THE MODERN CHESS INSTRUCTOR W. STEINITZ PART I. < ONTAINING ELEMENTARY EXPLANATIONS FOR BEGINNERS THE DESCRIPTION OF NOTATIONS A TELEGRAPHIC CHESS CODE AN ESSAY ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE GAME AND ANALYSES OF SIX POPULAR OPENINGS, WITH ILLUSTRATIVE GAMES TO EACH OPENING, ETC. ETC., ETC. THE APPENDIX CONTAINS THE GAMES OF THE CONTEST BETWEEN MESSRS. STEINITZ AND TSCHIGORIN PLAYED AT HAVANA IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, I 889 WITH ANNOTATIONS BY THE AUTHOR G P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON >7 & 29 WEST 23D STREET 27 KING WILLIAM ST., STRAND l88 9 COPYRIGHT BY W. STEINITZ 1889 [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED] Entered at Stationers' Hall, London BY W. STEINITZ TO THE GENEROUS PATRON OF CHKSS AND CIIKSS MASTERS THE HONORABLE R. STEEL, OF CALCUTTA, MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE VICEROY OF INDIA THE. WHOLE WORK ON CHESS OF WHICH THE PRESENT IS THE FIRST VOLUME IS DEDICATED WITH THE MOST SINCERE SENTIMENTS OF THE HIGHEST ESTEEM AND WARMEST FRIENDSHIP BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. Page DEDICATION AND PREFACE CHAPTER I. Description of the Game. The Board and Men. Movements of Pieces and Mode of Capture lii CHAPTER II. The Notation vii CHAPTER III. The Laws of the Game xii CHAPTER IV. Technical Terms xv CHAPTER V. Chess as a Training of Mind and how to Improve xix CHAPTER VI. The Modern School and its Tendency xxiii CHAPTER VII. Relative Value of Pieces and Principles of Play xxv ANALYSIS OF OPENINGS. The Ruy Lopez i Illustrative Games 20 Double Ruy Lopez, Three and Four Knights' Game 41 Illustrative Games 48 The Scotch Gambit 57 Illustrative Games 78 The Two Knights' Defence 91 Illustrative Games 108 Petroff's Defence 1 16 Illustrative Games 132 Philidor's Defence 141 Illustrative Games 1 STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. Introduction ; . . . . 162 Games of the Contest 166 OF 1 PREFACE. The chief purport of the work on Chess, of which the present volume forms the first part, is the theoretical application of new principles and of the reasoning by analogies of positions which have been my guide in practice, es- pecially during the last twenty years. It is perhaps unnecessary to state that the task which I have set before me was beset with enormous difficulties. Many variations that have been the product of vast changes in the style of play which has taken place in modern times, have no doubt been duly no- ticed in able treatises on the game, but no attempt has yet been made in any book on Chess to base the analysis systematically on general ideas which would assist the judgment of the student in similar positions. In the present work great efforts are essayed in that direction, especially in the annotation of illustrative games from practical play where the results of the application of the principles recommended for the conduct of the openings and the middle part can be more distinctly traced in the end. But as will be seen from the few examples given in this volume, of reasoning out the opening moves by comparison of different maxims, it would have been practically impossible within the scope of this work to adopt the same sort of commentation throughout the analysis of the openings, and I had to confine myself in that respect to pointing out the most striking examples of the adaptation of prin- ciples in the early part of the game. However, I have carefully examined the debuts treated in this volume on the basis of such general maxims, and as the openings have been hitherto analysed by the authorities chiefly in an empirical manner, it became necessary to introduce a very large num- ber of novelties at various stages of variations which, up to the present, had been generally recognized as standard lines of play. In short I have come to conclusions differing very widely from those hitherto sanctioned by first- class practitioners and authors right at the roots of the openings, and sometimes as early as on the third or fourth moves, like in the Ruy Lopez, the PetrofFs Defence, and the Philidor Defence. The analysis of the openings had there- fore to be entirely remodelled in many instances in which new ideas are de- veloped that have never been put to any practical test. Most of the experi- mental deductions which I introduce to students of the game, must therefore be regarded only as imaginary examples of tactics and strategy which I trust will in the main afford good instruction to the reader, but cannot lay any claim to absolute accuracy. For it ought to be remembered that the merits of most of the recognized standard variations in the openings could not be settled un- vill PREFACE. til they had been verified by numerous illustrations from the practice of first- class masters in actual play, and that grave errors have often been found in various forms of openings that have been greatly favored by many prominent practitioners and authorities for a very long time. Under those circumstances I must expect that occasionally some shortcomings of demonstrations, such as quicker ways of winning or drawing, and perhaps some faults of judgment may have crept into some of the numerous original lines of play, which after conscientious examination, to the best of my ability, I have thought it my duty to introduce into this treatise. But I trust that such flaws will be found in a minority by far and that at any rate the innovations which I propose will give material for practical trials and theoretical researches that will be useful for the development of our scientific pastime. For the game department I have chiefly selected striking examples of bril- liant combinations in the conduct of the King's side attack, for, as a matter of course, their study is quite indispensable to the learner. As only very few of the innovations which I propose have "been tested in actual play, it is only natural that I could not give many practical illustrations of the application of modern principles. But just because the examples quoted from old masters do not generally conform with the maxims of development and the precau- tions of modern play which are laid down in this treatise, they afford earlier and more brilliant opportunities for the display of ingenuity in the direct King's side attack, and as the amendments on the basis of more modern ideas are pointed out in the notes as much as possible within the scope of this volume, I feel satisfied that the study of the game department will at least afford as much instruction to the large majority of readers as the perusal of the analysis. As far as practicable, I have endeavored to supplement in the examples from actual play any important variations that had been omitted in the main analysis. As regards the arrangement of the matter presented in this volume I have introduced several new improvements with the view of giving greater facilities for following the analysis and studying the illustrative games. The most notable novelties in that respect are the repetition of the numbers of moves in each column and the addition of diagrams in the analytical pages which I trust will have the desired effect. The various authorities quoted in this treatise have been of great assist- ance to me in forming the outlines of this treatise, and I am also much indebted to them for some parts of my analysis and annotations, as well as for the greater portion of the selected games. But as I did not wish to intro- duce any kind of controversy I have deemed it advisable to quote them only when I quite agreed with their demonstrations, and in very rare cases when I accepted the latter but differed from their conclusions without adding any analytical proof. It is, however, only due in this preface to acknowledge my general obligations to those authorities and to bring them fully to the notice of amateurs who wish to form Chess libraries. They are principally Bilguers Handbuch des ScJiacJispiels ; edited by Baron von Heydebrand und der Lasa (Leipzig, Veit & Co.) ; Teoria e Practica, by Signer Salvioli (Venice, O. Ferrari) ; Fiihrer durch die Schachtheorie, by Oscar Cordel 1'KF.FACK. IX (Berlin, Julius Springer) ; Lehrbuch dcs SchacJispiels, by J. Dufresne (Leipzig, Ph. Rcclam jun.); Tlie CJiess Player s Manual, by G. H. D. Gossip American llditioti, by S. Lipschiitz (London and New York, Routledge & Co.); Stauntons Handbook, ( Bohns Library, London); Cook's Synopsis, ( W. W. Morgan, London); The American Edition of same, by J. W. Miller ( Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati); The London International Tournament of 1883, by J. I. Minchin (London, Jas. Wade) ; The London Chess Congress of 1862, by J. Lowenthal (London, Henry G. Bohn); The Chess Openings, by Howard Staunton and R. B. Wormald (London, Virtue & Co.) ; Morphys Games, by J. Lowenthal (London, Henry G. Bohn), and various other works on the game. My special thanks are also due to my friend Professor Waller Holladay for his kind assistance in the revision of the MS., and the correction of proofs of this volume, which I now beg to submit to all Chess students in the hope that in the main it will give general satisfaction. NEW YORK, May, 1889. CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME. THE BOARD AND MEN. MOVEMENTS CAPTURE. i OFPrcr AND MODE OF The game of Chess is a mental contest between two players who endeavor to. im- prison and attack the hostile King in a position from which he cannot be released. This is called '' checkmate" see Chapter IV, Technical Terms). The game is played on a board of sixty-four squares, which are colored alternately white and black. The men are thirty-two in number, one player having sixteen white and his opponent sixteen black men. Diagram No. i. Each player's men consists of eight PIECES and eight PAWNS, thus named and figured : WHITE. BLACK. Two Rooks or Castles Two Bishops Two Knights Eight Pawns WHITE. Queen BLACK. ^ I JL * i The following Diagram represents the men arranged in proper order on the board' at the commencement of a game : Diagram No. 2. BLACK. dl 4...lli i Ji Imtt '/////A W//////S. W/////A W//////,. WHITE. XII MOVEMENTS OF PIECES AND MODE OF CAPTURE. As shown above, the board must be so placed that each player must have a white square at his right hand corner of the board. The players draw by lot for move and choice of color. In all international and public Chess matches and tournaments, however, it is the rule for the first player to have the white men. The White Queen must always occupy a white square, and the Black Queen a black one on commencing a game. Scrvat Regina colorem. But the White King must always occupy a black square and the Black King a white one, the Kings and Queens each facing one another. The Bishops on each side occupy the squares nearest to the Kings and Queens ; then come the Knights, and the Rooks are posted in the corner squares. THE KING. The King, the most important of the pieces, moves only one square at a time back- wards, forwards, diagonally and laterally, or he may capture a hostile man in the same way; which means that he may take off any hostile piece or -Pawn that stands on any square immediately adjoining his own, and then occupy the vacated square. Once in the game he has the privilege of moving two squares, i. e., when he performs the opera- tion of Castling, which is explained under "Technical Terms/' He cannot, however, move on to a square next the one occupied by the hostile King, as the opposing mon- archs must always be separated from each other by a square. Nor can the King be moved into check, i.e., on to any square commanded by a hostile man. He can, how- ever capture any unguarded piece or pawn of the enemy on any square next his own in any direction. When the King is so situated that he cannot avoid capture he is "check- mated,'' and the game is lost. The following Diagram illustrates the move of the King: Diagram No. 3. THE QUEEN Is by fanthe most powerful of the pieces, moving or capturing in any direction on .an unobstructed irange backwards, forwards, laterally or diagonally, and capturing in MOVEMENTS OF PIECES AND MODE OF CAPTURE. Xlll the same way. When she occupies any one of the four centre squares, she commands no less than twenty-seven out of the sixty-four squares of the board. Diagram illustrating move of the Queen: Diagram No. 4. THE ROOK Is next in importance to the Queen. He moves or captures in straight lines along the ranks and files to the extent of the board on an unobstructed range backwards, for- wards and laterally, but not diagonally. He has also the privilege, in conjunction with the King, of Castling once during the game. Diagram illustrating the move of the Rook: Diagram No. 5 m mm * ms * In the foregoing diagram the Black Rook on Queen's fifth square (see Chapter II., on Notation) commands fourteen different squares on a clear range. XIV MOVEMENTS OF PIECES AND MODE OF CAPTURE. THE BISHOP Only moves and captures diagonally on squares of his own color; i. e., the Black King's Bishop can never move on to a white square, nor the White King's Bishop on to a black one. On a clear diagonal the Bishop can be moved from one corner square to the opposite corner. Diagram illustrating the move of the Bishop: Diagram No. 6. In the above diagram, the Black Bishop, standing on his Queen's fifth square, com- mands 13 squares on unobstructed diagonals, viz. : on his Queen's Bishop's sixth, Queen's Knight's seventh, Queen's Rook's eighth, King's fourth, King's Bishop's third, King's Knight's second, King's Rook's square, Queen's Bishop's fourth, Queen's Knight's third, Queen's Rook's second, King's sixth, King's Bishop's seventh, and King's Knight's eighth squares. THE KN ? IGHT. The Knight's move is a peculiar one, as he alone of the pieces has the privilege of leaping over other pieces and pawns, whether of his own or hostile forces. He moves or captures from the square where he stands to any third square of an opposite color to the one from which he started, by skipping one diagonal square and then landing on the next square of the same line or row, or vice versa. The subjoined Diagram illustrates: Diagram No. 7. \vu THE NOTATION. x Here, the Black Knight, occupying his King's fifth square (Ks), commands no less than eight squares, viz. : King's Bishop's third, King's Knight's fourth, King's Knight's sixth, King's Bishop's seventh, Queen's seventh, Queen's Bishop's sixth, Queen's Bishop's fourth, and Queen's third. If any hostile piece or Pawn were posted on any of these squares he could capture it and himself occupy the vacated square, and he could leap over pieces or Pawns of either color standing between in order to do this. THE PAWN Can only move forward one square at a time, except at his first move, when he has the choice of advancing one or two squares, but in the latter case he is sometimes liable to be captured "en passant" or in passing (see Technical Terms). He can never command more than two squares, and captures diagonally like a Bishop, but only on the two squares next his own. He, however, alone of all the chessmen has the privi- lege of promotion, i. e., on reaching an eighth square he may be exchanged either for a Queen or any other piece his player may select. The laws of the British Chess Associ- ation, which we adopt, provide that his player may refuse his promotion, in which case he remains a Pawn as before, but unmovable, and he is termed a " dummy" Pawn. We must, however, state that such a case can only very rarely occur in actual play, and that this law, though in our opinion theoretically sound, has little practical value for playing the game over the board, but may be of importance for the construction of problems. CHAPTER II. THE NOTATION. Each square of the Chessboard has a separate and distinctive designation. Accord- ing to the English, French, Italian and Spanish system cf notation, the different squares are called after the pieces. Thus, the square on which the King stands at the commence- ment of a game, is styled the King's square ; that occupied by the Queen, the Queen's square, and so on King's Bishop's square, King's Knight's square, King's Rook's square ; Queen's Bishop's square, Queen's Knight's square, and Queen's Rook's square ; the pieces on the King's side being termed the King's pieces, and those on the Queen's side the Queen's. The Pawns are named after the pieces to which to which they belong, thus : the Pawn in front of the King is called the King's Pawn ; that in front of the Queen, the Queen's Pawn ; that in front of the King's Knight, the King's Knight's Pawn, and so on. The square immediately in front of the King is called the King's second square ; the next in front of that, the King's third square ; the next to that, the King's fourth square, and so on ; so that, on the same file, we have King's second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth squares. Similarly, the square in front of that on which the Queen stands at the commencement of the game, is termed the Queen's second square, and so on to the eighth or last square of the file. In the same way, we have King's Bishop's second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth squares, and so on, for all the other pieces. In recording a game, the pieces and Pawns are designated in print, or in writing, as follows : K for King, Q for Queen, KB for King's Bishop, KKt for King's Knight, KR for King's Rook, QB for Queen's Bishop, QKt for Queen's Knight, QR for Queen's xlv l THE NOTATION. Rook, P for Pawn, KP for King's Pawn, QP for Queen's Pawn, KBP for King's Bishop's Pawn, KKtP for King's Knight's Pawn, KRP for King's Rook's Pawn, QBP for Queen's Bishop's Pawn, QKtP for Queen's Knight's Pawn, QRP for Queen's Rook's Pawn. The other abbreviations used in notation are : sq. for square, ch. for check, X for takes, (dis. ch. ) for discovered check, (dble. ch.) for double check, e. p. for en pa ssant or in passing, -J- for better game, at the end for inferior game. It must be remembered that in the English, French, Italian, and Spanish notations, each player counts or reckons the squares from his own side of the board ; e. g., the W T hite Queen's second square is the Black Queen's seventh square ; the White King's square is Black King's eighth square ; White King's Bishop's square is Black King's Bishop's eighth ; and so on, i. e., each square of the Chessboard has two differ- ent denominations, as shown by the subjoined Diagram : Diagram No. 8. The German algebraic system of notation, however, is quite different and presents many advantages over the one noticed above. The eight squares of each row, com- mencing from the left-hand corner of the board, are designated by letters, from the letter "a" up to the letter "h," as illustrated by the Diagram on the next page. Commencing from the same corner, the eight squares of each file are also num- bered upward from i to 8, and by a combination of the corresponding letter and figure, each square is differently though quite distinctly marked. In describing a move, the square from which a piece starts, as well as that on which he lands, either in the ordi- nary way or by capture, is clearly indicated. Thus, White's Queen Rook's square would be marked by the letter and .figure ai; White's Queen Rook's second square, a2; White's Queen Rook's seventh square, ay; White's Queen Rook's eighth square, a8; White's King's fourth square, e4; Black's King's fourth square, 5, etc. The move of Pawn to THE NOTATION. xvu King's fourth for White would have to be described thus: e2 e4 ; And for the same move on Black's part the description would be ey 5. Compare Diagram No. 9. Diagram No. 9. BLACK. c d e f I 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I abcde fgh WHITE. The great advantage of the German method consists in its conciseness, and in the lesser probability of a mistake occurring in writing down a move in a game by corre- spondence, or even in an ordinary game which has to be adjourned ; whereas, compara- tively more mistakes occur when other notations are used. The fractional notation adopted in the present treatise possesses many advantages: P K4 P K4 KKt B3 KKt-B 3 P_Q _ "KtxP 0-0-0 The foregoing first three moves in Petroff's Defence illustrate the superiority of this system of notation over the old, time-honored method of recording the foregoing moves as follows : 1 P to K fourth or 4th 2 KKt to B third or 3rd 3 P to Q fourth or 4th 1 P to K fourth or 4th 2 KKt to B third or 3rd 3 Kt takes P, etc. By the present system White's moves are recorded above and Black's below the line. The sub-variations are inserted as follows, in the form of notes, \v hich are referred to by numerals, as at Black's third move above, it being understood that in the subjoined example it is Black's turn to play : 1. K3....PXP; 4 P-KS, 4 Kt-Ks ; 5 KtXP, 5 P-Q.4, etc., xviii THE NOTATION. a comma separating White's and Black's moves and a semi-colon being placed after each move of Black. If such sub-variation begins with a move of Black it is intro- duced as above with a leader, thus: .... The letter D marks a diagrammed positon. In the January and February, 1889, numbers of The International Chess Magazine, Mr. Edwyn Anthony of Hereford, England, discusses the subject of Chess Notation in an interesting manner. He comes to the conclusion " That two systems, one arbitrary and the other significant, are alone in use at the present time, despite numerous attempts to overthrow them ; and that effort should be directed to considering what improvements can be grafted on these present stems. " In pursuance of this plan, he proposes two modifications, one arbitrary and one significant, of the English method of notation, by which every move would be repre- sented by three symbols only. His plan is ingenious and well worthy of consideration ; but the difficulties in the way of the introduction of a new notation are serious. To obtain sufficient familiarity with it for ready use, a little time, study and practise would be required on the part of both writers and players ; and there is a certain mental inertia to be overcome, which we fear it will be found difficult to do. But the convenience and economy of such a notation are fully demonstrable. THE FORSYTH NOTATION. This notation is the invention of Mr. David Forsyth, a Scottish amateur. It is fully described in the Chess Players' Annual, by Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rowland, edition of 1889. It is undoubtedly the best method of recording a position, except the diagram. The board is supposed to be placed before the player as is usual in diagrams, with the side of the white pieces next to him. It is then read as one would read the lines on a page, the rows of squares being regarded as the lines, beginning with Black's Queen's Rook's Square. Thus the position in Game No. 3, of the Ruy Lopez opening, a diagram of which is given on p. 50, would be recorded as follows : Beginning with the top row and counting from left to right, the first five squares, namely Black's QR, QKt, QB, Q, and K's squares are vacant. This fact would be recorded simply by writing the number 5. The next square is occupied by the Black King, and this would be recorded by a small k, small italics being used for the Black pieces and pawns, while Roman capitals are used for those of White. The remaining two squares of this row are vacant, which would be recorded by writing the figure 2. The entire upper row would therefore be recorded by three symbols, thus : 5 k 2. In like manner the next row would be recorded thus : 2 p 2 r p p ; the records of the other rows would be as follows : Third, 2 p 5 ; Fourth, / 5 r P ; Fifth, 4/^2; Sixth, i P B b 3 R ; Seventh, P 2 P i P P i ; Eighth, R 3 K 3. If these be written together, the records of eacrwow-.beirig marked off by semi-colons, we have the following complete record of the position : Move 26. . . .R KKt4 ; Steinitz 5^2;2/2r//;2/5;/ 5 rP;4//2; iPB^3R;P2PiPPi;R 3 K 3 ; Max Judd. This may be abbreviated by adding together the numbers at the end of each row and the beginning of the next, and ignoring altogether the divisions into rows, thus ; Move 26. ... R KKt4 ; Steinitz ; 5/4/2r//2/5/5rP4//3PB^3 RP 2 P i P P i R 3 K 3 ; Max Judd. In like manner the following problem would be recorded thus (the letter S being used for Knight, to avoid the confusion which is liable to arise between K and Kt): THE NOTATION. XIX Not abbreviated; 8;5/2;Py;KSi^jQ2; 8; 6Si; 8; 8; mate in two. Abbreviated ; i3/2P7KSijQi6S 17. 2 moves. A test by which errors would often be detected is that if each letter representing a piece or pawn be counted as one, the sum total of every recorded position must be 64, the number of squares on the board. GRINGMUTH'S TELEGRAPHIC CODE. This code is the invention of Mr. D. Gringmuth, a leading Russian problem com- poser, and has been adopted in several matches. An account of it may be found in La Strategic, the Times- Democrat of New Orleans, The International Chess Magazine ', and the Chess Players' Annual. By means of it two different moves can be combined into one word for transmission. If telegraphing only one game the first two syllables would represent White's move, and the last two syllables Black's answer. In the match between London and St. Petersburg, in which two games were simultaneously contested, the two first syllables represented the move in the game in which the party sending the dispatch had the first move, and the two last syllables the move of the same party in the game in which their adversaries had the first move. The squares are designated as in the following diagram, and each move is designated by giving the square from which the piece or pawn is moved, followed by the square to which it is moved. By an extension of the code suggested by E. D. Nores in the Times-Democrat, the letter c, added to the last syllable, designates " check ;" the letter t added to the last syllable means " takes f similarly p means "takes pawn en passant ;" 1 added to the symbols for the King's and Rook's squares, means Castles ; q, r, b, k, added to the last syllable indicate that a pawn reaching the last row becomes respectively a queen, rook, bishop, or knight ; and finally m means mate, and s, stale- mate. BLACK. m w a e ma na pa ra sa ta wa za me ne pe re se te we ze i o e a mi ni PI n si ti Wl wo Zl mo no po ro so to zo bo CO do fo go ho ko lo bi ci di n gi hi ki li be ce de fe ge he ke le ba ca da fa ga ha ka la b c d f g h k 1 WHITE. Thus Game No. 2, in Philidor's Defence, p. 154, would be recorded as follows for telegraphing: Gegoseso Kahireri Fefoteto Fosottogo Hiworiro Sosiwazi Cadipepi Wogorogo Fazowewi Zosozawa Daworari Bafarisi Hadonare Dosi. XX THE LAWS OF THE GAME. CHAPTER III. THE LAWS OF THE GAME. We approve in the main of the Code of Laws of the British Chess Association, which has been adopted in many Chess Congresses. THE CHESSBOARD. I. The board must be so placed during play that each combatant has a white square on his right-hand corner. If, during the progress of a game, either player dis- covers that the board has been improperly placed, he may insist on its being adjusted. THE CHESSMEN. II. If, at any time in the course of a game, it is found that the men were not properly placed, or that one or more of them were omitted at the beginning, the game in question must be annulled. If, at any time, it is discovered that a man has been dropped off the board, and moves have been made during its absence, such moves shall be retracted and the man restored. If the players cannot agree as to the square on which it should be replaced, the game must be annulled. THE RIGHT OF MOVE AND CHOICE OF COLOR. III. The right of making the first move and (if either player requires it) of choosing the color, which shall be retained throughout the sitting, must be decided by lot. In any series of games between the same players at one sitting, each shall have the first move alternately in all games, whether won or drawn. In an annulled game, the player who had the first move in that game, shall move first in the next. COMMENCING OUT OF TURN. IV. If a player makes the first move in a game when it is not his turn to do so, the game must be annulled, if the error has been noticed before both players have com- pleted the fourth move. After four moves on each side have been made, the game must be played out as it stands. PLAYING TWO MOVES IN SUCCESSION. V. If, in the course of a game, a player moves a man when it is not his turn to play, he must retract the said move ; and after his adversary has moved, must play the man wrongly moved, if it can be played legally. TOUCH AND MOVE. VI. A player must never touch any of the men except when it is his turn to play, or except when he touches a man for the purpose of adjusting it ; in which latter case, he must, before touching it, say, "I adjust/' or words to that effect. A player who touches with his hand (except accidentally) one of his own men when it is his turn to play, must move it, if it can be legally moved, unless, before touching it, he says, "I adjust," as above; and a player who touches one of his adversary's men, under the same conditions, must take it, if he can legally do so. If, in either case, the move cannot be legally made, the offender must move his King ; but, in the event of the King having no legal move, there shall be no penalty. If a player hold a man in his hand, undecided upon which square to play it, his adversary may require him to replace it, until he has THE LAWS OF THE GAME. xxi decided on its destination ; that man, however, must be moved. If a player, when it is his turn to play, touch with his hand (except accidentally or in Castling) more than one of his own men, he must play a*ny one of them legally movable that his opponent se- lects. If, under the same circumstances, he touches two or more of the adversary's men, he must capture whichever of them his antagonist chooses, provided it can be legally taken. If it happen that none of the men so touched can be moved or cap- tured, the offender must move his King ; but, if the King cannot be legally moved, there shall be no penalty. FALSE MOVES AND ILLEGAL MOVES. VII. If a player makes a false move that is, either by playing a man of his own to a square to which it cannot be legally moved, or by capturing an adverse man by a move which cannot be legally made he must, at the choice of his opponent, and ac- cording to the case, either move his own man legally, capture the man legally, or move any other man legally movable. If, in the course of a game, an illegality be discovered (not involving a King being in check), and the move on which it was committed has been replied to, and not more than four moves on each side has been made subsequent- ly, all these latter moves, including that on which the illegality was committed, must be Detracted. If more than four moves on each side have been made, the game must be played out as it stands. * CHECK. VIII. A player must audibly say "Check" when he makes a move which puts the hostile King in check. The mere announcement of check shall have no signification if check be not actually given, If check be given but not announced, and the adversary makes a move which obviates the check, the move must stand: If check be given and announced, and the adversary neglects to obviate it, he shall not have the option of cap- turing the checking piece or of covering, but must "move his King" out of check; but if the King has no legal move, there shall be no penalty. If in the course of a game it be discovered that a King has been left "in check " for one or more moves on either side, all the moves subsequent to that on which the check was given, must be retracted. Should these not be remembered, the game must be annulled. ENFORCING PENALTIES. IX. A player is not bound to enforce a penalty. This means that he does not subject himself in turn to a penalty by not claiming one due to him. This, however,! only applies to contests between two players, but in tournaments and team matches it is* often specially provided that in the interest of other competitors no player has a right knowingly to waive a penalty to which his opponent would be legitimately subjected. A penalty can only be enforced by a player before he has touched a man in reply. Should he touch a man in reply in consequence of a false or illegal move of his opponent, or a false cry of check, he shall not be compelled to move that man, and his right to enforce a penalty shall remain. When the King is moved as a penalty, it cannot Castle on that move. CASTLING. X. In Castling, the player shall move King and Rook simultaneously, or shall touch the King first. If he touch the Rook first, he must not quit it before having touched the King, or his opponent may claim the move of the Rook as a complete xxii THE LAWS OF THE GAME. move. When the odds of either Rook or both Rooks are given, the player giving the odds shall be allowed to move his King as in Castling, and as though the Rooks were on the board. COUNTING FIFTY MOVES. XI. A player may call upon his opponent to draw the game, or to mate him within fifty moves on each side, whenever his opponent persists in repeating a particular check, or a series of checks, or the same line of play (in some tournaments this rule has been altered to the effect that after six such repetitions of checks, series of moves, or the same line of play, a draw may be claimed on either side), or whenever he has a King alone on the board, or i King and Queen King and Rook j -D- u ~ against an equal or superior force King and Bishop ' King and Knight King and two Bishops King and two Knights I against King and Queen King, Bishop and Knight | and in all analogous cases ; and whenever one player considers that his opponent can force the game, or that neither side can win it, he has the right of submitting the case to the umpire or bystanders, who shall decide whether it is one for the fifty-move counting. Should he not be mated within the fifty moves, he may claim that the game shall proceed. PAWN TAKING IN PASSING. XII. Should a player be left with no other move than to take a Pawn in passing, he shall be bound to play that move. QUEENING A PAWN. XIII. When a Pawn has reached the eighth square, the player has the option of selecting a piece, whether such piece has been previously lost or not, whose names and powers it shall then assume, or of deciding that it shall remain a Pawn. ABANDONING THE GAME. XIV. If a player abandon the game, discontinue his moves, voluntarily resign, wilfully upset the board, or refuse to abide by these laws, or to submit to the decision of the umpire, he must be considered to have lost the game. THE UMPIRE OR BYSTANDERS. XV. The umpire shall have the authority to decide any question whatever that may arise in the course of a game, but must never interfere except when appealed to. He must always apply the laws as herein expressed, and neither assume the power of modifying, nor of deviating from them in particular cases according to his own judg- ment. When a question is submitted to the umpire or bystanders by both players, their decision shall be final and binding upon both players. The term bystander shall com- prise any impartial player of eminence who can be appealed to, absent or present. TECHNICAL TERMS. xxiii CHAPTER IV. TECHNICAL TERMS. oo i. CASTLING. Each player has the privilege once in the game only, subject to cer- tain restrictions, of moving his King two squares in conjunction with placing on the square which the King has passed one of his Rooks. This operation a compound move is called "Castling." Position before Castling (Queen's side). Position before Castling (King's side\ Ii m H 9 MI i pr Position after Castling (Queen's side.) Position after Castling (King's side). m mm. Castling can only be performed subject to the following restrictions : I. The King must not be in check ; 2. He must not pass over or alight on a square commanded by a hostile man ; 3. Neither King nor Rook must have been previously moved ; 4. No piece must intervene between the King and Rook. In Italy the following method of Castling was, and, we believe, is still practiced : The King and Rook can be either placed on any square within the limits of and includ- >ng their own two, provided they cross over each other, Thus, Castling may be effected XXIV TECHNICAL TERMS. in sixteen different ways, viz. : in six ways on the King's side, and in ten ways on the Queen's side. According to Staunton, Castling is only a modern innovation, In the Middle Ages, the King had the privilege of being played on his first move, under some- what similar restrictions, two squares in any direction, from the square on which he originally stood, whether the intervening square was vacant or occupied. 2. QUEENING A PAWN. A Pawn is " queened" when it has reached the last square of a file on which it is advancing, or when it captures a hostile piece on the eighth row. It may then be exchanged for a Queen or Rook or a Bishop or Knight. Thus a player may have two or more Queens, Rooks, Bishops or Knights on the board at the same time, or he may refuse promotion to his Pawn. The Committee of the London Inter- national Chess Congress, of 1862, decided that a player should have the option of re- fusal of promotion, as positions may occur in which promotion would involve the loss of the game ; whereas, by refusal of promotion a draw could be obtained. The follow- ing position illustrating a case of that kind is quoted from Lowenthal's Book of the London Chess Congress, of 1862: BLACK. i Here, it is White's move, and if he capture the Rook with the Pawn and claim a Queen or any other piece, Black takes the Bishop with the Pawn and checkmates him next move. But, if he refuse promotion, the game is drawn ; since if then Black capture the Bishop, White is stalemated, and if he move either Pawn or King, White takes the Knight's Pawn with the Bishop and draws, e. g. : i PXR (remaining a Pawn), i P QKt4 ; 2 BXP (at Kty), etc. We approve of the decision of the Committee of the London Chess Congress, of 1862, although the " dummy " Pawn rule was denounced by some authorities. In Italy the Pawn was formerly always retained at the eighth square as a temporary "dummy" Pawn until a piece was captured for which it could be exchanged. It sometimes happens that a player can win a game by claiming a minor piece or a Rook when he would lose by claiming a Queen. 3. CHECK. The King is in check when he is attacked by a hostile piece or Pawn, and as his capture is not permissible according to the laws of Chess, warning must be given by the opponent calling "Check." One of three things must then be done : i. The King must move out of check ; 2, The hostile man that checks him must be taken; TECHNICAL TERMS. xxv 3. A piece or Pawn must be interposed between the King and the attacking hostile piece or Pawn. If none of these things can be done the game is lost, the King being check- mated. 4. SIMPLE CHECK occurs when the King is directly attacked by a single piece or Pawn. 5. DOUBLE CHECK is brought about when the King is attacked by two pieces at the same time owing to a discovered check. 6. DISCOVERED CHECK occurs when, by the removal of a piece or Pawn, check is unmasked from another piece. 7. PERPETUAL CHECK occurs when the attacked King cannot escape from one check without rendering himself liable to another. ^^8. STALEMATE is brought about when the King, although not at the moment in check, is so situated that he cannot be moved without going into check and when no other piece or Pawn can be moved. The game then is drawn. 9. SMOTHERED MATE, or Philidor's legacy, occurs when the King is so hemmed in by his own men that he cannot move out of check from a hostile Knight, which is the only piece that can adminster this mate. 10. EN PRISE. A French term, signifying "exposed to capture." When any un- defended piece or Pawn is attacked by a hostile man, it is said to be en prise, i. e. : liable to be taken. 11. J'ADOUBE. Two other French words, meaning "I adjust" (see Law VI), to be used by a player when he touches a man to adjust its position on the board, without in- tending to move it, if it be one of his own men, or to capture it, if it be one of his op- ponent's men. 12. FORCED MOVE. When a player has only one move at his disposal it is called a forced move. 13. FALSE MOVE. Any illegal move, such as Castling when the King is in check or has been already moved, or moving a Bishop like a Knight, or a Knight like a Bishop or Rook, is called a false move. 14. MINOR PIECES. The Knights and Bishops are termed minor pieces to distin- guish them from the Queen and Rooks. 15. Rows AND FILE. When the men are arranged at the commencement of the game they are in two ranks. The horizontal ranks of squares are termed "rows "or ranks, and the vertical squares "files." 1 6. THE EXCHANGE. Winning or losing a Rook for a minor piece is called win- ning or losing the exchange. 17. GAMBIT. A word derived from the Italian, signifying to trip up in wrestling, used in Chess phraseology in certain openings, in which a player sacrifices a Pawn for the sake of obtaining an attack. The Pawn thus sacrificed is called the "gambit" Pawn. 1 8. DOUBLED PAWN. Two Pawns of the same color on the same file are called doubled Pawns. 19. ISOLATED PAWN. A Pawn which cannot be supported by other Pawns and stands alone on a file is called an isolated Pawn. XXVI TECHNICAL TERMS. 20. PASSED PAWN. A Pawn is called " passed" when there is no hostile Pawn to prevent its march to the eighth square. 21. To TAKE "EN PASSANT" OR IN PASSING. On his first move in the game the Pawn has the privilege of advancing two squares. But, if in thus advancing, he passes a square attacked by a hostile Pawn, which is posted at a fifth square, counting from the opposite side, he is liable to be captured "in passing" by the said Pawn, which may in- tercept him in his passage as if he had only moved one square. For instance, after the moves i P K4, i P K4 ; 2 KKt 63, 2 QKt BS ; 3 P Q 4 , 3 PXP; 4 B 84, 4 Kt 63 ; 5 P K5, 5 P Q4 ; White's King's Pawn may capture the Pawn which has just advanced two squares as if it had only moved one square, which means that White may take off the Pawn at Black's Q4 and place his own King's Pawn at Black's Q3. Compare Diagram. Position after White's 6th move, PxP en passant or in passing. BLACK. WHITE. But the capture ' ' en passant " must be effected at once on the move, for the adverse Pawn cannot be thus taken subsequently. Only Pawns not pieces can capture or be captured "en passant." The Pawn was not allowed formerly the privilege of taking "en passant," the rule having been first adopted in Spain in the time of Ruy Lopez, and afterwards legalized in France, England and Germany. Until quite recently it was not allowed in Italy. 