in nature are ; But grace a stronger sympathy doth make 'Twixt Christ and us : we take New life from Him as He took flesh from us. We now are one ; and thus Our wounds are His, our smart Grieves Him unto the heart ; Who touch us, touch the apple of His eye 3 A tender part, how can He chose but cry ? 1. Cf. ancient Samuel Ward's vivid and still vital treatise on the -Loadstone. Q. 2. Cf. Sir Thomas Browne sub voce. G. 3. Zech: ii., 8. G. CHEIST PERSECUTED IN HIS MEMBEES. 147 You then that persecute And all your arrowes shoot Against the truly Christian, know that you One day shall deerly rue And pay for this your spite, your arrowes all On your own head shal fall ; You'l find it hard to kick Against the sharpest prick ; And whiles you aime at man, you shoot far wide, Hitting your God thorow your brother's side. "Why then my soul art thou So sad, because that now By wicked men thou persecuted art ? ' Thy Saviour bears a part, And wil revenge thy cause against thy foes ; His hand thy wounds wil close, As though His own they were, No more their malice fear ; For let them do the worst to thee they can, Since that thy fellow-suffrer'e God and man. 148 THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST. " What, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost tvhich is in you, which ye have of God; and yet are not your own ? 1 COB. YI., 19. !ORD ! what an humble God art Thou, Thus to descend And be my friend, Yea, more then friend, mine inmate now ? Dost not enough Thyself abase, To look on me, But I must be Thy temple and Thy dwelling-place ? This my vile body Thou dost take, And thinkest fit To honour it, And for Thy use a house it make. Henceforth I'l prize this house of Thine At a high rate, Being consecrate To Thee, and count it no more mine. Nor any part thereof shall be An instrument THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLT GHOST. 149 To sin, but bent In holy wayes to wait on Thee. The windowes in 't shall be mine eyes, Through which I'l see My God, Thou me ; My tongue shall offer sacrifice. My lips the calves which I will pay To Thee my Lord, And every word Well- weigh' d I'l on Thine altar lay, My lungs the bellowes which shall blow The holy fire Of my desire, Till to a lively flame it grow. My prayer as incense shall ascend, And every room In me perfume, That no ill savour Thee offend. My heart shall be the holocaust, My hands shall bring An offering And all shall serve the Holy Ghost. 150 FEAR OF FALLING. " Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall" I COB. x., 12. ET none presume lie stands so fast, But that he may fall first or last : The most confirm' d in grace Stands in a slippr'y place : He treads on ice, and if he take not care Unto his steps, is down e're he's aware. 'Tis hard to keep a middle-way 'Twixt two extremes, and never stray, Since to the worst, man's mind By nature is inclind ; Each vertue hath two vices on both sides, 'Tis odds, that into one of them he slides. So many snares, so many evils, So many doubts, so many divels Environ him about, That be he ne're so stout, His faith may faile, his feet may slip awry, And he soon fall from his integrity. David that was so great, so good, And highly in God's favour stood, In two such sins he fell FEAR OF FALLING. 151 As might have dam'd him well, But that in mercy God pleas' d to restore Him to that state that he was in before. Peter though he a pillar were Of th' Church, his Master did forswear : Such power had fear to make His former faith to shake. Thus he who stood the day before so strong Thus to his grief and shame laid all along. I will not be too confident Of my fast-footing, but content My faith and fear should stand Together hand in hand, That fear may keep my faith from being too bold. And faith my fear from losing of its hold. THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE NOT IN THIS LIFE. " If in this life only we have hopes of Christ, then were wee of all men most miserable.'' 1 1 COE. xv., 19. E were of things the worst And most accurst If in this life my happiness did end; Beasts and birds me exceed 152 THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE NOT IN THIS LIFE. In strength, in speed, The divels me in knowledg far transcend. The wicked in sports swim Tip to the brim, The epicure abounds in carnal pleasure ; Th' ambitious man is crown'd "With honours round ; The covetous augments his daily treasure. My conscience will not let Me riches get As others do, by rapine and deceit ; Both wayes it checks me in Saying 'tis sin, And warnes me of the hook under the bait. As sparks do upward fly Even so am I To troubles born 1 ; at every turn we meet : Reproach and ignom[in]y My honours be ; My wealth serves but to buy a winding-sheet Yet courage take my soul, Let faith controul Thy reason : let it fix thy thoughts elsewhere ; 1. Job v., 7. O. These worldly things ne're can Make happy man ; Thy happinesse comes from a higher sphere. "With holy Job then know, Though thou art low, Thy head's as high as heaven ; there lives He Who thy Redeemer is, And that thy bliss In seeing Him with these same eyes shal be, l Worldly delights begone ! In Him alone All wealth, all honor, and all pleasure lies No sorrowes then shall rest Within my brest, His hand shal wipe all tears from my sad eyes. His hand my head shall raise, And crown with joyes, Such joies no eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, No tongue of men can tell Nor angels well, Only to feel them shall be my reward. 1. Job xix., 26. G. 1.54 PAUL'S PARADOX. " When I am weake, then I am strong" 2 COB. xii., 10. |HAT paradox is this that there should he Weakness and strength at the same time in me ? A paradox to nature, not to grace, Where without contradiction hoth have place ; When I am weak in body, then I find That I am strong i'th' vertues of the mind ; And when I am brought by affliction low, Then I in spiritual comforts high do grow, When of myself I cannot go nor stand, Yet I supported by God's heavenly hand Can safely travel through a world of wo, Yea, through the valley of death's shadow go And fear no ill ; walk through a sea of troubles, Yet never sink, counting the waves but bubbles, Which my faith bio wes away; my hope doth sound The greatest depths, and even touch the ground ; When I am ready to be swallowed by Death's greedy j awes, faith sets me up on high Like Moses on Mount Pisgah, whence I can Behold a better land of Canaan ; PAUL'S PAHADOX. 155 And enter too, where I with joy shall see His glories in a blest eternity. If so much strength to weakness doth belong, Lord make me weak that Thou maist make me strong. THE THREE LIVES OF A CHRISTIAN. " Nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in r the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave his life for me " GAL. n., 20 lEHOLD the priviledg of a Christian Above another man Both tenants to one Lord, Yet in their tenures they do not accord : One hath two lives in present, and the third In future, but confirm' d by God's own "Word. The life of nature first, the life of grace Takes up the second place; The life of glory last, Which comes not till the other two are past. The Christian esteems the natural Compar'd with th' other nothing worth at all. 156 THE THREE LIVES OF A CHRISTIAN. The natural man in present hath but one, And in reversion none ; Yet he doth so depend Upon that one as if it ne're would end. Not once considering how each trivial thing Serves to draw on its speedy ruining. And as the beasts that perish so shal he To dust dissolved be; Yea, a worse mischief shall After this life this wretched man befall, Of his unhappiness it being the least That his short breath expireth like the beast. For his one life a double death shall have ; His body in the grave, His soul in hell shall lye A second death that's to eternity, A miserable man he is indeed, Whose single short life two long deaths succeed. I will account no more this life of mine To be my own, but Thine ; Not I, but Thou dost live In me, who for me, Lord, Thy self didst give. It was Thy love that made Thee dye for me, It is my faith that makes me live in Thee. 157 THE RACE. " I count not my self e to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" PHII* in., 13, 14. HIS life is like a race, "Where every one's a runner, and the prize A crown of Glory : Heaven's the place "Where the mark is set before our eyes. I who have not as yet Scarce run out half the way, must not sit down And think I've done enough, but sweat And labour hard to get the crown. Nor may I cast an eye Behind, to see how many I've out-run, But with the foremost I must vie And better end then I begun. For if I fail at last, "When I have gone the greatest part o' th' race, Or give off when the worst is past, It will be much to my disgrace. 158 THE RACE. Nor is that all, but then Another man shall take my crown from me, And I with the faint-hearted men, Out of the lists quite cast shall be. Lord ! do Thou annoint Me with Thy oil of grace from top to toe, In every Km and every joint, That I may never weary grow. But persevering in My course with vigorous and active strength, May be so happy as to win The goal first, and the crown at length. NO CONTINUING CITY. " Here we have no continuing City, but we seek one to come" HEB. xm., 14. AN is a creature love's society, And cannot long alone be well, Hence God made Eve that she Might with him dwell. From these two sprung A numerous family, That to a city grew ere long, And that impli'd strength and stability. THE CONTINUING CITY. 159 But see how soon this city came to nought, Being destroy'd with its own weight ; And by division brought To ruine strait. Then how can we, A city have that's strong Or permanent ? It cannot be "What's made with hands should e're continue long. The best is made with lime and stone, how then Can that which is compact of such Frail matter, last ? yet men Are frailer much. Those men that make This city, are all cast In moulds of clay, and do partake Of earth themselves : such vessels cannot last. Nor they, nor yet their city can endure ; Many mishaps there be will end them, To perish they are sure, None can defend them. Each little thing To pieces breaks their frame, A very wind, a breath will bring Them to that nothing whence at first they came. 160 THE COITTHnTTN'a CITY. Yet whiles their worst part crumbles to the dust And falls to ashes in their urn, Their souls immortal must To God return. That God hath made A city without hands For them, which ne're shall fail nor fade : TJnmoveable its vast foundation stands. A most magnificent and glorious place, Which they that see't can scarce set forth, Or give