22. DRAWN GAME. When neither player can checkmate his adversary, the game is drawn. The following are instances in which this occurs : i. By perpetual check ; 2. When both players persist in repeating the same moves ; 3. By stalemate ; 4. When the stronger force cannot give checkmate within the number of moves specified in Law XI ; 5. When the forces on either side are equal, or nearly so, as Queen versus Queen, Rook versus Rook or Bishop, etc, CHESS AS A TRAINING OF MIND AND HOW TO IMPROVE. xxvii CHAPTER V. CHESS AS A TRAINING OF MIND AND How TO IMPROVE. The practice of our noble pastime is in no way influenced by any element of chance, excepting that of temporary individual dispositions, which after all forms a most important element of strength, and the results of Chess contests are therefore strictly based on a scientific and logical foundation. Both parties are placed on a perfectly equal footing on starting, as regards the forces and their respective powers, and the same rules regulate the movements or actions of the combatants. It is, therefore, purely a battle of the reasoning qualities that decides the issue in a, game of Chess, and the infinite variety of possible combinations in playing the game afford the widest scope for the exercise, and, therefore, the training of the logical as well of the imaginative faculties of mind. Since the introduction of our noble pastime in civilized countries a great number of the foremost thinkers, warriors and statesmen of different nationalities have been attracted by its charms, and some of them have devoted as much attention to the study and practice of Chess as to the cultivation of art and literature. In our time the game is becoming more widely popular among intelligent people in different countries, and it is almost universally recognized as a healthy mental exercise, which in its effects on the intellectual faculties is akin to that of physical gymnastics on the conservation and development of bodily strength. Moreover, the cultivation of the game seems also to exercise a -direct influence on the physical condition of Chess players and the prolongation of their lives, for most of the celebrated Chess masters and authors on the game have reached a very old age, and have preserved their mental powers unimpaired in some instances up to their very last moments. It has also been computed that the average length of life of the general devotees of the game is the highest in comparison to any other class of men whose duration of life has been systematically subjected to statistical observation*. This can be no mere coincidence, and, incongruous as it may seem to connect lon- gevity with the study and practice of Chess, we believe the conclusion to be a sound one, which can be placed from experience on rational grounds. It is only natural that men gifted with intellectual abilities will favor a mental pas- time that exercises the highest qualities of mind, in a similar manner as men who are endowed with great physical powers will be attracted by recreations and amusements that develop and maintain their bodily strength. Once a Chess player becomes initiated in the elements of the game he derives an extraordinary amount of entertainment and pleasure from pursuing it, and a healthy spirit of emulation stimulates his ambition to become proficient in the noble pastime. He is then sure to learn by experience that any habits that are injurious to general health will also greatly disturb his capacity to do his best and to improve as a player, and that modes of living that are detrimental to a sound condition of body must be rigorously checked or else his play deteriorates. On the old maxim, "mens sana in corpora sana" it may therefore reasonably be assumed that as a general rule, with very few exceptions, ardent devotees of the game will be intelli- *We make this statement on the authority of Mr. Jas. D. Seguin, Chess editor of the Times -Democrat. of New Orleans. xxviii CHESS AS A TRAINING OF MIND AND HOW TO IMPROVE. gent people, who are possessed of healthy organizations, and as the practice of our pas- time is conducive to habits that are beneficial to the preservation of good health, it will also greatly influence the prolongation of life. Some of the foremost tninkers have spoken in the highest terms of the game of Chess as an intellectual amusement and as a mark of great capacity, and some of the greatest celebrities of different nations has devoted time and attention to the study and practice of its intricacies. Goethe, in his translation of " Le Nepheu de Rameau" by Diderot, endorses the opinion of the celebrated French philosopher who describes it as "the touchstone of the human brain." Prince Bismarck, in disparagement of mere rhetorical ability, once remarked that "great orators, as a rule, can neither play a good game of Chess or whist," which shows that this pre-eminent statesman thought more highly of the capacity for playing games of skill as a test of acumen than he did of the oratorical faculty. President Grevy of France is a great lover and supporter of the game, and during his Presidential term he offered prizes from the public funds for Na- tional and International Chess Tournaments in France. Buckle, the author of " The History of Civilization" was one of the greatest Chess masters of our age. Leib- nitz, Voltaire, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Alfred de Musset, Frederic the Great, Napoleon I, and William I, were fond of the game and most of those famous men are reported to have acquired great skill as players. The literature of the game belongs to the oldest on record in many languages, and its rapid increase in our time has been greatly instrumental in reviving the general popu- larity of our pastime, as it has facilitated the study of the openings and of practical ex- amples of play between masters. The spread of the game all over the civilized world is, however, chiefly due to the inauguration of International Chess Congresses and matches between experts, which from time to time are organized in the principal capitals of Europe and the American Continent. These public exhibitions of Chess skill have been watched with the keenest attention by lovers of the game literally all over the face of the globe, for not alone the results of play, but also whole records of games have been communicated through the' medium of the newspaper press and the cable to the widest distances on our planet*. Fresh talents have been constantly drawn out by those public tests of strength which have formed the training schools for some of the greatest masters of our time, who have developed novel, thereoretical and practical ideas that greatly help students of the game to overcome the chief difficulties in mastering the intricacies of our pastime. These difficulties were in former days considered quite insurmountable, and profi- ciency in the "art of human reason," as Chess has been aptly termed by Gustavus Selenus (Duke August, jun., of Brunswick), was held to be the special privilege of only a very few. But undeniable experience has shown that prominence and even excel- lence in Chess may be acquired in a manner similar to that in which proficiency may be obtained in other accomplishments that require mental exertion, and that with proper training and study the large majority of learners may generally improve their Chess strength up to a very high degree at least, and sometimes to mastery. At first sight the infinite variety of combinations that are possible on the Chess board may appear a most discouraging obstacle in the way of achieving success in the game, and it is only due to quote in that respect the following extract from an article * It is due to state that the first example of bringing the telegraph into requisition for reporting all the moves of games of Chess was the New York Herald during the match between Messrs. Steinitz and Martinez, played in Philadelphia in 1882. This most enterprising journal has since published cable re- ports ot whole games played in the London Tournament of 1886, and during the contest between Messrs. Steinitz and Tschigorin, at Havana, in the beginning of 1889. CHESS AS A TRAINING OF MIND AND HOW TO IMPROVE. xxix entitled "The Inexhaustibility of Chess," by Mr. Kdwyn Anthony, of Hereford, which first appeared in the Chess Players' Chronicle of 1878 : "To estimate the actual number of ways of playing even a very few moves is beyond the power oj calculation, but to get something of an approximation to that number is very simple. Taking a variation of each of the openings as in Cook's Synopsis, \ve find that the first player has an average of 28, 30, and 33 ways of playing the second, third, and fourth moves respectively; 29, 31, and 33 being the correspond- ing numbers for the seconnd player. Of course both players have a choice of 20 moves on their first On the hypothesis that the number of replies open at each move is always the same whatever the preceding move may have been, and that the foregoing figures give those numbers, the number of possible ways of playing the first four moves only on each side would be 318,979,564,000. if, then, anyone were to play without cessation, at the rate of one set a minute, it would take him more than 600,000 years to go through them all. It would be difficult to say whether the above number is in excess or defect of the true one, but perhaps we may safely affirm that it is not likely to be out more than 20 per cent, either way. When we bear in mind that the number of possible ways increases for many moves, some thirty-fold for each move added, it is plain that the number of ways ot playing twenty or thirty moves on each side is so great as to utterly transcend the grasp of the imagination. No doubt the ratio of the plausible to the pos- sible number of moves at every stage is usually small, but after every allowance has been made for that fact, the varieties of play still remain enormous. In a very rough way, we may easily extend our sur- vey. After the first four moves in a common form of the " Giuoco Piano " opening, White has 33 possible moves at command; and after eight frequently played moves in the "Evans' Gambit," he has a choice of 32 moves, Let us assume then for convenience of calculation that, for the next six moves on each side after the first four on each side, there is always a choice of thirty different ways of playing a hypothesis probably below rather than above the actual fact, We thus get, by combination with the result quoted above, that the number of ways of playing the first ten moves on each side is 169518,829100,544000,000000,- DOOOOO. These figures are probably in defect rather than in excess of the actual number. On their basis, however, and considering the population of the whole world to be 1,483 millions (Levaseur's estimate), lore than 2 if billions of years would be needed to go through them all, even if every man, woman and liild on the face of the globe played without cessation for that enormous period at the rate of one set per linute and no set was repeated." In this connection it will be interesting to mention that the first player has the hoice of 20 different moves to start with namely, the moves of the eight . Pawns one r two squares and of each of the two Knights to two different squares whilst the op- )onent has the option of 20 different answers to each one of the first player's 20 moves, "here are, therefore, 400 different ways of making the first move on each side without roceeding any further, and 400 is therefore the unit in the arithmetical progression for purpose of calculating the number of combinations that are possible in playing the ame. Buc it should be remembered that there is a like infinity, from l.he mathematical >oint of view, in the art of music, which has nevertheless become popular, and it has >een found that the talent for music, which is almost universal among civilized nations, an be cultivated and extended by study and practice. We believe that this is also true f Chess, and the knowledge of the game could be made even easier of acquirement by he great majority of people than it is now, if rational modes of improvement were be adopted. The advice which we offer on the subject is, in the first place, that a learner .ahould hould seek as much as possible to play on even terms with superior players. From ex- >erience and observation we feel sure that he will learn much faster in this manner than y taking odds. The latter method of practice engenders the habit on the part of the dds-receiver of exchanging pieces without any other motive than to reduce the forces. le may also with comparative impunity commit many mistakes anyone of which would urely cost him the game if he started on even terms, and the object of the student ught not to be so much to win games as to train himself to play correctly. By taking dds a player loses the opportunity to observe the finer points of play of his adversary r ho on account of his inferiority in force cannot always afford to adopt the best strategy xxx - CHESS AS A TRAINING OF MIND AND HOW TO IMPROVE. and is more apt to resort to lines of play which he knows to be unsound, relying on the inability of the weaker player to perceive the correct reply, Moreover, the openings in games at odds are quite different from those adopted in even games and, therefore, the odds-receiver is not advancing in one important branch of Chess knowledge, For these reasons we also think that handicap tournaments ought to be discouraged in Chess clubs, and if it be desirable at all to offer special inducements of chances of prizes to weaker players who are not satisfied with the opportunities of better practice with their superiors on even terms, then the odds might be given by a method which we believe was first adopted in the Bohemian Chess Club of Prague, namely: to give the advantage of half a game or more in the score to the weaker players. One thing that we would especially urge upon the Chess student is that regularity of study and practice very much facilitates making rapid progress. The player by fits and starts will scarcely ever improve and it is much better to devote to Chess one hour per day for six consecutive days than six hours one day in the week. In order to strengthen the powers of Chess perception and memory, a good habit to cultivate is that of playing over from recollection one's own games, or more especially selected and well annotated published games played by masters. One great advantage of the published games is that when the memory occasionally fails it may be refreshed by reference to the publi- cation. A very important point is always to observe strictly the law of "touch and move." But the temptation to take back a move is very great with a beginner ; and it has been found desirable for this purpose to play for a small stake, as this causes it to be consid- ered a point of honor to play strictly according to the rules. This practice has become usual in the principal Chess clubs of Europe, as well as in the larger cities of the United States and in Havana. Other advantages of playing for a small stake are that it tends to promote greater care in the play and to check comments or suggestions from the by- standers. The game of Chess is so utterly unsuited for gambling that no danger is in- curred by the practice, and the players usually know each other's strength, and either the score is about even or the weaker player fully expects to lose, but is willing to pay asi a fee for the amusement and instruction which he receives from his adversary. In advance of a separate treatise on problems which we intend to publish in another volume of this work, we may state that the study of this beautiful branch of our science is extremely useful for the purpose of developing and increasing strength in practical play. It is especially the faculty of precision which has to be exercised absolutely in the study of problems, whereas in the game the winning process may often be effected in many different ways. Yet quite as often it requires the greatest exactitude of calcula- tion to make sure of a plan to be adopted in actual play, and the study of compositions where the utmost power of the forces has to be employed in the fewest number of moves is therefore a splendid training for the purpose. Some of the greatest players, like. Morphy, Anderssen, Blackburne, etc. , have devoted great attention to this subject, which has grown to almost a separate art, and it is especially noteworthy that a more brilliant style is usually acquired by masters who combine practice over the board with the study of problems. This is only natural, as the brilliant combinations mostly occur in the direct King's side attack, and the various beautiful mating positions which are brought out in problems lead, therefore, to the conception of similar ideas in actual play. But we wish to point out particularly that, though it is better for the student to try and solve problems, this is by no means absolutely necessary in order to derive great benefit from the study of that branch of Chess. Especially a beginner will find it most entertaining and instructive to compare over the board the compositions with the solutions from any problem collection by first-class authors, or from periodicals where usually the solutions | Till': MODERN SCHOOL AND ITS TENDENCY. xxxi arc published in full in the next number after the problem has first appeared. Advanced students may, in a similar way, assist their perception by looking at the key move in a problem of more than two moves, but all the variations ought to be carefully played over or worked out. 'In that way, and provided that this be done with great regularity, about three or four problems per day, the student will soon become familiar with many leading ideas in very difficult problems, and after sometime he will be able to solve them almost at a glance from the diagram. CHAPTER VI. THE MODERN SCHOOL AND ITS TENDENCY. The object of the game, as already explained, is to checkmate the adverse King as early as x>ssible, and the whole play of each party has to be made subservient to that end. Theorists and practical experts have naturally attempted to effect this purpose, or at any rate to gain some material advantage by a direct attack against the hostile King in the | opening, and in numerous instances they have succeeded in proving that Pawns and pieces may be given up very early in the game for the purpose of harassing the adverse King and with the effect of accomplishing the mate, or at least of recovering material greater n value than what had been temporarily sacrificed. Generally such attacks are essayed n practice by the first player, or advocated in analysis for the same party, and it was ilways admitted that the second player cannot obtain such opportunites in the opening xcepting when a fault is committed by the adversary. But later researches and. practical rials among masters have proved that such sacrifices early in the game, even of the first >arty, are mostly unsound or else they succeed only in consequence of moves on. the ther side which can be demonstrated as errors of development. In fact it is now conceded by all experts that by proper play on, both the; sgitimate issue of a game ought to be a draw, and that the right of making the first. nove might secure that issue, but is not worth the value of a Pawn. It therefore follows, that tieoretically as well as practically, among first-class masters of equal strength, not a. ingle Pawn can be given up by either party at any stage of the game without at least, reatly endangering the result, unless it can be soon recovered. But, moreover, it has. een proven beyond any doubt that, irrespective of an attack against the adverse King,, mere weakness of any square on any part of the board (of which we shall give some, irther explanation) will cause great inconvenience and trouble and very often will be ital. In the middle of the game such points will generally be occupied by a hostile iece that will exercise a menacing attitude, and will be extremely difficult to dislodge, hich often gives the adversary time to strengthen his position, either by bringing more f his forces to bear on such a point or by obtaining greater freedom for his other ieces for the formation of an attack in another direction. A game will generally be. >st when such a vantage ground can be taken by the opponent on the King's side or in centre before the exchange of several pieces have been effected, but such weak luares are also dangerous in the ending after the exchange of Queens and Rooks, and hen the Kings are brought into play, for it is then mostly important to gain moves with .e Pawns, and the side that is free from weak points will have a great advantage for ,at purpose. But it is specially as regards the powers of the King that the modern school deviates Dm the teachings and practice of old theorists and Chess masters, and we consider it xxxn THE MODERN SCHOOL AND THE PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. established that the King must be treated as a strong piece both for attack and defence. This means that so far from the King requiring great protection early in the game a few simple precautions which we shall further explain, will render him so safe that any attempt at attacking his wing will be more dangerous for the opponent than for himself. For such attacks can only be formed either by advancing Pawns on that wing, in which case those Pawns become weak for the ending, if the attack fails; or else by directing several pieces against the adverse King and thus deploying them for defensive action or some other point of the board where the opponent may break in with superior forces. But, moreover, several forms of openings have been developed in which the King, though apparently on the defensive for some time, is brought into action early in the game, and after withstanding a seemingly vehement attack, obtains perfect security with the superioi position generally for the ending, by means of forcing the exchange of heavy pieces after having gained some advantage in material^ but sometimes also in the middle game, with nearly all the principal forces of both parties on the board. These are in the main the leading ideas of the modern school, as it has been called, though in fact, they formulate no more than an extension in general of maxims of play which with the intuitive instinct of genius have already been adopted by old masters and theorists in some of the openings. For instance, the Bishop's Gambit and the Salvic Gambit show, that though the King has to move early and is deprived of the right ol Castling, a strong attack can be formed with the minor pieces, owing to the Queen bein<2 brought out early into the adverse game. Likewise the French defence on the very firsi move of the second player obviates beyond any manner of doubt, for a great number ol moves, all sacrificing tactics and even the combination play on the part of the first player, and calls at once for the very treatment that is now advocated as the classical one by besi play on both sides, and which consists in a steady development without any sacrifice oj material, circumspective attention to the balance of forces and of position on all parts oj the board, and the accumulation of small advantages if possible. The principal thesis of the modern school may be briefly summarised thus: _Among first-class masters ithe capture of the adverse King is the ultimate but not the first object of the game .and by best play on both sides a draw ought to be the legitimate result. When it is remembered that a mere alteration in the order of a few consecutive -moves sometimes leads to an enormous number of new variations it will be easily under- 'Stood that a change of a whole system involved the introduction of innumerable new lines of play and the development of novel ideas that were often in direct opposition tc} popular notions and tastes. Objections have been raised against the reform chiefly onl the ground that its tendencies are calculated to abolish or at any rate to reduce brillian^ combinations which it is assumed are the special characteristics of the direct attack again the King. We can only answer that this is a sort of sentimental objection that ought td .exercise but very little influence on our game which is essentially of a scientific character.?! We entirely agree with Baron von Heydebrand und der Lasa who lays down the sound maxim: "The simplest and the shortest way of winning is the best." Correctness of judg| ment and calculation ought to be chiefly cultivated in the exercise of our pastime, and w merely shows primitive taste to prefer brilliancy to soundness. Elegance of style wheil opportunity arises is no doubt an attribute of a great master, but the fact should never bjj lost sight of that the 'brilliant sacrificing combinations can only occur when either side hatjl committed some grave error of judgment in the disposition of his forces, and therefore,)) only very rarely in important games between first-class masters. Thus, for instance, the matches of Morphy against his most prominent opponents such brilliant sacrifice. 1 . 1 ! occurred only in 2 games out of 63, and the extraordinary elegance and dash of Morphy'd : style was.chisfly shown in. his, blindfold performances, games at odds and skittle plajj RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. xxxiii against more or less inferior opponents. The same observation applies to the practice of Chess masters of our time who have greatly increased in number, and as the game has also grown more popular the opportunities arising for first-class players of displaying their ingenuity against less skilled opponents are more frequent. In our opinion the bril- liancies have in no way been reduced in proportion and on the contrary they have become common even among players who do not belong to the very first rank. The special prizes for instance which are sometimes offered in tournaments for the most .brilliant games are generally taken by competitors who do not obtain a high score. This goes to prove that a certain element of hazard is introduced into the aim for brilliant combinations and only those who have little to lose run the risk. But even the sound combinations that involve great sacrifices very rarely present difficulties as great as the maintainance of the balance of position, and the strategy required in leading up to the final winning process. Very often each player has to look far ahead of possible brilliant combinations on the part of the opponent and accordingly adopts means of prevention which, though apparently simple, require greater depth and ingenuity than the plans which they obviate. Players who exercise their faculties for the purpose of acquiring soundness of judgment in general will also strengthen their perceptions for the most complicated manoeuvres of the King's side attack. CHAPTER VII. RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. One of the most important exigencies in the conduct of the game is the exercise of the most critical judgment in estimating the relative value of the Pawns and pieces which must be strongly taken into consideration in effecting exchanges, as well as in the for- mulation of general principles for the guidance of play in all parts of the game. But owing to the endless number and variety of combinations that are possible over the board, it has been found impossible to give more than an approximate theoretical and practical comparison of the relative powers of the men. In Staunton's Handbook, page 34, it is stated that some scientists have calculated the approximate mathematical value, to be as follows : Taking the Pawn as the unit, the Knight is worth 3.05 ; the Bishop 3.50 ; the Rook 5.48, and the Queen 9.94. On this basis, which in the main is in accor- dance with our own experience and observations, we shall proceed to indicate, ; n connec- tion with the above approximate valuation, some of the most important general principles of regulating the actions of the men which we believe are now mostly accepted by the strongest masters of the day, and the knowlege of which very often enables the player to dispense with analysis, or at any rate greatly assists his calculations. As, however, al- ready explained in our preface, the scope of this work will not enable us to illustrate the application of our guiding maxims any further than is done in our notes to our analysis and selected games. We shall now endeavor to describe seriatim and briefly the powers of each man, and its most favorable mode of development, as well as to offer some hints as far as practicable about its value and action in the middle game and in the ending. THE KING is considered invaluable, according to all authorities, on account of his not being liable to capture or exchange, which also involves the complication of his hav- ing to move out of check, or to cover the same, or to capture a checking man to the xxxiv RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. exclusion of the choice of other moves. Baron von Heyclebrand in Bilguer's Pland- bucJi very properly describes the power of the King for the Pawn ending as stronger than any minor piece, namely, a Knight or a Bishop. We are inclined to extend this valuation to all parts of the game, and we would add that the action of the King com- bined with one defended Pawn is about equal to that of a Rook, provided that neither the adverse King nor any other hostile man can co-operate with the latter. We agree in the main with the authorities who recommend that the King should] as a rule castle early on the King's side, but this refuge of the King is sometimes fraught with danger when one of the Pawns on the King's wing more especially the KKtP or KRP have been previously moved or may soon be compelled to advance. Likewise when the op- ponent has obtained the majority of Pawns on the Queen's side it is generally better not to widen the distance between the King and the adverse majority, as the King is a pow- erful piece in the ending for stopping the hostile Pawns. In either of these cases it is desirable to aim first at an exchange of Queens and some minor pieces and to postpone Castling or not to Castle at all. The King is sometimes brought into play at Q2 after developing the minor pieces on the Queen's side, or at KB2 after the advance of the KB P. Castling on the Queen's side is not often advantageous, for it leaves the QRP undefended as the Handbuck rightly points out. The notable exceptions are when the Queen's file has been opened for the player who Castles on the Queen's side, while the adversary cannot open that file; or when the Pawns on the King's side can be advanced for a strong attack with the co-operation of other pieces against the adverse King who has Castled on the other side. In Castling on either side, it should be remembered, that the RP, KtP and BP on that wing in conjunction with a minor piece, generally a B or a Kt at 63 or at B sq. (after removing respectively the KR K sq. or K B sq.) form an excellent protection against the larger majority of attacks that can be planned by the op- ponent. The advance of either of these Pawns should therefore be postponed as long as possible, or else it will form an easier mark for the attack of the hostile men, and one of the minor pieces should be kept within convenient reach of 63 or B sq. on the side on which the King has Castled. Excepting some openings that will be specially treated in this work it is rarely good play to move the King in the early part of the game. But this may be resorted to even with advantage in some cases when the opponent allows his KP to be taken with a Kt in order to gain the KBP for it. For instance, after the moves i P K4, i P K4; 2 B 64, 2 KKt 63; 3 QKt 63, Black though the second player may now safely reply 3 . . . .KtXP and allow his King to be disconcerted for a little while by the answer 4 BX P ch., for after 4 KXB; 5 KtXKt, 5 P Q4; 6 Q B3 ch., 6 K Kt sq.; 7 Kt Kt 5, 7 Q Qz; the attack will be soon transferred to Black who has gained the advantage of the strong combination of two Bishops and the formation of an excellent centre. Some other analogous cases arise sometimes in the opening and may be treated in a similar man- ner. Occasionally it becomes necessary in the middle game either for purposes of attack or defence to remove the King from one side to the other, and sometimes by way of squares in the middle of the board. Such a movement ought only to be adopted with the greatest precautions for it generally involves the loss of costly material especially when Queens are not yet exchanged. But on the other hand, the strong defensive powers of the King ought to be fearlessly estimated, and when no such loss is threatened or the opponent cannot bring sufficient pieces up for the attack, it should be remembered that it requires a combination of great powers to mate the King. For instance, when he stands on any of the border squares and is not blocked by any of his own men, he can only be mated by forces that are rarely available for such a purpose in the middle game. A single piece will often cover his retreat or at least delay mating operations even against RELATIVE VALUE OK PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. xxxv O and R combined. And when the King travels in the middle of the board without biMiiir obstructed in his movements by his own forces, it requires at least the combined strength of Queen, Rook or a minor piece, and one Pawn, which, moreover, must be in a special favorable position for the purpose, in order to effect mate. Staunton justly warns against giving useless checks, but recommends as generally good play, to give a check early in the game when by so doing the adverse King can be compelled to move and thus be deprived of the right of Castling. The same authority also says: " Do not jn all cases take an enemy's Pawn that stands before your King it may sometimes serve as a protection to him." In the ending the King is a powerful piece for assisting his own Pawns or stopping the adverse Pawns. In trying to stop an adverse passed Pawn that cannot be supported by his own King, it must be observed that the King must stand or be able to move t<> any square of a quadrate that can be formed by taking as a measure of one line, the number of squares from the one inclusive on which the Pawn stands up to that of the top row inclusive. Thus, for instance, if White's Pawn stands at QR3, the four points of the quadrate are the squares at QR$, QR8, KB8, and KB3, or respectively for Black, QR6 ; QRsq., KBsq., and KB6. If Black's King stands on nny square from KB sq. up to KB6, and therefore at the greatest distance between the position of the Pawn and any square of the quadrate, he will still catch the Pawn even if the latter has the move. To give another illustration, we assume that White's Pawn stands at QR$ and in that case Black will be able to stop the P if he stands or can reach any square from Q sq. to Q4. But it should be noticed that if White's Pawn stands on its original square at QR2, the Black King standing on the furthest file of the quadrate, namely: on any square from KKt sq. to KKt/ inclusive, must have the move in order to stop the Pawn, as the latter can move two squares at starting. Likewise in any original position of the Pawn, the adverse King, if standing on any square of his yth row without at once being able to capture the Pawn, must have the first move, even if he is within the quadrate in order to stop the Pawn. But unless the King stands on the file in front of the Pawn, the latter can never be stopped if there are more than four squares in any straight direction between the King and the Pawn. THE QUEEN is the most powerful piece on the board, and for that reason should not be subjected to attacks from inferior hostile men by being brought out early in the game. As the HandbucJi points out it is dangerous, especially in the opening, to place the Queen on the same file or diagonal as the King. Before the game is well developed, three pieces including the Rook, or two Rooks, may be given up for the Queen with advantage, but when the adverse position is well defended and the pieces can be brought into co-operation, three pieces, including one Rook, or two Rooks are superior to the Queen. Two Knights and one Bishop are generally infe- rior to the Queen. The most favorable points of development for the Queen are Q2 after developing the QB, or QB2 as well as QKt3 after moving P QB3. The latter development is especially attacking in forms of openings where the KB is play- ed to QB4. It is rarely good to play Q K2 or KB3 in the opening, but such posts may sometimes be selected without disadvantage when the adversary has already played P QB3 or is otherwise prevented from bringing out his QKt QB3, whence the Queen would soon be attacked by Kt Q5. In some of the close games, the Queen may be de- veloped at QR4 after moving the QBP in order to post the KR at Q sq. and the QR at QB sq. after developing all the minor pieces. In openings in which the QPis advanced to Q4 the attack is often formed against the adverse King's side, by placing the Q at Q3 after having manoeuvred the KB on the same diagonal at QB2 or QKt sq. Another favorable post for the Queen in attacking the King's side is at KKt3, and in some cases like xxxvi RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. the counter-attack in the Evans' Gambit declined, or the new attack adopted by the author against the French Defence, the Queen may advantageously be brought out at KKt4 for an early attack. Yet a player should always be very cautious before cap- turing a hostile Pawn or even a piece with his Queen, as situations often arise in which the Queen can be afterward blocked out and ultimately caught for inadequate material; or at any rate her return into her own camp is thus delayed until the opponent has gained time for instituting a formidable attack. THE ROOK. Owing to the original position of this piece, which is blocked up by its own men, and the nature of its movements, it cannot be made much use of in the early part of the game. The KR is in many respects superior to the other for opening engagements on account of the earlier facilities for Castling on the King's side. The two minor pieces on the King's wing -can be sooner developed into attacking or com- manding positions in most open games, whereas on the other side, the Queen has to be brought out in addition to the two minor pieces, which in their early development do not threaten much and leave the opponent the option of many more replies. In the ma- jority of openings commencing with I P K4, the Castling on the King's side also offers the first opportunities for opening a file for the Rook by advancing P KB4, and this is of the utmost importance for that piece, which can only be brought into action on open files or rows. It should be noticed that the two combined Rooks are in the most favor- able position for attack and defence when doubled on an open file. One of the most powerful attacking posts for one Rook and still more for the two combined Rooks, is on the 7th row, for usually some of the Pawns of the adversary are stationed on their origi- nal squares and are thus more liable to capture. Such a situation of Rooks also often fprms an irresistible attack against the adverse King, which is usually confined on the front row. Other common ways of leading the Rooks for an attack against the King's side, is to bring one of them by way of KB3 to KR3, after the advance of P KB4 and after the exchange or dislodgment of the adverse QB, and then the other Rook in a similar manner to KKt3. Such an attack, if well supported by minor pieces or the Queen, is often most formidable, but nevertheless, its prospect of success must be well weighed, for if the attack fails, the heavier pieces remain uselessly packed together on the King's side, and the opponent has the better chance of winning if he can in the meanwhile form an attack with his Pawns in the centre or on the Queen's wing. Two co-operating Rooks are stronger than the Queen when all points are well de- fended, but more especially when the King is well guarded against harassing checks. But it should be remembered that the Rooks are rather clumsy pieces to handle, while the agility and long range of the Queen in all directions afford for the latter many opportun- ities for defence and attack, especially in conjunction with one or more minor pieces. The Handbuch remarks that the Rooks are most fitted for supporting the advance of passed Pawns, but much less strong for stopping them, whereas Queens and Bishops are powerful pieces for checking the Pawns. It is therefore advisable for the party that has strong Pawns to exchange Queens and Bishops and to retain the Rooks, while the con- trary policy should be adopted for the defence. The Rook is generally slightly stronger than a Knight and two Pawns; while a Bishop and two Pawns are in practical play a shade stronger than the Rook. A Rook and two Pawns are superior to two Knights and a little better than Knight and Bishop, but about equal with two Bishops. Two Rooks are a little stronger than two Knights and a Bishop, but slightly inferior to two Bishops and a Knight. In all cases, however, a great deal depends on various consider- ations that have also to be borne in mind when a minor piece is given up for Pawns, namely, the position of Pawns, and whether their majority is compact on one wing or di- vided, whether the King can support his Pawns or whether the adversary's King is nigh RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. xxxvii enough to stop them, whether or not one or more passed Pawns can be formed, and whether there are other Pawns on the board that are liable to capture or are well defended. It also must not be lost sight of that the party having the Pawns, and provided there are no other Pawns on the board, or all others can be exchanged, has the only chance of win- ning, whereas the party thus fighting against the Pawns can only play for a draw. In the ending when trying to advance one or more passed Pawns without the King and against the adverse Rook alone, it is generally best to place the Rook behind the Pawns in order not to obstruct their advance. But when fighting against hostile Pawns, it is mostly advisable to attack them in the rear or to stop the one furthest advanced in the same manner. Two passed Pawns on adjoining rows will win against the Rook with or without the move when they have both reached the sixth square of their file, provided that the adverse King is at least at a distance of three clear squares from the Pawn next to him, and that neither Pawn can be taken by the Rook at once. In a sim- ilar manner, three adjoining passed Pawns on the fifth squares of their file will win against the Rook with or without the move if the adverse King is at a distance of at least four clear squares, and provided that neither Pawn can be taken at once by the Rook. But it is necessary to know that if the Rook attacks any of the Pawns excepting the mid- dle one of the three, the Pawn thus attacked should be given up and one of the others should be pushed, when the remaining two will secure reaching the sixth square before the adverse King comes up. If, however, the Rook attack the middle Pawn that lawn must be first advanced. THE BISHOP. The relative value of this piece has given rise to different opinions among masters and authorities. Some have shown or expressed a distinct preference for the Knight in the ending and it has also been asserted that in conjunction with Queen and Rook, the Knight is stronger than the Bishop. But after careful consideration of the average of positions that have attracted our attention and the few exceptions positive- ly in favor of either piece, we have come to the conclusion that the power of the Bishop corresponds for practical purposes with its estimated superior mathematical value over the Knight in the opening, and in the middle part as well as in the ending, and in the majority of combinations with other forces. The great power of the Bishop, especially in conjunction with the other Bishop for attack in all directions, as well as for the de- fence has been first systematically and consistently demonstrated in practice over the board by the great German master, Louis Paulsen, who may be regarded in many re- spects as one of the chief pioneers of the modern school. In the opening the KB is preferable to the other on account of his usual aggres- sive bearing against the hostile King's side. His best post in the development of open games is at QB4, whence he is often retreated to Q3 or QB2 after advancing P Q4 and P QB3 if the opponent has Castled on the King's side. In some openings in which the adversary is enabled to bring his Kt K4, or in close games, or when the opponent threat- ens aw attack on the King's side by bringing his pieces or Pawns to bear against the KKt5 square, the KB is sometimes better posted at Kz in order to avoid its being exchanged for a Knight or for other defensive purposes. The QB is mostly developed at Q2 or K3, but in some openings he can be kept at home for a long time until P KB4 can be played with advantage, and in case the adversary capture that P with the KP, an excellent game will often be obtained by retaking with the Bishop. As already stated it is often useful to keep the respective Bishop within reach of the B sq. on the side on which the King has Castled. It is usually best to keep both Bishops in communication with both wings and for that reason as well as on account of the superior value of the Bishop it is very rarely of advantage to pin an adverse Knight. Notably should the pinning of the hostile K Kt by QB KKt5 be avoided excepting when some clear advantage or compensation xxxviii RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. can be perceived. For the opponent by attacking the Bishop with P KR3 will either effect an exchange more favorable to himself, or the Bishop will have to retreat with great loss of time. It is generally disadvantageous to allow the QB to be driven back to KKt3 out of communication with the other wing, especially when his Knight is posted at KB3. For defensive purposes it is generally advisable to retain the Bishop of the color on which the majority of Pawns are placed or likely to be fixed, more especially when such Pawns are stationed on different separated diagonals. For the attack, the Bishop should be retained of that color on which the majority of the adverse Pawns are placed and an advantage will then generally be effected by endeavoring to break through with well supported Pawns. The superiority of the Bishop over the Knight is also shown by the fact that the former when placed on any square of the board will command at least 7 squares of one or more clear diagonals. In the middle of the board at K4, K5, Q4 or Q5, he will command 13 squares. On the other hand, the action of the Knight may be reduced to the command of no more than two squares, if he be placed into any of the four corners of the board, and the maximum of squares which he can command is eight. The great power of the two Bishops combined has already been alluded to. They are a little superior to Bishop and Knight and considerably stronger than two Knights. With the qualifications mentioned in our description of the properties of the Rook where we have also given some comparative valuations of Bishop and Rook with Pawns on either side, we would further compute that two Bishops and two Pawns are considerably stronger than Rook and Knight, and that one Bishop is much better than three Pawns. But it should be pointed out that two passed Pawns on the sixth row even if separated will win against the Bishop with or without the move, if neither can be taken at once, and the adverse King stands at least three clear squares distant from either Pawn. On the other hand, a Rook would easily stop such two or even more separated passed Pawns if they cannot be supported by their King for some time, by simply placing the Rook on his second or first row. THE KNIGHT. Some of the old authorities maintained that this peculiar piece should not be brought out in any manner as to block one of the Pawns, and therefore not at B 3 before having advanced the respective BP two squares. The King's Gambit and the Bishop's Gambit are founded on that theory. But it is now universally acknowledged among experts that i P K4 on each side, 2 KKt 63 or 2 QKt 63 are excellent moves, and in most openings the defence ought also to bring out the two Knights on their respective third squares without minding the blockation of the Pawn in front of them. After Castling on the King's side it is generally a good plan to remove the KKt in order to advance P KB4, and often Kt K sq. is the best retreat for the purpose. But we disapprove on general principles of the plan sometimes adopted of playing P K R3 in order to retreat Kt R2. The QKt is often manoeuvred from QB3 via K2 to KKt 3 for the attack, but he is also developed sometimes via Q2 to KB sq. either before or after developing the QB and thence to KKt3 or K3 with good effect. When either Knight can reach the adverse KB5 without being liable to be driven away or exchanged 'he will occupy a very menacing position against the adverse King's side, which will greatly strengthen any attack in that quarter. The Knights are well adapted for entering into "a hole" or a weak square of the adverse game (of which terms we shall give some further explanations anon) especially when supported by Pawns on each side. A Knight is only very slightly stronger in general than three Pawns. Of its other relative valuations we have already spoken under the previous headings, but it is a peculiar fea- ture of the Knight that he will be generally stronger than the Bishop in the ending when the opponent has a doubled Pawn that cannot be dissolved, more especially when the one in front is of the opposite color of the Bishop and is not protected by another Pawn, RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. xxxix for then the Knight by attacking that Pawn will at least keep the adverse King engaged for its protection, while his own King will be free for action. This ingenious maxim was chiefly brought into recognition by Herr Winawer. THE PAWN. The skilful management of the Pawns which form a phalanx before the King and the other pieces, is one of the most important items in the conduct of the game. Owing to the privilege of promotion to a Queen, or any other piece chosen, which the Pawns possess when reaching the eighth square the loss of one of them is in the large majority of cases fatal among first-class masters. It is, moreover, now recog- nized among experts that not alone the weakness of one single Pawn but also that of one single square into which any hostile man can be planted with commanding effect, will cause great trouble, and often the loss of the game, and that by proper management of the Pawns such points of vantage need not be opened for the opponent. The centre Pawns, namely, the KP and QP will have to be moved in the larger majority of openings sooner or later in order to free the pieces on each side, and they are not alone the best fitted for commencing operations, but we would lay it down as a rule that they are the only ones that ought to be moved in the early part of the game for various reasons. In the first place, as long as the three Pawns on each wing remain unmoved; there is no weak square or " a hole " on the side which takes that precaution. The latter term which is now generally accepted as a technical definition, was first used by the author in The International Chess Magazine of November 1886, where the dis- advantage which it is intended to describe was also first pointed out, and it is most important for the learner fully to appreciate that disadvantage. The ' ' hole " means a square on the third or fourth row in front of a Pawn after the two adjoining Pawns have been moved or captured. Thus, for instance, after the opening moves i P K4, I P K4; 2 P QB4; there are already two holes in White's camp, namely, one at Q$ and one at Q4. These holes will be all the more dangerous as long as the adverse QP remains at Q4, for that Pawn stops the advance of two hostile ones and by skilful play Black will retain that advantage for a long time. If White's QP is afterward moved to Q3 that Pawn will be weak and'even if he succeed in exchanging that Pawn for another, the squares at Q3 and Q4 remain weak, and White will have to guard against the entrance of hostile men on those squares with one or more pieces, since both the Pawns that previously could afford protection against such entrance are advanced. A hole or a weak square are still more tro.ublesome when the opponent is enabled to open the file on which they are situated for his Queens and Rooks. In the opening or middle part a hole or weak square are most dangerous in the centre or on the King's side before Queens are exchanged, but in the ending such weak points are generally more troublesome on the Queen's side. In the next place, it is a great advantage for the ending to have as many Pawns as possible unmoved on their original squares, >r i.tJs often most important to be able to gain a move by having the option of pushing a Pawn one or two squares. Furthermore, we have already explained that three unmoved Pawns on- the King's side in conjunction \vith a minor piece form a strong -bulwark against an attack on that wing, and we shall also show anon some reasons against moving, the Pawns jtfi the other wing. $\.'3iVin{.Qi\ r s Handbook, page 44, gives the following" good advice: "It is generally advantageous for your Pawns to occupy the middle of the board, because when there they greatly retard the movements of the opposing forces. The KP and the QP at their fourth squares are well posted, but it is not easy to maintain them in that position, and if you are driven to advance one of them, the power of both is much diminished," To this we would add that in general two Pawns are stronger abreast than on a diagonal. The former command two Black squares and two White ones in front, while in the latter situation, one of the squares is occupied by a Pawn and all the points covered are only xl RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. of one color. As a rule it is unadvisable to advance any Pawn beyond the fourth square, for the further a Pawn is advanced into the hostile camp the sooner he becomes liable to capture or inconvenient attack especially in the end. At the utmost a Pawn may be sometimes advanced to the fifth square when he can be well supported on each side by so-called chains of Pawns that cannot be broken up, but it is very rarely good play to advance a Pawn to his sixth square. In the early part of the game the formation of a centre such as two Pawns abreast at K4 and Q4 is a very desirable object, and in the Gambits of the the King's side the KBP is even sacrificed for that purpose. With the view of strengthening the centre it is usually better to capture with a P toward the middle rather than toward the wing when the capture can be effected by two different Pawns. When both sides have moved P K4 and have also Castled on the King's side, it will be often advantageous to allow the KBP to be doubled in order to form some attack on the open KKt file, or else with the object of afterward dissolving the doubled Pawn by advancing P KB4. In like manner, the doubling of a Pawn on the QB file may be useful in order to obtain com- mand for the QR on the open QKt file and with the view of advancing P 64. But an isolated doubled Pawn, especially one on the Rook's file, is mostly a great disadvantage. Most particular care should be taken that the opponent does not obtain the majority of Pawns on the Queen's side, on the wing opposite on which the Kings of both parties usually Castle. For a skilful player will generally manage to cut off the King from crossing to the other side, and the weaker Pawns, thus deprived of the help of a powerful piece, will rarely be able to offer sufficient resistance to the opposite superiority of force. The ma- jority of Pawns on the King's side is rarely of much use, for the Pawns of that wing can- not well advance without exposing their own King, and in the ending the hostile King is near at hand for stopping them. Each Pawn has its own peculiarities which we shall endeavor to describe briefly. The two Rooks' Pawns are the weakest, as each only commands one square, while the others command two. But each when advanced is only liable to be attacked by one Pawn on the hostile Knight's file, while the other Pawns can be attacked by two hostile Pawns, one on each side. When the opponent has first moved P KR3 after Castling on King's side while you have not yet Castled, you may also reply P KR$ with the view then of advancing soon P KKt4 and endeavoring to break through with the Pawns on that wing. It is also good play to drive back a hostile piece by P KR3, but otherwise, es- pecially when you have Castled King's side such an advance is not good, for it exposes that Pawn to attack in many contingencies and it also makes it inconvenient to advance the KBP, since a hole is then formed at KKt3. The KKtP if advanced to KKt3 leaves at once a hole at KR3 and at KB3, for it is assumed that the KP has already moved, or will have to move soon. If he advance to Kt4, supported by P KR3, he leaves additional holes at KB4 and KR4. It is advantageous to advance the KBP to B4 after Castling when an adverse Pawn is fixed at K4 by your own KP which should be well defended. If your QP has been ex- changed for the opposite KP, it is more often better to play P KB3 in support of your KP. If the KP has been exchanged on each side, it is rarely good to advance the KBP, for it leaves a weak square at K3 against which an attack of the hostile Rook can also be directed. If the KBP remains unmoved, he will often give good support to the QB or KR at K3. The advance of the KP to the fifth square is specially objectionable, as the oppo- nent will mostly gain opportunities, by P KB3, of opening an important file for his j Rook. Likewise, if the QP play to his fifth, the answer P QB3 will release the adverse , Queen and open a promising file for the hostile QR. RELATIVE VALUE OF PIECES AND PRINCIPLES OF PLAY. xli When the QP has been exchanged it is seldom right to advance P QB3. Likewise, when the QP is still at Q3 the advance of the QBP will leave the QP weak, and again, under other conditions, it retards the development of QKt 63 with scarcely enough ob- ject in the opening. But still P QB3 is often a good move later on. The advance of the QKtP naturally leaves holes at once at QR3 and at QB3, as P to Q4 or P Q3 are either supposed to be done already or sure to follow. Finally the early pushing of the P QR3 can hardly do any good, but loses time and makes the subse- quent advance of the QBP which is sometimes good and necessary, objectionable on the gmund that a hole will be created at QKt3. Thus it may be repeated in general that in most openings only the KP and QP should be manoeuvred in conjunction with a rapid development of the minor pieces, and though the KBP and the QBP may also sometimes assist, it is at least useless and often compromising to move RP or KtP on either side in the early part of the game. A Pawn attack may, however, often be formed with advantage when the opponent has crowded too many pieces on one wing or when he has given an opportunity for effecting a promising break through on either side by advancing one of his Pawns; but as a rule the fight in the centre in conjunction with the two Bishops' Pawns will be sufficient, and at east the option of moving one or two squares ought to be reserved for the ending for the other Pawns. There are other principles based on reasonings by analogies between different positions, as well as comparisons and combinations between different principles when ;hey come in conflict with each other, but as explained in the preface they are outside of the limits- of this work, for they would require too laborious illustration. However in our introductory comments on the games between Messrs. Steinitz and Tschigorin we give some instances of the application of principles in the opening with some explana- tions of their influence on later stages of the game. THE RUY LOPEZ. So called after a Spanish bishop who lived during the reign of Philip II. He is re- puted to have been the greatest player of his time, and he published an analysis of this opening in 1561. It has been held by the greatest masters to be one of the strongest openings that the first player could adopt, and. the author has tried the attack in various forms since 1876, when he first applied a combination of principles, which were quite new at the time, in his first match game against Blackburne. We also adopted it in Vienna, 1 88 1 ; in London, 1883; and in the match against Zukertort for the championship of the world in 1886. Nevertheless, we have come to the conclusion, after careful analysis, that this form of opening is no exception to the general rule, inasmuch as the pinning of the Knight by the Bishop in the early part of the game cannot be of any advantage ; and we find now that at the utmost the game can be made even by White against the best de- "ence, which we think is 3. ... P Q3. Our reason for deviating thus from the time-hon- ored 3. . . .Kt KB3 (or 3. . . .PQR3; 4 B R4, 4 Kt 63) is that after 4 P Q3 Anderssen's key move of the attack adopted one move later against Morphy, who, as isual at the time, had played 3. . . .P QR3, whereupon White retreated 4 B R4) Black s compelled to play 4. . . .P Q3, and if White then continue 5 P 63, Black has de- prived himself of the resource of 4 P KB4, which in our main variation, in Col. i, he nay successfully adopt, and thus foil the plan of White to keep up a retentive attack imilar to that obtained in modern variations of the Giuoco Piano. Compare Col. 3, vhich is most in accordance with the style of attack adopted by the author against Black- Durne in the first game of the match in 1876. (See illustrative games.) The main difference after 3. . . .P Q3; 4 P 63, 4 P B4, from the ordinary lines )f defence is that White will gain no benefit from the Giuoco Piano system of attack, for nstance, by 5 P Q3, and the prospective open file for the Black KR after caStling, will nore than outweigh the little inconvenience of his KB's being confined. White is ilso unable to manoeuvre his QKt via Q2 and KB squares to K3, as in the leading varia- ions of the attack against other defences ; as, after Black has moved P KB4, the first slayer has to look out for protection for his KP, which will be further attacked. This sort of attack we consider in this opening as well as in Philidor's Defence, the most con- genial to the principles of the game. In Cols. 4 and 5 we endeavor to demonstrate that an attack initiated by 7 P Q4, was first adopted by the author in his match against Zukertort, can be repelled *vith advantage for the second player, should White try to play for more than an even *ame. The queried moves in those columns, viz., Whites, nth, i2th, and i3th moves, in column 4, and White's i3th and i4th moves, in column 5, are, we Believe, plausible and not easily answered ; wherefore we have selected them as speci- nens of efforts on the part of White to gain an early superiority. But, we believe, after he key moves of Black's counter-attack in Col. C, namely 7. . .PXP, and 8. . .P Q4, he defence gets at least an even game against all other lines of play that are at White's lisposal. In Col. 6 we show the result of neglecting the counter-attack of 7. . . .PXP, and idopting an unnecessary development move instead. Little difference as it would seem 2 THE RUY LOPEZ. to make, we think that White, after 7. . . .B Kt 2, obtains the superior game by getting rid of his KKt at 1*3 and exchanging it for an adverse piece, thus liberating his pawns on that wing for an ultimate attack. Col. 7 disposes, we believe, of Mortimer's defence in a novel but effective manner. In Col. 8 we deal with a variation played by Rosenthal against the author in the London Congress of 1883 (see illustrative games), but we find no alteration necessary in the line of play adopted by White, who ought to maintain the pawn gained. Col. 9 represents the play of both sides in this opening, as authorized and practised by the best musters thirty \t-ars ago. We have in the main variation omitted the moves P KR3 on each side as absolutely useless. If White does not play that move, it would be, of course, all the more a waste of time for Black to attempt it. Col. 10 is a defence tried by Paulsen, and Col. n deals with the variation for the second player, which we ourselves experimented upon in the London Tournament. Col. 1 2 shows a defence of our own, which, after some trials in Vienna and in America, we hoped to establish as the sound one; but, although against the ordinary line of attack we think the game can be made even, we find we cannot recommend the same, on the grounds pointed out in our note No. 29. In Col. 13 we endeavor to demolish an attack which we ourselves favored in our last match with Zukertort, and it is especially the move 7 P Q4 which we now object to, on the ground that Black, by being enabled to exchange his KP, obtains liberty to advance P Q4. In Col. 14 we present an old variation favored by Anderssen as first player, and suc- cessfully adopted against various opponents until he played it against the author in the Vienna Tournament of 1873. The last six moves of Black were systematically made on the principle that, as there was no immediate King's side attack to be feared, Black was not bound to hurry with the development of his pieces, and especially Black's I2th move was considered a venture, according to the old notions of rapidly bringing out the pieces. The object of this move was, however, to bring that Kt into action -at Q5 by way of K2 and QB3, and this manoeuvre has since been fully approved of by analysts and adopted in practice by the strongest players, though an opportunity to play this defence rarely oc- curs, as the strongest players agree now, in consequence of the example of this game, that 6 BXKt is disadvantageous for White. Columns 15 to 18 inclusive, might occur by a transposition of moves in the Four Knights' Game. We do not think much of the attack by 5 QKt 63 ; for even when Black in answer replies 5. . . B 64, a move which brings him into great difficulties (see Col. 1 7), we find no more than an even game at the utmost in the, end of that variation. The fact that White has advanced the KBP, and has left several points of entrance forj Black in the centre, will tell against him in the ending, and he has no chance of effect-| ing any great improvement in the middle game. We very slightly prefer Black's game! for practical purposes, though theoretically we can make it no more than even. Col. 18. represents an attack which tends to combine a sort of Four Knights' Game witn the Ruy Lopez. It was for a short time in favor with first-class players, until Zukertorf disproved it in practice with the line of play which we quote. In Col. 19 the attack pursues the plan of allowing the KPto be taken in order to re-j cover the P later on. Though White accomplishes that object, his KB becomes blockedj up, and Black forms a majority of pawns on the Q wing, which we believe in the end! ought to be in his favor. In the two next columns the Q P is given up temporarily,] but though the balance of material is restored by force, White can obtain no more than! an even game; and if, as in Col. 21, he exchange one of his Bishops for a Kt, and); allows Black to free his KB file after castling, the defence gets a slight advantage. THE RUY LOPEZ. 3 In Col. 22 the move 5 Q K2, if defended by 5. . .P Q3, shows a loss of time for White if the attack proceed on the Giuoco Piano principle, and we do not think that any other line of attack is more promising. In Cols. 23 and 24 defences which have been hitherto recommended and practised by masters are, we believe, shown to be inferior. Cols. 25 to 30 deal with the defence of the Berlin school, 3. . .Kt KB3 before playing P QR3, or without the latter recourse altogether. Excepting in the middle columns, which are given as examples of how to utilize a weak move on the part of the defence, the first player does not gain any perceptible advantage in position. Cols 31 to 36 inclusive, deal with Bird's defence 3. . .Kt Q5, of which we cannot give a good account. There are some odd continuations which Mr. Bird played in connection with his favorite defence ; but though he has played them with great skill, and sometimes with success, it does not alter the principle that Black cannot afford to allow one of his centre pawns to be doubled. All our examples are treated in quite a novel manner from some point more or less early. Cols. 37 to 42 treat the unusual defences 3. . .Kt K2, or 3. . .P KKt 3, and fin- ally 3. . .P KB4. Against the two first-named moves, the Giuoco Piano attack by 4 P QB3 is, as usual in this opening, the most effective one. For neither of these variations s the more direct attack of 4 P Q 4 of much use, as we show in either our tables or notes. Against 3. . . P KB4 we give an attempt at a direct King's side attack based on a sacrifice of two pawns, which we believe ought to be successful on account of the near analogy of the position to the Danish Gambit. But the line of play indicated in our notes, viz., playing the QKt via Q2 to Kt 3, in order to recover the P, is quite good enough. As the defence 3. . . P KB4 is very rarely adopted, we have not given it much analysis. THE RUY LOPEZ. ,P-K4 ? KKt-B 3 IP K4 "QKt 63 Third Defence . ...... 3p _ Seventh Defence 3 Cols. I and 2. I ; Cols. 3 to 8. [ J Cols. 25 to 29. [t2l - ; Col. 30. Cols. 9 to 24. Cols. 31 to 36. Cols. 37 to 38. Cols. 39 to 40. Col. 41. Col. 42. P-K4 P K4 2 P Q3 ! THE RUY LOPEZ. ? KKt-B 3 "QKt B 3 3 4 3xt-B 3 B-Kts 6 rP~Q4 BPXP KtxP P-Q4 OPXP ch. 8 9 10 n 13 14 15 16 'K K2 B Kt5 ch. Kt 63 KBxKt B Q2 nP-Q5 QKt K2 nQKt Q2 Dp-KKt 3 'B Kt2 7~ Kt-B sq. PXP ch. PXB PXP Q-Q4 B R4 U QXB in Kt - l- O O Kt K 3 + 8 UP-Q 4 ! n p XP "KtxP nQ~ Kt 3 ' B Kt2 ? jPXP P-KS kt KS nQ~ K t3 ' KtxP KtxKt 11 PxKt 12 Kt B 3 B-Kts- 4 B-B 4 ? 5 R 3 + D2 ilQ O O ch. 19 K-Qsg.? , i"Kt KKts J 1 Q R Ks q- ? D 4 g Kt XKt? 1 UKTvpTvi 1 UKt B^ BxBch. 10 14 P-B 3 llp_QR 4 K2 14 KtXP ch. K B 2 QXR and wins. 9 Q Kt-B sq. AUB-KS . .QxKtP? 14Q R _Ktsq. Q-R6 14 P KKt4+13 Column Move II BLACK. .B R 3 . Column 4. Move 12 R K BLACK. "1 M j^l p s^ ^ WHITE. WHITE. T11K RIJY LOl'l./. Col. i. 4 P Q4, 4PXP, 5 QXP (or, 5 KtxP, 5 B Q2 ; even game,) leads to a variation of Philidor's defence, for which compare Col. 2, p. 2. Or if 4 BxKt. ch., 4 PxB ; See Illustrative game between Anderssen and Suhle, and our comments. Col. i . The same position may be arrived at in the Ponziani. The variation also resembles one aris- ing from a variation in the Hamppe or Vienna opening, the only difference being that White has already played P QB3, and cannot bring his Kt QB3- As will be seen, this contributes strongly to his having the disadvantage, for the most likely continuation is as follows : 12 P QB4, (If 12 Q Kts, 12 K K3 ; 13 PxKt, 13 QxQ ; 14 BxQ, 14 PXP+) 12. .. .Q R4 *; 13 P Kt4, (If 13 Kt 63, 13 K K3 and wins.), 13. .. .QxP ch., 14 Kt O.2, I4R Q sq.; 15 PxKt ch., 15 K K3 + . If ii ... .K K3 ; 12 BxKt, 12 PxB; 13 Q K8 ch., draws at least. 3. Col. 2. Or 7 KtXP, 7 B Q2, even game. 4. Col. 2. If ii KKt Kts, ii P KR3 ; 12 Kt K6, 12 QKtXP ; 13 KtxB, 13 Q K2 ch. ! + 5. Col. 3. A move recommended and adopted by Herr Englischof Vienna. 6. Col. 3. We consider this stronger now than 7 P Q4. White's object ought to be to avoid the exchange of his KB for an ultimate attack at Kt 3 or QB2, and first of all to manoeuvre his Kt via B sq. to K3. He will have his minor pieces available on both wings, while Black's KB is confined on the K's side and of little use. 7. Col. 3. Black might now try to get rid of his useless B by 7 B R3, but after 8 Kt B sq., 8 B+B; 9 QxB, Black's K side remains weak. 8. Col. 3. White has a little advantage on the grounds stated in Note 6. . 9. Col. 4. For clearly 15 BxPch. is of no use, and in reply to 15 KtXQ, 15 KtXP ch. follows with the exchange ahead. 10. Col. 5. Or, ii B K2, ii KtxKt; 12 BxKt, 12 P QR4, even game, for if 13 P QR3, 13 P QR5, etc. 11. Col. 6. If 8....PXP; 9 BxKt, 9 BxB; 10 KtXP; 10 BxP; ii Q R4 ch., ii 663; 12 KtX B, 12 Q Q 2 ; 13 Kt B 4 , 13 QxKt; 14 QXQ ch., I4PXQ; 15 Kt RS + . 12. Col. 6. Best. For if ii BxB; 12 KtxBP, 12 KxKt; 13 Q Kt3 ch. and wins. 13. Col. 6. White has a strong attack against the K's side. See Illustrative Game. THE RUY LOPEZ. jP K4 o KKt B 3 o fi - 7 AP K4 8 ^QKt 63 U 9 10 11 q 12 "Kt 63 ,P-Q3 ji "P QR3 2O ,B-R 4 21 J | t *Kt-K2? _B QB4! *B 64? 14 -P 83 17 rP~Q3 *P QKt4 24 tP KKt3 -B Kts -P Q4 *KKt K2 rP-Q4 30 Kt-Kt 5 15 Og_K 2 pO-0 OB B 4 OB Kt2 5p x p pO O 25 fi KtxP OpxP bp_Q 4 7 PXP Oo-o 6p-QKt 4 7 B B2 OP KKt3 26 "B Kt2 P-Q 3 7 Kt X Kt KtxKt 7 QxKt 'KtXP 'B Kts 18 /P-Q 4 n?XP /B Kt2 27 'KtPxKt Kt-Kts fi O-0 'P QKt4 gKtXB qKtxP "KtxP Q 22 "Kt R3 Kt K2 n P 063 D n P QB3 8p_Q 3 31 nKt-B 3 . ^KtxQBP "O O 23 J O O 28 "O O n P-KB 4 + 1 nB-K 3 + D SB-KS 32 .B-Q2 + 16 !UQ X P H Kt-Kt 4 KtxKt 29 1 iA P 64 ? Kt-B2+ 19, llB-Q 3 IL lxPch. + Column 10. Move 9. P QB 3 . BLACK. Column n. Move 10. B Kj. BLACK. WHITE. Till-: KUV LOPEZ. 9 14. Col. 7. White dare not capture the P, on account of 5 P QBj followed by < t >-K4 ch., win- ning a piece. But he obtains, by the move we recommend, an attack like that in the Two Knights' Defence, with the advantage of a move ahead. 15. Col. 7. Or 5 .... P-B 3 ; 6 Kt-B3, 6 Kt-Kt 3 ; 7 P-KR 4 , 7 P KR4 ; 8 P 0.4, 8 B -Kts ; 9 P XP, 9 Kt XP; 10 Q Q4+. 16. Col. 7. If 10. . . .Kt Qs; n Q RS ch., II K Q2; 12 KtXKt, 12 PxKt; 13 BxP, 13 KtxP ch.; 14 K Qsq., HKtxR; 15 Q 65 ch., 15 K Q 3; 16 Q K6ch., 16 K B 4 ; 17 B-K 3 ch., 17 K Kt4; (or 17. . . .K Kt 5; 18 B O.2 ch., 18 K 64; igExP, and wins) 18 B 64 ch., 18 K RS; (or 18 K R4; 19 B Q2 ch., 196 Kt 5; 20 QxP ch., and wins) 19 QxP, 19? B3; 20 P Kt3 ch., 20 K Kt5; 21 B Q2 ch., 21 K R6; 22 B B sq. ch., 22 K Kt 5; 23 P R3 Mate. Col. 8. It would not do to play 5 BxKt, 5 QPxB; 6 KtxP, on account of 6 Q Q5 (better than 6.... BXP ch.); 7 B K3, 7 QxKt; 8 P 0.4, 8 QxKP; 9 PxB, gQxKtP; with a pawn ahead and a fine attack. Col. 8. Black would get a bad game after 17 PxP; 18 PxP, 18 B Kt3; 19 P KS, 19 Kt Q4 (or, 19 Kt KS; 20 P Q 5 etc.) 20 Kt 63, 20 KtXKt; 21 PxKt, threatening B Kt5, etc. Col. 8. For continuation see illustrative game between the author and Mr. Rosenthal. Col. 9. On principle this ought to be disadvantageous, as it drives the B where he wants to go. 21. Col. 9. White would gain nothing by 4 BxKt, 4 QPXB; 5 KtxP, 5 Q Q.5, etc. 22. Col. 9. Up to this point the moves are from two match games between Anderssen (White) and Morphy (Black). The former played here 9 P KR3, and the latter also replied 9 P KR3- We consider both these moves useless. 23. Col 9. If 9 QB Kt5; 10 P KR3, 10 BxKt; (or 10 B R4; 11 P KKt 4, u B KKt3; 12 R K sq. + ) II QxB, ii O O; 12 Kt Q2, with the better game. Col. 10. A defence undertaken by Paulsen against Anderssen. Col. io. If 6 P Q4, 6 KtxP; 7 KtXKt, (or, 7 KtxP, 7 KtxB; 8 RPxKt, 8 Q K2+) 7 PxKt; 8 QxP, 8 P QB4; 9 Q K$ ch., 9 Q K2; io.QxQ ch., io KtxQ +. Col. io. Or, 6 B 64, 7 KtxP, etc.: Or, 6 Kt 63; 7 Kt Kt 5, etc. Col. io. If 7. . . .P KR 3 ; 8 P-QR4, 8 Kt B 3 ; 9 Q K2+. Col. io. Or, 9 P KB3; io Kt KR3, etc. 29. Col. ii. Should Black try to relieve his KKt by io P KB4; the best answer is 11 P 63, for if Black exchange Pawns and Rooks the game is still more in White's favor. Col. 12. This attack has been invariably played by the opponents of the author, who (i. e., the author), for a long time favored the defence initiated by the previous move, viz., 4. . . .KKt K2. But we believe that White will get the best of the position by managing the attack on the Giuoco Piano principle, which we recommend in all variations in which Black's KB is confined. He ought to proceed with 5 P 63, 5 P Oj; 6 P O.4, 6 B O.2; 7 B B2, etc. Col. 12. Threatening to win a piece by P 64, followed by P 65. Col. 12. Much better than 9 P QB4, which leaves the QP weak. *3 10 THE RUY LOPEZ. P-K4 n KKt 63 qB Kt5 J B-R 4 IP K/j. 13 rP Q.3 14 R BxKt ch. QKt 63 15 c Kt-B3 37 J P-QR3 16 0-0 **Kt- 17 18 vp Q3 &B-K2 pB Kt3 38 B B 4 40 R Kt X P B Kt5 pO-0 "P KKt3 33 1? P-Q 4 ? 34 P-KR3 p-S bo-o UKtxKt 41 I/P-Q4 "0-0 7 Kt-Q 5 'P QKt 4 fl B-B2 'P Kt3 nKt-B 3 ?B-Kt 5 pB K 3 ^QPXB pKtxP /B Q 3 42 fi o o 'B B 4 UPXP 35 qPxP UP B 4 q B-K 3 BxKt KtxP Q KtxKt Q P-B 4 "QKtxP Q KKtxKt nP K5 OR QKt sq. . n P QKt3 PXP m BxP , pKtxKBP "Kt 65 ! in p " K5 "KtxKt . n Kt-B 5 44 00- 11>B KKt2 Qxtt H R-Ksq. D 1UB-K2 llJKt K2 . . B KKt5 Up KR 3 , 9 P KKt 4 Ho O 39 11 HBXP Up KB 3 . 9 B Kt3 ch. l"Kt Ktsq. o o o l"Kt Q2 D . P QB3 Q-Q3- 1"K Rsq. -1 n B K3 1 UTTf TT^ XVL JV^ ..Kt-K, 10 lup_KKt3 43 10p_Q 3 D 45 Column 1 6. Move n. BLACK. ....R Ksq. Column 18. Move 13 P Oj. BLACK. WHITE. T11K KUV LOPEZ. n Col. 13. In the match by correspondence between Paris and Vienna, the latter played here, 6 B K2; and the game continued 7 QKt Q2, 7 O O; 8 Kt B sq., 8 Kt Q2; 9 BKj, 9 P 64; 10 PxP, 10 RXP; ii B Kt 3 ch., n K R sq.; 12 P KR4- We consider this defence as good as any other in this opening, but we would decidedly give the preference to 8 Kt K sq.; instead of 8 Kt Q2. Col. 13. As usual, we prefer QKt Q2, followed by Kt B sq. and Kt K3. Col. 13. In the London tournament (1883) occurred here between the author (White) and Mr. Zukcrtort, 8....QB Kt2; 9 P Q5, 9 Kt K2; 10 P QR4, 10 PxP; " BxP ch., u Kt Q2; 12 P KR4. Though White ultimately lost the game by weak play, we have no doubt that he has the superior position at this juncture, owing to the weakness of Black's QRP and QBP. 36. Col. 14. Black threatens now Kt Q5, and has altogether the superior game. The above moves occurred first in a game between Prof. Anderssen (White) and the author in the Vienna tournament of 1873. Col. 15. This variation is arrived at by a transposition of moves in the Four Knights' Game. Col. 15. Some authors recommend 6 P Q3, 6 P QKt4; 7 B Kt3, 7 P Q3; 8 P KR3? We think there is no objection to this line of play, excepting that we would substitute 8 Kt K2. The move we advocate is necessary, if White wants to open the game by P Q4. He cannot well do so at present, for after 6 P Q4, 6 PxP; 7 KtxP, 7 KtxKt; 8 QxKt, 8 P QKt4, Black will win a piece, since if 9 B Kt3, 9 P QB4, followed by P 65, etc. Col. 15. If n ... .P 64 ; 12 Q 64, 12 O O ; 13 P QR4, etc. 40. Col. 17. A dangerous move to deal with in practical play. 41. Col. 17. If 6. . . .BxP ch. ; 7 KxB, 7 KtxKt ; 8 P Q4, 8 KKt Kt5 ch. ; (or 8. . . .QKt Kt$ ch.; 9K Ktsq.,9? QKt4; ioB Kt3, 10 P Q3 ; u P KR3 + ), 9 K Kt sq., 9 Q RS ; 10 P KKt3, 10 Q 63; ii Q K2, n Kt B6 ch.; (or n. , . ,Q QKt3 ; 12 K Kt2) 12 K Kt2, i 2 QKtxRP; 13 Kt Q5 + . 42. Col. 17. Better than 7. . . .B Kt$ ; 8 PxKt, 8 KtX? ; 9 Q Q4, 9 KtxKt ; 10 PxKt, 10 B K 2 ; u Q KKt4+, for if Black castle, there follows B R6, etc. 43. Col. 17. Not 13 P QKt 4; to which White would effectually reply 14 P QR4- Now the positions are even, although by any other move than 9 Kt 65, Black gets the worst of the game, as proved in an analysis by Prof. Berger, which we see quoted in Salvioli's work, and which we believe appeared first in the Schachzeitung. 44. Col. 18. If 10 Kt Kt3, 10 Kt Kt3 ; ii KtxB, n P Q3+ 45. Col. 18. This variation occurred between Blackburne (White) and Zukertort in the Paris tourna- ment of 1878- 12 THE RUY LOPEZ. .P K^ KKt-B 3 Q B-Kt 5 .B-R4 IP K 4 19 -0 O "QKt B 3 20 21 rP-Q 4 UP QR 3 ^Kt-B 3 22 23 24 Q-K2 R P-Q4 Dp x p 54 0-0 P-Ks Op_Q 3 Op_ QKt 4 Op QKt 4 46 ,_B Kt 3 47 OB K 2 Ol/'* ~lf r v ivt -iv^ 7 o-o Op KKt 3 OB Kt2 59 OB K2? -P QB 3 i7 p Q3 i7 p Q R 4 'P Q 4 ! pPXP 48 'Kt-K 5 pKtxP 'Kt B 4 ! pBxKt /B-Kt2 'B-B 4 'P-Kt 5 61 QKt-Q 2 R P-B 3 n p ~Q4 "Kt-K2! 49 Q R K sq. 5O "O 0! 55 Kt-B 5 OQPXB Q KtxP O O O O PXP 62 KKt-QB 4 51 n K *-Q4 OP-Q 4 ! .0PXP in passing. , .BxKt 56 "B K2 4 n QKt-B 3 R Ksq=58 "P Q 3 "Kt Kt5 4 n Kt-R 4 +6O D ,, n Q K 4 + D OKI K 3 52 1U -0 10 10 1 P _QB 4+ 53 I 1 IP KB 3 1? PX? <0 Q-K 2 Kt 3 57 Column 2 3 . Move 10 Kt R 4 . BLACK. Column 2 4 . Move 10 Q K 4 . BLACK. m%""* w/m w/m f % WHITE. WHITE. THE KUY LUPLZ. 13 Col. 19. If 6. . . .PXP; 7 R K sq., 7 P KB4; (7. . . .P Q4 is obviously worse, as White equally replies KtxP, and must win a piece ultimately by P KB3) 8 KtXP, 8 KtXKt; 9 QxKt-f . Sal- violi also points out the main play of the following attack, if in lieu of the text move Black play 6 . . . .P Q4; ? viz.: 7 KtXP, 7 B Q2; 8 KtxP, 8 KxKt; 9 Q RS ch., 9 K-Ky, 10 Kt-B 3 , 10 KtXKt; (or 10. . . .Kt K2; 11 KtxKt, n BxB; if PxKt the v answer B Ktj ch., followed by Q 65 ch. or Kt5 ch. mates 12 Kt B$ ch., 12 K Q3; 13 KtXP ch. and wins) n PxKt, n P KKt3; 12 R K sq. ch., 12 K 62; (or 12. . . .K 83; 13 QxQP, etc.); I3QXQP ch., 13 K Kt2; 14 QB KtS, 14 Q B sq.!; 15 B QKt3, 15 B K sq.; 16 R K7 ch. and wins. Col. 19. Should White attempt 7 KtxP, the best answer is 7. . . .KtXKt (not 7. . . .PxB; 8 KtX Kt followed by R K sq. + ) 8 PxKt, 8 Kt 64; 9 B Kt3, 9 KtxB; 10 RPxKt, 10 B Kt2, etc. ,> Col. .19 Tschigorin played here P QR4 against Rosenthal in the London tournament. Col. 19. We consider this move, which was first adopted by Anderssen, as best, for it removes a loose piece into security and opens the advance of P QB3, (eventually, but only in rare cases, P QB4 might be ventured for Black. If 8 B K3; Salvioli rightly recommends 9 P 963, and we find that this strong move might lead to the following continuation, 9. . . .B K2; 10 B 62, 10 Kt-B 4 ; n Kt Q4, 11 KtXP;? 12 P KB 4 , 12 Kt 65; 13 Kt B6, 13 Q Q 3 ; 14 KtxB, 14 K XKt; 15 P 65, 15 B B sq. best; 16 P QKt3, 16 Kt Kt3; 17 Q Q4, 17 P KB3; 18 P QR4, 18 PXP; 19 B QR3, 19 QKt Q2; 20 P QKt4, 20 Kt Kt2; 21 R K sq. ch., 21 K Q sq,; 22 R K6 and wins. Col. 19. Threatening RxKt, followed by BX? ch., and much stronger, we think, than B K3. If 9 Kt Kts, 9 KtXKt; 10 BxKt, loP QB3; n P QR4, " B KS; 12 PxP, 12 RPxP; 13 RXR, 13 QXR; 14 P QB3, 14 P KR3, we slightly prefer Black. Col. 19. None of the moves of the B are satisfactory in our opinion, as the B not only ought to be reserved, but ought to be kept in communication with both wings. If, for instance, 9. . . .B Kt5; 10 P KR3, 10 B R4; (10 BxKt; 11 QxB is obviously worse for Black) 11 P KKt4, fol- lowed by Kt R4 and P KB4. Col. 19. We consider this better than KtxB. Col. 19. Followed by Kt QB2 and B K3. Col. 20. 5 QKtxP is obviously disadvantageous, as White replies 6 KtXKt,6 PxKt; 7 P KS, 7 Kt KS; 8 QXP, 8 Kt 64; 9 B Kt3, 9 KtxB; 10 RPxKt, 10 B K2; u 664 with the superior game. Col. 20. 7. . . .KtXKt leads by a transposition of moves to the position in our last note. If 7. ... Kt 64; 8 Kt 65, 8 O O!; (or 8. . . .KtxB?; 9 KtXP ch., 9 K B sq.; 10 B R6, 10 K Kt sq.; ii Kt 65, n KtxKP; 12 R K sq., 12 P Q3; (or 12 P KB3; 13 Q Q5 ch. + ) 13 R XKt and wins) 9 BxKt, 9 KtPxB; 10 KtxB ch., 10 QxKt; u P KB4. White has slightly the better game. Col. 20. Or ii PxB, ii QKtXP, with the superior development. 57. Col. 21. This variation is from Salvioli, with whom we agree that the attack has passed over to Black's side. 58. Col. 22. White having moved 5Q K2 was a loss of time, and Black's last move neutralizes the attack, for he threatens now P Q4, etc. Col. 23. To provide against the adverse advance of P QR4. If 6 664; 7 P QR4, 7 QR Kt sq.; 8 PxP, 8 PxP; 9 QKt 63, 9 P-Q3; 10 QKtxP, 10 QB KKt$; ii B R4+. Col. 23. Black has a weak spot at KB4. B B sq. is now of little use, as White answers K R sq., followed by P KKt3 and P KB4. And if 10. . . .P KKt3; u B R6, u R Ksq.; 12 P KKt3, I2 QKt R4; 13 B B2, 13 P QKt5; 14 Kt Q2, with the superior game. 61. Col. 24. Or 7 .... QR Kt sq. ; 8 PxP, 8 PxP ; 9 QKt 63, 9 P Kts ; Io Kt ~ Q 5 + 62. Col. 24. If 8 P Q3J 9 Q B4 and wins. THE RUY LOPEZ. ] 25 .o o ,P-K 4 9 KKt 63 Q B Kt5 Lp-K 4 26 "QKt 63 27 28 .0-0 J "Kt 63 29 D 30 ^KtxP 63 ^B B 4 -R-K sq. *PxP 76 ,-O O "B K2 Q-K2 P QR3 pBxKt Kt X P pKtXP "B K2 ! b Kt-Q 3 DQPXB ,-R Ksq. 66 JA-t -^3 "KtXKt 7 RxKt ch. OB K2 : 7 BxKt 73 "Kt KS 'KtPxB 64 'Kt Q 3 67 pKtXP 'B K2 pPxP 'B K2 jjKt-B 3 'QPXB pQ K2 'O O p Kt-B 5 Kt Kt2 nKt-Q 4 OB K2 Q-K2 Q R-Q sq. KtXB! Q P-Q 3 74 Op-Q 4 Q KtxB ch. "0-0 1 nR-Q sq. "B K3 "Kt Kt 3 "O O , n KtxB ch. "Kt B 4 75 ,nKt-Q2 r^B lUQ_ Ks q. 65 Kt-QB 3 - H QKt-Q2+68, .Kt-Q 4 lUK-Rsq. . . Q RS 7O , M P-QB3 PXKt B3 llp_B 3 _ 11 llB-Kt2 lip KKt3 71- 69 19 Q R6 D, HR Ksq. .Kt-K 4 - HQ Kt3 ch. -j n K ~ R sc l' 12 l^P KB3 72 K^BS 1"K Ktsq. UJX^ jA.t~p B-Kt S - Col. 28. Move 12. Q R6. BLACK. m ' jm. * am. /,-. Col. 30. Move I 4 P Q5- BLACK. WHITE. WHITE. 1 Hi: RUY LOPEZ. 63. Col. 2 5 .-Or 4 . . . .B-K2;? 5 Kt B 3 , 5 P-Q 3 ; 6 P-Q 4 , 6 PxP; 7 KtXP, 7 B Q 2 ; 8 KtxKt, 8 PxKt ; 9 B-Q 3 + 64. Col. 25.- -Best. If 7. . . .QPxB ; 8 PxP, 8 Kt B 4 ; 9 R Q S q. 9 B Q2 ; loP K6, 1 1 Kt K5 and wins. 65. Col. 25. Of course necessary as White threatens KtxBP. Col. 26. In the London tournament, 1883, Winawer continued here against Zukertort 7 Q K2 7 QB KB 4 ; 8 P KKt4, 8 B Kt 3 ; 9 P KR 4 , 9 Q Q2 ; 10 KtXP, loQxKP ; u KKt KB 3 , ii Q Q2 ; 12 Kt Kt5, 12 Q K2 ; I 3 R Ksq., I 3 O O O ! + Col. 26. 7 B B 4 or P KB 4 are obviously bad on accourt of the reply KtxP; and if 7. . . .Kt B 3 ; 8 KtXP, 8 B K 3 ; 9 Q K2 (threatening KtxKBP) 9. . . .B K2 ; 10 Kt B 3 + Col. 26. The position is very similar to one in the I2th game of the last match between Steinitz and Zukertort, the difference being that White in the present variation is ahead in the development while Black has advanced P QR 3 . Col. 27. From a game between Winawer and Heilpern (Salvioli.) 70. Col. 28. Threatening QxRP ch. followed by R R$ mate. 71. Col. 28. If ii P KR 3 , 12 P Q 4 , (threatening BxRP) 12 K R2 ; I 3 Kt 65 and wins. 72. Col. 28. There is nothing better. If, for instance, 12 P Q 3 ; I 3 R R$, I 3 PxR ; I 4 Q B6 mate. 73. Col. 29. Or 7 B Q 3 , 7 O O ; 8 QKt B 3 ; 8 KtxKt, 9 RxKt, 9 P QB 3 ; 10 P QKt 3 , 10 Kt K sq., even game. 74. Col. 29. Better, we think, than 9 P Q 4 which would give White an earlier opportunity of dissolv- ing his doubled P by P QB 4 after Kt KB 4 and O O. 75. Col. 29. Necessary, for if 9 O O ; 10 KtxKBP and wins. Col. 3 o. Black may also play 4. . . .QKtXP ; 5 KtxKt, 5 PxKt ; 6P KS, 6P QB 3 ; 7 O O, 7 PXB ; 8B Kt5, 8 B K2 ; 9 PxKt, 9 BX? ; 10 R K sq. ch., 10 K B sq.; ii BxB, ii QXB ; 12 P-QB 3 , 12 P-Q 4 ; 15 PxP, 13 B-K 3 ; i 4 Kt-B 3 , 1 4 P-QR 3 ; 15 R-Ks, 15 R Qsq.; i6Q Kt 3 , (so far this variation was played between Morphy and Anderssen and the lat- ter now played 16 Q K2) 16 P KKt 3 ; and we think Black ought to maintain the P with the superior game, for if^KtxP. *7 RXKt ; 18 RxR, 18 K Kt2 ; 19 R Q6, 19 BxQ, fol- lowed soon by R QB sq. with the superior game. Col. 3 o. Continuation 15 BxKtf 15 QxB ; 16 QXP, 16 R K sq.; 17 Q 62, 176 Kt5 fol- lowed by B R 4 , and QxP (Salvioli). 1 6 P-K 4 K 4 THE RUY LOPEZ. KKt-B 3 -B3 Kt 4 31 KtXKt , PXKt 0-0 32 4 B R 4 78 pB B 4 DP__KU? t B 3 79 P Kt 4 ? Ksq. !80 n P Q 3 ' B B 4 81 ' Q QB 4 n P-QKt 4 8* -"O Kt-Q 4 B--Kt2_ "Kt Kt 3 P-Q3 u Q-Kt 3 qBxp ch. lOo-o nlvt Y P=(S 13 33 34 P KR 4 U P QB 3 7 B-R 4 'Kt B 3 Kt Q 4 84 U Q R 4 35 36 B 4 r " KtxKt ch. QXKt UQ_ RS UQ_K 2 7 Kt-Q 2 7 B-Kt 5 7 Q-Kt; 'Kt B 3 'B-Kt5ch.?86 'O O n Kt-B 3 n P-B 3 n QxKP K2 88 "Kt Kt 3 n Q-R 5 ch. n Kt-Q2+ iU P _Kt 3 82lu~ H Q-Qs_ch_ AiK-Kt2 passing. , QXR *Kt K2 Kt-K 4 + 15 QXP+ 83 85 KB-B 4 luKt Kt 3 M Kt-Kts B X Q 'p-Q 4 r ,O O 83 is. ch. P QR 4 BxB PXR queening. Q-QB 5 D 10 PXP+ B sq. 12 K-K 2 wins 87 14 KR 3 Kt-K 4 + Column 55. Move n. Q 65. BLACK. u & Column 3 6. Move 8 P Q 4 . BLACK. i HP i * %*^ * i m * &, T11K RUV LOl'EZ. '7 Col. 31. If6B B 4 , 6 Kt B 3 ; 7 P Q3, 7 P Q4 ; 8PXP, 8 KtxP ; 9 Kt Q2, 9 B-K2 ; 10 Kt K4, (or 10 Kt 63, loKt Kt3; etc.,) 10 O O even game. Col. 31. Or 6. . . .B B 4 ; 7 P-Qs, 7 Kt K 2 ; (7. . . .Kt 83 ; 8 P K$, 8 Kt-Q 4 ; 9 B Kt3 leads to a similar line of play as in the main variation in favor of White) 8 Q RS, 8 P Q 4 ; 9 Kt-Q2+ Col. 31. It would not be good play to advance P K5 at once as Black after Kt K5 threatens to attack the B by Kt QB 4 . Nor is 7 P QB3, 7 P Q 4 ; 8 P KS, 8 Kt Q2 ; 9 PXP, 9 Q Kt3; favorable for White who cannot support the QP by 10 Q KKt 4 on account of 10 KtxKP. Col. 31. If 7....B K2; 8 P KS, 8 Kt Q 4 ; 9 Q Kt 4 + 82. Col. 32. There is nothing better. If 9 K K2 ; loB Kt5 ch., 10 K Q3; (or 10 Kt B 3 ; n P K5) II Q 67 and wins ; for if 11 Kt K2 ; 12 BxKt ch. and mates next move. I. Col. 32. This variation occurred in the London tournament of 1883 between Englisch and Winower. Col. 33. If 8. . . .Kt Kt5 ; 9 P KR3, 9 KtxKP ; jo R K sq.+ Col. 3 4 . Or 9. . . .Kt Kts ; 10 P KR3, 10 Kt R3 ; 11 P QB3, 11 PxP ; 12 PXP-f 86. Col. 35. This loses soon by an ingenious process. But even after 7 Kt 63 ; 8 BxKt, 8 9 P KB 4 , we prefer White. "87. Col. 35. This variation is the invention of Mr. G. E. Barbier, and is given in Lipschutz' edition of Gossip's Manual. 88. Col. 36. The sacrifice of the P is not sound, but it leads to interesting play. >. Col. 36. In a game between Mackenzie and Bird in the London tournament of 1883, the former played here 9 P Q3 and the game proceeded 9 P QR 4 ; 10 O O, 10 R R3 ; n PxP, ii R KKt3 with a strong attack. It should be noticed that if 9 PxP, gKt 63 ; 10 BxKt ! 10 PXB ; n O O, n R K sq.; 12 Q Kt3, 12 B R3; with an excellent attack. 18 37 P-K 4 THE RUY LOPEZ. 9 KKt B 3 Q B Kts IP K 4 38 flQKt 63 39 40 U 41 42 KKt K2 9O iP BS 91 P KKt3 B B 4 P-B 4 _KtxP rP-Q4 ^B-Kt2 f 4 -P-Q 4 . KW 4g_K2 1OO -O O 5 P ~ Ks pQ -K2 ! 92 "B Q2 R KB QB 4 R PXP R B Kt2 -B 3 101 R o-o "Q-Q4 -KtxKt -Kt R 4 95 7 B-Q 3 "QKt K.2 97 & 7- 7 Kt B 3 OB-Kt 3 , 7 P-QR 4 !D102 KKt K2 7 P-B 3 10! 'KtxKt 93 fi P Q4 'Kt Kt3 'P QB3 'O O .B-B 4 gO-0 'P-QR3 B-B 4 'PXP nQ~Kt 3 I OB KB 4 Kt-Q2 P-QKt 4 gPxP g Kt K2 B B 4 "Kt-Qsq. 103 Q BXP 10< DO o o . pKt-B 4 "Kt Kt2 . nB R6 . pB Kts ch - 4 n PXP "B R2 1f) Q-Kt 3 bp_QR 3 10^ , .Kt Kts . .B KB 4 + . ,P QR 4 + 96 IUB_ Q 2 98 lu BxBch. .. KtxKt lUp xP 11 PXP 1"R Esq. M B-B 4 + 11 11 Kt-K 5 + 99 , BxKt l^Kt B2 12 Kt ~ B3 11 IL IL 19 P-B 3 - ,nP-KS + Kt3 Column 41. Move 7. P QR 4 . BLACK. Column 42. Move 8. Q Kt3- BLACK. WHITE. THE KUY LOPEZ. 90 Col. 37. A defense adopted by Steinitz against Blackburne in the Vienna tournament of 1873. 91. Col. 37. We consider this stronger than the continuation 4 P Q4, 4 PxP ; 5 KtXP, 5 KtxKt ; 6 QXKt, 6 Kt B 3 ; 7 Q Q5, 7 B-K2 ; 8 Kt-B 3 , 8 O O, (not8. . . .B-B 3 as played by Steinitz in the above named game. (See illustrative games) 9 B Qz, 9 Q K sq. followed by P 03 with an even game. 92. Col. 37. The position would be identical with a variation in the Ponziani opening if now followed 6 Q K 4 , 6 Q Q 4 ; etc. 93. Col. 37. Or 7. . . .PxKt ; 8 B-B 4 , 8 Q KB 4 ; 9 OO (equally good is 9 P O 4 ) followed by P KB 3 + 94. Col. 37. Of Course the Black dare not take the B on account of Kt Q6 ch. 95. Col. 38. There is nothing better as White threatens Kt Kt 5 or Q QKt3- 96. Col. 38. Black's Kt is useless and his position is much cramped otherwise. If Black now play n P QB4 ; White answers B K3 followed by QKt Q2. 97. . Col. 39 Mr.Barnes,the originator of this defence, justly gives this as Black's best move in his analy- sis published in Brentano's Chess Monthly . 98. Col. 39. Or 10 Kt 63 ; n B, K sq. ch., u Kt K2 ; 12 B Kt5, 12 P 63 ; 13 QB KB4+ 99. Col. 39 Black must exchange B for Kt and then he has an isolated P and a hole on his King side, while his Q side is also too much exposed to allow his castling on that side very comfortably. 100. Col. 41. If 4. . . .KKt K2 ; 5 OO, 5 P Q4, ? 6 KtXP, 6 PxP ; 7 KtXP ! 7 KxKt ; 8 Q R5 ch., 8 Kt Kt3 ; 9 QXB+. This variation occurred between Golmayo and Steinitz in their last match game of 1888. 101. Col. 41. The combination of the last three moves of Black formed Boden's favorite defense. 102. Col. 41. After 7 Kt RS, 7 Kt Q sq.; 8 Kt 64, 8 Kt B2 ; 9 Kt K3, 9 P 63 ; io Kt 65, io Q B sq.; n B Q3, n P KKt3 ; followed by P Q3 as played in a game between Morphy and Lowenthall, Black obtains an even game. The move in the text obviously threatens BxKt followed by P R5 103. Col. 41. If 8 P Q3 ; 9 P RS, 9 B R2, ! (for if BXP, then obviously P Q5 wins ; and if 9 KtXP ; io BxKt, io RXB ; 11 RxKt, u BxR ; 12 Q R4 ch. and wins). 104. Col. 42. Or 5 B Kt5 ch. ; 6 P 63, 6 PX? ; 7 OO, 7 PX? ; 8 BxP with a strong attack, or else 6 QKt Q2, followed by OO and Kt Kt3- 105. Col. 42. The safest plan for moderate players would be 7 QKt Q2 followed by Kt Kt3 and R K sq., or QB Kt5, recovering the P with the better game. 106. Col. 42. White's position is similar to that arising in the Danish Gambit, but we think it is more in White's favt&|}han the latter opening. 107. Col. 42. Or 9 Kt R4 ; io Q 63, or if 9 P Q3; io R Q sq., or Kt Kts'. 20 P K4 1P-K4 Game 1. Game 2, THE KUV LOPEZ. KKt-B 3 Game 3, Game 4. International Chess Magazine, March-April double number, 1888. J GOLMAYO * STEINITZ International Chess Magazine, May, 1888. PONCE STEINITZ, ANDERSSEN SUHLE. International Chess Magazine, April-May, double number, 1886. STEINITZ ZUKERTORT, UP-Q3 jP-Q4 Q2 -0 'KKt K2 |P-QS 2 ;nf tsq - P-KKt 3 |QB KKt5_ 'B Kt2 U P KR 3 lflE K3 KB4 3 12 Q B sq. 4 Kt-R 3 O O Kt K sq. J -QR4 A ^P 65 ir B -Q !OK R 2 1 nKt-Kts IDKt R 3 4 nQxRP Kt 3 P-QKt4 8 lOKKtxQP D QXKt(Q 5 )9 10 R2 11 fltKR B 3 12 QXKP 13 ^URrR7\ B2 14 R B 3 White resigns. KtxP 15 ' KKt 3 'PXKt KB QB 4 16 Ofi-Kt2 9^ 'Kt B 3 10 R-Ksq. 17 J O O 11 B3 ^R 18 -K sq 19 12 151= Kt sq. 2O >P KR 3 r R~Q sq. Q K2 iBXKt QXBP 21 loP K6 D onK-Ktsg. B K4 22 . QXQR 23 K Kt2 Kt-R 3 24 yWhite resigns. 25 BxKtch. 26 'P KB 4 27 ,PXKP ,Kt 1 '-Q4 ,P K6 Jfe 10 BXP 11B- il R- Q-B 3 P-QB 4 28 zsr PXP 29 PXP Q-RS P~B 3 KKtxKP PXKt 17 QXB 1; QXB 1fi KtxP A Op P B 4 ? 3O 19QZ^ 31 KR-Ksg. L UK B sq. ? .KtxP QR-Qsg. 6 /IB B sq. Q-QKt4? 32 ^UK-Ktsq.? 33 nj Kt-K 4 Q-B 4 ch. tiUKt 62 9(y Kt-Q6&ffins.D ' 34 SJFT: B 3 6 P KKt 3 P-Q4 B Q2 B Kt2 .PXP 'QKtxP KtxKt 'PXKt |Q-K2 'o o P-B 3 P QR 4 13 Kt B sq. B-K 3 P KKt4 35 15 sq. Q_Q 2 B-B2 i "P KR 4 36 j jjP Kt5 37 1'Kt Ksq. 18 Q _B 3 P-QB 4 38 loKt Q 3 39 4O R Rsq. 41 QR-Bsq. 42 28; 29 ) K sq. ) KB2 43 Kt B sq. B Ktc 44 ch. U^Kt R2 nqB-B 4 OOKt_ B 3 45 U ^K r$ sq 35^= 46 Q2 47 t K2 48 p x p 49 5O > 51 QxR KS RP 'Black resigns. 52 THE RUY LOPEZ. 21 Golmayo v. Steinitz. 1. Game I. 4 PxP is also good. It transposes the game into a position arming in I'hilidor's de- fence. Compare Col. 13 p. 148 2. Game i. Though this cramps the adverse pieces. Black obtains the initiative of an attack against the fixed KP. If 6 PxP,.6 PxP ; (not 6 KtXP ; on account of 7 KtXKt, and if 7 UxK ; 8 KtxBP, 8 KxKt ; 9 Q-R 5 ch. + ) 7 B--QB4, then 7. . . .Kt B sq. with the view of an Kt Q3 against the attack by Kt Kt5 is the only correct play. 3. Hlack has evidently the best of the game. For if White answer PxP the P retakes with a formid- able attack. 4. Game i. B B sq. with the object of playing Kt Q2 was, we believe, better. 5. Game i. The subsequent loose position of his .Q and B is fraught with danger. In such a blocked situation freedom for his Q to retreat to Q2, if necessary, should have been reserved and, B right back to B sq. was the proper move. 6. Game i. Necessary for his plan of breaking in at the igth move. 7. Game i. Whether or not he takes this P, Black obtains a strong attack by Kt QB/j. 8. Game I. Black threatened KtxKP followed by BxKt, or vice versa. 9. Game i If 21 QxB, 21 P 63 ; 22 Q 84, 22 P QKt4 wins the Q at once. 10. Game i. Much better anyhow was KtXB, though the Q could not be saved, even then, if Black replied R K sq. 11. Game i. Not as correct as R K sq., threatening R K3, and leaving White without resource. 12. Game I. After 24. . . .R Q sq., White has no other option than to give up the Q for two pieces, commencing with PXB. 13. Game i. PXB was still his best plan. 14. Game i .White has lost a Rook and yet cannot save the Q. If 27 P KS, 27 R (R2) K2 followed by R K3, etc. Ponce v. Steinitz. 15. Game 2. This may be as safely played as KKt K2, adopted in the previous game. 16. Game 2. If 8 Q Q4, Black's best answer is-8 Q 63. 17. Game 2. A premature preparation for the attack which leaves the R unprotected, and subsequently causes him embarrassment. It was for many purposes better to develop Kt 63, followed by B Q2 and the other R K sq. 18. Game 2. Still Kt 63 was preferable. Game 2. u KtXP was tempting, for after 12 QxKt, 12 R K sq. ; 13 BxP ch., 13 KxB ; 14 Q 63 ch., 14 K Ktsq.; Black has the superiority of position. But if White answered 12 RxKt, we prefer his game after 12 P Q4 ; 13 R K sq., 13 PXB ; 14 Kt R3, etc. , Game 2. Always a considerable compensation for allowing his Pawns to be doubled in the present and similar openings. By compelling White to advance the QKtP, Black indirectly obtains greater command for his KB, which can be easily unmasked by removing the Kt that now blocks his action. Game 2. Recovering his P but subjecting himself to an irresistible attack. . Game 2. Threatening Q R4 at once, or after BxP ch. . Game2. If 24QXO, 24RxRch.; 25 Q B sq., 25 BX? ch.; 26 K B2, 26 B Kt6ch.; and wins, for White must now capture the B, as he would be mated in two moves if he retreat K Ktsq. . Game 2. This loses at once, but even 26 Kt Q2 would not have saved the game on account of 26 B 63 ; 27 R K8, 27 BXP; 28 R Q sq., 28 Q QB7* and wins. . Game 2. Obviously Black wins the Kt now by Q 64 ch. ; or if 27 R Q B sq., 27 B Kt7. Anderssen v. Suhle. Game 3. Anderssen generally adopted this early exchange, which, however, we do not approve of. Game 3. A hazardous venture now that White will be soon ready to castle, and this alone makes the counter gambit more dangerous than in a similar position in the Philidor defence. Game 3. A splendid move which gives him an irresistible attack, as it forces a break in Black's centre sooner or later. Game 3. So far White has admirably conducted his attack, but we doubt the policy of the sacrifice (Continued on page 23.) 22 THE KUY LOPEZ. GAME No. I. Move 19 KtxQP BLACK STEINITZ. GAME No. 2. Move 19 P Kt6. BLACK STEINITZ. WHITE GOLMAYO. WHITE PONCE. GAME No. 3. Move 27. Kt Q6. BLACK SUHLE. GAME NO. 4. Move 39. Q 63. BLACK ZUKERTORT. WHITE ANDERSSEN. WHITE STEINITZ. THE RUY LOPEZ. 23 (Continued from page 2 1) . which this and the next hidden move initiated, and we would have preferred the plain Q R5 which must have recovered the P with the superior game. Game 3. This effort to prevent the ch. of the Kt much endangers his"game, which, we believe, was quite good enough after 18 Q K2 ; 19 Kt Q6 ch., 19 K B sq. ; 20 KR K sq., 20 B K3 ; 21 QR Q sq., (after 21 RxB, 21 QxR; White has no discovered ch. with the Kt that would much imperil Black's game) 21 Kt 62 ; 22 RxB, 22 QxR ; 23 Kt 65 ch., 23 K Kt sq.; and wins. For if now 24 Kt K7 ch., Black answers QxKt, and if RxR ch. first, the Black King obviously gains a square for escape at 62 after retaking with the Kt. Game 3. Again 19 Q K2 was better and might have led to the following continuation : 20 KR K sq., 20 B K3 ; 21 Q Kt$ ch., (or 21 Kt B6 ch., 21 K B2 and wins) 21 K 62 ; 22 KtxP, 22 R Q3, etc., with a defensible game. Game 3. White could have won here at once by 23 Kt K4, 23 Q K2 ; (or 23. . . .BXR ; 24 RX R, and wins either by QxB ch., or R Q8 ch. accordingly), 24 Kt Q6, 24 Q Q2; 25 Q 64 ch., 25 K Kt sq. ; 26 Q Kt5, 26 K B sq. (We see nothing better, if QxKt the reply QxR ch. is suf- ficient to win. If 26 Kt B2 ; 27 KtxKt, 27 QxR ; 28 Kt R6 ch., and mates next move, other- wise White threatens R K7) 27 KtxB, 27 QxR ; 28 Q KB4 ch., 28 Kt 62 ; 29 Q Kt4 ch., 29 K Kt sq., (ifKtor R interposes he loses his Q) 30 Kt K7 ch., 30 K B sq.; 31 Kt Kt6 double ch., 31 K Kt sq. ; 32 Q B8 ch., 32 RxQ ; 33 Kt K sq. mate. Game 3. Salvioli justly points out that Black would have escaped now with a piece ahead by K B2. Game 3. If 27 P KR3 ; 28 KtxKt, followed by Kt Kt5 ch. Or if 27 QxKt ; 28 R K8 ch., followed by QXB and wins easily. Steinitz v. Zukertort. Game 4. Compare Cols. 4, 5 and 6 of our tables for analysis up to this juncture. An excellent move which neutralizes the attack of White's Pawns. Game 4. Certainly better than PxP in which case White could not make much use of the open KKt file, and Black after retaking with the Kt, might eventually enter at KB5. The key move to White's future operations is the centre. White can defend this P if attacked by the adverse Kt without being compelled to advance P QKt3 in which case Black would obtain some counter attack by P R5- Game 4. If 19 R Q5 ; 20 B Q3, 20 Kt Q3 ; 21 P QKt3, threatening Kt B2 or B Kt2. Game 4. The exchange is unfavorable for Black, and we should have preferred B KB sq., as White's Kt could not do much harm for the present. Game 4. The best defence for this P. If 23 P QKt3 ; 24 R QB sq. threatening R B 6. Game 4. An indifferent move which in noway alters the course of White's attack, but, practically, his line of defence would not have been much changed. If 26 P QKt3 ; 27 B 63, 27 Q K2 or K sq. ; 28 Q KB2, etc. Game 4. Besides attacking the QKtP, the move in the text prepares a strong onslaught with the KBP eventually. Game 4. Useless. It would have been better to have exchanged Rooks at once. Game 4. R QB sq. was much better. For whether White answered P Kt3 or B Q5 Black could answer Kt Kt4, and though in the latter case White would still have some attack by P KB4, which, however, would not have been as potent, as he could not avoid the exchange of his powerfully posted QB. Game 4. There is hardly any satisfactory defence against the attack here initiated. Game 4. -If 35. . . .Px? ; 36 QXBP, etc. Game 4. No better was 36. .. .PxP ; 37 QXP, 37 QXQ J 3 8 R XQ, 3 8 Kt Q sq. ; (or 38. . . .Kt K2 ; 39 BX? ch., 39 K moves ; 40 R 63, etc.,) 39 P Kt6 and wins. Game 4. P B6 was threatened, and if 37. . . .B B sq. ; 38 BX? ch., 38 KxB ; 39 PxP double ch., 39 K K3 best ; 40 Q 67 ch., 40 K Q3 ; 41 RQ sq., ch., and wins. Game 4. In the hope that White might take the QKt P to which Black would answer Kt Q4 threatening B 64 ch. Game 4. The decisive answer which prevents the entrance of Kt Q4 and attacks the indefensible RP. Game 4. RxB is the only defence and then would follow BxP ch. and P B6 mate. - ~~ THE RUY LOPEZ. Game 5. P K4 Game 6. London Tournament London Chess Con- 1886. gress, 1883. 64 t GUNSBERG STEINITZ ' SCHALLOPP. ROSENTHAL. 53 OKt B 3 ( ,P-Q3 ' . ^Kt K2 54 *B B 4 65 p_B 3 K2 -o 66 UKt-Kt 3 P-R 4 , '55 /P KR 4 B-KKt 5 OQ-Kt 3 nQ-^2 O-O 'B-Kt 3 67 Q4 xp 56 "KtPxB 9 68 11 PXP 10 Ktx Q3 P QXP i>l IP i O O O 1) * 1 P_B4 PXP ch. , Kt B2 13 K Kt sq. 57 i "B R 3 00? 58. nR Ksq. Q ^3 Q ^-5 B B2? 59.jP B^ BxKt 60 1 ^P-Q 4 ,, r R Kc; B-K 5 ch. 69 P X P PXP 171 18 Q3 1^4 KR Ksq. iU Kt Q2 jirP KKt 3 7O A 'Q R6 .pR-Ksg. 71 10 OR Ksq. QR B-K 'PXP! D 61 AU R K 3 | R-QBsq.62 on Kt-B 3 63 Kt B 3 Kt-Kt4 Kt R 3 Ksq. KKt-B 3 uQKt B 3 Game 7. International Chess Magazine, ch, 1885. nnR-Ksq. n i Resigns. P-QKt 4 yJVJa, Mar QT7T | 3 SELLMAN STEINITZ. *KKt K2 rP-Q4 PXP nKtxP KtxKt nQXKt -QB 3 80 B K 3 B-B 4 81 Kt R4 12 82 Kt B5 ,Q B sq. 'B K2 ie 17 'Kt-Kt 3 P-K5 84 'P Q4 85 Q-K 3 P KKH 86 B-Kt 3 P-QB 4 87 19^ O-Q3 XKBP BXP K t Q 4 B R6 89 nn B Kt7 Game 6-Cont'd. 22^ 90 I ( Game 8. London Chess Con- gress, 1883. TSCHIGORIN ZUKERTORT. "Kt B 3 .0-0 r P-Q4 OB K2 Kt-Q 3 99 OPXB R PXP Op B 3 1OO 101 "BXP 1B 2=5l l"o-o L Kt 62 1O2 )Q-K2 J P KB 4 ,Kt Kt 3 ItP K5 KKt-Q4 10_3 1&P-B6 Q Kts 104 KR-Q'sg. 1/B-R 3 KtxP R-Q7 106 t R6ch. 74, t 65 R X Kt 75 76 Game 7 Cont'd. 2 2 K 3 77 Kt __B 5 ch. ) R6 ch. - ' 93 i iKt Q6ch. ^^B-Kt2ch. 1O7 no K-Ktsq. 95orK Q 4 Kt2 UU B Q 4 0B K6ch. ou Kt K 3 ch. nnR-Ksq. 78nnQ-Kt 4 94 K-B sq. 96 ?R K-B 4 72JGR_Kt 3 ch. " D P KR 4 | JQ_R 5 97 n .B-Kt 3 onQ-B5 niP-~ Kt 3 98 R 65 ch Kt-Q 4 Kt R4 79 28 KtxP Kt X R 73 D< p__B8 queening. ^Q KS nrQ~ Kta UUB R6 109 K-B4 'Black mates in two moves Q B6niate. and wins. 11O 1 Till. IU V LOPEZ. 