it half the grace As to its worth. There God keeps court, Millions on either side Of saints and angels do resort To wait on Him ; this city's wondrous wide. The least of all those many mansions there Our greatest cities far transcend, Each one's a kingdom which shall ne'er Admit of end. This then alone Requires our chiefest care In seeking it, for there is none On earth's round ball that can with it compare.] THE CONTINUING CITY. 161 On this let's fix our thoughts, to this aspire, To this let all our actions tend, Be it our sole desire There to ascend : For all our bliss God hath reserv'd above, Our happiness there seated is, There is our treasure, there must be our love. FAITH AND WORKS. ' Wilt thou know, vain man, that faith without works is dead?" JAMES n., 20. JEARK, vain man, heark, what the Apostle saith, And do not boast so much of thy great faith ; For though 'twere able mountains to remove, 'Tis nothing worth unless it work by love ; Love is the life of it, 'tis that alone "Which quickens it, or else 'tis dead, 'tis none. That man who breaths not at the mouth a jot, Whose heart no motion hath, whose pulse beats not. We say is dead ; the like we may infer Concerning faith, that's dead which doth not stir : If it be living, 'twill be active too, 162 FAITH AND WORKS. What the heart thinks, mouth speaks, the hands will do. Let others shew their faith if that they please Without their works, while I shew mine by these. First my religion shall be pure, and then Peaceable, if it be possible, with men ; Forgiving wrongs, giving what 1 can spare To those that want and in distresses are ; I wil be feet to th' lame, eyes to the blind, Helpful to all, and unto none unkind. If thus my faith be qualifi'd, I shall Approve it to myself, to God, to all. CARE CAST ON GOD. " Casting all your care upon God, for He careth for you" 1 PETER v., 7. )ME heavy souls, opprest that are, With doubts, and fears, and carking care, Lay all your burthens down and see Where's One that carried once a tree Upon His back, and which is more, A heavier weight, your sins He bore. Think then how easily He can Your son-owes bear that's God and man : Think too how willing He's to take Your care on Him, who for your sake CARE CAST ON GOD. 163 Sweat bloody drops, pray'd, fasted, cry'd, "Was bound, scourg'd, mockt, and crucifi'd, He that so much for you did do, "Will yet do more, and care for you. THE IMPARTIAL JUDGMENT. " And I saw a great white Throne, and Him that sate on it, from whose face the Earth and the Heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, loth small and great stand before God; and the Books were opened, and another Book was opened which is the Book of Life, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books, according to their works" xx., 11, 12. J AD I the art of painting like to him "Who did the day of doom so lively limn, That when a heathen prince beheld the same, "With terror struck, a Christian he became ; Thus would I set it forth unto your eye. The heavens should put on a sable dye, Mask'd with the blackest vail of thickest clouds, "Which to the sun, moon, stars should be as shrowds To muffle them in one continued night, Not once affording the least spark of light, 164 THE IMPAETIAL JUDGMENT. Hiding their heads as 'sham'd or griev'd to see The horrid sins of men which then should be Made manifest and naked to the world, And the dire plagues that on them should he hurl'd : From this sad object let your eye retire To th' other side and see the earth on fire, The sea all blood, the throne of God on high, Whereon He sits in glorious majesty, Legions of angels Him surrounding there, Millions of men that newly raised were Out of their sepulchres, by His command, To hear their final sentence trembling stand : Below the divils in their various shapes Of hideous monsters, and hel's mouth wide gapes, Casting forth flames of sulphur and thick smoak : Enough to blot out heaven, and earth to choak. As soon as God hath said, " Ye cursed go Int' everlasting fire," l the devils lo Are ready strait, and drag them down to hell, Where they in torments infinite must dwell. But since Apelles skill I want to make This picture right, I shall be bold to take A copy from the pencil of Saint John, As here I find in his vision. 1. Matthew xxv. 41. G. THE IMPARTIAL JUDGMENT. 165 I saw, saith he, a throne both white and great Of God Almighty : 'twas the Judgment-seat ; Mysterious in the colour, which was white, 'Cause justice should be innocent and bright. Not like to Herod's throne, that was dy'd red With blood of infants which he massacred; Nor sullied o'er with falsehood and with wrong, But like the milky way, clear all along. As white for colour was this stately throne, So great for quantity, whereby is showne The greatness of the Judg that thereon sits, Past th' apprehension of the greatest wits. For such is His immensity none can His measure take ; beyond the reach of man. No power then His justice can withstand, W hose power doth both heaven and earth command; For heaven and earth there shall be found no place, "When He appears they both flee from His face ; His face the sight whereof is heaven alone, And joyes beyond imagination, " I saw," saith He " the dead both great and small Stand before God the Judg impartial ;" His judgments are a great deep, into which All fall alike, the poor, as well as rich, The small as great ; there not a cobweb lies, Through which huge sinners, like to greater flies, A passage force, while lesser stick behind 166 THE IMPARTIAL JUDGMENT. As prisoners, and no way t' escape can find ; Not a net there, in which the lesser fry Of sinners, like to fishes may espy Holes to slip out, whiles that the greater be Intangled without hopes of getting free ; "No, this great Judg doth smal and great convent Before the highest court of Parliament, From which are no appeals, but all must rest Irrevocable, be they curst or blest. There's no resisting, the stiff knee must bend, And the stout heart from his high thoughts descend And listen to his doom. You shall see there Great Alexander quaking stand for fear, He who the world once conquered, and did weep, For want of more, now in a hole would creep, And give that world which he had conquered For one small corner in't to hide his head, And all that wealth he got, to clear the guilt Of all the blood which his vain-glory spilt. There shall you see that Absolom the fair, Who hanged was in his proud dangling hair Confounded stand, expecting when to hear A heavier judgment thundring in his ear, Condemning him to hang in hell's hot'st fire, 'Cause to his father's throne he did aspire. There shal you see King Ahab who by's wife Rob'd Naboth of his vineyard and his life. THE IMPARTIAL JUDGMENT. 167 And that lewd woman Jezabel his queen 'Mongst many of her sex shall there be seen, And for her witchcrafts, pride, and painting sent To Pluto's court to have her punishment ; There shall you see Doeg, who in pretence Of holy vows did work no small offence ; For by his malice he with Saul so wrought, That more then four score priests to death he brought; There shall you see the Sodomites that burn'd In lust unnat'ral, and to ashes turn'd By fire from heaven ; but now the Lord shall send A fire from hell to burn them without end. There shall you see those three presumptuous men, Core and his complices appear agen Who for their striving against Moses, and 'Gainst Aaron too, do stigmatized stand To all posterity ; as th' earth before, So now hell gapes to swallow them once more. There shall you see TJzziah, though a king, C ondemned for his incense offering, And taking on him the priest's function "Whereto he had no right nor unction. There shal you see Antiochus the Great, Who did commit that sacriligious feat In robbing of the temple, doom'd to pains Proportioned to his unlawful gaines. There shall you see that glutton who did fare 168 THE IMPARTIAL JUDGMENT. Deliciously each day, and purple wear, Suffering poor Lazarus to starve the while, Begging himself now in an humble style But for a cup of water to asswage The furious flames that on his tongue do rage ; And justly shal that tongue such torments bear, "Which pleas'd itself so much in dainty chear. There shall you see that Phocas who did slay Mauritius his master to make way Por his ambition to ascend the throne 1 Descend into the deepest dungeon Of Belzebub's black vault, perpetually To suffer pains for his damn'd treachery. There you the traitor Judas shall behold, Who his dear Lord for thirty pieces sold. There you shall see those prophets that pretend To inspiration, and uncall'd ascend The pulpit, venting of old herisies And most abominable blasphemies, Under the notion of new lights, these shall To utter darkness be condemned all. For I beheld the books wide opened were ; 1. To Mauricius (not Mauritius) must bo added his five sons, as victims of the most blood-thirsty of the rulers of Constantinople. Cf. Zonar, ii., 77 et alibi, (Paris) : Simocatta, viii., c. 7. G. THE IMPARTIAL JUDGMENT. 169 Another book, the Book of Life was there Laid open too, infallible records, Wherein were written all the deeds and words, And thoughts, and names of men, which shall be read In publick then, and they be punished, Or else rewarded with great woes and joyes According unto all their works and wayes. UPON A SNAKE IN A GARDEN OP FLOWERS HAVING STUNG ONE THAT TROD UPON HIM UNAWARES. JHO thought this snake would e're have found An entrance into this inclosed ground, Or that a serpent here should hide his head Under this sweet and Howry bed : But 'tis no newes, for long ago (It was the divels trick man to entice) A greater serpent made its way into A better garden, Paradise. And ever since there is no place Of pleasure which we would impropriate, But that therein the serpent showes his face, Though we discover him too late. We see him not before we feel That we by his envenom'd teeth are bit, 172 DIVTXE LOVE. And whon, Achilles-like, w'are hurt i'th' heel, 1 We seek for balsom to cure it. Better it were if we took heed, How to avoid the serpent e're he stung ; So should we feel no pain, nor medicine need, But safely sit our flowers among. "Whiles we securely take delight, Amidst our many sweet and fragrant flowers The divel serpent turnes, and doth us bite, And with sharp pains our pleasure sowrs. Let us look then before we leap, And timely seek the danger to prevent, Lest we instead of joyes do sorrowes reap And when it is too late repent. UPON DIVINE LOVE. JOW strong is love ! what tongue expresse it can, Or heart conceive, since it made God a man? How strong is love ! which made the God-man dye, That man might live with God eternally ? Lord ! let this love of Thine my heart inspire 1. Fulgent. Mythol iii. 7 : Stat. Achitt i. 269 : Gale's Court of the Gentiles. *. n. G. ECHO. 173 With love again, as sparks rise from the tire. Thy love's a sun, give me a beam from thence, Which may both light and heat alike dispence, Light to direct others the surest way That leads to heaven and everlasting joy : Heat to preserve in me a constant motion Of fervent zeal to Thee, and pure devotion ; That all my thoughts, words, actions, may prove There is no passion half so strong as love. A passion is't ? a divine vertue rather, Which from a deity springs, and calls God Father; Yea, love is God, and God is love : then Adore, but not profane it with thy pen ! THE ECCHO, OR ANSWER OF A GOOD CONSCIENCE. JHAT'S a good conscience, Eccho, canst say? Ay! Say then, and what 'tis manifest. A feast! Where is't ? i'th' understanding wholly ? lye ! Is it then, Eccho, in my brest ? Nij rest ! Rest ? is't from pain or sin, say whether ? Either ! If both, 'tis heaven on earth, a saint's bliss. Yes! Is't in our own or others powers ? Ours ! then a jewel 'tis, rich and bright. Right ! 