25 Gunsberg v. Schallopp. (iamc 5. To this game was awarded the brilliancy pri/.r in tlmt tournament : Game 5. A defence first adopted by Mortimer in the London tournament of 1883. Should White capture the KP he would lose a piece by the reply P QB3, followed by Q R4 ch. (lame 5. This weakens the King's side and is the cause of future trouble. But we believe he could afford that by proper subsequent play, especially as Black has apparently nothing better than to oppose his KRP in the same way. Game 5. Black now enters on a bold and spirited attack which is only justified by the result, but we believe is not analytically sound. Game 5. All very clever and relatively correct as he must stand or fall with the attack, which he has initiated at the cost of material. Game 5. But just a little precaution on the part of White might have turned affairs, B Kt3 attacking a P and getting a piece into safety which stood loose on the board was clearly the proper play. The move in the text was simply an error, and is taken advantage of by the opponent with great ingenuity. Game 5. After this his game becomes rapidly disorganized. He still could have made his defence good by B Q sq. Game 5. Of course the natural sequence. Black after this gives no rest to the enemy, who is prac- tically beaten already. Game 5 This point constitutes the brilliancy quality of this game. Though the soundness of the previous sacrifice of two Pawns is very questionable, the game is now well redeemed by this offer of a sacri- fice of the Q, which, if accepted, would be followed by mate in three moves, namely, by PxR queening ch., B R6ch., and R K8 mate. Game 5. If R Q sq., Black would win a R by exchanging Queens, followed by BxR and R K& ch., and if KxP Black would win speedily by QXP ch., etc. Game 5. There was no resource. If 21 Kt Q2, 21 B Kt6 ; 22 P Q4 (or 22 Kt K4, 22 RxKt); 23 BXP ch., 23 KXB ; 24 R Ky ch., 24 K Kt sq. ; 25 Q KB3, and wins. Steinitz v. Rosenthal. Game 6. To this game was awarded the special prize for brilliancy in the grand tournament of that Congress. Game 6. Though Black obtains some attack by this and the next move, the line of play here adopted cannot be recommended, as Black has to sacrifice a P, which should give White the advan- tage. Game 6. If 5 P Q3 ; 6 P Cj4, 6 PX? ; 7 PXP, 7 B Kt5 ch.; 8 K B sq. + threatening Q R 4- Game 6. Better than P Q5, in which case Black could well retreat Kt Kt sq. Game 6. Best. If 8 QPXB ; 9 KtXP, gKtXP; ioR Ksq., 10 P or B KB4 ; H Kt Q2, with an excellent game. Game 6. Loss of time, as the opponent's next two excellent moves prove. Game 6. If 17 RxP, 17 B 62; 18 P 64 best, 18 Kt 63, with an excellent game. Game 6. If now 18 RxP, 18 KR K sq.; 19 Kt 63, 19 B Kt2 ; 20 R QKt5 (or 20 R Q6, 20 B 62 ; or 20 R KKt5, 20 P KR3 ; 21 R Kt4, 21 Kt K4, etc.), 20 663 ; 21 R Kt3, 21 Kt K4, with a strong attack. Game 6. B B sq. was much better. If, however, 26 B R4, White could not capture the B on account of the answer R 63, but he could move QR Kt sq., followed by Kt Ilt4 if once more attacked by R QB sq. j Game 6. An unsound sacrifice if White had played properly. Game 6. An error which costs the game. PxKt instead would have won easily by 30 PXKt, 30 BxP ; 31 Q Kt2, 31 B R7ch.;(or 31 Q RS ; 32 B Q2 and must win), 32 K B sq. etc. Game 6. A beautiful rejoinder which turns the tables. Game 6. This makes matters worse. The best defence now was Q Kt2, which might have led to the following continuation: 31 Q Kt2, 31 R KKt3 ; 32 B Kt3, 32 QxQ ch.; 33 KxQ, 33 BXB ; 34 PxB, 34 RxP ch. ; 35 K R2, 35, RxP ; 36 Kt--Kt4, followed soon by R-QB sq. If, however, 31 PxKt, 31 R Kt3 ch., 32 B-Kt5 (of course if 32 K Rsq., 32 Q B6ch. and mates next move. Or 32 B Kt3, 32 BxB and wins), 32 BxP ch.; 33 K 62!, 33 B Kt6 ch; 34 K K2, 34 Q Kt5 ch. , with a winning game. Game 6. Beautiful play. Though the adversary comes out a piece ahead the line of attack in the text is much stronger and finer than recovering a clear R by R Kt3 ch. , in which case White would have interposed the B followed by Q Kt2 in reply to PxR- Game 6. Fatal. But Q B2 was not much better, e.g., 33Q B2, 33 R Kt3 ch; (not R K7, in which case White could reply RK sq.) 34 B-Kt3, 34 P-KR4; 35 Kt K3, 35 P RS; 36 *4 (Continued on page 27 .) 26 THE RUY LOPEZ. GAME NO. 5. Move 19 PXP. BLACK SCHALLOPP. GAME No. 6. Move 35 P Bych. BLACK ROSENTHAL. ill 'mm. 1 WHITE GUNSBERG. WH ITE STE I N ITZ . GAME No. 7. Move 23 P Q6. BLACK STEINITZ. iP wr/////, . ^j^ %SK^ GAME No. 8. Move 20 PxKtP. BLACK ZUKERTORT. WHITE SELLMAN. WHITE TSCHIGORIN. THE iu Y i.oi-i:/. 27 (Continued from page 21). Kt-B sq., 36 PXB; 37 PxP (if KtxP, the answer is P-KB 4 ), 37. . . .R-R 3 ; 38 Kt-R2 (if 38 Q-R2, 38 1 -R7 ch. ; wins at least a piece) 38 R K3 with a fine attack. Game 6. Mr. Rosenthal now finishes off with a few elegant strokes which deserve the special prize for brilliancy awarded to this game. Game 7. Either this or P-^QB4 (which is preferred by Herr Englisch and Dr. Noa) are necessary, as Black threatens to win a piece by P QB4 and P 65. and as Sellman v. Steinitz. 34 (whic ce by P- 81. Game 7. This B is better posted at K3. 82. Game 7. Aiming at a prospective attack on the King's side which is very hard to reach, his pieces were not well developed, and especially as his KBP, the advance of which was necessary for forming a King's side attack is blocked by his own B. Kt Q2 was preferable. 83. Game 7. Not good, for it weakens his QBP. 84. Game 7. Which allows the opponent the important majority of Pawns on the Queen's side. But there was hardly anything better, as he had to guard against the adverse attack by B 63 and P Kt5 . 85. Game 7. If PxP followed by Q Q4 White after retaking would play Q K3, threatening B KA should Black capture the KKtR 86. Game 7. To cut off the QB from supporting the weak Q side, and also to prevent Q Kt3- 87. Game 7. His position is much confined and he makes a risky effort to extricate himself. 88. Game 7. If 19 PxQP, 19 Kt Q4 ; 20 Q K*, 20 PxKBP ; 21 BxP, 21 Kt Kt5 ; 22 B Q sq. (there seems nothing better if 22 Kt R3 Black wins by B Q4 followed by Q QR4, and if 22 B K3, 22 PxP ; 23 BxP, 23 QxB and wins) 22 B Q4 ; 23 Q K2, 23 BxKKtP followed by Kt Q6 ch., or QxP with a winning attack. 89. Game 7. His best plan was to retreat B Q 2 followed by Q K4in case Black answered Q 62. 90. Game 7. If 22 BxB, 22 QxB ; 23 Q K4 (or 23 O O ? 23 Kt K6 followed by B KB4 or Q 4 with a winning game) 23 R QB sq. with a fine game. 91. Game 7. The winning move. 92. Game 7. If B Q sq. Black would win by B Q4, or by P Q7 ch. 93. Game 7. Better than B Q4 to which White might reply B B6. 94. Game 7. If now 26 B B6, 26 BxQ ; 27 BxQ, 27 BxB ; followed accordingly by B Q 8 or Kt K7 ch., and remaining with apiece ahead. 95. Game 7. If he meant to fight on at all K B sq. was better. 96. Game 7. If he move in the corner, then follows Kt 67 ch., Kt Kt$, and Q R5, etc. 97. Game 7. Q Kt4 was most precise, for then White had not the resource of Q K2, for in that case Black could answer B Kt5. 98. Game 7. Q K2 might have prolonged the game as he could interpose the Q at 63 if Black played Q 65 ch. Tschigorin v. Zukertort. 99. Game 8. In the Book of the London International Tournament of 1883 Zukertort remarks on this move : " New, bnt no improvement on the usual continuations 7 PxKt or 7 B K2." 100. Game 8. An excellent move which supports the centre until the Pawns are ready for attack. 101. Game 8. If 9 Q Qs, 9 PxP ; 10 QxP ch., 10 B Q2 ; 11 Q Qs, n R QKtsq.; 12 Kt 63, 12 P 63, etc. (Zukertort). 102. Game 8. Fine play. The centre Pawns are now well prepared for action. 103. Game 8. KKt Q2 was better (Zukertort.) We believe that with 15 BxB, !5;PxKt; 16 PxP, 16 R K sq. ; 17 BxQ (there seems nothing better) 17 RxQ ; 18 BxP, 18 Kt Kt4 ; 19 Kt Q4, 19 R Q7 ; 20 P KR4 White had a good prospect of equalizing the game. 104. Game 8. 16 Q K3 or B 4 would be a little better, while 16 PxP leads to immediate loss with 16 BxB ; 17 Kt K6, 17 Q B3 ; 18 KtXB, 18 Q Kt3 ch.; 19 K R sq., 19 P.X? and. wins. (Zukertort.) 105. Game 8. A beautiful move. Zukertort points out that it threatens mates in 4 moves, com- mencing with Kt R6 ch., or Q Kt5 accordingly, and that 18. . . .Q Kt5 would have been bad White would reply KtxBP. 106. Game 8. If 21 BxB, 21 Kt R6ch.; 22 KX?, 22 Q Kt2 ch.; 23 KxKt, or Kt3, 23 Q B6 ch., followed by R 65 ch. and wins. (Zukertort.) 107. Game 8. 24. . . .B Q6 ch. was, we believe, stronger still, and might have led to the following continuation : 25 K Q4 best, 25 QR Q sq. ch. ; 26 K 63, 26 ;B Kt4; 27 R K3, 27 Kt Q4 ch. ; 28 K Q2, 28 RxP ch. and mates in a few moves. 108. Game 8. Obviously if RxKt Black also answered R 65 ch. and mates next move. 109. Game 8. If R K 8 ch., Black replies best K 62. (Zukertort.) 110. Black wins the Q with a check of the Q on the 5th row. 2S THE RUY LOPEZ. , P-K4 lp 1<4 Game 9. Chess Coii- , 1873. v/ Vienna, Ches gress, ANDERSSEN STEINITZ. 3p= QR3 R 4 *Kt-B 3 rP-Q 3 P-Q3 ft BxKt ch. 7 P-KR 3 111 'P KKt 3 pKt B 3 qB-Kf R Kt sq. P KR 3 P-KKt 4 13 Kt Kt sq. 0_Q_Q Kt K2 Kt B 3 Q-B3 113 15 Kt _ Q5 A nKKt Ktsq. L O^O 114 1 nKt Kt3 1 ' B K 3 jnKKt K2115 116 Q-Kt2 P QR 4 K-Q2 P-KB 3 23 K2 QR KB sq. ) Ktq ch. ,Kt B sq. 'P B? 117 Q K2 ( P Kt4 U8 IP B6 Q Kt4 30 31 Game 9 Cont'd. R(Bsq.)-B2 PB4 119 D K.PXBP PXP Kt 3 33 35 BxKt PXE Kt-K 2 R-KBsq -R2 \ 3B K R2 Kt Kt sq. F~ K-B sq. Kt - K2 QR-B 3 Kt-Kt 3 White resigns. 12O 9 KKt-B 3 flOKt B3 Game 10. London Chess Con- gress, 1862. 4 ANDERSSEN PAULSEN. Kt 3 121 4 P=Q3 r BxKt ch. P-KR 3 K2 QKt-B 3 o-o O-0 Kt K sq. 'B Kt2 122 P Q4 123 ,Kt BS 124 B-BS KR Q 3 K s. 15 KR K sq. Q-Kt4 KtxKt 125 17 -B 3 P Kt-K2 n _R 5 126 R4 Kt Kt3 B K4 127 P-E6 ! D 128 129 KKt4 -K2 130 BXB sq.131 RXR Q-K8ch. ft OK Kt2 0ft Kt-Rsch. Black resigns. B-Kt 5 Game 11. Salvioli. ANDERSSEN PAULSEN. "P QR 3 QR -R 4 B-Kt 3 B Kt2 0-0 KKt 3 B Kt2 ( P QR 4 132 'KKt K2 Q Kt-B 3 OF 10 n Kt-Q 5 B-R 2 P-Kt 5 Kt K2 P-04 P-KB 3 P B 133 p Kt6 BP X P Px p PXP 'BXP? 134 |Q K sq! 135 P-Kt 4 dig, ch. R 62 136 ,Kt K6 D 137 ?i "^QR-KBsq.138 2sr R4 t B 3 11 BX Rand wins Game 12. ! Vienna, Chess Con\ \ gress, 1883, BLACKBURXEJ STEINITZ. I K2 'KtxKt rQxKt P QKt4 P-QB 4 ? 139 11 B-Kt2 - sq. 141 13 B-B2 Kt Kt 3 sq. 1R Q- R 5 lOQR-Ksq.142 1/B Qsq. . Game 9. Whichever R retakes the B Black answers QxP and wins in a few moves. Anderssen v. Paulsen. 21. Game 10. Though Black does not advance P QR$ on the third move, as in the previous game, the positions become very similar, but the line of play adopted by each of the parties is widely differ- ent from the respective treatments of this opening by the players in the first quoted game which occurred eleven years later. 22. Game 10. Generally it is preferable in such a situation to keep the B in communication with both wings and B Q2 is preferable. The B is here posted with some remote expectation of bringing it to bear against the King's side. 1. Game 10. Not good, for it leaves a hole at QB4, which weakens all the Pawns on the Q side. P Kt3 with the object of playing Kt Kt2 or else P QB4, followed by P KB4, was more con- genial to the position. .24. Game 10. White also plays for a King's side attack which can be easily guarded against, and he endangers his game when he could have obtained a sure advantage by manoeuvring on the other side Kt QKt 3 with the object of playing Kt 65 or R$ sooner or later was the proper play. .25. Game 10. Lowenthal rightly suggests here B B sq. as much stronger. White had then to guard against the threatened P KKt3, and his whole attack would have soon been broken. The likely continuation was after 15 B B sq.; 16 BxKt, 16 PxB ; 17 Q 63, 17 QBxKKt ; 18 QXB, 18 BxKt; 19 PXB, 19 R K4, followed by Q K2, with much the superior game. 5. Game 10. Black's game is now inferior. If 18 R K$; 19 Kt Kt3, 19 R 65; 20 Q QKt3, 20 B R3; 21 B R3, 21 P R5, 21 Q Q3, and we prefer White's game. 7. Game 10. Black gives the opponent an opportunity for a beautiful combination stroke. But his game was anyhow very bad already, for in answer to QR R sq., which was about his only other alternative, White would have replied Kt R5 with an irresistible attack. (Continued on page THE RUY LOPEZ. GAME No. 9. Move 30. .. .P 64. BLACK STEINITZ. 1 GAME No. 10. Move 22 P B6. BLACK L. PAULSEN. WHITE ANDERSSEN. WHITE ANDERSSKN. GAME NO. I I. Move 24 QXB. BLACK PAULSEN. GAME No. 12. Move 24 R Qy. BLACK BLACKBURNE. WHITE ANDERSSEN. WHITE STEINITZ. mi-: ui v i.oi'i-z. 3 , (Continued from page 2<)) . Game io. The present key move of his final attack is remarkably fine and effective. Game io. If 22. . . .PXP; 23 Kt 85, 23 Q B sq.; 24 BX B, 24 PxB; 25 RxP, 25 K 11 sq.; 26 O Kt3, with a fine attack. Ganu- io < Jverlooking the forcible winning process by 24 RxB, 24 RxR; 25 P KB4, 25 QXP; 26 R KB si[. and wins. Game io. Black on the otherhand does not see that he can save and win the game now by g Kt3 followed by P 83 if BxB. * Anderssen v. Paulsen. Game ii. We think that the move we propose in our Col. 10, viz., 8 Kt Kt5 gives White a stronger attack. Game n. This is premature. P KR3 was here a necessity. An error of which White takes advantage in a precise manner. Game n. QR K sq. would not have answered as well, as Black would attack the Q by Kt 64. Game ii. There was nothing better. If K Rsq., the reply KtX? ch. wins the Q or mate is effected in two more moves by Q R4 ch. Splendid style. If 24 PxQ ; 25 RxR ch., 25 K R sq., 26 BxKt and wins. Blackburne v. Steinitz. 139. Game 12 . Not good as it weakens the QP . The correct move is B K3 . (See Col .12.) 140. Game 12. If ii BxP ; 12 R K sq., 12 P Q4 ; (best, for if 12 B Kt3 ; 13 B Q5, 13 R B sq. !, 14 B Kt 7, 14 R B2 ; 15 BxRP followed by P QR4 and should win . If 12 B-B 3 ; 13 B Qs, I 3 Q Q2, I 4 Q B 3 , I 4 BXB; 15 QxB, 15, R Qsq.; 1 6 B B 4 followed by P QR4 with a fine attack, and wins) 13 P 63 followed by BxP. 141. Game 12. Weak for White's Q4 sq. is made accessible to the hostile pieces. Kt Kt3 at once was better. 142. Game 12. It was better to play the KR in order to remove B B sq., which completely protected the King's side. 143. Game 12. In order to prepare for the advance of the QP, for if now 18 P Q4 ; 19 P K$ and Black dare not capture twice on account of the ultimate Kt K; ch., followed by QxRP ch. 144. Game 12. An excellent sacrifice of a P which well repays. 145. Game 12. An ingenious trap as will be seen. 146. Game 12. Overlooking the opponent's design. Kt K4 with the view of sacrificing the exchange by Kt Q6 in case the opponent played Kt Q6 was his best defense. 147. Game 12. This wins by force. THE RUY LOPEZ. P K4 Game 13. Game 14. KKt-B 3 B-Kts Game 15. Game 16. Paris Chess Con- Correspondence gress, 1878. Gaie. \ ZUKERTORT FRANKFORT BLACKBURNE STUTTGART. 3c P-QR3 B R 4 Kt-B 3 .O O B Kts . pO-0 ^KtxP R P--Q4 OQ._O OP QKt4 7 B-Kt 3 ' B -B 4 nP-Q4 /P-Q 4 8x "KtxQP Q KKtxKt Kt K2 Kt-Kts "KtxKt! "KtxKt? 153 1f] BxKt , , QB KKts lUp_QB 3 P-QR 4 J*P KB3 , nB Kt 3 ch. iip Kts? 154 4 o p ~Q B 4 ! 1K R sq. n B-K 3 148 ^"PXPin passing. i nKtXP 10p-Q 3 . .P KKt4 IOR_Ktsq. . .Kt K4! 14 B _Q 2 Q_B 3 14 B -K 3 155 4C Kt Q6ch. l^QKsq. A nQR-Q ^. 10 K -Q 2 1R Q-Q3 1D KtxKt , 7 KtPxKt lb Q-Kt 3 P-R 5 156 i'BxB 1R QXB 1/ QXB A nQxQRP IO P-KKt 3 ! 149 1Q PxP R-I 3 3 n K -R sq. P-B 3 Q-Kt 4 Q-K2 20 O-Kts B-Q2! 157 Q-R 7 ch. p_B 4 bliK Qsq. nnKR-Ktsq. ?Q QXRch. ^ U Q R 3 ISO " U Kt B sq. arw C6j Gw- Paris Chess Con- gress, 1878. grcss, 1878. MACKENZIE WINAWER WINAWER. ZUKERTORT. Game 15-Confd. 'Kt-B 3 ,O O K 7 P-Q4 Bsq. R o-o fi Q-K2 U^R K 3 nnP-R5 OB K 2 7 P-K5 "Kt-Qs u^QR B 3 niR-QBsq. wim ' Kt KS qKtxP 'KtPxB gPXP u^t "KlxKt nQxKt Kt Kt2 qKt-Q4 "Kt 64 1f] B-Kt 3 UQ Q nnKXR lu KtxB , . RPxKt . . QKt B 3 oU R _Q 7ch . - Q1 K ~ B3 o-o Kt B 4 168U1RXP K Rsq. 161 4 nKt-B 3 10 P-B 3 Q-Kt 4 A i lfl 'P QKt 3 162 QR_Q sq . R R2 163 Kt-Q5__ IQ^ lDp_QR 4 Q-Kt3__ 1/P-KR 3 164 R-Q3 Kt Kj B R6 nn JU Kt-B6 R B2 B K 3 12 13 14 \ g -o n r xx ^ x 1J K Rsq.l70jO K -Kt2 1R P-KE 4 np Kt-Q 5 1D P-Q4 jyKtXB 171 R 3 ! 172 qr7 R-K 5 1fi A Op Kt QKt4 t E6 R6ch. 165 20 B K2 BXP ! D 166 XP UO B B2 X p 4n R K 7 40i *"QXB Q-R 4 ch. Game 13-Confd. /J OK-Kt sq. 167 n .R-Kt 3 BxKt PXB ""KtxB 9 4 QxKt BXP ch. " A BxP nnQXQ B -Kts q . 42 P Kt4 PXP P B 3 or UUB O2 RxB RxQch. wins. 24 25 R-Qj R B2 P Kt 3 R K sq *Up_ R 4 P-Kt 5 ch. 44 K -Kt2 Q-Kt 3 ch. ** ^"i- i r_ i QR Q sq. 4 OK B sq. OR-K2 _R_ R 7 P Kt6 B Kt 3 Q-Kt4 R(Kt 3 )-K 3 'P-04 152 fl'P B 3 160 a'R Ksq. 28 |E- o, e ,^, 28 ^^_ nnQXQBch. nn QxKt&wiB8. ftn QxRP P_ 64 R-K 7 R-Q: ,RXP -47 175 , n KtxBch. ~4di^ZK K sq. Drawn game THE RUY LOPEZ. 33 Blackburne v. Zukertort. Game 13. Compare our Col. 18 up to this juncture. Game 13. An excellent move which seizes a powerful attack on the King's side. Game 13. Best in order to guard, in anticipation, against the adverse attack byQ Kt2. Game 13. Fine play. By bringing his B round to KKt3 ne s ^ attacks the weakest point of the enemy and protects his King's side against any danger. Game 13. A powerful and winning stroke. Frankfort v. Stuttgart. Game 14. We do not like this exchange, and we much prefer Kt QB4. Game 14. This advance loosens his strong Pawns. There was no objection against B Q2. Game 14. Obviously, if PxKt, the reply BX? ch. wins. Game 14. The initiation of a beautiful and deep laid plan. 157. Game 14. Nothing better now. If 21 Q QB4 ; 22 R QB sq., 22 Q 0.5 ; 23 B K3, 23 Q Kt5 ; 24 Q R; ch., 24 K Q sq. ; 25 B Kt6 ch., and wins. Game 14. If 24 BxKt ; 25 PxB, 25 Q moves ; 26 Q B; ch, 26 K K sq.; 27 R K sq. and wins. (Salvioli.) Game 14. If 25 QxP ; 26 B R5 ch., 26 K K2 ; (if QxB the Q is lost by Kt Kty ch.) 27 Q 67 ch., 27 B Q2 ; 28 Kt 65 ch. and wins (Salvioli). For mate is now forced after 28 K K3 best ; by 29 Kt Q4 ch., 29 K K2 ; 30 Q Q8 mate. Game 14. There is nothing better. If 27 B K2 ; 28 BxB, 28 KxB ; 29 Kt 65, and wins. Mackenzie v. Winawer. L. Game 15. Compare notes 53 and 54 to Col. 20. Zukertort played at this stage against the same opponent in the same tournament 12. .. .P Q4 ; and White took the P in passing, and after the exchange of pieces Black remained with an isolated QP. The game ultimately ended in a draw. Black, however, cannot play P KB3, for White would win a P by Q 64 ch., followed by PXP. 2. Game 15. A feeble sort of waiting policy. 13. . . .P Q3 ; 14 Kt Q5, 14 R K sq. ; was his best resource, for though White can now also win a P by KtxB and PXP, Black will be able to develop his forces, and is likely to draw on account of the Bishops being of opposite colors. 3. Game 15. Waste of time. Evidently P ?4 was the proper play. I. Game 15. Necessary as a temporary expedient, for he could not afford to allow B Kts, but this advance is the cause of breakdown in a few moves. 5. Game 15. Excellent play. Of course Black dare not take, for White would reply Q R4 and win in a few moves. 3. Game 15. A master coup which disorganizes the opponent's game. 167. Game 15. Clearly if 23 Q R2, the ch. of the Q at B6 followed by the ch. of the R also wins the Q. Winawer v. Zukertort. L68. Game 16. In Col. 25 we recommend P KB3 at once at this juncture. We think this better, as in some continuations the Kt may be wanted to enter at Oj after advancing P Q4- 169. Game 16. If 12 B Qsq.; 13 B R6, 13 PxB ; 14 Q Kt4 ch., 14 B Kt4 ; 15 KtxP ch. and 34 THE RUY LOPEZ. GAME No. 13. Move 26 B K sq. BLACK ZUKERTORT. A GAME No. 14. Move 25 P R6. BLACK STUTTGART. 1! !* WHITE BLACKBURNE. WHITE FRANKFORT. GAME No. 16. Move 20 BxP. BLACK WINAWER. GAME No. 16. Move i8P 95. BLACK ZUKERTORT. I .I* ......... WHITE MACKENZIE. WHITE WINAWER. THE RUY LOPEZ. , 35 (Continued from page jjj . 171. Game 16. We would have decidedly preferred B Esq. for this threatened KtXP followed l>y PXP and P Q3- 172. Game 16. If 17 PXP en passant, 17 PxP ; 18 KtXP, 18 BxKt ; 19 KxB, 19 Kt Q$ and wins. 173. Game 1 6. There seems to have been nothing better. If 19 PxKt, 19 PxKt ; 20 Q $64, 2c PXP, with at least as good a game as White's. 174. Game 16. With this he gets himself into difficulties from which he does not recover for some time. Taking possession of the open file by R K sq. was much better. 175. Game 16. R K5 was much stronger, for it threatened to win all the Pawns on the Queen's side and to remain a clear P ahead without relieving the adverse K if Black adoptc 1 a line of play simi- lar to the one that actually occurred. L76. Game 16. With this the draw is forced, for R and Kt cannot win against R by best play, and Black has also an extra P which White must try to get rid of. Game 17. International Chess Magazine. BAUER FORGES. P K THE RUY LOPEZ. KKt B 3 B Kts IP K^ Game 18. DUFRESNE LEHRBUCH Des SCHACH- SPIELS. LOWENTHAL, BRIEN & WOR- MALD In consultation. "QKt B 3 Game 19. DUFRESNE LEHRBUCH. Des SCHACH- SPIELS. NEUMANN ANDERSSEN. Q Game 20. Chess Match between Messrs. Steinitz and Blackburne. STEINITZ BLACKBURNF. Game 20^Cont'd. 99 B-Q4 Kt B 3 0-0 3p-QR 3 ,B-R 4 "Kt-B 33 dp QR 3 ^KtXP 4 Kt-B 3 -O O 4 K t-B 3 SB K2 Q-K2 &KtxP pR-K sq. O O 187 R BxKt P-B? . D Kt-Q 3 "Kt B 4 7 B X Kt "KtPxB 7 Kt X P "B K2 194 7 P-KR 3 195 'KtPxB fl PxP 'QPXB pKtxP /P-Q 4 R O O 188 'O O "Kt Kt2 OB K 3 183 nQ R 5 Q J PXP 8lvt-K sq. nP-KKu . n R-Q sq. Q B 3 184 B-Q 3 . pKtxQBP189 . pB 62 ^^lp_B 3 9 nQ~R6 AUQ Ksq. ..R-Ksq.177 10 K t-Q 2 4 4 B Kt5 . . Kt R5 190 !"B QKt2 ..QKt-Q2 196 "UP Kt5 PT/"4. .. . -^15 11 Kt B 4 178 llQ-B 4 9 P-KKH llQ_QKt4 . nKt Kt3 11Q-Q2 . ,,Kt B sq. "*P B 4 201 9 c B B6 4 9 Kt-B 5 l"Kt K 3 4 n t i\.t4 A^QXQBP ^"QB KKt5 |nQ-Q 2 191 l"Kt Qsq. 4 Kt-K 3 9R PXP 1"P KB 3 179 13p_KKt 3 ,, J| KtxR!D184 11 KXB 1 "Kt K 3 ( Up* V'P* 97 P-Kt6D2od 14 R B 2 . -BxP ! D 180 14 PXQ iKQ^Bj !4p_KKt 3 197 "/QXKtP 9 pBxKt l&KtXB 15 B -K2 . p R XB ch. *"B B6 D 192 1R PxB B-K3 ^ QXQch. 9 n B xQ . 7 Kt R6 ch. 1 OK B sq. jyKt-R 3 4 17^ R sq. 1 1^: : F; 1 OKKt Kt2 1? o-o-o ^R-B 3 203 1 'K B sq. 181 , nQR K sq. A/ PXP . nQ-R2 193 i/p_QB 4 198 R-Kt 3 . QQ-B 4 ch. wins. RxKt 1"Q K8ch. j n\f Xvt SQ. n PxP n 9 B X 182 1Q KR6 9n R-B 7 ch. lup By \\ hite resigns. 1J P 65 199 QQ Kt-Kt 5 ch. j ^K Ktsq. 9 1 QQ2 2OO "JUK-Ktsq. q.KR-Ksq.204 21 Black resigns.186 ^lp-QR 4 JJ * Black resins. THE RUY LOI'I / 37 Bauer v. Forges. 177. (lame 17. -Up to this point the play of both parties has proceeded as in the lines of the preceeding game, but here White loses time in order to lay a trap against the established defence. 178. CJame 17. 664 with the view of advancing P KBj, or P Qa accordingly, was the right play. 179. Game 17. K R sq. was now indispensable as a precaution. 180. Game 17. Excellent play. There is no good defence against this fine stroke. 181. ( iame 17. If K R sq., he comes at with a clear R behind by the answer KtXR ch., followed by QxKt ch., and ultimately RxB. 182. Game 17, The R must interpose which White will capture with the Kt followed by QXP, etc. Lowenthal, Brien and Wormald in Consultation. 183. Game 18. 8 B K2 is the right move here. 184. Game 18. A bad defence which subjects them to a powerful attack. Still B K2 was the best play. 185. Game 1 8. Highly ingenious. White gives up the Q but obtains three minor pieces for it, with an irresistible attack. 186. Game 1 8. After 21 . . . .QxKtP ch.; 22 R Kt3, 22 Q Q8 ch.; 23 K Kt2, Black's game is hopeless. Neumann v. Anderssen. Game 19. A favorite defence of Professor Anderssen for some time, but he abandoned it ultimately as it does not yield a satisfactory position by best play on the other side. Game 19. This is not good. The right answer is 8 PX?, and if 8 Q K sq. ; 9 O O, fol- lowed by P Q4, with the superior game. But not 9 P Q4 as Black would reply 9 .... QB R3 preventing White's castling, with a strong attack. Likewise, if Black play 8 QXP in reply to PXP, White answers 9 O O. Game 19. This gives White the inferior game. P KB4 was much superior. Game 19. His best plan was now 11 Kt IO; as suggested by Herr Dufresne, or u P Q5, u B QKt2 ; 12 B Kt5, 12 KtxP, with the much superior game. Game 19. Here is a case where the King's side has been] early left without any protection from minor pieces, and Black now wins by force. If 13 P KB3, 13 PxP ; 14 PXP, 14 Q KR4 ; 15 R 62, 15 Kt K5 and wins. Game 19. Winding up with consummate skill. Game 19. No better is 18 Q Q2, for then follows 18 Q B8 ch.; 19 K R2, 19 Kt K5 and Steinitz v. Blackburne. Game 20. P KKt3 with the view of posting the B at KKt2 is now established as the better de- fence. Game 20 Not so much for defensive purposes as with the view of forming an attack by P KKt4 after Black has castled. Game 20. Introduced for the first time in the present game, and this development of the Kt with the view of manoeuvring it to B sq. has since became an established form of attack. Game 20. We believe it would have been better to retreat B Q sq. Game 20. Much better was 17 P KB4 ; which "might have led to the following continuation : 18 Kt-K sq. !, 18 PxKP ; 19 PxP, 19 Kt 65 ; 20 Q B sq., followed by P KB3 and P KR4. (Coittimied on page THE RUY LOl'KZ. GAME No. 17. Movei5....BxKtP. BLACK FORGES. n m ^ %&///. ^ V%%%. %?///. ^ %7?M GAME No. 18. Move 14 KtxR. BLACK BRIEN AND WORMALD IN CONSULTATION. WHITE BAUER. WHITE LOWEXTIIAL. GAME NO. 19. Move 15 B B6. BLACK ANDERSSEN. II JL GAME No. 20. Move 27 P Kt6. BLACK BLACKBURNE. I IIJ w mm mm w.-mi'vm y/* oS* x^BHb' i pp" ''im'i'm i WHITE NEUMANN . WHITE STEINITZ. THE RUY LOPEZ. (Continued from page 57) . 39 199. Game 20. If 19 P Q4 J 20 P KS best (not PxP on account of the reply Kt B$), 20 P B$ ; 21 P KR4, with an excellent attack. 200. Game 20. Threatening both wings, but chiefly the King's side after removing the B. 201. Game 20. After 24 Kt (Kt2) K sq. ; 25 P KR4, 25 Q Kt2 ; 26 QxQ'ch., 26 KtxQ ; (or 26. . . . KXQ ; 27 P RS, etc.,) 27 PxP, 27 Kt R4 ; 28 Kt Kt5 (threatening P 67 ch.), 28. ... KKtxBP ; 29 P R5, White has an irresistible attack, for if 29 KtxP ; 30 RxKt followed by R Kt sq. wins. And if 29 K Kt2 ; 30 PxP, 30 PxP ; 31 R R7 ch. and wins. Game 20. This wins a piece by force. For obviously if PxP, Kt Kt5 follows. Game 20. If 29 R B2 ; 30 KR Kt sq. ch., 30 K R sq.; 31 B K3, 31 P KR3 ; 32 B Q4 ch., 32 K R2 ; 33 BxP ch., 33 RxB ; 34 R Kt7 ch., 34 K R sq.; 35 QR Kt sq. and wins. Game 20. White threatens according to circumstances, R K6 or R K7. 202. 203. 204 DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. The Double Ruy Lopez is a continuationof the Four Knights' Game in which both parties follow up by B Kt5. The attack by Kt Q5 had been greatly in favor with first-class practitioners for many years, until the author played in his match with Zuker- tort, in 1886 (see Illustrated games), the defence pointed out in Col. i, which rests chiefly on a combination of Black's yth and 8th moves. 7. . . .P K5 had already been played Mr. Gunsberg, but in conjunction with 8. . . .QPxP it makes the game so equal at early stage as to render the attempt of an attack absolutely useless. In Col. 2 the attack with Kt Q5 is made before castling, and though it leads to an exchange of Queens and to the doubling of one of Black's Pawns, the second player obtains a powerful counter-attack on account of his two Bishops, and ' ' the hole " on White's KB3 and KR3 which makes the protection of White's Kt difficult and gives- Black entrances into the adverse game. Col. 3 also leads to an even game at least for the defence, and in fact we would slightly prefer Black at the end. But as most players would hesitate to move their King early in the opening, the defence in Col. i, which simplifies matters at an early stage, is to be preferred. Col. 4 is a modification of a variation that occurred in a fine game between Winawer and Zukertort in the Paris Congress. (Compare Col. 1 1 and Illustrative games. ) It ought to end in an even game by proper treatment such as we propose, whereas the way played in that game White obtained an excellent attack at the expense of a Pawn, which blocked the adverse centre and retarded Black's development. Col. 5 is another alteration of the opening moves of a celebrated game between Paul- sen and Morphy, very finely played by White, whose 8th and 9th moves show exceed- ingly strong position judgment. By inducing, or in fact compelling Black to advance^ 8. ... P QKt4, he practically demolishes the Queen's side. But in actual play Paulsen commits a position blunder by transposing the order of correct moves, and this makes all the difference in the analytical results. 1 1 P QB3 ought, we believe, to render Black's game untenable. For P Q4 will follow to drive the B back, and then B 63 con- tinued, sooner or later (perhaps after P QKt4), will form an irresistible attack on the Queen's side. Col. 6 represents a difference in tactics on a principle which is better explained in note 13, which deals with the move hitherto recommended by authors, viz., 9 R K sq. for the attack. But we feel sure that this ought only to lead to an even game, and in some variations that have been offered in demonstration that White can press the attack, we find that the defence ought to obtain the superior position. Our main difference in opinion is that the centre attack commenc- ing with R K sq. is a failure, and that a wing attack with the KBP prepared by harrass- 42 THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. ing the Queen at once with the QP and the Kt is the proper play. If our premises are right it is quite obvious that the R is wanted to remain at KB sq. in order to support the advance of the KBP to 65. In Col. 7 we propose an extensionof aline of play against a counter-attack hitherto recommended, which we believe ought to be in White's favor. The game was generally dismissed as even on Black's 8th move, but we think that the addition of two moves will demonstrate our contention. Col. 8 shows how White might be led to compromise his game by a plausible sally on the 6th move, which apparently wins a P. The variations produce an interesting and spirited attack, but by best play Black ought to obtain the advantage. Cols. 9 and 10 deal with inferior continuations on the part of the first player, while Cols. 1 1 and 12 contain novel analysis to demonstrate that a defence in the Three Knights' Game 3. ... P KKt3, which we ourselves have favored for some time, is unsatisfactory and how the first player ought to take advantage of it. THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ, FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAMK. 43 P K4 P-K4 P-K 4 P-K4 P K4 IP K4 THE FOUR KNIGHT'S GAME. ? KKt-B 3 flOKt B 3 ? QKt-B 3 "KKt B 3 nQKt-B 3 flOKt B 3 ? QKt-B 3 "KKt B 3 nt- "K Kt B 3 Kt-B 3 t B 3 KI B 3 qKt-B 3 " Kt B 3 RUY LOPEZ CONTINUATION. Double Ruy Lopez Defence ..... k - . .... Cols. I to 4. ^*B Kt^ Second Defence ......... A _ .... Col. 5. "B 64 ? Third Defence ........ - A _ _ .... Col. 6. ^P QR 3 ? Fourth Defence ...... A _ __ .... Cols. 7 to . Second Continuation ...... ^ P ~ Q 4? _ .... Col. 9. Third Continuation ....... ^P QR 3 .... Col. 10. THE THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. .v .P-K4 9 KKt-B 3 oKt-B 3 A P K4 "QKt B 3 Defence ............ Q _ ......... Cols, n to 12. UP KKt 3 44 THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. KKt-B 3 .P-K4 IP K4 "QKt B 3 3^t ^ Kt B 3 B-Kts 3 Kt-Q5 PxKt *B Kt5 -O O Oo o R Kt-Q5 OKtxKt ! 3 P K5 ! 7 PxKt pPXKt /P-K5 nPXKt QPXP 10 B X P- 'QPXP B X P 'PXKt Q-B 3 Q B-K2 5 Q Kt-Ktsq. 6 Q O-O "PXKt Q Kt4 "P B^ B B 4 7 PXKt Kt-Q 5 KtxKt 8 UBxKt 5 4fi 64? ^O O 6 P QR 3 ? B X Kt O O pKtXP pKtXP OR_K sq . ? 7 KtxKt KtXP 7 KtXKt 'QPXKt pB-B 4 ! 'Q-Q5 0-0 Op QKt4i 12 "QxKKt B-K2 .P-KKt 3 IQB KKts p B 3 OB 64 1 11 R K sq. ch. . n B K 3 K Q sq. 9~1UB K2 Kt X P B-B4_ Hp-Q 3 , Q- K t3 10 KB 4 B B 4 D7 11 Q P-Q4! 13 OQ-KB 4 14 10 P-KB4+ D Column 2. Move 14 O O O. BLACK. i WHITE. Column 5. Move 11 P QB 3 . BLACK. WHITE. THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. K)UK KNIGHTS' GAME AND II 1KKK KNIGHTS' GAMK. 45 Col. I/ The same position may be arrived at in the PetrofTs defence, or in theQKt opening, or in the ordinary Ruy Lopez by a transposition of moves. Col. I. This attack originated with Mr. Paulsen. It was greatly in favor with Zukertort, who adopted it very frequently in matches and tournaments. Col. i. This excellent defence was first adopted by Gunsberg against Ranken in the Vizayan- agaram Tournament of London, 1883. It leads to an easy, even game by proper continuation. Col. i. If 8 KtPxP ; 96 K2, (better than 9 B R4, 9 PxKt ; 10 QxP, 10 B R3 ; 11 P_Q 3 1,for if ii R-K sq., n R K sq.; 12 RxR ch., 12 QxR ; 13 Q KS, 13 B QB4, and wins, 1 1 Q RS with the attack). 9 PxKt ; 10 BxP, and White will obtain the advantage sooner or later by P Q4, P QB3, and P QKt4, which prevents the doubled Pawn from being dissolved, as occurred in the above mentioned game between the Rev. C. E. Rankin and Gunsberg. This game, however, ended in a draw. Col. i. Or 9 BXP, 9 PXB ; 10 Kt KS (if 10 Kt K sq., 10 B R3 ; 11 P Q3, u R K sq.+), 10 Q Q4; n Kt Kt4(ii P Q4?, iiB-R3; 12 P QR3, 12 B R4! + ; not 12 BxR, on account of the reply PxB, followed by P QKt3) ; 1 1 P KB4 ; 12 Kt K3+, 12 Q B2+. Col. 2. Or 9 Kt K5, 9 Q Kt4 and wins. Or 9 Q K2, 9 O Q ; 10 Kt Q4, 10 QxKt ; ii P QB3, n Q Q4 ; 12 PXB, 12 P QR4 +. Col. 2. Continued 15 R K sq., 15 KR K sq. ch.; 16 K B2, 16 RxR ; 17 KtXR, 17664 ch. Or 15 P 63 (if 15 P Q4, 15 RxP ; 16 P 63, 16 R K sq. ch., 17 K 62, 17 BxKt ; 18 KXB, 18 R Q6 ch. + ), 15. .. .KR K sq. ch.; 16 K B2, 16 R Q6 ; 17 Kt Q4 (or 17 Kt K sq., 17 B 64 ch.; 18 K B sq., 18 R B6 ch. ; 19 K Kt2l, 19 R 67 ch.; 20 K Kt sq., B R6 and mates in two moves), 17 KB QB4 ; 18 P KR3, 18 BxKt ch.; 19 PxB, 19 R 20 B6 ch.; 20 K Kt2, 20 R K7 ch.! ; 21 K Kt sq., 21 R (K7) 67; 22 PxB, Black mates in three moves. Col. 3. Better than 8 Q K2 ch.; 9 K Q sq., 9 Q 63 ; 10 R K sq. ch., loK Qsq.; ii P QB3, ii B 64 ; 12 P Q3, 12 P KR3 ; 13 B Q2 +. Col. 3. If B-K2 White replies P Q6. Col. 3. Or ii P QB3, ii 664; 12 P QKt4, 12 B Q3 ! + (not 12 B Kt3 ; 13 P Q3, 13 P KR3 ; 14 P Q6 ! , 14 PxB ; 15 6-64, 15 KR-KKt sq. ! ; 16 P QB4, with a powerful attack.) Col. 4. If 9 B Kt3 ; 10 Q Kt4, 10 O O ; (or 10 Q 63 ; n P Q4, u PxP? ; 12 QB Kt5, and wins); u QB Kt5, ii P 63 ; 12 B R6, 12 Q K2 ; 13 P Q6, 13 PxP ; 14 664 ch., with a very good position for the P minus. Compare Illustrative Game No. I 12. Col. 5. Black's Pawns are now weak. Yet he has nothing better, for if he capture the KP at once, White will exchange Knights followed by BxP ch., which Black dare not take on account of the answer Q 63 ch. 13. Col. 6 Better than 9 R K sq., 9 B K3 ; 10 P Q4, 10 Q 64 ; n B Kt5, n P KR3 ; 12 B-R 4 , (or 12 Q-Q3; 12 Q Kts) ; 12. .. .B Q 3 ; 13 P KKt4, 13 Q Kt3. 14. Col. 6. Or 9. . . .Q Q3 ; 10 Kt 63, 10 Q Q sq.; n P KB^'ii B K2 ; 12 P 65-1-. 46 THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. P-K 4 9 KKt-B 3 qKt-B 3 12 IP K 4 "Q] 789 10 .P-QR3 11 UKt-B 3 |B Kt5 A P ~ 4? P KKt 3 17 P Q 4 r KtxP n p ~Qs B-Kt S ,-KtXP J KKtxP "Kt K2 R KtxKt pKtxBP? B Q 2 1JP-Q5 R Kt K2 OB Kt2 OQ K2 DQ K2 16 OP Q 3 7 ,,0-0 B Q 3 OB Q2 y p -Q3 6Kt-B 3 7 KtxKt! KKt K2 7 P-KR 4 ! 'QXKt 'QXKt 'P QB 3 fl R-K sq. pQ-K sq. n p XP+ pKt-Kt 3 7 KtPxKt 18 pP K5 'P KR 3 21 UB K2 UQ_K 3 + UPXP Q Kt-B 3 "Kt Kt sq. gP KB4 KtXKt U Q Q3 ! 15 P Q 3 19 jnQ~B 3 10 B " Q4 u O-O-O + D BXB 11 2O Q-^ch.+ E 12 22 Column ii. Move n. O O O. BLACK. i fit*. iW, ^ i m - Column 12. Move 12 Q Q4. ch. BLACK. WHITE. WHITE. THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. 47 IB. Col. 7. If 9 Q QB4 ; 10 P QKt 4, 10 QxP ; H Kt Q5, n Q 64 ; 12 KtxB+ 16. Col. 8. Or 6. . . .KxKt ; 7 KtyKt, 7 KtxB ; 8 Q RS ch., recovering the piece with a P ahead. Or if 6 .... KtxKt ; 7 QPxKt, 7 Q-K2 ch. ; 8 B K 3 , 8 KtXB ; 9 KtXR followed by O O and R Ksq.+ L7. Col. 10. A favorite move of Mr. Gunsberg. Its apparent object is to prevent in the continuation 4 B 64 ; 5 KtxP, 5 KtxKt ; 6 P Q4, the answer 6 B Kt5 1.8. Col. 10. White's position is identical with that of Black in the previous column, with the excep- tion that his QRP is moved one square. The move in the text is now better than P 63 which would leave a weak spot at QKt3- 19. Col. 1 1 -Or 9 R Kt sq. ; 10 KB QB4, 10 RxP ? ; 1 1 B Kt$ + . 20. Col. ii. Continued 11 PxP ; 12 PxP, 12 Kt K2 (or 12 BxP ; 13 KB 64,13 Q K2, i 3 KR-Ksq.+); 13 KB QB4, 13 O O ; 14 P-K6, I4?XP; isBxPch., 15 K Rsq.;i6 RXB and wins. 21 . Col. 1 2. As Black is bound to castle on the King ' s side he cannot allow the adverse KRP to advance and open the R file. P KR4 is also inconvenient as White would reply B K2, followed soon by P KKt4. 22. Col. 12. Continued 12. .. .P KB3 ; 13 O O O, [13 B K3 ; 14 P RS, 14 P Kt4 ; 15 P KKt 3 +. 48 THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. n v - KKt B 3 ,Kt B 3 J B ~ Kt 5 UK>_R? 4 ISg Game 1. Paris Chess Con- gress, 1878. WINAWER ZUKERTORT. "QKt B 3 Game 2, Match, 1886. ZUKERTORT STEINITZ. >Kt-B 3 ^ Game 3. Game 4. New York Congress, 1857- International Chess Magazine, May, 1888. MAXJUDD PAULSEN STEINITZ. MORPHY. Kt-Q 5 -B 4 n KtxKt PXKt 1 Kt-Qs pKtXKt "BxKt nP-QB 3 B-Kt 3 11 12 B-Kts P KB3 B-R6 K.a KB B 4 ch. 'K R sq. P B 4 i# -BS AUp_QKt4 iq B ^5 ^QR-Ktsq. 9? P-KR 4 ^JOp_Ktc KtPxBP B X QBP 25- RXP Q-R 3 5 QR-QR 4 6 abp--R 4 KR-KR 4 fl / P B6 dis. cb. K-Ktsq. &QB 30 B-R 3 R KKt 4 QR-K sq.!7 KRxP D 8 Kt-Qs fa KtxKt PXKt 'KtxKt 5 6 r PXKt P K<; PXKt QXP 1O 'QPXP BxPch. 10 QPXP B-Q 3 B- 12 Kt2 13 ,B B sq. 14 15 - sq. KR Ksq.15 'B-Q 4 16 rBxP ch. 17 18 >-RS K-Ktsq. |Q R7 ch. 18 Q Z R5 ch. K-K2 19 ,R-K 3 ch. Q-R8ch ,B-R6D 2O K2 21 22 R K sq. ch. Q R2 QXQch. Game 1 Cont'd. White wins. 9 Game 2-Confd. 31 P _QB 4 32pZ^ 23 White resigns. Game 3-Confd. R B8 White resigns. o-o Kt-Q 4 24 L Q-Kt 3 25 |PXB ,Q -K3 P-QKt3 15 B " Kt2 R- -Q6 -B R6 19 B-Q6 R-R 3 26 Q -K 27 28 A P _ KB 4 99 R-Kt 3 ^R-B 2 , Q R8 ch. QXQ ch. R-R 3 27 D 0-0-0 29 flOp_B 4 30 SO^p 0-0 31 nKtXP R Ksq. 32 'QPxKt pB B 4 33 "P QKH 34 qB K2 35 "KtxP nKtxKt 36 37 , j B B 3 11 R-K 3 1 ? " P-B 3 i n 10B Kt 3 -2 38 2 39 1 r xP IOB-Q R-R I DQR K sq Q-R6 40 I/QXBD 41 R Kt 3 ch. K-R sq. B R6 R-Qs. 42 K-Kt sq. B sq. 23 24 M :h. 43 K Kt sq. B R6dis. ch. K R sq. ~44 Q-B sq. R-R 3 .P-Q4 ^5 '""^Q TllK DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AM) TIIK1.I KNKiHTS 1 CAME. 49 Winawer v. Zukertort. Game I . Compare Col . 4 and Note 1 1 . Game i. B B2 was preferable, for the B is now exposed to the attack of hostile Pawns. Game I. Much better than ByP, though the latter was also safe. Game I. This is play of the highest order. Game i. If 25. . . .BxR ; 26 BxB, 26 R Kts (or 26. . . .Q R3 ; 27 BxRP, etc.); 27 BxQ, 27 RXQ ; 28 B -63, 28 R K4 ; 29 P R6, 29 KR-K sq. ; 30 B -Kt3, with an excellent attack. Game i. An excellent move which retards the development of Black's B and gives White time to form his K side attack. Game I. His game was lost ; but R 63 was his best resource. Game I. Masterly play, though not very deep, for it threatens double ch. mate at once by R Kt8. It forms a well worked out link in the elegant chain of Winawer's combination. Game i. Continued 31 ... .KxB ; 32 Q Kt4 ch., 32 K R sq. ; 33 PxP, 33 B Q6 ch. ; 34 K B sq., 34 QB -KB 4 ; 35 Q-R4, 35 R *7 ; 3 R Q4, 36 B -Q sq. ; 37 Q-Kt 3 . Zukertort v. Steinitz. Game 2. If 9 PxQP, 9 PXP threatening to capture the R with a'ch. And if 9 PxKtP, the B re- takes with a powerful attack. Game 2. Threatening to win a piece by Q K4, but not as good as B K2. 'Much better was P QB3, with the object of retreating B 62, and then advancing P ^4. Game 2. Black threatened Q K4, and the only other move was P QB3, whereupon Black could force an attack by P-KB4. Game 2. Driving the adverse Q somewhat out of play, for obviously Black dare not reply Q B6 on account of the rejoinder BX? ch. Game 2. If 15 QxP ; 16 B Q2, threatening R R sq., followed by B QB3, winning the Q, with a strong attack. Game 2. Much better was now 16. . . .QXP, with the probable continuation : 17 BxB, 17 PxB ; 18 Q-K4, 18 P KKt3 ; 19 Q -Q4, 19 Q R6 ; 20 P QKt4, 20 P QB4+. Game 2. This sacrifice is unsound, but Black had clearly the best of the game anyhow. Game 2. White could recover the piece by BxB followed by P QB4, but Black would afterward pLy Q Q7 with great advantage. Game 2 . In the actual game a series of repetition moves were made on both sides. ' Game 2. -Unavailing ; but 24 R - Kt3, 24 R K2 ; 25 RxP, 25 RxR ; 26 B R6, 26 K K2 ; leads to the same position as occurred. Game 2. Best. If 24 PX^ ; 25 QxBP ch., 25 B 62 ; 26 QxRP ch., 26 K- -Kt sq.; 27 R R3, 27 B I<4, (or 27 Q 1<4 ; 28 R-Kt3 ch.), 28 Q Kt5ch., 28 K Esq.; 29 R R8ch., win- ing the Q, and though Black has three pieces for it, the three passed Pawns and the exposed posi- tion of Black's King make White's game very strong. Game 2. If QxP ch., then, of course, Black replies B B2, threatening R KKt sq., etc. Ga.we 2. Black threatens PxP followed by R -R6, and all the Pawns on the Queen's side must fall. Judd v. Steinitz. Game 3. If 10 QxP, he loses a piece by 10 R K sq. ; II Kt KS, n BQ3; followed bv P-KB 3 . Game 3. We prefer now u ... .Q Q4 ; 12 PxB, 12 P-QR4; followed by B-R3. Game 3. Threatening R Kt3- Game 3. He ought to have still continued with 20 R Kt3, for if 20 QXQ ; 21 RxP ch., 21 K R sq,; 22 RXBP clis. ch., 22 K-JCt sq. (or 22. .. .Q K4 ; 23 RxR ch., 23 K Kt2 ; 24 JXQ ch., 24 KxR ; 25 BxP + ). 23 R Kt7 ch., and draws. Game 3. As White evidently aimed at the square where this P stood, it was best not to givo up the P. Game 3. Better was R R2, but then Black would have played P KR3, followed by doubling Rooks against the KRP, which would also be further attacked by the B if White in the meanwhile ( 'Continued on page 51.) So THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. GAME No. I. Move 30. KRXP- BLACK ZUKERTORT. GAME No. 2. Move 24. B R6. BLACK STEINITZ. M/s. *'////////,"""' e./5 ^JVJVL JV^ OO KB-QB 4 57 ^UP KKt 4 9 .QR-Q sq. Kt B 3 64 7 B-K2 65 'BxKt 48 'P-Q3 fl o-o Q-Kt 3 'O fl o-o P KR3 Q QB-KR 4 49 "0-0 gP-KB 4 25 R __ Q4 Kt-K2 Q B-B 3 "B Kts 1(1 B-Q 3 58 97 R-Q sq. Jp-Q 3 66 1"B-Q2? SO ..R-Ktsq. lUp_Q 4 11 PXP "/QXBP lO K t-Q2 67 . . B R6 -Up QKt 3 51 KtXKt 28 B -Q 4 llKt-K 4 12 R _ Ks q. 4 q R K SC 1- P-B3 "R Ksq. D SUB 62 1"KXB 68 . n B ~K2 1 "P KKt 4 4 jKtxP 52 13 R _Q sq . Q_B 2 n . B B sq. 61 Up-KB 3 69 , .P B 4 4 I.BXP D ^^65 59 K JSJ ^QR-Qsq. A"UE>v/r> c *% JL /\Jt OO , D PXP Q_KB2 O^Q_B 7 62 10 P _B 3 70 1R B-B 4 iO R _K 4 54 K7-B B 3 4 niQ KtSch. 1DB-Q2 4 yBxKt uur\ K so 72 9Q R-Q 3 ! 73 1'KtxP . oP-KB 4 17p-QKt 3 0_ Kt3 RXB ^URXP 74 9 .R-R 3 D 75 BX^ 3 18 Q-B3 ,,P-KR 4 l"Kt-Bsq. . QP-KS 71 L 4g_K 2 76 9( -Q R6ch. iOQXB , on BxKt&wins. n R KR-Ksq. Q7 Kt-Q 3 ? 63 9R Kt K6ch. "OK Kt sq. 9R R B8ch. and zu Iw U/QXKtP Black wins. O 4 ^ ""White mates next move. KR 4 THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAMK. 53 Englisch v. Rosenthal. Game 5. We prefer Kt K2 which prepares PQB 3 , and with tin- vicw-.t' biin-in/ this Kt to Kt 3 . Game 5. As usual, it was unadvisablc to exchange the B for a Kt. The correct play was Kt K2. Game 5. B K 3 would be our choice. If Black had played well he would have neutralized the advantage of the two Bishops. Game 5. Weak. He could have, at least, equalized the game by BxKt followed by P KKt4, which would have kept White's QB shut in. Game 5. Waste of time which could have been better employed by R K sq. at once, for instance. Game 5. A bold sacrifice, butwe doubt its absolute correctness. Game 5. With this imprudent exchange he justifies White's venture in actual play. But analysis would, we think, prove that 15. . . QKt Kt sq. ; 16 Q B 3 , (we see nothing more promising), 16 . . . .K Kt2 ; 17 Q Kt3, 17 Kt R4; 18 Q R4 18 P KB 3 is in Black's favor. Game 5. As good or bad almost as anything else for White is sure to obtain an irresistible attack by r KB4. If, for instance now, 18 P QR 3 ; 17 BxKt, 17 BxB ; 18 P Q5, 18 B -Kt2 ; 19 Q Q4 ; 19 K Kt2 ; 20 R K 3 , with a winning attack. Rosenthal v. Steinitz. Game 6. By a transposition of moves a Three Knights' game position is soon arrived at. Game 6. In Col. 12 we give 18. . . .KKt B 3 ; as Black's best move, but neither is satisfactory, and we think the King's fianchetto will have to be abandoned in the Three Knights' game. Game 6. Anyhow wrong, for this B is better placed at K2 in this opening. But the strong-. est move at this juncture is, we believe, P KR4. Game 6. Much superior was, undoubtedly, Q Q 3 . Game 6. Of course if P QB4, White would first attack the Q by B K4. Game 6. This advance is very weak and soon causes the loss of this P. Game 6. Forced. If R K sq., Black would still capture the B followed by Q -Kt8 ch. Game 6. Threatening RxKt. Game 6. Accelerating defeat, but his game was already untenable as he was two Pawns behind with by far the mipcriec. position. Blackburne vs. Steinitz. Game 7. Up to this the moves of both parties are identical with those in the foregoing game with the exception that White's 2d and 3 d moves were reversed in actual play. Game 7. Compare Col. 12 for the stronger continuation 7 KtXKt. Game 7. Much better was 9. . . .P Q4- If White exchanged in the centre it would have led to a position very similar to that arrived at in the previous game on Black's I2th move with the position of the defence slightly superior. If, however, White advanced P K$, the Kt could retreat to Q2, with an even game. Game 7. Much inferior to Kt K sq., followed by P QB 3 , in case White replied B R6, after which Black would obtain an excellent game by P KB4- Game 7. No more satisfactory was 12 KtxBch.; I 3 KtXKt, I 3 KxB ; 14 Q Q4 ch., 14 K Kt sq , (if 14 P KB 3 ; 15 Kt R4, or Q2 followed by P KB4, with a strrong attack) ; 15 Q B6, 15 B K 3 ) or 15 Kt B 3 ; 16 QxQ followed by Kt Qs); i6Kt Q4, with an excellent attack, for if 16 Kt B 3 ; 17 QxQ, 17 QRXQ (if KtXQ White answers effectually Kt Kt5); 1 8 KtXKt with the superior game. Game 7. If 13. .. .P- KB4 ; 14 P KB4, 14 KKt 63 ; 15 PX?, 15 KtX? ; 16 Kt ; 17 Kt Q5, with a fine attack. (Continued on page 5 5.) 54 THE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. GAME No. 5. White's 1 5th move. OBxKtP. BLACK ROSENTHAL. WHITE ENGLISCH. GAME NO. 6. Move 29 ....R K sq.. BLACK STEINITZ. I "///, w//. Ill ill is i GAME No. 7, Move 24 R R3. BLACK STEINITZ. WHITE ROSENTHAL. WHITE BLACKBURNE. - 1 HE DOUBLE RUY LOPEZ. FOUR KNIGHTS' GAME AND THREE KNIGHTS' GAME. 55 (Continued from pagf 53) . ( lame 7. This weakens the QP. B Q2 at once was certainly better. (lame 7. A puzzling plan of attack, but not as correct and sure as OKt K2, threatening Kt KB4 and preparing P QB4. Game 7. This was a grave error. 22 . . . Kt Kt3 ; 23 Q B6 ch. (if 23 Kt K* or R Q3, Black may safely answer RxP), 23 K Kt sq. ; 24 Kt K4, 24 Kt (^4 ; 25 RxKt (nothing better), 25 PxR J 26 Kt Kt5, 26 R Kt2 was sufficient to secure Black's superiority. Game 7. A beautiful move that carries the victory by force. Game 7. 23. . . .P KR3 was the only hope, though not of much use against best play on account of the continuation ; 24 Q B6 ch., 24 K Kt sq. (if K R2, White answers Kt K4, threatening Kt Kt5 ch. followed accordingly by R R3 ch. or Kt 67) ; 25 R Kt3, 25 R Kt2 best (if 25 RyP, White wins by 26 RxP ch., 26 OxR, followed by 27 Q B8 ch. and R 67 ch.) ; 26 Kt K4, with an irresistible attack. Game 7. This powerful stroke leaves Black without resource. Game 7. Giving an opportunity for a brilliant finish. But there was no help. If P KR4, White of course would reply RxP, and 24 R K2 was equally useless, as Black would answer Q R6 ch., followed by Kt K4, winning easily. THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. This opening, which is one of the strongest in practical play as well as in theory, is already mentioned by old Italian writers, but derived its name and its introduction into public favor chiefly from the match between Edinburgh and London played in 1826-28. The most formidable attack in this opening is the one in which the P is immediately retaken on the fourth move, thus opening the Q file for White and liberating the KBP for a timely advance. We think, however, that our new defence pointed out in Col. 3 with its simplifying tendencies ought to give the second player a satisfactory game which, at /any rate, does not subject him to such complicated attacks as Black has to sustain in most other variations. First in order, however, we have placed an entirely new line of development for White in answer to a move which we have, ourselves, favored in practice almost invariably, namely: 4. . . .Q RS- The propositions which we make in Cols. I and 2 for the purpose of counteracting this sally, initiate a new line of attack, resting chiefly on the strength of White's combined two Bishops and Black's inability to castle in time. It seems to us that the form of attack which we suggest has the advantage of reducing Black's resources" practically to one main line of play on the 5th move, and again, later on, the defence has no better option than to exchange B for Kt and to leave White with the powerful combination of two Bishops. White's Kt is also then better posted for the attack against the weak QBP by being placed at QBj, whereas in other variations the Q2 square forms the basis of operations for White's Kt and the recovery of the P is made more difficult. In the next two columns the idea of advancing 7. . . .P Q4 with the view of giving up the QBP is examined. Col. 5 represents the leading form of Black's counter attack as suggested by Herr von Gottschall in the Deutsche Schachzeitung which rests chiefly on the move 12 ... .Kt Kt5. In Col. 6 we propose quite an original line of play in- volving the sacrifice of a R for Black. We think that this variation if adopted in practice is likely to lead to various brilliancies. The fact that White's Kt is out of play practically reduces the sacrifice to that of the exchange only, and the undeveloped state of White's game and his inability to castle seem to us to give Black sufficient attacking compensa- tion for the venture. In Col. 7 we differ again from the authorities who, we think, for insufficient reasons, let the QKt be developed at QR3, instead of in the natural way at QB3. It seems to us that the sacrifice of the P which we afterward recommend, gives White a powerful attack. In the next three columns we dispose of three different lines of attack with some novel modifications in each and demonstrate them in favor of the the defence. But in Col. u, which is a variation of Col. 10, the attack wins on account of an unfavorable move for Black, which hitherto has held good in theory and practice, owing to the sim- ple move 1 1 B B2, which we propose, having been overlooked. Finally in Col. 12 we analyze in a new way the strongest continuation in this form of opening, namely : 7 B Kt5, and we think we show satisfactorily, though in a novel manner, that White ought to obtain the advantage. *6 58 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. In Col. 1 3 we think the Fraser attack in the Scotch Gambit receives a fair answer, showing that the second player ought to maintain the P without being subjected to much disadvantage in position. In the other columns of that page we have made different selections from variations already known with slight alterations and additions. In Col. 19 we show that an attack by 6 B KKt5 which hitherto has been held to lead to an even game is untenable and leads to disaster if continued with our new move 8. . . .K Q sq. Col. 20 is an ingenius variation quoted from the Chess MontJily, but not taken up in books on the game as far as we are aware. Col. 2 1 was already given in the International Chess Magazine in a game between Senor Golmayo and Captain Mackenzie, but has not otherwise been mentioned in theoretical treatises. In Col. 22 we endorse a defence hitherto held weak, while another which was considered the best is in the next two columns proved to be unfavorable, and new lines of play not yet noticed are introduced into the columns with notes. Cols. 25 to 27 contain novelties by Professor Berger first published in the Inter- national Chess Magazine. Col. 28 is taken from a game between the author and Zuker- tort. Some original analysis will, however, be found in the last two columns of that table. In Col. 3 1 we propose to show that the capture of a P which hitherto was con- sidered unsound may be safely adopted, and by a little alteration in the continuation offered by the authorities for the defence, we think that we prove our contention. In the next column a line of play which occurred between Messrs. Rosenthal and Bird is quoted and contains, we believe, the best moves on each side in that variation. Col. 33 gives a new successful defence to a theoretical attack while the next column shows that the hitherto authorized defence merely leads to an even game. Col. 35 contains some explanatory additions of a complicated counter-attack as examples, and in Col. 36 the last two moves on each side are new, and we believe a great improvement for the defence of Count Vitzthounes' attack. In Col. 37 the defence 5. . . .Q 63 in last-named attack is, we believe, shown to be dangerous at least, though it used to be approved of by the authorities. The next two columns contain obsolete defences which, however, are of some theoretical value, being treated in a new manner and may be of use to beginners. In Col. 40, how- ever, 4. ... B Kt5 ch. seems to us to be quite as good as 4. ... B 64, and perhaps even better, for we believe that the main line of attack by 6 O O which used to be dreaded formerly is sufficiently met by our new answer 6. . . .Q 63. The next two col- umns show the result of other defences and end favorably for the attack. On the next table the most noteworthy innovations are those of Col. 46, as the same position may arise in the Danish Gambit and we propose to show by a new process that the two Pawns may be maintained without danger. In the following columns of that table we show the danger of other defences that have hitherto been recommended, and especially the line of attack in Col. 48 will be found interesting. In the last table some inferior defences are examined, chiefly by our own inde- pendent analysis, and in some variations our conclusions differ from those of former authors. Tin: SCOTCH GAMBIT. 