174 HEAVEN AND HELL. Then tell me how shall I come by it ? Buy it. If gold will buy't gold I'l provide. ivide ! If gold will not, what else will do it? Do it ! It's not enough that I believe well ? Live well ! Dos't not consist in good affections ? Actions! To get it are good works the best way ? Ay ! How long must this be my endeavour ? Ever ! A PASTORAL DIALOGUE CONCERNING THE JOYES OP HEAVEN AND THE PAINES OF HELL. DAMON, PHILLIS. Phillis. Damon, (EJpi^CJBlS'T true, or do they fain Who say that we shall live again After w' are dead ? Damon. Phillis, 'tis so, That thou and I, and all must go HEAVEN AND HELL. 175 To another world, where we In endless joyes or pains must be. Phillis. Damon, I prethee Damon tell, Howcall'stthouit? Damon, Heaven or hell. Phillis. What is heaven, Damon ? say Damon. A. place where all year is May Where every bird doth sit and sing Continually, as in the Spring, Where are always to be seen Flow'ry meadows, pastures green : Where many springs and fountaines meet, As chrystal cleer, and hony sweet ; Rich flocks, whose fleeces are of gold, And whose flesh never wil grow old, But the ewe is as tender there, As the new fallen lamb is here. The shepherd needs not watch to keep Either from wolfe or bear, his sheep. 176 HEAVEN AND HELL. No beast comes there that's fierce or wild, They are all innocent and mild ; No grief nor want amongst them found, But all are wel, and safe and sound. Our roundelayes harsh discords be Unto their sweetest harmonic, Beyond the musick of the spheares. thou wouldst wish to be all ears. Our feasts, if we to theirs compare, Not feasts, but rather fasts they are : Their food so fill yet without waste thou wouldst wish to be all taste ! Phillis. happie place, be thou my guide That I may ever there abide, But once more Damon, prethee tell, What is that place thou callest hel ? Damon. A dismal place, where is no light, 'Tis alwaies winter, alwaies night, "Where vultures feed on men, and where The screech-owle cryeth all the year, The ground with flames is parcht about, Like those mount Etna sendeth out ; No flowers nor wholesome herbs are seen ; HEAVEN AND HELL. 177 Not any that are sweet or green Grow in that soile, which nought else breeds But hemlock, and such poisonous weeds, Which whoso tastes, he soon goes sad, And thorow deep despaire runs mad ; No fountain, "but one standing ditch, Whose water is as black as pitch, Bitter as gall, so foul doth stink, That you may smel't before you drink ; But if you drink, it poisons you, And makes you black as itself too. There be no sheep, but goats, whose hair Doth like horse bristles wildely stare. They're old and tough, and monstrous evil, Fit meat for none, but for the divel. Pandora's box there opened first, Hath made the place e're since accurst With all diseases, which do stil Much torment cause, yet never kil ; Th' inhabitants there never dye, But in quenchlesse fire they fry ; Their best musick is the groans And howlings of the damned ones ; Instead of feasting on good meat The worm of conscience doth them eate ; Like Tantalus, fruit they may see, Yet never taste but starved be. 178 TYTHES DENIED. Phil. wretched place ! be thou my guide, That I may never there abide. UPON THE PEOPLES DENYING OF TYTHES IN SOME PLACES, AND EJECTING THEIR PASTORS. HE shepherd hertofore did keep And watch the sheep : Whiles they poor creatures did rejoycc To hear his voice ; But now, they that were us'd to stray, Do know the way So perfectly, that they can guide The shepherd, when he goes aside. To pay the tenth fleece they refuse, As shepherd's dues ; They know a trick worth two of that, They can grow fat, And wear their fleece on their own back, But let him lack Meat, drink, and cloth, and every thing Which should support and comfort bring. TYTHES DENIED. 179 What silly animals be these, Themselves to please "With fancies, that they nothing need, But safely feed Without the shepherd's careful eye ? When lo ! they die E're they be ware being made a prey Unto the wolfe by night and day. Besides, they're subject to the rot, Aud God knowes what Diseases more, which they endure, And none can cure But the shepherd's skilful hand ; In need they stand Of his physick and his power To heale and help them every houre. The danger set before their eyes, Let them be wise, Not trusting to their own direction, Nor protection, But to his rod, his staffe submit ; His art, his wit For every sore a salve hath found, And wil preserve them safe and sound. 180 THE SOUL'S WISH. HOW I long to be dissolved, and see This mortal put on immortalitie ! 3dc thinks each day's a yeer, each year'* an age Till I arrive at that most glorious stage Of heaven, where saints and martyrs gazing on, Look if I tread the same steps they have gone ; But I, like Drake, ^ so great a compasse, take About the world, such strange meanders make, That they have got the goal in shorter space Then I have been in running half my race. So have I seen a christal streame to glide In various windings by a meadowes side, Making a thousand paces 'bout the shore, Which in a strait line had not been twelve score. my deer God ! cast down those banks of sin That interrupt my soul from running in An even channel to Thy sanctuary. Ad wings unto my feet which soon may cany Unto her ark my dove-like spirit, blest, By being fixt i'th' center of all rest. 1. Ct. Luwndcti, tub nomine. (Jr. JUDGMENT DAY. 181 UPON CUEIST'S COMING TO JUDGMENT. ORD ! when Thou com'st to judg the world with right, Thou' It stealeupon us like a thief i'th' night, Or like a flash of lightning from the skie, Or like the suddain twinkling of an eye, Or like the pains on woman, much about The time when once that her account is out. O let me like to that good husband watch, Lest that the thief me unprepared catch ; let Thy grace be evermore my light, That th' other lightning may not me affright. let mine eye be ever fixt on Thee, That Thy last coming I with joy may see. let me cast up my accounts so well, That I may never feel the pains of hel. THE ANTIPODES. ]HY art so sad and sullen, my muse ! That now to make a verse thou dost refuse? Must thou be mov'd by a reward to raise Thy fancie up ? Lo here's a sprig of bayes To make a lawrel ; if that wil not do it, Meere indignation wil create a poet. Art thou not angry yet at these mad times ? Canst thou forbeare to write satyric rhimes ? 182 THE ANTIPODES. A rod is good for mad-men in their fits, 'Twil them restrain, if not restore teir wits ; The world is a great Bedlam, where men talke Distractedly, and on their heads doe walk, Treading antipodes to all the sages, And soher-minded of the former ages. They were content, good souls, with slender meat ; Such as the garden yeilded they did eate : A sallet, bread, and water fresh that ran From the next spring, did dine a gentleman. They were content, good souls, for to be clad In skins which from the beasts back could be had; And so it did them from the cold defend It was enough, they had no other end. They were content to sit under the shade Of their own vine, ne're offering to invade Their neighbours, or take arms them to oppresse, So they their own might quietly possesse. They were content with such instructions as From their own priests' and prophets' mouths did passe, And with that fear and reverence did them hear, As though the only oracles they were : It was the golden age of the world then, When merit and not mony raised men, Grace was their gold, their hearts were the rich mine THE ANTIPODES. 183 "Where vertues most transparently did shine. Faces about now, and behold the sceane Turn'd topsie turvie, all things changed cleane, No fare contents us but what's fetcht from far, And deerly bought, and cookt with curious care, And dainty sauces ; thus with art we strive Our appetites to kil, and to revive : We of our bellies gods do make, and thus Are gluttons beyond Heliogabulus. x No drink contents us but the richest wine, And strongest beer, which we swill in like swine. Keeping no meane, but quaffing round about, Til all the wine's in, and the wit is out. No clothes content us but the richest stuffe, And costliest die, else 'tis not gay enough ; Nay, it is nothing worth, unlesse the fashion Come like queen Sheba, from a forraign nation. We change our habits like the moon, our shapes With Proteus, and are made the Frenchmens apes. No living wil to us contentment yeild, But we must stil be laying field to field, Wishing this lordship, purchasing that farme ; If money wanting be, then force of arm Shall make it ours, or subtilitie of wit, 1. Rather Heliogabalus or Elagabalus, the infamous- young Roman emperor. Dion. Cass. LXXVII., 30-41. 184 THE ANTIPODES. One way or other we wil compasse it. No teaching now contents us the old way, The lay-man is inspired every day, Can pray and preach ex tempore ; the priest With all his learning is despis'd and hist Out of the Church, and some have lately sed, * He should be shortly brought to beg his bread. "We've nothing of the golden age, unlesse That gold's our grace, and game's our godlinesse; Not manners now, but monie makes a man, Yea many think it makes a Christian ; As if none were religious but the rich, And the poor body damn'd were for a witch. Dost see my muse the world tura'd upside down, The prince on foot, whiles mounted is the clown ; The beggar now a purchaser, and hee That was worth thousands, brought to beggerie ? Dost thou behold all this, and canst be mute ? Come take thy bow and arrowes, aim and shoot The sharpest of them, cast thy keenest dart At this mad age, and strike it to the heart ; Come dip thy pen in vinegar and gall, And never leave til thou hast vented all Thy just spleen on it : if it stil grow worse, Let it expect not thine but God's great curse. 1. 'Said.' G. TOOTHACHE. 18-5 TO A GENTLEWOMAN WHO WAS EXTREMELY TROUBLED WITH THE TOOTH-ACH. GRIEYE and wonder so great pain You should from one small tooth sustaine, That you can neither eate nor drink, Nor all the night scarce sleep a wink ; Yet to your comfort, this I'll say, That to hell pains 'tis but a toy, A pleasure, if compar'd it were To what the damned suffer there. If in one tooth such anguish lies, What torments from that fire arise ! This in a night or two is past, But that doth infinitely last : In this one memher akes, no more, In that, all members o're and o're: In this, the body doth but smart, In that, the soul too bears her part. Think then that this is all the hell Which you shal feele, and you are wel. UPON A PASSING BEL. JEARK how the passing bel Rings out thy neighbour's knel, And thou for want of wit Or grace, ne're think' st on it, Because thou yet art well. 186 PASSING -HELL, Fool ! in two dayes or three, The same may ring for thce ; For death's impartial dart Wil surely hit thy heart, He will not take a fee. Since then he wil not spare, See thou thyself prepare Against that dreadful day When thou shalt turn to clay, This bell bids thee beware. UPON THE SETTING OF A CLOCK- LARUM. WHAT a drowzie lump of flesh is man ! Whose life being no longer then a span, Great part of that short span is past away In sleep, so that 'tis hard for us to say, Whether we live or no : for whiles that we Repose our selves, dead to our selves we be, Without all motion and intelligence, Till this shril larum quicken our dul sense, And make us living souls to th' day arise, Like Adam when he opened first his eyes. Yet this sleep's short and sweet, if we compare It to that other wherein many are Profoundly steep' d : a spiritual sleep in sin 187 The major part o'th' world is drowned in ; That but the body's nap we know to be, This the soul's everlasting lethargy, Unlesse God waken it ; to that intent He hath to man a treble larum sent ; His "Word first from the prophet's mouth did beat A parley, and from sin sound a retreat, Saying " Thou sleeper wake, attention give To what I say ! hear and thy soul shall live;" * Let not thy sins turn day into black night, " Eise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light." 3 And lest this larum should not be of force Prom this dead sleep in sin to raise a course, He sets a second, that with secret art Besides the eare, pierceth the very heart ; His Spirit it is, and when the other failes To rouze the sleepie sinner, this prevailes. But if his eares and heart be so fast barr'd That neither of these larums will be heard, Then sounds a third, God's judgments po wring down Upon his head, and making it ring noone, Flashing like lightning, ratling too like thunder, Parting his soule and body far asunder. 1. Cf. John v., 25. G. 2. Isaiah LX., 1. G. 188 SCYLLA AND CHARYBDIS. Til so from sleep in sin he fal at last To sleep in death, and in the grave is cast, Prom which he shall not wake before he heare Th' Archangel's dreadful larum in his eare, Saying "Arise ye dead, to judgment come, And from Christ's mouth receive your final doome." SCYLLA AND CARYBDIS. 1 j|WO gulfs there are 'twixt which 'tis hard to sail, And not be shipwrackt: here prophane- nesse stands With all its brood of vices at its tayle, There superstition with its numerous bands Of false traditions ; 'twas the main intent Of our late pilots between both to steere : But froward fate to seamen incident, Made them mistake their way ; for whiles they fear To sink into the gulf of superstition, They in the gulfe of profanation fal, And in the furious heate of opposition 'Gainst Papists, are like to turn atheists all. 1. Cf. Homer, Od. xn , 73 &c., and 235, &c. : read rather Charybdis : Seneca. Ep. 79. G. SCYLLA. AJfD CHABYBDIS. 189 So some of th' ancient Fathers in dispute Against one heresie, did too much bend Unto another, and their arrow shoot Besides 1 the mark, thus marre what they would mend. But cannot we keep in the middle region Except we sink too low or soar too high ? Is there no moderate temper in religion, But we must either scorch' d or frozen die ? What hath the Church no habitable part, Betwixt the torrid and the frozen zone ? ^N"or hath the Churchman learnt as yet the art O'th' moralist, that vertue leans to none Of the extremes, but in the center lyes ? So doth religious truth, if we could find It's track out ; but the fault is in our eyes That wil not see, or rather in our mind. That wil not keep the road and safest way Which by the best and wisest men is gone, But rather through unbeaten deserts stray, Which lead to nothing but confusion. 1. Beside, as sometimes for sometime, the use of the latter by the old Divines tending to excite a smile, e.g. such and such a fair lady is described as the sometimes vertuous, &c., &c. G. 1 90 LAY-PREACHING. God, be Thou our pilot once again, Or put some Pharos up, that by the light Our ship the Church may saile safe through the main, And not be swalow'd by these gulfs i' th' night. UPON LAY-MEN'S PREACHING. |RT thou offended, because thou dost see Eldad and Medad both to prophesie Within the camp, although they came not neer The tabernacle, nor inabled were Til th' instant by the Spirit ? Do not say, Moses forbid them ; rather wish and pray That all God's people prophets were ; for so The meekest man on earth Moses did do. But when an Ignoramus shall professe Himself a prophet, and inspir'd no lesso Then Moses and Elias, and pretend The Spirit is on him, to no other end Then to foment a faction, and decry All learning in the University : When that mechanick fellows from their trade Shall Aaron's office offer to invade, And mount the pulpit, publickly expound The sacred Scripture, though they have no ground For what they say, but meerly what proceeds LAY-PREACHING. 191 Prom spleen or fancie ; so they sow their weeds I'th' furrowes of weak hearts, which grow apace, Choaking the good seed and the herbs of grace Sowne by the ministers of God before, 'Tis time, high time, that they be bid give o're, And that with Joshua we cry, ' My Lord Moses, forbid them to abuse God's "Word.' But if both we and Moses silent are, And none the madnesse of these prophets dare Reprove, either the simple asse will do't The vulgar sort and spume them with his foot, Scorning to learn of them who nothing know, But what they bring from shopboard or from plough, Or else let them expect their doome to hear From God's own mouth which the worst judg- ment were These prophets run, yet them I have not sent ; I have not spoken to them, yet they went And prophesied deceits, even in My name ; I am against them, therefore to their shame, And wil confound all those that lies do teach ; No more, my people, do you hear such preach ; But seek the Word at their mouths who are wel Train' d up at feet of learn' d Gamaliel, Elisha's double portion will inherit, Being call'd both by the Church, and by the Spirit, 192 LAY-PREACHING. "Who can, My holy mysteries unfold, And forth their treasures bring things new and old, Who can confirm their truths by strength of reason Mercy and judgment sing, each in their season ; That can their several portions give to all, Humble the proud, and raise up them that fall ; Have milk for babes, and meat for stronger men, Can teach both by their preaching and their pen ; Prune the luxuriant, prop the weaker plants, Have fords for lambs, and depths for elephants. The men thus qualified, are those I send, To such, and only such you must attend. UPON THE CONTRARY EFFECTS OF TOBACCO IN HIMSELF AND HIS FRIEND. ]S it not wondrous strange that there should be Such different tempers 'twixt my friend and me? I burn with heat when I tobacco take, But he on th' other side with cold doth shake : To both 'tis physick, and like physick works, The cause o' th' various operation lurks Not in tobacco, which is stil the same, TOBACCO. 193 But in the difference of our bodies frame : "What's meat to this man, poison is to that, And what makes this man lean, makes that man fat; What quenches one's thirst, makes another dry ; And what makes this man wel, makes that man dye. So the same sun we see, hardneth the clay By his reflex, but melts the wax away ; So the same word of God doth Saul convert, And softneth his, but hardneth Pharaoh's heart. What ere the difference of our bodies be, Lord let the temper of our souls agree, That so Thy Word the same effect may have On both of us, not to condemne, but save. UPON A GOOD YEER OF CORN, AND A QUICK HARVEST. | A YE we not had a fruitful yeer of grain, Fair weather too to bring it in amaine ? l And shall we not an offering to Him pay, WTio gives us richly all things to enjoy ? 2 Did not the heathens shew their thankfulnesse 1. Cf. Shakespere 3 Henry iv., iv., 9. G. 2. 1 Timothy vi., 17. G. 194 COLD AND HOT. To their corn-goddess Ceres, and expresse The same by sacrifices of the best ? And shal we faile our thanks to manifest To our true God, who bears the Christian name ? let not us fall short of them for shame ! But what wil He accept ? What shal we bring ? A sheafe of wheat, or some such trivial thing ? That were but paying Him in His own coyne, A single penny out of His whole mine ; "We should present the best we can devise, A reasonable living sacrifice, Our souls and bodies purified from sin, That, that's it which He ddightcth in ; That is the corn which angels shal with joy Heap, and into God's heavenly barne convey. UPON HIS WALKING ONE DAY ABROAD, WHEN SOMETIMES THE SUN SHONE AND SOMETIMES THE WINDE BLEW COLD ON HIM. HIS emblem's forth the world aright, Which now shines on me hot and bright, Now it blowes cold on me, But ne're wil constant be ; 'Tis just like the weather, Hot and cold together. HOT AND COLD. 195 One while it mee with many favours crownes, Anon it stabs me with as many frownes. Why do I then my trust put in it, Seeing it varies every minute ? I may goe court the moon, And stop her course, as soon As bind the world to stay My faithful friend a day. If it be so inconstant, I intend To seek out if I can, a surer friend. But where is he ? Not here below, Where sun doth shine, and wind doth blow, But in the heaven above, There do I fix my love, On One that changeth never, Being the same for ever ; It is my God who is so fast a friend, That whom He loves, He loves unto the end. What though sometimes He seems to frowne, And with rough winds to blow me down ; The fault's not His, but mine, For He would alwaies shine On me ; 'tis I that change : My sins make Him look strange ; Yet under His bent brow I may discover Some smiling glances which betray a lover, 196 A DRKOl. Shewing that He desires no more But that I be as heretofore ; For 'tis His only aimo, To make me stil the same To Him, that He may be The very same to me. Lord ! let me Thy unchanging favour find, I shall not need the sun, nor fear the wind. UPON A DREAM THAT HE WAS WHIT- ING HIS SERMON-NOTES UPON HIS NAKED BREST THAT VERY MORNING THAT WAS THE ANN I YKRSARY OF HIS BAPTISM. HAT on the High Priest's brest-plate there was wrote Urim and Thummim, it was not for nought; 'Mongst other ends, some thought it did imply Soundnesse in's doctrine, in's life sanctity. What e're it signified, his lips we know With learning should, his heart with grace o'reflow ; Both which present him fairer farre then all The sparkling stones in Aaron's pectoral. He of all preachers surely is the best, That writes his sermon first on his own ; A DREAM. 