59 ,KKt-B 3 The Pawn is taken with the Pawn PXP First Continuation First Defence (Counter Second Defence 4 KtxP Third Defence Second Continuation - - - - First Defence Second Defence .... Third Defence Fourth Defence .... Third Continuation - - - - - First Defence Second Defence .... : Pawn is taken with the Knight Q KtxP First Continuation 4 1 4g=ET V-B 3 ? 3- -5 .QKt-B3! 5 KKt-B 3 ' 5 Kt rB-K 3 OQ=KT C B-K 3 '-^trP " V 5 1 B Kts ch. 5 B-QB 4 PXP OKI B 3 4 Second Continuation KtxKt - - Cols, i, 2. - - Col. 13. Col. 14. Cols. 15 to 18. . - - Cols. 4 to 12. - - Cols. 29, 30. Cols. 19, 25 to 28. Cols. 20 to 24. - Cols. 3 i to 57. - - . Col. 38. - - . Col. 39 . Cols. 40 to 45. - - Cols. 47, 47. - - - Col. 48. Cols Col. 53. 6o THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. KKt-B 3 KtxP IP K 4 1 2 f A ft S~\ I/" A T> "v^ivt i>3 3 ^PXP 4 1 * 5 6 q PXB QKt-B 3 ! 2 4B-B 4 rB-K 3 r B-K 3 9 &B-Kt 5 pKt-Kts OQ-K2 nQKt-B 3 P-QB3 "QXP ch. 3 B-K2 B X Kt l*KKt K2 /BxKtch. pKtxB . /Kt-B 3 pBxKt 'P Q4 1O 8 Kt - Kt S 11 Q-Q5 QxKtP Q B-Q 3 q B-B 3 "QXB gKt-Q 5 "BXB qQxB 12 ORKt K2 4 a Q R6 t^r . n KtxBP 00-0 i(] KtxP lUp_QR 3 5! "K Q sq. <(J Q R5+ D <4 ,P K4 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. KKt-B 3 o p -4 .KtxP lp-K 4 13 -KKt-KB 3 29 14 rQ-Q3 OQKt B 3 15 -Kt Kts UPXP 16 17 18 R B-Q2 B K2 3O R KtxKt B-Kts ch. 34 "Q-K2! 31 7 QB-KKt 5 nKt-B 3 '< "C)XP ch. 13 ,,B-K 3 OgxPch. l B-K2 OQXKPch. 7 B-K2 'Kt B 3 n K *~B 3 i KB QKt5 'B R 4 'QXKtP /K-Qsq. 0-0 "Q-Qsq. qBxKt ^BxKt OQQ4J 35 Bg-R6 -KtxP ch. "BXB Q KtXB nQxB 3 ijKt-Qs , OKtXP ,nQ-K 3 9p-QR 3 jnXQ, gives Black hardly any advantage. (41. Col. 19. If gP QR3, 9 B R4; 10 P QKt4, 10 B Kt3 and wins, for White's KKt has no escape. 42. Col. 20. Or 9 QB 64, 9? KKt4 ; 10 B Kt3, 10 P KR4 ; 11 P KR3, u P R$ ; 12 B R2, 12 KtxB ; 13 KxKt, 13 P Kt5 ; 14 PxP, 14 Q Kt4 ; 15 B K2, 15 Q 65 ch.; 16 K R sq. (if 1 6 K Kt sq., 16 P R6, and wins); 17 KBXP+ 43. Col. 20. Continued 14 PxB!, 14 Q B6 ch.; 15 K R2, 15 B Q3, and wins. This fine variation was first pointed out in the London Chess Monthly and afterward occurred in a match between Messrs. Delmar and Lipschtltz. t. Col. 21. The moves of this variation occurred in a match game between Senor Golmayo and Cap- tain Mackenzie. We slightly prefer White, whose Pawns on the Queen's side are compact, while the Black Pawns are separated. 45. Col. 22. Black has the majority of Pawns on the Queen's side and may continue accordingly with Kt QB4 or B QB4, with the superior game. >46. Col. 23. Or 10. . . .Kt Kt3 ; 11 P 65, 11 BxB, n PxKt ; 12 B R3, 12 r47. Col. 23. Continued 14 QxR (or 14 K Kt2 ; 15 663, 15 B Kt5 ; 16 BxB+) ; 15 Q R6 ch., 15 K Kt sq. ; 16 K K2, 16 Q Kt7 ; 17 Kt P-K 4 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. KKt-B 3 KtxP *P K4 25 26 27 28 4 29 30 *Kt-B3 -QKt-B 3 B B 4 c Kt-B 5 58 OB Kt5 BKtxKt Op-g 4 59 R KtxPch. 60 KtPxKt U K B sq. 7 Kt-R 5 61. 'QK2 'O 55 n n- 'Q-RS Kt-Kt 3 8p-Q 4 Q B-KKt S UP-B 4 P _ Q 4 Q Q-B2 P X P OKt-B 3 B-K2 .PXP "P B 4 QB-Kt5ch. ( O 5O "PXP irjB-Q2 }() B ~ Q3 jn B - KKt 5 ? | "Kt K4 J KKt Kt5 . pP KR 3 , [) B ~ K3 ,Q-Q 3 48, O O , . O O O . . Kt K2 11 PXB PXP ^ * p Q5 51 11 P B5 1 1 B Q 3 |9 Kt-Ktsq. 19 B-K2 19 Kt-Kt 3 KtxKP L "BxBch. L^B R 3 ! A P KR 3 q KtxB+ 52 . q B-K 3 53 . q B-Q 2 ,n^2 511 57 fi B 4 + 63 Column 29. Move 10. . . .R KKt sq. Column 3 o. Move 12 .... Kt Q5- BLACK. ^^^ A * wii'S- wm '! ^ i^ ,^,'^^y ,/fanfc p^ - ' |^2J WHITE. THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. 69 Col. 25. If 1 1 BxKt, u TXQ; !2BxQch., 12 KxB ; 13 P QR3, 13 PxKt; 14 PxB, 14 PX KtP ; 15 QR Ktsq., 15 QR Kt sq.+ (Salvioli). In the Vienna Tournament, 1882, between Paulson and Xukcrtort, occurred II Q--B2, u P 05 ; 12 O O O, 12 PxKt ; 13 P- I<5, 13 P KR3 (ifi 3 ....QxP; i4R-Q8ch., i 4 K-K 2 ; 15 BxKt ch. + ); 14 PxKt, i 4 KtPxP+. Col. 25. Continued 13 KtxQ ; 14 KB QB6, 14 KtxKt ; 15 BxR, 15 Kt KS dis. ch. ; 16 P_QB 3 + (Salvioli). Col. 26. If 9. . . .P O.4 ; 10 B Kt5 ch., 10 K B sq.; u B B6, u QR Kt sq. ; 12 O-O-f . Col. 26. Or II....PXP ; 12 KtXP, 12 KtXKt ; 13 PxKt, 13 BxB ch. (if 13 QXP ; 14? QB3, etc.) ; 14 RxB . Col 26. This variation is extracted from an analysis of this form of opening by Professor Berger, which appeared in the International Chess Magazine of Dec., 1887. Professor Berger dismisses here the game in favor of Black on account of the latter's prospective attack on the open QKt file. We do not, however, agree with this conclusion, and as already stated in the above quoted journal, we think that the weakness of Black's doubled Pawn and far advanced QPfor the ending, will not be outweighed by any formation of attack against White's King, e. g. ; 13. . . .B K3 ; 14 Kt 64, 14 QR Kt sq.; 15 Q Kt3, 15 R Kt5 ; i6P Kt3,' threatening QK5, followed by KtR5, or Kt K5 at once with the superior game. 53. Col. 2;.-If 13 B-Kts, 13 B B 4 ; 14 B-K 3 , 14 BxB ; 15 QxB, 15 P QB 4 +. p 54. Col. 27. The above line of play occurred in a consultation game between Messrs. Bauer, Barnes and Crispi, against Messrs. Richter, Dr. Rosen thai and Seeger. 55. Col. 28. If 7 P Q4 ; a position arises similar to that in Col. 21, and White may exchange Pawns followed by B Kt5 ch., with a good game, even if Black afterward forms a double P by BxKt. For White's Queen will subsequently enter at Q4, followed soon by P QB4- 56. Col. 28. Better than 10 BxKt; II PxB, 11 P KR3 (necessary, as White threatens BxKt, followed by Q R$. If 11 . . . .P--QB 3 ; 12 P QB4, 12 PQ$ ; 13 P 65 + . Again, if n. . . .B K3 ; 12 P KB4+), 12 B K3 with the superior game. 67. Col. 28. The above moves occurred in the second match game bet ween Messrs. Steinitz and Zuker- tort in 1886, with the exception of a transposition of moves. For Black played 7. . . .P Q4, and after the exchange of Pawns, both sides castled. 58. Col. 29. Tliis attack was introduced by Burn and for some time was i.iuch in favor. 59. Col. 29. The right defence, which we believe was first adopted by the Rev. W. Wayte. If 5 Q 63 ; 6 Kt 63, 6 KKt K2 ; 7 Kt K3, with a good game. 60. Col. 29. If 6 PXP? ? 6 BxKt ; 7 PxKt, 7 BxP ch.; 8 KxB, 8 QxQ; 9 PxP, 9 Q Q4+. 61. Col. 29. Or 7 QXP, 7 QxQ ; 8 PxQ, 8 Kt Kts + . 62. Col. 29. Threatening RxKt with an irresistible attack. Col. 30. Obviously if 14 QxKt, 14 R K sq. ; and if 15 B K4, then 7 o THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. 9 KKt-B 3 B-B 4 1P-K4 fl Q 31 32 -O Kt-B 3 33 P_QKt4? PXP ^B 64 34 35 36 c Kt-Kt5 3p_Q 3 7 ^Kt-R 3 pKtXBP R Q-R5 7 KtxP 7 Q Kt 3 BXP -BxKt ch. OQ K2 /Kt B 3 'BxKt fi KKt-Kt5 fi BxP ch. 'PXP nQ-Kt 3 'BXP Kt X B 'KXB R Q-R 5 ch. 7p-Q 3 UKt K4 UK B sq. B-Kt 3 Q P X B! 64 "Q K2 nKtxP PXKt nQ-Kt 3 P KKt 3 Q QXB 70 BE Q 2 n P-KB 4 op KR 3 o K t B 3 OKt B 3 l() QB-KKt5 J Q B 3 67 j|jQB-KKt5 , OP-Q 4 . nPXP 71 OQ O O J() BXP 73 lOgB KKt5 + IDg Esq. B-K6 B X Kt . . P KS lURK sq. ch. 1 . K Q sq. 72 lu KtxB H QxKt llQ_Ksq. Up KR 3 +66 llp_0 4 68 1? BXP , nP-QB 4 ^QR K sq D . + 74 l^B Kt 3 + 65 IflQKt K2 1Q BxKt ^Q-RS+D 'KtXB 69 Column 55. Move 12 Q R5- BLACK. I* m Column 3 6. Move n . . . .QR K sq. BLACK. % A A THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. 71 64. Col. 32. If 9 BxKt, 9 RxB ; 10 PxB, 10 P--KKt4 ; 11 Q Q sq., II QQ2 ; 12 P Kt4, 12 B Kt3 ; 13 B Kt2, 13 P Q6 ; 14 QxP, H Kt K4 ; 15 Q K2, 15 Q R6 ; 16 Kt Q2, 16 P Kt5 and wins. For if White play P KB4, Black answers P Kt6. The above variation is from the German Handbuch. i 65. Col. 32. From a game between Rosenthal and Bird, London Tournament, 1883. 66. Col. 33. White's attack is broken. If, for instance, 12 B R4, 12 P KKt4 ; 13 KtXP, 13 14 BxP, H Kt K4; 15 P KB4, 15 KtxP and wins. 67. Col. 34. 9 Q K2 leads to greater difficulties,^.^-.; 10 P IO;, 10 Px? ; n B R3, u Q B3 ; 12 QR Ksq., 12 KKt K2 ; 13 KtXP, 13 KtxKt; 14 Q Kt5 ch., 14 KKt B3 ; 15 P B4+. 68. Col. 34. Evidently best. If, for instance, 11 PxP ; 12 QR K sq., 12 Q 64 ; 13 KtXP, 13 KtXKt; 14 P KB4 with a powerful attack. 69. Col. 34. Continued 14 BxKtP, 14 BxB ; 15 QxB, 15 O O ; 16 QxBP, 16 Kt 63, even game. 70. Gol. 35. It makes no difference whether White takes the B at once or checks first at Q5, driving the K Kt2, Black can always afterward proceed with P Q4. 71. Col. 35. Or 10 QXP ch., 10 QxQ ; " PXQ, n Kt Kt5 ; 12 Kt R3, 12 R K sq. ch., followed by KtxQP+- 72. Col. 35. 1 1 K B sq. might lead to the following brilliancies : 1 1 R K4; 12 P QB4, 12 Q R5; 13 Kt Q2 (to prevent Q KS), 13. . .B R6 ; 14 Q R3, 14 QR K sq.; 15 PxB, 15, R K6 ; 16 PXR, 16 RXP with a winning attack. 73. Col 36. If 10 KtXP, 10 KtXKt ; n QXKt, 11 QX? ; 12 QX??, 12 P Q6 dis. ch., and wins. 74. Col. 36. Black threatens to win the KP by P KR3, and if 12 R K sq., 12 P Q6 dis. ch. ; 13 K moves, i3Kt Q5 + . THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. P-K 4 KKt-B 3 r,P-Q4 4 B - R 4 IP K 4 37 38 4* 39 40 1 41 42 B B 4 *Q 63 ? -Kt Kts _0 O -KtxP 79 B KtS ch - nQ R 5 P P ~ B3 R KtB3 R O 0Q 63 DP Q6 -P KB 4 nQXP 77 D^txP? 7 P-K5 82 PXP? P-Q3 'P-Q3 'Q-Kt 3 flP-BS n Kt -4 7p-Q 4 pQB-KKt5 8O 'PXP 'P-KB 3 'B R 4 pP-QKt 4 OB Q2 75 Kt K 4 Q KKt 63 n^~ K2 OB K2 81 B-QKt 5 + 9 BKt-R 3 q P-K 5 Q-S J Q K2 "KtxB n K-Qs q . 1f) QXKt+ 78 KKt K2 , n Kt K2 "PXP i n KtxP i n ,UQ o o 1U .P B6 D ] 1 i LUp_Q 4 D 33 J I1 BXP 1 ..KtxKt 1U IQXBP 76 1 9 0xKt - \ KtPxKt Column 37. Move n. P B6. BLACK. F Column 40. Move 10. . . .P 04. BLACK. * . WHITE. THE SCOTCH (JAM ill i. 75. Col. 37. Or 8. . . .Kt K4? ; 9 KtxRP, 9 RXKt ; 10 QB KKts, IO Kt B6 ch.; n PxKt, ir Q K4; !2BxPch. + . 76. Col. 37. If H....QXKP; 12 PxP, 12 QB KKt5 ; 13 Q Q5 and wins. But it is note- worthy that White would lose by 13 PxR queening, 13 BxQ ; 14 Q B6, 14 KKt Kt5- 77. Col. 38. Best. If 6. ... B Kt5 ; 7 Q Kt3, 7 BxKt ; 8 QxKtP, 8 K O.2 ; 9 QxR, 9 Q Kt3 10 P-KKt3, 10 Q Kt5 ; 11 R K sq. 78. Col. 38. For 10 K Q sq. is Black's Jbest answer; since, if 10 P QB3, White answers KtxP. 79. Col. 39. 5 P QB 3 , 5 PXP ; 6 KtxP, 6 B-K 3 ; 7 BxB, 7 PxB ; 8 Q Kt 3 , 8 Q B sq.; 9 KKt Kt5 is, in our opinion, well defensible for Black, who ought to maintain the P Plus. '80. Col. 39. Not 8 KB QKt5 at once on account of 8 PxKt ; 9 KtxKt, 9 QxQ ch.; 10 KxQ 10 P QR/3 ; 1 1 B R.4, 1 1 B Q2, recovering the piece. 81. Col. 39. Or 8. . . .P 63 ; 9 QBxBP, 9 PxB ; 10 Q RS ch., 10 K K2 ; 11 BxP, threatening mate by Q 67+. This column is quoted from a game between Bilguer and von der Lasa. 82. Col. 40. Or 7 PxP, 7 P Q.3 + . 83. Col. 42. To simplify matters. If Black try to keep both Pawns he may get into difficulties, e. g. r 10. . . .P Q3 ; ii B 93, u QB 64 ; 12 Kt-R4, 12 Q R4! ; 13 KtXB, 13 KtxKt ; 14 BxKt. 14 QxB ; 15 PXP, 15 BxP ; 16 BxP, etc. 84. Col. 42. This variation occurred in a game by correspondence between Edinburgh and London in 1827. 74 P-K 4 P K 4 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. KKt-B 3 -B 3 43 B-QB 4 44 Kt5 ch. ft- Op 87 nQBxP ' Kt Bj ' P Q3 -Kt-Kt 5 !85 ,P- ^ P-Q 4 86 45 46 47 48 B-QB 4 93 p-Q 3 0-0 6s= Kt B 3 KtxP B Kt5 ch. U B Kt O-O KKt K2 / Kt R 3 ' Kt B 3 P-QKt 4 O O 0-0 OK_ Kt K4 Q B-Kt 3 up_k r 88 OK_ R S q. 91 p_KKt 4 D94 O O Kt-Kts Kt K 4 B-Kt 3 , 4n PxKt jn?=^3 : jn Kt - Kt 5 i UQ_K 2 89 iU KtxP ,,Kt B 3 ..KtxRP ,P-Kt 3 95 . n O-( KR3 A1 Kt B 3 87 . ? B-KKt5+ 9O 92 R K sq. ,, 4 P KB 4 ~96 12 Kt2+ 96 11 B 64 ch. K R sq. BxKt PXB 97 'O O 98 R K sq. ,R-Q sq. B-Q2 13' Column 4 6. Move 9. . . .P KKt 4 . BLACK. Column 4 8. Move 10. Q R 4 . BLACK. _, - wm m WHITE. WHITE. THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. 75 85 Col. 43. If 8 P KS, 8 Kt Kt5 ; 9 P KR3, 9 Kt RS ; 10 P K6, 10 O O ! 86. Col. 43. After 9 . . .KtxP ; 10 BxKt, 10 P Q4 ; u B K2 is White's best move, for if u B Q3, ii Kt Kt5 ; 12 Kt 63, 12 KtxB ; 13 KtXKt, 13 Q 63 ; 14 P 64, 14? 64 and Black's passed Pawns become very dangerous. 87. Col. 43. Stronger than 12 Kt K4, 12 R K sq. ; ?3 PxP, 13 R K3 (not 13. . . .RxKt ; 14 QX P, 14 R R5 ; 15 Q R8 ch. and mates next move) ; 14 R Q sq., 14 Q K2. After the move in the text, Black has no better answer than 12 QxKt, whereupon White captures the R, queening the P with a ch. and remains with the exchange and two Pawns ahead. 88. Col. 44. If 9. . . .Kt Q5 ; 10 Q Q3, 10 Q 63 ; 11 PxB, n KtxKt ch.; 12 QxKt, 12 QxR ; 13 QxP ch., 13 K Q sq. ; 14 B Kt$ ch. and wins. 89. Col. 44. Or 10 Q 63 ; 11 B Kt2, 11 Kt K4 (if n Q Kt3 ; 12 Kt R4+) ; 12 K R sq., for White afterward proceeds with KtxKt, followed by P KB4. 90. Col. 44. Continued 12 B K3 ; 13 Kt Q,5, 13 BxKt ; 14 PxB, 14 Kt K4 ; 15 B Kt$ ch., 15 K B sq.; 16 QR K sq., with the superior game. 91. Col. 45. K9....P KR3; 10 Q Kt3, 10 B Kt3 ; u QKt Q2, n Kt R4 ; 12 Q R4+. This Column with Notes are quoted from Cook's Synopsis, 92. Col. 45. Continued : 14 Q R6, 14 K Kt sq.; 15 Kt Q2, 15 BxP ; 16 Kt Kt5, 16 P KB3 + . 93. Col. 46. This position also occurs in the Danish Gambit by a transposition of moves. 94. Col. 46. It is very rarely that such an early advance of the KKtP can be recommended, and it looks especially dangerous here, as the range of White's QB is increased. But we think this is quite sound now. 95. Col. 46. If 10 P 64, 10 PXP ; n RXP, n B-Kt2; 12 Kt -65 ?, 12 KtxKt; 13 PxKt, 13 Q-Kt4+. 96. Col. 46. White cannot well advance the KBP, e. g.: 12 P 64, i2PxP;i3PXP, 13 Q RS ; 14 Q Q2, 14 KR Kt sq.+ . 97. Col. 47. Or 9 KtXP ; 10 KtxKt, 10 PxKt ; 11 ( u > Kt3, n O O ; 12 B R3 + . 98. Col. 48. If 10 B Q2 ; 11 R Qsq., n Q B sq.; 12 B R3, 12 Kt Q5?; 13 BxP ch., 13 ; i 4 KtXPch. + . 7 6 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. P-K4_ IP K4 KKt-E 3 OQKt 63 49 50 51 52 KtxP 53 54 .KtxKt QKt-B 3 B-Q2_ "Kt 63 P-KB 4 Kt 63 B-Q3 5 1 - ^-"^ P C__ Kt 63! lt>3 OB B 4 ? 1O3 P QB3 ^Kt K2 /// .B 64 -QxP Oi O O ,KKt 63 // R KtxKBPlO6 R B E 4 "KxKt K t B3 7 Q-Q5 /Q-B 3 7 7 QKt-B3_ ^-Ks /P_Q 4 ? /KtXBch. 'Q Kts 'KXB KB-QB 4 Q B-Kt5 ch. R QxKt R Kt B 3 pO-O lp_Q 3 Op 63 10O OB Kts "Kt K2 OP Q4 ,Kt-Q 3 Q KtxQBP Q B-Q 2 Q P-KKt 3 Q R-K sg. UpN/T^t UO_O OQ_ KtC 1O5 "K B2 BxKt PXKt 'O O 1 n^A^ 99 , pBxP ch. . Q Q Q . Kt K 4 + D 4 n B K$ 1U ~!UB Q2 lUp Q 3 ""ID A jBxR j jKt 63 P B 3 + 102 14 PXP+ D 101 B B 4 Column 50. Move 14. BLACK. Column 52. Move 10. Kt 1<4. BLACK. 1*1 WHITE. THE SCUTCH GAMBIT. 77 99. Col. 49. From a game between Goring and W. Paulsen (Salvioli). White has a strong attack. 100. Col. 50. If 8 K-Bsq.; 9 KtXP, 9 KtXKt ; 10 PxKt, 10 BxB ch.; n QxB+. 101. Col. 50. Continued: 14 Kt 65 ; 15 P 0.64, 15 KtXP ch.; 16 K 62, 16 Kt 65 ; 17 Q - Q4, 17 Kt R6 ch. ; 18 K B sq.+ 102. Col. 51. We slightly prefer Black's game on account of the two Bishops. 103. Col. 52. The chief fault of this move is that it blocks the square where the Kt is wanted to go to attack the weak KP, or in order to effect the exchange of the important hostile KB. 104. Col. 52. Or 6 P Q3 ; 7 P 65, 7 Kt B sq.; 8 Kt 63, with the superior position. 105. Col. 52. If 9 O O ; 10 Kt R4, 10 Q RS ; 11 P 65, 11 Kt Kt4 ; 12 Q Kt4, and wins. 106. Col. 53. A bold, and in fact, unsound sacrifice introduced by Cochrane. 107. Col. 54. Recommended by Staunton in preference to 8 Kt 63 as was played by correspondence between Edinburgh and London. THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. JP-K4 IP K4 9 KKt-B 3 "QKt B 3 KtxP Game 1. Salvioli. TSCHIGORIN SCHIFFERS. OKKt-K2 B-B4_ /P 3&4 > O OQXP 2 in *=*!3: !UQ___Kt 3 3 , ,KtxKt ch. -K2 P _Q 4 3 R-KBsg.!4 I/O O 1R P - KKt4 lOOR Ksq. Kt-B5_ ltJp_y s ,? Kt< iiK Kt2 8 R-Ksg. 9 JPXP 1O 9 .QxKtch.Dll ^RXQ 9 -RXRch. "0 Resigns. 12 Game 2. Leipzig Chess Con- gress, 1877. PAULSEN ANDERSSEN. B-Kt5_ 1 0-0 R 2z^ w OB Kt3 14 Q P - KB 4 up Q^ 1n ^I3 lUp_QR 3 15 ^Q-Kt 3 12p_KB4 16 KtxB Q-Kt 3 ch. B2 17 g K R 2c h. -Rsg. 18 t Kt6 19 R B 3 R-E2D 20 ? KKt4 KB sq. 9R K-Ktsq. ^R-B 4 nirQ-Q4ch. 21 " ' and wins. Game 3. Dufresne Lehrbuch* Des Schachspiels. BLACKBURNE MASON. 22 n "Kt 63 'P-Q3 B K2 23 KtxB '" 11 P 64 25 12 B _Q 2 jgP^KKH " B 63 QR-Ktsq.26 Kt Q2 16 19 P 63 B 64 ch. K R sq. rP-Kt6 Kt K4 .B -Kt 3 27 'P R3 28 R Kt3 Q K2 Q-K 3 sq. 29 fl iQ_B sq. 9? Kt-K2 ""R K sq. nqKt-B 4 ""R K2 ? .Kt-K6 "^ 30 R-Ktsg.D Black resigns. 31 Game 4. Leipzig Chess Con- gress, 1877. ZUKERTORT SCHALLOPP. rKt Kt 3 32 B Kt 3 Kt B 3 33 Kt K2 QB QB KB4 Kt Kt3 B-Kt 3 34 iP KB-QE4 P KR4 35 6 -B 3 O O -r _ 1 Oo_Kt4 ch. K-Ktsg. lDR_Bsq. B-Kts 36 1 / KKt K2 l Q-Q8 ch. 10K-B2 'B-K 3 D .BxBch. Q-Q7ch P-K6ch. 37 24 25 26 27 BXR RXB QXP RxR R-Qsq. QXP Q-Q7 Q Kt sq. RXKt_and, U" after a few moves, Black resigned. T1IK SCOTCH (,AMl;lT. 7g> Tschigorin v. Schiffers. 1. Game i. 7. . . .Kt K4; 8B K2+!, 8 P Q4; gP KB4(or gKt Q2, 9 Q KKt3),9. . . .QKt B$ is, in our opinion, the best defence here, for if 10 P K5, 10 QR$ ch. (not 10 KtXB ; n Px Q, u KtxQ ; 12 PxP+) ; ii P Kt3, n KtXB ; 12 Q R4ch., 12 B Q2+. 2. Game i. The capture of this P was at least hazardous at this juncture. 3. Camel. If 10 O O ; u Kt Q2, 11 Q Kt3 ; 12 Kt Kt5, recovering the P with a strong. attack. 4. Game i. An excellent move which obviously prevents Black's castling at once, as he threatens to> win a piece by P 65. 5. Game i. White might have also recovered the P with the better game by Kt 85, but as wilt be seen this is much stronger. He threatens again P 65, etc. 6. Game i. Weak. Q R5 was his best play. 7. Game i. Foreseeing the sacrifice of the exchange which White would recover with a P phis after 20. . . .Q Kt2 ; 21 RXB, 21 PXR ; 22 KtxP, 22 Q B2 ; 23 KtxR, 23 KxKt ; 24 PxP, and should Black attempt 24 QxRP, the reply B--B4 followed by Q K6 would win for White. But* no doubt, he would have chosen this line of play as the lesser evil had he perceived the fine combin- ation which White winds up with. 8. Game i. Of course if R B2, White wins by 664. 9. Game i. A masterly coup which leaves no escape for the opponent. 10. Game i. Of course overlooking the opponent's deep design. But he could not win the game, for if the Kt removed White would win by Q Q7 ch. 11. Game i. A highly ingenious and brilliant termination. 12. Game i . Mate is forced in three more moves. If 25 R B2 ; 26 Kt K6 ch., 26 K Kt sq. ; 27 R K8 ch., and mates next move. And if 25 K Kt sq. ; 26 664 ch., 26 R 62 ; 27 R K8 ch., and Kt K6mate. Paulsen v. Anderssen. L3. Game 2. After 8 KKtxKt, 8 KtPxKt ; 9 BxB, 9 PxB ; 10 O O, 10 P Cj3 ; u B K3, we somewhat prefer White. L4. Game 2. Probably, in order to avoid the slight disadvantage of the last- mentioned variation. L5. Game 2. Weak on general principles, and it also drives the B to a more favorable post. Much better was 10 KtxKt ; n PxKt, 11 P Q4 ; 12 P KS, 12 Q Kt3. Game 2. rOwing to Black's weak advance of the QRP in the loth move, this usually good develop- ing resource is not available and costs a Pawn. Game 2. Black gives up another P in order to lay a trap which, however, turns out unsound. Game 2. 20 R B2 would not have been good, as Black might have replied P KKt4, and it 21 P XP, 21 Kt K2, and wins. Game 2. On this and the next move Black has evidently relied in forming his counter-attack, but as will be seen White has an ingenious reply in store. Game 2. The only salvation, but also sufficient to insure victory. Game 2. For after the exchange of Queens White can easily release himself by R (62) KB sq.> making room tor K B2. Blackburne v. Mason. Game 3. This exchange is not to be recommended. Game 3. White might have maintained his two Bishops by B K3, and if then 8 KKt Kjt^i . 9 B QB sq., and the Kt would be driven back again ultimately by P KR3- (Dufresne. ) Game 3. A decisive error, as soon appears. (Dufresne.) (Continued on page 8z.) t \. ' So THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. GAME No. I. Move 24. QxKt ch. BLACK SCHIFFERS. GAME No. 2. Move 22. R B2. BLACK ANDERSSEN. m WHITE TSCHIGORIN. WHITE PAULSEN. GAMEiNo. 3. Move 26. R KKt sq. BLACK MASON. i 4 GAME No. 4. Move 19. .. .B K/3. BLACK SCHALLOPP. in " WHITE BLACKBURNE. WHITE ZUKERTORT. THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. Si (Contimud fro m page 79-) Game 3. To prevent B Kt5, which would have been Black's best answer to the move in the text, White ought to have played u P KKt4, for if 1 1 BxP; 12 BxB, 12 KtXB ; 13 KR Kt sq., 13 Kt 63 ; 14 Kt Q5, 14 K R sq. ; 15 RxP, 15 KxR ; 16 R Kt sq. ch., and wins. Game 3. Better than playing the KR, which is retained in order to support an eventual advance of the KRP. Game 3. Blackburne's play is a good model for the attack against the side on which the opponent has castled. Game 3. If 18 Kt B6; 19 Q K3, 19 KtxR ; 20 RxKt, followed by R Kt3 and R R3, with an irresistible attack. Game 3. Much better, was clearly the same R K sq. Game 3. Black here misses the opportunity of recovering the game, for we believe he could win by 23 Kt 65 ; 24 Q 62 (if 24 BxKt, 24 RxP ; 25 Q moves, 25 RxKt, followed by BxR or . RXB) ; 24 RXP; 25 R Kt sq. (if 25 Kt K6, 25 RxKt) ; 25 B O2, with a P ahead and a good game. Game 3. For White must win the Q by RxP ch., followed by P Kt; ch. Zukertort v. Schallopp. Game 4. This move was first introduced by Blackburne. Game 4. 6 Q Kt4, 6 Kt 63; 7 QxP, 7 KR Kt sq. ; 8 Q R6, 8 BxP ch. would give Black the better game. Game 4. As he is bound afterward to advance the QP, a hole is created in the centre. There was no danger in O O. Game 4. It was high time to get into comparative safety with his K by O O. Game 4. It is interesting that though White is menaced with the loss of a piece all along, his counter attack gives the opponent no time for taking it. Game 4. A simple way of saving the piece as well as the Q which was threatened by either R mov- ing to Q sq. Game 4. The exchange is given up in the hope of making some impression with his Pawns on the King's side, and this seems to have been his best plan, though he was only one P behind he had no game left otherwise. Of course, if QxKtP at once, White would answer BxB, followed by R Ktsq. THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. ,P-K 4 IP K 4 9 KKt-B 3 "QKt B 3 PXP Game 5. Dufresne I^ehrbuch, Des Schachspiels. MINCHIN WAYTE. KtXP 4B-B 4 c Kt-B5 P _Q 4 KtxP ch. UK ~rS sq. 7 K *- R R 5 Kt Kt 3 OKt-B 3 Q PXP 39 OQB KKt5 P-KB 3 40 1UR Ksq. Ch. , .B K2 D 41 .Q-Q2 4:2 IP KR 3 43 ,K-Qsq. QKtxB KtxKt t K5 Kt Bych. and wins. Game 6. Dufresne Lehrbuch, Des Schachspiels. MEPHISTO * AMATEUR. KKt 63 pB-K2 Dp_Q 4 7 o-o 'B K3 Kt B^? 44 Q-B 4 >KB QKt5 'KKt K2 11 Q Kt 3 P-KB 4 P KB 4 45 \ Q /sv ICO O O , ,BxKt 46 Kt-Kt5 A^B B 4 ch. 47 IP 8 -^ A OB K3 48 1'BxBch. jn^XB g B2 P-B4 Ksq. K Ktsq. R Ktsq. n_Q 4 49 50 T^i T>- JRXPch.DSl 52 Q Kt6 ch. and White mates next move. 27 Game 7. Salvioli The or i a &* Practica, Von BILGUER Von HEYDE- BRAND. B Kt5 ch. P-B 3 PXP 53 n 'P B 3 -Kt Kt-R 3 KtxP Q K2 KtxKt 54 10 1U IO QXB 10p_Q 4 . .R-K sg. ch. 14 K -Qsq. 4r Kt - B 3 10B R6 55 P-KKt 3 17 QR i/B 2 i n- lOR- Bsq. fiU R Ksq. RXEch. 56 K2 Kt Ktsq. Q-Kt 5 Q_K sq. White wins. Game 8. Gossip's Manual. KOLISCH HARRWITZ. O O n r -^ PXP 'Kt R 4 57 pBxP ch. OK B sq. gQXBP lfl|x| lu Kt B 3 58 59 .KxKt 60 icl=l_ 8- Q2 61 F K-Ktsq. RXKt p_B 3 62 63 Q Q6 c h. B K3 Kt-B 3 .R Ksg. 64 )R K sq. 65 66 Game 8 Cont'd. 67 -Kt 3 R-Ksq. 00 Q-Kt 4 68 "0 Kt8 KR 4 QxRP OUQQ7 69 / K R 3 7tt R-B6ch.Dj OOpxR , Q B-B 4 ch. and U "White wins. * A so-called automaton chess player, which was exhibited in London for many years, Mr. Gunsberg. and was conducted b] THE SCOTCH r.AMUIT. 83 Minchin v. Wayte. 39. Game 5. Compare Col. 30, where we give B K2 at this juncture, but with no better result, for White, whose game is already compromised. 40. Game 5. If 10 B K2, 10 R K sq.; n O O (or 11 PxKt, u BxB; 12 Q Q2, 12 Kt Kt5 + ); ii. .. .BXB ; 12 KtXB, 12 KKt KKt5, and wins. 41 . Game 5 . Excellent play . 42. Game 5- If 13 PxB, 13 KtXKBP ch.; 14 K B sq., 14 Q R6 mate. 43. Game 5. Of course, quite good enough, but 13 Kt KKt5 was likely to lead to the following brilliant termination : 14 Q KtS, 14 BX? ; 15 QXQ, 15 Kt-B6 ch.; l6K Qsq.; 16 Kt 67 mate. Mephisto v. Amateur. Game 6. Compare Col. 13. Game 5. An error which costs a P. 10 B Q2, followed by K Q sq., and afterward Kt B sq., was, as Herr Dufresne points out, the right defence. Game 6. 14 BxB ; 15 KtXB, 15 QxKt was far superior, and would have given Black the best of the game. Game 6. B Oj was preferable (Dufresne). Game 6. An error which costs another valuable P. Again B Oj was better (Dufresne). Game 6. Not perceiving the opponent's brilliant design. Game 6. The initiation of a brilliant plan. Game 6. White now finishes off with a series of master coups. Game 6. Or 25.... K B sq.; 26 R B; ch., 26 K Kt sq.; 27 R Kt3 ch., 27 K Rsq.; 28 RXP ch., 28 KtxR ; 29 Kt 67 mate (Dufresne). Von Bilguer v. Von Heydebrand. Game 7. Compare Col. 40. The right move here is Q 63. Game 7. Very fine play which gives White an overwhelming attack. Game 7. If 15 ... .PxB ; 16 QR Q sq. ch., 16 B Q2 ; 17 Q Kt7, 17 QR B sq. ; 18 QxP at B6, 18 KR B sq. ; 19 RxB ch., 19 QxR ; 20 QxKt and wins (Salvioli). Game 7. A most beautiful combination. Kolisch v. Harrwitz. Game 8. This resource is unfavorable for the defence. Q Q2 is quite safe here, followed by Kt R4 in reply to QxBP, with a P ahead and a very good game. Game 8. Not good. Kt K2 was by far better. Game 8. Forced. For if B Kt3 White wins a clear piece by QQs ch - Game 8. Q Q5 ch. would now have been bad play, for Black would interpose B K3, and if White answers Kt Kt5 ch., Black replies QxKt, remaining with two Pawns and a R for two minor pieces. Game 8. Probably a miscalculation. Game 8 Of course he dare not capture the B on account of the rejoinder P K6 dis. ch. *- (Continued on page 85.) ^ THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. GAME No. 6. Move 12 BxBP. BLACK WAYTE. GAME NO. 6. Move 25. RXP ch. BLACK AMATEUR. WHITE MIXCHIX. WHITE MEPHISTO. GAME No. 7. Move 24. R(Ksq.) Q sq. BLACK VOX HEYDEBRAXD. i GAME No. 8. Move 38. R(B4)B6 ch. BLACK HARRWITZ. B "'<* WHITE VOX BILGUER. WHITE KOLISCH. mi. SCOTCH <.. \MIUT. (Continued from 63. Game 8. Weak play which costs two Pawns. B B4 was the correct move, for he could recover the P by Q Q6 ch., in answer to PyP. 64. Game 8. An error which exposes him to loss. R Q sq. was the proper move, whereupon if 26 . . . .B Q4 ; 27 K B2, 27 Q Kt5 ; 28 RxB, 28 PxR ; 29 QxQP, and should win. 65. Gam-j 8. Black could have won now by 25 ____ B Q4 ; 26 Kt KS, 26 R K sq., threatening RX Kt, followed by Q Kt5 ch. The reply 27 B K7 would be of no use on account of 27 ____ Q B7 winning. 66. GameS. H26....P KKt4; 27 BxP, 27 PxB ; 28 RxB, 28 RxR ; 29 QxR, 29 QxQ ; 30 KtXP ch., etc. (Gossip). We add that B 62 was preferable, as Black had already three Pawns for the piece, and should have drawn at least after exchanging Rooks. 67. Game 8 28 RxR would have lost on account of 28 ____ QxKt ch.; 29 K K sq., 29 Q 1<5 ch.; 30 K K2, 30 QXP ch. and wins the B ; for if 31 B B2, 31 P B6 ch. wins the Q (Gossip). 68. Game 8. Much better was, we believe, 33 R Kt4, 33 Q 63 ch. ; 34 K Kt sq., 34 R R4 (there seems nothing better, for otherwise White forces the exchange of Queens by Q B5 ch.) : 35 QX QKtP, etc. 69. Game 8. Black had again recovered ground, and we believe he would have won with facility on account of the great superiority of Pawns, by R K/3, threatening 665, which he could not play at once as White would reply RXB followed by BxR- 70. Game 8. The final and fatal error. He had still a very good game if he retreated K Kt sq. 86 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. jP-K 4 lp~K4 KKt-B 3 ^QKt-B 3 Game 9. Game 10. Game 11 Game 12. l r ienna Tournament Match. PAULSEN STEINITZ ZUKERTORT. ZUKERTORT. OUR KKt8 y| KtXP 31 R _ K B8 Illustrated London Game 9-Cont'd. New,. STAUNTON .. 105 Game 11-Conf d. QKt ,KtxKt 'KtPxKt fc /P-0 4 OQ B-K 5 ch. OOp_B 3 Q .B B 4 " 4 R-B 4 35" B-B4 ^Kt B 3 QB-KKt5l06 Correspondence Game. VIENNA LONDON. KtxP ) K 7 ch. ^-R3 > R 4 ch. rKt- R Kt 5 OB Kts ch. B 4 P-B3 'P Q4 ,QB-KKts 71 Q 0-0 HO-O 84 P B 4 . n B-Kt 5 ch. 1U K Bsq. R(QB 4 )XKBP Bp-7| JR -5 Kt 4 81 uS 1O7 85 ^ Black resigns. Game 12-Cont'd. 30^ "QXP ch. 'K Qsq. QP-O BXB 113 B 4 ,Kt- -o 72 B Q 3 Kt Kt3 86 KR 3 UOR KHch. 11 K-B 1 _82 1 OOR-QKt 3 19 P-QKt 4 p xP Q-Ktsq. PXP 13 P KR 3 73 iU Kt Kt PXKt 74 . .B K2 -14o=5r 87 88 Iflp r>R 4 ^^~13o K-K 3l 8 and wi n,83 Q^KtS -11 -12 Ct B 3 ^Kt KB 3 KKt P QB KB 4 75 . -BxKt Game 10-ContU QKt Q 2 -B sq. n n r V D 6 1VL - l J ,Q Bsq. QUO Ktsq. 95 4 K ~ R sc t- 'QR-Ktsq. iOB-K 7 .P_QR 4 76 a R K sq 89 n , P 35 36 Q-B 3 n ^=?3 lUR K sq. Kt Q2 14 Kt-R 3 . r Kt(Q2)-K 4 BX QR 3 QRP R 3 B-B 3 9O )=K^ 1? 6 ^- Ct Kt6 96 i ' B K 3 ,BxP Q X P ,QXP 109 UU B 77 p KB 4 R-K6 38^ -QB3 P QKt 3 B-Kt2 97 K-Ktsq. 78 -QKt 3 1Q Q-K4 Sq il0. qJ .- D . lOn KPx OUQ K .B-R 5 91 .R-Ktsq. QxQ QpBXQ ^*R Rsq. ^^RXR on B X P 79 on B-Kt4 22 . 92 nK R2 98 l KR K sq. OUQ_QKt3 9900 Kt ~Q B 4 Q17 K-Ktsq. ^^RXR J'B-Kt2 , R Kt2 t R-QBsq. P-B 3 R K sc l- 22 RXB 1 R RSch.SO .KXP QKtxKt 111 Q-R 7 D B - Kt2 BxR Q ?-B 3 100 OOn-_B 4 ch. Kt ~ R4 RXB Ksq. . K R2 1O1 ^ J R-QRsq. 115 .gR-QBsq. QBsq. R K 4 93 P-KR 4 29 T oqPrRi. "OR K5 94 1O2 >P Kt 4 1O3 'B K 7 and wins. 104 Q_Q8 ch. ,B K 4 ch. D "112 Q-K 7 B-Bsq. |QR Q sq. KR K sq. g^ Kt R 4 [Q-Q3 ,P-QKt 3 114 KtxB 9R K R sq. /IDoKf Kt2 _ QR 4 in^-Ksq. O-B 7 116 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. 87 Paulsen v. Zukertort. Game 9. We would suggest here the following new line of continuation: 9 B Q2, 9 P 84 (or 9 PxP ; 10 KtxP, 10 BxB ch. ; u KxB, and we prefer White, who may get one weak P in the centre, if continued n KtxKt ; 12, QxKt, 12 QxQ ; 13 PXQ, which, however, can be well defended ; whereas Black's Pawns on the Q side are badly situated, and White's King is also more available for the ending. Again if 9 BxKt ; 10 BxB, 10 PxP ; II OOO followed by B Kt4with an excellent attack); 10 B Kt5 ch., 10 K B so.; II Q B2, II Pxl'; 12 O O-O, 12 QR Kt sq.; 13 B-B6, 13 PxP ; 14 KR K sq., 14 B-K3 or Q Oj ; 15 Bxl* and we think White has a good attack for the P given up. He threatens now B K3, followed by P QR3, etc. Game 9. White gives up the piece in order to regain it by an ingenious process. Game 9. Of course if QxP. the reply R Q8 ch. followed by BxKt ch., wins the exchange. The move in the text was the best, for it was necessary to prevent B R6 ch. after White plays PxKt. Game 9. We should have preferred 14 B R4, and if 14 P Kt4 ; 15 PxKt, 15 QxP ; 16 B Kt3, and the B will obtain a fine attack at KS after R K sq., or else White might proceed with P KR4, etc. Game 9. B K.3 threatening P QR3 was, we believe, stronger and might have led to the follow- ing continuation : 15 PX? ch.; 16 K Kt sq., 16 B K3 ; 17 R-Q3, 17 P 65 ; 18 R 63, 18 K Kt2 ; 19 Q Kt3 ch., 19 K R2 ; 20 RxP, with an excellent attack. Game 9. We see no reason why he should not have first played BX? ch. followed by P QR4, as in actual play. Game 9. PXP was not alone safe, but indispensible. If Black replied B R4, then White would answer K Q2. Game 9. Black misses here a fine opportunity of finishing off in a brilliant manner by 19. . . .B R6, which threatens BX? ch. followed by Q R6, and if 20 QxR ch., 20 K Kt2 ; 21 BxP ch., 21 K R2, and should win. Game 9. Probably his best defence. If 23 B Kt5, 23 KR OB sq. ; 24 B Kt3 (or 24 B Q6, 24 B B6, etc., or 24 B Kt6, 24 KR QKt sq., etc., Chess Monthly] ; 24 P B6 ; 25 R Q4, 25 B K2 ; 26 B-K sq., 26 R 64 ; 27 R QKt4, 27 RxB ; 28 RXR, 28 RxP, and wins. Game 9. A much stronger move was 25 R QB sq. ; for if 26 KxP, 26 B R6 ch., followed by RXR wins a piece, and if 26 P 63, 26 R R8ch.;27 KxP, 27 BxP ch., and wins. Or if 26 R Kt4 ch., 26 K R2 ; 27 B Q6, 27 R R8 ch.; 28 KxP, 28 B B6 ch., and wins. Game 9. An excellent move which leaves White no time for advancing the P, for in that case Black would win by R Kt7 ch., whereupon White's K must retreat to B sq., in order to avoid mate in two moves commencing with R B8 ch., and then R QB6 wins the P. Game 9. After 39 K R2 or R sq., 39 R QB6 ; 40 P 67, 40 R 63, followed by K K3, Black wins with ease. Game 9. Continued 41 K Q sq., 41 R (KB6) QB6, 42 664, 42 R B8 ch.; 43 K K2, 43 R 67 ; 44 RxR, 44 RXR ch. ; 45 K 63, 45 P-R4 ; 46 K Ktj, 46R 65 ; 47 K 63, 47 K K3 ; 48 K K3, 48 P RS ; 49 K 0.3, 49 K Cj4 ; 50 K K3 (Signer Salvioli considers that White might have drawn by B Q6), 50 R K$ ch.;5i K 63, 51 R K sq. 552 K Kt4, 52 K KS; 53 B-Q6, 53 P-B4 ch. ; 54 KxP, 54 P-B5 J 55 K-Kt 5 , 55 P-B6 ; 56 B-Kt 3 , 56 R-QB sq. ; 57 P R4, 57 RxP, and wins. Steinitz v. Zukertort. Game 10. If 8 KtxP ; 9 O O, 9 KtxKt ; 10 Q K sq. ch., etc. Game 10. Best. BxKt, though it doubles a P, gives White attacking opportunities by R QKt sq. and P QB4. And if 10 B K2 ; II BxKt, II BxB ; 12 KtXP, 12 BxP (of course if Qx Kt, the Q is lost by BxPch.) ; 13 R Kt sq., 13 683 (or 13.... B K4 ; 14 BxP ch., fol- lowed by Q R5 ch.) ; 14 Q R5, 14 P Kt3 ; 15(^63, and wins the exchange. Game 10. Threatening BX? ch., followed by Kt Kt5 ch. Game 10. An excellent move which gives the second player the advantage. Game 10. The only defence for Q RS was threatened, and if 14 P KR3, 14 KtxP ; 15 KxKt ; 1 6 Q R5, followed by P-KB4 and 65. Game 10. This and the next move are not favorable to Black's position. B O2 with a view of advancing the KBP was much stronger. Game 10. White now assumes the offensive. He threatens BxP, followed by Kt 85 ch. if Black retakes. Black cannot answer P Q5 on account of the reply R K4. Game 10. White could not take the P on pain of losing a piece by BxKt either before or after the exchange of Queens accordingly. Game 10. R K sq. was much better. But if 24 KtxP, 24 R Q2 ; 25 BxR, 25 QxKt with a good game, for though White is a P ahead he can hardly win on account of the Bishops being of opposite colors. Game 10. Black has finely taken advantage of the opponent's omission in the 24th move, and he taken indisputable possession of the open Kings' file. (Contim ted on page 89.) THE SCOTCH GAMBIT. GAME No. 9. Move 13. P KS. BLACK ZUKERTORT. GAME No. 10. Move 42 BxP BLACK ZUKERTORT. m WHITE P AULSEN . WHITE S FEINITZ. GAME No. I I. Move 28. B K4 ch. BLACK . . GAME No. 12. Move 43. Q R7. BLACK LONDON. WHITE STAUNTON. WHITE VIENNA. TIIK SCOTCH r.AMFUT. 89 (Continued from page' 87 .) Game 10.. A weak move which compromises his Kings side. He could have obtained an excel- lent attack by P QKt4 instead, which would have broken Black's Pawns and must have ultimately won the centre Pawn. Game 10. The idea of compelling White to advance the KKtP was a good one, as it weakens his * Kings' side, but there was no reason against playing Q K4 at once. Game 10. A feeble move, for he has to return again to the post he leaves. Much better was 32 P -KBi, 32 R K6 ; 33 PxP, 33 ?XP ; 34 QXP, 34 QXQ ; 35 RXQ, 35 RXP ; 36 K Kt2, 36 B Kt2 ; 37 Kt Q5, 37 R K6 ; 38 K B2, with a fair advantage in position. Game 10. A very fine move. White dare not take the P with the Kt, for B would retake, followed byR K8ch. andRxR. Game 10. Very weak. K Kt2 followed by P KB3, should Black reply B Kt2 was the right play. Game 10. Threatening R K7 followed by QxP ch. and B Kt2. Game 10. Best. For Black threatened RxKt or R K8 ch. Game 10. An error, of which Black very cleverly takes advantage. 41 K Kt2, ; 41 R K6 ; 42 Kt K6, would have given White fair defensive chances, for if 42. . . .BxP ch. ; 43 QxB, while otherwise White's Kt enters at Q4. Game 10. A beautiful move which wins by force. Game 10. White had no good move. If 43 Kt Kt2, 43 BxKt ; 44 KxB, 44 PxP ; 45 PXP, 45 R- QB8 ; 46 P B4, 46 R 67; 47 K B sq., 47 P Q7; 48 K K2, 48 P Q8, queening ch., and wins. Game 10. Continued ; 44 Kt Kt2, 44 P Q7 ; 45 Kt K 3 , 45 QBPxP ; 46 RPXP, 46 BxP, and Staunton v. 105. Game n. In Gossip's Manual, where we find this game quoted, Mr. Staunton's opponent is described as " one of the best players of the age." 106. Game n. We consider this absolutely disadvantageous. The proper continuation is 5 O Q, 5 Kt XP ; 6 R K sq., 6 P Q 4 ; 7 BxP, 7 QXB ; 8 QKt B 3 , 8 Q KR 4 ; 9 KtxKt, 9 B K2; 10 B Kt5, with the better game. 107. Game n. Black had much the better position and a P ahead. There was not the slightest neces- sity for giving up the material advantage, and he ought to have proceeded with P Q3. 108. Game n. The "hole " here formed might have been fatal to White toward the end of the game as- will be seen, and, at any rate, it exposes him to a strong attack. 109. Game n. We do not think that the sacrifice of the two Pawns which follows is warranted by the position. He could have established the majority of Pawns on the Queens' side with a very good game 011 account of his having two Bishops by P KB3. 110. Game 1 1. This is loss of time and helps the opponent to force a longer diagonal for his B. Q Tte was evidently better at once. 111. Game 1 1 . An excellent coup which qualifies the leader of Black's game as a strong player. 112. Game n. It is singular that Black should have had here an opportunity of executing a similar mate to that which Morphy had in his celebrated game with Paulsen. Compare Four Knights' Game. The right move was 28. .. .P KKt3 ; whereupon after 29 BxP ch. (there is nothing better), 29. QXB ! ; 30 KtXQ, mate follows by 30 B B6 ch.; 31 K Kt sq., 31 R Kt7 double ch. ; 32 K moves, 32 R Kt8 mate. Vienna v. London. Game 12. Black's ninth move has the merit of preventing the immediate development of the first player's attack, and compels the latter, sooner or later, to play P KKt3, thereby weakening the Pawns on the K's side. Game 12. The utmost that White could have obtained by taking the Kt on his 24th move, would have been to recover the Pawn lost, in which case, we thought Black's position for the end game would have been preferable. Thus 24 KtxKt, 24 Q 64 ch.; 25 K R sq., 25 RxR ch.; 26 RX R, 26 BXB ch.; 27 KXB, 27 QxKt.; 28 QxP, 28 Q B sq.; 29 P Kt3, 29 P 63 ; followed by K B2+. Game 12. By this move we consider Black obtained a clear winning position. Game 12. And the game was given up as drawn, Vienna having resigned the other game. London, however, had much the best of the encounter ; and, had the game been played out, would jn all probability have won. *8 THE TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. This defence is in reality a counter-attack on Black's third move, which being [jo early instituted ought to be disadvantageous to the second player on principle. (According to the German Handbuch the first mention of this highly interesting open- ing is made by the Italian author Polerio 1590. Our main idea how to treat the first players' game is laid down, as usual, in Col. i t and rests on the entirely new 9th move, for White, that seems to have escaped the atten- tion of all analysts, being no doubt opposed to the manner of the old school which often was too eager to guard the King's side too much. In the present instance we do not , think that the doubling of the KRP can do White as much harm, as it weakens the defence by exchanging an active B and giving White two Bishops. It will be observed that the KRP is safe enough, for if Black after exchanging plays Q Q2, White's B can enter at KKt4, In some cases White may even castle on the King's side, but not without due precautions against the formation of an attack by B Q3 and Q K4. But the extra P on the Q side will more than fully outweigh any disadvantage in White's situation of Pawns on the other wing which can be sufficiently protected. To this column should be added the following new variation : If 6. . . .B Qz ; 7 Q K2, 7 B Q3 ; 8 QKt B 3 , 8 O O (or 8 P KR 3 ; 9 BXB ch., 9 QXB ; 10 KKt K 4 , loKtXKt; nQXKt, n P KB 4 ; 12 Q KR 4 , 12 O O ; 13 P QR3 if 13 P QKt4, 13 B K2 13 P QB 4 ; i 4 P Q3+) ; 9 BXB, 9 QXB; 10 P QR 3 , JO P_QB 4; iiP-Q 3 +. In Col. 6 we merely show that the resort of Kt KR 3 is not as good in conjunction with B R 4 as when the KB is concentrated for the defence on the King's wing. Black gets a little advantage in position as he recovers his P, and White's Queen's centre is kept weak. The two Bishops are of little account in that position. How to play for Black against 9 KKt 63 is shown in subsequent columns. The line of play adopted by White in the loth move in Col. 3, namely, the retreat oftheKt Kt sq., has not been considered worth sufficient notice by the authorities. But we have given it some analysis, especially as the attempt of White to win a piece leads to some brilliancies. In Cols. 4 and 5 we give a new key move to the counter- attack in reply to 10 Kt KS, namely, P KKt 4 applied respectively on the nth and i 2 thmoves for Black. Cols. 7 and 8 are presented not so much on account of their practical value than as examples of sacrificing tactics which Black is enabled to institute owing to the undeveloped state of the adverse game. Compare especially Note 3. Col. 9 answers the entrance of White's Kt K5 in a new manner and secures a draw which for some tournament purposes might be enough for the defence, considering that according to Col. i White ought to win. In Cols. 10 and 12 White wins against new counter-attacks, which in previous variations held good, but cannot be recommended under altered conditions. In Col. 1 1 three different lines of play for Black, which may be brought about by transpositions of moves, are demonstrated in favor of the first player, though hitherto it has been considered doubtful which side had the advantage. The idea of Col. 1 3 is old, though it is little known that it originated with the author about 23 years ago, for the books only accredited us with the move Q Q6 for I Black, which may come in at the I5th or i6th move respectively, whereas the whole I variation, from this point up to Black's 25th move as given in the main line of play in ' note 28, occurred first between the Rev. W. Wayte and ourselves. The identical moves j occurred afterward between Mr. C. E. Ranken and the Rev. W. Wayte. This is not so extra- ordinary considering that the moves on each side, from the i5th move of Black, are not alone the most plausible but are almost all forced. In Col. 14 we arrive at a different ] conclusion from those of previous authors by the new process n KKt Q2. Col. 15 is quoted from the Handbuch. The line of play pointed out in Col. 16 has never occurred in practice to our knowledge, but it seemed to us sufficiently interesting to be worth investigation. In Col. 1 7 we ventured an analysis based on an idea of Lowenthal, but we disagree with his conclusions. The key move of Col. 18 was hitherto supposed to lead to an even game, but we think our improvement, 8 Q K sq. instead of 8 P QB3, will support our view that White's majority of Pawns can be maintained with the better game. In Cols. 19 to 22 inclusive we introduce our new defence or counter-attack in the leading variations of this opening, in which White sacrifices a piece. The idea of giving up the QKtP at once was first published in the International Chess Magazine, Avhence it was quoted in the Lipschutz edition of Gossip's Manual In the next column an example is given in favor of White, if Black proceed in the old way by 9. ... P 63 instead of 9. ... P QKt4, which we recommend. In Col. 25 a suggestion of the Rev. W. Wayte which appears to us some improve- ment on the Handbuch attack, is taken up and analytically extended, while in the next column the Handbuch variations are also shown to result in favor of the attack, though with greater difficulty and with novel additions at the end. Cols. 27 and 28 are new and we thought them interesting, though they may be of no more than theoretical value. 29 and 30 are already well known. The former was first published by Zukertort, and of the latter Staunton is the author. On the next table Col. 32 is quoted from the Handbuch, while Cols. 31 and 33 dealing with the same subject are materially altered. But most remarkable is the line of play treated in the three next columns. We find the key move and some variations quoted by Salvioli from Lolli, an old Italian writer. On close examination we come to the conclusion that the preparation move, 6P Q4, is the best key move to the attack and that there is no satisfactory defence to it. Therefore it must be regarded as far superior to 6 KtXBP, which was hitherto in fashion. The table following deals with the attacks 4 P Q4 respectively 4 O O, which were much in favor for some time with players or theorists who wished to avoid the complica- tion arising from 4 Kt Kt5, or perhaps distrusted the latter attack. But we think that they only lead to an even game at the utmost, and in the majority of cases would be unfavor- able for the first player, whereas our Col. i and Cols. 34 to 36 established the superiority of White against the two chief lines of defence, or respectively counter-attacks, viz. : 5 Kt QR4 and 5. . . TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 93 .P K4 ~KKt B 3 ftB 64 J KtKts C PXP lp K4 "QKt B 3 fi B-Kt5 ch. "Kt-B 3 4p_ g 4 bgKt R 4 Dp_B 3 First Continuation ... 7, , . . . _ . PXP fl 3 - 1 ^ 1 Cob Second Continuation Q \^Ui. - Cols 276 Third Continuation Col* ic 1 6 .KtKts r p X p 8 i, _ P_Q 3 ? j^^uiij f*L - R . *P Q4 bgKt R4 (/ Col 17 P KR 3 Col 18 .KtKts r ?XP n n KB QB4 pKtXBP jjQ B 3 ch. Kt B 3 4p_Q 4 &KtXP First Continuation ... bK Kt /K K 3 ^KtKts 9 XT -*v4 . First Defence .... 9_ . Cols IO to 22 Second Defence - P QKt4 ! - Col 2? Second Continuation P B 3 - Col 24 TV 4 KtKts ..PXP R KtXBP 7 Q-B 3 ch. n K t~B 3 Cols. 25, 26. 4 P _Q 4 UKtxP .KtKts r p XP KxKt 'K K 3 ^Kt K2 6v^/ Jtx5 - Cols 27 28 "VT .KtKts First Continuation -B P ch. b c KtxBP Cols 3 i to 33 . VTT .Kt-Kts -PXP ( b First Tiffpncp f 6. . Col TA PXP . . Col 55 Third Defence 6. . P KR 3 - - Col. 3 6. VTTT l p - 4 e B - K2 P o o Cols. 57 to 40. b . - Col. 41. TX .0-0 5 . . Col. 42. 94 9 KKt-B 3 1 WU KIM1L B-B 4 rJrllb' LUFm;i. jKt-KtS lp K 4 1 flQKt B 3 2 Q B-R 4 ? "Kt B 3 3 n Kt Ktsq. 4p_Q 4 4 B-K2 'PXP B-K2! Op in?-, "r -rvf^3 Q KKt-KR 3 Dl UP KR 3 Q KKt-B 3 UP KR 3 n KKt-B 3 "fixKt m PxB U P-KS Q-K2 4 a P-K 5 Kt-K 5 ? 11 B ~ B3 1U B _K 3 n Kt-K 5 1 "KB QB 4 1U B _Q 3 7 . P-KB 4 Hp-K 5 11Q-Q5 l 4 Q BxP ch. 4 AO o ? P-QKt 4 AAp_KKt4! 12 P " Q4 A 2g_K 4 4 B Kt2 + 3 l^KtXB . qKtXKt . K X B 11 BXP Id 1 1 "Kt Kts cl K-Ksq. Q-Q? 4g_R 5 ch . n P-QKt 3 Q-B 3 + 6 AO P _K6 D ' R QB X KP PXP R4 5 6 8p_KR 3 gKt-KR 3 Bsq. -KKt4 8 ift Ki Kt2+lO .B-RS ^KR R2 Column i. Move 9. KKt R 3 . BLACK. i II 2k ^O^ ^ Y/TJTT/// ""^= %^^ ^ %h/// Column 4. Move 15 P K6. BLACK. ...... WHITE. TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 95 1. Col. i. Much better than Kt KB3, which seems to have been assumed, hitherto, as the only move for White. 2. Col. i. We see no other way of pursuing the attack for Black, since, if White be allowed to play P Q3, his position will be perfectly safe, and he may even castle on the King's side afterward with- out any danger. 3. Col. i. Continued: 13. .. ,B Q3; 14 Q K2, 14 O O; 15 P Q3, 15 PxP ; 16 QxQ, 16 BxQ ; 17 PxP. White is a P ahead, and after bringing out his B to K3 he may castle on the Q side or even play K K2 and his two Bishops and the extra P on the Q side secure him the advantage. 4. Col. 2. If 10 Kt KS, 10 Q Qs, etc. 5. Col. 2. From the German Handbuch. 6. Col. 3. Continued: 16 Q K2, 16 B Ry, 17 QxB (after 17 P Kt5, 17 PxP; 18 QxKt, 18 PX B ; 19 Kt K2, 19 Kt 65 ; 20 R B sq., 20 Q K2 ; Black has also an irresistible attack), 17 Q 67 ch.; 18 K Q sq., 18 KR Q sq.; 19 K 62, 19 Kt K6 ch. ; 20 K Kt2, 20 Kt (K6) 65 ch.; 21 K B2,2i Q B8, and wins. 7. Col. 4. 10 Q B2 may also be played here, and is likely to lead, by a transposition of moves, to- the variations in Col. 5. 8. Col. 5. Black also gets here the best of the game, by 12 PX? e. p. ; 13 KtXP, 13 B KKt5 ; as recommended by the Rev. W. Wayte. This variation might be continued 14 QKt Q2, 14 O O, 14 K 62 (if 15 O O, 15 Kt Q4, etc.) ; 15 QR K sq., followed by P QB4, with an excel- lent attack. 9. Col. 5. Continued : 16 P Kt6 (or 16 PxB, 16 PxP ; 17 QBxP, 17 QX?+) ; 16. . . .BxRP ch.; 17 K R sq., 17 R Kt2 ; 18 PxP ch., 18 K B sq.; 19 BxP, 19665; 20 BxR ch., 21 P KKt3, 21 B Q3 ; 22 B -Kt6, 22 KxB ; 23 P Queens, 23 Q R2ch., and wins. Col. 6. Continued 13 Kt R3, 13 QxRP ; 14 P Kt5, 14 Kt Qsq.; 15 Q K2, 15 Q K$ ; 16 PXP, 1 6 KtxP ; 17 Q R6, 17 664+. 9 6 P-K4 K4 9 KKt-B 3 Q B-B4_ "QKt B 3 " UKt B 3 TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. .Kt Kt5 pB-Kt5 ch. -R 4 Op B 3 8 PXP PXP B-K2 P KR 3 n KKt-B 3 HP K 5 in Kt ~ K 5 IU B-Q 3 Kt-Kt4 AlKtxKt 14 Q-K2 9 10 Q-Q5 P KB4! KB $64 ,R-B sq. 10 11 12 14iOQ_Q 4 ,P-Q4 15, IHIQ-O X ^Q R5 ch. .P KKt 3 . _Kt - B 3 13 4 r K Q2 16 D D Kt Kt2 2O 1 Ap Kt4 12 P - B3 17 13 Q-Q3 ^ ** A t " y-tvt e.p. QXP 24 QR 4 ! 21 4r Kt B 3 ,P-QKt 3 4 p P X B 4 P-QKt4