197 He prints his notes before he speaks them, who What e're he teacheth is resolv'd to do Himself, and thus becomes a double guide, Doctrines on this, example on that side. He that hath Esau's hand, and Jacob's voice, Builds with the one, with th' other he destroyes. Lord ! Thou didst first imprint Thy law within The tables of man's heart; and when that sin Defaced had those characters, Thou then In stonie tables printedst them again ; Since they are broken, humbly I implore, That Thou wouldst write them in my heart once more, Ne're to be blotted out, that so I may Both read them and observe them every day ; So I Thy holy vessel shall impart A taste to others, yet within my heart Retain a savour to myself, and so That way I point to others, I shall go : So what Saint Paul strove for I shal enjoy, Having taught others be no cast-away : And as Thy law is written in my mind, So in Thy Book let me not fail to find My name inscrib'd with Thine own sacred hand, Which shall indelible for ever stand. But why upon my christning day this dream Presented to my fancy ? 'Twas a theam 198 SOLILOQUY. Fit for the day, for when the soul is made Pure by that washing, then a ground is laid For God's hand- writing ; 'tis like virgin wax, Which only His divine impression lacks. My God baptize me once more with Thy blood, And since Thou dost not find me, make me good. Wash my soul clean, and that I may be knowne To be Thy child, seal me for Thine own. A SOLILOQUY UPON THE CIRCUMCISION" COMMONLY CALLED NEW-YEE11S-DAY. |AS'T not enough that God Himself became Man like to me, and in all things the same, Excepting sin alone ; but He must be Under the Law, and circumciz'd for me ? extasie of love ! which for my sake The Son of God the Son of man did make ; Made Him, an infant, shed some drops of blood, As the first-fruits to that more liberal flood That flow'd in a ful tyde from every part, His hands, His feete, His side, His head, His heart; Whereof a soveraign balme He did compound To heale my wounds, and make my sick soul sound. What present, my soul, hast thou to pay Thy God ? What New-yeer's gift this New-veer's day? EASTER DAY. 199 Give Him thyself who gave Himself fbr thee ; A better offering there cannot be. Do somewhat like Him too, and circumcise The foreskin of thy heart ; then sacrifice Thy purer thoughts to Him, and now begin This day to live to grace, to dye to sin. ANOTHER UPON THE RESURRECTION COMMONLY CALLED EASTER DAY. |]HIS day my Lord rose early from the dead, Whiles I securely sleep in my soft bed, Not dreaming what He did my soule to save "Which lay long dead and buried in the grave Of sin. Haste then my soule, aud take new breath From Christ, to raise thee from this spiritual death ; Up with the break of day, and break thy chains Made by thy sins, and wash away thy staines Into that pure fountain which was opened wide, And runs yet fresh out of thy Saviour's side. He rising left His grave-clothes all behind, Do so by thine, and banish from thy mind All thoughts of putting them on any more, But rise as gold refined from its ore, Ne're to contract more drosse from earth again : Clear and unspotted as the light remain ; So when that Christ to judg the world shall come, 200 ASCEXSIOX. Thou shall not tremble at the day of doom, But boldly stand before the judg, and hear The final sentence publisht without fear ; To thy eternal comfort He shall say, Good servant enter thou thy Master's joy. A COLLOQUY UPON THE ASCENSION, COMMONLY CALLED HOLY THUESDAY. Tlie Speakers. ANGELS, CHRIST, APOSTLES. Angels. JHO'S this from Edom comes, with garments di'd FromBozra? 1 Di'd in blood which from His side. His deer side issued ! "Wast not He that late But three dayes since was crucifi'd ? What state He marches in ! The clouds his chariot are, And on the wings o'th' wind He rides : 'tis rare 1. Isaiah LXIII, 1. G. ASCENRIOIf. 201 We ne're beheld the like unless it were "When once a fiery chariot did bear The prophet hither, which we wondred at ; But this a greater wonder is then that : That prophet di'd not, but alive was caught And by the power of God to heaven brought ; We saw each wheel supported by His hand, Yea, we assisted by divine command, By special commission being sent To wait on him all the way he went. Besides, when he the heavens mounted had Amongst his fellow-prophets he was glad To take his seat ; but this man hath the grace To sit above us all and take His place At God's right hand, to Him all knees do bow. Christ. Cease, cease your wonder, and I'l tell you how And why this is ; know I am God and man ; As man I cannot do't, as God I can : As man I dy'd, and lay three dayes i'th grave, As God I rose again, mighty to save Myself and others from death's greedy jawes, From sins inthralment and the divel's clawes. I trod the wine-press of God's wrath alone, And of the people there was with me none. 202 ASCENSION. I look'd but no man helpt, l all from me fled, Yet Mine own arm mine enemies conquered And led captivity captive; now as King Of Kings I come salvation for to bring Unto my Church, and graces to powr down Upon her, and with glories will her crown. In the mean time do you descend with speed To comfort my disciples at their need, Lo at the Mount of Olives yet they stay Still looking after me : begone, away. Apostles. Oh ! we have lost the sight of Him, no more Shall we enjoy His presence as before. What will become of us who now are left To the wide world, of our dear Lord bereft ? O that we had the swift wings of a dove To fly unto the bosome of our love ? There we should rest securely from all harmes, Embracing and embraced in His armes, But what is this ? behold another sight, Two men or angels rather clad in white. % Angels. Leave gazing thus ye men of Galilee. 1. Isaiah LXIIL, 3. G. ALL SAINTS' DAT. 203 .For this same Jesus you shall shortly see Keturne again in the same manner as You now beheld him now to heaven pass ; * He's gone but to prepare for you a place Against the time that you have run your race. Leave wishing too, for wishes will not raise You to the mansions of those endlesse joies Where He resides, but let your thoughts all bend In heavenly conversation to ascend, Follow His holy steps for so you shal Have your ascension, bodie, soul, and all We thank you for your counsel, and obey : This having said, they all depart away. Th' angels to heaven, th' apostles homeward went, Expecting when the Spirit should be sent. And they endu'd with power from the Lord To save the world by preaching of the word. TJPOtf ALL-SAINTS DAY. UCH honour have all the Lord's saints, that we Keep this day holy to their memorie ; 1. Acts i., 11. G. 204 ALL-8AOTS' DAY. And reason good, for they examples are To us in life and death of vertues rare ; For though all virtues in some measure met In all the saints as lines i'th'center, yet Some special grace in every one did dwcl, "Wherein each one the other did excel. Thus Abram for his faith was most renown'd, Job for his singular patience was crown' d ; Moses for mceknesse did all men surpasse, Elias for his zealc most famous was David is for an upright heart commended, Josias for a tender heart transcended John the Evangelist for charity, John the Baptist for austerity ; Saint Paul for his humility surmounted When chief of sinners he himself accounted, And least of all th' apostles, though indeed For pains and parts he did the rest exceed ; JVler for penitence the prize doth bear, Wli<> for his sinne shed many a bitter teare. Now as their life to us serves for a light, So is their death most precious in God's sight, By that we learn to live, by this to die, By both we come to immortality. Since then they are such happy guides, wel may "We solemnize at least one annual day Unto their honour, yet not guiltie be TO CHRIST, 205 Of superstition or idolatry. When we observe this day, we do no more Then reverence them as saints, not them adore. God's the sole object of our invocation, They but the pattern for our imitation ; And 'tis our prayer alwaies on this day, That we their godly living follow may, Til we with them at last come to partake Of joyes unspeakeable for Christ, His sake ; Whiles thus we celebrate this festival, None can us justly superstitious cal. TO CHRIST. A POEM OF HUGO GBOT[lUS]. SIL. LIB. 1. P. 10. TRANSLATED. CHRIST, which art the head of every thing, From whom a better life then this doth spring ; Thy Father's measure yet unmeasured, Whom (whiles that He Himself contemplated In His high mind) He streams forth light of light, And sees Himself in' s equal image bright; Like whom the world, and the world's guardian, man, Was made : but 0, he suddainly began 206 TO CHEIST. To be rebellious, his high honour lost, And prest with crimes (which him most dearly cost) Becoming guilty of the greatest pain, In this state lay, and had for ever laine, But that Thy Father his case pitying, did Give Thee, who with Himself before wast hid Under concealed light ; eternal love Unto his Church did Him to mercy move. His truth by dreams He will reveal no more, Nor visions by His prophets as before ; But willing now a living Law to make, And lasting league with men ; lo ! Thou didst take A mortal body, and a man-like face, Yet not begot the way of humane race By filthy lust, but thou conceived wast By power divine born of a virgin chaste ; Though Thou no purple hadst to cloth Thee, then Being newly-born, nor bands of armed men To compass Thee about and be Thy guard, Yet citizens of heaven keep watch and ward, And divine anthems sang about thy stal More royal thus then any prince's hall. The beasts and shepherds Thee incirclcd there, Poor, but far happier then all kings they were In that they knew Thee ; Thou a new come guest "Wert by Thy heaven, to earth made manifest. TO CHRIST. 207 The Magi stood amaz'd, a starre to see Ne're seen before ; how great, they say, is He That's born, to honour whom new stars appear ! Yee fierie signes of heaven your light forbear, Forbeare ye wandring stars, and Charls, his Wayne To guide the passengers upon the niaine, For through the various waves of things below And life's uncertainties, this Star doth show The way, not that which unto Babylon brings, Proud in the Courts of her Arsacian kings, * 'Nor to the palaces of Tibur stout 2 !N"or to Jerusalem's turrets, but points out The cottages of Bethlehem, and the door Of shepherds' tents ; Jewes seek your King no more Amongst the cornets and the trumpets sound, And th' arms wherewith man's furie doth surround Himself ; ye know not, wretches that ye be How neer a thing to heaven is povertie ! How sweet to suffer ! tel the Parthians now, Goe tel the Romans, tel your Herod, how He'll make the blind to see, the lame to walk, l.=0f Media Magna. Rhagse, the capital, having been rebuilt by one of the house of Arsaces was named Areacia. Of. Tobit, i. 14, &c. Strabo, 1. c. ; Steph. B. i. : G. 1. Tiber = Rome. G, 208 TO CHRIST. He'll make the deaf to hear, the dumb to talke, He'll heal all plagues and sicknesses with ease, JBy's word not herbs, and calm the raging seas. Thousands He will with little food sustain, Himself long time with none, and raise again The dead, make water wine at His command And walk upon the sea as on dry land. Let them whom jewels deck, let martial men Try if they can perform the like again ; These my poor Christ can doe, nor doth He cure Bodies alone, but minds of men make pure, Purges their hivsts that are possest with sin, And heals the plague-sick world which we live in. Thus a right way He takes, whiles those that stand And mightie are, He pulls down with His hand ; Those that are weak and fallen He erects. But look what stirrs i'th heavens ; what strange aspects And strife of things ! whiles so great good in Thee Is recompenc'd with hateful crueltie ; Not by the Sythian, or the barbarous men Of Affrick, or the North Pole citizen, But by good Abraham's offspring, who alone Of all the nations was Thy chosen one. Such mischiefe black ambition can do, "WTiilesf being incens'd with pride and hatred too It rages under faigned piety ; BOETHITTS. 209 A simple fate Thou didst not perish by, But as a thief Thou didst, though innocent To undergoe our sin and punishment. The sins of all the world did lye on Thee : Since Adam ate of the forbiden tree, From that first hour to this they prest Thee all ; On us those bonds, on us those blowes should fall, Those sharp black thorns should prick our temple veins, The sergeant 1 should us drag to endlesse pains, The nails should pierce our hands, the spear our side, And we without delay be crucified : But so it did Thy Father please, and Thee, To mingle mercy with severity. BOET[HITJS] MET[EE] 4m. L. i. TRANSLATED. 2 that lives quiet in a setled state, And treads below his feet high-minded fate, That either fortune upright can behold 1. Death., as in Shakspere : " This fell sergeant,, is strict." (Hamlet v., 2,) Frequent in the later Puri- tans, e.g. Brooks : " Death every hour lies at the door ; this sergeant constantly attends all men, in all places , companies, changes, and conditions." (Works as before, i., 434.) G. 2. From De Consolatione Philosophise, as supra. G. 210 BOETHIUS. 'With an unpaunted face, and courage bold ; Not all the raging threats o' th' sea, nor yet Vesuvius' smoaking fires when ere they get Out of their broken chimneys, nor the bright Flashes of lightning which are used to smite The highest towers, til to ground they fall, Can move this man, or trouble him at all. Why doe men so much tyrants rage admire, l Since they want strength unto their fierce desire? Hope for no good from them, and fear no harm, So you their feeble anger shal disarme. But he whose fears are great, or hopes are bent To what is not his right, nor permanent; His buckler casts away, his ground he leaves, And to enthral himself a chaine he weaves. THE 5iH MET[RE] OF THE SECOND BOOK. HE former age, but too much blest With fruitful fields, content did rest Not with dul luxury yet lost, Their hunger staid with little cost ; A slender chesnut them sufiis'd, 1. Wonder at = tremble before. O. 2. As before. G. TBAtfSLATION. 211 They had not yet the way devis'd To mix live hony with their wine ; Nor were they grown so proudly fine In their apparel, as to staine, "White fleeces in a purple graine. On sallets sup'd, sweet sleep they took, And drink had from the running brook ; The lofty pine was then their shade, Not yet through deep seas did they wade ; Strange coasts the merchant had not sought For wares far fetch'd, and deerly bought ; Then the shril trumpets did not sound, Nor bitter hatreds then were found To die their horrid arms with blood ; For how could fury think it good, For to make war, when it could see Nothing but deadly wounds to be The pay of blood-shed ? that now Our much corrupted times knew how From their ill customes to return To th' ancient manners ; but they burn "With love of gain, which is so great It puts down ^Etna's fires for heat. Alas ! who was't that first made bold To dig those precious perils, gold And richer jewels, which would fain Concealed from our sight have layne ? 212 DR. PRTDEATJX. UPON THE RIGHT REVEREND AND MOST LEARNED DR. PRIDEAUX, LATE BISHOP OF WORCESTER 1 . ]INCE Prideaux dy'd, farewell the Muses nine, Farewell all Learning humane and divine, For why should we pretend to any part Of science, when the genius of all art Lies dead and buryed ? Now to make a verse, And think therewith to deck his golden hearse, "Were like a boy t' a general's grave that runs, And shoots off squibs instead of greater guns, To solemnize his funeral ; 'twould be thought Done in a jeer, and he be whipt if caught. Alas ! we cannot speak his praise, for death E're since it rob'd his body of his breath, Hath left us speechless : all tongues were his own, All learned languages to him were known. He with deep judgment had more authors read Then others indexes, and might be sed 2 To be a living library, 3 admir'd By this last age, and by the next desir.'d. 1. That is John Prideaux, B. 1578, D. 1650. 2. 'Said.' G. 3. This was said earlier of Dr. Rainolds, and later of Bishop Reynolds, as of others. G. DR. PEIDEATJX. 213 The University is in despair 1 To find a successor like him i'th' chair ; His clear decisions he delivered there, As oracles divine received were : His arguments and answers would admit Of no replies, so home, so sure they hit. Preferment he ne're sought, it sought him rather, First he a Doctor was, and then a Father Of this our Church ; we justly mourn his fall Who was a bishop-oecumenical His diocess of knowledg was so vast, That through all the universe it past ; Between the Puritane and Papist, he Like a strong rock fast fixt was in his see, Against hoth factions he did upright stand Inclining not a jot to either hand ; But a sound Protestant he liv'd and dy'd, One of the learnedst e're was of our side. They that lov'd learning and a scholer's name Raise pyramids to his immortal fame. 2 1. Oxford. G. 2. Cf. Milton's great Bonnet : * What needs my Shakspear for his honowr'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones, Or that his hallow'd reliques should be hid Under a star-ypointing pyramid ?' G. 214 TO A KINSMAN. TO HIS MUCH HONOURED FRIEND AND KINSMAN, SB. E B ]ERE I to draw Griefs picture to the life, I'd take't from you now mourning for your wife : Annes folded, fixed eyes, and full of tears, Repeated sighcs, neglected cloaths and hairs, Pale face, no words but what are pumpt by force, Small difference is betwixt you and a corse. Sure 'tis not you but your ghost, come to tell How much you lov'd your lady, and how wel, That having but one soul between you two, She being gone, you had no more to do But vanish strait ; such power hath love to make An husband pine away for his wife's sake ; Yet all this but of Griefs the outward part, I cannot limn the sorrow of your heart, Nor can I see, nor can yow shew, the pain And anguish which you inwardly sustain. Only I can imagine that a flood Runs from the red sea of your own heart-blood, That every time a tear falls from your eye, A crimson drop followes it instantly ; That every sigh, like to an hollow wind, Doth but presage a sanguine showre's behind; That to your best beloved fain you wou'd TO A LADY. 215 Swim through both rivers, of your tears and blood, But stay a little, whiles the furious tide, Of your swoln sorrow flowes on every side, T' oppose it, were the next way to be drown'd ; But when it ebbs you may behold dry ground, And walk securely through that sea to th' shoar In which you might have been o'rewhelm'd before. Heark then, your lady calls to you from far, And prayes you turn your grief for her, to care Of your deer children, that, as poets fain, * Minerva was the issue of Jove's brain Without a mother's help, so they may prove The issue of your mind as of your love ; Thus for their being and their breeding too, They'l owe a double duty unto you. TO HIS TRULY HONOURED LADY, THE LADY R [ADAM, though you have many changes seen, Yet y'are the same as you have alwayes been; Times work no more upon you then upon heav'n, In all estates y' are serene and even ; Surely Copernicus' opinion's true, 1. < Feign.' G. 216 TO A NOBLE LADY. The earth's the only thing that moves, and you As being of an heavenly constitution, Unshaken stand in all this revolution Both in the Church and State ; with you it fares As with the angels or the fixed stars, Which give their light and influence to men, Yet are not soiled with their ills agcn. You are as good and vertuous, nay more IMigious, since those times, then e're before; For though that most grow worse by imitation Of th' epidemick sins are now in fashion, 'Tis contrary with you, who do detest All sin the more, the more it is profest ; And as when heat's with cold environ'd, 'tis Hotter by the antiperistasis ; Just .so your piety by opposition Of others' wickedness, receives addition. And may it still to that degree proceed, That you may never mort perfection need TO THE NOBLE LADY, AND TO HIM MUCH ENDEERED, THE LADY M T E envy Shropshire now, since it of late Doth you impropriate, Not letting us have the least share in you, To whom a part is due. TO A L1DT. 217 We wish your Buckland-house a palace were That we might see you there ; For since the time that you went hence away, "We not ourselves enjoy. In losing you we lose our better part, And now we have no heart. Or quick'n us with your presence as before, Or else we languish and can live no more. TO THE NO LESS HONOURED LADY, THE LADY P |OMEWHAT I owe unto your honoured name, But cannot pay it, yet you may not blame The poet, but yourself as cause of it, Since that your worth is far above his wit, And either you below yourself must fall, Or else want his encomium ; for all That he may say or write in yonr just praise Will but eclipse your sun, and cloud its raies. 