R-B sq. 13K-B2 ,KR Ksq. , pKtXKt 5D^r ch. K=K7~ 51 OKI B 3 7 E~Kt 3 'P-Q4 'QxKt ?P-KB 3 BxKt KtxRP__53 Q^ Kt Q sq. 52 Kt Q 5 8 17 HE: 18 ch. K Esq. B Kt 3 !+50 Kt-B 3 K2 L P KR 3 >Q-Kt 3 - JKt-Ks nQXKt "QXQ 10^ ch. K -Qsq. "K-Q2 jn Kt - B 7 l^Q-Ksq. , A KtxR K-Q sq. K-B sq. Kt-K 3 R P-Q4 Dp KR 3 56 ^KtxKt 'KXB fl P Q5 OKt K2 gQ-R 5 ch. . . Q B 4 ch. UK Ktsq. 12 QKt-B 3 + 57 14 -QB4 ,QKt-R 3 +54 'KB QB 4 +D Column 25. Move 17. Q R$. BLACK. Column 29. Move I 3 . . . . B QB 4 . TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 103 47. Col. 25. Best. If 9. . . .PxP ; 10 KtxKt, followed by Q ICj. ch., wins. 48. Col. 25. An excellent move suggested by the Rev. W. Wayte. 49. Col. 25. If 12. . . .PXP ; 13 O O-O, 13 PxKt ; 14 KR K sq. ch., 14 K Q2 ; 15 BxKt, 15 P XB ; i6RxPch., 16 K K sq.; 17 Q RS mate. Col. 26. Salvioli quotes the following continuation from Allgaier : 18. . . .R 64 (if 18. . . . 19 Q QB5 ch., 19 Q K2; for if B-K2 the reply, Q 64 wins 20 Q Q5, 20 R B2; 21 QR K sq., 21 Q B2 ; 22 KR B sq., 22 B B3 ; 23 Q K4, 23 R K2 ; 24 Q R;, 24 K K sq.; 25 Q Kt8 ch., 25 K O.2; 26 B R4 ch., 26 K Q3 ; 27 RxB ch., 27 PxR ; 28 Q KKt3 ch., 28 K Q4 ; 29 Q B3 ch., 29 KxP (or 29 K Q3; 30 Q QR3 ch. + ), 30 Q Q3 ch., 30 K B4; 31 Q Kt5 ch., 31 K Q5 (or K (5, 32 R Q sq. ch. and Q-Q5 mate); P 63 ch., and wins) ; 19 Q K4, 19 Q B2, and now in the illustrative game given by Allgaier, White played Q Q3, but we believe he can win at once by QR K sq., followed by P Kt4 and Q-R7- Col. 27. If 6 Q Q2, White obviously wins a P at once by KtXBP or QxBP ch. Col 27. 8 Kt Q5 would lose on account of 9 QxP ch., 9 K Q sq. ; 10 P KR4, ro.Q Kt5 (or 10 Q K2; 11 QxQ ch., II BxQ; 12 K Qsq.); II Q B6 ch., II K Q2; 12 Kt 63, and 53. Col. 28. 8 BxKt, 8 Kt Q5; 9 B 67 ch., 9 K K2; 10 Q R3 ch., 10 K Q2; 11 Q Q3, n PX Kt; 12 P 63, 12 K K2 will, we believe, give White no advantage, albeit he can win a P by 13 PXKt, i3 KxB; 14 Q 63 ch., for after 14 K Kt sq., White's game is in such an unde- veloped state that he cannot long maintain his material superiority. 54. Col. 28. White will catch the imprisoned Kt by P QKt3, and B Kt2. 55. Col. 29. This ingenious variation was published by Zukertort in theCity of London Chess Magazine. White has no good defence. If, for instance, 14 Q K sq., 14 Q R4; 15 QBxP, 15 R K sq.;- 16 Q Q2, 16 B K7 ch. ; 17 KtxB, 17 RxKt, and wins. 56. Col. 30. 6 PXP is fatal on account of 7 B Q5, and if 7 Kt 63 ; 8 Q Kz ch. Again, i 6.'. . .KtXP ; 7 P QB3, 7 QKt 63 ; 8 B Q5, and wins. 57. Col. 30. This variation is given by Staunton. io 4 TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. .P-K 4 9 KKt-B 3 nB-B 4 jKtI ^ IP K 4 31 UQKt B3 UKt 63 33 ^ 34 4 35 36 rKtxBP \^ r Pxr 94 o-o 5 R Q.-K2? pR-Bsq? R P -^! OB-B 4 Kt Q5 B B 4 Op x p 65 7 P-KKt 3 P KKt 3 ,,0-G P KR3 B K2 7 Kt X BP /QKtxP 58 pB- K 3 ! 59 'KtXQ 'QxRP 'B K3 pFxQ n^~ K2 62 O R Ksc i- 66 'PxKt Q BxKt 'KxKt gQ-B 3 ch. UP Q4 6O -KtxP (i )K t _g 5! BRtxKtP "Q Q2 QKtxR PxKt Q KtxBP D UP KB 3 Q BxKt ch. Kt-B3 OPXB jjBxKt "KtxP ch. "^XP ch. "KxKt 67 K K2 . K Q sq. . pQ-B3ch.-f68 Q p^ t> . n QXQBP ch. , Kt Kts ,nQ-K 4 BXB IWRtXR? 61 1U R-Bsq. iiQ-^S 63 1UB-Q2 44 Q-K 4 + P-QR3 " 9 Q-Q 5 ch. ilp 64 D 64 , 9 Kt-Q6 D'blech. 11 HKt-R 3 j nQXP ch. 69 fiKt-K.3 nQxP(QB 5 ) 1K K2 lK Ba . Kt Q 3 + RXR^ ! jjBxP ch. B sq. 70 Column 33 . Move n. . . .P Q4. BLACK. Column 34. Move 9. KtxBP. BLACK. WHITE. TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 105 Col. 31. Or 7 BXP ; 8 B K/j, 8 BxP? ; 9 KtXR, 9 BxR; icQ Q5, and wins. Col. 31. Stronger and more simple than 8 KtXR, 8 P Q4; 9 B K2 ! (if 9 BxP, 9 QB KKt5, followed by Kt B6 ch., and wins); 9 QKtxQBP ; 10 B Kt5 ch., 10 P 63 ; u QxKt, u PXB, and Black has still a strong attack. If, however, 8 P QB3,? 8 KtxKBP ; 9 RxKt, 9 Kt K3 and wins. Col. 31 If 8....Kt Q3 ; 9 KtXR, 9 KtxB; 10 BxKt, 10 BxB (or io....QxB; u Q-Rs ch. + ) ; u P QB3, u B Kt3 ; 12 Q Q.5, 12 Kt Q3 ; 13 Q Kt8 ch.+ 31. Col. 32. This variation is quoted from the Handbuch. 132. Col. 33. If 8 KtXR, 8 BxP ch. ; 9 K K2, 9 Q R4 ch. ; 10 K Q3, 10 Kt QKt5 mate. 33. Col. 33. Black threatens PQ4 followed by B KKt5- IfiiR 63, n Q R$ ; 12 KtxP ; 12 Q R8 ch. and wins. 84. Col. 33. Or 12 KtxP dis. ch., 12 P KKt3 ; 13 RxR ch., 13 BxR; 14 QxRP, 14 KtxKt+. 35. Col. 34. If 6. . . .KtXP ; 7 P QB3, 7 P KR 3 ; 8 KtxBP, 8 KxKt; 9 PxKt+. 86. Col. 34. Threatening 9 RxB ch., 9 PxR ; 10 KtxKP, 10 Q Q2; II BxKt, and wins. 37. Col. 34. Of course, if Q Kt, White answers BxKt. 38. Col. 34. For if K Kt sq., White answers RxB. 10 K Kt3 subjects him to mate at once by ., followed by B Oj, and if 10 K K sq. ; II BxKt, etc. Col. 36. Better than 12 B KB4, 12 Kt B2 ; 13 BxP, 13 K B2 ; 14 QBxKt, 14 QxB; 15 KtX Kt, 15 PxKt; 16 QXP ch., 16 K Kt3- Again, if 12 P KB4, 12 Kt 62; 13 BPxP, 13 K 62, and Black escapes. Col. 36. We quote this variation from Salvioli, and we would now continue 15 Q R5, 15 Q K sq. (if 15 P KKt3 ; I6Q-K5, etc.); 16 Q 63 ch., 16 663 dis. ch.; 17 BK3, with three Pawns for the piece and a fine attack. io6 .P-K4 IP K 4 TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. Q KKt-B 3 37 P ~ Q4 38 t-B 3 39 40 O O R-K sq. B-K2 77 'QXB Kt-B 3 P-Q 4 - sq . QXB Q RXKtch. 71 Q KtxKt! 73 n Kt B 3 "B K2 "B Ki KtxP 8 9p QB4 n P-QKt 3 74. n KtxP 1U Q _Q 4 lUp p x p R-^ ilo-o KtxKt K2 75 Kt-K4 JKt-B 3 41 P K5 42 0-0 c^=5l P-Q4 >KB-QKt 5 Q-K2 81 'B Q2 RXB ch. BxKt >KtxR ,B-Kt 3 nQ- K2 Hp-QB 3 Q_Bsq. l i g_B2 7 9 1 u B K2 ,B K15 ch. . n B R 4 ch - 7 2 A u QR K sq. - 1 " K 62 4l Q-R 3 ch. 4I Q C-Q sq. 76 J-^P Kt 3 .-Q-R4_D_78 'K B sq. .QB-KKts+D * ~8O QKtXP Kt-B 3 Q 0-0 Q KtxKt "P QB4 HB K n KKt-B 3 K2+ 8 Column 59. Move 15. Q R4- BLACK. Column 40. Move 14. QB KKt5- X ' BLACK. WHITE. WHITE. TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 107 |1. Col. 37. Or 9 KtxKt, 9 B K2 ; 10 B Kt5, 10 P KB3 + . For White will not get enough for any attempt at sacrificing a piece, e. g.\ 11 KtXP ch., 11 PxKt ; 12 BX?, 12 R B sq.; 13 BxB 13 KtXB ; 14 Kt K5, 14 R 64, and ought to win. 72. Col. 37. The main column is quoted from the Handbuch. The continuation might be: 14 R QB4* 14 P 64; 15 B 64, 15 B K-3 ; 16 R 63, 16 B Q3 ; 17 BxB, 17 PxB. In this position we slightly prefer White, though by best play on the part of Black a draw ought to be the result. 73. Col. 38. After 9 RxKt ch., 9 B K/3 ; Black maintains his P with the better game. For if 10 KtX P, 10 O O O ; 1 1 B K3, 1 1 664, etc. 74. Col. 38. If 10 B KtS, 10 B Kts ; n P 63, 11 PxP ; 12 PxP, 12 B Q4+. 75. Col. 38. The Lipschutz Appendix to Gossip's Manual points out that if II KB QB4 ; 12 P QB4, and wins; for if 12 PX? e-p-, then 13 Kt B6 ch., followed by QxQ- Or if 12 Q KB4 ; 13 Kt R4, 13 Q Kt5 ; 14 Kt B6 ch., and again wins the Q. Otherwise Black obviously loses the KB. 76. Col. 38. The game ought to end in a draw by best play. After 15 P QB4, 15 Q KR4 ; 16 QR Q sq., White recovers the P with an even game. \77. Col. 39. An innovation by Schallopp. \ff&. Col. 39. Black's position is, no doubt, difficult to defend, but we think that the continuation 15 . . . .P KR3 ; 1 6 KtXP, 16 B K3 ; 17 B B6, 17 R R2, ought to give Black the best of the game. *79. Col. 40. Some authorities dismiss the game here as even. ISO. Col. 40. White threatens R QB sq., followed by QxP or $81. Col. 41. Or 7 O O, 7 B Q2; etc. But not good for Black is 7. . . .QB KKt5 ; 8 QxP, 8 BX Kt (or 8. . . .KB QB4 ; 9 Q R4, 9 B Q2 sq.; loP 64, 10 P QR3 ; n PXP, " PXB ; 12 Q B2, 12 B B4. If 12. . . .Kt K2; 13 QxKt, 13 B B4; 14 Q K2+; 13 PXKt, 13 PxP ; 14 p ~ QKt4+) ; 9 PXB, 9 Kt Kt4 ; 10 Q 63+. 182. Col. 42. 9.... PXKt; 10 QxKt, 10 BxKt (or 10. . . .PxKt; II QxB, II PxP ; 12 R K sq. ch., etc.) ; II PxB, 11 PxP ; 12 Q K4 ch., is in White's favor, io8 TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. i .P K 4 nKKt B 3 nB B 4 .Kt Kt 5 r p XP R B-Kt5 ch. IP K 4 flgKt B 3 "Kt B 3 4p_Q 4 Game 1. Game 2. Game 3. Dufresne. Dufresne. Salvioli. ANDERSSEN DUFRESNE MORTIMER S VonderLASA. ST. BON. UQKt R 4 Game 4. Salvioli. HIRSCHFELD KOLISCH. B-K2 Game 4 Cont'd. q .g R5ch. 7pxP B-K2 B-R 4 8Q B 3 OP-KR 3 Op_ K R 3 Q Kt-B 3 1 n KKt-B 3 PXB Q gxR UP KR 3 KKt-B 3 op-K 5 NP-KS i n Kt ~ K5 i n Q ~ K2 a Kt Kt2 1 n QxP OP KS 1(1 Kt-K 5 1U Q-Q5 1U B _K 3 10 . .P-KB 4 ..jKt-Ks 1U KB gB 4 Ug R6 ^B 4 . 9 R B sq. 9 BXP ch. 0-0 -inQXP llKB-gB 4 19 R-Bsq. l"Kt Kt2 2 l"KtXB jnKKt B 3 14 1/jQ Q~ 22 Iug_g 3 l^KB gB 4 11 HKt Kt sq. l"Kt Kt2 , rP QKt 4 r^~ Kt7 cll> Q_Q- 1i; g-K2 **Kt Osq. P_gKt 4 13 B Kt 3 lUK g 3 ? D , Kt-R 3 p P KB 4 1J QB KKts 1B Q-K 3 Kt^R 3 1D _ O 10g_B 7 ch. 12 17 gKt-B 4 17 K-Qsq. lb Q-Q4 17 g-KKt 3 is 1UB-K 3 17 QKt-B 4 A/ g B 2 1/gxBp is -K2 31 KtxP P Kt3 32 y B4 *1R K 3 QR-Ksg.33 fifiQR Ksq. R-KRsg. fiUP KR4 QR-KBsg. fl4Q-Kt 3 n _Kt-Qsq. 34 _K6 D35 -4 36 TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. KKt-B 3 QxPch. OO Kt - K 3 37 Game 1 Cont'd. n^xR UARXP noQ-Qs 0/ip_ R5 B Q2 38 33 P-R6 and wins. B-B 4 t-B 3 Game 6. Correspondence Game. WESEL C. C. CREFELDC.C. J*-9* 39 Game 7. Salvioli, MORPHY De RIVIERE. 0-0 KtXP R Ksq. -J^ B K2 48 P-Q4 _ QKt-B 3 'QXB Kt- B 3 Kt K4 50 K K2 51 Q KR4 KtxKt K 3 Kt B 3 , 52 KtXKt P KR 3 4O B-B6 53 ,KtxP D41 -. K Rsq. 42 ll ^/jKt Q2 43 R_K UKtxP ch. K~T< sq. K-K2 Kt-Qs ch. Kt B sq. Q-R 5 'K Q2 ^ 1U P ,Kt-Kt6D'blefh. 4 Q 54 17^: 1/ R Kt sq. , pQR-Q sq. lli B-Kt2 ,, nQ-Q7 ch. B-Bsq. 83 44 ftrt P-B6 t 64 55 K6 D 56 57 v AV 4- ppK-Bsg. 45 ofl|C Kt3 00 R K sq. P By ch. _R sq. queens | Q-Q 3 ch. B 3 46 "IB a I R KB sq. 9 pKt-B 4 ch. "0 and wins. 47 Game 8. Cook. MacCONNELL ZUKERTORT. .Kt QB 3 ^B Kts 5l 5< QPXB KtXP nBxP ch. 'K X B pQ-Q5 ch. K K sq. Q QXKKt OjTZo^ i n Q-QR 4 11 o-o 4 6J QR-Q sq. 17E 61 P-Kt 4 6J Kt R4 nqB-Kt4 "Kt B5 OI QR-K2 n passing 27 R Kt sq. R Q2 RXP D 29 P ~ R7 6J TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 113 Bird v. Tschigorin. Game 5. Our notes to this game are chiefly quoted from the Appendix to Gossip's Manual \yj S. Lipschutz. n P Q4, II PxP e. /.; 12 KtX? (Q3), 12 B Q3; 13 Kt Q2, followed by Kt 63, gives White an excellent game with a P ahead. For should Black attempt 13 BxP, then would follow 14 P KKt3, 14 BxP; 15 PxB, 15 QxP ch. ; 16 Kt 82, and should win. Game 5. White would have done better first to prevent the entrance of the hostile Kt by P -QKt 3 . Game 5. 17 B K2, 17 Kt Q6 ch. (or 17 Kt B6 ch. ; 18 K B sq., etc.); 18 PXKt, 18 PxP; 19 O O, was far more favorable for White. Game 5. If 19 P B3, 19 B B4ch. ; 20 K R sq., 20 Q K2, with a winning attack. Game 5. 20 KtX?, 20 Q 64; 21 P KB3, 21 Q KR4; 22 PxKt, 22 Q R7 ch. ; 23 K B2, 23 Q Bsch. (or2 3 ....Q-R5ch,;24P Kt3, 2 4 BxPch.; if 24. . . .Q R7 ch. ; 25 K B 3 , 25 Qx Q ch.; 26 KxQ, 26 RxKt ch.; 27 K 63, with a P ahead 25 K Kt2, and should win) ; 24 K Kt sq. was by far better play, for Black's best plan would be now to draw by perpetual ch. Game 5. Ill-judged. R KR sq., followed by QR KB sq., was much better. Game 5. Premature. R R3 was necessary for the defence. Game 5. A real master coup which forces the victory in elegant style. Game 5. If 26 QPxP, 26 KtxP ch.; 27 KtXKt, 27 RxKt, threatening RxKKtP ch., and wins. Game 5. Beautiful play, which finishes off the quickest way. Game 5. 32 RxB, followed by K B sq., if White reply QxP, was also good enough. Wesel Chess Club v. Crefeld Chess Club. Game 6. Compare Columns 37-42. The same positions may arise in the Scotch Gambit by a trans- position of the 3d and 4th moves, on each side . Game 6. Inferior to 10. . . .B QKt5, which, according to the Handbuch, would lead to an even game thus: 11 KtxP, u QxQ; 12 KRxQ, 12 KtXKt; 13 RxKt, 13 B BK2; 14664,140 O; 15 BxP, 15 KR QB sq.; 16 B-Q6, 16 BxB; 17 KtxB, 17 RxP; 18 KtxP, 18 RxKtP, etc. Game 6. A fine sacrifice, which, we believe, is warranted by the position. Game 6. If 12 PxB; 13 KtxB (not 13 KtxP ch., 13 K K2; 14 Kt Kt3, 14 R Q sq., etc.), 13 PxKt; 14 KtxBP ch., 14 K 62; 15 Q Q 7 ch., 15 B K2 (or 15 KxKt; 16 R Pch., i6K-Kt 4 ; i7P-R 4 ch., 17 KxP; 18 R-Kt6, and wins); i6QxPch., 16 K Kt2; 17 Kt Q5, followed mostly by R K3, with a fine attack. Game 6. This loses speedily. Their game was, however, very difficult, and, we believe, could not be retrieved without some loss. Probably the best defence was 13 ... R KKt sq., and after 14 QR Q sq., 14 B K2 ; whereupon, no doubt, White would get the advantage by 15 BxP. But it should be noticed that if White continue 15 BxB, 15 KxB ; 16 Kt 65, Black would break the attack by 16 QR Q sq. For if White reply 17 KtxP, Black wins by QxR ch. Game 6. The best plan which simplifies the game with enough material to win. Game 6. Excellent play and quite decisive. Game 6. After 25 R KBsq.;26 Q Kt6 ch., 26 K Kt sq.; 27 Kt K8, 27 Q Kt4ch.; 28 R K2, 28 R 62; 29 KtxB, followed by Q K8 ch. White's game would play itself out. Game 6. For if 28 K 64 ; 29 R Kt6 dis. ch., if 28 K Kt4; 29 QQ$ ch., etc. Morphy v. De Riviere. Game 7. 5 .... B 64 leads to a variation in the Giuoco Piano, known as Max Lange's attack. The move in the text is not good. Game 7. If 6. . . .KtxP ; 7 Kt 65, 7 O -O (or 7 . . .P KKt3; 8 Q Qs + , or 7. . . .P Q4; SKtxPch., 8K-Bsq.; 9 QB KR6, 9 K Ktsq.; 10 BxP-r); 8 Q Kt4, 8 P KKt3 (or S... .Kt Kt4 ; 9KtXB ch.-(- ); 9 Kt R6 ch.+ (Continued on page 115) TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. GAME No. 5. Move 25....? K6. BLACK TSCHIGORIN. GAME No. 6. Move 12. Kt(KB3)xP- BLACK CREFELD C. C. WHITE BIRD. WHITE WESEL C. C. GAME No. 7. Move 19. P K6. BLACK DE RIVIERE. I i 4 / * JlM I I & 411 GAME No. 8. Move 28. BLACK ZUKERTORT. ^ II m at ijm/m ^^ ^,VTT77X^ ^52- /V% III ^P W ^ 'l WHITE MORPHY. WHITE MACCONNELL. TWO KNIGHTS' DEFENCE. 115 (Continued from page Game 7. Which only ultimately leaves a further mark for the hostile attack from the dangerous KBP, P Q3 was much better. Game 7. Excellent play which provides against Black's entrance of Kt Kt5, after P 94. Game 7. Of course, if 9 ____ QKt Kt5 ; 10 P K5 wins a piece. Game 7. An ill-judged move. The square of QB4 ought to have been reserved for the entrance of the Kt in order to weaken the adverse attack by B Q3. The retreat of the Kt Q2 at once was therefore, by far superior. Game 7. A very weak move which creates a dangerous hole in Black's King's side. Either Kt Kt3 or B Q2 were much better. Game 7. A much better defence was 18 ____ Kt Kt2; for if 19 P K6, 19 KtPxP ; 20 PxP ch., 20 KxP ; 21 QXRP, 21 Q 63, with a good game. Game 7. Beautiful play and winning by force. Game 7. Quite good enough, but the more simple initiation of the final assault by 2oPxKtP would have finished sooner, and also might have led to attractive brilliancies. For, supposing 20 PxKtP, 20 PXP (if 20 ____ R K2 ; 21 R 67 21 RxR ; 22 PxRch., 22 KxP ; 23 QR$ ch., and wins. Or if 20. . .P KR3; 21 BxP, 21 P K4 ; 22 Q R5, etc.) ; 21 R 67, a-i KxR (or 21 .... B Kt2; 22 BXP and wins) ; 22 Q R7 ch., 22 K 63 (if 22 ____ B Kt2 ; 23 R B sq. ch., and wins) ; 23 It B sq. ch , 23 K K4 ; 24 664 ch., 24 K 63 (or 24 ____ K Qs ; 25 Kt K2 mate) ; 25 B Kt3 dis. ch., and mates next move. MacConnell v. Zukertort. 58. Game 8. The same position may arise in the four Knights' game, the Petroff, in theGiuoco Piano, and King's Bishop's opening. A game between Seymour and Steinitz proceeded from this point thus: 4. . . .KtxP ; 5 KtxKt, 5 P Q4 ; 6 B Kt5, 6 PxKt; 7 KtxP, 7 Q-Q.4 5 8 BxKt ch., 8 PXB; 9 Kt Kt4, 9B RS; 10 Kt KS, 10 Q Q5 ; 11 P KB3, 11 B 64; 12 PxP, 12 O O ; 13 P Q3, 13 P KB4; 14 Q 63, 14 QR K sq. For continuation see game terminations. 59. Game 8. Superior to Kt Oj, or O O. GO. Game 8. Much inferior to 9 P Oj, which establishes Black's centre. If then 10 B Kts, 10 Q Q2, followed by Q 64, gives Black a splendid game for the ending. 61. Game 8. In another game between the same players occurred n KtxP,? n Q K2; 12 P KB4, 12 B Q2l; 13 O O !, 13 KtXKt, and wins. 62. Game 8. An unsound sacrifice, but Black's position is already inferior. Another game between the same players proceeded; II Q Oj, 12 R K sq., 12 K B2; 13 KtX? ch.!, 13 KtxKt; 14 B 64, 14 Kt B6 ch.; 15 PxKt, 15 Q Kt3 ch.; 16 K R sq.+ 63. Game 8. Weak. Q B2 at once was obviously far better. 64. Game 8. Much stronger was 18 P QB4, 18 P Q5 ; 19 RxKP ; 19 KtXR; 20 QxKt, 20 P QKt3 (or 20. . . .R K sq. ; 21 QxQP ch., 21 K 63; 22 QxRP, 22 QxP ; 23 P Kts, 2 3 Q Kt4; 24 Q Q4+) ; 21 Q Kt5 ch., with an irresistible attack. 65. Game 8. Necessary in order to prevent R Q$. If, for instance, 21 K R sq., 21 R Oj ; 22 R KKt sq., 22 R Kt3; 23 Q R4, 23 B KS; 24 R Kt3, 24 QXP ch., and mates next move. 66. Game 8. Black's latter play with the exchange behind is exceedingly fine. He has now managed to obtain the winning position, and forces the gain of a piece by a very clever manoeuvre. 67. Game 8. An extraordinary fault of omission which costs a won game. After 27.... R Q3 at once, White could hardly hold out long ; for if 28 R Kt;, 28 Q Kt3; or Q 63 kept Black's game well defended, and White's RP was bound to fall immediately, whilst as regards the other Pawns on the Queen's side it was only a question of time. 68. Game 8. White takes advantage of the error in an ingenious manner, which, in turn, gives him a forced won game. 69. Game 8. This is now too late, but nothing else was of any avail. If 28 KtXR; 29 QxKt, 29 R B2; 30 P Ry, 30 RXP; 31 Q Kt8 ch. and wins. Or if 28 Kt Q3; 29 R Kt6 (threat- ening P R7, etc.), 29. . . .Q 63; 30 R K8 ch., 30 K 62; 31 RxKt, 31 R, or QxRi 32 P R7, and wins. 70. Game 8. Promptly and cleverly deciding the game. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. The German Handbuch states that this opening is already mentioned in the Goet- tingen Manuscript and is also noticed by various later authorities like Lopez, Selenus, Lolli, Ponziani and others. In practice during our present century it was first favored by the Russian master Petroff after whom it is named, and it received its first extensive analy- sis in the French Chess journal La Palamede in 1842 at the hands of the Russian author Janisch. It is generally adopted for the purpose of avoiding the complications of other -variations in the King's Knight's opening like the Ruy Lopez, the Evans Gambit, the Scotch Gambit, etc. As regards its merits as a defence various authorities have expressed different opinions on the subject, but all agreed hitherto that 3 KtX? was White's best continuation though it was generally admitted that this line of attack only retained the advantage of the first move by proper play on the other side. We think however that the superior position at least can be proved for the first player by the attack 3 P Q4 which has hitherto been almost ignored. Column i with the notes shows the most feasible line of defence and the variations springing therefrom leave the game considerably in favor of the attack. Column 2 is already given in Cook's Synopsis, and in consequence of Black's ques- tionable 5th move White gains a clear P without sustaining any disadvantage from having to move his King. It is however White's best plan to be satisfied with the P. For though he can win a piece by force by a deviation on the 8th move treated in Column 3, the counter-attack on the other side becomes so formidable as to make White's game unten- able. The variations we give in our notes are samples of brilliant tactics comprising even the early sacrifice of two pieces which is made possible in consequence of the bad position of White's King. Column 4 deals with a line of play which some authorities declared to lead to an even game on the assumption that White on the 6th move should proceed with QXP- But the modification which we suggest gives White an attack similar to that arising in the Horwitz and Frazer variations of the Scotch Gambit but as will be seen especially from our notes which are fair illustrations of hunting and even catching the Queen by means of attacks from minor pieces, White obtains a much stronger attack than in the above named variations of the Scotch and this is chiefly due to the loose position of the adverse KKt. Column 5 is an offshoot of the last tending to show that the device of retreating Q Q sq. which may be adopted in a similar position in the Scotch Gambit leads to the loss of a piece in this instance. In Column 6 we also present a novel line of play which shows a decided superiority for the first player in a variation which most authorities held to produce an even game. Our alterations in the demonstration commences on White's 6 move for which generally O O was recommended, but we think that our substitution will be found an improve- ment, as after the adoption of our proposition to play 6 B Kt 5 ch., all the moves for the defence appear to us forced, whereas after 6 O O Black might reply 6. . . .KKt 63 with good prospects of equality. In Col. 7 we present a variation which ends in brilliancies though at starting, Black has only adopted a resort which for a long time has been recommended for the defence against the usual line of attack. White's Kt, however, which has taken the KP on the DP:FENCE. 117 51)1 move, is an inconvenient fixture (en passant, we may state that we did not consider it necessary to investigate the consequences of 5 PXP which is opposed to our general principles, and we may merely state that 5. ...KB QB4 or Kt B4 are equally good answers to produce an even game against that move), and we show that Black when trying to get rid of that Kt gives his opponent complicated sacrificing opportunities which we believe ought to be in favor of the first player. The next column is of a similar character, and instructive tactics will be found in Note 23, proving, we believe, the superiority for White who has sacrificed a piece. Columns 9 and 10 also apply the test to lines of play similar to those which are recommended for the defence by authorities against the attack 3 KtXP. But to the best of our judgment, the second player cannot equalize the position if White play properly. In Col. 1 1 we at last thread into the path of the old attack and we think that especially the new simple move 8. ... KKt 63 ought to help Black to an even game. In Col. 1 2 we show the result if Black adopts the old line of play and we add some new moves with notes to the main variation which is already given by the various author- ities up to Black's nth move, but it should be specially noticed that whereas 6. . . .Kt QB3 is generally marked as best in the books, we query it in the usual manner, and we may add that we consider its inferiority hardly questionable. It should be added to this variation that if 11 PXP; 12 BXBP, 12 O O ; 13 R Kt sq. gives White equally the superior game. In Table III we introduce in Col. 13 the move R Ksq. on the 9th move, which we consider a means of attack well worth trying in various forms of this opening, though hitherto it has escaped the notice of theorists and practitioners. On White's icth move in this variation, we recommend the advance of P 65 in order to confine Black's pieces. Though this is very rarely good in the opening and has never been mentioned yet, in any of the variations of this debut, we think our demonstration proves it to be sound in the present position. Col. 14 tends to prove that Black cannot fortify his Ktby 9. . . .P 64 without fatally compromising his game. Col. 1 5 is a suggestion for the attack from a game in the German HandbucJi by 8 R K sq. in lieu of the more common 8 P 64. We consider that \Vhite gets consid- erably the best of the position by this line of play without breaking the Pawns on the Q wing. Col. 1 6 is remarkable, as up to Black's nth move it occurred in a celebrated game played by correspondence between Pesth and Paris, and the play on both sides was accepted as the standard for this form of the opening. But our suggestion of 1 1. . . .Kt B3 gives, in our opinion, the second player a very good game, albeit in some of the variations he comes out a P behind. In reviewing Col. 17, which in conjunction with the notes, rejects the old author- ized attack and suggests a new one, it should be added that if 8. . . .KB QKt 5 ; 9 B Q2,9 BXB ; 10 QKtXB, 10 P 64 ; 11 KtX? with the superior game. In Col. 1 8 we differ from authorities who recommend 7 B KB4, which leads to an even game, whereas the process we suggest may be briefly dismissed as showing a su- periority for White who has a piece strongly fixed in the centre and his KBP advanced for the attack. In Table IV an inferior defence 3. . . .KtXP is dealt with, in Column 19, and some instructive niceties of play will be found in the notes thereto. The next columns of that table show that Black may adopt 3. . . .Q K2 with impunity, and as no more than an even game can be opened against this little practised defence, this ought to be an addL tional reason for discarding the attack 3 KtXP as inefficient in comparison with 3 P Q4. a 1 8 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. In the Cochrane attack (4 KtXP), in Table V, we reverse the judgment of previous writers, for in Cols. 25 and 26 we advocate lines of play which have hitherto been condemned. In the latter column the movements of the King in the middle of the board form an interesting novel feature. In Col. 27 we think that we are giving proof by a new line of attack, 9 P QB3 that the move 5. . . .B K3, heading this column, does not release Black's King from all diffi- culties as quickly as has been supposed, on the assumption that White must play his Kt QB3. Our modification gives White's Queen more scope for action on her own wing. With Col. 28 a line of play commences which is usually treated in the King's Bish- op's opening, but in order not to defer our readers to the second volume we have devoted at once attention to its chief features. Most authorities hold that 3 B 64 in this opening is theoretically unsound, especially if followed up with 4 QKt 63 after 3. . . .KtXP. But though we agree with this judgment we differ as regards the demonstrations. We lay most stress for the defence on the move P QB3, which should be adopted as early as possible, not alone for the purpose of driving back White's KB, but also with the ob- ject of providing an exit for Black's King at QB2 in anticipation of his being driven to Queen's square. Columns 29 and 30 contain corrections of authorized lines of play but we thought the variations pointed out in the last note of that Table especially remarkable, as it contains a fine sacrifice of the Q which in practice would be likely to succeed, since even the analytical demonstration of the unsoundness of this sacrifice appears very difficult. In Columns 31 and 32 of Table VI, we endeavor to demonstrate that 7. . . .P 63, and not 7. ... P Q3 is Black's best move. The former has been neglected on account of a fanciful sort of attack supposed to be at White's disposal by the sacrifice of a Rook. We believe, however, that too much material is given up for an attack which simply rests on the preparatory coup de repose, 10 Q K2. In our opinion the defence ought to win, though most of the book variations end in favor of the first player. We also disagree with the demonstrations hitherto attempted. For the defence 9. . . .Q 64 which was held to be dangerous, appears to us the best and in fact the only one, whereas 9. . . .Q Q3, which was supposed to give Black the best chance of prolonging the fight, is, in our opinion, altogether untenable. In Col. 33 the inferior defence 5. ... P Q3 is taken up, and from Black's 8th move we investigate some new additions, comprising a feasible defence which cannot be easily met. Col. 34 is already well-known to theorists and retains the main idea of the attack against 5. . . .P Q3. In the next two columns, the continuation of Q K2, we again differ entirely from the old authorities in the conclusions we draw from the continuations arising after 4 Q K2, in reply to 3. . . .KtXP. For by the new move 5. . . .B K3, which we adopt for the de- fence, we think we prove a clear superiority for Black, whereas we maintain that the authorized move 5 KB QB4 leads only to an even game by best play on White's part. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 119 ,i-K4 9 KKt-B 3 ^ IP K4 ^KKt 83 Qpronr! T)ffpnrp PXP 23 iu 14 2214 BLACK. Column 7. Move 14. KBxKtP. BLACK. Column 8. Move I 4 B Kt5- mJiJL i WHITE. WHITE. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 123 Col. 7 We prefer this to 6 P QB4, 6 P QB3 ! (not 6. . . .B Kt5 ch. ; 7 K B sq.l and if now 7 . . P QB3 ; 8 PxP, and the Q dare not retake on account of KB QB4, nor can Black resort to PXP on account of the reply Q R4 ch. Likewise if Black play 7 O O the reply 8 Q Kt$ wins at least a P, for if then 8 PxP ; 9 QxP, wins a piece); 7 PxP (if 7 QKt 83, 7 KtXKt ; 8PxKt, 8 BxKt; 9 PxB, 9 PxP ; 10 BxBP, loQxQch.; with a good game), 7. . . .Q R4 ch.; 8 Kt Q2, 8 PxP ; 9 BxKt, 9 BxKt ; even game. Col. 7. Superior in our opinion to the exchange of Pawns which releases Black's QKt for a better post at 963. Col. 7. If he wait till White has advanced P KB4 it will be worse still, for then the opponent will evidently retake with the BP with the much superior game. And if 9 P KB3 then 10 Q RS, 10 P KR 3 ; ii BXP, II PXKt; 12 QB KKts, 12 Q Ksq.; 13 B R7 ch., 13 K R sq.; 14 B Kt6 dis. ch. and mates next move. Col. 7. 10 PXP; n BxP, ii QXQ; 12 RXQ also leaves White with much the superior position. Col. 7. Obviously if 12 PxP ; 13 B Kt$ and wins. Col. 7. Might be continued 14 RPxB ; 15 QxPch., 15 K Rsq. ; i6PxP, i6RxP(or 16 KtxP ; 17 QR K sq., 17 Q-K2 ; 18 R K3, with a winning game); 17 Q R$ ch., 17 K Kt2 ; 18 QR K sq., 18 Q K sq. ; 19 BxR ch., 19 KtxB (if 19. ... KxB ; 20 Q R6 ch., 20 K B2 ; 21 R K3 +); 20 Q Kt5 ch., 20 K R sq.; 21 R K/j, with a winning game. Col. 8. Continued 14 Q Q4 ; 15 R 64 (it is noteworthy that White may also obtain a draw at least by 15 B B6, 15 Q KS ; if 15. .. .PxB ; 16 R 64, 16 R Q sq.; 17 Q R6, 17 PxP ; 18 R R4, 18 P 64 ; 19 Q B6, and wins 16 R 63, 16 Q Kt3 ; 17 R Kt3, 17 QxQ ; 18 R X? ch., 18 K R sq.; 19 RxP dis. ch. and draws at least), 15 Kt Q2 ; 16 QR B sq., 16 P KB4!; 17 R R 4 , 17 KtxP !; 18 PxKt, 18 QxP ; 19 Q R7 ch., 19 K B2 ; 20 R R6 +. Col. 9. After 6 O O, 6 Kt Q2 ; 7 P KB4, 7 P KB 4 ; 8 Kt Q2, 8 QKtxKKt ; 9 BPxKt, 9 B K2 ; 10 Q R5 ch., 10 P KKt3 ; ii Q R$, ii Q Q2 as played in a little match between Mackenzie and Blackburne. The game is even. Col. 9. If 6. . . .P KB4 ; 7 BxKt, 7 BPxB ; 8 Q Kt5 ch. +. Col. 9. Better than 8 P KB4, 8 Q B sq. ; 9 R K sq., 9 P KKt3 with a good game. Col. 9. The move in the text enables Black to castle and is necessary, for if 8 .... O O ; 9 KtxP,' 9 B XKt ; 10 QXB, 10 R K sq.; ii QxQ + , and if 8 P KB3 ; 9 Kt Kt6 + . Col. 9. If 10. . . .P KKt3 ; ii KtxKtP, ii BPxKt ; 12 BxP, 12 R-B2 ; 13 BxR ch., 13 BxBi 14 O KS, 14 B B sq. (If 14 Kt 63; 15 Q Kt3ch., 15 K Rsq.; I6RXB, 16 KtxR; 17 Q K5 ch., and wins); 15 KtxP with more than an equivalent for the adverse two minor pieces against the R. Col. 10. 7 R K sq. or Q K2 may also be played with advantage. Col. io. Or 8. . . .P KB4 ; 9 P 63, 9 PxP ; 10 RXP + . Col. io. White has the majority of Pawns on the King's side with the option ol opening the KB file by P KB3 and he has also an entrance for his pieces at K5. All these advantages combined more than outweigh the adverse two Bishops (especially as Black's QB has little scope for action) and therefore constitute a superiority for White. Col. II. As the QP is the usual mark of White's attack in this form of opening, it is better to keep Q file open in order to provide an additional defence and eventually a counter attack against the adverse QP which generally becomes isolated. Col. ii. 9 P 65 would not be good, for Black replies 9 P QKt 3 and if 10 P QKt4? io P QR4; ii PxKtP, ii RPxP ; 12 PxP, 12 QX? with the superior game. Col. 12. The same variation arises of course also by a transposition of Black's last two moves. 35. Col. 12. If 12 ____ P QKt 3 the answer 13 R K sq. is still stronger as it threatens PxP followed byB K4. 36. Col. 36. -Or 12. ... R-K sq.; 13 PxP, 13 QXP ; 14 QB-KB 4 , 14 Q Q sq.; 15 P Q5, 15 Kt R 4 ; i6KB-QKts 37. ' Col. 12. Continued 13. .. .P KR3 ; 14 6-^65, 14 BxB ; 15 QxB, i$ PxP ; 16 P Q$, }%? R 4 . I7 P Q6, 17 PxP ; 18 RXB +. I2 4 PETRO. KKt B 3 KtXP KF'S DEFENCE. .KKt 63 C P-0 4 o B 3 lp-K 4 13 "KKt B3 "P Q3 14 15 16 Op-Q 4 17 18 60 QKt B3 i 0-0 > B-0 3 0-0 P QB 4 Kt Q3 55 -0-0! 52 7 0-0 'B K2 R-Ksq. '0 O n p B 4 'PXP 53 B K2 56 n R - K s q- n Kt ~ K 5 Q R-Ksq.! H Kt-Q 3 q q Kt - B 3 UB-K 3 Q-B2 Op KB 4 "O Q Kt-K 5 Q P-KB 4 + "Kt B 3 m p " Bs 38 OP B 4 OB-K 3 39 . Kt 63 . pKt K2 46 p_KB 4 . Q-Kt 3 48 "B K3 . n B-Kts ch. lUo-o 4O 1 "KtxKt 43 1 "o O . . PxKt , . Kt B 4 lU Px p ..gXKtP 1U B -Q 2 54 Hfi-Kts A1 PXP 44 X1 Q Esq. 40 RXB ^ P B 3 + 47llKt B3JD49 . BxKt 5O 9 P-KB 3 + P-QR3 41^"PXB *" . nKt Kt5 la . .P Kt 4 V 13 Q-Q2 . . QKt-B 3 jrR-Ktsq. *'O O O 42 . ,-BXB 10 R Kt-K 5 + D 45 Column I 4 . Move 16 Kt K5. BLACK. i A Column 1 6. Move 1 1 Kt BLACK. 1 ^ W$ A *iBJti m m WHITE. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 125 38. Col. 13. If 9.... B QKt 5; 10 BxKt, 10 BxR ; uPXP-f. 39. Col. 13. This is sound enough now, for Black has no time to break up the Pawns by P QKt3. Compare next note. )40. Col. 13. If 10. . . .P QKt3 ; ir Q-R4, n B Q2 ; 12 KB QKt 5, 12 QKt QKt sq.; 13 Kt-K 5, I3BXB; 14 QxB ch., 14 K B sq.; 15 QKt 63 +. For if 15 PXP ; 16 Q Kt 7, 16 QKt Q2 ; 17 Kt B6 and wins. 41. Col. 13. If 12 Kt K sq., 13 Q Kt3 wins a P with a safe position. 42. Col. 13. Might be continued 15 Kt K sq.; 16 P QR4, 16 P 64 ; 17 P Kt5, 17 PxP ; 18 PXP, 1 8 Kt Kt sq.; 19 Kt K$ +. For after the exchange of Queens White will easily protect the QP by Kt K2 if necessary, and obtain the superior position by R R sq. Col. 14. Or 10.... KB QKt 5 ; u BxKt, u QPxB (11 . . . .BPxB ; 12 KKt KKt5, 12 BxKt ; 13 KtxB, 13 Q K2 ; 14 PxB, 14 QxKt ; 15 Q RS ch. +) ; 12 P Q5, 12 PxKt ; 13 RxB ch., 13 K Q2 ; 14 QXP + . Col. 14. If ii Q Q2 ; 12 PxP, 12 BxP (if 12 QxP ; 13 P 64 followed by 14 P Q5 wins) ; 13 Kt K5, 13 KtxKt ; 14 RxKt and wins ; for if 14 O O ; 15 Q K2 wins a piece, as besides RxB, White also threatens RxQB, followed by KB QB4 ; or if 14 B K3 ; 15 Q K2, 15 K B2 ; 16 RXB, followed by 17 KB QB4 wins. Col. 14. Continued : 16 Q K sq.; 17 QR Kt sq., 17 P QKt 3 ; 18 Q R3 + . 46. Col. 15. If 9. . . .Kt 64 ; 10 KB QKt5, 10 O O ; u BxKt, 11 PxB ; 12 Kt K5, 12 B Q2 ; 13 Kt R4 + . 47. Col. 15. The best answer to 11 Kt 64 is 12 RxB. 48. Col. 16. It is we believe quite safe for White here to confine the adverse pieces by 10 P 65, fol- lowed immediately by P QKt4. 49. Col. 1 6. The above moves occurred in the well known correspondence game between Paris and St. Petersburg. But at the present point the game proceeded : u P 63; 12 BxKt (of course if 12 QxR the reply 12 ... .Q B2 confines White's Q which must be ultimately lost for two Rooks in a position favorable for Black), 12 PXB; 13 Kt Kt$, 13 QB KB4; 14 QKt 63+. 50. Col. 16. Or 12 QxKt, 12 PxB; 13 Q Kt5, 13 P Q7; 14 QKtXP, 14 R Kt sq.; 15 Q Q3, 15 KtxKt; 16 KtxKt, 16 B Q4 with a strong attack. 51. Col. 16. Continued: 15 Q R6, 15 Kt Kt5; 16 Q R4, 16 P 63; 17 P QR3 (if 17 KtxB, 17 PXKt; 18 Kt K6, 18 Q K sq. + ), 17. .. .Kt Q6; 18 KtxB, 18 PxKt; I9Q-B6 (if 19 Kt K6, 19 BxPch.; 20 KXB!, 20 Q Q3 ch. + ), i 9 ....BxP ch; 20 KxB, 20 KtxB; 21 Q K6 ch., 21 K Rsq. + . 52. Col. 17. If 7 P QB4,? 7 PxQP; 8 O O (or 8 PxP, 8 B Kt5 ch; 9 K B sq., 9 QXP+), 8. ... KKt 63; 9 KtxP, 9 PXP; 10 BxP, 10 B K2 even game. 53. Col. 17. 7.... P 65?; 8 BxKt, 8 PXB; 9 R K sq., 9 P 64; 10 Kt KS, 10 B K3; n Q R5 ch., ii P KKt3; 12 KtxP, 12 B 62; 13 QxBP, 13 BxKt; 14 Q KS ch.,+. 54. Col. 17. The piece is lost anyhow for if 10 K K2; ii RxKt and wins. 55. Col. 18. The same line of play as here proposed may also be adopted for 6. . . .KKt 63. 56. Col. 18. 7 B Kt5 is of no use on account of 8 Q K sq. ch. followed by Kt K5. And if 7. . . .B 64; 8 BXB, 8 KtxB; 9 Q K2 ch., 9 B K2; 10 Q Kt5 ch. + . 126 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. .P-K 4 9 KKt-B 3 nKtXP IP K4 19 20 30 "KKt B 3 21 22 i i p ~ Q4 23 24 KtxP? "Q K2 .Q K2 .KKt B 3 4g_ K2 ^KtxP ! 63 c QxKt C B K2 *QXP ch. ^P -Q 3 -B K2 _KKt-B 3 Up_Q3 UQ Q S q. p Q4 O O 3fi 64 ^QXP ch. D 0-0 D B K2 ^KtxP! 67 B-K 3 ? B-K2 P KB3 B K2 I7 P-KB 4 57 ^RKsq.- DO O DB 64 7 P-Q 4 nP-B 3 - 65 OKt-Kts "P-Q4 7 Q-Q2 7 o-o 'Kt-Q 2 '00 QKt-B 3 'B-Kt 3 'Q By 'KtxB /Q Qsq. fi P X Kt o Kt ~ K 5- "BPxKt 58 q Kt-Q5 59 Q QB-KKt 5 Op_Q 4 B _K2 Kt-B 3 n B Kt5ch.6O OP PJo r iij 4 n Q-Q 2 + D JQ-K 3 ^Ktch. 6 lu l"p KB4+ 66 nBxP ch. QxPch. Q^ch, + D62 Column 19. Move 14 Q Q5 ch. BLACK. i Column 21. Move 10 Q Q2. BLACK. WHITE. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 127 Col. 19. Quite as good at least is 7 QKt 83, with the probable continuation: 7 QPxKt; 8 Kt Q 5> 8Q Q3; 9 PxP, 9 PX?; loQB KB4, loP 63; u O O O (n Kt 63 or Kt KS also gives White the advantage), n. . . .PxKt; I2RXP, 12 Q KKt3; 13 RxP ch., 13 K Q sq.; 14 R Q$ ch, 14 B Q2; 15 Q KS, 15 Q QKt3; 1 6 KB QKts, 16 K B sq. (if 16. . . .Kt 63; 17 Q K6, etc.), 17 KR Q sq. and wins. Col. 19. 8....QPxKt; 9 Kt Q5, 9 Q Q3; 10 PxP, 10 PxP; " PXP, " Q 63 (or n.... KtxP?; II QB KB4+ or II....QXP; i2KtxPch.+); 12 KB QKts +. Col. 19. We consider this better than 9 BPxP, 9 PXP which in some contingencies gives Black more freedom for his KB. Col. 19. Equally good is 10 KtxQ, 10 KtxQ; " Kt Qs, u K Q sq.; 12 B Q3, 12 P 63; i$ BxKt, 13 PxKt; 14 BXQP, H PXQP; 15 B Q2 followed by O O O which will soon win a P with a fine position. Col. 19. If IO....K Qsq.; u KtXKt, II PxKt; I2BPXP, 12 BPxP(or 12. . . .QPxP; 13 PXP, 13 P X P; if I3....QXP; I4QXQ, H^XQ; *5 B Kt 5 ch., 15 B K2; 16 O O O ch. and wins 14 B Q2. + ); 13 O O, 13 B Kt2; 14 P KR4, 14? KR3; 15 Q Kt6+. Col. . 19 This check is of importance before taking the R, and its object is to drive the adverse K Kt2 where he blocks his own R which otherwise would help to obtain a strong counter attack. If, for instance, 14 QxR at once, then 14. . . .QB Kt2; 15 QxP, 15 PXQP dis. ch. ; 16 K 62, 1 6 Q KS ; 17 KR Kt sq., 17 KR Kt sq. ; etc. Whereas, after the move we propose, Blacks best answer is clearly 14 K Kt2; whereupon 15 QXR is quite safe, for if 15 B Kt2; 16 Q XP, 16 PXQP ch.; 17 K B2, 17 Q KS; 18 KR Ktsq., iSQxQBPch.; 19 K K sq, 19 Q KS ch. ; 20 K Q sq. + . Col. 20. This move in conjunction with Blacks next fully equalizes the game. Col. 21. We consider this better than 8 P QB4, to which Black's best reply is 8 P Q3- 65. Col. 22. Keeping the centre compact, whereas 7 P 64 would loosen it in a manner that might cause trouble in the ending. 66. Col. 23. White cannot get out of his weak centre P, and the two Bishops will also give Black the superior game after he develops his pieces. Col. 24. Afters. . . .QxPch.;6 B K 3 !, 6Kt Kts; ;Q Q2, 7KtxB;8-PxKtWhitehasthe better game, for Black cannot now play for stopping the centre P as in the previous column. If, for in- stance, 8. .. .P KB 4 ; 9 Kt B 3 , 9 Q K 2 ; 10 Kt Qs, 10 Q-Q sq.; 11 P K*, 11 PxP; 12 QK3, 12 B 64; 13 Kt B2 with the better game, for if 13. .. .P 63; 14 KtxP, 14 PxKt; 15 KtxQP double ch., 15 K Q2; 16 KtxB, 16 B Kts ch 5 "7 K Q sq., 17 R K sq.; 18 B Kts ch - + - 128 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 25 ,KtxI' rfp/:< ): -P-K4. IP K4 26 9 KKt-B 3 fl 27 -B3 28 29 ,B B 4 ? 75 30 KtxP? Kt-B 3 .B B 4 ch. B-Kt3 OB -0.3 68 ,0 O O RI I I - 129 18. Col. 25. We prefer this to 6 Q K sq. ch. recommended by some authorities, for after 7 K B sq, 7 B Qj; 8 P Q4, followed by B Kt 3 and P QB4, Black will have difficulty to get his K into safety, and his Q is also not well placed. 19. Col. 25. White's surplus of three Pawns is divided on the two wings, and his five Pawns to three on the Queen's side are weakened by the double Pawn. N>. Col. 26. Or 8 Q K.2, 8 K 63; 9 P Q3, 9 Kt 64; 10 Q 63 ch., 10 K K3+. l. Col. 27. Black evidently cannot venture on 8 KtxP ; on account of 9 Q R5 ch., followed accord- ingly by QQS ch - or R K sc l- Col. 27. Stronger than the authorized QKt 63. White's aim is either to drive the adverse King back to the last row before Black's KR can get into play, or else to get a third P, which, considering that White has all his Pawns on the board, must become very formidable in the end. . Col. 27. If 10 K B sq. ; II Kt Q2, followed by P KB4 with a strong attack. . Col. 27. Continuation : 13 R Ksq. (or 13 P 63; 14 P KB4, 14 Kt KS; 15 P 65, 15 Kt B2; 16 Kt K4 with an excellent attack) ; 14? 64, 14 Kt KS; 15 P 65, 15 Kt B sq. (if I5 . . . .Kt Kt4 ; 16 P KR4 and wins); 16 Kt K4, 16 K Kt sq.; 17 P B6, 17 PxP; 18 and wins. . Col. 28. The same position may arise by a transposition of moves in the KB opening after I P K4, i P K4; 2 B 64, 2 KKt 63; 3 KKt 63. F6. Col. 28. The only move to maintain the P gained, and though White obtains apparently a strong attack Black by best defence ought to be able to get out with advantage in position and material. , Col. 28. 6 KtxP would be bad on account of the rejoinder 6. . . .Q K2. But of course if Black reply 6 PXKt at once White would win by 7 Q R5 ch. . Col. 28. Better than 6. . . .P Oj; 7 Kt R4, 7 Q K2; 8 Q R5 ch., 8 K Q sq.; 9 P 64, 9 " Kt 63 ; 10 B K3 with a strong attack. . Col. 28. If 9 Kt Kt6, 9 Q K sq. ; 10 B Q3, 10 B K2 and wins. . Col. 29. Clearly necessary as White threatens Col. 29. By- this move Black avoids all the complications suggested in our next column and prepares for the strong advance of P Q4 which will give him the superior position as White's KB will be reduced to inactivity. 12. Col. 30. Continued: 16. . . .P KS; 17 Kt Kt5, 17 Q BQ4; 18 R Q4 followed by KtX-KP. It is however noteworthy that White instead of retreating the Q given in our main column might at- tempt to sacrifice her and we believe there is only one line of play to save Black's game. e. g. 16 PXP, 16 PxQ; 17 PXP dis. ch., and now it 17. . . .Q-K3; 18 P Q 7 ch., 18 K 62; 19 Kt Kt5 ch. and wins. Or if 17 Kt K3, 18 Kt KS, 18 BxP; ! 19 KtxQ, 19 664 ch; 20 K R, sq., 2oKxKt; 21 R Q7 ch. and wins. But after 17 B K2; 18 BxB (or 18 PxB, iS Kt Q4; etc.), 18 Kt K3; 19 Kt Kt5, 19 Q 64; 2oKtXKt, 20 K Q2; Black ought to win. 130 ,P-K 4 IP K 4 31 Kt-B 3 32 rQPxKt Op KB 3 nO-Q OQ-K2 n R-K sq. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 9 KKt-B 3 "KKt Bi 33 'P-Q3 34 "KtxP 35 ,Q K2 96 KtxP 36 'B K 3 ! OKB gB 4 ? ,B-Kt 3 97 P-Q 3 88 9 ch. P_B 3 nQB-KKts OQ_Q 3? b Q-B 4 ! K-Q sq. o-o 7 Q-Kt5 ch. 7 QxKt /P DR-> /Q Q P QB 3 QXKtP Kt-Q 2 89 OQ X Kt KtxKt .R Ksq nQxBP OC^T n ^-^ >H- n R - B sq- 90 OO^B^ 94 a QB-KR6 Q-K2 P-Q 4 ! 10 Kt-K 5 R K8 ch. 'B K2 R-Q ^. Q B2 ,KtXP 84 . ? Kt Kt6 ~1^K R-Ksq. . ni x JLVO vn. t nVA^J 9llU K -g2 ~ 1U K-Qsq. -4 Q-Kt4ch. 4J B ~ B 4 QXKBP ch. . n QxB 92 UK B 3 , B-Q 5 ch. D . nQ-R 5 ch. lup Kt 3 . ,KtxKtP Q2 LU V 1 -Ksq. 86 <0 Kt- 93 Q-K 4 ch. QXBch. 15i= ch. Q-K8 Q2 . p R K sq.+ xy . QV ID RiDoII 13B-Ktsq. 10 K B 4 UQ Kt 4 sq.+ B K 3 ch. 41 15 -Kt 4 P R 4 ch.+ 95 85 i "Q-Q2+ 87 Column 31. Move 16 R Ksq. BLACK. Column 34 . Move 12 B Q5 ch. BLACK. WHITE. WHITE. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 131 83. Col. 31. The attack is not lasting enough for such a heavy sacrifice. 84. Col. 31. Much stronger than 12 BxB, 12 P Q4; 13 KtXP, 13 B K3; 14 Kt Kt6, 14 PxKt; 15 QXB, 15 QxB; etc. 85. Col. 31. If 16. . . .BXB; 17 Q-K8 ch., 17 K Q3; 18 Q KS ch., and wins theQ, for if 18. . . . K Q2; 19 Q K6 ch., and mates next move. 86. Col. 32. Obviously White's best chance of continuing the attack. If 13 KtXR, 13 QxB and wins. 87. Col. 32. Continued : 17 B 64 ch., 17 K Kt3; 18 B K3 ch., 18 864 and wins. Col. 33. Obviously Black dare not capture the Kt on account of 7 BX? ch., 7K K2; Col. 33. A new and feasible defence, but Black's game is already too much compromised. Col. 33. Or 9 BxKt; 10 Q RS, 10 P KR3; 11 B Q2. Col. 33. If 10. . . .Q K/3 or K sq., White answers with still greater force n R Ksq.,and obviously if 10 Q K2 or 63 then 11 B Kt5 and wins. 92. Col. 33. If II.. . .B K2; 12 P KKt4, 12 Q B sq. (or 13. .. .Q K3?; 14 Kt B6 ch., or if 13 . . . .Q 63 ?; 14 B Kt5+); 13 Q Q5 + - 93. Col. 33. Obviously White threatens to win at once by Kt Q4. 94. Col. 34. Or 9 B Kt5; 10 RXQ, 10 BxQ; n B Kt$ ch., 11 K B sq.; 12 RxB and Black dare not capture the R on account of the impending mate by R Q8 (Gossip's Manual}. 95. Col. 34. White mates in two moves. This variation is given by Staunton. 96. Col. 35. If 4 KtXP, 4 P-Q4; 5 B-Kt3, 5 Q Kt4; 6 O-O, 6 QxKt; 7 R K sq., 7 KB QB 4 ; 8 Q K.2, 8 QB KKts, 9 QXB, 9 BxP ch.; 10 K B sq., 10 BxR; " Q B8 ch., u K K2; 12 QXR, 12 Kt Kt 6 ch.; 13 PxKt, 13 BxP+. (German Handbuch}. 97. Col. 35. Or 6 P Q3, 6 KtXP; 7 B Kt 5 ch.?, 7 P 63; 8 KxKt, 8 Q Kt3 ch.-f . 98. Col. 35. Black threatens R KB sq., followed by RX? with an irresistible attack. 99. Col. 36. If 6. . . .BXP ch.; 7 K B sq.!, 7 B Kts; 8 B Kt3., 8Q K2; 9 BxP, 9 QXKt; 10 QxKt. 100. Col. 36. If 9 P KB4, 9 Kt 63; 10 Q K4, 10 R K sq.; u K Q sq., u KtxKt (Stronger than u Q R5 to which White may well reply 12 P QB3, not 12 QKt Q2 on account of I2 . . . .B Kt5 ch.; 13 QKt 63, 13 Q 67 etc. and after 12. . . .B Kt5 ch. ; 13 K 62, 13 Q 67 ch. ; 14 Kt Q2, Black threatens KtxKt and retains his P with a good game); 12 PxKt, 12 13 QXQ (best for Black threatens QR4ch.); 146 Kt5 ch.+. 132 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. Gamel. Dufresne. POTTER MASON. .P K4 Game 2. Staunton and Wor- mald. MACKENZIE HAMMOND. Q PXP 11 Game 3. Dufresne. SCHIFFERS TSCHIGORIN. ALAPIN PETROFFSKY. Game 4. Lmventha l-Morph} Games. MORPHY LIGHT EN 11 EII nB-B 4 lp-K 4 KKt-B 3 "KKt 63 .KKt KB3 1 "KtxP V^Kt-B 3 pP-^U JrBxP 4 2J P-Q 4 gB-Q 3 j "KKt KB3 OKt B3 7 o-o +%P Z $3 'O O nP~B4 'B K2 gP-B 4 A ' 2i LpP-KR 3 2^ P-QB 3 1 Q B2 Q R-K sq. ArP KR 3 2J OKt-Bs "PXP "KKt 63 ^ OKt B 3 T. n Q Q2 2< 10p_KR 3 2 B K3 18 PXK^ IfKtxP H Kt^B3 -^10QKt-QR 4 2! oKBxBP **B KKts 12 , 9 QR-Kt sq. 11 0-0 A nB-K 4 f . 9 RPxKt 1"QB KKt5 , -0. Kt Q2 A "Q B2 13 4 qP KR3 14 A" KB Kts 18 KtxKt f IflB Q2 21 ^r.qKR KKtJj luQKt Q2 3 ..QBxRP 4 X T> TJ A T R j.BxPch.! UQXB fl"Kt R2 2J Kt-K4 1'fixKl 5 * pKtxB ^KXB . pKt Kt5 ch. 14p_KB4 D 4 r B Kt5 19 i^K Rsq. , pQ Kt6 ch. lb K -Kt3 .gP-KKt 4 1Q Q3 2O -^ 1"P-KR4 3< -| , pKt R4 , yQxRp'di. 40RXP! D 16 17 B X Kt 1 10 P KKts J, . _Q_ K2 1 ' K Kt sq. QR-Ksq. 6 *'QXR 1/Q_Q 2 21 ?a?r5?4 3: lOQKt Kts luR_R sq . 1 nQ-Q-3 ch. iq Kt-K 5 4 lOpxP / iq B-Q 4 ch. te-Ktf ? I \t \r T> _ IV -L*3 1U QXP onKtXB Lf lOK-Ktsq. + 9 -Kt-B5 3i R^-K 5 3 ! D8 20 B _-Kt 3 17 9 . Kt R; ch. U RXB o|Q-B3 f ^R Ksq. 4- n . Kt R6 ch. ulBxR 9 99 ?XB Q)P Kt5 mate 99 Kt "^ 3 ^alK B sq. 99 o-o-o flCwR4 B-B 7 ch. 2fiR_Osq. K Esq. ""BxKt 3: OOKRsq. ft .RXKt & wins 1 j Z3Q-Q6ch. - 01 P-K5 2 Z* 10 24 K-K S q. r BxB P-QKt3 R_Q 7 D3i nrrK-Q^ -^ZbQ_Kt2 3< -n ? Q-B4 4 / R 65 onP-B3 ^^l/R_K2 60p_B 5 R-OBsq. R-K sq. ch ^ ^ and wins ""and wins. 3' PETR( >KI-'S DEFENCE. 133 Potter v. Mason. 1. ( lame I. 8. . . .B Kj is the usual move here. See continuation in Col. 16. 2. (lame i. We prefer 10 PxP; for after u BxP ch., u K R sq. Black would have the best of the game as he threatens P KKt3 and will be able to defend the QBP which ought to give him the superiority in the end while White's King's side attack presents no danger if well taken care of. 3. (lame I. An error of which the opponent takes advantage in a very ingenious manner. 4. Game i. Sound and brilliant. 5. Game i. It was not wise to effect this exchange for in certain eventualities he had the prospect of bringing this B to KB4 or Kt3 via E.4, and at any rate, the retention of this B would have made White's attack more difficult. 6. Game i. An important move for the attack and one of great depth and insight into the game. 7. Game I. White's fine i8th move had provided against any attempt at releasing himself by 19. . . .R K sq., at this juncture, for then would follow 20 RxR ch., 20 KtXR; 21 B-- R; ch., 21 K R sq. ; 22 B Kt dis. ch. and maVes in two more moves. 8. Game I. An exceedingly beautiful coup which wins by force. 9. Game I. It was irrelevant what he did for he could not have saved the game. If for instance 20 KtXR; 21 PxKt, 21 BxKP ch.; 22 K R sq., 22 BxKt; 23 QxB ch., 23 K R sq.; 24 RX Kt and wins. Of course, if 20 BxKt: 21 R Kt3 and wins. ,0. Game I. For if after 24 Q K8 ch. ; 25 R B sq., 25 QXP ch.; 26 K R sq. Black must give up the Q for Kt and his game is then hopeless. Mackenzie v. Hammond. 11. Game 2. This early exchange of Pawns has the disadvantage that it gives Black an open QB file and allows his QKt to occupy a better post at QB3 than he could otherwise obtain. White's QBP is also weaker than Black's QP. Game 2. QKt 63 was preferable. Game 2. An error that exposes him to the loss of a P and to an irresistible attack. Game 2. Move 13 BxP ch. at once was much stronger and would have won a P, for if 13. . . .KxB; 14 Kt KKts ch., 14 K Kt3; 15 QxB, 15 BxP ch. ? ; 16 K Rsq., 16 P KB4; 17 Q R3, 17 Kt Q2; 18 QXB, 18 R R sq.; 19 Kt R3 and wins. 15. Game 2. Of course Black ought to have retreated his B Q2. 16. Game 2. Excellent play. White holds his grip on Black's position with firm hand. 17. Game 2. Overlooking the very neat finish but his game was gone. Schiffers and Tschigorin v. Alapin and Petroffsky. t. Game 3. The White allies rely too much on the apparent strength of their I4th move but as will be seen, their calculations are overreached by a further deep combination of their opponents. >. Game 3. The only correct move. If 15 B 62, 15 BxKt; 16 PxB, 16 KtXP; 17 Q Q sq., 17 KtxB and wins (Dufresne). D. Game 3. 15 Q Q2; 16 B 62, 16 BxKt; 17 PxB, 17 KtxP; 18 Q Q sq., and Black dare not capture either Kt or B. (Dufresne). i 21. Game 3.--Of course if QXB the reply B Q5 wins. The rest is easy. (Continued on page 134 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. GAME No. I. Move 21. R K3. BLACK MASON. GAME No. 2. Move 17. RxP. BLACK HAMMOND. I WHITE POTTER. WHITE MACKENZIE. GAME No. 3. Move 14 P KB4. BLACK ALAPIN AND PETROFFSKY. GAME No. 4. Move 26. R Q7. BLACK LIGHTEN HEIN. I A; i* li WHITE SCHIFFERS AND TSCHIGORIN. WHITE MORPHY. 1'KTkoKF-S DI-FKNCE. 135 (Continued from page fjjj Morphy v. Lichtenhein. Game 4. A favorite countersacrifice and invention of Mr. Lichtenhein, but certainly inferior to Kt XKt. Game 4. Not good on general principles. ( ..urn- 4. Quite justifiable, as White is not in need of castling on the King's side and may safely prepare an attack on that wing. Game 4. This is quite as compromising as unnecessary. This very P furnishes a mark for the hostile attack. Game 4. We consider 10 P KKt4 at once stronger. A likely continuation was : 10 Kt R2 (if 10 Kt QR4; 11 P KtS, 11 PxP; 12 KtxP with a strong attack); n P Kt5, u PxP (this is best now, for White would otherwise advance P Kt6); 12 KR Kt sq., 12 B K2; 13 Kt Q5 with an excellent game. Game 4. Well played. After getting rid of the adverse KB, he can guard himself against the break- ing in of the adversary on the King's side. Game 4. It would have been better to retreat Kt R2 at once. Game 4. The delay in advancing P Kt5 was unnecessary and even disadvantageous, for he will have forced an opening on the KKt file \vhich would have been sure to be more useful for the attack than the plan adopted anon. Game 4. It should be noticed that unless Black had previously exchanged the adverse KB or moved his King, White could now proceed with P Kt6 effectively. Game 4.- The sacrifice of the P is hazardous and in fact unsound ; but it was very difficult for the opponent to steer clear of all difficulties afterward. Game 4. -r-Continued with ingenious energy and spirit. Obviously if Black take the Kt the reply Kt B6 ch. or P Kt6 wins. Game 4. An error of judgment which drifts him into further difficulties. The right move which would have won was 22 KtXP, for if 23 RxKt, 23 QxR; etc., or if 23 B B6, 23 RxKt and wins. Game 4. Overlooking the adversary's beautiful scheme and its disastrous result for his game. B 64 would have left him with a safe game and a P ahead. Game 4. Very finely played and absolutely decisive. Game 4. After 26 KtX?; 27 RxKt, 27 Q 63; 28 QxP, 28 P B6; the continuation of 29 R XP would lead to a draw as shown by Lowenthal. But White can win by force by 29 R 65, for if 29....R K8ch.; 30 K Q2, 3oQxR!;3i QXQ, 3 1 PXQ; 3 2 RX? ch, 32 K K sq.; 33 KxR and wins. Game 4. White's terminating moves are marked by masterly vigor and accuracy. 136 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. P K4 ? KKt-B 3 "KKt B 3 Game 5. Game 6. Game 7. Game 8. TUDD, SELLMANN & WARE. DELMAR, MOEHLE & GRUNDY. P-Q3 KKt KB 3 P-Q 4 5 KKt-KB 3 38 nO-0 'B 8 -Q 4 B-Q3 K2 P B 4 39 PXP 'O O ,Kt-B 3 B-K L __ lop KR 3 41 . nQR-B sq. i"P-QR 3 42 j jP-QR3_43 Ug~~ Kt K2 QB KB 4 44 Game 5 Cont'd. Kt K5 -Kt X Kt 30 BXB QXP t Q 4 Leipziger Schach- zeitung, 1860. ANDERSSEN KOLISCH. Q K2 KKt KE 3 QxPch. 52 B QB 4 Q-0 'B-Kt 3 P-B 4 Lmventhal, U P B 3 gKt-B 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 *' Q K2 B KKt5 P-KR 3 B R 4 P KKt 4 B Kt 3 53 P-Q4 Kt KS QKt Q2 PXP KKtxP QKtxKKt PxKt P KB 4 PXP KtxKt 54 PXB Kt B6ch.55 K Kt2 Game 6 Cont'd. x R 30 BxPch. u*B B6 Q9 B-R 7 ch.48 ,K R2 0^ 10R KRsq. B-KR^_ ^U B -K 3 BXB QxBch. K Q sq. ,0 Kt8 ch. _ _Q sq . KXB 62 Dufresnc, MORPHY (playing 8 games simultaneously blindfold) AMATEUR POTIER. KIESERITZKY. KtxP "KtxP .QKt-B 3 1] E KKt B 3 64 "KtxP? 4^ K2 D B-Kt 3 B-K2 7 P-Q4 'P B 3 nO-0 ; Q K2 cxKt b p^Qr D P-Q4 65 P KB 3 P-KB 4 7 / QKt O2 P-B 4 Kt Q2 |Kt-QB 3 'BPxKt Kt-Kt 3 II) 1U Kt-B 3 KtxKt ch. 66 A PxKt B Kt5 ch. Q B2 B-KB 4 f Q * P B 3 B X P ch. iflB Q 3 1U PXB . QR-K sq. , nQXBP ch. lOK-Bsq. "1^K=B2 u Q-Kt 3 JJQXR *i ^P R5 67 lft QB QKt2 Kt Kt6 ch. j rQXP -Kt sq. PX 18 PxKt BPxP 15 17 18 K-B2 71 R Ktsq. KR KKt sq. .K R sq. 'B Kt5 ,R-K7 Q2 " K Esq. K2 34 RXB C KR K sq. Kt-Kt 3 QR-KKtsq. ,KR-Ksq. 350=1^ 49 25 -Q -Q > ^3 5 B6 46 Q-B 3 P KR 4 Q-< ,K Kt2 5O lilQ_B2 gQ-K 3 56 9i R ~ KB4 *QR QB sq. QR KB sg. R B2 ,Q-KKt3 57 ' q R-B 7 ch.62 00 K -B 3 Q .Q-K8ch_ 04 K -B 4 "^K Esq. 9 R-E 7 ch. K Ktsq. 20 21 QXQBP ch. K B sq. 72 Q Q8 ch. K B2 Q B6 ch. K K sq. B Kt2 D 73- QXP R K sq. ch. K--Rsq. 'P KKt 4 47 nnQ R 7 ch - D _"OKxQ [51 nn R R s q- ch - "and mates next move. OQV "R 65 D58 9 -Kt R 7 ch.59 "IK Ksq. 6O 9q Q-KKt 7 _ UU R KRs npR nyP-QiUch. 23 24 KtxP D68 on K-Q2 R K 7 ch. K-Qsg. Kt Kt3 69 " R KB 7 -Q$^ andwins C K K sq. 9j| " ^ R-QKtsg. ch. K-R6 White mates in ~8~inoves. 63 PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 137 Judd, Sellmann and Ware v. Delmar Moehle and Grundy. 38. ( lame 5. Not a good move for they obtain a position quite identical with one arising in the French defence excepting that they are a move behind. 39. Game 5. The routine play in this opening, but inadvisable in the present situation, Kt K5 was far superior. 40. Game 5. We prefer QKt Q2 followed by Kt Kt3 and P QB3 with the ultimate object of fixing one of their pieces at 0.4. 41. Game 5. Quite useless. They had nought to fear from the adverse B and could have played 12 B Q3 ; whereupon if 13 QB KKt5, 13 BxKt ; 14 BxB, 14 KtxP and obviously White dare not retake on pain of losing the Q by BxP ch., and if 15 BxP, 15 R Kt sq., still remaining with a P ahead. 42. Game 5. Also loss of time as White could not well play Kt QKt5 without subjecting himself to the fixture of the adverse Kt in the centre at Q4. 43. Game 5. All contrary to our principles as explained in our introduction. 44. Game 5. Rather a bold advance which makes the KtP a mark of attack from the hostile KBP. 45. Game 5. Waste of time all the more as 20. . . .P KB4 was clearly much stronger, in which case if 21 P Kt5, 21 PXP ; 22 PXP, 22 P 65 + , for if 23 BxP, 23 RXB ; 24 RxR, 24 QxP ch., and unless White played 21 P Kt5 Black was bound to obtain some advantage by opening the KB file or by Q RS to follow. 46. Game 5. Clearly if Kt Kt6 Black answers Q 63 and White dare not capture the R. 47. Game 5. An illjudged counter attack which ends in their own discomfiture. Better was 26. . . .P KKt3 ; for White could not well advance 27 P Kt5 in reply, on account of Black exchanging Pawns followed by Q R sq. ch. or Q B6 accordingly. 48. Game 5. An excellent resource which not alone releases White's game from the pressure of hostile pieces btrt transfers the attack completely into their own hands. 49. Game 5. At last the B which has been threatened to be taken off by R or Q for the last two moves is safely fixed and Black's King is accordingly imprisoned. 50. Game 5. This helps the opponents but there was no help for themselves. If 36 Q Ky ch.; 37 R-Kt2, 37 QxQ ; 3 8 R XQ, 3 8 Kt 63, etc. 56. Game 6. White could have won at least one P by QxB followed by KtXQP dis. ch., but on account of the Bishops of opposite color the game was likely to end in a draw after that. 57. Gama 6. A very strong move. 58. Game 6. Probably his best. If 26 K K2; 27 Q Kt7, 27 R KB sq.; 28 BxP, 28 BxB; 29 Kt Kt8 ch., and wins. 59. Game 6. Very fine play. 60. Game 6. Of course if RxKt White could win the Q by RxP ch. 61. Game 6. Best. Perhaps the simplest plan would have been Q R8 ch. followed by (Continued on page j* PETROFF'S DEFENCE. GAME No. 5. Move 3$. Q R; ch. BLACK DELMAR, MOEHLE AND GRUNDY. m 4 H GAME No. 6. Move 26 R 65. BLACK KOLISCH. Mlf 88^ * if WHITE JUDD, SELLMANN AND WARE. WHITE ANDERSSEN. GAME No. 7. Move 23. KtXP. BLACK POTIER. ^ is. i/m>/'\* L- - _ - * - WHITE MORPHY . (Playing 8 games blindfold) GAME No. 8. Move 21 B Kt2. BLACK KIESERITZKY. WHITE AMATEUR. PETROFF'S DEFENCE. 139 (Continued from page 137 .) 62 Game 6. 33 Q Kt; ch. is deceptive, as White gains nothing after 33 Q Q2; and if 34 R By?; 35 R Kt5 dis. ch., and wins. 63. Game 6. Thus: 39 R KB3 ch., 39 KxP; 40 Q K.2 ch., 40 KxR; 41 R Kt3 ch., 41 K B8; 42 Q-K sq. ch., 42 K-By; 43 Q-QKt sq. ch., 43 K-Q 7 ; 44R Q 3 ch.,44K-K7; 45Q-Q sq. ch., 45 K 67; 46 R 63 mute. Morphy v. Potier. 64. ( ianu- 7. This move equalizes the game, but as shown in Col. 28 Black may maintain the P by 4 . . . . KtXKt with a safe game. 65. Game 7. P 63 followed by B Q3 is much superior. 66 Game 7. A weak move. Black is losing too much time, and his King's side is also compromised by this advance. 67. Game 7. Black drops into the ingenious trap laid by the opponent. K Kt sq. was now indis- pensable. t58. Game 7. Highly ingenious and, considering that White was playing this blindfolded along with seven other games, the combination initiated by this move belongs to the finest pieces of Chess Strategy. 69. Game 7. Obviously, if KKtXB White mates on the move by RxKtP ch., and if 24 QKtxB; 25 RXKt dis. ch., 25 Kt B2; 26 RxKt, and wins. Amateur v. Kieseritzky. 70. Game 8.- Compare up to this juncture Table 6, Col. 19. The right move is here 14 Q Q5 ch. 71. Game 8. Best. If 16 K Q2, 16 R Kt sq.; 17 QxP, 17 RXP ch.; 18 K 63, 18 B KS; 19 B Q2, 19 Q 62 ch., with a winning attack. 72. Game 8. If 19 K K sq., 19 Q K$ ch. ; 20 K Q sq., 20 B K2; 21 B Q2 (or 21 R K sq., 21 Q B6 ch. ; 22 R K2, 22 P Q6, and wins), 21 Q B6 ch. ; 22 K K sq , 22 R K sq., and wins 73. ' Game 8. Black's attack is excellently conducted. PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. The move 2. . . .P Q3, in the KKt opening, is already noticed in the Gottingen M. S. and by Italian authorities. The defence thereby initiated is now known as Philidor's Defence, bearing its name after the great French master who first gave it an extensive analysis. Philidor chiefly rested his defence on the counterattack by 3. ... P K B4 in reply to 3 P Q4. More modern researches have, however, proved this move absolutely unsound. Philidor probably based his preference of 2. ... P Q3 on the idea that the Knight ought not to obstruct any Pawn in the early part of the game. Modern experience has proved quite the contrary, and both the KKt opening, as well as the QKt opening are now recognized as belonging to the strongest initiatory moves for the attack on the second move, albeit in each case a Pawn is obstructed by the develop- ment of the respective Knights. In our opinion, not alone the continuation 4. . . .P KB4 on which Philidor chiefly based his defence, but the whole opening is more disadvantageous for the second player than the regular 2. . . .QKt 63. For the attack, however, we find that after 3 P Q4, 3 PXP; the continuation 4 KtXP is much stronger than 4 QXP, which used to be in- variably favored by old masters. In all the variations arising from the last-named move, it seems to us that White can only equalize the game, and if he tries to force the attack, he even gets the worst of it. This is chiefly due to the circumstance that he has to exchange a B for a Kt very early, and the power of the two combined Bishops is quite strong enough to keep at least the balance for Black. On the other hand, 4 KtX? is, on principle, the natural move, for it frees White's KBP for an ultimate attacking advance, and White's KKt in the center cannot easily be got rid of, as it obviously weakens Black's QP to advance P QB4. In our own practice we have favored 3 B B4 for the attack, which the author introduced in 1865, in the Dublin Tournament against the Rev. G. A. MacDonnell. It may pro- duce a slow game, like the Giuoco Piano, but Black will labor under the disadvantage of not beinj; able to make good use of either of his Bishops, for his KB evidently remains blocked; and as regards the QB, it appears to us equally unfavorable for the second player to attempt its exchange for the adverse KKt by B KKt$, as to oppose White's KB at K3. In the latter case Black will be saddled with a bad doubled Pawn in the centre, which also hampers his advancing his QP, as thereby both his King's Pawns are left isolated if White does not exchange Pawns. The first table is devoted to the attack 3 B B4, which we hold to be at least as good as 3 P Q4. In Col. i we illustrate the mode of procedure against the defence 3 . . . .B K2, and we differ from authorities who recommend 4 P Q4. Our substitution of 4 P 63 seems to us preferable on the ground that it gives White the option of form- ing a centre by the advance of P Q4, or else of supporting his loose KP by P Q3. In the next column we give a variation that is likely to be played for the defence, though we have not seen it mentioned, and the point of the line of play indicated is somewhat instructive for beginners, inasmuch as it shows that White obtains much the superiority, though he has to move his King early in the game. In Col. 3 we present some modifications of the lines of play on each side which were hitherto considered the best, and the steady sort of development which we afterward PHILIDOR S DEFENCE. ,4, favor for the first player, seems to us to yield a slow but sure advantage, especially under the circumstances that Black cannot get rid of his doubled center Pawn. In Col. 4 we propose our amendment on one of the established lines of play on White's sixth move; the complications and the tactical surprises that arise from our alteration will, we believe, afford good instruction for the student. The next column shows in what manner the6thmovehitherto recommended can be met, and by a mere alteration of Black's next reply, for which 6. . . .Q 83 used to be recommended, we think we prove in conjunction with the subsequent demonstration that the variation ought to end in favor of the defence. The main play of the last column of the Table is already given by Allgaier, and we have only suggested some slight tactical improvement at the end where a mating posi- tion is pointed out that has hitherto been overlooked. In Cols. 7 and 8 of the second Table we have to reverse the judgment that seems to have been accepted by most authorities, for we approve of 9 KtXR which, we be- lieve, has been condemned on fallacious grounds; whereas, we discard 9 KtXB, which hitherto was considered best. In Col. 9, however, the advantage accruing to White by best play on the other side (though no doubt the best defence is far from obvious in minor variations pointed out) is so small that on account of this variation alone we would recommend the move 4 P Q3 in preference to 4 P Q4 as the safer course. In Col. 10 positions are equalized in consequence of our proposition 6. . . .Kt Kt sq., in lieu of 6. . . .Kt K2 hitherto authorized. In fact, owing to the far advanced QP, we would very slightly prefer Black's game for reasons indicated in our introduc- tion. But the difference is so imperceptible in the present position, owing to the unde- veloped state of Black's king's side, that we did not feel justified in marking the position notably in favor of the defence. Col. 1 1 is given as an example of a feasible line of play that might be adopted -for the defence by inexperienced players, and it is shown how to take advantage of Black's defective tactics in a speedy manner. In Col. 1 2 we quite agree with the conclusions of the authorities that the initiatory move of the variation ought to end in White's favor, but we introduce some varieties in the demonstrations which lead to very interesting complications. Table III presents the old attack by 3 P Q4 and 4 QXP. The line of play adopted by Harrwitz against Morphy on the yth move is the key to the defence, and we show in CoL 13 that Black obtains an advantage in position if White pursue the plan of exchang- ing Knights and Queens. Col. 14 is an ingenious idea of Herr Hamppe, the author of the Vienna opening. It has not been noticed in the books yet, but it is, nevertheless, so strong for the defence as to be in itself an undeniable answer to the old attack by 7 QB Kt5. In Col. 1 5 we prefer the retreat of 8 B K3 in accordance with one of our maxims laid down in our introduction, namely, that the B should, if possible, be posted in the centre and keep command of both wings, and we think the position arising from our suggestion shows greater advantage on its surface for White than the variations springing from 8 B R4, which used to be the fashion twenty years ago. In Col. 1 6 we notice the defence 4. . . .B K3, and again we base new demonstra- tions on the reserved attack 8 B K3 in preference to the old book move 8 B R.4, and we believe the logical sequence will show that the B comes in more handy for the attack at the post we select. Col. 1 7 is a variation which, in our opinion, leads to an even game, though has the advantage of his two Bishops that in most lines of play in this opening gives the defence the preferable position. The point is that White, having again posted his QB < 142 PIIILIDOR'S DEFENCE. K3 instead of K Kt5, does not afford opportunities for the defence to gain time by withdrawing his Kt and offering an exchange. Col. 1 8 treats an attack that sometimes has been favored by old masters like Lowen- thal, for instance, but has been somewhat underrated in theory, for we consider, it any- how, stronger than the old line of play, 4 QXP. The column is quoted from the Lip- schutz edition of Gossip 's Manual. On Table IV the same initiatory line of play is further tested against the answer 4. ...KKt 63, with a similar result in favor of the first player, who, though he does not gain any material, manifestly obtains the superior position. Col. 20 deals with the famous counterattack which Morphy adopted against various players and produced in his practice some of the finest specimens of brilliancy. Some will be found in our game department of this opening, but though the initiatory 3. . . .P KB4 is almost unanimously condemned in modern analysis opinions differ as regards the line of play to be adopted for the attack. We give in Col. 20 the one that has been held the strongest by various authors, but introduce some modifications on White's nth move which we think leads" to a quicker and more potent result for White. Yet we cannot help showing our misgiving about the efficiency of the whole line of attack commenced by White with 4 QKt 63, for we think that an apparently slight al- teration in the order of moves as hitherto given produces an even game for the defence. For that reason we altogether give preference in Col. 22, to 4 PXQP, for the attack, and this line of play might also be available for the first player in the counter gambit on the second move arising from i P K4, i P K4; 2 KKt 63, 2 P KB4; 3 PXP, 3 P Q.3) 4 P Q4, 4 P K5, which, by transposition of moves, shows the same situation as in Col. 22. The next column gives a similar result in White's favor against the most feasible alteration of the defence. In Col. 24 we turn into lines of play arising from two more moves that actually oc- curred in Morphy's play, and though no doubt it is preferable to adopt the attack given in our Col. 22 on the 4th move, we believe that even at that stage on the 6th move we can prove the advantage for the first player in consequence of a modification of the at- tack with 6 QKt 63. Other continuations of this form of opening will be found in the Illustrative Games. Table V deals with continuations for the defence with the result that by best play White obtains the superiority, but any indifferent move in the attack enables Black to get an even game. But noteworthy is Col. 29 in which Black has an opportunity of gaining a P on the 6th move, and his seizing that advantage seems very feasible. Yet the de- fence is thereby involved into great difficulties which, however, require some niceties of play on White's part in order to obtain the superiority for his side. PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. 143 P-K 4 KKt-B 3 First Continuation First Defence Second Defence - Third Defence Fourth Defence - 1 _ Second Continuation First Defence Second Defence - - Third Defence - - Fourth Defence Third Continuation First Defence Second Defence Fourth Continuation Fifth Continuation Sixth Continuation Seventh Continuation Eighth Continuation KKt 63 144 PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. 9 KKt-B 3 ,B-B4 P K4 6 5 K2 2 3 K Kt B? SB-KI 5 3p_ K B 3 Kt-Kts 5 UP KB4 BXB_ 4 PXB 4 P-Q4 8 0-0 PXP Kt K t B 3 Q-Kt 3 4 UQ_B sq- ,O O 7 _B - Kt 3 17. B 3 'B Kt5 IQK2 ch. 'Kt B 3 P-KR 3 + 3 K-Qsg.+ .Kt-Kts ^KKt R 3 *- R KtxP R o-o? pQ-Rs ch. Q K2 9 Kt B 3 12 "K-C^ -Q R5 ch. ^PXP 13 -Q Bjch. K ( BXP K-B 3 Kt Q sq. 6 UQXP ch. OP KR 3 n QB-KKt5 fl R-K sg. ch. Q X P (K 5 ) Orwp rh ' OK Q 2 Op QR 3 Kt ~ R3 11 K R sq + .B K6 ch. Q-Kts 10 U BXB Q-K16 10 KtxB B KI ch. BxBch. 12 P B 3 11 P_KR 3 + I) t P QKt4 ch.! ~~IS Column 4. Move 12 P KR 3 . BLACK. 16 R Kt sq. ch. 1C=B^ 17 KtxPch.+ D Column 6. Move 15 KtxP ch. BLACK. WHITE. PIIIl.IDOR'S IH.H.V I I 45 1. Col. i. We consider this quite as good at least, as 3 P Q4. 2. Col. I. A move favored by Ilarrwitz. 3. Col. i. White has a position similar to one arising in the Giuoco Piano, with the advantage that I'.luck's KB is confined and is likely to remain so. Should Black now exchange B against Kt, White retakes with the Q followed soon by P KKt^, Q K.2, K Kt2, and P KB4, as occurred between the author and Mr.MacDonnellin Dublin. Should, however, Black now answer 8. . . .B R4 then White would advance P KKt4, followed by Q K.2, with the superior game. 4. Col. 2. If 6. . . .P KR 3 ; 7 PX?+. :6. Col. 3. Or 3 B Kt$ ; 4 P KR 3 ; because he ought not to wait until Black may play Q 63, and then double the KBP followed by Kt K.2 and Kt Kt3, the weak point at White's KB4, and the latter' s doubled Pawn at least balances his two Bishops in such a position. 6. Col. 3. If 8 K K2 ; 9 KtxKP, 9 QxKt ; 10 QxP+. (German Handbuch.} 7. Col. 3. Black is hampered by his doubled Pawn, and the continuation might be II Kt B3 (of course Black dare not capture the Pawn twice on account of the ultimate Q R4 ch. ); 12 P 63, 12 B 64 ; 13 Kt Q2, 13 O O ; 14 Q B2, followed by Kt Kt3 and B Q2. White will ultimately have the option of opening the game after the preparations either by P KB4, or P Q4, or else by advancing the QRP, or he may play the waiting game, and rely on the better position of his Pawns for the ending. 8. Col. 4. The simplest and surest plan of continuing the attack is we believe 4 P Q3, which gives a position similar to the King's Gambit declined, with a move ahead for White and Black's KB shut in. 19. Col. 4. If 6....Q-R5; 7 Kt-Kt5, 7 PxP ! (or 7. . . .Kt-B 3 ? ; 8 P-QKt 3 , 8 Q-Kts ; 9 B K2, and wins); 8 QxP+- The German Handbuch gives the following variations: If 6....RxKt; 7 Q R5 ch., 7 K Q2 ; 8 Q Kt6, 8 R R sq. ; 9 BxKt, 9 Q K2 (should the Q move to 63 White would exhange Queens and Bishops followed by PxP with a P ahead); 10 QXBP ch., 10 K Qsq.; ii QB KKt5, ii BXQ ; 12 BXQ ch., 12 BxB ; 13 PxB+. 10. Col. 4. After 9 B-K2; loR Ksq., 10 BxB ch.; ii QxB, ii QxR ch. (ori2 Q Kt5 ? ; 13 B Kt5 ch., and mates next move); 12 KxQ, 12 RxKt ; 13 Q Kt6, White also wins with ease. 11. "~Col. 4. Or 4 P 65 ; 12 R K sq., 12 P 63 ; 13 Q K8 ch., 13 K B2 ; ^Qor B Q8 mate. Col. 5. As shown in the German Handbuch White wins if 6 QB3 by 7 PxP, 7 BxP; 8 R K sq. ch., 8 K Q2; 9 B K6 ch., 9 BxB ; 10 KtXB, 10 Kt 63 ; n BxKt, u Q or PxB ; 12 Q Kt4, etc. Col. 5. Now, the resource 7 KtX? does not answer as well on account of 7 Q R5; 8 P KKt3. (or 8 Kt Kt5, 8 KKt Kt5; 9 KKt-B3, 9 Q R4), 8. . . .Q Kt5; 9 B K2, 9 Q Kt3; icKtX B, 10 KxKt; and we prefer Black's game. Col. 6. Or 10 P 64; ii PxP e.p. t ii KxP; 12 Kt 63, 12 Q Q3 (or 12 B Q3; 13 B Kt5 ch., 13 PXB; HQxQKtPch., I4K 62; 15 Kt Q5 mates); 13 B Kt5 ch., I3PXB!; HQxQ; KtP ch., 14 K B2; 15 B Kt6 ch., 15 QXB; 16 Kt Q5 ch., and wins. German Handbuch. Col. 6. If 12 KxB; 13 QxP ch., 13 K Kt4; 14 P QR4 ch., 14 K Kt3; 15 Q Q4 ch., 15 P 64; 1 6 QxP mates. German Handbuch. Col. 6. Or 13... Q-B3; 14 R Kt sq. ch., 14 K moves; 15 QxBP with or without ch., and wins. Col. 6. If 14 K R4; 15 Q Q4, /5 Q 63 or Q3; i6Kt Kt3 ch., 16 K Kt$ (if 16 K R$; 17 BxP double ch., and mates next move either by Q R4 or P R4); 17 P R3 ch., 17 KxP; 18 R_QR S q. ch., 1 8 K Kt4; 19 P 63 mate. Col. 6. White wins with ease, for if 15 K Kt3 (or 15 KXB; 16 R Kt4 ch., 16 KxR; 17 Q 63 ch., 17 K R5; 18 Kt 65 mate); 16 Q 04 ch., 16 K R4 (if 16 K Kt2; 17 Kt Bj ch., 17 K R2; 18 KtxRP dis. ch., 18 KxKt; 19 BxP ch., 19 K R4 ! ; 20 Q Kt4 ch., 20 K-Kt 3; 21 B B6 dis. ch., 21 K R2; 22 Q -65 ch., 22 K R3; 23 Q R3 mate); 17 BxP, 17 Px i8Q Kt4-ch., i8K R3; 19 QXP ch., 19 K R2; 20 Q 65 ch., 20 K R3; 21 Q R3 mate. M 6 IP K^ 7 4p X KP 5 6p-KKt 3 PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. ? KKt-B 3 8 P _Q 4 Q-R 5 ch. ' KKt B 3 gQ-Ks ch. &B-K2 Q KtxR 19 Q KtXB? UPXB ' 8 QKt-Q2 n Kt-B 3 ! 20 io B-Q2; ii Kt K6, ii Q Kt3?; 12 Kt R4, 12 Q R4 ch. (of course if QxB Black wins at once by Kt 67 ch., but as will be seen Black's Q has no escape); 13 B Q2 + . 14. Col. 12, If ii ... .Q-Q5 ch.; 12 K R sq , 12 QxB; 13 KKtxRP and wins. 15. Col. 12. For evidently Black cannot retake the P by 14 PX? on account of 15 Kt 67 15 KtX Kt; 16 BxKt ch. winning easily. 148 .P-K4 IP K4 PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. Q KKt-B 3 13 QXP? 14 15 16 17 18 t B 3 ! KB QKts B K 3 ? B KKts t KB 3 tp g 4 .Kt B 3 48 r PxP BxKt QKt Q2 QKt-B^ KB-QKts 7 B-Kt 5 'Kt B 3 ! 36 'B K2 39 ' P B 3 ? 42 ' P B 3 7, .QxKtP 40 'BXB 43 n B-K 3 45 B-K 3 Q Q-K 2 ch. Dfi-Ka pKt-Kts 'Kt R 3 QKt-B 3 QxB QxQ t K2 QXR 21 Q Kt - B 3 ^Kt Kt 3 OKt K 4 Q Kt-Q 4 OQ_Q_O UB-K2 n- Q - a o o B-B 4 Kt B 3 37, n B X Q p ~ KB4 PXP . .BXP L KKt sq. * ^K Q 11 1 0'Kt Ktf 44..B-Kt 5 ifi Q ~ B4 ~ in ( ^Q_ Bs q. iU ' B 3 46 . 9 K-B sq. lO-( IQ-O-O+ 38 KtxB- QXPch. Ktsq. Kt-Q 2 16 Q-B7ch.+ D 47 Column 14. Move 9 QxR. BLACK. Column 1 6. Move 1 6 Q By ch. BLACK, WHITE. WHITE. PllILIDOR'S DEFENCE. 149 Coh 13. Played by Harrwitz against Morphy, and we believe quite sound. The game referred to proceeded 8 Kt-B3, 8 B-K2; 9 O-O-O, 9 O O; 10 KR K sq., 10 P KR3; 11 B-R4, 11 Kt -Ksq.; I2BXB, 12 QxB; 13 P K5, 13 B *^ *^ KKt B 3 1 .QKt B 3 UP KB 4 rQXP 2 -Kt Kts ^B K2 D QB-KKt 5 3 _ P-K6 17 b O-0 4 0-0-0 ^ KKt R 3 7 QKt-B 3 ^B B 4 21 ^ ^QKt B 3 22 'QKt-B 3 'P B 3 pKKtxKP -~'Q B 3 23 - pB Kts ch. D P-QR 3 5 "PXKt 18 q Q-R 5 ch. o~o 3 9 P-QR3 P-KKt 3 ^ n KB QB 4 25 10p_QKt4 B X Kt 1"R Ktsq. QB KKts ^l^P K6, 26 y,QKt K 4 27 HBXB *-*Q Q3 19 R-Q sq. JjKtXB l"BxKt 6 B QB 4 I) -K-Rsq. I3 p^t 3 luKKt O2 20 jiBxQ and wins. luB Kt 3 -7 .QB KKts Ujct Kt3 4 r P-KR 4 **Resigns. Game 1 Cont'd. -^14o Kt3 28 RXP 29 lOR-Ksq. 1fi P R5 ^iJKt Q2 ** QxKtch.SOD 17 K t-Q4 \ I J ^ I'P Kt5 7 1R QXP 8 1 / and White mates in three more moves. 1 R Ktsq. 1Q Q ~ R4 -, 1 i -J iOKt B6 9 Kt-Kl 3 10 20o K2 71 B -Q3 fliR-Kt 3 P B 3 11 U U T? V * fiaKR Kt sq. B B2 q .Q-K 4 14 91 U IR KtRrh 15 1) flOQ-K 7 KR B sn n ? KXR 16 f)A i Q Kt 4 ch MB Kt 4 ch. K Kt sn np^ Jvt sq. SxB fcUKt Q;ch. npRxKt .rK Bsq- R Q sq U P T? A U / T? vTCt 1 2 l\.p\JVt JL^u nn B XR no R ^ 2 OOp RS 9fl B-B2 13 And after some moves White re- signed. WRXP ch. Game 4. Lowenthal. BARNES MORPHV. r Kt B; 31 >B-K 3 3 1 P OS .QB KKts 'Q B 4 J_ ^ i B B 4 Kt B 3 33 t By 34 _, nR KB sq. t-B 3 ,P KB 3 35 37 38 I) .39 40 PXQ p- Q7ch. ~- 01 K-B sq. Ksq. 41 PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. I55 Winawer v. Blackburne. 1. Game i. A defence recommended by Janish, but no more satisfactory than others in this opening, especially if White reply as in the text. Game I. We prefer here KtxP which by transposition of moves leads to a position given in Col. 19. 3. Game i. We do not think this as good as 6 B K3. 4. Game i. 6 P KR3 was a good move now, as it attacked a hostile piece which had either to retreat at cost of time or else to be exchanged at disadvantage in value. 5. Game i. Useless; and as will be seen, it gets him into difficulty later on. 6. Game i. In allowing the opponent to fix his P at Q5 Black's QBP becomes weak. We would have preferred R QKt sq. 7. Game I. This gives Black a spirited attack, but we very much doubt whether that was worth a P by best play on the other side. 8. Game i . PX? was vastly superior. It Black replied P QR4 with the intention of playing P QB4 should White capture that P all difficulties could be avoided by the reply P Kt5 with the superior game. 9. Game i. A beautiful move that gives Black a strong attack at least for a time. 10. Game i. Best. If, for instance, 20 KtxKt, 20 BxP ch.; 21 K Q2l, 21 Q 63; 22 Q 64, 22 Q XKt; 23 B K.2, 23 RxB ch.; 24 QxR, 24 Q B6 mate. 11. Game i. This weak move greatly compromises his game which we "believe might have turned in his favor still by patient play. 22 K Kt sq. was evidently better, for Black could not then double his Rooks, as White would answer Q K4. 12. Game i. Black pursues the attack in excellent style. 13. Game i. Of course if PxB Black would answer QxR ch. 14. Game i. Overlooking the adversary's most ingenious coup, but he had no good move. If 31 R Q.3> 31 Q K8 ch. ; 32 B Q sq., 32 QXP; 33 B B2, 33 Q K8 ch. ; coup, 34 B Q sq., 34 B KB3 threatening B Kt4 ch., with a winning attack. 15. Game i. A beautiful and elegant stroke. See Diagram. 16. Game i. Clearly if BxR Black mates by Q Kt;. But even as it is White has little left to fight with, and Black's Queen wins easily against the two pieces. Steinitz v. Rainer. 17. Game 2. 6 QKt 63 at once reduces the option of Black to 6 P QB3 or 6 KB QKt$ and both are unfavorable for the defence. Compare Col. 24. 18. Game 2. 8 BxP was no doubt better, but as shown in our Col. 24, White also obtains the advantage in that case. 19. Game 2. If II Kt Kt5; 12 Q 64 and wins. Orifn Q Kt3; 12 O O O+. 20. Game 2. Of course if QxQ White mates by R Q8. Goldsmith v. Esling. 21. Game 3. This hazardous move was greatly favored by Morphy. The only correct play is K Kt R3. 22. Game 3r We prefer 6 KtxKP if only for its simplicity, as it gives White a plain advantage in a few moves. The line of play here initiated is most ingeniously pursued in the present game by White, but we think that Black's defence could be so much improved as to make the issue uncertain. Compare our comments on Black's gth move. 23. Game 3. If 7. . . .P K6; 8 BxP, 8 BxB; 9 Q RS ch.,9P Kt3; loQ 63+, for if 10. . . .QxKt, White mates in two moves. (Continued on page /J/.) I 5 6 PIIILIDOR'S DEFENCE. GAME No. I. Move 31 R KtSch. BLACK BLACKBURNE. GAME No. 2. Move 13. B QB4. BLACK RAINER. WHITE WINAWER WHITE STEINITZ. GAME No. 3. Move 1 6. QxKt ch. BLACK ESLING. GAME No. 4. Move 15 BxP- BLACK MORPHY. *' WHITE GOLDSMITH. WHITE BARNES. PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. 159 Bird v. Morphy. 42. Game 5. Certainly dangerous and much inferior to PxQP. Compare Columns 20 and 21. 43. Game 5. White could have here instituted Zukertort's winning attack by 6 KtXP. Compare Col. 20. 44. Game 5. We much prefer the more defensive 8. . . .B K2. 45. Game 5. Much safer was Q K2 or Kt B3. 46. Game 5. Lowenthal justly condemns this move as a blunder. The loss of a P could not be avoided excepting by giving up two pieces for a R, but the latter course presented more prospects of ob- taining an equivalent in material with a good position s. g.^ n KtxKt ch., II PxKt; 12 Bxl', 12 RXB; 13 Q Kt5 ch., 13 R Kt3; 14 KtXR, 14 P or QXKt; 15 t )XP ch. with two Pawns and a R for two minor pieces and a good game. 47. Game 5. KtxKt would have forced the position that actually occurred, whereas the play in the text subjected Black to unnecessary complications 48. Game 5. Lowenthal suggests here 12 KtxKtP which we believe was his best course and might have led to the following continuation 12 KxKt; 13 KtxKt, 13 BxKt; 14 KR Kt sq., 14 QB KB4; 15 B R6ch., 15 K 63; 16 Q Kt5 ch., 16 K K3; 17 BxR, &c. 49. We should have preferred 13 P QB4; for if 14 PxP, 14 BxKt; 15 QxP ch., 15 Q B2, threatening QxP ch., and wins. 50. Game 5. P QB3 first would have been a good precautionary measure. 51. Game 5. Black is a Pawn ahead with an excellent game, for in the long run the adverse KBP ought to fall too. But the impetuous ingenuity of Morphy who was merely a youth during his brilliant Chess career apparently could not resist the temptation of risking a brilliant sacrifice for an attack which no doubt it required great skill and foresight to repel. 52. Game 5. This seems the natural move but White loses atonce all chance of victory as Black can force a draw at least. Much better was undoubtedly 19 Q Kt5, for if 19 P K6; 20 Q Q8 ch., 20 K B2; 21 QxP ch., 21 B -Q2; 22 B R5 ch. (it is necessary to get this B away from his present post as he blocks the exit of the White K, and if QxR, White answers QxRB), 22 P Kt3; 23 Q XB ch., 23 K Kt sq, (if 23 . . . .K B sq. ; 24 QxB ch., followed by B Kt3 should win); 24 Q K6 ch., 24K Kt2; 25 Q K.5 ch., 25 K Ktsq.; 26 QxKP and wins, not however QK8ch., on accountof 26....RxQ,27PxQ,27BxPch.; 28 K Kt sq., 28 R Kt sq. ch. with at least a draw and good winning prospects. It is also obvious that if 19. . . .QxKtP ch., 20 K Q2, 20 B Kt5 ch. ; 21 K K3, 21 Q B6 ch. ; 22 B Q3 and ought to win. 53. Game 5. Lowenthal rightly points out here that White could have drawn by K B sq. at this point. 54. Game 5. Again White could draw by K R2 as suggested by Lowenthal. 55. Game 5. A beautiful masterstroke which forces the game in a few moves. Morphy v. Duke of Brunswick and Count Isouard, Consulting. Game 6. As pointed out in our analysis this is not a good defence. Game 6. And this is worse. No doubt Black has already a little the inferior game but Q 63 or Q Cj2 were the best defensive continuations. Game 6. -White is not satisfied with winning a P and the tedious game that would have resulted after 8 QXP, 8 Q Kt5 ch., &c. The position fully justifies White to play for higher game which wasmore in the grand master's style. Game 6. Just what White was playing for. Q B2 was their best. Game 6. The first link in a chain of a most beautiful combination. Game 6. All powerful and exact. Game 6. A very fine finish to a most elegant game. Morphy v. Harnvitz. Game 7. This move was first adopted by Lowenthal against Harrwitz, and Morphy subsequently favored it for the attack almost invariably. Game 7. In another game between the same players Harrwitz played here 7 Kt 63 which is by far superior to the move in the text. 7 B K2 is also much preferable. Compare Table 3, Cols. 13, 14 and 15. The move in the text shuts up Black's B and leaves a hole in his centre. Game 7. Not as good as B K3 which keeps the B in communication with botli wings and besides gains a move for the purpose of advancing P KB4 later on as Black cannot attack him by P KKt4. Game 7. The Q is only in the way of the B at this post. Much better is B K2 reserving the re- treat of B Q2 eventually. Game 7. Very weak. K R sq. followed by Kt B2 or vice versa were by far better, especially as he intended to enter with his Kt at K4 later on and the way chosen for his Kt viz. : via Kt5, subjects him to attack and loss of time. (Continued on page ibt) i6o PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. GAME No. 5. Move 1 8 Q (from KR6) QR6. BLACK MORPHY. m rr m i GAME No. 6. Move i6....Q-Kt8ch. BLACK DUKE OF BRUNSWICK & COUNT ISOUARD, CONSULTING. m M*riMBi '////////, VS/////// , W/W// v///////,\ m 11 B WHITE BIRD. WHITE MORPHY. GAME No. 7. Move 30. P 65. BLACK HARRWITZ. v^B ifc WHI FE MORPHY. GAME No. 8. Move 25. RxP ch. BLACK BAUCHER. WHITE MORPHY. Playing 8 games blindfold. PHILIDOR'S DEFENCE. 161 (Continued from page 159) Game 7. The correct move and much stronger than 13 P K$ on account of 13 O 64- 14 P K6, 14 KR-B sq.; 15 KR K sq., 15 BxKt; 16 PxB, I6P-B3 + . Game 7. Weak and creating another hole at the tender point of KB4 where White's Kt later on obtains command of the position with his Kt. Game 7. Decidedly bad policy if only on the ground that it allows the opponent to fix his Kt at a good post with gain of time. The R is of no use on the Kt file and White is quite safe in allowing it to be broken open. Much better was Q K sq. with the view of retreating B Q2. Game 7. Showing fine strategical genius. In spite of the preparations of the opponent on the King's side, White proceeds with his own attack, well foreseeing that the adversary can do no harm on the open KKt file. Game 7. R K sq. was preferable as it might eventually enable him to advance P Q4. Game 7. Useless, as Black might have answered 23 Q Q2 which would compel the Kt to go back again whence he came. Game 7. An error of judgment that costs a P and moreover practically cuts off his Q from the other wing where she is really wanted. Game 7. High class play. This waiting move secures him the advantage, whereas after 24 KtX BP, 24 R B sq. ; Black evidently recovers the P. Game 7. Probably a miscalculation but even after the only other alternative 24. . . .BxKt; 25 QxB, 25 QR Kt sq. (or 25 P Kt3 ; 26 Q Q7, etc.) ; 26 Q R5 White had much the best of the game. Game 7. He could not play 27. .. .QxP on account of the following continuation pointed out by Lowenthal: 28 RxP ch., 28 KxR; 29 Q RS ch., 29 B RS; 30 KtxB, 30 RXKt! ; 31 Q 65 ch., followed by QXR- Game 7. Certainly superior to R B2 followed by KR 63. Game 7. With the view of releasing himself by B Q sq., which he could not attempt at once as White could answer KtX? followed by QxP ch. But he overlooks the opponent's ingenious winning manoeuvre. He had still a good fight left for a draw by P Kt3, for if White played P QKt4 ki reply then Black could again retreat B B sq. and wait patiently until White's Q side attack exhausted itself as his own K side was secure enough. Game 7. A very beautiful initiation of a brillianty?0/f the correctness of our modern theories in general. For Mr. Tschigorin is undoubt- lly one of the most skilled and ingenious experts in the King's side attack that ever lived, and naturally, therefore, shows in his style a marked preference for the aims and- jndencies of the old school. We have already explained our own views on that sub- :t as far as possible within the scope of this treatise, and we may only add that in the games of this contest, as well as in previous ones against other great masters, we have jalways tried to conform with those ideas to the best of our ability for the time, and as much as was practicable under peculiar conditions of match play, such as pressureof time limit or the difficulty of calculation in original positions in which the judgment could not be assisted by previous experience. We now submit to our readers the games ^with our own, annotations, revised and amended from the International Chess Magazine. i66 STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. Game 1. Evans' Gambit. White, M. TSCHIGORIN. Black, W. STEINITZ. .P-K 4 lp-K 4 KKt-B 3 Q B-B 4 "B-B 4 B 3 P-B3 n- Og_ P- B 3 ' KKt K2 Kt-Kt 5 2 OKt-Qsq. 3 PxP 12 13 14 15 -Q4 5 BXP KtxB PxKt O O QKt B 3 KKt -K sq. Ct-K 4 Q-Kt 3 B-B 2 > QB 3 .R K sq. B Q2 ,Kt-B 5 8 19 20 OX PXP KtxB KtxP lCt QB 3 PxKt R-Kq R-Qsq. " ' -QP Q KS D* 1O 11 Game 1 cont'd. RXKt OR R8ch. nQxR 12 KR 4 Q B6 Q-K 3 'Q Q8 ch. K 1 Kt2 33 34o_ By ch. 35o B 3 ch. K-Ktsg. 13 ODp R 5 PXP 14 oq^x?i OOQ R8 ,Q-Kt4 Q R8 ch. inB-Ktsq. WQ=&T Jj| Q-R 3 ch. 44 K -Ktsq. . ..Q B8 ch. 4 OK R 2 in 4b in Q K _ 6ch . 15 16 4 OP B 3 K B 3 49p QKt 4 P KKt 4 OUQ Kt2ch. ^5=52 __ Dip Kts Q-KBsch. 06 K-Ktsq. P-Kt 5 17 Q-K6ch. rr OOQ_QB 2C h. rpK-Kt 4 ODp_Kt 3 58 Q_B S q. ch. -R 4 1 Resigns. * See Diagram page 168. Game 2. Irregular Opening. White, W. STEINITZ. Black, M. TSCHIGORIN. , KKt B 3 oizw "B Kti Kt jv b B-R 4 jQ-Q3 18 *Q B sq. 19 --QB 4 r D C P-K 3 7 Kt-B 3 ' P KB 3 KKt-B 3 B Kt 3 Q Q-Qsg. 20 P-B UKt-K2 R-Bsg. llKt 02 KKt-R 4 fiP KB 4 P-KKt 4 21 3- 10Kt-B 3 P-KR 3 KBPXP 22 23 BxKt iq KtxP_ 10B-K2 PXP P K4 P-Q5 19 20 Q _ Q2 B B 3 2lR Qsq. R - R 25 26 PXP Q O 27 P-Q6 Df28 Q_K 3 29 Q_Kt 3 flU KtxB Game 2 cont'd. B-Kt 4 30 Kt 3 33 34 35 R-B8ch. K _B2 R B 7 ch. K-B 3 KR-B 5 ch. K K 3 KR-E 7 RXQ ts KtP RXKKtP RxKKtP P KR 4 RXQRP ___ "'RXKt I" See Diagram page 168. nn JO R Kt; R - R6 Resigns. S TI.INITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. 167 Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 1. Game I. See our remarks on this move in the introduction of this series of games. 2. Game i. Apparently strong, but not as good as the line of play subsequently adopted by Mr. Tschigorin, viz.: 8 QB KKt$, 8 Q Qs; 9 P QS- 3. Game i. We think the best plan is now to simplify matters by 8 P KR3; 9 KtxP, 9 R B sq. ; 10 KtxKP, 10 KtxKt; u PxKt, u QxP; and though Pawns are even, we much prefer Black's game as White's QBP is weak and his QKt has little scope for action. 4. Game i. If u P KS, n Q QBs;' 12 QKt RS, 12 Kt 64; 13 Kt 63, 13 Kt KS; with an ex- cellent game. B. Game i. Black gives up the P gained in order to break up the adverse centre and in the hope of gaining material after castling. However, the bad position of his QKt is a drawback to his game. 6. Game I. This premature attack is fully neutralized by the opponent's very clever play. P QB3 at once was much better. 7. Game i. Defending everything indirectly. Of course Black dare not take both Knights on account of the ultimate R K sq. 8. Game i. We believe that Q QR4 instead was muck stronger and would have made it very difficult for Black to release his pieces. 9. Game i. A weak move which gets Black into trouble. He could still retain some advantage with hopes of winning by 25 s>XP; 26 QxP, 26 Kt R4, etc. LO. Game I . An excellent rejoinder which gives White anyhow some attacking initiative. See Diagram, page 1 66. LI. Game i . An extraordinary blunder. Black overlooked that the check at R8 was guarded by the Q. 27 R R4; 28 BxP, 28 R Kt4; 29 B B2, 29 Q 63 left Black still with a good game in which he could easily effect a draw almost at any time. 12. Game I. Not a good move. Q to either B sq. instead, followed by P KR3, and K R2 would have soon secured White's King against all danger of being hunted by checks, and would have given freedom to White's Q and B to operate in conjunction with the Pawns on the King's side. L3. Game i. At this stage the game was adjourned, and Mr. Tschigorin sealed the move in the text. L4. Game I .If 38 QxQ; 38 PX? ch. ; 39 KX?, 39 ?XQ; followed by P KB3 and P KKt3 drawing easily. L5. Game I. Feeble. If anything could be hoped for, P QKt4 presented the best chance of offering resistance. 16. Game I. An excellent move which shuts out the adverse Q and prepares White's attacking advance of Pawns. 17. Game I. White's attack is now obviously irresistible. The latter part of the game has been played by Mr. Tschigorin with consummate mastery. Steinitz v. Tschigorin. Game 2. In the correspondence match between London and St. Petersburg, the former party played here P KKt4, which is inferior to the move in the text. Game 2. Best. If 4. . . .P QBs; 5 Q KRs, 5 KKt 63; 6 P KB 4 , 6 P KR3 (or 6. . . .QKt Q2; 7 P-KKt4, 7 KtxKt; 8 BPxKt, 8 BxP; 9 Q KKt3 and wins); 7 P KKt4 with the supe- rior game. Game 2. White is still ahead in the development with one minor piece, albeit his retreats of Kt and Q. Game 2. White has now we believe some advantage in position. - *n Game 2. A grave error. Black evidently speculated on White's replying RPxP*, whereupon the the reply KtXBP would win. (Continued on page i bg .) 168 STEINITZ-TSCIIIGORIN GAMES. GAME No. I. Move 27. Q K5. Page 1 66. BLACK W. STEIN1TZ. GAME No. 2. Move 24. P Q6. Page 166. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 3. Move 76. B B sq. Page 1 66. BLACK W. STEINITZ. ^ GAME No. 4. Move 1 6. Kt Kt5. Page 170. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. S I l.INITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMI S. 169 (Continued fro m page ibf.) Game 2. If 16 QKtxQKt; the reply 17 KtxKt wins a piece, for after 17 KtxQ; 18 KtxQ, Black's B remains attacked. Game 2. Simply QxP was much stronger. He now becomes exposed to a strong attack in turn. \ Game 2. Perhaps good enough, but probably 21 Kt 63, 21 B Kt$; 22 P K4, 22 BxKt; 23 RX B, would have won with less difficulty. Game 2. Black may now win the QP, but will lose another with the much inferior game. Game 2. Disastrous. But he could not hold out for long by adopting the other alternative 23. . . .Q XP; 24 QXQ, 24 RXQ; 25 P KB4, for if 25 B 63; 26 PxP, and Black dare not take either with the Kt or the B, as White after exchanging would ultimately gain a piece by R B8 ch. Game 2. Decisive. See Diagram, page 168. Game 2. Some bystanders afterward thought that 24 Kt R5; threatening Kt Kt 7ch., would have turned the game in Black's favor, and no doubt it gives the defence a strong counter-attack in all variations, excepting against the ingenious reply 25 K B sq. , pointed ont by Senor Lopez Tfith the probable continuation: 25 Kt B6; 26 PxB, 26 QxQ ch. (or 26 QxKtP; 27 PxKR ch., 27 RXR; 28 Q Q5 ch., 28 K R sq.; 29 R R sq., etc.); 27 RxQ, 27 RxR ch.; 28 K K2> and wins. Game 2. White wins without much eftort. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 31. Game 3. It would have been better to wait with this move until White played Kt Q5, and to cas- tle first. 32. Game 3. The more defensive Q K2 was probably better. 33. Game 3. Threatening KtxBP. 34. Game 3. Black could have won the Queen here temporarily for only two minor pieces, but his game would have been so much disorganized as to become indefensible, e. g, 17 BxKt, 17 PxB; 18 BXP, 18 BxB (if 19 KtxP, 19 Q Kt3 ch, ; 20 K R2, 20 BxB and wins); 19 Kt 65; 20 Q XKt,! (if 20 KR2, 20 QR4 and though White may now capture the Kt, and afterward take the R with the B, Black will be able to make a better fight than in the line of play we propose), 20 PXQ; 21 BxR, 21 QXB; 22 KtxP, threatening Kt K6, 22 Kt Kt3; 23 KtxR, fol- lowed by R Q2 and doubling Rooks with an easily won game. 35. Game 3. An error which costs the exchange. Black might have obtained a defensible game by 20 QXQ; 21 BxQ (if 21 PxQ, 21 BxKt; 22 PxB, 22 KtxP and should win), 21. 1 . .P B3 (not 21 ... .BxKt; for as Mr. Tschigorin rightly points out White would then obtain the advan- tage by 22 PxB, 22 KtxP; 23 R QB sq., etc.); 22 BxKt, 22 PxKt; 23 B Q5, 23 B QB3; etc. 36. Game 3. We believe P R$ was better, as White had then the option of advancing the RP further and trying to get up an attack against the adverse QRP, or else he could exchange Pawns at a convenient time and open the QR file for his R. 37. Game. 3. If P KKt4 White would have answered P KR4, followed soon by R KR sq. after removing the King. 38. Game 3. White plays with consummate mastery. 39. Game 3. There was nothing better. If P Kt4ch., White after retreating the K would have played RK sq., followed by withdrawing the other R and RK6. Black's R could not then oppose at K sq. on account of the rejoinder RxKt ch. 40. Game 3. Loss of time. The King had to make his exit on the Queen's side later on, and it was much better to enter on that retreat at once. 41. Game 3. A profound move. White perceives the exigencies of the position with an acumen that hardly finds its equal in any ending previously played over the board. It is impossible to enter in (Continued on page if i.) STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. Game 3. Ruy Lopez. White, M. Tschigorin. Black, W. Steinitz. jP-K4 IP K 4 nKKt-B 3 "QKt B 3 B Q2 PXP O-0 7 Kt-B 3 _ ' KKt K2 pB-KKts OP^ -B 3 -K "O O B QB 4 ch. 1 UK Rsq. . QKt-Kt 5 llKt QBsq. 14 'Q K sq. 32 QR-Q sq.33 'QB-KKt 5 B-K2 QKt Q sq. ^"B KR 4 B~ w^i: 10 Q-QB 3 1Q B-QB 4 10 B-Ksq. JO^* 4 B K2 34 Q-Q5 35 n BxKt QXQ BxQ KtxQBP 26 PXB P-QKt 3 Game 3-confd. ,nKR-Qsq. n K Kt2 36 -QR 4 Q -B2 37 33 35 K-B 3 P-KR 3 39 R-K 5 ch. OOK-Bsq. 40 OOK K2 R-K S ch. 4liK: -Q2 ch. irP-Kt 3 40B~^ 41 K-Kt2 42 49 B-K6 B QB 4 B-Qsch. Kt KB 4 B-QB 4 ch. B-QKts K R2 [43 UUB_Q 3 ch. K-Kt2_ / R Kt5 ch. K-Bsq. dUKt Kt6ch. See Diagram page 168. Game 3 cont'd. K-B2 p_R 5 R KR6 44 ,K Kt2 } R -QB6 ch. 