'Tis true, he knowes you not which is his grief But by report, and that hath made you chief Of all your sexe ; within your hemisphere There's none in competition will appear ; Your vertues raise you to so high a state, They may admire but hardly imitate. You need not blush, as if this were too high ; 218 DK. HAMMOND. To write the truth, I hope's no flatterie. Now, madam, if you please to cast a look, Or spend some spare time on this little book, And in it anything that's good do view, Then challenge it, for it belongs to you ; What's vain and worthless in it that decline And pass it by, I challenge that for mine. * TO THE EMINENT SCHOLAE, AND HONOR OF OUR CHURCH, DR. HAMMOND. 8 |LTHOUGH the times forbid you now to preach In publick, yet your learned Writings teach Us how to live in these unhappy daies, How we should upright walk in slipperie waies. You are the Oedipus, and do untie The knottiest points in all divinitie. Such is the power of your judicious pen, It stops the mouthes of all gainsaying men ; The Schismatick is routed and undone, 1. There is an echo here of the old 'Epistles Dedicatory' of the Puritans. G. 2. Born 1605, Died 1660. By his greatest work, Wash- bourne doubtless designates the ' Paraphrases ' of the Old and 'Annotations upon the New Testament' begun to be ' put forth ' in 1653. G. TO A COTTSITT. 219 He flies the field since you the day have won. At last your greatest work you have put forth, But I'm not able to express its worth, So excellent it is, and like good wine Commends itself, it needs no bush of mine. Go on t' instruct the world, and with your light Shine out to guide us in the darkest night Of ignorance and error, which will soon Unless prevented make us grope at noon. TO THE TEULY VERTUOUS AND HIS MOST ESTEEMED COUSIN, MBS. M B LEARNED woman and an humble too May for a miracle amongst us go. She's mistriss of all arts, and of one more, To shew so little of so great a store ; That woman which hath more then common worth Seldom wants tongue enough to set it forth ; But she that knowes much with sobrietie, Is somewhat like unto the Deitie Yeild o're with humane flesh, which seems to be God manifested, yet a mysterie. Much more she is indeed then she'l appear ; Her inside' s velvet when her outside' s hair. Like to a vessel full of precious wine, Or like unto a rich concealed mine ; TO A corsiy. The vessel makes no noise, but pierce it, then It liquor yields that cheers the heart of men ; The mine conceal' d, though rich, no profit brings, But once discovered is a prize for kings. A miracle, a mistris of all arts, A mysterie made up of all choice parts, A vessel fil'd with nectar, a rich mine, All these you are, though you all these decline. And make yourself more then yourself to be By letting us not half your merits see. Thus Jacob's vision is made good to you : When e're you sleep, you may the ladder view Reaching from earth to heaven, made without hands; At foot whereof Humility there stands, Knowledg above upon tin- highest round, All other graces like the angels found Ascending :md descending up and down, To court you here a- while, and there you crown. This makes us somewhat jealous, and to fear Lest by this ladder they attempt to bear You soon to heaven, and leave us in the night Of ignorance when we have lost our light. Stand still in our horizon then, we pray, Like Joshua's sun, and double make our day ; For you impjrrt a greater influence here Then when you shal be fixt i' th' highest sphere. TO A LADY. 221 TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, THE LADY M C i|EALTH, honour, vertue once combin'd To make one perfect of the female kind, At length they met with you, and did protest To go no further, but set up their rest Within your armes : those now that mean to share In them must borrow what you please to spare : You superrogate, and there doth lye Such store of them in your rich treasurie, That you may well afford so much as will Some meaner persons in good measure fill. The after-droppings of a catarackt Will raise the lesser brooks that water lack't, The gleanings of your vintage will go neer To make small vessels run o're once a year. Thus unto others you enough may give, Yet in all fulness you yourself may live. UPON HIS LOSING HIS WAY IN A MIST. THOUGHT I could not go astray, So perfectly I knew the way : Yet in a mist I miss'd it, and Err'd now on this, now on that hand, And till the fog was by the sun Dispell'd, I in a maze did run 222 A MIST. And ride as if 'twere fairie ground, Or that the Puck had led me round ; So whiles I want a heavenly light The day's to me as dark as night, Which way I go I cannot tell, Whether it he towards heaven or hell ; But this I know that there is odds, I tread the divel's track, not God's ; For God's way strait and narrow is, The divel's hroad and hard to miss ; Sun of righteousness then shine, And soon disperse this mist of mine Lighten the darkness of my mind, That I the way to heaven may find. TO TWO PARTIES GOING TO LAW ABOUT SMALL MATTERS. |OOK how the steel forceth with several knocks Fire from the flint into the tinder box : So do you smite each other, till you force Gold from your own into the lawyer's purse. how like foes they brawle on either side And yet like friends your money they divide, Leaving you bare as an anatomy : l 1. 'Skeleton.' G. LAW AND EXVT. 223 All that you get you may put in your eye, And never see the worse ; then take from me This counsel freely, and without a fee ; Agree between yourselves, and make an end : Do you to him, he to you condescend. Thus whiles you both unto each other yield. You'l both o'recome, and losing, win the field. TO AN ENVIOUS AND MALICIOUS PEKSON. |HY envi'st thou thy neighbour, can'st thou tel? Is 't 'cause in wealth or worth he doth excel ? That will not make thee richer then thou art, Nor him the poorer, but 'twill vex thy heart ; That will not make thee better nor him worse, But blessing bring on him, on thee a curse. Or why malignest thou thine enemy ? Is't 'cause he hath done thee some injury ? That will not mend the matter, but incense Him to a second and more high offence, Adding of wrong to wrong : then be wise And do him all the good thou can'st devise So on his head thou shalt heap coals of fire And softly melt his heart to thy desire. So maist thou make thy foe to be thy friend, And whom thou can'st not break, thus gently bend. 224 THE DRTJITKAKD. TO THE COMMON DRUNKARD, FALSELY CALLED A GOOD FELLOW. 1 |ANNOT friends meet but they must drink t* excess ? Must all your mirth conclude in drunken- ness? Accurst be he brought it in fashion first ; Before ye were content to quench your thirst, And not exceed three or four cups at most ; Now you carouse till all your reason's lost, And like to over-heated Dutch-men, yee Drink till ye fight, and fall to snicker-snee. He that invites his friend t' a drunken feast, Keeps out the man and entertains the beast : A feast 'tis not, but a base Bacchanal, Where the beast man, a sacrifice doth fall. Worse then a beaste he is, for no beast will Be made to drink a drop more then his fill. But man his belly makes a tun, his brain A bog, and drinks till up he comes again. Vile man, whom God next t' angels did create, Below a bruit thus to degenerate ! For shame give o're this most unmanlike sin, 1. Cf. Fuller, as before, p. 13. G. AGE AND CHILDHOOD. 225 "Which too long hath thy daily practise bin, Redeem thine honour drown'd in ale and wine, And thy soul settled on the lees, refine : "When thy debauched life thou shalt correct, Thou happier daies in England maist expect. UPON AN OLD MAN HOLDING AN INFANT BETWEEN HIS ARMS OF HIS OWN BEGETTING. JERE Nature's contradiction behold, The extremity of ages, young and old ; The two first books of Moses, Genesis And Exodus bound up together 'tis ; May sitting in December's lap ; the Spring With Autumn joyn'd together in a ring, Youth in the bud new started from the womb, Shakes hands with age now dropping in the tomb; The world's beginning and the end together, The day and night, sunshine and rainy weather, Nonage and dotage, generation Met with corruption, and the creation OW child the dissolution proves to be O'th' father, who destroy'd himself whiles he Begets a son, and like the Phoenix, from His dust and ashes doth another come. 226 MERCENARY MARRIAGE. TO ONE THAT MARRIED A VERY RICH, BUT A VERY DEFORMED V^OMAN. | HO is't that sayes it was not love Which you unto this match did move ? 'Twas love, hut love of money, sure, That thus to wed did you allure ; 'Twas not the beauty which doth lye In your wife's l cheek, or lip, or eye, Or any other part that shines, Save only in her golden mines. It were the angels 3 in her chest That first made love within your hrest ; There sit the Cupids, there the Graces Reside in those red and white faces. In having one wife you have many, Each hag a wife is, how then can ye Chuse but be rich ? for such as these Being put to use will soon increase, Nor will their beauty fade, for th'are At fifty more then fifteen, fair, As pure good mettal, as refin'd 1. Spelled 'wives.' G. 2. Coins so-called, giving frequent occasion for a play on the name, as between the celestial and pecuniary 'angels.' Cf. Glossary *. v., to my Brooks, as before. G. MERCENARY MARRIAGE. 227 An age hence, as when they were coin'd, Provided you keep them in bands From falling into huckster's hands. If pleasure be not, profit's in Your match ; polygamy's no sin, In a free State, you may be bold To marry eveiy piece of gold, Though they so numerous be as will The Great Turks vast Seraglio fill, Yet take my counsel, look well to them, For many chances will undo them ; They may be caU'd by the State, And valued at a lower rate ; They may be rounded and defaced, Or with worse mettal be debased ; They may perhaps suffer a rape, Be plundered from you ; should they scape These accidents, yet wings have they Like Cupid, and will flee away, Leaving you little else behind But your sad choise and sadder mind : For when your money's gone, your wife stay to vex you all your life. 228 DISPUTATIONS. HIS OPINION CONCERNING DISPUTA- TIONS IN THE COUNTRY WHERE THE MAJOR PART OF THE AUDITORY ARE ILLITERATE PERSONS. |IS seldom seen a popular dispute Doth any good ; you may perhaps confute But not convert a heretick ; he wil Say what you can hold fast his errour still. l Besides, the vulgar auditors do weigh All arguments as their affections sway, Not as their reason, and think that the best Which with most noise and eagernesse is prest ; So they adhere unto the worser side, Or go away much more unsatisft'd Then they came there, like some young conjurer's spel, Raising more divels up then he can quel Or lay again ; like bees, the common rout Will swarme about your ears and buzze you out, But humme the factions up, and lowdly cry On your antagonists side, victory. 1. Thus anticipates the famous couplet of Hudibras : ' A man con vine' d against his will Is of the same opinion still.' Hudibras was not published until 1663, (Part 1st). 1664, (Part 2nd). 1678, (Part 3rd). G. AGUE. 229 Forbear then such disputes henceforth to move, For fear they should the Churches ruine prove ; These points are fitter for the press or Schooles. It is the best way not to answer fools According to their folly, which will rise Higher by opposing, let alone it dies. UPON HIS LATE AGUE, OR THE NEW FEAYER, AS IT WAS CALL'D. |HAT a strange thing's this ague ? which doth make Me like an earthquake first with cold to shake ; Then like Mount Etna burn with fervent heat, And by and by dissolve into a sweat ? Sure 'tis some Cacodoemon, by his art Insinuating himselfe in every part ; Now in the head, then in the back it lies, Sometimes i'th' stomaek, sometimes in the thighs, Now like a souldier whom nothing can fray, He sets upon me boldly at mid-day ; Then like a thief steals on me late at night, Or early e're the approach o' th' morning light. Shame of physicians 'tis, for all their tribe Cannot a certain remedie prescribe. Faustus or some such conjurer would be The better doctor in this cure, for he 230 ACCIDKXT. Might by his magiok charms perhaps expel This freezing, burning, sweating spirit of hel. If then it wil no other way be gone, I will turn conjurer, but an holy one, And with my prayers to heaven exorcise This evil spirit thus : let God arise With healing in His wings, and first begin To heal my soul's disease and sicknesse, sin, Then let this great Physician apply A salve to cure my bodie's malady ; Thou that didst legion with a word expel, But speak the word, Thy servant shall be wel. THE ACCIDENT. |AS it by negligence or accident, That in my sicknesse as my servant went To warme my bed, some ashes she let fall? Neither perhaps, but 'twas prophetical, Foretelling that I must to ashes turn, And shortly be inclosed in my urne. And if that Providence hath so decreed, "Welcome i'th' name of God, let Death succeed His older brother, Sleep, l and then give way 1. ' How wonderful is Death, Death and his brother sleep,' SHELLEY ' Queen Mab,' beg*- G. RECOVERY. 231 To life again, such as the saints enjoy. Now on my grave I think, and yet not quake, Since thence as from my bed I shal awake ; When I lie down in dust I doe not die, But take a nap, and rise t' eternity ; My soul shall reassume it's dust again, And in a blessed union stil remain. UPON HIS RECOVERY FROM HIS AGUE. ]HAT shall I render unto Thee my God ? Since Thou hast with Thy rod In measure me corrected, to prevent A sharper punishment, That I may not condemned be at last, And in the lake of fire and brimstone cast ! Seven violent fits I had, to show that I Am mortal, and must die : But such was Thy wil, I had no more, Thou Lord didst me restore To health, and having brought me neer the grave, Declaredst then Thy mighty power to save. How much Thy mercy doth Thy justice passe ? A sinful man I was, Seven times a day I have offended Thee, Yet Thou forgavest me ; 2.32 RECOVERY. Yea though my sins exceed the stars of heaven, Yet Thou my plagues reduced hast to seven. Alas ! all seven doe scarce to one amount ; Justly I cannot count Them altogether half a plague, they goe But for a stroak or so, And only serve to let me understand They come not from a Judg, but Father's hand. A wise and tender Father that doth smite In mercy not in spite, Not to avenge Himself, hut me t' amend, Which is the chiefest end In all His chastisements He will not "break The bruised reed, not quite 'rethrow the weak. But having humbled him, most gently then Raiseth him up again. Lord ! do so by me, and shew Thy strength In my weak state at length, That like a tree on both sides rock't by th' wind, 1 may grow strong in body and in mind. Stronger in both to serve Thee, and to give Thee thanks that yet I live ; And let me use this my recovered health, Not to increase my wealth, Or spend it on my lust, as is men's fashion, But to Thy glory and mine own salvation. SNOW IN MAT. * 233 UPON A GEEAT SHOWEE OF SNOW THAT PEL ON MAY-DAY, 1654, |OU that are weather- wise, and pretend to know Long time before, when it will rain or snow, When 't wil he faire or foul, when hot or cold Here stand and gaze a while, I dare he hold To say you never saw the like ; nay more, You never heard the like of this before. Since snow in May, you may hereafter make A famous epoch in your almanack. Prodigious 'tis, and I begin to fear We have mistook the season of the yeer ; 'Tis Winter yet, and this is Christmas day, Which we indeed miscal the first of May. Summer and Winter now confounded be, And we no difference betwixt them see, Only the trees are blossomed, and so The Glassonbury hawthorn us'd to doe, Upon the day of Christ's nativity, As Cambden 1 tels in his chorography. The youths for cold creep in the chimney's end, Who formerly the day did sprightly spend 1. Camden 'The British Pausanias:' the reference is to his i Britannia Choragraphic Descriptio.' Read ' Glastonbury.' G. Q 234 < SNOW IN MAT. In merry May- games ; now they hang the head And droop, as if they and their sports were dead. Perhaps some superstitious Cavalier, That lov'd to keep his Christmas, wil go near To make an ill interpretation Of this, and caFt a judgment on the Nation For our despising of that time and season Against the ancient custome and right reason, As he conceives, and since wee'l not allow One in December w* have a Christmas now. But wee a better use make of it ; Though not to our minds the weather fit, Yet to our soul, convert the same, and thence Extract this wholesome holy inference. From this unseasonable change of weather Without us, what's within us we may gather ; When in our hearts the Summer should begin, And graces grow, 'tis Winter by oue sin, All frost and snow, nothing comes up that's good, The fruits o' th' Spirit nipt are in the bud. Our May's turn'd to December, and our sun Declines before he half his course hath rnn. Thou the Sun of Righteousnesse ! display Thy beams of mercy, make it once more May Within our soules ; let it shine warm and clear, Producing in us yet a fruitful year. CONCLUSION. 235 Let it dissolve our snow into a showre Of hot and penitent tears, which may procure A blessing on the Nation, and at last A general pardon for all faults are past. THE CONCLUSION. To MY DBEAD SOVERAIGNE AND DEER MASTEB, CHRIST JESUS. KINO OP KINGS. |HOU King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, I owe myself and all I have to Thee, My Muse no tribute now affords, But what first comes from Thine own treasurie, A leafe of praise Is all that I can raise. And yet that leafe is taken from Thy tree of grace Thou graftedst in my heart, Accept it then, since it doth come Erom that stock which to me Thou didst impart ; It is Thine own, To all the world be't known. 236 HTMX TO JESUS. I do confesse the ground in which 'Tis set, if poor, and long hath barren been For how alas ! could it be rich, "When nought but thorns and thistles grew let Thy grace Above my sins take place, And in my heart the upper hand Let it still have, a happy victorie, That I Thy champion may stand Undttuntd 'gainst all that opposeth Thee So whiles I live, I shall Thee praises give. Or if whiles in this vale I stay, To praise Thee will be too hard a thing, Then to Thy holy hil convey My soul, where I may hallelujahs sing In a higher And better-tuned quire. CHARLES TIPLADY, PRINTER, CHURCH STREET, BLACKBUK*, BOOKS BY THE REV. ALEXANDER B, GROSART St. George's United Presbyterian Church, Blackburn, Lancashire. I. ORIGINAL. 1. Small Sins. 3d. edn., with additions, royal 16mo, cloth antique, price Is. 6d., pp. 119. " There is in it both genius and judgment, good writing, good learning, and good gospel." DR. JOHN BROWN, author of " Rab and his Friends" &c., &c., in the Scotsman, June 4th, 1863. Mr. Grosart's noble sermon. REV. C. H. SPURGEON, appended to an extract from it in his " Illustrated Almanack "for 1864. The theology of the book is Puritanic ; the thinking, masculine and weighty; the illustrations picturesque, and drawn from a wide range of observation and reading ; and the appeals to the conscience ore often both unexpected and very pungent. The Author's brilliancy (and there is not a little of it) is like a rifle-flash, which tells that a bullet is on its way." THE FREEMAN. 2. Jesus mighty to save : or Christ for all the "World, and all the World for Christ. 3d edn., with additions, royal 16mo, cloth antique, pp. 204, price 2s. " Not only is the Author an excellent Scholar in the languages belonging to his profession, and possessed of more than ordinary insight into modern literature, but he appears to have acquired a knowledge of the old English and Scottish divinity, especially of the Puritan order, which is as rare as it is rich and profitable. The page every- where sparkles with diamonds gathered from these mines. And when you sit down to read his books through, you find that this knowledge is only the vesture of a thinking power worthy of such association, and still more of a spiritual purpose, which endears the writer insensibly but steadily as you go along." The Christian Spectator. Books by the Rev. A. B. Gromrt. 3. The Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness in Conflict : or the Temptation of Jesus Newly Trans- lated, Explained, Illustrated, and Applied. Crown 8vo, pp. xxxiv. and o(!0, price os. [New and much enlarged edition in preparation.] " It i? exhaustive of the subject, and yet, like every book from an original mind, it is suggestive after all. . . . The whole is treated \\ ith full learning, as well as with rliar native discernment." TiiOMAS A I III), \^(\., in tli,' l>/ini frit's Jlcraltl. March, 1st: I. " 'I here is iiothiup like it that we have seen in English litera- ture." Tfn' l',u]ilif-t Mrif, 1864. 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