'K Kt2 R-KB sq. 64 K-B sq. B _ Qsq R-K R2 45 Kt-Ks R-KK 6/kt QB 4 nn QR-KR 3 B KB 3 R-KR 7 sq. 79 R-KtCt 7 /"K Ktsq. I7Q R(B 3 )-E 7 46 /OR_Q 3 J^_ "D ^ nf-^7 / OR 07 48 R -B 3 K Kt 7 qt?i_ /ORxBch. 49 PxR UK Esq. R1 ^55 OlKt B 4 R_B6ch. 0"K Ktsq. nn R ~~ R8 u Resigns. 5O f See Diagram page 168. Game 4. Irregular Opening. White, W. Steinitz. Black, M. Tschigorin. K Kt KB 3 Game 5. Evans Gambit. White, M. Tschigorin. Black, \V. Steinitz. .P-K 4 lp-Q 4 nP~Q 4 I? K 4 KKt-B 3 *B-Kt5 pP B 4 51 B-QB 4 "BxKt jKtPxB 52 "B QB 4 P-QKt 4 4 P-K 3 rPXP "VxP 53 fi P-K 4 B R 4 e~ B Kts ch. 7 Kt-B 3 O OR4 54 B B-Q2 'KKt K2 QKt-B 3 55 qP-Q5 Qg_Q 3 62 gQ-Qkt 3 PXP 10 P ~ QR3 1f] R-Qsq. iiB-Qs 56 1U B QKt 3 63 UPXP 1J -O O O 57 J PXB Q KKt 3 Q_ QR 3 64 , nQXKt 58 R K sq. , nQKt-Q2 < J-^- ^ 2 10p_Q 3 -RQKt sq. . pB KB 4 Kt QKts Df 1Ij B-gB 4 1R Q-QBsq. lDr)_R 3 59 jyQxP 10 B KKt5 1 7 B-KKt 3 pR-QB s 3 q. l/QR_Q sq . 1R P-KR 3 65 10 Kt KR 3 60 , nQXKKtP 10 BxKt 66 j nKtxB QXBPch. 9n KxRsq. RXQ ch. dU 0=Kt^ 67 ilK Ktsq. ^Q-B 3 69 ""Resigns. 61 4. See Diagram page u "Kt KKt 3 23oKt-K 4 ni R K.B3 70 n r BxBPch. u O X B npPXKt ^UQ_QB 5 71 ^Resigns. Li 172. STEINITZ- TSCHIGORIN GAMES. 171 ( Ccntimud from page an extensive analysis, and we can only point out that if White had stuck to his KBP and given up the QKtP for it, Black could well give up ultimately the B for the advancing P, but would in the meanwhile direct the attack with R and Kt against White's sole remaining QRP with almost a cer- tain draw and even some prospects of winning. 42. Game 3. Of course if RxB White would answer RxKt ch. 43. Game 3. The manoeuvre that follows shuts up White's R for some time, but it is not satisfactory in the end. Black had more chance of a draw by 54 ____ R B; ch. ; 55 K R3, 55 B Q3; 56 R B 2, 56 R 64 (if 56 ____ RXR; 57 R 63 ch., etc.); 57 R 63 ch., 57 664; and we believe Black ought to obtain a draw by a series of checks, or would win the KtP, which would, of course, also secure a draw at least. 44. Game 3 A beautiful move which compels Black ultimately to abandon his attack against the King as he is bound to protect his RP with his B. 45. Game 3. The co-operation of his R with the other is now secured in a few moves, and White is bound to win, especially as he holds Black's King tight in the last row. 46. Game 3. At this stage the game was adjourned till next day, White having sealed the move in the text. 47. Game 3. See Diagram page 168. White threatens to bring the B Kt2, followed by R QRy. 48. Game 3. The only correct answer. If R Kt7 ch., Black plays KB sq., followed by Kt B2, which shuts out the R and must ultimately win the exchange by K Kt sq. 49. Game 3. The rest tells its own tale. 50. Game 3. For if Kt Kt2, White answers Steinitz v. Tschigorin. 51. Game 4. We consider this not alone quite sound, but probably the best answer against Black's early sally with the QB which is premature and altogether unadvisable on generai principles, as this piece is much wanted for the protection of the Q side in this opening. 52. Game 4. The P cannot well be taken as it cannot be defended, and White obtains, therefore, a strong centre. If, for instance, 4 PxP; 5 P K3, 5 P QKt4 (or 5 P K4; 6 BxP, 6 Q Q3; 7?XP with an excellent game. Compare second consultation game, page 194)56 P QR4, 6 P QB3; 7 PXP, 7 PXP; 8 P QKt3 with much the best of the game. 53. Game 4. Injudicious, as White gains much time in forming his centre by his reply. PxP was the only correct answer. 54. Game 4. Under the circumstances Q KR4 was no doubt much better. 55. Game 4. Mr. Tschigorin Informs us that this was the result of a miscalculation. He had foreseen all the subsequent moves on both sides up to White's I4th, but he had overlooked in his forecast that White's KR would then remain defended by the Q. 56. Game 4. Of course, if PxB at once, Black replies QxR followed by Kt 67 ch. 57. Game 4. -If 11 . . . .PxP; 12 BxP, 12 Q-K4; 13 P X B, 13 P-KB 4 ; 14 R-R 5 , 14 Q_K 3 (or 14 . . . .P QKt4; 15 KtXP, 15 PXB; if 15. . . .KtXKt; 16 663 and wins); 16 663, 16 KtxPch.; 17 QXKt and wins. 58. Game 4. -Better than 13 K-K2, 13 Kt-Qs ch. ; 14 K-B sq., 14 QxP;i5 KtXP (or 15 Kt-Kt 5 ), !5....Q-Kt6;i6B QB 3 , i6QxQch.; I 7 RXQ, i7Kt K 3 and Black with two Pawns for the piece may make a long fight after the exchange of Queens, whereas the play in the text ensures White an irresistible attack against the adverse King, albeit Black has three Pawns for the exchange. 59. Game 4 .-If 16. . . .Q R 7; 17 Q B 4 , 17 R-Q 2 ; 18 R QB sq., 18 P-QB 3 ; 19 Kt-Q6 ch. and wins. ( Continued on page 173.) 172 STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. GAME No. 5. Move 21. R Q3. Page 170. BLACK W. STEINITZ. * ,** GAME No. 6. Move 35. BxP. Page 174. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. ' VM / r///////s, '" 7. . /// WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 7. Move 31. KtxP. Page 174. BLACK W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 8. Move 33. RxP. Page 174. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. 173 ( Continued from page if i.) 60. Game 4. The following fine termination might have occurred in reply to 18 P QB3; namely: 19 QB KB4, 19 R Q2 (or 19 Kt RS; 20 RxP ch., 20 PxR; 21 KtxP ch. and wins); 20 Q K8 ch., 20 R Q sq.; 21 KtxP ch., 21 QxKt, 22 RxP ch. and mates in two more moves. 61. Game 4. White threatens mate in three moves, and there is no defence excepting R Q2, which, of course, is as much as abandoning the game. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 62 Game 5. This is forced. For if 8 Q Ktj; 9 BxKt, 9 KxB (or 9 KtxB; 10 KtxP and wins) ; 10 P Q5 with a fine atiack. 63. Game 5. Black might have kept the superiority of Pawns by exchanging QP, but obviously White would then have forced a centre similar to the one usually obtained in other variations of this open- ing, and all the stronger in the present situation, as Black's Q was badly placed. The move in the text releases the defence. 64. Game 5. Preventing the development of the adverse QP, but only for a little time. 65. Game 5. White's position was already much inferior. If, for instance, 18 B K2 Black could in- stitute a vehement attack by the answer 18. . . .P Q4. The move in the text was, however a fear- ful error which cost a clear piece. 66. Game 5. Black could also answer 18 QBxRP; and if 19 K R2, e. g. KBX? winning easily, but of course the play actually adopted is more than sufficient. 67. Game 5. If Q or BxP, White could still hope for some attack by the reply R KB sq., followed by Kt Kt5. 68. Game 5. See Diagram page 172. 69. Game 5. If 21 ... .QxKP; 22 BxP ch., and obviously Black dare not take the B on account of the winning rejoinder Kt Kt5 ch. 70. Game 5. Desperate, but White's game was beyond recovery. 71. Game 5. Black had sufficient forces to win, even after 26 Q KB5; 27 Q Q$ ch., 27 K R sq. (if 27 K B sq. ; White might still harrass him by 28 R KKt sq.); 28 Kt 67 ch., 28 Qx Kt; 29 QxQ, 29 R KB sq.; with three pieces for the Q and an irresistible attack. But of course the move in the text was the simplest and surest. Steinitz v. Tschigorin. 72. Game 6. This is not as good as P K3. 73. Game 6. A counter gambit which already occurs in similar positions in the games between Labour- donnais and MacDonnell. 74. Game 6. Black wisely refrains from castling on the Queen's side, as his King is wanted on the other wing for the protection of the KP. 75. Game 6. A lost move, as the sequel shows. 76. Game 6. If ii PxP, 11 Kt Kt3; 12 BxP, 12 KKtxBP; 13 RxBP, 13 KtxKP; 14 RxKt (if 14 RXBP, 14 BxP with a strong attack), 14 KtxB; 15 K 62, 15 KR KKt sq.; 16 P Kt3, 16 B Qs; 17 B 63, 17 BxB; 18 KxB best, for if KtxB fhe reply R Q7 ch. is fatal, 18 . . .Kt K4 and Black, though a P behind, has an irresistible attack. 77. Game 6. This leads to a general exchange of minor pieces which releases Black from the greatest part of his difficulties, whereas KB 63 instead would have kept the attack well in hand. If Black answer 16 castles; then White could well proceed with 17 KtxB, 17 RPxKt; 17 P K6, with a strong attack. 78. Game 6. 111- conceived. K 62 was far better. ( Continued on page 175. ) 174 STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. Game 6. Irregular Opening. White, W. STEINITZ. Black, M. TSCHIGORIN. . KKt-B 3 lp_Q 4 o p -Q4 -Kt5 -QB 4 KtPxB P-K 4 72 P-K4 73 PXP K X Q 'QKt-B 3 n p B 4 OR Q sq. ch. Q B-Q 2 [74 OB B 4 10 R Kt sg. 75 KKt-K2 BXP 76 K-B sq. B Kts Kt-B 3 15* Kt KB6 KtxB 77 Game 6 cont'd. Game 7, Evans Gambit. White, M. Tschigorin. Black, W. Steinitz. K4 KKt-B 3 2*^1 QKt B 3 l B 4 P-QKt 4 Castles Q-B 3 P-4 KKt K.2 QB-Kt 5 00 ( Q-Q3 P- Q5 OKt Q sq. inQ-^ 1 UB Kt 3 Kt-R 3 86 llr Kt 3 KB 3 B 3 87 . fi P-Q6 ch. 1 OK Esq. 88 , RXR ch. lOV Pto 4 ___ " P R 4 8O L ' P KR 3 89 K X R PXP 9O -K] K-Q 2 78 Q< R-KB 5 82 fin QR-Q sq. 91 92 93 22 t Kt 3 n "" K-B 5 84 Kt-B 2 ,PXR K-K2 R KKt sq. R 7 ch. 'P R6 ,B-R 4 a IK Kt2 QKt-Q 4 *fiQ-Kt 3 nnQ- K t4 P-B 4 flo P_Kt4 35 P R BXP 85D* Kt-B 5 ch. e.p. npKtXKtP 95UU R _R 3 PXB ajR-R6ch. 2e^ Q4 27 P R8 (Q) P-Kt8(Q) 25 K-B sq. QxKtP R QKt5 3'Q QBSch. nn Resigns. P R5 Game 8. Irregular Opening. White, W. Stemitz. Black, M. Tschigorin. .KKt-B 3 AKKt B 3 nP-Q4 nP-QB 4 "P-K 3 ,QKt-B 3 Kt Q2 astles Castles qP-K 4 PXKP lU KtxKt BxKt p_KR 3 100 ,,2=2! _ llR Ksq. 1O1 . R-Ksq. i^Q__B 3 1O2 B-Q2__ lJKt Esq. B-B 3 15 IPS B Kt sq. 1R P-Q5 IUQ_Q S q. 104 1 ' P OKt 3 28 40 P-QKt4 Game 8-conf d. R-K2 lia KR-QKtgqlll R Kt2 112 J -B 3 on^- 1O5 " Q R2 B 65 106 , P-QR 3 : 2 gR lO7nnQ-KKt 4 ""^ ,PXBP 'B R2 33 Kt 65 RXP 'BXP K Ksq. ,PxKt atKt K 3 nrQ~K4 uOKt Esq. R Q-B 4 ch. "OKt K 0p_ KKt 4 nr B Kt6ch. OK Esq. 114 _R 2 --B5ch Kt-B5 uu fl'R R 4 U 1 * Resigns. * See Diagram page 172. t See Diagram page 172. rmB-Ktl 98 " / O U ' K Kt sq. 109 QQ P-Q 7 UOi Q Kt 3 "U Resigns, t See Diagram page 172. STEINITZ-TSCIIIGORIN GAMES. 175 (Continued from page if j.J 79. Game 6. A grave error. As pointed out by Senor Vazquez, he could at least draw by 25 R KB sq., 25 Kt K4; 26 R 65, 26 R K6 ch., best (if 36 K Q3; 27 RxKt and wins; or if 26 ....Kt Ktsch.; 27 K B 3 , 27 Kt 62; 28 P KS and wins); 27 K K2, 27 RxB; 28 I'XK and White ought to draw at least. 80. Game 6. The march of this P is well-timed and goes the shortest road to victory. 81. Game 6. Excellent play, as it blocks oXit the R from his most commanding file and leaves Black the option of several winning attacks. 82. Game 6. There was hardly anything better, for if R KKt5 Black would have answered R KKt 6, and if then the R moved to KB5, Black would capture the KP checking and wins with ease. 83. Game 6. As will be seen, Black has calculated to the end with great exactitude in order to counter- act the last resource which White is trying to adopt. 84. Game 6. Just as bad was K K5, as Black would also exchange Rooks and ultimately his Queen would check at R7 winning the adverse Queen. Again, if K 64 Black would proceed in a simi- lar way as actually played, and would ultimately win by Q Q4 ch. and exchanging Queens by Q Kt4 ch. 85. Game 6. A forlorn hope. But, of course, White had no other resource. See Diagram, page 172. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 86. Game 7. If n Kt Kt3; 12 QKt Kt5, 12 Q B sq.; 13 B KS, 13 P QB3; 14 BxB, 14 PX Kt; 15 BxP with the much superior game. 87. Game 7. Black is a P ahead, but his game is fearfully cramped. P Q3 was obviously worse as White would exchange Pawns followed by R K sq. ch. 88. Game 7. An excellent move which establishes communication of the Q with the King's side and gives W T hite a powerful attack on that wing. 89. Game 7. This is the only reply, we believe, to counteract the threatened Q KR4. 90. Game 7. If KtxP White would answer QxKP with the superior game. 91. Game 7. Splendid play. The R exercises a powerful influence on that square for the ending. Of course, if KtxP Black would answer Q 64 effectively. 92. Game 7. If Q Kt3 White would exchange Queens followed by P K6 with an irresistible attack. 93. Game 7. White we believe missed here the opportunity of obtaining the victory by 21 P K6, 21 KtXP; 22 BxKt, 22 BPXB; 23 Kt K5 followed by R Q3 with an irresistible attack. 94. Game 7. Feeble. Kt K3 was now the best defence. 95. Game 7. This P is now entirely thrown away. He ought to have still played 23.... Kt K3; and if 24 B B2, 24 P KR4; 25 Q Kt3, 25 P RS; 26 Q Kt4, 26 Q R4 with good hopes of extricating himself and winning with the majority of Pawns. 96. Game 7. There was hardly any good defence. If 26 Kt KS; 27 KtXKt ch.,27 BPxKt 528 Kt K7, 28 R R2; 29 K R sq. 29 B Q sq. ; 30 KtxB, 30 RxKt; 31 P 64, 31 KR B2 ; 32 P B 5, 32 RXP, 33 RXR, 33 p XR; 34 R KB sq., with an irristible attack. 97. Game 7. Beautiful play. See Diagram page 172. 98. Game 7. The ch. of White's Kt at B6 is obviously fatal to Black's game. If, for instance, 34 B Q2; 35 Kt B6 ch., 35 K Q sq.; 36 Kt Kt8, 36 R R sq. ; 37 R B8 ch., 37 B K sq., 38 P Q7 and wins. Again if 34 B Q sq.; White mates elegantly by 35 P Q7 ch., 35 BxP; 36 Kt Q6 ch., 36 K K2; 37 R 67 mate. Steinitz v. Tschigorin. 99. Game 8. With the intention of keeping the QP twice defended and in order to make the KP avail- ( Continued on page 177.) 176 STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. GAME No. 9. Move 52 R Q8. Page 178. BLACK W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 10, Move 25. RxKt. Page 178. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. ttrssss. WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. GAME No. I I. Move 13. QR Kt sq. Page 178. BLACK W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 12. Move 57. RxKt. Page 182. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. w WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. 177 Continued f rent page 175. able later on for an advance. But we doubt the advisability of this plan which keeps the Black pieces shut up for a long time. 100. Game 8. With the view of advancing P K4 which he could not do at once as White after ex- changing would ultimately win a P by BxRP ch. followed by Q RS ch. 101. Game 8. Again he cairn- > push the KP on account of the rejoinder Q Q3. 102. Game 8. A bad -post for the Q and perhaps P QB4 was his best resource at present. 103. Game 8. By this manoeuvre White blocks out two of the adverse pieces, but probably Kt K.5 would have led to a more speedy and successful direct King's side attack, for if Black took the Kt White could retake with the P followed by R -K3 and R KKt3. 104. Game 8. More promising for the defence was probably 16 P K4; 17? Q6, 176 Kt5; 18 B K4, 18 Kt Q2; 19 P Kt4, 19 P QR4- 105. Game 8. Necessary for if P QR4 at once White would reply Q Q4 followed PxKtP. 106. Game 8. But White could now easily hold command of the position on both wings by B K4 threatening P Kt5. If Black drove back this B by P 64 then the formidable entrance of White's Q at Q4 after retreating the KB would win. 107. White here overrates his attack the on King's side, for as will be seen the entrance of the Kt at Kt 6 which he speculated upon would hardly yield him any advantage. 108. Game 8. White had to change his intended tactics. If 23 Kt Kt6, 23 BxP; 24 KtxKt, 24 KX Kt; 25 Q R;, 25 B K3; 26 B Kt6, 26 B Kt sq. ; 27 Q R8, 27 Q Q2 ! ; and merely at the cost of the exchange for which Black has already one P he blocks out the adverse Queen from the game. 109. Game 8. Obviously White had here a draw by repetition of moves, for if he now played Q K4 Black was bound to answer Kt B sq. or Kt Kt4, as he had to guard against the ch. of the Q, whereupon White could again attack the B by Q 64 ch. and compel the Kt to interpose. 110. Game 8. Better than BxR, whereupon by the reply BxP ch. Black gains a second P for the ex- change and will also afterward exchange B for Kt which will make it very difiicult for White to win. ,111. Game 8. Probably his best plan was BxRP in order to fight out the battle with his passed Pawns on the Queen's side, which we believe would have given him a fair prospect of drawing. 12. Game 8. Necessary, for if B 65 at once Black would reply Q Kt6. Though White apparently loses time, as he has to go back again with his R to his former place, he in reality gains an im- portant move as in the meanwhile he compels the Black King to come out to B2. 1113. Game 8. Vorious moves were suggested here afterward for the defence, but all were found on ex- amination of no avail. If for instance, 31 BxRP; 32 QBxP, 32 Q 84 (this seems best, for if PXB the R retakes, followed by QR K sq.); 33 Q Kt4 and wins equally, for if 33 PxB; 34 Q Kt6 ch., etc. 1114. Game 8. Of course nothing could save his game. If 35 K Kt sq. ; 36 QxB, 36 Q R2 or R Kt2; 37 B R7 ch., 37 K B sq. ; 38 B Kt; mate. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. Game 9. This is not a good move, for though Black ultimately wins the QBP against which he keeps the B directed, he exposes himself to a formidable attack. Game 9. The right play is here, 12 B Q3 followed in reply to 12 BX? by 13 R QKt sq., as played by Tschigorin in the ntn game. Game 9. A very ingenious resource under the circumstances, that Black is two Pawns ahead, and White at any rate equalizes that material advantage by force. Any other line of play would have left Black with an easily winning superiority. Game 9. This, we believe, is the simplest and best plan. After 22 RX?; 23 R Kt;, White will obtain a strong attack either by R Q sq. or R QKt sq. (Continued on page Game 9. Evans' Gambit. White, M. TSCHIGORIN. Black, W. STEINITZ. jP-K 4 lp-K 4 9 KKt-B 3 "QKt-B 3 qB-B 4 ,P-QKt 4 P-QB 3 "B-R 4 6 Castles Q=BI- 7 P-Q4 ' KKt K2 B KKts JfcS Kt Q sq. Q-R 4 115 QKt-R 3 llp_QR 3 . B-Kt 3 116 QR-B sq. Q-Kt5 .QKt-Kt 5 117 ^QXQ 10 PXQ jnRXB QB 4 QKtxP 19 II 23 P-B 3 BxKt RXKtP KR QKtsq. RXR [118 R-Ktsq. 119 B -B 3 R-K sq.120 R QRsq. R-Kt2 STEINITZ. TSCHIGORIN GAMES. i Game 10. Game 11, Game 9 cont'd. 10 P-KR 3 K -Q 3 Kt-Q 2 qn P ~ B3 oUpZTBT 33 R-R6 >Kt Kt sq. K K2 PKt R-R6 PXP Kt-Ktsg. UUR_ KKt6 R- Kt_Q2_ UR KKt6 122 . . Kt Esq. 123 41 B-Q 4 K-K 3 124 R QR; Kt-K 3 126 )R KKt5 ]K-Kt 4 C ' ch. JR_Q6 , Kt QB 4 ch. KXB____ "R Q8125D* 127 K6 Kt2 - K-B 3 K-]B2_ ODR-KB8 57 Resigns. 1 See Diagram page 176. Jrrgeular Opening. White, W. STEINITZ. Black, M. TSCHIGORIN. .KKt BS B u QKt-B 3 128 .P-K 3 4 P-K 4 rQ-Kt 3 129 BxKt nPXB KPXP 180 BPXP_ /Kt K 4 n?X? OKt Q2 Kt-B 3 131 UQ K2 ch. Kt B 3 132 B-QKt 5 1.133 . Castles side 10p_QR 3 , .B R 4 . -KR-Kt sg. 10p-KKt 3 134 1 R B ^ R6 IDpHi B-Kt 3 18 19 21 -Kt 3 KR K sg. K Q2 B KB 4 135 R QB sq. P-QR3 Q R 4 B KKts 136 Kt Ktsq 13 7 23 Kt-K 4 R-QKtsq 138 Kt E6ch. .RXKt ' Df Evans' Gambit. White, M. TSCHIGORIN. Black, W. STEINITZ. p K 4 KKt-B 3 B-B 4 3=E P-QKt 4 P-QB 3 B R 4 Castles Q-B 3 1 KKt K2 B-KKt5 OF; 7^ Q-Q3 Kt-Q sq. Q ~ R4 p_QR 3 B-Q 3 140 141 iq QR.Ktsql42D- luB-Kt2 143 . .Kt-B 4 HrTZi Q-B 4 B-K 16 B X PXQ KR-QBsql45 BXP 146 KtxQP ch. KtxKt |R-Kt7 ch. ~147 5ch. K-Q P-K QXBPch. fiDKt Q2 139 97?^ " ' Resigns, t See Diagram page 176. n !=?L fi / R_B6 148 Game 11 conftf. B-K 4 ch. Resigns. $ See Diagram page 176. STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. 179 ( Continued from page i f 7 . ) 119. Game 9. An excellent move, which at any rate renders Black's winning more difficult. If he al- lowed Black time to institute a double attack with R and B against the QRP, his game was gone speedily. 120. Game 9. If 25 Kt Q2, 25 R Q sq. ; 26 R Kt2, 26 BxP; etc. 121. Game 9. Black, we believe, could have here sooner forced the victory by 30. . . .K 64; for if 31 Kt Kt3 ch., 31 K Kt5; 32 Kt-Q4 dis. ch., 32 K 64; 33 R 62 ch., 33 KxKt; 34 RxB, 34 R XP; 35 R 67, 35 P Kt5 and Black will win by advancing his KtP and bringing his K up to QR8. 122. Game 9. Black has gained time by his manoeuvring with the R for this important advance. 123. Game 9. Now, the only move, for if 41 Kt Kt sq., 41 R Q6; 42 K K2, 42 R KKt6; 43K B a, 43 P R5;etc. 184. Game 9. Very weak. Black could havd won with facility by K 63, which would have secured two Pawns plus. 125. Game 9. Not good. R Kt5 which would have compelled Black to retreat R R2 in order to maintain his P was by far better, and gave him good hopes of a draw. 126. Game 9 White's K is cut off, and Black's passed P forces the victory. See Diagram page 176. 127. Game 9. A little better was 53 R Kt6 ch., 53 K K4; 54 RxP, but Black would also soon win, even in that case, by first driving the adverse King further off with 54 ____ R B8 ch, ; and then ad- vancing the P. Steinitz v. Tschigorin. 128. Game 10. In the usual form of the Q's gambit into which this opening generally resolves itself the present move is not considered favorable to the defence, but Black adopted it, no doubt, with the view of attempting to break through on the 4th move. 129. Game 10. We think this is the strongest continuation and the advantage of Pawns which White gains more than compensates the breaking up of his centre and the doubling of his Pawns. ISO. Game 10. Obviously if 6. '. .B Kt5 ch. ; White interposes the B. But it should be noticed that if 6 ____ QPXBP; 7 BxP, 7 Q Q2; White should reply simply 8 PxP and not 8 BX? ch., where- upon after 8 ____ QxB; 9 QxP, 9 K Q2; 10 QxR, Black obtains a strong attack by 10 ____ QxB P followed by KKt 63 threatening B Kt$ ch. 131. Game 10. White might have won another P by QxKtP, but then after 9 ____ Q K2 ch. ; 10 B K3 (or 10 K Q sq., IO R Kt sq. ; II QxBP, II Q 63 with a strong attack), 10 ____ Q Kt$ ch.; ii QXQ, nBxQch.; 12 Kt 63, 12 KKt 63; Black will recover one Pawn and will at least prolong the fight. 132. Game io. If 1 1 ____ O O O; 12 O O O, 12 Kt Kt3; 13 Q 65 ch. and wins the BP, for should Black interpose the R then follows KB QKt5- 133. Game io. If 12 ____ O O O; 13 P QR3, 13 Q Q3 (or 13 ____ Q R4; 14 O O, with an irre- sistible attack); 14 QR QB sq. followed by Kt K4- 134. Game io. 15 ---- O O would have also given him a very bad game on account of 16 QB KR6, and if 16. . . .Kt K sq.; 17 Q KBs, 17 OKt 63; 18 RxP ch., 18 KtxR; 19 R KKt sq., and 135. Game io. Threatening BxP, followed by KtXKtP double ch. 136. Game io. This is decisive whatever Black might do. White had also the option here of winning two minor pieces for the R thus: 21 RxB ch., 21 KxR; 22 B Ki5, 22 Kt Q2; 23 Kt K4, 23 Q Kt3; 24 KtXKt, 24 KtxKt; 25 Q B6, 25 QxQ; 26 PxQ, 26 R K sq. ; 27 R Oj, followed by R K3 ch. and wins the Kt. The play in the text is however stronger still, 137. Game io. If QKtxP White may proceed with RxB ch., and if KKtX? the answer BxB wins equally. v jA 138. Game io. Nothing better, as White threatens Kt 65 ch., and if then K K sq. he proceeds with Q K4, whereas if the K move to Q sq. Black obviously loses the Q by Kt Kt7 ch. ( Continued on page 18 1.) i So STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. GAME No. 13. Move 41 R Q6. Page 182. BLACK W. STEINITZ. i mm. GAME No. 14. Move 25. B R3. page 184. BLACK- M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 15. Move 36 R Q6. Page 1 86. BLACK W. STEINITZ. GAME No. 16. Move 46. P B4 ch. Page 190. BLACK M. TSCHIGORIN. 1 ' H ill WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. v WHITE W. STEINITZ. STEINITZ TSC1IIGOK1X GAM MS. 181 ( Continued from page 179.) 139. Game 10. If 26 KtxKt, then of course 27 Q K5 mate. And if 26 K B sq. ; 27 QxR ch., 27 K Kt2; 28 Kt RS ch. and wins, for if 28 PxKt; 29 R Kt sq. ch. and mates next move. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 140. Game 1 1. Compare our notes to the 9th game of the contest up to this point where Tschigorin here played B Kt3- The move in the text is by far superior and in fact it wins. 141. Game n. There seems to have been no other course open to Black, as Kt 64 was always threat- ened. 142. Game II. This beautiful waiting move wins by force. See Diagram page 176. 143. Game n. If 13 Q Krj; 14 BxKt. 14 KxB; 15 Q 64 with a winning attack. 144. Game u. Equally bad was 15 B Q5; 16 KtxB, 16 PxKt; 17 BX?, and of course if 17 QXB; White wins the Q by Kt Q6 ch. 145. Game 1 1 .White would have made shorter work of it by P Q6. If Black replied PxP the Kt would retake checking and win a piece, whilst wherever the KKt moved the answer PxP would equally win. 146. Game II. Again llxP followed if Black took the B by P Q6 would win most speedily- 147. Game II. Black had only the choice of evils. If K K sq., White would double the Rooks on the 7th file and also win wii.h ease. 148. Game II White's victory is now practically settled. Steinitz v. Tschigorin. 149. Game 12. White would not get a satisfactory game by 6 Q Kt3, for after 6 ____ BxKKt; 7 BxKt ch. ; 8 PxB, 8 Kt-R4; 9 Q 62, 9 KtxP; 10 BxKt, 10 PxB; 11 Q R4 ch., 11 P 63; 12 QxP, 12 Q Q4; we slightly prefer Black's game. 150. Game 12. Necessary, for he evidently cannot Castle at once on account of the rejoinder BxP ch., followed by Kt Kt5 ch. if KxB. 151. Game 12. R B2 instead was much better, for he might have had an opportunity after doubling the Rooks of retreating his B ot once to K sq., which saved time. 152. Game 12. Heie again White ought to have first attacked by B R5 compelling the advance of the QKtP which created a weak spot at Black's 963. 153. Game 12. Much superior to 19. . .Q Kt4 to which White could safely reply 20 B Kt3 and if then 20 ____ RXP the answer 21 BxKt wins a piece. 154. Game 12. Black's attack in the centre is now exhausted and he must lose a P. 155. Game 12. 26.... Q QR4 with the intention ot harassing the adverse Q with his Rooks would have failed on account of 27 P QKt4, 27 Q R$ ; 28 B R4, 28 P KR3 ; 29 P Kts, 29 P ; 30 B Kt3, 30 QxKtP; 31 QxRP, and maintains his P ahead. 156. Game 12. Much more simple and better was Q KB4, threatening to enter at KR4 with the Q if Black refuse to exchange. If Black answered Q Q6 then White could first playK B2 followed by R Q2 and Q K3 constantly gaining time by offering the exchange of Queens. 157. Game 12. Kt R sq. as done later on was by far better. 158. Game 12. 38 P 65, 38 R Kt$; 39 P Kt3 (or 39 B B2, 39 R 65), 39 ____ Kt Kt4 would have been in Black's favor. 159. Game 12. Careless play which again gives Black an attack. 49 B K3, 49 RxR; 50 RXR, 50 Kt Kt3; 51 Q K2, 51 Kt K2; 52 R 67 would have given White an irresistible attack. ( Continued on page fSj. ) 182 Game 12. Game 12 - contu oo B - Kt 3 Jrregula r Open ing. fa Q p_KR4 nn p -Kt 3 STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. M. KKt B 3 1P-Q4 P-Q4 n P -Q B 4 OKt QB 3 31 32 33 Q-Kt 4 Q-B 4 K-Ktsq.156 K B sq. 157 4p-K 3 Kt-B 3 OB Kt; B-Q2 149 UKKt K2 B-Q 3 /B-KB4 BXB 35^ Kt-Kts 36^ 37 Kt R sq. P 64 Kt B2 B B2 158 39lE K3 Q-Kt 3 ) K 3 R_B 3 llR-QKtsq. Castles K side . gR Kt 3 1 L Castles * UK R2 OR Bsq. ijB- B2 13fc=K^ 4 %=RT~- B Q2 151 irR QBsq. 14QKt-K2 ^^R-QBsq. R-B2 ISZ.pQR-QB^ lbp-QB 3 ^ D Kt-K^ 17 KR QB sq. B-K sq. KKt R5 KtxKt A7Q" R6 * ' R KKt sq. RxRch. 159 p - B 3 t B 4 153 50^ Kt 3 K 3 ICQ Q-R6 161 55R .K-Bsq.l54 rn R- QxKtP R - KB6 Q Q-Kt4 ^/R-Kt 3 OOR_KS JOQ_KKt2 RxKtl62D* nn Q-K6 1553/RxBch. UUR KB8 "OOR_QB8 163 Bl And wins. * See Diagram page 176. Game 13. Evans Gambit. White, 29 p__QR 4 B ~ K3 M. Tschigorin. PxB Black, "UP -Rs W. Steinitz. f P-K4_ I? K 4 KKt-B 3 RXKt Ksq.172 Kt B 3 B-B4_ UB-B4. UU R K 3 34R_R 2 35lvt Bsq. 173 sq.174 SB R 4 ft Castles OOK-K sq. Kt-B 4 0/R-K2 175 KKt K2 38F= P-R6 176 UUF J _1 u Kt Qsq. U0p_ Kt 3 gB-KKt S 164 lft Q-R4 -Q'3 R4 R5 177 XU P KB 3 B-QBsq. llB Kts 179 j. ur r> 3 B-Kt^ lOfi 64 . .R-Qsq. ,Q B8ch. ^R K sq. ISO KtxR OKt4 Q-R6 Q- R 5 47 181 R-B2 t Kt2 Qsq. Kt Kta 167 Q-R6 cn ls ou^ KtxR KxKt K-B 3 QxPch. 168 K-B 3 OOP_R 4 Game 13 cont'd. . n P-R6 P-R7 B B; ch. K Q sq. ,R Ktsq.l7O 'Kt Qs KXP -R8 queenng K Q6 R6 Q- Kts K 182 " " K R8 ^UK B; t See Diagram page 180. STEINITZ-TSCHIGORIN GAMES. 183 ( Continued from page 181.) 160. Game 12. 52 P R$ was here suggested afterward, but we do not think that Black would gain anything after 53 BxP, 53 RXP ch.; 54 K R sq., 54 R Kt5; 55 B B6, etc. 161. Game 12. This is a weak move which enables White to gain time. 162. Game 12. Which wins by force. See Diagram page 176. 163. Game 12. 58. . . .Q KKt2 suggested by Senor Ponce would no doubt have prolonged the game, but even then White would have obtained a sure victory by 59 Q Q6, 59 R Ky; 60 QxQP. 60 P R5; 61 Q KB3, 61 RxKP; 62 R QR6, 62 Q QB2; 63 Q KB4 threatening RxQRP as well as QxP ch. and should win. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 164. Game 13. In order to bring about the usual blocking position it is better to play Q R4 first. 165. Game 13. This is now a good resource. White can hardly afford to take the B for the sake of gaining the KKtP, for after Castling Black will obtain a strong attack on the open KB file. 166. Game 13. We do not think that White's attack can be sustained now anyhow, but this and the next move get him into trouble, and Black ought to win after that. 167. Game 13. The repetitions were made in order to gain time for consideration. The moves on White's part are of course compulsory. 168. Game 13. Of course this is forced. 169. Game 13. The best defence, we believe. If 23 Q 63 ; 24 Q 64, 24 Kt Q3 ; 25 RxKt, 25 BXR (or 25 QXR; a6 Q 67 ch., 26 K Q sq.; 27 B K.3, 27 BxB; 28 PxB with still a fair game); 26 QxB7 ch., 27 K Q sq. ; 28 QxKtP and White has still a good attack left. 170. Game 13. He could not afford to allow himself to be driven away by QR Kt sq. subsequently. 171. Game 13. Black could simplify matters easily here by 28 QxKP; 29 RxKt, 29 QxQ, 30 RX Bch., 30 KxR; 31 BxQ, 31 QR QKt sq. with still the exchange ahead and a splendid game. 172. Game 13- A very feeble move. After 32. . . .Kt 65; 33 QR Q sq. 33 R R2 followed soon by K K2 there was nothing left for White. 173. Game 13. An excellent move which helps to keep up White's attack for a long time. 174. Game 13. Better we believe than R 62 whereupon White would proceed with Kt K sq., followed by Kt Q3 and Kt Kt4. 175. Game 13. There was no necessity for this, and K B sq was by far better- 176. Game 13. Black is play ing recklessly. After 38 K-Bsq.; 39 R KB sq., 39 K Kt sq.; 4 Q RS> 4 Q K-3 White's attack was again completely booken. 177. Game 13. An extraordinary blunder for such an important game. R KB2 was the only correct move. 178- Game 13. Highly ingenious. See Diagram page 180. - 1 79. Game 13. There was nothing better, for White threatened QxBP and afterward Q R8 ch., and R B6 mate. If for instance 41 Q Kt4; 42 QxBP, 42 K Q sq. ; 43 RxB ch. and wins. Or if 41 ... .QXP; 42 s>xBP, 42 KtXR; 43 KtXKt, 43 K Q sq. ; 44 Kt Kt7 ch. and wins. ISO. Game 13. No better was 44. . . .K 62; 45 QxR, 45 RXP, 46 Kt-B6, 46 R B8; 47 QxB ch., 47 QXQ; 48 RxR ch. and wins. 181. Game 13. Simple but very fine. After this White wins with the greatest ease. 182. Game 13. A forlorn hope, If however 57 K 65 ; White wins easily by 58 P RS, 58 K Kt4 59 K Kt3, 59 KxP; 60 K 64, etc. ( Continued on page 18 5 .) i8 4 STEINITZ-GAVILAN TSCHIGORIN-PONCE GAMES. GAME No. I 7. Move 21. KtXP ch. Page 190. BLACK W. STEINITZ. m mm. & - 2%%^ ^ 1 GAME No. 18. Move 22. RX? ch. Page 194. -, BLACK A. GAVILAN & W. STEINITZ. il U mm lil feg WHITE M. TSCHIGORIN. WHITE A. PONCE & M. TSCHIGORIN. GAME No. 19. Move 31. K B2. Page 19-4. BLACK A. PONCE & M. TSCHIGORIN. IB* GAME No. 20. Move 24 P Kt5- Page i 9 ' 4 . BLACK A. GAVILAN & W. STEINITZ. WHITE A. GAVILAN & W. STEINITZ. WHITEA. PONCE & M. TSCHIGORIN. STEIN1TZ-TSCIIIGORIN GAMKS 185 ( ( Continued from page 183.) Steinitz v. Tschigorin. 183. Game 14. A little improvement on the counter-attack first instituted in the 8th game of the con-^ test, but White in our opinion still keeps the best of the game, as he can immediately neutralize the action of Black's Kt with his own Kt. 184. Game 14. -If 8. . . .PxP; 9 BxP, 9 KtxKt: 10 PxKt, 10 Kt-Kt5; 11 O-O O, with a fine at- tack. Or if 8 . . .KtxKt; 9 PxKt, 9 Kt Kt5 (or 9. . . .Kt R4; 10 Q R4 ch., 10 P QB3; II B Q2, and should win); 10 P K4 with the superior game. 185. Game 14. Better than 14 KBPxKt, for though a P is temporarily gained after 14. . .Kt B5; 15 PXBP ch., 15 K-R sq. (best, for if 15 KxP White answers P-B5 followed by B QB4); 16 P 65, 1 6 B K4 followed by Q 63 recovering the P with the better game. 186. Game 14. Q Kt4 stopping R Kt sq. and with the view of offering the exchange of Queens by Q R4 was no doubt better and would have probably equalized the game. 187. Game 14. The only move now. If 16 Q R4; 17 R Kt4, 17 P KKt4; 18 BxKt, 18 BxB; 19 RxB and wins. 188. Game 14. Preparing the formidable next move which he could not adopt at once on account of the rejoinder Kt K7 ch. 189. Game 14. The better defensive plan was 17 P KKt4; 18 PxP,

-B 4 ,Q-] 51 p BS Kt B2 Q-K 4 233 Q-Rsq. IK B 3 234 Kt B2 .Kt Kt4 >B Kt2 235 ,K Kt sq. r 7 P-B^ 0/B B sq. Game 17 confd. cq^=2? OHK-K 4 fin Kt-Q 3 ch. DU K xP K-K 4 ,K-K 3 K B 3 Kt-Q 3 p R 4 Kt-B5 B B 3 >-R 5 Kt-K 4 ch. KXB Drawn Game. t See Diagram page 184. STEIN1TZ-TSCHIGOKIN GAMES. 189 ( Continued from page 183. ) White then wins by 36 QxR, 36 QxKt; 37 BxKt, 37 PxB (best, for if BxB he is mated by Q Q 6 ch.); 38 Q R6 ch., 38 K K sq.; 39 Q R$ ch., 39 K B sq. (or 39. . . .K Q2, 40 QxBP ch.); 40 QXRP, 40 Kt-K3; 41 RxKt. 218. Game 16. This at last breaks into the adverse game and White is bound to win another P after- ward. 219. Game 16. Perhaps Kt 63 was more simple and would have also won a second P, as Black had nothing better than KxR, since White threatened to win a piece by R K8. 2 2O. Game 16, This is decisive. See Diagram page 180. 221. Game 16. RxP was the best under the circumstances, but of course vVhite would then have re- plied KtxKtP, winning slowly but surely. If, however, 46 K Q4; 47 KtxBP, 47 Kt 62; 48 R B6, 48 Kt R sq. ; 49 Kt K3 ch., 49 K K-5; 50 Kt 62 and wins. Obviously if 46 White would answer R R4 ch. followed by exchanging Rooks and KtxKtP. Tschigorin v. Steinitz. 222. Game 17. Compare up to this our notes to the I5th game of the contest. The move in the text is the most powerful continuation. It is a waiting move that prevents Black from playing B 64, and keeps the latter 's pieces shut up for a long time. 223. Game 17. Still stronger is we believe 16 K--R sq. with the following probable continuation: 16 . . . .P KKt3; 17 KtXP, 17 PXKt; 18 P KB4, 18 R K sq.; 19 PxP dis. ch., 19 K Kt2; 20 P ^-K6, 20 KtXP; 21 BxKt, 21 RXB; 22 P KS, 22 RxP; 23 Q KR4, 23 R K3; 24 Q KB4 and wins. 224. Game 17. This is grievous loss of time. Much better was 17 Kt B2; for if 18 KtXB, 18 PX Kt; 19 BxKt, 19 KxB; 2oKtxP ch., 2oK Kt2; and Black still keeps the superiority on the Queen's side. 225. Game 17. A highly ingenious sacrifice. See Diagram page 184. 226. Game 17. If 21 PxKt; 22 P KB4, 22 R K sq. (or 22 PxP; 23 RX? ch., followed accord- ingly by Q 64 ch. or Q Q4 with or without ch. winning in a few more moves); 23 PxP dis. ch., 23 K Kt2; 24 Q Q4, 24 Q R2; 25 Q B2, 25 P QKt4; 26 R Q4, and wins. 227. Game 17. The only move that gave him any hope of releasing himself. 228. Game 17. Kt Kt6 would have compelled Black to give up the exchange by PxP and then to fight it out as well as he could for a draw ; for if the R moved, White would answer P R5 with still more effect. 229. Game 17. Better than Q Kt6, in which case, White would reply Kt Q2 followed by P KB4, whereas if White now pursue the same plan Black would answer R R7, threatening RxKP in case White advance P KB4. 230. Game 17. Much better was P QB4 with the view of playing P 65. 231. Game 17. A serious error. He ought to have exchanged Queens first and then the move in the text would have won a piece, for obviously, if Black defended afterward by R 63, White would answer Kt Q$ followed by Kt 67. -232. Game 17. A weak move that enables Black to extricate himself with even forces and the superior game. 233. Game 17. This weak move was the consequence of a miscalculation. He could have won here by 51 ... .Q Q7I 52 Q R sq. ch., 52 K B2; 53 Kt Kt sq., 53 BX?; 54 KtXB, 54 P B6; 55 Q KB sq., 55 QxKt ch.; 56 QxQ, 56 PxQ; 57 KxP, 57 K K3 and wins. 234. Game 17. If he played B R5 White would still answer Kt 62, for if then BxKt the BP would advance to B6 winning. It was this which Black had overlooked when he allowed Queens to be exchanged instead of playing Q Q7 on the 5ist move. 235. Game 17. This secures the draw in the simplest manner. It was obviously of no use to play for 190 STEINITZ-GAVILAN TSCHIGORIN.PONCE GAMES. Game 18. Evans 1 Gambit. White, A. PONCE AND M. TSCHIGORIN. Black, A. GAVILAN AND W. STEINITZ. 1 P-K4 P K4 ftKKt 83 "QKt B 3 B-B 4 P QKt 4 5 e R 4 Castles Q -B 3 1 KKt -K2 8 P-Q5 Kt Q sq. Q-R4 llp_QB 3 9 QR-Q sg. lfiQ__Ktsq. .nBxKt P-Q6ch. 1 rQ-Kt 4 **P KB3 236 Kt 82 Kt-R 4 *P KQ 237 , pK-R sq. Ife 19 sq. KB 4 p xP 238 239 ch.24O 23 Kt-B 5 ch. QR-KBsq. Game 19. Irregular Opening, White, A. GAVILAN AND W. Steinitz. Black, A. PONCE AND M. Tschigorin. p-Q 4 KtPxB BXP 244 XP xOch. QxO KxQ Kt-B 3 QKt- P-B 4 P KKt 4 245 H)K?KP ..B-Ktsch.246 llp_ B-K 2 KR 3 p x p BXP 15 BXB RXB Kt-B 3 -B2 247 QR-KKt sq. \ q R Kt 5 1S Kt-Kt 3 20 K - 2 RXP K 3 - R6ch. R-Kt 3 248 'Resigns. 243 ' * Sie Diagram page i Game 19-cont'd. Kt-K 3 ,R Kt sq. 'QKt-B 5 249 R QKt sq. Kt Kty ch. K-B2 25O Df K-K 3 251 0"Kt Ktych. Game 20. Evans' Gambit. White, A. PONCE AND M. TSCHIGORIN. Black, A. GAYILAN AND W. STEINITZ. P-K 4 L P K 4 f KKt B 3 |B-B 4 3 >B-B 4 ,P-QKt 4 SB R 4 Castles B< Q _B 3 P "4 IB Kt 3 252 Kt QR 3 253 OKt-KR 3 254 B X Kt Castles 255 Kt-B 4 KtXP p_Q 3 B B 4 ch. JB K 3 256 J Q ^ AOK-Rsq. J P Kt 3 257 >B-Kt 4 B-B 3 258 JR KKt sq. ,P KR 3 259 261 . Drawn Game. t See Diagram page 184. P-Kt 5 262 Game 20-confd. a / R R5 ch. K-Ktsq. ^OR-] 65 'R R5 ch. .K Kt sq. R B; 263 33 K Kt sq. R K sq . RXP ch. Resigns. 2S4 JSee Diagram page 184. STEINITZ-GAVILAN TSCllIGORIN.PONCE GAMES. 191 CONSULTATION GAMES. Ponce and Tschigorin v. Gavilan and Steinitz. 236. Game 18. Compare our notes to the I5tn and lyth games of the main contest. 237 Game 18. Loss of time. The Black party had nothing to fear from Kt 65, and they ought to have retreated B Q sq. at once. If then, for instance, 18 Q 64, 18 Kt Ry, 19 Kt 65, 19 P QKt4; etc. 238. Game 18. This gives White a powerful attack which was extremely difficult to parry. 239. Game 18. Certainly an error, but only on account of the most ingenious rejoinder which White had in store. The best defensive plan was 21 K Kt2; with the probable continuation 22 QxB P, 22 R B sq. ; 23 P K6, 23 PxP; 24 P Q;, 24 QxQ; and Black will have three Pawns for the piece with a good game. But 21 ... .P KKt4 was also of no use on account of 22 Q 64 ch., 22 K B sq.; 23 Kt 65, 23 PxP; 24 Q K4, 24 663; 25 Kt B 4 , etc. 240. Game 18. As will be seen from our analysis, this sacrifice is as deep as it is beautiful and forms one of the finest instances of brilliant combination play. See Diagram page 184. 241. Game 18. If 22 PXR; 23 QxP ch., 23 K Kt2; 24 R KB sq., 24 R Kt sq. (or 24 P QKH; 25 Q B; ch., 25 K R3; 26 Kt 65 ch., 26 PxKt; 27 RxP, 27 B Kt4; 28 P KR4 and wins. Or if 24. .. .BxKt; 25 Q Q4 ch., 25 K Kt sq. ; 26 Q QB4 ch., 26 K Kt2; 27 R B7 ch. and wins); 25 Q Q4 ch., 25 K R3; 26 R 67, 26 B Kt4 (or 26. .. .P KKt4; 27 Q K4, 27 R_Kt3 if 27 PxKt; 28 QxP at R7 ch., followed by R 65 ch. and Q R$ mate; 28 RxP ch., 28 KxR; 29 QXR ch., 29 K R sq.; 30 Kt 65 and wins); 27 Q Kt4, 27 QxP; 28 Kt 65 ch., 28 PxKt; 29 Q R'3 ch. and wins. 242. Game 1 8. The Black allies might have somewhat prolonged the game by 25 K R3; when the game might have proceeded: 26 Q 65, 26 P Kt4; 27 QxP, 27 R Kt4; 28 RxR, 28 BxR; 29 R B6 ch., 29 BxR; 30 QXB ch., 30 K R4; 31 P KR3 and mates next move. 243. Game 18. Nothing to be done for White will proceed with R B8. Gavilan and Steinitz v. Ponce and Tschigorin. 244. Game 19. If 6. . . .PxP; 7 Q Kts, 7 Q K2; 8 QxP (8 BxP ch., 8 QxB; 9 QxP, 9 P- 63; 10 QXR, 10 B Q3; followed by Kt 63 would be bad for White), 8 Q Kt$ ch. ; 9 QxQ, 9 BX Q ch. ; 10 B Q2 with the better game. 245. Game 19. 10 P K6, 10 PxP; n PXP, n P K4; 12 Kt 63 were far superior. 246. Game 19. To prevent either of the adverse Knights from entering at QB3, which would have been inconvenient, as White had to advance the KP sooner or later, and his Q4 square would form a convenient post for the adverse Kt. 247. Game 19. So far the White allies had still the better game, but they lose time here, for K Q2 with the view of supporting the Pawns on the King's side by K K3, was much superior. 248. Game 19. The White allies injudiciously try to maintain the attack on the King's side which could not be well enough supported, since Black after removing the R could at least effect the ex- change of the adverse B for the Kt by Kt R4 in case White advanced the BP. R Kt sq. with the view of advancing the Pawns on the Queen's side as was done later, gave more prospects of success for White's game. 249. Game 19. If 28 P QB4; 29 P R4, 29 Kt Q5; 30 R Kt5, 30 P Kt3; 31 P RS with a good game. ( Continued on page 192.) 192 STEINITZ-GAVILAN TSCHIGORIN-PONCE GAMES. (Continued from page zg r.) 2 SO. Game 19. It was of no use trying to escape the draw by K Q3, for after 31 QKt 65 ch.-, White could not retreat 32 K Q2 on account of 32. . . Kt Q5; 33 R K sq., 33 QKtXB; 34 Kt XKt, 34 KtxP ch. and wins. See Diagram page 184. 251. Game- 19. Best. If 32 K Kt sq., 32 R Kt; ch. ; 33 K B sq. (or 33 K R sq., 33 KtxB with a sure draw at least and a good prospect of winning), 33 Kt Kt4 threatening Kt R6 with an excellent attack. Ponce and Tschigorin v. Gavilan and Steinitz. 252. Game 20. A deviation from the course adopted in the main contest between Messrs. Steinitz and Tschigorin which, however, might only lead to a transposition in the order of moves. 253. Game 20. For we think that White might have proceeded with 8 Q R4 with the view of advanc- ing P Q5 to which Kt R4 would not be a good reply, as White would then retreat B Q3 fol- lowed by P 64 and B Q2. Whereas if 8. . . .PxP; 9 P KS, 9 Q Kt3; 10 PxP, 10 KtxP; n KtXKt, ii BxKt; 12 BX? ch., 12 QxB; 13 QxB, 13 Kt K2; 14 B R3, 14 Castles; 15 Kt 63, 15 R K sq.; 16 BxKt, 16 QxB: 17 QR Q sq., with a fine game, for if 17 P 63; 18 Kt I<4, 18 QXP; 19 Kt Q6 and wins. 254. Game 20. We believe that Black could also safely play 8 P Q3; and if 9 QB KKt5, 9 Q Kta; 10 PXP, 10 PXP; n KtxP, n QxB; 12 KtxP, 12 Q RS; 13 KtxR, 13 Kt 63 threaten- ing Kt Kt5 with an excellent attack. 255. Game 20 Black has now slightly the advantage owing to his opportunity of forcing an open file for his R by P KB3. 256. Game 20. Either R to K sq. would have been of no use as White could well answer Kt Q7- 257. Game 20. The Black allies take their chances of an immediate King's side attack but we believe that Q QB3 was more sure to give them the best of the game. They might have then continued B R4 which either forced the QBP on, whereupon Black would again retreat the B and then fix their B at Q5, or Black's QR would obtain free possession of the open Q file, in case White defended the QBP with one of their Rooks. 258. Game 20. This was wrong. They ought to have retreated B K2 followed by K R sq., and though Black would have won the KBP by doubling Rooks it would have been very difficult at least if not impossible for them to force the game on account of the Bishops being of opposite colors. 259. Game 20. This gives the opponents an opportunity of instituting an irresistible attack, 24 K R sq. was by far better, for if 24 P Kt$, 25 B K2, 25 BX? (or 25 RxKP ; 26 P 63, etc.); 26 P Kt3, 26 Q R3 (if 26 RxP ; 27 K Kt2 and wins); 27 Q Q5 (but not 27 PxR on ac- count of the reply, 27. .. .B Kt6, etc.) and ought to draw. 260. Game 20. This forces the game, and it will be easily noticed that White's replies to the end are all compulsory. See Diagram page 184. 261. Game 20. If 25 BxP, 25 R (Kt sq.) XB ; 26 PxR, 26 RxBP ; 27 RxR ; 28 OXR ch., 28 K moves, 28 Q RS mate. 262. Game 20. Of course if PX? then RxB. 263. Game 20. Both parties were here much pressed for time, and relieved themselves by repetition moves. 264. Game 20. For if KxR then Q R7 ch. and QXP mate. INDEX OF GAMES. Alapin & Petroffsky v. Schiffers ,V TsrhiiM>rin Amateur v. Mephisto ...................... Amateur v. Kieseritzky .................... Anderssen v. Kolisch ....................... " v. Neumann ..................... " v. Paulsen ............... 28, 78, " v. Steinitz ..................... " v. Suhle ......................... Barnes v. Morphy .......................... Baucher v. Morphy ........................ Bauer v. Porges ............................ Bird v. Morphy ........................... " v. Tschigorin .......................... Bilguer v. von Heydebrand und der Lasa ..... Blackburne v. Mason ...................... " v. Steinitz ............... 28, 36, " v. Zukertort .................... v. Winawer ..................... Brien & Wormald v. Lowenthal ............. Brunswick, Duke of & Count Isouard v. Morphy Crefeld Chess Club v. Wesel Chess Club ...... Uelmar, Grundy & Moehle v. Judd, Sellmann & Ware .......................... De Riviere v. Morphy .... .................. Dufresne v. von Heydebrand und der Lasa. . . Esling v. Goldsmith ........................ Englisch v. Rosenthal ..................... Frankfurt v. Stuttgart ...................... Goldsmith v. Esling ........................ Golmayo v. Steinitz ....................... Gunsberg v. Schallopp ...................... Hammond v. Mackenzie ................... Harrwitz v . Kolisch ........................ " v. Morphy ........................ von Heydebrand und der Lasa v. von Bilguer . " v. Dufresne.. . Hirschfeld v. Kolisch ....................... Isouard, Count & Duke of Brunswick v. Mor- phy ......................... ..... Judd, Sellmann & Ware v. Delmar, Grundy & Moehle .......................... Judd v. Steinitz ............................ Kolisch v. Anderssen ...................... " v. Harrwitz .: ..................... " v. Hirschfeld ....................... Kieseritzky v. Amateur ..................... Liechtenhein v. Morphy .................. Lowenthal v. Brien & Wormald .............. Mackenzie v. Hammond .................... " v. Winawer ...................... MacConnell v. Zukertort .................... Mason v. Blackburne ....................... " ^. Potter ............................ Mephisto v. Amateur ....................... Minchin v. Wayte ......................... Moehle, Delmar & Grundy v. Judd, Sellmann & Ware .......................... Morphy v. Barnes ......................... v. Baucher ........................ v. Bird ........... ................. v. Duke of Brunswick & Count Isouard v. Harrwitz ........................ v. Liechtenhein .................... i>. De Riviere ...................... v. Potier ........................... 132 82 136 136 36 108 28 20 154 154 38 158 1 12 82 78 52 32 154 36 158 112 136 112 108 154 52 32 154 20 24 132 82 154 82 108 108 158 136 48 136 82 108 136 132 36 132 32 112 78 132 82 82 136 154 154 158 158 158 132 112 136 v. ainer. v. Ponce to* Morphy v. Paulsen 48 Mortimer v. St. Bon 108 Neumann v. Anderssen 36 Paulsen v. Anderssen 28, 78, 108 " v. Morphy 48 " v. Zukertort 86 Petroffsky & Alapin v. u Schiffers & Tschigo- rin " 132 Ponce v. Steinitz 20 Porges v. Bauer 36 Potier v. Morphy 1 36 Potter v. Mason 132 Rainer v. Steinitz 164 t)e Riviere v. Morphy 112 Rosenthal v. Englisch 52 " v. Steinitz 24, 52 " v. Anderssen 108 Schallopp v. Gunsberg 24 " v. Zukertort 78 Schiffers & Tschigorin v. Alapin & Petroffsky.. 132 Sellmann, Judd & Ware v. Delmar, Grundy & Moehle 136 Staunton v. 86 St. Bon v. Mortimer 108 Steinitz v. Anderssen . -. 28 " v. Blackburne 3$, 36, 52 >> - 48 r -----WWV * "54 6*Jfc^. .^j^ 20 v. Rosenthal....../..;.. 24, 52 " v. Zukertort :..;....: 20, '48, 86 Stuttgart v. Frankfort Suhle v. Anderssen 20 Tschigorin v. Bird 112 v. Schiffers 78 ' ' Zukertort 24 Zukertort v. Blackburne 32 " v. MacConnell 112 " v. Paulsen 86 " v. Steinitz 20, 48, 86 " v. Tschigorin 24 " v. Winawer 32, 48 Ware, Judd & Sellmann v. Delmar Moehle & Grundy 136 Wayte v. Minchin 82 Winawer v. Blackburne 154 " v. Mackenzie 32 " v. Zukertort 32, 48 Wormald & Brien v. Lowenthal 36 The Contest between Messrs. Steinitz & Tschig- orin Games i and 2* " 3, 4 and 5 " 6, 7 and 8 " 9, 10 and ii " 12 and 13 " 14 and 15 " 16 and 17 Consultation Games. Game 18 Evans' Gambit. Ponce & Tschig- orin v. Gavilan & Steinitz 194 " 19 Irregular Opening. Gavilan & Steinitz v. Ponce & Tschigorin 194 " 20 Evans' Gambit. Ponce & Tschig- orin v. Gavilan & Steinitz 194 162 1 66 170 '74 178 182 1 86 190 * In the games marked by odd numbers Mr. Tschigorin had the move, and played the Evans' Gambit ^hroughout, with the exception of Game 3, which was a Ruy Lopez. In the even numbered games, Mr teinitz had the move, and opened always with I KKt 63. 193 RETURN T MAIN CIRCULATION ALL BOOKS *RE 9LWBCT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENT ON ILL JUN ? n m U KJcf U C RPnifcri c w. n ocrtrvcLfc SENT ON ILL c;rp 2 2 W95 U C BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 ^ - : UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY